
Sample records for con azul patente


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    Dagoberto Dur\\u00E1n-Hern\\u00E1ndez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto del envejecimie nto acelerado en semillas de varie dades criollas de maíz azul. En los laboratorios de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, semillas de cuatro varie dades criollas de maíz azul (Cuijingo, Cocotitlán, Puebla y Oaxaca, se sometie ron a dos tip os de envejecimie nto acelerado: calor húmedo (41°C, 72 horas y 100% h. r. y calor seco (60°C, 48 horas. Se evaluaron: protrusión radicular de 0 a 72 horas de imbibición y, a los sie te días de incubación a 25°C, plántulas normales, anormales y semillas muertas. Se obtuvo la caracterización molecular de los tratamie ntos mediante la RA PD y se construyeron los dendogramas respectivos. En plántulas normales provenie ntes de semillas sin envejecimie nto acelerado, las varie dades Oaxaca y Puebla fueron significativamente superiores. El peso seco en las plántulas disminuyó con el deterioro, sie ndo exigua con calor seco. La presencia de plántulas anormales se incrementó con ambos tip os de deterioro en el orden: Oaxaca, Puebla, Cocotitlán y Cuijingo. La diferenciación de los perfiles de bandeo entre semillas testigo y deterioradas ocurrió con la secuencia: Oaxaca (31,6%, Cocotitlán (25,8%, Puebla (19,6% y Cuijingo (18,6%. Estos valores de similitud, a los cuales se ramificaron los perfiles genómicos, se asociaron de manera inversa con el nivel de vigor de las semillas, y directamente con la presencia de anormalidades en las plántulas obtenidas.


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    Full Text Available El pigmento Azul Ultramar (AU es un aluminosilicato polisulfurado de sodio que reacciona con el aluminato tricálcico (C3A y con el óxido de calcio (CaO del cemento Pórtland blanco en presencia de agua, generando cantidades considerables de etringita a edad temprana y en menor proporción de tobermorita. Esta etringita primaria se presenta en forma de fibras no orientadas mejorando el desempeño mecánico de los morteros, y al mismo tiempo dejando pocas cantidades de C3A disponible para la formación de etringita secundaria. En esta investigación se evalúa la durabilidad a diferentes edades de curado en morteros de cemento Portland blanco sustituidos por 0%, 10% y 20% de AU en peso, mediante pruebas de succión capilar y evaluación del cambio longitudinal de morteros expuestos a una solución de sulfato de sodio con una concentración del 5% (ASTM C1012. Los resultados evidencian una mayor resistencia a compresión y a flexión, una significativa disminución de la expansión y una reducción hasta del 800% de la absorción de agua en morteros con AU. Todo esto debido a la formación de las fases minerales adicionales (etringita primaria y tobermorita, las cuales fueron identificadas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM.

  3. variedad azul

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    R. I. Corona González


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se muestra un estudio del efecto del pH, la temperatura y la concentración de polifructosas de Agave tequilana weber variedad azul sobre la producción de inulinasas, con una cepa de Saccharomyces sp. en un reactor de 16 litros. Las condiciones óptimas del proceso se obtuvieron al aplicar un diseño factorial 23 en el cual temperatura, pH y concentración de azúcares de Agave tequilana se probaron con dos niveles 15 y 30°C, 4 y 5.5 y 20 y 30 g/L respectivamente. Las condiciones con las que se alcanzó la concentración más alta de inulinasas (240.6 U/ml fueron: temperatura 30°C, pH 5.5 y 30 g/L de polifructosas de Agave tequilana

  4. Efectividad del Caldo Lactosado con Azul de Bromotimol en el control bacteriológico de las desinfecciones profilácticas en instalaciones bovinas


    Cepero Rodríguez, Omelio:; Silveira Prado, Enrique A.:; Suárez Fernández, Yolanda E.:; González García, Oraida:


    Con la finalidad de evaluar la efectividad del medio de cultivo CaldoLactosado con Azul de Bromotimol (CLAB) en el control bacteriológico de las desinfecciones profilácticas se realizó un estudio en unidades bovinas cuyos resultados se compararon en paralelo con los obtenidos con el medio de Heifetz Modificado (HM), establecido en Cuba para esta actividad. Previa limpieza mecánica se aplicaron las soluciones desinfectantes mediante una unidad móvil y después de tres horas de exposición se rea...


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    Full Text Available Se prepararon muestras de cemento azul a partir de cemento Pórtland Blanco Tipo III, según Normas Técnicas Colombianas NTC y pigmento Azul Ultramar U-601 adicionado en un 2% en peso del cemento. El cemento se caracterizó químicamente por fluorescencia de rayos X, y físicamente mediante los ensayos típicos según las NTC. Al pigmento y al cemento se les determinaron sus coordenadas cromáticas por espectrofotometría mediante el sistema CIELAB. Se eligieron varios aditivos y adiciones (entre orgánicos, inorgánicos y minerales para ser adicionados al cemento azul en diferentes dosificaciones en peso. Tanto a las muestras de cemento azul sin aditivo como a aquellas con las diferentes dosificaciones de aditivos, se les determinaron sus características físicas de desempeño y coordenadas cromáticas a diferentes edades de curado en agua saturada con cal (1, 3, 7 y 28 días. Adicionalmente se les determinó el color en las mismas edades a especimenes curados a las condiciones ambientales del laboratorio. Se presentó decoloración total en todos aquellos cementos adicionados con aditivos orgánicos, y decoloración parcial en los cementos adicionados con algunos de los aditivos inorgánicos y ciertas adiciones minerales. Tanto los tiempos de fraguado, como las resistencias a la compresión y demás variables de desempeño experimentaron cambios significativos, en algunos casos positivos y en otros negativos, como consecuencia y efecto de las diferentes dosificaciones utilizadas de cada uno de los aditivos.

  6. Detección de restricciones en la producción de agave azul (Agave tequilana Weber var. azul mediante percepción remota

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    Ramón Ceja Ramírez


    Full Text Available El agave azul (Agave tequilana Weber, var. azul se utiliza, principalmente, para la producción del Tequila; una bebida espirituosa. El estado de Jalisco, México, contribuye con el 90% de la producción; esto constituye un importante apoyo a la economía del Estado. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la superficie ocupada por agave azul, que presentó restricciones en su producción en la región Valles, correspondiente a los municipios de Tequila, Amatitán y El Arenal, en el estado de Jalisco, México, por medio de percepción remota. Se utilizó una imagen adquirida por el satélite LANDSAT 5 el 2 de abril de 2011, la cual se procesó para su calibración radiométrica, corrección atmosférica y georreferenciación. La interpretación digital se hizo a través del proceso de clasificación supervisada utilizando la opción de máxima probabilidad. Los campos de entrenamiento se seleccionaron de información de campo y de la base de datos del Consejo Regulador del Tequila (CRT. Los resultados se plasmaron en mapas temáticos; distribución de agave y no agave y distribución de agave con restricciones. El 45% del área ocupada por el cultivo presentó restricciones relacionadas con: aspectos económicos (restricción tipo 1, plagas y enfermedades (restricción tipo 2 y efectos por exceso de humedad del suelo (restricción tipo 3. Para evaluar la precisión de estos datos se aplicó una matriz de error que reportó una precisión general del 73%. Este valor es aceptable considerando la resolución a 30 m del sensor (LANDSAT 5 y la peculiaridad del cultivo. El uso de imágenes LANDSAT por su resolución espectral y radiométrica es aceptable para el estudio del cultivo del agave azul según lo observado en campo y lo expresado por el procesamiento de la imagen.

  7. Petrografía, caracterización geoquímica y análisis microestructural del granito del cerro Siempre Amigos, sierras de Azul, Tandilia


    Angeletti, Melisa; Frisicale, María Cristina; Dimieri, Luis V


    El cerro Siempre Amigos integra las sierras de Azul, Tandilia, distante 28 km al sur de la ciudad de Azul y 3 km al norte de la megacizalla de Azul, zona de cizalla subvertical donde el basamento se encuentra deformado a milonitas y ultramilonitas. La litología predominante en el cerro Siempre Amigos es un granito paleoproterozoico deformado que en el centro y hacia los bordes se encuentra interdigitado con una roca gnéisica y cuerpos de anfibolitas subverticales de rumbo similar a la foliaci...

  8. Banco de semillas en ambientes de las sierras de Azul (Buenos Aires, Argentina con distinta intensidad de disturbios Seed bank in environments of the Azul sierras (Buenos Aires, Argentina with different disturbance intensities

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    F. Gianaccini


    Full Text Available A fin de evaluar el impacto de la agricultura sobre la flora potencial de pastizales serranos en el Partido de Azul (Buenos Aires, Argentina, se comparó el banco de semillas en los 20 cm superficiales del suelo entre dos sectores adyacentes en las primeras estribaciones serranas. Uno de ellos está sometido a agricultura permanente y el otro conserva un pastizal natural bajo pastoreo y quemas no programados. Este último sector presentó en promedio una densidad de 70.000 sem m-2 contra 36.720 sem m-2 en el primero. La representación de semillas de especies nativas se redujo notablemente en el ambiente agrícola. Stipa caudata con 31360 sem m-2 resultó la especie más abundante en el pastizal. En el ambiente de cultivo, su densidad se redujo a 9940 sem m-2 y fue superada por Chenopodium album con 10560 sem m-2. La similitud en la composición del banco fue de 55% en términos cualitativos y 27% en términos cuantitativos. Estos resultados evidencian que, en el área de estudio, el reemplazo del pastizal natural por agricultura reduce notoriamente las reservas de semillas y modifica la composición cualitativa y cuantitativa del banco con una elevada pérdida en la proporción de especies nativas.In order to evaluate the impact of agriculture on the potential flora of grasslands of the sierras of Azul (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, the soil seed bank in the top 20 cm from two adjacent areas on the first foothill spurs were compared. One is submitted to continuous agriculture. The other area has grasslands under grazing and non programmed burning. The latter showed a mean density of 70.000 seeds m-2 against a mean density of 36.720 seeds m-2 in the first area. The proportional representation of native species seeds decreased strongly in the agricultural environment. The most abundant species in the grasslands was Stipa caudata (31.360 seeds m-2. In the agricultural environment, its density decreased to 9940 seeds m-2. It was surpassed by

  9. Superficie específica de una bentonita mediante la adsorción de azul de metileno


    Pinzón Bello, Jorge Alejo


    Se estudió la determinación de la superficie específica de una bentonita colombiana, procedente del Valle del Cauca, mediante la adsorción de azul de metileno, a 298 K. Este método se comparó con el de la adsorción de nitrógeno a 77 K.

  10. Superficie específica de una bentonita mediante la adsorción de azul de metileno

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    Jorge Alejo Pinzón Bello


    Full Text Available Se estudió la determinación de la superficie específica de una bentonita colombiana, procedente del Valle del Cauca, mediante la adsorción de azul de metileno, a 298 K. Este método se comparó con el de la adsorción de nitrógeno a 77 K.

  11. Hispanoscope: pantalla ancha con patente española / Hispanoscope: Widescreen with Spanish Patent

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    Santiago Aguilar


    Full Text Available En 1954, a raíz del estreno en España de las primeras películas en CinemaScope, Ángel Pérez Palacios y Aurelio Lerroux patentan una serie de objetivos anamórficos que pretenden cubrir las aspiraciones a la pantalla ancha de la modesta industria española. Entre 1956 y 1959 se ruedan dos cortos y cinco largometrajes por este procedimiento autóctono y regresan a la pantalla en versión anamórfica media docena de títulos rodados en origen con objetivos esféricos. La competencia de otras marcas europeas acabó con el sueño del Hispanoscope.Palabras clave: cine español, pantalla ancha, procedimientos anamórficos, Hispanoscope, tecnología cinematográfica. AbstractIn 1954, following the premiere in Spain of the first films in CinemaScope, Ángel Pérez Palacios and Aurelio Lerroux patented a series of anamorphic lenses intended to fulfill the widescreen aspirations of the modest local film industry. Between 1956 and 1959 two shorts and five features were shot by this native process and anamorphic versions of other films originally shot with spherical lenses found their way back to the screen. Competition from stronger European companies ended the Hispanoscope dream.Keywords: Spanish cinema, widescreen, anamorphic process, Hispanoscope, film technology.

  12. Influence of blue light spectrum filter on short-wavelength and standard automated perimetries Influência de filtro para o espectro azul da luz na perimetria computadorizada branco-branco e azul-amarelo

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    Leonardo Cunha Castro


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of a blue light spectrum filter (BLSF, similar in light spectrum transmittance to the intraocular lens Acrysof NaturalTM, on standard automated perimetry (SAP and short-wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP. METHODS: Twenty young individuals (OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência de um filtro para o espectro azul da luz, semelhante à lente intra-ocular Acrysof Natural®, nos exames de perimetria automatizada padrão (branco-no-branco e de comprimento de onda curto (azul-no-amarelo. MÉTODOS: Vinte pacientes jovens sem alterações oculares (20 olhos realizaram seqüência de 4 exames de campo visual: perimetria automatizada padrão e azul-no-amarelo com e sem o filtro para o espectro azul da luz. Os índices de limiar foveal (FT, desvio médio (MD e desvio-padrão (PSD obtidos em todos os exames e a diferença causada pela excentricidade nos exames de perimetria automatizada azul-no-amarelo foram analisados. Variabilidade interindivíduos (desvio-padrão dos pontos testados foi calculada. RESULTADOS: Observou-se redução estatisticamente significante no desvio médio (p<0.001 e no limiar foveal (p<0.001 medidos pela perimetria automatizada azul-no-amarelo com o uso do filtro para o espectro azul da luz comparado quando realizado sem o filtro. Nenhum outro índice avaliado apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante nos exames de perimetria automatizada padrão ou azul-no-amarelo. Foi notado aumento da variabilidade interindivíduos com a excentricidade nos exames de perimetria automatizada azul-no-amarelo com e sem o uso do filtro para o espectro azul da luz, assim como a diferença de sensibilidade entre os hemisférios inferior e superior (hemisfério inferior menos superior, mas não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparados os exames com e sem o uso do filtro. Quando foram comparados os 4 pontos mais inferiores e os 4 pontos mais superiores, a diferença inferior-superior aumentou

  13. Los lípidos en la nutrición del abulón azul, molusco con potencial de cultivo

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    Eduardo Durazo Beltrán


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del tipo y nivel de lípidos en el crecimiento y metabolismo de ácidos grasos en abulón azul. La primera parte del estudio se realizó en una granja comercial, donde se analizaron tres tratamientos de alimentación (alimento formulado, macroalga fresca y la combinación de ambos sobre parámetros biológicos y composición de ácidos grasos de organismos juveniles en un periodo de 329 días. Los perfiles de ácidos grasos de los abulones sugieren su capacidad para sintetizar ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 y n-6 de cadena larga a partir de precursores de cadena más corta. En el segundo experimento se evaluó el efecto de la fuente y nivel de ácidos grasos, con trece tratamientos de alimentación y el uso de cuatro aceites comestibles, sobre el crecimiento y composición de ácidos grasos en tejido muscular. No se determinó una relación significativa entre crecimiento y un determinado tipo o nivel de ácido graso, pero se establecieron requerimientos de ácidos grasos n-3 y n-6.

  14. La estrategia del océano azul para emprendedores

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    Tula Mendoza Farro


    Full Text Available Los emprendedores deben tener presente que no siempre la planeación garantiza el logro de los objetivos, sin embargo sin planes es difícil alcanzar metas (1. Alfred Chandler J. define que “la estrategia es la determinación de los objetivos y planes a largo plazo de la empresa, las acciones a emprender y la asignación de recursos necesarios para lograr esto...” (2. Michael Porter sostiene que “la empresa sin estrategia está dispuesta a intentar cualquier cosa” (3. C.K. Prahalad dice que “si queremos escapar de la atracción gravitacional del pasado tenemos que ser capaces de replantear nuestras propias ortodoxias. Debemos volver a generar nuestras estrategias esenciales y replantear nuestras creencias fundamentales sobre cómo vamos a competir” (4. Peter Drucker, en tanto, considera que “la estrategia de la organización es la respuesta a dos preguntas: ¿qué es nuestro negocio? y ¿qué debería ser?” (5. Las concepciones de estrategia en la empresa son diversas, pero todas coinciden en la enorme trascendencia que tiene para la gestión empresarial. Los modelos de estrategia, del mismo modo esencial para la gestión, también son distintos, pero suelen variar en función de la búsqueda de mejores resultados. Un emergente y expectante modelo es hoy la estrategia del océano azul, que alienta la innovación en la apertura de mercados y deja de lado la competencia como modelo estratégico. La estrategia del océano azul, formulada por W. Chan Kim y Renée Mauborgne en su gran best seller del mismo nombre (6, sostiene que las empresas si quieren ser exitosas pueden hacerlo explorando nuevos mercados, nuevas oportunidades y a través de la innovación en valor (innovación con utilidad, precio y costo, sin preocuparse en la competencia. Es un modelo de “no competencia”, de búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades, de intactos escenarios, de aguas tranquilas e inexploradas que simbolizan el océano azul, y que precisamente es una

  15. Heavy metal contents in sediments of rivers and adjacent streams to the filling of Rio Azul, Rio Azul, San Jose, Costa Rica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mora Amador, Raul Alberto


    In Costa Rica there are no studies that have documented the concentrations of heavy metals in river sediments, caused by point sources of pollutants, such as the deposits sites of solid waste. The potential source of heavy metals concentrations in the study area, is an active landfill, known as Relleno Sanitario de Rio Azul, which is located southeast of the city of San Jose, in Distrito de Rio Azul de La Union. The site where the landfill Rio Azul is located is composed by a sequence of volcanic materials, which could have been affected by local faulting. This fact would mean a serious threat of contamination of groundwater in the region, geological faults are therefore a highly permeable, able to get in touch the fill pollutants with some aquifer. The mass of metal deposited on the site, from 1978 to date, has been estimated between 70000-100000 tm, which it becomes environmental concern in a first order. The results of X-ray fluorescence show the presence of elements such as vanadium, chromium, magnesium, copper, zinc, rubidium, strontium, potassium, calcium, iron, titanium and yttrium, which show a trend towards more high Concentrates in the fine fraction (d [es

  16. Registro de un Monstruo Diprósopo de Tiburón Azul (Prionace glauca) en Chile


    Hevia-Hormazábal, Valentina; Pastén-Marambio, Víctor; Vega, Alonso


    Un espécimen de siameses de tiburón azul, Prionace glauca, fue recolectado durante actividades de pesca en el norte de Chile. Según una clasificación basada en el grado de duplicación y el sitio de fusión de los gemelos, el espécimen corresponde a un monstruo del tipo diprósopo tetroftalmo. El individuo tiene una duplicación craneofacial parcial con presencia de cuatro globos oculares e igual número de narinas. Las cavidades orales están interconectadas convergiendo en una única faringe. El t...

  17. Simulation of regional-scale groundwater flow in the Azul River basin, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (United States)

    Varni, Marcelo R.; Usunoff, Eduardo J.

    , suggérant ainsi que la description par le modèle des relations rivière-nappe est correcte. Resumen Se ha utilizado el modelo MODFLOW, del Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos, para simular el flujo de agua subterránea en la cuenca del arroyo del Azul, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, con el objeto de evaluar el modelo hidrogeológico conceptual. Los niveles hidráulicos simulados ajustan satisfactoriamente con los niveles observados. Los resultados de la simulación indican que: (1) la recarga no es uniforme, sino que puede caracterizarse con tres zonas en las que sus valores decrecen en la medida en que decrece la pendiente, que guarda similitud con la distribución de suelos y características geomorfológicas y (2) la evapotranspiración sería mayor que la estimada en estudios previos, en los que se utilizó el método de Thornthwaite-Mather. La evapotranspiración estimada mediante la presente simulación concuerda con resultados de varios estudios independientes en la región. Respecto de la relación acuífero-río, existe un muy buen ajuste entre los aportes del acuífero al río simulados y los valores históricos de caudal base.

  18. Reducción de color con cloruro de magnesio en soluciones con colorantes comerciales

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    Mercedes Lucero Chávez


    Full Text Available Se experimentó con diferentes concentraciones de cloruro de magnesio (MgCl2 como coagulante para reducir el color en soluciones con colorantes comerciales: negro, azul y café. Los parámetros analizados fueron pH, color, demanda química de oxígeno ( dqo y sólidos suspendidos totales (sst de acuerdo con las Normas Mexicanas. Como prueba complementaria se agregó carbón activado a las muestras para reducir el color residual después de la coagulación-floculación. La reducción de los valores de color y dqo fue mayor cuando se adicionó más cantidad de MgCl2 (1.8 g/L. Los porcentajes de reducción fueron ≥90% para el color y >50% para la dqo. Los sst aumentaron con la adición de MgCl2. El carbón activado eliminó el color residual.

  19. Combustión espontánea de las harinas de pescado azul: Factores de influencia y peligrosidad en el transporte

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    San José, M. J.


    Full Text Available Fish meal production characteristics and treatment are described, together with a detailed explanation of the international regulations for its maritime transport, as well as of the requirements for its stabilization to avoid its spontaneous combustion. Experience with this kind of transport, as well as Intensive research carried out over several years, has shown that the high fat content in several kinds of fish and the environmental humidity and temperature have a great influence and transform this kind of cargo into dangerous goods. Knowledge of proper stowage and cargo distribution in the holds greatly decreases the dangers during maritime transport. Good transport practice and stabilization of the meal with antioxidants together with the conclusions reached after research, make maritime transport of these cargoes safer.

    Se detallan las características de la fabricación y tratamiento de la harina de pescado azul, junto con un amplio desarrollo de las disposiciones internacionales para su transporte por vía marítima, así como la necesidad de estabilizar la harina de pescado para evitar la combustión espontánea. La experiencia en este transporte, además de las investigaciones realizadas durante varios años, ha puesto de manifiesto que el contenido de grasa en el pescado azul, la humedad y la temperatura, tienen una gran influencia y convierten a estos cargamentos en mercancías peligrosas. El conocimiento de una buena estiba o distribución de la carga dentro de las bodegas reduce considerablemente la peligrosidad en su transporte por mar. Esta práctica en el transporte y su estabilización con antioxidantes, junto con las conclusiones aportadas en la investigación, determinan un viaje más seguro en el transporte de estas mercancías.

  20. Content of heavy metals in the sediments of the rivers and adjacent gullies to Relleno de Rio Azul, Rio Azul, San Jose, Costa Rica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mora Amador, R.A.


    In Costa Rica it is not had studies that have documented heavy the fluvial sediment metal concentrations, caused by point sources of polluting agents, as they are the sites of I deposit of been accustomed to remainders. The potential source of heavy metal concentrations in the study area, it is an active sanitary filling, known like Sanitary Landing Azul River, which is located to the Southeastern of the city of San Jose, in the District of Azul River, Corner of the Union. The site where this made up of a sequence of materials of volcanic origin is located to the filling of Azul River, which could be affected by local fault, this fact would mean a serious threat of contamination of underground waters of the region, then the geological faults constitute very permeable means, able to put in contact the polluting agents of the water-bearing filling with some. The mass of metals deposited in the site, from 1978 to date, metric ton has calculated between 70000 to 100000, which turns it an environmental preoccupation of first order. The results of x-rays fluorescence show the presence of elements like vanadium, chromium, manganese, it receives, zinc rubidium, strontium, potassium, calcium, iron, titanium and yttrium, which show a tendency to present/display high concentrations but in the fine fraction (d [es

  1. Evaluating patent portfolios by means of multicriteria analysis

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    Xiaolu Wang


    Full Text Available Valuation of intangible assets is a complex topic where traditional methodologies are not always successful. Nevertheless, intangible assets, like patents, have become of great importance to companies, as their value is considered to be relevant economic and strategic information, so it is necessary to evaluate firms’ patent portfolios. The present research introduces an extended goal programming model to calculate the relative importance of the patents of companies in a patent pool. This information may be useful for patent valuation as well as for management purposes. The proposed multicriteria methodology has been applied to the 19 companies in the MPEG2 patent pool, with a total of 770 valid patents, using 7 criteria to obtain a composite measure of the relative position of the firms in the patent pool.RESUMENLa valoración de activos intangibles constituye un área compleja donde los métodos tradicionales no siempre obtienen buenos resultados. Sin embargo, los activos intangibles, entre ellos las patentes, han ganado importancia en las empresas, de forma que el cálculo de su valor se ha convertido en una cuestión estratégica en muchos casos. Este hecho requiere que las empresas valoren la cartera de patentes en su conjunto. La presente investigación presenta un modelo extendido de programación por metas y su aplicación para el cálculo de la importancia relativa de las patentes. Este modelo puede resultar importante tanto para la valoración de las patentes como para la gestión empresarial. La metodología multicriterio propuesta ha sido aplicado a 19 empresas en el sector de las patentes del formato MPEG2, con un total de 770 patentes válidas, y utilizando 7 criterios con el objetivo de obtener una medida compuesta de la posición relativa de las empresas en el conjunto de patentes.

  2. Visibilidad y enunciabilidad en la larga duración de la violencia política: La sombra azul de Sergio Schmucler

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    Graciana Vásquez Villanueva


    Full Text Available Una historia de vida, eje fundamental de un film, es la discursividad que hemos indagado para percibir sentidos nuevos en la relación cine, memoria y violencia en la zona amplia de los discursos producidos sobre el terrorismo de estado en Argentina. La sombra azul, con guión y dirección de Sergio Schmucler, irrumpe para desbaratar conciencias. Nuestro trabajo, filiado en el Análisis del Discurso, se ha detenido en la indagación de tres dispositivos: las visibilidades, las enunciabilidades y las temporalidades, superpuestas, fragmentarias a veces, otras omnipresentes, deslizadas en la larga duración de una memoria social. Estos dispositivos, elaborados por Foucault para blandir discursividades exasperantes de órdenes impuestos, constituyen un camino privilegiado para llegar, a través de su desgranamiento, a una verdad intolerable forjada en este film. En La sombra azul la larga duración de la violencia de estado, la impunidad de los represores durante la democracia y, fundamentalmente, un sobreviviente —a la tortura, la prisión, el exilio, perteneciente a la fuerza policial de una de las provincias más castigadas por la dictadura— son cincelados, en la heteroglosia, en el diálogo y en el antagonismo, con otras voces. Este sobreviviente, devenido en re-viviente señala cómo un marco ético, capaz de valorar la tragedia humana, lo erige en un don para dotar de verdad, para esclarecer a una sociedad que, en muchos espacios, aún permanece en sombra. Este recorrido discursivo señala cómo, desde la indecibilidad original de un sujeto doliente, irrumpen visibilidades y enunciabilidades capaces de decir verdad y así proseguir con una memoria que nunca cesa.

  3. Origen y evolución de las patentes y marcas en biomecánica deportiva. (Origin and evolution of patents and trademarks in sports biomechanics.

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    José L. González-Montesinos


    Full Text Available ResumenLa Biomecánica es una disciplina científica cuyo origen se remonta varios siglos atrás, cuando distintos precursores utilizaron diferentes ciencias para analizar el movimiento humano y animal. El desarrollo tecnológico ha propiciado la invención de distintos dispositivos los cuales han sido utilizados en estudios biomecánicos. Dichos dispositivos han facilitado la toma y análisis de datos relacionados con el movimiento y sus causas. La Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (O.E.P.M. es el organismo encargado de registrar y patentar las invenciones en España. Para ello, la patente presentada debe de cumplir con unos requisitos y superar una evaluación técnica. Actualmente podemos encontrar distintas patentes para realizar análisis cinemáticos y cinéticos del movimiento, formadas por emisores y receptores de láser, cámaras de alta velocidad, sensores de presión, etc. Numerosas investigaciones relacionadas con la biomecánica deportiva utilizan estos dispositivos para obtener datos más precisos, mejorando la calidad de la investigación y, en algunos casos, posibilitando la mejora del rendimiento físico y/o deportivo. El propósito del presente artículo, consiste en exponer la evolución de la biomecánica en general y deportiva en particular, realizar una revisión sobre patentes relacionadas con la biomecánica del deporte, y reflejar sobre cómo y donde registrar las invenciones. Para ello se han utilizado las plataformas digitales y bases de datos Esp@cenet, Invesnes para la revisión de patentes con origen español, y Google Patent para otras patentes registradas en oficinas de fuera de España.AbstractThe biomechanics is a science discipline that originated centuries ago when various precursors used different sciences to analyze human and animal movement. Technological development has led to the invention of various devices which have been used in biomechanical studies. Such devices have facilitated the collection

  4. El Sistema de patentes en Colombia

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    Rafael Viana Barceló


    Full Text Available En este documento se realiza un análisis económico del Sistema de Patentes de Colombia. Para ello, se establece el efecto que tienen las patentes concedidas a los inventores foráneos sobre la Inversión Extranjera Directa y el Producto Interno Bruto Nacional, a través de la técnica de regresión de data panel. De igual manera, se identifican los sectores económicos que registran mayores tasas de innovación por parte de los inventores nacionales y extranjeros. Se muestra que el sistema nacional de propiedad intelectual tiene un grado de fortaleza acorde con el resto de países latinoamericanos; para ello, se construye un índice de grado de fortalecimiento de sistema de patente nacional que luego será comparado con el de otros países latinos.Palabras Clave: Sistema de Patentes; Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual; Inversión Directa extranjera; Producto Interno Bruto e innovación tecnológica. The system of patents in ColombiaAbstractIn this document an economic analysis of the System of Patents of Colombia is made. For it, the effect that has the patents granted to the foreign inventors on the Direct Foreign Investment and the Internal Product Gross National, through the technique of regression of data settles down panel. Of equal way, the economic sectors are identified that register greater rates of innovation on the part of the national and foreign inventors.Sample that the national system of intellectual property has a degree of agreed strength with the rest of Latin American countries; for it, an index of degree of fortification of system of national patent is constructed that soon will be compared with the one of other Latin countries.Keywords: System Patent; Rights of Intellectual Property; Foreign Direct Investment; Gross Domestic Product and Technology Innovation.

  5. Blue toe syndrome Síndrome do dedo azul

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    Paulo Eduardo Ocke Reis


    Full Text Available The authors report the case of a man with blue toe syndrome, who developed bilateral foot ischemia and underwent successful repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm and associated renal artery stenosis. Blue toe syndrome is characterized by tissue ischemia secondary to embolization of cholesterol crystals or atherothrombotic debris. Microembolization most often occurs in elderly men who undergo an invasive vascular procedure or have an aneurysm.Os autores relatam o caso de síndrome do dedo azul em um homem que apresentou um quadro de isquemia bilateral dos pés e foi submetido ao reparo bem sucedido de um aneurisma da aorta abdominal e de estenose da artéria renal associada. A síndrome do dedo azul é caracterizada pela isquemia tecidual, secundária à embolização de cristais de colesterol ou aterotrombose. A microembolização ocorre mais freqüentemente em homens idosos que têm um aneurisma ou são submetidos a um procedimento vascular invasivo.

  6. Técnicas de empleo del azul de metileno para la caracterización de finos en materiales de ingeniería

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    Jorge Luis Rodríguez González


    Full Text Available Elempleo del azul de metileno en ingeniería se inició en  Francia  a  finales  de  los  años  ochenta,  con  la finalidad de caracterizar la actividad y naturaleza de los  finos  contenidos  en  las  arenas  y gravas  que  se empleaban  en  la  fabricación  de  concretos; posteriormente  se  desarrollaron  variantes  de  dicho empleo  para determinar  la  presencia  de  arcillas  en los finos de tamaños inferiores a 400 micras, para su empleo en materiales de bases, subbases y mezclascomplemento  al  ensayo  de  equivalente  de  arena,asfálticas.  En Colombia  existe  actualmente  una tendencia al uso del ensayo de azul de metileno para evaluar  las  características  de  las  partículas  finas contaminantes o nocivas en un suelo;  los diferentes procedimientos consisten, básicamente, en medir  la capacidad de adsorción de azul de metileno por una muestra  de  suelo,  capacidad  representada  como  la cantidad  de  colorante  requerido  para  recubrir  las superficies específicas de las moléculas de los finos. En nuestro país su aplicación se ha limitado a ser un dentro  de  las  especificaciones  INVIAS  y  como exigencia en las normas IDU.

  7. A estratégia Oceano Azul como proposta de valor: o caso dos ginásios/health clubs portugueses


    Vieira, Elsa Regina Monteiro


    Metaforicamente, Kim e Mauborgne (2005) referem que o mercado é constituído por dois oceanos, o vermelho e o azul. O oceano vermelho representa todas as indústrias que existem hoje. O oceano azul considera todas as indústrias que ainda não existem, representa assim, o mercado não explorado, onde se pode criar a procura e onde existem oportunidades de elevado crescimento e rentabilidade. A esta abordagem Kim e Mauborgne (2005) chamam Estratégia Oceano Azul. Esta tese tem como objetivo geral de...

  8. Efecto de la plata sobre el proceso de síntesis por fusión de un pigmento del tipo azul ultramarino


    Castillo, Wilmer; González, Luis; Sánchez, Selene; Ocanto, Freddy; Linares, Carlos F


    Se realizó la síntesis de pigmentos inorgánicos del tipo azul ultramarino a partir de la mezcla de zeolita A, carbonato de sodio, azufre elemental y contenido de plata entre un 0 al 5% p/p a una temperatura de 800°C por espacio de 4h. Los sólidos fueron caracterizados por la técnicas de difracción de rayos X (DRX), infrarrojo con transformada de Fourier (FTIR) y espectroscopia de reflectancia de UV a fin de verificar la estructura y coloración de los materiales obtenidos. Los resultados mostr...

  9. Captura de atún aleta azul en Baja California, México: ¿pesquería regional o maquiladora marina?

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    Raúl Jesús del Moral-Simanek


    Full Text Available El atún aleta azul, capturado por la flota mexicana en las costas de la península de Baja California, se destinaba al enlatado local, para ofrecer a los consumidores nacionales un producto barato y con valor nutritivo alto. Sin embargo, esto cambió en la última década con la llegada de inversionistas, sobre todo japoneses. Ahora el atún se captura, engorda y exporta a los mercados japonés y estadounidense, que pagan un precio elevado, para satisfacer su demanda de sashimi. Esto tiene repercusiones positivas en el orden social y económico en México y Japón; determinadas a partir del trabajo de campo directo e indirecto realizado en el marco de esta investigación. Además, se identificaron algunas similitudes entre el comportamiento de las empresas estudiadas y la industria maquiladora de exportación, lo que abrió un debate sobre el tema.

  10. Optimization study of fructans extraction from Agave tequilana Weber azul variety

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    Jesús Aarón SALAZAR-LEYVA

    Full Text Available Abstract Agave tequilana Weber azul variety is a valuable source of fructans. In this study, a response surface methodology was employed to optimize the extraction yield of fructans from agave pines. A Box Behnken factorial design was applied to evaluate the effects of several conditions such as extraction temperature, water raw material ratio and extraction time on extraction yield. Under the optimum extraction conditions (extraction temperature of 79.1 °C, water raw material ratio of 5.13 mL/g, and extraction time of 1.48 h fructans extraction yield was 83.12%. The chromatographic profile of the agave crude extract presented four peaks, out of which fructans were the most preponderant (~87%. The obtained results suggest that the response surface methodology is adequate to optimize fructans extraction from Agave tequilana Weber azul variety.

  11. El duelo y el tiempo mítico en Rosa Cuchillo y La hora azul


    Torres Oyarce, Tania


    En este artículo, sostenemos que las novelas Rosa Cuchillo y La hora azul proyectan procesos individuales de duelo en un orden social mítico que se limita a reproducir el fantasma de la nación cercada (Ubilluz) como (seudo) propuesta de solución al conflicto armado acontecido en el Perú entre 1980-2000. En Rosa Cuchillo, la protagonista Rosa Cuchillo atraviesa un proceso de duelo por haber perdido a su hijo subversivo, Liborio, mientras que, en La hora azul, el protagonista Adrián Ormache suf...

  12. Uso do azul de metileno no tratamento de choque anafilático durante anestesia: relato de caso Uso del azul de metileno en el tratamiento de choque anafiláctico durante anestesia: relato de caso Methylene blue to treat anaphylaxis during anesthesia: case report

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    Renato Mestriner Stocche


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: No período peri-operatório, o risco de anafilaxia deve sempre ser considerado. A incidência de reações alérgicas em anestesia é controversa, variando entre 1/3000 a 1/20.000, com mortalidade entre 3% e 9 %. Neste caso, relata-se o uso do azul de metileno como coadjuvante ao tratamento do choque anafilático refratário à terapêutica tradicional. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 53 anos, submetido a herniorrafia inguinal sob raquianestesia. No final do procedimento, ao receber dipirona (1,5 g, por via venosa, o paciente imediatamente apresentou broncoespasmo, cianose, diminuição da SpO2 e da PAS, culminando com parada cardiorrespiratória. Foi iniciada reanimação cardiorrespiratória com massagem cardíaca externa, seguida de IOT e injeção de adrenalina (1 mg, atropina (1 mg, restabelecendo-se FC de 150 bpm, porém sem pulso palpável. Administrou-se mais 1 mg de adrenalina além de 1 g de hidrocortisona, com restabelecimento de pulso central (8 minutos. Apesar de receber dopamina (20 µ, o paciente manteve-se hipotenso (60 mmHg até 80 minutos. Administraram-se 100 mg de azul de metileno por via venosa, quando houve aumento da PAS para 85 e 105 mmHg, após a segunda dose. Seguiu-se da diminuição da dose de dopamina de 20 para 10, 7, 5 e, finalmente, 2 µ CONCLUSÕES: A anafilaxia tem como principal mediador a liberação de histamina, que induz a produção de óxido nítrico (NO, com conseqüente aumento da guanilato ciclase que promove vasodilatação arteriolar por aumento do GMP cíclico. O azul de metileno pode ser útil nestas situações, pois inibe a guanilato ciclase e conseqüentemente a vasodilatação, o que resulta em melhora hemodinâmica.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: En el período peri-operatorio, el riesgo de anafilaxis siempre debe ser considerado. La incidencia de reacciones alérgicas en anestesia es polémica, variando entre 1/3000 a 1/20.000, con

  13. Corantes vitais em cromovitrectomia Vital dyes in chromovitrectomy

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    Eduardo Dib


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo é apresentar os dados atuais da aplicação de corantes vitais durante cirurgia vitreorretiniana, "cromovitrectomia", bem como uma revisão da literatura atual sobre o assunto no tocante às técnicas de aplicação, indicações e complicações em cromovitrectomia. Um grande número de publicações tem abordado o perfil tóxico da indocianina verde na cromovitrectomia. Dados experimentais mostram uma toxicidade dose-dependente da mesma em várias populações de células retinianas. Novas gerações de corantes incluem: azul tripan, azul patente, acetato de triancinolona, infracianina verde, fluoresceína sódica, azul de bromofenol, acetato de fluorometolona e azul brilhante. Novos instrumentos podem permitir um corar seletivo de estruturas durante a vitrectomia. Este artigo mostra que o campo da cromovitrectomia está em plena expansão de pesquisas. Os corantes de primeira linha são a indocianina verde, infracianina verde e o azul brilhante. Azul patente, azul de bromofenol e azul tripan surgem como novos adjuvantes para melhor observação da membrana epirretiniana. Demais corantes que surgiram merecem maior investigação.The aim of this article is to present the current data with regard to the application of vital dyes during vitreoretinal surgery, "chromovitrectomy", as well as to overview the current literature regarding the properties of dyes, techniques of application, indications and complications in chromovitrectomy. A large body of published research has recently addressed the toxicity profile of indocyanine green for chromovitrectomy. Experimental data demonstrate dose-dependent toxicity of indocyanine green to various retinal cells. Newer generation vital dyes for chromovitrectomy include trypan blue, patent blue, triamcinolone acetonide, infracyanine green, sodium fluorescein, bromophenol blue, fluorometholone acetate and brilliant blue. Novel instruments may enable a selective painting of preretinal

  14. Respuesta del Tumor Venéreo Transmisible Canino a Presentaciones de Vincristina de Patente y Genérica


    Susana Miguel De la Cruz


    El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar la respuesta de perros infectados naturalmente con el Tumor Venéreo Transmisible (TVTc) al tratamiento con vincristina comercial de patente y genérica. Se trabajó con 12 perros infectados naturalmente y con diagnóstico por citología y PCR. Los perros fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un tratamiento semanal con 0.025 mg/kg de vincristina de patente comercial o de tipo genérico, hasta que dos citologías consecutivas resultaran negativas. Se hicieron...

  15. Decoding Patent Information Using Patent Maps


    Liu, Chen-Yuan; Yang, James Chingyu


    Patent information is a derivative product from the legal patent system. This information, which includes patent applications, patent descriptions, patent gazettes, patent abstracts, and patent data, is prepared in exact compliance with the regulations and specifications of the patent acts. Patent information, different from other published circulating information, is legally well protected. For convenience, this study classifies patent information into bibliographic and numeric data to creat...

  16. El secreto del huevo azul, de Catalina González Vilar. Estudio narratológico

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    Miguel Sánchez-García


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aborda el estudio narratológico de la obra El secreto del huevo azul , de la escritora Catalina González Vilar, que obtuvo el Premio El Barco de Vapor en el año 2012. Examina los diferentes elementos constitutivos del texto (el enfoque del tema, la caracterización de los personajes, la estructura sintáctica, el tratamiento del lenguaje, la técnica narrativa utilizada... y su aporte al desarrollo de la historia con la finalidad de descubrir los valores estéticos y literarios que aporta a la fábula. Pretende demostrar el adecuado uso de todos ellos dado que favorecen un texto rico en matices, llamativo, sugerente. Cualidades, todas ellas, de gran importancia tanto en creaciones destinadas al público adulto como al infantil y juvenil pues enriquece el valor final de la obra, y por extensión, el bagaje cultural de sus lectores.

  17. La diversidad de agentes y la evolución de las patentes traslapadas en los vehículos eléctricos

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    Ricardo Artemio Chávez Meza


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia la actividad inventiva relacionada con los vehículos eléctricos. En particular exa- mina la relación entre las patentes traslapadas y una población diversa de agentes: empresas, entidades no practicantes, inventores individuales y alianzas. Con base en la información de la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas de Estados Unidos (USPTO, período 1976-2012, se presenta: 1 a partir del análisis de redes, la creciente complejidad de la actividad inventiva de los vehículos eléctricos; 2 las características y evolución de la actividad inventiva y 3 su relación con la existencia de patentes traslapadas. Se demuestra que la e v olución de las patentes traslapadas (de menor a mayor complejidad se asocia con una mayor complejidad del conocimiento tecnológico y con una mayor diversidad de agentes.


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    A. Angeles-Espino


    Full Text Available El agave (Agave tequilana Weber var. azul, se le conoce comúnmente como “Agave Azul o Agave Tequilero”. La planta de agave es un producto económicamente importante de México debido a que es el ingrediente base del Tequila, el cual es una bebida popular destilada. La micropropagación es una técnica importante para la multiplicación masiva en agave y la respuesta a los reguladores de crecimiento debe considerarse en el desarrollo de cada protocolo. El objetivo del trabajo fue obtener plántulas de agave a partir del cultivo de meristemos in vitro. Se colectaron hijuelos de seis meses en plantaciones de 3 años de edad. Los meristemos se lavaron y desinfestaron con alcohol al 70% y una solución de hipoclorito al 3% por 15 minutos y se dio triple enjuague en condiciones de asepsia en la cámara de flujo laminar. Los explantes se sembraron en el medio Murashige y Skoog (MS, suplementado con 24.6 µM de AIB y 46.46 μM de Cinetina, 30 g/L de sacarosa y 8 g/L de agar para su solidificación. El medio se vertió en frascos de 100 mL de capacidad a razón de 25 mL y se esterilizó en autoclave por 15 min a 121°C. Se sembró un explante por frasco y se colocaron en la cámara de crecimiento a 27°C con 16 horas luz. La inducción de los brotes se presentó a partir de la cuarta semana posterior a la siembra. Los brotes obtenidos se multiplicaron transfiriéndose a medio MS suplementado con 0.1 mg L-1 de AIB y 46.46 μM de Cinetina. El desarrollo de las plántulas se obtuvo a la cuarta semana después del inicio de la inducción de los brotes. La micropropagación de plántulas de agave a partir de yemas axilares, se completó en un lapso de 10 semanas a partir de la siembra de los meristemos. Al considerar el tiempo requerido para la obtención de vitroplántulas de agave, se confirmó que la técnica de micropropagación es un proceso eficiente para la obtenci

  19. Estudo experimental de linfonodo sentinela na mama da cadela com azul patente e Tecnécio Tc99m Experimental study of the sentinel lymph node in the dog breast using blue dye and technetium Tc99m

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    Luiz Gonzaga Porto Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Pesquisa do Linfonodo Sentinela (LS tem se mostrado efetiva na avaliação axilar nas portadoras de neoplasia mamária. O LS negativo torna desnecessário o esvaziamento axilar. OBJETIVO: Identificar o LS da região subareolar da mama em cadelas utilizando corante azul patente (AP, Tecnécio Tc99m ou a associação de ambas as técnicas e compará-las quanto à sensibilidade na detecção do linfonodo sentinela. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas dezessete cães fêmeas. Um total de 55 mamas foram analisadas. Utilizou-se AP (2,5%/0,5 ml e/ou Tc99m (1,0 mC/0,8ml para identificação do LS. A aplicação do Tc99m era realizada duas horas antes da realização do experimento. O AP era injetado na região subareolar da mama. Localizado o LS, realizava-se sua exérese. RESULTADOS: Dos 44 linfonodos em que se utilizou AP, pôde-se verificar que 40 estavam corados (90,90%. Dos 48 linfonodos em que se utilizou Tc99m, 47 linfonodos estavam radioativos (97,91% (p=0.18; k= - 0.067. Nas 37 mamas em que se associou AP ao Tc99m, apesar de 02 linfonodos não estarem corados, todos estavam radioativos (AP vs AP+Tc: p=0.12; k=0.083; Tc vs AP+Tc: p=1.0; k=0.018. CONCLUSÃO: O Tc99m e o corante azul patente, isolados ou associados, prestam-se à identificação do LS da mama do animal.The sentinel lymph node research (SLN has been effective in the evaluation of nodal status in patients with breast cancer. A negative SLN makes an axillary lymphadenectomy unnecessary. PURPOSE: To identify the SLN of the subareolar region in female dog breasts using blue dye (BD, Technetium (Tc99m or the association of both techniques and to compare their sensibility in the detection of the SLN. METHODS: Seventeen female dogs were studied. 55 breasts were analyzed. DB and/or Tc99m were used for the identification of SLN. Tc99m was introduced two hours before the experiment. BD was introduced some minutes before the procedure. Once the SLN was localized its dissection was performed. RESULTS

  20. Google Patents: The global patent search engine


    Noruzi, Alireza; Abdekhoda, Mohammadhiwa


    Google Patents ( includes over 8 million full-text patents. Google Patents works in the same way as the Google search engine. Google Patents is the global patent search engine that lets users search through patents from the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office), EPO (European Patent Office), etc. This study begins with an overview of how to use Google Patent and identifies advanced search techniques not well-documented by Google Patent. It makes several sug...

  1. Efeitos da infusão de azul de metileno em equinos após a administração de lipopolissacarídeo


    Borges, José Henrique Saraiva [UNESP


    A endotoxemia é um distúrbio grave na clínica veterinária, sendo uma das principais causas de mortalidade em equinos.Trabalhos recentes relatam a eficácia do azul de metileno na prevenção dos danos impostos pelo óxido nítrico. Este estudo foi concebido com o fito de avaliar os efeitos do azul de metileno sobre as respostas clínica, celular e bioquímica, na endotoxemia experimental em equinos. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos. LPS+AM recebeu LPS e foi tratado com 3mg/kg de azul de met...

  2. Zn-binding AZUL domain of human ubiquitin protein ligase Ube3A

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lemak, Alexander; Yee, Adelinda [University of Toronto, and Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium, Ontario Cancer Institute, Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute and Department of Medical Biophysics (Canada); Bezsonova, Irina, E-mail: [University of Connecticut Health Center, Department of Molecular Microbial and Structural Biology (United States); Dhe-Paganon, Sirano, E-mail: [University of Toronto, Structural Genomics Consortium (Canada); Arrowsmith, Cheryl H., E-mail: [University of Toronto, and Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium, Ontario Cancer Institute, Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute and Department of Medical Biophysics (Canada)


    Ube3A (also referred to as E6AP for E6 Associated Protein) is a E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase implicated in the development of Angelman syndrome by controlling degradation of synaptic protein Arc and oncogenic papilloma virus infection by controlling degradation of p53. This article describe the solution NMR structure of the conserved N-terminal domain of human Ube3A (residues 24-87) that contains two residues (Cys44 and Arg62) found to be mutated in patients with Angelman syndrome. The structure of this domain adopts a novel Zn-binding fold we called AZUL (Amino-terminal Zn-finger of Ube3a Ligase). The AZUL domain has a helix-loop-helix architecture with a Zn ion coordinated by four Cys residues arranged in Cys-X{sub 4}-Cys-X{sub 4}-Cys-X{sub 28}-Cys motif. Three of the Zn-bound residues are located in a 23-residue long and well structured loop that connects two {alpha}-helicies.

  3. Zn-binding AZUL domain of human ubiquitin protein ligase Ube3A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemak, Alexander; Yee, Adelinda; Bezsonova, Irina; Dhe-Paganon, Sirano; Arrowsmith, Cheryl H.


    Ube3A (also referred to as E6AP for E6 Associated Protein) is a E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase implicated in the development of Angelman syndrome by controlling degradation of synaptic protein Arc and oncogenic papilloma virus infection by controlling degradation of p53. This article describe the solution NMR structure of the conserved N-terminal domain of human Ube3A (residues 24-87) that contains two residues (Cys44 and Arg62) found to be mutated in patients with Angelman syndrome. The structure of this domain adopts a novel Zn-binding fold we called AZUL (Amino-terminal Zn-finger of Ube3a Ligase). The AZUL domain has a helix-loop-helix architecture with a Zn ion coordinated by four Cys residues arranged in Cys-X 4 -Cys-X 4 -Cys-X 28 -Cys motif. Three of the Zn-bound residues are located in a 23-residue long and well structured loop that connects two α-helicies.

  4. El control de la limpieza de las arenas por medio del ensayo del azul de metileno

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    Ramírez Ortiz, J. L.


    Full Text Available In the first part of this work, the main lines of the investigation work developed at LABEIN on the «Influence of the limy and clayey slimes from calcareous crushed sands on concrete properties» are presented. As a consequence of it, new limits are proposed to consideration regarding the admissible content of slime in crushed sands, reaching a limit higher than 15%, controling the slime nature by means of an equivalent of normal sand and specially by Methylene Blue. The second part of the work is devoted to the development of the methodology for the obtention of Methylene Blue, in sands used in the elaboration of concrete which have a little amount of clay, taking as a base the method applied by French normative, duly adapted and with different expression of the results.Se muestran, en la primera parte del artículo, las líneas fundamentales del trabajo de investigación desarrollado en LABEIN, sobre la «Influencia de los finos calizos y arcillosos de arenas calizas de machaqueo, en las propiedades del hormigón». Como consecuencia del mismo, se proponen nuevos límites a considerar respecto al contenido admisible de finos en las arenas calizas de machaqueo, llegando a un límite superior del 15%, controlando la naturaleza de los finos por medio del equivalente de arena a vista, y, sobre todo, por el Azul de Metileno. En la segunda parte del artículo, se desarrolla la metodología utilizada para obtener el Azul de Metileno, en arenas utilizadas en la confección de hormigón, que poseen poca arcilla, basándose en el método aplicado por la normativa francesa, adaptado convenientemente y con diferente expresión de resultados.

  5. Patentes sobre invenciones biotecnológicas: criterios legales y jurisprudenciales europeos y su aplicabilidad en el derecho mexicano

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    Carlos Ernesto Arcudia Hernández


    Full Text Available Las primeras solicitudes de protección de las invenciones biotecnológicas por medio de patente encontraron resistencia en las oficinas de patentes y en los tribunales. Se les consideraba productos de la naturaleza, o bien, que el sistema de patentes no era adecuado para la materia viva. También se argumentaba que las invenciones biotecnológicas no cumplían con los requisitos de patentabilidad; o que había prohibiciones legales que impedían su protección por medio de patente. La Oficina Europea de Patentes y los tribunales europeos, mediante una serie de resoluciones, fueron derogando las excepciones a la patentabilidad de la materia viva. Ese desarrollo jurisprudencial sirvió de base para la elaboración de la Directiva 98/44. Toda vez que la regulación del sistema de patentes europeo guarda una estrecha similitud con el sis - tema de patentes mexicano, proponemos la aplicabilidad de los criterios europeos para el examen de las solicitudes de patentes sobre materia viva.

  6. Energy saving with speed variators; Ahorro de energia con variadores de velocidad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dolores Anguiano, Ramses; Dolores Vazquez, Raul [Cementos Cruz Azul, Hidalgo (Mexico)


    The cement plant Cruz Azul S.C.L. is located in the center of the Mexican republic at 70 km north of the capital. Nowadays the Direction of Cementos Cruz Azul has implemented measures allowing to reduce their production costs. The optimization department found a great area of opportunity at the ventilators of the plant. The ventilators are used in different stages of the process and their flow was normally controlled by means of dampers -due to the high costs of the initial investment and that of maintenance of the speed variation technology which in its majority used direct current equipments. In this case it existed the possibility of making a successful application in two large ventilators, with motors of 1000 HP fed in medium tension (4160 v) in our calcination unit Num. 8. This document shows the development of this project from its initial analysis to its application and results. [Spanish] La planta de cemento Cruz Azul S.C.L. se encuentra localizada en el centro de la republica mexicana a 70 Km al norte de la capital. En estos momentos la direccion de cementos Cruz Azul ha implementado medidas que permitan reducir sus costos de produccion. El departamento de optimizacion encontro una gran area de oportunidad en los ventiladores de la planta. Los ventiladores son utilizados en distintas etapas del proceso y normalmente su flujo era controlado por medio de mamparas, debido a los altos costos como inversion inicial y de mantenimiento de la tecnologia de variacion de velocidad que en su mayoria utilizaba equipos de corriente directa. Para nuestro caso existia la posibilidad de realizar una aplicacion exitosa en dos ventiladores grandes, con motores de 1000 HP alimentados en media tension (4160 v), en nuestra unidad de calcinacion Num. 8. Este documento muestra el desarrollo de este proyecto desde su analisis inicial hasta su aplicacion y resultados.

  7. How patent experts create patent breadth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beukel, Karin


    Science as an input to patented inventions is a fundamental of economic growth. However, our understanding of how science is transformed into patents is limited. In the present paper I seek to fill this gap by examining the micro-foundations of science-patent transformations. Using an inductive......, grounded theory approach to study the transformation of 12 scientific discoveries into patents I recast the relationship between science and patents: I show it as a particular process that affects patent breadth. Exploiting surplus patent breadth depends on the processes of abstraction and cognitive...... variety, which can be mobilized by patenting experts. The theory is tested using a recently published algebraic interpretive method for examining causal relationships in small-N studies....

  8. How patent experts create patent breadth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beukel, Karin


    Science as an input to patented inventions is a fundamental of economic growth. However, our understanding of how science is transformed into patents is limited. In the present paper I seek to fill this gap by examining the micro-foundations of science-patent transformations. Using an inductive......, grounded theory approach to study the transformation of 12 scientific discoveries into patents I recast the relationship between science and patents: I show it as a particular process that affects patent breadth. Exploiting surplus patent breadth depends on the processes of abstraction and cognitive...... variety, which can be mobilized by patenting experts. The theory is tested using a recently published algebraic interpretive method for examining causal relationships in small-N studies....

  9. El ámbito de protección conferido por el derecho de patente.


    Villegas Brea, Ricardo


    En el presente trabajo se explica qué elementos determinan el alcance de protección conferido por el derecho de patente, cómo y con qué límites se determina y cuál es el objeto de protección del derecho de patente. Así mismo, se expone qué condiciones deben darse para determinar que una conducta infringe un derecho de patente o para determinar la nulidad de una patente por falta de actividad inventiva. Se explica la teoría de los equivalentes, muy importante tanto en el ámbito de la infra...

  10. Searching bioremediation patents through Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC). (United States)

    Prasad, Rajendra


    Patent classification systems have traditionally evolved independently at each patent jurisdiction to classify patents handled by their examiners to be able to search previous patents while dealing with new patent applications. As patent databases maintained by them went online for free access to public as also for global search of prior art by examiners, the need arose for a common platform and uniform structure of patent databases. The diversity of different classification, however, posed problems of integrating and searching relevant patents across patent jurisdictions. To address this problem of comparability of data from different sources and searching patents, WIPO in the recent past developed what is known as International Patent Classification (IPC) system which most countries readily adopted to code their patents with IPC codes along with their own codes. The Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) is the latest patent classification system based on IPC/European Classification (ECLA) system, developed by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) which is likely to become a global standard. This paper discusses this new classification system with reference to patents on bioremediation.

  11. Patent office governance and patent system quality




    The present paper discusses the role of quality in patent systems from the perspective of patent offices' behavior and organization. After documenting original stylized facts, the paper presents a model in which patent offices set patent fees and the quality level of their examination processes. Various objectives of patent offices' governors are considered. We show that the quality of the patent system is maximal for the patent offices that maximises either the social welfare or its own prof...

  12. Propiedades biomecánicas de la membrana limitante interna tras recibir tratamiento intravítreo con ocriplasmina. (United States)

    Vielmuth, Franziska; Schumann, Ricarda G; Spindler, Volker; Wolf, Armin; Scheler, Renate; Mayer, Wolfgang J; Henrich, Paul B; Haritoglou, Christos


    Objetivo: Evaluar la rigidez de la membrana limitante interna (MLI) humana y evaluar los posibles cambios de las propiedades mecánicas tras administrar una inyección intravítrea de ocriplasmina para tratar la tracción vitreomacular. Métodos: Este estudio se compone de una serie de casos intervencionales y comparativos de 12 muestras de MLI extraídas mediante cirugía y obtenidas de forma consecutiva de 9 ojos de 9 pacientes después de someterse sin éxito a vitreólisis farmacológica con ocriplasmina. Durante el mismo periodo de tiempo, 16 muestras de otros 13 ojos sin tratamiento con ocriplasmina se obtuvieron mediante vitrectomía y sirvieron como controles. Todos los pacientes presentaron agujeros maculares o tracción vitreomacular y se sometieron a vitrectomía con disección de la MLI tanto con tinción con azul brillante (AB) como sin ella. Todas las muestras se analizaron con un microscopio de fuerza atómica con imágenes de las regiones de 25 × 25 μm. En todas las muestras, se analizaron tanto la parte de la retina como la del vítreo de la MLI. Resultados: La microscopia de fuerza atómica no reveló diferencias significativas en cuanto a elasticidad de las muestras de MLI extraídas de ojos con o sin tratamiento con ocriplasmina. Las áreas onduladas de la parte de la retina presentaron una mayor rigidez que la parte del vítreo de la MLI. La cartografía topográfica tanto de la parte del vítreo como de la retina de la MLI no mostró ninguna alteración aparente de la morfología en ojos tratados con ocriplasmina en comparación con los ojos no tratados. La tinción con azul brillante conllevó un aumento de la rigidez tisular. Conclusiones: Las inyecciones intravítreas de ocriplasmina no varían las propiedades biomecánicas de la MLI humana. No existen pruebas de un posible efecto enzimático que interfiera con la rigidez de esta membrana basal. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  13. Estudio arqueométrico comparativo de muestras de pinturas con azul egipcio, procedentes de la tumba de Nefertari siglo XIII a.C. y del Balneum, termas romanas, siglos I a.C., I d.C.

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    Criado Portal, A. J.


    Full Text Available In the present work have studied two samples with the same pigment, Egyptian Blue, but from different sources. The difference between them is caused by the functionality. In the case of Nefertari´s tomb is decorating interior rooms carved into rock in which they would not suffer any damage since it does not accessed to that place anymore. In the case of Balneum´s baths is decorating very warm and humid rooms, and should resist deterioration resulting from human activity during the use of these baths.

    En el trabajo presentado se han estudiado dos muestras de pinturas con el mismo pigmento, azul egipcio, de distinta procedencia. Las diferencias entre ellas vienen causadas por la funcionalidad. En el caso de la tumba de Nefertari se trata de decorar estancias interiores excavadas en roca en las que no sufrirían deterioro alguno, dado que no se accedería a ese lugar nunca más. En el caso del Balneum se trata de pinturas que decoran ambientes muy húmedos y cálidos y que, además, deben resistir el deterioro derivado de la actividad humana en dichas termas.

  14. Suicidio en azul con negra mancha. Breve historia de un balazo en la pintura de Pablo Picasso

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    Godoy C., Ivan


    Full Text Available Paris 1901: unrequited love drove Carles Casagemas, a close friend of Pablo Picasso’s youth, to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head. This tragic event was a major blow to Picasso, causing him to dwell upon the subject of death and express his “mourning” through his paintings. The “bullet hole” in his friend’s temple symbolically displaced several areas of the young Picasso’s life and became a “deep vacuum” and “melancholy”, permeating various areas in Picasso’s paintings, and marking the start of his famous blue period.París 1901: por el amor de una mujer, se suicida de un balazo en la cabeza Carles Casagemas, amigo íntimo de juventud de Pablo Picasso. Este trágico suceso producirá un gran dolor en el artista, el cual, lo hará internarse en el tema de la muerte y elaborar su “duelo” apoyado en su pintura. El “hoyo a bala” en la sien de su amigo se desplazará simbólicamente a varios espacios de la vida del joven Picasso y devendrá en “vacío profundo” y “melancolía”, permeando diferentes ámbitos dentro de la pintura de Picasso, dando comienzo a su mentado período azul.

  15. Juan Ramón Jiménez y Rubén Darío: recorrido de un arte azul


    Giuliana, Virginie


    El presente estudio pretende llamar la atención sobre algunos puntos de la trayectoria del color azul desde la época modernista bajo la influencia dariana hasta Diario de un poeta reciencasado (1916) a través de un repaso de la presencia del color azul en la poesía modernista como representación de varios símbolos (la melancolía, el sueño, etc.) o un color heredado de la poesía francesa romántica y simbolista hasta la metamorfosis literaria en el Diario, como renovación literaria hacia la poe...

  16. Aberrant meiotic behavior in Agave tequilana Weber var. azul. (United States)

    Ruvalcaba-Ruiz, Domingo; Rodríguez-Garay, Benjamin


    Agave tequilana Weber var. azul, is the only one variety permitted by federal law in México to be used for tequila production which is the most popular contemporary alcoholic beverage made from agave and recognized worldwide. Despite the economic, genetic, and ornamental value of the plant, it has not been subjected to detailed cytogenetic research, which could lead to a better understanding of its reproduction for future genetic improvement. The objective of this work was to study the meiotic behavior in pollen mother cells and its implications on the pollen viability in Agave tequilana Weber var. azul. The analysis of Pollen Mother Cells in anaphase I (A-I) showed 82.56% of cells with a normal anaphase and, 17.44% with an irregular anaphase. In which 5.28% corresponded to cells with side arm bridges (SAB); 3.68% cells with one bridge and one fragment; 2.58% of irregular anaphase showed cells with one or two lagging chromosomes and 2.95% showed one acentric fragment; cells with two bridges and cells with two bridges and one acentric fragment were observed in frequencies of 1.60% and 1.35% respectively. In anaphase II some cells showed bridges and fragments too. Aberrant A-I cells had many shrunken or empty pollen grains (42.00%) and 58.00 % viable pollen. The observed meiotic irregularities suggest that structural chromosome aberrations have occurred, such as heterozygous inversions, sister chromatid exchanges, deletions and duplications which in turn are reflected in a low pollen viability.

  17. Aberrant meiotic behavior in Agave tequilana Weber var. azul

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    Rodríguez-Garay Benjamin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Agave tequilana Weber var. azul, is the only one variety permitted by federal law in México to be used for tequila production which is the most popular contemporary alcoholic beverage made from agave and recognized worldwide. Despite the economic, genetic, and ornamental value of the plant, it has not been subjected to detailed cytogenetic research, which could lead to a better understanding of its reproduction for future genetic improvement. The objective of this work was to study the meiotic behavior in pollen mother cells and its implications on the pollen viability in Agave tequilana Weber var. azul. Results The analysis of Pollen Mother Cells in anaphase I (A-I showed 82.56% of cells with a normal anaphase and, 17.44% with an irregular anaphase. In which 5.28% corresponded to cells with side arm bridges (SAB; 3.68% cells with one bridge and one fragment; 2.58% of irregular anaphase showed cells with one or two lagging chromosomes and 2.95% showed one acentric fragment; cells with two bridges and cells with two bridges and one acentric fragment were observed in frequencies of 1.60% and 1.35% respectively. In anaphase II some cells showed bridges and fragments too. Aberrant A-I cells had many shrunken or empty pollen grains (42.00% and 58.00 % viable pollen. Conclusion The observed meiotic irregularities suggest that structural chromosome aberrations have occurred, such as heterozygous inversions, sister chromatid exchanges, deletions and duplications which in turn are reflected in a low pollen viability.

  18. Boletín Digital | N° 04, 2013 | Tecnologías con patentes de dominio público | Edición dedicada al sector minería - accesorios de seguridad


    Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual, INDECOPI. Dirección de Invenciones y Nuevas Tecnologías; Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual, INDECOPI. Dirección de Invenciones y Nuevas Tecnologías


    Abstract 1 1. TECNOLOGÍAS PARA MINERÍA CON PATENTES DE DOMINIO PÚBLICO NO SOLICITADAS EN EL PERÚ. 1.1. Botas para minería 1.2. Guantes para minería 1.3. Cascos para minería y emisores de luz. 1.4. Filtros para minería. 2. TECNOLOGÍAS DE DOMINIO PÚBLICO SOLICITADAS EN EL PERÚ. 3. Noticias de Interés.

  19. 37 CFR 1.5 - Identification of patent, patent application, or patent-related proceeding. (United States)


    ... UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES General Provisions General Information and Correspondence § 1.5 Identification of patent, patent... benefit of the date of deposit with the United States Postal Service. If the returned correspondence is...

  20. The role of patent and non-patent databases in patent research in universities (United States)

    Tolstaya, A. M.; Suslina, I. V.; Tolstaya, P. M.


    This studies deal with the description and systematization of the popular patent retrieval resources. The importance of the non-patent information when conducting patent research for the intellectual property created in educational and scientific activity of the university is highlighted. The differences in the patent and non-patent information are found out. Based on the databases` analysis the authors conducted the patent research on "Wireless endoscopic capsules" (development of the NRNU MEPhI). This study can be used to facilitate the university work on the new product development in order to improve the efficiency of the process of the commercialization of the intellectual activity results, including the entering the international market.

  1. Molecular structures of fructans from Agave tequilana Weber var. azul. (United States)

    Lopez, Mercedes G; Mancilla-Margalli, Norma A; Mendoza-Diaz, Guillermo


    Agave plants utilize crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) for CO(2) fixation. Fructans are the principal photosynthetic products generated by agave plants. These carbohydrates are fructose-bound polymers frequently with a single glucose moiety. Agave tequilana Weber var. azul is an economically important CAM species not only because it is the sole plant allowed for tequila production but because it is a potential source of prebiotics. Because of the large amounts of carbohydrates in A. tequilana, in this study the molecular structures of its fructans were determined by fructan derivatization for linkage analysis coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Fructans were extracted from 8-year-old A. tequilana plants. The linkage types present in fructans from A. tequilana were determined by permethylation followed by reductive cleavage, acetylation, and finally GC-MS analysis. Analysis of the degree of polymerization (DP) estimated by (1)H NMR integration and (13)C NMR and confirmed by MALDI-TOF-MS showed a wide DP ranging from 3 to 29 units. All of the analyses performed demonstrated that fructans from A. tequilana consist of a complex mixture of fructooligosaccharides containing principally beta(2 --> 1) linkages, but also beta(2 --> 6) and branch moieties were observed. Finally, it can be stated that fructans from A. tequilana Weber var. azul are not an inulin type as previously thought.

  2. Biossorção de azul de metileno utilizando resíduos agroindustriais

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    Andressa C. Honorato


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho avaliou a capacidade de adsorção do corante azul de metileno nos resíduos da palha de milho e da bainha do palmito pupunha in natura. A caracterização dos resíduos foi determinada utilizando-se a microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia na região do infravermelho a qual indicou a presença de grupos carboxílicos, hidroxila e carbonila. O tempo necessário para que o sistema atingisse o equilíbrio para ambos os resíduos foi de 240 min, seguindo uma cinética descrita pelo modelo de pseudo-segunda ordem. A capacidade máxima de adsorção foi de 102,8 mg g-1 para o resíduo da palha de milho, seguindo o modelo de isoterma de Langmuir e 50,9 mg g-1 para o resíduo de palmito pupunha, sendo que o modelo que melhor se ajusta foi Freundlich. Desta forma, esses resíduos são promissores para a adsorção do corante azul de metileno em efluentes.

  3. Suicídio e o jogo da Baleia Azul analisados na perspectiva de Anomia de Émile Durkheim

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    Irineu Francisco Barreto Junior


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma síntese das principais ideias de Durkheim, representante da sociologia positivista. São revisitados os conceitos de fato social, solidariedade e anomia com o intuito de analisar os suicídios ocorridos no ano de 2017 e associados ao jogo da Baleia Azul, fenômeno mundial da internet e da Sociedade da Informação. O conceito de anomia pode ser compreendido como ausência de normas, que decorre de grande turbulência social, heteronomia, perda dos laços sociais e de solidariedade. Nessa perspectiva, o artigo problematiza a associação entre o conceito de suicídio anômico e as mortes associadas ao jogo da Baleia Azul.


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    Ángel Concepción


    Full Text Available El estudio del sistema inmune normal y los efectos histopatológicos provocados por sus alteraciones, son de la mayor importancia tanto desde el punto de vista investigativo, como para una adecuada preparación del médico integral que se necesita formar en este campo. Tomando en consideración estos antecedentes fue utilizado en el presente trabajo, muestras de mastocitos peritoneales teñidas con azul de toluidina y cortes de corazón, pulmón y tiroides, incluidas en parafina y teñidas con hematoxilina-eosina. Posteriormente fueron fotografiadas a través de un microscopio óptico y procesadas, mediante un programa de foto edición. Se comparan patologías de origen inmunológico, como las características de los mastocitos desgranulados y sin desgranular, corazón normal y con carditis, pulmón normal con la de asma a nivel alveolar y tiroides normal, con tiroiditis. El objetivo del trabajo consiste en comparar un grupo de imágenes que muestran las características normales de diversos órganos, comparándolas con las imágenes de patologías de origen inmunológico que las afectan, por lo que además del resultado investigativo, posee valor docente.

  5. The lifespan of semiconductor patents by assignee and patent characteristics

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    Chang Shu-Hao


    Full Text Available Evaluating the values of patents is critical for both managers and investors. Patent maintenance time is an ideal proxy indicator for evaluating commercial patent value. This study investigated the survival rates of patents in the semiconductor industry by using a survival analysis and incorporated a predictive model for patent maintenance times. The technical characteristics of the patents, the assignee factors, and the statuses of the patents were used as the predictive factors for patent maintenance time. The results revealed a small entity size and the number of assignees are the risk factors that increase the likelihood of the maintenance time of a patent decreasing. The litigation status of a patent and the number of its international patent classifications, claims, forward citations, and assignments were determined to be the protection factors that raise the likelihood of its maintenance time extending. Additionally, substantial differences were noted between small entities and nonsmall entities and between being litigated and not in their effects on the survival rates of patents. This study examined the factors that affect the survival rates of patents and provides a reference for the managers and investors of intellectual property rights to use when assessing technical and commercial patent values.

  6. Lovely but dangerous: The impact of patent citations on patent duration


    Maurseth, Per Botolf


    - What is the impact of patent citations on patent renewal behaviour? Patent citations are commonly used as an indicator of technology spillovers. For cited patents therefore, patent citations have a potentially ambiguous impact. On the one hand, patent citations may indicate a scientific breakthrough, a high value of the cited patent and therefore a long survival period. On the other hand, patent citations may indicate competing innovations that render the cited patent obsolete. By discri...

  7. Test Collections for Patent-to-Patent Retrieval and Patent Map Generation in NTCIR-4 Workshop


    Fujii, Atsushi; Iwayama, Makoto; Kando, Noriko


    This paper describes the Patent Retrieval Task in the Fourth NTCIR Workshop, and the test collections produced in this task. We perform the invalidity search task, in which each participant group searches a patent collection for the patents that can invalidate the demand in an existing claim. We also perform the automatic patent map generation task, in which the patents associated with a specific topic are organized in a multi-dimensional matrix.

  8. Patenting human genes: Chinese academic articles' portrayal of gene patents. (United States)

    Du, Li


    The patenting of human genes has been the subject of debate for decades. While China has gradually come to play an important role in the global genomics-based testing and treatment market, little is known about Chinese scholars' perspectives on patent protection for human genes. A content analysis of academic literature was conducted to identify Chinese scholars' concerns regarding gene patents, including benefits and risks of patenting human genes, attitudes that researchers hold towards gene patenting, and any legal and policy recommendations offered for the gene patent regime in China. 57.2% of articles were written by law professors, but scholars from health sciences, liberal arts, and ethics also participated in discussions on gene patent issues. While discussions of benefits and risks were relatively balanced in the articles, 63.5% of the articles favored gene patenting in general and, of the articles (n = 41) that explored gene patents in the Chinese context, 90.2% supported patent protections for human genes in China. The patentability of human genes was discussed in 33 articles, and 75.8% of these articles reached the conclusion that human genes are patentable. Chinese scholars view the patent regime as an important legal tool to protect the interests of inventors and inventions as well as the genetic resources of China. As such, many scholars support a gene patent system in China. These attitudes towards gene patents remain unchanged following the court ruling in the Myriad case in 2013, but arguments have been raised about the scope of gene patents, in particular that the increasing numbers of gene patents may negatively impact public health in China.

  9. Litigation-proof patents: avoiding the most common patent mistakes

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Goldstein, Larry M


    "Litigation-Proof Patents: Avoiding the Most Common Patent Mistakes explains the principles of excellent patents, presents the ten most common errors in patents, and details a step-by-step method for avoiding these common errors...

  10. UE: No habrá patentes para células madre embrionarias


    Serrano Ruiz-Calderón, José Miguel


    El Tribunal entiende que lo protegido es todo lo que puede entenderse por embrión, incluyendo los llamados preembriones La sentencia excluye las patentes sobre investigaciones logradas con la destrucción de embriones o su utilización como materia prima

  11. How Patent Function Integration with R&D Influence the Value of Patents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beukel, Karin; Valentin, Finn

    Patent strategies are endogenous to firm appropriability. However, to what extent does firm’s R&D teams’ engagement with patent experts influence the value of patents? We estimate the relationship between firm’s R&D use of patent functions on patent value in Biotech firms. Controlling...... for characteristics of scientific team, firm effects, and other patent value indicators, we find that having a firm specific (in-house) internal patent function is a driver of patent value. In addition, we find that the way in which patent functions create patent value differs dependent on whether the firm has...... internal patent function or not. In-house patent functions create value through narrow patents, whereas, firms with no in-house patent function create valuable patents by the use of broader scoped patents. Our results point to a strong effect of firm specific patent functions, but also explain how firms...

  12. Patent Assessment Quality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Burke, Paul F.; Reitzig, Markus


    The increasing number of patent applications worldwide and the extension of patenting to the areas of software and business methods have triggered a debate on "patent quality". While patent quality may have various dimensions, this paper argues that consistency in the decision making on the side...... of the patent office is one important dimension, particularly in new patenting areas (emerging technologies). In order to understand whether patent offices appear capable of providing consistent assessments of a patent's technological quality in such novel industries from the beginning, we study the concordance...... of the European Patent Office's (EPO's) granting and opoposition decisions for individual patents. We use the historical example of biotech patens filed between 1978 until 1986, the early stage of the industry. Our results indicate that the EPO shows systematically different assessments of technological quality...

  13. Patent first, ask questions later: morality and biotechnology in patent law. (United States)

    Bagley, Margo A


    This Article explores the U.S. "patent first, ask questions later" approach to determining what subject matter should receive patent protection. Under this approach, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO or the Agency) issues patents on "anything under the sun made by man," and to the extent a patent's subject matter is sufficiently controversial, Congress acts retrospectively in assessing whether patents should issue on such interventions. This practice has important ramifications for morally controversial biotechnology patents specifically, and for American society generally. For many years a judicially created "moral utility" doctrine served as a type of gatekeeper of patent subject matter eligibility. The doctrine allowed both the USTPO and courts to deny patents on morally controversial subject matter under the fiction that such inventions were not "useful." The gate, however, is currently untended. A combination of the demise of the moral utility doctrine, along with expansive judicial interpretations of the scope of patent-eligible subject matter, has resulted in virtually no basis on which the USTPO or courts can deny patent protection to morally controversial, but otherwise patentable, subject matter. This is so despite position statements by the Agency to the contrary. Biotechnology is an area in which many morally controversial inventions are generated. Congress has been in react-mode following the issuance of a stream of morally controversial biotech patents, including patents on transgenic animals, surgical methods, and methods of cloning humans. With no statutory limits on patent eligibility, and with myriad concerns complicating congressional action following a patent's issuance, it is not Congress, the representative of the people, determining patent eligibility. Instead, it is patent applicants, scientific inventors, who are deciding matters of high public policy through the contents of the applications they file with the USTPO. This Article

  14. Distribución en gran escala de los cúmulos globulares en Fornax (United States)

    Ostrov, P. G.

    Para analizar los cúmulos globulares azules y rojos de NGC 1399 asociados con NGC 1399 en particular, o si los cúmulos azules representaban un sistema asociado con el cúmulo de Fornax en general, se obtuvieron imágenes CCD de gran formato con el telescopio de 4m del CTIO, en las bandas C y T1. Se describe el método empleado y lo encontrado.

  15. Los procesos en un modelo de gestión de patentes universitarias

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    María del Socorro López Gómez


    Full Text Available Las tendencias actuales de fortalecimiento de los derechos de propiedad intelectual; y el surgimiento de nuevos campos científi- co–tecnológicos como las nanotecnologías, la biotecnología, la telemática y el desarrollo de software, exigen que las universi- dades tengan suficiente conocimiento de la protección de los resultados de sus investigaciones y que cumplan un papel de lide- razgo en sus entornos regionales, para que en alianza con los demás agentes sociales generen estrategias competitivas de inno- vación. Sin embargo, las universidades deben promover valores éticos, de respeto y defensa del patrimonio ecológico y cultural de sus países cuando impulsan derechos de propiedad intelectual. Por estas razones, se propone aquí un modelo de gestión de los derechos de propiedad industrial de las universidades centrado en las patentes, con el objetivo de mejorar las estrategias de contribución al desarrollo científico y tecnológico de las universidades de América Latina, y con ello contribuir al desarrollo de sus países. El modelo es uno de los resultados relevantes derivados del marco teórico de la investigación llevada a cabo por el equipo entre los años 2003-2007 y en el estudio empírico llevando a cabo en dos fases: la primera de ellas se realizó con una encuesta cuyo objetivo era detectar aspectos críticos de la gestión de patentes y licencias de las universidades de Colombia, Chile y España. La segunda fase empírica se efectuó mediante entrevistas en profundidad hechas a los gestores de patentes de las universidades de mejor desempeño en los tres países mencionados.

  16. Patentability of inventions under the Nigeria's patents and designs act

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Patentability of inventions under the Nigeria's patents and designs act: an examination. ... AFRICAN JOURNALS ONLINE (AJOL) · Journals · Advanced Search · USING ... The Nigerian Patent Registry refuses patent applications for Software or ...

  17. Estudio de patentes sobre tecnologías para tratamiento de agua y el agua residual

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    Odonel González-Cabrera

    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de patentes sobre la temática tratamiento de agua y agua residual. Se localizan y descargan más de 2.500 documentos de patentes relacionados con la temática. Estos se procesan en software al efecto y herramientas de procesamiento. Se extraen indicadores de patentes para esta tecnología con alto valor para actividades comerciales y de investigación, tales como tecnologías emergentes sobre tratamiento de agua, países, entidades e inventores líderes a nivel mundial según el resultado de la tecnología patentada. Se presenta la evolución de las tecnologías de tratamiento del agua y el agua residual en los últimos veinte años a nivel mundial según el registro de las patentes. La entrega de todo el material se realiza enuna herramienta de visualización que logra hacer más atractivo el servicio, tener un producto más amigable y cómodo para el uso, constituyendo una información de alto nivel de actualización y eficacia para la toma de decisiones de una empresa de proyectos e investigaciones hidráulicas.

  18. Los determinantes institucionales de las patentes del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas: una aproximación histórica y una dialéctica con la Economía

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    Azagra Caro, Joaquín M.


    Full Text Available To date, normative studies on the generation of public patents have focused on universities. This paper extends the analysis to public research organisations (PRO. From both a historic and economic standpoint, and via the interpretation of three institutional factors (the change in the political and legal background, the dominance of certain areas of science over others, and the increase in technological cooperation, the reasons moving the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC; the Spanish Research Council to file patents were examined. The impact of these quantified factors on patenting was examined from 1987 to the present. The institutional framework of bodies such as the CSIC was found to favour a patenting culture. The historical approach adopted defined homogeneous analytical periods and guided the interpretation of the results and their effects over time, while the economic approach allowed some of the relationships seen to be quantified and questioned the validity of merely descriptive classifications (e.g., scientific areas according to number of patents.

    Hasta la fecha los estudios normativos sobre el origen de patentes públicas han estado centrados en las patentes universitarias. Con este artículo extendemos el análisis a las patentes generadas en los organismos públicos de investigación (OPI. Desde una doble perspectiva, la histórica y la económica, y a través de la interpretación de tres factores institucionales (evolución de los cambios políticos y legales, primacía de unas áreas científicas sobre otras y aumento de la cooperación tecnológica se analiza qué lleva al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC a patentar. Para el último período, desde 1987, hemos cuantificado el impacto de estos factores en las patentes. Hemos concluido que el marco institucional resulta eficaz en un organismo como el CSIC para crear una cultura favorable a la patente. La aproximación hist


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    Medina Javier E.


    Full Text Available

    Ante la cuestión de cómo podría Colombia hacer parte de la Socioeconomía del Conocimiento, es decir, ser capaz de competir  globalmente, en red y con énfasis en productos y servicios intensivos en conocimiento, surge la necesidad de impulsar la solicitud de patentes y su posterior comercialización. El artículo presenta un análisis del registro de patentes por arte de instituciones o inventores colombianos, en las bases de datos de as Oficinas de Patentes de Estados Unidos y Europa, entre 1968 y 2007. se observa que Colombia se encuentra muy distante de países desarrollados,
    e incluso de algunos de nuestro entorno, como México o Brasil.

  20. La Verbena azul en el tratamiento del niño con salpullido The blue Verbena to treat the child with rash

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    Roberto Galiano Piquet


    Full Text Available Introducción: la miliaria es una enfermedad inflamatoria de la piel, usualmente conocida como salpullido, es muy frecuente en niños pequeños sobre todo en los meses de verano. Objetivo: valorar la eficacia de la infusión de Verbena azul en el control de la miliaria común. Métodos: se realizó un ensayo clínico fase II, a partir de la preparación de una infusión de hojas frescas o secas molidas, que se vertieron en 12 litros de agua hirviente, se tapó y se separó del fuego después de añadirle la planta, se dejó reposar y se coló. Fue aplicada tibia en todo el cuerpo durante 21 días, en dos secciones, al levantarse, y en la tarde luego del baño diario. El estudio se realizó en 30 lactantes de raza blanca, que acudieron con esta patología a la consulta de Medicina Natural y Tradicional, en el consultorio 6 del poblado de Altagracia, en el periodo entre junio del 2004 y junio del 2005, los cuales pertenecían al Policlínico Comunitario Docente "Carlos J. Finlay" de la Ciudad de Camagüey. Los datos se recogieron mediante una encuesta, confeccionada de acuerdo con los objetivos planteados en la investigación. Resultados: el grupo más afectado fue el de 3 a 6 meses, todos los pacientes fueron blancos, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto al sexo. La variedad clínica más frecuente fue la cristalina, y los meses en que más se presentó fueron entre junio y agosto. Conclusiones: este tratamiento presentó una alta eficacia en el control de la sintomatología de la miliaria común; se curaron 9 de cada 10 pacientes.Introduction: miliaria is an skin inflammatory disease known as rash and is very frequent in small children mainly during summer months. Objective: assessing the efficacy of the infusion of blue Verbena in controlling common heat rash. Methods: a phase II clinical trial was conducted from the preparation of an infusion of fresh leaves or dry grinded poured out in 12 liters of boiling water, was covered

  1. La diversidad de agentes y la evolución de las patentes traslapadas en los vehículos eléctricos


    Chávez Meza, Ricardo Artemio; Lara Rivero, Arturo Ángel


    Este artículo estudia la actividad inventiva relacionada con los vehículos eléctricos. En particular exa- mina la relación entre las patentes traslapadas y una población diversa de agentes: empresas, entidades no practicantes, inventores individuales y alianzas. Con base en la información de la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas de Estados Unidos (USPTO), período 1976-2012, se presenta: 1) a partir del análisis de redes, la creciente complejidad de la actividad inventiva de los vehículos eléctricos...


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    Carlos A. Solís


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de dosis de ácido indolbutírico (0, 500, 1000 o 1500 ppm, la posición de donde se toma la estaca (basal, medial o terminal, el tamaño de la estaca (6, 10 o 14 cm, la ausencia o presencia de hojas, y el tipo de sustrato (arena de río, fibra de coco o carbón de granza de arroz, sobre el enraizamiento de estacas de azul de mata bajo ambiente protegido. Las variables evaluadas fueron el porcentaje de brotación y de enraizamiento, número de brotes, cantidad y longitud de raíces. Las estacas terminales presentaron los mayores valores para todas las variables, excepto porcentaje de enraizamiento: mayor número de brotes (17,5, longitud (0,17 y cantidad de raíces (0,65 que las estacas mediales y basales, lo que estaría asociado a una mayor velocidad de enraizamiento. Las dosis de AIB 1000 y 1500 ppm indujeron una mayor cantidad de raíces por estaca (8,40 y 9,24 respectivamente que las dosis menores. Hubo mayor porcentaje de enraizamiento con 1000 ppm de AIB (69% que sin ese compuesto (41%. Al utilizar estacas sin hojas aumentó la magnitud de cada una de esas variables. Con arena se obtuvo una mayor brotación aérea (96%, enraizamiento (92% y longitud de raíz (5,1 cm que con los otros sustratos. Las estacas de 14 cm presentaron consistentemente, mayor número de brotes (3,71, raíces más largas (3,56 cm y en mayor número (10,71 que las de 10 y 6 cm.

  3. Patents in INIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheel, H.; Breitfeld, B.


    Proceeding from the INIS rules for collecting, characterizing, and making available patent documents, results of an analysis are presented, which concern timeliness, origin, and classification of patents according to the INIS subject categories and the International Patent Classification. GDR's capabilities for SDI services and retrospective searches are outlined taking into account patents. For a selected subject area (IPC G21) the coverage of patents announced by INIS was found to be about 30%

  4. Patents and nanomedicine. (United States)

    Bawa, Raj


    Big pharma's business model, which relies on a few blockbusters to generate profits, is clearly broken. Patent expiration on numerous blockbusters in recent years is already altering the drug landscape. Drug companies are also facing other challenges that necessitate development and implementation of novel R&D strategies, including those that focus on nanotechnology and miniaturization. Clearly, there is enormous excitement and expectation regarding nanomedicine's potential impact. However, securing valid and defensible patent protection will be critical. Although early forecasts for nanomedicine commercialization are encouraging, there are numerous bottlenecks as well. One of the major hurdles is an emerging thicket of patent claims, resulting primarily from patent proliferation as well as continued issuance of surprisingly broad patents by the US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). Adding to this confusion is the fact that the US National Nanotechnology Initiative's widely cited definition of nanotechnology is inaccurate and irrelevant from a nanomedicine perspective. It is also the cause of the inadequate patent classification system that was recently unveiled by the PTO. All of this is creating a chaotic, tangled patent landscape in various sectors of nanomedicine where the competing players are unsure of the validity and enforceability of numerous issued patents. If this trend continues, it could stifle competition and limit access to some inventions. Therefore, reforms are urgently needed at the PTO to address problems ranging from poor patent quality and questionable examination practices to inadequate search capabilities, rising attrition, poor employee morale and a skyrocketing patent application backlog. Only a robust patent system will stimulate the development of commercially viable nanomedicine products that can drastically improve a patient's quality of life and reduce healthcare costs.

  5. Modern evaluation of patents (United States)

    Ignat, V.


    The number of patents is not so important as the market value. The market value is especially important for licensing of patents, make-or-buy decisions for technology procurement, corporate finance. Patents can be used as collateral for financing. Patents and credit approvals: without patents only 46% and with patents 54%. The value share of knowledge-based components to industrial products already reached 50% and it is still rising. OECD called these developments under the slogan "knowledge economy”. German Norm-DIN 77100 provides a working method for monetary evaluation of a patent. The value of a patent arises from its use. A patent can be used to protect or to earn licensing revenues. An evaluation expertise is required in areas, such as marketing, finance, R & D and strategic planning. As an indicator of the value of a patent is often used the number of citations. The number of a patent citation refers to its meaning and value. Other indicators would be: size of the patent family, validity of the patent, result of objections against patent application, number and quality of claims. The analysis of 9.000 patents resulted that only 7.2% worth over 10 million euro and 68% below 1 million euro. The cost method: it is considered the cost that would be incurred for the development and patenting of a similar invention. The market method: are used the prices that have been achieved in comparable with recently transactions. The Income method: the potential reward is measured, which can arise from a patent. The evaluation will be in the following areas: legal status, technology, market conditions, finance and strategy. Each question relates to a different parameter of a value.

  6. Current Energy Patents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelly, R.C.


    Current Energy Patents (CEP) provides abstracting and indexing coverage of the international patent literature, including patent applications, that concerns any aspect of energy production, conservation, and utilization

  7. Cross-Border Patent Disputes: Unified Patent Court or International Commercial Arbitration?


    Alba Betancourt, Ana


    Currently, the enforcement of a patent that is registered in several countries involves the risk of getting different and conflicting decisions from the national courts. In 2013, 25 European countries entered in an agreement that aims to homogenise the patent system by creating the European patent with unitary effect and a Unified Patent Court (UPC). This article focuses on the UPC, which aims to have a single court proceeding for cross-border patent conflicts. Does the UPC system represent a...

  8. Teaching Chemistry Students How To Use Patent Databases and Glean Patent Information (United States)

    MacMillan, Margy; Shaw, Lawton


    Patent literature is an important source of chemical information that is often neglected by chemical educators. This paper describes an effort to teach chemistry students how to use patent databases to search for information on applied chemical technology related to the manufacture of industrial and specialty chemicals. Students in a second-year-level organic chemistry class were shown how to search patent literature as part of a group research paper assignment that involved determining the feasibility of starting an industrial chemical operation to manufacture a given industrial chemical. Students who were assigned high value or specialty chemicals were most likely to cite patent literature in their final papers. Students who were assigned plastics or bulk commodity chemicals were less likely to cite patents. It is suggested that students made choices about the usefulness of patent literature and that patents were most useful when current patents existed and provided the patent owner a competitive advantage. For plastics or commodity chemicals, manufacturing technologies tend to be mature and are well described by more accessible information sources. Suggestions are made for effective introduction of patent literature instruction into upper-level chemistry courses.

  9. A guide of patent map

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book introduces application and characteristic of patent information, types of patent information data and research of patent information, arrangement of patent information and patent map, analysis of patent information, necessity, writing period arrangement way of patent map, cases of patent map on selection of task of research and development, system of research and development and application, examples of PM such as MAP by year, application, technique, Inventor, and claim point map and computerization like data arrangement of PM patent, collection of analysis range and item analysis of patent, cases and written reports on patent analysis.

  10. Inheritance of resistance to cotton blue disease Herança da resistência do algodoeiro à doença-azul

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    Osmério Pupim Junior


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to determine the inheritance of cotton blue disease resistance by cotton plants. Populations derived from the CD 401 and Delta Opal resistant varieties were evaluated, through a greenhouse test with artificial inoculation by viruliferous aphids. Cotton blue disease resistance is conditioned by one dominant gene, both in CD 401 and Delta Opal varieties.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a herança da resistência do algodoeiro à doença-azul. Populações derivadas das variedades resistentes CD 401 e Delta Opal foram avaliadas em casa de vegetação, por meio da inoculação de pulgões virulíferos. A resistência à doença-azul do algodoeiro é condicionada por um gene dominante, tanto em 'DC 401' quanto em 'Delta Opal'.

  11. Discrimination in the patent system: evidence from standard-essential patents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Rassenfosse, G.; Raiteri, E.; Bekkers, R.N.A.


    This paper tests for traces of discrimination against foreigners in the patent prosecution process. It focuses on the case of China and looks specifically at patent applications declared as essential to a technological standard, so called standard-essential patents. The identification strategy

  12. Capacidad innovadora de la Comunidad de Madrid a partir de las patentes concedidas entre 1996 y 2007

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    Lascurain, M. Luisa


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is focused on analysing the patent activity of the Madrid Community taking into account the economic and human resources assigned to cover its R&D&I activities, as well as assessing the importance of the Madrid Community’s patenting activity compared to Spain. The analysis covers patents awarded during the period 1996-2007 and included in the INVENES database of the Spanish Patent and Trade Mark Offi ce.

    El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer algunas de las características de la actividad patentadora de la Comunidad de Madrid y analizar su relación con los recursos humanos y materiales que se dedican en dicha comunidad a las actividades de I+D+i, así como conocer el peso de esta actividad en la CM respecto al conjunto de España. Para ello, se han analizado las patentes concedidas entre 1996 y 2007 recogidas en la base de datos INVENES de la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.

  13. Economic Justification of Patents and Exceptions to Patentability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordberg, Ana


    The present article is the conclusion of a review of economic justifications for patent rights conducted with the objective of determining whether such arguments are per se capable of sustaining the existence of a different patentability regime for inventions of methods for treatment and diagnostic...... methods (art.53 (c) European Patent Convention). It starts by exploring the normative background and summarily describes the different types of claims allowed under the current legal framework and their differences. The following sections will describe and apply the main economic arguments sustaining...... patent rights inventions of methods for treatment and diagnostic methods. These reasoning will be later confronted with contra-arguments. This piece will finalize with the formulation of conclusions extracted from the previous debate, inter-alia that economic reasoning does not per se sustain...

  14. Patents for Soldiers (United States)


    PATENTS FOR SOLDIERS A thesis presented to the Faculty of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in partial fulfillment...COVERED (From - To) AUG 2015 – JUNE 2016 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Patents for Soldiers 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. of an innovative idea; that is, a patent . A Soldier’s pursuit of patents provides the Army with tangible and intangible benefits. There are on

  15. The blue land planarian Caenoplana coerulea, an invader in Argentina La planaria terrestre azul Caenoplana coerulea, un invasor en Argentina

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    Lisandro Héctor Luis-Negrete


    Full Text Available The blue land planarian Caenoplana coerulea is reported from Argentina (Buenos Aires province. We found C. coerulea in the east central region of Argentina in anthropic environments. The specimens that we found have the characteristic of the species found in others regions; that is, a bluish dorsal surface with a yellow mid-dorsal stripe and eyes forming a single row around the anterior tip, clustered laterally. This is the first record of this species from the Neotropical Region, and together with Bipalium kewense are the only 2 species of exotic terrestrial planarians so far recorded in Argentina.La planaria terrestre azul Caenoplana coerulea se registra para el centro este de Argentina (provincia de Buenos Aires, en ambientes antropizados. Los ejemplares encontrados presentan las características de la especie registrada en otras regiones, con una superficie dorsal azulada y una hilera medio dorsal amarilla, y ojos formando una hilera alrededor del extremo anterior, agrupados lateralmente. Es la primera vez que se cita dicha especie en la Región Neotropical, y junto a Bipalium kewense son las únicas planarias terrestres exóticas registradas en Argentina.

  16. Patent landscape of neglected tropical diseases: an analysis of worldwide patent families. (United States)

    Akinsolu, Folahanmi Tomiwa; de Paiva, Vitor Nobre; Souza, Samuel Santos; Varga, Orsolya


    "Neglected Tropical Diseases" (NTDs) affect millions of people in Africa, Asia and South America. The two primary ways of strategic interventions are "preventive chemotherapy and transmission control" (PCT), and "innovative and intensified disease management" (IDM). In the last 5 years, phenomenal progress has been achieved. However, it is crucial to intensify research effort into NTDs, because of the emerging drug resistance. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the term NTDs covers 17 diseases, namely buruli ulcer, Chagas disease, dengue, dracunculiasis, echinococcosis, trematodiasis, human African trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, rabies, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthes, taeniasis, trachoma, and yaws. The aim of this study is to map out research and development (R&D) landscape through patent analysis of these identified NTDs. To achieve this, analysis and evaluation have been conducted on patenting trends, current legal status of patent families, priority countries by earliest priority years and their assignee types, technological fields of patent families over time, and original and current patent assignees. Patent families were extracted from Patseer, an international database of patents from over 100 patent issuing authorities worldwide. Evaluation of the patents was carried out using the combination of different search terms related to each identified NTD. In this paper, a total number of 12,350 patent families were analyzed. The main countries with sources of inventions were identified to be the United States (US) and China. The main technological fields covered by NTDs patent landscape are pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, organic fine chemistry, analysis of biological materials, basic materials chemistry, and medical technology. Governmental institutions and universities are the primary original assignees. Among the NTDs, leishmaniasis, dengue, and rabies received the highest number of

  17. Physical-geographical landscape of the tourist circuit Chilpancingo-Azul, Guerrero State, Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio C. Carbajal Monroy


    Full Text Available This work deals with the delimitation of physical-geographical landscapes of the territory of the Tourist Circuit Chilpancingo Azul, at Guerrero's State central region, from geo-ecological conception for the physical-geographical synthetic classification of territorial units. This approach obtained territorial units and its hierarchical classification using a taxonomic system of localities, neighborhoods and boroughs (smallest categories. Taking into account the 1:100 000 scale different geographical units were determined: 3 localities, 31 neighborhoods and 177 boroughs. The characterization of these territorial units include lithologic constitution, geomorphological conditions (morphogenesis and morphometrics and spatial distribution of major types of soils and vegetation and land uses in the territory.

  18. Applied Sciences Department (R&D) Patents; a Compilation (United States)


    References Cited the first ampoule so that the two ampoules can he bro- UNITED STATES PATENTS ken simultaneously, and, upon mixing of the chemilu...Che-V222/541 miluminescent material and the other ampoule con-.tains an activator material. The almpoules can be bro-(561 References Cited ken by...Eaminer.-Robe" F. Stshl Aimmweys- Edgar J. broere. Ii. H Loach . and Paul S. isat `PYROTECHNCIGNALING ID E 1cER IT4 COMtPiOm WA!Eft EACTII’tIGN11M 4

  19. Truth and falsity of patent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Gum Jin


    This book describes the process of the effect to build the business of patent strongly in difficult situation. The titles of this contents are finally, lawsuit if formed, the task of patent application introduction of tasks of patent negotiation, negotiation with Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, Oki and NEC, amalgamation between LG semiconductor and Hyundai Electronic Industry, life in incorporated company, current condition of application for a patent, the method to process strategy patent, how to make strong patent and effective negotiation strategy for a patent and strategy of patent application.

  20. Comprehension and application of patent information

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Sang Nam


    This book gives descriptions of conception of patent information such as the meaning, characteristic, function, investigation and map of patent information, pro-patent period and patent strategy of the business. It also deals with comprehension of patent information like publication of nations, patent document, patent procedure in Korea, patent procedure in Japan, the U.S, and Europe, article and function of patent document, patent information survey such as writing of search keyword, procedure of the survey and search site of other countries, patent analysis and patent map.

  1. Data anonymization patent landscape

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    Mirjana Pejić Bach


    Full Text Available The omnipresent, unstoppable increase in digital data has led to a greater understanding of the importance of data privacy. Different approaches are used to implement data privacy. The goal of this paper is to develop a data anonymization patent landscape, by determining the following: (i the trend in data anonymization patenting, (ii the type of technical content protected in data anonymization, (iii the organizations and countries most active in patenting data anonymization know-how; and (iv the topics emerging most often in patent titles. Patents from the PatSeer database relating to data anonymization from 2001 to 2015 were analyzed. We used the longitudinal approach in combination with text mining techniques to develop a data anonymization patent landscape. The results indicated the following. The number of single patent families is growing with a high increase after 2010, thus indicating a positive trend in the area of patenting data anonymization solutions. The majority of patenting activities relate to the G Physics section. Organizations from the USA and Japan assigned the majority of patents related to data anonymization. The results of text mining indicate that the most often used word in titles of data anonymization patents are “anonym*, “method”, “data” and “system”. Several additional words that indicated the most frequent topics related to data anonymization were: “equipment”, “software”, “protection”, “identification”, or “encryption”, and specific topics such as “community”, “medical”, or “service”.

  2. 37 CFR 1.710 - Patents subject to extension of the patent term. (United States)


    ... of Patent Term Extension of Patent Term Due to Regulatory Review § 1.710 Patents subject to extension... primarily manufactured using recombinant DNA, recombinant RNA, hybridoma technology, or other processes...

  3. Patent border wars: defining the boundary between scientific discoveries and patentable inventions. (United States)

    Holman, Christopher M


    Drawing an appropriate boundary between unpatentable natural phenomena and patentable inventions is crucial in preventing the patent laws from unduly restricting access to fundamental scientific discoveries. Some would argue that, particularly in the U.S., patents are being issued that purport to claim a novel product or process but that, in effect, encompass any practical application of a fundamental biological principle. Examples include gene patents, which Congress is considering banning, and patents relating to biological correlations and pathways, such as the patents at issue in the headline-grabbing LabCorp v. Metabolite and Ariad v. Eli Lilly litigations. In view of the mounting concern, it seems likely that Congress and/or the courts will address the issue, and perhaps substantially shift the boundary.

  4. Patenting Nanomedicine in Europe:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordberg, Ana

    Patenting Nanomedicine in Europe: Applying the ‘medical methods exception’ to emerging technologies is based on the authors PhD dissertation, defended in March 2014, at the University of Copenhagen. The book debates restrictions on the patentability of medical methods in European Patent Law....... The main question addressed is whether it is viable and advisable the reinterpretation, reformulation or replacement of Article 53 (c) EPC – a provision restricting the patenting of medical methods. The subject is approached by reference to emerging technologies, and using nanomedicine innovation...... as example and point of departure. Nanotechnology inventions blur the lines between patentable subject matter and what may fall under the exception from patentability. It is a good example of how in recent years, emerging technologies have been challenging the patent system and exposing the need for re...

  5. Patent Keyword Extraction Algorithm Based on Distributed Representation for Patent Classification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jie Hu


    Full Text Available Many text mining tasks such as text retrieval, text summarization, and text comparisons depend on the extraction of representative keywords from the main text. Most existing keyword extraction algorithms are based on discrete bag-of-words type of word representation of the text. In this paper, we propose a patent keyword extraction algorithm (PKEA based on the distributed Skip-gram model for patent classification. We also develop a set of quantitative performance measures for keyword extraction evaluation based on information gain and cross-validation, based on Support Vector Machine (SVM classification, which are valuable when human-annotated keywords are not available. We used a standard benchmark dataset and a homemade patent dataset to evaluate the performance of PKEA. Our patent dataset includes 2500 patents from five distinct technological fields related to autonomous cars (GPS systems, lidar systems, object recognition systems, radar systems, and vehicle control systems. We compared our method with Frequency, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF, TextRank and Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE. The experimental results show that our proposed algorithm provides a promising way to extract keywords from patent texts for patent classification.

  6. Used, Blocking and Sleeping Patents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Torrisi, Salvatore; Gambardella, Alfonso; Giuri, Paola


    This paper employs data from a large-scale survey (InnoS&T) of inventors in Europe, the USA, and Japan who were listed in patent applications filed at the European Patent Office with priority years between 2003 and 2005. We provide evidence regarding the reasons for patenting and the ways in which...... patents are being utilized. A substantial share of patents is neither used internally nor for market transactions, which confirms the importance of strategic patenting and inefficiency in the management of intellectual property. We investigate different types of unused patents—unused blocking patents...... and sleeping patents. We also examine the association between used and unused patents and their characteristics such as family size, scope, generality and overlapping claims, technology area, type of applicant, and the competitive environment from where these patents originate. We discuss our results...

  7. Las patentes como fuente de información para la innovación en entornos competitivos Patents as a Source of Information for Innovation in Competitive Environments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Diessler


    Full Text Available Revisión bibliográficasobre las patentes como fuente de información para la innovación en entornos competitivos. Se describen las ventajas y limitaciones de su uso en tanto fuente de información. Se identifican y clasifican las posibles aplicaciones en los ámbitos técnico, científico, comercial y jurídico. Se alude a la labor del bibliotecario relacionada con las patentes, ya que su tratamiento requiere de conocimientos propios de la profesión. Se concluye que las patentes constituyen una fuente de información relevante para la competitividad de las organizaciones, que su uso es insuficiente y que debería difundirse. Comprende material publicado desde 1977 hasta septiembre de 2009, de Latinoamérica y España.Bibliographical review on patents as a source of information for innovation in competitive environments, as well as a description of the advantages and limitations of their use as a source of information. The possible applications in the technical, scientific, commercial and legal fields are indentified and classified. It refers to the work of the librarian related to the patents because its treatment requires knowledge of the profession. It is concluded that patents should be considered invaluable source of relevant information for competitiveness in organizations. However, their use has not been promoted accurately in developing countries like ours. This tendency should be corrected in order to make use of this resource for the development and innovation of our region. It covers the material published from 1977 until September, 2009, of Latin America and Spain.

  8. Invention note and patent note

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, Sung Su


    This book deals with origin of invention and term related patent and invention, making idea, brain storming, 10 laws of invention skill, attitude of inventors, invention order, making good inventions, patent system, preparation of application, procedure and method of patent, management of patent, patent and trademark office, patent lawyer, copyright, new intellectual property right, industrial property right, trademark, invasion of industrial property right, patent, Judgment, preparation of items, application of industrial property right and effect of inventor and related people.

  9. How Important are Noncorporate Patents?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schneider, Cédric


    This article analyses the innovative performances of noncorporate inventors using patent citations data from the European Patent Office. The results show that inventions patented outside an established corporate framework are on average less ‘important’ than corporate patents, but with large...... variations across technology classes. Patents applied for by independent inventors, start-ups and corporate firms are of comparable ‘quality’ in emerging technologies. The results also highlight that in these fields noncorporate patents are more ‘radical’ than corporate patents....

  10. Generation of Maillard compounds from inulin during the thermal processing of Agave tequilana Weber Var. azul. (United States)

    Mancilla-Margalli, Norma A; López, Mercedes G


    During the cooking process of Agave tequilana Weber var. azul to produce tequila, besides the hydrolysis of inulin to generate fermentable sugars, many volatiles, mainly Maillard compounds, are produced, most of which may have a significant impact on the overall flavor of tequila. Exudates (agave juice) from a tequila company were collected periodically, and color, Brix, fructose concentration, and reducing sugars were determined as inulin breakdown took place. Maillard compounds were obtained by extraction with CH(2)Cl(2), and the extracts were analyzed by GC-MS. Increments in color, Brix, and reducing sugars were observed as a function of time, but a decrease in fructose concentration was found. Many Maillard compounds were identified in the exudates, including furans, pyrans, aldehydes, and nitrogen and sulfur compounds. The most abundant Maillard compounds were methyl-2-furoate, 2,3-dihydroxy-3,5-dihydro-6-methyl-4(H)-pyran-4-one, and 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural. In addition, a series of short- and long-chain fatty acids was also found. A large number of the volatiles in A. tequilana Weber var. azul were also detected in tequila extracts, and most of these have been reported as a powerful odorants, responsible for the unique tequila flavor.

  11. Nuevos desarrollos de patentes en biotecnología

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alberto Parra Beltrán


    Full Text Available Esta conferencia inicia con la presentación de un marco teórico conceptual en el cual aplica la metáfora conocida como “la tragedia de los comunes” al campo de la propiedad intelectual, denotando que tenemos unos recursos comunes finitos (genes, proteínas, etc. que aparentemente son públicos y disponibles para todo el mundo. Toda vez que el acceso a ese recurso público no es controlado y el beneficio que obtiene cada uno de los usuarios es marginal, se pregunta si vale la pena tener un mecanismo que permita administrar, controlar el acceso y uso de ese recurso y se propone que, en términos de biotecnología, el derecho de patentes parece ser el instrumento que permitiría regular ese acceso a un recurso finito. El conferencista presenta una descripción del caso “Oncomouse” o “Harvard mouse”, relacionado con la tecnología del adn recombinante, la ingeniería genética y los animales transgénicos, y analiza el tratamiento que se otorgó a este caso en los Estados Unidos, Europa y Japón, y la discusión de si es posible conceder una patente sobre un ser vivo, mamífero, desarrollado en el laboratorio a partir del ingenio humano y sus importantes connotaciones desde la perspectiva económica, ética, religiosa, ambiental, política e incluso biológica.

  12. Pre-empted Patents, Infringed Patents and Firms’ Participation in Markets for Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grimpe, Christoph; Hussinger, Katrin


    In recent years, firms have increasingly contributed to and been confronted with a patent landscape characterized by numerous but marginal inventions, overlapping claims and patent fences. As a result, firms risk their patent applications to be pre-empted or to be infringed upon by rivals. While...... patents on firms’ engagement in in- and cross-licensing. Based on a sample of more than 1100 German manufacturing firms our results show that firms engage in in-licensing as a reaction to pre-empted patents and in cross-licensing if their protected IP was infringed upon. However, these effects vary...

  13. Patent protection strategies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Himanshu Gupta


    Full Text Available It is widely recognized that the pharmaceutical industry faces serious financial challenges. Large numbers of blockbuster drugs are losing patent protection and going generic. The pipeline of new drugs is too sparse to fill the gap and generate a platform for future growth. Moreover, many of the new products are biologics with much narrower target patient populations and comparatively higher prices relative to traditional pharmaceuticals. So now the time has come for pharmaceutical scientists to have a better understanding of patent fundamentals. This need is illustrated by analyses of key scientific and legal issues that arose during recent patent infringement cases involving Prozac, Prilosec, and Buspar. Facing this scenario, the pharmaceutical industry has moved to accelerate drug development process and to adopt at the same time different strategies to extend the life time of the patent monopoly to provide the economic incentives and utilizing it for drug discovery and development. This review covers the need of patent protection and various strategies to extend the patent.

  14. Managing the patent thicket and maximizing patent lifetime in vaccine technology. (United States)

    Mertes, Maria M M; Stötter, Gerd


    Patents are exclusive rights for a limited period of time that are granted to provide an incentive for innovation and in exchange for the public disclosure of an invention. Patenting in the medical field, especially in the field of human vaccine technologies, is full of pitfalls, because the products that finally access the market are often covered by a multitude of exclusive IP rights. This commentary gives an overview on obstacles in vaccine patenting and how to overcome them, and intends to provide a patenting guideline for researchers.

  15. Patent Races and Market Value

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Czarnitzki, Dirk; Hussinger, Katrin; Leten, Bart

    Patent races are models of strategic interactions between firms competing to develop an invention. The winning firm secures a patent, protecting the invention from imitation. This paper tests the assumption made about the reward structure in patent races, both in discrete and complex industries. We...... identify patent race winners using detailed information from the patent examination reports at the European Patent Office (EPO). Estimates of a market value equation featuring large, R&D-intensive U.S., European and Japanese firms, show that if firms win patent races, their market value increases...... significantly. We further show that the gain in market value is significantly larger for patent race winners in discrete industries than for firms in complex industries....

  16. US patent interferences vs. international first-to-file patent systems, and current GATT problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parkhurst, R.W.; Serbinowski, P.A.


    Simultaneous superconductivity research activities by different entities have resulted in numerous US patent applications, some of which may claim identical inventions and thus likely will be involved in interference proceedings in the US Patent and Trademark Office to determine which inventors are entitled to priority of invention and the resulting US patent. The determination in an interference proceeding of what inventors were the first-to-invent a patentable invention is contrasted with the patent systems in the rest of the world where the first inventor to file his patent application automatically gains priority. This issue and other aspects of US patent law are the subjects of criticism of US patent law and practice in the current Uruguay round of talks on the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT). Interesting aspects of each of these subjects will be discussed

  17. Strategic management and utilization of patents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Gyeong Go; Yun, Gwon Jun


    This book deals with why does management of patents need?, system of management of patents with function and site of management of patents and system and composition, what does management of patents department do?, task like technical development, management regulation, patent information, management of patents in small business with technical development of small business, how does business manage the patents in real, introduction of management of patents in the U.S, Europe, Japan, and Korea, and management of patents as strategic management.

  18. Spreadsheet Patents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borum, Holger Stadel; Kirkbro, Malthe Ettrup; Sestoft, Peter


    This technical report gives a list of US patents and patent applications related to spreadsheet implementation technology. It is intended as a companion to the monograph Spreadsheet Implementation Technology (Peter Sestoft, MIT Press 2014), and substantially extends and updates an appendix from...

  19. Discrimination against foreigners in the patent system : evidence from standard-essential patents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Rassenfosse, G.; Raiteri, E.; Bekkers, R.N.A.

    This paper tests for traces of discrimination against foreign firms in the patent prosecution process. It focuses on the case of China and looks specifically at patent applications declared as essential to a technological standard. The choice of standard-essential patents (SEPs) is particularly

  20. US Photovoltaic Patents, 1988--1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This document contains US patents on terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) power applications, including systems, components, and materials, as well as manufacturing and support functions. The patent entries in this document were issued from 1988 through 1990. The entries were located by searching USPA, the data base of the US Patent Office. The final search retrieved all patents under the class ``Batteries, Thermoelectric and Photoelectric`` and the subclasses ``Photoelectric,`` ``Testing,`` and ``Applications.`` The search also located patents that contained the words ``photovoltaic(s)`` or ``solar cell(s)`` and their derivatives. A manual search of the patents in the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) patent file augmented the data base search. After the initial list was compiled, most of the patents on the following subjects were excluded: space photovoltaic technology, use of the photovoltaic effect for detectors and subjects only peripherally concerned with photovoltaics. Some patents on these three subjects were included when it appeared that those inventions might be of use in terrestrial PV power technologies.

  1. El duelo y el tiempo mítico en Rosa Cuchillo y La hora azul


    Torres Oyarce, Tania


    In this paper, I propose that the novels Rosa Cuchillo and La hora azulproject individual processes of mourning in a mythical social order thatlimits itself to reproduce the phantom of the enclosed nation (Ubilluz) asa (seudo) proposal to solve the internal conflict that took place in Perubetween 1980-2000. In Rosa Cuchillo the main character, Rosa Cuchillo,goes through a process of mourning due to the loss of his terrorist son,Liborio, whereas in La hora azul the main character, Adrián Ormac...

  2. Coloración de azul de metileno como alternativa para determinar la viabilidad de larvas libres de Trichinella spiralis Methylene blue test for the determination of viability of free larvae of Trichinella spiralis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V.R. Randazzo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar si la coloración con azul de metileno, de probada utilidad para demostrar la viabilidad de protoescólices de Echinococcus granulosus, puede evidenciar también la viabilidad de larvas libres de Trichinella spiralis. Para ello se utilizaron tres suspensiones de larvas de T. spiralis (M1, M2 y M3, las que fueron expuestas a diferentes condiciones y observadas a distintos tiempos: M1 se expuso a -30 °C y se observó a los 70 días; M2 a 80 °C durante 5 minutos y se observó inmediatamente, y M3 se mantuvo a 4 °C durante todo el experimento, como testigo del 100% de vitalidad. Cada suspensión contenía 500 estadios larvarios libres. Se emplearon 100 μl de solución de azul de metileno 1:10 000 en agua destilada, agregados a igual volumen de suspensión de larvas, y las muestras fueron observadas al microscopio óptico para evaluar la motilidad. Los resultados evidenciaron que cuando las larvas de T. spiralis estaban muertas (M1 y M2, el 100% se coloreaban totalmente de azul en su interior, y las estructuras internas, en relación con la capa quitinosa, aparecían retraídas y algunas fragmentadas. En la suspensión testigo M3 las larvas no se coloreaban, y como prueba adicional de viabilidad se pudo observar su típico movimiento en espiral en el 100% de ellas.The present research was carried out with the purpose of determining whether or not the methylene blue test could also evidence viability of free larvae of Trichinella spiralis, taking into account its usefulness in the determination of viability of protoscolices in Echinococcus granulosus. To this end, three T. spiralis larval suspensions (M1, M2 and M3 were used, each containing 500 free larval stages. A hundred μl of methylene blue solution 1:10000 in distilled water were added to 100 μl of the larval suspension. Larvae were observed under optical microscopy to evaluate motility. M1 was exposed to -30 °C and could be

  3. Agave azul y el desarrollo sustentable en la cuenca baja del río Ayuquila, Costa Sur de Jalisco (1994-2004

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    Peter R.W. Gerritsen


    Full Text Available El agave azul (Agave tequilana Weber es un cultivo nuevo para la cuenca del río Ayuquila en la Costa Sur de Jalisco, y es importante para su progreso agropecuario. Sin embargo, se observan efectos socioambientales negativos. Desde 2003 se han estudiado las condiciones del cultivo y su expansión, así como alternativas posibles. Los resultados muestran un crecimiento acelerado desde su introducción, a mitad de la década de 1990. Se destaca una concentración de propietarios privados y a través de contratos. Si bien sembrar esta planta puede ser redituable, las tendencias cíclicas de sobreproducción y escasez han originado una falta de incentivos para hacerlo y un deterioro de la capacidad productiva. Se discuten las perspectivas del avance agropecuario basado en el cultivo del agave azul, y se ofrecen algunas recomendaciones para fomentar la sustentabilidad de su sistema de producción comercial.

  4. Patent Searching for Librarians and Inventors. (United States)

    Wherry, Timothy Lee

    Information on patents is provided for librarians and laypersons requiring an understanding of the system and the processes involved. Chapter 1 discusses successful patents; terms and concepts; patent types; copyright; trademark; requirements; patent examiners; patent pending; expiration; patentee and assignee; and reissued patents. Chapter 2…

  5. DOE Patents Available for Licensing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stuber, C.


    DOE Patents Available for Licensing (DOE PAL) provides abstracting and indexing coverage of the DOE patent literature, including patent applications, that concerns any apsect of energy production, conservation, and utilization. The citations are arranged by subject category. DOE is prepared to grant exclusive or nonexclusive, revocable licenses under DOE-owned US patents and patent applications in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR781

  6. Research method of nuclear patent information

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mo Dan; Gao An'na; Sun Chenglin; Wang Lei; You Xinfeng


    When faced with a huge amount of nuclear patent information, the key to effective research include: (1) Choose convenient way to search, quick access to nuclear technology related patents; (2) To overcome the language barrier, analysis the technical content of patent information; (3) Organize the publication date of retrieved patent documents, analysis the status and trends of nuclear technology development; (4) Research the patented technology of main applicants; (5) Always pay attention to the legal status of patent information, free use the invalid patents, at the same time avoid the patent infringement. Summary, patent information is important to obtain the latest technical information source, and the research work of patent information is a comprehensive understanding and mastery way for advanced nuclear technology. (authors)

  7. US Photovoltaic Patents, 1988--1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This document contains US patents on terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) power applications, including systems, components, and materials, as well as manufacturing and support functions. The patent entries in this document were issued from 1988 through 1990. The entries were located by searching USPA, the data base of the US Patent Office. The final search retrieved all patents under the class Batteries, Thermoelectric and Photoelectric'' and the subclasses Photoelectric,'' Testing,'' and Applications.'' The search also located patents that contained the words photovoltaic(s)'' or solar cell(s)'' and their derivatives. A manual search of the patents in the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) patent file augmented the data base search. After the initial list was compiled, most of the patents on the following subjects were excluded: space photovoltaic technology, use of the photovoltaic effect for detectors and subjects only peripherally concerned with photovoltaics. Some patents on these three subjects were included when it appeared that those inventions might be of use in terrestrial PV power technologies.

  8. Technology Clusters Exploration for Patent Portfolio through Patent Abstract Analysis

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    Gabjo Kim


    Full Text Available This study explores technology clusters through patent analysis. The aim of exploring technology clusters is to grasp competitors’ levels of sustainable research and development (R&D and establish a sustainable strategy for entering an industry. To achieve this, we first grouped the patent documents with similar technologies by applying affinity propagation (AP clustering, which is effective while grouping large amounts of data. Next, in order to define the technology clusters, we adopted the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF weight, which lists the terms in order of importance. We collected the patent data of Korean electric car companies from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO to verify our proposed methodology. As a result, our proposed methodology presents more detailed information on the Korean electric car industry than previous studies.

  9. Cross-Border Patent Disputes: Unified Patent Court or International Commercial Arbitration?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Alba Betancourt


    Full Text Available Currently, the enforcement of a patent that is registered in several countries involves the risk of getting different and conflicting decisions from the national courts. In 2013, 25 European countries entered in an agreement that aims to homogenise the patent system by creating the European patent with unitary effect and a Unified Patent Court (UPC. This article focuses on the UPC, which aims to have a single court proceeding for cross-border patent conflicts. Does the UPC system represent an advantage compared to the current litigation system? The paper argues that it does and explores what it considers to be the two main advantages of a UPC over the current system of cross-border litigation of patents: the ability to drag several conflicts to a single procedure and the neutrality of the decision makers. These advantages are consequently compared to the characteristics of arbitration. Then, an explanation is provided with regards to how the UPC system is going to work in terms of jurisdiction, preliminary injunctions, the choice of law and enforcement of decisions, comparing those same procedural aspects to arbitration. The article finds that arbitration involves many of the same advantages (as compared to the UPC and that the procedural issues studied in both means are, so too, similar. Therefore, arbitration represents a viable alternative to the UPC when it comes to reducing the risks in solving cross-border patent conflicts.

  10. The Coordination of Independently-Owned Vacuum Tube Patents in the Alleged Early Radio Patent Thicket

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John; Ron D, Katznelson

    -examines the legal trajectories and entrepreneurial exploitation of these patents with a focus on vacuum tube technology where Fleming’s diode patent ‘overlapped’ with earlier prior art and, dependent on court decisions, with later commercial implementations of De Forest’s triode patents. We show, by means...... of the relevant historical record, patent claims, litigation records and other relevant law, how the ‘overlapping’ patent rights were resolved by the courts and by the immunity of suppliers to the Government from patent infringement liability. We trace the cross-licensing agreements between the different radio...

  11. Embolismo paradójico inminente evidenciado por ecocardiografía en pacientes con foramen ovale persistente Imminent paradoxical embolism evidenced by echocardiography in patients with patent foramen ovale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis E Mayorga


    Full Text Available Paciente de género masculino, de 72 años de edad, con antecedente de trombo-embolismo pulmonar, quien ingresó por evento cerebro-vascular isquémico y en quien en el ecocardiograma trans-torácico y luego en el trans-esofágico, se encontró una masa móvil que sugería un trombo que traspasaba el foramen ovale permeable. Ante el diagnóstico de embolismo paradójico inminente, se consideró realizar trombectomía quirúrgica, la cual se difirió por infección y se inició anticoagulación con heparina de bajo peso molecular. Se realizó un ecocardiograma de control y se observó que la masa había desaparecido por completo. Se dio de alta con anticoagulación oral.A 72 years old male patient with previous history of pulmonary thrombosis was admitted with an ischemic stroke. In a transtoraxic echocardiogram, as well as in a posterior transesophagic one, a mobile mass suggesting a thrombus going through a patent foramen ovale, was found. Facing an imminent paradoxical embolism, surgical thrombectomy was considered that could no be realized due to infection. Anticoagulation with low molecular weight heparin was initiated. A control echocardiogram showed complete disappearance of the mass. The patient was discharged with oral anticoagulation.

  12. Extração e estabilidade do corante azul de jenipapo (Genipa americana L.)


    Renhe, Isis Rodrigues Toledo


    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a avaliação da potencialidade do fruto do jenipapo como fonte de corante azul natural, objetivando torná-lo tecnicamente viável, bem como identificar o solvente adequado para a extração dos pigmentos do jenipapo, avaliar o efeito do pH e da temperatura na produção do corante, e estudar a estabilidade dos pigmentos obtidos por diferentes solventes. Para a obtenção do corante o experimento foi conduzido para três níveis de solvente (água, solução aquosa de ...


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    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se evalúa el desempeño mecánico del cemento blanco coloreado con pigmento azul ultramar y se explica su desempeño a partir de las modificaciones mineralógicas acaecidas por la sustitución de cemento por pigmento en porcentajes de 5, 10, 15 y 20%. Se fabricaron hormigones y pastas para ser estudiados a 3, 7, 28 y 90 días de curado normal. Se encontró que el pigmento Azul Ultramar al entrar en contacto con el C3A del cemento y el agua, y debido a su contenido de azufre, permite la formación de grandes cantidades de etringita primaria (desordenada y dispersa en la matriz, lo cual se traduce en un incremento de la resistencias mecánicas de los hormigones sustituidos con Azul Ultramar hasta en un 45% a 90 días de curado normal.

  14. Optimal patent policies: A survey

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Odile


    This paper surveys some of the patent literature, in particular, it focuses on optimal patent policies. We compare two situations. The first where the government only has a single policy tool to design the optimal patent policy, namely the optimal patent length. In the second situation......, the government uses two policy tools, the optimal breadth and length. We show that theoretical models give very different answers to what is the optimal patent policy. In particular, we show that the optimal patent policy depends among othet things on the price elasticity of demand, the intersectoral elasticity...... of research outputs as well as the degree of compettition in the R&D sector. The actual law on intellectual property, which advocates a unique patent length of 20 years is in general not supported by theoretical models....

  15. Alienation from the Objectives of the Patent System: How to Remedy the Situation of Biotechnology Patent. (United States)

    Jiang, Li


    Some fundamental biotechnologies hold unprecedented potential to eradicate many incurable diseases. However, in absence of regulations, the power of patent makes the future use of some important biotechnology in few institution's hands. The excessive patents restrict researcher access to the fundamental technologies. It generates concerns and complaints of deteriorating the public health and social welfare. Furthermore, intellectual curiosities, funding, respect among colleagues etc., rather than patents, are the real motivations driving a major ground-breaking discoveries in biotechnology. These phenomena reveal that some biotechnology patents are alienated from the purpose of patent system. Therefore, it is necessary to take some approaches to stop over-patenting these fundamental biotechnology inventions. This article proposes a model regulatory framework for controlling biotechnology patent alienating from the purpose of patent system.

  16. Alterações clínicas e patológicas em ovinos infectados naturalmente pelo vírus da língua azul no Rio Grande do Sul


    Nadia A.B. Antoniassi; Saulo P. Pavarini; Luiz A.O. Ribeiro; Mariana S. Silva; Eduardo F. Flores; David Driemeier


    Língua azul (LA) é uma doença causada pelo vírus da língua azul (VLA) e transmitida por vetores do gênero Culicoides. Estudos sorológicos têm demonstrado a ampla presença do vírus no Brasil; entretanto, informações clínicas da LA na América do Sul são limitadas. Esse trabalho descreve alterações clínico-patológicas em ovinos acometidos pela LA no Sul do Brasil. Em dois surtos, em propriedades distintas, 15 ovinos apresentaram como principais sinais clínicos hipertermia, apatia, aumento de vol...

  17. Indicadores de actividad tecnológica por género en España a través del estudio de patentes europeas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauleón, Elba


    Full Text Available Obtaining indicators of technological activity by gender is needed to increase our knowledge about the contribution of women to innovation and technological development. These activities are essential for the economic success of countries but have traditionally revealed a low presence of females. This paper adopts a “macro” approach and presents technology indicators by gender based on the analysis of the patents applied for from the European Patent Office (EPO by Spanish inventors during 1999-2007. From a total of 6,860 patents, at least one female inventor was found in 20% of the patents. Inter-gender differences in patenting are observed by institutional sector, with female involvement being above average in the public research sector; and by technological field, with a higher presence of females in chemistry. The relationship among the sex of the inventor, the institutional sector of the assignee and the technological field of the patent is explored through correspondence analysis. The article points out the relevance of patent-based indicators by gender for identifying gender inequalities in technological activity and supporting policy measures oriented to promote women’s integration in the science and technology system.El interés por los indicadores de actividad tecnológica por género responde a la necesidad de conocer cuál es la contribución de las mujeres a la innovación y al desarrollo tecnológico, actividades que son esenciales para el desarrollo económico de los países y en las que las mujeres han estado tradicionalmente poco representadas. Este trabajo asume una aproximación “macro” y presenta indicadores de actividad tecnológica por género basados en el análisis de las patentes solicitadas por inventores españoles en la Oficina Europea de Patentes (EPO en el periodo 1999-2007. Se identifican un total de 6.860 solicitudes de patente con todos sus inventores españoles, el 20% de las cuales presenta participaci

  18. Can patents prohibit research? On the social epistemology of patenting and licensing in science. (United States)

    Biddle, Justin B


    A topic of growing importance within philosophy of science is the epistemic implications of the organization of research. This paper identifies a promising approach to social epistemology--nonideal systems design--and uses it to examine one important aspect of the organization of research, namely the system of patenting and licensing and its role in structuring the production and dissemination of knowledge. The primary justification of patenting in science and technology is consequentialist in nature. Patenting should incentivize research and thereby promote the development of knowledge, which in turn facilitates social progress. Some have disputed this argument, maintaining that patenting actually inhibits knowledge production. In this paper, I make a stronger argument; in some areas of research in the US--in particular, research on GM seeds--patents and patent licenses can be, and are in fact being, used to prohibit some research. I discuss three potential solutions to this problem: voluntary agreements, eliminating patents, and a research exemption. I argue against eliminating patents, and I show that while voluntary agreements and a research exemption could be helpful, they do not sufficiently address the problems of access that are discussed here. More extensive changes in the organization of research are necessary.

  19. 77 FR 4509 - Patent Public Advisory Committee Public Hearings on the Proposed Patent Fee Schedule (United States)


    ... patent fees. The publication of that Notice will open a comment window through which the public may...-P-2012-0002] Patent Public Advisory Committee Public Hearings on the Proposed Patent Fee Schedule... Trademark Office (USPTO) may set or adjust by rule any patent or trademark fee established, authorized, or...

  20. Patenting Human Genes in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Minssen, Timo


    In accordance with the concept of the book and the assigned scope of the contribution, this chapter describes the European law with respect to the patent-eligibility of isolated DNA sequences. This chapter will further include a brief comparison with recent developments from the US and Australia....... It will, however, not focus on the important debates regarding the patent-eligibility of other biological material, diagnostic methods patents (as data aggregators) or abstract ideas which will be addressed by other contributions. Moreover, the analysis will merely concentrate on patent-eligibility. Other...... patentability requirement will only be briefly touched upon in the discussion part. The paper starts out in section 1.5.2 by discussing the patent-eligibility of isolated human DNA sequences on the European national level and under the Biotechnology Directive. Then the patent-eligibility of isolated human DNA...

  1. US photovoltaic patents: 1991--1993

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pohle, L


    This document contains US patents on terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) power applications, including systems, components, and materials as well as manufacturing and support functions. The patent entries in this document were issued from 1991 to 1993. The entries were located by searching USPA, the database of the US Patent Office. The final search retrieved all patents under the class ``Batteries, Thermoelectric and Photoelectric`` and the subclasses ``Photoelectric,`` ``Testing,`` and ``Applications.`` The search also located patents that contained the words ``photovoltaic(s)`` or ``solar cell(s)`` and their derivatives. After the initial list was compiled, most of the patents on the following subjects were excluded: space photovoltaic technology, use of the photovoltaic effect for detectors, and subjects only peripherally concerned with photovoltaic. Some patents on these three subjects were included when ft appeared that those inventions might be of use in terrestrial PV power technologies.

  2. Performance of Patenting Firms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Erik Strøjer; Smith, Valdemar; Nielsen, Anders Østergaard


    Most countries focus on industries with high technology and the governments grant subsidies to innovating firms. However, there has been remarkable few studies of the performance of innovative firms or industries. This study examines the performance of patent active firms compared to the non-patenting...... firms within the manufacturing sector in Denmark. Performance is measured both by growth in employment as well as in the return on equity and profit share in turnover. The results suggest that differences in performance of patenting and non-patenting firms are very small, which questions the political...

  3. Foreign patent documentation and information research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Tongsheng; Wu Xianfeng; Liu Jia; Cao Jifen; Song Tianbao; Feng Beiyuan; Zhang Baozhu


    Patent documentations are important scientific and technical documentations, which gather legal information, technical information and economic information together. According to WIPO forecasts, making full use of patent documentation can save 40% of research funding and 60% of the study period. Foreign patent documentations are the world's most valuable patent documentations, and many original technologies that have significant influence are first disclosed in foreign patent documentation. Studying and making use of foreign patent documentations can improve our starting point of scientific and technological innovation, and reduce the research investment. This paper analyzes foreign patent documentation and, combining with the actual development of nuclear technology in our country, makes specific recommendations for patent documentation research. (authors)

  4. Patents, Inducement Prizes, and Contestant Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Davis, Jerome; Davis, Lee N.


    Debate over the merits of patents versus inducement prizes has tended to ignore the signaling roles of patents, and totally ignores the impact of patent signaling on prize contests. This paper asks: How does patent signaling affect the strategic choices of firms considering entering prize contests......? First, we consider contests that do not allow patenting, then contests that do. If patenting is not allowed, we argue, patent-holders, both internal and external to the contest, can adversely impact prize contests by claiming prize winner violation of their patents, and suing for damages. The likelihood...... of such challenges being made can deter entry, particularly in contests requiring large sunk costs. Furthermore, the firm's decisionmaking process will discriminate against entering prize contests and favor R&D projects with patentable outcomes. Together, these problems may circumscribe any future wider role...

  5. Increasing the Discovery and Use of Non-Patent Literature (NPL): Scientific Publications in Patent Examination


    F. Loizides; B. Diallo; A. Pollard; A. Mavri


    In this work we present findings on non-patent literature use, and specifically scientific publications such as academic articles. We interview patent examiners and observe their prior art searching in order to provide insights into the perceived usage of non-patent literature and produce high level requirements for advancing non-patent literature search tools.

  6. Patenting Nanomedicine in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordberg, Ana

    This work addresses the question of determining whether reinterpretation, reformulation or replacement of article 53 (c) of the European Patent Convention is viable and advisable. It does so by reference to novel or resurfacing interpretative concerns connected with emerging technologies exemplif......This work addresses the question of determining whether reinterpretation, reformulation or replacement of article 53 (c) of the European Patent Convention is viable and advisable. It does so by reference to novel or resurfacing interpretative concerns connected with emerging technologies...... exemplified by nanomedicine, while considering known interpretative issues and traditional objections to this provision. The debate concerning the patentability of ‘medical methods’ is multi-layered and complex. The ‘medical methods exception’ is a public policy mechanism, intended to introduce flexibility...... in the patent system in order to allow for the protection of core ethical values of society. Nanotechnology inventions blur the lines between patentable subject matter and what may fall under the exception from patentability. It is a good example of how in recent years, emerging technologies have been...

  7. Uso do corante azul de metileno a 2% na localização do linfonodo axilar em cadelas (Canis familiaris – Linnaeus, 1758

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tábata Maués


    Full Text Available A biopsia de linfonodo sentinela (LS é cada vez mais utilizada para a determinação do estadiamento clínico tumoral. O acometimento de linfonodos em animais com doença oncológica possui forte valor prognóstico no tumor da glândula mamária. Em medicina veterinária faltam diretrizes bem estabelecidas para a avaliação do LS. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do corante azul de metileno a 2% na identificação do linfonodo axilar em cadelas com lesões mamárias. Para tanto, foram utilizadas 101 cadelas, portadoras de lesões mamárias, submetidas à mastectomia radical unilateral ou bilateral. Antes do início da cirurgia, aplicou-se, por via intradérmica, na área ao redor da mama torácica cranial, solução de azul de metileno a 2% estéril. O corante foi eficaz na identificação do linfonodo axilar em 76,27% das cadeias mamárias. Obtiveram-se estruturas coradas em azul, semelhantes a linfonodos em 78,81% dos casos. Dessas estruturas, 96,77% foram confirmadas ao exame histopatológico como linfonodos. Dada a importância prognóstica do comprometimento de linfonodos em alguns tumores, a avaliação do LS deve ser incorporada à rotina clínica, de modo a permitir um estadiamento mais preciso das cadelas com neoplasia mamária.

  8. Constructing an Intelligent Patent Network Analysis Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chao-Chan Wu


    Full Text Available Patent network analysis, an advanced method of patent analysis, is a useful tool for technology management. This method visually displays all the relationships among the patents and enables the analysts to intuitively comprehend the overview of a set of patents in the field of the technology being studied. Although patent network analysis possesses relative advantages different from traditional methods of patent analysis, it is subject to several crucial limitations. To overcome the drawbacks of the current method, this study proposes a novel patent analysis method, called the intelligent patent network analysis method, to make a visual network with great precision. Based on artificial intelligence techniques, the proposed method provides an automated procedure for searching patent documents, extracting patent keywords, and determining the weight of each patent keyword in order to generate a sophisticated visualization of the patent network. This study proposes a detailed procedure for generating an intelligent patent network that is helpful for improving the efficiency and quality of patent analysis. Furthermore, patents in the field of Carbon Nanotube Backlight Unit (CNT-BLU were analyzed to verify the utility of the proposed method.

  9. Environmentally conscious patent histories (United States)

    Crouch, Dennis D.; Crouch, Henry L.


    There is a need for investigators, legislators, and business leaders to understand the magnitude of innovation and discovery in the field of environmentally conscious technologies (ECTs). Knowledge of the "big picture" is important to providing a national and global account of actual environmental stewardship over the last twenty-five years. A recitation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supported Acts which have been enacted into law reveals one facet of the multifaceted dynamic of environmental consciousness. The popular discussion and debate, as well as partisan lobbying, which created the political forces leading to environmentally conscious legislation is another facet. A third facet is the corporate response to the threats and opportunities predicted by CEO"s and others through environmental scanning. This paper examines changes in environmentally conscious inventive effort by comparing data from United States Patents issued from 1976 through 2003. Patents are useful tool for measuring technological innovation because they are publicly available records of innovative activity. Although not all inventions result in patent applications, the monopoly rights granted on the invention give the inventor a strong incentive to obtain patents on any viable product or process. Among the results, we found a significant increase in patents relating to environmentally conscious products and processes during the period in question. Specifically, a dramatic increase in patent activity was seen for the decade of the 1990"s. Surprisingly, the patenting rate from 2000 to 2003 seems to have stabilized. Additionally public discussion of ECTs appears to have a positive impact on patent filings.

  10. Labor Mobility and Patenting Activity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaiser, Ulrich; Kongsted, Hans Christian; Rønde, Thomas

    We measure the quantitative importance of labor mobility as a vehicle for the transmission of knowledge and skills across firms. For this purpose we create a unique data set that matches all applications of Danish firms at the European Patent Office to linked employer-employee register data...... for the years 1999-2002. The Danish workforce is split into "R&D workers", who hold a bachelor's or a master's degree in a technical field, and "non{R&D workers". We find that mobile R&D workers ("R&D joiners"') contribute more to patenting activity than immobile R&D workers. Furthermore, R&D workers who have...... previously been employed by a patenting firm ("patent exposed workers") have a larger effect on patenting activity than R&D workers without this experience. Patent exposed R&D joiners constitute the most productive group of workers: for firms that patented prior to 1999, one additional worker of this type...

  11. Are biosimilars patentable? (United States)

    Rolfe, Damian; Parker, Jayson; Morgan, Max


    This paper explores whether, and under what circumstances, a biosimilar approved in the United States under the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act (hereafter 'BPCIA') can be patented. The possibility that a biosimilar product could have meaningful patent protection arises from specific requirements for biosimilarity under the BPCIA, which account for the fact that manufacturing processes of biologics are inherently imprecise. The requirements for biosimilar approval may provide sufficient leeway to a biosimilar applicant to patent structural or formulation differences that provide non-clinical but business-relevant advantages over the reference molecule, such as improved shelf-life or ease of manufacture, without compromising clinical biosimilarity. Examination of the BPCIA and related Acts, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance papers, case law, patent database searching, and relevant scholarly articles. Legislative and regulatory requirements for the approval of a biosimilar under the BPCIA are focused on clinical results and allow a degree of leeway for differences to exist between a biosimilar's structure and non-clinical components and those of the biosimilar's reference molecule. This leeway can be exploited to provide the biosimilar with potentially patentable business-relevant advantages over its reference product while maintaining clinical biosimilarity to the reference product.

  12. Decoding gene patents in Australia. (United States)

    Denley, Adam; Cherry, James


    Patents directed to naturally occurring genetic material, such as DNA, RNA, chromosomes, and genes, in an isolated or purified form have been granted in Australia for many years. This review provides scientists with a summary of the gene patent debate from an Australian perspective and specifically reviews how the various levels of the legal system as they apply to patents-the Australian Patent Office, Australian courts, and Australian government-have dealt with the issue of whether genetic material is proper subject matter for a patent. Copyright © 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  13. The Seductive-Plausibility of Patent Hold-Up Myths — A Flawed Historiography of Patents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John; Katznelson, Ron D

    In previous work we have shown that a flawed historiography of patents continues to be the basis for patent policy advocacy. We set out objective standards of evidence that allegations of development block due to assertion of patents must meet. We show the extent of the errors in the historical...... record in the aircraft, automobile, radio and incandescent lamp technologies. We then evaluate how they measure against the objective standards. We find many simple errors and that an absence of indicia of development block characterise scholarship alleging that assertion of patents blocked development...... of multiple case studies subjected to such standards justifies the rebuttable presumption that “pioneer patents have never blocked development”....

  14. Patenting and the gender gap: should women be encouraged to patent more? (United States)

    de Melo-Martín, Inmaculada


    The commercialization of academic science has come to be understood as economically desirable for institutions, individual researchers, and the public. Not surprisingly, commercial activity, particularly that which results from patenting, appears to be producing changes in the standards used to evaluate scientists' performance and contributions. In this context, concerns about a gender gap in patenting activity have arisen and some have argued for the need to encourage women to seek more patents. They believe that because academic advancement is mainly dependent on productivity (Stuart and Ding in American Journal of Sociology 112:97-144, 2006; Azoulay et al. in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 63:599-623, 2007), differences in research output have the power to negatively impact women's careers. Moreover, in the case of patenting activity, they claim that the gender gap also has the potential to negatively affect society. This is so because scientific and technological advancement and innovation play a crucial role in contemporary societies. Thus, women's more limited involvement in the commercialization of science and technology can also be detrimental to innovation itself. Nevertheless, calls to encourage women to patent on grounds that such activity is likely to play a significant role in the betterment of both women's careers and society seem to be based on two problematic assumptions: (1) that the methods to determine women's productivity in patenting activities are an appropriate way to measure their research efforts and the impact of their work, and (2) that patenting, particularly in academia, benefits society. The purpose of this paper is to call into question these two assumptions.

  15. Patent pools: Intellectual property rights and competition.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rodriguez, V.F.


    Patent pools do not correct all problems associated with patent thickets. In this respect, patent pools might not stop the outsider problem from striking pools. Moreover, patent pools can be expensive to negotiate, can exclude patent holders with smaller numbers of patents or enable a group of major

  16. Estudio y Caracterización de Marcas de Videojuegos mediante Análisis de la Produccion de Patentes y el Desarrollo Técnico de Software para Plataformas de Videojuegos


    Garcia Ruiz, Ricardo


    En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de las relaciones existentes entre la producción de software de videojuegos y de registros de patentes tecnológicas relacionadas con las plataformas de videojuegos. Se persigue poder caracterizar el comportamiento histórico individual, definiendo las relaciones entre variables de la misma clase (videojuegos o patentes), y comprender las interacciones entre patentes y videojuegos de la misma marca. Esta investigación se realiza mediante una serie d...

  17. Interactive overlay maps for US Patent (USPTO) data based on International Patent Classifications (IPC)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leydesdorff, L.; Kushnir, D.; Rafols, I.


    We report on the development of an interface to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that allows for the mapping of patent portfolios as overlays to basemaps constructed from citation relations among all patents contained in this database during the period 1976-2011. Both the interface and the

  18. Patents - Superconductor materials, processes and devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Test, A.


    A patent is a grant by a country to an inventor or his assignee of the right to exclude others for a limited period of time from making, using or selling the patented invention within its territory. It is reported that basic patents have been filed by IBM and the University of Houston to protect a broad range of warm superconducting materials or compounds. It is believed that other researchers are seeking patents to protect related or improved materials, processes and apparatus. Because of the importance of this field and to speed up the patent process, the United States Patent Office is giving, upon request, special expedited status to these patent applications. A survey of Japanese companies shows that more than 1500 patents have been applied for in Japan relating to superconducting materials, compositions, apparatus using superconductors and improvements. It appears that the goal of the Japanese companies is to obtain a patent position in Japan so that they can trade with companies wishing to do business in Japan for rights in other parts of the world

  19. Can this kind of idea be a patent?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Jae Bok


    This book mentions patent such as application, what is patents, patent law, procedure and patent attorney, which includes business idea is patent. Is internet domain name or name-brand? We can make a big money with others idea, the difference among patent, trademark, utility model rights and registration of design, priority system, new weapon in digital period, patent is a knife and a shield, the cost from application to registration, what is hunting of patent information, writing document for patent, patent examination and patent lawyer.

  20. Can this kind of idea be a patent?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Jae Bok


    This book mentions patent such as application, what is patents, patent law, procedure and patent attorney, which includes business idea is patent. Is internet domain name or name-brand? We can make a big money with others idea, the difference among patent, trademark, utility model rights and registration of design, priority system, new weapon in digital period, patent is a knife and a shield, the cost from application to registration, what is hunting of patent information, writing document for patent, patent examination and patent lawyer.

  1. 78 FR 31885 - Patent Term Extension (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Patent and Trademark Office Patent Term Extension ACTION: Proposed collection; comment request. SUMMARY: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), as part of its... States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. Federal Rulemaking Portal...

  2. 78 FR 7759 - Patent Cooperation Treaty (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Patent and Trademark Office Patent Cooperation Treaty ACTION: Proposed collection; comment request. SUMMARY: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), as part of its... States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. Federal Rulemaking Portal...

  3. 75 FR 20561 - Patent Term Extension (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Patent and Trademark Office Patent Term Extension ACTION: Proposed collection; comment request. SUMMARY: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), as part of its... Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer, United States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450...

  4. Patentability of methods of human enhancement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordberg, Ana


    This article explores how to apply patentability rules to human enhancement, particularly focusing on Article 53(c) of the European Patent Convention (EPC). The global size and value of the cosmetic and wellness market and industry allow for the prediction of considerable market potential for hum...... future evolution and the corresponding public policy choices. This article seeks to provide prospective patentees with guidance and awareness concerning the patentability of methods for human enhancement.......This article explores how to apply patentability rules to human enhancement, particularly focusing on Article 53(c) of the European Patent Convention (EPC). The global size and value of the cosmetic and wellness market and industry allow for the prediction of considerable market potential for human...... enhancement. Patents will be instrumental for companies to protect investment in innovation and tap into this potentially valuable market. The European patent system contains, in Article 53(c) EPC, an exception from patentability for methods for treatment and diagnostic methods. Such rule was created...

  5. Published patent applications and patents from the promoted R + D area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaeckel, G.; Zierl, I.


    The Ministry for Research and Technology of the Federal Republic of Germany has sponsored technological R + D for industrial innovations since 1969. The following compilation includes the published patent applications and patents from all projects which were sponsored up to and including 1973. (orig.) [de

  6. The History of Patenting Genetic Material. (United States)

    Sherkow, Jacob S; Greely, Henry T


    The US Supreme Court's recent decision in Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc. declared, for the first time, that isolated human genes cannot be patented. Many have wondered how genes were ever the subjects of patents. The answer lies in a nuanced understanding of both legal and scientific history. Since the early twentieth century, "products of nature" were not eligible to be patented unless they were "isolated and purified" from their surrounding environment. As molecular biology advanced, and the capability to isolate genes both physically and by sequence came to fruition, researchers (and patent offices) began to apply patent-law logic to genes themselves. These patents, along with other biological patents, generated substantial social and political criticism. Myriad Genetics, a company with patents on BRCA1 and BRCA2, two genes critical to assessing early-onset breast and ovarian cancer risk, and with a particularly controversial business approach, became the antagonist in an ultimately successful campaign to overturn gene patents in court. Despite Myriad's defeat, some questions concerning the rights to monopolize genetic information remain. The history leading to that defeat may be relevant to these future issues.

  7. 37 CFR 1.215 - Patent application publication. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Patent application publication. 1.215 Section 1.215 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES National Processing Provisions Publication...

  8. Analysis of US patents on spacer grids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyung Kyu; Song, Kee Nam; Yoon, Kyung Ho; Kang, Hong Seok; Kim, Hyung Kyu; Jeon, Tae Hyun; Oh, Dong Seok; In, Wang Ki; Bang, Jae Keun; Oh, Seung Eun; Seo, Jeong Min; Lee, Jin Seok; Park, Seong Keun


    The total of 137 US patents on spacer grids patented from 1968 through 1993 are analyzed and summarized. Database is constituted with designing the appropriate fields by which each patent can be identified. The fields consist of patent number, inventor, assignee, date of patent, title and major foci of the patent. The major foci are again classified by detailed subjects such as the fretting failure and fuel rod support-related, the strength-related, the fabrication-related as for mechanical subjects, while the cooling performance-related and the pressure drop-related as for thermal-hydraulic one. The 92% of the patents analyzed were issued form nuclear companies of USA, France and Germany. Among the patents dealing with mechanical subjects, the fretting failure and fuel rod support-related is more than the pressure drop-related among the patents of thermal-hydraulic subjects. The number of patents issued from Japan ranks just after Germany i.e., the 4th country. It is thought that much concern as well as investment should be increased in this field, the patent of nuclear components. (author). 2 tabs., 5 figs

  9. Analysis of US patents on spacer grids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Hyung Kyu; Song, Kee Nam; Yoon, Kyung Ho; Kang, Hong Seok; Kim, Hyung Kyu; Jeon, Tae Hyun; Oh, Dong Seok; In, Wang Ki; Bang, Jae Keun [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); Oh, Seung Eun; Seo, Jeong Min; Lee, Jin Seok; Park, Seong Keun [Korea Nuclear Fuel Company, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The total of 137 US patents on spacer grids patented from 1968 through 1993 are analyzed and summarized. Database is constituted with designing the appropriate fields by which each patent can be identified. The fields consist of patent number, inventor, assignee, date of patent, title and major foci of the patent. The major foci are again classified by detailed subjects such as the fretting failure and fuel rod support-related, the strength-related, the fabrication-related as for mechanical subjects, while the cooling performance-related and the pressure drop-related as for thermal-hydraulic one. The 92% of the patents analyzed were issued form nuclear companies of USA, France and Germany. Among the patents dealing with mechanical subjects, the fretting failure and fuel rod support-related is more than the pressure drop-related among the patents of thermal-hydraulic subjects. The number of patents issued from Japan ranks just after Germany i.e., the 4th country. It is thought that much concern as well as investment should be increased in this field, the patent of nuclear components. (author). 2 tabs., 5 figs.

  10. Analysis of Patent Databases Using VxInsight

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    We present the application of a new knowledge visualization tool, VxInsight, to the mapping and analysis of patent databases. Patent data are mined and placed in a database, relationships between the patents are identified, primarily using the citation and classification structures, then the patents are clustered using a proprietary force-directed placement algorithm. Related patents cluster together to produce a 3-D landscape view of the tens of thousands of patents. The user can navigate the landscape by zooming into or out of regions of interest. Querying the underlying database places a colored marker on each patent matching the query. Automatically generated labels, showing landscape content, update continually upon zooming. Optionally, citation links between patents may be shown on the landscape. The combination of these features enables powerful analyses of patent databases.

  11. The diffusion of patented oil and gas technology with environmental uses: A forward patent citation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duch-Brown, Néstor; Costa-Campi, María Teresa


    Relevant advances in the mitigation of environmental impact could be obtained by the appropriate diffusion of existing environmental technologies. In this paper, we look at the diffusion of knowledge related to environmental technologies developed within the oil and gas industry. To assess knowledge spillovers from oil and gas inventions as a measure of technology diffusion, we rely on forward patent citations methodology. Results show that there is a strong likelihood that the citing patent will be eventually linked to environmental technologies if the original oil and gas invention has already environmental uses. Moreover, both intra and intersectoral spillovers produce a “turnabout” effect, meaning that citing patents show the opposite quality level of the cited patent. Our results support the idea that more sector-specific environmental policies, with an emphasis on diffusion, would significantly improve the use of environmental technologies developed within the oil and gas industry. -- Highlights: •Knowledge spillovers from oil and gas inventions are of an intrasectoral nature. •Environmental uses in original patents diffuse to patents with environmental uses. •The “turnabout” effect converts low quality patents into high quality citing patents. •Diffusion of oil and gas inventions need more ad hoc instruments

  12. The Academic Advantage: Gender Disparities in Patenting (United States)

    Sugimoto, Cassidy R.; Ni, Chaoqun; West, Jevin D.; Larivière, Vincent


    We analyzed gender disparities in patenting by country, technological area, and type of assignee using the 4.6 million utility patents issued between 1976 and 2013 by the United States Patent and Trade Office (USPTO). Our analyses of fractionalized inventorships demonstrate that women’s rate of patenting has increased from 2.7% of total patenting activity to 10.8% over the nearly 40-year period. Our results show that, in every technological area, female patenting is proportionally more likely to occur in academic institutions than in corporate or government environments. However, women’s patents have a lower technological impact than that of men, and that gap is wider in the case of academic patents. We also provide evidence that patents to which women—and in particular academic women—contributed are associated with a higher number of International Patent Classification (IPC) codes and co-inventors than men. The policy implications of these disparities and academic setting advantages are discussed. PMID:26017626

  13. The academic advantage: gender disparities in patenting. (United States)

    Sugimoto, Cassidy R; Ni, Chaoqun; West, Jevin D; Larivière, Vincent


    We analyzed gender disparities in patenting by country, technological area, and type of assignee using the 4.6 million utility patents issued between 1976 and 2013 by the United States Patent and Trade Office (USPTO). Our analyses of fractionalized inventorships demonstrate that women's rate of patenting has increased from 2.7% of total patenting activity to 10.8% over the nearly 40-year period. Our results show that, in every technological area, female patenting is proportionally more likely to occur in academic institutions than in corporate or government environments. However, women's patents have a lower technological impact than that of men, and that gap is wider in the case of academic patents. We also provide evidence that patents to which women--and in particular academic women--contributed are associated with a higher number of International Patent Classification (IPC) codes and co-inventors than men. The policy implications of these disparities and academic setting advantages are discussed.

  14. The academic advantage: gender disparities in patenting.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cassidy R Sugimoto

    Full Text Available We analyzed gender disparities in patenting by country, technological area, and type of assignee using the 4.6 million utility patents issued between 1976 and 2013 by the United States Patent and Trade Office (USPTO. Our analyses of fractionalized inventorships demonstrate that women's rate of patenting has increased from 2.7% of total patenting activity to 10.8% over the nearly 40-year period. Our results show that, in every technological area, female patenting is proportionally more likely to occur in academic institutions than in corporate or government environments. However, women's patents have a lower technological impact than that of men, and that gap is wider in the case of academic patents. We also provide evidence that patents to which women--and in particular academic women--contributed are associated with a higher number of International Patent Classification (IPC codes and co-inventors than men. The policy implications of these disparities and academic setting advantages are discussed.

  15. The fallacy of Software Patents

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Software patents are usually used as argument for innovation but do they really promote innovation? Who really benefits from software patents? This talk attempts to show the problems with software patents and how they can actually harm innovation having little value for software users and our society in general.

  16. 37 CFR 1.41 - Applicant for patent. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Applicant for patent. 1.41 Section 1.41 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES National Processing Provisions Who May Apply for A...

  17. 37 CFR 1.314 - Issuance of patent. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Issuance of patent. 1.314 Section 1.314 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES National Processing Provisions Allowance and Issue of...

  18. 37 CFR 1.315 - Delivery of patent. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Delivery of patent. 1.315 Section 1.315 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES National Processing Provisions Allowance and Issue of...

  19. Patent protection and licensing in microfluidics. (United States)

    Yetisen, Ali K; Volpatti, Lisa R


    Microfluidic devices offer control over low-volume samples in order to achieve high-throughput analysis, and reduce turnaround time and costs. Their efficient commercialisation has implications for biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine, environmental monitoring and industrial applications. In particular, market diffusion of microfluidic laboratory and point-of-care diagnostic devices can contribute to the improvement of global health. In their commercialisation, consultancy and patent protection are essential elements that complement academic publishing. The awareness of knowledge transfer strategies can help academics to create value for their research. The aim of this article is to provide a guidance to (1) overview the terminology in patent law, (2) elucidate the process of filing a patent in the US, EU, Japan and internationally, (3) discuss strategies to licence a patent, and (4) explain tactics to defend a patent in a potential infringement. Awareness of the patent law and rights allows obtaining optimised, valid and valuable patents, while accelerating implementation to market route. Striking a balance between academic publishing, consultancy to industry and patent protection can increase commercial potential, enhance economic growth and create social impact.

  20. 14 CFR 1260.28 - Patent rights. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Patent rights. 1260.28 Section 1260.28... Provisions § 1260.28 Patent rights. Patent Rights May 2006 As stated at § 1260.136, this award is subject to... “Patent Rights (Small Business Firms and Nonprofit Organizations)” and the following: (a) Where the term...

  1. Using Patent Classification to Discover Chemical Information in a Free Patent Database: Challenges and Opportunities (United States)

    Ha¨rtinger, Stefan; Clarke, Nigel


    Developing skills for searching the patent literature is an essential element of chemical information literacy programs at the university level. The present article creates awareness of patents as a rich source of chemical information. Patent classification is introduced as a key-component in comprehensive search strategies. The free Espacenet…

  2. Effect of firm variables on patent price

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    Shyam Sreekumaran Nair


    Full Text Available In this study, using singleton patent auction price data from Ocean Tomo, LLC, we analyse the effect of firm variables on patent price. Patents owned by small firms attract higher price than patents owned by large firms, if they engage in multi-country filings. The patents owned by small firms get cited more than the patents owned by large firms. The patents owned by individual inventors attract a higher price than the patents owned by organisations when multi-country filings are not included. We believe that the lack of resources is preventing individual inventors from engaging in multi-country filings and maximising the revenue from their invention. A larger representative data should be used to replicate the results before generalising it.

  3. The Academic Advantage: Gender Disparities in Patenting


    Sugimoto, Cassidy R.; Ni, Chaoqun; West, Jevin D.; Larivi?re, Vincent


    We analyzed gender disparities in patenting by country, technological area, and type of assignee using the 4.6 million utility patents issued between 1976 and 2013 by the United States Patent and Trade Office (USPTO). Our analyses of fractionalized inventorships demonstrate that women's rate of patenting has increased from 2.7% of total patenting activity to 10.8% over the nearly 40-year period. Our results show that, in every technological area, female patenting is proportionally more likely...

  4. Patent data mining method and apparatus (United States)

    Boyack, Kevin W.; Grafe, V. Gerald; Johnson, David K.; Wylie, Brian N.


    A method of data mining represents related patents in a multidimensional space. Distance between patents in the multidimensional space corresponds to the extent of relationship between the patents. The relationship between pairings of patents can be expressed based on weighted combinations of several predicates. The user can select portions of the space to perceive. The user also can interact with and control the communication of the space, focusing attention on aspects of the space of most interest. The multidimensional spatial representation allows more ready comprehension of the structure of the relationships among the patents.

  5. 43 CFR 402.10 - Patent. (United States)


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent. 402.10 Section 402.10 Public Lands... LANDS IN FEDERAL RECLAMATION PROJECTS Public Lands § 402.10 Patent. When a purchaser has complied fully... and patent and shall state the statutory authority for such liens. The receipt shall be submitted to...

  6. 37 CFR 1.705 - Patent term adjustment determination. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Patent term adjustment determination. 1.705 Section 1.705 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES Adjustment and Extension of Patent Term...

  7. Patenting of university and non-university public research organisations in Germany: evidence from patent applications for medical research results.

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    Peter Tinnemann

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Patents are one of the most important forms of intellectual property. They grant a time-limited exclusivity on the use of an invention allowing the recuperation of research costs. The use of patents is fiercely debated for medical innovation and especially controversial for publicly funded research, where the patent holder is an institution accountable to public interest. Despite this controversy, for the situation in Germany almost no empirical information exists. The purpose of this study is to examine the amount, types and trends of patent applications for health products submitted by German public research organisations. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted a systematic search for patent documents using the publicly accessible database search interface of the German Patent and Trademark Office. We defined keywords and search criteria and developed search patterns for the database request. We retrieved documents with application date between 1988 and 2006 and processed the collected data stepwise to compile the most relevant documents in patent families for further analysis. We developed a rationale and present individual steps of a systematic method to request and process patent data from a publicly accessible database. We retrieved and processed 10194 patent documents. Out of these, we identified 1772 relevant patent families, applied for by 193 different universities and non-university public research organisations. 827 (47% of these patent families contained granted patents. The number of patent applications submitted by universities and university-affiliated institutions more than tripled since the introduction of legal reforms in 2002, constituting almost half of all patent applications and accounting for most of the post-reform increase. Patenting of most non-university public research organisations remained stable. CONCLUSIONS: We search, process and analyse patent applications from publicly accessible databases

  8. Entrepreneurial patent management in pharmaceutical startups. (United States)

    Holgersson, Marcus; Phan, Tai; Hedner, Thomas


    Startups fill an increasingly important role as innovators in the pharmaceutical industry, and patenting is typically central to their success. This article aims to explore patent management in pharmaceutical startups. The results show that startups need to deal with several challenges related to patenting and an 'entrepreneurial' approach to patent management is called for. Resource constraints, venture capital provision, exits and other conditions and events must be readily considered in the patent management process to build a successful pharmaceutical venture, something that could benefit the pharmaceutical industry as a whole. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Rodolfo Schmal S


    Full Text Available En los últimos 25 años se le ha dado importancia creciente a la producción de tecnología y otras formas de creación de conocimientos con valor comercial en las universidades en todo el mundo. En este trabajo se evalúa el desempeño de las universidades chilenas como productoras de conocimientos con valor comercial restringido a la propiedad intelectual con aplicaciones industriales en los últimos 10 años. La expresión cuantificable de esto son las patentes industriales, los modelos de utilidad y los diseños industriales. Además se realiza una síntesis de la forma en que están incorporando este aspecto del trabajo académico las principales universidades chilenas. Finalmente se comparan los resultados relativos observados en Chile con los obtenidos en EE.UU. y EuropaIn the last 25 years, growing importance has been given to technology production and other forms of knowledge creation, that is produced by universities throughout the world and has commercial value. In this paper, the last ten years' performance of Chilean universities as producers of knowledge with commercial value, and industrial applications, as well as restricted to intellectual property, are evaluated. Industrial patents, models of utility and industrial designs are considered as quantifiable referents. A synthesis of the way the main Chilean universities are incorporating this aspect of the academic work is presented. Finally, the relative results observed in Chile are compared with those obtained in the USA and Europe

  10. Automated Patent Categorization and Guided Patent Search using IPC as Inspired by MeSH and PubMed. (United States)

    Eisinger, Daniel; Tsatsaronis, George; Bundschus, Markus; Wieneke, Ulrich; Schroeder, Michael


    Document search on PubMed, the pre-eminent database for biomedical literature, relies on the annotation of its documents with relevant terms from the Medical Subject Headings ontology (MeSH) for improving recall through query expansion. Patent documents are another important information source, though they are considerably less accessible. One option to expand patent search beyond pure keywords is the inclusion of classification information: Since every patent is assigned at least one class code, it should be possible for these assignments to be automatically used in a similar way as the MeSH annotations in PubMed. In order to develop a system for this task, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the properties of both classification systems. This report describes our comparative analysis of MeSH and the main patent classification system, the International Patent Classification (IPC). We investigate the hierarchical structures as well as the properties of the terms/classes respectively, and we compare the assignment of IPC codes to patents with the annotation of PubMed documents with MeSH terms.Our analysis shows a strong structural similarity of the hierarchies, but significant differences of terms and annotations. The low number of IPC class assignments and the lack of occurrences of class labels in patent texts imply that current patent search is severely limited. To overcome these limits, we evaluate a method for the automated assignment of additional classes to patent documents, and we propose a system for guided patent search based on the use of class co-occurrence information and external resources.

  11. Análisis socioeconómico e interrelación de las pesquerías de sardina y atún aleta azul en la región noroeste de México

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    Raúl Jesús del Moral-Simanek


    Full Text Available El establecimiento de las engordas de atún aleta azul en las costas de Baja California cambió el destino de las capturas de sardina, ya que antes se destinaban al mercado de congelados y a la elaboración de harina de pescado, y en la actualidad se utilizan como alimento para el atún aleta azul. Esto generó un efecto socioeconómico positivo para los armadores y pescadores de pelágicos menores, ya que la llegada de grandes capitales foráneos para el desarrollo de las engordas de atún mejoró los precios de la sardina, e hizo más rentable su pesquería.

  12. Idealismo e imaginario falangista en las primeras novelas de la División Azul

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    Valeria Possi


    Full Text Available Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la ideología, la retórica y el imaginario falangista utilizado en las novelas españolas escritas por los veteranos de guerra de la División Azul en los años 40 y 50. El estudio versa en particular sobre la representación de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la figura del héroe y el arquetipo del militante falangista entregado a la causa, y las imágenes de la muerte de los soldados en el frente. Este trabajo demuestra que los escritores se alejan de un imaginario realista para crear una representación idealizada y estética de la muerte.

  13. Patent Law for Computer Scientists (United States)

    Closa, Daniel; Gardiner, Alex; Giemsa, Falk; Machek, Jörg

    More than five centuries ago the first patent statute was passed by the Venetian senate. It already had most of the features of modern patent law, recognizing the public interest in innovation and granting exclusive right in exchange for a full disclosure. Some 350 years later the industrial revolution led to globalisation. The wish to protect intellectual property on a more international level evolved and supranational treaties were negotiated. Patent laws are still different in many countries, however, and inventors are sometimes at a loss to understand which basic requirements should be satisfied if an invention is to be granted a patent. This is particularly true for inventions implemented on a computer. While roughly a third of all applications (and granted patents) relate, in one way or another, to a computer, applications where the innovation mainly resides in software or in a business method are treated differently by the major patent offices. The procedures at the USPTO, JPO and EPO and, in particular, the differences in the treatment of applications centring on software are briefly explained. In later sections of this book, a wealth of examples will be presented. The methodology behind the treatment of these examples is explained.

  14. 76 FR 72000 - Patent, Trademark & Copyright Acts (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Geological Survey Patent, Trademark & Copyright Acts AGENCY: U.S... Consultants, 1255 Roberts Boulevard NW., Suite 200, Kennesaw, GA 30144, on U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 12/133,666, and a divisional patent application to be filed shortly at the Patent and Trademark...

  15. 78 FR 51177 - Notice of Intent To Grant Partially Exclusive Patent License; ICAP Patent Brokerage, LLC (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Navy Notice of Intent To Grant Partially Exclusive Patent License; ICAP Patent Brokerage, LLC AGENCY: Department of the Navy, DoD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Department of the Navy hereby gives notice of its intent to grant to ICAP Patent Brokerage, LLC, a revocable...

  16. 78 FR 72872 - Notice of Intent To Grant Partially Exclusive Patent License; ICAP Patent Brokerage, LLC (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Navy Notice of Intent To Grant Partially Exclusive Patent License; ICAP Patent Brokerage, LLC AGENCY: Department of the Navy, DoD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Department of the Navy hereby gives notice of its intent to grant to ICAP Patent Brokerage, LLC, a revocable...

  17. 48 CFR 970.2703 - Patent rights. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent rights. 970.2703 Section 970.2703 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AGENCY SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS DOE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATING CONTRACTS Patents, Data, and Copyrights 970.2703 Patent rights. ...

  18. Beyond Invention: Patent as Knowledge Law


    Madison, Michael


    The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in Bilski v. Kappos, concerning the legal standard for determining patentable subject matter under the American Patent Act, is used as a starting point for a brief review of historical, philosophical, and cultural influences on subject matter questions in both patent and copyright law. The article suggests that patent and copyright law jurisprudence was constructed initially by the Court with explicit attention to the relationship between...

  19. 48 CFR 970.2702-3 - Patent indemnity. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent indemnity. 970.2702... SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS DOE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATING CONTRACTS Patents, Data, and Copyrights 970.2702-3 Patent indemnity. (a) Contracting officers must use the clause at 970.5227-6, Patent Indemnity—Subcontracts to...

  20. The ethics of patenting human embryonic stem cells. (United States)

    Chapman, Audrey R


    Just as human embryonic stem cell research has generated controversy about the uses of human embryos for research and therapeutic applications, human embryonic stem cell patents raise fundamental ethical issues. The United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted foundational patents, including a composition of matter (or product) patent to the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), the University of Wisconsin-Madison's intellectual property office. In contrast, the European Patent Office rejected the same WARF patent application for ethical reasons. This article assesses the appropriateness of these patents placing the discussion in the context of the deontological and consequentialist ethical issues related to human embryonic stem cell patenting. It advocates for a patent system that explicitly takes ethical factors into account and explores options for new types of intellectual property arrangements consistent with ethical concerns.

  1. Developing a Systematic Patent Search Training Program (United States)

    Zhang, Li


    This study aims to develop a systematic patent training program using patent analysis and citation analysis techniques applied to patents held by the University of Saskatchewan. The results indicate that the target audience will be researchers in life sciences, and aggregated patent database searching and advanced search techniques should be…

  2. 48 CFR 31.205-30 - Patent costs. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent costs. 31.205-30....205-30 Patent costs. (a) The following patent costs are allowable to the extent that they are incurred... patent application where title or royalty-free license is to be conveyed to the Government. (b) General...

  3. A Moral Economy of Patents: Case of Finnish Research Universities' Patent Policies (United States)

    Kauppinen, Ilkka


    The primary objective of this paper is to demonstrate the usefulness of the concept of moral economy for higher education studies through a study of Finnish research universities' patent policies. Patent policies not only stimulate the commercialization of research, they also set norms for behavior and aim to clarify how to distribute rights and…

  4. 48 CFR 35.012 - Patent rights. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent rights. 35.012 Section 35.012 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTING 35.012 Patent rights. For a discussion of patent rights, see...

  5. Confidential patent application with an example of preparation

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    Obrad T. Čabarkapa


    Full Text Available In order that the invention solving a technical problem receives a patent protection, it is necessary to file a patent application. For the protection of confidential inventions which are important for defense and national security, a confidential patent application[1] must be filed. A confidential patent application is an important and complex document, the parts of which are,  in principle, exposed in an established order. For the preparation of patent applications, it is necessary to engage experts with higher education, primarily in the technical field the invention relates to. The contents of the patent application is a basis for examining whether the application meets the requirements for patentability and whether the right to patent protection is achieved. Besides theoretical discussions on patent application, the paper gives a short version of an example of an application regarding a protected confidential invention. Introduction The basic condition for the exercise of patent protection is filing a patent application, the test procedure and, eventually, depending on the test results - the recognition or rejection of the patent. The paper gives a description of all parts of the patent application on an example of a confidential invention already patented. The content of the confidential patent application The confidential patent application for confidential invention protection consists of the following parts: The application for a patent; description of the invention; the claims (indication of what is new and what is required to be protected by patenting; abstract (short summary of the invention  and a draft of the invention (to which the description and the claims are referred. The application for a patent The application for patent is filed on Form P-1 and a request for the petty patent on Form MP-1. The data entered in the file is, for example: the applicant; the lawyer; the name of the invention in Serbian and English; the inventor

  6. Nuevas perspectivas en la evaluación de las patentes como parte del curriculum científico

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    Guasch, Luis M.


    , simplemente no eran tenidas en cuenta en la evaluación docente en la Universidad o su equivalente en el CSIC y apenas eran consideradas como actividad accesoria o secundaria dentro de la evaluación de la actividad investigadora. El cambio ha sido más ostensible en promoción por concurso, de ser un mero elemento de desempate cuando el número de publicaciones y su factor de impacto era comparable, ha pasado a ser determinante o una condición «sine qua non» en determinadas áreas científicas. Al igual que ocurre en el resto de publicaciones, el número de patentes no indica la calidad y el significado del conocimiento en ellas recogido, pero el monopolio de explotación comercial y el coste que conllevan sí es marcadamente diferente e introduce variables de difícil consideración en las evaluaciones. Los cambios en la estructura jurídica y en el funcionamiento de instituciones claves en el Sistema Español de Innovación como el CSIC, su mayor institución patentadora (entidad española con mayor número de patentes nacionales y quinto organismo público de investigación por número de patentes europeas, así como la figura jurídica elegida para gestionar la Transferencia de Tecnología en el CSIC, van a suponer nuevos condicionantes a la decisión de patentar. Su valor en el reconocimiento de la actividad investigadora exige indicadores cada vez más precisos, y que indiquen a priori su repercusión en la comunidad científica y especialmente en el resto de la sociedad, ya que, a diferencia con el resto de publicaciones al final de su vida, su repercusión de mercado marca el impacto que la patente tiene como resultado de investigación.


    Veiga, Daniela Francescato; Ferreira, Lydia Masako


    To develop a proposal for metrics for patents to be applied in assessing the postgraduate programs of Medicine III - Capes. From the reading and analysis of the 2013 area documents of all the 48 areas of Capes, a proposal for metrics for patents was developed to be applied in Medicine III programs. Except for the areas Biotechnology, Food Science, Biological Sciences III, Physical Education, Engineering I, III and IV and Interdisciplinary, most areas do not adopt a scoring system for patents. The proposal developed was based on the criteria of Biotechnology, with adaptations. In general, it will be valued, in ascending order, the deposit, the granting and licensing/production. It will also be assigned higher scores to patents registered abroad and whenever there is a participation of students. This proposal can be applied to the item Intellectual Production of the evaluation form, in subsection Technical Production/Patents. The percentage of 10% for academic programs and 40% for Masters Professionals should be maintained. The program will be scored as Very Good when it reaches 400 points or over; Good, between 200 and 399 points; Regular, between 71 and 199 points; Weak up to 70 points; Insufficient, no punctuation. Desenvolver uma proposta de métricas para patentes a serem aplicadas na avaliação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação da Área Medicina III - Capes. A partir da leitura e análise dos documentos de área de 2013 de todas as 48 Áreas da Capes, desenvolveu-se uma proposta de métricas para patentes, a ser aplicada na avaliação dos programas da área. Constatou-se que, com exceção das áreas Biotecnologia, Ciência de Alimentos, Ciências Biológicas III, Educação Física, Engenharias I, III e IV e Interdisciplinar, a maioria não adota sistema de pontuação para patentes. A proposta desenvolvida baseou-se nos critérios da Biotecnologia, com adaptações. De uma forma geral, foi valorizado, em ordem crescente, o depósito, a concessão e o

  8. El Servicio de información de patentes de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: nuevo Centro Patlib

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    Macías González, Julio


    Full Text Available The Library of the Polytechnic School at Carlos III University of Madrid has opened a new patent information service. The aim is to develop an information and documentation centre about industrial property on the basis of the deposit of EPO and USPTO collection of European and North American patents and databases that belongs to the Oficina Española de Patentes (Spanish Patent Office. The first step has been the designation of the Library as a Patlib Center (European Patent Office Libraries Network. With this new service, the Library tries to spread within the academic community the important role of patents as a source of information for technological research, as well as to provide information services about industrial property to universities, companies, the general public and specially the Parque Científico (Scientific Park of Carlos III University in Leganés (Leganés Tecnológico.

    La Biblioteca de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid abre un nuevo servicio de información sobre patentes, tomando como base el depósito por parte de la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM de una amplia colección de patentes europeas y norteamericanas y sus bases de datos. El objetivo es desarrollar un centro de información y documentación sobre propiedad industrial. El primer paso ha sido su designación como Centro Patlib (Red de Bibliotecas de Patentes de la Oficina Europea de Patentes EPO. Con la prestación de este nuevo servicio, el principal objetivo de la Biblioteca es difundir dentro de la comunidad académica la importancia de las patentes como recurso de información para la investigación tecnológica, así como proporcionar servicios de documentación e información sobre propiedad industrial a las universidades, las empresas, los ciudadanos en general y muy especialmente al Parque Científico Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Leganés Tecnológico.

  9. A Database of EPO-Patenting Firms in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anders Østergaard


    The first section gives a brief introduction of the basic stages to be observed by the patent applicant from idea to the patent is granted. Section two presents three examples of how patents are registered in the online patent database INPADOC. Section three accounts for the initial analysis...... of the existing patent stock issued to firms with domicile in Denmark. Sections four and five report the basic characteristics of the EPO-patent sample and the procedures for linking the patent statistics to accounting data at the firm level, and finally they present the basic properties of the resulting database...

  10. Activación mecánica del caolín como vía para la fabricación de azul ultramar

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    Oscar Jaime Restrepo Baena


    Full Text Available La molienda del caolín en molinos de anillos causa una destrucción progresiva de la estructura cristalina original. Los estudios granulométricos demuestran que la molienda de los granos de caolín se produce por fuerzas de cizalladura, ocasionando un deslizamiento de los planos que conforman las partículas, distorsionándolas y aglomerándolas. El estudio de rayos X de mostró una pérdida casi completa de la estructura cristalina. Los análisis de DTA y TGA mostraron que la pérdida del agua de composición interna se produce desde el momento que comienza el calentamiento. Los estudios de microscopía electrónica de barrido muestran granos de forma y tamaño irregular que difieren notablemente de la muestra original. Con las muestras de caolín activado mecánicamente, se fabricó el pigmento Azul Ultramar utilizando un horno de tubo, los resultados obtenidos muestran un producto de características de calidad comparables a los conseguidos utilizando el caolín calcinado (10. Este estudio muestra que la activación mecánica del caolín, puede convertirse en una alternativa a la calcinación, proceso que actualmente se realiza a nivel industrial.

  11. Digital pathology: A systematic evaluation of the patent landscape. (United States)

    Cucoranu, Ioan C; Parwani, Anil V; Vepa, Suryanarayana; Weinstein, Ronald S; Pantanowitz, Liron


    Digital pathology is a relatively new field. Inventors of technology in this field typically file for patents to protect their intellectual property. An understanding of the patent landscape is crucial for companies wishing to secure patent protection and market dominance for their products. To our knowledge, there has been no prior systematic review of patents related to digital pathology. Therefore, the aim of this study was to systematically identify and evaluate United States patents and patent applications related to digital pathology. Issued patents and patent applications related to digital pathology published in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database ( (through January 2014) were searched using the Google Patents search engine (Google Inc., Mountain View, California, USA). Keywords and phrases related to digital pathology, whole-slide imaging (WSI), image analysis, and telepathology were used to query the USPTO database. Data were downloaded and analyzed using the Papers application (Mekentosj BV, Aalsmeer, Netherlands). A total of 588 United States patents that pertain to digital pathology were identified. In addition, 228 patent applications were identified, including 155 that were pending, 65 abandoned, and eight rejected. Of the 588 patents granted, 348 (59.18%) were specific to pathology, while 240 (40.82%) included more general patents also usable outside of pathology. There were 70 (21.12%) patents specific to pathology and 57 (23.75%) more general patents that had expired. Over 120 unique entities (individual inventors, academic institutions, and private companies) applied for pathology specific patents. Patents dealt largely with telepathology and image analysis. WSI related patents addressed image acquisition (scanning and focus), quality (z-stacks), management (storage, retrieval, and transmission of WSI files), and viewing (graphical user interface (GUI), workflow, slide navigation and remote control). An

  12. Digital pathology: A systematic evaluation of the patent landscape

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    Ioan C. Cucoranu


    Full Text Available Introduction: Digital pathology is a relatively new field. Inventors of technology in this field typically file for patents to protect their intellectual property. An understanding of the patent landscape is crucial for companies wishing to secure patent protection and market dominance for their products. To our knowledge, there has been no prior systematic review of patents related to digital pathology. Therefore, the aim of this study was to systematically identify and evaluate United States patents and patent applications related to digital pathology. Materials and Methods: Issued patents and patent applications related to digital pathology published in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO database ( (through January 2014 were searched using the Google Patents search engine (Google Inc., Mountain View, California, USA. Keywords and phrases related to digital pathology, whole-slide imaging (WSI, image analysis, and telepathology were used to query the USPTO database. Data were downloaded and analyzed using the Papers application (Mekentosj BV, Aalsmeer, Netherlands. Results: A total of 588 United States patents that pertain to digital pathology were identified. In addition, 228 patent applications were identified, including 155 that were pending, 65 abandoned, and eight rejected. Of the 588 patents granted, 348 (59.18% were specific to pathology, while 240 (40.82% included more general patents also usable outside of pathology. There were 70 (21.12% patents specific to pathology and 57 (23.75% more general patents that had expired. Over 120 unique entities (individual inventors, academic institutions, and private companies applied for pathology specific patents. Patents dealt largely with telepathology and image analysis. WSI related patents addressed image acquisition (scanning and focus, quality (z-stacks, management (storage, retrieval, and transmission of WSI files, and viewing (graphical user interface (GUI

  13. Patents and Innovation: Friends or Foes?


    Lévêque, François


    Over 2 million patents are currently in force in the EU and in the USA. Do they testify innovation is blockaded for they restrict freedom in research or do they give evidence innovation is flourishing for patent law provides incentives to invent new products and processes? In other terms do patents freeze or spur innovation? The question arises for massive anecdotal evidence shows the patent system may have turned on its head, e.g., USPTO and EPO examiners spend less than 30 hours pe...

  14. Herbal drug patenting in India: IP potential. (United States)

    Sahoo, Niharika; Manchikanti, Padmavati; Dey, Satya Hari


    Herbal drugs are gaining worldwide prominence due to their distinct advantages. Developing countries have started exploring the ethnopharmacological approach of drug discovery and have begun to file patents on herbal drugs. The expansion of R&D in Indian herbal research organizations and presence of manufacturing units at non-Indian sites is an indication of the capability to develop new products and processes. The present study attempts to identify innovations in the Indian herbal drug sector by analyzing the patenting trends in India, US and EU. Based on key word and IPC based search at the IPO, USPTO, Esp@cenet and WIPO databases, patent applications and grant in herbal drugs by Indian applicants/assignees was collected for the last ten years (from 1st January 2001 to 31st October 2010). From this collection patents related to human therapeutic use only were selected. Analysis was performed to identify filing trends, major applicants/assignees, disease area and major plant species used for various treatments. There is a gradual increase in patent filing through the years. In India, individual inventors have maximum applications and grants. CSIR, among research organizations and Hindustan Unilever, Avesthagen, Piramal Life Science, Sahajanand Biotech and Indus Biotech among the companies have the maximum granted patents in India, US and EU respectively. Diabetes, cancer and inflammatory disorders are the major areas for patenting in India and abroad. Recent patents are on new herbal formulations for treatment of AIDS, hepatitis, skin disorders and gastrointestinal disorders. A majority of the herbal patents applications and grants in India are with individual inventors. Claim analysis indicates that these patents include novel multi-herb compositions with synergistic action. Indian research organizations are more active than companies in filing for patents. CSIR has maximum numbers of applications not only in India but also in the US and EU. Patents by research

  15. The problem and solution of enterprise patent application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Dabo; Yang Xiaoqing


    Recently, the situation of Chinese patent application is pleasant, but there are still some hiding disquiets. For the most enterprises, the passion of current patent application may not be derived from the internal motility but mainly derived by the government policy. Because of the shortage of related knowledge on patent, there are still some problems for our enterprises, such as blurring the scope of patent application and failing the organization of the documents of patent application which causing the patent cannot be applied timely. In some cases, the patent cannot obtain the effective protection even if it has been applied and obtained the authorization successfully. For such problems, we should enhance the cooperation between enterprises and agency organizations and build a patent engineer group which should participate in the whole R and D process and can prepare the documents of the patent application effectively and timely. What's more, we should inhibit the phenomena of infringement of patent rights and use 'existing technique' effectively by the methods of document retrieval. (authors)

  16. Decoding Gene Patents in Australia


    Denley, Adam; Cherry, James


    Patents directed to naturally occurring genetic material, such as DNA, RNA, chromosomes, and genes, in an isolated or purified form have been granted in Australia for many years. This review provides scientists with a summary of the gene patent debate from an Australian perspective and specifically reviews how the various levels of the legal system as they apply to patents—the Australian Patent Office, Australian courts, and Australian government—have dealt with the issue of whether genetic m...

  17. 75 FR 34749 - Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; BYSTOLIC; U.S. Patent... (United States)


    ... and FDA-2008-E-0267] Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; BYSTOLIC; U.S. Patent Nos. 5,759,580 and 6,545,040 AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION... determination because of the submission of applications to the Director of Patents and Trademarks, Department of...

  18. Scientific Prediction and Prophetic Patenting in Drug Discovery. (United States)

    Curry, Stephen H; Schneiderman, Anne M


    Pharmaceutical patenting involves writing claims based on both discoveries already made, and on prophesy of future developments in an ongoing project. This is necessitated by the very different timelines involved in the drug discovery and product development process on the one hand, and successful patenting on the other. If patents are sought too early there is a risk that patent examiners will disallow claims because of lack of enablement. If patenting is delayed, claims are at risk of being denied on the basis of existence of prior art, because the body of relevant known science will have developed significantly while the project was being pursued. This review examines the role of prophetic patenting in relation to the essential predictability of many aspects of drug discovery science, promoting the concepts of discipline-related and project-related prediction. This is especially directed towards patenting activities supporting commercialization of academia-based discoveries, where long project timelines occur, and where experience, and resources to pay for patenting, are limited. The need for improved collaborative understanding among project scientists, technology transfer professionals in, for example, universities, patent attorneys, and patent examiners is emphasized.

  19. Patents associated with high-cost drugs in Australia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew F Christie

    Full Text Available Australia, like most countries, faces high and rapidly-rising drug costs. There are longstanding concerns about pharmaceutical companies inappropriately extending their monopoly position by "evergreening" blockbuster drugs, through misuse of the patent system. There is, however, very little empirical information about this behaviour. We fill the gap by analysing all of the patents associated with 15 of the costliest drugs in Australia over the last 20 years. Specifically, we search the patent register to identify all the granted patents that cover the active pharmaceutical ingredient of the high-cost drugs. Then, we classify the patents by type, and identify their owners. We find a mean of 49 patents associated with each drug. Three-quarters of these patents are owned by companies other than the drug's originator. Surprisingly, the majority of all patents are owned by companies that do not have a record of developing top-selling drugs. Our findings show that a multitude of players seek monopoly control over innovations to blockbuster drugs. Consequently, attempts to control drug costs by mitigating misuse of the patent system are likely to miss the mark if they focus only on the patenting activities of originators.

  20. Patents associated with high-cost drugs in Australia. (United States)

    Christie, Andrew F; Dent, Chris; McIntyre, Peter; Wilson, Lachlan; Studdert, David M


    Australia, like most countries, faces high and rapidly-rising drug costs. There are longstanding concerns about pharmaceutical companies inappropriately extending their monopoly position by "evergreening" blockbuster drugs, through misuse of the patent system. There is, however, very little empirical information about this behaviour. We fill the gap by analysing all of the patents associated with 15 of the costliest drugs in Australia over the last 20 years. Specifically, we search the patent register to identify all the granted patents that cover the active pharmaceutical ingredient of the high-cost drugs. Then, we classify the patents by type, and identify their owners. We find a mean of 49 patents associated with each drug. Three-quarters of these patents are owned by companies other than the drug's originator. Surprisingly, the majority of all patents are owned by companies that do not have a record of developing top-selling drugs. Our findings show that a multitude of players seek monopoly control over innovations to blockbuster drugs. Consequently, attempts to control drug costs by mitigating misuse of the patent system are likely to miss the mark if they focus only on the patenting activities of originators.

  1. Patent portfolio management: literature review and a proposed model. (United States)

    Conegundes De Jesus, Camila Kiyomi; Salerno, Mario Sergio


    Patents and patent portfolios are gaining attention in the last decades, from the called 'pro-patent era' to the recent billionaire transactions involving patent portfolios. The field is growing in importance, both theoretically and practically and despite having substantial literature on new product development portfolio management, we have not found an article relating this theory to patent portfolios. Areas covered: The paper develops a systematic literature review on patent portfolio management to organize the evolution and tendencies of patent portfolio management, highlighting distinctive features of patent portfolio management. Interview with IP manager of three life sciences companies, including a leading multinational group provided relevant information about patent portfolio management. Expert opinion: Based on the systematic literature review on portfolio management, more specifically, on new product development portfolio theory, and interview the paper proposes the paper proposes a reference model to manage patent portfolios. The model comprises four stages aligned with the three goals of the NPD portfolio management: 1 - Linking strategy of the Company's NPD Portfolio to Patent Portfolio; 2 - Balancing the portfolio in buckets; 3 - Patent Valuation (maximizing valuation); 4 - Regularly reviewing the patent portfolio.

  2. Patents: Recent Trends and Puzzles


    Zvi Griliches


    This paper reviews the historical data on patenting in the United States with special reference to the last 20 years and their potential relation, if any, to the recent productivity slowdown. Two Points are made: Patents are not a "constant-yardstick" indicator of either inventive input or output. Moreover, they are "produced" by a governmental agency which goes through its own budgetary and inefficiency cycles. The paper shows that the appearance of an absolute decline in patenting in the 19...

  3. In-depth research of domestic nuclear patent information

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mo Dan; Gao Anna; Li Dongbin; Lu Yanjia; Ren Chao


    Based on the domestic patent information, combined with examples, this article makes an in-depth discussion on the domestic nuclear patent information. The author puts forward for the patent information research, the appropriate retrieval of patent documents is the basis,and the correct quantitative statistical analysis of patent documents is the key, and in-depth qualitative analysis of patent documents is the core. It is expected to provide information support and guarantee for the technical innovation and scientific research personnel in the nuclear field through in-depth study of domestic nuclear information. (authors)

  4. Inventing around Edison’s Incandescent Lamp Patent

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John; Katznelson, Ron D.

    ’s ‘898 patent. Third, by analysis of forward citation to these patents we show that regardless of these inventions’ commercial viability in the incandescent lamp market, some became important prior art for new technological fields and some laid the groundwork for the later successful substitute...... for Edison’s carbon filament. Fourthly, we show that the recent view that Edison’s patent gave the patent holder General Electric (GE) a dominant position in the incandescent lamp market is incorrect: we show that besides commercially-successful invention around the claims of this patent, data for GE...

  5. Inventing around Edison’s incandescent lamp patent

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John; Ron D, Katznelson

    ’s ‘898 patent. Third, by analysis of forward citation to these patents we show that regardless of these inventions’ commercial viability in the incandescent lamp market, some became important prior art for new technological fields and some laid the groundwork for the later successful substitute...... for Edison’s carbon filament. Fourthly, we show that the recent view that Edison’s patent gave the patent holder General Electric (GE) a dominant position in the incandescent lamp market is incorrect: we show that besides commercially-successful invention around the claims of this patent, data for GE...

  6. Religious coalition opposes gene patents. (United States)

    James, J S


    The biotechnology industry is concerned about a coalition of mainstream religious leaders, working with Jeremy Rifkin of the Foundation of Economic Trends, who oppose the patenting of human and animal life forms, body parts, and genes. The coalition called a press conference on May 18 to ask the government to prohibit the current patenting practices for genetic engineering. The biotechnology industry argues that patents indicate that a company's research tool has significant value, and encourages capitalists to invest their dollars in the development of new treatments for diseases. They also argue that the 29 biotech drugs that are on the market have been developed as a result of patents on genes. Although most business leaders are united in opposing restrictions, many scientists are divided, citing both religious and scientific reasons.

  7. Effect of the economic crisis on the production of immunology patents managed through the Patent Cooperation Treaty agreement from 2004-2011. (United States)

    Campos, Elena; Campos, Adolfo


    To determine the evolution of patents in immunology, as a result of research and innovation in the years 2004-2011. The search for patents published internationally in immunology was made by using the SCOPUSTM database. SCOPUS gives information about over 23 million patents. The extracted data from patents were: inventors and applicants; their nationalities; sections, classes and subclasses of the International Patent Classification. 89 countries. Data have been obtained from the database SCOPUS. It has been used for the international patent classification. Patents by country, Productive sectors, Productive areas. A total of 17,281 patents were applied for immunology during 2004-2011 of which 16,811 were from 30 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries, and 5326 from 28 countries in the European Union. These patents were granted in 89 countries and 13,699 of them were submitted by researchers from only one country. Private entities applied for 62.45% of all patents, universities 17.48%, hospitals 3.40% and public research organisations and private applicants applied for the rest. The university that made more applications was the University of California with 315 and the company was Genentech Inc. (US) with 302. The reduction in the number of applications of international patents in all disciplines of science also affected the area of immunology. Collaboration in immunology between universities, companies and hospitals is hard because their interests are different. It is shown in patent applications that the majority of patents in immunology are applied for by only one entity. Patents in immunology are developed, mainly, in aspects such as medical preparations, peptides, mutation or genetic engineering, therapeutic activity of chemical compounds and analysing materials by determining their chemical or physical properties.

  8. Simultaneous invention and the patent law

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John

    inventions they often find this to challenge the idea that patent law (which rewards only the first inventor with exclusive rights) is needed to encourage invention and innovation. We review the empirical evidence alleged to show that simultaneous invention is prevalent for important inventions. In general...... is typical of important pioneer inventions in both survey evidence and alleged illustrative cases of simultaneous invention. We show this in the cases of Edison, the Wright brothers, the Selden automobile patent vis a vis Ford, Watt and the steam engine. We then point out that patent law inherently ensures...... that patent protection is not extended to near simultaneous inventions. There remain a number of simultaneous inventions discovered through interference proceedings but we find the number too small to mount a serious challenge to the general operation of patent law....

  9. The European Patent System: Dealing with emerging technologies.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kica, Evisa; Groenendijk, Nico


    In light of recent controversial patent decisions in biotechnology, this article argues that the current European patent examination and opposition procedures do not suffice to balance the patent system These procedures do not provide sufficient guidance for patent examiners to deal effectively with

  10. Trends in worldwide nanotechnology patent applications: 1991 to 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dang Yan; Zhang Yulei; Fan Li; Chen Hsinchun; Roco, Mihail C.


    Nanotechnology patent applications published during 1991-2008 have been examined using the 'title-abstract' keyword search on esp-cenet 'worldwide' database. The longitudinal evolution of the number of patent applications, their topics, and their respective patent families have been evaluated for 15 national patent offices covering 98% of the total global activity. The patent offices of the United States (USA), People's Republic of China (PRC), Japan, and South Korea have published the largest number of nanotechnology patent applications, and experienced significant but different growth rates after 2000. In most repositories, the largest numbers of nanotechnology patent applications originated from their own countries/regions, indicating a significant 'home advantage.' The top applicant institutions are from different sectors in different countries (e.g., from industry in the US and Canada patent offices, and from academe or government agencies at the PRC office). As compared to 2000, the year before the establishment of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), numerous new invention topics appeared in 2008, in all 15 patent repositories. This is more pronounced in the USA and PRC. Patent families have increased among the 15 patent offices, particularly after 2005. Overlapping patent applications increased from none in 1991 to about 4% in 2000 and to about 27% in 2008. The largest share of equivalent nanotechnology patent applications (1,258) between two repositories was identified between the US and Japan patent offices.

  11. Trends in worldwide nanotechnology patent applications: 1991 to 2008 (United States)

    Dang, Yan; Zhang, Yulei; Fan, Li; Chen, Hsinchun; Roco, Mihail C.


    Nanotechnology patent applications published during 1991-2008 have been examined using the "title-abstract" keyword search on esp@cenet "worldwide" database. The longitudinal evolution of the number of patent applications, their topics, and their respective patent families have been evaluated for 15 national patent offices covering 98% of the total global activity. The patent offices of the United States (USA), People's Republic of China (PRC), Japan, and South Korea have published the largest number of nanotechnology patent applications, and experienced significant but different growth rates after 2000. In most repositories, the largest numbers of nanotechnology patent applications originated from their own countries/regions, indicating a significant "home advantage." The top applicant institutions are from different sectors in different countries (e.g., from industry in the US and Canada patent offices, and from academe or government agencies at the PRC office). As compared to 2000, the year before the establishment of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), numerous new invention topics appeared in 2008, in all 15 patent repositories. This is more pronounced in the USA and PRC. Patent families have increased among the 15 patent offices, particularly after 2005. Overlapping patent applications increased from none in 1991 to about 4% in 2000 and to about 27% in 2008. The largest share of equivalent nanotechnology patent applications (1,258) between two repositories was identified between the US and Japan patent offices.

  12. Patent Value: A Business Perspective for Technology Startups


    Angela de Wilton


    In the last year, news headlines have highlighted record patent infringement settlements, multibillion dollar auctions of large corporate patent portfolios, and ongoing patent battles between key technology industry players. Despite this acknowledgment of the significant value of patents for large corporations, many small technology companies are understandably more focused on the near-term costs of obtaining a patent rather than future value. Costs may seem prohibitive to an early stage tech...

  13. AVC/H.264 patent portfolio license (United States)

    Skandalis, Dean A.


    MPEG LA, LLC offers a joint patent license for the AVC (a/k/a H.264) Standard (ISO/IEC IS 14496-10:2004). Like MPEG LA's other licenses, the AVC Patent Portfolio License is offered for the convenience of the marketplace as an alternative enabling users to access essential intellectual property owned by many patent holders under a single license rather than negotiating licenses with each of them individually. The AVC Patent Portfolio License includes essential patents owned by DAEWOO Electronics Corporation; Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI); France Telecom, societe anonyme; Fujitsu Limited; Hitachi, Ltd.; Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.; LG Electronics Inc.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.; Microsoft Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Robert Bosch GmbH; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Sedna Patent Services, LLC; Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha; Siemens AG; Sony Corporation; The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York; Toshiba Corporation; UB Video Inc.; and Victor Company of Japan, Limited. Another is expected also to join as of August 1, 2006. MPEG LA's objective is to provide worldwide access to as much AVC essential intellectual property as possible for the benefit of AVC users. Therefore, any party that believes it has essential patents is welcome to submit them for evaluation of their essentiality and inclusion in the License if found essential.

  14. The law aspects of biotechnology patenting. The living source between discovery and invention; Aspetti giuridici del brevetto biotecnologico. La materia vivente tra scoperta e invenzione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontanella, G.; Cantale, C.; Galeffi, P. [ENEA, Divisione Biotecnologie e Agricoltura, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy); Ariemma, S. [ENEA, Unita' Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive and consistent description of the complexity of laws regulating the field of biotechnology, mainly focusing on the definition of items to be patented, which is one of the most important and also controversial issues within the new 98/44/EC set of rules. As biotechnology is a specialist and multidisciplinary field, it has begun by giving a general description of the field, outlining the grounds for the new rules, and then thoroughly examined and evaluated previous national and international laws especially with regard to patenting. This was followed by an evaluation of what can be patented according to the new instructions by systematically assessing the section defining items to be patented in the field of biotechnology. It is used to be a matter of opinion whether biotechnological material was to be considered a discovery or an invention, the former being impatentable according to patenting laws. The new law pays particular attention to the question of patenting living matter and removes any pre-existing doubt about the patentibility of biotechnological inventions. The special patenting rules were also examined for the neighbouring fields of plant and animal species. In relation to the new patenting instructions, it was tried to establish how drastically the requirements and the premises of patenting, as generally described in the European Patenting Convention, should have been tailored by the authorities in order to reach a more general definition to fit industrial invention. Careful examination of these instructions led everyone to draw some conclusions: the 98/44/EC represents the first set of rules solving some of the problems related to applying patenting regulations in the field of biotechnology. Furthermore, it recognizes the particular characteristics and special requirements of this field and therefore the necessity for distinct indications. Uncertainty remains, however, as a result of some poorly defined

  15. The law aspects of biotechnology patenting. The living source between discovery and invention; Aspetti giuridici del brevetto biotecnologico. La materia vivente tra scoperta e invenzione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontanella, G; Cantale, C; Galeffi, P [ENEA, Divisione Biotecnologie e Agricoltura, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy); Ariemma, S [ENEA, Unita' Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive and consistent description of the complexity of laws regulating the field of biotechnology, mainly focusing on the definition of items to be patented, which is one of the most important and also controversial issues within the new 98/44/EC set of rules. As biotechnology is a specialist and multidisciplinary field, it has begun by giving a general description of the field, outlining the grounds for the new rules, and then thoroughly examined and evaluated previous national and international laws especially with regard to patenting. This was followed by an evaluation of what can be patented according to the new instructions by systematically assessing the section defining items to be patented in the field of biotechnology. It is used to be a matter of opinion whether biotechnological material was to be considered a discovery or an invention, the former being impatentable according to patenting laws. The new law pays particular attention to the question of patenting living matter and removes any pre-existing doubt about the patentibility of biotechnological inventions. The special patenting rules were also examined for the neighbouring fields of plant and animal species. In relation to the new patenting instructions, it was tried to establish how drastically the requirements and the premises of patenting, as generally described in the European Patenting Convention, should have been tailored by the authorities in order to reach a more general definition to fit industrial invention. Careful examination of these instructions led everyone to draw some conclusions: the 98/44/EC represents the first set of rules solving some of the problems related to applying patenting regulations in the field of biotechnology. Furthermore, it recognizes the particular characteristics and special requirements of this field and therefore the necessity for distinct indications. Uncertainty remains, however, as a result of some poorly defined

  16. 77 FR 269 - Matters Related to Patent Appeals (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Patent and Trademark Office Matters Related to Patent Appeals ACTION: Proposed collection; comment request. SUMMARY: The United States Patent and Trademark Office... Matters Related to Patent Appeals comment'' in the subject line of the message. Mail: Susan K. Fawcett...

  17. Patentability aspects of computational cancer models (United States)

    Lishchuk, Iryna


    Multiscale cancer models, implemented in silico, simulate tumor progression at various spatial and temporal scales. Having the innovative substance and possessing the potential of being applied as decision support tools in clinical practice, patenting and obtaining patent rights in cancer models seems prima facie possible. What legal hurdles the cancer models need to overcome for being patented we inquire from this paper.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leandro Correia Xavier


    Full Text Available As empresas se utilizam de estratégias e atitudes para chegar a um determinado objetivo, observando os pontos fortes e fracos do ambiente interno e externo da organização. Assim, têm-se a teoria do trade-off (valorXcusto no qual as empresas sempre optam por um de dois caminhos: agregar valor ao produto para cobrar mais, ou o cobrar menor preço com um produto menos diferenciado. Hoje, emerge no mundo científico um novo paradigma, a estratégia do oceano azul, a qual afirma que é possível as empresas optarem, de uma só vez, pela diferenciação e pela liderança em preços. Este trabalho visa verificar a relação entre a estratégia do oceano azul com a adotada por uma empresa de serviços de pesquisa e intermediação de compras de mantimentos, que concorre com supermercados, ofertando os mesmos produtos, porém, de forma inovadora com este tipo de comercialização na cidade de Campina Grande-PB, através da compra pela internet. Trata-se de um estudo de caso aplicado aos principais supermercados do município e para tratamento dos dados utilizou-se da abordagem quali-quantitativa. Foi analisada a percepção do cliente e feito a matriz de avaliação de valor, tanto do setor de atuação quanto da empresa estudada. Concluiu-se, que a estratégia adotada está alinhada com a estratégia de oceano azul, pois, igualmente aos supermercados, a empresa estudada supre a necessidade dos clientes, todavia, sem utilizar estoques, com entrega em domicílio e atendimento personalizado, tudo isto sem acrescentar maiores custos ao consumidor final, liderando em preços ao passo que se diferencia da concorrência.

  19. The Transformation of Science Into Patented Inventions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beukel, Karin

    This paper presents the results of a grounded theory study of the transformation of scientific discoveries into patented inventions. Using an algebraic interpretive approach, the narratives collected during interviews are analyzed as Bayesian inferences and the developed theory is tested. The fin......This paper presents the results of a grounded theory study of the transformation of scientific discoveries into patented inventions. Using an algebraic interpretive approach, the narratives collected during interviews are analyzed as Bayesian inferences and the developed theory is tested....... The findings recast the relationship between science and patents as a process in which the way the transformation of the scientific invention is handled has an effect on the breadth of the patent scope. Unleashing patent scope surplus is dependent on processes related to abstraction and cognitive variety......, which can be mobilized by patent experts with both an in-depth understanding of the scientific discovery, due to their educational background in the life sciences, and capabilities within the legal framework for patenting. More specifically, the findings reveal previously unreported aspects...

  20. The Patentability of Stem Cells in Australia. (United States)

    Petering, Jenny; Cowin, Prue


    The potential therapeutic applications of stem cells are unlimited. However, the ongoing political and social debate surrounding the intellectual property and patenting considerations of stem cell research has led to the implementation of strict legislative regulations. In Australia the patent landscape surrounding stem cells has evolved considerably over the past 20 years. The Australian Patents Act 1990 includes a specific exclusion to the patentability of human beings and of biological processes for their generation. However, this exclusion has received no judicial consideration to date, and so its scope and potential impact on stem cell patents is unclear. Copyright © 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  1. Idea on patent ; It is high time to stress quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book deals with patent stressing on the quality, which includes from idea to technical business, It's simple to register the computer program, why do patent lawyer appoint the patent attorney's office? construction of patent right range, a good patent and a bad patent, strong patent and weak patent. It doesn't allow for Dus to use as we like, each patent has different value, Let's write technical specifications, advice on talking for invention with a patent attorney's office and what kind of task do intellectual property division do?

  2. 37 CFR 1.14 - Patent applications preserved in confidence. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Patent applications preserved in confidence. 1.14 Section 1.14 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES General Provisions...

  3. Patent Value: A Business Perspective for Technology Startups

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angela de Wilton


    Full Text Available In the last year, news headlines have highlighted record patent infringement settlements, multibillion dollar auctions of large corporate patent portfolios, and ongoing patent battles between key technology industry players. Despite this acknowledgment of the significant value of patents for large corporations, many small technology companies are understandably more focused on the near-term costs of obtaining a patent rather than future value. Costs may seem prohibitive to an early stage technology startup. Some software startups question whether patents are relevant to their business. In practice, effective intellectual property (IP strategy and management is dependent on many factors, such as technology or industry sector, size and maturity of the business, technology lifecycle, and the business and market environment. IP strategy must be aligned to business strategy from the outset. By considering IP in the broader context of the overall business plan and the competitive environment, opportunities for generating increased return on R&D investment and added business value through patents or other forms of IP can be recognized early on. This approach ensures that a decision about whether or not to patent is driven by business reasons rather than budget constraints. This article examines the costs and benefits of patents from the perspective of early-stage technology startups and growing businesses, and it provides some general guidance on best practices for developing an IP and patent activity plan and for building a patent portfolio that appropriately supports business objectives.

  4. Trends in worldwide nanotechnology patent applications: 1991 to 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dang Yan, E-mail:; Zhang Yulei, E-mail:; Fan Li, E-mail:; Chen Hsinchun, E-mail: hchen@eller.arizona.ed [University of Arizona, Department of Management Information Systems, Eller College of Management (United States); Roco, Mihail C., E-mail: mroco@nsf.go [National Science Foundation (United States)


    Nanotechnology patent applications published during 1991-2008 have been examined using the 'title-abstract' keyword search on esp-cenet 'worldwide' database. The longitudinal evolution of the number of patent applications, their topics, and their respective patent families have been evaluated for 15 national patent offices covering 98% of the total global activity. The patent offices of the United States (USA), People's Republic of China (PRC), Japan, and South Korea have published the largest number of nanotechnology patent applications, and experienced significant but different growth rates after 2000. In most repositories, the largest numbers of nanotechnology patent applications originated from their own countries/regions, indicating a significant 'home advantage.' The top applicant institutions are from different sectors in different countries (e.g., from industry in the US and Canada patent offices, and from academe or government agencies at the PRC office). As compared to 2000, the year before the establishment of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), numerous new invention topics appeared in 2008, in all 15 patent repositories. This is more pronounced in the USA and PRC. Patent families have increased among the 15 patent offices, particularly after 2005. Overlapping patent applications increased from none in 1991 to about 4% in 2000 and to about 27% in 2008. The largest share of equivalent nanotechnology patent applications (1,258) between two repositories was identified between the US and Japan patent offices.

  5. Patent protection for microbial technologies. (United States)

    Sherkow, Jacob S


    Microbial technologies often serve as the basis of fundamental research tools in molecular biology. These present a variety of ethical, legal and social issues concerning their patenting. This commentary presents several case studies of these issues across three major microbiological tools: CRISPR, viral vectors and antimicrobial resistance drugs. It concludes that the development of these technologies-both scientifically and commercially-depend, in part, on the patent regime available for each, and researchers' willingness to enforce those patents against others. © FEMS 2017. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  6. Uniform interpretation of european patent law with a special view on the creation of a common patent court

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Luginbühl, SL


    The European Patent Convention (EPC) provides for a common application and examination procedure for European patents. Therefore, European patents are granted on the basis of uniform European law which is applied and interpreted by the EPO, as well as by a great number of national judges and members

  7. 37 CFR 11.9 - Limited recognition in patent matters. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Limited recognition in patent matters. 11.9 Section 11.9 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE REPRESENTATION OF OTHERS BEFORE THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE...

  8. Patent Keyword Extraction for Sustainable Technology Management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jongchan Kim


    Full Text Available Recently, sustainable growth and development has become an important issue for governments and corporations. However, maintaining sustainable development is very difficult. These difficulties can be attributed to sociocultural and political backgrounds that change over time [1]. Because of these changes, the technologies for sustainability also change, so governments and companies attempt to predict and manage technology using patent analyses, but it is very difficult to predict the rapidly changing technology markets. The best way to achieve insight into technology management in this rapidly changing market is to build a technology management direction and strategy that is flexible and adaptable to the volatile market environment through continuous monitoring and analysis. Quantitative patent analysis using text mining is an effective method for sustainable technology management. There have been many studies that have used text mining and word-based patent analyses to extract keywords and remove noise words. Because the extracted keywords are considered to have a significant effect on the further analysis, researchers need to carefully check out whether they are valid or not. However, most prior studies assume that the extracted keywords are appropriate, without evaluating their validity. Therefore, the criteria used to extract keywords needs to change. Until now, these criteria have focused on how well a patent can be classified according to its technical characteristics in the collected patent data set, typically using term frequency–inverse document frequency weights that are calculated by comparing the words in patents. However, this is not suitable when analyzing a single patent. Therefore, we need keyword selection criteria and an extraction method capable of representing the technical characteristics of a single patent without comparing them with other patents. In this study, we proposed a methodology to extract valid keywords from

  9. Wacky Patents Meet Economic Indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Czarnitzki, Dirk; Hussinger, Katrin; Schneider, Cédric


    We investigate whether standard indicators can distinguish between “wacky” patents and a control group. Forward citations are good predictors of importance. However, “wacky” patents have higher originality, generality and citation lags, suggesting that these indicators should be interpreted...

  10. When patents matter: The impact of competition and patent age on the performance contribution of intellectual property rights protection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maresch, Daniela; Fink, Matthias; Harms, Rainer


    The question whether patenting impacts patenting firms' subsequent financial performance is important for technology-oriented companies. However, relevant research has led to contradictory results. We strive to overcome this impasse by introducing innovation competition and patent age as moderators

  11. Exploring gender differences in patenting in Spain


    Elba Mauleón; Cinzia Daraio; Maria Bordons


    The under-representation of women in science and technology is a matter of current great concern. Obtaining patent-based indicators by gender is crucial to analyse the situation of women in innovation, identify potential cases of gender inequalities, and support policy measures to promote gender balance. In this article we analyse men and women involvement in Spanish patents applied to the European Patent Office during 1990--2004. At least one female inventor is present in 18% of the patents;...

  12. Traditional Knowledge and Patent Protection: Conflicting Views On International Patent Standards

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A Andrzejewski


    Full Text Available As diseases continue to spread around the globe, pharmaceutical and biotech companies continue to search for new and better drugs to treat them. Most of these companies have realised that useful compounds for these purposes may be found in the natural resources that indigenous and local communities use. And yet, even though the importance of these biological resources to global health and economic livelihood is well recognised, the legal ownership and control of this traditional knowledge is still very controversial. This article undertakes a comparative analysis of American and European, as well as international legal regulations on patent law and traditional knowledge. Key questions include: What is traditional knowledge? How have the national patent laws of these countries treated the protection of plant variety and plant genetic resources? What are the existing international standards for patents, and what implications do they have for protecting traditional knowledge? And finally, what protection systems are emerging for the future?

  13. 37 CFR 1.81 - Drawings required in patent application. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Drawings required in patent..., DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES National Processing Provisions The Drawings § 1.81 Drawings required in patent application. (a) The applicant for a patent is required to furnish...

  14. Advances in CO2 capture technology: A patent review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Bingyun; Duan, Yuhua; Luebke, David; Morreale, Bryan


    Highlights: ► Timely updates on carbon capture technologies: More than 1000 patents on solvent, sorbent, and membrane. ► More patents on solvent and sorbent compared to membrane. ► Environmental and health concerns exist regarding carbon capture technologies. -- Abstract: Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions are believed to be a major contributor to global warming. As a consequence, large anthropogenic CO 2 sources worldwide will eventually be required to implement CO 2 capture and storage technologies to control CO 2 emissions. In order to guide the establishment of policies for CO 2 removal, we reviewed the current status of CO 2 capture patents and technologies based on the Espacenet patent database and found that more than 1000 patents have been published on sorbent, solvent, and membrane. More than 60% of these patents were published since the year 2000, and a sharp increase in patent numbers was seen in the last several years; ∼25% patents were published in the last 2 years. Substantially more patents on CO 2 removal and separation technologies are expected in the coming years. Meanwhile, the top four major types of patents, which consist of more than 2/3 of these patents, were patents granted by Japan (JP), United States (US), World Intellectual Property Organization (WO), and China (CN), and approximately half of the patents were JP and US patents. Unfortunately, no current technologies for removing CO 2 from large sources like coal-based power plants exist which satisfy the needs of safety, efficiency, and economy; further enhancement and innovation are much needed.

  15. Online Patent Searching: The Realities. (United States)

    Kaback, Stuart M.


    Considers patent subject searching capabilities of major online databases, noting patent claims, "deep-indexed" files, test searches, retrieval of related references, multi-database searching, improvements needed in indexing of chemical structures, full text searching, improvements needed in handling numerical data, and augmenting a…

  16. Cromoendoscopia com azul de metileno para diagnóstico de esôfago de Barrett

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saporiti Marcela Rocha Loures


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: O esôfago de Barrett é uma condição na qual a mucosa escamosa esofágica é substituída por metaplasia intestinal especializada, que predispõe o paciente ao desenvolvimento de adenocarcinoma esofágico. Este é precedido por displasia e carcinoma precoce; o rastreamento dessas lesões faz-se através de endoscopias digestivas periódicas com biopsias randomizadas. A incidência aumentada desse, tem despertado interesse no desenvolvimento de novas técnicas endoscópicas, como a cromoendoscopia com azul de metileno, para melhorar a identificação do esôfago de Barrett e suas complicações. OBJETIVO: Determinar se as biopsias dirigidas pela cromoendoscopia com azul de metileno oferecem vantagem em relação ao método convencional na detecção do esôfago de Barrett. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudaram-se 45 pacientes com diagnóstico prévio de esôfago de Barrett, todos submetidos a dois exames de endoscopia digestiva alta com biopsias, em intervalo de 4 semanas, um convencional e outro com aplicação do corante, no período entre abril e outubro de 2002. RESULTADOS: Os resultados histológicos das biopsias de todos os exames foram comparados. Observou-se sensibilidade de 62,5%, especificidade de 15,4%, valor preditivo positivo de 57,7% e valor preditivo negativo de 18,2%. Não houve diferença significativa quanto ao número de biopsias. O tempo de duração da técnica de cromoendoscopia foi significativamente maior quando comparado ao da técnica convencional. CONCLUSÃO: Não se observou vantagem na utilização da cromoendoscopia em relação à técnica randomizada no diagnóstico do esôfago de Barrett.

  17. Feeding of blue marlin Makaira nigricans off Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico Alimentación del marlin azul Makaira nigricans del área de Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Abitia-Cárdenas


    Full Text Available We analyzed the stomach contents of 52 blue marlins caught between October 2002 and October 2004 by the sport-fishing fleet of Mazatlan, Sinaloa, in the gulf of California, Mexico. Blue marlin feed on 15 food items. According to the index of relative importance (IRI, the most important prey were the frigate or bullet mackerel Auxis spp. (52% and jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas (30%.Se analiza el contenido estomacal de 52 marlines azules capturados por la flota de pesca deportiva que operó en el área de Mazatlan, Sinaloa, en el golfo de California, México, durante el periodo octubre 2002 a octubre 2004. El marlin azul se alimenta de 15 categorías alimenticias (ítemes, de las cuales las más importantes de acuerdo al índice de importancia relativa (IRI, fueron el pez melva Auxis spp. (52% y el calamar gigante Dosidicus gigas (30%.

  18. On the Sources of Salinity in Groundwater under Plain Areas. Insights from {delta}{sup 18}O, {delta}{sup 2}H and Hydrochemistry in the Azul River Basin, Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zabala, M. E.; Varni, M.; Weinzettel, P. [Instituto de Hidrologia de llanuras, Azul (Argentina); Manzano, M. [Technical University of Cartagena (Spain)


    The Azul River basin, with some 6200 km{sup 2}, is located in the plains of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The Azul River flows along 160 km from the Tandilia Range, in the SW, to the Channel 11, in the NE. Average annual precipitation is 1005 mm (1988-2000); mean reference evapotranspiration is 1090 mm. The geology consists of Miocene to recent sediments, mostly sands and silts with some clay and calcrete layers, overlying crystalline rocks and marine sediments. The water table is shallow and groundwater in the aquifer upper 30 m displays an increasing salinity from SW to NE. The previous hypothesis to explain the salinity was infiltration of evapo-concentrated surface water, as the small soil slope in the northern basin (< 0.2%) induces rainfall accumulation in lowlands, where water evaporates prior to infiltration. But recent chemical and isotopic data reveal two salinity sources: evaporation of recent recharge water, and mixing with old saline groundwater of yet unknown origin. (author)

  19. Patent Strategy at the Age of High Technology (United States)

    Aoyama, Hirokazu

    This paper is a summary of the lecture which the author presented at the 5th Hokuriku Workshop for Study of Scientific and Technological Information Activities on the 17th of January in 1986. The author analyzed the present situation and made some suggestions on them ; (1) the role of patent system has shifted from introduction of foreign technologies to independent technological development at the age of high technology, (2) circumstances of rapidly increasing international patent war, particularly patent conflict between U.S. and Japan concerning U.S. ITC, (3) as the service of soft aspects of economy has been closed up, the new business has come to the fore front, and the move to consider technology as a good has been activated, (4) how patent specification should be written, the way of obtaining and protecting patent successfully, (5) basic pattern of patent strategy and what the strategy should be to respond to the enterprises level, (6) present situation of patent information service, effective use of patent maps and information strategy.

  20. Applying patent information to tracking a specific technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen-Yuan Liu


    Full Text Available Patents in general contain much novel technological information. This paper demonstrates that the usage of patent analysis can facilitate a unique scheme for tracking technology development. In this paper, the walking technique of the Japanese biped robot is tracked as an example. The searching method of the FI (file index and F-term classification system developed by JPO (Japan Patent Office was employed in this study, where all the related patent data were searched from the IPDL (Intellectual Property Digital Library. This study investigated an important technique applied to the humanoid biped robot that imitates the walking behavior of the human beings on two legs. By analyzing the patent information obtained, the relative research capabilities, technical strengths, and patent citation conditions among patent competitors were compared. Furthermore, a formulated technical matrix of patent map is established in this paper to indicate that the ZMP (Zero Moment Point control means is the main technology to achieve stabilized walking control of the humanoid biped robot. This study also incorporates relevant academic journal findings and industrial information. Results presented herein demonstrate that patents can function not only as a map for tracking a technology trajectory, but also as a guide to the main development of a new technology in years to come.

  1. Fundamentals of patenting and licensing for scientists and engineers

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Ma, M. Y. (Matthew Y.)


    ... ...28 3.2 Types of Patents...28 3.3 Patent Dates ...29 viiviii Fundamentals of Patenting and Licensing for Scientists and Engineers 3.4 Eligibility of Priority Date ...30 3.5 Patentability ...32...

  2. The Patent Literature As A Shortcut To Identify Knowledge Suppliers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søberg, Peder Veng

    patents which decreases the time span between a patent is filed and its value can be evaluated when searching the patent literature. A potential benefit thereof could be that the patent literature could become relevant in order to identify potential knowledge suppliers.......The present paper explores characteristics of valuable patents that have been subject to litigation which resulted in some of the largest fines to patent infringers reported in history. The valuable patents are compared with less valuable patents in order to identify new methods of evaluating...

  3. The gene patent controversy on Twitter: a case study of Twitter users' responses to the CHEO lawsuit against Long QT gene patents. (United States)

    Du, Li; Kamenova, Kalina; Caulfield, Timothy


    The recent Canadian lawsuit on patent infringement, filed by the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), has engendered a significant public debate on whether patenting genes should be legal in Canada. In part, this public debate has involved the use of social networking sites, such as Twitter. This case provides an opportunity to examine how Twitter was used in the context of this gene patent controversy. We collected 310 English-language tweets that contained the keyword "gene patents" by using and Twitter's built-in search engine. A content analysis of the messages was conducted to establish the users' perspectives on both CHEO's court challenge and the broader controversy over the patenting of human DNA. More specifically, we analyzed the users' demographics, geographic locations, and attitudes toward the CHEO position on gene patents and the patentability of human genes in principle. Our analysis has shown that messages tweeted by news media and health care organizations were re-tweeted most frequently in Twitter discussions regarding both the CHEO patent infringement lawsuit and gene patents in general. 34.8% of tweets were supportive of CHEO, with 52.8% of the supportive tweets suggesting that gene patents contravene patients' rights to health care access. 17.6% of the supportive tweets cited ethical and social concerns against gene patents. Nearly 40% of tweets clearly expressed that human genes should not be patentable, and there were no tweets that presented perspectives favourable toward the patenting of human genes. Access to healthcare and the use of genetic testing were the most important concerns raised by Twitter users in the context of the CHEO case. Our analysis of tweets reveals an expectation that the CHEO lawsuit will provide an opportunity to clear the confusion on gene patents by establishing a legal precedent on the patentability of human genes in Canada. In general, there were no tweets arguing in favour of gene patents

  4. 48 CFR 1427.201 - Patent and copyright infringement liability. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent and copyright... INTERIOR GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS PATENTS, DATA, AND COPYRIGHTS Patents and Copyrights 1427.201 Patent and copyright infringement liability. ...

  5. 48 CFR 27.201 - Patent and copyright infringement liability. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent and copyright... REGULATION GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS PATENTS, DATA, AND COPYRIGHTS Patents and Copyrights 27.201 Patent and copyright infringement liability. ...

  6. A study of fuel cell patenting activity in Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, B.Y.; Sajewycz, M.


    'Full text:' A patent application is generally filed shortly after completion of research and development; therefore, patent filing statistics provide insight into the state of innovation of a technology. A study has been conducted on fuel cell patenting activity in Canada. This study examines fuel cell patenting trends between 1989-2003 and specific activity in 2001, identifies the major players in the Canadian fuel cell industry, and examines the patent landscape by fuel cell technology. Our results show that historically, Canadians have been leaders at home and abroad in fuel cell innovation. However, Canadians have recently fallen behind in protecting their patent rights at home, and now rank fourth behind German, American and Japanese fuel cell patent filers in the Canadian patent office. However, our data also shows that a significant number of new Canadian entities have emerged and have been very active filing new patent applications. These new entities as well as established Canadian companies are examined in detail. (author)

  7. Pesticides and the Patent Bargain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmermann, C.A.


    In order to enlarge the pool of knowledge available in the public domain, temporary exclusive rights (i.e. patents) are granted to innovators who are willing to fully disclose the information needed to reproduce their invention. After the 20-year patent protection period elapses, society should be

  8. 48 CFR 2527.7002 - NSF patent policy. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 true NSF patent policy. 2527... CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS PATENTS, DATA, AND COPYRIGHTS Disposition of Rights in Inventions 2527.7002 NSF patent policy. As authorized by the National Science Board at its 230th meeting, October 15-16, 1981, the...

  9. Performance of Patenting Firms in Danish Manufacturing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Erik Strøjer; Smith, Valdemar; Nielsen, Anders Østergaard


    Most countries focus on industries with high technology and the governments grant subsidies to innovating firms. However, there has been remarkable few studies of the performance of innovative firms or industries. This study examines the performance of patent active firms compared to the non-patenting...... firms within the manufacturing sector in Denmark. Performance is measured both by growth in employment as well as in the return on equity and profit share in turnover. The results suggest that differences in performance of patenting and non-patenting firms are very small, which questions the political...

  10. Patenting Biotechnological Inventions in Europe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Raspor


    Full Text Available The patent system has been able to provide the protection for the achievements of different technologies and in that way it has supported further development and growth of the industry where those achievements were implemented. Modern technologies like information technology and biotechnology with genetic engineering that appeared in the 70s have overgrown the frames of the existing patent system because of their exponential development during the last thirty years. Industry that invests a huge amount of money in these technologies, especially in the field of biotechnology, where the results are very uncertain, has started to claim changes in the patent system.

  11. Patent citation network in nanotechnology (1976-2004)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Xin; Chen Hsinchun; Huang Zan; Roco, Mihail C.


    The patent citation networks are described using critical node, core network, and network topological analysis. The main objective is understanding of the knowledge transfer processes between technical fields, institutions and countries. This includes identifying key influential players and subfields, the knowledge transfer patterns among them, and the overall knowledge transfer efficiency. The proposed framework is applied to the field of nanoscale science and engineering (NSE), including the citation networks of patent documents, submitting institutions, technology fields, and countries. The NSE patents were identified by keywords 'full-text' searching of patents at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The analysis shows that the United States is the most important citation center in NSE research. The institution citation network illustrates a more efficient knowledge transfer between institutions than a random network. The country citation network displays a knowledge transfer capability as efficient as a random network. The technology field citation network and the patent document citation network exhibit a less efficient knowledge diffusion capability than a random network. All four citation networks show a tendency to form local citation clusters

  12. Patent circumvention strategy using TRIZ-based design-around approaches

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J.F.J.; Wits, Wessel Willems; Aoussat, Améziane; Cavallucci, Denis; Trella, Marc


    This paper proposes guidelines for a systematic patent circumvention strategy utilizing innovation and TRIZ tools. It focuses on starting from a landscape of patents and claims of an existing patent to create solutions that circumvent this existing patent. Information gathered from various sources

  13. Patent circumvention strategy using TRIZ-based design-around approaches

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J.F.J.; Wits, Wessel Willems


    This paper proposes guidelines for a systematic patent circumvention strategy utilizing innovation and TRIZ tools. It focuses on starting from a landscape of patents and claims of an existing patent to create solutions that circumvent this existing patent. Information gathered from various sources

  14. 76 FR 53885 - Patent and Trademark Resource Centers Metrics (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Patent and Trademark Office Patent and Trademark Resource Centers Metrics ACTION: Proposed collection; comment request. SUMMARY: The United States Patent and... ``Patent and Trademark Resource Centers Metrics comment'' in the subject line of the message. Mail: Susan K...

  15. Patent business guide in a domestic and foreign countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book explains general things on industrial property right, which includes description of industrial property right, types, qualification for application of patent, application guide, on-line application, useful procedure of application, writing methods and samples for application of patents such as design patent and trademarks patent, writing skill and examples for registration, writing ways and examples related examination and writing tips and samples on international application of patent.

  16. Biotechnological Patents Applications of the Deuterium Oxide in Human Health. (United States)

    da S Mariano, Reysla M; Bila, Wendell C; Trindade, Maria Jaciara F; Lamounier, Joel A; Galdino, Alexsandro S


    Deuterium oxide is a molecule that has been used for decades in several studies related to human health. Currently, studies on D2O have mobilized a "Race for Patenting" worldwide. Several patents have been registered from biomedical and technological studies of D2O showing the potential of this stable isotope in industry and health care ecosystems. Most of the patents related to the applications of the deuterium oxide in human health have been summarized in this review. The following patents databases were consulted: European Patent Office (Espacenet), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the United States Latin America Patents (LATIPAT), Patent scope -Search International and National Patent Collections (WIPO), Google Patents and Free Patents Online. With this review, the information was collected on recent publications including 22 patents related to deuterium oxide and its applications in different areas. This review showed that deuterium oxide is a promising component in different areas, including biotechnology, chemistry and medicine. In addition, the knowledge of this compound was covered, reinforcing its importance in the field of biotechnology and human health. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  17. Technology Trends Analysis Using Patent Landscaping

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergey Vsevolodovich Kortov


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the analysis and the choice of the priorities in technology development and, particularly, to the use of patent landscaping as a tool for the study of technology trends. Currently, patent activity indicators are often used for technology foresight and for competitive intelligence as well. Nevertheless, causal relationship between these indicators, on the one hand, and strategic and tactical decisions in the sphere of technological development on meso- and microeconomic level, on the other hand, are not adequately investigated to solve practical tasks. The goal of the work is to systemize the challenges of technology trends analysis, which could be effectively solved on the base of patent landscape analysis. The article analyses the patent landscaping methodology and tools, as well as their use for evaluating the current competitive environment and technology foresight. The authors formulated the generalized classification for the criteria of promising technologies for a selected region. To assess the compliance of a technology with these criteria, we propose a system of corresponding indicators of patenting activity. Using the proposed methodology, we have analysed the patent landscape to select promising technologies for the Sverdlovsk region. The research confirmed the hypothesis of the patent landscapes performance in evaluating such technology indicators as stages of the life cycle stage, universality (applicability in different industries, pace of worldwide development, innovations and science availability in the region and potential possibilities for scientific collaboration with international research institutions and universities. The results of the research may be useful to the wide audience, including representatives small and medium enterprises, large companies and regional authorities for the tasks concerned with the technology trends analysis and technology strategy design

  18. 48 CFR 1327.201 - Patent and copyright infringement liability. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent and copyright infringement liability. 1327.201 Section 1327.201 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS PATENTS, DATA, AND COPYRIGHTS Patents and Copyrights 1327.201 Patent and...

  19. Evaluation of Brazilian biotechnology patent activity from 1975 to 2010. (United States)

    Dias, F; Delfim, F; Drummond, I; Carmo, A O; Barroca, T M; Horta, C C; Kalapothakis, E


    The analysis of patent activity is one methodology used for technological monitoring. In this paper, the activity of biotechnology-related patents in Brazil were analyzed through 30 International Patent Classification (IPC) codes published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). We developed a program to analyse the dynamics of the major patent applicants, countries and IPC codes extracted from the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) database. We also identified Brazilian patent applicants who tried to expand protection abroad via the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). We had access to all patents published online at the INPI from 1975 to July 2010, including 9,791 biotechnology patent applications in Brazil, and 163 PCTs published online at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from 1997 to December 2010. To our knowledge, there are no other online reports of biotechnology patents previous to the years analyzed here. Most of the biotechnology patents filed in the INPI (10.9%) concerned measuring or testing processes involving nucleic acids. The second and third places belonged to patents involving agro-technologies (recombinant DNA technology for plant cells and new flowering plants, i.e. angiosperms, or processes for obtaining them, and reproduction of flowering plants by tissue culture techniques). The majority of patents (87.2%) were filed by nonresidents, with USA being responsible for 51.7% of all biotechnology patents deposited in Brazil. Analyzing the resident applicants per region, we found a hub in the southeast region of Brazil. Among the resident applicants for biotechnology patents filed in the INPI, 43.5% were from São Paulo, 18.3% were from Rio de Janeiro, and 9.7% were from Minas Gerais. Pfizer, Novartis, and Sanofi were the largest applicants in Brazil, with 339, 288, and 245 biotechnology patents filed, respectively. For residents, the largest applicant was the governmental institution FIOCRUZ (Oswaldo Cruz

  20. Prevailing impact trends in patenting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elsmore, Matthew J.


      Patents are at the heart of science and public policy. Getting European patent policy right is a daunting task and involves listening to numerous voices. Part of this process must entail a full understanding of emerging trends that challenge the present system. The challenges are fluid and vary...... from sector to sector. This paper identifies and evaluates key recent developments in patenting which impact upon the European patent system, whichever way it looks. An analysis of these and the underlying causes means we are in a much better position to build an effective policy rearguard.    ...

  1. On Sharks, Trolls, and Other Patent Animals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reitzig, Markus; Henkel, Joachim; Heath, Christopher


    Patent trolls (or sharks) are small patent holding individuals or firms who trap R&D intense manufacturers in patent infringement situations in order to receive damage awards for the illegitimate use of their technology. While of great concern to management, their existence and impact for both...... corporate decision makers and policy makers remains to be fully analyzed from an academic standpoint. In this paper we show why patent sharks can operate profitably, why they are of growing concern, how manufacturers can forearm themselves against them, and which issues policy makers need to address. To do...... so, we map international indemnification rules with strategic rationales of small patent-holding firms within a game-theoretical model. Our central finding is that the courts’ unrealistic consideration of the trade-offs faced by inadvertent infringers is a central condition for sharks to operate...

  2. Trends in worldwide nanotechnology patent applications: 1991 to 2008


    Dang, Yan; Zhang, Yulei; Fan, Li; Chen, Hsinchun; Roco, Mihail C.


    Nanotechnology patent applications published during 1991?2008 have been examined using the ?title?abstract? keyword search on esp@cenet ?worldwide? database. The longitudinal evolution of the number of patent applications, their topics, and their respective patent families have been evaluated for 15 national patent offices covering 98% of the total global activity. The patent offices of the United States (USA), People?s Republic of China (PRC), Japan, and South Korea have published the larges...

  3. Valuing patents on cost-reducing technology: A case study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Triest, S.P.; van de Vis, Wim


    We present an approach for valuing patents on production process improvements. Specifically, we focus on valuing a patent on cost-reducing process improvements from the viewpoint of the patent holding firm. We do this by considering the relevant cash flows that result from owning the patent. The

  4. 37 CFR 11.10 - Restrictions on practice in patent matters. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Restrictions on practice in patent matters. 11.10 Section 11.10 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE REPRESENTATION OF OTHERS BEFORE THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND...

  5. 37 CFR 1.17 - Patent application and reexamination processing fees. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Patent application and reexamination processing fees. 1.17 Section 1.17 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES General Provisions Fees...

  6. The Battle for Patent Rights in Plant Biotechnology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schneider, Cédric


    This paper describes and analyzes the occurrence and extent of oppositions initiated against plant biotechnology patents granted by the European Patent Office (EPO). The opposition mechanism is a legal procedure that allows any third party to challenge the validity of patents awarded by the EPO....... Results indicate that the opposition rate is far greater in plant biotechnology than in other emerging industries. Consistent with theoretical predictions, the empirical findings suggest that opposed patents are disproportionately those that score high on features that proxy for their “value” or “quality......”. In contrast to previous findings, however, the results show that large-volume applicants are more likely to be opposed. Because the boundaries of plant biotech patents are ill-defined, large patent portfolios do not promote cooperative behavior such as licensing or settlements. The analysis rejects...

  7. To succeed with invention and patent which are my own idea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Jae Bok


    This book introduces how to invent through various way such as successful story about the effect to invent, conception like everyone can be a inventor and this is invention. This book also explains all of process of patent such as application of patent, patent in Korea, Japan, the U.S and other countries, what is patent information, how to hunt patent, intellectual property right, priority system, international patent application is possible in Korea, other common sense on patent application, patent as a great power and questions and answers on patent.

  8. The patent activity of the Czech R

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kučera Zdeněk


    Full Text Available An effective knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry is a significant bottleneck in the national innovation system. CR adopted in recent years a series of systemic measures aimed to stimulate the orientation of the R&D organizations towards the generation of knowledge directly applicable in the innovation process and more generally to improve the collaboration of the R&D establishment with the industry. In the majority of programs supporting the applied research patents and industrial designs and utility models are among the anticipated results. The Methodology of the evaluation of R&D organizations implemented in the second half of the last decade brought financial bonuses for the creation of the results in the category of industrial property. Despite of this stimulus CR lags behind the technologically advanced EU countries in the patent activities. The topic of this article is a comparison of the protection of the industrial property rights in the Czech higher education institutions and governmental R&D institutions with selected EU countries. We make use of a couple of quantitative indicators to assess the quality and the technological and the commercial potential of the produced industrial property. Despite a dynamic growth of the patent applications in the CR the number of patent applications relative to the country size is far below the EU-15 average. The Czech research organizations contribute to a higher extent to the number of patent applications then do the analogous institutions in EU-15 countries where the majority of patent applications come from the industrial sphere. The Czech research organizations mainly limit the patent rights to the Czech Republic whereas in the EU-15 countries the opposite is preponderant and only a small fraction of patent applications remains limited to the national environment. Thus the majority of the Czech patents created by research organizations cannot be commercialized on the

  9. 37 CFR 1.720 - Conditions for extension of patent term. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Conditions for extension of patent term. 1.720 Section 1.720 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES Adjustment and Extension of...

  10. Argonne National Laboratory patent portfolio

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huguelet, B.C.


    This booklet contains the abstracts of all active U. S. patents on technology items that originated at ANL, the applicability of which is not limited to nuclear reactors. Also listed are the titles of all ANL-originated nuclear-related U. S. patents that are still in force. Selected technology items for which patent applications have been filed and are available for licensing are included in several categories. Categories included in this booklet are as follows: atmospheric and earth sciences; biological and medical sciences; chemistry and chemical engineering; cryogenics and superconductivity; electronics and electrical engineering; energy conversion; measurements and controls; methods and devices; materials and fabrication; physics, accelerators and fusion; and selected nuclear-related technology

  11. Nanotechnology patents in the automotive industry (a quantitative & qualitative analysis). (United States)

    Prasad, Raghavendra; Bandyopadhyay, Tapas K


    The aim of the article is to present a trend in patent filings for application of nanotechnology to the automobile sector across the world, using the keyword-based patent search. Overviews of the patents related to nano technology in the automobile industry have been provided. The current work has started from the worldwide patent search to find the patents on nanotechnology in the automobile industry and classify the patents according to the various parts of an automobile to which they are related and the solutions which they are providing. In the next step various graphs have been produced to get an insight into various trends. In next step, analysis of patents in various classifications, have been performed. The trends shown in graphs provide the quantitative analysis whereas; the qualitative analysis has been done in another section. The classifications of patents based on the solution they provide have been performed by reading the claims, titles, abstract and full texts separately. Patentability of nano technology inventions have been discussed in a view to give an idea of requirements and statutory bars to the patentability of nanotechnology inventions. Another objective of the current work is to suggest appropriate framework for the companies regarding use of nano technology in the automobile industry and a suggestive strategy for patenting of the inventions related to the same. For example, US Patent, with patent number US2008-019426A1 discusses the invention related to Lubricant composition. This patent has been studied and classified to fall under classification of automobile parts. After studying this patent, it is deduced that, the problem of friction in engine is being solved by this patent. One classification is the "automobile part" based while other is the basis of "problem being solved". Hence, two classifications, namely reduction in friction and engine were created. Similarly, after studying all the patents, a similar matrix has been created.

  12. 37 CFR 1.178 - Original patent; continuing duty of applicant. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Original patent; continuing... Provisions Reissues § 1.178 Original patent; continuing duty of applicant. (a) The application for reissue of... upon reissue of the patent. Until a reissue application is granted, the original patent shall remain in...

  13. Levantamento das Cianobactérias Psâmicas em Sedimentos Superficiais Marginais da Lagoa Azul, Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Loreine Hermida da Silva e Silva


    Full Text Available The coastal area of the Rio de Janeiro State presents a series of lagoons, dune fi elds and strand plains, which are the result of thepaleogeographical evolution during Neogene. The lagoa Azul is situated at 22o56’52”S and 42o04’62”W in the Arraial do Cabo, locatedabout 160 km far the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is a natural hypersaline coastal aquatic body which, parallel to Atlantic Ocean. The presentwork focused on the identifi cation of psammic cyanobacteria in the surface sediments of the lagoa Azul. The samples were obtained byusing plastic tubes and were later aconditiones in opaque plastic containers and conserved in a 4% solution of formaldehyde. With thematerial obtained, permanent slides were prepared so as to characterize them phycologically. Qualitative analysis showed the presenceof 14 species and the occurrence of the families Chroococcaceae Nägeli 1849 (5 sp., Phormidiaceae Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988(4 sp., Synechococcaceae Komárek & Anagnostidis 1995 (2 sp., Nostocaceae Kützing 1843 (1 sp., Oscillatoriaceae Gomont 1892(1 sp. and Pseudanabaenaceae Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 (1 sp.. The incidence of these species is also recorded in other lagoons(Araruama, Pernambuco, Pitanguinha and Vermelha in the northeast of Rio de Janeiro coast, such as the frequency of cyanobacteriais justifi ed by the harsh environment, without predation, with high salinity, elevated temperature and low concentration of oxygen.

  14. Are Patents used to Suppress Useful Technology?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John


    of innovation, other than in the trivial sense of excluding third parties from the right to develop the technology covered by the patent? There are many references to this possibility in the management, economic and legal literatures, but two highly-cited papers stand out for grounding their claims of corporate......This article examines the evidence behind claims that innovation is hindered or blocked (termed technology suppression) by corporations' use of patents. In other words, are there ways in which the exploitation of the exclusive development right of the patent can be shown to retard the process...... and the difference between economic monopoly and an exclusive right. It is argued here that what is at issue in this work is the proper function of the patent institution. It is shown early in this paper that the understanding of the patent institution as a system of development prospects makes better sense...

  15. 14 CFR 1214.112 - Patent, data and information matters. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Patent, data and information matters. 1214... Customers § 1214.112 Patent, data and information matters. (a) Patent and data rights. NASA will not acquire rights to inventions, patents or proprietary data which may be used in, or arise from, activities for...

  16. 45 CFR 650.2 - National Science Foundation patent policy. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false National Science Foundation patent policy. 650.2... FOUNDATION PATENTS § 650.2 National Science Foundation patent policy. As authorized by the National Science... adopted the following statement of NSF patent policy. (a) In accordance with the Bayh-Dole Act and the...

  17. Intellectual Property Strategies of Multinational Companies Patenting in China

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wolfram, Pierre; Schuster, Gerd; Brem, Alexander


    While global intellectual property trends show a stable rate of worldwide patent applications during the last five years, patent applications in emerging economies strongly increased within the same period. Unless the increasing number of applications in emerging economies, the indigenous legal...... archetypes of the world’s largest patent applicants using the case of China as an empirical context. Using Questel’s professional patent search application Orbit, we build a unique data set of the world’s top patent applicants combining data from the World Intellectual Property Organization and the State...... Intellectual Property Office of China comprising data of about 620.000 patents. Referring to the study of Keupp et al. (2012), we extend previous qualitative studies on patenting strategy archetypes by adding quantitative evidence from a data set of the world’s largest intellectual property owners. Model based...

  18. Patentes farmacéuticas en Colombia. Entre la protección a la propiedad industrial y la tutela del interés público

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Flórez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los límites que impone el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano a los derechos que se derivan de la concesión de patentes de invención en el sector farmacéutico, frente al acceso a los medicamentos. Para ello se hace una revisión de las normas aplicables a la concesión de patentes y protección de las patentes, así como a las actividades de vigilancia y control de las mismas. Posteriormente, se aborda la tensión entre el derecho a la propiedad industrial y el derecho a la salud y, en último lugar, se harán algunas propuestas con el objetivo de armonizar los mecanismos de protección a la propiedad industrial, y el interés general en lo que al acceso a los medicamentos respecta.

  19. The backlog issue in patents: A look at the European case

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rodriguez, V.


    Backlogs can be caused by an increase in the number of patent applications and patent size. A large number of patents granted could be explained by patent examiners' bonuses, legal and cultural contexts, claim forms, the geographical origin of patents, a firm's experience in patenting, the number of

  20. Patent foramen ovale and migraine attacks: a systematic review. (United States)

    Lip, Philomena Z Y; Lip, Gregory Y H


    Migraine headache and the presence of a patent foramen ovale have been associated with each other, although the precise pathophysiological mechanism(s) are uncertain. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify the extent of patent foramen ovale prevalence in migraineurs and to determine whether closure of a patent foramen ovale would improve migraine headache. An electronic literature search was performed to select studies between January 1980 and February 2013 that were relevant to the prevalence of patent foramen ovale and migraine, and the effects of intervention(s) on migraine attacks. Of the initial 368 articles presented by the initial search, 20 satisfied the inclusion criteria assessing patent foramen ovale prevalence in migraineurs and 21 presented data on patent foramen ovale closure. In case series and cohort studies, patent foramen ovale prevalence in migraineurs ranged from 14.6% to 66.5%. Case-control studies reported a prevalence ranging from 16.0% to 25.7% in controls, compared with 26.8% to 96.0% for migraine with aura. The extent of improvement or resolution of migraine headache attack symptoms was variable. In case series, intervention ameliorated migraine headache attack in 13.6% to 92.3% of cases. One single randomized trial did not show any benefit from patent foramen ovale closure. The data overall do not exclude the possibility of a placebo effect for resolving migraine following patent foramen ovale closure. This systematic review demonstrates firstly that migraine headache attack is associated with a higher prevalence of patent foramen ovale than among the general population. Observational data suggest that some improvement of migraine would be observed if the patent foramen ovale were to be closed. A proper assessment of any interventions for patent foramen ovale closure would require further large randomized trials to be conducted given uncertainties from existing trial data. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Preliminary analysis of patent trends for magnetic fusion technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levine, L.O.; Ashton, W.B.; Campbell, R.S.


    This study presents a preliminary analysis of development trends in magnetic fusion technology based on data from US patents. The research is limited to identification and description of general patent activity and ownership characteristics for 373 patents. The results suggest that more detailed studies of fusion patents could provide useful R and D planning information

  2. Estudio de cromóforos orgánicos con propiedades ópticas no lineales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Acebal, P.


    Full Text Available Second-order nonlinear optical properties of three dyes (methylene blue, thionine and coumarin 7 were evaluated using ab initio quantum mechanical methods and compared with those of a standard push-pull chromophores (disperse red 1, DMNPAA and PNA. The two level model was used to obtain the frequency dependency of the microscopic electrooptic effect, and the results show that the obtained values for the dyes are higher than the standard chromophores at wavelengths of the near infrared. Therefore, these dyes may be applied in photonic devices and photorefractive materials.

    Mediante métodos de cálculo ab initio se han estudiado las propiedades ópticas no lineales de segundo orden de tres colorantes (azul de metileno, tionina y coumarina 7, y se han comparado con los obtenidos para tres cromóforos donador-aceptor (disperse red 1, DMNPAA y PNA. Posteriormente se ha utilizado el modelo de los dos niveles para estimar la dependencia con la frecuencia del efecto electroóptico microscópico. Los resultados muestran que los colorantes estudiados tienen valores de esta propiedad del mismo orden o superiores que los cromóforos clásicos en longitudes de onda del infrarrojo cercano, por lo tanto puede estudiarse su aplicación en dispositivos fotónicos y materiales fotorrefractivos.

  3. Levantamento das Cianobactérias Psâmicas em Sedimentos Superficiais Marginais da Lagoa Azul, Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro.


    Loreine Hermida da Silva e Silva; Anderson Andrade Cavalcanti Iespa; Cynthia Moreira Damazio Iespa; Teresa Cristina Lopes Medeiros Faruolo


    The coastal area of the Rio de Janeiro State presents a series of lagoons, dune fi elds and strand plains, which are the result of thepaleogeographical evolution during Neogene. The lagoa Azul is situated at 22o56’52”S and 42o04’62”W in the Arraial do Cabo, locatedabout 160 km far the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is a natural hypersaline coastal aquatic body which, parallel to Atlantic Ocean. The presentwork focused on the identifi cation of psammic cyanobacteria in the surface sediments of the...

  4. Japan's patent issues relating to life science therapeutic inventions. (United States)

    Tessensohn, John A


    Japan has made 'innovation in science and technology' as one of its central pillars to ensure high growth in its next stage of economic development and its life sciences market which hosts regenerative medicine was proclaimed to be 'the best market in the world right now.' Although life science therapeutic inventions are patentable subject matter under Japanese patent law, there are nuanced obviousness and enablement challenges under Japanese patent law that can be surmounted in view of some encouraging Japanese court developments in fostering a pro-patent applicant environment in the life sciences therapeutic patent field. Nevertheless, great care must be taken when drafting and prosecuting such patent applications in the world's second most important life sciences therapeutic market.

  5. [INDENA SPA company's patent portfolio of Ginkgo biloba preparation]. (United States)

    Wang, Nan; Guo, Kai; Cheng, Xin-min; Liu, Wei


    INDENA SPA Company in Italy is a multi-national company that produces and sells plant extracts. Based on its own re- search advantages in the field of Ginkgo biloba preparation, the company protects its own products market effectively through building patent portfolio around the patents of its opponent. Based on the multi-angle analysis for patent portfolio of G. biloba preparation from the aspects of application time, legal status, technical development route, and patent portfolio layout, this article provides technical reference on research and development of G. biloba preparation, and the author suggest that Chinese applicants learn techniques and layout experiences of other patents fully to enhance the level of research and patent protection level.

  6. Patent holdings of US biotherapeutic companies in major markets. (United States)

    Sebastian, Teena E; Yerram, Chandra Bindu; Saberwal, Gayatri


    In previous studies we examined the (United States, US) patent holdings of 109 largely North American biotech companies developing therapeutics that, in particular, have an interest in discovery stage science. There appears little correlation between the number of patents and the number of products of individual companies. Here we quantified and compared the 103 US-headquartered companies' patent holdings in Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan and the US. The companies demonstrate variable and surprising patterns of patent holdings across these countries or regions. For most companies, patent holdings are not in proportion to the importance of the country as a biotech or pharma market. These results have implications for the patenting strategies of small biotech companies involved in drug discovery.

  7. Patent analysis for competitive technical intelligence and innovative thinking

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H Dou


    Full Text Available Patents are a very useful source of technical information. The public availability of patents over the Internet, with for some databases (eg. Espacenet the assurance of a constant format, allows the development of high value added products using this information source and provides an easy way to analyze patent information. This simple and powerful tool facilitates the use of patents in academic research, in SMEs and in developing countries providing a way to use patents as a ideas resource thus improving technological innovation.

  8. Trends in genetic patent applications: the commercialization of academic intellectual property. (United States)

    Kers, Jannigje G; Van Burg, Elco; Stoop, Tom; Cornel, Martina C


    We studied trends in genetic patent applications in order to identify the trends in the commercialization of research findings in genetics. To define genetic patent applications, the European version (ECLA) of the International Patent Classification (IPC) codes was used. Genetic patent applications data from the PATSTAT database from 1990 until 2009 were analyzed for time trends and regional distribution. Overall, the number of patent applications has been growing. In 2009, 152 000 patent applications were submitted under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and within the EP (European Patent) system of the European Patent Office (EPO). The number of genetic patent applications increased until a peak was reached in the year 2000, with >8000 applications, after which it declined by almost 50%. Continents show different patterns over time, with the global peak in 2000 mainly explained by the USA and Europe, while Asia shows a stable number of >1000 per year. Nine countries together account for 98.9% of the total number of genetic patent applications. In The Netherlands, 26.7% of the genetic patent applications originate from public research institutions. After the year 2000, the number of genetic patent applications dropped significantly. Academic leadership and policy as well as patent regulations seem to have an important role in the trend differences. The ongoing investment in genetic research in the past decade is not reflected by an increase of patent applications.

  9. 76 FR 40339 - Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Program (United States)


    ... any of the following methods: E-mail: [email protected] . Include ``0651- 0058 comment... Singapore (IPOS), German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA), National Board of Patents and Registration of... being planned with the USPTO: CIPO, SIPO, and the Nordic Patent Institute (NPI). II. Method of...

  10. Patent quality and incentives at the patent office

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schuett, F.


    Patent examination is a problem of moral hazard followed by adverse selection: examiners must have incentives to exert effort, but also to truthfully reveal the evidence they find. I develop a theoretical model to study the design of incentives for examiners. The model can explain the puzzling

  11. Are the Brookhill-Wilk patents impediments to market growth in cybersurgery? (United States)

    McLean, T R; Torrance, A W


    In the past, many surgeons could practise their craft with little or no knowledge of patent law. But in the world of robotic and computerized surgery, this is increasingly a myopic approach, because the principle means of protecting high-tech surgical instruments is through the application of patent law. The issue is: does the Brookhill-Wilk patent, which covers the performance of remote robotic surgery, impede the growth of cybersurgery? Review of the Brookhill-Wilk patent and relevant law. Patent law, which first took its form in the Middle Ages, attempts to balance the rewarding of innovation with the stifling of market growth. Using US patent law as a model, it would appear that the Brookhill-Wilk patent, a particular example of a medical process patent, could inhibit the growth of cybersurgery, as potential sums of money could be demanded by the patent holder from anyone who practises cybersurgery. However, two recent US Supreme Court cases appear to have seriously undermined the validity of a number of medical process patents, including the Brookhill-Wilk patent. Based on recent changes in patent law, it is not expected that Brookhill-Wilk patent will hinder the growth of cybersurgery.

  12. Patent Foramen Ovale: Is Stroke Due to Paradoxical Embolism? (United States)

    Ranoux, D.; Cohen, A.; Cabanes, L.; Amarenco, P.; Bousser, M. G.; Mas, J. L.


    Background and Purpose: A patent foramen ovale has been reported to be significantly more frequent in young stroke patients than in matched control subjects, and paradoxical embolism has been suggested as the main mechanism of stroke in-this situation. The present study was designed to test this hypothesis. Methods: Sixty-eight consecutive patients under 55 years of age presenting with an ischemic stroke had an extensive workup, including transesophageal echocardiography with contrast. We compared the prevalence of criteria for the diagnosis of paradoxical embolism in patients with and without a patent foramen ovale. Results: A patent foramen ovale was found in 32 patients (47%). A Valsalva-provoking activity was present at stroke onset in six patients with a patent foramen ovale and in eight patients with no patent foramen ovale (X(sup 2)=0.1, nonsignificant). Clinical/radiological features suggestive of an embolic mechanism were not more frequent in patients with a patent foramen ovale. Clinical evidence of deep vein thrombosis was present in one patient with a patent foramen ovale and in none of the others. No occult venous thrombosis was found in a subgroup of patients with a patent foramen ovale and no definite cause for stroke who underwent venography (n=13). Conclusions. Our results do not support the hypothesis that paradoxical embolism is the primary mechanism of stroke in patients with a patent foramen ovale. (Stroke 1993;24:31-34) KEY WORDS e cerebral ischemia e embolism foramen ovale, patent

  13. Disclosure rules and declared essential patents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekkers, R.N.A.; Catalini, C.; Martinelli, Arianna; Righi, C.; Simcoe, T.

    Many standard setting organizations (SSOs) require participants to disclose patents that might be infringed by implementing a proposed standard, and commit to license their “essential” patents on terms that are at least fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND). Data from these SSO

  14. Optimization of Agave tequilana Weber var. Azul Juice Spray Drying Process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandra Chávez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available In this work, the response surface methodology was employed to optimize the microencapsulation of Agave tequilana Weber var. azul juice with whey protein isolated using a spray drying technique. A Box-Behnken design was used to establish optimum spray drying conditions for Agave tequilana juice. The process was optimized to obtain maximum powder yield with the best solubility time, hygroscopicity, bulk density, water activity, and reducing sugars. The independent parameters for the spray drying process were outlet temperature of 70–80°C, atomizer speed of 20000–30000 rpm, and airflow of 0.20–0.23 m3 s−1. The best spray drying condition was at outlet temperature of 80°C, atomizer speed of 20000 rpm, and air flow rate of 0.23 m3 s−1 to obtain maximum powder yield (14.65%bm, minimum solubility time (352.8 s, maximum bulk density (560 kg m−3, minimum hygroscopicity (1.9×10-7 kgwater s−1, and minimum aw (0.39. The Agave tequilana powder may be considered as an interesting source of dietary fiber used as food additive in food and nutraceutical industries.

  15. 9 CFR 124.20 - Patent term extension calculation. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Patent term extension calculation. 124... OF AGRICULTURE VIRUSES, SERUMS, TOXINS, AND ANALOGOUS PRODUCTS; ORGANISMS AND VECTORS PATENT TERM RESTORATION Regulatory Review Period § 124.20 Patent term extension calculation. (a) As provided in 37 CFR 1...

  16. Patent prosecution strategies for stem cell related applications. (United States)

    Kumar, Rajeev; Yeh, Jenny J; Fernandez, Dennis; Hansen, Nels


    Stem cell research and the intellectual property derived from it, because of its potential to completely transform health care, demand an especially high level of consideration from business and patent prosecution perspectives. As with other revolutionary technologies, ordinary risks are amplified (e.g., litigation), and ordinarily irrelevant considerations may become important (e.g., heightened level of both domestic and foreign legislative risk). In the first part of this article, general strategies for patent prosecutors such as several prosecution considerations and methods for accelerating patent prosecution process are presented. In the second part, patent prosecution challenges of stem cell-related patents and possible solutions are discussed. In the final part, ethical and public policy issues particular to stem cell-related and other biotechnological inventions are summarized.

  17. Annotated chemical patent corpus: a gold standard for text mining.

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    Saber A Akhondi

    Full Text Available Exploring the chemical and biological space covered by patent applications is crucial in early-stage medicinal chemistry activities. Patent analysis can provide understanding of compound prior art, novelty checking, validation of biological assays, and identification of new starting points for chemical exploration. Extracting chemical and biological entities from patents through manual extraction by expert curators can take substantial amount of time and resources. Text mining methods can help to ease this process. To validate the performance of such methods, a manually annotated patent corpus is essential. In this study we have produced a large gold standard chemical patent corpus. We developed annotation guidelines and selected 200 full patents from the World Intellectual Property Organization, United States Patent and Trademark Office, and European Patent Office. The patents were pre-annotated automatically and made available to four independent annotator groups each consisting of two to ten annotators. The annotators marked chemicals in different subclasses, diseases, targets, and modes of action. Spelling mistakes and spurious line break due to optical character recognition errors were also annotated. A subset of 47 patents was annotated by at least three annotator groups, from which harmonized annotations and inter-annotator agreement scores were derived. One group annotated the full set. The patent corpus includes 400,125 annotations for the full set and 36,537 annotations for the harmonized set. All patents and annotated entities are publicly available at

  18. Languages, Fees and the International Scope of Patenting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harhoff, Dietmar; Hoisl, Karin; Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, Bruno


    Pottelsberghe, 2006; von Graevenitz et al., 2013) and on potential implications of their behaviour for the effectiveness of the patent system. Lately, a number of researchers have started to explore the design of the patent system itself, i.e. the role of fees and costs of patenting (Archontopoulos et al., 2007...

  19. An advanced search engine for patent analytics in medicinal chemistry. (United States)

    Pasche, Emilie; Gobeill, Julien; Teodoro, Douglas; Gaudinat, Arnaud; Vishnykova, Dina; Lovis, Christian; Ruch, Patrick


    Patent collections contain an important amount of medical-related knowledge, but existing tools were reported to lack of useful functionalities. We present here the development of TWINC, an advanced search engine dedicated to patent retrieval in the domain of health and life sciences. Our tool embeds two search modes: an ad hoc search to retrieve relevant patents given a short query and a related patent search to retrieve similar patents given a patent. Both search modes rely on tuning experiments performed during several patent retrieval competitions. Moreover, TWINC is enhanced with interactive modules, such as chemical query expansion, which is of prior importance to cope with various ways of naming biomedical entities. While the related patent search showed promising performances, the ad-hoc search resulted in fairly contrasted results. Nonetheless, TWINC performed well during the Chemathlon task of the PatOlympics competition and experts appreciated its usability.

  20. Experiencia en la Argentina del Programa de uso compasivo con nintedanib en el tratamiento de la Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática


    Tabaj, Gabriela C; Sívori, Martín; Cornejo, Laura; Plotquin, Martín


    Introducción: La Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática (FPI) es una enfermedad pulmonar difusa (EPD) de etiología desconocida, crónica y progresiva. Ocurre en adultos mayores, se encuentra limitada a los pulmones y se asocia con la patente anatomopatológica y/o tomográfica de neumonía intersticial usual (NIU). El curso de la enfermedad es progresivo y se asocia con una supervivencia media a 5 años del 20%. Objetivos: Conocer las características clínicas y de función pulmonar del grupo de pacientes con...

  1. Nanotechnology strength indicators: international rankings based on US patents (United States)

    Marinova, Dora; McAleer, Michael


    Technological strength indicators (TSIs) based on patent statistics for 1975-2000 are used to analyse patenting of nanotechnology in the USA, and to compile international rankings for the top 12 foreign patenting countries (namely Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and Taiwan). As the indicators are not directly observable, various proxy variables are used, namely the technological specialization index for national priorities, patent shares for international presence, citation rate for the contribution of patents to knowledge development and rate of assigned patents for potential commercial benefits. The best performing country is France, followed by Japan and Canada. It is shown that expertise and strength in nanotechnology are not evenly distributed among the technologically advanced countries, with the TSIs revealing different emphases in the development of nanotechnology.

  2. Biological diversity in the patent system.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul Oldham

    Full Text Available Biological diversity in the patent system is an enduring focus of controversy but empirical analysis of the presence of biodiversity in the patent system has been limited. To address this problem we text mined 11 million patent documents for 6 million Latin species names from the Global Names Index (GNI established by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF and Encyclopedia of Life (EOL. We identified 76,274 full Latin species names from 23,882 genera in 767,955 patent documents. 25,595 species appeared in the claims section of 136,880 patent documents. This reveals that human innovative activity involving biodiversity in the patent system focuses on approximately 4% of taxonomically described species and between 0.8-1% of predicted global species. In this article we identify the major features of the patent landscape for biological diversity by focusing on key areas including pharmaceuticals, neglected diseases, traditional medicines, genetic engineering, foods, biocides, marine genetic resources and Antarctica. We conclude that the narrow focus of human innovative activity and ownership of genetic resources is unlikely to be in the long term interest of humanity. We argue that a broader spectrum of biodiversity needs to be opened up to research and development based on the principles of equitable benefit-sharing, respect for the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, human rights and ethics. Finally, we argue that alternative models of innovation, such as open source and commons models, are required to open up biodiversity for research that addresses actual and neglected areas of human need. The research aims to inform the implementation of the 2010 Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization and international debates directed to the governance of genetic resources. Our research also aims to inform debates under the Intergovernmental Committee on

  3. 48 CFR 627.203 - Patent indemnification of Government by contractor. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent indemnification of Government by contractor. 627.203 Section 627.203 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF STATE GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS PATENTS, DATA, AND COPYRIGHTS Patents 627.203 Patent indemnification of...

  4. Analysing patent landscapes in plant biotechnology and new plant breeding techniques. (United States)

    Parisi, Claudia; Rodríguez-Cerezo, Emilio; Thangaraj, Harry


    This article aims to inform the reader of the importance of searching patent landscapes in plant biotechnology and the use of basic tools to perform a patent search. The recommendations for a patent search strategy are illustrated with the specific example of zinc finger nuclease technology for genetic engineering in plants. Within this scope, we provide a general introduction to searching using two online and free-access patent databases esp@cenet and PatentScope. The essential features of the two databases, and their functionality is described, together with short descriptions to enable the reader to understand patents, searching, their content, patent families, and their territorial scope. We mostly stress the value of patent searching for mining scientific, rather than legal information. Search methods through the use of keywords and patent codes are elucidated together with suggestions about how to search with or combine codes with keywords and we also comment on limitations of each method. We stress the importance of patent literature to complement more mainstream scientific literature, and the relative complexities and difficulties in searching patents compared to the latter. A parallel online resource where we describe detailed search exercises is available through reference for those intending further exploration. In essence this is aimed at a novice patent searcher who may want to examine accessory patent literature to complement knowledge gained from mainstream journal resources.

  5. "To patent or not to patent? the case of Novartis' cancer drug Glivec in India". (United States)

    Gabble, Ravinder; Kohler, Jillian Clare


    Glivec (imatinib mesylate), produced by the pharmaceutical company Novartis, is prescribed in the case of chronic myeloid leukemia, one of the most common blood cancers in eastern countries. After more than a decade of legal battles surrounding its patentability, the Supreme Court of India gave its final decision on April 1st of 2013, rejecting the appeal of the Swiss giant drug manufacturer. In 2006, the Indian Patent Office first refused Glivec's patent under Section 3(d) of the Indian Patent Act arguing that it was only a modified version of an existing drug, Imatinib, and therefore that the drug was not innovative. Novartis replied filing legal challenges against the Indian government but the final verdict in April of 2013 ends the battle. Indeed, the Supreme Court stated that even if the bioavailability of the drug was improved, it did not demonstrate enhanced efficacy and that Glivec was not patentable. The research primarily focused on journal, newspaper and magazine articles relevant to the time frame of the lawsuit (from 1994 to 2013) as well as news searches through Google, Factiva, ProQuest, PubMed, and YouTube where press articles from court verdicts were obtained by using the following keywords: "India", "Novartis", "Glivec", "Patent", "Novartis Case", and "Supreme Court of India". The data sources were interpreted and analyzed according to the authors' own prior knowledge and understanding of the exigencies of the TRIPS Agreement. This case illuminates how India is interpreting international law to fit domestic public health needs. The Novartis case arguably sets an important precedent for the global pharmaceutical industry and ideally will help improve access to lifesaving medicines in the developing world by demanding that patient health needs supersede commercial interests. The Supreme Court of India's decision may affect the interpretation of the article of the TRIPS Agreement, which states members shall be free to determine the appropriate method

  6. Modelo de innovación estratégico de negocios aplicado a viviendas de madera en Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel Gómez Valdés


    Las entrevistas indicaron que existe poca información en el país sobre el uso de productos madereros, específicamente viviendas de maderas, en consecuencia se pueden abrir oportunidades de negocios en toda su cadena de valor. El análisis de datos y estrategia de océano azul permitieron formular un modelo de negocios con una propuesta de valor en la entrega rápida de viviendas de maderas con características térmicas y con aislación acústica, enfocada en segmentos de clientes rural de la octava región y el sector residencial con gustos estéticos del producto. Por lo tanto, se pudo innovar en proceso estratégico empleando distintas herramientas como el diseño y aplicación de encuestas, análisis de datos, la estrategia de océano azul y el modelo de negocios Canvas, como también se pudo aplicar para la innovación de casas de madera.

  7. Transferability and Commercialization of Patent Rights: Economic and Practical Perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haim V. Levy


    Full Text Available The transformation of innovation into commercial value depends primarily on appropriate protection of the intellectual property, usually by patents, and efficient pathway(s of its transferability as well as the transfer of the protected knowledge. The key features of patents, from an economic perspective, are that they encompass new knowledge and confer monopoly rights to the owner. The exclusiveness of patent rights is generally conceived as a necessary mechanism to ensure further innovation, stimulate advanced research and facilitate efficient market transactions with patent rights. The patent holder can transfer the technology embodied by way of granting to others a license to use the patented invention in return for a share of the revenues, usually royalties. Patent rights transferability has been proven to be efficient and profitable to the industry as well as beneficial to the welfare of society. The economic and practical perspectives of the transferability and commercialization of patent rights are discussed.

  8. 37 CFR 1.501 - Citation of prior art in patent files. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Citation of prior art in patent files. 1.501 Section 1.501 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES Ex Parte Reexamination of...

  9. Tracking U.S. biofuel innovation through patents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kessler, Jeff; Sperling, Daniel


    We use biofuel patents as a proxy for biofuel innovation. Through use of natural language processing and machine-learning algorithms, we expand patent classification capabilities to better explain the history of biofuels innovation. Results indicate that after the initial establishment of the U.S. biofuel industry, there were two surges in biofuel innovation: 1995–2000, characterized by heavy patenting by 1st generation (food-based) biofuel firms; and 2005–2010, characterized by a second surge of innovation by those same large firms, complemented by a large number of biotechnology firms producing a relatively small number of 2nd generation biofuel patents. Our analysis corroborates the widespread understanding that the first surge in biofuel innovation was linked to innovations in agriculture, and that the second surge of biofuel innovation was driven by demand-pull policies mandating and incentivizing biofuels. But the slow emergence of a 2nd generation cellulose-based biofuels industry, far slower than called for by policy, suggests that technology-push policies more focused on R&D and investment may be needed to accelerate the commercialization of 2nd generation biofuels. - Highlights: • Patenting activity closely corresponds to sociotechnical shifts in biofuel innovation. • The Renewable Fuel Standard likely contributed to the rise in biofuel patenting activity after 2005. • 2nd generation biofuel technology innovation appears lacking compared to 1st generation technologies.

  10. Annotating patents with Medline MeSH codes via citation mapping. (United States)

    Griffin, Thomas D; Boyer, Stephen K; Councill, Isaac G


    Both patents and Medline are important document collections for discovering new relationships between chemicals and biology, searching for prior art for patent applications and retrieving background knowledge for current research activities. Finding relevance to a topic within patents is often made difficult by poor categorization, badly written descriptions, and even intentional obfuscation. Unlike patents, the Medline corpus has Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) keywords manually added to their articles, giving a medically relevant taxonomy to the 18 million article abstracts. Our work attempts to accurately recognize the citations made in patents to Medline-indexed articles, linking them to their corresponding PubMed ID and exploiting the associated MeSH to enhance patent search by annotating the referencing patents with their Medline citations' MeSH codes. The techniques, system features, and benefits are explained.

  11. NREL Patents Method for Continuous Monitoring of Materials During (United States)

    Manufacturing | News | NREL NREL Patents Method for Continuous Monitoring of Materials During Manufacturing News Release: NREL Patents Method for Continuous Monitoring of Materials During Manufacturing NREL's Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF). More information, including the published patent, can

  12. Patents and Downstream Innovation Suppresion - Facts or Fiction?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John

    of development as aircraft, the car, radio and electric lighting. Merges and Nelson quite logically use their work to question the value of Kitch's prospect theory of patents,[2] a theory that emphasises that the social value of patents is that they enable the coordination of technological development...... and R. Nelson, "On the Complex Economics of Patent Scope," Columbia Law Review 90, no. 4 (1990), R. Merges and R. Nelson, "On Limiting or Encouraging Rivalry in Technical Progress: The Effect of Patent Scope Decisions," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation 25 (1994). [2] Merges and Nelson, "On...

  13. 78 FR 21787 - Changes To Implement the Patent Law Treaty (United States)


    ... Trademark Office 37 CFR Parts 1 and 3 Changes To Implement the Patent Law Treaty; Proposed Rule #0;#0...-0007] RIN 0651-AC85 Changes To Implement the Patent Law Treaty AGENCY: United States Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking. SUMMARY: The Patent Law Treaties...

  14. 37 CFR 1.18 - Patent post allowance (including issue) fees. (United States)


    ... entity $1,190.00 (d) Publication fee $300.00. (e) For filing an application for patent term adjustment... (including issue) fees. 1.18 Section 1.18 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES General Provisions Fees...

  15. Competition policy in patent cases and antitrust. (United States)

    Sobel, Gerald


    The article that follows examines the competition policy reflected in the decisions of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in its patent cases. The court's views on this subject have been manifested most plainly in decisions that have transformed the law concerning infringement under the doctrine of equivalents and claim construction. In both categories, the court narrowed patent scope by reason of its desire to protect competitors. The article argues that the court's premise in prescribing narrower claim scope reflected an incomplete view of competition policy. The court's analysis overlooked the benefits to competition provided by patents, which stimulate inventions and their development. The article traces the development of antitrust jurisprudence and demonstrates how respect for the contribution of patents to competition and skepticism of free-riding has evolved, particularly beginning in the 1970s. The article draws a parallel between the Court's reasoning about competition policy, on the one hand, and the rejected views of Justices Hugo Black and William O. Douglas and abandoned patent-antitrust jurisprudence, on the other. The Federal Circuit's decision in Festo Corp. v. Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki Co., Ltd., 234 F.3d 558 (Fed. Cir. 2000), on the subject of equivalents is considered in the paper. In that decision, the majority adopted a new rule that completely barred infringement under the doctrine of equivalents of any claim limitation where, in prosecution, there had been a narrowing amendment relating to patentability. In the past, prosecution estoppel foreclosing equivalents had been subject to a "flexible bar," which, in some circumstances, allowed for equivalence notwithstanding such an amendment. The article points out that because almost all patents are amended during prosecution, the effect would be to allow widespread copying of patented inventions by trivial modifications of any narrowed claim limitation. The incentive to innovate

  16. Patent documentation - comparison of two MT strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offersgaard, Lene; Povlsen, Claus


    This paper focuses on two matters: A comparison of how two different MT strategies manage translating the text type of patent documentation and a survey of what is needed to transform a MT research prototype system to a translation application for patent texts. The two MT strategies is represented....... The distinctive text type of patents pose special demands for machine translation and these aspects are discussed based on linguistic observations with focus on the users point of view. Two main demands are automatic pre processing of the documents and implementation of a module which in a flexible and user......-friendly manner offers the opportunity to extend the lexical coverage of the system. These demands and the comparison of the two MT strategies are discussed on the basis of proofread patents....

  17. 78 FR 62367 - Changes To Implement the Patent Law Treaty (United States)


    ... Office 37 CFR Parts 1, 3 and 11 Changes To Implement the Patent Law Treaty; Final Rule #0;#0;Federal... 0651-AC85 Changes To Implement the Patent Law Treaty AGENCY: United States Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Patent Law Treaties Implementation Act of 2012 (PLTIA) amends...

  18. Commentary on patents: Don`t dismiss Rifkin`s damning of gene patents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoyle, R.


    Biotech may have less to fear from Rifkin than from its own inclination to dismiss the fact that the evolution of ethics and patent laws applying to patenting genes has been haphazard. Perhaps it is time for the biotechnology industry to get behind the establishment of an effective forum for opening much-needed dialogue. Perhaps a Senate proposal to establish a bioethics commission, which reportedly has bogged down in partisan politics, is just such a venue for the government and private sector to begin to hash out the ethical and legal dilemmas that are indisputably at the heart of the biotechnology industry, and its future success.

  19. Use of Patent Information : Empirical Evidence from Innovative SMEs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Masurel, Enno


    This paper discusses the use of patent information by innovative SMEs. The standard literature tends to focus on obtaining patents; studies of using patent information for different purposes are underrepresented in the innovation literature. Studying the case of SMEs is especially interesting,

  20. What is the Destiny of Patents of Brazilian Universities?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Luiz de Souza Querido


    Full Text Available The power of patent is expressed when the innovative product or process goes to market, and the exclusive right that patent ensures generates the market power, and the holder possibility to obtain competitive advantage over competitors. Thus, it becomes compelling the discussions on the universities need for transformation of patent applications efforts into granted patents, which could be negotiated with a higher degree of juridical certainty and, consequently, higher value added. To establish an Index of Patents Granting, and understand the importance of Technological Innovation Nuclei for the increase of this index, it was developed a survey on the number of patents granted to Brazilian universities and evaluated the structure of Technological Innovation Nuclei of these universities. From the survey on the granting cases, it was verified that the universities presenting, among other characteristics, better structured Technological Innovation Nuclei stood out.

  1. Spanish firms patenting in the European office. characteristics compared with non-applicant; Las empresas espanolas que patentan en la oficina Europea. Caracteristicas comparadas con las no solicitantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barajas, A.; Huergo, E.; Moreno, L.


    The objective of this paper is to provide evidence about the features of Spanish firms applying for patents to the European Patent Office between 1998 and 2008. We compare these firms with a control sample of non-applicants during the same period and focus especially on firms that have been awarded public aid for R and D projects by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology. (Author) 14 refs.

  2. Osteoclast differentiation inhibitors: a patent review (2008 - 2012). (United States)

    Kim, Seong Hwan; Moon, Seong-Hee


    Mononuclear macrophage/monocyte-lineage hematopoietic precursors differentiate into multinucleated osteoclasts. Abnormally increased numbers and/or overactivation of osteoclasts can lead to bone loss. Therefore, pharmaceutical inhibition of osteoclast differentiation is one therapeutic strategy for mitigating the occurrence of bone loss-associated disorders and related fractures. This review surveys the patents and patent applications from 2008 to 2012 that are related to inventions of therapeutics and/or methods for inhibiting osteoclast differentiation. Over the past 20 years, the identification and validation of signaling molecules involved in osteoclast differentiation has led to a better understanding of the molecular mechanism, and to the development of new therapeutic agents for treating bone loss-associated disorders. Since 2008, 34 WO patents or patent applications have been filed that relate to inventions of therapeutics and/or methods for chemical-based, natural product-based, or biological-based inhibitors of osteoclast differentiation. Here, analysis of these patents and patent applications is presented, and summarize the disclosed osteoclast differentiation-inhibiting target molecules. This report can support further advances in the development of anti-osteoclastogenic therapeutics for bone loss-associated disorders, including osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Paget's disease, periodontal disease, osteosarcoma, and cancer bone metastasis.

  3. Distribuição do dextran-99mTc e do carvão ativado no linfonodo-sentinela em coelho = Distribution of dextran-99mTc and activated carbon in sentinel lymph nodes of rabbits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rocha, Rogério Porto da


    Conclusões: A solução de CA (6% e corante vital (azul patente V na proporção 1: 1 determinou uma fácil identificação do LS no intra-operatório. A análise comparativa da distribuição do CA e do dextran-99mTc demonstra que ambos se comportaram da mesma forma concentrando-se na mesma metade do LS

  4. Biocompatible Synthetic and Semi-synthetic Polymers - A Patent Analysis. (United States)

    Ranganathan, Balu; Miller, Charles; Sinskey, Anthony


    Bioengineering has come of ages by setting up spare parts manufacturing units to be used in human body such as invasive implants and interventional controlled drug delivery in vivo systems. As a matter of fact patients on basis of their fiscal strength have the option to undergo prophylactic tactical manoeuvre for longer life spans. In this sphere of invasive implants, biocompatible polymer implants are a state of the art cutting edge technology with outstanding innovations leading to number of very successful start-up companies with a plethora of patent portfolios. From 2000 onwards, patent filings and grants for biocompatible polymers are expanding. Currently definition of biocompatibility is quite ambiguous with respect to the use of FDA approved polymeric materials. This article analysed patent portfolios for the trend patterns of prolific biocompatible polymers for capitalization and commercialization in the forthcoming years. Pair Bulk Data (PBD) portal was used to mine patent portfolios. In this patent preliminary analysis report, patents from 2000 to 2015 were evaluated using 317(c) filings, grants and classifications data for poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), poly(glycolic acid) (PGA), poly(hydroxyalkanoates) (PHAs) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA). This patent portfolio preliminary analysis embarks into patent analysis for New Product Development (NPD) for corporate R&D investment managerial decisions and on government advocacy for federal funding which is decisive for developmental advances. An in-depth patent portfolio investigation with return of investment (RoI) is in the pipeline. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  5. Patent indicators: a window to pharmaceutical market success. (United States)

    Guo, Yang; Hu, Yuanjia; Zheng, Mingli; Wang, Yitao


    Pharmaceutical success in the market is the best reward for pharmaceutical investors undergoing the lengthy, costly and risky process of pharmaceutical Research and Development (R&D). Drugs with high market revenues trigger fierce competition between pharmaceutical enterprises, as is demonstrated by the increasing Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) cases focusing on seizing the best-selling products. On the other hand, patents, as the best shield for innovative drugs against generic drugs, become a powerful weapon for pharmaceutical enterprises to win the substantial returns generated by market exclusivity. Patents seem to be directly responsible for the commercial success of new medicines. In this context, it is of great significance to find out the empirical associations between pharmaceutical commercial success and patents. By comprehensively analysing 127 drugs marketed in the USA and their 621 American patents, this article identifies the evidence to link various patent indicators with pharmaceutical sales in actual market.

  6. How are pharmaceutical patent term extensions justified? Australia's evolving scheme. (United States)

    Lawson, Charles


    This article examines the evolving patent term extension schemes under the Patents Act 1903 (Cth), the Patents Act 1952 (Cth) and the Patents Act 1990 (Cth). The analysis traces the change from "inadequate remuneration" to a scheme directed specifically at certain pharmaceuticals. An examination of the policy justification shows there are legitimate questions about the desirability of any extension. The article concludes that key information provisions in the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) that might assist a better policy analysis are presently not working and that any justification needs evidence demonstrating that the benefits of patent term extensions to the community as a whole outweigh the costs and that the objectives of extensions can only be achieved by restricting competition.

  7. Nano/micro-electro mechanical systems: a patent view

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, Guangyuan; Liu, Weishu


    Combining both bibliometrics and citation network analysis, this research evaluates the global development of micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS) research based on the Derwent Innovations Index database. We found that worldwide, the growth trajectory of MEMS patents demonstrates an approximate S shape, with United States, Japan, China, and Korea leading the global MEMS race. Evidenced by Derwent class codes, the technology structure of global MEMS patents remains steady over time. Yet there does exist a national competitiveness component among the top country players. The latecomer China has become the second most prolific country filing MEMS patents, but its patent quality still lags behind the global average

  8. Nano/micro-electro mechanical systems: a patent view

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hu, Guangyuan, E-mail:, E-mail: [Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, School of Public Economics and Administration (China); Liu, Weishu [Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Antai College of Economics and Management (China)


    Combining both bibliometrics and citation network analysis, this research evaluates the global development of micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS) research based on the Derwent Innovations Index database. We found that worldwide, the growth trajectory of MEMS patents demonstrates an approximate S shape, with United States, Japan, China, and Korea leading the global MEMS race. Evidenced by Derwent class codes, the technology structure of global MEMS patents remains steady over time. Yet there does exist a national competitiveness component among the top country players. The latecomer China has become the second most prolific country filing MEMS patents, but its patent quality still lags behind the global average.

  9. Why do firms give away their patents for free?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ziegler, Nicole; Gassmann, Oliver; Friesike, Sascha


    Within the trend of increasing patent commercialisation and open innovation, a recent phenomenon where firms give away their patents free of charge can be observed. This seems contradictory to the original intention of the patent system (enabling firms to create temporary monopolies to appropriate

  10. 77 FR 38771 - Prospective Grant of Exclusive Patent License (United States)


    ... Exclusive Patent License AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice of prospective grant of exclusive patent license. SUMMARY: This is a notice in accordance... embodied in U.S. Patent Application No. 13/346,999 titled ``Chirped-Pulse Terahertz Spectroscopy for...

  11. In which developing countries are patents on essential medicines being filed? (United States)

    Beall, Reed F; Blanchet, Rosanne; Attaran, Amir


    This article is based upon data gathered during a study conducted in partnership with the World Intellectual Property Organization on the patent status of products appearing on the World Health Organization's 2013 Model List of Essential Medicines (MLEM). It is a statistical analysis aimed at answering: in which developing countries are patents on essential medicines being filed? Patent data were collected by linking those listed in the United States and Canada's medicine patent registers to corresponding patents in developing countries using two international patent databases (INPADOC and Derwent) via a commerical-grade patent search platform (Thomson Innovation). The respective supplier companies were then contacted to correct and verify our data. We next tallied the number of MLEM patents per developing country. Spearman correlations were done to assess bivariate relationships between variables, and a multivariate regression model was developed to explain the number of MLEM patents in each country using SPSS 23.0. A subset of 20 of the 375 (5%) products on the 2013 MLEM fit our inclusion criteria. The patent estate reports (i.e., the global list of patents for a given drug) varied greatly in their number with a median of 48 patents (interquartile range [IQR]: 26-76). Their geographic reach had a median of 15% of the developing countries sampled (IQR: 8-28%). The number of developing countries covered appeared to increase with the age of the patent estate (r = .433, p = 0.028). The number of MLEM patents per country was significantly positively associated with human development index (HDI), gross domestic income (GDI) per capita, total healthcare expenditure per capita, population size, the Rule of Law Index, and average education level. Population size, GDI per capita, and healthcare expenditure (in % of national expenditure) were predictors of the number of MLEM patents in countries (p = 0.001, p = 0.001, p = 0.009, respectively). Population

  12. Patents, antibiotics, and autarky in Spain. (United States)

    Romero De Pablos, Ana


    Patents on antibiotics were introduced in Spain in 1949. Preliminary research reveals diversification in the types of antibiotics: patents relating to penicillin were followed by those relating to streptomycin, erythromycin and tetracycline. There was also diversification in the firms that applied for patents: while Merck & Co. Incorporated and Schenley Industries Inc. were the main partners with Spanish antibiotics manufacturers in the late 1940s, this industrial space also included many others, such as Eli Lilly & Company, Abbott Laboratories, Chas. Pfizer & Co. Incorporated, and American Cyanamid Company in the mid-1970s. The introduction of these drugs in Spain adds new elements to a re-evaluation of the autarkic politics of the early years of the Franco dictatorship.

  13. R&D, patents and innovation: a differential game approach


    Wang, H.-M.


    A patent race is a technological competition among firms and the firm making a first-hand innovation takes advantages of patenting. Firms strategically invest in R&D and produce knowledge in order to innovate. Instead of growing model of R&D, I use a differential game approach to investigate firms interaction of R&D behavior in a patent race. In general, knowledge is an intangible good that gives a special feature of a patent race. Whether knowledge is substitutable to the existing knowledge ...

  14. Revising the Complex Economics of Patent Scope

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John

    Merges and Nelson claim to have provided an empirically grounded argument that pioneer patents of 'broad' scope are used to block technological development. It is widely understood in both law and economics that they have, as they claim, faulted Kitch's 'prospect theory' of patents, a theory...... that a function of patents is to enable the coordinated development of novel technical ideas. This article is a critical review of Merges and Nelson's historical empirical evidence. I find that, first, 'broad' scope is only implicated in one of the examples cited by Merges and Nelson as supportive evidence...... - the Wright brothers' warped-wing patent; second, that strict development block, defined as the prevention, or retardation of the development of technology understood to be capable of useful development, was not illustrated by any of their examples. Therefore I conclude that their general thesis...

  15. Essential patents in industry standards : the case of UMTS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekkers, R.N.A.; Bongard, R.; Nuvolari, A.


    We study the determinants of essential patents in industry standards. In particular, we assess the role of two main factors: the significance of the technological solution contained in the patent and the involvement of the applicant of the patent in the standardization process. To this end, we

  16. 48 CFR 52.227-4 - Patent Indemnity-Construction Contracts. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent Indemnity... Clauses 52.227-4 Patent Indemnity—Construction Contracts. As prescribed in 27.201-2(d)(1), insert the following clause: Patent Indemnity—Construction Contracts (DEC 2007) Except as otherwise provided, the...

  17. Exploring Contextual Models in Chemical Patent Search (United States)

    Urbain, Jay; Frieder, Ophir

    We explore the development of probabilistic retrieval models for integrating term statistics with entity search using multiple levels of document context to improve the performance of chemical patent search. A distributed indexing model was developed to enable efficient named entity search and aggregation of term statistics at multiple levels of patent structure including individual words, sentences, claims, descriptions, abstracts, and titles. The system can be scaled to an arbitrary number of compute instances in a cloud computing environment to support concurrent indexing and query processing operations on large patent collections.

  18. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (United States)

    ... With Patent Ductus Arteriosus Figure A shows the interior of a normal heart and normal blood flow. ... PDA may shrink and go away. However, some children need treatment to close their PDAs. Some children ...

  19. Utilização de resíduos de materiais cerâmicos na adsorção de corante azul de metileno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Dominguini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho estuda a viabilidade de utilização de resíduos de materiais cerâmicos como agentes de adsorção de corantes utilizados em indústrias têxteis. Resíduos de materiais cerâmicos, oriundos de quebras de tijolos, azulejos e pisos foram selecionados, triturados e moídos a uma granulometria adequada, o que possibilitou o estudo da influência do tipo de material cerâmico (resíduo e da sua granulometria sobre a adsorção do corante azul de metileno. Os resíduos cerâmicos foram separados em três diferentes granulometrias, fina (0,15 mm < Dfino< 0,30 mm, média (0,30 mm < Dmédio< 1,18 mm e grossa (1,18 mm azul de metileno presente na amostra ensaiada. No entanto, os resultados também mostram que a absorção de água do material cerâmico pode não ser somente o fator que influencia na adsorção do corante.

  20. 77 FR 65673 - Prospective Grant of Exclusive Patent License (United States)


    ... Exclusive Patent License AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Commerce. ACTION: Notice of prospective grant of exclusive patent license. SUMMARY: This is a notice in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 209(e.... Patent Application No. 61/625,511 titled ``UV-Assisted Alcohol Sensing with Zinc Oxide Functionalized...

  1. 77 FR 48130 - Prospective Grant of Exclusive Patent License (United States)


    ... Exclusive Patent License AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Commerce. ACTION: Notice of prospective grant of exclusive patent license. SUMMARY: This is a notice in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 209(e... Provisional Application for Patent Application No. 61,638,362 titled ``Flow Cytometer Systems and Associated...

  2. Patent landscape of countermeasures against smallpox and estimation of grant attraction capability through patent landscape data. (United States)

    Mayburd, Anatoly L; Kedia, Govind; Evans, Haydn W; Kaslival, Pritesh C


    The study was concerned with countermeasures against a possible smallpox outbreak. In the process of assessment 18 landscaping sectors were defined and described, the advantages and drawbacks of the corresponding countermeasures being reviewed. The data of the previously published influenza landscape were revisited. The current economic climate of deficit cutting (austerity) also puts emphasis on the optimization of capital investment. We used the materials of the landscape to define and analyze metrics of capital placement optimization. Value score was obtained by fitting patent landscape internals to the sale price of individual patents. Success score was obtained as a product of a-priori parameters that measure likelihood of emergence of a marketable product in a technological sector. Both scores were combined in a qualitative metric. Our methodology defined weight as a product of the sector size by the success score. We hypothesized - based on the material of two landscapes- that a life cycle of a technology begins in IP space with a high patent quality low volume "bud" of low weight, reaches maximum weight and then weight falls again when the technology becomes outdated. The weight and the annual dynamic of weight can serve a measure of investment risk and return. In this report we modeled investment by issue of government grants or purchase of patents by government. In the smallpox landscape the number of patents purchased by government agencies was the highest in the sectors with the highest weight and the trend was confirmed by the count of NIH grants issued in support of the technological sectors. In the influenza landscape only grant issue count was statistically meaningful and the trend was also confirmed. To better fit the grant support levels, the weight expression was optimized by using training coefficients. We propose to use value scores for evaluation of individual patent publications/company portfolios and to use weights for assessment of

  3. Patenting and Innovation in China: Incentives, Policy, and Outcomes (United States)


    limited at 30,000 yuan. See: Kriegel,  J. (2012). Strategies to leverage Chinese patent subsidies Intellectual Property  Magazine .   26 A patent claim...2012). Strategies to leverage Chinese patent subsidies Intellectual Property  Magazine .  Kumar, N. (2003). "Intellectual property rights, technology and...innovation in China: the role of patents in  biotechnology  and  pharmaceutical industries, Edward Elgar.  Liang, M. (2011). "Chinese Patent Quality: Running

  4. The impact of effective patents on future innovations in nanomedicine. (United States)

    Bosetti, Rita; Vereeck, Lode


    The success of nanomedicine is dependent upon an effective protection of IP rights. Unfortunately, the US nanomedicine patent system is dysfunctional because long R&D procedures as well as the patent pendency are insufficiently taken into account. This could be solved by changing the patent-protection starting point and increasing the capacity of the US PTO. The nanotechnology industry also suffers from overlapping patents. This could be avoided by improving the expertise of the PTO, using a more accurate definition of nanotechnology and devising a generally accepted nomenclature that enhances prior-art searches. To avoid disputes, inference practices and strategic patenting can be used. In the case of a dispute, parties can fall back on re-examination, cross-licensing and patent litigation. Cross-licensing agreements are recommended since they allows parties to access technology, create synergies and exclude third-party competitors. Solving the patent problems in the nanotechnology industry is a necessary step for future success.

  5. The shadow of inequitable conduct in the US patent application. (United States)

    Chang, Bao-Chi; Wang, Shyh-Jen


    Inequitable conduct regarding any single claim can render the entire patent unenforceable and further damage other related patents and applications in the assignee's patent portfolio. The adverse impact of inequitable conduct significantly became a litigation strategy. The US Federal Circuit (CAFC) observed that inequitable conduct as a patent litigation strategy had become a plague and thus tightened the standard for finding inequitable conduct in a case with full court judges. However, under the shadow of previous adverse impact of inequitable conduct, patent applicants may still submit many marginal related references. This study demonstrates that an applicant even prepared an information disclosure statement (IDS) as many as 50 pages. Actually, under the new standard, inequitable conduct would not further produce significant impact in the US patent system. Thus, a patent applicant need not submit marginal references but should distinguish the prior art from the current application, especially for those listed in the IDS, to avoid the novelty rejection.

  6. Connecting NSF funding to patent innovation in nanotechnology (2001-2004)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Zan; Chen Hsinchun; Li Xin; Roco, Mihail C.


    Nanotechnology research has experienced growth rapid in knowledge and innovations; it also attracted significant public funding in recent years. Several countries have recognized nanotechnology as a critical research domain that promises to revolutionize a wide range of fields of applications. In this paper, we present an analysis of the funding for nanoscale science and engineering (NSE) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and its implications on technological innovation (number of patents) in this field from 2001 to 2004. Using a combination of basic bibliometric analysis and content visualization tools, we identify growth trends, research topic distribution, and the evolution in NSF funding and commercial patenting activities recorded at the United States Patent Office (USPTO). The patent citations are used to compare the impact of the NSF-funded research on nanotechnology development with research supported by other sources in the United States and abroad. The analysis shows that the NSF-funded researchers and patents authored by them have significantly higher impact based on patent citation measures in the four-year period than other comparison groups. The NSF-authored patent impact is growing faster with the lifetime of a patent, indicating the long-term importance of fundamental research

  7. Brazilian university patents: profile of inventors and production per knowledge area

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Stefani Cativelli


    Full Text Available The study characterizes the inventions of patents of Brazilian universities concerning authorship and subject area to identify the institutions’ possible departments and areas that concentrate efforts on or are more easily able to produce and achieve the patent grants in Brazil. For the data collection of the universities, we used the E-mec platform; the database of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI for the collection of information concerning patents; and the International Patent Classification (IPC to determine the covered knowledge areas. Thus, we analyzed the production of patents by Brazilian region; the universities with patents granted; the number of inventors per patent; the profile of the main inventors; and the patents granted according to the IPC. The results indicate that the characteristics of the patents granted to Brazilian Public Universities belong predominantly to the areas of Chemistry and Metallurgy. They are developed by professors with graduation in Chemistry or Mechanical Engineering and most of them belong to the State University of Campinas.

  8. Trends in genetic patent applications: The commercialization of academic intellectual property

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kers, J.G.; van Burg, J.C.; Stoop, T.; Cornel, M.C.


    We studied trends in genetic patent applications in order to identify the trends in the commercialization of research findings in genetics. To define genetic patent applications, the European version (ECLA) of the International Patent Classification (IPC) codes was used. Genetic patent applications

  9. Reforming South Africa's procedures for granting patents to improve ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    requires SA to grant 20 years of patent protection on products and processes ... 2010 in SA. However, secondary, evergreening patents prevented generic versions from being brought to the market at a 30% price reduction when the initial patent expired. ... and new uses (new clinical uses of medicines other than those for.

  10. Analysis of patents on extinguishing agent for sodium fires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Ji Young; Jeong, K. C.; Kim, B. H.; Kim, T. J.; Choi, J. H.


    This report relates to the extinction of sodium fires, particularly where the burning sodium is in liquid form. The total of 14 patents on extinguishing agents for sodium fires patented from 1969 to 1997 are analyzed and summarized. All of the patents analyzed were issued from USA, France and Japan

  11. Analysis of patents on extinguishing agent for sodium fires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Ji Young; Jeong, K C; Kim, B H; Kim, T J; Choi, J H


    This report relates to the extinction of sodium fires, particularly where the burning sodium is in liquid form. The total of 14 patents on extinguishing agents for sodium fires patented from 1969 to 1997 are analyzed and summarized. All of the patents analyzed were issued from USA, France and Japan.

  12. Comportamiento electroquímico de colorantes antraquinónicos, azul de metileno, y compuestos afines en solución de solventes no-acuosos


    Martínez Suárez, Jaime Fernando


    El trabajo realizado en esta Tesis doctoral pretende contribuir a la electroquímica orgánica, particularmente, en el campo del comportamiento electroquímico de colorantes en solución de solventes no acuosos. Se estudia por voltamperometría cíclica (VC) el comportamiento de los colorantes azul de metileno, alizarina, purpurina, ácido carmínico, quinalizarina y rojo de alizarina S, y además un precursor para la síntesis de colorantes indigoides, la isatina. El comportamiento electroquímico de l...

  13. Do patents impede the provision of genetic tests in Australia? (United States)

    Nicol, Dianne; Liddicoat, John


    Health policy and law reform agencies lack a sound evidence base of the impacts of patents on innovation and access to healthcare to assist them in their deliberations. This paper reports the results of a survey of managers of Australian genetic testing laboratories that asked a series of questions relating to the tests they perform, whether they pay to access patented inventions and whether they have received notifications from patent holders about patents associated with particular tests. Some diagnostics facilities are exposed to patent costs, but they are all located in the private sector. No public hospitals reported paying licence fees or royalties beyond those included in the price of commercial test kits. Some respondents reported having received enforcement notices from patent holders, but almost all related to the widely known breast cancer-associated patents. Respondents were also asked for their views on the most effective mechanisms to protect their ability to provide genetic tests now and in the future. Going to the media, paying licence fees, ignoring patent rights and relying on the government to take action were widely seen as most effective. Litigation and applications for compulsory licences were seen as some of the least effective mechanisms. These results provide an evidence base for development of health policy and law reform. What is known about the topic? The impact of patents on the delivery of genetic testing services remains unclear in Australia. What does this paper add? The survey reported in this paper suggests that, aside from well-known enforcement actions relating to the breast cancer associated patents, there is little evidence that providers of genetic testing services are being exposed to aggressive patent-enforcement practices. What are the implications for practitioners? Although patent-enforcement actions may increase in the future, a range of strategies are available to providers of testing services to protect them against

  14. Oficina española de patentes y marcas. Video


    Vila Riudavets, Blanca


    Por qué utilizar las patentes como fuente de información tecnológica. Ventajas de las patentes: extensa colección de información técnica, información completa, novedosa, a veces única, en distintos idiomas, clasificada y en muchos casos de dominio público. Cómo localizar información sobre patentes. Información gratuita en Internet en la web de la OEPM: Boletines de Vigilancia Tecnológica, e-learning, etc. Bases de datos de patentes de oficinas internacionales gratuitas: esp@cenet, Register...

  15. El caso Glivec®: primer ejemplo de debate global en torno al sistema de patentes de medicamentos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inês Moital


    Conclusión: El caso Glivec® ha planteado el debate sobre la adecuación de las normas internacionales, su aplicabilidad en el entorno económico y su adaptación en cada país. Este caso, y otros, deberían contribuir a la reflexión sobre el sistema internacional de patentes a fin de preservar la salud de la población más necesitada de una atención sanitaria adecuada en equilibrio con la protección de la propiedad intelectual y la innovación.

  16. 37 CFR 1.730 - Applicant for extension of patent term; signature requirements. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Applicant for extension of patent term; signature requirements. 1.730 Section 1.730 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED... for extension of patent term; signature requirements. (a) Any application for extension of a patent...

  17. Concerns and evidence for ex-post hold-up with essential patents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekkers, R.N.A.


    Patented technologies may add significant value to technical standards. But the owners of patents that are necessary required in order to implement a standard (“essential patents”) obtain a particularly powerful position. One of the widely recognized risks here is patent holdup, where the patent

  18. To succeed using patent and invention which are brillant idea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Jae Bok


    This book deals with what invention is, how we can be a inventor, how we apply inventions to intellectual property office, and other useful advice and lesson on patent. These are the titles of each part : trouble stories on success to invent, everybody can be a inventor, this is a invention. There is a problem when the idea is same or similar, preceding patent, where does it hide? database on patent, patent information, Let's go to Korean intellectual property office, patient application which we misses in our dream, and instructions of patent including various sides.

  19. Patterns of knowledge flow from industrialized to Latin American and Asian countries in the pharmaceutical industry: a patent citation analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Georgina Alenka Guzmán Chávez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se examinan los patrones del flujo de conocimiento tecnológico en el sector de la industria farmacéutica de países de la Unión Europea, Japón y los Estados Unidos a países emergentes de América Latina y Asia seleccionados, utilizando la cita de patentes como un indicador proxy. Se estima un modelo de difusión de conocimiento con base en las patentes concedidas por la USPTO a residentes y no residentes en este campo tecnológico. La proximidad tecnológica de los países de América Latina y Asia en relación a Estados Unidos resultó ser menor respecto a los países de la Unión Europea y Japón, debido al hecho de que la cantidad de patentes citables es mucho mayor en el país de América del Norte. Pese a la cercanía geográfica de México con Estados Unidos, no exis - te necesariamente una proximidad tecnológica. Sin embargo, la proximidad tecnológica entre los países emergentes de Asia y los países industrializados, en especial de la Unión Europea y Japón, es evidente y se explica por varias razones. Entre éstas están las inversiones extranjeras de países industrializados a las economías emergentes y sus respectivas externalidades. Derechos Reservados©2015 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

  20. 25 CFR 152.5 - Issuance of patent in fee. (United States)



  1. 25 CFR 152.4 - Application for patent in fee. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Application for patent in fee. 152.4 Section 152.4 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAND AND WATER ISSUANCE OF PATENTS IN FEE, CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY, REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS, AND SALE OF CERTAIN INDIAN LANDS Issuing Patents in Fee...

  2. Patents Associated with High-Cost Drugs in Australia


    Christie, Andrew F.; Dent, Chris; McIntyre, Peter; Wilson, Lachlan; Studdert, David M.


    Australia, like most countries, faces high and rapidly-rising drug costs. There are longstanding concerns about pharmaceutical companies inappropriately extending their monopoly position by "evergreening" blockbuster drugs, through misuse of the patent system. There is, however, very little empirical information about this behaviour. We fill the gap by analysing all of the patents associated with 15 of the costliest drugs in Australia over the last 20 years. Specifically, we search the patent...

  3. 78 FR 64925 - Request for Comments on Proposed Elimination of Patents Search Templates (United States)


    ...] Request for Comments on Proposed Elimination of Patents Search Templates AGENCY: United States Patent and... Patents Search Templates from the USPTO Web site. In 2006, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) implemented Patents Search Templates, which are United States Patent Classification (USPC...

  4. Iterative Integration of Visual Insights during Scalable Patent Search and Analysis. (United States)

    Koch, S; Bosch, H; Giereth, M; Ertl, T


    Patents are of growing importance in current economic markets. Analyzing patent information has, therefore, become a common task for many interest groups. As a prerequisite for patent analysis, extensive search for relevant patent information is essential. Unfortunately, the complexity of patent material inhibits a straightforward retrieval of all relevant patent documents and leads to iterative, time-consuming approaches in practice. Already the amount of patent data to be analyzed poses challenges with respect to scalability. Further scalability issues arise concerning the diversity of users and the large variety of analysis tasks. With "PatViz", a system for interactive analysis of patent information has been developed addressing scalability at various levels. PatViz provides a visual environment allowing for interactive reintegration of insights into subsequent search iterations, thereby bridging the gap between search and analytic processes. Because of its extensibility, we expect that the approach we have taken can be employed in different problem domains that require high quality of search results regarding their completeness.

  5. Estudo clínico-epidemiológico da doença de Chagas no distrito de Serra Azul, Mateus Leme, centro-oeste do Estado de Minas Gerais Clinic and epidemiological study on Chagas disease in the Serra Azul district of Mateus Leme, central-western region of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Élvio Marques da Silva


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A doença de Chagas permanece como grave problema de saúde pública na América Latina, mesmo com o controle de sua transmissão. Esse estudo avaliou a prevalência da doença de Chagas no distrito de Serra Azul, Centro-Oeste de Minas Gerais, identificando as anormalidades eletrocardiografias dos indivíduos com sorologia positiva. MÉTODOS: A sorologia para doença de Chagas foi realizada em 676 indivíduos (48% da população. O exame clínico e o eletrocardiograma (ECG foram realizados na população sorologicamente positiva. Selecionou-se um grupo controle para comparação dos dados do ECG. RESULTADOS: A população estudada residia principalmente em área rural, com baixo nível sóciocultural. Quatorze indivíduos foram positivos, com prevalência de 2,1%. Os indivíduos chagásicos eram de faixa etária mais avançada (67 vs 39 anos; p INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease remains a severe public health problem in Latin America, despite control over its transmission. This study evaluated the prevalence of Chagas disease in the Serra Azul district, in the central-western region of the State of Minas Gerais, through identifying electrocardiographic (EKG abnormalities among serologically positive individuals. METHODS: Specific serological tests for Chagas disease were carried out on 676 individuals (48% of the population. Clinical examinations and EKGs were performed on the serologically positive population. A control group was selected for comparison with the EKG data. RESULTS: The study population lived mainly in rural areas, with low sociocultural level. Forty subjects were positive (prevalence of 2.1%. The individuals with Chagas disease were in an older age group (67 vs. 39 years; p < 0.001. EKG abnormalities were frequent among the individuals with Chagas disease (79%. Among the seropositive individuals, the EKGs showed greater prevalence of ventricular premature beats and conduction disorder of the right branch alone or in

  6. Monitoring nanotechnology using patent classifications: an overview and comparison of nanotechnology classification schemes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jürgens, Björn, E-mail: [Agency of Innovation and Development of Andalusia, CITPIA PATLIB Centre (Spain); Herrero-Solana, Victor, E-mail: [University of Granada, SCImago-UGR (SEJ036) (Spain)


    Patents are an essential information source used to monitor, track, and analyze nanotechnology. When it comes to search nanotechnology-related patents, a keyword search is often incomplete and struggles to cover such an interdisciplinary discipline. Patent classification schemes can reveal far better results since they are assigned by experts who classify the patent documents according to their technology. In this paper, we present the most important classifications to search nanotechnology patents and analyze how nanotechnology is covered in the main patent classification systems used in search systems nowadays: the International Patent Classification (IPC), the United States Patent Classification (USPC), and the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC). We conclude that nanotechnology has a significantly better patent coverage in the CPC since considerable more nanotechnology documents were retrieved than by using other classifications, and thus, recommend its use for all professionals involved in nanotechnology patent searches.

  7. Monitoring nanotechnology using patent classifications: an overview and comparison of nanotechnology classification schemes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jürgens, Björn; Herrero-Solana, Victor


    Patents are an essential information source used to monitor, track, and analyze nanotechnology. When it comes to search nanotechnology-related patents, a keyword search is often incomplete and struggles to cover such an interdisciplinary discipline. Patent classification schemes can reveal far better results since they are assigned by experts who classify the patent documents according to their technology. In this paper, we present the most important classifications to search nanotechnology patents and analyze how nanotechnology is covered in the main patent classification systems used in search systems nowadays: the International Patent Classification (IPC), the United States Patent Classification (USPC), and the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC). We conclude that nanotechnology has a significantly better patent coverage in the CPC since considerable more nanotechnology documents were retrieved than by using other classifications, and thus, recommend its use for all professionals involved in nanotechnology patent searches.

  8. Standards, patents and mobile phones : lessons from ETSI's handling of UMTS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekkers, R.N.A.; West, J.


    The impact of patents and patent royalties are a major concern of standards setting organisations. Here we examine the patents filed in the UMTS 3rd generation mobile phone standard, governed by the ETSI IPR policy in response to patent issues faced during the earlier GSM standardization. We

  9. DOE patents available for licensing: a bibliography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thoeming, G.H.


    Abstracts and indexes are provided for 1344 DOE patents or patent applications concerning any aspect of energy production, conservation, and utilization. The entries are arranged by subject category as shown in the table of contents. The bibliography covers the period from January 1974 through December 1980

  10. Grant Patents on Animals? An Ethical and Legal Battle Looms. (United States)

    Wheeler, David L.


    Rulings on applications for animal patents being considered by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office could profoundly influence university patent and research income. Many animal-rights advocates have expressed philosophical objections to genetic engineering of animals. (MLW)

  11. Expedited patent examination for green inventions: Developing countries' policy choices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu, Bingbin


    Innovation in green technology is important. Patent rights can provide incentives for green technology research and development. Expedited patent examination for green inventions has emerged as a policy instrument to provide such incentives. Developing countries were never opposed to patents for green technologies. China and Brazil have led the way by offering expedited examinations for green patent applications. More developing countries are expected to follow. Expedited examination for green technologies is consistent with the intellectual property system objectives and is justified by the clear social benefit from green technologies. Introducing such expedited programs in developing countries has sufficient advantages. Existing models of expedited programs for green technologies are analyzed to generalize key issues and to discern suitable policy choices for developing countries. When introducing such programs, a balanced definition for green technology is preferred; a special classification requirement is premature and is not recommended; a pre-examination search requirement is generally recommended to balance patent office workloads, and a green patent database is recommended. - Highlights: • There is no north–south divide in promoting green technologies. • Earlier issuance of green patents has its great social benefit. • Green patent application should receive expedited examination. • Developing countries should introduce such expedited programs. • A suitable approach for developing countries is searched and recommended

  12. A patent landscape on application of microorganisms in construction industry. (United States)

    Dapurkar, Dipti; Telang, Manasi


    Construction biotechnology includes research and development of construction materials and processes that make use of various microbes. The present technology landscape gives a perspective on how microbes have been used in construction industry as cement and concrete additives by analyzing patents filed in this technology arena. All patents related to the technology of interest published globally to date have been reviewed. The earliest patent filing in this technology domain was recorded in the year 1958 and the patenting activity reached its peak around mid to late 1990s. The early technology was mainly focused on microbial polysaccharides and other metabolic products as additives. Year 2002 onwards, biomineralization has taken precedence over the other technologies with consistent patent filings indicating a shift in innovation focus. Japan has been the global leader with highest number of patents filed on application of microbes in construction industry. Southeast University, China has topped the patent assignee list with maximum number of filings followed by Kajima Corp. and Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. Most patent applications have claimed microbe based bio-products. Construction-related microbial technologies are mainly based on activity of different microorganisms such as urease-producing, acidogenic, halophilic, alkaliphilic, nitrate and iron-reducing bacteria. Sporosarcina pasteurii has been the most widely used microbe for biomineralization.

  13. The geography of sleeping beauties in patenting: a country-level analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wuestman, M.L.; Frenken, K.; Hoekman, J.; Mas Tur, E.M.


    This study explores sleeping beauties, i.e. breakthrough inventions that experienced delayed recognition, by means of patent data. References in a patent signal the state of the art on which the patent is based, and they can limit the property rights established by its claims. A patent that is cited

  14. 78 FR 75251 - Changes To Implement the Patent Law Treaty; Correction (United States)


    ...-2013-0007] RIN 0651-AC85 Changes To Implement the Patent Law Treaty; Correction AGENCY: United States... Law Treaty (PLT) and provisions of the Patent Law Treaties Implementation Act of 2012 (PLTIA) that... practice in patent cases for consistency with the changes in the Patent Law Treaty (PLT) and provisions of...

  15. "Environmental Technology Strengths: International Rankings Based on US Patent Data"


    Dora Marinova; Michael McAleer


    Patent information has been used by economists and researchers in the field of innovation to analyse current and forecast future technological directions. The recent surge in patenting activities in developed countries reaffirms the strong position of the patent system in a globalised world dominated by market mechanisms. This paper analyses the technological position of the top twelve foreign patenting countries in the USA, namely Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, the ...

  16. Gz/10. Un prototipo experimental de vivienda unifamiliar. Aplicación práctica de la última patente del arquitecto Miguel Fisac

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González-Blanco, F.


    Full Text Available This investigation arose as a practical part of the PhD thesis: Fisac's "bones"; the search for the ideal piece. The thesis analyzes Miguel Fisac’s patented architectural inventions. An exhaustive analysis of his patents allows for the discovery of the evolution of Fisac’s work and the Spanish master’s thought processes. They crystallized in his last and still current patented system:"Poured Architecture". Fisac dies in 2006 without seeing a practical application for his last invention. This is the basis to the present work, whose aim is to develop Fisac’s patent in the field of low cost single-family housing. A real practical case was developed which served as testing ground to analyse the possibilities and limitations of the system. The methodology and conclusions allow us to visualize as a whole the evolution of Miguel Fisac's thought processes, whilst covering Spain’s most recent building tradition and its relationship with current reality.

    Investigación planteada como parte práctica de la tesis doctoral: Los “huesos” de Fisac; la búsqueda de la pieza ideal. La tesis analiza las patentes del arquitecto Miguel Fisac. Un análisis exhaustivo de estas experiencias permite descubrir la evolución de la obra y el pensamiento del arquitecto que termina por condensarse en su última patente aun vigente: “arquitectura vertida”. Fisac fallece en 2006 sin ver ejecutado su último invento y este hecho servirá de base al presente trabajo que tiene por objetivo desarrollar esta patente en el campo de la vivienda unifamiliar de bajo coste. Para ello se plantea un caso práctico real que servirá como campo de pruebas para analizar las posibilidades y limitaciones del sistema. Su metodología y conclusiones permiten ver en conjunto la evolución del pensamiento constructivo de Fisac y además establecer un recorrido por la tradición constructiva española más próxima y su relación con la realidad actual.

  17. Patent Blocking and Infringement and their Effects on Firms?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grimpe, Christoph; Hussinger, Katrin

    In recent years, firms have increasingly contributed to and been confronted with a patent landscape characterized by numerous but marginal inventions, overlapping claims and patent fences. As a result, firms risk to be blocked in their patent applications or to be infringed upon by rivals. While...... both aspects constitute major challenges for the appropriation of returns to inventive activity, extant literature suggests that participation in the market for technology might actually resolve or at least alleviate these problems. In this paper, we investigate the effect of patent blocking...... and infringement on firms’ engagement in in- and cross-licensing. Based on a sample of more than 1000 German manufacturing firms our results show that firms engage in in-licensing as a reaction to patent blocking and in both in- and cross-licensing if their protected IP was infringed upon. However, these effects...

  18. 48 CFR 227.7009 - Patent releases, license agreements, and assignments. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent releases, license... ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS PATENTS, DATA, AND COPYRIGHTS Infringement Claims, Licenses, and Assignments 227.7009 Patent releases, license agreements, and...

  19. How certain indigenous innovation and other patent policies hamper innovation in China


    Prud'homme, Dan


    China has a wide-range of patent-specific and other patent-related policies in-place, many of which are at least partially meant to stimulate patents and “indigenous innovation.” However, the analysis in this paper discusses how some of these policies in effect can actually discourage quality patents, and highest-quality patents in particular, and related innovation.

  20. Global Perspective for Protecting Intellectual Property - Patenting in USA and Poland (United States)

    Grebski, Michalene Eva; Wolniak, Radosław


    Paper addresses the different methods for protecting intellectual property in modern knowledge-based economies. The focus of the paper is a comparison between the procedures for applying for patents in Poland and the United States. The comparison has been made from the perspective of the cost of obtaining and maintaining a patent in Poland, the United States and some other countries. The comparison has also been made from the perspective of the procedures for applying for a patent in different countries based on the Patent Cooperation Treaty. The paper also includes a comparison of the time needed for processing the patent application. Low cost provisional twelve-month patent pending protection available in the United States is also being discussed. The paper also provides some guidance and recommendations for conducting a patent search in order to validate the originality of the invention.

  1. Intellectual property rights in china: patents and economic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Intellectual property rights in china: patents and economic development. ... AFRICAN JOURNALS ONLINE (AJOL) · Journals · Advanced Search · USING ... there are still patents and other IP related rights infringement and enforcement issues.

  2. Monitoring innovation in electrochemical energy storage technologies: A patent-based approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, Simon C.; Sandner, Philipp G.; Welpe, Isabell M.


    Highlights: • Grid effects of intermittent sources show increasing need for decentralized storage. • Novel patent classification is applied to monitor competing technologies. • Up-to-date geographical, organizational, and qualitative insight is given. • Redox flow patenting shows strong growth, lithium also strong absolute numbers. • Revealed patents allow the expectation of improved modules in the future. - Abstract: Due to the suitability to balance the intermittency in decentralized systems with renewable sources, electrochemical energy storage possibilities have been analyzed in several studies, all highlighting the need for improvements in relevant techno-economic parameters. Particularly a reduction in the costs per cycle is much needed, which could either come from innovation in more cost-efficient manufacturing methods, a higher endurance of charge/discharge sequences or higher capacities. Looking at patent applications as a metric allows us to determine whether the necessary technological progress is indeed occurring, as the mandatory publication of the underlying inventions provides access to otherwise hidden R and D activities. Our paper contributes to the literature with a compilation of technological classes related to important battery types in the novel Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC), which can be used to identify relevant patent applications of the competing technologies. Using the worldwide patent statistical database (PATSTAT), we find that promising technologies have been showing increasing patent counts in recent years. For example, the number of patent applications related to regenerative fuel cells (e.g. redox flow batteries) doubled from 2009 to 2011. Nevertheless, the volume of patent filings in technologies related to lithium remains unchallenged. Patent applications in this area are still growing, which indicates that the introduction of improved modules will continue. Using citation analysis, we have identified


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    Francine C. S. César

    Full Text Available The use of plants have become a important trend in cosmetic market, with a crescent number of patent applications. Despite various herbal-based ingredients have been described in scientific literature, most of them are restricted to patent databases. In this work we analyze the innovative use of plants and its derivatives in cosmetic technologies, based on patent analysis. The investigation was conducted using Derwent World Patents Index (Thomson Reuters Scientific, USA from 1995 to 2015. The search was carried out to evaluate the number of patent deposits, the patent depositors profiles, the countries with most patent applications, the International Patent Classification (IPC and the main plant families using in cosmetics. Patent analysis revealed an increase number of applications involving cosmetic containing plants components, with a higher number of deposits related to anti-ageing and whitening skin treatment. Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Lamiaceae, Poaceae, Rutaceae, Lilliacae and Apiaceae were the key plant families used in cosmetic formulations for skin care treatment. Comparison between scientific and technological data pointed out divergences between patents deposits and aid-based scientific reports. The use of patent analysis in combination with scientific data opens up wider aspects of knowledge and enables a better rationalization of innovative works.

  4. Evaluation of citations of Russian publications in the world patent documents

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    L. A. Tsvetkova


    Full Text Available According to the European patent agency, 15% of the references in the patent search reports are so-called non-patent literature (NPL, which refer to scientific publications not related to the patents. An included overview of research proves that a high level of NPL citation indicates a research intensity of technical solutions proposed by the patent. There has been evaluated the level of citation of Russian scientific publications, indexed in Scopus, in patent documents with cross-country comparisons. It has shown by the indicator «number of citations of national publications patents» Russian Federation is almost 87 times inferior to the United States and more than ten times worse than the performance of Japan, China, and Germany. The indicator «number of citations in patents per 1,000 publications» for Russia is (4,9 less than for Turkish (5,4, Argentine (8,5, Mexican (7,0 and South African publications (7,6. Publications of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt also have a substantially higher value of this indicator: with 8,0 to 15,3 and 9,5, respectively.

  5. Recent patents on flavonoids. (United States)

    Mamta, Gokhale; Bansal, Y K; Sandhu, S S


    Flavonoids are substances which are widely distributed in the plant kingdom. They occur in considerable quantities in common food products, spices and beverages. Interest of researchers has been greatly enhanced towards therapeutic potential of flavonoids in last some years. This review summarizes important patents pertaining to recent biotechnological techniques applied for the production, analysis of biosynthetic pathways, effects and applications of different flavonoids. For systematic studies investigations which have been published in the form of patents, are classified in different sectors like biosynthesis, medical application, antimicrobial activity, alteration of flower color, industrial application, cosmetics, food and plant tissue culture. A number of activities have been observed in each sector with vast area of research on flavonoids.

  6. Patent medicine vendors are major providers antimalaria treatment

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    management of malaria by this informal sector of healthcare delivery is however ... Methods: Fifty-five patent medicine vendors selected through a multistage sampling ... training of the patent medicine vendors, the overall appropriate treatment ...

  7. Quinoxaline derivatives: a patent review (2006--present). (United States)

    González, Mercedes; Cerecetto, Hugo


    Quinoxaline scaffold is included in a large number of therapeutic agents because of its physicochemical properties that make the difference between them and the carbono analogue, naphthalene. This review of patented products presents the quinoxaline heterocycle as part of the structural patent claims from a medicinal chemistry perspective. We centred our discussion in the various drug patent applications of the quinoxaline and its derivatives. The applications are based firstly in the specific enzyme target with very low development in the disease treatment. Only for cancer and antimicrobial agents they were specifically determined but little is mentioned in order to insight in the last development activities.

  8. Entrenamiento: “Cambios ontogénicos a la tolerancia de estresores a bajas y altas temperaturas en larvas y juveniles de PBT (Thunnus orientalis).” Nara, Japón 2015


    Villarreal, Yazmin


    Dentro de las actividades a desarrollar bajo el marco del Proyecto “Estudio comparativo de la biología reproductiva y del ciclo vital temprano del atún aleta amarilla y el atún aleta azul para el manejo de estos recursos”, se estableció un plan de trabajo, donde incluía el entrenamiento técnico-científico del personal de la Autoridad de los Recursos Acuáticos de Panamá (ARAP). Se acordó las visitas para realizar ensayos con esta especie en las Estaciones de cultivo de atún aleta azul (Thunnus...

  9. Patent Administration by Office Computer - A Case at Mazda Motor Corporation (United States)

    Kimura, Ikuo; Nakamura, Shinji

    The needs of patent administration have been diversified reflecting R&D activities under the severe competition of technical development, and business has been increased in quantity year after year as seen in patent application. Under these circumstances it is necessary to develop business mechanization which assists manual operation as much as possible to enforce the patent administration. Introducing office computer (CPU 512 KB, external memory 128 MB) for exclusive use in this purpose, Patent Department of Mazda Motor Corporation has been constructing database of patent administration centered around patent application by their own company, and utilizes it for automatic preparation of business forms, preparation of various statistical materials, and real-time reference to the application procedures.

  10. Patentes Farmacêuticas e direito à saúde

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    Gustavo Candian Filardi


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a análise do instituto das patentes de segundo uso médico, não expressamente regulamentado na ordem jurídica brasileira.  Nesta tarefa, valer-se-á do marco teórico da Teoria do Direito como Integridade. Por meio da análise dos princípios morais e políticos que subjazem e legitimam a concessão do direito à patente, verifica-se a adequação das patentes de segundo uso médico. Metodologicamente, essa interpretação do sistema de atribuição de direitos à patente revela uma reconstrução crítica da relação entre incentivo à inovação e acesso a medicamentos.

  11. Exploiting abstract possibilities: a critique of the concept and practice of product patenting. (United States)

    Radder, Hans


    Developments in biotechnology and genomics have moved the issue of patenting scientific and technological inventions toward the center of interest. In particular, the patentability of genes of plants, animals, or humans and of genetically modified (parts of) living organisms has been discussed, and questioned, from various normative perspectives. This paper aims to contribute to this debate. For this purpose, it first explains a number of relevant aspects of the theory and practice of patenting. The focus is on a special and increasingly significant type of patents, namely product patents. The paper provides three general arguments against the concept and practice of product patenting. The first argument briefly considers the claim that patents are legitimate because they promote socially useful innovation. Against this claim, it is argued that product patents may hamper rather than promote such innovation. The second and main argument concludes that product patents are not adequately based on actual technological inventions, as they should be according to the usual criteria of patentability. The principal moral issue is that product patents tend to reward patentees for inventions they have not really made available. The final argument proposes a method for patenting the heat of the sun. Assuming that granting this patent will be generally considered absurd, the argument exposes a further, fundamental problem of the concept and practice of product patenting.

  12. Color del iris e hipoacusia en el Síndrome de Waardenburg. Pinar del Río, Cuba Color of the iris and hypoacusis in Waardenburg Syndrome. Pinar del Rio, Cuba

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    Fidel Castro Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Aunque se han descrito hipoacusia neurosensorial y cambios de color en el iris, la relación entre estos no ha sido estudiada previamente. Objetivos: Describir y analizar la posible asociación de la hipoacusia y profundidad de ésta con el color del iris en una familia afectada con el síndrome, lo que constituiría un nuevo aporte al conocimiento del Síndrome de Waardenburg (SW. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio de casos, observacional, transversal y descriptivo con algunos aspectos analíticos en personas con SW del Municipio Sandino. Se utilizaron las medidas de resumen para variables cualitativas y la prueba de X² para medir asociación al 95 % de certeza. Resultados: 15 individuos presentaron hipoacusia neurosensorial de diferentes distribución e intensidad, con predominio de los ojos pardos y azules bilaterales. Se detectó mayor frecuencia de individuos hipoacúsicos entre los que tenían ojos azules con asociación entre las dos variables (X²= 6,47, gl = 1; p = 0.01. La intensidad de la hipoacusia fue mayor entre los individuos con ojos azules (85.7 % con hipoacusia severa o profunda 3 veces superior que en los otros colores de los ojos. Conclusiones: Existe relación entre el color azul del iris y la presencia de la hipoacusia y mayor intensidad de esta última en individuos con SW.Background: Although sensorineural hearing loss and iris pigmentary changes have been described, the association between these two elements has not been previously studied. Objectives: to describe and analyze the possible association of hypoacusis and the intensity of this with the color of the iris in a family suffering from this syndrome; which will constitute a new contribution to the understanding of Waardenburg Syndrome (WS. Material and Method: an observational, cross-sectional and descriptive case-study was carried out having some analytic aspects in people suffering from WS in Sandino municipality, Pinar del Rio. Measures

  13. Searching U.S. Patents: Core Collection and Suggestions for Service. (United States)

    Harwell, Kevin R.


    Provides fundamental information about patents, describes effective and affordable reference resources, and discusses specific issues in providing patent information services to inventors and other patrons. Basic resources, including CD-ROM products, patent classification and searching resources, and other search tools are described in an…

  14. Analysis of Taiwan patents for the medicinal mushroom "Niu-Chang- Chih". (United States)

    Chen, Yu-Fen; Lu, Wen-Ling; Wu, Ming-Der; Yuan, Gwo-Fang


    "Niu-Chang-Chih" (Antrodia cinnanomea) is a medicinal mushroom that has only been collected from the aromatic tree, Cinnamomum kanehirai, which is native to Taiwan. A total of 105 Taiwan patent applications and patents for "Niu-Chang-Chih" were collected and analyzed. Patent applications and granted patents claiming newly identified functional components from "Niu-Chang-Chih," biologically pure cultures of the mushroom strain, and cultivation of "Niu-Chang-Chih" were examined. Several applications and patents claim identified active compounds from "Niu-Chang- Chih," which provide better patent protection. These newly identified functional compounds include cyclohexanones, maleic and succinic acid derivatives, labdane diterpenoids, and benzenoids. Newly identified functional proteins include a glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (GFD), a glycoprotein named ACA1, and a laccase. Newly identified functional polysaccharides include ACP1, ACP2, and ACP3. The number of patents for newly identified compounds and their uses are expected to continue growing.

  15. Secondary patents in the pharmaceutical industry: missing the wood for the trees? (United States)

    Kiran, Saritha; Kulkarni, Mohan


    The critics of the Innovator pharmaceutical industry allege that secondary patents are trivial modifications over the primary patent, which extend its term and delay the entry of the generics in the market place. The protagonists regard secondary patents a result of continuous research and development (R&D), which help them introduce and protect new, differentiated products. Areas covered: The areas covered are Product life cycle management (PLCM), Drug approval process, Orange book (OB) listed patents, US patent data. Expert opinion: Our analysis of the patents and products of four innovators viz., AstraZeneca, Takeda, Eisai and Wyeth in the field of proton pump inhibitors (PPI's) and Merck and Pfizer in the field of Statins shows that secondary patents help innovators sustain competition against other innovators in the specific product segment. The number of secondary patents listed in OB per NCE depends on the innovators interest in exploiting the NCE, the success of R & D effort and product lifecycle management strategy in the wake of market competition. Market entry decisions of innovators are strategic rather than a mere fallout of the secondary patents granted. Entry of another innovator is more unpredictable and hurts the first entrant more vis a vis the entry of generics who can enter the market when the patents protecting a product are no more enforceable, and hence more predictable. Generic entry in the field of PPI's shows that the term of the primary patent is not extended by the secondary patents.

  16. How do Firms Use the Information in Patent Disclosures?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John; Scholderer, Joachim

    the patentee will use patent disclosures to make the invention described, after the expiry of the patent term. This prediction is different from the predictions of information usage that derive from theories that the function of a patent is to secure the incentive to invent and develop: these only require......Recent review work has begun to question the widespread theoretical assumption in legal theory and practice that the 'quid pro quo' (hereafter QPQ) theory is a valid theory of patent function. [i] Our proposed research will gather empirical data that will enable us to quantitatively test the doubts...... expressed in the literature of the value of the QPQ theory. QPQ theory assumes that the disclosed information in a patent specification is socially and economically useful because it enables the diffusion of an invention that would otherwise have remained secret. It clearly predicts that firms other than...


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    Adriana María Molina

    Full Text Available El paujil de pico azul, Crax alberti, es un ave endémica del norte de Colombia en peligro crítico de extinción, sometida a la pérdida del hábitat y a la cacería de subsistencia como principales amenazas. Se desarrolló una aplicación de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG para comparar el estado de conservación de las áreas de bosque, hábitat del paujil de pico azul, en 15 municipios de la región del nororiente de Antioquia en dos períodos de tiempo diferentes (1986 y 2002. La aplicación desarrollada que incorpora información cartográfica digital permitió clasificar ocho zonas definidas en el área de estudio para realizar un análisis de las prioridades de conservación. Se formularon, además, algunas recomendaciones para futuras aplicaciones de SIG como herramienta para la gestión de la conservación de especies amenazadas en Colombia.

  18. Licensing Uncertain Patents: Per-Unit Royalty vs Up-Front Fee


    Encaoua , David; Lefouili , Yassine


    ED EPS; In this paper we examine the implications of uncertainty over patent validity on patentholders' licensing strategies. Two licensing mechanisms are examined: per-unit royalty and up-front fee.We provide conditions under which uncertain patents are licensed in order to avoid patent litigation. It is shown that while it is possible for the patentholder to reap som e "extra profit" by selling an uncertain patent under the pure per-unit royalty regime, the opportunity to do so does not exi...

  19. The Unified Patent Court (UPC) in Action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Clement Salung; Schovsbo, Jens Hemmingsen; Riis, Thomas


    The new common judiciary for European patents (UPC) will play a crucial role in the future European patent system. The UPC will be a very specialised court that i.a. recruits judges from specialists’ circles and has as part of its mission to develop a coherent and autonomous body of case law...

  20. 76 FR 57720 - Intent To Grant an Exclusive Patent License (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force Intent To Grant an Exclusive Patent License... in: U.S. Patent Application No. 12/932,341, filed on February 23, 2011, entitled ``Resin-Based... INFORMATION CONTACT: An exclusive license for the invention described in this patent application will be...

  1. 48 CFR 970.3102-05-30 - Patent costs. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patent costs. 970.3102-05-30 Section 970.3102-05-30 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AGENCY....3102-05-30 Patent costs. ...

  2. Calendarios, relojes y un cajero automático. Cinco patentes en la región de Murcia y dos aplicaciones de publicidad (1887-1928

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    Santos López, Pascual


    Full Text Available By the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, clocks and calendars had become everyday objects in homes, classrooms and workplaces. Advertising in the press at the turn of century shows there to have been demand for various sorts of timepiece. This demand spurred the intellectual efforts of inventors who rushed to patent devices either to measure or register the passing of time or simply to satisfy the curiosity these fascinating devices aroused. Five time-measurement-related inventions were patented in the Region of Murcia between 1887 and 1928. Two calendars in 1887, an automated cash machine in 1913 and two inventions in 1928 that exploited the curiosity and the need to measure the time to attract the public’s attention. We discuss these five patents and the contemporary press to get closer to their inventors, achievements and the time in which they lived.A finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, relojes y calendarios eran objetos de uso cotidiano y se encontraban en hogares, aulas y lugares de trabajo. La publicidad en la prensa del cambio de siglo demuestra la demanda que tenían estos objetos relacionados con la medida del tiempo. Esta demanda espoleó el ingenio de nuestros inventores que se apresuraron a patentar máquinas que controlaban el tiempo, que utilizaban el tiempo como control o simplemente que explotaban la curiosidad y fascinación que provocaban estos aparatos. Entre 1887 y 1928 se patentan en la Región de Murcia cinco ingenios relacionados con la medida del tiempo. Dos calendarios en 1887, un cajero automático en 1913 y dos inventos en 1928 en los que se aprovechan la curiosidad y la necesidad de medir el tiempo para atraer la atención del público. Analizaremos estas cinco patentes y la prensa del momento para acercarnos a sus inventores, sus logros y la época en que vivieron.


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    Adriana Hellmeister de Campos Nogueira


    Full Text Available

    Bluetongue (BT is an infectious, insect-born viral disease of ruminants. The causative agent of BT is bluetongue virus (BTV that belongs to the family Reoviridae genus Orbivirus. Insect vectors in the genus Culicoides transmit this virus. BT affects domestic and wild ruminants, however small ruminants are considered the most affected specie. The aim of the study was to detect antibodies against BTV in commercial sheep farms, of the Northeastern region of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. A total of 1002 sera samples collected from adult sheep (above 1 year-old, comprising a total of 31 farms, were screened for the presence of BTV antibodies, by agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID and ELISA-CFS (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay – competitive solid phase, both produced by Pan American Center of FMDV. From a total of 1002 samples, 651 (65% were positive by AGID and 742 (74.1%, were positive by ELISA-CFS. These results suggest that the BTV is widespread among farms, probably causing subclinical infections.

    KEY WORDS: AGID, bluetongue virus, ELISA-CFS, seroepidemiological survey.

    A língua azul é uma doença viral, cujo agente etiológico pertence à família Reoviridae, gênero Orbivirus, transmitida por um vetor (artrópode hematófago, do gênero Culicoides. Os animais acometidos são ruminantes domésticos e selvagens, porém os pequenos ruminantes são os mais afetados. O estudo teve como objetivo detectar a presença de anticorpos para língua azul em ovinos da região de Araçatuba, por possuir um rebanho expressivo e condições climáticas favoráveis à multiplicação de insetos. Foram analisadas 1.002 amostras de soros ovinos, provenientes de 31 cabanhas, pelas provas de imunodifusão dupla em gel de ágar (AGID e ELISA (Enzyme Linked immunosorbent Assay de competição da fase sólida (ELISA CFS, provenientes do Centro Panamericano de Febre Aftosa. Desses soros, 651 (65% foram

  4. Como pesquisar o perfil patentário de um fármaco: o caso Efavirenz How to determine the patent profile of a drug: a case study of Efavirenz

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    Jaqueline Mendes Soares


    Full Text Available The importance of the patent system for researchers, especially in chemistry and related areas, is undeniable. In this context, this work aims at guiding the search in major search engines of patents, in order to map the patents related to a specific chemical compound and identify the material that each patent document protects. In this case study, it was performed a search for the drug efavirenz to demonstrate how to conduct a literature search in patents databases and to map patent applications at national and international levels.

  5. Revocation of European patent for neural progenitors highlights patent challenges for inventions relating to human embryonic stem cells. (United States)

    Rigby, Barbara


    Cells derived from human embryonic stem cells have great therapeutic potential. Patents are key to allowing companies that develop methods of generating such cells to recuperate their investment. However, in Europe, inventions relating to the use of human embryos for commercial purposes are excluded from patentability on moral grounds. The scope of this morality exclusion was recently tested before Germany's highest court and before the European Patent Office (EPO), with diverging results. The decision by the EPO's Opposition Division to revoke EP1040185 relating to neural precursors and methods for their generation has received a mixed reception. The decision has very recently been appealed, and the outcome of this Appeal should provide more definitive guidance on the scope of the morality exclusion.

  6. Transcatheter closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus through only venous route. (United States)

    Sheikh, Abdul Malik; Duke, Abdul Karim; Sattar, Hina


    Patent ductus arteriosus is a common congenital cardiac defect comprising 5-10% of all these defects in term neonates. Although open chest and video-assisted interruption are still in use, transcatheter occlusion has rapidly become the first choice for patent ductus arteriosus closure in the appropriate patient. Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus is widely done by transvenous approach guided by aortic access. We present the case of a 2 year old girl who underwent patent ductus arteriosus device occlusion with transvenous access only.

  7. A Selection Model of Patenting Firms in Demark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anders Østergaard


    on how market structure relate to innovative activity in small open economies. The paper explores the relation between patenting activity and market structure in the Danish manufacturing industries using data from a recently developed database containing accounting information on a sample of patenting...... firms in Denmark. Market structure by concentration and firm size in manufacturing industries was found to be of opposite effects on firms patent activity. Studies on the relation between industrial innovation and market structure in the Danish manufacturing industries are few. Also, since the majority...

  8. Breve estudio sobre las Patentes y su utilización como fuente de Información.

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    Liset Pentón Martínez


    Full Text Available El desarrollo acelerado de la producción demanda constantemente de nuevas técnicas, vinculadas directamente al avance de la ciencia y la tecnología, como respuesta del hombre al desafío de la vida, y dentro de ellas las innovaciones, como frutos específicos, tienen gran importancia, por lo que se hace necesario dejar bien claro que no basta con generar ideas, sino que han de ser protegidas, así como a los creadores de estas ideas, que también merecen encontrar protección a sus derechos, considerando de vital importancia realizar una revisión bibliográfica, tratando de familiarizar al mundo empresarial, con esta temática, exponiéndoles qué son las patentes, su importancia, y cómo el conocimiento de este tipo de información y su uso efectivo se ha hecho indispensable en el quehacer creativo del movimiento científico e innovador.



    Xavier, Leandro Correia; Parque Tecnológico da Paraíba (PaqTec/PB); Barbosa, Robson Fernandes; Universidade Federal de campina Grande - UFCG; Sousa, Jackson Epaminondas de; Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG; Barbosa, Diego Fernandes; INFRAERO; Alexandre, Stefane Nogueira; UFCG


    As empresas se utilizam de estratégias e atitudes para chegar a um determinado objetivo, observando os pontos fortes e fracos do ambiente interno e externo da organização. Assim, têm-se a teoria do trade-off (valorXcusto) no qual as empresas sempre optam por um de dois caminhos: agregar valor ao produto para cobrar mais, ou o cobrar menor preço com um produto menos diferenciado. Hoje, emerge no mundo científico um novo paradigma, a estratégia do oceano azul, a qual afirma que é possível as em...

  10. Constructing an Efficient and Balanced European Patent System: “Muddling through”

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schovsbo, Jens Hemmingsen


    The paper discusses ways to construct a more efficient and balanced European patent system. It identifies and describes challenges relating to innovation, to non-economic issues and to governance. In order to improve the patent system, a cautious approach of “Muddling through” is recommended. More...... concretely, the paper puts forward some of the solutions proposed in the STOA Report to the European Parliament on “Policy options for the improvement of the European patent system” and suggest initiatives such as the insertion of a mission statement in the EPC, improvement of patent quality, increasing...... access to patented inventions and enhancement of governance....

  11. Nanofibers of cellulose bagasse from Agave tequilana Weber var. azul by electrospinning: preparation and characterization. (United States)

    Robles-García, Miguel Ángel; Del-Toro-Sánchez, Carmen Lizette; Márquez-Ríos, Enrique; Barrera-Rodríguez, Arturo; Aguilar, Jacobo; Aguilar, José A; Reynoso-Marín, Francisco Javier; Ceja, I; Dórame-Miranda, R; Rodríguez-Félix, Francisco


    In this study, cellulose of bagasse from Agave tequilana Weber var. azul was extracted to elaborate nanofibers by the electrospinning technique. Fiber characterization was performed using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), x-ray, Fournier Transform-InfraRed (FT-IR) spectroscopy, and thermal analysis by Differential Scanning Calorimetry-Thermogravimetric Analysis (DSC-TGA). Different diameters (ranging from 54.57 ± 0.02 to 171 ± 0.01 nm) of nanofibers were obtained. Cellulose nanofibers were analyzed by means of x-ray diffraction, where we observed a total loss of crystallinity in comparison with the cellulose, while FT-IR spectroscopy revealed that the hemicellulose and lignin present in the agave bagasse were removed. Thermal analysis showed that nanofibers exhibit enhanced thermal properties, and the zeta potential value (-32.5 mV) demonstrated moderate stability in the sample. In conclusion, the nanofibers obtained provide other alternatives-of-use for this agro-industrial residue and could have potential in various industrial applications, among these encapsulation of bioactive compounds and reinforcing material, to mention a few. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. 37 CFR 1.770 - Express withdrawal of application for extension of patent term. (United States)


    ... Adjustment and Extension of Patent Term Extension of Patent Term Due to Regulatory Review § 1.770 Express... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Express withdrawal of application for extension of patent term. 1.770 Section 1.770 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED...

  13. Tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo de alto riesgo asociado a foramen oval permeable High-risk massive pulmonary thromboembolism associated with patent foramen ovale

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    Antonio Miranda


    Full Text Available La alta mortalidad de los pacientes con tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo de alto riesgo amerita un enfoque terapéutico enérgico e invasivo que incluya la embolectomía pulmonar quirúrgica en aquellos pacientes con contraindicación para trombolisis o trombolisis fallida. Describimos un caso de tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo de alto riesgo que recibió tratamiento quirúrgico en vez de trombolisis debido a que al momento del diagnóstico presentaba un trombo móvil a través de un foramen oval permeable con altísima posibilidad de embolismo paradójico arterial.High mortality rate associated with massive pulmonary embolism requires an aggressive invasive approach including surgical pulmonary embolectomy when thrombolytic therapy has failed or is contraindicated. We describe a case of high-risk massive pulmonary embolism who underwent surgical treatment due to the presence of a mobile intracardiac clot in a patent foramen ovale, and the possible risk of paradoxical arterial embolism.

  14. Petrogenesis, U-Pb and Sm-Nd geochronology of the Furna Azul Migmatite: partial melting evidence during the San Ignacio Orogeny, Paragua Terrane, SW Amazon Craton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nascimento, Newton Diego Couto do; Ruiz, Amarildo Salina; Pierosan, Ronaldo; Lima, Gabrielle Aparecida de; Matos, Joao Batista; Lafon, Jean-Michel; Moura, Candido Augusto Veloso, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Para (GEOCIAM/UFPA), Belem, PA (Brazil). Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Geociencias da Amazonia


    The Furna Azul Migmatite is a ∼10 km{sup 2} complex located in Pontes e Lacerda city, Mato Grosso, Brazil. It belongs to Paragua Terrane, limit with Rio Alegre Terrane, southeast of San Ignacio Province, in Amazon Craton. It consists of transitional metatexites with amphibolite enclaves and dioritic injections. The rocks were divided in residuum rich and leucosome rich; both have three deformation phases marked by folded stromatic layers affected by spaced foliation and metamorphosed in amphibolite facies, represented by garnet, biotite, sillimanite, and by the clinopyroxene in the enclaves. The metamorphic retrograde to greenschist is marked by formation of chlorite, muscovite and prehnite. Residuum-rich metatexites show higher CaO and Na{sub 2}O contents, separating them from K{sub 2}O, Ba and Rb enriched transitional metatexites. U-Pb on zircon and Sm-Nd whole-rocks dating indicates that the residuum-rich metatexite crystallized at 1436 ± 11 Ma, with a T{sub DM} age of 1.90 Ga and ε{sub Nd(1.43)} of -0.54, whereas the dioritic injection crystallized at 1341,7 ± 17 Ma with a T{sub DM} age of 1.47 Ga and ε{sub Nd(1.34)} of 3.39. These results indicate that the Furna Azul Migmatite protolith was formed during the San Ignacio Orogeny and was reworked during the same orogeny, as basement for collisional to post-magmatic granites from Pensamiento Intrusive Suite. (author)

  15. Measuring patent quality and national technological capacity in cross-country comparison


    Boeing, Philipp; Müller, Elisabeth


    China recently surpassed the USA as the greatest global source of patent applications. However, without internationally comparable measures of patent quality it remains questionable whether China's patent expansion constitutes the rise of a new technological superpower. Our novel quality index is based on citations from international search reports and provides internationally comparable, quality-adjusted figures for applications made under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). We show that Ch...

  16. Prior art relevant to active beads patent application

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Moolman, S


    Full Text Available -extrusion of shell (gelatin) and core (oral refrigerant or spice condiment) US 4,332,790 Nestlé patent on manufacturing fat microcapsules containing micro-organisms Patents cited by International Search Report on previous application US 5,543,162 Polymeric...

  17. Ethical limitations in patenting biotechnological inventions. (United States)

    Lugagnani, V


    In order to connect ethical considerations with practical limits to patentability, the moral judgement should possibly move from the exploitation of the invention to the nature and/or objectives of Research and Development (R&D) projects which have produced it: in other words, it appears quite reasonable and logical that Society is not rewarding unethical R&D activities by granting intellectual property rights. As far as biotechnology R&D is concerned, ethical guidance can be derived from the 1996 Council of EuropeOs OConvention for the protection of human rights and dignity of the human being with regard to the application of biology and medicineO, whose Chapter V - Scientific research - provides guidelines on: i. protection of persons undergoing research (e.g. informed consent); ii. protection of persons not able to consent to research; iii. research on embryos in vitro. As far as the specific point of patenting biotechnology inventions is concerned, the four exclusions prescribed by Directive 98/44/EC (i.e. human cloning, human germ-line gene therapy, use of human embryos for commercial purposes, unjustified animal suffering for medical purposes) are all we have in Europe in terms of ethical guidance to patentability. In Italy, in particular, we certainly need far more comprehensive legislation, expressing SocietyOs demand to provide ethical control of modern biotechnology. However it is quite difficult to claim that ethical concerns are being raised by currently awarded biotechnology patents related to living organisms and material thereof; they largely deal with the results of genomic R&D, purposely and usefully oriented toward improving health-care and agri-food processes, products and services. ONo patents on lifeOO can be an appealing slogan of militants against modern biotechnology, but it is far too much of an over-simplified abstraction to become the Eleventh Commandment our Society.

  18. Identification and Analysis of Technology Emergence Using Patent Classification (United States)


    and legal time and capital. The desired payoff for this investment is monopolistic control of a section of the technology space, allowed by present...the claims of their application based on either the prior art cited by the patent examiner or economic reali- ties surrounding the markets for...have been developed, the claims of the patents have been tuned and tested at the respective patent office, and market -driven commercial realities may

  19. 78 FR 70294 - Intent To Grant an Exclusive Patent License (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force Intent To Grant an Exclusive Patent License... interest the Air Force has in: U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/354,522, filed on June 14, 2010... Anish Tuteja et al.; U.S. Non-provisional Patent Application No. 13/159,950, filed on June 14, 2011...

  20. 77 FR 40345 - Intent to Grant an Exclusive Patent License (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force Intent to Grant an Exclusive Patent License... William V. Stoecker, Hernan F. Gomez, Jonathan A. Green, and David L. McGlasson; U.S. Patent Number 7,927... David L. McGlasson; U.S. Patent Application Number Serial No. 12/756,875, filed on April 8, 2010...

  1. El dibujo libre en el niño con Retinosis Pigmentaria Free drawing in children with Pigmentary Retinosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irene Sofía Quiñones Varela


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en el Centro Provincial de Retinosis Pigmentaria con el objetivo de describir las características del dibujo libre en el niño con Retinosis Pigmentaria. El universo estuvo constituido por los pacientes en etapa escolar y adolescencia temprana con esta enfermedad. La muestra intencional fue de 41 pacientes. En los dibujos realizados se apreció un predominio del uso de 3 a 6 colores con la combinación de colores cálidos sin relleno en la figura, prevalecieron las combinaciones realistas, al igual que el trazado fuerte e inestable con combinación de trazado fuerte y débil. Se apreció coherencia y originalidad en los dibujos. Predominó el paisaje campestre. Los colores más representados en los dibujos fueron rojo, amarillo y azul. Entre los hallazgos más importantes se encuentra que en cuanto a la forma los dibujos tienen puntos de contacto con los de los niños con patologías que expresan inmadurez en la coordinación viso-motora. El tema de los dibujos se corresponde con lo encontrado por otros autores con respecto al dibujo del niño cubanoA descriptive observational study was carried out in the Provincial Center of Retinosis with the objective of describing the characteristic of the free drawing in children with pigmentary retinosis. This group was constituted by the patients in school stage and in early adolescence with this illness. The intentional sample belonged to 41 patients. It was appreciated predominant use of 3 or 6 colours in the drawings they carried out as well as the combination of warm colours without refilling in the figure, the realistic combinations prevailed, the same as the strong and unstable traced with combination of strong and weak traced. It was appreciated coherence and originality in the drawings. The country landscape prevailed. The colours more represented in drawings were red, yellow and blue. Among the most important discoveries are the drawings taking

  2. How drug life-cycle management patent strategies may impact formulary management. (United States)

    Berger, Jan; Dunn, Jeffrey D; Johnson, Margaret M; Karst, Kurt R; Shear, W Chad


    Drug manufacturers may employ various life-cycle management patent strategies, which may impact managed care decision making regarding formulary planning and management strategies when single-source, branded oral pharmaceutical products move to generic status. Passage of the Hatch-Waxman Act enabled more rapid access to generic medications through the abbreviated new drug application process. Patent expirations of small-molecule medications and approvals of generic versions have led to substantial cost savings for health plans, government programs, insurers, pharmacy benefits managers, and their customers. However, considering that the cost of developing a single medication is estimated at $2.6 billion (2013 dollars), pharmaceutical patent protection enables companies to recoup investments, creating an incentive for innovation. Under current law, patent protection holds for 20 years from time of patent filing, although much of this time is spent in product development and regulatory review, leaving an effective remaining patent life of 7 to 10 years at the time of approval. To extend the product life cycle, drug manufacturers may develop variations of originator products and file for patents on isomers, metabolites, prodrugs, new drug formulations (eg, extended-release versions), and fixed-dose combinations. These additional patents and the complexities surrounding the timing of generic availability create challenges for managed care stakeholders attempting to gauge when generics may enter the market. An understanding of pharmaceutical patents and how intellectual property protection may be extended would benefit managed care stakeholders and help inform decisions regarding benefit management.

  3. Patent ductus arteriosus (United States)

    ... Drugs & Supplements Videos & Tools About MedlinePlus Show Search Search MedlinePlus GO GO About MedlinePlus Site Map FAQs Customer Support Health Topics Drugs & Supplements Videos & Tools Español You Are Here: Home → Medical Encyclopedia → Patent ductus arteriosus URL of this page: // ...

  4. Patent urachus repair (United States)

    ... Drugs & Supplements Videos & Tools About MedlinePlus Show Search Search MedlinePlus GO GO About MedlinePlus Site Map FAQs Customer Support Health Topics Drugs & Supplements Videos & Tools Español You Are Here: Home → Medical Encyclopedia → Patent urachus repair URL of this page: // ...

  5. Efeito do lipopolissacarídio bacteriano sobre o esvaziamento gástrico de ratos: avaliação do pré-tratamento com dexametasona e azul de metileno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Collares Edgard Ferro


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: O óxido nítrico pode estar envolvido no retardo do esvaziamento gástrico produzido pelo lipopolissacarídio bacteriano. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito do pré-tratamento com a dexametasona, bloqueadora da indução do óxido nítrico-sintetase induzida e com o azul de metileno, que bloqueia a guanilato-ciclase, inibe as óxido nítrico-sintetases e inativa o óxido nítrico, sobre o retardo do esvaziamento gástrico determinado pelo lipopolissacarídio em ratos. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados ratos Wistar, machos, ''specific patogen free'', após 24 horas de jejum alimentar. No pré-tratamento foram empregadas, via intravenosa, soluções de dexametasona (3 e 6 mg/kg, azul de metileno (2 mg/kg e veículo estéril. O tratamento constou da administração, via intravenosa, de lipopolissacarídio (50 mig/kg e veículo. O intervalo entre o pré-tratamento e o tratamento foi de 10 minutos, exceto no estudo com dexametasona 6 mg/kg, que foi de 1 hora. O intervalo entre a administração do lipopolissacarídio e a avaliação do esvaziamento gástrico foi de 1 hora, exceto nos dois estudos com dexametasona 3 mg/kg que foram de 2 e 8 horas. O esvaziamento gástrico foi avaliado, indiretamente, através da determinação da percentagem de retenção gástrica de solução salina marcada com fenol vermelho. RESULTADOS: Os valores de retenção gástrica, nos animais pré-tratados com dexametasona ou azul de metileno e tratados com veículo, não diferiram significativamente dos observados nos que receberam veículo nos dois momentos. Os animais pré-tratados com veículo e tratados com lipopolissacarídio apresentaram valores de retenção gástrica significativamente mais elevados que nos controles. O pré-tratamento com dexametasona não interferiu no aumento da retenção gástrica determinado pelo lipopolissacarídio, nas primeiras 2 horas após administração da endotoxina. Oito horas após a administração da endotoxina, foi

  6. Survey of the patents intensity in advanced ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodrigues, C.S.; Oliveira, E.C. de; Pencinato, M.V.; Bandeira, R.J.; Ribeiro, E.


    A survey about a sectorial diagnostic of advanced ceramics, using patents of the Industrial Properties National Institute, as a reference documentation is presented. The mains points for generating technology in 80 decade are identified, by the institutions/company titularies of patents. (C.G.C.) [pt

  7. Genetic contribution to patent ductus arteriosus in the premature newborn. (United States)

    Bhandari, Vineet; Zhou, Gongfu; Bizzarro, Matthew J; Buhimschi, Catalin; Hussain, Naveed; Gruen, Jeffrey R; Zhang, Heping


    The most common congenital heart disease in the newborn population, patent ductus arteriosus, accounts for significant morbidity in preterm newborns. In addition to prematurity and environmental factors, we hypothesized that genetic factors play a significant role in this condition. The objective of this study was to quantify the contribution of genetic factors to the variance in liability for patent ductus arteriosus in premature newborns. A retrospective study (1991-2006) from 2 centers was performed by using zygosity data from premature twins born at Patent ductus arteriosus was diagnosed by echocardiography at each center. Mixed-effects logistic regression was used to assess the effect of specific covariates. Latent variable probit modeling was then performed to estimate the heritability of patent ductus arteriosus, and mixed-effects probit modeling was used to quantify the genetic component. We obtained data from 333 dizygotic twin pairs and 99 monozygotic twin pairs from 2 centers (Yale University and University of Connecticut). Data on chorioamnionitis, antenatal steroids, gestational age, body weight, gender, respiratory distress syndrome, patent ductus arteriosus, necrotizing enterocolitis, oxygen supplementation, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia were comparable between monozygotic and dizygotic twins. We found that gestational age, respiratory distress syndrome, and institution were significant covariates for patent ductus arteriosus. After controlling for specific covariates, genetic factors or the shared environment accounted for 76.1% of the variance in liability for patent ductus arteriosus. Preterm patent ductus arteriosus is highly familial (contributed to by genetic and environmental factors), with the effect being mainly environmental, after controlling for known confounders.

  8. Studies of world carbon fiber industry from a perspective of patent analysis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Patents are the manifestation of the industry R&D endeavor;therefore, World carbon fiber in-dustry from the perspective of patent analysis is studied .Findings from the analysis show a continual increase of carbon fibers patents since 1969 , and the growth rate began even faster after the year of 2005.Five countries (Japan, China, US, Germany and Korea) took dominant positions in global carbon fibers R&D , and the sum of patents applied in these five countries accounted for 80%of the total patents in the world .Corporations do play an active role in global carbon fibers R&D , and over 60%of patents were applied by corporations .Among them , the top 3 corporations were all from Ja-pan, which had much more patents than the other patent assignees .Furthermore, most corporations were not active in cooperation with others , except Toyota Motor Corp .Global carbon fibers R&D fo-cused on sheet manufacture cloth , core wire layer , heat connect provide and filter activated draw . And there is big difference between Japan and China in the R&D focus .China ’ s corporations have exhibited rapid growth in the number of patent applications in recent years , but there is still a large gap between China and foreign countries in view of global patent layout and influence .By providing the insight into the evolution of global carbon fibers industrial and technological development through the perspective of patent analysis , this study hopes to provide an objective statistic reference for fu-ture policy directions and academic researches .

  9. Electric current activated/assisted sintering (ECAS): a review of patents 1906-2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grasso, Salvatore; Sakka, Yoshio; Maizza, Giovanni


    The electric current activated/assisted sintering (ECAS) is an ever growing class of versatile techniques for sintering particulate materials. Despite the tremendous advances over the last two decades in ECASed materials and products there is a lack of comprehensive reviews on ECAS apparatuses and methods. This paper fills the gap by tracing the progress of ECAS technology from 1906 to 2008 and surveys 642 ECAS patents published over more than a century. It is found that the ECAS technology was pioneered by Bloxam (1906 GB Patent No. 9020) who developed the first resistive sintering apparatus. The patents were searched by keywords or by cross-links and were withdrawn from the Japanese Patent Office (342 patents), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (175 patents), the Chinese State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.C. (69 patents) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (12 patents). A subset of 119 (out of 642) ECAS patents on methods and apparatuses was selected and described in detail with respect to their fundamental concepts, physical principles and importance in either present ECAS apparatuses or future ECAS technologies for enhancing efficiency, reliability, repeatability, controllability and productivity. The paper is divided into two parts, the first deals with the basic concepts, features and definitions of basic ECAS and the second analyzes the auxiliary devices/peripherals. The basic ECAS is classified with reference to discharge time (fast and ultrafast ECAS). The fundamental principles and definitions of ECAS are outlined in accordance with the scientific and patent literature. (topical review)

  10. Patent based innovation and development: issues, challenges and future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noraini Ibrahim


    The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the extent to which science and technology (S and T) policy has been integrated to patent based innovation within the context of national development objective. Could the institutionalisation of patent based innovation in Malaysia be effectively implemented ? The main argument is that patent based innovation must be integrated into the national S and T policy as a dynamic and proactive system. This paper argued that the dependency has an effect to the consequent of relationship imbalance between Malaysia and advanced nations as the main technology supplier within the international business economy. This paper adopts the interdisciplinary of social sciences using system-oriented analysis. The objective of the S and T is to enhance the capacity of national S and T resources as well as to develop the capacity of the local to select, negotiate, adopt, modify, and improve imported technology. Nevertheless, even though the S and T policy was launched in 1986, the impetus of government commitment towards the realisation of S and T policy became more pronounced only in the middle of the 90s. The Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Environment recognises the importance of creating a climate of science and technology as a critical prerequisite for national development. Various activities at the state and national levels have been organised to promote awareness and adoption of technology to the community. The Ministry that acts as the secretariat to the National Science and Development Council aims to reinforce the foundation based on S and T activities. Malaysia also should encourage activities that general technical innovations that would be integrated into patent based innovation as one of the component in the national innovation system. While this is so, an effective assimilation of technical innovation that is developed within the framework of the national innovation system is yet to be realised. Patent based innovation as a

  11. Worldwide nanotechnology development: a comparative study of USPTO, EPO, and JPO patents (1976-2004)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Xin; Lin Yiling; Chen Hsinchun; Roco, Mihail C.


    To assess worldwide development of nanotechnology, this paper compares the numbers and contents of nanotechnology patents in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO), and Japan Patent Office (JPO). It uses the patent databases as indicators of nanotechnology trends via bibliographic analysis, content map analysis, and citation network analysis on nanotechnology patents per country, institution, and technology field. The numbers of nanotechnology patents published in USPTO and EPO have continued to increase quasi-exponentially since 1980, while those published in JPO stabilized after 1993. Institutions and individuals located in the same region as a repository's patent office have a higher contribution to the nanotechnology patent publication in that repository ('home advantage' effect). The USPTO and EPO databases had similar high-productivity contributing countries and technology fields with large number of patents, but quite different high-impact countries and technology fields after the average number of received cites. Bibliographic analysis on USPTO and EPO patents shows that researchers in the United States and Japan published larger numbers of patents than other countries, and that their patents were more frequently cited by other patents. Nanotechnology patents covered physics research topics in all three repositories. In addition, USPTO showed the broadest representation in coverage in biomedical and electronics areas. The analysis of citations by technology field indicates that USPTO had a clear pattern of knowledge diffusion from highly cited fields to less cited fields, while EPO showed knowledge exchange mainly occurred among highly cited fields

  12. The Scope of Gene Patent Protection and the TRIPS Agreement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sommer, Tine


    The Scope of Gene Patent Protection and the TRIPS Agreement - An Exclusively Nondiscriminatory Approach?   Gene patenting in Europe has provoked much debate both before and since the adoption of Directive 98/44/EC on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions. Some of the major points...... of discussion have been focused on the scope of protection (e.g. purpose-bound protection) and gene patents being subject to a specific DNA regime on patent rights. The Directive can be interpreted as favouring such a solution, but so far the European Commission has decided neither to support nor reject...

  13. Bibliography of US patents on augmentation of convective heat and mass transfer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Webb, R.L.; Junkhan, G.H.; Bergles, A.E.


    Granted patents are an important source of information on the potential commercialization of augmented heat transfer technology. This report presents a bibliography of US patents pertinent to that technology. The total number of patents cited is 321. They are presented in three separate lists: by patent number, alphabetically by first inventor, and by augmentation techniques

  14. 75 FR 38543 - Patent, Trademark and Copyright Acts (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Geological Survey Patent, Trademark and Copyright Acts AGENCY: Geological Survey, Interior. ACTION: Notice of prospective intent to award exclusive license. SUMMARY: The... Technologies Group, Inc., 253 Portman Lane, Suite 107, Bridgeville, PA 15017 on U.S. Patent No. 6,485,696 B1...

  15. “To patent or not to patent? the case of Novartis’ cancer drug Glivec in India” (United States)


    Background Glivec (imatinib mesylate), produced by the pharmaceutical company Novartis, is prescribed in the case of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, one of the most common blood cancers in eastern countries. After more than a decade of legal battles surrounding its patentability, the Supreme Court of India gave its final decision on April 1st of 2013, rejecting the appeal of the Swiss giant drug manufacturer. In 2006, the Indian Patent Office first refused Glivec’s patent under Section 3(d) of the Indian Patent Act arguing that it was only a modified version of an existing drug, Imatinib, and therefore that the drug was not innovative. Novartis replied filing legal challenges against the Indian government but the final verdict in April of 2013 ends the battle. Indeed, the Supreme Court stated that even if the bioavailability of the drug was improved, it did not demonstrate enhanced efficacy and that Glivec was not patentable. Methods The research primarily focused on journal, newspaper and magazine articles relevant to the time frame of the lawsuit (from 1994 to 2013) as well as news searches through Google, Factiva, ProQuest, PubMed, and YouTube where press articles from court verdicts were obtained by using the following keywords: “India”, “Novartis”, “Glivec”, “Patent”, “Novartis Case”, and “Supreme Court of India”. The data sources were interpreted and analyzed according to the authors’ own prior knowledge and understanding of the exigencies of the TRIPS Agreement. Results This case illuminates how India is interpreting international law to fit domestic public health needs. Conclusions The Novartis case arguably sets an important precedent for the global pharmaceutical industry and ideally will help improve access to lifesaving medicines in the developing world by demanding that patient health needs supersede commercial interests. The Supreme Court of India’s decision may affect the interpretation of the article of the TRIPS Agreement

  16. Firms’ Negative Perceptions on Patents, Technology Management Strategies, and Subsequent Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eun Jin Han


    Full Text Available While patents do have many advantages, their disadvantages include requiring disclosure of technical information and imposing the burden of patenting and litigation costs. In this study, we investigate the relationship between a firm’s negative perception on patents, technology management strategies, and subsequent performance. For this purpose, we use a categorical canonical correlation analysis of the top 200, large, R&D-intensive firms in Korea. We find that negative perceptions such as burdensome transaction costs, non-patenting culture, and uncertainty of the outcome of patent litigation are associated with firms’ technology management strategies, such as purchase of licenses, and subsequent performance, such as an increase in the number of inventions from the cross-fertilization of different technologies. The results of this study are expected to contribute to a better understanding of firms’ negative attitudes toward the effects of patents, their subsequent technology management strategies, and resulting performance.

  17. Evaluación de la actividad citotóxica, genotóxica y efecto sobre el ciclo celular de fracciones obtenidas a partir de la esponja marina Iotrochota birotulata


    De la Ossa, Andrés Mauricio


    Los organismos marinos constituyen una fuente importante de sustancias bioactivas con estructuras novedosas y con propiedades biológicas y farmacológicas potenciales.En este trabajo se evaluaron los efectos citotóxicos, genotóxicos y sobre el ciclo celular con las pruebas de azul de Tripano, MTT, ensayos de clonación, intercambio de cromatides hermanas (ICH), ensayo cometa (SCGE) y función de acumulación respectivamente de dos fracciones obtenidas de la esponja marina Iotrochota birotulata (c...

  18. Technological Monitoring Study Based on Invention Patents of Omeprazoleand Derivatives with Pharmaceutical Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leandra Guimarães de Oliveira


    Full Text Available The current study intends to present the relevance of omeprazole, esomeprazole, rabeprazole, pantoprazole and lansoprazole by means of the technological foresight study, through invention patent documents from Brazilian applicants as indicators of innovation. The European database of patents (Espacenet, Word Patent Index (DERWENT and the Brazilian Patent Base of INPI were used, combining keywords and International Patent Classifications. The major applicants, countries of publication and claims categories were mapped. The 212 patent requests collected are mainly distributed in Chemistry, Pharmacy and Pharmacology areas. The results obtained revealed that the US was the main country with studies directed to this technological area (59 patent applications and the major applicant was the company Astrazeneca AB. Therefore, we can understand that this is a promising technology that may reflect in an increase of R&D activities and patent applications in this area.

  19. On Law and Policy in a European and European Union Patent Court (EEUPC)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schovsbo, Jens Hemmingsen; Petersen, Clement Salung

    On 4 December 2009, the European Council unanimously adopted conclusions on an enhanced patent system in Europe, which inter alia intends to establish a new EU patent as well as a new common patent judiciary - the European and European Union Patent Court (EEUPC). The EEUPC will constitute a new sui...... generis, transnational court system with exclusive jurisdiction in respect of civil litigation related to the infringement and validity of European patents and EU patent. This paper considers this proposal for the establishment of the EEUPC under two basic observations, namely that substantive law...

  20. On Law and Policy in a European and European Union Patent Court (EEUPC)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Clement Salung; Schovsbo, Jens Hemmingsen


    On 4 December 2009, the European Council unanimously adopted conclusions on an enhanced patent system in Europe, which inter alia intends to establish a new EU patent as well as a new common patent judiciary – the European and European Union Patent Court (EEUPC). The EEUPC will constitute a new sui...... generis, transnational court system with exclusive jurisdiction in respect of civil litigation related to the infringement and validity of European patents and EU patent. This paper considers this proposal for the establishment of the EEUPC under two basic observations, namely that substantive law...

  1. Polymorphs and prodrugs and salts (oh my!: an empirical analysis of "secondary" pharmaceutical patents.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amy Kapczynski

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: While there has been much discussion by policymakers and stakeholders about the effects of "secondary patents" on the pharmaceutical industry, there is no empirical evidence on their prevalence or determinants. Characterizing the landscape of secondary patents is important in light of recent court decisions in the U.S. that may make them more difficult to obtain, and for developing countries considering restrictions on secondary patents. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We read the claims of the 1304 Orange Book listed patents on all new molecular entities approved in the U.S. between 1988 and 2005, and coded the patents as including chemical compound claims (claims covering the active molecule itself and/or one of several types of secondary claims. We distinguish between patents with any secondary claims, and those with only secondary claims and no chemical compound claims ("independent" secondary patents. We find that secondary claims are common in the pharmaceutical industry. We also show that independent secondary patents tend to be filed and issued later than chemical compound patents, and are also more likely to be filed after the drug is approved. When present, independent formulation patents add an average of 6.5 years of patent life (95% C.I.: 5.9 to 7.3 years, independent method of use patents add 7.4 years (95% C.I.: 6.4 to 8.4 years, and independent patents on polymorphs, isomers, prodrug, ester, and/or salt claims add 6.3 years (95% C.I.: 5.3 to 7.3 years. We also provide evidence that late-filed independent secondary patents are more common for higher sales drugs. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Policies and court decisions affecting secondary patenting are likely to have a significant impact on the pharmaceutical industry. Secondary patents provide substantial additional patent life in the pharmaceutical industry, at least nominally. Evidence that they are also more common for best-selling drugs is consistent with accounts of

  2. The Neglected Patent Controversies in the Twenty First Century

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Birgitte Andersen


    Full Text Available Na virada do século, assistimos a um reforço do sistema de patentes. No entanto, os gestores de políticas deixam sistematicamente de lado as controvérsias sobre patentes. Este artigo examina criticamente as complexas relações entre, por um lado, as razões para os direitos de patente e, por outro lado, seus efeitos sociais e econômicos. Só quando entendermos essa relação, seremos capazes de projetar regimes adequados de Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual (DPI para o novo paradigma tecnoeconômico de microeletrônica baseada em conhecimento e invenções de amplo alcance implementadas por computador. O foco se concentra nas razões morais, nas razões de incentivo econômico, e nas razões de aumento da concorrência e "proteção do talento empresarial no mercado", e nas razões econômicas para organizar ciência, tecnologia e criatividade. Afirma-se aqui que os sistemas de patentes não são neutros, eles estabelecem as regras do jogo em que indivíduos e organizações são os jogadores.At the turn of the century we have seen a tightening of the patent system. However, policy makers systematically neglect the patent controversies. This article critically reviews the complex relationships between the rationales for patent rights on the one hand, and the social and economic effects of such on the other hand. Only when we understand this relationship, will we be able to design appropriate Intellectual Property Right (IPR regimes for the new technoeconomic paradigm of knowledge-based micro-electronics and computer implemented pervasive inventions. Focus is on moral rationales, economic incentive rationales, increased competition and "market protection of entrepreneurial talent" rationales, and the economic rationales for organizing science, technology and creativity. It is argued that patent systems are not neutral, but set the rules of the game in which individuals and organizations are the players.

  3. Patents and Downstream Innovation Suppression - Facts or Fiction?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John

    the value of Kitch's prospect theory of patents, a theory that the social value of patents is that they enable the efficient coordination of technological development.    I re-examine history and legal sources bearing on Merges and Nelson's illustrative cases and find no case to illustrate downstream...

  4. Diseño Box-Behnken para la optimización de la adsorción del colorante azul ácido sobre residuos de flores


    Jaramillo, Ana Cristina; Echavarría, Ana María; Hormaza, Angelina


    En este artículo se determinaron las mejores condiciones para la remoción del colorante Azul Ácido 9 (AA9) a través de un diseño factorial completo 2³ y su posterior optimización mediante un diseño de superficie Box- Behnken utilizando tallos de flores (TF) como material adsorbente. Las variables evaluadas fueron dosis de adsorbente (D), concentración de colorante (C) y tiempo de contacto (t). El contenido del colorante se cuantificó por espectrometría UV-Vis. El modelo estadístico presentó u...

  5. Quality and quantity: Can we have both within the European patent system?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elsmore, Matthew J.


    Scrutiny of patent systems is never far away. The European Patent Office has long faced rising levels of 'inventive activity'. Fast, fluid technologies and strategic firm behavior add to the difficulties faced in trying to reward inventions with commensurate rights. Analysis suggests stronger...... patent protection does not necessarily equate with more innovation and greater diffusion of knowledge; nor do more patents lead to or reflect more innovation. This article focuses on improving the fundamental workings of the European system as is stands, and proposes a focus on quality and patent...

  6. The availability of Misoprostol in pharmacies and patent medicine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The availability of Misoprostol in pharmacies and patent medicine stores in two Nigerian ... AFRICAN JOURNALS ONLINE (AJOL) · Journals · Advanced Search ... pharmacists or vendors of pharmaceutical and patent medicine outlets in two ...

  7. 48 CFR 27.204 - Patented technology under trade agreements. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patented technology under trade agreements. 27.204 Section 27.204 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION... Patented technology under trade agreements. ...

  8. Inibição da guanilato ciclase pelo azul de metileno no choque circulatório causado por pancreatite aguda necrosante: uma palavra de cuidado embasada em modelo suíno

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    Caroline Floreoto Baldo

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: estudar o uso terapêutico do bloqueio da guanilato ciclase pelo azul de metileno em um modelo experimental de pancreatite aguda grave em suínos. MÉTODOS: a pancreatite aguda necrotizante foi induzida em porcos anestesiados por infusão ductal pancreática retrógrada de 1ml/kg de taurocolato de sódio a 5% e 8U/kg de enteroquinase. Três grupos foram estudados (n=5: controle (C, pancreatite (PA, "bolus" de azul seguido por pancreatite (AM+PA. Os dados incluíram enzimas séricas e do líquido abdominal, variáveis hemodinâmicas, hemogasometria arterial, volume de líquido abdominal, marcadores inflamatórios plasmáticos, nitrito/nitrato e mieloperoxidase e malondialdeído plasmático. Aplicou-se a análise de variância seguida do pós-teste de Bonferroni (p<0,05. RESULTADOS: os valores de amilase e lipase foram três e dez vezes mais elevados no grupo PA. A atividade da mieloperoxidase foi 50% superior no grupo PA. Os dados hemodinâmicos indicaram choque hipovolêmico precoce seguido de choque cardiogênico. Observou-se grave translocação de líquidos para a cavidade peritoneal. A nitrito/nitrato plasmática permaneceu inalterada. O grupo AM+PA teve aumento de cinco vezes do mieloperoxidase em comparação com o grupo C. CONCLUSÕES: a utilização de azul de metileno em suínos com pancreatite não demonstrou efeitos significativos sobre variáveis hemodinâmicas e inflamatórias. Seu uso terapêutico na pancreatite necro-hemorrágica pode ser inadequado e extremo cuidado deve ser tomado dado o aumento da peroxidação lipídica evidenciado pelo aumento dos valores do malondialdeído.

  9. Enforcing patents in the era of 3D printing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ballardini, Rosa Maria; Norrgård, Marcus; Minssen, Timo


    This article explores relevant laws and doctrines of patent infringement in Europe with a special emphasis on 3D printing (3DP) technologies. Considering the difficulties that patent owners might face in pursuing direct patent infringement actions in the rapidly evolving era of 3DP, we suggest...... of IP law. Enforcing patents in the era of 3D printing Rosa Maria Ballardini, Marcus Norrgård, and Timo Minssen Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 2015 10: 850-866......, although the internet platforms and CAD files repositories will play a major role in the development and spreading of the 3DP technology, they will likely to be at the center of major law disputes unless they carefully consider the scope of their activities (host and/or customize and/or print) in light...

  10. Making Patent Scopes Exceed the Technological Scopes of Scientific Inventions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beukel, Karin

    This paper presents the results of a grounded theory study of the transformation of scientific discoveries into patented inventions. Using an algebraic interpretive approach, the narratives collected during interviews are analyzed as Bayesian inferences and the developed theory is tested. The fin...... for searching in new directions for solutions if challenges of exploitation with regard to the scientific invention arise.......This paper presents the results of a grounded theory study of the transformation of scientific discoveries into patented inventions. Using an algebraic interpretive approach, the narratives collected during interviews are analyzed as Bayesian inferences and the developed theory is tested....... The findings recast the relationship between science and patents as a process in which the way the transformation of the scientific invention is handled has an effect on the breadth of the patent scope. Unleashing patent scope surplus is dependent on processes related to abstraction and cognitive variety...

  11. 26 CFR 509.110 - Patent and copyright royalties and film rentals. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 19 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Patent and copyright royalties and film rentals... (CONTINUED) REGULATIONS UNDER TAX CONVENTIONS SWITZERLAND General Income Tax § 509.110 Patent and copyright... copyrights, artistic and scientific works, patents, designs, plans, secret processes and formulae, trademarks...

  12. Medical treatment methods, medical indication claims and patentability: A quest into the rationale of the exclusion and patentability in the context of the future of personalised medicine

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bostyn, S.J.R.


    This contribution discusses the thorny issue of the rationale of the exclusion from patentability of medical treatment methods and the patentability of medical indications. This quest is the consequence of our earlier findings that medical indication patents present a real life risk for many players

  13. Cien años del colorante de Giemsa.

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    José Perea Sasiaín


    Full Text Available Esta es una revisión general de los trabajos previos y subsecuentes al hallazgo del colorante de Giemsa, con énfasis en los azules de metileno policromos. Se presenta un breve bosquejo biográfico de Berthold Gustav Carl Giemsa, así como de la constitución y mecanismo de acción de su colorante y el resultado de análisis únicos por HPLC de su azur II (azul de metileno, 63,6%; azur B, 28,6%; azur A 4, 4%; azur C, 1,4%, y tionina, 1,9%. Por tanto, el azur I no era 'puro' sino una mezcla de tionina y todos sus derivados metilados en los grupos amina 3 y 7, muy probablemente preparada por oxidación del azul de metileno en medio ácido como lo definió Lillie. Se tabulan los usos del colorante de Giemsa informados durante los últimos 32 años.


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    Ana Mar\\u00EDa Castagnino


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar la influencia del tamaño de la celda utilizada para la obtención de plántulas de espárrago y la densidad o marco de plantación empleado, sobre la producción de turiones, se evaluó en invernadero tres tamaños de celda: 1 PG: grande (70 cm3, 2 PM: mediana (30 cm3 y 3 PCh: pequeña (20 cm3 y tres densidades (35 714 (D1; 23 810 (D2 y 17 857 (D3 plantas/ha. Se efectuó un trabajo en la Chacra Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía, en Azul, provincia de Buenos Aires. La plantación en el campo se efectuó en noviembre 2002, setenta días después de la siembra del almácigo con plántulas con cepellón. La cosecha se realizó del 25/09 al 18/10 del año 2006, en el cuarto año desde la plantación, con una frecuencia de cosecha de día por medio. Se realizó un análisis de la varianza, con un diseño completamente al azar y considerando como factor: el tamaño de las plántulas que provenían de cada contenedor y tres densidades. En el segundo año evaluado, la densidad D1 fue la de mayor producción (4450 kg/ha netos totales y mayor cantidad de turiones (380 166. Las plantas provenientes de los dos mayores tamaños de celda produjeron 4 t/ha netas en promedio. Las bandejas de siembra de tamaño G y D1 resultaron más apropiados para la producción de espárrago ya que permitieron obtener el mayor rendimiento en peso y número, y obtener un mejor aparato radical.

  15. Historical review of the sanitary filling of Rio Azul and considerations about heavy metals treated in it and the presents in our homes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mora Chinchilla, Rolando; Mora Amador, Raul


    A summary has been done on the most outstanding events during the history of Rio Azul sanitary landfill by consultating documents and local newspapers. The historical outline starts in 1972, when the Inter municipal Cooperative Agreement (COCIM) was created, until May 27, 2002, when a warning was issued on the possible harmful effects on health due to technological waste disposal. Likewise, the method for estimating the mass of metals deposited in the landfill is disclosed. In this landfill the mass of metals varies between 70000 and 100000 tm. Finally, some considerations on household chemical products are made and recommendations are presented to improve metal waste management. (Author) [es

  16. Patent Documents as a Resource for Studies and Education in Geophysics - An Approach. (United States)

    Wollny, K. G.


    Patents are a highly neglected source of information in geophysics, although they supply a wealth of technical and historically relevant data and might be an important asset for researchers and students. The technical drawings and descriptions in patent documents provide insight into the personal work of a researcher or a scientific group and give detailed technical background information, show interdisciplinary solutions for similar problems, help to learn about inventions too advanced for their time but maybe useful now, and to explore the historical background and timelines of inventions and their inventors. It will be shown how to get access to patent documents and how to use them for research and education purposes. Exemplary inventions by well-known geoscientists or scientists in related fields will be presented to illustrate the usefulness of patent documents. The data pool used is the International Patent Classification (IPC) class G01V that the United Nations' World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) has set up mainly for inventions with key aspects in geophysics. This class contains approximately 235,000 patent documents (July 2016) for methods, apparatuses or scientific instruments developed during scientific projects or by geophysical companies. The patent documents can be accessed via patent databases. The most important patent databases are for free, search functionality is self-explanatory and the amount of information to be extracted is enormous. For example, more than 90 million multilingual patent documents are currently available online (July 2016) in DEPATIS database of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office or ESPACENET of the European Patent Office. To summarize, patent documents are a highly useful tool for educational and research purposes to strengthen students' and scientists' knowledge in a practically orientated geophysical field and to widen the horizon to adjacent technical areas. Last but not least, they also provide insight

  17. Research on Technology Innovation of China's NEV Industry Based on Patent Analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Jingyu; Liu, Yingqi; Kokko, Ari


    Purpose/Significance: The development of Chinas new energy vehicle(NEV) industry is concerned by both the government and enterprises. Method/Process: Based on the patent data, this paper conducts a deep analysis on the technology innovation of Chinas NEV industry from three perspectives- the year...... distribution of the patent, the distribution of the patent applicants and the distribution of patent technology area. Then, the paper makes further correlation analysis on the NEV industry chain and the patent data. Result/Conclusion: In general,the paper comprehensively reflects the whole picture of Chinas...... NEV industry technology innovation and gives some ideas for its further development....

  18. A Review on Recent Patents and Applications of Inorganic Material Binding Peptides. (United States)

    Thota, Veeranjaneyulu; Perry, Carole C


    Although the popularity of using combinatorial display techniques for recognising unique peptides having high affinity for inorganic (nano) particles has grown rapidly, there are no systematic reviews showcasing current developments or patents on binding peptides specific to these materials. In this review, we summarize and discuss recent progress in patents on material binding peptides specifically exploring inorganic nano surfaces such as metals, metal oxides, minerals, carbonbased materials, polymer based materials, magnetic materials and semiconductors. We consider both the peptide display strategies used and the exploitation of the identified peptides in the generation of advanced nanomaterials. In order to get a clear picture on the number of patents and literature present to date relevant to inorganic material binding biomolecules and their applications, a thorough online search was conducted using national and worldwide databases. The literature search include standard bibliographic databases while patents included EPO Espacenet, WIPO patent scope, USPTO, Google patent search, Patent lens, etc. along with commercial databases such as Derwent and Patbase. Both English and American spellings were included in the searches. The initial number of patents found related to material binders were 981. After reading and excluding irrelevant patents such as organic binding peptides, works published before 2001, repeated patents, documents not in English etc., 51 highly relevant patents published from 2001 onwards were selected and analysed. These patents were further separated into six categories based on their target inorganic material and combinatorial library used. They include relevant patents on metal, metal oxide or combination binding peptides (19), magnetic and semiconductor binding peptides (8), carbon based (3), mineral (5), polymer (8) and other binders (9). Further, how these material specific binders have been used to synthesize simple to complex bio- or

  19. Development of an information retrieval tool for biomedical patents. (United States)

    Alves, Tiago; Rodrigues, Rúben; Costa, Hugo; Rocha, Miguel


    The volume of biomedical literature has been increasing in the last years. Patent documents have also followed this trend, being important sources of biomedical knowledge, technical details and curated data, which are put together along the granting process. The field of Biomedical text mining (BioTM) has been creating solutions for the problems posed by the unstructured nature of natural language, which makes the search of information a challenging task. Several BioTM techniques can be applied to patents. From those, Information Retrieval (IR) includes processes where relevant data are obtained from collections of documents. In this work, the main goal was to build a patent pipeline addressing IR tasks over patent repositories to make these documents amenable to BioTM tasks. The pipeline was developed within @Note2, an open-source computational framework for BioTM, adding a number of modules to the core libraries, including patent metadata and full text retrieval, PDF to text conversion and optical character recognition. Also, user interfaces were developed for the main operations materialized in a new @Note2 plug-in. The integration of these tools in @Note2 opens opportunities to run BioTM tools over patent texts, including tasks from Information Extraction, such as Named Entity Recognition or Relation Extraction. We demonstrated the pipeline's main functions with a case study, using an available benchmark dataset from BioCreative challenges. Also, we show the use of the plug-in with a user query related to the production of vanillin. This work makes available all the relevant content from patents to the scientific community, decreasing drastically the time required for this task, and provides graphical interfaces to ease the use of these tools. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. 26 CFR 514.5 - Patent and copyright royalties and film rentals. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 19 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Patent and copyright royalties and film rentals...) REGULATIONS UNDER TAX CONVENTIONS FRANCE Withholding of Tax § 514.5 Patent and copyright royalties and film rentals. (a) Exemption from tax. Royalties for the right to use copyrights, patents, designs, secret...

  1. Power law distributions of patents as indicators of innovation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dion R J O'Neale

    Full Text Available The total number of patents produced by a country (or the number of patents produced per capita is often used as an indicator for innovation. Here we present evidence that the distribution of patents amongst applicants within many countries is well-described by power laws with exponents that vary between 1.66 (Japan and 2.37 (Poland. We suggest that this exponent is a useful new metric for studying innovation. Using simulations based on simple preferential attachment-type rules that generate power laws, we find we can explain some of the variation in exponents between countries, with countries that have larger numbers of patents per applicant generally exhibiting smaller exponents in both the simulated and actual data. Similarly we find that the exponents for most countries are inversely correlated with other indicators of innovation, such as research and development intensity or the ubiquity of export baskets. This suggests that in more advanced economies, which tend to have smaller values of the exponent, a greater proportion of the total number of patents are filed by large companies than in less advanced countries.

  2. How to develop patent work research in the enterprise competitive intelligence environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Nansheng; Ren Xiaorong


    with the enterprise competitive environment rapid change, the importance of competitive intelligence becomes suddenly to reveal day by day. The patent is one of the most important information sources of competitive intelligence. This article describes the present status of the enterprise patent work, proposes the patent work strategy, point out that if it wants to enhance the enterprise competitive power, it will pay attention to the patent work. (authors)

  3. 22 CFR 92.72 - Services in connection with patents and patent applications. (United States)


    ... depends on who is making the application, the type of invention, and the circumstances of the case... this section regarding authentication of the authority of a foreign official. A notary or other... United States Patent Office.) (c) Authentication of authority of foreign official—(1) Necessity for...

  4. Enfermedad y creatividad de Luis A. Calvo

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    Germán Rodriguez Rodríguez


    Para algunos autores contemporáneos dos de sus obras "Malvaloca" y "Lejano azul" se pueden considerar como paradigmas de la música para piano en Colombia. En la obra pianística de Calvo se puede apreciar un talento musical natural, con pocas influencias externas...


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    S. R. Kolesnykov


    Full Text Available Purpose. Inventors and researchers of the world are focused on improvements of basic life support systems including provision of quality microclimate parameters in a car of the rolling stock. The research is aimed at reviewing and analyzing patents in the field of climate comfort, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (CCHVAC of railway passenger cars (the chronological framework: 2011-2017 from the date of publication. Мethodology. During the study there were reviewed patents (foreign and domestic ones in the field of CCHVAC in passenger vehicles, in particular railway cars, their optimization and ways of managing them. Patent search was carried out according to certain search criteria: keywords, time frames and in various patent systems of the world. An interdisciplinary approach was used. Findings. Based on the search results, 157 patents were found, 21 documents of which were selected for analysis. Patents are systematized into three groups: "New technical and technological solutions in systems and functioning facilities of HVAC ", "New and improved solutions for HVAC system management in a vehicle", "Air ozonation in passenger cars". It is established that all patents have one of the aspects that have solutions to the issues of more environmentally friendly, energy efficient and safe application of CCHVAC systems in railway transport. Originality. It was proved a high level of link penetration in various technical fields, which include patents with CCHVAC. It is established that it is characteristic for them to designate the majority of patent solutions for use not in the purely railway industry, but in transport in general. Practical value. Confirmation of the high level of link penetration in various technical fields will make it possible to reflect technical problems with CCHVAC and technologies for their solution throughout the world. This will contribute to a more intensive technological upgrade in the improvement of life support

  6. Application of Bibliographic Coupling versus Cited Titles Words in Patent Fuzzy Clustering

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    Anahita Kermani


    Full Text Available Attribute selection is one of the steps before patent clustering. Various attributes can be used for clustering. In this study, the effect of using citation and citation title words, respectively, in form of bibliographic coupling and citation title words sharing, were measured and compared with each other, as patent attributes. This study was done in an experimental method, on a collection of 717 US Patent cited in the patents belong to 977/774 subclass of US Patent Classification. Fuzzy C-means was used for patent clustering and extended BCubed precision and extended BCubed recall were used as evaluation measure. The results showed that the clustering produced by bibliographic coupling had better performance than clustering used citation title words and existence of cluster structure were in a wider range of exhaustivity than citation title words.

  7. Allantoic cyst: a prenatal clue to patent urachus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bunch, Paul T.; Kline-Fath, Beth M.; Calvo-Garcia, Maria A.; Donnelly, Lane F. [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Imhoff, Steven C. [Good Samaritan Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Crombleholme, Timothy M. [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Cincinnati, OH (United States)


    A patent urachus, which is typically diagnosed as leakage from the umbilicus postnatally, can present as an allantoic cyst in the umbilical cord antenatally. We report a case of a patent urachus with an allantoic cyst diagnosed via fetal MR imaging at 24 weeks' gestation. Early detection allowed for appropriate counseling and prompt corrective surgery after birth. (orig.)


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    Mirian Alves Freitas


    Full Text Available S. aureus é o agente etiológico de maior importância associado às infecções adquiridas tanto em âmbito comunitário ou hospitalar, devido a sua capacidade de desenvolver resistência às terapias convencionais. A Terapia Fotodinâmica (TFD surge como alternativa a ser utilizada no controle de cepas resistentes aos antibioticos. O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar os efeitos da TFD com Azul de Metileno (AM sobre cepas de S. aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA. As amostras foram diluídas em PBS estéril de acordo com a escala 0,5 de MacFarland. Os grupos foram compostos com diferentes concentrações de AM, incubados no escuro durante 15 minutos e irradiados por LED Biopdi/Irrad-Led5 em 660nm com fluência de 10 J/cm². Posteriormente, foram semeadas e incubadas à 37ºC por 24 horas. A contagem de Unidades Formadoras de Colônias (UFCs demonstrou que a TFD foi eficaz na menor concentração testada de AM sobre cepas de MRSA.

  9. Strategies for stem cell patent applications in the light of recent court cases. (United States)

    Eyre, David E; Schlich, George W


    Stem cells offer the prospect of treatments for diseases and injuries that are currently beyond medical science. Although development of these potential medical marvels has been dogged by their controversial origin, technological developments and guidance from recent judicial decisions have answered and overcome many of these difficulties. In particular, the European Patent Office, United States Patent and Trademark Office, Japan Patent Office and State Intellectual Property Office of China have published guidelines covering patenting of stem cell technologies in the light of recent decisions. We now see a patent landscape where stem cell technologies and related therapies can, with very few exceptions, be protected via patents, provided the appropriate form of claim wording is used.

  10. Differences in the patent management in Brazilian companies with and without plants abroad

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    Hilda Maria Salomé Pereira


    Full Text Available This paper compares the procedures of local Brazilian companies (those which have plants in Brazil only with those of international Brazilian companies (which have plants in at least two countries regarding the patent management. Although there are a lot more variables to consider when examining the issue of patents in companies, this study presents and analyzes the results of a qualitative research on the decision to patent innovations, the choice of countries where to patent and the strategic significance of patents to the company.

  11. Myriad and the mass media: the covering of a gene patent controversy. (United States)

    Caulfield, Timothy; Bubela, Tania; Murdoch, C J


    We explore how the print media in four jurisdictions framed the controversy surrounding Myriad Genetic's BRCA patents and consider the possible influence of media on public perceptions and policy reform. We used a broad search strategy to collect newspaper articles from Factiva and Lexis/Nexis on Myriad Genetics and the BRCA gene and identified the main triggers for those articles. We then selected articles on the BRCA gene patents for coding. The coding frame queried the presence or absence of either positive or negative statements about gene patenting and a subjective assessment of the tone of the article. We compared the differences in tone and number of positive and negative statements between jurisdictions (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and United States). Myriad Genetic's BRCA1/2 gene patents sparked significant international newspaper coverage in comparison to other stories on gene patenting controversies. Only 55.9% of 143 articles presented a variety of perspectives. The majority of articles (77.6%) had a negative overall tenor; only 6.29% had a positive overall tenor, whereas 16.1% were neutral. There were significant differences in the overall tenor between jurisdictions, with Canadian coverage being overwhelmingly negative in comparison with the other three jurisdictions. The main triggers for news coverage were largely local licensing deals, actions at regional patent offices, and statements and publications by prominent figures. Myriad's patents were largely portrayed as a negative story, except in Utah where Myriad Genetics is located, and as an example of the problems associated with gene patents. The story was primarily framed as a social dilemma that needed to be addressed. In Canada there was a disproportionate level of coverage of the political response to the threat of patent infringement action against government testing laboratories and potential impacts on public health care. In Europe and elsewhere in the United States, the opposition

  12. Patent portfolio structure for single technology companies


    Hartwell, Ian P.


    Single technology companies (STCs) are defined in this thesis as companies that (a) have the fundamental rights to a new technology, (b) have development of that technology as their core competence, (c) seek to exploit that technology primarily by licensing the patent rights, and (d) are driven primarily by 'technology push'. These factors often result in much of the value of the STC residing in its patent portfolio. This in turn may place significant - and often conflicting - ...

  13. Just-in-time patents and the development of standards

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kang, B.; Bekkers, R.


    Modern technical standards often include large numbers of patented technologies that are required to implement those standards. These “standard-essential patents” are very valuable assets, and firms that do not own such patents are prepared to spend billions of dollars purchasing them. Whereas large

  14. Screening for Patent Quality : Examination, Fees, and the Courts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schankerman, Mark; Schütt, Florian


    We develop an integrated framework to study how governments can improve the quality of patent screening. We focus on four key policy instruments: patent office examination, pre- and post-grant fees, and challenges in the courts. We show that there are important complementarities among these

  15. Mapping patent classifications: Portfolio and statistical analysis, and the comparison of strengths and weaknesses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leydesdorff, L.; Kogler, D.F.; Yan, B.

    The Cooperative Patent Classifications (CPC) recently developed cooperatively by the European and US Patent Offices provide a new basis for mapping patents and portfolio analysis. CPC replaces International Patent Classifications (IPC) of the World Intellectual Property Organization. In this study,

  16. [The patents game. Generic and biosimilar drugs]. (United States)

    Villamañán, E; González, D; Armada, E; Ruano, M; Álvarez-Sala, R; Herrero, A


    The protection provided by patents on medicines has a limited duration. The expiry of patents expiration allows copies of the drugs to be released, competing with original. At first, they were identical to the original, known as generic drugs, but in recent years, due to the marketing of biological therapies and the expiry of many of their patents, biosimilar drugs have also emerged. These are not exact copies of the original, but, like generic drugs, biosimilar drugs have to demonstrate equivalence to the reference drugs in quality, safety and efficacy. Nevertheless, despite their importance and contribution to sustainability of health system, doctors are sometimes unaware of differences between them, and their impact in terms of clinical and economic effects. An attempt is made to review and clarify certain aspects often unknown by physicians, despite their involvement in their use. Copyright © 2015 SECA. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  17. A Patent Analysis for Sustainable Technology Management

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    Junhyeog Choi


    Full Text Available Technology analysis (TA is an important issue in the management of technology. Most R&D (Research & Development policies have depended on diverse TA results. Traditional TA results have been obtained through qualitative approaches such as the Delphi expert survey, scenario analysis, or technology road mapping. Although they are representative methods for TA, they are not stable because their results are dependent on the experts’ knowledge and subjective experience. To solve this problem, recently many studies on TA have been focused on quantitative approaches, such as patent analysis. A patent document has diverse information of developed technologies, and thus, patent is one form of objective data for TA. In addition, sustainable technology has been a big issue in the TA fields, because most companies have their technological competitiveness through the sustainable technology. Sustainable technology is a technology keeping the technological superiority of a company. So a country as well as a company should consider sustainable technology for technological competition and continuous economic growth. Also it is important to manage sustainable technology in a given technology domain. In this paper, we propose a new patent analysis approach based on statistical analysis for the management of sustainable technology (MOST. Our proposed methodology for the MOST is to extract a technological structure and relationship for knowing the sustainable technology. To do this, we develop a hierarchical diagram of technology for finding the causal relationships among technological keywords of a given domain. The aim of the paper is to select the sustainable technology and to create the hierarchical technology paths to sustainable technology for the MOST. This contributes to planning R&D strategy for the sustainability of a company. To show how the methodology can be applied to real problem, we perform a case study using retrieved patent documents related to

  18. Law-medicine interfacing: patenting of human genes and mutations. (United States)

    Fialho, Arsenio M; Chakrabarty, Ananda M


    Mutations, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), deletions and genetic rearrangements in specific genes in the human genome account for not only our physical characteristics and behavior, but can lead to many in-born and acquired diseases. Such changes in the genome can also predispose people to cancers, as well as significantly affect the metabolism and efficacy of many drugs, resulting in some cases in acute toxicity to the drug. The testing of the presence of such genetic mutations and rearrangements is of great practical and commercial value, leading many of these genes and their mutations/deletions and genetic rearrangements to be patented. A recent decision by a judge in the Federal District Court in the Southern District of New York, has created major uncertainties, based on the revocation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene patents, in the eligibility of all human and presumably other gene patents. This article argues that while patents on BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes could be challenged based on a lack of utility, the patenting of the mutations and genetic rearrangements is of great importance to further development and commercialization of genetic tests that can save human lives and prevent suffering, and should be allowed.

  19. Scope of claim coverage in patents of fufang Chinese herbal drugs: Substitution of ingredients

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    Tian Jiaher


    Full Text Available Abstract Herbal ingredients in a Chinese fufang prescription are often replaced by one or several other herbal combinations. As there have been very few Chinese herbal patent infringement cases, it is still unclear how the Doctrine of Equivalents should be applied to determine the scope of 'equivalents' in Chinese fufang prescriptions. Case law principles from cases in other technical areas such as chemical patents and biological drug patents can be borrowed to ascertain a precise scope of a fufang patent. This article summarizes and discusses several chemical and biopharmaceutical patent cases. In cases where a certain herbal ingredient is substituted by another herb or a combination of herbs, accused infringers are likely to relate herbal drug patents to chemical drug patents with strict interpretation whereas patent owners may take advantage of the liberal application of Doctrine of Equivalence in biopharmaceutical patents by analogizing the complex nature of herbal drugs with biological drugs. Therefore, consideration should be given to the purpose of an ingredient in a patent, the qualities when combined with the other ingredients and the intended function. The scope of equivalents also depends on the stage of the prior art. Moreover, it is desirable to disclose any potential substitutes when drafting the application. Claims should be drafted in such a way that all foreseeable modifications are encompassed for the protection of the patent owner's intellectual property.

  20. Information Extraction From Chemical Patents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Bergmann


    Full Text Available The development of new chemicals or pharmaceuticals is preceded by an indepth analysis of published patents in this field. This information retrieval is a costly and time inefficient step when done by a human reader, yet it is mandatory for potential success of an investment. The goal of the research project UIMA-HPC is to automate and hence speed-up the process of knowledge mining about patents. Multi-threaded analysis engines, developed according to UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture standards, process texts and images in thousands of documents in parallel. UNICORE (UNiform Interface to COmputing Resources workflow control structures make it possible to dynamically allocate resources for every given task to gain best cpu-time/realtime ratios in an HPC environment.