
Sample records for con derrame pleural


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    Maite Oyonarte W., DRA.


    Full Text Available En el estudio diagnóstico del paciente con derrame pleural se deben considerar la historia clínica y el análisis de las imágenes para acotar el diagnóstico diferencial. El uso adecuado de las técnicas de imágenes contribuye a realizar procedimientos en forma segura. Se debe realizar una toracocentesis diagnóstica y/o evacuadora y se debe analizar completamente el líquido pleural. A veces es necesario realizar biopsia pleural para lo cual existen diversas técnicas disponibles. En los pacientes con pleuritis crónica inespecífica se debe hacer seguimiento por dos años para evaluar el desarrollo de malignidad.

  2. Doença de Castleman associada a derrame pleural Castleman's disease accompanied by pleural effusion

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    Valéria Góes Ferreira Pinheiro


    Full Text Available A doença de Castleman é uma rara afecção do tecido linfóide. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino com otosclerose bilateral, sem sintomas respiratórios e com achado incidental de derrame pleural esquerdo em uma radiografia de tórax. A tomografia computadorizada de tórax revelou uma massa mediastinal. A biópsia demonstrou tratar-se de variante plasmocitária da doença de Castleman. A paciente foi submetida à ressecção da massa mediastinal. Houve regressão do derrame, o qual persistiu como pequena loculação no espaço pleural esquerdo.Castleman's disease is a rare disorder of the lymphoid tissue. We report the case of a female patient with bilateral otosclerosis, no respiratory symptoms, and pleural effusion discovered as an incidental finding on a chest X-ray. Computed tomography of the chest revealed a mediastinal mass. The biopsy findings demonstrated that it was a plasmacytic variant of Castleman's disease. The patient underwent mediastinal mass resection. This resulted in near-total resolution of the effusion, which remained as a small loculation within the left pleural space.

  3. Tuberculosis pleural asociada con adalimumab, en un paciente con artritis reumatoide Pleural tuberculosis associated with adalimumab in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Patricia Hidalgo


    Full Text Available ResumenLa tuberculosis constituye, en nuestro medio, una de las enfermedades infecciosas endémicas. Con el advenimiento de las nuevas terapias para el control de la artritis reumatoide, como los inhibidores del factor de necrosis tumoral, la incidencia de casos de reactivación ha aumentado notoriamente.Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 42 años de edad, con disnea, dolor torácico, tos, derrame pleural con líquido pleural tipo exudado linfocítico, con deaminasa de adenosina (ADA de 55 U-L e identificación de granuloma en la biopsia pleural. Se revisa la literatura y se hacen recomendaciones.Tuberculosis (TB represents one of the endemic infectious diseases in our population. The incidence of reactivate TB cases has grown notoriously with the onset of new therapeutic options for controlling rheumatoid arthritis (RA, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF inhibitors. The case of a 42 year old woman is highlighted. Her condition is characterized by shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, pleural effusion, linfocitic exudate pleural fluid, ADA 55 U-L and granuloma in pleural biopsy.A review of relevant literature and recommendations are presented.

  4. Derrame pleural secundário à hiperestimulação ovariana Pleural effusion following ovarian hyperstimulation

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    Jader Joel Machado Junqueira


    Full Text Available A síndrome de hiperestimulação ovariana (SHEO é uma complicação iatrogênica que ocorre na fase lútea de um ciclo hormonal induzido. Na maioria dos casos, os sintomas são autolimitados e regridem espontaneamente. Entretanto, casos graves comumente cursam com desconforto respiratório agudo. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a apresentação clínica, o tratamento e os desfechos de derrame pleural associado a SHEO em três pacientes submetidas a fertilização in vitro. A idade das pacientes variou de 27 a 33 anos, e o aparecimento do derrame pleural sintomático (bilateral em todos os casos ocorreu, em média, 43 dias (variação: 27-60 dias após o início da terapia hormonal para a indução da ovulação. Todas as pacientes necessitaram de internação hospitalar para reposição volêmica maciça, e duas delas necessitaram de ventilação mecânica não invasiva. Embora todas as pacientes tenham sido inicialmente submetidas à toracocentese, a recidiva precoce dos sintomas e do derrame pleural fez com que se optasse pela drenagem pleural com cateter do tipo pigtail. Apesar do alto débito de drenagem (média de 1.000 mL/dia na primeira semana e do tempo de drenagem prolongado (9-22 dias, os desfechos foram excelentes (alta hospitalar. Embora o derrame pleural secundário a SHEO seja provavelmente subdiagnosticado, a morbidade associada não deve ser subestimada, principalmente devido a seus efeitos em pacientes potencialmente gestantes. Nesta série de casos, o diagnóstico precoce e as medidas de suporte clínico adequadas permitiram uma evolução favorável, limitando a abordagem cirúrgica a uma drenagem pleural adequada.Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS is an iatrogenic complication that occurs in the luteal phase of an induced hormonal cycle. In most cases, the symptoms are self-limited and spontaneous regression occurs. However, severe cases are typically accompanied by acute respiratory distress. The objective of

  5. Derrame pericárdico con inminente taponamiento cardiaco secundario a inhibidor de la tirosina quinasa. Reporte de un caso

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    Andrés F. Buitrago, MD


    Full Text Available La leucemia es una enfermedad maligna que se caracteriza por una proliferación no controlada de una clona iniciada en una etapa precoz de la diferenciación linfoide. Es importante determinar si hay una alteración genética conocida como cromosoma Filadelfia, para pronóstico y tratamiento. El imatinib, un inhibidor de la tirosina kinasa, tiene buena respuesta terapéutica y pocos efectos adversos. Uno de frecuente aparición es la serositis manifestada como derrame pleural, aunque es de menor incidencia asociada con derrame pericárdico. El tratamiento se debe individualizar, pero en caso de inminente taponamiento cardiaco se realiza pericardiocentesis.

  6. Derrame pleural: uma complicação extra-intestinal da doença de Crohn Pleural effusion: an extraintestinal complication of Crohn's disease

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    Full Text Available Paciente de 34 anos, portadora de doença de Crohn (DC havia oito anos, foi atendida queixando-se de dor torácica e febre, sem manifestações gastrointestinais. Testes laboratoriais mostraram atividade inflamatória (VHS = 45mm, PCR positivo. O exame físico revelou derrame pleural na base do hemitórax esquerdo, confirmado pela radiografia de tórax. A análise do líquido pleural mostrou 100% de linfócitos, com BAAR negativo. A biópsia pleural evidenciou granuloma não caseoso. Foi instituída terapia para tuberculose, sem sucesso, com regressão dos sintomas apenas após reintrodução de altas doses de corticosteróide, sugerindo atividade da DC como causa do derrame pleural.A 34-year-old patient had had Crohn's disease (CD for eight years; she was seen for complaints of thoracic pain and fever, without gastrointestinal manifestations. Initial laboratory exams were compatible with the presence of inflammatory activity (VHS = 45 mm for normal value of 20 mm and PCR+. The physical exam revealed signs of pleural effusion in the left hemithorax base, which was confirmed by thoracic RX. The pleural liquid analysis showed that the cells were 100% of lymphocytes, with negative BAAR research. The pleural biopsy evidenced non caseous granuloma. Despite the tuberculosis treatment, the patient only got better when corticotherapy was introduced in high doses, suggesting the activity of CD as the cause of the pleural effusion. This case establishes a connection between activity of CD and manifestations of lung disease.

  7. Classificação ultra-sonográfica do derrame pleural e do empiema parapneumônico Ultrasound classification of pleural effusion and parapneumonic empyema


    Luís Marcelo Inaco Cirino; Miguel José Francisco Neto; Erasmo Magalhães Castro de Tolosa


    Os autores correlacionam as alterações anatomopatológicas da cavidade pleural com os achados ultra-sonográficos no derrame pleural e no empiema parapneumônico e apresentam uma classificação baseada nestes dados. Concluem que a ultra-sonografia é método diagnóstico fidedigno para inferir a fase anatomopatológica da doença pleural, bem como auxiliar na escolha da alternativa de tratamento.We correlated the anatomopathological abnormalities of the pleural space with the ultrasound findings in pa...

  8. Classificação ultra-sonográfica do derrame pleural e do empiema parapneumônico Ultrasound classification of pleural effusion and parapneumonic empyema

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    Luís Marcelo Inaco Cirino


    Full Text Available Os autores correlacionam as alterações anatomopatológicas da cavidade pleural com os achados ultra-sonográficos no derrame pleural e no empiema parapneumônico e apresentam uma classificação baseada nestes dados. Concluem que a ultra-sonografia é método diagnóstico fidedigno para inferir a fase anatomopatológica da doença pleural, bem como auxiliar na escolha da alternativa de tratamento.We correlated the anatomopathological abnormalities of the pleural space with the ultrasound findings in patients with pleural effusion and/or parapneumonic empyema and proposed a classification based on these results. Ultrasonography is a reliable method to infer the anatomopathological phase of pleural disease and consequently may be of help in the choice of the most suitable treatment.

  9. Utilidade de um escore e de variáveis indicativas de drenagem pleural em crianças com derrame pleural parapneumônico Utility of a scoring system and indicative variables for assessing the need for pleural drainage in pediatric patients with parapneumonic pleural effusion

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    Gláucia de Oliveira Moreira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A decisão pela drenagem do derrame pleural parapneumônico em crianças é controversa. Uma parceria entre pediatras e cirurgiões deu origem a um escore indicativo de drenagem torácica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a utilidade do escore na indicação de drenagem torácica para tratamento do derrame pleural parapneumônico em crianças e adolescentes. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal retrospectivo, com 250 pacientes internados com derrame pleural parapneumônico, em hospital de referência terciário (1994 a 1999. As variáveis estudadas foram: condições clínicas, radiogramas torácicos, exames bacteriológicos e bioquímicos do líquido pleural, escore e tratamento. O escore baseava-se em quatro categorias: aspecto macroscópico do fluido pleural, radiograma de tórax, exames laboratoriais e segunda toracocentese. Escore > 5,5 era indicativo de drenagem torácica. RESULTADOS: Derrame pleural parapneumônico ocorreu em 304 das 941 crianças com pneumonia (32,2%. Das 250 incluídas, 146 eram do sexo masculino (58,4%, com média de idade de três anos (mediana de dois. Os valores de corte obtidos na Receiver operating characteristic para sugerir drenagem pleural foram: pH 5,0 (sensibilidade de 68,7%; especificidade de 81,7%; tanto estes valores quanto os relatados na literatura de pH BACKGROUND: The decision to drain parapneumonic pleural effusion in children is still controversial. An indicative scoring system to assess the need for chest-tube drainage arose from a partnership between pediatricians and surgeons. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the utility of the score in indicating whether drainage should be performed in pediatric patients with parapneumonic effusion. METHOD: A cross-sectional study involving 250 inpatients with parapneumonic effusion, treated in a tertiary-care hospital between 1994 and 1999. The following variables were analyzed: clinical presentation, chest X-rays, pleural fluid culture and biochemical analysis of the pleural fluid

  10. Derrame pericárdico grave. Ventana pericárdica percutánea con balón

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    Carlos A. Bruno


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los pacientes con derrame pericárdico crónico son mujeres y mayores de 50 años. En esta presentación se describe el caso de una paciente de 63 años con derrame pericárdico crónico grave, con antecedente de carcinoma de mama izquierda irradiado, diagnóstico presuntivo no confirmado de tuberculosis pulmonar e hipotiroidea sustituida. Ante la recurrencia del derrame luego de pericardiocentesis y el fracaso del tratamiento antiinflamatorio con AINE se decidió realizar una ventana pericárdica percutánea, sin que se presentaran complicaciones técnicas. Se inició tratamiento con colchicina y se evaluaron las posibles causas: tuberculosa, oncológica, secundaria a hipotiroidismo o por radiación. Por exclusión se llegó a la etiología radiante. Al mes de la realización de la ventana pericárdica no se observaba derrame pericárdico en el ecocardiograma.

  11. Urinotórax como causa rara de derrame pleural – Revisitação a propósito de caso clínico

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    P.G. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resumo: Contexto: Apesar da multitude de etiologias de derrame pleural, algumas causas decorrentes de mecanismos patofisiológicos incomuns podem ser suspeitadas com base em determinados contextos clínicos sugestivos ou intervenções com potencial iatrogénico. O urinotórax é um tipo raro de derrame pleural com menos de 70 casos mundialmente reportados. Caso clínico: Um doente que fora internado na Urologia por uropatia obstrutiva litiásica com hidronefrose, é diagnosticado com derrame pleural esquerdo persistente. Havia sido sujeito à colocação ipsilateral de nefrostomia percutânea. Após a primeira toracocentese diagnóstica a causa do derrame não era aparente. Uma segunda abordagem confirmou a presença de líquido citrino com critérios borderline para exsudato, odor amoniacal típico e um ratio evocativo entre creatinina pleural e sérica. A tomografia computorizada (TC realizada diagnosticou presença de urinoma retroperitoneal, tendo o doente sido submetido a nefrectomia esquerda com resolução do derrame pleural. Conclusões: O urinotórax encontra-se mais frequentemente em doentes com uropatia excretora ou trauma abdominal contuso, apesar de outros possíveis mecanismos já reportados. Tradicionalmente, um ratio de creatinina pleural/sérica superior a um é um traço distintivo desta condição. Em determinados contextos, a consideração desta possibilidade diagnóstica pode ser determinante para um melhor prognóstico final. Abstract: Background: Despite the fact that there are a great number of established etiologies for pleural effusion, there are grounds for believing that there are also causes from unusual pathophysiological mechanisms, seen in certain clinical contexts and from potential iatrogenic interventions. Urinothorax is such a rare type of pleural effusion as there are fewer than 70 cases reported worldwide. Clinical case: A patient

  12. Fatores preditivos para drenagem de derrames pleurais parapneumônicos em crianças Predictive factors for pleural drainage in children with parapneumonic pleural effusion

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar os critérios de Light et al. para drenagem em derrames pleurais parapneumônicos (DPP em crianças. Métodos: Estudo transversal prospectivo realizado com 85 crianças admitidas no Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio, Porto Alegre, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, região Sul do Brasil, que apresentaram pneumonia e derrame pleural confirmado por radiografia de tórax e/ou ultra-sonografia. Os critérios de exclusão foram: drenagem prévia, derrame associado com outras doenças. A análise do pH foi em aparelho de gasometria. Glicose e desidrogenase láctica foram analisadas por espectrofotometria. A indicação de drenagem foi feita pelo médico assistente sem participação dos pesquisadores. Resultados: Neste estudo, os DPP com pH menor que 7,2 e glicose igual ou inferior a 40mg/dl apresentaram índices de drenagem superiores aos da DHL > 1.000UI/l. O pH e a glicose apresentaram especificidades elevadas na predição de drenagem (89% e 88% e superiores às da DHL (65%. Os mesmos resultados foram observados quando líquidos não purulentos foram analisados (pH 1.000 -- 68%. Em pacientes com pH 1.000UI/l e glicose Objective: To evaluate Light's criteria for drainage in children with parapneumonic pleural effusion. Methods: Prospective cross-sectional study on 85 children who were admitted to Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, presenting pneumonia with pleural effusion confirmed by chest X-ray and/or chest ultrasonography. The exclusion criteria were: previous drainage, pleural effusions associated with other disorders. The pH analysis was performed with a blood gas analyzer. Glucose and LDH were analyzed by spectrophotometry. The decision to perform pleural drainage was made by the attending physician without the participation of the researchers. Results: Pleural fluid in parapneumonic effusion with pH 1,000 UI/l. The pH and glucose had high specificity (89% and 88% and above the

  13. Papel das citocinas proliferativas TGF-β e VEGF no derrame pleural pós-revascularização do miocárdio

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    António M.S. Chibante


    Full Text Available Resumo: A cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio envolve o acometimento, tanto do pericárdio como da pleura, conduzindo ao favorecimento de processos inflamatórios responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de derrames nestes compartimentos.Objectivo: Estudar o comportamento das citocinas proliferativas TGF-β (factor beta de transformação do crescimento e VEGF (factor de crescimento do endotélio vascular nos líquidos de 16 transudatos e de 43 derrames pleurais de doentes submetidos a cirurgias de revascularização do miocárdio provenientes do Instituto de Coração e do Serviço de Pneumologia da Universidade do São Paulo nos intervalos de 2, 24 e 48 horas de pós-operatório.Resultados: O derrame pleural pós-revascularização do miocárdio é um exsudato mobilizador de TGF-β e VEGF no pós-operatório imediato. Os níveis de TGF-β apresentam-se elevados nas primeiras 2 horas para caírem progressivamente até se aproximarem dos valores dos transudatos ao fim de 48 horas, enquanto o VEGF se inicia com níveis elevados já nas primeiras 2 horas com tendência a aumento pelo menos até 48 horas de pós-operatório.Conclusões: O TGF-β parece comportar-se como elemento gatilho sobre a célula mesotelial pleural para a liberação de VEGF no desenvolvimento de derrame pleural nas cirurgias de revascularização do miocárdio.Rev Port Pneumol 2006; XII (4: 359-367 Abstract: Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG surgeries can impact on the pericardium and pleural space, leading to inflammation which can cause effusion.Aim: To study the role of the proliferative cytokines TGF-β and VEGF in the fluids of 16 transudates and 43 pleural effusions of patients who underwent CABG at the Heart Unit and Pulmonology Unit of the University Hospital of São Paulo. Levels of cytokines were assessed 2, 24 and 48 hours post-surgery.Results: The pleural effusion

  14. Sequelas pleurais dos derrames tuberculosos: em busca de parâmetros preditivos

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    A.M.S. Chibante


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A tuberculose é uma enfermidade bastante comum relacionada com situações socioeconómicas mais desfavoráveis e frequentemente associada a derrame pleural. Vários autores focalizam as sequelas pleurais como consequências que em determinados casos podem interferir na função respiratória desencadeando insuficiência ventilatória. Alguns estudiosos têm procurado definir parâmetros bioquímicos de modo a detectar futuros espessamentos pleurais e prevenir, através de maior vigilância, possível incapacidade pulmonar. Este estudo baseia-se na análise radiográfica do tórax após término do tratamento e procura correlacionar possíveis achados pleurais com dados bioquímicos do líquido na fase inicial, volume dos derrames e tempo de sintomas.REV PORT PNEUMOL IX (1: 9-18 ABSTRACT: Tuberculosis is a very common disease usualy related to bad social-economic conditions and sometimes with associated pleural effusion. Pleural sequelae are referred by some authors as a consequence that may interfere with lung function provoking respiratory failure in some critical situations. Some experts try to find clinical and biochemical parameters in order to detect possibilities that could predict future pleural thickening and necessity of closer vigilance to avoid lung function disability.This study is based on the post-treatment roentgenological pleural findings and their correlation with the initial pleural fluid biochemical data, the volume of the effusions and time of patients complains.REV PORT PNEUMOL IX (1: 9-18 Palavras-chave: espessamento pleural, derrame pleural tuberculoso, inflamação pleural, Key-words: pleural fluid, pleural tuberculosis, pleural thikening

  15. Avaliação dos valores sérico e pleural dos marcadores tumorais CEA, CYFRA21-1 e CA 15-3 em portadores de derrame pleural Evaluation of serum and pleural levels of the tumor markers CEA, CYFRA21-1 and CA 15-3 in patients with pleural effusion

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    Isabella Coimbra Wagner


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Dosar os marcadores tumorais antígeno carcinoembrionário (CEA, fragmento da citoqueratina 19 (CYFRA21-1 e antígeno glicosídico associado a tumor 15-3 (CA 15-3 em sangue e líquido pleural de portadores de derrames pleurais benignos e malignos, avaliando a sensibilidade de cada um deles nesses fluidos. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos prospectivamente 85 pacientes com derrame pleural. O estudo do líquido pleural obedeceu a critérios determinados pela literatura. A dosagem dos marcadores foi realizada por eletroquimioluminescência. A sensibilidade foi determinada sob a condição de que a especificidade fosse > 90%. RESULTADOS: Foram diagnosticados 36 casos malignos (42,4%, 30 benignos (35,3%; em 19 pacientes (22,3%, o diagnóstico foi inconclusivo. Nos casos malignos, os valores de CEA e CYFRA21-1 foram maiores no líquido pleural do que no sangue, fato não observado para o CA 15-3. Nos casos benignos, os valores do CYFRA21-1 foram maiores no líquido pleural do que no soro, enquanto que para o CEA e o CA 15-3, ocorreu o oposto. Todos os marcadores apresentaram diferença significativa entre os casos malignos e benignos, em líquido pleural e soro. Foi encontrada sensibilidade para CEA, CYFRA21-1 e CA 15-3 no líquido pleural de 69,4%, 69,4% e 66,7%, respectivamente e quando associados, foi 80,6%. No soro, a sensibilidade foi 57,1, 71,4 e 48,6% para CEA, CYFRA21-1 e CA 15-3, respectivamente, e quando associados, foi 77%. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que a utilização desses marcadores pode ser útil na diferenciação entre derrames pleurais malignos e benignos.OBJECTIVE: To determine the levels of the tumor markers carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA, cytokeratin 19 fragment (CYFRA21-1 and carbohydrate antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3 in the blood and pleural fluid of patients with benign or malignant pleural effusion, evaluating the sensitivity of each marker in these fluids. METHODS: We prospectively evaluated 85 patients with pleural effusion. The

  16. Fatores clínicos e anatomopatológicos que influenciam a sobrevida de pacientes com câncer de mama e derrame pleural neoplásico Clinical and pathological factors influencing the survival of breast cancer patients with malignant pleural effusion

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    Giovana Tavares dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os fatores clínicos e anatomopatológicos que possam influenciar o prognóstico de pacientes com câncer de mama e sintomas clínicos de derrame pleural neoplásico. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo clínico de coorte, no qual foram analisados os prontuários médicos de pacientes que receberam diagnóstico de derrame pleural neoplásico entre 2006 e 2010. Por meio da análise dos prontuários, identificamos as pacientes com história de câncer de mama. Para essas pacientes, coletamos dados anatomopatológicos relacionados ao tumor primário e dados citopatológicos relacionados à metástase pleural. RESULTADOS: Das 145 pacientes avaliadas, 87 (60% apresentaram, no exame citológico, resultado positivo para células neoplásicas no líquido pleural; além disso, 119 (82% apresentaram tipo histológico ductal. O fenótipo triplo-negativo foi observado em 25 pacientes (17%, as quais apresentaram o pior prognóstico, com queda acentuada na curva de sobrevida. Das 25 pacientes, 20 (80% evoluíram a óbito durante o período de seguimento (até junho de 2011. A sobrevida média após a identificação de derrame pleural neoplásico foi de 6 meses. CONCLUSÕES: Em pacientes com câncer de mama triplo-negativo e exame citológico com resultado positivo para células neoplásicas no líquido pleural, o prognóstico é ruim e a sobrevida é menor.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to identify the clinical and pathological factors that can influence the prognosis of breast cancer patients with clinical symptoms of malignant pleural effusion. METHODS: This was a clinical cohort study, in which we analyzed the medical charts of patients diagnosed with malignant pleural effusion between 2006 and 2010. By examining the charts, we identified the female patients with a history of breast cancer. For those patients, we collected pathology data related to the primary tumor and cytopathology data related

  17. Capacidad del diagnostico clínico presuntivo y validez del estudio del exudado pleural en pacientes con derrame pleural inespecífico

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    Edgar Antonio Flórez


    Full Text Available To identify the validity of clinical diagnostic and the analysis of pleural exudate in the diagnosis of inespecific pleural effusion, we reviewed the clinical records of 40 adults, 61% (24 male and 16 female with an average age of 45 ± 17 years. Pleural biopsy was the gold standard. The clinical diagnosis were: pleural metastatic cancer (34% and pleural tuberculosis (TBC (27%. Pleural effusions where: lymphocitic (68%, neutrofilic (27% and eosinofilic (5%. Histologic types  inespecific cronic pleuritis (56.1% pleural TBC (22% and pleural metastatic cancer (12.2%. The comparision test show for pleural TBC a Kappa: 0.47, for pleural cancer was (Kappa low: 0.18. The validity tests show for pleural The the greater sensitivity for the Iymphocitic count (44% and the greater specificity was for the eosinotilic count (97% for pleural metastatic cancer the best sensitivity was for neutrofilic exudate (60% and the greater percentage of specificity (97% was for eosinofilic predominium. The predictive positive value for metastatic cancer and THC was (50% and (60% respectively the odds ratio between the pleural exudate and pleural biopsy for metastatic cancer and THC was probably casual.

  18. Derrame pericárdico con inminente taponamiento cardiaco secundario a inhibidor de la tirosina quinasa: Reporte de un caso Pericardial effusion secondary to tyrosine kinase inhibitor with imminence of cardiac tamponade: case report

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    Andrés F Buitrago


    Full Text Available La leucemia es una enfermedad maligna que se caracteriza por una proliferación no controlada de una clona iniciada en una etapa precoz de la diferenciación linfoide. Es importante determinar si hay una alteración genética conocida como cromosoma Filadelfia, para pronóstico y tratamiento. El imatinib, un inhibidor de la tirosina kinasa, tiene buena respuesta terapéutica y pocos efectos adversos. Uno de frecuente aparición es la serositis manifestada como derrame pleural, aunque es de menor incidencia asociada con derrame pericárdico. El tratamiento se debe individualizar, pero en caso de inminente taponamiento cardiaco se realiza pericardiocentesis.Leukemia is a malignant disease characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of a clone initiated at an early stage of lymphoid differentiation. It is important to determine if there is a genetic disorder known as the Philadelphia chromosome, for both prognosis and treatment. Imatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor has good therapeutic response and few adverse effects. An adverse event is the frequent occurrence of serositis manifested as pleural effusion, but its association with pericardial effusion has a lower incidence. Treatment should be individualized, but in case of imminent cardiac tamponade pericardiocentesis is performed.


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    Vera Baptista


    Conclusões: A ecografia torácica foi o exame que confirmou e avaliou as caraterísticas do derrame. O TC foi pouco usado, reservado para casos complicados ou com necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico. A taxa de identificação do agente foi baixa (4%. A duração do internamento e da drenagem torácica foi inferior à relatada noutros hospitais centrais portugueses.

  20. Antígeno carcinoembrionário no diagnóstico diferencial dos derrames pleurais

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    Miguel Angelo Martins de Castro Junior

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a sensibilidade e a especificidade da dosagem do CEA no diagnóstico diferencial do derrame pleural de pacientes portadores de doenças benígnas e malígnas. MÉTODO: Estudo contemporâneo de série de casos, realizado do Serviço de Cirurgia Torácica do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Entre julho de 2000 e julho de 2001, 64 pacientes foram submetidos à investigação etiológica de efusão pleural,e submetidos aos seguintes exames: pH, LDH, dosagem protêica, densidade, glicose, citologia diferencial, pesquisa de fungos e BAAR, gram e cultura com antibiograma, citopatologia, dosagem de CEA e biópsia pleural. RESULTADOS: Pacientes com derrames de etiologia maligna (n=26 tiveram resultado do CEA variando de zero a 5000ng/ml, enquanto nos de etiologia benígna os valores variaram de zero a 4,8ng/ml. Nível médio de CEA na efusão carcinomatosa foi de 431 ± 1237 ng/ml (média ± desvio padrão, significativamente maior que nos benignos (1,1 ± 1,0 ng/ml; p<0,001. A sensibilidade, para um ponto de corte de 5 ng/ml, foi de 61,5% e a especificidade de 100%. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com efusão pleural, quando investigados do ponto de vista etiológico, a dosagem do CEA pode ser útil para critério diagnóstico.

  1. Urinothorax as an unusual type of pleural effusion – Case report and review

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    P.G. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Background: Despite the fact that there are a great number of established etiologies for pleural effusion, there are grounds for believing that there are also causes from unusual pathophysiological mechanisms, seen in certain clinical contexts and from potential iatrogenic interventions. Urinothorax is such a rare type of pleural effusion as there are fewer than 70 cases reported worldwide. Clinical case: A patient with a persistent left pleural effusion was admitted to the Urology ward for a lithiasic obstructive uropathy with hydronephrosis. A left percutaneous nephrostomy was performed. The effusion was unclassified at the initial workup and recurred after first drainage. A second approach confirmed a citrine fluid with borderline criteria for exudate, ammoniacal odor and an elusive pleural fluid-to-serum creatinine ratio. A retroperitoneal urinoma was recognized on CT, and the patient underwent a left nephrectomy with resolution of the pleural effusion. Conclusions: Urinothorax most frequently develops in patients with excretory uropathy or blunt abdominal trauma, although other mechanisms have been reported. Traditionally, a pleural fluid to serum creatinine ratio higher than one is a hallmark of this condition. In certain settings, taking this diagnosis into account at an early stage might be crucial for a good outcome. Resumo: Contexto: Apesar da multitude de etiologias de derrame pleural, algumas causas decorrentes de mecanismos patofisiológicos incomuns podem ser suspeitadas com base em determinados contextos clínicos sugestivos ou intervenções com potencial iatrogénico. O urinotórax é um tipo raro de derrame pleural com menos de 70 casos mundialmente reportados. Caso clínico: Um doente que fora internado na Urologia por uropatia obstrutiva litiásica com hidronefrose, é diagnosticado com derrame pleural esquerdo persistente. Havia sido sujeito à colocação ipsilateral de nefrostomia percut

  2. Derrame pleural como debut de síndrome linfoproliferativo

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    Ochoa Ramírez Á


    Full Text Available Extranodal MALT lymphomas are a type of lymphoproliferative syndrome belonging to non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. The most common affectation of these types of lymphomas is the digestive tract (80%, the lung being only 14% of cases. We present the case of a 73 years old woman who goes to progressive dyspnea, with a large right pleural effusion on the chest x-ray. After screening and differential diagnosis of the different types of pleural effusion and the clinical etiological processes involved in its production, the diagnosis of lymphoproliferative process was reached, starting chemotherapy treatment with good evolution of both the pleural effusion and the patient's clinic.

  3. Validez de la prueba de adenosina deaminasa y del recuento diferencial de leucocitos para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pleural

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    Jhonatan Boris Quiñones-Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la validez de la prueba de adenosina deaminasa (ADA y el recuento diferencial de leucocitos para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pleural. Diseño: Estudio retrospectivo de precisión diagnóstica. Institución: Hospital Regional de Huacho, Ministerio de Salud, Huacho, Perú. Material: Historias clínicas de pacientes con prueba de ADA en líquido pleural. Intervenciones: Estudio de historias clínicas de pacientes a quienes se les realizó la prueba de ADA en líquido pleural, desde enero 2005 hasta diciembre 2007. El valor de la prueba de ADA y el recuento diferencial de leucocitos fueron analizados mediante la curva ROC. La sensibilidad (Se, especificidad (Sp, valores predictivos (VPP y VPN y los cocientes de verosimilitud (CVP y CVN fueron hallados para cada variable. Principales medidas de resultados: Punto de corte para la prueba de ADA para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pleural. Resultados: La tuberculosis fue culpable de la mayoría de los derrames pleurales; 47,5 fue el punto de corte hallado para la prueba de ADA, con Se y Sp de 73% y 90%, respectivamente (IC 95%: 0,74 - 0,95; p72% incrementaría la sospecha de tuberculosis pleural.

  4. The proliferative cytokines TGF-β and VEGF in pleural effusions post-coronary artery bypass graft

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    António MS Chibante


    Full Text Available Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG surgeries can impact on the pericardium and pleural space, leading to inflammation which can cause effusion. Aim: To study the role of the proliferative cytokines TGF-β and VEGF in the fluids of 16 transudates and 43 pleural effusions of patients who underwent CABG at the Heart Unit and Pulmonology Unit of the University Hospital of São Paulo. Levels of cytokines were assessed 2, 24 and 48 hours post-surgery. Results: The pleural effusion after CABG is an exsudative mobilizer of TGF-β and VEGF cytokines immediately after surgery. The TGF-β concentrations were elevated 2 hours after surgery but started to fall soon after, reaching transudate levels after 48 hours. VEGF levels were high in the first 2 hours post surgery and tended to maintain the same concentrations for at least 48 hours after surgery. Conclusions: Based on the results obtained, TGF-β is a cytokine that seems to work as a trigger, leading the pleural mesothelial cell to express VEGF a cause of pleural effusion in CABG surgeries. Resumo: A cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio envolve o acometimento, tanto do pericárdio como da pleura, conduzindo ao favorecimento de processos inflamatórios responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de derrames nestes compartimentos. Objectivo: Estudar o comportamento das citocinas proliferativas TGF-β (factor beta de transformação do crescimento e VEGF (factor de crescimento do endotélio vascular nos líquidos de 16 transudatos e de 43 derrames pleurais de doentes submetidos a cirurgias de revascularização do miocárdio provenientes do Instituto de Coração e do Serviço de Pneumologia da Universidade do São Paulo nos intervalos de 2, 24 e 48 horas de pós-operatório. Resultados: O derrame pleural pós-revascularização do miocárdio é um exsudato mobilizador de TGF-β e VEGF no pós-operatório imediato. Os níveis de TGF

  5. (United States)

    Alvarez Padilla, Facundo Nicolás; Schiavoni, Emiliano Nestor; Bustos, Mario Eduardo Francisco


    INTRODUCCIONEl derrame pleural neoplásico (DPN) implica una enfermedad oncológica avanzada. La biopsia pleural por cirugía torácica endoscópica permite el diagnóstico en más del 90% de los casos y la instrumentación del espacio pleural complicado, mejorando los resultados de la técnica.MATERIAL Y METODOSe realizó un análisis retrospectivo de pacientes con DPN operados para la realización de una pleurodesis química con talco. Se formaron dos grupos, uno con derrame pleural neoplásico complicado (DPNC) y otro con derrame pleural neoplásico no complicado (DPNNC). En el grupo con DPNC se realizó "maniobras de liberación - expansión". Se compararon las variables entre ambos grupos para el análisis pertinente.RESULTADOSSe analizaron 28 pacientes con DPN tratados con pleurodesis química por cirugía torácica endoscópica. La edad promedio fue de 62,64 años. El compromiso pleural por patología mamaria fue la forma más frecuente (46,4%). No se hubo diferencia en cuanto a complicaciones (p= 0,31) y riesgo de defunción a los 30 días (p=1,09) con el manejo agresivo del espacio pleural. La demora en la indicación de pleurodesis se relacionó con un mayor índice de complicaciones (p=0,002) y mayor probabilidad de defunción dentro de los 30 días (p=0,008). La mayoría de pacientes se reinsertó a sus tareas diarias, con buena tolerancia a la disnea luego del procedimiento.  CONCLUSIONEn los pacientes con DPNC, las "maniobras de liberación - expansión pulmonar" descriptas, aumentarían las chances de mejorar los resultados con bajo riesgo. La pleurodesis química temprana mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes portadores de un DPN.

  6. Endometriose pleural: achados na ressonância magnética Pleural endometriosis: findings on magnetic resonance imaging

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    Edson Marchiori


    Full Text Available A endometriose é uma doença ginecológica benigna associada à dor pélvica e infertilidade que afeta principalmente mulheres em idade reprodutiva. A endometriose torácica afeta o parênquima pulmonar ou a pleura. Relatamos os casos de duas pacientes com endometriose pleural que apresentaram pneumotórax recorrente. Em ambos os casos, a ressonância magnética de tórax mostrou hidropneumotórax à direita e nódulos redondos, bem definidos, na superfície pleural à direita. A ressonância magnética é uma boa opção para a caracterização dos nódulos de endometriose pleural e de derrame pleural hemorrágico.Endometriosis is a benign gynecological disorder associated with pelvic pain and infertility, primarily affecting women of reproductive age. Thoracic endometriosis affects the pulmonary parenchyma or pleura. We report the cases of two patients with pleural endometriosis who presented with recurrent pneumothorax. In both cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI of the chest showed right hydropneumothorax and well-defined, rounded nodules on the pleural surface in the right hemithorax. We conclude that MRI is a good option for the characterization of pleural endometriotic nodules and hemorrhagic pleural effusion.

  7. Doença pleural e síndroma de imunodeficiência adquirida

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    Adelina Amorim


    Full Text Available RESUMO: As infecções respiratórias estão entre as infecções mais comuns nos doentes infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH, podendo ocorrer com qualquer valor de CD4. As complicações pleurais não são frequentes, mas têm algumas características distintas das dos doentes VIH negativos.A ocorrência de pneumotórax (PTX em doentes com infecção VIH foi descrito pela primeira vez em 1984. A incidência total de PTX nos doentes com síndroma da imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA varia entre os 2,7% e 4,9%. A maioria dos casos ocorre em doentes com infecção por Pneumocystis carinii prévia ou actual, que apresentam cavidades pulmonares subpleurais, associadas a necrose. O tratamento do PTX nos doentes com SIDA é difícil, verificando-se uma maior tendência para a persistência de fístulas broncopleurais. O uso de drenagem por toracostomia, com ou sem esclerose pleural, pode não ser suficiente para resolver o PTX. Outras opções terapêuticas são a colocação de uma válvula de Heimlich ou o recurso à cirurgia.A prevalência e a etiologia do derrame pleural (DP em doentes hospitalizados com SIDA é muito variável. Uma das causas que pode contribuir para esta variabilidade é a diferença nos factores de risco associados à infecção VIH na população estudada. Os derrames parapneumónicos, a tuberculose e o sarcoma de Kaposi são as causas mais comuns. Os empiemas são uma complicação pleural rara. Apesar de a pneumonia por Pneumocystis carinii ser uma causa comum de pneumonia nos doentes com SIDA, raramente é causa de derrame pleural. Outras causas possíveis de derrame pleural são os linfomas não-Hodgkin, nomeadamente o linfoma das cavidades corporais.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (3: 217-225 ABSTRACT: Respiratory infections are among the most common complications in patients infected with human

  8. Utilidad del cisplatino intrapericárdico en el tratamiento del derrame pericárdico maligno

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    Marcelo Zylberman


    Full Text Available RESUMENIntroducciónEl derrame pericárdico maligno recidiva en hasta el 62% de los pacientes luego de unapericardiocentesis. Debido a ello, se ha intentado completar el tratamiento con la instilaciónintrapericárdica de drogas luego del drenaje de la cavidad. El cisplatino ha demostradoque es útil y seguro para ese propósito.ObjetivoPresentar la experiencia en nuestra institución del uso del cisplatino intrapericárdico en eltratamiento del derrame pericárdico maligno.Material y métodosSe incluyeron los pacientes ingresados en el Instituto Alexander Fleming entre enero de2005 y mayo de 2009 con diagnóstico de taponamiento cardíaco o de derrame pericárdicograve tratados con drenaje percutáneo e instilación de cisplatino intrapericárdico (10 mg en20 ml de solución fisiológica por 5 días. Se requirió: a confirmación citológica de malignidado b hallazgo ecocardiográfico de lesiones compatibles con invasión neoplásica del sacopericárdico y c poca expectativa de respuesta a un tratamiento sistémico.ResultadosSe incluyeron 9 pacientes (6 hombres y 3 mujeres, edad media 60 años (51-69. El tumorprimario fue pulmonar (n = 4, de mama (n = 1, de vejiga (n =1, de esófago (n = 1, deriñón (n = 1 y de próstata (n = 1. La citología fue positiva en 6 casos. El tiempo de permanenciadel catéter fue de 7 días. Hubo efectos adversos en tres casos: dolor, fiebre y fibrilaciónauricular. Un solo paciente tuvo recidiva del derrame al mes. Ocho pacientes fallecieron[tiempo medio a la muerte: 50 días (7-83] y uno vive.ConclusionesEl cisplatino intrapericárdico resulta factible de realizar, se tolera bien y se observa unporcentaje bajo de recidivas, lo cual cumple con el objetivo del tratamiento.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2010;78:114-117.

  9. Validez de los títulos de adenosina deaminasa en el diagnóstico de la pleuresía tuberculosa en el Hospital San Juan de Dios

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    Azael de Jesús Hernández Castilla


    Full Text Available Se tomaron 46 pacientes adultos hospitalizados y ambulatorios con síndrome de derrame pleural y con aceptación para la práctica de toracentesis, biopsia pleural y estudio bioquímico, Se les practicó estudio citoquímico de líquido pleural; determinación de proteínas totales y de DLH en suero sanguíneo; luego biopsia pleural con estudio microscopio y examen directo y cultivo para BK; además  examen directo y cultivo para BK en líquido pleural y determinación de adenosina deaminasa en líquido pleural y suero sanguíneo.

  10. Derrame pericárdico y pericarditis purulenta por Salmonella: un caso excepcional

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    Jorge Pulido-Arenas


    Full Text Available Las complicaciones cardiovasculares asociadas a las infecciones por la Salmonella son raras y suceden entre el 1 a 5% de los pacientes. Las enfermedades del pericardio son extremadamente inusuales con pocos casos reportados en la literatura. Presentamos el caso de un adulto mayor con síntomas de derrame pericárdico y hallazgos de pericarditis purulenta en quien la etiología corresponde a infección por la Salmonella spp. confirmada por hallazgos clínicos, de imágenes diagnósticas, microbiológicos, quirúrgicos e histopatológicos.

  11. Pleurodese nos derrames pleurais malignos: um inquérito entre médicos em países da América do Sul e Central Pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusions: a survey of physicians in South and Central America

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    Evaldo Marchi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A pleurodese é uma alternativa eficaz no controle dos derrames pleurais malignos, mas existem controvérsias a respeito de sua indicação e técnica. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar como é realizada a pleurodese em países da América do Sul e Central. MÉTODOS: Profissionais que realizam pleurodese responderam um questionário sobre critérios de indicação para pleurodese, técnicas utilizadas e desfechos. RESULTADOS: Nossa amostra envolveu 147 profissionais no Brasil, 49 em outros países da América do Sul e 36 em países da América Central. Mais de 50% dos participantes realizavam pleurodese somente se confirmada a malignidade no derrame pleural. Entretanto, escalas de dispneia e de status de performance eram raramente utilizadas para indicar o procedimento. Aproximadamente 75% dos participantes no Brasil e na América Central preferiam realizar a pleurodese somente no caso de recidiva do derrame, e a expansão pulmonar deveria variar de 90% a 100%. O talco slurry foi o agente mais utilizado, instilado via drenos de calibre intermediário. A toracoscopia foi realizada em menos de 25% dos casos. Febre e dor torácica foram os efeitos adversos mais comuns, e empiema ocorreu em OBJECTIVE: Pleurodesis is an effective alternative for the control of malignant pleural effusions. However, there is as yet no consensus regarding the indications for the procedure and the techniques employed therein. The objective of this study was to evaluate how pleurodesis is performed in South and Central America. METHODS: Professionals who perform pleurodesis completed a questionnaire regarding the indications for the procedure, the techniques used therein, and the outcomes obtained. RESULTS: Our sample comprised 147 respondents in Brazil, 49 in other South American countries, and 36 in Central America. More than 50% of the respondents reported performing pleurodesis only if pleural malignancy had been confirmed. However, scores on dyspnea and

  12. Papel da ultra-sonografia na avaliação da efusão pleural The role of ultrasound in the assessment of pleural effusion

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    Adilson Cunha Ferreira


    Full Text Available A efusão pleural, antigamente denominada derrame pleural, é caracterizada pelo acúmulo de líquido no espaço pleural, em decorrência do desequilíbrio entre formação e reabsorção de fluido ou por alteração na drenagem linfática. O propósito desta revisão foi estabelecer a importância da aplicação da ultra-sonografia no diagnóstico de efusão pleural. Os autores discutem a aplicação da ultra-sonografia no diagnóstico e abordagem terapêutica dessa entidade, e ressaltam sua importância nas doenças do tórax, vantagens, limitações e desvantagens em relação a radiografia simples, tomografia computadorizada e exame físico. Discutem, ainda, o conceito de efusão pleural, sua fisiopatologia, morbidade, mortalidade, principais causas e apresentação clínica. A técnica de realização do exame é sistematicamente abordada, tanto pela via torácica quanto abdominal.The pleural effusion, formerly called pleural spill, is an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, as a consequence of an imbalance between the formation and reabsorption of such fluid, or due to an alteration in the drainage to lymph nodes. The purpose of this bibliographic review is to establish the importance of the use of ultrasound in pleural diffusion diagnosis. The authors discuss the use of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and therapeutic approach of this disease, and stress the importance of ultrasonography in chest diseases diagnosis, its advantages, limitations and disadvantages when compared to the common x-ray, computed tomography and physical examination. The authors also discuss the definition of pleural effusion, its physiopathology, morbidity, mortality, main causes and clinical presentation. The examination technique is systematically approached both by thoracic and abdominal pathways.


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    Análida Elizabeth Pinilla Roa


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de un hombre de 81 años natural de zona rural, agricultor, recolector de café 50 años atrás y jardinero por 22 años en Bogotá. Consultó por dolor abdominal de 10 días de evolución, localizado hacia mesogastrio y epigastrio. Además, disnea, tos productiva. Antecedentes: enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, cor pulmonale, fumador de 25 paquetes /año, había recibido prednisona oral y beclometasona inhalada en diversas ocasiones incluso en la última hospitalización. En el examen físico presentó signos de desnutrición, taquicardia, taquipnea; estertores en base del hemitórax derecho; abdomen: blando, depresible con dolor a la palpación profunda en epigastrio e hipocondrio derecho. Ingresó con síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica por taquicardia, taquipnea, leucocitosis 37.600 y eosinofilia 52-60%, Ig E: 180 UI/ ml. Se evidenciaron larvas rabditiformes de Strongyloides stercoralis en esputo y materia fecal. La radiografía de tórax mostró derrame pleural derecho, la ecografía hepática fue normal, la endoscopia de vías digestivas altas evidenció gastritis y duodenitis. Se inició tratamiento con ivermectina 200 mg/Kg/dosis, con seguimiento clínico y de laboratorio con evolución clínica satisfactoria.

  14. El derrame de petróleo en Quintero, V región de Chile. Una mirada desde las organizaciones sociales

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    Pablo Saravia Ramos


    Full Text Available El derrame de petróleo de 2014 en la bahía de Quintero (V región de Chile, es un hecho habitual en un territorio que ha vivido múltiples episodios de crisis medioambientales. El estudio buscó conocer cómo se desenvolvieron los actores sociales a propósito de la catástrofe a través de una metodología de tipo cualitativa. Los resultados indican que el derrame tuvo efectos en diferentes direcciones: actuó como facilitador de la creación de nuevas organizaciones, significó el resurgimiento de antiguas disputas, evidenció la dinámica de la trama relacional entre la comunidad, autoridades y el parque industrial e hizo visible la normalización con que son interpretados este tipo de crisis.

  15. Derrame pericárdico grave en un paciente con hipotiroidismo Severe pericardial effusion in a patient with hypothyroidism

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    María Norbelis Viamonte Tapia


    Full Text Available Se expone el caso clínico de un paciente de 40 años de edad, con aparente buena salud, atendido en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany" de Santiago de Cuba por presentar, desde hacía varios meses, dolor abdominal en epigastrio, no irradiado, asociado a molestia en la región anterior del tórax, dificultad para respirar, hinchazón en las piernas, decaimiento, somnolencia y dolores articulares, así como andar lento y disminución de la memoria, entre otros síntomas. Los resultados de los exámenes complementarios confirmaron que se trataba de un derrame pericárdico de causa hipotiroidea. Se indicó tratamiento sustitutivo con hormonas tiroideas (levotiroxina sódica. Evolucionó favorablemente y egresó de la institución hospitalaria, pero fue reevaluado a los 3 meses, observándose una mejoría significativa.The case of an apparently healthy 40 year-old patient is reported, who was attended in "Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany" Clinical Surgical Hospital of Santiago de Cuba to present with epigastric abdominal pain for several months, no irradiated and associated with discomfort in anterior chest, breathing difficulty, swelling of the legs, weakness, drowsiness and joint pains, as well as slow gait, impaired memory, and other symptoms. The results of additional tests confirmed a pericardial effusion of hypothyroid cause. A replacement therapy was administered with thyroid hormones (sodium levothyroxine. He made good progress and was discharged from the hospital, but he was reevaluated at 3 months and a significant improvement was observed.

  16. Clinic and echocardiographic characteristics of pericardial effusions in a university hospital, Medellín, Colombia Características clínicas y ecocardiográficas de los derrames pericárdicos en pacientes del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl

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    Carlos José Jaramillo G.


    Full Text Available Purpose: To determine the clinical and echocardiographic characteristics of pericardial effusions. Methods: Retrospective information was obtained from medical records of all patients who were diagnosed with echocardiographic pericardial effusions. Results: We studied 62 medical records of patients with echocardiographic pericardial effusions. We obtained medical records of 28 (45.2% patients with mild effusion, 19 (30.6% with moderate effusion and 15 (24.2% with severe effusion. Fourteen patients (22.6% showed inflammatory signs of pericarditis. Inflammatory signs had an Odds Ratio of 5.1. (CI 95% 1.28 to 23 wich was significant (p = 0.006. Uremia was the most common diagnosis in all patients (22.6% followed by metastatic tumors (14.5%, pyogenic pericarditis (11.3%, acute idiopathic pericarditis (11.3% and others. Conclusions: In almost all patients, etiology of pericardial effusion is the same of the underlying condition, but if the cause is unknown, the size of effusion, inflammatory signs and the presence of cardiac tamponade may help suggest etiology. Objetivos: determinar las características clínicas y ecocardiográficas de los derrames pericárdicos. Metodología: revisar retrospectivamente las historias clínicas de los pacientes con diagnóstico de derrame pericárdico hecho por ecocardiografía transtorácica entre febrero de 2000 y agosto de 2001. Resultados: se evaluaron las historias clínicas de 62 pacientes con diagnóstico de derrame pericárdico; 28 (45.2% presentaron derrames leves, 19 (30.6% derrames moderados y 15 (24.2% derrames severos; 21 (33.9% pacientes presentaron taponamiento cardíaco y el 50% de éstos tenían derrame severo. Se buscó la presencia de signos inflamatorios y se encontró que 14 (22.6% de los pacientes los presentaban. Además, estos pacientes tuvieron 5 veces más probabilidad de presentar taponamiento cardíaco (OR = 5.40. La principal causa de derrames pericárdicos fue la uremia (22.6%, seguida

  17. Complicaciones usuales post-drenaje pleural con tubos endotorácico en el trauma torácico no


    Juan C Araujo-Cuauro; Fernando Fernández-Parra; Edwinis Garcia-Fontalvo; Milagros Sánchez


    Las lesiones por trauma torácico que ameriten hospitalización, y la inserción de un tubo endotorácico El objetivo de la investigación es identificar las complicaciones post-drenaje pleural con tubos endotorácico en el trauma torácico no quirúrgico. Se trata de estudio prospectivo descriptivo y observacional de las historias clínicas de admisión de los pacientes con traumatismo torácico contuso o penetrante no quirúrgico, que ingresaron durante el período co...

  18. Relación entre los factores de circulación atmosférica regional y de la cupla océano - atmósfera con los derrames extremos de los ríos San Juan y Mendoza


    Poblete, Arnobio G.; Aguiar, Laura A.


    Dada la crisis hídrica que soporta Cuyo en la actualidad, agudizada desde 2010, resulta fundamental investigar la variabilidad temporal de los derrames anuales de los ríos de los Andes Áridos, que dependen esencialmente de la provisión de agua proveniente de un régimen nival de alta montaña, con el fin de identificar sus tendencias decrecientes y caracterizar sus periodos extremos; por ser los más perjudiciales para las actividades socioeconómicas. Los autores estudiaron la estructu...

  19. Glomerulonefritis aguda post-infecciosa asociada a neumonía neumocócica Acute post infectious glomerulonephritis associated to pneumococcal pneumonia


    S. Fernández de Miguel; E. de Goicoechea Manzanares; M. Gaboli; J.M. Sánchez Granados; V. Murga Herrera


    Presentamos un niño de 6 años con insuficiencia renal aguda secundaria a glomerulonefritis asociada a neumonía neumocócica. El paciente presentó en primer lugar un síndrome nefrítico con hematuria, proteinuria, oliguria, edemas y deterioro de la función renal, siendo diagnosticado a continuación de neumonía con derrame pleural. La función renal se normalizó tras 72 horas, persistiendo una hipertensión arterial que precisó tratamiento en la fase aguda. El cuadro se resolvió sin secue...

  20. Enteropatía perdedora de proteínas en pacientes con corazón univentricular

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    Alfredo Naranjo Ugalde

    Full Text Available Introducción: la enteropatía perdedora de proteínas puede aparecer en la evolución de los pacientes con corazón univentricular que sobreviven a la derivación cavopulmonar total. Una vez que se diagnostica, la mortalidad es alta. Objetivo: identificar los posibles factores de riesgo de esta complicación. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo de la evolución en 74 pacientes con derivación cavopulmonar total, intervenidos en el Cardiocentro Pediátrico "William Soler", desde enero de 1992 hasta enero de 2011. Resultados: el tiempo promedio de evolución fue de 8 años. Sufrió enteropatía perdedora de proteínas 8,1 % de los pacientes. Se presentó con mayor frecuencia en los operados con la técnica intratrial, en los operados con más de 6 años de edad, y en quienes sufrieron derrames pleurales persistentes en el posoperatorio inmediato. Se encontró relación significativa entre la enteropatía y la disfunción ventricular posoperatoria, con RR= 11,45 (IC: 95 %: 2,37 a 55,16. El análisis multivariado identificó a la disfunción ventricular como factor de riesgo. Conclusión: la detección de disfunción ventricular en la evolución del paciente con derivación cavopulmonar debe orientar el tratamiento, en aras de evitar la aparición de enteropatía perdedora de proteínas.

  1. IL-6 anti-inflammatory activity in pleural effusion post-coronary artery bypass graft surgery

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    António M S Chibante


    ós-cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (PCRM não está devidamente esclarecido em relação à resposta inflamatória local e requer maior interesse por ser uma observação constante e ainda pouco estudada. Objectivo: Avaliar o comportamento de algumas citocinas, em especial o possível papel anti-inflamatório da IL-6 (proteína envolvida na síntese da cortisona, no líquido pleural PCRM, uma vez que a sua actividade pró-inflamatória é constantemente referida, assim como o seu papel de citocina de fase de resposta aguda ao lado do TNF-α e da IL-1β nos processos inflamatórios agudos. Casuística e método: foram estudadas e analisadas pelo método ELISA as citocinas TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, VEGF e TGF-β em 16 transudatos e 43 exsudatos de líquido pleural em três tempos da fase aguda (2, 24 e 48 horas PCRM no Instituto do Coração e Serviço de Pneumologia da USP – Brasil. Resultados: Tanto o TNF-α como IL-2 não sofreram qualquer tipo de elevação dos seus níveis enquanto os da IL-1β só se elevaram a partir das 24 horas, o que coincidiu com a queda da curva da citocina anti-inflamatória TGF-β, que desde o início foi caindo flagrantemente até aos valores dos transudatos. A IL-8 permaneceu elevada nas três fases e o VEGF foi ascendendo os seus níveis, que permaneceram estáveis nas 24 e 48 horas seguintes. A IL-6 mostrou-se em concentrações elevadas desde o início, apresentando-se como a única citocina com potencial anti-inflamatório durante as três fases de avaliação. Conclusões: Concluímos que a citocina IL-6 parece ter papel anti-inflamatório de destaque e superior ao TGF-β nos derrames pleurais PCRM e que o seu comportamento desarticula, pelo menos neste tipo de derrame, a ideia de citocina pró-inflamatória de resposta de fase aguda. Ao que parece, este é o primeiro estudo que procura

  2. Mesotelioma maligno: descripción clínica y radiológica de 45 casos con y sin exposición a asbestos

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    García-López Ma. del Pilar


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar y caracterizar los principales síntomas, la presentación clínica y las alteraciones radiológicas de pacientes con mesotelioma maligno (MM, admitidos en una institución gubernamental especializada en enfermedades del tórax. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en el cual se revisaron los registros médicos y radiológicos de pacientes diagnosticados con MM, admitidos en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (INER, en la ciudad de México, de 1991 a 1998. Se incluyeron los siguientes datos: edad, ocupación, exposición a asbestos, latencia, historia familiar en relación con otras neoplasias, sintomatología clínica y alteraciones radiológicas. Se calcularon porcentajes por sexo y grupo de edad. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 45 casos con MM, y en 80% de ellos no se pudo documentar historia exposicional a asbestos. El grupo de edad con mayor frecuencia se encontró entre los 51-60 años. Disnea y dolor torácico fueron los principales síntomas. Las anormalidades radiológicas estuvieron constituidas por derrame y engrosamiento pleural en 75% de los pacientes. CONCLUSIONES: La presentación clínica y las anormalidades radiológicas en pacientes con MM sin historia de exposición a asbestos fueron similares a las de los pacientes con antecedentes de exposición a asbestos.

  3. Comportamento anti-inflamatório da IL-6 nos derrames pleurais pós-revascularização do miocárdio*

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    António M.S. Chibante


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: O comportamento pleural pós-cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (PCRM não está devidamente esclarecido em relação à resposta infla-matória local e requer maior interesse por ser uma observação constante e ainda pouco estudada.Objectivo: Avaliar o comportamento de algumas citocinas, em especial o possível papel anti-inflamatório da IL-6 (proteína envolvida na síntese da cortisona, no líquido pleural PCRM, uma vez que a sua actividade pró-inflamatória é constantemente referida, assim como o seu papel de citocina de fase de resposta aguda ao lado do TNF-α e da IL-1β nos processos inflamatórios agudos.Casuística e método: foram estudadas e analisadas pelo método ELISA as citocinas TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, VEGF e TGF-β em 16 transudatos e 43 exsudatos de líquido pleural em três tempos da fase aguda (2, 24 e 48 horas PCRM no Instituto do Coração e Serviço de Pneumologia da USP – Brasil.Resultados: Tanto o TNF-α como IL-2 não sofre-ram qualquer tipo de elevação dos seus níveis enquanto os da IL-1β só se elevaram a partir das 24 horas, o que coincidiu com a queda da curva da citocina anti-infla-matória TGF-β, que desde o início foi caindo flagran-temente até aos valores dos transudatos. A IL-8 perma-neceu elevada nas três fases e o VEGF foi ascendendo os seus níveis, que permaneceram estáveis nas 24 e 48 horas seguintes. A IL-6 mostrou-se em concentrações elevadas desde o início, apresentando-se como a úni-ca citocina com potencial anti-inflamatório durante as três fases de avaliação.Conclusões: Concluímos que a citocina IL-6 parece ter papel anti-inflamatório de destaque e superior ao TGF-β nos derrames pleurais PCRM e que o seu comportamento desarticula, pelo menos neste tipo de derrame, a ideia de citocina pr

  4. Inversión extranjera directa, movilidad laboral y derrames de conocimiento en Costa Rica Foreign direct investment, labor mobility and knowledge spillovers in Costa Rica

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    Ricardo Monge González


    Full Text Available Este trabajo busca determinar la existencia e importancia de los derrames de conocimiento asociados con la movilidad laboral desde las multinacionales (MNCS que operan bajo el régimen de zonas francas (ZF en Costa Rica; es decir, el impacto de tales derrames de conocimiento sobre el desempeño de las empresas locales que contratan ex empleados de MNCS. Se observó que, de un total de 41 149 empleados de MNCS que dejaron de laborar para estas empresas entre el 2001 y el 2007, un tercio se trasladó a empresas locales (15 139. El impacto de los derrames de conocimiento sobre el desempeño de empresas locales se midió en términos de tres variables: ventas, empleo y productividad media del trabajo; para esto se empleó un panel de empresas locales para el periodo que va del 2007 al 2009. Mediante el empleo de modelos econométricos sugeridos por la literatura en este campo, se encontró evidencia de que las empresas locales que han contratado ex empleados de MNCS obtienen un mejor desempeño en términos de crecimiento de sus ventas y empleo, que aquellas empresas locales que no contratan ex empleados de MNCS. Es decir, se obtuvo una clara evidencia de la externalidad positiva asociada con los derrames de conocimiento para Costa Rica, producto de la movilidad laboral desde las MNCS. No se encontró esta evidencia cuando el desempeño de las empresas locales se mide en términos de la productividad media del trabajador. Finalmente, los resultados señalan la importancia de llevar a cabo nuevas investigaciones sobre la capacidad de absorción de las empresas locales para potenciar más los impactos positivos de los derrames de conocimiento, así como respecto al impacto de tales derrames sobre la productividad total de los factores.This paper aims to determine the existence of knowledge spillovers associated to labor mobility from multinational companies (MNCS operating in Costa Rica. That is, the impact of such knowledge spillovers over the

  5. Ultrasound-guided intrapleural positioning of pleural catheters: influence on immediate lung expansion and pleurodesis in patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusion. (United States)

    Araujo, Pedro Henrique Xavier Nabuco de; Terra, Ricardo Mingarini; Santos, Thiago da Silva; Chate, Rodrigo Caruso; Paiva, Antonio Fernando Lins de; Pêgo-Fernandes, Paulo Manuel


    To evaluate the role of intrapleural positioning of a pleural catheter in early lung expansion and pleurodesis success in patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusion (RMPE). This was a retrospective study nested into a larger prospective cohort study including patients with RMPE recruited from a tertiary university teaching hospital between June of 2009 and September of 2014. The patients underwent pleural catheter insertion followed by bedside pleurodesis. Chest CT scans were performed twice: immediately before pleurodesis (iCT) and 30 days after pleurodesis (CT30). Catheter positioning was categorized based on iCT scans as posterolateral, anterior, fissural, and subpulmonary. We used the pleural volume on iCT scans to estimate early lung expansion and the difference between the pleural volumes on CT30 and iCT scans to evaluate radiological success of pleurodesis. Clinical pleurodesis success was defined as no need for any other pleural procedure. Of the 131 eligible patients from the original study, 85 were included in this nested study (64 women; mean age: 60.74 years). Catheter tip positioning was subpulmonary in 35 patients (41%), anterior in 23 (27%), posterolateral in 17 (20%), and fissural in 10 (12%). No significant differences were found among the groups regarding early lung expansion (median residual pleural cavity = 377 mL; interquartile range: 171-722 mL; p = 0.645), radiological success of pleurodesis (median volume = 33 mL; interquartile range: -225 to 257 mL; p = 0.923), and clinical success of pleurodesis (85.8%; p = 0.676). Our results suggest that the position of the tip of the pleural catheter influences neither early lung expansion nor bedside pleurodesis success in patients with RMPE. Avaliar o papel do posicionamento intrapleural do cateter pleural na expansão pulmonar precoce e no sucesso da pleurodese em pacientes com derrame pleural maligno recorrente (DPMR). Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo aninhado em um estudo prospectivo de

  6. [Matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion]. (United States)

    Moche, M; Hui, D S C; Huse, K; Chan, K S; Choy, D K L; Scholz, G H; Gosse, H; Winkler, J; Schauer, J; Sack, U; Hoheisel, G


    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) play a crucial role in physiological and pathological matrix turnover. This study aimed to determine the occurrence of MMP and TIMP in lung cancer patients with malignant pleural effusions (CA). MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-8, MMP-9, TIMP-1, and IMP-2 oncentrations were determined by ELISA and zymography in pleural effusions and plasma of 31 CA and 14 congestive heart failure (CHF) patients and in plasma of 18 healthy controls (CON). MMP-2, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 ELISA-concentrations were increased in CA pleural fluid vs. CA plasma (p < 0.005, p < 0.005, p < 0.05), in contrast to MMP-9 being higher in plasma (p < 0.005). Pleural fluid MMP-1 and MMP-8 were increased in CA vs. CHF (p < 0.05, p < 0.005). MMP and TIMP plasma concentrations were not different in CA vs. CHF, but MMP-9, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 were increased vs. CON (p < 0.005, each). Gelatine zymography MMP-9/MMP-2 ratios were increased in CA plasma vs. effusion fluid (p < 0.005), in CA vs. CHF plasma, CA vs. CHF effusions (p < 0.005 each), and in CA vs. CON plasma (p < 0.05). MMP-2, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 accumulate in the pleural compartment in CA and CHF, probably reflecting an unspecific pleural reaction. MMP-1 and MMP-8 are increased in cellular rich CA pleural effusions only. The determination of MMP-9/MMP-2 ratios in pleural fluid may contribute to differentiate CHF from CA effusions.

  7. Quilotórax persistente en paciente con linfangioleiomiomatosis Persistent chylothorax in patient with lymphangioleiomyomatosis


    R. Palmeiro; V. Arosa; C. Cuerda; I. Bretón; M. Camblor; M.ª C. Rodríguez; P. García Peris


    La linfangioleiomiomatosis (LAM) es una enfermedad poco frecuente que afecta a mujeres en edad fértil y presenta una evolución sistémica progresiva, siendo el pulmón y los ganglios mediastínicos los órganos más afectados. La afectación pulmonar se caracteriza por disnea, derrame pleural, hemoptisis y neumotórax espontáneo, siendo el quilotórax una complicación frecuente en el curso evolutivo de esta enfermedad, produciéndose hasta en el 30% de casos. El tratamiento del quilotórax no está esta...

  8. Mesotelioma pericárdico primario manifestado como derrame pericárdico severo

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    Viviana Quintero


    Conclusiones: El derrame pericárdico severo y recurrente puede ser la primera manifestación de un mesotelioma primario pericárdico y deberá considerarse como diagnóstico diferencial en esta presentación clínica.

  9. Manejo escalonado en la supuración pleural

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    Bruk Bekele Jembere


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de 36 enfermos con empiema pleural, atendidos por el grupo de Cirugía Torácica del Hospital Universitario "Comandante Manuel Fajardo" entre enero de 1995 y diciembre del 2000. Los enfermos se clasificaron en 3 estadios evolutivos: exudativo, fibrinopurulento y organizado, los que sirvieron de guías para establecer el proceder quirúrgico que se debía realizar. La principal causa fue la neumopatía inflamatoria seguida por las posquirúrgicas. Los gérmenes hallados con mayor frecuencia en los cultivos fueron: el estafilococo, las bacterias gran negativas y el estreptococo. Las intervenciones más realizadas fueron: la pleurotomía mínima con lavado pleural y sin él y la decorticación pleural en sus diferentes variantes. A 3 pacientes se les realizó algún tipo de resección pulmonar. En la fase fibrinopurulenta el 50 % requirió decorticación precoz con el 100 % de curación. En la fase organizada el tratamiento de elección fue la decorticación clásica (62,5 % o la tardía (18,8 %; los 2 fallecidos fueron de esta fase. Las complicaciones fueron escasas, infecciosas en su gran mayoría; el índice de mortalidad quirúrgica fue 5,6 %A study of 36 patients with pleural empyema that were attended by the Group of Thoracic Surgery from Comandante Manuel Fajardo Teaching Hospital from January, 1995, to December, 2000, was conducted. Patients were classified into 3 evolutive stages:exudative, fibrinopurulent and organized, which were used as guides to determine the surgical procedure to be performed. The main cause was inflammatory pneumopathy followed by the postsurgical ones. The germs most commonly found in cultures were: staphylococcus, Gram-negative bacteria and streptococcus. The most used operations were: minimum pleurotomy with and without pleural lavage and pleural decortication in its different variants. 3 patients underwent some type of lung resection. In the fibrinopurulent stage, 50 % required early

  10. Diagnostic imaging of small amounts of pleural fluid: pleural effusion vs. physiologic pleural fluid. (United States)

    Kocijancic, Igor


    The aim of this article is to present an overview of our 10 years clinical research work and early clinical experience with small pleural effusions. Small amounts of pleural fluid are severely difficult to identify with imaging methods (chest x-rays and ultrasound). Nevertheless, it may be an important finding, sometimes leading to a definitive diagnosis of pleural carcinomatosis, infection or other pathologic condition. Chest x-rays were used for many years for the diagnosis of small pleural effusions. Lateral decubitus chest radiographs represented a gold standard for imaging of small amounts of plural fluid for more than 80 years. In the last two decades, ultrasonography of pleural space became a leading real-time method for demonstrating small pleural effusions. Furthermore, the advent of sonographic technology actually enables detection of physiologic pleural fluid in some otherwise healthy individuals. In conclusion, new definitions of the key terms in the field of diagnostic imaging of small amounts of pleural fluid seem to be justified. We suggest that the term pleural fluid should determine physiologic pleural space condition while the term pleural effusion should only be used in the cases of pleural involvement or pleural illness.

  11. Biorremediacion de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos


    Ortiz, E.; Núñez, R.; Fonseca, E.; Oramas, J.; Almazán, V.; Cabranes, Y.; Miranda, A.; Barbán, O.; Martínez, C.; Díaz, Y.; Borges, G.


    En la actualidad los suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos representan el 70% del total de los eco-sistemas impactados. A partir del aislamiento, selección y conservación de bacterias marinas degra-dadoras de hidrocarburos y productoras de sustancias tensioactivas se formuló un producto denomi-nado BIOIL-FC. Este producto ha sido aplicado satisfactoriamente en derrames de hidrocarburos en el mar. En el presente trabajo fue evaluada la factibilidad del uso de los procesos de biorremediación “e...

  12. Hepático-yeyunostomía estenosada con absceso hepático y fístula bilo pleural Stenosed hepatic jejunostomy with hepatic abscess and biliary pleural fistula

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    José Luis González González


    Full Text Available La iatrogenia biliar cobra una importancia particular en nuestros tiempos, pues después de la "era laparoscópica" su incidencia no solo se mantiene en altos índices, sino que la envergadura de las lesiones tiende a ser mayor. Se presentan pacientes con complicaciones más complejas que demandan de esfuerzos extraordinarios y de un enfoque multidisciplinario. Se presenta un paciente con una lesión iatrogénica de la vía biliar, complicado con una cirrosis biliar, un absceso hepático con fístula biliopleural y se explica su manejo, con buenos resultados. Con este trabajo se pretende comunicar un caso singularmente complejo que fue enviado a nosotros después de múltiples intentos de reparación y estenosis de una lesión iatrogénica de la vía biliar.Biliary iatrogeny gains particular importance in our times, since its incidence after "laparoscopic era" is not only high but the significance of the lesions tends to be greater. More patients with more complex complications demanding extraordinary efforts and multidisciplinary approach appear. Here is a patient suffering iatrogenic lesion of the bile duct, complicated with biliary cirrhosis, a hepatic abscess with biliary pleural fistula was presented, along with the management of the patient with good results. This paper was intended to show a particularly complex case that was referred to our service after a lot of repair attempts and the stenosis of iatrogenic lesion of the bile duct.

  13. Disseminated Pleural Siliconoma Mimicking Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. (United States)

    Tanaka, Toshiki; Tao, Hiroyuki; Hayashi, Tatsuro; Yoshiyama, Koichi; Furukawa, Masashi; Yoshida, Kumiko; Okabe, Kazunori


    A 48-year-old woman with a 3-month history of back pain was admitted for further examination of multiple left pleural nodules. She had undergone bilateral breast augmentation with silicone implants 10 years previously. Nine years after the operation, both ruptured implants were removed, and autologous fat was injected. Computed tomography revealed multiple pleural nodules suggestive of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Thoracoscopic exploration revealed multiple pleural nodules with massive pleural adhesions. The nodules were filled with viscous liquid and were histologically determined to be siliconomas. Disseminated pleural siliconoma should be recognized as a late adverse event of silicone breast implantation. Copyright © 2015 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Pleural irregularities and mediastinal pleural involvement in early stages of malignant pleural mesothelioma and benign asbestos pleural effusion. (United States)

    Kato, Katsuya; Gemba, Kenichi; Fujimoto, Nobukazu; Aoe, Keisuke; Takeshima, Yukio; Inai, Kouki; Kishimoto, Takumi


    To elucidate differences in the level and localization of pleural irregularities in early malignant pleural mesothelioma (eMPM) and benign asbestos pleural effusion (BAPE) using CT. Retrospective assessment of CT findings of consecutive patients with BAPE at a single centre and patients with eMPM reported in Japanese vital statistics. Thirty-six patients with confirmed diagnoses of BAPE and sixty-six patients with confirmed diagnoses of eMPM (mesothelioma stages T1 or T2) were included. Informed consent, CT scans, and clinical and pathologic details were obtained for all patients and were reviewed by one radiologist, two pathologists, and two pulmonologists. Asbestosis, pleural plaque, rounded atelectasis, and diffuse pleural thickening were assessed in all patients. Prevalence of asbestosis, pleural plaque, rounded atelectasis, and diffuse pleural thickening was significantly higher in the BAPE group. Low-level irregularity was more common in the BAPE group (ppleural irregularity was not observed in any patients in the BAPE group, although 55% of patients in the eMPM group showed interlobar pleural irregularity. Mediastinal pleural involvement was observed in 74% of patients in the eMPM group and had a positive predictive value of 89%. This study demonstrates that the level and localization of plural irregularities significantly differed between patients with BAPE and eMPM. Large-scale prospective studies are needed to fully establish the diagnostic utility of such differences. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Evaluation of lymphocytic exudative pleural effusion with pleural biopsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khurram, M.; Jaffery, A.H.; Khar, Hamama-tul-Bushra; Malik, M.F.; Javed, S.; Burki, U.F.; Khan, B.A.; Ali, A.


    Objective: Evaluation of lymphocytic exudative pleural effusion by histopathological examination of pleural biopsy in patients with suspected tuberculous or malignant pleural effusion. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at Pulmonology Department, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad and DHQ Teaching Hospital, Rawalpindi for two years 1999-2000. Subjects and Methods: A total of 120 patients with exudative pleural effusion underwent closed pleural biopsy with Abram's needle in standard way. Average 4 biopsy specimens were obtained in each patient which were examined histopathologically. Patients in whom a definite diagnosis was not possible were further investigated with repeat pleural biopsy, sputum examinations, bronchoscopy etc. Results definite histopathological diagnosis with pleural biopsy was possible in 59 (49.16% patients, including 13 diagnosed on repeat pleural biopsy. Two commonest diagnoses made were tuberculosis and adenocarcinoma, 64.40% and 13.55% respectively. Conclusion: Histopathological evaluation of pleural biopsy specimens can lead to diagnosis in 49.16% patients with exudative lymphocytic pleural effusion. (author)

  16. Atypical pleural tuberculosis presenting as an isolated pleural tuberculoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, Sook Min; Rho, Ji Young; Yoo, Seung Min; Jung, Hae Kyoung (Department of Radiology, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University, Gyeonggi-do (Korea, Republic of)), Email:; Cho, Sang Ho (Department of Pathology, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University, Gyeonggi-do (Korea, Republic of))


    Pleural tuberculosis is the most common extrapulmonary manifestation of tuberculosis, and is generally characterized by an effusion. The effusion is usually unilateral and residual pleural thickening or calcification is also observed in some cases. Manifestations of multiple pleural tuberculomas without associated effusion and history of tuberculosis or antituberculous therapy are rare and an isolated pleural tuberculoma is exceedingly rare. Herein, we report the first documented case of an isolated pleural tuberculoma, diagnosed by chest CT and pathological findings. Although rare, an isolated pleural tuberculoma should be added to the differential diagnosis of focal nodular pleural tumors, particularly in areas of high tuberculosis prevalence

  17. Neumotórax bilateral como complicación de metástasis pulmonar cavitaria de un angiosarcoma

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    Lorena V. Maldonado


    Full Text Available Las metástasis pulmonares de angiosarcoma constituyen una complicación común de una neoplasia maligna poco frecuente. Habitualmente se presentan como nódulos solidos periféricos y derrame pleural. Presentamos el caso de un hombre de 65 años de edad con neumotórax bilateral recurrente, secundario a metástasis cavitadas de un angiosarcoma primitivo de cuero cabelludo. La videotoracoscopia permitió la inspección, la resección de las metástasis y la pleurodesis. No ocurrieron complicaciones ni recurrencia tumoral a los seis meses de seguimiento.

  18. Remediación del derrame de hidrocarburos en el caso Barreal-Belén, Costa Rica

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    Luis Carlos Vargas Fallas


    Full Text Available Se presenta el estado de avance en la atención del caso de derrame dehidrocarburos ocurrido en Barreal-Belén, Costa Rica, consistente en la fuga de cerca de 30.000 litros compuestos por gasolina y diesel, que están contenidos en un acuífero colgado ubicado a una profundidad de 20 a 22 metros. A este acuífero le subyace una capa de toba calcinada que ha funcionado como un sello e impedido el flujo hacia los acuíferos colima que le subyacen y que son utilizados para el abastecimiento de poblaciones.Se presenta la estrategia de trabajo para lograr la remediación establecida por la Comisión Interinstitucional en el 2005. A dos meses de iniciados los procesos extractivos, se presenta las medidas adoptadas para separar los hidrocarburos de las aguas y se establece un pronóstico en años de operación, de acuerdo con dos posibles escenarios de limpieza.

  19. Síndrome da unha amarela Yellow nail syndrome

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    Renato Maciel


    Full Text Available A síndrome da unha amarela é uma entidade clínica rara caracterizada por três achados principais: alterações distróficas e de coloração das unhas, linfedema e derrame pleural. Bronquiectasias e rinossinusite crônica têm sido freqüentemente associadas. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente com os achados completos da síndrome, com derrame pleural bilateral e que estava em tratamento de tuberculose pulmonar havia nove meses. Na sua história familiar havia a descrição de dois casos semelhantes, em irmã e irmão.Yellow nail syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by three main features: discoloration of the nails, together with dystrophic alterations; lymphedema; and pleural effusion. It is often accompanied by bronchiectasis and chronic rhinosinusitis. Herein, we report a case of the complete syndrome with bilateral pleural effusion in a patient under treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis for nine months. There was a family history of two similar cases in siblings.

  20. Ultrasound guided pleural biopsy in undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion patients


    Adel S. Ahmed; Mostafa I. Ragab; Alaa eldin M. Elgazaar; Nagwan A. Ismail


    Introduction: Pleural biopsy for pathological confirmation is the standard diagnostic procedure for pleural diseases, transthoracic ultrasonography (TUS) has evolved as an important imaging tool for diagnosing pleural and pulmonary conditions. Aim of the study: To assess the diagnostic yield of TUS guided pleural biopsy versus both CT guided and thoracoscopic pleural biopsy in the diagnosis of undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion. Patients and methods: The study was conducted at chest...

  1. Bloqueio pleural bilateral: analgesia e funções pulmonares em pós-operatório de laparotomias medianas Bloqueo pleural bilateral: analgesia y funciones pulmonares en pós-operatorio de laparotomias medianas Bilateral pleural block: analgesia and pulmonary functions in postoperative of median laparotomies

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    Karl Otto Geier


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Não obstante o bloqueio pleural ter sido convertido quase numa panacéia analgésica, resultados contraditórios foram publicados. O objetivo deste estudo foi observar o desempenho analgésico e espirométrico das funções pulmonares no pós-operatório imediato de 21 pacientes com o bloqueio pleural bilateral em laparotomias medianas de urgência. MÉTODO: Bloqueio pleural bilateral foi realizado em decúbito dorsal horizontal em 21 pacientes com 20 ml de bupivacaína a 0,375% com adrenalina a 1:400.000 administrados por cateter em cada hemitórax durante o pós-operatório imediato. Soluções aleatórias de bupivacaína e de solução fisiológica foram administradas por residentes ou enfermeiras que desconheciam o conteúdo das seringas, e seus desfechos analgésicos avaliados de acordo com a escala de dor Prince Henry ao comparar os valores pré e pós-bloqueio pleural bilateral. Em função da dor pós-operatória, testes espirométricos das funções pulmonares também foram determinados mediante espirômetro portátil. RESULTADOS: Analgesia pós-operatória, com duração média de 247,75 ± 75 minutos foi constatada em todos os pacientes com a bupivacaína, embora tenha persistido dor residual de menor intensidade na região suprapúbica em cinco pacientes (8% e em dois pacientes na apófise xifóide (3,2%. Nenhum efeito analgésico foi obtido com solução fisiológica. Face à dor pós-operatória, as funções pulmonares, avaliadas antes e após os bloqueios, registraram melhora com a bupivacaína na CVF (p JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: No obstante el bloqueo pleural haber sido convertido casi en una panacea analgésica, fueron publicados resultados contradictorios. El objetivo de este estudio fue observar el desempeño analgésico y espirométrico de las funciones pulmonares en el pós-operatorio inmediato de 21 pacientes con el bloqueo pleural bilateral en laparotomias medianas de urgencia. M

  2. Pleural biopsy for indeterminate cases of pleural effusion | Ukadike ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study of all consecutive cases of pleural biopsies done for indeterminate cause of pleural effusion in the University of Benin Teaching Hospital from December 2008 to May 2010, a total of 18months. Blind pleural biopsy was carried out using the Abram's Pleural Biopsy Needle.

  3. Empiema pleural: Resultados del tratamiento en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Comandante Manuel Fajardo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Valdés Jiménez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de 15 pacientes con empiema pleural, ingresados en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Comandante Manuel Fajardo", en el período de enero de 1995 a diciembre de 1997. La forma aguda se presentó en 5 enfermos, mientras que la crónica se presentó en 10. La neumopatía inflamatoria fue la causa más frecuente. La mayoría fue tratada con combinaciones de antibióticos betalactámicos y aminoglucósidos, complementada con terapéutica quirúrgica. En la forma aguda resultó útil el lavado pleural, mientras que en la crónica el proceder más utilizado fue la decorticación, seguido de la ventana torácica y la resección pulmonar. Sólo falleció un enfermo con un cáncer de pulmón avanzadoA prospective study of 15 patients with pleural empyema admitted at the "Comandante Manuel Fajardo" Clinical and Surgical Teaching Hospital from January, 1995, to December, 1997, was conducted. The acute form was observed in 3 patients and the chronic form in 10. The inflammatory neumopathy was the most frequent cause. Most of the patients were treated with combinations of lactam and amynoglycoside antibiotics, complemented with surgical therapeutics. In the acute form pleural lavage proved to be useful, whereas in the chronic form the most used procedure was decortication, followed by thoracic window and pulmonary resection. Only one patient died with advanced lung cancer

  4. Pleural effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jimenez Q, Andres; Camacho D, Fidel


    The pleural effusion is defined as the abnormal accumulation of liquid in the pleural space that produces to itself for increase in the production or decrease of the drainage, common reasons in clinics disorders. Inside the reasons of the increase of the production we can enunciate an increase of the capillary pleural permeability, decrease of the oncotic pressure capillary and increase of the hydrostatic capillary pressure, there are less clear the reasons of the decrease of the drainage but are outlined the alteration of the lymphatic pleural contractibility , infiltration of vessels and lymphatic nodules for neoplasia diseases and alterations to pleural level that they should prevent that the this liquid touch the lymphatic pores. The objective of this review is the analysis of the physiological bases of the pleura and the production of the pleural liquid, the physiological aspects of the pleural effusion, the approach of the diagnose and the medical and surgical managing of the same one for the different reasons that produce it.

  5. Pleural effusion: Role of pleural fluid cytology, adenosine deaminase level, and pleural biopsy in diagnosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Biswajit Biswas


    Full Text Available Objective: The present study is designed to evaluate the role of pleural fluid analysis in diagnosing pleural diseases and to study the advantages and disadvantages of thoracocentasis and pleural biopsy. Materials and Methods: We prospectively included 66 consecutive indoor patients over a duration of 1 year. Pleural fluid was collected and cytological smears were made from the fluid. Plural biopsy was done in the same patient by Cope needle. Adequate pleural biopsy tissue yielding specific diagnosis was obtained in 47 (71.2% cases. Results: Tuberculosis was the commonest nonneoplastic lesion followed by chronic nonspecific pleuritis comprising 60% and 33.3% of the nonneoplastic cases respectively and tuberculosis was predominantly diagnosed in the younger age group. Majority (70.8% of malignancy cases were in the age group of >50-70. Adenocarcinoma was found to be the commonest (66.7% malignant neoplasm in the pleurae followed by small-cell carcinoma (20.8%. Conclusion: Pleural biopsy is a useful and minimally invasive procedure. It is more sensitive and specific than pleural fluid smears.

  6. [Non-tuberculous pleural infections versus tuberculous pleural infections]. (United States)

    Horo, K; N'Gom, A; Ahui, B; Brou-Gode, C; Anon, J-C; Diaw, A; Bemba, P; Foutoupouo, K; Djè Bi, H; Ouattara, P; Kouassi, B; Koffi, N; Aka-Danguy, E


    In countries where tuberculosis is endemic, the main differential diagnosis for pleural infection by common bacteria is pleural tuberculosis. The purpose of our study was to determine the differences between pleural infection by common bacteria and that caused by pleural tuberculosis. Our study was a retrospective analysis and compared the characteristics of confirmed pleural infection by common bacteria (PIB) and that due to pleural tuberculosis (PT). For the PIB, the signs evolved for 2.4 ± 1.4 weeks versus 5.6 ± 2.2 weeks for the PT (P=0.01). In multivariate analysis, for PIB the onset of symptoms was more abrupt (OR=3.8 [1.5; 9.9]; P=0.01), asthenia was less frequent (OR=0.3 [0.1; 0.9]; P=0.03), pleural liquid was more purulent (OR=40.0 [15.0; 106.7]; Ppleural effusions caused by tuberculosis (TB) and those due to other bacterial infections. However, they are not sufficiently sensitive and therefore the search for the tuberculous bacillus must be systematic while waiting for implementation of new diagnostic tests for the organism. Copyright © 2012 SPLF. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  7. Enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ariel Labrada Salas


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso con enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional de diagnóstico tardío, que debutó con manifestaciones respiratorias, producidas por metástasis pulmonares. Los datos se obtuvieron de la historia clínica de la paciente y, además, se revisó la literatura. Se trata de una paciente de 23 años de edad, con antecedentes de dos abortos espontáneos recientes, que ingresó por manifestaciones clínicas y radiológicas sugestivas de neumonía de la comunidad, con derrame pleural paraneumónico, siendo tratada con antibióticos de amplio espectro sin respuesta adecuada. Después del ingreso apareció dolor en hipogastrio y se le realizó un ultrasonograma ginecológico, que mostró quistes de ovario bilaterales, y una laparoscopía que informó quiste de ovario con compromiso vascular, por lo que se le practicó histerectomía total. Se determinaron niveles elevados de gonadotropina coriónica humana en sangre. En la tomografía axial computarizada de pulmón se observaron imágenes nodulares en ambos campos pulmonares, de aspecto metastásico. El estudio citológico del líquido pleural fue positivo de células neoplásicas. Se planteó el diagnostico de enfermedad trofoblástica con metástasis pulmonares y se inició quimioterapia con metotrexato, con respuesta favorable

  8. Mesotelioma maligno: descripción clínica y radiológica de 45 casos con y sin exposición a asbestos Malignant mesothelioma: clinical and radiological picture of 45 cases with or without exposure to asbestos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ma. del Pilar García-López


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar y caracterizar los principales síntomas, la presentación clínica y las alteraciones radiológicas de pacientes con mesotelioma maligno (MM, admitidos en una institución gubernamental especializada en enfermedades del tórax. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en el cual se revisaron los registros médicos y radiológicos de pacientes diagnosticados con MM, admitidos en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (INER, en la ciudad de México, de 1991 a 1998. Se incluyeron los siguientes datos: edad, ocupación, exposición a asbestos, latencia, historia familiar en relación con otras neoplasias, sintomatología clínica y alteraciones radiológicas. Se calcularon porcentajes por sexo y grupo de edad. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 45 casos con MM, y en 80% de ellos no se pudo documentar historia exposicional a asbestos. El grupo de edad con mayor frecuencia se encontró entre los 51-60 años. Disnea y dolor torácico fueron los principales síntomas. Las anormalidades radiológicas estuvieron constituidas por derrame y engrosamiento pleural en 75% de los pacientes. CONCLUSIONES: La presentación clínica y las anormalidades radiológicas en pacientes con MM sin historia de exposición a asbestos fueron similares a las de los pacientes con antecedentes de exposición a asbestos.OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to identify and describe the main symptoms, clinical presentation, and radiographic changes in malignant mesothelioma (MM patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We reviewed the medical and X-ray records of all patients diagnosed with MM, admitted between 1991 and 1998 to the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER, which is a governmental institution specialized in chest disease in Mexico City. The following data were collected: Age, occupation, asbestos exposure, latency, family history of cancer, clinical symptoms, and X-ray changes. Data are presented as percentages by sex and age group

  9. Calcified pleural scars and pleural empyema with mural calcification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmitt, W.G.H.; Huebener, K.H.


    The differential diagnosis between calcified pleural scars and pleural empyemas with mural calcification was studied by computer tomography, bearing in mind the patient's history. In view of the high complication rate of pleural empyemas, such as internal or external fistulae, it is desirable to elucidate every form of pleural shadowing which is more than 20 mm thick. Criteria are offered, which permit the differentiation of the pleural changes by means of conventional radiological examinations. Valuable additional information can be obtained by computer tomography. Forty-nine patients with calcification in the pleura were found among 1.900 chest x-rays which had been examined. Out of these, seven had a pleural empyema. In one case an echinococcus cyst with mural calcification was punctured under X-ray control.

  10. Calcified pleural scars and pleural empyema with mural calcification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmitt, W.G.H.; Huebener, K.H.


    The differential diagnosis between calcified pleural scars and pleural empyemas with mural calcification was studied by computer tomography, bearing in mind the patient's history. In view of the high complication rate of pleural empyemas, such as internal or external fistulae, it is desirable to elucidate every form of pleural shadowing which is more than 20 mm thick. Criteria are offered, which permit the differentiation of the pleural changes by means of conventional radiological examinations. Valuable additional information can be obtained by computer tomography. Forty-nine patients with calcification in the pleura were found among 1.900 chest x-rays which had been examined. Out of these, seven had a pleural empyema. In one case an echinococcus cyst with mural calcification was punctured under X-ray control. (orig.) [de

  11. Pleural pressure swing and lung expansion after malignant pleural effusion drainage: the benefits of high-temporal resolution pleural manometry. (United States)

    Boshuizen, Rogier C; Sinaasappel, Michiel; Vincent, Andrew D; Goldfinger, Vicky; Farag, Sheima; van den Heuvel, Michel M


    Malignant pleural effusion is a common complication in end-stage cancer patients and can cause severe dyspnea. Therapeutic thoracentesis is often limited to 1 to 1.5 L. Pleural manometry can be used to recognize a not-expanded lung. Interval pleural pressure measurements with a high temporal resolution were performed after each removal of 200 mL of fluid to observe pleural pressure swings. Pleural elastance was defined as the difference in pleural pressure divided by the change in volume. Chest x-rays were performed to evaluate lung expansion, reexpansion pulmonary edema, and fluid residue. Thirty-four procedures in 30 patients were eligible for analysis. Four patients had incomplete lung expansion after drainage. No reexpansion pulmonary edema was observed. Pleural pressure swing after 200 mL drainage was higher when the lung did not expand. Pleural elastance after removal of 500 mL was higher in the not-expanded subgroup. We demonstrated that a high pleural pressure swing after removal of only 200 mL was related to incomplete lung expansion. We confirmed the association between pleural elastance and lung expansion.

  12. Diagnostic yield and safety of closed needle pleural biopsy in exudative pleural effusion. (United States)

    Rajawat, Govind Singh; Batra, Supreet; Takhar, Rajendra Prasad; Rathi, Lalit; Bhandari, Chand; Gupta, Manohar Lal


    Closed pleural biopsy was previously considered a procedure of choice in cases of undiagnosed pleural effusion with good efficacy. Currently, the closed pleural biopsy has been replaced by thoracoscopic biopsy but not easily available in resource-limited setups. The objective of this study was to analyze the diagnostic yield and safety of closed needle pleural biopsy in exudative pleural effusion and assessment of patients' characteristics with the yield of pleural biopsy. This was a cross-sectional study. This study was conducted at Institute of Respiratory Diseases, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, a tertiary care center of West India. A total of 250 cases of pleural effusion were evaluated with complete pleural fluid biochemical, microbiological, and cytological examination. Out of these 250 patients, 59 were excluded from the study as the diagnosis could be established on initial pleural fluid examination. The remaining (191) patients were considered for closed pleural biopsy with Abrams pleural biopsy needle. The main outcome measure was diagnostic yield in the form of confirming diagnosis. Out of the 191 patients with exudative lymphocytic pleural effusion, 123 (64.40%) were diagnosed on the first pleural biopsy. Among the remaining 68 patients, 22 patients had repeat pleural biopsy with a diagnostic yield of 59.9%. The overall pleural biopsy could establish the diagnosis in 136 (71.20%) patients with pleural effusion. The most common diagnosis on pleural biopsy was malignancy followed by tuberculosis. Closed pleural biopsy provides diagnostic yield nearly comparative to thoracoscopy in properly selected patients of pleural effusions. In view of good yield, low cost, easy availability, and very low complication rate, it should be used routinely in all cases of undiagnosed exudative lymphocytic pleural effusion. There was no comparison with a similar group undergoing thoracoscopic pleural biopsy.

  13. Características clínicas y comorbilidades de pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico en niños y adultos

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    Carlos Daniel Coronado Alvarado


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: el lupus eritematoso sistémico es una enfermedad autoinmune crónica; se presenta mayormente en mujeres en etapa reproductiva y es menos frecuente en niños.   OBJETIVO: comparar las manifestaciones clínicas, comorbilidades y farmacoterapia en niños y adultos con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES.   MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: se seleccionaron 127 expedientes clínicos de pacientes con diagnóstico de LES; 36 menores de edad de un hospital pediátrico (grupo A y 91 adultos de un hospital general (grupo B. Recolectamos información respecto a las manifestaciones clínicas al diagnóstico en los niños y adultos, así como las comorbilidades relacionadas y mortalidad, atendiendo los criterios de la American College of Rheumatology, también del tipo de medicamentos empleados. Estadísticas utilizadas: cálculo de frecuencias, porcentajes, la prueba de ji cuadrada, prueba exacta de Fisher, razón de momios e intervalos de confianza.   RESULTADOS: en niños predominaron: eritema malar (p = < 0.01, vasculitis (p < 0.01, fotosensibilidad (p < 0.01, síndrome nefrítico (p < 0.01, alteraciones leucocitarias (p < 0.01, derrame pleural, anemia, derrame pericárdico, sepsis y hepatopatía; además, el número de medicamentos empleados fue mayor. En adultos predominaron: artralgia (p < 0.01, pancitopenia (p = 0.025, alopecia (p < 0.01, sinovitis (p = 0.044 y falla renal crónica (p = 0.04. Los fármacos usados en el grupo A fueron: hidroxicloroquina (p < 0.01, glucocorticoides (p = 0.14 y micofenolato (p = 0.28, la mortalidad en niños fue de 25% y en 91 adultos ocurrió en 5 (0.05%.   CONCLUSIONES: las manifestaciones clínicas en niños muestran mayor lesión cutánea inicial y vasculitis, daño renal, cardiovascular, pulmonar e infecciones; en los adultos predominan afecciones articulares y falla renal crónica. Los niños reciben mayor número de fármacos y su mortalidad es mayor.

  14. Malignant pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wentz, K.U.; Irngartinger, G.; Georgi, P.; Kaick, G. van; Kleckow, M.; Vollhaber, H.H.; Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg; Krankenhaus Rohrbach


    In 34 patients with suspected malignant pleural mesothelioma the results of computed tomography are compared with the findings of 67 Ga-scintigraphy. The differential diagnosis of 14 pleural mesotheliomas, 7 pleural carcinoses, 10 inflammatory and 3 other pleural diseases is performed more accurately by CT than by scintigraphy. 67 Ga uptake depends on the thickness of inflammatory as well as malignant lesions. Thus, numerous pleural processes that can be localised by CT escape scintigraphic detection, CT is indicated if there is clinical and radiological suspicion of pleural mesothelioma; in that case, there is hardly any indication for 67 Ga scintigraphy. (orig.)

  15. Ultrasound guided pleural biopsy in undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion patients

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    Adel S. Ahmed


    In conclusion: Thoracic ultrasound (TUS guided pleural biopsy had a diagnostic yield which was slightly lower but comparable to both CT guided pleural biopsy and medical thoracoscopic pleural biopsy (MT.

  16. Closed pleural biopsy is still useful in the evaluation of malignant pleural effusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Somnath Bhattacharya


    Full Text Available Background: Pleural fluid cytology for malignant cells is the easiest way to diagnose malignant pleural effusion with good sensitivity and specificity. With the introduction of medical thoracoscopy, the use of closed pleural biopsy for the diagnosis of cytology negative malignant pleural effusion is gradually decreasing. However use of thoracoscopy is limited due to its high cost and procedure related complications. Aims: The aim was to assess the usefulness of closed pleural biopsy in the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion. Materials and Methods: Sixty-six patients of pleural effusion associated with malignancy were selected from the patients admitted in the chest ward of a tertiary care hospital over a period of 1 year. Pleural fluid aspiration for cytology and closed pleural biopsy were done in all the patients. Results: Out of 66 patients, 46 (69% patients showed malignant cells in pleural fluid cytology examination. Cytology was positive in 35 (52%, 10 (15%, and 1 (1.5% patients in the first, second, and third samples respectively. Closed pleural biopsy was positive in 32 (48% patients. Among them, 22 also had positive cytology. Additional 10 cytology negative patients were diagnosed by pleural biopsy. Cytology-histology concordance was seen in 12 patients. Definite histological diagnosis could be achieved in five patients with indeterminate cytology. Pleural biopsy was not associated with any major postoperative complication. Conclusion: Closed pleural biopsy can improve the diagnostic ability in cytology negative malignant pleural effusion. Closed pleural biopsy has still a place in evaluation of malignant pleural effusion especially in a resource-limited country like India.

  17. Diagnostic yield of pleural biopsy in exudative pleural effusion. (United States)

    Devkota, K C; Chokhani, R; Gautam, S


    To know the diagnostic role of pleural biopsy in determining underlying etiological causes of exudative pleural effusion. A total of 47 patients, aged 16-104 years with mean age of 47.36 years, of either sex, with exudative pleural effusion underwent closed pleural biopsy with Abram's needle in standard way. Average 4-6 biopsy specimens were obtained from each patient, which were sent for histopathological examination. In this study, 47 cases of exudative pleural effusion were included, among them 26 (55.31%) cases were male and 21 (44.69%) were female with mean age 47.36 years. Cough was reported by 42 (89.36%) cases, expectoration 28 (59.57%), hemoptysis 3 (6.38%), breathlessness 27 (57.44%), wheezing 3 (6.38%), chest pain 38 (80.85%) and fever by 30 (63.82%) cases. Out of 47 cases, 28 (59.57%) cases had a positive yield, whereas in 19 (40.43%) cases the result was nonspecific inflammation. Out of 28 (59.57%) cases with positive yield 21 (44.68%) were found to have granulomatous inflammation and 10 (21.28%) cases were malignant. Among malignant pleural effusion, 4 cases were squamous cell carcinoma; 3 small cell carcinoma; 1 case adenocarcinoma and 1 case found to have mesothelioma. Tuberculosis and malignancy are the two most common causes of exudative pleural effusion in our set up. Pleural biopsy is a safe, simple and well validated diagnostic tool that helps us to differentiate between malignancy and tuberculosis.

  18. Precisión diagnóstica de la FDG-PET para diferenciar derrames pleurales malignos de benignos: revisión sistemática y meta-análisis


    Hernández Ferrer, Paula Judit


    Background: The aim of this study was to summarize the evidence for the use of the FDG-PET in ruling in or out the malignant origin of a pleural effusion PE. Methods: A meta­ analysis was conducted of diagnostic accuracy studies published in the database from inception to June 2013, without language restrictions. Two investigators selected studies that had evaluated the performance of FDG-PET imaging in patients with PE, using pleural histopathology as the reference standard for malignanc...

  19. Pleural mechanics and fluid exchange. (United States)

    Lai-Fook, Stephen J


    The pleural space separating the lung and chest wall of mammals contains a small amount of liquid that lubricates the pleural surfaces during breathing. Recent studies have pointed to a conceptual understanding of the pleural space that is different from the one advocated some 30 years ago in this journal. The fundamental concept is that pleural surface pressure, the result of the opposing recoils of the lung and chest wall, is the major determinant of the pressure in the pleural liquid. Pleural liquid is not in hydrostatic equilibrium because the vertical gradient in pleural liquid pressure, determined by the vertical gradient in pleural surface pressure, does not equal the hydrostatic gradient. As a result, a viscous flow of pleural liquid occurs in the pleural space. Ventilatory and cardiogenic motions serve to redistribute pleural liquid and minimize contact between the pleural surfaces. Pleural liquid is a microvascular filtrate from parietal pleural capillaries in the chest wall. Homeostasis in pleural liquid volume is achieved by an adjustment of the pleural liquid thickness to the filtration rate that is matched by an outflow via lymphatic stomata.

  20. Parapneumonic pleural effusion (United States)

    Pleural effusion - pneumonia ... Pneumonia, most commonly from bacteria, causes parapneumonic pleural effusion. ... Call your provider if you have symptoms of pleural effusion. Call your provider or go to the emergency ...

  1. Yield of abrams needle pleural biopsy in exudative pleural effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, I.N.; Zaman, M.; Khan, N.; Jadoon, H.; Ahmed, A.


    Pleural effusion is the abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural space resulting from excessive fluid production or decreased absorption and it is one of the most common clinical conditions that we come across in pulmonology clinics and in hospitals. The objective of prospective study was to evaluate the diagnostic role of Abrams Needle Biopsy in Exudative Pleural Effusion The study was performed at the Department of Pulmonology, Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad over a period of 1 year, i.e., January 2008 to December 2008. Sixty-three patients of either sex and all ages with exudative pleural effusion, on whom Abrams Needle Biopsy was performed were included in the study. Minimum of four specimens from each patient were taken and histopathology done. Out of 63 patients, histopathology revealed the cause in 60 (95%) cases. Tuberculosis, malignancy and rheumatoid pleurisy were confirmed in 34, 24, and 2 cases respectively. Specimens of 3 patients did not reveal any result and showed non-specific inflammation and were further investigated accordingly. The diagnostic yield of Biopsy was 95%. Pleural biopsy is still a reliable and valuable investigation in diagnosing pleural effusion, provided that adequate pleural specimen is taken. (author)

  2. Diagnostic Tools of Pleural Effusion (United States)


    Pleural effusion is not a rare disease in Korea. The diagnosis of pleural effusion is very difficult, even though the patients often complain of typical symptoms indicating of pleural diseases. Pleural effusion is characterized by the pleural cavity filled with transudative or exudative pleural fluids, and it is developed by various etiologies. The presence of pleural effusion can be confirmed by radiological studies including simple chest radiography, ultrasonography, or computed tomography. Identifying the causes of pleural effusions by pleural fluid analysis is essential for proper treatments. This review article provides information on the diagnostic approaches of pleural effusions and further suggested ways to confirm their various etiologies, by using the most recent journals for references. PMID:24920946

  3. Diagnostic Utility of Pleural Fluid Adenosine Deaminase Level in Tuberculousis Pleural Effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suleman, A.; Abbasi, M. A.; Anwar, S. A.; Kamal, M.; Khan, H.


    Background: Early diagnosis and management of tuberculosis is essential for decreasing the disease burden. Pakistan is one of the few countries of world with a very high burden of tuberculosis. Many diagnostic tests are available for detection of tuberculosis but each is fraught with certain limitations of its own. Methods: This study was a cross sectional validation study that sought to determine the validity of pleural fluid adenosine deaminase levels for diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion. Results: A total of 160 patients with exudative lymphocytic pleural effusions were enrolled in this study. The mean pleural fluid ADA level was 52.18±1.98 U/L. The mean pleural fluid ADA level in patients diagnosed to have tuberculosis on pleural biopsy/histopathology was higher as compared to patients who did not have tuberculous pleural effusion 52.16±2.4 U/L vs 38.6±3.14 U/L. The difference was found to be statistically significant between the two groups (p<0.05). The sensitivity, specificity, ppv and npv of pleural fluid ADA level were 88.88 percent, 77.04 percent, 86.28 percent and 81.04 percent respectively. Conclusion: Despite wide variations in the reported sensitivity and specificity of pleural fluid ADA level, it can be used as a surrogate for pleural biopsy when the latter is not feasible. (author)

  4. Diagnostic Tools of Pleural Effusion


    Na, Moon Jun


    Pleural effusion is not a rare disease in Korea. The diagnosis of pleural effusion is very difficult, even though the patients often complain of typical symptoms indicating of pleural diseases. Pleural effusion is characterized by the pleural cavity filled with transudative or exudative pleural fluids, and it is developed by various etiologies. The presence of pleural effusion can be confirmed by radiological studies including simple chest radiography, ultrasonography, or computed tomography....

  5. Pleural Fluid Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) Predicts Survival in Patients with Malignant Pleural Effusion. (United States)

    Terra, Ricardo Mingarini; Antonangelo, Leila; Mariani, Alessandro Wasum; de Oliveira, Ricardo Lopes Moraes; Teixeira, Lisete Ribeiro; Pego-Fernandes, Paulo Manuel


    Systemic and local inflammations have been described as relevant prognostic factors in patients with cancer. However, parameters that stand for immune activity in the pleural space have not been tested as predictors of survival in patients with malignant pleural effusion. The objective of this study was to evaluate pleural lymphocytes and Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) as predictors of survival in patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusion. Retrospective cohort study includes patients who underwent pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusion in a tertiary center. Pleural fluid protein concentration, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose, oncotic cytology, cell count, and ADA were collected before pleurodesis and analyzed. Survival analysis was performed considering pleurodesis as time origin, and death as the event. Backwards stepwise Cox regression was used to find predictors of survival. 156 patients (out of 196 potentially eligible) were included in this study. Most were female (72 %) and breast cancer was the most common underlying malignancy (53 %). Pleural fluid ADA level was stratified as low (Pleural fluid cell count and lymphocytes number and percentage did not correlate with survival. Pleural fluid Adenosine Deaminase levels (pleural effusion who undergo pleurodesis.

  6. Secretion of intelectin-1 from malignant pleural mesothelioma into pleural effusion. (United States)

    Tsuji, S; Tsuura, Y; Morohoshi, T; Shinohara, T; Oshita, F; Yamada, K; Kameda, Y; Ohtsu, T; Nakamura, Y; Miyagi, Y


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare but fatal tumour. Although most MPM patients show pleural effusion at even the early stage, it is hard to diagnose as MPM at the early stage because a sensitive and reliable diagnostic marker for MPM has not been found in plasma or pleural effusion. In this study, we investigated whether intelectin-1 was specifically contained in MPM cells and the pleural effusion of MPM patient by immunohistochemistry, western blotting, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Malignant pleural mesothelioma cell lines, but not lung adenocarcinoma cell lines, secreted intelectin-1. In immunohistochemistry, epithelioid-type MPMs, but neither pleura-invading lung adenocarcinomas nor reactive mesothelial cells near the lung adenocarcinomas, were stained with anti-intelectin antibodies. Pleural effusion of MPM patients contained a higher concentration of intelectin-1 than that of lung cancer patients. These results suggest that detection of intelectin-1 may be useful for a differential diagnosis of epithelioid-type MPM in immunohistochemistry and that a high concentration of intelectin-1 in pleural effusion can be used as a new marker for clinical diagnosis of MPM.

  7. CT of pleural abnormalities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Webb, W.R.


    Briefly discussed were CT diagnosis of pleural thickening, CT technique for examining the pleura or pleuro-pulmonary disease, diagnosis of pleural collections, diagnosis of pleural fluid abnormalities in patients with pneumonia, pleural neoplasms, malignant (diffuse) mesothelioma, metastases, local fibrous tumor of the pleura (benign mesothelioma) (21 refs.)

  8. CT of pleural abnormalities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Webb, W R [California Univ., San Francisco, CA (United States). Dept. of Radiology


    Briefly discussed were CT diagnosis of pleural thickening, CT technique for examining the pleura or pleuro-pulmonary disease, diagnosis of pleural collections, diagnosis of pleural fluid abnormalities in patients with pneumonia, pleural neoplasms, malignant (diffuse) mesothelioma, metastases, local fibrous tumor of the pleura (benign mesothelioma) (21 refs.).

  9. Imaging of small amounts of pleural fluid. Part one - small pleural effusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kocijancic, I.


    Background. Small pleural effusions are not readily identified on conventional radiographic views of the chest, but may be an important finding, sometimes leading, via thoracocentesis, to a definitive diagnosis of pleural carcinomatosis, infection or transudate. A small meniscus sign and a medial displacement of the costophrenic angle are the only subtle signs of small accumulations of fluid on posteroanterior chest X-rays. On lateral views the finding of a small meniscus sign in the posterior costophrenic angle is the sign of small pleural effusion. Conclusions. Lateral decubitus chest radiographs were used for many years for the diagnosis of small pleural effusions. In last decades ultrasonography of pleural space becomes a leading real-time method for demonstrating small pleural effusions. (author)

  10. Discrimination between pleural thickening and minimal pleural effusion using color Doppler chest ultrasonography


    Hasan, Ali A.; Makhlouf, Hoda A.; Mohamed, Alaa R.M.


    Background: The discrimination of pleural thickening from minimal pleural effusion may be difficult as both lesions appear as anechoic on grayscale ultrasound, hence, free of “echoes” does not confirm the presence of pleural fluid. Aim of this study: To evaluate the value of color Doppler ultrasound in differentiating minimal pleural effusion that could be aspirated from pleural thickening and to compare it with grayscale ultrasound. Patients and methods: This analytic cross-sectional s...


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    Liliana Vicente


    Full Text Available La Neumonia Adquirida en la Comunidad (NAC es una enfermedad de evolucion aguda, generalmente de manejo ambulatorio. Los Gram negativos como la Klebsiella pneumoniae son poco frecuentes (1,2%, su frecuencia aumenta considerablemente en NAC severa representando el 12% de las etiologias. Las condiciones clinicas del paciente y la presencia de factores de riesgo son indicadores de la evolucion, riesgo de mortalidad y conducta terapeutica.Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 22 anos, sin factores de riesgo ni antecedentes de importancia, con diagnostico de NAC severa con un CURB-65 de 3 puntos. La radiografia y tomografia describen absceso pulmonar, derrame pleural y neumotorax derecho. Se realiza drenaje toraxico, ingresa a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI e inicia antibioticoterapia con Clindamicina-Ceftazidima, evoluciona torpidamente, se realiza decorticacion pleuro-pulmonar y reseccion cuneiforme de segmento fistulado. El cultivo inicial reporta Klebsiella pneumoniae y el segundo Acinetobacter sp y Pseudomona sp. Se considera una infeccion nosocomial, se cambia antibioticoterapia, evolucionando satisfactoriamente.

  12. Managing malignant pleural effusion with an indwelling pleural catheter: factors associated with spontaneous pleurodesis. (United States)

    Wong, W M; Tam, T Cc; Wong, M Ky; Lui, M Ms; Ip, M Sm; Lam, D Cl


    Malignant pleural effusion can be recurrent despite active anti-cancer treatment. Significant malignant pleural effusion leads to debilitating dyspnoea and worsening quality of life in patients with advanced cancer. An indwelling pleural catheter offers a novel means to manage recurrent malignant pleural effusion and may remove the need for repeated thoracocentesis. Spontaneous pleurodesis is another unique advantage of indwelling pleural catheter placement but the factors associated with its occurrence are not clearly established. The aims of this study were to explore the safety of an indwelling pleural catheter in the management of symptomatic recurrent malignant pleural effusion, and to identify the factors associated with spontaneous pleurodesis. This case series with internal comparisons was conducted in the Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. All patients who underwent insertion of an indwelling pleural catheter from the initiation of such service from January 2010 to December 2014 were included for data analysis. Patients were monitored until December 2014, with the last catheter inserted in July 2014. Between 2010 and 2014, a total of 23 indwelling pleural catheters were inserted in 22 consecutive patients with malignant pleural effusion, including 15 (65.2%) cases with malignant pleural effusion as a result of metastatic lung cancer. Ten (43.5%) cases achieved minimal output according to defined criteria, in five of whom the pleural catheter was removed without subsequent re-accumulation of effusion (ie spontaneous pleurodesis). Factors associated with minimal output were the absence of trapped lung (P=0.036), shorter time from first appearance of malignant pleural effusion to catheter insertion (P=0.017), and longer time from catheter insertion till patient's death or end of study (P=0.007). An indwelling pleural catheter provides a safe means to manage symptomatic malignant pleural effusion

  13. Identification of pleural effusion with low levels of adenosine deaminase but without signs of acute inflammation or pleural thickening to diagnose early malignant pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moriyama, Satoru; Tanahashi, Masayuki; Suzuki, Eriko


    We reviewed the clinical findings and diagnostic methods used in the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) in patients with pleural effusion with low levels of adenosine deaminase (ADA), but without signs of acute inflammation or pleural thickening. The hospital records of 40 patients with pleural effusion of unknown origin or pleural thickening were retrospectively investigated. In all of those studies, pleural effusion was exudative, lymphocyte-dominant, no mycobacteria or other bacteria, and low levels of ADA. There were 30 men and 10 women with an average age of 62.8 years old. The diagnosis of MPM was obtained by cytology of the pleural effusion in 3 patients and by core-needle biopsy of the thickened pleura in 3. Thoracoscopic pleural biopsy under general anesthesia was performed for the other 34 patients. The pathologic diagnosis of pleural biopsy was MPM in 20 patients, inflammatory change in 12, and pleural dissemination of cancer in 2. All of the 7 patients with more than 100 μg/ml of hyaluronic acid in their pleural effusion received a diagnosis of MPM. A total of 20 of 23 patients with irregular or nodular pleural thickening on computed tomography findings were confirmed to have MPM. Moreover, 6 of 17 patients with smooth pleural thickening were confirmed to have MPM. In patients with nodular pleural thickening it was easy to make the diagnosis. However, in those with smooth thickening, careful observation was required to select the appropriate biopsy site and resection margins of full-thickness pleura. As the rate of MPM in the patients with pleural effusion with low levels of ADA, but without signs of acute inflammation or pleural thickening is high (65%), an early thoracoscopic pleural biopsy is strongly recommended. (author)

  14. Evaluation of usefulness of pleural fluid adenosine deaminase in diagnosing tuberculous pleural effusion from empyema

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vijetha Shenoy


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the utility of adenosine deaminase activity in the pleural fluid for the diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion from empyema of non-tubercular origin. Method: A retrospective analysis of data was performed on patients who were diagnosed to have tuberculous pleural effusion and empyema of non tubercular origin. Among 46 patients at Kasturba Hospital, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India, from November 201 2 to February 2013 who underwent pleural fluid adenosine deaminase estimation, 25 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion and 21 patients with empyema were diagnosed respectively. Adenosine deaminase in pleural fluid is estimated using colorimetric, Galanti and Guisti method. Results: Pleural fluid Adenosine Deaminase levels among tuberculous pleural effusion(109.38依 53.83 , empyema (141.20依71.69 with P=0.27. Conclusion: Pleural fluid adenosine deaminase alone cannot be used as a marker for the diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion.

  15. Pleural function and lymphatics. (United States)

    Negrini, D; Moriondo, A


    The pleural space plays an important role in respiratory function as the negative intrapleural pressure regimen ensures lung expansion and in the mean time maintains the tight mechanical coupling between the lung and the chest wall. The efficiency of the lung-chest wall coupling depends upon pleural liquid volume, which in turn reflects the balance between the filtration of fluid into and its egress out of the cavity. While filtration occurs through a single mechanism passively driving fluid from the interstitium of the parietal pleura into the cavity, several mechanisms may co-operate to remove pleural fluid. Among these, the pleural lymphatic system emerges as the most important one in quantitative terms and the only one able to cope with variable pleural fluid volume and drainage requirements. In this review, we present a detailed account of the actual knowledge on: (a) the complex morphology of the pleural lymphatic system, (b) the mechanism supporting pleural lymph formation and propulsion, (c) the dependence of pleural lymphatic function upon local tissue mechanics and (d) the effect of lymphatic inefficiency in the development of clinically severe pleural and, more in general, respiratory pathologies. © 2012 The Authors Acta Physiologica © 2012 Scandinavian Physiological Society.

  16. Identifying Malignant Pleural Effusion by A Cancer Ratio (Serum LDH: Pleural Fluid ADA Ratio). (United States)

    Verma, Akash; Abisheganaden, John; Light, R W


    We studied the diagnostic potential of serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in malignant pleural effusion. Retrospective analysis of patients hospitalized with exudative pleural effusion in 2013. Serum LDH and serum LDH: pleural fluid ADA ratio was significantly higher in cancer patients presenting with exudative pleural effusion. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, pleural fluid ADA was negatively correlated 0.62 (0.45-0.85, p = 0.003) with malignancy, whereas serum LDH 1.02 (1.0-1.03, p = 0.004) and serum LDH: pleural fluid ADA ratio 0.94 (0.99-1.0, p = 0.04) was correlated positively with malignant pleural effusion. For serum LDH: pleural fluid ADA ratio, a cut-off level of >20 showed sensitivity, specificity of 0.98 (95 % CI 0.92-0.99) and 0.94 (95 % CI 0.83-0.98), respectively. The positive likelihood ratio was 32.6 (95 % CI 10.7-99.6), while the negative likelihood ratio at this cut-off was 0.03 (95 % CI 0.01-0.15). Higher serum LDH and serum LDH: pleural fluid ADA ratio in patients presenting with exudative pleural effusion can distinguish between malignant and non-malignant effusion on the first day of hospitalization. The cut-off level for serum LDH: pleural fluid ADA ratio of >20 is highly predictive of malignancy in patients with exudative pleural effusion (whether lymphocytic or neutrophilic) with high sensitivity and specificity.

  17. Pleural effusion (United States)

    Complications of pleural effusion may include: Lung damage Infection that turns into an abscess, called an empyema Air in the chest cavity ( pneumothorax ) after drainage of the effusion Pleural thickening (scarring of the lining of the ...

  18. Avaliação da adenosina desaminase no diagnóstico da tuberculose pleural: uma metanálise brasileira Evaluation of adenosine deaminase in the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis: a Brazilian meta-analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrizio Morisson


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar trabalhos brasileiros resumindo a acurácia da adenosina desaminase no diagnóstico da tuberculose pleural, com o intuito de contribuir para a concretização do exame como rotina na investigação dos derrames pleurais. MÉTODOS: Depois de realizada uma busca por trabalhos brasileiros referentes à dosagem da adenosina desaminase no líquido pleural, estes foram avaliados e incluídos no estudo. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio da curva summary receiver operating characteristic (SROC que possibilitou a reunião dos estudos quanto a acurácia para o diagnóstico. Com os valores globais de sensibilidade e especificidade foi aplicado o teorema de Bayes para calcular as probabilidades pós-teste em diferentes prevalências da doença. RESULTADOS: Entre 1987 e 2005 foram encontrados 25 estudos contendo informações suficientes que poderiam ser utilizadas na metanálise. Após avaliação, foram incluídos nove estudos, totalizando 1.674 pacientes. De acordo com a curva SROC, foi encontrada uma sensibilidade de 91,8% (IC95%: 89,8-93,6% e uma especificidade de 88,4% (IC95%: 86,0-90,5%, com uma área abaixo da curva de 0,969. O odds ratio global foi de 112,0 (IC95%: 51,6-243,2. Considerando uma prevalência da tuberculose pleural de 50% (considerada neutra, a probabilidade do diagnóstico pós-teste positivo é de 88,7% e sua exclusão após resultado negativo de 91,5%. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar das diferenças encontradas entre os estudos, é possível concluir que a adenosina desaminase possui alta acurácia no diagnóstico da tuberculose pleural, devendo ser utilizada de rotina em sua investigação.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate Brazilian studies by summarizing the accuracy of adenosine deaminase in the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis, with the objective of lending support to the movement to make the test part of the routine investigation of pleural effusions. METHODS: A search for Brazilian studies related to the determination of

  19. [Dynamics of pleural liquid in hydrothorax]. (United States)

    Nakamura, T; Iwaskai, Y; Gotoh, T; Hiramori, N; Fujii, T; Sakai, M; Nakagaki, Y; Arimoto, T; Mizobuchi, K; Hashikura, H


    The basics of pleural liquid dynamics are summarized. The normal pleural cavity contains a small amount of pleural liquid (0.1-0.3 ml/kg). Its protein concentration is about 1.0 g/dl and its pH is 7.6. The normal flow of pleural liquid is gravity dependent, and pleural liquid flows from the costal to the mediastinal region. In experimental hydrothorax, the pleural liquid was removed mainly via lymphatics. The turnover of the pleural liquid is rapid, and it depends on the area of contact between pleural liquid and pleural and on the blood flow to the pleura.

  20. Pleural spill malign

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camacho Duran, Fidel; Zamarriego, Roman; Gonzalez, Mauricio


    The pleural spills are developed because of an alteration in the mechanisms that usually move between 5 and 10 liters of liquid through the space pleural every 24 hours and this is reabsorbed, only leaving 5 to 20 ml present. The causes more common of spill pleural they are: congestive heart failure, bacterial pneumonia, malign neoplasia and pulmonary clot. The causes more common of pleural spill malign in general are: cancer of the lung, cancer of the breast and lymphomas. In the man, cancer of the lung, lymphomas and gastrointestinal cancer. In the woman, cancer of the breast, gynecological cancer and lung cancer. The paper, includes their characteristics, treatments and medicines

  1. Adenocarcinoma do pulmão – Até quando a boa resposta?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria José Simões


    Full Text Available Resumo: Relatase o caso de uma doente de 75 anos que em Out./2004 recorreu ao SU por queixas de tosse, febre e toracalgia esq. Com características pleuríticas. A semiologia pulmonar foi compatível com derrame pleural esq. E procedeu-se à respectiva investigação clínica. Existiam parâmetros de infecção elevados no contexto de um exsudado pleural. A tomografia computorizada evidenciou derrame pleural e espessamento no segmento anterior do LSD, cuja bronco-fibroscopia apenas visualizou alterações inflamatórias. Em Fev./2005 verifica-se recidiva do derrame pleural. A tomografia computorizada referia agora a existência de densificação nodular adjacente ao BLSE e língula. Em conjunto com a equipa de cirurgia torácica, foi decidido procederse a videoto-racoscopia. Durante a realização da técnica houve necessidade de conversão para toracotomia e o pós-operatório foi moroso. O exame histológico revelou um CPNPC – adenocarcinoma. A doente iniciou quimioterapia de primeira linha e em Mar./2006 sur-giu metastização óssea. Efectua quimioterapia de segunda linha, tendo-se mantido em doença estável, e em Jul./2007 inicia terapêutica com erlotinib que mantém actualmente, com boa tolerância, sem queixas álgicas e sem progressão da doença sob 13 meses de terapêutica. E até quando esta resposta?Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (Supl 3: S71-S77 Abstract: A 75 year old woman was observed at the emergency department with cough, hyperthermia and thoracic pain in October 2004.A pleural effusion was identified and studied. Thorax CT scan evidenced a pleural effusion and thickening in the RSL anterior segment but bronchofibroscopy only identified inflammatory changes. In February 2005 the pleural effusion relapsed and the CT scan showed nodular densification adjacent to LSLB and lingual. VATS converted to thoracotomy was preformed and followed by a long

  2. CT Scan-Guided Abrams' Needle Pleural Biopsy versus Ultrasound-Assisted Cutting Needle Pleural Biopsy for Diagnosis in Patients with Pleural Effusion: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Metintas, Muzaffer; Yildirim, Huseyin; Kaya, Tamer; Ak, Guntulu; Dundar, Emine; Ozkan, Ragip; Metintas, Selma


    Image-guided pleural biopsies, both using ultrasound (US) or computed tomography (CT), are important in the diagnosis of pleural disease. However, no consensus exists regarding which biopsy needles are appropriate for specific procedures. In this randomized, prospective study, we aimed to compare CT scan-guided pleural biopsy using an Abrams' needle (CT-ANPB) with US-assisted pleural biopsy using a cutting needle (US-CNPB) with respect to both diagnostic yield and safety. Between February 2009 and April 2013, 150 patients with exudative pleural effusion who could not be diagnosed by cytological analysis were included in the study. The patients were randomized into either the US-CNPB group or the CT-ANPB group. The two groups were compared in terms of diagnostic sensitivity and complications. Of the 150 patients enrolled in this study, 45 were diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma, 46 were diagnosed with metastatic pleural disease, 18 were diagnosed with pleural tuberculosis, 34 were diagnosed with benign pleural disease, and 7 were lost to follow-up. In the US-CNPB group, the diagnostic sensitivity was 66.7%, compared with 82.4% in the CT-ANPB group; the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (p = 0.029). The sensitivity of CT-ANPB increased to 93.7% for patients with a pleural thickness ≥1 cm. The complication rates were low and acceptable. The first diagnostic intervention that should be preferred in patients with pleural effusion and associated pleural thickening on a CT scan is CT-ANPB. US-CNPB should be used primarily in cases for which only pleural thickening but no pleural effusion is noted. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  3. Pleural Effusion in Multiple Myeloma. (United States)

    Wang, Zhuo; Xia, Guoguang; Lan, Ling; Liu, Fayong; Wang, Yanxun; Liu, Baoyue; Ding, Yi; Dai, Li; Zhang, Yunjian


    Pleural effusion is rarely observed in patients with multiple myeloma (MM). Myeloma cell infiltration or invasion to the pleura is very rare. This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics of pleural effusion in patients with MM. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients diagnosed with pleural effusion, MM, and pleural effusion with MM between 2004 and 2014 at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital. The present study included patients with pleural effusion who underwent cytological, bacteriological, biochemical and other testing. The cytopathology of abnormal pleural effusion cells was not diagnostic, thus flow cytometry was performed. MM was defined using the diagnosis standard of NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines) 2014 for MM. This study included 3,480 pleural effusion patients and 319 MM patients. There were 34 patients with both MM and pleural effusion (17 men and 17 women). The average age was 63 years (range, 48-84 years). Pleural effusion with MM was caused by congestive heart disease, chronic renal failure, hypoalbuminemia, pulmonary infarctions, cirrhosis, pulmonary arterial hypertension, parapneumonic effusion, tuberculous pleural effusion, and myelomatous pleural effusion (MPE). The diagnosis of MPE was confirmed by the detection of myeloma cells in the pleural fluid using flow cytometric analyses. There were only 2 MPE cases in our study. The first MPE case was a woman. The first clinical manifestation was pleural effusion, and the diagnosis was non-secretory MM, DSS stage IIIA (Durie-Salmon staging system); ISS stage I (the International Staging System). The second MPE case was a man who was diagnosed with MM IgA-κ, DSS stage IIIA; ISS stage II. The detection rate of MPE was very low. MPE tended to present with yellow exudates and the lack of physical and chemical characteristics. Furthermore, patients with MPE exhibited many yellow nodules on the pleura. These nodules were lobulated and had abundant

  4. [Pleural effusion: diagnosis and management]. (United States)

    Pastré, J; Roussel, S; Israël Biet, D; Sanchez, O


    Pleural effusion management is a common clinical situation associated with numerous pulmonary, pleural or extra-pulmonary diseases. A systematic approach is needed to enable a rapid diagnosis and an appropriate treatment. Pleural fluid analysis is the first step to perform which allows a presumptive diagnosis in most cases. Otherwise, further analysis of the pleural fluid or thoracic imaging or pleural biopsy may be necessary. This review aims at highlighting the important elements of the work-up required by a pleural effusion. Copyright © 2014 Société nationale française de médecine interne (SNFMI). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  5. Tuberculous Pleural Effusion (United States)

    Cohen, Leah A.; Light, Richard W.


    When a patient presents with new pleural effusion, the diagnosis of tuberculous (TB) pleuritis should be considered. The patient is at risk for developing pulmonary or extrapulmonary TB if the diagnosis is not made. Between 3% and 25% of patients with TB will have TB pleuritis. The incidence of TB pleuritis is higher in patients who are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive. Pleural fluid is an exudate that usually has a predominance of lymphocytes. The easiest way to diagnose TB pleuritis in a patient with lymphocytic pleural effusion is to demonstrate a pleural fluid adenosine deaminase level above 40 IU/L. The treatment for TB pleuritis is the same as that for pulmonary TB. Tuberculous empyema is a rare occurrence, and the treatment is difficult. PMID:29404070

  6. Mycobacterium intracellulare Pleurisy Identified on Liquid Cultures of the Pleural Fluid and Pleural Biopsy


    Lim, Jong Gu; O, Sei Won; Lee, Ki Dong; Suk, Dong Keun; Jung, Tae Young; Shim, Tae Sun; Chon, Gyu Rak


    Pleural effusion is a rare complication in non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection. We report a case of Mycobacterium intracellulare pleuritis with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in a 69-year-old man presenting with dyspnea. Pleural effusion revealed lymphocyte dominant exudate. M. intracellulare was identified using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method and liquid cultures of pleural effusion and pleural biopsy. After combination therapy for M. intracellu...

  7. Discrimination between pleural thickening and minimal pleural effusion using color Doppler chest ultrasonography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali A. Hasan


    Conclusions: Application of color Doppler examination increases the accuracy of real time chest ultrasound to discriminate pleural thickening from minimal pleural effusion and hence color Doppler examination proved to be a useful diagnostic tool to real-time gray-scale ultrasound for diagnosis of minimal pleural effusion.

  8. Pleural Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosenzweig, Kenneth E.; Zauderer, Marjorie G.; Laser, Benjamin; Krug, Lee M.; Yorke, Ellen; Sima, Camelia S.; Rimner, Andreas; Flores, Raja; Rusch, Valerie


    Purpose: In patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma who are unable to undergo pneumonectomy, it is difficult to deliver tumoricidal radiation doses to the pleura without significant toxicity. We have implemented a technique of using intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) to treat these patients, and we report the feasibility and toxicity of this approach. Methods and Materials: Between 2005 and 2010, 36 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma and two intact lungs (i.e., no previous pneumonectomy) were treated with pleural IMRT to the hemithorax (median dose, 46.8 Gy; range, 41.4–50.4) at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Results: Of the 36 patients, 56% had right-sided tumors. The histologic type was epithelial in 78%, sarcomatoid in 6%, and mixed in 17%, and 6% had Stage I, 28% had Stage II, 33% had Stage III, and 33% had Stage IV. Thirty-two patients (89%) received induction chemotherapy (mostly cisplatin and pemetrexed); 56% underwent pleurectomy/decortication before IMRT and 44% did not undergo resection. Of the 36 patients evaluable for acute toxicity, 7 (20%) had Grade 3 or worse pneumonitis (including 1 death) and 2 had Grade 3 fatigue. In 30 patients assessable for late toxicity, 5 had continuing Grade 3 pneumonitis. For patients treated with surgery, the 1- and 2-year survival rate was 75% and 53%, and the median survival was 26 months. For patients who did not undergo surgical resection, the 1- and 2-year survival rate was 69% and 28%, and the median survival was 17 months. Conclusions: Treating the intact lung with pleural IMRT in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma is a safe and feasible treatment option with an acceptable rate of pneumonitis. Additionally, the survival rates were encouraging in our retrospective series, particularly for the patients who underwent pleurectomy/decortication. We have initiated a Phase II trial of induction chemotherapy with pemetrexed and cisplatin with or without pleurectomy

  9. Pleural Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosenzweig, Kenneth E., E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY (United States); Zauderer, Marjorie G. [Department of Medicine, Thoracic Oncology Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY (United States); Laser, Benjamin [Department of Radiation Oncology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI (United States); Krug, Lee M. [Department of Medicine, Thoracic Oncology Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY (United States); Yorke, Ellen [Department of Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY (United States); Sima, Camelia S. [Department of Epidemiology/Biostatistics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY (United States); Rimner, Andreas [Department of Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY (United States); Flores, Raja [Department of Surgery, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY (United States); Rusch, Valerie [Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY (United States)


    Purpose: In patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma who are unable to undergo pneumonectomy, it is difficult to deliver tumoricidal radiation doses to the pleura without significant toxicity. We have implemented a technique of using intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) to treat these patients, and we report the feasibility and toxicity of this approach. Methods and Materials: Between 2005 and 2010, 36 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma and two intact lungs (i.e., no previous pneumonectomy) were treated with pleural IMRT to the hemithorax (median dose, 46.8 Gy; range, 41.4-50.4) at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Results: Of the 36 patients, 56% had right-sided tumors. The histologic type was epithelial in 78%, sarcomatoid in 6%, and mixed in 17%, and 6% had Stage I, 28% had Stage II, 33% had Stage III, and 33% had Stage IV. Thirty-two patients (89%) received induction chemotherapy (mostly cisplatin and pemetrexed); 56% underwent pleurectomy/decortication before IMRT and 44% did not undergo resection. Of the 36 patients evaluable for acute toxicity, 7 (20%) had Grade 3 or worse pneumonitis (including 1 death) and 2 had Grade 3 fatigue. In 30 patients assessable for late toxicity, 5 had continuing Grade 3 pneumonitis. For patients treated with surgery, the 1- and 2-year survival rate was 75% and 53%, and the median survival was 26 months. For patients who did not undergo surgical resection, the 1- and 2-year survival rate was 69% and 28%, and the median survival was 17 months. Conclusions: Treating the intact lung with pleural IMRT in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma is a safe and feasible treatment option with an acceptable rate of pneumonitis. Additionally, the survival rates were encouraging in our retrospective series, particularly for the patients who underwent pleurectomy/decortication. We have initiated a Phase II trial of induction chemotherapy with pemetrexed and cisplatin with or without pleurectomy

  10. Pleural mesothelioma - case report. (United States)

    Klawiter, Anna; Damaszke, Tomasz


    Pleural mesothelioma is a very rare neoplasm; especially the local form. The diagnostics is difficult and the prognosis unfavourable. We presented a case of a man with dyspnoea and cough. His chest radiogram showed hydrothorax on the left side. Neither the examinations of the pleural liquid, nor the CT-guided fine needle biopsy established the diagnosis. CT showed features suggestive of pleural mesothelioma. The diagnosis was confirmed by thoracoscopy. Although no neoplastic cells were found in the thoracoscopic specimen from the supradiaphragmatic tumor, we assumed that to be a case of a diffuse, primarily local form of mesothelioma. Diagnostics of pleural mesothelioma is very difficult. CT and thoracoscopy seem to be very valuable diagnostic methods. It is worth remembering that pleural mesothelioma can have a local form which may transform into a diffuse one.

  11. Pleural effusion in the dog and cat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forrester, S.D.


    The most common causes of pleural effusion and their management are discussed under the headings: pleural anatomy; pleural fluid movement; mechanisms of pleural effusion; diagnosis; patterns of pleural effusion

  12. Pleural fluid cell-free DNA integrity index to identify cytologically negative malignant pleural effusions including mesotheliomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sriram, Krishna B; Courtney, Deborah; Yang, Ian A; Bowman, Rayleen V; Fong, Kwun M; Relan, Vandana; Clarke, Belinda E; Duhig, Edwina E; Windsor, Morgan N; Matar, Kevin S; Naidoo, Rishendran; Passmore, Linda; McCaul, Elizabeth


    The diagnosis of malignant pleural effusions (MPE) is often clinically challenging, especially if the cytology is negative for malignancy. DNA integrity index has been reported to be a marker of malignancy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of pleural fluid DNA integrity index in the diagnosis of MPE. We studied 75 pleural fluid and matched serum samples from consecutive subjects. Pleural fluid and serum ALU DNA repeats [115bp, 247bp and 247bp/115bp ratio (DNA integrity index)] were assessed by real-time quantitative PCR. Pleural fluid and serum mesothelin levels were quantified using ELISA. Based on clinico-pathological evaluation, 52 subjects had MPE (including 16 mesotheliomas) and 23 had benign effusions. Pleural fluid DNA integrity index was higher in MPE compared with benign effusions (1.2 vs. 0.8; p<0.001). Cytology had a sensitivity of 55% in diagnosing MPE. If cytology and pleural fluid DNA integrity index were considered together, they exhibited 81% sensitivity and 87% specificity in distinguishing benign and malignant effusions. In cytology-negative pleural effusions (35 MPE and 28 benign effusions), elevated pleural fluid DNA integrity index had an 81% positive predictive value in detecting MPEs. In the detection of mesothelioma, at a specificity of 90%, pleural fluid DNA integrity index had similar sensitivity to pleural fluid and serum mesothelin (75% each respectively). Pleural fluid DNA integrity index is a promising diagnostic biomarker for identification of MPEs, including mesothelioma. This biomarker may be particularly useful in cases of MPE where pleural aspirate cytology is negative, and could guide the decision to undertake more invasive definitive testing. A prospective validation study is being undertaken to validate our findings and test the clinical utility of this biomarker for altering clinical practice

  13. Multidetector CT Findings and Differential Diagnoses of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma and Metastatic Pleural Diseases in Korea

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Yoon Kyung [Department of Radiology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Incheon 21565 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Jeung Sook [Department of Radiology, Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, Goyang 10326 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Kyung Won [Department of Radiology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam 13620 (Korea, Republic of); Yi, Chin A [Department of Radiology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul 06351 (Korea, Republic of); Koo, Jin Mo [Department of Radiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul 03080 (Korea, Republic of); Jung, Soon-Hee [Department of Pathology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju 26426 (Korea, Republic of)


    To compare the multidetector CT (MDCT) features of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) and metastatic pleural disease (MPD). The authors reviewed the MDCT images of 167 patients, 103 patients with MPM and 64 patients with MPD. All 167 cases were pathologically confirmed by sonography-guided needle biopsy of pleura, thoracoscopic pleural biopsy, or open thoracotomy. CT features were evaluated with respect to pleural effusion, pleural thickening, invasion of other organs, lung abnormality, lymphadenopathy, mediastinal shifting, thoracic volume decrease, asbestosis, and the presence of pleural plaque. Pleural thickening was the most common CT finding in MPM (96.1%) and MPD (93.8%). Circumferential pleural thickening (31.1% vs. 10.9%, odds ratio [OR] 3.670), thickening of fissural pleura (83.5% vs. 67.2%, OR 2.471), thickening of diaphragmatic pleura (90.3% vs. 73.4%, OR 3.364), pleural mass (38.8% vs. 23.4%, OR 2.074), pericardial involvement (56.3% vs. 20.3%, OR 5.056), and pleural plaque (66.0% vs. 21.9%, OR 6.939) were more frequently seen in MPM than in MPD. On the other hand, nodular pleural thickening (59.2% vs. 76.6%, OR 0.445), hilar lymph node metastasis (5.8% vs. 20.3%, OR 0.243), mediastinal lymph node metastasis (10.7% vs. 37.5%, OR 0.199), and hematogenous lung metastasis (9.7% vs. 29.2%, OR 0.261) were less frequent in MPM than in MPD. When we analyzed MPD from extrathoracic malignancy (EMPD) separately and compared them to MPM, circumferential pleural thickening, thickening of interlobar fissure, pericardial involvement and presence of pleural plaque were significant findings indicating MPM than EMPD. MPM had significantly lower occurrence of hematogenous lung metastasis, as compared with EMPD. Awareness of frequent and infrequent CT findings could aid in distinguishing MPM from MPD.

  14. Multidetector CT findings and differential diagnoses of malignant pleural mesothelioma and metastatic pleural diseases in Korea

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Yoon Kyung [Dept. of Radiology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Incheon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Jeung Sook [Dept. of Radiology, Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, Goyang (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Kyung Won [Dept. of Radiology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam (Korea, Republic of); Yi, Chin A [Dept. of Radiology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Koo, Jin Mo [Dept. of Radiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Jung, Soon Hee [Dept. of Pathology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju (Korea, Republic of)


    To compare the multidetector CT (MDCT) features of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) and metastatic pleural disease (MPD). The authors reviewed the MDCT images of 167 patients, 103 patients with MPM and 64 patients with MPD. All 167 cases were pathologically confirmed by sonography-guided needle biopsy of pleura, thoracoscopic pleural biopsy, or open thoracotomy. CT features were evaluated with respect to pleural effusion, pleural thickening, invasion of other organs, lung abnormality, lymphadenopathy, mediastinal shifting, thoracic volume decrease, asbestosis, and the presence of pleural plaque. Pleural thickening was the most common CT finding in MPM (96.1%) and MPD (93.8%). Circumferential pleural thickening (31.1% vs. 10.9%, odds ratio [OR] 3.670), thickening of fissural pleura (83.5% vs. 67.2%, OR 2.471), thickening of diaphragmatic pleura (90.3% vs. 73.4%, OR 3.364), pleural mass (38.8% vs. 23.4%, OR 2.074), pericardial involvement (56.3% vs. 20.3%, OR 5.056), and pleural plaque (66.0% vs. 21.9%, OR 6.939) were more frequently seen in MPM than in MPD. On the other hand, nodular pleural thickening (59.2% vs. 76.6%, OR 0.445), hilar lymph node metastasis (5.8% vs. 20.3%, OR 0.243), mediastinal lymph node metastasis (10.7% vs. 37.5%, OR 0.199), and hematogenous lung metastasis (9.7% vs. 29.2%, OR 0.261) were less frequent in MPM than in MPD. When we analyzed MPD from extrathoracic malignancy (EMPD) separately and compared them to MPM, circumferential pleural thickening, thickening of interlobar fissure, pericardial involvement and presence of pleural plaque were significant findings indicating MPM than EMPD. MPM had significantly lower occurrence of hematogenous lung metastasis, as compared with EMPD. Awareness of frequent and infrequent CT findings could aid in distinguishing MPM from MPD.

  15. Pancreatico-pleural Fistula: Case Series

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    Manoj Munirathinam


    Full Text Available Pancreatico-pleural fistula is a rare but serious complication of acute and chronic pancreatitis. The pleural effusion caused by pancreatico-pleural fistula is usually massive and recurrent. It is predominately left-sided but right-sided and bilateral effusion does occur. We report four cases of pancreatico-pleural fistula admitted to our hospital. Their clinical presentation and management aspects are discussed. Two patients were managed by pancreatic endotherapy and two patients were managed conservatively. All four patients improved symptomatically and were discharged and are on regular follow-up. Most of these patients would be evaluated for their breathlessness and pleural effusion delaying the diagnosis of pancreatic pathology and management. Hence, earlier recognition and prompt treatment would help the patients to recover from their illnesses. Pancreatic pleural fistula diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion in patients presenting with chest symptoms or pleural effusion. Extremely high pleural fluid amylase levels are usual but not universally present. A chest X-ray, pleural fluid analysis, and abdominal imaging (magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography/magnetic resonance imaging abdomen more useful than contrast-enhanced computed tomography abdomen would clinch the diagnosis. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with stent or sphincterotomy should be considered when pancreatic duct (PD reveals a stricture or when medical management fails in patients with dilated or irregular PD. Surgical intervention may be indicated in patients with complete disruption of PD or multiple strictures.

  16. Pleurodese: técnica e indicações Pleurodesis: technique and indications

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    Marcelo Costa Vaz


    Full Text Available O derrame pleural recidivante é uma situação clínica comum que compromete a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, em especial dos portadores de doença oncológica em estágio avançado. A abordagem terapêutica do espaço pleural é variada, incluindo procedimentos agressivos como a pleurectomia. A pleurodese é a técnica mais freqüentemente utilizada, podendo ser induzida tanto através da inserção de cateteres pleurais, como por procedimentos cirúrgicos amplos (toracotomia. São vários os agentes esclerosantes indicados, incluindo o talco, que é o mais utilizado, o nitrato de prata e recentemente as citocinas proliferativas. Este artigo resume as principais abordagens do derrame pleural recidivante e particularmente da pleurodese, suas indicações, vantagens e desvantagens para a aplicação na prática diária do pneumologista.Recurrent pleural effusion, which is commonly seen in clinical practice, compromises patient quality of life, especially in patients with advanced malignant disease. The therapeutic approach to the pleural space involves a wide range of techniques, including aggressive procedures such as pleurectomy. Among such techniques, pleurodesis is the most frequently used. Pleurodesis can be induced through the insertion of pleural catheters, as well as through major surgical procedures (such as thoracotomy. There are various recommended sclerosing agents, including talc (which is the most widely used, silver nitrate and, recently, proliferative cytokines. This article summarizes the principal approaches to the treatment of recurrent pleural effusion, pleurodesis in particular, addressing the indications for, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of, their application in daily pulmonology practice.

  17. Bioensayo de toxicidad aguda con plantas nativas para evaluar un derrame de petróleo

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    Vivien Pentreath


    Full Text Available Los bioensayos con plantas constituyen una excelente herramienta en la evaluación del riesgo ambiental y, en particular, la utilización de semillas de plantas vasculares es recomendada debido a su mayor sensibilidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento de plantas nativas para ser utilizadas como indicador biológico de contaminación ambiental con petróleo en relación con un bioindicador estandarizado. Se analizó el Índice de Germinación (IG de Lactuca sativa L., Atriplex lampa (Moq. D.Dietri. y Prosopis denudans Benth. en treinta muestras de suelo extraídas de un yacimiento petrolero a fin de detectar efectos fitotóxicos. El IG es un método económico, rápido y reproducible para determinar toxicidad de suelo, ayudando a caracterizar áreas con suelos contaminados. La germinación de Atriplex lampa (Moq. D.Dietri. y Prosopis denudans resultó más resistente en los suelos contaminados de un yacimiento petrolero que el bioindicador de referencia utilizado (Lactuca sativa L..

  18. Detection, modeling and matching of pleural thickenings from CT data towards an early diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma (United States)

    Chaisaowong, Kraisorn; Kraus, Thomas


    Pleural thickenings can be caused by asbestos exposure and may evolve into malignant pleural mesothelioma. While an early diagnosis plays the key role to an early treatment, and therefore helping to reduce morbidity, the growth rate of a pleural thickening can be in turn essential evidence to an early diagnosis of the pleural mesothelioma. The detection of pleural thickenings is today done by a visual inspection of CT data, which is time-consuming and underlies the physician's subjective judgment. Computer-assisted diagnosis systems to automatically assess pleural mesothelioma have been reported worldwide. But in this paper, an image analysis pipeline to automatically detect pleural thickenings and measure their volume is described. We first delineate automatically the pleural contour in the CT images. An adaptive surface-base smoothing technique is then applied to the pleural contours to identify all potential thickenings. A following tissue-specific topology-oriented detection based on a probabilistic Hounsfield Unit model of pleural plaques specify then the genuine pleural thickenings among them. The assessment of the detected pleural thickenings is based on the volumetry of the 3D model, created by mesh construction algorithm followed by Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunction expansion surface smoothing technique. Finally, the spatiotemporal matching of pleural thickenings from consecutive CT data is carried out based on the semi-automatic lung registration towards the assessment of its growth rate. With these methods, a new computer-assisted diagnosis system is presented in order to assure a precise and reproducible assessment of pleural thickenings towards the diagnosis of the pleural mesothelioma in its early stage.

  19. The CT diagnose of pleural metastasis tumour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Liqun; Han Kaibin; Pan Heng; Huang Xiaoru; Zhou Bingcao; Huang Yuehua


    Objective: To discuss the CT characteristic of pleural metastasis tumour,enhance the diagnostic level of pleural metastasis tumour. Methods: Review 30 cases which have been performed CT scan in our hospital during March 2002 to June 2003, which have been approved to pleural metastasis tumour by pathology and clinic. Make use of GE Hispeed.zx/i spiral CT,10mm thickness,10mm increment, l.5 pitch, some of them use 10mm or high resolution mode. All cases have been performed normal scan, 25 cases with contrast scan. Results: The CT representation of pleural metastasis tumour are encapsulated pleural effusion with irregular pleural thickening(56.6%), nodular pleural thickening(46.6%), pleural masses (13.3%), pneumothorax (3.3%), etc. Encapsulated pleural effusion and nodular pleural thickening are 76.6%, use contrast mode to scan pleural pathological changes enhance upon middle level, CT value increment > 20HU, there are 66.6% cases with other chest metastasis symptom, 73.3% primary lesion are pulmonary cancer, and 20% no primary lesion are found. Conclusion: Combine primary lesion history and other chest metastasis symptom, Spiral CT examination can differentiate most of pleural metastasis tumour, but it is difficult to differentiate the cases between with a little pleural effusion or light band pleural thickening and reactive alteration. (authors)

  20. Mycobacterium intracellulare Pleurisy Identified on Liquid Cultures of the Pleural Fluid and Pleural Biopsy. (United States)

    Lim, Jong Gu; O, Sei Won; Lee, Ki Dong; Suk, Dong Keun; Jung, Tae Young; Shim, Tae Sun; Chon, Gyu Rak


    Pleural effusion is a rare complication in non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection. We report a case of Mycobacterium intracellulare pleuritis with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in a 69-year-old man presenting with dyspnea. Pleural effusion revealed lymphocyte dominant exudate. M. intracellulare was identified using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method and liquid cultures of pleural effusion and pleural biopsy. After combination therapy for M. intracellulare pulmonary disease, the patient was clinically well at a 1-month follow-up.

  1. Idiopathic pleural panniculitis with recurrent pleural effusion not associated with Weber-Christian disease

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    Laperuta Paolo


    Full Text Available A 82-year-old patient with dyspnea and a recurrent history of pleural effusion was admitted into our unit. He performed a Chest computed tomography showing right pleural effusion. Video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS exploratory showed parietal pleural thickening of adipose tissue. The surgical procedure consisted, therefore, in the execution of multiple biopsies of the parietal pleura which appeared covered, on the whole surface, by islands of adipose tissue, without macroscopic pathological aspects. After the procedure was performed pleurodesis with talc. The definitive histological examination consisted of normal mesothelial cells surrounded by fatty tissue infiltrated by small lymphocytes in a patient without skin lesions or visceral or systemic signs of inflammatory involvement of the adipose tissue. We reported a rare case of idiopathic pleural panniculitis with recurrent pleural effusion not associated with Weber-Christian disease.

  2. Advanced medical interventions in pleural disease

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    Rahul Bhatnagar


    Full Text Available The burden of a number of pleural diseases continues to increase internationally. Although many pleural procedures have historically been the domain of interventional radiologists or thoracic surgeons, in recent years, there has been a marked expansion in the techniques available to the pulmonologist. This has been due in part to both technological advancements and a greater recognition that pleural disease is an important subspecialty of respiratory medicine. This article summarises the important literature relating to a number of advanced pleural interventions, including medical thoracoscopy, the insertion and use of indwelling pleural catheters, pleural manometry, point-of-care thoracic ultrasound, and image-guided closed pleural biopsy. We also aim to inform the reader regarding the latest updates to more established procedures such as chemical pleurodesis, thoracentesis and the management of chest drains, drawing on contemporary data from recent randomised trials. Finally, we shall look to explore the challenges faced by those practicing pleural medicine, especially relating to training, as well as possible future directions for the use and expansion of advanced medical interventions in pleural disease.

  3. Clinical value of jointly detection serum lactate dehydrogenase/pleural fluid adenosine deaminase and pleural fluid carcinoembryonic antigen in the identification of malignant pleural effusion. (United States)

    Zhang, Fan; Hu, Lijuan; Wang, Junjun; Chen, Jian; Chen, Jie; Wang, Yumin


    Limited data are available for the diagnostic value, and for the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of joint detection of serum lactate dehydrogenase (sLDH)/pleural fluid adenosine deaminase (pADA) and pleural fluid carcinoembryonic antigen (pCEA) in malignant pleural effusion (MPE). We collected 987 pleural effusion specimens (of which 318 were malignant pleural effusion, 374 were tubercular pleural effusion, and 295 were parapneumonic effusion specimens) from the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University from July 2012 to March 2016. The pADA, sLDH, pleural fluid LDH (pLDH), serum C-reactive protein (sCRP), pleural fluid protein, pCEA, white blood cell (WBC), and red blood cell (RBC) were analyzed, and the clinical data of each group were collected for statistical analysis. The level of sLDH/pADA, pCEA, and RBC from the MPE group was markedly higher than the tuberculosis pleural effusion (TB) group (Mann-Whitney U=28422.000, 9278.000, 30518, P=.000, .000, .000) and the parapneumonic pleural fluid group (Mann-Whitney U=5972.500, 7113.000, 36750.500, P=.000, .000, .000). The receiver operating characteristic curve ROC showed that the area under the ROC curve (AUC) (=0.924, 0.841) of pCEA and sLDH/pADA (cutoff=4.9, 10.6) were significantly higher than other markers for the diagnosis of MPE. Thus, joint detection of pCEA and sLDH/pADA suggested that the sensitivity, specificity, and AUC was 0.94, 81.70, and 94.32 at the cutoff 0.16 and diagnostic performance was higher than pCEA or sLDH/pADA. Joint detection of sLDH/pADA and pCEA can be used as a good indicator for the identification of benign and MPE with higher sensitivity and specificity than pCEA or sLDH/pADA. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. A rare cause of pleural effusion: ruptured primary pleural hydatid cyst. (United States)

    Erkoç, Mustafa Fatih; Öztoprak, Bilge; Alkan, Sevil; Okur, Aylin


    Hydatidosis is an endemic parasitic disease in Mediterranean countries, often caused by the dog tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. The disease predominantly affects the liver (60-70%) and lungs (30%), and the surgical management is considered as the gold standard for treatment. Besides anaphylactic reactions, the most frequent complication of the hydatid disease is rupture into neighbouring structures, often affecting the bronchi, gastrointestinal tract and peritoneal/pleural cavities, according to its location. Primary pleural hydatidosis is an extremely rare entity and we present a ruptured pleural hydatid cyst with unusual location.

  5. CT diagnosis of pleural dissemination without pleural effusion in primary lung cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murayama, Sadayuki; Murakami, Junji; Yoshimitsu, Kengo; Torii, Yoshikuni; Masuda, Kouji; Ishida, Teruyoshi.


    We retrospectively reviewed the CT scans of 25 primary lung cancers with disseminated pleural nodules or minimal malignant pleural effusion that were not recognized preparatively. Special attention was devoted to abutting interlobar fissures, thick major fissures, and disseminated nodules on the chest wall, the diaphragm, and in the interlobar fissures. Among 10 primary tumors abutting interlobar fissures, nine (90%) had at least one of these findings. Among 15 primary lung tumors which did not abut interlobar fissures, four (27%) had at least one of these findings. We conclude that CT is a useful modality for detecting the pleural dissemination of primary lung cancers when primary lung cancers abut interlobar fissures even if no pleural effusion is detectable on CT. (author)

  6. [Determination of isoniazide concentration in pleural effusion and its pleural permeability in patients with tuberculous pleurisy]. (United States)

    Liu, Yuan; Zhang, Qing; Zhang, Junfeng; Huang, Guohua; Zhu, Shunfang; Liu, Sijia; Li, Guofeng


    To establish a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-based method for determining isoniazide concentration in pleural effusion and plasma of patients with tuberculous pleurisy, and evaluate the permeability of isoniazide from blood into pleural effusion. We collected pleural effusion from 15 patients with tuberculous pleurisy 2 h after administration 300 mg isoniazide in the morning of day 1. Pleural effusion and plasma were obtained 2 h after isoniazide administration on day 3. Isoniazide concentration was measured using HPLC, and the penetration rate of isoniazide in pleural effusion was calculated. Isoniazide concentration in the pleural effusion averaged 1.156∓1.190 µg/ml in the 15 patients at 2 h after isoniazide administration on day 1. On day 3, isoniazide concentration was 1.920∓1.294 µg/ml in the pleural effusion and 2.445∓1.463 µg/ml in the plasma, and the mean penetration rate of isoniazide from blood into the pleural effusion was 86.0%. As isoniazide has a high penetration rate into the pleural effusion in most patients, continuous oral administration of isoniazid has been sufficient to achieve an effective treatment concentration, and intrapleural injection of isoniazide may seem unnecessary for non-drug-resistant tuberculosis pleurisy.



    María Cristina Petenello; Celina Beltrán; Susana Raquel Feldman


    La actividad industrial, el transporte de combustibles y las fugas de tanques y cañerías provocan frecuentemente derrames de hidrocarburos durante la manipulación y el uso de los mismos, que contaminan el suelo con el riesgo de alcanzar las capas freáticas. Dentro de los métodos de remediación de suelos contaminados, la fitorremediación es una de las técnicas de remoción de contaminantes para recuperar la salud del suelo que combina la acción de las plantas con los microorganismos asociados a...

  8. Alterações pleurais e parenquimatosas relacionadas com a exposição ao asbesto: Ensaio pictórico

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    G.S.P. Meirelles


    Full Text Available Resumo: As alterações pleurais e pulmonares decorrentes da exposição ao asbesto podem ser benignas, como o derrame e as placas pleurais, ou malignas, como o carcinoma de pulmão e o mesotelioma pleural. O derrame pleural é a manifestação mais comum nos primeiros anos após a exposição e os aspectos de imagem são incaracterísticos. O espessamento pleural difuso compromete a pleura visceral, não sendo específico da exposição ao asbesto. As placas pleurais, espessamentos focais da pleura, são consideradas marcadores de exposição. A asbestose corresponde à fibrose do parênquima pulmonar pelo asbesto, predominando nos lobos inferiores, e a atelectasia redonda a um colapso pulmonar periférico, geralmente associado a alterações pleurais. O carcinoma pulmonar e o mesotelioma pleural são mais prevalentes em indivíduos expostos. O objectivo deste estudo é ilustrar as principais alterações de imagem das alterações relacionadas com o asbesto.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (5: 477-485 Abstract: Pleural and pulmonary asbestos-related diseases range from benign conditions, like pleural effusion and pleural plaques, to some neoplasias, such as lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma. Pleural effusion is the earliest finding after asbestos exposure, but the imaging findings are not specific. Diffuse pleural thickening involves the visceral pleura and pleural plaques are considered to be hallmarks of exposure. Asbestosis is the pulmonary fibrosis due to asbestos. Rounded atelectasis is a peripheral lung collapse in these individuals, generally related to pleural disease. Some neoplasias, like lung carcinoma and pleural mesothelioma, are more prevalent in asbestos-exposed subjects. The aim of this essay is to illustrate the main imaging findings of asbestos-related diseases.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (5: 477-485 Palavras-chave: Asbesto, pneumoconioses, doenças ocupacionais

  9. Randomized Trial of Pleural Fluid Drainage Frequency in Patients with Malignant Pleural Effusions. The ASAP Trial. (United States)

    Wahidi, Momen M; Reddy, Chakravarthy; Yarmus, Lonny; Feller-Kopman, David; Musani, Ali; Shepherd, R Wesley; Lee, Hans; Bechara, Rabih; Lamb, Carla; Shofer, Scott; Mahmood, Kamran; Michaud, Gaetane; Puchalski, Jonathan; Rafeq, Samaan; Cattaneo, Stephen M; Mullon, John; Leh, Steven; Mayse, Martin; Thomas, Samantha M; Peterson, Bercedis; Light, Richard W


    Patients with malignant pleural effusions have significant dyspnea and shortened life expectancy. Indwelling pleural catheters allow patients to drain pleural fluid at home and can lead to autopleurodesis. The optimal drainage frequency to achieve autopleurodesis and freedom from catheter has not been determined. To determine whether an aggressive daily drainage strategy is superior to the current standard every other day drainage of pleural fluid in achieving autopleurodesis. Patients were randomized to either an aggressive drainage (daily drainage; n = 73) or standard drainage (every other day drainage; n = 76) of pleural fluid via a tunneled pleural catheter. The primary outcome was the incidence of autopleurodesis following the placement of the indwelling pleural catheters. The rate of autopleurodesis, defined as complete or partial response based on symptomatic and radiographic changes, was greater in the aggressive drainage arm than the standard drainage arm (47% vs. 24%, respectively; P = 0.003). Median time to autopleurodesis was shorter in the aggressive arm (54 d; 95% confidence interval, 34-83) as compared with the standard arm (90 d; 95% confidence interval, 70 to nonestimable). Rate of adverse events, quality of life, and patient satisfaction were not significantly different between the two arms. Among patients with malignant pleural effusion, daily drainage of pleural fluid via an indwelling pleural catheter led to a higher rate of autopleurodesis and faster time to liberty from catheter. Clinical trial registered with (NCT 00978939).

  10. Toracoscopia diagnóstica com anestesia local: metodologia e aplicações

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    Luís Rocha


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A toracoscopia assume cada vez mais um papel importante no diagnóstico e terapêutica de muitos doentes com derrames pleurais recidivantes. É um método simples e bern tolerado, com elevado valor diagnóstico, permitindo uma intervenção mais precoce. Além do diagnóstico permite controlar derrames pleurais recidivantes e malignos, o que poderá complementarmente ter importância de ordem clínica no tratamento e melboria da qualidade de vida do doente. Apesar do número de complicações reduzido e da sua pequena importância, pensamos que se trata de uma técnica a indicar em base individual, tendo em conta o risco/beneficio. Os autores abordam a técnica e metodologia utilizada na toracoscopia, suas contra-indicações, complicações e indicações, fazendo uma revisão teórica dos resultados descritos na literatura e realçando a modalidade anestésica que utilizam: a anestesia local com ajuda de pré-medicação. SUMMARY: Diagnostic thoracoscopy and sometimes therapeutic, assumes an important role in the etiology and symptoms relief of many patients with recurrent pleural effusions. It's a simple and well tolerable method, with high diagnostic yield, that contributes to an earlier intervention. It can control malignant and recurrent pleural effusions, which will have an important role in the treatment and quality of the patient's life. In spite of the number of complications being small and of lack of importance, we think that the use of thoracoscopy is to be decided in an Individual basis, weighting risks and benefits. The authors summarise the technique and methodology, their contraindications, complications and indications, reviewing some published results, emphasising the anaesthesia method and some information supporting local anaesthesia with pré-medication. Key-Words: Thoracoscopy, Local anaesthesia, Pleural effusion, Pleurodesis, Talc poudrage, Palavras-chave: Toracoscopia, Anestesia local, Derrame pleural, Pleurodese


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    Ramakrishna R


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND We have studied 200 patients of pleural fluid presenting to our tertiary care centre. Presence of cases of pleural fluid is a common presentation both in pulmonary and extrapulmonary diseases. We analysed the patients having both exudates and transudates and studied the results. MATERIALS AND METHODS We selected patients above 20 years of age and classified the patients with pleural fluid as having transudates and exudates. We studied the causes of transudates and exudates. A total of 200 patients are studied in this prospective study. Diagnosis of pleural exudates is made on the basis of Light’s criteria, chest x-ray, pleural fluid analysis, CT scan in selected patients, sputum examination, bronchoscopy and bronchial washings. Moribund and non-cooperative patients and HIV positives were excluded from the study. RESULTS Among the 200 patients, 91% have exudates. 9% have transudates by Light’s criteria. Tuberculosis is the commonest cause of effusions (64.83% followed by malignancy (13.73% and sympneumonic or parapneumonic effusions (9.89%. Pleural effusions occurred predominantly in males. Prevalence of diabetes Mellitus among cases of tuberculous pleural effusions is 13.56%. Tuberculous effusions are predominantly right-sided. CONCLUSION Predominant cases of pleural fluid are exudates. Commonest cause of pleural effusion is Tuberculosis followed by malignancy both pulmonary and extrapulmonary and sym. and parapneumonic effusions. Prevalence of Diabetes among Tuberculous pleural effusion cases is more or less same as in general population. Cough, expectoration fever, chest pain and breathlessness are the common symptoms occurring in three fourths of the patients of tuberculous pleural effusion. Most of the cases of Tuberculous effusion are above 30 years of age. In the diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion, Pleural fluid ADA is very important. Pleural fluid cytology, pleural biopsy, bronchoscopy, bronchial washings and sputum

  12. The use of Jackson-Pratt silicone flat drains as prolonged pleural catheters for the management of pleural effusions


    Demirhan, Ozkan; Kasapoglu, Tugce; Ece, Ferah; Toker, Alper


    Introduction: Imbalance between secretion and absorbtion of pleural fluid results in pleural effusion. Emergence of pleural effusion ipsilateral or contralateral to the side drained previously is named recurrent effusion. There is currently no standart approach for the management of recurrent pleural effusions. Materials and methods: Eighteen patients, treated between 2011 and 2012 for recurrent pleural effusions due to various etiologies, not considered for surgical or other treatments, ...

  13. Imaging of small amounts of pleural fluid. Part two - physiologic pleural fluid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kocijancic, I.


    Background. There are only a few articles reporting the possibility of radiographic and sonographic detection of physiologic pleural fluid in healthy individuals. In the last decade the advent of sonographic equipments enables the detection of small amounts of physiologic pleural fluid in about 20% of healthy individuals. In certain physiologic conditions (i.e. pregnancy) the physiologic pleural fluid could be detected more frequently by chest ultrasonography. Conclusions. A positive result, if detected, should not be taken as a sign of the occult thoracic disease. (author)

  14. Optimising the utility of pleural fluid adenosine deaminase for the diagnosis of adult tuberculous pleural effusion in Hong Kong. (United States)

    Chang, K C; Chan, M C; Leung, W M; Kong, F Y; Mak, C M; Chen, S Pl; Yu, W C


    Pleural fluid adenosine deaminase level can be applied to rapidly detect tuberculous pleural effusion. We aimed to establish a local diagnostic cut-off value for pleural fluid adenosine deaminase to identify patients with tuberculous pleural effusion, and optimise its utility. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of consecutive adults with pleural fluid adenosine deaminase level measured by the Diazyme commercial kit (Diazyme Laboratories, San Diego [CA], United States) during 1 January to 31 December 2011 in a cluster of public hospitals in Hong Kong. We considered its level alongside early (within 2 weeks) findings in pleural fluid and pleural biopsy, with and without applying Light's criteria in multiple scenarios. For each scenario, we used the receiver operating characteristic curve to identify a diagnostic cut-off value for pleural fluid adenosine deaminase, and estimated its positive and negative predictive values. A total of 860 medical records were reviewed. Pleural effusion was caused by congestive heart failure, chronic renal failure, or hypoalbuminaemia caused by liver or kidney diseases in 246 (28.6%) patients, malignancy in 198 (23.0%), non-tuberculous infection in 168 (19.5%), tuberculous pleural effusion in 157 (18.3%), and miscellaneous causes in 91 (10.6%). All those with tuberculous pleural effusion had a pleural fluid adenosine deaminase level of ≤100 U/L. When analysis was restricted to 689 patients with pleural fluid adenosine deaminase level of ≤100 U/L and early negative findings for malignancy and non-tuberculous infection in pleural fluid, the positive predictive value was significantly increased and the negative predictive value non-significantly reduced. Using this approach, neither additionally restricting analysis to exudates by Light's criteria nor adding closed pleural biopsy would further enhance predictive values. As such, the diagnostic cut-off value for pleural fluid adenosine deaminase is 26.5 U/L, with a

  15. Role of blind closed pleural biopsy in the managment of pleural exudates. (United States)

    Pereyra, Marco F; San-José, Esther; Ferreiro, Lucía; Golpe, Antonio; Antúnez, José; González-Barcala, Francisco-Javier; Abdulkader, Ihab; Álvarez-Dobaño, José M; Rodríguez-Núñez, Nuria; Valdés, Luis


    The performance of blind closed pleural biopsy (BCPB) in the study of pleural exudates is controversial. To assess the diagnostic yield of BCPB in clinical practice and its role in the study of pleural exudates. Data were retrospectively collected on all patients who underwent BCPB performed between January 1999 and December 2011. A total of 658 BCPBs were performed on 575 patients. Pleural tissue was obtained in 590 (89.7%) of the biopsies. A malignant pleural effusion was found in 35% of patients. The cytology and the BCPB were positive in 69.2% and 59.2% of the patients, respectively. Of the patients with negative cytology, 21 had a positive BCPB (diagnostic improvement, 15%), which would have avoided one pleuroscopy for every seven BCPBs that were performed. Of the 113 patients with a tuberculous effusion, granulomas were observed in 87 and the Lowenstein culture was positive in an additional 17 (sensitivity 92%). The overall sensitivity was 33.9%, with a specificity and positive predictive value of 100%, and a negative predictive value of 71%. Complications were recorded in 14.4% of patients (pneumothorax 9.4%; chest pain 5.6%; vasovagal reaction, 4.1%; biopsy of another organ 0.5%). BCPB still has a significant role in the study of a pleural exudate. If an image-guided technique is unavailable, it seems reasonable to perform BCPB before resorting to a pleuroscopy. These results support BCPB as a relatively safe technique.

  16. Pleural mesothelioma – case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klawiter, Anna; Damaszke, Tomasz


    Pleural mesothelioma is a very rare neoplasm; especially the local form. The diagnostics is difficult and the prognosis unfavourable. We presented a case of a man with dyspnoea and cough. His chest radiogram showed hydrothorax on the left side. Neither the examinations of the pleural liquid, nor the CT-guided fine needle biopsy established the diagnosis. CT showed features suggestive of pleural mesothelioma. The diagnosis was confirmed by thoracoscopy. Although no neoplastic cells were found in the thoracoscopic specimen from the supradiaphragmatic tumor, we assumed that to be a case of a diffuse, primarily local form of mesothelioma. Diagnostics of pleural mesothelioma is very difficult. CT and thoracoscopy seem to be very valuable diagnostic methods. It is worth remembering that pleural mesothelioma can have a local form which may transform into a diffuse one

  17. [Residual pleural thickening in tuberculous pleuritis. Associated factors (United States)

    Ruiz, E; Alegre, J; Alemán, C; Vizcaya, S; Armadans, L; Segura, R M; Andreu, J; Iglesias, D; Fernández de Sevilla, T


    To study the factors related to the development of residual pleural thickening in pleural tuberculosis. We studied 39 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion. A chest X-ray was taken of each patient at the end of treatment. The patients' medical histories, pleural fluid findings and diagnostic chest films were evaluated. Residual pleural thickening was defined as thickening that was visibly greater than 2 mm in the lower side portion of the chest film. Residual pleural thickening developed in 26% of patients and was found mainly in men (RR = 3.86). In no patients with Löwenstein-Jensen cultures positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis did pleural complications develop. Residual pleural thickening is a common complication of tuberculous pleural effusion. Residual pleural thickening in tuberculous pleurisy occurs more often in men and older patients, and in cases in which pleural liquid culture is negative for M. tuberculosis.

  18. Evaluation of pleural disease using MR and CT: With special reference to malignant pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knuuttila, A.; Kivisaari, L.; Kivisaari, A.; Palomaeki, M.; Tervahartiala, P.; Mattson, K.


    Purpose: To evaluate MR imaging and CT in differentiating malignant pleural mesothelioma from other malignancies or benign pleural disease. Material and Methods: Thirty-four patients (18 pleural mesothelioma, 9 other malignancies, 7 benign pleural diseases) were examined using enhanced CT and MR. Two radiologists reviewed the CT and two others the MR images. Comparisons were made between the diagnostic groups and the imaging methods. Results: The abnormalities commonly found in malignant disease, but significantly less frequently in benign pleural disease, were focal thickening and enhancement of inter lobar fissures. In mesothelioma, enhancement of inter lobar fissures, tumour invasion of the diaphragm, mediastinal soft tissue or chest wall, were significantly more often observed than in other malignancies and MR was the most sensitive method. In other malignancies, invasion of bony structures was a more common finding and was also better shown by MR. The contrast-enhanced T1 fat-suppressed (CET1fs) sequence detected these features better than other MR sequences. Conclusion: MR, especially the CET1fs sequence in three planes, gave more information than enhanced CT. Focal thickening and enhancement of inter lobar fissures were early abnormalities indicating malignant pleural disease. MR could be clinically useful for differentiating mesothelioma from other pleural diseases

  19. Evaluation of pleural disease using MR and CT: With special reference to malignant pleural mesothelioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Knuuttila, A. [Helsinki Univ. Central Hospital (Finland). Dept. of Medicine; Kivisaari, L.; Kivisaari, A.; Palomaeki, M.; Tervahartiala, P. [Helsinki Univ. Central Hospital (Finland). Dept. of Radiology; Mattson, K. [Helsinki Univ. Central Hospital (Finland). Dept. of Medicine


    Purpose: To evaluate MR imaging and CT in differentiating malignant pleural mesothelioma from other malignancies or benign pleural disease. Material and Methods: Thirty-four patients (18 pleural mesothelioma, 9 other malignancies, 7 benign pleural diseases) were examined using enhanced CT and MR. Two radiologists reviewed the CT and two others the MR images. Comparisons were made between the diagnostic groups and the imaging methods. Results: The abnormalities commonly found in malignant disease, but significantly less frequently in benign pleural disease, were focal thickening and enhancement of inter lobar fissures. In mesothelioma, enhancement of inter lobar fissures, tumour invasion of the diaphragm, mediastinal soft tissue or chest wall, were significantly more often observed than in other malignancies and MR was the most sensitive method. In other malignancies, invasion of bony structures was a more common finding and was also better shown by MR. The contrast-enhanced T1 fat-suppressed (CET1fs) sequence detected these features better than other MR sequences. Conclusion: MR, especially the CET1fs sequence in three planes, gave more information than enhanced CT. Focal thickening and enhancement of inter lobar fissures were early abnormalities indicating malignant pleural disease. MR could be clinically useful for differentiating mesothelioma from other pleural diseases.

  20. Quistes pulmonares congénitos

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    Nuvia Suárez García


    Full Text Available Introducción: las malformaciones pulmonares congénitas constituyen una alteración en el desarrollo embriológico y fetal de las distintas estructuras pulmonares y una rara expresión de estas son los quistes pulmonares congénitos. Caso clínico: se presenta un recién nacido a término, de buen peso, asintomático y estable hasta el tercer día de vida al debutar con un estado de shock séptico secundario, de bronconeumonía complicada con derrame pleural derecho. En los estudios evolutivos hacia el cuarto de día de vida se le diagnostica como hallazgo radiológico la presencia de quistes pulmonares que evolucionan de forma asintomática. Después de una valoración multidisciplinaria es egresado con un seguimiento por su condición de alto riesgo. Actualmente saludable y con buen desarrollo psicomotor. Conclusiones: la importancia del tema que se presenta es que se describe una presentación rara de quistes pulmonares congénitos en un recién nacido que desarrolló un estadio avanzado de sepsis.

  1. Complicated pleural tuberculosis in children: CT evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moon, W.K.; Kim, W.S.; Kim, I.O.; Im, J.G.; Kim, J.H.; Yeon, K.M.; Han, M.C.


    Purpose. To describe the CT features of complicated pleural tuberculosis in children and to define the use of CT in children with pleural tuberculosis. Materials and methods. The CT findings in 11 children with complicated pleural tuberculosis were retrospectively analysed. CT was performed to evaluate persistent pleural thickening (n = 6) or a mass-like lesion (n = 5) detected on plain radiographs. Chest radiographs and medical records were reviewed to determine whether additional information provided by CT had altered clinical management. Results. On CT, more than one location was involved in five patients (45 %) and in two patients (18 %) the entire pleural spaces were involved. Pleural thickening was seen in all 11 patients and enhancement after administration of contrast medium occurred in ten patients (91 %). Low-density fluid collections were seen in nine patients (82 %) and in two, CT revealed fluid collections within calcified pleural lesions. In five patients with mass-like lesions on plain radiographs, CT showed a low-density pleural mass with peripheral enhancement in four and a calcified pleural mass with fluid collection in one. CT demonstrated parenchymal abnormalities on the same side as pleural lesions in all 11 patients and hilar or mediastinal adenopathy in four. Four patients (36 %) underwent surgery because of fluid within a calcified fibrothorax (n = 3) and chest wall tuberculosis (n = 1) that were seen only on CT. Conclusions. The CT features of complicated pleural tuberculosis in children were pleural thickening, enhancement and fluid collection with associated parenchymal abnormalities and lymphadenopathy. In the evaluation of children with pleural tuberculosis, CT can be useful for demonstrating fluid within a calcified fibrothorax or chest wall involvement, which usually requires surgical intervention. (orig.)

  2. The accuracy of pleural ultrasonography in diagnosing complicated parapneumonic pleural effusions. (United States)

    Svigals, Philip Z; Chopra, Amit; Ravenel, James G; Nietert, Paul J; Huggins, John T


    We compared the accuracy of pleural ultrasound versus chest CT versus chest radiograph (CXR) to determine radiographic complexity in predicting a complicated parapneumonic effusion (CPPE) defined by pleural fluid analysis. 66 patients with parapneumonic effusions were identified with complete data. Pleural ultrasound had a sensitivity of 69.2% (95% CI 48.2% to 85.7%) and specificity of 90.0% (95% CI 76.3% to 97.2%). Chest CT had a sensitivity of 76.9% (95% CI 56.3% to 91.0%) and specificity of 65.0% (95% CI 48.3% to 79.4%). CXR had a sensitivity of 61.5% (95% CI 40.6% to 79.8%) and specificity of 60.0% (95% CI 43.3% to 75.1%). Pleural ultrasound appears to be a superior modality to rule in a CPPE when compared with chest CT and CXR. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  3. Pleural effusion: diagnosis, treatment, and management (United States)

    Karkhanis, Vinaya S; Joshi, Jyotsna M


    A pleural effusion is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the pleural space. It can pose a diagnostic dilemma to the treating physician because it may be related to disorders of the lung or pleura, or to a systemic disorder. Patients most commonly present with dyspnea, initially on exertion, predominantly dry cough, and pleuritic chest pain. To treat pleural effusion appropriately, it is important to determine its etiology. However, the etiology of pleural effusion remains unclear in nearly 20% of cases. Thoracocentesis should be performed for new and unexplained pleural effusions. Laboratory testing helps to distinguish pleural fluid transudate from an exudate. The diagnostic evaluation of pleural effusion includes chemical and microbiological studies, as well as cytological analysis, which can provide further information about the etiology of the disease process. Immunohistochemistry provides increased diagnostic accuracy. Transudative effusions are usually managed by treating the underlying medical disorder. However, a large, refractory pleural effusion, whether a transudate or exudate, must be drained to provide symptomatic relief. Management of exudative effusion depends on the underlying etiology of the effusion. Malignant effusions are usually drained to palliate symptoms and may require pleurodesis to prevent recurrence. Pleural biopsy is recommended for evaluation and exclusion of various etiologies, such as tuberculosis or malignant disease. Percutaneous closed pleural biopsy is easiest to perform, the least expensive, with minimal complications, and should be used routinely. Empyemas need to be treated with appropriate antibiotics and intercostal drainage. Surgery may be needed in selected cases where drainage procedure fails to produce improvement or to restore lung function and for closure of bronchopleural fistula. PMID:27147861

  4. Ultrasonographic Observations of the Pleural Effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Dong Hoo; Park, Sung Soo; Lee, Chung Hee


    Five cases of patients with pleural effusion were evaluated by the grey-scale ultrasonography. Ultrasonography of pleural effusion in each case was represented as fluid accumulation within the pleural cavity with anechoic crescent moon shape or saddle appearance marginated by diaphragm. Ptosis of the liver with demonstrable right diaphragm was assessment in the severe right pleural effusion. it is emphasized that the practical advantages of the ultrasonographic approach were notable both in establishing diagnosis and in treatment of pleural effusion,with special regarding of noninvasiveness particularly in the women of pregnancy, of staging in the patient with malignant lymphoma, and of safety in a subsequent thoracentesis under the ultrasonographic guidance

  5. Ultrasonographic Observations of the Pleural Effusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Dong Hoo; Park, Sung Soo; Lee, Chung Hee [Hanyang University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Five cases of patients with pleural effusion were evaluated by the grey-scale ultrasonography. Ultrasonography of pleural effusion in each case was represented as fluid accumulation within the pleural cavity with anechoic crescent moon shape or saddle appearance marginated by diaphragm. Ptosis of the liver with demonstrable right diaphragm was assessment in the severe right pleural effusion. it is emphasized that the practical advantages of the ultrasonographic approach were notable both in establishing diagnosis and in treatment of pleural effusion,with special regarding of noninvasiveness particularly in the women of pregnancy, of staging in the patient with malignant lymphoma, and of safety in a subsequent thoracentesis under the ultrasonographic guidance

  6. Predictive Factors and Treatment Outcomes of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion in Patients With Cancer and Pleural Effusion. (United States)

    Lee, Jaehee; Lee, Yong Dae; Lim, Jae Kwang; Lee, Deok Heon; Yoo, Seung Soo; Lee, Shin Yup; Cha, Seung Ick; Park, Jae Yong; Kim, Chang Ho


    Patients with cancer are at an increased risk of tuberculosis. As pleural effusion has great clinical significance in patients with cancer, the differential diagnosis between tuberculous pleural effusion (TPE) and malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is important. However, the predictive factors and treatment outcomes of TPE in patients with cancer have rarely been studied. Confirmed TPE cases identified at cancer diagnosis and during anticancer management from 2008-2015 were retrospectively investigated. Patients in the study included coexisting TPE and cancer (n = 20), MPE (n = 40) and TPE without cancer (n = 40). Control groups were patients with MPE, and patients with TPE without cancer. Clinical, laboratory and pleural fluid characteristics were compared among groups. Treatment outcomes were compared between patients with TPE with and without cancer. In the final analysis, serum C-reactive protein (S-CRP) ≥3.0mg/dL and pleural fluid adenosine deaminase (ADA) ≥40U/L were independent predictors for identifying TPE in patients with cancer having pleural effusion. The combination of S-CRP with pleural fluid ADA using an "or" rule achieved a sensitivity of 100%, whereas both parameters combined in an "and" rule had a specificity of 98%. Treatment outcomes were not different between the TPE groups with and without cancer. S-CRP and pleural fluid ADA levels may be helpful for predicting TPE in patients with cancer with pleural effusion. The combination of these biomarkers provides better information for distinguishing between TPE and MPE in these patients. Treatment outcomes of TPE in patients with cancer are comparable to those in patients without cancer. Copyright © 2017 Southern Society for Clinical Investigation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Update on pleural diseases - 2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bishay Ayman


    Full Text Available Background : New information is available on pleural diseases. The authors selected articles to make recommendations on diagnostic and treatment aspects of pleural diseases. Materials and Methods: Eleven articles published in the English language between 2004 and 2007 were chosen. The basis of selection of the articles was the impact on daily practice, change in prior thinking of a disease process or specific treatment modality, as well as proper design and execution of the study. 5-amino-laevulinic acid with fluorescent light combined with white light may allow further diagnostic yield in undiagnosed pleural disease. FDG-PET may allow prognostication of patients with pleural tumors. Utilizing ultrasound by trained Emergency Department physicians is a rapid and effective technique to evaluate non-traumatic pleural effusions in symptomatic patients. Serum osteopontin levels may distinguish patients exposed to asbestos with benign disease from those with pleural mesothelioma. Administration of streptokinase in patients with empyema does not need for surgical drainage, length of hospital stay, or mortality as compared to conventional treatment with chest tube drainage and intravenous antibiotics. Silver nitrate may be an alternative agent to talc for producing pleurodesis. Routine use of graded talc (50% particles greater than 25 microns is recommended to reduce the morbidity associated with talc pleurodesis. Study design does not permit us to conclude that aspiration of spontaneous pneumothorax is as effective as chest tube drainage. Pleural catheter may prove to be an important palliative modality in treating debilitated patients or patients with trapped lung who show symptomatic improvement with drainage; however, at the present time, these catheters cannot be considered a first line treatment option for patients with malignant pleural effusion. One of the studies reviewed showed no significant difference in tract metastasis in patients with

  8. [Sarcoid pleural effusion]. (United States)

    Rodríguez-Núñez, Nuria; Rábade, Carlos; Valdés, Luis


    Pleural effusion (PE) is a very uncommon manifestation of sarcoidosis. It is equally observed in men and women, can appear at any age and in all radiologic stages, though it is more common in stages i and ii. Effusions have usually a mild or medium size and mainly involve the right side. Various mechanisms can be implicated. PE will be a serous exudate if there is an increase in the capillary permeability due to direct involvement of the pleural membrane, a chylothorax if mediastinum lymph nodes compress the thoracic duct and/or the lymphatic drainage from the pleural cavity, an hemothorax if granuloma compress or invade pleural small vessels or capillaries, and even a transudate if there is compression of the inferior vena cava, atelectasis due to complete bronchial obstruction or when the resolution of the PE is incomplete with chronic thickening of visceral pleura (trapped lung). It manifests biochemically as a pauci-cellular exudate with a predominance of lymphocytes, though there can be a preponderance of eosinophils or neutrophils. Protein concentrations are usually proportionately higher than lactate dehidrogenase, adenosine deaminase is normally low and it is possible to find increased levels of CA-125 in women. The tuberculin test is negative and pleural or lung biopsies yield the diagnosis by confirming the presence of non-caseating granulomata. These PE can have a favorable self-limited outcome, even though in most cases treatment with corticosteroids is needed, while surgery is required in a few cases. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. [Pleural lymphatics and effusions]. (United States)

    Mordant, P; Arame, A; Legras, A; Le Pimpec Barthes, F; Riquet, M


    The pleural lymphatic system has a great absorption capacity. Its most known function is fluid resorption. The pleura which cover the lungs (visceral pleura), the mediastinum, diaphragm and thoracic wall (parietal pleura) are formed by a mesothelial cell layer (mesothelium). This permeable layer is in direct contact with the vascular endothelium. The mesothelium is based over a connective tissue (interstitium) containing the blood and lymphatic vessels. The primary lymphatic vessels drain interstitium but are also in direct contact with pleural space by the stoma or openings, situated in the lower parts of parietal pleura, i.e: diaphragm, over lower ribs and mediastinum but not existing in the adjacent visceral pleura. In addition, a part of interstitial pulmonary fluid entered in the pleural cavity by passing the visceral pleura would be absorbed by these openings. The resorption process is active and directly related to the function of smooth muscles of lymphatic vessels. Besides resorption, we must emphasize that this "pumping" activity is permanent and the origin of negative pressure (the pleural void) in pleural cavity, a unique property. The other resorbed elements are molecules, bacterial and cellular debris, cells, red blood and cancer cells. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  10. The role of CT in the differential diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma and diffuse metastatic pleural involvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirova, G.; Beeva, M.; Sergieva, S.; Tsenkov, Kh.; Tsonev, P.


    The purpose of the study was to establish the presence of similarities and differences in the CT finding of patients presenting histologically proved diffuse pleural metastases and malignant pleural mesothelioma. Twenty-six patients with diffuse metastatic involvement of the pleura divided in two groups according to histological diagnosis, made on basis of findings at examination of the specimens obtained by pneumonectomy and pleural biopsy, are subjected to retrospective investigation. Group one is of ten patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma, and group two - sixteen patients presenting diffuse metastatic changes in the pleural membranes. All scanograms are separately evaluated in terms of state of the pulmonary parenchyma and that of of the pleurae, chest wall and mediastinum. As shown by the summed up data, the CT image of the pleura in malignant pleural mesothelioma and diffuse metastatic pleural disease lacks clearcut distinction, and its roentgenological characterization does not warrant a specific morphological diagnosis. There is difference in the degree of manifestation of so-called additional signs such as enlarged hilum and mediastinal lymph nodes, metastatic lesions to the pulmonary parenchyma and destruction of adjacent bone structures

  11. Pleural mesothelioma – case report


    Klawiter, Anna; Damaszke, Tomasz


    Summary Background: Pleural mesothelioma is a very rare neoplasm; especially the local form. The diagnostics is difficult and the prognosis unfavourable. Case Report: We presented a case of a man with dyspnoea and cough. His chest radiogram showed hydrothorax on the left side. Neither the examinations of the pleural liquid, nor the CT-guided fine needle biopsy established the diagnosis. CT showed features suggestive of pleural mesothelioma. The diagnosis was confirmed by thoracoscopy. Althoug...

  12. Toracocentese e biópsia pleural Thoracentesis and pleural biopsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Sales


    Full Text Available A toracocentese é o método de escolha para a obtenção de amostras de líquido pleural. Embora seja considerado um procedimento pouco invasivo, é fundamental que a toracocentese obedeça a uma técnica padronizada com a finalidade de aprimorar a chance de diagnóstico e minimizar riscos. A biópsia de pleura tem por objetivo ampliar e complementar a chance de diagnóstico das doenças pleurais, sendo indicada em casos selecionados.Thoracentesis is the method of choice for obtaining samples of pleural fluid. Although it is considered a minimum invasive procedure, it is crucial to follow a standardized technique with the purpose of optimizing the chance of diagnosis and minimizing risks. The pleura biopsy may enlarge and complement the chance of diagnosis of the pleural diseases and is indicated in selected cases.

  13. Pleural effusions in the postpartum period

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stark, P.; Pollack, M.S.


    We report on the high frequency of pleural effusions in the immediate postpartum period. Forty-four out of 45 women who examined within 24-48 h after delivery showed evidence of pleural fluid. Under these circumstances, this pleural abnormality should not be considered an indicator of serious cardiopulmonary disease. (orig.) [de

  14. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of pleural fluid: differentiation of transudative vs exudative pleural effusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baysal, T.; Bulut, T.; Dusak, A.; Dogan, M.; Goekirmak, M.; Kalkan, S.


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of diffusion-weighted MRI in differentiating transudative from exudative pleural effusions. Fifty-seven patients with pleural effusion were studied. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was performed with an echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequence (b values 0, 1000 s/mm 2 ) in 52 patients. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values were reconstructed from three different regions. Subsequently, thoracentesis was performed and the pleural fluid was analyzed. Laboratory results revealed 20 transudative and 32 exudative effusions. Transudates had a mean ADC value of 3.42±0.76 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s. Exudates had a mean ADC value of 3.18±1.82 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s. The optimum cutoff point for ADC values was 3.38 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s with a sensitivity of 90.6% and specificity of 85%. A significant negative correlation was seen between ADC values and pleural fluid protein, albumin concentrations and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) measurements (r=-0.69, -0.66, and -0.46, respectively; p<0.01). The positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy of ADC values were determined to be 90.6, 85, and 88.5%, respectively. The application of diffusion gradients to analyze pleural fluid may be an alternative to the thoracentesis. Non-invasive characterization of a pleural effusion by means of DWI with single-shot EPI technique may obviate the need for thoracentesis with its associated patient morbidity. (orig.)


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    Putu Bayu Dian Tresna Dewi


    Full Text Available Pleural effusion is abnormal fluid accumulation within pleural cavity between the parietal pleura and visceralis pleura, either transudation or exudates. A 47 year-old female presented with dyspneu, cough, and decreased of appetite. She had history of right lung tumor. Physical examination revealed asymmetric chest movement where right part of lung was lagged during breathing, vocal fremitus on the right chest was decreased, dullness at the right chest, decreased vesicular sound in the right chest, enlargement of supraclavicular and colli dextra lymph nodes, and hepatomegali. Complete blood count showed leukocytosis. Clinical chemistry analysis showed hipoalbumin and decreased liver function. Blood gas analysis showed hypoxemia. Pleural fluid analysis showed an exudates, murky red liquid color filled with erythrocytes, number of cells. Cytological examination showed existence of a non-small cell carcinoma tends adeno type. From chest X-ray showed massive right pleural effusion. Based on history, physical examination and investigations, she was diagnosed with massive pleural effusion et causa suspected malignancy. She had underwent pleural fluid evacuation and treated with analgesics and antibiotics.

  16. Clinical diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishi, Hideyuki; Washio, Kazuhiro; Mano, Masayuki


    We evaluated clinical and thoracoscopic findings of cases that underwent thoracoscopic biopsy for the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma. We reviewed 32 cases suspected of having malignant pleural mesothelioma from 2003 to 2006. We made a diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma via thoracoscopic biopsy (19 cases). The cut-off level of hyaluronic acid in malignant effusions, selected on the basis of the best diagnostic efficacy, was 100 μg/ml. We can decrease the incidence of false negative cases by the combination of CT findings and the presence of hyaluronic acid in pleural effusion. In the pleural thickening type of thoracoscopic appearance, the parietal pleurae were thickened, and small nodules were rare. As for this type, tumor cells were histologically absent or confined to the submesothelial tissue. We considered that determinations of specific sites were difficult. Adequate tissue samples obtained via video-assisted thoracoscopy were necessary for diagnosis. We can decrease the incidence of false negative cases by the combination of the presence of hyaluronic acid in pleural effusion and thoracoscopic biopsy. (author)

  17. A importância da pressão pleural na avaliação da mecânica respiratória La importancia de la presión pleural en la evaluación de la mecánica respiratoria Importance of pleural pressure for the evaluation of respiratory mechanics

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    Cláudia Regina Fernandes


    respiratorio en sus componentes pulmón y pared torácica, se hace necesario el conocimiento de la presión pleural. La finalidad de esta revisión fue la de discutir sobre las medidas alternativas para la obtención de la presión pleural para el cálculo de la mecánica pulmonar, relatar las peculiaridades del método del globo esofágico para la obtención indirecta de la presión pleural, las particularidades de la obtención de la medida de la presión esofágica en pacientes sedados o anestesiados, discurrir sobre la medida directa de la presión pleural y su correlación con la presión esofágica, como también relatar sobre el reflejo de la PEEP en las presiones pleural y esofágica. CONTENIDO: La variación de la presión intra esofágica refleja la variación de la presión intrapleural, pudiendo ser usada como medida alternativa a la presión pleural directa, en el estudio de la mecánica de los componentes pulmón y pared del sistema respiratorio. La medida de la presión esofágica puede ser realizada a través de un delicado globo posicionado en el interior del esófago. El método y la técnica fueron observados y validados en seres humanos y animales en diferentes condiciones y posturas corporales. El empleo de la PEEP en pacientes bajo ventilación controlada mecánica está consolidado, sin embargo existen controversias de la correlación próxima entre la presión esofágica y la presión pleural en pacientes ventilados con PEEP, lo que puede resultar en errores de cálculo de mecánica respiratoria considerando la presión esofágica. CONCLUSIONES: El método del globo esofágico es el más utilizado para la obtención de la medida indirecta de la presión pleural. En pacientes sedados o anestesiados sin importantes alteraciones de la complacencia respiratoria, la variación de la presión esofágica corresponde a la variación de la presión pleural cuando se aplica a PEEP.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Pleural pressure has to be known for the partitioning of

  18. High IL-35 pleural expression in patients with tuberculous pleural effusion. (United States)

    Dong, Xuan; Yang, Jiong


    IL-35 is a novel anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive cytokine primarily produced by Treg cells, and is involved in inflammatory diseases and autoimmune diseases. However, its roles in tuberculous pleural effusion (TPE) remain unknown. We aimed to investigate the potential involvement of IL-35 in TPE. Thirty TPE patients and 20 lung cancer patients with malignant pleural effusion (MPE) were recruited. Samples of pleural effusion (100 mL) were collected after traditional pleurocentesis. Blood was sampled from TPE patients. Mononuclear cells were isolated by Ficoll-Hypaque gradient. Proportions of Th1, Th17, and IL-35-producing cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. IL-35 was assessed by real-time RT-PCR, ELISA, and immunofluorescence. An ELISPOT assay was used to assess the effect of IL-35 on pleural effusion mononuclear cells (PEMCs). Proportions of IL-35-producing cells were higher in TPE compared with MPE (49.4±6.0 vs. 15.8±5.4%, Ppleural tissues from TPE patients. Results suggest that there is an imbalance in IL-35 metabolism in TPE. However, further studies are required to assess the exact relationship with the immune system response to tuberculosis. IL-35 might play a role in TPE and might be targeted as a treatment for TPE.

  19. Broncho-pleural fistula with hydropneumothorax at CT: Diagnostic implications in mycobacterium avium complex lung disease with pleural involvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Hyun Jung; Chung, Myung Jin; Lee, Kyung Soo; Park, Hye Yun; Koh, Won Jung; Kim, Jung Soo


    To determine the patho-mechanism of pleural effusion or hydropneumothorax in Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) lung disease through the computed tomographic (CT) findings. We retrospectively collected data from 5 patients who had pleural fluid samples that were culture-positive for MAC between January 2001 and December 2013. The clinical findings were investigated and the radiological findings on chest CT were reviewed by 2 radiologists. The 5 patients were all male with a median age of 77 and all had underlying comorbid conditions. Pleural fluid analysis revealed a wide range of white blood cell counts (410-100690/µL). The causative microorganisms were determined as Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare in 1 and 4 patients, respectively. Radiologically, the peripheral portion of the involved lung demonstrated fibro-bullous changes or cavitary lesions causing lung destruction, reflecting the chronic, insidious nature of MAC lung disease. All patients had broncho-pleural fistulas (BPFs) and pneumothorax was accompanied with pleural effusion. In patients with underlying MAC lung disease who present with pleural effusion, the presence of BPFs and pleural air on CT imaging are indicative that spread of MAC infection is the cause of the effusion

  20. Broncho-pleural fistula with hydropneumothorax at CT: Diagnostic implications in mycobacterium avium complex lung disease with pleural involvement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Hyun Jung; Chung, Myung Jin; Lee, Kyung Soo; Park, Hye Yun; Koh, Won Jung [Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Jung Soo [Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Inha University Hospital, Inha University School of Medicine, Incheon (Korea, Republic of)


    To determine the patho-mechanism of pleural effusion or hydropneumothorax in Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) lung disease through the computed tomographic (CT) findings. We retrospectively collected data from 5 patients who had pleural fluid samples that were culture-positive for MAC between January 2001 and December 2013. The clinical findings were investigated and the radiological findings on chest CT were reviewed by 2 radiologists. The 5 patients were all male with a median age of 77 and all had underlying comorbid conditions. Pleural fluid analysis revealed a wide range of white blood cell counts (410-100690/µL). The causative microorganisms were determined as Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare in 1 and 4 patients, respectively. Radiologically, the peripheral portion of the involved lung demonstrated fibro-bullous changes or cavitary lesions causing lung destruction, reflecting the chronic, insidious nature of MAC lung disease. All patients had broncho-pleural fistulas (BPFs) and pneumothorax was accompanied with pleural effusion. In patients with underlying MAC lung disease who present with pleural effusion, the presence of BPFs and pleural air on CT imaging are indicative that spread of MAC infection is the cause of the effusion.

  1. CT diagnosis and differential diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiong Juxin; Yang Zenian; Luo Zhongyao


    Objective: To study the CT features of malignant pleural mesothelioma and improve diagnostic accuracy. Methods: The CT findings of 14 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma proven by surgery or histopathology were analyzed retrospectively. CT plain scan was performed in all cases, 9 cases received both CT plain scan and contrast CT scan. Results: All the cases demonstrated various pleural thickening including diffuse pleural thickening (n=10). Among all the cases, there were nodular pleural thickening (n=4), lumpy pleural thickening (n=7), ring-like pleural thickening (n=3). Pleural thickness which was more than 1.0 cm was found in 12 cases. Pleural effusion (n=10), mediastinum immobilization (n=10) and thoracic cavity stricture in the trouble side (n=10) were also revealed. Conclusion: Obvious characteristics in cases with malignant pleural mesothelioma was showed in CT examination, which plays an important role in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of this disease. (authors)

  2. Proteomic study of benign and malignant pleural effusion. (United States)

    Li, Hongqing; Tang, Zhonghao; Zhu, Huili; Ge, Haiyan; Cui, Shilei; Jiang, Weiping


    Lung adenocarcinoma can easily cause malignant pleural effusion which was difficult to discriminate from benign pleural effusion. Now there was no biomarker with high sensitivity and specificity for the malignant pleural effusion. This study used proteomics technology to acquire and analyze the protein profiles of the benign and malignant pleural effusion, to seek useful protein biomarkers with diagnostic value and to establish the diagnostic model. We chose the weak cationic-exchanger magnetic bead (WCX-MB) to purify peptides in the pleural effusion, used matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) to obtain peptide expression profiles from the benign and malignant pleural effusion samples, established and validated the diagnostic model through a genetic algorithm (GA) and finally identified the most promising protein biomarker. A GA diagnostic model was established with spectra of 3930.9 and 2942.8 m/z in the training set including 25 malignant pleural effusion and 26 benign pleural effusion samples, yielding both 100 % sensitivity and 100 % specificity. The accuracy of diagnostic prediction was validated in the independent testing set with 58 malignant pleural effusion and 34 benign pleural effusion samples. Blind evaluation was as follows: the sensitivity was 89.6 %, specificity 88.2 %, PPV 92.8 %, NPV 83.3 % and accuracy 89.1 % in the independent testing set. The most promising peptide biomarker was identified successfully: Isoform 1 of caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 9 (CARD9), with 3930.9 m/z, was decreased in the malignant pleural effusion. This model is suitable to discriminate benign and malignant pleural effusion and CARD9 can be used as a new peptide biomarker.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana Vicente


    Full Text Available La Neumonía Adquirida en la Comunidad (NAC es una enfermedad de evolución aguda, generalmente de manejo ambulatorio. Los Gram negativos como la Klebsiella pneumoniae son poco frecuentes (1,2%, su frecuencia aumenta considerablemente en NAC severa representando el 12% de las etiologías. Las condiciones clínicas del paciente y la presencia de factores de riesgo son indicadores de la evolución, riesgo de mortalidad y conducta terapéutica.Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 22 años, sin factores de riesgo ni antecedentes de importancia, con diagnóstico de NAC severa con un CURB-65 de 3 puntos. La radiografía y tomografía describen absceso pulmonar, derrame pleural y neumotórax derecho. Se realiza drenaje toráxico, ingresa a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI e inicia antibioticoterapia con Clindamicina-Ceftazidima, evoluciona tórpidamente, se realiza decorticación pleuro-pulmonar y resección cuneiforme de segmento fistulado. El cultivo inicial reporta Klebsiella pneumoniae y el segundo Acinetobacter sp y Pseudomona sp. Se considera una infec- ción nosocomial, se cambia antibioticoterapia, evolucionando satisfactoriamente.

  4. A combined hands-on teaching programme and clinical pathway focused on pleural ultrasound and procedure supervision transforms pleural procedure outcomes. (United States)

    Edwards, Timothy; Cook, Alistair; Salamonsen, Matthew; Bashirzadeh, Farzad; Fielding, David


    Management of pleural effusions is a common diagnostic and management problem. We reviewed the outcomes from pleural procedures after the instigation of pleural effusion management guidelines, focusing on pleural ultrasound and a hands-on teaching programme followed by procedure supervision that enabled many operators to perform such procedures. This is a retrospective analysis of all procedures performed for pleural effusions on medical patients. Outcomes were assessed prior to the instigation of pleural effusion management guidelines (pleural pathway) and hands-on teaching (January 2010 to June 2011) and following these interventions (January 2012 to June 2013). A total of 171 procedures involving 129 patients (pre-pathway group) and 146 procedures involving 115 patients (post-pathway group) was analysed. The rate of complications prior to the pleural pathway was 22.2% (38 of 171 procedures). Following the pathway, the rate of complications declined to 7.5% (11 of 146 procedures, P < 0.003). The use of pleural ultrasound increased dramatically (72.5 vs 90.2%). The number of patients who underwent repeated procedures (defined as ≥3) reduced dramatically (21 vs 7, P < 0.01). This improvement occurred using many supervised operators who completed the hands-on teaching programme (n = 32) and followed the pleural pathway (127 of 146 procedures). The instigation of a clinical pathway focused on the use of bedside pleural ultrasound, and teaching of drainage techniques with procedure supervision vastly improved patient outcomes. This not only allowed better quality of care for patients, it also provided the acquisition of new skills to medical staff, not limiting these skills to specialised staff. © 2017 Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

  5. Measurement of Pleural Temperature During Radiofrequency Ablation of Lung Tumors to Investigate Its Relationship to Occurrence of Pneumothorax or Pleural Effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tajiri, Nobuhisa; Hiraki, Takao; Mimura, Hidefumi; Gobara, Hideo; Mukai, Takashi; Hase, Soichiro; Fujiwara, Hiroyasu; Iguchi, Toshihiro; Sakurai, Jun; Aoe, Motoi; Sano, Yoshifumi; Date, Hiroshi; Kanazawa, Susumu


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between pleural temperature and pneumothorax or pleural effusion after radiofrequency (RF) ablation of lung tumors. The pleural temperature was measured immediately outside the lung surface nearest to the tumor with a fiber-type thermocouple during 25 ablation procedures for 34 tumors in 22 patients. The procedures were divided into two groups depending on the highest pleural temperature: P-group I and P-group II, with highest pleural temperatures of <40 deg. C and ≥40 deg. C, respectively. The incidence of pneumothorax or pleural effusion was compared between the groups. Multiple variables were compared between the groups to determine the factors that affect the pleural temperature. The overall incidence of pneumothorax and pleural effusion was 56% (14/25) and 20% (5/25), respectively. Temperature data in five ablation procedures were excluded from the analyses because these were affected by the pneumothorax. P-group I and P-group II comprised 10 procedures and 10 procedures, respectively. The incidence of pleural effusion was significantly higher in P-group II (4/10) than in P-group I (0/10) (p = 0.043). However, the incidence of pneumothorax did not differ significantly (p = 0.50) between P-group I (4/10) and P-group II (5/10). Factors significantly affecting the pleural temperature were distance between the electrode and the pleura (p < 0.001) and length of the lung parenchyma between the electrode and the pleura (p < 0.001). We conclude that higher pleural temperature appeared to be associated with the occurrence of pleural effusion and not with that of pneumothorax

  6. Lymphocytic Pleural Effusion in Acute Melioidosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuo-Mou Chung


    Full Text Available An endemic outbreak of melioidosis developed in southern Taiwan following a flood caused by a typhoon in July 2005. A total of 27 patients were diagnosed with the acute and indigenous form of pulmonary melioidosis. Parapneumonic pleural effusions were noted on chest X-rays in six patients. Thoracentesis was done in three patients and all revealed lymphocyte predominance in differential cell count. Burkholderia pseudomallei was isolated in the pleural effusion in one of them. All three patients survived after antibiotic treatment. Lymphocytic pleural effusion is generally seen in tuberculosis or malignancy. However, our findings suggest that melioidosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of lymphocytic pleural effusion.

  7. Evaluation of CT findings for diagnosis of pleural effusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arenas-Jimenez, J.; Alonso-Charterina, S.; Fernandez-Latorre, F.; Gil-Sanchez, S.; Sanchez-Paya, J.; Lloret-Llorens, M.


    Computed tomography studies are usually used to assess patients with pleural effusions, and radiologists should be aware of the significance of different CT findings for the diagnosis of the effusion. The purpose of this study was to evaluate CT findings for etiological diagnosis of pleural effusions. Contrast-enhanced CT of the chest of 211 patients with pleural effusion of definite diagnosis were evaluated. The CT images were evaluated for the presence and extent of pleural effusion, thickening or nodules, extrapleural fat and other changes in the mediastinum or lung. The CT scans were read by two independent observers and correlation between them was evaluated. Comparison of CT findings between benign and malignant effusions, between exudates and transudates, and between empyemas and the other parapneumonic effusions were carried out. Kappa values for most CT findings were >0.85. Loculation, pleural thickening, pleural nodules, and extrapleural fat of increased density were only present in exudative effusions. Multiple pleural nodules and nodular pleural thickening were the only pleural findings limited to malignant pleural effusions. The signs were also more frequently seen in empyemas than in other parapneumonic effusions. Computed tomography findings can help to distinguish between transudates and exudates. Although there is some overlap between benign and malignant pleural effusions, pleural nodules and nodular pleural thickening were present almost exclusively in the latter. Although differences between CT findings of empyemas and the other parapneumonic effusions exist, there is no finding which can definitely differentiate between them. (orig.)

  8. A new diagnostic approach for bilious pleural effusion. (United States)

    Saraya, Takeshi; Light, Richard W; Sakuma, Sho; Nakamoto, Yasuo; Wada, Shoko; Ishida, Manabu; Inui, Toshiya; Koide, Takashi; Ishii, Haruyuki; Takizawa, Hajime


    Bilious pleural effusion is an extremely rare condition associated with liver diseases, subphrenic or subhepatic abscess formation, biliary peritonitis, and invasive procedures (i.e., percutaneous biliary drainage or liver biopsy). The current diagnostic test is based on the measurement of the ratio of pleural total bilirubin to serum total bilirubin, which is greater than 1 in patients with bilious pleural effusion. Given the low incidence of bilious pleural effusion, the precise diagnostic yield of this ratio based test has not been evaluated. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of our institution and searched the PubMed database for reports of bilious pleural effusion. We identified a total of 12 cases of bilious pleural effusion (9 from 8 Pubmed reports and 3 from our institutional records). The factors causing this condition were broadly classified into three categories based on the pathophysiology: 1) liver diseases (echinococcosis, tuberculosis and amebiasis); 2) subhepatic/subphrenic abscess or biliary peritonitis, with or without biliary tract obstruction; and 3) iatrogenic disease after percutaneous biliary drainage and/or liver biopsy. The sensitivity of detection was 76.9% when the ratio of pleural total bilirubin to serum total bilirubin was greater than 1. The sensitivity increased to 100% when a combination test including pleural glycoholic acid was adopted. This study demonstrates the high diagnostic yield for bilious pleural effusion using a combination of two test criteria; a ratio of pleural total bilirubin to serum total bilirubin greater than 1 and the presence of pleural glycoholic acid. Copyright © 2016 The Japanese Respiratory Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. The role of pleural fluid MAGE RT-nested PCR in the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion. (United States)

    Jeon, Eun Ju; Park, Hye Kyeong; Jeon, Kyeongman; Koh, Won-Jung; Suh, Gee Young; Chung, Man Pyo; Kim, Hojoong; Kwon, O Jung; Ki, Chang-Seok; Kim, Jong-Won; Shim, Young Mog; Um, Sang-Won


      Melanoma antigen (MAGE) genes are expressed in tumor cells, the testis and the placenta. The purpose of this prospective study was to investigate the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), MAGE reverse transcriptase-nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-nested PCR), and cytology of pleural fluid in the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion.   Patients in whom unilateral pleural effusion was identified on chest radiography from January to December 2009 were included in the study. MAGE genes were analyzed by RT-nested PCR using MAGE A1-6 common primers.   Of 81 enrolled patients, 46 were diagnosed as malignant pleural effusion, and 24 were diagnosed as benign pleural effusion. The diagnoses of 11 patients were not confirmed in this study. The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of MAGE RT-nested PCR were 61.4%, 95.7%, and 73.1%, respectively. The diagnostic sensitivities of cytology and CEA (>5 ng/mL) were 61.4% and 75.0%, respectively. Among 17 patients with negative cytology who had malignant pleural effusion, 12 and 10 patients were positive for CEA (>5.0 ng/mL) and MAGE RT-nested PCR, respectively. However, of five patients with malignant pleural effusion that was not recognized by cytology and CEA, MAGE RT-nested PCR correctly predicted a malignant etiology in only one additional patient (20%).   MAGE RT-nested PCR seems to add little on the combination of conventional methods in the diagnosis of malignant effusion. © 2012 Tianjin Lung Cancer Institute and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty. Ltd.

  10. Physiology of breathlessness associated with pleural effusions (United States)

    Thomas, Rajesh; Jenkins, Susan; Eastwood, Peter R.; Lee, Y.C. Gary; Singh, Bhajan


    Purpose of review Pleural effusions have a major impact on the cardiorespiratory system. This article reviews the pathophysiological effects of pleural effusions and pleural drainage, their relationship with breathlessness, and highlights key knowledge gaps. Recent findings The basis for breathlessness in pleural effusions and relief following thoracentesis is not well understood. Many existing studies on the pathophysiology of breathlessness in pleural effusions are limited by small sample sizes, heterogeneous design and a lack of direct measurements of respiratory muscle function. Gas exchange worsens with pleural effusions and improves after thoracentesis. Improvements in ventilatory capacity and lung volumes following pleural drainage are small, and correlate poorly with the volume of fluid drained and the severity of breathlessness. Rather than lung compression, expansion of the chest wall, including displacement of the diaphragm, appears to be the principle mechanism by which the effusion is accommodated. Deflation of the thoracic cage and restoration of diaphragmatic function after thoracentesis may improve diaphragm effectiveness and efficiency, and this may be an important mechanism by which breathlessness improves. Effusions do not usually lead to major hemodynamic changes, but large effusions may cause cardiac tamponade and ventricular diastolic collapse. Patients with effusions can have impaired exercise capacity and poor sleep quality and efficiency. Summary Pleural effusions are associated with abnormalities in gas exchange, respiratory mechanics, respiratory muscle function and hemodynamics, but the association between these abnormalities and breathlessness remains unclear. Prospective studies should aim to identify the key mechanisms of effusion-related breathlessness and predictors of improvement following pleural drainage. PMID:25978627

  11. Postoperative pleural effusion following upper abdominal surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, P H; Jepsen, S B; Olsen, A D


    amylases, sex, smoking habits, or weight. There was no correlation between the localization of the pleural effusions and that of the abdominal incisions. There was a positive correlation between atelectasis and pleural effusion, but no evidence of a causal relationship. Pleural effusions might be related...

  12. Detection of EpCAM-positive microparticles in pleural fluid: A new approach to mini-invasively identify patients with malignant pleural effusions. (United States)

    Roca, Elisa; Lacroix, Romaric; Judicone, Coralie; Laroumagne, Sophie; Robert, Stéphane; Cointe, Sylvie; Muller, Alexandre; Kaspi, Elise; Roll, Patrice; Brisson, Alain R; Tantucci, Claudio; Astoul, Philippe; Dignat-George, Françoise


    Pleural biomarkers allowing to mini-invasively discriminate benign from malignant pleural effusions are needed. Among potential candidates, microparticles (MPs) are extracellular vesicles that vectorize antigen derived from the parent cell. We hypothesized that tumor-derived MPs could be present in the pleural liquid and help to identify patients with malignant pleural effusions. Using highly sensitive flow cytometry and cryo-electron microscopy, we showed that large amounts of MPs from hematopoïetic and vascular origin could be detectable in pleural fluids. Their level did not differ between benign (n = 14) and malignant (n = 71) pleural effusions. Analysis of selected tumoral associated antigens (podoplanin, mucin 1 and EpCAM, epithelial-cell-adhesion-molecule) evidenced for the first time the presence of tumor-derived MPs expressing EpCAM in malignant pleural fluids only (Specificity = 93%, Sensitivity = 49% and 45% for flow cytometry and ELISA, respectively). The detection of EpCAM-positive-MPs (EpCAM + MPs) by flow cytometry showed a better specificity and sensitivity than ELISA to distinguish between pleural carcinoma and the others malignant pleural effusions (MPE; Sp: 96% vs 89%; Se: 79% vs 66%). Combining EpCAM+ MPs and cytology improved the diagnosis of MPE compared to cytology alone. This study establishes the basis for using EpCAM+ MPs as a promising new biomarker that could be added to the armamentarium to mini-invasively identify patients with malignant pleural effusions.

  13. Does selective pleural irradiation of malignant pleural mesothelioma allow radiation dose escalation. A planning study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Botticella, A.; Defraene, G.; Nackaerts, K.; Deroose, C.; Coolen, J.; Nafteux, P.; Vanstraelen, B.; Joosten, S.; Michiels, L.A.W.; Peeters, S.; Ruysscher, D. de


    After lung-sparing radiotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), local failure at sites of previous gross disease represents the dominant form of failure. Our aim is to investigate if selective irradiation of the gross pleural disease only can allow dose escalation. In all, 12 consecutive stage I-IV MPM patients (6 left-sided and 6 right-sided) were retrospectively identified and included. A magnetic resonance imaging-based pleural gross tumor volume (GTV) was contoured. Two sets of planning target volumes (PTV) were generated for each patient: (1) a ''selective'' PTV (S-PTV), originating from a 5-mm isotropic expansion from the GTV and (2) an ''elective'' PTV (E-PTV), originating from a 5-mm isotropic expansion from the whole ipsilateral pleural space. Two sets of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatment plans were generated: a ''selective'' pleural irradiation plan (SPI plan) and an ''elective'' pleural irradiation plan (EPI plan, planned with a simultaneous integrated boost technique [SIB]). In the SPI plans, the average median dose to the S-PTV was 53.6 Gy (range 41-63.6 Gy). In 4 of 12 patients, it was possible to escalate the dose to the S-PTV to >58 Gy. In the EPI plans, the average median doses to the E-PTV and to the S-PTV were 48.6 Gy (range 38.5-58.7) and 49 Gy (range 38.6-59.5 Gy), respectively. No significant dose escalation was achievable. The omission of the elective irradiation of the whole ipsilateral pleural space allowed dose escalation from 49 Gy to more than 58 Gy in 4 of 12 chemonaive MPM patients. This strategy may form the basis for nonsurgical radical combined modality treatment of MPM. (orig.) [de

  14. Are the days of closed pleural biopsy over? Yes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dharmesh Patel


    Full Text Available In the modern management of pleural diseases, thoracoscopy has a clear advantage over closed pleural biopsy. By way of its high yield, both in malignant pleural disease and pleural Tuberculosis – the two commonest cause of undiagnosed pleural effusion, thoracoscopy has the added advantage of faster symptom relief and offering effective pleurodesis. This makes it an attractive diagnostic and therapeutic procedure of choice and features high in the algorithms of many international guidelines on the approach to pleural diseases.

  15. Computed tomography findings of malignant pleural mesothelioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shiota, Yutaro; Sato, Toshio; Yamaguchi, Kazuo; Ono, Tetsuya; Kaji, Masaro; Niiya, Harutaka (Kure Kyosai Hospital, Hiroshima (Japan))


    Computed tomography (CT) findings were assessed in 7 patients with malignant mesothelioma. CT findings were also reviewed in 9 patients with lung cancer and pleuritis carcinomatosa and in 11 patients with tuberculous pleuritis. Five patients with malignant mesothelioma underwent CT scans twice, on admission and from 1 to 7 months after admission. Tuberculous pleuritis could be distinguished from pleuritis carcinomatosa and malignant mesothelioma by the presence or absence of pleural nodularity and chest wall invasion. Although it was difficult to identify specific CT features clearly distinguishing malignant mesothelioma from pleuritis carcinomatosa, characteristic findings of malignant mesothelioma appeared to include the rapid development and progression of pleural rind and a tendency to spread directly into the chest wall. We divided the pleural into the four regions; upper anterior, upper posterior, lower anterior and lower posterior regions. Pleural changes were more frequently seen in the lower pleural regions than in the upper pleural regions in malignant mesothelioma. (author).

  16. Computed tomography findings of malignant pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiota, Yutaro; Sato, Toshio; Yamaguchi, Kazuo; Ono, Tetsuya; Kaji, Masaro; Niiya, Harutaka


    Computed tomography (CT) findings were assessed in 7 patients with malignant mesothelioma. CT findings were also reviewed in 9 patients with lung cancer and pleuritis carcinomatosa and in 11 patients with tuberculous pleuritis. Five patients with malignant mesothelioma underwent CT scans twice, on admission and from 1 to 7 months after admission. Tuberculous pleuritis could be distinguished from pleuritis carcinomatosa and malignant mesothelioma by the presence or absence of pleural nodularity and chest wall invasion. Although it was difficult to identify specific CT features clearly distinguishing malignant mesothelioma from pleuritis carcinomatosa, characteristic findings of malignant mesothelioma appeared to include the rapid development and progression of pleural rind and a tendency to spread directly into the chest wall. We divided the pleural into the four regions; upper anterior, upper posterior, lower anterior and lower posterior regions. Pleural changes were more frequently seen in the lower pleural regions than in the upper pleural regions in malignant mesothelioma. (author)

  17. Combined detection of AM, CYFRA21-1, NSE and CEA levels in pleural effusion for differentiation of malignant from tuberculous pleural effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Hua; Zhu Wenru; Sun Shuhong; Xu Shuhua; Yu Hui


    The level s of four tumor markers (AM, CYFRA21-1, NSE and CEA) pleural effusion in plearal effusion were determined by RIA in 52 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion and 74 patients with malignant pleural effusion. The results showed that the levels of the four tumor markers in malignant pleural effusion were significantly higher than those in tuberculous pleural effusion. Combined detection of the four tumor markers could improve the diagnostic sensitivity and the accuracy to 90.5% and 92.9%, respectively (P<0.01). Detection of AM, CYFRA21-1, NSE and CEA levels in pleural effusion is very useful for the differentiation of malignant from tuberculous pleural effusion. Combined detection of the four markers may greatly improve the diagnostic accuracy. (authors)

  18. Incidência de complicações pulmonares na cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio Incidencia de complicaciones pulmonares en la cirugía de revascularización del miocardio Incidence of pulmonary complications in myocardial revascularization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila D. N Ortiz


    tanto, las complicaciones pulmonares después del abordaje quirúrgico aun son frecuentes, predisponiendo al paciente a un mayor tiempo de internación o al óbito. OBJETIVO: Describir la incidencia de complicaciones pulmonares y identificar su asociación con tiempos de circulación extracorporal (CEC; cirugía e isquemia; número de injertos; localización y tiempo de drenajes después de cirugía de revascularización del miocardio (CRM. MÉTODOS: En esta cohorte contemporánea, fueron estudiados 202 pacientes en hospital universitario de referencia para cardiología en el sur del Brasil, sometidos a la CRM electiva con puente safena y arteria mamaria interna con CEC, en el período de abril/2006 a noviembre/2007. Los desenlaces considerados fueron: tiempo de ventilación mecánica; surgimiento de neumonía; atelectasia; derrame pleural; hora de la retirada y localización de los drenajes; y tiempo de internación. RESULTADOS: Se observó algún tipo de complicación pulmonar en 90 de los 202 pacientes. La frecuencia de derrame pleural fue de 84% y la de atelectasia fue de 65%. Presentaron asociación con complicaciones pulmonares los tiempos de CEC (p = 0,003, quirúrgico (p = 0,040e isquemia (p = 0,001; el tiempo de permanencia de drenajes (p = 0,050 y la localización pleural de los drenajes (p = 0,033, además de edad (p = 0,001, fracción de eyección (p = 0,010, diagnóstico de asma (p = 0,047 y examen radiológico de tórax pre-operatorio anormal (p = 0,029. CONCLUSIÓN: Variables relacionadas a la complejidad del acto quirúrgico y comorbilidades pre-existentes están asociadas a una alta incidencia de complicaciones pulmonares en el post-operatorio. Esos datos refuerzan la importancia de la evaluación clínica peri-operatoria para detección precoz de complicación respiratoria después de CRM.BACKGROUND: Despite the increasingly careful attempts to reduce perioperative risks, pulmonary complications following surgery are still very common, leading to

  19. Pleurotomy with subxyphoid pleural drain affords similar effects to pleural integrity in pulmonary function after off-pump coronary artery bypass graft. (United States)

    Guizilini, Solange; Bolzan, Douglas W; Faresin, Sonia M; Ferraz, Raquel F; Tavolaro, Kelly; Cancio, Andrea A; Gomes, Walter J


    Exacerbation of pulmonary dysfunction has been reported in patients receiving a pleural drain inserted through the intercostal space in comparison to patients with an intact pleura undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Evidence suggests that shifting the site of pleural drain insertion to the subxyphoid position minimizes chest wall trauma and preserves respiratory function in the early postoperative period. The aim of this study was to compare the pulmonary function parameters, clinical outcomes, and pain score between patients undergoing pleurotomy with pleural drain placed in the subxyphoid position and patients with intact pleural cavity after off-pump CABG (OPCAB) using left internal thoracic artery (LITA). Seventy-one patients were allocated into two groups: I (n = 38 open left pleural cavity and pleural drain inserted in the subxyphoid position); II (n = 33 intact pleural cavity). Pulmonary function tests and clinical parameters were recorded preoperatively and on postoperative days (POD) 1, 3 and 5. Arterial blood gas analysis and shunt fraction were evaluated preoperatively and in POD1. Pain score was assessed on POD1. To monitor pleural effusion and atelectasis chest radiography was performed routinely 1 day before operation and until POD5. In both groups a significant impairment was found in lung function parameters until on POD5. However, no significant difference in forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in 1 second were seen between groups. A significant decrease in partial pressure of arterial oxygen and an increase in shunt fraction values were observed on POD1 in both groups, but no statistical difference was found when the groups were compared. Pleural effusion and atelectasis until on POD5 were similar in both groups. There were no statistical differences in pain score, duration of mechanical ventilation and postoperative hospital stay between groups. Subxyphoid insertion of pleural drain provides similar effects to

  20. Microfilaria in pleural effusion: An unusual association

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    Rehena Sarkar


    Full Text Available Lymphatic filariasis is a major public health problem in tropical countries and India is endemic for it. However, lymphatic filariasis presenting as pleural effusion is an unusual manifestation and finding microfilaria in pleural effusion without any lung pathology is rare. We report a case of pleural effusion without any underlying lung pathology and normal blood picture. Clinical cure occurred after treatment with diethyl-carbamazepine. Filariasis should be kept in view while considering the differential diagnosis of idiopathic pleural effusion, especially in endemic countries.

  1. Pleural sarcoidosis diagnosed on the basis of an increased CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio in pleural effusion fluid: a case report. (United States)

    Kumagai, Toru; Tomita, Yasuhiko; Inoue, Takako; Uchida, Junji; Nishino, Kazumi; Imamura, Fumio


    Pleural effusion induced by sarcoidosis is rare, and pleural sarcoidosis is often diagnosed by thoracoscopic surgery. The diagnosis of pleural sarcoidosis using thoracentesis may be less invasive when sarcoidosis is already diagnosed histologically in more than one organ specimen. Here we report the case of a 64-year-old woman with pleural sarcoidosis diagnosed on the basis of an increased CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio in pleural effusion fluid obtained by thoracentesis. This case report is important because it highlights the usefulness of the CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio in pleural effusion as an indicator of pleural involvement of sarcoidosis. A 64-year-old Japanese woman visited our hospital with an initial symptom of dyspnea on exertion for a period of 4 months. Chest computed tomography showed bilateral hilar and multiple mediastinal lymphadenopathy, multiple small nodular shadows in her bilateral lungs, small nodular shadows along the interlobar pleura, and bilateral pleural effusion. Her serum angiotensin-converting enzyme and soluble interleukin-2 receptor levels were elevated. Histological analysis of a resected subcutaneous nodule, and biopsy specimens from a right mediastinal lymph node and from her right lung revealed non-caseous epithelioid granulomas. Her bronchoalveolar lavage fluid exhibited a predominance of lymphocytes together with an increase in the CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio. The lymphocytic predominance and the increased CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio were also detected in the right-sided pleural effusion fluid obtained by thoracentesis. We diagnosed sarcoidosis with pleural involvement. Because pleural effusion did not resolve spontaneously and her symptom of dyspnea on exertion worsened, corticosteroid therapy was initiated, which ameliorated the sarcoidosis and the pleuritis. Analysis of the CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio in pleural effusion fluid obtained by thoracentesis may be helpful for the diagnosis of pleural sarcoidosis when the diagnosis is already made

  2. The effect of changing the contact surface area between pleural liquid and pleura on the turnover of pleural liquid. (United States)

    Nakamura, T; Hara, H; Ijima, F; Arai, T; Kira, S


    To study the dynamics of pleural liquid, 250 ml of saline labeled with markers were injected into the pleural cavity of anesthetized dogs. For 3 h, liquid volume and concentration of these markers were measured. In a control group of dogs, the turnover rate of pleural liquid was 19.6 +/- 5.6 ml/min and lymphatic flow was 0.58 +/- 0.07 ml/min. In a group of pneumonectomized dogs, the turnover rate and lymphatic flow fell to about one fourth of those in the control group. When the left pulmonary artery was occluded, the turnover rate was halved, but lymphatic flow was not significantly different from that in the control group. These results suggest that the turnover rate of pleural liquid is dependent on the area of contact between pleural liquid and pleura and on the blood flow of the pleura. In addition, it appears that changes in pleural liquid volume are dependent on lymphatic flow.

  3. Pleural liquid during hemorrhagic hypotension. (United States)

    Tresoldi, Claudio; Porta, Cristina; Zocchi, Luciano; Agostoni, Emilio


    The effect of approximately 25% or 35% blood loss (b.l.) on volume, pressure, and protein concentration of pleural liquid has been determined in anesthetized rabbits in lateral or supine posture. Volume and pressure of pleural liquid did not change with 25% b.l. 30 and 60 min after beginning of hemorrhage, and with 35% b.l. at 30 min (bleeding time approximately 10 and 12 min, respectively). With 35% b.l. protein concentration of pleural liquid was 85% greater (PPleural liquid seems protected against derangements from hemorrhage up to 25% b.l. for periods shorter than 1 h.

  4. Differential diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion and malignant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Na, Eui Sung; Kim, Young Nam; Lee, Mee Ran; Oh, Yu Whan; Kang, Eun Young


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of CT in the differential diagnosis of tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion whether or not lung lesions are present, and to investigate the CT findings used for this differential diagnosis. This study involved 30 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion (mean age, 44.6 years; M : F = 19:11) and 20 with malignant pleural effusion (mean age, 57.2 years; M: F=10:10). All 50 patients underwent enhanced CT chest scans, and the respective conditions were pathologically confirmed. Two radiologists unaware of the pathologic results and distributions of patients reviewed these scans, CT findings of pleural effusions, their diagnoses, and the degree of confidence of their diagnoses. In most cases, CT provided correct differential diagnosis between tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion. It can help determine the nature of associated lung and pleural lesions, and specific findings of the latter, and can accurately differentiate tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion. (author). 20 refs., 3 tabs., 5 figs

  5. Cell origins and diagnostic accuracy of interleukin 27 in pleural effusions.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei-Bing Yang

    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to investigate the presence of interleukin (IL-27 in pleural effusions and to evaluate the diagnostic significance of pleural IL-27. The concentrations of IL-27 were determined in pleural fluids and sera from 68 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion, 63 malignant pleural effusion, 22 infectious pleural effusion, and 21 transudative pleural effusion. Flow cytometry was used to identify which pleural cell types expressed IL-27. It was found that the concentrations of pleural IL-27 in tuberculous group were significantly higher than those in malignant, infectious, and transudative groups, respectively. Pleural CD4(+ T cells, CD8(+ T cells, NK cells, NKT cells, B cells, monocytes, macrophages, and mesothelial cells might be the cell sources for IL-27. IL-27 levels could be used for diagnostic purpose for tuberculous pleural effusion, with the cut off value of 1,007 ng/L, IL-27 had a sensitivity of 92.7% and specificity of 99.1% for differential diagnosing tuberculous pleural effusion from non-tuberculous pleural effusions. Therefore, compared to non-tuberculous pleural effusions, IL-27 appeared to be increased in tuberculous pleural effusion. IL-27 in pleural fluid is a sensitive and specific biomarker for the differential diagnosing tuberculous pleural effusion from pleural effusions with the other causes.

  6. Pleural tuberculosis: A concise clinical review. (United States)

    Shaw, Jane A; Irusen, Elvis M; Diacon, Andreas H; Koegelenberg, Coenraad F


    Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading infectious cause of death worldwide, and the commonest cause of death in people living with HIV. Globally, pleural TB remains one of the most frequent causes of pleural exudates, particularly in TB-endemic areas and in the HIV positive population. Most TB pleural effusions are exudates with high adenosine deaminase (ADA), lymphocyte-rich, straw-coloured and free flowing, with a low yield on mycobacterial culture. TB pleurisy can also present as loculated neutrophil-predominant effusions which mimic parapneumonic effusions. Rarely, they can present as frank TB empyema, containing an abundance of mycobacteria. Up to 80% of patients have parenchymal involvement on chest imaging. The diagnosis is simple if M. tuberculosis is detected in sputum, pleural fluid or biopsy specimens, and the recent advent of liquid medium culture techniques has increased the microbiological yield dramatically. Where the prevalence of TB is high the presence of a lymphocyte-predominant exudate with a high ADA has a positive predictive value of 98%. In low prevalence areas, the absence of an elevated ADA and lymphocyte predominance makes TB very unlikely, and pleural biopsy should be performed to confirm the diagnosis. Pleural biopsy for liquid culture and susceptibility testing must also be considered where the prevalence of drug resistant TB is high. Treatment regimens are identical to those administered for pulmonary TB. Initial pleural drainage may have a role in symptom relief and in hastening the resolution of the effusion. Surgical intervention may be required in loculated effusions and empyemas. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Status of Exudative Pleural Effusion in Adults of South Khorasan Province, Northeast Iran: Pleural Tuberculosis Tending toward Elderly

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    Sayyed Gholam Reza Mortazavi-Moghaddam


    Full Text Available The causes and situation of exudative pleural effusion vary from one area to another. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 327 patients with exudative pleural effusion in South Khorasan province (Iran. The patients were older than 12 years and comprised 172 (52.6% males and 155 (47.4% females. The study commenced in 2007 with seven years duration. The Light’s criteria were used to define exudative effusion. Procedures including pleural fluid analysis, microbiological study, pleural biopsy, and systemic investigations were conducted to determine the special cause of pleural effusion. The mean age of the patients was 63.4±18.4 years. Malignancies, tuberculosis, and parapneumonia pleural exudation were diagnosed in 125 (38.2%, 48 (14.7%, and 45 (13.8% cases, respectively. Among malignant effusions, metastasis from lung cancer made 48 (38.4% of the cases. The origin of metastasis was not determined in 44 (35.2% patients. The mean age of patients was not significantly different between malignant (66.9±14.3 years and tuberculosis (63.9±19.7 years cases (P=0.16. The older age of tuberculosis patients could be a new discussion point on the overall impression created on the subject of tuberculosis pleural exudation (TB-PLE occurring in young people.

  8. Mast cells mediate malignant pleural effusion formation. (United States)

    Giannou, Anastasios D; Marazioti, Antonia; Spella, Magda; Kanellakis, Nikolaos I; Apostolopoulou, Hara; Psallidas, Ioannis; Prijovich, Zeljko M; Vreka, Malamati; Zazara, Dimitra E; Lilis, Ioannis; Papaleonidopoulos, Vassilios; Kairi, Chrysoula A; Patmanidi, Alexandra L; Giopanou, Ioanna; Spiropoulou, Nikolitsa; Harokopos, Vaggelis; Aidinis, Vassilis; Spyratos, Dionisios; Teliousi, Stamatia; Papadaki, Helen; Taraviras, Stavros; Snyder, Linda A; Eickelberg, Oliver; Kardamakis, Dimitrios; Iwakura, Yoichiro; Feyerabend, Thorsten B; Rodewald, Hans-Reimer; Kalomenidis, Ioannis; Blackwell, Timothy S; Agalioti, Theodora; Stathopoulos, Georgios T


    Mast cells (MCs) have been identified in various tumors; however, the role of these cells in tumorigenesis remains controversial. Here, we quantified MCs in human and murine malignant pleural effusions (MPEs) and evaluated the fate and function of these cells in MPE development. Evaluation of murine MPE-competent lung and colon adenocarcinomas revealed that these tumors actively attract and subsequently degranulate MCs in the pleural space by elaborating CCL2 and osteopontin. MCs were required for effusion development, as MPEs did not form in mice lacking MCs, and pleural infusion of MCs with MPE-incompetent cells promoted MPE formation. Once homed to the pleural space, MCs released tryptase AB1 and IL-1β, which in turn induced pleural vasculature leakiness and triggered NF-κB activation in pleural tumor cells, thereby fostering pleural fluid accumulation and tumor growth. Evaluation of human effusions revealed that MCs are elevated in MPEs compared with benign effusions. Moreover, MC abundance correlated with MPE formation in a human cancer cell-induced effusion model. Treatment of mice with the c-KIT inhibitor imatinib mesylate limited effusion precipitation by mouse and human adenocarcinoma cells. Together, the results of this study indicate that MCs are required for MPE formation and suggest that MC-dependent effusion formation is therapeutically addressable.

  9. Management of malignant pleural effusion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boshuizen, R.C.


    The first part of this thesis focuses on IPCs (indwelling pleural catheters) in malignant pleural effusion (MPE) management. In an invited review, the (dis)advantages and prejudices of IPCs are described (Chapter1.1). Since costs and reimbursement issues are the main reasons in the Netherlands to

  10. [Malignant pleural mesothelioma]. (United States)

    Sritharan, Sajitha Sophia; Frandsen, Jens Lundby; Omland, Øyvind; Bruun, Jens Meldgaard


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare cancer with a poor prognosis. The disease is of importance, since the incidence in Denmark is increasing despite cessation of the use of asbestos in the 1980s. MPM has a long latency period, and the first symptom is often dyspnoea, typically caused by pleural effusion. The diagnosis is a challenge, because cytology often is non-conclusive, and thoracoscopy is needed to obtain biopsies for immunohistochemistry. The occupational history is important, since the patients are entitled to compensation. The treatment is often limited to palliation.

  11. Pleural tissue hyaluronan produced by postmortem ventilation in rabbits. (United States)

    Wang, P M; Lai-Fook, S J


    We developed a method that used Alcian blue bound to hyaluronan to measure pleural hyaluronan in rabbits postmortem. Rabbits were killed, then ventilated with 21% O2--5% CO2--74% N2 for 3 h. The pleural liquid was removed by suction and 5 ml Alcian blue stock solution (0.33 mg/ml, 3.3 pH) was injected into each chest cavity. After 10 min, the Alcian blue solution was removed and the unbound Alcian blue solution (supernatant) separated by centrifugation and filtration. The supernatant transmissibility (T) was measured spectrophotometrically at 613 nm. Supernatant Alcian blue concentration (Cab) was obtained from a calibration curve of T versus dilutions of stock solution Cab. Alcian blue bound to pleural tissue hyaluronan was obtained by subtracting supernatant Cab from stock solution Cab. Pleural tissue hyaluronan was obtained from a calibration curve of hyaluronan versus Alcian blue bound to hyaluronan. Compared with control rabbits, pleural tissue hyaluronan (0.21 +/- 0.04 mg/kg) increased twofold, whereas pleural liquid volume decreased by 30% after 3 h of ventilation. Pleural effusions present 3 h postmortem without ventilation did not change pleural tissue hyaluronan from control values. Thus ventilation-induced pleural liquid shear stress, not increased filtration, was the stimulus for the increased hyaluronan produced from pleural mesothelial cells.

  12. Pulmonary and pleural cysticercosis: a case report; Cisticercose pulmonar pleural: relato de um caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodacki, Marco Antonio; Toni, Xisto A. de; Meira, Lisiane A.; Goncalves, Nelson L.; Oliveira, Godofredo G. [Hospital Santa Isabel, Blumenau, SC (Brazil); Toni, Guilherme de [Parana Univ., Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina


    The authors report a case of disseminated cysticercosis involving the lungs, pleura, brain and subcutaneous tissues. Plain chest X-rays and chest computed tomography showed multiple round ill defined nodular lesions scattered through the lungs and pleural surface, identified as cystic lesions by ultrasound. Calcified cysticerci were visualized in the subcutaneous tissues of the arms and thorax at the plain chest X-rays. Biopsy of subcutaneous nodes was performed, which results revealed cysticercosis. Brain CT demonstrated multiple calcified intraparenchymatous lesions, associated with cystic lesions, compatible with cysticercosis. Due to the rarity of the lung involvement by cysticercosis, an open lung biopsy was performed with partial resection of the lingula and two cystic lesions, which anatomo-pathological results revealed pleural and pulmonary cysticercosis. The pleural and pulmonary involvement is extremely rare manifestation of a rather common disease, usually due to heavy infestation of Taenia solium larvae. As a far as we know, we did not see clear illustration of proved lung and pleural cysticercosis fully documented in the world literature. (author). 5 refs., 7 figs.

  13. Failure Patterns After Hemithoracic Pleural Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rimner, Andreas, E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York (United States); Spratt, Daniel E. [Department of Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York (United States); Zauderer, Marjorie G. [Department of Medicine, Thoracic Oncology Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York (United States); Rosenzweig, Kenneth E. [Department of Radiation Oncology, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York (United States); Wu, Abraham J.; Foster, Amanda [Department of Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York (United States); Yorke, Ellen D. [Department of Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York (United States); Adusumilli, Prasad; Rusch, Valerie W. [Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York (United States); Krug, Lee M. [Department of Medicine, Thoracic Oncology Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York (United States)


    Purpose: We previously reported our technique for delivering intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) to the entire pleura while attempting to spare the lung in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Herein, we report a detailed pattern-of-failure analysis in patients with MPM who were unresectable or underwent pleurectomy/decortication (P/D), uniformly treated with hemithoracic pleural IMRT. Methods and Materials: Sixty-seven patients with MPM were treated with definitive or adjuvant hemithoracic pleural IMRT between November 2004 and May 2013. Pretreatment imaging, treatment plans, and posttreatment imaging were retrospectively reviewed to determine failure location(s). Failures were categorized as in-field (within the 90% isodose line), marginal (<90% and ≥50% isodose lines), out-of-field (outside the 50% isodose line), or distant. Results: The median follow-up was 24 months from diagnosis and the median time to in-field local failure from the end of RT was 10 months. Forty-three in-field local failures (64%) were found with a 1- and 2-year actuarial failure rate of 56% and 74%, respectively. For patients who underwent P/D versus those who received a partial pleurectomy or were deemed unresectable, the median time to in-field local failure was 14 months versus 6 months, respectively, with 1- and 2-year actuarial in-field local failure rates of 43% and 60% versus 66% and 83%, respectively (P=.03). There were 13 marginal failures (19%). Five of the marginal failures (38%) were located within the costomediastinal recess. Marginal failures decreased with increasing institutional experience (P=.04). Twenty-five patients (37%) had out-of-field failures. Distant failures occurred in 32 patients (48%). Conclusions: After hemithoracic pleural IMRT, local failure remains the dominant form of failure pattern. Patients treated with adjuvant hemithoracic pleural IMRT after P/D experience a significantly longer time to local and distant failure than

  14. Pleurotomy with subxyphoid pleural drain affords similar effects to pleural integrity in pulmonary function after off-pump coronary artery bypass graft

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    Guizilini Solange


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Exacerbation of pulmonary dysfunction has been reported in patients receiving a pleural drain inserted through the intercostal space in comparison to patients with an intact pleura undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG. Evidence suggests that shifting the site of pleural drain insertion to the subxyphoid position minimizes chest wall trauma and preserves respiratory function in the early postoperative period. The aim of this study was to compare the pulmonary function parameters, clinical outcomes, and pain score between patients undergoing pleurotomy with pleural drain placed in the subxyphoid position and patients with intact pleural cavity after off-pump CABG (OPCAB using left internal thoracic artery (LITA. Methods Seventy-one patients were allocated into two groups: I (n = 38 open left pleural cavity and pleural drain inserted in the subxyphoid position; II (n = 33 intact pleural cavity. Pulmonary function tests and clinical parameters were recorded preoperatively and on postoperative days (POD 1, 3 and 5. Arterial blood gas analysis and shunt fraction were evaluated preoperatively and in POD1. Pain score was assessed on POD1. To monitor pleural effusion and atelectasis chest radiography was performed routinely 1 day before operation and until POD5. Results In both groups a significant impairment was found in lung function parameters until on POD5. However, no significant difference in forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in 1 second were seen between groups. A significant decrease in partial pressure of arterial oxygen and an increase in shunt fraction values were observed on POD1 in both groups, but no statistical difference was found when the groups were compared. Pleural effusion and atelectasis until on POD5 were similar in both groups. There were no statistical differences in pain score, duration of mechanical ventilation and postoperative hospital stay between groups. Conclusion Subxyphoid

  15. Combined blood and pleural levels of mesothelin and osteopontin for the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    Wafaa M. Ashour


    Conclusion: The performance of serum and pleural mesothelin in diagnosing MPM was improved when combined with plasma and pleural osteopontin (respectively through logistic regression analysis model. This will be a great advance in screening and management of MPM.

  16. Detection of EpCAM-positive microparticles in pleural fluid: A new approach to mini-invasively identify patients with malignant pleural effusions


    Roca, Elisa; Lacroix, Romaric; Judicone, Coralie; Laroumagne, Sophie; Robert, St?phane; Cointe, Sylvie; Muller, Alexandre; Kaspi, Elise; Roll, Patrice; Brisson, Alain R.; Tantucci, Claudio; Astoul, Philippe; Dignat-George, Fran?oise


    Pleural biomarkers allowing to mini-invasively discriminate benign from malignant pleural effusions are needed. Among potential candidates, microparticles (MPs) are extracellular vesicles that vectorize antigen derived from the parent cell. We hypothesized that tumor-derived MPs could be present in the pleural liquid and help to identify patients with malignant pleural effusions. Using highly sensitive flow cytometry and cryo-electron microscopy, we showed that large amounts of MPs from hemat...

  17. A Case of Massive Pleural Effusion: Pleurodesis by Bleomycin. (United States)

    Hasan, R; Khan, O S; Aftabuddin, M; Razzaque, A M; Chowdhury, G A


    Malignant pleural effusion is a common complication of primary and metastatic pleural malignancies. Pleurodesis for the management of malignant pleural effusion is intended to achieve symphysis between parietal and visceral pleura, and to prevent relapse of pleural effusion. Many chemical agents are tried to induce inflammation and damage of the pleural mesothelial layer to achieve this symphysis. Hemorrhagic pleural effusion, especially in the right hemithorax commonly occurs as presentation of primary and metastatic pleural malignancies. This case reports massive right-sided hemorrhagic pleural effusion as the sole manifestation of primary lung cancer in a 45 year old man. Patient attended our department of thoracic surgery complaining of cough, shortness of breath and right sided chest pain. A chest X-ray and chest computer tomography (CT) radiograph shows right sided massive pleural effusion. Right sided tube thoracotomy done. Pleural fluid study was done. Fluid for cytopathology was positive for malignant cell. Computed tomography guided fine needle aspiration cytology from right lung lesion was also done. Diagnosis was as small cell carcinoma. Pleural effusion resolved after 9(th) post operative day of chest tube insertion. Bleomycin pleurodesis was done. Day after pleurodesis intra thoracic tube was removed and patient was discharged from hospital on 10(th) Post operative day with an advice to attend the oncology department for further treatment. The protocol of tube thoracostomy and chemical pleurodesis was almost always successful in giving symptomatic relief of respiratory distress for a considerable period of time. However, chemical pleurodesis is not possible in all cases of malignant pleural effusion because it has got potential complication including death.

  18. Distribution of pleural effusion associated with ascites on abdominal CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bae, In Young; Park, Chan Sup; Yeon, Jae Woo; Jeon, Yong Sun; Choi, Sung Kyu; Chung, Won Kyun [Inha Univ. Hospital, Songnam (Korea, Republic of)


    To determine through an analysis of the location of pleural effusion associated with ascites, as seen on abdominal CT scan, differences in the distribution of pleural effusion according to the etiology and distribution of ascites. We retrospectively evaluated 77 consecutive patients in whom abdominal CT scan revealed pleural effusion associated with ascites. Patients with history of surgery or trauma and those with clinically and radiologically diagnosed lung or pleural diseases were excluded. We compared the location of pleural effusion with the etiology and distribution of ascites. Forty-two patients were suffering from hepatobiliary diseases, mainly right dominant pleural effusion (26/42, 62%). Fourteen had intraperitoneal carcinomatosis with no significant difference between the frequency of right dominant (5/14, 36%) and of left dominant (6/14, 43%) pleural effusion. Eleven patients had pancreatic diseases, with mainly left dominant pleural effusion (6/11, 55%). Patients with right dominant ascites usually had right dominant pleural effusion (22/24, 92%) and those with left dominant ascites had left dominant pleural effusion (9/10, 90%). Ascites-associated pleural effusion correlated with the anatomical location of the etiology of ascites; its laterality was, in addition, usually the same as that of ascites.

  19. Distribution of pleural effusion associated with ascites on abdominal CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bae, In Young; Park, Chan Sup; Yeon, Jae Woo; Jeon, Yong Sun; Choi, Sung Kyu; Chung, Won Kyun


    To determine through an analysis of the location of pleural effusion associated with ascites, as seen on abdominal CT scan, differences in the distribution of pleural effusion according to the etiology and distribution of ascites. We retrospectively evaluated 77 consecutive patients in whom abdominal CT scan revealed pleural effusion associated with ascites. Patients with history of surgery or trauma and those with clinically and radiologically diagnosed lung or pleural diseases were excluded. We compared the location of pleural effusion with the etiology and distribution of ascites. Forty-two patients were suffering from hepatobiliary diseases, mainly right dominant pleural effusion (26/42, 62%). Fourteen had intraperitoneal carcinomatosis with no significant difference between the frequency of right dominant (5/14, 36%) and of left dominant (6/14, 43%) pleural effusion. Eleven patients had pancreatic diseases, with mainly left dominant pleural effusion (6/11, 55%). Patients with right dominant ascites usually had right dominant pleural effusion (22/24, 92%) and those with left dominant ascites had left dominant pleural effusion (9/10, 90%). Ascites-associated pleural effusion correlated with the anatomical location of the etiology of ascites; its laterality was, in addition, usually the same as that of ascites

  20. Medical thoracoscopy: a useful diagnostic tool for undiagnosed pleural effusion. (United States)

    Agarwal, Abhishek; Prasad, Rajendra; Garg, Rajiv; Verma, S K; Singh, Abhijeet; Husain, N


    We aimed to assess the role of medical thoracoscopy in patients with undiagnosed pleural effusion. Patiens presenting with pleural effusion underwent three pleural aspirations. Patients in whom pleural fluid analysis was inconclusive underwent closed pleural biopsy for diagnostic confirmation. Patients in whom closed pleural biopsy was incolcusive underwent medical thoracoscopy using a rigid thoracoscope with a viewing angle of zero degrees was done under local anaesthesia and sedation with the patient lying in lateral decubitus position with the affected side up. Biopsy specimens from parietal pleura were obtained under direct vision and were sent for histopathological examination. Of the 128 patients with pleural effusion who were studied, pleural fluid examination established the diagnosis in 81 (malignancy 33, tuberculosis 33, pyogenic 14 and fungal 1); 47 patients underwent closed pleural biopsy and a diagnosis was made in 28 patients (malignancy 24, tuberculosis 4). The remaining 19 patients underwent medical thoracoscopy and pleural biopsy and the aetiological diagnosis could be confirmed in 13 of the 19 patients (69%) (adenocarcinoma 10, poorly differentiated carcinoma 2 and mesothelioma 1). Medical thoracoscopy is a useful tool for the diagnosis of pleural diseases. The procedure is safe with minimal complications.

  1. CT findings of diffuse pleural diseases: differentiation of malignant disease from tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roh, In Gye; Kook, Shin Ho; Lee, Young Rae; Chin, Seung Bum; Park, Yoon Ok; Park, Hae Won


    To evaluate whether or not previously known CT criteria for differentiating malignant and benign pleural diseases are useful in the differentiation of diffuse malignant pleural diseases and tuberculosis. We retrospectively analyzed CT scans of 42 patients comprising 20 cases of malignant pleural diseases and 22 cases of tuberculous pleural diseases, according to previously known CT criteria for differentiating malignant and benign pleural diseases. The most common shape of pleural effusion was crescentic in malignant pleural diseases and loculated in tuberculosis. The aggressive nature of pleural effusion, pleural rind, and pleura thickening was 1.5 times more frequently observed in malignant pleural diseases than in tuberculosis. Smooth thickening or smooth nodular pleural thickening and extrapleural deposition of fat were 1.5 times more frequently found in tuberculous than in malignant pleural diseases. Interruption of pleural thickening was found twice as frequently in malignant pleural diseases as in tuberculosis. Decreased lung volume was found twice as frequently in tuberculous as in malignant pleural diseases. Anatomical mediastinal pleural involvement was three times, and irregular nodular pleural thickening nine times more frequent in malignant pleural diseases than in tuberculosis. The sensitivity and specificity of CT findings above 70%, and thus suggesting malignant pleural diseases, were as follows : 1) aggressive nature of pleural fluid collection extending to the azygoesophageal recess or tongue of the lung (51.5%, 75%); 2) involvement of anatomical mediastinal pleura (69.2%, 73.7%); 3) irregular nodular pleural thickening (87.5%, 69%). Although there in overlap between previously known CT criteria for the differentiation of benign and malignant pleural diseases, the aggressive nature of pleural fluid collection extending to the azygoesophageal recess or tongue of the lung, the involvement of anatomical mediastinal pleura and irregular nodular

  2. Vascular endothelial growth factor and protein level in pleural effusion for differentiating malignant from benign pleural effusion. (United States)

    Wu, Da-Wei; Chang, Wei-An; Liu, Kuan-Ting; Yen, Meng-Chi; Kuo, Po-Lin


    Pleural effusion is associated with multiple benign and malignant conditions. Currently no biomarkers differentiate malignant pleural effusion (MPE) and benign pleural effusion (BPE) sensitively and specifically. The present study identified a novel combination of biomarkers in pleural effusion for differentiating MPE from BPE by enrolling 75 patients, 34 with BPE and 41 with MPE. The levels of lactate dehydrogenase, glucose, protein, and total cell, neutrophil, monocyte and lymphocyte counts in the pleural effusion were measured. The concentrations of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon γ, transforming growth factor-β1, colony stimulating factor 2, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were detected using cytometric bead arrays. Protein and VEGF levels differed significantly between patients with BPE and those with MPE. The optimal cutoff value of VEGF and protein was 214 pg/ml and 3.35 g/dl respectively, according to the receiver operating characteristic curve. A combination of VEGF >214 pg/ml and protein >3.35 g/dl in pleural effusion presented a sensitivity of 92.6% and an accuracy of 78.6% for MPE, but was not associated with a decreased survival rate. These results suggested that this novel combination strategy may provide useful biomarkers for predicting MPE and facilitating early diagnosis.

  3. [Sarcoidosis related pleural effusion: 6 case reports and literatures review]. (United States)

    Wang, Feng; Tong, Zhaohui; Wang, Zhen; Wang, Xiaojuan; Xu, Lili


    To summarize the clinical features and the diagnosis-treatment points of sarcoidosis related pleural effusion. Six typical sarcoidosis related pleural effusion cases with pathological evidence were reviewed, and the clinical data of these cases were retrospectively analyzed and the related literatures were reviewed. The literature review was carried out respectively with "sarcoidosis", "pleural disease" and "pleural effusion" as the keywords in CNKI and PubMed database by January 2014. Six cases, including 1 male and 5 females, with sarcoidosis related pleural effusions were reported. 3 cases had bilateral effusions, 2 cases had left effusion and 1 case had right effusion. The pleural effusion routine test had a low specificity, which demonstrated that the fluid was exudate and consisted with large number of lymphocytes. 3 of these cases were diagnosed by medical thoracoscopy. Medical thoracoscopy revealed that pleural involvement was variable with multiple nodulespresent in some cases and subtle change in others. A total of 28 literatures and 92 cases with pleural involvement in sarcoidosis were retrieved from CNKI and PubMed database (time range: 2004.1-2014.1), including 59 cases of pleural effusion, 29 cases of pleural thickening, 3 cases of pneumothorax and 1 case of nodules in pleura. Pleural involvement in sarcoidosis was often misdiagnosed or mistreated as tuberculous pleurisy because the routine tests regarding pleural effusion usually had a low specificity. Medical thoracoscopy could provide clinicians with important clues to assist differentiation of the cause for non-conclusive pleural effusion in this situation.

  4. Incidence and significance of pleural effusion after hepatoma surgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Jae Uoo; Im, Jung Gi; Ahn, Joong Mo; Kim, Seung Cheol; Kim, Sam Soo; Kim, Seung Hoon; Yeon, Kyung Mo


    We performed this study to evaluate the clinical significance and temporal changes of pleural effusion developed after the resection of hepatoma. We reviewed retrospectively follow-up chest radiographs of 97 patients who had undergone operation for hepatoma and had no radiologically demonstrable postoperative complications. The duration of pleural effusion was classified into five groups and the amount of pleural effusion at one week after operation was graded into four groups. Statistical significance of the relationship between the duration, amount of pleural effusion and five factors, which are location and size of tumor, age of the patients, methods of operation, and preoperative liver function, was studied respectively. Pleural effusion was developed in 63.9% (62/97) and the mean duration was 2.5 weeks. In 92% (52/56), pleural effusion disappeared spontaneously within four weeks. Patients who had hepatoma in upper portion of the right lobe developed more frequent pleural effusion which persisted longer, and was larger in amount at one week after operation(p<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between pleural effusion and the other four factors. Pleural effusion following hepatoma surgery should not be regarded as a sign of post-operative complication, as it invariably disappears spontaneously within four weeks. Development of pleural effusion is considered to be caused by local irritation and disturbance of lymphatic flow at the diaphragm


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    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Ultrasound is easy available, less expensive study. It differentiates pleural effusion, consolidation and masses. CT scores in diagnosing early pleural lesions and helps in localising lesions differentiating benign and malignant. The aim of the study is to- 1. Assess the value of ultrasonography and computed tomography in evaluation of pleural lesions. 2. Determine the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound and CT in pleural lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study was aimed at assessing the value of ultrasonography and CT in evaluating the pleural lesions. In our study, during the period of 12 months, 100 patients with pleural effusions were evaluated. The most common cause was transudate. Exudates consist of malignant and non-malignant causes. RESULTS The study group was defined into two groups- Malignant and non-malignant group based on pleural effusion of transudate and exudate types. CT and ultrasound has success rate of 100% and 85% respectively to identify neoplastic and non-neoplastic disease. Diagnostic accuracy of CT and ultrasound are comparable while CT scores over ultrasound in failed cases. CT has 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity in pleural lesions. CT has more therapeutic value compared to ultrasound. CONCLUSION The role of ultrasound and CT are complimentary, give high yield of positive results for pleural mass differentiation; useful for guided procedures like pleural biopsy and pleural drainage. Combined study not only useful for localisation of lesion, but also gives information about the extent of disease and characterising the tissue density by analysis of attenuation coefficient.

  6. Radionuclide Peritoneal Scintigraphy in Patients with Ascites and Pleural Effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jae Tae; Lee, Kyu Bo; Whang, Kee Suk; Kim, Gwang Won; Chung, Byung Chun; Cho, Dong Kyu; Chung, Joon Mo


    Simultaneous presence of ascites and pleural effusion has been documented in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, renal disease, Meigs' syndrome and in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Mechanisms proposed in the formation of pleural effusion in most of the above diseases are lymphatic drainage and diaphragmatic defect. But sometimes, hepatic hydrothoraxes in the absence of clinical ascites and pleural effusion secondary to pulmonary or cardiac disease are noted. It is not always possible to differentiate between pleural effusion caused by transdiaphragmatic migration of ascites and by other causes based solely on biochemical analysis. Authors performed radionuclide scintigraphy after intraperitoneal administration of 99m Tc-labeled colloid in 23 patients with both ascites and pleural effusion in order to discriminate causative mechanisms responsible for pleural effusion. Scintigraphy demonstrated the transdiaphtagmatic flow of fluid from the peritoneum to pleural cavities in 13 patients correctly. In contrast, in 5 patients with pleural effusion secondary to pulmonary, pleural and cardiac diseases, radiotracers fail to traverse the diaphragm and localize in the pleural space. Ascites draining to mediastinal lymph nodes and blocked passage of lymphatic drainage were also clarified, additionally. Conclusively, radionuclide peritoneal scintigraphy is an accurate, rapid and easy diagnostic tool in patients with both ascites and pleural effusion. It enables the causes of pleural effusion to be elucidated, as well as providing valuable information required when determining the appropriate therapy.

  7. Thoracic computed tomography in patients with suspected malignant pleural effusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Traill, Zoee C.; Davies, Robert J.O.; Gleeson, Fergus V.


    AIM: To assess the role of contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) prospectively in patients with suspected malignant pleural effusions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty consecutive patients referred for the investigation of a suspected malignant pleural effusion had contrast-enhanced thoracic CT, thoracoscopy, thoraco-centesis and pleural biopsy, either percutaneously or at thoracoscopy. Final diagnoses were based on histopathological or cytological analysis (n = 30), autopsy findings (n = 3) or clinical follow-up (n = 7). The pleural surfaces were classified at contrast-enhanced CT as normal or abnormal and, if abnormal, as benign or malignant in appearance using previously established CT criteria for malignant pleural thickening by two observers unaware of the pathological diagnosis. RESULTS: Pleural effusions were malignant in 32 patients and benign in eight patients. Pleural surfaces assessed at CT showed features of malignancy in 27 out of 32 patients with a malignant effusion (sensitivity 84%, specificity 100%). Overall, CT appearances indicated the presence of malignancy in 28 of 32 (87%) patients. All eight patients with benign pleural disease were correctly diagnosed by CT. CONCLUSION: Contrast-enhanced CT is of value in patients with suspected malignant pleural effusions. The previously established criteria for malignant pleural thickening of nodularity, irregularity and pleural thickness >1 cm are reliable in the presence of a pleural effusion. Traill, Z.C. et al. (2001)

  8. Image-guided pleural biopsy: diagnostic yield and complications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benamore, R.E.; Scott, K.; Richards, C.J.; Entwisle, J.J.


    Background: Pleural biopsy and cytology are standard procedures for the investigation of pleural disease. Recent medical literature has suggested that image-guided pleural biopsy shows improved sensitivity for the diagnosis of pleural malignancy, when compared with the more commonly performed reverse bevel needle biopsy such as Abrams' needle. In our centre there has been an increasing trend towards performing image-guided pleural biopsies, and to our knowledge there is no large published series documenting the complication rate and diagnostic yield. Methods: The radiology and pathology databases were searched for all image-guided [computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US)] pleural biopsies from January 2001 to December 2004. All imaging and histology were reviewed, and final diagnostic information about patients was obtained from the respiratory multidisciplinary team database and patient notes. A record was made of complications following biopsy, presence of pleura in the biopsy, and adequacy of tissue for histological diagnosis. Results: A total of 82 patients underwent 85 image-guided pleural biopsies over a 4-year period. 80 cases were performed under CT and five under US guidance. The rate of new pneumothorax detected by chest radiography was 4.7%. No patient required a chest drain or blood transfusion to treat complications. In 10 (12%) cases, there was inadequate tissue to reach a confident histological diagnosis and in eight (9%) of these, no pleura was present. Assuming all suspicious and inadequate biopsies are treated as benign, which is the worst case scenario, image-guided pleural biopsy has a sensitivity and specificity of 76% and 100%, respectively, for the diagnosis of malignant disease. Conclusions: Image-guided pleural biopsy is a safe procedure with few associated complications and has a higher sensitivity than previously published series for reverse cutting needle biopsy in the diagnosis of malignant pleural disease

  9. Image-guided pleural biopsy: diagnostic yield and complications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Benamore, R.E. [Department of Radiology and Department of Histopathology, Glenfield Hospital, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester (United Kingdom)]. E-mail:; Scott, K. [Department of Radiology and Department of Histopathology, Glenfield Hospital, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester (United Kingdom); Richards, C.J. [Department of Radiology and Department of Histopathology, Glenfield Hospital, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester (United Kingdom); Entwisle, J.J. [Department of Radiology and Department of Histopathology, Glenfield Hospital, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester (United Kingdom)


    Background: Pleural biopsy and cytology are standard procedures for the investigation of pleural disease. Recent medical literature has suggested that image-guided pleural biopsy shows improved sensitivity for the diagnosis of pleural malignancy, when compared with the more commonly performed reverse bevel needle biopsy such as Abrams' needle. In our centre there has been an increasing trend towards performing image-guided pleural biopsies, and to our knowledge there is no large published series documenting the complication rate and diagnostic yield. Methods: The radiology and pathology databases were searched for all image-guided [computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US)] pleural biopsies from January 2001 to December 2004. All imaging and histology were reviewed, and final diagnostic information about patients was obtained from the respiratory multidisciplinary team database and patient notes. A record was made of complications following biopsy, presence of pleura in the biopsy, and adequacy of tissue for histological diagnosis. Results: A total of 82 patients underwent 85 image-guided pleural biopsies over a 4-year period. 80 cases were performed under CT and five under US guidance. The rate of new pneumothorax detected by chest radiography was 4.7%. No patient required a chest drain or blood transfusion to treat complications. In 10 (12%) cases, there was inadequate tissue to reach a confident histological diagnosis and in eight (9%) of these, no pleura was present. Assuming all suspicious and inadequate biopsies are treated as benign, which is the worst case scenario, image-guided pleural biopsy has a sensitivity and specificity of 76% and 100%, respectively, for the diagnosis of malignant disease. Conclusions: Image-guided pleural biopsy is a safe procedure with few associated complications and has a higher sensitivity than previously published series for reverse cutting needle biopsy in the diagnosis of malignant pleural disease.

  10. [Eosinophilic pleural effusion possibly induced by fibrin sealant]. (United States)

    Kambayashi, Takatoyo; Suzuki, Takashi


    A 74-year-old man underwent right upper lobectomy for the lung cancer and bullectomy of right lower lobe. Fibrin sealant was used for sealing the excision line. The increase of the pleural effusion with increasing C-reactive protein( CRP) and eosinophilia was noted at the 17th day after the operation. The pleural effusion was transparent and yellowish colored suggesting transudatory liquid. The eosinophil in the pleural effusion was as high as 14%. The drainage of the pleural effusion was performed for 2 days resulting in disappearing the abnormal accumulation without any additional treatment. The cause of pleural effusion was supposed to be fibrin sealant by a positive result of the drug lymphocyte stimulation test.

  11. [The diagnostic value of medical thoracoscopy for unexplained pleural effusion]. (United States)

    Jiang, Shu-juan; Mu, Xiao-yan; Zhang, Song; Su, Li-li; Ma, Wei-xia


    To explore the endoscopic features of patients with unexplained pleural effusion, and to evaluate the diagnostic value of medical thoracoscopy. A retrospective analysis of 2380 patients with unexplained pleural effusion (1320 males and 1060 females; age 15-94 years) in Shandong Provincial Hospital from 1992 to 2011 were performed .The diagnosis was confirmed by medical thoracoscopy. The endoscopic findings of malignant pleural effusion mostly showed nodules of varying sizes. The nodules could be grape-like, cauliflower-like, fused into masses, or diffused small nodules . The appearance of cancerous nodules was more diversified compared to tuberculous nodules. Tuberculous pleurisy was manifested as diffuse pleural congestion and miliary changes, multiple small gray-white nodules, fibrin deposition and adhesion in the pleural cavity, pleural thickening and loculation . The pathological diagnosis was as follows: pleural metastases in 899 (37.8%), primary pleural mesothelioma in 439 (18.4%), tuberculous pleurisy in 514 (21.6%), non-specific inflammation in 226 (9.5%), empyema in 190 (8.0%), hepatic pleural effusion in 36 (1.5%) and pleural effusion of unknown causes in 76 (3.2%) cases. The diagnostic positive rate of medical thoracoscopy was 96.8%. No serious complications were observed. Medical thoracoscopy is a relatively safe procedure and has an important application value in the diagnosis of unexplained pleural effusion.

  12. Protocol of the PLeural Effusion And Symptom Evaluation (PLEASE) study on the pathophysiology of breathlessness in patients with symptomatic pleural effusions. (United States)

    Thomas, Rajesh; Azzopardi, Maree; Muruganandan, Sanjeevan; Read, Catherine; Murray, Kevin; Eastwood, Peter; Jenkins, Sue; Singh, Bhajan; Lee, Y C Gary


    Pleural effusion is a common clinical problem that can complicate many medical conditions. Breathlessness is the most common symptom of pleural effusion of any cause and the most common reason for pleural drainage. However, improvement in breathlessness following drainage of an effusion is variable; some patients experience either no benefit or a worsening of their breathlessness. The physiological mechanisms underlying breathlessness in patients with a pleural effusion are unclear and likely to be multifactorial with patient-related and effusion-related factors contributing. A comprehensive study of the physiological and symptom responses to drainage of pleural effusions may provide a clearer understanding of these mechanisms, and may identify predictors of benefit from drainage. The ability to identify those patients whose breathlessness will (or will not) improve after pleural fluid drainage can help avoid unnecessary pleural drainage procedures, their associated morbidities and costs. The PLeural Effusion And Symptom Evaluation (PLEASE) study is a prospective study to comprehensively evaluate factors contributing to pleural effusion-related breathlessness. The PLEASE study is a single-centre prospective study of 150 patients with symptomatic pleural effusions that require therapeutic drainage. The study aims to identify key factors that underlie breathlessness in patients with pleural effusions and develop predictors of improvement in breathlessness following effusion drainage. Participants will undergo evaluation pre-effusion and post-effusion drainage to assess their level of breathlessness at rest and during exercise, respiratory and other physiological responses as well as respiratory muscle mechanics. Pre-drainage and post-drainage parameters will be collected and compared to identify the key factors and mechanisms that correlate with improvement in breathlessness. Approved by the Sir Charles Gairdner Group Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC number 2014

  13. Radiologic diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujimoto, Toshifumi; Hayashi, Kuniaki; Matsunaga, Naofumi


    Five cases of pleural mesothelioma (3 benign and 2 malignant) were evaluated with chest radiograph and CT. A case of benign localized mesothelioma growing within the major fissure, and a case of diffuse malignant mesothelioma encircling the descending thoracic aorta are included among the five cases. Pleural mesotheliomas present a variety of roentgenographic manifestations depending upon the histologic type, the site of origin, and the direction of the extension, and can easily be misdiagnosed as lung tumor, aortic aneurysm, or mediastinal tumor. It is emphasized that pleural mesothelioma should be considered as a differential diagnosis when a mass lesion is found in the mediastinum, hilar region, interlobar fissure, or near the chest wall. (author)

  14. Pleural manometry-historical background, rationale for use and methods of measurement. (United States)

    Zielinska-Krawczyk, Monika; Krenke, Rafal; Grabczak, Elzbieta M; Light, Richard W


    Subatmospheric pleural pressure (Ppl), which is approximately -3 to -5 cmH 2 O at functional residual capacity (FRC) makes pleura a unique organ in the human body. The negative Ppl is critical for maintaining the lungs in a properly inflated state and for proper blood circulation within the thorax. Significant and sudden pleural pressure changes associated with major pleural pathologies, as well as therapeutic interventions may be associated with life-threatening complications. The pleural pressure may show two different values depending on the measurement method applied. These are called pleural liquid pressure and pleural surface pressure. It should also be realized that there are significant differences in pleural pressure distribution in pneumothorax and pleural effusion. In pneumothorax, the pressure is the same throughout the pleural space, while in pleural effusion there is a vertical gradient of approximately 1 cm H 2 O/cm in the pleural pressure associated with the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid column. Currently, two main methods of pleural pressure measurement are used: simple water manometers and electronic systems. The water manometers are conceptually simple, cheap and user-friendly but they only allow the estimation of the mean values of pleural pressure. The electronic systems for pleural pressure measurement are based on pressure transducers. Their major advantages include precise measurements of instantaneous pleural pressure and the ability to display and to store a large amount of data. The paper presents principles and details of pleural pressure measurement as well as the rationale for its use. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Prognostic impact of pleural effusion in acute pulmonary embolism. (United States)

    Kiris, Tuncay; Yazıcı, Selçuk; Koc, Ali; Köprülü, Cinar; Ilke Akyildiz, Zehra; Karaca, Mustafa; Nazli, Cem; Dogan, Abdullah


    Background Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common and life-threatening condition associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Pleural effusion occurs in about one in three cases; however, data on its prognostic value are scarce. Purpose To investigate the association between pleural effusion and both 30-day and long-term mortality in patients with acute PE. Material and Methods We retrospectively evaluated 463 patients diagnosed with acute PE using computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA). Echocardiographic, demographic, and laboratory data were collected. The study population was divided into two groups: patients with and without pleural effusions. Pleural effusion detected on CT was graded as small, moderate, and large according to the amount of effusion. The predictors of 30-day and long-term total mortality were analyzed. Results Pleural effusions were found in 120 patients (25.9%). After the 30-day follow-up, all-cause mortality was higher in acute PE patients with pleural effusions than in those without (23% versus 9%, P pleural effusions had significantly higher incidence of long-term total mortality than those without pleural effusions (55% versus 23%, P pleural effusion was an independent predictor of 30-day and long-term mortality (odds ratio [OR], 2.154; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.186-3.913; P = 0.012 and OR, 1.591; 95% CI, 1.129-2.243; P = 0.008, respectively). Conclusion Pleural effusion can be independently associated with both 30-day and long-term mortality in patients with acute PE.

  16. Massive pleural effusion in a young woman


    Ghiringhelli, Paolo; Cattaneo, Roberto; Tiso, Angelo; Cesaro, Claudia


    Pleural effusion is a clinical manifestation shared by several underlying pathologies. The differential diagnosis is based on the clinical history, the physical examination, the analysis of the pleural fluid, and the laboratory data (mainly blood tests). There are cases, such as the patient described, where TC is not enough, and unusual imaging techniques are required for the study of pleural effusion, i.e. magnetic resonance cholangiography, cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and endoscopic ret...

  17. Intrapleural agents for pleural infection: fibrinolytics and beyond. (United States)

    Rahman, Najib M


    Pleural infection is a common, increasing clinical problem with a high morbidity and mortality. Medical management of pleural infection often fails, requiring invasive thoracic surgery to drain infected pleural collections, and for many years intrapleural agents have been assessed to reduce the need for surgical drainage and improve clinical outcomes. Randomized trials assessing intrapleural fibrinolytic agents have given conflicting results, and recent evidence provides important information on the role of intrapleural agents in the treatment of pleural infection, and the possible biology associated with infection progression in these patients. Pleural infection is increasing in both the adult and paediatric populations. The combined previous evidence assessing intrapleural fibrinolytics alone in pleural infection suggests lack of efficacy for clinically important outcomes. The Multi-Centre Intrapleural Sepsis Trial 2 (MIST2) study provides the first evidence of a novel treatment combination [intrapleural tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) combined with intrapleural deoxyribonuclease (DNase)], which significantly improves the chest radiograph compared with either agent alone or placebo, and has potentially important benefits to important clinical outcomes (need for surgery and hospital stay). The precise mechanism of action of combination fibrinolytic and DNase in pleural infection is speculative. Fibrinolytic therapy alone has not been proven to be of use in the treatment of pleural infection. The MIST2 study provides clear-cut evidence demonstrating improved chest radiographs, and highly suggestive secondary outcomes suggesting improved clinically important outcomes, using a combination of intrapleural tPA and DNase. This novel treatment combination may represent an important step in our understanding and treatment of pleural infection; however, larger clinical studies specifically addressing important clinical outcomes and further laboratory research describing

  18. Role of Bronchoscopy in Malignant Pleural effusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gomathi. R. G.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to assess the role of Bronchoscopy in plural effusion in cancer condition. Pleural effusion is one of the commonest problems with which patients present to the hospital. Around a million patients worldwide develop pleural effusion each year. This is a Prospective and Observational Study. All patients diagnosed to have pleural effusion by xray, clinical examination and ultrasound examination of pleura if needed will undergo informed. All 32 patients underwent bronchoscopy procedure, 30 patients had endobronchial mass and biopsy was done which was positive for malignancy and 2 patients had bronchial wash cytology positive for malignancy We conclude that bronchoscopy has a definite role in the etiological diagnosis of pleural effusion.

  19. Uso de Leersia hexandra (Poaceae) en la fitorremediación de suelos contaminados con petróleo fresco e intemperizado


    Arias-Trinidad, Alfredo; Rivera-Cruz, María del Carmen; Roldán-Garrigós, Antonio; Aceves-Navarro, Lorenzo Armando; Quintero-Lizaola, Roberto; Hernández-Guzmán, Javier


    ResumenLa industria petrolera ha generado derrames crónicos de petróleo y su acumulación en Gleysoles en zonas anegadas en el estado de Tabasco, en el sureste de México. El anegamiento es un factor que limita el uso de tecnologías de remediación por el alto costo y los bajos niveles de degradación del petróleo, sin embargo, Leersia hexandra Sw. es un pasto que crece en estas zonas contaminadas con petróleo intemperizado. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la densidad de bacterias, producción...

  20. Treatment of complicated parapneumonic pleural effusion and pleural parapneumonic empyema. (United States)

    Rodríguez Suárez, Pedro; Freixinet Gilart, Jorge; Hernández Pérez, José María; Hussein Serhal, Mohamed; López Artalejo, Antonio


    We performed this observational prospective study to evaluate the results of the application of a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for complicated parapneumonic pleural effusion (CPPE) and pleural parapneumonic empyema (PPE). From 2001 to 2007, 210 patients with CPPE and PPE were confirmed through thoracocentesis and treated with pleural drainage tubes (PD), fibrinolytic treatment or surgical intervention (videothoracoscopy and posterolateral thoracotomy). Patients were divided into 3 groups: I (PD); II (PD and fibrinolytic treatment); IIIa (surgery after PD and fibrinolysis), and IIIb (direct surgery). The statistical study was done by variance analysis (ANOVA), χ2 and Fisher exact test. The presence of alcohol or drug consumption, smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were strongly associated with a great necessity for surgical treatment. The IIIa group was associated with increased drainage time, length of stay and complications. No mortality was observed. The selective use of PD and intrapleural fibrinolysis makes surgery unnecessary in more than 75% of cases. The selective use of PD and fibrinolysis avoids surgery in more than 75% of cases. However, patients who require surgery have more complications, longer hospital stay, and more days on PD and they are more likely to require admittance to the Intensive Care Unit.

  1. Clinical Investigation of Benign Asbestos Pleural Effusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nobukazu Fujimoto


    Full Text Available There is no detailed information about benign asbestos pleural effusion (BAPE. The aim of the study was to clarify the clinical features of BAPE. The criteria of enrolled patients were as follows: (1 history of asbestos exposure; (2 presence of pleural effusion determined by chest X-ray, CT, and thoracentesis; and (3 the absence of other causes of effusion. Clinical information was retrospectively analysed and the radiological images were reviewed. There were 110 BAPE patients between 1991 and 2012. All were males and the median age at diagnosis was 74 years. The median duration of asbestos exposure and period of latency for disease onset of BAPE were 31 and 48 years, respectively. Mean values of hyaluronic acid, adenosine deaminase, and carcinoembryonic antigen in the pleural fluid were 39,840 ng/mL, 23.9 IU/L, and 1.8 ng/mL, respectively. Pleural plaques were detected in 98 cases (89.1%. Asbestosis was present in 6 (5.5% cases, rounded atelectasis was detected in 41 (37.3% cases, and diffuse pleural thickening (DPT was detected in 30 (27.3% cases. One case developed lung cancer (LC before and after BAPE. None of the cases developed malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM during the follow-up.

  2. Diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion and lung cancer with CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jakimovska, S.; Jakimovska, M.; Jovanovska, S.; Ilieva, S.


    Full text: Introduction: A pleural effusion is defined as an abnormal amount of fluid in the space between the layers of tissue (the pleura) that line the lungs. If cancer cells are present in this fluid (pleural cavity) it is called a malignant cancerous pleural effusion. Many benign and malignant disease can cause pleural effusion.The new onset of pleural effusion may herald the presence of a previously undiagnosed malignancy, or more typically, complicate the course of a known lung tumor. Malignant pleural effusions can lead lead to an initial diagnosis of lung cancer in patients.and it was the first symptom of lung cancer. Pleural deposits of tumor cause pleuritic pain. Purpose of this presentation is to show the role of CT in diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion and lung cancer. Material and methods: CT examinations of chest were made to 138 patients for 1 year (1/6/2011- 1/6/2012) with Siemens Somatom Emotion 16 CT Scanner. Patients were at age of 30 -81 years, 93 of them are male and 45 are female. Results: 56 (40.5%) of the patients had pleural effusion. From this group 21 37.5% had malignant pleural effusion and lung cancer. 17 (81%) of them are male, and 4 (19%) are female. 9 (43%) diagnosed lung cancer for first time. Conclusion: Pleural effusion more commonly occur in patient with advanced-stage tumor who frequently have metastases to other organs and long-term survival is uncommon in this group. CT diagnosed malignant pleural effusion and lung cancer and help to choice treatment for these patients

  3. Management of malignant pleural effusions.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Uzbeck, Mateen H


    Malignant pleural effusions are a common clinical problem in patients with primary thoracic malignancy and metastatic malignancy to the thorax. Symptoms can be debilitating and can impair tolerance of anticancer therapy. This article presents a comprehensive review of pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical approaches to the management of malignant pleural effusion, and a novel algorithm for management based on patients\\' performance status.

  4. Tuberculous pleural effusions: advances and controversies (United States)

    Allwood, Brian W.; Diacon, Andreas H.; Koegelenberg, Coenraad F. N.


    On a global scale, tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the most frequent causes of pleural effusions. Our understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease has evolved and what was once thought to be an effusion as a result of a pure delayed hypersensitivity reaction is now believed to be the consequence of direct infection of the pleural space with a cascade of events including an immunological response. Pulmonary involvement is more common than previously believed and induced sputum, which is grossly underutilised, can be diagnostic in approximately 50%. The gold standard for the diagnosis of tuberculous pleuritis remains the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in pleural fluid, or pleural biopsy specimens, either by microscopy and/or culture, or the histological demonstration of caseating granulomas in the pleura along with acid fast bacilli (AFB). In high burden settings, however, the diagnosis is frequently inferred in patients who present with a lymphocytic predominant exudate and a high adenosine deaminase (ADA) level, which is a valuable adjunct in the diagnostic evaluation. ADA is generally readily accessible, and together with lymphocyte predominance justifies treatment initiation in patients with a high pre-test probability. Still, false-negative and false-positive results remain an issue. When adding closed pleural biopsy to ADA and lymphocyte count, diagnostic accuracy approaches that of thoracoscopy. The role of other biomarkers is less well described. Early pleural drainage may have a role in selected cases, but more research is required to validate its use and to define the subpopulation that may benefit from such interventions. PMID:26150911

  5. Endometrial carcinoma with pleural metastasis: A case report. (United States)

    Semczuk, Andrzej; Skomra, Danuta; Rybojad, Pawel; Jeczeń, Ryszard; Rechberger, Tomasz


    There have been a limited number of studies giving the incidence of pleural metastasis from female genital tract tumors. An unusual case occurred of recurrent pleural malignant effusion associated with disseminated serous papillary endometrial adenocarcinoma (EC). A total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, pelvic lymphadenectomy, appendectomy and omentectomy was performed. Treatment of the pleural malignant effusion consisted of thoracotomy with partial decortication, systemic chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The patient died of circulatory failure 8 months after the primary diagnosis. Although the pleura is a rare site of widespread EC, one should recognize the possibility of pleural spread from female genital tract neoplasms presenting with associated symptoms. Cytopathologic examination of the pleural effusion and the finding ofcarcinoma cells mandate an investigation for the primary site of the neoplasm by a multidisciplinary group.

  6. The Management of Delayed Post-Pneumonectomy Broncho-Pleural Fistula and Esophago-Pleural Fistula

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    Dongsub Noh


    Full Text Available Broncho-pleural fistula (BPF and esophago-pleural fistula (EPF after pulmonary resection are challenging to manage. BPF is controlled by irrigation and sterilization, but such therapy is not sufficient to promote closure of EPF, which usually requires surgical management. However, it is generally difficult to select an appropriate surgical method for closure of BPF and EPF. Here, we report a case of concomitant BPF and EPF after left completion pneumonectomy, in which both fistulas were closed through a right thoracotomy.

  7. Pleural effusion adenosine deaminase: a candidate biomarker to discriminate between Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial infections of the pleural space

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    Ruolin Li


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Delay in the treatment of pleural infection may contribute to its high mortality. In this retrospective study, we aimed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of pleural adenosine deaminase in discrimination between Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial infections of the pleural space prior to selecting antibiotics. METHODS: A total of 76 patients were enrolled and grouped into subgroups according to Gram staining: 1 patients with Gram-negative bacterial infections, aged 53.2±18.6 years old, of whom 44.7% had empyemas and 2 patients with Gram-positive bacterial infections, aged 53.5±21.5 years old, of whom 63.1% had empyemas. The pleural effusion was sampled by thoracocentesis and then sent for adenosine deaminase testing, biochemical testing and microbiological culture. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to examine the differences in adenosine deaminase levels between the groups. Correlations between adenosine deaminase and specified variables were also quantified using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Moreover, receiver operator characteristic analysis was performed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of pleural effusion adenosine deaminase. RESULTS: Mean pleural adenosine deaminase levels differed significantly between Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial infections of the pleural space (191.8±32.1 U/L vs 81.0±16.9 U/L, p<0.01. The area under the receiver operator characteristic curve was 0.689 (95% confidence interval: 0.570, 0.792, p<0.01 at the cutoff value of 86 U/L. Additionally, pleural adenosine deaminase had a sensitivity of 63.2% (46.0-78.2%; a specificity of 73.7% (56.9-86.6%; positive and negative likelihood ratios of 2.18 and 0.50, respectively; and positive and negative predictive values of 70.6% and 66.7%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Pleural effusion adenosine deaminase is a helpful alternative biomarker for early and quick discrimination of Gram-negative from Gram-positive bacterial infections of the

  8. Metastização pulmonar na apresentação de angiossarcoma cardíaco – Caso clínico e discussão

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    Vítor Fonseca


    Full Text Available Resumo: Apresenta-se um caso clínico referente a doente de 35 anos, do sexo masculino sem antecedentes pessoais relevantes, admitido no serviço de urgência por quadro de toracalgia e tosse produtiva com alterações electrocardiográficas sugestivas de pericardite. Inicialmente admitido pelo Serviço de Cardiologia, com melhoria do quadro clínico após terapêutica anti-inflamatória; contudo, no internamento houve como intercorrência pneumonia de provável etiologia bacteriana, complicada por derrame pleural. Após a alta, foi referenciado à consulta de pneumologia, onde se manteve o estudo etiológico do derrame persistente, tendo vindo a complicar-se o seu quadro com alterações das cavidades cardiacas e múltiplos nódulos pulmonares, sugestivos de endocardite subaguda com embolização séptica pulmonar. Internado no serviço de Pneumologia e submetido a videotoracoscopia, foi-lhe diagnosticado angiossarcoma cardíaco com metastização pulmonar. Assistiu-se a uma rápida evolução do quadro clínico, quase fulminante, com falência cardíaca e óbito do doente sem ter iniciado radioterapia ou quimioterapia adjuvante. Abstract: We present a case report of a 35 year-old male without any relevant former pathology admitted to the emergency room with atypical chest pain, cough and sputum with ECG changes suggesting pericarditis. He was initially admitted to the cardiology ward and experienced clinical improvement after initiating anti-inflammatory treatment. As intercurrence he had bacterial origin pneumonia complicated by pleural effusion (PE. After discharge patient was referred to a pulmonology appointment where aetiological investigation of the PE was instigated. Investigation revealed changes in the cardiac cavities and multiple lung nodules, suggesting subacute endocarditis with septic pulmonary embolism. Admitted to the pulmonology unit patient underwent

  9. Investigating a Case of Recurrent Pleural Effusion

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    Patrícia Rodrigues


    Full Text Available We describe the case of a patient with long-standing Parkinson's disease and recurrent bilateral pleural effusions. The pleural fluid was an exudate, rich in normal lymphocytes, and the echocardiogram, chest computerized axial tomography, and immunological, microbiological and cytological studies were negative. The patient had been taking bromocriptine, which can be related to chronic pleural effusions. Using Pubmed, we found about 40 cases of pleuropulmonary changes or constrictive pericarditis that were related to bromocriptine. We decided to suspend this drug, with resolution of the pleural effusion and respiratory complaints for more than a year now. We discuss possible underlining mechanisms for this and emphasize the importance of collecting the past medical history and medication and of considering possible iatrogenic effects.

  10. Hemostatic findings of pleural fluid in dogs and the association between pleural effusions and primary hyperfibrino(geno)lysis: A cohort study of 99 dogs. (United States)

    Zoia, Andrea; Drigo, Michele; Piek, Christine J; Simioni, Paolo; Caldin, Marco


    The primary objective of this study was to determine if activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis occurs in canine pleural effusions. Thirty-three dogs with pleural effusions of different origin were studied. Pleural effusion fibrinogen concentrations were significantly lower, while pleural fibrin-fibrinogen degradation products (FDPs) and D-dimer concentrations were significantly higher than those in plasma (P dogs with pleural effusion, and whether the presence of a concurrent inflammatory process may have activated the hemostatic cascade, with its intrinsically linked secondary hyperfibrinolysis, masking the concurrent PHF. The previously 33 selected dogs with pleural effusion (group 1) were compared to two control groups of 33 healthy (group 2) and 33 sick dogs without pleural effusion (group 3). Serum fibrinogen, FDPs, D-dimer, C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen/CRP ratio, and frequency of PHF were determined. Fibrinogen, FDPs, D-dimer and CRP concentrations in group 1 were significantly increased compared to group 2 (P dogs with pleural effusion compared to healthy dogs. Nevertheless, the decrease in the fibrinogen/CRP ratio in group 1 compared to group 3, considering the higher FDPs and similar D-dimer concentrations, would suggest that PHF is also more frequent in dogs with pleural effusion compared to sick control dogs, and that this phenomenon is hidden due to concurrent secondary hyperfibrinolysis.

  11. Infectious pleural effusion status and treatment progress (United States)

    Yang, Wei; Zhang, Ze-Ming


    Pleural cavity infection continuously seriously threatens human health with continuous medical progress. From the perspective of pathophysiology, it can be divided into three stages: exudative stage, fibrin exudation and pus formation stage, and organization stage. Due to the pathogenic bacteria difference of pleural cavity infection and pulmonary infection, it is very important for disease treatment to analyze the bacteria and biochemical characteristics of the infectious pleural effusion. Most prognoses of patients have been relatively good, while for some patients, the complicated parapneumonic effusion or empyema could be evolved. Antibiotic treatment and sufficient drainage are the foundation for this treatment. No evidence can support the routine use of a fibrin agent. However, it has been reported that the plasminogen activator and deoxyribonuclease can be recommended to be applied in the pleural cavity. In case of failure on conservative medical treatment, operative treatment can be applied such as thoracoscopy and pleural decortication. According to the clinical characteristics of these patients, it is a key to research prognosis, as well as early evaluation and stratification, in the future. PMID:29268539

  12. Pleural empyema

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Posada Saldarriaga, Ricardo


    Empyema is the collection of liquid infected pleural. The exuded associated to bacterial infectious processes are divided in spill para-pneumonic non-complicated and complicated or properly empyema. The paper includes the history, pathogenesis, etiology and diagnostic among other topics

  13. Localized malignant pleural mesothelioma: report of two cases. (United States)

    Tanzi, Silvia; Tiseo, Marcello; Internullo, Eveline; Cacciani, Giancarlo; Capra, Roberto; Carbognani, Paolo; Rusca, Michele; Rindi, Guido; Ardizzoni, Andrea


    Localized malignant pleural mesothelioma is very rare tumor disease. There are sporadic reports in the literature showing that this entity has a different biologic behavior compared with diffuse pleural mesothelioma. We report two cases of radically resected localized pleural malignant mesothelioma, with a previous history of asbestos exposure. Both cases showed a microscopic and immunohistochemical findings of malignant mesothelioma, biphasic and sarcomatoid lympho-histiocitoid variant type, respectively, without evidence of diffuse pleural spread. The first is very peculiar case of bilateral localized malignant pleural mesothelioma with complete response to chemotherapy and localized late recurrence, radically resected and treated with adjuvant radiotherapy. The second case revealed as a solitary localized mass, underwent a complete en bloc resection and adjuvant radiotherapy. Both cases demonstrate that the localized malignant mesothelioma should be distinguished from diffuse form and that complete resection is associated with good prognosis.

  14. [Molecular heterogeneity of malignant pleural mesotheliomas]. (United States)

    Tranchant, Robin; Montagne, François; Jaurand, Marie-Claude; Jean, Didier


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is predominantly an occupational cancer, most often linked to asbestos exposure. Malignant pleural mesothelioma prognosis is poor with a short survival median, due to the aggressiveness of tumor cells and the weak efficiency of conventional anti-cancer therapies. Clinical, histological, and molecular data suggest tumor heterogeneity between patients as it was also shown for other cancer types. Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop new therapies that take into account this heterogeneity and the molecular characteristics of malignant pleural mesothelioma, in particular by identifying new anti-cancer drugs targeting the molecular specificities of each malignant pleural mesothelioma. Malignant pleural mesothelioma is characterized by numerous molecular alterations at the chromosomal, genetic and epigenetic levels. Molecular classification based on gene expression profile has firstly defined two tumor groups, C1 and C2, and more recently, four groups. By integrating genetic and transcriptomic analysis, a C2 LN tumor subgroup of the C2 group has been identified and characterized. In addition to tumor heterogeneity between patients, intra-tumor heterogeneity is supported by several evidences. Most therapeutic strategies that take into account the tumor molecular characteristics have focused on targeted therapies based on mutated genes. A more appropriate strategy would be to consider better-defined tumor groups on the basis of several molecular alterations types as it has been proposed for the C2 LN subgroup. A robust definition of homogeneous tumor groups sharing common molecular characteristics is necessary for the development of effective precision medicine for malignant pleural mesothelioma. Copyright © 2017 Société Française du Cancer. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  15. Indwelling pleural drain for mobile management of malignant pleural effusion-combining benefits of both methods


    Dinesh Mehta; Anshu Gupta; Sameer Singhal; Sachin Bansal


    Malignant pleural effusion is a leading cause of morbidity in lung cancer patients requiring repeated pleural aspirations or persistent intercostal drainage tube. Using an indigenous method of putting icd tube of smaller size with subcutaneous tunneling would allow draining fluid from lungs easily and painlessly when needed and avoid the need for repeated injections and chest tube insertion every time the fluid is to be drained.

  16. Utility of semi-rigid thoracoscopy in undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion. (United States)

    Nattusamy, Loganathan; Madan, Karan; Mohan, Anant; Hadda, Vijay; Jain, Deepali; Madan, Neha Kawatra; Arava, Sudheer; Khilnani, Gopi C; Guleria, Randeep


    Semi-rigid thoracoscopy is a safe and efficacious procedure in patients with undiagnosed pleural effusion. Literature on its utility from developing countries is limited. We herein describe our initial experience on the utility of semi-rigid thoracoscopy from a tertiary care teaching and referral center in north India. We also perform a systematic review of studies reporting the utility of semi-rigid thoracoscopy from India. The primary objective was to evaluate the diagnostic utility of semi-rigid thoracoscopy in patients with undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion. Semi-rigid thoracoscopy was performed under local anesthesia and conscious sedation in the bronchoscopy suite. A total of 48 patients underwent semi-rigid thoracoscopy between August 2012 and December 2013 for undiagnosed pleural effusion. Mean age was 50.9 ± 14.1 years (range: 17-78 years). Pre-procedure clinico-radiological diagnoses were malignant pleural effusion [36 patients (75%)], tuberculosis (TB) [10 (20.83%) patients], and empyema [2 patients (4.17%)]. Patients with empyema underwent the procedure for pleural biopsy, optimal placement of intercostal tube and adhesiolysis. Thoracoscopic pleural biopsy diagnosed pleural malignancy in 30 (62.5%) patients and TB in 2 (4.17%) patients. Fourteen (29.17%) patients were diagnosed with non-specific pleuritis and normal pleura was diagnosed on a pleural biopsy in 2 (4.17%) patients. Overall, a definitive diagnosis of either pleural malignancy or TB was obtained in 32 (66.7%) patients. Combined overall sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of thoracoscopic pleural biopsy for malignant pleural effusion were 96.77%, 100%, 100% and 66.67%, respectively. There was no procedure-related mortality. On performing a systematic review of literature, four studies on semi-rigid thoracoscopy from India were identified. Semi-rigid thoracoscopy is a safe and efficacious procedure in patients with undiagnosed exudative

  17. Traumatic subarachnoid-pleural fistula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, W.H.; Stothert, J.C. Jr.


    Traumatic subarachnoid-pleural fistulas are rare. The authors found nine cases reported since 1959. Seven have been secondary to trauma and two following thoracotomy. One patient's death is thought to be directly related to the fistula. The diagnosis should be suspected in patients with a pleural effusion and associated vertebral trauma. The diagnosis can usually be confirmed with contrast or radioisotopic myelography. Successful closure of the fistula will usually occur spontaneously with closed tube drainage and antibiotics; occasionally, thoracotomy is necessary to close the rent in the dura

  18. The diagnostic value of procalcitonin, adenosine deaminase for tuberculous pleural effusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Jia; Jing Xiufeng; Hui Fuxin


    Objective: To explore differential diagnostic value of procalcitonin (PCT), adenosine deaminase (ADA) in pleural fluid and serum for tuberculous pleural effusions. Methods: The concentrations of PCT and ADA both in serum and pleural fluid in one hundred and twenty-eight patients with pleural effusion were detected. These patients were divided into three groups. Fifty-two patients with tuberculous plueral effusion were composed of the tuberculous group. Twenty-two patients with parapneumonic effusion composed the pneumonic group and forty patients with malignant pleural effusion and fourteen patients with heart faliure composed of the control group. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in serum PCT among the three groups (P > 0.05). PCT of pleural fluid was significantly increased in tuberculous and parapneumonic groups compared to the control group (P < 0.05). ADA activities in tuberculous serum and pleural fluid were both higher than those in the parapneumonic and the control groups (P < 0.01). The ratio of ADA in pleural fluid and serum (P /S) was calculated. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of P /S (cut-off value 1.27) were 92.3% and 100% respectively for tuberculous pleural effusions calcuted by receiver operating curve. Conclusion: Combined measurements of PCT and ADA in pleural fluid are useful in diagnosing tuberculous pleural effusions. (authors)

  19. Diagnostic value and safety of medical thoracoscopy in tuberculous pleural effusion. (United States)

    Wang, Zhen; Xu, Li-Li; Wu, Yan-Bing; Wang, Xiao-Juan; Yang, Yuan; Zhang, Jun; Tong, Zhao-Hui; Shi, Huan-Zhong


    Differentiating tuberculous pleural effusion from other lymphocytic pleural effusions is often challenging. This retrospective study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of medical thoracoscopy in patients with suspected tuberculous pleural effusion. Between July 2005 and June 2014, patients with pleural effusions of unknown etiologies underwent medical thoracoscopy in our institute after less invasive means of diagnosis had failed. Demographic, radiographic, procedural, and histological data of patients with tuberculous pleural effusion were analyzed. During this 9-year study, 333 of 833 patients with pleural effusion were confirmed to have tuberculous pleurisy. Under thoracoscopy, we observed pleural nodules in 69.4%, pleural adhesion in 66.7%, hyperemia in 60.7%, plaque-like lesions in 6.0%, ulceration in 1.5% of patients with tuberculous pleurisy. Pleural biopsy revealed the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the pleural tissue or/and demonstration of caseating granulomas in 330 (99.1%) patients. No serious adverse events were recorded, and the most common minor complication was transient chest pain (43.2%) from the indwelling chest tube. Our data showed that medical thoracoscopy is a simple procedure with high diagnostic yield and excellent safety for the diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Pancreatic Pseudocyst Pleural Fistula in Gallstone Pancreatitis

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    Sala Abdalla


    Full Text Available Extra-abdominal complications of pancreatitis such as pancreaticopleural fistulae are rare. A pancreaticopleural fistula occurs when inflammation of the pancreas and pancreatic ductal disruption lead to leakage of secretions through a fistulous tract into the thorax. The underlying aetiology in the majority of cases is alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis. The diagnosis is often delayed given that the majority of patients present with pulmonary symptoms and frequently have large, persistent pleural effusions. The diagnosis is confirmed through imaging and the detection of significantly elevated amylase levels in the pleural exudate. Treatment options include somatostatin analogues, thoracocentesis, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP with pancreatic duct stenting, and surgery. The authors present a case of pancreatic pseudocyst pleural fistula in a woman with gallstone pancreatitis presenting with recurrent pneumonias and bilateral pleural effusions.

  1. Hemostatic findings of pleural fluid in dogs and the association between pleural effusions and primary hyperfibrino(geno)lysis: A cohort study of 99 dogs (United States)

    Drigo, Michele; Piek, Christine J.; Simioni, Paolo; Caldin, Marco


    The primary objective of this study was to determine if activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis occurs in canine pleural effusions. Thirty-three dogs with pleural effusions of different origin were studied. Pleural effusion fibrinogen concentrations were significantly lower, while pleural fibrin-fibrinogen degradation products (FDPs) and D-dimer concentrations were significantly higher than those in plasma (P pleural fluids, there is evidence of coagulation activation and fibrinolysis. The secondary aims of the current study were to determine if primary hyperfibrinolysis ([PHF] i.e., elevated plasma FDPs with a normal D-dimer concentrations), occurs in dogs with pleural effusion, and whether the presence of a concurrent inflammatory process may have activated the hemostatic cascade, with its intrinsically linked secondary hyperfibrinolysis, masking the concurrent PHF. The previously 33 selected dogs with pleural effusion (group 1) were compared to two control groups of 33 healthy (group 2) and 33 sick dogs without pleural effusion (group 3). Serum fibrinogen, FDPs, D-dimer, C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen/CRP ratio, and frequency of PHF were determined. Fibrinogen, FDPs, D-dimer and CRP concentrations in group 1 were significantly increased compared to group 2 (P pleural effusion compared to healthy dogs. Nevertheless, the decrease in the fibrinogen/CRP ratio in group 1 compared to group 3, considering the higher FDPs and similar D-dimer concentrations, would suggest that PHF is also more frequent in dogs with pleural effusion compared to sick control dogs, and that this phenomenon is hidden due to concurrent secondary hyperfibrinolysis. PMID:29462172

  2. Recommendations of diagnosis and treatment of pleural effusion. Update. (United States)

    Villena Garrido, Victoria; Cases Viedma, Enrique; Fernández Villar, Alberto; de Pablo Gafas, Alicia; Pérez Rodríguez, Esteban; Porcel Pérez, José Manuel; Rodríguez Panadero, Francisco; Ruiz Martínez, Carlos; Salvatierra Velázquez, Angel; Valdés Cuadrado, Luis


    Although during the last few years there have been several important changes in the diagnostic or therapeutic methods, pleural effusion is still one of the diseases that the respiratory specialist have to evaluate frequently. The aim of this paper is to update the knowledge about pleural effusions, rather than to review the causes of pleural diseases exhaustively. These recommendations have a longer extension for the subjects with a direct clinical usefulness, but a slight update of other pleural diseases has been also included. Among the main scientific advantages are included the thoracic ultrasonography, the intrapleural fibrinolytics, the pleurodesis agents, or the new pleural drainages techniques. Copyright © 2013 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  3. Minimally invasive surgical treatment of malignant pleural effusions. (United States)

    Ciuche, Adrian; Nistor, Claudiu; Pantile, Daniel; Prof Horvat, Teodor


    Usually the pleural cavity contains a small amount of liquid (approximately 10 ml). Pleural effusions appear when the liquid production rate overpasses the absorption rate with a greater amount of liquid inside the pleural cavity. Between January 1998 to December 2008 we conducted a study in order to establish the adequate surgical treatment for MPEs. Effective control of a recurrent malignant pleural effusion can greatly improve the quality of life of the cancer patient. The present review collects and examines the clinical results of minimally invasive techniques designed to treat this problem. Patients with MPEs were studied according to several criteria. In our study we observed the superiority of intraoperative talc poudrage, probably due to a more uniform distribution of talc particles over the pleural surface. Minimal pleurotomy with thoracic drainage and instillation of a talc suspension is also a safe and effective technique and should be employed when there are contraindications for the thoracoscopic minimally invasive procedure. On the basis of comparisons involving effectiveness, morbidity, and convenience, we recommend the thoracoscopic insufflations of talc as a fine powder with pleural drainage as the procedure of choice.

  4. [Parapneumonic pleural effusion: difficulties in making therapeutic decisions]. (United States)

    Chudzicka, Aleksandra; Chciałowski, Andrzej


    Pneumonia is the second most common cause of pleural effusion. The presence of pleural fluid makes the prognosis in patients with pneumonia worse and causes a higher mortality rate. This is why it is very important to undertake suitable treatment as soon as possible. Most parapneumonic pleural effusions resolve with antibiotic alone, but sometimes more invasive treatment is necessary. Therapeutic decisions are based on different criteria. For many years determining biochemical fluid characteristics has been used for this purpose. Presentlythe usefullness of new parameters is being evaluated. Their application in diagnostics was possible thanks to better knowledge of mechanisms that participate in the development of parapneumonic pleural effusion.

  5. Contribution of positron emission tomography in pleural disease. (United States)

    Duysinx, B; Corhay, J-L; Larock, M-P; Withofs, N; Bury, T; Hustinx, R; Louis, R


    Positron emission tomography (PET) now plays a clear role in oncology, especially in chest tumours. We discuss the value of metabolic imaging in characterising pleural pathology in the light of our own experience and review the literature. PET is particularly useful in characterising malignant pleural pathologies and is a factor of prognosis in mesothelioma. Metabolic imaging also provides clinical information for staging lung cancer, in researching the primary tumour in metastatic pleurisy and in monitoring chronic or recurrent pleural pathologies. PET should therefore be considered as a useful tool in the diagnosis of liquid or solid pleural pathologies. Copyright © 2010 SPLF. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  6. Radiation therapy for pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seydel, H.G.


    There is clear evidence that both pleural and peritoneal malignant mesothelioma are increasing in incidence in the United States. There is a recognized long period of latency from asbestos exposure to the emergence and diagnosis of tumor. Considering the levels of asbestos utilization in the mid-20th century, we must expect that the number of cases will continue to increase until the end of this century. Evaluation of treatment options is thus a critical issue in determining treatment approaches for this disease. Recognized only recently, mesothelioma has no effective treatment, and patients are reported only anecdotally as cured. Pleural mesothelioma is the more common presentation, but even here the reports are from small, uncontrolled series. Only one study is available in which a concomitant comparison of treatment methods was carried out. Randomized clinical studies regarding treatment of pleural mesothelioma have only recently been initiated by the clinical cooperative groups. There is thus a paucity of information on treatment in general and radiation therapy specifically for malignant mesothelioma. This chapter reviews the reported experience using radiation therapy alone and combined with other modalities for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma and considers the potential for improvement of the results of current methods of radiation therapy

  7. Indwelling pleural drain for mobile management of malignant pleural effusion-combining benefits of both methods

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    Dinesh Mehta


    Full Text Available Malignant pleural effusion is a leading cause of morbidity in lung cancer patients requiring repeated pleural aspirations or persistent intercostal drainage tube. Using an indigenous method of putting icd tube of smaller size with subcutaneous tunneling would allow draining fluid from lungs easily and painlessly when needed and avoid the need for repeated injections and chest tube insertion every time the fluid is to be drained.

  8. A very complicated pleural effusion

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    J.P. Gilbert*


    Discussion: Re-expansion pulmonary oedema is a recognised complication of large pleural effusion drainage. The mechanism remains unclear, although reduced left ventricular function, in this case from a possible pericardial effusion, may be a precipitant. To prevent this phenomenon the British Thoracic Society recommends draining a maximum of 1.5 litres of fluid. This case was further complicated by a pneumothorax; again a recognised complication, especially if there is underlying poor compliance of the lung parenchyma. Re-expansion pulmonary oedema has an incidence of <1% and pneumothorax <5%. Their occurrence has not previously been reported simultaneously. Large pleural effusions are commonly encountered in clinical practice in South Africa. The existence of multiple co-morbidities including tuberculosis, HIV and impaired cardiac function may complicate their management. This case highlights the need for close monitoring and controlled drainage of pleural effusions in emergency practice.

  9. Eosinophilic Pleural Effusion: A Rare Manifestation of Hypereosinophilic Syndrome

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    Ndubuisi C. Okafor


    Full Text Available Several causes of eosinophilic pleural effusions have been described with malignancy being the commonest cause. Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES is a rare disease and very few cases have been reported of HES presenting as eosinophilic pleural effusion (EPE. We report a case of a 26-year-old male who presented with shortness of breath. He had bilateral pleural effusions, generalized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, and leukocytosis with marked peripheral blood eosinophilia. The pleural fluid was exudative, with 25%–30% eosinophilis, and absence of neoplastic cells. Hypereosinophilic syndrome was diagnosed after other causes of eosinophilia were excluded. He continued to be dyspneic with persistent accumulation of eosinophilic pleural fluid, even after his peripheral eosinophil count had normalized in response to treatment. This patient represents a very unusual presentation of HES with dyspnea and pleural effusions and demonstrates that treatment based on response of peripheral eosinophil counts, as is currently recommended, may not always be clinically adequate.

  10. Findings and use of CT for pleural empyemas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirsch, E.; Gueckel, C.; Kaim, A.; Steinbrich, W.


    Chest radiographs and CT images of 25 patients with pleural empyemas were compared retrospectively with those of 20 patients with pleural exudates and transdudates in order to determine criteria for differential diagnosis and to define the place of CT in the diagnosis of pleural empyemas. The sign which was most suggestive of an empyema on a chest radiograph was an encapsulated effusion in an atypical position (18/25); this was found in only 4 out of 20 exudates and in none of the transudates. On CT, changes in the pleura, the subcostal tissues and the configuration and position of the fluid were suggestive of an empyema. In nearly all patients with a pleural empyema there was thickening and increased contrast uptake of the parietal pleura (22/25) and thickening and increased density oft the subcostal tissues (23/25). Usually, empyemas were encapsulated and biconvex (20/25). None of the patients with pleural transudates showed any of these changes. In the presence of some pleural exudates, pleural (14/20) or thoracic (11/20) changes were noted. In part, these changes were due to previous treatment (sclerotherapy) or tumour infiltration (7/20). An attempt to correlate the CT findings with changes in the pleura and subcostal tissues with the clinical empyema stages I-III, according to Light, showed that CT was unable to distinguish between early and late empyemas. Consequently, diagnostic aspiration remains necessary for correct treatment. (orig.) [de

  11. Role of aquaporin and sodium channel in pleural water movement. (United States)

    Jiang, Jinjun; Hu, Jie; Bai, Chunxue


    The role of the ENaC sodium channel and aquaporin-1 (AQP1) water channel on pleural fluid dynamics in mice was investigated. 0.25 ml of hypertonic or isosmolar fluid was infused into the pleural space in anesthetized wildtype and AQP1 null mice. Pleural fluid was sampled at specified times to quantify the osmolality and volume. The sodium channel activator terbutaline increased isosmolar fluid clearance by 90% while the sodium channel inhibitor amiloride decreased it by 15%, but had no effect on osmotically driven water transport. AQP1 deletion significantly decreased osmotic water transport in pleural space by twofold, but it had no effect on isosmolar fluid clearance. Pretreatment with dexamethasone increased pleural osmotic fluid entry by 25%, while intravenous injection of HgCl2 decreased osmotic pleural water movement by 43%. These results provided evidence for a role of a sodium channel in pleural fluid absorption; AQP1 plays a major role in osmotic liquid transport but it does not affect isosmolar fluid clearance.

  12. Malignant pleural mesothelioma in a 13-year-old girl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goyal, M.; Konez, O.; Patel, D. [Department of Radiology, Children' s Hospital Medical Center of Akron, OH (United States); Department of Radiology, Aultman Hospital, Canton, OH (United States); Swanson, K.F.; Vyas, P.K. [Department of Radiology, Children' s Hospital Medical Center of Akron, OH (United States)


    Pleural mesothelioma is an uncommon tumor in all age groups, but is especially rare in childhood. We describe the clinical and radiological features of malignant pleural mesothelioma in a 13-year-old girl. The chest radiograph showed nearly complete opacification and loss of volume in the left hemithorax. Computed tomography demonstrated a large pleural effusion centrally surrounded by a thick enhancing rind of soft tissue. The radiological features of childhood pleural mesothelioma in our case were similar to those described in adults with this disease. (orig.)

  13. Malignant pleural mesothelioma in a 13-year-old girl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goyal, M.; Konez, O.; Patel, D.; Swanson, K.F.; Vyas, P.K.


    Pleural mesothelioma is an uncommon tumor in all age groups, but is especially rare in childhood. We describe the clinical and radiological features of malignant pleural mesothelioma in a 13-year-old girl. The chest radiograph showed nearly complete opacification and loss of volume in the left hemithorax. Computed tomography demonstrated a large pleural effusion centrally surrounded by a thick enhancing rind of soft tissue. The radiological features of childhood pleural mesothelioma in our case were similar to those described in adults with this disease. (orig.)

  14. Malignant pleural effusion from papillary thyroid carcinoma diagnosed by pleural effusion cytology: A case report. (United States)

    Kosmas, Konstantinos; Tsonou, Anna; Mitropoulou, Georgia; Salemi, Eufrosyni; Kazi, Danai; Theofanopoulou, Ageliki


    Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is by far the most common thyroid malignancy (over 85%) of all the thyroid cancers. It has excellent prognosis and 10-year survival rate in most of the cases (95%). Most of the tumors are indolent and do not recur or metastasize after removal. However, widespread metastases to lung, skeleton, central nervous system and, occasionally, other organs may be observed. In rare instances, this disease may metastasize to the pleura and manifest as a malignant pleural effusion (MPE) and portend poor prognosis. This article reports the cytomorphologic and immunocytochemical findings of a female patient with a symptomatic pleural effusion resulting from PTC metastatic to the pleura. Pleural fluid cytology revealed abundant papillary clusters with relatively nuclear pleomorphism, intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions and nuclear grooves, small and distinct nucleoli as well as small discrete vacuoles. Psammoma bodies were not seen. Immunocytochemical staining was positive for TGB, EMA, Ber-EP4, CK19, and negative for TTF-1. Metastasis of PTC to pleural fluid is extremely rare and diagnosing the disease by cytology is challenging and requires medical expertise as well as knowledge of clinical context and immunocytochemical staining. Additionally, a cytologic diagnosis of MPE due to PTC provides important treatment information and plays an important role in prognosis. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Management of Pleural Effusion, Empyema, and Lung Abscess (United States)

    Yu, Hyeon


    Pleural effusion is an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space that is classified as transudate or exudate according to its composition and underlying pathophysiology. Empyema is defined by purulent fluid collection in the pleural space, which is most commonly caused by pneumonia. A lung abscess, on the other hand, is a parenchymal necrosis with confined cavitation that results from a pulmonary infection. Pleural effusion, empyema, and lung abscess are commonly encountered clinical problems that increase mortality. These conditions have traditionally been managed by antibiotics or surgical placement of a large drainage tube. However, as the efficacy of minimally invasive interventional procedures has been well established, image-guided small percutaneous drainage tubes have been considered as the mainstay of treatment for patients with pleural fluid collections or a lung abscess. In this article, the technical aspects of image-guided interventions, indications, expected benefits, and complications are discussed and the published literature is reviewed. PMID:22379278

  16. Empiema pleural no tuberculoso: resultados en el Hospital «Abel Santamaría Cuadrado» (2000 a 2004 Non-tuberculous pleural empyema: results in “Abel Santamaría Cuadrado” Hospital (2000-2004

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivanis Ruizcalderón Cabrera


    Full Text Available El empiema pleural es una enfermedad infecciosa de incidencia moderada en nuestro medio, de diagnóstico fácil y de tratamiento exitoso cuando se logra descubrir a tiempo. Sin embargo, su persistencia determina la aparición de secuelas con impacto importante en la morbilidad y mortalidad del paciente. Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo en el que se hace una evaluación del tratamiento de los pacientes con empiema pleural no tuberculoso tratados en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital «Abel Santamaría Cuadrado» entre enero de 2000 y diciembre de 2004. En una muestra de 34 pacientes fueron estudiadas las variables: edad, sexo, causa, gérmenes, tratamiento adoptado. Se observó que el grupo de edad más afectado fue el de 41 a 60 años (17 pacientes; 50 % y sobre todo, los pacientes del sexo masculino (82,4 %, con una relación de 3,8:1. En el 61,8 % de los pacientes se encontraron enfermedades pulmonares asociadas y los gérmenes patógenos más frecuentes fueron el Staphylococcus aureus (29,4 % y el Streptococcus pneumoniae(20,6 %. El mayor porcentaje de los casos fue resuelto mediante cirugía torácica videoasistida (32,4 %. La mayoría de los pacientes llegó a los servicios quirúrgicos en las fases avanzadas de la afección y se apreció un incremento de los cultivos mixtos de gérmenes patógenos. El tratamiento más agresivo de las colecciones purulentas fue el de mejor resultado

  17. Derrames de petróleo en el océano. Aplicación preliminar al estuario del Guadalquivir


    Aguilar Llamas, Rafael Francisco


    Uno de los problemas que conlleva el derrame del petróleo es el impacto en el medio ambiente. Peor cuando la mancha llega a la costa, causando estragos durante varios años. En los ríos, este problema se incrementa, pues afecta a toda el área circundante, que puede llegar a ser kilométrica. La creación de un modelo numérico que ayude a predecir el curso y la evolución de una mancha puede servir de gran ayuda para evitar o miminizar un posible desastre. Este documento es una revisión al esta...

  18. [Imaging of pleural diseases: evaluation of imaging methods based on chest radiography]. (United States)

    Poyraz, Necdet; Kalkan, Havva; Ödev, Kemal; Ceran, Sami


    The most commonly employed radiologic method in diagnosis of pleural diseases is conventional chest radiograph. The commonest chest- X-Ray findings are the presence of pleural effusion and thickening. Small pleural effusions are not readily identified on posteroanterior chest radiograph. However, lateral decubitus chest radiograph and chest ultrasonography may show small pleural effusions. These are more efficient methods than posteroanterior chest radiograph in the erect position for demonstrating small amounts of free pleural effusions. Chest ultrasonograph may be able to help in distinguishing the pleural pathologies from parenchymal lesions. On chest radiograph pleural effusions or pleural thickening may obscure the visibility of the underlying disease or parenchymal abnormality. Thus, computed tomography (CT) may provide additional information of determining the extent and severity of pleural disease and may help to differentiate malign pleural lesions from the benign ones. Moreover, CT may provide the differentiation of parenchmal abnormalities from pleural pathologies. CT (coronal and sagittal reformatted images) that also show invasion of chest wall, mediastinum and diaphragm, as well as enlarged hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes. Standart non-invasive imaging techniques may be supplemented with magnetic resonans imaging (MRI).

  19. Efectos de rizosfera, microorganismos y fertilización en la biorremediación y fitorremediación de suelos con petróleos crudo nuevo e intemperizado


    Maldonado-Chávez, E; Rivera-Cruz, MC; Izquierdo-Reyes, F; Palma-López, DJ


    Se evaluó el potencial de un consorcio microbiano constituido por bacterias (Pseudomonas sp y Serratia marcescens y hongos (Aspergillus sp y Trichoderma sp) y de fertilizante inorgánico incorporados al suelo en la biorremediación, y el potencial del pasto egipto (Brachiaria mutica) y de la leguminosa guaje (Leucaena leucocephala) en la fitorremediación de un suelo contaminado con petróleos nuevo (PN) recién incorporado al suelo y el intemperizado (PI) procedente de derrames crónicos de petról...

  20. Does selective pleural irradiation of malignant pleural mesothelioma allow radiation dose escalation. A planning study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Botticella, A.; Defraene, G. [KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Department of Oncology, Experimental Radiation Oncology, Leuven (Belgium); Nackaerts, K. [KU Leuven - University of Leuven, University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Leuven (Belgium); Deroose, C. [KU Leuven - University of Leuven, University Hospitals Leuven, Nuclear Medicine, Leuven (Belgium); Coolen, J. [KU Leuven - University of Leuven, University Hospitals Leuven, Radiology Department, Leuven (Belgium); Nafteux, P. [University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Leuven (Belgium); Vanstraelen, B. [University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Radiation Oncology, Leuven (Belgium); Joosten, S.; Michiels, L.A.W. [Fontys University of Applied Science, Institute Paramedical Studies, Medical Imaging and Radiotherapeutic Techniques, Eindhoven (Netherlands); Peeters, S. [KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Department of Oncology, Experimental Radiation Oncology, Leuven (Belgium); University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Radiation Oncology, Leuven (Belgium); Ruysscher, D. de [KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Department of Oncology, Experimental Radiation Oncology, Leuven (Belgium); Maastricht University Medical Center, GROW - School for Oncology and Developmental Biology, Department of Radiation Oncology (MAASTRO Clinic), Maastricht (Netherlands)


    After lung-sparing radiotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), local failure at sites of previous gross disease represents the dominant form of failure. Our aim is to investigate if selective irradiation of the gross pleural disease only can allow dose escalation. In all, 12 consecutive stage I-IV MPM patients (6 left-sided and 6 right-sided) were retrospectively identified and included. A magnetic resonance imaging-based pleural gross tumor volume (GTV) was contoured. Two sets of planning target volumes (PTV) were generated for each patient: (1) a ''selective'' PTV (S-PTV), originating from a 5-mm isotropic expansion from the GTV and (2) an ''elective'' PTV (E-PTV), originating from a 5-mm isotropic expansion from the whole ipsilateral pleural space. Two sets of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatment plans were generated: a ''selective'' pleural irradiation plan (SPI plan) and an ''elective'' pleural irradiation plan (EPI plan, planned with a simultaneous integrated boost technique [SIB]). In the SPI plans, the average median dose to the S-PTV was 53.6 Gy (range 41-63.6 Gy). In 4 of 12 patients, it was possible to escalate the dose to the S-PTV to >58 Gy. In the EPI plans, the average median doses to the E-PTV and to the S-PTV were 48.6 Gy (range 38.5-58.7) and 49 Gy (range 38.6-59.5 Gy), respectively. No significant dose escalation was achievable. The omission of the elective irradiation of the whole ipsilateral pleural space allowed dose escalation from 49 Gy to more than 58 Gy in 4 of 12 chemonaive MPM patients. This strategy may form the basis for nonsurgical radical combined modality treatment of MPM. (orig.) [German] Beim malignen Pleuramesotheliom (MPM) ist nach lungenschonender Radiotherapie das lokale Scheitern an Stellen eines frueheren, sichtbaren Tumors die dominierende Form des Scheiterns. Unser Ziel ist es, zu untersuchen, ob die selektive

  1. Methimazole associated eosinophilic pleural effusion: a case report. (United States)

    Gaspar-da-Costa, Pedro; Duarte Silva, Filipa; Henriques, Júlia; do Vale, Sónia; Braz, Sandra; Meneses Santos, João; M M Victorino, Rui


    Adverse reactions associated to anti-thyroid drugs include fever, rash, arthralgia, agranulocytosis and hepatitis that are thought to be hypersensitivity reactions. Five cases of pleural effusion associated to thionamides have also been reported, two with propylthiouracil and three with carbimazole. We report here a case of a 75-year-old man admitted because of unilateral pleural effusion. The patient had a recent diagnosis of hyperthyroidism and 6 days after starting methimazole complained of pleuritic chest pain. He had elevated C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate and normal white blood cell count and liver enzymes. Chest radiography showed a moderate right pleural effusion and the ultrasound revealed a loculated effusion that was shown to be an eosinophilic exudate. The temporal relationship between methimazole intake and the development of pleural effusion combined with the extensive exclusion of alternative causes, namely infectious, neoplastic and primary auto-immune diseases, led to the diagnosis of hypersensitivity reaction to methimazole. The thionamide was stopped and corticosteroid was started with complete resolution of the pleural effusion in 3 months. Awareness of this rare adverse reaction of anti-thyroid drugs is important and methimazole can be added to the list of possible etiologies of drug-induced eosinophilic pleural effusion.

  2. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: a rare cause of pleural effusion.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Connor, T M


    Aspergillus fumigatus is one of the most ubiquitous of the airborne saprophytic fungi. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is a syndrome seen in patients with asthma and cystic fibrosis, and is characterized by hypersensitivity to chronic colonization of the airways with A. fumigatus. We report the case of a patient with ABPA presenting with pleural effusion. A 27-year-old male was referred with recurrent right pleural effusion. Past medical history was remarkable for asthma, allergic sinusitis, and recurrent pleurisy. Investigations revealed peripheral eosinophilia with elevated serum immunoglobulin E and bilateral pleural effusions with bilateral upper lobe proximal bronchiectasis. Precipitating serum antibodies to A. fumigatus were positive and the A. fumigatus immediate skin test yielded a positive reaction. A diagnosis of ABPA associated with bilateral pleural effusions was made and the patient was commenced on prednisolone. At review, the patient\\'s symptoms had considerably improved and his pleural effusions had resolved. ABPA may present with diverse atypical syndromes, including paratracheal and hilar adenopathy, obstructive lung collapse, pneumothorax and bronchopleural fistula, and allergic sinusitis. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is a rare cause of pleural effusion and must be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with a pleural effusion, in particular those with a history of asthma.

  3. Massive pleural effusion in a young woman

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paolo Ghiringhelli


    Full Text Available Pleural effusion is a clinical manifestation shared by several underlying pathologies. The differential diagnosis is based on the clinical history, the physical examination, the analysis of the pleural fluid, and the laboratory data (mainly blood tests. There are cases, such as the patient described, where TC is not enough, and unusual imaging techniques are required for the study of pleural effusion, i.e. magnetic resonance cholangiography, cholangiopancreatography (MRCP and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP.This case analyses a 42-year-old female patient who arrived with progressive dyspnoea, chest pain, cough, a history of alcohol abuse, and a recent episode of acute pancreatitis. The physical examination revealed signs of right-sided pleural effusion. These features, together with laboratory data, made it possible to pose the diagnosis of pancreaticopleural fistula, to treat it, and to obtain a complete healing in a two-month period.

  4. Switching off malignant pleural effusion formation—fantasy or future? (United States)

    Giannou, Anastasios D.; Stathopoulos, Georgios T.


    Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is common and difficult to treat. In the vast majority of patients the presence of MPE heralds incurable disease, associated with poor quality of life, morbidity and mortality. Current therapeutic approaches are inefficient and merely offer palliation of associated symptoms. Recent scientific progress has shed light in the biologic processes governing the mechanisms behind the pathobiology of MPE. Pleural based tumors interfere with pleural fluid drainage, as well as the host vasculature and immune system, resulting in decreased fluid absorption and increased pleural fluid production via enhanced plasma extravasation into the pleural space. In order to achieve this feat, pleural based tumors must elicit critical vasoactive events in the pleura, thus forming a favorable microenvironment for tumor dissemination and MPE development. Such properties involve specific transcriptional signaling cascades in addition to secretion of important mediators which attract and activate host cell populations which, in turn, impact tumor cell functions. The dissection of the biologic steps leading to MPE formation provides novel therapeutic targets and recent research findings provide encouraging results towards future therapeutic innovations in MPE management. PMID:26150914

  5. The Significance of Caspase-Cleaved Cytokeratin 18 in Pleural Effusion (United States)

    Lee, Keu Sung; Chung, Joo Yang; Jung, Yun Jung; Chung, Wou Young; Park, Joo Hun; Sheen, Seung Soo; Lee, Kyi Beom


    Background Apoptosis plays a role in the development of pleural effusion. Caspase-cleaved cytokeratin 18, a marker for epithelial cell apoptosis, was evaluated in pleural effusion. Methods A total of 79 patients with pleural effusion were enrolled. The underlying causes were lung cancer (n=24), parapneumonic effusion (n=15), tuberculous effusion (n=28), and transudates (n=12). The levels of M30, an epitope of caspase-cleaved cytokeratin 18, were measured in blood and pleural fluids using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay along with routine cellular and biochemical parameters. The expression of M30 was evaluated in the pleural tissues using immunohistochemistry for M30. Results The M30 levels in pleural fluid were significantly higher in patients with tuberculosis (2,632.1±1,467.3 U/mL) than in patients with lung cancer (956.5±618.5 U/mL), parapneumonic effusion (689.9±413.6 U/mL), and transudates (273.6±144.5 U/mL; all peffusion from all other effusions was 0.93. In the immunohistochemical analysis of M30, all pathologic types of cancer cells showed moderate to high expression, and the epithelioid cells in granulomas showed high expression in tuberculous pleural tissues. Conclusion Caspase-cleaved cytokeratin 18 was most prominently observed in tuberculous pleural effusion and showed utility as a clinical marker. The main source of M30 was found to be the epithelioid cells of granulomas in tuberculous pleural tissues. PMID:24523813

  6. Evaluation of pleural and pericardial effusions by magnetic resonance imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tscholakoff, D.; Sechtem, U.; De Geer, G.; Schmidt, H.; Higgins, C.B.


    MR examinations of 36 patients with pleural and/or pericardial effusions were retrospectively evaluated. The purpose of this study was to determine of MR imaging is capable of differentiating between pleural and pericardial effusions of different compositions using standard electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated and nongated spin echo pulse sequences. Additional data was obtained from experimental pleural effusions in 10 dogs. The results of this study indicate that old haemorhages into the pleural or pericardial space can be differentiated from other pleural or pericardial effusions. However, further differentiation between transudates, exudates and sanguinous effusions is not possible on MR images acquired with standard spin echo pulse sequences. (orig./MG)

  7. Moxifloxacin pharmacokinetics and pleural fluid penetration in patients with pleural effusion. (United States)

    Chatzika, Kalliopi; Manika, Katerina; Kontou, Paschalina; Pitsiou, Georgia; Papakosta, Despina; Zarogoulidis, Konstantinos; Kioumis, Ioannis


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and penetration of moxifloxacin (MXF) in patients with various types of pleural effusion. Twelve patients with empyema/parapneumonic effusion (PPE) and 12 patients with malignant pleural effusion were enrolled in the study. A single-dose pharmacokinetic study was performed after intravenous administration of 400 mg MXF. Serial plasma (PL) and pleural fluid (PF) samples were collected during a 24-h time interval after drug administration. The MXF concentration in PL and PF was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography, and main pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated. Penetration of MXF in PF was determined by the ratio of the area under the concentration-time curve from time zero to 24 h (AUC24) in PF (AUC24PF) to the AUC24 in PL. No statistically significant differences in the pharmacokinetics in PL were observed between the two groups, despite the large interindividual variability in the volume of distribution, clearance, and elimination half-life. The maximum concentration in PF (CmaxPF) in patients with empyema/PPE was 2.23±1.31 mg/liter, and it was detected 7.50±2.39 h after the initiation of the infusion. In patients with malignant effusion, CmaxPF was 2.96±1.45 mg/liter, but it was observed significantly earlier, at 3.58±1.38 h (Ppleural effusion.

  8. Development of a Novel Alginate-Based Pleural Sealant (United States)


    thoracotomy is performed on a anesthetized ventilated live rat (a), an incision is made to induce pleural air leak (b), and sealant material [ liquid ...AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-15-1-0107 TITLE: Development of a Novel Alginate-Based Pleural Sealant PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Daniel J. Weiss MD PhD...SUBTITLE Development of a Novel Alginate-Based Pleural Sealant 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-15-1-0107 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR

  9. CT findings of pleural lesions: differential diagnosis between malignant benign diseases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baek, Seung Yon; Lim, Tae Hwan; Kim, Woo Sun; Park, Kwang Gil [Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    A number of benign and malignant diseases may cause pleural abnormalities. Since the resolution of computed tomography (CT) has been improved, the detailed anatomy of pleura can now be well delineated in various pleural diseases. We reviewed retrospectively the CT findings of 60 patients with pathologically proved pleural diseases in order to find out the differential points between benign and malignant diseases. Thirty-six patients had malignant diseases (20 adenocarcinoma, 8 squamous cell carcinoma, 4 small cell carcinoma, 2 lung metastasis, 1 large cell carcinoma, 1 small and large cell carcinoma), and 24 patients had benign diseases (16 tuberculosis including empyema, 3 bacterial empyema, 3 pneumonia, 1 lung abscess, 1 lung contusion). The CT features that suggested malignant pleural diseases were high-grade mediastinal involvement (57.9%, {rho} < 0.1), thick and irregular thickening with nodularity and mass formations (38.5%, {rho} < 0.1), Circumferential pleural thickening 132.1%, {rho} < 0.01), and aggressive pleural effusion 122.2%, {rho} < 0.05). Benign pleural lesions were typically represented by pleural calcification (50%) and extrapleural fat accumulation (45.8%)

  10. Pleural liquid and its exchanges. (United States)

    Agostoni, Emilio; Zocchi, Luciano


    After an account on morphological features of visceral and parietal pleura, mechanical coupling between lung and chest wall is outlined. Volume of pleural liquid is considered along with its thickness in various regions, and its composition. Pleural liquid pressure (P(liq)) and pressure exerted by lung recoil in various species and postures are then compared, and the vertical gradient of P(liq) considered. Implications of lower P(liq) in the lung zone than in the costo-phrenic sinus at iso-height are pointed out. Mesothelial permeability to H(2)O, Cl(-), Na(+), mannitol, sucrose, inulin, albumin, and various size dextrans is provided, along with paracellular "pore" radius of mesothelium. Pleural liquid is produced by filtration from parietal pleura capillaries according to Starling forces. It is removed by absorption in visceral pleura capillaries according to Starling forces (at least in some species), lymphatic drainage through stomata of parietal mesothelium (essential to remove cells, particles, and large macromolecules), solute-coupled liquid absorption, and transcytosis through mesothelium.

  11. Hidrotórax en Diálisis Peritoneal: a propósito de dos casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Isabel Aguilera Flórez


    Full Text Available El hidrotórax como complicación en Diálisis Peritoneal (DP puede producirse por el paso de líquido de diálisis, de peritoneo a pleura cuando existe una comunicación congénita o adquirida en la barrera diafragmática. Puede ser asintomático o manifestarse con disnea, tos, dolor torácico, disminución del volumen de drenaje o simular un déficit de ultrafiltración. Existe una relación entre el aumento de la Presión Intraperitoneal (PIP y la aparición de hidrotórax. El diagnóstico se realiza por radiografía de tórax, toracentesis y gammagrafía. Es una complicación seria y poco frecuente que generalmente ocasiona el abandono de la técnica, aunque la realización de pleurodesis química con sustancias esclerosantes (talco, tetraciclinas, sangre puede ser un tratamiento eficaz para resolver la comunicación pleuroperitoneal. Describimos dos casos de hidrotórax que aparecieron después de tres meses de inicio de la DP, cursaron con derrame pleural derecho, tos, disnea y disminución del volumen de drenaje, el diagnostico se realizo mediante radiografía de tórax, toracentesis y gammagrafía con infusión intraperitoneal del radioisótopo. Los dos casos se resolvieron con la suspensión de la diálisis peritoneal. En base a la relación existente entre la PIP y la aparición de fugas de líquido hacia diferentes cavidades entre ellas la cavidad pleural, podría ser interesante medir y monitorizar los resultados de la Presión Intraperitoneal como parte de la rutina de las actividades enfermeras. Para realizar la gammagrafía, la colaboración entre la Enfermería de DP y Medicina Nuclear permite la administración del radioisótopo de forma segura e indolora.

  12. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided evaluation of the pleura and cases of pleural effusion. (United States)

    Sharma, Malay; Rameshbabu, Chittapuram Srinivasan


    The most efficient and cost-effective approach for the diagnosis of pleural exudates remains uncertain and is a subject of controversy. Essential factors to be considered include the respective diagnostic yields of thoracocentesis, closed pleural biopsy, and thoracoscopy. The role of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) of the esophagus as a modality for the evaluation of pleural exudates has not yet been evaluated. The applied anatomy of the pleura has been discussed. The techniques involved in the EUS imaging of different aspects of the pleura in normal cases and in cases with pleural effusion are elaborated. The practical application of this knowledge can be useful in EUS-guided sampling of the pleural wall, pleural nodules, and in cases of pleural effusion.

  13. Flow Cytometry in Diagnosis of Myelomatous Pleural Effusion: A Case Report. (United States)

    Arora, Parul; Gupta, Sanjeev Kumar; Mallik, Nabhajit; Mittal, Reena; Sharma, Om Dutt; Kumar, Lalit


    Plasma cell myeloma is a multifocal plasma cell neoplasm associated with increased monoclonal protein in serum and/or urine. Pleural effusions in patients with myeloma are uncommon (6 %). However, effusions due to direct infiltration of the pleura by plasma cells (myelomatous pleural effusion) are extremely rare (pleural fluid cytology, electrophoresis or pleural biopsy. We present a case of myelomatous pleural effusion diagnosed using flow cytometry immunophenotyping in addition to the pleural fluid cytology. A 45 year old female was diagnosed as plasma cell myeloma (IgG kappa) in 2007. She received multiple lines of therapy during the course of her treatment including thalidomide, dexamethasone, lenalidomide, bortezomib, and doxorubicin based regimens. However, the patient had progressive extramedullary disease and developed pleural effusion in 2014. Cytological examination of the pleural fluid showed degenerative changes. Few preserved areas showed mononuclear cells including morphologically abnormal plasma cells. Immunophenotyping of these cells by flow cytometry revealed a pattern indicating neoplastic plasma cells. There was expression of CD38, CD138, and CD56, with absence of CD19, CD10 and CD45. This confirmed the diagnosis of myelomatous pleural effusion. Subsequently, the patient was offered a dexamethasone, cyclophosphamide, etoposide and cisplatin based regimen but, she declined further treatment and succumbed to her disease 3 months later. Myelomatous pleural effusion is a rare complication of plasma cell myeloma. Flow cytometry can be used as an adjunctive technique in its diagnosis particularly in cases with equivocal cytology and electrophoresis findings.

  14. Cost-effectiveness of indwelling pleural catheter compared with talc in malignant pleural effusion. (United States)

    Olfert, Jordan A P; Penz, Erika D; Manns, Braden J; Mishra, Eleanor K; Davies, Helen E; Miller, Robert F; Luengo-Fernandez, Ramon; Gao, Song; Rahman, Najib M


    Malignant pleural effusion is associated with morbidity and mortality. A randomized controlled trial previously compared clinical outcomes and resource use with indwelling pleural catheter (IPC) and talc pleurodesis in this population. Using unpublished quality of life data, we estimate the cost-effectiveness of IPC compared with talc pleurodesis. Healthcare utilization and costs were captured during the trial. Utility weights produced by the EuroQol Group five-dimensional three-level questionnaire and survival were used to determine quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) gained. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated over the 1-year trial period. Sensitivity analysis used patient survival data and modelled additional nursing time required per week for catheter drainage. Utility scores, cost and QALYs gained did not differ significantly between groups. The ICER for IPC compared with talc was favorable at $US10 870 per QALY gained. IPC was less costly with a probability exceeding 95% of being cost-effective when survival was pleural effusion in patients without history of prior pleurodesis, with consideration for patient survival, support and preferences. © 2016 The Authors. Respirology published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

  15. Pleural needle biopsy (United States)

    ... own. Sometimes, a chest tube is needed to drain the air and expand the lung. There is also a chance of excessive blood loss. Considerations If a closed pleural biopsy is not enough to make a diagnosis, ...

  16. Reabsorption kinetics of albumin from pleural space of dogs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miniati, M.; Parker, J.C.; Pistolesi, M.; Cartledge, J.T.; Martin, D.J.; Giuntini, C.; Taylor, A.E.


    The reabsorption of albumin from the pleural space was measured in eight dogs receiving 0.5 ml intrapleural injection of 131 I-labeled albumin and a simultaneous intravenous injection of 125 I-labeled albumin. Plasma curves for both tracers were obtained over 24 h. The 125 I-albumin curve served as input function of albumin for interstitial spaces, including pleura, whereas the 131 I-albumin curve represented the output function from pleural space. The frequency function of albumin transit times from pleural space to plasma was obtained by deconvolution of input-output plasma curves. Plasma recovery of 131 I-albumin was complete by 24 h, and the mean transit time from pleura to plasma averaged 7.95 +/- 1.57 (SD) h. Albumin reabsorption occurred mainly via lymphatics as indicated by experiments in 16 additional dogs in which their right lymph ducts or thoracic ducts were ligated before intrapleural injection. A pleural lymph flow of 0.020 +/- 0.003 (SD) was estimated, which is balanced by a comparable filtration of fluid into the pleural space. This suggests that, under physiological conditions, the subpleural lymphatics represent an important control mechanism of pleural liquid pressure

  17. Pleural effusion segmentation in thin-slice CT (United States)

    Donohue, Rory; Shearer, Andrew; Bruzzi, John; Khosa, Huma


    A pleural effusion is excess fluid that collects in the pleural cavity, the fluid-filled space that surrounds the lungs. Surplus amounts of such fluid can impair breathing by limiting the expansion of the lungs during inhalation. Measuring the fluid volume is indicative of the effectiveness of any treatment but, due to the similarity to surround regions, fragments of collapsed lung present and topological changes; accurate quantification of the effusion volume is a difficult imaging problem. A novel code is presented which performs conditional region growth to accurately segment the effusion shape across a dataset. We demonstrate the applicability of our technique in the segmentation of pleural effusion and pulmonary masses.

  18. Mechanical coupling and liquid exchanges in the pleural space. (United States)

    Agostoni, E; Zocchi, L


    The pleural space provides the mechanical coupling between lung and chest wall: two views about this coupling are reported and discussed. Information on volume, composition, thickness, and pressure of the pleural liquid under physiologic conditions in a few species is provided. The Starling pressures of the parietal pleura filtering liquid into pleural space, and those of the visceral pleura absorbing liquid from the space are considered along with the permeability of the mesothelium. Information on the lymphatic drainage through the parietal pleura and on the solute-coupled liquid absorption from the pleural space under physiologic conditions and with various kinds of hydrothorax are provided.

  19. [Clinical analysis of thoracoscopy of 30 coalworker's pneumoconiosiswith pleural effusion cases]. (United States)

    Liang, Yandong; Jiang, Ruiling; Yu, Chunxiao; Huang, Cheng


    To investigate the diagnostic value of thoracoscopy on idiopathic coalworker's pneumoconiosis with pleural effusion in general medicine. Routine (general medicine) thoracoscopyof patients suffering from iIdiopathiccoalworker's pneumoconiosis with pleural effusion, pathological examination of lesions obtained (direct vision). Pathological examination revealed grayish-white miliary nodules with multiple protruding nodules, irregular focal pleura thickening, pulmonary congestion, edema, fibrous adhesion. Thorascopy produced a diagnostic rate of 93.3%. Confirmed cases includes 13 cases of tuberculous pleurisy, 11 cases of malignant pleural effusion, 4 cases of cardiac insufficiency with pleural effusion and 2 cases of idiopathic pleural effusion, with no serious complications. Thoracoscopy of idiopathic coalworker's pneumoconiosis with pleural effusion is a safe, accurate diagnostic methodin general medicine, and could benefit the establishment of a treatment method quickly, visual observation of the lesions of patients suffering from coalworker's pneumoconiosis with pleural effusion using thoracoscopy, and at the same time offer preliminary investigationof the correlation between the intensity and compactibilityof coal macule distribution and clinical stages of coalworker's Pneumoconiosis.

  20. Hemostatic findings of pleural fluid in dogs and the association between pleural effusions and primary hyperfibrino(genolysis: A cohort study of 99 dogs.

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    Andrea Zoia

    Full Text Available The primary objective of this study was to determine if activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis occurs in canine pleural effusions. Thirty-three dogs with pleural effusions of different origin were studied. Pleural effusion fibrinogen concentrations were significantly lower, while pleural fibrin-fibrinogen degradation products (FDPs and D-dimer concentrations were significantly higher than those in plasma (P < 0.001 for all comparisons. These results show that, in canine pleural fluids, there is evidence of coagulation activation and fibrinolysis. The secondary aims of the current study were to determine if primary hyperfibrinolysis ([PHF] i.e., elevated plasma FDPs with a normal D-dimer concentrations, occurs in dogs with pleural effusion, and whether the presence of a concurrent inflammatory process may have activated the hemostatic cascade, with its intrinsically linked secondary hyperfibrinolysis, masking the concurrent PHF. The previously 33 selected dogs with pleural effusion (group 1 were compared to two control groups of 33 healthy (group 2 and 33 sick dogs without pleural effusion (group 3. Serum fibrinogen, FDPs, D-dimer, C-reactive protein (CRP, fibrinogen/CRP ratio, and frequency of PHF were determined. Fibrinogen, FDPs, D-dimer and CRP concentrations in group 1 were significantly increased compared to group 2 (P < 0.001 for all comparisons. FDPs and CRP concentrations in group 1 were also significantly increased compared to group 3 (P = 0.001 and P < 0.001, respectively. The fibrinogen/CRP ratio was significantly decreased in group 1 compared to groups 2 and 3 (P < 0.001 for both comparison. The frequency of PHF was significantly higher in group 1 compared to groups 2 (P = 0.004, but not compared to group 3. These results support the hypothesis that PHF occurs significantly more often in dogs with pleural effusion compared to healthy dogs. Nevertheless, the decrease in the fibrinogen/CRP ratio in group 1 compared to group 3

  1. Lung abscess predicts the surgical outcome in patients with pleural empyema. (United States)

    Huang, Hung-Che; Chen, Heng-Chung; Fang, Hsin-Yuan; Lin, Yi-Chieh; Wu, Chin-Yen; Cheng, Ching-Yuan


    Most cases of pleural empyema are caused by pulmonary infections, which are usually combined with pneumonia or lung abscess. The mortality of patients with pleural empyema remains high (up to 20%). It also contributes to higher hospital costs and longer hospital stays. We studied pleural empyema with combined lung abscess to determine if abscess was associated with mortality. From January 2004 to December 2006, we retrospectively reviewed 259 patients diagnosed with pleural empyema who received thoracscopic decortications of the pleura in a single medical center. We evaluated their clinical data and analyzed their chest computed tomography scans. Outcomes of pleural empyema were compared between groups with and without lung abscess. Twenty-two pleural empyema patients had lung abscesses. Clinical data showed significantly higher incidences in the lung abscess group of pre-operative leukocytosis, need for an intensive care unit stay and mortality. Patients with pleural empyema and lung abscess have higher intensive care unit admission rate, higher mortality during 30 days and overall mortality than patients with pleural empyema. The odds ratio of lung abscess is 4.685. Physician shall pay more attention on high risk patient of lung abscess for early detection and management.

  2. Derrame pericárdico: estudo retrospetivo de uma população de cães de Barcelona


    Andrade, Dora Maria Gomes Silva


    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária A doença do pericárdio mais frequente no cão é o derrame pericárdico que consiste numa acumulação anormal de fluído no espaço pericárdico. Em consequência do aumento da pressão intrapericárdica resulta o tamponamento cardíaco que causa insuficiência do sistema cardiocirculatório, podendo originar uma doença subclínica ou ser fatal. A sua etiologia é normalmente de origem neoplásica ou idiopática e os sinais clínicos variam de acordo...

  3. Management of Septated Malignant Pleural Effusions


    Banka, Radhika; Terrington, Dayle; Mishra, Eleanor K.


    Purpose of Review: We review recent studies of patients with septated malignant pleural effusions, to understand what the clinical implications for patients are and what evidence-based methods should be used to manage these effusions. Recent Findings: Fibrinolytics improve effusion size assessed radiologically in patients with a chest drain inserted for septated malignant pleural effusions but this does not translate into an improvement in breathlessness relief or pleurodesis success. Fibrino...

  4. Evaluation of serum and pleural levels of endostatin and vascular epithelial growth factor in lung cancer patients with pleural effusion. (United States)

    Zhang, Yu; Yu, Li-Ke; Xia, Ning


    To evaluate the diagnostic value of endostatin (ES), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in both serum and pleural effusion of lung cancer patients. Levels of ES, VEGF and CEA in 52 malignant pleural effusion due to lung cancer and 50 patients with non-malignant disease were measured by using sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and microparticle enzyme immunoassay. The ES, VEGF and CEA levels in pleural effusion and serum, and their ratio (F/S) were higher in lung cancer group than that in benign group, and the differences were statistically significant (Ppleural effusion due to lung cancer. In comparison with either single determination of concentration in serum or pleural fluid, the combined detection of two or three markers is of important clinical significance in the diagnosis of lung cancer. Copyright © 2012 Hainan Medical College. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Iffat Jamal


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Tuberculosis is a worldwide health problem with highest incidence in developing countries like India. It involves a large number of organs including lungs, pleural lymph nodes, genital sytem, gastrointestinal tract, etc. In resource poor countries, cytological examination of pleural fluid serves as a rapid, effective, economical and easy method of diagnosing tubercuolus pleural effusions, which can be correlated with other newer ancillary techniques. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study was conducted on 100 patients coming to Patna Medical College and Hospital, Patna, over a period of two years from August 2012 to September 2014 with clinical complaints of cough, fever and chest pain with a clinical diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion. RESULTS Pleural tapping was done and detailed cytological examination of pleural fluid was done and its findings were correlated with gross, biochemical and microbiological findings. Both wet fixed (Giemsa stained and air-dried slides (Papanicolaou stained were prepared and microscopic examination was done. Special stains like Ziehl-Neelsen stain (ZN stain for acid-fast bacilli was also performed for confirmation. CONCLUSION Cytological smears revealed predominance of lymphocytes. Mesothelial cells were absent or nearly absent. Eosinophils followed mesothelial cell pattern and were absent in a relatively large number of cases. This technique is safe, reliable, cost-effective and can be used for diagnostic purposes. It is also less traumatic as compared to pleural biopsy. Cytological examination when combined with other newer diagnostic test increases the chances of accurate diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion.

  6. Palliative Treatment of Malignant Pleural Effusion

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    Chenyang Liu


    Full Text Available Malignant pleural effusion (MPE is a common clinical problem caused by cancers. Pleural effusion can be the first sign of cancer in more than 25% of patients. Lung cancer and breast cancer are the most common cancers that metastasize to the pleura in men and women, respectively. Other cancers, including, but not limited to, lymphomas, ovarian cancer, stomach cancer, and several unknown primary cancers can also lead to MPE. Dyspnea and chest pain are the most common symptoms of MPE along with other symptoms such as a cough, weight loss, anorexia, fatigue, and weakness. Aggravation of these symptoms is closely related to the rate of accumulation of pleural effusion. Treatment options to MPE are determined by the type and extent of the underlying malignancy. The major goals of the treatment are to relieve symptoms, restore functions, improve the quality of life, and minimize the duration of hospital stay and costs. Although some patients can be treated with systemic therapies, most of these treatments are temporary, and MPE would recur soon. Hence, further palliative treatments to effectively control pleural effusions and relieve symptoms are necessary. This review addresses the pathophysiology of MPE and the treatment options for patients with MPE.

  7. [Estimation of volume of pleural fluid and its impact on spirometrical parameters]. (United States)

    Karwat, Krzysztof; Przybyłowski, Tadeusz; Bielicki, Piotr; Hildebrand, Katarzyna; Nowacka-Mazurek, Magdalena; Nasiłowski, Jacek; Rubinsztajn, Renata; Chazan, Ryszarda


    In the course of various diseases, there is an accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavities. Pleural fluid accumulation causes thoracic volume expansion and reduction of volume lungs, leading to formation of restrictive disorders. The aim of the study was to estimate the volume of pleural fluid by ultrasonography and to search for the relationship between pleural fluid volume and spirometrical parameters. The study involved 46 patients (26 men, 20 women) aged 65.7 +/- 14 years with pleural effusions who underwent thoracentesis. Thoracentesis was preceded by ultrasonography of the pleura, spirometry test and plethysmography. The volume of the pleural fluid was calculated with the Goecke' and Schwerk' (GS) or Padykuła (P) equations. The obtained values were compared with the actual evacuated volume. The median volume of the removed pleural fluid was 950 ml. Both underestimated the evacuated volume (the median volume 539 ml for GS and 648 ml for P, respectively). Pleural fluid removal resulted in a statistically significant improvement in VC (increase 0.20 +/- 0.35 ; p Pleural fluid removal causes a significant improvement in lung function parameters. The analyzed equations for fluid volume calculation do not correlate with the actual volume.

  8. Tumor evanescente: un reto diagnóstico

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    José M. Ocampo


    Full Text Available Resumen: El tumor fantasma es una efusión interlobal pulmonar, interpretada como una manifestación radiológica poco común en personas con falla cardíaca descompensada; una vez se establece el tratamiento, estas lesiones que inicialmente se pueden confundir con infecciones o lesiones tumorales, desaparecen, por lo cual es fundamental realizar un diagnóstico adecuado que evite la práctica de estudios invasivos y no invasivos. Se expone el caso de un hombre con antecedente de falla cardíaca congestiva, quien ingresó al servicio de urgencias por exacerbación de síntomas respiratorios, edemas de miembros inferiores, disnea paroxística nocturna, ortopnea y signos clínicos de falla cardíaca. La radiografía de tórax mostró cardiomegalia, engrosamiento pleural derecho periférico y dos imágenes de tipo masa en tercios medio e inferior derechos y opacidad intersticial en bases. Se estableció manejo médico para falla cardíaca y se ordenó radiografía de tórax tres días después del tratamiento, luego de lo cual se observó desaparición de lesión intrapulmonar, confirmando diagnóstico de tumor fantasma. Abstract: The phantom (evanescent tumour is an interlobar lung effusion, interpreted as a rare radiological sign in individuals with decompensated heart failure. Once the treatment is established, these lesions, which initially can be confused with infections or tumour lesions, disappear. This makes it essential to make an appropriate diagnosis that avoids carrying out invasive and non-invasive studies. The case is presented of a man with a history of congestive heart failure, who was admitted to the Emergency Department due to the exacerbation of respiratory symptoms, swelling in the legs, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, orthopnoea, and clinical signs of heart failure. The chest x-ray showed cardiomegaly, right pleural peripheral thickening, and two mass-type images in the right middle and lower thirds, as well as interstitial

  9. Dose De-escalation of Intrapleural Tissue Plasminogen Activator Therapy for Pleural Infection. The Alteplase Dose Assessment for Pleural Infection Therapy Project. (United States)

    Popowicz, Natalia; Bintcliffe, Oliver; De Fonseka, Duneesha; Blyth, Kevin G; Smith, Nicola A; Piccolo, Francesco; Martin, Geoffrey; Wong, Donny; Edey, Anthony; Maskell, Nick; Lee, Y C Gary


    Intrapleural therapy with a combination of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) 10 mg and DNase 5 mg administered twice daily has been shown in randomized and open-label studies to successfully manage over 90% of patients with pleural infection without surgery. Potential bleeding risks associated with intrapleural tPA and its costs remain important concerns. The aim of the ongoing Alteplase Dose Assessment for Pleural infection Therapy (ADAPT) project is to investigate the efficacy and safety of dose de-escalation for intrapleural tPA. The first of several planned studies is presented here. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a reduced starting dose regimen of 5 mg of tPA with 5 mg of DNase administered intrapleurally for pleural infection. Consecutive patients with pleural infection at four participating centers in Australia, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand were included in this observational, open-label study. Treatment was initiated with tPA 5 mg and DNase 5 mg twice daily. Subsequent dose escalation was permitted at the discretion of the attending physician. Data relating to treatment success, radiological and systemic inflammatory changes (blood C-reactive protein), volume of fluid drained, length of hospital stay, and treatment complications were extracted retrospectively from the medical records. We evaluated 61 patients (41 males; age, 57 ± 16 yr). Most patients (n = 58 [93.4%]) were successfully treated without requiring surgery for pleural infection. Treatment success was corroborated by clearance of pleural opacities visualized by chest radiography (from 42% [interquartile range, 22-58] to 16% [8-31] of hemithorax; P < 0.001), increase in pleural fluid drainage (from 175 ml in the 24 h preceding treatment to 2,025 ml [interquartile range, 1,247-2,984] over 72 h of therapy; P <  0.05) and a reduction in blood C-reactive protein (P < 0.05). Seven patients (11.5%) had dose escalation of tPA to 10 mg. Three patients underwent

  10. A case of young woman with recurrent right pleural effusion


    Mehta, Asmita A; Gupta, Amit; Venkitakrishnan, Rajesh


    Endomterisois is usually found in women of child-bearing age. A case is presented of massive right-sided pleural effusion caused by endometriosis. The final diagnosis was made by thoracoscopic pleural biopsy. Physicians should be aware of this potentially treatable cause of pleural effusion having excluded other possibilities such as malignancy and tuberculosis.

  11. A case of young woman with recurrent right pleural effusion. (United States)

    Mehta, Asmita A; Gupta, Amit; Venkitakrishnan, Rajesh


    Endomterisois is usually found in women of child-bearing age. A case is presented of massive right-sided pleural effusion caused by endometriosis. The final diagnosis was made by thoracoscopic pleural biopsy. Physicians should be aware of this potentially treatable cause of pleural effusion having excluded other possibilities such as malignancy and tuberculosis.

  12. Histoplasma com derrame pleural: relato de um caso Histoplasmoma and pleural effusion: a case report

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    Marcos C. de Almeida


    Full Text Available Efusões pleurais surgem raramente em associação com a histoplasmose capsu-lata, ocorrendo em geral nas formas agudas da doença. Relatamos e discutimos um caso clínico em que um histoplasmoma subpleural acompanhou-se de dor pleurítica, hidrotórax e pleurite fibrosante.

  13. Diagnostic significance of pleural fluid adenosine deaminase activity in tuberculous pleurisy

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    Sharmeen Ahmed


    Full Text Available Diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion (TPE is difficult because of its non-specific clinical presentation and insufficient efficiency of conventional diagnostic methods. The study was carried out to evaluate the utility of adenosine deaminase (ADA activity in pleural fluid for the diagnosis of TPE. ADA activity was measured in pleural fluid of 103 pleural effusion patients by colorimetric method using a commercial ADA assay kit. The diagnosis of TPE was made from pleural fluid examinations (including cytology, biochemistry, and bacteriology and pleural biopsy. Patient with negative result of this methods were diagnosed by response of empirical treatment. Out of 130 cases, 62 (61.1% had TPE and the remaining 41 (39.8% had pleural effusion due to non tuberculous diseases. There was statistically significant difference (p < 0.001 between the mean of pleural fluid ADA levels (70.82±22.54 U/L in TPE group and (30.07±22.93 U/L in non-TPE group. Of 62 TPE cases, microscopy for AFB and culture for M.tuberculosis in pleural fluid revealed positivity in 9.6% and 22.5% cases respectively, and biopsy of pleura showed typical epithelioid granuloma in only 43.5% cases. The cut-off value of ADA for diagnosing TPE was 40 U/L using a ROC curve, with a sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 88%. Positive and negative predictive value of ADA assay were 92% and 90% respectively. The overall test accuracy was 90%. Pleural fluid ADA assay is therefore a simple, rapid, highly sensitive and specific adjunct test for diagnosis of TPE. Ibrahim Med. Coll. J. 2011; 5(1: 1-5

  14. Micro-pleural Metastasis Without Effusion: CT and US Findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Na, Hyoung Il; Yoo, Seung Min; Kim, Yang Soo; Lee, Hwa Yeon; Song, In Sup; Shim, Hyung Jin; Kwak, Byung Kook; Shin, Jong Wook


    Pleural metastasis from malignancy is commonly combined with effusion. We report the ultrasonographic and CT findings in a rare case of micro-pleural metastasis without effusion. A 34-year-old male patient with lung cancer underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), prior to open thoracotomy. VATS revealed multiple metastatic micronodules on the pleura, which were overlooked on the preoperative CT scan. The HRCT images and chest ultrasonograms showed clear evidence of pleural micro-nodules

  15. Micro-pleural Metastasis Without Effusion: CT and US Findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Na, Hyoung Il; Yoo, Seung Min; Kim, Yang Soo; Lee, Hwa Yeon; Song, In Sup; Shim, Hyung Jin; Kwak, Byung Kook; Shin, Jong Wook [Chung-Ang University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Pleural metastasis from malignancy is commonly combined with effusion. We report the ultrasonographic and CT findings in a rare case of micro-pleural metastasis without effusion. A 34-year-old male patient with lung cancer underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), prior to open thoracotomy. VATS revealed multiple metastatic micronodules on the pleura, which were overlooked on the preoperative CT scan. The HRCT images and chest ultrasonograms showed clear evidence of pleural micro-nodules

  16. Metastização pulmonar na apresentação de angiossarcoma cardíaco – Caso clínico e discussão

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    Vítor Fonseca


    Full Text Available Resumo: Apresenta-se um caso clínico referente a doente de 35 anos, do sexo masculino sem antecedentes pessoais relevantes, admitido no serviço de urgência por quadro de toracalgia e tosse produtiva com alterações electrocardiográficas sugestivas de pericardite. Inicialmente admitido pelo Serviço de Cardiologia, com melhoria do quadro clínico após terapêutica anti-inflamatória; contudo, no internamento houve como intercorrência pneumonia de provável etiologia bacteriana, complicada por derrame pleural. Após a alta, foi referenciado à consulta de pneumologia, onde se manteve o estudo etiológico do derrame persistente, tendo vindo a complicar-se o seu quadro com alterações das cavidades cardiacas e múltiplos nódulos pulmonares, sugestivos de endocardite subaguda com embolização séptica pulmonar. Internado no serviço de Pneumologia e submetido a videotoracoscopia, foi-lhe diagnosticado angiossarcoma cardíaco com metastização pulmonar. Assistiu-se a uma rápida evolução do quadro clínico, quase fulminante, com falência cardíaca e óbito do doente sem ter iniciado radioterapia ou quimioterapia adjuvante.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (6: 1175-1184 Abstract: We present a case report of a 35 year-old male without any relevant former pathology admitted to the emergency room with atypical chest pain, cough and sputum with ECG changes suggesting pericarditis. He was initially admitted to the cardiology ward and experienced clinical improvement after initiating anti-inflammatory treatment. As intercurrence he had bacterial origin pneumonia complicated by pleural effusion (PE. After discharge patient was referred to a pulmonology appointment where aetiological investigation of the PE was instigated. Investigation revealed changes in the cardiac cavities and multiple lung nodules, suggesting subacute endocarditis with septic pulmonary embolism. Admitted to the

  17. Protocol of the Australasian Malignant Pleural Effusion (AMPLE) trial: a multicentre randomised study comparing indwelling pleural catheter versus talc pleurodesis (United States)

    Fysh, Edward T H; Thomas, Rajesh; Read, Catherine A; Lam, Ben C H; Yap, Elaine; Horwood, Fiona C; Lee, Pyng; Piccolo, Francesco; Shrestha, Ranjan; Garske, Luke A; Lam, David C L; Rosenstengel, Andrew; Bint, Michael; Murray, Kevin; Smith, Nicola A; Lee, Y C Gary


    Introduction Malignant pleural effusion can complicate most cancers. It causes breathlessness and requires hospitalisation for invasive pleural drainages. Malignant effusions often herald advanced cancers and limited prognosis. Minimising time spent in hospital is of high priority to patients and their families. Various treatment strategies exist for the management of malignant effusions, though there is no consensus governing the best choice. Talc pleurodesis is the conventional management but requires hospitalisation (and substantial healthcare resources), can cause significant side effects, and has a suboptimal success rate. Indwelling pleural catheters (IPCs) allow ambulatory fluid drainage without hospitalisation, and are increasingly employed for management of malignant effusions. Previous studies have only investigated the length of hospital care immediately related to IPC insertion. Whether IPC management reduces time spent in hospital in the patients’ remaining lifespan is unknown. A strategy of malignant effusion management that reduces hospital admission days will allow patients to spend more time outside hospital, reduce costs and save healthcare resources. Methods and analysis The Australasian Malignant Pleural Effusion (AMPLE) trial is a multicentred, randomised trial designed to compare IPC with talc pleurodesis for the management of malignant pleural effusion. This study will randomise 146 adults with malignant pleural effusions (1:1) to IPC management or talc slurry pleurodesis. The primary end point is the total number of days spent in hospital (for any admissions) from treatment procedure to death or end of study follow-up. Secondary end points include hospital days specific to pleural effusion management, adverse events, self-reported symptom and quality-of-life scores. Ethics and dissemination The Sir Charles Gairdner Group Human Research Ethics Committee has approved the study as have the ethics boards of all the participating hospitals. The

  18. An emerging indication of FDG-PET: pleural tumours

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balogova, S.; Kerrou, K.; Montravers, F.; Grahek, D.; Aide, N.; Jacob, T.; Younsi, N.; Cailleux, N.; Talbot, J.N.


    The diagnosis and staging of malignant pleural tumours is difficult by means of radiology and also histology. Nevertheless an early diagnose, in particular in those people exposed to asbestos, and an accurate staging are key factors for a better survival. There is thus a potential role for FD G imaging in these relatively rare cancers. In our series, were are currently able to evaluate 22 FD G examinations performed in 16 patients referred for apparently isolated pleural lesions. Twelve FD G examinations were performed with a dedicated PET machine (C-PET, Adac) and ten with a coincidence detection gamma camera (Irix, Picker). The precise clinical settings were the following: characterisation of pleural masses or search for the unknown primary tumour in case of adenocarcinoma (6 cases), staging of a mesothelioma (5 cases), suspicion of recurrence and/or residual lesions (11 cases). The pleural lesions took-up FD G in all cases. By adding our results to data of the five previously published studies, the sensitivity for detecting malignant pleural lesions that are not yet characterised as primary pleural cancer is 99% and the specificity 79%. There was in our series one false positive result due to an inflammatory lesion. False negative results for the detection of lymph node invasion occurred in three patients and were in relation with an infra-centimetric size and the difficulty to distinguish, on FD G images, mediastinal lymph nodes from a widespread pleural and pulmonary extension of cancer. A change in patient management was induced by the FD G examination in 4 patients (25%) and the evolution confirmed that the choice was appropriate. Unknown lesions that could have modified the management were discovered in two other patients. This study highlights the fact that FD G imaging has an impact on the management of patients with solitary pleural lesions and can detect recurrences, in some cases even more accurately than invasive procedures with histology. From our

  19. Management of malignant pleural effusion: challenges and solutions (United States)

    Penz, Erika; Watt, Kristina N; Hergott, Christopher A; Rahman, Najib M; Psallidas, Ioannis


    Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is a sign of advanced cancer and is associated with significant symptom burden and mortality. To date, management has been palliative in nature with a focus on draining the pleural space, with therapies aimed at preventing recurrence or providing intermittent drainage through indwelling catheters. Given that patients with MPEs are heterogeneous with respect to their cancer type and response to systemic therapy, functional status, and pleural milieu, response to MPE therapy is also heterogeneous and difficult to predict. Furthermore, the impact of therapies on important patient outcomes has only recently been evaluated consistently in clinical trials and cohort studies. In this review, we examine patient outcomes that have been studied to date, address the question of which are most important for managing patients, and review the literature related to the expected value for money (cost-effectiveness) of indwelling pleural catheters relative to traditionally recommended approaches. PMID:28694705

  20. A case of young woman with recurrent right pleural effusion

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    Asmita A Mehta


    Full Text Available Endomterisois is usually found in women of child-bearing age. A case is presented of massive right-sided pleural effusion caused by endometriosis. The final diagnosis was made by thoracoscopic pleural biopsy. Physicians should be aware of this potentially treatable cause of pleural effusion having excluded other possibilities such as malignancy and tuberculosis.

  1. Pleural mesothelioma in Costa Rica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maineri-Hidalgo, Jose Alberto; Putvinsky, Vladimir; Mainieri-Breedy, Giovanna


    The mesothelioma is a neoplasia originated in the serous membranes that drape the cellomic cavities and there cover the visceras that they contain, whose development has related to the exhibition to the asbestos. The present study describes the characteristics of the cases of mesothelioma pleural diagnosed in 3 adults hospitals in Costa Rica. 29 cases of pleural mesothelioma were found between 1972 and 2002 after reviewing the pathology service archives of the 3 national general hospitals of the Costa Rican social security health system. The incidence rate in 2002 was 1 case per 2 million; there were 15 females and 14 males, with a mean age of 54 years. Twenty cases presented with pleural effusion being dyspnea, chest pain, cough, fever and weight loss the most frequent symptoms. The disease was detected in all the cases because of an abnormal chest X-ray. The method used to obtain tissue for histological diagnosis was thoracotomy for 15 cases, pleural biopsy in 8, thoracoscopy in 4 and autopsy in 2. The histological diagnosis in 16 cases was fibrous mesothelioma, 10 malignant and 6 benign, 11 were epithelial (all malignant) and 2 were malignant mixed mesothelioma. The treatment in all the benign cases was surgical resection and none recurred. Two of the malignant lesions were resected, 1 had an extrapleural pneumonectomy along with pericardial and diaphragmatic resection, but the survival was not better than the rest of the malignant cases, with an average survival rate for all of them of only 6 months. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy showed no additional benefit. (author) [es

  2. Perfil epidemiológico de pacientes pediátricos internados com pneumonia = Epidemiological profile of pediatric in patients with pneumonia

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    Veras, Tiago Neves


    Conclusões: houve um predomínio das internações por pneumonia no período do inverno e em pacientes do sexo masculino, com baixa taxa de complicações, como derrame pleural. A ausência de positividade nas hemoculturas, bem como o baixo índice de solicitação das mesmas, alertam para a necessidade de incentivo para criação de protocolos e capacitação dos pediatras envolvidos no atendimento desses pacientes

  3. Biomarkers in routine diagnosis of pleural effusions

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    Tiva Nemanič


    Full Text Available Background: Pleural fluid biochemical analysis is the first step in pleural effusion (PE diagnostics. Our purpose was to analyse the utility of the biomarkers used at our clinic in the routine diagnosis of PE. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the PE levels of proteins, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, alpha amylase (AA, pH and glucose in 433 patients who were treated at the University Clinic Golnik in a one-year period and compared these values with the final identified aetiology of the effusions. Results: The majority of the effusions were determined to be a consequence of malignancy (n = 154 or infection (n = 108. In 94 cases the aetiology of the effusions was heart failure and in 54 cases other diseases, while 23 effusions remained aetiologically undetermined. Considering Light’s criteria, the vast majority of the effusions were correctly classified as exudates or transudates (97.1 %. Comparing paramalignant and malignant effusions, we detected significantly lower values of pleural fluid LDH (p < 0.0005 and proteins (p < 0.0005, and higher pH (p < 0.0005 values in the paramalignant effusions. Conclusion: We have found that pleural LDH and proteins are the most helpful biochemical parameters in our routine diagnosis of pleural effusions and helped us to correctly narrow the aetiological spectrum. Furthermore, significantly higher pleural LDH and protein values and a pH below 7.32 additionally facilitated distinguishing between malignant and paramalignant effusions. Parameters such as glucose and AA are useful in selected cases and have a limited role in routine diagnostics.

  4. Enfermedad invasora por Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente adquirida en la comunidad Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus disseminated disease

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    Clarisa Brezzo


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de enfermedad invasora por Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente (SAMR adquirido en la comunidad (SAMR-c. Paciente varón de 21 años, previamente sano, que consultó por nódulos subcutáneos compatibles con gomas. La ultrasonografía reveló múltiples abscesos subcutáneos e imágenes consistentes con piomiositis, además de derrame pleural y pericárdico. En el cultivo del material purulento obtenido por punción-aspiración con aguja fina de las lesiones se aisló S. aureus. El antibiograma por difusión mostró resistencia a cefalotina, eritromicina y clindamicina, y sensibilidad a trimetroprima-sulfametoxazol, ciprofloxacina y rifampicina. La meticilino resistencia se confirmó por aglutinación con partículas de látex sensibilizadas con anticuerpos monoclonales dirigidos contra la proteína ligadora de penicilina 2A. El paciente fue tratado con ciprofloxacina y rifampicina durante cuatro semanas, con evolución favorable. La frecuencia de infecciones por SAMR-c está en aumento, observándose en personas sin factores de riesgo aparentes. Esto llevaría a fracaso en el tratamiento empírico para infecciones de la comunidad en los que se presume etiología estafilocócica.A 21 year old man, previously healthy, presented with subcutaneous nodes consistent with gummas. Ultrasonography disclosed multiple subcutaneous abscesses and images suitable with piomiositis, pleural and pericardium effusion. A puncture-aspirate with fine-needle was performed and produced purulent material, with isolate of Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing by disk diffusion showed resistant to cefalotin, erythromycin and clindamycin, and susceptibility to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin and rifampicin. Methicilin-resistance was confirmed by Staphyslide agglutination testing (Biomérieux. The patient was treated with ciprofloxacin and rifampicin during four weeks, with a good clinical response. The

  5. Marcadores biológicos no líquido pleural


    Pereira, Paulo Ricardo Oliveira


    Several diseases cause fluid accumulation in the pleural space. The first step in the differential diagnose of a pleural effusion consists in the distinction between exsudates and transudates. A pleural effusion is an exsudate when one or more Light’s criteria are present, though, in a certain percentage of cases, a transudate may be misclassified according to these criteria. This first step is extremely important. Nevertheless, within each of these two categories one needs to further investi...

  6. Different expression of FoxM1 in human benign and malignant pleural effusion. (United States)

    Tang, Zhonghao; Li, Hongqing; Zhu, Huili; Bai, Chunxue


    The aims of this study were as follows: to analyze the forkhead box M1 (FoxM1) expression in benign and malignant pleural effusion by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay (RT-PCR); to explore the role of FoxM1 in formation and progress in malignant pleural effusion, and whether there is significant difference in expression level of FoxM1 between benign and malignant pleural effusion; to seek a gene marker diagnostically useful to identify benign and malignant pleural effusion in diagnosis and treatment of pleural effusion; and to collect expression level data of FoxM1 in 23 malignant pleural effusion samples (17 adenocarcinoma samples, four squamous carcinoma samples and two small cell lung carcinoma samples) and 15 benign pleural effusion samples (11 inflammatory pleural effusions, two transudates, two tuberculous pleural effusions) by RT-PCR. Among all 38 samples, average FoxM1 expression level of benign pleural effusions is (235.09 ± 59.99), while malignant pleural effusions (828.77 ± 109.76). Among 23 malignant samples, average FoxM1 expression level is (529.27 ± 75.85) in samples without cytological diagnostic evidence, while (1,218.12 ± 167.21) in samples with cytological diagnostic evidence. Differences of FoxM1 expression level between benign pleural effusions and malignant ones have statistical significance. There is an area of 0.881 under the receiver-operating characteristic curve, which verifies the accuracy of using FoxM1 expression level as diagnostic index to identify benign and malignant pleural effusions. According to our study, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for FoxM1 expression level at 418.1 were 82.6 and 86.7 %, respectively, while 47.8 and 100 %, respectively, at 768.7. FoxM1 expression level in malignant pleural effusions is significantly higher than in benign ones. This study provides a new approach in clinical diagnosis, with FoxM1 as a specific molecule marker to identify benign and malignant pleural

  7. An Unusual Case of Recurrent Pleural Effusion in a Child | Harjai ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Traumatic pancreatitis in children rarely results in the development of a recalcitrant pleural effusion, secondary to a connection between the pleural cavity and the pancreas. This child presented with predominantly respiratory symptoms of an underlying abdominal condition. Patients with large, recurring pleural effusions ...

  8. Pleural space elastance and changes in oxygenation after therapeutic thoracentesis in ventilated patients with heart failure and transudative pleural effusions. (United States)

    Chen, Wei-Lin; Chung, Chi-Li; Hsiao, Shih-Hsin; Chang, Shi-Chuan


    Therapeutic thoracentesis (TT) is required in patients with refractory pleural effusions and impaired oxygenation. In this study, the relationship between pleural space elastance (PE) and changes in oxygenation after TT was investigated in ventilated patients with heart failure and transudative pleural effusions. Twenty-six mechanically ventilated patients with heart failure and significant transudative effusions, who were undergoing TT, were studied. The effusion was drained as completely as possible, with monitoring of pleural liquid pressure (Pliq) and chest symptoms. The volume of effusion removed, the changes in Pliq during TT, PE and arterial blood gases before and after TT were recorded. The mean volume of effusion removed was 1011.9 +/- 58.2 mL. The mean Pliq decreased from 14.5 +/- 1.0 to 0.1 +/- 1.5 cm H(2)O after TT, and the mean PE was 15.3 +/- 1.8 cm H(2)O/L. TT significantly increased the mean ratio of PaO(2)/fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) from 243.2 +/- 19.9 to 336.0 +/- 17.8 mm Hg (P 14.5 cm H(2)O/L). Measurement of PE during TT may be valuable for predicting improvement in oxygenation in ventilated patients with heart failure and pleural effusions. Patients with lower PE showed greater improvement in oxygenation after TT.

  9. A case of recurrent pleural effusion: Can we think beyond tuberculosis and malignancy?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bhumika Vaishnav


    Full Text Available Pleural effusion can occur due to a variety of causes such as infectious, neoplastic, inflammatory, autoimmune, traumatic, etc. Recurrent pleural effusions have always been a diagnostic challenge. Here, we present a case of recurrent exudative pleural effusion in a male patient, which was the first clinical manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis. Of note was the absence of articular involvement at the onset of the disease. The low glucose concentration, low pH and low C4 level in the pleural fluid were the most valuable findings to distinguish it from tuberculous and malignant pleural effusions. Pleural biopsy also helped in making such a distinction. Thus, in a patient with recurrent pleural effusion, rheumatoid etiology should also be kept in mind as a differential diagnosis.

  10. Effect of mechanical ventilation on regional variation of pleural liquid thickness in rabbits. (United States)

    Wang, P M; Lai-Fook, S J


    We studied the effect of ventilation on the regional distribution of pleural liquid thickness in anesthetized rabbits. Three transparent pleural windows were made between the second and eight intercostal space along the midaxillary line of the right chest. Fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran (1 ml) was injected into the pleural space through a rib capsule and allowed to mix with the pleural liquid. The light emitted from the pleural space beneath the windows was measured by fluorescence videomicroscopy at a constant tidal volume (20 ml) and two ventilation frequencies (20 and 40 breaths/min). Pleural liquid thickness was determined from the light measurements after in vitro calibration of pleural liquid collected postmortem. At 20 breaths/min, pleural liquid thickness increased with a cranial-caudal distance from 5 microns at the second to third intercostal space to 30 microns at the sixth through eighth intercostal space. At 40 breaths/min, pleural space thickness was unchanged at the second to third intercostal space but increased to 46 microns at the sixth through eighth intercostal space. To determine this effect on pleural liquid shear stress, we measured relative lung velocity from videomicroscopic images of the lung surface through the windows. Lung velocity amplitude increased with cranial-caudal distance and with ventilation frequency. Calculated shear stress amplitude was constant with cranial-caudal distance but increased with ventilation frequency. Thus, pleural liquid thickness is matched to the relative lung motion so as to maintain a spatially uniform shear stress amplitude in pleural liquid during mechanical ventilation.

  11. Long-term Outcome of Patients With Undiagnosed Pleural Effusion. (United States)

    Gunluoglu, Gulsah; Olcmen, Aysun; Gunluoglu, Mehmet Zeki; Dincer, Ibrahim; Sayar, Adnan; Camsari, Gungor; Yilmaz, Veysel; Altin, Sedat


    The cause of exudative pleural effusion cannot be determined in some patients. The longterm outcomes of patients with undiagnosed pleural effusion were analyzed. Patients with exudative pleural effusion whose diagnostic procedures included pleural biopsy using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery carried out between 2008 and 2012 were evaluated retrospectively. Patients diagnosed with non-specific pleuritis were included. Fifty-three patients with available follow-up data were included in the study. Forty men and 13 women (mean age 53.9±13.9 years) were included. Median follow-up time was 24 months. No diagnosis was given in 27 patients (51%), and a clinical diagnosis was given in 26 patients (49%) during the follow-up period. Malignant disease (malignant mesothelioma) was diagnosed in 2 (3.7%) patients. Other diseases were parapneumonic effusion in 12, congestive heart failure in 8, and miscellaneous in 4 patients. Volume of effusion at the time of initial examination and re-accumulation of fluid after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery were associated with malignant disease (P=.004 and .0001, respectively). Although the probability is low, some patients with exudative pleural effusion undiagnosed after pleural biopsy via video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery may have malignant disease. Patients with an initially large volume of effusion that re-accumulates after examination should be closely monitored. Copyright © 2014 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  12. [A case having chyliform pleural effusion caused by former tuberculous pleurisy]. (United States)

    Nishio, Kazumi; Harada, Kana; Nakano, Yasushi; Aida, Shinji; Okabayashi, Ken


    A 49-year-old male who had been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculous pleurisy in 2007 was referred to our hospital with the complaint of dyspnea on exertion in Nov. 2009. Chest X-ray showed increased pleural effusion compared with that remaining after the previous treatment of pleurisy in 2008. A chest CT revealed that fluid collection was surrounded by thickened pleura. Thoracocentesis was performed, and yellow milky liquid was obtained. The pleural effusion contained few cells. The triglyceride concentration was 83 mg/dl, and the cholesterol level was very high at 628 mg/dl. Based on these findings we diagnosed this case as chyliform pleural effusion. Both smear of acid-fast bacilli and PCR-TB test of the pleural effusion were positive, but culture was negative for mycobacterium, suggesting that this chyliform pleural effusion was produced by the former episode of tuberculous pleurisy, not by the recent reactivation of tuberculous pleurisy. The ADA concentration in the pleural effusion was high at 91.7 IU/l. No increase in the amount of pleural effusion was observed after thoracocentesis without any anti-tuberculosis therapy.

  13. Pleural mesothelial cells promote expansion of IL-17-producing CD8+ T cells in tuberculous pleural effusion. (United States)

    Li, X; Zhou, Q; Yang, W B; Xiong, X Z; Du, R H; Zhang, J C


    IL-17-producing CD8(+) T lymphocytes (Tc17 cells) have recently been detected in many cancers and autoimmune diseases. However, the possible implication of Tc17 cells in tuberculous pleural effusion remains unclarified. In this study, distribution and phenotypic features of Tc17 cells in both tuberculous pleural effusion (TPE) and peripheral blood from patients with tuberculosis were determined. The effects of proinflammatory cytokines and local accessory cells (pleural mesothelial cells) on Tc17 cell expansion were also explored. We found that TPE contained more Tc17 cells than the blood. Compared with IFN-γ-producing CD8(+) T cells, Tc17 cells displayed higher expression of chemokine receptors (CCRs) and lower expression of cytotoxic molecules. In particularly, Tc17 cells in TPE exhibited high expression levels of CCR6, which could migrate in response to CCL20. Furthermore, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-23, or their various combinations could promote Tc17 cell expansion from CD8(+) T cells, whereas the proliferative response of Tc17 cells to above cytokines was lower than that of Th17 cells. Pleural mesothelial cells (PMCs) were able to stimulate Tc17 cell expansion via cell contact in an IL-1β/IL-6/IL-23 independent fashion. Thus this study demonstrates that Tc17 cells marks a subset of non-cytotoxic, CCR6(+) CD8(+) T lymphocytes with low proliferative capacity. The overrepresentation of Tc17 cells in TPE may be due to Tc17 cell expansion stimulated by pleural proinflammatory cytokines and to recruitment of Tc17 cells from peripheral blood. Additionally, PMCs may promote the production of IL-17 by CD8(+) T cells at sites of TPE via cell-cell interactions.

  14. Prognostic factors of hydrops fetalis with pleural effusion. (United States)

    Nakayama, Atsushi; Oshiro, Makoto; Yamada, Yasumasa; Hattori, Tetsuo; Wakano, Yasuhiro; Hayashi, Seiji; Kokubo, Minoru; Takemoto, Koji; Honda, Shigeru; Ieda, Kuniko; Yamamoto, Hikaru; Kouwaki, Masanori; Yokoi, Kyoko; Shinohara, Osamu; Kato, Takenori; Miyata, Masafumi; Tanaka, Taihei; Hayakawa, Masahiro


    Hydrops fetalis (HF) has a low survival rate, particularly in the case of preterm birth. In addition, the severity index of HF has not been fully investigated yet. The aim of this study was to clarify the prognostic factors of HF with pleural effusion. All live-born HF patients with pleural effusion, except for chromosomal abnormality or complex congenital heart disease, born from 2009 to 2013 in Aichi Prefecture in Japan were included. Prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal information was obtained from the medical records and was retrospectively analyzed. Forty-one HF patients with pleural effusion were included, and 28 patients (68%) survived. On multivariate logistic stepwise analysis, gestational birth week (OR, 0.71; 95% CI: 0.52-0.96, P = 0.027) and standard deviation (SD) score of the birthweight (OR, 1.74; 95% CI: 1.01-2.99, P = 0.045) were significant factors for postnatal death. All patients with both ≥32 gestational weeks and pleural effusion. © 2017 Japan Pediatric Society.

  15. The clinical characteristics of pleural effusion in scrub typhus. (United States)

    Kim, Hyung Ho; Chung, Jong-Hoon; Kim, Dong-Min; Yun, Na Ra; Lee, Jun; Kwon, Yong Eun; Yoon, Sung Ho; Lee, Seung Il; Han, Mi Ah


    The aim of this study is to identify the factors associated with the occurrence of pleural effusion and to investigate the characteristics of pleural effusion in scrub typhus. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the medical records of scrub typhus patients between January 2004 and December 2011 at Chosun University Hospital in South Korea. A total of 445 scrub typhus patients were divided into the following two groups: without (n = 352) or with pleural effusion (n = 93). The data of 18 scrub typhus patients who underwent thoracentesis were summarized. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that the following factors were associated with the occurrence of pleural effusion in scrub typhus: older age (odds ratio [OR] = 1.029, P = 0.037, confidence interval [CI] = 1.002-1.056); male gender (OR = 1.924, P = 0.020, CI = 1.109-3.340); presence of heart failure (OR = 2.628, P = 0.039, CI = 1.052-6.565); and lower albumin (OR = 0.107, P ≤ 0.001, CI = 0.058-0.196). Most pleural effusion presentations were bilateral (88 %) and small (91 %). The effusion had transudate characteristics in 7 patients and exudate characteristics in 11 patients based on Light's criteria. This study provided the first data regarding the following four independent risk factors associated with the occurrence of pleural effusion: older age; male gender; the presence of heart failure; and lower albumin. The pleural effusion presentations in scrub typhus patients were bilateral and small in most cases, with transudate and/or exudate characteristics.

  16. Pleural fluid smear (United States)

    ... into the space around the lungs, called the pleural space. As fluid drains into a collection bottle, you may cough a bit. This is because your lung re-expands to fill the space where fluid had been. This sensation lasts for a few hours after the test.

  17. [Pleural procedures in patients treated by platelet aggregation inhibitors: An opinion survey]. (United States)

    Dangers, L; Similowski, T; Chenivesse, C


    When pleural procedures (thoracocentesis, blind pleural biopsies and chest tube insertion) are required in patients taking long-term platelet aggregation inhibitors, the risk of bleeding must be balanced against the risk of arterial thrombosis. Currently, the bleeding risk of pleural procedures is poorly understood. The objective of the survey was to gather the opinion of respiratory physicians regarding the bleeding risk of pleural procedures in patients taking platelet aggregation inhibitors. We emailed a standardized questionnaire designed by the French National Authority for Health to 2697 French respiratory physicians. One hundred and eighty-eight of the 2697 questionnaires were returned (response rate: 7 %). The respiratory physicians declared that they performed an average of 8 pleural procedures per month. One hundred and seventy-five responders (95 %) practised pleural procedures in patients receiving platelet aggregation inhibitors; 68 of them (39 %) reported experiencing haemorrhagic complications. The bleeding risk associated with thoracentesis and chest tube insertion was considered minor by 97.8 and 65 % of responders respectively, whereas it was considered major for blind pleural biopsies by 73.4 %. Respiratory physicians were more reticent about performing pleural procedures in patients treated with clopidogrel than in those taking aspirin. This study provides an overview of how respiratory physicians perceive the bleeding risk associated with pleural procedures in patients taking platelet aggregation inhibitors. Copyright © 2016 SPLF. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  18. Lactic acid levels in pleural fluid from patients with bacterial pleuritis.


    Riley, T V


    Pleural fluid lactic acid estimations were carried out on 60 samples by gas-liquid chromatography. Lactic acid levels in 12 patients with bacterial pleural infection were statistically significantly higher (mean, 287 mg/dl; range, 135 to 482 mg/dl) than in 18 patients with malignancy (mean, 71 mg/dl; range, 24 to 157 mg/dl) and 30 other patients with pleural effusions (mean, 19 mg/dl; range, 10 to 57 mg/dl). The determination of pleural fluid lactic acid may help in differentiating between em...

  19. Novel therapies for malignant pleural mesothelioma. (United States)

    Scherpereel, Arnaud; Wallyn, Frederic; Albelda, Steven M; Munck, Camille


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare cancer that is typically associated with exposure to asbestos. Patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma have poor outcomes with suboptimal therapeutic options and currently no treatment is curative. The standard frontline treatment, cisplatin plus pemetrexed chemotherapy, has only short and insufficient efficacy, and no validated treatment beyond first-line therapy is available. New therapeutic strategies are therefore needed. The addition of bevacizumab (an anti-VEGF antibody) combined with cisplatin plus pemetrexed has shown some promise. However, immunotherapy, especially immune checkpoint inhibitors, has generated a lot of excitement because of data suggesting the potential value of immune checkpoint inhibitors for patients who have failed chemotherapy. In this Review, we describe immune checkpoint inhibitors, other immunotherapies, targeted therapies, or combinations of novel drugs being investigated in malignant pleural mesothelioma, as well as the issues surrounding the selection of the best candidates for these treatments. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Automated extraction of pleural effusion in three-dimensional thoracic CT images (United States)

    Kido, Shoji; Tsunomori, Akinori


    It is important for diagnosis of pulmonary diseases to measure volume of accumulating pleural effusion in threedimensional thoracic CT images quantitatively. However, automated extraction of pulmonary effusion correctly is difficult. Conventional extraction algorithm using a gray-level based threshold can not extract pleural effusion from thoracic wall or mediastinum correctly, because density of pleural effusion in CT images is similar to those of thoracic wall or mediastinum. So, we have developed an automated extraction method of pulmonary effusion by use of extracting lung area with pleural effusion. Our method used a template of lung obtained from a normal lung for segmentation of lungs with pleural effusions. Registration process consisted of two steps. First step was a global matching processing between normal and abnormal lungs of organs such as bronchi, bones (ribs, sternum and vertebrae) and upper surfaces of livers which were extracted using a region-growing algorithm. Second step was a local matching processing between normal and abnormal lungs which were deformed by the parameter obtained from the global matching processing. Finally, we segmented a lung with pleural effusion by use of the template which was deformed by two parameters obtained from the global matching processing and the local matching processing. We compared our method with a conventional extraction method using a gray-level based threshold and two published methods. The extraction rates of pleural effusions obtained from our method were much higher than those obtained from other methods. Automated extraction method of pulmonary effusion by use of extracting lung area with pleural effusion is promising for diagnosis of pulmonary diseases by providing quantitative volume of accumulating pleural effusion.

  1. The long-term outcomes of cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion. (United States)

    Hung, Tsung-Hsing; Tseng, Chih-Wei; Tsai, Chih-Chun; Tsai, Chen-Chi; Tseng, Kuo-Chih; Hsieh, Yu-Hsi


    A pleural effusion is an abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural space and may cause related morbidity or mortality in cirrhotic patients. Currently, there are insufficient data to support the long-term prognosis for cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion. In this study, we investigated the short- and long-term effects of pleural effusion on mortality in cirrhotic patients and evaluated the benefit of liver transplantation in these patients. The National Health Insurance Database, derived from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Program, was used to identify 3,487 cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion requiring drainage between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2010. The proportional hazards Cox regression model was used to control for possible confounding factors. The 30-day, 90-day, 1-year, and 3-year mortalities were 20.1%, 40.2%, 59.1%, and 75.9%, respectively, in the cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion. After Cox proportional hazard regression analysis adjusted by patient gender, age, complications of cirrhosis and comorbid disorders, old age, esophageal variceal bleeding, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, pneumonia, renal function impairment, and without liver transplantation conferred higher risks for 3-year mortality in the cirrhotic patients with pleura effusion. Liver transplantation is the most important factor to determine the 3-year mortalities (HR: 0.17, 95% CI 0.11- 0.26, P pleural effusion predicts poor long-term outcomes. Liver transplantation could dramatically improve the survival and should be suggested as soon as possible.

  2. Ventriculo-pleural shunt patency study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yeates, K.


    Full text: A twenty-four year old male was admitted to hospital complaining of headaches, drowsiness and blurred vision. He suffered from congenital hydrocephalus and had had a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt inserted in infancy. This had undergone many revisions due to persistent peritoneal infections and had recently been replaced with a ventriculo-pleural shunt. The symptoms described suggested shunt blockage and he was referred for a Shunt Patency Study. The current shunt is a HAKIM Programmable Valve Shunt System and the opening pressure was 12cm of CSF (within the normal range). Forty megabecquerels of filtered 99 Tc m O 4 was injected into the pre-chamber of the shunt. Serial images and counts were obtained for twenty-five minutes after the injection. The images showed the tracer flowing from the shunt within the first ten minutes. At twenty minutes almost all of the tracer had drained from the shunt and was present in the right pleural cavity, indicating shunt patency. This study is presented to demonstrate the appearances of a normally functioning, but rarely seen Ventriculo-Pleural CSF Shunt. Copyright (2000) The Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine Inc

  3. Untargeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomic profiling of pleural effusions: fatty acids as novel cancer biomarkers for malignant pleural effusions. (United States)

    Lam, Ching-Wan; Law, Chun-Yiu


    Untargeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomic profiling is a powerful analytical method used for broad-spectrum identification and quantification of metabolites in biofluids in human health and disease states. In this study, we exploit metabolomic profiling for cancer biomarker discovery for diagnosis of malignant pleural effusions. We envisage the result will be clinically useful since currently there are no cancer biomarkers that are accurate enough for the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusions. Metabolomes of 32 malignant pleural effusions from lung cancer patients and 18 benign effusions from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were analyzed using reversed-phase liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using AB SCIEX TripleTOF 5600. MS spectra were analyzed using XCMS, PeakView, and LipidView. Metabolome-Wide Association Study (MWAS) was performed by Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Explorer and Tester (ROCCET). Insignificant markers were filtered out using a metabolome-wide significance level (MWSL) with p-value pleural effusions. Using a ratio of FFA 18:1-to-ceramide (d18:1/16:0), the area-under-ROC was further increased to 0.99 (95% CI = 0.91-1.00) with sensitivity 93.8% and specificity 100.0%. Using untargeted metabolomic profiling, the diagnostic cancer biomarker with the largest area-under-ROC can be determined objectively. This lipogenic phenotype could be explained by overexpression of fatty acid synthase (FASN) in cancer cells. The diagnostic performance of FFA 18:1-to-ceramide (d18:1/16:0) ratio supports its use for diagnosis of malignant pleural effusions.

  4. Radiographic features of pleural effusions in pulmonary embolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bynum, L.J.; Wilson, J.E.


    A prospective analysis of 155 patients with pulmonary embolism was undertaken to describe the radiographic characteristics of associated pleural effusions and related abnormalities. Approximately one half of these patients had pleural effusions. Patients with other potential causes of effusion, such as heart failure, pneumonia, or cancer, were eliminated from further analysis. In the remaining 62 patients, radiographic evidence of pulmonary infarction accompanied pleural effusions in one half of the cases. One third of patients with parenchymal consolidation had no evidence of effusion. Atelectasis and other nonspecific radiographic abnormalities occurred in less than one fifth of the cases. Typically, pleural effusions were small and unilateral, appeared soon after symptoms of thromboembolism began, and tended to reach their maximal size very early in the course of the disorder. Pulmonary infarction was associated with larger effusions that cleared more slowly and were more often bloody in appearance on thoracentesis. Chest pain occurred in all but one patient and was a valuable diagnostic clue. Pain and pleural effusions were always ipsilateral and almost always unilateral, but neither correlated well with the presence or time course of infarction. Effusions that were delayed in onset or that enlarged late in the course were associated with recurrent pulmonary embolism or superinfection. These radiographic features may be helpful in the diagnosis and management of pulmonary embolism

  5. Mortality Among Patients with Pleural Effusion Undergoing Thoracentesis (United States)

    DeBiasi, Erin M.; Pisani, Margaret A.; Murphy, Terrence E.; Araujo, Katy; Kookoolis, Anna; Argento, A Christine; Puchalski, Jonathan


    Background Of the 1.5 million people diagnosed with pleural effusion annually in the U.S., approximately 178,000 undergo thoracentesis. While it is known that malignant pleural effusion portends a poor prognosis, mortality of patients with nonmalignant effusions has not been well studied. Methods This prospective cohort study evaluated 308 patients undergoing thoracentesis. Chart review was performed to obtain baseline characteristics. The etiology of the effusions was determined using standardized criteria. Mortality was determined at 30-days and 1-year. Results 247 unilateral and 61 bilateral thoracenteses were performed. Malignant effusion had the highest 30-day (37%) and 1 year (77%) mortality. There was substantial patient 30-day and 1-year mortality with effusions due to multiple benign etiologies (29% and 55%), CHF (22% and 53%), and renal failure (14% and 57%). Patients with bilateral pleural effusion, relative to unilateral, were associated with higher risk of death at 30 days and 1 year (17% versus 47%; HR 2.58 CI [1.44–4.63] and 36% versus 69%; HR 2.32 CI [1.55–3.48]). Conclusions Patients undergoing thoracentesis for pleural effusion have high short and long-term mortality. Patients with malignant effusion had the highest mortality followed by multiple benign etiologies, CHF and renal failure. Bilateral pleural effusion is distinctly associated with high mortality. PMID:25837039

  6. Characteristics of Patients with Tuberculous Pleural Effusion in Rural Nepal


    M S Paudel; Anjana Kafle; Bishal Khatri Chhetri; Sahadev Prasad Dhungana; Anuj Poudel; Shamsuddhin .


      Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in developing countries. Tubercular Pleural effusion is the second most common form of extra pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB), superseded in Prevalence only by lymph node tuberculosis. Pleural effusion occurs in approximately 5% of patients with TB. The purpose of this study was to assess the demographic characteristics of patients presenting with pleural effusion in rural Nepal.   Methods: A retrospe...

  7. Pleural effusion following blunt splenic injury in the pediatric trauma population. (United States)

    Kulaylat, Afif N; Engbrecht, Brett W; Pinzon-Guzman, Carolina; Albaugh, Vance L; Rzucidlo, Susan E; Schubart, Jane R; Cilley, Robert E


    Pleural effusion is a potential complication following blunt splenic injury. The incidence, risk factors, and clinical management are not well described in children. Ten-year retrospective review (January 2000-December 2010) of an institutional pediatric trauma registry identified 318 children with blunt splenic injury. Of 274 evaluable nonoperatively managed pediatric blunt splenic injures, 12 patients (4.4%) developed left-sided pleural effusions. Seven (58%) of 12 patients required left-sided tube thoracostomy for worsening pleural effusion and respiratory insufficiency. Median time from injury to diagnosis of pleural effusion was 1.5days. Median time from diagnosis to tube thoracostomy was 2days. Median length of stay was 4days for those without and 7.5days for those with pleural effusions (psplenic injury (IV-V) (OR 16.5, p=0.001) was associated with higher odds of developing a pleural effusion compared to low-grade splenic injury (I-III). Pleural effusion following pediatric blunt splenic injury has an incidence of 4.4% and is associated with high-grade splenic injuries and longer lengths of stay. While some symptomatic patients may be successfully managed medically, many require tube thoracostomy for progressive respiratory symptoms. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia presenting with ipsilateral pleural effusion: a case report. (United States)

    Sriratanaviriyakul, Narin; La, Hanh H; Albertson, Timothy E


    Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia is a rare idiopathic interstitial lung disease. The nearly pathognomonic radiographic finding is the peripheral distribution of alveolar opacities. Pleural effusions are rarely seen. We report a case of chronic eosinophilic pneumonia with transudative eosinophilic pleural effusion. A 57-year-old Hispanic woman, a nonsmoker with a history of controlled asthma, presented to the hospital with unresolving pneumonia despite three rounds of antibiotics over a 2-month period. She was later diagnosed with chronic eosinophilic pneumonia based on the presence of peripheral blood eosinophilia, the peripheral distribution of alveolar infiltrates on chest radiograph, and a lung parenchymal biopsy with infiltrates of eosinophils. Upon presentation, our patient had a right-sided moderate-sized pleural effusion. The pleural fluid profile was consistent with a transudative effusion with eosinophil predominance. Our patient responded promptly to oral corticosteroid treatment in a few days. The pulmonary infiltrates and pleural effusion subsided on a 1-month follow-up chest radiograph after starting corticosteroid treatment. We report the first case of chronic eosinophilic pneumonia presenting with pneumonia with ipsilateral transudative eosinophilic pleural effusion. Like other cases of chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, early recognition and diagnosis is essential and prompt treatment with corticosteroids is the mainstay of therapy. Pleural effusion resolved without the further need for therapeutic thoracentesis.

  9. Complicações pulmonares de endocardite tricúspide num doente toxicómano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Lousada


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os autore apresentam o caso clínico de um doente toxicodependente com embolias pulmonares sépticas, pneumotórax e derrame pleural secundários a endocardite tricúspide e sindrome nefrótico.Discutese o diagnóstico, mecanismos etiopatogénicos, terapêutica médica, indicações cirúrgicas e prognóstico destas situações. SUMMARY: The authors present a case of an intravenous drug addict with septic pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax and pleural effusion secondary to tricuspid infectious endocarditis and nephrotic syndrome.The diagnosis, etiopathogenic mechanisms, treatment implications, the role of surgery and the prognosis are discussed. Palavras-chave: embolia pulmonar séptica, pneumotórax, endocardite tricúspide, Key-Word: septic pulmonary emboli, pneumothorax, tricuspid endocarditis

  10. Does the usage of digital chest drainage systems reduce pleural inflammation and volume of pleural effusion following oncologic pulmonary resection?-A prospective randomized trial. (United States)

    De Waele, Michèle; Agzarian, John; Hanna, Waël C; Schieman, Colin; Finley, Christian J; Macri, Joseph; Schneider, Laura; Schnurr, Terri; Farrokhyar, Forough; Radford, Katherine; Nair, Parameswaran; Shargall, Yaron


    Prolonged air leak and high-volume pleural drainage are the most common causes for delays in chest tube removal following lung resection. While digital pleural drainage systems have been successfully used in the management of post-operative air leak, their effect on pleural drainage and inflammation has not been studied before. We hypothesized that digital drainage systems (as compared to traditional analog continuous suction), using intermittent balanced suction, are associated with decreased pleural inflammation and postoperative drainage volumes, thus leading to earlier chest tube removal. One hundred and three [103] patients were enrolled and randomized to either analog (n=50) or digital (n=53) drainage systems following oncologic lung resection. Chest tubes were removed according to standardized, pre-defined protocol. Inflammatory mediators [interleukin-1B (IL-1B), 6, 8, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)] in pleural fluid and serum were measured and analysed. The primary outcome of interest was the difference in total volume of postoperative fluid drainage. Secondary outcome measures included duration of chest tube in-situ, prolonged air-leak incidence, length of hospital stay and the correlation between pleural effusion formation, degree of inflammation and type of drainage system used. There was no significant difference in total amount of fluid drained or length of hospital stay between the two groups. A trend for shorter chest tube duration was found with the digital system when compared to the analog (P=0.055). Comparison of inflammatory mediator levels revealed no significant differences between digital and analog drainage systems. The incidence of prolonged post-operative air leak was significantly higher when using the analog system (9 versus 2 patients; P=0.025). Lobectomy was associated with longer chest tube duration (P=0.001) and increased fluid drainage when compared to sub-lobar resection (Pdigital drainage does not appear to decrease pleural

  11. Efficacy of ultrasound-guided thoracentesis catheter drainage for pleural effusion (United States)

    Cao, Weitian; Wang, Yi; Zhou, Ningming; Xu, Bing


    The factors influencing the efficacy of ultrasound-guided thoracentesis catheter drainage were investigated in the present study. A retrospective analysis of clinical data from 435 patients who presented with a pleural effusion was performed. Patients were divided into a control group and an intervention group. Thirty-seven patients in the control group were given standard care using pleural puncture to draw the excess fluid. The 398 patients in the intervention group were treated using ultrasound-guided thoracentesis catheter drainage. The rate of successful drainage of a pleural effusion was significantly higher (Ppleural effusion. The efficacy of the procedure is related to the separation of pleural effusion, drainage tube type and tube diameter. PMID:28105155

  12. An undiagnosed pleural effusion with surprising consequences

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    A.G. Casalini


    With this case report, we would like to underline the importance of making a correct diagnosis of any pleural effusion as soon as possible by at least a thoracocentesis. If untreated, tuberculosis may easily disseminate to other organs. Some considerations and suggestions for antibiotic treatment of pleural effusion will also be given, since many antibiotics have some anti-tuberculosis effect and may delay the diagnosis of this infectious disease.

  13. Diaphragmatic patch: A useful adjunct in surgical treatment of recurrent catamenial hemothorax

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    J. Nwiloh


    Full Text Available Although catamenial hemothorax compared to pneumothorax is a rarer clinical presentation of thoracic endometriosis syndrome (TES, it is more commonly associated with diaphragmatic fenestrations. These openings may serve as entry portals for peritoneal fluid to access into the pleural space thereby perpetuating recurrent pleural effusion even after prior surgical pleurodesis. We report our experience with two patients with recurrent right catamenial hemothorax after previous interventions that were subsequently treated by talc pleurodesis and goretex diaphragmatic patch, and who have had no further recurrence at a mean follow up of 15 months.We therefore recommend that diaphragmatic patch should be considered as an adjunct to talc pleurodesis in patients with recurrent catamenial hemothorax when either multiple diaphragmatic fenestrations are seen at surgery or if there is concomitant bloody peritoneal fluid which could potentially lead to recurrence. The patch by sealing any occult pores and possible future fenestrations appear to decrease recurrent pleural effusion at an intermediate term follow up. Resumo: Embora o hemotórax catamenial comparado com o pneumotórax seja uma apresentação clínica mais rara de síndrome de endometriose torácica (TES, está mais associado a fenestrações diafragmáticas. Estas aberturas podem atuar como portais de entrada para o acesso ao fluido peritoneal na cavidade pleural, perpetuando assim o derrame pleural recorrente mesmo após uma pleurodese cirúrgica prévia. Registamos a nossa experiência em dois pacientes com hemotórax catamenial recorrente do lado direito após outras intervenções, que foram posteriormente tratados com pleurodese com talco e penso diafragmático em gore-tex, e que não apresentaram nenhuma outra recorrência durante um acompanhamento de 15 meses.Recomendamos, então, que o penso diafragmático seja considerado um auxiliar à pleurodese com talco em pacientes com hemot

  14. Pathogenesis of pleural effusion in carcinoma of the breast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weichselbaum, R.; Marck, A.; Hellman, S.


    Three hundred and fifty-two patients with carcinoma of the breast treated postoperatively with radiotherapy were analyzed for laterality and incidence of pleural effusion. A statistically significant increase in ipsilateral pleural effusions was noted in the entire group (p less than 0.0001). Thirty-three percent of the patients with chest wall recurrences developed ipsilateral effusions while only 4.5 percent of those who did not develop chest wall recurrences suffered ipsilateral effusions (p less than 0.001). The role of the chest wall lymphatics in the development of malignant pleural effusions is discussed

  15. Computed tomography (CT) findings of the pleural metastasis effusion: the examination of 100 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arenas, J. J.; Alonso, S.; Gil, S.; Fernandez, F.; Lloret, M.


    To evaluate the computed tomography (CT) findings in a series of 100 pleural metastasis effusions. A retrospective study was carried out that consisted of assessing the CT images of 100 malignant pleural metastasis effusions, evaluating the amount of the effusion, its distribution, the presence of swelling or nodules in the different pleural surfaces, the existence and the characteristics of the extrapleural fat and the changes in other locations different to the pleural cavity, mainly the mediastinum and the pulmonary parenchyma. The effusion was located in 12 patients. The amount of the effusion was slight in 14% and massive in 10% of the sick patients. Pleural nodules were detected in 19% of the studies, in all those that affected the costal parental pleura, being less frequent in the other pleural surfaces. The costal parental pleura was swollen in 43% of the sick patients. 52 sick patients did not have any swelling nor pleural nodules, with the pleural effusion being the only sign of pleural metastasis. Changes in the rest of the thorax were frequent in relation to the malignant illness that causes the effusion and appeared in 67% of the sick patients. The patients with pleural effusions of malignant etiology showed variable CT findings, that in general were non-specific, and in almost half the cases no pleural changes can be seen apart from the effusion. (Author) 13 refs

  16. Pleurectomy versus pleural abrasion for primary spontaneous pneumothorax in children. (United States)

    Joharifard, Shahrzad; Coakley, Brian A; Butterworth, Sonia A


    Primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) represents a common indication for urgent surgical intervention in children. First episodes are often managed with thoracostomy tube, whereas recurrent episodes typically prompt surgery involving apical bleb resection and pleurodesis, either via pleurectomy or pleural abrasion. The purpose of this study was to assess whether pleurectomy or pleural abrasion was associated with lower postoperative recurrence. The records of patients undergoing surgery for PSP between February 2005 and December 2015 were retrospectively reviewed. Recurrence was defined as an ipsilateral pneumothorax requiring surgical intervention. Bivariate logistic regressions were used to identify factors associated with recurrence. Fifty-two patients underwent 64 index operations for PSP (12 patients had surgery for contralateral pneumothorax, and each instance was analyzed separately). The mean age was 15.7±1.2years, and 79.7% (n=51) of patients were male. In addition to apical wedge resection, 53.1% (n=34) of patients underwent pleurectomy, 39.1% (n=25) underwent pleural abrasion, and 7.8% (n=5) had no pleural treatment. The overall recurrence rate was 23.4% (n=15). Recurrence was significantly lower in patients who underwent pleurectomy rather than pleural abrasion (8.8% vs. 40%, p<0.01). In patients who underwent pleural abrasion without pleurectomy, the relative risk of recurrence was 2.36 [1.41-3.92, p<0.01]. Recurrence of PSP is significantly reduced in patients undergoing pleurectomy compared to pleural abrasion. Level III, retrospective comparative therapeutic study. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. A Study of Hypoalbuminemia and Pleural Effusionin Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome

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    Tovan Perinandika


    Full Text Available Background: Nephrotic syndrome (NS is a kidney disease that is most often found in children. Hypoalbuminemia in NS can cause a decrease in oncotic pressure causing extravasation of fluid into the interstitial space. In conditions of severe hypoalbuminemia, fluid extravasation may cause occurrence of pleural effusion. The objectives of this study was to analyze the correlation between hypoalbuminemia and pleural effusion in children with NS. Methods: An analytical study was conducted on 69 medical records of pediatric nephrotic syndrome from 1 January 2008–31 December 2013 in dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital. Inclusion criteria were pediatric patients between 1-14 years old with NS. Exclusion criteria were patients who already had albumin transfusion, malnutrition, patients with chronic disease, and incomplete medical record information. Contingency coefficient test was carried out to discover the correlation between variables. Results: Out of 89 samples, 69 samples were included. Characteristics of the included patients are male (n=48, female (n=21, age 1–5 (n=24, 6–10 (n=22, 11–14 (n=23, mild hypoalbuminemia (n=3, moderate hypoalbuminemia (n=27, severe hypoalbuminemia (n=39, patients with pleural effusion (n=23, and non-pleural effusion (n=46. There was a significant correlation between  hypoalbuminemia and pleural effusion with p=0.000 (p<0.05 and moderate correlation (r=0.437. Conclusions: Hypoalbuminemia has correlation with pleural effusion in pediatric nephrotic syndrome. Keywords: Hypoalbuminemia, pediatric nephrotic syndrome, pleural effusion DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n2.1075

  18. External radiotherapy in a pleural mesothelioma tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandez, M.C.; Garcia, J.L.; Gomez, A.; Simon, J.L.; Maillo, M.; Jimenez Torres, M. J.


    Pleural mesothelioma is an uncommon tumor compared with other thoracic malignancies and a 80% of the cases have asbestos exposure. From 1983 to 1992 we have examined patients suffering from malignant pleural mesothelioma treated with external radiotherapy. We treated 11 patients of which 9 were males and 2 were females. The most frequent symptom was the chest pain and all these patients underwent a torascoscopy followed by a pleasured. Of the 11 cases: 10 were malignant epithelial mesothelioma and 1 was a mixed pleural case. Afterwards, they were treated with external radiotherapy between 30 and 55 Gy, with few complications. At the moment, 5 patients are still alive and there is a survival rate of 50% at 24 and 60 months and of 25% at 120 months. We think that external radiotherapy is a good palliative treatment with few complications. (Author) 28 refs

  19. A simple method of using a Foley catheter to drain pleural effusion. (United States)

    Ben-Nun, Alon; Best, Lael Anson


    Pleural effusion is a common problem, and various techniques of pleural fluid drainage have been described. We report our experience of using a Foley-type catheter to drain pleural effusion. After the injection of local anesthesia, the catheter is inserted, usually through the 7th intercostal space, with the patient sitting upright. The size of the catheter is selected according to the predicted fluid characteristics, and ranges from 18 to 24 F. Once the catheter is positioned in the pleural space, the balloon is inflated with diluted soluble contrast material and connected to a urine collection bag. During the last 10 years, we have used 3500 catheters for this purpose. The catheter site can be used as a port for various procedures, including needle biopsy of the parietal pleura, talc-slurry pleurodesis, and intra-pleural fibrinolysis. This method of pleural drainage is simple, reliable, and inexpensive.

  20. Gallium scanning in differentiating malignant from benign asbestos-related pleural disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teirstein, A.S.; Chahinian, P.; Goldsmith, S.J.; Sorek, M.


    In order to assess the utility of 67gallium citrate in delineating malignant pleural mesothelioma from benign asbestos-related pleural disease, 49 patients with malignant mesothelioma and 16 with benign asbestos-related pleural disease were studied. Seven patients with malignant mesothelioma had no history of asbestos exposure, while the remaining 58 patients were exposed. Forty-three of the 49 patients (88%) with malignant mesothelioma had a positive 67gallium scan including 36 of the 42 (86%) patients with asbestos exposure and all 7 patients without a history of asbestos exposure. Three of 16 patients (19%) with benign asbestos-related pleural disease had a positive scan. 67Gallium radionuclide imaging is nonspecific but may be valuable in noninvasive monitoring of asbestos-exposed populations, which have a high risk for the late development of benign and/or malignant pleural disease

  1. Pleural Lubrication

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    Cristina Porta


    Full Text Available During breathing, the pleural surfaces slide against each other continuously without damage. Pleural liquid and lubricating molecules should provide the lubrication of the sliding surfaces, thus protecting the mesothelium from shear-induced abrasion. D’Angelo et al. (Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 2004 measured the coefficient of kinetic friction (μ of rabbit parietal pleura sliding against visceral pleura in vitro at physiological velocities and under physiological loads; it was ~0.02 and did not change with sliding velocity, consistent with boundary lubrication. μ in boundary lubrication can be influenced by surface molecules like hyaluronan, sialomucin or surface active phospholipidis. Hyaluronan or sialomucin is able to restore good boundary lubrication in damaged mesothelium. Nevertheless, hyaluronidase and neuraminidase treatment of the mesothelium does not increase μ, though neuraminidase cleaves sialic acid from the mesothelium. Short pronase or phospholipase treatment, so as to affect only the mesothelial glycocalyx, increases μ, and this increase is removed by hyaluronan or sialomucin. On the other hand, addition of phospholipids after phospholipase treatment produces a small effect relative to that of hyaluronan or sialomucin, and this effect is similar with unsaturated or saturated phospholipids. In damaged mesothelium, the lubrication regimen becomes mixed, but addition of hyaluronan or sialomucin restores boundary lubrication.

  2. [Potential role of cholesterol in distinguishing malignant from benign pleural effusion]. (United States)

    Plavec, Goran; Tomić, Ilija; Nidzović, Natasa; Radojcić, Branko; Aćimović, Slobodan; Bokun, Radojka


    Cholesterol and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels in pleural effusion and sera, were measured in 199 patients with pleural effusions of various origins. Malignant cause was found in 93, and nonmalignant in 106 patients. Mean cholesterol level in sera of patient with malignant disease was 5.0 +/- 0.93 mmol/L, and in nonmalignant group 4.34 +/- 1.32 mmol/L. The difference was not statistically significant. Mean cholesterol level in nonmalignant pleural effusions was higher thAn those in malignant (2.51 +/- 1.23 mmol/L; and 2.28 +/- 1.06 mmol/L), but the difference was also not significant. Average pleural fluid/serum cholesterol ratio (Holl/S) in nonmalignant group was 0.61 +/- 0.32 and in malignant group 0.46 +/- 0.22. The difference between those mean values was significant. Higher ratio, at the cut off value of 0.5 was found in 79/106 and in 25/93 malignant patients. Calculated sensitivity was 75%, specificity 73%, positive predictive value 76%, negative predictive value 65% and accuracy 69%. Significant negative correlation between Holi/S and pleural fluid CEA was found (p < 0.05). It was assumed that pleural fluid/serum cholesterol ratio lower than 0.5 could be of great benefit, as an additional test in the differentiation of malignant from benign pleural effusion.

  3. Potential role of cholesterol in distinguishing malignant from benign pleural effusion

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    Plavec Goran


    Full Text Available Cholesterol and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA levels in pleural effusion and sera, were measured in 199 patients with pleural effusions of various origins. Malignant cause was found in 93, and nonmalignant in 106 patients. Mean cholesterol level in sera of patient with malignant disease was 5.0 ± 0.93mmol/L, and in nonmalignant group 4.34 ± 1.32 mmol/L. The difference was not statistically significant. Mean cholesterol level in nonmalignant pleural effusions was higher thAn those in malignant (2.51 ± 1.23 mmol/L; and 2.28 ± 1.06 mmol/L, but the difference was also not significant. Average pleural fluid/serum cholesterol ratio (HolI/S in nonmalignant group was 0.61 ± 0.32 and in malignant group 0.46 ± 0.22. The difference between those mean values was significant. Higher ratio, at the cut off value of 0.5 was found in 79/106 and in 25/93 malignant patients. Calculated sensitivity was 75%, specificity 73%, positive predictive value 76%, negative predictive value 65% and accuracy 69%. Significant negative correlation between Holi/S and pleural fluid CEA was found (p<0.05. It was assumed that pleural fluid/serum cholesterol ratio lower than 0,5 could be of great benefit, as an additional test in the differentiation of malignant from benign pleural effusion.

  4. Differentiation of exudative and transudative pleural effusion : MR appearances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Tae Hoon; Lee, Sang Yoon; Kang, Ho Yeong; Kim, Soo Rhan; Yang, Sang Kyu; Shin, So Young; Lee, Shin Hyung; Lee, Chang Joon


    The purpose of this study is to determine whether MR images after intravenous administration of Gd-DTPA can differentiate exudative and transudative pleural effusion. We studied 18 patients with ten exudative and eight transudative pleural effusions diagnosed clinically and by thoracentesis. We analysed the relationship between T1 value(normalized to fat) and the ratio of effusion/serum protein of pleural effusion. We also assessed the contrast enhancement of exudative and transudative pleural effusion on T1 weighted SE images taken at 15 and 30minutes after administration of Gd-DTPA. The relationship between the effusion/serum protein ratio and T1 value(normalized to fat) was statistically not significant(r=0.27, P=0.381). On precontrast spin-echo T1WI, mean signal intensity of the transudate was 0.18(±0.04) and that of the exudate was 0.24(±0.07), values which were not significant differences(P>0.05). Postcontrast mean signal intensities of transudates at 15 and 30 were 0.20±0.06 and 0.26±0.08, respectively, values which were not significantly higher than that of precontrast mean signal intensity(P<0.05). Postcontrast mean signal intensity values of exudative pleural effusions at 15 and 30 minutes(0.32±0.06 and 0.39±0.06, respectively) were, on the other hand, significantly higher than that of precontrast mean signal intensity(P<0.05). Postcontrast T1-weighted SE images at 15 and 30 minutes can be helpful in the differentiation of transudative and exudative pleural effusion

  5. Mechanics of the canine diaphragm in pleural effusion. (United States)

    De Troyer, André; Leduc, Dimitri; Cappello, Matteo; Gevenois, Pierre Alain


    Pleural effusion is a complicating feature of many diseases of the lung and pleura, but its effects on the mechanics of the diaphragm have not been assessed. In the present study, radiopaque markers were attached along muscle bundles in the midcostal region of the diaphragm in anesthetized dogs, and the three-dimensional location of the markers during relaxation before and after the stepwise introduction of liquid into the left or right pleural space and during phrenic nerve stimulation in the same conditions was determined using computed tomography. From these data, accurate measurements of diaphragm muscle length and displacement were obtained, and the changes in pleural and abdominal pressure were analyzed as functions of these parameters. The effect of liquid instillation on the axial position of rib 5 was also measured. The data showed that 1) liquid leaked through the dorsal mediastinal sheet behind the pericardium so that effusion was bilateral; 2) effusion caused a caudal displacement of the relaxed diaphragm; 3) this displacement was, compared with passive lung inflation, much larger than the cranial displacement of the ribs; and 4) the capacity of the diaphragm to generate pressure, in particular pleural pressure, decreased markedly as effusion increased, and this decrease was well explained by the decrease in active muscle length. It is concluded that pleural effusion has a major adverse effect on the pressure-generating capacity of the diaphragm and that this is the result of the action of hydrostatic forces on the muscle.

  6. Accuracy and safety of ward based pleural ultrasound in the Australian healthcare system. (United States)

    Hammerschlag, Gary; Denton, Matthew; Wallbridge, Peter; Irving, Louis; Hew, Mark; Steinfort, Daniel


    Ultrasound has been shown to improve the accuracy and safety of pleural procedures. Studies to date have been performed in large, specialized units, where pleural procedures are performed by a small number of highly specialized physicians. There are no studies examining the safety and accuracy of ultrasound in the Australian healthcare system where procedures are performed by junior doctors with a high staff turnover. We performed a retrospective review of the ultrasound database in the Respiratory Department at the Royal Melbourne Hospital to determine accuracy and complications associated pleural procedures. A total of 357 ultrasounds were performed between October 2010 and June 2013. Accuracy of pleural procedures was 350 of 356 (98.3%). Aspiration of pleural fluid was successful in 121 of 126 (96%) of patients. Two (0.9%) patients required chest tube insertion for management of pneumothorax. There were no recorded pleural infections, haemorrhage or viscera puncture. Ward-based ultrasound for pleural procedures is safe and accurate when performed by appropriately trained and supported junior medical officers. Our findings support this model of pleural service care in the Australian healthcare system. © 2016 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

  7. X-ray appearance of anaerobic pulmonary and pleural lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishchenko, B.I.; Kochetkov, A.V.; Stolbovoj, A.V.


    The authors describe a clinical and X-ray appearance of the suppurative affections of the lungs and pleural empyemas in 57 patients. Extensive one- or two-lobar affections, massive necrosis of the pulmonary tissue in the form of single focal destructions or multiple cavities of different sizes in the presence of extensive pneumonic infiltration, frequent development of pyopneumothorax as a complication are typical of anaerobic pulmonary processes. The signs of the anaerobic nature of pleural empyemas are fast division of the pleural cavity into separate chambers, gas formation with the presence of several horizontal levels of liquid

  8. Identification of 10 Candidate Biomarkers Distinguishing Tuberculous and Malignant Pleural Fluid by Proteomic Methods. (United States)

    Lee, Chang Youl; Hong, Ji Young; Lee, Myung Goo; Suh, In Bum


    Pleural effusion, an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, usually occurs in patients when the rate of fluid formation exceeds the rate of fluid removal. The differential diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy and malignant pleural effusion is a difficult task in high tuberculous prevalence areas. The aim of the present study was to identify novel biomarkers for the diagnosis of pleural fluid using proteomics technology. We used samples from five patients with transudative pleural effusions for internal standard, five patients with tuberculous pleurisy, and the same numbers of patients having malignant effusions were enrolled in the study. We analyzed the proteins in pleural fluid from patients using a technique that combined two-dimensional liquid-phase electrophoresis and matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry. We identified a total of 10 proteins with statistical significance. Among 10 proteins, trasthyretin, haptoglobin, metastasis-associated protein 1, t-complex protein 1, and fibroblast growth factor-binding protein 1 were related with malignant pleural effusions and human ceruloplasmin, lysozyme precursor, gelsolin, clusterin C complement lysis inhibitor, and peroxirexdoxin 3 were expressed several times or more in tuberculous pleural effusions. Highly expressed proteins in malignant pleural effusion were associated with carcinogenesis and cell growth, and proteins associated with tuberculous pleural effusion played a role in the response to inflammation and fibrosis. These findings will aid in the development of novel diagnostic tools for tuberculous pleurisy and malignant pleural effusion of lung cancer. © Copyright: Yonsei University College of Medicine 2017

  9. The role of ultrasonography in the management of lung and pleural diseases. (United States)

    Rumende, C Martin


    Ultrasonographic examination in pulmonology provides a revolutionary advance because it is very helpful in the diagnosis and management of various pleural and peripheral pulmonary defects. Lung ultrasonography allows the clinicians to diagnose some pulmonary abnormalities more rapidly, including the diagnosis of pleural effusion. Ultrasound examination also provides great assistance for the clinicians to perform invasive techniques in the field of pulmonology, which may increase the success rate and reduce the likelihood of complications. In addition to pleural effusion, other lung disorders can be diagnosed by ultrasound such as peripheral lung tumors and other pleural abnormalities caused by pleural fibrosis and tumor metastasis as well as the primary pleural tumor (mesothelioma). Ultrasound-guided invasive procedures include aspiration of minimal effusion, Transthoracal Needle Aspiration, Transthoracal biopsies and chest tube insertion. Lung ultrasound also offers other advantages, i.e. free from radiation hazards, portable, non-invasive and relatively inexpensive. Ultrasonography in the thorax also has its limitations, especially in detecting mediastinal abnormalities.

  10. Method of bilateral pleural drainage by single Blake drain after esophagectomy. (United States)

    Niwa, Yukiko; Koike, Masahiko; Oya, Hisaharu; Iwata, Naoki; Kobayashi, Daisuke; Kanda, Mitsuro; Tanaka, Chie; Yamada, Suguru; Fujii, Tsutomu; Nakayama, Goro; Sugimoto, Hiroyuki; Nomoto, Shuji; Fujiwara, Michitaka; Kodera, Yasuhiro


    Clinicians often encounter left pleural effusion after esophagectomy, which sometimes necessitates thoracentesis. We have introduced a new drainage method, bilateral pleural drainage by single Blake drain (BDSD), which we have been using since April 2013. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the BDSD. The BDSD method employs a 15-F Blake drain inserted from the right thoracic cavity to the left thoracic cavity across the posterior mediastinum. The conventional drain (CD) group consisted of 50 patients with a 19-F Blake drain placed in the right thoracic cavity during the period from April 2012 to March 2013. The BDSD group consisted of 54 patients treated from April 2013 to June 2014. The amount of total drainage in the BDSD group was significantly higher than that in the CD group (P pleural effusion and left lower lobe atelectasis in the BDSD group were significantly lower than those in the CD group (P pleural effusion necessitating thoracentesis drainage in the BDSD group. Compared with the conventional method, BDSD was able to evacuate bilateral pleural effusion more effectively, and the incidences of left pleural effusion and left atelectasis were lower. This method is therefore clinically useful after esophagectomy.

  11. Relationship of pleural effusions to increased permeability pulmonary edema in anesthetized sheep.


    Wiener-Kronish, J P; Broaddus, V C; Albertine, K H; Gropper, M A; Matthay, M A; Staub, N C


    We studied anesthetized sheep to determine the relationship between increased permeability pulmonary edema and the development and mechanism of pleural effusion formation. In 12 sheep with intact, closed thoraces, we studied the time course of pleural liquid formation after 0.12 ml/kg i.v. oleic acid. After 1 h, there were no pleural effusions, even though extravascular lung water increased 50% to 6.0 +/- 0.7 g/g dry lung. By 3 h pleural effusions had formed, they reached a maximum at 5 h (48...

  12. Primary pleural angiosarcoma as a mimicker of mesothelioma: a case report **VS**

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    Kao Yu-Chien


    Full Text Available Abstract Primary pleural angiosarcoma is a rare and clinically aggressive tumor. Patients usually present with chest pain, dyspnea, hemoptysis and/or cough. Radiologic studies reveal diffuse pleural thickening and pleural effusion with or without mass lesion. The clinical and radiological features both resemble those of mesothelioma, and its definite diagnosis requires careful histologic examination. However, frequent epithelioid feature and immunoreactivity to cytokeratin in primary pleural angiosarcoma further complicate the pathologic diagnosis. The use of proper immunohistochemical stains is often needed to support endothelial differentiation in the tumor cells and to exclude metastatic carcinoma and mesothelioma. We report the case of a 49-year-old male patient with primary pleural angiosarcoma, who presented with initial hemothorax, followed by a rapid progress to an inoperable status.

  13. Radiologically guided percutaneous pleurodesis of malignant pleural effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morrison, M.C.; Mueller, P.R.; Saini, S.; Hahn, P.F.; Lee, M.J.; Cortell, E.; Girard, M.; Goldberg, M.; Simeone, J.F.


    This paper reports that in patients with symptomatic malignant pleural effusion. US-guided placement of small-bore catheters for pleurodesis presents an alternative to traditional surgical management. Catheters ranging in size from 7-F to 16-F (n = 17), or greater than 16-F (n = 5), were placed intrapleurally under US guidance in 22 patients with symptomatic malignant pleural effusion. Pleur-E-Vac suction was applied until tube drainage was less than 100 mL/d. Tetracycline (1--2 g/100 mL of normal saline solution) or bleomycin (45--100 U/50 mL of 5% dextrose) was then instilled and left in the pleural space for 1--3 hours. The chest tube was removed when output was less than 20 mL/d

  14. Subarachnoidal-pleural fistula (SAPF) as an unusual cause of persistent pleural effusion. Beta-trace protein as a marker for SAPF. Case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Deseyne, S; Vanhouteghem, K; Hallaert, G; Delanghe, J; Malfait, T


    We describe a case of a 56-year-old woman who developed a recurrent pleural effusion after a thoracoscopic resection of an anterior bulging thoracic disc hernia (level D9-D10). Despite several evacuating pleural punctions, dyspnea reoccurred due to recurrent pleural effusion, the same side as the disc resection. Because of increasing headache after each punction, a subarachnoidal pleural fistula (SAPF) was suspected. Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed features suggestive of SAPF, there was not enough evidence to justify a new thorascopy. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage into the thoracic and abdominal cavity has been described as a result of trauma or surgery. Detection of beta-trace protein (BTP, a brain-specific protein) has been described to detect CSF fistulae causing rhino- and otoliquorrhea. Similarly, BTP determination could be used to identify the presence of CSF at other anatomical sites such as the thoracic cavity. Therefore, we decided to determine the concentration of BTP in the pleural effusion of this patient. BTP was assayed using immunonephelometry. The patient's BTP pleural fluid concentration was 14·0 mg/l, which was a 25-fold increase compared with the BTP serum concentration. After insertion of a subarachnoidal lumbal catheter, a video-assisted thorascopy was performed. Leakage of liquor through the parietal pleura into the thoracic cavity was observed. The SAPF was closed using a durasis patch and DuraSeal®. Postoperatively, there was no reoccurrence of pleural fluid. SAPF has to be included to the differential diagnosis of patients with persistent pleural effusion after spinal surgery. This case illustrates the importance of BTP in diagnosing SAPF, especially in cases where major therapeutic consequences may need to be drawn.

  15. Diagnóstico molecular de Mycobacterium tuberculosis en biopsias pleurales embebidas en parafina

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    Helí Barrón


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la sensibilidad de la prueba de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (TB-PCR frente a la tinción de fluorocromo auramina (AFB-auramina en muestras histológicas de biopsias pleurales embebidas en parafina, en el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pleural. Materiales y Métodos: Se usó 48 bloques de parafina obtenidos de los archivos de Patología del Hospital San José del Callao y del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, 30 de los cuales tenían diagnóstico clínico de tuberculosis y 18 presentaron diagnóstico diferente de tuberculosis. Resultados: De los 30 casos con diagnóstico clínico de tuberculosis, 29 resultaron ser TB-PCR positivos. Los 18 casos negativos para tuberculosis resultaron también negativos para TB-PCR. La sensibilidad y el valor predictivo negativo para TB-PCR fueron 96,7% y 94,7%. La sensibilidad y el valor predictivo negativo para AFB-auramina fueron 58,6% y 56,7%. En ambos casos, el valor predictivo positivo fue de 100%. Conclusión: TB-PCR ha resultado ser un método muy sensible en el diagnóstico de tuberculosis en muestras histológicas embebidas en parafina.

  16. Recurrent Exudative Pleural Effusion with Flare up of Chronic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We describe herein a young male patient who presented with exudative pleural effusion that appeared with flare up of chronic HBV infection and spontaneously recovered with the clinical and biochemical improvement of the hepatitis on two occasions five months apart. Other causes of hepatitis and exudative pleural ...

  17. Diagnosis and management options in malignant pleural effusions (United States)

    Dixit, Ramakant; Agarwal, KC; Gokhroo, Archana; Patil, Chetan B; Meena, Manoj; Shah, Narender S; Arora, Piyush


    Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) denotes an advanced malignant disease process. Most of the MPE are metastatic involvement of the pleura from primary malignancy at lung, breast, and other body sites apart from lymphomas. The diagnosis of MPE has been traditionally made on cytological examination of pleural fluid and/or histological examination of pleural biopsy tissue that still remains the initial approach in these cases. There has been tremendous advancement in the diagnosis of MPE now a day with techniques i.e. characteristic Ultrasound and computed tomography features, image guided biopsies, fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography imaging, thoracoscopy with direct biopsy under vision, tumor marker studies and immunocytochemical analysis etc., that have made possible an early diagnosis of MPE. The management of MPE still remains a challenge to pulmonologist and oncologist. Despite having various modalities with better tolerance such as pleurodesis and indwelling pleural catheters etc., for long-term control, all the management approaches remain palliative to improve the quality of life and reduce symptoms. While choosing an appropriate management intervention, one should consider the clinical status of the patient, life expectancy, overall cost, availability and comparative institutional outcomes, etc. PMID:28360465

  18. Diagnosis and management options in malignant pleural effusions

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    Ramakant Dixit


    Full Text Available Malignant pleural effusion (MPE denotes an advanced malignant disease process. Most of the MPE are metastatic involvement of the pleura from primary malignancy at lung, breast, and other body sites apart from lymphomas. The diagnosis of MPE has been traditionally made on cytological examination of pleural fluid and/or histological examination of pleural biopsy tissue that still remains the initial approach in these cases. There has been tremendous advancement in the diagnosis of MPE now a day with techniques i.e. characteristic Ultrasound and computed tomography features, image guided biopsies, fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography imaging, thoracoscopy with direct biopsy under vision, tumor marker studies and immunocytochemical analysis etc., that have made possible an early diagnosis of MPE. The management of MPE still remains a challenge to pulmonologist and oncologist. Despite having various modalities with better tolerance such as pleurodesis and indwelling pleural catheters etc., for long-term control, all the management approaches remain palliative to improve the quality of life and reduce symptoms. While choosing an appropriate management intervention, one should consider the clinical status of the patient, life expectancy, overall cost, availability and comparative institutional outcomes, etc.

  19. El caso de derrame de mercurio en Choropampa y los daños a la salud en la población rural expuesta


    Marco Arana-Zegarra


    El año 2000, un derrame de mercurio metálico que se evaporó en el ambiente, afectó la salud de más de mil campesinos, quienes, ocho años después, siguen sufriendo las consecuencias en su salud. La minería moderna no garantiza adecuados mecanismos de manejo, control y mitigación del impacto ambiental y la autoridad pública no otorga el derecho a la salud de poblaciones de los entornos mineros las cuales, desde el punto de vista del derecho a la salud ambiental, debieran ser consideradas como s...

  20. Large Right Pleural Effusion

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    Robert Rowe


    Full Text Available History of present illness: An 83-year-old male with a distant history of tuberculosis status post treatment and resection approximately fifty years prior presented with two days of worsening shortness of breath. He denied any chest pain, and reported his shortness of breath was worse with exertion and lying flat. Significant findings: Chest x-ray and bedside ultrasound revealed a large right pleural effusion, estimated to be greater than two and a half liters in size. Discussion: The incidence of pleural effusion is estimated to be at least 1.5 million cases annually in the United States.1 Erect posteroanterior and lateral chest radiography remains the mainstay for diagnosis of a pleural effusion; on upright chest radiography small effusions (>400cc will blunt the costophrenic angles, and as the size of an effusion grows it will begin to obscure the hemidiphragm.1 Large effusions will cause mediastinal shift away from the affected side (seen in effusions >1000cc.1 Lateral decubitus chest radiography can detect effusions greater than 50cc.1 Ultrasonography can help differentiate large pulmonary masses from effusions and can be instrumental in guiding thoracentesis.1 The patient above was comfortable at rest and was admitted for a non-emergent thoracentesis. The pulmonology team removed 2500cc of fluid, and unfortunately the patient subsequently developed re-expansion pulmonary edema and pneumothorax ex-vacuo. It is generally recommended that no more than 1500cc be removed to minimize the risk of re-expansion pulmonary edema.2

  1. Pleural Effusion Resultant after Upper Abdominal Surgery: Analysis of 47 Cases

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    Ufuk Cobanoglu


    Full Text Available Postoperative pulmonary complications, following upper abdominal surgery, occur at a rate which is higher, than lower abdominal surgery. One of these complications is pleural effusion. In this study, the frequency and causes of pleural effusions and the changes of the blood gas values and pulmonary functions of the patients with pleural effusions, occured after upper abdominal surgery are discussed in the accompaniment of the literature. Material and Methods:148 patients to whom upper adominal surgery is performed and in 47 of these patients pleural effusion is developed (31.75% , were examined restrospectivitely. Preoperative and postoperative pulmonary function tests (PFT and arterial blood gas (ABG results and the blood proteins, albumin values were recorded. The anesthesia type, the surgery properties, involving type of surgery and the surgical incision were determined. Results:Pleural effusion is detected bilaterally in 8 patients (17:02, at the rightside in 21 patients (44.69% ,and at the left side in 18 patients (38.29%.The 40.42% (19 cases of the patients who has pleural effusion in the postoperative period, had liver and gallbladder surgery, the %23.41 (11 Cases had spleen and pancreas surgery and the %36.17 (17 cases had the  other surgical procedures.Conclusions: While the upper abdominal surgery, impairment of the integrity of the diaphragm‘s peritoneum that covers the abdominal cavity where there is a highliquid pressure, may cause the liquid transition to the pleural space that has a negative pressure. Hypoalbuminemia and hipoproteinemia, that will occur due to the changes of oral intake and diet regulation in the postoperative period, may cause a reason for the pleural effusion. For this reason, doctors who performed these surgery procedures, should not ignore this complication, in the period of postoperative follow-ups of the patients.

  2. Value of the lateral view in diagnosing pleural plaques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hillerdal, G.


    To assess the value of the lateral view in the diagnosis of pleural plaques, 2018 chest roentgenograms from the general population were scrutinized for such plaques. The lateral and posterior-anterior (PA) views were read separately and without knowledge of the occupational history or other clinical data. Of the males, 4.8% had pleural plaques in the PA view and 2% had dorsal pleural plaques in the lateral view. A total of 54% of the positive cases in the PA view also showed typical plaques in the PA view. Thus, there remained a number of cases which were diagnosed only in the lateral view; in all, these constituted 18.8%

  3. Spatial context learning approach to automatic segmentation of pleural effusion in chest computed tomography images (United States)

    Mansoor, Awais; Casas, Rafael; Linguraru, Marius G.


    Pleural effusion is an abnormal collection of fluid within the pleural cavity. Excessive accumulation of pleural fluid is an important bio-marker for various illnesses, including congestive heart failure, pneumonia, metastatic cancer, and pulmonary embolism. Quantification of pleural effusion can be indicative of the progression of disease as well as the effectiveness of any treatment being administered. Quantification, however, is challenging due to unpredictable amounts and density of fluid, complex topology of the pleural cavity, and the similarity in texture and intensity of pleural fluid to the surrounding tissues in computed tomography (CT) scans. Herein, we present an automated method for the segmentation of pleural effusion in CT scans based on spatial context information. The method consists of two stages: first, a probabilistic pleural effusion map is created using multi-atlas segmentation. The probabilistic map assigns a priori probabilities to the presence of pleural uid at every location in the CT scan. Second, a statistical pattern classification approach is designed to annotate pleural regions using local descriptors based on a priori probabilities, geometrical, and spatial features. Thirty seven CT scans from a diverse patient population containing confirmed cases of minimal to severe amounts of pleural effusion were used to validate the proposed segmentation method. An average Dice coefficient of 0.82685 and Hausdorff distance of 16.2155 mm was obtained.

  4. [Evaluation of the diagnosis value of carcinoembryonic antigen in malignant pleural effusion]. (United States)

    Yu, Y X; Tong, Z H; Zhou, X X; Liang, L R; Wang, Z; Xu, L L; Wang, X J; Wu, Y B; Li, H J; Lu, Z


    Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value of serum and pleural fluid carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) for malignant pleural effusion (MPE). Methods: The concentration of CEA in serum and pleural fluid of 286 patients with the diagnosis confirmed by pleural biopsy through medical thoracoscopy were retrospectively analyzed. MPE was confirmed in 171 cases which were divided into two groups (adenocarcinoma group with 121cases and non-adenocarcinoma group with 50 cases) and benign pleural effusion in 115 cases. The optimal cutoff for MPE and MPE caused by adenocarcinoma were determined by using the ROC curve. Results: The concentration of serum CEA 12.27(3.80, 58.45) μg/L was significantly higher in MPE caused by adenocarcinoma than that of non-adenocarcinoma 1.91(1.08, 4.55) μg/L and benign effusion 1.32(0.86, 2.27) μg/L (both P value of serum and pleural fluid CEA for MPE was 3.10 and 5.83 μg/L, the sensitivity respectively was 67.3% and 74.3%, the specificity respectively was 87.8% and 98.3%, positive predictive value respectively was 89.2% and 98.5%, negative predictive value respectively was 64.3% and 72.0%. The cutoff value of serum and pleural fluid CEA for MPE caused by adenocarcinoma was 3.54 and 7.30 μg/L, the sensitivity respectively was 76.0% and 91.7%, the specificity respectively was 74.0% and 72.0%, positive predictive value respectively was 87.6% and 88.8%, negative predictive value respectively was 56.1% and 78.3%. Conclusions: The concentration of serum and pleural fluid CEA have diagnostic significance to MPE, especially MPE caused by adenocarcinoma. The diagnostic value of pleural fluid CEA is superior to serum CEA.

  5. The effectiveness of single port thoracoscopic approach in pleural effusions

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    Yasemin Bilgin Büyükkarabacak


    Full Text Available Objective: Currently, thoracoscopic procedures have been used frequently in diagnosis and treatment of pleural effusions. It was reported, high diagnosis and treatment success with thoracoscopy in pleural effusion, which was not, diagnosed using cytology and blinding pleural biopsy procedures. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate of the patient was performed video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS due to pleural effusion. Methods: Between 2011 and 2014 years, it was evaluated 52 patients was performed VATS because of pleural effusion. The procedure was performed under general anesthesia and single lung ventilation in 50 patients, and local anesthesia in 2 patients. Results: Histopathological results were reported as carcinoma infiltration in 29 patients, benign disease in 23 patients. Cytological examination of liquid was executed before thoracoscopy in all of the patients with malignity positive. In addition, in eight patients pleura biopsy, on which blinding was executed, evaluated as malignity negative. The diagnostic value of our procedure has 100% in malign group and 98% in benign group. In patients with malignant disease, pleurodesis was performed peroperatively. Mean hospital stay was 5 days (3-15. Mean duration of terminating chest tube was 3 days (3-15. There were no morbidity and mortality due to procedure. Conclusion: Single port VATS is an effective and safe procedure in diagnosis and palliative treatment of patient with pleural effusion, and it has high success rate and reduces hospital stay.

  6. The long-term outcomes of cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion (United States)

    Hung, Tsung-Hsing; Tseng, Chih-Wei; Tsai, Chih-Chun; Tsai, Chen-Chi; Tseng, Kuo-Chih; Hsieh, Yu-Hsi


    Background/Aim: A pleural effusion is an abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural space and may cause related morbidity or mortality in cirrhotic patients. Currently, there are insufficient data to support the long-term prognosis for cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion. In this study, we investigated the short- and long-term effects of pleural effusion on mortality in cirrhotic patients and evaluated the benefit of liver transplantation in these patients. Patients and Methods: The National Health Insurance Database, derived from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Program, was used to identify 3,487 cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion requiring drainage between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2010. The proportional hazards Cox regression model was used to control for possible confounding factors. Results: The 30-day, 90-day, 1-year, and 3-year mortalities were 20.1%, 40.2%, 59.1%, and 75.9%, respectively, in the cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion. After Cox proportional hazard regression analysis adjusted by patient gender, age, complications of cirrhosis and comorbid disorders, old age, esophageal variceal bleeding, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, pneumonia, renal function impairment, and without liver transplantation conferred higher risks for 3-year mortality in the cirrhotic patients with pleura effusion. Liver transplantation is the most important factor to determine the 3-year mortalities (HR: 0.17, 95% CI 0.11- 0.26, P effusion predicts poor long-term outcomes. Liver transplantation could dramatically improve the survival and should be suggested as soon as possible. PMID:29451184

  7. Polycystic liver disease with right pleural effusion (United States)

    Anggreini, A. Y.; Dairi, L. B.


    Polycystic liver disease (PCLD) is a condition in which multiple cysts form in the hepatic parenchyma. The polycystic liver disease is also an autosomal dominant disorder (ADPLD) caused by a mutation in a gene that encodes a protein hepatocystin. PCLD has a prevalence count of 1:200,000 people in the people of America. PCLD occurs ± 24% of patients in the third decade of age to 80% by the sixth decade. Women tend to get larger cysts and more and correlated with the number of pregnancies. The following case report of a woman, 51-years-old who was treated at Haji Adam Malik hospital Medan with a diagnosis of polycystic liver disease with right pleural effusion. Some literature has reported complications of the polycystic liver disease but rarely reported with pleural effusion presentation. The patient had already undergone a puncture of pleural fluid and after three weeks of treatment condition of the patient improved and permitted to be outgoing patient.

  8. Limbic Encephalitis Driven by a Pleural Mesothelioma: A Paraneoplastic Complication

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    Jacob O. Day


    Full Text Available Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes have only been described with pleural mesothelioma in five cases. We have described a 72-year-old man who developed anterograde amnesia 27 months after diagnosis of epithelioid pleural mesothelioma. Investigations revealed a limbic encephalitis with no alternative causes identified. Limbic encephalitis is a classical paraneoplastic syndrome and presentation within five years of a cancer with no other causes identified is sufficient to diagnose a paraneoplastic etiology. This is the first case of isolated paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis driven by a pleural mesothelioma.

  9. Pelvic and lumbar metastasis detected by bone scintigraphy in malignant pleural mesothelioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz Hernandez, G.; Castillo Pallares, F.J.; Llorens Banon, L.; Romero de Avila y Avalos, C. [Hospital Clinic Universitari de Valencia (Spain). Servei de Medicina Nuclear; Garcia Garc`ia, T.; Azagra Ros, P. [Hospital Clinic Universitari de Valencia (Spain). Servei d`Oncologia; Maruenda Paulino, J.I. [Hospital Clinic Universitari de Valencia (Spain). Servei Traumatologia; Ferrer Albiach, C. [Hospital Clinic Universitari de Valencia (Spain). Servei Radioterapia


    A case of a 43-year-old man suffering from pleural mesothelioma with distant bone metastasis is reported. The results of bone scintigraphy and NMR findings allowed the diagnosis. The current case describes a hematogenous metastasis to the pelvis and vertebral column from a malignant pleural mesothelioma that was detected initally by bone scintigraphy. (orig.) [Deutsch] Fallbericht ueber einen 43jaehrigen Mann mit Pleural-Mesotheliom und Knochenmetastasen. Die Diagnose wurde durch Knochenszintigraphie und NMR gestellt. Der vorliegende Fall beschreibt die haematogene Metastasierung ins Becken und in die Wirbelsaeule, ausgehend von einem malignen Pleural-Mesotheliom, das urspruenglich durch Knochenszintigraphie diagnostiziert wurde. (orig.)

  10. Contribution of positron emission tomography in pleural disease.


    Duysinx, Bernard; Corhay, Jean-Louis; Larock, Marie-Paule; Withofs, Nadia; Bury, Thierry; Hustinx, Roland; Louis, Renaud


    INTRODUCTION: Positron emission tomography (PET) now plays a clear role in oncology, especially in chest tumours. We discuss the value of metabolic imaging in characterising pleural pathology in the light of our own experience and review the literature. BACKGROUND: PET is particularly useful in characterising malignant pleural pathologies and is a factor of prognosis in mesothelioma. Metabolic imaging also provides clinical information for staging lung cancer, in researching the primary tumou...

  11. Radiographic evidence of small amounts of pleural effusion in infant stage individuals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Troeger, J.; Kuntz, M.; Otte, J.; Fuchs, M.


    The pleural cavity of ten young pigs was punctured and filled with specific amounts of fluid. Subsequently chest films were obtained in ap and lateral erect and in cross-table lateral decubitus position. Only 2 cases of these pigs radiographed in the erect position (after injection of 80 and even 100 ml of fluid) gave clear evidence of pleural effusion. Indirect signs of pleural effusion (such as blunting of the costophrenic angles; unsharpness, flatting or elevation of the diaphragm as a sign subpulmonic effusion), however, were already noted with only 20 ml of pleural fluid. In contrast to these exams done in the erect position, the radiographs obtained in cross table lateral decubitus position showed as little as 5 ml of fluid. Therefore, the cross table lateral decubitus position is ideal for the work up of suspected pleural effusion. (orig.) [de

  12. Transdiaphragmatic transport of tracer albumin from peritoneal to pleural liquid measured in rats. (United States)

    Lai-Fook, Stephen J; Houtz, Pamela K; Jones, Philip D


    In conscious Wistar-Kyoto rats, we studied the uptake of radioactive tracer (125)I-albumin into the pleural space and circulation after intraperitoneal (IP) injections with 1 or 5 ml of Ringer solution (3 g/dl albumin). Postmortem, we sampled pleural liquid, peritoneal liquid, and blood plasma 2-48 h after IP injection and measured their radioactivity and protein concentration. Tracer concentration was greater in pleural liquid than in plasma approximately 3 h after injection with both IP injection volumes. This behavior indicated transport of tracer through the diaphragm into the pleural space. A dynamic analysis of the tracer uptake with 5-ml IP injections showed that at least 50% of the total pleural flow was via the diaphragm. A similar estimate was derived from an analysis of total protein concentrations. Both estimates were based on restricted pleural capillary filtration and unrestricted transdiaphragmatic transport. The 5-ml IP injections did not change plasma protein concentration but increased pleural and peritoneal protein concentrations from control values by 22 and 30%, respectively. These changes were consistent with a small (approximately 8%) increase in capillary filtration and a small (approximately 20%) reduction in transdiaphragmatic flow from control values, consistent with the small (3%) decrease in hydration measured in diaphragm muscle. Thus the pleural uptake of tracer via the diaphragm with the IP injections occurred by the near-normal transport of liquid and protein.

  13. Association of immunoglobulin G4 and free light chain with idiopathic pleural effusion. (United States)

    Murata, Y; Aoe, K; Mimura-Kimura, Y; Murakami, T; Oishi, K; Matsumoto, T; Ueoka, H; Matsunaga, K; Yano, M; Mimura, Y


    The cause of pleural effusion remains uncertain in approximately 15% of patients despite exhaustive evaluation. As recently described immunoglobulin (Ig)G4-related disease is a fibroinflammatory disorder that can affect various organs, including the lungs, we investigate whether idiopathic pleural effusion includes IgG4-associated etiology. Between 2000 and 2012, we collected 830 pleural fluid samples and reviewed 35 patients with pleural effusions undiagnosed after pleural biopsy at Yamaguchi-Ube Medical Center. Importantly, IgG4 immunostaining revealed infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells in the pleura of 12 patients (34%, IgG4 + group). The median effusion IgG4 level was 41 mg/dl in the IgG4 + group and 27 mg/dl in the IgG4 - group (P effusion IgG4 antibodies of patients in the IgG4 + group were heterogeneous by two-dimensional electrophoresis, indicating the absence of clonality of the IgG4 antibodies. Interestingly, the κ light chains were more heterogeneous than the λ light chains. The measurement of the κ and λ free light chain (FLC) levels in the pleural fluids showed significantly different κ FLC levels (median: 28·0 versus 9·1 mg/dl, P pleural effusions and provide insights into the diagnosis, pathogenesis and therapeutic opportunities of IgG4-associated pleural effusion. © 2017 British Society for Immunology.

  14. Dosagem de proteínas totais e desidrogenase lática para o diagnóstico de transudatos e exsudatos pleurais: redefinindo o critério clássico com uma nova abordagem estatística Determination of total proteins and lactate dehydrogenase for the diagnosis of pleural transudates and exudates: redefining the classical criterion with a new statistical approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo Henrique Ferraz Maranhão


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Propor um novo critério de classificação para a diferenciação entre exsudatos e transudatos pleurais através da dosagem de proteínas totais no líquido pleural (PT-LP e de desidrogenase lática no líquido pleural (DHL-LP exclusivamente, assim como comparar o rendimento diagnóstico entre esse novo critério com o critério clássico. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, transversal de tipo individualizado, no qual foram selecionados 181 pacientes com derrame pleural tratados em dois hospitais universitários no estado do Rio de Janeiro (RJ entre 2003 e 2006. Os parâmetros diagnósticos incluídos no critério clássico, assim como os do novo critério, foram determinados. RESULTADOS: Dos 181 pacientes, 152 e 29 foram diagnosticados, respectivamente, com exsudato pleural e transudato pleural. A sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia do critério clássico para o diagnóstico de exsudato pleural foram, respectivamente, de 99,8%, 68,6% e 94,5%, enquanto, para o diagnóstico de transudato pleural, essas foram de 76,1%, 90,1% e 87,6%. Utilizando-se os pontos de corte de 3,4 g/dL para a dosagem de PT-LP e de 328,0 U/L para aquela de DHL-LP (novo critério, a sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia foram de, respectivamente, 99,4%, 72,6% e 99,2%, para o diagnóstico de exsudato, e de 98,5%, 83,4% e 90,0%, para o diagnóstico de transudato. A acurácia do novo critério proposto para o diagnóstico de exsudato pleural foi significativamente maior que aquela do critério clássico (p = 0,0022. CONCLUSÕES: O rendimento diagnóstico dos dois critérios estudados foi semelhante. Portanto, esse novo critério de classificação pode ser utilizado na prática diária.OBJECTIVE: To propose a new classification criterion for the differentiation between pleural exudates and transudates-quantifying total proteins in pleural fluid (TP-PF and lactate dehydrogenase in pleural fluid (LDH-PF exclusively-as well as to compare this new criterion with

  15. Primary pleural leiomyosarcoma with rapid progression and fatal outcome: a case report

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    Rais Ghizlane


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Leiomyosarcomas are neoplasms of smooth muscles that most commonly arise from the uterus, gastrointestinal tract, or soft tissue. Primary pleural leiomyosarcoma is extremely rare. To the best of our knowledge, only nine cases have been published to date. Because of the rarity of pleural leiomyosarcoma and its similarity (clinical and histological to other pleural neoplasms, particularly sarcomatous mesothelioma, diagnosis is often difficult. Case presentation A 58-year-old North African man was admitted with complaints of dyspnea and chest pain to our hospital. Chest computed tomography revealed right pleural effusion and pleural thickening. A transthoracic needle biopsy yielded a diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma, and tumor cells were strongly and uniformly positive for vimentin, a smooth muscle actin at immunohistochemical analysis. A general examination did not show any metastatic lesions in other areas. One month after diagnosis, the tumor grew rapidly, with pulmonary invasion, and therefore he was treated only by palliative care. He died from respiratory failure one month later. Because no organ of origin of the leiomyosarcoma, other than the pleura, was detected, this case was diagnosed as a primary pleural leiomyosarcoma. Conclusions Although leiomyosarcoma originating from the pleura is rare, this entity is increasingly described. The purpose of presenting this case report is to raise awareness among clinicians to consider this clinical entity as a differential diagnosis when a pleural mass is identified.

  16. Cytokines in pleural liquid for diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy. (United States)

    Yamada, Y; Nakamura, A; Hosoda, M; Kato, T; Asano, T; Tonegawa, K; Itoh, M


    An elevated level of adenosine deaminase (ADA) in pleural liquid has been considered as a supplemental diagnostic marker for tuberculous pleurisy. However, this is complicated by false-positives and -negatives. Recently, it has been revealed that various cytokines are intimately involved in the pathognomonic physiology of tuberculosis. In this study, interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) and interferon gamma (IFNgamma) were compared with ADA in pleural liquid of patients with inflammatory (21 cases), malignant (28 cases) and tuberculous (21 cases) disease. The pleural ADA, IL-8, TNFalpha and IFNgamma levels in the tuberculous group were higher than in the other three groups. Analysis of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, to evaluate the utility of the various parameters, demonstrates values for the area under the curve (AUC) of 0.770, 0.875, 0.892 and 0.987, respectively for IL-8, TNFalpha, ADA and IFNgamma. No false-positives were encountered with IFNgamma and only one case with a small volume of pleural liquid was a false-negative. This indicates that IFNgamma is a very reliable marker of tuberculous pleurisy.

  17. Multimodal treatment for resectable epithelial type malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    Fukuyama Yasuro


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare malignancy. The outcome remains poor despite complete surgical resection. Patients and methods Eleven patients with histologicaly proven epithelial type malignant pleural mesothelioma undergoing extrapleural pneumonectomy with systemic chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy before and after surgical resection were retrospectively reviewed. Results Ten out of 11 patients underwent complete surgical resection, of these 7 patients had stage I disease. Of these 7 patients, 5 are alive without any recurrence, a 2-year survival rate of 80% was observed in this group. There was no operative mortality or morbidity. Conclusion Extrapleural pneumonectomy with perioperative adjuvant treatment is safe and effective procedure for epithelial type malignant pleural mesothelioma.

  18. The structure of the parietal pleura and its relationship to pleural liquid dynamics in sheep. (United States)

    Albertine, K H; Wiener-Kronish, J P; Staub, N C


    We studied the parietal pleura of six sheep to obtain information on pleural structure, blood supply, and lymphatic drainage. In the strict sense, the parietal pleura is composed of a single layer of mesothelial cells and a uniform layer of loose, irregular connective tissue (about 23 micron in width) subjacent to the mesothelial cells. The parietal pleural blood vessels are 10-15 micron from the pleural space. Tracer substances put in the pleural space are removed at specific locations. Colloidal carbon and chick red blood cells are cleared by the parietal pleural lymphatics located over the intercostal spaces at the caudal end of the thoracic wall and over the lateral sides of the pericardial sac. In these areas the mesothelial cells have specialized openings, the stomata, that directly communicate with the underlying lymphatic lacunae. Cells and particulate matter in the pleural space are cleared only by the parietal pleural lymphatics. Compared to the visceral pleura, we believe the thinness of the parietal pleura, the closeness of its blood vessels to the pleural space, and its specialized lymphatic clearance pathways, together indicate that the parietal pleura plays a major role in pleural liquid and protein dynamics in sheep.

  19. Effects of ventilation on hyaluronan and protein concentration in pleural liquid of anesthetized and conscious rabbits. (United States)

    Wang, P M; Lai-Fook, S J


    The hypothesis of this study is that pleural lubrication is enhanced by hyaluronan acting as a boundary lubricant in pleural liquid and by pleural filtration as reflected in changes in protein concentration with ventilation. Anesthetized rabbits were injected intravenously with Evans blue dye and ventilated with 100% O2 at either of two levels of ventilation for 6 h. Postmortem values of hyaluronan, total protein, and Evans blue-dyed albumin (EBA) concentrations in pleural liquid were greater at the higher ventilation, consistent with increases in boundary lubrication, pleural membrane permeability, and pleural filtration. To determine whether these effects were caused by hyperoxia or anesthesia, conscious rabbits were ventilated with either 3% CO2 or room air in a box for 6, 12, or 24 h. Similar to the anesthetized rabbits, pleural liquid hyaluronan concentration after 24 h was higher in the conscious rabbits with the hypercapnic-induced greater ventilation. By contrast, the time course of total protein and EBA in pleural liquid was similar in both groups of conscious rabbits, indicating no effect of ventilation on pleural permeability. The increase in pleural liquid hyaluronan concentration might be the result of mesothelial cell stimulation by a ventilation-induced increase in pleural liquid shear stress.

  20. The Prevalence of Pleural Effusion in Pregnant Women: A Pilot Study


    DİKENSOY, Ebru


    Pleural effusions are very common in general population. There are more than 50 reasons for the etiology. There is limited data on the prevalence of pleural effusions in a population of pregnant women. We prospectively screened 45 pregnant women between May and October 2006. All the pregnant women underwent thoracic ultrasonography during their routine check. Five out of 45 subjects (11%) had minimal and bilateral pleural effusion. None of the subjects was symptomatic. All of the effusions re...

  1. Eosinophilic pleural effusion: incidence, etiology and prognostic significance. (United States)

    Ferreiro, Lucía; San José, Esther; González-Barcala, Francisco Javier; Alvarez-Dobaño, José Manuel; Golpe, Antonio; Gude, Francisco; Anchorena, Christian; Pereyra, Marco F; Zamarrón, Carlos; Valdés, Luis


    Eosinophilic pleural effusion (EPE) has been associated with less risk for malignancy with a potential causal relationship with the presence of air and/or blood in the pleural space. However, these theories have fallen by the wayside in the light of recent publications. To determine the incidence and etiology of EPE and to observe whether the eosinophils in the pleural liquid (PL) increase in successive thoracocenteses. We analyzed 730 PL samples from 605 patients hospitalized between January 2004 and December 2010. We identified 55 samples with EPE from 50 patients (8.3%). The most frequent etiologies of EPE were: unknown (36%) and neoplasm (30%). There were no significant differences in the incidence of neoplasms between the non-eosinophilic pleural effusions (non-EPE) (25.9%) and the EPE (30%) (p=0.533). One hundred patients (16.5%) underwent a second thoracocentesis. Out of the 9 who had EPE in the first, 6 maintained EPE in the second. Out of the 91 with non-EPE in the first thoracocentesis, 8 (8.8%) had EPE in the repeat thoracocentesis. The percentage of eosinophils did not increase in the successive thoracocenteses (p=0.427). In the EPE, a significant correlation was found between the number of hematites and eosinophils in the PL (r=0.563; p=0.000). An EPE cannot be considered an indicator of benignancy, therefore it should be studied as any other pleural effusion. The number of eosinophils does not seem to increase with the of repetition of thoracocentesis and, lastly, the presence of blood in the PL could explain the existence of EPE. Copyright © 2011 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  2. Diagnostic significance of adenosine deaminase in pleural tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khurshid, R.; Shore, N.; Saleem, M.; Zameer, N.


    Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of pleural effusion, which in TB usually has lymphocytic and exudative characteristics. Analysis of adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity is a very useful diagnostic approach to achieve a more rapid and precise diagnosis in cases of Pleural TB (pTB). Fifty male and fifty female patients presenting with tuberculosis pleural effusion was included in the study. The patients were taken from the medical ward of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital between September 2001 and September 2002. Activity of Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) was estimated by the technique of Sodium dodecyl sulphate electrophoresis (SDS-EF) using 10% polyacrylamide gel. Mean age of males was 45.72+-19.22 years and of female was 43.74+-16.09 years. Mean protein level was 3.39+-0.24 g/dl in males, and it was 3.02+-0.26 g/dl in females. Mean specific gravity both in males and females was 1.020+-0.01. The results show an increased level of enzyme ADA in patients as compared to normal subjects. Estimation of ADA activity may provide basis for rapid and efficient diagnosis of pleural TB in different clinical settings. However study should be extended to larger number of patients to reach a better conclusion. (author)

  3. Distribution side of pleural effusion in heart failure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Cheol Kyu; Park, Young Ha; Jung, Se Young; Park, Seog Hee; Bahk, Yong Whee


    The interrelationship between the etiology of pleural effusion and the side of its occurrence has been a subject of clinical interest for many years. It has often been stated that pleural effusion caused by congestive heart failure tends to occur on the right side. However, some authors contended that such a side proclivity is not reliable. In the present study, the authors investigated the laterally of effusion caused by various cardiovascular diseases complicated by heart failure. We reviewed the chest X-ray films and clinical records of 68 patients with proven pleural effusion resulted from heart failure. 1. There were 34 men and 34 women with the age ranging from 10 to 84 years with the mean of 59. 2. The diagnoses were rheumatic heart disease (2 patients), coronary heart disease (10 patients), hypertensive heart disease (8 patients), mitral valvular disease (18 patients), aortic valvular disease (3 patients), and miscellaneous (27 patients). 3. 34 patients had unilateral pleural effusion, 25 and 9, right and left, respectively. Of the 34 patients with bilateral effusion, 13 patients had predominantly right-sided effusion, 5 patients had predominantly left-sided effusion and 16 patients had evenly distributed bilateral effusion. Thus, 55.8% of effusion was right-sided

  4. Intervention for pleural effusions and ascites following liver transplantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adetiloye, V.A. [Radiology Department, Birmingham Children`s Hospital NHS Trust, Ladywood Middleway, Birmingham B16 8ET (United Kingdom)]|[Radiology Department, College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (Nigeria); John, P.R. [Radiology Department, Birmingham Children`s Hospital NHS Trust, Ladywood Middleway, Birmingham B16 8ET (United Kingdom)


    Background. Small volumes of fluid in the pleural and peritoneal cavities are common after paediatric liver transplantation. Occasionally, larger fluid collections develop and need intervention by aspiration or insertion of a drain. Objective. To assess the incidence of moderate and large pleural and peritoneal fluid collections following paediatric liver transplantation, the need for intervention and the outcome following radiological and non-radiological treatment, with the ultimate objective of recommending a treatment protocol for such post-operative fluid collections. Materials and methods. A total of 184 consecutive liver grafts in 164 children were reviewed. Results. Of 184 grafts, 31 (16.8 %) developed excessive fluid collections requiring intervention (19 pleural effusions, 8 ascites and 4 effusions and ascites). The effusions were first diagnosed between days 1 and 44 after transplant and the ascites between days 1 and 14. The initial diagnosis was made radiologically in 21 (91 %) of 23 pleural effusions and in 10 (83 %) of 12 ascites. No identifiable cause or association was seen in 18 (58 %) of 31 cases. The mean duration of the pleural effusions and ascites, from onset of treatment to resolution, ranged from 33 {+-} 42 days (SD) to 35 {+-} 48 days and from 36 {+-} 47 days to 39 {+-} 46 days respectively. Comparison of the modes of interventional treatment (i. e. unguided, radiological and surgical) showed no statistically significant difference in the outcome of the management. Conclusions. Post-transplantation pleural effusions and ascites requiring intervention are often without definite cause. They are more common with reduced grafts, but this cannot completely explain the occurrence or the protracted duration of accumulation in spite of combined interventional management. The outcome of treatment is not significantly influenced by the mode of intervention except in cases where surgical intervention is indicated. Patients could be managed

  5. Intervention for pleural effusions and ascites following liver transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adetiloye, V.A.; John, P.R.


    Background. Small volumes of fluid in the pleural and peritoneal cavities are common after paediatric liver transplantation. Occasionally, larger fluid collections develop and need intervention by aspiration or insertion of a drain. Objective. To assess the incidence of moderate and large pleural and peritoneal fluid collections following paediatric liver transplantation, the need for intervention and the outcome following radiological and non-radiological treatment, with the ultimate objective of recommending a treatment protocol for such post-operative fluid collections. Materials and methods. A total of 184 consecutive liver grafts in 164 children were reviewed. Results. Of 184 grafts, 31 (16.8 %) developed excessive fluid collections requiring intervention (19 pleural effusions, 8 ascites and 4 effusions and ascites). The effusions were first diagnosed between days 1 and 44 after transplant and the ascites between days 1 and 14. The initial diagnosis was made radiologically in 21 (91 %) of 23 pleural effusions and in 10 (83 %) of 12 ascites. No identifiable cause or association was seen in 18 (58 %) of 31 cases. The mean duration of the pleural effusions and ascites, from onset of treatment to resolution, ranged from 33 ± 42 days (SD) to 35 ± 48 days and from 36 ± 47 days to 39 ± 46 days respectively. Comparison of the modes of interventional treatment (i. e. unguided, radiological and surgical) showed no statistically significant difference in the outcome of the management. Conclusions. Post-transplantation pleural effusions and ascites requiring intervention are often without definite cause. They are more common with reduced grafts, but this cannot completely explain the occurrence or the protracted duration of accumulation in spite of combined interventional management. The outcome of treatment is not significantly influenced by the mode of intervention except in cases where surgical intervention is indicated. Patients could be managed effectively

  6. Intensity-modulated photon arc therapy for treatment of pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tobler, Matt; Watson, Gordon; Leavitt, Dennis


    Radiotherapy plays a key role in the definitive or adjuvant management of patients with mesothelioma of the pleural surface. Many patients are referred for radiation with intact lung following biopsy or subtotal pleurectomy. Delivery of efficacious doses of radiation to the pleural lining while avoiding lung parenchyma toxicity has been a difficult technical challenge. Using opposed photon fields produce doses in lung that result in moderate-to-severe pulmonary toxicity in 100% of patients treated. Combined photon-electron beam treatment, at total doses of 4250 cGy to the pleural surface, results in two-thirds of the lung volume receiving over 2100 cGy. We have developed a technique using intensity-modulated photon arc therapy (IMRT) that significantly improves the dose distribution to the pleural surface with concomitant decrease in dose to lung parenchyma compared to traditional techniques. IMRT treatment of the pleural lining consists of segments of photon arcs that can be intensity modulated with varying beam weights and multileaf positions to produce a more uniform distribution to the pleural surface, while at the same time reducing the overall dose to the lung itself. Computed tomography (CT) simulation is critical for precise identification of target volumes as well as critical normal structures (lung and heart). Rotational arc trajectories and individual leaf positions and weightings are then defined for each CT plane within the patient. This paper will describe the proposed rotational IMRT technique and, using simulated isodose distributions, show the improved potential for sparing of dose to the critical structures of the lung, heart, and spinal cord

  7. Can pleural adenosine deaminase (ADA) levels in pleural tuberculosis predict the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis? A CT analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koh, Myung Je; Lee, In Jae; Kim, Joo-Hee


    Aim: To assess the relationship between imaging features of pulmonary tuberculosis at computed tomography (CT) and adenosine deaminase (ADA) values via pleural fluid analysis in patients with pleural tuberculosis. Materials and methods: This retrospective study enrolled 60 patients who underwent fluid analysis for ADA and chest CT and were diagnosed with tuberculosis by culture or polymerase chain reaction of pleural fluid and sputum. The presence of centrilobular nodules, consolidation, cavitation, and mediastinal lymphadenopathy at CT were evaluated. The relationship between ADA values and the pattern of pulmonary involvement of tuberculosis was analysed. Results: Pulmonary involvement was seen in 42 of the 60 patients. A centrilobular nodular pattern was seen in 37 and consolidation in 22. In 17 patients, both findings were identified. A centrilobular nodular pattern was more common than consolidation or cavitary lesions. When ADA values were high, pulmonary involvement was more frequent (p=0.002). Comparing low and high ADA groups using an obtained cut-off value of 80 IU/l, the high group had more frequent pulmonary involvement (p<0.001). Conclusion: Patients with tuberculous pleurisy who had high ADA values had a higher probability of manifesting pulmonary tuberculosis. High ADA values may help predict contagious pleuroparenchymal tuberculosis. The most common pulmonary involvement of tuberculous pleurisy showed a centrilobular nodular pattern. - Highlights: • To know the relationship of ADA values and pulmonary involvement pattern of pleural tuberculosis. • To help exact diagnosis of pleuroparenchymal tuberculosis in clinical setting. • The imaging findings of pleuroparenchymal tuberculosis.

  8. Amyloidosis diagnosed in cytology specimen of pleural effusion: A case report. (United States)

    Manur, Rashmi; Lamzabi, Ihab


    Amyloidosis is a rare condition resulting from extracellular deposition of amyloid, a fibrillary material derived from various precursor proteins. Involvement of the pleura by amyloidosis is a rare but serious complication. Pleural amyloidosis is primarily diagnosed by identifying amyloid deposition by histology on pleural biopsy specimens. Hereby, we report a case of systemic amyloidosis where we were able to identify amyloid in a pleural effusion specimen sent for cytopathology evaluation. A 59-year-old male with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma and systemic amyloidosis underwent therapeutic thoracentesis. The H&E stained cell block sections revealed a single, less than one millimeter focus of waxy material surrounded by a rim of reactive mesothelial cells suspicious for amyloid deposit in a background of fibrin, lymphocytes, and reactive mesothelial cells. The focus stained salmon pink with Congo-red special stain and showed apple-green birefringence under polarized light. Our finding suggests that pleural involvement in patients with systemic amyloidosis can be identified on effusion specimens and avert the need for more invasive procedures like pleural or pulmonary parenchymal biopsies. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Malignant pleural mesothelioma in a nuclear engineer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huncharek, M.


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma accounts for a large proportion of deaths among occupational cohorts exposed to asbestos. Of particular interest are recent reports of a high risk of mesothelioma among occupational groups previously thought to be at low risk for developing this neoplasm. In the present report we present a case of pleural mesothelioma associated with bystander exposure to asbestos in a nuclear engineer. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the disease occurring in a member of this occupational group after work related exposure to asbestos. (author)

  10. Transudative vs exudative pleural effusions: differentiation using Gd-DTPA-enhanced MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frola, C.; Cantoni, S.; Turtulici, I.; Leoni, C.; Loria, F.; Gaeta, M.; Derchi, L.E.


    The aim of this study was to investigate the capability of Gd-DTPA-enhanced MRI to differentiate between exudative and transudative pleural effusions. An MRI examination was performed on 22 patients with different types of pleural effusion (10 transudative and 12 exudative effusions). T1-weighted SE images were obtained before and 20 min after administration of Gd-DTPA (0.1 mmol/kg). The degree of enhancement of pleural effusions was evaluated both by visual assessement and by quantitative analysis of images. None of 10 transudative effusions showed significative enhancement, whereas 10 of 12 exudative effusions showed enhancement (sensitivity 83 %, specificity 100 %, positive predictive value 100 %). The postcontrast signal intensity ratios (SIRs) of exudates were significantly higher than corresponding precontrast ratios (P = 0.0109) and the postcontrast SIRs of exudates were significantly higher than those of transudates (P = 0.0300). Exudative pleural effusions show a significant enhancement following administration of Gd-DTPA. We presume that this may be caused by increased pleural permeability and more rapid passage of a large amount of Gd-DTPA from the blood into the pleural fluid in case of exudative effusions. In our limited group of patients, signal enhancement proved the presence of an exudative effusion. Absence of signal enhancement suggests a transudate, but does not exclude an exudate. (orig.). With 5 figs., 2 tabs

  11. Pleural drainage and pleurodesis: implementation of guidelines in four hospitals.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burgers, J.A.; Kunst, P.W.; Koolen, M.G.; Willems, L.N.; Burgers, J.S.


    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the implementation of the 2003 Dutch guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of malignant pleural effusions, and the potential effect of the implementation on the clinical outcome of pleurodesis. All patients with malignant pleural effusion who had a

  12. Pleural drainage and pleurodesis: implementation of guidelines in four hospitals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burgers, J. A.; Kunst, P. W. A.; Koolen, M. G. J.; Willems, L. N. A.; Burgers, J. S.; van den Heuvel, M.


    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the implementation of the 2003 Dutch guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of malignant pleural effusions, and the potential effect of the implementation on the clinical outcome of pleurodesis. All patients with malignant pleural effusion who had a

  13. High pleural fluid adenosine deaminase levels: A valuable tool for ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    To determine the positive predictive value (PPV) of FADA, the frequent causes of FPs in our laboratory and the demographic characteristics of tuberculous pleural effusions (TPEs) and non-tuberculous pleural effusions (NTPEs). Methods. High FADA results generated in the past year were extracted with corresponding TB ...

  14. Pleurotomy with subxyphoid pleural drain affords similar effects to pleural integrity in pulmonary function after off-pump coronary artery bypass graft


    Guizilini, Solange; Bolzan, Douglas W; Faresin, Sonia M; Ferraz, Raquel F; Tavolaro, Kelly; Cancio, Andrea A; Gomes, Walter J


    Abstract Background Exacerbation of pulmonary dysfunction has been reported in patients receiving a pleural drain inserted through the intercostal space in comparison to patients with an intact pleura undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Evidence suggests that shifting the site of pleural drain insertion to the subxyphoid position minimizes chest wall trauma and preserves respiratory function in the early postoperative period. The aim of this study was to compare the pulmonary f...

  15. Clinical values of detection of multiple tumor markers in pleural fluid for diagnosis malignancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Chuangqing; Jiang Li; Zhou Guanghua; He Yunnan


    Objective: To improve the diagnostic accuracy for the differentiation of malignant from tuberculous pleural effusion with determination of multiple tumor markers in pleural fluid. Methods: With a multiple tumor markers combined protein chip diagnostic system, contents of twelve common tumor markers were detected in the chest fluid from 60 patients with malignant pleural effusion and 30 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion. Results: For pulmonary carcinoma related pleural effusion, the contents of four common tumor markers (CEA, NSE, SF, CA125) in chest fluid were significantly higher those in tuberculous related chest fluid. The diagnostic positive rate of combined test of these four marker for malignancy could be as high as 96.7%. Conclusion: Combined determination of chest fluid CEA, NSE, SF, CA125 contents was very sensitive and accurate for differentiation of malignant from tuberculous pleural effusion. (authors)

  16. Pregnancy with bilateral tubercular pleural effusion: challenges. (United States)

    Ahuja, Vanita; Gombar, Satinder; Kumar, Navneet; Goyal, Nitika; Gupta, Kanika


    Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) during pregnancy mimics some of the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. Diagnosis is challenging, especially when the patient presents with acute respiratory distress. The incidence of pleural effusion in TB is 3-25% and in the majority of patients, is unilateral. We describe the intensive care management of a 27-year-old pregnant woman admitted to our hospital with life threatening respiratory distress and circulatory shock. She continued to have severe metabolic and respiratory acidosis with shock in spite of the resuscitative measures undertaken. At that point, a bedside lung ultrasonography showed bilateral pleural effusion which was followed with therapeutic thoracocentesis of the right side. This resulted in the stabilization of the respiratory mechanics and haemodynamics of the patient. The pleural fluid culture tested positive for acid fast bacilli after 4 weeks in the intensive care unit. Anti-TB therapy was started and she made a rapid recovery with liberation from mechanical ventilation. The early use of bedside lung ultrasonography was instrumental in the successful management of this patient.

  17. El caso de derrame de mercurio en Choropampa y los daños a la salud en la población rural expuesta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Arana-Zegarra


    Full Text Available El año 2000, un derrame de mercurio metálico que se evaporó en el ambiente, afectó la salud de más de mil campesinos, quienes, ocho años después, siguen sufriendo las consecuencias en su salud. La minería moderna no garantiza adecuados mecanismos de manejo, control y mitigación del impacto ambiental y la autoridad pública no otorga el derecho a la salud de poblaciones de los entornos mineros las cuales, desde el punto de vista del derecho a la salud ambiental, debieran ser consideradas como sitios potencialmente peligrosos para la salud.

  18. Outcome of ultrasound-guided small-bore catheter drainage in exudative pleural effusions. (United States)

    Kiranantawat, Nantaka; Sungsiri, Jitpreedee; Geater, Sarayut L


    To evaluate the outcome and safety of ultrasound-guided percutaneous catheter drainage of exudative pleural effusion. The present study was a retrospective analysis of 412 pleural effusions from 373 patients that underwent ultrasound-guided small-bore catheter drainage in exudative pleural effusions between 2004 and 2009. The two most common causes for drainage were parapneumonic effusion or empyema (52.2%) and malignant effusion (30.3%), while the remains were trauma, iatrogenic, and others. Overall clinical success rate was 76.5%. The success rate was lower among malignant pleural effusion (p = 0.003). Causes of effusion were the only independent predictors related to success. Only five (1.2%) patients developed complication during the procedure. Seventy-five of 412 effusions (15.8%) developed complication during the period of drainage; the majority were drain blockage (9%) and accidental dislodgment (4.1%). Ultrasound-guided small-bore catheter drainage was a safe and efficient procedure for exudative pleural effusions.

  19. The accuracy of chest sonography in the diagnosis of small pleural effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kocijancic, I.


    Background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of chest sonography in the radiological diagnosis of small pleural effusions. Patients and methods. Patients referred for abdominal and/or chest sonographies for various reasons were examined for sonographic features of pleural effusion. From January 1997 till January 2000, 69 patients were included into the study. Fifty-two patients were found to have pleural effusion not exceeding 15 mm in depth, the rest of them served as controls. Subsequently erect posteroanterior and expiratory lateral decubitus projections were done in all patients. Results. Compared to radiological examination chest sonography had a positive predictive value of 92% in the diagnosis of small pleural effusions in our study population. The mean thickness of fluid was 9.2 mm on ultrasonography and 7.6 mm on expiratory lateral decubitus views (P<0.01). Conclusions. Chest sonography showed a high degree of accuracy for demonstrating small pleural effusions and could replace lateral decubitus chest radiographs adequately. (author)

  20. Transcatheter instillation of urokinase into loculated pleural effusion: analysis of treatment effect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Won Mo; Park, Chan Sup; Cho, Chul Ho; Suh, Chang Hae; Chung, Won Kyun


    To evaluate the indication for intracavitary Urokinase(UK) in the treatment of loculated pleural effusion. We analyzed CT and US in 31 patients who were treated with intracavitary UK in loculated pleural effusion. In each patient, a single chest catheter (10-12F) was insected under imaging guidance. When the amount of drainage was less than 100 ml/day, UK was instilled through the catheter until less than 50 ml/day was drained. On follow-up chest radiographs of more than 1 month, we classified the results of treatment into 3 groups: (1) completely effective (lung expansion, over 80%); (2) partially effective (20-80%); (3) ineffective (below 20%) group. Sonographic pattern of pleural fluid was classified into anechoic, linear septated, and honeycomb appearances and the thickness of parietal pleura was measured on CT. Sixteen patients were completely effective, nine were partially effective, and six were ineffective. All patients with completely or partially effective outcome had anechoic and linear septated appearance on US and had less than 4 mm of parietal pleural thickness on CT. Of six ineffective patients, US showed linear septated in one patient and honeycomb appearance in five patients and the thickness of parietal pleura on CT was 3 mm in one patient, 4 mm in two patients, 5 mm in one patient, and 6 mm in two patients. UK instillation through percutaneous catheter was an effective method in the treatment of loculated pleural effusion. However, we found near complete reaccumulation of pleural fluid when honeycomb appearance of pleural fluid on US or more than 5 mm parietal pleural thickness on CT was observed, which might suggest that we should consider the other kinds of treatment method in those patients

  1. Ultrasound-guided pigtail catheters for drainage of various pleural diseases. (United States)

    Liu, Yi-Heng; Lin, Yu-Chao; Liang, Shinn-Jye; Tu, Chih-Yen; Chen, Chia-Hung; Chen, Hung-Jen; Chen, Wei; Shih, Chuen-Ming; Hsu, Wu-Huei


    Little is known about the efficacy and safety of ultrasound-guided pigtail catheters for the management of various pleural diseases in the emergency department, ward, and intensive care unit. We conducted a retrospective study in a university hospital during a 1-year interval. A total of 276 patients (178 men and 98 women) underwent 332 pigtail catheters (the drain size ranged from 10F to 16F) under ultrasound guidance. The mean ± SEM patient age was 59 ± 18 years, and mean duration of drainage was 6.1 ± 2 days. A total of 64 drains (19.2%) were inserted for pneumothoraces; 98 drains (29.5%), for malignant effusions; 119 drains (35.8%), for parapneumonic effusions/empyemas; and 38 drains (11.4%), for massive transudate pleural effusions. The overall success rate was 72.9%. The success rate was highest when the drain was used to treat massive transudate effusions (81.6%) and malignant pleural effusions (75.5%), followed by parapneumonic effusions/empyemas (72.2%), hemothoraces (66.6%), and pneumothoraces (64.0%). Only 10 (3.0%) drains had complications due to the procedure, including infection (n = 4, 1.2%), dislodgment (n = 4, 1.2%), wound bleeding at the pigtail catheter puncture area complicated with hemothoraces (n = 1, 0.3%), and lung puncture (n = 1, 0.3%). There was no significant difference in success rate when different catheter sizes were used to treat pleural diseases. Ultrasound-guided pigtail catheters provide a safe and effective method of draining various pleural diseases. We strongly suggest that ultrasound-guided pigtail catheters be considered as the initial draining method for a variety of pleural diseases. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Pentoxifylline inhibits the fibrogenic activity of pleural effusions and transforming growth factor-β

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Entzian


    Full Text Available Physiopathology of organ fibrosis is far from being completely understood, and the efficacy of the available therapeutic strategies is disappointing. We chose pleural disease for further studies and addressed the questions of which cytokines are relevant in pleural fibrosis and which drugs might interrupt its development. We screened pleural effusions for mediators thought to interfere with fibrogenesis (transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β, tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα, soluble TNF-receptor p55 (sTNF-R and correlated the results with patient clinical outcome in terms of extent of pleural thickenings. We found pleural thickenings correlated with TGF-β (p<0.005 whereas no correlations could be observed with TNFα and sTNF-R. Further, we were interested in finding out how TGF-β effects on fibroblast growth could be modulated. We found that pentoxifylline is able to inhibit both fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis independently of the stimulus. We conclude that, judging from in vitro studies, pentoxifylline might offer a new approach in the therapy of pleural as well as pulmonary fibrosis.

  3. A case of Meigs' syndrome with preceding pericardial effusion in advance of pleural effusion. (United States)

    Okuda, Kenichi; Noguchi, Satoshi; Narumoto, Osamu; Ikemura, Masako; Yamauchi, Yasuhiro; Tanaka, Goh; Takai, Daiya; Fukayama, Masashi; Nagase, Takahide


    Meigs' syndrome is defined as the presence of a benign ovarian tumor with pleural effusion and ascites that resolve after removal of the tumor. The pathogenesis of the production of ascites and pleural effusion in this syndrome remains unknown. Aside from pleural effusion and ascites, pericardial effusion is rarely observed in Meigs' syndrome. Here, we report the first case of Meigs' syndrome with preceding pericardial effusion in advance of pleural effusion. An 84-year-old Japanese non-smoking woman with a history of lung cancer, treated by surgery, was admitted due to gradual worsening of dyspnea that had occurred over the previous month. She had asymptomatic and unchanging pericardial effusion and a pelvic mass, which had been detected 3 and 11 years previously, respectively. The patient was radiologically followed-up without the need for treatment. Two months before admission, the patient underwent a right upper lobectomy for localized lung adenocarcinoma and intraoperative pericardial fenestration confirmed that the pericardial effusion was not malignant. However, she began to experience dyspnea on exertion leading to admission. A chest, abdomen, and pelvis computed tomography scan confirmed the presence of right-sided pleural and pericardial effusion and ascites with a left ovarian mass. Repeated thoracentesis produced cultures that were negative for any microorganism and no malignant cells were detected in the pleural effusions. Pleural fluid accumulation persisted despite a tube thoracostomy for pleural effusion drainage. With a suspicion of Meigs' syndrome, the patient underwent surgical resection of the ovarian mass and histopathological examination of the resected mass showed ovarian fibroma. Pleural and pericardial effusion as well as ascites resolved after tumor resection, confirming a diagnosis of Meigs' syndrome. This clinical course suggests a strong association between pericardial effusion and ovarian fibroma, as well as pleural and peritoneal

  4. Pleurisy and Other Pleural Disorders (United States)

    ... scan also may show signs of pneumonia, a lung abscess, a tumor, or other possible causes of pleural disorders. Ultrasound This test uses sound waves to create pictures of your lungs. An ultrasound may show where fluid is located ...

  5. Plasma and pleural fluid pharmacokinetics of erlotinib and its active metabolite OSI-420 in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer with pleural effusion. (United States)

    Masago, Katsuhiro; Togashi, Yosuke; Fukudo, Masahide; Terada, Tomohiro; Irisa, Kaoru; Sakamori, Yuichi; Kim, Young Hak; Mio, Tadashi; Inui, Ken-Ichi; Mishima, Michiaki


    Erlotinib is orally active and selectively inhibits the tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor. The pleural space penetration and exposure of erlotinib is poorly understood. Thus, we investigated the pharmacokinetics (PK) of erlotinib and its active metabolite OSI-420 in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) of malignant pleural effusion (MPE). We analyzed the PK of erlotinib and OSI-420 on days 1 and 8 after beginning erlotinib therapy in 9 patients with MPE. Their concentrations were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. Blood samples were obtained five times per day: before administration, and 2, 4, 8, and 24 hours after administration. Pleural effusions were obtained once per day, 2 hours after administration on day 1, and before administration on day 8. The exceptions were cases 2 and 4, which had pleural effusions obtained just before drug administration, and 2, 4, 8, and 24 hours after administration. The mean percentage of penetration from plasma to pleural effusion for erlotinib was 18% on day 1 and 112% on day 8, while these values for OSI-420 were 9.5% on day 1 and 131% on day 8. The area under the drug concentration-time curve of pleural fluid for erlotinib was 28,406 ng-hr/mL for case 2 and 45,906 ng-hr/mL for case 4. There seems to be a significant accumulation of both erlotinib and OSI-420 in MPE with repeated dosing. Although larger studies will be necessary to determine the true impact of erlotinib MPE accumulation on plasma PK and safety, erlotinib can be administered safely to patients with MPE with respect to efficacy and side effects. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  6. Identification of 10 Candidate Biomarkers Distinguishing Tuberculous and Malignant Pleural Fluid by Proteomic Methods


    Lee, Chang Youl; Hong, Ji Young; Lee, Myung-Goo; Suh, In-Bum


    Purpose Pleural effusion, an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, usually occurs in patients when the rate of fluid formation exceeds the rate of fluid removal. The differential diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy and malignant pleural effusion is a difficult task in high tuberculous prevalence areas. The aim of the present study was to identify novel biomarkers for the diagnosis of pleural fluid using proteomics technology. Materials and Methods We used samples from five patients with t...

  7. Frequency of pleural effusion in acute bronchiolitis and its effect on prognosis

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    Yilmaz Ayse E


    Full Text Available Abstract Aim To analyze the frequency of pleural effusion and the effect on prognosis in children with acute bronchiolitis. Methods A total of 69 infants aged 1-24 months with acute bronchiolitis were studied between September 2009 and December 2010. All patients'age, sex, breastfeeding duration, exposure to smoking, history of using vitamin D, symptoms duration, physical examination and laboratory findings were recorded. Bronchiolitis score and predisposing factors that influence the disease process were determined. Thorax ultrasonography was carried out in all patients, who were evaluated on the 3rd and 7th day of the treatment. Results Mean age of patients (43 boys, 26 girls was 11.97 ± 0.69 months (median 11 months. Breastfeeding duration was 8.26 ± 0.56 months (median 8 months. According to bronchiolitis score, 52 patients (75.4% had mild and moderate bronchiolitis and 17 (24.6% had severe bronchiolitis; 34 patients (49.2% had pleural effusion. There was no relation between pleural effusion and symptoms. Frequency of pleural effusion was significantly higher in patients with risk factors. Conclusions This study demonstrated that most of the acute bronchiolitis cases in the infants studied were accompanied by pleural effusion. Pleural effusion in acute bronchiolitis had no effects on prognosis.

  8. Ultrasound estimation of volume of postoperative pleural effusion in cardiac surgery patients. (United States)

    Usta, Engin; Mustafi, Migdat; Ziemer, Gerhard


    The aim of this study was to establish a practical simplified formula to facilitate the management of a frequently occurring postoperative complication, pleural effusion. Chest ultrasonography with better sensitivity and reliability in the diagnosis of pleural effusions than chest X-ray can be repeated serially at the bedside without any radiation risk. One hundred and fifty patients after cardiac surgery with basal pleural opacity on chest X-ray have been included in our prospective observational study during a two-year period. Effusion was confirmed on postoperative day (POD) 5.9+/-3.2 per chest ultrasound sonography. Inclusion criteria for subsequent thoracentesis based on clinical grounds alone and were not protocol-driven. Major inclusion criteria were: dyspnea and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO(2)) levels or = 30 mm). One hundred and thirty-five patients (90%) were drained with a 14-G needle if according to the simplified formula: V (ml)=[16 x D (mm)] the volume of the pleural effusion was around 500 ml. The success rate of obtaining fluid was 100% without any complications. There is a high accuracy between the estimated and drained pleural effusion. Simple quantification of pleural effusion enables time and cost-effective decision-making for thoracentesis in postoperative patients.

  9. Glycosaminoglycan, computed tomography and gallium-67 scanning in malignant pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakano, Takashi; Fujii, Junji; Yamakawa, Kiyohiro; Tamura, Shinsuke; Amuro, Yoshiki; Nabeshima, Kenji; Hada, Toshikazu; Higashino, Kazuya; Horai, Takeshi.


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an unusual disease, often difficult to diagnose. This paper describes the results of quantitative studies on glycosaminoglycan (GAG) in tumor tissues and the findings of chest computed tomography (CT) and gallium-67 scanning in 5 malignant pleural mesotheliomas. The total amount of GAG in tumor tissue was 2.3 to 17.0 times as high as that in adenocarcinoma of the lung. The amount of hyaluronic acid was 3.5 to 170 times higher than that in adenocarcinoma. Also, the amount of chondroitin sulfate increased 2.6 to 10.0 times, but there were no changes in dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate contents in this neoplasm when compared with adenocarcinoma. The present study suggests that a marked increase of the total amount of GAG and elevation of either hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate content or both is a characteristic abnormality in this neoplasm. In most cases, CT scan of the chest showed pleural effusion, irregular pleural tumorous thickening surrounding the whole lung surface and extension into the fissure. In 3 cases, tumorous lesions extending into the chest wall at the site of pleural biopsy could be visualized on CT. In the terminal stage, the thoracic cavity was occupied by tumor tissues. Gallium-67 scanning showed a diffusely increased radionuclide accumulation over the involved hemithorax with or without particular intensity in the periphery. Conversely, identification of these characteristic findings of CT and gallium-67 scanning indicates the possibility of malignant pleural mesothelioma. (author)

  10. Malignant pleural mesothelioma: diagnostic value of medical thoracoscopy and long-term prognostic analysis. (United States)

    Xu, Li-Li; Yang, Yuan; Wang, Zhen; Wang, Xiao-Juan; Tong, Zhao-Hui; Shi, Huan-Zhong


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is marked by its difficult diagnosis and poor prognosis. Medical thoracoscopy (MT) is an effective and safe procedure for the diagnosis of exudative pleural effusions and many factors associated with poor prognosis of MPM. We conducted this study to investigate the value of MT for diagnosing of MPM and to identify prognostic factors for MPM patients. From July 2005 through June 2014, a total of 833 patients with undiagnosed pleural effusions underwent MT and pleural biopsies were taken. Clinical data of all patients with MPM were retrospectively analyzed, and those with complete follow-up data were analyzed for prognostic factors. Eventually, MPM was the final diagnosis in 40 patients. Diagnostic efficiency of MT for MPM was 87.5%, since diagnosis of MPM failed to be established in 5 patients during the initial MT. Median survival was 17.1 mo (95% confidence interval: 13.6-20.7 mo). MT findings of pleural adhesion and plaques were adverse prognostic factors for MPM. In addition, old age, male gender, smoking history, histological type, poor staging, no treatment, low total protein level in pleural fluid, and computed tomographic findings such as pulmonary consolidation or infiltration, mediastinal lymphopathy, pulmonary mass or nodules, and pleural nodularity were also poor prognostic factors for MPM. MT is safe with a high positive rate in the diagnosis of MPM, and pleural adhesion and plaques seen under MT may be the adverse prognostic factors for MPM. Multiple clinical characteristics can affect the survival of MPM patients.

  11. Enfermedad de Still del adulto


    Suárez Rodríguez, Bárbara Lorenzo; Díaz Padrón, Ernesto G; López Suárez, Regla


    Se presenta un paciente masculino de 17 años con antecedentes de salud, hospitalizado por odinofagia, fiebre superior a 39ºC, oligoartritis, linfoadenopatias, hepatoesplenomegalia, rash cutáneo que coincidía con la fiebre, leucocitosis con neutrofilia, eritrosedimentación acelerada, hipertransaminasemia y factor reumatoideo negativo. Durante el ingreso se constata artritis de carpo derecho, derrame pericárdico Se inició tratamiento con antinflamatorios no esteroideos, indometacina 150 mg diar...

  12. Síndrome de Claude Bernard-Horner associada ao empiema pleural Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome resulting from pleural empyema

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    Fernando Luiz Westphal


    Full Text Available A síndrome de Claude Bernard-Horner apresenta várias etiologias, ocorre por interrupção do estímulo nervoso em qualquer ponto do trajeto do nervo e pode ser intra ou extratorácica. É relatado um caso dessa síndrome causado por empiema pleural septado, localizado em região paravertebral, no terço superior do hemitórax direito. O paciente foi submetido à toracotomia para drenagem da cavidade pleural. A evolução foi satisfatória, com regressão do quadro infeccioso, expansão pulmonar e remissão da síndrome.Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome presents various etiologies and occurs as the direct result of interrupted nerve signaling at any point along the nerve trajectory, be it intrathoracic or extrathoracic. Herein, we report a case of Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome caused by loculated pleural empyema located in the paravertebral region of the upper third of the right hemithorax. The patient was submitted to thoracotomy in order to drain the infected fluids. The end result was satisfactory, including resolution of the infection, pulmonary expansion, and remission of the syndrome.

  13. Pleural Empyema due to Group D Salmonella

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    Jennifer C. Kam


    Full Text Available Non-typhi Salmonella normally presents as a bacteremia, enterocolitis, and endovascular infection but rarely manifests as pleuropulmonary disease. We present a case of a 66-year-old female with underlying pulmonary pathology, secondary to an extensive smoking history, who presented with a left-sided pleural effusion. The causative agent was identified as being group D Salmonella. Decortication of the lung was performed and the patient was discharged on antibiotics with resolution of her symptoms. This case helps to support the inclusion of Salmonella group D as a possible etiological agent of infection in the differential causes of exudative pleural effusions.

  14. Diagnostic accuracy of sonography for pleural effusion: systematic review

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    Alexandre Grimberg

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The initial method for evaluating the presence of pleural effusion was chest radiography. Isolated studies have shown that sonography has greater accuracy than radiography for this diagnosis; however, no systematic reviews on this matter are available in the literature. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of sonography in detecting pleural effusion, by means of a systematic review of the literature. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a systematic review with meta-analysis on accuracy studies. This study was conducted in the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and in the Brazilian Cochrane Center, Discipline of Emergency Medicine and Evidence-Based Medicine, Department of Medicine, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp, São Paulo, Brazil. METHOD: The following databases were searched: Cochrane Library, Medline, Web of Science, Embase and Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs. The references of relevant studies were also screened for additional citations of interest. Studies in which the accuracy of sonography for detecting pleural effusion was tested, with an acceptable reference standard (computed tomography or thoracic drainage, were included. RESULTS: Four studies were included. All of them showed that sonography had high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for detecting pleural effusions. The mean sensitivity was 93% (95% confidence interval, CI: 89% to 96%, and specificity was 96% (95% CI: 95% to 98%. CONCLUSIONS: In different populations and clinical settings, sonography showed consistently high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for detecting fluid in the pleural space.

  15. Rhodotorula mucilaginosa Fungemia and Pleural Tuberculosis in an Immunocompetent Patient: An Uncommon Association. (United States)

    Pereira, Cláudia; Ribeiro, Sofia; Lopes, Virgínia; Mendonça, Teresa


    We report an atypical case of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa fungemia coexisting with pleural tuberculosis, in an immunocompetent host. The patient was an inhaled drug abuser and worked in a fruit market. The diagnosis of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa infection was established by the isolation of the yeast in two blood cultures followed by a good response to amphotericin B treatment. Persistent evening fever and pleural effusion led to the second diagnosis-pleural tuberculosis. In the last 5 years, this was the only case of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa fungemia in our hospital and the first case in the literature that documents Rhodotorula mucilaginosa fungemia associated with pleural tuberculosis.

  16. The yield of different pleural fluid volumes for Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture. (United States)

    von Groote-Bidlingmaier, Florian; Koegelenberg, Coenraad Frederik; Bolliger, Chris T; Chung, Pui Khi; Rautenbach, Cornelia; Wasserman, Elizabeth; Bernasconi, Maurizio; Friedrich, Sven Olaf; Diacon, Andreas Henri


    We prospectively compared the culture yields of two pleural fluid volumes (5 and 100 ml) inoculated in liquid culture medium in 77 patients of whom 58 (75.3%) were diagnosed with pleural tuberculosis. The overall fluid culture yield was high (60.3% of cases with pleural tuberculosis). The larger volume had a faster time to positivity (329 vs 376 h, p=0.055) but its yield was not significantly higher (53.5% vs 50%; p=0.75). HIV-positive patients were more likely to have positive cultures (78.9% vs 51.5%; p=0.002).

  17. What happens to the pleural space affected by malignant effusion after bedside pleurodesis? (United States)

    de Araujo, Pedro H X N; Terra, Ricardo M; da Silva Santos, Thiago; Chate, Rodrigo C; de Paiva, Antonio F L; Pêgo-Fernandes, Paulo M


    Evaluate radiological characteristics of postpleurodesis pleural space of patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusion(RMPE). Prospective cohort study including patients with RPME treated with bedside pleurodesis. We used CT scans to calculate pleural cavity volume immediately before pleurodesis(iCT) and 30 days after(CT30). Radiological evolution was calculated by the difference between pleural volumes on CT30 and iCT(Δvolume). We categorized initial pleural volume as small(space(≥500 mL) and Δvolume as positive(>254.49 mL), unchanged(≥-268.77-≤ 254.49 mL), or negative(space(62.06%) and 33 large(37.93%). Clinical failure occurred in 7.4% of small space group and in 24.6% of large(P = 0.051, OR4.0(CI:1.098-14.570)). In small space group, 27.77% evolved with positive, 66.66% with unchanged and 5.55% with negative Δvolume. In the large space group these numbers were respectively 21.21%, 27.27%, and 51.51%. There is significant variability on pleural space volume. However, pleural volume remains unchanged in many cases. Besides that, more than half patients with initial large space coursed with relevant reduction. Finally, patients with initial small space presented a greater chance of clinical success. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Ecografia na patologia torácica

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    António Bugalho


    Full Text Available Resumo: Nos últimos anos a ecografia torácica tem vindo a ser reconhecida como um instrumento de extrema importância para os pneumologistas. Actualmente, os equipamentos são práticos, portáteis, de fácil utilização e fidedignos, o que os torna apropriados para utilização no diagnóstico e orientação de procedimentos terapêuticos.Na avaliação de derrame pleural e condução de toracentese são necessárias competências técnicas básicas em ultra-sonografia. Procedimentos mais complexos devem ser realizados perante treino específico e incluem a colocação de dreno torácico e identificação com eventual biopsia de lesões torácicas.Os autores procuram abordar, de um ponto de vista prático, a técnica e os recentes avanços alcançados neste campo. São apresentados alguns casos clínicos no sentido de ilustrar e guiar aqueles que desejam iniciar a realização de ecografia do tórax.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 589-606 Abstract: In the past few years transthoracic ultrasound has been recognized as an important tool for chest physicians. At present, ultrasound devices are practical, portable, easy to use and reliable, which makes them suited for diagnostic investigations as well as for therapeutic procedures guidance.Basic ultrasound technical expertise is required to assess pleural effusions and perform ultrasound-guided thoracentesis. More complex procedures can be done with specific training and include assistance to chest drain insertion and identification with potential biopsy of thoracic lesions.The authors aim to review, in a practical approach, the technique and recent developments in this field. Clinical cases are presented in order to illustrate and guide the beginner in chest ultrasound.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 589-606 Palavras-chave: Ecografia, ultra-sonografia, tórax, pleura, doenças pulmonares, derrame pleural, cancro do pulmão, Key-words: Ultrasound, sonography, chest, thorax, pleura, lung diseases

  19. Ecografia na patologia torácica

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    António Bugalho


    Full Text Available Resumo: Nos últimos anos a ecografia torácica tem vindo a ser reconhecida como um instrumento de extrema importância para os pneumologistas. Actualmente, os equipamentos são práticos, portáteis, de fácil utilização e fidedignos, o que os torna apropriados para utilização no diagnóstico e orientação de procedimentos terapêuticos.Na avaliação de derrame pleural e condução de toracentese são necessárias competências técnicas básicas em ultra-sonografia. Procedimentos mais complexos devem ser realizados perante treino específico e incluem a colocação de dreno torácico e identificação com eventual biopsia de lesões torácicas.Os autores procuram abordar, de um ponto de vista prático, a técnica e os recentes avanços alcançados neste campo. São apresentados alguns casos clínicos no sentido de ilustrar e guiar aqueles que desejam iniciar a realização de ecografia do tórax. Abstract: In the past few years transthoracic ultrasound has been recognized as an important tool for chest physicians. At present, ultrasound devices are practical, portable, easy to use and reliable, which makes them suited for diagnostic investigations as well as for therapeutic procedures guidance.Basic ultrasound technical expertise is required to assess pleural effusions and perform ultrasound-guided thoracentesis. More complex procedures can be done with specific training and include assistance to chest drain insertion and identification with potential biopsy of thoracic lesions.The authors aim to review, in a practical approach, the technique and recent developments in this field. Clinical cases are presented in order to illustrate and guide the beginner in chest ultrasound. Palavras-chave: Ecografia, ultra-sonografia, tórax, pleura, doenças pulmonares, derrame pleural, cancro do pulmão, Key-words: Ultrasound, sonography, chest, thorax, pleura, lung diseases, pleural effusion, lung cancer

  20. Edema pulmonar hidrostático: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução Hydrostatic pulmonary edema: high-resolution computed tomography aspects

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    Cláudia Maria Cunha Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A proposta deste estudo foi caracterizar por meio de tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax as principais alterações pulmonares do edema pulmonar hidrostático. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas, retrospectivamente, as tomografias de quinze pacientes com quadro clínico de edema pulmonar hidrostático, divididos em cinco principais grupos etiológicos: insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, valvulopatia mitral aguda, infarto agudo do miocárdio, miocardite e mediastinite fibrosante, tendo sido sete pacientes classificados no primeiro grupo e dois em cada um dos demais. RESULTADOS: Os principais achados do edema hidrostático foram opacidades em vidro fosco (100%, espessamento dos septos interlobulares (100%, derrame pleural (87% e espessamento do interstício peribroncovascular (80%. Outros achados menos comuns foram aumento do calibre dos vasos, consolidações e nódulos do espaço aéreo. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão predominante encontrado nos pacientes estudados foi o de opacidades em vidro fosco associadas a espessamento dos septos interlobulares (padrão de pavimentação em mosaico, com derrame pleural bilateral, predominante à direita.OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to use high-resolution computed tomography scans of the chest to characterize the principal alterations occurring in cases of hydrostatic pulmonary edema. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was made of the tomography scans of 15 patients presenting clinical profiles of hydrostatic pulmonary edema. The cases were divided into five groups by etiology: congestive heart failure (n = 7; acute mitral valve disease (n = 2; acute myocardial infarction (n = 2; myocarditis (n = 2; and fibrosing mediastinitis (n = 2. RESULTS: The principal findings in the cases of hydrostatic pulmonary edema were ground-glass opacities (in 100%, interlobular septal thickening (in 100%, pleural effusion (in 87% and peribronchovascular interstitial thickening (in 80%. Other, less common

  1. Unsuspected multiples myeloma presenting as bilateral pleural effusion – a cytological diagnosis

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    Dhingra Kajal


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Multiple Myeloma presenting as a pleural effusion is extremely rare. It is usually a late complication and is associated with a poor prognosis. Case Presentation A 40-year-old male presented with dyspnea and fever of six months duration. Clinical diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis was considered. X-ray chest showed bilateral pleural effusion. Pleural cytology revealed numerous plasma cells, some of which were binucleated and atypical. Cytological differential diagnosis included: Myelomatous effusion and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma deposit (Immunoblastic type. Bone marrow biopsy, serum protein electrophoresis and bone scan confirmed the diagnosis of multiple myeloma (Plasmablastic type. Conclusion Myelomatous pleural effusion as an initial presentation although extremely rare, should always be considered in presence of atypical plasma cells irrespective of age.

  2. Accumulation of sup(99m)Tc-MDP in pleural effusions and ascites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yokomizo, Yu; Ichiya, Yuichi; Kuwabara, Yasuo; Wada, Makoto; Shiozaki, Hiroshi


    In 1500 cases bone scintigraphy was performed. sup(99m)Tc-MDP accumulation were revealed on bone scintigraphy in pleural effusion in 5 cases and that in ascitic effusion in 2 cases. The sensitivity of sup(99m)Tc-MDP accumulation was 5.5% for pleural effusion and 10.0% for ascites. It was noticed that the sup(99m)Tc-MDP accumulation was often associated with retention of a large amount of pleural effusion. (Ueda, J.)

  3. Pulmonary toxicity following IMRT after extrapleural pneumonectomy for malignant pleural mesothelioma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, C.A.; Nottrup, T.J.; Berthelsen, A.K.


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The combination of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy has improved the prognosis for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) has allowed for an increase in dose to the pleural cavity and a reduction in radiation doses...

  4. Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma with Marked Lymphatic Involvement: A Report of Two Autopsy Cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reiko Ideguchi


    Full Text Available We herein report two cases of malignant pleural mesothelioma with marked lymphangiosis. The patients included a 68-year-old man and a 67-year-old man who both had a history of exposure to asbestos. Computed tomography (CT on admission showed pleural effusion with pleural thickening. In both cases, a histopathological examination of the pleura confirmed the diagnosis of epithelioid malignant mesothelioma. They received chemotherapy, but the treatment was only palliative. The chest CT assessments during admission revealed marked pleural effusion and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. CT also showed a consolidative mass with bronchovascular bundle and septal thickening in the lungs suggesting pulmonary parenchymal involvement and the lymphangitic spread of the tumor. These CT findings mimicked lung cancer with pleuritis and lymphangitic carcinomatosis. Autopsy was performed in both cases. Macroscopically, the tumor cells infiltrated the lung with the marked lymphatic spread of the tumor. Microscopy also revealed that the tumor had invaded the pulmonary parenchyma with the marked lymphatic spread of the tumor. Although this growth pattern is unusual, malignant pleural mesothelioma should be considered as the differential diagnosis, especially in patients with pleural lesions.

  5. Mortality Following Catheter Drainage Versus Thoracentesis in Cirrhotic Patients with Pleural Effusion. (United States)

    Hung, Tsung-Hsing; Tseng, Chih-Wei; Tsai, Chen-Chi; Hsieh, Yu-Hsi; Tseng, Kuo-Chih; Tsai, Chih-Chun


    Pleural effusion is an abnormal collection of body fluids that may cause related morbidity or mortality in cirrhotic patients. There are insufficient data to determine the optimal method of drainage, for symptomatic relief in cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion. In this study, we compare the mortality outcomes of catheter drainage versus thoracentesis in cirrhotic patients. The National Health Insurance Database, derived from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Program, was used to identify cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion requiring drainage between January 1, 2007, and December 31, 2010. In all, 2556 cirrhotic patients with pleural effusion were selected for the study and divided into the two groups (n = 1278/group) after propensity score matching. The mean age was 61.0 ± 14.3 years, and 68.9% (1761/2556) were men. The overall 30-day mortality was 21.0% (538/2556) and was higher in patients treated with catheter drainage than those treated with thoracentesis (23.5 vs. 18.6%, respectively, P pleural effusion requiring drainage, catheter drainage is associated with higher mortality compared to thoracentesis.

  6. Conservative use of chest-tube insertion in children with pleural effusion. (United States)

    Epaud, R; Aubertin, G; Larroquet, M; Pointe, H Ducou-le; Helardot, P; Clement, A; Fauroux, B


    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of a more conservative use of chest-tube insertion on the short-term and long-term outcome of pleural infection. Sixty-five patients with pleural infection, aged 1 month to 16 years were each treated according to one of the two protocols: classical management with chest-tube insertion (classical group, n = 33), or conservative use of chest-tube insertion (conservative group, n = 32), with drainage indicated only in the case of voluminous pleural effusion defined by a mediastinal shift and respiratory distress and/or an uncontrolled septic situation. The two groups were comparable with regard to age, baseline C-reactive protein (CRP) value and white blood cell counts, pleural thickness, identified bacteria, and antibiotic treatment. Chest-tube insertion was performed in 17 patients (52%) of the classical group compared to eight patients (25%) of the conservative group (P = 0.03). Duration of temperature above 39 degrees C was shorter in the conservative group (10 +/- 1 vs. 14 +/- 1 days, P = 0.01), as was the normalization of CRP (13 +/- 1 vs. 17 +/- 1 days, P = 0.03). Duration of hospitalization and intravenous (IV) antibiotherapy as well as the delay of chest-radiograph normalization was not significantly different between the two groups. A more conservative use of chest-tube insertion did not change short- and long-term outcome of the pleural infection in children. Drainage could be restricted to the most severely affected patients with pleural empyema causing a mediastinal shift and respiratory distress and/or presenting with an uncontrolled septic situation.

  7. The preliminary exploration of 64-slice volume computed tomography in the accurate measurement of pleural effusion. (United States)

    Guo, Zhi-Jun; Lin, Qiang; Liu, Hai-Tao; Lu, Jun-Ying; Zeng, Yan-Hong; Meng, Fan-Jie; Cao, Bin; Zi, Xue-Rong; Han, Shu-Ming; Zhang, Yu-Huan


    Using computed tomography (CT) to rapidly and accurately quantify pleural effusion volume benefits medical and scientific research. However, the precise volume of pleural effusions still involves many challenges and currently does not have a recognized accurate measuring. To explore the feasibility of using 64-slice CT volume-rendering technology to accurately measure pleural fluid volume and to then analyze the correlation between the volume of the free pleural effusion and the different diameters of the pleural effusion. The 64-slice CT volume-rendering technique was used to measure and analyze three parts. First, the fluid volume of a self-made thoracic model was measured and compared with the actual injected volume. Second, the pleural effusion volume was measured before and after pleural fluid drainage in 25 patients, and the volume reduction was compared with the actual volume of the liquid extract. Finally, the free pleural effusion volume was measured in 26 patients to analyze the correlation between it and the diameter of the effusion, which was then used to calculate the regression equation. After using the 64-slice CT volume-rendering technique to measure the fluid volume of the self-made thoracic model, the results were compared with the actual injection volume. No significant differences were found, P = 0.836. For the 25 patients with drained pleural effusions, the comparison of the reduction volume with the actual volume of the liquid extract revealed no significant differences, P = 0.989. The following linear regression equation was used to compare the pleural effusion volume (V) (measured by the CT volume-rendering technique) with the pleural effusion greatest depth (d): V = 158.16 × d - 116.01 (r = 0.91, P = 0.000). The following linear regression was used to compare the volume with the product of the pleural effusion diameters (l × h × d): V = 0.56 × (l × h × d) + 39.44 (r = 0.92, P = 0.000). The 64-slice CT volume-rendering technique can

  8. The preliminary exploration of 64-slice volume computed tomography in the accurate measurement of pleural effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, Zhi-Jun; Lin, Qiang; Liu, Hai-Tao


    Background: Using computed tomography (CT) to rapidly and accurately quantify pleural effusion volume benefits medical and scientific research. However, the precise volume of pleural effusions still involves many challenges and currently does not have a recognized accurate measuring. Purpose: To explore the feasibility of using 64-slice CT volume-rendering technology to accurately measure pleural fluid volume and to then analyze the correlation between the volume of the free pleural effusion and the different diameters of the pleural effusion. Material and Methods: The 64-slice CT volume-rendering technique was used to measure and analyze three parts. First, the fluid volume of a self-made thoracic model was measured and compared with the actual injected volume. Second, the pleural effusion volume was measured before and after pleural fluid drainage in 25 patients, and the volume reduction was compared with the actual volume of the liquid extract. Finally, the free pleural effusion volume was measured in 26 patients to analyze the correlation between it and the diameter of the effusion, which was then used to calculate the regression equation. Results: After using the 64-slice CT volume-rendering technique to measure the fluid volume of the self-made thoracic model, the results were compared with the actual injection volume. No significant differences were found, P = 0.836. For the 25 patients with drained pleural effusions, the comparison of the reduction volume with the actual volume of the liquid extract revealed no significant differences, P = 0.989. The following linear regression equation was used to compare the pleural effusion volume (V) (measured by the CT volume-rendering technique) with the pleural effusion greatest depth (d): V = 158.16 X d - 116.01 (r = 0.91, P = 0.000). The following linear regression was used to compare the volume with the product of the pleural effusion diameters (l X h X d): V = 0.56 X (l X h X d) + 39.44 (r = 0.92, P = 0

  9. The preliminary exploration of 64-slice volume computed tomography in the accurate measurement of pleural effusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guo, Zhi-Jun [Dept. of Radiology, North China Petroleum Bureau General Hospital, Renqiu, Hebei (China)], e-mail:; Lin, Qiang [Dept. of Oncology, North China Petroleum Bureau General Hospital, Renqiu, Hebei (China); Liu, Hai-Tao [Dept. of General Surgery, North China Petroleum Bureau General Hospital, Renqiu, Hebei (China)] [and others])


    Background: Using computed tomography (CT) to rapidly and accurately quantify pleural effusion volume benefits medical and scientific research. However, the precise volume of pleural effusions still involves many challenges and currently does not have a recognized accurate measuring. Purpose: To explore the feasibility of using 64-slice CT volume-rendering technology to accurately measure pleural fluid volume and to then analyze the correlation between the volume of the free pleural effusion and the different diameters of the pleural effusion. Material and Methods: The 64-slice CT volume-rendering technique was used to measure and analyze three parts. First, the fluid volume of a self-made thoracic model was measured and compared with the actual injected volume. Second, the pleural effusion volume was measured before and after pleural fluid drainage in 25 patients, and the volume reduction was compared with the actual volume of the liquid extract. Finally, the free pleural effusion volume was measured in 26 patients to analyze the correlation between it and the diameter of the effusion, which was then used to calculate the regression equation. Results: After using the 64-slice CT volume-rendering technique to measure the fluid volume of the self-made thoracic model, the results were compared with the actual injection volume. No significant differences were found, P = 0.836. For the 25 patients with drained pleural effusions, the comparison of the reduction volume with the actual volume of the liquid extract revealed no significant differences, P = 0.989. The following linear regression equation was used to compare the pleural effusion volume (V) (measured by the CT volume-rendering technique) with the pleural effusion greatest depth (d): V = 158.16 X d - 116.01 (r = 0.91, P = 0.000). The following linear regression was used to compare the volume with the product of the pleural effusion diameters (l X h X d): V = 0.56 X (l X h X d) + 39.44 (r = 0.92, P = 0

  10. The Pleural Mesothelium in Development and Disease

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    Hitesh eBatra


    Full Text Available The pleural mesothelium, derived from the embryonic mesoderm, is formed by a metabolically active monolayer of cells that blanket the chest wall and lungs on the parietal and visceral surfaces, respectively. The pleura and lungs are formed as a result of an intricate relationship between the mesoderm and the endoderm during development. Pleural Mesothelial Cells (PMCs are known to express Wilms tumor-1 (Wt1 gene and in lineage labeling studies of the developing embryo, PMCs were found to track into the lung parenchyma and undergo mesothelial-mesenchymal transition (MMT to form α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA-positive cells of the mesenchyme and vasculature. There is definite evidence that mesothelial cells can differentiate and this seems to play an important role in pleural and parenchymal pathologies. Mesothelial cells can differentiate into adipocytes, chondrocytes and osteoblasts; and have been shown to clonally generate fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells in murine models. This supports the possibility that they may also modulate lung injury-repair by re-activation of developmental programs in the adult reflecting an altered recapitulation of development, with implications for regenerative biology of the lung.

  11. Peritoneal Drainage Versus Pleural Drainage After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. (United States)

    Gowda, Keshava Murty Narayana; Zidan, Marwan; Walters, Henry L; Delius, Ralph E; Mastropietro, Christopher W


    We aimed to determine whether infants undergoing cardiac surgery would more efficiently attain negative fluid balance postoperatively with passive peritoneal drainage as compared to traditional pleural drainage. A prospective, randomized study including children undergoing repair of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) or atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) was completed between September 2011 and June 2013. Patients were randomized to intraoperative placement of peritoneal catheter or right pleural tube in addition to the requisite mediastinal tube. The primary outcome measure was fluid balance at 48 hours postoperatively. Variables were compared using t tests or Fisher exact tests as appropriate. A total of 24 patients were enrolled (14 TOF and 10 AVSD), with 12 patients in each study group. Mean fluid balance at 48 hours was not significantly different between study groups, -41 ± 53 mL/kg in patients with periteonal drainage and -9 ± 40 mL/kg in patients with pleural drainage (P = .10). At 72 hours however, postoperative fluid balance was significantly more negative with peritoneal drainage, -52.4 ± 71.6 versus +2.0 ± 50.6 (P = .04). On subset analysis, fluid balance at 48 hours in patients with AVSD was more negative with peritoneal drainage as compared to pleural, -82 ± 51 versus -1 ± 38 mL/kg, respectively (P = .02). Fluid balance at 48 hours in patients with TOF was not significantly different between study groups. Passive peritoneal drainage may more effectively facilitate negative fluid balance when compared to pleural drainage after pediatric cardiac surgery, although this benefit is not likely universal but rather dependent on the patient's underlying physiology. © The Author(s) 2014.

  12. Mechanisms controlling the volume of pleural fluid and extravascular lung water

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    G. Miserocchi


    Full Text Available Pleural and interstitial lung fluid volumes are strictly controlled and maintained at the minimum thanks to the ability of lymphatics to match the increase in filtration rate. In the pleural cavity, fluid accumulation is easily accommodated by retraction of lung and chest wall (high compliance of the pleural space; the increase of lymph flow per unit increase in pleural fluid volume is high due to the great extension of the parietal lymphatic. However, for the lung interstitium, the increase in lymph flow to match increased filtration does not need to be so great. In fact, increased filtration only causes a minor increase in extravascular water volume (<10% due to a marked increase in interstitial pulmonary pressure (low compliance of the extracellular matrix which, in turn, buffers further filtration. Accordingly, a less extended lymphatic network is needed. The efficiency of lymphatic control is achieved through a high lymphatic conductance in the pleural fluid and through a low interstitial compliance for the lung interstitium. Fluid volume in both compartments is so strictly controlled that it is difficult to detect initial deviations from the physiological state; thus, a great physiological advantage turns to be a disadvantage on a clinical basis as it prevents an early diagnosis of developing disease.

  13. Frequency of causative factors for pleural effusions: a hospital based study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ibrahim, M.T.; Saeed, M.K.; Umar, M.


    To determine the frequency of various causative factors of pleural effusion in adults. Combined Military Hospital, Attock and PAF hospital Faisal Karachi. One hundred and fifty patients of clinical signs of pleural effusion, were selected and then, further classified in to transudative and exudative variety by carrying out pleural fluid routine testing and using Light's criteria . Later the final etiological diagnosis was made with the help of appropriate laboratory tests. Out of total 150 patients who were studied, 123 patients were found to have exudative effusions whereas 27 cases had transudative effusion. A total of five 5 patients (3.33%) were lost to follow up. Three patients were out of exudative variety and 02 were from transudative variety. Out of 120 patient of exudative pleural effusion, 70(58.2%) had tuberculosis, 28(23.2%) had malignancy, 12(10%) had pneumonia, 5(6%) were uraemic, 2(1.6%) had pulmonary embolism, and rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic lupus erythematosis and liver abscess were causative factors in 1(0.8%) each patient. Out of transudative effusions, 14(56%) had congestive cardiac failure, 5(20%) had cirrhosis liver, 4(16%) had nephrotic syndrome and 1(4%) each had cardiac tamponade and myxoedema. The most common cause of pleural effusion remains tuberculosis. (author)

  14. Diagnostic value of medical thoracoscopy in malignant pleural effusion induced by non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. (United States)

    Wang, Zhen; Wu, Yan-Bing; Xu, Li-Li; Jin, Mu-Lan; Diao, Xiao-Li; Wang, Xiao-Juan; Tong, Zhao-Hui; Shi, Huan-Zhong


    Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) appears in up to 20% of patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). The present study aimed to assess the efficacy of medical thoracoscopy (MT) in the diagnosis of patients with MPE induced by NHL. Between July 2005 and June 2014, 833 patients with pleural effusions of unknown etiology underwent MT in Beijing Chaoyang Hospital (Beijing, China), where diagnostic thoracocentesis or/and blind pleural biopsy had failed to yield an answer. Demographic, radiographic, thoracoscopic, histological and immunophenotyping data of 10 NHL patients with MPE were then retrospectively analyzed. Under medical thoracoscopy, pleural nodules (in n=6 patients), hyperemia (n=5), plaque-like lesions (n=4), pleural thickening (n=3), cellulose (n=3), ulcer (n=2), adhesion (n=2), and scattered hemorrhagic spots (n=1) were observed on the surface of parietal pleura. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of pleural biopsy samples led to a correct diagnosis of B-cell NHL in 7 patients and T-lymphoblastic NHL in 2 patients. Data from the present study demonstrated that pleural biopsy through MT achieved a definite diagnosis of NHL in 9 out of 10 (90%) patients with MPE induced by NHL. Therefore, MT is a useful method for diagnosing MPE induced by NHL.

  15. Clinical value of FDG dual-head tomography with coincidence imaging in suspected malignant pleural effusion or atelectasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Huoqiang; Wu Jiyang; Pan Huizhong; Liu Jinjun; Shen Yi; Zhao Xianguo


    Objective: To determine the ability of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) dual-head tomography with coincidence (DHTC) imaging in detecting lung cancer in patients with suspected malignant pleural effusion or malignant atelectasis on CT scanning. On the other hand, used FDG DHTC to differentiate benign and malignant pleural effusions in patients with lung cancer. Methods: Over a 4-year period, 110 patients with abnormal findings on CT scanning for presence of pleural effusion (n=84) and/or pleural thickening or mediastinal lymph nodes enlargement, or presence of atelectasis (n-26). All patients were suspected malignant pleural effusion or atelectasis caused by lung cancer. But all of them could not found primary lesions in the lungs on CT scanning. FDG DHTC was underwent for all the patients. Imagings were visually analyzed by two experienced observers. They were considered positive if the FDG uptake was increased relative to that in the adjacent lung tissue, and the uptake appeared localized pattern. They were considered negative if the uptake was the same as or less than the adjacent lung tissue, and/or the uptake appeared diffused pattern. Results of FDG DHTC were correlated with pathologic diagnosis for lung cancer. In these patients with proven lung cancer and a suspected malignant pleural effusion, FDG DHTC revealed positive findings (malignant pleural effusion) if pleural activity was greater than background mediastinal activity; or FDG DHTC revealed negative findings (benign pleural effusion) if pleural activity was the same or less than background mediastinal activity. Results of FDG DHTC were compared to pleural cytology, histologic findings of pleural biopsy, or clinical follow-up for presence or absence of malignant pleural effusion. Results: 38 of 110 patients were proven with lung cancer. Among the 38 lung cancer patients, 30 of them had a pleural effusion and 8 of them had a atelectasis. 72 of 110 patients were proven with lung benign diseases (50 with

  16. Imatinib-induced pleural effusion: A case report

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    R Banka


    Full Text Available Imatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor and has rarely been reported to cause pleural effusion. We report the case of an 88-year-old male, known case of gastrointestinal stromal tumor on treatment with imatinib, who presented with a 2-week history of cough and dyspnea. He was diagnosed to have a right-sided pleural effusion and thoracentesis of the fluid revealed an exudate with low adenosine deaminase and negative cytology. Withdrawal of the drug lead to resolution of symptoms. We report this case to highlight the side effect profile of imatinib and warn physicians regarding this potential adverse effect which may be mistaken for metastasis or infection.

  17. Pleuresia inflamatoria en la infancia: Conducta quirúrgica

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    Arturo L. Delgado Delgado


    Full Text Available La neumonía complicada por pleuresía ha sido siempre un proceso que ha afectado la morbilidad y mortalidad en la edad pediátrica y en ocasiones necesita de algún proceder quirúrgico para su solución. La decisión inicial de si realizar solo una punción pleural o agregarle una pleurostomía mínima, puede ser controversial, por lo que se decidió realizar un estudio de todos aquellos niños que fueron ingresados en el Hospital Pediátrico Universitario de San Miguel del Padrón con neumonía complicada por pleuresía inflamatoria (pleuresía durante un proceso inflamatorio pulmonar, a los cuales hubo que realizarles algún proceder quirúrgico para la solución de su derrame, en el período de enero de 2000 a enero de 2001; se estudiaron los expedientes clínicos de 10 pacientes; se les conformaron tablas y figuras. El grupo de edad más afectado fue el de 1 a 5 años con un 40 %. El sexo no tuvo preponderancia y la localización más frecuente del proceso inflamatorio (90 % fueron el pulmón derecho, y entre estas la base derecha con un 40 %. Al 50 % de los pacientes se le realizó solamente una punción pleural y a la otra mitad se le añadió una pleurostomía, y tenía el 30 % en este último grupo más de 150 mL en la punción inicial; a 5 pacientes hubo que realizarles una pleurostomía mínima. Con estos resultados se consideró que en el momento de la punción pleural inicial el hallazgo macroscópico de aspecto fibrino purulento es indicativo de pleurostomía, así como este aspecto en el líquido de una segunda punción de ser necesario ésta y una celularidad mayor de 175 ´ 106, y una glucosa menor de 1 mmol/L en el microscópico del líquido de la primera, si se hace necesario realizar una segunda punción o los mismos resultados del líquido proveniente de esta segunda o cualquier otra punción.Pneumonia complicated due to pleurisy has always been a process affecting morbidity and mortality at the pediatric age and on

  18. Malária pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução - relato de caso

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    Rodrigues Rosana


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é relatado o caso de paciente do sexo masculino, de 38 anos de idade, que desenvolveu quadro de malária com comprometimento pulmonar. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução evidenciou espessamento de septos interlobulares e de bainhas peribroncovasculares, com áreas esparsas de atenuação em vidro fosco e de consolidações, além de derrame pleural bilateral, aspectos compatíveis com edema pulmonar. O paciente recebeu tratamento específico, evoluindo bem e tendo alta 11 dias após a internação.

  19. Nested-PCR using MPB64 fragment improves the diagnosis of pleural and meningeal tuberculosis Nested-PCR usando o fragmento MPB64 melhora o diagnóstico da tuberculose pleural e meníngea

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    Luiz C. Martins


    Full Text Available Fluids in which Mycobacterium tuberculosis are seldom found, such as pleural and cerebrospinal liquids, are good candidates to be studied using PCR techniques. We detail our experience with a PCR assay applied to pleural and cerebrospinal fluids using the primer MPB64. Seventy three specimens were analyzed: 30 pleural fluids (PF, 26 pleural biopsies (PB and 17 cerebrospinal fluids (CSF. The gold standard for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis was the positive culture for M. tuberculosis in CSF. Tuberculous pleural effusion was diagnosed when cultures of PF and/or PB were positive for M. tuberculosis, or the PB histology showed granulomas. Our results, compared to the gold standards employed, showed a sensitivity of 70%, specificity of 88%, positive predictive value of 82% and negative predictive value of 80%. The high specificity of the MPB64 fragment while still retaining a good sensitivity makes it very well suited for pleural and cerebrospinal tuberculosis diagnosis.O Mycobacterium tuberculosis é raramente encontrado em fluidos como o líquido pleural e o cérebroespinhal, tornando estas localizações de difícil diagnóstico. Apresentamos nossa experiência com uma técnica de PCR aplicada a líquido pleural e cerebroespinhal com o uso do primer MPB64. Sessenta e três espécimes foram analisados: 30 líquidos pleurais (PF, 26 biópsias pleurais (PB e 17 líquidos cerebroespinhais (CSF. O gold standard para o diagnóstico de meningite tuberculosa foi a cultura positiva para M. tuberculosis no CSF. Tuberculose pleural era diagnosticada quando culturas do PF e/ou PB eram positivas para M. tuberculosis, ou a histologia da PB mostrava granulomas. Nossos resultados, comparados aos gold standards empregados, mostram sensitividade de 70%, especificidade de 88%, valor preditivo positivo de 82% e valor preditivo negativo de 80%. A elevada especificidade e boa sensibilidade do fragmento MPB64 o transformam em um bom parâmetro para o diagn

  20. [Hemothorax caused by primary pleural chondrosarcoma: a case report and review of literatureYuan]. (United States)

    Yuan, Y Q; Zhu, L Y; Zeng, H H; Zhou, R; Chen, P


    Objective: To analyze the clinical features of one case of spontaneous hemothorax caused by primary pleural chondrosarcoma and therefore to improve the understanding of this disease. Methods: The clinical features of a case with primary pleural chondrosarcoma were analyzed retrospectively and the related literatures were reviewed.The literature review was carried out with "primary pleural, chondrosarcoma" in Chinese and English respectively, as the search terms in Wanfang Data, CNKI and PubMed database from January 1980 to October 2015. A total of 6 articales, 1 in Chinese and 5 in English, were reviewed. Results: A 29 year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital because of fever, chest tightness, shortness of breath for 20 days. CT scan of the chest showed a mass near the right posterior fourth rib and right pleural effusion.Routine examination of the pleural effusion confirmed the presence of hemothorax. Thoracotomy was performed and revealed hemothorax in the right thorax, and a mass near the pleural apex. The tumor was removed by surgery and pleural decortication was also performed. Pathology study confirmed the diagnosis of high-differentiated chondrosarcoma. The patient was followed and there was no recurrence until now. A total of 6 case reports were retrieved from Wanfang Data, CNKI and PubMed. Five cases had complete data, including 2 males and 3 females(age from 28 to70), and another (a 78-year old male) without adequate data. Conclusions: Primary pleural chondrosarcoma is a rare disease, and hemothorax as the first manifestation is even rare. It is easily to be misdiagnosed due to nonspecific clinical symptoms.The final diagnosis depends ultimately on pathological biopsy. Thoracotomy is the most effective method for treatment of primary pleural chondrosarcoma.

  1. Ability of procalcitonin to discriminate infection from non-infective inflammation using two pleural disease settings.

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    Fiona J McCann

    Full Text Available Procalcitonin has been shown to be useful in separating infection from non-infective disorders. However, infection is often paralleled by tissue inflammation. Most studies supporting the use of procalcitonin were confounded by more significant inflammation in the infection group. Few studies have examined the usefulness of procalcitonin when adjusted for inflammation.Pleural inflammation underlies the development of most exudative effusions including pleural infection and malignancy. Pleurodesis, often used to treat effusions, involves provocation of intense aseptic pleural inflammation. We conducted a two-part proof-of-concept study to test the specificity of procalcitonin in differentiating infection using cohorts of patients with pleural effusions of infective and non-infective etiologies, as well as subjects undergoing pleurodesis.We measured the blood procalcitonin level (i in 248 patients with pleural infection or with non-infective pleural inflammation, matched for severity of systemic inflammation by C-reactive protein (CRP, age and gender; and (ii in patients before and 24-48 hours after induction of non-infective pleural inflammation (from talc pleurodesis.1 Procalcitonin was significantly higher in patients with pleural infection compared with controls with non-infective effusions (n = 32 each group that were case-matched for systemic inflammation as measured by CRP [median (25-75%IQR: 0.58 (0.35-1.50 vs 0.34 (0.31-0.42 µg/L respectively, p = 0.003]. 2 Talc pleurodesis provoked intense systemic inflammation, and raised serum CRP by 360% over baseline. However procalcitonin remained relatively unaffected (21% rise. 3 Procalcitonin and CRP levels did not correlate. In 214 patients with pleural infection, procalcitonin levels did not predict the survival or need for surgical intervention.Using a pleural model, this proof-of-principle study confirmed that procalcitonin is a biomarker specific for infection and is not affected by non

  2. A case of pleural effusion during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis diagnosed by peritoneopleural scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hubalewska-Hola, A.; Szybinski, Z.; Szumilak, D.; Kopec, J.; Sulowicz, W.


    The occurrence of pleural effusion in patients with end stage renal failure treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is a well known although quite rare complication. Intraperitoneal installation of dialysate increases intra-abdominal pressure and predisposes to pleural leak (usually right-sided) through the congenital, anatomic defects of the diaphragm. The presence of a small amount of pleural fluid may be difficult to diagnose (pleural aspiration and measure of the fluid glucose level is technically impossible). We present a case that was investigated by peritoneopleural scintigraphy to identify the leak of dialysate into the thoracic cavity. The serial dynamic images were done after the injection of Tc99m/Sn/Colloid (185 MBq) by a Tenckhoff catheter. The study demonstrated migration of the radioisotope to the right pleural space. The activity further increased with time demonstrating a transdiaphragmatic leakage. Nuclear imaging is a useful, simple, noninvasive method in detecting the transit of peritoneal fluid from the abdomen to the pleural space and it should be used more often as a diagnostic procedure. (author)

  3. Can pleural adenosine deaminase (ADA) levels in pleural tuberculosis predict the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis? A CT analysis. (United States)

    Koh, Myung Je; Lee, In Jae; Kim, Joo-Hee


    To assess the relationship between imaging features of pulmonary tuberculosis at computed tomography (CT) and adenosine deaminase (ADA) values via pleural fluid analysis in patients with pleural tuberculosis. This retrospective study enrolled 60 patients who underwent fluid analysis for ADA and chest CT and were diagnosed with tuberculosis by culture or polymerase chain reaction of pleural fluid and sputum. The presence of centrilobular nodules, consolidation, cavitation, and mediastinal lymphadenopathy at CT were evaluated. The relationship between ADA values and the pattern of pulmonary involvement of tuberculosis was analysed. Pulmonary involvement was seen in 42 of the 60 patients. A centrilobular nodular pattern was seen in 37 and consolidation in 22. In 17 patients, both findings were identified. A centrilobular nodular pattern was more common than consolidation or cavitary lesions. When ADA values were high, pulmonary involvement was more frequent (p=0.002). Comparing low and high ADA groups using an obtained cut-off value of 80 IU/l, the high group had more frequent pulmonary involvement (pADA values had a higher probability of manifesting pulmonary tuberculosis. High ADA values may help predict contagious pleuroparenchymal tuberculosis. The most common pulmonary involvement of tuberculous pleurisy showed a centrilobular nodular pattern. Copyright © 2016 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Spontaneous esophageal-pleural fistula


    Vyas, Sameer; Prakash, Mahesh; Kaman, Lileshwar; Bhardwaj, Nidhi; Khandelwal, Niranjan


    Spontaneous esophageal-pleural fistula (EPF) is a rare entity. We describe a case in a middle-aged female who presented with severe retrosternal chest pain and shortness of breadth. Chest computed tomography showed right EPF and hydropneumothorax. She was managed conservatively keeping the chest tube drainage and performing feeding jejunostomy. A brief review of the imaging finding and management of EPF is discussed.

  5. Spontaneous esophageal-pleural fistula. (United States)

    Vyas, Sameer; Prakash, Mahesh; Kaman, Lileshwar; Bhardwaj, Nidhi; Khandelwal, Niranjan


    Spontaneous esophageal-pleural fistula (EPF) is a rare entity. We describe a case in a middle-aged female who presented with severe retrosternal chest pain and shortness of breadth. Chest computed tomography showed right EPF and hydropneumothorax. She was managed conservatively keeping the chest tube drainage and performing feeding jejunostomy. A brief review of the imaging finding and management of EPF is discussed.

  6. Value of ultrasound in the determination of drainage methods in patients with tuberculous pleural effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Eun Young; Suh, Bo Kyoung; Shim, Jae Jeong


    To evaluate the utility of ultrasonography (US) as a guide in deciding drainage methods and as a prognostic factor in the prediction of pleural fibrosis, and to compare the effects of drainage methods in patients with tuberculous pleural effusions. In 51 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion, US patterns of pleural effusion were classified according to degree of septa into three groups, as follows : anechoic (n=5), linear septa (n=15), and honeycomb septa (n=31). US-guided drainage methods, including thoracentesis (n=17), percutaneous catheter insertion (n=12), catheter insertion with urokinase instillation (n=22) were employed. Therapeutic effects were evaluated with follow-up chest radiographs after 3 and 6 months. Three months after the procedure, 43 of 51 effusions had drained effectively. US guided drainage failed in eight patients including two of six with linear septated effusion treated with thoracentesis, four of seven with honeycomb septated effusion treated with thoracentesis, and two of six with honeycomb septated effusion treated with catheter drainage. There was no drainage failure in patients with anechoic effusions and in patients with urokinase instillation. Late effects were assessed in 39 patients after 6 months. Follow-up radiographs available in 39 patients demonstrated pleural fibrosis with intercostal space narrowing in 7 patients with honeycomb septated effusion, 3 patients with linear septated effusion, and none of the patients with anechoic effusions. The pattern of septa seen on US could be a useful factor for determining drainage methods and predicting late results in tuberculous pleural effusion. Percutaneous catheter drainage with urokinase instillation was a good drainage modality for patients with septated pleural effusions. Pleural fibrosis is more frequently induced by septated pleural effusion than by anechoic pleural effusion

  7. Value of ultrasound in the determination of drainage methods in patients with tuberculous pleural effusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Eun Young; Suh, Bo Kyoung; Shim, Jae Jeong [Korea Univ. College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the utility of ultrasonography (US) as a guide in deciding drainage methods and as a prognostic factor in the prediction of pleural fibrosis, and to compare the effects of drainage methods in patients with tuberculous pleural effusions. In 51 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion, US patterns of pleural effusion were classified according to degree of septa into three groups, as follows : anechoic (n=5), linear septa (n=15), and honeycomb septa (n=31). US-guided drainage methods, including thoracentesis (n=17), percutaneous catheter insertion (n=12), catheter insertion with urokinase instillation (n=22) were employed. Therapeutic effects were evaluated with follow-up chest radiographs after 3 and 6 months. Three months after the procedure, 43 of 51 effusions had drained effectively. US guided drainage failed in eight patients including two of six with linear septated effusion treated with thoracentesis, four of seven with honeycomb septated effusion treated with thoracentesis, and two of six with honeycomb septated effusion treated with catheter drainage. There was no drainage failure in patients with anechoic effusions and in patients with urokinase instillation. Late effects were assessed in 39 patients after 6 months. Follow-up radiographs available in 39 patients demonstrated pleural fibrosis with intercostal space narrowing in 7 patients with honeycomb septated effusion, 3 patients with linear septated effusion, and none of the patients with anechoic effusions. The pattern of septa seen on US could be a useful factor for determining drainage methods and predicting late results in tuberculous pleural effusion. Percutaneous catheter drainage with urokinase instillation was a good drainage modality for patients with septated pleural effusions. Pleural fibrosis is more frequently induced by septated pleural effusion than by anechoic pleural effusion.

  8. C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A levels in discriminating malignant from non-malignant pleural effusion

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    Hala Mohamed Shalaby Samaha


    Conclusion: Measurement of SAA and CRP levels in pleural fluid has good diagnostic utility in differentiation between malignant and non-malignant pleural effusion and pleural SAA has a better diagnostic performance than CRP.

  9. Successful pleurodesis with OK-432 (picibanil in preterm infants with persistent pleural effusion

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    Jeong Eun Kim


    Full Text Available OK-432 (picibanil is an inactivated preparation of &lt;em&gt;Streptococcus pyogenes&lt;/em&gt; that causes pleurodesis by inducing a strong inflammatory response. Intrapleural instillation of OK-432 has recently been used to successfully treat neonatal and fetal chylothorax. Here we report a trial of intrapleural instillation of OK-432 in two preterm infants who were born with hydrops fetalis and massive bilateral pleural effusion. Both cases showed persistent pleural effusion, refractory to conservative treatment, up to postnatal days 26 and 46, respectively. An average of 80 to 140 mL of pleural fluid was drained daily. In case 1, the infant was treated with OK-432 during the fetal period at gestation 28 weeks and 4 days of gestation, but showed recurrence of pleural effusion and progressed into hydrops. Within two to three days after OK-432 injection, the amount of pleural fluid drainage was dramatically decreased and there was no reaccumulation. We did not observe any side effects related to OK-432 injection. We suggest that OK-432 should be considered as a therapeutic option in infants who have persistent pleural effusion for more than four weeks, with the expectation of the early removal of the chest tube and a good outcome.

  10. Role of MCP-1 in pleural effusion development in a carrageenan-induced murine model of pleurisy. (United States)

    Lansley, Sally M; Cheah, Hui Min; Lee, Y C Gary


    Exudative pleural effusions affect over 1500 patients per million population each year. The pathobiology of pleural exudate formation remains unclear. Our recent study revealed monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) as a key driver of fibrinolytic-induced exudate effusion while another study found a role for MCP-1 in malignant effusion formation. In the present study, we further evaluated the role of MCP-1 in the development of pleural effusion in a mouse model of acute pleural inflammation. λ-Carrageenan (CAR) was injected into the pleural cavity of CD1 mice and pleural effusion volume measured up to 16 h post-injection. Pleural effusion and serum protein and MCP-1 concentrations were measured and differential cell counts performed in fluids. Mice were also treated with either intraperitoneal (i) anti-MCP-1 antibody or isotype control or (ii) an MCP-1 receptor (CCR2) antagonist or vehicle control 12 h prior to and at the time of CAR injection. Intrapleural CAR induced significant pleural fluid accumulation (300.0 ± 49.9 μL) in mice after 4 h. Pleural fluid MCP-1 concentrations were significantly higher than corresponding serum MCP-1 (144 603 ± 23 204 pg/mL vs 3703 ± 801 pg/mL, P pleural fluid formation was seen both with anti-MCP-1 antibody (median (interquartile range, IQR): 36 (0-168) μL vs controls 290 (70-436) μL; P = 0.02) or CCR2 antagonist (153 (30-222) μL vs controls 240 (151-331) μL, P = 0.0049). Blockade of MCP-1 activity significantly reduced inflammatory pleural effusion formation in a CAR model. Together with recent successes in MCP-1 blockade in other effusion formation models, our data strongly support clinical evaluation of MCP-1 antagonists as a novel approach to pleural fluid management. © 2016 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

  11. An unusual association of pleural effusion with acute viral hepatitis A infection

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    Dhakal AK


    Full Text Available Ajaya Kumar Dhakal, Arati Shakya, Devendra Shrestha, Subhash Chandra Shah, Henish Shakya Department of Pediatrics, KIST Medical College Teaching Hospital, Imadol, Lalitpur, Nepal Abstract: Hepatitis A virus infection is a common public health problem in developing countries primarily due to poor hygiene and sanitation. The clinical features of hepatitis A virus are mostly related to the derangement of liver function with occasional extrahepatic complications. Herein, a 2.5-year-old girl presented with abdominal pain and decreased appetite for 4 days, high-colored urine for 3 days, and yellowish discoloration of the eyes for 2 days. On presentation, there was icterus along with hepatomegaly and diminished breath sounds on the right side were noted 1 day after admission. Chest X-ray revealed right sided pleural effusion; however, ultrasonography of chest and abdomen displayed bilateral pleural effusion (right more than left and minimal ascites with thickened gall bladder wall. Immunoglobulin M anti-hepatitis-A virus serology was positive. The pleural effusion in this child resolved spontaneously in 10 days. We report this case to highlight that hepatitis A infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pleural effusion in a patient with features of acute hepatitis. However, other common causes of pleural effusion such as tuberculosis and parapneumonic effusions that may coexist with hepatitis, especially in developing world, need to be excluded. Keywords: hepatitis A, pleural effusion, viral hepatitis

  12. Evaluating pleural ADA, ADA2, IFN-γ and IGRA for diagnosing tuberculous pleurisy. (United States)

    Keng, Li-Ta; Shu, Chin-Chung; Chen, Jason Yao-Ping; Liang, Sheng-Kai; Lin, Ching-Kai; Chang, Lih-Yu; Chang, Chia-Hao; Wang, Jann-Yuan; Yu, Chong-Jen; Lee, Li-Na


    Conventional methods for diagnosing tuberculous pleurisy (TB pleurisy) are either invasive or have a long turn-around-time. Performances of pleural adenosine deaminase (ADA), ADA2, interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), and interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA) as diagnostic tools for TB pleurisy were evaluated. Eighty-eight patients with lymphocyte-predominant pleural exudates between June 2010 and March 2011, including 31 with clinically diagnosed TB pleurisy, were prospectively studied. Pleural ADA and ADA2 activity were measured by colorimetric method, IFN-γ levels by enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay, and IGRA by enzyme-linked immuno-spot (T-SPOT.TB) assay. Pleural ADA, ADA2, and IFN-γ levels, but not the proportion of positive T-SPOT.TB assay, were significantly higher in patients with TB pleurisy than in those without TB pleurisy. The area under the receiver-operating-characteristic (ROC) curve was 0.920, 0.893, 0.875, and 0.544 for IFN-γ, ADA2, ADA, and T-SPOT.TB assay, respectively. The combination of ADA ≥ 40 IU/L and IFN-γ ≥ 75 pg/mL yielded a specificity of 100%. Pleural ADA, ADA2 and IFN-γ, but not T-SPOT.TB assay, are all sensitive and specific for TB pleurisy. In patients with lymphocyte-predominant pleural exudates, ADA ≥ 40 IU/L and IFN-γ ≥ 75 pg/mL in pleural effusion imply a very high probability of TB pleurisy. Copyright © 2013 The British Infection Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Ventana torácica en el tratamiento del empiema pleural crónico en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, 1990-1998

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    Rosalba Lupe Maekawa Ykehara


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir los resultados de la ventana torácica en el manejo del empiema pleural. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. Se incluyeron pacientes sometidos a ventana torácica (toracostomía entre 1990-1998, en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Se estudió el tratamiento quirúrgico (técnica, hallazgos y complicaciones, morbilidad y mortalidad. De los 59 casos estudiados 39 (66.1% fueron varones y 20 (33.9% mujeres. La edad promedio fue 30.9 ± 14 años. Resultados: Según la etiología, 55.93% tuvieron empiema pleural tuberculoso, 28.81% empiema post cirugía pulmonar, 11.86% empiema post neumónico y 3.39% empiema por traumatismo. El 95% de los casos fueron previamente drenados con tubo de toracostomía. El patrón radiológico predominante fue el hidroneumotórax (58%. El 64.4% fueron intervenidos bajo anestesia regional. El tiempo promedio operatorio fue de 57.3 ± 28 minutos. Los arcos costales resecados con más frecuencia fueron el 6°-7° (25%. El tiempo promedio de hospitalización fue 38.6 ± 26.9 días, el tiempo promedio postoperatorio fue 8.5 ± 8.3 días. De los pacientes que tuvieron un seguimiento mayor a 3 meses (33 pacientes, se pudo confirmar el cierre de la ventana torácica en 13 casos y reexpansión pulmonar en 21 casos. Conclusiones: La indicación principal fue la falta de respuesta al tubo de toracostomía de drenaje (40%. La etiología principal es el empiema pleural tuberculoso. Es un procedimiento ideal para pacientes severamente comprometidos e inmunosuprimidos. Las complicaciones postoperatorias fueron 11.86%. El porcentaje de reoperaciones fue de 3.4%. No se encontró mortalidad asociada al procedimiento. (Rev Med Hered 2002; 13: 90-98.

  14. Proteomic profiling of human pleural effusion using two-dimensional nano liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Tyan, Yu-Chang; Wu, Hsin-Yi; Lai, Wu-Wei; Su, Wu-Chou; Liao, Pao-Chi


    Pleural effusion, an accumulation of pleural fluid, contains proteins originated from plasma filtrate and, especially when tissues are damaged, parenchyma interstitial spaces of lungs and/or other organs. This study details protein profiles in human pleural effusion from 43 lung adenocarcinoma patients by a two-dimensional nano-high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (2D nano-HPLC-ESI-MS/MS) system. The experimental results revealed the identification of 1415 unique proteins from human pleural effusion. Among these 124 proteins identified with higher confidence levels, some proteins have not been reported in plasma and may represent proteins specifically present in pleural effusion. These proteins are valuable for mass identification of differentially expressed proteins involved in proteomics database and screening biomarker to further study in human lung adenocarcinoma. The significance of the use of proteomics analysis of human pleural fluid for the search of new lung cancer marker proteins, and for their simultaneous display and analysis in patients suffering from lung disorders has been examined.

  15. Distribution and mixing of a liquid bolus in pleural space. (United States)

    Bodega, Francesca; Tresoldi, Claudio; Porta, Cristina; Zocchi, Luciano; Agostoni, Emilio


    Distribution and mixing time of boluses with labeled albumin in pleural space of anesthetized, supine rabbits were determined by sampling pleural liquid at different times in various intercostal spaces (ics), and in cranial and caudal mediastinum. During sampling, lung and chest wall were kept apposed by lung inflation. This was not necessary in costo-phrenic sinus. Here, 10 min after injection, lung inflation increased concentration of labeled albumin by 50%. Lung inflation probably displaces some pleural liquid cranio-caudally, increasing labeled albumin concentration caudally to injection point (6th ics), and decreasing it cranially. Boluses of 0.1-1 ml did not preferentially reach mediastinal regions, as maintained by others. Time for an approximate mixing was approximately 1 h for 0.1 ml, and approximately 30 min for 1 ml. This relatively long mixing time does not substantially affect determination of contribution of lymphatic drainage through stomata to overall removal of labeled albumin from 0.3 ml hydrothoraces lasting 3 h [Bodega, F., Agostoni, E., 2004. Contribution of lymphatic drainage through stomata to albumin removal from pleural space. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 142, 251-263].

  16. Value of Detection of CAIX in the Pleural Effusion and Its Sediment in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

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    Lina PENG


    Full Text Available Background and objective Carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX is widely expressed in a variety of malignant tumors, including-lung cancer. Our previous study has shown that the serum level of soluble form of carbonic anhydrase IX (s-CAIX was significantly higher in patients with lung cancer than that in the healthy group. The aim of this study is to detect the s-CAIX level in the pleural effusion and its sediment, and to evaluate the significance of CAIX detection in the diagnosis of lung cancer. Methods The s-CAIX level in pleural effusion of 29 lung cancer patients and 27 patients with tuberculosis was detected by ELISA. The expression of CAIX in the pleural effusion sediment of 21 lung cancer patients with malignant pleural effusion and 6 patients with benign pleural effusion was examined by immunohistochemistry. With pathological diagnosis as the gold standard, receiver operating characteristic (ROC curve of pleural effusion s-CAIX was established for the diagnosis of lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion. Results The s-CAIX level in the malignant pleural effusion was significantly higher than that in the tuberculosis group (P<0.05. The AUC of pleural effusion s-CAIX level was 0.761. At a threshold level of 109.135 pg/mL, sensitivity and specificity were 92.3% and 58.3%, respectively. The CAIX expression in all samples of the benign pleural effusion sediment was negative. The positive rate of CAIX expression in malignant pleural effusion sediment was 66.67%. Conclusion Detection of CAIX in the pleural effusion and its sediment exhibits high sensitivity and specificity, and is helpful in diagnosis of lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion.

  17. Asbestos-related diffuse pleural thickening. (United States)

    Fujimoto, Nobukazu; Kato, Katsuya; Usami, Ikuji; Sakai, Fumikazu; Tokuyama, Takeshi; Hayashi, Seiji; Miyamoto, Kenji; Kishimoto, Takumi


    The clinical features of asbestos-related diffuse pleural thickening (DPT) remain unclear. To clarify the association between radiological findings of DPT and respiratory function. Medical data from patients with asbestos-related DPT were collected, including their history of occupational or neighborhood asbestos exposure, initial symptoms, modified Medical Research Council dyspnea grade, smoking history, radiological findings, and respiratory function test results. There were 106 DPT patients between 2005 and 2010 [i.e. 103 men (97.2%) and 3 women (2.8%)]. The median age at diagnosis was 69 years (range 46-88). Patient occupations related to asbestos exposure included: asbestos product manufacturing (n = 17); the shipbuilding industry (n = 14); the construction industry (n = 13); heat insulation work (n = 12); plumbing, asbestos spraying, and electrical work (n = 7 each), and transportation and demolition work (n = 4 each). The median duration of asbestos exposure was 25 years (range 2-54), and the median latency period before the onset of DPT was 46 years (range 25-66). Involvement of the costophrenic angle (CPA) was also negatively correlated with the percent vital capacity (%VC; r = -0.448, p < 0.01). Pleural thickness and the craniocaudal and horizontal extension of pleural thickening, as determined by chest computed tomography (CT), were also negatively correlated with %VC (r = -0.226, p < 0.05; r = -0.409, p < 0.01, and r = -0.408, p < 0.01, respectively). DPT develops after a long latency period following occupational asbestos exposure and causes marked respiratory dysfunction. The extension of DPT should be evaluated by chest CT, and chest X-ray would be important for the evaluation of the involvement of the CPA.

  18. MR imaging of pleural and peritoneal effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiono, Takahiro; Yoshikawa, Kohki; Takenaka, Eiichi; Hisamatsu, Katsuji


    The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of MR imaging in predicting the quality of ascites and pleural effusion. MR examinations of 20 patients with different benign or malignant diseases accompanied with ascites or pleural effusion were retrospectively studied. Results were compared with histopathological findings. On T 1 - and T 2 -weighted images, the MR intensity of the effusion depended mainly on the concentration of protein, whereas on gradient echo images, it depended mainly on the concentration of blood. MR examination was useful in non-invasively differentiating exudative or hemorrhagic effusion from serous effusion. Knowledge or inference of the quality of effusion can direct MR interpretation and may improve diagnostic accuracy. (author)

  19. Bilateral pleural effusion in a HIV negative patient - TB or not TB?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huson, Michaëla A. M.; Hermanides, Hillegonda S.; Grobusch, Martin P.; Kross, Martijn


    Pleural tuberculosis is an infrequent cause of respiratory illness in Europe and usually presents unilaterally. We present the case of a young, immunocompetent sailor from the Phillippines, who presented with bilateral pleural fluid caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in the Netherlands.

  20. IgG4-related Pleuritis with Elevated Adenosine Deaminase in Pleural Effusion: A Case Report. (United States)

    Nagayasu, Atsushi; Kubo, Satoshi; Nakano, Kazuhisa; Nakayamada, Shingo; Iwata, Shigeru; Miyagawa, Ippei; Fukuyo, Shunsuke; Saito, Kazuyoshi; Tanaka, Yoshiya


    An 81-year-old man was admitted with bilateral pleural effusion. A clinical examination showed lymphocytic pleura effusion and elevated serum IgG4 levels, so that IgG4-related disease was suggested, whereas tuberculous pleurisy was suspected because of high adenosine deaminase (ADA) levels in the pleural effusion. A surgical pleural biopsy revealed that there were large numbers of IgG4-positive cells and IgG4/IgG positive cell ratio exceeded 40% in several sites. Accordingly, we diagnosed IgG4-related pleuritis and treated with the patient with glucocorticoid therapy. The ADA levels in pleural effusion can increase in IgG4-related pleuritis, and it is therefore important to perform a pleural biopsy.

  1. Pleural Mesothelioma Surveillance: Validity of Cases from a Tumour Registry

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    France Labrèche


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Pleural mesothelioma is a rare tumour associated with exposure to asbestos fibres. Fewer than than one-quarter of cases registered in the Quebec Tumour Registry (QTR have been compensated as work-related. While establishing a surveillance system, this led to questioning as to whether there has been over-registration of cases that are not authentic pleural mesotheliomas in the QTR.

  2. Spontaneous esophageal-pleural fistula

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    Sameer Vyas


    Full Text Available Spontaneous esophageal-pleural fistula (EPF is a rare entity. We describe a case in a middle-aged female who presented with severe retrosternal chest pain and shortness of breadth. Chest computed tomography showed right EPF and hydropneumothorax. She was managed conservatively keeping the chest tube drainage and performing feeding jejunostomy. A brief review of the imaging finding and management of EPF is discussed.

  3. Role of therapeutic thoracentesis in tuberculous pleural effusion

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    Sourin Bhuniya


    Full Text Available Context: Prevalence of tuberculous pleural effusion is very high in the Asian subcontinent but very few studies have come up from this part of the world about the course of recovery of pulmonary functions after institution of anti-tubercular therapy (ATT and thoracentesis. Aims: To study initial lung function impairment, changes over time after institution of ATT and thoracentesis and residual abnormalities left at the end of six months of treatment. Settings and Design: Randomized open level interventional study over two years in 52 patients at a tertiary level teaching hospital. Methods: The study population was divided into two equal groups, A (therapeutic thoracentesis and B (diagnostic thoracentesis. Spirometry, chest radiograph and ultrasonography of thorax were done initially and at each follow-up visit up to six months. Statistical analysis was done (P value < 0.05 considered significant. Results: Both groups were comparable initially. After six months none in group A and five patients in group B had minimal pleural effusion. During follow up, mean percentage predicted of FEV1 and FVC increased more in A than in B and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05. Pleural thickening, initially absent in both groups, was found to be more in B as compared to A at subsequent follow-up visits and this was statistically significant (P < 0.05. Conclusions: Thoracentesis should be considered in addition to anti-TB treatment, especially in large effusions, in order to relieve dyspnea, avoid possibility of residual pleural thickening and risk of developing restrictive functional impairment.

  4. Differential CT features between malignant mesothelioma and pleural metastasis from lung cancer or extra thoracic primary tumor mimicking malignant mesothelioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Sung Il; Ryu, Young Hoon; Lee, Kwang Hun; Choe, Kyu Ok; Kim, Sang Jin [College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the differential CT features found among malignant mesothelioma and pleural metastasis from lung cancer and from extra-thoracic primary tumor which on CT mimic malignant mesothelioma. Forty-four patients who on chest CT scans showed pleural thickening suggesting malignant pleural disease and in whom this condition was pathologically confirmed were included in this study. On the basis of their pathologically proven primary disease (malignant mesothelioma (n=3D14), pleural metastasis of lung cancer (n=3D18), extra thoracic primary tumor (n=3D12). They were divided into three groups. Cases of lung which on CT showed a primary lung nodule or endobronchial mass with pleural lesion, or manifested only pleural effusion, were excluded. The following eight CT features were retrospectively analyzed: (1) configuration of pleural lesion (type I, single or multiple separate nodules, type II, localized flat pleural thickening, type III, diffuse flat pleural thickening; type IV, type III with pleural nodules superimposed; type V, mass filling the hemithorax), (2) the presence of pleural effusion, (3) chest wall or rib invasion, (4) the involvement of a major fissure, (5) extra-pleural fat proliferation, (6) calcified plaque, (7) metastatic lymph nodes, (8) metastatic lung modules. In malignant mesothelioma, type IV (8/14) or II (4/14) pleural thickening was relatively frequent. Pleural metastasis of lung cancer favored type IV (8/18) or I (6/18) pleural thickening, while pleural metastasis from extrathoracic primary tumor showed a variable thickening configuration, except type V. Pleural metastasis from lung cancer and extrapleural primary tumor more frequently showed type I configuration than did malignant mesothelioma, and there were significant differences among the three groups. Fissural involvement, on the other hand, was significantly more frequent in malignant mesothelioma than in pleural metastasis from lung cancer or extrapleural primary tumor. Metastatic

  5. Pleural effusion biomarkers and computed tomography findings in diagnosing malignant pleural mesothelioma: A retrospective study in a single center (United States)

    Kataoka, Yuki; Ikegaki, Shunkichi; Saito, Emiko; Matsumoto, Hirotaka; Kaku, Sawako; Shimada, Masatoshi; Hirabayashi, Masataka


    In this study, we aimed to examine the clinical value of the pleural effusion (PE) biomarkers, soluble mesothelin-related peptide (SMRP), cytokeratin 19 fragment (CYFRA 21–1) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and the utility of combining chest computed tomography (CT) findings with these biomarkers, in diagnosing malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). We conducted a retrospective cohort study in a single center. Consecutive patients with undiagnosed pleural effusions who underwent PE analysis between September 2014 and August 2016 were reviewed. This study included 240 patients (32 with MPM and 208 non-MPM). SMRP and the CYFRA 21-1/CEA ratio had a sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing MPM of 56.3% and 86.5%, and 87.5% and 74.0%, respectively. Using receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis of the ability of these markers to distinguish MPM from all other PE causes, the area under the ROC curve (AUC) for SMRP and the CYFRA 21-1/CEA ratio was 0.804 and 0.874, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of SMRP combined with the CYFRA 21-1/CEA ratio were 93.8% and 64.9%, respectively. The sensitivity of the combination of SMRP, the CYFRA 21-1/CEA ratio, and the presence of Leung’s criteria (a chest CT finding that is suggestive of malignant pleural disease) was 93.8%. In conclusion, the combined PE biomarkers had a high sensitivity for diagnosing MPM, although the addition of chest CT findings did not improve the sensitivity of SMRP combined with the CYFRA 21-1/CEA ratio. Combination of these biomarkers helped to rule out MPM effectively among patients at high risk of suffering MPM and would be valuable especially for old frail patients who have difficulty in undergoing invasive procedures such as thoracoscopy. PMID:28968445

  6. Pleural ultrasound as an adjunct to physical examination in the preoperative evaluation of lung cancer patients. (United States)

    Bah, Ismaël; Goudie, Eric; Khereba, Mohamed; Ferraro, Pasquale; Duranceau, André; Martin, Jocelyne; Thiffault, Vicky; Liberman, Moishe


    Preoperative evaluation of patients with suspected or confirmed lung cancer consists of clinical and radiological staging. Malignant pleural effusion is a poor prognosticator in non-small-cell lung cancer. Pleural ultrasound (PU) allows for the assessment of pleural effusion, providing real-time guidance for its aspiration and cytological analysis. Pleural Ultrasonography in Lung Cancer (PULC) as an adjunct to physical examination has the potential to improve preoperative staging of non-small-cell lung cancer during first surgical encounter by allowing the evaluation of previously unassessed pleural effusion. This study consisted of a prospective trial of surgeon-performed PU in the preoperative evaluation of lung cancer patients. All patients evaluated in the thoracic surgery clinic with the new or presumed diagnosis of lung cancer were eligible. A portable ultrasound machine was used to evaluate pleural fluid in the bilateral costophrenic sulci with pleural fluid aspiration for cytological analysis. Forty-five patients were prospectively enrolled over a 3-month period. Thirteen patients had ultrasound evidence of a pleural effusion, of which 3 were significant enough for aspiration. Cytological analysis of these effusions yielded malignant cells in 1 patient. Positive PULC evaluation led to a change in clinical staging (M0 to M1a) in 10 patients and a change in pathological staging (pleural fluid cytology positive) in 1 patient. The time required for PULC examination was 15 ± 7 min. There were no complications related to the procedures. Preoperative pleural ultrasonography is a rapid and effective way to improve precision of staging in patients with lung cancer. More precise staging may allow for more appropriate testing, patient prognostication and operative planning.

  7. The result analysis of 18F-FDG imaging in suspected malignant pleural effusion or atelectasis on CT scanning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Huoqiang; Wu Jiyong; Pan Huizhong; Liu Jinjun; Zhao Xianguo


    Objective: To determine the ability of 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) dual-head tomography with coincidence (DHTC) imaging in detecting lung cancer in patients with suspected malignant pleural effusion or malignant atelectasis on CT scanning and to differentiate benign and malignant pleural effusions in patients with lung cancer. Methods: One hundred and ten patients with suspected malignant pleural effusion (n=84) or atelectasis (n=26) but without primary lesions in the lungs on CT scanning underwent 18 F-FDG DHTC. Results: Thirty-eight of 110 patients were proven with lung cancer. Among the 38 lung cancer patients, 30 of them had pleural effusion and 8 of them had atelectasis. Seventy-two of 110 patients were proven with benign lung diseases. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 18 F-FDG DHTC for detecting lung cancer in patients with suspected malignant pleural effusion or atelectasis were 97%, 78% and 85%, respectively. In 30 patients with lung cancer plus pleural effusion, 18 F-FDG DHTC correctly detected the presence of malignant pleural effusion and malignant pleural metastatic involvement in 18 of 21 patients and excluded malignant pleural effusion or pleural metastatic involvement in 8 of 9 patients (sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 86%, 8/9 and 87%, respectively). Conclusion: 18 F-FDG DHTC imaging is a highly accurate and reliable noninvasive test for detecting primary malignant lesions in lung in patients with pleural effusion or atelectasis findings on CT scanning and is useful to differentiate malignant from benign pleural effusion in patients with lung cancer. (authors)

  8. CT-guided core needle biopsy of pleural lesions: Evaluating diagnostic yield and associated complications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niu, Xiang Ke; Bhetuwal, Anup; Yang, Han Feng


    The purpose of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and complications of CT-guided core needle biopsy (CT-guided CNB) of pleural lesion and the possible effects of influencing factors. From September 2007 to June 2013, 88 consecutive patients (60 men and 28 women; mean [+/- standard deviation] age, 51.1 +/- 14.4 years; range, 19-78 years) underwent CT-guided CNB, which was performed by two experienced chest radiologists in our medical center. Out of 88 cases, 56 (63%) were diagnosed as malignant, 28 (31%) as benign and 4 (5%) as indeterminate for CNB of pleural lesions. The final diagnosis was confirmed by either histopathological diagnosis or clinical follow-up. The diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and complication rates were statistically evaluated. Influencing factors (patient age, sex, lesion size, pleural-puncture angle, patient position, pleural effusion, and number of pleural punctures) were assessed for their effect on accuracy of CT-guided CNB using univariate and subsequent multivariate analysis. Diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV were 89.2%, 86.1%, 100%, 100%, and 67.8%, respectively. The influencing factors had no significant effect in altering diagnostic accuracy. As far as complications were concerned, occurrence of pneumothorax was observed in 14 (16%) out of 88 patients. Multivariate analysis revealed lesion size/pleural thickening as a significant risk factor (odds ratio [OR]: 8.744, p = 0.005) for occurrence of pneumothorax. Moreover, presence of pleural effusion was noted as a significant protective factor (OR: 0.171, p = 0.037) for pneumothorax. CT-guided CNB of pleural lesion is a safe procedure with high diagnostic yield and low risk of significant complications.

  9. CT-guided core needle biopsy of pleural lesions: Evaluating diagnostic yield and associated complications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Niu, Xiang Ke [Dept. of Radiology, Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University, Chengdu (China); Bhetuwal, Anup; Yang, Han Feng [Dept. of Radiology, Sichuan Key Laboratory of Medical Imaging, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong (China)


    The purpose of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and complications of CT-guided core needle biopsy (CT-guided CNB) of pleural lesion and the possible effects of influencing factors. From September 2007 to June 2013, 88 consecutive patients (60 men and 28 women; mean [+/- standard deviation] age, 51.1 +/- 14.4 years; range, 19-78 years) underwent CT-guided CNB, which was performed by two experienced chest radiologists in our medical center. Out of 88 cases, 56 (63%) were diagnosed as malignant, 28 (31%) as benign and 4 (5%) as indeterminate for CNB of pleural lesions. The final diagnosis was confirmed by either histopathological diagnosis or clinical follow-up. The diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and complication rates were statistically evaluated. Influencing factors (patient age, sex, lesion size, pleural-puncture angle, patient position, pleural effusion, and number of pleural punctures) were assessed for their effect on accuracy of CT-guided CNB using univariate and subsequent multivariate analysis. Diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV were 89.2%, 86.1%, 100%, 100%, and 67.8%, respectively. The influencing factors had no significant effect in altering diagnostic accuracy. As far as complications were concerned, occurrence of pneumothorax was observed in 14 (16%) out of 88 patients. Multivariate analysis revealed lesion size/pleural thickening as a significant risk factor (odds ratio [OR]: 8.744, p = 0.005) for occurrence of pneumothorax. Moreover, presence of pleural effusion was noted as a significant protective factor (OR: 0.171, p = 0.037) for pneumothorax. CT-guided CNB of pleural lesion is a safe procedure with high diagnostic yield and low risk of significant complications.

  10. Lung adenocarcinoma with intraoperatively diagnosed pleural seeding: Is main tumor resection beneficial for prognosis? (United States)

    Li, Chi; Kuo, Shuenn-Wen; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; Lin, Mong-Wei; Chen, Jin-Shing


    To evaluate whether main tumor resection improves survival compared with pleural biopsy alone in patients with lung adenocarcinoma with intraoperatively diagnosed pleural seeding. Forty-three patients with lung adenocarcinoma with pleural seeding diagnosed unexpectedly during surgery performed between January 2006 and December 2014 were included in this retrospective study using a prospectively collected lung cancer database. Each surgeon decided whether to perform main tumor resection or pleural biopsy alone. Main tumor and visible pleural nodule resection was performed in 30 patients (tumor resection group). The remaining 13 patients underwent pleural nodule biopsy alone (open-close group). The clinical T stage was higher in the open-close group than in the tumor resection group (P = .02). The tumor resection group had longer operative times compared with the open-close group (mean, 141.8 vs 80.3 minutes). There were no other statistically significant differences in perioperative parameters. The surgical method was the sole statistically significant prognostic factor. Patients in the tumor resection group had better progression-free survival (3-year survival: 44.5% vs 0%; P = .009) and overall survival (3-year survival: 82.9% vs 38.5%; P = .013) than did the open-close group. There was no significant survival difference between sublobar resection and lobectomy for the main tumor resection. Our study demonstrated improved progression-free and overall survival after main tumor and visible pleural nodule resection in patients with lung adenocarcinoma with intraoperatively diagnosed pleural seeding. Further randomized trials are needed to define the role of main tumor resection in these patients. Copyright © 2017 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. The utility of multi-detector computed tomography in the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion in the patients with ovarian cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kyung Won; Choi, Hyuck Jae; Kang, Sokbom; Park, Sang-Yoon; Jung, Dae Chul; Cho, Jeong Yeon; Cho, Kyung-Sik; Kim, Seung Hyup


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to retrospectively assess possible clinical predictors of malignant pleural effusion in patients with ovarian cancer. Materials and methods: This review was performed on 38 ovarian cancer patients that showed pleural effusion in a CT scan and who underwent thoracocentesis before treatment. CT scans were obtained using a 4-channel multi-detector CT scanner. Fisher's exact test was used to determine the probability of malignant pleural effusion as a function of; amount of ascites, lymph node enlargement, amount of pleural effusion, pleural nodules, and pleural thickening. Results: Sixteen (42.1%) of the 38 patients had malignant pleural effusion and malignant pleural effusion amounts were greater than those with nonmalignant effusion. Pleural nodules were more frequently found in the malignant pleural effusion group (eight [50%] patients) than in the nonmalignant group (zero [0%] patient) (p < 0.001). Supradiaphragmatic lymph node enlargement (with short axis diameter 1 cm or more) was more frequent in malignant group (12 [75%] patients) than in the nonmalignant group (two [9.1%] patients) (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The probability of malignant pleural effusion in patients with ovarian cancer was found to be correlated with the amount of pleural effusion, the presence of pleural nodules, and supradiaphragmatic lymph node enlargement.

  12. Usefulness of a pleuroperitoneal shunt for treatment of refractory pleural effusion in a patient receiving maintenance hemodialysis. (United States)

    Habuka, Masato; Ito, Toru; Yoshizawa, Yuta; Matsuo, Koji; Murakami, Shuichi; Kondo, Daisuke; Kanazawa, Hiroshi; Narita, Ichiei


    Refractory pleural effusion can be a life-threatening complication in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis. We report successful treatment of refractory pleural effusion using a Denver® pleuroperitoneal shunt in one such patient. A 54-year-old Japanese man, who had previously undergone left nephrectomy, was admitted urgently to our department because of a high C-reactive protein (CRP) level, right pleural effusion, and right renal abscess. Because antibiotics proved ineffective and his general state was deteriorating, he underwent emergency insertion of a thoracic drainage tube and nephrectomy, and hemodialysis was started. Although his general state improved slowly thereafter, the pleural effusion, which was unilateral and transudative, remained refractory and therefore he needed to be on oxygenation. To control the massive pleural effusion, a pleuroperitoneal shunt was inserted. Thereafter, his respiratory condition became stable without oxygenation and he was discharged. His general condition has since been well. Although pleural effusion is a common complication of maintenance hemodialysis, few reports have documented the use of pleuroperitoneal shunt to control refractory pleural effusion. Pleuroperitoneal shunt has been advocated as an effective and low-morbidity treatment for refractory pleural effusion, and its use for some patients with recurrent pleural effusion has also been reported, without any severe complications. In the present case, pleuroperitoneal shunt improved the patient's quality of life sufficiently to allow him to be discharged home without oxygenation. Pleuroperitoneal shunt should be considered a useful treatment option for hemodialysis patients with refractory pleural effusion.

  13. A rare pleural effusion in a young male

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    Shabana Begum


    Full Text Available A 28-year-old male presented with fever with right-sided chest pain for 2 weeks. Clinicoradiological picture was suggestive of right-sided pleural effusion. He had history of polytrauma following a road traffic accident and had to undergo emergency laparotomy a month ago. Microscopic and culture examination of the pleural fluid showed neutrophilia, high bilirubin content and presence of gram-negative bacilli. Ultrasound of the abdomen showed the presence of biloma in the liver and right subdiaphragmatic space with fistulous communication into the right thoracic cavity. The patient was managed successfully with complete recovery.

  14. Differential diagnosis between benign and malignant pleural effusion with dual-energy spectral CT. (United States)

    Zhang, Xirong; Duan, Haifeng; Yu, Yong; Ma, Chunling; Ren, Zhanli; Lei, Yuxin; He, Taiping; Zhang, Ming


    To investigate the value of spectral CT in the differential diagnosis of benign from malignant pleural effusion. 14 patients with benign pleural effusion and 15 patients with malignant pleural effusion underwent non-contrast spectral CT imaging. These patients were later verified by the combination of disease history, clinical signs and other information with the consensus of surgeons and radiologists. Various Spectral CT image parameters measured for the effusion were as follows: CT numbers of the polychromatic 140kVp images, monochromatic images at 40keV and 100keV, the material density contents from the water, fat and blood-based material decomposition images, the effective atomic number and the spectral curve slope. These values were statistically compared with t test and logistic regression analysis between benign and malignant pleural effusion. The CT value of benign and malignant pleural effusion in the polychromatic 140kVp images showed no differences (12.61±3.39HU vs. 14.71±5.03HU) (P>0.05), however, they were statistically different on the monochromatic images at 40keV (43.15±3.79 vs. 39.42±2.60, p = 0.005) and 100keV (9.11±1.38 vs. 6.52±2.04, p<0.001). There was difference in the effective atomic number value between the benign (7.87±0.08) and malignant pleural effusion (7.90±0.02) (P = 0.02). Using 6.32HU as the threshold for CT value measurement at 100keV, one could obtain sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 66.7% with area-under-curve of 0.843 for differentiating benign from malignant effusion. In addition, age and disease history were potential confounding factors for differentiating malignant pleural effusion from benign, since the older age (61.13±12.51 year-old vs48.57±12.33 year-old) as well as longer disease history (70.00±49.28 day vs.28.36±21.64 day) were more easily to be found in the malignant pleural effusion group than those in the benign pleural effusion group. By combining above five factors, one could obtain sensitivity

  15. Diagnostic Significance of Measuring Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor for the Differentiation between Malignant and Tuberculous Pleural Effusion. (United States)

    Kim, Hak-Ryul; Kim, Byoung-Ryun; Park, Rae-Kil; Yoon, Kwon-Ha; Jeong, Eun-Taik; Hwang, Ki-Eun


    Malignancy and tuberculosis are common causes of lymphocytic exudative pleural effusion. However, it is occasionally difficult to differentiate malignant pleural effusion from tuberculous pleural effusion. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a critical cytokine in the pathogenesis of malignant pleural effusion. Endocan is a dermatan sulfate proteoglycan that is secreted by endothelial cells. Importantly, endocan mediates the vascular growth-promoting action of VEGF. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic significance of VEGF and endocan in pleural effusion. We thus measured the levels of VEGF and endocan in the pleural effusion and serum samples of patients with lung cancer (n = 59) and those with tuberculosis (n = 32) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Lung cancer included 40 cases of adenocarcinoma, 13 of squamous cell carcinoma, and 6 of small cell carcinoma. Pleural effusion VEGF levels were significantly higher in the malignant group than in the tuberculosis group (2,091.47 ± 1,624.80 pg/mL vs. 1,291.05 ± 1,100.53 pg/mL, P pleural effusion endocan levels were similar between the two groups (1.22 ± 0.74 ng/mL vs. 0.87 ± 0.53 ng/mL). The areas under the curve of VEGF and endocan were 0.73 and 0.52, respectively. Notably, the VEGF levels were similar in malignant pleural effusion, irrespective of the histological type of lung cancer. Moreover, no significant difference was found in the serum VEGF and endocan levels between patients with lung cancer and those with tuberculosis. In conclusion, high VEGF levels in pleural effusion are suggestive of malignant pleural effusion.

  16. Neonatal pleural effusions in a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    Mariana Barbosa


    Full Text Available Pleural effusions are rare in the newborn. Still, being familiar with this condition is relevant given its association with a wide range of disorders. Only two large series of cases on this matter have been published, with no solid conclusions established. The aim of this study is to determine the etiology, management and prognosis of pleural effusions in a population of high-risk neonates.The authors performed a retrospective study in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of "Hospital de São João", Porto (Portugal, between 1997 and 2014, of all newborns with the diagnosis of pleural effusion, chylothorax, hemothorax, empyema, fetal hydrops or leakage of total parenteral nutrition (TPN.Eighty-two newborns were included, 48 males and 34 females. Pleural effusions were congenital in 19 (23.2% newborns and acquired in 63 (76.8%. Fetal hydrops was the most frequent cause (15 cases, 78.9% of congenital effusions while postoperative after intrathoracic surgery was the most common cause (39 cases, 61.9% of acquired effusions, followed by leakage of TPN (13 cases, 20.6%. Chylothorax was the most common type of effusion (41.5% of cases. Pleural effusions after intrathoracic surgery were mainly (64.1% chylothoraces. Regarding use of octreotide for treatment of acquired chylous effusions, the comparative analysis showed no statistical differences between the group of alive newborns who received octreotide and the group who did not. Twenty-seven (32.9% newborns died; the causes of death were related to underlying diseases and not to the pleural effusion. Clinical outcome is generally good, except in hydropic neonates. Blood albumin level appears to be predictive of prognosis and further investigation on its clinical significance should be encouraged.

  17. Pleural Mass Lesion Containing Calcium Sludge

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    Can Kurkcuoglu


    Full Text Available   A 30 year-old man was admitted with of chest pain. Had a x-ray and computed tomography showed calcified pleural mass . Lesions in the white-colored, dense mud was the consistency of the material.

  18. Diagnostic value of pleural fluid adenosine deaminase activity in tuberculosis pleurisy

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    Abbas ali Niazi


    Full Text Available Background: Diagnosis of tuberculosis pleurisies is difficult because of its nonspecific clinical presentation and insufficient traditional diagnostic methods. We investigated the use of adenosine deaminase (ADA activity in tuberculosis pleurisies. Methods: A number of 85 patients were analyzed with exudative pleural effusions. Using the ROC curve, we determined the optimal cutoff for TB pleurisy. Results: A number of 58 exudative samples were nontuberculous (non-TB and 27 were tuberculosis (TB. There was statistically significant difference (p<0.0001 between the means of pleural fluid ADA levels among the TB and non-TB populations. The prevalence of TB pleurisy in the studied population was 31%. Using the cutoff point equal to 35 for diagnosing TB effusions the sensitivity and specificity 70.3% and 91.3%, respectively. The positive predictive value (PPV was 79.1% and the negative predictive value (NPV was 86.8%. A pleural fluid ADA value <19 IU/L suggests that a tuberculosis effusion is highly unlikely. Conclusion: Pleural fluid total ADA assay is a sensitive and specific test suitable for rapid diagnosis of TB pleurisy.

  19. Malignant pleural mesothelioma: a phase II trial with docetaxel. (United States)

    Vorobiof, D A; Rapoport, B L; Chasen, M R; Abratt, R P; Cronje, N; Fourie, L; McMichael, G; Hacking, D


    Current cytotoxic therapy has been of limited benefit to patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. Single agent chemotherapy has been extensively evaluated in small series of phase II clinical trials, with disappointing responses. Docetaxel, an effective taxane in the treatment of advanced breast cancer and non-small-cell lung cancer, was administered intravenously at a dose of 100 mg/m2 every 3 weeks to 30 chemotherapy naive patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma in a prospective multi-institutional phase II clinical trial. An objective response rate (partial responses) of 10% was documented. Additionally, 21% of the patients had minor responses (intention-to-treat analysis). Three patients died within 2 weeks post-first cycle of therapy, although only one patient's death was directly attributed to the investigational drug, whilst in the majority of the patients, manageable and treatable toxicities were encountered. In this phase II clinical trial, docetaxel proved to be mildly effective in the treatment of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.

  20. Effect of using pump on postoperative pleural effusion in the patients that underwent CABG

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    Mehmet Özülkü


    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: The present study investigated effect of using pump on postoperative pleural effusion in patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting. Methods: A total of 256 patients who underwent isolated coronary artery bypass grafting surgery in the Cardiovascular Surgery clinic were enrolled in the study. Jostra-Cobe (Model 043213 105, VLC 865, Sweden heart-lung machine was used in on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting was performed using Octopus and Starfish. Proximal anastomoses to the aorta in both on-pump and off-pump techniques were performed by side clamps. The patients were discharged from the hospital between postoperative day 6 and day 11. Results: The incidence of postoperative right pleural effusion and bilateral pleural effusion was found to be higher as a count in Group 1 (on-pump as compared to Group 2 (off-pump. But the difference was not statistically significant [P>0.05 for right pleural effusion (P=0.893, P>0.05 for bilateral pleural effusion (P=0.780]. Left pleural effusion was encountered to be lower in Group 2 (off-pump. The difference was found to be statistically significant (P<0.05, P=0.006. Conclusion: Under the light of these results, it can be said that left pleural effusion is less prevalent in the patients that underwent off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting when compared to the patients that underwent on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting.

  1. Flow Cytometry Method as a Diagnostic Tool for Pleural Fluid Involvement in a Patient with Multiple Myeloma

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    Muzaffer Keklik


    Full Text Available Multiple myeloma is a malignant proliferation of plasma cells that mainly affects bone marrow. Pleural effusions secondary to pleural myelomatous involvement have rarely been reported in the literature. As it is rarely detected, we aimed to report a case in which pleural effusion of a multiple myeloma was confirmed as true myelomatous involvement by flow cytometry method. A 52-years old man presented to our clinic with chest and back pain lasting for 3 months. On the chest radiography, pleural fluid was detected in left hemithorax. Pleural fluid flow cytometry was performed. In the flow cytometry, CD56, CD38 and CD138 found to be positive, while CD19 was negative. True myelomatous pleural effusions are very uncommon, with fewer than 100 cases reported worldwide. Flow cytometry is a potentially useful diagnostic tool for clinical practice. We presented our case; as it has been rarely reported, although flow cytometer is a simple method for detection of pleural fluid involvement in multiple myeloma.

  2. BMVC test, an improved fluorescence assay for detection of malignant pleural effusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, I-Ting; Tsai, Yu-Lin; Kang, Chi-Chih; Huang, Wei-Chun; Wang, Chiung-Lin; Lin, Mei-Ying; Lou, Pei-Jen; Shih, Jin-Yuan; Wang, Hao-Chien; Wu, Huey-Dong; Tsai, Tzu-Hsiu; Jan, I-Shiow; Chang, Ta-Chau


    The diagnosis of malignant pleural effusions is an important issue in the management of malignancy patients. Generally, cytologic examination is a routine diagnostic technique. However, morphological interpretation of cytology is sometimes inconclusive. Here an ancillary method named BMVC test is developed for rapid detection of malignant pleural effusion to improve the diagnostic accuracy at low cost. A simple assay kit is designed to collect living cells from clinical pleural effusion and a fluorescence probe, 3,6-Bis(1-methyl-4-vinylpyridinium) carbazole diiodide (BMVC), is used to illuminate malignant cells. The fluorescence intensity is quantitatively analyzed by ImageJ program. This method yields digital numbers for the test results without any grey zone or ambiguities in the current cytology tests due to intra-observer and inter-observer variability. Comparing with results from double-blind cytologic examination, this simple test gives a good discrimination between malignant and benign specimens with sensitivity of 89.4% (42/47) and specificity of 93.3% (56/60) for diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion. BMVC test provides accurate results in a short time period, and the digital output could assist cytologic examination to become more objective and clear-cut. This is a convenient ancillary tool for detection of malignant pleural effusions

  3. Reactive oxygen species modulator 1, a novel protein, combined with carcinoembryonic antigen in differentiating malignant from benign pleural effusion. (United States)

    Chen, Xianmeng; Zhang, Na; Dong, Jiahui; Sun, Gengyun


    The differential diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion and benign pleural effusion remains a clinical problem. Reactive oxygen species modulator 1 is a novel protein overexpressed in various human tumors. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of joint detection of reactive oxygen species modulator 1 and carcinoembryonic antigen in the differential diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion and benign pleural effusion. One hundred two consecutive patients with pleural effusion (including 52 malignant pleural effusion and 50 benign pleural effusion) were registered in this study. Levels of reactive oxygen species modulator 1 and carcinoembryonic antigen were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and radioimmunoassay, respectively. Results showed that the concentrations of reactive oxygen species modulator 1 both in pleural fluid and serum of patients with malignant pleural effusion were significantly higher than those of benign pleural effusion (both p pleural fluid reactive oxygen species modulator 1 were 61.54% and 82.00%, respectively, with the optimized cutoff value of 589.70 pg/mL. However, the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of serum reactive oxygen species modulator 1 were only 41.38% and 86.21%, respectively, with the cutoff value of 27.22 ng/mL, indicating that serum reactive oxygen species modulator 1 may not be a good option in the differential diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion and benign pleural effusion. The sensitivity and specificity of pleural fluid carcinoembryonic antigen were 69.23% and 88.00%, respectively, at the cutoff value of 3.05 ng/mL, while serum carcinoembryonic antigen were 80.77% and 72.00% at the cutoff value of 2.60 ng/mL. The sensitivity could be raised to 88.17% in parallel detection of plural fluid reactive oxygen species modulator 1 and carcinoembryonic antigen concentration, and the specificity could be improved to 97.84% in serial detection.

  4. Diagnosis and treatment of malignant pleural effusion: a systematic literature review and new approaches. (United States)

    Lombardi, Giuseppe; Zustovich, Fable; Nicoletto, Maria Ornella; Donach, Martin; Artioli, Grazia; Pastorelli, Davide


    Malignant pleural effusion is a frequent complication in many types of tumors, and its presence indicates short expected survival. This review updates the current knowledge about diagnosis and management of malignant pleural effusion. In recent years, progress has been made in diagnosis through the use of new pathologic and radiologic approaches, such as the introduction of positron emission tomography-computed tomography, immunohistochemical marker combinations, and genetic studies to identify malignant cells. Treatment is always palliative. New promising drugs have been tested, but, awaiting randomized studies, talc pleurodesis is still the treatment of choice, although doubts remain about its safety. A long-term indwelling pleural catheter could be a valid alternative to talc pleurodesis in selected patients with trapped lung syndrome (a lung that fails to reexpand after drainage of pleural effusion) and short life expectancy. However, the correct treatment depends on several factors such as performance status, expected survival, presence of lung reexpansion following pleural drainage and comorbidities.

  5. Dose-Volume Histogram Parameters and Clinical Factors Associated With Pleural Effusion After Chemoradiotherapy in Esophageal Cancer Patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shirai, Katsuyuki; Tamaki, Yoshio; Kitamoto, Yoshizumi; Murata, Kazutoshi; Satoh, Yumi; Higuchi, Keiko; Nonaka, Tetsuo; Ishikawa, Hitoshi; Katoh, Hiroyuki; Takahashi, Takeo; Nakano, Takashi


    Purpose: To investigate the dose-volume histogram parameters and clinical factors as predictors of pleural effusion in esophageal cancer patients treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT). Methods and Materials: Forty-three esophageal cancer patients treated with definitive CRT from January 2001 to March 2007 were reviewed retrospectively on the basis of the following criteria: pathologically confirmed esophageal cancer, available computed tomography scan for treatment planning, 6-month follow-up after CRT, and radiation dose ≥50 Gy. Exclusion criteria were lung metastasis, malignant pleural effusion, and surgery. Mean heart dose, mean total lung dose, and percentages of heart or total lung volume receiving ≥10-60 Gy (Heart-V 10 to V 60 and Lung-V 10 to V 60 , respectively) were analyzed in relation to pleural effusion. Results: The median follow-up time was 26.9 months (range, 6.7-70.2) after CRT. Of the 43 patients, 15 (35%) developed pleural effusion. By univariate analysis, mean heart dose, Heart-V 10 to V 60 , and Lung-V 50 to V 60 were significantly associated with pleural effusion. Poor performance status, primary tumor of the distal esophagus, and age ≥65 years were significantly related with pleural effusion. Multivariate analysis identified Heart-V 50 as the strongest predictive factor for pleural effusion (p = 0.01). Patients with Heart-V 50 50 50 ≥40% had 6%, 44%, and 64% of pleural effusion, respectively (p 50 is a useful parameter for assessing the risk of pleural effusion and should be reduced to avoid pleural effusion.


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    Vinod Kumar Viswanathan


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Malignant pleural effusions are a common cause of morbidity in patients with advanced cancers. Common malignancies associated with malignant pleural effusion include lung, breast and lymphomas. Diagnostic methods include cytological analysis and pleural biopsy either closed or thoracoscopic guided. This study was taken up to analyse the cancers associated with malignant pleural effusions and the diagnostic modalities employed towards the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion. MATERIALS AND METHODS Retrospective analysis of case records of patients diagnosed as malignant pleural effusion prior to the use of thoracoscopicguided pleural biopsy during a two year period was done and the results were analysed to assess the causes of malignant pleural effusion and the diagnostic methods employed to confirm the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion. RESULTS 48 cases of malignant pleural effusion were identified during the study period. The commonest malignancies associated with malignant pleural effusion were lung and breast cancer. Most of the patients were elderly, but some of the cases were identified in younger age groups especially in breast cancer. Cytological analysis and closed pleural biopsies were the diagnostic methods employed for diagnosing malignant pleural effusion. CONCLUSION The study results were consistent with published data that malignant pleural effusions were commonly associated with lung and breast malignancies. Most of the malignancies were in patients aged more than 50 years, but some cases in younger age group especially associated with breast malignancy were noted. Cytology and closed pleural biopsy are adequate to diagnose malignant pleural effusion even in absence of thoracoscopy.

  7. Pleural drainage and pleurodesis: implementation of guidelines in four hospitals. (United States)

    Burgers, J A; Kunst, P W A; Koolen, M G J; Willems, L N A; Burgers, J S; van den Heuvel, M


    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the implementation of the 2003 Dutch guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of malignant pleural effusions, and the potential effect of the implementation on the clinical outcome of pleurodesis. All patients with malignant pleural effusion who had a pleural drain placed with the intention of performing pleurodesis were registered prospectively in four centres. Details of the procedure and fluid recurrence and survival data were noted. Patients with a proven malignancy (n = 100) were entered into the registration database. Diagnostic guideline recommendations were followed in 60-70% of the patients. Surprisingly, pleurodesis was performed in only 75% of the patients, mainly due to the presence of a trapped lung. All pleurodeses were performed using talc, according to the guideline. Follow-up revealed fluid recurrence in 27 (36%) patients after a mean follow-up of 17 days (range 2-285 days); 14 patients with successful pleurodesis died with a median survival of 61 days (range 13-174 days). Systemic treatment following pleurodesis and good apposition of the pleural surfaces during drainage were good prognostic factors. Despite reasonable-to-good adherence to the guideline, the number of successful pleurodeses was low. Better predictors of a good pleurodesis outcome are needed.

  8. [Prevalence of pleural malignant mesothelioma in Poland in 1980-1993]. (United States)

    Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N; Szymczak, W; Wilczyńska, U


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma is subject of special interest for environmental epidemiologists due to its proven cause-effect relationship with the exposure to asbestos dust, particularly crocidolite. The paper discusses the prevalence trends and geographical distribution of pleural mesothelioma in Poland based on the death rate analysis. In 1993 the crude death rate for that neoplasm was found to be 4.48 per 1 million for men and 3.14 per 1 million for women. While interpreting the numerical data, such aspects were considered as the problems with histopathological diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma; the long latency period of 30-40 years; and consequently, the possibility that for the male population the results may have been affected by other causes of death owing to its relatively short average lifespan. The volume and types of asbestos used in Poland were also taken into account.

  9. Use of imaging in the management of malignant pleural mesothelioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Benamore, R.E. [Department of Radiology, University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicester (United Kingdom); O' Doherty, M.J. [Clinical PET Centre, Guy' s and St Thomas' Hospital, London (United Kingdom); Entwisle, J.J. [Department of Radiology, University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicester (United Kingdom)]. E-mail:


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an increasingly prevalent tumour. The death rate associated with MPM is predicted to peak in the next 10 years, although radiologists and clinicians will be encountering cases for the next few decades. Contrast-enhanced CT is an established technique for evaluating suspected malignant pleural disease, but MPM can be reliably diagnosed only by histological sampling. However, even with adequate sampling and the use of immunocytochemistry, histological diagnosis is known to be difficult; definitive diagnosis may involve a combination of clinical presentation, radiological and histological appearances. Percutaneous biopsy is a promising technique for sampling the pleura. In view of its pattern of growth, MPM is a challenging disease to image by any method, and it behaves quite differently from lung cancer. This review aims to highlight the practical aspects of assessing malignant pleural mesothelioma.

  10. Pleural fluid exchange in rabbits. (United States)

    Stashenko, Gregg J; Robichaux, Amy; Lee, Y C Gary; Sanders, Jonathan R; Roselli, Robert J; Light, Richard W


    The study was designed to better characterize pleural fluid absorption in rabbits with the following two objectives: to determine the relative absorption of saline versus high-protein solutions, and to identify the relative rates of absorption of dextran molecules of varying sizes. Twenty New Zealand white rabbits received a 12-mL intrapleural injection of saline solution and a 10% protein solution on opposite sides, each solution containing dextran molecules with varying MWs. At sacrifice at 1, 4, 8, 18 and 24 h, the volume of pleural fluid and the concentrations of the dextran molecules were determined. Saline was absorbed faster than the high-protein fluid (P higher than those in the protein solution at all times after injection (P = 0.005; P higher-MW dextrans were cleared more slowly than the lower-MW dextrans in a continuously graded manner. Saline was absorbed faster than a solution with a high protein content. There was a continuous spectrum in the rate of absorption of the dextran molecules, with the larger molecules being absorbed more slowly.

  11. Morphologic and functional imaging of malignant pleural mesothelioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamamuro, Masaki; Gerbaudo, Victor H.; Gill, Ritu R.; Jacobson, Francine L.; Sugarbaker, David J. [Department of Radiology and Surgery, Brigham and Women' s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115 (United States); Hatabu, Hiroto [Department of Radiology and Surgery, Brigham and Women' s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115 (United States)], E-mail:


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive tumor that arises from the pleura and frequently extends to adjacent structures. MPM cells produce and respond to many angiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). VEGF expression in MPM is correlated with microvascular density, which is associated with poor survival. CT has been widely used as the primary imaging modality for the clinical evaluation of MPM. Major findings include nodular pleural thickening, unilateral pleural effusion, and tumor invasion of adjacent structures. CT tends to underestimate early chest wall invasion and peritoneal involvement and has well-known limitations in the evaluation of lymph node metastases. Perfusion CT can evaluate the microvasculature of tumors, while its disadvantages, such as high radiation exposure or side effects from iodinated contrast, limit its use in both research and clinical settings. MRI can provide additional information to CT. Because of its excellent contrast resolution, MRI is superior to CT, both in the differentiation of malignant from benign pleural disease, and in the assessment of chest wall and diaphragmatic involvement. Perfusion MRI is the most promising technique for the assessment of the tumor microvasculature. In MPM, therapeutic effects of chemotherapy can be monitored with perfusion MRI. It has been shown that FDG-PET is useful for the differentiation of benign from malignant lesions, for staging and monitoring metabolic response to therapy against MPM, and that it has prognostic value. An initial report on PET/CT imaging of MPM has shown increased accuracy of overall staging, improving the assessment of tumor resectability. PET/CT seems to be superior to other imaging modalities in detecting more extensive disease involvement, and identifying unsuspected occult distant metastases.



    Swish Kumar; Dinesh Kumar; Suganita; Singh; Vijay Shankar; Rajeev; Ajay; Anjali


    OBJECTIVE The aim of this study is to find a correlation between pleural separation and amount of aspirated effusion. METHODS Total 20 adult patients with 25 effusions were taken into the study with chest x-ray showing homogeneous opacity in either one or both of the lung field, which was confirmed on USG. Only uncomplicated pleural effusion were taken into study. Effusion with septations or encysted effusion or pyothorax were excluded from the study. RESULTS...

  13. CT differentiation of subphrenic abscess and pleural effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alexander, E.S.; Proto, A.V.; Clark, R.A.


    The computed tomographic scans of 38 patients with proven subphrenic abscesses and 28 patients with proven pleural effusions were reviewed without knowledge of the final diagnosis. In 26% of cases the hemidiaphragm could be identified directly as a stripe, while in 71% of cases only the hemidiaphragmatic contour could be seen. In 3% of cases the hemidiaphragm position was indeterminate because insufficient scans of the chest or abdomen were obtained. In the cases where the hemidiaphragm position could be established, the computed tomographic diagnosis was correct in 100% of subphrenic abscesses and in 96% of pleural effusions. Methods of identifying the hemidiaphragm on computed tomography and the possible pitfalls are discussed

  14. Pleural procedures and patient safety: a national BTS audit of practice. (United States)

    Hooper, Clare E; Welham, Sally A; Maskell, Nick A


    The BTS pleural procedures audit collected data over a 2-month period in June and July 2011. In contrast with the 2010 audit, which focussed simply on chest drain insertions, data on all pleural aspirations and local anaesthetic thoracoscopy (LAT) was also collected. Ninety hospitals submitted data, covering a patient population of 33 million. Twenty-one per cent of centres ran a specialist pleural disease clinic, 71% had a nominated chest drain safety lead, and 20% had thoracic surgery on site. Additionally, one-third of centres had a physician-led LAT service. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  15. Anidulafungin Pharmacokinetics in Ascites Fluid and Pleural Effusion of Critically Ill Patients. (United States)

    Welte, R; Eller, P; Lorenz, I; Joannidis, M; Bellmann, R


    Anidulafungin concentrations were quantified with high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and UV detection of the ascites fluid and pleural effusion of 10 adult critically ill patients. Samples were collected from ascites fluid and from pleural drains or during paracentesis and thoracentesis, respectively. Anidulafungin levels in ascites fluid (0.12 to 0.99 μg/ml) and in pleural effusion (0.32 to 2.02 μg/ml) were below the simultaneous levels in plasma (1.04 to 7.70 and 2.48 to 13.36 μg/ml, respectively) and below the MIC values for several pathogenic Candida strains. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

  16. Efeitos do sulfato de bário na cavidade pleural de ratos


    Marsico,Giovanni Antonio; Haddad,Rui; Carvalho,Carlos Eduardo de Souza; Assis,Patrícia Gioia de; Martinelli Júnior,Ivam; Martins,Maria Das Graças


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do sulfato de bário na cavidade pleural de ratos. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados, experimentalmente, os efeitos do sulfato de bário a 100% na cavidade pleural de 43 ratos. Sob anestesia inalatória com éter, foi realizada injeção de contraste radiológico (1ml) na cavidade pleural direita após punção com agulha romba pela via subxifóide. Os ratos, divididos em três grupos, foram mortos em câmara fechada com éter, após 24h (13 ratos), 48h (16 ratos) e 21 dias (14 ratos), re...

  17. Diagnostics of pleural effusions and atelectases: A comparison of sonography and radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelbel, C.; Boerner, N.; Weilemann, L.S.; Meyer, J.; Schadmand, S.; Klose, K.J.; Thelen, M.


    In a prospective study it was shown that chest ultrasonography is superior to conventional X-ray diagnosis of recumbent patients in diagnosing pleural effusion and lung atelectasis. In 110 supine radiographs we found a sensitivity of 47% and a specificity of 71% for right pleural effusions and a sensitivity of 55% and a specificity of 93% for left pleural effusions in comparison to 110 sonographic examinations. The results of supine radiographs in detection of atelectasis were less efficient: sensitivity for the right side: 7%; sensitivity for the left side: 13,5%. Hence, the knowledge of chest ultrasonographic diagnosis can improve the interpretation of supine radiographs. (orig.) [de

  18. The influence of intraoperative pleural perfusion with matrine-cisplatin or cisplatin on stromal cell-derived factor-1 in non-small cell lung cancer patients with subclinical pleural metastasis. (United States)

    Yang, Cheng-Liang; Liu, Shun-Shou; Ma, Ye-Gang; Liu, Yong-Yu; Xue, Yi-Xue; Huang, Bo


    The early diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in patients with subclinical pleural metastasis is currently a challenge. In an effort to establish a method for the diagnosis and treatment of these patients, we conducted a single-blind study during which intraoperative pleural lavage cytology (PLC) was performed in 164 patients with NSCLC without obvious pleural effusion. Stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) serum concentrations were analyzed using enzyme-linked immunoassay on day 1 prior to tumor resection and on day 7 postoperatively. Western blot analysis was used for the detection of CXCR4 protein expression in resected tumors. Intraoperative pleural perfusion chemotherapy, with either cisplatin or cisplatin plus matrine, was given to patients with positive PLC. A group of 30 patients with NSCLC that did not undergo intraoperative PLC were used as a control group. Of the 164 study patients, 41 (25%) patients had positive PLC. Serum SDF-1 concentrations were higher in PLC-positive patients compared with patients negative for PLC and control patients. Serum SDF-1 concentrations were also lower at postoperative day 7 in patients treated with cisplatin plus matrine compared with control patients and those perfused with cisplatin alone. A lower incidence of chemotherapy-related adverse events was observed in patients treated with cisplatin plus matrine versus those treated with cisplatin alone during the first postoperative month. Patients with positive PLC showed a higher CXCR4 protein expression than patients with negative PLC. Based on the results of this study, PLC combined with serum SDF-1 concentration measurements may be considered as an effective index to determine the risk of subclinical pleural metastasis in patients with lung cancer. In addition, cisplatin plus matrine was confirmed as an initial approach for pleural perfusion and was superior to cisplatin alone.

  19. Tratamiento quirúrgico de las colecciones agudas y crónicas del pericardio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orestes Noel Mederos Curbelo

    Full Text Available Introducción: las colecciones agudas o crónicas del pericardio con frecuencia producen una compresión del corazón que en los casos crónicos conlleva invalidez y, en los agudos, peligro de muerte por taponamiento cardíaco. Objetivo: caracterizar a los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Universitario "Comandante Manuel Fajardo" entre 1995 y 2012 a causa de colecciones pericárdicas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con los pacientes atendidos quirúrgicamente en dicha institución por colecciones del pericardio. Constituyeron el universo 24 pacientes: 22 con colecciones agudas y 2 con colecciones crónicas. Resultados: la causa más frecuente de los derrames agudos fue la pericarditis aguda idiopática (25 %. Las colecciones crónicas fueron por pericarditis fibrosa de causa idiopática en el 100 % de los enfermos. La intervención realizada fue la resección del pericardio y el drenaje de las colecciones agudas mediante toracotomía izquierda o por vía preperitoneal subxifoidea. En las colecciones de origen maligno se realizó la resección pericárdica con fines paliativos y, en los derrames por lesión traumática del corazón, la sutura de este órgano fue el tratamiento quirúrgico empleado en todos los casos. En las pericarditis constrictivas, la pericardiectomía radical fue el tratamiento empleado en el 100 % de los casos. Conclusiones: el tratamiento quirúrgico en las colecciones agudas y crónicas del pericardio permite drenar el contenido por una ventana pericárdica obtenida por toracoscopia o por vía preperitoneal subxifoidea, mientras que la toracotomía izquierda es útil en las emergencias. En los derrames crónicos con fibrosis y síntomas de insuficiencia cardíaca, la pericardiectomía radical mediante esternotomía media ofrece los mejores resultados.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Pablo Barraza


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta la simulación numérica del problema del derrame de una columna de líquido. El análisis numérico se realiza utilizando el método de volúmenes finitos y la técnica conocida como VOF para el seguimiento de la superficie interfaz. Se asume que el problema puede ser descrito por las ecuaciones de cantidad de movimiento y continuidad para un fluido incompresible. Dichas ecuaciones se resuelven tanto para el fluido como para el aire en todo el dominio de análisis en conjunto con la ecuación que describe el movimiento de la interfaz. Se estudia el comportamiento de dos fluidos de diferente viscosidad. Se evalúa la respuesta frente a cambios en la discretización espacial y la incidencia en los resultados cuando se utiliza un modelo turbulento para la descripción del flujo. Los resultados obtenidos para la posición de la superficie libre se comparan con las predicciones calculadas con una formulación de elementos finitos de malla fija y, además, con mediciones experimentales reportadas en la literatura.The simulation of the collapse of a liquid column problem is presented in this work. The numerical analysis is done using a finite volume technique, where the well-known VOF technique is applied to describe the free surface motion. The adopted mathematical model is given by the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible flows. These equations are solved in the whole domain occupied by both fluids (liquid and air together with the interface motion equation. The study focuses on the analysis of two liquids with different viscosities. The response is assessed by considering various spatial discretizations when a turbulent model is applied. The computed numerical results are compared with those obtained using a fixed-mesh finite element technique and with experimental measurements reported in the literature.