
Sample records for con aborto habitual

  1. Percepción de riesgo en adolescentes relacionado con aborto

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    Bárbara Díaz Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los estudios realizados sobre la educación de la sexualidad han permitido constatar que aún son insuficientes los conocimientos que poseen los adolescentes sobre aspectos relacionados con el tema, en especial los riesgos del aborto y su repercusión de manera desfavorable en la salud sexual. Objetivo: Determinar la percepción de riesgo en adolescentes relacionado con aborto por embarazos no deseados. Métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo, se utilizaron encuestas y entrevistas, así como métodos estadísticos para el procesamiento de la información. El universo estuvo conformado por 354 adolescentes pertenecientes a los consultorios médicos 20, 28 y 30 del Grupo Básico de Trabajo 2 del policlínico Pedro Borrás Astorga, la muestra de 190 adolescentes se encontraron entre las edades de 14 a 18 años. Resultados: Se evidenció una tendencia de los jóvenes a practicar conductas sexuales precoces y riesgosas, lo que favorece el aumento creciente de la práctica del aborto, con insuficientes conocimientos y percepción de riesgo sobre las consecuencias y riesgos de una interrupción de embarazo, donde se encuentran debilitados el rol de los padres y el papel del personal de salud de las áreas donde pertenecen. Conclusiones: Se demostró que el proceso de educación para la salud muestra insuficiencias en cuanto a la creación de programas educativos más creativos que fomentan actividades de promoción y prevención de salud dirigidos a los adolescentes.

  2. Incidencia del aborto en México

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    Guadalupe Salas y Villagómez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se hace una medición indirecta del aborto en México, a través del modelo de Bongaarts, con el fin de observar la evolución del aborto inducido y, en segundo término, hacer una aproximación a la incidencia de este fenómeno en 1976,1979 y 1987. También se realiza una estimación de la mortalidad por aborto y de su comportamiento entre 1980 y 1990, para observar su tendencia en el periodo, señalar el peso relativo de las muertes por aborto con relación al resto de las causas de muerte materna y a su importancia dentro de la mortalidad general de las mujeres en edad reproductiva. Por último, se buscó obtener una correlación entre las tasas específicas de la mortalidad por aborto y las tasas específicas de fecundidad, con el fin de encontrar en qué grupos de edad se observa una mayor correlación.

  3. Frecuencia de mosaicismos de baja proporción del cromosoma x en parejas con antecedente de aborto recurrente


    Forero C., Maribel; Lucena Q., Elkin; Esteban Pérez, Clara


    El aborto recurrente se presenta entre el 1 y 7% de las parejas. Su etiología comprende factores genéticos, inmunológicos, anatómicos, hormonales, metabólicos, trombofílicos e infecciosos. Con el objetivo de establecer la frecuencia de mosaicismos de baja proporción en cromosomas sexuales, en una población de parejas con antecedente de aborto recurrente, se hizo un estudio citogenético prospectivo caso- control en 20 parejas, remitidas al Laboratorio de Biogenética del Centro Colombiano de Fe...

  4. Influencia de las relaciones familiares sobre el aborto provocado en adolescentes

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    Jully Calderón S


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la influencia de las relaciones familiares sobre el aborto provocado en adolescentes. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles; los casos fueron 58 adolescentes con aborto provocado que acudieron al Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo, por hemorragia, y el grupo control fueron 58 adolescentes pareadas según edad de la paciente, edad gestacional y nivel socioeconómico, que continuaron con el embarazo y acudieron al control prenatal en el mismo hospital. Resultados: Sólo 20% de los casos comunicó a sus padres sobre el embarazo, a diferencia del 62% de los controles (p<0,001, la falta de confianza hacia los padres estuvo asociada con el aborto provocado (OR: 4,5; IC95: 1,7-12,3, no se encontró asociación con el antecedente familiar de aborto o con la violencia intrafamiliar. Las reacciones negativas (violencia, retirar a la afectada de los estudios o hacerla trabajar de los padres ante la noticia del aborto fueron más frecuentes en el grupo con aborto (OR: 14,1; IC95: 3,9-50,9; así como la presentación de molestias y discusiones entre los miembros de las familias de los casos (OR: 23,9; IC95: 12,4-208,7. Conclusión: La comunicación y el nivel de confianza con los padres, así como reacciones negativas ante la noticia del embarazo están fuertemente relacionados con el aborto provocado, en las adolescentes de Trujillo.



    Manuel Gurpegui; Dolores Jurado


    Introducción: Las consecuencias psiquiátricas del aborto inducido siguen siendo objeto de controversia. Las reacciones de cualquier mujer al descubrir que ha concebido pueden ser muy variables. El embarazo, inicialmente intencionado o no deseado, puede provocar estrés; y el aborto espontáneo puede acarrear sentimientos de pérdida y reacciones de duelo, por lo que no es de extrañar que el aborto inducido, con las implicaciones emocionales añadidas (sentimientos de alivio, vergüenza y culpa), s...


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    Francisco J. Pastor


    Full Text Available Las pérdidas por abortos constituyen la principal falla reproductiva de los caprinos en sistemas extensivos donde se presenta una restricción alimenticia durante la gestación. Los abortos en estas condiciones suelen presentarse en más de la mitad de las cabras gestantes. El alto número de abortos en cabras en condiciones de escasez de forraje obedece a la particular estrategia reproductiva de la cabra, la cual “responde” al estímulo del macho cabrío, aun con bajas reservas corporales de energía, y una vez gestante, la cabra continúa o suspende la preñez, según la disponibilidad de nutrientes. Bajo condiciones intensivas y en diversas áreas geográficas, se presenta una mayor ocurrencia de abortos en cabras lecheras de origen Europeo, en comparación com cabras no lecheras (nativas. En climas templados poco extremosos, las cabras lecheras son menos propensas a abortar durante las épocas más calurosas del año, en comparacióncon las épocas más frías. La ausencia de cuernos, una pobre condición corporal, la gestación de más de un feto y la deficiencia de magnesio, cobre y selenio son factores importantes de riesgo de abortos en caprinos. La deficiencia de fósforo provoca también el aborto en caprinos, aunque esto sólo se ha demostrado forzando artificialmente esta deficiencia. Se han documentado además abortos en cabras tratadas com antihelmínticos y en animales que han consumido algunas plantas de zonas áridas con fitotoxinas. PALABRAS-CHAVE: Condición corporal, desnutrición, edad, peso corporal, plantas tóxicas.

  7. Prevalencia de la infección por virus de Epstein Barr (VEB en mujeres gestantes y con aborto, durante las primeras semanas de embarazo

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    Mariangel Ramos


    Full Text Available El virus de Epstein-Barr (VEB es un agente patógeno común para los humanos y su efecto en la infección vertical es poco estudiado. Durante el embarazo hay riesgo a contraer infecciones que afectan al feto. La infección adquirida antes del nacimiento ocasiona abortos, mortinatos, malformaciones, retraso en el crecimiento intrauterino, prematuridad y secuelas por infección postnatal crónica. Los efectos inmediatos o a largo plazo representan un problema a nivel mundial. Durante el embarazo se ha mostrado una prevalencia del 98% y aproximadamente el 40% de las embarazadas son susceptibles y transmitirán el virus al feto. Los actuales exámenes clínicos de rutina revelan pocos hallazgos específicos en la madre pues en su mayoría la infección por VEB tiene un curso asintomático. La poca efectividad en su tratamiento hace que la prevención y el diagnóstico sean de gran importancia. Se conoce que el VEB se mantiene latente en el 90% de los pacientes después de la infección primaria y que la infección puede ser reactivada debido a diversos factores como el estrés crónico, posiblemente debido a la disminución de la respuesta inmune celular. En la presente investigación se evaluó la prevalencia de la infección por VEB en mujeres gestantes y con aborto que se encontraban durante las primeras 15 semanas de embarazo. Las muestras de pacientes de la consulta de obstetricia en diferentes ambulatorios de los Municipios Libertador y Campo Elías del Estado Mérida y de mujeres en la sala de emergencia obstétrica del Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes (IAHULA que acudieron por aborto durante las primeras semanas, se analizaron con una prueba ELISA para la detecctar anticuerpos séricos de tipo IgG VCA-VEB que no discriminan entre una primoinfección y una infección pasada. El 35% de la población de estudio fueron 9 mujeres en gestación sin antecedente de aborto y el 65% corresponde a 17 mujeres que historia previa

  8. Algunas determinaciones del pregnandiol urinario en el aborto amenazante

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    Eudoro Castillo Vega


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene por objeto hacer algunas "determinaciones del pregnandiol urinario en enfermas con síntomas evidentes de aborto amenazante", o bien, en enfermas en cuya historia anamnésica se encuentre el antecedente de uno o más abortos anteriores, así como también de partos prematuros y que, ni en los primeros ni en los últimos se haya encontrado una causa bien determinada. En lo posible, se han escogido pacientes con antecedente Serológico Negativo y de constitución topográfica anatómica, en cuanto a pelvis se refiere, normales. Es de lógica que, a una enferma con una desviación uterina o con un tumor pélvico, no se puede achacar el aborto a deficiencia de Progesterona o de cualquiera otra hormona, pues la causa es verdaderamente objetiva.

  9. Estudio de polimorfismos genéticos implicados en el metabolismo de hormonas sexuales y su asociación con Abortos Espontáneos de causa desconocida.


    Pérez Nevot, Beatriz


    En este trabajo nos hemos centrado en el estudio de 8 polimorfismos relacionados con el metabolismo de las hormonas sexuales en el feto y su relación con los abortos espontáneos de causa desconocida, bajo la hipótesis de que un desequilibrio en la producción de hormonas sexuales en el feto está implicado en la interrupción de la gestación. Para ello se seleccionaron muestras de tejido fetal procedentes de abortos espontáneos de causa desconocida y se estudiaron varios polimorfismos de dos enz...

  10. El aborto y delito de violación sexual en el 44° Juzgado Penal con reos en cárcel del distrito judicial de Lima, 2014


    Mandujano Santivañez, Víctor Edy; Muñoz Gutiérrez, Omar; Zamora Hidalgo, Edwin


    La presente tesis lleva por título “El aborto y el delito de violación sexual en el 44° Juzgado Penal con reos en cárcel del distrito judicial de Lima, 2014” y tiene como propósito describir la percepción de los abogados sobre el aborto y el delito de violación sexual en el 44 Juzgado Penal con reos en cárcel del distrito judicial de Lima. El diseño de investigación es no experimental con un enfoque cuantitativo y tipo de investigación descriptiva, cuyos resultados se eviden...

  11. Factores sociodemográfico-culturales y la actitud hacia el aborto


    Paredes Urrelo, Llanet; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Ushiñahua Pinedo, Jhomnie; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Meléndez Pérez, Banessa; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Montoya-Torres, Hilda; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana


    Se determinó la relación entre los factores sociodemográfico-culturales y la actitud hacia el aborto, con un diseño no experimental de tipo descriptivo correlacional. Los casos correspondieron a 145 usuarias de 14 a 45 años de edad atendidas en el servicio de ginecología con diagnóstico de aborto, empleándose la estadística inferencial no paramétrica Chi-cuadrado para determinar la relación de las variables en estudio con un nivel de significancia a = 0,05, obteniéndose que existe relación si...

  12. Aborto terapéutico, ausencia injustificada en la política sanitaria

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    Susana Chávez-Alvarado

    Full Text Available A pesar de que el aborto, por razones de salud, no es considerado un delito en el Perú, el Estado niega su inclusión en la política pública, con lo cual infringe el derecho de las mujeres a interrumpir un embarazo cuando este afecta su salud. Al examinar el artículo del Código Penal que exceptúa de delito a este tipo de aborto, se identifican atribuciones que protegen a las mujeres y establecen condiciones para ofertar dicha atención. En el presente documento se pone en debate los argumentos que el Estado Peruano viene usando para no aprobar el Protocolo de Aborto Terapéutico, con el cual se reglamentaria su oferta y financiamiento en los servicios públicos y se fundamenta por qué se debería cumplir con esta obligación, en base al marco conceptual de la “causal salud”. Se presentan, además, dos casos judicializados, en que el Estado Peruano ha sido encontrado responsable de violar los derechos humanos de dos adolescentes a quienes se les negó el aborto terapéutico.

  13. Percepción en el varón del aborto en la adolescencia


    Gutiérrez Coronado, Teresita; Safora Enríquez, Omayda; Rodríguez Izquierdo, Aldo


    OBJETIVOS: conocer la percepción de los adolescentes varones en relación con el problema del aborto en edades tempranas, valorar su actitud, precisar según su criterio, cuáles son las causas fundamentales por lo que la adolescente mujer acude al aborto, así como evaluar el nivel de conocimientos del varón. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con 205 adolescentes varones de las escuelas de Economía y Gastronomía del municipio Cerro, de la Ciudad de la Habana, con edades compren...

  14. El aborto inducido de las mexicanas en el contexto transfronterizo México-Estados Unidos

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    Norma Ojeda


    Full Text Available Este es un estudio sociodemográfico comparativo del aborto inducido de las mujeres que viven en los dos lados de la frontera México-Estados Unidos. Se analiza el caso especifico de Tijuana y San Diego mediante la utilización de fuentes complementarias de datos: una encuesta posparto realizada en el IMSS de Tijuana en 1993 con información para un total de 2 709 mujeres y los expedientes de la clínica Womancare de Planned Parenthood, con información para 1 109 mujeres. Esta última fuente incluye información sobre las mexicanas que cruzaron la frontera entre la primavera y el verano de 1993 para practicarse un aborto en condiciones legales y seguras en San Diego. Los resultados indican que el aborto ocurre más frecuentemente en las etapas avanzadas del periodo reproductivo de las mujeres. Sin embargo, también utilizan el aborto para posponer el inicio de su trayectoria reproductiva. Existen distintos patrones de aborto entre las mujeres fronterizas definidos por variaciones en la edad al momento del aborto, el número de hijos al momento de abortar, la edad al primer embarazo, las opiniones acerca del aborto, los motivos para abortar y los planes para enfrentar los efectos emocionales en la etapa postaborto.

  15. La problemática del aborto en el actual sistema de salud: la experiencia de trabajo en una Consejería Pre y Post Aborto del Conurbano Bonaerense


    Alzamendi, Sabrina; Cáceres, Macarena Florencia; Huaracallo Chiri, Romina; Lindner Magrath, Stefania


    Las complicaciones derivadas de los abortos practicados en condiciones de riesgo son la primera causa de muerte de personas con capacidad de gestar en Argentina, afectando especialmente a mujeres pobres. A lo largo de la historia, en muchas ocasiones, el aborto inseguro lleva a las mujeres a una muerte evitable o les deja secuelas en su salud física y mental. Las Consejerías Pre y Post aborto desarrolladas por diversos equipos de salud del país son una respuesta a esta problemática desde l...



    Telmara Menezes Couto; Rosane Gonçalves Nitschke; Regina Lúcia Mendonça Lopes; Nadirlene Pereira Gomes; Normélia Maria Freire Diniz


    Investigación cualitativa dirigida a comprender la vida cotidiana de las mujeres con un historial de violencia doméstica que tuvo un aborto. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad con diez mujeres que fueron ingresados en el hospital por el aborto y reportaron haber experimentado violencia doméstica. En la mayor parte, se caracterizan por ser negras, de bajo nivel educativo y con edad entre 18 y 40 años. El proceso de organización y análisis de los datos fueron basados en las nociones de la...

  17. Vacunas, biotecnología y su relación con el aborto provocado


    José Luis Redondo Calderón


    Las vacunas de células diploides humanas (WI-38, MRC-5) tienen un origen éticamente objetable, dado que dichas células proceden de abortos provocados. Entre ellas destacan vacunas empleadas contra rubéola, sarampión, parotiditis, rabia, poliomielitis, viruela, hepatitis A, varicela y herpes zóster. Actualmente se encuentran en desarrollo otras vacunas cultivadas en células (293, PER.C6) transformadas mediante virus, procedentes de abortos. Entre ellas hay vacunas contra la gripe, virus respi...


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    Telmara Menezes Couto


    Full Text Available Investigación cualitativa dirigida a comprender la vida cotidiana de las mujeres con un historial de violencia doméstica que tuvo un aborto. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad con diez mujeres que fueron ingresados en el hospital por el aborto y reportaron haber experimentado violencia doméstica. En la mayor parte, se caracterizan por ser negras, de bajo nivel educativo y con edad entre 18 y 40 años. El proceso de organización y análisis de los datos fueron basados en las nociones de la Sociología Comprensiva y la sensibilidad teórica. La vida de las mujeres que tuvieron un aborto está marcada por la experiencia de la violencia doméstica cuando niña y adolescente, expresado por el abandono y el rechazo, y también por la violencia doméstica. La actividad sexual temprana está relacionada con el embarazo no deseado y la falta de apoyo de la familia y de la pareja. Es necesaria una visión profesional para el reconocimiento de la violencia doméstica como un problema de salud de la mujer.

  19. Legislación, conocimientos y actitudes de profesionales médicos en relación al aborto en México

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    Nubia Naneri García-Núñez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es describir los conocimientos y actitudes de una muestra de profesionales médicos en México con relación al aborto y su asociación con la práctica y la atención a complicaciones derivadas de abortos, tomando en cuenta el marco legal vigente. Los datos provienen de una encuesta anónima y computarizada a participantes que acudieron a una reunión de gineco-obstetricia en México en 2009 (n=418. Las actitudes de los profesionales de la salud juegan un papel determinante para favorecer el acceso a servicios de abortos tanto médicos como quirúrgicos. No se encontró asociación estadística entre vivir en una entidad federativa mayormente res- trictiva y la práctica de abortos, lo cual se explica por el escaso conocimiento que los participantes de la encuesta tenían sobre las leyes de aborto vigentes en su entidad. Esta falta de conocimiento sobre la legislación del aborto puede obstaculizar que una mujer tenga este servicio aun cuando el marco legal lo permita.

  20. ¿Es el Aborto un problema Médico o Religioso?

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    Eduardo Acosta Bendek


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    Estamos en los finales del presente siglo y hemos sido testigos de las inmensas conquistas obtenidas por los grandes avances de la ciencia y la tecnología modernas en todas las áreas del conocimiento humano. Sin embargo, por las perspectivas que logramos vislumbrar, llegaremos al año 2.000 sin darle una justa y real solución a la endemia mundial de la indeseable práctica del aborto que viene cabalgando a través de la historia universal.

    He considerado pertinente hacer algunas reflexiones sobre este inquietante y polémico tema, en mi doble función de Rector de la Universidad Metropolitana, especializada como es sabido en el área de la salud, y en mi condición de especialista en Gineco-Obstetricia con un largo recorrido de más de seis lustros en actividad permanente a la que he dedicado tiempo completo, tanto en la práctica hospitalaria como privada.

    Esta endemia mundial del aborto es tan antigua como la misma historia de los pueblos, así observamos que las leyes de la antigua India no penalizaban la interrupción del embarazo. En la Grecia antigua no se le miraba como un acto deshonesto. En Roma tanto en la época imperial como en la República no era considerado como delito y solamente con la llegada del cristianismo pasó a convertirse en un hecho punible: a partir de entonces cada nación de acuerdo con su cultura o religión fue tomando una posición frente a esta indeseable práctica.

    Cada vez que se menciona la palabra aborto o se pone en boca de algún representante de la sociedad o de cualquier gobierno, genera encendidas polémicas y a veces hasta cismas en la opinión de los pueblos. En Colombia el problema de la práctica del aborto clandestino es un mal social grave con grandes repercusiones en la salud de la comunidad y en los servicios médicos asistenciales, especialmente en la población de escasos recursos económicos.

    Según datos reportados por la Federación Internacional de Planificaci

  1. Aborto y planificación familiar. Aspectos sociológicos

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    Full Text Available Se estima que son 300.000 los abortos provocados en España cada año, pero las estadísticas actuales son difíciles de conseguir. Muchas mujeres españolas podrían estar yendo a abortar a otros países europeos como Gran Bretaña, Francia u Holanda. Se ofrecen las estadísticas sobre aborto de estos países europeos. Se comparan las actitudes de los españoles hacia al aborto, y se comparan con las existentes en otros países. Se examina la planificación familiar en tanto que alternativa. Los datos recabados en España muestran que la mayoría de la población acepta la necesidad de implantar la planificación familiar, manifestándose asimismo a favor del uso de anticonceptivos orales como medio para llevarla a cabo. Entre las mujeres entrevistadas, un 30-35% afirmaron haber ingerido anticonceptivos orales para evitar el embarazo.



    Baltra E,Estebeni; de Mayo G,Tomás; Rojas G,María de los Ángeles; Arraztoa V,José Antonio


    Antecedentes: La recomendación del clínico acerca del tiempo a esperar para una nueva concepción post aborto espontáneo correspondería a una práctica basada en la experiencia y no en la evidencia. Objetivo: Análisis crítico de la literatura científica, en relación al tiempo de espera para intentar un nuevo embarazo en pacientes con aborto espontáneo, y los resultados materno-perinatales asociados a las diferentes conductas. Búsqueda sistemática en múltiples bases de datos. Resultados: Se enco...

  3. Aborto provocado: o discurso das mulheres sobre suas relações familiares

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    Zannety Conceição Silva do Nascimento Souza


    Full Text Available El aborto inducido y la violencia doméstica contra las mujeres se consideran problemas de salud pública por las consecuencias a la salud física y mental que afectan a las mismas. El objetivo fue analizar el discurso de las mujeres que han experimentado el aborto en sus relaciones familiares. Los sujetos del estudio fueron diecisiete mujeres ingresadas en una maternidad pública en Salvador, Bahia (Brasil, por causa del aborto inducido. La recolección de datos se realizó entre julio y septiembre de 2008, por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas, organizadas a partir del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. Las ideas centrales que surgieron de los discursos muestran que la decisión del aborto se deriva de la historia de violencia vivida con sus compañeros y familiares, y del abandono cuando el embarazo fue descubierto. La Enfermería necesita entender el contexto social en el cual viven las mujeres que abortan, a fin de reformular sus prácticas.

  4. Aborto recurrente

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    Y. Alejandro Manzur, Dr.


    Full Text Available Aproximadamente 1–3% de parejas en edad reproductiva experimentan 3 ó más abortos espontáneos consecutivos, lo que se define como aborto recurrente. La evaluación debe incluir una detallada historia clínica y examen físico, seguida de una serie de exámenes protocolizados destinados a detectar los factores más frecuentemente involucrados en esta patología (anatómico, cromosómico, inmunológico, endocrinológico y trombofílico. El manejo debe basarse en evidencias, evitando tratamientos experimentales o sin sustento científico, e incluyendo siempre un adecuado soporte emocional, tan necesario en estas parejas. A pesar de los esfuerzos por dilucidar los orígenes del aborto recurrente, sigue existiendo un 50% de casos sin causa aparente, los cuales suelen lograr tasas de embarazo exitoso de hasta 70% sin mediar tratamiento médico alguno.

  5. Aborto en las adolescentes


    Cedeño Donet, Marisel; García García, María T; Jímenez Mendeliú, Irene M


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal sobre el comportamiento del aborto en la población adolescente del territorio occidental de la provincia de Camagüey, desde enero de 1997 hasta agosto de 1998. Se encontró que el 26, 2 % de las jóvenes se realizó un aborto, las regulaciones menstruales fueron el 47, 6 %, el 25 % de las sepsis posinterrupción correspondió a las adolescentes. Más de la cuarta parte de los abortos realizados en la Provincia corresponde a las menores de 20 años. Cas...

  6. ¿Qué es el aborto indirecto?: La prohibición del aborto y el principio del doble efecto


    Miranda Montecinos,Alejandro


    Este trabajo estudia la distinción entre "aborto directo" y "aborto indirecto". El propósito del autor es clarificar el sentido de esta distinción y mostrar que existen argumentos filosóficos sólidos para justificar su relevancia moral. Para lograr este objetivo expone, en primer lugar, el principal argumento esgrimido por quienes consideran el aborto (directo) como un acto intrínsecamente injusto; en segundo, muestra cuál es el origen histórico de la distinción entre aborto directo y aborto ...

  7. Los médicos en formación y el aborto: opinión de estudiantes de medicina en la Ciudad de México

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    Deyanira González de León Aguirre

    Full Text Available La investigación "Atención del aborto en México: una aproximación a las actitudes de los médicos" busca explorar las posturas de estos profesionales hacia el aborto inducido. La penalización del aborto es determinante en su importancia como problema social y sanitario, y los médicos constituyen un sector profesional que tendrá gran peso en la eventual modificación de las leyes que lo regulan; como gremio, éstos han mantenido una posición conservadora frente al aborto, la cual está en buena medida influida por la formación que reciben. Se presentan resultados de una encuesta aplicada a 96 alumnos de medicina de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, en la Ciudad de México. Los datos se procesaron con el programa SPSS; las frecuencias simples obtenidas muestran que los estudiantes tienen un conocimiento escaso sobre la situación jurídica del aborto, y que éste es admitido con restricciones. Las mujeres parecen tener una postura más conservadora, pero el análisis estadístico con la prueba de ji² no revelo diferencias significativas por sexo. Los resultados indican la necesidad de modificar la formación de los médicos en el campo de la salud reproductiva, para propiciar en ellos una visión más amplia sobre los problemas vinculados con la sexualidad y la reproducción.

  8. Los médicos en formación y el aborto: opinión de estudiantes de medicina en la Ciudad de México

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    González de León Aguirre Deyanira


    Full Text Available La investigación "Atención del aborto en México: una aproximación a las actitudes de los médicos" busca explorar las posturas de estos profesionales hacia el aborto inducido. La penalización del aborto es determinante en su importancia como problema social y sanitario, y los médicos constituyen un sector profesional que tendrá gran peso en la eventual modificación de las leyes que lo regulan; como gremio, éstos han mantenido una posición conservadora frente al aborto, la cual está en buena medida influida por la formación que reciben. Se presentan resultados de una encuesta aplicada a 96 alumnos de medicina de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, en la Ciudad de México. Los datos se procesaron con el programa SPSS; las frecuencias simples obtenidas muestran que los estudiantes tienen un conocimiento escaso sobre la situación jurídica del aborto, y que éste es admitido con restricciones. Las mujeres parecen tener una postura más conservadora, pero el análisis estadístico con la prueba de ji² no revelo diferencias significativas por sexo. Los resultados indican la necesidad de modificar la formación de los médicos en el campo de la salud reproductiva, para propiciar en ellos una visión más amplia sobre los problemas vinculados con la sexualidad y la reproducción.

  9. Actitudes y criterios sobre la planificación familiar y el aborto

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    Full Text Available Se examinan varios aspectos relativos a las políticas de control de natalidad y respecto al aborto a la luz de algunas actitudes sociales y de algunos hechos. Las estadísticas anuales de 1976 muestran un total de 13.670 abortos realizados en España en 1974. Estadísticas no oficiales estiman sin embargo que son 400.000 los abortos realizados en España cada año; otras sugieren entre 70.000 y 100.000. Las leyes españolas permiten el aborto provocado tan sólo bajo circunstancias médicas especiales. Se citan las opiniones de médicos expertos y científicos favorables al aborto y al control de natalidad. Se ofrecen los precedentes legales de la política demográfica en España, y las leyes vigentes en otros países (incluyendo Europa Occidental, Gran Bretaña, Europa del Este, Canadá, Latinoamérica, Asía, África y Oceanía son revisadas. Se discute también la perspectiva moral basada en los derechos del feto, la posición de la iglesia católica y de los partidos políticos españoles. El Partido Socialista y el Partido Comunistas son favorables al aborto, mientras que alianza Popular y el Centro Democrático y Social se oponen al mismo. La Plataforma de Grupos de Mujeres de Madrid ha solicitado información y educativa en temas de sexualidad, anticonceptivos gratuitos y legalización del aborto en una campaña de presión a los partidos políticos llevada acabo con motivo de las elecciones de junio de 1977. Sin embargo, el III Congreso Nacional de la Familia Española ha manifestado en un informe estar a favor de los valores de la familia tradicional y su visión negativa del aborto y del uso de anticonceptivos, los cuales son emparejados a la permisividad social, al rechazo del principio de autoridad y a la trasgresión de la ley.

  10. Síndrome post-aborto. Reacciones psicológicas post-aborto


    Ximena Fuentes Martínez


    El efecto que el aborto produce en la salud mental de la mujer que lo vivencia, sobre todo si es provocado, es un tema preocupante. Numerosas investigaciones y la experiencia clínica demuestran que las reacciones psicológicas varían de una mujer a otra, pero que en ningún caso es inocuo. Las distintas investigaciones y la experiencia clínica describen desde reacciones ansiosas, depresivas, sentimientos de vacío y dolor, hasta un síndrome específico, el síndrome post-aborto, el cual present...

  11. A propósito del aborto


    Casado, María


    Tratar adecuadamente en el actual contexto plural la cuestión del aborto, no es oportuno centrarla en torno a los términos matar y no matar, o justo e injusto, sino más bien en un conflicto de valores y de su jerarquización. En ninguna concepción el aborto es un bien, y el reconocimiento del derecho al aborto no implica nunca la obligación de abortar.

  12. Aborto espontâneo e provocado: sentimentos vivenciados pelos homens Aborto espontáneo y inducido: sentimientos vivenciados por hombres Spontaneous and induced abortion: feelings experienced by men

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    Márcia Melo Laet Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A incorporação da perspectiva masculina na assistência em saúde reprodutiva é recomendada em nível mundial. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer os sentimentos vivenciados por homens que compartilharam a experiência do aborto com suas parceiras. A análise da narrativa foi o método empregado. Narrativas de 17 homens foram analisadas para identificar os principais sentimentos relacionados à vivência. Os principais sentimentos associados ao aborto espontâneo estavam relacionados à angústia da perda e ao aborto provocado, à culpabilidade diante do ocorrido e suas conseqüências. Homens que compartilham da experiência do aborto requerem sensibilidade e envolvimento dos profissionais, suas principais demandas estavam relacionadas ao desejo do acolhimento, obtenção de suporte emocional e informações completas e precisas sobre o processo.La incorporación de la perspectiva masculina en la asistencia en salud reproductiva es recomendada en el ámbito mundial. El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer los sentimientos vividos por hombres que compartieron la experiencia del aborto con sus compañeras. El método fue el análisis de la narrativa. Las narrativas de 17 hombres fueron analizadas para identificar los principales sentimientos relacionados a las vivencias. Los principales sentimientos relacionados al aborto espontáneo estaban relacionados a la angustia de la pérdida y frente al aborto provocado la culpabilidad delante de lo ocurrido y sus consecuencias. Hombres que compartieron la experiencia del aborto requieren sensibilidad y compromiso de los profesionales, las principales demandas estaban relacionadas al deseo de acogimiento, obtención del soporte emocional e informaciones completas y precisas sobre el proceso.The insertion of male perspective in reproductive health is an international recommendation. The aim of this research was to know the men's feelings related to the abortion shared with their partners

  13. Factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de aborto y desempeño reproductivo en ganado lechero de Aguascalientes, México

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    Rosa María Meléndez Soto


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del estudio fueron determinar el efecto de factores de riesgo sobre la ocurrencia del aborto, y su impacto sobre algunas medidas de eficiencia reproductiva en hatos de Aguascalientes. Se obtuvieron 353 sueros de vacas que abortaron y que no abortaron de 23 hatos con registros. La información de los hatos y animales se obtuvo por entrevistas. Además de factores relacionados con las condiciones de los hatos, se exploró la influencia de la seropositividad a rinotraqueitis infecciosa, diarrea viral bovina, neosporosis y brucelosis, determinada por pruebas comerciales de ELISA, y la última mediante las pruebas de rosa de bengala, rivanol e inmunodifusión radial. Se realizaron análisis de Ji-cuadrada, y posteriormente con las variables significativas (P<0.10 se realizaron análisis de de regresión logística. Las variables relativas a la eficiencia reproductiva de los animales se evaluaron mediante análisis de varianza. La seronegatividad a rinotraqueitis infecciosa fue el único factor que incrementó el riesgo de aborto (RM=1.71. El aborto incrementó el número de servicios por concepción (3.09 ± 0.25 vs 2.36 ± 0.12, P<0.05, los días abiertos (149.8 ± 9.7 vs 262.3 ± 18.7, P<0.01 y el promedio de días en lactancia (192.4 ± 9.1 vs 285.9 ± 19.2, P<0.01. Con los resultados encontrados no se logró determinar asociación entre los factores de riesgo relativos al hato e individuales relacionados con el aborto, pero es indudable que ocasiona un efecto detrimental sobre la eficiencia reproductiva de los hatos.

  14. El aborto terapéutico: un nuevo intento de despenalizar el aborto en el derecho chileno

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    Angela Vinanco Martínez


    Full Text Available En nuestro país recientemente se han presentado dos mociones parlamentarias destinadas a la legalización del llamado “aborto terapéutico”, concepto difuso y equívoco. Se analiza esta posibilidad legislativa a la luz de la doctrina y la normativa constitucional chilena que protege expresamente la vida del que está por nacer, procurando distinguir aquellas figuras de interrupción del embarazo validadas por el Derecho de las que constituyen aborto provocado, reconociendo que la despenalización de una forma de estas últimas es, necesariamente, admitir el aborto en Chile.

  15. Aborto y natalidad, razones médicas o de conveniencia a la salud en la sociedad

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    Tomás Rodríguez López


    Full Text Available Introducción: se hace una revisión sobre el aborto, poniendo de manifiesto como el delito criminal ha evolucionado a la legitimidad destacando las posiciones de la Iglesia Católica, que eleva al feto a la categoría de persona antes de tener vialidad. Objetivo: valorar la situación legal en Cuba, amparado por la Resolución 24 del 2013 del Ministro de Salud que lo regula reconociendo a la grávida ese derecho. Material y método: se utilizan en el estudio métodos descriptivos, histórico lógico, estadísticos y demográficos. Se revisaron las tasas de abortos por embarazos comparativas del período de estudio que abarcaron los años desde 1970 a 2013 en la provincia Pinar del Río relacionadas con la natalidad. Conclusiones: el aborto en Cuba está reconocido como derecho femenino. Se rodea de cuidados científicos y éticos. Se practica en instituciones de salud y relaciona con la disminución de natalidad; resulta necesaria una nueva orientación educativa que contenga los valores que la reproducción implica para la salvaguarda de la salud de la mujer, y de la sociedad por sobre los intereses y motivos placenteros personales desligados de la utilidad social de cuanto hacemos con nuestras vidas.

  16. Maternidad, aborto y ciudadanía femenina en la antigüedad

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    Patricia González Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Últimamente la investigación ha prestado un gran interés a la historia de género, siendo un tema ampliamente tratado el del control demográfico, pero se ha centrado más en la existencia y efectividad de los métodos usados que en el significado que esconde. Al analizar el tema del aborto y la anticoncepción en el mundo antiguo, en sociedades donde se acepta tranquilamente el infanticidio, analizaremos la relación de la maternidad con la ciudadanía femenina, así como la importancia dada a la reproducción, tanto la meramente física como la de todo el orden social que conlleva. Para ello se hace necesario analizar no solo las obras médicas o legales que hacen referencia al aborto, sino toda una serie de textos vinculados a la construcción de lo femenino en la Antigüedad. La ambigua relación entre maternidad, aborto e infanticidio nos ayuda a comprender mejor a la mujer antigua, pero también su sociedad e incluso la nuestra.

  17. O aborto como causa de mortalidade materna: um pensar para o cuidado de enfermagem El aborto como causa de mortalidad materna: una reflexión sobre el cuidado de enfermería Abortion as a cause of maternal death: a thought for nursing care

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    Selisvane Ribeiro da Fonseca Domingos


    Full Text Available O aborto é um tema polêmico e um sério problema de saúde pública mundial, responsável pela manutenção das altas taxas de mortalidade materna em muitos países em desenvolvimento. No Brasil, por se tratar de um ato ilegal, muitas mulheres que não desejam manter uma gestação acabam por procurar clínicas clandestinas, submetendo-se ao aborto em condições precárias, o que acarreta graves consequências à sua saúde física e psicológica e à própria vida. Como enfermeiras, reconhecemos a magnitude das questões que permeiam as discussões sobre o abortamento e a mortalidade materna no cenário das políticas de saúde que envolvem a área da saúde da mulher e, dessa forma, nos propomos, com este artigo, realizar uma reflexão acerca do aborto como causa de mortalidade materna.El aborto es un tema polémico y un serio problema de salud pública mundial, responsable por el mantenimiento de las altas tasas de mortalidad materna en muchos países en desarrollo. En Brasil, por tratarse de un delito, muchas mujeres que no desean continuar con un embarazo acaban buscando clínicas clandestinas sometiéndose al aborto en condiciones precarias, lo que ocasiona graves consecuencias a su salud física y psicológica y a su propia vida. Como enfermeras, reconocemos la magnitud de las cuestiones que engloban las discursiones sobre el aborto y la mortalidad materna en el escenario de las políticas de salud relacionadas con el área de la salud de la mujer y, de esta forma, nos proponemos, con este artículo, realizar una reflexión sobre el aborto como causa de mortalidad materna.Abortion is a polemic theme and a serious public health problem in the world, responsible for the maintenance of high maternal death rates in many developing countries. In Brazil, even though it is an illegal act, many women who do not wish to maintain their pregnancy end up seeking underground clinics where they undergo abortions in precarious conditions, carrying

  18. Somos un envase : Discursos sobre el aborto


    Löcher, Jennifer Irene


    No hay persona que no tenga opinión acerca del asunto y, cada vez más, la sociedad argentina debate sobre la pregunta de si se debe legalizar/despenalizar el aborto o no. Nunca antes se habló tanto sobre el tema públicamente: se publican artículos en los diarios, hay manifestaciones a favor y hay manifestaciones en contra de la legalización del aborto. El siguiente trabajo pretende relevar y analizar discursos que circulan socialmente alrededor del debate sobre el aborto. (Párrafo extraíd...

  19. Perfil sociodemográfico del aborto inducido Sociodemographic profile of induced abortion

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    Evelio Cabezas-García


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar características sociodemográficas y su fuerza de asociación con el aborto inducido del primer embarazo. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio analítico con la información de una encuesta realizada en el municipio Diez de Octubre, de la ciudad de La Habana, en Cuba, durante todo el año de 1991 y el primer semestre de 1992. La población de estudio se dividió en dos grupos de comparación: uno formado por las mujeres cuyo primer embarazo terminó en un aborto inducido y el otro constituido por aquellas cuyo embarazo llegó a término. De las variables estudiadas que mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas se obtuvieron las razones de momios crudas y ajustadas por la variable que se consideró como confusora: la edad. Para esta última fase del análisis se utilizó la regresión logística multivariada. Resultados. Las características sociodemográficas identificadas como factores de riesgo asociados al aborto inducido del primer embarazo fueron la edad menor de 24 años (aunque el riesgo se incrementa en las menores de 20 años y ser solteras o unidas. Conclusiones. El riesgo de recurrir a la práctica del aborto inducido en el primer embarazo es elevado en mujeres muy jóvenes que aún no han cumplido sus expectativas profesionales, laborales y relacionadas con el matrimonio. Estas razones parecen incompatibles con la maternidad en el grupo de mujeres estudiadas.Objective. To identify sociodemographic characteristics associated with induced abortion of the first pregnancy and quantify the strength of association between them. Material and methods. Data were gathered from a survey conducted in the district of Diez de Octubre, Havana, Cuba throughout 1991 and the beginning of 1992. The study population was divided into two comparable groups: one group of women whose first pregnancy terminated in induced abortion and a second group of women whose pregnancy terminated in childbirth. For the

  20. Despenalización del aborto y nuevo proyecto constitucional: un tema polémico

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    Paula Castello Starkoff


    Full Text Available En contraste con el proceso constituyente de 1998, el aborto ha estado muy presente en los debates generados en el marco de la Asamblea Constituyente actual y ha sido uno de los temas con más eco mediático. Este artículo revisa algunos de los momentos más destacados en la discusión del tema a lo largo de los últimos años con el fin de mostrar quiénes han participado en el debate, de qué manera y cuáles han sido las respuestas levantadas.

  1. El aborto inducido de las mexicanas en el contexto transfronterizo México-Estados Unidos


    Norma Ojeda; María del Carmen Gavilanes; Eduardo González


    Este es un estudio sociodemográfico comparativo del aborto inducido de las mujeres que viven en los dos lados de la frontera México-Estados Unidos. Se analiza el caso especifico de Tijuana y San Diego mediante la utilización de fuentes complementarias de datos: una encuesta posparto realizada en el IMSS de Tijuana en 1993 con información para un total de 2 709 mujeres y los expedientes de la clínica Womancare de Planned Parenthood, con información para 1 109 muje...

  2. Posiciones sobre aborto en Argentina: de la Conferencia Episcopal a las opiniones de los/as ciudadanos/as católicos/as

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    Hugo H. Rabbia


    Full Text Available El aborto continúa siendo un tema de gran controversia en las políticas sexuales de América Latina en general y de Argentina en particular. El artículo analiza la posición oficial de la jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica argentina difundida y defendida a través de los pronunciamientos públicos de la Conferencia Episcopal Argentina (CEA y las actitudes de ciudadanos/as cordobeses en relación al aborto. Se ha combinado técnicas de recolección y análisis de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos con el objeto de aproximarnos a una visión desde las jerarquías y las bases de un sector religioso mayoritario. De esta manera el trabajo se estructura a partir de dimensiones sobre el aborto inducido, las situaciones de aborto no punible, y la percepción de consecuencias de legalización del aborto, entre otras, que permiten realizar una lectura cruzada de los datos analizados para posteriormente abrir líneas de reflexión en torno a los consensos y resistencias sobre las dimensiones seleccionadas.

  3. El aborto terapéutico: un nuevo intento de despenalizar el aborto en el derecho chileno


    Angela Vinanco Martínez


    En nuestro país recientemente se han presentado dos mociones parlamentarias destinadas a la legalización del llamado “aborto terapéutico”, concepto difuso y equívoco. Se analiza esta posibilidad legislativa a la luz de la doctrina y la normativa constitucional chilena que protege expresamente la vida del que está por nacer, procurando distinguir aquellas figuras de interrupción del embarazo validadas por el Derecho de las que constituyen aborto provocado, reconociendo que la despenalización d...

  4. La corte constitucional: entre la ley de gradualidad y la gradualidad de la ley. A propósito del fallo sobre el aborto


    Ilva Myriam Hoyos


    El artículo, escrito un mes después de proferido el fallo de la Corte Constitucional sobre el aborto, presenta algunas reflexiones críticas sobre el polémico fallo. La tesis central que desarrolla, con base en los comunicados de prensa del 11 y 12 de mayo de 2006, y en las declaraciones de prensa de una de las demandantes y del magistrado ponente, es que, a diferencia de lo que sostiene la Corte, en Colombia se legalizó el aborto en tres amplios supuestos. Esa legalización i...



    Natalia López Moratalla


    Estudios epidemiológicos cuantitativos muestran un riesgo entre moderado y muy alto de trastornos psiquiátricos tras el aborto inducido, especialmente de conductas adictivas e ideación de suicidio. Las mujeres que se habían sometido a un aborto experimentaron tienen un 81% más de riesgo de problemas de salud mental. Y cerca del 10% de la incidencia de problemas de salud mental se demostró que es atribuible al aborto. Siempre son más altos y sobre todo más duraderos que los que pudieran ...

  6. Síndrome post-aborto. Reacciones psicológicas post-aborto

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    Ximena Fuentes Martínez


    Las distintas investigaciones y la experiencia clínica describen desde reacciones ansiosas, depresivas, sentimientos de vacío y dolor, hasta un síndrome específico, el síndrome post-aborto, el cual presentaría casi las mismas características del estrés pos-traumático


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    Adlin Nerissa Bacon Bolaños


    Full Text Available La prohibición total del aborto terapéutico es un problema que no ha permitido brindar atención médica de calidad a mujeres embarazadas. La subsecuente mortalidad materna es una de las consecuencias de esta política. El objetivo de esta investigación documental fue explorar cómo esta prohibición del aborto va influenciar la mortalidad materna.El diseño metodológico fue cualitativo a través de una revisión literaria que trata el tema antes y después que la ley de aborto cambiara. La tesis fue construida con fuentes primarias y secundarias, analizadas críticamente para después ser comparadas con datos dentro del país y entre los países. Los principales hallazgos fueron que la mortalidad materna no se vio afectada por la prohibición del aborto, adicionalmente se redujo en ambos países; sin embargo, sigue siendo elevada en comparación a otras naciones.  La ley de aborto, entre otros factores es una de las causas de mortalidad materna. El Objetivo del Milenio número cinco fue alcanzado por El Salvador, de acuerdo al gobierno, mientras en Nicaragua el progreso para alcanzarlo se mantiene lento. Dentro de estas categorías hay similitudes, diferencias y debates que persisten, ya que el aborto, sea o no terapéutico, es aún un asunto controversial en muchos países.SummaryThe total prohibition of therapeutic abortion is an issue that has not allowed providing medical care with quality to pregnant women. The subsequent maternal mortality is one of the consequences of this policy. The objective of this documentary research was to explore how the prohibition of abortion will influence maternal mortality.We used a qualitative methodology based on literature review that addresses the issue before and after the abortion law changed. The thesis was built with primary and secondary sources, and was critically analyzed to be compared with data within the country and between countries. The main findings were that maternal mortality was not

  8. Prevalencia de sífilis en mujeres gestantes atendidas por el Programa de Protección a la Gestante (PPG y reporte de aborto en el Estado de Sergipe, Brasil

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    Fernando Saab


    Full Text Available Introducción: La sífilis ha representado un importante reto para la salud pública en Brasil, tanto por su alta prevalencia como por las graves secuelas neonatales. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de infección por sífilis y la aparición de abortos involuntarios en mujeres embarazadas, por edad y distribución espacial en el estado de Sergipe en Brasil. Metodología: Estudio transversal descriptivo-retrospectivo, en el que se analizaron 39.807 registros de usuarias del Programa de Protección a la Gestante (PPG ofrecido en 73 municipios en el estado de Sergipe, en un período aproximado de dos años. Resultados: Fueron seleccionadas 39.807 gestantes, de las cuales 7.538 (18,9% reportaron haber abortado, 544 (1,37% fueron halladas con sífilis positiva y 192 (0,48% presentaron sífilis positiva y reporte de aborto. La proporción aumentó de 25,7% de mujeres que abortaron y tuvieron cualquier tipo de alteración (HIV, HTLV, Chagas, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Clamidia, Toxoplasmosis, Rubéola, Citomegalovirus, Hipotiroidismo congénito e Fenilcetonuria materna a 35,3% en mujeres que abortaron y presentaron confirmación de sífilis positiva, representando un aumento de 1,37 veces de los casos. El Municipio de Carmópolis tuvo el mayor porcentaje de casos con 2,19%, seguido de Malhador con un 1.30%, Malhada dos Bois con 1.16%, Estância con 1.15%, Barra dos Coqueiros con 1.14%, Santa Luzia do Itanhy con 1,04% y Pedrinhas con un 1,00%. Conclusión: Se verificó que en la mayoría de los municipios fue elevado el número de registros de abortos involuntarios en mujeres gestantes. La prevalencia gestacional de sífilis fue superior a la aceptada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS. Por medio del PPG se verificó que la sífilis continúa siendo un importante problema de salud durante la gestación, y que las mujeres con sífilis presentan una mayor frecuencia de abortos.

  9. El debate del aborto y sus implicaciones en las legislaciones mundiales

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    Neus Sánchez Expósito


    Full Text Available El aborto ha sido siempre un tema complejo que, en la actualidad, sigue suscitando intensos debates desde planteamientos muy dispares y posturas irreconciliables. Detrás de las diferentes líneas argumentativas para legitimar o no la interrupción voluntaria de la gestación existe un análisis de salud sexual y reproductiva desde una óptica moral con una concepción determinada de la “maternidad” que condiciona la jurisprudencia de los diferentes países. Muchas legislaciones permiten el aborto por cuestiones de salud, pero la defensa de la libertad de las mujeres lo reivindica como un derecho humano. Abortion has been always a complex subject still carries on causing heated discussions from very disparate criteria and irreconcilable positions. Behind the different argumentative lines to legitimate, or not, the voluntary termination of pregnancy, there is an analysis on sexual and reproductive health from a moral viewpoint with a certain conception of “motherhood” that conditions all countries’ jurisprudence. Many legislations authorize abortion on heath matters, but the defense of the women’s freedom demands it as a human right.

  10. Aplicación del aborto terapéutico en Costa Rica: una perspectiva desde los derechos humanos y la salud de las mujeres


    Rojas Calderón, Erika


    Para Faúndes (2005), tradicionalmente se le ha llamado aborto a la interrupción de un embarazo cuando éste se produce antes de las 22 semanas de gestación, o antes de que el feto alcance los 500 gramos de peso, luego de ello, la interrupción del embarazo es llamada “parto prematuro”. El aborto es una palabra polémica que suscita profundas emociones en casi todas las personas, sin importar cuál sea el nivel de relación que se tiene con el tema de los derechos humanos, los derechos reproduc...

  11. Aborto inducido, séptico y shock séptico

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    Omar Sandoval Muñoz


    Full Text Available El aborto provocado séptico en Chile estuvo por varias décadas dentro de las primeras causas de mortalidad materna, y en 1960 la tasa de mortalidad materna por aborto era de 107/100.000 NV. El desarrollo y progreso en diversas áreas de nuestro país, sumado a las políticas sanitarias implementadas gubernamentalmente, han logrado disminuir la mortalidad materna por aborto de manera muy significativa, siendo ésta de 0.8/100.000 NV en 2005 y manteniéndose estable y por debajo de 1.5/100.000 NV desde el 2001 en adelante. En el presente artículo se revisa y compara el perfil epidemiológico de la mujer que actualmente se realiza un aborto y además se aborda el diagnóstico y tratamiento médico desde la perspectiva gineco-obstétrica.

  12. Aborto inducido, séptico y shock séptico

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    Omar Sandoval Muñoz


    Full Text Available El aborto provocado séptico en Chile estuvo por varias décadas dentro de las primeras causas de mortalidad materna, y en 1960 la tasa de mortalidad materna por aborto era de 107/100.000 NV. El desarrollo y progreso en diversas áreas de nuestro país, sumado a las políticas sanitarias implementadas gubernamentalmente, han logrado disminuir la mortalidad materna por aborto de manera muy significativa, siendo ésta de 0.8/100.000 NV en 2005 y manteniéndose estable y por debajo de 1.5/100.000 NV desde el 2001 en adelante. En el presente artículo se revisa y compara el perfil epidemiológico de la mujer que actualmente se realiza un aborto y además se aborda el diagnóstico y tratamiento médico desde la perspectiva gineco-obstétrica.

  13. Perfil da mortalidade materna por aborto no Paraná: 2003-2005 Perfil de la mortalidad materna, por aborto en el Paraná: 2003-2005 Characteristics of maternal mortality by abortion in Parana: 2003-2005

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    Kleyde Ventura de Souza


    Full Text Available Estudo descritivo cujo objetivo foi identificar o perfil das mulheres que tiveram como causa de morte o aborto, no Estado do Paraná, no período entre 2003 e 2005, com destaque para aspectos sociodemográficos, reprodutivos e relacionados à assistência prestada. Os dados foram obtidos a partir dos estudos de série de casos de óbitos maternos elaborados pelo Comitê Estadual de Prevenção da Mortalidade Materna/Paraná. Foram analisados 17 casos. Os resultados apontaram que 88% dos óbitos poderiam ter sido evitados. O aborto seguido de infecção (59% foi a causa básica de maior concentração entre as mortes. As mulheres jovens, casadas, com baixo status socioeconômico e reprodutivo foram as mais atingidas. Reafirma-se a importância do acesso a bens sociais, da redução das desigualdades sociais e da educação em saúde voltada para o planejamento reprodutivo de qualidade.Estudio descriptivo cuyo objetivo fue identificar las características de las mujeres que tuvieron como causa de muerte el aborto en el estado de Paraná en el período entre 2003 a 2005, con destaque para aspectos sociodemográficos, reproductivos y al cuidado que recibieron. Los datos fueron obtenidos con la serie de casos de óbitos maternos elaborados por el Comité Estadual de Prevención de la Mortalidad Materna/Paraná. Fueron analizados 17 casos. Los resultados mostraron que 88% de los óbitos podrían haber sido evitados. El aborto seguido de infección (59% fue a causa básica de mayor concentración, entre las muertes evitables. Las mujeres jóvenes, casadas; con bajo status socioeconómico y reproductivo fueron las más alcanzadas. Se reafirma la importancia del acceso a bienes sociales y a la educación sanitaria hacia un planeamiento reproductivo calificado.A descriptive study whose objective was to identify the characteristics of women who died while having an abortion in the state of Parana between 2003 and 2005, outlining the sociodemographical

  14. Habituation of the cold shock response is inhibited by repeated anxiety: Implications for safety behaviour on accidental cold water immersions. (United States)

    Barwood, Martin J; Corbett, Jo; Tipton, Mike; Wagstaff, Christopher; Massey, Heather


    Accidental cold-water immersion (CWI) triggers the life-threatening cold shock response (CSR) which is a precursor to sudden death on immersion. One practical means of reducing the CSR is to induce an habituation by undergoing repeated short CWIs. Habituation of the CSR is known to be partially reversed by the concomitant experience of acute anxiety, raising the possibility that repeated anxiety could prevent CSR habituation; we tested this hypothesis. Sixteen participants (12 male, 4 female) completed seven, seven-minute immersions in to cold water (15°C). Immersion one acted as a control (CON1). During immersions two to five, which would ordinarily induce an habituation, anxiety levels were repeatedly increased (CWI-ANX rep ) by deception and a demanding mathematical task. Immersions six and seven were counter-balanced with another high anxiety condition (CWI-ANX rep ) or a further control (CON2). Anxiety (20cm visual analogue scale) and cardiorespiratory responses (cardiac frequency [f c ], respiratory frequency [f R ], tidal volume [V T ], minute ventilation [V̇ E ]) were measured. Comparisons were made between experimental immersions (CON1, final CWI-ANX rep , CON2), across habituation immersions and with data from a previous study. Anxiety levels were sustained at a similar level throughout the experimental and habituation immersions (mean [SD] CON1: 7.0 [4.0] cm; CON2: 5.8 [5.2] cm cf CWI-ANX rep : 7.3 [5.5] cm; p>0.05). This culminated in failure of the CSR to habituate even when anxiety levels were not manipulated (i.e. CON2). These data were different (pCSR consequently habituated. Repeated anxiety prevented CSR habituation. A protective strategy that includes inducing habituation for those at risk should include techniques to lower anxiety associated with the immersion event or habituation may not be beneficial in the emergency scenario. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. O luto no processo de aborto provocado El duelo en el proceso del aborto provocado Loss and grief of women who had an abortion

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    Solange Maria dos Anjos Gesteira


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se um relato da experiência a respeito da perda e do luto em mulheres que provocaram aborto. Buscamos, nessa abordagem e discussão, elementos para compreender esse processo. O abortamento provocado, ao longo do tempo, tem estado revestido de tabus e preconceitos que concorrem para que a assistência de enfermagem esteja centrada apenas nos procedimentos técnicos. Com isso, as mulheres em processo de abortamento provocado, que sofreram uma perda, ficam relegadas ao segundo plano, e necessário se faz que oportunidades sejam criadas para que elas vivenciem o seu luto. A enfermeira poderá, sobremaneira, ajudá-las nesse momento. A necessidade e a importância da abordagem sobre perda e luto no abortamento provocado decorrem da ausência de referência ao tema. Ao trazer à luz o sofrimento vivido por essas mulheres, espera-se que os elementos tornados visíveis sirvam como instrumentos de reflexão sobre o desempenho profissional e contribua, conseqüentemente, para a melhoria da qualidade da assistência de enfermagem prestada.Se presenta un relato de experiencia, respecto a la vivencia de la pérdida y del duelo en mujeres que se provocaron un aborto. Buscamos, en ese abordaje y discusión, elementos para comprender ese proceso. El aborto provocado, a lo largo del tiempo, ha estado revestido de tabúes y prejuicios que contribuyeron a que la asistencia de enfermería esté centrada sólo en los procedimientos técnicos. Con eso, las mujeres en proceso de aborto provocado, que sufrieron una pérdida, quedan relegadas a un segundo plano haciéndose necesario la creación de oportunidades para que ellas vivencien su duelo. La enfermera podrá, enormemente, ayudarlas en ese momento. La necesidad y la importancia del abordaje sobre la pérdida y el duelo en el aborto provocado surgen de la ausencia de referencias relacionadas al tema. Al traer a la luz el sufrimiento vivido por esas mujeres, se espera que los elementos tornados visibles

  16. Mortalidade por causas relacionadas ao aborto no Brasil: declínio e desigualdades espaciais

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    Bruno Gil de Carvalho Lima


    Full Text Available Além de constituir causa freqüente de internamentos obstétricos em países pobres, o aborto representa a incapacidade do sistema público de saúde de prover informação suficiente sobre métodos contraceptivos para prevenir gestações em vez de interrompê-las. No Brasil, as altas taxas de utilização de serviços de saúde por abortamentos refletem as dificuldades persistentes de contracepção e planejamento familiar. Além disso, a mortalidade por aborto serve como indicador da qualidade dos procedimentos abortivos, um ponto importante num país onde tal prática é ilegal e, portanto, clandestinamente realizada. No presente estudo, analisamos as taxas de mortalidade por causas relacionadas ao aborto entre mulheres de 10 a 54 anos de idade, incluindo aquelas que morreram por abortamentos espontâneos e provocados, de 1980 a 1995, segundo região de residência. As informações utilizadas foram obtidas do banco de dados sobre mortalidade do Sistema Único de Saúde --Ministério da Saúde. Dados sobre população foram obtidos junto à Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Estudaram-se 2 602 óbitos. Do total de óbitos, 15% foram devidos a aborto retido, aborto espontâneo e aborto induzido com indicação legalmente admitida. Oitenta e cinco por cento dos óbitos foram causados por aborto induzido sem indicação legalmente admitida e por aborto sem causa especificada. Os coeficientes de mortalidade por causas relacionadas ao aborto têm decrescido continuamente no Brasil, mas tais avanços têm-se distribuído desigualmente no país. A região que apresentou a menor queda na taxa (38% em 15 anos foi o Nordeste. As mulheres que morreram por aborto tiveram uma média de idade decrescente no período estudado.

  17. Aborto entre alunas e funcionárias de uma universidade brasileira

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    Hardy Ellen


    Full Text Available No Brasil existem poucas informações sobre o aborto provocado e suas características na população. A dificuldade em se obter dados confiáveis deve-se: à sua ilegalidade, e também ao fato de que a maioria dos estudos é realizada em hospitais. Assim, em 1990, foi realizada pesquisa entre alunas da graduação e funcionárias de uma universidade brasileira. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionário, auto-respondido, para devolução por correio, anonimamente. Os resultados apresentados referem-se à freqüência do aborto provocado nesta população. Encontrou-se que quatro vezes menos alunas do que funcionárias tinham engravidado alguma vez (15% e 65%; 9% das alunas e 14% das funcionárias tiveram aborto provocado. Entre as mulheres que engravidaram alguma vez, as alunas tiveram mais aborto provocado do que as funcionárias (59% e 20%. Quando controladas por grupo etário as diferenças entre as alunas e funcionárias mantiveram-se. Entretanto, entre as alunas, o aborto provocado foi mais freqüente entre as mais jovens.

  18. Adolescentes estudantes: conhecimentos das complicações do aborto provocado Adolescentes estudiantes: conocimientos de las complicaciones de abortamiento Female teenager students: knowledge abortion complications

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    Divanise Suruagy Correia


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o conhecimento das complicações do aborto provocado e sua relação coma a idade. Estudo transversal, realizado em escolas de Maceió, Alagoas, com estudantes dos 12 aos 19 anos. A amostra foi calculada considerando-se os dados de internação de curetagem pós aborto. Usou-se o programa Epi Info versão 3.6 para análise dos dados. Das 2592 adolescentes estudadas, 65,64% não conheciam nenhuma complicação do aborto provocado e as complicações mais citadas foram morte e esterilidade. Manifestações clínicas do aborto foram incorretamente citadas como complicações. Encontrou-se significação entre o conhecimento das complicações esterilidade e hemorragia e idade. A morte foi significativa para menores de 15 anos e a esterilidade para as maiores. Conclui-se que as adolescentes não conhecem corretamente as complicações do aborto provocado, o que demonstra o risco daquelas que o provocam, verifica-se, portanto, a necessidade de maiores esclarecimentos sobre o tema bem como da educação sexual.El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar el conocimiento de las complicaciones del aborto inducido y su relación con la edad. Estudio transversal, realizado en escuelas, de Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil, con adolescentes de los 12 a los 19 años. La muestra fue calculada a partir de los datos de las internaciones para legrado después del aborto. Fue usado para analiza de los datos el Epi Info. De las 2592 adolescentes estudiadas, 65.64% no sabían de ninguna complicación del aborto inducido y las complicaciones mas citadas fueran muerte y esterilidad. Las manifestaciones clínicas del aborto también fueran citadas como complicaciones. Hube significación entre el conocimiento de la esterilidad y la hemorragia y edad. La muerte fue significativa para las menores de 15 años y la esterilidad para las más grandes. Se concluye que las adolescentes no sabían correctamente las complicaciones del aborto

  19. Aborto e inviabilidad fetal: el debate brasileño

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    Diniz Debora


    Full Text Available La Argumentación de Descumplimiento del Precepto Fundamental sobre la anencefalia presentada al Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF es un marco para el debate sobre el aborto en América Latina. Desde la edición del Código Penal Brasileño, en 1940, hubo fuertes resistencias cualquier modificación en la política de aborto en el país. En este artículo serán discutidas las estrategias argumentativas y políticas utilizadas para la acción de anencefalia en el STF, en especial la tesis ética y jurídica utilizada de que la interrupción de la gestación en casos de anencefalia no constituye aborto, debiendo ser considerada una anticipación terapéutica de parto.

  20. Normativa sobre el aborto provocado en Alemania

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    J.M. Priester


    Full Text Available Este artículo ha sido publicado por la Revista "Humana lura" de la Universidad de Navarra y autorizada debidamente su publicación.Contenido: El desarrollo de la reforma de la legislación después de la guerra. La reforma del quinto StRäg. La sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional Alemán del 25 de febrero de 1975. La ley del 21 de junio de 1976.  El "tratado de unificación".La ley de asistencia a mujeres embarazadas y a familias. La ley. Recurso de anticonstitucionalidad y auto provisional.  En tela de juicio. La sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional del 28 de mayo de 1993. La admisión del aborto provocado con consulta previa. Justificación solo en casos de indicación.Punibilidad del médico. Punibilidad de personas del entorno social. Puntos selectos.Crítica

  1. Aborto provocado: o discurso das mulheres sobre suas relações familiares


    Zannety Conceição Silva do Nascimento Souza; Normélia Maria Freire Diniz


    El aborto inducido y la violencia doméstica contra las mujeres se consideran problemas de salud pública por las consecuencias a la salud física y mental que afectan a las mismas. El objetivo fue analizar el discurso de las mujeres que han experimentado el aborto en sus relaciones familiares. Los sujetos del estudio fueron diecisiete mujeres ingresadas en una maternidad pública en Salvador, Bahia (Brasil), por causa del aborto inducido. La recolección de datos se realizó entre julio y septiemb...

  2. O aborto: perspectivas e abordagens diferenciadas

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    Rachelle Amália Agostini Balbinot


    Full Text Available O aborto é analisado a partir daperspectiva histórica e, em seguida, é realizadauma breve análise sobre o modo como asdiferentes religiões tratam deste tema. O inícioda vida demonstra que as teorias sãodivergentes e, portanto, o aborto pode sertrabalhado sob diferentes paradigmas, entreeles a bioética. Enfatiza-se a situação damulher, como sujeito, e o lugar privilegiado,ainda hoje, ocupado pelo homem.Abortion is analyzed from ahistorical perspective, and afterwards a briefanalisys on how different religions addressthis issue is presented. The beginning of lifedemonstrate that theories diverge, and,therefore, abortion may be dealt with underdifferent paradigms, among them bioethics.The situation of the woman is emphasized, asa subject, as well as the priviledged place stilltaken by men.

  3. Fatores associados ao aborto induzido entre jovens pobres na cidade de São Paulo, 2007 Factores asociados al aborto inducido entre jóvenes pobres en la ciudad de Sao Paulo, 2007 Factors associated with induced abortion among poor youth in the city of São Paulo, 2007

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    Rebeca de Souza e Silva


    Full Text Available Esse artigo investiga fatores associados ao aborto induzido entre jovens residentes numa comunidade pobre da cidade de São Paulo. A amostra foi composta por 102 homens e 99 mulheres de 14 a 25 anos de idade que já haviam iniciado suas vidas sexuais. Usou-se o modelo hierárquico de regressão logística. As variáveis não ter companheiro sexual no momento da entrevista, sexo do entrevistado, idade no momento da entrevista, priorizar morar só e número de gestações compuseram o modelo final. Dar muita importância a morar só quadruplica a chance de ocorrer um aborto. Jovens mais velhos foram menos propensos a se deparar com um aborto, dado que a chance de se optar pelo aborto se reduz 17% para cada incremento de um ano na idade dos jovens. Isso é indicativo de que as gestações ocorreram de forma inesperada, intempestiva, como é praxe nas condutas adolescentes, sendo as maiores candidatas a terminarem em aborto provocado. Evidencia-se, portanto, a necessidade de serem investidos recursos financeiros para obtenção de métodos contraceptivos eficazes e inócuos, destinados ao início da vida sexual.Este artículo investiga factores asociados al aborto inducido entre jóvenes residentes en una comunidad pobre de la ciudad de Sao Paulo. La muestra estaba compuesta por 102 hombres y 99 mujeres de 14 a 25 años de edad que ya habían dado inicio a sus vidas sexuales. Se usó el modelo jerárquico de regresión logística. Las variables: no tener compañero sexual en el momento de la entrevista, sexo del entrevistado, edad en el momento de la entrevista, priorizar vivir solo, y número de gestaciones, compusieron el modelo final. Dar mucha importancia a vivir solo cuadruplica la posibilidad de que se produzca un aborto. Jóvenes de mayor edad fueron menos propensos a encontrarse con un aborto, dado que la posibilidad de optar por un aborto se reduce un 17%, respectoa cada incremento de un año en la edad de los jóvenes. Eso es indicativo de

  4. Itinerários e métodos do aborto ilegal em cinco capitais brasileiras

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    Debora Diniz


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta os resultados da etapa de entrevistas estruturadas da Pesquisa Nacional de Aborto (PNA-entrevistas, descrevendo características das mulheres que fizeram ao menos um aborto ilegal, os itinerários e os métodos. Entrevistas estruturadas feitas em 2010 e 2011 com 122 mulheres entre 18 e 39 anos que abortaram, em cinco capitais brasileiras (Belém, Brasília, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro e Salvador. Amostra não probabilística controlada por seis cotas, de acordo com nível educacional e idade, refletindo a estrutura social e demográfica encontrada na PNA-urna. A maioria das mulheres entrevistadas realizou apenas um aborto, mas uma em cada quatro realizou dois abortos, e uma em cada 17 realizou três abortos. A maioria dos abortos ocorre entre jovens até 19 anos, muitas das quais já tiveram filhos. Os exames mais comuns para identificar a gravidez são o beta-HCG sérico, o teste de urina de farmácia e o ultrassom. Há uma prevalência do aborto entre mulheres negras. O principal método abortivo é uma combinação de chás e cytotec (misoprostol com a finalização em hospitais. Parentes e companheiros auxiliam em diferentes etapas do processo. Várias mulheres relataram já ter ajudado outras mulheres a abortar após sua experiência individual.

  5. Ru486: del aborto químico a la contracepción de emergencia

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    Lucio Romano


    Full Text Available El uso del mifepriston (RU486, en combinación con análogos de las prostaglandinas, en la inducción del aborto químico requiere una específica reflexión en relación a los principales aspectos farmacológicos y toxicológicos. La actual dialéctica bioética y biopolítica, a menudo ideologizada, impone aún más un tratamiento riguroso basado en evidencias científicas, para aclarar sobre todo los mecanismos de acción y de los eventos adversos. Estos últimos a veces también subvalorados o minimizados. Considerada la iniquidad del aborto voluntario, el artículo se propone también el objetivo de aclarar cómo, a la luz de una reciente bibliografía, el recurso al RU486 representa un significativo riesgo para la salud de las mujeres. Una particular atención está reservada a la aclaración etiopatogenética de las hemorragias y de las sepsis, en las cuales se han evidenciado también distintos decesos. En el artículo están presentes, además, los más actuales desarrollos de la investigación con RU486 sea para el tratamiento experimental de patologías –ginecológicas y no– como para el uso de la molécula de la contracepción hormonal y la “contracepción de emergencias”.

  6. Por qué no innovar en la legislación sobre el aborto terapéutico

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    Enrique Oyarzún Ebensperger


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza desde un punto de vista general las razones por las cuales no parece recomendable innovar en la legislación vigente sobre aborto terapéutico. Se explicitan las definiciones utilizadas respecto de aborto, los dilemas éticos que se han generado, las diferencias que existen desde el punto de vista ético entre aborto directo (incluye el terapéutico y aborto indirecto. Se presentan, además, las cifras disponibles desde el punto de vista de Salud Pública para el aborto en Chile, se analizan las consecuencias físicas y psicológicas del aborto en la mujer y, finalmente, se presentan los desafíos para el futuro y se hace una propuesta de cómo avanzar en el debate para superar la disputa entre aquellos que están a favor de una nueva legislación y los que estamos a favor de no innovar

  7. El aborto en las trayectorias de mujeres y varones de la ciudad de Buenos Aires

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    Mónica Petracci

    Full Text Available Sobre la base de entrevistas a treinta mujeres y treinta varones, residentes en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires, acerca de sus experiencias de aborto, se reconstruyen trayectorias en las que el aborto constituye un hito. Se concluye que la ilegalidad no influye en la decisión de interrumpir un embarazo, sino en las condiciones diferenciales de su práctica clandestina; que las huellas del aborto marcan diferencialmente a las mujeres, en cuyo cuerpo es practicado, que a los varones, participantes secundarios del proceso, aunque las huellas sean perdurables tanto en mujeres como en varones. Asimismo, se muestra que en las mujeres pobres, al primer embarazo sigue un nacimiento y luego un aborto; que en las clases medias, al primer embarazo sigue el aborto y luego los hijos; y que la eventualidad de interrumpir el embarazo no se plantea sólo en situaciones excepcionales sino que forma parte del proceso desencadenado por la sospecha de un embarazo.

  8. Análisis de los fundamentos jurídicos de la reforma a la legislación penal en materia de aborto en el Distrito Federal

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    Jean Cadet Odimba On'Etambalako Wetshokonda


    Full Text Available En 2007 se aprueba y publica la reforma al Código Penal del Distrito Federal en materia de aborto, con ella se validó la despenalización del delito de aborto, modificando el tipo penal y el mismo concepto de lo que es el aborto, convirtiéndose para el df en legal la práctica de la interrupción del embarazo dentro de las primeras doce semanas de gestación. Este trabajo es un análisis de los fundamentos jurídicos nacionales internacionales que protegen el derecho fundamental a la vida, así como las argumentaciones teóricas, filosóficas, biológicas, teológicas y jurídicas que se sostuvieron en los debates que conllevaron a la aprobación de la reforma a los artículos tanto del Código Penal de Distrito Federal y la Ley de Salud de Distrito Federal. El tema central de discusión y análisis es el derecho fundamental a la vida durante el periodo del embarazo.

  9. Aborto e legislação: opinião de magistrados e promotores de justiça brasileiros Aborto y legislación: opinión de magistrados y promotores de justicia brasileros Brazilian abortion law: the opinion of judges and prosecutors

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    Graciana Alves Duarte


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar opiniões de juízes e promotores de justiça sobre a legislação brasileira e as circunstâncias em que o aborto induzido deveria ser permitido. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 1.493 juízes e 2.614 promotores no Brasil entre 2005 e 2006. Os participantes preencheram um questionário estruturado sobre características sociodemográficas, opiniões acerca da legislação que trata do aborto e circunstâncias para permiti-lo. Realizaram-se análises bivariada e multivariada por regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A maioria (78% dos participantes opinou que as circunstâncias nas quais não se pune o aborto deveriam ser ampliadas, ou mesmo que o aborto não deveria ser considerado crime. As maiores proporções de opiniões favoráveis a que o aborto seja permitido referiram-se a risco para a vida da gestante (84%, anencefalia (83%, malformação congênita grave (82% e gravidez resultante de estupro (82%. As variáveis relativas à religião foram as mais freqüentemente associadas a essas opiniões. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se uma tendência a considerar a necessidade de mudanças na atual legislação brasileira no sentido de ampliar as circunstâncias nas quais não se pune o aborto e até deixar de considerá-lo como um crime, independentemente da circunstância em que é praticado.OBJETIVO: Analizar opiniones de jueces y promotores de justicia sobre la legislación brasilera y las circunstancias en que el aborto inducido debería ser permitido. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado con 1.493 jueces y 2.614 promotores en Brasil entre 2005 y 2006. Los participantes llenaron un cuestionario estructurado sobre características sociodemográficas, opiniones acerca de la legislación que trata el aborto y circunstancias para permitirlo. Se realizaron análisis bivariado y multivariado por regresión de Poisson. RESULTADOS: La mayoría (78% de los participantes opinó que las circunstancias en las cuales no se castiga

  10. Efectos del aborto clandestino en la subjetividad de las mujeres: resultados de una investigación cualitativa en Uruguay

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    Alejandra López Gómez


    Full Text Available La dimensión subjetiva implicada en el proceso de aborto voluntario en contextos de ilegalidad y penalización ha sido escasamente explorada. Cuando un aborto se produce en la clandestinidad es, por definición, un aborto inseguro, independientemente de las condiciones sanitarias en el cual éste tenga lugar. El contexto de ilegalidad y penalización se transforma en un texto que determina la experiencia y sus resultados médicos, psicológicos, familiares, sociales y jurídicos. El estudio se realizó en base a un diseño cualitativo con entrevistas en profundidad a mujeres que abortaron clandestinamente en los últimos 15 años en Uruguay. Los hallazgos permitieron conocer los factores subjetivos asociados a las experiencias de aborto en un contexto, como el uruguayo, donde la práctica es tipificada como delito por la ley vigente en el país. The subjective dimension involved in the process of voluntary abortion in contexts of illegality and criminalization hasn't been studied in depth. A clandestine abortion is, by definition, an unsafe abortion, regardless of the sanitary conditions under which it takes place. The context of illegality and criminalization turns into a text that determines the experience and the medical, psychological, family, social and legal outcome. The study was carried out on the basis of a qualitative design with in-depth interviews to women who underwent clandestine abortions in the past 15 years in Uruguay. The findings allowed for the discovery of the subjective factors associated to abortion experiences in a context, such as the Uruguayan, where the practice is defined as a crime by the law in force.

  11. Prática de atividade física habitual entre adolescentes com deficiência visual La actividad física habitual entre los adolescentes con discapacidad visual Habitual physical activity among adolescents with visual impairments

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    Bruna Barboza Seron


    Full Text Available A prática de atividade física é reconhecida como uma potente ferramenta na prevenção de doenças crônico-degenerativas, entretanto ainda se observa um elevado índice de sedentarismo na população, especialmente na parcela composta por pessoas com deficiência. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a prática habitual de atividade física em adolescentes com deficiência visual. Para tanto, 16 adolescentes com deficiência visual (idade = 12,81 ± 2,07 anos responderam a questionários e utilizaram pedômetro por quatro dias. Foi utilizada estatística descritiva, teste t independente e correlação, adotando-se em todas as situações significância de alfa La actividad física es reconocida como una herramienta en la prevención de las enfermedades crónicas degenerativas, sin embargo, ha observado una alta tasa de inactividad de la población, sobre todo en la parte compuesta por personas con discapacidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la práctica de actividad física en adolescentes con discapacidad visual. Para ello, 16 adolescentes con discapacidad visual (edad = 12,81 ± 2,07 años completaron cuestionarios y se utilizó podómetro durante 4 días. Fue utilizada estadística descriptiva, prueba t independiente y correlación, importancia de la alfa Physical activity practice is known as a great tool in chronic diseases prevention, however we can observe a high prevalence of sedentary habits, especially among people with disability. The purpose of this study was to analyze habitual physical activity practice in adolescents with visual impairment. For that, 16 adolescents with visual impairment (age = 12.81 ± 2.07 years old answered a questionnaire and used pedometer for four days. It was used descriptive statistic, independent T test and correlation, in every case with significance level alpha < 0.05. Results showed that physical activity level among adolescents was often below the recommended parameters. Girls and those

  12. Conhecimento de universitários do sexo masculino sobre aborto provocado

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    Rosineide Santana de Brito


    Full Text Available O estudo teve o objetivo de verificar o conhecimento de estudantes universitários do sexo masculino sobre o aborto provocado. A amostra foi constituída por 70% da população de cada curso da área biomédica totalizando 71 respondentes. Os dados foram coletados através de questionário elaborado a partir de pesquisas exploratórias e aplicados nos locais de aula, nos meses de agosto e outubro de 1998. Os resultados estão divididos em duas partes: a primeira caracteriza a amostra e a segunda trata das questões relativas ao aborto provocado. A maior parte dos estudantes encontra-se na faixa etária de 17-22 anos, são católicos, solteiros e são dependentes financeiramente. Um percentual representativo sabe o que é aborto provocado, os métodos utilizados e suas conseqüências. São de opinião contrária ao aborto e responsabilizam o casal pela decisão de deixar ou não a gravidez evoluir, em menor percentual além da mulher, outras pessoas como amigos e familiares são apontados também como responsáveis.

  13. El aborto en cuestión: la individuación y juridificación en tiempos de neoliberalismos

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    Josefina Brown

    Full Text Available Resumen: Este artículo recoge algunas reflexiones teóricas ligadas a una investigación empírica en torno a los derechos sexuales y (no reproductivos, en la intersección entre los discursos sociopolíticos y las experiencias personales, con el objetivo de contribuir a comprender las dificultades para discutir pública y políticamente sobre aborto, en Argentina en particular y en Latinoamérica en general. El debate se plantea en el marco de contextos neoliberales ligados a procesos de políticas de individuación y juridificación/judicialización de los problemas sociales, incluyendo la cuestión del aborto. La hipótesis planteada apunta a subrayar las complejidades que supone la concepción de individuo vigente en el marco del neoliberalismo, a diferencia del individuo de la “sociedad organizada”, así como a resaltar las dificultades particulares que devienen del pasaje del énfasis en un discurso biomédico a otro jurídico en torno de las sexualidades. Se trata de dos problemas nodales: uno, ligado con la cuestión de lo que supone la individuación; y el otro, lo que implica la solapada persistencia del sujeto abstracto, base del sujeto de derecho, y que oblitera todas las diferencias, incluidas las económicas y sociales entre las personas (mujeres, en este caso. Asimismo se enfatiza la insistencia en la conciencia, la voluntad, la libertad, pero sobre todo, la responsabilidad que se exige al individuo neoliberal (retomando la noción de individuo liberal clásica pero actualizada a los tiempos que corren y que se traduce, en caso del aborto, en la dificultad para tolerar la “falla” que deviene de la imposibilidad de prevenir exitosamente todos los riesgos, en el marco del ejercicio de la sexualidad que se impone ahora como libre, voluntaria, consentida, responsable y placentera.

  14. Determinantes do aborto provocado entre mulheres admitidas em hospitais em localidade da região Nordeste do Brasil

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    Walter Fonseca


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de identificar os determinantes do aborto provocado entre mulheres admitidas por complicações decorrentes dos abortos, nos hospitais-maternidades públicos em Fortaleza, CE (Brasil foram entrevistadas 4.359 pacientes entre 1º de outubro de 1992 e 30 de setembro de 1993. Os dados foram coletados através de questionário estruturado. São apresentados os determinantes dos abortos provocados em 2.084 (48% mulheres classificadas como tendo induzido aborto. Dois terços (66% das mulheres relataram a indução do aborto com o uso isolado do Cytotec(R (misoprostol ou associado a outro meio abortivo. Os resultados indicam que, na população estudada, a indução do aborto é prática comum entre jovens, solteiras (ou que vivem sem um parceiro estável, de baixa paridade, com escolaridade incipiente e não-usuárias de métodos contraceptivos. Recomenda-se a realização de estudos que investiguem os conhecimentos relacionados a percepções, conceitos culturais do aborto, e às razões por que mulheres pobres fracassam na adoção de métodos de planejamento familiar.

  15. Determinantes do aborto provocado entre mulheres admitidas em hospitais em localidade da região Nordeste do Brasil

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    Fonseca Walter


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de identificar os determinantes do aborto provocado entre mulheres admitidas por complicações decorrentes dos abortos, nos hospitais-maternidades públicos em Fortaleza, CE (Brasil foram entrevistadas 4.359 pacientes entre 1º de outubro de 1992 e 30 de setembro de 1993. Os dados foram coletados através de questionário estruturado. São apresentados os determinantes dos abortos provocados em 2.084 (48% mulheres classificadas como tendo induzido aborto. Dois terços (66% das mulheres relataram a indução do aborto com o uso isolado do Cytotec(R (misoprostol ou associado a outro meio abortivo. Os resultados indicam que, na população estudada, a indução do aborto é prática comum entre jovens, solteiras (ou que vivem sem um parceiro estável, de baixa paridade, com escolaridade incipiente e não-usuárias de métodos contraceptivos. Recomenda-se a realização de estudos que investiguem os conhecimentos relacionados a percepções, conceitos culturais do aborto, e às razões por que mulheres pobres fracassam na adoção de métodos de planejamento familiar.

  16. Investigación sobre aborto en América Latina y el Caribe. Una agenda renovada para informar políticas públicas e incidencia (resumen ejecutivo

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    Silvina Ramos


    Full Text Available El tema del aborto en la región latinoamericana ha venido ocupando un lugar importante y creciente en el quehacer académico, el debate público y, en particular, en las agendas y políticas públicas desde hace más de dos décadas. La excelente y reciente publicación del Consorcio Latinoamericano contra el Aborto Inseguro ( CLACAI , Investigación sobre aborto en América Latina y el Caribe. Una agenda renovada para informar políticas públicas e incidencia , cuyo resumen ejecutivo se presenta a continuación, nos ofrece un conocimiento riguroso y sólido de la evidencia científica que se dispone en la región sobre este tema en el periodo de 2009 al 2014; con base en ésta, nos propone los ejes temáticos prioritarios que deben ser indagados en el futuro inmediato. Sin duda esta publicación representa un insumo altamente valorizado que contribuye a comprender y difundir la situación del aborto en la región, sus causas, las consecuencias y los obstáculos que las mujeres enfrentan en su decisión de interrumpir su embarazo, así como las posturas de los diversos actores sociales que están a favor o en contra de la despenalización del aborto y las acciones que en los ámbitos institucionales, privados y públicos, influyen y participan en este proceso; dichos aspectos también están presentes en el debate público en numerosos países de otras regiones.

  17. Objeção de Consciência e Aborto Legal: Atitudes de Estudantes de Medicina

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    Alberto Madeiro

    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução No Brasil, o aborto é permitido em caso de risco de morte da mulher, gravidez decorrente de estupro e anencefalia fetal. Objetivo O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as atitudes de estudantes de Medicina em relação à objeção de consciência ao aborto legal. Métodos Todos os estudantes das escolas médicas do Piauí foram convidados a responder a um questionário eletrônico e anônimo com perguntas sobre características sociodemográficas, objeção de consciência ao aborto e obrigações éticas em caso de recusa. Resultados A taxa de resposta foi de 66,7% (n = 1.174. Enquanto 13,2% dos estudantes apresentariam objeção de consciência por risco de morte da mulher, 31,6% objetariam quando houvesse anencefalia fetal e 50,8% em caso de estupro. Na recusa do aborto por estupro, 54% não encaminhariam a mulher a outro profissional e 72,5% não explicariam a ela as opções de tratamento. Religião foi a única característica associada à recusa para o aborto. Conclusões A objeção de consciência no aborto por estupro foi mais frequente do que nas outras circunstâncias previstas pela legislação brasileira. Os estudantes com religião estiveram mais associados à recusa.

  18. Fatores associados ao aborto induzido entre jovens pobres na cidade de São Paulo, 2007

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    Rebeca de Souza e Silva


    Full Text Available Esse artigo investiga fatores associados ao aborto induzido entre jovens residentes numa comunidade pobre da cidade de São Paulo. A amostra foi composta por 102 homens e 99 mulheres de 14 a 25 anos de idade que já haviam iniciado suas vidas sexuais. Usou-se o modelo hierárquico de regressão logística. As variáveis não ter companheiro sexual no momento da entrevista, sexo do entrevistado, idade no momento da entrevista, priorizar morar só e número de gestações compuseram o modelo final. Dar muita importância a morar só quadruplica a chance de ocorrer um aborto. Jovens mais velhos foram menos propensos a se deparar com um aborto, dado que a chance de se optar pelo aborto se reduz 17% para cada incremento de um ano na idade dos jovens. Isso é indicativo de que as gestações ocorreram de forma inesperada, intempestiva, como é praxe nas condutas adolescentes, sendo as maiores candidatas a terminarem em aborto provocado. Evidencia-se, portanto, a necessidade de serem investidos recursos financeiros para obtenção de métodos contraceptivos eficazes e inócuos, destinados ao início da vida sexual.

  19. “Leyes que son cuerpo/cuerpos que son leyes”: proyectos de ley de aborto en Argentina

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    Eugenia Zicavo


    Full Text Available El presente artículo busca dar cuenta de los procesos socio-culturales que intervienen en la caracterización de los cuerpos (entendidos como algo más que un mero resultado biológico a partir del análisis de los proyectos de ley referidos al aborto en Argentina. Desde el retorno de la democracia en dicho país (1983, han sido más de sesenta los proyectos que fueron presentados por el poder legislativo que se refieren a diversos aspectos concernientes a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. Entre los que cuentan con estado parlamentario, hay proyectos que apuntan a la despenalización hasta las 12/14 semanas de embarazo, y otros que sólo proponen modificaciones a los actuales abortos no punibles. Consideramos que el ámbito legislativo constituye una de (entre tantas otras esferas de producción de sentidos sobre las subjetividades y los cuerpos. Entendemos a éstas como campos de dominación y disputa para la imposición de roles y prácticas asociadas la sexualidad, que impactan en el ejercicio de los derechos reproductivos y no reproductivos y, en este caso específico, sobre la autonomía corporal de las mujeres.

  20. Representaciones sobre el aborto : Estudio de jóvenes de sectores pobres de la ciudad de La Plata (2012)


    Caneva, Hernán Andrés


    En el presente trabajo se expondrán los avances de un estudio exploratorio de corte cualitativo que estoy realizando con motivo de finalizar mi tesina de grado en la carrera de Lic. Sociología. En dicho estudio me propongo conocer y analizar representaciones acerca del aborto de jóvenes (varones y mujeres) escolarizados de sectores pobres de la ciudad de La Plata durante 2012. La hipótesis de trabajo que orienta el estudio indica que la integración en espacios de socialización tales como l...

  1. Ley de matrimonio igualitario y aborto en Argentina: notas sobre una revolución incompleta

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    Milagros Belgrano Rawson


    Full Text Available La ley de “matrimonio igualitario”, votada en 2010 por el parlamento argentino, convirtió a este país en el primero de Latinoamérica en legalizar el matrimonio homosexual. Se trata de una victoria para un grupo históricamente discriminado por sus preferencias eróticas y hasta entonces ausente de la legislación. En este contexto, aparentemente auspicioso para la igualdad sexual, considero, sin embargo, que la nueva ley no se corresponde con el orden sexual que regula los cuerpos de las mujeres argentinas. En efecto, desde 1921 el Código Penal argentino tipifica al aborto como un “delito contra la vida” y, pese a ello, cada año unas cien mujeres mueren por abortos clandestinos. En base a esta situación, en este artículo analizaré el desfasaje que encuentro entre las políticas homosexuales y las políticas reproductivas de Argentina. A diferencia de Europa, donde los derechos reproductivos precedieron a las políticas homosexuales, en este país se ha operado lo inverso. Allí, el reconocimiento legal de las parejas de mismo sexo coincide con las medidas impulsadas por otras democracias, tendientes a alcanzar lo que algunos autores denominan ciudadanía sexual. Sin embargo, mientras la Argentina no reconozca el derecho a la interrupción gratuita y segura del embarazo, esta noción, que legitima la aplicabilidad universal de derechos sexuales, seguirá siendo problemática. Considero que sin el derecho a la libre disposición del propio cuerpo, el cual comprende la libertad sexual y el derecho a decidir sobre la gestación, en el actual contexto argentino la ley de matrimonio gay representa un episodio aislado.

  2. Experiências de abortos provocados em clínicas privadas no Nordeste brasileiro

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    Paloma Silveira

    Full Text Available Resumo Baseado numa investigação qualitativa desenvolvida em 2012, o artigo analisa experiências de abortos provocados de pessoas de estratos sociais médios realizados em clínicas privadas. Foram narradas 34 histórias de gravidezes interrompidas em clínicas por 19 mulheres e cinco homens, residentes em duas capitais do Nordeste brasileiro. Uma análise temática revela que existem diferentes tipos de clínicas e de atendimento prestados pelos médicos. O artigo mostra que a realização de um aborto em uma clínica privada não é garantia de um atendimento humanizado e seguro. As narrativas fornecem descrições de diversas situações e práticas, desde aquelas com algumas falhas, como a falta de informações sobre os medicamentos, até outras com abusos graves, como procedimentos realizados sem anestesia. Assim, conclui-se que a ilegalidade da prática do aborto, no Brasil, permite que as clínicas funcionem sem qualquer tipo de regulação do Estado, não impedindo que as mulheres realizem abortos, mas as expondo a situações de total vulnerabilidade e de violação dos direitos humanos.

  3. Experiências de abortos provocados em clínicas privadas no Nordeste brasileiro

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    Paloma Silveira


    Full Text Available Resumo Baseado numa investigação qualitativa desenvolvida em 2012, o artigo analisa experiências de abortos provocados de pessoas de estratos sociais médios realizados em clínicas privadas. Foram narradas 34 histórias de gravidezes interrompidas em clínicas por 19 mulheres e cinco homens, residentes em duas capitais do Nordeste brasileiro. Uma análise temática revela que existem diferentes tipos de clínicas e de atendimento prestados pelos médicos. O artigo mostra que a realização de um aborto em uma clínica privada não é garantia de um atendimento humanizado e seguro. As narrativas fornecem descrições de diversas situações e práticas, desde aquelas com algumas falhas, como a falta de informações sobre os medicamentos, até outras com abusos graves, como procedimentos realizados sem anestesia. Assim, conclui-se que a ilegalidade da prática do aborto, no Brasil, permite que as clínicas funcionem sem qualquer tipo de regulação do Estado, não impedindo que as mulheres realizem abortos, mas as expondo a situações de total vulnerabilidade e de violação dos direitos humanos.

  4. Abortos por Neosporacaninum em bovinos do sul de Minas Gerais

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    Débora R. Orlando


    Full Text Available Este estudo avaliou a participação de Neospora caninum em casos de abortos em bovinos provenientes de propriedades rurais da região sul de Minas Gerais por meio de análises histopatológicas, imuno-histoquímicas (IHQ e pela reação em Cadeia de Polimerase (PCR. O material utilizado foi obtido de um estudo retrospectivo de casos de aborto recebidos pelo Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Lavras e de fetos necropsiados durante os anos de 2011 a 2013. De 60 fetos estudados, 30 (50% tinham lesões microscópicas. Destes, 19 (63% apresentaram lesões compatíveis com aborto por N. caninum, caracterizadas principalmente por encefalite não supurativa multifocal, necrose e gliose multifocal, assim como, miocardite e miosite não supurativa. Em 14 fetos chegou-se ao diagnóstico definitivo. Destes, cinco tiveram sua confirmação somente pela marcação IHQ e cinco foram positivos somente na PCR. Quatro fetos foram positivos tanto na IHQ quanto na PCR. Cinco fetos, provenientes do estudo retrospectivo apresentaram lesões compatíveis com N. caninum, mas a presença do protozoário não foi confirmada pela marcação IHQ. Os achados demonstram que o N. caninum é um importante agente associado ao aborto em bovinos na região sul de Minas Gerais. Para tanto, além das lesões microscópicas a associação entre a IHQ e a técnica de PCR foi essencial para a confirmação do diagnóstico.

  5. Resultados perinatales en mujeres mexicanas con lupus eritematoso sistémico


    B. Farfan-Labonne; I. Luis-Vásquez; A. Ávila-Carrasco; J. Ramírez-Peredo; M. Rodríguez-Bosch; J. Beltrán-Montoya; E. Reyes-Muñoz


    Objetivo: Conocer la incidencia de resultados perinatales en mujeres mexicanas con embarazo único y lupus eritematoso sistémico. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de cohorte histórica en el que se incluyeron mujeres diagnosticadas con lupus eritematoso sistémico, embarazo único, control prenatal y resolución entre 2010 y 2015. Se calculó la incidencia de los siguientes resultados perinatales: nacimiento pretérmino, muerte fetal temprana, oligohidramnios, aborto, rotura prematura de membranas, ...

  6. El tipo de unión y el aborto: una comparación generacional para México

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    Julieta Quilodrán Salgado


    Full Text Available Con el presente trabajo se pretende incorporar al estudio del aborto en México la perspectiva generacional y la distinción según el tipo de unión, dos dimensiones que no han sido consideradas en los estudios publicados hasta la fecha. Los datos utilizados corresponden a los de la Encuesta Nacional de la Dinámica Demográfica levantada en 1997. Entre los resultados obtenidos destaca el relativo a la reducción que experimentó el aborto entre las jóvenes (menores de 30 años de las generaciones nacidas a fines de los años cuarenta y aquellas que lo hicieron veinte años después, a fines de los sesenta. La distinción por tipo de unión nos permite atribuir esta disminución a las mujeres casadas, que casi exclusivamente eran quienes lo practicaban, y evaluar su impacto reductivo sobre la fecundidad en 1.2 nacimientos evitados en las generaciones mayores y 0.5 en las mas jóvenes. Las mujeres en uniones libres no superan los 0.6 nacimientos evitados en ninguna de las dos generaciones. Al aplicar el factor de separación propuesto, estas diferencias se traducen en relaciones de un aborto espontáneo por casi seis inducidos entre las casadas de más edad y solamente uno de cada dos entre las más jóvenes. Finalmente la distribución según el método anticonceptivo utilizado nos indica que las jóvenes en unión libre están más eficazmente protegidas que las casadas.

  7. Aborto no punible en Argentina: análisis sobre los argumentos sostenidos por miembros de los sistemas de salud y justicia


    Caneva, Hernán Andrés


    En Argentina y en América Latina, el aborto constituye una problemática que afecta la salud y la vida de las mujeres (CEDES, 2007; Guttmacher Institute, 2009; OMS, 2012), interpelando y movilizando a personas, organizaciones e instituciones de diversas esferas de la sociedad. Uno de los debates centrales alrededor de esta problemática tiene que ver con su despenalización y legalización, contienda que se sitúa dentro y fuera del escenario legislativo nacional (Rocha y Otros, 2008; Petracci,...

  8. Opiniones y representaciones sociales de varones sobre aborto en Buenos Aires, Argentina




    Este artículo está basado en una investigación cualitativa cuyo objetivo fue explorar las opiniones de varones de 25 a 39 años de estratos socioeconómicos medios y populares, residentes en el Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (n: 30) acerca de la despenalización del aborto y sus representaciones sociales sobre el mismo. Los hallazgos han corroborado resultados previos y han aportado nuevos conocimientos. Se confirmó la ambivalencia de los discursos sobre el aborto, ya...

  9. Opiniones y representaciones sociales de varones sobre aborto en Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Mónica Petracci

    Full Text Available Este artículo está basado en una investigación cualitativa cuyo objetivo fue explorar las opiniones de varones de 25 a 39 años de estratos socioeconómicos medios y populares, residentes en el Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (n: 30 acerca de la despenalización del aborto y sus representaciones sociales sobre el mismo. Los hallazgos han corroborado resultados previos y han aportado nuevos conocimientos. Se confirmó la ambivalencia de los discursos sobre el aborto, ya que primaron una opinión favorable a su despenalización, y una representación social fundada en un eje moral opuesto al aborto. De los resultados se desprende la necesidad de investigar los puntos de vista de los varones sobre los derechos de mujeres y varones, y de profundizar los sondeos de opinión a través de estudios cualitativos en los que se indaguen sus representaciones sociales en el campo de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos.


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    Teresa Oviedo S


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la presencia de anticuerpos contra N. caninum en vacas condesordenes reproductivos. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron muestras de suerode 196 vacas procedentes de 27 fincas del municipio de Montería, Colombia. Laprueba utilizada para la determinación de anticuerpos fue ELISA. Los criterios deinclusión para las vacas fueron: antecedentes de aborto, momificaciones,reabsorciones embrionarias y repetición de servicios. Resultados. El estudio determinóuna seropositividad contra N. caninum del 10,2%. De los animales muestreados, el10,76% presentaron abortos, 9,75% fueron vacas repetidoras de celo, 20.0%presentaron momificación fetal y 0.0% con reabsorciones embrionarias.Conclusiones. Con base en los resultados se puede afirmar que existe evidencia decirculación antigénica de N. caninum en hembras bovinas del municipio de Montería,Colombia.

  11. Algunas consideraciones sobre el aborto: La educación sexual como una alternativa en su prevención

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    Ignacio González Labrador


    Full Text Available Se hacen algunas reflexiones muy generales sobre el aborto como situación problémica a través de la historia, así como aspectos jurídicos de su situación en Cuba. Se propone la educación sexual alternativa y participativa con sus características propias como una vía posible en su prevención.Some very general reflections on abortion as a problem through history as well as on its juridical aspects in Cuba are made. An alternative and participative sex education with its own characteristics is recommended as a possible way for its prevention.


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    ROSSINI, E. Q.


    Full Text Available A prática do aborto é considerada crime, de acordo com o Código Penal Brasileiro de 1940. O abortamento é juridicamente permitido apenas em casos de violência sexual, risco à vida da mulher ou com comprovação de anencefalia fetal. O abortamento significa um grave problema para a saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento, e, também no Brasil, resultando em um debate heterogêneo que é pautado por diversos aspectos legais, morais, religiosos, sociais e culturais. (Ministério da Saúde, 2011. Neste contexto nosso objetivo foi levantar informações acerca da opinião de moradores da cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes, acerca do aborto. Utilizou-se questionário fechado com escala tipo likert composto por 3 questões numa amostra de 40 pessoas escolhidas aleatoriamente. Os questionários foram aplicados em locais públicos e nas imediações do ISECENSA. A idade média dos sujeitos de pesquisa foi de 27 anos, todos maiores de 18 anos e a distribuição por gênero foi 60% gênero femininos e 40% masculino. Da amostra 55% dos sujeitos discordaram acerca da legalização do aborto e os que concordaram somaram 32,5% da amostra. Acerca da totalidade dos participantes que concordaram que haveria um aumento na procura pelo aborto, caso o mesmo fosse regulamentado somaram-se 50%, e os que discordaram acerca deste aumento somou-se 27,5%. Perguntou-se aos sujeitos de pesquisa em qual circunstância seria justificável o aborto. As respostas variaram bastante. Dentro das respostas oferecidas o resultado foi: Estupro 27,5%, Risco à vida da mãe ou do feto 27,5%, Gravidez indesejada 7,5%, Todas as respostas anteriores 25% e em nenhum dos casos 12,5%. Ressaltamos a importância de que a criminalização do abortamento seja debatida de forma ampla pela sociedade por um viés da saúde pública e da justiça social. Percebeu-se que a temática é fortemente enviesada por questões morais. Acreditamos que novas pesquisas envolvendo metodologia

  13. Los médicos en formación y el aborto: opinión de estudiantes de medicina en la Ciudad de México Abortion and physicians in training: the opinion of medical students in Mexico City

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    Deyanira González de León Aguirre


    Full Text Available La investigación "Atención del aborto en México: una aproximación a las actitudes de los médicos" busca explorar las posturas de estos profesionales hacia el aborto inducido. La penalización del aborto es determinante en su importancia como problema social y sanitario, y los médicos constituyen un sector profesional que tendrá gran peso en la eventual modificación de las leyes que lo regulan; como gremio, éstos han mantenido una posición conservadora frente al aborto, la cual está en buena medida influida por la formación que reciben. Se presentan resultados de una encuesta aplicada a 96 alumnos de medicina de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, en la Ciudad de México. Los datos se procesaron con el programa SPSS; las frecuencias simples obtenidas muestran que los estudiantes tienen un conocimiento escaso sobre la situación jurídica del aborto, y que éste es admitido con restricciones. Las mujeres parecen tener una postura más conservadora, pero el análisis estadístico con la prueba de ji² no revelo diferencias significativas por sexo. Los resultados indican la necesidad de modificar la formación de los médicos en el campo de la salud reproductiva, para propiciar en ellos una visión más amplia sobre los problemas vinculados con la sexualidad y la reproducción.This research project explores doctors' views regarding induced abortion. Abortion's penalization in Mexico greatly conditions its relevance as a social and public health problem. Physicians constitute a professional sector that can play an important role in reforming current laws on abortion. As a professional group, they have taken a conservative stance towards abortion. Their attitudes are to a great extent influenced by the medical training they receive. In this article we present results from a survey of 96 medical students from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, in Mexico City. Data were processed with the SPSS program. Simple

  14. Dispelling the myth that habitual caffeine consumption influences the performance response to acute caffeine supplementation. (United States)

    Gonçalves, Lívia de Souza; Painelli, Vitor de Salles; Yamaguchi, Guilherme; Oliveira, Luana Farias de; Saunders, Bryan; da Silva, Rafael Pires; Maciel, Erika; Artioli, Guilherme Giannini; Roschel, Hamilton; Gualano, Bruno


    This study investigates the influence of habitual caffeine intake on aerobic exercise-performance responses to acute caffeine supplementation. A double-blind, crossover, counterbalanced study was performed. Forty male endurance-trained cyclists were allocated into tertiles, according to their daily caffeine intake: low (58 ± 29 mg/d), moderate (143 ± 25 mg/d), and high (351 ± 139 mg/d) consumers. Participants completed three trials in which they performed simulated cycling time trials (TTs) in the fastest time possible following ingestion of the following: caffeine (CAF: 6 mg/kg body mass), placebo (PLA), and no supplement (CON). A mixed-model analysis revealed that TT performance was significantly improved in CAF compared with PLA and CON (29.92 ± 2.18 vs. 30.81 ± 2.67 and 31.14 ± 2.71 min, respectively; P = 0.0002). Analysis of covariance revealed no influence of habitual caffeine intake as a covariate on exercise performance ( P = 0.47). TT performance was not significantly different among tertiles ( P = 0.75). No correlation was observed between habitual caffeine intake and absolute changes (CAF - CON) in TT performance with caffeine ( P = 0.524). Individual analysis showed that eight, seven, and five individuals improved above the variation of the test in CAF in the low, moderate, and high tertiles, respectively. A Fisher's exact test did not show any significant differences in the number of individuals who improved in CAF among the tertiles ( P > 0.05). Blood lactate and ratings of perceived exertion were not different between trials and tertiles ( P > 0.05). Performance effects of acute caffeine supplementation during an ~30-min cycling TT performance were not influenced by the level of habitual caffeine consumption. NEW & NOTEWORTHY There has been a long-standing paradigm that habitual caffeine intake may influence the ergogenicity of caffeine supplementation. Low, moderate, and high caffeine consumers showed similar absolute and

  15. O aborto entre adolescentes El aborto entre los adolescentes The abortion among adolescents

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    Vera Lúcia Costa Souza


    Full Text Available Para algumas adolescentes a gravidez realização e felicidade, mas para a maioria delas significa momento de tristeza, medo e até mesmo desespero, pois o filho não estava nos seus planos e o aborto se apresenta como única saída. Este estudo retrospectivo objetivou traçar o perfil epidemiológico das adolescentes internadas que se submeteram a curetagem, no Hospital Geral Clériston Andrade em Feira de Santana-Bahia, no período de janeiro/1995 a dezembro/1997. Os resultados demonstraram a necessidade de trabalho educativo como forma de prevenção da gravidez indesejada.Para algunas adolescentes el embarazo felicidad y realización, pero para la mayoría de ellas significa un momento de tristeza, miedo e incluso desesperación, pues el hijo no estaba en sus planes y el aborto se presenta como única salida. Este estudio retrospectivo buscó trazar el perfil epidemiológico de las adolescentes hospitalizadas que fueron sometidas a legrado de enero del 1995 al diciembre del 1997. Los resultados señalaron una gran necesidad del trabajo educativo como alternativa para prevenir embarazos no deseados.For some adolescents, pregnancy means happiness and fullfillment. However, for most of them, it means a sad moment, characterized by fear and despair, as this is an unplanned situation and the abortion seems the only alternative. This retrospective study aimed at finding out the epidemiological profile of the adolescents admitted at the Clériston Andrade General Hospital, in Feira de Santana, Bahia, that were submitted to a curettage from January 1995 to December 1997. The results showed the need for educative programs in order to prevent unplanned pregnancies.

  16. Diferentes perspectivas sobre aborto y gestión de la muerte en Brasil: posiciones religiosas y del discurso médico

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    Edlaine de Campos Gomes

    Full Text Available Este artículo problematiza el debate en torno a cuestiones públicas controvertidas, a partir de dos casos: 1 las diferencias discursivas en los posicionamientos de instituciones religiosas, en el campo evangélico, acerca de la despenalización del aborto; y 2 la incorporación al discurso médico de justificaciones religiosas, en el caso de la ortotanasia, defendida por el Consejo Federal de Medicina. En Brasil, los temas relacionados con la gestión de la vida y del morir exponen diferentes posicionamientos en el espacio público, explicitando en cada momento histórico alineamientos de corrientes favorables o contrarias a las leyes vigentes,.Dos temas relativos a los límites de la vida potencian esta trama: aborto y eutanasia. Las líneas de fuerza que interactúan son cruzadas por cuestiones culturales, sociales, religiosas y políticas, concernientes a la definición de la condición de persona. Saberes médico-científicos, jurídicos y religiosos se articulan de distintas formas, confiriendo legitimidad a los discursos en cuestión.

  17. Os direitos das mulheres na constru??o dos marcos legais do aborto no Brasil


    Almeida, Maria do Socorro Santos


    O aborto ? uma discuss?o extensa e antiga que atravessa as diferentes ?reas do conhecimento, abrangendo as teorias feministas, de g?nero e da sexualidade. O presente trabalho faz uma an?lise dos diferentes processos pol?ticos acerca das leis sobre aborto no Brasil, tendo o Congresso Nacional como o principal cen?rio que concentra as maiores controv?rsias acerca da quest?o. Para melhor compreendermos a atual conjuntura, ? feita uma passagem pelas proposi??es legislativas da d?cada de 1940 at? ...

  18. Efectos del aborto clandestino en la subjetividad de las mujeres: resultados de una investigación cualitativa en Uruguay


    Alejandra López Gómez; Elina Carril Berro


    La dimensión subjetiva implicada en el proceso de aborto voluntario en contextos de ilegalidad y penalización ha sido escasamente explorada. Cuando un aborto se produce en la clandestinidad es, por definición, un aborto inseguro, independientemente de las condiciones sanitarias en el cual éste tenga lugar. El contexto de ilegalidad y penalización se transforma en un texto que determina la experiencia y sus resultados médicos, psicológicos, familiares, sociales y jurídicos. El estudio se reali...

  19. Aborto provocado e violência doméstica entre mulheres atendidas em uma maternidade pública de Salvador-BA

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    Normélia Maria Freire Diniz


    Full Text Available Estudo quantitativo, com o objetivo de estudar a violência doméstica em mulheres em situação de aborto provocado. Foram entrevistas 147 mulheres internadas por aborto provocado numa maternidade pública, na cidade de Salvador-BA. Os sujeitos foram, na maioria, mulheres jovens, negras, com baixa escolaridade, dependentes economicamente dos cônjuges, que vivenciam violência psicológica, física e sexual cometida pelos cônjuges. Quase metade das mulheres vivenciou violência doméstica durante a gravidez atual, sendo este o motivo do aborto para 67% delas. Conclui-se que existe uma associação entre a vivência de violência doméstica e o aborto provocado. Isso repercute na saúde mental das mulheres, que desenvolvem sintomas do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. Necessita-se, portanto, de um olhar por parte dos profissionais de saúde de modo a identificar a violência doméstica enquanto agravo e associá-la ao aborto provocado, o que requer transformação no modelo de formação, incorporando a violência doméstica como objeto da saúde.

  20. EL movimiento feministas nicaragüense y las políticas del cuerpo. Posición discursiva y ejes de diferenciación en relación con el aborto; Un análisis de prensa (2006-2007)


    Carrazco López , Eveling


    El estudio da salida a conocer los principales discursos del movimiento feminista frente al aborto, en general, y, en particular, del aborto terapéutico en Nicaragua. Se trataba de identificar diferentes representaciones sociales que contienen los discursos del movimiento que quedan registrados en los principales diarios de Nicaragua, La Prensa y END. El ordenamiento de la información ha permitido reconstruir el contexto socio-político-cultural en el que se produjeron los discurso de text...

  1. Perfil histológico e inmunohistoquímico del desarrollo del mesenquima de la extremidad del embrión y feto


    Gosálbez García, Javier


    El presente trabajo de tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio del mesémquima de la extremidad de embriones y fetos obtenidos de 50 muestras procedentes de abortos recogidas del archivo del Servicio de Anatomía Patológica del H.U.C.A. Tras la clasificación de las muestras según el tamaño y edad de gestación probable, el procesamiento de los tejidos se realizó según la técnica habitual de preparación de muestras para su estudio histológico con microscopio óptico. Las tinciones se realizaron ...

  2. Aborto por Aspergillus fumigatus e A. niger em bovinos no sul do Brasil

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    Corbellini Luís G.


    Full Text Available As infecções micóticas apresentam distribuição mundial e podem causar placentite e aborto em diversas espécies de animais. Entre setembro 2001 e novembro 2002, foram processados no Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 147 fetos bovinos abortados com o objetivo de avaliar as principais causas de aborto infeccioso bovino no sul do Brasil. Destes, 34 estavam acompanhados da placenta. Aborto micótico foi diagnosticado em cinco casos (3,4% mediante cultivo puro de quatro amostras de Aspergillus fumigatus e uma de A. niger associado a lesões histológicas características de fungo. Os exames virológico, bacteriológico e imunofluorescência direta para Leptospira sp foram negativos nestes casos. A idade dos fetos variava entre 5 e 8 meses de idade. Lesões macroscópicas foram observadas em quatro casos e eram caracterizadas por áreas circulares multifocais branco-acinzentadas na pele, principalmente na região da cabeça e dorso, em dois fetos, lesões nodulares no fígado em um caso e espessamento dos cotilédones em duas placentas enviadas juntamente com os fetos. Lesões histológicas foram observadas principalmente no fígado, pulmão e placenta, caracterizadas por hepatite necrótica multifocal, broncopneumonia supurativa e placentite necrótica. Através da coloração de Grocott hifas septadas foram observadas em duas placentas e nas bordas das lesões necróticas no fígado de um feto. Em dois casos hifas foram observadas somente na placenta e não no feto, salientando-se a importância deste tecido para o diagnóstico de aborto micótico bovino.

  3. La polémica del aborto en EE.UU. Lecciones de una experiencia

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    Full Text Available El paso relativamente rápido de la lógica del aborto terapéutico en Estados Unidos al punto de vista filosófico en el que prima la libertad de elección individual ha sido debido en gran parte al apoyo de la clase médica, muy poderosa en aquel país. El aborto pasó de ser una mera cuestión personal a ser el centro de un agrio debate sobre el que los políticos debían pronunciarse debido a que las personas que lo promovían lo hacían por razones humanitarias. Se presentan una serie de estadísticas acerca de la evolución de las actitudes de los americanos ante el aborto durante las dos últimas décadas. Se sugiere que el papel de la Iglesia Católica en la controversia se basa no sólo en su preocupación ética por la vida humana, sino en el continuado rechazo agustiniano de la relación sexual únicamente orientada hacia el placer y la subsiguiente afirmación de que sólo está legitimada de cara a la procreación.

  4. La percepción de los/as estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires sobre el tratamiento del aborto en la formación médica

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    Ana Mines-Cuenya


    Full Text Available El objetivo del siguiente artículo es indagar cómo es el tratamiento del aborto y su atención, en la Carrera de Medicina de la UBA. Para ello, se hará hincapié en tres dimensiones. La primera, consiste en el análisis de los emergentes de la mencionada Carrera a la luz de las legislaciones, y regulaciones que promueven Derechos Sexuales como parte fundamental de los derechos humanos (DDHH. La segunda estriba en el análisis de tales emergentes en relación a discontinuidades y rupturas con lo que se definirá como Modelo Médico Hegemónico (MMH. Por último, se indagará en las políticas, representaciones y prácticas respecto al misoprostol. Esta investigación es de carácter cualitativo. El corpus analizado consiste en entrevistas semi-estructuradas a 24 estudiantes de la mencionada carrera y en regulaciones vigentes emitidas tanto por organismos médicos nacionales, latinoamericanos e internacionales. Como resultados preliminares, primero, se destacan la escasa permeabilidad en la carrera de las regulaciones vigentes, los conocimientos y actualizaciones farmacológicas expresadas en los documentos emitidos por organismos médicos nacionales, latinoamericanos e internacionales en los últimos 10 años. En segundo lugar, resalta la predominancia de un silencio o vacío en el currículo en relación al aborto. Este silencio no es inocuo, sino que tiene efectos concretos: no garantizar el cumplimiento con el marco de DDHH vigentes en Argentina. Por último, el desconocimiento sobre el misoprostol y su amplia utilidad en el campo gineco-obstétrico refuerza la asimetría en la relación médico/a-paciente y una idea de aborto medicalizado que, por lo tanto, robustece al MMH.

  5. Aborto y salud mental de la mujer


    Aznar,Justo; Cerdá,German


    La existencia o no de alteraciones de la salud mental de la mujer como consecuencia del aborto es algo que suscita en el momento actual un vivo debate, pues, junto a convencidos profesionales que defienden su existencia, otros se manifiestan totalmente opuestos a ello. Para abordar este tema hemos evaluado algunas de las más recientes revisiones que nos han parecido de calidad metodológica contrastada, así como también algunos de los últimos artículos publicados. Podemos concluir que no exist...

  6. Los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres: un nuevo paradigma para la regulación del aborto

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    Patricia Laurenzo


    no punible. Este renovado sistema concede un amplio campo de autonomía a la mujer embarazada para decidir sobre su eventual maternidad durante las primeras catorce semanas de gestación, combinado con dos indicaciones por causas médicas que recogen los supuestos de peligro para la vida o salud de la mujer y las anomalías fetales. Aunque la ley está recurrida ante el Tribunal Constitucional, existen motivos suficientes para justificar su adecuación a los principios reconocidos en la Constitución española, en particular, por el declarado objetivo legal de desarrollar políticas públicas en materia de información y educación sexual y reproductiva dirigidas a reducir el alarmante número de embarazos no deseados que se registran anualmente, sobre todo entre la población juvenil. Un objetivo que puede contribuir a contener los abortos que se producen en España de modo mucho más realista y eficaz que la amenaza con sanciones penales.

  7. Não Nascer: algumas reflexões fenomenológico-existenciais sobre a história do aborto

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    Melina Séfora Souza Rebouças


    Full Text Available O presente artigo, de caráter teórico, realiza um breve histórico do aborto no mundo, expondo os sentidos e significados dessa temática ao longo do tempo nas diversas sociedades e culturas, e mostra de forma mais específica como essa prática se desenvolveu e tem sido vista atualmente no Brasil. O estudo também se propõe a abordar a estatística do aborto no mundo, no Brasil e, especificamente, no Rio Grande do Norte. Por último, tece algumas reflexões à luz da perspectiva fenomenológico-existencial no sentido de abrir caminhos para uma compreensão do aborto enquanto fenômeno presente na vida e no cotidiano de algumas mulheres e uma possibilidade entre as várias que permeiam a existência da mulher.

  8. Abortamento na adolescência: vivência e necessidades de cuidado Aborto en la adolescencia: experiencia y necesidades de cuidado Adolescent abortion: experience and care needs

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    Ester Correa Rodrigues de Faria


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com abordagem da fenomenologia social, realizada em 2010, com oito adolescentes que passaram pela experiência do aborto e foram atendidas em uma instituição hospitalar filantrópica de Minas Gerais. Objetivou-se, com ela, compreender a experiência e as necessidades de cuidado das adolescentes em situação de abortamento. Os resultados mostram que o impacto da gravidez levou-as ao medo da não aceitação da família e, ao mesmo tempo, à felicidade, pela possibilidade de ser mãe. A experiência do aborto foi marcada por sofrimento, e o atendimento foi considerado satisfatório, mas foi realçada a necessidade do recebimento de mais atenção e informação. As adolescentes planejam dar continuidade aos estudos e têm em vista a possibilidade de engravidar novamente. Vislumbram-se o planejamento de ações preventivas destinadas a este público e o desenvolvimento de novas investigações científicas que incluam a perspectiva de familiares e de profissionais de saúde.Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, con abordaje de la fenomenología social, realizada en 2010, con ocho adolescentes que experimentaron el aborto y fueron atendidas en un hospital de institución filantrópica del Estado de Minas Gerais. Este estudio objetivó comprender la experiencia y necesidades de cuidado de adolescentes en situación de aborto. Los resultados muestran que el impacto de la gestación llevó al miedo de no aceptación por la familia y, al mismo tiempo, a la felicidad por la posibilidad de ser madre. La experiencia del aborto fue marcada por sufrimiento y la atención fue considerada satisfactoria, realzándose la necesidad de más atención e información. Las adolescentes planean continuar sus estudios y consideran la posibilidad de una nueva gestación. Vislumbrase la planificación de acciones preventivas a ese público y también el desarrollo de nuevas investigaciones científicas que incluyan la

  9. Prevalencia de la infección por virus de Epstein Barr (VEB) en mujeres gestantes y con aborto, durante las primeras semanas de embarazo


    Mariangel Ramos; César Pérez


    El virus de Epstein-Barr (VEB) es un agente patógeno común para los humanos y su efecto en la infección vertical es poco estudiado. Durante el embarazo hay riesgo a contraer infecciones que afectan al feto. La infección adquirida antes del nacimiento ocasiona abortos, mortinatos, malformaciones, retraso en el crecimiento intrauterino, prematuridad y secuelas por infección postnatal crónica. Los efectos inmediatos o a largo plazo representan un problema a nivel mundial. Durante el embarazo se ...

  10. Anticoncepción y aborto en Argentina: perspectivas de obstetras y ginecólogos Contraception and abortion in Argentina: perspective of obstetricians and gynaecologists

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    Dalia Szulik


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Reflexionar sobre el rol de los tocoginecólogos/as en torno a las políticas públicas en salud reproductiva en Argentina. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Combinación de métodos cuantitativos (encuesta, n=467 y cualitativos (entrevista semiestructurada, n=35; grupos focales, n=6. RESULTADOS: Para los profesionales, el aborto y la anticoncepción son problemas muy relevantes. Siete de 10 otorgaron máxima prioridad a implementar servicios de planificación familiar y consejería anticonceptiva pos-aborto. Uno de 2 propuso promover el debate social sobre aborto. La gran mayoría acordó que despenalizar el aborto contribuiría a disminuir la mortalidad materna y que la ley no debería penalizarlo ante riesgo de vida o salud, violación o incesto y malformación incompatible con la vida extrauterina. CONCLUSIONES: Las cuestiones más críticas del campo de la salud reproductiva forman parte de la agenda de los médicos. Las acciones de abogacía deben profundizar una visión integral de la salud y destacar la responsabilidad social de estos actores.OBJECTIVE: To explore the role of obstetricians and gynaecologists in reproductive public health policies in Argentina. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Combination of quantitative methods (survey, n=467 and qualitative methods (semistructured interview, n=35; focus groups, n=6. RESULTS: The great majority of respondents believe that abortion and contraception are serious public health issues. Seven out of 10 considered the implementation of family planning services and post-abortion contraceptive counseling to be priorities. One-half favored promoting social debate on abortion. The great majority thought that de-criminalization of abortion would help to diminish maternal mortality and that abortion should not be penalized when the woman’s life or health is at risk, or in cases of rape or fetal malformations. CONCLUSIONS: Abortion and contraception are important issues for physicians. Advocacy efforts within

  11. La oposición a la legalización del aborto como mecanismo de control social

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    Gerardo Rodríguez Morán


    Full Text Available ResumenEste trabajo se plantea a partir de una perspectiva teórico–conceptual, en la cual se aborda la relación entre dos enfoques que confluyen y forman parte de la agenda de discusión pública en la sociedad contemporánea: el aborto y el control social. Es así, que se examinará desde un enfoque empírico, el porqué de la prohibición del aborto –sobre todo en aquellos países donde no se encuentra legalizada su práctica–. Con esto, se constituye la reflexión sobre un mecanismo que se encuentra orientado a implementar esquemas particulares de control social, en el cual están institucionalizados: patrones culturales, normativos y socio–políticos, que tienden a regular la reproducción, la natalidad, el libre ejercicio de la sexualidad y el derecho de las mujeres a decidir sobre su cuerpo. AbstractThis paper arises from a theoretical and conceptual perspective in which the relationship between, two approaches converge and form part of the agenda of public discussion in contemporary society is discussed: abortion and social control. Thus, it will be considered from an empirical approach, the reason for the prohibition of abortion, especially in countries where the practice is not legalized. With this, the reflection is a mechanism aimed at implementing specific schemes is social control; which are institutionalized: socio-political, which tend to regulate reproduction, birth, cultural, regulatory and free exercise patterns of sexuality and the right of women to decide about their bodies.

  12. El aborto en los países de la Subregión Andina: discursos, políticas y resistencias

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    Cristian A. Venegas Ahumada


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación es interpretar el discurso hegemónico (icónicolingüístico de los Fundamentalismos Religiosos de Iglesia Católica y grupos ligados a ella, respecto al aborto, junto a las protestas realizadas por movimientos de ciudadanas y ciudadanos por la defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos de las mujeres en países de la Subregión Andina. La metodología utiliza un análisis de discurso. En conclusión: El discurso y penalización del aborto es ideológico, dominación patriarcal que hace adoptar a las mujeres el aborto inseguro como resistencia paralegal, pudiendo enfermar o morir para obtener la libertad sobre su cuerpo, un derecho reproductivo.

  13. La religión en las decisiones sobre aborto no punible en la Argentina

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    María Gabriela Irrazábal


    Full Text Available En este artículo trabajaremos sobre la presencia de agentes religiosos expertos en bioética en comités de hospitales públicos y su intervención en casos de solicitud de acceso al aborto legal. En primer lugar realizaremos una descripción general del contexto de los casos de aborto no punible en la Argentina, resaltando que en la mayoría de los casos las creencias religiosas de los expertos suelen influir y condicionar las decisiones de las mujeres. Luego, pondremos el foco en la discusión dentro de un comité sobre un caso particular, el de una joven discapacitada que solicitó un aborto luego de un abuso sexual y que luego de atravesar un largo camino de judicialización y evaluaciones de comités de expertos, no logró interrumpir su embarazo. Este caso ilustra cómo las creencias religiosas influencian la toma de decisiones en el área de la salud pública y cómo se consolida la presencia de agentes religiosos expertos en bioética como una estrategia para influenciar los espacios públicos de la Iglesia Católica en la Argentina.

  14. Despenalización del aborto y la reducción de prácticas abortivas clandestinas en el Cercado de Lima, período 2015


    Berrospi Fernández, Sergio


    A veces las formas en que aparecen algunas cosas dicen mucho de ellas. La propuesta para despenalizar el autoaborto y el aborto consentido ―así, de manera libre, sin indicación o plazo de ningún tipo― fue presentada por la Dra. Rosa Mavila (en adelante, la comisionada) a la Comisión Especial Revisora del Código Penal del Congreso de la República. Semanas más tarde la comisionada modificó su propuesta inicial con relación al delito de autoaborto previsto en el artículo 114 del Código Penal vig...

  15. Dificuldades para obter informações da população de mulheres sobre aborto ilegal

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    Osis Maria José D.


    Full Text Available Qualquer tentativa de se investigar a prática de abortos ilegais deve lidar com o problema de estar perguntando às mulheres acerca de um tema delicado, sensível, com implicações múltiplas, o que leva a dificuldades para se obter informações verazes. O estudo realizado enfoca principalmente aspectos metodológicos de uma pesquisa realizada junto a uma população de mulheres de 15 a 49 anos de idade, com o objetivo de verificar a freqüência e as condições em que era feito o aborto provocado em uma região do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil. Foram entrevistadas, em seus domicílios, 1.955 mulheres. Utilizou-se um questionário estruturado e pré-testado. A maioria das entrevistadas declarou nunca ter abortado nem pensado em fazê-lo, enquanto 4% referiram alguma vez ter feito aborto; 16,7% disseram que, pelo menos uma vez, tomaram chá/remédio para menstruar. Entre as que acreditaram estar grávidas na ocasião, a maioria informou nunca ter abortado, apesar de terem menstruado quando ingeriram chá/remédio. Os resultados permitiram concluir que as mulheres tendem a omitir a informação sobre a prática de aborto quando perguntadas diretamente sobre isso. Especialmente aquelas que o induzem por ingestão de substâncias parecem não reconhecer esse ato como sendo uma forma de interromper a gestação.

  16. Differences in the locomotor-activating effects of indirect serotonin agonists in habituated and non-habituated rats. (United States)

    Halberstadt, Adam L; Buell, Mahálah R; Price, Diana L; Geyer, Mark A


    The indirect serotonin (5-HT) agonist 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) produces a distinct behavioral profile in rats consisting of locomotor hyperactivity, thigmotaxis, and decreased exploration. The indirect 5-HT agonist α-ethyltryptamine (AET) produces a similar behavioral profile. Using the Behavioral Pattern Monitor (BPM), the present investigation examined whether the effects of MDMA and AET are dependent on the novelty of the testing environment. These experiments were conducted in Sprague-Dawley rats housed on a reversed light cycle and tested during the dark phase of the light/dark cycle. We found that racemic MDMA (RS-MDMA; 3 mg/kg, SC) increased locomotor activity in rats tested in novel BPM chambers, but had no effect on locomotor activity in rats habituated to the BPM chambers immediately prior to testing. Likewise, AET (5 mg/kg, SC) increased locomotor activity in non-habituated animals but not in animals habituated to the test chambers. These results were unexpected because previous reports indicate that MDMA has robust locomotor-activating effects in habituated animals. To further examine the influence of habituation on MDMA-induced locomotor activity, we conducted parametric studies with S-(+)-MDMA (the more active enantiomer) in habituated and non-habituated rats housed on a standard or reversed light cycle. Light cycle was included as a variable due to reported differences in sensitivity to serotonergic ligands during the dark and light phases. In confirmation of our initial studies, rats tested during the dark phase and habituated to the BPM did not show an S-(+)-MDMA (3 mg/kg, SC)-induced increase in locomotor activity, whereas non-habituated rats did. By contrast, in rats tested during the light phase, S-(+)-MDMA increased locomotor activity in both non-habituated and habituated rats, although the response in habituated animals was attenuated. The finding that habituation and light cycle interact to influence MDMA- and AET

  17. Opinião de estudantes dos cursos de Direito e Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte sobre o aborto no Brasil


    Medeiros,Robinson Dias de; Azevedo,George Dantas de; Oliveira,Emilly Auxiliadora Almeida de; Araújo,Fábio Aires; Cavalcanti,Francisco Jakson Benigno; Araújo,Gabriela Lucena de; Castro,Igor Rebouças


    OBJETIVO: Analisar e comparar o conhecimento e opiniões de estudantes dos cursos de Direito e Medicina sobre a questão do aborto no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal envolvendo 125 alunos concluintes do ano de 2010, sendo 52 de Medicina (grupo MED) e 73 de Direito (grupo DIR), com uso de questionário construído com base em estudos publicados sobre o tema. As variáveis dependentes foram: acompanhamento do debate sobre aborto, conhecimento sobre situações em que o aborto é permi...

  18. Caffeine promotes global spatial processing in habitual and non-habitual caffeine consumers

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    Grace E. Giles


    Full Text Available Information processing is generally biased toward global cues, often at the expense of local information. Equivocal extant data suggests that arousal states may accentuate either a local or global processing bias, at least partially dependent on the nature of the manipulation, task and stimuli. To further differentiate the conditions responsible for such equivocal results we varied caffeine doses to alter physiological arousal states and measured their effect on tasks requiring the retrieval of local versus global spatial knowledge. In a double-blind, repeated-measures design, non-habitual (Exp. 1; N=36, M=42.5±29 mg/day caffeine and habitual (Exp. 2; N=34, M=579.5±311.5 mg/day caffeine caffeine consumers completed four test sessions corresponding to each of four caffeine doses (0 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg. During each test session, participants consumed a capsule containing one of the three doses of caffeine or placebo, waited sixty minutes, and then completed two spatial tasks, one involving memorizing maps and one spatial descriptions. A spatial statement verification task tested local versus global spatial knowledge by differentially probing memory for proximal versus distal landmark relationships. On the map learning task, results indicated that caffeine enhanced memory for distal (i.e. global compared to proximal (i.e. local comparisons at 100 (marginal, 200, and 400 mg caffeine in non-habitual consumers, and marginally beginning at 200 mg caffeine in habitual consumers. On the spatial descriptions task, caffeine enhanced memory for distal compared to proximal comparisons beginning at 100 mg in non-habitual but not habitual consumers. We thus provide evidence that caffeine-induced physiological arousal amplifies global spatial processing biases, and these effects are at least partially driven by habitual caffeine consumption.

  19. Abortion, contraceptive use, and adolescent pregnancy among first-year medical students at a major public university in Mexico City El aborto, el uso de anticonceptivos y el embarazo en la adolescencia en estudiantes de medicina de una importante universidad pública en México, D.F.

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    Adriana Ortiz-Ortega


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: If properly trained, medical students could become future opinion leaders in health policy and could help the public to understand the consequences of unwanted pregnancies and of abortions. The objective of this study was to analyze the frequency of unwanted pregnancies and induced abortions that had occurred among women who were first-year medical students at a major public university in Mexico City and to compare the experiences of those women with the experiences of the general population of Mexican females aged 15 to 24. METHODS: In 1998 we administered a cross-sectional survey to all the first-year medical students at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, which is the largest university in Latin America. For this study we analyzed 549 surveys completed by female students. RESULTS: Out of the 549 women, 120 of them (22% had been sexually active at some point. Among those 120 sexually active students, 100 of them (83% had used a contraceptive method at some time, and 19 of the 120 (16% had been pregnant. Of those 19 women who had been pregnant, 10 of them had had an illegal induced abortion (in Mexico, abortions are illegal except under a small number of extenuating circumstances. The reported abortion rate among the female medical students, 2%, was very low in comparison with the 11% rate for women of similar ages in the Mexican general population. CONCLUSIONS: The lower incidence of abortion among the female medical students indicates that when young Mexican women have access to medical information and are highly motivated to avoid unintended pregnancy and abortion, they can do so.OBJETIVO: Con entrenamiento adecuado, los estudiantes de medicina pueden convertirse en líderes de opinión con futura injerencia sobre las políticas de salud, así como ayudar al público a entender las consecuencias de los embarazos indeseados y del aborto. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido examinar la frecuencia del embarazo

  20. Aborto e corporalidade: sofrimento e violência nas disputas morais através de imagens

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    Naara Luna


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa representações do aborto por meio do discurso e imagens contidas em documentários. Na controvérsia do aborto no espaço público, grupos alinhados pró-vida e pró-escolha buscam o audiovisual como meio de propagar suas mensagens políticas. A retórica visual pró-vida recorre a imagens de diferentes estágios do desenvolvimento para provar a individualidade de embriões e fetos e sua condição de pessoa dotada de direitos. O movimento pró-escolha constrói seu discurso por meio de relatos de pessoas que passaram pela experiência do aborto, enfatizando o sofrimento e a violência da criminalização e da clandestinidade. O foco é a mulher como sujeito moral. A exceção está no tópico da anencefalia, quando imagens são usadas para representar a figura do "bebê sem cérebro" inviável. A partir do sofrimento e da violência, fetos e mulheres são apresentados como vítimas pelos diferentes lados da disputa, modo de reivindicar acesso a direitos.

  1. Opinions of decision-makers on the liberalization of abortion laws in Mexico Opiniones de tomadores de decisiones sobre la liberalización de la ley del aborto en México

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    Marieke G van Dijk


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: In the last decade, important advances were made in the struggle for reproductive rights in Mexico. The goal of this study was to discover the opinions of decision-makers about the grounds for legal abortion as well as to explore their perceptions about further liberalization of abortion laws countrywide. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In-depth interviews were conducted with eight prominent decision-makers working in governmental health, law and social institutions as well as representatives of political parties. RESULTS: Six decision-makers favored a further liberalization of abortion laws. They proposed several strategies to move forward with liberalization. Two decision-makers were against abortion under all circumstances. CONCLUSIONS: Three factors seem to play a key role in the liberalization of abortion: a liberal party governing at the state level, a favorable public opinion and the pressure of NGOs promoting reproductive rights. A state-by-state approach seems more effective for generating changes in abortion laws.OBJETIVO: En la última década se realizaron avances importantes en la lucha por los derechos reproductivos en México. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer las opiniones de tomadores de decisiones (TD sobre las causales para un aborto legal, así como explorar sus percepciones sobre la liberalización de las leyes en todo el país. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad con ocho TD de instituciones gubernamentales de asuntos sociales, legales y de salud, así como representantes de partidos políticos. RESULTADOS: Seis entrevistados favorecieron la liberalización de las leyes y propusieron varias estrategias para realizarla. Dos entrevistados estuvieron en contra del aborto bajo cualquier circunstancia. CONCLUSIONES: En la liberalización del aborto, tres factores parecen tener un papel relevante: un partido liberal gobernando estatalmente, una opinión pública favorable y la presión de ONG que

  2. Las profesiones de la salud y la petición de un aborto

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    Mauricio Besio Rollero


    Full Text Available Al aprobarse en Chile una ley que permite el aborto en algunas circunstancias y frente a la posibilidad de que en el futuro existan leyes aún más permisivas, surge la necesidad de reflexionar sobre la actitud que debe tener una institución como la nuestra que forma a profesionales de la salud. Tenemos que tener claridad en que nuestra oposición al aborto no es por razones religiosas ni otras particularísimas. Nos oponemos a realizar esas intervenciones porque ellas vulneran principios y valores propios de la profesión médica. Tenemos en una mujer embarazada a dos pacientes, y la medicina siempre debe respetarles la vida y otorgarles los cuidados de su salud. Debemos enseñar a nuestros alumnos a cuidar y acoger a todos nuestros pacientes como siempre lo hemos hecho.

  3. Os abortos no atendimento hospitalar do Estado de São Paulo, 1995 Hospitalizations by abortion, 1995 - S. Paulo State, Brazil

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    Sara Romera Sorrentino


    Full Text Available Embora o aborto provocado no Brasil seja importante problema de saúde, é difícil conhecer a exata medida de sua ocorrência, em função da ilegalidade dessa prática. Com a disponibilidade das informações sobre as hospitalizações pelo Ministério da Saúde, tornou-se possível conhecer, ainda que de forma incompleta, o quadro dos abortos atendidos na rede hospitalar do SUS. O objetivo do estudo foi conhecer as 53.861 internações com diagnóstico de aborto entre mulheres de 10 a 49 anos na rede hospitalar conveniada com o SUS no Estado de São Paulo no ano de 1995, segundo o tipo do aborto, idade e local de residência. As internações de mulheres em idade reprodutiva no Estado de São Paulo, em 1995, representaram 37,8% do total das hospitalizações pagas pelo SUS, sendo que dessas 59,6% foram por questões ligadas à gravidez, parto e puerpério, dentre as quais os abortos representam cerca de 10%. Sua distribuição nas regiões da Grande São Paulo e Interior do Estado mostra que é maior a proporção aborto/parto entre as mulheres da Grande São Paulo do que do Interior (127,4 abortos a cada 1.000 partos na Grande São Paulo contra 90,9 no Interior. O tipo de aborto mais freqüente foi o aborto espontâneo (57,4% e a distribuição por idade mostra uma concentração entre os 20 e 29 anos, além de revelar que cerca de 20% deles ocorreram em adolescentes com menos de 19 anos.Despite the importance of the issue of abortion in Brazil, it is difficult to know the exact extent of the problem owing to the fact that it is an illegal practice. Information about hospitalizations from the Ministry of Health has helped an admittedly incomplete understanding of the situation with regard to abortions carried out in the SUS (Unified Health System hospital network. The objective of the study was to investigate the 53,861 hospitalizations diagnosed as abortion among women from 10 to 49 years of age in hospitals affiliated to SUS in the state

  4. La evolución reciente de la fecundidad y el embarazo en España: La influencia del aborto

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    Full Text Available A través de la evolución de las tasas de fecundidad y embarazo por grupos de edad en España entre 1975 y 1995, se puede apreciar el descenso que se ha producido en ambos indicadores. Si bien la tendencia es idéntica, la cuantía del descenso difiere, pues se aprecia un descenso de mayor envergadura en las tasas de fecundidad que en las de embarazo, diferencia que se debe al aborto. El incremento del recurso al aborto desde la entrada en vigor de la ley que lo despenaliza es un rasgo común, aunque su importancia difiere dependiendo del grupo de edad. Así, la mayor proporción de embarazos finalizando en un aborto se observa entre las menores de veinticinco años y las mayores de cuarenta. El análisis contempla las diferencias entre comunidades autónomas, pudiéndose apreciar distintos comportamientos, principalmente en determinados grupos de edad.

  5. Mulheres Latino-Americanas e a Luta por Direitos Reprodutivos: o panorama da conjuntura política e legal do aborto nos países da América Latina.

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    Paula Gonzaga


    the issue of abortion in the agenda, however new political arrangements and power dispute have contributed to the abortion is considered crime in must of Latin America. Faced this scenario, this paper aims to analyse the political situation in Latina America regarding the advances and setbacks in sexual rights and reproductive rights of women focusing on decriminalization of abortion. From a survey of the state of the art on this theme, in which it stood out the aperfomance of the speeches that maintain the abortion criminalization or defend that the abortion is decriminalized and legalized. Keywords : Latin America, Decriminalization of Abortion , Reproductive Rights, Feminism *** Resumen Desde la década de 1960, el feminismo de la segunda onda he destacado la cuestión de los derechos sobre el cuerpo y el libre ejercicio de la sexualidad de las mujeres. Entre los temas destacados, las feministas guían la defensa del aborto como un derecho de la mujer a ser garantizado por el Estado. A pesar del éxito logrado en gran parte de Europa, el avance de esta discusión fue reprimida en los países de América Latina, debido a la dominación de los gobiernos dictatoriales que persiguen la organización de los movimientos sociales. Desde el retorno a la democracia, el movimiento feminista de nuevo puso el tema del aborto en la agenda, sin embargo, los nuevos arreglos políticos y luchas de poder contribuyeron al aborto sigue siendo un delito penal en la mayor parte de América Latina. En este contexto, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la situación política de América Latina con respecto a los avances y retrocesos en materia de derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres, centrándose en la despenalización del aborto a partir de un estudio del estado del arte sobre este tema que, destacando el desempeño de los discursos que actúan para mantener la penalización del aborto o que defienden que ser despenalizado y legalizado. Palabras- clave: Latinoam

  6. Jalea Real (tabletas masticables) una alternativa en el tratamiento de pacientes pediátricos con inmunodeficiencia celular


    Odalis María de la Guardia Peña; Joan Espinaso Kuan; Tarsis Planas Viatel; Magdalena Sabigne Lamote


    Para evaluar la eficacia del uso de la Jalea Real (tabletas masticables) en el tratamiento de niños con inmunodeficiencias celulares, se estudió a 100 niños diagnosticados con esta afección, en la consulta de Inmunología del Hospital Infantil Norte Docente "Juan de la Cruz Martínez Maceira" de Santiago de Cuba; en los años 2000 al 2002. Se establecieron 3 grupos de tratamiento: grupo 1: Tratamiento habitual con levamisol y vitaminas; grupo 2: Tratamiento habitual más Jalea Real a mitad de dos...

  7. Habituating alarming atmospheres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højlund, Marie

    This paper proposes embodied rhythmic sound habituation as a possible resource when designing contextualized technologies in critical atmospheres. The main contribution is collating the concept of rhythm as presented by Henri Lefebvre with the concept of sound habituation to help operationalize...... functionality for the staff, but are stressful for visitors and patients, as they are designed to demand attention even though they have no direct functional meaning to them. By introducing sounds from the ward, integrated in the furniture as simple sound sample triggers, KidKit invites children to become...... accustomed to the alarming sounds through rhythmic interaction in the waiting room, and bringing the furniture with them afterwards as a secure anchor, when entering the ward. This rhythmic habituation can enable the child to focus her attention on the meeting with the hospitalized relative....

  8. Aborto provocado e violência doméstica entre mulheres atendidas em uma maternidade pública de Salvador-BA


    Diniz, Normélia Maria Freire; Gesteira, Solange Maria dos Anjos; Lopes, Regina Lúcia Mendonça; Mota, Rosana Santos; Pérez, Bárbara Angélica Gómez; Gomes, Nadirlene Pereira


    Estudo quantitativo, com o objetivo de estudar a violência doméstica em mulheres em situação de aborto provocado. Foram entrevistas 147 mulheres internadas por aborto provocado numa maternidade pública, na cidade de Salvador-BA. Os sujeitos foram, na maioria, mulheres jovens, negras, com baixa escolaridade, dependentes economicamente dos cônjuges, que vivenciam violência psicológica, física e sexual cometida pelos cônjuges. Quase metade das mulheres vivenciou violência doméstica durante a gra...

  9. Pesquisa sobre o aborto no Brasil: avanços e desafios para o campo da saúde coletiva Research on abortion in Brazil: gaps and challenges for the public health field

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    Greice Menezes


    Full Text Available O texto apresenta um panorama dos estudos sobre aborto no país, no campo da Saúde Coletiva, apontando lacunas e desafios para a investigação. A maioria das pesquisas está concentrada em hospitais públicos, com mulheres admitidas para tratamento do aborto incompleto, restringindo-se portanto aos abortos que apresentaram complicações. Descrevem o perfil das mulheres, métodos e razões para o aborto e conseqüências imediatas para a saúde física. Entretanto, permanecem limites relacionados à necessidade de estudos para mensuração da incidência do aborto; para investigação das especificidades dos óbitos por aborto e casos de morbidade grave; para análise da relação do aborto com anticoncepção; para investigação das repercussões do aborto na saúde mental das mulheres e para incorporação da perspectiva masculina. É urgente o desenvolvimento de pesquisas de avaliação da atenção ao aborto nos serviços públicos. Os resultados dos estudos devem ser divulgados, contribuindo para superar a visão ideologizada da discussão do direito ao aborto no país.This paper provides a review of abortion studies produced in the field of public health in Brazil, highlighting current research gaps and challenges. Most studies focus on women admitted to public hospitals for treatment of incomplete abortion, so their scope is limited to abortions presenting complications. Women's profiles, abortion methods, motives, and immediate consequences for women's physical health are also included. However, there remains a need for studies on the following aspects: measuring abortion incidence; investigating cases of post-abortion complications and death; analyzing the relationship between abortion and contraception; investigating the impact of abortion on women's mental health; and incorporating men's perspectives. There is an urgent need for evaluative research on abortion care in public services. Research results should be disseminated widely

  10. Estudio transversal de leptospirosis y muerte fetal en Yucatán, México


    María Fidelia Cárdenas-Marrufo; Ignacio Vado-Solis; Gaspar Fernando Peniche-Lara; Carlos Perez-Osorio; José Correa-Segura


    Introducción: Leptospirosis es una enfermedad zoonótica que afecta principalmente la población humana de bajos recursos. Infección aguda por leptospirosis durante el embarazo se ha asociado con aborto espontáneo y muerte fetal durante el primer trimestre del embarazo.Objetivo: Estimar la frecuencia de infección por Leptospira interrogans en mujeres con aborto espontáneo en el estado de Yucatán, México.Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio trasversal en 81 mujeres con aborto espontáneo. La prueba de ...

  11. El aborto y la educación médica en México Abortion and medical education in Mexico

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    Deyanira González de León-Aguirre


    Full Text Available La educación médica en México tiene deficiencias importantes en el terreno de la salud sexual y reproductiva, y ofrece a los estudiantes pocos elementos para el reconocimiento del aborto como un problema relevante de la práctica profesional de la medicina. La educación médica carece de opciones para la capacitación clínica de los futuros médicos en modelos para la atención integral del aborto, que incluyen el uso de tecnologías seguras y eficaces, y una gama de servicios para responder a las necesidades de las mujeres. Estas limitaciones tienen especial relevancia en países como México, donde el aborto inseguro sigue siendo un importante problema de salud pública. Además, el marco legal del aborto ha empezado a cambiar en la década presente, por lo que la búsqueda de alternativas para incorporar un enfoque amplio sobre el aborto en los programas de las escuelas de medicina es una tarea que no se puede postergar.Medical education in Mexico has significant deficiencies in the area of sexual and reproductive health and does not offer students the information needed for dealing with abortion as a relevant problem in the professional practice of medicine. Medical education does not offer options for the clinical training of future physicians in integrated models for abortion care, which include the use of safe and effective technologies as well as a range of services to respond to women's needs. These limitations are especially relevant in countries such as Mexico where unsafe abortion continues to be a significant public health problem. In addition, the legal context for abortion has begun to change during the current decade; therefore, the search for alternatives to incorporate a broad approach to abortion in medical school programs is a task that cannot be postponed.


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    Amparo de Jesús Zárate Cuello


    Full Text Available El comienzo de la vida humana se encuentra en vilo en Colombia, ante la ratificación del Protocolo Facultativo sobre la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer, adoptada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas de 1999, ratificada en el año de 2005. El tema se desarrolla en dos Sentencias, la primera, C-355 de 2006 despenaliza el aborto en tres situaciones excepcionales: Violación, enfermedad de la madre y malformación del feto. La segunda, T-388 de 2009 abarca la objeción de conciencia, que solamente es reconocida a las personas naturales; afirmando el máximo Tribunal Constitucional que no es un derecho del cual sean titulares las personas jurídicas o el Estado, limitando a las clínicas, hospitales y centros de salud que presenten objeción de conciencia para la no realización de la práctica del aborto. El no cumplimiento de esta declaración ha producido sanciones a las instituciones sanitarias privadas por el no acatamiento de los efectos erga ommes de las sentencias proferidas por la Corte Constitucional; estas instituciones reclaman objeción de conciencia institucional por su ideario y creencias religiosas. Estos criterios tienen implicaciones bioéticas y biojurídicas frente a la interpretación pluralista de orden filosófico, religioso y jurídico del artículo 18 de la Carta Política; el cual, garantiza la libertad de conciencia en nuestro Estado Social de Derecho y, es el legislador quien debe reasumir su competencia a través del bioderecho.

  13. Fatores Associados ao Aborto Espontâneo Recorrente Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion-associated Factors

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    Ricardo Barini


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar fatores mais freqüentemente associados ao aborto espontâneo recorrente. Casuística: no período de março de 1993 a março de 1997, 175 pacientes foram avaliadas no Ambulatório de Aborto Recorrente do CAISM/UNICAMP. Os critérios de seleção foram: história de três ou mais abortos espontâneos consecutivos em pacientes com idade inferior a 35 anos e/ou dois abortos e idade superior a 35 anos. Métodos: o protocolo de investigação incluiu: cariótipo; histerossalpingografia; dosagem seriada de progesterona e/ou biópsia de endométrio; pesquisa sorológica de infecções: toxoplasmose, listeriose, brucelose, sífilis e citomegalovírus e pesquisa para Mycoplasma hominis e Chlamydia trachomatis na secreção cérvico-uterina. A investigação também incluiu dosagem de hormônios tiroideanos e da glicemia de jejum; pesquisa de fator auto-imune por meio de painel de auto-anticorpos; pesquisa de fator aloimune mediante anticorpos contra antígenos leucocitários humanos (anti-HLA, prova cruzada por microlinfocitotoxicidade e cultura mista unidirecional de linfócitos, em que se comparam as respostas maternas diante das células paternas e de um doador não-relacionado para pesquisa de fator inibidor destas respostas no soro materno. O exame dos parceiros incluiu: exame físico geral e especial, sorologias para sífilis, doença de Chagas, hepatite B e C e síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS, além da prova cruzada por microlinfocitotoxicidade e da cultura mista de linfócitos. Resultados: o fator mais freqüentemente encontrado foi o aloimune (86,3% dos casos, representado por prova cruzada negativa e inibição na cultura mista de linfócitos inferior a 50%. O segundo fator mais freqüentemente encontrado foi a incompetência istmo-cervical (22,8%, seguido pelo fator hormonal (21,2%, representado principalmente pela insuficiência lútea. Algumas pacientes apresentavam mais de um fator concomitantemente

  14. Medicalização do corpo da mulher e criminalização do aborto no Brasil


    Ferrazza, Daniele de Andrade; Peres, Wiliam Siqueira


    Resumo O presente trabalho tem como objetivo refletir sobre a medicalização do corpo e a criminalização do aborto no âmbito do gerenciamento de população de caráter biopolítico. A criminalização do aborto no Brasil permitirá que mulheres pobres se submetam as precárias formas de descontinuação da gravidez e sejam brutalmente vítimas dessa opção. A “vida matável” dessas mulheres não está somente desprovida de direitos, mas da própria qualidade do humano. A descriminalização deve romper com dis...

  15. The Habituation/Cross-Habituation Test Revisited: Guidance from Sniffing and Video Tracking

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    G. Coronas-Samano


    Full Text Available The habituation/cross-habituation test (HaXha is a spontaneous odor discrimination task that has been used for many decades to evaluate olfactory function in animals. Animals are presented repeatedly with the same odorant after which a new odorant is introduced. The time the animal explores the odor object is measured. An animal is considered to cross-habituate during the novel stimulus trial when the exploration time is higher than the prior trial and indicates the degree of olfactory patency. On the other hand, habituation across the repeated trials involves decreased exploration time and is related to memory patency, especially at long intervals. Classically exploration is timed using a stopwatch when the animal is within 2 cm of the object and aimed toward it. These criteria are intuitive, but it is unclear how they relate to olfactory exploration, that is, sniffing. We used video tracking combined with plethysmography to improve accuracy, avoid observer bias, and propose more robust criteria for exploratory scoring when sniff measures are not available. We also demonstrate that sniff rate combined with proximity is the most direct measure of odorant exploration and provide a robust and sensitive criterion.

  16. El aborto como causa de mortalidad materna: una reflexión sobre el cuidado de enfermería


    DOMINGOS, Selisvane Ribeiro da Fonseca; MERIGHI, Miriam Aparecida Barbosa


    O aborto é um tema polêmico e um sério problema de saúde pública mundial, responsável pela manutenção das altas taxas de mortalidade materna em muitos países em desenvolvimento. No Brasil, por se tratar de um ato ilegal, muitas mulheres que não desejam manter uma gestação acabam por procurar clínicas clandestinas, submetendo-se ao aborto em condições precárias, o que acarreta graves consequências à sua saúde física e psicológica e à própria vida. Como enfermeiras, reconhecemos a magnitude das...

  17. Medicina, eugenesia y género: el aborto terapéutico en las mujeres con tuberculosis. Buenos Aires, 1920-1930

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    María Laura Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se analiza el aborto terapéutico como un recurso médico orientado teóricamente a salvaguardar la salud y la vida de la mujer gestante enferma. El artículo se aproxima a esta problemática considerando la asociación entre “tisis y embarazo” a partir de discursos y experiencias clínicas publicadas por un conjunto de obstetras, ginecólogos y tisiólogos que trabajaban en los hospitales de la ciudad de Buenos Aires entre 1920 y 1930. Así, se abordan saberes, discursos, criterios y prácticas terapéuticas, que muestran cómo se fueron definiendo tendencias conservadoras respecto a la gestación y a los órganos genésicos femeninos, bajo una agenda eugénica positiva que no priorizó la salud de estas enfermas. El texto muestra de qué manera dichas tendencias se moldearon a partir de valores y normativas anclados en la desigualdad de género.



    Teresa Oviedo S; Cesar Betancur H; Alberto Mestra P; Marco González T; Lázaro Reza G; Karina Calonge G


    Objetivo. Determinar la presencia de anticuerpos contra N. caninum en vacas con desordenes reproductivos. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron muestras de suero de 196 vacas procedentes de 27 fincas del municipio de Montería, Colombia. La prueba utilizada para la determinación de anticuerpos fue ELISA. Los criterios de inclusión para las vacas fueron: antecedentes de aborto, momificaciones, reabsorciones embrionarias y repetición de servicios. Resultados. El estudio determinó una seropositivid...

  19. Libertades restringidas: el aborto y el ocaso de la libertad de decisión en Estados Unidos

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    Elizabeth Maier


    Full Text Available En este artículo se examinan los hechos recientes sobre el creciente conflicto cultural que hay en Estados Unidos en torno al aborto, que se sitúa en el contexto histórico es- tructural contemporáneo de transición entre dos modelos capitalistas: la modernidad industrial y el posindustrialismo neoliberal globalizado. Por tanto, se exploran sus antece- dentes legales y, de manera breve, se analizan los discursos y los actores en disputa. También se revisa la nueva legis- lación, que en muchos estados ha restringido el acceso al aborto despenalizado para las mujeres de menos ingresos y se evalúan, en general, las implicaciones que esto tiene en la vida de ellas.

  20. Consideraciones sobre la despenalización del aborto en Colombia Remarks on abortion decriminalization in Colombia

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    José Antonio García Pereáñez


    Full Text Available

    La Corte Constitucional de Colombia, con la Sentencia C-325 de 2006, proporciona una fuente de análisis e interpretación jurídica para la despenalización del aborto en Colombia. Esa es una tarea difícil, ya que, por un lado, la población colombiana en la actualidad manifiesta una gran polarización respecto al tema, y por otro, la despenalización del aborto es objeto no solo del derecho sino también de diversas disciplinas científicas y filosóficas y de sistemas normativos como la ética, la moral y la religión. En este artículo se analiza, en primer lugar, lo que llevó a la Corte  onstitucional a pronunciarse sobre la despenalización del aborto en Colombia. En segundo lugar, se tratan las consideraciones de la Corte y el debate jurídico-ideológico que tuvo que librar para llegar a su decisión. A renglón seguido, se hace un análisis desde la bioética del debate ético-moral que ha generado tal Sentencia; y por último, se infieren algunas implicaciones de esta norma dentro del complejo funcionamiento de la sociedad colombiana.


    Ruling C-325 by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Colombia in 2006 constitutes a framework for the interpretation and analysis of restricted liberalization of abortion in Colombia. In the heated context of the Colombian idiosyncrasy, such decision by the Court was a complicated task, made even harder by the fact that the issue of abortion is discussed not only by the Law, but by other


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    Carlos Mario Molina Betancur


    Full Text Available La concepción originaria de la Corte Constitucional, respecto de si el nasciturus es poseedor o no del derecho absoluto a la vida, ha ido cambiando gradualmente a medida que han ido pasando las sentencias que han estudiado el tema. No se ha llegado a la idea de considerar que el derecho a la vida se posee, al igual que todos los derechos fundamentales, desde el nacimiento, sin embargo, sí ha ido calando en la Corte la idea que el derecho a la vida del nasciturus, si es que este lo posee, no es absoluto y por eso en ocasiones debe ceder frente a los derechos de la mujer. 'El derecho al aborto y La tolerancia en el discurso iusfilosófico y la vigencia del pensamiento liberal en América Latina' son trabajos de investigación en donde se hace manifiesto el uso del término tolerancia en los diferentes sectores de poder de la sociedad y como argumento de aceptación a la diferencia, por lo tanto, para un país como Colombia, es particularmente problemático que el aborto admita una tolerancia en sentido positivo, esto porque la influencia del discurso religioso es tan fuerte que coarta las decisiones públicas aun en desmedro de las políticas de salud. Por esto se hace necesario elaborar un discurso conciliador entre el estamento político y los pronunciamientos dogmáticos de la iglesia católica en Colombia en lo que al aborto se refiere.

  2. Habituation of reinforcer effectiveness


    David R Lloyd; David R Lloyd; Douglas J Medina; Larry W Hawk; Whitney D Fosco; Jerry B Richards


    In this paper we propose an integrative model of habituation of reinforcer effectiveness (HRE) that links behavioral and neural based explanations of reinforcement. We argue that habituation of reinforcer effectiveness (HRE) is a fundamental property of reinforcing stimuli. Most reinforcement models implicitly suggest that the effectiveness of a reinforcer is stable across repeated presentations. In contrast, an HRE approach predicts decreased effectiveness due to repeated presentation. We ar...

  3. Delayed habituation in Behcet′s disease


    Gulturk Sefa; Akyol Melih; Kececi Hulusi; Ozcelik Sedat; Cinar Ziynet; Demirkazik Ayse


    Background: The autonomic nervous system in Behcet′s patients may be affected due to various reasons. This entity may be detected with the measurement of the electrodermal activities, heart rate variability and pupillometric methods. Habituation is one of the implicit forms of learning and memory and the loss of habituation can reveal pathological changes in the synaptic regions. Aim: To determine whether there is a functional decrease in the synaptic effectiveness (habituation) of ...

  4. Aborto, abandono, y la muerte de Augusta García Platas en Ayacucho, Perú, 1946

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    Raúl Necochea López

    Full Text Available Resumen Augusta García Platas murió tras un aborto clandestino en Ayacucho en 1946. Este ensayo, basado en materiales del Archivo Histórico de Ayacucho, da cuenta del proceso criminal que se abrió para determinar los responsables de su muerte. A pesar de que sindicaron a ciertos individuos como culpables directos de provocar el aborto, las autoridades judiciales consideraban que la causa de fondo de la muerte de la joven había sido el abandono por parte de quienes debían velar por su salud física y moral. Este caso nos brinda la oportunidad de esclarecer las estrategias que los implicados usaban para defenderse de acusaciones criminales. Además, nos ayuda a entender las diversas deficiencias del Poder Judicial peruano de mediados del siglo XX.

  5. Presynaptic learning and memory with a persistent firing neuron and a habituating synapse: a model of short term persistent habituation. (United States)

    Ramanathan, Kiruthika; Ning, Ning; Dhanasekar, Dhiviya; Li, Guoqi; Shi, Luping; Vadakkepat, Prahlad


    Our paper explores the interaction of persistent firing axonal and presynaptic processes in the generation of short term memory for habituation. We first propose a model of a sensory neuron whose axon is able to switch between passive conduction and persistent firing states, thereby triggering short term retention to the stimulus. Then we propose a model of a habituating synapse and explore all nine of the behavioral characteristics of short term habituation in a two neuron circuit. We couple the persistent firing neuron to the habituation synapse and investigate the behavior of short term retention of habituating response. Simulations show that, depending on the amount of synaptic resources, persistent firing either results in continued habituation or maintains the response, both leading to longer recovery times. The effectiveness of the model as an element in a bio-inspired memory system is discussed.

  6. Habituation and sensitization of aggression in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana): testing the dual-process theory of habituation. (United States)

    Bee, M A


    The aggressive response of male bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) habituates with repeated broadcasts of acoustic stimuli simulating a new territorial neighbor. The effects of stimulus repetition rate and stimulus intensity on bullfrog aggressive responses were tested in a field experiment designed to test the assumptions of a dual-process theory of habituation. Synthetic advertisement calls were broadcast at 2 repetition rates and 2 intensities in a factorial design. Bullfrogs were more aggressive at the higher stimulus intensity at both repetition rates. Aggressive responses habituated more slowly at the higher stimulus intensity and slower repetition rate compared with other treatments. Several biotic and abiotic factors had small or negligible effects on aggressive responses. Although consistent with the operation of 2 opposing processes, habituation and sensitization, the data provide only partial support for the assumptions of dual-process theory.

  7. Políticas feministas do aborto The gender politics of abortion

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    Lucila Scavone


    Full Text Available Os debates e as ações feministas em prol da liberalização do aborto no Brasil foram marcados por avanços, recuos e, sobretudo, por inúmeras negociações políticas. Da omissão da palavra "aborto", em meados dos anos 70, à opção política pela descriminalização e pela realização dos casos previstos por lei, observa-se uma vocação política do feminismo brasileiro para a negociação. Conclui-se que essas negociações tiveram mais êxito em nível político do que social, pois não lograram alcançar e sensibilizar camadas mais amplas da população.The debates and feminist actions in favor of the legalization of abortion in Brazil were characterized by progresses and regressions, and above all by countless political negotiations. From the omission of the word "abortion", in the mid-seventies, to the political choice of decriminalization and application of the cases foreseen by law, Brazilian feminism has been marked by the choice of negotiation. The article concludes that these negotiations have succeeded politically but failed to reach society and heighten public awareness at a large scale.

  8. Delayed habituation in Behcet's disease. (United States)

    Gulturk, Sefa; Akyol, Melih; Kececi, Hulusi; Ozcelik, Sedat; Cinar, Ziynet; Demirkazik, Ayse


    The autonomic nervous system in Behcet's patients may be affected due to various reasons. This entity may be detected with the measurement of the electrodermal activities, heart rate variability and pupillometric methods. Habituation is one of the implicit forms of learning and memory and the loss of habituation can reveal pathological changes in the synaptic regions. To determine whether there is a functional decrease in the synaptic effectiveness (habituation) of the pathways to sympathetic neurons that had been repeatedly activated in Behcet's. Twelve patients with Behcet's disease and 12 healthy controls were included in the study. Sympathetic skin potential (SSP) records were taken at normal room temperature in a quiet place within a Faraday cage. Sixteen square wave single shock impulses (duration: 1200 ms, strength: 5 mA) were applied on each case. After the 1st stimulus, the SSP amplitudes were lower in the patients compared to the controls (P0.05). Whereas there was no significant differences among the SSP amplitudes after the 9th impulse in the controls (P>0.05). The habituation rate of the SSP after consecutive impulses was slowest in the patients compared to controls (P<0.001, t value=12.39). There is a delayed habituation in Behcet's disease and that may due to pathologic changes with vasculitis through their peripheral nerves.

  9. Mortes de mulheres internadas para parto e por aborto e de seus conceptos em maternidades públicas

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    Pauline Lorena Kale

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar mortes de mulheres internadas para parto e por aborto, e de seus conceptos – fetais e neonatais – em maternidades públicas nas cidades de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Niterói (RJ, em 2011. Estudo seccional de base hospitalar. Participaram 7.845 mulheres resultando em um óbito materno, 498 abortos, 65 óbitos fetais, 44 óbitos neonatais e 7.291 sobreviventes infantis. Dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista, consulta ao prontuário, cartão da gestante e no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM. Foi descrita a população de estudo e estimados a concordância da causa básica (SIM e certificada pela pesquisa e os indicadores de mortalidade. A mortalidade materna foi 13,6 por cem mil nascidos vivos (NV, fetal 8,8‰ nascimentos e neonatal 6,0‰ NV. Misoprostol foi o medicamento mais utilizado no aborto provocado. Transtornos respiratórios e fatores maternos foram as principais causas entre óbitos fetais e neonatais. Sífilis congênita, diabetes e causas de morte fetal não especificada foram subdeclaradas no SIM. Os coeficientes kappa por capítulo foram 0,70 (neonatais e 0,54 (natimortos. A assistência de boa qualidade no planejamento reprodutivo, pré-natal, durante o parto e nascimento resultará na prevenção das mortes.

  10. Fetal habituation in assisted conception. (United States)

    Joy, Jolly; McClure, Neil; Hepper, Peter G; Cooke, Inez


    Neurodevelopment outcomes of children conceived by Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)have been the subject of much recent attention. To date there are no reports of neurodevelopmental performance before birth in this group. To compare habituation (a measure of brain function) in fetuses conceived by assisted reproduction techniques (ART) with naturally conceived (NC) fetuses. Case control study. Women with singleton pregnancies matched for maternal age, parity and smoking were recruited in 2 groups: ART (n=20) and NC (n=20). Sound stimuli (250 Hz, 110 dB) at 10 second intervals lasting 2 s were administered to the fetus. The end point was habituation (cessation of movement for five consecutive stimuli) or a maximum of 30 stimuli. Responses of the fetus were observed with ultrasound at 28, 32 and 36 weeks' gestation, video-recorded and anonymised for analysis. At 28 weeks' gestation significantly more ART fetuses responded to sound of 250 Hz, 110 dB (p=0.02) but this difference did not persist at 32 and 36 weeks'. There was a significant increase in nonresponders as gestation advanced in the ART group. There was no difference in habituation or mean number of trials to habituate at all three gestations. ART fetuses demonstrated no differences in habituation suggesting that there is no neurodevelopment delay. However, a decrease in response to sound as gestation advances might be a harbinger for poor perinatal outcomes and needs exploration. Crown Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. El aborto en el campo de la memoria y los derechos humanos. Feminismo, Iglesia católica y activismo pro-vida en Argentina

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    Pablo Gudiño Bessone


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda cómo las distintas significaciones acerca de la figura simbólica de los desaparecidos y la activación de soportes y vehículos de la memoria de la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983 se constituyen en una herramienta simbólica y narrativa en la que católicos y feministas inscriben sus diferencias políticas en torno a la legalización del aborto. Me intereso en observar los modos en que la Iglesia católica, el activismo antiabortista y las organizaciones feministas le atribuyen sentidos políticos diversos al Nunca Más y a la figura de los desaparecidos, donde el significante vida es puesto en conexión con la memoria y la violación a los derechos humanos en dictadura.

  12. La mujer gestante y su hijo. El médico frente al llamado aborto terapéutico

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    Mauricio Besio Rollero


    Full Text Available El avance del conocimiento médico y de los recursos tecnológicos ha permitido enfrentar con éxito muchas de las condiciones patológicas que afectan a la mujer embarazada y a su hijo en gestación. Aparecen sin embargo, el riesgo de no otorgar al embrión o feto el estatuto de paciente que merece por su condición de ser personal. Existen situaciones clínicas que conllevan la alternativa de interrumpir o no un embarazo en etapas con inciertas posibilidades de sobrevida para el embrión o feto. Muchas de ellas se dan en situaciones donde es perfectamente posible mantener el embarazo, asegurando un buen desenlace para la madre y su hijo, y otras donde la gravedad de la patología arriesga tanto la vida de la madre como la de su hijo en gestación. Un médico obstetra que considera como pacientes a la madre y a su hijo comprende que la interrupción del embarazo en la primera situación constituye un aborto del llamado terapéutico y por lo tanto la muerte del feto es directamente buscada. En la segunda situación, de producirse una muerte, ésta ocurre al intentar el médico salvar a sus dos pacientes. Acción no sólo lícita sino obligatoria para el médico.

  13. O aborto é uma dor narcísica irreparável?


    Freire, Teresa Cristina G.; Chatelard, Daniela Scheinkman


    O artigo nasce de uma experiência de atendimento psicanalítico em grupo com grávidas que realizam pré-natal no HUB, Hospital Universitário de Brasília, por 18 meses totalizando 53 atendimentos. A escuta objetiva oportunizar, a partir da fala, um reposicionamento subjetivo. O texto gira em torno de alguns conceitos psicanalíticos como narcisismo, ambivalência, investimento no objeto, luto, melancolia e angústia, correlacionando-os com a gravidez e o aborto. O artigo narra algumas expe...

  14. Aborto y Parlamento: un estudio sobre Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina


    Rocha,Maria Isabel Baltar da; Rostagnol,Susana; Gutiérrez,María Alicia


    El presente trabajo desarrolla un estudio comparativo entre Brasil, Argentina y Uruguay sobre las legislaciones y las acciones de diversos actores en relación a la despenalización y/o legalización del aborto. El tema se instala en la agenda pública en los tres países a partir del proceso de democratización iniciado en la década de los 80 produciéndose diversas intervenciones tanto del movimiento de mujeres, como de las corporaciones médicas y otros actores sociales en el transcurso de la déca...

  15. Aborto, direitos humanos e desigualdade de gênero no Brasil


    Lucena, Rosana Batista de


    Este estudo analisa o impacto da criminalização do aborto para os direitos humanos das mulheres, sua relação com a desigualdade de gênero, a morbimortalidade materna e práticas punitivas e discriminatórias de violência institucional, particularmente para as mulheres negras, pobres e excluídas economicamente. Estas práticas de violência institucional no âmbito da saúde pública e do judiciário estão fundamentadas em estereótipos de gênero e de maternidade. A legalização do abo...

  16. Tolerancias y resistencias: el aborto desde la perspectiva de las parteras tradicionales de un área rural de México

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    Blanco-Muñoz Julia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conocer la percepción, recursos y prácticas que sobre el aborto tienen las parteras de un área rural mexicana, el Municipio de Yecapixtla, Morelos, situado en la parte central de México. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó método cualitativo, realizándose entrevistas en profundidad, grupos focales y observación participativa. Los tópicos indagados fueron aspectos socioculturales, sexualidad, reproducción y aspectos de salud en relación al aborto. Se entrevistó en profundidad a 9 parteras y se realizó un grupo focal en el que participaron 16 parteras. RESULTADOS: Éstos dan cuenta de una profunda actitud de rechazo ante el aborto, inducido o espontáneo. El primero se conceptúa como un pecado grave y el segundo como un fracaso en la principal función de la mujer en estas comunidades, la reproducción. Las mujeres que abortan son llamadas "puercas", "cochinas" o "perras" y las parteras se muestran reacias a atenderlas. Sin embargo, es común entre las mujeres de la comunidad la práctica de la "regulación de la regla", es decir, la utilización de sustancias que hacen que aparezca la menstruación si ésta se ha retrasado. Dicha práctica no se considera abortiva. CONCLUSIONES: El conocimiento del mundo de significaciones populares en torno al aborto es imprescindible para construir modelos y estrategias efectivas que, desde los servicios institucionales de salud, refuercen los vínculos entre éstos y las parteras tradicionales, de manera que se mejore el acceso a servicios y la calidad de la atención a las mujeres.

  17. Tolerancias y resistencias: el aborto desde la perspectiva de las parteras tradicionales de un área rural de México

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    Julia Blanco-Muñoz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conocer la percepción, recursos y prácticas que sobre el aborto tienen las parteras de un área rural mexicana, el Municipio de Yecapixtla, Morelos, situado en la parte central de México. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó método cualitativo, realizándose entrevistas en profundidad, grupos focales y observación participativa. Los tópicos indagados fueron aspectos socioculturales, sexualidad, reproducción y aspectos de salud en relación al aborto. Se entrevistó en profundidad a 9 parteras y se realizó un grupo focal en el que participaron 16 parteras. RESULTADOS: Éstos dan cuenta de una profunda actitud de rechazo ante el aborto, inducido o espontáneo. El primero se conceptúa como un pecado grave y el segundo como un fracaso en la principal función de la mujer en estas comunidades, la reproducción. Las mujeres que abortan son llamadas "puercas", "cochinas" o "perras" y las parteras se muestran reacias a atenderlas. Sin embargo, es común entre las mujeres de la comunidad la práctica de la "regulación de la regla", es decir, la utilización de sustancias que hacen que aparezca la menstruación si ésta se ha retrasado. Dicha práctica no se considera abortiva. CONCLUSIONES: El conocimiento del mundo de significaciones populares en torno al aborto es imprescindible para construir modelos y estrategias efectivas que, desde los servicios institucionales de salud, refuercen los vínculos entre éstos y las parteras tradicionales, de manera que se mejore el acceso a servicios y la calidad de la atención a las mujeres.

  18. Aborto e saúde pública no Brasil: reflexões sob a perspectiva dos direitos humanos

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    Karla Ferraz dos Anjos

    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou descrever a relação entre aborto e saúde pública no Brasil, sob a perspectiva dos direitos humanos. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura realizada na base de dados SciELO. Verificou-se que a busca de mulheres pelos seus direitos perdura por décadas e, mesmo alcançando várias conquistas, como as ocorridas na assistência à saúde da mulher, ainda são necessárias outras mudanças, como, por exemplo, na assistência preventiva da gravidez indesejada e no respeito aos direitos humanos de mulheres que desejam abortar. Conclui-se que, por conta da criminalização do aborto no País, diversas mulheres realizam este procedimento de forma insegura, provocando danos a sua própria saúde, o que se configura em uma violação dos direitos humanos.

  19. Prevalencia de Neospora caninum y DVB en una finca con problemas reproductivos en Sopó (Cundinamarca

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    John Fredy García-Chaparro


    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de Neospora caninum y del virus de la diarrea viral bovina (DVB en bovinos de una finca con problemas reproductivos, en el municipio de Sopó (Cundinamarca, y su relación con la presentación de abortos. Se tomaron muestras de suero sanguíneo de 397 animales de alta producción lechera y con antecedentes reproductivos, seleccionados al azar.Se utilizó la inmunofluoresencia indirecta para la N. caninum, y seroneutralización para DVB, y los procedimientos se realizaron en el Laboratorio de Enfermedades Infecciosas de la Universidad de Parma (Italia. Se encontró una prevalencia de 10.37% para DVB con respecto a 21.26% para N. caninum, y estadísticamente no hubo relación directa con respecto a los problemas reproductivos. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, se reportó mayor presencia significativa de N. caninum con relación a la de DVB en el hato lechero objeto de estudio.

  20. Posiciones sobre aborto en Argentina: de la Conferencia Episcopal a las opiniones de los/as ciudadanos/as católicos/as


    Rabbia, Hugo H.; Universidad Católica de Córdoba (UCC) y Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) Argentina; Sgró Ruata, María Candelaria; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina (UNC)

    2014-01-01 El aborto continúa siendo un tema de gran controversia en las políticas sexuales de América Latina en general y de Argentina en particular. El artículo analiza la posición oficial de la jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica argentina difundida y defendida a través de los pronunciamientos públicos de la Conferencia Episcopal Argentina (CEA) y las actitudes de ciudadanos/as cordobeses en relación al aborto. Se ha combinado técnicas de recolecció...

  1. Actores del aborto: estado, iglesia católica y movimiento feminista.


    Varea Viteri, María Soledad


    Esta investigación aborda dos tipos de efectos de los debates contemporáneos alrededor del aborto en Ecuador. De un lado, sobre los sujetos y sus esferas públicas afectivas; y de otro, sobre los ensambles territoriales. Los debates capturados para este estudio son aquellos sostenidos entre el Estado ecuatoriano, la Iglesia Católica conservadora y el feminismo; los hitos de los debates son la discusión sobre el Código Integral de Salud en el año 2004, el debate constitucional del año 2007 y, f...

  2. Habituation in acoustic startle reflex: individual differences in personality. (United States)

    Blanch, Angel; Balada, Ferran; Aluja, Anton


    This study analyzed the relationship of individual differences in personality with habituation in the acoustic startle response (ASR). Data from nine trials in ASR to white noise bursts and a personality questionnaire based on the alternative big five personality approach were modelled with a latent growth curve (LCM) including intercept and slope habituation growth factors. There was a negative correlation between the intercept and slope, indicating that individuals with higher initial ASR levels had also a more pronounced and faster decrease in the ASR. Contrary to expectations, Extraversion and Sensation Seeking did not relate with habituation in ASR. Neuroticism and Aggressiveness related asymmetrically with the habituation rate in ASR. Higher levels of Neuroticism were related with faster habituation, whereas higher levels of Aggressiveness were related with slower habituation. Further studies with the LCM should be undertaken to clarify in a greater extent the association of personality with habituation in ASR. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Ditos e interditos: violência sexual, aborto e estigma em uma instituição de saúde pública

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    Maynara Costa


    Full Text Available O Código Penal Brasileiro existem permissibilidades para a realização de alguns procedimentos de abortamento, o chamado aborto legal. Nos casos de violência sexual, é assegurado o direito da mulher em optar por interromper a gestação. Mesmo que essa chamada permissão esteja garantida por lei e ratificada em normas ministeriais, ainda encontra-se morosidade em seu procedimento, uma vez que o profissional de saúde pode, em virtude das suas crenças morais ou religiosas, éticas ou/e filosóficas, optar pela “objeção de consciência”; essa escusa seria invocada a partir das representações desses sujeitos sobre o que seria o aborto legal. A partir desta realidade, o presente trabalho versou acerca de pesquisa em andamento dentro de uma maternidade de referência em procedimentos de abortamento legal na capital do Rio Grande do Norte. Buscou-se analisar as representações dos profissionais de saúde sobre as práticas de aborto legal, como também verificar como se organizam em torno da “objeção de consciência”; por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, com utilização de observação e entrevistas semiestruturadas.


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    Claudia Dides C


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es un ensayo reflexivo sobre el problema del aborto en Chile, a partir de la revisión del contexto histórico actual del país, así como un planteamiento crítico desde la perspectiva de género y bioética. El análisis se ha organizado en tres apartados: el contexto del aborto en Chile en el marco de los derechos humanos, las transformaciones en la intimidad y los aportes de la bioética y la perspectiva de género al debate. Por último, se presentan, a modo de reflexión, algunas de las tensiones existentes así como las interrogantes para posibles investigacionesO presente artigo é um ensaio reflexivo sobre o problema do aborto no Chile, a partir da revisão do contexto histórico atual do país, assim como um posicionamento crítico a partir da perspectiva de gênero e bioética. A análise foi organizada em três momentos: o contexto do aborto no Chile, no marco dos direitos humanos, as transfoamrações na intimidade e as contribuiçãos da bioética e a perspectiva de gênero ao debabe. Por último, apresentam-se, em forma de reflexão, algumas das tensões existentes, assim como as interrogações para as possíveis pesquisasThis paper is a reflexive essay about the abortion problem in Chile, considering the current historical context as well as a critical approach from the gender and bioethical perspective. The analysis has been organized in three tracks: the abortion context in Chile in relation to the human rights, the changes in privacy and the contribution of bioethics and gender perspective to this debate. Finally, for reflection, some current tensions as well as questions for future studies are presented

  5. Habituation as a Determinant of Human Food Intake (United States)

    Epstein, Leonard H.; Temple, Jennifer L.; Roemmich, James N.; Bouton, Mark E.


    Research has shown that animals and humans habituate on a variety of behavioral and physiological responses to repeated presentations of food cues, and habituation is related to amount of food consumed and cessation of eating. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of experimental paradigms used to study habituation, integrate a…

  6. Abortion: taking the debate seriously

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    Miguel Hugo Kottow Lang


    Full Text Available El aborto voluntariamente inducido se mantiene a lo largo de la historia como práctica prevalente sumida en la oscuridad y en la clandestinidad porque toda fecundación extramatrimonial ha sido socialmente rechazada. Desde mediados del siglo 20, se produce una actitud de tolerancia que lleva a la despenalización y legalización del aborto, según dos modelos jurídicos: el modelo de indicaciones, conocido como aborto terapéutico, adoptado en naciones conservadoras, y el modelo de plazos que permite a la mujer requerir el aborto dentro del primer trimestre de embarazo. La liberalización del aborto obedece a la invariable política social que busca eliminar la clandestinidad y sus nocivos efectos, para educar, disuadir y, eventualmente, considerar el aborto como un servicio médico seguro y accesible dentro de los marcos legalmente establecidos, todas normativas orientadas a disminuir la incidencia del aborto procurado. El Proyecto de Ley de despenalización del aborto presentado al Parlamento chileno obedece al modelo de indicaciones, que son presentadas en forma muy restrictiva y por ende no cumplen con los tres objetivos que deben orientarla: 1 Enmarcar legalmente la práctica del aborto; 2 Contribuir a la paz social; 3 Resolver el problema de salud pública del aborto clandestino. Es de urgencia abrir el debate a incluir alternativas más resolutivas, en consonancia con la tendencia general a preferir el modelo de plazos que incluye el respeto a la decisión de la mujer.

  7. Pulse waveform analysis on temporal changes in ocular blood flow due to caffeine intake: a comparative study between habitual and non-habitual groups. (United States)

    Ismail, Aishah; Bhatti, Mehwish S; Faye, Ibrahima; Lu, Cheng Kai; Laude, Augustinus; Tang, Tong Boon


    To evaluate and compare the temporal changes in pulse waveform parameters of ocular blood flow (OBF) between non-habitual and habitual groups due to caffeine intake. This study was conducted on 19 healthy subjects (non-habitual 8; habitual 11), non-smoking and between 21 and 30 years of age. Using laser speckle flowgraphy (LSFG), three areas of optical nerve head were analyzed which are vessel, tissue, and overall, each with ten pulse waveform parameters, namely mean blur rate (MBR), fluctuation, skew, blowout score (BOS), blowout time (BOT), rising rate, falling rate, flow acceleration index (FAI), acceleration time index (ATI), and resistive index (RI). Two-way mixed ANOVA was used to determine the difference between every two groups where p groups in several ocular pulse waveform parameters, namely MBR (overall, vessel, tissue), BOT (overall), rising rate (overall), and falling rate (vessel), all with p group, but not within the habitual group. The temporal changes in parameters MBR (vessel, tissue), skew (overall, vessel), BOT (overall, vessel), rising rate (overall), falling rate (overall, vessel), and FAI (tissue) were significant for both groups (habitual and non-habitual) in response to caffeine intake. The experiment results demonstrated caffeine does modulate OBF significantly and response differently in non-habitual and habitual groups. Among all ten parameters, MBR and BOT were identified as the suitable biomarkers to differentiate between the two groups.

  8. Orientaciones para la inclusión de las estrategias en el programa habitual de ELE

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    Martín Leralta, Susana


    Full Text Available Pese a haberse convertido en uno de los objetivos del currículo, el desarrollo de la competencia estratégica en el aula de idiomas presenta aún dificultades relacionadas con el concepto y naturaleza de las estrategias, y con la metodología de instrucción. De cara a favorecer la labor docente, el presente artículo parte de las premisas que permiten abogar por la integración de las estrategias en la enseñanza de la lengua, revisa los fundamentos metodológicos para la actuación didáctica y propone unas pautas encaminadas a incluir las estrategias en el programa habitual de ELE.

  9. Pistillate Flower Abcission Symptoms of ‘Serr’ Walnut (Juglans RegiaL. Sintomatología del Aborto en flores Pistiladas de Nogal (Juglans regiaL. ‘Serr’

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    Cristián González R


    Full Text Available Pistillate flower abscission (PFA severely affects walnut (Juglans regia L. production, mainly of the cultivar ‘Serr’. A study on symptoms of flower abortion in walnut ‘Serr’, induced by excess or lack of pollen, was carried out following the evolution of flowers and peduncles. Hand pollinated flowers, with different pollen concentrations: 0, 1, 5, 25, 50 and 100% pollen diluted (w/w in talcum powder, showed external and internal abortion symptoms. External symptoms were recorded directly from the tree, while for internal symptoms, flower excisions stained with blue Toluidin-O at 0.05%, were analyzed under an optical microscope. Excess pollen abortion produced flowers with rapid damage. The growth rate was very low, involucre brightness was lost and the stigma turned necrotic, in contrast to the flower aborted from lack of pollen. Normal flowers continued growing to fruit harvest, without losing brightness. Excess pollen abortion induced flower drop, with or without attached peduncle. Two separation zones can be present: the distal and proximal areas of the peduncle. Peduncle scars allowed for differentiating abortion induced from excess or lack of pollen, or other reasons.El aborto en flores postiladas (PFA por exceso de polen que afecta al nogal (Juglans regia L., disminuye considerablemente la producción de nueces, principalmente en el cultivar ‘Serr’. Se estudió la sintomatología del aborto por exceso y falta de polinización en flores y pedúnculo de este cultivar. Para esto se realizó polinización manual, utilizando diferentes concentraciones de polen sobre flores en diferentes estados de receptividad. Las concentraciones se obtuvieron mediante diluciones (peso/peso de polen combinado con talco. Las concentraciones utilizadas fueron 0; 1; 5; 25; 50 y 100% de polen. Se observó la sintomatología externa e interna de la flor, mediante apreciación visual en el árbol y a través de cortes longitudinales en la flor para

  10. Object recognition and generalisation during habituation in horses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Janne Winther; Zharkikh, Tjatjana; Chovaux, Elodie


    The ability of horses to habituate to frightening stimuli greatly increases safety in the horse–human relationship. A recent experiment suggested, however, that habituation to frightening visual stimuli is relatively stimulus-specific in horses and that shape and colour are important factors...... for object generalisation (Christensen et al., 2008). In a series of experiments, we aimed to further explore the ability of horses (n = 30, 1 and 2-year-old mares) to recognise and generalise between objects during habituation. TEST horses (n = 15) were habituated to a complex object, composed of five...... simple objects of varying shape and colour, whereas CONTROL horses (n = 15) were habituated to the test arena, but not to the complex object. In the first experiment, we investigated whether TEST horses subsequently reacted less to i) simple objects that were previously part of the complex object (i...

  11. Aborto y Parlamento: un estudio sobre Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina Aborto e Parlamento: um estudo sobre Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina Abortion and Parliament: a study on Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina

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    Maria Isabel Baltar da Rocha


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo desarrolla un estudio comparativo entre Brasil, Argentina y Uruguay sobre las legislaciones y las acciones de diversos actores en relación a la despenalización y/o legalización del aborto. El tema se instala en la agenda pública en los tres países a partir del proceso de democratización iniciado en la década de los 80 produciéndose diversas intervenciones tanto del movimiento de mujeres, como de las corporaciones médicas y otros actores sociales en el transcurso de la década del 90 y los primeros años del Siglo XXI. En ese sentido se han trabajado las distintas intervenciones en el ámbito legislativo (tanto Cámara de Senadores como de Diputados, así como estrategias de políticas públicas implementadas desde los estados, con el monitoreo y seguimiento del movimiento de mujeres, para paliar una situación gravísima de violación de derechos humanos. El incumplimiento de los derechos, consagrados en los cuerpos constitucionales, afecta a las mujeres, especialmente las más vulnerables, en relación al derecho a la salud y la equidad. Se analizaron además los avances y retrocesos visualizados en el transcurso del período a estudiar, así como la importancia de mantener el tema en la agenda pública y en los medios masivos de comunicación que han cumplido un papel importante, tanto promoviendo, como deslegitimando el logro del derecho al aborto.O presente trabalho é um estudo comparativo entre Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai em torno das legislações e ações de diversos atores em relação à descriminalização e/ou legalização do aborto. Este tema entrou na agenda pública dos três países a partir do processo de democratização, iniciado na década de 1980, e de diversas intervenções, tanto do movimento de mulheres, como da classe médica e outros atores sociais, ao longo da década de 1990 e dos primeiros anos do século XXI. Nesse sentido, foram estudadas as diversas intervenções no

  12. Identificación de Chlamydophila abortus en un aborto ovino en Almoloya de Juárez, México


    Edgardo Soriano-Vargas; Celene Salgado-Miranda; Juan Manuel Jiménez-Estrada; Marcela López-Hurtado; Fernando M. Guerra-Infante; Marcos R. Escobedo-Guerra


    ResumenSe identificó la presencia de Chlamydophila abortus en un aborto ovino procedente de Almoloya de Juárez, México.SummaryChlamydophila abortus was identified in an ovine aborted fetus from Almoloya de Juárez, México

  13. Generalized Habituation of Concept Stimuli in Toddlers (United States)

    Faulkender, Patricia J.; And Others


    An evaluation of selective generalization of habituation on the basis of meaningful categories of stimuli. Also explored are the sex differences in conceptual generalization of habituation. Subjects were 36 toddlers with a mean age of 40 months. (SDH)

  14. Short-Term Memory in Habituation and Dishabituation (United States)

    Whitlow, Jesse William, Jr.


    The present research evaluated the refractorylike response decrement, as found in habituation of auditory evoked peripheral vasoconstriction in rabbits, to determine whether or not it represents a short-term habituation process distinct from effector fatigue or sensory adaptation. (Editor)

  15. Habituation of reinforcer effectiveness

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    David R Lloyd


    Full Text Available In this paper we propose an integrative model of habituation of reinforcer effectiveness (HRE that links behavioral and neural based explanations of reinforcement. We argue that habituation of reinforcer effectiveness (HRE is a fundamental property of reinforcing stimuli. Most reinforcement models implicitly suggest that the effectiveness of a reinforcer is stable across repeated presentations. In contrast, an HRE approach predicts decreased effectiveness due to repeated presentation. We argue that repeated presentation of reinforcing stimuli decreases their effectiveness and that these decreases are described by the behavioral characteristics of habituation (McSweeney and Murphy, 2009;Rankin et al., 2009. We describe a neural model that postulates a positive association between dopamine neurotransmission and HRE. We present evidence that stimulant drugs, which artificially increase dopamine neurotransmission, disrupt (slow normally occurring HRE and also provide evidence that stimulant drugs have differential effects on operant responding maintained by reinforcers with rapid vs. slow HRE rates. We hypothesize that abnormal HRE due to genetic and/or environmental factors may underlie some behavioral disorders. For example, recent research indicates that slow-HRE is predictive of obesity. In contrast ADHD may reflect ‘accelerated-HRE’. Consideration of HRE is important for the development of effective reinforcement based treatments. Finally, we point out that most of the reinforcing stimuli that regulate daily behavior are non-consumable environmental/social reinforcers which have rapid-HRE. The almost exclusive use of consumable reinforcers with slow-HRE in pre-clinical studies with animals may have caused the importance of HRE to be overlooked. Further study of reinforcing stimuli with rapid-HRE is needed in order to understand how habituation and reinforcement interact and regulate behavior.

  16. Técnicas emergentes en medicina reproductiva: diagnóstico cromosómico del primer corpúsculo polar del ovocito

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    Dr. A. Crosby Javier, Ph.D.


    Las indicaciones más comunes para este tratamiento son: 1 evitar el aborto en pacientes con aborto recurrente sin explicación anatómica ni clínica; 2 mejorar las tasas de implantación en mujeres mayores de 37 años con antecedentes de procedimientos anteriores en los que se transfirieron embriones de buena calidad; 3 evitar el nacimiento de niños con enfermedades de origen cromosómico en mujeres mayores de 39 años.

  17. Acesso ao aborto seguro: um fator para a promoção da equidade em saúde Access to safe abortion: a factor to promote equity in health

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    Ivani Bursztyn


    Full Text Available Intensos movimentos no sentido de reconhecer o direito da mulher de decidir sobre a interrupção da gravidez provocaram ampla legalização do aborto entre países do norte, enquanto nos demais, devido à legislação restritiva, persistem as práticas inseguras. Visando a contribuir para o debate corrente no Brasil, apresenta-se uma sistematização dos aspectos tratados na literatura especializada quanto às implicações para a saúde pública impostas pela restrição de acesso ao aborto seguro. Foram pesquisadas bases bibliográficas Pubmed e Lilacs, enfatizando-se aspectos psicossociais associados à prática do aborto inseguro. Utilizando-se a análise de conteúdo, identificaram-se quatro eixos temáticos: magnitude do aborto e seu impacto, observando-se que graves consequências que levam à internação e morte devido ao aborto são características dos países com restrição legal; aspectos psicológicos e as práticas contraceptivas entre as mulheres que já sofreram aborto, observando-se que as principais diferenças entre mulheres que abortam e as demais revelam uma maior dificuldade de adaptação aos métodos disponíveis; estratégias para redução de danos resultantes do aborto inseguro, observando-se que algumas medidas podem ser eficazes mesmo em vigência de restrição legal; e a implicação da bioética para a legalização do aborto, observando-se que a legalização depende, principalmente, da capacidade de as mulheres defenderem seus interesses na agenda política. Concluiu-se que a proibição do aborto, na prática, afeta as mulheres pobres de países pobres, perpetuando uma situação de negligência e iniquidade.Intensive movements concerned with the recognition of women´s right to decide about interrupting pregnancy led to a wide spread abortion legalization among the Northern countries, while unsafe practices persist in the others, due to restrictive legislation. Aiming to contribute to the current debate in

  18. Antes y después de la campaña nacional por el derecho al aborto : Cambios y continuidades en el debate parlamentario


    Brown, Josefina Leonor


    En esta ponencia describo los argumentos y fundamentos de los proyectos (de ley, de resolución y declaración) en torno del aborto que fueron presentados en la Cámara de Diputados y el Senado de la Nación Argentina desde el retorno democrático en 1983 hasta la primera mitad de 2014. La hipótesis de lectura es que si bien hay un punto de quiebre en 1994 a raíz del debate alrededor del aborto por el intento de la introducción de la defensa de la vida desde la concepción en la constitución que es...

  19. On the development of past habitual from iterative in Lithuanian

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    Jurgis Pakerys


    Full Text Available Lithuanian has regular past habitual forms with the suffix -dav-, which can be explained as an originally iterative suffix -dau- restricted to the past tense (Fraenkel 1936. Dialectal and Old Lithuanian, in addition to -dav-, also feature habituals with the suffixes -lav- and -dlav-, which could have followed the same path of development (Fraenkel 1936, as evidenced by a number of diverse languages (Bybee et al. 1994. Using an electronic edition of Lietuvių kalbos žodynas (The Dictionary of Lithuanian as the data source, a limited number of possible iteratives with -dau- and other related suffixes were found, which has led to two main conclusions. (1 Habituals were restricted to the past tense before the appearance of the first written Lithuanian texts (mid-16th c. and the present and the infinitive stems went out of use. If this had not been the case, more corresponding verbal formations should have remained. (2 Iteratives with the habitual-to-be suffixes had to be productive to some extent in the dialects, which grammaticalized them as past habituals. If these formations had been productive in all dialects of Lithuanian, more iteratives should have been found in the areas that did not grammaticalize them as past habituals. It is also suggested that the form-frequency correspondence principle (Haspelmath 2008, 2014, 2017 should have operated in the formation of the Lithuanian habitual. Longer suffixes were chosen to mark habitual situations as a less frequent subtype of iterative situations and habitual forms were restricted to the past tense because habituality is one of the default (more frequent readings of the present and hence the habituals in the past tend to be marked explicitly (Bybee et al. 1994.

  20. Julián Marías. Una respuesta responsable al problema del aborto


    Juan Manuel Monfort Prades


    El objeto de este breve ensayo es presentar el debate actual en torno al aborto desde dos posturas enfrentadas. Se tomarán dos artículos que representan las opiniones mayoritarias sobre el tema: por un lado Julián Marías, por otro Peter Singer a través de un artículo de M. A. Warren en su Compendio de Ética. Buscaremos exponer las razones de uno y de otro para luego extraer las conclusiones pertinentes.

  1. Do horses generalise between objects during habituation?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Janne Winther; Zharkikh, Tatjana; Ladevig, Jan


    Habituation to frightening stimuli plays an important role in horse training. To investigate the extent to which horses generalise between different visual objects, 2-year-old stallions were habituated to feeding from a container placed inside a test arena and assigned as TEST (n = 12) or REFERENCE...... horses (n = 12). In Experiment 1, TEST horses were habituated to six objects (ball, barrel, board, box, cone, cylinder) presented in sequence in a balanced order. The objects were of similar size but different colour. Each object was placed 0.5 m in front of the feed container, forcing the horses to pass...... the object to get to the food. TEST horses received as many 2 min exposures to each object as required to meet a habituation criterion. We recorded behavioural reactions to the object, latency to feed, total eating time, and heart rate (HR) during all exposures. There was no significant decrease in initial...

  2. Abortion and women's roles in society: opinions from Tlaxcala, Mexico El aborto y el rol de las mujeres en la sociedad: resultados de una encuesta de opinión en Tlaxcala, México

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    Tia M Palermo


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: We aim to assess the opinions of Mexicans in the state of Tlaxcala on abortion and other topics concerning women's reproductive health and status in society. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We summarize opinions on abortion and women's roles in society and perform logit regressions to assess characteristics correlated with support for abortion rights. RESULTS: A majority of respondents were against a woman's right to abortion when asked generally, but when asked about specific circumstances, a majority supported the right to abortion in five of the nine hypothetical circumstances proposed. In multivariate analysis, age, education, religion, religious service attendance, and views regarding women's roles in society had significant effects on support for the right to abortion. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that residents of Tlaxcala view abortion as a personal decision and support a woman's right to abortion in more circumstances than currently allowed under state law.OBJETIVO: Describir opiniones sobre salud sexual y reproductiva, aborto y rol social de las mujeres entre un grupo de residentes de Tlaxcala, México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: El análisis de regresión logística analizó características asociadas con una postura de apoyo al derecho al aborto. RESULTADOS: La mayoría no favoreció el derecho de las mujeres a interrumpir un embarazo cuando se preguntó de manera general. Al momento de circunscribirlo a circunstancias específicas, la mayoría estuvo a favor en cinco de las nueve de situaciones hipotéticas planteadas. En análisis multivariado, edad, escolaridad, religión, asistencia a servicios religiosos y opiniones sobre el rol social femenino fueron variables significativas del apoyo que se brinda a una mujer para ejercer su derecho a interrumpir un embarazo. CONCLUSIONES: Los residentes de Tlaxcala perciben el tema del aborto como una decisión personal y apoyan el derecho de una mujer a interrumpirlo especialmente bajo

  3. Aborto na Suprema Corte: o caso da anencefalia no Brasil Abortion at the Supreme Court: the anencephaly case in Brazil

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    Debora Diniz


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o desafio jurídico e ético imposto pela anencefalia ao debate sobre direitos reprodutivos no Brasil. O fio condutor da análise é a ação de anencefalia apresentada ao Supremo Tribunal Federal em 2004. O artigo demonstra como o debate sobre o aborto provoca os fundamentos constitucionais da laicidade do Estado brasileiro e expõe a fragilidade da razão pública em temas de direitos reprodutivos, em especial sobre o aborto.This paper analyses the ethical and legal challenges of the anencephaly case in Brazil. The case study is the Supreme Court case on anencephaly proposed in 2004. This paper shows how the abortion debate forces the fundamentals of the Brazilian secular state and demonstrates the weakness of the public reason to mediate reproductive rights, mainly abortion, in Brazil.

  4. Objeção de consciência e aborto: direitos e deveres dos médicos na saúde pública Objeción de consciencia y aborto: derechos y deberes de los médicos en la salud pública Conscientious objection and abortion: rights and duties of public sector physicians

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    Debora Diniz


    Full Text Available O artigo discute a objeção de consciência por médicos, tendo por situação concreta os serviços de aborto legal no Brasil. O artigo apresenta as duas principais interpretações do dispositivo da objeção de consciência (tese da incompatibilidade e tese da integridade, para analisá-las à luz da realidade brasileira do aborto legal em serviços de referência na rede pública de saúde. A partir dessas duas teses, propõe uma terceira, a da justificação, como forma de orientar o exercício do direito à objeção de consciência entre médicos nesses serviços. Essa reflexão pode contribuir tanto para a organização das equipes nos serviços de aborto legal quanto para a formação de futuros médicos que atenderão mulheres em serviços de emergência obstétrica.El artículo discute la objeción de consciencia por médicos, teniendo como situación concreta los servicios de aborto legal en Brasil. El artículo presenta las dos principales interpretaciones del dispositivo de la objeción de consciencia (tesis de la incompatibilidad y tesis de la integridad, para analizarlas a la luz de la realidad brasileña del aborto legal en servicios de referencia en la red pública de salud. A partir de estas dos tesis, propone una tercera, la de la justificación, como forma de orientar el ejercicio del derecho a la objeción de consciencia entre médicos en dichos servicios. Esta reflexión puede contribuir tanto para la organización de los equipos en los servicios de aborto legal, como para la formación de futuros médicos que atenderán mujeres en servicios de emergencia obstétrica.The paper analyzes conscientious objection by physicians, through the concrete situation of legal abortion in Brazil. It reviews the two main ethical frameworks about conscientious objection in public health, the incompatibility thesis and the integrity thesis, to analyze the reality of legal abortion services in the referral services of the Brazilian public

  5. Aborto por Leptospira en una yegua en Salta, Argentina

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    Full Text Available La leptospirosis en equinos es generalmente asintomática, aunque existen regiones donde la enfermedad constituye un problema. Aquí se describe un caso de aborto en yegua debido a la infección por este agente. Se efectuó la necropsia completa de un feto a término donde se colectaron muestras para inmunofluorescencia directa (IFD, histopatología y microbiología. Además, se efectuó un estudio serológico de la tropilla y se evaluó seroconversión en la yegua abortada. El feto evidenció hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia e ictericia. Microscópicamente se apreció hepatitis mononuclear con disociación de los hepatocitos, esplenitis aguda y glomérulo-nefritis. Aunque el microrganismo no pudo ser aislado, la enfermedad se confirmó por la seroconversión observada en la yegua abortada, y debido a la identificación del agente mediante IFD en la impronta renal. Este caso demuestra la presencia del agente localmente y evidencia que la enfermedad puede ser un problema para la producción ecuestre. SUMMARY. Abortion caused by Leptospira in a mare from Salta Province, Argentina. Leptospirosis in horses is usually asymptomatic, although there are regions where the disease is a problem. Here, a case of abortion caused by the agent in a mare is described. Full autopsy of a fetus at term was performed; samples for direct immunofluorescence (DIF, histopathology and microbiology were collected. Additionally, a serological study of the herd was conducted, as well as seroconversion in the aborted mare. The fetus evidenced hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and jaundice. Microscopically, mononuclear hepatitis with hepatocyte dissociation, acute splenitis and glomerulonephritis, were appreciated. Although the microorganism couldn’t be quite properly, the disease was confirmed by the seroconversion present in the aborted mare. Another factor was the identification of the agent through the renal imprint DIF. This case demonstrates the presence of the agent mentioned


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    Claudia Gómez


    Full Text Available A través del recuento y el análisis de las estrategias jurídica, de alianzas y de comunicación del proyecto LAICIA (Litigio de alto impacto en Colombia: la inconstitucionalidad del aborto el texto pretende validar las acciones públicas de inconstitucionalidad como una herramienta de cambio social y convocar a la sincronización de agendas para adelantar campañas que promuevan los derechos de las mujeres. El artículo hace especial énfasis en la necesidad de articular diferentes actores a lo largo de todo el curso de acción de las políticas públicas y en particular sobre la estructuración de canales de comunicación.

  7. O dilema de uma prática: experiências de aborto em uma maternidade pública de Salvador, Bahia

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    Cecilia McCallum

    Full Text Available Resumo Discute o aborto pelas perspectivas de mulheres internadas em uma maternidade pública de Salvador (BA. Enfatiza a observação participante do cotidiano do hospital e descreve trabalho de campo com técnicas de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa. Por perspectiva etnográfica, aborda a experiência hospitalar de mulheres diante da interrupção, voluntária ou não, da gravidez e apresenta o ponto de vista dos profissionais de saúde, argumentando que a forma pela qual a instituição estrutura a atenção ao aborto e os processos de simbolização a ela imbricados afetam profundamente as experiências das mulheres. Aponta que a discriminação contra as mulheres que abortam está integrada a estrutura, organização e cultura institucionais, e não apenas a ações individuais dos profissionais.

  8. Impacto del bloque de constitucionalidad en la interpretación del derecho común. La interpretación amplia de los abortos permitidos en Argentina


    Laura Clérico; Liliana Ronconi


    La despenalización y legalización del aborto ha encontrado en Argentina nuevos impulsos para su discusión, impulsos al que se le suma un reciente fallo de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación en el que se resolvió que la normativa local (art. 76 inc. 2º del Código Penal) debe ser interpretada en forma amplia permitiendo el aborto en casos de violación. En este trabajo nos proponemos estudiar como el máximo órgano de justicia de nuestro país plantea la cuestión del caso y como lo resuelve...

  9. Aborto e estigma: uma análise da produção científica sobre a temática

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    Leila Adesse

    Full Text Available Resumo O artigo objetiva analisar a produção científica sobre aborto e estigma social e o potencial da categoria estigma para estudos sobre a assistência ao abortamento no Brasil. Utilizou-se o método de revisão integrativa de publicações das bases científicas, optando por não estabelecer limite temporal. Analisou-se 65 publicações com as representações sociais de mulheres que abortam e de profissionais que as atendem; exploram os obstáculos para a implementação das leis do aborto e dos protocolos e normas que facilitariam o acesso a serviços de qualidade. À relevância conceitual de Erving Goffman somou-se a compreensão sobre a transgressão dos estereótipos de gênero, o imperativo da maternidade, a pureza sexual, que marca as mulheres que abortam como seres inferiores, deteriorados: promíscuas, pecadoras, assassinas. Identificaram-se grupos mais afetados pela estigmatização: mulheres em abortamento, profissionais de saúde. O conflito feminino pela dualidade ocultar/revelar seus abortamentos, a objeção de consciência de profissionais e os obstáculos na implementação de políticas públicas emergiram dos trabalhos. A reflexão sobre o papel do estigma pode interferir no ciclo do aborto clandestino e contribuir para o (re desenho de intervenções que apoiem a redução de danos à saúde sexual e reprodutiva das mulheres.

  10. Habituation as an adaptive shift in response strategy mediated by neuropeptides (United States)

    Ardiel, Evan L.; Yu, Alex J.; Giles, Andrew C.; Rankin, Catharine H.


    Habituation is a non-associative form of learning characterized by a decremented response to repeated stimulation. It is typically framed as a process of selective attention, allowing animals to ignore irrelevant stimuli in order to free up limited cognitive resources. However, habituation can also occur to threatening and toxic stimuli, suggesting that habituation may serve other functions. Here we took advantage of a high-throughput Caenorhabditis elegans learning assay to investigate habituation to noxious stimuli. Using real-time computer vision software for automated behavioral tracking and optogenetics for controlled activation of a polymodal nociceptor, ASH, we found that neuropeptides mediated habituation and performed an RNAi screen to identify candidate receptors. Through subsequent mutant analysis and cell-type-specific gene expression, we found that pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) neuropeptides function redundantly to promote habituation via PDFR-1-mediated cAMP signaling in both neurons and muscles. Behavioral analysis during learning acquisition suggests that response habituation and sensitization of locomotion are parts of a shifting behavioral strategy orchestrated by pigment dispersing factor signaling to promote dispersal away from repeated aversive stimuli.

  11. Hormonal and epigenetic regulation during embryogenic tissue habituation in Cucurbita pepo L. (United States)

    Leljak-Levanić, Dunja; Mrvková, Mihaela; Turečková, Veronika; Pěnčík, Aleš; Rolčík, Jakub; Strnad, Miroslav; Mihaljević, Snježana


    Habituated embryogenic line of pumpkin contained more CKs and IAA, but less ABA than the non-habituated line. Pronounced hypomethylation correlated with the absence of 2,4-D, addition of 5-azaC, and the process of habituation. A comparative analysis between habituated and non-habituated embryogenic cultures of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) in relation to endogenous phytohormones, global DNA methylation, and developmental and regeneration capacities of the cultures was conducted. The analysis revealed more cytokinins (CKs) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), but less abscisic acid (ABA) in the habituated HEC line than in the non-habituated DEC line. Ribosides and ribotides were the most abundant CK forms in both HEC and DEC lines (75.9 and 57.6 %, respectively). HEC contained more free-base CKs (5.8 vs. 3.2 %), whereas DEC contained considerably more O-glycosides (39.1 vs. 18.3 %). Although prevalence of IAA was common for both lines, relative ratio of CKs and ABA differed between DEC and HEC lines. ABA was prevailing over CKs in DEC, while CKs prevailed over ABA in HEC line. Taking into account the importance of ABA for embryo maturation, the reduced endogenous ABA content in HEC line might be the reason for a 5-fold reduction in regeneration capacity compared to DEC. Both habituated and non-habituated embryogenic lines were highly methylated in the presence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Pronounced hypomethylation correlated with the absence of 2,4-D, addition of 5-azacytidine (5-azaC), but also with the process of habituation. The habituated line was resistant to the effect of hypomethylation drug 5-azaC and remained highly methylated even after the addition of 5-azaC. Also, 5-azaC did not change the developmental pattern in the habituated line, indicating the existence of separate mechanisms by which 2,4-D influences global DNA methylation in comparison to habituation-related global DNA methylation.

  12. Relation between habitual sleep duration and depressed mood state: Somatic versus cognitive symptoms

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    Gualberto Buela-Casal


    Full Text Available La presente investigación ex post facto analiza la relación entre la duración habitual de sueño y el estado de ánimo deprimido. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 141 estudiantes sanos de ambos sexos, 19 con patrón de sueño corto (6 horas de sueño diario o menos, 64 con patrón de sueño intermedio (7-8 horas de sueño diario y 58 con patrón de sueño largo (más de 9 horas de sueño diario. El ánimo deprimido se evaluó con el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI y la subescala de depresión del Cuestionario de Salud General (GHQ-28. Los sujetos con patrón de sueño corto y largo mostraban puntuaciones superiores en ánimo deprimido que aquellos con patrón de sueño intermedio. El análisis de cada uno de los ítems de depresión específicos mostró que los sujetos con patrón de sueño corto diferían de los patrones de sueño intermedio en los síntomas somáticos de la depresión, mientras las diferencias entre los sujetos con patrón de sueño largo e intermedio se producían en aspectos cognitivos. Se presentan algunas hipótesis explicativas sobre los mecanismos que pueden estar mediando las relaciones entre duración de sueño y estado de ánimo deprimido. El desarrollo de iniciativas educacionales destinadas a optimizar los hábitos de sueño de los estudiantes puede ser útil para prevenir depresiones futuras.


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    Nilo Ribeiro Junior


    Full Text Available Para que se possa tratar da questão do aborto no âmbito da Igreja católica, é importante que, antes de mais nada, se amplie o horizonte da reflexão de modo a evitarmos cair em posicionamentos preconceituosos e passionais, tão comuns tanto por parte daqueles que não se compreendem dentro da Igreja, como também pelos que se consideram membros dela.

  14. El discurso en la narrativa legal y el aborto en Argentina, tensiones y perspectivas


    Perugino, Silvina


    La presentación que aquí se propone versa sobre dos de los capítulos del Trabajo Integrador Final de la Especialización en Género y Comunicación de la Facultad de Periodismo UNLP. El trabajo busca dar luz sobre las tensiones a la hora de legalizar el aborto en Argentina. Para ello analizaremos sobre el tópico, el rol del Estado en general y específicamente los argumentos en el Poder Legislativo, dados en el último debate, analizándolo desde una perspectiva feminista. Necesitamos para ello ...

  15. Asesoría en la toma de decisiones frente al aborto

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    Vanegas Blanca Cecilia


    Full Text Available

    Uno de los dilemas éticos más frecuentes a que se ve enfrentado el profesional de salud, se presenta cuando una mujer o pareja solicita asesoría en la toma de decisiones frente al aborto provocado, como alternativa de solución al embarazo indesearlo. El artículo hace una serie de reflexiones a considerar, antes de tomar la decisión, tales como: la gravedad del problema, el drama de la mujer, aspectos religiosos, éticos y consecuencias en el hijo indeseado. Finalmente, propone una serie de pasos que guían al profesional de salud para ofrecer la asesoría y reflexiones sobre su participación en medidas preventivas.

  16. Uso da aspiração manual a vácuo na redução do custo e duração de internamentos por aborto incompleto em Fortaleza, CE, Brasil

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    Walter Fonseca


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O uso de aspiração a vácuo (AV no tratamento do aborto incompleto é prática bastante difundida em países desenvolvidos. Vários estudos nesses países indicam que o uso da técnica de aspiração manual a vácuo (AMV pode conservar recursos do sistema de saúde e melhorar a qualidade do tratamento do aborto. No Brasil, o uso da AMV é procedimento de rotina nos hospitais e clínicas privados. Entretanto, na maioria dos hospitais da rede pública é utilizada somente a técnica de dilatação e curetagem (D&C. METODOLOGIA: Foram utilizados métodos de avaliação rápida para estimar a variação do custo médio do tratamento e duração da estadia hospitalar, em um grupo de 30 pacientes admitidas com aborto incompleto em hospital público de Fortaleza, CE (Brasil. Participantes foram alocadas, randomicamente, em um dos dois grupos de tratamento investigados (AMV ou D&C. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que o uso da AMV, em substituição a D&C, no tratamento do aborto incompleto, pode reduzir em até 41% o custo médio do tratamento e em 77% o tempo médio de hospitalização. Recomenda-se a realização de estudos confirmatórios, como também que se aprofunde os conhecimentos sobre a percepção do aborto e seu tratamento por parte do pessoal de saúde e da população feminina.

  17. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met genotype modulates amygdala habituation. (United States)

    Perez-Rodriguez, M Mercedes; New, Antonia S; Goldstein, Kim E; Rosell, Daniel; Yuan, Qiaoping; Zhou, Zhifeng; Hodgkinson, Colin; Goldman, David; Siever, Larry J; Hazlett, Erin A


    A deficit in amygdala habituation to repeated emotional stimuli may be an endophenotype of disorders characterized by emotion dysregulation, such as borderline personality disorder (BPD). Amygdala reactivity to emotional stimuli is genetically modulated by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) variants. Whether amygdala habituation itself is also modulated by BDNF genotypes remains unknown. We used imaging-genetics to examine the effect of BDNF Val66Met genotypes on amygdala habituation to repeated emotional stimuli. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in 57 subjects (19 BPD patients, 18 patients with schizotypal personality disorder [SPD] and 20 healthy controls [HC]) during a task involving viewing of unpleasant, neutral, and pleasant pictures, each presented twice to measure habituation. Amygdala responses across genotypes (Val66Met SNP Met allele-carriers vs. Non-Met carriers) and diagnoses (HC, BPD, SPD) were examined with ANOVA. The BDNF 66Met allele was significantly associated with a deficit in amygdala habituation, particularly for emotional pictures. The association of the 66Met allele with a deficit in habituation to unpleasant emotional pictures remained significant in the subsample of BPD patients. Using imaging-genetics, we found preliminary evidence that deficient amygdala habituation may be modulated by BDNF genotype. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. The effects of caffeine and directed attention on acoustic startle habituation. (United States)

    Schicatano, E J; Blumenthal, T D


    The present experiment tested the effects of caffeine on acoustic startle habituation during different attention tasks in which subjects either (a) attended to the acoustic startle stimulus (auditory attention; n = 9) (b) attended to a visual search task during presentation of acoustic startle stimuli (visual attention; n = 10), or (c) were given no specific instructions during acoustic startle testing (no attention; n = 9). Startle eyeblink responses were measured after subjects received either caffeine (1 mg/kg) or placebo. Caffeine significantly delayed response habituation in the no attention group and in the auditory attention group, but had no effect on habituation in the visual attention group. These data show that startle habituation can occur with minimal attention being directed to the acoustic startle stimulus, and that visual attention cancels the effects of caffeine on startle habituation.

  19. Aborto provocado em mulheres da periferia da cidade de São Paulo: vivência e aspectos socioeconômicos Abortion in women living in the outskirts of Sao Paulo: experience and socioeconomic aspects

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    Cristina Mendes Gigliotti Borsari


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar e analisar aspectos socioeconômicos e emocionais na vivência do aborto provocado e espontâneo em mulheres da periferia da cidade de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo e caso-controle realizado no período de julho de 2008 a março de 2010, envolvendo a realização de entrevistas semidirigidas, previamente elaboradas com mulheres que apresentavam diagnóstico médico de aborto internadas em dois hospitais públicos da periferia da cidade de São Paulo. Foram incluídas 100 mulheres com diagnóstico de aborto que foram internadas para a realização da curetagem uterina. Foram identificadas 11 mulheres que relataram ter provocado aborto (11% que constituíram o grupo de casos. O grupo controle (n=22 foi selecionado na proporção 2:1, seguindo-se o procedimento: para cada caso de aborto provocado, os próximos dois casos de aborto espontâneo, do mesmo hospital. Foi realizada entrevista semiestruturada com perguntas relativas aos aspectos emocionais, ao contexto familiar, social e econômico. RESULTADOS: As mulheres do grupo com aborto provocado, em relação ao grupo com aborto espontâneo, apresentaram menor escolaridade, sendo mais frequente o nível fundamental (82 versus 36%, p=0,04; menor renda familiar (mediana, R$ 1.000,00 versus R$ 1.400,00, p=0,04; menor renda pessoal (mediana, R$ 200,00 versus R$ 333,00, p=0,04, maior frequência de sentimentos negativos na suspeita (82 versus 22%, p=0,004 e na confirmação (72 versus 22%, p=0,03 da gravidez. CONCLUSÃO: O aborto provocado em mulheres que procuram atendimento em hospitais da periferia da cidade de São Paulo está relacionado a condições socioeconômicas desfavoráveis, o que prejudica a vivência na suspeita e confirmação da gravidez.PURPOSE: To compare and analyze socioeconomic aspects and the emotional experience of women with spontaneous or induced abortion and in women living in the outskirts of São Paulo. METHODS: A prospective case-control study

  20. O impacto do aborto ilegal na saúde reprodutiva: sugestões para melhorar a qualidade do dado básico e viabilizar essa análise

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    Rebeca de Souza e Silva


    Full Text Available Estatísticas fidedignas sobre o aborto provocado, provenientes de países em que essa prática é legalizada, permitem uma adequada avaliação do impacto do aborto na Saúde Reprodutiva. Paradoxalmente, é justamente nesses países que observam-se os menores danos à Saúde da Mulher enquanto que, mesmo pautando-se em dados pouco ou nada confiáveis, o custo da prática clandestina é altíssimo: suas sequelas são bastante frequentes e, não raras vezes, levam ao óbito. Avaliar-se o quão alto é este custo, contudo, é uma tarefa bastante árdua e, infelizmente, dependendo do enfoque desejado pode até ser inexequível. A solução mais acertada para a resolução desse dilema seria, a julgar pela literatura especializada, legalizar-se o aborto. Nessa eventualidade, além de se reduzir, automaticamente, os custos da prática clandestina, a análise do dueto Aborto/ Saúde, por si, permitiria remover os custos remanecentes.Mas, enquanto se convive com uma legislação restritiva, a solução mais sensata, é buscar otimizar a qualidade de análise daquele dueto. Nesse sentido, pode-se recorrer à adoção de uma técnica estatística que remove o maior dos entraves na determinação da dinâmica do aborto ilegal - a saber, a sub-declaração e/ou sub-registro da frequência de recorrência ao aborto -, a TRA; bem como elaborar-se estudos populacionais, a partir de um plano de amostragem simplificado, sobretudo por serem raríssimos frente aos estudos baseados em dados hospitalares, apesar de fornecerem informações bem mais amplas sobre a dinâmica do aborto.Trusworthy statistics on provoked abortion form countries where this practice is generalized allow for an adequate evaluation of the impact of abortion on Reprodutive Health. Paradoxically it is in these very countries that the less severe damage to Reproductive Health are observed. At the same time, even based on little or totally not trustworthy data the cost of clandestine practice

  1. Sensitization and habituation of motivated behavior in overweight and non-overweight children


    Epstein, Leonard H.; Robinson, Jodie L.; Temple, Jennifer L.; Roemmich, James N.; Marusewski, Angela; Nadbrzuch, Rachel


    The rate of habituation to food is inversely related to energy intake, and overweight children may habituate slower to food and consume more energy. This study compared patterns of sensitization, as defined by an initial increase in operant or motivated responding for food, and habituation, defined by gradual reduction in responding, for macaroni and cheese and pizza in overweight and non-overweight 8−12 year-old children. Non-overweight children habituated faster to both foods than overweigh...

  2. Habitual exercise is associated with cognitive control and cognitive reappraisal success. (United States)

    Giles, Grace E; Cantelon, Julie A; Eddy, Marianna D; Brunyé, Tad T; Urry, Heather L; Mahoney, Caroline R; Kanarek, Robin B


    Habitual exercise is associated with enhanced domain-general cognitive control, such as inhibitory control, selective attention, and working memory, all of which rely on the frontal cortex. However, whether regular exercise is associated with more specific aspects of cognitive control, such as the cognitive control of emotion, remains relatively unexplored. The present study employed a correlational design to determine whether level of habitual exercise was related to performance on the Stroop test measuring selective attention and response inhibition, the cognitive reappraisal task measuring cognitive reappraisal success, and associated changes in prefrontal cortex (PFC) oxygenation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. 74 individuals (24 men, 50 women, age 18-32 years) participated. Higher habitual physical activity was associated with lower Stroop interference (indicating greater inhibitory control) and enhanced cognitive reappraisal success. Higher habitual exercise was also associated with lower oxygenated hemoglobin (O 2 Hb) in the PFC in response to emotional information. However, NIRS data indicated that exercise was not associated with cognitive control-associated O 2 Hb in the PFC. Behaviorally, the findings support and extend the previous findings that habitual exercise relates to more successful cognitive control of neutral information and cognitive reappraisal of emotional information. Future research should explore whether habitual exercise exerts causal benefits to cognitive control and PFC oxygenation, as well as isolate specific cognitive control processes sensitive to change through habitual exercise.

  3. El secreto de Vera Drake (2004) y Las Normas de la Casa de la Sidra (1999): el aborto en el cine y su utilización en la docencia


    Icart Isern, M. Teresa (Maria Teresa); Rozas García, M. Rosa; Icart Isern, M. Carmen


    El Secreto de Vera Drake (2004) de Mike Leigh y de Las Normas de la Casa de la Sidra (1999) de Lasse Hallström presentan la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y las circunstancias que la rodean en un total de diez abortos y un parto. El Secreto de Vera Drake nos muestra a una mujer de clase media-baja que"ayuda a chicas jóvenes" a poner fin a embarazos no deseados sin aceptar dinero a cambio. Su secreto se desvelará cuando una de las jóvenes a la que practicó un aborto sufre complicaciones ...

  4. Habituation of reinforcer effectiveness. (United States)

    Lloyd, David R; Medina, Douglas J; Hawk, Larry W; Fosco, Whitney D; Richards, Jerry B


    In this paper we propose an integrative model of habituation of reinforcer effectiveness (HRE) that links behavioral- and neural-based explanations of reinforcement. We argue that HRE is a fundamental property of reinforcing stimuli. Most reinforcement models implicitly suggest that the effectiveness of a reinforcer is stable across repeated presentations. In contrast, an HRE approach predicts decreased effectiveness due to repeated presentation. We argue that repeated presentation of reinforcing stimuli decreases their effectiveness and that these decreases are described by the behavioral characteristics of habituation (McSweeney and Murphy, 2009; Rankin etal., 2009). We describe a neural model that postulates a positive association between dopamine neurotransmission and HRE. We present evidence that stimulant drugs, which artificially increase dopamine neurotransmission, disrupt (slow) normally occurring HRE and also provide evidence that stimulant drugs have differential effects on operant responding maintained by reinforcers with rapid vs. slow HRE rates. We hypothesize that abnormal HRE due to genetic and/or environmental factors may underlie some behavioral disorders. For example, recent research indicates that slow-HRE is predictive of obesity. In contrast ADHD may reflect "accelerated-HRE." Consideration of HRE is important for the development of effective reinforcement-based treatments. Finally, we point out that most of the reinforcing stimuli that regulate daily behavior are non-consumable environmental/social reinforcers which have rapid-HRE. The almost exclusive use of consumable reinforcers with slow-HRE in pre-clinical studies with animals may have caused the importance of HRE to be overlooked. Further study of reinforcing stimuli with rapid-HRE is needed in order to understand how habituation and reinforcement interact and regulate behavior.

  5. La presencia de los varones en el discurso y en la práctica del aborto

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    Juan Guillermo Figueroa Perea


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se proponen algunas reflexiones sobre diferentes formas de la presencia de los varones en el proceso de interrupción de un embarazo, como una práctica en sí misma y dentro del proceso de definición de criterios normativos para incidir sobre ello. Se plantean algunas hipótesis sobre las razones por las cuales los varones son actores secundarios en los modelos de interpretación de la reproducción y se muestra cómo ello genera lagunas conceptuales, ambivalencias prácticas y confusiones en el proceso de definición de derechos y responsabilidades en el ámbito de la reproducción, a pesar de que, a la par, los varones son identificados como actores relevantes al definir el discurso moral que pretende regular la posibilidad del aborto. Nos interesa recuperar algunos aportes del pensamiento feminista al analizar el doble código moral que se utiliza como referencia para las vivencias sexual y reproductiva de varones y de mujeres. Si bien es un texto de carácter exploratorio no nos limitamos a repetir algunos de los planteamientos del pensamiento feminista, sino que los diversificamos a partir de los llamados estudios sobre masculinidad, en términos del uso del lenguaje, del manejo del discurso y de la experiencia de los varones alrededor de dos dinamismos vinculados con la reproducción, la sexualidad y la salud.

  6. Treating chronic tinnitus: comparison of cognitive-behavioural and habituation-based treatments. (United States)

    Zachriat, Claudia; Kröner-Herwig, Birgit


    Using a randomized control group trial the long-term efficacy of a habituation-based treatment as conceived by Jastreboff, and a cognitive-behavioural tinnitus coping training were compared. An educational intervention was administered as a control condition. Both treatments were conducted in a group format (habituation-based treatment, 5 sessions; tinnitus coping training, 11 sessions). Educational intervention was delivered in a single group session. Patients were categorized according to their level of disability due to tinnitus (low, high), age and gender and then randomly allocated to the treatment conditions (habituation-based treatment, n = 30; tinnitus coping training, n = 27; educational intervention, n = 20). Data assessment included follow-ups of up to 21 months. Several outcome variables including disability due to tinnitus were assessed either by questionnaire or diary. Findings reveal highly significant improvements in both tinnitus coping training and habituation-based treatment in comparison with the control group. While tinnitus coping training and habituation-based treatment do not differ significantly in reduction of tinnitus disability, improvement in general well-being and adaptive behaviour is greater in tinnitus coping training than habituation-based treatment. The decrease in disability remains stable throughout the last follow-up in both treatment conditions.

  7. Amygdala Habituation and Prefrontal Functional Connectivity in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders (United States)

    Swartz, Johnna R.; Wiggins, Jillian Lee; Carrasco, Melissa; Lord, Catherine; Monk, Christopher S.


    Objective: Amygdala habituation, the rapid decrease in amygdala responsiveness to the repeated presentation of stimuli, is fundamental to the nervous system. Habituation is important for maintaining adaptive levels of arousal to predictable social stimuli and decreased habituation is associated with heightened anxiety. Input from the ventromedial…

  8. Causation and Effectuation Processes: Opportunity Discovery and Exploitation Logics of Habitual Entrepreneurs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Müller, Sabine


    This study investigates how habitual entrepreneurs (i.e. serial and portfolio entrepreneurs) discover and exploit opportunities, deal with risk and uncertainty, predict or control the future, and plan their businesses based on a causation and effectuation perspective. This study thereby uncovered...... the causation and effectuation logics applied by habitual entrepreneurs with regard to four dimensions of the venture creation: View of the future (VF), Opportunity Discovery (OD), Opportunity Exploitation (OE), and Dealing with Risk (DR). Six habitual entrepreneurs, who had to meet three strictly defined...... criteria, where sampled and case studies performed. The findings clearly indicate that habitual entrepreneurs mainly apply an effectual logic with regards to the four dimensions examined. Some of the more inexperienced habitual entrepreneurs tend to apply both logics, but almost exclusively become...



    Astorino, Julieta; Saporosi, Lucas; Zicavo, Eugenia


    Entendiendo que se habla de la maternidad y el aborto desde una pluralidad de discursos, el presente artículo se propone analizar, desde una perspectiva sociocultural, las representaciones sobre la maternidad y la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo presentes en la literatura de ficción argentina durante el trienio 2006-2009. A partir del análisis de una serie de textos literarios seleccionados, se busca indagar los vínculos entre la construcción de la maternidad como relación social y la li...

  10. Tres leyes innovadoras en Uruguay: Aborto, matrimonio homosexual y regulación de la marihuana


    Arocena, Felipe; Aguiar, Sebastián


    Uruguay sorprendió al mundo en 2013 por tres leyes aprobadas en poco más de un año: el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, la despenalización del aborto y la regulación de la marihuana. En este trabajo, desarrollaremos el contenido de estas normas, exploraremos algunas de las principales causas de su aprobación en este momento histórico del país, y, finalmente, discutiremos las probables virtudes y problemas de las respectivas implementaciones Uruguay shocked the world in 2013 with t...

  11. Sensitization and Habituation of Motivated Behavior in Overweight and Non-Overweight Children (United States)

    Epstein, Leonard H.; Robinson, Jodie L.; Temple, Jennifer L.; Roemmich, James N.; Marusewski, Angela; Nadbrzuch, Rachel


    The rate of habituation to food is inversely related to energy intake, and overweight children may habituate slower to food and consume more energy. This study compared patterns of sensitization, as defined by an initial increase in operant or motivated responding for food, and habituation, defined by gradual reduction in responding, for macaroni…

  12. Habitual physical activity levels are positively correlated with CD4 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Habitual physical activity levels are positively correlated with CD4 counts in an ... per month) and functional independence as assessed from the responses to the ... and between CD4 cell counts and total habitual physical activity levels (p ...

  13. Recommendations for abortion surveys using the ballot-box technique Recomendações para inquéritos sobre aborto usando a técnica de urna

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    Marcelo Medeiros


    Full Text Available The article lists recommendations for dealing with methodological aspects of an abortion survey and makes suggestions for testing and validating the survey questionnaire. The recommendations are based on the experience of the Brazilian Abortion Survey (PNA, a random sample household survey that used the ballot-box technique and covered adult women in all urban areas of the country.O artigo lista recomendações para lidar com aspectos metodológicos de um inquérito sobre aborto e faz sugestões para testar e validar o questionário do levantamento. As recomendações baseiam-se na experiência da Pesquisa Nacional de Aborto (PNA, uma pesquisa domiciliar baseada em amostra aleatória da população urbana do Brasil que utilizou a técnica de urna.

  14. Habituation and sensitization in primary headaches (United States)


    The phenomena of habituation and sensitization are considered most useful for studying the neuronal substrates of information processing in the CNS. Both were studied in primary headaches, that are functional disorders of the brain characterized by an abnormal responsivity to any kind of incoming innocuous or painful stimuli and it’s cycling pattern over time (interictal, pre-ictal, ictal). The present review summarizes available data on stimulus responsivity in primary headaches obtained with clinical neurophysiology. In migraine, the majority of electrophysiological studies between attacks have shown that, for a number of different sensory modalities, the brain is characterised by a lack of habituation of evoked responses to repeated stimuli. This abnormal processing of the incoming information reaches its maximum a few days before the beginning of an attack, and normalizes during the attack, at a time when sensitization may also manifest itself. An abnormal rhythmic activity between thalamus and cortex, namely thalamocortical dysrhythmia, may be the pathophysiological mechanism subtending abnormal information processing in migraine. In tension-type headache (TTH), only few signs of deficient habituation were observed only in subgroups of patients. By contrast, using grand-average responses indirect evidence for sensitization has been found in chronic TTH with increased nociceptive specific reflexes and evoked potentials. Generalized increased sensitivity to pain (lower thresholds and increased pain rating) and a dysfunction in supraspinal descending pain control systems may contribute to the development and/or maintenance of central sensitization in chronic TTH. Cluster headache patients are chrarcterized during the bout and on the headache side by a pronounced lack of habituation of the brainstem blink reflex and a general sensitization of pain processing. A better insight into the nature of these ictal/interictal electrophysiological dysfunctions in primary

  15. Sleep homeostasis, habits and habituation. (United States)

    Vyazovskiy, Vladyslav V; Walton, Mark E; Peirson, Stuart N; Bannerman, David M


    The importance of sleep for behavioural performance during waking is long-established, but the underlying reasons and mechanisms remain elusive. Waking and sleep are associated with changes in the levels of GluA1 AMPAR subunit in synaptic membranes, while studies using genetically-modified mice have identified an important role for GluA1-dependent synaptic plasticity in a non-associative form of memory that underlies short-term habituation to recently experienced stimuli. Here we posit that sleep may play a role in dishabituation, which restores attentional capacity and maximises the readiness of the animal for learning and goal-directed behaviour during subsequent wakefulness. Furthermore we suggest that sleep disturbance may fundamentally change the nature of behaviour, making it more model-free and habitual as a result of reduced attentional capacity. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  16. Conocimiento actitudes y prácticas sobre el aborto voluntario y terapéutico en especialistas en Ginecología y Obstetricia que laboran en Hospitales Públicos del cantón Cuenca


    Vega Crespo, Bernardo José; Ñauta Baculima, Manuel Jaime; Mejía Chicaiza, Jorge Victoriano; Llerena Cortez, Norma Edith; Abril Matute, Cumandá Patricia; Sacoto Coello, Maritza Catalina de la Nube; Borja Robalino, Ricardo Stalin; Borja Robalino, Brigith Vanessa


    ANTECEDENTES: El código integral penal señala que el aborto provocado no será punible cuando se realice para evitar un peligro en la salud de la mujer y cuando el embarazo es consecuencia de una violación en una mujer que padezca de discapacidad mental. OBJETIVOS: Identificar los conocimientos actitudes y prácticas de los ginecólogos de los hospitales públicos de Cuenca, sobre el aborto voluntario y terapéutico; identificar si existe relación entre la edad, el género, ...

  17. Representações e experiências sobre aborto legal e ilegal dos ginecologistas-obstetras trabalhando em dois hospitais maternidade de Salvador da Bahia Representations and experiences of obstetrician/gynecologists with legal and illegal abortion in two maternity-hospitals in Salvador da Bahia

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    Silvia De Zordo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo qualitativo, realizado em dois hospitais-maternidade de Salvador da Bahia, foi investigar a experiência e as representações do aborto legal, analisadas em contraste com as representações do aborto ilegal, dos profissionais de saúde, em particular dos ginecologistas-obstetras.Usou-se como instrumentos um questionário e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 25 profissionais de saúde (dos quais 13 ginecologistas-obstetras num hospital que oferece um serviço de aborto legal (P, e 20 profissionais de saúde (dos quais 9 ginecologistas-obstetras em outro hospital, que não oferece este serviço (F. Os fatores que mais influenciam as representações dos ginecologistas-obstetras entrevistados acerca do aborto e que explicam a alta taxa de objeção de consciencia no hospital P foram: 1- a criminalização do aborto e o medo de serem denunciados; 2- a estigmatização do aborto por certos grupos religiosos e pelos proprios médicos; 3- o treinamento em obstetrícia e a falta de uma formação boa no campo da epidemiologia da morbi-mortalidade materna e do aborto; 4- as representações acerca das relações de gênero. Os fatores principais associados à atitudes liberais foram: a idade - abaixo de 30/acima de 45 anos - a experiência com altas taxas de mortalidade materna devidas ao aborto e a experiência com o aborto legal.The objective of this qualitative study, carried out in two maternity-hospitals in Salvador da Bahia, was to investigate the experience and representations of health professionals, and particularly obstetricians-gynecologists, regarding legal abortion in comparison with their representations and experience with illegal abortion. A questionnaire was distributed and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 health professionals (13 obstetricians-gynecologists in a hospital providing legal abortion (P and with 20 health professionals (9 obstetricians-gynecologists in another hospital that does not

  18. The concept of the deceased's habitual residence in the European succession regulation / El concepto de residencia habitual del causante en el Reglamento Sucesorio europeo

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    Javier Carrascosa González


    Full Text Available International successions have often raised controversies for Private International Law. This paper deals with the general ground of jurisdiction of the deceased’s last habitual residence. In this field, the flexible, fluid and changing concept of the last “habitual residence” of the deceased needs an appropriate interpretation both for academics and for the practitioners of Private International Law. However, this essay holds that the liquidity of the concept “habitual residence” of the deceased may be an advantage to grant international jurisdiction on the courts which are best placed to rule on the merits of the case. Moreover, this paper sustains that a careful and holistic interpretation of the text of the Regulation and a proper analysis of the function of this ground of international jurisdiction leads to a surprising conclusion, i.e., the concept of the “habitual residence” is not as complex and difficult to specify as, at first glance, it might appear.

  19. Attentional Bias Associated with Habitual Self-Stigma in People with Mental Illness. (United States)

    Chan, Kevin K S; Mak, Winnie W S


    As habitual self-stigma can have a tremendous negative impact on people with mental illness, it is of paramount importance to identify its risk factors. The present study aims to examine the potential contributory role of attentional bias in habitual self-stigma. People with mental illness having strong (n = 47) and weak (n = 47) habitual self-stigma completed a computerized emotional Stroop task which included stigma-related, positive, and non-affective words as stimuli. The strong habit group was found to exhibit faster color-naming of stigma-related words (compared to non-affective words), whereas the weak habit group showed no difference in the speed of response to different stimuli. These findings suggest that people with stronger habitual self-stigma may be more able to ignore the semantic meaning of stigma-related words and focus on the color-naming task. Moreover, people with stronger habitual self-stigma may have greater attentional avoidance of stigma-related material. The present study is the first to demonstrate a specific relationship between habitual self-stigma and biased processing of stigma-related information. In order to further determine the role and the nature of attentional bias in habitual self-stigma, future research should employ a broader range of experimental paradigms and measurement techniques to examine stigma-related attentional bias in people with mental illness.

  20. Cuerpo,sexo y reproducción. La noción de autonomía de las mujeres puesta en cuestión: el aborto y otras situaciones sensibles

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    Josefina Leonor Brown


    Full Text Available En salud sexual y reproductiva los temas relativos a la autonomía son cruciales, personales y a veces muy problemáticos. Nuestro interés es indagar sobre distintas concepciones acerca del “ser una paciente”, en tanto pone en juego cuestiones políticas y sociales de primer orden, por ejemplo las que tienen que ver con lasformas de la autonomía y lasrelacionessociales de subordinación. Y cuestiones que tienen que ver con la construcción social del cuerpo, la individuación y la ciudadanía. Aquí exploramos empírica y conceptualmente algunos tipos ideales de paciente, en función de su autonomía como individuo capaz de juicio y acción, y como sujeto de derechos y responsabilidades. El análisis de diversas situaciones – algunas límite (como el caso del aborto – nos permiten problematizar qué se entiende por “sujetos/personas autónomos/as” en el ámbito de la salud-enfermedad. Aquí exponemos los resultados del análisis que, por un lado problematizan la noción de autonomía desligándola de la matrizliberal y poniéndola en relación con el cuerpo y las emociones en el marco de relaciones interpersonales; y por otro, permiten operacionalizar la tipología de paciente definido en función de la autonomía de la que partimos (sujeto pasivo, consumidor/usuario, e interlocutor-ciudadano.

  1. Epidemiología de las infecciones bacterianas en pacientes con cirrosis hepática, experiencia de un centro español de atención terciaria

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    Katerina Klímová


    Discusión. Los resultados del estudio confirmaron que el espectro microbiológico de las infecciones bacterianas en pacientes con cirrosis ha sufrido importantes cambios. Las infecciones por gérmenes multirresistentes causan infecciones con gran morbimortalidad y el fracaso del tratamiento antibiótico habitual. Para controlarlas de forma eficaz, es imprescindible detectar precozmente a aquellos pacientes con factores de riesgo.

  2. Does anxiety sensitivity correlate with startle habituation? An examination in two independent samples. (United States)

    Campbell, Miranda L; Gorka, Stephanie M; McGowan, Sarah K; Nelson, Brady D; Sarapas, Casey; Katz, Andrea C; Robison-Andrew, E Jenna; Shankman, Stewart A


    Individuals with anxiety disorders have previously demonstrated abnormal habituation to aversiveness over time. As anxiety sensitivity (AS), or an individuals' propensity to fear of anxiety-related sensations, has been shown to be a risk factor for anxiety disorders (particularly panic disorder), the present study examined whether AS was also associated with abnormal habituation. This association was examined in two independent samples of undergraduates (Ntotal=178). Habituation was operationalised as the reduction in startle response to multiple startle probes presented over 2.5 minutes and three definitions of this reduction were employed. Results indicated that individuals with higher levels of AS evidenced deficits in startle habituation, but the strength of this relationship was somewhat dependent on the definition of startle habituation, with the most robust definition being an analysis of participants' individual slopes across all nine blinks. The present findings suggest that startle habituation is a key mechanism underlying AS, and may help elucidate the role this risk factor plays in the pathogenesis of anxiety disorders.

  3. Motion sickness and otolith sensitivity - A pilot study of habituation to linear acceleration (United States)

    Potvin, A. R.; Sadoff, M.; Billingham, J.


    Astronauts, particularly in Skylab flights, experienced varying degrees of motion sickness lasting 3-5 days. One possible mechanism for this motion sickness adaptation is believed to be a reduction in otolith sensitivity with an attendant reduction in sensory conflict. In an attempt to determine if this hypothesis is valid, a ground-based pilot study was conducted on a vertical linear accelerator. The extent of habituation to accelerations which initially produced motion sickness was evaluated, along with the possible value of habituation training to minimize the space motion sickness problem. Results showed that habituation occurred for 6 of the 8 subjects tested. However, in tests designed to measure dynamic and static otolith function, no significant differences between pre- and post-habituation tests were observed. Cross habituation effects to a standard Coriolis acceleration test were not significant. It is unlikely that ground-based pre-habituation to linear accelerations of the type examined would alter susceptibility to space motion sickness.

  4. "El secreto de Vera Drake" y nuestro secreto: aborto e hipocresía social


    García Manrique, Ricardo


    La historia de Vera Drake nos recuerda no sólo los tiempos pasados sino también los nuestros, porque, como entonces, las mujeres todavía no controlan su cuerpo; pueden abortar, pero tienen que mentir sobre el por qué; pueden abortar, pero eso no forma parte de su derecho a la salud y a la sanidad básicas. Detrás de ello lo que asoma es una cierta construcción ideológica del aborto que aún mantiene parte de la fuerza que tuvo antaño, y que, por eso, la bioética debe seguir revisando y cuest...

  5. Un análisis sociocultural sobre la maternidad y el aborto en la literatura argentina reciente


    Julieta Astorino, Lucas Saporosi y Eugenia Zicavo


    Entendiendo que se habla de la maternidad y el aborto desde una pluralidad de discursos, el presente artículo se propone analizar, desde una perspectiva sociocultural, las representaciones sobre la maternidad y la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo presentes en la literatura de ficción argentina durante el trienio 2006-2009. A partir del análisis de una serie de textos literarios seleccionados, se busca indagar los vínculos entre la construcción de la maternidad como relación social y la li...

  6. Body composition and habitual and match-day dietary intake of the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    To determine the body composition, habitual and game-specific nutritional practices of FNB Maties Varsity Cup (MVC) rugby ... After soccer, rugby is the most popular South .... supplements was quantified and added to the total habitual dietary.

  7. Physiological, Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms of Long-Term Habituation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calin-Jageman, Robert J


    Work funded on this grant has explored the mechanisms of long-term habituation, a ubiquitous form of learning that plays a key role in basic cognitive functioning. Specifically, behavioral, physiological, and molecular mechanisms of habituation have been explored using a simple model system, the tail-elicited siphon-withdrawal reflex (T-SWR) in the marine mollusk Aplysia californica. Substantial progress has been made on the first and third aims, providing some fundamental insights into the mechanisms by which memories are stored. We have characterized the physiological correlates of short- and long-term habituation. We found that short-term habituation is accompanied by a robust sensory adaptation, whereas long-term habituation is accompanied by alterations in sensory and interneuron synaptic efficacy. Thus, our data indicates memories can be shifted between different sites in a neural network as they are consolidated from short to long term. At the molecular level, we have accomplished microarray analysis comparing gene expression in both habituated and control ganglia. We have identified a network of putatively regulated transcripts that seems particularly targeted towards synaptic changes (e.g. SNAP25, calmodulin) . We are now beginning additional work to confirm regulation of these transcripts and build a more detailed understanding of the cascade of molecular events leading to the permanent storage of long-term memories. On the third aim, we have fostered a nascent neuroscience program via a variety of successful initiatives. We have funded over 11 undergraduate neuroscience scholars, several of whom have been recognized at national and regional levels for their research. We have also conducted a pioneering summer research program for community college students which is helping enhance access of underrepresented groups to life science careers. Despite minimal progress on the second aim, this project has provided a) novel insight into the network mechanisms by

  8. El conflicto mujer-embrión en debate parlamentario sobre el aborto The woman-embryo conflict in the abortion debate at the parliament

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    Susana Rostagnol


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el conflicto mujer-embrión en los debates del Senado uruguayo entre octubre y noviembre 2007 en ocasión de la discusión del proyecto de ley que legaliza el aborto. Intenta dar cuenta de algunas nociones subyacentes a la discusión, a las que clasifica sintéticamente como aquellas que promueven el 'control patrimonial del cuerpo' y las que promueven la autonomía. Desde esta perspectiva se analiza el carácter abstracto o concreto del aborto en las distintas argumentaciones, para luego discutir el carácter de persona otorgado al zef (zigoto-embrión-feto en base a fundamentos biomédicos. Luego se discute el carácter de persona moral asignado a la mujer embarazada. Finalmente se presenta el aborto como un hecho cuya significación hace a la organización de las relaciones sociales.This article analyzes the woman-embryo conflict discussed by the Uruguayan Senate during the debates on abortion legalization in October and November 2007. Its aim is to show the underlying notions, which are classified as those that promote the 'patrimonial control over the body' and those that promote autonomy. From that perspective, it analyzes the abstract or concrete standpoint given to abortion in the Senators arguments. Then, it discusses the personhood assigned to zef (zygote-embryo-fetus based on biomedical arguments. It also discusses the attribute of moral person given/or not to the pregnant woman. Finally it shows that abortion is basically a fact that influences directly in the organization of social relations.

  9. Memory for individual scent in hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) as assessed by habituation methods. (United States)

    Johnston, R E


    The memory of hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) for the flank scent of other male hamsters was investigated in a series of habituation experiments. In 2 types of habituation tasks (Experiments 1 and 2), male hamsters habituated to the flank scent of 1 male and then increased their level of investigation to that of a novel male; similar results were obtained when the intervals between trials ranged from 1 s to 2 days. When the test trial was 10 or 21 days after habituation (Experiment 3), males discriminated between familiar and novel flank scents at 10 days but not at 21 days. The results demonstrate recognition of familiar and unfamiliar individual odors and excellent memory for these differences. Habituation techniques yield extremely robust results and may be useful for investigations of other aspects of individual signatures.

  10. Habitual and value-guided purchase behavior. (United States)

    Biel, Anders; Dahlstrand, Ulf; Grankvist, Gunne


    Society increasingly requests that individuals adopt environmentally benign behavior. Information campaigns purported to change people's attitudes are often regarded as prerequisites to installing such changes. While such information may be a necessary step, it is not sufficient by itself. We argue that many everyday behaviors with environmental consequences are habitual, and that little attention is given to information directed toward changing these habitual behaviors. In other instances, behavior is guided by values in a more reflective process. However, other information besides environmental consequences may draw a person's attention and affect behavioral choice. Using surveys and experimental studies targeting consumer behavior, we studied under what conditions different kinds of information is likely to influence people with varying levels of environmental concern. Based on results from these studies, implications for behavioral change are discussed.

  11. Attention to novelty versus repetition: Contrasting habituation profiles in Autism and Williams syndrome

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    Giacomo Vivanti


    Full Text Available Background: Abnormalities in habituation have been documented in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD and Williams syndrome (WS. Such abnormalities have been proposed to underlie the distinctive social and non-social difficulties that define ASD, including sensory features and repetitive behaviours, and the distinctive social phenotype characterizing WS. Methods: We measured habituation in 39 preschoolers with ASD, 20 peers with WS and 19 typically developing (TD children using an eye-tracking protocol that measured participants’ duration of attention in response to a repeating stimulus and a novel stimulus presented side by side across multiple trials. Results: Participants in the TD group and the WS group decreased their attention toward the repeating stimulus and increased their attention to the novel stimulus over time. Conversely, the ASD group showed a similar attentional response to the novel and repeating stimuli. Habituation was correlated with social functioning in the WS but not in the ASD group. Contrary to predictions, slower habituation in ASD was associated with lower severity of repetitive behaviours. Conclusions: Habituation appears to be intact in WS and impaired in ASD. More research is needed to clarify the nature of the syndrome-specific patterns of correlations between habituation and social and non-social functioning in these neurodevelopmental disorders. Keywords: Habituation, Learning, Eye-tracking, Repetitive behaviours, Social cognition, Autism, Williams syndrome

  12. Competitive short-term and long-term memory processes in spatial habituation. (United States)

    Sanderson, David J; Bannerman, David M


    Exposure to a spatial location leads to habituation of exploration such that, in a novelty preference test, rodents subsequently prefer exploring a novel location to the familiar location. According to Wagner's (1981) theory of memory, short-term and long-term habituation are caused by separate and sometimes opponent processes. In the present study, this dual-process account of memory was tested. Mice received a series of exposure training trials to a location before receiving a novelty preference test. The novelty preference was greater when tested after a short, rather than a long, interval. In contrast, the novelty preference was weaker when exposure training trials were separated by a short, rather than a long interval. Furthermore, it was found that long-term habituation was determined by the independent effects of the amount of exposure training and the number of exposure training trials when factors such as the intertrial interval and the cumulative intertrial interval were controlled. A final experiment demonstrated that a long-term reduction of exploration could be caused by a negative priming effect due to associations formed during exploration. These results provide evidence against a single-process account of habituation and suggest that spatial habituation is determined by both short-term, recency-based memory and long-term, incrementally strengthened memory.

  13. Neosporose bovina: avaliação da transmissão vertical e fração atribuível de aborto em uma população de bovinos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Héber E. Hein


    Full Text Available O protozoário Nespora caninum é um parasito que causa grandes perdas reprodutivas e econômicas em bovinos no mundo inteiro. Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar tanto a associação entre o histórico de aborto e a presença de anticorpos contra N. caninum, quanto a transmissão vertical como forma de manutenção da infecção nos rebanhos bovinos em regiões do Rio Grande do Sul, através da sorologia pareada de mães e filhas. Foi realizada amostragem de 60 propriedades distribuídas em duas regiões do Rio Grande do Sul, das quais foi coletado sangue de 40% dos animais presentes para a detecção de anticorpos anti-N. caninum por imunofluorescência indireta (IFI. Para verificar a relação aborto e soropositividade foi utilizado o teste de regressão logística univariada, e para sorologia de mães e filhas o teste de qui-quadrado de McNemar para dados pareados. Foram confrontados os dados de sorologia e aborto, sendo encontrada a frequência de 58,5% (24/41 de soropositivos quando havia histórico de aborto, e 16,4% (199/1215 dentre os sem histórico de aborto. Os animais soropositivos apresentaram um risco 7,21 (IC 95%, 3,65-14,32 vezes maior de possuir histórico de abortamento (estatística de Wald χ2=44,93, P<0,001. A fração atribuível à neosporose como causa de aborto na população em risco nas duas regiões foi estimada em 9,73% (λpop. O resultado sorológico de cada mãe foi pareado com o de sua filha e, pelo teste de qui-quadrado de McNemar (χ2=59,84, P<0,001, houve associação significativa entre as sorologias de mães e filhas, sugerindo transmissão vertical. Ressalta-se ainda a importância do acompanhamento sorológico para N. caninum, evitando assim manutenção de animais portadores que sirvam como reservatório do protozoário nas propriedades.

  14. Maternal Habitual Midday Napping Duration and Frequency are Associated with High Birthweight. (United States)

    Zheng, Xiaoxuan; Zhang, Lina; Shen, Lijun; Song, Lulu; Li, Hui; Liu, Bingqing; Li, Yuanyuan; Xia, Wei; Zhang, Bin; Xu, Shunqing; Wang, Youjie


    Habitual midday napping is a common habit in China, especially for pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to examine whether duration and frequency of maternal habitual midday napping were associated with high birthweight (HBW). A total of 10,482 participants from Healthy Baby Cohort were include in our analysis. The information of the mothers and their infants were abstracted from medical records, or obtained from questionnaire. Logistic regression models were used to calculate the odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of habitual midday napping duration and frequency with HBW. Of the participants, 8,705 (83.0%) reported having habitual midday napping. Duration and frequency of napping had a positive association with HBW without adjustment. After controlling for potential confounders, increasing risk of HBW was observed in participants who napped 1.5-2 hours (OR, 1.50, 95% CI, 1.14, 1.98), and ≥2 hours (OR, 1.35, 95% CI, 1.03, 1.78) compared with no habitual midday napping. Participants who took naps ≥5 days/week had a higher risk of HBW (OR, 1.37, 95% CI, 1.07, 1.77) compared with the women without naps. This suggests that longer (≥1.5 hours) and more frequent (≥5 days/week) maternal habitual midday napping were associated with an increased risk of HBW.

  15. Objectively determined habitual physical activity in South African adolescents: the PAHL study (United States)


    Background There is limited data on objectively determined habitual physical activity (PA) in 16-year old South African adolescents. The purpose of this study was to objectively determine the habitual PA of adolescents from the North West Province of South Africa by race and gender. Methods Adolescents (137 girls, 89 boys) from the ongoing Physical Activity and Health Longitudinal Study (PAHL study), participated in the present study. Habitual PA was objectively recorded by means of the Actiheart® over a period of 7 days. Time spent in moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) was assessed. Results Average MVPA for the study sample was 50.9 ± 40.3 minutes/day. Girls were significantly more active than boys expending more time in MVPA (61.13 ± 52.2 minutes/day; p Physical activity varies by both gender and race in adolescents from the North West Province of South Africa. Objectively determined data from our study indicates that girls habitually spend more time in MVPA per day than boys, and that white adolescents habitually engage in more MVPA than black adolescents. Seeing as the average MVPA per day for the entire study sample falls below the recommended daily average of 60minutes/day, adolescents should be the foremost targets of interventions aimed at enhancing habitual PA. PMID:24885503

  16. Argumentos de Bioética en el Islam: aborto, planificación familiar e inseminación artificial (Elisabetta Necco)


    Plana Aznar, Jordi


    Un comentario de: Jordi Plana Aznar, Secretario de la Asociación de Bioética y Derecho de la Universitat de Barcelona. Sobre el libro: NECCO, Elisabetta: Argumentos de Bioética en el Islam: aborto, planificación familiar e inseminación artificial. Colección Cuadernos de Almenara 14, CantArabia Ediciones, Madrid, 2010. ISBN 978-84-86514-70-9. 58 páginas.

  17. Body composition and habitual and match-day dietary intake of the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Of all the MVC rugby players (N=35), 18 completed the sections on body composition and match-day dietary intake, while 11 completed the habitual dietary intake section. Body composition data were collected by an International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry-accredited biokineticist. Habitual dietary ...

  18. The influence of personal and trip characteristics on habitual parking behavior

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Waerden, van der P.J.H.J.; Timmermans, H.J.P.; Da Silva, A.N.R.


    This paper discusses some results of a study on the influence of car drivers' characteristics on habitual parking behavior. First, the level of habitual parking behavior is determined in two ways: car drivers' regularity in choosing a parking facility and car drivers' self-reporting scores for

  19. Experiencias y opiniones de los profesionales de la salud frente a la despenalización del aborto


    Laza Vásquez, Celmira; Castiblanco Montañez, Ruth Alexandra


    La Sentencia C-355 del 2006 despenalizó el aborto en Colombia bajo tres situaciones específicas: cuando la gestación constituye peligro para la vida o la salud de la mujer, ante malformaciones del feto y cuando el embarazo es producto de acceso carnal o acto sexual sin consentimiento. Así, la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo irrumpió en la sociedad colombiana en medio de una gran controversia y debate que no fue ajena a los profesionales de la salud. Es propósito de este artículo analizar...

  20. Salivary habituation to food stimuli in successful weight loss maintainers, obese and normal-weight adults (United States)

    Bond, DS; Raynor, HA; McCaffery, JM; Wing, RR


    Objective Research shows that slower habituation of salivary responses to food stimuli is related to greater energy intake and that obese (Ob) individuals habituate slower than those of normal weight (NW). No study has examined habituation rates in weight loss maintainers (WLMs) who have reduced from obese to normal weight, relative to those who are Ob or NW. Design Salivation to two baseline water trials and 10 lemon-flavored lollipop trials were studied in 14 WLMs, 15 Ob and 18 NW individuals comparable in age, gender and ethnicity. Linear mixed models were used to compare WLMs with Ob and NW groups. Results Salivation in the WLM and NW groups decreased significantly (for both P <0.005) across trials, indicative of habituation. Salivary responses in the Ob group did not habituate (P=0.46). When compared with Ob group, WLMs showed a quicker reduction in salivation (P<0.05). WLM and NW groups did not differ in habituation rate (P=0.49). Conclusions WLMs have habituation rates that are comparable to NW individuals without previous history of obesity, and show quicker habituation than those who are currently obese. These results suggest that physiological responses to food may ‘normalize’ with successful weight loss maintenance. PMID:20010900

  1. Características sócio-demográficas, reprodutivas e médicas de mulheres admitidas por aborto em hospital da Região Sul do Brasil Socio-demographic, reproductive, and clinical characteristics of abortion patients hospitalized in southern Brazil

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    Walter Fonseca


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a indução do aborto é legalmente permitida somente quando necessária para salvar a vida da mulher ou quando a concepção ocorreu de estupro. Apesar das restrições legais, morais e religiosas, a indução do aborto é amplamente praticada. Com o objetivo de identificar as características do aborto incompleto nas mulheres admitidas na maternidade pública de Florianópolis, foram entrevistadas 620 mulheres, entre 1º de julho de 1993 e 30 de junho de 1994. Com base em dados coletados por meio de questionário estruturado, são apresentadas características sócio-demográficas, reprodutivas e médicas dos abortos, classificados como certamente provocados, possivelmente provocados e espontâneos. Entre os 141 casos de aborto provocado, cerca de 50% das mulheres reportaram uso isolado do Cytotec® (misoprostol, ou deste associado a outro método abortivo. Os resultados revelam que na população estudada a indução do aborto é prática comum entre mulheres jovens, solteiras ou sem parceiro estável, de bom nível de escolaridade e não usuárias de métodos anticonceptivos. Foi também registrada uma redução do número de complicações graves relacionadas ao aborto provocado admitido ao hospital.In Brazil, induced abortion is legally allowed only when necessary to save the woman's life or when pregnancy follows rape. Despite this legal constraint, induced abortion is widespread. This study presents findings from 620 cases of incomplete abortion admitted to a major obstetric hospital in Florianópolis, Brazil, between July 1, 1993, and June 30, 1994. Almost one quarter (141 of the abortion cases were induced. About 50% of the latter patients reported having induced abortion with misoprostol alone or with other methods. Most of the women with induced abortions were young and single (or living without a stable partner, had primary schooling, and were not using any contraceptive method at the time of conception. Among the women

  2. Habitual alcohol seeking: modeling the transition from casual drinking to addiction (United States)

    Barker, Jacqueline M; Taylor, Jane R


    The transition from goal-directed actions to habitual ethanol seeking models the development of addictive behavior that characterizes alcohol use disorders. The progression to habitual ethanol-seeking behavior occurs more rapidly than for natural rewards, suggesting that ethanol may act on habit circuit to drive the loss of behavioral flexibility. This review will highlight recent research that has focused on the formation and expression of habitual ethanol seeking, and the commonalities and distinctions between ethanol and natural reward-seeking habits, with the goal of highlighting important, understudied research areas that we believe will lead toward the development of novel treatment and prevention strategies for uncontrolled drinking. PMID:25193245

  3. Investigation of habitual pitch during free play activities for preschool-aged children. (United States)

    Chen, Yang; Kimelman, Mikael D Z; Micco, Katie


    This study is designed to compare the habitual pitch measured in two different speech activities (free play activity and traditionally used structured speech activity) for normally developing preschool-aged children to explore to what extent preschoolers vary their vocal pitch among different speech environments. Habitual pitch measurements were conducted for 10 normally developing children (2 boys, 8 girls) between the ages of 31 months and 71 months during two different activities: (1) free play; and (2) structured speech. Speech samples were recorded using a throat microphone connected with a wireless transmitter in both activities. The habitual pitch (in Hz) was measured for all collected speech samples by using voice analysis software (Real-Time Pitch). Significantly higher habitual pitch is found during free play in contrast to structured speech activities. In addition, there is no showing of significant difference of habitual pitch elicited across a variety of structured speech activities. Findings suggest that the vocal usage of preschoolers appears to be more effortful during free play than during structured activities. It is recommended that a comprehensive evaluation for young children's voice needs to be based on the speech/voice samples collected from both free play and structured activities.

  4. Validity and Reproducibility of a Habitual Dietary Fibre Intake Short Food Frequency Questionnaire. (United States)

    Healey, Genelle; Brough, Louise; Murphy, Rinki; Hedderley, Duncan; Butts, Chrissie; Coad, Jane


    Low dietary fibre intake has been associated with poorer health outcomes, therefore having the ability to be able to quickly assess an individual's dietary fibre intake would prove useful in clinical practice and for research purposes. Current dietary assessment methods such as food records and food frequency questionnaires are time-consuming and burdensome, and there are presently no published short dietary fibre intake questionnaires that can quantify an individual's total habitual dietary fibre intake and classify individuals as low, moderate or high habitual dietary fibre consumers. Therefore, we aimed to develop and validate a habitual dietary fibre intake short food frequency questionnaire (DFI-FFQ) which can quickly and accurately classify individuals based on their habitual dietary fibre intake. In this study the DFI-FFQ was validated against the Monash University comprehensive nutrition assessment questionnaire (CNAQ). Fifty-two healthy, normal weight male (n = 17) and female (n = 35) participants, aged between 21 and 61 years, completed the DFI-FFQ twice and the CNAQ once. All eligible participants completed the study, however the data from 46% of the participants were excluded from analysis secondary to misreporting. The DFI-FFQ cannot accurately quantify total habitual dietary fibre intakes, however, it is a quick, valid and reproducible tool in classifying individuals based on their habitual dietary fibre intakes.

  5. Epilepsia de la infancia con paroxismos occipitales

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    Albia Pozo Alonso


    Full Text Available Se reporta que la epilepsia de la infancia con paroxismos occipitales constituye un síndrome epiléptico muy bien definido; se incluye en el grupo de las epilepsias idiopáticas relacionadas con localización. Los ataques comienzan habitualmente con síntomas visuales, en ocasiones seguidos por ataques hemiclónicos, parciales complejos y tónicoclónicos generalizados. El electroencefalograma interictal muestra complejos de puntaonda de localización occipital y temporal posterior que desaparecen con la apertura de los ojos. Se presenta una paciente de 8 años de edad que reúne los criterios clínicos y electroencefalográficos de la epilepsia de la infancia con paroxismos occipitales y se enfatiza en la evolución supuestamente benigna de dicho síndrome.Is is reported that epilepsy of childhood with occipital paroxysms is an epileptic syndrome that is well defined. It is included in the group of related idiopathic epilepsies with localization. Seizures habitually begin with visual symptoms, which are ocassionally followed by hemiclonic, complex partial, and generalized tonicclonic seizures. The interictal EEG shows spike-wave complexes of occipital and temporal posterior localization that are suppressed by eye opening. A patient aged 8 in whom the clinical and electroencephalographic criteria of epilepsy of childhood with occipital paroxysms are present is studied in this paper. Emphasis is made on the apparently benign evolution of this syndrome.

  6. Habitual coffee consumption enhances attention and vigilance in hemodialysis patients. (United States)

    Nikić, Petar M; Andrić, Branislav R; Stojimirović, Biljana B; Trbojevic-Stanković, Jasna; Bukumirić, Zoran


    Coffee drinking is the main source of caffeine intake among adult population in the western world. It has been reported that low to moderate caffeine intake has beneficial effect on alertness and cognitive functions in healthy subjects. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of habitual coffee consumption on cognitive function in hemodialysis patients. In a cross-sectional study, 86 patients from a single-dialysis centre underwent assessment by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment tool and evaluation for symptoms of fatigue, mood, and sleep disorders by well-validated questionnaires. The habitual coffee use and the average daily caffeine intake were estimated by participants' response to a dietary questionnaire. Sixty-seven subjects (78%) consumed black coffee daily, mostly in low to moderate dose. Cognitive impairment was found in three-quarters of tested patients. Normal mental performance was more often in habitual coffee users (25% versus 16%). Regular coffee drinkers achieved higher mean scores on all tested cognitive domains, but a significant positive correlation was found only for items that measure attention and concentration (P = 0.024). Moderate caffeine intake by habitual coffee consumption could have beneficial impact on cognitive function in hemodialysis patients due to selective enhancement of attention and vigilance.

  7. Habituation of medaka (Oryzias latipes) demonstrated by open-field testing. (United States)

    Matsunaga, Wataru; Watanabe, Eiji


    Habituation to novel environments is frequently studied to analyze cognitive phenotypes in animals, and an open-field test is generally conducted to investigate the changes that occur in animals during habituation. The test has not been used in behavioral studies of medaka (Oryzias latipes), which is recently being used in behavioral research. Therefore, we examined the open-field behavior of medaka on the basis of temporal changes in 2 conventional indexes of locomotion and position. The findings of our study clearly showed that medaka changed its behavior through multiple temporal phases as it became more familiar with new surroundings; this finding is consistent with those of other ethological studies in animals. During repeated open-field testing on 2 consecutive days, we observed that horizontal locomotion on the second day was less than that on the first day, which suggested that habituation is retained in fish for days. This temporal habituation was critically affected by water factors or visual cues of the tank, thereby suggesting that fish have spatial memory of their surroundings. Thus, the data from this study will afford useful fundamental information for behavioral phenotyping of medaka and for elucidating cognitive phenotypes in animals. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. With or without pheromone habituation: possible differences between insect orders? (United States)

    Suckling, David Maxwell; Stringer, Lloyd D; Jiménez-Pérez, Alfredo; Walter, Gimme H; Sullivan, Nicola; El-Sayed, Ashraf M


    Habituation to sex pheromones is one of the key mechanisms in mating disruption, an insect control tactic. Male moths often show reduced sexual response after pre-exposure to female sex pheromone. Mating disruption is relatively rare in insect orders other than Lepidoptera. As a positive control we confirmed habituation in a moth (Epiphyas postvittana) using 24 h pre-exposure to sex pheromone to reduce subsequent activation behaviour. We then tested the impact of pre-exposure to sex or trail pheromone on subsequent behavioural response with insects from three other orders. Similar pre-exposure for 24 h to either sex pheromone [Pseudococcus calceolariae (Homoptera) and apple leaf curling midge Dasineura mali (Diptera), or trail pheromone of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile (Hymenoptera)], followed by behavioural assay in clean air provided no evidence of habituation after pre-exposure in these latter cases. The moths alone were affected by pre-exposure to pheromone. For pests without habituation, sustained attraction to a point source may make lure and kill more economical. Improved knowledge of behavioural processes should lead to better success in pest management and mechanisms should be investigated further to inform studies and practical efforts generally enhancing effectiveness of pheromone-based management. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  9. Habitual Coffee Consumption Enhances Attention and Vigilance in Hemodialysis Patients

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    Petar M. Nikić


    Full Text Available Objective. Coffee drinking is the main source of caffeine intake among adult population in the western world. It has been reported that low to moderate caffeine intake has beneficial effect on alertness and cognitive functions in healthy subjects. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of habitual coffee consumption on cognitive function in hemodialysis patients. Methods. In a cross-sectional study, 86 patients from a single-dialysis centre underwent assessment by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment tool and evaluation for symptoms of fatigue, mood, and sleep disorders by well-validated questionnaires. The habitual coffee use and the average daily caffeine intake were estimated by participants’ response to a dietary questionnaire. Results. Sixty-seven subjects (78% consumed black coffee daily, mostly in low to moderate dose. Cognitive impairment was found in three-quarters of tested patients. Normal mental performance was more often in habitual coffee users (25% versus 16%. Regular coffee drinkers achieved higher mean scores on all tested cognitive domains, but a significant positive correlation was found only for items that measure attention and concentration (P=0.024. Conclusions. Moderate caffeine intake by habitual coffee consumption could have beneficial impact on cognitive function in hemodialysis patients due to selective enhancement of attention and vigilance.

  10. Irregularidad menstrual y exposición a mercurio en la minería artesanal del oro en Colombia

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    Laura Andrea Rodríguez-Villamizar


    Conclusiones. La exposición al mercurio elemental durante el proceso artesanal de la minería del oro podría estar asociada con una mayor prevalencia de irregularidad del ciclo menstrual, pero no con la presentación de abortos.

  11. Effects of temperature on heat pain adaptation and habituation in men and women. (United States)

    Hashmi, Javeria A; Davis, Karen D


    We recently reported that women report greater pain adaptation and habituation to moderately painful heat stimuli than men (Hashmi and Davis [16]); but slightly lower temperatures were needed to evoke moderate pain in the women. Hardy et al (1962) and LaMotte (1979) suggested that pain adaptation is most prominent at modest noxious heat temperatures and may occur at temperatures close to pain thresholds. Thus, as a follow-up to our previous study, we examined the role of absolute temperature in pain adaptation and habituation in men and women and assessed whether pain threshold impacts these findings. We hypothesised that pain adaptation and habituation would be more prominent at low and moderate temperatures, and that higher temperatures would induce pain adaptation and habituation in women but not in men. We further hypothesized that pain adaptation would not be correlated with pain thresholds. To test this, we obtained continuous ratings of pain evoked by 44.5-47.5°C stimuli applied to the dorsal foot of men and women. Each run consisted of three 30s stimuli at the same temperature with a 60s inter-stimulus interval. Women showed within-stimulus adaptation of total pain at all temperatures, but men showed significant adaptation to temperatures less than 47°C. There were no sex differences in inter-stimulus habituation and both men and women reported habituation to temperatures less than 46°C. Pain thresholds did not correlate with pain adaptation. These data highlight the temperature-sensitivity and sex differences of pain adaptation and habituation. Copyright © 2010 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



    Barrantes Monge,Melba de la Cruz; Mercado Morales,Elizabeth


    La derogación de la Ley del Aborto Terapéutico en Nicaragua ha generado un conflicto de opinión en la sociedad nicaragüense y, hasta el momento, no se ha llegado a un consenso en los distintos ámbitos de la sociedad. La Ley es clara en cuanto a prohibir esa práctica, pero es preciso hacer un adecuado análisis del tema, usando el diálogo como herramienta que contemple los principios bioéticos, para entender las implicancias positivas y negativas de la derogación de esta Ley en el binomio madre...

  13. Determinantes do aborto provocado entre mulheres admitidas em hospitais em localidade da região Nordeste do Brasil Determinants of iduced abortion among poor women admitted to hospitals in locality of the region northeast Brazil

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    Walter Fonseca


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de identificar os determinantes do aborto provocado entre mulheres admitidas por complicações decorrentes dos abortos, nos hospitais-maternidades públicos em Fortaleza, CE (Brasil foram entrevistadas 4.359 pacientes entre 1º de outubro de 1992 e 30 de setembro de 1993. Os dados foram coletados através de questionário estruturado. São apresentados os determinantes dos abortos provocados em 2.084 (48% mulheres classificadas como tendo induzido aborto. Dois terços (66% das mulheres relataram a indução do aborto com o uso isolado do Cytotec(R (misoprostol ou associado a outro meio abortivo. Os resultados indicam que, na população estudada, a indução do aborto é prática comum entre jovens, solteiras (ou que vivem sem um parceiro estável, de baixa paridade, com escolaridade incipiente e não-usuárias de métodos contraceptivos. Recomenda-se a realização de estudos que investiguem os conhecimentos relacionados a percepções, conceitos culturais do aborto, e às razões por que mulheres pobres fracassam na adoção de métodos de planejamento familiar.In Brazil, abortion is legally allowed only when it is necessary to save a woman's life or when pregnancy has occurred following rape. Despite this law, iduced abortion is widely carried out. This study presents the findings as to the determinants of 2,084 abortions admitted to two major obstetric hospitals in Fortaleza, Brazil, between October 1992 and September 1993. Most of these women (2,074 have admitted an attempt to terminate pregnancy and 10 women were classified as induced abortion cases based on the findings of signs of intervention such as cervical laceration, perforation or foreign bodies in the vagina or uterus. The study findings indicate that self-administration of medicines plays an important role in terminating pregnancy. Among the 2,074 women who admitted to terminating the pregnancy 66% reported using misoprostol to induce abortion. Misoprostol, a

  14. Individual variation in habituation: behaviour over time toward different stimuli in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) (United States)

    Bell, Alison M.; Peeke, Harman V.S.


    Habituation, or the relatively permanent waning of a response as a result of repeated stimulation, is a form of behavioural plasticity that allows animals to filter out irrelevant stimuli and to focus selectively on important stimuli. Individuals that fail to habituate might be at a disadvantage if they continue to respond to irrelevant stimuli; therefore, habituation can have adaptive significance. In this study we compared rates of behaviour over time toward three different ecologically-relevant stimuli (food, a male intruder and a gravid female) in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). We detected evidence for habituation to the stimuli, and males in this study were especially aggressive toward both male and female conspecifics. Although there were some clear temporal patterns that could be detected by looking at average behaviour, not all individuals behaved in the same ‘average’ way. We detected substantial inter-individual variation in behaviour toward all three stimuli, inter-individual variation in rates of habituation to both male and female conspecifics, but no evidence for correlations between behaviours across stimuli (behavioural syndromes). These results suggest that individual animals vary in rates of habituation, and prompt hypotheses about the causes and consequences of variation in rates of habituation. PMID:25678715

  15. Ablación con 131I en pacientes con carcinoma papilífero de bajo riesgo: comparación de tres métodos de preparación del paciente a través de control evolutivo


    Degrossi, EB; Degrossi, OJ; Alak, M del C; Balbuena, RL; Traverso, S; Falco, JF; Mezzadri, NA


    Antecedentes: El tratamiento habitual del carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides es tiroidectomía seguida de ablación con radioiodo(1-16). En los últimos años el empleo de ablación en casos de carcinoma papilar de tiroides considerados de bajo riesgo (CPT-BR) está en controversia(17,18). Objetivo: a) determinar que el método de estímulo de TSH con TRH (TRH-ST) es adecuado para obtener ablación. Material y métodos: Se efectuó ablación en 117 pacientes considerados CPT-BR empleando 3 métodos. G-I: ...

  16. Una prueba de captura rápida de antígenos con tiras reactivas para el diagnóstico de malaria por P. falciparum

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    Full Text Available Los avances recientes en el diagnóstico de infecciones causadas por Plasmodium falciparum han permitido considerar la posibilidad de complementar la microscopia óptica con una prueba estandarizada de captura de antígenos con tiras reactivas basada en la detección de una proteína específica del parásito, que es segregada por los estadios sanguíneos asexuados y los gametocitos inmaduros, pero no por otros estadios. Los ensayos de campo indican que esta prueba proporciona resultados replicables con un umbral de detección de parasitemia de P. falciparum similar al obtenido con microscopia habitual de alta calidad para malaria y una especificidad y sensibilidad de alrededor de 90% en comparación con la microscopia habitual con extensión de sangre en capa gruesa. La estabilidad, reproducibilidad y facilidad de uso de la prueba indican claramente sus posibilidades de aplicación en el tratamiento de la malaria, particularmente en el nivel de atención de salud periférico, siempre y cuando se pueda garantizar su precisión y su costo sea módico. También debe considerarse la posibilidad de usarla más ampliamente donde lo justifiquen los requisitos operativos y los recursos y donde las decisiones se basen en una evaluación adecuada de los sistemas de prestación de asistencia de salud existentes.

  17. Variações no conhecimento e nas opiniões dos ginecologistas e obstetras brasileiros sobre o aborto legal, entre 2003 e 2005 Knowledge and opinion variations of Brazilian obstetricians and gynecologists face to legal abortion, between 2003 and 2005

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    Anibal Faúndes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o conhecimento e a opinião de ginecologistas e obstetras acerca do aborto induzido, comparando resultados de dois inquéritos, realizados em 2003 e 2005. MÉTODOS: questionário estruturado e pré-testado enviado a todos associados à Federação Brasileira das Associações de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (FEBRASGO. Solicitou-se preenchê-lo sem identificar-se e retorná-lo em envelope pré-selado que o acompanhava, com o objetivo de assegurar o anonimato. Perguntou-se sobre conhecimento da legislação referente ao aborto no Brasil e opinião sobre a mesma. RESULTADOS: nos dois inquéritos, a porcentagem de médicos que sabiam quais as circunstâncias em que o aborto não é punido esteve acima de 80%. Porém, houve redução significativa na porcentagem daqueles que conheciam a legalidade do aborto por risco de vida. Aumentou em mais de um terço a proporção de respondentes que sabiam que o aborto por malformação congênita grave não está dentro dos permissivos legais atuais. Cresceu consistentemente a porcentagem de médicos favoráveis à permissão do aborto em várias circunstâncias, e diminuiu a proporção dos que consideravam que não deveria ser permitido em nenhuma circunstância. Diminuiu a porcentagem dos que opinaram que os permissivos legais não deveriam ser modificados, e aumentou a proporção dos que entendiam que se deveria deixar de considerar o aborto crime em qualquer circunstância. CONCLUSÕES: de modo geral, tem havido maior reflexão sobre o problema do aborto provocado no período transcorrido entre os dois inquéritos. Porém, continua se evidenciando a necessidade de informar corretamente os gineco-obstetras brasileiros sobre as leis e normas que regulamentam a prática do aborto legal no país, visando assegurar que as mulheres que necessitam tenham, de fato, acesso a esse direito.PURPOSE: to evaluate and compare the knowledge and the opinion of gynecologists and obstetricians regarding

  18. Fundamental movement skills and habitual physical activity in young children. (United States)

    Fisher, Abigail; Reilly, John J; Kelly, Louise A; Montgomery, Colette; Williamson, Avril; Paton, James Y; Grant, Stan


    To test for relationships between objectively measured habitual physical activity and fundamental movement skills in a relatively large and representative sample of preschool children. Physical activity was measured over 6 d using the Computer Science and Applications (CSA) accelerometer in 394 boys and girls (mean age 4.2, SD 0.5 yr). Children were scored on 15 fundamental movement skills, based on the Movement Assessment Battery, by a single observer. Total physical activity (r=0.10, Pmovement skills score. Time spent in light-intensity physical activity was not significantly correlated with motor skills score (r=0.02, P>0.05). In this sample and setting, fundamental movement skills were significantly associated with habitual physical activity, but the association between the two variables was weak. The present study questions whether the widely assumed relationships between motor skills and habitual physical activity actually exist in young children.

  19. Effect of interpersonal and cognitive stressors on habituation and the utility of heart rate variability to measure habituation (United States)

    Interpersonal stressors promote eating. Habituation to the sensory properties of a food slows or stops motivated responding for a food. Stress may increase eating by acting as a dishabituator that prolongs responding for a food. Mental arithmetic (memory requirements), Stroop task (cognitive disson...

  20. Fatores de risco e preditores para o aborto induzido: estudo de base populacional Risk factors and predictors of induced abortion: a population-based study

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    Maria Teresa Anselmo Olinto


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho investigou os principais fatores de risco e preditores para o aborto induzido. Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional com uma amostra representativa de 3.002 mulheres de 15 a 49 anos residentes no Sul do Brasil. Para responder as questões de aborto, as mulheres foram alocadas entre duas metodologias: método da urna ou método das questões indiretas. Informações sócio-econômicas, demográficas e reprodutivas foram obtidas por meio de um questionário pré-codificado. Na análise e interpretação dos dados utilizou-se o modelo de regressão logística. Teorema de Bayes foi aplicado para a determinação das probabilidades a posteriori permitindo a transformação dos dados agregados em dados individuais. Abortos induzidos estiveram fortemente relacionados com relatos de perda fetal em todas as idades. Entre as adolescentes, os principais preditores foram: pertencer a famílias de baixa renda, ter baixa escolaridade e alta evasão escolar, além de conhecerem um número maior de métodos contraceptivos. Para as mulheres de 20 a 49 anos de idade não houve diferença sócio-econômica, sendo que, estado civil e características reprodutivas, incluindo conhecimento de métodos contraceptivos, foram os fatores de risco freqüentes para o aborto induzido.This study aimed to identify key risk factors and predictors of induced abortion. A cross-sectional population-based study was conducted with a representative sample of 3,002 women 15 to 49 years of age in southern Brazil, randomly assigned to answer questions on induced abortion using either the ballot-box method or the indirect questioning method. Socioeconomic, demographic, and reproductive data were obtained through a pre-coded questionnaire. Data analysis used epidemiological statistical inferences and Bayes' theorem to calculate a posteriori probability. Induced abortion was strongly associated with fetal loss for all age groups. In adolescents, the

  1. Aging affects the balance between goal-guided and habitual spatial attention. (United States)

    Twedell, Emily L; Koutstaal, Wilma; Jiang, Yuhong V


    Visual clutter imposes significant challenges to older adults in everyday tasks and often calls on selective processing of relevant information. Previous research has shown that both visual search habits and task goals influence older adults' allocation of spatial attention, but has not examined the relative impact of these two sources of attention when they compete. To examine how aging affects the balance between goal-driven and habitual attention, and to inform our understanding of different attentional subsystems, we tested young and older adults in an adapted visual search task involving a display laid flat on a desk. To induce habitual attention, unbeknownst to participants, the target was more often placed in one quadrant than in the others. All participants rapidly acquired habitual attention toward the high-probability quadrant. We then informed participants where the high-probability quadrant was and instructed them to search that screen location first-but pitted their habit-based, viewer-centered search against this instruction by requiring participants to change their physical position relative to the desk. Both groups prioritized search in the instructed location, but this effect was stronger in young adults than in older adults. In contrast, age did not influence viewer-centered search habits: the two groups showed similar attentional preference for the visual field where the target was most often found before. Aging disrupted goal-guided but not habitual attention. Product, work, and home design for people of all ages--but especially for older individuals--should take into account the strong viewer-centered nature of habitual attention.

  2. Boredom and Passion: Triggers of Habitual Entrepreneurship

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Müller, Sabine; Neergaard, Helle

    . The case based, the study identifies eight factors, which contribute to consecutive venture creation. The findings suggest that boredom and passion are necessary conditions triggering habitual entrepreneurship. Other important mechanisms included the joy of discovering and exploiting an opportunity...

  3. "My worries are rational, climate change is not": habitual ecological worrying is an adaptive response.

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    Bas Verplanken

    Full Text Available Qualifications such as "global warming hysteria" and "energy policy schizophrenia" put forward by some climate change skeptics, usually outside the academic arena, may suggest that people who seriously worry about the environment suffer from psychological imbalance. The present study aimed to refute this thesis. While habitual worrying in general is strongly associated with psychopathological symptoms, in a survey a near-zero correlation was found between habitual ecological worrying and pathological worry. Instead, habitual ecological worrying was associated with pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors, and with a personality structure characterized by imagination and an appreciation for new ideas. The study had sufficient statistical power and measures were valid and reliable. The results confirm that those who habitually worry about the ecology are not only lacking in any psychopathology, but demonstrate a constructive and adaptive response to a serious problem. In the public domain, these findings may contribute to a more rational and less emotional debate on climate change and to the prevention of stigmatization of people who are genuinely concerned about our habitat and are prepared to do something about it ("habitual worriers are not crazy". In the academic arena this study may contribute to environmental psychology ("habitual worrying is part of a green identity", as well as to the literature on worry and anxiety ("habitual worrying can be a constructive response".

  4. "My worries are rational, climate change is not": habitual ecological worrying is an adaptive response. (United States)

    Verplanken, Bas; Roy, Deborah


    Qualifications such as "global warming hysteria" and "energy policy schizophrenia" put forward by some climate change skeptics, usually outside the academic arena, may suggest that people who seriously worry about the environment suffer from psychological imbalance. The present study aimed to refute this thesis. While habitual worrying in general is strongly associated with psychopathological symptoms, in a survey a near-zero correlation was found between habitual ecological worrying and pathological worry. Instead, habitual ecological worrying was associated with pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors, and with a personality structure characterized by imagination and an appreciation for new ideas. The study had sufficient statistical power and measures were valid and reliable. The results confirm that those who habitually worry about the ecology are not only lacking in any psychopathology, but demonstrate a constructive and adaptive response to a serious problem. In the public domain, these findings may contribute to a more rational and less emotional debate on climate change and to the prevention of stigmatization of people who are genuinely concerned about our habitat and are prepared to do something about it ("habitual worriers are not crazy"). In the academic arena this study may contribute to environmental psychology ("habitual worrying is part of a green identity"), as well as to the literature on worry and anxiety ("habitual worrying can be a constructive response").

  5. Percepción del aborto: voces de los médicos en el Hospital de San José (Bogotá

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    Celmira Laza-Vásquez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comprender la percepción acerca de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo (ive, bajo las tres causales definidas en la Sentencia C-355 del 2006, en un grupo de médicos del Hospital de San José, Bogotá-Colombia. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo hermenéutico. La muestra se configuró con quince médicos del servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia seleccionados por muestreo teórico y el tamaño de la muestra se determinó por saturación de la información. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante entrevistas a profundidad que fueron analizadas con la propuesta de Heidegger, Diekelman, Allen y Tanner. Resultados: La Sentencia C-355 de 2006, fue percibida como una disposición necesaria que le reconoce a la mujer el derecho a decidir sobre su vida y reproducción; además, ofrece una interrupción del embarazo segura. Asimismo, aporta a la disminución de problemáticas sociales, del sistema de salud y familiares; aunque en la sociedad colombiana persiste una percepción negativa de la ive. No obstante, señalaron las falencias de la Sentencia: ausencia en las definiciones del concepto de salud y del límite de semanas de gestación para acceder a la ive; y de atención psicológica y genética posterior a la interrupción. Discusión: La Sentencia es un avance significativo para Colombia. A pesar de aceptar la ive, los participantes reconocen los cuestionamientos que nacen de esta práctica y que son producto de sus valores religiosos y familiares, y de la estigmatización social del aborto. Conclusiones: Es inminente la revisión de la Sentencia y la participación de los médicos en este proceso

  6. Competition with Variety Seeking and Habitual Consumption: Price Commitment or Quality Commitment?

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    Liyang Xiong


    Full Text Available This paper investigates price and quality competition in a market where consumers seek variety and habit formation. Variety seeking is modeled as a decrease in the willingness to pay for product purchased on the previous occasion while habitual consumption may increase future marginal utility. We compare two competing strategies: price commitment and quality commitment. With a three-stage Hotelling-type model, we show that variety seeking intensifies while habitual consumption softens the competition. With price commitment, firms supply lower quality levels in period 1 and higher quality levels in period 2, while, with quality commitment, firms charge higher prices in period 1 and lower prices in period 2. However, the habitual consumption brings the opposite effect. In addition, with quality commitment variety seeking leads to a lower profit and a higher consumer surplus, while habitual consumption leads to the opposite results. On the other side, with price commitment these behaviors have no effect on the consumer surplus, although they still lower down the firm profits. Finally, we also identify conditions under which one strategy outperforms the other.

  7. Efectos educativos de la fecundidad adolescente: evidencia causal a partir de la legalización del aborto en Uruguay


    Alzúa, María Laura; Velázquez Battistessa, Cecilia


    Uruguay registra una fuerte brecha entre las tasas de asistencia escolar de las madres adolescentes y sus pares sin hijos. Este trabajo investiga si esta brecha responde a una relación causal, identificando el impacto de tener un hijo en la adolescencia sobre la asistencia al sistema educativo y la acumulación de capital humano de las jóvenes. Para subsanar el problema de endogeneidad de las decisiones educativas y de fecundidad, se hace uso de la reforma que legalizó el aborto en Uruguay ...

  8. Discriminación auditiva en entornos de ruido, en personas que usan auriculares de forma habitual || Perception of phonemes in noise environments, in people who usually use headphones

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    Natalia Malagón


    Full Text Available La finalidad de este trabajo era conocer cómo la utilización diaria y prolongada de auriculares, así como el ruido de fondo, afectan a la comprensión del habla. Existe evidencia en la literatura de que el uso habitual de auriculares puede traducirse en una pérdida de audición en la frecuencia de 3000 Hz, y también son conocidas las dificultades de comprensión que surgen cuando hay un elevado nivel de ruido ambiental. Por ello, en esta investigación se quiso contar con una muestra de personas que prácticamente no han sido objeto de estudio pero que por su ocupación llevan cierto tiempo bajo los efectos de ambos factores. Así, se contó con la colaboración como grupo experimental de 24 teleoperadoras y de otras 20 personas no relacionadas con la profesión como grupo control equivalente. Para la tarea de evaluación se empleó una versión reducida y en español del Speech Perception in Noise Test. La tarea consistía en repetir la última palabra de una serie de frases pregrabadas con distintos sonidos de fondo, en las que había distintos fonemas y diferente predictibilidad de las palabras. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la utilización habitual de auriculares tiene un efecto negativo sobre la percepción auditiva de ciertas frecuencias y que el ruido de call center afecta negativamente a la compresión del habla, incluso más que el de tráfico. Estos hallazgos son de aplicación tanto en lo laboral como en lo educativo y prueban la importancia de sensibilizar a la población sobre el uso adecuado de auriculares.

  9. Tryptophan Depletion Promotes Habitual over Goal-Directed Control of Appetitive Responding in Humans. (United States)

    Worbe, Yulia; Savulich, George; de Wit, Sanne; Fernandez-Egea, Emilio; Robbins, Trevor W


    Optimal behavioral performance results from a balance between goal-directed and habitual systems of behavioral control, which are modulated by ascending monoaminergic projections. While the role of the dopaminergic system in behavioral control has been recently addressed, the extent to which changes in global serotonin neurotransmission could influence these 2 systems is still poorly understood. We employed the dietary acute tryptophan depletion procedure to reduce serotonin neurotransmission in 18 healthy volunteers and 18 matched controls. We used a 3-stage instrumental learning paradigm that includes an initial instrumental learning stage, a subsequent outcome-devaluation test, and a slip-of-action stage, which directly tests the balance between hypothetical goal-directed and habitual systems. We also employed a separate response inhibition control test to assess the behavioral specificity of the results. Acute tryptophan depletion produced a shift of behavioral performance towards habitual responding as indexed by performance on the slip-of-action test. Moreover, greater habitual responding in the acute tryptophan depletion group was predicted by a steeper decline in plasma tryptophan levels. In contrast, acute tryptophan depletion left intact the ability to use discriminative stimuli to guide instrumental choice as indexed by the instrumental learning stage and did not impair inhibitory response control. The major implication of this study is that serotonin modulates the balance between goal-directed and stimulus-response habitual systems of behavioral control. Our findings thus imply that diminished serotonin neurotransmission shifts behavioral control towards habitual responding. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of CINP.

  10. La cuestión del aborto en Argentina : Una mirada a partir de la prensa periódica


    Brown, Josefina Leonor


    La legalización del aborto es una demanda central en términos de derechos y ciudadanía para una buena parte del movimiento de mujeres y las feministas en la Argentina. Ese debate pone en juego cuestiones centrales en términos de algunas categorías claves para pensar los derechos: igualdad y diferencia; libertad e igualdad. Parte de ese debate ha sido receptado de algún modo por los medios masivos de comunicación como formadores de opinión pública. Este trabajo apunta a describir cuál ha sido ...

  11. Variation in foot strike patterns during running among habitually barefoot populations. (United States)

    Hatala, Kevin G; Dingwall, Heather L; Wunderlich, Roshna E; Richmond, Brian G


    Endurance running may have a long evolutionary history in the hominin clade but it was not until very recently that humans ran wearing shoes. Research on modern habitually unshod runners has suggested that they utilize a different biomechanical strategy than runners who wear shoes, namely that barefoot runners typically use a forefoot strike in order to avoid generating the high impact forces that would be experienced if they were to strike the ground with their heels first. This finding suggests that our habitually unshod ancestors may have run in a similar way. However, this research was conducted on a single population and we know little about variation in running form among habitually barefoot people, including the effects of running speed, which has been shown to affect strike patterns in shod runners. Here, we present the results of our investigation into the selection of running foot strike patterns among another modern habitually unshod group, the Daasanach of northern Kenya. Data were collected from 38 consenting adults as they ran along a trackway with a plantar pressure pad placed midway along its length. Subjects ran at self-selected endurance running and sprinting speeds. Our data support the hypothesis that a forefoot strike reduces the magnitude of impact loading, but the majority of subjects instead used a rearfoot strike at endurance running speeds. Their percentages of midfoot and forefoot strikes increased significantly with speed. These results indicate that not all habitually barefoot people prefer running with a forefoot strike, and suggest that other factors such as running speed, training level, substrate mechanical properties, running distance, and running frequency, influence the selection of foot strike patterns.

  12. Variation in foot strike patterns during running among habitually barefoot populations.

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    Kevin G Hatala

    Full Text Available Endurance running may have a long evolutionary history in the hominin clade but it was not until very recently that humans ran wearing shoes. Research on modern habitually unshod runners has suggested that they utilize a different biomechanical strategy than runners who wear shoes, namely that barefoot runners typically use a forefoot strike in order to avoid generating the high impact forces that would be experienced if they were to strike the ground with their heels first. This finding suggests that our habitually unshod ancestors may have run in a similar way. However, this research was conducted on a single population and we know little about variation in running form among habitually barefoot people, including the effects of running speed, which has been shown to affect strike patterns in shod runners. Here, we present the results of our investigation into the selection of running foot strike patterns among another modern habitually unshod group, the Daasanach of northern Kenya. Data were collected from 38 consenting adults as they ran along a trackway with a plantar pressure pad placed midway along its length. Subjects ran at self-selected endurance running and sprinting speeds. Our data support the hypothesis that a forefoot strike reduces the magnitude of impact loading, but the majority of subjects instead used a rearfoot strike at endurance running speeds. Their percentages of midfoot and forefoot strikes increased significantly with speed. These results indicate that not all habitually barefoot people prefer running with a forefoot strike, and suggest that other factors such as running speed, training level, substrate mechanical properties, running distance, and running frequency, influence the selection of foot strike patterns.

  13. Evidence for habituation of the irrelevant-sound effect on serial recall. (United States)

    Röer, Jan P; Bell, Raoul; Buchner, Axel


    Working memory theories make opposing predictions as to whether the disruptive effect of task-irrelevant sound on serial recall should be attenuated after repeated exposure to the auditory distractors. Although evidence of habituation has emerged after a passive listening phase, previous attempts to observe habituation to to-be ignored distractors on a trial-by-trial basis have proven to be fruitless. With the present study, we suggest that habituation to auditory distractors occurs, but has often been overlooked because past attempts to measure habituation in the irrelevant-sound paradigm were not sensitive enough. In a series of four experiments, the disruptive effects of to-be-ignored speech and music relative to a quiet control condition were markedly reduced after eight repetitions, regardless of whether trials were presented in blocks (Exp. 1) or in a random order (Exp. 2). The auditory distractor's playback direction (forward, backward) had no effect (Exp. 3). The same results were obtained when the auditory distractors were only presented in a retention interval after the presentation of the to-be-remembered items (Exp. 4). This pattern is only consistent with theoretical accounts that allow for attentional processes to interfere with the maintenance of information in working memory.

  14. Habituation and adaptation of the vestibuloocular reflex: a model of differential control by the vestibulocerebellum (United States)

    Cohen, H.; Cohen, B.; Raphan, T.; Waespe, W.


    We habituated the dominant time constant of the horizontal vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) of rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys by repeated testing with steps of velocity about a vertical axis and adapted the gain of the VOR by altering visual input with magnifying and reducing lenses. After baseline values were established, the nodulus and ventral uvula of the vestibulocerebellum were ablated in two monkeys, and the effects of nodulouvulectomy and flocculectomy on VOR gain adaptation and habituation were compared. The VOR time constant decreased with repeated testing, rapidly at first and more slowly thereafter. The gain of the VOR was unaffected. Massed trials were more effective than distributed trials in producing habituation. Regardless of the schedule of testing, the VOR time constant never fell below the time constant of the semicircular canals (approximately 5 s). This finding indicates that only the slow component of the vestibular response, the component produced by velocity storage, was habituated. In agreement with this, the time constant of optokinetic after-nystagmus (OKAN) was habituated concurrently with the VOR. Average values for VOR habituation were obtained on a per session basis for six animals. The VOR gain was adapted by natural head movements in partially habituated monkeys while they wore x 2.2 magnifying or x 0.5 reducing lenses. Adaptation occurred rapidly and reached about +/- 30%, similar to values obtained using forced rotation. VOR gain adaptation did not cause additional habituation of the time constant. When the VOR gain was reduced in animals with a long VOR time constant, there were overshoots in eye velocity that peaked at about 6-8 s after the onset or end of constant-velocity rotation. These overshoots occurred at times when the velocity storage integrator would have been maximally activated by semicircular canal input. Since the activity generated in the canals is not altered by visual adaptation, this finding indicates that the gain

  15. Habituation to a stressor predicts adolescents' adiposity (United States)

    Background and Objectives: Stress is associated with gains in adiposity. One factor that determines how much stress is experienced is how quickly an adolescent reduces responding (habituates) across repeated stressors. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of body mass index pe...

  16. Homens e abortamento espontâneo: narrativas das experiências compartilhadas Hombres y aborto espontáneo: narrativas de experiencias compartidas Men and miscarriage: narratives of shared experiences

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    Márcia Melo de Laet Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Maior envolvimento masculino na saúde reprodutiva é um desafio da atualidade; em âmbito nacional e internacional existem recomendações para desenvolver pesquisas sob a perspectiva masculina. Objetivo: Compreender a experiência de homens que compartilharam do processo de abortamento espontâneo de suas parceiras. Método: Utilizou-se a abordagem qualitativa e a análise da narrativa foi o método empregado. Foram identificadas as similaridades nas experiências de nove homens entrevistados, que permitiram elaborar as seguintes categorias descritivas: Vivenciando a notícia da gravidez; identificando as possíveis causas do abortamento; expressando sentimentos relativos à experiência do abortamento; tomando atitudes em decorrência do abortamento; ponderando sobre a experiência vivida. Conclusão: Homens que compartilham da experiência do abortamento espontâneo requerem sensibilidade e envolvimento dos profissionais que os assistem, expressaram o desejo do acolhimento, o recebimento de suporte emocional e informações completas e precisas sobre o conjunto do processo.Un mayor involucramiento masculino en la salud reproductiva es un desafío de la actualidad. En el ámbito nacional e internacional existen recomendaciones para desarrollar investigaciones bajo la perspectiva masculina. Objetivo: Comprender la experiencia de hombres que comparten el proceso del aborto espontáneo de sus parejas. Método: Se utilizó el abordaje cualitativo y el análisis de la narrativa. Fueron identificadas las similaridades en las experiencias de nueve hombres entrevistados, que permitieron elaborar las siguientes categorías descriptivas: Vivenciando la noticia del embarazo; identificando las posibles causas del aborto; expresando sentimientos relativos a la experiencia del aborto; tomando actitudes en consecuencia del aborto; ponderando sobre la experiencia vivida. Conclusión: los hombres que comparten la experiencia del aborto espontáneo requieren

  17. No Compromise of Competition Sleep Compared With Habitual Sleep in Elite Australian Footballers. (United States)

    Lalor, Benita J; Halson, Shona L; Tran, Jacqueline; Kemp, Justin G; Cormack, Stuart J


    To assess the impact of match-start time and days relative to match compared with the habitual sleep characteristics of elite Australian Football (AF) players. 45 elite male AF players were assessed during the preseason (habitual) and across 4 home matches during the season. Players wore an activity monitor the night before (-1), night of (0), 1 night after (+1), and 2 nights (+2) after each match and completed a self-reported rating of sleep quality. A 2-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc was used to determine differences in sleep characteristics between match-start times and days relative to the match. Two-way nested ANOVA was conducted to examine differences between competition and habitual phases. Effect size ± 90% confidence interval (ES ± 90% CI) was calculated to quantify the magnitude of pairwise differences. Differences observed in sleep-onset latency (ES = 0.11 ± 0.16), sleep rating (ES = 0.08 ± 0.14), and sleep duration (ES = 0.08 ± 0.01) between competition and habitual periods were trivial. Sleep efficiency was almost certainly higher during competition than habitual, but this was not reflected in the subjective rating of sleep quality. Elite AF competition does not cause substantial disruption to sleep characteristics compared with habitual sleep. While match-start time has some impact on sleep variables, it appears that the match itself is more of a disruption than the start time. Subjective ratings of sleep from well-being questionnaires appear limited in their ability to accurately provide an indication of sleep quality.

  18. Olfactory habituation in Drosophila-odor encoding and its plasticity in the antennal lobe. (United States)

    Twick, Isabell; Lee, John Anthony; Ramaswami, Mani


    A ubiquitous feature of an animal's response to an odorant is that it declines when the odorant is frequently or continuously encountered. This decline in olfactory response, termed olfactory habituation, can have temporally or mechanistically different forms. The neural circuitry of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster's olfactory system is well defined in terms of component cells, which are readily accessible to functional studies and genetic manipulation. This makes it a particularly useful preparation for the investigation of olfactory habituation. In addition, the insect olfactory system shares many architectural and functional similarities with mammalian olfactory systems, suggesting that olfactory mechanisms in insects may be broadly relevant. In this chapter, we discuss the likely mechanisms of olfactory habituation in context of the participating cell types, their connectivity, and their roles in sensory processing. We overview the structure and function of key cell types, the mechanisms that stimulate them, and how they transduce and process odor signals. We then consider how each stage of olfactory processing could potentially contribute to behavioral habituation. After this, we overview a variety of recent mechanistic studies that point to an important role for potentiation of inhibitory synapses in the primary olfactory processing center, the antennal lobe, in driving the reduced response to familiar odorants. Following the discussion of mechanisms for short- and long-term olfactory habituation, we end by considering how these mechanisms may be regulated by neuromodulators, which likely play key roles in the induction, gating, or suppression of habituated behavior, and speculate on the relevance of these processes for other forms of learning and memory. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. “My Worries Are Rational, Climate Change Is Not”: Habitual Ecological Worrying Is an Adaptive Response (United States)

    Verplanken, Bas; Roy, Deborah


    Qualifications such as “global warming hysteria” and “energy policy schizophrenia” put forward by some climate change skeptics, usually outside the academic arena, may suggest that people who seriously worry about the environment suffer from psychological imbalance. The present study aimed to refute this thesis. While habitual worrying in general is strongly associated with psychopathological symptoms, in a survey a near-zero correlation was found between habitual ecological worrying and pathological worry. Instead, habitual ecological worrying was associated with pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors, and with a personality structure characterized by imagination and an appreciation for new ideas. The study had sufficient statistical power and measures were valid and reliable. The results confirm that those who habitually worry about the ecology are not only lacking in any psychopathology, but demonstrate a constructive and adaptive response to a serious problem. In the public domain, these findings may contribute to a more rational and less emotional debate on climate change and to the prevention of stigmatization of people who are genuinely concerned about our habitat and are prepared to do something about it (“habitual worriers are not crazy”). In the academic arena this study may contribute to environmental psychology (“habitual worrying is part of a green identity”), as well as to the literature on worry and anxiety (“habitual worrying can be a constructive response”). PMID:24023958

  20. From episodic to habitual prospective memory: ERP-evidence for a linear transition (United States)

    Meier, Beat; Matter, Sibylle; Baumann, Brigitta; Walter, Stefan; Koenig, Thomas


    Performing a prospective memory task repeatedly changes the nature of the task from episodic to habitual. The goal of the present study was to investigate the neural basis of this transition. In two experiments, we contrasted event-related potentials (ERPs) evoked by correct responses to prospective memory targets in the first, more episodic part of the experiment with those of the second, more habitual part of the experiment. Specifically, we tested whether the early, middle, or late ERP-components, which are thought to reflect cue detection, retrieval of the intention, and post-retrieval processes, respectively, would be changed by routinely performing the prospective memory task. The results showed a differential ERP effect in the middle time window (450–650 ms post-stimulus). Source localization using low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography analysis suggests that the transition was accompanied by an increase of activation in the posterior parietal and occipital cortex. These findings indicate that habitual prospective memory involves retrieval processes guided more strongly by parietal brain structures. In brief, the study demonstrates that episodic and habitual prospective memory tasks recruit different brain areas. PMID:25071519

  1. Associative learning versus fear habituation as predictors of long-term extinction retention. (United States)

    Brown, Lily A; LeBeau, Richard T; Chat, Ka Yi; Craske, Michelle G


    Violation of unconditioned stimulus (US) expectancy during extinction training may enhance associative learning and result in improved long-term extinction retention compared to within-session habituation. This experiment examines variation in US expectancy (i.e., expectancy violation) as a predictor of long-term extinction retention. It also examines within-session habituation of fear-potentiated startle (electromyography, EMG) and fear of conditioned stimuli (CS) throughout extinction training as predictors of extinction retention. Participants (n = 63) underwent fear conditioning, extinction and retention and provided continuous ratings of US expectancy and EMG, as well as CS fear ratings before and after each phase. Variation in US expectancy throughout extinction and habituation of EMG and fear was entered into a regression as predictors of retention and reinstatement of levels of expectancy and fear. Greater variation in US expectancy throughout extinction training was significantly predictive of enhanced extinction performance measured at retention test, although not after reinstatement test. Slope of EMG and CS fear during extinction did not predict retention of extinction. Within-session habituation of EMG and self-reported fear is not sufficient for long-term retention of extinction learning, and models emphasizing expectation violation may result in enhanced outcomes.

  2. Reversible online control of habitual behavior by optogenetic perturbation of medial prefrontal cortex (United States)

    Smith, Kyle S.; Virkud, Arti; Deisseroth, Karl; Graybiel, Ann M.


    Habits tend to form slowly but, once formed, can have great stability. We probed these temporal characteristics of habitual behaviors by intervening optogenetically in forebrain habit circuits as rats performed well-ingrained habitual runs in a T-maze. We trained rats to perform a maze habit, confirmed the habitual behavior by devaluation tests, and then, during the maze runs (ca. 3 s), we disrupted population activity in a small region in the medial prefrontal cortex, the infralimbic cortex. In accordance with evidence that this region is necessary for the expression of habits, we found that this cortical disruption blocked habitual behavior. Notably, however, this blockade of habitual performance occurred on line, within an average of three trials (ca. 9 s of inhibition), and as soon as during the first trial (habit, and, simultaneously, the more recently acquired habit was blocked. These online changes occurred within an average of two trials (ca. 6 s of infralimbic inhibition). Measured changes in generalized performance ability and motivation to consume reward were unaffected. This immediate toggling between breaking old habits and returning to them demonstrates that even semiautomatic behaviors are under cortical control and that this control occurs online, second by second. These temporal characteristics define a framework for uncovering cellular transitions between fixed and flexible behaviors, and corresponding disturbances in pathologies. PMID:23112197

  3. The relative importance of habitual and deliberative factors in food consumer behaviour

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scholderer, Joachim; Olsen, Svein Ottar; Brunsø, Karen


    Rational-choice approaches to consumer behaviour neglect the influence of habitual factors. Previous research outside the food choice area has found that habitual factors tend to dominate when the target behaviour is performed often and in stable contexts, whilst deliberative factors tend......), 0.18 (Denmark), 0.10 (Spain), 0.16 (Netherlands), 0.00 (Poland). Although no general answer may exist to the question whether habitual or deliberative factors are more important in food consumer behaviour, habits appear to dominate behaviour in the domain of seafood consumption....... to dominate when the target behaviour is performed rarely and in unstable contexts. In the food choice area, only little research exists that would allow a similar assessment. As part of the SEAFOODplus project, representative surveys were conducted in Belgium, Denmark, Spain, the Netherlands, and Poland...

  4. The relative importance of habitual and deliberative factors in food consumer behaviour

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scholderer, Joachim; Olsen, Svein Ottar; Brunsø, Karen


    Rational-choice approaches to consumer behaviour neglect the influence of habitual factors. Previous research outside the food choice area has found that habitual factors tend to dominate when the target behaviour is performed often and in stable contexts, whilst deliberative factors tend...... to dominate when the target behaviour is performed rarely and in unstable contexts. In the food choice area, only little research exists that would allow a similar assessment. As part of the SEAFOODplus project, representative surveys were conducted in Belgium, Denmark, Spain, the Netherlands, and Poland......), 0.18 (Denmark), 0.10 (Spain), 0.16 (Netherlands), 0.00 (Poland). Although no general answer may exist to the question whether habitual or deliberative factors are more important in food consumer behaviour, habits appear to dominate behaviour in the domain of seafood consumption....

  5. Habituation in non-neural organisms: evidence from slime moulds. (United States)

    Boisseau, Romain P; Vogel, David; Dussutour, Audrey


    Learning, defined as a change in behaviour evoked by experience, has hitherto been investigated almost exclusively in multicellular neural organisms. Evidence for learning in non-neural multicellular organisms is scant, and only a few unequivocal reports of learning have been described in single-celled organisms. Here we demonstrate habituation, an unmistakable form of learning, in the non-neural organism Physarum polycephalum In our experiment, using chemotaxis as the behavioural output and quinine or caffeine as the stimulus, we showed that P. polycephalum learnt to ignore quinine or caffeine when the stimuli were repeated, but responded again when the stimulus was withheld for a certain time. Our results meet the principle criteria that have been used to demonstrate habituation: responsiveness decline and spontaneous recovery. To distinguish habituation from sensory adaptation or motor fatigue, we also show stimulus specificity. Our results point to the diversity of organisms lacking neurons, which likely display a hitherto unrecognized capacity for learning, and suggest that slime moulds may be an ideal model system in which to investigate fundamental mechanisms underlying learning processes. Besides, documenting learning in non-neural organisms such as slime moulds is centrally important to a comprehensive, phylogenetic understanding of when and where in the tree of life the earliest manifestations of learning evolved. © 2016 The Author(s).

  6. Habitual sleep variability, not sleep duration, is associated with caloric intake in adolescents. (United States)

    He, Fan; Bixler, Edward O; Berg, Arthur; Imamura Kawasawa, Yuka; Vgontzas, Alexandros N; Fernandez-Mendoza, Julio; Yanosky, Jeff; Liao, Duanping


    The objective of this study was to investigate the associations between objectively measured habitual sleep duration (HSD), habitual sleep variability (HSV), and energy and snack intake in adolescents. We used data from 324 adolescents who participated in the Penn State Child Cohort follow-up examination. Actigraphy was used over seven consecutive nights to estimate nightly sleep duration. The seven-night mean and standard deviation of sleep duration were used to represent HSD and HSV, respectively. The Youth/Adolescent Food Frequency Questionnaire was used to obtain the daily average total energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake, and number of snacks consumed. Linear regression models were used to investigate the associations between habitual sleep patterns and caloric, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake. Proportional odds models were used to associate habitual sleep patterns with snack consumption. After adjusting for age, sex, race, body mass index (BMI) percentile, and smoking status, an increased HSV was associated with a higher energy intake, particularly from fat and carbohydrate. For example, with a 1-h increase in HSV, there was a 170 (66)-kcal increase in the daily total energy intake. An increased HSV was also related to increased snack consumption, especially snacks consumed after dinner. For instance, a 1-h increase in HSV was associated with 65% and 94% higher odds of consuming more snacks after dinner during school/workdays and weekends/vacation days, respectively. Neither energy intake nor snack consumption was significantly related to HSD. High habitual sleep variability, not habitual sleep duration, is related to increased energy and food consumption in adolescents. Maintaining a regular sleep pattern may decrease the risk of obesity in adolescents. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Misoprostol para todxs: objetivos y alcances del activismo lésbico en la lucha por el aborto en Argentina


    Pampin, Ayelen Marina


    La cuestión del aborto se presenta hoy en día en Argentina como un tema absolutamente controversial y encontrar unidad respecto del mismo es difícil. Sin embargo, una de las particularidades que caracterizan el debate es que, visiblemente, está dividido en dos bandos: los que están a favor de la legalización y los que están en contra. Esta división está tan naturalizada que invisibiliza los matices que constituyen la polémica, como por ejemplo, las numerosas y complejas contradicciones que se...

  8. Habituation of Salmonella spp. at Reduced Water Activity and Its Effect on Heat Tolerance (United States)

    Mattick, K. L.; Jørgensen, F.; Legan, J. D.; Lappin-Scott, H. M.; Humphrey, T. J.


    The effect of habituation at reduced water activity (aw) on heat tolerance of Salmonella spp. was investigated. Stationary-phase cells were exposed to aw 0.95 in broths containing glucose-fructose, sodium chloride, or glycerol at 21°C for up to a week prior to heat challenge at 54°C. In addition, the effects of different aws and heat challenge temperatures were investigated. Habituation at aw 0.95 resulted in increased heat tolerance at 54°C with all solutes tested. The extent of the increase and the optimal habituation time depended on the solute used. Exposure to broths containing glucose-fructose (aw 0.95) for 12 h resulted in maximal heat tolerance, with more than a fourfold increase in D54 values. Cells held for more than 72 h in these conditions, however, became as heat sensitive as nonhabituated populations. Habituation in the presence of sodium chloride or glycerol gave rise to less pronounced but still significant increases in heat tolerance at 54°C, and a shorter incubation time was required to maximize tolerance. The increase in heat tolerance following habituation in broths containing glucose-fructose (aw 0.95) was RpoS independent. The presence of chloramphenicol or rifampin during habituation and inactivation did not affect the extent of heat tolerance achieved, suggesting that de novo protein synthesis was probably not necessary. These data highlight the importance of cell prehistory prior to heat inactivation and may have implications for food manufacturers using low-aw ingredients. PMID:11055944

  9. Biomarkers of Habitual Fish Intake in Adipose-Tissue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marckmann, P.; Lassen, Anne Dahl; Haraldsdottir, H.


    The association between habitual fish and marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) intake, and the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous fat was studied in 24 healthy young volunteers. Habitual dietary intakes were estimated from three 7-d weighed food records made at months 0, 5, and 8...... of the 8-mo study period. The adipose tissue fatty acid composition of each individual was determined by gas chromatography as the mean of two gluteal biopsies, obtained in the first and the last month of the study. The daily consumption of fish and of marine n-3 PUFAs in absolute terms (g....../d) was significantly associated with adipose tissue docosahexaenoic acid content (DHA; r = 0.55 and 0.58, respectively, P acid contents. Our study indicates that the adipose tissue DHA content is the biomarker of choice for the assessment of long...

  10. Sensory and sympathetic correlates of heat pain sensitization and habituation in men and women. (United States)

    Breimhorst, M; Hondrich, M; Rebhorn, C; May, A; Birklein, F


    Habituation and sensitization are important behavioural responses to repeated exposure to painful stimuli, but little is known about the factors determining sensory, affective and sympathetic habituation to repeated pain stimulation in men and women. Thirty volunteers (15 women) underwent a standardized heat pain paradigm spread over 8 consecutive days. At the beginning of the experiment, personality dimensions, coping strategies and pain catastrophizing thoughts were determined. Receiving a series of 10 blocks of six painful heat stimuli a day, participants rated pain intensity and unpleasantness. Skin conductance was recorded throughout the sessions. The results show similar habituation of both the sensory and affective dimensions of pain in men and women, although skin conductance did not undergo a significant decrease across the eight days. When focusing on single daily sessions, women showed pain sensitization but sympathetic habituation, while men showed pain sensitization but stable sympathetic activation. Our findings therefore indicate that the process of long-term habituation to painful heat stimuli is a common feature in both genders, whereas men and women might differently recruit their sympathetic nervous system for short-term pain processing. This study could potentially help to better evaluate gender-specific mechanisms in pain perception. © 2012 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters.

  11. Habitual Physical Activity, Peripheral Neuropathy, Foot Deformities ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Results: Habitual physical activity index (3.2 ± 0.83) was highest in work-related activities; 69 (26.1 %) patients presented with peripheral neuropathy and 52 (19. 7%) had the lowest limb function. Pes planus was the most prevalent foot deformity (20.1%). Significant differences existed in physical activity indices across ...

  12. Striatal fast-spiking interneurons selectively modulate circuit output and are required for habitual behavior. (United States)

    O'Hare, Justin K; Li, Haofang; Kim, Namsoo; Gaidis, Erin; Ade, Kristen; Beck, Jeff; Yin, Henry; Calakos, Nicole


    Habit formation is a behavioral adaptation that automates routine actions. Habitual behavior correlates with broad reconfigurations of dorsolateral striatal (DLS) circuit properties that increase gain and shift pathway timing. The mechanism(s) for these circuit adaptations are unknown and could be responsible for habitual behavior. Here we find that a single class of interneuron, fast-spiking interneurons (FSIs), modulates all of these habit-predictive properties. Consistent with a role in habits, FSIs are more excitable in habitual mice compared to goal-directed and acute chemogenetic inhibition of FSIs in DLS prevents the expression of habitual lever pressing. In vivo recordings further reveal a previously unappreciated selective modulation of SPNs based on their firing patterns; FSIs inhibit most SPNs but paradoxically promote the activity of a subset displaying high fractions of gamma-frequency spiking. These results establish a microcircuit mechanism for habits and provide a new example of how interneurons mediate experience-dependent behavior.

  13. Alta precisión relativa en problemas de álgebra lineal numérica en matrices con estructura


    Ceballos Cañón, Johan Armando


    Esta tesis se enmarca dentro del campo de la Alta Precisión Relativa (HRA) en Álgebra Lineal Numérica (ALN). Sus líneas maestras son dos. Por un lado, el diseño y análisis de algoritmos que permitan resolver problemas de Álgebra Lineal con más precisión de la habitual para matrices con estructura. Y por otro el estudio de la teoría específica de perturbaciones necesaria para tratar los problemas que nos ocupan. En nuestra investigación hemos tratado dos: La obtención de soluciones precisas de...

  14. Habituation of 10-year-old hockey players to treadmill skating. (United States)

    Lockwood, Kelly L; Frost, Gail


    This study assessed changes in selected physiological and kinematic variables over 6 weeks of treadmill skating in an effort to understand the process of habituation to this novel training modality. Seven male, Atom-A hockey players who were injury-free and had no previous treadmill skating experience participated in the study. Players performed four 1-min skating bouts at progressively increasing speeds, each week, for 6 weeks. One speed (10.5 km/h) was repeated weekly to allow for assessment of the habituation process. Our criteria for habituation were: a decrease in stride rate, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion, and an increase in stride length, trunk angle and vertical movement of the centre of mass, leading to a plateau, over the course of the 6-week study. Significant decreases were seen in stride rate, heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion, and significant increases were found in stride length. Some of these changes were evident after only one week of training and all were present by week 4. After 6 weeks (24 min) of exposure to treadmill skating, all participants displayed a visibly more efficient skating style.

  15. Resultado de los embarazos complicados con rubéola, 1990-1997

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Figueroa-Damián Ricardo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Describir la experiencia del manejo de embarazadas con rubéola, evaluando el resultado perinatal. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Del 1 de enero de 1990 al 31 de octubre de 1997 se incluyeron 67 embarazadas con diagnóstico de rubéola, corroborada con la determinación de anticuerpos séricos IgM. Se dio seguimiento hasta la resolución del embarazo en 66 de estas mujeres: en cuatro se realizó un aborto electivo y una tuvo un embarazo molar. En 61 pacientes se pudo evaluar el efecto de la rubéola sobre el producto y la gestación. A los productos con determinación positiva de IgM contra rubéola se les realizó ecocardiograma, estudio oftalmológico y potenciales provocados auditivos del tallo cerebral (PPATC. RESULTADOS. El promedio de edad de las embarazadas fue de 24.7±5.5 años; 28 pacientes cursaban su primer embarazo. Ninguna de las embarazadas presentó alguna complicación del episodio de rubéola. En 35 casos (52.2% la infección viral se presentó durante el primer trimestre de gestación; en 23 (34.5% sucedió durante el segundo trimestre, y en nueve (13.3% ocurrió en el último trimestre. De los casos de infección materna durante el primer trimestre gestacional, 71% de los productos se infectaron y 51.6% desarrollaron un síndrome de rubéola congénita. Las manifestaciones de rubéola congénita más frecuentes fueron prematurez, bajo peso al nacimiento y alteración de los PPATC. CONCLUSIONES. En México la rubéola continúa causando daño fetal, de tal manera que es necesario establecer medidas de prevención, como la vacunación universal, para evitar la infección por rubéola.

  16. Temporomandibular Disorders: The Habitual Chewing Side Syndrome (United States)

    Santana-Mora, Urbano; López-Cedrún, José; Mora, María J.; Otero, Xosé L.; Santana-Penín, Urbano


    Background Temporomandibular disorders are the most common cause of chronic orofacial pain, but, except where they occur subsequent to trauma, their cause remains unknown. This cross-sectional study assessed chewing function (habitual chewing side) and the differences of the chewing side and condylar path and lateral anterior guidance angles in participants with chronic unilateral temporomandibular disorder. This is the preliminary report of a randomized trial that aimed to test the effect of a new occlusal adjustment therapy. Methods The masticatory function of 21 randomly selected completely dentate participants with chronic temporomandibular disorders (all but one with unilateral symptoms) was assessed by observing them eat almonds, inspecting the lateral horizontal movement of the jaw, with kinesiography, and by means of interview. The condylar path in the sagittal plane and the lateral anterior guidance angles with respect to the Frankfort horizontal plane in the frontal plane were measured on both sides in each individual. Results Sixteen of 20 participants with unilateral symptoms chewed on the affected side; the concordance (Fisher’s exact test, P = .003) and the concordance-symmetry level (Kappa coefficient κ = 0.689; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.38 to 0.99; P = .002) were significant. The mean condylar path angle was steeper (53.47(10.88) degrees versus 46.16(7.25) degrees; P = .001), and the mean lateral anterior guidance angle was flatter (41.63(13.35) degrees versus 48.32(9.53) degrees P = .036) on the symptomatic side. Discussion The results of this study support the use of a new term based on etiology, “habitual chewing side syndrome”, instead of the nonspecific symptom-based “temporomandibular joint disorders”; this denomination is characterized in adults by a steeper condylar path, flatter lateral anterior guidance, and habitual chewing on the symptomatic side. PMID:23593156

  17. Temporomandibular disorders: the habitual chewing side syndrome.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Urbano Santana-Mora

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Temporomandibular disorders are the most common cause of chronic orofacial pain, but, except where they occur subsequent to trauma, their cause remains unknown. This cross-sectional study assessed chewing function (habitual chewing side and the differences of the chewing side and condylar path and lateral anterior guidance angles in participants with chronic unilateral temporomandibular disorder. This is the preliminary report of a randomized trial that aimed to test the effect of a new occlusal adjustment therapy. METHODS: The masticatory function of 21 randomly selected completely dentate participants with chronic temporomandibular disorders (all but one with unilateral symptoms was assessed by observing them eat almonds, inspecting the lateral horizontal movement of the jaw, with kinesiography, and by means of interview. The condylar path in the sagittal plane and the lateral anterior guidance angles with respect to the Frankfort horizontal plane in the frontal plane were measured on both sides in each individual. RESULTS: Sixteen of 20 participants with unilateral symptoms chewed on the affected side; the concordance (Fisher's exact test, P = .003 and the concordance-symmetry level (Kappa coefficient κ = 0.689; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.38 to 0.99; P = .002 were significant. The mean condylar path angle was steeper (53.47(10.88 degrees versus 46.16(7.25 degrees; P = .001, and the mean lateral anterior guidance angle was flatter (41.63(13.35 degrees versus 48.32(9.53 degrees P = .036 on the symptomatic side. DISCUSSION: The results of this study support the use of a new term based on etiology, "habitual chewing side syndrome", instead of the nonspecific symptom-based "temporomandibular joint disorders"; this denomination is characterized in adults by a steeper condylar path, flatter lateral anterior guidance, and habitual chewing on the symptomatic side.

  18. Voluntary habitual dislocation of the hip in children

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pettersson, H; Theander, G; Danielsson, L [Malmoe Allmaenna Sjukhus, Malmoe (Sweden). Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology


    The clinical and radiologic findings in a child with habitual voluntary dislocation of the hip are reported. Observations made in this case and in 6 others on record suggest that this rare condition is a specific pediatric entity with a good prognosis.

  19. Habitual short sleep impacts frontal switch mechanism in attention to novelty. (United States)

    Gumenyuk, Valentina; Roth, Thomas; Korzyukov, Oleg; Jefferson, Catherine; Bowyer, Susan; Drake, Christopher L


    Reduced time in bed relative to biological sleep need is common. The impact of habitual short sleep on auditory attention has not been studied to date. In the current study, we utilized novelty oddball tasks to evaluate the effect of habitual short sleep on brain function underlying attention control processes measured by the mismatch negativity (MMN, index of pre-attentive stage), P3a (attention-dependent), and P3b (memory-dependent) event related brain potentials (ERPs). An extended time in bed in a separate study was used to evaluate the possible reversal of the impairments of these processes in habitual short sleepers. Ten self-defined short sleepers (total sleep time [TST] ≤ 6 h) and 9 normal-sleeping subjects with TST 7-8 h, participated. ERPs were recorded via a 64-channel EEG system. Two test conditions: "ignore" and "attend" were implemented. The ERPs were analyzed and compared between groups on the 2 task conditions and frontal/central/parietal electrodes by 3-factor ANOVA. Sleep diary data were compared between groups by t-test. Sleep was recorded by the Zeo sleep monitoring system for a week in both habitual and extended sleep conditions at home. The main findings of the present study show that short sleeping individuals had deficiency in activity of the MMN and P3a brain responses over frontal areas compared to normal-sleeping subjects. The P3b amplitude was increased over frontal areas and decreased over parietal with respect to the control group. Extension of time in bed for one week increased TST (from 5.7 h to 7.4 h), and concomitantly MMN amplitude increased from -0.1 μV up to -1.25 μV over frontal areas. Reduced time in bed is associated with deficiency of the neuronal process associated with change detection, which may recover after one week of sleep extension, whereas attention-dependent neural processes do not normalize after this period of time in habitually short sleeping individuals and may require longer recovery periods.

  20. Seroepidemiología de la leptospirosis en bovinos con trastornos reproductivos en el municipio de Montería, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Betancur Hurtado


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo para determinar la prevalencia de leptospirosis en bovinos con trastornos reproductivos de zonas rurales de Montería, Colombia. Se colectaron muestras de suero de 26 toros y 137 vacas procedentes de 28 fincas con antecedentes de problemas reproductivos, los cuales fueron analizados mediante técnica de microaglutinación (MAT para detección de anticuerpos contra Leptospira. Se utilizaron antígenos de los serovares pomona, hardjo, canicola, grippotyphosa e icterohaemorrhagiae. El 41 % de los sueros fue positivo a Leptospira a punto de corte 1:20. Los serovares prevalentes fueron grippotyphosa (29,85 % hardjo e icterohaemorrhagiae (20,8 y 16,41 %. Se realizó una prueba de chi cuadrado (χ2 para establecer relación entre la seropositividad a Leptospira y las variables de sexo, edad, antecedentes de abortos y repetición de servicios de cada animal, así como zona de muestreo y sistema de producción de las fincas. La seropositividad a Leptospira fue de 26,86 % y 29,85 % en los grupos de edad de 3-4 años y de 5-6 años, y del 43,2 % en bovinos ≥ 7 años. La seroprevalencia en vacas abortadas y no abortadas fue similar (35 y 34 %; asimismo, la seropositividad en vacas con y sin repeticiones de servicio fue de 34 y 35 %, respectivamente. El 41,7 % de las fincas con sistema de producción de carne y el 58,2 % con doble propósito fueron positivas a diferentes serovares. Sin embargo, no se encontró dependencia entre la seropositividad a Leptospira y las variables mencionadas (p > 0,05. Los resultados indican una alta seroprevalencia de leptospirosis en bovinos con trastornos reproductivos del municipio de Montería.

  1. Determinantes socioeconómicos y demográficos de las actitudes hacia el aborto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cruz García Lirios


    hacia el aborto inducido. Para tal propósito, se revisaron los estudios psicológicos y actitudinales relativos a la salud sexual con el fin de construir un instrumento que midió la actitud hacia conductas sexuales de riesgo en una muestra de 300 usuarios de una biblioteca pública. Una vez establecidas la confiabilidad (alfa de .865 para norma y .768 para actitud y la validez del instrumento, se procedió a estimar un modelo de relaciones causales y su ajuste con el modelo teórico. Los resultados muestran que el sexo es el determinante positivo de la norma de grupo (β = -.28 y que el nivel educativo afecta negativamente a la actitud (β = -.90. Tales hallazgos son discutidos en el marco de los programas educativos de orientación.

  2. Relationship between resistance training and selfreported habitual ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Similar to the non-exercising control group, resistance training resulted in no significant (p > 0.05) changes in the habitual intake of daily intake of total ... as a mode of training may not be an effective mode of exercise to promote overall physical activity in an attempt to modify the patterns of macronutrient and energy intake.

  3. El “Estudio del Rechazo”: mujeres a las que no se les permite abortar = Turnaway Study


    Foster, Diana Greene; Barar, Rana; Weitz, Tracy; Heather, Gould; Weisz, Elissete


    El Turnaway Study o Estudio del Rechazo, es un estudio longitudinal prospectivo sobre mujeres a quienes se realiza un aborto y mujeres a quienes se les niega debido a que se presentan a recibir tratamiento después del límite de semanas de gestación establecido por la clínica. El estudio está encaminado a describir la salud mental y física y los resultados socioeconómicos de la realización de un aborto en comparación con llevar a término un embarazo indeseado.

  4. Neosporosis epidémica y endémica: descripción de dos eventos en bovinos para cría

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricio M Calandra


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es describir dos eventos producidos en la provincia de Buenos Aires en los cuales Neospora caninum estuvo asociado a la ocurrencia de abortos en bovinos de cría para carne. En uno de ellos se registraron 11 abortos en 57 vaquillonas durante 45 días, en este evento fue 5 veces más probable que una vaquillona que sufrió un aborto fuera seropositiva a N. caninum que una que no lo sufrió (odds ratio [OR] = 4,9 IC 1,2-19,9 (p 0,05. Se analizaron dos fetos de cada evento: estos resultaron negativos a otros patógenos de la reproducción, aunque presentaron anticuerpos específicos y lesiones histopatológicas compatibles con infecciones por N. caninum. Estos resultados sugieren dos posibles modalidades de presentación de abortos en bovinos causados por N. caninum: una epidémica, como la del primer evento aquí referido, y una endémica, como la del segundo.

  5. Six Weeks Habituation of Simulated Barefoot Running Induces Neuromuscular Adaptations and Changes in Foot Strike Patterns in Female Runners (United States)

    Khowailed, Iman Akef; Petrofsky, Jerrold; Lohman, Everett; Daher, Noha


    Background The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a 6-week training program of simulated barefoot running (SBR) on running kinetics in habitually shod (wearing shoes) female recreational runners. Material/Methods Twelve female runners age 25.7±3.4 years gradually increased running distance in Vibram FiveFingers minimal shoes over a 6-week period. The kinetic analysis of treadmill running at 10 Km/h was performed pre- and post-intervention in shod running, non-habituated SBR, and habituated SBR conditions. Spatiotemporal parameters, ground reaction force components, and electromyography (EMG) were measured in all conditions. Results Post-intervention data indicated a significant decrease across time in the habituation SBR for EMG activity of the tibialis anterior (TA) in the pre-activation and absorptive phase of running (Prunning, unhabituated SBR, and habituated SBR. Six weeks of SBR was associated with a significant decrease in the loading rates and impact forces. Additionally, SBR significantly decrease the stride length, step duration, and flight time, and stride frequency was significantly higher compared to shod running. Conclusions The findings of this study indicate that changes in motor patterns in previously habitually shod runners are possible and can be accomplished within 6 weeks. Non-habituation SBR did not show a significant neuromuscular adaptation in the EMG activity of TA and GAS as manifested after 6 weeks of habituated SBR. PMID:26166443

  6. Habituation/Fatigue behavior of a synapse memristor based on IGZO-HfO2 thin film. (United States)

    Jiang, Ran; Ma, Pengfei; Han, Zuyin; Du, Xianghao


    A synaptic memristor based on IGZO and oxygen-deficient HfO 2 films has been demonstrated. The memristor exhibits a fatigue response to a monotonic stimulus of voltage pulses, which is analogous to the habituation behavior of biological memory. The occurrence of habituation is nearly simultaneous with the transition from short-term memory to long-term memory. The movement and redistribution of oxygen species with the assistance of polarization in HfO 2 layer are responsible for the above results. The observation of habituation behavior proves the potential prospect of memristor on the mimic of biological neuron.

  7. Self-objectification, habitual body monitoring, and body dissatisfaction in older European American women: exploring age and feminism as moderators. (United States)

    Grippo, Karen P; Hill, Melanie S


    This study examined the influence of feminist attitudes on self-objectification, habitual body monitoring, and body dissatisfaction in middle age and older women. The participants were 138 European American heterosexual women ranging in age from 40 to 87 years old. Consistent with previous research, self-objectification and habitual body monitoring were positively correlated with body dissatisfaction and, self-objectification and habitual body monitoring remained stable across the lifespan. While age did not moderate the relationship between self-objectification and body dissatisfaction, age was found to moderate the relationship between habitual body monitoring and body dissatisfaction such that the relationship was smaller for older women than for middle-aged women. Interestingly, feminist attitudes were not significantly correlated with body dissatisfaction, self-objectification, or habitual body monitoring, and endorsement of feminist attitudes was not found to moderate the relationship between self-objectification or habitual body monitoring and body dissatisfaction. Potential implications for older women are discussed.


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    María Antonia Grau Rubio


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Los estudios posautorización observacionales son una fuente de información clave sobre efectividad y seguridad de los medica - mentos. Los objetivos del estudio fueron describir las características de los estudios observacionales de seguimiento prospectivo (EPA-SP que solicita - ron autorización en la Comunitat Valenciana (CV y explorar qué factores se asociaron con su autorización. Métodos: Se realizó estudio observacional analítico retrospectivo, en el que se incluyeron todos los EPA-SP que solicitaron autorización en la CV desde 2010 hasta 2015. A partir de las bases de datos de la Dirección Ge - neral de Farmacia y Productos Sanitarios y GESTO se obtuvieron variables referentes al estudio (objetivos, medicamento estudiado, enfermedad diana, etc y referentes al procedimiento de autorización (autorización, motivo de no autorización y estado actual del estudio. El análisis se organizó en una fase descriptiva y otra analítica mediante regresión logística con variable dependiente la autorización. Resultados: Fueron incluidos un total de 249 estudios, de los que 192 (77,1% estaban diseñados para estimar efectividad o calidad de vida. Los medicamentos más frecuentemente estudiados fueron los agentes anti - neoplásicos e inmunomoduladores (42%. Sólo consiguieron la autorización el 57%, siendo las causas más frecuente de denegación la inducción a la prescripción (40,1% y la práctica no habitual (39,3%. La autorización se asoció con el diagnóstico (aparato circulatorio OR 10,7, IC95% 2,3 a 49,1, grupo ATC L (OR 4,2, IC95% 1,9 a 49,1 y el haber sido promovidos por la industria (OR 0,5, IC95% 0,3 a 0,9. Conclusión: Dada la importancia de contar con información sobre efec - tividad y seguridad en la práctica habitual, es prioritario que los EPA-SP sean orientados a estos fines y que se potencie la investigación independiente.

  9. Behavioral responses of gorillas to habituation in the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, Central African Republic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blom, A.; Cipolletta, C.; Brunsting, A.M.H.; Prins, H.H.T.


    We monitored the impact of habituation for tourism through changes in gorillas' behavior during the habituation process at Bai Hokou (Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, Central African Republic) from August 1996 to December 1999. From August 1998 onwards we focused on one gorilla group: the Munye. During

  10. The neural correlates of anomalous habituation to negative emotional pictures in borderline and avoidant personality disorder patients. (United States)

    Koenigsberg, Harold W; Denny, Bryan T; Fan, Jin; Liu, Xun; Guerreri, Stephanie; Mayson, Sarah Jo; Rimsky, Liza; New, Antonia S; Goodman, Marianne; Siever, Larry J


    Extreme emotional reactivity is a defining feature of borderline personality disorder, yet the neural-behavioral mechanisms underlying this affective instability are poorly understood. One possible contributor is diminished ability to engage the mechanism of emotional habituation. The authors tested this hypothesis by examining behavioral and neural correlates of habituation in borderline patients, healthy comparison subjects, and a psychopathological comparison group of patients with avoidant personality disorder. During fMRI scanning, borderline patients, healthy subjects, and avoidant personality disorder patients viewed novel and repeated pictures, providing valence ratings at each presentation. Statistical parametric maps of the contrasts of activation during repeated versus novel negative picture viewing were compared between groups. Psychophysiological interaction analysis was employed to examine functional connectivity differences between groups. Unlike healthy subjects, neither borderline nor avoidant personality disorder patients exhibited increased activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex when viewing repeated versus novel pictures. This lack of an increase in dorsal anterior cingulate activity was associated with greater affective instability in borderline patients. In addition, borderline and avoidant patients exhibited smaller increases in insula-amygdala functional connectivity than healthy subjects and, unlike healthy subjects, did not show habituation in ratings of the emotional intensity of the images. Borderline patients differed from avoidant patients in insula-ventral anterior cingulate functional connectivity during habituation. Unlike healthy subjects, borderline patients fail to habituate to negative pictures, and they differ from both healthy subjects and avoidant patients in neural activity during habituation. A failure to effectively engage emotional habituation processes may contribute to affective instability in borderline

  11. Habituating to handling: Factors affecting preorbital gland opening in red deer calves


    Ceacero, Francisco; Landete-Castillejos, Tomás; Bartošová, Jitka; García, Andrés J.; Bartoš, Ludek; Komárková, Martina; Gallego, Laureano


    The preorbital gland plays not only an olfactory role in cervids but also a visual one. Opening this gland is an easy way for the calf to communicate with the mother, indicating hunger/satiety, stress, pain, fear, or excitement. This information can be also useful for farm operators to assess how fast the calves habituate to handling routines and to detect those calves that do not habituate and may suffer chronic stress in the future. Thirty-one calves were subjected to 2 consecutive experime...

  12. Ecotourism and primate habituation: Behavioral variation in two groups of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus from Costa Rica

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    Shasta E. Webb


    Full Text Available The increase of ecotourism operations within Costa Rica during the last 20yrs has brought more and more humans into close, direct contact with several wildlife species. One of these species is the white-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus, highly gregarious, and with exposure over time, willing to come into close vicinity of humans and their developments. Such contact has its advantages and disadvantages for the ecotourism industry. We observed white-faced monkeys in order to assess the impact of human presence and development on monkey behavior, with a focus on aggressive, affiliative, and foraging behaviors in Curú Wildlife Refuge (CWR, located in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, and to ascertain the degree of over-habituation of capuchin populations at CWR. Though there exists no discrete behavioral parameters that measure over-habituation, it can be defined as an extreme state of habituation in which non-human primates not only lose fear of humans, but also actively include humans in social interactions or treat them as a food resource. We used instantaneous focal animal and group scan sampling during 8wks in March and April 2012. Two groups (approximately 20-30 individuals each of capuchins were observed; the first near the tourist development at the Southwestern area of CWR, representing a habituated population that regularly foraged, rested, and groomed in the presence of humans. The second, was observed in the Northeastern area of CWR, did not visit the center of human activity and exhibited fear of humans. The habituated group exhibited significantly fewer instances of threatened behavior in response to human presence (p<0.0001 than the non-habituated group, and spent significantly more time eating and foraging (p<0.0001. While the habituated monkeys at CWR may not be over-habituated, they could become that way as development, especially ecotourism, increases. Over-habituation is a problem that affects capuchins in certain ecotourism sites in Costa

  13. Desensitization to media violence: links with habitual media violence exposure, aggressive cognitions, and aggressive behavior. (United States)

    Krahé, Barbara; Möller, Ingrid; Huesmann, L Rowell; Kirwil, Lucyna; Felber, Juliane; Berger, Anja


    This study examined the links between desensitization to violent media stimuli and habitual media violence exposure as a predictor and aggressive cognitions and behavior as outcome variables. Two weeks after completing measures of habitual media violence exposure, trait aggression, trait arousability, and normative beliefs about aggression, undergraduates (N = 303) saw a violent film clip and a sad or a funny comparison clip. Skin conductance level (SCL) was measured continuously, and ratings of anxious and pleasant arousal were obtained after each clip. Following the clips, participants completed a lexical decision task to measure accessibility of aggressive cognitions and a competitive reaction time task to measure aggressive behavior. Habitual media violence exposure correlated negatively with SCL during violent clips and positively with pleasant arousal, response times for aggressive words, and trait aggression, but it was unrelated to anxious arousal and aggressive responding during the reaction time task. In path analyses controlling for trait aggression, normative beliefs, and trait arousability, habitual media violence exposure predicted faster accessibility of aggressive cognitions, partly mediated by higher pleasant arousal. Unprovoked aggression during the reaction time task was predicted by lower anxious arousal. Neither habitual media violence usage nor anxious or pleasant arousal predicted provoked aggression during the laboratory task, and SCL was unrelated to aggressive cognitions and behavior. No relations were found between habitual media violence viewing and arousal in response to the sad and funny film clips, and arousal in response to the sad and funny clips did not predict aggressive cognitions or aggressive behavior on the laboratory task. This suggests that the observed desensitization effects are specific to violent content.

  14. Estudio de apoptosis linfoide por esteroides en 1 caso con miastenia gravis: Seguimiento por ultrasonografía

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    Leticia de la Caridad Christian López


    Full Text Available La miastenia gravis es una entidad clínica de origen autoinmune, cuya terapia habitual se realiza con drogas anticolinérgicas, la timectomía o la terapia con esteroides. Fue el objetivo del trabajo el conocer los cambios que se producen en el tamaño del área tímica, con el uso de esteroides, en una paciente de 2 años de edad, que presentaba miastenia gravis juvenil, con una hiperplasia tímica. Esta glándula alcanzó un área máxima de 1 928 mm. Con el uso de la prednisona a 60 mg por semanas se produjo una timectomía medicamentosa, con la reducción del área tímica a 439 mm y remisión total de la sintomatología. Se realizaron las mediciones periódicamente durante un año de los cambios del área de este órgano. No se produjeron recaídas de la enfermedad de base. La ultrasonografía demostró ser un método útil, por ser rápido, barato y no invasiva y permite un ajuste adecuado de la dosis de esteroides que se administrará.Myasthenia gravis is a clinical agent of autoimmune origin, whose habitual therapy includes anticholinergic drugs, thymectomy, or therapy with steroids. The objective of this paper was to know the changes that occur in the size of the thymic area in a 2-year-old patient with juvenile myasthenia gravis and with thymic hyperplasia. This gland reached a maximum area of 1 928 mm and with the use of 60 mg of prednisone per week a medicamentosus thymectomy was performed with the reduction of the thymic area to 439 mm and total remission of the symptomatology. The changes of the area of this organ were periodically measured during a year. There were no relapses of the base disease. The ultrasonography proved to be a useful method, since it is fast, cheap and noninvasive and allows an adequate control of the steroids dose to be administered.

  15. A single high dose of escitalopram disrupts sensory gating and habituation, but not sensorimotor gating in healthy volunteers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oranje, Bob; Wienberg, Malene; Glenthøj, Birte Yding


    Early mechanisms to limit the input of sensory information to higher brain areas are important for a healthy individual. In previous studies, we found that a low dose of 10mg escitalopram (SSRI) disrupts habituation, without affecting sensory and sensorimotor gating in healthy volunteers. In the ......Early mechanisms to limit the input of sensory information to higher brain areas are important for a healthy individual. In previous studies, we found that a low dose of 10mg escitalopram (SSRI) disrupts habituation, without affecting sensory and sensorimotor gating in healthy volunteers....... In the current study a higher dose of 15mg was used. The hypothesis was that this higher dose of escitalopram would not only disrupt habituation, but also sensory and sensorimotor gating. Twenty healthy male volunteers received either placebo or 15mg escitalopram, after which they were tested in a P50...... suppression, and a habituation and prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex paradigm. Escitalopram significantly decreased P50 suppression and habituation, but had no effect on PPI. The results indicate that habituation and sensory gating are disrupted by increased serotonergic activity, while...

  16. Psychosocial Stress Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Habitual ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    A total of 193 adults with type 2 diabetes took part in this study. Psychosocial stress was ... KEY WORDS: Type 2 diabetes, psychosocial stress, habitual physical activity. INTRODUCTION ..... to address them: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 9(9):.

  17. Contribution to the understanding of how principal component analysis-derived dietary patterns emerge from habitual data on food consumption. (United States)

    Schwedhelm, Carolina; Iqbal, Khalid; Knüppel, Sven; Schwingshackl, Lukas; Boeing, Heiner


    Principal component analysis (PCA) is a widely used exploratory method in epidemiology to derive dietary patterns from habitual diet. Such dietary patterns seem to originate from intakes on multiple days and eating occasions. Therefore, analyzing food intake of study populations with different levels of food consumption can provide additional insights as to how habitual dietary patterns are formed. We analyzed the food intake data of German adults in terms of the relations among food groups from three 24-h dietary recalls (24hDRs) on the habitual, single-day, and main-meal levels, and investigated the contribution of each level to the formation of PCA-derived habitual dietary patterns. Three 24hDRs were collected in 2010-2012 from 816 adults for an European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Potsdam subcohort study. We identified PCA-derived habitual dietary patterns and compared cross-sectional food consumption data in terms of correlation (Spearman), consistency (intraclass correlation coefficient), and frequency of consumption across all days and main meals. Contribution to the formation of the dietary patterns was obtained through Spearman correlation of the dietary pattern scores. Among the meals, breakfast appeared to be the most consistent eating occasion within individuals. Dinner showed the strongest correlations with "Prudent" (Spearman correlation = 0.60), "Western" (Spearman correlation = 0.59), and "Traditional" (Spearman correlation = 0.60) dietary patterns identified on the habitual level, and lunch showed the strongest correlations with the "Cereals and legumes" (Spearman correlation = 0.60) habitual dietary pattern. Higher meal consistency was related to lower contributions to the formation of PCA-derived habitual dietary patterns. Absolute amounts of food consumption did not strongly conform to the habitual dietary patterns by meals, suggesting that these patterns are formed by complex combinations of variable food

  18. Saliency mapping in the optic tectum and its relationship to habituation

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    Arkadeb eDutta


    Full Text Available Habituation of the orienting response has long served as a model system for studying fundamental psychological phenomena such as learning, attention, decisions and surprise. In this article, we review an emerging hypothesis that the evolutionary role of the superior colliculus (SC in mammals or its homologue in birds, the optic tectum (OT, is to select the most salient target and send this information to the appropriate brain regions to control the body and brain orienting responses. Recent studies have begun to reveal mechanisms of how saliency is computed in the OT/SC, demonstrating a striking similarity between mammals and birds. The saliency of a target can be determined by how different it is from the surrounding objects, by how different it is from its history (that is habituation and by how relevant it is for the task at hand. Here, we will first review evidence, mostly from primates and barn owls, that all three types of saliency computations are linked in the OT/SC. We will then focus more on neural adaptation in the OT and its possible link to temporal saliency and habituation.

  19. Identificação imuno-histoquímica de Listeria monocytogenes em placentas fixadas em formol e embebidas em parafina

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    Schwab Jussara Pires


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: identificar Listeria monocytogenes (Lm em placentas humanas pela técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ e relacionar sua presença com as alterações histológicas encontradas com as alterações histológicas encontradas no exame convencional, com o trimestre gestacional, a idade das gestantes, casos de aborto e parto prematuro e a ocorrência de aborto habitual. MÉTODOS: um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado no setor de patologia de um hospital-escola de Porto Alegre no ano 2000. O material dos blocos de parafina de 254 placentas (exames anatomopatológicos, provenientes de aborto, de parto prematuro e de nascimento a termo, foi analisado pela técnica histológica convencional com a coloração de hematoxilina e eosina (HE. A técnica de IHQ foi realizada no material de 148 exames anatomopatológicos, que apresentaram alterações inflamatórias, hemorragia, necrose e trombose, utilizando anticorpo policlonal Rabbit A "Listeria monocytogenes" B65420R (Biodesign® na diluição 1:1000 e complexo avidina-biotina-estreptavidina. O teste c² foi aplicado para a análise estatística. RESULTADOS: a presença de Lm foi identificada em 33,7% das placentas analisadas pela técnica IHQ. Corioamnionite e vilite foram as alterações inflamatórias que estiverem associadas a diferença significativa nas placentas positivas. Lm esteve presente nas placentas de 1º, 2º e 3º trimestre gestacional. Não houve associação entre idade das gestantes, casos de aborto e/ou parto prematuro e a presença ou ausência de Lm nas placentas. Abortos habituais ocorreram em pacientes com ou sem Lm no tecido placentário. CONCLUSÃO: a técnica de IHQ pode ser utilizada para confirmar o diagnóstico histopatológico de listeriose em todos os trimestres gestacionais.

  20. The Self-Report Habit Index: Assessing habitual marijuana, alcohol, e-cigarette, and cigarette use. (United States)

    Morean, Meghan E; DeMartini, Kelly S; Foster, Dawn; Patock-Peckham, Julie; Garrison, Kathleen A; Corlett, Philip R; Krystal, John H; Krishan-Sarin, Suchitra; O'Malley, Stephanie S


    Substance use is partially driven by habitual processes that occur automatically in response to environmental cues and may be central to users' identities. This study was designed to validate the Self-Report Habit Index (SRHI) for assessing habitual marijuana, alcohol, cigarette, and e-cigarette use. We examined the SRHI's psychometrics in separate samples of adult marijuana (Ns = 189;170), alcohol (Ns = 100;133), cigarette (Ns = 58;371), and e-cigarette (N = 239) users. A 6-item, single-factor solution evidenced good fit across substances (CFI marijuana/alcohol/cigarettes/e-cigarettes = 0.996/0.997/0.996/0.994, RMSEA = 0.046/0.047/0.067/0.068, SRMR = 0.017/0.017/0.010/0.015) and internal consistency (α = 0.88/0.94/0.95/0.91). The SRHI was scalar invariant for sex and race. However, independent-samples t-tests indicated only that women endorsed stronger habitual e-cigarette use and that men endorsed stronger habitual marijuana use. The SRHI also was scalar invariant by product type in dual-users (cigarettes/e-cigarettes[N = 371]; alcohol/cigarettes [n = 58]), although differences in habit strength only were observed for cigarettes versus e-cigarettes, with dual-users reporting stronger habitual cigarette use. Finally, the SRHI predicted frequency of marijuana, alcohol, cigarette, and e-cigarette use (n p 2 [marijuana/alcohol/cigarettes/e-cigarettes] = 0.37/0.48/0.31/0.17) and quantity of alcohol and cigarette use (n p 2  = 0.43/0.33). The SRHI is a psychometrically sound measure of adults' habitual substance use. The SRHI detected mean differences by sex and substance type and predicted the frequency of using each substance. Future research should determine if the SRHI is appropriate for use with other substances or age groups (e.g., adolescents), how it relates to task-based, behavioral measures of habit strength, and the degree to which habit predicts the development or maintenance of addiction. Copyright © 2018

  1. Sleep extension normalizes ERP of waking auditory sensory gating in healthy habitually short sleeping individuals. (United States)

    Gumenyuk, Valentina; Korzyukov, Oleg; Roth, Thomas; Bowyer, Susan M; Drake, Christopher L


    Chronic sleep loss has been associated with increased daytime sleepiness, as well as impairments in memory and attentional processes. In the present study, we evaluated the neuronal changes of a pre-attentive process of wake auditory sensory gating, measured by brain event-related potential (ERP)--P50 in eight normal sleepers (NS) (habitual total sleep time (TST) 7 h 32 m) vs. eight chronic short sleeping individuals (SS) (habitual TST ≤6 h). To evaluate the effect of sleep extension on sensory gating, the extended sleep condition was performed in chronic short sleeping individuals. Thus, one week of time in bed (6 h 11 m) corresponding to habitual short sleep (hSS), and one week of extended time (∼ 8 h 25 m) in bed corresponding to extended sleep (eSS), were counterbalanced in the SS group. The gating ERP assessment was performed on the last day after each sleep condition week (normal sleep and habitual short and extended sleep), and was separated by one week with habitual total sleep time and monitored by a sleep diary. We found that amplitude of gating was lower in SS group compared to that in NS group (0.3 µV vs. 1.2 µV, at Cz electrode respectively). The results of the group × laterality interaction showed that the reduction of gating amplitude in the SS group was due to lower amplitude over the left hemisphere and central-midline sites relative to that in the NS group. After sleep extension the amplitude of gating increased in chronic short sleeping individuals relative to their habitual short sleep condition. The sleep condition × frontality interaction analysis confirmed that sleep extension significantly increased the amplitude of gating over frontal and central brain areas compared to parietal brain areas.

  2. Sleep extension normalizes ERP of waking auditory sensory gating in healthy habitually short sleeping individuals.

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    Valentina Gumenyuk

    Full Text Available Chronic sleep loss has been associated with increased daytime sleepiness, as well as impairments in memory and attentional processes. In the present study, we evaluated the neuronal changes of a pre-attentive process of wake auditory sensory gating, measured by brain event-related potential (ERP--P50 in eight normal sleepers (NS (habitual total sleep time (TST 7 h 32 m vs. eight chronic short sleeping individuals (SS (habitual TST ≤6 h. To evaluate the effect of sleep extension on sensory gating, the extended sleep condition was performed in chronic short sleeping individuals. Thus, one week of time in bed (6 h 11 m corresponding to habitual short sleep (hSS, and one week of extended time (∼ 8 h 25 m in bed corresponding to extended sleep (eSS, were counterbalanced in the SS group. The gating ERP assessment was performed on the last day after each sleep condition week (normal sleep and habitual short and extended sleep, and was separated by one week with habitual total sleep time and monitored by a sleep diary. We found that amplitude of gating was lower in SS group compared to that in NS group (0.3 µV vs. 1.2 µV, at Cz electrode respectively. The results of the group × laterality interaction showed that the reduction of gating amplitude in the SS group was due to lower amplitude over the left hemisphere and central-midline sites relative to that in the NS group. After sleep extension the amplitude of gating increased in chronic short sleeping individuals relative to their habitual short sleep condition. The sleep condition × frontality interaction analysis confirmed that sleep extension significantly increased the amplitude of gating over frontal and central brain areas compared to parietal brain areas.

  3. Striving for habitual well-being in non-invasive ventilation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Dorthe; Frederiksen, Kirsten; Grøfte, Thorbjørn


    December 2009 to January 2012. Results. A substantive theory of striving for habitual well-being was developed. The theory included three phases: initiation, transition, and determination. Each phase contained a set of subcategories to indicate the dimensions of and variations in the participants...

  4. Variation in Foot Strike Patterns among Habitually Barefoot and Shod Runners in Kenya. (United States)

    Lieberman, Daniel E; Castillo, Eric R; Otarola-Castillo, Erik; Sang, Meshack K; Sigei, Timothy K; Ojiambo, Robert; Okutoyi, Paul; Pitsiladis, Yannis


    Runners are often categorized as forefoot, midfoot or rearfoot strikers, but how much and why do individuals vary in foot strike patterns when running on level terrain? This study used general linear mixed-effects models to explore both intra- and inter-individual variations in foot strike pattern among 48 Kalenjin-speaking participants from Kenya who varied in age, sex, body mass, height, running history, and habitual use of footwear. High speed video was used to measure lower extremity kinematics at ground contact in the sagittal plane while participants ran down 13 meter-long tracks with three variables independently controlled: speed, track stiffness, and step frequency. 72% of the habitually barefoot and 32% of the habitually shod participants used multiple strike types, with significantly higher levels of foot strike variation among individuals who ran less frequently and who used lower step frequencies. There was no effect of sex, age, height or weight on foot strike angle, but individuals were more likely to midfoot or forefoot strike when they ran on a stiff surface, had a high preferred stride frequency, were habitually barefoot, and had more experience running. It is hypothesized that strike type variation during running, including a more frequent use of forefoot and midfoot strikes, used to be greater before the introduction of cushioned shoes and paved surfaces.

  5. Variation in Foot Strike Patterns among Habitually Barefoot and Shod Runners in Kenya.

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    Daniel E Lieberman

    Full Text Available Runners are often categorized as forefoot, midfoot or rearfoot strikers, but how much and why do individuals vary in foot strike patterns when running on level terrain? This study used general linear mixed-effects models to explore both intra- and inter-individual variations in foot strike pattern among 48 Kalenjin-speaking participants from Kenya who varied in age, sex, body mass, height, running history, and habitual use of footwear. High speed video was used to measure lower extremity kinematics at ground contact in the sagittal plane while participants ran down 13 meter-long tracks with three variables independently controlled: speed, track stiffness, and step frequency. 72% of the habitually barefoot and 32% of the habitually shod participants used multiple strike types, with significantly higher levels of foot strike variation among individuals who ran less frequently and who used lower step frequencies. There was no effect of sex, age, height or weight on foot strike angle, but individuals were more likely to midfoot or forefoot strike when they ran on a stiff surface, had a high preferred stride frequency, were habitually barefoot, and had more experience running. It is hypothesized that strike type variation during running, including a more frequent use of forefoot and midfoot strikes, used to be greater before the introduction of cushioned shoes and paved surfaces.

  6. Habituation, Response to Novelty, and Dishabituation in Human Infants: Tests of a Dual-Process Theory of Visual Attention. (United States)

    Kaplan, Peter S.; Werner, John S.


    Tests infants' dual-process performance (a process mediating response decrements called habituation and a state-dependent process mediating response increments called sensitization) on visual habituation-dishabituation tasks. (HOD)

  7. Experiencia inicial con la prótesis de despliegue rápido en posición aórtica Edwards Intuity

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    José M. Arribas


    Conclusiones: El implante de la válvula Edwards Intuity para el tratamiento de la estenosis aórtica ha sido factible, seguro y eficaz. Los tiempos de isquemia miocárdica y de circulación extracorpórea parecen reducirse en comparación con la cirugía valvular aórtica habitual. El comportamiento hemodinámico inicial de la prótesis Edwards Intuity es excelente.

  8. Sounds scary? Lack of habituation following the presentation of novel sounds.

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    Tine A Biedenweg

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Animals typically show less habituation to biologically meaningful sounds than to novel signals. We might therefore expect that acoustic deterrents should be based on natural sounds. METHODOLOGY: We investigated responses by western grey kangaroos (Macropus fulignosus towards playback of natural sounds (alarm foot stomps and Australian raven (Corvus coronoides calls and artificial sounds (faux snake hiss and bull whip crack. We then increased rate of presentation to examine whether animals would habituate. Finally, we varied frequency of playback to investigate optimal rates of delivery. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Nine behaviors clustered into five Principal Components. PC factors 1 and 2 (animals alert or looking, or hopping and moving out of area accounted for 36% of variance. PC factor 3 (eating cessation, taking flight, movement out of area accounted for 13% of variance. Factors 4 and 5 (relaxing, grooming and walking; 12 and 11% of variation, respectively discontinued upon playback. The whip crack was most evocative; eating was reduced from 75% of time spent prior to playback to 6% following playback (post alarm stomp: 32%, raven call: 49%, hiss: 75%. Additionally, 24% of individuals took flight and moved out of area (50 m radius in response to the whip crack (foot stomp: 0%, raven call: 8% and 4%, hiss: 6%. Increasing rate of presentation (12x/min ×2 min caused 71% of animals to move out of the area. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The bull whip crack, an artificial sound, was as effective as the alarm stomp at eliciting aversive behaviors. Kangaroos did not fully habituate despite hearing the signal up to 20x/min. Highest rates of playback did not elicit the greatest responses, suggesting that 'more is not always better'. Ultimately, by utilizing both artificial and biological sounds, predictability may be masked or offset, so that habituation is delayed and more effective deterrents may be produced.

  9. Familial clustering of habitual constipation: a prospective study in children from West Virginia. (United States)

    Ostwani, Waseem; Dolan, Jenna; Elitsur, Yoram


    To investigate familial clustering of habitual constipation in pediatric patients who attended our medical facilities. Children with the diagnosis of functional, habitual constipation or patients without constipation and their respective family members were prospectively recruited to our study. Constipation was established in all participants using a standard questionnaire (Rome criteria). A total of 112 children and their families participated in the study, of which 37 were probands families (test) and 75 children and their respective family members constituted the control group. A total of 310 family members completed the questionnaire. No significant differences were found between the study and the control groups in age, sex, or family size. Siblings or parents from the study group (probands) had significantly higher rates of constipation compared with the control group (30% vs 7% and 42% vs 9%, respectively; P = 0.001). Habitual constipation in children seemed to cluster in families. The pathophysiology behind this phenomenon is yet unknown.

  10. The effects of increased central serotonergic activity on prepulse inhibition and habituation of the human startle response

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kristian S; Oranje, Bob; Wienberg, Malene


    modulation is currently inconsistent. In a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover design, 18 healthy male volunteers received either placebo or a dose of 10 mg of escitalopram (SSRI), after which they were tested in both PPI and habituation of the startle reflex paradigms. No significant differences...... between the two treatments were observed on PPI, although escitalopram was found to significantly delay habituation of the ASR. In the current study, escitalopram was found to delay habituation, but it did not affect PPI in healthy male volunteers. As escitalopram is a highly specific SSRI, the results...

  11. Female habitual self-mutilators. (United States)

    Favazza, A R; Conterio, K


    Data are presented on 240 female habitual self-mutilators. The typical subject is a 28-year-old Caucasian who first deliberately harmed herself at age 14. Skin cutting is her usual practice, but she has used other methods such as skin burning and self-hitting, and she has injured herself on at least 50 occasions. Her decision to self-mutilate is impulsive and results in temporary relief from symptoms such as racing thoughts, depersonalization, and marked anxiety. She now has or has had an eating disorder, and may be concerned about her drinking. She has been a heavy utilizer of medical and mental health services, although treatment generally has been unsatisfactory. In desperation over her inability to control her self-mutilative behavior this typical subject has attempted suicide by a drug overdose.

  12. Percepção dos homens sobre o processo de abortamento

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    Larissa Correia Nunes Dantas


    Full Text Available Estudio descriptivo- cualitativo, realizado en una maternidad pública de Salvador-Bá, para analizar la percepción de los hombres sobre aborto provocado. Fueron entrevistados cuatro hombres, compañeros de mujeres que provocaron aborto, que comparecieron a la maternidad cuando sus compañeras recibieron alta del hospital, en eneroj2009. Se usó como instrumento de recogida de datos la entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos fueron organizados de acuerdo con el análisis temático. Se constató que los hombres percibían el aborto como un crimen, delante de Dios y de las leyes; conocían el mtsoprostot, pero desconocían el proceso y sus consecuencias para la mujer. El aborto fue decisión exclusiva de la mujer, sin participación del hombre. Sin embargo, ellos relataron sentimientos ambivalentes decurrentes de esa experiencia, explicando esa decisión basada principalmente en motivos financieros. Se recomiendan elementos de acogida para hombres e implementación de políticas públicas de salud reproductiva en una acción compartida entre hombres y mujeres.

  13. Atividade física habitual e risco cardiovascular na pós-menopausa Habitual physical activity and cardiovascular risk in post menopause

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    Raimunda Beserra da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de atividade física habitual e risco cardiovascular em mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte transversal com 162 mulheres, entre 40 e 65 anos, em amenorréia há no mínimo 12 meses, acompanhadas no Ambulatório de Menopausa do CAISM/UNICAMP. As mulheres responderam oralmente o questionário International Physical Activity Questionnaire para avaliação do nível de atividade física, que abordou a freqüência e duração das atividades ocorridas durante uma semana normal, realizadas no transporte, trabalho, em casa e no lazer, classificando-as em sedentárias, insuficientemente ativas, ativas e muito ativas. Foram realizados exames laboratoriais para dosagem sérica de colesterol total, lipoproteína de alta densidade, lipoproteína de baixa densidade, triglicérides, glicemia de jejum e medidas de pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica. RESULTADOS: A média de idade das mulheres foi de 56,5 anos e idade na menopausa de 46 anos. A prevalência de atividade física foi de 83,3%, sendo que 2,5% foram classificadas como muito ativas, 80,8% ativas e 16,7% insuficientemente ativas. A maioria realizava atividades, principalmente no transporte e em casa, e apenas 38,3% realizavam atividade física durante o lazer. Nesta população, 87,7% das mulheres apresentavam escore de Framingham inferior a 10, considerado de baixo risco cardiovascular. CONCLUSÃO: Mulheres na pós-menopausa apresentam alta prevalência de atividade física habitual e baixa aderência ao exercício físico. O risco cardiovascular foi baixo na população estudada. É importante incentivar e orientar esta população a praticar atividade física compatível com suas condições físicas, estimulando a prática não somente da atividade física habitual, mas também do exercício físico.BACKGROUND: To evaluate the prevalence of habitual physical activity and cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women. METHODS: A cross

  14. Ley de matrimonio igualitario y aborto en Argentina: notas sobre una revolución incompleta Egalitarian marriage law and abortion in Argentina: notes on an incomplete revolution

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    Milagros Belgrano Rawson


    Full Text Available La ley de "matrimonio igualitario", votada en 2010 por el parlamento argentino, convirtió a este país en el primero de Latinoamérica en legalizar el matrimonio homosexual. Se trata de una victoria para un grupo históricamente discriminado por sus preferencias eróticas y hasta entonces ausente de la legislación. En este contexto, aparentemente auspicioso para la igualdad sexual, considero, sin embargo, que la nueva ley no se corresponde con el orden sexual que regula los cuerpos de las mujeres argentinas. En efecto, desde 1921 el Código Penal argentino tipifica al aborto como un "delito contra la vida" y, pese a ello, cada año unas cien mujeres mueren por abortos clandestinos. En base a esta situación, en este artículo analizaré el desfasaje que encuentro entre las políticas homosexuales y las políticas reproductivas de Argentina. A diferencia de Europa, donde los derechos reproductivos precedieron a las políticas homosexuales, en este país se ha operado lo inverso. Allí, el reconocimiento legal de las parejas de mismo sexo coincide con las medidas impulsadas por otras democracias, tendientes a alcanzar lo que algunos autores denominan ciudadanía sexual. Sin embargo, mientras la Argentina no reconozca el derecho a la interrupción gratuita y segura del embarazo, esta noción, que legitima la aplicabilidad universal de derechos sexuales, seguirá siendo problemática. Considero que sin el derecho a la libre disposición del propio cuerpo, el cual comprende la libertad sexual y el derecho a decidir sobre la gestación, en el actual contexto argentino la ley de matrimonio gay representa un episodio aislado.The Argentine Parliament recently passed the New Equal Marriage Act for same-sex couples, making Argentina the first country in Latin America to legalize this type of union. This act represents a victory for a group historically discriminated for its sexual preferences and until then absent from the national legislation. In this

  15. Etiologic diagnosis of bovine infectious abortion by PCR Diagnóstico etiológico de aborto infeccioso bovino por PCR

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    Teane Milagres Augusto da Silva


    Full Text Available Infectious abortion is a significant cause of reproductive failure and economic losses in cattle. The goal of this study was to detect nucleic acids of several infectious agents known to cause abortion including Arcanobacterium pyogenes, Bovine Herpesvirus 1, Brucella abortus, Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis, Chlamydophila abortus, Leptospira sp., Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella sp., Mycoplasma bovis, Mycoplasma bovigenitalium, Neospora caninum, and Tritrichomonas foetus. Tissue homogenates from 42 fetuses and paraffin-embedded tissues from 28 fetuses and 14 placentas/endometrium were included in this study. Brucella abortus was detected in 14.2% (12/84 of the samples. Salmonella sp. DNA was amplified from 2 fetuses, and there was one positive for Neospora caninum, and another for Listeria monocytogenes. This PCR-based approach resulted in identification of the etiology in 19% of samples, or 20% if considered fetal tissues only.Aborto infeccioso é uma causa significativa de falhas reprodutivas e perdas econômicas na bovinocultura. O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar ácidos nucleicos de vários agentes infecciosos reconhecidos como causadores de aborto, incluindo-se Arcanobacterium pyogenes, Herpesvirus bovino tipo 1, Brucella abortus, Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis, Chlamydophila abortus, Leptospira sp., Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella sp., Mycoplasma bovis, Mycoplasma bovigenitalium, Neospora caninum e Tritrichomonas foetus. Homogenados de tecidos de 42 fetos e tecidos incluídos em parafina de 28 fetos e 14 placentas/endométrio foram incluídos neste estudo. Brucella abortus foi detectada em 14,2% (12/84 das amostras. DNA de Salmonella sp. foi amplificado de dois fetos e houve um feto positivo para Neospora caninum e outro para Listeria monocytogenes. Essa metodologia baseada em PCR resultou na identificação da etiologia em 19% das amostras ou 20% se considerados somente os tecidos fetais.

  16. La situación del aborto en Colombia: entre la ilegalidad y la realidad Current situation with abortion in Colombia: between illegality and reality

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    Ana Cristina González Vélez


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe la ilegalidad del aborto en Colombia cuya población forma parte del 0,4% mundial que vive en países donde el aborto está totalmente prohibido. La penalización absoluta hace de este un problema de salud pública generador de inequidad social. En las decisiones reproductivas la legislación siempre ha desconocido a las mujeres como personas, y enfrentada a una concepción integral sobre derechos sexuales y reproductivos, los proyectos de ley apenas se refieren a las situaciones "moralmente inaceptables" - embarazo por violación - o a razones terapéuticas. Las contradicciones entre la ilegalidad y la realidad permiten mantener un discurso público de rechazo frente al aborto (posición dominante de la jerarquía eclesiástica, mientras que en la práctica, se recurre a la interrupción voluntaria de la gestación en condiciones de seguridad y confianza al menos entre las mujeres de los estratos socioeconómicos más altos. Esto no sólo genera inequidad social, sino que refleja la forma en que las leyes van perdiendo sentido, creando en el imaginario colectivo la impresión de que no sirven ni son necesarias, debilitando el Estado en su función normativa.This article discusses the illegality of abortion in Colombia, situating this country within the 0.4% of the world population where abortion is completely banned. Absolute criminalization of abortion turns it into a public health matter and produces social inequality. The Colombian legislation has always disregarded women as individuals and as persons in full possession of their legal rights. In contrast to a comprehensive conceptualization of sexual and reproductive rights, the various abortion bills merely refer either to "morally unacceptable" situations such as pregnancy resulting from rape or to therapeutic motives. Contradictions between illegality and reality give rise to a public discourse that features rejection of abortion practices, in keeping with the

  17. Poor habitual sleep efficiency is associated with increased cardiovascular and cortisol stress reactivity in men. (United States)

    Massar, Stijn A A; Liu, Jean C J; Mohammad, Nabilah B; Chee, Michael W L


    Inadequate sleep and psychological stress can both elevate physiological stress markers, such as cortisol. Prior studies that have applied induced psychosocial stress after a night of experimental sleep deprivation have found these effects to be compounded. We examined whether the relationship between stress reactivity and poor sleep also extends to habitual sleep patterns. Fifty-nine adult male participants were recruited. Habitual sleep patterns were monitored with actigraphy for a week. Participants subsequently underwent the Trier Social Stress Test. Cardiovascular responses and salivary cortisol were measured at baseline, during stress, and during recovery. Subjects who showed poor habitual sleep efficiency during the week before stress induction responded with higher stress-related elevations of blood pressure and cortisol levels as compared to subjects with high sleep efficiency. This relationship between poor sleep efficiency and elevated blood pressure persisted during the post-stress recovery period. Similar associations between total sleep time in the week prior to the stress induction and physiological reactivity did not reach significance. Our findings indicate that habitual low sleep efficiency exaggerates cardiovascular and neuroendocrine effects of psychosocial stress, in a male population. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Movimientos inducidos en la excavación de túneles urbanos con EPB: Estudio del efecto de pantallas laterales y de las condiciones de contorno


    Castellón López, Javier


    Uno de los principales problemas en la construcción de túneles urbanos con EPB es la afección a estructuras próximas a la excavación. Una práctica habitual para reducir los movimientos inducidos sobre dichas estructuras es la construcción de pantallas de hormigón laterales, que separan con un elemento rígido la zona excavada de la zona que se quiere proteger. En este trabajo se estudia cómo estas pantallas reducen los movimientos que se generan en el terreno durante la excavación de u...

  19. Does habitual behavior affect the choice of alternative fuel vehicles?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valeri, Eva; Cherchi, Elisabetta


    Because of the recent improvements in the electrification process of cars, several types of alternative fuel vehicles are appearing in the car market. However, these new engine technologies are not easily penetrating the market around the world and the conventional ones are still the leaders....... A vast literature has explored the reasons for such low market penetration, due mainly to car's features. Using a hybrid choice model approach, in this research we study if, and to which extent, habitual car use influences individual propensity to buy a specific type of engine technology. We found...... of a conventional one. The importance of taking into account this latent construct is demonstrated also with the results of the simulated elasticity measures. In fact, the exclusion of latent habitual effect significantly underestimates the elasticity of diesel and hybrid cars and overestimates the elasticity...

  20. Habituating to handling: factors affecting preorbital gland opening in red deer calves. (United States)

    Ceacero, F; Landete-Castillejos, T; Bartošová, J; García, A J; Bartoš, L; Komárková, M; Gallego, L


    The preorbital gland plays not only an olfactory role in cervids but also a visual one. Opening this gland is an easy way for the calf to communicate with the mother, indicating hunger/satiety, stress, pain, fear, or excitement. This information can be also useful for farm operators to assess how fast the calves habituate to handling routines and to detect those calves that do not habituate and may suffer chronic stress in the future. Thirty-one calves were subjected to 2 consecutive experiments to clarify if observing preorbital gland opening is related to habituation to handling in red deer calves (Cervus elaphus). Calves were born in 3 different paddocks, handled as newborns (Exp. 1), and then subjected to the same routine handling but with different periodicity: every 1, 2, or 3 wk (Exp. 2). In Exp. 1, preorbital gland opening was recorded in newborns during an initial handling (including weighing, ear tagging, and sex determination). Preorbital gland opening occurred in 93% of calves during this procedure and was not affected by sex, time since birth, or birth weight. Experiment 2 consisted of measuring preorbital opening during the same routine handling (weighing, blood sampling, and rump touching to assess body condition) when calves were 1, 3, and 5 mo old. Binary logistic regression showed that gland opening was associated with habituation to handling, since at 1 and 3 mo the probability of opening the gland decreased with the number of handlings that a calf experienced before (P = 0.008 and P = 0.028, respectively). However, there were no further changes in preorbital gland opening rate in the 5-mo-old calves (P = 0.182). The significant influence of the number of previous handlings on the probability of opening the preorbital gland was confirmed through generalized linear model with repeated measures (P = 0.007). Preorbital gland opening decreased along the phases of the study. Nevertheless, we found a significant trend in individuals to keep similar

  1. Modification of Male Courtship Motivation by Olfactory Habituation via the GABAA Receptor in Drosophila melanogaster (United States)

    Tachibana, Shin-Ichiro; Touhara, Kazushige; Ejima, Aki


    A male-specific component, 11-cis-vaccenyl acetate (cVA) works as an anti-aphrodisiac pheromone in Drosophila melanogaster. The presence of cVA on a male suppresses the courtship motivation of other males and contributes to suppression of male-male homosexual courtship, while the absence of cVA on a female stimulates the sexual motivation of nearby males and enhances the male-female interaction. However, little is known how a male distinguishes the presence or absence of cVA on a target fly from either self-produced cVA or secondhand cVA from other males in the vicinity. In this study, we demonstrate that male flies have keen sensitivity to cVA; therefore, the presence of another male in the area reduces courtship toward a female. This reduced level of sexual motivation, however, could be overcome by pretest odor exposure via olfactory habituation to cVA. Real-time imaging of cVA-responsive sensory neurons using the neural activity sensor revealed that prolonged exposure to cVA decreased the levels of cVA responses in the primary olfactory center. Pharmacological and genetic screening revealed that signal transduction via GABAA receptors contributed to this olfactory habituation. We also found that the habituation experience increased the copulation success of wild-type males in a group. In contrast, transgenic males, in which GABA input in a small subset of local neurons was blocked by RNAi, failed to acquire the sexual advantage conferred by habituation. Thus, we illustrate a novel phenomenon in which olfactory habituation positively affects sexual capability in a competitive environment. PMID:26252206

  2. Using feedback through digital technology to disrupt and change habitual behavior : a critical review of current literature

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sander Hermsen; Reint-Jan Renes; Jeana Frost; Peter Kerkhof


    Habitual behavior is often hard to change because of a lack of self-monitoring skills. Digital technologies offer an unprecedented chance to facilitate self-monitoring by delivering feedback on undesired habitual behavior. This review analyzed the results of 72 studies in which feedback from digital

  3. Tolerancias y resistencias: el aborto desde la perspectiva de las parteras tradicionales de un área rural de México Tolerance and resistance: abortion from the point of view of traditional midwives in a rural area of Mexico

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    Julia Blanco-Muñoz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conocer la percepción, recursos y prácticas que sobre el aborto tienen las parteras de un área rural mexicana, el Municipio de Yecapixtla, Morelos, situado en la parte central de México. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó método cualitativo, realizándose entrevistas en profundidad, grupos focales y observación participativa. Los tópicos indagados fueron aspectos socioculturales, sexualidad, reproducción y aspectos de salud en relación al aborto. Se entrevistó en profundidad a 9 parteras y se realizó un grupo focal en el que participaron 16 parteras. RESULTADOS: Éstos dan cuenta de una profunda actitud de rechazo ante el aborto, inducido o espontáneo. El primero se conceptúa como un pecado grave y el segundo como un fracaso en la principal función de la mujer en estas comunidades, la reproducción. Las mujeres que abortan son llamadas "puercas", "cochinas" o "perras" y las parteras se muestran reacias a atenderlas. Sin embargo, es común entre las mujeres de la comunidad la práctica de la "regulación de la regla", es decir, la utilización de sustancias que hacen que aparezca la menstruación si ésta se ha retrasado. Dicha práctica no se considera abortiva. CONCLUSIONES: El conocimiento del mundo de significaciones populares en torno al aborto es imprescindible para construir modelos y estrategias efectivas que, desde los servicios institucionales de salud, refuercen los vínculos entre éstos y las parteras tradicionales, de manera que se mejore el acceso a servicios y la calidad de la atención a las mujeres.OBJETIVO: Conhecer a percepção, recursos e práticas que as parteiras tradicionais, de uma área rural mexicana, possuem sobre o aborto. MÉTODOS: Usou-se o método qualitativo com entrevistas em profundidade, grupos focais e observação participativa. As questões versaram sobre aspectos socioculturais, sexualidade, reprodução e aspectos de saúde relacionados ao aborto. Entrevistaram-se em profundidade 9 parteiras e

  4. Dificuldades para obter informações da população de mulheres sobre aborto ilegal Difficulties encountered in gathering information on illegal abortion of women population

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    Maria José D. Osis


    Full Text Available Qualquer tentativa de se investigar a prática de abortos ilegais deve lidar com o problema de estar perguntando às mulheres acerca de um tema delicado, sensível, com implicações múltiplas, o que leva a dificuldades para se obter informações verazes. O estudo realizado enfoca principalmente aspectos metodológicos de uma pesquisa realizada junto a uma população de mulheres de 15 a 49 anos de idade, com o objetivo de verificar a freqüência e as condições em que era feito o aborto provocado em uma região do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil. Foram entrevistadas, em seus domicílios, 1.955 mulheres. Utilizou-se um questionário estruturado e pré-testado. A maioria das entrevistadas declarou nunca ter abortado nem pensado em fazê-lo, enquanto 4% referiram alguma vez ter feito aborto; 16,7% disseram que, pelo menos uma vez, tomaram chá/remédio para menstruar. Entre as que acreditaram estar grávidas na ocasião, a maioria informou nunca ter abortado, apesar de terem menstruado quando ingeriram chá/remédio. Os resultados permitiram concluir que as mulheres tendem a omitir a informação sobre a prática de aborto quando perguntadas diretamente sobre isso. Especialmente aquelas que o induzem por ingestão de substâncias parecem não reconhecer esse ato como sendo uma forma de interromper a gestação.Any attempt to study the practice of illegal abortion faces the problem of asking women about a delicate, sensitive issue that has many implications. This may make it difficult to obtain truthful information on the subject. Results related to methodological aspects are emphasized and their possible association with variables included in a cross-sectional study carried out among 1.955 women, of 15 to 49 years of age is analysed. The frequency and conditions under which induced abortion was performed in a region of S. Paulo State are investigated. The women were interviewed at home using a pre-tested, structured questionnaire. Most of the



    Castillejos Aragón, Mónica


    Este artículo explica por qué además de las decisiones judiciales de la Suprema Corte de México, se debe poner especial atención a la reciente participación de los órganos legislativos para entender algunas causas y condiciones que han generado cambio social en México. Particularmente, este trabajo se enfoca en el análisis de los debates sobre la despenalización del aborto y de los matrimonios entre parejas del mismo sexo.AbstractThis article explains why it is important to take into consider...

  6. Anticoncepción y aborto en Argentina: perspectivas de obstetras y ginecólogos Contraception and abortion in Argentina: perspective of obstetricians and gynaecologists


    Dalia Szulik; Mónica Gogna; Mónica Petracci; Silvina Ramos; Mariana Romero


    OBJETIVO: Reflexionar sobre el rol de los tocoginecólogos/as en torno a las políticas públicas en salud reproductiva en Argentina. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Combinación de métodos cuantitativos (encuesta, n=467) y cualitativos (entrevista semiestructurada, n=35; grupos focales, n=6). RESULTADOS: Para los profesionales, el aborto y la anticoncepción son problemas muy relevantes. Siete de 10 otorgaron máxima prioridad a implementar servicios de planificación familiar y consejería anticonceptiva pos-a...

  7. Short-term exposure to repeated chasing stress does not induce habituation in Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Conde-Sieira, Marta; Valente, Luisa M.P.; Hernandez-Perez, Juan


    Animals can habituate to certain repeated stressors and reduce the physiological response that such stressor evoked initially. Studies related to stress habituation in fish are scarce and the available data differ depending on the species and on the type, duration and severity of the stressor...... no significant changes in serotonergic activity. However, incremented serotonergic activity was detected in fish previously trained. Furthermore, dopaminergic activity decreased in diurnal trained and nocturnal trained groups with respect to ST/naïve fish. Crh expression in hypothalamus was higher in ST...... for the animals to habituate, indicating that repeated chasing within short periods should be avoided when manipulating fish in order to keep proper welfare conditions in this species....

  8. Dieta habitual e fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares Habitual diet and cardiovascular disease risk factors

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    Ana Maria Cervato


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Estudo descritivo por amostragem em munícípio do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em 1990, com objetivo de analisar, mediante entrevistas domiciliares, a dieta habitual e fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares em indivíduos maiores de 20 anos. METODOLOGIA: Foram entrevistados 557 indivíduos, de idade entre 20 e 88 anos, que fazem parte de subamostra de um estudo global na região. A dieta habitual, identificada pelo histórico alimentar foi comparada às recomendações da OMS e os fatores de risco estudados (obesidade, dislipidemias, diabetes melito diagnosticados pelo Índice de Massa Corpórea e dosagens bioquímicas. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se que 60% da população consome dieta com energia total abaixo da estimativa das necessidades e que a contribuição calórica dos carboidratos foi de 56%, dos lipídios de 29% e das proteínas de 15%. Entretanto, na análise por percentil, a contribuição calórica dos lipídios e das proteínas encontra-se muito acima dos padrões recomendados em detrimento dos carboidratos. A energia, distribuição calórica e quantidade de colesterol foi adequada em apenas 5% das dietas. Dentre os fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares estudados observou-se a prevalência de obesidade em 38% dos indivíduos, de dislipidemias em 26% e de diabetes melito em 5%. A atividade física leve preponderante com dieta inadequada, tanto em termos de qualitativos quanto quantitativos, agravam ainda mais esse quadro.INTRODUCTION: A survey by sampling in a county of the State of S. Paulo in 1990 sought, by means of home interviews, to analyse the habitual diet and risk factors for cardiovascular disease of people over 20 years of age. METHODOLOGY: Of the sub-specimen of a comprehensive study population, 557 individuals, aged between 20 and 88, were interviewed. The habitual diet, characterized by the dietary history, was compared with the recommendations on energy and nutrients of the

  9. Adaptive Response of Listeria monocytogenes to Heat, Salinity and Low pH, after Habituation on Cherry Tomatoes and Lettuce Leaves. (United States)

    Poimenidou, Sofia V; Chatzithoma, Danai-Natalia; Nychas, George-John; Skandamis, Panagiotis N


    Pathogens found on fresh produce may encounter low temperatures, high acidity and limited nutrient availability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of habituation of Listeria monocytogenes on cherry tomatoes or lettuce leaves on its subsequent response to inhibitory levels of acid, osmotic and heat stress. Habituation was performed by inoculating lettuce coupons, whole cherry tomatoes or tryptic soy broth (TSB) with a three-strains composite of L. monocytogenes, which were further incubated at 5°C for 24 hours or 5 days. Additionally, cells grown overnight in TSB supplemented with 0.6% yeast extract (TSBYE) at 30°C were used as control cells. Following habituation, L. monocytogenes cells were harvested and exposed to: (i) pH 3.5 adjusted with lactic acid, acetic acid or hydrochloric acid (HCl), and pH 1.5 (HCl) for 6 h; (ii) 20% NaCl and (iii) 60°C for 150 s. Results showed that tomato-habituated L. monocytogenes cells were more tolerant (P lettuce, and habituation on both foods resulted in more stress resistant cells than prior growth in TSB. On the contrary, the highest resistance to heat stress (P lettuce-habituated L. monocytogenes cells followed by TSB-grown cells at 5°C for 24 h, whereas tomato-habituated cells were highly sensitized. Prolonged starvation on fresh produce (5 days vs. 24 h) increased resistance to osmotic and acid stress, but reduced thermotolerance, regardless of the pre-exposure environment (i.e., tomatoes, lettuce or TSB). These results indicate that L. monocytogenes cells habituated on fresh produce at low temperatures might acquire resistance to subsequent antimicrobial treatments raising important food safety implications.

  10. Problemas derivados de la indeterminación legal de la profesión habitual: situaciones de compatibilidad no deseadas y propuestas de revisión

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    Ana Álvarez Moreno

    Full Text Available La determinación de la profesión habitual se configura como una de las piezas clave del sistema por el que se rige la declaración de invalidez permanente. Lo es porque determina tanto la procedencia de la declaración inicial de la invalidez, de manera fundamental en la incapacidad permanente total, como la compatibilidad de la misma una vez reconocida con el trabajo, con un salario o con una posible prestación futura derivada del mismo. La indeterminación legal de los parámetros que configuran el reconocimiento de una situación de invalidez deriva, en situaciones de compatibilidad difíciles de justificar. Sin duda la más sorprendente es la prácticamente absoluta compatibilidad de la situación de incapacidad permanente absoluta y de gran invalidez con el trabajo, según la doctrina configurada por el Tribunal Supremo. También hay dificultad para revisar el grado de incapacidad reconocido, puesto que la misma ha de ajustarse a los motivos tasados por el legislador. Conclusiones: - Delimitar el concepto de profesión habitual de una forma de manera que se amplíe desde el marco reducido de las funciones al más amplio del grupo profesional o, cuando menos, al que habilita al empresario para efectuar la movilidad funcional. - Modificar las actuales causas de revisión de la invalidez posibilitando que la mejoría también pueda ser considerada desde la perspectiva profesional, bien por la adaptación y rehabilitación funcional posterior o bien porque las modificaciones de los procesos productivos modifiquen la capacidad profesional inicialmente determinada. - Determinar en supuestos de nuevo trabajo si es compatible con las limitaciones funcionales objetivadas e impedir así el desempeño de trabajos con requerimientos similares o superiores a los que provocaron el reconocimiento de la situación de IPT. - Suspender la pensión de IPT en el supuesto de que el beneficiario de la misma simultaneé su percibo con el desempeño de la misma


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    Paulina Pietras


    Full Text Available The present article is aimed at examining the category of the reality status by discussing the dichotomy “realis / irrealis” in the context of the categories of modality, habituality and futurity. Prototype analysis is juxtaposed with scope analysis, and the category of the habitual is discussed from the typological perspective as well as from the perspective of its connection with the category of futurity. The paper presents aspect diversity of habituals (perfective and imperfective aspect and its contextual implications as well as the differentiation between the habitual and modality. A special focus is on the prototype analysis and its application instances in Polish, English and Hebrew. The primary objective of the paper is to show that, although it is possible to treat irrealis as notional category, the habituals in Polish and many other Slavic languages (e.g. Czech should be identified with the modality domain rather than irrealis category. The paper is also an attempt to provide an insight into the distinction between (irrealis and encoding systems of modalities as the habitual aspect displays modal category features in many languages (including Polish.

  12. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 deletion rescues auditory evoked potential habituation deficit in a mouse model of Fragile X Syndrome. (United States)

    Lovelace, Jonathan W; Wen, Teresa H; Reinhard, Sarah; Hsu, Mike S; Sidhu, Harpreet; Ethell, Iryna M; Binder, Devin K; Razak, Khaleel A


    Sensory processing deficits are common in autism spectrum disorders, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a leading genetic cause of intellectual disability and autism. Electrophysiological responses in humans with FXS show reduced habituation with sound repetition and this deficit may underlie auditory hypersensitivity in FXS. Our previous study in Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice revealed an unusually long state of increased sound-driven excitability in auditory cortical neurons suggesting that cortical responses to repeated sounds may exhibit abnormal habituation as in humans with FXS. Here, we tested this prediction by comparing cortical event related potentials (ERP) recorded from wildtype (WT) and Fmr1 KO mice. We report a repetition-rate dependent reduction in habituation of N1 amplitude in Fmr1 KO mice and show that matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), one of the known FMRP targets, contributes to the reduced ERP habituation. Our studies demonstrate a significant up-regulation of MMP-9 levels in the auditory cortex of adult Fmr1 KO mice, whereas a genetic deletion of Mmp-9 reverses ERP habituation deficits in Fmr1 KO mice. Although the N1 amplitude of Mmp-9/Fmr1 DKO recordings was larger than WT and KO recordings, the habituation of ERPs in Mmp-9/Fmr1 DKO mice is similar to WT mice implicating MMP-9 as a potential target for reversing sensory processing deficits in FXS. Together these data establish ERP habituation as a translation relevant, physiological pre-clinical marker of auditory processing deficits in FXS and suggest that abnormal MMP-9 regulation is a mechanism underlying auditory hypersensitivity in FXS. Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is the leading known genetic cause of autism spectrum disorders. Individuals with FXS show symptoms of auditory hypersensitivity. These symptoms may arise due to sustained neural responses to repeated sounds, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. For the first time, this study shows deficits

  13. Ecotourism and primate habituation: Behavioral variation in two groups of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) from Costa Rica. (United States)

    Webb, Shasta E; McCoy, Michael B


    The increase of ecotourism operations within Costa Rica during the last 20 yrs has brought more and more humans into close, direct contact with several wildlife species. One of these species is the white-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinos), highly gregarious, and with exposure over time, willing to come into close vicinity of humans and their developments. Such contact has its advantages and disadvantages for the ecotourism industry. We observed white-faced monkeys in order to assess the impact of human presence and development on monkey behavior, with a focus on aggressive, affiliative, and foraging behaviors in Curú Wildlife Refuge (CWR), located in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, and to ascertain the degree of over-habituation of capuchin popula- tions at CWR. Though there exists no discrete behavioral parameters that measure over-habituation, it can be defined as an extreme state of habituation in which non-human primates not only lose fear of humans, but also actively include humans in social interactions or treat them as a food resource. We used instantaneous focal animal and group scan sampling during 8 wks in March and April 2012. Two groups (approximately 20-30 individuals each) of capuchins were observed; the first near the tourist development at the Southwestern area of CWR, representing a habituated population that regularly foraged, rested, and groomed in the presence of humans. The second, was observed in the Northeastern area of CWR, did not visit the center of human activity and exhibited fear of humans. The habituated group exhibited significantly fewer instances of threatened behavior in response to human presence (p ecotourism, increases. Over-habituation is a problem that affects capuchins in certain ecotourism sites in Costa Rica. It is critical that the consequences of habituation be studied more carefully, primarily in areas where ecotourism operations draw visitors to wildlife habitats.

  14. Measurement of habituation to noise using the method of continuous judgment by category (United States)

    Namba, S.; Kuwano, S.


    Using "the method of continuous judgment by category", we examined the noisiness of sounds from public loudspeakers, and habituation to them. Subjects judged the noisiness of the sound at any moment of their choice by touching one of seven numbered keys on a computer keyboard, each corresponding to a noisiness category. At the same time, the subjects were required to complete a task as carefully and rapidly as possible. The duration of "no response" to sounds was an index of habituation. Both personality factors and physical factors were analyzed. It was found that the duration of "no response" is a good index to habituation to noise, and that there were wide differences in the "no response" time of different subjects. The reactions of individual subjects in sessions 1 and 2 and the questionnaire survey were, however, consistent. This suggests that there is a group that is relatively sensitive to noise and a group that is less sensitive to noise. It was also found that subjects had difficulty in becoming accustomed to intense noise.

  15. ?My Worries Are Rational, Climate Change Is Not?: Habitual Ecological Worrying Is an Adaptive Response


    Verplanken, Bas; Roy, Deborah


    Qualifications such as "global warming hysteria" and "energy policy schizophrenia" put forward by some climate change skeptics, usually outside the academic arena, may suggest that people who seriously worry about the environment suffer from psychological imbalance. The present study aimed to refute this thesis. While habitual worrying in general is strongly associated with psychopathological symptoms, in a survey a near-zero correlation was found between habitual ecological worrying and path...

  16. Metabolic syndrome associated with habitual indulgence and dietary behavior in middle‐aged health‐care professionals


    Wan, Chu‐Jen; Lin, Li‐Yun; Yu, Tung‐Hsi; Sheu, Wayne H‐H


    Abstract Aims/Introduction:  Few studies, especially in Asia, have examined the relevance between metabolic syndrome (MetS), habitual indulgence and dietary behaviors in health‐care professionals. The present study evaluates metabolic syndrome rate and its association with habitual indulgence (coffee, tea, alcohol and cigarette smoking) and diet behavior in health‐care professionals. Materials and Methods:  Information was collected from 514 health‐care professionals (147 men, 367 women) who ...

  17. Opinião de mulheres sobre a legalização do aborto em município de porte médio no Sul do Brasil Women's opinions on abortion legalization in a county in Southern Brazil

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    Juraci A. César


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O aborto provocado é o principal determinante da mortalidade materna no Brasil. Isto tem provocado diversas discussões quanto à possibilidade de legalizá-lo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Através de delineamento transversal e de amostragem sistemática por conglomerados foram aplicados questionários individualizados a todas as mulheres com idade entre 15 e 49 anos, residentes no Município de Rio Grande, RS. RESULTADOS: Dentre as 1.456 mulheres entrevistadas, 30% mostraram-se favoráveis à legalização do aborto em qualquer situação; o percentual de mulheres favoráveis esteve diretamente associado à idade, escolaridade, renda familiar e ocorrência prévia de aborto provocado (pINTRODUCTION: Induced abortion is the main cause of maternal death in Brazil. Question of its legalization has been the subject of frequent discussion. MATERIAL AND METHOD: In order to assess the influence of the variables affecting the opinion of women of reproductive age, a population-based systematic sample in the couty of Rio Grande (Southern Brazil was examined. RESULTS: Of a total of 1,456 interviews 30% endorsed the legalization, whatever the circunstances; this percentage was directly associated with age, schooling, family income and previous induced abortion (p<0.01. Adjusted analysis using logistic regression showed a significant effect of schooling and previous induced abortion on favourable opinion. CONCLUSION: Schooling and previous induced abortion were the main determinants of women's favorable opinions regarding abortion legalization.

  18. Recién nacido con imagen torácica densa


    Pastor Durán, Xavier; Figueras Aloy, José, 1950-


    Presentamos un recien nacido varón de 48 horas de vida que ingresa por cianosis, bradicardia e hipotonia. Es fruto de la séptima gestación de una madre añosa de 41 años de edad entre cuyos antecedentes sólo resaltan tres abortos previos al embarazo actual, dos de ellos provocados.Este embarazo fue bien controlado..

  19. Study of the kinematic variables of unilateral and habitual mastication of healthy individuals. (United States)

    Pasinato, Fernanda; Oliveira, Andréia Gussi de; Santos-Couto-Paz, Clarissa C; Zeredo, Jorge Luis Lopes; Bolzan, Geovana de Paula; Macedo, Sergio Bruzadelli; Corrêa, Eliane C R


    To describe and compare the temporal-spatial kinematic variables of mandibular movement during deliberate unilateral and habitual mastication in healthy young-adult individuals. The study sample was composed of eight male healthy volunteers aged 19 to 24 years. The kinematic data were obtained using a motion analysis system - Qualisys Track Manager (QTM) ProReflex MCU. Recordings were performed during deliberate unilateral mastication (UM) and habitual mastication (HM) of firm-consistency gummy candy. The following variables were analyzed: (1) masticatory sequence: duration, number of masticatory cycles, and chewing rate; (2) masticatory cycle: duration, vertical and medial-lateral mandibular range of motion in relation to the skull, and maximum velocity during the opening and closing phases. Data of the variables were compared during UM and HM by the paired t test, and the effect sizes ('d' Cohen) were calculated. Regarding the variables of the masticatory sequence, smaller chewing rate was observed for UM compared with that for HM (1.19±0.21Hz and 1.29±0.16Hz, respectively, p=0.004, d=0.53). Smaller values of maximum velocity during the opening (MU=67.4 mm/s and MH=80.02, p=0.053, d=0.80) and closing (MU=71.77±9.35mm/s and MH=3.51±7mm/s, p=0.014, d=0.79) phases of the masticatory cycle were observed in deliberate unilateral mastication compared with those in habitual mastication. Kinematic variables associated with the sequence and cycle of mastication are influenced by the chewing pattern adopted - deliberate unilateral or habitual.

  20. Occasional, obligatory, and habitual stone tool use in hominin evolution. (United States)

    Shea, John J


    Archeologists have long assumed that earlier hominins were obligatory stone tool users. This assumption is deeply embedded in traditional ways of describing the lithic record. This paper argues that lithic evidence dating before 1.7 Ma reflects occasional stone tool use, much like that practiced by nonhuman primates except that it involved flaked-stone cutting tools. Evidence younger than 0.3 Ma is more congruent with obligatory stone tool use, like that among recent humans. The onset of habitual stone tool use at about 1.7 Ma appears correlated with increased hominin logistical mobility (carrying things). The onset of obligatory stone tool use after 0.3 Ma may be linked to the evolution of spoken language. Viewing the lithic evidence dating between 0.3-1.7 Ma as habitual stone tool use explains previously inexplicable aspects of the Early-Middle Pleistocene lithic record. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Visual recognition memory, manifest as long-term habituation, requires synaptic plasticity in V1 (United States)

    Cooke, Sam F.; Komorowski, Robert W.; Kaplan, Eitan S.; Gavornik, Jeffrey P.; Bear, Mark F.


    Familiarity with stimuli that bring neither reward nor punishment, manifested through behavioural habituation, enables organisms to detect novelty and devote cognition to important elements of the environment. Here we describe in mice a form of long-term behavioural habituation to visual grating stimuli that is selective for stimulus orientation. Orientation-selective habituation (OSH) can be observed both in exploratory behaviour in an open arena, and in a stereotyped motor response to visual stimuli in head-restrained mice. We show that the latter behavioural response, termed a vidget, requires V1. Parallel electrophysiological recordings in V1 reveal that plasticity, in the form of stimulus-selective response potentiation (SRP), occurs in layer 4 of V1 as OSH develops. Local manipulations of V1 that prevent and reverse electrophysiological modifications likewise prevent and reverse memory demonstrated behaviourally. These findings suggest that a form of long-term visual recognition memory is stored via synaptic plasticity in primary sensory cortex. PMID:25599221

  2. Visual recognition memory, manifested as long-term habituation, requires synaptic plasticity in V1. (United States)

    Cooke, Sam F; Komorowski, Robert W; Kaplan, Eitan S; Gavornik, Jeffrey P; Bear, Mark F


    Familiarity with stimuli that bring neither reward nor punishment, manifested through behavioral habituation, enables organisms to detect novelty and devote cognition to important elements of the environment. Here we describe in mice a form of long-term behavioral habituation to visual grating stimuli that is selective for stimulus orientation. Orientation-selective habituation (OSH) can be observed both in exploratory behavior in an open arena and in a stereotyped motor response to visual stimuli in head-restrained mice. We found that the latter behavioral response, termed a 'vidget', requires V1. Parallel electrophysiological recordings in V1 revealed that plasticity, in the form of stimulus-selective response potentiation (SRP), occurred in layer 4 of V1 as OSH developed. Local manipulations of V1 that prevented and reversed electrophysiological modifications likewise prevented and reversed memory demonstrated behaviorally. These findings suggest that a form of long-term visual recognition memory is stored via synaptic plasticity in primary sensory cortex.

  3. Cold habituation does not improve manual dexterity during rest and exercise in 5 °C (United States)

    Muller, Matthew D.; Seo, Yongsuk; Kim, Chul-Ho; Ryan, Edward J.; Pollock, Brandon S.; Burns, Keith J.; Glickman, Ellen L.


    When exposed to a cold environment, a barehanded person experiences pain, cold sensation, and reduced manual dexterity. Both acute (e.g. exercise) and chronic (e.g. cold acclimatization or habituation) processes might lessen these negative effects. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of cold habituation on physiology, perception, and manual dexterity during rest, exercise, and recovery in 5 °C. Six cold weather athletes (CWA) and eight non habituated men (NON) volunteered to participate in a repeated measures cross-over design. The protocol was conducted in 5 °C and was 90 min of resting cold exposure, 30 min of cycle ergometry exercise (50 % VO2 peak), and 60 min of seated recovery. Core and finger skin temperature, metabolic rate, Purdue Pegboard dexterity performance, hand pain, thermal sensation, and mood were quantified. Exercise-induced finger rewarming (EIFRW) was calculated for each hand. During 90 min of resting exposure to 5 °C, the CWA had a smaller reduction in finger temperature, a lower metabolic rate, less hand pain, and less negative mood. Despite this cold habituation, dexterity performance was not different between groups. In response to cycle ergometry, EIFRW was greater in CWA (~12 versus 7 °C) and occurred at lower core temperatures (37.02 versus 37.31 °C) relative to NON but dexterity was not greater during post-exercise recovery. The current data indicate that cold habituated men (i.e., CWA) do not perform better on the Purdue Pegboard during acute cold exposure. Furthermore, despite augmented EIFRW in CWA, dexterity during post-exercise recovery was similar between groups.

  4. Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology of Habituality and Habitus


    Moran, Dermot


    Habit is a key concept in Husserl’s genetic phenomenology. In this paper, I want to flesh out Husserl’s conception of habit (for which he employs a wide variety of terms including: Habitus, Habitualität, Gewohnheit, das Habituelle, Habe, Besitz, Sitte, Tradition) to illustrate the complexity, range and depth of the phenomenological treatment of habit. I shall show that Husserl was by no means offering a limited Cartesian intellectualist explication of habitual action, rather he attempted to c...

  5. A Comparison of the Habitual Landing Strategies from Differing Drop Heights of Parkour Practitioners (Traceurs) and Recreationally Trained Individuals. (United States)

    Standing, Regan J; Maulder, Peter S


    Parkour is an activity that encompasses methods of jumping, climbing and vaulting. With landing being a pertinent part of this practise, Parkour participants (traceurs) have devised their own habitual landing strategies, which are suggested to be a safer and more effective style of landing. The purpose of this study was to compare the habitual landing strategies of traceurs and recreationally trained individuals from differing drop heights. Comparisons between landing sound and mechanical parameters were also assessed to gauge the level of landing safety. Ten recreationally trained participants and ten traceurs performed three landings from 25% and 50% body height using their own habitual landing strategies. Results at 25% showed significantly lower maximal vertical force (39.9%, p strike analysis revealed traceurs landed using forefoot or forefoot-midfoot strategies in 93.2% of trials; whereas recreationally trained participants used these styles in only 8.3% of these landings. To conclude, the habitual landings of traceurs are more effective at lowering the kinetic landing variables associated with a higher injury risk in comparison to recreationally trained individuals. Sound as a measure of landing effectiveness and safety holds potential significance; however requires further research to confirm. Key pointsHabitual traceur landings were observed to be safer landing techniques in comparison to those utilised by recreationally trained individuals, due to the lower maximal vertical forces, slower times to maximal vertical force, lesser loading rates and lower maximal sound.Traceurs predominantly landed with the forefoot only, whereas recreationally trained individuals habitually utilised a forefoot to heel landing strategy.The habitual landing techniques performed by traceurs may be beneficial for other landing sports to incorporate into training to reduce injury.

  6. Long-Term Effects of Habitual Barefoot Running and Walking: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Hollander, Karsten; Heidt, Christoph; VAN DER Zwaard, Babette C; Braumann, Klaus-Michael; Zech, Astrid


    Barefoot locomotion is widely believed to be beneficial for motor development and biomechanics but are implied to be responsible for foot pathologies and running-related injuries. Although most of available studies focused on acute effects of barefoot running and walking little is known regarding the effects of long-term barefoot versus shod locomotion. The purpose of this study was to systematically review the literature to evaluate current evidence of habitual barefoot (HB) versus habitual shod locomotion on foot anthropometrics, biomechanics, motor performance, and pathologies. Four electronic databases were searched using terms related to habitually barefoot locomotion. Relevant studies were identified based on title, abstract, and full text, and a forward (citation tracking) and backward (references) search was performed. Risk of bias was assessed, data pooling, and meta-analysis (random effects model) performed and finally levels of evidence determined. Fifteen studies with 8399 participants were included. Limited evidence was found for a reduced ankle dorsiflexion at footstrike (pooled effect size, -3.47; 95% confidence interval [CI], -5.18 to -1.76) and a lower pedobarographically measured hallux angle (-1.16; 95% CI, -1.64 to -0.68). HB populations had wider (0.55; 95% CI, 0.06-1.05) but no shorter (-0.22; 95% CI, -0.51 to 0.08) feet compared with habitual shod populations. No differences in relative injury rates were found, with limited evidence for a different body part distribution of musculoskeletal injuries and more foot pathologies and less foot deformities and defects in HB runners. Only limited or very limited evidence is found for long-term effects of HB locomotion regarding biomechanics or health-related outcomes. Moreover, no evidence exists for motor performance. Future research should include prospective study designs.

  7. Psychosocial stress among patients with type 2 diabetes: habitual ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Psychosocial stress is a disabling condition and is common among people with diabetes mellitus in view of the complexity of the disorder. It is however not clear if the psychosocial stress has any link with habitual physical activity, which is an important component in the care of people with diabetes. This study was ...

  8. Replicación del Herpesvirus equino y su asociación con la patogénesis molecular

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    Julián Ruiz Sáenz


    Full Text Available El herpesvirus equino (EHV es uno de los patógenos virales de mayor importancia en la industria equina mundial, debido a las grandes pérdidas económicas que acarrea. La enfermedad comúnmente asociada con el EHV se denomina rinoneumonitis equina y se caracteriza por ser una infección primaria del tracto respiratorio superior, que progresa a través de la mucosa; puede causar aborto en los últimos meses de gestación, muerte perinatal de potros, mortinatos y mieloencefalitis. La infección productiva es seguida por un estado de latencia viral, etapa en la cual el animal no presenta ningún signo clínico de enfermedad y no hay replicación viral. Bajo una situación de estrés, el virus puede reactivarse y caballos infectados infectar a otros caballos sanos. En esta revisión se presenta de manera sintetizada, los principales hallazgos relacionados con la replicación viral y patogénesis molecular del EHV, relacionando además las proteínas implicadas en la regulación de la replicación del genoma, todas las glicoproteínas estructurales que han sido estudiadas hasta el momento y que son el eje central de investigación de distintos grupos en el mundo. Se discute además, la verdadera importancia de la dispersión directa célula-célula del virus, la formación de placas, el crecimiento in vitro y en algunos casos, la asociación con la patogénesis, bien sea en un modelo animal o en el hospedero natural.

  9. Habitual intake of fruit juice predicts central blood pressure. (United States)

    Pase, Matthew P; Grima, Natalie; Cockerell, Robyn; Pipingas, Andrew


    Despite a common perception that fruit juice is healthy, fruit juice contains high amounts of naturally occurring sugar without the fibre content of the whole fruit. Frequent fruit juice consumption may therefore contribute to excessive sugar consumption typical of the Western society. Although excess sugar intake is associated with high blood pressure (BP), the association between habitual fruit juice consumption and BP is unclear. The present study investigated the association of fruit juice consumption with brachial and central (aortic) BP in 160 community dwelling adults. Habitual fruit juice consumption was measured using a 12 month dietary recall questionnaire. On the same day, brachial BP was measured and central (aortic) BP was estimated through radial artery applanation. Frequency of fruit juice consumption was classified as rare, occasional or daily. Those who consumed fruit juice daily, versus rarely or occasionally, had significantly higher central systolic BP (F (2, 134) = 6.09, p juice daily rather than rarely or occasionally. In conclusion, more frequent fruit juice consumption was associated with higher central BPs. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Estudio citogenético y morfológico en productos de aborto espontáneo procedentes de diferentes servicios de ginecoobstetricia de la ciudad de Medellín Cytogenetic and morphologic study of spontaneous abortions products in Medellín, Colombia

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    Gonzálo Vásquez Palacio


    Full Text Available En el período comprendido entre septiembre 1° de 1996 y octubre 1° de 1997, se recolectó para estudios morfológico y citogenético un total de 84 productos de aborto espontáneo del 1° y 2° trimestres de la gestación, en diferentes servicios de ginecoobstetricia de la ciudad de Medellín. Dieciséis de los 84 se descartaron por contaminación o ausencia de tejidos apropiados para el estudio. De los 68 productos restantes en 60 (88,2% se establecieron cultivos para estudio citogenético, los cuales fueron exitosos en 34 casos (56, 7%. Diecisiete de los anteriores (50% mostraron un cariotipo anormal con las siguientes alteraciones cromosómicas: monosomía X, 10 (58,8%, mosaicismos 5 (29,4%, trisomías 1 (5,9% y tetraploidía 1 (5,9%. En 21 de los 68 productos (30,9% (3 embriones y 18 fetos fue posible el estudio morfológico. Doce de éstos, (2 embriones y 10 fetos; 57, 1 % mostraron alteraciones morfológicas externas o internas. El presente estudio citogenético y morfológico en productos de aborto espontáneo con edad gestacional menor de 20 semanas es el primero que se informa en nuestro medio y sus resultados son similares a los obtenidos en otros reportes que aparecen en la literatura. Eighty tour spontaneous abortion products, with gestational age under 20 weeks, were collected in ditterent obstetric and gynecologic services trom Medellin-Colombia between September 1996 and October 1997; they were studied both morphologically and cytogenetically. Sixteen of those products were discarded because of contamination or absence of suitable tissues for the study In 60 of the remaining 68 products (88°/~ cultures for cytogenetic studies were establishedJ and they were succesful in 34 cases (56J7%. Seventeen of. these (50% showed an abnormal karyotype with the following chromosomal anomalies: X monosomies 10 (58J8%, mosaicisms 5 (29,4%J trisomies 1 (5,9%, and tetráploidy 1 (5J9%. From the 68 products, a morphologic study was performed in

  11. Drunk decisions: Alcohol shifts choice from habitual towards goal-directed control in adolescent intermediate-risk drinkers. (United States)

    Obst, Elisabeth; Schad, Daniel J; Huys, Quentin Jm; Sebold, Miriam; Nebe, Stephan; Sommer, Christian; Smolka, Michael N; Zimmermann, Ulrich S


    Studies in humans and animals suggest a shift from goal-directed to habitual decision-making in addiction. We therefore tested whether acute alcohol administration reduces goal-directed and promotes habitual decision-making, and whether these effects are moderated by self-reported drinking problems. Fifty-three socially drinking males completed the two-step task in a randomised crossover design while receiving an intravenous infusion of ethanol (blood alcohol level=80 mg%), or placebo. To minimise potential bias by long-standing heavy drinking and subsequent neuropsychological impairment, we tested 18- to 19-year-old adolescents. Alcohol administration consistently reduced habitual, model-free decisions, while its effects on goal-directed, model-based behaviour varied as a function of drinking problems measured with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. While adolescents with low risk for drinking problems (scoring towards goal-directed decision-making, such that alcohol possibly even improved their performance. We assume that alcohol disrupted basic cognitive functions underlying habitual and goal-directed decisions in low-risk drinkers, thereby enhancing hasty choices. Further, we speculate that intermediate-risk drinkers benefited from alcohol as a negative reinforcer that reduced unpleasant emotional states, possibly displaying a novel risk factor for drinking in adolescence.

  12. Habituation of the initial responses to cold water immersion in humans: a central or peripheral mechanism? (United States)

    Tipton, M J; Eglin, C M; Golden, F S


    1. The initial respiratory and cardiac responses to cold water immersion are thought to be responsible for a significant number of open water deaths each year. Previous research has demonstrated that the magnitude of these responses can be reduced by repeated immersions in cold waterwhether the site of habituation is central or peripheral. 2. Two groups of subjects undertook two 3 min head-out immersions in stirred water at 10 C of the right-hand side of the body (R). Between these two immersions (3 whole days) the control group (n = 7) were not exposed to cold water, but the habituation group (n = 8) undertook a further six 3 min head-out immersions in stirred water at 10 C of the left-hand side of the body (L). 3. Repeated L immersions reduced (P immersion a reduction (P < 0.05) in the magnitude of the responses evoked was seen in the habituation group but not in the control group, despite both groups having identical skin temperature profiles. 4. It is concluded that the mechanisms involved in producing habituation of the initial responses are located more centrally than the peripheral receptors.

  13. Evidence for β-adrenergic modulation of sweating during incremental exercise in habitually trained males. (United States)

    Amano, Tatsuro; Shitara, Yosuke; Fujii, Naoto; Inoue, Yoshimitsu; Kondo, Narihiko


    The aim of the present study was to determine the β-adrenergic contribution to sweating during incremental exercise in habitually trained males. Nine habitually trained and 11 untrained males performed incremental cycling until exhaustion (20 W/min). Bilateral forearm sweat rates (ventilated capsule) were measured at two skin sites that were transdermally administered via iontophoresis with either 1% propranolol (Propranolol, a nonselective β-adrenergic receptor antagonist) or saline (Control). The sweat rate was evaluated as a function of both relative (percentage of maximum workload) and absolute exercise intensities. The sweat rate at the Propranolol site was lower than the control during exercise at 80 (0.57 ± 0.21 and 0.45 ± 0.19 mg·cm -2 ·min -1 for Control and Propranolol, respectively) and 90% (0.74 ± 0.22 and 0.65 ± 0.17 mg·cm -2 ·min -1 , respectively) of maximum workload in trained males (all P 0.05). At the same absolute intensity, higher sweat rates on the control site were observed in trained males relative to the untrained during exercise at 160 (0.23 ± 0.20 and 0.04 ± 0.05 mg·cm -2 ·min -1 for trained and untrained, respectively) and 180 W (0.40 ± 0.20 and 0.13 ± 0.13 mg·cm -2 ·min -1 , respectively) (all P 0.05). We show that the β-adrenergic mechanism does modulate sweating during exercise at a submaximal high relative intensity in habitually trained males. The β-adrenergic mechanism may in part contribute to the greater sweat production in habitually trained males than in untrained counterparts during exercise. NEW & NOTEWORTHY We demonstrated for the first time that the β-adrenergic mechanism does modulate sweating (i.e., β-adrenergic sweating) during exercise using a localized β-adrenoceptor blockade in humans in vivo. β-Adrenergic sweating was evident in habitually trained individuals during exercise at a submaximal high relative intensity (80-90% maximal work). This observation advances

  14. Nocebo context modulates long-term habituation to heat pain and influences functional connectivity of the operculum. (United States)

    Ellerbrock, Isabel; Wiehler, Antonius; Arndt, Manuela; May, Arne


    In the past, nocebo manipulations have been found to modulate pain perception and influence long-term habituation to pain. Recently, neural correlates accompanying this finding have been identified: habituation over days is mirrored by decreased activity in pain-processing brain areas, whereas nocebo-specific modulation specifically involves the opercular cortex. Focusing on duration and central network characteristics of nocebo information in a longitudinal heat pain paradigm, we investigated 40 healthy participants over a period of 21 consecutive days, whereof sessions on days 1, 8, 14, and 21 were performed during functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning. Negative context information was given to half of the participants, inducing a nocebo manipulation through verbal suggestions. The analysis was focused on brain areas associated with habituation and nocebo effects and identified coupled brain regions using functional connectivity analysis. Decreased pain perception over days was reflected in reduced blood oxygenation level dependent signal in pain-processing areas, such as the insula and somatosensory cortices, whereas increased rostral anterior cingulate cortex activation reflected the central correlate for habituation over time. Habituation was significantly less pronounced in the nocebo group. Consistent with previous results, the nocebo manipulation not only modulated pain perception but also was accompanied by the activation of the operculum over an extended period of time. Importantly, the operculum exhibited changes in coupling during nociceptive input over time, as demonstrated by decreased connectivity with the basal ganglia and pinpoints differences, depending on whether a nocebo context was given. These data suggest that negative verbal suggestions prognosticating increasing pain may prevail by modulating basal ganglia-thalamocortical loops.

  15. Habituation of evoked responses is greater in patients with familial hemiplegic migraine than in controls

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jakob Møller; Bolla, M; Magis, D


    have associated with disturbed ion homeostasis, altered cellular excitability, neurotransmitter release, and decreased threshold for cortical spreading depression. The common forms of migraine are characterized interictally by a habituation deficit of cortical and subcortical evoked responses that has...... been attributed to neuronal dysexcitability. FHM and the common forms of migraine are thought to belong to a spectrum of migraine phenotypes with similar pathophysiology, and we therefore examined whether an abnormal habituation pattern would also be found in FHM patients....

  16. Differential effects of diazepam and MPEP on habituation and neuro-behavioural processes in inbred mice. (United States)

    Salomons, Amber R; Pinzon, Nathaly Espitia; Boleij, Hetty; Kirchhoff, Susanne; Arndt, Saskia S; Nordquist, Rebecca E; Lindemann, Lothar; Jaeschke, Georg; Spooren, Will; Ohl, Frauke


    Previous studies have demonstrated a profound lack of habituation in 129P3 mice compared to the habituating, but initially more anxious, BALB/c mice. The present study investigated whether this non-adaptive phenotype of 129P3 mice is primarily based on anxiety-related characteristics. To test this hypothesis and extend our knowledge on the behavioural profile of 129P3 mice, the effects of the anxiolyticdiazepam (1, 3 and 5 mg/kg) and the putative anxiolytic metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlu5R) antagonist 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl)pyridine (MPEP, 3, 10 and 30 mg/kg) treatment on within-trial (intrasession) habituation, object recognition (diazepam: 1 mg/kg; MPEP 10 mg/kg) and on the central-nervous expression of the immediate early gene c-Fos (diazepam: 1 mg/kg; MPEP 10 mg/kg) were investigated. Behavioural findings validated the initially high, but habituating phenotype of BALB/c mice, while 129P3 mice were characterized by impaired intrasession habituation. Diazepam had an anxiolytic effect in BALB/c mice, while in higher doses caused behavioural inactivity in 129P3 mice. MPEP revealed almost no anxiolytic effects on behaviour in both strains, but reduced stress-induced corticosterone responses only in 129P3 mice. These results were complemented by reduced expression of c-Fos after MPEP treatment in brain areas related to emotional processes, and increased c-Fos expression in higher integrating brain areas such as the prelimbic cortex compared to vehicle-treated 129P3 mice. These results suggest that the strain differences observed in (non)adaptive anxiety behaviour are at least in part mediated by differences in gamma-aminobutyric acid- A and mGluR5 mediated transmission.

  17. Habituation: a non-associative learning rule design for spiking neurons and an autonomous mobile robots implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cyr, André; Boukadoum, Mounir


    This paper presents a novel bio-inspired habituation function for robots under control by an artificial spiking neural network. This non-associative learning rule is modelled at the synaptic level and validated through robotic behaviours in reaction to different stimuli patterns in a dynamical virtual 3D world. Habituation is minimally represented to show an attenuated response after exposure to and perception of persistent external stimuli. Based on current neurosciences research, the originality of this rule includes modulated response to variable frequencies of the captured stimuli. Filtering out repetitive data from the natural habituation mechanism has been demonstrated to be a key factor in the attention phenomenon, and inserting such a rule operating at multiple temporal dimensions of stimuli increases a robot's adaptive behaviours by ignoring broader contextual irrelevant information. (paper)

  18. Habituation: a non-associative learning rule design for spiking neurons and an autonomous mobile robots implementation. (United States)

    Cyr, André; Boukadoum, Mounir


    This paper presents a novel bio-inspired habituation function for robots under control by an artificial spiking neural network. This non-associative learning rule is modelled at the synaptic level and validated through robotic behaviours in reaction to different stimuli patterns in a dynamical virtual 3D world. Habituation is minimally represented to show an attenuated response after exposure to and perception of persistent external stimuli. Based on current neurosciences research, the originality of this rule includes modulated response to variable frequencies of the captured stimuli. Filtering out repetitive data from the natural habituation mechanism has been demonstrated to be a key factor in the attention phenomenon, and inserting such a rule operating at multiple temporal dimensions of stimuli increases a robot's adaptive behaviours by ignoring broader contextual irrelevant information.

  19. Habitual physical activity in mitochondrial disease. (United States)

    Apabhai, Shehnaz; Gorman, Grainne S; Sutton, Laura; Elson, Joanna L; Plötz, Thomas; Turnbull, Douglass M; Trenell, Michael I


    Mitochondrial disease is the most common neuromuscular disease and has a profound impact upon daily life, disease and longevity. Exercise therapy has been shown to improve mitochondrial function in patients with mitochondrial disease. However, no information exists about the level of habitual physical activity of people with mitochondrial disease and its relationship with clinical phenotype. Habitual physical activity, genotype and clinical presentations were assessed in 100 patients with mitochondrial disease. Comparisons were made with a control group individually matched by age, gender and BMI. Patients with mitochondrial disease had significantly lower levels of physical activity in comparison to matched people without mitochondrial disease (steps/day; 6883±3944 vs. 9924±4088, p = 0.001). 78% of the mitochondrial disease cohort did not achieve 10,000 steps per day and 48% were classified as overweight or obese. Mitochondrial disease was associated with less breaks in sedentary activity (Sedentary to Active Transitions, % per day; 13±0.03 vs. 14±0.03, p = 0.001) and an increase in sedentary bout duration (bout lengths/fraction of total sedentary time; 0.206±0.044 vs. 0.187±0.026, p = 0.001). After adjusting for covariates, higher physical activity was moderately associated with lower clinical disease burden (steps/day; r(s) = -0.49; 95% CI -0.33, -0.63, Pphysical activity between different genotypes mitochondrial disease. These results demonstrate for the first time that low levels of physical activity are prominent in mitochondrial disease. Combined with a high prevalence of obesity, physical activity may constitute a significant and potentially modifiable risk factor in mitochondrial disease.

  20. Habitual yogurt consumption and health-related quality of life: a prospective cohort study. (United States)

    Lopez-Garcia, Esther; Leon-Muñoz, Luz; Guallar-Castillon, Pilar; Rodríguez-Artalejo, Fernando


    Health-related quality of life (HRQL) is a global indicator of perceived health status, which includes physical and mental domains. Several biological mechanisms might support an association between consumption of yogurt and better HRQL. Our aim was to assess the association between habitual yogurt consumption and HRQL in the general adult population. We conducted a prospective study with 4,445 individuals aged 18 years and older who were recruited in 2008 to 2010 and were followed up to 2012. Habitual yogurt consumption was assessed at baseline with a validated diet history. HRQL was measured with the Physical Composite Summary and the Mental Composite Summary of the Spanish version of the SF-12 Health Survey. The analysis of the association between baseline yogurt consumption and HRQL at 2012 was performed with linear regression and adjusted for the main confounders, including baseline HRQL. Mean follow-up was 3.5 years (standard deviation=0.6 years). Compared with nonconsumers of yogurt, the Physical Composite Summary scores were similar in habitual consumers of ≤6 servings/week (β=.40; P=0.20) and in consumers of ≥1 serving/day (β=.25; P=0.45). A suggestion of tendency toward a lower Mental Composite Summary score was found among daily yogurt consumers (β=-.65; P=0.09; P for trend across categories=0.07). Results were similar among individuals without morbidity, never smokers, and individuals with higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Habitual yogurt consumption did not show an association with improved HRQL. Copyright © 2015 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. The relationship between habitual breakfast consumption frequency and academic performance in British adolescents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katie eAdolphus


    Full Text Available Breakfast has been shown to be beneficial for cognitive and academic performance in school children. However, there is a paucity of studies which examine the relationship between breakfast consumption and academic performance and a complete absence of studies in UK school children. The aim of this study, therefore, was to examine the association between habitual breakfast consumption frequency and Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT performance, a reasoning test routinely used in UK schools. Adolescents aged 11-13 years (n=292; males: 53.8% completed a questionnaire to report usual weekly breakfast intake frequency. Breakfast was subjectively defined by the participants. Habitual weekly breakfast consumption frequency was categorized as rare (0-2 days, occasional (3-4 days or frequent (5-7 days. Participants’ CAT performance was used as a proxy measure of academic performance. The CAT has three components: verbal, non-verbal and quantitative reasoning. Normative standard age scores (SAS for verbal, nonverbal, quantitative reasoning and overall mean SAS were obtained from school records and hierarchical linear regression models were applied, adjusting for the confounders: gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, English as an Additional Language and body mass index. Habitual breakfast consumption frequency did not significantly predict any CAT SAS in all models (crude and adjusted. However, methodological considerations which could account for this disagreement with previous research were identified. These included the isolation of school-day breakfast consumption, use of a standard definition of breakfast, and measurement of actual academic performance. The findings of the current study suggest more comprehensive ways in which future studies might investigate the relationship between habitual breakfast consumption and academic performance.

  2. Habitual Sleep Duration, Unmet Sleep Need, and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Korean Adults. (United States)

    Hwangbo, Young; Kim, Won Joo; Chu, Min Kyung; Yun, Chang Ho; Yang, Kwang Ik


    Sleep need differs between individuals, and so the same duration of sleep will lead to sleep insufficiency in some individuals but not others. The aim of this study was to determine the separate and combined associations of both sleep duration and unmet sleep need with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in Korean adults. The participants comprised 2,769 Korean adults aged 19 years or older. They completed questionnaires about their sleep habits over the previous month. The question regarding sleep need was "How much sleep do you need to be at your best during the day?" Unmet sleep need was calculated as sleep need minus habitual sleep duration. Participants with a score of >10 on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale were considered to have EDS. The overall prevalence of EDS was 11.9%. Approximately one-third of the participants (31.9%) reported not getting at least 7 hours of sleep. An unmet sleep need of >0 hours was present in 30.2% of the participants. An adjusted multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed a significant excess risk of EDS in the groups with unmet sleep needs of ≥2 hours [odds ratio (OR), 1.80; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.27-2.54] and 0.01-2 hours (OR, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.02-1.98). However, habitual sleep duration was not significantly related to EDS. EDS was found to be associated with unmet sleep need but not with habitual sleep duration when both factors were examined together. We suggest that individual unmet sleep need is more important than habitual sleep duration in terms of the relation to EDS.

  3. The Relationship between Habitual Breakfast Consumption Frequency and Academic Performance in British Adolescents. (United States)

    Adolphus, Katie; Lawton, Clare L; Dye, Louise


    Breakfast has been shown to be beneficial for cognitive and academic performance in school children. However, there is a paucity of studies which examine the relationship between breakfast consumption and academic performance and a complete absence of studies in UK school children. The aim of this study, therefore, was to examine the association between habitual breakfast consumption frequency and Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) performance, a reasoning test routinely used in UK schools. Adolescents aged 11-13 years (n = 292; males: 53.8%) completed a questionnaire to report usual weekly breakfast intake frequency. Breakfast was subjectively defined by the participants. Habitual weekly breakfast consumption frequency was categorized as rare (0-2 days), occasional (3-4 days), or frequent (5-7 days). Participants' CAT performance was used as a proxy measure of academic performance. The CAT has three components: verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative reasoning. Normative standard age scores (SAS) for verbal, non-verbal, quantitative reasoning, and overall mean SAS were obtained from school records and hierarchical linear regression models were applied, adjusting for the confounders: gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, English as an Additional Language, and body mass index. Habitual breakfast consumption frequency did not significantly predict any CAT SAS in all models (crude and adjusted). However, methodological considerations which could account for this disagreement with previous research, were identified. These included the isolation of school-day breakfast consumption, use of a standard definition of breakfast, and measurement of actual academic performance. The findings of the current study suggest more comprehensive ways in which future studies might investigate the relationship between habitual breakfast consumption and academic performance.

  4. The Relationship between Habitual Breakfast Consumption Frequency and Academic Performance in British Adolescents (United States)

    Adolphus, Katie; Lawton, Clare L.; Dye, Louise


    Breakfast has been shown to be beneficial for cognitive and academic performance in school children. However, there is a paucity of studies which examine the relationship between breakfast consumption and academic performance and a complete absence of studies in UK school children. The aim of this study, therefore, was to examine the association between habitual breakfast consumption frequency and Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) performance, a reasoning test routinely used in UK schools. Adolescents aged 11–13 years (n = 292; males: 53.8%) completed a questionnaire to report usual weekly breakfast intake frequency. Breakfast was subjectively defined by the participants. Habitual weekly breakfast consumption frequency was categorized as rare (0–2 days), occasional (3–4 days), or frequent (5–7 days). Participants’ CAT performance was used as a proxy measure of academic performance. The CAT has three components: verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative reasoning. Normative standard age scores (SAS) for verbal, non-verbal, quantitative reasoning, and overall mean SAS were obtained from school records and hierarchical linear regression models were applied, adjusting for the confounders: gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, English as an Additional Language, and body mass index. Habitual breakfast consumption frequency did not significantly predict any CAT SAS in all models (crude and adjusted). However, methodological considerations which could account for this disagreement with previous research, were identified. These included the isolation of school-day breakfast consumption, use of a standard definition of breakfast, and measurement of actual academic performance. The findings of the current study suggest more comprehensive ways in which future studies might investigate the relationship between habitual breakfast consumption and academic performance. PMID:26000270

  5. Don't worry, be active: positive affect and habitual physical activity. (United States)

    Pasco, Julie A; Jacka, Felice N; Williams, Lana J; Brennan, Sharon L; Leslie, Eva; Berk, Michael


    The aim of ths study was to examine the association between habitual physical activity and positive and negative affect. This cross-sectional study included 276 women aged 20 +, from the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. Habitual physical activity and other lifestyle exposures were assessed by questionnaire, concurrent with anthropometric assessments. Physical activity was categorized as very active, moderately active or sedentary. Positive and negative affect scores were derived from the validated 20 item Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) self-report and were categorized into tertiles. There was a pattern of lower positive affect scores for lower levels of physical activity. With very active as the reference category, the odds for having a positive affect score in the highest tertile were sequentially lower for those who were moderately active (OR = 0.53, 95%CI 0.28-1.01) and sedentary (OR = 0.28, 95%CI 0.10-0.75). Associations were sustained after adjusting for body mass index and polypharmacy (OR = 0.50, 95%CI 0.26-0.96 and OR = 0.25, 95%CI 0.09-0.72, respectively). These associations were not explained by age, negative affect score or other exposures. No association was detected between physical activity and negative affect scores. This study reports that higher positive affect scores, encompassing emotions such as interest, excitement, enthusiasm and alertness, are associated with higher levels of habitual physical activity. These observations warrant further investigations into possible mechanistic interplay between neurobiological and psychosocial factors that underpin this association.


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    Melba de la Cruz Barrantes Monge


    Full Text Available La derogación de la Ley del Aborto Terapéutico en Nicaragua ha generado un conflicto de opinión en la sociedad nicaragüense y, hasta el momento, no se ha llegado a un consenso en los distintos ámbitos de la sociedad. La Ley es clara en cuanto a prohibir esa práctica, pero es preciso hacer un adecuado análisis del tema, usando el diálogo como herramienta que contemple los principios bioéticos, para entender las implicancias positivas y negativas de la derogación de esta Ley en el binomio madre-hijo.A derrogação da Lei do Aborto Terapêutico na Nicarágua gerou um conflito de opinião na sociedade nicaragüense e até o presente momento, não se chegou a um consenso nos distintos segmentos da sociedade. A Lei é clara enquanto proíbe essa prática, porém é preciso fazer uma análise adequada do tema, usando o diálogo como ferramenta que contemple os princípios bioéticos, para entender as implicações positivas e negativas da derrogação desta Lei no binômio mãe-filho.The withdrawal of the Law on Therapeutic Abortion in Nicaragua has generated a conflict of opinions in the Nicaraguan society and no consensus has been reached up to this minute in the different scopes of its community. The Law is clear as to forbid its practice, but it is essential to study an adequate subject’s analysis: it is necessary to employ dialogue as a tool that would consider bioethics principles in order to understand both the positive and the negative implications of the derogation of this Law for the binomial mother-child.

  7. Does habituation really happen? Investigation of psycho-biological responses to body exposure in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Trentowska, Monika; Svaldi, Jennifer; Blechert, Jens; Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna


    Body exposure is a common and effective treatment for body image disturbance in bulimia nervosa (BN). However, little is known about treatment mechanisms. Based on models of emotional processing and neurovisceral integration, we expected to observe a) initial activation and b) habituation of cognitive-affective and autonomic responding within one and between two standardized body exposure sessions. A group of 13 women with BN and 13 healthy controls (HC) were repeatedly exposed to their bodies. Prior to and after treatment with three individualized mirror exposure sessions participants received a session of standardized exposure to videographic recordings of their body. Subjective ratings of body-related emotions and thoughts were assessed repeatedly throughout the standardized exposure sessions and autonomic responses were recorded continuously. Subjective and sympathetic responses were activated initially in both groups. Cognitive-affective responses habituated within the standardized sessions in both groups, whereas between the standardized sessions habituation was only found in women with BN. Increasing sympathetic responses were found within the sessions in both groups. The results support cognitive-affective habituation during body exposure in BN and to a lesser extent in HC. Autonomic responses however did not show a corresponding pattern and did not distinguish between groups. Implications for body exposure research and practice are discussed. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. A confiabilidade da informação fornecida pelo indivíduo a respeito de seu posicionamento habitual de língua The reliability of the information provided by the individuals about their habitual tongue position

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Fernanda Rodrigues Cardoso


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar a confiabilidade da informação fornecida por adultos e crianças a respeito do posicionamento habitual de língua. MÉTODOS: foram investigadas 30 crianças e 30 adultos em dois momentos, com diferença mínima de sete e máxima de vinte e um dias. Inicialmente foi realizada a observação do posicionamento habitual de língua. Em seguida, o participante foi questionado a respeito de seu posicionamento habitual. Após a resposta, a língua foi estimulada com uma espátula de madeira, a fim de aumentar a percepção. Posteriormente, questionou-se, novamente, o indivíduo. Em seguida, orientou-se o participante a observar onde sua língua permanece habitualmente na cavidade oral, até o segundo momento da avaliação. Nesta oportunidade, o participante foi questionado a respeito de seu posicionamento habitual de língua. Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística Kappa. RESULTADOS: não foi possível visualizar o posicionamento habitual de língua em 100% da amostra. Quanto à confiabilidade geral das respostas verificou-se classificação entre discreta e regular. As crianças apresentaram respostas pouco consistentes e bastante diversificadas, já em relação aos adultos, parte apresentou respostas corretas logo no primeiro questionamento e parte somente apresentou respostas confiáveis após estimulação de percepção intra-oral. CONCLUSÕES: a confiabilidade da informação fornecida pelos indivíduos da amostra a respeito de seu posicionamento habitual de língua varia entre discreta e regular, sendo, portanto, baixa, tanto em crianças quanto em adultos. Uma possível estratégia a ser utilizada na prática clínica fonoaudiológica é questionar o paciente quanto ao seu posicionamento lingual após determinado período de observação.PURPOSE: to check the reliability of the information provided by adults and children about the habitual tongue position. METHODS: we investigated 30 children and 30 adults in

  9. Neural Habituation to Painful Stimuli Is Modulated by Dopamine: Evidence from a Pharmacological fMRI Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva M. Bauch


    Full Text Available In constantly changing environments, it is crucial to adaptively respond to threatening events. In particular, painful stimuli are not only processed in terms of their absolute intensity, but also with respect to their context. While contextual pain processing can simply entail the repeated processing of information (i.e., habituation, it can, in a more complex form, be expressed through predictions of magnitude before the delivery of nociceptive information (i.e., adaptive coding. Here, we investigated the brain regions involved in the adaptation to nociceptive electrical stimulation as well as their link to dopaminergic neurotransmission (placebo/haloperidol. The main finding is that haloperidol changed the habituation to the absolute pain intensity over time. More precisely, in the placebo condition, activity in left postcentral gyrus and midcingulate cortex increased linearly with pain intensity only in the beginning of the experiment and subsequently habituated. In contrast, when the dopaminergic system was blocked by haloperidol, a linear increase with pain intensity was present throughout the entire experiment. Finally, there were no adaptive coding effects in any brain regions. Together, our findings provide novel insights into the nature of pain processing by suggesting that dopaminergic neurotransmission plays a specific role for the habituation to painful stimuli over time.

  10. Habitual Minimalist Shod Running Biomechanics and the Acute Response to Running Barefoot. (United States)

    Tam, Nicholas; Darragh, Ian A J; Divekar, Nikhil V; Lamberts, Robert P


    The aim of the study was to determine whether habitual minimalist shoe runners present with purported favorable running biomechanithat reduce running injury risk such as initial loading rate. Eighteen minimalist and 16 traditionally cushioned shod runners were assessed when running both in their preferred training shoe and barefoot. Ankle and knee joint kinetics and kinematics, initial rate of loading, and footstrike angle were measured. Sagittal ankle and knee joint stiffness were also calculated. Results of a two-factor ANOVA presented no group difference in initial rate of loading when participants were running either shod or barefoot; however, initial loading rate increased for both groups when running barefoot (p=0.008). Differences in footstrike angle were observed between groups when running shod, but not when barefoot (minimalist:8.71±8.99 vs. traditional: 17.32±11.48 degrees, p=0.002). Lower ankle joint stiffness was found in both groups when running barefoot (p=0.025). These findings illustrate that risk factors for injury potentially differ between the two groups. Shoe construction differences do change mechanical demands, however, once habituated to the demands of a given shoe condition, certain acute favorable or unfavorable responses may be moderated. The purported benefits of minimalist running shoes in mimicking habitual barefoot running is questioned, and risk of injury may not be attenuated. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  11. Opinião de estudantes dos cursos de Direito e Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte sobre o aborto no Brasil Opinion of Medical and Law students of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte about abortion in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robinson Dias de Medeiros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar e comparar o conhecimento e opiniões de estudantes dos cursos de Direito e Medicina sobre a questão do aborto no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal envolvendo 125 alunos concluintes do ano de 2010, sendo 52 de Medicina (grupo MED e 73 de Direito (grupo DIR, com uso de questionário construído com base em estudos publicados sobre o tema. As variáveis dependentes foram: acompanhamento do debate sobre aborto, conhecimento sobre situações em que o aborto é permitido por lei no Brasil, opinião sobre situações em que concorda com a ampliação do permissivo legal para interrupção da gestação e conhecimento prévio de alguém que já induziu o aborto. As variáveis independentes incluíram dados sociodemográficos como sexo, idade, renda familiar e curso de graduação. Análise estatística: testes do χ² e exato de Fisher, com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos entrevistados relatou acompanhar a discussão sobre o aborto no Brasil (67,3% do grupo MED e 70,2% grupo DIR, p>0,05. Na avaliação do conhecimento sobre o tema, os estudantes de Medicina demonstraram percentual de acerto significativamente superior aos estudantes de Direito (100,0 e 87,5%, respectivamente; p=0,005, em relação à legalidade do aborto na gravidez resultante de estupro. Elevados percentuais de acertos também foram observados nos dois grupos, em relação à gravidez impondo risco de vida à gestante, mas sem significância estatística (94,2 e 87,5% para os grupos MED e DIR, respectivamente. Percentuais significativos dos entrevistados declararam-se favoráveis à ampliação legal do aborto em outras situações, com destaque para: anencefalia (68%, gravidez com prejuízos graves à saúde física da mulher (42,1% e para feto com qualquer malformação congênita grave (33,7%. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados demonstraram um conhecimento satisfatório dos concluintes dos cursos de Direito e Medicina quanto

  12. Eminectomy for Habitual Luxation of the Temporomandibular Joint with Sedation and Local Anesthesia: A Case Series


    Iwanaga, Joe; Nakamura, Yoshiaki; Kusukawa, Jingo; Tubbs, R. Shane


    Eminectomy which is one of the popular and most effective treatments for habitual temporomandibular joint luxation was first described by Myrhaug in 1951. There are few reports which described eminectomy being performed under local anesthesia and conscious sedation. We present a case series of habitual luxation of the TMJ treated by eminectomy performed under local anesthesia and conscious sedation and general anesthesia. Five patients were examined and found to have recurrent luxation of the...

  13. Conocimiento actitudes y prácticas sobre el aborto voluntario y terapéutico en especialistas en ginecología y obstetricia que laboran en hospitales públicos del cantón Cuenca. Presentado en el Congreso en Investigación de la Salud: Enfoques, avances y desafíos. Universidad de Cuenca. Junio de 2016.


    Vega Crespo, Bernardo José; Ñauta Baculima, Manuel Jaime; Mejía Chicaiza, Jorge Victoriano; Llerena Cortez, Norma Edith; Abril Matute, Cumandá Patricia; Sacoto Coello, Maritza Catalina de la Nube; Borja Robalino, Ricardo Stalin; Borja Robalino, Brigith Vanessa


    ANTECEDENTES: El código integral penal señala que el aborto provocado no será punible cuando se realice para evitar un peligro en la salud de la mujer y cuando el embarazo es consecuencia de una violación en una mujer que padezca de discapacidad mental. OBJETIVOS: Identificar los conocimientos actitudes y prácticas de los ginecólogos de los hospitales públicos de Cuenca, sobre el aborto voluntario y terapéutico; identificar si existe relación entre la edad, el género, los años de ejercicio pr...

  14. Do habituation, host traits and seasonality have an impact on protist and helminth infections of wild western lowland gorillas? (United States)

    Pafčo, Barbora; Benavides, Julio A; Pšenková-Profousová, Ilona; Modrý, David; Červená, Barbora; Shutt, Kathryn A; Hasegawa, Hideo; Fuh, Terence; Todd, Angelique F; Petrželková, Klára J


    Increased anthropogenic activity can result in parasite exchanges and/or general changes in parasite communities, imposing a health risk to great apes. We studied protist and helminth parasites of wild western lowland gorilla groups in different levels of habituation, alongside humans inhabiting Dzanga-Sangha Protected Areas in the Central African Republic. Faeces were collected yearly during November and December from 2007 to 2010 and monthly from November 2010 to October 2011. Protist and helminth infections were compared among gorilla groups habituated, under habituation and unhabituated, and the effect of host traits and seasonality was evaluated. Zoonotic potential of parasites found in humans was assessed. No significant differences in clinically important parasites among the groups in different stages of habituation were found, except for Entamoeba spp. However, humans were infected with four taxa which may overlap with taxa found in gorillas. Females were less infected with spirurids, and adults had higher intensities of infection of Mammomonogamus sp. We found seasonal differences in the prevalence of several parasite taxa, but most importantly, the intensity of infection of unidentified strongylids was higher in the dry season. This study highlights that habituation may not necessarily pose a greater risk of protist and helminth infections in gorilla groups.

  15. Relationships between negative affect and academic achievement among secondary school students: the mediating effects of habituated exercise. (United States)

    Hashim, Hairul A; Freddy, Golok; Rosmatunisah, Ali


    The current study was undertaken to examine the associations between self-determination, exercise habit, anxiety, depression, stress, and academic achievement among adolescents aged 13 and 14 years in eastern Malaysia. The sample consisted of 750 secondary school students (mean age = 13.4 years, SD = 0.49). Participants completed self-report measures of exercise behavioral regulation, negative affect, and exercise habit strength. Midyear exam results were used as an indicator of academic performance. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The results of structural equation modeling revealed a close model fit for the hypothesized model, which indicates that higher levels of self-determination were positively associated with habituated exercise behavior. In turn, exercise habit strength fostered academic achievement and buffered the debilitative effect of stress, depression, and anxiety on student academic performance. The analysis of model invariance revealed a nonsignificant difference between male and female subjects. The findings support the notion that habituated exercise fosters academic performance. In addition, we found that habituated exercise buffers the combined effects of stress, anxiety and depression on academic performance. The finding also supports the roles of self-determination in promoting exercise habituation.

  16. A mulher em situação de abortamento: um enfoque existencial La mujer em situación de aborto: un enfoque existencial Women in face of abortion: an experience-based approach

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    Magali Roseira Boemer


    Full Text Available O trabalho se propõe a desvelar facetas do significado do aborto para a mulher que o vivencia. Para tanto, as autoras recorrem a Metodologia de Investigação Fenomenológica - que possibilita uma análise compreensiva dos depoimentos das mulheres que estão vivenciando essa situação. Foram coletados depoimentos de doze mulheres hospitalizadas, em situação de abortamento, mediante a questão norteadora: "O que está significando para você essa experiência? Você pode descrever para mim?" As convergências de suas falas foram analisadas e possibilitaram a construção de algumas categorias temáticas que sinalizam para a essência desse vivenciar e constituem-se em subsídios para nortear o planejamento de assistência à mulher de forma que a sua situacionalidade seja contemplada. Os resultados possibilitaram o desvelamento de facetas importantes, tais como tristeza, perda, dor fisiológica e existencial, solidão, uma hospitalização desconfortante, a culpa ou medo de ser culpada, a preocupação com o corpo e a intencionalidade de suas consciências começando a voltar-se para a importância dos métodos contraceptivos. Resulta também o desejo de rever seus projetos de vida.El trabajo se propone descubrir facetas del significado del aborto para la mujer que lo vivencia. Por tanto, la autora recurre a la Metodología de Investigación del Fenómeno - que posibilita un análisis comprensivo de los relatos de las mujeres que están viviendo esa situación. Fueron recogidos testimonios de doce mujeres hospitalizadas en situación de aborto, por medio de la cuestión orientadora: ¿Qué significa para Ud. Esta experiencia? ¿Puede Ud., describirla para mí? Las convergencias de sus charlas son analizadas y posibilitan la construcción de algunas categorías temáticas que señalan la esencia de esa vivencia y pueden constituirse en subsidios para orientar el plan de asistencia a la mujer de forma que su situación sea contemplada. Los

  17. Habituation contributes to the decline in wheel running within wheel-running reinforcement periods. (United States)

    Belke, Terry W; McLaughlin, Ryan J


    Habituation appears to play a role in the decline in wheel running within an interval. Aoyama and McSweeney [Aoyama, K., McSweeney, F.K., 2001. Habituation contributes to within-session changes in free wheel running. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 76, 289-302] showed that when a novel stimulus was presented during a 30-min interval, wheel-running rates following the stimulus increased to levels approximating those earlier in the interval. The present study sought to assess the role of habituation in the decline in running that occurs over a briefer interval. In two experiments, rats responded on fixed-interval 30-s schedules for the opportunity to run for 45 s. Forty reinforcers were completed in each session. In the first experiment, the brake and chamber lights were repeatedly activated and inactivated after 25 s of a reinforcement interval had elapsed to assess the effect on running within the remaining 20 s. Presentations of the brake/light stimulus occurred during nine randomly determined reinforcement intervals in a session. In the second experiment, a 110 dB tone was emitted after 25 s of the reinforcement interval. In both experiments, presentation of the stimulus produced an immediate decline in running that dissipated over sessions. No increase in running following the stimulus was observed in the first experiment until the stimulus-induced decline dissipated. In the second experiment, increases in running were observed following the tone in the first session as well as when data were averaged over several sessions. In general, the results concur with the assertion that habituation plays a role in the decline in wheel running that occurs within both long and short intervals. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Moral Education, Habituation, and Divine Assistance in View of Ghazali (United States)

    Attaran, Mohammad


    This article describes the concept of moral education and its foundation according to Abu Hamid Ghazali as one of the most influential scholars in the world of Islam. Ghazali equates moral education with habituation. Causality holds a prominent place in philosophical foundations of his theory of moral education. Even though Ghazali recommends…

  19. A framework for targeting household energy savings through habitual behavioural change (United States)

    Pothitou, Mary; Kolios, Athanasios J.; Varga, Liz; Gu, Sai


    This paper reviews existing up-to-date literature related to individual household energy consumption. The how and why individual behaviour affects energy use are discussed, together with the principles and perspectives which have so far been considered in order to explain the habitual consuming behaviour. The research gaps, which are revealed from previous studies in terms of the limitations or assumptions on the methodology to alter individuals' energy usage, give insights for a conceptual framework to define a comprehensive approach. The proposed framework suggests that the individual energy perception gaps are affected by psychological, habitual, structural and cultural variables in a wider-contextual, meso-societal and micro-individual spectrum. All these factors need to be considered in order for a variety of combined intervention methods, which are discussed and recommended, to introduce a more effective shift in the conventional energy-consuming behaviour, advancing insights for successful energy policies.

  20. Direitos reprodutivos: debates e disputas sobre o direito ao aborto no contexto da redemocratização do Brasil

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    Myriam Aldana


    Full Text Available O processo de redemocratização do Brasil, após vinte anos de regime militar (1964-1984, trouxe à tona uma série de demandas de direitos até então não reconhecidos, reivindicados por novos movimentos sociais pautados em temáticas identitárias (gênero, etnia, classe etc.. Neste cenário situam-se as manifestações pró e contra o reconhecimento do direito ao aborto enquanto dimensão dos direitos reprodutivos, perpassando espaços institucionais, como os poderes Legislativo, Executivo e Judiciário, e mobilizando diferentes setores da sociedade civil, além das Igrejas, que vêm jogando um papel fundamental nesse processo. Este texto apresenta elementos desse debate, no intento de afirmar os direitos reprodutivos como direitos humanos.

  1. Jalea Real (tabletas masticables una alternativa en el tratamiento de pacientes pediátricos con inmunodeficiencia celular

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    Odalis María de la Guardia Peña


    Full Text Available Para evaluar la eficacia del uso de la Jalea Real (tabletas masticables en el tratamiento de niños con inmunodeficiencias celulares, se estudió a 100 niños diagnosticados con esta afección, en la consulta de Inmunología del Hospital Infantil Norte Docente "Juan de la Cruz Martínez Maceira" de Santiago de Cuba; en los años 2000 al 2002. Se establecieron 3 grupos de tratamiento: grupo 1: Tratamiento habitual con levamisol y vitaminas; grupo 2: Tratamiento habitual más Jalea Real a mitad de dosis optima; grupo 3: Jalea Real a dosis optima. Se encontró una mejoría clínica y de laboratorio superior en los pacientes que usaron Jalea Real, sin aparición de reacciones adversas, aumento de la calidad de vida y del apetito, además de aumento del conteo de linfocitos T periféricos mediante la prueba de Roseta. Cuando se combinó Jalea Real con levamisol disminuyó considerablemente la aparición de neutropenia. De los resultados de este estudio se deriva que la Jalea Real pudiera ser usada como inmunomodulador celular.In order to evaluate the efficacy of the use of Royal Jelly (chewable tablets in children with cellular immunodeficiencies, 100 children that were diagnosed this affection at the Immunology Department of "Juan Cruz Martínez Maceira" Northern Children Teaching Hospital, in Santiago de Cuba, from 200 to 2002, were studied. 3 groups of treatment were established: group 1, usual treatment with levamisol and vitamins; group 2, usual treatment plus half of the optimun dose of Royal Jelly; group 3, Royal Jelly at optimum dose. A higher clinical and laboratory improvement was observed among patients using Royal Jelly. No adverse reactions were detected and there was an increase of the quality of life and of appetite . A rise of the peripheral T lymphocytes count was also proved by Roseta test. When the Royal Jelly was mixed with levamisol, the appearance of neutropenia decreased considerably. According to the results of this study, the

  2. Habitual physical activity in mitochondrial disease.

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    Shehnaz Apabhai

    Full Text Available Mitochondrial disease is the most common neuromuscular disease and has a profound impact upon daily life, disease and longevity. Exercise therapy has been shown to improve mitochondrial function in patients with mitochondrial disease. However, no information exists about the level of habitual physical activity of people with mitochondrial disease and its relationship with clinical phenotype.Habitual physical activity, genotype and clinical presentations were assessed in 100 patients with mitochondrial disease. Comparisons were made with a control group individually matched by age, gender and BMI.Patients with mitochondrial disease had significantly lower levels of physical activity in comparison to matched people without mitochondrial disease (steps/day; 6883±3944 vs. 9924±4088, p = 0.001. 78% of the mitochondrial disease cohort did not achieve 10,000 steps per day and 48% were classified as overweight or obese. Mitochondrial disease was associated with less breaks in sedentary activity (Sedentary to Active Transitions, % per day; 13±0.03 vs. 14±0.03, p = 0.001 and an increase in sedentary bout duration (bout lengths/fraction of total sedentary time; 0.206±0.044 vs. 0.187±0.026, p = 0.001. After adjusting for covariates, higher physical activity was moderately associated with lower clinical disease burden (steps/day; r(s = -0.49; 95% CI -0.33, -0.63, P<0.01. There were no systematic differences in physical activity between different genotypes mitochondrial disease.These results demonstrate for the first time that low levels of physical activity are prominent in mitochondrial disease. Combined with a high prevalence of obesity, physical activity may constitute a significant and potentially modifiable risk factor in mitochondrial disease.

  3. Long-term habituation of the gill-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia requires gene transcription, calcineurin and L-type voltage-gated calcium channels

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    Joseph eEsdin


    Full Text Available Although habituation is possibly the simplest form of learning, we still do not fully understand the neurobiological basis of habituation in any organism. To advance the goal of a comprehensive understanding of habituation, we have studied long-term habituation (LTH of the gill-withdrawal reflex (GWR in the marine snail Aplysia californica. Previously, we showed that habituation of the GWR in a reduced preparation lasts for up to 12 hr, and depends on protein synthesis, as well as activation of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A and postsynaptic glutamate receptors. Here, we have used the reduced preparation to further analyze the mechanisms of LTH in Aplysia. We found that LTH of the GWR depends on RNA synthesis because it was blocked by both the irreversible transcriptional inhibitor actinomycin-D and the reversible transcriptional inhibitor, 5,6-dichlorobenzimidazole riboside (DRB. In addition, LTH requires activation of protein phosphatase 2B (calcineurin, because it was disrupted by ascomycin. Finally, LTH was blocked by nitrendipine, which indicates that activation of L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels is required for this form of learning. Together with our previous results, the present results indicate that exclusively presynaptic mechanisms, although possibly sufficient for short-term habituation, are insufficient for LTH. Rather, LTH must involve postsynaptic, as well as presynaptic, mechanisms.

  4. Health benefits associated with exercise habituation in older Japanese men. (United States)

    Tanaka, Kiyoji; Sakai, Tomoaki; Nakamura, Yoichi; Umeda, Noriko; Lee, Dong-Jun; Nakata, Yoshio; Hayashi, Yoichi; Akutsu, Tomomi; Okura, Tomohiro; Yamabuki, Keisuke


    The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of exercise habituation (3-32 years, mean 13.2 years) on physical vitality among five different groups. One hundred and two independent, community-dwelling elderly Japanese men, aged 64.6 +/- 6.6 years, were recruited as subjects. The vital age test battery consisted of various coronary heart disease risk factors and physical fitness elements. The results of analysis of variance revealed that vital age as an index of physical vitality was youngest in joggers (47.9 yr, N=18), intermediate in trekkers (55.8 yr, N=20) and walkers (59.1 yr, N=18), and oldest (69.6 yr, N=20) in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD). The difference between chronological age and vital age was approximately 15 years (pexercising IHD patients. These results indicate that exercise habituation significantly affects the overall health status of most individuals, irrespective of mode of exercise. Among the three modes of exercise, jogging may be most beneficial. Furthermore, regularly exercising coronary patients may have physical vitality similar to that of sedentary men.

  5. El dolor en los pacientes con artritis reumatoide: variables psicológicas relacionadas e intervención

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    Full Text Available El dolor es un síntoma principal en los pacientes con Artritis Reumatoide (AR, generalmente determinando su ajuste a la enfermedad y su calidad de vida global. Este artículo presenta una revisión y discusión sobre el dolor en pacientes con AR desde un enfoque psicológico basado en las investigaciones recientes. Se repasan los trabajos que han evaluado las emociones negativas en los pacientes con AR, aquellos que han explorado y explicado su papel sobre el dolor del enfermo, así como un compendio de las técnicas psicológicas más efectivas para el manejo del dolor. Las conclusiones muestran que el dolor es un problema central en los pacientes con AR. Las emociones negativas, que parecen estar presentes de forma más marcada en los pacientes con AR que en la población sana, son predictores significativos del dolor. Por otra parte, los estudios sugieren que el enfoque cognitivo-conductual es eficaz para los pacientes con AR en la mejora no sólo del dolor sino también en el ajuste psicológico a la enfermedad, mostrando un beneficio adicional para los pacientes con AR que reciben tales intervenciones como complemento del cuidado médico habitual. Para el futuro, el artículo sugiere la necesidad de realizar más estudios sobre los patrones de emocionalidad negativa y estrategias de afrontamiento es muestras españolas.

  6. Cogitação e prática do aborto entre jovens em contexto de interdição legal: o avesso da gravidez na adolescência Considering and submitting to abortion among young people in the context of legal prohibition: the hidden side of teenage pregnancy

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    Simone Ouvinha Peres


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva desvelar a presença da idéia do aborto como elemento do âmbito das reflexões dos jovens sobre uma gravidez na adolescência. Analisam-se dados de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 123 jovens de 18 a 24 anos de ambos os sexos, moradores de Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro e Salvador, Brasil, pertencentes a distintos estratos sociais. A partir de informações sobre as circunstâncias amorosas, sexuais e reprodutivas dos entrevistados, foi construída uma tipologia das experiências de aborto, em um gradiente que vai desde a cogitação, a tentativa de concretizá-lo, sua realização e até a exclusão da possibilidade de interrupção da gestação. Os dados apontam que 73% dos jovens considerou a possibilidade do aborto, demonstrando uma expressiva presença da idéia desse recurso face à gravidez não prevista, mesmo em contexto de ilegalidade. Entre os 86 jovens com experiência de gestação, 27 declararam a prática do aborto, sendo vinte rapazes e sete moças. Os resultados indicam diferenças relativas ao gênero e contribuem para a compreensão da gravidez na adolescência ao examinar o aborto induzido, dimensão encoberta no debate público e científico sobre o tema.This article aims to unveil the notion of abortion as an element in young people's thoughts on teenage pregnancy. The study analyzes data from semi-structured interviews with 123 young men and women 18-24 years of age in Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, and Salvador, Brazil, belonging to different social strata. Based on information concerning their affective, sexual, and reproductive circumstances, an abortion typology was established with a gradient ranging from considering the act to the attempt to materialize it, actually submitting to abortion, and even ruling out the possibility of interrupting the pregnancy. According to the data, 73% of interviewees had considered the possibility of an abortion, demonstrating an important presence of this notion

  7. Post-training scopolamine treatment induced maladaptive behavior in open field habituation task in rats.

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    Natalija Popović

    Full Text Available The effects of scopolamine on memory consolidation are controversial and depend on several factors (i.e. site of administration, time of administration and testing, dose, cognitive task, experimental protocol, specie, strain, etc.. Generally, the range dose of systemic administered scopolamine, used in memory consolidation studies, has varied from 0.05 to 50 mg/kg. However, according to the literature, the most frequently used doses of scopolamine efficient on memory consolidation, are 1 and 30 mg/kg, low and high doses, respectively. In open field habituation studies only lower doses of scopolamine were used to test memory consolidation. Therefore, in the present study we compared the effects of low (1 mg/kg and high (30 mg/kg scopolamine dose, on the open field habituation task, in male Wistar rats. Scopolamine was administered immediately after the acquisition task and animals were retested 48 h later on. On the retested day, the ambulation and rearing in the open field decreased in the same manner in all tested groups. In saline- and 1 mg/kg scopolamine-treated animals, the time spent in grooming significantly decreased in the habituation task, while the same parameter significantly increased in animals treated with 30 mg/kg of scopolamine. The defecation rate significantly decreased (control group, maintained (1 mg/kg of scopolamine treated animals or significantly increased (30 mg/kg of scopolamine treated group on retention test. In conclusion, the present data suggest that post-training scopolamine administration does not affect locomotion neither exploration in the habituation to a novel environment, but increases defecation and grooming, two behaviours associated with fearful and stressful situations.

  8. Secular Trends in Habitual Physical Activities of Mozambican Children and Adolescents from Maputo City

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    Fernanda Karina dos Santos


    Full Text Available Social and economic changes occurring in the last two decades in Mozambique may have induced lifestyle changes among youth. This study aimed to document secular changes in habitual physical activities of Mozambican youth between 1992, 1999 and 2012. A total of 3393 youth (eight–15 years, were measured in three different time periods (1992, 1999, 2012. Habitual physical activity (PA was estimated with a questionnaire, including items related to household chores, sport participation, traditional games and walking activities. Biological maturation was assessed. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA was used to compare mean differences in PA across the years. Significant decreases between 1992–1999 and 1992–2012 were observed for boys in household chores, games and walking, and a significant decline between 1999 and 2012 was found in sport participation. Among girls, a significant and consistent decline (1992 > 1999 > 2012 was observed for household chores, a decline between 1992–1999 and 1992–2012 for games and walking, and a significant increase between 1992 and 1999 in sport participation. In general, a negative secular trend was found in habitual PA among Mozambican youth. Interventions aimed at increasing PA represent important educational and public health opportunities.

  9. A Case of Habitual Neck Compression Induced Electroencephalogram Abnormalities: Differentiating from Epileptic Seizures Using a Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Hongyoon; Seo, Minseok; Lee, Hoyoung; Kim, Youngsoo; Yun, Changho; Kim, Sangeun; Park, Sungho [Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hospital, Seongnam (Korea, Republic of)


    Self-induced hypoxia has been reported particularly in adolescents, and it can result in neurological injury. Here, we present a case of electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormalities induced by habitual neck compression differentiated from epileptic seizures by Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT. A 19-year-old male was admitted for evaluation of recurrent generalized tonic-clonic seizures. No interictal EEG abnormality was detected; however, abnormal slow delta waves were found immediately after habitual right neck compression. To differentiate EEG abnormalities due to a hemodynamic deficit induced by habitual neck compression from an epileptic seizure, Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT was performed immediately after right carotid artery compression. Abnormal delta waves were triggered, and cerebral hypoperfusion in the right internal carotid artery territory was detected on Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT. The slow delta wave detected on the EEG resulted from the cerebral hypoperfusion because of the habitual neck compression.

  10. A Case of Habitual Neck Compression Induced Electroencephalogram Abnormalities: Differentiating from Epileptic Seizures Using a Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Hongyoon; Seo, Minseok; Lee, Hoyoung; Kim, Youngsoo; Yun, Changho; Kim, Sangeun; Park, Sungho


    Self-induced hypoxia has been reported particularly in adolescents, and it can result in neurological injury. Here, we present a case of electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormalities induced by habitual neck compression differentiated from epileptic seizures by Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT. A 19-year-old male was admitted for evaluation of recurrent generalized tonic-clonic seizures. No interictal EEG abnormality was detected; however, abnormal slow delta waves were found immediately after habitual right neck compression. To differentiate EEG abnormalities due to a hemodynamic deficit induced by habitual neck compression from an epileptic seizure, Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT was performed immediately after right carotid artery compression. Abnormal delta waves were triggered, and cerebral hypoperfusion in the right internal carotid artery territory was detected on Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT. The slow delta wave detected on the EEG resulted from the cerebral hypoperfusion because of the habitual neck compression

  11. Habituation in non-neural organisms: evidence from slime moulds


    Boisseau, Romain P.; Vogel, David; Dussutour, Audrey


    Learning, defined as a change in behaviour evoked by experience, has hitherto been investigated almost exclusively in multicellular neural organisms. Evidence for learning in non-neural multicellular organisms is scant, and only a few unequivocal reports of learning have been described in single-celled organisms. Here we demonstrate habituation, an unmistakable form of learning, in the non-neural organism Physarum polycephalum. In our experiment, using chemotaxis as the behavioural output and...

  12. Gene polymorphisms and oral cancer risk in tobacco habitués. (United States)

    Multani, Shaleen; Pradhan, Sultan; Saranath, Dhananjaya


    Oral cancer incidence of 77,003 poses a major health concern in India, with 5-10 % tobacco habitués developing oral cancer. The current study examined the role of specific genomic variants in oral cancer. We examined five genomic variants represented as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes associated with cell proliferation and cellular invasion. The SNPs rs2124437 (RASGRP3), rs1335022 (GRIK2), rs4512367 (PREX2), rs4748011 (CCDC3), and rs1435218 (LNX1) were analyzed in 500 histopathologically confirmed oral cancers and 500 healthy controls with a minimum of 10 years of tobacco usage. Allelic discrimination real-time PCR SYBR Green assay was used. The genotypic and allelic frequencies between cases and controls were analyzed using SPSS software (version 19) and odds ratio (OR) using, indicating increased risk to oral cancers. A significant association of the SNPs in oral cancer was observed in RASGRP3 AA (rs2124437) (p oral cancer in tobacco habitués.

  13. Pupil diameter, working distance and illumination during habitual tasks. Implications for simultaneous vision contact lenses for presbyopia. (United States)

    Cardona, Genís; López, Sílvia


    To determine working distance, pupil diameter and illumination in real life conditions in a sample of presbyopic participants performing habitual tasks. A total of 59 presbyopic subjects (aged between 45 and 63 years) with different occupational backgrounds participated in the study. Participants were first interviewed regarding their habitual tasks with the aid of an ad hoc questionnaire, following which in-office photopic and mesopic pupil diameter was determined. Pupil diameter was also evaluated while participants conducted each of the self-reported habitual tasks by taking a photograph, which was later submitted to image analysis. In addition, working distance was determined with a measuring tape and the illumination that reached the pupil during each of the different tasks was measured, in lux, with a light meter. The four most common habitual tasks were computer use, reading, sewing and sports. A high intersubject variability was found in pupil diameter, working distance and illumination conditions while conducting the same task. Statistically significant differences were found between the in-office measured photopic and mesopic pupil diameters and those obtained while participants were conducting their habitual tasks in real life conditions (all p<0.001). Potential multifocal contact lens users may present with different ages, different jobs or hobbies and different preferences regarding lighting conditions and working distances. This results in different pupil size, even within the same task. This information may be critical when selecting a particular lens design and add power. Eye care practitioners are therefore advised to assess pupil diameter in real life conditions. Copyright © 2015 Spanish General Council of Optometry. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    TANGPei-Zhong; WUJin-Zhi; BAOChun-De; CHENShun-Le


    The antibodies to cardiolipin (aCL), double stranded DNA (aDNA) and to nuclear axttigcns(Sm, SSA, SSB, Ribonucleoprotein) were prospe, ctivcly investigated in 86 patients of habitual abortion without abilormaiity in their reprodutive system and karyotypes. All

  15. Utilidad del tratamiento con hidratación y nifedipino en la amenaza de parto pretérmino

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    Carmen A. Argote Viñals


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio transversal en gestantes ingresadas con el diagnóstico de amenaza de parto pretérmino, en la sala de cuidados maternos-perinatales del Servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara” de Las Tunas, con el objetivo de determinar la utilidad del tratamiento de la amenaza de parto pretérmino con el empleo de hidratación y nifedipino como terapéutica de elección, en una muestra de 86 gestantes con embarazo viable entre 28 y 34 semanas, que recibieron como tratamiento de ataque la hidratación endovenosa, el reposo en cama y el uso de bloqueadores de los canales del calcio. Se estudiaron como variables: edad materna, edad gestacional al ingreso, paridad, antecedentes personales, tiempo para la desaparición de los síntomas, estadía en la sala de cuidados maternos perinatales y tocolíticos empleados. Predominaron las gestantes de entre 20 y 24 años de edad; las de edad gestacional al ingreso entre 32 a 34 semanas, 37 casos para un 43,1%; las que tenían un parto anterior, 42 (48,8%. Los abortos espontáneos previos (26,7% y el parto prematuro anterior (24,4% resultaron los antecedentes patológicos maternos más significativos. El 53,6% de las gestantes necesitaron tres horas para la desaparición de los síntomas y tres días para estar de alta. El 89,6% pudo llegar al término de su gestación. El empleo de nifedipino e hidratación como tratamiento de elección en la amenaza de parto pretérmino se relacionó con la reducción en el tiempo de alivio de los síntomas, una menor estadía y la prolongación de la gestación, lo que hace a este esquema terapéutico como el más recomendable para la atención de este problema de salud en condiciones similares a la de la investigación

  16. Characteristics of wild boar (Sus scrofa habituation to urban areas in the Collserola Natural Park (Barcelona and comparison with other locations

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    Cahill, S.


    Full Text Available The parallel growth of urban areas and wild boar populations in recent years has increased the presence of this species around cities and in suburban areas, often leading to conflict with local people. In the Collserola Natural Park, situated within the metropolitan area of Barcelona, wild boar have become habituated to humans and urban settings because of direct feeding by local residents. Their attraction to these areas due to an abundance of anthropogenic food sources is especially strong during the warmer summer season when foraging conditions are poorer in their natural woodland habitat; the number of captures of habituated wild boar in peri–urban areas is significantly correlated with mean monthly temperatures. Habituated boar are primarily matriarchal groups, whereas adult and sub–adult (>1 year males are significantly less represented than in non–habituated boars. In Collserola, habituated sub–adult and adult females are significantly heavier than their non–habituated counterparts and these weight differences increase with age; in the > 3 year–old age class they may be 35% heavier. Conflicts generated by the presence of wild boar in peri–urban areas are complex, and the responses by authorities are similarly diverse and often exacerbated by ambivalent public attitudes, both towards wild boar presence and applied mitigation measures. By 2010, at least 44 cities in 15 countries had reported problems of some kind relating to the presence of wild boar or feral pigs.

  17. Only reappraisers profit from reappraisal instructions: Effects of instructed and habitual reappraisal on stress responses during interpersonal conflicts. (United States)

    Mauersberger, Heidi; Hoppe, Annekatrin; Brockmann, Gudrun; Hess, Ursula


    Conflicts are an undesirable yet common aspect of daily interactions with wide-ranging negative consequences. The present research aimed to examine the buffering effect of experimentally instructed reappraisal on self-reported, physiological and behavioral stress indices during interpersonal conflicts, taking into account habitual emotion regulation strategies. For this, 145 participants experienced a standardized laboratory conflict with the instruction to either reappraise (n = 48), to suppress (n = 50), or with no instruction (n = 47) while cardiovascular and neuroendocrine measures were taken. Participants were allowed to eat sweet and salty snacks during the conflict situation. Prior to as well as after the conflict, participants reported on their subjective stress level. Reappraisal instructions were only effective for high habitual reappraisers who exhibited lower cardiovascular and cortisol reactivity and demonstrated fewer snack-eating behaviors under reappraisal instructions than under suppression or no instructions. The opposite pattern emerged for low habitual reappraisers. Neither experimentally instructed nor habitual reappraisal by itself reduced the negative effects of conflicts. Our findings complement the literature on the diverging effects of instructed reappraisal in tense social interactions. © 2018 Society for Psychophysiological Research.

  18. Peripheral and central components of habituation of heat pain perception and evoked potentials in humans. (United States)

    Greffrath, Wolfgang; Baumgärtner, Ulf; Treede, Rolf-Detlef


    For the neurophysiological examination of nociceptive pathways, contact-heat evoked potentials (contact-heat EPs) are elicited by repetitive brief noxious heat stimuli. Suppression of heat responses in primary nociceptive neurons during repetitive stimulation has been shown in animal models in vivo and in vitro. We now investigated whether heat pain and contact-heat EPs in humans display equivalent signs of habituation. Heat pain and EPs were elicited in 16 volunteers with a contact thermode (30 degrees Cs(-1)). Heat pulses at three intensities (pain threshold, moderate noxious and maximum available) were applied to the right forearm either by moving the thermode after each pulse to variable locations or when fixed to one location (inter-stimulus intervals 8-10s). Contact-heat EPs consisted of an early negativity in temporal leads (N1), followed by a biphasic response at the vertex (N2-P2). Pain ratings and contact-heat EPs (N1 and N2-P2 components) displayed significant temperature dependence. N2-P2 correlated positively with ratings. With stimulation at variable locations, both measures slowly decreased with time constants tau of 2 min (ratings) and 12 min (EPs). With stimulation at a fixed location, habituation was much faster for both, ratings (tau=10s) and EPs (tau=33 s). As a consequence, both measures were significantly reduced (pheat pain perception and contact-heat EPs display signs of rapid habituation when stimulation is restricted to a fixed location and thus, reflect fatigue of peripheral nociceptive neurons. Habituation within the central nervous system is slower and less pronounced.

  19. Investigating Habituation to Premonitory Urges in Behavior Therapy for Tic Disorders. (United States)

    Houghton, David C; Capriotti, Matthew R; Scahill, Lawrence D; Wilhelm, Sabine; Peterson, Alan L; Walkup, John T; Piacentini, John; Woods, Douglas W


    Behavior therapy is effective for Persistent Tic Disorders (PTDs), but behavioral processes facilitating tic reduction are not well understood. One process, habituation, is thought to create tic reduction through decreases in premonitory urge severity. The current study tested whether premonitory urges decreased in youth with PTDs (N = 126) and adults with PTDs (N = 122) who participated in parallel randomized clinical trials comparing behavior therapy to psychoeducation and supportive therapy (PST). Trends in premonitory urges, tic severity, and treatment outcome were analyzed according to the predictions of a habituation model, whereby urge severity would be expected to decrease in those who responded to behavior therapy. Although adults who responded to behavior therapy showed a significant trend of declining premonitory urge severity across treatment, results failed to demonstrate that behavior therapy specifically caused changes in premonitory urge severity. In addition, reductions in premonitory urge severity in those who responded to behavior therapy were significant greater than those who did not respond to behavior therapy but no different than those who responded or did not respond to PST. Children with PTDs failed to show any significant changes in premonitory urges. Reductions in premonitory urge severity did not mediate the relationship between treatment and outcome in either adults or children. These results cast doubt on the notion that habituation is the therapeutic process underlying the effectiveness of behavior therapy, which has immediate implications for the psychoeducation and therapeutic rationale presented in clinical practice. Moreover, there may be important developmental changes in premonitory urges in PTDs, and alternative models of therapeutic change warrant investigation. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  20. Immunocytochemical characterization of the cell walls of bean cell suspensions during habituation and dehabituation to dichlobenil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Garcia-Angulo, P.; Willats, W. G. T.; Encina, A. E.


    The effects of the cellulose inhibitor dichlobenil on the cell wall composition and structure during the habituation/dehabituation process of suspension-cultured bean cells were assessed. A range of techniques were used including cell wall fractionation, sugar analysis, immunofluorescence...... and fluorochrome labelling of resin-embedded sections, and immunodot assays (IDAs) of cell wall fractions. The cell walls from bean cell suspensions with initial levels of habituation to dichlobenil had decreased levels of cellulose, but this effect lessened with increasing numbers of subcultures. All cell walls...

  1. The role of the habitual dispositions (????? in the constitution of practical identity under the Aristotelian perspective

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    Adriana ROMERO


    Full Text Available Aristotelian ethics, being based on virtue, centers its attention on the dispositional aspect that motivates moral action, in other words, it explains the moral action from the habitual dispositions of agent. The reference to this dispositional component provides insights for the understanding of various philosophical topics, including the problem of practical identity. The aim of this paper is to describe the Aristotelian concept of e/(cij (habitual dispositions in order to highlight its role in the constitution of practical identity 

  2. Ronco habitual e apnéia obstrutiva observada em adultos: estudo de base populacional, Pelotas, RS Habitual snoring and obstructive sleep apnea in adults: population-based study in Southern Brazil

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    Ricardo B Noal


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de ronco habitual e apnéia obstrutiva observada e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de 3.136 adultos, com 20 anos ou mais, residentes em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, em 2005. Informações sobre os desfechos e variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais e antropométricas foram coletadas por meio de questionário. A análise estatística bruta e ajustada foi realizada utilizando-se teste exato de Fisher ou qui-quadrado de tendência linear e regressão de Poisson, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: A prevalência encontrada de ronco habitual foi de 50,5% (IC 95%: 48,1;52,8 e de apnéia obstrutiva de 9,9% (IC 95%: 8,7;11,2. Na análise ajustada, o relato de ronco foi maior nos homens (Razão de Prevalências - RP=1,25; IC 95%: 1,16;1,34, nos idosos (RP=1,62; IC 95%: 1,46;1,80, nos tabagistas (RP=1,15; IC 95%: 1,07;1,25, nos alcoolistas (RP=1,17; IC 95%: 1,03;1,31 e nos obesos (RP 1,71, IC95% 1,55;1,88. O relato de apnéia obstrutiva foi maior nos homens (RP=2,05; IC 95%: 1,67;2,52, nos idosos (RP=2,23; IC 95%: 1,64;3,03, nos tabagistas (RP=1,60; IC 95%: 1,25;2,05 e nos obesos (RP=2,61; IC 95%: 1,97;3,47. CONCLUSÕES: Ronco habitual e apnéia obstrutiva foram sintomas comuns na população estudada. Fatores de risco conhecidos como sexo masculino e idade entre quarta e quinta décadas de vida não são modificáveis. Entretanto, tabagismo, alcoolismo e obesidade também associados aos desfechos, devem ser identificados e tratados na população geral.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of habitual snoring and obstructive sleep apnea and their factors associated. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a representative sample comprising 3,136 adults (>20 years living in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2005. A questionnaire was used to collect information on demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral and anthropometric variables and outcomes. Crude and adjusted

  3. Early enhanced processing and delayed habituation to deviance sounds in autism spectrum disorder. (United States)

    Hudac, Caitlin M; DesChamps, Trent D; Arnett, Anne B; Cairney, Brianna E; Ma, Ruqian; Webb, Sara Jane; Bernier, Raphael A


    Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) exhibit difficulties processing and encoding sensory information in daily life. Cognitive response to environmental change in control individuals is naturally dynamic, meaning it habituates or reduces over time as one becomes accustomed to the deviance. The origin of atypical response to deviance in ASD may relate to differences in this dynamic habituation. The current study of 133 children and young adults with and without ASD examined classic electrophysiological responses (MMN and P3a), as well as temporal patterns of habituation (i.e., N1 and P3a change over time) in response to a passive auditory oddball task. Individuals with ASD showed an overall heightened sensitivity to change as exhibited by greater P3a amplitude to novel sounds. Moreover, youth with ASD showed dynamic ERP differences, including slower attenuation of the N1 response to infrequent tones and the P3a response to novel sounds. Dynamic ERP responses were related to parent ratings of auditory sensory-seeking behaviors, but not general cognition. As the first large-scale study to characterize temporal dynamics of auditory ERPs in ASD, our results provide compelling evidence that heightened response to auditory deviance in ASD is largely driven by early sensitivity and prolonged processing of auditory deviance. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Como estes e não outros em seu lugar? Um olhar parcial sobre as condições de existência de discursos jornalísticos acerca do aborto


    Silva, Carolina Rodrigues Freitas e


    Este é um olhar parcial, responsável e politicamente interessado que, a partir de um corpo – feminino, não branco, colonizado, busca analisar as condições que possibilitaram a existência de discursos jornalísticos sobre o aborto voluntário. Empreendi este trabalho tendo como fundamentos teórico-metodológicos as reflexões sobre o discurso, desenvolvidas por Michel Foucault, os estudos feministas, os estudos pós-coloniais e as teorias construcionistas do jornalismo. Com base n...

  5. Habitual biting of oral mucosa: A conservative treatment approach

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    Sarabjot Kaur Bhatia


    Full Text Available Chronic biting of oral mucosa is an innocuous self inflicted injury, commonly seen in children suffering from developmental and psychological problems and has rarely been reported in normal unaffected individuals. The management strategies vary from counseling, prescription of sedatives to different prosthetic shields. The paper highlights the efficacy of a simple approach using soft mouth guard in the management of self inflicted lesions due to habitual biting of oral mucosa in two normal healthy children.

  6. Objeção da consciência e aborto previsto em lei : vivências em um serviço público de saúde


    Neves, Maria da Graça Camargo


    INTRODUÇÃO: A objeção de consciência emergiu e se consolidou em função das exigências decorrentes do exercício da cidadania no Estado Democrático de Direito. Pode ser declarada sempre que uma pessoa ou grupo de pessoas são confrontados com questões conflituosas, que vão de encontro às suas crenças pessoais em situações como o serviço militar obrigatório, o enfrentamento de situações-limite como a eutanásia, atenção pré-natal ou o aborto, objeto deste trabalho. A maioria dessas tensões aflora ...

  7. Motivation and value influences in the relative balance of goal-directed and habitual behaviours in obsessive-compulsive disorder. (United States)

    Voon, V; Baek, K; Enander, J; Worbe, Y; Morris, L S; Harrison, N A; Robbins, T W; Rück, C; Daw, N


    Our decisions are based on parallel and competing systems of goal-directed and habitual learning, systems which can be impaired in pathological behaviours. Here we focus on the influence of motivation and compare reward and loss outcomes in subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) on model-based goal-directed and model-free habitual behaviours using the two-step task. We further investigate the relationship with acquisition learning using a one-step probabilistic learning task. Forty-eight OCD subjects and 96 healthy volunteers were tested on a reward and 30 OCD subjects and 53 healthy volunteers on the loss version of the two-step task. Thirty-six OCD subjects and 72 healthy volunteers were also tested on a one-step reversal task. OCD subjects compared with healthy volunteers were less goal oriented (model-based) and more habitual (model-free) to reward outcomes with a shift towards greater model-based and lower habitual choices to loss outcomes. OCD subjects also had enhanced acquisition learning to loss outcomes on the one-step task, which correlated with goal-directed learning in the two-step task. OCD subjects had greater stay behaviours or perseveration in the one-step task irrespective of outcome. Compulsion severity was correlated with habitual learning in the reward condition. Obsession severity was correlated with greater switching after loss outcomes. In healthy volunteers, we further show that greater reward magnitudes are associated with a shift towards greater goal-directed learning further emphasizing the role of outcome salience. Our results highlight an important influence of motivation on learning processes in OCD and suggest that distinct clinical strategies based on valence may be warranted.

  8. Habitual caffeine consumption and its relation to memory, attention, planning capacity and psychomotor performance across multiple age groups. (United States)

    Hameleers, P. A. H. M; Van Boxtel, M. P. J; Hogervorst, E; Riedel, W. J; Houx, P. J; Buntinx, F; Jolles, J


    The present study evaluated the association between habitual caffeine intake via coffee and tea and cognitive performance. This was done as part of a larger research programme into the determinants of cognitive ageing (the Maastricht Aging Study: MAAS). Possible withdrawal effects that may have explained in part the positive association between performance and intake in an earlier study were controlled for. In addition, all cognitive tests in this study were administered under strict laboratory conditions. A group of 1875 healthy adults, stratified for age (range 24 - 81 years), sex, and general ability, were screened for habitual intake of coffee and tea and took part in extensive cognitive testing. Multiple regression analysis with control for age, sex, socio-demographic variables, and substance use showed that habitual caffeine consumption was significantly related to better long-term memory performance and faster locomotor speed. No relationships were found between habitual caffeine consumption and short-term memory, information processing, planning, and attention as measured with the Stroop Test. Moreover, no difference in sensitivity to caffeine intake between different age groups was found, suggesting that caffeine intake did not counteract age-related cognitive decline. Several recommendations are made to improve the design of future studies in this field. Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  9. Tolerance response of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica strains to habituation to Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (United States)

    Monte, Daniel F. M.; Tavares, Adassa G.; Albuquerque, Allan R.; Sampaio, Fábio C.; Oliveira, Tereza C. R. M.; Franco, Octavio L.; Souza, Evandro L.; Magnani, Marciane


    Multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica isolates from human outbreaks or from poultry origin were investigated for their ability to develop direct-tolerance or cross-tolerance to sodium chloride, potassium chloride, lactic acid, acetic acid, and ciprofloxacin after habituation in subinhibitory amounts ( of the minimum inhibitory concentration – (MIC) and of the minimum inhibitory concentration – MIC) of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OVEO) at different time intervals. The habituation of S. enterica to OVEO did not induce direct-tolerance or cross-tolerance in the tested strains, as assessed by the modulation of MIC values. However, cells habituated to OVEO maintained or increased susceptibility to the tested antimicrobials agents, with up to fourfold double dilution decrease from previously determined MIC values. This study reports for the first time the non-inductive effect of OVEO on the acquisition of direct-tolerance or cross-tolerance in multidrug-resistant S. enterica strains to antimicrobial agents that are largely used in food preservation, as well as to CIP, the therapeutic drug of salmonellosis. PMID:25566231

  10. Un análisis sociocultural sobre la maternidad y el aborto en la literatura argentina reciente

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    Julieta Astorino, Lucas Saporosi y Eugenia Zicavo


    Full Text Available Entendiendo que se habla de la maternidad y el aborto desde una pluralidad de discursos, el presente artículo se propone analizar, desde una perspectiva sociocultural, las representaciones sobre la maternidad y la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo presentes en la literatura de ficción argentina durante el trienio 2006-2009. A partir del análisis de una serie de textos literarios seleccionados, se busca indagar los vínculos entre la construcción de la maternidad como relación social y la literatura, en tanto espacio de confluencia de diversos discursos sociales que se resignifican en los diferentes campos en los que circulan. Considering that motherhood and abortion are addressed from a plurality of discourses, this article analyzes different representations about motherhood and abortion in Argentinian fiction from the triennium 2006-2009, from a sociocultural perspective. From the analysis of a number of selected literary texts, the article seeks to investigate the links between the construction of maternity as a social relationship and literature, as a space of confluence of diverse social discourses, which are resignified in different fields of circulation.

  11. Visual shape recognition in crayfish as revealed by habituation.

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    Cinzia Chiandetti


    Full Text Available To cope with the everyday challenges that they encounter in their evolutionary niche, crayfish are considered to rely mainly on chemical information or, alternatively, on tactile information, but not much on vision. Hence, research has focused on chemical communication, whereas crayfish visual abilities remain poorly understood and investigated. To fill in this gap, we tested whether crayfish (Procambarus clarkii can distinguish between two different visual shapes matched in terms of luminance. To this aim, we measured both the habituation response to a repeated presentation of a given shape, a downright Y, and the response recovery when a novel shape was presented. The novel shape could be either a Möbius or the same Y-shape but upright rotated. Our results demonstrate that, after habituation to the downright Y, crayfish showed a significantly higher response recovery to the Möbius as compared to the upright rotated Y. Hence, besides relying on chemo-haptic information, we found that crayfish can use sight alone to discriminate between different abstract geometrical shapes when macroscopically different. Failure to discriminate between the downright Y and its inversion or a generalization from the presence of a shape with three points creating a simple category, are both likely parsimonious explanations that should be investigated systematically in further studies. A future challenge will be understanding whether crayfish are capable of generalized shape recognition.

  12. Physical Educators' Habitual Physical Activity and Self-Efficacy for Regular Exercise (United States)

    Zhu, Xihe; Haegele, Justin A.; Davis, Summer


    The purpose of this study was to examine physical education teachers' habitual physical activity and self-efficacy for regular exercise. In-service physical education teachers (N = 168) voluntarily completed an online questionnaire that included items to collect demographic information (gender, race/ethnicity, years of teaching experience, and…

  13. A comparative biomechanical analysis of habitually unshod and shod runners based on a foot morphological difference. (United States)

    Mei, Qichang; Fernandez, Justin; Fu, Weijie; Feng, Neng; Gu, Yaodong


    Running is one of the most accessible physical activities and running with and without footwear has attracted extensive attention in the past several years. In this study 18 habitually male unshod runners and 20 habitually male shod runners (all with dominant right feet) participated in a running test. A Vicon motion analysis system was used to capture the kinematics of each participant's lower limb. The in-shoe plantar pressure measurement system was employed to measure the pressure and force exerted on the pressure sensors of the insole. The function of a separate hallux in unshod runners is analyzed through the comparison of plantar pressure parameters. Owing to the different strike patterns in shod and unshod runners, peak dorsiflexion and plantarflexion angle were significantly different. Habitually shod runners exhibited a decreased foot strike angle (FSA) under unshod conditions; and the vertical average loading rate (VALR) of shod runners under unshod conditions was larger than that under shod conditions. This suggests that the foot strike pattern is more important than the shod or unshod running style and runners need to acquire the technique. It can be concluded that for habitually unshod runners the separate hallux takes part of the foot loading and reduces loading to the forefoot under shod conditions. The remaining toes of rearfoot strike (RFS) runners function similarly under unshod conditions. These morphological features of shod and unshod runners should be considered in footwear design to improve sport performance and reduce injury. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Análisis del bajo peso en la atención primaria

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    Miguel Lugones Botell


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio retrospectivo de algunos aspectos relacionados con la atención prenatal de las gestantes y su análisis correspondiente, que tuvieron recién nacidos de bajo peso en el período comprendido entre 1988 y 1991, ambos inclusive. Se concluye que los principales factores relacionados con éste fueron: nuliparidad, madre trabajadora, poca ganancia de peso en el embarazo y entre las afecciones asociadas con la gestación encontramos la amenaza de aborto, la anemia y la enfermedad hipertensiva del embarazo, entre las más frecuentes.

  15. Indicadores antropométricos y su asociación con eventos cardiometabólicos en escolares de Sonora, México


    Peralta Peña, Sandra Lidia; Reséndiz González, Eunice; Vargas, María Rubí; Terrazas Medina, Efraín Alonso; Cupul Uicab, Lea Aurora


    Introducción: la obesidad durante la niñez es predictiva de obesidad en la adultez y se asocia a eventos adversos para la salud observables desde etapas tempranas; sin embargo, la evaluación conjunta de obesidad y eventos adversos en los menores no es parte de la atención médica habitual. Objetivos: evaluar la asociación de sobrepeso y obesidad, obesidad abdominal y exceso de grasa corporal con la presión arterial sistólica [PAS] y diastólica [PAD], y el perfil de lípidos y glucosa; e identif...

  16. Comparison of Hypnotherapy with Systematic Relaxation in the Treatment of Cigarette Habituation. (United States)

    Schubert, Donald K.


    Studied the effectiveness of hypnosis in the treatment of cigarette habituation. Volunteers (N=87) were randomly assigned to hypnosis, relaxation, or waiting list control groups. Hypnosis was found to be superior to relaxation only for subjects high in hypnotic susceptibility. Those who quit smoking increased food consumption. (Author/JAC)

  17. Implicaciones del tratamiento antirretroviral en la disfunción sexual del paciente con infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana.


    Cánoves Martínez, Mª Dolores


    RESUMEN Los años 80 fueron el inicio conocido de los primeros casos de VIH y ya desde entonces, se describió el origen de la enfermedad como la consecuencia de los estilos de vida de los afectados. La información facilitada en este sentido, contribuyó a la creación de estereotipos; que con variantes, siguen hasta la actualidad; De esta forma, es habitual que los pacientes sufran además de los problemas biológicos, los psicológicos y los sociales asociados, característica ...

  18. Tratamiento endovascular con estent de síndrome de vena cava superior asociado a cables de marcapasos. Revisión de la literatura

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    Andrés Reyes Valdivia


    Full Text Available La aparición de trombosis venosa asociada a cables de marcapasos no es una entidad infrecuente, cursando habitualmente de forma asintomática o con síntomas leves debido a la dificultad del retorno venoso. Esto debido a la colateralidad secundaria y progresiva que compensa dicho componente mecánico obstructivo. La presentación sintomática como síndrome de vena cava superior no es habitual y su aparición por tanto, poco frecuente; dada la extensa colateralidad venosa que asocian estos pacientes.

  19. Speed/accuracy trade-off between the habitual and the goal-directed processes.

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    Mehdi Keramati


    Full Text Available Instrumental responses are hypothesized to be of two kinds: habitual and goal-directed, mediated by the sensorimotor and the associative cortico-basal ganglia circuits, respectively. The existence of the two heterogeneous associative learning mechanisms can be hypothesized to arise from the comparative advantages that they have at different stages of learning. In this paper, we assume that the goal-directed system is behaviourally flexible, but slow in choice selection. The habitual system, in contrast, is fast in responding, but inflexible in adapting its behavioural strategy to new conditions. Based on these assumptions and using the computational theory of reinforcement learning, we propose a normative model for arbitration between the two processes that makes an approximately optimal balance between search-time and accuracy in decision making. Behaviourally, the model can explain experimental evidence on behavioural sensitivity to outcome at the early stages of learning, but insensitivity at the later stages. It also explains that when two choices with equal incentive values are available concurrently, the behaviour remains outcome-sensitive, even after extensive training. Moreover, the model can explain choice reaction time variations during the course of learning, as well as the experimental observation that as the number of choices increases, the reaction time also increases. Neurobiologically, by assuming that phasic and tonic activities of midbrain dopamine neurons carry the reward prediction error and the average reward signals used by the model, respectively, the model predicts that whereas phasic dopamine indirectly affects behaviour through reinforcing stimulus-response associations, tonic dopamine can directly affect behaviour through manipulating the competition between the habitual and the goal-directed systems and thus, affect reaction time.

  20. Habitual chocolate consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease among healthy men and women

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kwok, Chun Shing; Boekholdt, S. Matthijs; Lentjes, Marleen A. H.; Loke, Yoon K.; Luben, Robert N.; Yeong, Jessica K.; Wareham, Nicholas J.; Myint, Phyo K.; Khaw, Kay-Tee


    To examine the association between chocolate intake and the risk of future cardiovascular events. We conducted a prospective study using data from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC)-Norfolk cohort. Habitual chocolate intake was quantified using the baseline food frequency

  1. Aged Tg2576 mice are impaired on social memory and open field habituation tests. (United States)

    Deacon, R M J; Koros, E; Bornemann, K D; Rawlins, J N P


    In a previous publication [Deacon RMJ, Cholerton LL, Talbot K, Nair-Roberts RG, Sanderson DJ, Romberg C, et al. Age-dependent and -independent behavioral deficits in Tg2576 mice. Behav Brain Res 2008;189:126-38] we found that very few cognitive tests were suitable for demonstrating deficits in Tg2576 mice, an amyloid over-expression model of Alzheimer's disease, even at 23 months of age. However, in a retrospective analysis of a separate project on these mice, tests of social memory and open field habituation revealed large cognitive impairments. Controls showed good open field habituation, but Tg2576 mice were hyperactive and failed to habituate. In the test of social memory for a juvenile mouse, controls showed considerably less social investigation on the second meeting, indicating memory of the juvenile, whereas Tg2576 mice did not show this decrement.As a control for olfactory sensitivity, on which social memory relies, the ability to find a food pellet hidden under wood chip bedding was assessed. Tg2576 mice found the pellet as quickly as controls. As this test requires digging ability, this was independently assessed in tests of burrowing and directly observed digging. In line with previous results and the hippocampal dysfunction characteristic of aged Tg2576 mice, they both burrowed and dug less than controls.

  2. Keep calm! Gender differences in mental rotation performance are modulated by habitual expressive suppression. (United States)

    Fladung, Anne-Katharina; Kiefer, Markus


    Men have been frequently found to perform more accurately than women in mental rotation tasks. However, men and women also differ with regard to the habitual use of emotion regulation strategies, particularly with regard to expressive suppression, i.e., the suppression of emotional expression in behavior. As emotional suppression is more often used by men, emotion regulation strategies might be a variable modulating gender differences in mental rotation performance. The present study, therefore, examined the influences of gender and emotion regulation strategies on mental rotation performance accuracy and feedback processing. Twenty-eight men and 28 women matched for relevant demographic variables performed mental rotation tasks of varying difficulty over a prolonged time. Emotional feedback was given immediately after each trial. Results showed that women reported to use expressive suppression less frequently than men. Women made more errors in the mental rotation task than men confirming earlier demonstrations of gender differences. Furthermore, women were more impaired by the negative feedback as indicated by the increased likelihood of subsequent errors compared with men. Task performance of women not habitually using expressive suppression was most inferior and most strongly influenced by failure feedback compared with men. Women using expressive suppression more habitually did not significantly differ in mental rotation accuracy and feedback processing from men. Hence, expressive suppression reduces gender differences in mental rotation accuracy by improving cognitive performance following failure feedback.


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    Jorge Agudo González


    Full Text Available La concertación con la Administración constituye un fenómeno jurídico habitual en el moderno Estado cooperativo, donde el derecho administrativo se concibe como ciencia de dirección, y cuyo objetivo es dirigir los procesos sociales con eficacia. Así pues, el derecho interioriza un enfoque basado en la capacidad inductora de lo jurídico, creando un clima propicio para la efectividad del derecho. Desde esta perspectiva, la concertación con la Administración tiene una importancia especial. El fenómeno de la concertación es variable, pero en todo caso debe encuadrarse entre la denominada actuación material de la Administración. El análisis de esta forma de actuación administrativa se aborda ofreciendo una unidad sistemática que facilita la integración de las diferentes cuestiones dogmáticas planteadas, para lo cual se trata el tema desde la perspectiva de la teoría de las relaciones jurídico-administrativas, debido a la insuficiencia de la doctrina de las formas jurídicas de la actuación administrativa para aprehender dogmáticamente la actuación material de la Administración. Del mismo modo, se afronta el tema clave de la concertación informal y la vinculación de la Administración a la Ley, y se finaliza con el planteamiento de los importantes problemas de tutela jurídica que este tipo de actuación material puede dar lugar.

  4. [Influence of habitual chocolate consumption over the Mini-Mental State Examination in Spanish older adults]. (United States)

    Orozco Arbelaez, Edilbeto; Banegas, José Ramón; Rodríguez Artalejo, Fernando; López García, Esther


    There are associations described between dementia, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and foods with a high content of polyphenols. To assess the infl uence of habitual chocolate consumption over the MMSE in Spanish older adults. Cross-sectional study, using data of the follow-up of the Seniors-Study on Nutrition and Cardiovascular Risk in Spain (ENRICA) cohort. Habitual chocolate consumption in the last year was assessed with a computerized dietary history; differences between dark chocolate and milk chocolate were recorded. Chocolate intake was classified into the following categories: no consumption, chocolate consumption of ≥ 10 g/d had a better MMSE score (adjusted beta coefficient and 95% confidence interval: 0.26 (0.02-0.50; p trend = 0.05); for dark chocolate, the results were also statistically significant (0.48 [0.18-0.78]; p trend chocolate consumption was not associated with higher likelihood of having MCI. However, dark chocolate consumption was associated with less likelihood of MCI (OR and 95%CI for MMSE ≤ 25: 0.39 [0.20-0.77]; for MMSE ≤ 24: 0.26 [0.10-0.67]; and for MMSE ≤ 23: 0.25 [0.07-0.82]). Our results suggest that habitual dark chocolate consumption might improve cognitive function among the older population.

  5. Utilización habitual de medicamentos en mujeres perimenopáusicas residentes en Jaca Routine drug utilization in perimenopausal women living in Jaca (Spain

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    María Silvia Sanclemente Pérez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la utilización habitual de medicamentos en mujeres perimenopáusicas y estudiar posibles factores relacionados. Métodos: Estudio observacional mediante entrevista directa en mujeres de 45 a 64años de edad adscritas a la zona de salud de Jaca. Resultados: El 69,4% de las mujeres consumían medicamentos de forma habitual, el 58,6% de las que tenían entre 45 y 54años, y el 81,6% de las de 55 a 64años (p=0,002. La probabilidad de consumir fármacos aumentaba con estar en la posmenopausia (p=0,011, referir alguna enfermedad crónica (pObjective: To describe routine drug utilization in perimenopausal women and to analyze related factors. Methods: We performed an observational study though face-to-face interviews with women aged 45-64 years old living in the health district of Jaca (Spain. Results: Among the women studied, 69.4% routinely used drugs: 58.6% of women aged 45-54 years old and 81.6% aged 55-64 (p=0.002. Factors associated with a greater probability of drug use were postmenopausal status (p=0.011, reported chronic diseases (p<0.001, poor or very poor self-perceived health (p=0.009, and having consulted a general physician at least once in the previous year (p=0.005. Conclusions: Routine drug utilization was frequent in the women studied. Drug utilization was associated with postmenopausal status, perceived health problems, and visits to general physicians.

  6. Cistoadenocarcinoma mucinoso de ovario en estadio terminal, en embarazo complicado con muerte fetal tardía. Presentación de un caso.

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    Hansy Díaz Pérez


    Full Text Available Presentamos un caso de Cistoadenocarcinoma mucinoso de ovario en un embarazo de 36.4 semanas de gestación complicado con muerte fetal tardía. que ingresó en el Hospital Materno Provincial “Isabel María de Valdivia y Salas de Sancti-Spíritus” diagnosticándose el tumor de ovario en un estadío avanzado de la enfermedad con un cuadro clínico florido y múltiples hallazgos al exámen físico que motivó varios planteamientos y dudas en el diagnóstico ,no realizándose el mismo durante la vigilancia prenatal habitual ni durante la ecografía pélvica que se realiza durante esta, siendo un hallazgo durante la laparotomía exploradora ya cuando la paciente se encontraba en la fase final del cuadro que la lleva al fallecimiento en la Unidad de cuidados intensivos al tercer día del ingreso con asistencia ventilatoria y múltiples complicaciones.

  7. Repeated exposure to two stressors in sequence demonstrates that corticosterone and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus interleukin-1β responses habituate independently. (United States)

    Lovelock, D F; Deak, T


    A wide range of stress-related pathologies such as post-traumatic stress disorder are considered to arise from aberrant or maladaptive forms of stress adaptation. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis readily adapts to repeated stressor exposure, yet little is known about adaptation in neuroimmune responses to repeated or sequential stress challenges. In Experiment 1, rats were exposed to 10 days of restraint alone (60 minutes daily), forced swim alone (30 minutes daily) or daily sequential exposure to restraint (60 minutes) followed immediately by forced swim (30 minutes), termed sequential stress exposure. Habituation of the corticosterone (CORT) response occurred to restraint by 5 days and swim at 10 days, whereas rats exposed to sequential stress exposure failed to display habituation to the combined challenge. Experiment 2 compared 1 or 5 days of forced swim with sequential stress exposure and examined how each affected expression of several neuroimmune and cellular activation genes in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus (HPC). Sequential exposure to restraint and swim increased interleukin (IL)-1β in the PVN, an effect that was attenuated after 5 days. Sequential stress exposure also elicited IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor-α responses in the HPC and PFC, respectively, which did not habituate after 5 days. Experiment 3 tested whether prior habituation to restraint (5 days) would alter the IL-1β response evoked by swim exposure imposed immediately after the sixth day of restraint. Surprisingly, a history of repeated exposure to restraint attenuated the PVN IL-1β response after swim in comparison to acutely-exposed subjects despite an equivalent CORT response. Overall, these findings suggest that habituation of neuroimmune responses to stress proceeds: (i) independent of HPA axis habituation; (ii) likely requires more daily sessions of stress to develop; and (iii) IL-1β displays

  8. Amygdala Reactivity and Anterior Cingulate Habituation Predict Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Maintenance After Acute Civilian Trauma. (United States)

    Stevens, Jennifer S; Kim, Ye Ji; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac R; Reddy, Renuka; Ely, Timothy D; Nemeroff, Charles B; Hudak, Lauren A; Jovanovic, Tanja; Rothbaum, Barbara O; Ressler, Kerry J


    Studies suggest that exaggerated amygdala reactivity is a vulnerability factor for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); however, our understanding is limited by a paucity of prospective, longitudinal studies. Recent studies in healthy samples indicate that, relative to reactivity, habituation is a more reliable biomarker of individual differences in amygdala function. We investigated reactivity of the amygdala and cortical areas to repeated threat presentations in a prospective study of PTSD. Participants were recruited from the emergency department of a large level I trauma center within 24 hours of trauma. PTSD symptoms were assessed at baseline and approximately 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after trauma. Growth curve modeling was used to estimate symptom recovery trajectories. Thirty-one individuals participated in functional magnetic resonance imaging around the 1-month assessment, passively viewing fearful and neutral face stimuli. Reactivity (fearful > neutral) and habituation to fearful faces was examined. Amygdala reactivity, but not habituation, 5 to 12 weeks after trauma was positively associated with the PTSD symptom intercept and predicted symptoms at 12 months after trauma. Habituation in the ventral anterior cingulate cortex was positively associated with the slope of PTSD symptoms, such that decreases in ventral anterior cingulate cortex activation over repeated presentations of fearful stimuli predicted increasing symptoms. Findings point to neural signatures of risk for maintaining PTSD symptoms after trauma exposure. Specifically, chronic symptoms were predicted by amygdala hyperreactivity, and poor recovery was predicted by a failure to maintain ventral anterior cingulate cortex activation in response to fearful stimuli. The importance of identifying patients at risk after trauma exposure is discussed. Copyright © 2017 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Comparing different kinds of words and word-word relations to test an habituation model of priming. (United States)

    Rieth, Cory A; Huber, David E


    Huber and O'Reilly (2003) proposed that neural habituation exists to solve a temporal parsing problem, minimizing blending between one word and the next when words are visually presented in rapid succession. They developed a neural dynamics habituation model, explaining the finding that short duration primes produce positive priming whereas long duration primes produce negative repetition priming. The model contains three layers of processing, including a visual input layer, an orthographic layer, and a lexical-semantic layer. The predicted effect of prime duration depends both on this assumed representational hierarchy and the assumption that synaptic depression underlies habituation. The current study tested these assumptions by comparing different kinds of words (e.g., words versus non-words) and different kinds of word-word relations (e.g., associative versus repetition). For each experiment, the predictions of the original model were compared to an alternative model with different representational assumptions. Experiment 1 confirmed the prediction that non-words and inverted words require longer prime durations to eliminate positive repetition priming (i.e., a slower transition from positive to negative priming). Experiment 2 confirmed the prediction that associative priming increases and then decreases with increasing prime duration, but remains positive even with long duration primes. Experiment 3 replicated the effects of repetition and associative priming using a within-subjects design and combined these effects by examining target words that were expected to repeat (e.g., viewing the target word 'BACK' after the prime phrase 'back to'). These results support the originally assumed representational hierarchy and more generally the role of habituation in temporal parsing and priming. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Amygdala habituation to emotional faces in adolescents with internalizing disorders, adolescents with childhood sexual abuse related PTSD and healthy adolescents

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    Bianca G. van den Bulk


    Full Text Available Adolescents with internalizing disorders and adolescents with childhood sexual abuse related post-traumatic stress disorder (CSA-related PTSD show a large overlap in symptomatology. In addition, brain research indicated hyper-responsiveness and sustained activation instead of habituation of amygdala activation to emotional faces in both groups. Little is known, however, about whether the same patterns of amygdala habituation are present in these two groups. The current study examined habituation patterns of amygdala activity to emotional faces (fearful, happy and neutral in adolescents with a DSM-IV depressive and/or anxiety disorder (N = 25, adolescents with CSA-related PTSD (N = 19 and healthy controls (N = 26. Behaviourally, the adolescents from the internalizing and CSA-related PTSD group reported more anxiety to fearful and neutral faces than adolescents from the control group and adolescents from the CSA-related PTSD group reacted slower compared to the internalizing group. At the whole brain level, there was a significant interaction between time and group within the left amygdala. Follow-up ROI analysis showed elevated initial activity in the amygdala and rapid habituation in the CSA-related PTSD group compared to the internalizing group. These findings suggest that habituation patterns of amygdala activation provide additional information on problems with emotional face processing. Furthermore, the results suggest there are differences in the underlying neurobiological mechanisms related to emotional face processing for adolescents with internalizing disorders and adolescents with CSA-related PTSD. Possibly CSA-related PTSD is characterized by a stronger primary emotional response driven by the amygdala.

  11. The effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on suppression of habitual counting during random number generation. (United States)

    Jahanshahi, M; Profice, P; Brown, R G; Ridding, M C; Dirnberger, G; Rothwell, J C


    Random number generation is an attention-demanding task that engages working memory and executive processes. Random number generation requires holding information 'on line', suppression of habitual counting, internally driven response generation and monitoring of responses. Evidence from PET studies suggests that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is involved in the generation of random responses. We examined the effects of short trains of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the left or right DLPFC or medial frontal cortex on random number generation in healthy normal participants. As in previous evidence, in control trials without stimulation participants performed poorly on the random number generation task, showing repetition avoidance and a tendency to count. Brief disruption of processing with TMS over the left DLPFC changed the balance of the individuals' counting bias, increasing the most habitual counting in ones and reducing the lower probability response of counting in twos. This differential effect of TMS over the left DLPFC on the balance of the subject's counting bias was not obtained with TMS over the right DLPFC or the medial frontal cortex. The results suggest that, with disruption of the left DLPFC with TMS, habitual counting in ones that has previously been suppressed is released from inhibition. From these findings a network modulation model of random number generation is proposed, whereby suppression of habitual responses is achieved through the modulatory influence of the left DLPFC over a number-associative network in the superior temporal cortex. To allow emergence of appropriate random responses, the left DLPFC inhibits the superior temporal cortex to prevent spreading activation and habitual counting in ones.

  12. Amygdala habituation to emotional faces in adolescents with internalizing disorders, adolescents with childhood sexual abuse related PTSD and healthy adolescents. (United States)

    van den Bulk, Bianca G; Somerville, Leah H; van Hoof, Marie-José; van Lang, Natasja D J; van der Wee, Nic J A; Crone, Eveline A; Vermeiren, Robert R J M


    Adolescents with internalizing disorders and adolescents with childhood sexual abuse related post-traumatic stress disorder (CSA-related PTSD) show a large overlap in symptomatology. In addition, brain research indicated hyper-responsiveness and sustained activation instead of habituation of amygdala activation to emotional faces in both groups. Little is known, however, about whether the same patterns of amygdala habituation are present in these two groups. The current study examined habituation patterns of amygdala activity to emotional faces (fearful, happy and neutral) in adolescents with a DSM-IV depressive and/or anxiety disorder (N=25), adolescents with CSA-related PTSD (N=19) and healthy controls (N=26). Behaviourally, the adolescents from the internalizing and CSA-related PTSD group reported more anxiety to fearful and neutral faces than adolescents from the control group and adolescents from the CSA-related PTSD group reacted slower compared to the internalizing group. At the whole brain level, there was a significant interaction between time and group within the left amygdala. Follow-up ROI analysis showed elevated initial activity in the amygdala and rapid habituation in the CSA-related PTSD group compared to the internalizing group. These findings suggest that habituation patterns of amygdala activation provide additional information on problems with emotional face processing. Furthermore, the results suggest there are differences in the underlying neurobiological mechanisms related to emotional face processing for adolescents with internalizing disorders and adolescents with CSA-related PTSD. Possibly CSA-related PTSD is characterized by a stronger primary emotional response driven by the amygdala. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  13. The number of repeated observations needed to estimate the habitual physical activity of an individual to a given level of precision.

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    Patrick Bergman

    Full Text Available Physical activity behavior varies naturally from day to day, from week to week and even across seasons. In order to assess the habitual level of physical activity of a person, the person must be monitored for long enough so that the level can be identified, taking into account this natural within-person variation. An important question, and one whose answer has implications for study- and survey design, epidemiological research and population surveillance, is, for how long does an individual need to be monitored before such a habitual level or pattern can be identified to a desired level of precision? The aim of this study was to estimate the number of repeated observations needed to identify the habitual physical activity behaviour of an individual to a given degree of precision. A convenience sample of 50 Swedish adults wore accelerometers during four consecutive weeks. The number of days needed to come within 5-50% of an individual's usual physical activity 95% of the time was calculated. To get an idea of the uncertainty of the estimates all statistical estimates were bootstrapped 2000 times. The mean number of days of measurement needed for the observation to, with 95% confidence, be within 20% of the habitual physical activity of an individual is highest for vigorous physical activity, for which 182 days are needed. For sedentary behaviour the equivalent number of days is 2.4. To capture 80% of the sample to within ±20% of their habitual level of physical activity, 3.4 days is needed if sedentary behavior is the outcome of interest, and 34.8 days for MVPA. The present study shows that for analyses requiring accurate data at the individual level a longer measurement collection period than the traditional 7-day protocol should be used. In addition, the amount of MVPA was negatively associated with the number of days required to identify the habitual physical activity level indicating that the least active are also those whose habitual

  14. Habituation of the cold shock response may include a significant perceptual component. (United States)

    Barwood, Martin J; Corbett, Jo; Wagstaff, Christopher R D


    Accidental immersion in cold water is a risk factor for many occupations. Habituation to cold-water immersion (CWI) is one practical means of reducing the cold shock response (CSR) on immersion. We investigated whether repeated thermoneutral water immersion (TWI) induced a perceptual habituation (i.e., could lessen perceived threat and anxiety) and consequently reduce the CSR on subsequent CWI. There were 12 subjects who completed seven 7-min head-out immersions. Immersions one and seven were CWls [15.0 (0.1) degrees C], and immersions two to six were TWI [34.9 (0.10) degrees C]. Anxiety 120-cm visual analogue scale) and the cardiorespiratory responses [heart rate (f(C)), respiratory frequency (f(R)), tidal volume (V(T)), and minute ventilation (V(E))] to immersion were measured throughout. Data were compared within subject between conditions using ANOVA to an alpha level of 0.05. Acute anxiety was significantly reduced after repeated exposure to the immersion scenario (i.e., TWI): CWI-1: 6.3 (4.4) cm; and CWI-2: 4.5 (4.0) cm [condition mean (SD)]. These differences did not influence the peak in the CSR. The f(C), f(R), and V(E) responses were similar between CWI-1 and CWI-2. V(T) response was significantly lower in CWI-2; mean (SD) across the immersion: CWI-1 1.27 (0.17) vs. CWI-2 1.11 0.21 L. Repeated TWI lessened the anxiety associated with CWI (perceptual habituation). This had a negligible effect on the primary components of the CSR, but did lower VT, which may reduce the volume of any aspirated water in an emergency situation. Reducing the threat appraisal of an environmental stressor may be a useful biproduct of survival training, thereby minimizing psychophysiological strain.

  15. Habitual active transport, TV viewing and weight gain: a four year follow-up study. (United States)

    Ding, Ding; Sugiyama, Takemi; Owen, Neville


    To examine the associations of TV viewing time and domain-specific physical activity with weight change; to determine whether domain-specific physical activity moderates the potential association of TV viewing time with weight change. We used four-year longitudinal data (baseline: 2003-2004, follow-up: 2007-2008) on 969 adults from selected neighborhoods in Adelaide, Australia (Age: 48.6 ± 10.6 years, 61% females). Mixed models examined four-year weight change as the dependent variable, with TV viewing time, habitual transport and past week domain-specific physical activity at baseline as independent variables. On average, participants gained 1.6 kg over four years. TV viewing time at baseline was positively associated with weight gain at follow-up. Each additional hour of TV viewing was associated with 0.24-0.27 kg of extra weight gain. This relationship was not moderated by recent recall of transport, leisure-time, and occupational physical activity, but was moderated by habitual transport: an additional hour of TV viewing time at baseline was significantly associated with an extra weight gain of 0.65 kg at follow-up among those who were inactive in everyday transport; TV time was not significantly associated with weight change among those who were regularly active in transport. Habitual active transport may protect adults against risk of weight gain associated with prolonged TV viewing time. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. The joint impact of habitual exercise and glycemic control on the incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in middle-aged and older males. (United States)

    Michishita, Ryoma; Matsuda, Takuro; Kawakami, Shotaro; Tanaka, Satoshi; Kiyonaga, Akira; Tanaka, Hiroaki; Morito, Natsumi; Higaki, Yasuki


    This retrospective study evaluated the influence of the joint impact of habitual exercise and glycemic control on the incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) during a 6-year follow-up period in middle-aged and older males. The study population included 303 males without a history of cardiovascular disease, stroke, renal dysfunction, or dialysis treatment. Their lifestyle behaviors regarding exercise and physical activity were evaluated using a standardized self-administered questionnaire. The participants were divided into four categories according to the performance or non-performance of habitual exercise and the presence or absence of hyperglycemia. After 6 years, 32 subjects (10.6%) developed CKD (estimated glomerular filtration rate exercise and hyperglycemic subjects (log-rank test: p exercise (HR = 2.82, 95% confidence of interval (CI) = 1.07-7.36, p = 0.034) and that in hyperglycemic subjects who did not perform habitual exercise (HR = 5.89, 95% CI = 1.87-16.63, p = 0.003) were significantly higher in comparison to the subjects with a NGT who performed habitual exercise. These results suggest that the habitual exercise and good glycemic control and their combination were associated with the incidence of CKD.

  17. The effect of lateral decubitus position on nocturnal intraocular pressure over a habitual 24-hour period in healthy adults. (United States)

    Hao, Jie; Zhen, Yi; Wang, Hao; Yang, Diya; Wang, Ningli


    To investigate the effect of lateral decubitus position (LDP) on nocturnal intraocular pressure (IOP) and the effect of LDP on 24-hour habitual IOP pattern in healthy subjects. Intraocular pressure was measured every 2-hours using an Accupen Applanation Tonometer (Accutome, USA). During the diurnal period (7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am, 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm, and 9:30 pm), IOP was measured in the sitting position under bright light (500-1000 lux) after the subjects had been seated for 5 min. The nocturnal IOP was measured in the supine position, right LDP, and left LDP, with randomized sequences, under dim light (hour habitual IOP patterns were obtained according to the nocturnal position (supine, right LDP and left LDP) for either eye. Phour period, the effect of LDP on habitual IOP pattern was not statistically significant, although the mean nocturnal IOP and the diurnal-nocturnal IOP change for the right and the left eye in the LDP pattern was slightly higher than that in the sitting-supine pattern. Significant nocturnal IOP differences existed between the dependent eye and the supine, but did not occur consistently for all time points. Over a 24-hour period, the effect of LDP on habitual IOP pattern was not statistically significant in healthy subjects.

  18. Habitual diet assessment in adolescents with the down’s syndrome

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    Ivandra Mari Roieski


    Full Text Available The eating habits formation of the individuals with the Down’s syndrome deserves special attention because, besides specific anatomical and physiological alterations, some aspects also interfere in this process. Among them, the parents’behavior is the one that counts most, and it’s essential to establish a healthy diet. Facing this, the objective in this study was to assess the habitual diet in eight overweight adolescents with the Down’s syndrome living in the South Region of Tocantins State. These adolescents are between 10 and 19 years of age. To instrumentalize the referred assessment, the Food Frequency Questionnaire for Adolescents was applied and it was compared with the Adapted Food Pyramid recommendations. It was observed 82% of the adolescents used to eat less than the recommended amount of the vegetables and cereal/bread/tubers/roots; 68% eat less fruits and 87% eat less milk/dairy products groups. It was also detected an exaggeration in the consumption of grains, meat/eggs and sugar/candy groups. It was concluded that the adolescents habitually keep a diet out of the pattern considered healthy. It’s predominantly easy chewing food and high in calories, what may bring risks of getting overweight and even obese. Thus, it’s vital to go through an eating re-education process, in whichthe family has participation, so that changes in the eating habits may be achieved.

  19. Differentiating neural systems mediating the acquisition versus expression of goal-directed and habitual behavioral control (United States)

    Liljeholm, Mimi; Dunne, Simon; O'Doherty, John P.


    Considerable behavioral data indicates that operant actions can become habitual, as evidenced by insensitivity to changes in the action-outcome contingency and in subjective outcome values. Notably, although several studies have investigated the neural substrates of habits, none has clearly differentiated the areas of the human brain that support habit formation from those that implement habitual control. We scanned participants with fMRI as they learned and performed an operant task in which the conditional structure of the environment encouraged either goal-directed encoding of the consequences of actions, or a habit-like mapping of actions to antecedent cues. Participants were also scanned during a subsequent assessment of insensitivity to outcome devaluation. We identified dissociable roles of the cerebellum and ventral striatum, across learning and test performance, in behavioral insensitivity to outcome devaluation. We also show that the inferior parietal lobule – an area previously implicated in several aspects of goal-directed action selection, including the attribution of intent and awareness of agency – predicts sensitivity to outcome devaluation. Finally, we reveal a potential functional homology between the human subgenual cortex and rodent infralimbic cortex in the implementation of habitual control. In summary, our findings suggest a broad systems division, at the cortical and subcortical levels, between brain areas mediating the encoding and expression of action-outcome and stimulus-response associations. PMID:25892332

  20. Concurrent and prospective associations of habitual overgeneral memory and prospection with symptoms of depression, general anxiety, obsessive compulsiveness, and post-traumatic stress. (United States)

    Boelen, Paul A; Huntjens, Rafaele J C; van den Hout, Marcel A


    Reduced memory specificity is associated with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and some other forms of psychopathology. Reduced memory specificity is also associated with reduced specificity of envisioned future events. Research in this area has mostly relied on cue-word methods that include explicit instructions to develop specific memories of future events. These methods are limited in their ability to assess how participants habitually remember the past and imagine the future when the specificity constraints inherent in the cue-word task are removed. Sentence completions tasks have been developed that can be used to assess habitual patterns of memory and prospection. Little is known about the association of habitual memory and prospection with concurrently and prospectively assessed psychopathology. In the current study 142 participants completed sentence completion tasks tapping habitual memory and prospection at baseline and completed measures tapping psychological symptoms at baseline and 1 year later. Among other things, it was found that reduced memory specificity (but not reduced future specificity) was associated with concurrent and later depression, as well as with symptom levels of PTSD tapped 1 year beyond baseline.

  1. Frecuencia del consumo de alimentos industrializados modernos en la dieta habitual de comunidades mayas de Yucatán, México

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    Odette Pérez Izquierdo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue identificar la introducción de alimentos industrializados modernos en la dieta habitual de dos comunidades mayas de Yucatán, México, así como algunos factores que, en la escala comunitaria y la de los hogares, podrían explicar la inclusión. Se trata de un estudio de tipo transversal en el que participaron 51 familias seleccionadas a través de un muestreo sistemático sin reemplazo. La información se obtuvo de una entrevista estructurada que incluyó información de variables socioeconómicas, dieta habitual, frecuencia del consumo de alimentos, actividades productivas, disponibilidad de alimentos y apoyos gubernamentales. Se usaron pruebas estadísticas paramétricas para identificar diferencias entre comunidades y familias respecto al consumo de alimentos industrialzados modernos. Los resultados evidencian el consumo de alimentos industrializados de corte moderno en la dieta habitual de ambas comunidades, sin diferencias significativas en esta escala, pero se registraron diferencias en la escala de los hogares. Se discute el papel de la emigración y los programas sociales en la incorporación de alimentos industrializados modernos en la dieta habitual de los hogares mayas de estas comunidades.

  2. Habitual diet and diet quality in Irritable Bowel Syndrome : A case-control study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tigchelaar, E. F.; Mujagic, Z.; Zhernakova, A.; Hesselink, M. A. M.; Meijboom, S.; Perenboom, C. W. M.; Masclee, A. A. M.; Wijmenga, C.; Feskens, E. J. M.; Jonkers, D. M. A. E.


    Background: Diet is considered to be a key factor in symptom generation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and patients tend to exclude food products from their diet in pursue of symptom relief, which may impair diet quality. Methods: We evaluated habitual dietary intake in IBS patients with regard

  3. Estudo eletromiográfico do músculo masseter durante o apertamento dentário e mastigação habitual em adultos com oclusão dentária normal Electromyographic study of the masseter muscle during maximal voluntary clenching and habitual chewing in adults with normal occlusion

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    Adriana Rahal


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a diferença entre os lados na atividade eletromiográfica do masseter em indivíduos adultos com oclusão dentária normal. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 30 indivíduos saudáveis entre 21 e 30 anos e realizou-se eletromiografia de superfície nos músculos masseteres direito e esquerdo, durante apertamento em máxima intercuspidação e mastigação habitual com uva passa. Foram computados os valores médios dos três apertamentos dentários e dos 15 segundos da mastigação habitual para cada indivíduo. Foram considerados para a análise: o lado de maior valor e o de menor valor eletromiográfico. RESULTADOS: Durante o apertamento dentário, a diferença média entre os dois lados foi de 20,0 microvolts (μV com intervalo de confiança (95% entre 14,0 e 26,0 μV e durante a mastigação habitual, a diferença média entre os dois lados foi de 10,3 μV com intervalo de confiança (95% entre 6,7 e 13,8 μV. CONCLUSÃO: Houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os lados, com relação entre eles de 24% para o apertamento dentário e de 27% para a mastigação habitual, em indiv duos adultos saudáveis.PURPOSE: To analyze the difference between both sides of the face during the electromyographic activity of the masseter muscle in adults with normal occlusion. METHODS: Thirty healthy individuals with ages ranging from 21 to 30 years old were selected. Surface electromyography was performed on right and left masseter muscles during maximal voluntary clenching and habitual chewing with raisins. The mean values of three teeth clenching and fifteen seconds of habitual chewing were calculated for each subject. The analysis considered the sides with higher and lower electromyographic activity. RESULTS: During maximal voluntary clenching, the mean difference between sides was 20.0 microvolts (μV, with confidence interval (95% between 14.0 and 26.0 μV. During habitual chewing, the mean difference between sides was 10.3



    Rosa W.,Guillermo; Anwandter Sch.,Carlos; Caro M.,José


    Dieciocho pacientes anovulatorias refractarias al uso de Citrato de Clomifeno (CC) fueron sometidas a electrocoagulación ovárica durante una laparoscopia realizada como parte del estudio de su infertilidad. Catorce pacientes (78%) ovularon espontáneamente o con CC y 10 (56%) se embarazaron, 7 de ellas con CC. Tres pacientes (21%) tuvieron un aborto espontáneo de I trimestre y una paciente (5,6%) presentó falla ovárica después de la cirugía. Se concluye que en pacientes anovulatorias refractar...

  5. A fully implantable telemetry system for the long-term measurement of habitual bone strain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, W. C.; Koolstra, J. H.; van Ruijven, L. J.; Korfage, J. A. M.; Langenbach, G. E. J.


    Long-term in-vivo recordings of habitual bone strain in freely moving animals are needed to better understand the everyday mechanical loading environment responsible for bone-tissue maintenance. However, wireless methods to make such recordings are scarce. We report on the successful customisation

  6. Foveal damage in habitual poppers users. (United States)

    Audo, Isabelle; El Sanharawi, Mohamed; Vignal-Clermont, Catherine; Villa, Antoine; Morin, Annie; Conrath, John; Fompeydie, Dominique; Sahel, José-Alain; Gocho-Nakashima, Kiyoko; Goureau, Olivier; Paques, Michel


    To describe foveal damage in habitual use of poppers, a popular recreational drug. Retrospective observational case series. Six patients with bilateral vision loss after chronic popper inhalation were seen in 4 university-based ophthalmology departments. Symptoms, medical history, ophthalmic examination, and functional and morphological tests are described. All patients experienced progressive bilateral vision loss, with central photopsia in 2 cases. Initial visual acuities ranged from 20/50 to 20/25. In all patients, a bilateral yellow foveal spot was present that, by optical coherence tomography, was associated with disruption of the outer segments of foveal cones. Functional and anatomical damage was restricted to the fovea. The poppers involved were identified as isopropyl nitrite in 3 cases. Four patients showed anatomical and/or functional improvement over several months after discontinuing popper inhalation. Repeated inhalation of poppers may be associated with prolonged bilateral vision loss due to the disruption of foveal cone outer segments. Retinal damage may progressively improve following drug discontinuation.

  7. Habitual physical activity and vascular aging in a young to middle-age population at low cardiovascular risk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kozakova, Michaela; Palombo, Carlo; Mhamdi, Leila


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Regular endurance exercise has been shown to reduce the age-related increase in arterial stiffness that is thought to contribute to cardiovascular risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of age and habitual physical activity on carotid artery wall thickness...... physical activity was negatively related to indices of carotid stiffness (r from -0.20 to -0.25, Page...... and physical activity were independently related to carotid stiffness. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides cross-sectional evidence that habitual physical activity is inversely related to the age-dependent increase in carotid wall stiffness in a young to middle-age population at low risk...

  8. Factores sociales asociados con la utilización de los servicios de atención prenatal en Ecuador

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    Amaya Sánchez-Gómez

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivos La atención prenatal es uno de los pilares de la salud pública y permite el acceso a intervenciones tales como la prevención de la transmisión materno-infantil del VIH y de la sífilis congénita. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir los factores sociales asociados con la utilización de los servicios de atención prenatal en Ecuador. Métodos Entre 2011 y 2012, se realizó un análisis de la información procedente de las historias clínicas y de la entrevista a las participantes, que integraron una muestra probabilística a nivel nacional de 5 998 mujeres atendidas por parto o aborto en 15 servicios sanitarios en Ecuador con el objetivo de estimar la prevalencia de VIH, sífilis, enfermedad de Chagas y la cobertura de atención prenatal. Resultados El estudio mostró que 94,1% de las mujeres había acudido a algún control prenatal, pero la asistencia al menos a cuatro controles fue 73,1%. Se encontró que el menor nivel educativo, el mayor número de embarazos, la ocupación en el sector agrícola o ganadero y la pertenencia a los grupos étnicos indígena, afroecuatoriano u otros minoritarios fueron factores asociados con la falta de uso (ningún control prenatal o al uso inadecuado de la atención prenatal (menos de cuatro controles o primer control después de las 20 semanas de gestación en Ecuador. Conclusiones Estos resultados apuntan a la persistencia de desigualdades marcadas en el acceso y en la utilización de servicios de atención prenatal atribuibles a factores socioeconómicos y a la necesidad de fortalecer las estrategias para su abordaje para alcanzar la meta de la cobertura universal de atención prenatal.

  9. Habitual versus goal-directed action control in Parkinson disease. (United States)

    de Wit, Sanne; Barker, Roger A; Dickinson, Anthony D; Cools, Roshan


    This study presents the first direct investigation of the hypothesis that dopamine depletion of the dorsal striatum in mild Parkinson disease leads to impaired stimulus-response habit formation, thereby rendering behavior slow and effortful. However, using an instrumental conflict task, we show that patients are able to rely on direct stimulus-response associations when a goal-directed strategy causes response conflict, suggesting that habit formation is not impaired. If anything our results suggest a disease severity-dependent deficit in goal-directed behavior. These results are discussed in the context of Parkinson disease and the neurobiology of habitual and goal-directed behavior.

  10. Habituation of Premonitory Sensations during Exposure and Response Prevention Treatment in Tourette's Syndrome (United States)

    Verdellen, Cara W. J.; Hoogduin, Cees A. L.; Kato, Bernet S.; Keijsers, Ger P. J.; Cath, Danielle C.; Hoijtink, Herbert B.


    Exposure to premonitory sensations and response prevention of tics (ER) has been shown to be a promising new treatment for Tourette's syndrome (TS). The present study tested the hypothesis that habituation to unpleasant premonitory sensations associated with the tic is an underlying mechanism of change in ER. Patients rated the severity of…

  11. Habituation of the orienting reflex and the development of Preliminary Process Theory. (United States)

    Barry, Robert J


    The orienting reflex (OR), elicited by an innocuous stimulus, can be regarded as a model of the organism's interaction with its environment, and has been described as the unit of attentional processing. A major determinant of the OR is the novelty of the eliciting stimulus, generally operationalized in terms of its reduction with stimulus repetition, the effects of which are commonly described in habituation terms. This paper provides an overview of a research programme, spanning more than 30 years, investigating psychophysiological aspects of the OR in humans. The major complication in this research is that the numerous physiological measures used as dependent variables in the OR context fail to jointly covary with stimulus parameters. This has led to the development of the Preliminary Process Theory (PPT) of the OR to accommodate the complexity of the observed stimulus-response patterns. PPT is largely grounded in autonomic measures, and current work is attempting to integrate electroencephalographic measures, particularly components in the event-related brain potentials reflecting aspects of stimulus processing. The emphasis in the current presentation is on the use of the defining criteria of the habituation phenomenon, and Groves and Thompson's Dual-process Theory, in the development of PPT.

  12. Factores asociados con la seropositividad a Brucella canis en criaderos caninos de dos regiones de Antioquia, Colombia

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    Laura Castrillón-Salazar


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue determinar la seroprevalencia a Brucella canis en perros y humanos convivientes en criaderos caninos y explorar los factores de riesgo asociados a la seropositividad. Se tomaron 20 criaderos, en los cuales se realizó diagnóstico serológico por PARP-2ME de 428 caninos y 91 humanos. Se aplicó una encuesta para determinar los factores de riesgo y se analizaron los datos mediante regresión logística. Se determinó una seroprevalencia de 15% en caninos y 9% en humanos convivientes. Se determinaron como factores asociados a la seropositividad canina el historial de seropositividad canina, conservar los caninos seropositivos, historial de aborto, higiene y protección del operario deficientes durante el servicio reproductivo, y procedimiento inseguro durante la atención de abortos. Como factores protectores se establecieron la ubicación rural de los criaderos, facilidad de aseo de los caniles, PARP-2ME premonta, y procedimiento seguro durante la atención de partos. En humanos se determinaron factores asociados: criaderos ubicados en el Valle Aburrá y de tipo urbano.

  13. Paciente con trombocitopenia trombótica inducida por heparina en hemodiálisis: abordaje de la anticoagulación del circuito

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    Mirian García Martínez

    Full Text Available Resumen El tratamiento renal sustitutivo de hemodiálisis es una técnica de depuración sanguínea extraterrenal, que requiere proteger al circuito extracorpóreo del paciente. Actualmente la heparina es el anticoagulante endovenoso de elección para evitar este tipo de complicaciones intradiálisis, siendo necesaria la individualización de las dosis por paciente. La trombocitopenia trombótica inducida por heparina es uno de los posibles efectos secundarios producidos por la administración de heparina. La bivalirudina es un inhibidor directo y específico de la trombina, útil en diferentes procedimientos, siendo utilizado en pacientes con problemas con la heparina y con fracaso renal crónico terminal que requieren terapias de diálisis continuas. Caso clínico: Paciente de 46 años, con múltiples antecedentes personales. Al inicio de su proceso debutó con una Gangrena de Fournier secundaria a isquemia de extremidades inferiores, por lo que precisó tratamiento anticoagulante. Hasta la fecha no presentó alergias medicamentosas conocidas. Posteriormente se objetivó plaquetopenia progresiva con diagnóstico de trombocitopenia inducida por heparina tipo II por lo que se restringió la heparina de bajo peso molecular y la heparina sódica, indicándose anticoagulación con Sintrom y Bivalirudina en casos de procedimientos con alto riesgo de sangrado. Conclusiones: Los pacientes de hemodiálisis en nuestro hospital, tienen como pauta habitual de anticoagulación la heparina. En este caso el diagnostico precoz de la trombocitopenia trombótica inducida por la heparina, fue crucial para evitar daños mayores, siendo el equipo de enfermería la piedra angular en el tratamiento en la sala de hemodiálisis.

  14. Fomento de responsabilidad procreativa para adolescentes

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    Vanegas de Ahogado Blanca Cecilia


    Full Text Available

    Se está desarrollando una línea de investigación-Docencia-Extensión que pretende, con medidas de promoción y prevención primaria, fomentar en los adolescentes un manejo responsable de su sexualidad, para contribuir en la disminución del embarazo indeseado y del aborto provocado. El trabajo se inició con un programa de atención individual y de pareja en una importante universidad colombiana; continuó con un programa de educación a grupos, utilizando técnica participativa con juegos de salón, diseñados por las investigadoras, y ha tenido aplicabilidad con estudiantes de nivel secundario, universitario, de postgrado y profesionales en educación continua. Ha sido apoyado por cuatro investigaciones.

  15. Breath-hold time during cold water immersion: effects of habituation with psychological training. (United States)

    Barwood, Martin J; Datta, Avijit K; Thelwell, Richard C; Tipton, Michael J


    The loss of the conscious control of respiration on whole body cold water immersion (CWI) can result in the aspiration of water and drowning. Repeated CWI reduces the respiratory drive evoked by CWI and should prolong breath-hold time on CWI (BHmax(CWI)). Psychological skills training (PST) can also increase BHmax(CWI) by improving the ability of individuals to consciously suppress the drive to breathe. This study tested the hypothesis that combining PST and repeated CWI would extend BHmax(CWI) beyond that seen following only repeated CWI. There were 20 male subjects who completed two 2.5-min, head-out breath-hold CWI (BH1 and BH2) in water at 12 degrees C. Following BH1, subjects were matched on BHmax(CWI) and allocated to a habituation (HAB) group or a habituation plus PST group (H+PST). Between BH1 and BH2 both experimental groups undertook five 2.5-min CWI on separate days, during which they breathed freely. The H+PST also received psychological training to help tolerate cold and suppress the drive to breathe on immersion to extend BHmax(CWI). During BH1, mean BHmax(CWI) (+/- SD) in the HAB group was 22.00 (10.33) s and 22.38 (10.65) s in the H+PST. After the five free-breathing CWI, both groups had a longer BHmax(CWI) in BH2. The HAB group improved by 14.13 (20.21) s, an increase of 73%. H+PST improved by 26.86 (24.70) s, a 120% increase. No significant differences were identified between the groups. Habituation significantly increases BHmax on CWI, the addition of PST did not result in statistically significant improvements in BHmax(CWI), but may have practical significance.


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    Ivandra Mari Roieski


    Full Text Available The eating habits formation of the individuals with the Down’s syndrome deserves special attention because, besides specific anatomical and physiological alterations, some aspects also interfere in this process. Among them, the parents’ behavior is the one that counts most, and it’s essential to establish a healthy diet. Facing this, the objective in this study was to assess the habitual diet in eight overweight adolescents with the Down’s syndrome living in the South Region of Tocantins State. These adolescents are between 10 and 19 years of age. To instrumentalize the referred assessment, the Food Frequency Questionnaire for Dieta de adolescentes com Síndrome de Down Adolescents was applied and it was compared with the Adapted Food Pyramid recommendations. It was observed 82% of the adolescents used to eat less than the recommended amount of the vegetables and cereal/bread/tubers/roots; 68% eat less fruits and 87% eat less milk/dairy products groups. It was also detected an exaggeration in the consumption of grains, meat/eggs and sugar/candy groups. It was concluded that the adolescents habitually keep a diet out of the pattern considered healthy. It’s predominantly easy chewing food and high in calories, what may bring risks of getting overweight and even obese. Thus, it’s vital to go through an eating re-education process, in which the family has participation, so that changes in the eating habits may be achieved.

  17. Lowering the Risk of Rectal Cancer among Habitual Beer Drinkers by Dietary Means

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    Gabriel Kune


    Full Text Available Whole-life beer consumption and a quantitative measurement of several dietary micronutrients consumed in adult life were obtained from the dietary and alcohol data of the case-control arm of the population-based Melbourne Colorectal Cancer Study. There was a statistically significant risk, adjusted for other established risk factors, among habitual beer drinkers (AOR 1.75, 95% CI 1.28–2.41 with a significant positive dose-response effect (AOR trend 1.34, 95% CI 1.16–1.55. Among beer consumers the data were interpreted as showing an attenuation of this risk with consumption of the four micronutrients involved in methylation: folate, methionine, vitamins B6 and B12, and the four micronutrients examined with antioxidant properties: selenium, vitamins E, C, and lycopene. The strongest effects were noted with vitamins E, C, and lycopene, and the weakest with methionine and selenium. Whilst not condoning excessive beer drinking, the regular consumption of foods rich in these micronutrients may provide a simple and harmless preventative strategy among persistent habitual beer drinkers and deserves further study with larger study numbers.

  18. Music and Video Gaming during Breaks: Influence on Habitual versus Goal-Directed Decision Making. (United States)

    Liu, Shuyan; Schad, Daniel J; Kuschpel, Maxim S; Rapp, Michael A; Heinz, Andreas


    Different systems for habitual versus goal-directed control are thought to underlie human decision-making. Working memory is known to shape these decision-making systems and their interplay, and is known to support goal-directed decision making even under stress. Here, we investigated if and how decision systems are differentially influenced by breaks filled with diverse everyday life activities known to modulate working memory performance. We used a within-subject design where young adults listened to music and played a video game during breaks interleaved with trials of a sequential two-step Markov decision task, designed to assess habitual as well as goal-directed decision making. Based on a neurocomputational model of task performance, we observed that for individuals with a rather limited working memory capacity video gaming as compared to music reduced reliance on the goal-directed decision-making system, while a rather large working memory capacity prevented such a decline. Our findings suggest differential effects of everyday activities on key decision-making processes.

  19. Vozes católicas no Congresso Nacional: aborto, defesa da vida Abortion: defending life

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    Myriam Aldana


    Full Text Available Serão analisados neste ensaio alguns dos debates em torno da temática do aborto que ocorreram no Congresso Nacional com a ocasião da Proposta de Emenda Constitucional - central da discussão foi a defesa da vida. Serão identificados os blocos discursivos que apresentam posições contrárias e favoráveis à interrupção da gravidez, os princípios religiosos ou determinismo biológico em que essas posições estão ancoradas e as formas como esses discursos permanecem. Ainda são levantadas as diferentes compreensões do que é vida, decorrentes dos argumentos utilizados nesses discursos, os quais estão alinhados com os posicionamentos da Igreja Católica e do Movimento Feminista, atores sociais protagonistas desse embate.This essay will analyze some of the debates around abortion in the National Congress due to the Constitutional Amendment Bill - PEC25/95, by Deputy Severino Cavalcanti (PPB/PE, where the main issue was precisely life defense. The discursive blocks that present the debate in relation to pregnancy interruption, the religious principles or biological determinism on which those debates are based, and the ways in which such discourses are maintained will be identified. Distinct understandings of life, as a result of the points used in such discourses, which are aligned with the position of the Catholic Church and the Feminist Movement - the social actors of this debate- are also discussed here.

  20. Corticostriatal connectivity underlies individual differences in the balance between habitual and goal-directed action control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wit, S. de; Watson, A.J.P.; Harsay, H.A.; Cohen, M.X.; Vijver, I. van de; Ridderinkhof, K.R.


    Why are some individuals more susceptible to the formation of inflexible habits than others? In the present study, we used diffusion tensor imaging to demonstrate that brain connectivity predicts individual differences in relative goal-directed and habitual behavioral control in humans.

  1. Pérdida de nivel, jerarquía y autoridad de la auditoría por la multiplicidad e informalidad en las denominaciones con el pretexto de su clasificación


    Ramírez Trabaj, Eudosio


    La presente Tesis Doctoral bajo el título: PERDIDA DE NIVEL, JERARQUIA Y AUTORIDAD DE LA AUDITORIA POR LA MULTIPLICIDAD E INFORMALIDAD EN LAS DENOMINACIONES CON EL PRETEXTO DE SU CLASIFICACION, tiene por finalidad hacer un llamado de alerta a los profesionales que son partícipes en esta especialidad, al ejercer la auditoría de manera habitual o no, a los gremios profesionales de la Contabilidad, nacionales o internacionales, que tienen que ver en esta problemática, que la es...

  2. Depresión y factores de riesgos asociados en embarazadas de 18 a 45 años asistentes al Hospital Niño Jesús en Barranquilla (Colombia

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    Mariela Borda Pérez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de factores de riesgo para depresión en embarazadas atendidas en el Hospital Niño Jesús, en Barranquilla, en el primer semestre de 2012. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, en muestra de 151 embarazadas en control prenatal. Se estudiaron variables sociodemográficas, ginecobstétricas y antecedentes psicológicos y psiquiátricos. Se midió depresión con el Edinburgh Postnatal Depressión Scale, se clasificó con un punto de corte mayor o igual a 13. Se tabuló mediante los software Excel y Epi-info 2000, V 3.5.3; se presentan resultados en tablas y gráficos y se analizan con porcentajes, media y desviación estándar, Odd Rato e IC 95%, chi-cuadrado y p. Resultados: La depresión fue de 19.2 %. Edad media de 24,78 años (+/- 5,35; 57,6 % era de estrato económico bajo; 72,6 % amas de casa; 88,7 % convivía con su pareja; edad gestacional media de 28 (+/-4 y 25 % de mujeres con depresión tenía antecedente de esta. Los factores de riesgo, con tendencia a la asociación, fueron: historia de aborto anterior OR 3,39 (IC95 % 1,41–8,15, algún grado de disfunción familiar OR 2,78 (IC95 % 1,08- 7,1 y actividad fuera del hogar 2,92 (IC95%1,03 – 8,23. Conclusiones: La depresión en el embarazo se presentó cuando existió antecedente de aborto, algún grado de disfunción familiar y actividad fuera del hogar.

  3. Habituation Model of Implementing Environmental Education in Elementary School

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zaenuri, Z.; Sudarmin, S.; Utomo, Y.


    is designed using a qualitative approach. This study is focused on the implementation of environmental education in primary schools. Data collection uses observation sheet instrument (observation), focused interview, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The research data were analyzed descriptively. The results......The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of environmental education in Elementary School. The study was conducted at SDN 1 Kota Banda Aceh. The research subjects are school residents (students, teachers, education personnel, principals, and school committees). This research...... show that the implementation of environmental education can be realized in habituation to maintain personal hygiene, class cleanliness, and worship together according to his beliefs and sports....

  4. El aborto terapéutico en adolescentes. Comentarios al Dictamen emitido por el Comité de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en la Comunicación N° 1153/2003. El aborto terapéutico en adolescentes. Comentarios al Dictamen emitido por el Comité de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en la Comunicación N° 1153/2003.

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    Francisco Gómez-Sánchez Torrealva


    Full Text Available A través del presente artículo, el autor expone el caso de una adolescente peruana, quien gestaba a un feto anencefálico. De acuerdo a los reportes médicos, el feto no sólo carecía de posibilidades de sobrevivir después del nacimiento, sino que la continuación del embarazo generaba riesgos sobre la salud de la madre. Por estas razones, la gestante solicitó la aplicación del aborto terapéutico, permitido por la legislación peruana. Sin embargo, los médicos se rehusaron a aplicarlo debido a que consideraban que la gestante requería de una autorización judicial para hacerlo. Por este motivo, la adolescente, apoyada por una ONG, presentó el caso a las Naciones Unidas, la cual recomendó al Estado peruano la aplicación del aborto terapéutico para proteger la salud de las mujeres cuyos embarazos pudieran afectar su integridad y también su vida.Through this article, the author exposes the case of a Peruvian pregnant teenager, whose fetus suffered a congenital disease called anencephaly. According to medical reports, the fetus didn’t have any choice to survive after the birth and, also, the continuance of the pregnancy could case a several damage to the mother’s health. Because of these reasons, the pregnant teenager requested the application of the therapeutic abortion, allowed by the Peruvian Law. But, in spite of that, the medics refused to apply it because they considered the girl must need a judicial order to make it. That’s why the girl, supported by an NGO, presented the case to the United Nations, who recommended the Peruvian State to apply the therapeutic abortion in order to protect the health of women whose pregnancy could affect their integrity and also her lives.

  5. Tutela penal de la vida humana y política criminal. Aborto y eutanasia


    Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, María Angélica


    Al ser la vida humana el derecho fundamental más importante, su tutela penal se ha llevado a cabo históricamente y en la actualidad, con mayor o menor intensidad, en todos los ordenamientos jurídicos del mundo. Dentro de la protección del derecho a la vida, mediante la tipificación del delito de homicidio y de asesinato, con sus distintas modalidades, nos encontramos con dos figuras jurídicas controvertidas por estar estrechamente vinculadas con la moral y, consiguientemente, por tener mucha ...

  6. Longitudinal association between habitual walking and fall occurrences among community-dwelling older adults: analyzing the different risks of falling. (United States)

    Okubo, Yoshiro; Seino, Satoshi; Yabushita, Noriko; Osuka, Yosuke; Jung, Songee; Nemoto, Miyuki; Figueroa, Rafael; Tanaka, Kiyoji


    The purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine the association between habitual walking and multiple or injurious falls (falls) among community-dwelling older adults, by considering the relative risk of falling. A cohort of Japanese community-dwelling older adults (n=535) aged 60-91 years (73.1±6.6 year, 157 men and 378 women) who underwent community-based health check-ups from 2008 to 2012 were followed until 2013. Incidence rate of falls between walkers and non-walkers was compared separately by the number of risk factors (Groups R0, R1, R2, R3 and R4+). The Cox proportional hazard model was used to assess the association between habitual walking and falls separately by lower- (Rrisk groups. In Groups R0 and R1, the incidence of falls was lower in walkers than non-walkers; however, in Groups R2, R3, and R4+, the incidence of falls was higher in walkers. The Cox proportional hazard model showed that habitual walking was not significantly associated with falls (hazard ratio (HR): 0.88, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.48-1.62) among the lower risk group but that it was significantly associated with increased falls (HR: 1.89, 95% CI: 1.04-3.43) among the higher risk group. The significant interaction between habitual walking and higher risk of falling was found (Prisk factors for falling, caution is needed when recommending walking because walking can actually increase their risk of experiencing multiple or injurious falls. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Habitual condom use across partner type and sexual position among younger gay and bisexual men: findings from New Zealand HIV behavioural surveillance 2006-2011. (United States)

    Lachowsky, N J; Dewey, C E; Dickson, N P; Saxton, P J W; Hughes, A J; Milhausen, R R; Summerlee, A J S


    Our objectives were to investigate demographic and behavioural factors associated with condom use and to examine how habitual condom use was across partner types and sexual positions among younger men who have sex with men (YMSM), aged 16-29, surveyed in New Zealand. We analysed the 2006-2011 national HIV behavioural surveillance data from YMSM who reported anal intercourse in four scenarios of partner type and sexual position: casual insertive, casual receptive, regular insertive and regular receptive. For each, respondents' condom use was classified as frequent (always/almost always) or otherwise, with associated factors identified with multivariate mixed-effect logistic regression. Habitual condom use across scenarios was examined using a latent variable technique that estimated the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Frequent condom use was reported for 63.6% of 5153 scenarios reported from 2412 YMSM. Frequent use increased from boyfriend to fuckbuddy to casual partners. Infrequent use was associated with online recruitment, Pacific ethnicity, less education, HIV positivity, sex with women, having ≥20 sexual partners versus 1 and reporting insertive and receptive sexual positions. Frequent condom use was associated with having two to five sexual partners versus one and shorter regular partnerships. The ICC=0.865 indicated highly habitual patterns of use; habitual infrequent condom use was most prevalent with regular partners (53.3%) and habitual frequent condom use was most prevalent with casual partners (70.2%) and for either sexual position (50.5% and 49.1%). Habitual condom use among YMSM highlights the value of early, engaging and sustained condom promotion. Public health should provide better and more compelling condom education, training and promotion for YMSM. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  8. Bringing up condom use and using condoms with new sexual partners : Intentional or habitual?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yzer, M.C; Siero, F.W.; Buunk, Abraham (Bram)


    A prospective study of 94 Dutch adults who have casual sexual partners examined whether two important aspects of safe sex. namely bringing up condom use (BCU) and actual condom use (ACU) are intentional or habitual. For each of these aspects, a model based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB:

  9. Punción aspiración con aguja fina de nódulos tiroideos

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    Iván Pimienta Concepción


    Full Text Available La punción aspirativa con aguja fina es una técnica muy habitual en las últimas décadas, que interpretada por un citólogo experto proporciona una información muy valiosa, se basa en un método simple, mínimamente invasivo y preciso para diagnosticar masas superficiales tales como los nódulos tiroideos; definidos por la Asociación Tiroidea Americana como discretas lesiones dentro de la glándula tiroidea imagenológicamente distintas del parénquima tiroideo. En los nódulos fríos indica si la citología es benigna, dudosa o maligna, con escasas probabilidades de error. En los carcinomas papilares su fiabilidad se acerca al 100% e igualmente en los carcinomas anaplásicos y carcinomas medulares; no así en los adenomas foliculares que son indiferenciables de los carcinomas, por lo cual el diagnóstico de proliferación folicular no es definitivo hasta después de la cirugía cuando esté el informe histopatológico de la biopsia por parafina, que sí es concluyente. En esta revisión bibliográfica se abordan los referentes teóricos más actuales sobre la importancia de la punción aspiración con aguja fina en el estudio de las lesiones nodulares de la glándula tiroides, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, si se tiene en cuenta la tendencia al incremento del cáncer de tiroides en el Ecuador.

  10. Effects of Mat Pilates training and habitual physical activity on thoracoabdominal expansion during quiet and vital capacity breathing in healthy women. (United States)

    Campos, Jeniffer L; Vancini, Rodrigo L; Zanoni, Graziely R; Barbosa DE Lira, Claudio A; Santos Andrade, Marilia; Sarro, Karine J


    Pilates is a body/mind method that requires different types of exercise (balance, endurance, strength, and flexibility) and attention to muscle control, posture, and breathing. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of Mat Pilates training and habitual physical activity on thoracoabdominal motion of healthy and physically active women. Thirty-five women without experience in Pilates exercise, aged between 18 and 35 years, participated in the study (habitual physical activity group, n=14; and Mat Pilates group, n=21). Three- dimensional kinematic analysis was used to evaluate total and separate thoracoabdominal compartments' expansion (superior and inferior thorax and abdomen), contribution of each compartment to total thoracoabdominal expansion, and coordination between thoracoabdominal compartments. After 12 weeks of Mat Pilates training, thoracoabdominal expansion during quiet breathing was improved by increasing the expansion of abdomen by about 33% (P=0.01). Moreover, expansion of superior (P=0.04) and inferior thorax (P=0.02) and abdomen (P=0.01) was also improved in Pilates (35%, 33% and 37%, respectively) compared to the habitual physical activity group, after the experimental protocol. Finally, the habitual physical activity group presented a decrease of 13% in the expansion of abdomen (P = 0.002). The results suggest the capability of Mat Pilates in improving the action of respiratory and abdominal muscles during breathing and, thus, its benefits to breathing mechanics.


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    Mildred Acuña Sossa


    Full Text Available El artículo expone la indagación acerca de los Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA con la colaboración interuniversitaria entre el Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, México, y la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica. Esta temática ha sido poco estudiada y ambas universidades se vieron en la necesidad de conocer cómo se realiza la selección de estos recursos. Asimismo, expresa las buenas prácticas de selección de REA utilizadas por los participantes en el curso Innovación Educativa con Recursos Abiertos que se facilitó mediante el formato Massive Open Online Course (MOOC por sus siglas en inglés y así, formular recomendaciones que orienten su elección. Con una investigación exploratoria de tipo cualitativo se realizó una revisión de instrumentos de autoevaluación completados por los participantes, se generaron categorías para describir los aportes publicados en los foros del curso y las tareas que completaron los participantes con respecto al tema de REA. Se concluyó que lo habitual es hacer una valoración directa del recurso antes de usarlo o consultar con colegas o expertos en la materia para hacer una selección adecuada y útil para la práctica educativa. También se destacó que la búsqueda de estos recursos se realiza con la ayuda del navegador web Google, en las revistas digitales y las bases de datos institucionales. Además, se resalta la necesidad de un mejor manejo de los REA por parte de los participantes del curso, y de generar más habilidades para su búsqueda y selección.

  12. Pre-test habituation improves the reliability of a handheld test of mechanical nociceptive threshold in dairy cows

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raundal, P. M.; Andersen, P. H.; Toft, Nils


    Mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) testing has been used to investigate aspects of painful states in bovine claws. We investigated a handheld tool, where the applied stimulation force was monitored continuously relative to a pre-encoded based target force. The effect on MNT of two pre-testing...... habituation procedures was performed in two different experiments comprising a total of 88 sound Holsteins dairy cows kept either inside or outside their home environment. MNT testing was performed using five consecutive mechanical nociceptive stimulations per cow per test at a fixed pre-encoded target rate...... of 2.1 N/s. The habituation procedure performed in dairy cows kept in their home environment led to lowered intra-individual coefficient of variation of MNT (P test...

  13. Resultados adversos en la procreación en mujeres trabajadoras en la floricultura colombiana: un resumen de la evidencia mediante metanálisis

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    Álvaro Javier Idrovo


    Conclusiones. Los análisis sugieren que el trabajo en la floricultura se asocia con una mayor aparición de abortos espontáneos y malformaciones congénitas. Sin embargo, no hay indicios de que estos efectos estén asociados con la exposición a plaguicidas. Otros factores de riesgo que requieren posterior estudio son la actividad física y el calor dentro de los invernaderos, ambos presentes en las empresas floricultoras. La evidencia de los países que han entrado recientemente a la industria, ayudará a dilucidar esta relación.

  14. Not all mice are equal: welfare implications of behavioural habituation profiles in four 129 mouse substrains.

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    Hetty Boleij

    Full Text Available Safeguarding the welfare of animals is an important aim when defining housing and management standards in animal based, experimental research. While such standards are usually defined per animal species, it is known that considerable differences between laboratory mouse strains exist, for example with regard to their emotional traits. Following earlier experiments, in which we found that 129P3 mice show a lack of habituation of anxiety related behaviour after repeated exposure to an initially novel environment (non-adaptive profile, we here investigated four other 129 inbred mouse substrains (129S2/SvPas, 129S2/SvHsd (exp 1; 129P2 and 129X1 (exp 2 on habituation of anxiety related behaviour. Male mice of each strain were repeatedly placed in the modified hole board test, measuring anxiety-related behaviour, exploratory and locomotor behaviour. The results reveal that all four substrains show a lack of habituation behaviour throughout the period of testing. Although not in all of the substrains a possible confounding effect of general activity can be excluded, our findings suggest that the genetic background of the 129 substrains may increase their vulnerability to cope with environmental challenges, such as exposure to novelty. This vulnerability might negatively affect the welfare of these mice under standard laboratory conditions when compared with other strains. Based on our findings we suggest to consider (substrain-specific guidelines and protocols, taking the (substrain-specific adaptive capabilities into account.

  15. Does the habitual mastication side impact jaw muscle activity? (United States)

    Turcio, Karina Helga Leal; Zuim, Paulo Renato Junqueira; Guiotti, Aimée Maria; Dos Santos, Daniela Micheline; Goiato, Marcelo Coelho; Brandini, Daniela Atili


    To compare electrical activity in the anterior temporal and masseter muscles on the habitual (HMS) and non-habitual mastication side (NHMS), during mastication and in the mandibular postural position. In addition, the increase in electrical activity during mastication was assessed for the HMS and NHMS, analysing both working (WSM) and non-working side during mastication (NWSM). A total of 28 healthy women (18-32 years) participated in the study. They were submitted to Kazazoglu's test to identify the HMS. Bioresearch 'Bio EMG' software and bipolar surface electrodes were used in the exams. The exams were conducted in the postural position and during the unilateral mastication of raisins, on both the HMS and NHMS. The working and non-working side on HMS and NHMS were assessed separately. The obtained data were then statistically analysed with SPSS 20.0, using the Paired Samples Test at a significance level of 95%. The differences in the average EMG values between HMS and NHMS were not statistically significant in the postural position (Temporal p=0.2; Masseter p=0.4) or during mastication (Temporal WSM p=0.8; Temporal NWSM p=0.8; Masseter WSM p=0.6; Masseter NWSM p=0.2). Differences in the increase in electrical activity between the masseter and temporal muscles occurred on the working side, on the HMS and NHMS (p=0.0), but not on the non-working side: HMS (p=0.9) and NHMS (p=0.3). The increase in electrical activity was about 35% higher in the masseter than in the temporal muscle. Mastication side preference does not significantly impact electrical activity of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles during mastication or in postural position. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  16. Habitual sugar intake and cognitive function among middle-aged and older Puerto Ricans without diabetes (United States)

    Intake of added sugars, mainly fructose and sucrose, has been associated with risk factors for cognitive impairment, such as obesity, the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. The objective of this analysis was to examine whether habitual intakes of total sugars, added sugars, sugar-sweetened bev...

  17. Dopamine Receptor DOP-4 Modulates Habituation to Repetitive Photoactivation of a "C. elegans" Polymodal Nociceptor (United States)

    Ardiel, Evan L.; Giles, Andrew C.; Yu, Alex J.; Lindsay, Theodore H.; Lockery, Shawn R.; Rankin, Catharine H.


    Habituation is a highly conserved phenomenon that remains poorly understood at the molecular level. Invertebrate model systems, like "Caenorhabditis elegans," can be a powerful tool for investigating this fundamental process. Here we established a high-throughput learning assay that used real-time computer vision software for behavioral…

  18. Influence of long-term intake of alcohol on computed tomography. Chronic alcoholics and habitual drinkers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mikami, Akihiro; Watanabe, Hiroshi; Hashimoto, Hirosuke; Kato, Iwao; Watanabe, Eiiti [Watanabe Hospital, Hakodate, Hokkaido (Japan)


    CT findings of the head in 120 chronic alcoholics aged 30 to 69 yrs. were compared with those of 93 controls matched in age. The patient group showed a definitely higher incidence of dilatation of the brain surface and the ventricular system. The dilatation in the patients had no preferred site, both the brain surface and ventricular system being affected in most cases. In the patients no constant relation was noted between CT findings and the presence or absence of withdrawal symptoms, intellectual impairement, hepatic dysfunction or malnutrition. CT abnormality was not always reflected on EEG in the patients. The reversibility of abnormal CT could not be confirmed. CT findings of habitual drinkers (35 subjects in their 50s) living with no social or familial trouble were compared with those of non-drinkers (35 subjects in the same generation). The incidence of dilatation of various regions and the frequency of such cases in the habitual drinkers were definitely higher than those of the non-drinkers.

  19. Individual differences in the habitual use of cognitive reappraisal predict the reward-related processing. (United States)

    Sai, Liyang; Wang, Sisi; Ward, Anne; Ku, Yixuan; Sang, Biao


    Recent studies have shown that instructed cognitive reappraisal can regulate the neural processing of reward. However, it is still unclear whether the habitual use of cognitive reappraisal in everyday life is related to brain activity involved in reward processing. In the present study, participants' neural responses to reward were measured using electroencephalography (EEG) recorded during a gambling task and their tendency to use cognitive reappraisal was assessed using the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ). Event-related potential (ERP) results indicated that losses on the gambling task elicited greater negative reward-related feedback negativity (FN) than gains. The differential FN between losses and gains was significantly correlated with cognitive reappraisal scores across participants such that individuals with a higher tendency to use cognitive reappraisal showed stronger reward processing (i.e., amplified FN difference between losses and gains). This correlation remained significant after controlling for expressive suppression scores. However, expressive suppression per se was not correlated with FN differences. Taken together, these results suggest that the habitual use of cognitive reappraisal is associated with increased neural processing of reward.

  20. Music and Video Gaming during Breaks: Influence on Habitual versus Goal-Directed Decision Making.

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    Shuyan Liu

    Full Text Available Different systems for habitual versus goal-directed control are thought to underlie human decision-making. Working memory is known to shape these decision-making systems and their interplay, and is known to support goal-directed decision making even under stress. Here, we investigated if and how decision systems are differentially influenced by breaks filled with diverse everyday life activities known to modulate working memory performance. We used a within-subject design where young adults listened to music and played a video game during breaks interleaved with trials of a sequential two-step Markov decision task, designed to assess habitual as well as goal-directed decision making. Based on a neurocomputational model of task performance, we observed that for individuals with a rather limited working memory capacity video gaming as compared to music reduced reliance on the goal-directed decision-making system, while a rather large working memory capacity prevented such a decline. Our findings suggest differential effects of everyday activities on key decision-making processes.