
Sample records for con aparatos gps

  1. Apoyo a Estudios Geodinamicos con GPS en Guatemala (United States)

    Robles, V. R.


    El Instituto Geografico Nacional de Guatemala implemento 17 estaciones GNSS en el año 2009, como un proyecto de credito mixto de donacion de equipamiento del Gobierno de Suiza, el cual, este equipamiento de estaciones CORS GNSS es un sistema de recepción y transmisión de datos crudos GPS RInex que utiliza la tecnologia Spider Web de Leica, asi mismo este sistema esta sirviendo para el espablecimiento de un marco geodesico nacional de coordenadas geodesicas oficiales, el cual se calculan u obtienen las velocidades en tiempos temporales programados de las 17 Estaciones CORS. La infraestructura del marco geodesico de Guatemala esta sirviendo de base para las aplicaciones de estudios geodinamicos como el monitoreo de del desplazamiento de las placas tectonicas por medio de un estudio que se inicio en el año de 1999, llamado medicion con GPS el sistema de Fallas de los rios Polochic Motagua de Guatemala, tambien para un estudio que se implemento para deformación de corteza terrestre local en un Volcan Activo de Guatemala llamado Pacaya. Para el estudio de medicion con GPS en el sistema de falla de los Rios del polochic Motagua se implementaron 16 puntos para medir con GPS de dos frecuencias en el año de 1999, el cual, tres puntos son estaciones geodesicas CORS IGS llamados GUAT, ELEN y HUEH, despues en el año de 2003 se hizo otra medicion en un total de 20 puntos, que permitió calcular las velocidades de desplazamieinto de los puntos en mención, usando como referencia el modelo NUVEL 1A de DeMets de la placa de Norteamerica. Este estudio fue en cooperación internacional por la universidad de Nice de Francia y el IGNde Francia. Para el estudio del monitoreo con GPS del volcan activo de Guatemala, se implementaron cuatro puntos al rededor del volcan, el cual, se realizan cuatro mediciones al año, que permiten determinar axialmente la distancias entre los puntos, y rebisar estadisticamente cual es el comportamiento de las distancias en funcion del tiempo, si

  2. Efectos de los aparatos propulsores mandibulares fijos en la articulación temporomandibular


    Palomino-Gómez, Sandra P; Almeida, Kelei M; de Mello, Patricia B; Restrepo, Manuel; Ravelr, Dirceu B


    Resumen Los aparatos propulsores mandibulares fijos son una alternativa en el tratamiento de la maloclusión Clase II con deficiencia mandibular. La propiedad de ser fijo, condiciona a la mandíbula a una posición anterior forzada en reposo y durante todas las funciones mandibulares. Cuando se utiliza un aparato de propulsión, la mandíbula se desplaza hacia delante y hacia abajo. Este movimiento conduce a una nueva posición al cóndilo, que puede afectar el funcionamiento normal de la articulaci...

  3. Modificaciones en la articulación de fones en pacientes con aparato ortodóncico fijo lingual Speech changes in lingual orthodontic appliances patients

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    Pía Villanueva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: el presente trabajo pretende evaluar el efecto de los aparatos ortodóncicos fijos linguales en la articulación de los fones, en pacientes que hablen español chileno, y la adaptación a estos efectos dentro del primer mes de uso de los aparatos. MÉTODOS: la muestra consistió en 13 pacientes que acudieron para instalación de aparato ortodóncico fijo lingual. Se realizó un examen fonoarticulatorio en condiciones estandarizadas, en 5 momentos diferentes: previo a la instalación de los aparatos fijos (E0, inmediatamente después de realizada esta (E1, a las 24 horas posteriores (E2, a los 7 días (E3 y un mes después de la instalación (E4. Se determinaron los fones afectados en los distintos momentos de examen respecto a la línea base dada por el examen previo, y se analizó su resolución. RESULTADOS: se observaron cambios significativos en el punto de articulación de los fones [d], [s] y [r] Los fones [d] y [s] mostraron una resolución favorable dentro del primer mes de uso de los aparatos. El fone vibrante múltiple [r] no mostró una recuperación de la alteración una vez cumplido un mes de uso de los aparatos ortodóncicos. CONCLUSIONES: la instalación de aparato ortodóncico fijo lingual produce modificaciones en el punto de articulación de los fones consonánticos, las cuales tienden a mejorar dentro del primer mes de uso de los aparatos, con excepción del fone vibrante múltiple [r].PURPOSE: this study evaluated the effect of lingual orthodontics appliances on speech performance in native Chilean spanish speakers, and their adaptation to these effects during the first month. METHODS: phone production was recorded in a standardized test, in 13 patients with lingual orthodontic brackets, in 5 different times: before (E0, immediately after (E1, within 24 hours after (E2, within 7 days after (E3 and 1 month after (E4 the placement of fixed orthodontic lingual appliances, for assessment by speech professionals. RESULTS

  4. Corrosión en soldaduras de aparatos de ortodoncia

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    Vázquez, S. M.


    Full Text Available The study of corrosion-related problems of dental materials has undergone a considerable development in recent years in order to avoid the use of materials with insufficient corrosion resistance in patients' mouth. The subject of the present work was to study a particular type of corrosion: galvanic corrosion. One of the most common case of galvanic couples in patients' mouth are the orthodontic appliances. The materials studied in the present work were stainless steel strips and silver-copper wires, isolated and welded between them. The electrochemical tests were performed in a NaCl 0.1M and Lactic Acid 0.1M solution (pH 2.3, and after test, the specimens were observed using the optical and scanning electron microscope. The results show that when stainless steel is coupled with a silver solder, the last is the anode of the galvanic couple. As a consequence of this, the silver solder undergone a severe attack. Stainless steel orthodontic appliances with silver solder are feasibly destroyed due to a severe attack on the filler metal disjoining the welded parts.

    En los últimos años se ha desarrollado considerablemente el estudio de los problemas relacionados con la corrosión de aleaciones dentales a efectos de evitar la utilización de materiales con una deficiente resistencia a la corrosión en la boca de los pacientes. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar la corrosión de aparatos de ortodoncia fabricados con acero inoxidable con soldadura por punto o por aporte de aleación de plata. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que cuando el acero inoxidable contiene aportes de soldadura de material de base plata, ésta actúa como ánodo disolviéndose preferencialmente a una velocidad considerable. Los aparatos de ortodoncia construidos con acero inoxidable soldado con aporte de material de base plata, corren el riesgo de destrucción debido a un ataque intenso en el cordón de soldadura con el consiguiente despegue de las piezas

  5. Anatomía del Aparato Locomotor, 2010-11


    Juanes Méndez, Juan Antonio


    I. Materiales de clase: 1.Sistema Oseo. Las Articulaciones: definición, clasificaciones; 2.Esqueleto Axial; 3.Esqueleto Apendicular; 4. Organización del sistema nervioso periférico. Inervación del Aparato Locomotor; 5. Sistema muscular. II. Bibliografía y atlas Establecer la correlación morfofuncional del aparato locomotor necesaria para la deducción deficitaria derivada de las alteraciones de la dinámica osteoarticular. Esta asignatura se imparte en el primer curso del Grado en Terapia Oc...

  6. Apuntes acerca del aparato fiscal en el estado de Santander: aguardientes y clientelas

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    Nectalí Ariza Ariza


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata aspectos del aparato fiscal agenciado por los liberales en el Estado de Santander durante la época federal (1857 – 1886 y de la realidad social que trasluce dicha fiscalidad. En ese tiempo los gravámenes no producían lo suficiente para cubrir los gastos de la administración y los liberales gobernaron con un constante déficit. Al indagar por las causas, entre otras aparecen: pobreza generalizada, inexistencia de cultura fiscal, incertidumbre acerca de los volúmenes de riqueza; además, los mecanismos de recaudo y gasto estaban mediados por un exacerbado clientelismo.

  7. Ampliación tv-learning: aprendizaje a distancia con smart tvs


    Jaldo-Asenjo, Jesús


    Uno de los aparatos eléctricos más usados en los hogares del mundo es la televisión. Durante años se ha usado como un medio de comunicación, en el cuál podías enterarte de noticias ocurridas en el mundo, además de poder pasar tu tiempo libre viendo películas o series. Pero en la actualidad, con la llegada de Internet, las televisiones también cambiaron y ahora son aparatos inteligentes y capaces de conectarse a Internet. En poco se parecen los primeros modelos con los modelos actuales, tan...

  8. Morfología del aparato reproductor del picoroco Austromegabalanus psittacus (Molina, 1782 (Cirripedia, Balanidae

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    Catalina Contreras


    Full Text Available Descripción morfológica de las estructuras reproductivas de Austromegabalanus psittacus en dos periodos de maduración sexual. Se determinó que es un organismo hermafrodita que transfiere sus espermatozoides mediante un órgano intromitente o pene. El aparato reproductor masculino consta de testículos organizados en acinos que se distribuyen arboriformemente, dos conductos deferentes que se unen en la base del pene para formar el conducto eyaculador. El aparato reproductor femenino consiste principalmente en un ovario sacular que rodea al resto del cuerpo y se encuentra adherido a través de musculatura a la base de las placas operculares. Se organiza internamente en sacos acinares elongados que contienen ovogonias y ovocitos previtelogénicos adheridos a su pared y vitelogénicos y maduros libres dentro del lumen. Se observaron diferencias notorias en los ovarios entre los organismos recolectados en septiembre y octubre. En septiembre presentaron coloración amarillenta y en su interior se encontraron dos estructuras compactas denominadas lamelas ovígeras en cuyo interior se observaron ovocitos fecundados, embriones en diferentes estados de desarrollo y nauplius libres en la cavidad corporal; en octubre los ovarios son gruesos, blanquecinos y con gran cantidad de fluido lechoso en su interior.


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    Dr. Carlos A. Asenjo


    Full Text Available El sistema o aparato respiratorio, presenta diferencias significativas con el adulto, derivadas principalmente de su inmadurez anatómica y fisiológica. Esto le confiere gran labilidad funcional, tanto mayor cuanto menor es su edad. Como compensación, presenta abundancia e intensidad de síntomas en la falla respiratoria, que hace que las enfermedades respiratorias no pasen inadvertidas y merezcan especial atención, en forma precoz. Como excepción a la regla, los recién nacidos expresan pobremente el compromiso respiratorio. Sin embargo, la aparición de signos como apnea y bradicardia en presencia de hipoxemia, hecho inhabitual en el niño mayor, nos indican que la característica anterior no es permanente ni homogénea, otorgándole una condición única no concordante con la fisiología del organismo adulto. El conocimiento sobre las características anatómicas y funcionales de la vía aérea extra e intratorácica, nos va a permitir identificar precozmente las características fisiopatológicas que nos permitan sospechar una enfermedad en todo paciente pediátrico.

  10. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 1 utilizando un aparato expansor y exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 2 tipo B utilizando un aparato distalizador / Tratamiento de camuflaje de una maloclusión clase III con exodoncia de un incisivo central inferior / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase I por biprotrusión y DAD con exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase I por DAD con extracciones asimétricas


    González Torres, Carlos Rodrigo


    Describe el tratamiento de cinco casos clínicos de ortodoncia, atendidos en la Clínica Especializada de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres durante el periodo Agosto 2009 - Marzo 2012, tratándose de: 1. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 1 utilizando un aparato expansor y exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares. 2. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 2 tipo B utilizando un aparato distalizador. 3. Tratamiento de camuflaje de una...

  11. Mujer de 39 a??os con cefalea intensa


    Santiago-D??az, Carlos; Zamora-Pasadas, M??nica; S??nchez-Bern??, Isabel; Jim??nez-Alonso, Juan


    Paciente de 39 a??os que acude a urgencias por presentar un cuadro de cefalea intensa, holocraneal, con foto y sonofobia intensas, acompa??ada de febr??cula. En la exploraci??n f??sica ??nicamente destacaban leves roncus en base de hemit??rax izquierdo. Las pruebas complementarias iniciales fueron normales. Tras un estudio exhaustivo y fundamentalmente una insistencia en la anamnesis por ??rganos y aparatos, finalmente se lleg?? al diagn??stico.

  12. Los bloques gemelos: Uso y construcción del aparato convencional The twin blocks: Use and construction of the conventional appliance

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    Rebeca Fernández Ysla


    Full Text Available La técnica de los bloques gemelos fue desarrollada por el doctor escocés Clark durante los años 1980. Estos aparatos reposicionan la mandíbula y redirigen las fuerzas oclusales. Están construidos en una mordida protrusiva que permite modificar eficazmente el plano inclinado oclusal por medio de planos inclinados de plástico o de acrílico colocados sobre los bloques de mordida oclusales. Son cómodos y deben ser usados todo el tiempo incluyendo el momento de las comidas, con el objetivo de fomentar la función mandibular protrusiva. El tratamiento consta de 2 fases: una activa donde se corrige el resalte y la sobremordida y otra de apoyo o mantenimiento, donde se garantiza la estabilidad de los resultados. Con el uso del aparato convencional s e logran resultados fantásticos en el tratamiento de la clase II división 1 en períodos relativamente cortos de tiempo.The twin block technique was developed by the Scottish Dr. Clark during the 1980s. These appliances reposition the jaw and redirect the occlusal forces. They are constructed in protrusive bite that allow to efficiently modify the occlusal inclined plane by means of plastic or acrylic inclined planes placed on the blocks of occlusal bites. They are comfortable and they should be used all the time, including the meal time in order to foster the protrusive mandibular function. The treatment has 2 stages: an active one, where the overjet and the overbite are corrected, and the support or maintainance stage that guarantee the stability of the results. Fantastic results are attained by using the conventional appliance in the treatment of class II division I malocclusion in relatively short periods of time.

  13. Cómo hacer ciencia con aparatos. Un enfoque materialista de la física cuántica

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    Full Text Available El énfasis en la práctica científica, procedente originariamente de la sociología de la ciencia y, más recientemente, de la historia y la filosofía de la ciencia, está produciendo una concepción de la ciencia dramáticamente nueva. La práctica científica dibuja dentro de la órbita de la ciencia no sólo teorías y modelos, sino también hechos, instrumentos, aparatos, máquinas y seres humanos. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la perspectiva experimentalista de pensar la física cuántica. Explico tres puntos de vista: el sociológico de Andrew Pickering, el epistemológico de Ian Hacking y el ontológico de Gustavo Bueno; quienes buscan moverse de la representación a la experimentación y la manipulación. Lo que distingue estas concepciones de la tradicional es que no comprenden la ciencia como una construcción en términos conceptuales y lingüísticos sino como una actividad social y material.

  14. Aspectos ergonômicos relacionados com o ambiente e equipamentos hospitalares Aspectos ergonómicos relacionados con el ambiente y aparatos hospitalarios Ergonomic aspects of the hospital working environment and equipment

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    Neusa Maria Costa Alexandre


    Full Text Available A ergonomia tem sido difundida como uma das mais importantes estratégias para reduzir os problemas originados por situações de trabalho que causam lesões no sistema músculo-esquelético. O presente trabalho discute determinados aspectos do ambiente como espaço de trabalho, altura da superfície de trabalho, limites de alcance e equipamentos, relacionando-os com as atividades ocupacionais da enfermagem.La ergonomía ha sido difundida como una de las más importantes estratégias para disminuir los problemas originados por situaciones de trabajo que causan lesiones en el sistema musculosquelético. El presente trabajo discute determinados aspectos del ambiente como espacio de trabajo, altura de la superficie de trabajo, limites del alcance y aparatos, relacionándolos con las actividades ocupacionales de enfermería.Ergonomics has been one of the most important strategies for reducing musculoskeletal injuries caused by working conditions. The present report discusses particular aspects of the working environment such as work space, working heights, as well as the limits of reach and of the equipment used, and attempts to relate these to the occupational activities in nursing.


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    Luis Alfonso Cruz Naïmi


    Full Text Available La observación meteorológica sin aparatos puede ser una buena forma de enseñar geografía (en particular la climatología, a la vez que es una actividad donde se potencian una serie de aspectos educativos especialmente interesantes desde el punto de vista de la atención a la diversidad, y en concreto, para los alumnos de los Programas de Diversificación Cunicular. El componente procedimental de esta actividad y la necesaria implicación de los alumnos para su realización hacen que esta propuesta sea válida para ser llevada a cabo con este tipo de alumnos.

  16. La dictadura militar y la Universidad de São Paulo: el montaje del aparato de represión (1964-1972

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    Matheus Cardoso da Silva


    Full Text Available Resumen: El artículo aborda el proceso de montaje del aparato de represión durante la dictadura militar (1964-1972 al interior de la Universidad de São Paulo, que tenía como objetivos la vigilancia, censura y  represión para con los docentes y estudiantes. Para desarrollar esas actividades se dio la supervisión de la vida cotidiana en la universidad, tanto en las actividades académicas como en las personales, resultado de lo cual se dieron diversas detenciones, procesamientos e, incluso, asesinatos. El periodo de tiempo analizado se ha dividido en tres momentos, cada uno de los cuales se describe a detalle a lo largo del artículo: el primero, a partir de 1964, mediante la vigilancia emprendida por la DOPS; el segundo inicia con la promulgación del Acta Institucional Número 5 (AI-5; y, el tercero inicia con la creación del Asesoramiento Especial y Seguridad de la Información (AESI en todas las universidades, a partir de 1972. Durante este último momento se logró la distensión política del régimen militar, caminando hacia el proceso de apertura, aunque aún en nuestros días quedan resabios de las políticas de vigilancia de la época. Palabras clave: dictadura, Universidad de São Paulo, aparato de vigilancia.   Abstract: This paper describes the process of mounting the repression apparatus during the military dictatorship (1964-1972 inside the Sao Paolo University having as main objectives monitoring, censorship and repression of teachers and students. To accomplish these objectives, daily life in college, including academic and personal activities, was supervised resulting in several arrests, prosecutions and even murders. The analyzed period of time is divided into three stages. Each of them is described in detail throughout this paper. The first one, starting from 1964, describes the monitoring undertaken by the DOPS*; the second one starts with the enactment of the Institutional Act 5 (IA-5; and the third one starts with

  17. La transformación de un vehículo eléctrico, con la regulación con VTC (variador de tensión continua, en un vehículo con inversor de frecuencia y motor eléctrico asíncrono

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    Ioan Bele


    Full Text Available El trabajo presenta la metodología y las condiciones que deben cumplirse para transformar los vehículos de corriente continua, con regulación de la velocidad de marcha por VTC (chopper, en vehículos accionados por corriente alterna con la regulación mediante inversor y motor eléctrico de tracción asíncrono. Tanto en el primer sistema como en el segundo la regulación de la velocidad se hace mediante el autómata programable. En el primer sistema la regulación de la velocidad es posible mediante el control por impulsos del chopper, mientras que en el segundo la regulación se realiza con la modificación tanto de la tensión como de su frecuencia. Las siguientes funciones del autómata programable no se cambian: el control y el seguimiento de las instalaciones auxiliares del interruptor principal, el control y seguimiento de los contactores de línea y también el diseño de los indicadores de la velocidad, la corriente y la tensión. Otras características del autómata programable se cambian totalmente: el control de los tiristores o los transistores, las informaciones con respecto a la corriente, se elimina una serie de componentes y aparatos y además se pueden montar otros aparatos directamente en el inversor. En conclusión, el paso del sistema de accionamiento con máquina eléctrica de corriente continua, y la regulación de la velocidad de marcha con variador de tensión continua VTC (chopper, al sistema de accionamiento con máquina de corriente alterna y la regulación mediante el inversor, puede realizarse de una manera relativamente fácil después de un análisis de las funciones de las instalaciones de control y regulación.

  18. Estudio analítico de conos de hidróxido cálcico con gutapercha


    Berástegui, Esther


    El objetivo del estudio fue la determinación del ión calcio contenido en los conos de hidróxido cálcico con gutapercha (Roeko, Alemania. Se tomaron nueve conos de cada número de los números 15 al 40 y se realizó el procesamiento de las muestras con ácido nítrico y perclórico. Posteriormente se estudiaron las muestras de forma cuantitativa con el aparato de espectrometría atómica Thermo Jarrel Ash modelo 61E Polyscan, por el método del plasma de inducción acoplado. Se obtuvieron unos valores d...


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    Santos Gabriel Campos Magaña


    Full Text Available La agricultura de precisión requiere información precisa acerca de las propiedades del suelo para optimizar la aplicación de insumos y satisfacer necesidades específicas de los cultivos. En particular, la resistencia a la penetración (RP que es un factor que mide la compactación del suelo, la cual limita el crecimiento de las raíces y el rendimiento del cultivo, lo cual requiere ubicar y cuantificar el valor de RP. El presente trabajo describe el desarrollo de un penetrómetro integrado con dos sensores (resistencia y profundidad aplicados junto con tecnología de Posicionamiento Cinemátio en Tiempo Real-Sistema de Posicionamiento Global para Agricultura (RTK-AgGPS para la generación de mapas de diagnóstico de capas compactadas. El primer sensor fue desarrollado para la medición de la RP utilizando un transductor de anillo simple con capacidad de hasta 9 MPa, con una sensibilidad de 13.5 Nm V-1 y un coeficiente de correlación de 99.6% entre la fuerza aplicada y el voltaje de salida. El segundo sensor, se adecuó para determinar la profundidad de RP con un desplazamiento de trabajo máximo de 0.60 m, con una sensibilidad de 258.5 mm V-1 y un coeficiente de correlación de 100% entre la profundidad de penetración y voltaje de salida. Para la evaluación en campo, se construyó un carro porta-sensores acoplado al enganche del tractor para el accionamiento del actuador hidráulico del penetrómetro. Se realizó un muestreo sistemático de 30 puntos utilizando la tecnología RTK-GPS obteniendo los valores y localización geo referenciada de RP con una precisión de 0.025 m en una profundidad de trabajo hasta de 0.40 m, esto permitió la generación de mapas de diagnóstico de la RP empleando un Sistema de Información Geográfica para tres profundidades diferentes de 0.20, 0.30 y 0.40 m.

  20. De GPS al mapa

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    Esteban Dörries


    Full Text Available Las coordenadas Lambert obtenidas a partir de mediciones con equipos GPS de mano, llamados a veces navegadores, en ciertos casos confunden al usuario, por diferir claramente de su posición real al ser graficadas en un mapa del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN: Esto puede resolverse con suficiente exactitud mediante una transformación de Molodensky, seguida de la correspondiente proyección cartográfica. Sin embargo, los tres parámetros necesarios para la transformación, supuestamente válidos para Costa Rica, se encuentran en muchas variantes y producen obviamente resultados diferentes. En este trabajo se analizan los fundamentos del problema y sus posibles soluciones, culminando con un estudio comparativo de ocho casos, que permite seleccionar los valores más adecuados para los parámetros.

  1. Irradiance of phototherapy equipment in maternity wards in Maceió La irradiación de los aparatos de fototerapia en las maternidades de Maceió Irradiância dos aparelhos de fototerapia nas maternidades de Maceió

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    Anne Laura Costa Ferreira


    Full Text Available The effectiveness of neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia treatment depends directly on the amount of energy emitted by light (irradiance. This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the irradiance of phototherapy equipment in maternity wards in Maceió, AL, Brazil. All equipment in use in the neonatal units in Maceió was included in the study, totaling 36 devices, except those in maintenance. The measurement of irradiance was carried out with a radiometer. We observed that 72.20% of the equipment presented efficient irradiance and 27.76% were inefficient. The conclusion is that the majority of phototherapy devices are emitting the minimum required irradiance for neonatal jaundice treatment.La eficacia del tratamiento de la hiperbilirrubinemia neonatal depende directamente de la cantidad de energía emitida por la luz (irradiación. Este es un estudio transversal que objetivó determinar la irradiación de los aparatos de fototerapia en las maternidades de Maceió. Es un muestreo por censo, ya que incluyó todos los aparatos en uso en las unidades neonatales de Maceió, en el total de treinta y seis aparatos (36, excluyéndose aquellos que estaban en manutención. La medición de la irradiación fue realizada con un radiómetro. Se observó que 72,20% de los aparatos presentaron irradiación eficaz y 27,76% de los aparatos fueron ineficaces. Se concluye que la mayoría de los aparatos de fototerapia está emitiendo la irradiación mínima terapéutica para el tratamiento de la ictericia neonatal.A eficácia do tratamento da hiperbilirrubinemia neonatal está na dependência direta da quantidade de energia emitida pela luz (irradiância. Este é um estudo transversal que objetivou determinar a irradiância dos aparelhos de fototerapia nas maternidades de Maceió. A amostragem foi censitária, pois incluiu todos os aparelhos em uso nas unidades neonatais de Maceió, no total de trinta e seis aparelhos (36, excluindo-se aqueles que estavam em manuten

  2. Anatomía macroscópica, irrigación y drenaje venoso del aparato reproductor femenino de la llama (Lama glama)


    León M., Eric; Sato S., Alberto; Navarrete Z., Miluska; Cisneros S., Jannet


    Se hizo la descripción anatómica del tracto reproductor femenino de la llama. Se usaron 4 llamas adultas. Macroscópicamente, la anatomía del aparato reproductor es morfológicamente similar a la del bovino, diferenciándose por la ausencia de ligamento intercornual y cotiledones, así como por la presentación de un tabique intercornual, como es el caso de la alpaca. La distribución de las arterias y venas que irrigaron y drenaron sangre a la cavidad pélvica y aparato reproductor presentaron en u...

  3. Basic principles of scintillation counting; Principes de Base du Comptage par Scintillations; Osnovnye printsipy stsintillyatsij; Principios fundamentales del recuento con aparatos de centelleo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johns, H E; Cederlund, J F [Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto (Canada)


    The effect of the energy of radiation, the crystal size, the collimation of the beam and scattering on the pulse-height distribution produced by monoenergetic radiation will be discussed. These aspects will be related to scintillation scanning. The effects of voltage on the operation of photomultiplier s and so-called plateaus will be dealt with. Glow-transfer tubes for counting will be dealt with and a useful substraction circuit for comparing the counting rate from two separate scintillation counters will be presented. (author) [French] Les auteurs examineront l'effet de l'energie du rayonnement, de la dimension du cristal, de la collimation du faisceau et de la diffusion sur la repartition de l'amplitude des impulsions dues au rayonnement monoenergetique, en rattachant l'etude de ces questions a l'exploration par scintillations. Ils etudieront egalement les effets de la tension sur le fonctionnement des photomultiplicateurs et des , ainsi que l'utilisation de pour le comptage; ils presenteront enfin un circuit de soustraction utile servant a comparer le taux de comptage de deux scintillometres distincts. (author) [Spanish] Los autores estudiaran el efecto que la energia de la radiacion, el tamano del cristal, la colimacion del haz y la dispersion ejercen sobre la distribucion de la amplitud de los impulsos debida a la radiacion monoenergetica, relacionando todas estas cuestiones con la exploracion mediante aparatos de centelleo. Examinaran tambien la influencia de las variaciones de tension sobre el funcionamiento de los fotomultiplicadores y sobre las denominadas , asi como los tubos luminiscentes de transmision para el recuento; por ultimo, presentaran un circuito de sustraccion que sirve para comparar el indice de recuento de dos contadores de centelleo distintos. (author) [Russian] Budet obsuzhdat'sya vliyanie ehnergii izlucheniya, velichiny kristalla, kollimirovaniya lucha i, nakonets, rasseyaniya na amplitudnoe

  4. Innovaciones tecnológicas aplicads al transporte colectivo en Quito: optimización en la evaluación de la demanda con GPS y SIG

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    Full Text Available Cet article présente un triple intérêt. En premier lieu, il décrit FINDEM, un système embarqué intégrant un GPS permettant le comptage semi-automatique des usagers du transport en commun élaboré à Quito. En second lieu, il présente la méthodologie de traitement des données effectuée avec le Système d’Information Géographique SAVANE. Enfin, sont détaillés les principaux résultats obtenus suite à une première enquête “ Montées-Descentes ” réalisée avec FINDEM dans les bus, le long d’un axe périurbain Quito - El Quinche. El presente artículo tiene un triple objetivo. Primero, describir FINDEM, un sistema instalado en las unidades del transporte colectivo provisto con un GPS que permite el conteo semiautomático de pasajeros. Segundo, presentar la metodología de procesamiento de los datos recopilados mediante el uso del Sistema de Información Geográfico SAVANE. Tercero, detallar los principales resultados obtenidos en una primera encuesta Ascensos Descensos realizada con FINDEM en los buses del corredor interparroquial Quito - El Quinche. This paper serves three purposes. First, to detail FINDEM, an on-board system developed in Quito, which integrates a GPS and allows a semi-automatic passengers’ counting within an urban transportation network. Second, to present the methodology about the processing of the data collected with this equipment using a Geographical Information System called SAVANE. Third, to give the main results of a first “Getting On-Off” survey carried out with FINDEM on buses, along the “Quito - El Quinche” suburban corridor.

  5. Reparación de la insuficiencia mitral funcional mediante abordaje del aparato subvalvular. Resultados a medio plazo

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    Álvaro Pedraz-Prieto


    Conclusiones: El abordaje del aparato subvalvular en la reparación de la insuficiencia mitral funcional se presenta como una alternativa válida en el tratamiento de este tipo de insuficiencia, ofreciendo buenos resultados en lo que a evolución postoperatoria y tasa de recidiva a medio plazo se refiere.


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    Pablo Gómez Martinez


    Full Text Available

    Son muchos los trabajos publicados que explican la resistencia natural del aparato urinario a la infección y las maneras como se defiende. Basta citar unos cuantos para demostrar que ninguno de ellos es plenamente satisfactorio: la naturaleza del epitelio, la evacuación completa del sistema excretor, el factor intrínseco vesical, el lavado hacia el exterior (wash
    out de Hinman, los mucoproteídos, la resistencia del paciente, la virulencia del germen infectante, son mecanismos comúnmente citados como factores en contra del proceso infeccioso.

    Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que la infección no se produce si el organismo es inmune a agentes microbianos, y que si se desarrolla, es porque este mecanismo humoral está disminuido o ausente o alterado, o porque otros, posiblemente existentes, no han sido capaces de vencer el ataque infeccioso al individuo.

    Una vez establecida la infección, los mismos agentes bacterianos obran como antígenos capaces de producir anticuerpos, es decir, de desencadenar el proceso inmunológico que permitirá al paciente salir airoso de la lucha, o modificar la evolución clínica de la

    Ya sea natural o adquirida, generala local, la inmunidad es la que en esencia y básicamente, juega un papel de primera magnitud en la defensa del aparato urinario.

    Mecanismo inmunológico local. Hasta hace poco tiempo, la inmunología se ocupaba principalmente de la respuesta serológica a la infección, tanto en el hombre como en los animales y trataba de producir su inmunidad administrando una gran variedad de antígenos
    cuya respuesta se mide por el título de los anticuerpos producidos en el suero, como prueba de la eficacia del proceso. Nadie puede negar que la vacunación ha sido uno de los grandes triunfos de la humanidad en su lucha contra las epidemias.

    Sin embargo, estudios más recientes han demostrado que, aunque puede existir una relaci

  7. Eficacia de vibraciones transtorácicas más in-exuflación mecánica versus:técnicas manuales para tos asistida en pacientes pediátricos con parálisis cerebral grave o profunda


    Vergara Lozano, Pedro


    Las infecciones respiratorias recurrentes son frecuentes en la Parálisis Cerebral (PCI). La tos asistida manual (TAM) y mecánica (TM) persigue preservar las funciones del aparato respiratorio. Objetivo:. Evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento con vibraciones transtorácicas más insuflación-exuflación mecánica frente a las técnicas manuales, para inducir tos asistida en pacientes pediátricos con PCI grave o profunda. Método: 40 niños con PCI hospitalizados por infecciones respiratorias con edad me...

  8. 75 FR 8928 - Announcement of IS-GPS-200, IS-GPS-705, IS-GPS-800 Interface Control Working Group (ICWG... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force Announcement of IS-GPS-200, IS-GPS-705, IS-GPS... document/s IS-GPS-200E (NAVSTAR GPS Space Segment/Navigation User Interfaces), IS-GPS-705A (NAVSTAR GPS Space Segment/User Segment L5 Interfaces), and IS-GPS-800A (NAVSTAR GPS Space Segment/User Segment L1C...

  9. Hacking GPS

    CERN Document Server

    Kingsley-Hughes, Kathie


    * This is the "user manual" that didn't come with any of the 30 million GPS receivers currently in use, showing readers how to modify, tweak, and hack their GPS to take it to new levels!* Crazy-cool modifications include exploiting secret keycodes, revealing hidden features, building power cords and cables, hacking the battery and antenna, protecting a GPS from impact and falls, making a screen protector, and solar-powering a GPS* Potential power users will take the function and performance of their GPS to a whole new level by hacking into the firmware and hacking into a PC connection with a GPS* Fear not! Any potentially dangerous mod (to the device) is clearly labeled, with precautions listed that should be taken* Game time! Readers can check out GPS games, check into hacking geocaching, and even use a GPS as a metal detector

  10. Diseño, fabricación y prueba de una antena de parche para GPS en aplicaciones automotrices Diseño, fabricación y prueba de una antena de parche para GPS en aplicaciones automotrices

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    S. V Koshevaya


    Full Text Available This work is focused on the development of a prototype patch antenna designed for use asa replacement antenna in automotive Global Positioning Systems (GPS. In simulations andtesting of the prototype, the focus was on the antenna gain. Transmission-reception testingwas done to verify the operation frequency. The prototype was tested with a commercial GPSkit to evaluate its performance as a replacement antenna. Laboratory testing showed that itcomplied with the minimum requirements for both reception and transmission frequencies,while testing on a stationary vehicle showed slight variations when compared to the positiondata obtained using the same kit with its original antenna. In non-stationary testing, positiondeterminations made with the prototype were sufficiently precise for use.Este trabajo se centra en el desarrollo de una antena de parche diseñada para Sistemas de Posicionamiento Global (GPS, con la finalidad de emplearla como antena de reemplazo en aplicaciones automotrices. En las simulaciones y pruebas se pone énfasis en su ganancia. Las pruebas de transmisión-recepción se realizaron para verificar que la frecuencia de operación de la antena fabricada sea la adecuada. Las pruebas con un kit de GPS comercial fueron realizadas para comparar su desempeño como antena de reemplazo. Las pruebas de laboratorio muestran que se cumple con el mínimo requerido para cubrir ambas frecuencias, de recepción y de transmisión, mientras que las pruebas del prototipo, en el techo vehículo sin movimiento, mostraron ligeras variaciones en los datos de posición, comparados con los obtenidos con el kit con su antena original. Las pruebas de viaje mostraron la suficiente precisión en la determinación de la posición para su uso.

  11. Integrated navigation of aerial robot for GPS and GPS-denied environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Satoshi; Min, Hongkyu; Nonami, Kenzo; Wada, Tetsuya


    In this study, novel robust navigation system for aerial robot in GPS and GPS- denied environments is proposed. Generally, the aerial robot uses position and velocity information from Global Positioning System (GPS) for guidance and control. However, GPS could not be used in several environments, for example, GPS has huge error near buildings and trees, indoor, and so on. In such GPS-denied environment, Laser Detection and Ranging (LIDER) sensor based navigation system have generally been used. However, LIDER sensor also has an weakness, and it could not be used in the open outdoor environment where GPS could be used. Therefore, it is desired to develop the integrated navigation system which is seamlessly applied to GPS and GPS-denied environments. In this paper, the integrated navigation system for aerial robot using GPS and LIDER is developed. The navigation system is designed based on Extended Kalman Filter, and the effectiveness of the developed system is verified by numerical simulation and experiment. (paper)

  12. GPS Composite Clock Analysis


    Wright, James R.


    The GPS composite clock defines GPS time, the timescale used today in GPS operations. GPS time is illuminated by examination of its role in the complete estimation and control problem relative to UTC/TAI. The phase of each GPS clock is unobservable from GPS pseudorange measurements, and the mean phase of the GPS clock ensemble (GPS time) is unobservable. A new and useful observability definition is presented, together with new observability theorems, to demonstrate explicitly that GPS time is...

  13. Radiodiagnóstico Física de los Rayos X – Aparatos

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    Gonzalo Esguerra G.


    , doctor Jaime Jaramillo, eficazmente secundado por los señores Miembros del Consejo Directivo, doctores Cuéllar Durán, Uribe, Acosta y Almánzar. A todos y a cada uno de ellos quiero manifestarles mi más profundo y espontáneo agradecimiento por la honrosa designación que me hicieron.

    El hecho de figurar desde hoy en la lista de los profesores de la Facultad de Medicina, cuyos nombres son orgullo de la ciencia médica nacional, me llena de satisfacción y de entusiasmo.

    Debiera comenzar, como es de costumbre, por hacer la apología de mi antecesor en esta cátedra; pero como la ciencia de la Radiología es tan reciente que todo su progreso se ha llevado a cabo exclusivamente en el siglo en que vivimos, esto explica el que no haya lugar a lamentar hoy la desaparición de uno de nuestros maestros.

    Pero en cambio, me parece justo recordar en esta ocasión a dos colegas muy distinguidos, con quienes me ligan vínculos de amistad y de cariño, por haber sido ellos los iniciadores del radiodiagnóstico en la ciudad de Bogotá; me refiero a los doctores Isaac Rodríguez y Germán Reyes. Con una fe y un entusiasmo que los honra; venciendo numerosas dificultades, y en un momento en que la técnica radiológica no había alcanzado la perfección que hoy tiene, los doctores Reyes y Rodríguez instalaron y pusieron en servicio los primeros aparatos de Rayos X en la ciudad de Bogotá.

    Hasta ellos quiero hacer llegar en este día un recuerdo cariñoso de admiración y simpatía. y mal podría olvidar a quien fue mi maestro e iniciador en estos estudios: muchos de ustedes recordarán, en el año 1920, al profesor André J. Richard, profundo clínico, conocedor como el que más de la ciencia de la radiología, insigne maestro y grande organizador, que puso al servicio el Laboratorio de Rayos X del Hospital de San Juan de Dios; y al profesor Martín Weiser, que hasta hace pocos años nos acompañó en esta ciudad; caballero a carta cabal, para quien la ciencia

  14. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase III en dentición decidua y mixta con expansión rápida palatina y máscara facial


    Carlos Soldevilla, Luciano; Aliaga Del Castillo, Arón


    Reportamos el seguimiento de un caso clínico de mordida cruzada que en un inicio comprometió el uso de un aparato de expansión palatina adhesivo de acrílico, que después de la estabilización del tratamiento y coincidente con el recambio dentario anterosuperior, sufrió recidiva de la mordida cruzada anterior, la cual fue corregida con el uso de máscara facial. El propósito de corregir la mordida cruzada en edades tempranas permite que se produzca mejoras en el patrón esquelético de clase III y...

  15. El basurero

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    Bradbury Ray


    Full Text Available Asi era su trabajo: se levantaba a las cinco de las fria y oscura mañanay se lavaba la cara con agua caliente si el aparato de calefaccion funcionaba y con agua fria si el aparato no funcionaba. Se afeitaba cuidadosamente, hablandole a su mujer en la cocina, que preparaba jamon y huevos o panqueques o lo que hubiera aquella mañana.

  16. Combined GPS/GLONASS Precise Point Positioning with Fixed GPS Ambiguities (United States)

    Pan, Lin; Cai, Changsheng; Santerre, Rock; Zhu, Jianjun


    Precise point positioning (PPP) technology is mostly implemented with an ambiguity-float solution. Its performance may be further improved by performing ambiguity-fixed resolution. Currently, the PPP integer ambiguity resolutions (IARs) are mainly based on GPS-only measurements. The integration of GPS and GLONASS can speed up the convergence and increase the accuracy of float ambiguity estimates, which contributes to enhancing the success rate and reliability of fixing ambiguities. This paper presents an approach of combined GPS/GLONASS PPP with fixed GPS ambiguities (GGPPP-FGA) in which GPS ambiguities are fixed into integers, while all GLONASS ambiguities are kept as float values. An improved minimum constellation method (MCM) is proposed to enhance the efficiency of GPS ambiguity fixing. Datasets from 20 globally distributed stations on two consecutive days are employed to investigate the performance of the GGPPP-FGA, including the positioning accuracy, convergence time and the time to first fix (TTFF). All datasets are processed for a time span of three hours in three scenarios, i.e., the GPS ambiguity-float solution, the GPS ambiguity-fixed resolution and the GGPPP-FGA resolution. The results indicate that the performance of the GPS ambiguity-fixed resolutions is significantly better than that of the GPS ambiguity-float solutions. In addition, the GGPPP-FGA improves the positioning accuracy by 38%, 25% and 44% and reduces the convergence time by 36%, 36% and 29% in the east, north and up coordinate components over the GPS-only ambiguity-fixed resolutions, respectively. Moreover, the TTFF is reduced by 27% after adding GLONASS observations. Wilcoxon rank sum tests and chi-square two-sample tests are made to examine the significance of the improvement on the positioning accuracy, convergence time and TTFF. PMID:25237901

  17. Combined GPS/GLONASS Precise Point Positioning with Fixed GPS Ambiguities

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    Lin Pan


    Full Text Available Precise point positioning (PPP technology is mostly implemented with an ambiguity-float solution. Its performance may be further improved by performing ambiguity-fixed resolution. Currently, the PPP integer ambiguity resolutions (IARs are mainly based on GPS-only measurements. The integration of GPS and GLONASS can speed up the convergence and increase the accuracy of float ambiguity estimates, which contributes to enhancing the success rate and reliability of fixing ambiguities. This paper presents an approach of combined GPS/GLONASS PPP with fixed GPS ambiguities (GGPPP-FGA in which GPS ambiguities are fixed into integers, while all GLONASS ambiguities are kept as float values. An improved minimum constellation method (MCM is proposed to enhance the efficiency of GPS ambiguity fixing. Datasets from 20 globally distributed stations on two consecutive days are employed to investigate the performance of the GGPPP-FGA, including the positioning accuracy, convergence time and the time to first fix (TTFF. All datasets are processed for a time span of three hours in three scenarios, i.e., the GPS ambiguity-float solution, the GPS ambiguity-fixed resolution and the GGPPP-FGA resolution. The results indicate that the performance of the GPS ambiguity-fixed resolutions is significantly better than that of the GPS ambiguity-float solutions. In addition, the GGPPP-FGA improves the positioning accuracy by 38%, 25% and 44% and reduces the convergence time by 36%, 36% and 29% in the east, north and up coordinate components over the GPS-only ambiguity-fixed resolutions, respectively. Moreover, the TTFF is reduced by 27% after adding GLONASS observations. Wilcoxon rank sum tests and chi-square two-sample tests are made to examine the significance of the improvement on the positioning accuracy, convergence time and TTFF.

  18. Reparación de hernias inguinoescrotales gigantes bilaterales con realización preoperatoria de neumoperitoneo Repair of bilateral giant inguinoscrotal hernias with preoperative pneumoperitoneum

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    Eugenio Vicario Benito del Valle


    Full Text Available Se describe el manejo preoperatorio y quirúrgico de un paciente con hernia inguinoescrotal gigante “con pérdida del derecho de asilo” mediante neumoperitoneo preoperatorio, con el fin de facilitar su reducción y evitar la tensión y la insuficiencia respiratoria que conllevaría. Para realizar el neumoperitoneo se utilizó el aparato de laparoscopia a través de un drenaje peritoneal colocado percutaneamente con ayuda del radiólogo intervencionistaThe preoperative and surgical management of a patient with giant inguinoscrotal hernia with “loss of the asylum right” by preoperative pneumoperitoneum in order to facilitate its reduction and prevent the tension and respiratory failure it would lead to, is described. The pneumoperitoneum was performed by using the laparoscopy apparatus through a peritoneal drainage percutaneously placed with the help of the interventionist radiologist

  19. Dispensación nocturna de medicamentos “con carácter de urgencia” en una farmacia comunitaria de Valladolid

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    García Sevillano L


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN Tres farmacias comunitarias realizan el servicio nocturno en Valladolid. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron conocer el porcentaje de las dispensaciones “con carácter de urgencia”, qué proporción de éstas se realizó a través de la receta médica o el informe de urgencias y los medicamentos dispensados “con carácter de urgencia” en una farmacia comunitaria en servicio nocturno. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS Para llevar a cabo este estudio observacional descriptivo, se registraron todas las dispensaciones nocturnas durante un año. Los datos recogidos fueron para quién es el/los medicamento/s prescrito/s, si tenía “carácter de urgencia”, si presentaba un informe de urgencias médico o una receta y los medicamentos dispensados. RESULTADOS Las dispensaciones con “carácter de urgencia” supusieron un 6,9% del total y el 61,0% se realizó a través del informe médico de urgencias. Los grupos de medicamentos más dispensados fueron: terapia antiinfecciosa de uso sistémico (23,8%, aparato respiratorio (13,3%, aparato digestivo y metabolismo (13,1%, sistema musculoesquelético (12,7%, órganos de los sentidos (10,0%, sistema nervioso (9,1% y terapia genitourinaria (7,3%. Durante el estudio se detectaron veintiuna situaciones de riesgo de resultados negativos asociados a la medicación y 43 pacientes se derivaron al médico ante la demanda de medicamentos sin prescripción médica. DISCUSIÓN Las dispensaciones “con carácter de urgencia” son minoritarias dentro de la farmacia de guardia nocturna de Valladolid y la mayor parte de ellas se realiza a través del informe médico de urgencias. La farmacia comunitaria que realiza el servicio nocturno desempeña un papel clave en la atención farmacéutica de la población.


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    Massimiliano Toppi


    HORT needed a new solution that would allow it to avoid performing ‘alignment and squares’ operations with old-fashioned optical instruments, and speed up manual path tracking, a solution that was found with Topcon Positioning Italy's contribution through the use of modern, multi-constellation GPS receivers.

  1. Evaluación con resonancia magnética de artroplastias totales de rodilla sintomáticas. [MRI evaluation of symptomatic total knee arthroplasties ].

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    Francisco Jose Nally


    Full Text Available Introducción  Las artroplastías totales de rodilla (ATR sintomáticas con estudios normales resultan un desafío para el ortopedista. La resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN podría ser una alternativa para arribar al diagnóstico.  Objetivo Evaluar la utilidad de la RMN con secuencias optimizadas en ATR sintomática. Además, realizar un estudio interobservador  para determinar que estructuras anatómicas son evaluables. Material y métodos   Se evaluaron  retrospectivamente 15 casos de ATR operados entre 2007-2012 con dolor periprotésico, con radiografía, centellograma y laboratorio normales, sometidos a una RMN. Se realizó un análisis interobservador utilizando el Coeficiente de correlación intercalase (CCIC y Kappa entre 4 profesionales, un residente de diagnóstico por imágenes y otro de Ortopedia; y 2 médicos con 20 años de experiencia, uno en diagnóstico por imágenes y el otro en rodilla. Resultados  Se hayó líquido articular aumentado en 14 pacientes; sinovitis en 4; un osículo infrapatelar y en ningún caso osteólisis. En 7 casos los ligamentos colaterales pudieron ser evaluados correctamente. Los gemelos, el tejido celular subcutáneo y el aparato extensor  se evaluaron sin dificultad. La RMN encontró causas de dolor en 12 casos. El CCIC mostró concordancia para el ligamento colateral medial, el aparato extensor, gemelos y tejido celular subcutáneo.   Conclusión Nuestro estudio demuestra la utilidad del método en la toma de decisiones.  La concordancia interobservador fue estadísticamente significativa para el análisis del ligamento colateral medial, gemelos y tejido celular subcutáneo.   Nivel de evidencia: III , Estudio diagnóstico


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    Jairo Mora-Delgado


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el uso de los Sistemas de Posicionamiento Global (GPS para discriminar las actividades de pastoreo de vacas lecheras. El estudio se realizó en la granja robotizada de la Estación Biológica WK Kellogg de la Universi-dad Estatal de Michigan, entre 11 y 20 de agosto, 2010. Mediante observación de las actividades de forrajeo en diferentes sitios, usando sensores remotos se llevó un registro de la actividad de 4 vacas lactantes Holstein (650 kg PV; 23 kg.día-1 equipadas con collares GPS, que registran la posición de la cabeza con sensores de mov-imiento para los ejes X y Y. Los GPS mostraron 82-86% de probabilidad que la estimación de las ubicaciones de los animales tuviesen un error de 7 m. Estos datos sugirieron que las vacas permanecieron en las pasturas la mayor parte del tiempo (94,6±0,92% y dentro del establo sólo un 5,4% (±0,92 del tiempo. Cuando las vacas esta-ban en las pasturas, la mayor parte del tiempo la dedicaron a pastoreo (51%; otra parte se dedicó a reposo (43% y 6% a traslado. El ganado viajó en promedio 3385±712 m por día. En días de tem-peratura baja la actividad principal de las vacas fue el pastoreo (92% y en días de media y alta temperatura el pastoreo fue sólo 62,6 y 59,4%, respectivamente. Por el contrario, el reposo fue la actividad más importante bajo media y alta temperatura (33,6 y 31,8%, respectivamente. Se demostró la utilidad de la teledetección y los GPS para monitorear el comportamiento animal.

  3. Future potential country doctor: the perspectives of German GPs. (United States)

    Natanzon, Iris; Szecsenyi, Joachim; Ose, Dominik; Joos, Stefanie


    There is a shortage of general practitioners (GPs) in many countries, especially in rural areas. There are several reasons for this shortage. Over the last decade, fewer medical students in Germany have decided to work in patient care, even fewer in general practice and fewer still in general practice in rural areas. The aim of this study was to explore the 'pros and cons' of GPs' work in rural areas and to identify from GPs' perspective possible measures for counteracting future GP shortages. Within a qualitative approach, 16 semi-structured interviews were conducted with GPs. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative content analysis. The results were categorized into three main inductively-derived categories: personal, professional and regional/structural level. A higher level of self-confidence and a higher 'feel-good' factor due to GPs originating from rural areas were positive aspects at the personal level. Regarding the professional level, a low level of competition and varied work made a GP's profession attractive in rural areas. Negative aspects were mostly apparent at the regional/structural level, such a low earnings and few leisure facilities. Measures to counter the lack of GPs in rural areas were explored on all three levels: on the personal level, more optimism and resulting satisfaction on the part of doctors in rural areas could be improved by enhancing the benefits of being a doctor in a rural area. Regarding the professional level, more group practices are required to make working as a GP in a rural area more attractive. At a regional/structural level, young physicians who originate from rural areas should be recruited to work in rural areas. Financial incentives are regarded as not sufficient to attract enough young physicians to open practices in rural areas. Future action will be required at the personal, professional and regional/structural levels. The origin of medical students (urban or rural) should be considered a relevant

  4. Análisis de consistencia de caminos bidireccionales usando mediciones continuas de velocidad de operación obtenidas con GPS Two-lane rural highways consistency analysis using continuous operating speed measurements obtained with GPS

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    Tomás Echaveguren


    Full Text Available El análisis de consistencia permite evaluar la seguridad en caminos en base a la velocidad. Existen diversos modelos velocidad - geometría para elementos aislados de una carretera, que se utilizan para evaluar la consistencia de elementos aislados del trazado de una carretera. Por ejemplo curvas horizontales simples o en curvas de inflexión en "S".Los modelos de análisis de consistencia agregados, permiten evaluar segmentos largos de trazado, por lo que necesitan perfiles de velocidad continuos. En este caso, los modelos y mediciones puntuales de velocidad no son adecuados. Actualmente, la tecnología de posicionamiento satelital es una manera eficiente de construir perfiles de velocidad en largas distancias del trazado, siendo particularment útil para aplicar el método de Polus. Este trabajo estudia el modelo de análisis de consistencia de Polus usando perfiles continuos de velocidad. Primero se discute dicho modelo, para luego presentar la obtención y tratamiento de datos de velocidad usando modelos y mediciones directas. El método se aplicó a 5 casos de estudio en los cual se midió en terreno la velocidad y geometría con un GPS partir del cual se obtuvieron perfiles directos y teóricos de velocidad .Los datos fueron procesados con el filtro de Kalman y suavizados con el método LOESS, para luego evaluar la consistencia de cada ruta. Se concluyó que el método de Polus y los perfiles contínuos de velocidad medidos permiten obtener una calificación de segmentos largos del trazado, pero se debe segmentar adecuadamente cada trazado para evitar sub/sobre estimaciones de consistencia.Consistency assessment permits to study road safety regarded to speed. There exist several speed-geometry models that assessed isolated components of roads, which are used for consistency assessment of single elements of roads. For instance, single horizontal curves or reverse curves. Aggregated consistency assessment models, permit to assess long

  5. GPS crustal deformation of the Eastern Betics and its relationship with the Lorca earthquake; Deformacion cortical de las Beticas Orientales observada mediante GPS y su relacion con el terremoto de Lorca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Echeverria, A.; Khazaradze, G.; Asensio, E.; Garate, J.; Surinach, E.


    On May 11{sup t}h of 2011, a seismic series occurred near the city of Lorca (Murcia). The main earthquake of magnitude Mw 5.2 has been attributed to the Alhama de Murcia Fault, one of the most active faults in the SE Iberian Peninsula. We analyzed data from 5 GPS campaigns of the CuaTeNeo network conducted between 1997 and 2011. The velocities of the stations closest to the Alhama de Murcia Fault show the reverse and strike-slip direction of motion. Stations located on the southeastern side of the fault have the maximum velocities in the area (between 1.4 and 1.8 mm/yr), oriented towards NNW direction, obliquely to the trace of the fault. The kinematics of the fault and the strain rate directions obtained from the CuaTeNeo network GPS measurements matches the calculated focal mechanism of Lorca earthquake. Detailed analysis of the time-series from the continuous GPS station at the Lorca city allows the detection of co-seismic offset of {approx}6 mm to the North. Keywords: crustal deformation, GPS, Betics, Lorca earthquake. (Author) 20 refs.

  6. Comportamiento de la estomatitis subprótesis en pacientes de la Clínica Estomatológica “Héroes de Bolivia”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giselle Ávila Chiong


    Full Text Available La estomatitis subprótesis se considera un problema de salud bucal con elevada prevalencia en portadores de prótesis removibles totales o parciales. En el presente estudio se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, con el objetivo de caracterizar el comportamiento de la estomatitis subprótesis, en el departamento de prótesis de la clínica estomatológica “Héroes de Bolivia” en Las Tunas, Cuba, durante el periodo comprendido entre los meses de septiembre de 2012 a febrero de 2013. La muestra estuvo formada por los 28 pacientes de 15 y más años de edad con estomatitis subprótesis, que recibieron atención en este período. Se midieron las variables edad, sexo, grado de severidad, tipo de base de la prótesis, años y forma de uso del aparato, higiene bucal y del aparato. La estomatitis subprótesis predominó en el grupo de 60 y más años, con 18 pacientes; las féminas fueron las más afectadas, con 23 pacientes. En 18 pacientes se detectó la estomatitis subprótesis grado II. El 100% de los afectados eran portadores de prótesis con bases de acrílico, el 78,57% la usaban por más de cinco años y el 75% de forma permanente. El 46,43% presentó higiene bucal y del aparato evaluada de regular. La estomatitis subprótesis predominó en los pacientes con rehabilitación protésica de acrílico, utilizada por años y de forma permanente, con higiene bucal y del aparato evaluada de regular. Existió prevalencia de la estomatitis subprótesis grado II

  7. Calibración del retardo ionosférico en observaciones astrométricas y geodésicas a partir de observaciones GPS (United States)

    Brunini, C.; Kleusberg, A.; Arias, E. F.; de Biasi, M. S.

    Los parámetros astrométricos y geodésicos de precisión se determinan hoy mediante la observación con técnicas espaciales (VLBI, GPS y LSR). Las técnicas VLBI y GPS operan en la banda de microondas y en ella la ionósfera terrestre es dispersiva. Las señales que provienen de las radiofuentes y de los satélites atraviesan la ionósfera, donde el índice de refracción difiere de la unidad en una cantidad que es proporcional a la densidad de electrones libres e inversamente proporcional al cuadrado de la frecuencia de la onda portadora. Actualmente el International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) mantiene operacional una red global integrada por más de 50 estaciones equipadas con receptores GPS de alta performance; las observaciones diarias son accesibles a los usuarios mediante ftp. La posibilidad de utilizar estas observaciones en un monitoreo continuo de la ionósfera fue señalada por diversos autores, razón por la cual en los últimos años se ha invertido un significativo esfuerzo en la producción de mapas ionosféricos regionales y globales. En el presente trabajo se utilizan 28 estaciones cuyas observaciones mapean la mayor parte de la ionósfera global. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la posibilidad de obtener mapas ionosféricos globales con una resolución de medio día y con una precisión de (1.5 nseg (rms)). Dichos mapas proveen valores medios globales para el intervalo ajustado. Los residuos del ajuste por mínimos cuadrados constituyen una señal a partir de la cual pueden estudiarse mejor las variaciones geográficas de la ionósfera y las componentes estadísticas de su variación temporal.


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    Alfonso Tierra

    Full Text Available El posicionamiento en tiempo real usando GPS se hace mediante correcciones diferenciales enviadas desde una estación base hacia un receptor móvil. Generalmente, la corrección es enviada vía radio o por medio de satélites de comunicación. Con el desarrollo del internet inalámbrica y con el aumento de la cobertura de la señal mediante un Protocolo, conocido como IP, han hecho que se integren estas tecnologías para realizar mediciones para trabajos y estudios en tiempo real usando la tecnología GPS, y mediante el protocolo NTRIP. Esta técnica se ha estado desarrollando e implementando de forma constante en la región, siendo el presente y futuro de las mediciones para trabajos de precisión y en tiempo real. En este trabajo, se muestra la implementación de la técnica NTRIP para posicionamiento en tiempo real. El acceso a datos brutos del GPS en un móvil ANDROID y un navegador Mobile Mapper 10, la utilización de NTRIP para el envió de correcciones diferenciales por medio del protocolo IP, y el internet como red de información inmediata, fueron la base general para crear una aplicación que utiliza una corrección diferencial por posición. Los primeros resultados muestran una mejoría en la posición, pudiendo llegar a obtener un error medio de 2.3m en una Tablet con Android, y 1.6 m con el Mobile Mapper 10; en un tiempo de 5 minutos

  9. GPS operations at Olkiluoto in 2011

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koivula, H.; Kallio, U.; Nyberg, S.; Jokela, J.; Poutanen, M.


    The Finnish Geodetic Institute has studied crustal deformations at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara in co-operation with Posiva Oy since 1995. At Olkiluoto a total of 32 GPS campaigns have been carried out at inner network since 1995 and 17 campaigns at outer network since 2003. Kivetty and Romuvaara were not measured in 2011. In the Olkiluoto inner network 80 percent of the estimated change rates are smaller than 0.10 mm/a. One third of the change rates are statistically significant. They are mainly related to the Olkiluoto permanent station (GPS1) and to the pillars GPS6 and GPS13. The change rates related to GPS6 are not realistic due to the site-specific changes affecting the time series. The maximum change rate (-0.20 mm/a ± 0.05 mm/a) is related to GPS13. The time series of GPS13 is half the length of other pillars and therefore, the change rates are more uncertain. In the Olkiluoto outer network the maximum and statistically significant change rate is between GPS1-GPS11 (0.39 mm/a ± 0.06 mm/a). Pillar GPS12 was not observed this year. The change rates of baselines GPS1-GPS14 and GPS1-GPS15 are first time statistically significant. The change rates indicate a small movement of the GPS1 pillar. The baseline GPS1-GPS11 crosses an old fracture zone locating in the direction of the Eurajoensalmi, which might be a reason for the deformation. On the other hand, the Onkalo excavations in the vicinity of the Olkiluoto permanent station (GPS1) may cause some movement. Electronic distance measurements have been performed at Olkiluoto at the baseline GPS7-GPS8 using the Mekometer since 2002. The measurements have been carried out simultaneously with GPS campaigns. Based on 19 measurements in 10 years, the trends of the two time series seems to be similar. Due to unmodelled or dismodelled geometrical offsets and the scale difference between GPS measurements and EDM there is about 0.3 mm difference between distances GPS7-GPS8 derived from GPS measurements and EDM. It is

  10. GPS operations at Olkiluoto in 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koivula, H.; Kallio, U.; Nyberg, S.; Jokela, J.; Poutanen, M. [Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala (Finland)


    The Finnish Geodetic Institute has studied crustal deformations at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara in co-operation with Posiva Oy since 1995. At Olkiluoto a total of 32 GPS campaigns have been carried out at inner network since 1995 and 17 campaigns at outer network since 2003. Kivetty and Romuvaara were not measured in 2011. In the Olkiluoto inner network 80 percent of the estimated change rates are smaller than 0.10 mm/a. One third of the change rates are statistically significant. They are mainly related to the Olkiluoto permanent station (GPS1) and to the pillars GPS6 and GPS13. The change rates related to GPS6 are not realistic due to the site-specific changes affecting the time series. The maximum change rate (-0.20 mm/a {+-} 0.05 mm/a) is related to GPS13. The time series of GPS13 is half the length of other pillars and therefore, the change rates are more uncertain. In the Olkiluoto outer network the maximum and statistically significant change rate is between GPS1-GPS11 (0.39 mm/a {+-} 0.06 mm/a). Pillar GPS12 was not observed this year. The change rates of baselines GPS1-GPS14 and GPS1-GPS15 are first time statistically significant. The change rates indicate a small movement of the GPS1 pillar. The baseline GPS1-GPS11 crosses an old fracture zone locating in the direction of the Eurajoensalmi, which might be a reason for the deformation. On the other hand, the Onkalo excavations in the vicinity of the Olkiluoto permanent station (GPS1) may cause some movement. Electronic distance measurements have been performed at Olkiluoto at the baseline GPS7-GPS8 using the Mekometer since 2002. The measurements have been carried out simultaneously with GPS campaigns. Based on 19 measurements in 10 years, the trends of the two time series seems to be similar. Due to unmodelled or dismodelled geometrical offsets and the scale difference between GPS measurements and EDM there is about 0.3 mm difference between distances GPS7-GPS8 derived from GPS measurements and EDM


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    Omar Huertas Díaz


    Full Text Available La figura de la autoría mediata surge, en principio, por la necesidad de llenar vacíos en el derecho penal alemán como consecuencia de una visión restrictiva del concepto de autor, por lo que esta figura fue desarrollándose de forma paulatina, pues más allá de los derroteros conceptuales y doctrinales se evidenció como una construcción jurídicamente viable para determinar la responsabilidad penal de los mediadores en el régimen nazi, a través de la teoría de la autoría mediata en aparatos organizados de poder. En este sentido, la referencia que de ella se hace dentro de las disposiciones del ordenamiento jurídico colombiano se evidencia en el artículo 29 del actual Código Penal, en el sentido de que se estipula que es autor quien realice la conducta punible utilizando a otro como instrumento. Con ello, esta teoría, planteada en principio por Claux Roxin, se aplica como una necesidad de abordar problemas como la determinación de la responsabilidad penal de los diversos mandos directivos de una estructura jerárquica y organizada para la comisión de crímenes.

  12. Higiene bucal: su repercusión en pacientes con tratamientos ortodóncicos

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    José A. Pacho Saavedra


    Full Text Available El éxito de los tratamientos ortodóncicos aplicados en la adolescencia radica en mantener una higiene bucal buena, la cual favorece un buen funcionamiento y evita la aparición de complicaciones en los pacientes, asociado con un correcto cepillado de los dientes y de los aparatos ortodóncicos, lo que es un elemento esencial e importante para un tratamiento exitoso, unido al mantenimiento saludable de las encías, prevención de las caries y peridontitis. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en 50 pacientes de uno u otro sexo y raza, con edades comprendidas entre 12-16 años, procedentes de la Consulta de Ortodoncia de la Clínica Estomatológica H y 21, en el período de marzo-agosto del 2006, los cuales reciben tratamiento ortodóncico, con el objetivo de determinar la higiene bucal durante el tratamiento. Predominó el sexo masculino y el grupo de 12-14 años. Se observó que el 92 % de los pacientes estudiados se categorizó con índice de higiene bucal simplificado bueno y solo el 8 % con un índice de higiene bucal simplificado regular. Finalmente el índice de higiene bucal simplificado del colectivo fue bueno. Se recomienda incrementar y fomentar aún más el mantenimiento de la higiene bucal, para obtener un buen éxito durante el tratamiento ortodóncico y por lo tanto, que el paciente pueda disfrutar de una bonita sonrisa sin afectaciones psicológica.

  13. GPS, punto de contacto entre la Astronomía y otras disciplinas (United States)

    Perdomo, R.

    En los primeros años de la pasada década, un grupo de Astrónomos de La Plata iniciaron trabajos de investigación en Geodesia Satelital. En esta presentación se propone repasar sus principales logros y situarlos en el contexto del desarrollo de la disciplina a nivel mundial. Por entonces las aplicaciones prácticas de la disciplina eran indirectas y solo evidentes para los especialistas. Los errores del Posicionamiento Satelital eran de varios metros y en posicionamiento relativo, del orden de medio metro. Estos resultados se lograban al cabo de varios días de medición continuada. En los años siguientes, el sistema GPS alcanzó su nivel operacional y produjo una revolución tanto en lo relacionado con los tiempos de medición como con las precisiones. El grupo de La Plata se desarrolló simultáneamente con GPS, lo que posibilitó su participación actual en diversos temas vigentes: aplicaciones de alta precisión para la materialización de sistemas terrestres de referencia, monitoreo de movimientos de la corteza, contribución con servicios internacionales para la determinación de movimientos tectónicos globales y regionales, monitoreo de la ionósfera a partir de la propagación de las señales, determinación de la ondulación del geoide a escala local, etc. También se generaron muchas aplicaciones prácticas algunas en tiempo real: navegación, apoyo a imágenes aéreas o satelitales, aplicaciones a la agricultura, catastro y ordenamiento territorial, apoyo a relevamientos geofísicos, etc.

  14. Comportamiento clínico del síndrome dolor disfunción del aparato temporomandibular en una consulta de urgencias estomatológicas Clinical behavior of the dysfunction pain temporomandibular joint syndrome assessed in a Stomatology emergence consultation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yudit Algozaín Acosta


    Full Text Available Introducción: el síndrome dolor disfunción del aparato temporomandibular (SDDAT comprende el conjunto de signos y síntomas como resultado de las alteraciones cuantitativas y cualitativas de la función de los componentes del aparato masticatorio. Se presenta con frecuencia y resulta molesto para el paciente, por lo que se realiza este estudio, con el objetivo de caracterizarlo clínicamente. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, de corte transversal, con los pacientes que acudieron al Servicio de Urgencias de la Clínica Estomatológica de Artemisa, en el período comprendido entre julio de 2007 hasta marzo de 2008 con el diagnóstico de SDDAT. Resultados: del total de pacientes atendidos solo el 1,1 % presentó un diagnóstico de SDDAT. El intervalo de edad de mayor frecuencia fue el de 22 a 59 años, el dolor a la masticación y el ruido articular fueron el síntoma y el signo predominante, respectivamente. Se identificaron como factores de riesgo principales el estrés y el bruxismo. Más del 67 % de los pacientes eran del sexo femenino, en las cuales apareció la mayor recurrencia del síndrome. Conclusiones: la población del municipio de Artemisa presentó una baja incidencia del SDDAT en la consulta de urgencias estomatológicas, encontrándose una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el sexo femenino y la aparición de este síndrome, donde el estrés desempeña un papel importante.Introduction: Dysfunction pain temporomandibular joint syndrome (DPTJS includes signs and symptoms as a result of quantitative and qualitative alterations of the masticatory tract component function. Is frequently present and annoying for patient, thus we made this study to clinically characterize it. Methods: We made a cross-sectional, descriptive and prospective study of patients seen in Emergence Service of Stomatology Clinic in Artemisa municipality from July, 2007 and March, 2008 diagnosing DPTJS. Results: From the

  15. Indoor Positioning Using GPS Revisited

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Mikkel Baun; Blunck, Henrik; Godsk, Torben


    It has been considered a fact that GPS performs too poorly inside buildings to provide usable indoor positioning. We analyze results of a measurement campaign to improve on the understanding of indoor GPS reception characteristics. The results show that using state-of-the-art receivers GPS...... low signal-to-noise ratios, multipath phenomena or bad satellite constellation geometry. We have also measured the indoor performance of embedded GPS receivers in mobile phones which provided lower availability and accuracy than state-of-the-art ones. Finally, we consider how the GPS performance...

  16. TLALOCNet continuous GPS-Met Array in Mexico supporting the 2017 NAM GPS Hydrometeorological Network. (United States)

    Cabral-Cano, E.; Salazar-Tlaczani, L.; Adams, D. K.; Vivoni, E. R.; Grutter, M.; Serra, Y. L.; DeMets, C.; Galetzka, J.; Feaux, K.; Mattioli, G. S.; Miller, M. M.


    TLALOCNet is a network of continuous GPS and meteorology stations in Mexico to study atmospheric and solid earth processes. This recently completed network spans most of Mexico with a strong coverage emphasis on southern and western Mexico. This network, funded by NSF, CONACyT and UNAM, recently built 40 cGPS-Met sites to EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory standards and upgraded 25 additional GPS stations. TLALOCNet provides open and freely available raw GPS data, and high frequency surface meteorology measurements, and time series of daily positions. This is accomplished through the development of the TLALOCNet data center ( that serves as a collection and distribution point. This data center is based on UNAVCO's Dataworks-GSAC software and also works as part of UNAVCO's seamless archive for discovery, sharing, and access to GPS data. The TLALOCNet data center also contains contributed data from several regional GPS networks in Mexico for a total of 100+ stations. By using the same protocols and structure as the UNAVCO and other COCONet regional data centers, the scientific community has the capability of accessing data from the largest Mexican GPS network. This archive provides a fully queryable and scriptable GPS and Meteorological data retrieval point. In addition, real-time 1Hz streams from selected TLALOCNet stations are available in BINEX, RTCM 2.3 and RTCM 3.1 formats via the Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP) for real-time seismic and weather forecasting applications. TLALOCNet served as a GPS-Met backbone for the binational Mexico-US North American Monsoon GPS Hydrometeorological Network 2017 campaign experiment. This innovative experiment attempts to address water vapor source regions and land-surface water vapor flux contributions to precipitation (i.e., moisture recycling) during the 2017 North American Monsoon in Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, and Arizona. Models suggest that moisture recycling is

  17. La aplicación del GPS a la arqueología

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    Amado Reino, Xesús


    Full Text Available The adoption of GPS technology in Archaeology is relatively recent and its use is increasing more and more. The excellent results obtained from the mapping of archaeological elements has led many archaeologists to acquire GPS systems, professional in some cases and pocket in other. This paper tries to introduce this technology, showing its possibilities and more frequent uses in archaeology. This contribution also tries to give a critical vision in the application of the different kind of receivers and the ways of professional use.

    La incorporación de la tecnología GPS a la arqueología es relativamente reciente y su uso cada vez mayor. Los excelentes resultados obtenidos en la georreferenciación de elementos arqueológicos han movido a muchos profesionales a la adquisición de equipos, unas veces profesionales y otras de bolsillo. Este trabajo pretende servir de presentación de esta tecnología exponiendo sus posibilidades y usos más frecuentes en arqueología, además de hacer una serie de puntualizaciones en cuanto a la fiabilidad, precisión de los diferentes tipos de receptores portátiles y formas de aplicación con carácter profesional de estos equipos.

  18. GPS: Public Utility or Software Platform (United States)


    train for GPS loss, encourage use of GPS signal integrity monitors , develop in- vehicle GPS backups, and evaluate the range of radio...literature prevent the full quantification of exactly how vulnerable GPS is to service interruption. This thesis used constant comparison analysis to...criticality, resilience, and vulnerability. This methodology overcomes research limitations by using GPS system design, operations, and policies as

  19. Presentación sistémica de Aspergillus spp con semiología neurológica en un Pastor Alemán: informe de un caso clínico


    Hernández Tapia, Ana Laura; Santoscoy Mejía, Eduardo Carlos; Ramírez Lezama, José; Cervantes Olivares, Roberto A.; Quiroz Mercado, Joaquín Arturo


    La infección del sistema nervioso en el perro es poco común; posibles causas son Aspergillus spp, Cryptococcus neoformans, Blastomyces dermatidis y Coccidioides immitis. La infección por Aspergillus spp afecta al aparato respiratorio y en pocas ocasiones se presenta de manera diseminada. Sin embargo, en el Pastor Alemán hay mayor incidencia de éste, pues dicha infección se asocia con una deficiencia inmunológica. Se describe el caso de una perra de raza Pastor Alemán, de 1.5 años de edad, ref...

  20. GPS/INS Sensor Fusion Using GPS Wind up Model (United States)

    Williamson, Walton R. (Inventor)


    A method of stabilizing an inertial navigation system (INS), includes the steps of: receiving data from an inertial navigation system; and receiving a finite number of carrier phase observables using at least one GPS receiver from a plurality of GPS satellites; calculating a phase wind up correction; correcting at least one of the finite number of carrier phase observables using the phase wind up correction; and calculating a corrected IMU attitude or velocity or position using the corrected at least one of the finite number of carrier phase observables; and performing a step selected from the steps consisting of recording, reporting, or providing the corrected IMU attitude or velocity or position to another process that uses the corrected IMU attitude or velocity or position. A GPS stabilized inertial navigation system apparatus is also described.

  1. Efficient GPS Position Determination Algorithms

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Nguyen, Thao Q


    ... differential GPS algorithm for a network of users. The stand-alone user GPS algorithm is a direct, closed-form, and efficient new position determination algorithm that exploits the closed-form solution of the GPS trilateration equations and works...

  2. Standardization of GPS data processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Pil Ho


    A nationwide GPS network has been constructed with about 60 permanent GPS stations after late 1990s in Korea. For using the GPS in variety of application area like crustal deformation, positioning, or monitoring upper atmosphere, it is necessary to have ability to process the data precisely. Now Korea Astronomy Observatory has the precise GPS data processing technique in Korea because it is difficult to understand characteristics of the parameters we want to estimate, resolve the integer ambiguity, and analyze many errors. There are three reliable GPS data processing software in the world ; Bernese(University of Berne), GIPSY-OASIS(JPL), GAMIT(MIT). These software allow us to achieve millimeter accuracy in the horizontal position and about 1 cm accuracy vertically even for regional networks with a diameter of several thousand kilometers. But we established the standard of GPS data processing using Bernese as main tool and GIPSY O ASIS as side

  3. Implementación del servicio de datos GPS de la Escuela de Topografía, Catastro y Geodesia

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    Jorge Moya Zamora


    navegación y meteorología con el algoritmo de Hatanaka. Los dos procesos están totalmente automatizados y se ejecutan de forma diaria por medio de batch files. Con base en la puesta en operación del SDG, los archivos son procesados diariamente por uno de los centros de análisis de datos de SIRGAS y desde la semana 1501 GPS, los archivos de soluciones semanales generados por el DGFI de Alemania incorporan oficialmente los datos de la ETCG.

  4. GPS Position Time Series @ JPL (United States)

    Owen, Susan; Moore, Angelyn; Kedar, Sharon; Liu, Zhen; Webb, Frank; Heflin, Mike; Desai, Shailen


    Different flavors of GPS time series analysis at JPL - Use same GPS Precise Point Positioning Analysis raw time series - Variations in time series analysis/post-processing driven by different users. center dot JPL Global Time Series/Velocities - researchers studying reference frame, combining with VLBI/SLR/DORIS center dot JPL/SOPAC Combined Time Series/Velocities - crustal deformation for tectonic, volcanic, ground water studies center dot ARIA Time Series/Coseismic Data Products - Hazard monitoring and response focused center dot ARIA data system designed to integrate GPS and InSAR - GPS tropospheric delay used for correcting InSAR - Caltech's GIANT time series analysis uses GPS to correct orbital errors in InSAR - Zhen Liu's talking tomorrow on InSAR Time Series analysis

  5. Semantic Enrichment of GPS Trajectories

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Graaff, V.; van Keulen, Maurice; de By, R.A.


    Semantic annotation of GPS trajectories helps us to recognize the interests of the creator of the GPS trajectories. Automating this trajectory annotation circumvents the requirement of additional user input. To annotate the GPS traces automatically, two types of automated input are required: 1) a

  6. Nuevo modelo de recogida y reciclaje de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos (juguetes): experimentación y evaluación de sostenibilidad del modelo


    Solé Gustems, Miquel


    La recogida actual de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE) es muy reducida, sobre todo para la categoría de los pequeños aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos. Con el objetivo de aumentar esta recogida, se propone un modelo alternativo que permite recoger y reciclar juguetes con componentes eléctricos y electrónicos. El sistema actual consiste en llevarlos a los puntos limpios y de allí al reciclaje, aunque actualmente la mayoría de pequeños RAEE son depositados en el contene...

  7. Sensing Human Activity: GPS Tracking (United States)

    van der Spek, Stefan; van Schaick, Jeroen; de Bois, Peter; de Haan, Remco


    The enhancement of GPS technology enables the use of GPS devices not only as navigation and orientation tools, but also as instruments used to capture travelled routes: as sensors that measure activity on a city scale or the regional scale. TU Delft developed a process and database architecture for collecting data on pedestrian movement in three European city centres, Norwich, Rouen and Koblenz, and in another experiment for collecting activity data of 13 families in Almere (The Netherlands) for one week. The question posed in this paper is: what is the value of GPS as ‘sensor technology’ measuring activities of people? The conclusion is that GPS offers a widely useable instrument to collect invaluable spatial-temporal data on different scales and in different settings adding new layers of knowledge to urban studies, but the use of GPS-technology and deployment of GPS-devices still offers significant challenges for future research. PMID:22574061

  8. Sensing Human Activity: GPS Tracking

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Remco de Haan


    Full Text Available The enhancement of GPS technology enables the use of GPS devices not only as navigation and orientation tools, but also as instruments used to capture travelled routes: as sensors that measure activity on a city scale or the regional scale. TU Delft developed a process and database architecture for collecting data on pedestrian movement in three European city centres, Norwich, Rouen and Koblenz, and in another experiment for collecting activity data of 13 families in Almere (The Netherlands for one week. The question posed in this paper is: what is the value of GPS as ‘sensor technology’ measuring activities of people? The conclusion is that GPS offers a widely useable instrument to collect invaluable spatial-temporal data on different scales and in different settings adding new layers of knowledge to urban studies, but the use of GPS-technology and deployment of GPS-devices still offers significant challenges for future research.

  9. GPS Satellite Simulation Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The GPS satellite simulation facility consists of a GPS satellite simulator controlled by either a Silicon Graphics Origin 2000 or PC depending upon unit under test...

  10. GPS Space Service Volume: Ensuring Consistent Utility Across GPS Design Builds for Space Users (United States)

    Bauer, Frank H.; Parker, Joel Jefferson Konkl; Valdez, Jennifer Ellen


    GPS availability and signal strength originally specified for users on or near surface of Earth with transmitted power levels specified at edge-of-Earth, 14.3 degrees. Prior to the SSV specification, on-orbit performance of GPS varied from block build to block build (IIA, IIRM, IIF) due to antenna gain and beam width variances. Unstable on-orbit performance results in significant risk to space users. Side-lobe signals, although not specified, were expected to significantly boost GPS signal availability for users above the constellation. During GPS III Phase A, NASA noted significant discrepancies in power levels specified in GPS III specification documents, and measured on-orbit performance. To stabilize the signal for high altitude space users, NASA DoD team in 2003-2005 led the creation of new Space Service Volume (SSV) definition and specifications.

  11. Aparatos funcionales fijos - propulsores mandibulares


    Márquez Pinto, Leslie Verónica


    La maloclusión de clase II, es la desarmonía dentoesquelética más frecuente en la población por ello se han creado distintos tipos de tratamientos ortopédicos para dar soluciones que puedan ayudar al paciente a fomentar el equilibrio y armonía en las estructuras tanto esqueletales, dentales y óseas. Esta maloclusión, se caracteriza por una relación distal de la arcada inferior con respecto a la superior, que puede deberse a displasias óseas, a un movimiento hacia mesial del arco dentario y lo...

  12. The SMS-GPS-Trip-Method

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reinau, Kristian Hegner; Harder, Henrik; Weber, Michael


    This article presents a new method for collecting travel behavior data, based on a combination of GPS tracking and SMS technology, coined the SMS–GPS-Trip method. The state-of-the-art method for collecting data for activity based traffic models is a combination of travel diaries and GPS tracking...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda de Paula Rossini


    Full Text Available Se trata de un estudio exploratorio, retrospectivo focalizado en el análisis de datos secundarios, con el objetivo de caracterizar el perfil socio demográfico y de morbidez de los pacientes internados en la especialidad de clínica médica de una institución de enseñanza hospitalaria pública, responsable por la atención de urgencia/emergencia de alta complejidad, en el período entre noviembre de 1999 hasta el año 2005. Los resultados revelan que con la alteración del flujo de entrada de pacientes, el número de internaciones disminuyó gradualmente. El número de ancianos obtuvo un porcentaje superior al 40%, alcanzando en el año 2000 el 48,3%, con reducción en el 2004 y el 2005. El diagnóstico principal predominante de los pacientes fue: enfermedades del aparato circulatorio, enfermedades del aparato respiratorio, enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias, y enfermedades del aparato digestivo. Se observa en el transcurso de los años aumento en el porcentaje de pacientes con diagnósticos de neoplasias, enfermedades de la sangre, de los órganos hematopoyéticos y trastornos inmunitarios, y de los casos de lesiones, envenenamiento y otras causas externas.

  14. GPS operations at Olkiluoto in 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kallio, U.; Nyberg, S.; Koivula, H.; Jokela, J.; Poutanen, M.; Ahola, J. (Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala (Finland))


    The GPS based deformation studies have been made at the investigation areas of Posiva since 1995, when the network of ten GPS pillars was established at Olkiluoto. One pillar in the investigation area belongs to the Finnish permanent GPS network, FinnRef. 28 GPS measurement campaigns have been carried out at Olkiluoto since 1995. According to the time series of the GPS results 1/3 of the baselines at Olkiluoto have statistically significant change rates. However, the observed movements are smaller than +-0.20 mm/a. There are five pillars, which have statistically significant horizontal velocities at Olkiluoto. These local velocity components are small but taking into account the standard deviations the largest velocity components seems to be reliably determined. At Olkiluoto a baseline for electronic distance measurements (EDM) was built in 2002. The baseline has been measured using EDM instruments in connection to the GPS observations. Changes in he difference between the GPS and EDM results indicate the systematic change in GPS results. No corrections based on only one baseline were not applied to GPS vectors. The GPS network at Olkiluoto was extended in 2003. The new pillars were built close to Kuivalahti village and on a small island of Iso Pyrekari. According to the geological evidence it is expected that a fracture zone is located between the new stations, thus enabling the determination of possible deformations along the fracture zone. The new pillars have been observed since 2003 and now we have computed the first deformation analysis from the six years data. Four new permanent stations will be established in summer 2010 at Olkiluoto. We have automated the processing of the campaign data by using the Bernese processing engine (BPE) together with our own Perl scripts. The local crustal deformations have been studied in GeoSatakunta project, too. This GPS network is located in Cities of Pori and Rauma and their neighbouring municipalities. Two new pillars

  15. GPS operations at Olkiluoto in 2009

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallio, U.; Nyberg, S.; Koivula, H.; Jokela, J.; Poutanen, M.; Ahola, J.


    The GPS based deformation studies have been made at the investigation areas of Posiva since 1995, when the network of ten GPS pillars was established at Olkiluoto. One pillar in the investigation area belongs to the Finnish permanent GPS network, FinnRef. 28 GPS measurement campaigns have been carried out at Olkiluoto since 1995. According to the time series of the GPS results 1/3 of the baselines at Olkiluoto have statistically significant change rates. However, the observed movements are smaller than ±0.20 mm/a. There are five pillars, which have statistically significant horizontal velocities at Olkiluoto. These local velocity components are small but taking into account the standard deviations the largest velocity components seems to be reliably determined. At Olkiluoto a baseline for electronic distance measurements (EDM) was built in 2002. The baseline has been measured using EDM instruments in connection to the GPS observations. Changes in he difference between the GPS and EDM results indicate the systematic change in GPS results. No corrections based on only one baseline were not applied to GPS vectors. The GPS network at Olkiluoto was extended in 2003. The new pillars were built close to Kuivalahti village and on a small island of Iso Pyrekari. According to the geological evidence it is expected that a fracture zone is located between the new stations, thus enabling the determination of possible deformations along the fracture zone. The new pillars have been observed since 2003 and now we have computed the first deformation analysis from the six years data. Four new permanent stations will be established in summer 2010 at Olkiluoto. We have automated the processing of the campaign data by using the Bernese processing engine (BPE) together with our own Perl scripts. The local crustal deformations have been studied in GeoSatakunta project, too. This GPS network is located in Cities of Pori and Rauma and their neighbouring municipalities. Two new pillars

  16. GPS deformation measurements at Olkiluoto in 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nyberg, S.; Kallio, U.; Koivula, H.


    The Finnish Geodetic Institute has monitored crustal deformations since mid-1990s at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara. The research was focused on the Olkiluoto area in 2001, when Olkiluoto was chosen to the site for the final disposal facility of the spent nuclear fuel. The work and the results of the GPS deformation monitoring at Olkiluoto in 2013 are presented. The measurement consisted of two GPS measurement campaigns, observations at local permanent stations and control markers measurements at four stations. In spring six new stations were set up for permanent tracking. In total 12 permanent stations were operating continuously from April to the end of the year. The residual time series of the stations showed periodic trends up to 3 mm in height and 1 mm in horizontal component relative to the GPS1 station. A few stations were still measured as campaign-based and analysed baseline by baseline. The data from permanent stations (GPS1-GPS9, and GPS13) were included. The analysis of the inner network based on campaign sessions showed very small motions as in previous years: 75 % of change rates are smaller than 0.10 mm/y. Roughly one third of the change rates could be considered statistically significant at 1 % significance level. Statistically significant change rates were estimated for baselines from GPS1 and GPS5. The trends and strains differed at some baselines clearly from the earlier analysis because of different troposphere modelling. The results of the outer network showed the largest difference on the baseline GPS1-GPS11 where the trend decreased from -0.42 mm/y to -0.28 mm/y. The strain pattern of the outer network shows an eastwards motion of GPS1. The estimated strains for the baselines east of GPS1 were -0.03/-0.04 ppm/y. The control marker measurements were carried at the stations GPS1, GPS2, GPS4 and GPS6. A comparison of the results with the previous measurements showed that the distance between control markers at GPS6 continues to increase. Also

  17. GPS deformation measurements at Olkiluoto in 2013

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nyberg, S.; Kallio, U.; Koivula, H. [Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala (Finland)


    The Finnish Geodetic Institute has monitored crustal deformations since mid-1990s at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara. The research was focused on the Olkiluoto area in 2001, when Olkiluoto was chosen to the site for the final disposal facility of the spent nuclear fuel. The work and the results of the GPS deformation monitoring at Olkiluoto in 2013 are presented. The measurement consisted of two GPS measurement campaigns, observations at local permanent stations and control markers measurements at four stations. In spring six new stations were set up for permanent tracking. In total 12 permanent stations were operating continuously from April to the end of the year. The residual time series of the stations showed periodic trends up to 3 mm in height and 1 mm in horizontal component relative to the GPS1 station. A few stations were still measured as campaign-based and analysed baseline by baseline. The data from permanent stations (GPS1-GPS9, and GPS13) were included. The analysis of the inner network based on campaign sessions showed very small motions as in previous years: 75 % of change rates are smaller than 0.10 mm/y. Roughly one third of the change rates could be considered statistically significant at 1 % significance level. Statistically significant change rates were estimated for baselines from GPS1 and GPS5. The trends and strains differed at some baselines clearly from the earlier analysis because of different troposphere modelling. The results of the outer network showed the largest difference on the baseline GPS1-GPS11 where the trend decreased from -0.42 mm/y to -0.28 mm/y. The strain pattern of the outer network shows an eastwards motion of GPS1. The estimated strains for the baselines east of GPS1 were -0.03/-0.04 ppm/y. The control marker measurements were carried at the stations GPS1, GPS2, GPS4 and GPS6. A comparison of the results with the previous measurements showed that the distance between control markers at GPS6 continues to increase. Also

  18. GPS horizontal deformation model in the southern region of the Iberian Peninsula and northern Africa (SPINA); Modelo de deformación horizontal GPS de la región sur de la Península Ibérica y norte de África (SPINA)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosado Moscoso, B.; Fernández-Ros, A.; Jiménez Jiménez, A.; Berrocoso Domínguez, M.


    Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and in particular Global Positioning System (GPS) technology provides a powerful tool for studying geodynamic processes. As a consequence of GPS studies, it is now possible to analyze the interaction between tectonic plates in order to evaluate and establish the characteristics of their boundaries. In this study, our main interest is to focus on the time series analysis obtained from observations of GNSS-GPS satellites. Each GPS observation session provides topocentric geodetic coordinates (east, north, elevation) of the permanent stations that constitute the geodetic network established for this purpose. This paper shows a detailed topocentric coordinate time-series study for sites belonging to what we call the SPINA network, which stands for south of the Iberian Peninsula, north of Africa region. The series under study are processed by techniques of relative positioning with respect to the IGS (International GNSS Service) reference station located in Villafranca. These times series have been analyzed using filter processes, harmonic adjustments and wavelets. A surface velocity field is derived from the time series of daily solutions for each station, whose observations span 8 years or longer. This allows us to obtain a horizontal displacement model to show the regional geodynamic main characteristics. [Spanish] El Sistema Global de Navegación por Satélite (GNSS), y, en particular, el Sistema Global de Posicionamiento (GPS) proporcionan una importante herramienta en el estudio de los procesos geodinámicos. Como consecuencia de estos estudios, es posible analizar la interacción entre las placas tectónicas con el fin de evaluar y establecer las características de sus límites. Este trabajo se centra principalmente, en el análisis de series temporales obtenidas a partir de observaciones de los satélites GNSS-GPS en estaciones geodésicas permanentes ubicadas en la región sur de la Península Ibérica y norte de

  19. Implementation and Performance of a GPS/INS Tightly Coupled Assisted PLL Architecture Using MEMS Inertial Sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Youssef Tawk


    Full Text Available The use of global navigation satellite system receivers for navigation still presents many challenges in urban canyon and indoor environments, where satellite availability is typically reduced and received signals are attenuated. To improve the navigation performance in such environments, several enhancement methods can be implemented. For instance, external aid provided through coupling with other sensors has proven to contribute substantially to enhancing navigation performance and robustness. Within this context, coupling a very simple GPS receiver with an Inertial Navigation System (INS based on low-cost micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS inertial sensors is considered in this paper. In particular, we propose a GPS/INS Tightly Coupled Assisted PLL (TCAPLL architecture, and present most of the associated challenges that need to be addressed when dealing with very-low-performance MEMS inertial sensors. In addition, we propose a data monitoring system in charge of checking the quality of the measurement flow in the architecture. The implementation of the TCAPLL is discussed in detail, and its performance under different scenarios is assessed. Finally, the architecture is evaluated through a test campaign using a vehicle that is driven in urban environments, with the purpose of highlighting the pros and cons of combining MEMS inertial sensors with GPS over GPS alone.

  20. Implementation and Performance of a GPS/INS Tightly Coupled Assisted PLL Architecture Using MEMS Inertial Sensors (United States)

    Tawk, Youssef; Tomé, Phillip; Botteron, Cyril; Stebler, Yannick; Farine, Pierre-André


    The use of global navigation satellite system receivers for navigation still presents many challenges in urban canyon and indoor environments, where satellite availability is typically reduced and received signals are attenuated. To improve the navigation performance in such environments, several enhancement methods can be implemented. For instance, external aid provided through coupling with other sensors has proven to contribute substantially to enhancing navigation performance and robustness. Within this context, coupling a very simple GPS receiver with an Inertial Navigation System (INS) based on low-cost micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) inertial sensors is considered in this paper. In particular, we propose a GPS/INS Tightly Coupled Assisted PLL (TCAPLL) architecture, and present most of the associated challenges that need to be addressed when dealing with very-low-performance MEMS inertial sensors. In addition, we propose a data monitoring system in charge of checking the quality of the measurement flow in the architecture. The implementation of the TCAPLL is discussed in detail, and its performance under different scenarios is assessed. Finally, the architecture is evaluated through a test campaign using a vehicle that is driven in urban environments, with the purpose of highlighting the pros and cons of combining MEMS inertial sensors with GPS over GPS alone. PMID:24569773

  1. Morfología ecocardiográfica de la atresia pulmonar con septum interventricular intacto, estudio de dos decenios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adel Eladio González Morejón


    Full Text Available Introducción: la atresia pulmonar con septum interventricular intacto es una malformación cardiovascular que representa el 1 % de las cardiopatías congénitas observadas en vida extrauterina, y, dados sus resultados desfavorables, constituye un verdadero reto para la medicina contemporánea. Objetivo: la investigación condujo a la aplicación de pautas clasificatorias, a la caracterización del tracto de salida atrésico, al estudio morfológico ventricular derecho, a la valoración del anillo tricuspídeo y a la determinación de la presencia de anomalías en la circulación coronaria. Métodos: se estudiaron 43 pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de la entidad remitidos al Cardiocentro Pediátrico "William Soler" entre enero de 1992 y noviembre de 2011. Se practicó a cada caso el examen ecocardiográfico bidimensional y doppler con codificación en colores. Resultados y conclusiones: se corroboró el predominio de la variante morfológica valvular de la entidad y la existencia de niveles moderados o severos de hipoplasia ventricular derecha en asociación con capacitancia volumétrica limitada de dicha cámara, con hipodesarrollo valvular tricuspídeo y con presencia de circulación coronaria anómala sinusoides dependiente. El foramen oval permeable constituyó el defecto septal interatrial más vinculado a la enfermedad, y se evidenciaron diversas anomalías estructurales del aparato tricuspídeo en conjunción o no con el hipodesarrollo anular imperante.

  2. Development of automatic techniques for GPS data management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Pil Ho


    It is necessary for GPS center to establish automatization as effective management of GPS network including data gathering, data transformation, data backup, data sending to IGS (International GPS Service for geodynamics), and precise ephemerides gathering. The operating program of GPS center has been adopted at KCSC (Korea Cadastral Survey Corporation), NGI (National Geography Institute), MOMAF (Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) without self-development of core technique. The automatic management of GPS network is consists of GPS data management and data processing. It is also fundamental technique, which should be accomplished by every GPS centers. Therefore, this study carried out analyzing of Japanese GPS center, which has accomplished automatization by module considering applicability for domestic GPS centers

  3. GPS in Travel and Activity Surveys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Thomas Alexander Sick; Hovgesen, Henrik Harder


    The use of GPS-positioning as a monitoring tool in travel and activity surveys opens up a range of possibilities. Using a personal GPS device, the locations and movements of respondents can be followed over a longer period of time. It will then be possible to analyse how the use of urban spaces...... are embedded in the wider context of activity patterns (work, school etc.). The general pattern of everyday itineraries, including route choice and time spent at different locations ?on the way? can also be analysed. If the personal GPS device is combined with an electronic questionnaire, for example...... area. The paper presents the possibilities in travel and activity surveys with GPS and electronic questionnaires. Demonstrative mapping of test data from passive GPS registration of Copenhagen respondents is presented. The different survey possibilities given a combination of GPS and PDA based...

  4. Scintillation-Hardened GPS Receiver (United States)

    Stephens, Donald R.


    CommLargo, Inc., has developed a scintillation-hardened Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver that improves reliability for low-orbit missions and complies with NASA's Space Telecommunications Radio System (STRS) architecture standards. A software-defined radio (SDR) implementation allows a single hardware element to function as either a conventional radio or as a GPS receiver, providing backup and redundancy for platforms such as the International Space Station (ISS) and high-value remote sensing platforms. The innovation's flexible SDR implementation reduces cost, weight, and power requirements. Scintillation hardening improves mission reliability and variability. In Phase I, CommLargo refactored an open-source GPS software package with Kalman filter-based tracking loops to improve performance during scintillation and also demonstrated improved navigation during a geomagnetic storm. In Phase II, the company generated a new field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based GPS waveform to demonstrate on NASA's Space Communication and Navigation (SCaN) test bed.

  5. How does the workload and work activities of procedural GPs compare to non-procedural GPs? (United States)

    Russell, Deborah J; McGrail, Matthew R


    To investigate patterns of Australian GP procedural activity and associations with: geographical remoteness and population size hours worked in hospitals and in total; and availability for on-call DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: National annual panel survey (Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life) of Australian GPs, 2011-2013. Self-reported geographical work location, hours worked in different settings, and on-call availability per usual week, were analysed against GP procedural activity in anaesthetics, obstetrics, surgery or emergency medicine. Analysis of 9301 survey responses from 4638 individual GPs revealed significantly increased odds of GP procedural activity in anaesthetics, obstetrics or emergency medicine as geographical remoteness increased and community population size decreased, albeit with plateauing of the effect-size from medium-sized (population 5000-15 000) rural communities. After adjusting for confounders, procedural GPs work more hospital and more total hours each week than non-procedural GPs. In 2011 this equated to GPs practising anaesthetics, obstetrics, surgery, and emergency medicine providing 8% (95%CI 0, 16), 13% (95%CI 8, 19), 8% (95%CI 2, 15) and 18% (95%CI 13, 23) more total hours each week, respectively. The extra hours are attributable to longer hours worked in hospital settings, with no reduction in private consultation hours. Procedural GPs also carry a significantly higher burden of on-call. The longer working hours and higher on-call demands experienced by rural and remote procedural GPs demand improved solutions, such as changes to service delivery models, so that long-term procedural GP careers are increasingly attractive to current and aspiring rural GPs. © 2016 National Rural Health Alliance Inc.

  6. Robust GPS autonomous signal quality monitoring (United States)

    Ndili, Awele Nnaemeka

    The Global Positioning System (GPS), introduced by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1973, provides unprecedented world-wide navigation capabilities through a constellation of 24 satellites in global orbit, each emitting a low-power radio-frequency signal for ranging. GPS receivers track these transmitted signals, computing position to within 30 meters from range measurements made to four satellites. GPS has a wide range of applications, including aircraft, marine and land vehicle navigation. Each application places demands on GPS for various levels of accuracy, integrity, system availability and continuity of service. Radio frequency interference (RFI), which results from natural sources such as TV/FM harmonics, radar or Mobile Satellite Systems (MSS), presents a challenge in the use of GPS, by posing a threat to the accuracy, integrity and availability of the GPS navigation solution. In order to use GPS for integrity-sensitive applications, it is therefore necessary to monitor the quality of the received signal, with the objective of promptly detecting the presence of RFI, and thus provide a timely warning of degradation of system accuracy. This presents a challenge, since the myriad kinds of RFI affect the GPS receiver in different ways. What is required then, is a robust method of detecting GPS accuracy degradation, which is effective regardless of the origin of the threat. This dissertation presents a new method of robust signal quality monitoring for GPS. Algorithms for receiver autonomous interference detection and integrity monitoring are demonstrated. Candidate test statistics are derived from fundamental receiver measurements of in-phase and quadrature correlation outputs, and the gain of the Active Gain Controller (AGC). Performance of selected test statistics are evaluated in the presence of RFI: broadband interference, pulsed and non-pulsed interference, coherent CW at different frequencies; and non-RFI: GPS signal fading due to physical blockage and

  7. Tracking Small Satellites using Translated GPS


    Lefevre, Don; Mulally, Daniel


    This paper discusses using translated GPS for tracking small satellites, the technical trade-offs involved, and the position and timing accuracies which are achievable using translated GPS. The Global Positioning System (GPS) uses the relative times-of-arrival of multiple spread-spectrum signals at an antenna to determine the position of the antenna. The system can also determine the time the antenna was at that position. The direct sequence spread spectrum signals are transmitted from GPS sa...

  8. Evidential recovery from GPS devices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brian Cusack

    Full Text Available Global Positioning Systems (GPS have become more affordable, are now widely used in motor vehicles and in other frequently used applications. As a consequence GPS are increasingly becoming an important source of evidential data for digital forensic investigations. This paper acknowledges there are only disparate documents for the guidance of an investigator when extracting evidence form such systems. The focus of this paper is to provide the technical details of recovering artifacts from four GPS currently available to the New Zealand market. Navman brand GPS are used, following a forensically robust process. The steps of the process are described, results analysed and the associated risks are discussed. In addition, the paper discusses techniques related to the visual presentation of evidence suitable for Google Maps. Automation attempts to speed up the analysis to visualization steps are also included. The outcome is a road map that may assist digital forensic investigators develop GPS examination strategies for implementation in their own organizations.

  9. Applications of GPS technologies to field sports. (United States)

    Aughey, Robert J


    Global positioning system (GPS) technology was made possible after the invention of the atomic clock. The first suggestion that GPS could be used to assess the physical activity of humans followed some 40 y later. There was a rapid uptake of GPS technology, with the literature concentrating on validation studies and the measurement of steady-state movement. The first attempts were made to validate GPS for field sport applications in 2006. While GPS has been validated for applications for team sports, some doubts continue to exist on the appropriateness of GPS for measuring short high-velocity movements. Thus, GPS has been applied extensively in Australian football, cricket, hockey, rugby union and league, and soccer. There is extensive information on the activity profile of athletes from field sports in the literature stemming from GPS, and this includes total distance covered by players and distance in velocity bands. Global positioning systems have also been applied to detect fatigue in matches, identify periods of most intense play, different activity profiles by position, competition level, and sport. More recent research has integrated GPS data with the physical capacity or fitness test score of athletes, game-specific tasks, or tactical or strategic information. The future of GPS analysis will involve further miniaturization of devices, longer battery life, and integration of other inertial sensor data to more effectively quantify the effort of athletes.

  10. A low cost apparatus for measuring the xylem hydraulic conductance in plants Um aparato de baixo custo para medição da condutância hidráulica do xilema em plantas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciano Pereira


    Full Text Available Plant yield and resistance to drought are directly related to the efficiency of the xylem hydraulic conductance and the ability of this system to avoid interrupting the flow of water. In this paper we described in detail the assembling of an apparatus proposed by TYREE et al. (2002, and its calibration, as well as low cost adaptations that make the equipment accessible for everyone working in this research area. The apparatus allows measuring the conductance in parts of roots or shoots (root ramifications or branches, or in the whole system, in the case of small plants or seedlings. The apparatus can also be used to measure the reduction of conductance by embolism of the xylem vessels. Data on the hydraulic conductance of eucalyptus seedlings obtained here and other reports in the literature confirm the applicability of the apparatus in physiological studies on the relationship between productivity and water stress.A produtividade das plantas e a capacidade de resistência à seca estão diretamente relacionadas com a eficiência da condutância hidráulica do xilema e a capacidade desse sistema em evitar a interrupção do fluxo de água. No presente trabalho, detalha-se a montagem de um aparato proposto por TYREE et al. (2002, e sua calibração, bem como adaptações com peças de menor custo que tornam o aparelho acessível a qualquer um trabalhando nesta linha de pesquisa. Esse aparato possibilita medir a condutância de partes do sistema radicular ou da parte aérea (ramificações radiculares ou ramos, ou em todo o sistema, no caso de plantas de porte pequeno ou plântulas. O aparato também pode ser usado para medir a redução da condutância pela embolização dos vasos do xilema. Medições de condutância hidráulica feitas em plântulas de eucalipto e outros trabalhos encontrados na literatura confirmaram a aplicabilidade desse aparato em estudos fisiológicos de produtividade relacionada ao estresse hídrico.



    Kenneth Largaespada; Carlos Henríquez


    En Finca Esmeralda (Limón, Costa Rica), sembrada de banano cv. Valery, se analizó la distribución espacial de la humedad del suelo y su relación con algunas de sus propiedades físicas, para determinar la variabilidad entre el método tradicional y el uso de TDR (Time Domain Reflectrometer) en la determinación de la humedad del suelo. Se muestreó en forma de cuadrícula, con 36 puntos de medición georeferenciados con GPS a 2 profundidades del suelo. En cada punto se midió el agua volumétrica del...

  12. The Performance Analysis of a Real-Time Integrated INS/GPS Vehicle Navigation System with Abnormal GPS Measurement Elimination

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jhen-Kai Liao


    Full Text Available The integration of an Inertial Navigation System (INS and the Global Positioning System (GPS is common in mobile mapping and navigation applications to seamlessly determine the position, velocity, and orientation of the mobile platform. In most INS/GPS integrated architectures, the GPS is considered to be an accurate reference with which to correct for the systematic errors of the inertial sensors, which are composed of biases, scale factors and drift. However, the GPS receiver may produce abnormal pseudo-range errors mainly caused by ionospheric delay, tropospheric delay and the multipath effect. These errors degrade the overall position accuracy of an integrated system that uses conventional INS/GPS integration strategies such as loosely coupled (LC and tightly coupled (TC schemes. Conventional tightly coupled INS/GPS integration schemes apply the Klobuchar model and the Hopfield model to reduce pseudo-range delays caused by ionospheric delay and tropospheric delay, respectively, but do not address the multipath problem. However, the multipath effect (from reflected GPS signals affects the position error far more significantly in a consumer-grade GPS receiver than in an expensive, geodetic-grade GPS receiver. To avoid this problem, a new integrated INS/GPS architecture is proposed. The proposed method is described and applied in a real-time integrated system with two integration strategies, namely, loosely coupled and tightly coupled schemes, respectively. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, field tests with various scenarios are conducted and the results are compared with a reliable reference system.

  13. Situación e impacto de los residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE). Caso de estudio: los ordenadores


    Permanyer Martínez, Olga


    El presente trabajo muestra las distintas etapas presentes en el proceso de reciclaje de material informático. Debido a la importancia de las fases iniciales, de fabricación y diseño, pero también a la compleja conexión que existe entre todas ellas, se ha organizado el documento de manera para el consumidor. Es decir, se va mostrando información relativa según el orden de dudas y motivación seguido por un consumidor estándar, la autora: al convertirse un aparato en residuo...

  14. Kinematic-PPP using Single/Dual Frequency Observations from (GPS, GLONASS and GPS/GLONASS) Constellations for Hydrography (United States)

    Farah, Ashraf


    Global Positioning System (GPS) technology is ideally suited for inshore and offshore positioning because of its high accuracy and the short observation time required for a position fix. Precise point positioning (PPP) is a technique used for position computation with a high accuracy using a single GNSS receiver. It relies on highly accurate satellite position and clock data that can be acquired from different sources such as the International GNSS Service (IGS). PPP precision varies based on positioning technique (static or kinematic), observations type (single or dual frequency) and the duration of observations among other factors. PPP offers comparable accuracy to differential GPS with safe in cost and time. For many years, PPP users depended on GPS (American system) which considered the solely reliable system. GLONASS's contribution in PPP techniques was limited due to fail in maintaining full constellation. Yet, GLONASS limited observations could be integrated into GPS-based PPP to improve availability and precision. As GLONASS reached its full constellation early 2013, there is a wide interest in PPP systems based on GLONASS only and independent of GPS. This paper investigates the performance of kinematic PPP solution for the hydrographic applications in the Nile river (Aswan, Egypt) based on GPS, GLONASS and GPS/GLONASS constellations. The study investigates also the effect of using two different observation types; single-frequency and dual frequency observations from the tested constellations.

  15. GPS Ephemeris Message Broadcast Simulation

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Browne, Nathan J; Light, James J


    The warfighter constantly needs increased accuracy from GPS and a means to increasing this accuracy to the decimeter level is a broadcast ephemeris message containing GPS satellite orbit and clock corrections...

  16. Experimental proposal for the anticipated feasible detection of earthquakes; Propuesta experimental para la deteccion factible de terremotos con anticipacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez Ortega, Sergio [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    Some Internet articles, as well as scientific Tv programs, show several investigations regarding the detection of low frequency electromagnetic emissions preceding different magnitude earthquakes on the nearness of epicenters. For example, a publication in Science journal indicates that these emissions cause ionization in ground water before earthquakes. The experiment exposed here show that plants may transform similar low frequency electromagnetic emissions in electric current sufficient to activate some type of alarm. As precedent, plants may predict storms, perceiving air ionization before flash lightning opening its pores for capture rain water. Therefore, considering this mechanism, the experiment may be an alternative for achieving earthquake predictions. In case of some difference regarding real underground emissions, other device with greater sensibility can be used. [Spanish] En este articulo se expone un experimento mediante un aparato que crea un arco voltaico, el cual genera en sus alrededores ondas electromagneticas (OEM) de baja frecuencia. Al acercar este arco a unos centimetros de las raices de una planta, se descubrio que esta transforma, por algun mecanismo bioelectrico todavia no documentado, estas OEM en una pequena corriente electrica, registrada por un multimetro analogico simple conectado a la planta, en rangos menores a 10 mA. Es posible vislumbrar la importancia de este sencillo descubrimiento si se relaciona con recientes investigaciones sobre terremotos [04a12] que muestran que lagunas horas, incluso dias antes de la liberacion masiva de la energia que se encuentra acumulada en las placas tectonicas, en las cercanias de los epicentros se emiten tambien OEM de baja frecuencia. Ahora bien, si se analiza el hecho de que el movimiento de la aguja del multimetro puede activar algun tipo de alarma, cabe pensar que esto permitiria contar tiempo suficiente para prevenir y evitar innumerables perdidas humanas si se presentan eventos sismicos de

  17. Implementing GPS into Pave-IR. (United States)


    To further enhance the capabilities of the Pave-IR thermal segregation detection system developed at the Texas Transportation Institute, researchers incorporated global positioning system (GPS) data collection into the thermal profiles. This GPS capa...

  18. GPS measurements in Satakunta area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poutanen, M.; Nyberg, S.; Ahola, J.


    The Finnish Geodetic Institute, the Geological Survey of Finland, Posiva Ltd and municipalities in the district of Satakunta launched the GeoSatakunta research program in 2002 to carry out interdisciplinary studies on regional bedrock stress field and to apply the results e.g. in land use planning in the Satakunta area. The area was chosen for many reasons. Its geological diversity, extensive multi-disciplinary data coverage, and various interests of participants made the area suitable for the project. The purpose of the GPS observations is to get detailed information on recent crustal deformations in the area. The Finnish Geodetic Institute maintains e.g. national GPS network, FinnRef, and since 1995 a local research network in the Olkiluoto area. The Satakunta network differs from these, and this is the first time to obtain such detailed information of a regional network in Finland. The Satakunta GPS network consists of 13 concrete pillars for episodic GPS campaigns and the Olkiluoto permanent GPS station in the FinnRef network. The distances between the concrete pillars are 10-15 km, and the sites were chosen in a co-operation with the Geological Survey of Finland taking into account the geological structures in the area. The City of Pori made the final reconnaissance in the field and constructed eight pillars in 2003. The original network was expanded in 2005-2006 in Eurajoki and Rauma, and at the City of Rauma joined the co-operation. The five new pillars join the previous Olkiluoto network into the Satakunta network. There have been three annual GPS campaigns in 2003-2008. Time series of the Satakunta network are shorter than in the Olkiluoto network, and also the distances are longer. Therefore, the same accuracy than in Olkiluoto has not yet achieved. However, mm-sized movements can be excluded. Estimated velocities were small (0.2 mm/a) and mostly statistically insignificant because of relatively short time series. In this publication we describe the

  19. GPS Navigation and Tracking Device

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yahya Salameh Khraisat


    Full Text Available Since the introduction of GPS Navigation systems in the marketplace, consumers and businesses have been coming up with innovative ways to use the technology in their everyday life. GPS Navigation and Tracking systems keep us from getting lost when we are in strange locations, they monitor children when they are away from home, keep track of business vehicles and can even let us know where a philandering partner is at all times. Because of this we attend to build a GPS tracking device to solve the mentioned problems. Our work consists of the GPS module that collects data from satellites and calculates the position information before transmitting them to the user’s PC (of Navigation system or observers (of Tracking System using wireless technology (GSM.

  20. Derivation of some geometric parameters from GPS measurements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcel Mojzeš


    Full Text Available Combining GPS and terrestrial data requires a common coordinate system. When the original GPS vectors do not form a network, the 3D network adjustment can not be performed. In this case, in order to integrate the GPS measurements with the terrestrial observations and to perform a combined network adjustment, the GPS measurements should be transformed to this common system. The GPS measurements which are the usual output of the GPS post processing softwares are based on the WGS84 ellipsoid and the S-JTSK local datum is based on the Bessel ellipsoid. Thus, the reduction of measurements to the S-JTSK mapping plane can not be started from the measurements resulting from GPS post processing softwares because GPS and S-JTSK don’t have the same ellipsoid. Another view of this reduction will be described in this paper.

  1. The GPS Laser Retroreflector Array Project (United States)

    Merkowitz, Stephen M.


    Systematic co-location in space through the precision orbit determination of GPS satellites via satellite laser ranging will contribute significantly towards improving the accuracy and stability of the international terrestrial reference frame. NASA recently formed the GPS Laser Retroreflector Array Project to develop and deliver retroreflectors for integration on the next generation of GPS satellites. These retroreflectors will be an important contributor to achieving a global accuracy of 1.0 mm and 0.1 mm/year stability in the international terrestrial reference frame. We report here the current status of the GPS Laser Retroreflector Array Project.

  2. Complejo de ejercicios para pacientes con el Síndrome Guillain Barré. Una alternativa en el proceso de rehabilitación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos A. Morales Romero


    Full Text Available El empleo del ejercicio físico en el tratamiento de enfermedades degenerativas o infecciosas del aparato de sostén y locomotor es un factor fundamental para la formación, desarrollo y reeducación de habilidades motrices y capacidades físicas en los pacientes con estas características. El Síndrome de Guillain Barré es una patología con un largo período de recuperación, en tanto que requiere un elevado volumen de actividad física, por lo que se hace necesario engranar todos los componentes del proceso de rehabilitación, en un programa lógico y coherente que a la vez permita acortar el tiempo de recuperación, y ofrezca la posibilidad de ir constatando la evolución de estos pacientes. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se aplicó un conjunto de métodos de carácter teórico y empíricos, que dieran la posibilidad de valorar la pertinencia del complejo de ejercicios propuestos.

  3. GPS Water Vapor Tomography Based on Accurate Estimations of the GPS Tropospheric Parameters (United States)

    Champollion, C.; Masson, F.; Bock, O.; Bouin, M.; Walpersdorf, A.; Doerflinger, E.; van Baelen, J.; Brenot, H.


    The Global Positioning System (GPS) is now a common technique for the retrieval of zenithal integrated water vapor (IWV). Further applications in meteorology need also slant integrated water vapor (SIWV) which allow to precisely define the high variability of tropospheric water vapor at different temporal and spatial scales. Only precise estimations of IWV and horizontal gradients allow the estimation of accurate SIWV. We present studies developed to improve the estimation of tropospheric water vapor from GPS data. Results are obtained from several field experiments (MAP, ESCOMPTE, OHM-CV, IHOP, .). First IWV are estimated using different GPS processing strategies and results are compared to radiosondes. The role of the reference frame and the a priori constraints on the coordinates of the fiducial and local stations is generally underestimated. It seems to be of first order in the estimation of the IWV. Second we validate the estimated horizontal gradients comparing zenith delay gradients and single site gradients. IWV, gradients and post-fit residuals are used to construct slant integrated water delays. Validation of the SIWV is under progress comparing GPS SIWV, Lidar measurements and high resolution meteorological models (Meso-NH). A careful analysis of the post-fit residuals is needed to separate tropospheric signal from multipaths. The slant tropospheric delays are used to study the 3D heterogeneity of the troposphere. We develop a tomographic software to model the three-dimensional distribution of the tropospheric water vapor from GPS data. The software is applied to the ESCOMPTE field experiment, a dense network of 17 dual frequency GPS receivers operated in southern France. Three inversions have been successfully compared to three successive radiosonde launches. Good resolution is obtained up to heights of 3000 m.

  4. Precise GPS orbits for geodesy (United States)

    Colombo, Oscar L.


    The Global Positioning System (GPS) has become, in recent years, the main space-based system for surveying and navigation in many military, commercial, cadastral, mapping, and scientific applications. Better receivers, interferometric techniques (DGPS), and advances in post-processing methods have made possible to position fixed or moving receivers with sub-decimeter accuracies in a global reference frame. Improved methods for obtaining the orbits of the GPS satellites have played a major role in these achievements; this paper gives a personal view of the main developments in GPS orbit determination.

  5. GPS on Every Roof, GPS Sensor Network for Post-Seismic Building-Wise Damage Identification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kenji Oguni


    Full Text Available Development of wireless sensor network equipped with GPS for post-seismic building-wise damage identification is presented in this paper. This system is called GPS on Every Roof. Sensor node equipped with GPS antenna and receiver is installed on the top of the roof of each and every building. The position of this sensor node is measured before and after earthquake. The final goal of this system is to i identify the displacement of the roof of each house and ii collect the information of displacement of the roof of the houses through wireless communication. Superposing this information on GIS, building-wise damage distribution due to earthquake can be obtained. The system overview, hardware and some of the key components of the system such as on-board GPS relative positioning algorithm to achieve the accuracy in the order of several centimeters are described in detail. Also, the results from a field experiment using a wireless sensor network with 39 sensor nodes are presented.

  6. GPS satellite surveying

    CERN Document Server

    Leick, Alfred; Tatarnikov, Dmitry


    THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE, UP-TO-DATE GUIDE ON GPS TECHNOLOGY FOR SURVEYING Three previous editions have established GPS Satellite Surveying as the definitive industry reference. Now fully updated and expanded to reflect the newest developments in the field, this Fourth Edition features cutting-edge information on GNSS antennas, precise point positioning, real-time relative positioning, lattice reduction, and much more. Expert authors examine additional tools and applications, offering complete coverage of geodetic surveying using satellite technologies. The past decade has seen a major evolut

  7. Uso de la urografía por resonancia magnética en el estudio del aparato urinario frente a la urografía convencional


    Ramos de Campos, M.; Juan Escudero, J.U.; Navalón Verdejo, P.; Ordoño Domínguez, F.; Fabuel Deltoro, M.; Zaragoza Orts, J.


    La urografía convencional (UIV) es una exploración fundamental en la valoración del aparato urinario no exenta de morbilidad, como reacciones adversas al contraste (vasovagales y anafilácticas), neurotoxicidad, nefrotoxicidad, así como la irradiación ionizante a la que somete al paciente. Por este motivo se desarrollan técnicas de imagen alternativas como la urografía por resonancia magnética (RM) o urorresonancia. Objetivos: Presentamos un estudio que valora la precisión diagnóstica, especif...

  8. The GPS odograph user's guide (United States)

    The GPS-based Odograph Prototype (GOP or GPS Odograph) was developed in an effort sponsored by The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The purpose of this effort was to develop a means of using inexpensive commercial off-the-self laptop (or notebo...

  9. High Gain Advanced GPS Receiver

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Brown, Alison; Zhang, Gengsheng


    NAVSYS High Gain Advanced GPS Receiver (HAGR) uses a digital beam-steering antenna array to enable up to eight GPS satellites to be tracked, each with up to 10 dBi of additional antenna gain over a conventional receiver solution...

  10. The Main Technological Characteristics of Apparatus for Industrial Radiochemical Processes, in Particular Ethylene Polymerization; Caracteristique techniques fondamentals des appareils pour l'application industrielle de reactions chimiques sous rayonnement (notamment la polymerisation de l'ethylene ); Osnovnye tekhnologicheskie kharakteristiki apparatov dlya provedeniya radiatsionno-khimi-cheskikh protsessov (v chastnosti, dlya polimerizatsii ehtilena) v promyshlennom masshtabe; Principales caracteristicas tecnologicas de los aparatos para la aplicacion industrial de reacciones radioquimicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Syrkus, N P; Breger, A K; Weinstein, B I [Karpov Physicochemical Institute, Moscow, USSR (Russian Federation)


    , Q {approx} W{sub 0}{sup 0'5}. (author) [Spanish] Se propone un metodo de evaluacion de la efectividad de los aparatos, cualquiera que sea su construccion, comparandola con la productividad de un aparato infinitamente grande que tenga la misma fuente de radiaciones. Se indican las caracteristicas tecnologicas de un aparato destinado a la polimerizacion del etileno mediante radiaciones (a presion de 200 atmosferas y temperatura de 25{sup o} C{sup 4} empleando como fuente principal radiaciones gamma de cobalto-60 a distintas actividades. Se pueden calcular los datos tecnicos de tal aparato segun el valor medio de la intensidad de las dosis, fijado segun la magnitud del coeficiente de rendimiento energetico del aparato. Se indica en el trabajo que, siendo las demas condiciones iguales, la productividad (Q) del aparato es funcion exponencial de la intensidad (W{sub 0}) de las radiaciones gamma del mismo. Para el aparato que se estudia en el trabajo la formula es: Q{approx}W{sub 0}{sup 0'5}. (author) [Russian] V doklade rassmotreny v obshchem vide otdel'nye naibolee vazhnye tekhnologicheskie kharakteristiki apparatov (na primere sfericheskogo apparata) dlya provedeniya radiatsionno-khimicheskikh protsessov v promyshlennom masshtabe. Predlozhen metod otsenki ehffektivnosti apparata lyuboj konstruktsii putem sravneniya s proizvoditel'nost' yu beskonechno bol'shogo apparata, imeyushchego tot zhe istochnik izlucheniya. Priveden raschet tekhnologicheskoj kharakteristiki apparata dlya radiatsionnoj polimerizatsii ehtilena (davlenie 200 atm, temperatura 25{sup o} C{sup 3} so sterzhnevym istochnikom gamma-izlucheni ya Co{sup 60} razlichnoj aktivnosti. Takoj apparat mozhno rasschityvat' po srednim znacheniyam moshchnostej doz, opredelyaemym po velichine ehnergeticheskogo KPD apparata. Pokazano, chto proizvoditel'nost'apparata (Q), pri prochikh ravnykh usloviyakh, yavlyaetsya stepennoj funktsiej moshchnosti (W{sub 0}) gamma-izlucheniya apparata. Dlya rassmotrennogo apparata : Q

  11. The International GPS Service (IGS) as a Continuous Reference System for Precise GPS Positioning (United States)

    Neilan, Ruth; Heflin, Michael; Watkins, Michael; Zumberge, James


    The International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) is an organization which operates under the auspices of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and has been operational since January 1994. The primary objective of the IGS is to provide precise GPS data and data products to support geodetic and geophysical research activities.

  12. Miniaturized GPS/MEMS IMU integrated board (United States)

    Lin, Ching-Fang (Inventor)


    This invention documents the efforts on the research and development of a miniaturized GPS/MEMS IMU integrated navigation system. A miniaturized GPS/MEMS IMU integrated navigation system is presented; Laser Dynamic Range Imager (LDRI) based alignment algorithm for space applications is discussed. Two navigation cameras are also included to measure the range and range rate which can be integrated into the GPS/MEMS IMU system to enhance the navigation solution.

  13. Arquitectura de acoplamiento entre INS/GPS para navegación precisa en trayectorias establecidas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monica Zabala


    Full Text Available Se implementa un prototipo basado en tarjetas de desarrollo para el acoplamiento del sistema de navegación inercial con GPS para mejorar la precisión en la navegación sobre una trayectoria. Inicialmente es necesario la calibración de la unidad de medición inercial (IMU mediante un filtro de MADGWICK para que los datos brutos extraídos sean fiables, el acoplamiento de las señales del sistema de posicionamiento global (GPS e IMU se realiza a través de la arquitectura Tight Coupling por medio del Filtro de Kalman con el fin de eliminar errores correlacionados entre sistemas y alcanzar mejor precisión en la solución de navegación generalmente utilizada para aplicaciones en vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV. Se desarrolla la aplicación final denominada LJLAB en Matlab, cuya función es procesar y visualizar los datos medidos de ambos sistemas en forma independiente y acopladas al mostrar gráficamente el error en la precisión de posicionamiento que existe entre tecnologías, lo cual es comprobado estadísticamente a través del método experimental ANOVA que calcula el error absoluto entre los puntos reales y los medidos a través del análisis de la media y varianza de los datos observados.

  14. Hastighedskort for Danmark vha. GPS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ove; Lahrmann, Harry; Torp, Kristian


    Hastighed på vejnettet er en central metrik indenfor trafikplanlægning og trafikoptimering. I denne artikel beskrives, hvorledes et hastighedskort for hele Danmark er skabt udelukkende vha. GPS data. To tilgangsvinkler til at beregne hastigheder vha. GPS data er præsenteret. Dette er hhv. en....... Opsummeret anses den turbaseret for at beregne det mest akkurate estimat, men metoden er meget datakrævende. Det er derfor nødvendigt at have den punktbaserede at falde tilbage på. Generelt mangler metoder til beregning af hastigheder vha. GPS data at blive valideret. Hvordan en sådan validering kan...

  15. Lesiones bucales relacionadas con las enfermedades digestivas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José A. Pacho Saavedra


    Full Text Available Muchas de las lesiones de la mucosa en la cavidad bucal están relacionadas con trastornos anatómicos y funcionales de los órganos del aparato digestivo; algunas forman parte del cuadro clínico de la entidad y otras aparecen como complicaciones de estas. Generalmente son de orígenes inmunológicos, nutricionales o carenciales. Estas lesiones son difíciles de tratar, por lo que es importante conocer las características clínicas que faciliten una adecuada interpretación y al mismo tiempo ofrecer una conducta terapéutica correcta. Se presenta una revisión actualizada de las características semiológicas de las lesiones bucales que forman parte del cuadro clínico de diversas enfermedades digestivas, con el fin de que los médicos generales, clínicos, estomatólogos y gastroenterólogos puedan diagnosticarlas y brindar mejor orientación y tratamiento a los pacientes.Many of the lesions of the mucosa in the oral cavity are related to anatomical and functional disorders of the organs of the digestive system. Some of them are part of the clinical picture of the entity and others appear as complications of them. Generally, they have an immunological, nutritional, or deficiency origin. These lesions are difficult to be treated and that's why it is important to know the clinical characteristics making easy an adequate interpretation, and to follow a suitable therapeutic conduct at the same time. An updated review of the semiological features of the oral lesions corresponding to the clinical picture of diverse digestive diseases is presented, so that the general physicians, clinicians, stomatologists and gastroenterologists be able to diagnose and give a better guidance and treatment to the patients.

  16. Sensing human activity : GPS tracking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Spek, Stefan; van Schaick, Jeroen; de Bois, P.G.; de Haan, Remco


    The enhancement of GPS technology enables the use of GPS devices not only as navigation and orientation tools, but also as instruments used to capture travelled routes: as sensors that measure activity on a city scale or the regional scale. TU Delft developed a process and database architecture for

  17. GPS User Devices Parameter Control Methods


    Klūga, A; Kuļikovs, M; Beļinska, V; Zeļenkovs, A


    In our day’s wide assortment of GPS user devices is manufacture. How to verify that parameters of the real device corresponds to parameters that manufacture shows. How to verify that parameters have not been changed during the operation time. The last one is very important for aviation GPS systems, which must be verified before the flight, but the values of parameter in time of repair works. This work analyses GPS user devices parameters control methods.

  18. Multiscale GPS tomography during COPS: validation and applications (United States)

    Champollion, Cédric; Flamant, Cyrille; Masson, Frédéric; Gégout, Pascal; Boniface, Karen; Richard, Evelyne


    Accurate 3D description of the water vapour field is of interest for process studies such as convection initiation. None of the current techniques (LIDAR, satellite, radio soundings, GPS) can provide an all weather continuous 3D field of moisture. The combination of GPS tomography with radio-soundings (and/or LIDAR) has been used for such process studies using both advantages of vertically resolved soundings and high temporal density of GPS measurements. GPS tomography has been used at short scale (10 km horizontal resolution but in a 50 km² area) for process studies such as the ESCOMPTE experiment (Bastin et al., 2005) and at larger scale (50 km horizontal resolution) during IHOP_2002. But no extensive statistical validation has been done so far. The overarching goal of the COPS field experiment is to advance the quality of forecasts of orographically induced convective precipitation by four-dimensional observations and modeling of its life cycle for identifying the physical and chemical processes responsible for deficiencies in QPF over low-mountain regions. During the COPS field experiment, a GPS network of about 100 GPS stations has been continuously operating during three months in an area of 500 km² in the East of France (Vosges Mountains) and West of Germany (Black Forest). If the mean spacing between the GPS is about 50 km, an East-West GPS profile with a density of about 10 km is dedicated to high resolution tomography. One major goal of the GPS COPS experiment is to validate the GPS tomography with different spatial resolutions. Validation is based on additional radio-soundings and airborne / ground-based LIDAR measurement. The number and the high quality of vertically resolved water vapor observations give an unique data set for GPS tomography validation. Numerous tests have been done on real data to show the type water vapor structures that can be imaging by GPS tomography depending of the assimilation of additional data (radio soundings), the

  19. Os limites do funcionamento interpretante do aparato psíquico The limits of the interpretative function of the psychic apparatus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Carolina Lo Bianco


    Full Text Available De início, o artigo identifica uma função interpretante na conceituação do aparato psíquico realizada por Freud. Esta função encontra-se melhor explicada no desenvolvimento da "Interpretação dos Sonhos", os quais operam, por sua vez, a mesma função interpretante. Em seguida, argumenta que, desde 1900, Freud conceitua um limite e uma exceção no funcionamento da interpretação nos sonhos, localizando-os, no entanto, em duas tópicas diferentes. A visão de Lacan vem introduzir uma nova inteligibilidade à interpretação ao ressituar os seus limites no lugar mesmo do funcionamento do aparato. Esse instante de impossibilidade, presente em toda interpretação, é examinado tendo em vista a sua conseqüência clínica de apontar para a necessidade do ato analítico, como a intervenção que faz advir o sujeito da análise.Firstly the article identifies an interpretative function in the conceptualization of the psychic apparatus, by Freud. This function is best explained in "The Interpretation of Dreams". These are understood to operate in their turn the same interpretative function as the apparatus. Secondly it is argued that since 1900 Freud conceptualizes a limit and an exception in the function of dream-interpretation. However, he localizes these limits in two different explanations of the apparatus. Lacan introduces a new way of understanding the matter by affirming that the limits are comprehended in one and the same explanation of the functioning of the apparatus. A moment of impossibility which is present in all interpretations is examined in view of its clinical consequences, since it points to a necessary analytical act. This is the intervention that makes it possible for the analytical subject to exist.

  20. Briefing highlights space weather risks to GPS (United States)

    Tretkoff, Ernie


    Solar storms, which are expected to increase as the Sun nears the most active phase of the solar cycle, can disrupt a variety of technologies on which society relies. Speakers at a 22 June briefing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D. C., focused on how space weather can affect the Global Positioning System (GPS), which is used in a wide range of industries, including commercial air travel, agriculture, national security, and emergency response. Rocky Stone, chief technical pilot for United Airlines, noted that GPS allows more aircraft to be in airspace, saves fuel, and helps aircraft move safely on runways. “Improvements in space weather forecasting need to be pursued,” he said. Precision GPS has also “changed the whole nature of farming,” said Ron Hatch, Director of Navigation Systems, NavCom Technology/John Deere. GPS makes it possible for tractors to be driven in the most efficient paths and for fertilizer and water to be applied precisely to the areas that most need them. Space weather-induced degradation of GPS signals can cause significant loss to farms that rely on GPS. Elizabeth Zimmerman, Deputy Associate Administrator for the Office of Response and Recovery at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), described how FEMA relies on GPS for disaster recovery. The agency is developing an operations plan for dealing with space weather, she said.

  1. Development of GPS survey data management protocols/policy. (United States)


    This project developed a statewide policy and criteria for collecting, analyzing, and managing global position system (GPS) survey data. The research project determined the needs of the Department in adopting the GPS real time kinetic (GPS RTK) stake...

  2. GPS Usage in a Population of Low-Vision Drivers. (United States)

    Cucuras, Maria; Chun, Robert; Lee, Patrick; Jay, Walter M; Pusateri, Gregg


    We surveyed bioptic and non-bioptic low-vision drivers in Illinois, USA, to determine their usage of global positioning system (GPS) devices. Low-vision patients completed an IRB-approved phone survey regarding driving demographics and usage of GPS while driving. Participants were required to be active drivers with an Illinois driver's license, and met one of the following criteria: best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) less than or equal to 20/40, central or significant peripheral visual field defects, or a combination of both. Of 27 low-vision drivers, 10 (37%) used GPS while driving. The average age for GPS users was 54.3 and for non-users was 77.6. All 10 drivers who used GPS while driving reported increased comfort or safety level. Since non-GPS users were significantly older than GPS users, it is likely that older participants would benefit from GPS technology training from their low-vision eye care professionals.





    El uso de este aparato es seguro, higiénico y cómodo para el uso en niños con dentición temporal o mixta temprana. De igual manera es práctico, de fácil elaboración y con buenos resultados para el médico tratante

  4. Transportation mode recognition using GPS and accelerometer data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feng, T.; Timmermans, H.J.P.


    Potential advantages of global positioning systems (GPS) in collecting travel behavior data have been discussed in several publications and evidenced in many recent studies. Most applications depend on GPS information only. However, transportation mode detection that relies only on GPS information

  5. Gestió mapes i GPS


    Díaz Sañudo, Daniel


    El projecte denominat "Gestor de mapes i GPS" és una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils Android que utilitza l'API v.1 de Google Maps. El proyecto denominado "Gestor de mapas y GPS" es una aplicación para dispositivos móviles Android que utiliza la API v.1 de Google Maps.

  6. Location - Global Positioning System (GPS) Photos (United States)

    Army Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, Department of Defense — Digital photos tagged with GPS location information. The St. Paul District maintains a digital library of over 10,000 GPS photos. Photos are often associated with...

  7. GPS Operations at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara in 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahola, J.; Ollikainen, M.; Koivula, H.; Jokela, J.


    The GPS based deformation studies has been made at the investigation areas of Posiva since 1995, when the network of ten GPS pillars was established at Olkiluoto. The network of seven GPS pillars was built at Kivetty and Romuvaara during the year 1996. One pillar in each investigation area belongs to the Finnish permanent GPS network, FinnRef. Twenty GPS measurement campaigns have been carried out at Olkiluoto since 1995, and fourteen campaigns at Kivetty and Romuvaara. According to the time series of the GPS results 1/3 of the baselines at Olkiluoto have statistically significant change rates. However, the observed movements are smaller than ± 0.22 mm/a. There are no statistically signicant movements at Kivetty and Romuvaara expect one pillar at Romuvaara. There are five pillars, which have statistically significant horizontal velocities at Olkiluoto. The local velocity components are small but taking into account the standard deviations the largest velocity components seems to be reliable (maximum velocity is - 0.25 mm/a ± 0.025 mm/a). The uniform scale for the GPS measurements made in different years is the basic condition for reliable results in the deformation analyses. At Olkiluoto a baseline for electronic distance measurements (EDM) was built in 2002. The baseline has been measured using EDM instruments simultaneously with the GPS observations. The comparison between the GPS and EDM results to show a possible scale error of the GPS. The GPS network at Olkiluoto was enlarged in 2003. The new pillars were built close to Kuivalahti village and on a small island of Iso Pyrekari, both north from Olkiluoto. According to the geological evidence it is expected that a fracture zone is located between the new stations, thus enabling the determination of possible deformations along the fracture zone. The new pillars have been observed five times since 2003, but the time series are still too short for reliable deformation studies. Including the new pillars the local

  8. Comparison of GLONASS and GPS Time Transfers (United States)

    Daly, P.; Koshelyaevsky, N. B.; Lewandowski, W.; Petit, G.; Thomas, C.


    The Russian global space navigation system GLONASS could provide a technique similar to GPS for international time comparison. The main limitation to its use for time transfer is the lack of commercially available time receivers. The University of Leeds built a GPS/GLONASS receiver five years ago and since then has provided continuous information about GLONASS time and its comparison with GPS time. For the last two years the VNIIFTRI and several other Russian time laboratories have used Russian-built GLONASS navigation receivers for time comparisons. Since June 1991, the VNIIFTRI has operated a GPS time receiver which offers, for the first time, an opportunity for the direct comparison of time transfers using GPS and GLONASS. This seven-month experiment shows that even with relatively imprecise data recording and processing, in terms of time metrology, GLONASS can provide continental time transfer at a level of several tens of nanoseconds.

  9. GPS operations at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara in 2010

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallio, U.; Nyberg, S.; Koivula, H.; Jokela, J.; Poutanen, M.


    The Finnish Geodetic Institute (FGI) has studied crustal deformations in co-operation with the Posiva Oy since 1994, when a network of ten pillars for GPS observations was established at Olkiluoto. In 2010 the local GPS network at Olkiluoto consisted of 14 concrete pillars. The whole network has been measured twice a year in the static GPS campaigns with 24 h sessions. The four new pillars were established in 2010 and the permanent measurements on them will start in 2011. The network of seven GPS pillars was built at Kivetty and Romuvaara during the year 1996. One pillar in each investigation area belongs to the Finnish permanent GPS network, FinnRef. A total of 28 GPS measurement campaigns have been carried out at Olkiluoto since 1995, and 18 campaigns at Kivetty and Romuvaara. At Olkiluoto a baseline for electronic distance measurements (EDM) was built in 2002. The baseline has been measured in connection to the GPS observations using the EDM instrument Kern ME5000 Mekometer. The GPS operations in 2010 included the two GPS campaigns at Olkiluoto, GPS campaigns at Kivetty and Romuvaara, EDM baseline measurements at Olkiluoto, and the control marker measurements with the tachymeter at Olkiluoto. All GPS data history was reprocessed with Bernese GPS software using the new processing strategy tested in 2009. The results were analysed by computing the change rates of the baselines and estimating horizontal velocities for the pillars using the barycenter of the velocities as a reference. In the Olkiluoto inner network 80 percent of the change rates were smaller than 0.10 mm/a. Roughly one fourth of the change rates could be considered as statistically significant (change rate larger than 3 σ. The statistically significant change rates were mainly related to the Olkiluoto permanent station (GPS1) and to the pillar GPS5, which had also the maximum change rate (0.21 ± 0.03 mm/a). In Olkiluoto outer network the maximum and statistically significant change rates are

  10. GPS operations at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara in 2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kallio, U.; Nyberg, S.; Koivula, H.; Jokela, J.; Poutanen, M. [Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala (Finland)


    The Finnish Geodetic Institute (FGI) has studied crustal deformations in co-operation with the Posiva Oy since 1994, when a network of ten pillars for GPS observations was established at Olkiluoto. In 2010 the local GPS network at Olkiluoto consisted of 14 concrete pillars. The whole network has been measured twice a year in the static GPS campaigns with 24 h sessions. The four new pillars were established in 2010 and the permanent measurements on them will start in 2011. The network of seven GPS pillars was built at Kivetty and Romuvaara during the year 1996. One pillar in each investigation area belongs to the Finnish permanent GPS network, FinnRef. A total of 28 GPS measurement campaigns have been carried out at Olkiluoto since 1995, and 18 campaigns at Kivetty and Romuvaara. At Olkiluoto a baseline for electronic distance measurements (EDM) was built in 2002. The baseline has been measured in connection to the GPS observations using the EDM instrument Kern ME5000 Mekometer. The GPS operations in 2010 included the two GPS campaigns at Olkiluoto, GPS campaigns at Kivetty and Romuvaara, EDM baseline measurements at Olkiluoto, and the control marker measurements with the tachymeter at Olkiluoto. All GPS data history was reprocessed with Bernese GPS software using the new processing strategy tested in 2009. The results were analysed by computing the change rates of the baselines and estimating horizontal velocities for the pillars using the barycenter of the velocities as a reference. In the Olkiluoto inner network 80 percent of the change rates were smaller than 0.10 mm/a. Roughly one fourth of the change rates could be considered as statistically significant (change rate larger than 3 {sigma}. The statistically significant change rates were mainly related to the Olkiluoto permanent station (GPS1) and to the pillar GPS5, which had also the maximum change rate (0.21 {+-} 0.03 mm/a). In Olkiluoto outer network the maximum and statistically significant change rates

  11. Continuing medical education and burnout among Danish GPs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brøndt, Anders; Sokolowski, Ineta; Olesen, Frede


    BACKGROUND: There has been minimal research into continuing medical education (CME) and its association with burnout among GPs. AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between participating in CME and experiencing burnout in a sample of Danish GPs. DESIGN OF STUDY: Cross......-sectional questionnaire study. SETTING: All 458 active GPs in 2004, in the County of Aarhus, Denmark were invited to participate. METHOD: Data on CME activities were obtained for all GPs and linked to burnout which was measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey. The relationship between CME...... activity and burnout was calculated as prevalence ratios (PR) in a generalised linear model. RESULTS: In total, 379 (83.5%) GPs returned the questionnaire. The prevalence of burnout was about 25%, and almost 3% suffered from 'high burnout'. A total of 344 (92.0%) GPs were members of a CME group...

  12. GPS Tomography: Water Vapour Monitoring for Germany (United States)

    Bender, Michael; Dick, Galina; Wickert, Jens; Raabe, Armin


    Ground based GPS atmosphere sounding provides numerous atmospheric quantities with a high temporal resolution for all weather conditions. The spatial resolution of the GPS observations is mainly given by the number of GNSS satellites and GPS ground stations. The latter could considerably be increased in the last few years leading to more reliable and better resolved GPS products. New techniques such as the GPS water vapour tomography gain increased significance as data from large and dense GPS networks become available. The GPS tomography has the potential to provide spatially resolved fields of different quantities operationally, i. e. the humidity or wet refractivity as required for meteorological applications or the refraction index which is important for several space based observations or for precise positioning. The number of German GPS stations operationally processed by the GFZ in Potsdam was recently enlarged to more than 300. About 28000 IWV observations and more than 1.4 millions of slant total delay data are now available per day with a temporal resolution of 15 min and 2.5 min, respectively. The extended network leads not only to a higher spatial resolution of the tomographically reconstructed 3D fields but also to a much higher stability of the inversion process and with that to an increased quality of the results. Under these improved conditions the GPS tomography can operate continuously over several days or weeks without applying too tight constraints. Time series of tomographically reconstructed humidity fields will be shown and different initialisation strategies will be discussed: Initialisation with a simple exponential profile, with a 3D humidity field extrapolated from synoptic observations and with the result of the preceeding reconstruction. The results are compared to tomographic reconstructions initialised with COSMO-DE analyses and to the corresponding model fields. The inversion can be further stabilised by making use of independent

  13. GPS-based system for satellite tracking and geodesy (United States)

    Bertiger, Willy I.; Thornton, Catherine L.


    High-performance receivers and data processing systems developed for GPS are reviewed. The GPS Inferred Positioning System (GIPSY) and the Orbiter Analysis and Simulation Software (OASIS) are described. The OASIS software is used to assess GPS system performance using GIPSY for data processing. Consideration is given to parameter estimation for multiday arcs, orbit repeatability, orbit prediction, daily baseline repeatability, agreement with VLBI, and ambiguity resolution. Also, the dual-frequency Rogue receiver, which can track up to eight GPS satellites simultaneously, is discussed.

  14. GPS Test Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Global Positioning System (GPS) Test Facility Instrumentation Suite (GPSIS) provides great flexibility in testing receivers by providing operational control of...

  15. A Regional GPS Receiver Network For Monitoring Mid-latitude Total Electron Content During Storms (United States)

    Vernon, A.; Cander, Lj. R.

    A regional GPS receiver network has been used for monitoring mid-latitude total elec- tron content (TEC) during ionospheric storms at the current solar maximum. Differ- ent individual storms were examined to study how the temporal patterns of changes develop and how they are related to solar and geomagnetic activity for parameter de- scriptive of plasmaspheric-ionospheric ionisation. Use is then made of computer con- touring techniques to produce snapshot maps of TEC for different study cases. Com- parisons with the local ionosonde data at different phases of the storms enable the storm developments to be studied in detail.

  16. Efecte d’un programa d’Intervenció Assistida amb Gossos en persones majors de 65 anys amb trastorns de l’aparell locomotor


    Casanova Gonzalvo, Carlos


    Objetivo. Analizar la eficacia de una intervención Asistida con Perros, en población mayor de 65 años con trastornos del aparato locomotor. Método. Estudio Clínico Aleatorizado (n=52), con Grupo Control (n=22) con un Programa de 12 sesiones grupales de Fisioterapia de 60 minutos, y Grupo Experimental (n=30) con el mismo programa e incluyendo Terapia Asistida con Perros. Resultados. Mejora generalizada intragrupo, siendo mayor en Grupo Experimental. En el análisis intergrupo, la Terapia ...

  17. Contents of GPS Data Files

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sullivan, John P. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Carver, Matthew Robert [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Norman, Benjamin [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    There are no very detailed descriptions of most of these instruments in the literature – we will attempt to fix that problem in the future. The BDD instruments are described in [1]. One of the dosimeter instruments on CXD boxes is described in [2]. These documents (or web links to them) and a few others are in this directory tree. The cross calibration of the CXD electron data with RBSP is described in [3]. Each row in the data file contains the data from one time bin from a CXD or BDD instrument along with a variety of parameters derived from the data. Time steps are commandable but 4 minutes is a typical setting. These instruments are on many (but not all) GPS satellites which are currently in operation. The data come from either BDD instruments on GPS Block IIR satellites (SVN41 and 48), or else CXD-IIR instruments on GPS Block IIR and IIR-M satellites (SVN53-61) or CXD-IIF instruments on GPS block IIF satellites (SVN62-73). The CXD-IIR instruments on block IIR and IIR(M) satellites use the same design.

  18. GPS operations at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara in 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallio, U.; Ahola, J.; Koivula, H.; Jokela, J.; Poutanen, M.


    The GPS based deformation studies have been made at the investigation areas of Posiva since 1995, when the network of ten GPS pillars was established at Olkiluoto. The network of seven GPS pillars was built at Kivetty and Romuvaara during the year 1996. One pillar in each investigation area belongs to the Finnish permanent GPS network, FinnRef. A total of 26 GPS measurement campaigns have been carried out at Olkiluoto since 1995, and 17 campaigns at Kivetty and Romuvaara. According to the time series of the GPS results 1/3 of the baselines at Olkiluoto have statistically significant change rates. However, the observed movements are smaller than 0.20 mm/a. The networks of Kivetty and Romuvaara are quite stable expect one pillar at Romuvaara. There are seven pillars, which have statistically significant horizontal velocities at Olkiluoto. These local velocity components are small but taking into account the standard deviations the largest velocity components seems to be reliably determined. The uniform scale for the GPS measurements made in different years is the basic condition for reliable results in the deformation analyses. At Olkiluoto a baseline for electronic distance measurements (EDM) was built in 2002. The baseline has been measured using EDM instruments in connection to the GPS observations. The comparison between the GPS and EDM results can help to fix a possible scale error of the GPS measurements. The GPS network at Olkiluoto was extended in 2003. The new pillars were built close to Kuivalahti village and on a small island of Iso Pyrekari. According to the geological evidence it is expected that a fracture zone is located between the new stations, thus enabling the determination of possible deformations along the fracture zone. The new pillars have been observed since 2003 and now we have computed the first deformation analysis from the six years data. The local crustal deformations have been studied in GeoSatakunta project, too. This GPS network is

  19. GPS operations at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara in 2007

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahola, J.; Koivula, H.; Jokela, J.


    The GPS based deformation studies have been made at the investigation areas of Posiva since 1995, when the network of ten GPS pillars was established at Olkiluoto. The network of seven GPS pillars was built at Kivetty and Romuvaara during the year 1996. One pillar in each investigation area belongs to the Finnish permanent GPS network, FinnRef. 24 GPS measurement campaigns have been carried out at Olkiluoto since 1995, and 16 campaigns at Kivetty and Romuvaara. According to the time series of the GPS results 1/3 of the baselines at Olkiluoto have statistically significant change rates. However, the observed movements are smaller than ± 0.20 mm/a. The networks of Kivetty and Romuvaara are quite stabile expect one pillar at Romuvaara. There are five pillars, which have statistically significant horizontal velocities at Olkiluoto. These local velocity components are small but taking into account the standard deviations the largest velocity components seems to be reliably determined (maximum velocity is -0.22 mm/a ± 0.02 mm/a). The uniform scale for the GPS measurements made in different years is the basic condition for reliable results in the deformation analyses. At Olkiluoto a baseline for electronic distance measurements (EDM) was built in 2002. The baseline has been measured using EDM instruments simultaneously with the GPS observations. The comparison between the GPS and EDM results can solve a possible scale error of the GPS. The GPS network at Olkiluoto was extended in 2003. The new pillars were built close to Kuivalahti village and on a small island of Iso Pyrekari. According to the geological evidence it is expected that a fracture zone is located between the new stations, thus enabling the determination of possible deformations along the fracture zone. The new pillars have been observed since 2003, but the time series are still too short for reliable deformation studies. The local crustal deformations have been studied in GeoSatakunta project, too. This

  20. Why GPS makes distances bigger than they are. (United States)

    Ranacher, Peter; Brunauer, Richard; Trutschnig, Wolfgang; Van der Spek, Stefan; Reich, Siegfried


    Global navigation satellite systems such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) is one of the most important sensors for movement analysis. GPS is widely used to record the trajectories of vehicles, animals and human beings. However, all GPS movement data are affected by both measurement and interpolation errors. In this article we show that measurement error causes a systematic bias in distances recorded with a GPS; the distance between two points recorded with a GPS is - on average - bigger than the true distance between these points. This systematic 'overestimation of distance' becomes relevant if the influence of interpolation error can be neglected, which in practice is the case for movement sampled at high frequencies. We provide a mathematical explanation of this phenomenon and illustrate that it functionally depends on the autocorrelation of GPS measurement error ( C ). We argue that C can be interpreted as a quality measure for movement data recorded with a GPS. If there is a strong autocorrelation between any two consecutive position estimates, they have very similar error. This error cancels out when average speed, distance or direction is calculated along the trajectory. Based on our theoretical findings we introduce a novel approach to determine C in real-world GPS movement data sampled at high frequencies. We apply our approach to pedestrian trajectories and car trajectories. We found that the measurement error in the data was strongly spatially and temporally autocorrelated and give a quality estimate of the data. Most importantly, our findings are not limited to GPS alone. The systematic bias and its implications are bound to occur in any movement data collected with absolute positioning if interpolation error can be neglected.

  1. Assessing fitness for work: GPs judgment making. (United States)

    Foley, Michelle; Thorley, Kevan; Van Hout, Marie-Claire


    The complexity of a fitness for work consultation is well documented. General practitioners (GPs) find that such consultations often create conflict and they feel ill-prepared for the task. We aimed to examine the consultation process in the fitness for work consultation and to report on the response of GPs to two hypothetical consultations of work related sickness absence, one of a psychological and one of a physical nature. Three areas of the consultation were examined; social/family circumstances, workplace history and information required assessing the severity of the condition. We used a randomized design using an online questionnaire completed by 62 GPs located in the Republic of Ireland. Analysis was conducted in NVivo 8 qualitative software using thematic and content analysis techniques. GPs may be expected to collect and consider information relating to social, domestic, financial, lifestyle and workplace factors, including workload, job satisfaction, job strain, work ethic, inter staff relationships and employee support mechanisms. The mode of presentation may trigger specific information seeking in the consultation. GPs may evaluate fitness for work in a variety of ways depending on medical and non-medical factors. Further research should further examine the factors that may influence the GPs decision to prescribe sickness leave.

  2. GPS Modeling and Analysis. Summary of Research: GPS Satellite Axial Ratio Predictions (United States)

    Axelrad, Penina; Reeh, Lisa


    This report outlines the algorithms developed at the Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research to model yaw and predict the axial ratio as measured from a ground station. The algorithms are implemented in a collection of Matlab functions and scripts that read certain user input, such as ground station coordinates, the UTC time, and the desired GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites, and compute the above-mentioned parameters. The position information for the GPS satellites is obtained from Yuma almanac files corresponding to the prescribed date. The results are displayed graphically through time histories and azimuth-elevation plots.

  3. Azimuth selection for sea level measurements using geodetic GPS receivers (United States)

    Wang, Xiaolei; Zhang, Qin; Zhang, Shuangcheng


    Based on analysis of Global Positioning System (GPS) multipath signals recorded by a geodetic GPS receiver, GPS Reflectometry (GPS-R) has demonstrated unique advantages in relation to sea level monitoring. Founded on multipath reflectometry theory, sea level changes can be measured by GPS-R through spectral analysis of recorded signal-to-noise ratio data. However, prior to estimating multipath parameters, it is necessary to define azimuth and elevation angle mask to ensure the reflecting zones are on water. Here, a method is presented to address azimuth selection, a topic currently under active development in the field of GPS-R. Data from three test sites: the Kachemak Bay GPS site PBAY in Alaska (USA), Friday Harbor GPS site SC02 in the San Juan Islands (USA), and Brest Harbor GPS site BRST in Brest (France) are analyzed. These sites are located in different multipath environments, from a rural coastal area to a busy harbor, and they experience different tidal ranges. Estimates by the GPS tide gauges at azimuths selected by the presented method are compared with measurements from physical tide gauges and acceptable correspondence found for all three sites.

  4. The Evolution of Global Positioning System (GPS) Technology. (United States)

    Kumar, Sameer; Moore, Kevin B.


    Describes technological advances in the Global Positioning System (GPS), which is also known as the NAVSTAR GPS satellite constellation program developed in 1937, and changes in the nature of our world by GPS in the areas of agriculture, health, military, transportation, environment, wildlife biology, surveying and mapping, space applications, and…

  5. Inversion of GPS meteorology data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Hocke

    Full Text Available The GPS meteorology (GPS/MET experiment, led by the Universities Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR, consists of a GPS receiver aboard a low earth orbit (LEO satellite which was launched on 3 April 1995. During a radio occultation the LEO satellite rises or sets relative to one of the 24 GPS satellites at the Earth's horizon. Thereby the atmospheric layers are successively sounded by radio waves which propagate from the GPS satellite to the LEO satellite. From the observed phase path increases, which are due to refraction of the radio waves by the ionosphere and the neutral atmosphere, the atmospheric parameter refractivity, density, pressure and temperature are calculated with high accuracy and resolution (0.5–1.5 km. In the present study, practical aspects of the GPS/MET data analysis are discussed. The retrieval is based on the Abelian integral inversion of the atmospheric bending angle profile into the refractivity index profile. The problem of the upper boundary condition of the Abelian integral is described by examples. The statistical optimization approach which is applied to the data above 40 km and the use of topside bending angle profiles from model atmospheres stabilize the inversion. The retrieved temperature profiles are compared with corresponding profiles which have already been calculated by scientists of UCAR and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL, using Abelian integral inversion too. The comparison shows that in some cases large differences occur (5 K and more. This is probably due to different treatment of the upper boundary condition, data runaways and noise. Several temperature profiles with wavelike structures at tropospheric and stratospheric heights are shown. While the periodic structures at upper stratospheric heights could be caused by residual errors of the ionospheric correction method, the periodic temperature fluctuations at heights below 30 km are most likely caused by atmospheric waves (vertically

  6. GPS queues with heterogeneous traffic classes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Borst, Sem; Mandjes, M.R.H.; van Uitert, Miranda


    We consider a queue fed by a mixture of light-tailed and heavy-tailed traffic. The two traffic classes are served in accordance with the generalized processor sharing (GPS) discipline. GPS-based scheduling algorithms, such as weighted fair queueing (WFQ), have emerged as an important mechanism for

  7. Performance Analysis of Several GPS/Galileo Precise Point Positioning Models. (United States)

    Afifi, Akram; El-Rabbany, Ahmed


    This paper examines the performance of several precise point positioning (PPP) models, which combine dual-frequency GPS/Galileo observations in the un-differenced and between-satellite single-difference (BSSD) modes. These include the traditional un-differenced model, the decoupled clock model, the semi-decoupled clock model, and the between-satellite single-difference model. We take advantage of the IGS-MGEX network products to correct for the satellite differential code biases and the orbital and satellite clock errors. Natural Resources Canada's GPSPace PPP software is modified to handle the various GPS/Galileo PPP models. A total of six data sets of GPS and Galileo observations at six IGS stations are processed to examine the performance of the various PPP models. It is shown that the traditional un-differenced GPS/Galileo PPP model, the GPS decoupled clock model, and the semi-decoupled clock GPS/Galileo PPP model improve the convergence time by about 25% in comparison with the un-differenced GPS-only model. In addition, the semi-decoupled GPS/Galileo PPP model improves the solution precision by about 25% compared to the traditional un-differenced GPS/Galileo PPP model. Moreover, the BSSD GPS/Galileo PPP model improves the solution convergence time by about 50%, in comparison with the un-differenced GPS PPP model, regardless of the type of BSSD combination used. As well, the BSSD model improves the precision of the estimated parameters by about 50% and 25% when the loose and the tight combinations are used, respectively, in comparison with the un-differenced GPS-only model. Comparable results are obtained through the tight combination when either a GPS or a Galileo satellite is selected as a reference.

  8. Performance of GPS-devices for environmental exposure assessment. (United States)

    Beekhuizen, Johan; Kromhout, Hans; Huss, Anke; Vermeulen, Roel


    Integration of individual time-location patterns with spatially resolved exposure maps enables a more accurate estimation of personal exposures to environmental pollutants than using estimates at fixed locations. Current global positioning system (GPS) devices can be used to track an individual's location. However, information on GPS-performance in environmental exposure assessment is largely missing. We therefore performed two studies. First, a commute-study, where the commute of 12 individuals was tracked twice, testing GPS-performance for five transport modes and two wearing modes. Second, an urban-tracking study, where one individual was tracked repeatedly through different areas, focused on the effect of building obstruction on GPS-performance. The median error from the true path for walking was 3.7 m, biking 2.9 m, train 4.8 m, bus 4.9 m, and car 3.3 m. Errors were larger in a high-rise commercial area (median error=7.1 m) compared with a low-rise residential area (median error=2.2 m). Thus, GPS-performance largely depends on the transport mode and urban built-up. Although ~85% of all errors were 50 m. Modern GPS-devices are useful tools for environmental exposure assessment, but large GPS-errors might affect estimates of exposures with high spatial variability.

  9. Ejercicios individuales de gimnasia rítmica: variedad y diversidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catarina Leandro


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es hacer un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los elementos técnicos utilizados en ejercicios individuales, en el Campeonato del Mundo de Gimnasia Rítmica (GR en Kiev, 2013, e identificar las características estructurales de la composición, que permiten percibir la variedad y diversidad en los ejercicios de GR en cada uno de los aparatos. Se analizaron 288 fichas de la competición, correspondientes a los ejercicios de 72 gimnastas en cada aparato (aro, pelota, mazas y cinta. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva y pruebas no paramétricas (Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney y prueba de Friedman. Los resultados muestran características estructurales en la composición de los ejercicios similares en las diferentes modalidades respecto a los aspectos de la técnica corporal que determinan el mayor porcentaje en la composición, Los ejercicios de los diferentes aparatos se distinguen en los grupos más relacionados con la parte artística (maestría, pasos rítmicos y elementos dinámicos de rotación con lanzamiento, EDR, principalmente debido a las características específicas de cada aparato. Este estudio proporciona información actualizada sobre el contenido técnico de los ejercicios individuales de GR de élite, para ser considerado respecto a: (1 la posibilidad de modificar el presente código de puntuación, sobre todo en la definición de las exigencias de composición que favorezcan la variedad y diversidad y fomentar el valor artístico y la unidad técnica del aparato; (2 el proceso de formación de valor y el perfil de desempeño de GR de élite.

  10. GPS operations at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara in 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahola, J.; Koivula, H.; Poutanen, M.; Jokela, J.


    The GPS based deformation studies have been made at the investigation areas of Posiva since 1995, when the network of ten GPS pillars was established at Olkiluoto. The network of seven GPS pillars was built at Kivetty and Romuvaara during the year 1996. One pillar in each investigation area belongs to the Finnish permanent GPS network, FinnRef. 22 GPS measurement campaigns have been carried out at Olkiluoto since 1995, and 15 campaigns at Kivetty and Romuvaara. According to the time series of the GPS results 1/3 of the baselines at Olkiluoto have statistically significant change rates. However, the observed movements are smaller than ± 0.22 mm/a. The networks of Kivetty and Romuvaara are quite stabile expect one pillar at Romuvaara. There are five pillars, which have statistically significant horizontal velocities at Olkiluoto. These local velocity components are small but taking into account the standard deviations the largest velocity components seems to be reliably determined (maximum velocity is -0.23 mm/a ± 0.023 mm/a). The uniform scale for the GPS measurements made in different years is the basic condition for reliable results in the deformation analyses. At Olkiluoto a baseline for electronic distance measurements (EDM) was built in 2002. The baseline has been measured using EDM instruments simultaneously with the GPS observations. The comparison between the GPS and EDM results can solve a possible scale error of the GPS. The GPS network at Olkiluoto was extended in 2003. The new pillars were built close to Kuivalahti village and on a small island of Iso Pyrekari. According to the geological evidence it is expected that a fracture zone is located between the new stations, thus enabling the determination of possible deformations along the fracture zone. The new pillars have been observed since 2003, but the time series are still too short for reliable deformation studies. The local crustal deformations have been studied in GeoSatakunta project, too. This

  11. Application of GPS systems on a mobile robot (United States)

    Cao, Peter; Saxena, Mayank; Tedder, Maurice; Mischalske, Steve; Hall, Ernest L.


    The purpose of this paper is to describe the use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) as geographic information and navigational system for a ground based mobile robot. Several low cost wireless systems are now available for a variety of innovative automobile applications including location, messaging and tracking and security. Experiments were conducted with a test bed mobile robot, Bearcat II, for point-to-point motion using a Motorola GPS in June 2001. The Motorola M12 Oncore GPS system is connected to the Bearcat II main control computer through a RS232 interface. A mapping program is used to define a desired route. Then GPS information may be displayed for verification. However, the GPS information is also used to update the control points of the mobile robot using a reinforcement learning method. Local position updates are also used when found in the environment. The significance of the method is in extending the use of GPS to local vehicle control that requires more resolution that is available from the raw data using the adaptive control method.

  12. Software Defined GPS Receiver for International Space Station (United States)

    Duncan, Courtney B.; Robison, David E.; Koelewyn, Cynthia Lee


    JPL is providing a software defined radio (SDR) that will fly on the International Space Station (ISS) as part of the CoNNeCT project under NASA's SCaN program. The SDR consists of several modules including a Baseband Processor Module (BPM) and a GPS Module (GPSM). The BPM executes applications (waveforms) consisting of software components for the embedded SPARC processor and logic for two Virtex II Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) that operate on data received from the GPSM. GPS waveforms on the SDR are enabled by an L-Band antenna, low noise amplifier (LNA), and the GPSM that performs quadrature downconversion at L1, L2, and L5. The GPS waveform for the JPL SDR will acquire and track L1 C/A, L2C, and L5 GPS signals from a CoNNeCT platform on ISS, providing the best GPS-based positioning of ISS achieved to date, the first use of multiple frequency GPS on ISS, and potentially the first L5 signal tracking from space. The system will also enable various radiometric investigations on ISS such as local multipath or ISS dynamic behavior characterization. In following the software-defined model, this work will create a highly portable GPS software and firmware package that can be adapted to another platform with the necessary processor and FPGA capability. This paper also describes ISS applications for the JPL CoNNeCT SDR GPS waveform, possibilities for future global navigation satellite system (GNSS) tracking development, and the applicability of the waveform components to other space navigation applications.

  13. GPS-Aided Video Tracking

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Udo Feuerhake


    Full Text Available Tracking moving objects is both challenging and important for a large variety of applications. Different technologies based on the global positioning system (GPS and video or radio data are used to obtain the trajectories of the observed objects. However, in some use cases, they fail to provide sufficiently accurate, complete and correct data at the same time. In this work we present an approach for fusing GPS- and video-based tracking in order to exploit their individual advantages. In this way we aim to combine the reliability of GPS tracking with the high geometric accuracy of camera detection. For the fusion of the movement data provided by the different devices we use a hidden Markov model (HMM formulation and the Viterbi algorithm to extract the most probable trajectories. In three experiments, we show that our approach is able to deal with challenging situations like occlusions or objects which are temporarily outside the monitored area. The results show the desired increase in terms of accuracy, completeness and correctness.

  14. Geomagnetic storm effects on GPS based navigation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. V. S. Rama Rao


    Full Text Available The energetic events on the sun, solar wind and subsequent effects on the Earth's geomagnetic field and upper atmosphere (ionosphere comprise space weather. Modern navigation systems that use radio-wave signals, reflecting from or propagating through the ionosphere as a means of determining range or distance, are vulnerable to a variety of effects that can degrade the performance of the navigational systems. In particular, the Global Positioning System (GPS that uses a constellation of earth orbiting satellites are affected due to the space weather phenomena.

    Studies made during two successive geomagnetic storms that occurred during the period from 8 to 12 November 2004, have clearly revealed the adverse affects on the GPS range delay as inferred from the Total Electron Content (TEC measurements made from a chain of seven dual frequency GPS receivers installed in the Indian sector. Significant increases in TEC at the Equatorial Ionization anomaly crest region are observed, resulting in increased range delay during the periods of the storm activity. Further, the storm time rapid changes occurring in TEC resulted in a number of phase slips in the GPS signal compared to those on quiet days. These phase slips often result in the loss of lock of the GPS receivers, similar to those that occur during strong(>10 dB L-band scintillation events, adversely affecting the GPS based navigation.

  15. Estudio de las observaciones de tropopausa sobre el cono sur de Sudamérica mediante GPS a bordo de los satélites SAC-C y CHAMP Tropopause observation study over southern South America using GPS data from SAC-C and CHAMP satellites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Gabriela Lakkis


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza la validez de la técnica de radio ocultación satelital (GPS llevada a cabo por los satélites SAC-C y CHAMP en tres estaciones chilenas y cuatro argentinas, como referencia del Cono Sur, durante el período 2001-2003. La validez de la técnica se discute por medio de la comparación de los parámetros atmosféricos obtenidos a partir de los satélites con los valores de radiosondeo. Una vez validada la ocultación para las latitudes estudiadas, en función de los datos satelitales se calcula temperatura, presión y altura de la tropopausa, así como valores de presión de vapor de agua y su comportamiento. De los resultados obtenidos del trabajo surge que las ocultaciones arrojan valores que se ajustan muy bien a los tradicionales radiosondeos, especialmente en la zona atmosférica comprendida entre superficie y los 10 kilómetros. De los registros satelitales se estimó que la tropopausa extratropical entre las longitudes 80° S y 60° S presenta valores de temperatura que fluctúan entre los 204 y los 222 K para el Hemisferio Sur hasta el trópico de Capricornio, con una altura mínima de 9 kilómetros y una máxima de 15.3 kilómetros. Para los valores de presión de vapor de agua se observó un comportamiento fuertemente decreciente a medida que se asciende desde la troposfera, hasta llegar a la estabilización en la estratosfera una vez atravesada la tropopausa, donde la variable presenta un cambio en la tasa de variación.Validation of radio occultation technique by Global Positioning System (GPS, carried out on board the SAC-C and CHAMP satellites, is analyzed over three stations of Chile and four for Argentine, as a reference for South America during 2001-2003. The discussion is based on the statistical comparison of the data of GPS with data from nearby radiosonde measurements. Though the occultation concept for obtaining profiles of atmospheric parameters, data derived from GPS, were used to calculate

  16. High-sensitivity modified Glasgow prognostic score (HS-mGPS) Is superior to the mGPS in esophageal cancer patients treated with chemoradiotherapy


    Chen, Peng; Fang, Min; Wan, Qiuyan; Zhang, Xuebang; Song, Tao; Wu, Shixiu


    The present study compared the prognostic value of the modified Glasgow prognostic score (mGPS) and high-sensitivity mGPS (HS-mGPS) in unresectable locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcimona (LAESCC) patients treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT). The baseline data of 163 eligible patients were retrospectively collected. Patients with a C-reactive protein (CRP) ≤ 10 mg/l and albumin ≥ 35 g/l were allocated to mGPS-0 group. Patients with only elevated CRP (> 10 mg/l) were a...

  17. Estimering af brændstofforbrug vha. GPS Data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ove; Lahrmann, Harry; Torp, Kristian


    Det er simpelt og billigt at opsamle GPS målinger fra køretøjer. Når større mængder GPS data indsamles fra et passende antal køretøjer kan dataen bruges til at beregne f.eks. køretider. Det er ligeledes muligt ud fra GPS data at estimere miljøindikatorer så som, hvor aggressivt kører bilister og er...... der nogle vejstrækninger, der har en højere (negativ) miljø påvirkning end andre? I denne artikel præsenterer et forsøg, hvor GPS data anvendes til at estimere brændstofforbruget ved en enkelt tur og for vejnettet generelt. Dette gøres ved at opbygge en database med GPS data. Ud fra disse data gives...

  18. Single-Receiver GPS Phase Bias Resolution (United States)

    Bertiger, William I.; Haines, Bruce J.; Weiss, Jan P.; Harvey, Nathaniel E.


    Existing software has been modified to yield the benefits of integer fixed double-differenced GPS-phased ambiguities when processing data from a single GPS receiver with no access to any other GPS receiver data. When the double-differenced combination of phase biases can be fixed reliably, a significant improvement in solution accuracy is obtained. This innovation uses a large global set of GPS receivers (40 to 80 receivers) to solve for the GPS satellite orbits and clocks (along with any other parameters). In this process, integer ambiguities are fixed and information on the ambiguity constraints is saved. For each GPS transmitter/receiver pair, the process saves the arc start and stop times, the wide-lane average value for the arc, the standard deviation of the wide lane, and the dual-frequency phase bias after bias fixing for the arc. The second step of the process uses the orbit and clock information, the bias information from the global solution, and only data from the single receiver to resolve double-differenced phase combinations. It is called "resolved" instead of "fixed" because constraints are introduced into the problem with a finite data weight to better account for possible errors. A receiver in orbit has much shorter continuous passes of data than a receiver fixed to the Earth. The method has parameters to account for this. In particular, differences in drifting wide-lane values must be handled differently. The first step of the process is automated, using two JPL software sets, Longarc and Gipsy-Oasis. The resulting orbit/clock and bias information files are posted on anonymous ftp for use by any licensed Gipsy-Oasis user. The second step is implemented in the Gipsy-Oasis executable,, which automates the entire process, including fetching the information from anonymous ftp

  19. How and Why to Do VLBI on GPS (United States)

    Dickey, J. M.


    In order to establish the position of the center of mass of the Earth in the International Celestial Reference Frame, observations of the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) constellation using the IVS network are important. With a good frame-tie between the coordinates of the IVS telescopes and nearby GPS receivers, plus a common local oscillator reference signal, it should be possible to observe and record simultaneously signals from the astrometric calibration sources and the GPS satellites. The standard IVS solution would give the atmospheric delay and clock offsets to use in analysis of the GPS data. Correlation of the GPS signals would then give accurate orbital parameters of the satellites in the ICRF reference frame, i.e., relative to the positions of the astrometric sources. This is particularly needed to determine motion of the center of mass of the earth along the rotation axis.

  20. Localization system for use in GPS denied environments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trueblood, J. J. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The military uses to autonomous platforms to complete missions to provide standoff for the warfighters. However autonomous platforms rely on GPS to provide their global position. In many missions spaces the autonomous platforms may encounter GPS denied environments which limits where the platform operates and requires the warfighters to takes its place. GPS denied environments can occur due to tall building, trees, canyon wall blocking the GPS satellite signals or a lack of coverage. An Inertial Navigation System (INS) uses sensors to detect the vehicle movement and direction its traveling to calculate the vehicle. One of biggest challenges with an INS system is the accuracy and accumulation of errors over time of the sensors. If these challenges can be overcome the INS would provide accurate positioning information to the autonomous vehicle in GPS denied environments and allow them to provide the desired standoff for the warfighters.

  1. Diversos usos instrumentales del aparato masticatorio en restos humanos de la Patagonia Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kozameh, Livia Febes


    Full Text Available Desgastes dentarios atípicos y disarmónicos, asociados a patologías sugirieron la posibilidad que los mismos se hubieran producido por una actividad masticatoria excesiva y no alimentaria. La variedad de rastros registrados sugiere el uso de la boca con fines instrumentales, como recurso posiblemente constante. Los casos seleccionados son seis y sus rasgos predominantes se describen sucintamente. 1 Muestra dentaria de canoeros fueguinos. Fracturas cuspídeas pulimentadas únicamente en denticiones femeninas.2Resto de cazador canoero del Beagle. Notables desgastes dentarios con distintas angulaciones a modo de zigzag. Raíces en función oclusal con procesos alveolares concomitantes. 3Resto de cazador pedestre de Tierra del Fuego. Disminución del tamaño coronal de los dientes anteriores y primeros premolares, con pérdida completa de su morfología. Los bordes incisales exhiben tres planos de desgaste con diferentes direcciones. 4 y 5Cazadores de Santa Cruz. En uno de ellos los desgastes coronales son convexos en todos sus dientes. Patologías alveolares. En el otro ejemplar el desgaste tornó cilíndricas las coronas de las piezas anteriores. 6Resto femenino de Chubut. Pérdida prematura de los cuatro dientes anteriores con compromiso óseo y canino transpuesto.

  2. GPS antenna designs (United States)

    Laube, Samuel J. P.


    Application of the current GPS NAVSTAR system to civilian service requires that a right hand, circularly polarized, -160 dBW spread spectrum signal be received from an orbiting satellite, where the antenna environment is also moving. This presents a design challenge when inexpensive antennas are desired. The intent of this survey is to provide information on the antennas mentioned and to construct and test prototypes to determine whether the choice made by the industry, the quadrifilar helix, is the best. The helix antenna is currently the low cost standard for GPS. Prototype versions were constructed using 12 gauge wire and subminiature coaxial hardline. The constructed antennas were tested using a signal generator and a reference turnstile. A spectrum analyzer was used to measure the level of the received signal.

  3. The use of the AOA TTR-4P GPS receiver in operation at the BIPM for real-time restitution of GPS time (United States)

    Thomas, Claudine


    The Global Positioning System is an outstanding tool for the dissemination of time. Using mono-channel C/A-code GPS time receivers, the restitution of GPS time through the satellite constellation presents a peak-to-peak discrepancy of several tens of nanoseconds without SA but may be as high as several hundreds of nanoseconds with SA. As a consequence, civil users are more and more interested in implementing hardware and software methods for efficient restitution of GPS time, especially in the framework of the project of a real-time prediction of UTC (UTCp) which could be available in the form of time differences (UTCp - GPS time). Previous work, for improving the real-time restitution of GPS time with SA, to the level obtained without SA, focused on the implementation of a Kalman filter based on past data and updated at each new observation. An alternative solution relies upon the statistical features of the noise brought about by SA; it has already been shown that the SA noise is efficiently reduced by averaging data from numerous satellites observed simultaneously over a sufficiently long time. This method was successfully applied to data from a GPS time receiver, model AOA TTR-4P, connected to the cesium clock kept at the BIPM. This device, a multi-channel, dual frequency, P-code GPS time receiver, is one of the first TTR-4P units in operation in a civil laboratory. Preliminary comparative studies of this new equipment with conventional GPS time receivers are described in this paper. The results of an experimental restitution of GPS time, obtained in June 1993, are also detailed: 3 to 6 satellites were observed simultaneously with a sample interval of 15 s, an efficient smoothing of SA noise was realized by averaging data on all observed satellites over more than 1 hour. When the GPS system is complete in 1994, 8 satellites will be observable continuously from anywhere in the world and the same level of uncertainty will be obtained using a shorter averaging

  4. Uporaba satelitskih sistemov GPS in GLONASS v geodetski izmeri


    Oset, Klemen


    V geodetski izmeri GNSS se že nekaj časa za določanje položaja uporabljata hkrati sistema GLONASS in GPS. V diplomski nalogi sta predstavljena GNSS sistema GPS in GLONASS, podobnosti in razlike obeh sistemov ter njune značilnosti pri določitvi položaja. V praktičnem delu naloge so predstavljeni potek meritev, obdelava opazovanj in analiza kakovosti koordinat določenih na osnovi opazovanj GPS, opazovanj GLONASS in skupne uporabe opazovanj GPS in GLONASS.

  5. Mining Significant Semantic Locations from GPS Data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cao, Xin; Cong, Gao; Jensen, Christian Søndergaard


    With the increasing deployment and use of GPS-enabled devices, massive amounts of GPS data are becoming available. We propose a general framework for the mining of semantically meaningful, significant locations, e.g., shopping malls and restaurants, from such data. We present techniques capable...... of extracting semantic locations from GPS data. We capture the relationships between locations and between locations and users with a graph. Significance is then assigned to locations using random walks over the graph that propagates significance among the locations. In doing so, mutual reinforcement between...

  6. Arctic Tides from GPS on sea-ice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kildegaard Rose, Stine; Skourup, Henriette; Forsberg, René


    The presence of sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean plays a significant role in the Arctic climate. Sea-ice dampens the ocean tide amplitude with the result that global tidal models perform less accurately in the polar regions. This paper presents, a kinematic processing of global positioning system (GPS....... The results show coherence between the GPS buoy measurements, and the tide model. Furthermore, we have proved that the reference ellipsoid of WGS84, can be interpolated to the tidal defined zero level by applying geophysical corrections to the GPS data....

  7. Mining significant semantic locations from GPS data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cao, Xin; Cong, Gao; Jensen, Christian S.


    With the increasing deployment and use of GPS-enabled devices, massive amounts of GPS data are becoming available. We propose a general framework for the mining of semantically meaningful, significant locations, e.g., shopping malls and restaurants, from such data. We present techniques capable...... of extracting semantic locations from GPS data. We capture the relationships between locations and between locations and users with a graph. Significance is then assigned to locations using random walks over the graph that propagates significance among the locations. In doing so, mutual reinforcement between...

  8. Precise Orbit Determination of GPS Satellites Using Phase Observables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Myung-Kook Jee


    Full Text Available The accuracy of user position by GPS is heavily dependent upon the accuracy of satellite position which is usually transmitted to GPS users in radio signals. The real-time satellite position information directly obtained from broadcast ephimerides has the accuracy of 3 x 10 meters which is very unsatisfactory to measure 100km baseline to the accuracy of less than a few mili-meters. There are globally at present seven orbit analysis centers capable of generating precise GPS ephimerides and their orbit quality is of the order of about 10cm. Therefore, precise orbit model and phase processing technique were reviewed and consequently precise GPS ephimerides were produced after processing the phase observables of 28 global GPS stations for 1 day. Initial 6 orbit parameters and 2 solar radiation coefficients were estimated using batch least square algorithm and the final results were compared with the orbit of IGS, the International GPS Service for Geodynamics.

  9. PDOP values for simulated GPS/Galileo positioning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cederholm, Jens Peter


    The paper illustrates satellite coverage and PDOP values for a simulated combined GPS/Galileo system. The designed GPS satellite constellation and the planned Galileo satellite constellation are presented. The combined system is simulated and the number of visible satellites and PDOP values...

  10. Two laboratory methods for the calibration of GPS speed meters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai, Yin; Sun, Qiao; Du, Lei; Yu, Mei; Bai, Jie


    The set-ups of two calibration systems are presented to investigate calibration methods of GPS speed meters. The GPS speed meter calibrated is a special type of high accuracy speed meter for vehicles which uses Doppler demodulation of GPS signals to calculate the measured speed of a moving target. Three experiments are performed: including simulated calibration, field-test signal replay calibration, and in-field test comparison with an optical speed meter. The experiments are conducted at specific speeds in the range of 40–180 km h −1 with the same GPS speed meter as the device under calibration. The evaluation of measurement results validates both methods for calibrating GPS speed meters. The relative deviations between the measurement results of the GPS-based high accuracy speed meter and those of the optical speed meter are analyzed, and the equivalent uncertainty of the comparison is evaluated. The comparison results justify the utilization of GPS speed meters as reference equipment if no fewer than seven satellites are available. This study contributes to the widespread use of GPS-based high accuracy speed meters as legal reference equipment in traffic speed metrology. (paper)

  11. Combining GPS measurements and IRI model predictions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hernandez-Pajares, M.; Juan, J.M.; Sanz, J.; Bilitza, D.


    The free electrons distributed in the ionosphere (between one hundred and thousands of km in height) produce a frequency-dependent effect on Global Positioning System (GPS) signals: a delay in the pseudo-orange and an advance in the carrier phase. These effects are proportional to the columnar electron density between the satellite and receiver, i.e. the integrated electron density along the ray path. Global ionospheric TEC (total electron content) maps can be obtained with GPS data from a network of ground IGS (international GPS service) reference stations with an accuracy of few TEC units. The comparison with the TOPEX TEC, mainly measured over the oceans far from the IGS stations, shows a mean bias and standard deviation of about 2 and 5 TECUs respectively. The discrepancies between the STEC predictions and the observed values show an RMS typically below 5 TECUs (which also includes the alignment code noise). he existence of a growing database 2-hourly global TEC maps and with resolution of 5x2.5 degrees in longitude and latitude can be used to improve the IRI prediction capability of the TEC. When the IRI predictions and the GPS estimations are compared for a three month period around the Solar Maximum, they are in good agreement for middle latitudes. An over-determination of IRI TEC has been found at the extreme latitudes, the IRI predictions being, typically two times higher than the GPS estimations. Finally, local fits of the IRI model can be done by tuning the SSN from STEC GPS observations

  12. Self reported involvement in emergency medicine among GPs in Norway. (United States)

    Hjortdahl, Magnus; Zakariassen, Erik; Halvorsen, Peder A


    To examine general practitioners' (GPs') perception of their role in emergency medicine and participation in emergency services including ambulance call outs, and the characteristics of the GPs and casualty clinics associated with the GPs' involvement in emergency medicine. Cross-sectional online survey. General practice. General practitioners in Norway (n = 1002). Proportion of GPs perceiving that they have a large role in emergency medicine, regularly being on call, and the proportion of ambulance callouts with GP participation. Forty six percent of the GPs indicated that they play a large role in emergency medicine, 63 percent of the GPs were regularly on call, and 28 percent responded that they usually took part in ambulance call outs. Multivariable logistic regression analyses indicated that these outcomes were strongly associated with participation in multidisciplinary training. Furthermore, the main outcomes were associated with traits commonly seen at smaller casualty clinics such as those with an absence of nursing personnel and extra physicians, and based on the distance to the hospital. Our findings suggest that GPs play an important role in emergency medicine. Multidisciplinary team training may be important for their continued involvement in prehospital emergencies. Key Points   Health authorities and other stakeholders have raised concerns about general practitioner's (GPs) participation in emergency medicine, but few have studied opinions and perceptions among the GPs themselves.   • Norwegian GPs report playing a large role in emergency medicine, regularly being on call, and taking part in selected ambulance call outs.   • A higher proportion of GPs who took part in team training perceived themselves as playing a large role in emergency medicine, regularly being on call, and taking part in ambulance call outs.   • These outcomes were also associated with attributes commonly seen at smaller casualty clinics.

  13. Artroplastia total de rodilla en pacientes jóvenes con artritis reumatoide. [Total knee arthroplasty in young patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Germán Garabano


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar retrospectivamente una serie de pacientes <55 años, con artritis reumatoide, tratados con artroplastia total de rodilla evaluando las características distintivas de este grupo (movilidad, dolor y supervivencia protésica. Materiales­ y ­Métodos: ­Se evaluaron 24 artroplastias totales de rodilla en 14 pacientes (12 mujeres, promedio de edad 47,4 años y un seguimiento de 5,8 años. Se realizaron 4 reemplazos unilaterales y 10 bilaterales. Se utilizaron 20 prótesis importadas y 4 nacionales; un paciente requirió un suplemento metálico en el platillo tibial interno y 2 necesitaron vástagos.  Resultados: Antes de la cirugía, 14 rodillas tenían déficit de extensión. El arco de movilidad preoperatorio promedio fue de 92,8º, de 90º a las 6 semanas y de 110º al año. El deseje preoperatorio fue valgo en 22 rodillas, con un promedio de 12º y 2 varos de 3º promedio. El Knee Society Score mejoró de 42 a 83 puntos poscirugía, el puntaje propio de rodilla fue de 42 a 89 en el posoperatorio, en promedio. Hubo 2 complicaciones: una rotura del aparato extensor resuturado, con desarrollo de una fístula sinovial que requirió 3 limpiezas quirúrgicas, con evolución favorable y un aflojamiento mecánico que requirió revisión. Conclusiones: A expensas de la mejora del dolor y la movilidad las artroplastias totales de rodilla impresionan ser un procedimiento con muy buenos resultados a mediano plazo en jóvenes con artritis reumatoide. Estos pacientes requieren una cuidadosa planificación preoperatoria, teniendo en cuenta la posibilidad de utilizar vástagos y suplementos metálicos.

  14. La gimnasia con aparatos, una interesante propuesta para la ocupación del tiempo libre de los cadetes de 19-20 años

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lázaro E . Díaz Medina


    Full Text Available Desde que el hombre comenzó a vivir en comunidad, al concluir sus actividades fundamentales del día, trató de ocupar el tiempo libre restante en divertirse, realizar actividades físicas, pasear etcétera. Al pasar los siglos la vida se fue haciendo más agitada, más cargada por lo que el poco tiempo libre que el hombre poseía trató de ocuparlo con actividades que le ayudaran a sobreponerse del cansancio de un día de trabajo, por lo que se hizo necesario inventar nuevos juegos, centros de recreación, lugares donde poder practicar deportes, etcétera, con el objetivo de hacer la vida más llevadera a estas personas. Las actividades físico-recreativas son aquellas de carácter físico, deportivo o turístico a los cuales el hombre se dedica voluntariamente en su tiempo libre para el desarrollo activo, diversión y desenvolvimiento individual y persiguen como objetivo principal la satisfacción de necesidades de movimiento del hombre para lograr como resultado final salud y alegría por lo que podemos inferir que reviste gran importancia para nuestra sociedad su empleo.

  15. Near real-time GPS applications for tsunami early warning systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Falck


    Full Text Available GPS (Global Positioning System technology is widely used for positioning applications. Many of them have high requirements with respect to precision, reliability or fast product delivery, but usually not all at the same time as it is the case for early warning applications. The tasks for the GPS-based components within the GITEWS project (German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System, Rudloff et al., 2009 are to support the determination of sea levels (measured onshore and offshore and to detect co-seismic land mass displacements with the lowest possible latency (design goal: first reliable results after 5 min. The completed system was designed to fulfil these tasks in near real-time, rather than for scientific research requirements. The obtained data products (movements of GPS antennas are supporting the warning process in different ways. The measurements from GPS instruments on buoys allow the earliest possible detection or confirmation of tsunami waves on the ocean. Onshore GPS measurements are made collocated with tide gauges or seismological stations and give information about co-seismic land mass movements as recorded, e.g., during the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 2004 (Subarya et al., 2006. This information is important to separate tsunami-caused sea height movements from apparent sea height changes at tide gauge locations (sensor station movement and also as additional information about earthquakes' mechanisms, as this is an essential information to predict a tsunami (Sobolev et al., 2007.

    This article gives an end-to-end overview of the GITEWS GPS-component system, from the GPS sensors (GPS receiver with GPS antenna and auxiliary systems, either onshore or offshore to the early warning centre displays. We describe how the GPS sensors have been installed, how they are operated and the methods used to collect, transfer and process the GPS data in near real-time. This includes the sensor system design, the communication

  16. Convective towers detection using GPS radio occultations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biondi, Riccardo; Neubert, Torsten; Syndergaard, S.

    the GPS signals penetrate through clouds and allow measurements of atmospheric profiles related to temperature, pressure, and water vapour with high vertical resolution. Using tropical cyclone best track database and data from different GPS RO missions (COSMIC, GRACE, CHAMP, SACC and GPSMET), we selected...

  17. Integrating GIS and GPS in environmental remediation oversight

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaletsky, K.; Earle, J.R.; Schneider, T.A.


    This paper presents findings on Ohio EPA Office of Federal Facilities Oversight's (OFFO) use of GIS and GPS for environmental remediation oversight at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Fernald Site. The Fernald site is a former uranium metal production facility within DOE's nuclear weapons complex. Significant uranium contamination of soil and groundwater is being remediated under state and federal regulations. OFFO uses GIS/GPS to enhance environmental monitoring and remediation oversight. These technologies are utilized within OFFO's environmental monitoring program for sample location and parameter selection, data interpretation and presentation. GPS is used to integrate sample data into OFFO's GIS and for permanently linking precise and accurate geographic data to samples and waste units. It is important to identify contamination geographically as all visual references (e.g., buildings, infrastructure) will be removed during remediation. Availability of the GIS allows OFFO to perform independent analysis and review of DOE contractor generated data, models, maps, and designs. This ability helps alleviate concerns associated with open-quotes black boxclose quotes models and data interpretation. OFFO's independent analysis has increased regulatory confidence and the efficiency of design reviews. GIS/GPS technology allows OFFO to record and present complex data in a visual format aiding in stakeholder education and awareness. Presented are OFFO's achievements within the aforementioned activities and some reasons learned in implementing the GIS/GPS program. OFFO's two years of GIS/GPS development have resulted in numerous lessons learned and ideas for increasing effectiveness through the use of GIS/GPS

  18. 77 FR 23668 - GPS Satellite Simulator Working Group Notice of Meeting (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force GPS Satellite Simulator Working Group Notice of... inform the public that the Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Directorate will be hosting an open GPS Satellite Simulator Working Group (SSWG) meeting for manufacturers of GPS constellation simulators utilized...



    Hernán Urbina Joiro


    Es una sombría paradoja que los aparatos que surgieron para apuntalar el futuro hayan empezado a enfermar al futuro mismo: madres embarazadas, niños y jóvenes en regiones vulnerables, como son la mayoría de regiones en el mundo. INTRODUCCIÓN Basura electrónica es todo desecho de un dispositivo diseñado para funcionar con energía eléctrica de redes públicas, baterías u otros campos electromagnéticos. También se conoce como Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (RAEE) o Waste Electri...

  20. Accuracy assessment of high-rate GPS measurements for seismology (United States)

    Elosegui, P.; Davis, J. L.; Ekström, G.


    Analysis of GPS measurements with a controlled laboratory system, built to simulate the ground motions caused by tectonic earthquakes and other transient geophysical signals such as glacial earthquakes, enables us to assess the technique of high-rate GPS. The root-mean-square (rms) position error of this system when undergoing realistic simulated seismic motions is 0.05~mm, with maximum position errors of 0.1~mm, thus providing "ground truth" GPS displacements. We have acquired an extensive set of high-rate GPS measurements while inducing seismic motions on a GPS antenna mounted on this system with a temporal spectrum similar to real seismic events. We found that, for a particular 15-min-long test event, the rms error of the 1-Hz GPS position estimates was 2.5~mm, with maximum position errors of 10~mm, and the error spectrum of the GPS estimates was approximately flicker noise. These results may however represent a best-case scenario since they were obtained over a short (~10~m) baseline, thereby greatly mitigating baseline-dependent errors, and when the number and distribution of satellites on the sky was good. For example, we have determined that the rms error can increase by a factor of 2--3 as the GPS constellation changes throughout the day, with an average value of 3.5~mm for eight identical, hourly-spaced, consecutive test events. The rms error also increases with increasing baseline, as one would expect, with an average rms error for a ~1400~km baseline of 9~mm. We will present an assessment of the accuracy of high-rate GPS based on these measurements, discuss the implications of this study for seismology, and describe new applications in glaciology.

  1. GPS-based satellite tracking system for precise positioning (United States)

    Yunck, T. P.; Melbourne, W. G.; Thornton, C. L.


    NASA is developing a Global Positioning System (GPS) based measurement system to provide precise determination of earth satellite orbits, geodetic baselines, ionospheric electron content, and clock offsets between worldwide tracking sites. The system will employ variations on the differential GPS observing technique and will use a network of nine fixed ground terminals. Satellite applications will require either a GPS flight receiver or an on-board GPS beacon. Operation of the system for all but satellite tracking will begin by 1988. The first major satellite application will be a demonstration of decimeter accuracy in determining the altitude of TOPEX in the early 1990's. By then the system is expected to yield long-baseline accuracies of a few centimeters and instantaneous time synchronization to 1 ns.

  2. Why do GPs leave direct patient care and what might help to retain them? A qualitative study of GPs in South West England. (United States)

    Sansom, Anna; Terry, Rohini; Fletcher, Emily; Salisbury, Chris; Long, Linda; Richards, Suzanne H; Aylward, Alex; Welsman, Jo; Sims, Laura; Campbell, John L; Dean, Sarah G


    To identify factors influencing general practitioners' (GPs') decisions about whether or not to remain in direct patient care in general practice and what might help to retain them in that role. Qualitative, in-depth, individual interviews exploring factors related to GPs leaving, remaining in and returning to direct patient care. South West England, UK. 41 GPs: 7 retired; 8 intending to take early retirement; 11 who were on or intending to take a career break; 9 aged under 50 years who had left or were intending to leave direct patient care and 6 who were not intending to leave or to take a career break. Plus 19 stakeholders from a range of primary care-related professional organisations and roles. Reasons for leaving direct patient care were complex and based on a range of job-related and individual factors. Three key themes underpinned the interviewed GPs' thinking and rationale: issues relating to their personal and professional identity and the perceived value of general practice-based care within the healthcare system; concerns regarding fear and risk, for example, in respect of medical litigation and managing administrative challenges within the context of increasingly complex care pathways and environments; and issues around choice and volition in respect of personal social, financial, domestic and professional considerations. These themes provide increased understanding of the lived experiences of working in today's National Health Service for this group of GPs. Future policies and strategies aimed at retaining GPs in direct patient care should clarify the role and expectations of general practice and align with GPs' perception of their own roles and identity; demonstrate to GPs that they are valued and listened to in planning delivery of the UK healthcare; target GPs' concerns regarding fear and risk, seeking to reduce these to manageable levels and give GPs viable options to support them to remain in direct patient care. © Article author(s) (or their

  3. Fundamentals of GPS Receivers A Hardware Approach

    CERN Document Server

    Doberstein, Dan


    While much of the current literature on GPS receivers is aimed at those intimately familiar with their workings, this volume summarizes the basic principles using as little mathematics as possible, and details the necessary specifications and circuits for constructing a GPS receiver that is accurate to within 300 meters. Dedicated sections deal with the features of the GPS signal and its data stream, the details of the receiver (using a hybrid design as exemplar), and more advanced receivers and topics including time and frequency measurements. Later segments discuss the Zarlink GPS receiver chip set, as well as providing a thorough examination of the TurboRogue receiver, one of the most accurate yet made. Guiding the reader through the concepts and circuitry, from the antenna to the solution of user position, the book’s deployment of a hybrid receiver as a basis for discussion allows for extrapolation of the core ideas to more complex, and more accurate designs. Digital methods are used, but any analogue c...

  4. Exploring female GPs' perceptions about medical leadership. (United States)

    Price, Karen; Clearihan, Lynette


    Women are increasingly entering the Australian general practice workforce. This study aims to explore female general practitioners' (GPs') perceptions of possible barriers to leadership and professional roles in the workforce. A purposive, convenience sample of 30 female GPs in active practice was approached in February, 2012. An anonymous, pa-per-based, semi-quantitative survey sought to identify participation and leadership confidence within general practice in a number of professional roles. The top two barriers participants identified for after-hours medical meetings were energy to attend and geographical location. For after-hours care, the top two barriers identified were energy and self-motivation. Few participants aspired to 'leadership' activities. 'Medical mentoring' was most likely to attract them into leadership. It is important female GPs' perspectives are explored in general practice. This small survey suggests further studies are needed in the importance of energy limitations and lack of self-confidence in restricting female GPs' capacity to fully engage in professional roles.

  5. GPS Receivers Use-Case Information : GPS Adjacent Band Compatibility Assessment Workshop (United States)


    Topics 1. Background. 2. Use Case Template. 3. Description of Submitted UseCases from DOT Extended Pos/Nav Working Group. 4. Utilization of UseCase Information. 5. Request of Information for Additional UseCases from GPS Receiver Manufacturer...

  6. Teatro nacional de Kassel. Alemania

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bode, Paul


    Full Text Available El complejo arquitectónico, de gran aparato formal, está compuesto de dos salas contrapuestas, con un bloque intermedio destinado a servicios comunes, tales como salas de ensayos para ballet y orquestas, escenarios, estudio de decorados, despachos.

  7. Earth tide effects on kinematic/static GPS positioning in Denmark and Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Xu, G.C.; Knudsen, Per


    A detailed Study of the Earth tide effects on the GPS kinematic/static positioning is presented in this paper by using theoretical Earth tide computation and practical GPS data processing. Tidal effects could reach up to 30 cm in Denmark and Greenland depending on the measuring time...... and the position of reference station. With a baseline less than 80 km, the difference of the Earth tide effects could reach more than 5 mm. So, in precise applications of GPS positioning, the Earth tide effect has to be taken into account even for a relative small local GPS network. Several examples are given...... for demonstrating that the Earth tide effects can be viewed by GPS surveying. They are given through static GPS data static processing, static GPS data kinematic processing, and airborne kinematic GPS data processing. In these cases, the Earth tide effects can be subtracted from the GPS results. The determination...

  8. GPS test range mission planning (United States)

    Roberts, Iris P.; Hancock, Thomas P.

    The principal features of the Test Range User Mission Planner (TRUMP), a PC-resident tool designed to aid in deploying and utilizing GPS-based test range assets, are reviewed. TRUMP features time history plots of time-space-position information (TSPI); performance based on a dynamic GPS/inertial system simulation; time history plots of TSPI data link connectivity; digital terrain elevation data maps with user-defined cultural features; and two-dimensional coverage plots of ground-based test range assets. Some functions to be added during the next development phase are discussed.

  9. GPS Attitude Determination for Launch Vehicles, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Toyon Research Corporation proposes to develop a family of compact, low-cost GPS-based attitude (GPS/A) sensors for launch vehicles. In order to obtain 3-D attitude...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Antonia Grau Rubio


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Los estudios posautorización observacionales son una fuente de información clave sobre efectividad y seguridad de los medica - mentos. Los objetivos del estudio fueron describir las características de los estudios observacionales de seguimiento prospectivo (EPA-SP que solicita - ron autorización en la Comunitat Valenciana (CV y explorar qué factores se asociaron con su autorización. Métodos: Se realizó estudio observacional analítico retrospectivo, en el que se incluyeron todos los EPA-SP que solicitaron autorización en la CV desde 2010 hasta 2015. A partir de las bases de datos de la Dirección Ge - neral de Farmacia y Productos Sanitarios y GESTO se obtuvieron variables referentes al estudio (objetivos, medicamento estudiado, enfermedad diana, etc y referentes al procedimiento de autorización (autorización, motivo de no autorización y estado actual del estudio. El análisis se organizó en una fase descriptiva y otra analítica mediante regresión logística con variable dependiente la autorización. Resultados: Fueron incluidos un total de 249 estudios, de los que 192 (77,1% estaban diseñados para estimar efectividad o calidad de vida. Los medicamentos más frecuentemente estudiados fueron los agentes anti - neoplásicos e inmunomoduladores (42%. Sólo consiguieron la autorización el 57%, siendo las causas más frecuente de denegación la inducción a la prescripción (40,1% y la práctica no habitual (39,3%. La autorización se asoció con el diagnóstico (aparato circulatorio OR 10,7, IC95% 2,3 a 49,1, grupo ATC L (OR 4,2, IC95% 1,9 a 49,1 y el haber sido promovidos por la industria (OR 0,5, IC95% 0,3 a 0,9. Conclusión: Dada la importancia de contar con información sobre efec - tividad y seguridad en la práctica habitual, es prioritario que los EPA-SP sean orientados a estos fines y que se potencie la investigación independiente.

  11. Application and Limitations of GPS Radio Occultation (GPS-RO) Data for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Detection over the Arctic. (United States)

    Ganeshan, M.; Wu, D. L.


    Due to recent changes in the Arctic environment, it is important to monitor the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) properties over the Arctic Ocean, especially to explore the variability in ABL clouds (such as sensitivity and feedback to sea ice loss). For example, radiosonde and satellite observations of the Arctic ABL height (and low-cloud cover) have recently suggested a positive response to sea ice loss during October that may not occur during the melt season (June-September). Owing to its high vertical and spatiotemporal resolution, an independent ABL height detection algorithm using GPS Radio Occultation (GPS-RO) refractivity in the Arctic is explored. Similar GPS-RO algorithms developed previously typically define the level of the most negative moisture gradient as the ABL height. This definition is favorable for subtropical oceans where a stratocumulus-topped ABL is often capped by a layer of sharp moisture lapse rate (coincident with the temperature inversion). The Arctic Ocean is also characterized by stratocumulus cloud cover, however, the specific humidity does not frequently decrease in the ABL capping inversion. The use of GPS-RO refractivity for ABL height retrieval therefore becomes more complex. During winter months (December-February), when the total precipitable water in the troposphere is a minimum, a fairly straightforward algorithm for ABL height retrieval is developed. The applicability and limitations of this method for other seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall) is determined. The seasonal, interannual and spatial variability in the GPS-derived ABL height over the Arctic Ocean, as well as its relation to the underlying surface (ice vs. water), is investigated. The GPS-RO profiles are also explored for the evidence of low-level moisture transport in the cold Arctic environment.

  12. Penerapan Teknologi GPS Tracker Untuk Identifikasi Kondisi Traffik Jalan Raya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    IM. O. Widyantara


    Full Text Available Real time tracking system technology has been made possible by integrating three technologies, namely global positioning system (GPS, database technologies such as geographic information system (GIS and mobile telecommunications technologies such as general packet radio service (GPRS. This paper has proposed a vehicle tracking mechanism based on GPS tracker to build a real-time traffic information system. A GPS server is built to process data of position and speed of the vehicle for further processed into vehicle traffic information. The Server and GPS tracker is designed to communicate using GPRS services in real time. Furthermore, the server processes the data from the GPS tracker into traffic information such as traffic jam, dense, medium and smoothly. Test results showed that the GPS server is able to visualize the real position of the vehicle and is able to decide the category of traffic information in real time.

  13. GPs' mental wellbeing and psychological resources: a cross-sectional survey. (United States)

    Murray, Marylou Anna; Cardwell, Chris; Donnelly, Michael


    The negative impact of work has been the traditional focus of GP surveys. We know little about GP positive mental health and psychological resources. To profile and contextualise GP positive mental health and personal psychological resources. Cross-sectional survey of GPs working in Northern Ireland (NI). A questionnaire comprising the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS) and measures of resilience, optimism, self-efficacy, and hope, and sociodemographic information was posted to 400 GPs randomly selected from a publicly available GP register. The response rate was 55% (n = 221 out of 400). Mean value for GP wellbeing (WEMWBS) was 50.2 (standard deviation [SD] 8) compared to UK vets 48.8 (SD 9), UK teachers 47.2 (SD 9), and the population of NI 50.8 (SD 9). After adjustment for confounding, mean WEMWBS was 2.4 units (95% CI = 0.02 to 4.7) higher in female GPs than males ( P = 0.05), and 4.0 units (95% CI = 0.8 to 7.3) higher in GPs ≥55 years than GPs ≤44 years ( P = 0.02). Optimism was 1.1 units higher in female GPs than male GPs (95% CI = 0.1 to 2.0), and 1.56 units higher in GPs ≥55 years (95% CI = 0.2 to 2.9) than in those ≤44 years. Hope was 3 units higher in GPs ≥55 years (95% CI = 0.4 to 5.7) than in those aged 45-54 years. Correlation between WEMWBS and psychological resources was highest with hope ( r = 0.65, P mental health that are comparable to the local population and better than other occupational groups, such as vets and teachers. Male and younger GPs may have most to gain from wellbeing interventions. © British Journal of General Practice 2017.

  14. 77 FR 70421 - GPS Satellite Simulator Control Working Group Meeting (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force GPS Satellite Simulator Control Working Group Meeting AGENCY: Space and Missile Systems Center, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Directorate, Department of the Air Force, DoD. ACTION: Meeting Notice. SUMMARY: This meeting notice is to inform GPS...

  15. Outcome prediction in gastroschisis - The gastroschisis prognostic score (GPS) revisited. (United States)

    Puligandla, Pramod S; Baird, Robert; Skarsgard, Eric D; Emil, Sherif; Laberge, Jean-Martin


    The GPS enables risk stratification for gastroschisis and helps discriminate low from high morbidity groups. The purpose of this study was to revalidate GPS's characterization of a high morbidity group and to quantify relationships between the GPS and outcomes. With REB approval, complete survivor data from a national gastroschisis registry was collected. GPS bowel injury scoring was revalidated excluding the initial inception/validation cohorts (>2011). Length of stay (LOS), 1st enteral feed days (dFPO), TPN days (dTPN), and aggregate complications (COMP) were compared between low and high morbidity risk groups. Mathematical relationships between outcomes and integer increases in GPS were explored using the entire cohort (2005-present). Median (range) LOS, dPO, and dTPN for the entire cohort (n=849) was 36 (26,62), 13 (9,18), and 27 (20,46) days, respectively. High-risk patients (GPS≥2; n=80) experienced significantly worse outcomes than low risk patients (n=263). Each integer increase in GPS was associated with increases in LOS and dTPN by 16.9 and 12.7days, respectively (pGPS effectively discriminates low from high morbidity risk groups. Within the high risk group, integer increases in GPS produce quantitatively differentiated outcomes which may guide initial counseling and resource allocation. IIb. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on GPS (United States)

    Steenburgh, R. A.; Smithtro, C.; Groves, K.


    . Ionospheric scintillation of Global Positioning System (GPS) signals threatens navigation and military operations by degrading performance or making GPS unavailable. Scintillation is particularly active, although not limited to, a belt encircling the earth within 20 degrees of the geomagnetic equator. As GPS applications and users increases, so does the potential for detrimental impacts from scintillation. We examined amplitude scintillation data spanning seven years from Ascension Island, U.K.; Ancon, Peru; and Antofagasta, Chile in the Atlantic/Americas longitudinal sector at as well as data from Parepare, Indonesia; Marak Parak, Malaysia; Pontianak, Indonesia; Guam; and Diego Garcia, U.K.; in the Pacific longitudinal sector. From these data, we calculate percent probability of occurrence of scintillation at various intensities described by the S4 index. Additionally, we determine Dilution of Precision at one minute resolution. We examine diurnal, seasonal and solar cycle characteristics and make spatial comparisons. In general, activity was greatest during the equinoxes and solar maximum, although scintillation at Antofagasta, Chile was higher during 1998 rather than at solar maximum.

  17. Understanding quit decisions in primary care: a qualitative study of older GPs. (United States)

    Sansom, Anna; Calitri, Raff; Carter, Mary; Campbell, John


    To investigate the reasons behind intentions to quit direct patient care among experienced general practitioners (GPs) aged 50-60 years. Qualitative study based on semistructured interviews with GPs in the South West region of England. Transcribed interviews were analysed thematically. 23 GPs aged 50-60 years: 3 who had retired from direct patient care before age 60, and 20 who intended to quit direct patient care within the next 5 years. The analysis identified four key themes: early retirement is a viable option for many GPs; GPs have employment options other than undertaking direct patient care; GPs report feeling they are doing an (almost) undoable job; and GPs may have other aspirations that pull them away from practice. Findings from this study confirmed those from earlier research, with high workload, ageing and health, family and domestic life, and organisational change all influencing GPs' decisions about when to retire/quit direct patient care. However, in addition, GPs expressed feelings of insecurity and uncertainty regarding the future of general practice, low morale, and issues regarding accountability (appraisal and revalidation) and governance. Suggestions about how to help retain GPs within the active clinical workforce were offered, covering individual, practice and organisational levels. This research highlights aspects of the current professional climate for GPs that are having an impact on retirement decisions. Any future changes to policy or practice to help retain experienced GPs will benefit from this informed understanding of GPs' views. Key factors to take into account include: making the GP workload more manageable; managing change sympathetically; paying attention to GPs' own health; improving confidence in the future of general practice; and improving GP morale. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  18. GPS Navigation Above 76,000 km for the MMS Mission (United States)

    Winternitz, Luke; Bamford, Bill; Price, Samuel; Long, Anne; Farahmand, Mitra; Carpenter, Russell


    NASA's MMS mission, launched in March of 2015,consists of a controlled formation of four spin-stabilized spacecraft in similar highly elliptic orbits reaching apogee at radial distances of 12and 25 Earth radii in the first and second phases of the mission. Navigation for MMS is achieved independently onboard each spacecraft by processing GPS observables using NASA GSFC's Navigator GPS receiver and the Goddard Enhanced Onboard Navigation System (GEONS) extended Kalman filter software. To our knowledge, MMS constitutes, by far, the highest-altitude operational use of GPS to date and represents the culmination of over a decade of high-altitude GPS navigation research and development at NASA GSFC. In this paper we will briefly describe past and ongoing high-altitude GPS research efforts at NASA GSFC and elsewhere, provide details on the design of the MMS GPS navigation system, and present on-orbit performance data. We extrapolate these results to predict performance in the Phase 2b mission orbit, and conclude with a discussion of the implications of the MMS results for future high-altitude GPS navigation, which we believe to be broad and far-reaching.

  19. En Billig GPS Data Analyse Platform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ove; Christiansen, Nick; Larsen, Niels T.


    Denne artikel præsenterer en komplet software platform til analyse af GPS data. Platformen er bygget udelukkende vha. open-source komponenter. De enkelte komponenter i platformen beskrives i detaljer. Fordele og ulemper ved at bruge open-source diskuteres herunder hvilke IT politiske tiltage, der...... organisationer med et digitalt vejkort og GPS data begynde at lave trafikanalyser på disse data. Det er et krav, at der er passende IT kompetencer tilstede i organisationen....

  20. 78 FR 63459 - GPS Satellite Simulator Control Working Group Meeting (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Air Force GPS Satellite Simulator Control Working Group Meeting AGENCY: Department of the Air Force. ACTION: Meeting Notice. SUMMARY: This meeting notice is to inform GPS simulator manufacturers, who supply products to the Department of Defense (DoD), and GPS simulator users, both government...

  1. Sensing and Classifying Impairments of GPS Reception on Mobile Devices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blunck, Henrik; Kjærgaard, Mikkel Baun; Toftegaard, Thomas Skjødeberg


    Positioning using GPS receivers is a primary sensing modality in many areas of pervasive computing. However, previous work has not considered how people’s body impacts the availability and accuracy of GPS positioning and for means to sense such impacts. We present results that the GPS performance...

  2. GPs' perceptions of resilience training: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Cheshire, Anna; Hughes, John; Lewith, George; Panagioti, Maria; Peters, David; Simon, Chantal; Ridge, Damien


    GPs are reporting increasing levels of burnout, stress, and job dissatisfaction, and there is a looming GP shortage. Promoting resilience is a key strategy for enhancing the sustainability of the healthcare workforce and improving patient care. To explore GPs' perspectives on the content, context, and acceptability of resilience training programmes in general practice, in order to build more effective GP resilience programmes. This was a qualitative study of the perspectives of GPs currently practising in England. GPs were recruited through convenience sampling, and data were collected from two focus groups ( n = 15) and one-to-one telephone interviews ( n = 7). A semi-structured interview approach was used and data were analysed using thematic analysis. Participants perceived resilience training to be potentially of value in ameliorating workplace stresses. Nevertheless, uncertainty was expressed regarding how best to provide training for stressed GPs who have limited time. Participants suspected that GPs most likely to benefit from resilience training were the least likely to engage, as stress and being busy worked against engagement. Conflicting views were expressed about the most suitable training delivery method for promoting better engagement. Participants also emphasised that training should not only place the focus on the individual, but also focus on organisation issues. A multimodal, flexible approach based on individual needs and learning aims, including resilience workshops within undergraduate training and in individual practices, is likely to be the optimal way to promote resilience. © British Journal of General Practice 2017.

  3. Assessing the role of GPs in Nordic health care systems. (United States)

    Quaye, Randolph K


    Purpose This paper examines the changing role of general practitioners (GPs) in Nordic countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. It aims to explore the "gate keeping" role of GPs in the face of current changes in the health care delivery systems in these countries. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from existing literature, interviews with GPs, hospital specialists and representatives of Danish regions and Norwegian Medical Association. Findings The paper contends that in all these changes, the position of the GPs in the medical division of labor has been strengthened, and patients now have increased and broadened access to choice. Research limitations/implications Health care cost and high cancer mortality rates have forced Nordic countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark to rethink their health care systems. Several attempts have been made to reduce health care cost through market reform and by strenghtening the position of GPs. The evidence suggests that in Norway and Denmark, right incentives are in place to achieve this goal. Sweden is not far behind. The paper has limitations of a small sample size and an exclusive focus on GPs. Practical implications Anecdotal evidence suggests that physicians are becoming extremely unhappy. Understanding the changing status of primary care physicians will yield valuable information for assessing the effectiveness of Nordic health care delivery systems. Social implications This study has wider implications of how GPs see their role as potential gatekeepers in the Nordic health care systems. The role of GPs is changing as a result of recent health care reforms. Originality/value This paper contends that in Norway and Denmark, right incentives are in place to strengthen the position of GPs.

  4. Differences between Practice Patterns of Conventional and Naturopathic GPs in Germany. (United States)

    Laux, Gunter; Musselmann, Berthold; Kiel, Marion; Szecsenyi, Joachim; Joos, Stefanie


    Limited evidence exists whether practice patterns of general practitioners (GPs) who have additionally completed training in naturopathy are different from those of conventional GPs. We aimed to assess and compare practice patterns of GPs in conventional and naturopathic GPs. Routine data from 41 GPs (31 with and 11 without additional qualification in NP, respectively) and 180,789 patients, drawn from the CONTinuous morbidity registration Epidemiologic NeTwork (CONTENT)-registry and collected between 2009 and 2014, were used. To assess practice patterns determinants of (non-)phytopharmaceutical prescriptions, referrals and hospitalizations were analyzed using mixed-effects Poisson regression models. As explanatory variables, the qualification of the GP in NM, the age group and sex of the patient, as well as bivariate interactions between these variables were considered. GPs additionally qualified in naturopathy exhibited higher rates of phytopharmaceutical prescriptions (pGPs. This association was not observed with respect to non-phytopharmaceutical prescriptions. However, interaction effects between qualification and age group as well as sex were present with respect to both phytopharmaceutical and non-phytopharmaceutical prescriptions (all pGPs could be subject to certain age groups and sex. However, the magnitude of these differences seem to be rather small.

  5. Relationships between GPS-signal propagation errors and EISCAT observations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. Jakowski


    Full Text Available When travelling through the ionosphere the signals of space-based radio navigation systems such as the Global Positioning System (GPS are subject to modifications in amplitude, phase and polarization. In particular, phase changes due to refraction lead to propagation errors of up to 50 m for single-frequency GPS users. If both the L1 and the L2 frequencies transmitted by the GPS satellites are measured, first-order range error contributions of the ionosphere can be determined and removed by difference methods. The ionospheric contribution is proportional to the total electron content (TEC along the ray path between satellite and receiver. Using about ten European GPS receiving stations of the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS, the TEC over Europe is estimated within the geographic ranges -20°≤ λ ≤40°E and 32.5°≤ Φ ≤70°N in longitude and latitude, respectively. The derived TEC maps over Europe contribute to the study of horizontal coupling and transport proces- ses during significant ionospheric events. Due to their comprehensive information about the high-latitude ionosphere, EISCAT observations may help to study the influence of ionospheric phenomena upon propagation errors in GPS navigation systems. Since there are still some accuracy limiting problems to be solved in TEC determination using GPS, data comparison of TEC with vertical electron density profiles derived from EISCAT observations is valuable to enhance the accuracy of propagation-error estimations. This is evident both for absolute TEC calibration as well as for the conversion of ray-path-related observations to vertical TEC. The combination of EISCAT data and GPS-derived TEC data enables a better understanding of large-scale ionospheric processes.

  6. The Statistics of GPS

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Matsakis, Demetrios


    The Global Positioning System (GPS) is an extremely effective satellite-based system that broadcasts sufficient information for a user to determine time and position from any location on or near the Earth...

  7. GPS sledovací systém


    Hofman, Jan


    V práci je popsán základní princip a vlastnosti globálního pozičního systému GPS. Je zde přiblížena problematika určování polohy, rychlosti a nadmořské výšky. Tyto poznatky jsou dále použity pro návrh zařízení, které komunikuje s běžně vyráběným GPS přijímačem a z něj získané informace zpracovává a ukládá do paměti pro pozdější vyhodnocení The keystone and properties of Global Position System (GPS) are described in this thesis. The thesis explains questions of position, speed and elevation...

  8. Effects of Reentry Plasma Sheath on GPS Patch Antenna Polarization Property

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Zhao


    Full Text Available A plasma sheath enveloping a reentry vehicle would affect performances of on-board antenna greatly, especially the navigation antennas. This paper studies the effects of reentry plasma sheath on a GPS right-hand circularly polarized (RHCP patch antenna polarization property during a typical reentry process. Utilizing the algorithm of finite integration technique, the polarization characteristic of a GPS antenna coated by a plasma sheath is obtained. Results show that the GPS RHCP patch antenna radiation pattern distortions as well as polarization deteriorations exist during the entire reentry process, and the worst polarization mismatch loss between a GPS antenna and RHCP GPS signal is nearly 3 dB. This paper also indicates that measures should be taken to alleviate the plasma sheath for maintaining the GPS communication during the reentry process.

  9. GPS Estimates of Integrated Precipitable Water Aid Weather Forecasters (United States)

    Moore, Angelyn W.; Gutman, Seth I.; Holub, Kirk; Bock, Yehuda; Danielson, David; Laber, Jayme; Small, Ivory


    Global Positioning System (GPS) meteorology provides enhanced density, low-latency (30-min resolution), integrated precipitable water (IPW) estimates to NOAA NWS (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis tration Nat ional Weather Service) Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) to provide improved model and satellite data verification capability and more accurate forecasts of extreme weather such as flooding. An early activity of this project was to increase the number of stations contributing to the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) GPS meteorology observing network in Southern California by about 27 stations. Following this, the Los Angeles/Oxnard and San Diego WFOs began using the enhanced GPS-based IPW measurements provided by ESRL in the 2012 and 2013 monsoon seasons. Forecasters found GPS IPW to be an effective tool in evaluating model performance, and in monitoring monsoon development between weather model runs for improved flood forecasting. GPS stations are multi-purpose, and routine processing for position solutions also yields estimates of tropospheric zenith delays, which can be converted into mm-accuracy PWV (precipitable water vapor) using in situ pressure and temperature measurements, the basis for GPS meteorology. NOAA ESRL has implemented this concept with a nationwide distribution of more than 300 "GPSMet" stations providing IPW estimates at sub-hourly resolution currently used in operational weather models in the U.S.

  10. Soil Moisture Retrieval Based on GPS Signal Strength Attenuation

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    Franziska Koch


    Full Text Available Soil moisture (SM is a highly relevant variable for agriculture, the emergence of floods and a key variable in the global energy and water cycle. In the last years, several satellite missions have been launched especially to derive large-scale products of the SM dynamics on the Earth. However, in situ validation data are often scarce. We developed a new method to retrieve SM of bare soil from measurements of low-cost GPS (Global Positioning System sensors that receive the freely available GPS L1-band signals. The experimental setup of three GPS sensors was installed at a bare soil field at the German Weather Service (DWD in Munich for almost 1.5 years. Two GPS antennas were installed within the soil column at a depth of 10 cm and one above the soil. SM was successfully retrieved based on GPS signal strength losses through the integral soil volume. The results show high agreement with measured and modelled SM validation data. Due to its non-destructive, cheap and low power setup, GPS sensor networks could also be used for potential applications in remote areas, aiming to serve as satellite validation data and to support the fields of agriculture, water supply, flood forecasting and climate change.

  11. Valvulopatía cardiaca asociada al uso de agonistas dopaminérgicos en pacientes con hiperprolactinemia Valvular heart disease associated with use of dopaminergic agonists in patients with hyperprolactinemia

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    Yamilé Alvarez Delgado


    Full Text Available La cabergolina y la bromocriptina son fármacos agonistas dopaminérgicos utilizados para tratar la hiperprolactinemia, así como la enfermedad de Parkinson. Entre sus efectos adversos considerados como "muy raros" se ha descrito la capacidad de inducir cambios fibróticos en el aparato valvular cardiaco, inicialmente descritos en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson, en quienes se emplean dosis superiores a las que de manera habitual se emplean en el tratamiento de la hiperprolactinemia. Varios estudios han señalado la evidencia de estos hechos y de los posibles mecanismos por los cuales la afectación valvular ocurre. Existen hasta el momento pocas investigaciones sobre el asunto en pacientes con hiperprolactinemia, pero la mayoría de ellos indican que su empleo en este tipo de pacientes no produce afectación valvular clínicamente relevante, hecho que pudiera estar en relación con las dosis empleadas (como promedio 10 veces inferiores a las usadas en la enfermedad de Parkinson; sin embargo, se han detectado algunas anomalías subclínicas en el aparato valvular. Dado lo novedoso del tema y la poca evidencia de estos hechos en pacientes tratadas por hiperprolactinemia se ofreció una amplia revisión sobre el tema.Cabergoline and bromocriptine are dopaminergic agonists drugs used in hyperprolactinemia treatment, as well as in patients with Parkinson's disease. Among its adverse effects considered as "very inusual" is included the ability to induce fibrotic changes in cardiac valvular tract first described in patients with Parkinson disease using doses higher than those usually used in hyperprolactinemia treatment. Some studies have mentioned the evidence on these facts and of the possible mechanisms causing the valvular affection. Until now, there are not much researches on this subject in patients with hyperprolactinemia, but most indicated that its use in this kind of patient can not to produce a clinically relevant valvular afection

  12. Ionospheric correction for spaceborne single-frequency GPS based ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A modified ionospheric correction method and the corresponding approximate algorithm for spaceborne single-frequency Global Positioning System (GPS) users are proposed in this study. Single Layer Model (SLM) mapping function for spaceborne GPS was analyzed. SLM mapping functions at different altitudes were ...


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    Ana Mar\\u00EDa Castagnino


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar la influencia del tamaño de la celda utilizada para la obtención de plántulas de espárrago y la densidad o marco de plantación empleado, sobre la producción de turiones, se evaluó en invernadero tres tamaños de celda: 1 PG: grande (70 cm3, 2 PM: mediana (30 cm3 y 3 PCh: pequeña (20 cm3 y tres densidades (35 714 (D1; 23 810 (D2 y 17 857 (D3 plantas/ha. Se efectuó un trabajo en la Chacra Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía, en Azul, provincia de Buenos Aires. La plantación en el campo se efectuó en noviembre 2002, setenta días después de la siembra del almácigo con plántulas con cepellón. La cosecha se realizó del 25/09 al 18/10 del año 2006, en el cuarto año desde la plantación, con una frecuencia de cosecha de día por medio. Se realizó un análisis de la varianza, con un diseño completamente al azar y considerando como factor: el tamaño de las plántulas que provenían de cada contenedor y tres densidades. En el segundo año evaluado, la densidad D1 fue la de mayor producción (4450 kg/ha netos totales y mayor cantidad de turiones (380 166. Las plantas provenientes de los dos mayores tamaños de celda produjeron 4 t/ha netas en promedio. Las bandejas de siembra de tamaño G y D1 resultaron más apropiados para la producción de espárrago ya que permitieron obtener el mayor rendimiento en peso y número, y obtener un mejor aparato radical.

  14. Integrated INS/GPS Navigation from a Popular Perspective (United States)

    Omerbashich, Mensur


    Inertial navigation, blended with other navigation aids, Global Positioning System (GPS) in particular, has gained significance due to enhanced navigation and inertial reference performance and dissimilarity for fault tolerance and anti-jamming. Relatively new concepts based upon using Differential GPS (DGPS) blended with Inertial (and visual) Navigation Sensors (INS) offer the possibility of low cost, autonomous aircraft landing. The FAA has decided to implement the system in a sophisticated form as a new standard navigation tool during this decade. There have been a number of new inertial sensor concepts in the recent past that emphasize increased accuracy of INS/GPS versus INS and reliability of navigation, as well as lower size and weight, and higher power, fault tolerance, and long life. The principles of GPS are not discussed; rather the attention is directed towards general concepts and comparative advantages. A short introduction to the problems faced in kinematics is presented. The intention is to relate the basic principles of kinematics to probably the most used navigation method in the future-INS/GPS. An example of the airborne INS is presented, with emphasis on how it works. The discussion of the error types and sources in navigation, and of the role of filters in optimal estimation of the errors then follows. The main question this paper is trying to answer is 'What are the benefits of the integration of INS and GPS and how is this, navigation concept of the future achieved in reality?' The main goal is to communicate the idea about what stands behind a modern navigation method.

  15. Profile of English salaried GPs: labour mobility and practice performance. (United States)

    Ding, Alexander; Hann, Mark; Sibbald, Bonnie


    Recent national policy changes have provided greater flexibility in GPs' contracts. One such policy is salaried employment, which offers reduced hours and freedom from out-of-hours and administrative responsibilities, aimed at improving recruitment and retention in a labour market facing regional shortages. To profile salaried GPs and assess their mobility within the labour market. Serial cross-sectional study. All GPs practising in England during the years 1996/1997, 2000/2001, and 2004/2005. Descriptive analyses, logistic regression. Salaried GPs tended to be either younger ( or =65 years), female, or overseas-qualified; they favoured part-time working and personal medical services contracts. Salaried GPs were more mobile than GP principals, and have become increasingly so, despite a trend towards reduced overall mobility in the GP workforce. Practices with salaried GPs scored more Quality and Outcomes Framework points and were located in slightly more affluent areas. Salaried status appears to have reduced limitations in the labour market, leading to better workforce deployment from a GP's perspective. However, there is no evidence to suggest it has relieved inequalities in GP distribution.

  16. Accuracy of velocities from repeated GPS surveys: relative positioning is concerned (United States)

    Duman, Huseyin; Ugur Sanli, D.


    Over more than a decade, researchers have been interested in studying the accuracy of GPS positioning solutions. Recently, reporting the accuracy of GPS velocities has been added to this. Researchers studying landslide motion, tectonic motion, uplift, sea level rise, and subsidence still report results from GPS experiments in which repeated GPS measurements from short sessions are used. This motivated some other researchers to study the accuracy of GPS deformation rates/velocities from various repeated GPS surveys. In one of the efforts, the velocity accuracy was derived from repeated GPS static surveys using short observation sessions and Precise Point Positioning mode of GPS software. Velocities from short GPS sessions were compared with the velocities from 24 h sessions. The accuracy of velocities was obtained using statistical hypothesis testing and quantifying the accuracy of least squares estimation models. The results reveal that 45-60 % of the horizontal and none of the vertical solutions comply with the results from 24 h solutions. We argue that this case in which the data was evaluated using PPP should also apply to the case in which the data belonging to long GPS base lengths is processed using fundamental relative point positioning. To test this idea we chose the two IGS stations ANKR and NICO and derive their velocities from the reference stations held fixed in the stable EURASIAN plate. The University of Bern's GNSS software BERNESE was used to produce relative positioning solutions, and the results are compared with those of GIPSY/OASIS II PPP results. First impressions indicate that it is worth designing a global experiment and test these ideas in detail.

  17. A propósito del Carlos V con el perro de Tiziano

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    Kusche, María


    Full Text Available Since the beginning of the 20* century, art historians have tried to establish which of the two portraits of the Emperor Charles V with a dog —one by Seisenegger, court painter to Ferdinand of Austria, and the other by Titian— is the original and which is the copy. Following Glück's thesis (1927 Seisenegger's portrait was generally thought to be the first one. Nevertheless, recent publications, based on X-ray studies, and not taking into consideration the four earlier portraits of the Emperor by Seisenegger, have challenged this view and declared Titian's portrait to be the original. In this study the author presents and analizes the four portraits of the Emperor by Seisenegger prior to the portrait with a dog, as well as the corresponding documentation. The conclusion is that Seisenegger's and not Titian's portrait is the original. Consequently, Titian's portrait is not a first «retrato de aparato italiano,» but the adoption of the millenial Central European model of the «Miles Christianus».

    Ya desde principios del siglo XX los historiadores del arte han intentado determinar cual de los dos retratos del Emperador Carlos V con el perro —uno de Seisenegger, pintor de corte de Femando de Austria, y el otro de Tiziano— es la copia y cual es el original. A partir de la tesis de Glück (1927 generalmente se daba la primacía a Seisenegger. Sin embargo en recientes publicaciones, basándose en unos estudios de rayos X, y sin tener en cuenta los cuatro retratos anteriores del Emperador, de Seisenegger, se ha refutado esta opinión y se ha considerado original el de Tiziano. En este trabajo se presentan y analizan los cuatro retratos del Emperador de Seisenegger anteriores al del perro, y también la documentación correspondiente. Se llega al resultado de que el original es el de Seisenegger y no el de Tiziano. No se trata pues en el retrato de Tiziano de un primer «retrato de aparato italiano», sino de la adopción del modelo

  18. GPS system simulation methodology (United States)

    Ewing, Thomas F.


    The following topics are presented: background; Global Positioning System (GPS) methodology overview; the graphical user interface (GUI); current models; application to space nuclear power/propulsion; and interfacing requirements. The discussion is presented in vugraph form.

  19. Briefing Highlights Vulnerability of GPS to Adverse Space Weather (United States)

    Balcerak, Ernie


    Through its effects on GPS and other technologies, space weather can affect a variety of industries, including agriculture, commercial air travel, and emergency response. Speakers focused on these topics at a 22 June briefing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D. C. Solar flares can produce radio bursts that directly interfere with GPS signals. Solar activity can also cause ionospheric disturbances that produce distortions and delays in GPS signals, degrading the accuracy of positioning and navigation systems.

  20. GeoTravel: Harvesting Ambient Geographic Footprints from GPS Trajectories


    Liew, Li Ching; Goh, Ong Sing


    This study is about harvesting point of interest from GPS trajectories. Trajectories are the paths that moving objects move by follow through space in a function of time while GPS trajectories generally are point-sequences with geographic coordinates, time stamp, speed and heading. User can get information from GPS enable device. For example, user can acquire present location, search the information around them and design driving routes to a destination and thus design travel itineraries. By ...

  1. Greenland ice mass balance from GPS, GRACE and ICESat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khan, Shfaqat Abbas; Kjær, Kurt H.; Korsgaard, Niels Jákup

    Greenland, using stereoscopic coverage by aerial photographs recorded in 1985, and subsequent comparative surface elevation data from ICESat (Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite) and ATM (Airborne Topographic Mapper) supplemented with measurements from GPS and the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment...... (GRACE) satellite gravity mission, launched in March, 2002. The GRACE results provide a direct measure of mass loss, while the GPS data are used to monitor crustal uplift caused by ice mass loss close to the GPS sites....

  2. GPS/MEMS IMU/Microprocessor Board for Navigation (United States)

    Gender, Thomas K.; Chow, James; Ott, William E.


    A miniaturized instrumentation package comprising a (1) Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, (2) an inertial measurement unit (IMU) consisting largely of surface-micromachined sensors of the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) type, and (3) a microprocessor, all residing on a single circuit board, is part of the navigation system of a compact robotic spacecraft intended to be released from a larger spacecraft [e.g., the International Space Station (ISS)] for exterior visual inspection of the larger spacecraft. Variants of the package may also be useful in terrestrial collision-detection and -avoidance applications. The navigation solution obtained by integrating the IMU outputs is fed back to a correlator in the GPS receiver to aid in tracking GPS signals. The raw GPS and IMU data are blended in a Kalman filter to obtain an optimal navigation solution, which can be supplemented by range and velocity data obtained by use of (l) a stereoscopic pair of electronic cameras aboard the robotic spacecraft and/or (2) a laser dynamic range imager aboard the ISS. The novelty of the package lies mostly in those aspects of the design of the MEMS IMU that pertain to controlling mechanical resonances and stabilizing scale factors and biases.

  3. Crustal deformations at permanent GPS sites in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khan, Shfaqat Abbas; Knudsen, Per; Tscherning, Carl Christian


    The National Survey and Cadastre (KMS) is responsible for the geodetic definition of the reference network in Denmark. Permanent GPS stations play an important role in the monitoring and maintenance of the geodetic network. During 1998 and 1999 KMS established three permanent GPS station in Denma...

  4. GPS Technology and Human Psychological Research: A Methodological Proposal

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    Pedro S. A. Wolf


    Full Text Available Animal behaviorists have made extensive use of GPS technology since 1991. In contrast, psychological research has made little use of the technology, even though the technology is relatively inexpensive, familiar, and widespread. Hence, its potential for pure and applied psychological research remains untapped. We describe three methods psychologists could apply to individual differences research, clinical research, or spatial use research. In the context of individual differences research, GPS technology permits us to test hypotheses predicting specific relations among patterns of spatial use and individual differences variables. In a clinical context, GPS technology provides outcome measures that may relate to the outcome of interventions designed to treat psychological disorders that, for example, may leave a person homebound (e.g. Agoraphobia, PTSD, TBI. Finally, GPS technology provides natural measures of spatial use. We, for example, used GPS technology to quantify traffic flow and exhibit use at the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum. Interested parties could easily extend this methodology some aspects of urban planning or business usage.DOI: 10.2458/azu_jmmss.v1i1.74

  5. IceBridge GPS L0 Raw Satellite Navigation Data (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The NASA IceBridge GPS L0 Raw Satellite Navigation Data (IPUTG0) data set contains GPS readings, including latitude, longitude, track, ground speed, off distance,...

  6. Physical applications of GPS geodesy: a review. (United States)

    Bock, Yehuda; Melgar, Diego


    Geodesy, the oldest science, has become an important discipline in the geosciences, in large part by enhancing Global Positioning System (GPS) capabilities over the last 35 years well beyond the satellite constellation's original design. The ability of GPS geodesy to estimate 3D positions with millimeter-level precision with respect to a global terrestrial reference frame has contributed to significant advances in geophysics, seismology, atmospheric science, hydrology, and natural hazard science. Monitoring the changes in the positions or trajectories of GPS instruments on the Earth's land and water surfaces, in the atmosphere, or in space, is important for both theory and applications, from an improved understanding of tectonic and magmatic processes to developing systems for mitigating the impact of natural hazards on society and the environment. Besides accurate positioning, all disturbances in the propagation of the transmitted GPS radio signals from satellite to receiver are mined for information, from troposphere and ionosphere delays for weather, climate, and natural hazard applications, to disturbances in the signals due to multipath reflections from the solid ground, water, and ice for environmental applications. We review the relevant concepts of geodetic theory, data analysis, and physical modeling for a myriad of processes at multiple spatial and temporal scales, and discuss the extensive global infrastructure that has been built to support GPS geodesy consisting of thousands of continuously operating stations. We also discuss the integration of heterogeneous and complementary data sets from geodesy, seismology, and geology, focusing on crustal deformation applications and early warning systems for natural hazards.

  7. Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy

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    C. Gordini


    Full Text Available As a result of the catastrophic hydrogeological events which occurred in May 1998 in Campania, in the south of Italy, the distinctive features of airborne laser scanning mounted on a helicopter were used to survey the landslides at Sarno and Quindici. In order to survey the entire zone of interest, approximately 21 km2, it was necessary to scan 12 laser strips. Many problems arose during the survey: difficulties in receiving the GPS signal, complex terrain features and unfavorable atmospheric conditions. These problems were investigated and it emerged that one of the most influential factors is the quality of GPS signals. By analysing the original GPS data, the traces obtained by fixing phase ambiguity with an On The Fly (OTF algorithm were isolated from those with smoothed differential GPS solution (DGPS. Processing and analysis of laser data showed that not all the overlapping laser strips were congruent with each other. Since an external survey to verify the laser data accuracy was necessary, it was decided to utilize the kinematic GPS technique. The laser strips were subsequently adjusted, using the kinematic GPS data as reference points. Bearing in mind that in mountainous areas like the one studied here it is not possible to obtain nominal precision and accuracy, a good result was nevertheless obtained with a Digital Terrain Model (DTM of all the zones of interest.

  8. Seasonal and circadian biases in bird tracking with solar GPS-tags


    Silva, Rafa; Afán, Isabel; Gil, Juan A.; Bustamante, Javier


    Global Positioning System (GPS) tags are nowadays widely used in wildlife tracking. This geolocation technique can suffer from fix loss biases due to poor satellite GPS geometry, that result in tracking data gaps leading to wrong research conclusions. In addition, new solar-powered GPS tags deployed on birds can suffer from a new "battery drain bias" currently ignored in movement ecology analyses. We use a GPS tracking dataset of bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus), tracked for several years...

  9. The application of GPS time information in the telemetry ground station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Songtao; Zhang Yusong; Sun Xiurui


    GPS time information is a kind of practicable information resource that can be shared all over the world. Now it is the most accurate wireless time information. The major of this paper is the application information of GPS time information in telemetry. The main point introduces how to make use of the GPS time information to produce GPS-IRIG-B time code for proving ground and how to send time information to related equipment in telemetry ground station

  10. High-precision coseismic displacement estimation with a single-frequency GPS receiver (United States)

    Guo, Bofeng; Zhang, Xiaohong; Ren, Xiaodong; Li, Xingxing


    To improve the performance of Global Positioning System (GPS) in the earthquake/tsunami early warning and rapid response applications, minimizing the blind zone and increasing the stability and accuracy of both the rapid source and rupture inversion, the density of existing GPS networks must be increased in the areas at risk. For economic reasons, low-cost single-frequency receivers would be preferable to make the sparse dual-frequency GPS networks denser. When using single-frequency GPS receivers, the main problem that must be solved is the ionospheric delay, which is a critical factor when determining accurate coseismic displacements. In this study, we introduce a modified Satellite-specific Epoch-differenced Ionospheric Delay (MSEID) model to compensate for the effect of ionospheric error on single-frequency GPS receivers. In the MSEID model, the time-differenced ionospheric delays observed from a regional dual-frequency GPS network to a common satellite are fitted to a plane rather than part of a sphere, and the parameters of this plane are determined by using the coordinates of the stations. When the parameters are known, time-differenced ionospheric delays for a single-frequency GPS receiver could be derived from the observations of those dual-frequency receivers. Using these ionospheric delay corrections, coseismic displacements of a single-frequency GPS receiver can be accurately calculated based on time-differenced carrier-phase measurements in real time. The performance of the proposed approach is validated using 5 Hz GPS data collected during the 2012 Nicoya Peninsula Earthquake (Mw 7.6, 2012 September 5) in Costa Rica. This shows that the proposed approach improves the accuracy of the displacement of a single-frequency GPS station, and coseismic displacements with an accuracy of a few centimetres are achieved over a 10-min interval.

  11. Modular Software for Spacecraft Navigation Using the Global Positioning System (GPS) (United States)

    Truong, S. H.; Hartman, K. R.; Weidow, D. A.; Berry, D. L.; Oza, D. H.; Long, A. C.; Joyce, E.; Steger, W. L.


    The Goddard Space Flight Center Flight Dynamics and Mission Operations Divisions have jointly investigated the feasibility of engineering modular Global Positioning SYSTEM (GPS) navigation software to support both real time flight and ground postprocessing configurations. The goals of this effort are to define standard GPS data interfaces and to engineer standard, reusable navigation software components that can be used to build a broad range of GPS navigation support applications. The paper discusses the GPS modular software (GMOD) system and operations concepts, major requirements, candidate software architecture, feasibility assessment and recommended software interface standards. In additon, ongoing efforts to broaden the scope of the initial study and to develop modular software to support autonomous navigation using GPS are addressed,

  12. GPs' perceptions of workload in England: a qualitative interview study. (United States)

    Croxson, Caroline Hd; Ashdown, Helen F; Hobbs, Fd Richard


    GPs report the lowest levels of morale among doctors, job satisfaction is low, and the GP workforce is diminishing. Workload is frequently cited as negatively impacting on commitment to a career in general practice, and many GPs report that their workload is unmanageable. To gather an in-depth understanding of GPs' perceptions and attitudes towards workload. All GPs working within NHS England were eligible. Advertisements were circulated via regional GP e-mail lists and national social media networks in June 2015. Of those GPs who responded, a maximum-variation sample was selected until data saturation was reached. Semi-structured, qualitative interviews were conducted. Data were analysed thematically. In total, 171 GPs responded, and 34 were included in this study. GPs described an increase in workload over recent years, with current working days being long and intense, raising concerns over the wellbeing of GPs and patients. Full-time partnership was generally not considered to be possible, and many participants felt workload was unsustainable, particularly given the diminishing workforce. Four major themes emerged to explain increased workload: increased patient needs and expectations; a changing relationship between primary and secondary care; bureaucracy and resources; and the balance of workload within a practice. Continuity of care was perceived as being eroded by changes in contracts and working patterns to deal with workload. This study highlights the urgent need to address perceived lack of investment and clinical capacity in general practice, and suggests that managing patient expectations around what primary care can deliver, and reducing bureaucracy, have become key issues, at least until capacity issues are resolved. © British Journal of General Practice 2017.

  13. Reinforced Ultra-Tightly Coupled GPS/INS System for Challenging Environment

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    Xueyun Wang


    Full Text Available Among all integration levels currently available for Global Positioning System (GPS and Inertial Navigation System (INS Integrated System, ultra-tightly coupled (UTC GPS/INS system is the best choice for accurate and reliable navigation. Nevertheless the performance of UTC GPS/INS system degrades in challenging environments, such as jamming, changing noise of GPS signals, and high dynamic maneuvers. When low-end Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs based on MEMS sensors are employed, the performance degradation will be more severe. To solve this problem, a reinforced UTC GPS/INS system is proposed. Two techniques are adopted to deal with jamming and high dynamics. Firstly, adaptive integration Kalman filter (IKF based on fuzzy logics is developed to reinforce the antijamming ability. The parameters of membership functions (MFs are adjusted and optimized through self-developed neutral network. Secondly, a Doppler frequency error estimator based on Kalman filter is designed to improve the navigation performance under high dynamics. A complete simulation platform is established to evaluate the reinforced system. Results demonstrate that the proposed system architecture significantly improves navigation performance in challenging environments and it is a more advanced solution to accurate and reliable navigation than traditional UTC GPS/INS system.

  14. USGS Earthquake Program GPS Use Case : Earthquake Early Warning (United States)


    USGS GPS receiver use case. Item 1 - High Precision User (federal agency with Stafford Act hazard alert responsibilities for earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides nationwide). Item 2 - Description of Associated GPS Application(s): The USGS Eart...

  15. Radiotracking large wilderness mammals: Integration of GPS and Argos technology (United States)

    Schwartz, Charles C.; Arthur, Steve M.


    We tested 30 prototype global positioning system (GPS) radiocollars on brown bears (Ursus arctos) over a 3-year period on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Collars were of 2 design types: GPS with an Argos (Argos Data collection and Location System) satellite uplink (n=19) and GPS unites where the data were stored on board (n=10) for retrieval at a later date. All units also contained a conventional VHF (very high frequency) transmitter and weighed 1.7 kg. GPS-Argos united obtained 10-82% of expected GPS fixes, and fix rate declined significantly (Pbears varied more and were lower than fix rates for stationary collars placed in various vegetation types, suggesting that the bear, terrain, and movement all influence both fix and uplink success rate. Application of this new technology to grizzly and brown bear research and comparisons to studies with moose (Alces alces) are discussed.


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    Bernardo Congonte


    Full Text Available El ensayo analiza algunos elementos de la propuesta ética habermasiana comprometida con suenfoque de las relaciones entre religión y política. El ensayo expone, en primer lugar, apartesdel discurso teórico central de Habermas, los contrasta con otras propuestas suyas y algunas hegelianas sobre el tema y sopesa ambos planteamientos a la luz del reto foucaultiano sobre el oficio del filósofo entre lo cognitivo habermasiano y la pragmática que impone el poderpolítico, en este caso, del Estado Vaticano. En segundo lugar, el ensayo presenta algunos factores demostrativos de la importancia que tiene el problema del poder dentro del aparato eclesial Vaticano y, por último, ofrece una muestra casuística de la forma en que el Estado Vaticano ejerce diversos micro poderes interviniendo negativamente sobre el aparato estatalcolombiano, susceptibles de ser observados también en otros países latinoamericanos.

  17. Data Integration from GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems for Pedestrians in Urban Area

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    Krzysztof Bikonis


    Full Text Available The GPS system is widely used in navigation and the GPS receiver can offer long-term stable absolute positioning information. The overall system performance depends largely on the signal environments. The position obtained from GPS is often degraded due to obstruction and multipath effect caused by buildings, city infrastructure and vegetation, whereas, the current performance achieved by inertial navigation systems (INS is still relatively poor due to the large inertial sensor errors. The complementary features of GPS and INS are the main reasons why integrated GPS/INS systems are becoming increasingly popular. GPS/INS systems offer a high data rate, high accuracy position and orientation that can work in all environments, particularly those where satellite availability is restricted. In the paper integration algorithm of GPS and INS systems data for pedestrians in urban area is presented. For data integration an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF algorithm is proposed. Complementary characteristics of GPS and INS with EKF can overcome the problem of huge INS drifts, GPS outages, dense multipath effect and other individual problems associated with these sensors.

  18. Routing Unmanned Vehicles in GPS-Denied Environments


    Sundar, Kaarthik; Misra, Sohum; Rathinam, Sivakumar; Sharma, Rajnikant


    Most of the routing algorithms for unmanned vehicles, that arise in data gathering and monitoring applications in the literature, rely on the Global Positioning System (GPS) information for localization. However, disruption of GPS signals either intentionally or unintentionally could potentially render these algorithms not applicable. In this article, we present a novel method to address this difficulty by combining methods from cooperative localization and routing. In particular, the article...

  19. A Bridge Deflection Monitoring with GPS (United States)

    Figurski, M.; Gałuszkiewicz, M.; Wrona, M.


    This paper introduces results of investigation carried on by The Applied Geomatics Section in Military University of Technology. Research includes possibilities of monitoring dynamic behavior of a bridge using high rate GPS data. Whole event was executed with collaboration of The Road and Bridge Management and The Warsaw Geodesy Company. Interdisciplinary approach with this project allows authors to get reliable information about investigating constructions and their respond for true traffic loading detected by GPS receivers. Way of compute data and used software (TRACK) are also shown in this paper.

  20. 77 FR 25150 - GPS Satellite Simulator Working Group; Notice of Meeting (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force GPS Satellite Simulator Working Group; Notice of Meeting AGENCY: The United States Air Force, DoD. ACTION: Amending GPS Simulator Working group Meeting Notice. SUMMARY: We are requesting to amend the date of the GPS Simulator Working group meeting notice...

  1. 77 FR 25510 - GPS Funds I, et al.; Notice of Application (United States)


    ...] GPS Funds I, et al.; Notice of Application April 24, 2012. AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission... the Act to invest in certain financial instruments. Applicants: GPS Funds I, GPS Funds II (each a.... FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Laura L. Solomon, Senior Counsel, at (202) 551-6915 or Daniele...

  2. How do GPs recognize needs for palliative care in their patients?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Claessen, S.J.; Francke, A.L.; Deliens, L.


    Aim: The aim of this study was to explore how GPs in the Netherlands recognize patients’ needs for palliative care. Methods: We conducted qualitative semi-structured interviews with about 25 GPs. These GPs were interviewed about recognition of the needs for palliative care in their patients and how

  3. Using GPS to Detect Imminent Tsunamis (United States)

    Song, Y. Tony


    A promising method of detecting imminent tsunamis and estimating their destructive potential involves the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) data in addition to seismic data. Application of the method is expected to increase the reliability of global tsunami-warning systems, making it possible to save lives while reducing the incidence of false alarms. Tsunamis kill people every year. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami killed about 230,000 people. The magnitude of an earthquake is not always a reliable indication of the destructive potential of a tsunami. The 2004 Indian Ocean quake generated a huge tsunami, while the 2005 Nias (Indonesia) quake did not, even though both were initially estimated to be of the similar magnitude. Between 2005 and 2007, five false tsunami alarms were issued worldwide. Such alarms result in negative societal and economic effects. GPS stations can detect ground motions of earthquakes in real time, as frequently as every few seconds. In the present method, the epicenter of an earthquake is located by use of data from seismometers, then data from coastal GPS stations near the epicenter are used to infer sea-floor displacements that precede a tsunami. The displacement data are used in conjunction with local topographical data and an advanced theory to quantify the destructive potential of a tsunami on a new tsunami scale, based on the GPS-derived tsunami energy, much like the Richter Scale used for earthquakes. An important element of the derivation of the advanced theory was recognition that horizontal sea-floor motions contribute much more to generation of tsunamis than previously believed. The method produces a reliable estimate of the destructive potential of a tsunami within minutes typically, well before the tsunami reaches coastal areas. The viability of the method was demonstrated in computational tests in which the method yielded accurate representations of three historical tsunamis for which well-documented ground

  4. Climatology of GPS signal loss observed by Swarm satellites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Xiong


    Full Text Available By using 3-year global positioning system (GPS measurements from December 2013 to November 2016, we provide in this study a detailed survey on the climatology of the GPS signal loss of Swarm onboard receivers. Our results show that the GPS signal losses prefer to occur at both low latitudes between ±5 and ±20° magnetic latitude (MLAT and high latitudes above 60° MLAT in both hemispheres. These events at all latitudes are observed mainly during equinoxes and December solstice months, while totally absent during June solstice months. At low latitudes the GPS signal losses are caused by the equatorial plasma irregularities shortly after sunset, and at high latitude they are also highly related to the large density gradients associated with ionospheric irregularities. Additionally, the high-latitude events are more often observed in the Southern Hemisphere, occurring mainly at the cusp region and along nightside auroral latitudes. The signal losses mainly happen for those GPS rays with elevation angles less than 20°, and more commonly occur when the line of sight between GPS and Swarm satellites is aligned with the shell structure of plasma irregularities. Our results also confirm that the capability of the Swarm receiver has been improved after the bandwidth of the phase-locked loop (PLL widened, but the updates cannot radically avoid the interruption in tracking GPS satellites caused by the ionospheric plasma irregularities. Additionally, after the PLL bandwidth increased larger than 0.5 Hz, some unexpected signal losses are observed even at middle latitudes, which are not related to the ionospheric plasma irregularities. Our results suggest that rather than 1.0 Hz, a PLL bandwidth of 0.5 Hz is a more suitable value for the Swarm receiver.

  5. Climatology of GPS signal loss observed by Swarm satellites (United States)

    Xiong, Chao; Stolle, Claudia; Park, Jaeheung


    By using 3-year global positioning system (GPS) measurements from December 2013 to November 2016, we provide in this study a detailed survey on the climatology of the GPS signal loss of Swarm onboard receivers. Our results show that the GPS signal losses prefer to occur at both low latitudes between ±5 and ±20° magnetic latitude (MLAT) and high latitudes above 60° MLAT in both hemispheres. These events at all latitudes are observed mainly during equinoxes and December solstice months, while totally absent during June solstice months. At low latitudes the GPS signal losses are caused by the equatorial plasma irregularities shortly after sunset, and at high latitude they are also highly related to the large density gradients associated with ionospheric irregularities. Additionally, the high-latitude events are more often observed in the Southern Hemisphere, occurring mainly at the cusp region and along nightside auroral latitudes. The signal losses mainly happen for those GPS rays with elevation angles less than 20°, and more commonly occur when the line of sight between GPS and Swarm satellites is aligned with the shell structure of plasma irregularities. Our results also confirm that the capability of the Swarm receiver has been improved after the bandwidth of the phase-locked loop (PLL) widened, but the updates cannot radically avoid the interruption in tracking GPS satellites caused by the ionospheric plasma irregularities. Additionally, after the PLL bandwidth increased larger than 0.5 Hz, some unexpected signal losses are observed even at middle latitudes, which are not related to the ionospheric plasma irregularities. Our results suggest that rather than 1.0 Hz, a PLL bandwidth of 0.5 Hz is a more suitable value for the Swarm receiver.

  6. Diagnosing skin disease in primary care: a qualitative study of GPs' approaches. (United States)

    Rübsam, Marie-Luise; Esch, Maximilian; Baum, Erika; Bösner, Stefan


    Skin diseases are a common reason for consulting a GP. This regular occurrence happens despite most GPs' lack of knowledge and training in skin disease. We aimed to explore different diagnostic approaches of GPs in patients presenting with a dermatological problem. In addition, we aimed to identify strategies used by GPs to handle diagnostic uncertainty in these patients. We conducted interviews (20-40 minutes) with 14 GPs using a semi-structured guideline. Recalling encounters with patients with skin disease, GPs described their individual diagnostic strategies. Interviews were taped and transcribed verbatim. Qualitative analysis was conducted by two independent raters using a deductive-inductive approach. We identified several aspects of a complex decision-making process in GPs' diagnostic management of patients with dermatological problems. In the general diagnostic workup, GPs used a broad spectrum of different strategies such as spot diagnosis, stepwise refinement, pattern recognition trigger or test of treatment. GPs reduced diagnostic uncertainty through the identification of red flags, the application of the test of time, therapeutic trials and asking for further advice, including patient referral. GPs encounter a broad range of dermatological problems in their daily work using a variety of strategies in the workup of these patients. However, in a significant number of patients, there remains diagnostic uncertainty that is mainly reduced by specialist referral. Regular training in the diagnosis and treatment of common dermatological diseases should be offered to all GPs. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  7. The covariance of GPS coordinates and frames

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lachieze-Rey, Marc


    We explore, in the general relativistic context, the properties of the recently introduced global positioning system (GPS) coordinates, as well as those of the associated frames and coframes that they define. We show that they are covariant and completely independent of any observer. We show that standard spectroscopic and astrometric observations allow any observer to measure (i) the values of the GPS coordinates at his position (ii) the components of his 4-velocity and (iii) the components of the metric in the GPS frame. This provides this system with a unique value both for conceptual discussion (no frame dependence) and for practical use (involved quantities are directly measurable): localization, motion monitoring, astrometry, cosmography and tests of gravitation theories. We show explicitly, in the general relativistic context, how an observer may estimate his position and motion, and reconstruct the components of the metric. This arises from two main results: the extension of the velocity fields of the probes to the whole (curved) spacetime, and the identification of the components of the observer's velocity in the GPS frame with the (inversed) observed redshifts of the probes. Specific cases (non-relativistic velocities, Minkowski and Friedmann-Lemaitre spacetimes, geodesic motions) are studied in detail

  8. Design about position and display of GPS based on singlechip

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    WU Dongdong


    Full Text Available GPS is used in ships,vehicles,aircraft and other moving objects.GPS also has the important application in vehicle monitoring system.However,with the expansion of the specialized functions of GPS,its high cost makes so many ordinary consumers unbearable.This paper proposes a simple design of GPS based on singlechip.The design Improves the basic utility functions of system and adds the speed and mileage measurement.GPS module uses the differential technology to improve the positioning accuracy.Therefore,the navigation device is compact,easy to carry and of high precision positioning.Through getting the data of 3D coordinates from the observation point and the factor of position accuracy,the average of which is less than five,indicating that the position accuracy can be improved by differential technology to achieve the desired range.At last,the feasibility of this design is verified through the current data tested in the outdoors.

  9. GPs and end of life decisions : views and experiences


    Abela, Jurgen


    The views and experiences of GPs with respect to end of life (EoL) care are seldom addressed. The aim of this article is to better understand this aspect of care. A cross-sectional survey of all doctors in the country was designed and set up. The overall response was 396 (39.7%), 160 of which were GPs. 28.7% of GPs received no formal training in palliative medicine. 89.8% of respondents declared that their religion was important in EoL care. 45.3% agreed with the right of a patient to decide ...

  10. Research in Application of Geodetic GPS Receivers in Time Synchronization (United States)

    Zhang, Q.; Zhang, P.; Sun, Z.; Wang, F.; Wang, X.


    In recent years, with the development of satellite orbit and clock parameters accurately determining technology and the popularity of geodetic GPS receivers, Common-View (CV) which proposed in 1980 by Allan has gained widespread application and achieved higher accuracy time synchronization results. GPS Common View (GPS CV) is the technology that based on multi-channel geodetic GPS receivers located in different place and under the same common-view schedule to receiving same GPS satellite signal at the same time, and then calculating the time difference between respective local receiver time and GPST by weighted theory, we will obtain the difference between above local time of receivers that installed in different station with external atomic clock. Multi-channel geodetic GPS receivers have significant advantages such as higher stability, higher accuracy and more common-view satellites in long baseline time synchronization application over the single-channel geodetic GPS receivers. At present, receiver hardware delay and surrounding environment influence are main error factors that affect the accuracy of GPS common-view result. But most error factors will be suppressed by observation data smoothing and using of observation data from different satellites in multi-channel geodetic GPS receiver. After the SA (Selective Availability) cancellation, using a combination of precise satellite ephemeris, ionospheric-free dual-frequency P-code observations and accurately measuring of receiver hardware delay, we can achieve time synchronization result on the order of nanoseconds (ns). In this paper, 6 days observation data of two IGS core stations with external atomic clock (PTB, USNO distance of two stations about 6000 km) were used to verify the GPS common-view theory. Through GPS observation data analysis, there are at least 2-4 common-view satellites and 5 satellites in a few tracking periods between two stations when the elevation angle is 15°, even there will be at least


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Q. Zhang


    Full Text Available In recent years, with the development of satellite orbit and clock parameters accurately determining technology and the popularity of geodetic GPS receivers, Common-View (CV which proposed in 1980 by Allan has gained widespread application and achieved higher accuracy time synchronization results. GPS Common View (GPS CV is the technology that based on multi-channel geodetic GPS receivers located in different place and under the same common-view schedule to receiving same GPS satellite signal at the same time, and then calculating the time difference between respective local receiver time and GPST by weighted theory, we will obtain the difference between above local time of receivers that installed in different station with external atomic clock. Multi-channel geodetic GPS receivers have significant advantages such as higher stability, higher accuracy and more common-view satellites in long baseline time synchronization application over the single-channel geodetic GPS receivers. At present, receiver hardware delay and surrounding environment influence are main error factors that affect the accuracy of GPS common-view result. But most error factors will be suppressed by observation data smoothing and using of observation data from different satellites in multi-channel geodetic GPS receiver. After the SA (Selective Availability cancellation, using a combination of precise satellite ephemeris, ionospheric-free dual-frequency P-code observations and accurately measuring of receiver hardware delay, we can achieve time synchronization result on the order of nanoseconds (ns. In this paper, 6 days observation data of two IGS core stations with external atomic clock (PTB, USNO distance of two stations about 6000 km were used to verify the GPS common-view theory. Through GPS observation data analysis, there are at least 2–4 common-view satellites and 5 satellites in a few tracking periods between two stations when the elevation angle is 15°, even

  12. Hiking and biking with GPS: The Canadian perspective (United States)

    Vaníček, Petr

    The paper attempts to review and put into perspective the findings of a recent by-invitation-only workshop on GPS held in Ottawa. The workshop brought together both GPS-information suppliers and consumers coming from all walks of life. Some unique exchanges of views took place which are worth bringing to the attention of the geodetic community.

  13. Pandora's electronic box: GPs reflect upon email communication with their patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felicity Goodyear-Smith


    Conclusion Study sample closely mirrored current NZ GP population. Although few GPs emailed with patients, many might once barriers are addressed. GPs had a collective view of the appropriate boundaries for email communication, routine tasks and the transmission of information. GPs would encourage professional debate regarding guidelines for good practice, managing demand and remuneration.

  14. Anti-Jam GPS Antennas for Wearable Dismounted Soldier Navigation Systems (United States)


    GPS antenna, the Novatel GAJT-700M/ L CRPA is currently being considered, as shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6 A basic 7-element CRPA (right) compared with a...ARL-TR-7670 ● JUNE 2016 US Army Research Laboratory Anti-Jam GPS Antennas for Wearable Dismounted Soldier Navigation Systems...longer needed. Do not return it to the originator. ARL-TR-7670 ● JUNE 2016 US Army Research Laboratory Anti-Jam GPS Antennas for

  15. Mujer joven con hipertiroidismo asociado a insuficiencia tricuspídea grave Young woman with hyperthyroidism associated with severe tricuspid regurgitation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ariel K. Saad


    Full Text Available Las manifestaciones cardiovasculares del hipertiroidismo son frecuentes, y en ocasiones dominan el cuadro clínico. Con frecuencia, la enfermedad se manifiesta por un estado circulatorio hiperdinámico, con disminución de la resistencia vascular periférica, aumento de la volemia y del volumen minuto cardíaco. La dilatación de las cavidades cardíacas con insuficiencia tricuspídea grave e insuficiencia cardíaca derecha sin hipertensión pulmonar constituye una forma inusual de presentación. Se presenta el caso de una joven paciente, portadora de enfermedad de Graves Basedow, sin antecedentes cardiovasculares, que evoluciona en el transcurso de un mes con edema de miembros inferiores, palpitaciones, diarrea, pérdida de peso y fiebre. Al examen clínico se evidencian taquicardia con pulso irregular, signos de insuficiencia cardíaca derecha acompañado de un intenso soplo regurgitante que aumentaba con la inspiración. Por radiografía de tórax y ecocardiograma se constata cardiomegalia e insuficiencia tricuspídea grave sin hipertensión pulmonar. El cuadro se resuelve en forma rápida luego del tratamiento con propranolol, corticoides y diuréticos, con reversión de la arritmia y franca mejoría de los signos y síntomas. Se analizan en forma breve los efectos de las hormonas tiroideas en el aparato cardiovascular y se postulan probables mecanismos fisiopatológicos de la insuficiencia cardíaca en el hipertiroidismo.Cardiovascular manifestations of hyperthyroidism are frequent and sometimes are relevant in the clinical picture. Usually an hyperdynamic circulatory state hallmarks the disease with low peripheral resistance, increased intravascular volume and cardiac output. However, right chamber dilatation with tricuspid valve regurgitation and cardiac failure are unusual. We present the case of a young woman with Graves-Basedow disease without cardiovascular history who complained about palpitations, peripheral edemas, weight loss and

  16. Using GPS to evaluate productivity and performance of forest machine systems (United States)

    Steven E. Taylor; Timothy P. McDonald; Matthew W. Veal; Ton E. Grift


    This paper reviews recent research and operational applications of using GPS as a tool to help monitor the locations, travel patterns, performance, and productivity of forest machines. The accuracy of dynamic GPS data collected on forest machines under different levels of forest canopy is reviewed first. Then, the paper focuses on the use of GPS for monitoring forest...

  17. Mapping the Coastline Limits of the Mexican State Sinaloa Using GPS (United States)

    Vazquez, G. E.


    This research work presents the delimitation of the coastline limits of Sinaloa (one of the richest states of northwestern Mexico). In order to achieve this big task, it was required to use GPS (Global Positioning System) together with leveling spirit measurements. Based on the appropriate selection of the cited measurement techniques, the objective was to map the Sinaloa's state coastline to have the cartography of approximate 1600 km of littoral. The GPS measurements were performed and referred with respect to a GPS network located across the state. This GPS network consists of at least one first-order-site at each of the sixteen counties that constitute the state, and three to four second-order-sites of the ten counties of the state surrounded by sea. The leveling spirit measurements were referred to local benchmarks pre-established by the Mexican agency SEMARNAT (SEcretaría Del Medio Ambiente y Recursos NATurales). Within the main specifications of the GPS measurements and equipment, we used geodetic-dual-frequency GPS receivers in kinematic mode for both base stations (first and second order sites of the GPS state network) and rover stations (points forming the state littoral) with 5-sec log-rate interval and 10 deg cut-off angle. The GPS data processing was performed using the commercial software Trimble Geomatics Office (TGO) with Double Differences (DD) in post-processing mode. To this point, the field measurements had been totally covered including the cartography (scale 1:1000) and this includes the specifications and appropriate labeling according to the Mexican norm NOM-146-SEMARNAT-2005.

  18. On the Realistic Stochastic Model of GPS Observables: Implementation and Performance (United States)

    Zangeneh-Nejad, F.; Amiri-Simkooei, A. R.; Sharifi, M. A.; Asgari, J.


    High-precision GPS positioning requires a realistic stochastic model of observables. A realistic GPS stochastic model of observables should take into account different variances for different observation types, correlations among different observables, the satellite elevation dependence of observables precision, and the temporal correlation of observables. Least-squares variance component estimation (LS-VCE) is applied to GPS observables using the geometry-based observation model (GBOM). To model the satellite elevation dependent of GPS observables precision, an exponential model depending on the elevation angles of the satellites are also employed. Temporal correlation of the GPS observables is modelled by using a first-order autoregressive noise model. An important step in the high-precision GPS positioning is double difference integer ambiguity resolution (IAR). The fraction or percentage of success among a number of integer ambiguity fixing is called the success rate. A realistic estimation of the GNSS observables covariance matrix plays an important role in the IAR. We consider the ambiguity resolution success rate for two cases, namely a nominal and a realistic stochastic model of the GPS observables using two GPS data sets collected by the Trimble R8 receiver. The results confirm that applying a more realistic stochastic model can significantly improve the IAR success rate on individual frequencies, either on L1 or on L2. An improvement of 20% was achieved to the empirical success rate results. The results also indicate that introducing the realistic stochastic model leads to a larger standard deviation for the baseline components by a factor of about 2.6 on the data sets considered.

  19. GPS IPW as a Meteorological Parameter and Climate Global Change Indicator (United States)

    Kruczyk, M.; Liwosz, T.


    Paper focuses on comprehensive investigation of the GPS derived IPW (Integrated Precipitable Water, also IWV) as a geophysical tool. GPS meteorology is now widely acknowledged indirect method of atmosphere sensing. First we demonstrate GPS IPW quality. Most thorough inter-technique comparisons of directly measured IPW are attainable only for some observatories (note modest percentage of GPS stations equipped with meteorological devices). Nonetheless we have managed to compare IPW series derived from GPS tropospheric solutions (ZTD mostly from IGS and EPN solutions) and some independent techniques. IPW values from meteorological sources we used are: radiosoundings, sun photometer and input fields of numerical weather prediction model. We can treat operational NWP models as meteorological database within which we can calculate IWV for all GPS stations independently from network of direct measurements (COSMO-LM model maintained by Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management was tried). Sunphotometer (CIMEL-318, Central Geophysical Observatory IGF PAS, Belsk, Poland) data seems the most genuine source - so we decided for direct collocation of GPS measurements and sunphotometer placing permanent GPS receiver on the roof of Belsk Observatory. Next we analyse IPW as geophysical parameter: IPW demonstrates some physical effects evoked by station location (height and series correlation coefficient as a function of distance) and weather patterns like dominant wind directions (in case of neighbouring stations). Deficiency of surface humidity data to model IPW is presented for different climates. This inadequacy and poor humidity data representation in NWP model extremely encourages investigating information exchange potential between Numerical Model and GPS network. The second and most important aspect of this study concerns long series of IPW (daily averaged) which can serve as climatological information indicator (water vapour role in climate system is hard to

  20. GPS sekošanas sistēma


    Striževskis, Andrejs


    Šajā darbā ir izskatītas GPS sekošanas iespējas privātās lietošanas sfērā, aprakstītas kartogrāfijas un navigācijas teorētisko pamatu izvēlētās nodaļas un piedāvāts bezmaksas risinājums, kas dod iespēju izmantot sekošanai GPS ierīces ar datora palīdzību un interneta pieslēgumu bez papildus servisiem, kā arī veidot tam nolūkam navigācijas kartes, piesaistot rastra attēlus Zemes ģeogrāfisko koordinātu sistēmai ar polinomiālās transformācijas palīdzību. Atslēgvārdi: GPS sekošana, GIS, navigāc...

  1. A Mobile GPS Application: Mosque Tracking with Prayer Time Synchronization (United States)

    Hashim, Rathiah; Ikhmatiar, Mohammad Sibghotulloh; Surip, Miswan; Karmin, Masiri; Herawan, Tutut

    Global Positioning System (GPS) is a popular technology applied in many areas and embedded in many devices, facilitating end-users to navigate effectively to user's intended destination via the best calculated route. The ability of GPS to track precisely according to coordinates of specific locations can be utilized to assist a Muslim traveler visiting or passing an unfamiliar place to find the nearest mosque in order to perform his prayer. However, not many techniques have been proposed for Mosque tracking. This paper presents the development of GPS technology in tracking the nearest mosque using mobile application software embedded with the prayer time's synchronization system on a mobile application. The prototype GPS system developed has been successfully incorporated with a map and several mosque locations.

  2. An Advanced Data Warehouse for Integrating Large Sets of GPS Data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ove; Krogh, Benjamin Bjerre; Thomsen, Christian


    GPS data recorded from driving vehicles is available from many sources and is a very good data foundation for answering traffic related queries. However, most approaches so far have not considered combining GPS data from many sources into a single data warehouse. Further, the integration of GPS...... data with fuel consumption data (from the so-called CAN bus in the vehicles) and weather data has not been done. In this paper, we propose a data warehouse design for handling GPS data, fuel consumption data, and weather data. The design is fully implemented in a running system using the Postgre...

  3. GPS Time Synchronization in School-Network Cosmic Ray Detectors (United States)

    Berns, H.-G.; Burnett, T. H.; Gran, R.; Wilkes, R. J.


    The QuarkNet DAQ card for school-network cosmic ray detectors provides a low-cost alternative to using standard particle and nuclear physics fast pulse electronics modules. The board, which can be produced at a cost of less than $500.00 (USD), produces trigger time and pulse edge time data for 2- to 4-fold coincidence levels via a universal RS232 serial port interface, usable with any PC. Individual detector stations, each consisting of four scintillation counter modules, front-end electronics, and a GPS receiver, produce a stream of data in form of ASCII text strings in identifiable set of formats for different functions. The card includes a low-cost GPS receiver module, which permits time-stamping event triggers to about 50 nanosecond accuracy in UTC between widely separated sites. The technique used for obtaining precise GPS time employs the 1PPS signal, which is not normally available to users of the commercial GPS module. We had the stock model slightly custom-modified to access this signal. The method for deriving time values was adapted from methods developed for the K2K long-baseline neutrino experiment. Performance of the low-cost GPS module used is compared to that of a more expensive unit with known quality.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    ZHANGQin; TAOBen-zao; ZHAOChao-ying; WANGLi


    Because of the ignored items after linearization, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) becomes a form of suboptimal gradient descent algorithm. The emanative tendency exists in GPS solution when the filter equations are ill-posed. The deviation in the estimation cannot be avoided. Furthermore, the true solution may be lost in pseudorange positioning because the linearized pseudorange equations are partial solutions. To solve the above problems in GPS dynamic positioning by using EKF, a closed-form Kalman filter method called the two-stage algorithm is presented for the nonlinear algebraic solution of GPS dynamic positioning based on the global nonlinear least squares closed algorithm--Bancroft numerical algorithm of American. The method separates the spatial parts from temporal parts during processing the GPS filter problems, and solves the nonlinear GPS dynamic positioning, thus getting stable and reliable dynamic positioning solutions.

  5. Evaluating GPS biologging technology for studying spatial ecology of large constricting snakes (United States)

    Smith, Brian; Hart, Kristen M.; Mazzotti, Frank J.; Basille, Mathieu; Romagosa, Christina M.


    Background: GPS telemetry has revolutionized the study of animal spatial ecology in the last two decades. Until recently, it has mainly been deployed on large mammals and birds, but the technology is rapidly becoming miniaturized, and applications in diverse taxa are becoming possible. Large constricting snakes are top predators in their ecosystems, and accordingly they are often a management priority, whether their populations are threatened or invasive. Fine-scale GPS tracking datasets could greatly improve our ability to understand and manage these snakes, but the ability of this new technology to deliver high-quality data in this system is unproven. In order to evaluate GPS technology in large constrictors, we GPS-tagged 13 Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus) in Everglades National Park and deployed an additional 7 GPS tags on stationary platforms to evaluate habitat-driven biases in GPS locations. Both python and test platform GPS tags were programmed to attempt a GPS fix every 90 min.Results: While overall fix rates for the tagged pythons were low (18.1%), we were still able to obtain an average of 14.5 locations/animal/week, a large improvement over once-weekly VHF tracking. We found overall accuracy and precision to be very good (mean accuracy = 7.3 m, mean precision = 12.9 m), but a very few imprecise locations were still recorded (0.2% of locations with precision > 1.0 km). We found that dense vegetation did decrease fix rate, but we concluded that the low observed fix rate was also due to python microhabitat selection underground or underwater. Half of our recovered pythons were either missing their tag or the tag had malfunctioned, resulting in no data being recovered.Conclusions: GPS biologging technology is a promising tool for obtaining frequent, accurate, and precise locations of large constricting snakes. We recommend future studies couple GPS telemetry with frequent VHF locations in order to reduce bias and limit the impact of catastrophic

  6. Transport on prescription: How can GPs contribute to the promotion of active transport? (United States)

    Pistoll, Chance; Furler, John


    Active transport (ie walking, cycling, using public transport) can play a part in reducing non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Very little is known about how general practitioners (GPs) can contribute to promoting active transport. We explored GPs' ideas around active transport, and potential barriers and facilitators to its promotion in the clinical setting. Using a maximal variation sample, we conducted 10 semi-structured interviews with GPs in Victoria, Australia. The socioecological model informed data collection and analysis. The idea of active transport resonated with GPs. Limited awareness around active transport and safety concerns regarding commuter cycling were barriers to clinical promotion. GPs believed patients' health, cultural norms, socioeconomic position and access to supportive environments could facilitate participation. Future efforts should prioritise awareness of active transport among GPs. The perspectives of GPs would be valuable to policymakers, particularly in designing programs to mitigate inequalities around active transport access and use.

  7. Estudio del valor artístico de los ejercicios de conjunto de Gimnasia Rítmica de la Copa del Mundo de Portimão 2007 y 2008

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lurdes Ávila-Carvalho


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue el de analizar la composición Artística de los ejercicios de competición de los conjuntos participantes en la Copa del Mundo 2007 y 2008 de Gimnasia Rítmica (GR en Portimão. La muestra fue constituida por Conjuntos Seniors de GR, 19 en 2007 y 16 en 2008. Cada conjunto realizó 2 ejercicios, uno con 5 cuerdas y otro con 3 aros/4 mazas. A través de los resultados obtenidos pudimos verificar que: en Maestría existe un predominio en la utilización de los lanzamientos, en los dos tipos de ejercicios analizados; predominan la utilización de colaboraciones sin lanzamiento y las RR1 (con lanzamiento y riesgo, con pérdida visual con el aparato, con pasaje por dentro o sobre el aparato, en los ejercicios de cuerda y en los ejercicios de aro/mazas predominan las colaboraciones simples con lanzamiento; los Caps (Características artísticas particulares en cuerda, podemos observar que los saltos por dentro de la cuerda, las escapadas y los manejos fueron los elementos más utilizados en la composiciones de los ejercicios de cuerda tanto en 2007 como en 2008. En el caso de los Caps de aro, fueron los manejos los elementos más utilizados tanto en 2007 como en 2008. En relación a las Caps de mazas, fueron los molinos los elementos técnicos más utilizados en 2007 y en 2008.

  8. Vähemalt kolm hunti saavad veel GPS-kaelused / Madis Filippov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Filippov, Madis


    Esimene Eesti hunt sai kaela GPS-seadme, mis hakkab edastama teavet looma toitumise ja elupiirkonna kohta, lähiajal on plaanis samasuguse seadme paigaldamine veel vähemalt kolmele hundile. GPS loomadel

  9. A Forward GPS Multipath Simulator Based on the Vegetation Radiative Transfer Equation Model. (United States)

    Wu, Xuerui; Jin, Shuanggen; Xia, Junming


    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have been widely used in navigation, positioning and timing. Nowadays, the multipath errors may be re-utilized for the remote sensing of geophysical parameters (soil moisture, vegetation and snow depth), i.e., GPS-Multipath Reflectometry (GPS-MR). However, bistatic scattering properties and the relation between GPS observables and geophysical parameters are not clear, e.g., vegetation. In this paper, a new element on bistatic scattering properties of vegetation is incorporated into the traditional GPS-MR model. This new element is the first-order radiative transfer equation model. The new forward GPS multipath simulator is able to explicitly link the vegetation parameters with GPS multipath observables (signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), code pseudorange and carrier phase observables). The trunk layer and its corresponding scattering mechanisms are ignored since GPS-MR is not suitable for high forest monitoring due to the coherence of direct and reflected signals. Based on this new model, the developed simulator can present how the GPS signals (L1 and L2 carrier frequencies, C/A, P(Y) and L2C modulations) are transmitted (scattered and absorbed) through vegetation medium and received by GPS receivers. Simulation results show that the wheat will decrease the amplitudes of GPS multipath observables (SNR, phase and code), if we increase the vegetation moisture contents or the scatters sizes (stem or leaf). Although the Specular-Ground component dominates the total specular scattering, vegetation covered ground soil moisture has almost no effects on the final multipath signatures. Our simulated results are consistent with previous results for environmental parameter detections by GPS-MR.

  10. Horses for Courses: Designing a GPS Tracking Data Collection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reinau, Kristian Hegner; Harder, Henrik; Overgård, Christian Hansen


    and practical experiences from a number of GPS tracking projects into a practical guideline. Researchers can use this model as a starting point when designing a GPS tracking data collection. The authors hope that the model can constitute a first step towards the development of best practice....

  11. Backyard Botany: Using GPS Technology in the Science Classroom (United States)

    March, Kathryn A.


    Global Positioning System (GPS) technology can be used to connect students to the natural world and improve their skills in observation, identification, and classification. Using GPS devices in the classroom increases student interest in science, encourages team-building skills, and improves biology content knowledge. Additionally, it helps…

  12. Application of GPS in a high precision engineering survey network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruland, R.; Leick, A.


    A GPS satellite survey was carried out with the Macrometer to support construction at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). The network consists of 16 stations of which 9 stations were part of the Macrometer network. The horizontal and vertical accuracy of the GPS survey is estimated to be 1 to 2 mm and 2 to 3 mm respectively. The horizontal accuracy of the terrestrial survey, consisting of angles and distances, equals that of the GPS survey only in the ''loop'' portion of the network. All stations are part of a precise level network. The ellipsoidal heights obtained from the GPS survey and the orthometric heights of the level network are used to compute geoid undulations. A geoid profile along the linac was computed by the National Geodetic Survey in 1963. This profile agreed with the observed geoid within the standard deviation of the GPS survey. Angles and distances were adjusted together (TERRA), and all terrestrial observations were combined with the GPS vector observations in a combination adjustment (COMB). A comparison of COMB and TERRA revealed systematic errors in the terrestrial solution. A scale factor of 1.5 ppM +- .8 ppM was estimated. This value is of the same magnitude as the over-all horizontal accuracy of both networks. 10 refs., 3 figs., 5 tabs

  13. A New Indoor Positioning System Architecture Using GPS Signals. (United States)

    Xu, Rui; Chen, Wu; Xu, Ying; Ji, Shengyue


    The pseudolite system is a good alternative for indoor positioning systems due to its large coverage area and accurate positioning solution. However, for common Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, the pseudolite system requires some modifications of the user terminals. To solve the problem, this paper proposes a new pseudolite-based indoor positioning system architecture. The main idea is to receive real-world GPS signals, repeat each satellite signal and transmit those using indoor transmitting antennas. The transmitted GPS-like signal can be processed (signal acquisition and tracking, navigation data decoding) by the general receiver and thus no hardware-level modification on the receiver is required. In addition, all Tx can be synchronized with each other since one single clock is used in Rx/Tx. The proposed system is simulated using a software GPS receiver. The simulation results show the indoor positioning system is able to provide high accurate horizontal positioning in both static and dynamic situations.

  14. Cryospheric monitoring with new low power RTK dGPS systems (United States)

    Martinez, K.; Hart, J. K.; Bragg, G. M.; Curry, J. S.


    Differential GPS is often used to measure the movement of glaciers. It requires data to be recorded at a fixed base station as well as the moving rover unit, followed by post-processing in order to compute the rover's positions. The typical dGPS units used consume considerable power and the recording times are often around one hour per reading. While this provides very precise (typically millimetre) precision it comes at a cost of power used and the data is rather large to send offsite regularly. Real-time kinematic modes of dGPS are typically used for rapid mapping and autonomous vehicles. New devices are lower cost and smaller size. They also provide a fix within a few minutes, which can be transmitted home. We describe the design, deployment and preliminary results of two tracking systems to monitor ice movement. The first used a normal GPS and Iridium satellite messaging to track the movement of a Greenland iceberg which calved from the Nattivit Apusiiat glacier (south west Greenland). This system followed the iceberg as it flowed 660 km south along the coast of Greenland. The second system was installed in Iceland to track the movement of glaciers using 2 different dGPS systems. A low power ARM Cortex M4-based controller ran Python code to schedule dGPS activity periodically and gather fixes. An Iridium short messaging unit (Rockblock) was used to transmit RTK location fixes. The aim was to experiment with the use of RTK dGPS as an alternative to recordings to measure how the glaciers responded to small scale changes in temperature and precipitation throughout the year.

  15. Positioning performance of the NTCM model driven by GPS Klobuchar model parameters (United States)

    Hoque, Mohammed Mainul; Jakowski, Norbert; Berdermann, Jens


    Users of the Global Positioning System (GPS) utilize the Ionospheric Correction Algorithm (ICA) also known as Klobuchar model for correcting ionospheric signal delay or range error. Recently, we developed an ionosphere correction algorithm called NTCM-Klobpar model for single frequency GNSS applications. The model is driven by a parameter computed from GPS Klobuchar model and consecutively can be used instead of the GPS Klobuchar model for ionospheric corrections. In the presented work we compare the positioning solutions obtained using NTCM-Klobpar with those using the Klobuchar model. Our investigation using worldwide ground GPS data from a quiet and a perturbed ionospheric and geomagnetic activity period of 17 days each shows that the 24-hour prediction performance of the NTCM-Klobpar is better than the GPS Klobuchar model in global average. The root mean squared deviation of the 3D position errors are found to be about 0.24 and 0.45 m less for the NTCM-Klobpar compared to the GPS Klobuchar model during quiet and perturbed condition, respectively. The presented algorithm has the potential to continuously improve the accuracy of GPS single frequency mass market devices with only little software modification.

  16. LADOTD GPS technology management plan. (United States)


    Over many years, Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has been adopted by different sections within the Louisiana : Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD), with no uniform standards for accuracy, operation, hardware, or : software....

  17. Real-time GPS Signal Simulator (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — With a minimal FTE investment and no additional procurement funds, the development of a low fidelity orbital GPS Signal simulator would is possible.  This IRAD...

  18. Aportes al desarrollo sostenible desde la identificación de la problemática de los residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos hospitalarios en 24 hospitales de Bogotá-Colombia


    Díaz Franky, María Carolina


    Artículo (Maestría en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Contables, Económicas y Administrativas. CIMAD, 2016 Los residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos - RAEE tipo biomédicos, tienen diferencias en cuanto a cantidades generadas en cada hospital y en las formas de darles manejo, lo cual trae como consecuencia riesgos para el ambiente y salud. Se pretende conocer la problemática generando una propuesta de aportes al desarrollo sos...

  19. GPs' attitudes, beliefs and behaviours regarding exercise for chronic knee pain: a questionnaire survey. (United States)

    Cottrell, Elizabeth; Foster, Nadine E; Porcheret, Mark; Rathod, Trishna; Roddy, Edward


    The aim of this study was to investigate general practitioners' (GPs) attitudes, beliefs and behaviours regarding the use of exercise for patients with chronic knee pain (CKP) attributable to osteoarthritis. Primary care GPs in the UK. 5000 GPs, randomly selected from Binley's database, were mailed a cross-sectional questionnaire survey. GPs' attitudes and beliefs were investigated using attitude statements, and reported behaviours were identified using vignette-based questions. GPs were invited to report barriers experienced when initiating exercise with patients with CKP RESULTS: 835 (17%) GPs responded. Overall, GPs were positive about general exercise for CKP. 729 (87%) reported using exercise, of which, 538 (74%) reported that they would use both general and local (lower limb) exercises. However, only 92 (11% of all responding) GPs reported initiating exercise in ways aligning with best-evidence recommendations. 815 (98%) GPs reported barriers in using exercise for patients with CKP, most commonly, insufficient time in consultations (n=419; 51%) and insufficient expertise (n=337; 41%). While GPs' attitudes and beliefs regarding exercise for CKP were generally positive, initiation of exercise was often poorly aligned with current recommendations, and barriers and uncertainties were reported. GPs' use of exercise may be improved by addressing the key barriers of time and expertise, by developing a pragmatic approach that supports GPs to initiate individualised exercise, and/or by other professionals taking on this role. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  20. Exploring the Limits of High Altitude GPS for Future Lunar Missions (United States)

    Ashman, Benjamin W.; Parker, Joel J. K.; Bauer, Frank H.; Esswein, Michael


    An increasing number of spacecraft are relying on the Global Positioning System (GPS) for navigation at altitudes near or above the GPS constellation itself - the region known as the Space Service Volume (SSV). While the formal definition of the SSV ends at geostationary altitude, the practical limit of high-altitude space usage is not known, and recent missions have demonstrated that signal availability is sufficient for operational navigation at altitudes halfway to the moon. This paper presents simulation results based on a high-fidelity model of the GPS constellation, calibrated and validated through comparisons of simulated GPS signal availability and strength with flight data from recent high-altitude missions including the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 16 (GOES-16) and the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. This improved model is applied to the transfer to a lunar near-rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO) of the class being considered for the international Deep Space Gateway concept. The number of GPS signals visible and their received signal strengths are presented as a function of receiver altitude in order to explore the practical upper limit of high-altitude space usage of GPS.

  1. [Quality of life of women GPs in Auvergne]. (United States)

    Mathonnat, Marie Dolorès; Filloux, Isabelle; Tanguy, Gilles; Eschalier, Bénédicte; Pereira, Bruno; Vorilhon, Philippe


    The medical profession is feminising. In parallel, the importance of quality of life (QOL) must be addressed. Family practice needs personal investment and availability. This profession can have repercussions on womens' QOL. The objective of the study was to compare female GPs QOL to other women with the comparable socioprofessional status. The secondary objective was to study the influence of factors, such as workplace and work methods. Comparative cross-sectional study. A self-assessed questionnaire, sent by post to 394 female general practitioners in Auvergne, each was asked to recruit one woman (non-GP), with similar age and socioprofessional status. A total of 148 female GPs (37.6%) and 122 non-GPs responded. The global score of QOL was lower in the GP group, noticeably showing a poorer QOL in the relational and material areas. The professional QOL was similar between the 2 groups. The study did not find a significant difference concerning the QOL in its physical and psychological dimensions. The main negative factors influencing the QOL were: age; isolation of the occupation; living alone; and liberal occupation. Working in a rural area did not influence the QOL. The profession of GPs remains demanding, and the female GP feels a poorer QOL. Nevertheless, they seem to like their job and they feel fulfilled. The uneasiness comes essentially from the lack of free time, and from low financial income. Working in association seems to be a first step to improve the QOL of female GPs. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Radio-tracking large wilderness mammals: integration of GPS and Argos technologies (United States)

    Schwartz, Charles C.; Arthur, Steve M.


    We tested 30 prototype global positioning system (GPS) radiocollars on brown bears (Ursus arctos) over a 3-year period on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Collars were of 2 design types: GPS units with an Argos (Argos Data collection and Location System) satellite uplink (n = 19) and GPS units where the data were stored on board (n = 10) for retrieval at a later date. All units also contained a conventional VHF (very high frequency) transmitter and weighed 1.7 kg. GPS-Argos units obtained 10-82% of expected GPS fixes, and fix rate declined significantly (P bears varied more and were lower than fix rates for stationary collars placed in various vegetation types, suggesting that the bear, terrain, and movement all influence both fix and uplink success rate. Application of this new technology to grizzly and brown bear research and comparisons to studies with moose (Alces alces) are discussed.

  3. Accelerometer and GPS Analysis of Trail Use and Associations With Physical Activity. (United States)

    Tamura, Kosuke; Wilson, Jeffrey S; Puett, Robin C; Klenosky, David B; Harper, William A; Troped, Philip J


    Concurrent use of accelerometers and global positioning system (GPS) data can be used to quantify physical activity (PA) occurring on trails. This study examined associations of trail use with PA and sedentary behavior (SB) and quantified on trail PA using a combination of accelerometer and GPS data. Adults (N = 142) wore accelerometer and GPS units for 1-4 days. Trail use was defined as a minimum of 2 consecutive minutes occurring on a trail, based on GPS data. We examined associations between trail use and PA and SB. On trail minutes of light-intensity, moderate-intensity, and vigorous-intensity PA, and SB were quantified in 2 ways, using accelerometer counts only and with a combination of GPS speed and accelerometer data. Trail use was positively associated with total PA, moderate-intensity PA, and light-intensity PA (P GPS and accelerometer data for quantifying on trail activity may be more accurate than accelerometer data alone and is useful for classifying intensity of activities such as bicycling.

  4. Water vapour tomography using GPS phase observations: Results from the ESCOMPTE experiment (United States)

    Nilsson, T.; Gradinarsky, L.; Elgered, G.


    Global Positioning System (GPS) tomography is a technique for estimating the 3-D structure of the atmospheric water vapour using data from a dense local network of GPS receivers. Several current methods utilize estimates of slant wet delays between the GPS satellites and the receivers on the ground, which are difficult to obtain with millimetre accuracy from the GPS observations. We present results of applying a new tomographic method to GPS data from the Expériance sur site pour contraindre les modèles de pollution atmosphérique et de transport d'emissions (ESCOMPTE) experiment in southern France. This method does not rely on any slant wet delay estimates, instead it uses the GPS phase observations directly. We show that the estimated wet refractivity profiles estimated by this method is on the same accuracy level or better compared to other tomographic methods. The results are in agreement with earlier simulations, for example the profile information is limited above 4 km.

  5. GPs' Perceptions of Cardiovascular Risk and Views on Patient Compliance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barfoed, Benedicte Marie Lind; Jarbøl, Dorte Ejg; Paulsen, Maja Skov


    Objective. General practitioners' (GPs') perception of risk is a cornerstone of preventive care. The aims of this interview study were to explore GPs' professional and personal attitudes and experiences regarding treatment with lipid-lowering drugs and their views on patient compliance. Methods....... The material was drawn from semistructured qualitative interviews. We sampled GPs purposively from ten selected practices, ensuring diversity of demographic, professional, and personal characteristics. The GPs were encouraged to describe examples from their own practices and reflect on them and were informed...... that the focus was their personal attitudes and experiences. Systematic text condensation was applied for analysis in order to uncover the concepts and themes. Results. The analysis revealed the following 3 main themes: (1) use of cardiovascular guidelines and risk assessment tools, (2) strategies for managing...

  6. Applying GPS to enhance understanding of transport-related physical activity. (United States)

    Duncan, Mitch J; Badland, Hannah M; Mummery, W Kerry


    The purpose of the paper is to review the utility of the global positioning system (GPS) in the study of health-related physical activity. The paper draws from existing literature to outline the current work performed using GPS to examine transport-related physical activity, with a focus on the relative utility of the approach when combined with geographic information system (GIS) and other data sources including accelerometers. The paper argues that GPS, especially when used in combination with GIS and accelerometery, offers great promise in objectively measuring and studying the relationship of numerous environmental attributes to human behaviour in terms of physical activity and transport-related activity. Limitations to the use of GPS for the purpose of monitoring health-related physical activity are presented, and recommendations for future avenues of research are discussed.

  7. Deformation analysis of Aceh April 11th 2012 earthquake using GPS observation data (United States)

    Maulida, Putra; Meilano, Irwan; Sarsito, Dina A.; Susilo


    This research tries to estimate the co-seismic deformation of intraplate earthquake occurred off northern Sumatra coast which is about 100-200 km southwest of Sumatrasubduction zone. The earthquake mechanism was strike-slip with magnitude 8.6 and triggering aftershock with magnitude 8.2 two hours later. We estimated the co-seismic deformation by using the GPS (Global Positioning System) continuous data along western Sumatra coast. The GPS observation derived from Sumatran GPS Array (SuGAr) and Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). For data processing we used GPS Analyze at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (GAMIT) software and Global Kalman Filter (GLOBK) to estimate the co-seismic deformation. From the GPS daily solution, the result shows that the earthquake caused displacement for the GPS stations in Sumatra. GPS stations in northern Sumatra showed the displacement to the northeast with the average displacement was 15 cm. The biggest displacement was found at station BSIM which is located at Simeuleu Island off north west Sumatra coast. GPS station in middle part of Sumatra, the displacement was northwest. The earthquake also caused subsidence for stations in northern Sumatra, but from the time series there was not sign of subsidence was found at middle part of Sumatra. In addition, the effect of the earthquake was worldwide and affected the other GPS Stations around Hindia oceanic.

  8. Economic influences on GPs' decisions to provide out-of-hours care. (United States)

    Geue, Claudia; Skåtun, Diane; Sutton, Matt


    Introduction of the new general medical services contract offered UK general practices the option to discontinue providing out-of-hours (OOH) care. This aimed to improve GP recruitment and retention by offering a better work-life balance, but put primary care organisations under pressure to ensure sustainable delivery of these services. Many organisations arranged this by re-purchasing provision from individual GPs. To analyse which factors influence an individual GP's decision to re-provide OOH care when their practice has opted out. Cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Rural and urban general practices in Scotland, UK. A postal survey was sent to all GPs working in Scotland in 2006, with analyses weighted for differential response rates. Analysis included logistic regression of individuals' decisions to re-provide OOH care based on personal characteristics, work and non-work time commitments, income from other sources, and contracting primary care organisation. Of the 1707 GPs in Scotland whose practice had opted out, 40.6% participated in OOH provision. Participation rates of GPs within primary care organisations varied from 16.7% to 74.7%. Males with young children were substantially more likely to participate than males without children (odds ratio [OR] 2.44, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.36 to 4.40). GPs with higher-earning spouses were less likely to participate. This effect was reinforced if GPs had spouses who were also GPs (OR 0.52, 95% CI = 0.37 to 0.74). GPs with training responsibilities (OR 1.36, 95% CI = 1.09 to 1.71) and other medical posts (OR 1.38, 95% CI = 1.09 to 1.75) were more likely to re-provide OOH services. The opportunity to opt out of OOH care has provided flexibility for GPs to raise additional income, although primary care organisations vary in the extent to which they offer these opportunities. Examining intrinsic motivation is an area for future study.

  9. Seasonal and circadian biases in bird tracking with solar GPS-tags.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafa Silva

    Full Text Available Global Positioning System (GPS tags are nowadays widely used in wildlife tracking. This geolocation technique can suffer from fix loss biases due to poor satellite GPS geometry, that result in tracking data gaps leading to wrong research conclusions. In addition, new solar-powered GPS tags deployed on birds can suffer from a new "battery drain bias" currently ignored in movement ecology analyses. We use a GPS tracking dataset of bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus, tracked for several years with solar GPS tags, to evaluate the causes and triggers of fix and data retrieval loss biases. We compare two models of solar GPS tags using different data retrieval systems (Argos vs GSM-GPRS, and programmed with different duty cycles. Neither of the models was able to accomplish the duty cycle programed initially. Fix and data retrieval loss rates were always greater than expected, and showed non-random gaps in GPS locations. Number of fixes per month of tracking was a bad criterion to identify tags with smaller biases. Fix-loss rates were four times higher due to battery drain than due to poor GPS satellite geometry. Both tag models were biased due to the uneven solar energy available for the recharge of the tag throughout the annual cycle, resulting in greater fix-loss rates in winter compared to summer. In addition, we suggest that the bias found along the diurnal cycle is linked to a complex three-factor interaction of bird flight behavior, topography and fix interval. More fixes were lost when vultures were perching compared to flying, in rugged versus flat topography. But long fix-intervals caused greater loss of fixes in dynamic (flying versus static situations (perching. To conclude, we emphasize the importance of evaluating fix-loss bias in current tracking projects, and deploying GPS tags that allow remote duty cycle updates so that the most appropriate fix and data retrieval intervals can be selected.

  10. Indoor/Outdoor Seamless Positioning Using Lighting Tags and GPS Cellular Phones for Personal Navigation (United States)

    Namie, Hiromune; Morishita, Hisashi

    The authors focused on the development of an indoor positioning system which is easy to use, portable and available for everyone. This system is capable of providing the correct position anywhere indoors, including onboard ships, and was invented in order to evaluate the availability of GPS indoors. Although the performance of GPS is superior outdoors, there has been considerable research regarding indoor GPS involving sensitive GPS, pseudolites (GPS pseudo satellite), RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) tags, and wireless LAN .However, the positioning rate and the precision are not high enough for general use, which is the reason why these technologies have not yet spread to personal navigation systems. In this regard, the authors attempted to implement an indoor positioning system using cellular phones with built-in GPS and infrared light data communication functionality, which are widely used in Japan. GPS is becoming increasingly popular, where GPGGS sentences of the NMEA outputted from the GPS receiver provide spatiotemporal information including latitude, longitude, altitude, and time or ECEF xyz coordinates. As GPS applications grow rapidly, spatiotemporal data becomes key to the ubiquitous outdoor and indoor seamless positioning services at least for the entire area of Japan, as well as to becoming familiar with satellite positioning systems (e.g. GPS). Furthermore, the authors are also working on the idea of using PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), as cellular phones with built-in GPS and PDA functionality are also becoming increasingly popular.

  11. A Demonstration of GPS Landslide Monitoring Using Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) (United States)

    Wang, G.


    Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies have been frequently applied to landslide study, both as a complement, and as an alternative to conventional surveying methods. However, most applications of GPS for landslide monitoring have been limited to the academic community for research purposes. High-accuracy GPS has not been widely equipped in geotechnical companies and used by technicians. The main issue that limits the applications of GPS in the practice of high-accuracy landslide monitoring is the complexity of GPS data processing. This study demonstrated an approach using the Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) ( provided by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to process GPS data and conduct long-term landslide monitoring in the Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands Region. Continuous GPS data collected at a creeping landslide site during two years were used to evaluate different scenarios for landslide surveying: continuous or campaign, long duration or short duration, morning or afternoon (different weather conditions). OPUS uses Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) managed by NGS (http://www.ngs.noaa.giv/CORS/) as references and user data as a rover to solve a position. There are 19 CORS permanent GPS stations in the Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands region. The dense GPS network provides a precise and reliable reference frame for subcentimeter-accuracy landslide monitoring in this region. Our criterion for the accuracy was the root-mean-square (RMS) of OPUS solutions over a 2-year period with respect to true landslide displacement time series overt the same period. The true landslide displacements were derived from a single-baseline (130 m) GPS processing by using 24-hour continuous data. If continuous GPS surveying is performed in the field, then OPUS static processing can provide 0.6 cm horizontal and 1.1 cm vertical precision with few outliers. If repeated

  12. [Comfort and discomfort: the role of emotions in GPs' prescription practices]. (United States)

    Henriksen, Kristin; Hansen, Ebba Holme


    The role of emotions in GPs' prescribing has been ignored. The present article describes 20 GPs' reflections about what precedes comfort and discomfort in prescribing situations. In-depth interviews were done with 20 GPs who contributed with examples on an open comfort-discomfort scale. Analysis of the data was inspired by grounded theory. The GPs experienced a broad spectrum of emotions when prescribing. In every prescribing situation, conditions could pull towards both comfort and discomfort. Comfort appeared when the indication was correct and the patient's condition was serious, when the patient experienced the problem as serious, when the situation was acute and the medicine effective, and when the GP experienced himself as competent. Medicines were placed between comfort and discomfort when prescribing was perceived as indifferent, unproblematic and easy, when the GP was concerned about inflicting a sick role on the patients, and when patients were not convinced about the appropriateness of the medication. Discomfort appeared when there was a great risk of dependence, when GPs experienced and gave in to pressure, when they had to convince patients, and when they prescribed addictive medicine regularly. The totality of conditions in the situation determined the emotional state in the prescribing situation. The GPs' emotions reflected how they evaluated the appropriateness of their prescribing. This should be taken advantage of in rational pharmacotherapy. Future interventions should address both the rationality of GPs and their emotions.

  13. Ethics support for GPs: what should it look like? (United States)

    Clark-Grill, Monika


    INTRODUCTION Ethics support services for hospital clinicians have become increasingly common globally but not as yet in New Zealand. However, an initiative to change this is gathering momentum. Its slogan 'Clinical ethics is everyone's business' indicates that the aim is to encompass all of health care, not just the hospital sector. General Practitioners (GPs) deal with ethical issues on a daily basis. These issues are often quite different from ethical issues in hospitals. To make future ethics support relevant for primary care, local GPs were interviewed to find out how they might envisage ethics support services that could be useful to them. METHODS A focus group interview with six GPs and semi-structured individual interviews with three GPs were conducted. Questions included how they made decisions on ethical issues at present, what they perceived as obstacles to ethical reflection and decision-making, and what support might be helpful. FINDINGS Three areas of ethics support were considered potentially useful: Formal ethics education during GP training, access to an ethicist for assistance with analysing an ethical issue, and professional guidance with structured ethics conversations in peer groups. CONCLUSION The complex nature of general practice requires GPs to be well educated and supported for handling ethical issues. The findings from this study could serve as input to the development of ethics support services. KEYWORDS General practice; primary care; ethics; support; education.

  14. A Real-Time Capable Software-Defined Receiver Using GPU for Adaptive Anti-Jam GPS Sensors (United States)

    Seo, Jiwon; Chen, Yu-Hsuan; De Lorenzo, David S.; Lo, Sherman; Enge, Per; Akos, Dennis; Lee, Jiyun


    Due to their weak received signal power, Global Positioning System (GPS) signals are vulnerable to radio frequency interference. Adaptive beam and null steering of the gain pattern of a GPS antenna array can significantly increase the resistance of GPS sensors to signal interference and jamming. Since adaptive array processing requires intensive computational power, beamsteering GPS receivers were usually implemented using hardware such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). However, a software implementation using general-purpose processors is much more desirable because of its flexibility and cost effectiveness. This paper presents a GPS software-defined radio (SDR) with adaptive beamsteering capability for anti-jam applications. The GPS SDR design is based on an optimized desktop parallel processing architecture using a quad-core Central Processing Unit (CPU) coupled with a new generation Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) having massively parallel processors. This GPS SDR demonstrates sufficient computational capability to support a four-element antenna array and future GPS L5 signal processing in real time. After providing the details of our design and optimization schemes for future GPU-based GPS SDR developments, the jamming resistance of our GPS SDR under synthetic wideband jamming is presented. Since the GPS SDR uses commercial-off-the-shelf hardware and processors, it can be easily adopted in civil GPS applications requiring anti-jam capabilities. PMID:22164116

  15. A Real-Time Capable Software-Defined Receiver Using GPU for Adaptive Anti-Jam GPS Sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dennis Akos


    Full Text Available Due to their weak received signal power, Global Positioning System (GPS signals are vulnerable to radio frequency interference. Adaptive beam and null steering of the gain pattern of a GPS antenna array can significantly increase the resistance of GPS sensors to signal interference and jamming. Since adaptive array processing requires intensive computational power, beamsteering GPS receivers were usually implemented using hardware such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs. However, a software implementation using general-purpose processors is much more desirable because of its flexibility and cost effectiveness. This paper presents a GPS software-defined radio (SDR with adaptive beamsteering capability for anti-jam applications. The GPS SDR design is based on an optimized desktop parallel processing architecture using a quad-core Central Processing Unit (CPU coupled with a new generation Graphics Processing Unit (GPU having massively parallel processors. This GPS SDR demonstrates sufficient computational capability to support a four-element antenna array and future GPS L5 signal processing in real time. After providing the details of our design and optimization schemes for future GPU-based GPS SDR developments, the jamming resistance of our GPS SDR under synthetic wideband jamming is presented. Since the GPS SDR uses commercial-off-the-shelf hardware and processors, it can be easily adopted in civil GPS applications requiring anti-jam capabilities.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernán Urbina Joiro


    Full Text Available Es una sombría paradoja que los aparatos que surgieron para apuntalar el futuro hayan empezado a enfermar al futuro mismo: madres embarazadas, niños y jóvenes en regiones vulnerables, como son la mayoría de regiones en el mundo. INTRODUCCIÓN Basura electrónica es todo desecho de un dispositivo diseñado para funcionar con energía eléctrica de redes públicas, baterías u otros campos electromagnéticos. También se conoce como Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (RAEE o Waste Electrical (e-Waste (1. Los aparatos electrónicos funcionales, en estado íntegro, no son basura electrónica, ni fuentes activas de residuos peligrosos, que en ese estado de funcionabilidad están convenientemente empaquetados y en estado no dispersivo. Habría que destrozar e incinerar estos aparatos funcionales, tal como se hace en el reciclaje primitivo, para que sean liberados esos residuos peligrosos. ¿Qué son los residuos peligrosos –la gran amenaza que encarna la basura electrónica–? El Convenio de Basilea (2 establece que son residuos peligrosos, entre otros, los desechos que contengan retardantes de llama policlorados y polibromados; metales pesados como el cromo hexavalente, cadmio, plomo, mercurio, o cobre, también tóxicos derivados de la incineración como los dibenzofuranos y dibenzoparadioxinas –todos típicos de la basura electrónica– e incluso señala como residuo peligroso a la basura con montajes eléctricos y electrónicos –incluidos los cables eléctricos. De modo que toda basura electrónica contiene y genera residuos peligrosos y debe manejarse toda como tal: como basura peligrosa. Por ello la Directiva vigente de la Unión Europea sobre residuos eléctricos y electrónicos (3 exige que todos los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos lleven un símbolo que impida que vayan al cesto de la basura.

  17. On the issues of probability distribution of GPS carrier phase observations (United States)

    Luo, X.; Mayer, M.; Heck, B.


    In common practice the observables related to Global Positioning System (GPS) are assumed to follow a Gauss-Laplace normal distribution. Actually, full knowledge of the observables' distribution is not required for parameter estimation by means of the least-squares algorithm based on the functional relation between observations and unknown parameters as well as the associated variance-covariance matrix. However, the probability distribution of GPS observations plays a key role in procedures for quality control (e.g. outlier and cycle slips detection, ambiguity resolution) and in reliability-related assessments of the estimation results. Under non-ideal observation conditions with respect to the factors impacting GPS data quality, for example multipath effects and atmospheric delays, the validity of the normal distribution postulate of GPS observations is in doubt. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the distribution properties of GPS carrier phase observations using double difference residuals. For this purpose 1-Hz observation data from the permanent SAPOS

  18. Assessment of 3D hydrologic deformation using GRACE and GPS (United States)

    Watson, C. S.; Tregoning, P.; Fleming, K.; Burgette, R. J.; Featherstone, W. E.; Awange, J.; Kuhn, M.; Ramillien, G.


    Hydrological processes cause variations in gravitational potential and surface deformations, both of which are detectable with ever increasing precision using space geodetic techniques. By comparing the elastic deformation computed from continental water load estimates derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), with three-dimensional surface deformation derived from GPS observations, there is clear potential to better understand global to regional hydrological processes, in addition to acquiring further insight into the systematic error contributions affecting each space geodetic technique. In this study, we compare elastic deformation derived from water load estimates taken from the CNES, CSR, GFZ and JPL time variable GRACE fields. We compare these surface displacements with those derived at a global network of GPS sites that have been homogeneously reprocessed in the GAMIT/GLOBK suite. We extend our comparison to include a series of different GPS solutions, with each solution only subtly different based on the methodology used to down weight the height component in realizing site coordinates on the terrestrial reference frame. Each of the GPS solutions incorporate modeling of atmospheric loading and utilization of the VMF1 and a priori zenith hydrostatic delays derived via ray tracing through ECMWF meteorological fields. The agreement between GRACE and GPS derived deformations is not limited to the vertical component, with excellent agreement in the horizontal component across areas where large hydrologic signals occur over broad spatial scales (with correlation in horizontal components as high as 0.9). Agreement is also observed at smaller scales, including across Europe. These comparisons assist in understanding the magnitude of current error contributions within both space geodetic techniques. With the emergence of homogeneously reprocessed GPS time series spanning the GRACE mission, this technique offers one possible means of

  19. Development of GPS data remote retrieval system using wireless LAN

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Koichiro Doi


    Full Text Available A remote retrieval system, using a wireless LAN, was developed to retrieve dual-frequency GPS data. The system consists of a ground observation unit (comprising a dual-frequency GPS logger and a data transmission unit and a data retrieval unit. In this system, we use the ZigBee communication protocol to transmit control commands (2.4 GHz, 250 Kbps and a wireless LAN communication to transmit GPS data (2.4 GHz, 54 Mbps. Data of every 30 seconds to transmit to the data retrieval unit are re-sampled from 1-second data at 00 UT each day. We conducted three data-transmission tests with the system: (1 a ground data retrieval test, (2 a data retrieval test from the atmosphere of a few hundred meters high using a small unmanned aircraft, and (3 actual GPS-data retrieval tests from a GPS buoy deployed on sea ice at Nisi-no-ura Cove, Syowa Station, Antarctica. In test (1, we successfully received all the data from the ground observation unit when situated at distances of less than 400 m from the data retrieval unit. In test (2, we obtained approximately 24.5 MB of data from the aircraft at heights of less than 250 m. In test (3, we obtained approximately 23.5 MB of data from the GPS buoy within 10 minutes. The proposed system has the advantage of enabling continuous measurements without aborting the measurement at the data retrievals.

  20. Evaluating the performance of a low-cost GPS in precision agriculture applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kjeld; Larsen, Morten; Simonsen, Tom


    Field Robots are often equipped with a Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS to obtain precise positioning. In many precision agriculture applications, however, the robot operates in semi-structured environments like orchards and row crops, where local sensors such as computer vision and laser range...... scanners can produce accurate positioning relative to the crops. GPS is then primarily needed for robust inter-row navigation. This work evaluates a new low-cost GPS. Static tests were used to test the absolute accuracy. To test the GPS in a precision agriculture environment it was installed on a robot...

  1. Effect of forest canopy on GPS-based movement data (United States)

    Nicholas J. DeCesare; John R. Squires; Jay A. Kolbe


    The advancing role of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology in ecology has made studies of animal movement possible for larger and more vagile species. A simple field test revealed that lengths of GPS-based movement data were strongly biased (Pof forest canopy. Global Positioning System error added an average of 27.5% additional...

  2. Stochastic Analysis of Differential GPS Surveys for Earth Dam ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In GPS measurement, we try to model not just the deterministic part of the measurement but also try to account for their stochastic behavior using the measurement variance-covariance matrix. The variance-covariance matrices are computed as part of a least squares adjustment. In this study, the results of GPS survey by ...

  3. The use of civilian-type GPS receivers by the military and their vulnerability to jamming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ludwig Combrinck


    Full Text Available We considered the impact of external influences on a GPS receiver and how these influences affect the capabilities of civilian-type GPS receivers. A standard commercial radio frequency signal generator and passive GPS antenna were used to test the sensitivity of GPS to intentional jamming; the possible effects of the terrain on the propagation of the jamming signal were also tested. It was found that the high sensitivity of GPS receivers and the low strength level of GPS satellite signals combine to make GPS receivers very vulnerable to intentional jamming or unintentional radio frequency interference. Terrain undulation was used to shield GPS antennas from the direct line-of-sight of the jamming antenna and this indicated that terrain characteristics can be used to mitigate the effects of jamming. These results illuminate the vulnerability of civilian-type GPS receivers to the possibility and the ease of disablement and establish the foundation for future work.

  4. Análisis del estado estructural y administrativo de los campos de juego de los distritos urbanos de Ulloa, San Francisco, Heredia Centro y Mercedes del Cantón Central de la provincia de Heredia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Morera Castro


    Full Text Available El propósito de esta investigación fue analizar los factores que influirían en el estado estructural y administrativo de los campos de juegos en cuatro distritos urbanos del Cantón Central de la provincia de Heredia. En esta investigación mixta se analizó una muestra del 40% de los cien campos de juego en estudio, por medio de una hoja de evaluación del estado estructural de los aparatos, una entrevista estructurada y la técnica de recopilación pictórica. El estado general de los campos de juego se ve afectado por aspectos como desechos, la falta de basureros, la iluminación, entre otros. Asimismo, la diversidad de aparatos en los campos de juegos es escasa y el daño más frecuente es la herrumbre. El mantenimiento lo brindaba en la mayoría de los casos la propia comunidad o la Municipalidad de Heredia y los planes de mantenimiento eran escasos o nulos. Los campos de juego son actualmente espacios poco seguros que cuentan con peligros como la corrosión de las estructuras, puntas filosas y aparatos dañados. Por lo tanto, requieren una atención inmediata de las autoridades pertinentes y, en su mayoría, no están cumpliendo con el objetivo de su creación.

  5. Attitudes of GPs towards Older Adults Psychology Services in the Scottish Highlands. (United States)

    Todman, Jonathan P F; Law, Jim; MacDougall, Andrew


    The mental health of older adults is of increasing concern in an aging population and GPs are frequently the gatekeepers to specialist mental health services. Psychotherapy, social interventions and bibliotherapy all have an evidence-base for treating depression and anxiety in the elderly, as does pharmacological treatment. However, the referral rate from GPs for an Older Adults Clinical Psychology service in the Scottish Highlands in the months prior to the study had been very low and the reasons for this were not clear. General practitioners may have felt that depression and anxiety are 'understandable' in older adults and are therefore unsuitable for treatment, or they may have felt that psycho-pharmacotherapy treatments are more effective than the psychotherapy treatment options. Alternatively, local issues associated with the remote location of many NHS Highland GP practices and patients may have prevented them referring. Therefore, the current study aimed to elicit the therapeutic preferences of Highland GPs, the perceived availability of these options and an estimate of the prevalence of older adults in the area suffering from mild or moderate mental health problems. Questionnaires including brief quantitative and qualitative questions were sent to all 284 GPs in the area with 119 (46%) were completed and returned. Responses from GPs suggested that many patients with depression or anxiety may not be referred. The GPs indicated that social therapeutic options are seen to be as effective as pharmacological options and more effective than other psychological and bibliotherapy options. However, GPs indicated that they were substantially more likely to prescribe pharmacological options than other forms of therapy. The GPs suggested that lower waiting times and a more localised service would increase the likelihood of a referral being made. The current study suggests that low awareness of psychological service provision among GPs may have resulted in fewer

  6. Performance Analysis of Constrained Loosely Coupled GPS/INS Integration Solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Dovis


    Full Text Available The paper investigates approaches for loosely coupled GPS/INS integration. Error performance is calculated using a reference trajectory. A performance improvement can be obtained by exploiting additional map information (for example, a road boundary. A constrained solution has been developed and its performance compared with an unconstrained one. The case of GPS outages is also investigated showing how a Kalman filter that operates on the last received GPS position and velocity measurements provides a performance benefit. Results are obtained by means of simulation studies and real data.

  7. Real-Time Vehicle Data Logging System Using GPS And GSM


    Win Minn Thet; MyoMaung Maung; Hla Myo Tun


    Abstract This paper proposes and implements a low cost Vehicle Data Logging System using GPS and GSM. This system allows a user to trace the present and past positions recorded in SD card. This system also reads the current position of the vehicle using GPS the data is sent via GSM service from the GSM network. The vehicles position including the driving speed the UTC time and data are stored in the SD card for live and past tracking. All of that GPS data is sent to PIC 18F4520 by the Uni...

  8. The Integration of GPS Navigator Device with Vehicles Tracking System for Rental Cars Firms


    Omarah O. Alharaki; Fahad S. Alaieri; Akram M. Zeki


    The aim of this research is to integrate the GPS tracking system (tracking device and web-based application) with GPS navigator for rental cars, allowing the company to use various applications to monitor and manage the cars. This is enable the firms and customers to communicate with each other via the GPS navigator. The system should be developed by applying new features in GPS tracking application devices in vehicles. This paper also proposes new features that can be applied to the GPS Navi...

  9. An investigation of airborne GPS/INS for high accuracy position and velocity determination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, H.; Cannon, M.E. [Calgary Univ., AB (Canada). Dept. of Geomatics Engineering; Owen, T.E.; Meindl, M.A. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    An airborne test using a differential GPS-INS system in a Twin Otter was conducted by Sandia National Laboratories to assess the feasibility of using the integrated system for cm-level position and cm/s velocity. The INS is a miniaturized ring-laser gyro IMU jointly developed by Sandia and Honeywell while the GPS system consists of the NovAtel GPSCard{trademark}. INS position, velocity and attitude data were computed using Sandia`s SANDAC flight computer system and logged at 4 Hz and GPS data was acquired at a 1 Hz rate. The mission was approximately 2.5 hours in duration and the aircraft reached separations of up to 19 km from the base station. The data was post-processed using a centralized Kalman filter approach in which the double differenced carrier phase measurements are used to update the INS data. The INS position is in turn used to detect and correct GPS carrier phase cycle slips and also to bridge GPS outages. Results are presented for the GPS-only case and also for integrated GPS/INS.

  10. Variability in GPS sources

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jauncey, DL; King, EA; Bignall, HE; Lovell, JEJ; Kedziora-Chudczer, L; Tzioumis, AK; Tingay, SJ; Macquart, JP; McCulloch, PM


    Flux density monitoring data at 2.3 and 8.4 GHz is presented for a sample of 33 southern hemisphere GPS sources, drawn from the 2.7 GHz Parkes survey. This monitoring data, together with VLBI monitoring data, shows that a small fraction of these sources, similar to10%, vary. Their variability falls

  11. Rail inspection system based on iGPS (United States)

    Fu, Xiaoyan; Wang, Mulan; Wen, Xiuping


    Track parameters include gauge, super elevation, cross level and so on, which could be calculated through the three-dimensional coordinates of the track. The rail inspection system based on iGPS (indoor/infrared GPS) was composed of base station, receiver, rail inspection frame, wireless communication unit, display and control unit and data processing unit. With the continuous movement of the inspection frame, the system could accurately inspect the coordinates of rail; realize the intelligent detection and precision measurement. According to principle of angle intersection measurement, the inspection model was structured, and detection process was given.

  12. A statistical study of GPS loss of lock caused by ionospheric disturbances (United States)

    Tsugawa, T.; Nishioka, M.; Otsuka, Y.; Saito, A.; Kato, H.; Kubota, M.; Nagatsuma, T.; Murata, K. T.


    Two-dimensional total electron content (TEC) maps have been derived from ground-based GPS receiver networks and applied to studies of various ionospheric disturbances since mid-1990s. For the purpose of monitoring and researching ionospheric disturbances which can degrade GNSS navigations and cause loss-of-lock on GNSS signals, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan has developed TEC maps over Japan using the dense GPS network, GEONET, which consists of more than 1,200 GPS receivers and is operated by Geophysical Survey Institute, Japan. Currently, we are providing two-dimensional maps of absolute TEC, detrended TEC with 60, 30, 15-minute window, rate of TEC change index (ROTI), and loss-of-lock (LOL) on GPS signal over Japan. These data and quick-look maps since 1997 are archived and available in the website of NICT ( Recently developed GPS receiver networks in North America and Europe make it possible to obtain regional TEC maps with higher spatial and temporal resolution than the global weighted mean TEC maps in the IONEX format provided by several institutes such as International GNSS Service (IGS) and another global TEC map provided by MIT Haystack observatory. Recently, we have also developed the regional TEC maps over North America and Europe. These data and quick-look maps are also available in the NICT website. In this presentation, we will show some severe ionospheric events such as high latitude storm-time plasma bubbles and storm enhanced density events observed over Japan using the GPS-TEC database. These events cause loss-of-lock of GPS signals and large GPS positioning errors. We also discuss about the statistical characteristics of LOL on the GPS signal caused by ionospheric disturbances.

  13. Mobility assessment of a rural population in the Netherlands using GPS measurements. (United States)

    Klous, Gijs; Smit, Lidwien A M; Borlée, Floor; Coutinho, Roel A; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E E; Heederik, Dick J J; Huss, Anke


    The home address is a common spatial proxy for exposure assessment in epidemiological studies but mobility may introduce exposure misclassification. Mobility can be assessed using self-reports or objectively measured using GPS logging but self-reports may not assess the same information as measured mobility. We aimed to assess mobility patterns of a rural population in the Netherlands using GPS measurements and self-reports and to compare GPS measured to self-reported data, and to evaluate correlates of differences in mobility patterns. In total 870 participants filled in a questionnaire regarding their transport modes and carried a GPS-logger for 7 consecutive days. Transport modes were assigned to GPS-tracks based on speed patterns. Correlates of measured mobility data were evaluated using multiple linear regression. We calculated walking, biking and motorised transport durations based on GPS and self-reported data and compared outcomes. We used Cohen's kappa analyses to compare categorised self-reported and GPS measured data for time spent outdoors. Self-reported time spent walking and biking was strongly overestimated when compared to GPS measurements. Participants estimated their time spent in motorised transport accurately. Several variables were associated with differences in mobility patterns, we found for instance that obese people (BMI > 30 kg/m 2 ) spent less time in non-motorised transport (GMR 0.69-0.74) and people with COPD tended to travel longer distances from home in motorised transport (GMR 1.42-1.51). If time spent walking outdoors and biking is relevant for the exposure to environmental factors, then relying on the home address as a proxy for exposure location may introduce misclassification. In addition, this misclassification is potentially differential, and specific groups of people will show stronger misclassification of exposure than others. Performing GPS measurements and identifying explanatory factors of mobility patterns may assist

  14. GPS-based household interview survey for the Cincinnati, Ohio Region. (United States)


    Methods for Conducting a Large-Scale GPS-Only Survey of Households: Past Household Travel Surveys (HTS) in the United States have only piloted small subsamples of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) completes compared with 1-2 day self-reported travel i...

  15. The future of GPS-based electric power system measurements, operation and control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rizy, D.T. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States); Wilson, R.E. [Western Area Power Administration, Golden, CO (United States); Martin, K.E.; Litzenberger, W.H. [Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR (United States); Hauer, J.F. [Pacific Northwest National Lab., Richland, WA (United States); Overholt, P.N. [Dept. of Energy, Washington, DC (United States); Sobajic, D.J. [Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA (United States)


    Much of modern society is powered by inexpensive and reliable electricity delivered by a complex and elaborate electric power network. Electrical utilities are currently using the Global Positioning System-NAVSTAR (GPS) timekeeping to improve the network`s reliability. Currently, GPS synchronizes the clocks on dynamic recorders and aids in post-mortem analysis of network disturbances. Two major projects have demonstrated the use of GPS-synchronized power system measurements. In 1992, the Electric Power Research Institute`s (EPRI) sponsored Phase Measurements Project used a commercially available Phasor Measurements Unit (PMU) to collect GPS-synchronized measurements for analyzing power system problems. In 1995, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) under DOE`s and EPRI`s sponsorship launched the Wide Area Measurements (WAMS) project. WAMS demonstrated GPS-synchronized measurements over a large area of their power networks and demonstrated the networking of GPS-based measurement systems in BPA and WAPA. The phasor measurement technology has also been used to conduct dynamic power system tests. During these tests, a large dynamic resistor was inserted to simulate a small power system disturbance.

  16. Implementasi Sistem Pelacakan Kendaraan Bermotor Menggunakan Gps Dan Gprs Dengan Integrasi Googlemap

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yazid Dul Muchlisin


    Full Text Available Abstract— Vehicle tracking system using GPS and GPRS integration googlemap provide information that is maximized with the technology of GPS (Global Positioning System receiver which can indicate the position of the vehicle with the map and the ability of the appointment of direction and position coordinates (x, y or latitude, longitude textually and visual at any location. Vehicle tracking system is built using equipment GIS (Geographic Information System and dedicated to smartphones which support Global Positioning System (GPS, as well as portable computers, using General Packet Radio Service (GPRS as a connection to the internet. The hardware used is a smartphone that supports GPS with supporting tools used are GoogleMaps, Notepad + +, NetBeans IDE 6.5.1, Mysql, Java (J2ME, PHP, JavaScript. The results of this system in the form of tracking system capable of monitoring the movement of vehicles on an ongoing position by utilizing GPS and GPRS as the sender of the wireless data and Internet connections.   Keywords— GIS, GPS, GPRS, googlemaps, J2ME,

  17. A Java-based tool for creating KML files from GPS waypoints (United States)

    Kinnicutt, P. G.; Rivard, C.; Rimer, S.


    Google Earth provides a free tool with powerful capabilities for visualizing geoscience images and data. Commercial software tools exist for doing sophisticated digitizing and spatial modeling , but for the purposes of presentation, visualization and overlaying aerial images with data Google Earth provides much of the functionality. Likewise, with current technologies in GPS (Global Positioning System) systems and with Google Earth Plus, it is possible to upload GPS waypoints, tracks and routes directly into Google Earth for visualization. However, older technology GPS units and even low-cost GPS units found today may lack the necessary communications interface to a computer (e.g. no Bluetooth, no WiFi, no USB, no Serial, etc.) or may have an incompatible interface, such as a Serial port but no USB adapter available. In such cases, any waypoints, tracks and routes saved in the GPS unit or recorded in a field notebook must be manually transferred to a computer for use in a GIS system or other program. This presentation describes a Java-based tool developed by the author which enables users to enter GPS coordinates in a user-friendly manner, then save these coordinates in a Keyhole MarkUp Language (KML) file format, for visualization in Google Earth. This tool either accepts user-interactive input or accepts input from a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file, which can be generated from any spreadsheet program. This tool accepts input in the form of lat/long or UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates. This presentation describes this system's applicability through several small case studies. This free and lightweight tool simplifies the task of manually inputting GPS data into Google Earth for people working in the field without an automated mechanism for uploading the data; for instance, the user may not have internet connectivity or may not have the proper hardware or software. Since it is a Java application and not a web- based tool, it can be installed on one

  18. GPS-derived crustal deformation in Azerbaijan (United States)

    Safarov, Rafig; Mammadov, Samir; Kadirov, Fakhraddin


    Crustal deformations of the Earth's crust in Azerbaijan were studied based on GPS measurements. The GPS velocity vectors for Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, and Armenia were used in order to estimate the deformation rates. It is found that compression is observable along the Greater Caucasus, in Gobustan, the Kura depression, Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic, and adjacent areas of Iran. The axes of compression/contraction of the crust in the Greater Caucasus region are oriented in the S-NE direction. The maximum strain rate is observed in the zone of mud volcanism at the SHIK site (Shykhlar), which is marked by a sharp change in the direction of the compression axes (SW-NE). It is revealed that the deformation field also includes the zones where strain rates are very low. These zones include the Caspian-Guba and northern Gobustan areas, characterized by extensive development of mud volcanism. The extension zones are confined to the Lesser Caucasus and are revealed in the Gyadabei (GEDA) and Shusha (SHOU) areas. The analysis of GPS data for the territory of Azerbaijan and neighboring countries reveals the heterogeneous patterns of strain field in the region. This fact suggests that the block model is most adequate for describing the structure of the studied region. The increase in the number of GPS stations would promote increasing the degree of detail in the reconstructions of the deformation field and identifying the microplate boundaries.It is concluded that the predominant factor responsible for the eruption of mud volcanoes is the intensity of gasgeneration processes in the earth's interior, while deformation processes play the role of a trigger. The zone of the epicenters of strong earthquakes is correlated to the gradient zone in the crustal strain rates.

  19. Absolute GPS Positioning Using Genetic Algorithms (United States)

    Ramillien, G.

    A new inverse approach for restoring the absolute coordinates of a ground -based station from three or four observed GPS pseudo-ranges is proposed. This stochastic method is based on simulations of natural evolution named genetic algorithms (GA). These iterative procedures provide fairly good and robust estimates of the absolute positions in the Earth's geocentric reference system. For comparison/validation, GA results are compared to the ones obtained using the classical linearized least-square scheme for the determination of the XYZ location proposed by Bancroft (1985) which is strongly limited by the number of available observations (i.e. here, the number of input pseudo-ranges must be four). The r.m.s. accuracy of the non -linear cost function reached by this latter method is typically ~10-4 m2 corresponding to ~300-500-m accuracies for each geocentric coordinate. However, GA can provide more acceptable solutions (r.m.s. errors < 10-5 m2), even when only three instantaneous pseudo-ranges are used, such as a lost of lock during a GPS survey. Tuned GA parameters used in different simulations are N=1000 starting individuals, as well as Pc=60-70% and Pm=30-40% for the crossover probability and mutation rate, respectively. Statistical tests on the ability of GA to recover acceptable coordinates in presence of important levels of noise are made simulating nearly 3000 random samples of erroneous pseudo-ranges. Here, two main sources of measurement errors are considered in the inversion: (1) typical satellite-clock errors and/or 300-metre variance atmospheric delays, and (2) Geometrical Dilution of Precision (GDOP) due to the particular GPS satellite configuration at the time of acquisition. Extracting valuable information and even from low-quality starting range observations, GA offer an interesting alternative for high -precision GPS positioning.

  20. What keeps Melbourne GPs satisfied in their jobs? (United States)

    Walker, Kate Anne; Pirotta, Marie


    Workforce shortages make it important to promote job satisfaction and career longevity in general practitioners. We aimed to investigate strategies that maintain and improve Melbourne (Victoria) GP job satisfaction. A postal survey of a random selection of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners vocationally recognised GPs (N=860). Open ended answers were coded according to themes and compared between genders. Thirty-eight percent of surveyed GPs responded. The mean satisfaction score was 50 out of 70 (SD 9). Women GPs were more satisfied than men with life-work balance (pwork and intellectual stimulation. Strategies to improve GP satisfaction were increased pay, reduced paperwork, and improved administrative systems. General practitioners were satisfied with their jobs due to the intrinsic qualities of their work and workplace. Decreasing the administrative burden, increasing remuneration and improving practice supports may improve metropolitan GP job satisfaction.

  1. GPS-based tracking system for TOPEX orbit determination (United States)

    Melbourne, W. G.


    A tracking system concept is discussed that is based on the utilization of the constellation of Navstar satellites in the Global Positioning System (GPS). The concept involves simultaneous and continuous metric tracking of the signals from all visible Navstar satellites by approximately six globally distributed ground terminals and by the TOPEX spacecraft at 1300-km altitude. Error studies indicate that this system could be capable of obtaining decimeter position accuracies and, most importantly, around 5 cm in the radial component which is key to exploiting the full accuracy potential of the altimetric measurements for ocean topography. Topics covered include: background of the GPS, the precision mode for utilization of the system, past JPL research for using the GPS in precision applications, the present tracking system concept for high accuracy satellite positioning, and results from a proof-of-concept demonstration.

  2. Electroterapia


    Oller Asensio, Antonio


    Es la utilización de las corrientes eléctricas en relación con la medicina. Terapéutico que se utiliza para curar o me­jorar una lesión. La electroterapia se inició con la aplica­ción de la corriente galvánica, tras el descubrimiento de la pila de Vota se pudo disponer de manantiales de co­rriente. Con el descubrimiento de la Inducción electromagnética por Faraday, se inició la aplicación de las corrientes va­riables. Los aparatos actuales permiten obtener con suma faci­lidad cualquier tipo d...

  3. Implementation Of Code And Carrier Tracking Loops For Software GPS Receivers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Win Kay Khaing


    Full Text Available Abstract GPS is playing in very important role in our modern mobile societies. Software approach is very flexible rather than the traditional hardware receivers. The soft-GPS receiver includes two portions hardware and software. In hardware portion an antenna filter down-converter from RF Radio Frequency to IF Intermediate Frequency and an ADC Analog to Digital Converter are included. In software portion signal processing such as acquisition tracking and navigation that runs on general purpose processor is included. The GPS signal is taken from N-FUELS Full Educational Library of Signals for Navigation signal simulator. The heart of soft-GPS receiver is the synchronization processes such as acquisition and tracking. In tracking there are two main loops for code and carrier tracking. The objective of this paper is to analyse and find the optimum discriminator function for the code tracking loop in soft-GPS receivers. The delay lock loop DLL is a well-known technique to track the codes for GNSS spread spectrum systems. This paper also presents non-coherent square law DLLs and the impacts of some parameters on DLL discriminators such as number of samples per chip early-late spacing different C No values where C denotes the signal power and No is the noise spectral density and the impact of with or without front-end device. The results of discriminator outputs are illustrated by using S-curves. Testing results with the real GPS signal are also described. This optimized discriminator functions can be implemented in any soft-GPS receivers.

  4. Retained satellite information influences performance of GPS devices in a forested ecosystem (United States)

    Katie M. Moriarty; Clinton W. Epps


    Global Positioning System (GPS) units used in animal telemetry often suffer from nonrandom data loss and location error. GPS units use stored satellite information to estimate locations, including almanac and ephemeris data reflecting satellite positions at weekly and at <4-hr temporal scales, respectively. Using the smallest GPS collars (45–51 g) available for...

  5. Using GPS Imaging to Unravel Vertical Land Motions in the Interior Pacific Northwest (United States)

    Overacker, J.; Hammond, W. C.; Kraner, M.; Blewitt, G.


    GPS Imaging uses robust trends in time series of GPS positions to create a velocity field that can reveal rates and patterns of vertical motions that would be otherwise difficult to detect. We have constructed an image of vertical land velocities within the interior Pacific Northwest region of the United States using GPS Imaging. The image shows a 50-250 km wide swath of approximately 2 mm/yr of subsidence seemingly unrelated to topographic features of the region. The extent of the signal roughly corresponds to the Juan de Fuca plate subduction latitudes and longitude of the Cascade arc. This suggests that the signal could be associated with ongoing crustal deformation possibly related to plate-scale geodynamic forces arising from interseismic coupling, long term plate boundary tractions, volcanic loading, and/or mantle flow. However, hydrological loading from accumulating precipitation in the Cascades and in the region's groundwater basins, and possible effects from Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) near its hinge line cannot be discounted as potential contributors to the observed subsidence signal. Here we attempt to unravel the contributions of hydrological loading and GIA to the vertical GPS signal observed within the interior Pacific Northwest. In order to determine the non-tectonic contributions to the observed vertical GPS Image, we will examine how the subsidence rate changes over time using early and late period comparisons. GPS, GRACE, and climatic data will be used in conjunction to disentangle the hydrological effect from the GPS Image. GIA models of the Western Cordillera will be compared with the patterns in the GPS Image to assess whether the signal can be explained with current models of GIA. Our presentation will document the signals, uncertainties, and hypotheses for the possible mechanisms behind this subsidence and attempt to quantify their relation and contribution to the observed deformation signal. Figure 1: Pacific Northwest GPS Imaging

  6. Precisiones sobre la corrosión del acero en contacto con hormigón

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrade, C.


    Full Text Available In this paper, we emphasize that now it is possible to use some electrochemical non-destructive techniques for measuring the corrosion rate of the metals. Also, it is possible to use the gravimetric determinations if the appropriate instrumentation is not available. The simple visual observation is a good complementary technique but it must not be used alone because of its subjectivity. Also, we stress some aspects, such as the influence of the alkalinity and the humidity, about the corrosion, that the bare and galvanized steel, can suffer in contact with construction materials. We analyze mainly, the influence of the type of cement on the risk of corrosion of both kinds of metals.

    En los presentes comentarios se insiste en que, para evaluar la velocidad de corrosión de los metales, en la actualidad se pueden utilizar técnicas electroquímicas no destructivas que permiten seguir la evolución del proceso diariamente, o bien, en el caso de no contar con los aparatos apropiados, se puede acudir a una determinación gravimétrica de la pérdida de metal. La simple observación visual es una valiosa indicación complementaria de las técnicas antes mencionadas, pero no debe utilizarse como técnica de medida única por la subjetividad que conlleva. También se precisan algunos aspectos sobre la corrosión que el acero desnudo y el galvanizado pueden sufrir por estar en contacto con materiales de construcción, como son la influencia de la alcalinidad y de la humedad del medio y, fundamentalmente, se analiza la influencia que puede ejercer el tipo de cemento en el riesgo de corrosión de ambas clases de metales.

  7. Using cluster analysis to organize and explore regional GPS velocities (United States)

    Simpson, Robert W.; Thatcher, Wayne; Savage, James C.


    Cluster analysis offers a simple visual exploratory tool for the initial investigation of regional Global Positioning System (GPS) velocity observations, which are providing increasingly precise mappings of actively deforming continental lithosphere. The deformation fields from dense regional GPS networks can often be concisely described in terms of relatively coherent blocks bounded by active faults, although the choice of blocks, their number and size, can be subjective and is often guided by the distribution of known faults. To illustrate our method, we apply cluster analysis to GPS velocities from the San Francisco Bay Region, California, to search for spatially coherent patterns of deformation, including evidence of block-like behavior. The clustering process identifies four robust groupings of velocities that we identify with four crustal blocks. Although the analysis uses no prior geologic information other than the GPS velocities, the cluster/block boundaries track three major faults, both locked and creeping.

  8. Studying Landslide Displacements in Megamendung (Indonesia Using GPS Survey Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hasanuddin Z. Abidin


    Full Text Available Landslide is one of prominent geohazards that frequently affects Indonesia, especially in the rainy season. It destroys not only environment and property, but usually also causes deaths. Landslide monitoring is therefore very crucial and should be continuously done. One of the methods that can have a contribution in studying landslide phenomena is repeated GPS survey method. This paper presents and discusses the operational performances, constraints and results of GPS surveys conducted in a well known landslide prone area in West Java (Indonesia, namely Megamendung, the hilly region close to Bogor. Three GPS surveys involving 8 GPS points have been conducted, namely on April 2002, May 2003 and May 2004, respectively. The estimated landslide displacements in the area are relatively quite large in the level of a few dm to a few m. Displacements up to about 2-3 m were detected in the April 2002 to May 2003 period, and up to about 3-4 dm in the May 2003 to May 2004 period. In both periods, landslides in general show the northwest direction of displacements. Displacements vary both spatially and temporally. This study also suggested that in order to conclude the existence of real and significant displacements of GPS points, the GPS estimated displacements should be subjected to three types of testing namely: the congruency test on spatial displacements, testing on the agreement between the horizontal distance changes with the predicted direction of landslide displacement, and testing on the consistency of displacement directions on two consecutive periods.

  9. Geomagnetic storms, super-storms, and their impacts on GPS-based navigation systems (United States)

    Astafyeva, E.; Yasyukevich, Yu.; Maksikov, A.; Zhivetiev, I.


    Using data of GPS receivers located worldwide, we analyze the quality of GPS performance during four geomagnetic storms of different intensity: two super-storms and two intense storms. We show that during super-storms the density of GPS Losses-of-Lock (LoL) increases up to 0.25% at L1 frequency and up to 3% at L2 frequency, and up to 0.15% (at L1) and 1% (at L2) during less intense storms. Also, depending on the intensity of the storm time ionospheric disturbances, the total number of total electron content (TEC) slips can exceed from 4 to 40 times the quiet time level. Both GPS LoL and TEC slips occur during abrupt changes of SYM-H index of geomagnetic activity, i.e., during the main phase of geomagnetic storms and during development of ionospheric storms. The main contribution in the total number of GPS LoL was found to be done by GPS sites located at low and high latitudes, whereas the area of numerous TEC slips seemed to mostly correspond to the boundary of the auroral oval, i.e., region with intensive ionospheric irregularities. Our global maps of TEC slips show where the regions with intense irregularities of electron density occur during geomagnetic storms and will let us in future predict appearance of GPS errors for geomagnetically disturbed conditions.

  10. Ionospheric earthquake effects detection based on Total Electron Content (TEC) GPS Correlation (United States)

    Sunardi, Bambang; Muslim, Buldan; Eka Sakya, Andi; Rohadi, Supriyanto; Sulastri; Murjaya, Jaya


    Advances in science and technology showed that ground-based GPS receiver was able to detect ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) disturbances caused by various natural phenomena such as earthquakes. One study of Tohoku (Japan) earthquake, March 11, 2011, magnitude M 9.0 showed TEC fluctuations observed from GPS observation network spread around the disaster area. This paper discussed the ionospheric earthquake effects detection using TEC GPS data. The case studies taken were Kebumen earthquake, January 25, 2014, magnitude M 6.2, Sumba earthquake, February 12, 2016, M 6.2 and Halmahera earthquake, February 17, 2016, M 6.1. TEC-GIM (Global Ionosphere Map) correlation methods for 31 days were used to monitor TEC anomaly in ionosphere. To ensure the geomagnetic disturbances due to solar activity, we also compare with Dst index in the same time window. The results showed anomalous ratio of correlation coefficient deviation to its standard deviation upon occurrences of Kebumen and Sumba earthquake, but not detected a similar anomaly for the Halmahera earthquake. It was needed a continous monitoring of TEC GPS data to detect the earthquake effects in ionosphere. This study giving hope in strengthening the earthquake effect early warning system using TEC GPS data. The method development of continuous TEC GPS observation derived from GPS observation network that already exists in Indonesia is needed to support earthquake effects early warning systems.

  11. Thermal structure of intense convective clouds derived from GPS radio occultations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biondi, Riccardo; Randel, W. J.; Ho, S. -P.


    Thermal structure associated with deep convective clouds is investigated using Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation measurements. GPS data are insensitive to the presence of clouds, and provide high vertical resolution and high accuracy measurements to identify associated temperature...... behavior. Deep convective systems are identified using International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) satellite data, and cloud tops are accurately measured using Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIPSO) lidar observations; we focus on 53 cases of near-coincident GPS...

  12. Thermal structure of intense convective clouds derived from GPS radio occultations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biondi, Riccardo; Randel, W. J.; Ho, S.-P.


    Thermal structure associated with deep convective clouds is investigated using Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation measurements. GPS data are insensitive to the presence of clouds, and provide high vertical resolution and high accuracy measurements to identify associated temperature...... behavior. Deep convective systems are identified using International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) satellite data, and cloud tops are accurately measured using Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIPSO) lidar observations; we focus on 53 cases of near-coincident GPS...

  13. SMS-based time use research among Dutch GPs: an experiment.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Batenburg, R.; Hassel, D. van; Velden, L. van der


    Context: It has become a critical challenge in many countries to ensure sufficient capacity of primary care providers, specifically the capacity of General Practitioners (GPs). In a number of countries, health workforce planning is specifically developed for GPs, increasing the need for reliable and

  14. GPS water level measurements for Indonesia's Tsunami Early Warning System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. Schöne


    Full Text Available On Boxing Day 2004, a severe tsunami was generated by a strong earthquake in Northern Sumatra causing a large number of casualties. At this time, neither an offshore buoy network was in place to measure tsunami waves, nor a system to disseminate tsunami warnings to local governmental entities. Since then, buoys have been developed by Indonesia and Germany, complemented by NOAA's Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART buoys, and have been moored offshore Sumatra and Java. The suite of sensors for offshore tsunami detection in Indonesia has been advanced by adding GPS technology for water level measurements.

    The usage of GPS buoys in tsunami warning systems is a relatively new approach. The concept of the German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS (Rudloff et al., 2009 combines GPS technology and ocean bottom pressure (OBP measurements. Especially for near-field installations where the seismic noise may deteriorate the OBP data, GPS-derived sea level heights provide additional information.

    The GPS buoy technology is precise enough to detect medium to large tsunamis of amplitudes larger than 10 cm. The analysis presented here suggests that for about 68% of the time, tsunamis larger than 5 cm may be detectable.

  15. Design and implementation of the GPS subsystem for the Radio Aurora eXplorer (United States)

    Spangelo, Sara C.; Bennett, Matthew W.; Meinzer, Daniel C.; Klesh, Andrew T.; Arlas, Jessica A.; Cutler, James W.


    This paper presents the design and implementation of the Global Positioning System (GPS) subsystem for the Radio Aurora eXplorer (RAX) CubeSat. The GPS subsystem provides accurate temporal and spatial information necessary to satisfy the science objectives of the RAX mission. There are many challenges in the successful design and implementation of a GPS subsystem for a CubeSat-based mission, including power, size, mass, and financial constraints. This paper presents an approach for selecting and testing the individual and integrated GPS subsystem components, including the receiver, antenna, low noise amplifier, and supporting circuitry. The procedures to numerically evaluate the GPS link budget and test the subsystem components at various stages of system integration are described. Performance results for simulated tests in the terrestrial and orbital environments are provided, including start-up times, carrier-to-noise ratios, and orbital position accuracy. Preliminary on-orbit GPS results from the RAX-1 and RAX-2 spacecraft are presented to validate the design process and pre-flight simulations. Overall, this paper provides a systematic approach to aid future satellite designers in implementing and verifying GPS subsystems for resource-constrained small satellites.

  16. IceBridge GPS L0 Raw Satellite Navigation Data, Version 1 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The NASA IceBridge GPS L0 Raw Satellite Navigation Data (IPUTG0) data set contains GPS readings, including latitude, longitude, track, ground speed, off distance,...

  17. Remote reference processing in MT survey using GPS clock; MT ho ni okeru GPS wo mochiita jikoku doki system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamane, K; Inoue, J; Takasugi, S [Geothermal Energy Research and Development Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan); Kosuge, S [DRICO Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    A report is given about the application of a synchronizing system using clock signals from GPS satellites to a remote reference method which is a technique to reject noise from the MT method. This system uses the C/A code out of the L1 band waves from NAVSTAR/GPS satellites. The new system was operated in MT method-using investigations conducted at China Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture, and Izu Peninsula, Shizuoka Prefecture, with the reference points placed several 100km away in Iwate Prefecture on both occasions. It was found as the result that it is basically possible to catch signals from the GPS at any place, that the signals are accurate enough to be applied to time synchronization for the MT method, and that the signals assure a far remote reference method with a separation of several 100km between the sites involved. The referencing process at high frequencies whose feasibility had been doubted proved a success when highly correlated signals were exchanged between two stations over a distance of several 100km. 5 refs., 9 figs.

  18. El riñón y el aparato excretor urinario en la embarazada. Consideraciones básicas The kidney and the urinary excretory system in the pregnant woman. Basic considerations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abelardo Toirac Lamarque


    Full Text Available Los cambios en la estructura y función del aparato urinario que suceden durante el proceso reproductivo, son relevantes y garantizan la normalidad evolutiva de la preñez. Sin embargo, las complicaciones en el embarazo, parto y puerperio, además de las afecciones congénitas o adquiridas, pueden dañar la calidad de vida, e incluso la vida, del binomio madre-perinato. En esta revisión bibliográfica los autores describieron importantes aspectos del tema relacionados con la embriología, la anatomía, la fisiología, las modificaciones anatomofisiológicas, la exploración clínica y paraclínica y las enfermedades del tracto urinario. Asimismo, se consideraron la evolución del embarazo en la nefrópata, la estrecha correlación del riñón con la preeclampsia y la eclampsia, y las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles de apreciable repercusión en la gestante (diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial crónica, hemoglobinopatías de tipo S rasgo S y enfermedades del colágeno. Finalmente, se reseñaron brevemente algunos elementos sobre los tumores renales en las embarazadas y los fundamentales medios terapéuticos como hemodiálisis, trasplante de riñón y trasplante de riñón y páncreas.The changes in the structure and function of the urinary system taking place during the reproductive process are outstanding and they guarantee the progressive normality of pregnancy. However, complications in the pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium, besides the congenital or acquired disorders, can damage the life quality, and even life, of the mother-perinate binomial. In this literature review the authors described important aspects of the topic related to the embryology, anatomy, physiology, and the anatomical and physiologic modifications, the clinical and paraclinical examinations and diseases of the urinary tract. Likewise, the progress of pregnancy in the pregnant woman with nephropathy, the closed correlation of kidney with preeclampsia and

  19. GPS pro výukovou HW/SW platformu


    Pajgrt, Ondřej


    Práce se zabývá popisem spojení výukové platformy FITkit s GPS modulem. Seznámíme se v ní s problematikou systému GPS z teoretického i praktického hlediska, s výukovou platformou FITkit a jejím obecným využitím.Také podrobně popisuje spojení těchto dvou systémů ve spolupracující celek. Rozebírá též různé komunikační rozhraní a protokoly, které byly pro toto spojení využity. Ve druhé části práce je pak uveden postup zpracovávání dat od GPS modulu až po výsledné zobrazení na monitoru, samotná i...

  20. Determining of the phase centre of the real position of GPS receiver antenna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Pisoňová


    Full Text Available By continued improvement of measurement methods producers of GPS (Global Positioning System apparatus will be maybe once upon a time effective to minimize a difference of the phase centre from the geometrical one, because it is probably impossible to make the GPS receiver antenna with zero eccentricity of the phase centre. In the last analysis, we do not prevent from a manufacturing error by any way in eliminate of the possible measurement errors.In the paper there is presented the measurement testing practice with aim of the phase centre real position determining of several in a market available GPS receivers in the paper. Investigation up to what standard the GPS receiver antenna phase centre variation achieves to float in an inaccuracy into GPS measurements. Testing was realized on the temporary testing baseline closely village Badín at Banská Bystrica in the Central Slovak Region. GPS receivers Locus Survey System (Ashtech, ProMark2 (Ashtech were tested.

  1. Deformation analysis of Aceh April 11{sup th} 2012 earthquake using GPS observation data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maulida, Putra, E-mail: [Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132 (Indonesia); Meilano, Irwan; Sarsito, Dina A. [Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132 (Indonesia); Geodesy Research Group, geodesy and geomatic Engineering, ITB (Indonesia); Susilo [Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132 (Indonesia); Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) (Indonesia)


    This research tries to estimate the co-seismic deformation of intraplate earthquake occurred off northern Sumatra coast which is about 100-200 km southwest of Sumatrasubduction zone. The earthquake mechanism was strike-slip with magnitude 8.6 and triggering aftershock with magnitude 8.2 two hours later. We estimated the co-seismic deformation by using the GPS (Global Positioning System) continuous data along western Sumatra coast. The GPS observation derived from Sumatran GPS Array (SuGAr) and Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). For data processing we used GPS Analyze at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (GAMIT) software and Global Kalman Filter (GLOBK) to estimate the co-seismic deformation. From the GPS daily solution, the result shows that the earthquake caused displacement for the GPS stations in Sumatra. GPS stations in northern Sumatra showed the displacement to the northeast with the average displacement was 15 cm. The biggest displacement was found at station BSIM which is located at Simeuleu Island off north west Sumatra coast. GPS station in middle part of Sumatra, the displacement was northwest. The earthquake also caused subsidence for stations in northern Sumatra, but from the time series there was not sign of subsidence was found at middle part of Sumatra. In addition, the effect of the earthquake was worldwide and affected the other GPS Stations around Hindia oceanic.

  2. How GPs implement clinical guidelines in everyday clinical practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Videbæk Le, Jette; Hansen, Helle P; Riisgaard, Helle


    BACKGROUND: Clinical guidelines are considered to be essential for improving quality and safety of health care. However, interventions to promote implementation of guidelines have demonstrated only partial effectiveness and the reasons for this apparent failure are not yet fully understood....... OBJECTIVE: To investigate how GPs implement clinical guidelines in everyday clinical practice and how implementation approaches differ between practices. METHODS: Individual semi-structured open-ended interviews with seven GPs who were purposefully sampled with regard to gender, age and practice form....... Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and then analysed using systematic text condensation. RESULTS: Analysis of the interviews revealed three different approaches to the implementation of guidelines in clinical practice. In some practices the GPs prioritized time and resources on collective...


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    W. A. W. Aris


    Full Text Available The Mw 8.5 Bengkulu earthquake of 30 September 2007 and the Mw8.6 28 March 2005 are considered amongst large earthquake ever recorded in Southeast Asia. The impact into tectonic deformation was recorded by a network of Global Positioning System (GPS Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS within southern of Sumatra and west-coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The GPS data from the GPS CORS network has been deployed to investigate the characteristic of postseismic deformation due to the earthquakes. Analytical logarithmic and exponential function was applied to investigate the deformation decay period of postseismic deformation. This investigation provides a preliminary insight into postseismic cycle along the Sumatra subduction zone in particular and on the dynamics Peninsular Malaysia in general.

  4. 47 CFR 87.151 - Special requirements for differential GPS receivers. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Special requirements for differential GPS receivers. 87.151 Section 87.151 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND... differential GPS receivers. (a) The receiver shall achieve a message failure rate less than or equal to one...

  5. Advancing Technology: GPS and GIS Outreach Training for Agricultural Producers (United States)

    Flynn, Allison; Arnold, Shannon


    The use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global Information Systems (GIS) has made significant impacts on agricultural production practices. However, constant changes in the technologies require continuing educational updates. The outreach program described here introduces the operation, use, and applications of GPS receivers and GIS…

  6. PosQ : Unsupervised Fingerprinting and Visualization of GPS Positioning Quality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Mikkel Baun; Weckemann, Kay


    GPS positioning does not provide pervasive coverage and the accuracy depends on the local environment. When deploying and managing position-based applications it is important to know when to depend on GPS and when to deploy supplementary means of positioning, such as local or inertial positioning...

  7. Effect of GPS errors on Emission model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lehmann, Anders; Gross, Allan

    n this paper we will show how Global Positioning Services (GPS) data obtained from smartphones can be used to model air quality in urban settings. The paper examines the uncertainty of smartphone location utilising GPS, and ties this location uncertainty to air quality models. The results presented...... in this paper indicates that the location error from using smartphones is within the accuracy needed to use the location data in air quality modelling. The nature of smartphone location data enables more accurate and near real time air quality modelling and monitoring. The location data is harvested from user...

  8. The limits of direct satellite tracking with the Global Positioning System (GPS) (United States)

    Bertiger, W. I.; Yunck, T. P.


    Recent advances in high precision differential Global Positioning System-based satellite tracking can be applied to the more conventional direct tracking of low earth satellites. To properly evaluate the limiting accuracy of direct GPS-based tracking, it is necessary to account for the correlations between the a-priori errors in GPS states, Y-bias, and solar pressure parameters. These can be obtained by careful analysis of the GPS orbit determination process. The analysis indicates that sub-meter accuracy can be readily achieved for a user above 1000 km altitude, even when the user solution is obtained with data taken 12 hours after the data used in the GPS orbit solutions.

  9. Status of Precise Orbit Determination for Jason-2 Using GPS (United States)

    Melachroinos, S.; Lemoine, F. G.; Zelensky, N. P.; Rowlands, D. D.; Pavlis, D. E.


    The JASON-2 satellite, launched in June 2008, is the latest follow-on to the successful TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) and JASON-I altimetry missions. JASON-2 is equipped with a TRSR Blackjack GPS dual-frequency receiver, a laser retroreflector array, and a DORIS receiver for precise orbit determination (POD). The most recent time series of orbits computed at NASA GSFC, based on SLR/DORIS data have been completed using both ITRF2005 and ITRF2008. These orbits have been shown to agree radially at 1 cm RMS for dynamic vs SLRlDORIS reduced-dynamic orbits and in comparison with orbits produced by other analysis centers (Lemoine et al., 2010; Zelensky et al., 2010; Cerri et al., 2010). We have recently upgraded the GEODYN software to implement model improvements for GPS processing. We describe the implementation of IGS standards to the Jason2 GEODYN GPS processing, and other dynamical and measurement model improvements. Our GPS-only JASON-2 orbit accuracy is assessed using a number of tests including analysis of independent SLR and altimeter crossover residuals, orbit overlap differences, and direct comparison to orbits generated at GSFC using SLR and DORIS tracking, and to orbits generated externally at other centers. Tests based on SLR and the altimeter crossover residuals provide the best performance indicator for independent validation of the NASAlGSFC GPS-only reduced dynamic orbits. For the ITRF2005 and ITRF2008 implementation of our GPS-only obits we are using the IGS05 and IGS08 standards. Reduced dynamic versus dynamic orbit differences are used to characterize the remaining force model error and TRF instability. We evaluate the GPS vs SLR & DORIS orbits produced using the GEODYN software and assess in particular their consistency radially and the stability of the altimeter satellite reference frame in the Z direction for both ITRF2005 and ITRF2008 as a proxy to assess the consistency of the reference frame for altimeter satellite POD.

  10. Drug reimbursement and GPs' prescribing decisions: a randomized case-vignette study about the pharmacotherapy of obesity associated with type 2 diabetes: how GPs react to drug reimbursement. (United States)

    Verger, Pierre; Rolland, Sophie; Paraponaris, Alain; Bouvenot, Julien; Ventelou, Bruno


    This study sought to identify the effect of drug reimbursability--a decision made in France by the National Authority for Health--on physicians' prescribing practices for a diet drug such as rimonabant, approved for obese or overweight patients with type-2 diabetes. A cross-sectional survey of French general practitioners (GPs) presented a case-vignette about a patient for whom this drug is indicated in two alternative versions, differing only in its reimbursability, to two separate randomized subsamples of GPs in early 2007, before any decision was made about reimbursement. The results indicate that (i) more than 20% of GPs in private practice would be willing to prescribe a non-reimbursed diet drug for patients with obesity complicated by type 2 diabetes; (ii) the number of GPs willing to prescribe it would increase by 47.6% if the drug were reimbursed, and (iii) such a drug would be adopted at a higher rate by GPs who have regular contacts with pharmaceutical sales representatives. In France, unlike most other countries, drug reimbursement status is a signal of quality. However, our results suggest that a significant proportion of GPs would spontaneously adopt anti-obesity drugs even if they were not reimbursed. Decisions about reimbursement of pharmaceutical products should be made taking into account that reimbursement is likely to intensify prescription.

  11. Utilization of GPS Tropospheric Delays for Climate Research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suparta, Wayan


    The tropospheric delay is one of the main error sources in Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and its impact plays a crucial role in near real-time weather forecasting. Accessibility and accurate estimation of this parameter are essential for weather and climate research. Advances in GPS application has allowed the measurements of zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD) in all weather conditions and on a global scale with fine temporal and spatial resolution. In addition to the rapid advancement of GPS technology and informatics and the development of research in the field of Earth and Planetary Sciences, the GPS data has been available free of charge. Now only required sophisticated processing techniques but user friendly. On the other hand, the ZTD parameter obtained from the models or measurements needs to be converted into precipitable water vapor (PWV) to make it more useful as a component of weather forecasting and analysis atmospheric hazards such as tropical storms, flash floods, landslide, pollution, and earthquake as well as for climate change studies. This paper addresses the determination of ZTD as a signal error or delay source during the propagation from the satellite to a receiver on the ground and is a key driving force behind the atmospheric events. Some results in terms of ZTD and PWV will be highlighted in this paper. (paper)

  12. Are part timers real GPs? Attitudes of general practitioners toward those who work part time. (United States)

    Mazza, D; Northfield, S


    Current attitudes within the medical profession suggest that one cannot be a 'real' doctor unless one works full time. The aim of this study was to determine the views and attitudes of a sample of GPs toward part time practice. As part of a larger study, GPs in two divisions in metropolitan Melbourne were sent a questionnaire based survey. GPs were asked to rate statements about part time practice using a Likert scale. The response rate was 55% (n = 246). The majority of GPs disagreed with the statement 'part time GPs are not real GPs' but feelings were mixed about whether part timers covered the same range of clinical content as full timers. One fifth of respondents questioned the competence of part time GPs. Male GPs, those over 55 years and full timers were more likely to hold negative views toward part time general practice. Our results show a 'generational' pattern toward part time practice. With the increasing numbers of women entering general practice, these attitudes will need to change to accommodate the fact that more GPs will be choosing to work part time in the future.

  13. 78 FR 67132 - GPS Satellite Simulator Control Working Group Meeting (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force GPS Satellite Simulator Control Working Group... simulator manufacturers, who supply products to the Department of Defense (DoD), and GPS simulator users..., and email address) to [email protected] and have your security personnel submit your VAR...

  14. 76 FR 67019 - Eighty-Seventh: RTCA Special Committee 159: Global Positioning System (GPS) (United States)


    ... Committee 159: Global Positioning System (GPS) AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S... System (GPS). SUMMARY: The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of a meeting of RTCA Special Committee 159: Global Positioning System (GPS) 87th meeting. DATES: The meeting will be held November 14-18...

  15. Fast-Acquisition/Weak-Signal-Tracking GPS Receiver for HEO (United States)

    Wintemitz, Luke; Boegner, Greg; Sirotzky, Steve


    A report discusses the technical background and design of the Navigator Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver -- . a radiation-hardened receiver intended for use aboard spacecraft. Navigator is capable of weak signal acquisition and tracking as well as much faster acquisition of strong or weak signals with no a priori knowledge or external aiding. Weak-signal acquisition and tracking enables GPS use in high Earth orbits (HEO), and fast acquisition allows for the receiver to remain without power until needed in any orbit. Signal acquisition and signal tracking are, respectively, the processes of finding and demodulating a signal. Acquisition is the more computationally difficult process. Previous GPS receivers employ the method of sequentially searching the two-dimensional signal parameter space (code phase and Doppler). Navigator exploits properties of the Fourier transform in a massively parallel search for the GPS signal. This method results in far faster acquisition times [in the lab, 12 GPS satellites have been acquired with no a priori knowledge in a Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) scenario in less than one second]. Modeling has shown that Navigator will be capable of acquiring signals down to 25 dB-Hz, appropriate for HEO missions. Navigator is built using the radiation-hardened ColdFire microprocessor and housing the most computationally intense functions in dedicated field-programmable gate arrays. The high performance of the algorithm and of the receiver as a whole are made possible by optimizing computational efficiency and carefully weighing tradeoffs among the sampling rate, data format, and data-path bit width.

  16. GPS Cinemático de precisión para la determinación de puntos en los aeropuertos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Moya Zamora


    Full Text Available El establecimiento del apoyo terrestre para la navegación aérea es de vital importancia. De esa manera, el empleo del Sistema de Posicionamiento Global(GPS es el medio más utilizado actualmente, tanto para la navegación de las aeronaves como en la determinación de los puntos de ayuda para dicha navegación, en lo que se refiere a las aproximaciones de las aeronaves, sus aterrizajes y ubicación en los puentes de las terminales aéreas. Estas redes de puntos se deben definir con base en normas ya establecidas y reguladas por la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI. Entre las características más sobresalientes para la determinación de los puntos están el vínculo al Sistema Geodésico Mundial WGS84 y, evidentemente, la exactitud en las coordenadas de los puntos, la cual es fundamental para garantizar las actividades propias de la navegación aérea. Se expondrán a continuación los resultados obtenidos al aplicar la metodología GPS cinemática en la determinación de estos puntos.

  17. High accuracy autonomous navigation using the global positioning system (GPS) (United States)

    Truong, Son H.; Hart, Roger C.; Shoan, Wendy C.; Wood, Terri; Long, Anne C.; Oza, Dipak H.; Lee, Taesul


    The application of global positioning system (GPS) technology to the improvement of the accuracy and economy of spacecraft navigation, is reported. High-accuracy autonomous navigation algorithms are currently being qualified in conjunction with the GPS attitude determination flyer (GADFLY) experiment for the small satellite technology initiative Lewis spacecraft. Preflight performance assessments indicated that these algorithms are able to provide a real time total position accuracy of better than 10 m and a velocity accuracy of better than 0.01 m/s, with selective availability at typical levels. It is expected that the position accuracy will be increased to 2 m if corrections are provided by the GPS wide area augmentation system.

  18. Influence of Ephemeris Error on GPS Single Point Positioning Accuracy (United States)

    Lihua, Ma; Wang, Meng


    The Global Positioning System (GPS) user makes use of the navigation message transmitted from GPS satellites to achieve its location. Because the receiver uses the satellite's location in position calculations, an ephemeris error, a difference between the expected and actual orbital position of a GPS satellite, reduces user accuracy. The influence extent is decided by the precision of broadcast ephemeris from the control station upload. Simulation analysis with the Yuma almanac show that maximum positioning error exists in the case where the ephemeris error is along the line-of-sight (LOS) direction. Meanwhile, the error is dependent on the relationship between the observer and spatial constellation at some time period.

  19. Design of complete software GPS signal simulator with low complexity and precise multipath channel model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Arul Elango


    Full Text Available The need for GPS data simulators have become important due to the tremendous growth in the design of versatile GPS receivers. Commercial hardware and software based GPS simulators are expensive and time consuming. In this work, a low cost simple novel GPS L1 signal simulator is designed for testing and evaluating the performance of software GPS receiver in a laboratory environment. A typical real time paradigm, similar to actual satellite derived GPS signal is created on a computer generated scenario. In this paper, a GPS software simulator is proposed that may offer a lot of analysis and testing flexibility to the researchers and developers as it is totally software based primarily running on a laptop/personal computer without the requirement of any hardware. The proposed GPS simulator allows provision for re-configurability and test repeatability and is developed in VC++ platform to minimize the simulation time. It also incorporates Rayleigh multipath channel fading model under non-line of sight (NLOS conditions. In this work, to efficiently design the simulator, several Rayleigh fading models viz. Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT, Filtering White Gaussian Noise (FWFN and modified Sum of Sinusoidal (SOS simulators are tested and compared in terms of accuracy of its first and second order statistical metrics, execution time and the later one is found to be as the best appropriate Rayleigh multipath model suitable for incorporating with GPS simulator. The fading model written in ‘MATLAB’ engine has been linked with software GPS simulator module enable to test GPS receiver’s functionality in different fading environments.

  20. GPs' views on managing advanced chronic kidney disease in primary care: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Tonkin-Crine, Sarah; Santer, Miriam; Leydon, Geraldine M; Murtagh, Fliss E M; Farrington, Ken; Caskey, Fergus; Rayner, Hugh; Roderick, Paul


    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become a significant part of the GP's workload since the introduction of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines in 2008. Patients with advanced CKD (stages G4 and G5) often have comorbidities, varied disease progression, and are likely to be older. GPs may experience difficulties with management decisions for patients with advanced CKD, including when to refer to nephrology. To explore GPs' views of managing patients with advanced CKD and referral to secondary care. Qualitative study with GPs in four areas of England: London, Bristol, Birmingham, and Stevenage. Semi-structured interviews with 19 GPs. Transcribed interviews were thematically analysed. GPs had little experience of managing patients with advanced CKD, including those on dialysis or having conservative care (treatment without dialysis or a transplant), and welcomed guidance. Some GPs referred patients based on renal function alone and some used wider criteria including age and multimorbidity. GPs reported a tension between national guidance and local advice, and some had learnt from experience that patients were discharged back to primary care. GPs with more experience of managing CKD referred patients later, or sometimes not at all, if there were no additional problems and if dialysis was seen as not in the patient's interests. GPs want guidance on managing older patients with advanced CKD and comorbidities, which better incorporates agreement between local and national recommendations to clarify referral criteria. GPs are not generally aware of conservative care programmes provided by renal units, however, they appear happy to contribute to such care or alternatively, lead conservative management with input from renal teams. © British Journal of General Practice 2015.

  1. GPS radio collar 3D performance as influenced by forest structure and topography (United States)

    R. Scott Gamo; Mark A. Rumble; Fred Lindzey; Matt Stefanich


    Global Positioning System (GPS) telemetry enables biologists to obtain accurate and systematic locations of animals. Vegetation can block signals from satellites to GPS radio collars. Therefore, a vegetation dependent bias to telemetry data may occur which if quantified, could be accounted for. We evaluated the performance of GPS collars in 6 structural stage...

  2. GPs' attitudes, beliefs and behaviours regarding exercise for chronic knee pain: a questionnaire survey (United States)

    Foster, Nadine E; Porcheret, Mark; Rathod, Trishna; Roddy, Edward


    Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate general practitioners’ (GPs) attitudes, beliefs and behaviours regarding the use of exercise for patients with chronic knee pain (CKP) attributable to osteoarthritis. Setting Primary care GPs in the UK. Participants 5000 GPs, randomly selected from Binley’s database, were mailed a cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Outcome measures GPs’ attitudes and beliefs were investigated using attitude statements, and reported behaviours were identified using vignette-based questions. GPs were invited to report barriers experienced when initiating exercise with patients with CKP Results 835 (17%) GPs responded. Overall, GPs were positive about general exercise for CKP. 729 (87%) reported using exercise, of which, 538 (74%) reported that they would use both general and local (lower limb) exercises. However, only 92 (11% of all responding) GPs reported initiating exercise in ways aligning with best-evidence recommendations. 815 (98%) GPs reported barriers in using exercise for patients with CKP, most commonly, insufficient time in consultations (n=419; 51%) and insufficient expertise (n=337; 41%). Conclusions While GPs’ attitudes and beliefs regarding exercise for CKP were generally positive, initiation of exercise was often poorly aligned with current recommendations, and barriers and uncertainties were reported. GPs’ use of exercise may be improved by addressing the key barriers of time and expertise, by developing a pragmatic approach that supports GPs to initiate individualised exercise, and/or by other professionals taking on this role. PMID:28624759

  3. Feasibility study and technical proposal for long-term observations of bedrock stability with gps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruizhi Chen; Kakkuri, J.


    In order to study the regional crustal deformation pattern in the territory of Finland, the Finnish Geodetic Institute is establishing the Finnish Permanent GPS Network, which is part of the Fennoscandian Permanent GPS Network. The Finnish GPS Network consists of a 12 stations located in different geological structures. The operation procedure of the network is described in the report. Feasibility study for monitoring the bedrock stability at local scale was performed. The study was carried out on the basis of an experiment on a baseline of 1041 metres. Twelve artificial movements ranging from 1 mm to 22 mm were generated with a precision-manufactured screw drive (with an accuracy of better than +-0.05 mm). The artificial movements were then detected with the GPS measurements. A preliminary analysis of the GPS data shows that the maximum difference between the GPS detected movements and the artificial movements is 0.9 mm with a standard deviation of +-0.46 mm. The observation time for reaching such accuracy is about 55 minutes. Three GPS networks were preliminarily designed for the radioactive waste disposal investigation sites of Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara. Detailed research plan for achieving the best possible result from GPS measurements was proposed. (58 refs., 25 figs., 1 tab.)

  4. Identification of AR(I)MA processes for modelling temporal correlations of GPS observations (United States)

    Luo, X.; Mayer, M.; Heck, B.


    In many geodetic applications observations of the Global Positioning System (GPS) are routinely processed by means of the least-squares method. However, this algorithm delivers reliable estimates of unknown parameters und realistic accuracy measures only if both the functional and stochastic models are appropriately defined within GPS data processing. One deficiency of the stochastic model used in many GPS software products consists in neglecting temporal correlations of GPS observations. In practice the knowledge of the temporal stochastic behaviour of GPS observations can be improved by analysing time series of residuals resulting from the least-squares evaluation. This paper presents an approach based on the theory of autoregressive (integrated) moving average (AR(I)MA) processes to model temporal correlations of GPS observations using time series of observation residuals. A practicable integration of AR(I)MA models in GPS data processing requires the determination of the order parameters of AR(I)MA processes at first. In case of GPS, the identification of AR(I)MA processes could be affected by various factors impacting GPS positioning results, e.g. baseline length, multipath effects, observation weighting, or weather variations. The influences of these factors on AR(I)MA identification are empirically analysed based on a large amount of representative residual time series resulting from differential GPS post-processing using 1-Hz observation data collected within the permanent SAPOS® (Satellite Positioning Service of the German State Survey) network. Both short and long time series are modelled by means of AR(I)MA processes. The final order parameters are determined based on the whole residual database; the corresponding empirical distribution functions illustrate that multipath and weather variations seem to affect the identification of AR(I)MA processes much more significantly than baseline length and observation weighting. Additionally, the modelling

  5. Processing horizontal networks measured by integrated terrestrial and GPS technologies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vincent Jakub


    Full Text Available Local horizontal networks in which GPS and terrestrial measurements (TER are done are often established at present. Iin other networks, the previous terrestrial measurements can be completed with quantities from contemporary GPS observations (tunnel nets, mining nets with surface and underground parts and other long-shaped nets.The processing of such heterobeneous (GPS, TER networks whose terrestrial measurements are performed as point coordinate measurements (∆X, ∆Y using (geodetic total stationIn is presented in this paper. In such network structures it is then available:- the values ∆X, ∆Y from TER observations which are transformed in the plane of S-JTSK for adjustement,- the values ∆X, ∆Y in the plane S-JTSK that can be obtained by 3D transformation of WGS84 netpoint coordinates from GPS observations to corresponding coordinates S-JTSK.For common adjusting all the ∆X, ∆Y, some elements of the network geometry (e.g. distances should be measured by both methods (GPS, TER. This approach makes possible an effective homogenisation of both network parts what is equivalent to saying that an expressive influence reduction on local frame realizations of S-JTSK in the whole network can be made.Results of network processing obtained in proposed manner are acceptable in general and they are equivalent (accuracy, reliability to results of another processing methods.

  6. Evaluation on the performance of single and dual frequency low cost GPS module observation using geodetic antenna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dedi Atunggal


    Full Text Available GPS modules have been used for various applications in recent years. Its early development came in parallel with the advancement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV technology. Nowadays, it is also used in in geographic information system (GIS data acquisition/census, mapping surveys, structure stability monitoring systems and many other applications. GPS modules generally have several positioning features, including standard positioning service (SPS, static positioning, precise point positioning (PPP, post processing kinematic (PPK and real time kinematic (RTK GPS. GPS modules in general are only equipped with a microstrip-type antenna or better known as patch antenna. Results from related research show that GPS module with this type of antenna has sub meter accuracy when used for PPK or RTK GPS method. The use of geodetic antennas is very potential to increase GPS position accuracy by up to centimeter level. This paper discusses the evaluation of GPS module measurements with geodetic type antennas for precise positioning using RTK GPS. This paper is focused on the resolution of GPS cycle ambiguity that is often expressed by the term fixing ratio and the accuracy of measurement results obtained. To provide a comprehensive description of the performance of GPS module, in this research two types of GPS module were used; single and dual frequency. Both types of GPS modules were used to conduct simultaneous observation on an open and obstructed observation location.

  7. Why do GPs leave direct patient care and what might help to retain them? A qualitative study of GPs in South West England (United States)

    Sansom, Anna; Terry, Rohini; Fletcher, Emily; Salisbury, Chris; Long, Linda; Richards, Suzanne H; Aylward, Alex; Welsman, Jo; Sims, Laura; Campbell, John L; Dean, Sarah G


    Objective To identify factors influencing general practitioners’ (GPs’) decisions about whether or not to remain in direct patient care in general practice and what might help to retain them in that role. Design Qualitative, in-depth, individual interviews exploring factors related to GPs leaving, remaining in and returning to direct patient care. Setting South West England, UK. Participants 41 GPs: 7 retired; 8 intending to take early retirement; 11 who were on or intending to take a career break; 9 aged under 50 years who had left or were intending to leave direct patient care and 6 who were not intending to leave or to take a career break. Plus 19 stakeholders from a range of primary care-related professional organisations and roles. Results Reasons for leaving direct patient care were complex and based on a range of job-related and individual factors. Three key themes underpinned the interviewed GPs’ thinking and rationale: issues relating to their personal and professional identity and the perceived value of general practice-based care within the healthcare system; concerns regarding fear and risk, for example, in respect of medical litigation and managing administrative challenges within the context of increasingly complex care pathways and environments; and issues around choice and volition in respect of personal social, financial, domestic and professional considerations. These themes provide increased understanding of the lived experiences of working in today’s National Health Service for this group of GPs. Conclusion Future policies and strategies aimed at retaining GPs in direct patient care should clarify the role and expectations of general practice and align with GPs’ perception of their own roles and identity; demonstrate to GPs that they are valued and listened to in planning delivery of the UK healthcare; target GPs’ concerns regarding fear and risk, seeking to reduce these to manageable levels and give GPs viable options to support

  8. GPs' experiences of children with anxiety disorders in primary care: a qualitative study. (United States)

    O'Brien, Doireann; Harvey, Kate; Young, Bridget; Reardon, Tessa; Creswell, Cathy


    Anxiety disorders have a median age of onset of 11 years and are the most common emotional disorders in childhood; however, a significant proportion of those affected do not access professional support. In the UK, GPs are often the first medical professional that families see so are in a prime position to support children with anxiety disorders; however, currently there is little research available on GPs' perspectives on and experiences of supporting children with these disorders. To explore the experiences of GPs in relation to identification, management, and access to specialist services for children (<12 years) with anxiety disorders. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with GPs in primary care throughout England. GPs reflected a diverse group in relation to the ethnic and socioeconomic profile of registered patients, GP age, sex, professional status, previous engagement with research, and practice size and location. Purposive sampling was used to recruit GPs until theoretical saturation was reached. Data were analysed using a constant comparative method of thematic analysis. Data from 20 semi-structured interviews were organised into three themes: decision making, responsibility, and emotional response, with an overarching theme of GPs feeling ill equipped. These themes were retrospectively analysed to illustrate their role at different stages in the primary care process (identification, management, and access to specialist services). GPs feel ill equipped to manage and support childhood anxiety disorders, demonstrating a need for medical training to include greater emphasis on children's mental health, as well as potential for greater collaboration between primary and specialist services. © British Journal of General Practice 2017.

  9. Development And Test of A Digitally Steered Antenna Array for The Navigator GPS Receiver (United States)

    Pinto, Heitor David; Valdez, Jennifer E.; Winternitz, Luke M. B.; Hassouneh, Munther A.; Price, Samuel R.


    Global Positioning System (GPS)-based navigation has become common for low-Earth orbit spacecraft as the signal environment is similar to that on the Earth s surface. The situation changes abruptly, however, for spacecraft whose orbital altitudes exceed that of the GPS constellation. Visibility is dramatically reduced and signals that are present may be very weak and more susceptible to interference. GPS receivers effective at these altitudes require increased sensitivity, which often requires a high-gain antenna. Pointing such an antenna can pose a challenge. One efficient approach to mitigate these problems is the use of a digitally steered antenna array. Such an antenna can optimally allocate gain toward desired signal sources and away from interferers. This paper presents preliminary results in the development and test of a digitally steered antenna array for the Navigator GPS research program at NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center. In particular, this paper highlights the development of an array and front-end electronics, the development and test of a real-time software GPS receiver, and implementation of three beamforming methods for combining the signals from the array. Additionally, this paper discusses the development of a GPS signal simulator which produces digital samples of the GPS L1C/A signals as they would be received by an arbitrary antenna array configuration. The simulator models transmitter and receiver dynamics, near-far and multipath interference, and has been a critical component in both the development and test of the GPS receiver. The GPS receiver system was tested with real and simulated GPS signals. Preliminary results show that performance improvement was achieved in both the weak signal and interference environments, matching analytical predictions. This paper summarizes our initial findings and discusses the advantages and limitations of the antenna array and the various beamforming methods.

  10. Seasonal Hydrological Loading in Southern Tibet Detected by Joint Analysis of GPS and GRACE. (United States)

    Zou, Rong; Wang, Qi; Freymueller, Jeffrey T; Poutanen, Markku; Cao, Xuelian; Zhang, Caihong; Yang, Shaomin; He, Ping


    In southern Tibet, ongoing vertical and horizontal motions due to the collision between India and Eurasia are monitored by large numbers of global positioning system (GPS) continuous and campaign sites installed in the past decade. Displacements measured by GPS usually include tectonic deformation as well as non-tectonic, time-dependent signals. To estimate the regional long-term tectonic deformation using GPS more precisely, seasonal elastic deformation signals associated with surface loading must be removed from the observations. In this study, we focus on seasonal variation in vertical and horizontal motions of southern Tibet by performing a joint analysis of GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) and GPS data, not only using continuous sites but also GPS campaign-mode sites. We found that the GPS-observed and GRACE-modeled seasonal oscillations are in good agreements, and a seasonal displacement model demonstrates that the main reason for seasonal variations in southern Tibet is from the summer monsoon and its precipitation. The biggest loading appears from July to August in the summer season. Vertical deformations observed by GPS and modeled by GRACE are two to three times larger than horizontal oscillations, and the north components demonstrate larger amplitudes than the east components. We corrected the GPS position time series using the GRACE-modeled seasonal variations, which gives significant reductions in the misfit and weighted root-mean-squares (WRMS). Misfit (χ2 divided by degree of freedom) reductions for campaign sites range between 20% and 56% for the vertical component, and are much smaller for the horizontal components. Moreover, time series of continuous GPS (cGPS) sites near the 2015 Nepal earthquakes must be corrected using appropriate models of seasonal loading for analyzing postseismic deformation to avoid biasing estimates of the postseismic relaxation.

  11. Víctimas de trata de personas versusmigrantes en situación irregular: Retos y lineamientos para la atención y protección delas víctimas de trata de personas extranjerasen el Perú


    Blanco, Cristina; Marinelli, Chiara


    El texto apunta a determinar los aspectos que deben ser considerados para perfeccionar el funcionamiento del aparato estatal con el fin de luchar efectivamente contra la trata de personas de carácter transnacional y para orientarlo por los principios propios de un enfoque de derechos humanos con respecto a la víctima de trata de personas. Aborda cuatro puntos centrales. Primero, advierte la problemática particular de las víctimas de trata extranjeras, al ser proclive su confusión o superposic...

  12. IAE-adaptive Kalman filter for INS/GPS integrated navigation system

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Bian Hongwei; Jin Zhihua; Tian Weifeng


    A marine INS/GPS adaptive navigation system is presented in this paper. GPS with two antenna providing vessel's altitude is selected as the auxiliary system fusing with INS to improve the performance of the hybrid system. The Kalman filter is the most frequently used algorithm in the integrated navigation system, which is capable of estimating INS errors online based on the measured errors between INS and GPS. The standard Kalman filter (SKF) assumes that the statistics of the noise on each sensor are given. As long as the noise distributions do not change, the Kalman filter will give the optimal estimation. However GPS receiver will be disturbed easily and thus temporally changing measurement noise will join into the outputs of GPS, which will lead to performance degradation of the Kalman filter. Many researchers introduce fuzzy logic control method into innovation-based adaptive estimation adaptive Kalman filtering (IAE-AKF) algorithm, and accordingly propose various adaptive Kalman filters. However how to design the fuzzy logic controller is a very complicated problem still without a convincing solution. A novel IAE-AKF is proposed herein, which is based on the maximum likelihood criterion for the proper computation of the filter innovation covariance and hence of the filter gain. The approach is direct and simple without having to establish fuzzy inference rules. After having deduced the proposed IAE-AKF algorithm theoretically in detail, the approach is tested by the simulation based on the system error model of the developed INS/GPS integrated marine navigation system. Simulation results show that the adaptive Kalman filter outperforms the SKF with higher accuracy, robustness and less computation. It is demonstrated that this proposed approach is a valid solution for the unknown changing measurement noise exited in the Kalman filter.

  13. GPs' experiences of diagnosing and managing childhood eczema: a qualitative study in primary care. (United States)

    Le Roux, Emma; Powell, Kingsley; Banks, Jonathan P; Ridd, Mathew J


    Eczema is common among children, and in the UK the majority are managed by GPs. The most common cause of poor disease control is incorrect use of topical treatments. There is a lack of research into the challenges faced by GPs in diagnosing and managing this condition. To explore the experiences of GPs in assessing and managing children with eczema. Qualitative study in primary care in England. Semi-structured interviews with 15 GPs were audiorecorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed thematically using the framework method. GPs described a paucity of dermatology training. Although most GPs were confident diagnosing uncomplicated eczema, they reported using a trial-and-error approach to prescribing emollients, and were uncertain about quantities of topical treatments to issue. Mild and moderate potency topical corticosteroids (TCS) were commonly used, but most GPs lacked confidence in recommending potent TCS, and viewed parents or carers to be fearful of using all strengths of TCS. GPs perceived adherence to treatments to be low, but provision of information to support self-care was variable. Routine review of medication use or disease control was uncommon, which GPs attributed to service constraints. Participants' views on the causes and management of eczema were perceived to be at odds with parents and carers, who were said to be overly focused on an underlying cause, such as allergy. GP uncertainty in managing eczema, lack of routine information and review, and perceived dissonance with parents around causation and management may be contributing to low concordance with treatments. © British Journal of General Practice 2018.

  14. Detecting Traffic Anomalies in Urban Areas Using Taxi GPS Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weiming Kuang


    Full Text Available Large-scale GPS data contain hidden information and provide us with the opportunity to discover knowledge that may be useful for transportation systems using advanced data mining techniques. In major metropolitan cities, many taxicabs are equipped with GPS devices. Because taxies operate continuously for nearly 24 hours per day, they can be used as reliable sensors for the perceived traffic state. In this paper, the entire city was divided into subregions by roads, and taxi GPS data were transformed into traffic flow data to build a traffic flow matrix. In addition, a highly efficient anomaly detection method was proposed based on wavelet transform and PCA (principal component analysis for detecting anomalous traffic events in urban regions. The traffic anomaly is considered to occur in a subregion when the values of the corresponding indicators deviate significantly from the expected values. This method was evaluated using a GPS dataset that was generated by more than 15,000 taxies over a period of half a year in Harbin, China. The results show that this detection method is effective and efficient.

  15. Evaluation of Mobile Phone Interference With Aircraft GPS Navigation Systems (United States)

    Pace, Scott; Oria, A. J.; Guckian, Paul; Nguyen, Truong X.


    This report compiles and analyzes tests that were conducted to measure cell phone spurious emissions in the Global Positioning System (GPS) radio frequency band that could affect the navigation system of an aircraft. The cell phone in question had, as reported to the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), caused interference to several GPS receivers on-board a small single engine aircraft despite being compliant with data filed at the time with the FCC by the manufacturer. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and industry tests show that while there is an emission in the 1575 MHz GPS band due to a specific combination of amplifier output impedance and load impedance that induces instability in the power amplifier, these spurious emissions (i.e., not the intentional transmit signal) are similar to those measured on non-intentionally transmitting devices such as, for example, laptop computers. Additional testing on a wide sample of different commercial cell phones did not result in any emission in the 1575 MHz GPS Band above the noise floor of the measurement receiver.

  16. A GPS measurement system for precise satellite tracking and geodesy (United States)

    Yunck, T. P.; Wu, S.-C.; Lichten, S. M.


    NASA is pursuing two key applications of differential positioning with the Global Positioning System (GPS): sub-decimeter tracking of earth satellites and few-centimeter determination of ground-fixed baselines. Key requirements of the two applications include the use of dual-frequency carrier phase data, multiple ground receivers to serve as reference points, simultaneous solution for use position and GPS orbits, and calibration of atmospheric delays using water vapor radiometers. Sub-decimeter tracking will be first demonstrated on the TOPEX oceanographic satellite to be launched in 1991. A GPS flight receiver together with at least six ground receivers will acquire delta range data from the GPS carriers for non-real-time analysis. Altitude accuracies of 5 to 10 cm are expected. For baseline measurements, efforts will be made to obtain precise differential pseudorange by resolving the cycle ambiguity in differential carrier phase. This could lead to accuracies of 2 or 3 cm over a few thousand kilometers. To achieve this, a high-performance receiver is being developed, along with improved calibration and data processing techniques. Demonstrations may begin in 1986.

  17. A different approach to the analysis of GPS scintillations data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forte, B.; Radicella, S.M.; Ezquer, R.G.


    Amplitude scintillations data from GPS have been analyzed. The objective is to estimate the impact of ionospheric scintillations at Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Station (RIMS) level and at GPS user level. For this purpose a new approach to the problem has been considered. Data have been studied from the point of view of the impact of scintillations on the calculation of VTEC at pierce points and ionospheric grid points. An ionospheric grid of 5 deg. by 5 deg. surface squares has been assumed. From geometrical considerations and taking into account the basic principle to compute VTEC at grid points, with the data analyzed it is shown that very seldom scintillations can affect the calculation of a grid point VTEC. Data from all the RIMS and for the entire GPS satellites network must be analyzed simultaneously to describe a realistic scenario for the impact of scintillations on SBAS. Finally, GPS scintillation data have been analyzed at user level: service availability problems have been encountered. (author)

  18. Kalman filter implementation for small satellites using constraint GPS data (United States)

    Wesam, Elmahy M.; Zhang, Xiang; Lu, Zhengliang; Liao, Wenhe


    Due to the increased need for autonomy, an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) has been designed to autonomously estimate the orbit using GPS data. A propagation step models the satellite dynamics as a two body with J2 (second zonal effect) perturbations being suitable for orbits in altitudes higher than 600 km. An onboard GPS receiver provides continuous measurement inputs. The continuity of measurements decreases the errors of the orbit determination algorithm. Power restrictions are imposed on small satellites in general and nanosatellites in particular. In cubesats, the GPS is forced to be shut down most of the mission’s life time. GPS is turned on when experiments like atmospheric ones are carried out and meter level accuracy for positioning is required. This accuracy can’t be obtained by other autonomous sensors like magnetometer and sun sensor as they provide kilometer level accuracy. Through simulation using Matlab and satellite tool kit (STK) the position accuracy is analyzed after imposing constrained conditions suitable for small satellites and a very tight one suitable for nanosatellite missions.

  19. Communication plan of GPS monitoring system based on the Internet (United States)

    Xing, Xiangpeng; Liu, Zhenan; Bao, Yuanlu


    In GPS monitoring system, wireless communications network is necessary to keep base station in contact with mobile stations. Public communications network and personal communications network can't work well all the time. In this article, an economical communications network that can be competent for communication of GPS monitoring system is introduced. Personal communications network is used in this GPS monitoring system. In order to enlarge the coverage area and to expand the capacity of the personal communications network, the concept of cellular radio system is introduced. Because only the non-adjacent cells can use the same frequency channel, handoff of mobile station is extremely important when it goes in another cell. The mobile station of the system will know its own longitude and latitude by receiving data from GPS satellites all the time, so it can change its working frequency channel according to its position. Internet, instead of personal communication cable, is used to connect the base stations. So the communications network has the advantage of public communications network and personal one.

  20. Jason-1 and Jason-2 POD Using GPS (United States)

    Melachroinos, Stavros; Lemoine, Frank G.; Zelensky, Nikita P.; Rowlands, David D.; Luthcke, Scott B.; Beckley, Brian D.


    The Jason-2 satellite, launched in June 2008, is the latest follow-on to the successful Jason-1 altimetry satellite mission launched in December 7, 2001. Both, Jason-2 and Jason-1 are equipped with a GPS dual-frequency receiver, a laser retroreflector array, and a DORIS receiver for precise orbit determination (POD). A series of dynamic and reduced-dynamic Jason-2 orbits computed at NASA GSFC, based on GPS-only data and the std0905 standards, have been completed till cy74through cycle 74 using the IGS05 framework. These orbits, now publicly available, have been shown to agree radially at 1 cm RMS with the GSFC std0905 SLR/DORIS orbits and in comparison with orbits produced by JPL, ESA and CNES. In this paper, we describe the implementation of the IGS08 and repro1 framework for the Jason-2 and Jason-1 GPS POD processing with the NASA GSFC GEODYN software. . In our updated GPS POD, ambiguity fixing and updated time variable and static gravity fields. We also evaluate the implementation of non-tidal and degree-1 loading displacement as forward modeling to the tracking stations. Reduced-dynamic versus dynamic orbit differences are used to characterize the remaining force model errors and TRF instability. In particular, we assess their consistency radially and the stability of the altimeter satellite reference frame in the North/South direction as a proxy to assess the consistency of the reference frame.

  1. 78 FR 13396 - 90th Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 159, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) (United States)


    ... 159, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. Department... 159, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) SUMMARY: The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of the eighty-ninth meeting of the RTCA Special Committee 159, Global Positioning Systems (GPS). DATES...

  2. 78 FR 57672 - 91st Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 159, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) (United States)


    ... 159, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. Department... 159, Global Positioning Systems (GPS). SUMMARY: The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of the ninety-first meeting of the RTCA Special Committee 159, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) DATES...

  3. GPS-deprived localisation for underground mines

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Hlophe, K


    Full Text Available robots. Opencast mines utilise the global positioning system (GPS) to obtain location information. The unavailability of this technology in underground mining has actuated numerous researchers to investigate possible alternatives. These attempts exploit...

  4. A feasibility test of using smartphones to collect GPS information in face-to-face surveys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kristen Olson


    Full Text Available Survey organizations rely on interviewers to make informed and efficient decisions about their efforts in the field, including which housing units they approach to knock on doors, make appointments, and obtain interviews. This paper presents initial findings from a feasibility test on a face to face survey, the US National Survey of Family Growth, in which the interviewers were equipped with GPS-enabled smartphones. This test included an experiment to determine if the use of the GPS-enabled smartphone altered interviewer behavior. We evaluate interviewer compliance with the GPS request, the effects of using the GPS device on interviewer behavior, and the quality of the recorded GPS points as related to interviewer behaviors. This test also included two surveys of interviewers that were completed after using the smartphone. We report results from these surveys and link one set of survey results to interviewer GPS compliance rates. Implications for future use of GPS devices to monitor and understand interviewer travel behavior are discussed.

  5. Compact Disks for GPs - this year - next year?


    Peter Pritchard


    Large databases on compact disk are being published at an increasing rate. Medical CDs are few in number, but some useful ones are available now, and more are on the way. Is this the moment for GPs to invest in CD-ROM technology, or would it pay to wait a bit? Five questions will be addressed. What benefits might GPs get from CDs? What is available now? What CDs are on the way? What hardware and software are needed, at what cost? What is the balance of advantage between publications on CD and...

  6. The Aalborg Survey / Part 2 - GPS Based Survey

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harder, Henrik; Reiter, Ida Maria; Christensen, Cecilie Breinholm

    , the GPS based data are supplemented with an attractivity analysis among the 169 respondents. The resulting data are presented in maps in three scales that illustrate the respondents’ use of Aalborg’s urban spaces with regards to the respondent’s movements in time and space. By further coupling the GPS...... data with data on the single respondent’s gender, age, address, activities, mode of transport, use of money etc. it is possible to gain a more detailed knowledge of young people’s use of urban spaces in Aalborg....

  7. Global GPS Ionospheric Modelling Using Spherical Harmonic Expansion Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Byung-Kyu Choi


    Full Text Available In this study, we developed a global ionosphere model based on measurements from a worldwide network of global positioning system (GPS. The total number of the international GPS reference stations for development of ionospheric model is about 100 and the spherical harmonic expansion approach as a mathematical method was used. In order to produce the ionospheric total electron content (TEC based on grid form, we defined spatial resolution of 2.0 degree and 5.0 degree in latitude and longitude, respectively. Two-dimensional TEC maps were constructed within the interval of one hour, and have a high temporal resolution compared to global ionosphere maps which are produced by several analysis centers. As a result, we could detect the sudden increase of TEC by processing GPS observables on 29 October, 2003 when the massive solar flare took place.

  8. Latitudinal variation in the occurrence of GPS L-band scintillations ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    TEC (ROT) and the rate of change of TEC index. (ROTI) have been studied by several researchers to ... is also of interest to study the spatial and tempo- ral variabilities of the GPS L-band scintillations in ...... tional GPS Service for Geodynamics, Berne, Switzerland,. March 25–26, 351p. Weber E J, Basu S, Bullett T W, ...

  9. Propuesta de un servicio de cesación benzodiazepínica en la farmacia comunitaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Espejo Guerrero J


    Full Text Available Introducción: La medida de la presión arterial es una práctica habitual tanto en la farmacia comunitaria como en el domicilio del paciente. Por ello, es conveniente que dispongamos de una técnica de comprobación de la fiabilidad y validez de los aparatos de medida, tanto de los propios como de los que el usuario tiene en su domicilio. Material y métodos: Al respecto se propone y se ejecuta un caso práctico de evaluación de la fiabilidad, mediante la técnica de Bland y Altman, y de la validez, mediante una prueba t para datos apareados y una adaptación de los criterios de la Sociedad Europea de Hipertensión (SEH. Resultados: En el caso práctico que exponemos, el aparato evaluado resulta ser fiable con el nuestro de referencia tanto en la presión arterial sistólica (PAS como en la presión arterial diastólica PAD, presentando un sesgo en la PAD, midiendo como media 5,1 mmHg más que el nuestro de referencia. El aparato evaluado no pasa respecto al nuestro los criterios de validación de la SEH. Discusión: Como aportación personal se ha construido un archivo Excel® que realiza todos los cálculos anteriores, incluida la potencia de la prueba t, así como los gráficos de Bland y Altman, con solo introducir los resultados de las mediciones que se proponen

  10. A novel fusion methodology to bridge GPS outages for land vehicle positioning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Wei; Li, Xu; Song, Xiang; Xu, Qimin; Li, Bin; Song, Xianghui


    Many intelligent transportation system applications require accurate, reliable, and continuous vehicle position information whether in open-sky environments or in Global Positioning System (GPS) denied environments. However, there remains a challenging task for land vehicles to achieve such positioning performance using low-cost sensors, especially microelectromechanical system (MEMS) sensors. In this paper, a novel and cost-effective fusion methodology to bridge GPS outages is proposed and applied in the Inertial Navigation System (INS)/GPS/ compass integrated positioning system. In the implementation of the proposed methodology, a key data preprocessing algorithm is first developed to eliminate the noise in inertial sensors in order to provide more accurate information for subsequent modeling. Then, a novel hybrid strategy incorporating the designed autoregressive model (AR model)-based forward estimator (ARFE) with Kalman filter (KF) is presented to predict the INS position errors during GPS outages. To verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed methodology, real road tests with various scenarios were performed. The proposed methodology illustrates significant improvement in positioning accuracy during GPS outages. (paper)

  11. Ionospheric Tomography from a Reference GPS/MET Experiment Through the IRI Model

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    Lung-Chih Tsai


    Full Text Available In earlier studies, we implemented the Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (MART to reconstruct two-dimensional ionospheric structures from measured TECs through the receptions of the GPS-to-LEO signals and/or the NNSS-to-ground beacon signals. To examine the accuracy of the reconstructed image we need ground-based validation systems which are difficult to obtain. However, such comparative investigation is needed if one aims to improve tomography inverse techniques and algorithms. In this study, we propose a simulation scheme to carry out this task. We first simulate the GPS-to-LEO TEC measurements through the IRI model by integrating electron densities along the ¡§straight¡¨ ray occultation paths between the GPS and LEO satellite obtained from the real GPS/MET experiment. Contiguous tomographic images are then derived by the MART algorithm within the ¡§reference¡¨ GPS/MET experiment. They are verified by comparison with the ¡§true¡¨ IRI-modelled ionosphere. We show that simulation/reference results can be used to find the optimal reconstruction strategy in space-based ionospheric tomography.

  12. Continental-scale water fluxes from continuous GPS observations of Earth surface loading (United States)

    Borsa, A. A.; Agnew, D. C.; Cayan, D. R.


    After more than a decade of observing annual oscillations of Earth's surface from seasonal snow and water loading, continuous GPS is now being used to model time-varying terrestrial water fluxes on the local and regional scale. Although the largest signal is typically due to the seasonal hydrological cycle, GPS can also measure subtle surface deformation caused by sustained wet and dry periods, and to estimate the spatial distribution of the underlying terrestrial water storage changes. The next frontier is expanding this analysis to the continental scale and paving the way for incorporating GPS models into the National Climate Assessment and into the observational infrastructure for national water resource management. This will require reconciling GPS observations with predictions from hydrological models and with remote sensing observations from a suite of satellite instruments (e.g. GRACE, SMAP, SWOT). The elastic Earth response which transforms surface loads into vertical and horizontal displacements is also responsible for the contamination of loading observations by tectonic and anthropogenic transients, and we discuss these and other challenges to this new application of GPS.

  13. GPS tomography tests for DInSAR applications on Mt. Etna

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    Massimo Aranzulla


    Full Text Available Tropospheric artifacts of SAR images in a volcanic area like Mt. Etna cause ambiguity in the interpretation of deformations with such technique. It would be useful to measure the delay caused by tropospheric anomalies in synthetic aperture radar (SAR satellite signals (phase of the back-scattered radar wave that could be interpreted as deformation. From the delay estimated through the GPS data processing, the tropospheric tomography of electromagnetic waves refractivity, has been performed using the SIMULps12 software. The aim of this study was to perform software synthetic tests by using SIMULps12 applied to atmospheric tomography and to verify the influence of the different GPS geodetic network configurations on obtaining a reliable tomography. Three different anomalies of increasing complexity have been investigated in order to understand the representative parameters of a correct tomography, the best spatial resolution and the portions of space in which the tomography is reliable. The tests also focused on fixing/establishing the a-priori atmospheric model and the critical values of the main parameters involved in the tomographic inversion. To this end, we made a random choice of two days, necessary to define the tomographic problem. Three different network configurations with 15, 30 and 90 GPS receivers were studied. The results indicate that the well-resolved area of tomographic images increases with the number of GPS receivers not linearly, and that the actual GPS network of 42 receivers is capable of revealing/detecting the atmospheric anomalies.

  14. Continuous professional development for GPs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjaer, N K; Steenstrup, A P; Pedersen, L B


    out to identify GPs' current use of CPD and to explore the motives behind their choices. METHODS: A mixed-methods study with a combined qualitative and quantitative approach was used. In 2012, two focus group interviews were conducted, followed up the same year by an online questionnaire sent to 1079...

  15. Variation in diagnosis and management of common foot problems by GPs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gorter, K; de Melker, R; Kuyvenhoven, M; de Poel, S.


    Background. There are indications that the diagnosis and management of common foot problems vary widely in general practice. Objectives. Our aim was to explore the variation of GPs' diagnosis and management of common foot problems and the possible correlation between GPs' characteristics and their

  16. Challenges in using wearable GPS devices in low-income older adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Tanja; Kerr, Jacqueline; Kestens, Yan


    Daily mobility, defined as the ability to move oneself within one's neighborhood and regions beyond, is an important construct, which affects people as they age. Having a feasible and valid measure of daily mobility is essential to understand how it affects older adults' everyday life. Given......, of which 23 wore the GPS device. Remembering to wear and charge the GPS was difficult for 48% participants, whereas remembering street names and drawing routes in VERITAS was difficult for two. Both the GPS and VERITAS were able to measure 10 out of the 13 identified components of mobility; however...

  17. Validation of GPS atmospheric water vapor with WVR data in satellite tracking mode (United States)

    Shangguan, M.; Heise, S.; Bender, M.; Dick, G.; Ramatschi, M.; Wickert, J.


    Slant-integrated water vapor (SIWV) data derived from GPS STDs (slant total delays), which provide the spatial information on tropospheric water vapor, have a high potential for assimilation to weather models or for nowcasting or reconstruction of the 3-D humidity field with tomographic techniques. Therefore, the accuracy of GPS STD is important, and independent observations are needed to estimate the quality of GPS STD. In 2012 the GFZ (German Research Centre for Geosciences) started to operate a microwave radiometer in the vicinity of the Potsdam GPS station. The water vapor content along the line of sight between a ground station and a GPS satellite can be derived from GPS data and directly measured by a water vapor radiometer (WVR) at the same time. In this study we present the validation results of SIWV observed by a ground-based GPS receiver and a WVR. The validation covers 184 days of data with dry and wet humidity conditions. SIWV data from GPS and WVR generally show good agreement with a mean bias of -0.4 kg m-2 and an rms (root mean square) of 3.15 kg m-2. The differences in SIWV show an elevation dependent on an rms of 7.13 kg m-2 below 15° but of 1.76 kg m-2 above 15°. Nevertheless, this elevation dependence is not observed regarding relative deviations. The relation between the differences and possible influencing factors (elevation angles, pressure, temperature and relative humidity) are analyzed in this study. Besides the elevation, dependencies between the atmospheric humidity conditions, temperature and the differences in SIWV are found.

  18. FPGA-based real-time embedded system for RISS/GPS integrated navigation. (United States)

    Abdelfatah, Walid Farid; Georgy, Jacques; Iqbal, Umar; Noureldin, Aboelmagd


    Navigation algorithms integrating measurements from multi-sensor systems overcome the problems that arise from using GPS navigation systems in standalone mode. Algorithms which integrate the data from 2D low-cost reduced inertial sensor system (RISS), consisting of a gyroscope and an odometer or wheel encoders, along with a GPS receiver via a Kalman filter has proved to be worthy in providing a consistent and more reliable navigation solution compared to standalone GPS receivers. It has been also shown to be beneficial, especially in GPS-denied environments such as urban canyons and tunnels. The main objective of this paper is to narrow the idea-to-implementation gap that follows the algorithm development by realizing a low-cost real-time embedded navigation system capable of computing the data-fused positioning solution. The role of the developed system is to synchronize the measurements from the three sensors, relative to the pulse per second signal generated from the GPS, after which the navigation algorithm is applied to the synchronized measurements to compute the navigation solution in real-time. Employing a customizable soft-core processor on an FPGA in the kernel of the navigation system, provided the flexibility for communicating with the various sensors and the computation capability required by the Kalman filter integration algorithm.

  19. Nonlinear Filtering with IMM Algorithm for Ultra-Tight GPS/INS Integration

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    Dah-Jing Jwo


    Full Text Available Abstract This paper conducts a performance evaluation for the ultra-tight integration of a Global positioning system (GPS and an inertial navigation system (INS, using nonlinear filtering approaches with an interacting multiple model (IMM algorithm. An ultra-tight GPS/INS architecture involves the integration of in-phase and quadrature components from the correlator of a GPS receiver with INS data. An unscented Kalman filter (UKF, which employs a set of sigma points by deterministic sampling, avoids the error caused by linearization as in an extended Kalman filter (EKF. Based on the filter structural adaptation for describing various dynamic behaviours, the IMM nonlinear filtering provides an alternative for designing the adaptive filter in the ultra-tight GPS/INS integration. The use of IMM enables tuning of an appropriate value for the process of noise covariance so as to maintain good estimation accuracy and tracking capability. Two examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the design and demonstrate the effective improvement in navigation estimation accuracy. A performance comparison among various filtering methods for ultra-tight integration of GPS and INS is also presented. The IMM based nonlinear filtering approach demonstrates the effectiveness of the algorithm for improved positioning performance.

  20. Non-traditional approaches to teaching GPS online (United States)

    Matias, A.; Wolf, D. F., II


    Students are increasingly turning to the web for quality education that fits into their lives. Nonetheless, online learning brings challenges as well as a fresh opportunity for exploring pedagogical practices not present on traditional higher education programs, particularly in the sciences. A team of two dozen Empire State College-State University of New York instructional designers, faculty, and other staff are working on making science relevant to non-majors who may initially have anxiety about general education science courses. One of these courses, GPS and the New Geography, focuses on how Global Positioning System (GPS) technology provides a base for inquiry and scientific discovery from a range of environmental issues with local, regional, and global scope. GPS and the New Geography is an introductory level course developed under a grant supported by the Charitable Leadership Foundation. Taking advantage of the proliferation of tools currently available for online learning management systems, we explore current trends in Web 2.0 applications to aggregate and leverage data to create a nontraditional, interactive learning environment. Using our best practices to promote on-line discussion and interaction, these tools help engage students and foster deep learning. During the 15-week term students learn through case studies, problem-based exercises, and the use of scientific data; thus, expanding their spatial literacy and gain experience using real spatial technology tools to enhance their understanding of real-world issues. In particular, we present how the use of Mapblogs an in-house developed blogging platform that uses GIS interplaying with GPS units, interactive data presentations, intuitive visual working environments, harnessing RSS feeds, and other nontraditional Web 2.0 technology has successfully promoted active learning in the virtual learning environment.


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    Kenneth Largaespada


    Full Text Available En Finca Esmeralda (Limón, Costa Rica, sembrada de banano cv. Valery, se analizó la distribución espacial de la humedad del suelo y su relación con algunas de sus propiedades físicas, para determinar la variabilidad entre el método tradicional y el uso de TDR (Time Domain Reflectrometer en la determinación de la humedad del suelo. Se muestreó en forma de cuadrícula, con 36 puntos de medición georeferenciados con GPS a 2 profundidades del suelo. En cada punto se midió el agua volumétrica del suelo con 3 diferentes equipos de TDR (300, MP y MT y se comparó con el método tradicional de determinación de humedad volumétrica (MHV. También se recolectaron muestras de suelo para análisis de textura; con estos datos se hizo un análisis geoestadísitico y se elaboraron de los mapas correspondientes. Los suelos de texturas Franco a Franco arcillosas, mostraron variabilidad entre las determinaciones con TDR y estas en relación con el MHV, independientemente de la profundidad. A nivel superficial (0-30 cm, la correlación más alta fue entre los valores del MHV y el TDR-300 (r=0,69, seguida del TDRMT (r=0,63 y finalmente del TDR-MP (r=0,59.En la capa subsuperficial (30 a 60 cm, se encontró igualmente una relación positiva, pero menor, entre los valores del MHV con respecto al TDR- 300 y TRD-MP (0,47 y de 0,38, respectivamente; no se encontró relación con la utilización del TDR-MT. En términos del mapa de humedad de campo, hubo buena representación entre los métodos, que en general fueron eficaces para representar la variación espacial de la humedad del suelo.

  2. On stochastic modeling of the modernized global positioning system (GPS) L2C signal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elsobeiey, Mohamed; El-Rabbany, Ahmed


    In order to take full advantage of the modernized GPS L2C signal, it is essential that its stochastic characteristics and code bias be rigorously determined. In this paper, long sessions of GPS measurements are used to study the stochastic characteristics of the modernized GPS L2C signal. As a byproduct, the stochastic characteristics of the legacy GPS signals, namely C/A and P2 codes, are also determined, which are used to verify the developed stochastic model of the modernized signal. The differential code biases between P2 and C2, DCB P2-C2 , are also estimated using the Bernese GPS software. It is shown that the developed models improved the precise point positioning (PPP) solution and convergence time

  3. GPs' and community pharmacists' opinions on medication management at transitions of care in Ireland. (United States)

    Redmond, Patrick; Carroll, Hailey; Grimes, Tamasine; Galvin, Rose; McDonnell, Ronan; Boland, Fiona; McDowell, Ronald; Hughes, Carmel; Fahey, Tom


    The aim of this study was to survey GPs and community pharmacists (CPs) in Ireland regarding current practices of medication management, specifically medication reconciliation, communication between health care providers and medication errors as patients transition in care. A national cross-sectional survey was distributed electronically to 2364 GPs, 311 GP Registrars and 2382 CPs. Multivariable associations comparing GPs to CPs were generated and content analysis of free text responses was undertaken. There was an overall response rate of 17.7% (897 respondents-554 GPs/Registrars and 343 CPs). More than 90% of GPs and CPs were positive about the effects of medication reconciliation on medication safety and adherence. Sixty per cent of GPs reported having no formal system of medication reconciliation. Communication between GPs and CPs was identified as good/very good by >90% of GPs and CPs. The majority (>80%) of both groups could clearly recall prescribing errors, following a transition of care, they had witnessed in the previous 6 months. Free text content analysis corroborated the positive relationship between GPs and CPs, a frustration with secondary care communication, with many examples given of prescribing errors. While there is enthusiasm for the benefits of medication reconciliation there are limited formal structures in primary care to support it. Challenges in relation to systems that support inter-professional communication and reduce medication errors are features of the primary/secondary care transition. There is a need for an improved medication management system. Future research should focus on the identified barriers in implementing medication reconciliation and systems that can improve it. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  4. Factors associated with GPs' knowledge of their patients' socio-economic circumstances: a multilevel analysis. (United States)

    Casanova, Ludovic; Ringa, Virginie; Bloy, Géraldine; Falcoff, Hector; Rigal, Laurent


    To determine appropriate management for individual patients, GPs are supposed to use their knowledge of the patient's socio-economic circumstances. To analyse factors associated with GPs' knowledge of these circumstances. Observational survey of GPs who were internship supervisors in the Paris metropolitan area. Each of 52 volunteer GPs completed a self-administered questionnaire about their own characteristics and randomly selected 70 patients from their patient list. Their knowledge was analysed as the agreement between the patients' and GPs' responses to questions about the patients' socio-economic characteristics in questionnaires completed by both groups. The association between agreement and the GPs' characteristics was analysed with a multilevel model adjusted for age, sex and the duration of the GP-patient relationship. Agreement varied according to the socio-economic characteristics considered (from 51% to 90%) and between GPs. Globally, the GPs overestimated their patients' socio-economic level. GP characteristics associated with better agreement were sex (female), long consultations, the use of paper records or an automatic reminder system and participation in continuing medical education and in meetings to discuss difficult cases. Knowledge of some patient characteristics, such as their complementary health insurance coverage or perceived financial situation, should be improved because their overestimation may lead to care that is too expensive and thus result in the patients' abandonment of the treatment. Besides determining ways to help GPs to organize their work more effectively, it is important to study methods to help doctors identify their patients' social-economic circumstances more accurately in daily practice. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  5. How GPs value guidelines applied to patients with multimorbidity: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Luijks, Hilde; Lucassen, Peter; van Weel, Chris; Loeffen, Maartje; Lagro-Janssen, Antoine; Schermer, Tjard


    To explore and describe the value general practitioner (GPs) attribute to medical guidelines when they are applied to patients with multimorbidity, and to describe which benefits GPs experience from guideline adherence in these patients. Also, we aimed to identify limitations from guideline adherence in patients with multimorbidity, as perceived by GPs, and to describe their empirical solutions to manage these obstacles. Focus group study with purposive sampling of participants. Focus groups were guided by an experienced moderator who used an interview guide. Interviews were transcribed verbatim. Data analysis was performed by two researchers using the constant comparison analysis technique and field notes were used in the analysis. Data collection proceeded until saturation was reached. Primary care, eastern part of The Netherlands. Dutch GPs, heterogeneous in age, sex and academic involvement. 25 GPs participated in five focus groups. GPs valued the guidance that guidelines provide, but experienced shortcomings when they were applied to patients with multimorbidity. Taking these patients' personal circumstances into account was regarded as important, but it was impeded by a consistent focus on guideline adherence. Preventative measures were considered less appropriate in (elderly) patients with multimorbidity. Moreover, the applicability of guidelines in patients with multimorbidity was questioned. GPs' extensive practical experience with managing multimorbidity resulted in several empirical solutions, for example, using their 'common sense' to respond to the perceived shortcomings. GPs applying guidelines for patients with multimorbidity integrate patient-specific factors in their medical decisions, aiming for patient-centred solutions. Such integration of clinical experience and best evidence is required to practise evidence-based medicine. More flexibility in pay-for-performance systems is needed to facilitate this integration. Several improvements in

  6. GPS synchronized power system phase angle measurements (United States)

    Wilson, Robert E.; Sterlina, Patrick S.


    This paper discusses the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) synchronized equipment for the measurement and analysis of key power system quantities. Two GPS synchronized phasor measurement units (PMU) were installed before testing. It was indicated that PMUs recorded the dynamic response of the power system phase angles when the northern California power grid was excited by the artificial short circuits. Power system planning engineers perform detailed computer generated simulations of the dynamic response of the power system to naturally occurring short circuits. The computer simulations use models of transmission lines, transformers, circuit breakers, and other high voltage components. This work will compare computer simulations of the same event with field measurement.

  7. Performance evaluation of GPS receiver under equatorial scintillation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alison de Oliveira Moraes


    Full Text Available Equatorial scintillation is a phenomenon that occurs daily in the equatorial region after the sunset and affects radio signals that propagate through the ionosphere. Depending on the temporal and spatial situation, equatorial scintillation can represent a problem in the availability and precision of the Global Positioning System (GPS. This work is concerned with evaluating the impact of equatorial scintillation on the performance of GPS receivers. First, the morphology and statistical model of equatorial scintillation is briefly presented. A numerical model that generates synthetic scintillation data to simulate the effects of equatorial scintillation is presented. An overview of the main theoretical principles on GPS receivers is presented. The analytical models that describe the effects of scintillation at receiver level are presented and compared with numerical simulations using a radio software receiver and synthetic data. The results achieved by simulation agreed quite well with those predicted by the analytical models. The only exception is for links with extreme levels of scintillation and when weak signals are received.

  8. Design and testing of a GPS/GSM collar prototype to combat cattle rustling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesco M. Tangorra


    Full Text Available Rustling is an age-old practice that was widespread in Italy until the first half of the 20th century. Today, incidents of cattle rustling are again being reported. However, the problem is not only found in Italy. It is also becoming a plague for ranchers in the US and is still rampant in East Africa. In Italy, the cattle rustling phenomena have usually been limited through the direct control of the herdsmen. Global positioning system (GPS and geographic information system (GIS combined technologies are increasingly applied for tracking and monitoring livestock with greater spatial and temporal resolution. However, so far, no case studies of the use of GPS technology to combat cattle rustling have been reported in the literature. The aim of this research was to develop a GPS/GSM (global system for mobile communication collar, using commercial hardware and implementing a specific software [ARVAshepherd 1.0; ARVAtec Srl, Rescaldina (MI, Italy] to track animals’ movements outside their grazing area and to signal when animals are straying outside virtual perimeters. A phase I study was conducted from January to June 2011 to build the GPS/GSM collar and to assess its performances in terms of GPS accuracy and precision, while a phase II study was conducted in July 2011 to test the GPS collar under real-life operating conditions. The static GPS positioning error achieved a circular error probable (50% and horizontal 95% accuracy of 1.462 m and 4.501 m, respectively. This is comparable with values obtained by other authors in static tests of a commercial GPS collar for grazing studies. In field tests, the system was able to identify the incorrect position of the cattle and the warning messages were sent promptly to the farmer, continuing until the animals had been repositioned inside the fence, thus highlighting the potential of the GPS/GSM collar as an anti-theft system.

  9. "We're certainly not in our comfort zone": a qualitative study of GPs' dementia-care educational needs. (United States)

    Foley, Tony; Boyle, Siobhán; Jennings, Aisling; Smithson, W Henry


    Rising dementia prevalence rates rise combined with the policy objective of enabling people with dementia to remain living at home, means that there will be a growing demand for dementia care in the community setting. However, GPs are challenged by dementia care and have identified it as an area in which further training is needed. Previous studies of GPs dementia care educational needs have explored the views of GPs alone, without taking the perspectives of people with dementia and family carers into account. The aim of the study was to explore GPs' dementia care educational needs, as viewed from multiple perspectives, in order to inform the design and delivery of an educational programme for GPs. A qualitative study of GPs, people with dementia and family carers in a community setting was undertaken. Face-to-face interviews were performed with GPs, people with dementia and with family carers. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed. Thirty-one people were interviewed, consisting of fourteen GPs, twelve family carers and five people with dementia. GPs expressed a wish for further education, preferentially through small group workshops. Five distinct educational needs emerged from the interviews, namely, diagnosis, disclosure, signposting of local services, counselling and the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms (BPSD). While GPs focused on diagnosis, disclosure and BPSD in particular, people with dementia and family carers emphasised the need for GPs to engage in counselling and signposting of local services. The triangulation of data from multiple relevant sources revealed a broader range of GPs' educational needs, incorporating both medical and social aspects of dementia care. The findings of this study will inform the content and delivery of a dementia educational programme for GPs that is practice-relevant, by ensuring that the curriculum meets the needs of GPs, patients and their families.

  10. Seeing through the glass darkly? A qualitative exploration of GPs' drinking and their alcohol intervention practices. (United States)

    Kaner, Eileen; Rapley, Tim; May, Carl


    Brief alcohol intervention is influenced by patients' personal characteristics as well as their clinical risk. Risk-drinkers from higher social-status groups are less likely to receive brief intervention from GPs than those from lower social-status groups. Thus GPs' perception of social similarity or distance may influence brief intervention. To explore the role that GPs' drinking behaviour plays in their recognition of alcohol-related risk in patients. A qualitative interview study with 29 GPs recruited according to maximum variation sampling. All interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Analysis was inductive with constant comparison within and between themes plus deviant case analysis. Analysis developed until category saturation was reached. GPs described a range of personal drinking practices that broadly mirrored population drinking patterns. Many saw themselves as part of mainstream society, sharing in culturally sanctioned behaviour. For some GPs, shared drinking practices could increase empathy for patients who drank, and facilitate discussion about alcohol. However, several GPs regarded themselves as distinct from 'others', separating their own drinking from that of patients. Several GPs described a form of bench-marking, wherein only patients who drank more, or differently, to themselves were felt to be 'at risk'. Alcohol is clearly a complex and emotive health and social issue and GPs are not immune to its effects. For some GPs' shared drinking behaviour can act as a window of opportunity enabling insight on alcohol issues and facilitating discussion. However, other GPs may see through the glass more darkly and selectively recognize risk only in those patients who are least like them.

  11. 75 FR 2581 - Eighty-First Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 159: Global Positioning System (GPS) (United States)


    ... Committee 159: Global Positioning System (GPS) AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of RTCA Special Committee 159 meeting: Global Positioning System (GPS). SUMMARY: The FAA is... System (GPS). DATES: The meeting will be held February 2-5, 2010, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (unless stated...

  12. 76 FR 27744 - Eighty-Fifth Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 159: Global Positioning System (GPS) (United States)


    ... Committee 159: Global Positioning System (GPS) AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of RTCA Special Committee 159 meeting: Global Positioning System (GPS). SUMMARY: The FAA is... System (GPS). DATES: The meeting will be held May 26, 2011, from 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. ADDRESSES: The...

  13. 76 FR 33022 - Eighty-Sixth Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 159: Global Positioning System (GPS) (United States)


    ... Committee 159: Global Positioning System (GPS) AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of RTCA Special Committee 159 meeting: Global Positioning System (GPS). SUMMARY: The FAA is... System (GPS). DATES: The meeting will be held June 13-17, 2011, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ADDRESSES: The...

  14. 77 FR 12106 - 88th Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 159, Global Positioning System (GPS) (United States)


    ... 159, Global Positioning System (GPS) AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Notice of RTCA Special Committee 159, Global Positioning System (GPS). SUMMARY: The..., Global Positioning System (GPS). DATES: The meeting will be held March 13-16, 2012, from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m...

  15. How do GPs in Switzerland perceive their patients' satisfaction and expectations? An observational study. (United States)

    Sebo, Paul; Herrmann, François R; Haller, Dagmar M


    To assess doctors' perceptions of their patients' satisfaction and expectations in primary care. Cross-sectional study using questionnaires completed by general practitioners (GPs) and their patients. Primary care practices in Geneva, Switzerland. 23 GPs from a random list of 75 GPs practising in the canton of Geneva (participation rate 31%), who each recruited between 50 and 100 consecutive patients coming to the practice for a scheduled medical consultation, leading to a total of 1637 patients (participation rate: 97%, women: 63%, mean age: 54 years). Patient exclusion criteria were: new patients, those consulting in an emergency situation or suffering from disorders affecting their ability to consent, and those who did not speak French. Patients satisfaction with and expectations from the care they received in this practice; GPs perceptions of their patient's satisfaction and expectations. GPs underestimated all patient satisfaction items (p<0.001 for all items) whereas they overestimated their expectations, except for equipment (laboratory and X-ray) and some accessibility items. In a multivariate analysis to assess which GP factors were associated with correct assessment of their patients' views, only GPs' certification status was a significant factor. GPs tend to underestimate patients' satisfaction but overestimate their expectations in primary care. These findings may help GPs to understand patients' views in order to adequately meet their expectations and concerns. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  16. GPS & Roadpricing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zabic, Martina


    den enkelte bil med en computer, der ved hjælp af signaler fra satellitter, kan bestemme bilens placering på vejnettet. Herved kan bilens computer ved hjælp af elektroniske vejkort udregne kilometertaksten det pågældende sted, således at det skyldige beløb enten trækkes direkte eller akkumuleres til...... estimeringskvaliteten af positionen, som specielt ses når bilerne accelererer, deaccelererer og drejer hurtigt i sving m.m. Hver GPS-baseret observations nøjagtighed afhænger af antallet af satellitter inden for ”sigt”, kvaliteten af hvert signal (HDOP) og den retning satellitterne befinder sig i forhold til enheden og...

  17. Environmental radiation monitoring system with GPS (global positioning system)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komoto, Itsuro


    This system combines a radiation monitoring car with GPS and a data processor (personal computer). It distributes the position information acquired through GPS to the data such as measured environmental radiation dose rate and energy spectrum. It also displays and edits the data for each measuring position on a map. Transmitting the data to the power station through mobile phone enables plan managers to easily monitor the environmental radiation dose rate nearby and proper emergency monitoring. (author)

  18. Reduction Vehicle Speed Using GPS Android Smart Phone Programming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sameer Sami Hassan


    Full Text Available Today the new generation of smart phone such as Samsung galaxy, Sony, Motorola, HTC is used to build smart applications that made the human life more comfortable and safe. The Android open source operating system with java programming language can be used to develop such applications. In this paper a new software application has been developed using Samsung, galaxy note smart phone to control the speed of vehicle using GPS and Android programming for such smart phone. By collecting the speed and location information from Global Position System (GPS receiver and using the global map application programming interface to determine the location nearby university, school and hospital in Baghdad city. The application will be check the speed of vehicle in zone of school, hospital and university using GPS information. If the speed over the limit the application produce sound alarm to reduce the speed to set up limit.

  19. New method of GPS orbit determination from GCPS network for the purpose of DOP calculations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aly M. El-naggar


    Full Text Available The accuracy of GPS measurement satisfies the requirements of some applications, but many applications require an improvement of GPS measurement accuracy. For precise positioning by GPS, it is necessary to perform GPS mission planning. The GPS mission planning is a pre-survey task in which the values of Dilution Of Precision (DOP should be predicted for the observation points, this task should determine the best observation periods which meet the project requirements. The main purpose of this work is to study a rather simple but still fairly accurate algorithm to determine the artificial satellite orbits for the purpose of DOP calculation. The orbit determination algorithm proposed in this paper is implemented by using several reference stations and calculated the orbits by new algorithm; inverse GPS. Inverse GPS means that reference stations are considered as satellites and satellite as receiver. This new algorithm used to calculate the satellite orbit which is mainly used to calculate the DOP. A comparison is done between the estimated PDOP by using satellite coordinates from new method and from the SP3 (Standard Product # 3 file.

  20. Diagnosis of cognitive impairment and the assessment of driving safety: a survey of Canterbury GPs. (United States)

    Hoggarth, Petra A


    To assess how GPs in Canterbury determine the driving ability of their older patients with cognitive impairment. A 10-item questionnaire was sent to 514 Canterbury GPs via the mail system of three Primary Health Organisations. GPs could either post or fax back responses anonymously and were also able to add their own comments. 185 GPs returned completed questionnaires (36% response rate). Six of 10 items were rated in the middle of the response range, indicating a middling level of agreement. All but three GPs reported using a cognitive screening test and most talked to their patients about the need to plan for driving cessation. GPs did not frequently report referring for on-road driving assessments and many commented they would appreciate a more structured guideline with specific recommendations. There is room for improvement in the amount of information provided to GPs about how to best assess older patients with cognitive impairment for fitness to drive. Recommendations of specific cognitive screens and a flowchart format would be a valuable addition.

  1. A New Algorithm for ABS/GPS Integration Based on Fuzzy-Logic in Vehicle Navigation System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Amin Zadeh


    Full Text Available GPS based vehicle navigation systems have difficulties in tracking vehicles in urban canyons due to poor satellite availability. ABS (Antilock Brake System Navigation System consists of self-contained optical encoders mounted on vehicle wheels that can continuously provide accurate short-term positioning information. In this paper, a new concept regarding GPS/ABS integration, based on Fuzzy Logic is presented. The proposed algorithm is used to identify GPS position accuracy based on environment and vehicle dynamic knowledge. The GPS is used as reference during the time it is in a good condition and replaced by ABS positioning system when GPS information is unreliable. We compare our proposed algorithm with other common algorithm in real environment. Our results show that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the stability and reliability of ABS/GPS navigation system.

  2. An improved grey model for the prediction of real-time GPS satellite clock bias (United States)

    Zheng, Z. Y.; Chen, Y. Q.; Lu, X. S.


    In real-time GPS precise point positioning (PPP), real-time and reliable satellite clock bias (SCB) prediction is a key to implement real-time GPS PPP. It is difficult to hold the nuisance and inenarrable performance of space-borne GPS satellite atomic clock because of its high-frequency, sensitivity and impressionable, it accords with the property of grey model (GM) theory, i. e. we can look on the variable process of SCB as grey system. Firstly, based on limits of quadratic polynomial (QP) and traditional GM to predict SCB, a modified GM (1,1) is put forward to predict GPS SCB in this paper; and then, taking GPS SCB data for example, we analyzed clock bias prediction with different sample interval, the relationship between GM exponent and prediction accuracy, precision comparison of GM to QP, and concluded the general rule of different type SCB and GM exponent; finally, to test the reliability and validation of the modified GM what we put forward, taking IGS clock bias ephemeris product as reference, we analyzed the prediction precision with the modified GM, It is showed that the modified GM is reliable and validation to predict GPS SCB and can offer high precise SCB prediction for real-time GPS PPP.

  3. Update on GPS-Acoustics Measurements on the Continental Slope of the Cascadia Subduction Zone (United States)

    Chadwell, C. D.


    Land-based GPS measurements suggest the megathrust is locked offshore along the Cascadia Subduction Zone. However, land-based data alone lack geometric resolution to constrain the how the slip is distributed. GPS-Acoustic measurements can provide these constraints, but using traditional GPS-Acoustic approaches employing a ship is costly. Wave Gliders, a wave- and solar-powered, remotely-piloted sea surface platform, provide a low cost method for collecting GPS-A data. We have adapted GPS-Acoustic technology to the Wave Glider and in 2016 began annual measurements at three sites in the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ). Here, we review positioning results collected during summer 2017 at two sites on the continental slope of the Cascadia Subduction Zone: One site is approximately 45 NM offshore central Oregon and the other approximately 50 NM offshore central Washington State. A third site is approximately 90 NM offshore central Oregon on the incoming Juan de Fuca plate. We will report on initial results of the GPS-A data collection and operational experiences of the missions in 2016 and 2017. Wave Glider based GPS-A measurement have the potential to significantly increase the number and frequency of measurements of strain accumulation in Cascadia Subduction Zone and elsewhere.

  4. Review of current GPS methodologies for producing accurate time series and their error sources (United States)

    He, Xiaoxing; Montillet, Jean-Philippe; Fernandes, Rui; Bos, Machiel; Yu, Kegen; Hua, Xianghong; Jiang, Weiping


    The Global Positioning System (GPS) is an important tool to observe and model geodynamic processes such as plate tectonics and post-glacial rebound. In the last three decades, GPS has seen tremendous advances in the precision of the measurements, which allow researchers to study geophysical signals through a careful analysis of daily time series of GPS receiver coordinates. However, the GPS observations contain errors and the time series can be described as the sum of a real signal and noise. The signal itself can again be divided into station displacements due to geophysical causes and to disturbing factors. Examples of the latter are errors in the realization and stability of the reference frame and corrections due to ionospheric and tropospheric delays and GPS satellite orbit errors. There is an increasing demand on detecting millimeter to sub-millimeter level ground displacement signals in order to further understand regional scale geodetic phenomena hence requiring further improvements in the sensitivity of the GPS solutions. This paper provides a review spanning over 25 years of advances in processing strategies, error mitigation methods and noise modeling for the processing and analysis of GPS daily position time series. The processing of the observations is described step-by-step and mainly with three different strategies in order to explain the weaknesses and strengths of the existing methodologies. In particular, we focus on the choice of the stochastic model in the GPS time series, which directly affects the estimation of the functional model including, for example, tectonic rates, seasonal signals and co-seismic offsets. Moreover, the geodetic community continues to develop computational methods to fully automatize all phases from analysis of GPS time series. This idea is greatly motivated by the large number of GPS receivers installed around the world for diverse applications ranging from surveying small deformations of civil engineering structures (e

  5. Norwegians GPs' use of electronic patient record systems. (United States)

    Christensen, Tom; Faxvaag, Arild; Loerum, Hallvard; Grimsmo, Anders


    To evaluate GPs use of three major electronic patient record systems with emphasis on the ability of the systems to support important clinical tasks and to compare the findings with results from a study of the three major hospital-wide systems. A national, cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted in Norwegian primary care. 247 (73%) of 338 GPs responded. Proportions of the respondents who reported to use the EPR system to conduct 23 central clinical tasks, differences in the proportions of users of different EPR systems and user satisfaction and perceived usefulness of the EPR system were measured. The GPs reported extensive use of their EPR systems to support clinical tasks. There were no significant differences in functionality between the systems, but there were differences in reported software and hardware dysfunction and user satisfaction. The respondents reported high scores in computer literacy and there was no correlation between computer usage and respondent age or gender. A comparison with hospital physicians' use of three hospital-wide EPR systems revealed that GPs had higher usage than the hospital-based MDs. Primary care EPR systems support clinical tasks far better than hospital systems with better overall user satisfaction and reported impact on the overall quality of the work. EPR systems in Norwegian primary care that have been developed in accordance with the principles of user-centered design have achieved widespread adoption and highly integrated use. The quality and efficiency of the clinical work has increased in contrast to the situation of their hospital colleagues, who report more modest use and benefits of EPR systems.

  6. Equipamento microprocessado para geração de sinal de correção diferencial, em tempo real, para GPS Microprocessor-based equipment for real time generation of differential GPS correction signal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thales C. B. Lima


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um equipamento microprocessado, de baixo custo, para geração de sinal de correção diferencial para GPS, em tempo real, e configuração e supervisão do receptor GPS base. O equipamento desenvolvido possui um microcontrolador dedicado, display alfanumérico, teclado multifunção para configuração e operação do sistema e interfaces de comunicação. O circuito eletrônico do equipamento tem a função de receber as informações do GPS base e interpretá-las, transformando-as numa sentença no protocolo RTCM SC-104. O software do microcontrolador é responsável pela conversão do sinal recebido pelo GPS base, do formato proprietário para o protocolo RTCM SC-104. A placa processadora principal possui duas interfaces seriais padrão RS-232C. Uma delas tem a função de configuração e leitura das informações geradas pelo receptor GPS base. A outra atua somente como saída, enviando o sinal de correção diferencial. O projeto do equipamento microprocessado mostrou que é possível a construção de uma estação privada para a geração do sinal de correção diferencial, de baixo custo.This work presents the development of low cost microprocessor-based equipment for generation of differential GPS correction signal, in real time, and configuration and supervision of the GPS base. The developed equipment contains a dedicated microcontroller connected to the GPS receiver, alphanumeric display and multifunction keyboard for configuration and operation of the system and communication interfaces. The electronic circuit has the function of receiving the information from GPS base; interpret them, converting the sentence in the RTCM SC-104 protocol. The microcontroller software makes the conversion of the signal received by the GPS base from the specific format to RTCM SC-104 protocol. The processing main board has two serials RS-232C standard interfaces. One of them is used for configuration and

  7. GPS de precisión por el método estático relativo para puntos en aeropuertos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Roldán Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Todo país o región tiene su marco de referencia geodésico definido por un conjunto de parámetros específicos de referencia establecido por mediciones convencionales. Las discrepancias en orientación, traslación y escala respecto a un sistema único mundial, actualmente el Marco Internacional de Referencia Terrestre 2000, abreviado con las siglas en ingles ITRF00, traen consecuencias en la navegación aérea cuando se utiliza el GPS, debido a que las discrepancias citadas generan errores planimétricos desde decenas de metros hasta centenas de metros. Ante esta situación se da la necesidad de establecer en el ámbito mundial criterios de estandarización en la georreferenciación, adoptándose como sistema común de referencia geodésica en la Aviación Civil Internacional, el WGS84 con el ITRF00. En la actualidad, la estandarización en la georreferenciación se da no sólo en la aviación civil sino también en todos los campos de la geodesia, cartografía y catastro.

  8. Spread of ice mass loss into northwest Greenland observed by GRACE and GPS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khan, Shfaqat Abbas; Wahr, John; Bevis, Michael


    Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements from three long-term sites on bedrock adjacent to the ice sheet. The GRACE results provide a direct measure of mass loss averaged over scales of a few hundred km. The GPS data are used to monitor crustal uplift caused by ice mass loss close to the sites....... The GRACE results can be used to predict crustal uplift, which can be compared with the GPS data. In addition to showing that the northwest ice sheet margin is now losing mass, the uplift results from both the GPS measurements and the GRACE predictions show rapid acceleration in southeast Greenland in late...... 2003, followed by a moderate deceleration in 2006. Because that latter deceleration is weak, southeast Greenland still appears to be losing ice mass at a much higher rate than it was prior to fall 2003. In a more general sense, the analysis described here demonstrates that GPS uplift measurements can...

  9. Measurements of ionospheric TEC in the direction of GPS satellites and comparison with three ionospheric models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Zuccheretti


    Full Text Available The IEN Galileo Ferraris uses GPS for time and frequency synchronization. To obtain high performance it is important to reduce the error due to the ionospheric time-delay in GPS measurements. Evaluations of TEC in the direction of GPS satellites, obtained from three different ionospheric models, have been compared with corresponding measurements by GPS signal.

  10. Operational aspects of CASA UNO '88-The first large scale international GPS geodetic network (United States)

    Neilan, Ruth E.; Dixon, T. H.; Meehan, Thomas K.; Melbourne, William G.; Scheid, John A.; Kellogg, J. N.; Stowell, J. L.


    For three weeks, from January 18 to February 5, 1988, scientists and engineers from 13 countries and 30 international agencies and institutions cooperated in the most extensive GPS (Global Positioning System) field campaign, and the largest geodynamics experiment, in the world to date. This collaborative eperiment concentrated GPS receivers in Central and South America. The predicted rates of motions are on the order of 5-10 cm/yr. Global coverage of GPS observations spanned 220 deg of longitude and 125 deg of latitude using a total of 43 GPS receivers. The experiment was the first civilian effort at implementing an extended international GPS satellite tracking network. Covariance analyses incorporating the extended tracking network predicted significant improvement in precise orbit determination, allowing accurate long-baseline geodesy in the science areas.

  11. Towards 10(exp 9) GPS geodesy: Vector baselines, Earth rotation and reference frames (United States)

    Schutz, Bob E.


    Effort during the period form January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993 were in the following areas: GPS orbit accuracy assessments and efforts to improve the accuracy; analysis and effects of GPS receiver antenna phase center variation; analysis of global GPS data being collected for the IGS campaign; and analysis of regional (south west Pacific) campaign data. A brief summary of each of the above activities is presented.

  12. Efecto del entrenamiento físico sobre la mitocondriogénesis y la expresión de enzimas antioxidantes en el músculo de animales jóvenes, viejos y knockout de PGC-1 ALPHA


    Nascimento, Ana Lucia


    El envejecimiento humano está asociado a una pérdida de masa muscular que se inicia en la cuarta década de la vida con una pérdida de fuerza de un 1% al año y que se acelera con el transcurso de los años. Las causas del envejecimiento del organismo son complejas. Una amplia variedad de procesos se considera que están implicados en el declive de los distintos aparatos y sistemas con el paso de los años. Dentro los factores implicados en la pérdida de la funcionalidad del músc...

  13. GPS surveying method applied to terminal area navigation flight experiments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murata, M; Shingu, H; Satsushima, K; Tsuji, T; Ishikawa, K; Miyazawa, Y; Uchida, T [National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo (Japan)


    With an objective of evaluating accuracy of new landing and navigation systems such as microwave landing guidance system and global positioning satellite (GPS) system, flight experiments are being carried out using experimental aircraft. This aircraft mounts a GPS and evaluates its accuracy by comparing the standard orbits spotted by a Kalman filter from the laser tracing data on the aircraft with the navigation results. The GPS outputs position and speed information from an earth-centered-earth-fixed system called the World Geodetic System, 1984 (WGS84). However, in order to compare the navigation results with output from a reference orbit sensor or other navigation sensor, it is necessary to structure a high-precision reference coordinates system based on the WGS84. A method that applies the GPS phase interference measurement for this problem was proposed, and used actually in analyzing a flight experiment data. As referred to a case of the method having been applied to evaluating an independent navigation accuracy, the method was verified sufficiently effective and reliable not only in navigation method analysis, but also in the aspect of navigational operations. 12 refs., 10 figs., 5 tabs.

  14. Remote landslide mapping using a laser rangefinder binocular and GPS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Santangelo


    Full Text Available We tested a high-quality laser rangefinder binocular coupled with a GPS receiver connected to a Tablet PC running dedicated software to help recognize and map in the field recent rainfall-induced landslides. The system was tested in the period between March and April 2010, in the Monte Castello di Vibio area, Umbria, Central Italy. To test the equipment, we measured thirteen slope failures that were mapped previously during a visual reconnaissance field campaign conducted in February and March 2010. For reference, four slope failures were also mapped by walking the GPS receiver along the landslide perimeter. Comparison of the different mappings revealed that the geographical information obtained remotely for each landslide by the rangefinder binocular and GPS was comparable to the information obtained by walking the GPS around the landslide perimeter, and was superior to the information obtained through the visual reconnaissance mapping. Although our tests were not exhaustive, we maintain that the system is effective to map recent rainfall induced landslides in the field, and we foresee the possibility of using the same (or similar system to map landslides, and other geomorphological features, in other areas.

  15. USGS earthquake hazards program (EHP) GPS use case : earthquake early warning (EEW) and shake alert (United States)


    GPS Adjacent Band Workshop VI RTCA Inc., Washington D.C., 30 March 2017. USGS GPS receiver use case - Real-Time GPS for EEW -Continued: CRITICAL EFFECT - The GNSS component of the Shake Alert system augments the inertial sensors and is especial...

  16. Signal existence verification (SEV) for GPS low received power signal detection using the time-frequency approach. (United States)

    Jan, Shau-Shiun; Sun, Chih-Cheng


    The detection of low received power of global positioning system (GPS) signals in the signal acquisition process is an important issue for GPS applications. Improving the miss-detection problem of low received power signal is crucial, especially for urban or indoor environments. This paper proposes a signal existence verification (SEV) process to detect and subsequently verify low received power GPS signals. The SEV process is based on the time-frequency representation of GPS signal, and it can capture the characteristic of GPS signal in the time-frequency plane to enhance the GPS signal acquisition performance. Several simulations and experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed method for low received power signal detection. The contribution of this work is that the SEV process is an additional scheme to assist the GPS signal acquisition process in low received power signal detection, without changing the original signal acquisition or tracking algorithms.

  17. Evaluación de la función de los granulocitos en el síndrome de hiperinmunoglobulinemia E con infecciones recurrentes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Julio Montoya


    Full Text Available El síndrome de hiper-IgE con infecciones recurrentes (SHIEIR se caracteriza por infecciones de la piel y el aparato respiratorio causadas especialmente por Staphylococcus aureus y algunos hongos, infecciones que se asocian frecuentemente con daño tisular. Para explicar esta evolución clínica se ha documentado en el SHIEIR una deficiencia en la quimiotaxis de las células fagocíticas, pero no se ha evaluado la expresión de las moléculas de adhesión que regulan este fenómeno. Además, a pesar del daño tisular observado en este trastorno, no se ha estudiado la producción de citocinas activadoras de los granulocitos ni la producción de moléculas reactivas derivadas del oxígeno. En seis pacientes con SHIEIR se evaluó la secreción de GM-CSF e IL-5 de las células mononucleares cultivadas con mitógenos y antígenos, la quimiotaxis de los granulocitos inducida por el N-formil-metionil-leucina-fenilalania (FMLP bajo gel de agarosa, la explosión respiratoria de los granulocitos después de la activación con forbol-miristato-acetato (PMA determinada por citometría de flujo y la expresión de las moléculas de superficie L-selectina y CD11b en los granulocitos activados con PMA. Además, se determinó la modulación ejercida sobre estas funciones de los granulocitos por el GM-CSF y los sobrenadantes de cultivos. Con respecto a los controles, los pacientes con SHIEIR presentaron una producción normal de GMCSF y un aumento en la secreción basal de IL-5, mientras que no existieron diferencias significativas en la quimiotaxis, la explosión respiratoria y la expresión de L-selectina y CD11b. El GM-CSF recombinante humano no moduló ninguna de las funciones evaluadas en los granulocitos de pacientes con SHIEIR, pero se observó que los sobrenadantes de cultivos de células mononucleares tenían la capacidad de inhibir la quimiotaxis, incrementar la explosión respiratoria y causar la liberación de la L-selectina desde la superficie

  18. Compact Disks for GPs - this year - next year?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Pritchard


    Full Text Available Large databases on compact disk are being published at an increasing rate. Medical CDs are few in number, but some useful ones are available now, and more are on the way. Is this the moment for GPs to invest in CD-ROM technology, or would it pay to wait a bit? Five questions will be addressed. What benefits might GPs get from CDs? What is available now? What CDs are on the way? What hardware and software are needed, at what cost? What is the balance of advantage between publications on CD and paper?

  19. Android App Based Vehicle Tracking Using GPS And GSM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jessica Saini


    Full Text Available Global Positioning System GPS is used in numerous applications in todays world. A real time vehicle tracking system using the GPS technology is proposed in this paper. The project Android App based Vehicle Tracking Using GSM AND GPRS mainly focuses in tracking the location of the vehicle on which the device has been installed. It will then send the data in the form of latitude and longitude coordinates through SMS on the users mobile where the coordinates will be plotted in the Android app automatically. Initially the GPS installed in the device takes input from the satellite and stores it in the microcontrollers buffer. In order to track the vehicle the mobile user has to call on the SIM number that is registered in the GSM module of the device. Once the call is received the device authenticates the calling number. If authenticated the location of the vehicle is sent to the registered mobile number in the form of SMS. After sending the message the GSM is deactivated and the GPS is activated again. The coordinates of the location received in the SMS can be viewed on the android app. The hardware part described in the paper comprises of GPRS GSM module LCD to view the coordinates ATMega Microcontroller MAX 232 Arduino RS232 and relay.

  20. La Sociedad Mexicana de Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax: de un gran pasado a un mejor futuro


    Vázquez-García, Juan Carlos


    Resumen: La Sociedad Mexicana de Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax fue fundada el 15 de marzo de 1939 con el nombre de Sociedad Mexicana de Estudios sobre la Tuberculosis y Enfermedades del Aparato Respiratorio. Sus objetivos originales eran el estudio de la tuberculosis y las enfermedades pulmonares no tuberculosas, así como la cooperación con organizaciones nacionales y extranjeras de lucha común. Durante sus casi ocho décadas de existencia, ha sido liderada por 39 presidentes y mesas directiva...

  1. Cuidados de enfermería en paciente sometido a quimioterapia intensiva


    Rodríguez Marino, Ignacio


    [EN] El cáncer engloba un conjunto de patologías con importante incidencia sobre la población. En la actualidad, la quimioterapia es el tratamiento de elección en muchos casos. Los quimioterápicos no solo actúan sobre las células tumorales, sino también, sobre el conjunto de las células en desarrollo y crecimiento del organismo. Esto supone que los pacientes tratados con quimioterapia presenten efectos secundarios de diversa gravedad, en distintos aparatos y sistemas. La sintomatología adv...

  2. GPs' perspectives on preventive care for older people: a focus group study. (United States)

    Drewes, Yvonne M; Koenen, Julia M; de Ruijter, Wouter; van Dijk-van Dijk, D J Annemarie; van der Weele, Gerda M; Middelkoop, Barend J C; Reis, Ria; Assendelft, Willem J J; Gussekloo, Jacobijn


    Preventive care traditionally aims to prevent diseases or injuries. For older people, different aims of prevention, such as maintenance of independence and wellbeing, are increasingly important. To explore GPs' perspectives on preventive care for older people. Qualitative study comprising six focus groups with GPs in the Netherlands. The focus-group discussions with 37 GPs were analysed using the framework analysis method. Whether or not to implement preventive care for older people depends on the patient's individual level of vitality, as perceived by the GP. For older people with a high level of vitality, GPs confine their role to standardised disease-oriented prevention on a patient's request; when the vitality levels in older people fall, the scope of preventive care shifts from prevention of disease to prevention of functional decline. For older, vulnerable people, GPs expect most benefit from a proactive, individualised approach, enabling them to live as independently as possible. Based on these perspectives, a conceptual model for preventive care was developed, which describes GPs' different perspectives toward older people who are vulnerable and those with high levels of vitality. It focuses on five main dimensions: aim of care (prevention of disease versus prevention of functional decline), concept of care (disease model versus functional model), initiator (older persons themselves versus GP), target groups (people with requests versus specified risk groups), and content of preventive care (mainly cardiovascular risk management versus functional decline). GPs' perspectives on preventive care are determined by their perception of the level of vitality of their older patients. Preventive care for older people with high levels of vitality may consist of a standardised disease-oriented approach; those who are vulnerable will need an individualised approach to prevent functional decline.

  3. GPS data til undersøgelse af trængsel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ove; Krogh, Benjamin Bjerre; Torp, Kristian

    GPS data fra køretøjer er i en årrække blevet brugt som grundlag for beregning af køretider [1] [2] og estimering af trængsel [3] . Fælles for de tidligere tiltag er, at der typisk er anvendt både kommercielt software og et kommercielt digitalt kort. Sådanne kommercielle løsninger kræver, at brug......GPS data fra køretøjer er i en årrække blevet brugt som grundlag for beregning af køretider [1] [2] og estimering af trængsel [3] . Fælles for de tidligere tiltag er, at der typisk er anvendt både kommercielt software og et kommercielt digitalt kort. Sådanne kommercielle løsninger kræver....... Open-source og creative-commons licenserne gør, at information frit kan distribueres. Som et eksempel anvendes køretidskortet til at estimere køretider for flex-transport for store dele af Danmark. Artiklen er struktureret som følgende. Først præsenteres, hvorledes GPS data og OSM kortet er anvendt til...... at skabe et hastigheds- og trængselskort for hele Danmark. Herefter vises det, hvorledes GPS data inddelt i ture kan anvendes til at analysere kortere strækninger (nogle kilometer) f.eks. hvor der skal være grønne bølger. Slutteligt vises, hvordan GPS data kan anvendes til at nærstudere et enkelt kryds...

  4. Norwegian GPs' participation in multidisciplinary meetings: A register-based study from 2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gjesdal Sturla


    Full Text Available Abstract Background An increasing number of patients with chronic disorders and a more complex health service demand greater interdisciplinary collaboration in Primary Health Care. The aim of this study was therefore to identify factors related to general practitioners (GPs, their list populations and practice municipalities associated with a high rate of GP participation in multidisciplinary meetings (MDMs. Methods A national cross-sectional register-based study of Norwegian general practice was conducted, including data on all GPs in the Regular GP Scheme in 2007 (N = 3179. GPs were grouped into quartiles based on the annual number of MDMs per patient on their list, and the groups were compared using one-way analysis of variance. Binary logistic regression was used to analyse associations between high rates of participation and characteristics of the GP, their list population and practice municipality. Results On average, GPs attended 30 MDMs per year. The majority of the meetings concerned patients in the age groups 20-59 years. Psychological disorders were the motivation for 53% of the meetings. In a multivariate logistic regression model, the following characteristics predicted a high rate of MDM attendance: younger age of the GP, with an OR of 1.6 (95% CI 1.2-2.1 for GPs Conclusions Psychological problems including substance addiction gave grounds for the majority of MDMs. GPs with a high proportion of consultations with such problems also participated more frequently in MDMs. List size was negatively associated with the rate of MDMs, while a more disadvantaged list population was positively associated. Working in smaller organisational units seemed to facilitate cooperation between different professionals. There may be a generation shift towards more frequent participation in interdisciplinary work among younger GPs.

  5. Supporting EarthScope Cyber-Infrastructure with a Modern GPS Science Data System (United States)

    Webb, F. H.; Bock, Y.; Kedar, S.; Jamason, P.; Fang, P.; Dong, D.; Owen, S. E.; Prawirodirjo, L.; Squibb, M.


    Building on NASA's investment in the measurement of crustal deformation from continuous GPS, we are developing and implementing a Science Data System (SDS) that will provide mature, long-term Earth Science Data Records (ESDR's). This effort supports NASA's Earth Surface and Interiors (ESI) focus area and provide NASA's component to the EarthScope PBO. This multi-year development is sponsored by NASA's Making Earth System data records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) program. The SDS integrates the generation of ESDRs with data analysis and exploration, product generation, and modeling tools based on daily GPS data that include GPS networks in western North America and a component of NASA's Global GPS Network (GGN) for terrestrial reference frame definition. The system is expandable to multiple regional and global networks. The SDS builds upon mature data production, exploration, and analysis algorithms developed under NASA's REASoN, ACCESS, and SENH programs. This SDS provides access to positions, time series, velocity fields, and strain measurements derived from continuous GPS data obtained at tracking stations in both the Plate Boundary Observatory and other regional Western North America GPS networks, dating back to 1995. The SDS leverages the IT and Web Services developments carried out under the SCIGN/REASoN and ACCESS projects, which have streamlined access to data products for researchers and modelers, and which have created a prototype an on-the-fly interactive research environment through a modern data portal, GPS Explorer. This IT system has been designed using modern IT tools and principles in order to be extensible to any geographic location, scale, natural hazard, and combination of geophysical sensor and related data. We have built upon open GIS standards, particularly those of the OGC, and have used the principles of Web Service-based Service Oriented Architectures to provide scalability and extensibility to new services and capabilities.

  6. Effect of an evidence-based answering service on GPs and their patients : a pilot study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhoeven, A.A.; Schuling, J.


    OBJECTIVES: For general practitioners (GPs), an important obstacle to practising evidence-based medicine is lack of time. An evidence-based answering service was developed that took over searching and appraisal of medical evidence from the GPs. GPs sent in questions, and the informationist

  7. A New Method for Identifying Hazardous Road Locations Using GPS and Accelerometer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reinau, Kristian Hegner; Andersen, Camilla Sloth; Agerholm, Niels


    and validated through a case study of Aalborg city, where HRLs identified on the basis of accident statistics are compared to the HCLs identified with the new method on a dataset of more than 36.531 hours of driving tracked with accelerometer and GPS, containing 131 million GPS and 1.1 billion acceleration...... a new method relying on GPS data and accelerometer data. The method developed in this article is superior to previous methods since it utilizes acceleration measurements to identify both a deceleration and a significant drop in speed by integrating acceleration measurements over time in a moving time......-window. This calculation is combined with measurements of jerks to distinguish between planned decelerations and unplanned decelerations, which occurs when drivers react to hazardous situations. Finally, using GPS data, the unplanned decelerations identified are linked to specific locations. The method is tested...

  8. Study on index system of GPS interference effect evaluation (United States)

    Zhang, Kun; Zeng, Fangling; Zhao, Yuan; Zeng, Ruiqi


    Satellite navigation interference effect evaluation is the key technology to break through the research of Navigation countermeasure. To evaluate accurately the interference degree and Anti-jamming ability of GPS receiver, this text based on the existing research results of Navigation interference effect evaluation, build the index system of GPS receiver effectiveness evaluation from four levels of signal acquisition, tracking, demodulation and positioning/timing and establish the model for each index. These indexes can accurately and quantitatively describe the interference effect at all levels.

  9. La Agenda para el Desarrollo a través del Turismo En Perú y su Relación con Intereses Internacionales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Luisa Rendón Puertas


    Full Text Available Este ensayo evidencia la relación entre la agenda para el desarrollo a través del turismo en Perú y los intereses internacionales en torno al desarrollo en este campo. Para ello, se emplea elementos teóricos desde la perspectiva constructivista acerca del desarrollo, de las políticas publicas y las relaciones internacionales, partiendo de una descripción de antecedentes históricos en la construcción política y económica del estado Peruano. Se señala rasgos principales en la configuración de la política exterior del Perú en el siglo XXI y se identifica la agenda nacional para el desarrollo a través del turismo, conformada por normas, estrategias, aparatos técnicos y programas que muestran inter subjetividades y vínculos con intereses internacionales. La informacion se obtuvo mediante entrevistas en profundidad y consultando documentos oficiales y publicaciones. Se espera aportar al mejor conocimiento de ideas a vinculadas a paradigmas del desarrollo, compartidas por actores globales y locales, así como elementos para el análisis critico del turismo.

  10. GPs' experiences with out-of-hours GP cooperatives: a survey study from the Netherlands. (United States)

    Smits, Marleen; Keizer, Ellen; Huibers, Linda; Giesen, Paul


    Out-of-hours primary care has been provided by general practitioner (GP) cooperatives since the year 2000 in the Netherlands. Early studies in countries with similar organizational structures showed positive GP experiences. However, nowadays it is said that GPs experience a high workload at the cooperative and that they outsource a considerable part of their shifts. To examine positive and negative experiences of GPs providing out-of-hours primary care, and the frequency and reasons for outsourcing shifts. A cross-sectional observational survey among 688 GPs connected to six GP cooperatives in the Netherlands, using a web-based questionnaire. The response was 55% (n = 378). The main reasons for working in GP cooperatives were to retain registration as GP (79%) and remain experienced in acute care (74%). GPs considered the peak hours (81%) and the high number of patients (73%) as the most negative aspects. Most GPs chose to provide the out-of-hours shifts themselves: 85% outsourced maximally 25% of their shifts. The percentage of outsourced shifts increased with age. Main reasons for outsourcing were the desire to have more private time (76%); the high workload in daytime practice (71%); and less the workload during out-of-hours (46%). GPs are motivated to work in out-of-hours GP cooperatives, and they outsource few shifts. GPs consider the peak load and the large number of (non-urgent) help requests as the most negative aspects. To motivate and involve GPs for 7 × 24-h primary care, it is important to set limits on their workload.

  11. GPS & Galileo. Friendly Foes? (United States)


    some of their data, others employ different techniques. United States defense contractor Lockheed Martin developed an anti-jam GPS receiver in 2000 for...Europe in a New Generation of Satellite Navigation Services,” European Commission (9 Feb 1999): 16. 25. Ibid. 26. Anne Jolis , “Problems Run Rampant...European Outer Space,” Euro Topics (19 March 2007), found at 40. Jolis

  12. Data Integration from GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems for Pedestrians in Urban Area


    Krzysztof Bikonis; Jerzy Demkowicz


    The GPS system is widely used in navigation and the GPS receiver can offer long-term stable absolute positioning information. The overall system performance depends largely on the signal environments. The position obtained from GPS is often degraded due to obstruction and multipath effect caused by buildings, city infrastructure and vegetation, whereas, the current performance achieved by inertial navigation systems (INS) is still relatively poor due to the large inertial sensor errors. The c...

  13. Un aparato ortopédico para el magisterio: la Dirección General de Educación Primaria y los maestros en el Distrito Federal, 1896-1913

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ma. Eugenia Chaoul Pereyra


    Full Text Available Al convertirse en empleados federales en 1896, los maestros de primaria del Distrito Federal y de los territorios (Nayarit y Baja California ocuparon un papel singular para poner en marcha la política educativa del régimen porfiriano. En el marco de la anhelada centralización educativa, las autoridades promovieron que los docentes se desempeñaran como agentes modernizadores y pudieran difundir los nuevos contenidos pedagógicos. Sin embargo, la estructura burocrática diseñada para tal fin derivó en un aparato que supervisó, controló e inmovilizó a los maestros relegándolos a ocupar un papel receptivo, secundario y dependiente de los favores de la autoridad. Este desempeño fue crucial para entender las características que adquirió la organización magisterial al despuntar la revolución

  14. GPs' negotiation strategies regarding sick leave for subjective health complaints

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nilsen, Stein Tore; Malterud, Kirsti; Werner, Erik L.


    Objectives: To explore general practitioners ’(GPs’) specific negotiation strategies regarding sick-leave issues with patientssuffering from subjective health complaints. Design: Focus-group study. Setting: Nine focus-group interviews in three citiesin different regions of Norway. Participants: 48...... GPs (31 men, 17 women; age 32–65), participating in a course dealing with diagnostic practice and assessment of sickness certifi cates related to patients with subjective health complaints. Results: TheGPs identified some specific strategies that they claimed to apply when dealing with the question...... to sick leave. Conclusions and implications: GPs seem to have a conscious approach to negotiations of sickness certification, as they report applying specific strategies to limit the duration of sick leave due to subjective health complaints. This give-and-take way of handling sick leave negotiations has...

  15. Error detection in GPS observations by means of Multi-process models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Henrik F.


    The main purpose of this article is to present the idea of using Multi-process models as a method of detecting errors in GPS observations. The theory behind Multi-process models, and double differenced phase observations in GPS is presented shortly. It is shown how to model cycle slips in the Mul...

  16. Development of position measuring technology by GPS; GPS ni yoru sokui gijutsu no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ishizaki, T [Ministry of Transportation, Tokyo (Japan)


    With regard to the GPS (global positioning system) which uses the satellites launched and administered by the U.S.A. and has been utilized worldwide for ships, automobiles and geodetic surveys in recent years, Ministry of Transport started investigation and research on the application of its position measuring system from FY 1989. In this fiscal year, a study on position measuring methods and selection of the position measuring system to be developed were made, in FY 1991, the real-time functioning and track display were developed, in FY 1992, the initialization aboard the ship, the measure to prevent cycle slip, and the radio data communication technology were developed, and in FY 1993, a long term demonstration experiment presuming its practical use was conducted attaining the expected purpose. In this article, the developed real-time kinematic position measuring system is introduced. Regarding the position measuring methods by the GPS, there are the one point position measuring method and the relative position measuring method. Regarding this newly developed position measuring device, its application to work ships and structures can be considered in various ways. 4 figs.

  17. The role of GPs in increasing compliance to colorectal cancer screening: a randomised controlled trial (Italy). (United States)

    Federici, Antonio; Giorgi Rossi, Paolo; Bartolozzi, Francesco; Farchi, Sara; Borgia, Piero; Guastcchi, Gabriella


    To assess the effect of the provider (GPs versus hospital) on the compliance in returning the faecal occult blood test. To analyse the characteristics of the GP associated with high compliance among his beneficiaries. A questionnaire about screening attitudes was mailed to the 1192 GPs working in 13 districts of the Lazio region. We asked the GPs to participate in a randomised trial, we sampled 130 GPs and about 1/10 of the GPs' 50-75 year old beneficiaries (n = 3657) were invited to be screened at the GP office and 1/10 (3675) at the nearest gastroenterology centre. 58.5% of the GPs completed the questionnaire and 22.7% agreed to participate in the trial. The compliance in the GP arm was 50%, in the hospital arm 16% (RR 3.4; 95% CI: 3.13-3.70). There was a high variability in the compliance obtained by the GPs. GPs with more than 25 patients visited/day and those incorrectly recommended screening of colorectal cancer obtained a lower compliance (OR 0.74, 95% CI: 0.57-0.95 and OR 0.76, 95% CI: 0.59-0.97, respectively). The involvement of GPs in colorectal cancer screening can be very effective to enhance the compliance, but the effectiveness is dependent on their willingness to be involved.

  18. Overview of GPS Adjacent Band Compatibility Assessment (United States)


    January 13, 2012 National SpaceBased Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Executive Committee (EXCOM) cochair letter to National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) proposed to draft new Global Positioning System (GPS)...

  19. Factors influencing recording of drug misuse in primary care: a qualitative study of GPs in England. (United States)

    Davies-Kershaw, Hilary; Petersen, Irene; Nazareth, Irwin; Stevenson, Fiona


    Drug misuse is a serious public health problem. Evidence from previous epidemiological studies show that GPs are recording drug misuse in electronic patient records (EPR). However, although the recording trends are similar to national surveys, recording rates are much lower. To explore the factors that influence GPs to record drug misuse in the EPR, and to gain a clearer understanding of the gap between the amount of drug misuse recorded in primary care and that in national surveys and other studies. A semi-structured qualitative interview study of GPs working in general practices across England. Purposive sampling was employed to recruit 12 GPs, both with and without a special interest in drug misuse, from across England. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted to consider whether and why GPs record drug misuse, which methods GPs use for recording, GPs' actions if a patient asks for the information not to be recorded, and GPs' actions if they think a patient misuses drugs but does not disclose the information. Resulting data were analysed using a combination of inductive and deductive thematic analysis. The complexity of asking about drug misuse preceded GPs' decision to record. They described how the context of the general practice protocols, interaction between GP and patient, and the questioning process affected whether, how, and in which circumstances they asked about drug use. This led to GPs making a clinical decision on whether, who, and how to record in the EPR. When making decisions about whether or not to record drug misuse, GPs face complex choices. Aside from their own views, they reported feelings of pressure from the general practice environment in which they worked and their clinical commissioning group, as well as government policies. © British Journal of General Practice 2018.

  20. Travel patterns during pregnancy: comparison between Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking and questionnaire data. (United States)

    Wu, Jun; Jiang, Chengsheng; Jaimes, Guillermo; Bartell, Scott; Dang, Andy; Baker, Dean; Delfino, Ralph J


    Maternal exposures to traffic-related air pollution have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Exposures to traffic-related air pollutants are strongly influenced by time spent near traffic. However, little is known about women's travel activities during pregnancy and whether questionnaire-based data can provide reliable information on travel patterns during pregnancy. Examine women's in-vehicle travel behavior during pregnancy and examine the difference in travel data collected by questionnaire and global positioning system (GPS) and their potential for exposure error. We measured work-related travel patterns in 56 pregnant women using a questionnaire and one-week GPS tracking three times during pregnancy (30 weeks of gestation). We compared self-reported activities with GPS-derived trip distance and duration, and examined potentially influential factors that may contribute to differences. We also described in-vehicle travel behavior by pregnancy periods and influences of demographic and personal factors on daily travel times. Finally, we estimated personal exposure to particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PB-PAH) and examined the magnitude of exposure misclassification using self-reported vs. GPS travel data. Subjects overestimated both trip duration and trip distance compared to the GPS data. We observed moderately high correlations between self-reported and GPS-recorded travel distance (home to work trips: r = 0.88; work to home trips: r = 0.80). Better agreement was observed between the GPS and the self-reported travel time for home to work trips (r = 0.77) than work to home trips (r = 0.64). The subjects on average spent 69 and 93 minutes traveling in vehicles daily based on the GPS and self-reported data, respectively. Longer daily travel time was observed among participants in early pregnancy, and during certain pregnancy periods in women with higher education attainment, higher income, and no children. When comparing

  1. An exploration of GPs' use of MRI: a critical incident study. (United States)

    Robling, M; Kinnersley, P; Houston, H; Hourihan, M; Cohen, D; Hale, J


    Direct access to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is becoming available to GPs in the UK, offering major benefits for the improved diagnosis and management of certain clinical conditions. Variations in usage of this service may be large, and effective locally produced guidelines are not currently available. The Department of General Practice is conducting a research programme to develop and evaluate methods to optimize MRI use by GPs. We aimed to describe the current use of MRI by GPs in South Glamorgan; to summarize their reasons for requesting MRI; and to produce criteria to assess the appropriateness of magnetic resonance (MR) scan requests. Using the critical incident technique, 25 GPs were interviewed about recent scans requested for patients with knee and lumbar spine complaints. A local panel of primary and secondary care doctors was convened to develop criteria for assessing MR scan requests. Sixty-two scan requests were discussed. Doctors' reasons for requesting MR scans were identified and classified. Reasons for requests included personal, contextual and biomedical variables. Fifteen patients (24%) were managed in primary care following MRI when otherwise they would have been referred. When referrals were made, GPs felt able to reinforce the request and occasionally to direct the patient somewhere more appropriate. The panel reviewed the interview data to produce objective criteria to assess scan requests. The criteria reflect the relative importance of non-biomedical variables in the decision to request MRI. The study identified those reasons which are important to GPs when requesting MR scans and the impact of this new technology upon patient management. Interview data have been used to inform locally developed consensus criteria, which will be made available as practice guidelines as the research programme progresses.

  2. GPS-seismograms reveal amplified shaking in California's San Joaquin Delta region (United States)

    Johanson, I. A.


    The March 10, 2014, the Mw6.8 Ferndale earthquake occurred off the coast of Northern California, near the Mendocino Triple Junction. Aftershocks suggest a northeast striking fault plane for the strike-slip earthquake, oriented such that the California coast is roughly perpendicular to the rupture plane. Consequently, large amplitude Love waves were observed at seismic stations and continuous GPS stations throughout Northern California. While GPS is less sensitive then broadband instruments, in Northern California their station density is much higher, potentially providing valuable detail. A total of 269 GPS stations that have high-rate (1 sps) data available were used to generate GPS-seismograms. These include stations from the Bay Area Regional Deformation (BARD) network, the Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO, operated by UNAVCO), and the USGS, Menlo Park. The Track software package was used to generate relative displacements between pairs of stations, determined using Delaunay triangulation. This network-based approach allows for higher precision than absolute positioning, because common noise sources, in particular atmospheric noise, are cancelled out. A simple least-squares network adjustment with a stable centroid constraint is performed to transform the mesh of relative motions into absolute motions at individual GPS stations. This approach to generating GPS-seismograms is validated by the good agreement between time series records at 16 BARD stations that are co-located with broadband seismometers from the Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN). While the distribution of peak dynamic displacements is dominated in long periods by the radiation pattern, at shorter periods other patterns become visible. In particular, stations in the San Joaquin Delta (SJD) region show higher peak dynamic displacements than those in surrounding areas, as well as longer duration shaking. SJD stations also have higher dynamic displacements on the radial component than surrounding

  3. Tectonic Model of Bali Island Inferred from GPS Data


    Cecep Sulaeman; Sri Hidayati; Amalfi Omang; Imam Catur Priambodo


    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.5.1.81-91Seven periods of GPS campaign have been conducted for three years since March 2013 - October 2015 on fourteen GPS sites across Bali Island. The GAMIT/GLOBK 10.6 version was used to compute data with respect for thirteen reference sites of International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) 2008 surrounding Bali. The result shows that horizontal displacement varies between 1.93 and 22.53 mm/yr dominantly northeastward. Vertical displacement ranges at -184.34 to 33.79 m...

  4. Mesure GPS sur le circuit du LIER à Lyon




    Depuis quelques années le guidage immatériel pour les autobus est à l'ordre du jour et la localisation est une des contraintes à son développement. Pour subvenir à ces besoins la solution GPS est envisagée. Cette technologie en devenir comporte énormément d'avantage notamment en terme coût et de maintenance. L'expérimentation faite à Lyon met en évidence les performances maximales pouvant être obtenu en utilisant le GPS. RAPPORT DE CONTRAT

  5. Análisis de la coestimulación en la respuesta inmune de pacientes con síndrome de hiperinmunoglobulinemia E con infecciones recurrentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Javier Patiño Grajales


    Full Text Available

    El síndrome de hiperinmunoglobulinemia E con infecciones recurrentes (SHIEIR es una inmunodeficiencia primaria caracterizada por niveles séricos extremadamente elevados de inmunoglobulina E, eczema de aparición temprana, eosinofilia, infecciones a repetición de la piel y neumonías con formación de neumatoceles (1. El análisis reciente de 30 pacientes y 70 de sus familiares ha permitido redefinirlo como un desorden multisistémico que afecta la dentición, el esqueleto, el tejido conectivo y el sistema inmune; se ha sugerido que se hereda como un rasgo autonómico dominante con expresividad variable (2.

    Las anormalidades inmunológicas en este síndrome incluyen alteraciones del funcionamiento de los linfocitos T y B, al igual que las células fagocíticas. Pese a que dichos defectos no se han logrado documentar consistentemente en todos los pacientes, sí se ha observado de manera persistente una incapacidad de los linfocitos T para activarse, in vivo e in vitro, cuando son estimulados con antígenos específicos, aunque mantienen intacta su capacidad de respuesta a mitógenos. Este fenómeno, aunado a una marcada susceptibilidad de los individuos afectados por adquirir infecciones que comprometen preferencialmente algunos órganos y sistemas (piel y aparato respiratorio y cuyos agentes etiológicos son muy característicos (especialmente el Staphylococcus aureus, nos llevaron a proponer que el defecto en la respuesta inmune en dichos sitios anatómicos y contra microorganismos específicos puede deberse a alguna alteración en las moléculas accesorias que se expresan tanto en los linfocitos T como en las células presentadoras de antígenos.

    Por lo anterior nos proponemos evaluar la actividad de las mol

  6. Tractor-mounted, GPS-based spot fumigation system manages Prunus replant disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. Udompetaikul


    Full Text Available Our research goal was to use recent advances in global positioning system (GPS and computer technology to apply just the right amount of fumigant where it is most needed (i.e., in a small target treatment zone in and around each tree replanting site to control Prunus replant disease (PRD. We developed and confirmed the function of (1 GPS-based software that can be used on cleared orchard land to flexibly plan and map all of an orchard's future tree sites and associated spot fumigation treatment zones and 2 a tractor-based GPS-controlled spot fumigation system to quickly and safely treat the targeted tree site treatment zones. In trials in two almond orchards and one peach orchard, our evaluations of the composite mapping and application system, which examined spatial accuracy of the spot treatments, delivery rate accuracy of the spot treatments, and tree growth responses to the spot treatments, all indicated that GPS spot fumigation has excellent potential to greatly reduce fumigant usage while adequately managing the PRD complex.

  7. The Inversion of Ionospheric/plasmaspheric Electron Density From GPS Beacon Observations (United States)

    Zou, Y. H.; Xu, J. S.; Ma, S. Y.

    It is a space-time 4-D tomography to reconstruct ionospheric/ plasmaspheric elec- tron density, Ne, from ground-based GPS beacon measurements. The mathematical foundation of such inversion is studied in this paper and some simulation results of reconstruction for GPS network observation are presented. Assuming reasonably a power law dependence of NE on time with an index number of 1-3 during one ob- servational time of GPS (60-90min.), 4-D inversion in consideration is reduced to a 3-D cone-beam tomography with incomplete projections. To see clearly the effects of the incompleteness on the quality of reconstruction for 3-D condition, we deduced theoretically the formulae of 3-D parallel-beam tomography. After establishing the mathematical basis, we adopt linear temporal dependence of NE and voxel elemental functions to perform simulation of NE reconstruction with the help of IRI90 model. Reasonable time-dependent 3-D images of ionosphere/ plasmasphere electron density distributions are obtained when taking proper layout of the GPS network and allowing variable resolutions in vertical.

  8. Auditing GPs' prescribing habits : Cardiovascular prescribing frequently continues medication initiated by specialists

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Vries, C.S; van Diepen, N.M; de Jong-van den Berg, L T W

    Objective: To determine to what extent general practitioners' (GPs) prescribing behaviour is a result of repeat prescribing of medication which has been initiated by specialists. Method: During a 4-week period, pharmacists identified GPs' prescriptions for a large group of cardiovascular drugs.

  9. Implementasi Cell ID dan GPS dalam Pencarian Lokasi Fasilitas Kesehatan Terdekat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fahmi Candra Permana


    Full Text Available Cell ID dan GPS merupakan layanan berbasis lokasi dan teknologi yang banyak membantu manusia dalam hal navigasi dan penemuan tempat-tempat yang bermanfaat di sekitarnya. Salah satu komponen utama dari teknologi ini dapat diterapkan pada telepon seluler. Dalam penelitian ini, dirancang sebuah aplikasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi berdasar implementasi dari Cell ID dan GPS untuk mengetahui posisi user dan lokasi fasilitas kesehatan terdekat di sekitar user dan penggunaan JSON sebagai sarana untuk menyimpan database pada web. Aplikasi ini diimplementasikan pada telepon seluler dengan sistem operasi Android. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Cell ID dan GPS dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik dengan memanfaatkan akses Internet dan Google Maps untuk mencari fasilitas kesehatan terdekat dan menggambarkan daerah sekitar user.

  10. Timing Comparisons for GLEs and High-energy Proton Events using GPS Proton Measurements (United States)

    Bernstein, V.; Winter, L. M.; Carver, M.; Morley, S.


    The newly released LANL GPS particle sensor data offers a unique snapshot of access of relativistic particles into the geomagnetic field. Currently, 23 of the 31 operational GPS satellites host energetic particle detectors which can detect the arrival of high-energy solar protons associated with Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs). We compare the timing profiles of solar energetic proton detections from GPS satellites as well as from ground-based Neutron Monitors and GOES spacecraft at geostationary orbit in order to understand how high-energy protons from the Sun enter the geomagnetic field and investigate potential differences in arrival time of energetic protons at GPS satellites as a function of location. Previous studies could only use one or two spacecraft at a similar altitude to track the arrival of energetic particles. With GPS data, we can now test whether the particles arrive isotropically, as assumed, or whether there exist differences in the timing and energetics viewed by each of the individual satellites. Extensions of this work could lead to improvements in space weather forecasting that predict more localized risk estimates for space-based technology.

  11. Good end-of-life care according to patients and their GPs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Borgsteede, Sander D.; Graafland-Riedstra, Corrie; Deliens, Luc; Francke, Anneke L.; van Eijk, Jacques ThM; Willems, Dick L.


    BACKGROUND: Most patients prefer to die at home, where a GP provides end-of-life care. A few previous studies have been directed at the GPs' values on good end-of-life care, yet no study combined values of patients and their own GP. AIM: To explore the aspects valued by both patients and GPs in

  12. Good end-of-life care according to patients and their GPs.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Borgsteede, S.D.; Graafland-Riedstra, C.; Deliens, L.; Francke, A.L.; Eijk, J.T.M. van; Willems, D.L.


    Background: Most patients prefer to die at home, where a GP provides end-of-life care. A few previous studies have been directed at the GPs' values on good end-of-life care, yet no study combined values of patients and their own GP. Aim: To explore the aspects valued by both patients and GPs in

  13. Global (50°S–50°N) distribution of water vapor observed by COSMIC GPS RO: Comparison with GPS radiosonde, NCEP, ERA-Interim, and JRA-25 reanalysis data sets

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Kishore, P


    Full Text Available In this study, global (50°S–50°N) distribution of water vapor is investigated using COSMIC GPS RO measurements. Detailed comparisons have been made between COSMIC and high resolution GPS radiosonde measurements across 13 tropical stations and model...

  14. Managing the GPS/GIS function in an electric utility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michelsen, M.W. Jr.


    A new period of higher significance has arrived for the GPS/GIS function at electric utilities such that to a degree never seen before, utility managers are looking to their GIS programs, filled with increasingly accurate data collected by GPS technology, before making many decisions. With this capability comes an expectation for GPS/GIS professionals to provide higher levels of planning and management of their data collection process. At Duke Power in Charlotte, North Carolina, managers rely on GPS mapping to fill their data collection equipment needs. When the city of Charlotte requested a more detailed billing system, Duke Power co-sponsored the street lighting inventory project, a comprehensive program implemented to fully account for street lighting facilities within the billing area. One of the key projects to be kept in mind was the creation of a common data base viewable by GIS from which a bill could be created and as well reveal data. A billing calculation routine can be run against the data base to generate a bill or use MapInfo to see a graphical picture. Prior to the creation of this data base capability, the difference between the data base as a display tool and billing system was a potential source of discrepancy, which is eliminated now. Creating the data base allows more than just creating a bill for the city, it allows Duke Power to work better with the city by improving its billing accountability and provides better service as well

  15. Determination of semi-diurnal ocean tide loading constituents using GPS in Alaska

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khan, Shfaqat Abbas; Tscherning, C.C.


    During the past years, the accuracy of relative positioning using differential GPS (DGPS) has been improved significantly. The present accuracy of DGPS allows us to directly estimate the differential amplitudes and Greenwich phase lags of the main semi-diurnal ocean tide loading constituents (S-2......, K-2, M-2 and N-2). For this purpose a test is carried out using two GPS stations in Alaska. One station, Chi3, is located on an island in the Gulf of Alaska, while the second station, Fair, is located far away from the coastal areas. Processing hourly GPS solutions for the baseline between Fair...

  16. Providing healthcare for people with chronic illness: the views of Australian GPs. (United States)

    Oldroyd, John; Proudfoot, Judith; Infante, Fernando A; Powell Davies, Gawaine; Bubner, Tanya; Holton, Chris; Beilby, Justin J; Harris, Mark F


    To explore general practitioners' views on chronic-disease care: the difficulties and rewards, the needs of patients, the impact of government incentive payments, and the changes needed to improve chronic-disease management. Qualitative study, involving semi-structured questions administered to 10 focus groups of GPs, conducted from April to October 2002. 54 GPs from both urban and rural practices in New South Wales and South Australia. Consistent themes emerged about the complex nature of chronic-disease management, the tension between patients' and GPs' goals for care, the time-consuming aspects of care (exacerbated by federal government requirements), and the conflicting pressures that prevent GPs engaging in structured multidisciplinary care (ie, team-based care involving systems for patient monitoring, recall, and care planning). Structured multidisciplinary care for people with chronic conditions can be difficult to provide. Barriers include the lack of fit between systems oriented towards acute care and the requirements of chronic-disease care, and between bureaucratic, inflexible structures and the complex, dynamic nature of GP-patient relationships. These problems are exacerbated by administrative pressures associated with federal government initiatives to improve chronic-illness management. Changes are needed in both policies and attitudes to enable GPs to move from episodic care to providing structured long-term care as part of a multidisciplinary team.

  17. Assessment of Aliasing Errors in Low-Degree Coefficients Inferred from GPS Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Na Wei


    Full Text Available With sparse and uneven site distribution, Global Positioning System (GPS data is just barely able to infer low-degree coefficients in the surface mass field. The unresolved higher-degree coefficients turn out to introduce aliasing errors into the estimates of low-degree coefficients. To reduce the aliasing errors, the optimal truncation degree should be employed. Using surface displacements simulated from loading models, we theoretically prove that the optimal truncation degree should be degree 6–7 for a GPS inversion and degree 20 for combing GPS and Ocean Bottom Pressure (OBP with no additional regularization. The optimal truncation degree should be decreased to degree 4–5 for real GPS data. Additionally, we prove that a Scaled Sensitivity Matrix (SSM approach can be used to quantify the aliasing errors due to any one or any combination of unresolved higher degrees, which is beneficial to identify the major error source from among all the unresolved higher degrees. Results show that the unresolved higher degrees lower than degree 20 are the major error source for global inversion. We also theoretically prove that the SSM approach can be used to mitigate the aliasing errors in a GPS inversion, if the neglected higher degrees are well known from other sources.

  18. A New Technique to Observe ENSO Activity via Ground-Based GPS Receivers (United States)

    Suparta, Wayan; Iskandar, Ahmad; Singh, Mandeep Singh Jit

    In an attempt to study the effects of global climate change in the tropics for improving global climate model, this paper aims to detect the ENSO events, especially El Nino phase by using ground-based GPS receivers. Precipitable water vapor (PWV) obtained from the Global Positioning System (GPS) Meteorology measurements in line with the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTa) are used to connect their response to El Niño activity. The data gathered from four selected stations over the Southeast Asia, namely PIMO (Philippines), KUAL (Malaysia), NTUS (Singapore) and BAKO (Indonesia) for the year of 2009/2010 were processed. A strong correlation was observed for PIMO station with a correlation coefficient of -0.90, significantly at the 99 % confidence level. In general, the relationship between GPS PWV and SSTa at all stations on a weekly basis showed with a negative correlation. The negative correlation indicates that during the El Niño event, the PWV variation was in decreased trend. Decreased trend of PWV value is caused by a dry season that affected the GPS signals in the ocean-atmospheric coupling. Based on these promising results, we can propose that the ground-based GPS receiver is capable used to monitor ENSO activity and this is a new prospective method that previously unexplored.

  19. The lesser evil? Initiating a benzodiazepine prescription in general practice: a qualitative study on GPs' perspectives. (United States)

    Anthierens, Sibyl; Habraken, Hilde; Petrovic, Mirko; Christiaens, Thierry


    Chronic benzodiazepine (BZD) use is widespread and linked with adverse effects. There is consensus concerning the importance of initiating BZD as a crucial moment. Nevertheless specific research in this field is lacking. This paper addresses the views of GPs on why they start prescribing BZDs to first-time users. Qualitative study with five focus groups analysed using a systematic content analysis. Regions of Ghent and Brussels in Belgium. A total of 35 general practitioners. The GPs' perspective on their initiating of BZD prescribing. GPs reported that they are cautious in initiating BZD usage. At the same time, GPs feel overwhelmed by the psychosocial problems of their patients. They show empathy by prescribing. They feel in certain situations there are no other solutions and they experience BZDs as the lesser evil. They admit to resorting to BZDs because of time restraint and lack of alternatives. GPs do not perceive the addictive nature of BZD consumption as a problem with first-time users. GPs do not specifically mention patients' demand as an element for starting. The main concern of GPs is to help the patient. GPs should be aware of the addictive nature of BZD even in low doses and a non-pharmacological approach should be seen as the best first approach. If GPs decide to prescribe a BZD they should make plain to the patient that the medication is only a "temporary" solution with clear agreements with regard to medication withdrawal.

  20. The Volpe Center GPS Adjacent Band Compatibility Program Plan : GPS Adjacent Band Compatibility Workshop, Volpe Center, Cambridge MA (United States)


    Approach to DOT GPS Adjacent Band Compatibility Assessment. Identify forums and provide public outreach to make sure the progress and work are as open and transparent as possible. Develop an implementation plan that incorporates aspects from the DOT ...

  1. Monitoring Bare Soil Freeze–Thaw Process Using GPS-Interferometric Reflectometry: Simulation and Validation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xuerui Wu


    Full Text Available Frozen soil and permafrost affect ecosystem diversity and productivity as well as global energy and water cycles. Although some space-based Radar techniques or ground-based sensors can monitor frozen soil and permafrost variations, there are some shortcomings and challenges. For the first time, we use GPS-Interferometric Reflectometry (GPS-IR to monitor and investigate the bare soil freeze–thaw process as a new remote sensing tool. The mixed-texture permittivity models are employed to calculate the frozen and thawed soil permittivities. When the soil freeze/thaw process occurs, there is an abrupt change in the soil permittivity, which will result in soil scattering variations. The corresponding theoretical simulation results from the forward GPS multipath simulator show variations of GPS multipath observables. As for the in-situ measurements, virtual bistatic radar is employed to simplify the analysis. Within the GPS-IR spatial resolution, one SNOTEL site (ID 958 and one corresponding PBO (plate boundary observatory GPS site (AB33 are used for analysis. In 2011, two representative days (frozen soil on Doy of Year (DOY 318 and thawed soil on DOY 322 show the SNR changes of phase and amplitude. The GPS site and the corresponding SNOTEL site in four different years are analyzed for comparisons. When the soil freeze/thaw process occurred and no confounding snow depth and soil moisture effects existed, it exhibited a good absolute correlation (|R| = 0.72 in 2009, |R| = 0.902 in 2012, |R| = 0.646 in 2013, and |R| = 0.7017 in 2014 with the average detrended SNR data. Our theoretical simulation and experimental results demonstrate that GPS-IR has potential for monitoring the bare soil temperature during the soil freeze–thaw process, while more test works should be done in the future. GNSS-R polarimetry is also discussed as an option for detection. More retrieval work about elevation and polarization combinations are the focus of future development.

  2. Autonomous GPS/INS navigation experiment for Space Transfer Vehicle (United States)

    Upadhyay, Triveni N.; Cotterill, Stephen; Deaton, A. W.


    An experiment to validate the concept of developing an autonomous integrated spacecraft navigation system using on board Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS) measurements is described. The feasibility of integrating GPS measurements with INS measurements to provide a total improvement in spacecraft navigation performance, i.e. improvement in position, velocity and attitude information, was previously demonstrated. An important aspect of this research is the automatic real time reconfiguration capability of the system designed to respond to changes in a spacecraft mission under the control of an expert system.

  3. Challenges and advantages of using GPS data in outdoor advertisement


    Hecker, Dirk; Körner, Christine; May, Michael


    A growing number of companies use mobility data in their day-to-day business. Especially in the area of outdoor advertising, GPS devices have been successfully applied in order to measure poster performance in recent years. Based on personal mobility traces, the quality and precision of performance measures has increased significantly. However, the usage of GPS technology poses several challenges when applied to critical business processes. We will present several challenges and solutions whi...

  4. Recruiting and retaining GPs and patients in intervention studies: the DEPS-GP project as a case study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lautenschlager Nicola T


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recruiting and retaining GPs for research can prove difficult, and may result in sub-optimal patient participation where GPs are required to recruit patients. Low participation rates may affect the validity of research. This paper describes a multi-faceted approach to maximise participation of GPs and their patients in intervention studies, using an Australian randomised controlled trial of a depression/suicidality management intervention as a case study. The paper aims to outline experiences that may be of interest to others considering engaging GPs and/or their patients in primary care studies. Methods A case study approach is used to describe strategies for: (a recruiting GPs; (b encouraging GPs to recruit patients to complete a postal questionnaire; and (c encouraging GPs to recruit patients as part of a practice audit. Participant retention strategies are discussed in light of reasons for withdrawal. Results The strategies described, led to the recruitment of a higher than expected number of GPs (n = 772. Three hundred and eighty three GPs (49.6% followed through with the intent to participate by sending out a total of 77,820 postal questionnaires, 22,251 (28.6% of which were returned. Three hundred and three GPs (37.0% participated in the practice audit, which aimed to recruit 20 patients per participating GP (i.e., a total of 6,060 older adults. In total, 5,143 patients (84.9% were represented in the audit. Conclusion Inexpensive methods were chosen to identify and recruit GPs; these relied on an existing database, minor promotion and a letter of invitation. Anecdotally, participating GPs agreed to be involved because they had an interest in the topic, believed the study would not impinge too greatly on their time, and appreciated the professional recognition afforded by the Continuing Professional Development (CPD points associated with study participation. The study team established a strong rapport with GPs and

  5. Ionospheric error analysis in gps measurements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Pugliano


    Full Text Available The results of an experiment aimed at evaluating the effects of the ionosphere on GPS positioning applications are presented in this paper. Specifically, the study, based upon a differential approach, was conducted utilizing GPS measurements acquired by various receivers located at increasing inter-distances. The experimental research was developed upon the basis of two groups of baselines: the first group is comprised of "short" baselines (less than 10 km; the second group is characterized by greater distances (up to 90 km. The obtained results were compared either upon the basis of the geometric characteristics, for six different baseline lengths, using 24 hours of data, or upon temporal variations, by examining two periods of varying intensity in ionospheric activity respectively coinciding with the maximum of the 23 solar cycle and in conditions of low ionospheric activity. The analysis revealed variations in terms of inter-distance as well as different performances primarily owing to temporal modifications in the state of the ionosphere.

  6. Work problems due to low back pain: what do GPs do? A questionnaire survey. (United States)

    Coole, Carol; Watson, Paul J; Drummond, Avril


    Low back pain can affect work ability and remains a main cause of sickness absence. In the UK the GP is usually the first contact for patients seeking health care. The UK government intends that the GP will continue to be responsible for sickness certification and work advice. This role requires a considerable level of understanding of work rehabilitation, and effective communication between GPs, patients, employers and therapists. The aim of this study was to identify GPs' current practice in managing patients whose ability to work is affected by low back pain, and their perception of the support services required. A postal questionnaire of 441 GPs in the South Nottinghamshire area of the UK was carried out. Areas covered included referral patterns, sickness certification, and communication with therapists and employers. There was a 54.6% response rate. The majority of GPs (76.8%) reported that they did not take overall responsibility for managing the work problems of patients arising from low back pain. Few 'mainly agreed' that they initiated communication with employers (2.5%) and/or therapists (10.4%) regarding their patients' work. The results of this study demonstrate that most GPs do not readily engage in vocational rehabilitation and do not initiate contact with employers or other health care practitioners regarding patients' work problems. Thus the current government expectation that GPs are able to successfully manage this role may be unrealistic; considerable training and a change in the GPs' perception of their role will be required.

  7. GPS/Loran-C interoperability for time and frequency applications: A survey of the times of arrival of Loran-C transmissions via GPS common mode/common view satellite observations (United States)

    Penrod, Bruce; Funderburk, Richard; Dana, Peter


    The results from this survey clearly indicate that the Global Positioning System (GPS) time transfer capability is superior to that of the Loran-C system for absolute timing accuracy, and that even with the most careful calibration of the Loran-C receiver delay and propagation path, inexplicable time of arrival (TOA) biases remain which are larger than the variations across all of the transmitters. Much more data covering years would be needed to show that these biases were stable enough to be removed with a one time site calibration. The synchronization of the transmissions is excellent, all showing low parts in 10(exp 13) offsets versus the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) master clock. With the exception of the Searchlight transmitter, all of the transmissions exhibit timing stabilities over the entire period of less than 300 ns RMS which is at the observed levels of GPS under selective availability (SA). The Loran-C phase instabilities take place over a much greater time interval than those being forced onto the GPS signals under SA, providing for better medium to short term frequency stability. Data show that all but the most distant transmitters offer better than three parts in 10(exp 11) stability at this averaging time. It is in the frequency control area where GPS/Loran-C interoperation will offer some synergistic advantages over GPS alone under SA.

  8. LADOTD GPS technology management plan : tech summary. (United States)


    Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has been adopted by diff erent sections within the Louisiana : Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) over the last decade with no uniform standards : for their use, procurement, training, and...

  9. Global Positioning System (GPS) Energetic Particle Data (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Energetic particle data from the CXD and BDD instrument on the GPS constellation are available to the space weather research community. The release of these data...

  10. Novel Hybrid of LS-SVM and Kalman Filter for GPS/INS Integration (United States)

    Xu, Zhenkai; Li, Yong; Rizos, Chris; Xu, Xiaosu

    Integration of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS) technologies can overcome the drawbacks of the individual systems. One of the advantages is that the integrated solution can provide continuous navigation capability even during GPS outages. However, bridging the GPS outages is still a challenge when Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) inertial sensors are used. Methods being currently explored by the research community include applying vehicle motion constraints, optimal smoother, and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. In the research area of AI, the neural network (NN) approach has been extensively utilised up to the present. In an NN-based integrated system, a Kalman filter (KF) estimates position, velocity and attitude errors, as well as the inertial sensor errors, to output navigation solutions while GPS signals are available. At the same time, an NN is trained to map the vehicle dynamics with corresponding KF states, and to correct INS measurements when GPS measurements are unavailable. To achieve good performance it is critical to select suitable quality and an optimal number of samples for the NN. This is sometimes too rigorous a requirement which limits real world application of NN-based methods.The support vector machine (SVM) approach is based on the structural risk minimisation principle, instead of the minimised empirical error principle that is commonly implemented in an NN. The SVM can avoid local minimisation and over-fitting problems in an NN, and therefore potentially can achieve a higher level of global performance. This paper focuses on the least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM), which can solve highly nonlinear and noisy black-box modelling problems. This paper explores the application of the LS-SVM to aid the GPS/INS integrated system, especially during GPS outages. The paper describes the principles of the LS-SVM and of the KF hybrid method, and introduces the LS-SVM regression algorithm. Field

  11. Self-monitoring blood pressure in patients with hypertension: an internet-based survey of UK GPs. (United States)

    Fletcher, Benjamin R; Hinton, Lisa; Bray, Emma P; Hayen, Andrew; Hobbs, Fd Richard; Mant, Jonathan; Potter, John F; McManus, Richard J


    Previous research suggests that most GPs in the UK use self-monitoring of blood pressure (SMBP) to monitor the control of hypertension rather than for diagnosis. This study sought to assess current practice in the use of self-monitoring and any changes in practice following more recent guideline recommendations. To survey the views and practice of UK GPs in 2015 with regard to SMBP and compare them with a previous survey carried out in 2011. Web-based survey of a regionally representative sample of 300 UK GPs. GPs completed an online questionnaire concerning the use of SMBP in the management of hypertension. Analyses comprised descriptive statistics, tests for between-group differences (z, Wilcoxon signed-rank, and χ 2 tests), and multivariate logistic regression. Results were available for 300 GPs (94% of those who started the survey). GPs reported using self-monitoring to diagnose hypertension (169/291; 58%; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 52 to 64) and to monitor control (245/291; 84%; 95% CI = 80 to 88), the former having significantly increased since 2011 (from 37%; 95% CI = 33 to 41; Pmonitoring for control. More than half of GPs used higher systolic thresholds for diagnosis (118/169; 70%; 95% CI = 63 to 77) and treatment (168/225; 75%; 95% CI = 69 to 80) than recommended in guidelines, and under half (120/289; 42%; 95% CI = 36 to 47) adjusted the SMBP results to guide treatment decisions. Since new UK national guidance in 2011, GPs are more likely to use SMBP to diagnose hypertension. However, significant proportions of GPs continue to use non-standard diagnostic and monitoring thresholds. The use of out-of-office methods to improve the accuracy of diagnosis is unlikely to be beneficial if suboptimal thresholds are used. © British Journal of General Practice 2016.

  12. Use of GPS TEC Maps for Calibrating Single Band VLBI Sessions (United States)

    Gordon, David


    GPS TEC ionosphere maps were first applied to a series of K and Q band VLBA astrometry sessions to try to eliminate a declination bias in estimated source positions. Their usage has been expanded to calibrate X-band only VLBI observations as well. At K-band, approx.60% of the declination bias appears to be removed with the application of GPS ionosphere calibrations. At X-band however, it appears that up to 90% or more of the declination bias is removed, with a corresponding increase in RA and declination uncertainties of approx.0.5 mas. GPS ionosphere calibrations may be very useful for improving the estimated positions of the X-only and S-only sources in the VCS and RDV sessions.

  13. Vibration detection with 100 Hz GPS PVAT during a dynamic flight (United States)

    Bischof, Christian; Schön, Steffen


    This investigation gives insights into real 100 Hz GPS velocity and acceleration estimates from a position, velocity, acceleration and time (PVAT) extended Kalman filter (EKF) during a highly dynamic flight trial with a Dornier Do 128-6 aircraft. We investigated the accelerations during take-off, landing and wing shaking manoeuvres in order to compare the vibration behaviour of the given aircraft determined by means of GPS against an onboard IMU. We found that 100 Hz GPS acceleration is useful for characterising vibrations and giving valuable insights during highly dynamic flights. Potential latency of 0.12 s and amplitude misestimation of up to 80% w.r.t. the reference amplitude occur that should be determined beforehand in order to correctly interpret the results.

  14. Precision GPS orbit determination strategies for an earth orbiter and geodetic tracking system (United States)

    Lichten, Stephen M.; Bertiger, Willy I.; Border, James S.


    Data from two 1985 GPS field tests were processed and precise GPS orbits were determined. With a combined carrier phase and pseudorange, the 1314-km repeatability improves substantially to 5 parts in 10 to the 9th (0.6 cm) in the north and 2 parts in 10 to the 8th (2-3 cm) in the other components. To achieve these levels of repeatability and accuracy, it is necessary to fine-tune the GPS solar radiation coefficients and ground station zenith tropospheric delays.

  15. Comparação de três receptores GPS para uso em agricultura de precisão Comparison of three GPS receiver for precision agriculture uses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo C. C. Stabile


    Full Text Available Diversos equipamentos que se utilizam dos sinais transmitidos pelo Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS têm sido empregados na Agricultura de Precisão. Neste estudo, foi feita uma comparação de três receptores comerciais no intuito de verificar suas acurácias. As principais qualidades medidas foram a repetibilidade dos dados e a estabilidade do sistema. O estudo foi conduzido em campo aberto, na área experimental da ESALQ/USP, com três linhas paralelas de 50 m espaçadas 10 m entre si. A coleta de dados foi feita no dia 25-9-2002, totalizando seis repetições da comparação dos três sistemas. Os dados foram coletados simultaneamente, de acordo com a melhor configuração da constelação de satélites, sendo que os três sistemas apresentaram resultados distintos. O GPS "A" (oito canais, sem correção diferencial apresentou a maior variabilidade e a menor repetibilidade, com desvios de quase 10 m numa mesma linha. O sistema "B", com sinal de correção diferencial (DGPS "B", 12 canais, apresentou acurácia superior ao "A", com desvios de, no máximo, 6 m, mas com repetibilidade significativa. O GPS "C" (12 canais, com algoritmo otimizado apresentou a maior acurácia e desvio máximo de 2 m. Assim, os dois últimos sistemas são adequados para a aplicação dos conceitos da Agricultura de Precisão.Several brands of equipment have been used with global positioning systems (GPS in Precision Agriculture. The quality of these different receivers varies according to their capabilities in terms of accuracy and repeatability. In this study, three commercial systems were tested to compare their accuracies. This study focused on measuring the stability of the receiver and the repeatability of data. The study was conducted in the experimental area of ESALQ/USP. It consisted of three parallel 50-meter lines spaced 10 meters apart. Data collection was done on 9-25-2002 with a total of six replications. Data was collected simultaneously and the

  16. La basura electrónica y la contaminación ambiental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Hidalgo Aguilera


    Full Text Available Español:En las últimas décadas y principalmente al inicio del nuevo siglo, se ha incrementado en grandes proporciones la fabricación, el consumo y el desecho de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, por la gran cantidad de beneficios y facilidades que ha dado al desarrollo de la humanidad.El presente trabajo tiene por objeto identificar a los principales aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, sus componentes peligrosos para el medio ambiente y para el ser humano, las razones por las cuales los vuelven peligrosos, las formas de deshacerse una vez que terminan su vida útil y las medidas que se han tomado y que se piensa tomar con este tipo de basura que es ya una seria preocupación a nivel mundial.

  17. Analysis of Seasonal Signal in GPS Short-Baseline Time Series (United States)

    Wang, Kaihua; Jiang, Weiping; Chen, Hua; An, Xiangdong; Zhou, Xiaohui; Yuan, Peng; Chen, Qusen


    Proper modeling of seasonal signals and their quantitative analysis are of interest in geoscience applications, which are based on position time series of permanent GPS stations. Seasonal signals in GPS short-baseline (paper, to better understand the seasonal signal in GPS short-baseline time series, we adopted and processed six different short-baselines with data span that varies from 2 to 14 years and baseline length that varies from 6 to 1100 m. To avoid seasonal signals that are overwhelmed by noise, each of the station pairs is chosen with significant differences in their height (> 5 m) or type of the monument. For comparison, we also processed an approximately zero baseline with a distance of pass-filtered (BP) noise is valid for approximately 40% of the baseline components, and another 20% of the components can be best modeled by a combination of the first-order Gauss-Markov (FOGM) process plus white noise (WN). The TEM displacements are then modeled by considering the monument height of the building structure beneath the GPS antenna. The median contributions of TEM to the annual amplitude in the vertical direction are 84% and 46% with and without additional parts of the monument, respectively. Obvious annual signals with amplitude > 0.4 mm in the horizontal direction are observed in five short-baselines, and the amplitudes exceed 1 mm in four of them. These horizontal seasonal signals are likely related to the propagation of daily/sub-daily TEM displacement or other signals related to the site environment. Mismodeling of the tropospheric delay may also introduce spurious seasonal signals with annual amplitudes of 5 and 2 mm, respectively, for two short-baselines with elevation differences greater than 100 m. The results suggest that the monument height of the additional part of a typical GPS station should be considered when estimating the TEM displacement and that the tropospheric delay should be modeled cautiously, especially with station pairs with

  18. GPs' adherence to guidelines for structured assessments of stroke survivors in the community and care homes. (United States)

    Gonçalves-Bradley, Daniela C; Boylan, Anne-Marie; Koshiaris, Constantinos; Vazquez Montes, Maria; Ford, Gary A; Lasserson, Daniel S


    Clinical practice guidelines recommend that stroke survivors' needs be assessed at regular intervals after stroke. The extent to which GPs comply with national guidance particularly for patients in care homes who have greatest clinical complexity is unknown. This study aimed to establish the current clinical practice in the UK of needs assessment by GPs for stroke survivors after hospital discharge for acute stroke. Cross-sectional online survey of current practice of GPs, using the national network. The survey was completed by 300 GPs who had on average been working for 14 years. The structured assessment of stroke survivors' needs was not offered by 31% of GPs, with no significant difference for level of provision in community or care home settings. The outputs of reviews were added to patients' notes by 89% of GPs and used to change management by 57%. Only half the GPs reported integrating the information obtained into care plans and only a quarter of GPs had a protocol for follow-up of identified needs. Analysis of free-text comments indicated that patients in some care homes may receive more regular and structured reviews. This survey suggests that at least one-third of GPs provide no formal review of the needs of stroke patients and that in only a minority are identified needs addressed in a structured way. Standardization is required for what is included in reviews and how needs are being identified and met. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:



    *Arsheen Barnagarwala, *Aziz Buriwala


    Abstract: This system offers an affordable and compact design implemented for tracking and monitoring vehicle’s Instantaneous speed, peak speed, distance and current location with the help of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). The system consist of two parts, one is ambulatory and incorporated in the target vehicle which comprises of a GPS receiver, a microcontroller and a GSM modem with periphery display and power units. Other is stable at a rem...

  20. A Kalman Filter Implementation for Precision Improvement in Low-Cost GPS Positioning of Tractors (United States)

    Gomez-Gil, Jaime; Ruiz-Gonzalez, Ruben; Alonso-Garcia, Sergio; Gomez-Gil, Francisco Javier


    Low-cost GPS receivers provide geodetic positioning information using the NMEA protocol, usually with eight digits for latitude and nine digits for longitude. When these geodetic coordinates are converted into Cartesian coordinates, the positions fit in a quantization grid of some decimeters in size, the dimensions of which vary depending on the point of the terrestrial surface. The aim of this study is to reduce the quantization errors of some low-cost GPS receivers by using a Kalman filter. Kinematic tractor model equations were employed to particularize the filter, which was tuned by applying Monte Carlo techniques to eighteen straight trajectories, to select the covariance matrices that produced the lowest Root Mean Square Error in these trajectories. Filter performance was tested by using straight tractor paths, which were either simulated or real trajectories acquired by a GPS receiver. The results show that the filter can reduce the quantization error in distance by around 43%. Moreover, it reduces the standard deviation of the heading by 75%. Data suggest that the proposed filter can satisfactorily preprocess the low-cost GPS receiver data when used in an assistance guidance GPS system for tractors. It could also be useful to smooth tractor GPS trajectories that are sharpened when the tractor moves over rough terrain. PMID:24217355