
Sample records for company moegliches risiko


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    Miswanto Miswanto


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Pengukuran Risiko Bisnis dan Risiko Pendanaan dalam Perusahaan. Dalam melakukan pengambilan keputusan leverage, manajer keuangan tidak cukup hanya memperhatikan laba, melainkan juga risiko yang ditimbulkan. Risiko dapat berupa risiko bisnis, risiko pendanaan, dan risiko total. Pengukurannya dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan statistika dan pendekatan pasar. Menurut pendekatan statistika, risiko total diukur dengan Koefisien Variasi EPS, atau dihitung dari Koefisien Variasi EBIT kali Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL. Risiko bisnis diukur dengan Koefisien Variasi EBIT, dan risiko pendanaan diukur dengan Koefisien Variasi EPS dikurangi dengan Koefisien Variasi EBIT. Menurut pendekatan pasar, risiko total diukur dengan beta leverage firm, risiko bisnis diukur dengan beta unleveraged firm, dan risiko pendanaan diukur dari beta leverage firm dikurangi dengan beta unleverage firm. Melalui pendekatan pasar dapat diperoleh adanya keterkaitan yang berupa trade-off antara risiko leverage dan return yang diharapkan.   Kata kunci: beta, bisnis, laba, leverage, pendanaan, dan risiko   Abstract:  Business and Financial Risk Measurement in the Firms. In making decisions on leverage, financial managers is not enough to pay attention to the earnings, but should also pay attention to the risks. The risks can be business risk, financial risk, and total risk. They can be measured either by statistical or market approach. With the statistical approach, the total risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EPS, or calculated from the coefficient of variation of EBIT times the Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL. Business risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EBIT, and financial risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EPS reduced coefficient of variation of EBIT. With the market approach, the total risk is measured by beta leverage firm, business risk measured by beta unleveraged firm, and financial risk obtained by reducing


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    Dwi Putra R.A.


    Full Text Available Perataan laba merupakan praktik yang umum dilakukan oleh manajer perusahaan untuk mengurangi fluktuasi laba, yang diharapkan memiliki efek menguntungkan bagi evaluasi kinerja manajemen. Beberapa peneliti percaya bahwa investor memiliki lebih banyak kecenderungan untuk berinvestasi di perusahaan yang menerapkan perataan laba. Investor percaya bahwa perusahaan halus memiliki return yang berbeda dan risiko investasi. Beberapa penelitian membuktikan tentang return yang berbeda dan risiko investasi antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata laba. Studi lainnya menyatakan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata laba. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menguji perbedaan risiko investasi dan return antara perusahaan manufaktur perata dan bukan perata laba yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2009-2011. Perusahaan-perusahaan diklasifikasikan dengan Indeks Eckel dan pendapatan berdasarkan pendapatan operasional, laba sebelum pajak, dan laba setelah pajak. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan return investasi antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata laba. Namun, ada perbedaan dalam risiko investasi antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata labaKata kunci: Return, Risiko, Perata laba, Beta Income smoothing is a common practice by corporate managers to reduce fluctuations in earnings, which are expected to have beneficial effects for management performance evaluation. Some researchers believe that investors have much more tendency to invest in companies that apply income smoothing. Investors believe that smoother companies have different return and risk investment.  Some studies prove about different return and risk investment between the smoother and non-smoother companies. On the other hand, the rest studies state that there is no difference between smoother and non-smoother companies. This study tries to examine the difference of investment risk and return between smoother and non-smoother manufacturing


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    Helen Wiryani


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe aim of this study were 1 identify the risks faced by PT XYZ, 2 measure and map the risk of PT XYZ, 3 formulating an effective risk mitigation strategy for PT XYZ. The method of risk management with enterprise risk management approach (ERM was applied. Risk management with ERM can help companies better prepared to cope with uncertainty, increase the added value and competitive advantage. ERM approach to risk mapping is done by referring to the eight components of ERM. The first three components, namely internal environment, objective setting, and event identification, were used to observe PT.  XYZ situation and identify the risks that exist. A review of the business processes in PT XYZ shows that there are various strategic, operating, reporting, and compliance risks identified in the stages of the business process. Results showed 1 the risks found in the PT XYZ stages of business process were related to the field of strategic, operating, reporting, and compliance, 2 the amount of risk experienced by PT XYZ were reflected in the risk map formed on the measurement of risk based on probability and impact, 3 strategies need to be developed for effective risk mitigation for PT XYZ were prioritized addressing the highest risk first then to a lower risk.Keywords: ERM, FGD, risk management, upholstery industry, risk mappingABSTRAKTujuan  penelitian  ini  adalah 1 mengidentifikasi risiko yang dihadapi PT XYZ, 2 mengukur dan memetakan risiko PT XYZ, 3 merumuskan strategi mitigasi risiko yang efektif bagi PT XYZ. Metode pengelolaan risiko dengan pendekatan enterprise risk management (ERM. Pengelolaan risiko dengan ERM dapat membantu perusahaan lebih siap dalam  mengatasi ketidakpastian,  meningkatkan nilai tambah, dan keunggulan bersaing. Pemetaan risiko dengan pendekatan ERM dilakukan dengan berpedoman pada delapan komponen ERM. Tiga komponen pertama yaitu internal environment, objective setting, dan event identification dilakukan untuk


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    Ririh Dian Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak pengungkapan sustainability report terhadap kinerja  keuangan dan risiko perusahaan. Profitabilitas digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja keuangan dan DER  sebagai ukuran dari risiko. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang mengungkapkan sustainability report dan telah terdaftar di SRIKEHATI. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi  sebagai alat analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan sustainability report mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan perusahaan namun berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap risiko perusahaan. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the disclosure of sustainability report on financial performance and company risk. Profitability is used to measure the financial performance and DER as a measure of risk . The sample this study is that companies disclose sustainability report and has been listed on SRIKEHATI. Data collected by purposive sampling method . This study uses regression method approach. The results showed that the sustainability report disclosures affect its financial performance but significant negative effect on the risk of the company .


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    Dwi Iryaning Handayani


    Full Text Available Supply Chain Risk Management merupakan risiko yang terjadi pada aliran produk, informasi, bahan baku sampai pengiriman produk akhir yang mengancam keseluruhan supply chain dari pemasok awal hingga sampai konsumen. Sedangkan Supply chain disruptions (gangguan rantai pasok adalah peristiwa tak terencana yang terjadi dalam rantai pasok yang bisa mempengaruhi aliran bahan dan komponen. Kejadian risiko yang terjadi didalam supply chain telah banyak dilakukan oleh beberapa peneliti sehingga perlu dilakukan review untuk mengetahui potensi risiko yang terjadi pada supply chain. Risiko yang terjadi pada supply chain berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumya terdapat 120 jenis risiko. Kesamaan risiko yang terjadi pada supply chain menghasilkan 17 jenis risiko yang sama pada supply chain dan terdapat 3 risiko yang sering terjadi yaitu risiko demand, keterlambatan bahan baku, Bencana alam (discruption, sedangkan 14 risiko lainnya yaitu , kwalitas supplier, kwalitas produk, sistem informasi, harga, suplai, produk rusak digudang, finansial, ketergantungan supplier, penundaan, kapasitas produksi, persediaan, kekurangan bahan baku, selisih stok dan politik. Adapun mitigasi yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengatasi gangguan supply chain ada 9 strategi yaitu: postponement, strategy stock, flexible supply base. make and buy, economic supply incentives, flexible transportation. revenue management via dynamic pricing and promotion, assortment planning. silent product rollover.


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    Imelda Wijiyanti


    Full Text Available Property was one of sectors that suffer very much during economic crisis. This caused the securities property price decrease on stock exchange. The objective of this research is to understand fundamental factors and systematic risk that influence securities price on property sector. The sample method uses purposive sampling method. From thirty three companies, only thirteen companies are selected, because the financial statement from each company are complete since 1996-2001. This research shows that only book value brings influence on the security price partially, but not the other variable. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Properti merupakan salah satu sektor yang terpuruk sejak krisis ekonomi. Hal ini mengakibatkan harga saham properti di bursa efek juga terpuruk. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor fundamental dan risiko sistematik yang mempengaruhi harga saham di sektor properti. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling method. Dari tiga puluh tiga perusahaan, hanya diambil tiga belas perusahaan, karena memiliki laporan keuangan secara lengkap tahun 1996-2001. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hanya faktor fundamental Book Value (BV yang mempengaruhi harga saham secara parsial, sedangkan faktor fundamental yang lainnya tidak berpengaruh. Kata kunci: faktor fundamental, risiko sistematik, harga saham sektor properti.


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    Ina Amanatur Risqiyah


    Full Text Available This research aims to identify and evaluate the risks of the supply chain management of salacca at the SME of Ambudi Makmur using fuzzy logic. In this research, identification of the supply chain risk was performed on each subject of supply chain using survey method. Furthermore, the results of supply chain risk in Ambudi Makmur were evaluated using FMEA’s fuzzy logic, a methodology using fuzzy logic to identify the problems or causes of failures that have occurred by consideration of criteria of Severity (S, Occurrence (O, and Detection (D. The identification results show that there are eight risk factors at the farm level, 11 risk factors, at the agribusiness industry level of SME of Ambudi Makmur, 4 risk factors at distributor level and 3 risk factors at the retailer level. The largest risk factor is in agribusiness industry, and the most dominant is on “make”. Based on the Fuzzy Risk Priority Number (FRPN, the first rank of risks of salacca supply chain is delay. Thus, this risk is the first priority that must be solved by Ambudi Makmur. Keywords: Fuzzy FMEA, risk supply chain, supply chainABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan mengevalusi risiko rantai pasok salak di UKM Ambudi Makmur Bangkalan menggunakan logika fuzzy. Pada penelitian ini identifikasi risiko rantai pasok dilakukan pada tiap pelaku rantai pasok menggunakan metode survei. Selanjutnya, hasil identifikasi risiko rantai pasok pada UKM Ambudi Makmur dievaluasi menggunakan logika fuzzy FMEA.  Fuzzy FMEA merupakan metodologi yang memakai logika fuzzy dalam mengidentifikasi permasalahan atau penyebab kegagalan yang terjadi melalui pertimbangan kriteria severity (S, occurence (O, dan detection (D. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa pada tingkat petani terdapat delapan faktor risiko, pada tingkat usaha agroindustri, yaitu UKM Ambudi Makmur terdapat 11 faktor risiko, pada tingkat distributor terdapat empat faktor risiko, pada tingkat retailer terdapat tiga

  8. Pengelolaan Risiko pada Updating Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM di Perusahaan Pakan Ternak

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    Wiwin Widiasih


    Full Text Available Risiko adalah kemungkinan terjadinya penyimpangan dari harapan yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian. Pengelolaan risiko yang baik akan memberikan keuntungan bagi perusahaan. Sama dengan pelaksanaan proyek-proyek yang lain, maka updating CIM di perusahaan ini tidak tertutup kemungkinan terjadinya risiko. Maka peneliti akan menerapkan manajemen risiko untuk updating CIM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran potensi risiko yang muncul ketika melakukan updating pada CIM dan memberikan rekomendasi penanganan risiko untuk proyek serupa di masa akan datang. Pengelolaan risiko dilakukan dengan mengadopsi framework ISO 31000:2009. Pada penelitian ini, konsep implementasi sistem/updating CIM mengadopsi konsep Meyfroidt sebagai kerangka kerja untuk mengidentifikasi risiko. Identifikasi risiko dilakukan dengan berdasarkan pada aktivitas, kemudian risiko yang telah teridentifikasi diklasifikasikan ke dalam empat aspek risiko yaitu technical, human resources, organization and control, dan financial. Risiko yang paling banyak muncul adalah aspek human resources. Penanganan risiko dilakukan dengan mencari hubungan keterkaitan sebab akibat antar risiko ekstrim. Dalam updating CIM selanjutnya, perusahaan perlu memperhatikan aspek human resources karena risiko yang diidentifikasi banyak disebabkan karena kurangnya kompetensi SDM. Selain itu memperhatikan permasalahan dalam hal ketidakakuratan engineering design, koordinasi antar anggota tim, pengiriman alat/mesin oleh supplier, dan kecelakaan kerja.

  9. Analisis Risiko Ratai Pasok Beton Ready Mix Pada Proyek Hotel Batiqa Surabaya

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    Arvin Irshad Prabowo


    Full Text Available Dalam upaya memenuhi ekspektasi dari pemilik proyek Hotel Batiqa, Kontraktor tentu harus meningkatkan kinerja dari perusahaan untuk menghasilkan produk bermutu tinggi, tepat waktu, dan efisien. Maka dari itu, pada umumnya para kontraktor menerapkan manajemen rantai pasok dalam pelaksanaan proyek dari awal sampai akhir. Dalam pelaksanaannya, manajemen rantai pasok mempunyai risiko negatif. Risiko tersebut harus dianalisis sebelumnya, karena risiko tersebut dapat mengakibatkan kerugian bagi kontraktor. Manajemen risiko diawali dengan melakukan identifikasi risiko yang dibagi menjadi tiga aliran, yaitu aliran material/fisik, aliran finansial, dan aliran informasi, dengan melakukan survei pendahuluan kepada pelaku proyek dalam rantai pasok beton ready mix untuk mendapatkan variabel risiko yang relevan di lapangan, lalu setelah itu melakukan survei utama untuk mendapatkan nilai persepsi dari probabilitas dan dampak dari variabel risiko. Dari hasil survei tersebut akan dianalisis dengan matriks probabilitas dan dampak untuk mengkategorikan tingkatan variabel risiko. Berikutnya adalah untuk mengetahui respon risiko terhadap variable berkategori tinggi tersebut.Dari hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa apabila risiko berkategori tinggi dari persepsi kontraktor terhadap pemasok beton ready mix terjadi masing-masing satu variabel di aliran finansial dan informasi. Beda halnya untuk persepsi pemasok ready mix terhadap kontraktor, risiko berkategori tinggi terjadi hanya satu variabel pada aliran finansial. Semua pihak yang terlibat dalam aktivitas rantai pasok proyek memilih opsi respon risiko dengan mengurangi dampak risiko apabila risiko tersebut terjadi di lapangan.

  10. Strategi Mitigasi Risiko Aset Kritis Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Metode Octave Dan FMEA

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    Alvina Hendika Putri


    Full Text Available Pengelolaan risiko dengan baik sangat berpengaruh terhadap proses bisnis perusahaan. SMC RS Telogorejo merupakan salah satu rumah sakit yang memiliki banyak aset TI di dalamnya untuk menunjang proses bisnis utamanya. Permasalahan yang sering dialami adalah kerusakan yang terjadi pada aset TI akibat proses kontrol dan maintenance yang belum dilakukan secara rutin dan adanya serangan dari hacker. Kejadian tersebut mengakibatkan semua kegiatan operasional terganggu dan kadang terhenti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja aset TI yang ada di perusahaan, menganalisa risiko yang terjadi pada setiap aset TI dan mengetahui mitigasi apa saja yang perlu dilakukan apabila risiko tersebut terjadi pada aset TI. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Octave untuk mengelola risiko aset TI dan FMEA untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap masing-masing risiko, yang kemudian diranking berdasarkan prioritasnya. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam peneltian ini adalah 0 risiko very high, 0 risiko high, 0 risiko medium, 9 risiko low, 36 risiko very low. Walaupun hanya diperoleh risiko dengan level low dan very low, namun tetap dilakukan mitigasi guna perbaikan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi perusahaan.


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    Dwi Iryaning Handayani


    Full Text Available Risiko merupakan faktor-faktor yang menghambat operasional pada rantai pasok makanan yang tidak dapat dihindari akan tetapi dapat diminimalisir atau dihilangkan dengan melakukan penanganan risiko yang tepat. Salah satu penanganan risiko dengan menggunakan sistem traceability. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penaksiran risiko yang terjadi pada rantai pasok minuman sari apel berdasarkan informasi sistem traceability. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode SCOR (Supply Chain Operation Reference. Sedangkan  penilaian risiko rantai pasok menggunakan teknik FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam mengetahui risiko yang dapat ditangani dengan sistem traceability menggunakan metode House of Risk (HOR. Terdapat 1 risiko ekstrime yaitu risiko terjadinya kekurangan barang dan bahan baku digudang. Sedangkan risiko sedang sebanyak lima. Risiko yang berkatagori rendah sejumlah tujuh. Risiko yang terjadi disebabkan tidak ada prosedur yang jelas, kurang memperhatikan prosedur penyimpanan, inspeksi dilakukan di akhir proses dan kesalahan komposisi bahan baku, Sedangkan penyebab risiko yang bisa ditangani dengan traceability sebanyak 75% dari semua penyebab risiko yang terjadi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa peran traceability pada rantai pasok makanan dapat mereduksi risiko yang terjadi. Kata kunci:  risiko, traceability, rantai pasok   Abstract Risks are factors that hinder operations in the food supply chain that can not be avoided but can be minimized or eliminated by appropriate risk management . One risk management using a traceability system . Therefore, this study aims to conduct a risk assessment that occurs in apple juice supply chain traceability system based on information . In this study using the SCOR ( Supply Chain Operations Reference . While supply chain risk assessment using the technique of FMEA ( Failure Mode and Effects Analysis . Efforts are made to know the risks that can be addressed by

  12. Risiko Rantai Pasok Minuman Sari Apel Dalam Perspektif Sistem Traceability


    Handayani, Dwi Iryaning


    Risiko merupakan faktor-faktor yang menghambat operasional pada rantai pasok makanan yang tidak dapat dihindari akan tetapi dapat diminimalisir atau dihilangkan dengan melakukan penanganan risiko yang tepat. Salah satu penanganan risiko dengan menggunakan sistem traceability. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penaksiran risiko yang terjadi pada rantai pasok minuman sari apel berdasarkan informasi sistem traceability. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode SCOR (Supply ...


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    Hikmatul Fitri


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh corporate governance dan charter value terhadap pengambilan risiko perbankan pada bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 20042013. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah data panel tidak berimbang. Corporate governance diukur dengan jumlah komisaris, persentase komisaris independen, kualitas manajemen risiko, dan jumlah rapat gabungan komisari dan direksi per tahun. Charter value diukur dengan Tobins’Q. Proksi pengambilan risiko yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan data pasar saham (market based measure dan data akuntansi (accounting based measure. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa corporate governance dan charter value mampu mendisiplinkan pengambilan risiko perbankan. Kepemilikan asing dan domestik sebagai ultimate shareholder di suatu bank, tidak menunjukkan perbedaan terkait pengambilan risiko mereka. Kedua kelompok kepemilikan tersebut menginginkan return yang lebih tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pengambilan risiko yang dilakukan oleh pihak manajemen bank lebih tercermin dalam pengukuran risiko berdasarkan data akuntansi, karena pengukuran tersebut memberikan hasil yang lebih konsisten.Kata kunci: corporate governance, charter value, tipe kepemilikan, pengambilan risiko, z-score


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    Bayu Rizki Kristanto


    Full Text Available Dalam aktivitas supply chain selalu berpotensi untuk timbul risiko, oleh sebab itu manajemen risiko sangat diperlukan untuk penanganan risiko. Pada perusahaan yang memproduksi sepatu kulit seperti PT. Karyamitra Budisentosa, dalam aktivitas supply chain bahan baku kulit memiliki peluang untuk timbul risiko. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan analisa risiko dan rancangan aksi mitigasi, untuk memitigasi risiko atau gangguan yang berpeluang timbul pada supply chain bahan baku kulit tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan model house of risk yang terdiri dari 2 fase. Fase pertama yaitu pengidentifikasian risiko dan agen risiko, yang kemudian dilakukan pengukuran tingkat severity dan occurance serta perhitungan nilai aggregate risk priority (ARP. Fase kedua yaitu penanganan risiko. Setelah dilakukan penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat 27 kejadian risiko dan 52 agen risiko. Terdapat 6 aksi mitigasi yang dapat digunakan, dengan harapan mampu memitigasi risiko pada supply chain bahan baku kulit.

  15. Intensi berwirausaha mahasiswa: Perspektif pengambilan risiko

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    Tony Wijaya


    Full Text Available Penelitian  yang  dilakukan  bertujuan  untuk  menguji  1  pengaruh  sikap berwirausaha  terhadap intensi berwirausaha, 2 pengaruh efikasi diri terhadap intensi berwirausaha, 3 pengaruh norma subjektif terhadap intensi berwirausaha, 4 pengaruh kecenderungan mengambil risiko terhadap sikap berwirausaha, dan 5 pengaruh kecenderungan mengambil risiko terhadap efikasi diri. Penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat kuantitatif dan merupakan penelitian cross-sectional. Populasi dalam pemelitian ini adalah mahasiswa di DIY. Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria mahasiswa semester akhir atau minimal semester 6 dengan pertimbangan pengambilan keputusan setelah lulus. Banyaknya sampel penelitian ini 436. Pengujian model analisis data dengan menggunakan persamaan struktural atau SEM yang dibantu dengan program AMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan model intensi  berwirausaha dalam penelitian ini memenuhi kaidah fit model yang berarti model yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan kondisi empirik yang ada. Kecenderungan mengambil risiko memengaruhi self efficacy secara signifikan, kecenderungan mengambil risiko memengaruhi sikap berwirausaha secara signifikan, norma subjektif tidak memengaruhi intensi berwirausaha secara signifikan (norma subjektif sebagai faktor eksternal tidak memiliki kontribusi dalam mendorong minat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha, mahasiswa lebih terdorong oleh aspek internal seperti kemampuan diri dan sikap dalam mengevaluasi kegiatan berwirausaha, dan self-efficacy memengaruhi intensi berwirausaha secara signifikan.


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    Ratih Paramitasari


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh risiko sistematis dan risiko sistematis pada hasil saham yang diharapkan portofolio terhadap perusahaan LQ45 dengan menggunakan model indeks tunggal. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua saham yang tercatat pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah saham dari kategori LQ45 dan ini ditentukan secara purposive sampling, dan itu terdiri dari 37 saham. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Parsial dan simultan, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa risiko sistematis dan risiko sistematis berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengembalian yang diharapkan dari portofolio saham. Hasil ini menunjukkan perubahan variasi risiko sistematis dan risiko tidak sistematis digunakan untuk memprediksi perubahan variasi keuntungan yang diharapkan dari portofolio saham. Hasil ini sesuai dengan teori bahwa hubungan positif dan linier antara laba yang diharapkan dan risiko.


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    Badratun Nisak


    Full Text Available Risk management is a set of procedures and methodologies that used to identify, measure, monitor and control of risks that could be aroused from the business of banks. This article aims to analyze the implementation of risk management system at Baitul Qiradh Bina Insan Mandiri and its impact on musharaka financing. The sample for this research is Micro Small Business Group at Kuta Alam’s regency which was financed by the Baitul Qiradh. Data for this research was gathered through interview, observation and documentation study. The findings suggest that there were three risk possibilities could escalate at the financing project, namely business risk, shrinking risk, and character risk. Among these risks, the Baitul Qiradh experiences two of them, which was business and character risks. Therefore, the efforts were made to minimize the risk of Baitul Qiradh Bina Insan Mandiri by applying 5C concept, namely character, capability, capital, condition and collateral. =========================================== Manajemen risiko adalah serangkaian prosedur dan metodologi yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengukur, memantau, dan mengendalikan risiko yang timbul dari kegiatan usaha bank. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis sistem manajemen risiko yang diimplementasikan pada Baitul Qiradh Bina Insan Mandiri dan dampaknya terhadap kelancaran pembayaran dalam pembiayaan musyarakah. Pembahasan kajian hanya terfokus ke manajemen risiko pembiayaan musyarakah pada kelompok usaha dalam Rumpun Kuta Alam yang dibina oleh Baitul Qiradh Bina Insan Mandiri Banda Aceh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam melakukan pembiayaan tersebut Baitul Qiradh Bina Insan Mandiri tidak terlepas dari kemungkinan terjadinya 3 aspek risiko, yaitu: risiko bisnis yang dibiayai (busness risk, risiko berkurangnya nilai pembiayaan (shrinking risk, dan risiko karakter buruk mudharib (character


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    Endi Sarwoko


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan rata-rata struktur modal antar industri, menguji pengaruh perubahan earnings perusahaan terhadap struktur modal, dan menguji pengaruh risiko pasar dengan struktur modal perusahaan. Struktur modal dalam penelitian ini diproksikan dengan debt to equity ratio dan debt to total assets. Data diperoleh dari Pojok Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ Universitas Brawijaya, sampel sebanyak 40 perusahaan yang diambil secara Purposive dengan kriteria perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut aktif mencatatkan laporan keuangannya di BEJ dan aktif melakukan perdagangan saham selama 6 tahun terakhir. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh terbalik antara perubahan earnings perusahaan terhadap D/E tetapi perubahan earnings ternyata tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap D/A. Risiko pasar tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap debt to equity, hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ketika akan melakukan pembelian saham investor tidak mempertimbangkan risiko pasar. Sedangkan berdasarkan pengaruh terhadap D/A diperoleh hasil risiko pasar berpengaruh signifikan terhadap debt to total assets,  manajemen perusahaan sangat memperhatikan dampak risiko pasar dalam menentukan kebijakan struktur modal perusahaan, karena dalam memberikan pinjaman kreditur biasanya sangat mempertimbangkan aset yang dimiliki perusahaan didanai dari mana, hutang atau modal sendiri.


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    Dwi Iryaning Handayani


    Full Text Available Risiko merupakan faktor-faktor yang menghambat operasional pada rantai pasok makanan yang tidak dapat dihindari akan tetapi dapat diminimalisir atau dihilangkan dengan melakukan penanganan risiko yang tepat. Penanganan risiko dalam rantai pasok sangat diperlukan agar dapat meminimalkan biaya, waktu dan kinerja dalam aktifitas rantai pasok. Traceability merupakan suatu sistem yang dapat meningkatkan transparansi dalam rantai supplai dalam mengurangi risiko klaim serta menemukan potensi risiko proses rantai pasok makanan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses yang terkait dengan traceability dan mengidentifikasi risiko yang terjadi pada rantai pasok makanan berdasarkan informasi sistem traceability. Aktivitas yang terkait dalam membangun sistem traceability antara lain pemeriksaan level stock dan produk minuman sari buah, penerimaan material dari pemasok, pembongkaran inspeksi bahan baku, penyimpanan bahan baku, penyimpanan sari buah di gudang, mengeluarkan sari buah dalam gudang untuk memulai aktivitas proses, inspeksi kualitas produk minuman sari buah, labeling produk jadi, persiapan pengiriman produk jadi, penyimpanan produk minuman sari apel di gudang, pengiriman produk ke distributor. Adapun risiko terjadi yang dapat di tangani dengan traceability yaitu, ketidak sesuaian data dengan produk dan bahan baku di gudang, kekurangan barang dan bahan baku digudang, keterlambatan penerimaan material, ketidak sesuaian barang yang dipesan, material busuk,sari buah rusak di gudang, sari buah tercampur dengan benda lain kesalahan pengangkutan produk, kesalahan dalam pengambilan galon sari buah yang tidak bersifat FIFO, kualitas produk tidak sesuai, kesalahan memberikan identitas, produk rusak digudang, produk cacat dalam perjalanan.


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    Fransisca Tiarawati Riadi


    Full Text Available Pentingnya penggunaan Teknologi Informasi (TI tidak bisa dipisahkan dari risiko-risiko yang akan mungkin terjadi. Satuan organisasi XYZ sendiri telah menerapkan manajemen risiko keamanan informasi menggunakan standar ISO 31000:2009 untuk meminimalisir risiko-risiko tersebut. Penerapan manajemen risiko keamanan informasi dilakukan agar satuan organisasi XYZ dapat mengetahui optimasi risiko yang dikelola satuan organisasi XYZ sudah berjalan dengan baik dan memberikan dampak yang signifikan. Sehingga satuan organsasi XYZ perlu melakukan evaluasi untuk mengetahui tingkat kapabilitas dalam memastikan optimasi risiko yang telah dilaksanakan satuan organisasi terhadap layanan TI. Framework COBIT 5 digunakan untuk melakukan evaluasi manajemen risiko keamanan informasi dengan melakukan pengukuran tingkat kapabilitas yang memfokuskan pada subdomain EDM03 (Ensure Risk Optimisation. Hasil penelitian ini pada subdomain EDM03 memiliki tingkat kapabilitas pada level 1 performed process kategori largely achieved dengan nilai 78,29%. Pada level ini proses yang diimplementasikan organisasi mencapai tujuan prosesnya. Manfaat penelitian ini bagi satuan organisasi XYZ dapat membantu manajemen risiko keamanan informasi dan pengimplementasi framework ISO 31000 mencapai nilai optimal dalam mendukung layanan TIK di Lembaga ABC.

  1. Pemetaan Risiko Tsunami terhadap Bangunan secara Kuantitatif

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    Totok Wahyu Wibowo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tsunami merupakan bencana alam yang sebagian besar kejadiannya dipicu oleh gempabumi dasar laut. Dampak kerugian tsunami terhadap lingkungan pesisir antara lain rusaknya properti, struktur bangunan, infrastruktur dan dapat mengakibatkan gangguan ekonomi. Bencana tsunami memiliki keunikan dibandingkan bencana lainnya, karena memiliki kemungkinan sangat kecil tetapi dengan ancaman yang tinggi. Paradigma Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (PRB yang berkembang dalam beberapa tahun terakhir yang menekankan bahwa risiko merupakan hal utama dalam penentuan strategi terhadap bencana. Kelurahan Ploso, merupakan salah satu lokasi di Kabupaten Pacitan yang berpotensi terkena bencana tsunami. Pemetaan risiko bangunan dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif, yang mana disusun atas peta kerentanan dan peta harga bangunan. Papathoma Tsunami Vulnerability 3 (PTVA-3 diadopsi untuk pemetaan kerentanan. Data harga bangunan diperoleh dari kombinasi kerja lapangan dan analisis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG. Hasil pemetaan risiko menunjukkan bahwa Lingkungan Barehan memiliki risiko kerugian paling tinggi diantara semua lingkungan di Kelurahan Ploso. Hasil ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk penentuan strategi pengurangan risiko bencana di Kelurahan Ploso. ABSTRACT Tsunami is a natural disaster whose occurrences are mostly triggered by submarine earthquakes. The impact of tsunami on coastal environment includes damages to properties, building structures, and infrastructures as well as economic disruptions. Compared to other disasters, tsunamis are deemed unique because they have a very small occurrence probability but with a very high threat. The paradigm of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR that has developed in the last few years stresses risk as the primary factor to determine disaster strategies. Ploso Sub-district, an area in Pacitan Regency, is potentially affected by tsunamis. The risk mapping of the buildings in this sub-district was created using a quantitative

  2. Model Optimisasi Portofolio Investasi Mean-Variance Tanpa dan Dengan Aset Bebas Risiko pada Saham Idx30

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    Basuki Basuki


    Full Text Available Dalam paper ini, model optimisasi portofolio investasi Mean-Variance tanpa aset bebas risiko, atau disebut model dasar dari Markowitz telah dikaji untuk mendapatkan portofolio optimum.Berdasarkan model dasar dari Markowitz, kemudian dilakukan studi lebih lanjut pada model Mean-Variance dengan aset bebas risiko. Selanjutnya, kedua model tersebut digunakan untuk menganalisis optimisasi portofolio investasi pada beberapa saham IDX30. Dalam paper ini diasumsikan bahwa proporsi sebesar 10% diinvestasikan pada aset bebas risiko, berupa deposito yang memberikan return sebesar 7% per tahun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis optimisasi portofolio investasi pada lima saham yang dipilih didapatkan grafik permukaan efisien dari optimisasi portofolio Mean-Variance dengan aset bebas risiko, berada lebih tinggi dibandingkan optimisasi portofolio Mean-Variance tanpa aset bebas risiko. Dalam hal ini menunjukkan bahwa portofolio investasi kombinasi dari aset bebas risiko dan aset tanpa bebas risiko, lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan portofolio investasi yang hanya pada aset tanpa bebas risiko.

  3. Risiko i det nordiske kraftmarkedet : utfordringer for risikostyring


    Solheim, John Ola; Erlandsen, Kristian Ingemann


    Masteroppgave om utfordringer for risikostyring i det nordiske kraftmarkedet. Det nordiske kraftmarkedet er preget av svært volatile priser, som byr på mange problemer ved risikostyring for aktørene i markedet. Risiko i kraftmarkedet kan ikke uten videre analyseres og styres på samme måte som for eksempel aksjemarkedet. Dette fordi kraftmarkedet innehar større og hyppigere prissvingninger enn de fleste andre markeder. Risiko er uforutsette hendelser, mens volatilitet er mer knyttet til spr...

  4. Risiko i det nordiske kraftmarkedet : utfordringer for risikostyring


    Solheim, John Ola; Erlandsen, Kristian Ingemann


    Det nordiske kraftmarkedet er preget av svært volatile priser, som byr på mange problemer ved risikostyring for aktørene i markedet. Risiko i kraftmarkedet kan ikke uten videre analyseres og styres på samme måte som for eksempel aksjemarkedet. Dette fordi kraftmarkedet innehar større og hyppigere prissvingninger enn de fleste andre markeder. Risiko er uforutsette hendelser, mens volatilitet er mer knyttet til spredning i en fordeling. Tidssystematikk kan sies å kunne forutsees, og en risikost...

  5. Studi Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Dengan Risiko Pada Pengembangan Proyek Caspian Tower, Grand Sungkono Lagoon Surabaya

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    Fenny Herwitasari


    Full Text Available Proyek Caspian Tower, Grand Sungkono Lagoon yang bertempat di Jl. Abdul Wahab Siamin Surabaya merupakan gabungan fungsi hunian apartemen dan pusat perbelanjaan (mall. Pembangunan Caspian Tower ini sangat menarik karena mencoba menggabungkan dua market properti yang berbeda. Perbedaan market properti tersebut memunculkan risiko dan tingkat pengembalian investasi yang berbeda satu sama lain sehingga membuat proyek ini menarik untuk dianalisa risiko terhadap investasinya, karena dimungkinkan terjadi saling melemahkan atau memperkuat satu dengan lainnya. Oleh karena itu perlu untuk dilakukan studi lebih lanjut untuk menentukan apakah fungsi bangunan tersebut merupakan yang terbaik sebagai keputusan investasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keputusan terbaik dalam investasi dilihat dari risiko dan tingkat keuntungan yang didapat. Untuk menentukan fungsi bangunan terbaik, dianalisa 2 alternatif lain selain penggabungan antara apartemen dan mall, yaitu pembangunan perkantoran dan pembangunan hotel. Dari hasil kuesioner yang disebar, didapatkan hasil probabilitas untuk apartemen dan mall: optimis= 70,7%, moderat= 20,1%, pesimis= 9,2%; Perkantoran: optimis= 57,1%, moderat= 28,6%, pesimis= 14,3%; Hotel: optimis= 64,8%, moderat= 23%, pesimis= 12,2%. Berdasarkan perhitungan NPV risiko, didapatkan keputusan investasi terbaik adalah investasi apartemen dan mall dengan NPV risiko sebesar Rp.341.209.972.609,37 yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan hasil NPV risiko perkantoran dan hotel yaitu sebesar Rp. 326.927.631.618,04 dan Rp. 321.827.486.548,59. Dari hasil analisa investasi dan analisa risiko dapat disimpulkan bahwa alternatif investasi yang menghasilkan tingkat keuntungan pada risiko yang bisa diterima paling besar adalah alternatif apartemen dan mall. Sedangkan alternatif investasi yang menghasilkan tingkat keuntungan pada risiko yang bisa diterima paling rendah adalah alternatif hotel.


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    Shelly Silvia Bintang


    Full Text Available Pekerjaan sebagai sales promotion girl (SPG menuntut berdiri dalam posisi statis dalam waktu kerja yang cukup lama. Dalam sebuah jurnal kesehatan masyarakat tahun 2013 mendapatkan hasil semakin lama SPG bekerja maka semakin lama juga durasi mereka memakai sepatu hak tinggi semakin besar risiko untuk mengalami gangguan kesehatan yang disebabkan sepatu hak tinggi. Gangguan dari aliran darah atau trombosis vena profunda (TVP merupakan dampak yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui angka tinggi pemakaian sepatu hak tinggi, angka pemakaian stocking dan gambaran SPG di Kota Denpasar yang memiliki risiko rendah, menengah dan tinggi mengalami TVP. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif potong lintang. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 62 pegawai SPG yang bekerja di swalayan di Kota Denpasar. Skor kriteria Wells didapatkan untuk mengetahui gambaran risiko probabilitas TVP. Hasil gambaran risiko TVP pada SPG di Kota Denpasar berdasarkan kriteria Wells didapatkan 30 orang pekerja (48,38% menunjukan risiko ringan, dan 30 orang pekerja lainnya (48,38% menunjukan risiko menengah menderita TVP, sedangkan 2 orang pekerja (3,24% menunjukan risiko tinggi. Sebagian besar pegawai SPG di kota Denpasar memiliki risiko rendah dan sedang probabilitas TVP.

  7. Risiko Rantai Pasok Kakao Di Indonesia Dengan Metode Analytic Network Process Dan Failure Mode Effect Analysis Terintegrasi


    Aini, Harumi; Syamsun, Muhammad; Setiawan, Alim


    Kakao merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang peranannya cukup penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Industri kakao menghadapi beberapa masalah termasuk berbagai risiko yang timbul dalam rantai pasokan kakao. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) mengidentifikasi macam-macam risiko pada rantai pasok kakao, 2) menganalisis dan mengevaluasi anggota pelaku rantai pasok dengan risiko tertinggi dalam manajemen rantai pasok kakao, dan 3) mengetahui cara mengevaluasi dan memitigasi risiko tertinggi ...

  8. Model Penilaian Risiko Kebakaran Perkotaan dengan Sistem Pakar berbasis GIS Grid-Based

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    Sabrillah Taridala


    Full Text Available Abstrak Kota Kendari merupakan suatu kawasan perkotaan dengan luas wilayah terkecil dan jumlah penduduk terpadat di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Bencana kebakaran di Kota Kendari sering terjadi dan telah menimbulkan kerugian yang cukup banyak, hingga menelan korban jiwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap tingkat risiko bencana kebakaran di Kota Kendari dengan menggunakan pendekatan Sistem Pakar (Expert System berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa tingkat risiko kebakaran di Kota Kendari terklasifikasi dalam empat kelas, yaitu tingkat risiko kebakaran sangat tinggi sebanyak 206 grid, tingkat risiko kebakaran tinggi sebanyak 6.815 grid, tingkat risiko kebakaran rendah sebanyak 46.175 grid, dan tingkat risiko kebakaran sangat rendah sebanyak 54.640 grid. Tingkat risiko kebakaran sangat tinggi di Kota Kendari merupakan kawasan terbangun yang berpenduduk padat dengan dominasi jenis material bangunan kayu dan campuran, terletak pada daerah dengan morfologi berbukit, dan aksesibilitas hanya dilalui oleh jalan umum yang memiliki lebar jalur lalu lintas <4 meter. Wilayah dengan tingkat risiko sangat rendah merupakan kawasan non-terbangun yang didominasi oleh badan air (sungai dan rawa, hutan dan sebagian kawasan pertanian (kebun. Kawasan tersebut bermorfologi datar, berbukit dan bergunung. Abstract Kendari city is an urban area with the smallest area and the densest population in Southeast Sulawesi Province. Fire disaster in the city of Kendari often occurs and has caused considerable losses, to claim casualties. This study aims to assess the risk degree of fire disaster in Kendari City using Expert System Approach based on Geographic Information System (GIS. The results showed that the degrees of fire risk in Kendari City were classified into four classes, ie very high fire risk degree, 206 grid, high fire risk degree, 6,815 grid, low fire risk degree, 46.175 grid, and very low fire risk, as

  9. Analisis Safety System dan Manajemen Risiko pada Steam Boiler PLTU di Unit 5 Pembangkitan Paiton, PT. YTL

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    Luluk Kristianingsih


    Full Text Available Pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU merupakan pembangkit listrik yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia. Salah satu bagian dari sistem PLTU yang memiliki risiko bahaya tinggi adalah boiler, oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya analisis bahaya dan safety system sebagai langkah pencegahan bahaya pada boiler. Analisis bahaya dalam penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode HAZOP. Node yang dipakai adalah economizer, steam drum, superheater, dan reheater yang merupakan komponen utama penyusun boiler. Guide word dan deviasi ditentukan berdasarkan control chart yang dibentuk oleh data proses masing-masing komponen selama bulan Maret 2013. Estimasi likelihood dilakukan berdasarkan data maintenance dari work order PT YTL selama 5 tahun, sedangkan estimasi consequences dilakukan berdasarkan kriteria risiko yang ditimbulkan serta berdasarkan control chart. Hasil perkalian likelihood dan consequences dengan risk matrix menghasilkan kriteria risiko dari komponen. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh hasil bahwa komponen yang memiliki risiko bahaya paling besar adalah level transmitter steam drum dengan deviasi berupa less level, yaitu dengan kriteria likelihood adalah A dan consequences 4, sehingga risiko bernilai extreme. Selain itu, risiko extreme juga terdapat pada pressure transmitter outlet superheater, dengan likelihood B dan consequences 4. Untuk menurunkan risiko, maka dilakukan perawatan dan kalibrasi secara rutin, serta penambahan redundant transmitter. Bahaya paling besar pada seluruh node adalah adanya kebakaran. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan analisis emergency response plan untuk kebakaran yang mencakup peta evakuasi, tugas dan tanggungjawab tiap personel, langkah pencegahan, serta langkah penanganan.


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    Raden Budiarto


    Full Text Available Sekalipun sudah populer di bidang teknik industri, metode Failure Mode & Effect Analysis FMEA masih sangat jarang dilaporkan penelitiannya terhadap objek sistem informasi. Hal ini menarik untuk dieksplorasi lebih lanjut pemanfaatannya pada sistem informasi. Variabel yang diukur pada penelitian ini adalah occurrence (frekuensi kejadian, severity (dampak dan detection (pencegahan. Data penelitian diambil terutama berdasarkan dari hasil pengamatan langsung. Penelitian ini mencakup perlindungan terhadap aset informasi di lingkungan Organisasi XYZ dengan melakukan penilaian risiko keamanan informasi. Penilaian tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode (FMEA. Pada penelitian ini juga menggunakan kerangka kerja ISO 27001 untuk melengkapi daftar rekomendasi aksi penanggulangan mode kegagalan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu berupa laporan hasil pengelolaan manajemen risiko yang berisikan daftar prioritas analisis risiko yang disertai akar sebab permasalahan dan pengendalian risiko sesuai dengan standar ISO 27001. Hasil dari studi kasus telah membuktikan penerapan standar ISO 27001 berimbas terhadap penurunan tingkat kerawanan sebesar 30%.


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    Harumi Aini


    Full Text Available Cocoa is one of the plantation commodities whose role is quite important for the national economy of Indonesia. However, the cocoa industry faces several problems including the various risks involved in the cocoa supply chain. The aim of this study were: 1 Identify the various risks involved in the cocoa supply chain, 2 analyze and evaluate the supply chain actors members with the highest risk in the cocoa supply chain management, and 3 understand how to evaluate and mitigate the highest risk in the cocoa supply chain effectively and efficiently. An Integrated Analytic Network Process (ANP and Weighted Failure Mode Effect Analysis (WFMEA method will be used to determine and analyze the highest risk in the cocoa supply chain. The results of the priority of the members of the value chain in the cocoa supply chain risk management are the farmer (0.408 with the risk of having the greatest priority is production risk (0.221. Risk control could be done by improving the productivity and competitiveness of cocoa.Keywords: ANP, FMEA, cocoa, risk management, supply chainABSTRAKKakao merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang peranannya cukup penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Industri kakao menghadapi beberapa masalah termasuk berbagai risiko yang timbul dalam rantai pasokan kakao. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1 mengidentifikasi macam-macam risiko pada rantai pasok kakao, 2 menganalisis dan mengevaluasi anggota pelaku rantai pasok dengan risiko tertinggi dalam manajemen rantai pasok kakao, dan 3 mengetahui cara mengevaluasi dan memitigasi risiko tertinggi pada rantai pasok kakao dengan efektif dan efisien. Metode Analytic Network Process (ANP dan Weighted Failure Mode Effect Analysis (WFMEA terintegrasi digunakan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis risiko tertinggi dalam rantai pasokan kakao. Hasil prioritas anggota pelaku rantai pasok dalam manajemen risiko rantai pasokan kakao petani (0,408 dengan risiko yang memiliki prioritas terbesar adalah

  12. Risiko Kerugian Akibat Longsor di Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat

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    Fathiyya Ulfa


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan provinsi yang memiliki riwayat kejadian longsor tertinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang sering terjadi longsor adalah Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur. Pada dua tahun terakhir telah terjadi dua kali pergerakan tanah di daerah yang berbeda di Desa Cibanteng. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi besar risiko kerugian bencana longsor pada masa akan datang sehingga bantuan saat terjadi longsor dapat dioptimalkan. Untuk memprediksi besar risiko kerugian digunakan variabel bahaya, kerentanan dan kapasitas kebencanaan longsor. Masing-masing variabel memiliki beberapa indikator tertentu yakni penggunaan tanah, lereng, dan kepadatan penduduk. Penghitungan risiko kerugian dilakukan menggunakan metode overlay masing-masing variabel. Hasil penelitian adalah berupa prediksi risiko kerugian sebesar Rp. 10,1 milyar. Besar risiko kerugian tersebut didapat dari nilai bangunan, jaringan jalan, jaringan listrik dan produktivitas pertanian. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wilayah risiko bencana longsor mendominasi dibagian selatan Desa Cibanteng.   ABSTRACT West Java Province is a province have a high landslide history in Indonesia. One of the area in West Java Province which often occuring a landslide is Cibanteng Village, Sukaresmi District, Cianjur Regency. In the last two years has been soil movement twice in different areas in the village Cibanteng. This study aims to predict big losses from landslides in future so that assistance can be optimized during a landslide. To predict the risk of loss used hazards variable, vulnerabilities and capacities of landslide disasters. Each variables have some specific indicators namely landuse, slope, and population density. The calculation of losses risk using overlay method in each variable. The results are prediction of losses risk of Rp. 10.1 billion. Great of losses risk can be assessed from value of building , road networks

  13. Determinan Permodalan Bank Melalui Profitabilitas, Risiko, Ukuran Perusahaan, Efisiensi Dan Struktur Aktiva

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    Sugeng Haryanto


      Penelitian ini menganalisis kausalitas antara CAR, profitabilitas, risiko, ukuran perusahaan, efisiensi dan struktur aset industri perbankan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan kriteria bank telah go public sebelum 2008 dan menerbitkan laporan keuangan 2008-2013. Total sampel adalah 23 bank. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh profitabilitas, risiko, ukuran perusahaan, efisiensi dan struktur modal dari aset bank. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas, ukuran dan struktur aktiva memiliki dampak positif terhadap CAR. Sementara itu, risiko bank memiliki dampak negatif terhadap CAR. Efisiensi tidak berdampak pada CAR. Kontribusi penelitian ini untuk pengelolaan industri perbankan, peneliti dan regulator (Bank Indonesia adalah bahwa ada suatu keharusan untuk meningkatkan rasio kecukupan modal dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing perbankan nasional.

  14. Delegation af lovgivningsmagt: risiko for ringere regulering?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Morten Jarlbæk; Christensen, Geert Laier; Ravn, Jacob


    kortsigtetede, politiske incitamenter. Samtidig underlægges delegation ikke samme grad af kvalitetskontrolmekanismer som almindelig lovgivning; dette kunne ellers kompensere for den mere politiserede delegation. En øget brug af bekendtgørelser kan derfor betyde en stigende risiko for regulering af lavere...


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    Ahmad Mursidi


    Full Text Available Abstract: Risk Analysis Metal Content of Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6 + and arsenic (As in drinking water. The research objective is to determine estimates of health risks from exposure to hexavalent chromium metal and arsenic in drinking water. Research conducted on Kalanganyar population that uses clean water supply wells for drinking water as many as 200 people, and the examination of samples of drinking water as many as 32 samples. Design research using cross-sectional design using the descriptive-analytic method. The results showed that the percentage of respondents who have a non-cancerous disease risk due to exposure to hexavalent chromium (RQ≥1 by 16%, while the percentage of respondents that have exceeded the risk of non-cancer diseases due to exposure to arsenic (RQ≥1 by 59%. The risk of cancer due to arsenic exposure on average the respondents amounted to 1.5 per 10,000 population. The concentration of hexavalent chromium has relation with health risk (p <0.05 with r = 0.927. Arsenic concentrations also have a relationship with a health risk (p <0.05 with r = 0.936. Abstrak : Analisis Risiko Kandungan Logam Kromium Heksavalen (Cr6+ Dan Arsen (As Dalam Air Minum. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui perkiraan risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan logam kromium heksavalen dan arsen dalam air minum. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap penduduk Kalanganyar yang menggunakan sarana air bersih sumur gali sebagai sumber air minum sebanyak 200 orang, dan pemeriksaan sampel air minum sebanyak 32 sampel. Rancang penelitian menggunakan desain Cross Sectional dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase responden yang mempunyai risiko penyakit non kanker akibat pajanan kromium heksavalen (RQ≥1 sebesar 16%, sedangkan persentase responden yang telah melampaui batas risiko penyakit non kanker akibat pajanan arsen (RQ≥1 sebesar 59%. Besar risiko kanker akibat pajanan arsen rata-rata pada responden sebesar 1


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    Dien Gusta Anggraini Nursal


    Full Text Available Preeklampsia merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan kehamilan dan penyebab kematian maternal. Angka kejadian preeklampsia di RSUP. DR. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2014 adalah 20,14%. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia pada ibu hamil di RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan kasus kontrol. Jumlah sampel 34 kasus dan 34 kontrol, perbandingan 1:1. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik systematic random sampling. Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square dan multivariat dengan analisis Regresi Logistik Ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan umur (p=0,006, dan obesitas (p=0,031 berisiko secara bermakna, sedangkan status gravida, riwayat diabetes mellitus dan tingkat pendidikan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna dan bukan faktor risiko preeklampsia pada ibu hamil di RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang tahun 2014. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan faktor paling dominan terhadap kejadian preeklampsia adalah umur (p=0,001. Umur dan obesitas merupakan faktor risiko kejadian preeklampsia. Disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan untuk meningkatkan promotif dan preventif dengan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi mengenai umur beresiko preeklampsia dan mengurangi berat badan. Kata Kunci: Preeklampsia, Ibu Hamil, Faktor Risiko, RSUP M Djamil Padang


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    Santoso Santoso


    . Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko filariasis. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap 412 orang responden yang meliputi 128 kasus dan 248 bukan kasus. Analisis data dilakukan secara multivariat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa determinan faktor risiko kejadian filariasis di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi adalah adanya genangan air di sekitar rumah, waktu tempuh ke sarana kesehatan, perilaku pencegahan gigitan nyamuk di dalam rumah, lama tinggal, tingkat pendidikan dan jenis kelamin. Probabilitas orang dengan seluruh faktor risiko tersebut sebesar 95.9% untuk terinfeksi filariasis dengan OR 23,5 kali.Kata kunci: Filariasis, Faktor risiko, Muaro Jambi


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    Suharjito Suharjito


    sehingga produk pertanian sulit untuk ditangani. Tingginya tingkat kebergantungan dan kompleksitas dari jaringan rantai pasok produk pertanian menjadikan rantai pasok lebih rentan terhadap gangguan. Risiko ganguan rantai pasok dapat terjadi secara internal (relasi antara organisasi dengan jaringan pemasok dan eksternal (antara jaringan pemasok dengan lingkungannya. Oleh karena itu perlu pengendalian risiko rantai pasok agar dapat menghindarkan akibat berkelanjutan yang dapat terjadi pada setiap titik dalam jaringan pasokan. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah menjelaskan suatu model evaluasi dan manajemen risiko rantai pasok produk pertanian. Hasil validasi model dapat mengidentifikasi risiko setiap tingkatan rantai pasok dan memberikan usulan tindakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meminimalkan risikonya. Nilai indeks risiko pada tingkat petani sebesar 26 % yang lebih tinggi daripada risiko pada tingkat pengumpul (8,78 % dan distributor (8,31 %. Model dapat mengoptimalkan jadwal tanam petani untuk mengurangi risiko pasokan dan harga, selain itu juga telah dimodelkan optimasi pemilihan pemasok pada tingkat pengumpul dan distributor dengan pertimbangan minimalisasi risiko dan optimalisasi keuntungan.   Kata kunci: Evaluasi risiko, manajemen rantai pasok, risiko pasokan komoditas jagung.

  19. Sistem Perdagangan Risiko Bencana dalam Pengelolaan Banjir Antar-Wilayah

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    Sakinah Fathrunnadi Shalihati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan diteliti ini adalah: 1 Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis perbedaan mutlak antara daerah menurut kabupaten / kota di Bengawan Solo DAS tahun 2007, (2 Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis risiko banjir pada tahun 2007 di wilayah dalam administratif di Bengawan Solo Daerah Aliran Sungai , 3 Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis keseimbangan risiko perdagangan bencana spasial dalam pengelolaan banjir antar-wilayah di Bengawan Solo DAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Aspek perbedaan mutlak antar-daerah dan ketinggian wilayah diambil sebagai data. Data berdasarkan perbedaan mutlak aspek antar-daerah (nilai positif adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi dan produk domestik regional bruto per kapita. Data yang didasarkan pada daerah ketinggian (nilai negatif yang Images SRTM, frekuensi banjir dan hasil dari kerugian banjir. Untuk menganalisis neraca perdagangan dari risiko banjir dengan menganalisis hasil nilai-nilai positif dan negatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan mutlak di antar-wilayah administratif dalam Bengawan Solo Daerah Aliran Sungai tahun 2007 menjadi yang parameter dilakukan dengan menganalisis hasil penilaian kemampuan daerah berdasarkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan produk daerah gros domestik nilai kapita per dalam manajemen sumber daya, sedangkan analisis risiko banjir Tahun 2007 menjadi adalah parameter dilakukan dengan menganalisis hasil dari kemampuan daerah yang memiliki potensi banjir berisiko tinggi atau tidak memiliki potensi banjir berisiko tinggi. Perbedaan mutlak di daerah antar analisis risiko banjir administrasi dan wilayah menghasilkan risiko wilayah banjir shceme dari perdagangan memisahkan menjadi dua shemes; subsidi penerima dan pemasok hulu / hilir, di mana hulu dan hilir dapat complet tanpa batas topografi pertimbangkan.   ABTRACT The objectives of this researched are: 1 To identify and to analyze absolute difference


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    Winnie Septiani


    risiko dalam ukuran waktu, biaya dan kualitas. Tahap pertama dimulai dengan menganalisis eksposur risiko yang tidak terhindarkan yang meliputi analisis karakteristik lingkungan dan konfigurasi serta karakteristik rantai pasok agroindustri susu. Tahap kedua adalah menganalisis eksposure risiko yang dapat dihindari. Tahap ketiga adalah mengubah eksposur risiko ke dalam ukuran performansi waktu, biaya dan kualitas. Pada tahap kedua dihasilkan magnitude risiko, yang merupakan fungsi dari nilai probabilitas dan severity yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan Fuzzy Assosiated Memories (FAMs.Dengan model ini diharapkan dampak kerusakan dari risiko yang muncul pada rantai pasok agroindustri susu dapat terukur dan dapat diminimasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan ketangguhan (robustnes dari rantai pasok. Kata kunci: Performansi, risiko, fuzzy, rantai pasok, agroindustri susu

  1. Penelitian Awal: Faktor Risiko pada Sepsis Neonatorum Awitan Dini

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    Rosalina D Roeslani


    Kesimpulan.Pada neonatus yang lahir di RSCM Jakarta apabila terdapat faktor risiko prematur (usia gestasi <37 minggu, dan atau nilai APGAR rendah maka harus dilakukan skrining sepsis, pemantauan ketat terhadap timbulnya SNAD, bila melakukan tindakan intervensif maka harus dengan tindakan septik-antiseptik yang ideal,serta pemberian antibiotik empiris dapat dipertimbangkan.

  2. Pemodelan Spasial untuk Pembuatan Peta Rawan Banjir dan Peta Tingkat Risiko Banjir Bengawan Solo di Kota Surakarta


    Cahyono, Toto; Hadi, Mohammad Pramono; Mardiatno, Djati


    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemodelan spasial untuk menyusun Peta Bahaya Banjir dan Peta Tingkat Risiko Banjir akibat luapan Bengawan Solo di Kota Surakarta. Lokasi penelitian meliputi penggal alur Bengawan Solo di wilayah Kota Surakarta. Metode penelitian yaitu dengan analisis hidrograf, pemodelan banjir, analisis potensi bahaya banjir, analisis kerentanan banjir, dan analisis tingkat risiko banjir. Analisis hidrograf dilakukan dengan menghitung debit puncak rancangan, a...


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    Rian Diana


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis study was aimed to analyze risk factors of overweight women aged 19—55 years in Indonesia. This study used electronic files data of the National Basic Health Research 2010 from Ministry of Health, which was designed as a cross sectional survey. A total of 57,167 women aged 19—55 years were selected for the analysis. A logistic regression was applied to analyze risk factors of overweight. The result showed that 29.4% of subjects were overweight (including obese. The significant risk factors (p<0.05 of overweight among subjects were marital status (OR for married=2.712; 95%CI:2.559—2.875, household income (OR for high income=1.566; 95%CI:1.504—1.631, living settlement (OR for urban=1.358; 95%CI:1.304—1.413, physical activity (OR for sedentary=1.213; 95%CI:1.153—1.275, energy from carbohydrate (EAC (OR for EAC≥55%=1.119; 95%CI:1.067—1.173, and energy from sugary sweetened foods (ESF (OR for ESF≥10%=1.100; 95%CI:1.037—1.166. Education level (OR for higher education=0.817; 95%CI:0.782—0.853 was a protective factors for overweight. This implies the importance of promoting physical activity and healthy diet, especially with sugary sweetened foods and adequate energy from carbohydrate, for preventing and controlling overweight among Indonesian adults especially women.Keywords: overweight, risk factors, sugary foods, womenABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor risiko kegemukan pada perempuan usia 19—55 tahun di Indonesia. Analisis ini menggunakan data elektronik dari Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas tahun 2010, Balitbangkes, Kementerian Kesehatan dengan desain cross-sectional. Total subjek sebanyak 57 167 perempuan usia 19—55 tahun. Regresi logistik digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor risiko kegemukan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 29.4% subjek mengalami kegemukan (termasuk obes. Faktor risiko (p<0.05 kegemukan pada subjek yaitu status perkawinan (OR untuk kawin=2.712; 95%CI:2.559—2


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    Sisilia Sari Dewi


    Full Text Available Penggabungan dari empat pendidikan tinggi di bawah Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT merupakan wujud implementasi visi YPT dalam mencapai world class university. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa hal tersebut memunculkan tingkat kekhawatiran yang berbeda-beda terhadap suatu risiko pada proses TI yang sudah dijalankan. Begitu pula dengan tingkat kemapanan setiap proses TI yang merealisasikan sasaran pengendalian. Maka dari itu, perlu dibuat pemetaan terhadap profil risiko dan tingkat kemapanan pada masing-masing lembaga. Penelitian berfokus pada domain Plan and Organise,yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemetaan proses TI di Telkom University berdasarkan COBIT 4.1, pemetaan profil risiko dan tingkat kemapanan di empat fakultas dengan kuadran prioritas, serta untuk mendapatkan teknik pengendalian umum untuk merealisasikan sasaran pengendalian dalam rangka integrasi manajemen menjadi Telkom University. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keempat lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang bergabung menjadi Telkom University memiliki bobot risiko dan tingkat kemapanan proses TI yang berbeda-beda. Selain itu, proses-proses TI yang sudah dijalankan oleh masing-masing lembaga juga berbeda-beda. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Telkom University sebaiknya melakukan integrasi terhadap pengelolaan teknologi informasi serta menerapkan langkah-langkah prioritas untuk proses TI yang berada dalam kuadran under-controlled

  5. Risiko og usikkerhed - miljø og fødevarer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Løkke, H.

    given risiko, stor eller lille. Det er politikernes og myndighedernes opgave at sørge for love og regler, som beskytter miljøet og befolkningen. På de fleste områder er der imidlertid et spillerum for forbrugernes valg. Vi vælger fx selv om vi vil købe den ene eller den anden type af vaskepulver eller...

  6. Manajemen Risiko Keamanan Informasi Menggunakan Framework NIST SP 800-30 Revisi 1 (Studi Kasus: STMIK Sumedang

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    Fathoni Mahardika


    Full Text Available STMIK Sumedang merupakan institusi yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan perangkat teknologi, dimana pengawasannya dilakukan oleh suatu divisi tersendiri yaitu bagian UPT LPSI. Namun terdapat permasalahan dalam penggunaan TI yang ada saat ini antara lain : (1 Masih sering terjadinya insiden keamanan informasi yang menyebabkan terganggunya proses bisnis perusahaan, (2 Belum adanya pengawasan dan perencanaan yang tepat dalam pengelolaan keamanan informasi di STMIK Sumedang.Manajemen resiko adalah metode untuk penilaian dan mitigasi resiko terhadap aspek kebutuhan keamanan informasi yang memuat 3 unsur penting yaitu : Confidentiality (kerahasiaan, Integrity (integritas, dan Availability (ketersediaan. Manajemen resiko keamanan informasi yang digunakan mengacu pada NIST SP 800-30 Revisi 1. Standar ini digunakan sebagai acuan dalam melakukan manajemen resiko keamanan informasi, untuk mengantisipasi risiko agar kerugian tidak terjadi terhadap organisasi. Sehingga resiko dapat dikelola ke level yang dapat diterima organisasi. Diharapkan akan mengurangi dampak insiden sistem dan teknologi informasi di institusi perguruan tinggi, melindungi proses bisnis organisasi yang penting dari ancaman keamanan, meminimalisir risiko kerugian serta menghindari kegagalan serius terhadap informasi yang ada di STMIK Sumedang. Setelah dilakukan manajemen risiko maka diperlukan control keamanan sebagai dasar acuan bahwa risiko dilakukan mitigasi, diterima/ditransfer oleh pihak manajemen. Kontrol keamanan dikembangkan dari ISO 27002. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana keamanan informasi organisasi maka dilakukan maturity keamanan informasi organisasi menggunakan control yang dikembangkan dari ISO 27002. Dari hasil maturity ini menjadi dasar dibuatnya rekomendasi standar kebijakan keamanan informasi di STMIK Sumedang.

  7. Analisis Risiko Investasi Saham Syariah Dengan Model Value AT Risk-Asymmetric Power Autoregressive Conditional Heterocedasticity (VaR-APARCH

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    Syarif Hidayatullah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini membahas analisis risiko data runtun waktu dengan model Value at Risk- Asymmetric Power Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (VaR-APARCHdalam pasar modal syariah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penerapan kasus.Data yang digunakan adalah harga penutupan harian saham dalam Jakarta Islamic Index (JIIperiode 4 Maret 2013 sampai 8 April 2015.Model APARCH yang dipilih berdasarkan nilai Schwarz Criterion (SC.Langkah-langkah dalam penelitian ini adalah menguji kestasioneran data, mengidentifikasi model ARIMA,mengestimasi parameter model ARIMA, menguji diagnostik model ARIMA, mendeteksi ada tidaknya unsur ARCH atau unsur heteroskedastisitas, uji asimetris data saham, mengestimasi model APARCH, menguji diagnostik model APARCH, dan menghitung risiko dengan VaR-APARCH.Model terbaik yang dipilih adalah ARIMA ((3,0,0 dan APARCH (1,1. Model ini valid untuk menganalisis besar risiko investasi dalam jangka waktu 10 hari ke depan.


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    Rahayu Budi Utami


    Full Text Available Abstract: The Risk Of Asphyxia Neonatorum To Pregnant Women Diagnosed With Premature Rupture Of Membrane. The purpose of this study is to identify the risk of asphyxia neonatorum to pregnant women diagnose PRM and other factors related to asphyxia neonatorum. The method of this study is used by case control. The result shows that there is no significant correlation between PRM, parity, birth weight, labor actions, induction of labor, and asphyxia neonatorum. However, there is a significant relationship between labor duration and asphyxia neonatorum. Keywords : premature rupture of membrane, asphyxia, parity, the length of labor, the induction of labor Abstrak: Risiko Terjadinya Asfiksia Neonatorum Pada Ibu Dengan Ketuban Pecah Dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui risiko terjadinya asfiksia neonatorum pada ibu dengan KPD dan faktor lain yang berhubungan dengan asfiksia neonatorum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi case control. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara KPD, paritas, berat badan, persalinan tindakan, dan induksi persalinan dengan asfiksia neonatorum. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara lama persalinan dengan asfiksia neonatorum. Kata kunci : KPD, asfiksia, paritas, lama persalinan, induksi persalinan


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    Renny Fitriana


    Full Text Available Data WHO ( World Health Organization tahun 2000 menunjukkan sekitar 972 juta orang atau 26,4% penduduk dunia mengidap hipertensi. Pada remaja juga dijumpai hipertensi. Data Riskesdas 2007, terdapat prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia sebesar 8,4% dan 14% di Riau. Dari data Dinkes Kota Pekanbaru tahun 2011 kasus hipertensi pada remaja sebesar 2,98% dan dari 19 Puskesmas, angka kasus hipertensi remaja tertinggi terjadi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rawat Inap Sidomulyo yaitu 136 kasus atau 17,6%. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi pada remaja di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rawat Inap Sidomulyo Kota Pekanbaru tahun 2012. Penelitian dengan desain case control study yang dilakukan pada 128 orang sampel, terdiri dari 64 kasus dan 64 kontrol. Instrumen penelitian adalah kuesioner, tensimeter, timbangan injak, microtoise, FFQ dan kuesioner baecke. Analisis yang dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara riwayat keturunan (OR=7,68, 95%C/=3,5- 16,82, obesitas (OR=12,32, 95%C7=5,27-28,75 dan aktivitas fisik (OR=7,86, 95%C7=3,33-18,58 dengan kejadian hipertensi sedangkan perilaku merokok dan asupan natrium tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan. Faktor risiko yang paling dominan adalah riwayat keturunan, obesitas dan aktivitas fisik. Kesimpulandari hasil penelitian adalah riwayat keturunan, obesitas dan aktivitas fisik menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna. Disarankan kepada petugas puskesmas agar dapat meningkatkan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat khususnya pada remaja tentang risiko hipertensi, terutama risiko riwayat keturunan, perilaku merokok, obesitas, aktivitas fisik dan asupan natrium sebagai penyebab hipertensi serta melakukan pencegahan penyakit hipertensi sedini mungkinbagi remaja.

  10. Analisa Pengaruh Persepsi Risiko Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Di Airbnb


    Sompie, Evelien Alim; Gunawan, Melissa


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh persepsi risiko guest terhadap keputusan pembeliannya di Airbnb. Penelitian ini menggunakan data berupa data primer dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online. Sampel yang digunakan adalah guest yang pernah menggunakan Airbnb dalam kurun waktu satu tahun ini (April 2016 – April 2017). Jumlah responden penelitian ini adalah 112 guest Airbnb. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah uj...

  11. Prediksi Risiko Karies Baru Berdasarkan Konsumsi Pempek pada Anak Usia 1112 Tahun Di Palembang (Tinjauan dengan Cariogram

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    Marlindayanti Marlindayanti


    Full Text Available Penyakit rongga mulut yang sering diderita anak adalah karies gigi. Hasil penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan prevalensi karies gigi anak di Palembang sebesar 92,43%. Pempek makanan khas jenis karbohidrat lengket yang dimakan bersama kuahnya (cuko, kebiasaan anak di Palembang mengkonsumsi pempek lebih dari 2 kali sehari. Frekuensi konsumsi karbohidrat yang sering berakibat karies gigi. Kebiasaan anak di Palembang mengkonsumsi pempek merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya karies gigi. Risiko karies gigi perlu diketahui untuk melihat kisaran karies baru yang dapat terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi risiko terjadinya karies baru berdasarkan frekuensi konsumsi pempek di Palembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tekhnik cluster, subjek penelitian sebanyak 305 anak dari 52 SD di Palembang. Pengukuran prediksi risiko karies menggunakan cariogram dengan cara mengumpulkan data survei diet frekuensi konsumsi secara keseluruhan dan frekuensi konsumsi pempek, DMF-T, kapasitas buffer, sekresi saliva, plak skor, program fluor dan penyakit umum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prediksi risiko karies anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang 65,72% (kategori tinggi kontribusi pempek 45,83% dari total konsumsi makan keseluruhan. Peluang menghindari karies sebesar 34,28%. Urutan penyebab risiko karies adalah kerentanan (31,0%, pola makan (17,36%, bakteri (8,91% dan keadaan lain yang berpengaruh (5,35%. Kesimpulan penelitian, prediksi risiko terjadinya karies baru pada anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang termasuk kategori tinggi, pempek menyumbang 45,83% dari total konsumsi keseluruhan. Urutan prediksi risiko karies anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang, kerentanan, pola makan, bakteri dan faktor lain yang berpengaruh.    Prediction of The Risk Of New Caries Base on Pempek Consumption on Children Age 11-12 Years Old In Palembang. The oral cavity disease often suffered by children is dental

  12. Fischverzehr in der Schwangerschaft: Risiko oder Benefit?

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    Gundacker C


    Full Text Available Fisch ist ein hochqualitatives Nahrungsmittel. Es enthält große Mengen an essenziellen Nährstoffen wie hochwertige Proteine, Vitamine, Jod, Selen und Omega-3-Fettsäuren, deren gesundheitsfördernde Wirkungen auf Gehirnentwicklung, intrauterines Wachstum und Gestationsdauer gut beschrieben sind. Gleichzeitig kann Fisch erhebliche Mengen an Schadstoffen beinhalten, insbesondere auch die organische Quecksilberverbindung Methyl-Quecksilber (Methyl-Hg. Das fetale Nervensystem ist besonders empfindlich gegenüber Belastung mit neurotoxischen Substanzen wie Methyl-Hg. Eine signifikante Beeinträchtigung der neurologischen Entwicklung von Kindern durch erhöhte pränatale Belastung ist belegt. Ergebnisse anderer Studien legen nahe, dass die mit dem Fischverzehr aufgenommenen essenziellen Nährstoffe solche Schadwirkungen kompensieren könnten. Insgesamt lässt die rezente Literatur keine eindeutige Aussage zu, ob der Fischverzehr in der Schwangerschaft ein Risiko oder einen Benefit für die fetale Entwicklung darstellt. Dies liegt daran, dass bislang nur wenige Studien die mit dem Fischverzehr einhergehende Aufnahme von essenziellen Nährstoffen und Schadstoffen in Relation zur Entwicklung von Kindern untersucht haben. Die Risiko-Benefit-Balance hängt zudem maßgeblich von individuellen Fischverzehrsgewohnheiten und damit von der jeweiligen Nährstoff-/Schadstoff-Zusammensetzung des konsumierten Fisches ab. Während der Schwangerschaft sollte nicht auf das hochwertige Nahrungsmittel Fisch verzichtet werden. Empfohlen wird ein Verzehr solcher Fische und Meeresfrüchte, die einen hohen Omega-3-Fettsäuregehalt und minimale Quecksilberbelastung aufweisen. Schwangere Frauen sollten über Risiken und Benefits des Fischverzehrs im Sinne der Gesundheitsförderung aufgeklärt werden.

  13. PENGARUH RISIKO KREDIT DAN EFISIENSI OPERASIONAL TERHADAP KINERJA BANK (Studi Empirik pada Bank yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Bambang Sudiyatno


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh risiko kredit dan efisiensi operasional, terhadap kinerja bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2007-2010. Risiko kredit diproksi dengan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR, dan efisiensi operasional diproksi dengan Capital Adecuacy Ratio (CAR dan Biaya Operasi (BOPO, sedangkan kinerja bank diproksi dengan Return on Asset (ROA. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor mana, dari risiko kredit dan efisiensi operasi yang pengaruhnya lebih besar terhadap kinerja bank. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 96 perusahaan perbankan selama tahun 20072010, yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dilakukan proses pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi. Tehnik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis regresi linier berganda, untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh CAR, BOPO, dan LDR terhadap ROA. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa rasio keuangan, yang terdiri dari rasio CAR dan LDR berpengaruh positif tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap ROA. Sedangkan BOPO berpengaruh negative dan signifikan terhadap ROA. Kemampuan prediksi dari tiga variabel tersebut terhadap ROA sebesar 18,8% sebagaimana yang telah ditunjukan oleh adjusted R square sebesar 0,188. This study examined the effect of credit risk and operational efficiency on the performance of banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2007-2010. Credit risk proxied by Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR, and operational efficiency proxied by Capital Adecuacy Ratio (CAR and Operating Costs (BOPO, while the bank's performance proxied by Return on Assets (ROA. The purpose of this study was to identify which factors, from credit risk and operating efficiencies greatest influence on the performance of banks. Samples taken in this study were 96 banking companies during the years 2007 to 2010, were selected by purposive sampling method. To get the required information, performed the data collection process

  14. Pemeliharaan Anjing oleh Masyarakat Kota Denpasar yang Berkaitan dengan Faktor Risiko Rabies

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    Dorteany Mayani Kakang


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem pemeliharaan anjing masyarakat Kota Denpasar yang berisiko terhadap penularan rabies serta pemahaman masyarakat tentang bahaya penyakit rabies. Metode yang dipakai adalah survei terhadap responden atau pemilik anjing di Kota Denpasar, meliputi tiga kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Denpasar Barat, Denpasar Timur dan Denpasar Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan 140 responden sebagai sampel yaitu 50 responden di Denpasar Barat, 60 responden di Denpasar Timur dan 30 responden di Denpasar Utara. Wawancara dilakukan dengan bantuan kuisioner (closed ended dan open ended. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pemeliharaan anjing masyarakat Kota Denpasar relatif baik namun ada sejumlah faktor risiko rabies yang perlu diwaspadai seperti anjing peliharaan berkontak dengan anjing lain, memelihara HPR (Hewan Pembawa Rabies selain anjing dan sistem pemeliharaan dengan cara dilepas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem pemeliharaan anjing oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Kota Denpasar relatif baik. namun ada sejumlah faktor risiko rabies yang perlu diwaspadai seperti kontak dengan anjing lain, memelihara HPR lain dan pemeliharaan yang dilepasliarkan.


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    Lisa Linawati Utomo


    Full Text Available Recent investment inflows through the capital and money market has begun to stimulate the Indonesian economy. New investment instruments are offered by the capital market for the purpose of accomodating investor's risk dan return preferences. Besides stocks and bonds as the primary securities in the capital market, the Indonesian government also issued long-term bonds as its means to obtain capital funds from investors. Derivative securities, such as options and futures, are contractual agreement between two parties to deliver and purchase some specified amount of financial assets or commodity at a specified date and specified price. Option contracts give its holder the right, not the obligation, to do something; while futures contract obligates the transacting parties to perform or fulfill the contract agreement. This paper discusses definition, terminologies related to derivative, profit profile and the use of derivative instruments in the company's hedging strategy. It is essential to note that companies may use different underlying instruments to hedge, such as commodities, gold, stock index, interest rate, and currency. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Arus investasi yang masuk melalui pasar modal dan pasar uang mulai menggairahkan kondisi ekonomi Indonesia. Instrumen-instrumen investasi baru mulai ditawarkan di pasar modal dengan tujuan mengakomodasikan tingkat pengembalian dan risiko tertentu yang dikehendaki oleh para investor. Selain saham dan obligasi sebagai instrumen utama di pasar modal, pemerintah Indonesia juga menerbitkan obligasi sebagai sarana mendapatkan dana. Sekuritas derivatif, seperti option dan futures, merupakan kontrak perjanjian antara dua pihak untuk menjual atau membeli sejumlah aktiva finansial atau komoditas pada tanggal tertentu di masa datang dengan harga yang telah disepakati saat ini. Option atau kontrak opsi memberikan hak, bukan kewajiban, bagi pemegangnya untuk melakukan sesuatu; sedangkan kontrak futures

  16. Analisis Risiko Pajanan PM2,5 di Udara Ambien Siang Hari terhadap Masyarakat di Kawasan Industri Semen

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    Randy Novirsa


    Full Text Available Salah satu dampak negatif industri pabrik semen terhadap kesehatan masyarakat adalah peningkatan risiko penyakit saluran pernapasan. Risiko tersebut banyak disebabkan oleh pajanan partikulat di udara, khususnya partikulat berukuran di bawah 2,5 mikron (PM2,5. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis risiko pajanan PM2,5 di udara ambien siang hari pada masyarakat di kawasan industri semen. Risiko dihitung dengan metode Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan berdasarkan metode Louvar yang menghasilkan nilai Intake pajanan yang diterima individu per hari berdasarkan nilai konsentrasi pajanan, pola aktivitas individu, dan nilai antropometri. Konsentrasi PM2,5 di lingkungan diukur pada 10 titik dengan radius 500 meter antartitik dari pusat pabrik, sedangkan pola aktivitas dan nilai antropometri diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner pada 92 responden dewasa di kawasan pabrik. Hasil perhitungan risiko yang diterima seumur hidup (lifetime menunjukkan terdapat tiga area berisiko dengan nilai RQ > 1, yaitu Ring 2 (500 – 1.000 m, Ring 4 (1.500 – 2.000 m, dan Ring 5 (2.000 – 2.500 m. Daerah paling aman yang dapat dihuni oleh masyarakat di kawasan industri semen adalah di atas 2,5 km dari pusat industri dengan konsentrasi paling aman 0,028 mg/m3. Kata kunci: Industri semen, infeksi saluran pernapasan, partikulat PM2,5 Abstract One of the negative impacts of cement industry to public health is an increased risk of respiratory disease. These risks are caused by exposure to particulate matter in air, especially fine particulate matter which is smaller than 2,5 microns (PM2,5. This study aimed to analyze the risks of PM2,5 exposure in ambien air at noon on people around cement industry. Risk was calculated using Environmental Health Risk Analysis Method that generates value of individual exposure intake received per day. This value was generated based on the concentration of exposure, individual activity patterns, and anthropometric values. PM2,5 concentrations

  17. Faktor-faktor yang BerhubungandenganKetepatan Diagnosis Bidan Dalam Merujuk Pasien Kasus Kehamilan dan Persalinan Risiko Tinggi Ke RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Tahun 2014

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    Desmariyanti .


    Full Text Available Ketepatan diagnosis merupakan ketepatan pendiagnosaan suatu kasus yang ditegakkan oleh petugas kesehatan dan telah memenuhi standar nomenklatur diagnosis. Bidan yang melakukan rujukan kehamilan dan persalinan risiko tinggi ke RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau pada tahun 2014 sebanyak 210 kasus, dan yang tidak tepat mendiagnosis sebanyak 35 kasus (17%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan ketepatan diagnosis bidan dalam merujuk pasien kasus kehamilan dan persalinan risiko tinggi yaitu pengetahuan, sikap, kompetensi, masa kerja dan bidan delima. Penelitian yang digunakan bersifat kuantitatif analitik observasional dengan studi penampang analitik (analitic crosssectional study. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dengan uji chi square, dan multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik ganda dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 120 orang yang diambil secara total populasi.Hasil penelitian diperoleh variabel yang berhubungan dengan ketepatan diagnosis bidan dalam merujuk pasien kasus kehamilan dan persalinan risiko tinggi adalah pengetahuan (OR:4,656; 95%CI: 1,200-18,064, kompetensi (OR:11,834; 95%CI: 1,371-102,141, dan masa kerja (OR:10,887; 95%CI: 2,657-44,602. Disarankan sebaiknya bidan mengikuti pelatihan APN, memiliki masa kerja yang optimal dan keterampilan dalam mengolah kasus kehamilan dan persalinan risiko tinggi, dan mengikuti seminar, workshop, pelatihan ataupun kegiatan yang dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan khususnya ketepatan diagnosis kehamilan dan persalinan risiko tinggi


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    Sudarto Sudarto


    Full Text Available Abstract: Premature Rupture Of Membranes Risks Of Pregnant Women With Sexual Infections. The purpose of research is to analyze the correlation between the risks of sexually transmitted infection with the incidence of premature rupture of membranes (KPD.This research is the quantitative study with case-control design with a sample of 68 respondents, analysis of the statistical test Chi-square α = 0.05 and  95% confidence intervals. The subjects of the study mothers who have premature rupture of membranes, and not as a case of premature rupture of membranes as control, Subjects retrieval using the total sample in the case group and systematic random sampling technique to control. Secondary collection from medical records the period from January to December 2014. Results show that there is a significant association between risk factors for sexually transmitted infections with the incidence of premature rupture of membranes, other factors associated with KPD is parity. Abstrak : Risiko Terjadinya Ketuban Pecah Dini Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Infeksi Menular Seksual. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis hubungan faktor risiko infeksi menular seksual dengan kejadian Ketuban Pecah Dini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Kuantitatif dengan rancangan case control dengan jumlah sampel 68 responden, analisis dengan uji statistik Chi-square α=0,05 dan interval kepercayaan 95%. Subyek penelitian ibu bersalin yang mengalami ketuban pecah dini sebagai kasus dan ibu yang bersalin tidak mengalami ketuban Pecah Dini sebagai kontrol. Pengambilan data menggunakan total sampling pada kelompok kasus dan teknik sistematic random sampling pada kontrol. Pengumpulan data sekunder dari catatan medis periode Januari-Desember Tahun 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor risiko infeksi menular seksual dengan kejadian Ketuban pecah dini, faktor lain yang berhubungan dengan KPD adalah paritas.





    2015 ABSTRAK Pengaruh Tekanan Waktu, Risiko Audit, Tindakan Supervisi dan Materialitas terhadap Penghentian Prematur Atas Prosedur Audit (Studi Empiris pada BPK RI Perwakilan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan) Khairurrijal Ibrahim Mushar Mustafa Asri Usman Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah tekanan waktu, risiko audit, tindakan supervisi, dan materilaitas berpengaruh terhadap penghentian premature atas prosedur audit yang dilakukan oleh auditor BPK RI Perwa...

  20. Faktor Risiko Kejadian HIV pada Komunitas LSL (Lelaki Seks dengan Lelaki Mitra Yayasan Lantera Minangkabau Sumatera Barat

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    Said Firdaus


    Full Text Available HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus adalah virus penyebab AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome yang menyerang sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia dan melemahkan kemampuan tubuh untuk melawan segala penyakit. Lelaki Seks dengan Lelaki (LSL adalah lelaki heteroseks (tertarik pada perempuan, tetapi juga tertarik kepada lelaki. LSL yang terinfeksi HIV hingga tahun 2011 sebanyak 1.061 kasus dan diperkirakan akan terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan hingga tahun 2025. Di Yayasan Lantera Minangkabau Sumatera Barat tahun 2011, dari 621 LSL yang dibina ditemukan sebanyak 24 orang terinfeksi HIV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian HIV pada komunitas LSL (Lelaki Seks dengan Lelaki Mitra Yayasan Lantera Minangkabau Sumatera Barat dengan menggunakan metode survei analitik dan case control. Sampel penelitian adalah 24 kasus dan 24 kontrol. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square dan odds ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko kejadian HIV pada komunitas LSL adalah perilaku seksual (p=0.009, OR 5.898 dan CI 95% 1.609-20.479, sementara faktor penggunaan narkoba suntik bukan faktor risiko kejadian HIV pada komunitas LSL (p=1.000, OR 1.571 dan CI 95% 0.238-10.365. Diharapkan agar pihak Yayasan meningkatkan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi (KIE kepada komunitas LSL yang dibina serta penemuan kasus HIV terutama pada populasi kunci.

  1. Angka Kejadian Delirium dan Faktor Risiko di Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung

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    Rakhman Adiwinata


    Full Text Available Delirium ditandai dengan perubahan status mental, tingkat kesadaran, serta perhatian yang akut dan fluktuatif. Keadaan ini merupakan kelainan yang serius berhubungan dengan pemanjangan lama perawatan di Intensive Care Unit (ICU, biaya yang lebih tinggi, memperlambat pemulihan fungsional, serta peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui angka kejadian delirium dan faktor risiko terjadinya delirium di ICU Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin (RSHS Bandung. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan selama tiga bulan (Januari–Maret 2015 di ICU RSHS Bandung. Metode penelitian ini deskriptif observasional secara kohort prospektif, menggunakan alat ukur Confusion Assessment Method-Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU, sebelumnya dilakukan penilaian dengan Richmond agitation-sedation scale (RASS pada pasien yang tersedasi. Hasil penelitian ini dari 105 pasien, 22 pasien dieksklusikan, dari 83 pasien didapatkan 31 pasien positif delirium, angka kejadian 37%. Faktor-faktor risiko pada pasien positif delirium terdiri atas geriatri 15 dari 31, pemakaian ventilator 12 dari 31, pemberian analgesik morfin 9 dari 31, sepsis atau infeksi 9 dari 31, kelainan jantung 8 dari 31, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE II skor tinggi 8 dari 31, kelainan ginjal 7 dari 31 laboratorium abnormal 7 dari 31, pemberian sedasi midazolam 6 dari 31 kelainan endokrin 5 dari 31, pemberian analgesik fentanil 2 dari 31, dan strok 1 dari 31. Simpulan, angka kejadian delirium di ICU RSHS Bandung cukup tinggi sebesar 37% dengan faktor risiko terbesar adalah pasien geriatrik.


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    Sarinah Sarinah


    Full Text Available production processes. It is critical in the sense that it can be employed to identify any potential risks before they be used to reduce the potential shortage of dried seaweed supply needed by PT XYZ using pemasok selection. This supply chain model. The best selected suppliers were determined through assessing different assigned weights to the criteria and sub-criteria constructed in a Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP tree. PT XYZ is an alkali treated cottoni (ATC chips and SRC powder supplier network with low risk supply chain partnership. Keywords: Supplier selection, supply chain risk management, MFMEA, AHP   ABSTRAK   Strategi penanganan risiko kekurangan pasokan merupakan upaya untuk mengurangi terjadinya risiko kekurangan bahan baku rumput laut kering untuk kebutuhan industri rumput laut di PT XYZ dengan melakukan pemilih pemasok. Manajemen risiko rantai pasokan memainkan peran yang lebih penting daripada sebelumnya. Perusahaan harus fokus itu, naskah ini mengusulkan metode  risiko dari perspektif tiap risiko rantai pasokan dan memilih pemasok dengan menerapkan metode (AHP untuk menentukan bobot masing-masing kriteria dan sub-kriteria untuk pemilihan pemasok PT XYZ adalah industri pengolahan rumput laut dalam bentuk alkali treated cottonii (ATC-Chips dan SRC . Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan memdapatkan pemasok yang lebih efektif dan pada saat yang sama mendapatkan mitra rantai pasokan yang berisiko rendah. Kata kunci: Pemilihan pemasok, manajemen risiko rantai pasok, MFMEA, AHP

  3. Peran Mediasi Citra Merek dan Persepsi Risiko pada Hubungan antara Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM dan Minat Beli (Studi pada Konsumen Kosmetik E-Commerce di Solo Raya

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    Zahra Noor Eriza


    Electronic word of mouth (E-WOM banyak dimanfaatkan konsumen untuk menggali informasi mengenai suatu produk. Informasi yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber di internet akan mempengaruhi persepsi konsumen terhadap citra merek, risiko dan mendorong minat beli konsumen. Penelitian ini menganalisis peran mediasi citra merek dan persepsi risiko pada hubungan E-WOM dan minat beli. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 149 konsumen di Solo Raya yang telah melakukan pembelian kosmetik melalui e-commerce. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa E-WOM berpengaruh positif terhadap minat beli dan citra merek. Pengujian regresi mediasi menyimpulkan bahwa citra merek memediasi secara parsial hubungan E-WOM dan minat beli. Hasil tersebut mengartikan bahwa aktivitas membaca ulasan produk di internet akan memberikan informasi mengenai manfaat dan keunggulan produk sehingga konsumen akan merasa yakin bahwa mereka memilih produk yang tepat dan mendorong minat beli konsumen. Sedangkan E-WOM berpengaruh negatif terhadap persepsi risiko namun tidak memediasi hubungan E-WOM dan minat beli.   Kata kunci : E-WOM, Minat Beli, Citra Merek, Persepsi Risiko.


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    Rabea Pangerti Jekti


    Full Text Available Toxoplasmosis disebabkan oleh parasit Toxoplasma gondii. Diperkirakan sekitar 30 - 50% populasi dunia telah terinfeksi oleh toxoplasma, sebagian besar tanpa gejala. Penderita dengan kekebalan tubuh yang kuat apabila terinfeksi T. gondii pada umumnya tidak mengalami keadaan patologik yang nyata walaupun pada beberapa kasus dapat juga mengalami pembesaran kelenjar limfe, rasa lelah yang berlebihan, miokarditis akut, miositis hingga radang otak. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mengukur hubungan kekebalan tubuh (titer antibodi pada wanita usia subur  terhadap kejadian toxoplasmosis  dan faktor risiko tingkat kekebalan tubuh. . Analisis ini menggunakan data potong lintang Riskesdas 2007. Subjek adalah wanita usia subur (WUS yang berusia 15-45 tahun. Kekebalan terhadap toxoplasmosis dilihat dengan mengukur kadar immunoglobulin G (IgG melalui tehnik ELISA (toxolisa. Subjek dikatakan tidak memiliki kekebalan terhadap toxoplasmosis jika toxolisanya <32 IU Sampel yang terpilih di analisis lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui faktor demografi, risiko, dan perilaku yang berhubungan dengan status kekebalan toksoplasmosis. Jumlah sampel yang terpilih dan mempunyai data yang lengkap sejumlah 6068 subjek dari 10521 women in repeoductive age. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 63,7% memiliki kekebalan, dan 36,3% tidak memiliki kekebalan terhadap toxoplasmosis.  WUS yang berusia 15-17 tahun mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk tidak memiliki kekebalan toxoplasmosis yaitu sebesar 26% (ORs=1,26, 95% CI 1,03-1,55, p=0,027, begitu juga dengan WUS yang berstatus Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT dan pelajaryaitu 16% (ORs=1,16, 95% CI 1,04-1,30, p=0,007, dan WUS yang berstatus kawin yaitu 30% (ORs=1,30, 95% CI 1,13-1,49, p=0,000. WUS yang berusia 15-17 tahun, berstatus kawin, dan IRT serta pelajar, merupakan kelompok yang berisiko tidak memiliki kekebalan terhadap toxoplasmosis, sehingga perlu kewaspadaan untuk meningkatkan upaya pencegahan dan perlindungan terhadap toxoplasmosis.   Kata kunci



    Ningsih, Yunita; Maidin, Alimin; Kapalawi, Irwandy


    Kejadian medication error merupakan indikator penting keselamatan pasien. Medication error yang terjadi di Rumah Sakit Universitas Hasanuddin tahun 2013 terdapat 4 kasus dan tahun 2014 terdapat 1 kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran risiko kejadian medication error.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu teknik total sampling sebanyak 115 responden. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah analisis univariat. Hasil peneli...

  6. Sensitifitas dan Spesifisitas Pertanyaan Gejala Saluran Pernapasan dan Faktor risiko untuk Kejadian Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (PPOK

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    lusianawaty Tana


    Full Text Available Abstract Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD is a chronic lung disease characterized by progressive non-reversible or partially reversible airflow obstruction in the airway. The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of questions on respiratory symptoms and risky behavior for diagnosing COPD. Method. This study was a further analysis of Bogor Cohort Study on Non-Communicable Risk Factors 2011-2012 data. COPD was diagnosed by spirometry examination with bronchodilator. Twelve questions on COPD respiratory symptoms and two questions on rizky behavior were analyzed using crossed tabulation with 5 % significance level. Results. The sensitivity and specificity of several aggregate questions on respiratory symptom and COPD risk factors ranged from 12.5% to 94.3% and 2.2% to 94.4%. Aggregate of 7 questions on 6 respiratory symptoms and 1 smoking behavior with either one was answered “Yes” had the optimal sensitivity (68.1 % and specificity (59.7 %. Those questions were coughing more than 1 month, excreting sputum almost every day, easily feeling fatigue or dyspnea while doing activity, dyspnea > 3 months that restricted daily activities, worsened fatigue/dyspnea, whizzing, and smoking behavior. Conclusion. Questions on respiratory symptoms were neither sensitive nor specific for diagnosing COPD. Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sensitivity, specificity. AbstrakPenyakit paru obstruktif kronis (PPOK adalah penyakit paru kronik, ditandai dengan adanya hambatan aliran udara di saluran pernapasan, dan bersifat progressif nonreversibel atau reversibel parsial. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan sensitifitas dan spesifisitas pertanyaan gejala saluran pernapasan dan faktor risiko terhadap PPOK. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis lanjut sampel Studi Kohor Faktor Risiko PTM di Bogor tahun 2011-2012. Variabel yang dianalisis terdiri dari 12 pertanyaan gejala saluran pernapasan dan dua pertanyaan faktor

  7. ABCB1-Gen-Polymorphismus in einer polnischen Kohorte ist mit Risiko für bullöses Pemphigoid assoziiert. (United States)

    Rychlik-Sych, Mariola; Barańska, Małgorzata; Dudarewicz, Michał; Skrętkowicz, Jadwiga; Żebrowska, Agnieszka; Owczarek, Jacek; Waszczykowska, Elżbieta


    Polymorphismen im ABCB1-Gen, das für das P-Glykoprotein kodiert, können die intrazelluläre Konzentration von Xenobiotika beeinflussen und so zur Entwicklung von Autoimmunerkrankungen, einschließlich des bullösen Pemphigoids (BP), beitragen. In der vorliegenden Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob in einer polnischen Kohorte die C3435T- und G2677T/A-Polymorphismen im ABCB1-Gen mit dem Risiko für ein BP assoziiert sind. Die Studie umfasste 71 Patienten mit BP und 156 gesunde Probanden. Der C3435T-Polymorphismus wurde mittels PCR-RFLP bestimmt und der G2677T/A-Polymorphismus mittels Allel-spezifischer PCR. Es gab zwar keine Korrelation zwischen dem C3435-Polymorphismus und dem BP-Risiko, aber wir konnten eine derartige Assoziation hinsichtlich des G2677T/A-Polymorphismus nachweisen. Das relative Risiko eines BP war bei Personen mit dem 2677TA-Genotyp um mehr als den Faktor fünf erhöht (OR = 5,52; p = 0,0063) und bei Trägern des 2677TT-Genotyps mehr als verdoppelt (OR = 2,40; p = 0,0076). Mit 2,40 (p = 0,000018) war die OR bei Trägern des 2677T-Allels ebenfalls erhöht. Die höhere Prävalenz des 2677GG-Genotyps und des 2677G-Allels bei der Kontrollgruppe sowie eine OR < 1,0 (0,22 beziehungsweise 0,33) legen eine Schutzfunktion des 2677G-Allels hinsichtlich der Ausbildung eines BP nahe. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie zeigen, dass der G2677T/A-Polymorphismus im ABCB1-Gen das Risiko für die Entstehung eines BP beeinflussen könnte. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Faktor Risiko Non Viral Pada Karsinoma Nasofaring

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    Sukri Rahman


    Full Text Available Abstrak           Latar belakang: Karsinoma nasofaring adalah tumor ganas epitel nasofaring yang sampai saat ini penyebabnya belum diketahui, infeksi virus Epstein Barr dilaporkan sebagai faktor dominan terjadinya karsinoma nasofaring tetapi faktor non viral juga berperan untuk timbulnya keganasan nasofaring. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui faktor non viral  yang dapat meningkatkan kejadian karsinoma nasofaring sehingga dapat mencegah dan menghindari faktor-faktor non viral tersebut. Tinjauan Pustaka: Karsinoma nasofaring merupakan tumor ganas epitel nasofaring yang penyebabnya berhubungan dengan faktor viral dan non viral diantaranya asap rokok, ikan asin, formaldehid, genetik, asap kayu bakar , debu kayu, infeksi kronik telinga hidung tenggorok, alkohol dan obat tradisional. Kesimpulan: Pembuktian secara klinis dan ilmiah terhadap faktor non viral sebagai penyebab timbulnya karsinoma nasofaring masih belum dapat dijelaskan secara pasti. Faktor non viral merupakan salah satu faktor risiko yang dapat meningkatkan angka kejadian timbulnya keganasan nasofaring Kata kunci: karsinoma nasofaring, faktor risiko, non viral AbstractBackground: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a malignant epithelial nasopharyngeal tumor that until now the cause still unknown, Epstein barr virus infection had reported as predominant occurance of nasopharyngeal carcinoma but non viral factors may also contribute to the onset of the incidence of nasopharyngeal malignancy. Purpose: To find non viral factors that may increase the incidence of nasopharyngel carcinoma in order to prevent and avoid non-viral factors Literature: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a malignant tumor that causes nasopharyngeal epithelium associated with viral and non-viral factors such as cigarette smoke, salt fish, formaldehyde, genetic, wood smoke ,wood dust, ear nose throat chronic infections, alcohol, and traditional medicine. Conclusion: Clinically and scientifically proving the non-viral factors as


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    Saudatul Fitri


    Full Text Available Takaful insurance is a shariah insurance that aims to minimize the loss of a risk. One of its flagship products is Fulnadi, this product is devoted to prepare children insurance to pursue their bachelor degree. This study aims to determine the effect of payment of claims benefits on the satisfaction of Fulnadi product participants and to know the procedure of claim benefit payment from risk insurance policy Fulnadi at PT. Takaful Insurance Family, Banda Aceh. This research applies both qualitative and quantitative approach through descriptive analysis. The data were taken through library research and field research, with the technique of collecting interview data, study of documentation and technique of questionnaire. The results revealed that the Family Takaful Insurance, especially Fulnadi, is a product that diverts the risk of children who could not continue their education if something bad happens in life, for the transfer of this risk the participant must pay the premium. The amount of paid premium greatly affects a number of benefits received. Other results indicate that 50% of participants expressed dissatisfaction with the benefits of claims received for the educational needs of the participating children. =========================================== Asuransi takaful adalah asuransi syariah yang bertujuan untuk memperkecil kerugian dari suatu risiko. Salah satu produk unggulannya adalah Fulnadi, produk ini dikhususkan untuk mempersiapkan anak dalam hal pendidikan sampai sarjana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembayaran manfaat klaim terhadap kepuasan peserta produk Fulnadi dan untuk mengetahui prosedur pembayaran manfaat klaim dari pertanggungan risiko polis Fulnadi pada PT. Asuransi Takaful Keluarga Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Data yang diambil yaitu library research dan field research, dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, telaah

  10. Analisis Risiko Tanah Longsor Desa Tieng Kecamatan Kejajar Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    Elna Multi Astuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Desa Tieng Kecamatan Kejajar secara umum memiliki kondisi topografi yang dapat menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya tanah longsor seiring dengan perkembangan perkembangan aktivitas manusia. Untuk mengantisipasi dan mencegah terjadinya bencana alam tanah tanah longsor, maka perlu disediakan peta risiko tanah tanah longsor di Desa Tieng yang merupakan perpaduan antara peta bahaya dan peta kerentanan sebagai bahan pertimbangan yang penting dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan tanah longsor. Penyusunan peta bahaya, kerentanan, dan risiko tanah longsor menggunakan ArcGIS dan ILWIS dengan menggunakan parameter hujan, lereng lahan, geologi, keberadaan sesar, kedalaman tanah, penggunaan lahan, infrastruktur, kepadatan pemukiman. Skoring dan pemberatan digunakan dalam penentuan peta bahaya dan  kerentanan. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel acak berstrata dengan berdasarkan zona bahaya tanah longsor di lokasi penelitian.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa zona tingkat bahaya tanah longsor terbagi menjadi 3 zona yaitu zona bahaya tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Wilayah pemukiman berada pada zona bahaya tinggi dan sedang. Tingkat kerentanan total merupakan fungsi dari tingkat kerentanan fisik, sosial, dan ekonomi. Tingkat kerentanan fisik menggunakan faktor persentase kawasan terbangun, kepadatan bangunan, dan jenis material banguan. Tingkat kerentanan sosial menggunakan faktor kepadatan penduduk, persentase penduduk usia tua-balita, dan penduduk wanita. Tingkat kerentanan ekonomi menggunakan faktor persentase rumah tangga yang bekerja di sektor rentan, dan persentase rumah tangga miskin. Masyarakat Desa Tieng membuat sistem terassering untuk berkebun dan membuat bangunan penahan dari batu untuk mengurangi bahaya tanah longsor.  Kesimpulan penelitian ini Desa Tieng berada pada risiko tanah longsor sedang dan tinggi. Penduduk yang berada pada zona risiko tinggi sebaiknya direlokasi terutama penduduk


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    Dedi Alamsyah


    Full Text Available Abstract: Several Risk Factors Of Moderate And Severe Malnutrition In Children Under Five Years Old Aged 12-59 Months. The type of research was observational using case-control study and the qualitative study through the in-depth interview (mixed method. The research location was in Pontianak City. The number of samples was 80 people consisting of 40 people from a case and 40 people from control. Assessment of nutritional using anthropometry measurement based on weight for height. Height measurement using microtome and measure weighting scale. Result show that the multivariate analysis found two variables significantly associated with the prevalence of moderate and severe malnutrition in children under five years old aged 12-59 months, i.e.: poor of attitude toward food (OR = 6.980, p = 0.002, 95% CI = 1.998-24.385 and poor environmental health (OR = 5.033, p = 0.012, 95% CI = 1.432-17.683. Keywords: risk factors, moderate and severe malnutrition, children, pontianak Abstrak : Beberapa Faktor Risiko Gizi Kurang Dan Gizi Buruk Pada Balita 12-59 Bulan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk membuktikan faktor risiko agent, host dan environment yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian gizi kurang dan gizi buruk pada balita di kota Pontianak. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan pendekatan case control. Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Pontianak. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 80 orang, yang terdiri dari kasus sebanyak 40 orang dan kontrol sebanyak 40 orang. Penilaian status gizi menggunakan pengukuran antropometri berdasarkan berat badan per tinggi badan (BB/TB. Pengukuran tinggi badan menggunakan microtoise dan mengukur berat badan menggunakan timbangan balita. Berdasarkan hasil analisa multivariat menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan yaitu sikap ibu terhadap makanan buruk (OR : 6,98 p = 0,002 95 % CI 1,99-24,38 dan kesehatan lingkungan buruk (OR : 5,03 p = 0,012 95 % CI 1,43-17,68 dengan kejadian gizi kurang dan gizi buruk pada anak balita. Kata

  12. Kepribadian Tipe A dan Risiko Hipertensi pada Orang Dewasa

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    Nancy Chitrayana


    Full Text Available Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit yang paling banyak terjadi di Jakarta. Ciri kepribadian tipe A, yaitu tampak selalu sibuk, terburu-buru, tidak sabar atau mudah marah, tampak pada beberapa pasien hipertensi. Penelitian potong lintang ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepribadian tipe A dengan hipertensi. Sebanyak 64 responden, yang usia > 30 tahun dan tidak sedang dalam pengobatan dengan antihipertensi, dipilih secara konsekutif di antara pengunjung Puskesmas Kelurahan Joglo-II antara 30 April – 5 Mei 2012. Tekanan darah diukur sesuai dengan protokol standar. Informasi tentang kepribadian dan faktor-faktor risiko yang lain dikumpulkan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis statistik menggunakan prosedur generalized linear model. Ditetapkan batas kemaknaan 0,05. Dari 64 responden, 36 orang (56,3% mempunyai kepribadian tipe A dan 22 orang (34,4% menderita hipertensi. Hipertensi didapatkan pada 13 dari 36 responden (36,1% dengan kepribadian tipe A dan 9 dari 28 responden (32,1% tanpa kepribadian tersebut. Pada usia dan jenis kelamin yang disetarakan, risiko hipertensi lebih besar secara bermakna 1,3 kali pada responden dengan kepribadian tipe A dibandingkan dengan mereka dengan kepribadian tipe non-A (PR = 1,3; nilai p = 0,003. Penambahan faktor-faktor risiko hipertensi yang lain melemahkan asosiasi, tetapi tidak mengubah kemaknaan statistik (PR = 1,2; nilai p = 0,04. Identifikasi tipe kepribadian disarankan sebagai bagian dari pencegahan hipertensi. Hypertension is one of the major diseases in Jakarta. The typical characteristics of type A personality include being busy, in hurry, impatient and irritable, were shown in some hypertensive patients. This cross-sectional study examined the relationhip between type A personality and hypertension. Sixty-four respondents (age > 30 years and were not on antihypertensive medication, were consecutively selected among patients attending Joglo-II Primary Health Center, between


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    Nining Setyowati Dwi Andayani


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK   Fluktuasi harga saham di pasar modal sebagai cerminan ketidakpastian kondisi pasar secara langsung maupun tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap pertimbangan investor dalam mengambil keputusan investasi.  Investor yang rasional, pengambilan keputusan investasi didasarkan pada penilaian return maupun risiko yang terkandung dalam alternatif investasi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi internal dan eksternal perusahaan terhadap risiko sistematis saham pada kondisi pasar yang berbeda. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa data laporan keuangan harga saham.  Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh emiten yang masuk dalam perhitungan indeks LQ45 selama periode 1999 sampai 2003.  Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknk purposive sampling dan menghasilkan 15 emiten yang memenuhi syarat ditetapkan sebagai sampel. Dengan melakukan analisis regresi linier berganda terhadap variabel penelitian, diperoleh hasil bahwa secara simultan variabel-variabel internal dan eksternal perusahaan berpengaruh terhadap risiko sistematis saham pada kondisi pasar bullish maupun bearish. Secara parsial, variabel TATO, DER, ROI, PER berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap risiko sistematis saham pada kondisi pasar bullish, dengan variabel TATO yang dominan mempengaruhi.  Sedangkan pada kondisi pasar bearish, variabel CR, TATO, DER, PER, PBV, dan AS berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap risiko sistematis saham, dengan variabel AS yang dominan mempengaruhi.   Kata kunci: risiko sistematis, pasar bullish, pasar bearish     ABSTRACT   Fluctuation of stock price in the capital market as an indicator of uncertainty market, it can influence any investment decision of investors. Any rational investors, their investment decisions  are based on return valuation and risk assessment in any investment alternatives.  This research aimed to analyze effects of internal and external variables on the systematic risk of stock at different condition

  14. Peran Mediasi Citra Merek dan Persepsi Risiko pada Hubungan antara Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) dan Minat Beli (Studi pada Konsumen Kosmetik E-Commerce di Solo Raya)


    Zahra Noor Eriza


    Abstrak Electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) banyak dimanfaatkan konsumen untuk menggali informasi mengenai suatu produk. Informasi yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber di internet akan mempengaruhi persepsi konsumen terhadap citra merek, risiko dan mendorong minat beli konsumen. Penelitian ini menganalisis peran mediasi citra merek dan persepsi risiko pada hubungan E-WOM dan minat beli. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 149 konsumen di Solo Raya yang telah melakukan pembelian kosmetik melalui...

  15. Pemodelan Spasial untuk Pembuatan Peta Rawan Banjir dan Peta Tingkat Risiko Banjir Bengawan Solo di Kota Surakarta

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    Toto Cahyono


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemodelan spasial untuk menyusun Peta Bahaya Banjir dan Peta Tingkat Risiko Banjir akibat luapan Bengawan Solo di Kota Surakarta. Lokasi penelitian meliputi penggal alur Bengawan Solo di wilayah Kota Surakarta. Metode penelitian yaitu dengan analisis hidrograf, pemodelan banjir, analisis potensi bahaya banjir, analisis kerentanan banjir, dan analisis tingkat risiko banjir. Analisis hidrograf dilakukan dengan menghitung debit puncak rancangan, analisis geometrik sungai, dan analisis karakteristik banjir. Pemodelan spasial banjir menggunakan perangkat lunak ArcView dengan ekstensi HEC-GeoRAS dan perangkat lunak hidrologi HEC-RAS. Analisis potensi bahaya banjir dari peta genangan hasil pemodelan spasial dengan input debit puncak rancangan banjir periode ulang 60. Analisis kerentanan dengan identifikasi elemen yang berisiko pada peta penggunaan lahan daerah bahaya. Analisis tingkat risiko dilakukan dengan cara overlay peta bahaya dan peta kerentanan banjir. Perangkat lunak ArcView 3.3 dengan ekstensi HEC-GeoRAS mampu untuk melakukan pemodelan banjir dengan tingkat validasi yang tinggi. Validasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan kedalaman maksimum hasil pemodelan dengan hasil perhitungan debit puncak rancangan. Nilai  perbedaan antara 0,68% - 4,54%. Meskipun secara kuantitatif peta model bahaya banjir rancangan sesudah pelurusan lebih luas daripada sebelum pelurusan, tetapi berdasarkan uji statistik penambahan luas tersebut tidak berbeda signifikan. Dari peta tingkat risiko banjir diketahui Kelurahan Sewu, Semanggi, Sangkrah dan Gandekan mempunyai potensi risiko banjir tertinggi di Kota Surakarta.   ABSTRACT This research is intended to perform flood modelling in Bengawan Solo River in order to develop flood hazard map, flood vulnerability map, and flood risk map as a result of overflow of such river in Surakarta City. The research area covers cut-off channel of Bengawan Solo in Surakarta City. The

  16. Hubungan Faktor Risiko yang dapat Dimodifikasi dengan Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner di RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang

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    Suchi Ilmi Herman


    Full Text Available AbstrakSumatera Barat merupakan provinsi dengan prevalensi penyakit jantung tertinggi ke-4 di Indonesia. Prevalensi penyakit ini meningkat disebabkan karena faktor risiko yang dapat dimodifikasi yaitu dislipidemia, hipertensi, diabetes melitus, merokok, dan obesitas. Faktor risiko tersebut terkait dengan peningkatan kejadian PJK. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor risiko yang dapat dimodifikasi dengan kejadian PJK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan desain potong lintang yang dilakukan di RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang dari Desember 2012 sampai Mei 2013. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien PJK yang dirawat inap dan telah dilakukan angiografi pada Januari 2012 sampai Desember 2012 dengan 68 orang sebagai subjek penelitian. Data pasien didapatkan dari rekam medik. Data dideskripsikan dengan tabel dan dianalisis dengan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan distribusi frekuensi terbanyak pasien PJK terdapat pada kadar kolesterol HDL rendah (64,6% dan hipertensi (72,5%, namun hasil uji bivariat tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar kolesterol HDL rendah dan hipertensi terhadap kejadian PJK. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini ialah kadar kolesterol HDL rendah dan hipertensi belum tentu menyebabkan PJK.Kata kunci: penyakit jantung koroner, faktor risiko, HDLAbstractWest Sumatra is a province with the highest prevalence of heart disease 4th in Indonesia. The prevalence of this disease increases due to modifiable risk factors, namely dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, and obesity. The risk factors associate with an increased incidence of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of modifiable risk factors with CHD events. This study was a cross-sectional analytic design conducted at Hospital Dr. M. Djamil Padang from December 2012 until May 2013. The population in this study were all hospitalized CHD patients and

  17. Faktor Risiko Penyakit Ginjal Kronik : Studi Kasus Kontrol di Empat Rumah Sakit di Jakarta Tahun 2014

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    Delima Delima


    Full Text Available AbstractA case control study was conducted in four government hospitals in Jakarta according to KidneyDisease Improving Global Outcome (KDIGO 2012 criteria, in the last 10 years. Control subjectswere diagnosed as not CKD based on estimating glomerulus filtration rate (e-GFR of ≥60ml /minute/1.73m2 and normal urinalysis test. Data were collected by interviewing with subjects usingstructured questionnaires. Laboratory test results were extracted from the medical records orretested laboratory results of serum creatinine, HbA1c, and urinalysis at screening and enrollmenttime. A total of 429 eligible subjects in each group were analysed by logistic regression. Age, familyhistory of CKD, plain water consumption ≤2000ml/day, carbonated drink consumption, energy drinkconsumption, history of kidney diseases, kidney stone, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus increasedrisk of CKD with adjusted odds ratio range from 1.8 to 25.8. Consumption of coffee, tea, chocolate,alcohol drinks, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID, traditional herbal for musculoskeletaldisorder or obesity, smoking, and less quality of drinking water were not significantly associatedwith CKD. It concluded that risk factors of CKD were everyday consumption of carbonated drinkand energy drink.Key words: chronic kidney disease, risk factor, case control, hospital AbstrakPenelitian kasus-kontrol penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK telah dilakukan di empat rumah sakit (RSpemerintah di DKI Jakarta mengikuti kriteria Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcome (KDIGO2012, dan paling lama sudah sakit dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Subyek kontrol adalah pasien yang tidakmemenuhi kriteria PGK menurut penilaian dokter dan atau hasil estimasi laju filtrasi glomerulus(e-LFG ≥60ml/menit/1,73m2 dengan hasil urinalisis normal. Data faktor risiko dikumpulkan denganwawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Data laboratorium dicatat dari rekam medik atauhasil pemeriksaan ulang kadar kreatinin serum, HbA1c

  18. Risiko Kegagalan pada Kualitas Produksi Air Minum Isi Ulang di Kecamatan Sukolilo Surabaya Menggunakan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA

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    Egy Asri Yassin Utami


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan manusia terhadap air minum yang layak konsumsi semakin lama semakin berkembang sebanding dengan perkembangan penduduk yang kian lama kian meningkat. Untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air minum sehari-hari, banyak industri yang membuka usaha air minum diantaranya adalah adanya depot air minum isi ulang (DAMIU. Pemilihan depot air minum isi ulang sebagai alternatif air minum menjadi risiko yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan jika kualitas depot air minum isi ulang masih diragukan. Penilitian ini menggunakan metode FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis untuk mencari prioritas terjadinya kegagalan dalam proses pengolahan air minum isi ulang. Risiko-risiko yang didapat harus memiliki nilai agar terukur sehingga ditemukan prioritas penanganan dan dicari upaya untuk perbaikan. Penilaian tersebut dikenal dengan nilai RPN (Risk Priority Number yaitu hasil pengalian dari tingkat keparahan (severity, frekuensi kejadian (occurrence dan tingkat deteksi (detection. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan identifikasi menggunakan metode FMEA diketahui bahwa kegagalan yang terjadi pada sistem UV dengan 3 prioritas tertinggi yaitu penggunaan UV dengan nilai RPN 100, waktu kontak UV dengan nilai RPN 100 dan penggantian filter awal dengan nilai RPN 64. Pada sistem UV dan ozon, 3 prioritas tertinggi yaitu waktu kontak sistem ozon, waktu kontak UV dan penggunaan UV dengan masing-masing nilai RPN yaitu 100. Sedangkan pada sistem UV, ozon dan RO (Reverse Osmosis 3 prioritas tertinggi sama seperti dengan sistem UV dan ozon dengan nilai RPN yang berbeda yaitu lama pengoperasian dengan nilai 100, waktu kontak dan kesesuaian penggunaan UV dengan nilai 64.



    Dien Gusta Anggraini Nursal; Pratiwi Tamela; Fitrayeni Fitrayeni


    Preeklampsia merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan kehamilan dan penyebab kematian maternal. Angka kejadian preeklampsia di RSUP. DR. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2014 adalah 20,14%. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia pada ibu hamil di RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan kasus kontrol. Jumlah sampel 34 kasus dan 34 kontrol, perbandingan 1:1. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik systema...

  20. Faktor Risiko Kejadian Preeklampsia pada Ibu Hamil di Rsup Dr. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2014


    Nursal, Dien Gusta Anggraini; Tamela, Pratiwi; Fitrayeni, Fitrayeni


    Preeklampsia merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan kehamilan dan penyebab kematian maternal. Angka kejadian preeklampsia di RSUP. DR. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2014 adalah 20,14%. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia pada ibu hamil di RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan kasus kontrol. Jumlah sampel 34 kasus dan 34 kontrol, perbandingan 1:1. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik systema...

  1. Praktik pemberian makanan pendamping ASI (MP-ASI bukan faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan

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    Hildagardis M.E Nai


    status, complementary foods ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Stunting merefleksikan kegagalan proses mencapai potensi pertumbuhan linear sebagai akibat dari kondisi kesehatan dan gizi yang tidak optimal. Salah satu penyebab kejadian stunting adalah kuantitas dan kualitas MP-ASI yang rendah.Tujuan: Untuk mengidentifikasi risiko praktik pemberian MP-ASI seperti usia pengenalan MP-ASI, keragaman MP-ASI, dan frekuensi MP-ASI dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan di Kecamatan Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta.Metode: Rancangan penelitian ini adalah kasus-kontrol dengan perbandingan 1:1 dan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif-kualitatif model concurrent embedded. Kasus adalah anak usia 6-23 bulan yang memiliki skor-z PB/U <-2SD. Kontrol adalah anak usia 6-23 bulan yang memiliki skor-z PB/U ≥-2SD yang tinggal berdekatan dengan kelompok kasus. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat (deskriptif, bivariat (uji chi-square dan multivariat (uji regresi logistik berganda.Hasil: Analisis bivariat menunjukkan usia pengenalan MP-ASI (OR=1,07, keragaman MP-ASI (OR=1,17, dan frekuensi pemberian MP-ASI (OR=1,69 bukan faktor risiko kejadian stunting (p>0,05. Skor keragaman MP-ASI yang lebih rendah (kelompok makanan ≤2, 3, 4 berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko kejadian stunting berturut-turut OR=2,24, 95% CI:1,00-5,01; OR=1,82, 95% CI:0,96-3,45; OR=1,66, 95% CI:0,81-3,46. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan faktor risiko kejadian stunting adalah tinggi badan ibu (OR=1,86 dan riwayat berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR (OR=3,23,.Kesimpulan: Praktik pemberian MP-ASI seperti usia pengenalan, keragaman, dan frekuensi pemberian MP-ASI bukan merupakan faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan. Faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan yang bermakna adalah tinggi badan ibu dan riwayat BBLR.KATA KUNCI: stunting, asupan makan, status gizi, MP-ASI


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    Denny Nurkertamanda


    Full Text Available Salah satu pekerjaan angkat angkut adalah pekerjaan menurunkan pasir dari atas truk. Dalam bekerja, pekerja menggunakan alat bantu berupa enggrong yang merupakan sekop dengan gagang pendek. Akibat penggunaan enggrong, pekerja bekerja dengan postur tubuh membungkuk. Postur kerja ini menimbulkan potensi low back pain pada pekerja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 9 partisipan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui potensi risiko low back pain berdasarkan sudut kemiringan trunk ketika pekerja bekerja menurunkan pasir dengan enggrong. Sudut kemiringan trunk yang diprediksi meliputi: 1 sudut kemiringan trunk flexion, 2 sudut kemiringan trunk bending, dan 3 sudut kemiringan trunk twisting. Data postur kerja diambil dengan menggunakan kamera 3D Microsoft KinectTM dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan software Siemen Jack metode 3D Static Strength Prediction Program (3DSSPP untuk memprediksi sudut kemiringan trunk. Hasil analisis dari ke-6 postur kerja menunjukkan postur-postur kerja yang sering dilakukan pekerja mempunyai rerata sudut kemiringan trunk flexion sebesar 61,10 ± 10,090, sudut kemiringan trunk bending sebesar 19,80 ± 6,740 dan sudut kemiringan trunk twisting sebesar 20,00 ± 9,030. Rerata sudut kemiringan trunk flexion yang mencapai 87,28 %  dari sudut kemiringan maksimal merupakan penyebab utama risiko low back pain. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan potensi terjadinya low back pain pada pekerja pasiran dapat terjadi. Perlu intervensi ergonomi untuk mencegah dan mengurangi potensi risiko terjadi low back pain pada pekerja pasiran.   Abstract One of the manual matrial handling jobs is the derivative work from the top of the truck. In working the workers use a tool that enggrong which is a short-handed shovel. Due to the use of employee enggrong work with stooped posture. This work posture raises the potential for low back pain in workers. This study is a cross sectional study with a sample of 9

  3. Faktor Risiko Lingkungan dengan Kejadian ISPA pada Balita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Sofia Sofia


    Full Text Available Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI is still one public health problem that is important to note, because it is an acute illness and can even cause death in infants in developing countries, including Indonesia. In general, there are three the risk factors of ARI namely environmental factors, individual factors of children, and behavioral factors. The aim of research to find out the environmental risk factors with the incidence of  ARI  in Toddlers in Public Health Center of Ingin Jaya, Aceh Besar district. This type of research is an analytic survey with cross-sectional study approach. The sample size is calculated using the formula Lemeshow of 100 respondents, samples were taken randomly. Data analysis using Chi-Square test. The results showed that the level of humidity in the home (p= 0,039, smoking habits of family members in the home (p= 0,001, and the habit of using mosquito coils in the home (p= 0,003 as a risk factor for ISPA to children in Region Public Health Center of Ingin Jaya, Aceh Besar district. Conclusion, risk factor of ARI in the toddler that is a smoking habit, usage habit of mosquito coil and air humidity. Suggestions, the public in order to maintain air quality in the home environment to avoid various transmission of infectious diseases. Keywords: Air humidity, habits, environment, ARI Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA masih menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting untuk diperhatikan, karena merupakan penyakit akut dan bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian pada balita di berbagai negara berkembang termasuk  Indonesia. Secara umum ada 3 (tiga faktor risiko terjadinya ISPA yaitu faktor lingkungan, faktor individu anak, serta faktor perilaku. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor risiko lingkungan dengan kejadian ISPA pada Balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Jenis penelitian adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatan Crossectional study. Besarnya sampel dihitung


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    Miswanto Miswanto


    Full Text Available Abstract: Policy in Determining and Financing Company’s Working Capital. In funding working capital, a company can use hedging policy, conservative policy, and aggressive policy. In relation to long-term versus short-term financing, temporary versus permanent current assets, and the trade-off between risk and profitability, it can be concluded that when the temporary current assets are financed by short-term financing they have moderate risk and profitability, when the temporary current assets are financed by long-term financing they have low risk and profitability, when the permanent current assets are financed by short-term funding they have high risk and profitability, and when the permanent current assets are financed by long-term financing they have moderate risk-profitability. To measure the performance of the working capital management, the working capital position of the company needs to be analyzed. By using the data presented on the balance sheet and income statement, the company can carry out the analysis of working capital performance using financial ratio analysis on working capital, analysis of the funding sources and use of funding statement, and analysis of the company's cash flow statement. Keywords: liquidity, capital, financing, profitability, and risk   Abstrak: Kebijakan dalam Penentuan dan Pendanaan Modal Kerja Perusahaan. Dalam mendanai modal kerja, perusahaan dapat menggunakan kebijakan hedging, kebijakan konservatif, dan kebijakan agresif. Dalam hubungannya antara pendanaan jangka pendek versus jangka panjang, aktiva lancar temporer versus permanen, dan trade-off antara risiko dan profitabilitas diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa jika aktiva lancar temporer dibiayai dengan pendanaan jangka pendek memiliki risiko dan profitabilitas moderat, jika aktiva lancar temporer dibiayai dengan pendanaan jangka panjang memiliki risiko dan profitabilitas rendah, jika aktiva lancar permanen dibiayai dengan pendanaan jangka pendek memiliki


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    Puti Sari H


    Full Text Available Abstrak Tujuan penulisan ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor tidak langsung yang dapat mempengaruhi risiko kehamilan. Desain penelitian cross sectional. Data yang dianalisis merupakan data hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas tahun 2010 yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Badan Litbangkes. Unit analisis adalah ibu atau wanita usia subur (WUS yang pernah melahirkan minimal 1 anak dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun terakhir sampai dengan saat wawancara. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode logistik regresi untuk mengetahui faktor yang paling dominan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa variabel yang paling dominan dalam hubungan antara faktor tidak langsung dengan kejadian fisiko kehamilan 4-T (terlalu tua, terlalu muda, terlalu banyak dan terlalu dekat adalah variabel tempat tinggal  (desa/kota,  tingkat  pendidikan,  status  ekonomi,  dan  keinginan  hamil.  Ibu  yang  tinggal  di perdesaan berpeluang 1,1 kali berisiko kehamilan 4T, sementara ibu yang berpendidikan rendah (SD ke bawah berpeluang 1,4 kali untuk mengalami risiko kehamilan. Ibu dari keluarga miskin berpeluang 1,3 kali mengalami risiko kehamilan, sedangkan ibu yang sulit akses ke pelayanan kesehatan berpeluang 1,9 kali berisiko hamil dengan kondisi 4-T, dan ibu yang tidak/belum ingin hamil berpeluang 4,9 kali mengalami risiko kehamilan. Masalah risiko kehamilan lebih mungkin terjadi pada kelompok ibu yang tinggal di perdesaan, dengan tingkat pendidikan dan ekonomi rendah, dan kesulitan akses ke fasilitas kesehatan serta belum atau tidak menginginkan kehamilannya. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan pemerataan program jamkesmas agar keluarga tidak mampu dan yang tinggal di perdesaan semakin mudah untuk mendapat  pelayanan  kesehatan.  Selain  itu  memprioritaskan  pembangunan  fasilitas  kesehatan  dan penyediaan tenaga kesehatan di perdesaan, dan juga penyuluhan tentang cara mengatur kehamilan yang sehat.Kata kunci : risiko kehamilan, WUS, 4-TAbstract The purpose


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    Diana Andriyani Pratamawati


    Full Text Available EnglishABSTRACTOn February 9, 2012 date specified chikungunya outbreak in Salatiga. This study aimed to examine behavioral and environmental risk factors associated with the disease, vector, modes of transmission, treatment seeking, as well as ways to prevent chikungunya on people in the hamlet Sinoman and Rekesan during the chikungunya outbreak in 2012 . This type of research is used case-control study. This study was conducted in January through April of 2012. Interview and observations conducted on 134 respondents. There is no relationship between the incidence of chikungunya respondent behavior and the behavior of the respondent is not proven as a risk factor chikungunya. But  events, there is a relationship between the incidence of chikungunya lighting and home lighting proved to be a risk factor for chikungunya incidence and its risk by 2.8 times. In addition to lighting, there is a relationship between the incidence of chikungunya home humidity, although not statistically proven as a risk factor for chikungunya. There was a significant association between the presence of mosquitoes on the clothes hanging in the incidence of chikungunya, in harmony with it has been shown that the presence of mosquitoes at the clothes hanging heightens the risk by 4.19 times causing events are expected to cultivate back chikungunya. People must have eradication of mosquito breeding activity, do not hang clothes secondhand, using a wire gauze on the vent, and the use of anti-mosquito drugs to avoid contact with the mosquitoborne chikungunya .IndonesiaKejadian luar biasa (KLB penyakit chikungunya di Kota Salatiga pada tanggal 9 Februari 2012 Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji faktor risiko perilaku dan lingkungan rumah, yang berkaitan dengan penyakit, vektor, cara penularan, pencarian pengobatan, serta cara pencegahan chikungunya di Dusun Sinoman dan Rekesan ketika KLB Chikungunya tahun 2012. Rancangan penelitian adalah case control. Penelitian ini

  7. Hubungan Risiko Perusahaan dan Risiko Pasar serta Pengaruhnya pada Tingkat Diversifikasi Portofolio Saham

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    Kusbiantono Kusbiantono


    Full Text Available This research objectives is to know empirically the connection between market risk and company risk on individual stock and portfolio stock, also the effect on stock diversification on Jakarta Stock Exchange. The result is there is correlation between market risk and company risk on individual stock and portfolio stock. Stock portfolio that form from stock with low beta score have smaller company risk compare to stock portfolio that form from stock with high beta score. The bigger number of stock in portfolio, the better diversification level on that portfolio.  

  8. Permodelan Risiko Kenaikan Tarif Dasar Listrik Terhadap Biaya Produksi Kapal Baru

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    Very Purwo Nugroho


    Full Text Available Pada Tugas Akhir dikembangkan model risiko pengaruh kenaikan Tarif Dasar Listrik terhadap biaya produksi kapal baru. Variabel yang terpengaruh kenaikan TDL pada produksi kapal didapatkan dengan identifikasi dan evaluasi pemakaian energi listrik pada fasilitas produksi, pengaruh terhadap tenaga kerja serta pengaruh terhadap biaya material dan komponen  kapal. Material dan komponen tersebut dikelompokan menjadi material lokal manufaktur (Local Manufacture, lokal CKD (Completely Knock-Down, import CBU (Completely Built-Up dan import trading. Model yang dikembangkan mempunyai variabel yang terpengaruh kenaikan TDL terdiri dari (i kenaikan biaya listrik dan (ii kenaikan harga material yang sensitif terhadap kenaikan TDL. Material dan komponen yang sensitif terhadap kenaikan TDL  yaitu material kelompok lokal manufaktur seperti pelat baja dan konsumabel gas serta kelompok lokal CKD (Completely Knock-Down seperti pendingin ruangan (Air Conditioner Equipment, Main Switch Board (MSB dan Alarm Monitoring System (AMS.


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    Miftah Fatmawati


    Full Text Available Berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR menjadi salah satu penyebab utama mortalitas bayi. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah apakah ada hubungan antarapaparan pestisida pada masa kehamilan dengan kejadian BBLR di daerah pertanian. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian BBLR. Penelitian ini merupakanstudi case control. Subjek dibagi menjadi dua kelompok: kelompok kasus sejumlah 25 petanidengan riwayat melahirkan BBLR dan kelompok kontrol yang merupakan tetangga dari subjek kasus tanpa riwayat melahirkan BBLR sejumlah 25 petani. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat (chi square dan fisher sebagai alternatifnya. Faktor risiko yang terbukti berhubungan dengan kejadian BBLR antara lain: pekerjaan ibu hamil yang berkaitan dengan pestisida (OR = 6,769; kelengkapan alat pelindung diri (APD saat beraktivitas di ladang (OR= 18,857; dan penyimpanan pestisida (OR= 12,667. Saran yang direkomendasikan adalah menghindari pekerjaan yang berkaitan langsung dengan pestisida selama masa kehamilan, jika memang harus ikut dalam kegiatan pertanian maka ibu hamil sebaiknya menggunakan APD lengkap.   Low birth weight becomes one problem that may cause infant mortality. This study aimed to find the relation between pesticide exposure during pregnancy and low birth weight. This was case control study. The subjects were divided into two groups: 25 farmers with low birth weight infants as case group, and subjects 25 farmers with normal birth weight infants wholived around the case group as control group. Data were collected with interview and observation. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis (chi-square test and fisher test. Risk factors during pregnancy that associated with lowbirth weight were activities with pesticide during pregnancy (OR= 6,769; personal protective equipment completeness (OR= 18,857; and storage of pesticide

  10. Hubungan Berbagai Faktor Risiko Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner Pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Fadma Yuliani


    Full Text Available AbstrakPenyebab mortalitas dan morbiditas utama pada pasien diabetes mellitus (DM tipe 2 adalah penyakit jantung koroner (PJK dimana penderitanya dua sampai empat kali lebih berisiko terkena penyakit jantung dari pada non DM. Mekanisme terjadinya PJK pada DM tipe 2 dikaitkan dengan adanya aterosklerosis yang dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan berbagai faktor risiko terhadap kejadian PJK pada penderita DM tipe 2. Penelitian dilaksanakan di RSUP. Dr. M. Djamil Padang dan RS. Khusus Jantung Sumbar pada bulan Maret-Agustus 2013. Penelitian bersifat analitik dengan desain cross sectional comparative. Jumlah sampel 176 orang yang terdiri dari 88 orang penderita DM dengan PJK dan 88 orang DM tanpa PJK. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan uji chi-square menggunakan sistem komputerisasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian PJK pada penderita DM tipe 2 adalah jenis kelamin (p=0,000, lama menderita DM (p=0,043, hipertensi (p=0,007, dislipidemia (p=0,000, obesitas (p=0,023, dan merokok (p=0,000. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang sangat bermakna (p<0,0001 antara jenis kelamin, dislipidemia, dan merokok dengan kejadian PJK pada penderita DM tipe 2 dan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna (p<0,05 antara lama menderita DM, hipertensi, obesitas dengan kejadian PJK pada penderita DM tipe 2.Kata kunci: DM tipe 2, PJK, faktor risikoAbstractThe main causes of mortality and morbidity in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM patients is coronary heart disease (CHD which adults who suffer from DM are two to four times have the risk of heart disease than people without DM. The mechanism of CHD in DM is associated with the presence of atherosclerosis that influenced by various factors. This research has aims to determine the relationship of risk factors for CHD incident in patients with DM. The study was conducted in the Dr. M. Djamil Padang and Cardiac Hospital of West Sumatra from March to August

  11. Faktor Risiko Asma Pada Murid Sekolah Dasar Usia 6-7 Tahun di Kota Padang

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    Afdal .


    Full Text Available Abstrak Latar belakang : Asma merupakan penyakit kronik yang sering dijumpai pada anak. Dilaporkan bahwa prevalens asma meningkat pada anak maupun dewasa. Usia 6-7 tahun merupakan periode dimana prevalens asma dan angka kunjungan ke rumah sakit karena asma lebih tinggi. Terjadinya asma dianggap sebagai interaksi yang kompleks antara faktor genetik dan faktor lingkungan. Faktor genetik sudah dibuktikan dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya, tetapi karakteristik faktor risiko lingkungan pada asma belum jelas. Apabila melihat derajat peningkatan kejadian asma, tidak mungkin hanya faktor genetik yang berperan, tetapi peran faktor lingkungan justru yang lebih besar. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui prevalens dan faktor risiko asma pada anak SD usia 6-7 tahun di Kota Padang.Metoda : Suatu penelitian cross sectional di 20 SD di Kota Padang pada bulan Juni – November 2009 dengan jumlah sampel 879 orang. Terhadap setiap subjek dilakukan penelitian yaitu pembagian kuisioner ISAAC (international study of asthma and allergies in childhood untuk orang tua. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji chi-square untuk variabel katagorik dan analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik. Data dianalisis menggunakan peranti lunak komputer.Hasil : Prevalens asma pada murid SD usia 6-7 tahun di Kota Padang berdasarkan kuisioner ISAAC sebesar 8%. Faktor yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap kejadian asma adalah atopi ayah atau ibu, diikuti faktor berat badan lahir dan kebiasaan merokok pada ibu serta pemberian obat parasetamol. Sedangkan pemberian ASI dan kontak dengan unggas merupakan faktor protektif terhadap kejadian asma. Kata kunci: faktor risiko, asma, sekolah dasar Abstract Background: Background Asthma is a common chronic disease in children. It had been reported that the prevalence of asthma in children and adults was increasing. The age of 6-7 years is the period where the prevalence and the number of visits to the hospital because of asthma are higher. The

  12. Environmental pollution: Measurable quantity or a problem of general risk acceptance?; Die stoffliche Belastung der Umwelt. Eine Systemgroesse oder eine Frage der allgemeinen Risikoakzeptanz?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ballschmiter, K.


    Having different disciplines give different meanings to one same word is not unusual; using the word 'risk' in an environmental context has its specific importance. The classical definitions of 'risk' as the possibility of an adverse incident have been projected in the environmental and human health study areas. Risk-acceptance and risk-preference are general factors of the everyday life and even find a role in economics. However, their use as parameters in the field of environmental hazards should be avoided, or at least be defined as to their meaning. The environment is a complex system of mass fluxes and interdependencies that can be observed and described but not regulated in its global dimension. Technology assessment has here a specific task in defining precaution as the prevention of hazards as well as the 'repair in advance' of potential environmental risks of global dimensions. The globe as a whole and many of its parts cannot be subjected to 'end of the pipe' repair strategies. (orig.) [German] Das Phaenomen der unterschiedlichen Fuellung eines Begriffs in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen ist nicht neu; es wird aber besonders deutlich bei der Verwendung des Begriffes Risiko, wenn es um reale oder nur als moeglich angesehene Gefaehrdungen im Umweltbereich geht. Es werden die klassischen Definitionen eines Risikos, d.h. des moeglichen Eintritts eines Schadensereignisses, in ihrer Anwendung auf moegliche Schadensereignisse fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit gegenueber gestellt. Es wird die These vertreten, dass spezifische Formen der Risikoakzeptanz und Risikopraeferenz sehr wohl Faktoren der persoenlichen Lebensgestaltung sein koennen und auch in wirtschaftlichen Unternehmungen definierbare Groessen sind, dass sie aber fuer vom Menschen angestossene Veraenderungen in der Umwelt und hier insbesondere im Bereich der stofflichen Vorgaenge in den globalen Dimensionen nicht eingebracht werden koennen oder wenigstens eine sehr eigene

  13. Erhöht ein Opfer-Täter-Zyklus das Risiko, Sexualstraftaten als pädosexuelle Straftaten zu begehen? : Ergebnisse einer ereignisanalytischen Pilotstudie


    Urban, Dieter; Lindhorst, Heiko


    Die Pilotstudie untersucht mittels multivariater Ereignisanalysen den Übergang vom ehemaligen Opfer pädosexuellen bzw. körperlichen Missbrauchs zum pädosexuellen Täter im Lebensverlauf verurteilter Sexualstraftäter. Zur Erklärung dieses Übergangs werden aus den wichtigsten täterorientierten Theoriemodellen drei Hypothesen abgeleitet, die empirisch getestet werden sollen. Diese Hypothesen betreffen das Risiko, nach Opfererfahrungen in der Kindheit zum Täter pädosexuellen Missbrauchs zu werden....

  14. Erhöht ein Opfer-Täter-Zyklus das Risiko, Sexualstraftaten als pädosexuelle Straftaten zu begehen? : Ergebnisse einer ereignisanalytischen Pilotstudie


    Urban, Dieter; Lindhorst, Heiko


    "Die Pilotstudie untersucht mittels multivariater Ereignisanalysen den Übergang vom ehemaligen Opfer pädosexuellen bzw. körperlichen Missbrauchs zum pädosexuellen Täter im Lebensverlauf verurteilter Sexualstraftäter. Zur Erklärung dieses Übergangs werden aus den wichtigsten täterorientierten Theoriemodellen drei Hypothesen abgeleitet, die empirisch getestet werden sollen. Diese Hypothesen betreffen das Risiko, nach Opfererfahrungen in der Kindheit zum Täter pädosexuellen Missbrauchs zu werden...

  15. Model Pengendalian Faktor Risiko Stunting pada Anak Bawah Tiga Tahun

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    Erna Kusumawati


    Full Text Available Stunting merupakan masalah gizi, terbukti data pemantauan status gizi Kabupaten Banyumas 2012 prevalensi stunting sebesar 28,37% dan prevalensi tertinggi (41,6% di Puskesmas Kedungbanteng. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor risiko terkait faktor anak, ibu, lingkungan terhadap stunting bawah tiga tahun (batita agar dapat dikembangkan model pengendaliannya. Penelitian menggunakan desain kasus kontrol, populasi adalah seluruh anak usia 6 sampai 36 bulan di Puskesmas Kedungbanteng Kabupaten Banyumas selama enam bulan tahun 2013. Sampel kasus adalah 50 batita stunting, sampel kontrol adalah 50 batita status normal. Teknik pengambilan sampel kasus diambil dari tujuh desa yang terbanyak stuntingnya, sedangkan kontrol adalah batita normal tetangga terdekat kasus dengan usia yang disamakan. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan pengukuran. Analisis data univariat, bivariat (uji kai kuadrat, dan multivariat (uji regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian menemukan karakteristik batita stunting terkena penyakit infeksi (82%, riwayat panjang badan lahir < 48 centimeter (66%, riwayat pemberian ASI dan makanan pendamping ASI kurang baik (66%, riwayat berat badan lahir rendah (8%. Pada penelitian ini, faktor risiko stunting adalah penyakit infeksi, pelayanan kesehatan, immunisasi, pengetahuan ibu, pendapatan keluarga, ketersediaan pangan keluarga, dan sanitasi lingkungan. Faktor yang paling dominan adalah penyakit infeksi. Model pengendalian stunting melalui peningkatan pemberdayaan keluarga terkait pencegahan penyakit infeksi, memanfaatkan pekarangan sebagai sumber gizi keluarga dan perbaikan sanitasi lingkungan. Model of Stunting Risk Factor Control among Children under Three Years Old Stunting is a nutritional problem, proved by the evidence of nutritional status monitoring at Banyumas District in 2012, the prevalence of stunting was 28.37% and the highest prevalence 41.6% at Kedungbanteng Primary Health Care. This study aimed to analyze risk factors

  16. Penyusunan Perencanaan Keberlangsungan Bisnis PT PLN (Persero APD Jateng dan DIY dengan ISO 22301 dan Metode OCTAVE

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    Azmi Afifah Zahra


    Full Text Available Abstrak— Penelitian dalam tugas akhir ini adalah melakukan penyusunan perencanaan keberlangsungan bisnis teknologi informasi pada PT PLN (Persero APD Jateng dan DIY dengan berbasis risiko sebagai bentuk kesiapan perusahaan dalam menangani risiko dan dampak bisnis yang mengancam perusahaan. PT PLN (Persero APD Jateng dan DIY menggunakan sistem dan layanan TI sebagai daya dukung perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuannya. Penggunaan sistem dan layanan TI tersebut tidak terlepas dari adanya ancaman pada risiko sistem dan layanan TI serta dampak dari proses bisnis yang dijalankan oleh tiap fungsi bisnis perusahaan. Dalam proses penyusunan untuk perencanaan keberlangsungan bisnis akan dibuat terlebih dahulu alur kerja untuk kegiatan pengelolaan keberlangsungan bisnis (Business Continuity Management untuk PT PLN (Persero APD Jateng dan DIY dengan menggunakan acuan ISO 22301: 2012 dan alur kerja yang telah diterapkan oleh perusahaan lain yaitu dari Perusahaan Chubu Electric Power Company Group dan DHS Electricity dengan tetap memberikan prosedur praktis yang dapat disesuaikan oleh PT PLN (Persero APD Jateng dan DIY. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah berupa rekomendasi penerapan alur kerja dan strategi keberlangsungan bisnis untuk PT PLN (Persero berdasarkan pada risiko aset TI yang menjadi tanggung jawab tim SCADA dan Telekomunikasi.

  17. Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Bidan dalam Pencegahan Risiko Penularan HIV/AIDS pada Pertolongan Persalinan Normal di Kota Tanjungpinang Tahun 2014

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    Rahmadona .


    Full Text Available AbstrakKasus HIV/AIDS di Kota Tanjungpinang lebih banyak dialami perempuan usia reproduksi. Dari 925 kasus HIV/AIDS hingga tahun 2013, 502 kasus diderita perempuan sementara laki-laki hanya 423 kasus. Perempuan usia reproduksi tersebut dapat saja hamil dan melahirkan ke bidan. Bidan berisiko tinggi tertular HIV/AIDS pada saat menolong persalinan. Pencegahan risiko penularan HIV/AIDS dalam pertolongan persalinan normal tercermin dari perilaku bidan dalam menerapkan kewaspadaan standar. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku bidan dalam pencegahan risiko penularan HIV/AIDS pada pertolongan persalinan normal di Kota Tanjungpinang tahun 2014. Penelitian ini merupakan analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Dilakukan terhadap 39 orang bidan dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan pedoman observasi. Data dianalisis dengan uji Chi Square dan regresi logistik ganda. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku bidan adalah pengetahuan (p=0,027, sikap (p=0,004, motivasi (p= 0,047, supervisi (p=0,001 dan ketersediaan sarana (p=0,002. Faktor paling dominan yang berhubungan adalah supervisi (p=0,000. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah bidan akan berperilaku baik dalam pencegahan risiko penularan HIV/AIDS pada pertolongan persalinan normal apabila berpengetahuan baik, bersikap positif, memiliki motivasi tinggi, dilakukan supervisi serta didukung dengan sarana yang lengkap.Kata Kunci: Perilaku, pencegahan HIV/AIDS, pertolongan persalinan normal, pengetahuan, sikap, motivasi, supervisi, ketersediaan sarana.AbstractHIV/AIDS cases in Tanjungpinang city were suffered by women at reproductive ages. 925 HIV/AIDS cases trough 2013, 502 cases were suffered by women while 423 cases were men. This women may become pregnant and deliver their babies at midwives assistance. Midwives are at high risk of HIV/AIDS tramsmission while assisting delivery. Prevention risk of HIV/AIDS transmission in normal delivery assistance

  18. Analisa Risiko Teknologi Informasi di Divisi Produksi PT. X


    Djimantoro, Stevie Pramudita; Wibowo, Adi; Gunawan, Ibnu


    PT. X is a tobacco company. In order to support its business processes, this company uses software, hardware, network and machines for production process. However, this company is lack of monitoring of IT tools so that when problems occur, the problem solving can be delayed, and it has no plans if disaster might happen.This thesis assess IT risks and company's business processes. This assessment uses COBIT 4.1 standard, ISO 31000, and for the calculation used Risk Rating Methodology OWASP. Ri...


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    Siti Isfandari


    berisiko umumnya dimulai pada periode ini. Perhatian pada remaja merupakan salah kunci sukses  keberhasilan program kesehatan.  Strategi yang menempatkan remaja sebagai pusat akan menguntungkan  remaja dan kesehatan mereka di masa dewasa. Cukup banyak penelitian  yang memuat informasi kesehatan remaja, namun belum disusun secara sistematis. Tulisan ini bertujuan merangkum penelitian kesehatan remaja yang tersebar untuk mendapatkan gambaran lebih lengkap mengenai  kesehatan  remaja  dan  faktor  risiko  berdasarkan  bukti  dengan  fokus  utama pada hasil Riskesdas 2007 dan 2010 dilengkapi dengan hasil penelitian lain. Dilakukan analisa dan interpretasi terhadap laporan dan hasil penelitian. Diperoleh hasil 90% remaja Indonesia mempunyai kesehatan yang baik, tidak bermasalah kesehatan. Hanya 10% remaja yang memiliki masalah kesehatan fisik atau emosional. Hal yang memprihatinkan adalah tingginya prevalensi merokok, pola makan kurang serat dan kurang akttivitas fisik yang merupakan kontributor  PTM  di  masa  dewasa. Diperlukan intervensi yang berbeda bagi remaja tanpa masalah kesehatan dan dengan masalah kesehata. Intervensi berupa kegiatan promosi dan promosi lebih ditujukan pada remaja tanpa masalah kesehatan namun berperilaku berisiko. Sedangkan pelayanan kesehatan bagi remaja dengan masalah kesehatan harus mulai menyediakan pelayanan mental emosional remaja, kesehatan reproduksi dan kesehatan lalu - lintas. Porgram modifikasi perilaku pro sehat dapat ditawarkan di pusat kesehatan.Kata kunci: Indonesia, remaja, kesehatan, pelayanan, risiko

  20. KONDISI SOSIAL-MASYARAKAT PADA KARAKTERISTIK FISIK LINGKUNGAN DALAM MEMPENGARUHI RISIKO LONGSOR DI KARANGSAMBUNG-KEBUMEN (Social-Population Condition on The Physical Environment Characteristics in Influence The Risk of Landslide in Karangsambung

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    Puguh Dwi Raharjo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Faktor fisik, sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan memainkan peran kunci kerentanan longsor dalam menentukan risikonya. Kecamatan Karangsambung Kabupaten Kebumen merupakan daerah dengan ragam topografi dan litologi yang memiliki intensitas tanah longsor tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan sosial-masyarakat pada setiap desa di Kecamatan Karangsambung dalam mempengaruhi risiko tanah longsor. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis mengenai faktor fisik lingkungan berupa pembuatan peta ancaman longsor. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP digunakan sebagai metode dalam pembuatan peta ancaman yang diolah dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG. Ancaman longsor dihubungkan dengan kondisi sosial-masyarakat dan lingkungan, sehingga terlihat peranannya dalam mengurangi risiko longsor. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa Desa Totogan, Pujotirto, Wadasmalang, Kaligending, Plumbon, Banioro dan Tlepok memiliki tingkat ancaman longsor yang tinggi. Namun kondisi sosial-masyarakat sangat baik dalam mengatasi dampak dan mitigasi bencana longsor, kecuali pada Banioro. Desa Totogan juga memiliki ancaman longsor akan tetapi kerugian lingkungan apabila terjadi longsor tidak tinggi. Kondisi sosial-masyarakat di setiap desa sangat berpengaruh terhadap risiko longsor pada Kecamatan Karangsambung yang sering terjadi longsor. ABSTRACT Physical, social, economic and environment factors play a role in susceptibility the landslides risk. Subdistricts of Karangsambung - Kebumen is a region with diverse topography and lithology which has a high-intensity landslides. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of socio-community in Karangsambung which influencing the landslides risk. In this study, we analytedevery environmental physical factors to give the landslide hazard map. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP is used as a method to processing landslides maps using Geographic Information System (GIS. The landslides hazard associated


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    Lulus Susanti


    < 0.05.Keywords :knowledge, attitude, practice, chikungunya, risk factorAbstrakChikungunya adalah salah satu penyakit re-emerging disease di Indonesia. Gejala yang paling menonjol pada kasus ini adanya rasa nyeri yang hebat pada setiap persendian, terutama sendi lutut, pergelangan kaki dan tangan, serta sendi-sendi tulang punggung sehingga sendi susah untuk digerakkan. Penyakit ini diakibatkan oleh virus dari kelompok virus Chikungunya (CHIKV. Di Jawa Tengah terjadi peningkatan kasus Chikungunya, mulai tahun 2005 berjumlah 46 orang kemudian meningkat pada tahun 2006 menjadi 86 orang dan 2007 mencapai 2.801 kasus. Persebaran kasus mencapai beberapa kabupaten di Jawa Tengah termasuk Kabupaten Boyolali, yang memberikan kontribusi dalam jumlah penderita Chikungunya yang cukup besar 5. Pada tahun 2007dan 2008 jumlah kasus Chikungunya di Kabupaten Boyolali mencapai 634 dan 517 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik masyarakat, kondisi sosial ekonomi, pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat, data entomologi dan lingkungan sebagai faktor risiko terhadap kasus Chikungunya, di Boyolali. Penelitian ini merupakan studi epidemiologi analitik dengan rancangan case control study. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan Chikungunya terjadi paling banyak pada kisaran umur 20 – 45 dan 46 – 64 tahun, masing-masing sebanyak 51 (39,23% dan 50 kasus (38,46%, dengan jenis kelamin perempuan 80 kasus (61,54%. Sedangkan pendidikan kasus Chikungunya tertinggi adalah tidak tamat SD sebesar 34 kasus (26,15% dan pekerjaan berupa petani sebanyak 41 kasus (31,54%. Dari karakteristik responden ini hanya jenis kelamin yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kasus dengan nilai P< 0,05. Sedangan pengetahuan dan perilaku masyarakat tentang pencegahan penyakit Chikungunya tidak berhubungan dengan kasus dengan nilai P>0,05.Keberadaan pakaian tergantung tidak berhubungan dengan kasus Chikungunya, sedangkan keberadaan jentik nyamuk di TPA berhubungan dengan kasus

  2. Use of MRI in interventions in head and neck surgery; Die Nutzung der Magnetresonanztomographie bei Interventionen auf dem Gebiet der HNO-Heilkunde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schulz, T.; Schneider, J.P.; Schmidt, F.; Kahn, T. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Diagnostische Radiologie; Bootz, F.; Weber, A. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer HNO-Heilkunde; Weidenbach, H. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Pathologie; Heinke, W. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Anaesthesie und Intensivmedizin; Koehler-Brock, A. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie


    moeglich. Schlussfolgerungen: das chirurgische Risiko und die postoperative Morbiditaet sind im Vergleich zu anderen Verfahren an der Schaedelbasis und in der Kopf-Hals-Region bei der Verwendung intraoperativer Bildgebung geringer. Interventionelle MRT optimiert minimal invasive, operative Zugaenge zu schwer erreichbaren Laesionen bei Katheterplatzierungen und zur petroclivalen Region. (orig.)

  3. Long-term success and risk for marathon runners; Langzeiterfolg und Risiko der Marathonlaeufer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schueller-Weidekamm, C. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien (Austria). AKH, Abteilung fuer Neuroradiologie und Muskuloskelettale Radiologie, Klinik fuer Radiodiagnostik


    The popularity of marathon running has increased during recent years, which is reflected by the dramatic increase in the number of competitions and participants. Running a marathon itself does not usually cause any severe lesions of the joints but the problems mostly occur during training prior to the marathon. Before the event runners often question whether they can successfully take part in the competition and cope with the pain that might occur during running. In addition to the rare acute trauma, which is in general caused by falls or slipping, chronic injuries are of particular relevance for long distance running. This article describes the typical patterns of injuries to long distance runners, the positive effects of running a marathon and the risk factors for injuries. (orig.) [German] Die Popularitaet des Marathonlaufens ist in den letzten Jahren gestiegen, was an der rasch zunehmenden Anzahl von Wettbewerben und Teilnehmern erkennbar ist. Nicht der Marathonlauf an sich ist belastend fuer die Gelenke, sondern meistens spielen sich die Probleme schon im Vorfeld waehrend der Trainingsvorbereitung ab. Eine der wichtigsten Fragen fuer jeden Laeufer vor dem grossen Ereignis ist, ob es trotz der haeufig auftretenden Gelenkschmerzen waehrend des Laufens moeglich ist, am Marathonlauf erfolgreich teilzunehmen. Neben den seltenen akuten Verletzungen, die durch Stuerze oder Fehltritte zu Stande kommen, stehen bei den Langstreckenlaeufern eher die chronischen Verletzungen im Vordergrund. Dieser Artikel beschreibt die typischen Verletzungsmuster bei Langstreckenlaeufern, die positiven Effekte des Marathonlaufens sowie die Risikofaktoren fuer eine erhoehte Verletzungsgefahr. (orig.)

  4. Manajemen Risiko Teknologi Informasi: Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Jasa

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    Achmad Reza Viyanto


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to identify and quantify risks that may occur any time in the application of information technology in a company, as well as to provide information on the risks associated with the security of information technology system of the company. The methods used are: data collection and analysis techniques. Data collection includes: literature and field studies, in which the field study is conducted by interview and observation. Analytical technique used in the measurement of risk is OCTAVE-S. The results found the risks associated with security management, contingency planning, vulnerability management, as well as design and security architecture. It iscocluded from this this study that there are still a lot of risks that can threaten companies such as lack of contingency and disaster recovery plan.

  5. Analisis Komparasi Pembentukan Gap Sensitivitas Sebagai Instrumen Manajemen Risiko (Studi Pada Bank Umum Konvensional Dan Bank Umum Syari`ah

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    Alin Akmalia


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan studi komparatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi gap yang terbentuk pada Bank Umum Konvensional dan Bank Umum Syari`ah serta membadingkan dampaknya terhadap perubahan suku bunga sehingga dapat ditentukan gap terbaik. Posisi gap terbentuk oleh struktur gap dengan metode gap sensitivitas, Analisis korelasi dan volatilitas digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana variabel-variabel suku bunga mempengaruhi suku bunga benchmark (SBI dan SWBI serta Uji F statistik untuk menguji hipotesis. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan Bank Umum Konvensional dan Bank Umum Syariah tahun 2004-2008 serta suku bunga domestic periode Januari 2004-Desember 2008. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa Gap terbaik pada BUK terbentuk oleh Bank Mayapada, untuk BUS pada Bank Syari`ah Mandiri, sementara secara keseluruhan pembentukan gap terbaik adalah Bank Syari`ah Mandiri. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa bank syariah memiliki pembentukan posisi gap yang lebih baik dari pada bank konvensional selama periode 2004-2008.JEL Classification : E5, G21Kata Kunci : Manajemen Risiko, Gap Sensitivitas

  6. Angka Kematian dan Faktor Risiko Stroke Sebagai Penyebab Dasar Kematian di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Laurentia Konadi


    Full Text Available Abstract Mortality data are one of important indicators for the publich health The aim of this study is to know about the death rate, characteristics and risk factors of stroke as underlying cause of death in Padang Pariaman district. The mortality data in 2010 was analyzed using SPSS 16. The results showed that the entire death data was amount of 2642 and crude death rate was 6.71. Proportion of stroke in the district was 19.3% and stroke mortality rate was 1.29 per 1000 population in the year 2010, The risk factors of stroke as underlying cause of death after adjusted with education, employment and place of death were age and gender. The age of 40 – 64 years had the risk with OR of 6.45 (95% CI 2.77 – 14.28, p < 0.0001 and age of > 65 years had the risk of 10.29 (95% CI 4.47 – 23.69, p < 0.0001 compared to 20 – 39 year old. Women had greater risk than that of men with OR of 1.43 (95% CI 1.16 – 1.76, p < 0.001. The mortality rate of stroke as an underlying cause of death is high, so it is necessary to prevent the disease by appropriate intervention program. Keywords: age, cause of death, , gender, stroke,AbstrakData kematian merupakan salah satu indikator kesehatan masyarakat yang penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka kematian, karakteristik dan faktor risiko dari stroke sebagai penyebab dasar kematian di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Karakteristik meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, tempat meninggal, pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Dilakukan analisis data kematian 2010 menggunakan SPSS 16,0. Jumlah seluruh data kematian selama satu tahun adalah 2642, diperoleh angka kematian kasar sebesar 6,71. Proporsi kematian akibat stroke sebesar 19,3% dan angka kematian stroke didapat sebesar 1,29 per 1000 penduduk per tahun 2010. Faktor risiko sebagai penyebab dasar kematian stroke setelah disesuaikan dengan pendidikan, pekerjaan dan tempat meninggal adalah umur dan jenis kelamin. Umur 40 – 64 tahun berisiko OR 6,45 (95% CI 2,77 – 14

  7. Pembuatan Perangkat Audit Berbasis Risiko Berdasarkan COBIT 5 dan Service Desk Standard pada Service Desk

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    Sarah Putri Ramadhani


    Full Text Available SubDirektorat Layanan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi pada Direktorat Pengembangan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (DPTSI sebagai penyedia layanan TI di lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS tidak sedikit mengalami gangguan atau insiden yang mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Oleh karena itu terdapat unit service desk yang bertugas menangani berbagai macam keluhan insiden dan memenuhi permintaan layanan TI. Namun DPTSI belum pernah mengadakan pengendalian internal terhadap prosesnya. Untuk memastikan pengelolaan telah diterapkan dalam kontrolnya maka perlu sebuah metode yaitu audit internal. Salah satu hal yang perlu disiapkan dalam melaksanakan audit adalah perangkat audit karena menyediakan serangkaian instruksi dari proses yang harus dilakukan service desk sehingga membantu seorang auditor dalam menjalankan audit sesuai dengan tujuan dan memastikan seluruh proses telah dilakukan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini mengembangkan perangkat audit pada service desk DPTSI yang dibuat berdasarkan control objective pada Service Desk Standard yang dipetakan dengan proses pada best practice COBIT 5 domain DSS02. Ruang lingkup perangkat audit juga ditetapkan melalui control objective yang dipetakan dengan risiko TI pada service desk yang dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan best practice COBIT 5 for Risk APO12 Manage Risk. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah dokumen perangkat audit beserta panduan penggunaannya, yang nantinya diharapkan dapat membantu DPTSI untuk melakukan audit pada service desk..

  8. Aquatic ecotoxicology: properties of compounds and ecological risk; Aquatische Oekotoxikologie: Stoffeigenschaften und oekologisches Risiko

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klein, W. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie, Schmallenberg (Germany)


    In spite of considerable advances in research ecotoxicology and ecotoxicology for testing purposes, fundamental problems exist owing to the immense range of concepts, prerequisites and goals. Alleged weaknesses of ecotoxicology in terms of knowledge acquisition so far have had their cause not only in its pragmatic empirism but also in inadequate methodics and, especially, inconsistent or diversified target orientation. The methodics currently available provide tools permitting to a very large extent to fulfill requirements with the necessary precision and acuity. But practical execution has to heed the magnitude of effort that society is prepared to make for the benefit of the environment. Here, setting the appropriate priorities is the second major challenge to the objectivity of experts, following the assessment of risk versus benefit. (orig.) [German] Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte in der wissenschaftlichen und Pruefoekotoxikologie bestehen aufgrund der Vielfalt der Konzeptionen, Anforderungen und Zielvorgaben grundsaetzliche Probleme. Bisherige behauptete Schwaechen der Oekotoxikologie im Hinblick auf Erkenntnisfortschritt sind nicht nur durch pragmatische Empirie begruendet, sondern auch in ungenuegender Methodik und insbesondere inkonsistenter bzw. vielfaeltiger Zielorientierung. Mit der derzeit verfuegbaren Methodik koennen Anforderungen mit der jeweils notwendigen Praezision und Aussageschaerfe weitestgehend bearbeitet werden. Die praktische Bearbeitung hat sich jedoch danach zu richten, welchen Aufwand die Gesellschaft bereit ist fuer die Gesundheit der Umwelt zu tragen, wobei die richtige Prioritaetensetzung nach den Kriterien Risiko-Nutzen-Aufwand die wohl groesste Herausforderung an Expertenobjektivitaet darstellt. (orig.)

  9. The risk for cancer and genetic abnormalities after radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism; Zum Krebs- und genetischen Risiko nach Radioiodtherapie der Hyperthyreose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reiners, C. [Wuerzburg Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    According to recent studies, the risk for thyroid cancer is not increased after radioiodine treatment in patients with hyperthyroidism. Only the risk of cancer of the stomach seems to be increased slightly in patents treated with I-131 because of functional autonomy. However, the risk for gastric cancer is not increased after higher activities of I-131 because of thyroid cancer. There is no increased risk for genetic abnormalities after radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism. (orig.) [Deutsch] Aktuelle Studien zum Karzinomrisiko nach Radioiodtherapie wegen Hyperthyreose ergeben keinen Anhalt fuer eine erhoehte Inzidenz des Schilddruesenkarzinoms nach therapeutischer Gabe von I-131. Allenfalls scheint die Inzidenz von Magenkarzinomen bei Patienten nach Radioiodtherapie wegen funktioneller Autonomie geringfuegig erhoeht zu sein, obwohl diese Beobachtung bei Patienten nach hochdosierter Radioiodtherapie wegen eines Schilddruesenkarzinoms nicht gemacht wurde. Hinweise fuer ein erhoehtes genetisches Risiko nach Radioiodtherapie der Hyperthyreose ergeben sich nicht. (orig.)

  10. Mammography and radiation risk; Mammographie und Strahlenrisiko

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    Jung, H. [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Biophysik und Strahlenbiologie


    jaehrigen Frau deren Risiko, im Verlauf ihres Lebens an Brustkrebs zu erkranken, von etwa 12% rechnerisch auf 12,0036% erhoeht. Diese Risikozunahme ist um einen Faktor 3300 niedriger als das ohne Strahlenexposition vorhandene Erkrankungsrisiko. Jenseits des 40. Lebensjahres ergibt sich eine Nutzen-Risiko-Relation von etwa 100:1, diese nimmt mit zunehmendem Lebensalter weiter zu. Abschliessend wird auf den Dualismus zwischen Individualrisiko und Kollektivrisiko eingegangen. Es wird gezeigt, dass das individuelle Risiko einer strahlenexponierten Patientin verschwindend gering ist. Gleichzeitig wird darauf hingewiesen, dass dem Minimierungsgebot des Strahlenschutzes nachzukommen ist, um das Kollektivrisiko unserer Gesamtbevoelkerung so gering wie moeglich zu halten. (orig.)


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    Semuel Sandy


    Full Text Available AbstrakInfeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di daerah pedesaan. Parasit cacing yang paling banyak menginfeksi adalah Ascaris lumbricoides, Cacing tambang (hookworm dan Trichuris trichiura. Penyakit ini umumnya terkait dengan faktor sosial-ekonomi, perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi infeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah pada siswa sekolah dasar (SD di Distrik Arso Kabupaten Keerom dan mengetahui hubungan infeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah terhadap status gizi, status anemia, sosial ekonomi orang tua murid, sanitasi lingkungan dan higiene perorangan. Penelitian menggunakan metode potong lintang (cross sectional dengan melakukan pengukuran antropometri tinggi badan, berat badan, pengukuran kadar Hb untuk melihat status anemia pada 224 murid SD di Distrik Arso Kabupaten Keerom. Pengumpulan data sosial-ekonomi, sanitasi, higiene perorangan mengunakan kuesioner. Pemeriksaan infeksi kecacingan menggunakan metode Kato-Katz dan pengukuran variable intensitas infeksi berdasarkan metode WHO. Analisis statistik bivariat dan multivariat digunakan untuk melihat variabel faktor risiko yang berperan dalam penularan infeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan infeksi kecacingan pada anak sekolah dasar didapatkan sebesar 29,9% dari 224 murid SD. Jumlah murid sekolah dasar yang terinfeksi ascariasis 23,2%, terinfeksi cacing tambang 7,6% dan terinfeksi trikhuriasis 4,9%. Sedangkan murid SD yang mengalami anemia 12,5% dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT kurang 79,5%. Hasil analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik diperoleh variabel faktor risiko yang berkaitan dengan infeksi kecacingan STH yaitu: kebiasaan mencuci tangan sebelum makan dengan air dan sabun (OR = 0,33; 95% CI 0, 14-0, 78 dan nilai p = 0,012. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian infeksi kecacingan yang


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    Sugeng Haryanto


    Full Text Available The company financial management should be able to meet the needs of the funds that would be used to operateor expand their businesses. Financing the use of corporate funds was faced to a choice: debt or raise capital withthe level of consequence risk of each. Consideration of a company was choosing the source of funds in anefficient and profitable enterprise for both current and for the foreseeable future. It considered that the choice ofthe source of the funds would have an impact on corporate performance in the future, namely funding responsibilityof the company. The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of company characteristics andbusiness risk significantly influenced capital structure, to determine the effect of the variable characteristics ofcompanies and business risk simultaneously on the company’s capital structure, to determine the variables ofcompany characteristics and business risk simultaneously toward the company capital structure, to know thevariables that had most dominant impact toward capital structure. The results of the analysis showed theintensity of DOL assets, sales growth, profitability (ROA affected the company’s capital structure, while thevariable of ROA had dominant contribution. Free variables simultaneously affected the capital structure.

  13. Faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada anak umur 6-36 bulan di Wilayah Pedalaman Kecamatan Silat Hulu, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat

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    Siti Wahdah


    incidence of stunting were exclusivebreastfeeding, number of household members, maternal height, income, and father’s height.KEYWORDS: exclusive breastfeeding, height of father, height of mother, income, stuntingABSTRAKLatar belakang: Stunting pada anak balita merupakan indikator status gizi yang dapat memberikan gambaran gangguan keadaan sosial ekonomi secara keseluruhan di masa lampau. Stunting yang terjadi pada masa anak merupakan faktor risiko meningkatnya angka kematian, kemampuan kognitif dan perkembangan motorik yang rendah, dan fungsi tubuh yang tidak seimbang. Kejadian stunting berhubungan dengan berbagai macam faktor antara lain lingkungan keluarga (pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan, pola asuh, pola makan dan jumlah anggota rumah tangga, faktor gizi (ASI eksklusif danlama pemberian ASI, faktor genetik, penyakit infeksi, dan kejadian BBLR. Menurut hasil riset kesehatan dasar, prevalensi anak balita yang menderita stunting di Indonesia pada tahun 2010 masih tinggi sebesar 35,6%, dan 39,7% di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat.Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada anak umur 6-36 bulan di pedalaman Kecamatan Silat Hulu, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasinya adalah seluruh balita yang ada di wilayah pedalaman Kecamatan Silat Hulu Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dan untuk mengetahui variabel paling determinan terhadap stunting dilakukan analisis regresi logistik.Hasil: Kejadian stunting berhubungan signifi kan dengan pekerjaan ibu, tinggi badan ayah, tinggi badan ibu, pendapatan, jumlah anggota rumah tangga, pola asuh, dan pemberian ASI eksklusif (p<0,05. Kejadian stunting tidak berhubungan dengan, pekerjaan ayah, pola makan, lama pemberian ASI, penyakit infeksi, dan pendidikan ibu (p>0,05.Kesimpulan: Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian

  14. Kombinasi Calcitriol dan Ethynil Ethyl Estradiol Meningkatkan Ekskresi Kalsium Urin dan Risiko Urolitiasis pada Tikus Ovariektomi

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    Hartiningsih Hartiningsih


    dan risiko urolitiasis tikus ovariektomi. Sebanyak 25 tikus Wistar betina umur delapan minggu, dibagi menjadi lima kelompok (kontrol normal NK, kontrol ovariektomi OVK, ovariektomi + calcitriol OVD, ovariektomi + ethynil ethyl estradiol OVE, dan ovariektomi + kombinasi calcitriol dan ethynil ethyl estradiol OVDE. Tujuh minggu pascaovariektomi, setiap tikus dimasukan kandang metabolik individu untuk studi keseimbangan Ca. Pada hari ke-4 sampai 7 studi keseimbangan Ca, setiap hari sisa pakan, urin, dan feses dikumpulkan untuk analisis Ca. Pada hari ke-8 studi keseimbangan Ca, tikus dieutanasi, ginjal kiri diambil untuk pemeriksaan histopatologi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi calcitriol dan ethynil ethyl estradiol pada tikus OVDE menyebabkan konsumsi Ca dan absorpsi Ca intestinal nyata lebih tinggi, dan ekskresi Ca dalam urin cenderung lebih tinggi meskipun tidak berbeda nyata dibanding tikus OVK. Ekskresi Ca dalam urin tikus OVK lebih tinggi dibanding tikus NK. Gambaran histopatologi ginjal OVK terlihat tidak berbeda dengan tikus NK. Histopatologi ginjal OVDE terlihat endapan protein dalam ruang kapsuler kapsula Bowman’s dan tubulus proksimalis, tubulus proksimalis atropi, dan nekrosis. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi calcitriol dengan ethynil ethyl estradiol pada tikus ovariektomi meningkatkan ekskresi Ca urin dan meningkatkan risiko urolitiasis.


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    Meiry Nasution


    Full Text Available Period prevalence of infant pneumonia in Indonesia is 18.5 per mile. The high mortality rate due to pneumonia of 62 percent was found in 10 countries and 5 countries was located in Asia. Zinc is one of micronutrients which is reported to prevent pneumonia as   an acute phase response to infection and help to boost the body immune response. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of zinc intake as risk factor of severe pneumonia in children. A case control study was conducted among children aged 12–59  months in 2 hospitals and 6 health centres, Yogyakarta city. Thirty four children were categorized as having severe pneumonia (cases and 102 children were categorized as having pneumonia (control.  All sample’s mothers completed a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire during March-April 2014. Data analysis was performed  using Mantel-Haenszel test and conditional logistic regression, α = 0,05. Results of the study showed that there were 41.2 percent cases and 56.9 percent control were exclusively breast-fed. The  proportion of cases who had inadequate zink intake was higher than control group. There was no difference between inadequate zinc intake and the severe pneumonia (OR 1,08 and  95% CI 0,5-2,3. There was a statistically significant correlation between low-zinc intake and severe pneumonia if second  disease exist (OR 3,8  and 95% CI 1,4 -10,8. As an conclusion, Inadequate zinc intake affected severe pneumonia when the secondary diseases exist in children with pneumonia.   ABSTRAK   Period prevalence pneumonia balita di Indonesia adalah 18,5 per mil. Angka kematian yang tinggi akibat pneumonia sebesar 62 persen terdapat di 10 negara dan 5 negara di antaranya merupakan negara di Asia. Defisiensi seng menyebabkan penurunan kekebalan sel sehingga meningkatkan kerentanan terhadap penyakit pneumonia. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis asupan seng yang kurang sebagai faktor risiko keparahan pneumonia pada anak

  16. Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Pengungkapan Manajemen Risiko


    Prayoga, Edo Bangkit; Almilia, Luciana Spica


    Every company inevitably face risk in terms of financial risk or operational risk. In an uncertain economic situation, risk management is one way to reduce and deal with any risk that the company may face. This study aimed to analyze the effect of managerial ownership, domestic institutional ownership, foreign institutional ownership, public ownership and firm size on the risk management disclosure. The population used here was secondary data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), i.e. ...


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    Sofia Sofia


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kegiatan penambangan emas skala kecil dengan teknik amalgamasi dapat memberikan peluang introduksi merkuri (Hg ke lingkungan dan manusia. Penelitian kontaminasi Hg pada air minum, ikan, rambut kepala manusia, dan faktor risiko pada manusia telah dilakukan di wilayah Krueng Sabee, Provinsi Aceh. Metode pengambilan dan pengujian sampel yang mengandung Hg dilakukan dengan prosedur SNI, EPA dan WHO. Rancangan cross sectional survey dilakukan pada empat desa dengan 72 responden yang dipilih secara acak. Wawancara dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait faktor risiko kesehatan. Pengukuran konsentrasi Hg untuk sampel air dan ikan dilakukan dengan Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer dan untuk sampel rambut kepala menggunakan Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis varian, uji t sampel bebas, dan uji t satu sampel. Model prediksi dihasilkan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan konsentrasi Hg pada sampel air sumur sebesar 0,24 ± 0,25 µg/L; sampel ikan: Rastrellinger kanagurta,149,46 ± 2,00 µg/g, Selaroides sp, 58,6 ± 3,01 µg/g, Euthynnus affinis, 46,3 ± 2,98 µg/g; dan pada rambut kepala mulai dari 11,2 ± 4,02 µg/g hingga 48,3 ± 22,29 µg/g. Faktor-faktor risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi Hg pada responden adalah status bekerja di Krueng Sabee, lokasi, lama tinggal, status pekerja tambang dan lama penggunaan pembakar amalgam. Faktor-faktor risiko ini memberi peran sebesar 45,8% terhadap akumulasi Hg di dalam rambut kepala responden.   ABSTRACT Small-scale gold mining activities with amalgamation process can contribute the entry of mercury (Hg into environment and humans. Research on Hg contamination in drinking water, fish, human head hair, and risk factors has been conducted in the area of Krueng Sabee, Aceh Province. Methods of samples collection and Hg concentrations testing conducted

  18. Risiko Likuiditas Bank dan Asset Liabilities Management


    Lesmana, Iwan


    Uquidity is of critical importance to companies in the banking services sector. Most failures of financialintermediaries have occured in large part due to insufficient liquidity resulting from adverse circumstances.Goldman Sachs has in piace a comprehensive set of liquidity and funding policies that are intended tomaintain significant flexibility to address specific and broader industry or market liquidity events.In asset liabilities mal1agement or liquidity management, liquidity risk is mana...

  19. Radon as a remedy - radiobiological and medical aspects, risk; Radon als Heilmittel - strahlenbiologische und medizinische Aspekte, Risiko

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwarz, E.R.; Nuernberger, E.; Martignoni, K. [Inst. fuer Strahlenhygiene des Bundesamtes fuer Strahlenschutz, Oberschleissheim/Neuherberg (Germany)


    For years there have been controversial discussions about the benefit and risk of radon-balneo-therapy. This is particularly true where the inhalation of radon and its daughter products in curative galleries is concerned. Animal experiments and studies on uranium miners have clearly shown that the exposure with radon and its daughter products is connected with an additional risk for lung cancer. Findings on balneo-therapeutic mechanisms are, at best, incomplete and the topic of controversial discussions in radiobiology. This applies specifically to `hormesis` or `adaptive response`, as indicated in this context. Given the numerous reports of therapeutic results, there appear to be curative effects from radon-balneotherapy for special indications. (orig.) [Deutsch] Nutzen und Risiko der Radon-Balneotherapie werden seit Jahren widerspruechlich diskutiert. Dies gilt insbesondere fuer die Inhalation des Radons und seiner Folgeprodukte in Heilstollen. Tierversuche und Untersuchungen bei Uranbergleuten haben eindeutig gezeigt, dass mit der Exposition durch Radon und seinen Folgeprodukten ein zusaetzliches Lungenkrebsrisiko verbunden ist. Erkenntnisse zum Wirkungsmechanismus der Radon-Balneotherapie liegen allenfalls in Ansaetzen vor und werden in der Strahlenbiologie kontrovers diskutiert. Dies gilt insbesondere fuer die in diesem Zusammenhang angefuehrte `Hormesis` bzw. `Adaptive Response`. Geht man von den zahlreich berichteten therapeutischen Erfahrungen aus, so scheint es Hinweise auf Heileffekte der Radon-Balneotherapie fuer spezielle Indikationen zu geben. (orig.)

  20. Pola konsumsi air, susu dan produk susu, serta minuman manis sebagai faktor risiko obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul

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    Yayah Lakoro


    consumption of water, whereby higher comsumption of sweet drink meant lower consumption of water. Nutrition education embedded in the curriculum could be used as an alternative of obesity prevention in children by changing or building healthy lifestyle. KEYWORDS: risk factors, obese children, consumption of water, consumption of sweet drinkABSTRAKLatar belakang: Minuman manis diduga kuat sebagai penyebab terjadinya obesitas pada anak. Susu dan produk susu yang tidak sehat yang mengandung lemak dan gula tinggi dapat menjadi salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya obesitas, sedangkan air putih merupakan minuman sehat tanpa kalori yang dapat membantu manajemen berat badan.Tujuan: Mengetahui pola konsumsi minuman pada anak obesitas.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kasus kontrol. Kasus adalah anak SD yang mengalami obesitas, kontrol  adalah anak SD yang dengan berat badan normal. Lokasi penelitian di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul. Penentuan sampel menggunakan metode probability proportional to size (PPS. Jumlah sampel adalah 488 sampel terdiri dari 244 kasus dan 244 kontrol. Pada subyek penelitian dilakukan matching asal sekolah dengan ketentuan siswa kasus dan kontrol berasal dari kelas yang sama. Uji statistic McNemar dan regresi logistik dilakukan untuk mengidentifi kasi variabel yang merupakan faktor risiko.Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan karakteristik jenis kelamin antara kedua kelompok (p=0,03. Rata-rata jumlah konsumsi air putih dan minuman manis pada anak obes berbeda secara signifi kan  dibandingkan dengan anak tidak obes, berturut-turut adalah 243,8 mL/hari (±2½ gelas/hari dan 397,3 mL/hari (± 2 gelas/hari, sedangkan rata-rata jumlah konsumsi susu dan produk susu tidak sehat pada anak obes dan tidak obes, tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Uji Mc Nemar menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi air putih dan minuman manis berhubungan dengan kejadian obesitas pada anak di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul  dengan nilai OR 2,1 (95% CI:1,4–3,05 dan OR 3,1 (95% CI: 2,1

  1. Assessment of technical risks and energy consumption of processes for regeneration of polluted land; Abschaetzung von technischem Risiko und Energiebedarf bei Sanierungsmassnahmen fuer Altlasten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trappmann, F.


    In case of sensitive use of a site or its surroundings further consideration on pre-elevated remedial action designs should be undertaken. The generated method for the assessment of technical risks and energy consumption intends to enable different users with smaller or broader specialist knowledge to handle the problem. Basic instrument for the variation of intensity of handling is to divide the technical process in a special way into small elements, called module. With regard to the processing line and to the complexity of the process the modules are connected on different levels according to their common function. The levels handled by experts are called detailed risks assessment, the abridged kind of handling is especially for authorities. For some types of contaminations and some technologies are tools and lists available to enable an easier treatment. Generally the method and the tools are employable for other sites too. For the comparative assimilating assessment itself verbal argumentation is used to describe the causes, that modules are identified as weak (in comparison). The result of the consideration is a ranking of the prefered applied technologies rated by energy consumption and technical risks or a demand for special improvements in the case of commissioning. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die vorliegende Dissertation konzentriert sich auf die weitergehende Risiko- und Energiebetrachtung weniger, zuvor mittels strukturierter Auswahlverfahren favorisierter Sanierungsszenarien. Zwecks effizienter Ausnutzung verfuegbarer Finanzmittel erscheint es angemessen, die bislang in ihrer Gesamtheit betrachteten Verfahrensschritte intern eingehender zu untersuchen und potentielle Risiken bewertbar zu machen. Die geschilderte Vorgehensweise basiert auf der Untergliederung komplexer Sanierungsszenarien in einzelne Elemente (Moduln etc.) gemaess dem funktionalen Zusammenwirken und dem Verfahrensablauf. Fuer einzelne Moduln koennen im Rahmen detaillierterer Betrachtungen

  2. 75 FR 42432 - Northern Natural Gas Company, Southern Natural Gas Company, Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC... (United States)


    ... Natural Gas Company, Southern Natural Gas Company, Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, Transcontinental... abandonment of facilities by Northern Natural Gas Company, Southern Natural Gas Company, Florida Gas... resources, fisheries, and wetlands; Cultural resources; Vegetation and wildlife; Endangered and threatened...


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    Farida Titik Kritanti


    Full Text Available AbstractVarious studies show that women are more risk averse in making decisions and better long-term oriented. Women would rather risk averse than men, making it less likely they will use debt in their capital structure, since by increasing debt increases the risk of the company's financial means. This study want to test whether gender became a significant factor in financial leverage, to see whether there are differences in policy between the company's leverage, led by men and women. Financial leverage is used as a measure of corporate risk because these variables can be changed by the CEO. Data from companies listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange as sample. The results showed that there were differences in leverage between firms that have a men CEO with the women CEO of a company. Men CEO use more debt than the women CEO. But for the performance measured by ROI, obtained different results for the type of industry studied. For the consumer goods industry, there are performance differences between the men CEO and the women. But for the internet service industry and enamel kitchen showed no performance difference between women CEO with men CEO.Key words: leverage, woman CEO, man CEO, performanceAbstrakBerbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wanita lebih risk averse dalam mengambil keputusan dan lebih berorientasi jangka panjang. Wanita lebih suka menolak risiko dibandingkan pria, sehingga kecil kemungkinan mereka akan menggunakan hutang dalam struktur modalnya, karena dengan menambah hutang berarti memperbesar risiko keuangan perusahaan. Penelitian ini ingin menguji apakah jender menjadi faktor yang cukup signifikan dalam financial leverage, dengan melihat apakah ada perbedaan dalam kebijakan leverage antara perusahaan yang dipimpin oleh pria dan wanita. Financial leverage dipakai sebagai ukuran risiko perusahaan karena variabel ini bisa diubah oleh CEO. Sampel menggunakan data dari perusahaan yang listed di Jakarta Stock Exchange. Hasil penelitian

  4. 75 FR 13524 - Northern Natural Gas Company, Southern Natural Gas Company, Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC... (United States)


    ... Natural Gas Company, Southern Natural Gas Company, Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, Transcontinental... notice that on March 5, 2010, Northern Natural Gas Company (Northern Natural), 1111 South 103rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124- 1000, filed on behalf of itself and other owners, Southern Natural Gas Company...


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    Novita Saragih


    Full Text Available Penyaluran kredit BPD masih didominasi kredit konsumsi dibandingkan kredit modal  kerja. Risiko kredit modal kerja BPD yang dikur dalam Non Performing Loan mengalami peningkatan selama penerapan BRC. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respon NPL kredit modal kerja BPD akibat perubahan faktor internal bank dan besarnya kontribusi faktor tersebut terhadap perubahan NPL. Data yang digunakan adalah time series berdasarkan bulanan tahun 2011-2014 yang   diperoleh   dari   Bank   Indonesia.   Metode   analisis   yang   digunakan   adalah       Vector Autoregression dengan analisis Impulse Response Function dan Variance Decomposition. Hasil impulse response function menunjukan NPL merespon positif terhadap perubahan LDR dan bank size tetapi merespon negatif terhadap perubahan tingkat bunga kredit modal kerja. Hasil Variance decomposition menunjukan bahwa variabel yang paling berkontribusi pada perubahan NPL  adalah bank size.  BPD loan portofolio is still dominated by consumer loans than working capital loans. BPD working capital loans risk which measured by non performing loans is increased during implementation of the BRC. This study aimed to analyze the NPL response of BPD working capital loans due to changes of bank internal factors and the amount of factors contributing to NPL change. The data used is based on monthly time series in 2011 to 2014 that obtained from Bank of Indonesia. The analytical method used is Vector Autoregression with Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition analysis. The results of impulse response function indicate that NPL respond positively to LDR and bank size change but respond negatively to interest rates change. Variance decomposition results showed that the variables that most contribute to the change of NPL of BPD working capital loans is bank size.

  6. Risiko Operasional Stasiun Pengisian dan Pengangkutan Bulk Elpiji pada PT Surya Artha Chanya

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    Teguh Sriwidadi


    Full Text Available PT Surya Artha Chanya is a 3kg LPG refilling service company. In charging process there are some errors and the error certainly raises the risk of loss for the company. To minimize the risk in operations, risk management is attempted. This research is a descriptive study; data collection technique used was interview with internal parties company that could be trusted. Research used Analytical Hierarchy Process method to process the data questionnaire with Expert Choice 11 software which serves to compare and find the most important indicator of the operations. To determine the amount of loss that exceeds the threshold calculation, the Generalized Pareto Distribution method was used. These methods were expected to issue the company's risk of loss can be resolved.

  7. SAFER - Company Snapshot - SAFER - Company Snapshot (United States)

    Department of Transportation — The Company Snapshot is a concise electronic record of company identification, size, commodity information, and safety record, including the safety rating (if any),...

  8. Analisis Bahaya dengan Metode Hazop dan Manajemen Risiko pada Steam Turbine PLTU di Unit 5 Pembangkitan Listrik Paiton (PT. YTL Jawa Timur

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    Erna Zulfiana


    Full Text Available Steam turbine beroperasi pada temperatur dan tekanan uap yang tinggi sehingga keamanan proses harus dijaga agar tidak terjadi bahaya yang menimbulkan risiko. Untuk analisis dan identifikasi bahaya digunakan metode HAZOP yang selanjutnya melakukan manajemen resiko berupa emergency respon plan berdasarkan bahaya yang mungkin terjadi pada PLTU. Identifikasi bahaya dengan metode HAZOP dilakukan dengan penentuan 4 node pada steam turbine yaitu HP Turbine, IP Turbine, LP Turbine 1 dan LP Turbine 2, penentuan guideword dan deviasi berdasarkan control chart data proses transmitter di setiap node, dan untuk estimasi likelihood berdasarkan nilai MTTF tiap transmitter. ERP pada steam turbine dibuat untuk kejadian kebakaran karena berisiko tinggi dan kemungkinan besar terjadi serta dapat menyebabkan bahaya lain seperti ledakan dsb. Dari penelitian ini diketahui kondisi yang paling berbahaya pada steam turbine adalah kondisi high pressure yang diketahui dari risk matrix pressure trasnmitter pada 4 node yang bernilai high dan ekstrim yang dapat menyebabkan turbin mengalami overspeed. Rekomendasi untuk menanggulangi bahaya tersebut antara lain pemasangan pressure alarm, simulasi automatic turbine test, pemeriksaan turbine overspeed protection serta kalibrasi maupun pengecekan pada pressure trasnmitter tersebut.

  9. Analisis Risiko Finansial Dengan Metode Simulasi Monte Carlo (Studi Kasus: Pt. Phase Delta Control

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    Atikah Aghdhi Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Basically, the purpose of a company is make a profit and enrich the owners of the company. This is manifested by development and achievement of good performance, both in financial and operational perspective. But in reality, not all of companies can achieve good performance. One of them is because exposure of risk. This could threaten achievement of the objectives and existence of the company. Therefore, companies need to have an idea related to possible condition and financial projection in future periods that are affected by risk. One of the possible method is Monte Carlo Simulation. Research will be conducted at PT. Phase Delta Control with historical data related to production/sales volume, cost of production and selling price. Historical data will be used as Monte Carlo Simulation with random numbers that describe probability of each risk variables describing reality. The main result is estimated profitability of PT. Phase Delta Control in given period. Profit estimation will be uncertain variable due to some uncertainty


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    Full Text Available In the article there were presented chosen issues of quality management. Important role of information and work processes in companies were emphasized . Based on eight rules of quality management, TQM standards and ideas of discipline pioneers like Deming, Juran, Crosby and Shewart, author has constructed way of using chosen rules and assumptions to company`s information circulation. Analogy, suggested by author, has not only emphasized importance of information as a company`s resource, but also has pointed to possibility of improving ways of managing this information.



    Eko Madyo Sutanto


    Laporan audit auditor harus mempertimbangkan masalah materialitas, risiko dan penilaian. Pertimbangan Materialitas termasuk kualitatif dan kuantitatif pertimbangan. Pertimbangan kuantitatif berhubungan dengan kesalahan yang menjadi penentu dalam laporan keuangan. Sementara faktor kualitatif berhubungan dengan penyebab kesalahan tersebut. Untuk menghindari atau meminimalkan risiko audit, menurut Standar Audit seksi 312 menekankan “Risiko audit dan Materialitas dalam Pelaksanaan audit”, maka au...

  12. Financial implications for built environment consultants working at ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Konsultante in die boubedryf van Suid-Afrika loop finansiële risiko's as gevolg van kliënte se verwagtinge om sekere fases van werk te voltooi teen 'n risiko. Konsultante voltooi dus projekte teen 'n risiko met die hoop op vergoeding in die lang duur. 'n Beskrywende opname is gedoen onder 'n verskeidenheid professionele ...

  13. Evaluation of co-sourcing communications amongst international company and local public relations agencies (case company: company x)


    Yin, Ying


    The subject of the thesis is the evaluation of co-sourcing communications amongst international company and local public relations agencies, taking the company x as a case. It analyses the environment the co-sourcing PR agencies communicate with international clients, compares with the current communications the case company has, and comes up with practical suggestions for the company to have better cooperation with local agencies to achieve mutual benefits. The theoretical part consi...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cliff Kohardinata


    Full Text Available The main purpose of company was to increase company’s value through increased prosperity of owner orshareholders. However, the management often had other objectives that caused conflicts of interest betweenmanagement and shareholders of the company, in which the conflict was referred to as Agency Problem (Jensen& Meckling, 1976. To minimize the differences between the interests of owners and managers, the owner couldgive shares to managers or increased stock ownership by institutional in order to monitor managers. If theowner of the company wanted to reduce agency conflicts by increasing managerial ownership and institutionalownership, they will affect corporate leverage policy because managerial ownership and institutional ownershipcould reduce the financial risk that occurred from leverage. This study aimed to analyze the effect ofmanagerial ownership and institutional ownership on leverage policy. This study used the entire populationof companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sampling was purposive sampling, and analytical techniquesused was ordinary least squares. The control variables were structure of assets, return on assets, financialdistress, asset utilization, asset growth. Furthermore, this paper considered growth opportunities and risksof the company. This study found that managers considered risk factors more than growth opportunities, andthe institutional shareholders considered growth opportunities more than company risk


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    Ari Purwanti


    Full Text Available This study aims to investigate the effect of accruals on the occurrence of litigation risk. The higher accruals made by managers are thought to cause high litigation risks as well. Therefore, in this study will also see the effect of managerial ownership on the occurrence of litigation risk. Using a sample of consumer goods industries that often experience litigation, testing is done on 37 companies from 2012 until 2016. The results of this study proves that by using multiple regression, developed hypothesis proved that accruals and managerial ownership have a significant positive effect on litigation risk.

  16. MRI for therapy control in patients with aortic isthmus stenosis; MRT zur Therapiekontrolle bei Patienten mit Aortenisthmusstenose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wintersperger, B.J. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto, Department of Medical Imaging, University Health Network, Toronto M5G 2N2 (Canada); Theisen, D.; Reiser, M.F. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany)


    Weiterentwicklungen der MRT-Technologie stehen neben der hochaufloesenden MR-Angiographie (MRA) zunehmend auch Techniken der funktionellen Evaluierung (wie z. B. die dynamische MRA, 4D-PC-Flussmessungen) zur Verfuegung, die u. U. auch das Risiko moeglicher Komplikationen wie z. B. von Aneurysmen voraussagen koennten. Hierzu sind jedoch weitere Studien notwendig. Dabei wird v. a. zur Therapie moeglicher Komplikationen nach einer Operation (Aneurysmen, Restenosen) die interventionelle Therapie mit Stents und Stentgrafts eingesetzt, wobei diese die Anwendung der MRT aufgrund haeufiger massiver Metallartefakte z. T. deutlich limitiert. (orig.)

  17. Long-term risk of atrial fibrillation after the death of a partner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graff, Simon; Fenger-Grøn, Morten; Christensen, Bo


    Dette studie viser, at mennesker, som for nylig har mistet deres partner, har en øget risiko for at udvikle uregelmæssig hjerterytme i op til ét år efter tabet. Den øgede risiko forekommer i op til et år efter tabet, og den største risiko ses hos efterladte på under 60 år og ved uventede dødsfald...

  18. 17 CFR 270.3a-3 - Certain investment companies owned by companies which are not investment companies. (United States)


    ... the definition of the term “investment company” by section 3(b)(1) or 3(b)(2) of the Act (15 U.S.C... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Certain investment companies owned by companies which are not investment companies. 270.3a-3 Section 270.3a-3 Commodity and...

  19. Seroprevalensi dan Faktor Risiko Penularan Mycoplasma gallisepticum pada Peternakan Ayam Petelur Komersial di Kabupaten Blitar (SEROPREVALENCE AND( RISK FACTORS OF MYCOPLASMA GALLISEPTICUM INFECTION IN COMMERCIAL LAYER FARM IN BLITAR DISTRICT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diyantoro Diyantoro


    Full Text Available This study aimed to figure out the prevalence and risk factors of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG infection in commercial layer farm in Blitar District. Blood samples and questionnaires were taken during December 2014 to February 2015. A total of 264 sera samples were collected from 22 commercial layer farm. Based on serum plate agglutination test, 26 sera samples were MG positive that were indicated an infection prevalence was 9.85%. The highest SRR value for MG infection was occurred in Bakung Subdistrict (SRR = 2.5. Based on Analysis of multivariate logistic regression showed that a very significant influenced risk factors of MG infection have occurred in flocking density more than 3,000 birds per flock (?2= 11.10; p= 0.001; OR= 6.1, flocking density about 1,501 to 3,000 birds per flock (?2 = 11.10; p= 0.001; OR= 6.1, bird feeding once a day (?2= 9.32; p= 0.002; OR= 0.3, house desinfection once in every two weeks (?2 =7.70; p= 0.009; OR= 1.2, house desinfection once a month or only in case (?2= 9.36; p= 0.006; OR= 3.9. It was concluded that seroprevalence of MG infection in studied area was 9,85%. the MG seroprevalence were influenced by flocking density more than 3,000 birds per flock, flocking density about 1,501 to 3,000 birds per flock, bird feeding once a day, house desinfection once every two weeks, and house desinfection once a month or only in case. ABSTRAK Mycoplasmosis merupakan salah satu penyakit paling penting yang dihadapi oleh industri perunggasan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan faktor risiko penularan Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG pada peternakan ayam petelur komersial di Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur. Contoh darah dan kuisioner diambil selama periode Desember 2014 hingga Februari 2015. Sebanyak 264 contoh serum dikumpulkan dari 22 peternakan ayam petelur komersial. Berdasarkan uji Rapid Serum Agglutination (RSA, 26 contoh ditemukan positif MG dengan prevalensi infeksi MG di Kabupaten Blitar

  20. Smart Companies. (United States)

    Galagan, Patricia A.


    Capturing and leveraging knowledge is an important new management trend that is as yet undefined. Some companies are accounting for their intellectual capital and applying it to the company balance sheets. (JOW)





    Companies, especially nowadays, are characterized through great mobility, fast circulation of capital, occurring in their chase for profit. In this context, companies look for alliances, economical and political assistance. These objectives can materialize through merging of companies. The merger can be internal (between Romanian companies) or transboundary, which includes foreign companies. In order to correctly reflect these events, the merger operations must be regulated and mu...

  2. Open Source Telecommunication Companies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Liu


    Full Text Available Little is known about companies whose core business is selling telecommunications products that lever open source projects. Open source telecommunications (OST companies operate in markets that are very different from typical software product markets. The telecommunications market is regulated, vertically integrated, and proprietary designs and special chips are widely used. For a telecommunications product to be useful, it must interact with both access network products and core network products. Due to specifications in Service Agreements Levels, penalties for failures of telecommunications products are very high. This article shares information that is not widely known, including a list of OST companies and the open source projects on which they depend, the size and diversity of venture capital investment in OST companies, the nature of the commercial product-open source software and company-project relationships, ways in which OST companies make money, benefits and risks of OST companies, and competition between OST companies. Analysis of this information provides insights into the ways in which companies can build business models around open source software. These findings will be of interest to entrepreneurs, top management teams of incumbent companies that sell telecommunications products, and those who care about Ontario's ability to compete globally.

  3. Physician-owned companies. (United States)

    Kostuik, John P


    The author relates his experience in the development of a spinal implant development company (K2M) that is significantly advised by physicians. To provide information about the development of a spinal implant company (K2M) advised by a group of professional spinal surgeons. To relate the federal laws (STARK and anti-kickback) as they pertain to surgeon-influenced companies. To discuss the role of a scientific advisory board. A self-developed company was developed together with significant, but minority physician financial input and majority scientific advice. A privately owned spinal implant development corporation (K2M) was developed 3 years ago. Physician financial participation was less than 20% (Stark laws state no more than 40%). Users of product are greater than 60% non-investor physicians. The development of a large scientific advisory board has been very influential in product development. A privately owned spinal implant company (K2M) has been developed strictly within Federal laws. Its board of scientific advisors that receives recompense commissurate only with effort significantly impacts the company policy.


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    Nora Amelda Rizal


    Full Text Available Risiko kebangkrutan merupakan hal yang sangat dihindari oleh setiap investor. Risiko ini berlaku tidak hanya pada sekuritas berupa saham, namun juga berlaku pada obligasi serta turunannya. Sejak krisis global yang terjadi pada tahun 2008, risiko kebangkrutan ini jelas terlihat pada obligasi korporasi dimana risiko ini terhubung dengan risiko pasar dan risiko kredit. Menurut Rizal (2016 harga obligasi dapat dihubungkan langs ung dengan kedua risiko tersebut . R i siko pasar dapat dilihat dari tingkat pengembalian bunga ( rate of return dan tingkat inflasi ( inflation rate , sedangkan representasi dari ri siko kredit merupakan ri siko rentang kredit ( credit Spreads rate , dimana rentang kredit ini sendiri pun kembali terkait dengan pertukaran kurs asing t erhadap rupiah, seperti ri siko pasar tingkat suku bunga ( rate of return dan tingkat inflasi ( inflation rate . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menga nalisa lebih lanjut mengenai fak tor yang mempengaruhi credit Spreads rate obligasi di Indonesia. Faktor - fakto r tersebut adalah nilai tukar rupiah dan tingkat pengembalian. Nilai tukar antara US Dollar dan Rupiah akan dipakai untuk mewakili nilai tukar rupiah. Untuk tingkat pengembalian bunga yang dipakai adalah suku bunga tetap yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesi a. Obligasi yang diteliti adalah obligasi korporasi pada sector telekomunikasi dengan rentang waktu penelitian antara 2011 - 2015. Hasil yang didapat di dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai tukar Rupiah mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan dan bersif at negatif terhadap Credit Spreads Rate Obligasi di Indonesia periode 2011 - 2015. Sedangkan tingkat suku bunga tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Credit Spreads Rate Obligasi di Indonesia periode 2011 - 2015


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    Full Text Available In present, the study of vulnerability of companies is increasing in every field due to the unstable economic environment influences. The object of this research is to define and identify vulnerabilities of companies and the establishment of evaluation methods at their level. This article emphasizes the importance and usefulness of one of the best known model in this way, from our point of view, namely Băileşteanu, Negrila Pattern. This pattern covers both external factors and internal ones, that increase vulnerabilities of companies, and fit the companies in which the state of vulnerability are (vitality, viability, vulnerability, high vulnerability, difficulty and high difficulty, with a matrix. The result of the research is that any company belonging to any field, can be analyzed using this model, and assigned to one of the conditions defined within.

  6. The Danish East India Company

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Karsten Engsig


    The article analysis the first Danish East India Company incorporated in 1616, which was the first Danish Stock Company and which has impacts even on modern Danish company la......The article analysis the first Danish East India Company incorporated in 1616, which was the first Danish Stock Company and which has impacts even on modern Danish company la...

  7. Perilaku sedentari sebagai faktor risiko kejadian obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andi Imam Arundhana


    rural area. KEYWORDS: physical activities, overweight, rural, urban, elementary school childrenABSTRAKLatar belakang: Berdasarkan Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas tahun 2010, prevalensi obesitas di Yogyakarta adalah 78% pada tahun 2010. Peningkatan prevalensi obesitas pada anak sekolah sangat berkaitan dengan aktivitas sedentari dan berkurangnya aktivitas fi sik.Tujuan:  Untuk Mengetahui apakah perilaku sedentari merupakan faktor risiko terhadap obesitas anak sekolah dan mengidentifi kasi seberapa besar kontribusinya.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kasus kontrol. Populasi terdiri dari anak-anak sekolah dasar (baik negeri maupun swasta kelas 1-5 di Yogyakarta dan Bantul. Pemilihan sekolah selama fase skrining berdasarkan metode probability proportional to size (PPS. Kasus adalah anak-anak yang didiagnosis obesitas pada saat fase skrining, menggunakan simple random sampling didukung dengan tabel random dan dilakukan matching pada sekolah tersebut. Berdasarkan perhitungan sampel, terdapat 488 sampel yang terdiri dari 244 kasus dan 244 kontrol. Data aktivitas fisik diperoleh menggunakan formulir CPAQ. Data diproses menggunakan Epidata v 3.1 and STATA v.11.  Analisa data yang digunakan adalah univariat, bivariat, and analisa multivariat dengan t-test, anova, dan logistic regression.Hasil: Durasi perilaku sedentari pada siswa obesitas lebih lama dibandingkan mereka yang tidak obesitas dengan ratarata perbedaan 49,81 menit/hari (p<0,01. Hasil analisis Chi-square menunjukkan perilaku sedentari memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian obesitas dengan OR=6.93 (95%CI: 4,56-10,54. Berdasarkan jenis perilaku sedentari, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan untuk kategori screen based dan duduk-duduk (p <0,05.Kesimpulan:Perilaku sedentari merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kejadian obesitas pada anak-anak sekolah dasar. Rata-rata durasi perilaku sedentari pada anak yang obes lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak yang tidak obes. Berdasarkan tempat tinggal, rata

  8. Company Portfolios Answer the Question: What Do You Know about My Company? (United States)

    Watson, Michelle L.


    Job seekers can demonstrate their knowledge of a potential employer by developing a company portfolio. Elements include company history, mission, values, and goals; size and location(s); financial status; and recent changes in the company and industry. (SK)

  9. Regulating Listed Companies: Between Company Law and Financial Market Law in Danish Law

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Nis Jul


    The article discusses different elements and aspects of the regulation of listed companies in particular whether such regulation should be placed in company law or in financial marked law.......The article discusses different elements and aspects of the regulation of listed companies in particular whether such regulation should be placed in company law or in financial marked law....

  10. 77 FR 20882 - Manning Grain Company; Acquisition and Operation Exemption; Fillmore Western Railway Company (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [Docket No. FD 35612] Manning Grain Company; Acquisition and Operation Exemption; Fillmore Western Railway Company Manning Grain Company (MGC... Docket No. FD 35607, Manning Rail, Inc.--Acquisition and Operation Exemption--Manning Grain Company...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Companies, especially nowadays, are characterized through great mobility, fast circulation of capital, occurring in their chase for profit. In this context, companies look for alliances, economical and political assistance. These objectives can materialize through merging of companies. The merger can be internal (between Romanian companies or transboundary, which includes foreign companies. In order to correctly reflect these events, the merger operations must be regulated and must respect national and international regulations. One important request concerning the merger operations is that the accounting values of the assets, debts and ownership equity must be brought to the present financial value.

  12. Countries and companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenning, J.S.


    The trends and factors currently emerging are likely to have significant influence on the way the upstream oil and gas industry evolves in the coming decade. This paper discusses how these trends might influence events in the 1990s, particularly how they might influence relationships between host countries and companies in the oil industry. State owned companies will dominate the industry in resource terms. These statcos fall into three groups: a small group of technically able, financially sound, well-managed companies; a group of consumer statcos that have limited domestic production but significant domestic demand; a large group that are finding it difficult to maintain their production facilities in good standing to maximize recovery from their resources. This paper describes the future private sector as consisting of the Surviving Sisters and smaller, private companies very active in the upstream. How will these various players behave in the years to come? Conventional activity in the upstream will continue as companies seek to optimize their upstream portfolios

  13. Global oil company profiles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Global Oil Company Profiles provides a comprehensive review of 50 of the top oil companies in the world. Each chapter is devoted to an individual company, providing an invaluable insight into the organisation, its structure and operations. Using the most recent data available, the report offers an up-to-date analysis of performance and future direction, as well as a unique benchmarking system for each company profiled. (author)

  14. SAFER - Company Snapshot (United States)

    Department of Transportation — The Company Snapshot is a concise electronic record of company identification, size, commodity information, and safety record, including the safety rating (if any),...


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    Sunaryo Sunaryo


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTLeptospirosis is zoonotic disease, which is caused by leptospira bacteria and transmitted to human bycontact with contaminated animal urine. Bantul District is endemic area of leptospirosis, case fatality rateas much 11% in 2010. The aim of this research was to study distribution of spatial epidemiologyleptospirosis, and mapping of vulnerable leptospirosis model by using Geographical Information Systembased on environmental risk factor and trap success in Bantul.This research done in March until November2011, and applied spatial analysis by using cross sectional design. Result of this research• showedleptospirosis cases in 2011 reaching 135 cases, and group of adult men was dominant, mostly as farmer andveteriner worker. There were three claster with average distance between cases: 0 km and furthermost 30km. Leptospirosis pattern increased in March and April when high rainfall. Medium rainfall spatial,lowland, vegetation index medium, alluvial type of soil, existence of rat and landuse of ricefield wereenvironmental variable influence leptospirosis cases. High vulnerable leptospirosis zone located in Centerand West Bantul.Keyword : Mapping, leptospirosis, vulnerable model. ABSTRAK Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit bersumber rodensia, disebabkan oleh bakteri leptospira, menular melalui kulit luka atau mukosa dengan air/tanah tercemar leptospira dariurine binatang. Kabupaten Bantul merupakan daerah endemis leptospirosis,case fatality rate mencapai11% pada tahun2010. Penelitian ini bertujuan ingin mengetahui persebaran epidemiologi spasial leptospirosis, dan pemetaanmodel daerah rawan Leptospirosisdi Kabupaten Bantul berdasarkan faktor risiko lingkungan dan trap success tikus dengan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis. Penelitian ini dilakukanpada Bulan Maret sampaiNovember 2011, menggunakan metode analisis spasial deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Hasil: Kasus leptospirosispada tahun2011 mencapai135 kasusyang didominasi oleh

  16. 17 CFR 250.12 - Exemption of certain public utility companies from the definition of subsidiary companies of... (United States)


    ... utility companies from the definition of subsidiary companies of holding companies. 250.12 Section 250.12... REGULATIONS, PUBLIC UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY ACT OF 1935 Registration and General Exemptions § 250.12 Exemption of certain public utility companies from the definition of subsidiary companies of holding companies...

  17. Section 1: Company directory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This is a 1992 directory of those companies doing business in all areas of the independent power producers industry. The listing includes the company name, address, telephone and FAX numbers, and the name of a company contact. The listing is international in scope

  18. Global gas company profiles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report provides a detailed assessment of 60 of the top gas companies form around the world, analysing them according to their internal dynamics and in relation to their competitors. It devotes each chapter to an individual company, providing invaluable insight into the organisation's operational background, financial performance and strategic goals. Using the most up-to-date information available, Global Gas Company Profiles allows you to make detailed analysis of each company's performance and future direction. (author)

  19. Are Entrepreneur-Led Companies Better? Evidence from Publicly Traded U.S. Companies: 1998-2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joel M. Shulman


    Full Text Available Do U.S. publicly-traded companies led by entrepreneurs perform better than nonentrepreneur-led U.S. public companies? Our data suggests they do. We analyze monthly stock returns of U.S. publicly traded companies over the time period 1998-2010 and find compelling evidence demonstrating that irrespective of market capitalization and time period, companies led by U.S. entrepreneurs provide better stock performance than several stock market indices primarily comprised of non-entrepreneur-led U.S. companies.

  20. Born global companies: A case study about the internationalization behaviours of Portuguese companies


    Carlos, Diogo Miguel Pais Grou Simões


    Portuguese Born Global Companies have been performing an important role in the Portuguese market, mainly due to their innovative ideas and the positive contribution to exportations. This study focuses on the international strategies of four of these companies, comparing them with four international Non-Born Global Companies, in qualitative analysis. It will be possible to see a preference by the Non-Born Global Companies over proximate cultural countries. By following opportunities instead...

  1. Mining in Mongolia. Everything is possible; Bergbau in der Mongolei. Alles ist moeglich

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmuecking, Rebecca [German-Mongolian Business Association (DMUV), Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia). German-Mongolian Economic Commitee


    In 2011 Mongolia experienced an economic boom with growth recorded at 17.5% (1). This was triggered by the start of the first phase of the Oyu Tolgoi (OT) project that involved investments totalling 6.6 bn US$ (2). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) believes that Mongolia has natural resources worth between 1,000 and 3,000 bn US$ (3), including the world's second-largest reserves of copper. Mongolia is therefore one of the most resource-rich countries on the planet (4), having as it does plentiful supplies of gold, copper, coal, molybdenum, fluorite, tin and uranium. After presenting a briet description of the challenges that Mongolia is currently facing, the paper goes on to discuss four of the 20 or more mining projects that are under way in the country at the present t ime. The three ventures in question are at Oyu Tolgoi, Tavan Tolgoi, Erdenet and Tsagaan Suvarga. Germany has always enjoyed close economic ties with Mongolia and this explains the presence of two German business institutions, whose functions are described in more detail below. The revitalised German-Mongolian resource partnership, which is backed up by well-connected German-Mongolian institutions, offers great prospects for German companies on the Mongolian market.

  2. 75 FR 36153 - Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds-Terminations: Victore Insurance Company (United States)


    ... from this company, and bonds that are continuous in nature should not be renewed. The Circular may be... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Fiscal Service Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds--Terminations: Victore Insurance Company AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service, Department of the...

  3. Company environmental communication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andriola, L.; Luciani, R.; Borghini, S.


    Environmental communication is becoming a sine qua non for companies which are more and more pressed by the need to reinforce communication with interested parties: environmental groups, local communities, local and national authorities, employees, share-holders, banks, insurance companies, customers and consumers. Reliable environmental information, just like economical and property data, is now required during both company take-over and financing, and in some cases it can affect insurance premiums. In fact, environmental guarantees are more and more often required because breaching environmental regulations can entail legal sanctions going as far as suspension of business. There now also Green investment funds that engage their resources only against specific environmental guarantees on the part of the companies that, before being selected for the investment, are submitted to rather accurate questionnaires by the investment manager [it

  4. International company restructuring and the effects on high-skilled employees in lead companies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Nana Wesley


    insulated from international restructuring processes. However, effects on wage and working conditions vary dependent on the motivation for restructuring, and as companies learn to take advantage of pools of skilled employees abroad. Continued international restructuring appear to challenge the insulation......International company restructuring involving knowledge intensive jobs causes increasing concern about the effect on the globalization of high-skilled employees. Drawing on case studies in four Danish-based companies, this article argues that high-skilled employees in lead companies are rarely...... of high-skilled workers over time. Further, the article shows that knowledge intensive Companies increasingly apply relational global value chain governance with multidirectional consequences for wage and working conditions among the high-skilled employees....

  5. 76 FR 30397 - Faribault Woolen Mill Company, Faribault, MN; Faribo Woolens, Inc., a Related Company of... (United States)


    ... Woolen Mill Company, Faribault, MN; Faribo Woolens, Inc., a Related Company of Faribault Woolen Mill... December 9, 2009, applicable to workers of Faribault Woolen Mill Company, Faribault, Minnesota. The notice... Mill Company, a retail outlet store for the subject firm, Faribault Woolen Mill Company. Accordingly...

  6. Company Vision and Organizational Learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vojko Toman


    Full Text Available The effectiveness of a company is largely dependent on the company itself; it depends above all on its corporate governance, management, and implementation, as well as on decision-making processes and coordination. Many authors believe that organizational learning and knowledge are the most relevant aspects of company effectiveness. If a company wants to be effective it needs to create and realize its vision; to do this, it needs creativity, imagination, and knowledge, which can be obtained or enhanced through learning. This paper defines vision, learning, creativity and management and, above all, their relationships. The author argues that company vision influences the learning and knowledge of employees in the company through the vision’s content, through the vision-creating process, and through the vision enforcement process. Conversely, the influence of learning on company vision is explained. The paper is aimed at the use in the practice of companies and helps them to increase their effectiveness.

  7. Oil Companies Climb Global List

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    @@ Backed by the huge market size,China's energy companies have been ranked in the group of the world's largest industry players. On September 6th,eight companies from the Chinese mainland and six companies from Hong Kong SAR were included in this year's Platts Top 250 Energy Companies List.

  8. 78 FR 15053 - Simpson Lumber Company, LLC, Shelton, Washington; Simpson Lumber Company, LLC, Tacoma, Washington... (United States)


    ...,372B] Simpson Lumber Company, LLC, Shelton, Washington; Simpson Lumber Company, LLC, Tacoma, Washington; Simpson Lumber Company, LLC, Longview, Washington; Notice of Revised Determination on Reconsideration On... Reconsideration for the workers and former workers of Simpson Lumber Company, LLC, Shelton, Washington (TA-W-81...

  9. Myocardial Infarction and Risk of Suicide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Karen Kjær; Agerbo, Esben; Christensen, Bo


    Akut myokardieinfarkt og risikoen for selvmord: Et populationsbaseret case-control studie Baggrund Akut myokardieinfarkt (MI) er associeret med øget risiko for angst, depression, nedsat livskvalitet og mortalitet af alle årsager. Det er uvist om MI er associeret med øget risiko for selvmord. Vi...... at være høj mindst 5 år efter MI. Konklusion MI følges af en øget risiko for selvmord for patienter med eller uden psykiatrisk sygdom. Vores resultater indikerer vigtigheden af at screene patienter med MI for depression og selvmordstanker. Udgivelsesdato: December 7...

  10. Study on Municipal Energy Companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is a summarizing overview of the local, renewable energy initiatives that are grouped under the heading of 'municipal energy company'. A municipal energy company (or sustainable energy company) is a local energy company that initiates, coordinates and/or manages sustainable energy projects with the primary objective of realizing the climate objectives. [nl

  11. Factors Influencing Company Relations with Market Stakeholders, in the Face of Crises in Company Development

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    Olszewska Barbara


    Full Text Available Crises in company development are a particular subset of management crises. They emerge on various stages of company development, as a result of gradual depletion of effective management solutions. Crisis situations in companies have varied impact on company stakeholders. The paper presents results of empirical studies of factors influencing company relations with market stakeholders and those that facilitate the process of restoring and maintaining any relations that suffered in the course of crises in company development. The authors’ intention was to identify such factors and evaluate their importance, in relation to various stages of company development and the associated types of crisis situations faced by companies. Empirical studies suggest that certain factors may facilitate conflict resolution in matters concerning company relations with market stakeholders, and that the impact of these factors varies depending on the phase of organizational development and the type of the associated crisis situation. It must be noted, that one of the most important factors to influence problem resolution is the perceived honesty of the exchange participants. Moreover, research suggests that opinions on the significance of organizational dependence of exchange participants in the resolution of problems in relations with market stakeholders are varied.





    One Person Company (OPC) is a revolutionary concept that has been elaborately discussed in the Companies Act, 2013. It is one of the classifications of companies based on the number of persons. One Person Company (OPC) means a company which has only one individual as a member. Only natural-born citizens viz., small businessmen, entrepreneurs, artisans, weavers or traders among others can reap the benefits of One Person Company (OPC). Non-resident Indians cannot form an OPC. The shareholder sh...

  13. Third European Company Survey: Workplace innovation in European companies


    Oeij, P.; Žiauberyté-Jakštiené, R.; Dhondt, S.; Corral, A.; Totterdill, P.; Preenen, P.


    Workplace innovation (WPI) is a developed and implemented practice or combination of practices which enables employees to participate in organisational change and renewal and hence improve the quality of working life and organisational performance. This report looks at reasons for enabling WPI, adoption and implementation, and impact on organisation and management, employees and employee representatives. The research is based on 51 companies identified in Eurofound’s third European Company Su...

  14. 75 FR 6791 - Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds-Termination: Trinity Universal Insurance Company (United States)


    .... However, no new bonds should be accepted from this company, and bonds that are continuous in nature should... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Fiscal Service Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds--Termination: Trinity Universal Insurance Company AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service...

  15. 77 FR 29472 - Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds-Termination: Atlantic Bonding Company, Inc. (United States)


    ... be accepted from this company, and bonds that are continuous in nature should not be renewed. The... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Fiscal Service Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds--Termination: Atlantic Bonding Company, Inc. AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service, Department...

  16. 75 FR 33897 - Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds-Terminations: Commercial Alliance Insurance Company (United States)


    ... be accepted from this company, and bonds that are continuous in nature should not be renewed. The... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Fiscal Service Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds--Terminations: Commercial Alliance Insurance Company AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service...

  17. Geographical proximity on the valuations of unlisted agrarian companies: Does distance from company to company and to strategic points matter?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Occhino, P.; Maté, M.


    This paper is a first attempt to examine the role played by the geography on agrarian firms’ valuations. The geography was evaluated through the physical proximity from agrarian companies to other companies and to some strategic points which ease their accessibility to external economic agents. To get our purpose, we developed an empirical application on a sample of non-listed agrarian Spanish companies located in the region of Murcia over the period 2010-2015. We applied Discount Cash Flow methodology for non-listed companies to get their valuations. With this information, we used spatial econometric techniques to analyse the spatial distribution of agrarian firms’ valuations and model the behavior of this variable. Our results supported the assertion that agrarian firms’ valuations are conditioned by the geography. We found that firms with similar valuations tend to be grouped together in the territory. In addition, we found significant effects on agrarian firms valuations derived from the geographical proximity among closer agrarian companies and from them to external agents and transport facilities.

  18. Geographical proximity on the valuations of unlisted agrarian companies: Does distance from company to company and to strategic points matter?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Occhino, P.; Maté, M.


    This paper is a first attempt to examine the role played by the geography on agrarian firms’ valuations. The geography was evaluated through the physical proximity from agrarian companies to other companies and to some strategic points which ease their accessibility to external economic agents. To get our purpose, we developed an empirical application on a sample of non-listed agrarian Spanish companies located in the region of Murcia over the period 2010-2015. We applied Discount Cash Flow methodology for non-listed companies to get their valuations. With this information, we used spatial econometric techniques to analyse the spatial distribution of agrarian firms’ valuations and model the behavior of this variable. Our results supported the assertion that agrarian firms’ valuations are conditioned by the geography. We found that firms with similar valuations tend to be grouped together in the territory. In addition, we found significant effects on agrarian firms valuations derived from the geographical proximity among closer agrarian companies and from them to external agents and transport facilities.


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    Djoko Suhardjanto


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of corporate governance to financial risk disclosures ofIndonesian banks. Corporate governance was identified as the board size, the number of board meetings, theproportion of independent commissioners, the proportion of independent audit committee members and numberof audit committee meetings. This study also used leverage and profitability as control variable. The levelof financial risk disclosure was measured based on identified items of a circular enclosure of Bank IndonesiaNo.5/21/DPNP/2003. Under purposive sampling, secondary data of 60 annual reports year 2007-2009 ofbanks in Indonesian Stock Exchange were selected. The average level of financial risk disclosures was at46.50%. It indicated that Indonesian’s banks were not fully compliance to regulations since financial riskdisclosures were as mandatory matters. The result of multiple regression showed that corporate governanceaffected the level of financial risk disclosure through the variable board size and the number of board meetings.The important role in implementing tata kelola perusahaan(company management was at the board of commissionerswho served as supervisors of activities and performance of banks as well as advisory directors inensuring that companies implemented good corporate governance, including financial risk disclosures (KomiteNasional Kebijakan Governance, 2006.

  20. 75 FR 38188 - Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds-Termination: Stonebridge Casualty Insurance Company (United States)


    ... should be accepted from this company, and bonds that are continuous in nature should not be renewed. The... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Fiscal Service [NAIC 10952] Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds--Termination: Stonebridge Casualty Insurance Company AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal...

  1. 75 FR 81331 - Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds: Termination-Penn Millers Insurance Company (United States)


    ... should be accepted from this company, and bonds that are continuous in nature should not be renewed. The... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Fiscal Service Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds: Termination--Penn Millers Insurance Company AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service, Department...

  2. Why job autonomy matters for young companies' performance: company maturity as a moderator between job autonomy and company performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Preenen, P.T.Y.; Howaldt, J.; Oeij, P.R.A.; Dhondt, S.; Kraan, K.O.; Jansen, E.


    Although the positive impact of job autonomy has been widely shown for individual-level employee outcomes, research on job autonomy and company-level outcomes has been surprisingly scarce. Therefore, among 3,311 companies in the Netherlands, we investigate the relationship between employees' job

  3. 76 FR 77442 - Mutual Insurance Holding Company Treated as Insurance Company (United States)


    ... insurance industry traces its roots back to England, where, in 1696, the first mutual fire insurer was... FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 12 CFR Part 380 RIN 3064-AD89 Mutual Insurance Holding Company Treated as Insurance Company AGENCY: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). ACTION: Notice...

  4. The European Model Company Act

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cleff, Evelyne Beatrix


    European Company Law regulation is currently undergoing a reform. These reforms raise a number of regulatory questions, such as what should be the aims of companies' legislation, and how these aims should best be met by regulation. Many of the reforms and discussions (both on EU and national level...... an increasing influence on the framing of company legislation, such as the choice between mandatory or default rules. This article introduces the project 'European Company Law and the choice of Regulatory Method' which is carried out in collaboration with the 'European Model Company Act Group'. The project aims...

  5. The Bat'a Company in Zlín: A Shoe Company or a School Company? (United States)

    Kasper, Tomáš; Kasperová, Dana


    The first part of the study focuses on the characteristics and analysis of Zlín as an example of a company town. Life in the company town is characterised as a means of forming 'a new man' in Bat'a's Zlín. The second section analyses the aims of worker education in Bat'a's Zlín (in the so-called Bat'a school of work) and highlights the methods and…

  6. 76 FR 58263 - Kenai Pipe Line Company; Tesoro Alaska Company; Tesoro Logistics Operations, LLC; Notice of... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. OR11-21-000] Kenai Pipe Line Company; Tesoro Alaska Company; Tesoro Logistics Operations, LLC; Notice of Request for Jurisdictional..., 2011, Kenai Pipe Line Company (KPL), Tesoro Alaska Company (Tesoro Alaska), and Tesoro Logistics, LLC...

  7. 78 FR 38309 - Northern Natural Gas Company; Southern Natural Gas Company, L.L.C.; Florida Gas Transmission... (United States)


    ... Natural Gas Company; Southern Natural Gas Company, L.L.C.; Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC; Notice of Application Take notice that on June 4, 2013, Northern Natural Gas Company (Northern), 1111 South 103rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124; on behalf of itself, Southern Natural Gas Company, L.L.C., and...

  8. Organizational architecture of multinational companies


    Sikorová, Lenka


    The main goal of the bachelor thesis Organizational Architecture of Multinational Companies is to elaborate the overview of organizational structures that are used by modern global companies. The thesis contains an analysis of such companies development, principles of functioning, pros and cons and the opportunities which these brings. It also contains a description of the basic concepts associated with organizational architecture such as globalization, multinational companies and organizatio...

  9. Paparan iklan junk food dan pola konsumsi junk food sebagai faktor risiko terjadinya obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar kota dan desa di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esti Nurwanti


    regression showed that the variables affect obesity is junk food ads exposure (OR=1.63, 95%CI: 1.13-2.36and p <0.05 and sex (OR=0.62, 95% CI:0.43-0.91 and p<0.05.Conclusion : Exposure to junk food advertising can increase the risk of obesity.KEYWORDS: obesity, ads, junk food, energy, saturated fat, natrium, sucroseABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Peningkatan prevalensi obesitas dapat disebabkan oleh iklan makanan junk food ketika anak menontontelevisi. Pemilihan makanan yang diinginkan oleh anak banyak dipengaruhi oleh iklan tersebut, sehingga mempengaruhiasupan kalori dan berkorelasi dengan obseitas. Obesitas pada anak dapat menyebabkan obesitas saat dewasa dandapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit degeneratif, seperti diabetes dan kardiovaskuler.Tujuan: Untuk mengukur tingkat risiko paparan iklan junk food dan konsumsi junk food terhadap   kejadian obesitaspada anak SD di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan kasus-kontrol. Populasi penelitian adalah anak SD di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul. Kelompok kasus adalah anak yang mengalami obesitas,sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah teman sekelas yang tidak mengalami obesitas dan duduk paling dekat di sebelahkanan kasus tanpa melihat umur dan jenis kelaminnya Jumlah subjek untuk masing-masing kelompok sebesar 244(1:1. Obesitas didefi nisikan dengan IMT/U>persentil 95th kurva NCHS/CDC. Pengambilan sampel untuk menemukanobesitas dengan probability proportional to size (PPS dan pengambilan sampel untuk kasus dan kontrol menggunakanteknik random sampling. Analisis univariat menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, analisis bivariat menggunakan Chi-square,dan multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik ganda. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan program STATA 11 dengantingkat kemaknaan 95% dan nutrisurvey.Hasil: Analisis bivariat dengan Chi-square menunjukkan variabel yang berpengaruh dengan kejadian obesitas, di antaranyapaparan iklan junk food (OR=1,70, 95%CI:1,17-2,48, dan p

  10. Four state companies are markedly different

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aalund, L.R.


    The Journal continues its profiles of state owned oil companies with a return to the Persian Gulf, South America, and a first time look at the state oil company of Romania, one of Eastern Europe's most active and oldest producers. The government of Kazakhstan's activities are also covered in this report. These profiles detail the organization of the companies, with emphasis on upstream and downstream operations. Support functions, though essential to a company, are not covered in detail. Company projects and capabilities are only described in this report when necessary to put the company in perspective. Following are the profiles of state companies for Bahrain, Kuwait, Romania, and Venezuela

  11. Public Shareholdership Energy Companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kist, A.W.; Crone, F.J.M.; Hudig, D.F.; Ketting, N.G.; De Swaan, T.; Willems, R.


    National and international developments on the energy markets and changes in legislation and regulation require a renewed strategic orientation of energy companies and their shareholders. Decentralized authorities will have to reconsider their position as a shareholder in energy companies carefully. This report provides an overview of the recommendations of the Kist Commission on how provinces and municipalities can make a well-considered choice as shareholder of energy companies. [mk] [nl

  12. Risk Management in Insurance Companies


    Yang, Xufeng


    Insurance is the uncertain business in uncertain society. Today, insures face more complex and difficult risks. Efficient risk management mechanisms are essential for the insurers. The paper is set out initially to explore UK insurance companies risk management and risk disclosure by examining companies annual report after all the listed insurance companies are required to disclose risk information in their annual report, which seeks to reflect the recent development in UK insurance companies...

  13. Company Secretaries: Their duties and powers



    Every company must have a company secretary. Their main role is to: carry out the directors’ instructions; help ensure that the company obeys the law and its own constitutional rules; and prepare and maintain the associated company documents.

  14. CNG: Aiming to be an energy company, not a gas company

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wheatley, R.


    Long before regulatory changes in the US paved the way for the union of natural gas and electric utility companies, Consolidated Natural Gas Co. (CNG) embarked on a strategy that would serve the company well in the 1990s. In 1995, CNG began a corporate repositioning to meet mounting competition, switching emphasis from its regulated businesses to the non-regulated side. The goal: to become an energy player, not only in the US but internationally. This paper focuses on the company's operations, business plans, and management strategies. The paper gives an overview, then discusses production of oil and gas, the growing exploration program and plans for the future

  15. Startup activities of established Finnish companies


    Saalasti, Sini


    Established companies have collaborated with startups for decades in order to enhance their capabilities in technology and innovation. However, in the recent years, the changes in the business environment have induced established companies to increase their collaboration with startups. Thus, startup activities of established companies have become a timely phenomenon. This study explores the startup activities of established companies by analyzing all the activity established companies conduct...

  16. Electric Holding Company Areas (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — Holding companies are electric power utilities that have a holding company structure. This vector polygon layer represents the area served by electric power holding...

  17. 26 CFR 1.831-1 - Tax on insurance companies (other than life or mutual), mutual marine insurance companies, and... (United States)


    ... mutual), mutual marine insurance companies, and mutual fire insurance companies issuing perpetual... companies (other than life or mutual), mutual marine insurance companies, and mutual fire insurance... insurance companies and mutual fire insurance companies exclusively issuing either perpetual policies, or...

  18. Strategy Assessment of Company ECOPOSTES


    Cortazar Sanabria, Javier Mauricio


    This thesis focuses on developing a research on the different types of strategies a company can implement depending on their situation and the various analyses that must be completed before making the strategy decision. External and internal environment methods are described together with the various forms of corporate restructure methods a company can use if needed. The whole process is followed step by step to provide a strategy assessment to company Ecopostes, a Colombian company focused o...

  19. Modeling renewable energy company risk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadorsky, Perry


    The renewable energy sector is one of the fastest growing components of the energy industry and along with this increased demand for renewable energy there has been an increase in investing and financing activities. The tradeoff between risk and return in the renewable energy sector is, however, precarious. Renewable energy companies are often among the riskiest types of companies to invest in and for this reason it is necessary to have a good understanding of the risk factors. This paper uses a variable beta model to investigate the determinants of renewable energy company risk. The empirical results show that company sales growth has a negative impact on company risk while oil price increases have a positive impact on company risk. When oil price returns are positive and moderate, increases in sales growth can offset the impact of oil price returns and this leads to lower systematic risk.

  20. 17 CFR 210.3-18 - Special provisions as to registered management investment companies and companies required to be... (United States)


    ... registered management investment companies and companies required to be registered as management investment... Financial Statements § 210.3-18 Special provisions as to registered management investment companies and companies required to be registered as management investment companies. (a) For filings by registered...

  1. Frygt i en ebolatid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasborg, Klaus


    Kriminaliteten er faldende, og der er større risiko for at blive ramt af lynet end ebola. Alligevel stiger frygten i samfundet.......Kriminaliteten er faldende, og der er større risiko for at blive ramt af lynet end ebola. Alligevel stiger frygten i samfundet....

  2. Responsibilities of Companies towards Employees

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monray Marsellus Botha


    Full Text Available Central to company law is the promotion of corporate governance. An important question in company law still today is in whose interest the company should be managed. Corporate governance needs to address the entire span of responsibilities to stakeholders of the company such as customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and the community at large. The promotion of human rights in the application of company law must also take place. This is extremely important given the significant role of enterprises within the social and economic life of the nation. The interests of various stakeholder groups in the context of the corporation as a "social institution" should be enhanced and protected. Because corporations are part of society and the community, like all of us, it is required of them to be socially responsible and have greater accountability to all stakeholders of the company. Although directors must act in the best interests of shareholders collectively they must also consider the interests of other stakeholders. Sustainable relationships with all the relevant stakeholders are thus important. The advancement of social justice is thus important to corporations in that they should take note of the Constitution, labour legislation and company law legislation when social justice issues are dealt with. Employees have become very important stakeholders of companies and their needs should be taken into account in the bigger corporate governance and social responsibility framework.

  3. 12 CFR 5.35 - Bank service companies. (United States)


    .... (d) Definitions—(1) Bank service company means a corporation or limited liability company organized... liability company. (2) Limited liability company means any non-corporate company, partnership, trust, or..., obligation, or liability of the company solely by reason of being, or acting as, a member or manager of such...

  4. Privatised companies and market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salini, M. P.


    The Italian Government decided to adopt the public company structure where a little group of medium-term investors had the task of supporting the transition of the privatised companies to the market. The article examines the reasons for this decision and its failure in attaining the purpose, not excluding the possibility for the public company of imposing itself in the long period and in a context of a minor legislative intervention and more effective Corporate Governance rules [it

  5. 12 CFR 584.2-2 - Permissible bank holding company activities of savings and loan holding companies. (United States)


    ... savings and loan holding companies. 584.2-2 Section 584.2-2 Banks and Banking OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY SAVINGS AND LOAN HOLDING COMPANIES § 584.2-2 Permissible bank holding company activities of savings and loan holding companies. (a) General. For purposes of § 584.2(b)(6)(i) of this part...

  6. 77 FR 42554 - Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds-Termination: Peerless Insurance Company (NAIC #24198) (United States)


    ... should be accepted from this company, and bonds that are continuous in nature should not be renewed. The... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Fiscal Service Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds--Termination: Peerless Insurance Company (NAIC 24198) AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service...

  7. 78 FR 62616 - Salmon Creek Hydroelectric Company, Salmon Creek Hydroelectric Company, LLC; Notice of Transfer... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 3730-005] Salmon Creek Hydroelectric Company, Salmon Creek Hydroelectric Company, LLC; Notice of Transfer of Exemption 1. By letter filed September 23, 2013, Salmon Creek Hydroelectric Company informed the Commission that they have...

  8. Ownership structures of principal petroleum companies in Canada: company profiles - significant events - takeovers and acquisitions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This reference document on ownership structures of principal petroleum companies identifies 'who owns whom' in the Canadian petroleum industry. The publication consists of three chapters. Chapter one, entitled 'Corporate Structures' includes the equity linkages between the energy enterprise and its parents and subsidiaries, names of directors and officers of the company and their ownership of voting shares. Chapter two under the title of 'Significant Events', provides company incorporation and listing data, outlining information on address of the company's head office, the nature of its business, number of employees in Canada, and stock exchanges on which the company equity is listed, stock symbol, high, low and closing prices as of December 31, 1996. Chapter three, entitled 'Takeovers and Acquisitions 1976-1997, provides a list of purchases, mergers and acquisitions and the estimated value of each, where applicable. All information included is provided by the companies themselves

  9. The European Company : From a Swedish private company perspective


    Öster, Alexandra; Alm, Cecilia


    The development within the European Union is that we are heading towards a common internal market. The law has during the year become more harmo-nized within the Union in many areas. The company law within the European Union has become harmonized through several company law directives and the freedom of establishment, which is included in the EC Treaty. The aim of an internal market is about to be achieved, but there are still differences between the systems of law within the Member States. T...


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    Putu Diah Asrida


    Full Text Available The Impact of the Existence of the Audit Committees to the Relationship Between Company’s risk and Conservatism Accounting. The aim of the research is to examine the impact of the existence of the audit committees to the relationship between company’s risk and conservatism accounting. The audit committee is measured by proxy the number of audit committee members while the company’s risk was proxy with debt to equity ratio and accounting conservatism measured by the accrual value. Sample in this research are companies listed to stock exchanges of Indonesia which publishes annual report from 2005 to 2009 and who applied conservative accounting as well as having an audit committee. The testing of hypothesis in this research is used moderated regression analysis (MRA. The result of hypothesis test indicated that audit committees affect the positive relationship between company’s risk and conservatism accounting. The higher of the company’s risk, then the audit committee will recommend the application of conservative accounting. This is proving that the existence of audit committees within the company can minimize the agent’s problem. Keywords: audit committee, company’s risk and accounting conservatism



    Amar, Muh Yunus


    Attainment of company performance relates to participation of its external stakeholder. External stakeholder here defined as the group which having importance with company and cannot be controlled by company management. Existence of external stakeholder becomes of vital importance and influential to performance and continuity of company life (Kasali, 1990). Therefore, management of the company needs to paying attention more to the importance of the external stakeholder. External stakeholders ...

  12. 77 FR 29884 - Assessment of Fees on Large Bank Holding Companies and Nonbank Financial Companies Supervised by... (United States)


    ... holding company's four most recent Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-9C... with total consolidated assets of $50 billion or greater and nonbank financial companies supervised by... financial institutions and insurance companies were critical of the proposed use of total consolidated...

  13. 77 FR 66216 - Union Railroad Company-Corporate Family Merger Exemption-McKeesport Connecting Railroad Company (United States)


    ..., accounting, reporting, and related burdens associated with the maintenance of the two separate corporate... Company--Corporate Family Merger Exemption-- McKeesport Connecting Railroad Company Union Railroad Company... verified notice of exemption under 49 CFR 1180.2(d)(3) for a corporate family transaction pursuant to which...

  14. Determinants of the company value

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kamila Růžičková


    Full Text Available Today, there are many conceptions involving creation of the company value, as it is the main objective for the owners. However, there are still many companies interested primarily in the different company’s objectives and enhance its competitive position differently. The aim of the paper is to present and analyze the viewpoints of Czech and foreign specialists on the issue of company value creation. The paper provides the determination of factors positively influencing the company value, the description of their characteristics, and on the basis of a detailed academic discussion proposes conclusions. Attention is paid especially to the value drivers which are not recorded in the financial documents.The introduction of the paper gives a brief overview of the topic. The paper is divided into three main parts. The first part introduces the effective cost management. It clarifies the concept of the managerial accounting and explains its contribution to the creation of the company value. The second part deals with the external relationships of the company. It focuses on the buyer-supplier relationships and offers the detailed perspective on the specific issue of the agricultural companies and their competitiveness in relation to the land leases. The third part concentrates on the internal company environment, namely on the human capital potential and its effects on the value of the company. In the concluding part, the findings are summarized. Based on the results, the figure describing the determinants and generators of the company value is formed. This figure can be considered a systematic procedure how to create a company value.All findings are supported with the literature review e.g. Armstrong (2007, Fibírová and Šoljaková (2005, Marinič (2008, Petřík (2007 and Porter (2004. Within the paper elaboration, the analysis and synthesis as scientific methods were used for explanation of the experts’ points of view and then summed up as the

  15. Natural gas annual 1993 supplement: Company profiles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Natural Gas Annual provides information on the supply and disposition of natural gas to a wide audience including industry, consumers, Federal and State agencies, and educational institutions. This report, the Natural Gas Annual 1993 Supplement: Company Profiles, presents a detailed profile of 45 selected companies in the natural gas industry. The purpose of this report is to show the movement of natural gas through the various States served by the companies profiled. The companies in this report are interstate pipeline companies or local distribution companies (LDC`s). Interstate pipeline companies acquire gas supplies from company owned production, purchases from producers, and receipts for transportation for account of others. Pipeline systems, service area maps, company supply and disposition data are presented.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agus Haryono


    Full Text Available A number of studies investigated how financial information affected investment decisions. The study extendedthis line of research by examining the effect of risk, proxied by price per share, number of shareholders, numberof dealers, trading volume, accounting risk and market risk measures on the bid ask spread. Further, theresearch tried to test the relationship between bid ask spread and cost of equity capital. The samples of thisresearch were the manufacturing companies listed at Indonesian Stock Exchange which shared the dividendfor 3 years; there were 40 companies. Data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis. The results ofregression provided evidence of statistically significant effect of price per share, market value, asset size andprice variability on bid ask spread. At last, there was a positive relationship between bid ask spread and cost ofequity capital

  17. Does Capital Structure Influence Company Profitability?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herciu Mihaela


    Full Text Available Every company has a different structure of balance sheet. Some of the companies have more liabilities than equity. Considering the industry or debt-to-equity ratio, the balance sheet structure affects the company profitability measured by DuPont system. The main objective of the paper is to analyze the structure of balance sheet and to identify some optimal levels in order to increase company profitability. The DuPont returns like ROA (return on assets and ROE (return on equity will be used to measure the company profitability, while the debt-to-equity ratio will be used as a measure (reflection of capital structure. The samples consist on the most profitable non-financial companies ranked in Fortune Global 500. The companies will be grouped in clusters (based on industry or debt-to-equity ratio in order to identify the signification of the correlation between the profit and the balance sheet structure. The main results of the paper refer to the company profitability that can be increased by using an optimal structure of liabilities and equity.

  18. Human resource policy and Danish multinational companies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fleming, Daniel; Søborg, Henrik

    A study of Danish multinational companies' human resource policy in their subsidiaries in Malaysia and Singapore.The sample of companies consists of 8 Danish multinational companies with activities in both Malaysia and Singapore.......A study of Danish multinational companies' human resource policy in their subsidiaries in Malaysia and Singapore.The sample of companies consists of 8 Danish multinational companies with activities in both Malaysia and Singapore....

  19. National companies : performance, ventures, utility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Didier, F.


    The author shows how a performing National Company can efficiently contribute, in line with the producing State, to the negotiation with International Companies and the success of large oil ventures contemplated by reserves-short countries. Fully entrepreneurial, the National Company will usefully ''explore'' touchy matters, and bring closer national rationale and petroleum rationale. (Author)

  20. Multilingualism in Companies: An Introduction (United States)

    Sherman, Tamah; Strubell, Miquel


    This thematic collection of four papers explores a number of perspectives on companies in which multiple languages are used. The "organisational" perspective concerns the question of how the presence of or demand for multiple languages in the company is managed--how companies are guided by national and other policies in regard to the use…

  1. 26 CFR 1.831-3 - Tax on insurance companies (other than life or mutual), mutual marine insurance companies, mutual... (United States)


    ... mutual), mutual marine insurance companies, mutual fire insurance companies issuing perpetual policies, and mutual fire or flood insurance companies operating on the basis of premium deposits; taxable years... fire insurance companies issuing perpetual policies, and mutual fire or flood insurance companies...

  2. Trade Companies and their Classification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Tărchilă


    Full Text Available The Romanian legislation does not define anyhow the concept of companies. It was the merit of the doctrine, which attempted such a definition, starting usually from the provisions of the Civil Code, which in art. 1491 defines the civil society, for the purpose of the memorandum of the association1. For that matter, also in the specialized foreign doctrine (ex. the French doctrine companies are defined based on similar concepts, but standardized by the Civil Code. The two meanings that the company has to be regarded through, also explain the very specific legal matter, a matter of concepts resulting from understanding the concept of memorandum of association and the company-institution. Thus, the contractual conception, imposed by the development of the contract theory in the last century, explains the existence of the companies starting from the validity conditions imposed to any contract and from the contractual techniques that establish the relationships formed within the society (for example, the company management is based on a mandate contract under which the executive operates.

  3. 12 CFR 225.82 - How does a bank holding company elect to become a financial holding company? (United States)


    ... holding company to become a financial holding company shall not be effective if, during the period...) Effective date of election—(1) In general. An election filed by a bank holding company under paragraph (a... financial holding company is effective prior to the 31st day after the date that a complete declaration was...

  4. Company analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jenster, Per V.; Hussey, David

    This volume looks at the company appraisal as a whole, examining the continuing need to appraise companies as part of the continuing strategy process. Building from a sound basis of theory, the text aims to be practical and to give guidance to senior managers and others involved in the strategy...... process. It is thus a book primarily aimed at managers, but should also be useful for MBA students undertaking strategy assignments It provides helpful, practical guidance and identifies weaknesses of traditional methods. It also presents a variety of tools which may be used in the appraisal process...

  5. Professor om kystsikring: Ingen universelle løsninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten


    DEBAT: Der findes ikke universalløsninger mod stigende risiko for stormfloder, men løsninger skal findes, skriver Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, professor ved DTU.......DEBAT: Der findes ikke universalløsninger mod stigende risiko for stormfloder, men løsninger skal findes, skriver Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, professor ved DTU....

  6. Companies as "Cyborgs"?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thompson, Grahame

    This paper investigates the legal and commercial consequences of companies being considered as both an entity and a person in law – hence the notion of ‘cyborg’ in its title. It concentrates upon legal personhood and relates this particular feature to the issue of corporate citizenship. In turn...... corporate citizenship provides a link to considering the political role of companies, since in claiming citizenship they are implicitly at least claiming a particular set of political rights consequent upon that status, and announcing a particular politically constrained context associated...... with their operational characteristics. But what would be involved in granting companies full citizenship rights in the image of natural person citizenship? The paper explores this issue in connection to the differences between corporate social responsibility and an earlier idea of the socially responsible corporation...

  7. Natural gas annual 1992: Supplement: Company profiles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The data for the Natural Gas Annual 1991 Supplement : Company Profiles are taken from Form EIA-176, (open quotes) Annual Report of Natural and Supplemental Gas Supply and Disposition (close quotes). Other sources include industry literature and corporate annual reports to shareholders. The companies appearing in this report are major interstate natural gas pipeline companies, large distribution companies, or combination companies with both pipeline and distribution operations. The report contains profiles of 45 corporate families. The profiles describe briefly each company, where it operates, and any important issues that the company faces. The purpose of this report is to show the movement of natural gas through the various States served by the 45 large companies profiled.

  8. Virtual Company and Modelbank

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorsteinsson, Uffe


    Ansøgning til Socrates programmet vedr. Tematisk netværk inden for området Virtual Company and Modelbank......Ansøgning til Socrates programmet vedr. Tematisk netværk inden for området Virtual Company and Modelbank...

  9. Conclusion: The balanced company

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, John Damm; Jensen, Inger


    This concluding chapter brings together the various research findings of the book "The balanced company - organizing for the 21st Century" and develops a general overview of their implications for our understanding of the balancing processes unfolding in companies and organizations....

  10. Director remuneration, corporate governance and performance: A comparison between government linked companies vs non government linked companies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nazrul Hisyam Ab Razak


    Full Text Available This study has examined the relationship between director’s remuneration, corporate governance structure and performance of a sample of 150 companies listed on the Bursa Malaysia from year 2008 until 2013. The sample was selected to provide matched-pair of government linked companies (GLCs and non-government linked companies (non-GLCs, as it was anticipated that these group would have different governance structure, the key difference being government ownership. The result holds even when we control for company specific characteristic such as corporate governance, company size, leverage, director’s remuneration, board size and auditors. This study uses panel based regression model to examine the impact of government control mechanism on company performance using two important measurers. These are accounting based measure proxies by ROA and non-accounting based measures by Tobin’s Q. Statistically significant relationships were found across the groupings and for different performance measures. Findings appear to suggest that there is a significant impact of government ownership on company performance after controlling for company specific characteristics.

  11. Computerized monitoring and online information system for energy and facility management service providers. Outsourcing of management and maintenance services; Informationssystem mit Online-Service fuer Dienstleistungsanbieter. Service und Wartung kostenguenstig gestalten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Niclas, C. [Segno Industrie Automation GmbH, Bremen (Germany)


    The article addresses the emerging new business opportunities of service companies as contractors in the energy sector. Outsourcing and contracting models and in particular the computer architecture and the software and programming of available online systems are discussed. (orig./CB) [German] Regionale und kommunale Versorgungsunternehmen, Krankenhaeuser, Druckereien sowie produzierende Unternehmen koennen sich voll und ganz auf ihr Kerngeschaeft konzentrieren und einen Service- und Wartungsdienst kostenguenstig outsourcen. Serviceorientierte Dienstleister werden im gleichen Zuge durch Einsatz eines Service-Informationssystems in die Lage versetzt, Versorgungs- und Betreuungskonzepte optimal anzubieten. Langfristige Kundenbindungen sowie eine Verbesserung der Kundennaehe sind die Erfolge. Optimierung von Kunden-Anlagen und Einbindung in zukuenftige Investitionsmassnahmen seien an dieser Stelle nur als moegliche Zusatzgeschaefte zu erwaehnen. (orig.)

  12. Principles of European Company Law

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik


    The article focuses on how much we have in common in Europe within company law and its development, and on the principles which are the determining factors for the activities of European companies. The article shows that what we have in common greatly outweighs what divides us, and this is presen......The article focuses on how much we have in common in Europe within company law and its development, and on the principles which are the determining factors for the activities of European companies. The article shows that what we have in common greatly outweighs what divides us...

  13. 26 CFR 1.821-4 - Tax on mutual insurance companies other than life insurance companies and other than fire, flood... (United States)


    ... life insurance companies and other than fire, flood, or marine insurance companies, subject to tax... Life and Certain Marine Insurance Companies and Other Than Fire Or Flood Insurance Companies Which... other than life insurance companies and other than fire, flood, or marine insurance companies, subject...

  14. Premium Forecasting of AN Insurance Company: (United States)

    Fouladvand, M. Ebrahim; Darooneh, Amir H.

    We present an analytical study of an insurance company. We model the company's performance on a statistical basis and evaluate the predicted annual income of the company in terms of insurance parameters namely the premium, the total number of insured, average loss claims etc. We restrict ourselves to a single insurance class the so-called automobile insurance. We show the existence of a crossover premium pc below which the company is operating at a loss. Above pc, we also give a detailed statistical analysis of the company's financial status and obtain the predicted profit along with the corresponding risk as well as ruin probability in terms of premium. Furthermore we obtain the optimal premium popt which maximizes the company's profit.


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    I Dewa Ketut Alit Dramawan


    Full Text Available The Effect of Financial Risk and Sales Growth to Profitability and Value of The Firm. This research is conducted as a mean to determine the effect of financial risk and sales growth to profitability and value of the firm. The study population is a property company that is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2010-2012. The sample is based on the census in accordance with the definition of the variables used in this research, 26 companies as samples. Variables financial risk is measured by delta EPS divided by delta EBIT, sales growth is measured by the proportion of delta sales each year, profitability with ROA ( return on assets, value of the firm with PBV ( price to book value . Analysis of the data using path analysis method , in which the financial risk and sales growth as an exogenous variable, value of the firm as an  endogenous variable and profitability as an intervening variable. The research found that the risk of finance and sales growth have positive effect on pofitability, profitability has positive effect on the value of the firm but financial risk value and growth sales have negative effect on the value of the firm.   Keywords : financial risk, sales growth, profitability, value of the firm

  16. Organizational architecture of multinational company


    Vrbová, Tereza


    The Bachelor's Thesis ,,Organizational architecture of multinational company" sets the target to analyse organizational structures used in multinational companies at present. In the teoretical section is briefly described development of this subject, basic concepts associated with organizational architecture such as globalization, multinational companies and organizational architecture. I also generalized main characteristics of organizational forms and describe their pros and cons. The pract...

  17. 78 FR 62614 - Guttman Energy, Inc., PBF Holding Company LLC v. Buckeye Pipe Line Company, L.P., Laurel Pipe... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. OR14-4-000] Guttman Energy, Inc., PBF Holding Company LLC v. Buckeye Pipe Line Company, L.P., Laurel Pipe Line Company, L.P... complaint against Buckeye Pipe Line Company L.P. and Laurel Pipe Line Company L.P. (Respondents) challenging...

  18. Narrative Accounting Practices in Indonesia Companies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inten Meutia


    Full Text Available This research aimed to reveal creative accounting practices in the form of narrative accounting occuring in companies in Indonesia. Using content analysis, this research analyzed the management discussion and analysis section in the annual report on the group of companies whose performance had increased and declined in several companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. This research finds that the narrative accounting practices are applied in these companies. The four methods of accounting narratives are found in both groups of companies. There are stressing the positive and downplaying the negative, baffling the readers, differential reporting, and attribution.

  19. Relocating a Company within the EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik


    This article analyses how a public or private limited company can be relocated in another EU country via establishment of a subsidiary in the second country, followed by a reverse vertical merger (the parent ceases to exist and the subsidiary is the continuing company). The consideration for the ...... for the merger is shares in the subsidiary, which can be effected by giving the parent company's shares in the subsidiary to the parent company's shareholders, but after the shares have taken a brief respite in the subsidiary as own shares......This article analyses how a public or private limited company can be relocated in another EU country via establishment of a subsidiary in the second country, followed by a reverse vertical merger (the parent ceases to exist and the subsidiary is the continuing company). The consideration...

  20. Analysis Of Employee Engagement And Company Performance


    Mekel, Peggy A.; Saerang, David P.E.; Silalahi, Immanuel Maradopan


    Employee could be a competitive advantage of a company if company manages its employees well. The success of a company could be seen from how a company manages their employees and engages their employees. Most of big companies put their employees in top priority in order to keep their top performance. These big companies manage their employees and try to engage their employees so that their employees could generate high performance. In this study, employee engagement is the factor to examine ...

  1. Quality management in shipping companies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Đergović Dragana M.


    Full Text Available As international business becomes more competitive, companies are finding that they need to work more effectively to stay in business. Quality assurance has become very important to the majority of production and service companies with international activity. Shipping companies were also required to implement a quality management system. The huge importance of safety in maritime transport operations resulted in the International Safety Management Code (ISM Code by the International Maritime Organization. The general management system principles embodied by the maritime ISM Code and generics ISO standards, have enabled their complementary application in establishing a quality management system in shipping companies, within a safety management system as its subset.

  2. Innovation policy of European chemical companies with special focus on large companies

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    Supriyo Das


    Full Text Available According to Arora et alii (1998, the chemical industry is one of the largest and most R&D-intensive manufacturing sectors in all the advanced economies, and its innovative patterns and productivity growth processes can have profound impacts on economic growth as a whole. The European chemical industry supplies virtually all sectors of the economy and accounts for 17.8% of the total sales of chemicals in the world. This paper gives an overview of the European chemical industry and the changing scenario of the world chemical industry by focusing on the top fifteen chemical companies in Europe. It describes the current problems this industry is facing in Europe especially after the economic crisis and shows that the region and the top companies are investing in R&D to bring about innovation and overcome the current challenges. It shows that R&D spending in absolute terms has hardly changed over the years and that the industry is still globally the largest investor in R&D activities. In terms of R&D, BASF has made the greatest investment followed by Bayer and Syngenta, while R&D intensity is highest for Syngenta and Bayer. BASF and Bayer have made most patent applications and have also had the highest number of patents granted. The quality of research in most chemical companies is very high and most of the large European companies make their first patent application in Europe rather than elsewhere. All the large chemical companies use Merger & Acquisition (M&A to gain access to innovation. Industry-academia collaboration is one way to generate innovation in the chemical industry in Europe. Chemical clusters and the geographical distribution of chemical companies play a significant role in generating innovation.

  3. The Analysis of Company Characteristic Influence Toward CSR Disclosure: Empirical Evidence of Manufacturing Companies Listed in Jsx


    Rahman, Arief; Widyasari, Kurnia Nur


    This paper investigates the influence of company characteristic toward Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure. The research is using the proxy of management ownership, leverage, size, profitability and company profile as the variable of company characteristic, while the CSR disclosure, unlike the previous researches, is proxied by dummy score from the companies' mandatory disclosure based on the items of Public Environmental Reporting Initiative (PERI) and Global Reporting Initiative Soci...

  4. The evolution analysis of listed companies co-holding non-listed financial companies based on two-mode heterogeneous networks (United States)

    An, Pengli; Li, Huajiao; Zhou, Jinsheng; Chen, Fan


    Complex network theory is a widely used tool in the empirical research of financial markets. Two-mode and multi-mode networks are new trends and represent new directions in that they can more accurately simulate relationships between entities. In this paper, we use data for Chinese listed companies holding non-listed financial companies over a ten-year period to construct two networks: a two-mode primitive network in which listed companies and non-listed financial companies are considered actors and events, respectively, and a one-mode network that is constructed based on the decreasing-mode method in which listed companies are considered nodes. We analyze the evolution of the listed company co-holding network from several perspectives, including that of the whole network, of information control ability, of implicit relationships, of community division and of small-world characteristics. The results of the analysis indicate that (1) China's developing stock market affects the share-holding condition of listed companies holding non-listed financial companies; (2) the information control ability of co-holding networks is focused on a few listed companies and the implicit relationship of investment preference between listed companies is determined by the co-holding behavior; (3) the community division of the co-holding network is increasingly obvious, as determined by the investment preferences among listed companies; and (4) the small-world characteristics of the co-holding network are increasingly obvious, resulting in reduced communication costs. In this paper, we conduct an evolution analysis and develop an understanding of the factors that influence the listed companies co-holding network. This study will help illuminate research on evolution analysis.

  5. State oil companies have diverse strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Journal's series on state-owned oil companies continues with profiles on seven more companies which already are, or could be, important players in the international oil industry. The first part of this series appeared last August. It featured the world's producing giants. This installment shows that national oil companies are definitely not cut from the same mold and that they have diverse mandates from their countries or have developed unusual niches in the oil world. The objective of these profiles is not to fully cover the plans and performance of such companies. That is done regularly in weekly editions of OGJ. Rather, these articles are written by a team of experienced Journal editors to characterize the individual companies, describe their mandates and organization, and present some professional background information, when available, on those in top management with the hope of getting some insight into the corporate cultures. The companies covered come from Brazil, China, Finland, Japan, Norway, Oman, and Vietnam. In addition the article profiles Borealis Holding A/S, created from the merger of two state companies from Norway and Finland

  6. 78 FR 9907 - TGP Development Company, LLC; TGP Flying Cloud Holdings, LLC; WEC TX Company, LLC v. Arizona... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. EL13-45-000] TGP Development Company, LLC; TGP Flying Cloud Holdings, LLC; WEC TX Company, LLC v. Arizona Public Service Company... section 206 of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 824(e) (2006), TGP Development Company, LLC, TGP Flying...

  7. Suggestion of Islamic Insurance Company Model


    Abdullah Ibrahim Nazal


    This study is one of very few studies which have investigated Islamic Insurance Companies as solution. It explained its operations also comparing with Traditional Insurance Companies and theoretical Islamic insurance models. As result to this study Islamic Insurance companies are profit organization. It helps Islamic banks but it costs customer to face expect risk. Islamic Insurance companies have many ways to get profits and consider all customers installments grants. Its operation gap comes...

  8. Pembuatan Dokumen Sop Keamanan Aset Informasi Yang Mengacu Pada Kontrol Kerangka Kerja Iso 27002:2013 (Studi Kasus : Cv Cempaka Tulungagung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dheni Indra Rachmawan


    Full Text Available Dalam mendukung proses bisnis utamanya, suatu organisasi membutuhkan adanya dukungan teknologi informasi. Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi di banyak perusahaan telah menjadi satu hal penting dalam meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi operasional bisnis yang mendukung tercapainya tujuan perusahaan, termasuk juga pada CV Cempaka Tulungagung. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keamanan aset informasi tersebut maka diperlukan adanya sebuah tata kelola dalam bentuk dokumen SOP (Standard Operating Procedure keamanan aset informasi untuk mengurangi adanya ancaman dan risiko serta untuk mendukung penyelarasan pencapaian tujuan organisasi dalam proses bisnisnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu OCTAVE sebagai pengolah hasil informasi yang didapatkan dari wawancara dan FMEA digunakan untuk menghitung seberapa tinggi dampak untuk perusahaan jika risiko itu terjadi dan membuat ranking prioritas untuk masing-masing risiko. Kemudian basis yang digunakan dalam membuat prosedur kendali akses aset informasi sebagai manajemen risiko adalah kerangka kerja ISO/IEC:27002:2013. Dalam penelitian ini, hasil akhir yang didapatkan adalah sebuah dokumen SOP yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan keamanan informasi bagi perusahaan CV Cempaka berdasarkan pada kontrol kerangka kerja ISO27002:2013.


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    Hezi Aviram SHAYB


    Full Text Available Nobody is planning to fail, but many companies are failing because of lack of planning. Real business experience showed during the years that crisis can be prevented, avoided or limited. If detected in time, the risks associated with the crisis can be mitigated and the effects can be diminished, with the condition that the actions required are done fast, in a sharp and accurate manner. When it comes, a crisis brings an intense level of pressure and under these conditions there is no time or room for mistakes. Delays, losing focus and lack of planning will bring a company one step away from failure. The right way to deal with crisis, if required measures are not done in time, is to minimize the losses and reposition in the best way possible. Analysing the success stories of some of the biggest and strongest companies in the world, led to an important conclusion: the majority of these companies were in the situation to face huge crises which threatened their ability to survive in certain moments, on their way to success. With the right planning and by setting a proper organisational structure, the negative aspects of the crisis can be turned into benefits and opportunities for the company. The most critical challenge for management is to assess the level of exposure to risk of the company and identify the key points to focus on in order to overcome the crisis and create value. In order to set up a strong plan in dealing with crisis, a business organisation needs reliable, efficient and effective tools and this is what this article is all about.


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    Svetlana VUKOSAV


    Full Text Available Contemporary approaches to the management of the company are focused on achieving long-term success of the company in its complex and changing environment. Company as part of the wider environment, must adapt to the changing environment in order to survive, growing and developing. The task of strategic management is to enable the enterprise in the tourism industry to rationally and promptly react to changes in the environment in which it carries out its business and general activity. The aim of this paper is to determine whether and to what extent the process of the strategic management is being implemented in hotels in Vojvodina(that are changed ownership structure and what is their response to the competitive pressures and opportunities, and demands and needs of consumers Strategic positioning in order to achieve sustainable competitive advantage through product differentiation and segmentation of demand is imperative for success of hotel companies in Vojvodina.

  11. The cardiovascular safety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) among healthy people - A nationwide population study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fosbøl, Emil Loldrup


    1,63 CI: 1,52-1,76) var forbundet med en øget risiko for hjertedød, og artiklen konkluderer, at alle mennesker bør vise forsigtighed ved brugen af disse lægemidler. Brug af ibuprofen (HR 1,01 CI: 0,96-1,07) eller naproxen (HR 0,97 CI: 0,83-1,12) er et tilsyneladende sikrere alternativ hvad angår den...... til kardiovasculær død eller fatalt eller non-fatalt stroke. Ibuprofen viste lignende resultater som for celecoxib hvorimod naproxen ikke var associeret med øget kardiovaskulær risiko. KONKLUSION Overordnet konkluderer afhandlingen, at nogle NSAID er forbundet med øget risiko for kardiovaskulær...


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    Alexandrina Cristina VASILE


    Full Text Available Changes are the only constant value in the current unpredictable economy. Under these circumstances leaders and employees must manage the external and internal environment and bring profitability for their companies. This paper gives an introductory approach to different perspective over learning companies in international literature. Different theoretical aspects, models and theories are taken into account for having a higher visibility to the complex concept of learning companies from leadership side to multiculturalism as the firm profitability should be the final goal of each economic system. The article concludes that not the process of learning is important but the adaptability to every different environment must be seen as vital.


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    Hasan Mahmutović


    Full Text Available The discourse of globalization and its effects have been the most current topic in the field of economics in recent times. However, empirical research on the impact of globalization on companies, especially in transition countries, is very scarce. This paper focuses on the study of the impact of globalization on the performance of companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina by analyzing their interrelationships. The findings, in the case of companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, have confirmed earlier findings about the double impact of globalization by showing, on the one hand, its positive effects and, on the other hand, the negative effects on the performance of the companies. Additionally, the research results have shown that negative effects are felt more strongly in the case of small and medium-sized companies than in the case of large companies.

  14. Biodiversity footprint of companies - Summary report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rooij, van W.; Arets, E.J.M.M.


    Companies are becoming increasingly aware of their impact on biodiversity and natural capital. This may result from their implicit dependence on natural capital, from increasingly more critical consumers, or from the genuine concern of company managers and owners. Consequently, companies have an

  15. Early stages of technology intensive companies


    Muhos, M. (Matti)


    Abstract This study aims to clarify the early development stages of technology intensive companies. The current literature does not offer an extensive review of stage perspectives for company growth – the overall picture of the field is somewhat vague. The evolution of this field remains unclear as well as the current state. Further, recent empirical stage models focusing on technology intensive companies have not been delineated. As companies move through their early stages, they face ev...

  16. Crucial market demands and company competencies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Bjarne; Stacey, Julia


    More and more, it is acknowledged that a company's success depends on it being capable of complying with the market's demands and wishes. It is, however, not always obvious, how the individual company will be able to meet the market's demands. A recent MAPP study has investigated this topic...... and identified a number of central market demands, which Danish food companies are faced with. Moreover, the study has identified which competencies are required to meet these demands and have also looked at howsuccessful companies structure some of these competencies. The study takes its point of departure...... in a literature review of MAPP's research. Results show that there are 27 central market demands, retail and consumer demands that Danish companies ought to be able to live up to. The study has also identified which competencies food companies must possess to be able to meet market's demands. Results from three...

  17. Coomunication Culture in a company

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    M V Korotitskaya


    Full Text Available The article substantiates the interconnections between the level of communicative culture in a company and the level of management, which shows the investment and financial attractiveness of the enterprise. The article reveals principles and methods of sociocommunicative technology, whose application positively affects the state of communicative culture of within a company. Application examples of these principles and methods in management of power grid companies in the Belgorod region are also given.

  18. Benchmarking in Mobarakeh Steel Company


    Sasan Ghasemi; Mohammad Nazemi; Mehran Nejati


    Benchmarking is considered as one of the most effective ways of improving performance in companies. Although benchmarking in business organizations is a relatively new concept and practice, it has rapidly gained acceptance worldwide. This paper introduces the benchmarking project conducted in Esfahan's Mobarakeh Steel Company, as the first systematic benchmarking project conducted in Iran. It aims to share the process deployed for the benchmarking project in this company and illustrate how th...

  19. 77 FR 62378 - Supervisory and Company-Run Stress Test Requirements for Covered Companies (United States)


    ... consolidated assets as reported on the bank holding company's four most recent Consolidated Financial Statement... bank holding company with total consolidated assets of $50 billion or more and each nonbank financial... consolidated assets of more than $10 billion and for which the Board is the primary federal financial...


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    H’oriya SOUIKI


    Full Text Available A business cluster is the merging of two businesses or more, under the authority of one company called the parent company; the companies under its control are called the affiliates. What raises the debate about business clustering is the contradiction that may appear, at first glance, in the modus operandi of this business cluster and the relationship existing between its structures, knowing that the affiliated company has a legal independent status, but is at the same time subordinate to the parent company and subject to its control. The absence of an independent and detailed legal text to organize the mysteries of this giant economic structure makes this debate more intense.

  1. 78 FR 49990 - Dean Foods Company and WhiteWave Foods Company; Filing of Food Additive Petition (United States)


    .... FDA-2013-N-0888] Dean Foods Company and WhiteWave Foods Company; Filing of Food Additive Petition... the WhiteWave Foods Company proposing that the food additive regulations be amended to provide for the expanded safe uses of vitamin D 2 and vitamin D 3 as nutrient supplements in food. DATES: The food additive...

  2. Formidling af uheldsrisikoen ved spirituskørsel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kærup, Simon


    Selvom flere forskningsprojekter har påvist unges særlige risiko i Europa, når det kommer til alkohol, så har det vist sig svært at formidle denne risiko til unge bilister. I 2006 påbegyndtes et stort europæisk forskningsprojekt, DRUID (Driving under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines...

  3. Financial performances of Romanian wood industry companies

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    Fitim DEARI


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to analyze financial performances of 40 selected Romanian companies for the 2009-2013 period. The selected companies operate in the wood industry and we have used panel type data to perform a quantitative analysis. We have found that companies with higher total assets, current assets, average inventory and accounts receivables have higher sales. It seems larger companies with higher total and current assets (especially accounts receivable are more profitable than their counterparties. Similarly, larger companies with lower current assets, average inventory and accounts receivable have lower assets turnover. Companies with lower average inventory have higher ROA and assets turnover. Larger companies have more total and current assets, net profit, average inventory and accounts receivable than their counterparties, however they seem to display lower assets turnover and current to total assets ratio. Companies with higher current to total assets ratio have higher assets turnover and ROA.

  4. Organizational Diagnosis in Project-Based Companies

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    Behrouz Zarei


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to develop a new method for corporate diagnosis (CD. To this end, a method is developed for the diagnosis process of project-based companies. The article presents a case study in a large company where data have been collected through focus groups. Project delay, high project cost, and low profitability are examples of project deficiency in project-based companies. Such issues have made managers pay special attention to find effective solutions to improve them. Prominent factors are inappropriate strategy, structure, system, human resource management, and PMBOK(Project Management Body of Knowledge processes. Thus, CD and analysis is an important task in improvement of corporate performance. The CD model that is developed in this article could be used for project-based companies. The proposed method can be used for CD in any project-based company. This article provides an emphatic application of CD as a prerequisite for restructuring in project-based companies.


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    Dwian Wahyu Prabawa


    Full Text Available Level stock returns telecommunications in Indonesia is influenced by various factors such as financial performance, risk management and working capital management. The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of financial performance through parameters Debt to Equity Ratio (DER, Return On Investment (ROI, Current Ratio (CR dan Total Assets Turn Over (TATO. Risk management using parameters (interest rate and working capital management using parameters Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC. The population in this study is a telecommunications companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2010-2013. In analyzing the effect of variable DER, ROI, CR, TATO, ir and CCC using multiple linear regression. The analysis showed that the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER has effect on stock returns with significant value 0,009, Return on Investment (ROI has effect on stock returns with significant value 0,006. And Total Asset Turn Over (TATO has effect on stock returns with significant value 0,025. While the Current Ratio (CR ,interest rate, and Cash Conversion Cycle not effect on stock returns with significant value 0,403; 0,047; 0,977. All the independent variables simultaneously affect the stock on telecommunication companies.

  6. Royal Dutch Petroleum Company annual report 1992

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Royal Dutch Petroleum Company has no operations of its own and virtually the whole of its income derives from its 60% interest in the companies known collectively as the Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies; the other 40% is owned by the Shell Transport and Trading Company, p.l.c. The company is engaged in the oil, natural gas, chemicals, coal and metals businesses throughout the world. The annual report summarises the year's results and analyses earnings in each industry segment. Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1992 are presented. The Group companies' estimated net quantities of crude oil, natural gas and coal are given

  7. 41 CFR 302-12.101 - May we enter into a contract with a relocation services company for the company to provide... (United States)


    ... contract with a relocation services company for the company to provide relocation services? 302-12.101... the company to provide relocation services? Yes, you may enter into a contract with a relocation services company for the company to provide relocation services. ...

  8. 78 FR 35360 - Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds: Terminations-American Economy Insurance Company... (United States)


    ...: Terminations-- American Economy Insurance Company (NAIC 19690); American States Insurance Company (NAIC 19704... Circular 570, 2012 Revision, published July 2, 2012, at 77 FR 39322. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT... officials should annotate their reference copies of the Treasury Department Circular 570 (Circular), 2012...

  9. How to Analyze Company Using Social Network? (United States)

    Palus, Sebastian; Bródka, Piotr; Kazienko, Przemysław

    Every single company or institution wants to utilize its resources in the most efficient way. In order to do so they have to be have good structure. The new way to analyze company structure by utilizing existing within company natural social network and example of its usage on Enron company are presented in this paper.

  10. Theoretical Basis Of The Company Competitiveness Assessment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir Nikiforovich Belkin


    Full Text Available The article deals with the basic theoretical questions of the company competitiveness assessment. The state of modern economic thought on this issue is shown. The main factors of the company competitiveness are specified. A specific role of staff of an enterprise is revealed: on the one hand, it is a resource, on the other is a subject, resulting in productive movement all factors of competitiveness, i.e. the staff is a critical factor in the company competitiveness. The criterion of company competitiveness is proposed, on its basis, the concept of “competitive enterprise” is defined. The most well-known approaches for assessing the company competitiveness are analyzed. The author’s method of the company competitiveness assessment based on the dynamics of the integral index of competitiveness is provided. For those cases, when it is impossible to determine the proportion of products on the market, it is proposed to evaluate the company competitiveness on the profitability of its production. The article shows the experience in calculating of the company competitiveness on the proposed author’s methods.

  11. Linkage between company scores and stock returns

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    Saban Celik


    Full Text Available Previous studies on company scores conducted at firm-level, generally concluded that there exists a positive relation between company scores and stock returns. Motivated by these studies, this study examines the relationship between company scores (Corporate Governance Score, Economic Score, Environmental Score, and Social Score and stock returns, both at portfolio-level analysis and firm-level cross-sectional regressions. In portfolio-level analysis, stocks are sorted based on each company scores and quintile portfolio are formed with different levels of company scores. Then, existence and significance of raw returns and risk-adjusted returns difference between portfolios with the extreme company scores (portfolio 10 and portfolio 1 is tested. In addition, firm-level cross-sectional regression is performed to examine the significance of company scores effects with control variables. While portfolio-level analysis results indicate that there is no significant relation between company scores and stock returns; firm-level analysis indicates that economic, environmental, and social scores have effect on stock returns, however, significance and direction of these effects change, depending on the included control variables in the cross-sectional regression.

  12. 77 FR 35 - Assessment of Fees on Large Bank Holding Companies and Nonbank Financial Companies Supervised by... (United States)


    ... will work closely with the Board, to determine the population of assessed companies and the basis for...--Consolidated Balance Sheet) as reported on the bank holding company's four most recent Consolidated Financial... final rule is published and Treasury will work with the companies to verify the total assessable assets...

  13. Introduction to Oryx Energy Company

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Oryx Energy is an international hydrocarbon exploration and production company with proved reserves approaching one billion equivalent barrels and assets of about $4 billion. The company's worldwide headquarters are in Dallas, Texas, and it has major interests in the US Gulf of Mexico where it is expanding into the Flex Trend area. By the end of the decade, however, the company expects that 50 percent of its total reserves will be in the fast-growing overseas arena. Its current interests include operations in the United Kingdom North Sea, Indonesia, Equador, Gabon and Australia. To exploit and increase these resources the company has investigated in horizontal drilling techniques and advanced computing facilities which have greatly improved its direct hydrocarbon indicator technology, three-dimensional seismic analysis and reservoir simulations. (UK)

  14. Innovation Initiatives in Large Software Companies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edison, Henry; Wang, Xiaofeng; Jabangwe, Ronald


    empirical studies on innovation initiative in the context of large software companies. A total of 7 studies are conducted in the context of large software companies, which reported 5 types of initiatives: intrapreneurship, bootlegging, internal venture, spin-off and crowdsourcing. Our study offers three......Context: To keep the competitive advantage and adapt to changes in the market and technology, companies need to innovate in an organised, purposeful and systematic manner. However, due to their size and complexity, large companies tend to focus on the structure in maintaining their business, which...... can potentially lower their agility to innovate. Objective:The aims of this study are to provide an overview of the current research on innovation initiatives and to identify the challenges of implementing those initiatives in the context of large software companies. Method: The investigation...

  15. Persian Records by the Lindström Company: Triangle of Political Relationships, Local Agents and Recording Company

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mohammadi, M.


    The earliest engagement of German gramophone companies in recording Persian music dates back to 1906-7, when three tracks were recorded for the Beka Company and a dozen recordings were issued on the Globophon label. About twenty years later the Lindström company was engaged in the process of

  16. 75 FR 21718 - Canadian National Railway Company and Grand Trunk Corporation-Control-EJ&E West Company 1 (United States)


    ... headquarters in Washington, DC. The purpose of the hearing is for Canadian National Railway Company (CN) to... Railway Company and Grand Trunk Corporation-- Control--EJ&E West Company \\1\\ \\1\\ This decision also... Room on the first floor of the Board's headquarters at Patriot's Plaza, 395 E Street, SW., Washington...

  17. Stock Performance of Socially Responsible Companies

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    Huang Tzu-Man


    Full Text Available Every year Corporate Responsibility Magazine selects and ranks 100 companies on the basis of their corporate social responsibility. This study investigates the stock performance of socially responsible companies in the U.S. The monthly stock returns for these companies are analyzed and compared with the market performance, with the S&P 500 index designated as a proxy for the market. The empirical evidence suggests that these 100 companies outperform the market in their monthly stock returns. We also narrow down the number of companies selected to the top 75, 50, 25, and 10 firms. As we narrow down the companies selected, the difference between their returns and the market returns also narrows. In other words, a portfolio that includes all top 100 companies provides the best stock performance. We extend the analysis to long-term annual stock performance. We find that these socially responsible companies′ annual returns are higher than the market returns for up to seven years after they are listed. We also conduct the same analysis on the top 75, 50, 25, and 10 firms, respectively. Similarly, the larger the number of these top 100 companies, the greater the tendency to generate higher annual returns. We suspect that because the difference between the socially responsible companies′ average returns and the market returns is not dramatic, with a bigger population and thus a larger sample size, the difference becomes more significant. However, in practice, transaction costs must be considered. This study is limited in that it does not consider transaction costs. Nevertheless, we hope to shed some light on the issue of socially responsible companies′ stock performance to encourage companies to start thinking about the importance of corporate social responsibility.

  18. Pola Distribusi Imunoekspresi P63 Pada Hiperplasia Prostat Sebagai Indikator Keganasan


    K., Surjadi; J.M., Tanwir; S.H., Bethy; Suryanti, Sri


    Yang disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan berlebihan dari epitel dan jaringan fibromuskuler dari transition zone dan daerah periurethral. BPH sangat sering terjadi, beberapa peneliti melaporkan bahwa BPH mempunyai risiko lebih besar untuk menjadi karsinoma, tetapi peneliti-peneliti lain menyatakan tidak ada kenaikan risiko untuk menjadi karsinoma.Lesi-lesi prakarsinoma dapat berbentuk PIN (Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia) atau Hiperplasia Adenomatosa Atipik, tetapi jarang dilaporkan pada pemeriksa...

  19. Perbedaan Sindrom Metabolik Pada Wanita Vegetarian Tipe Vegan Dan Non Vegan


    Setiyani, Diah Ari; Wirawanni, Yekti


    Latar Belakang: Sindrom metabolik adalah kumpulan kelainan metabolik yang dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. Diet vegetarian terutama vegan dapat berperan dalam penurunan risiko sindrom metabolik, tetapi masih didapatkan penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa vegan berisiko sindrom metabolik bahkan lebih tinggi daripada non vegan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan sindrom metabolik pada wanita vegetarian vegan dan non vegan. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakuk...

  20. 17 CFR 230.489 - Filing of form by foreign banks and insurance companies and certain of their holding companies... (United States)


    ... that is a foreign bank or foreign insurance company excepted from the definition of investment company... is excepted from the definition of investment company by rule 3a-1 (17 CFR 270.3a-1) under the 1940... excepted from the definition of investment company by rule 3a-6 under the 1940 Act. (b) The requirements of...

  1. Know your company - and its environment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skytte, Hans; Jørgensen, Betina


    How does a company perceive its environment and its role in its environment? What constitutes a company's identity, and how strong is this identity? Does it for instance manifest itself clearly in the company's actions, in its strategies and products? These are questions that Professor Hans Skytt...... asked in a project financed by the Norma and Frode Jacobsen Foundation....

  2. Organigraphs: drawing how companies really work. (United States)

    Mintzberg, H; Van der Heyden, L


    Walk into any organization and you will get a snapshot of the company in action--people and products moving every which way. But ask for a picture of the company and you will be given the org chart, with its orderly little boxes showing just the names and titles of managers. Now there's a more revealing way to depict the people and operations within an organization--an approach called the organigraph. The organigraph is not a chart. It's a map that offers an overview of the company's functions and the ways that people organize themselves at work. Perhaps most important, an organigraph can help managers see untapped competitive opportunities. Drawing on the organigraphs they created for about a dozen companies, authors Mintzberg and Van der Heyden illustrate just how valuable a tool the organigraph is. For instance, one they created for Electrocomponents, a British distributor of electrical and mechanical items, led managers to a better understanding of the company's real expertise--business-to-business relationships. As a result of that insight, the company wisely decided to expand in Asia and to increase its Internet business. As one manager says, "It allowed the company to see all sorts of new possibilities." With traditional hierarchies vanishing and newfangled--and often quite complex--organizational forms taking their place, people are struggling to understand how their companies work. What parts connect to one another? How should processes and people come together? Whose ideas have to flow where? With their flexibility and realism, organigraphs give managers a new way to answer those questions.


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    Meythi Meythi


    Full Text Available This research was aimed to examine and find out the empirical evidence of the impact of the interaction betweenprofitability and financial risk on firm value. Samples used in this research were manufactured companieslisted in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 5 years observation period (2007-2012. The total samples were 31companies. Sample election was done by using the purposive sampling method. The result of moderatedregression analysis (MRA showed that there was no interaction effect between profitability and financial riskon firm value. Thus, the hypothesis of the research was not empirically supported.

  4. Er konsum av melk og egg assosiert med risiko for kreft? Foreløpige resultater fra en prospektiv undersøkelse

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    Grethe Albrektsen


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGSammenhenger mellom kreftinsidens og konsum av egg og melk er studert i en prospektiv undersøkelse avca. 50 000 personer i alderen 30-69 år. Kostholdsdataene ble samlet inn i forbindelse med andre runde avhjerte- og karundersøkelsene som ble gjennomført av Statens helseundersøkelser i Finnmark, Sogn ogFjordane og Oppland i perioden 1977-83. Gjennomsnittlig oppfølgingstid var 11,8 år. Omlag 2000 personerfikk en kreftdiagnose i løpet av oppfølgingsperioden. Insidensrate-ratioer er beregnet i en log-lineærPoissonregresjon basert på personår under risiko. Vi fant ingen sammenheng mellom total kreftinsidens ogkonsum av melk (glass pr. dag eller egg (antall pr. uke, men for spesifikke krefttyper observerte vi enkelteassosiasjoner. Det arbeides nå med mer detaljerte analyser og med internasjonal publisering av resultatene.Albrektsen G, Heuch I, Jacobsen BK, Kvåle G. Is milk and egg consumption associated with cancerrisk? Preliminary results from a prospective study. Nor J Epidemiol 1997; 7 (2: 205-208.ENGLISH SUMMARYAssociations between cancer incidence and consumption of milk and eggs were examined in a prospectivestudy of about 50,000 persons aged 30-69 years. The mean follow-up period was 11.8 years. About 2000persons were diagnosed with cancer during follow-up. Incidence rate ratios were calculated in a log-linearPoisson regression model of person-years at risk. No relations were found between overall cancer incidenceand consumption of milk (glasses per day or eggs (number per week, but some associations were observedfor specific sites. The analysis of the data is in progress and the results presented are preliminary.

  5. Performance evaluation of Central European companies

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    Petr Fiala


    Full Text Available The paper presents a modelling approach for performance comparison of Central European companies on three levels: country, industry, and company. The approach is based on Data Envelopment Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process. The proposed model consists of two basic sections. The first section estimates the importance of selected industries in the countries, whereas the second section evaluates the performance of companies within industries. The results of both sections are synthesized and finally the country performance is estimated. The evaluation is based on the data set resulting from a survey of companies from selected industries.

  6. Valuating the Investment Efficiency of Distribution Companies

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    M. Karajica


    Full Text Available The task of this study is to valuate the investment efficiency of distribution companies. Although a series of publications and studies has been dedicated to this topic, it is difficult to find a general consensus in defining the investment efficiency of a company. Nevertheless if we simplify an imaginary  company as a production unit in which a series of actions transforms inputs to outputs, efficiency can be understood as like an effort to achieve maximum value of the outputs together with minimum usage of inputs, where the inputs constitute investments by a company. The investment efficiency of a company can be measured by expressing the absolute values of selected inputs and outputs, a relative expression of inputs and outputs, and perhaps an expression of the difference between them. However, an examination of the efficiency of a certain company is impossible without a valuation of other companies. In view of the amount of benchmarking, it should be emphasized, that this study is dedicated to a certain category of benchmarking, which we may term investment benchmarking. This benchmarking can be defined as a comparison of companies in terms investment efficiency. The purpose of this comparison is not only to investigate levels of investment efficiency and to relate them to other companies from the same branch, but also to locate the greatest efficiency and indicate potential improvement. 

  7. Power companies international year book 1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Power Companies International Yearbook covers around 250 major international power generating and distributing companies worldwide, giving a comprehensive overview of this dynamic global industry. Both publicly and privately owned companies are features. It details financial performance, ownership status, affiliated businesses, activities, operations, key personnel, type/capacity of generation, subsidiary activities and plans for diversification within and outside the global power sector. (Author)


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    Wiwik Lestari


    Full Text Available The two important measurements of risks on behavioral point of view were risk perception and risk propensity.The two construct hypothesizes had negative relationship. This study attempted to establish a model by whichto measure those attitudes towards investment risk and also examined some variables that were postulated asexternal factors of investor investment decision. External factors were the availability of information, socialinteraction, financial adviser and familiarity. The data were collected on a survey research to 150 investors asrespondents in Surabaya area. By employing GeSCA, the result showed that risk propensity and risk perceptionhad negative correlation, supporting previous studies on this two variables relationship. This study alsoproved that external factor significantly affected risk perception and risk propensity

  9. The Role of Company-Cause Fit and Company Involvement in Consumer Responses to CSR Initiatives: A Meta-Analytic Review

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    Grzegorz Zasuwa


    Full Text Available The marketing literature suggests that company-cause fit is of key importance to developing a successful socially responsible initiative. However, controversy exists regarding the level of this fit. While some studies report that high fit between a company and a cause has beneficial effects on consumer responses to such efforts, other research identifies negative impacts. This paper aims to obtain a deeper insight into this issue by examining the moderating role of company involvement in a cause. A meta-analysis of 51 experimental studies, yielding a total sample size of 11,335 subjects, shows that company-cause fit influences consumer responses to CSR initiatives most positively when a company with a positive reputation is highly involved in a cause, that is, when the company donates at least products. If such a company provides its beneficiary with only monetary contributions (i.e., low involvement, the effects of fit are significantly less influential.

  10. Online Company-stakeholder Communication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Rikke Augustinus; Morsing, Mette

    Based on a systematic data collection we study one of the first pioneering company-stakeholder communication campaigns in social media: the case of energy company Vattenfall A/S’s pan-European campaign ‘The Climate Manifesto’. Our findings challenge the general assumption, that stakeholder...... lacked between the company and stakeholders. Vattenfall was accused of green-washing, resulting in a communications crisis. Negative stakeholder reactions consisted of prejudiced and non-negotiable argumentation indicating that social media imposes new managerial challenges since communication processes...... technologies and we question to what extent social media serve the enhancement of improved understandings across corporate and civil society on CSR issues. This paper suggests that managers face a risk of the “double-edge of stakeholder communication” when incorporating social media into their CSR strategies...

  11. Company Development Through the Employees

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Niels; Hvenegaard, Hans; Limborg, Hans Jørgen


    Human Deveoplment and Working Life - Work for Welfare explores whether the development of human resources at company level can improve individuals' quality of life, companies' possibilities of development, and welfare and democracy in society. Chapter four documents the the proces and results...

  12. Øger et anhængertræk risikoen for piskesmæld i bagendekollisioner?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Anne Vingaard; Lahrmann, Harry Spaabæk

    passagerer. En bagendekollision er imidlertid også i nyere biler forbundet med en vis risiko for piskesmæld. Litteraturen estimerer en risiko på mindst 15% for at få mén efter en bagendekollision (Sterner, 2004). Hypotesen i dette studie er, at et anhængertræk påmonteret den påkørte bil vil interagere...... negativt med kollisionszonen og medføre, at bagagerummet helt eller delvist ikke krøller sammen. Effekten af trækkrogen ville derfor blive en øget risiko for piskesmæld ud over, hvad der allerede er kendt ved bagendekollisioner. Et svensk studie nævner en forøget risiko på 22% (Krafft et al., 2000). Ud...... for en køns- og aldersmatchet kontrolbefolkning. Vi fandt umiddelbart ikke evidens for, at piskesmældsofre er dårligere socialt stillet end andre. Diskussion Dette studie viser, at et anhængertræk på påkørte bil i en bagendekollision ikke øger risikoen for piskesmæld – heller ikke efter korrektion...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrej Kohont


    Full Text Available In this paper we study the relationship between the company and the leaders. We are interested what is characteristic of leadership in the best Slovenian companies. We used standardised employee questionnaire and data gathered in the Golden thread project. We observe the situation in these companies in the period between 2007 and 2014 to find out if there are any significant changes in leadership developments. Special attention in leadership observation is devoted to 1. The fundamental relationship between the company and the leaders, 2. The role and quality of leaders work, 3. Organizational culture, climate and relationships, 4. Entrepreneurship and innovation, 5. The quality of the working environment, 6. The personal growth and development and 7. Emotional commitment. The analysis represents an insight into current leadership situation and shows that the recent developments were heavily marked by the economic crisis, especially in 2009.

  14. Offshore Companies and the Fiscal Paradise




    The present article introduces the reader in the problem of tax heaven and offshore companies. We tried to present, both positive and negative aspects of this problem. On one hand, this type of companies can help a multinational corporation in its economical and financial global projections, but, on the other hand, these companies can be use as extremely efficient instruments of tax evasion and money laundry

  15. Open Source Telecommunication Companies


    Peter Liu


    Little is known about companies whose core business is selling telecommunications products that lever open source projects. Open source telecommunications (OST) companies operate in markets that are very different from typical software product markets. The telecommunications market is regulated, vertically integrated, and proprietary designs and special chips are widely used. For a telecommunications product to be useful, it must interact with both access network products and core network pro...

  16. Fuel buyers guide: company data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Four major listings relating to nuclear fuel services are provided. 1. A fuel buyer's guide listing companies under alphabetical order of country and giving addresses and an indication of the services offered. 2. A fuel buyers guide classifying companies in alphabetical order of the services offered. 3. A fuel and front end facility listing subdivided into companies involved in: uranium ore processing; uranium refining and conversion; enrichment; fuel fabrication; heavy water production; zirconium metal production; and zirconium tube production. 4. A fuel and front end facilities listing giving operators' addresses under alphabetical order of country. (UK)

  17. Logistics in Estonian business companies

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    A. Kiisler


    Full Text Available The article describes logistics survey in Estonia carried out in 2007 as a part of the LogOnBaltic project. The level of logistics in Estonian manufacturing, trading and logistics companies is explored through logistics costs, performance indicators, outsourcing, ICT use and logistics self-estimation of the companies responded. Responses from 186 Estonian companies were gathered through a web-based survey (38% of manufacturing, 38% of trading and 24% of logistics sector. Logistics costs as the percentage of turnover make in average 13.8% in manufacturing and 13.3% in trading. Transportation and inventory carrying cost form around 70% of overall logistics costs. Considering the logistics indicators surveyed, Estonian companies show up with relatively low perfect order fulfillment rates, short customer order fulfillment cycles and effective management of cash flows. The most widely outsourced logistics function is international transportation followed by domestic transportation, freight forwarding and reverse logistics. By 2010, the outsourcing of IT systems in logistics followed by inventory management, warehousing and product customization is expected to increase more substantially. The awareness of logistics importance is still low among Estonian companies. Only 27–44% of those agree that logistics has a considerable impact on profitability, competitive advantage, top management or customer service level.

  18. Hubungan Antara Dislipidemia Dengan Status Penyakit Arteri Perifer (Pap) Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Terkontrol Sedang


    Aryani, Eka; Nugroho HS, K. Heri; Margawati, Ani


    Latar Belakang: Penyakit arteri perifer adalah gangguan suplai darah ke ekstremitas atas atau bawah karena obstruksi yang disebabkan aterosklerosis. Pasien PAP memiliki risiko yang lebih besar terhadap kematian akibat stroke, infark miokard dan serangan jantung. Diabetes melitus dan dislipidemia merupakan faktor risiko PAP yang sering ditemukan. Belum terdapat penelitian mengenai hubungan dislipidemia dengan status PAP pada pasien DM tipe II terkontrol sedang.Tujuan: Membuktikan hubungan anta...

  19. 17 CFR 250.7 - Companies deemed not to be electric or gas utility companies. (United States)


    ... status afforded by paragraph (b)(1) of this section, any such company shall file with this Commission a... a statement of receipts and expenditures for such year and of financial status at its end. (3) As a prerequisite to retaining the status afforded by paragraph (b)(1) of this section, any such company shall...

  20. Does company size matter? Validation of an integrative model of safety behavior across small and large construction companies. (United States)

    Guo, Brian H W; Yiu, Tak Wing; González, Vicente A


    Previous safety climate studies primarily focused on either large construction companies or the construction industry as a whole, while little is known about whether company size has significant effects on workers' understanding of safety climate measures and relationships between safety climate factors and safety behavior. Thus, this study aims to: (a) test the measurement equivalence (ME) of a safety climate measure across workers from small and large companies; (b) investigate if company size alters the causal structure of the integrative model developed by Guo, Yiu, and González (2016). Data were collected from 253 construction workers in New Zealand using a safety climate measure. This study used multi-group confirmatory factor analyses (MCFA) to test the measurement equivalence of the safety climate measure and structure invariance of the integrative model. Results indicate that workers from small and large companies understood the safety climate measure in a similar manner. In addition, it was suggested that company size does not change the causal structure and mediational processes of the integrative model. Both measurement equivalence of the safety climate measure and structural invariance of the integrative model were supported by this study. Practical applications: Findings of this study provided strong support for a meaningful use of the safety climate measure across construction companies in different sizes. Safety behavior promotion strategies designed based on the integrative model may be well suited for both large and small companies. Copyright © 2017 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Influence of new customs procedures and logistic security standards on companies competiveness – a Croatian company case study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksandar Erceg


    Full Text Available In today’s global market, companies are constantly confronted with the competition on the local, national and international level. Companies therefore use a variety of strategies and tools to become and/or remain competitive. Potential areas for cost reduction in companies are supply chain management and logistic and customs procedures. Implementation of various logistic standards in supply chain management can provide significant cost savings for the company’s daily operations and thus reduce overall costs and improve the competitiveness. Using different customs procedures and logistic standards to reduce their costs and become more competitive in the market is necessary for Croatian companies. The method of using these tools is not a one-time process and requires constant efforts. Companies therefore have to be ready to improve daily to be and remain competitive. Using a variety of modern customs procedures can save their money and time, not only through these procedures, but also through better use of their employee’s time, their own vehicles and other equipment. The paper analyzes various customs procedures and logistic standards that can help companies save time and money and improve their competitiveness. In the example of Croatian company, which uses various available procedures and standards the benefits of their use are shown. Apart from bringing savings in operations, all these procedures and standards allow the company to be better, cheaper and more attractive to buyers.

  2. Alliances and partnering: A new relationship between oil/gas producing companies and service companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gazi, N.H.; Hottman, W.E.; Logan, J.L.; Verrett, R.C.


    The current state of the energy industry finds both operating and service companies squeezed by lower prices and higher costs. Investment in exploration, equipment, and technology has been severely restricted. Many operators are responding to these harsh market conditions by re-engineering their work processes and focusing on core business activities. Re-engineered work processes encourage operators and service companies to work closely together. This motivates both to eliminate duplication, simplify processes, increase efficiency and capitalize on combined expertise to enhance production and optimize total system cost. Alliances and partnering are based on mutual trust and the commitment to add value to both organizations. Aligning interests is fundamental in establishing a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship. This paper presents an overview of these new relationships. The benefits and concerns of changing from traditional bidding agreements to new business arrangements between producing companies and service companies is discussed. Evaluation criteria for potential candidates, how to structure an alliance or partnering agreement, and a discussion of the key issues in the application of incentive contracts is presented

  3. Environmental management system in companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonanno, C.


    The environmental management system, as the whole coordinated initiatives 'environmental oriented' introduced by companies in their organization, is discussed. Strategic weight that companies have to be present at the environmental management system is enlisted. Finally, the new professional figures of environmental technicians and environmental manager is discussed

  4. Organisational architectres of multinationale companies


    Křivanová, Jana


    At work I try to define a few concepts - globalization, multinational companies and organizational architecture. Should also bring the development and analyze the structures of multinational companies, and show their use in practice. Zoom in further development of organizational structures with regard to the global crisis.

  5. Vertical integration of HRD policy within companies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wognum, Ida


    This study concerns HRD policy making in companies. More specifically, it explores whether so-called vertical integration of HRD policy at different organizational levels occurs within companies. The study involved forty-four large companies in the industrial and the financial and commercial

  6. Facebook marketing for a direct selling company


    Egeberg, Chenette


    The purpose of the thesis was to provide recommendations for how the studied company could improve their Facebook marketing activities. The company was the Danish subsidiary of an multinational direct selling company of health and beauty products. The following research questions were devised: 1) What are the constraints and challenges for LR Denmark’s facebook marketing as a subsidiary of a Multinational Corporation and as a Direct Selling Company? 2) How can LR Denmark improve the...

  7. The systematic risk study in technology companies at Brazil

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    Marcio Marcelo Belli


    Full Text Available This work tested if brasilian technology companies has a greater systematic risk than traditional companies in Brazil. For to achieve tje purpose, two companies samples , one of technology companies and the other of traditional companies, were composed. The tecnique employed was a multiple regression analysis considering a dichotomous variable wich represents the technological factor and another numerical variable wich represents the intangibility degree of  companies. As a dependent variable was considered the CAPM systematic risk. The results indicated that technology companies have a greater systematic risk than traditional companies regardless of the degree of intangibility.


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    Full Text Available Creating a company, maintaining market position and support its growth requires resources to ensure optimal deployment, development activities.. For best company must have equity because they represent a set of resources likely to provide future income streams. Choosing an optimal structure of capital is a strategic decision, which must be harmonized with the overall strategy of the firm. Through its funding policy, the company must ensure, at any time, the appropriate volume of foreign equity in relation to its needs. The decision for a particular capital structure the company should take into account a number of risks associated with indebtedness, risks that may offset or even cancel its positive effects.

  9. The virtual oil company

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garibaldi, C.A.; Haney, R.M.; Ross, C.E.


    In anticipation of continuing declines in upstream activity levels over the next 15 years, the virtual oil company model articulates a vision of fewer, leaner, but financially stronger firms that concentrate only on their core competencies and outsource the rest through well-structured partnering arrangements. Freed from the ''clutter,'' these leading companies will be in better position to focus on those opportunities that offer the potential for renewed reserve and revenue growth

  10. A strategy for company improvement. (United States)

    Howley, L


    Strategies based on the kaizen methodology are designed to continuously improve company performance without the need for large capital investments. This article looks at how one company used simple kaizen principles to its advantage, achieving 67% increase in productivity and 10% reduction in the standard cost of product.


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    Nicu Ioana Elena


    Full Text Available One of the priorities of economic research has been and remains the re-evaluation of the notion of performance and especially exploring and finding some indicators that would reflect as accurately as possible the subtleties of the economic entity. The main purpose of this paper is to highlight the main company performance measurement and reporting methods. Performance is a concept that raises many question marks concerning the most accurate or the best method of reporting the performance at the company level. The research methodology has aimed at studying the Romanian and foreign specialized literature dealing with the analyzed field, studying magazines specialized on company performance measurement. If the financial performance measurement indicators are considered to offer an accurate image of the situation of the company, the modern approach through non-financial indicators offers a new perspective upon performance measurement, which is based on simplicity. In conclusion, after the theoretical study, I have noticed that the methods of performance measurement, reporting and interpretation are various, the opinions regarding the best performance measurement methods are contradictive and the companies prefer resorting to financial indicators that still play a more important role in the consolidation of the company performance measurement than the non-financial indicators do.

  12. 7 CFR 226.21 - Food service management companies. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Food service management companies. 226.21 Section 226... § 226.21 Food service management companies. (a) Any institution may contract with a food service management company. An institution which contracts with a food service management company shall remain...

  13. 12 CFR 225.124 - Foreign bank holding companies. (United States)


    ... SYSTEM BANK HOLDING COMPANIES AND CHANGE IN BANK CONTROL (REGULATION Y) Regulations Financial Holding Companies Interpretations § 225.124 Foreign bank holding companies. (a) Effective December 1, 1971, the... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Foreign bank holding companies. 225.124 Section...

  14. The impact of high performance work systems in Irish companies: an examination of company and employee outcomes


    Mkamwa, Thadeus F.


    This study examines the impact of High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) on company and employee-level performance outcomes. At the company level, the study examines the outcomes of HPWS usage on innovation, productivity and turnover. The study uses data collected from 132 companies in Ireland who participated in a general manager (GM) and human resource (HR) manager survey conducted in 2006. This study shows that an extensive application ...

  15. Venture capital and efficiency of portfolio companies

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    A. Thillai Rajan


    Full Text Available Venture Capital (VC has emerged as the dominant source of finance for entrepreneurial and early stage businesses, and the Indian VC industry in particular has clocked the fastest growth rate globally. Academic literature reveals that VC funded companies show superior performance to non VC funded companies. However, given that venture capitalists (VCs select and fund only the best companies, how much credit can they take for the performance of the companies they fund? Do the inherent characteristics of the firm result in superior performance or do VCs contribute to the performance of the portfolio company after they have entered the firm? A panel that comprised VCs, an entrepreneur and an academic debated these and other research questions on the inter-relationships between VC funding and portfolio firm performance. Most empirical literature indicates that the value addition effect dominates the selection effect in accounting for the superior performance of VC funded companies. The panel discussion indicates that the context as well as the experience of the General Partners in the VC firms can influence the way VCs contribute to the efficiency of their portfolio companies.

  16. Financial management of the construction company

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antosova, Karolina


    Full Text Available This paper informs about the financial management in the construction company. The work describes problems of the management, its tasks, goals, dependencies on the size of the construction company and progress in the construction production and also introduce topic of the risks in the construction business. Also controlling and reporting in the construction company together with basic tools are described in example of Metrostav a.s. in this work.

  17. 75 FR 13168 - American Vantage Companies; Notice of Application (United States)


    ...] American Vantage Companies; Notice of Application March 11, 2010. AGENCY: Securities and Exchange... Investment Company Act of 1940 (the ``Act''). Summary of Application: American Vantage Companies requests an order declaring that it has ceased to be an investment company. Applicant: American Vantage Companies...

  18. Valuation of oil companies - Implications for corporate behaviour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osmundsen, Petter


    The report discusses control signals given by the stock market to listed companies and relates this to agency theory. Oil companies are used as a case. The market responds to financial signals from the companies. The market response on various financial indicators represents an implicit incentive scheme for the companies. This is described and the adaptation of the companies is discussed. In addition, the report deals with the significance of a threat of acquisition, and private vs. public ownership


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    Full Text Available The presented paper deals with the importance of innovation manager in company. It analyses the actual state of definition of innovation manager in companies, it is dealing with their qualities and qualities of ideal innovation manager. The paper solves the placement of position of innovation manager into the company organization structure. It recommends the ideal placement of innovation manager position in the organization structure in company working in “Production, sale and operation of amusement and gaming technology”.

  20. Innovation manager and his position in company

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kateřina Hrazdilová Bočková


    Full Text Available The presented paper deals with the importance of innovation manager in company. It analyses the actual state of definition of innovation manager in companies, it is dealing with their qualities and qualities of ideal innovation manager. The paper solves the placement of position of innovation manager into the company organization structure. It recommends the ideal placement of innovation manager position in the organization structure in company working in “Production, sale and operation of amusement and gaming technology”.

  1. Starting a Chinese Sauce Company in Helsinki


    Shu, Bing; Shi, Jianan


    The thesis is about starting-up a Chinese sauce company in Helsinki. The introduction is about the history of Laoganma company and the missions of a branch company in Helsinki, as well as the aims of the project. The part about market research includes the current situation of Finnish sauce market and a SWOT analysis for a Finnish market entrance. Also, a successful case reflects the developed way for the company. Then, the price and location are defined in the thesis. Sales strategi...

  2. The oil companies in 1998

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cueille, J.Ph.


    The drop in the price of crude oil has had a strong impact on oil companies earnings in 1998: for the first three-quarters, profits were down by an average 30 %. The performance levels attained by the refining-distribution activities, generally on a upwards trend, were not able to compensate for the sharp decrease in upstream earnings. Given these unfavorable circumstances, a number of companies are cutting back on capital investment projects. Unable to make further internal cost reductions on the same scale as before, oil companies are seeking to realize productivity gains through regional partnerships or large-scale mergers that, to some extent, could modify the traditional oil industry ranking

  3. Companies investments on Private Equity/Venture Capital market

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zbigniew Drewniak


    Full Text Available One of the investors on Private Equity/Venture Capital market are corporations. The share of companies in total funds raised by PE/VC funds is still on the very low level. Beside indirect investments, companies invest directly, creating special entities in one corporate structure. Capital gains are one of the advantages of these investments for companies. However, the companies have also other purposes like the acquirement and the development of new technologies, as well as the transfer of knowledge. The participation of PE/VC fund in the investment process results in the support for company expansion and the creation of company value.

  4. The 1988 Directory of Educational Software Publishing Companies. (United States)

    Electronic Learning, 1988


    Based on questionnaires sent to educational software companies in January 1988, this directory lists 78 companies. Information given includes company address, curriculum subject areas for which the company publishes software, types of machines and operating systems on which the software operates, and grade level for which it is targeted. (LRW)

  5. CSR and technology companies: A study on its implementation, integration and effects on the competitiveness of companies

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    Juan Andres Bernal-Conesa


    Full Text Available Purpose: In this paper, a structural equation model is presented in order to explain the motivations of implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR in Spanish technology companies and its linkage with others standardized management systems before CSR implementation. It also examines whether CSR influences the competitiveness of these companies. Design/methodology/approach: The study was conducted in companies located in Spanish Science and Technology Parks. For this study, a survey was sent and structural equation model was used. Findings and Originality/value: Model results show that there is a positive, direct and statistically significant relationship between the motivations, previous management systems, implementation of CSR and the real integration of CSR in the organization. Research limitations/implications: Limitations are determined by the technique used for the proposed model: structural equations, which assume linearity of the relationship between latent variables. Practical implications: Companies can use the results of this study as a foothold to enhance the integration of CSR based on previous management systems and take advantage of synergies between them, since the integration of CSR has a direct relationship with the competitiveness of the company. Originality/value: The link between the motivations of CSR, CSR actions and their integration in technology companies are reliably and empirically demonstrated.

  6. Approaching comparative company law


    Donald, David C.


    This paper identifies some common errors that occur in comparative law, offers some guidelines to help avoid such errors, and provides a framework for entering into studies of the company laws of three major jurisdictions. The first section illustrates why a conscious approach to comparative company law is useful. Part I discusses some of the problems that can arise in comparative law and offers a few points of caution that can be useful for practical, theoretical and legislative comparative ...

  7. Dynamic Capabilities and Project Management in Small Software Companies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørbjerg, Jacob; Nielsen, Peter Axel; Persson, John Stouby


    A small software company depends on its capability to adapt to rapid technological and other changes in its environment—its dynamic capabilities. In this paper, we argue that to evolve and maintain its dynamic capabilities a small software company must pay attention to the interaction between...... dynamic capabilities at different levels of the company — particularly between the project management and the company levels. We present a case study of a small software company and show how successful dynamic capabilities at the company level can affect project management in small software companies...

  8. 12 CFR 575.14 - Subsidiary holding companies. (United States)


    ... follows: Federal MHC Subsidiary Holding Company Charter Section 1. Corporate title. The full corporate... subsidiary holding company available for distribution, in cash or in kind. Each share of common stock shall... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Subsidiary holding companies. 575.14 Section...

  9. IT support of commercial-production companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hroch, A.


    Slovak electricity sector was built from sixties like common entity what can use synergic effects. In the 2002 reorganisation was done, there were created independent joint stock company. There were published new legislative acts, which opened Slovak electricity market for competition. The companies have to change their mine because a business is priority No. 1. Slovenske elektrarne, joint-stock company is under transformation process to build procedural guided trade-production company. As joint project is prepared a new system to control business in to a trading floor, including a risk management, which have to be supported by technological and information tools together with planing, scheduling, directing and controlling of the operation. The all system includes standard modules that fulfil their specific functions. (author)

  10. 78 FR 11638 - Michigan Consolidated Gas Company, DTE Gas Company, DTE Gas Company; Notice of Petition (United States)


    ... corporate name change from MichCon to DTE Gas, and pursuant to section 284.123 of the Commissions... Gas Company (DTE Gas) filed to institute a name change to both itself from MichCon to DTE Gas and to...

  11. Oil companies and human rights

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandler, Geoffrey


    This article highlights the need for oil companies in the future to take into account human rights in corporate decision making. The influence oil companies can bring to bear on government violating human rights, excuses for not voicing condemnation of abuses, and the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights are discussed. (UK)

  12. Gamification in a Consulting Company

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blaauw, Frank; Bazylevska, L.; Aiello, M.


    Gamification refers to the use of game-design elements in a non-gaming context. The consulting company Capgemini has set up a rudimentary Gamification platform to help motivating the people to do extra work for the company in their spare time. In order to re- ward people for this effort, they can

  13. The Limited Liability Company: An Analysis


    Wayne Wells; Gary Yoshimoto


    In recent years, businesses in many states have been given the opportunity to select a new form in which to conduct business called the limited liability company. This form provides the advantage of the personal liability protection of a corporation, while being taxed as a partnership. If most states create the limited liability company and current issues of uncertainty are favorably resolved, the limited liability company should become the most advantageous business form for most small and m...

  14. 78 FR 43197 - Duke Energy Florida, Inc.; Florida Power & Light Company; Tampa Electric Company; Orlando... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [ER13-1922-000; ER13-1929-000; ER13-1932-000; NJ13-11-000] Duke Energy Florida, Inc.; Florida Power & Light Company; Tampa Electric Company; Orlando Utilities Commission; Notice of Compliance Filings Take notice that on July 10, 2013, Duke Energy...


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    О. Zaletov


    Full Text Available In the article the essence of investment insurance company. The role and importance of investment of insurance companies on formation of investment resources in the economy. The essence of the definition of "investment potential of insurance companies" and its relationship with the definition of "financial strength of insurance companies' insurance and potential insurance companies." By analyzing the structure and dynamics of aggregate investment portfolio of insurance organizations of Ukraine in 2008-2015 years defined contribution insurance sector in the formation of investment resources. The problems and prospects of the investment potential of the insurance market of Ukraine. Directions of improvement of state regulation of investment of insurance companies in Ukraine.

  16. 12 CFR 583.20 - Savings and loan holding company. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Savings and loan holding company. 583.20... REGULATIONS AFFECTING SAVINGS AND LOAN HOLDING COMPANIES § 583.20 Savings and loan holding company. The term savings and loan holding company means any company that directly or indirectly controls a savings...

  17. Etisk Råd: GMO kan bidrage med noget væsentligt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerris, Mickey; Birkler, Jacob


    Forslaget om at lade EU's medlemslande sætte kriterier for at godkende GMO'er til dyrkning rummer en mulighed for at løfte debatten ud over den ufrugtbare skin-diskussion om risiko.......Forslaget om at lade EU's medlemslande sætte kriterier for at godkende GMO'er til dyrkning rummer en mulighed for at løfte debatten ud over den ufrugtbare skin-diskussion om risiko....

  18. Socio-economic disparity in preterm delivery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Gry


    Socioøkonomisk position er associeret med risiko for præterm fødsel i både høj- og lavindkomstlande og i lande med gratis svangreomsorg. Præterm fødsel er den vigtigste årsag til spædbørnsdødelighed og sygdom og selv præterm børn nær termin har risiko for helbredsproblemer som voksne. Mekanismern...


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    Miftahul Ulum


    Full Text Available Risiko adalah sesuatu yang dapat mengancam aktifitas perusahaan dan dapat menyebabkan gagalnya tujuan. Bagi perusahaan asuransi, risiko adalah ketika terjadi klaim dari peserta. Dengan adanya klaim maka perusahaan akan mengeluarkan sejumlah dana untuk pembayaran klaim tersebut sesuai dengan manfaat yang dijanjikan. Untuk itu, Proses underwriting harus dilakukan dengan cermat dan akurat agar tidak menimbulkan kerugian bagi perusahaan.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v2i1.2476

  20. Bill Gates køber sig til positive historier om udviklingsbistanden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fejerskov, Adam Moe


    Flere store og velansete medier får penge af Bill Gates' fond for at at bringe positive historier om udviklingsbistanden. Men det medfører en risiko for at journalistikken bliver ukritisk og overfladisk......Flere store og velansete medier får penge af Bill Gates' fond for at at bringe positive historier om udviklingsbistanden. Men det medfører en risiko for at journalistikken bliver ukritisk og overfladisk...

  1. State companies dominate non-U.S. OGJ100

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beck, R.J.; Thrash, L.A.


    This paper reports on state owned oil and gas companies which dominate the OGJ100 list of major non U.S. holders of petroleum reserves. Many state companies report only production and reserves information and do not report financial data. Therefore, the companies cannot be ranked by financial data, as they are in the OGJ300. They instead are listed by region, based on location of companies' corporate headquarters. The top 20 companies in crude oil production and reserves are shown. The leading nongovernment company in both reserves and production is Royal Dutch/Shell Group - No. 11 in worldwide liquids reserves and No. 6 in liquids production. Crude oil reserves of the top 20 companies moved up less than 1% last year, increasing 401.5 billion bbl. The year before, when there were substantial reserves adjustments, the top 20 posted an increase of 139.3 billion bbl


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    CRIVEANU Maria Magdalena


    Full Text Available The focus on studying the issue of change, migrated from the attention towards western countries, struggling with the growing spread of globalization, which affects all the changes in the environment, to the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which have undergone dramatic changes since 1989. The most disturbing event was the transition from the centralized economy system to the market economy system, which led to a series of mutations at both psychological and organizational level. In this context, this article aims to identify both the dominant type of culture in the largest retail company in Romania and the dominant type of culture in other similar companies. This research project aims at studying the culture and its specificity within the company, but also its impact on society and on the organization. The issue at stake is a retail company in Romania, in which we tried to identify the dominant culture within the company and culture desired by its employees. We also conducted a parallel between the culture type identified in the Romanian company and the type of culture identified in other companies. The research results can be a starting point for the manager charged with change, as he can easily identify discrepancies between the dominant culture and culture desired by employees

  3. Marketing potential of industrial companies of Ukraine

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    O.V. Oliynyk


    Full Text Available The article determines the essence of the marketing potential of the company as a part of improving the efficiency of the company’s activity forming a united mechanism along with industrial and financial subsystems. The components of the total potential of the company, the factors forming structure of the marketing potential of the company and the approaches to the evaluation of such a potential of the company are considered. It is determined that the marketing potential of the company integrates all the marketing resources, reserves and the possibility of their use, and the functioning as well as development of the system are subjected to the achievement of the main company’s goals. The differences in the interpretation of economic, market and marketing potential of the company are identified, although they are related to the subject of entrepreneurship, but they differ in their essence. The substantiation of the essence of marketing potential of the company, the development of an effective mechanism of its management with the possibility of evaluation will contribute to the maximum satisfaction of interests of information consumers’ groups, the formation of strategic directions of the activity, making management decisions at the micro level, the effective functioning in the internal and external markets.

  4. A practical example of how companies can cut down their costs by means of an environmental management system; Moeglichkeit der Kostensenkung in Betrieben durch Umweltmanagement am praktischen Beispiel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grooterhorst, A. [SIG Consult GmbH, Essen (Germany)


    Regular acquisition of environmentally relevant data permits systematic monitoring of the environmental impact of industrial operations. This, together with a systematic documentation and the efficient organization of operations, creates the basis for an environmental management system. When designing an environmental protection concept or introducing an environmental management system, it may be convenient to make use of the services of consultancies. (orig./ABI) [Deutsch] Durch regelmaessige Erfassung umweltrelevanter Daten wird eine systematische Kontrolle betrieblicher Umweltauswirkungen moeglich. Zusammen mit einer systematischen Dokumentation und einer nachweislichen Regelung zur Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation ist damit die Grundlage fuer ein Umweltmanagementsystem geschaffen. Bei der Erarbeitung eines Umweltschutzkonzeptes und der Einfuehrung eines Umweltmanagementsystems kann es sinnvoll sein einen externen Berater einzuschalten. (orig./ABI)


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    Bibiana Kaselyova


    Full Text Available Purpose: Design of experiment (DOE represent very powerful tool for process improvement vastly supported by six sigma methodology. This approach is mostly used by large and manufacturing orientated companies. Presented research is focused on use of DOE in truck company, which is medium size and service orientated. Such study has several purposes. Firstly, detailed description of improvement effort based on DOE can be used as a methodological framework for companies similar to researched one. Secondly, it provides example of successfully implemented low cost design of experiment practise. Moreover, performed experiment identifies key factors, which influence the lifetime of truck tyres.Design/methodology: The research in this paper is based on experiment conducted in Slovakian Truck Company. It provides detailed case study of whole improvement effort, together with problem formulation, design creation and analysis, as well as the results interpretation. The company wants to improve lifetime of the truck tyres. Next to fuel consumption, consumption of tyres and their replacement represent according to them, one of most costly processes in company. Improvement effort was made through the use of PDCA cycle. It start with analysis of current state of tyres consumption. The variability of tyres consumption based on years and types was investigated. Then the causes of tyres replacement were identified and screening DOE was conducted. After a screening design, the full factorial design of experiment was used to identify main drivers of tyres deterioration and breakdowns. Based on result of DOE, the corrective action were propose and implement.Findings: Based on performed experiment our research describes process of tyres use and replacement. It defines main reasons for tyre breakdown and identify main drivers which influence truck tyres lifetime. Moreover it formulates corrective action to prolong tyres lifetime.Originality: The study represents full

  6. Social Capital, ICT Use and Company Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scupola, Ada; Steinfield, Charles; Lopez-Nicolas, Carolina


    to information and opportunity predicted company performance, particularly for small start-up companies. The pattern of results complements prior work that establishes the importance of social capital in regional business clusters by demonstrating how certain ICT uses complement personal relationships to enhance......This study explores how some uses of ICTs, as well as having social capital and other means of access to knowledge resources, are related to company performance in a knowledge-intensive business cluster. Data were collected through a survey of companies in the Medicon Valley biotech region located...... in Denmark and Southern Sweden. Responding companies included established producers of biotechnology-related products as well as small biotechnology start-up firms emphasizing research and development.  The results suggest that when ICT use was aimed at accessing and enhancing human and intellectual capital...

  7. Social Capital, ICT Use and Company Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steinfield, Charles; Scupola, Ada; López-Nicolás, Carolina


    to information and opportunity predicted company performance, particularly for small start-up companies. The pattern of results complements prior work that establishes the importance of social capital in regional business clusters by demonstrating how ICT use complements personal relationships to enhance......This study explores how some kinds of ICT uses, as well as social capital and other means of access to knowledge resources, are related to company performance in a knowledge-intensive business cluster. Data were collected through a survey of companies in the Medicon Valley biotech region located...... in Denmark and Southern Sweden. Responding companies included established producers of biotechnology-related products as well as small biotechnology start-up firms emphasizing research and development.  The results suggest that when ICT use was aimed at accessing and enhancing human and intellectual capital...

  8. 12 CFR 225.111 - Limit on investment by bank holding company system in stock of small business investment companies. (United States)


    .... L. 90-104, 81 Stat. 268, 270), a national bank may invest in stock of small business investment... system in stock of small business investment companies. 225.111 Section 225.111 Banks and Banking FEDERAL... Limit on investment by bank holding company system in stock of small business investment companies. (a...

  9. Innovation strategies for generic drug companies: moving into supergenerics. (United States)

    Ross, Malcolm S F


    Pharmaceutical companies that market generic products generally are not regarded as innovators, but rather as companies that produce copies of originator products to be launched at patent expiration. However, many generics companies have developed excellent scientific innovative skills in an effort to circumvent the defense patents of originator companies. More patents per product, in terms of both drug substances (process patents and polymorph patents) and formulations, are issued to generics companies than to companies that are traditionally considered to be 'innovators'. This quantity of issued patents highlights the technical knowledge and skill sets that are available in generics companies. In order to adopt a completely innovative model (ie, the development of NCEs), a generics company would require a completely new set of skills in several fields, including a sufficient knowledge base, project and risk management experience, and capability for clinical data evaluation. However, with relatively little investment, generics companies should be able to progress into the so-called 'supergeneric' drug space - an area of innovation that reflects the existing competencies of both innovative and generics companies.

  10. Neuroscience within companies: some case studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Emanuela Salati


    Full Text Available It is possible to understand many crucial processes within organizations such as change planning and management, training, decision making and leadership thanks to organisational neuroscience. For example, poorly managed change can result in alarm messages within our brains. Managers must be aware of how their words, emotions and conduct have a significant impact on team mood and results. Another fast-growing area of research is neuromarketing, thanks to company investments. This article presents a success story: a company that, faced with the need to change its selling proposition, uses neurometric techniques to analyse possible resistance of the sales force and then acted accordingly. Even training can significantly improve company efficiency thanks to neuroscience. This article also discusses some experiments carried out by the Training Department of a large public transport company.

  11. A research company in transition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hatcher, S.R.


    The role of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd's Research Company is to perform the research, development, demonstration and marketing needed to apply nuclear sciences and their associated technologies for the maximum benefit of Canada. This article by its president, Dr S R Hatcher, describes the Research Company as it attempts to fulfil its mission in very altered circumstances. (Author)

  12. Company's Data Security - Case Study (United States)

    Stera, Piotr

    This paper describes a computer network and data security problems in an existing company. Two main issues were pointed out: data loss protection and uncontrolled data copying. Security system was designed and implemented. The system consists of many dedicated programs. This system protect from data loss and detected unauthorized file copying from company's server by a dishonest employee.

  13. Chinese Companies in Switzerland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esther Kessler


    Full Text Available In recent years, some of China’s leading firms have made headlines with their European expansion, by either opening new facilities or by acquiring or merging with significant enterprises in Europe. The goal of this paper is to contribute to the existing literature by examining Chinese enterprises expanding into Switzerland. The study also allows some conclusions for Chinese companies entering Central and Eastern Europe. We analyze via interviews the motivations of Chinese companies to expand into Switzerland as well as their behavior and the impediments in their internationalization process. Our findings show that Chinese companies fail to take advantage of certain benefits of western economies (such as open information and stable rule of law. To move forward efficiently, they should develop competence in dealing systematically with readily available market information, building professional networks that recognize a separation between business life and personal life, and managing their Chinese and foreign employees in the foreign cultural environment.

  14. Pengaruh Kualitas Audit Terhadap Potensi Risiko Fraudulent Financial Statemetn Melaui Fraud Score Model (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bei)


    Nurjannah, Aris; Cahyati, Ari Dewi


    This study examined the effect of audit quality to the potential risk of fraudulent financial statement through fraud score models. The population in this study is all manufacture company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Using purposive sampling method was obtained for companies audited by KAP big four is 39 and as much as non big four is 30. This study uses secondary data manufacturing company in 2010-2012. audit quality measured by the big four and non big four, risk of fraudulen...

  15. Zenn Motor Company

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clifford, I. [Zenn Motor Company, Toronto, ON (Canada)


    Zenn Motor company is a leader in the electric vehicle space and builds and markets a low speed vehicle known as the zero emission, no noise (ZENN). This presentation provided background information on the Zenn Motor Company as well as on EEStor, a company that develops four-wheeled vehicles and that is seeking partners to fund the development for a modified barium titanate-based ultracapacitor. In 2004, ZENN entered into a technology agreement with EEStor that secured certain exclusive and non-exclusive rights to purchase and deploy EEStor's EESU technology as part of its ZENNergy solutions in several markets, including exclusive rights for new four-passenger vehicles with a curb weight of up to 1,400 kilograms; exclusive rights for the neighbourhood electric vehicles (NEV) and golf carts market; exclusive rights for utility vehicles; and exclusive rights for the aftermarket conversion to ZENNergy of any four-wheeled vehicles. The presentation also addressed ZENNergy and the art of integrating high energy drive solutions. Lessons learned and EEStor's technology attributes were discussed. A hypothetical case study was also offered. The presentation concluded with a discussion of EEStor technology status and opportunity horizons. It was concluded that a better battery is needed to enable the mass adoption of electric vehicles. tabs.

  16. Marketing strategy of the selected company


    Vodstrčilová, Kateřina


    This bachelor thesis deals with the marketing strategy of the company Náš grunt, s.r.o., the operator of the farm food concept Náš grunt. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the marketing strategy of the company and to suggest possible improvements. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the marketing, the marketing process, the marketing strategy, the marketing mix and SWOT analysis. The practical part is based on the situation analysis and the marketing strategy of the company Náš...

  17. The limited liability company in Romania versus the limited liability company in the Republic of Moldova


    Silvia Cristea; Nicoleta Cristina Ifrim


    The article presents parallel legislation in Romania and Republic of Moldova, in the matter of Limited Liability Company (LLC) Ltd, aiming to extract similarities and differences to draw reliable conclusions regarding the advantages of setting up this type of company in the two countries.

  18. Restructuring of SE, Plc - from a functionally managed company to a process managed commercial-production company

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ravasz, V.


    The purpose of this presentation is to inform the participants about present changes currently occurred within Slovenske elektrarne, a. s. (SE, Plc). Changes are related to the liberalisation of the electricity market and expected accession of Slovakia to EU. To support its competitiveness, the SE, Plc became a customer-oriented company, prepared to the access of strategic investor. The paper includes the basic information about centralisation and project of Restructuring of SE, Plc., which has started in December 2003. The aim of Restructuring is the change from functionally managed company to a process managed commercial-production company

  19. Impact of company performances on the stock price: An empirical analysis on select companies in Serbia

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    Milošević-Avdalović Snežana


    Full Text Available The global financial crisis of the late 2007 has provoked unprecedented shocks to the world markets and weaken investors' confidence due to the turbulent movements and frequent changes of stock prices. Emerging capital markets suffer from unsatisfactory corporate governance, market manipulation and insider trade problems. In such circumstances, institutional investors, managers, analysts and other market participants are in constant search of the trading strategy that will outperform the market. This research is an instrument for the identification of the main determinants of stock prices on the Belgrade Stock Exchange. The panel data regression analysis includes 42 companies that represent the composition of the BelexLine index for the period from 2010 to 2014. The paper looks at the impact of specific (internal variables of companies, such as company size, return on assets, return on equity, earnings per stock, book value, price-earning ratio, price-to-book ratio and leverage and the stock price of companies that compose the BelexLine index. The results indicate that variables such as the size of the company measured by assets, return on assets, leverage, earnings per stock, book value and price-to-book ratio provide a unique contribution to a statistically significant predictor of stock prices.

  20. Analysis of Marketing Strategy of Coca-Cola Company

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    This study provides a report on marketing strategy adopted by the Coca-Cola Company. Included in the report are the various marketing and/or business issues and opportunities facing Coca-Cola Company, as wel as the characteristics of its current and potential customers. The report also provides a discussion of the various segmentation options available to Coca-Cola Company and then gives a recommendation of the most appropriate market segmentation that the company can focus in order to achieve profitable sales growth. An analysis of the company's strengths and weaknesses based on a proposed marketing mix for a positioning strategy is also given.

  1. Influence of new customs procedures and logistic security standards on companies competiveness – a Croatian company case study


    Erceg, Aleksandar


    In today’s global market, companies are constantly confronted with the competition on the local, national and international level. Companies therefore use a variety of strategies and tools to become and/or remain competitive. Potential areas for cost reduction in companies are supply chain management and logistic and customs procedures. Implementation of various logistic standards in supply chain management can provide significant cost savings for the company’s daily operations an...

  2. Analisis Portofolio Optimum Saham Syariah Dengan Model Black Litterman

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    Arum Virgina Dewi Kusuma Ratri


    Full Text Available Kegiatan berinvestasi yang dilakukan oleh investor tidak dapat terlepas dari faktor return dan risiko. Pembentuk portofolio menjadi suatu pilihan yang dapat membantu meminimalkan risiko dan mengoptimalkan keuntungan. Salah satunya adalah model portofolio Black Litterman (BL. Model ini merupakan model yang mengkombinasikan antara return ekuilibrium yang diperoleh melalui Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM dengan pandangan/views investor tentang return suatu aset. Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan model Black Litterman pada saham syariah yang tergabung dalam Jakarta Islamic Index (JII periode Januari 2014 – Januari 2015. Pemilihan portofolio dilakukan dengan memilih 5 (lima saham yang memiliki expected return CAPM terbesar diperoleh saham INDF, MNCN, MPPA, SILO dan SSMS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa portofolio model Black Litterman terbentuk dari saham INDF (54,44%, MNCN (11,69%, MPPA (13,17% dan SSMS (20,70% dengan return 0,13% dan risiko 0,0114%.


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    Ignatius Tarwotjo


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan data "Survei Prevalensi Kebutaan Gizi" tahun 1977, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, dinyatakan sebagai wilayah tinggi prevalensi xeroftalmia. Sebagai suatu wilayah dengan prevalensi xeroftalmia paling tinggi di Indonesia, banyak faktor risiko yang diidentifikasi bagi daerah ini, termasuk kejadian kecacingan, kekurangan frekuensi pemberian ASI pada anak yang masih menyusu; kekurangan "kamar cuci" di dalam rumah; variasi diet yang terbatas, tidak ada variasi konsumsi bahan pokok selain beras; dan kecilnya konsumsi sumber-sumber protein. Faktor risiko khusus xeroftalmi-korneal berkaitan dengan riwayat penyakit yang baru diderita si anak (campak dan infestasi berat kecacingan dan kurang kalori protein berat. Sejak tahun 1978, Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengembangkan berbagai macam pendekatan untuk mengawasi (kontrol xeroftalmia; sampai tahun 1982 telah mencapai 80% sasaran (anak Balita dan telah menghasilkan penurunan prevalensi xeroftalmia di wilayah ini. Penurunan prevalensi ini dicapai tanpa penurunan secara proporsional faktor-faktor risiko terkait.

  4. The limited liability company in Romania versus the limited liability company in the Republic of Moldova

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    Silvia Lucia CRISTEA


    Full Text Available The article presents parallel legislation in Romania and Republic of Moldova, in the matter of Limited Liability Company (LLC Ltd, aiming to extract similarities and differences to draw reliable conclusions regarding the advantages of setting up this type of company in the two countries.

  5. A Strategic Analysis of a Valve Manufacturing Company


    Schlesinger, Victor


    This paper describes the industry environment encountered by an Automatic Control Valve manufacturing company with a virtually global distribution network. Traditionally a differentiations strategy business, the company intends to penetrate the commodity sector of its market. The scope of the paper covers the industry and company overview, provides an external analysis to determine the competitive environment of the industry, and analyses the internal capabilities of the company. The paper ev...

  6. Personnel motivation in multinational companies : standardization and adaptation


    Stepanyan, Anna


    With the increasing emergence of multinational companies and the increased popularity of these companies, the question of the organization of their activities becomes interesting for the HR community worldwide. These companies are renowned for deliberate management structure of human resources and their effective use. For effective use of employees’ skills and knowledge the company has to constantly motivate them by intrinsic and extrinsic motivational tools. Motivational tools which use a co...


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    A. N. Dmitrievsky


    Full Text Available Innovative development of contemporary RF oil industry enterprises and companies faces considerable difficulties. Main problems that hamper scientific and technological development and modernization of domestic oil companies are lack of demand for innovations, specific corporateculture of these companies and the country’s scientific and technological politics. Situation with advanced domestic technologies in the industry and their long-lasting and efficient use by Russian enterprises and companies is examined.

  8. Risk of Burnout in Danish GPs and Exploration of Factors Associated with Development of Burnout: A Two-Wave Panel Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Anette Fischer; Andersen, Christina Maar; Olesen, Frede


    Denne artikel ser nærmere på alment praktiserende lægers risiko for udbrændthed. Resultaterne viser, at lægernes risiko for at udvikle udbrændthed i løbet af en 7-års periode (2004-2012) var 13,2 %. De læger, som i 2004 havde været usikre på, om de ville vælge almen medicin som speciale, hvis de ...

  9. Radonsikring af boliger er et overset forretningsområde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkeskov, Jesper


    I mange boliger er der for meget radon i luften og dermed øget risiko for lungekræft. Men kun få af byggeriets virksomheder har øje på radonsikring som forretningsområde.......I mange boliger er der for meget radon i luften og dermed øget risiko for lungekræft. Men kun få af byggeriets virksomheder har øje på radonsikring som forretningsområde....


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    Petrică Stoica


    Full Text Available All organisations are primarily interested in maintaining and increasing intellectual capital assets, and knowledge management represents only a manner of supporting the satisfaction of this interest and of laying stress on this type of assets. A mistaken conception, according to which at the level of a company there is a finite knowledge store that can be “managed”, reflects nothing but the fact that, at the beginning, many companies have overlooked the general aim of their business. The intangible part is immaterial, difficult to describe, quantify and measure. The intangible asset has and creates value and that is why the evaluation of intellectual property does not represent a simple activity. From a modern viewpoint, organisational learning does not consist only in obtaining new knowledge, but also considers its employment in carrying out the activities of the company, and so it contributes to the generation of new knowledge. The success of companies depends on the personnel’s ability to understand, manipulate and develop information. In case of epistemic economy, the improvement of the innovation capacity, the creation of value and wealth are based on the division of knowledge.

  11. How much cash does your company need? (United States)

    Passov, Richard


    In late 2001, the directors of Pfizer asked that very question. And with good reason. After its 2000 merger with rival Warner-Lambert, the New York-based pharmaceutical giant found itself sitting on a net cash position of $8 billion, which seemed extraordinarily conservative for a company whose products generated $30 billion in revenues. Most large companies with revenues that healthy would increase leverage, thereby unlocking tremendous value for shareholders. But knowledge-intensive companies like Pfizer, this author argues, are in a class apart. Because their largely intangible assets (like R&D) are highly volatile and cannot easily be valued, they are more vulnerable to financial distress than are firms with a preponderance of tangible assets. To insure against that risk, they need to maintain large positive cash balances. These companies' decisions to run large cash balances is one of the key reasons their shares sustain consistent premiums. Only by investing in their intangible assets can knowledge-based companies hope to preserve the value of those assets. A company that finds itself unable to do so because unfavorable market conditions reduce its operating cash flows will see its share price suffer almost as much as if it were to default on its debts. By the same token, with the right balance sheet, knowledge companies can profitably insure against the risk of failing to sustain value-added investments in difficult times. An optimal capital structure that calls for significant cash balances is certainly at odds with the results of a traditional capital structure analysis, the author demonstrates, but it explains the financial policies of many well-run companies, from Pfizer to Intel to ChevronTexaco.

  12. Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Company Performance

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    Petr Suchánek


    Full Text Available The subject of this article is customer satisfaction and its impact on company performance through satisfaction with its products, including a comparison with the competition. Research was conducted in search of factors which affect customer satisfaction on the one hand and the performance of the company on the other hand. We constructed a model explaining what specific factors (affecting customer satisfaction have an impact on the performance of a company. This model can help management to better run the business and achieve higher performance. The article is based on research that focused on companies in the food industry in Czech Republic and on their customers. First, we found the financial performance of surveyed companies (based on indicators ROA, ROE and assets turnover and on this basis they have been divided on companies efficient and inefficient. Furthermore factors were identified (based on previous research of authors that have an impact on customer satisfaction (among these factors include product quality, customer requirements for product, comparison with competitive products, etc.. With the use of non-parametric statistical methods, logistic regression and discriminant analysis was analyzed, what factors affecting customer satisfaction also affect business performance.

  13. 75 FR 17796 - American Vantage Companies; Notice of Application (United States)


    ...] American Vantage Companies; Notice of Application April 1, 2010. AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission... Act of 1940 (the ``Act''). Summary of Application: American Vantage Companies requests an order.... Applicant: American Vantage Companies (the ``Company''). Filing Dates: The application was filed on November...


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    Yurii Safonov


    Full Text Available The purpose and objectives. Time management is still not a very popular element in many enterprises, while its implementation significantly increases staff productivity and, ultimately, the effectiveness of the company. For this reason, the purpose of the article is to promote time management in a business environment by providing specific tools, principles, methods and systems, and to show its importance to the company and describe the influence of time management for the enterprise. Methods. The study used a generalization, systematization, empirical research, systematic and logical approach to the development of theoretical and methodological provisions for instrumental support management performance of the industrial enterprise. Results. Time management is one of the most important strategic tools of the modern manager. It can help both existing companies and companies that are just launched (the project. Practical implications. The current goal of time management as a mechanism to improve the efficiency of the company. Value/originality. To implement it, the company offered a popular time management system, allowing the company to increase the effectiveness of its activities.

  15. Expatriation on the strategy of internationalized companies

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    Shalimar Gallon


    Full Text Available This paper analyses the strategic role of the expatriation in the internationalization of the company. Expatriation should be minded as the result of a broader organizational strategy, representing one of the ways to articulate international and local strategies. A case study made on the Alpha Company has been presented in which 21 interviews were performed with professionals of the area and expatriates/repatriates. Alpha company has very emphasis in the world scenario and has a expatriation program of 12 years, nevertheless, has a lack of polices and more structured practices, due to its internationalization has been taken a larger dimension as the company was ready to deal with. It is pointed, however, that the same process have permitted several growing possibilities for professionals and the company as has presented many challenges to be overcome, like enhancement of the process training, repatriation planning, valorization and retention of the repatriate

  16. Main activities in the ESC`s personnel development; Akzente der Personalentwicklung in Energieversorgungsunternehmen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Binder [OBAG Regensburg (Germany); Brandstetter [Stadtwerke Braunschweig (Germany); Cramer [Bewag Berlin (Germany); Hurst [Badenwerk Karlsruhe (Germany); Jaeger [RWE Energie AG, Essen (Germany); Paege [HEW Hamburg (Germany); Sauerlaender [VEW Energie AG, Dortmund (Germany); Singer [Stadtwerke Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Schmitz [VDEW Frankfurt am Main (Germany)


    The authors propose a number of six theses to be applied as a yardstick when answering the question as to what objectives should be aimed at by future changes. Great store is set on the development of special skills and qualities of executives. Apart from entrepreneurial thinking such skills as being open to changes and able not only to work with a team but also to motivate staff and other people and to make decisions are in great demand. Each individual company has to find out the key qualities which will be decisive for its future development. Former possibilities of making career according to the company`s own hierarchy have been replaced by suitable incentive systems as well as opening up new fields of development. Organization development as well as personnel development will be understood as management tasks of first priority. And the requirement of being able to steer this development of the right way will certainly influence the requirements profile of the individual executive. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der VDEW-Arbeitskreis `Personalmanagement` eroeffnet mit diesem Uebersichtsartikel eine kleine Serie von praxisbezogenen und im eigenen Unternehmen umsetzbaren Vorschlaegen. Mit deren Hilfe sollte es anderen Energieversorgungsunternehmen moeglich sein, den aus dem Wettbewerb erwachsenden neuen Anforderungen an die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter gerecht zu werden. (orig.)

  17. Chapter 3. The economical power of the company

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the third chapter of this CD ROM the economic power of the Slovak Electric, Plc. (Slovenske elektrarne, a.s.), is presented. It consist of next paragraphs (1) Property of Slovak Electric, Plc, the company; (2) Position of the Company; (3) Business performance of the Company (Economic results, Installed capacity, Generation of electricity and heat; Electricity trade, Distribution of electricity and heat trade are reviewed); (4) Shareholdings in other companies and international co-operation



    Ivana Pudiwan; Sekar Mayangsari


    The purposes of study are to examine the influences of Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee on financial performance of Insuranse and Reinsurance Company; and to drive a conclusion which is Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee applied to improve company's financial performance. In this research, Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee as independent variable which indicated by Audit Committee's member and Risk Management Committees member. Financial performance oflnsur...

  19. Partisipasi Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko Selaku Organ Dewan Komisaris terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Asuransi dan Reasuransi di Indonesia


    Pudiwan, Ivana; Mayangsari, Sekar


    The purposes of study are to examine the influences of Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee on financial performance of Insuranse and Reinsurance Company; and to drive a conclusion which is Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee applied to improve company's financial performance. In this research, Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee as independent variable which indicated by Audit Committee's member and Risk Management Committees member. Financial performance oflnsur...


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    Elena-Sabina HODOR


    Full Text Available Total Rewards Management is a subject of major importance for companies, because, by using models for this, firms can achieve their objectives of high performance. In order to analyse a validated total rewards model in Romanian Accounting and Consulting Companies, it is used The WorldatWork Total Rewards Model, which depict what contributes to applicant attraction and employee motivation and retention. Thus, the methodology of the previous survey is adjusted to the local context. The conclusions for the methodological aspects illustrate that the present research involves three strategic steps in order to achieve the objectives presented: the analysis of organizational environment of the companies from the sample, checking if Total Rewards Model proposed in the previous research is applicable for the same romanian companies from the previous survey, the analysing of the differences between results, and, if necessary, the adaptation of the model for Romania.

  1. Disability as diversity in Fortune 100 companies. (United States)

    Ball, Phoebe; Monaco, Gregory; Schmeling, James; Schartz, Helen; Blanck, Peter


    To investigate the inclusion of people with disabilities in the diversity policies of the most successful businesses in the United States, we examined the publicly available workforce and supplier diversity policies of the top 100 companies on Fortune Magazine's 2003 list of the 500 most profitable companies in the nation. The majority of these companies have extensive information about their diversity policies and practices available on their corporate website. The information was used to categorize the policies into those that include people with disabilities, do not define diversity, and enumerate what is meant by diversity (e.g. in terms of race or gender) but do not expressly mention disability. In addition, we looked beyond the diversity policies to information available on corporate websites relating to a variety of diversity initiatives. Findings suggest that the majority of the companies that top the Fortune 500 list have developed and implemented diversity policies. Of these, 42% have diversity policies that include people with disabilities in the definition of a diverse workforce. Furthermore, 47% of companies with workplace diversity policies discuss diversity in a way that neither expressly includes nor excludes people with disabilities. Far fewer (15%) supplier diversity policies include disability in the definition of diversity, but a significant number of companies use criteria that allow a business owner with a disability to benefit from the company's supplier diversity program. 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  2. 76 FR 35085 - Savings and Loan Holding Company Application (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Office of Thrift Supervision Savings and Loan Holding Company... Proposal: Savings Loan Holding Company Application. OMB Number: 1550-0015. Form Numbers: H-(e). Description... that no company, or any director or officer of a savings and loan holding company, or any individual...

  3. Why the oil companies lost solar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, Damian


    Solar energy is a growing source of electricity supply. Oil companies including BP and Shell recognized this early on and entered the solar industry when it was still in its relative infancy. These companies invested heavily in vertically integrated solar companies that were at one point among the largest in the world. But neither BP nor Shell was successful, and they both decided to exit the solar market. This stands as a paradox since such companies have the funds, the long-term perspectives, the management systems, the multinational presence and the lobbying clout to potentially succeed in this new energy industry. Why were they not successful, and why did they ultimately exit? This paper uses innovation theory to explore the reasons why large incumbent corporations typically fail to succeed in commercializing disruptive innovations at scale. Evidence from semi-structured interviews and discussions with former employees of BP Solar and Shell Solar confirm the explanatory power of key constructs from innovation theory in accounting for the big oil companies' experience with solar technology. Ultimately, the findings suggest that oil companies would have done better to treat their solar businesses as separate stand-alone entities. - Highlights: • This paper examines why BP and Shell were not successful in solar, and exited. • It finds innovation theory to be very helpful in answering the question. • The evidence from semi-structured interviews, press reports, and archival documentation is in line with innovation theory. • Both the theory and the findings offer a different way forward for future oil and gas entrants

  4. What are the consequences for Danish Fashion Premium Brand Companies to incorporate Ethical Fashion in their company structure?


    Bartoli, Nicla; Nielsen, Amalie


    This paper is meant to investigate the topic of Ethical Fashion implemented in Danish Fashion Premium Brands Companies. In order to have an almost complete scientific paper, the group decided to formulate the folowing problem formulation “What are the consequences for Danish Premium Brand Companies to incorporate Ethical Fashion in their company structure?” With three main research question: The first one is focusing on how Ethical Fashion is defined in the Danish fashion industry, in order t...

  5. Risiko Manajemen dan Risiko Governance dengan Perencanaan Audit




    The successful completion of the audit engagement is determined by the quality of the audit plan prepared by the auditor. This suggests that the lower the risk of corporate governance faced by auditors, the audit planning requires a long time and conversely, the higher the risk of corporate governance faced by auditors, the audit plan does not require a long time. Alternatively, effective corporate governance mechanisms or whether the client is not a risk to the auditor in considering when pl...

  6. Working-life - A paradox in Knowledge-Intensive Companies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ipsen, Christine


    A Working-Life Paradox in Knowledge Intensive Companies Keywords: Knowledge work, knowledge management, working-life, consulting companies. The purpose of this article is to identify the influence knowledge-work has on working life of the personnel in knowledge-intensive companies, more precisely...

  7. Going Global: Key Insights from Two Mexican Companies

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    Martha RIVERA


    Full Text Available This paper explores how Mexican companies in different industries have achieved international expansion, while at the same time preserving local elements in executing their strategies. For this initial stage of research, the analysis focuses on two companies: a Grupo Bimbo, the number one company in the bakery industry worldwide and b KidZania, one of the world’s top indoor family entertainment centers. The research methodology is based on in-depth interviews with CEOs and key executives from the two companies done over a period of more than ten years. We have also used secondary data such as press releases and case studies. By contrasting their strategies and comparing them with those of other multinationals like Ford Motor Company and Santander Bank, we identified major issues that we condensed into 10 key insights. Understanding how these companies have struggled and succeeded in gaining international markets can help other companies tailor their own strategies. Our argument is that the typical simplified international expansion process is insufficient when companies need to compete in the global arena. Becoming an MNC implies handling an entire ecosystem: building local presence, establishing joint ventures or alliances with local companies, recruiting local talent, developing new business models, reshaping the value proposition, developing new brands or introducing traditional ones with a local flavor, and understanding the supply chain and routes to market. Therefore, a number of aspects have to be taken into consideration beyond just simply selecting a market. For certain companies in emerging markets, making the decision to grow internationally was not initially in their strategic vision, but economic liberalization in their home country and the threat of being purchased by an MNC from a developed country triggered the decision. There is a learning process in international expansion, and trial and error is common and useful. The

  8. Why companies should value passionate leaders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D. de Cremer (David)


    textabstractIn times of corporate scandals, companies have a strong motive to create ethical awareness among their employees and increase the effectiveness of fairness policies. Many companies agree with the idea that when establishing an ethical climate, the right type of leadership is needed.

  9. Oil companies and village development in Nigeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikporukpo, C.O.


    The economic interest of oil companies and the oil-producing Third World countries, together with the technological handicaps and political considerations of the latter, provide the scenarios within which the two groups interact. In the early history of oil exploitation, the relationship was such that the oil companies had the final say in all matters. Furthermore, apart from the token royalty, no taxes were usually imposed on the exploration companies. The relationship between the oil companies and the host local communities, even in the developed countries, seems to be a replica of that between the companies and the host countries. There is the feeling in many of the local communities that they have gained little or nothing from petroleum exploitation. This is the case not only in the setting of a less developed country, such as Nigeria, but also in that of a developed country, such as the United States. In these communities, the adverse environment effect of oil exploitation is usually perceived as being overwhelming. (author)

  10. Business Alliances between Japanese and Taiwanese Companies


    シンポ, ヒロヒコ; Hirohiko, Shimpo


    In the beginning of the 21^st century, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution is steadily progressing to build a new social infrastructure. In this process, Taiwanese companies are becoming increasingly significant. This paper illuminates the entire image of Taiwanese companies centering on the electronics industry. Although there is little research on Taiwanese companies, there is still less on their financial condition and their corporate governance. This paper aims t...


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    Gabriel-Constantin MORAR


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study from the present work was to assess the risk of insolvency at the level of companies in Romania, via an analysis based on the calculation of financial ratios as significant for the state of companies. The correlations established between the values of financial rates and their influence upon the state of insolvency were tested using the logistic model and the probability model on a data sample consisting of a total of ten companies, grouped into companies in insolvency and companies with healthy financial statements having as reference period 2008 - 2012. The results of the study point to the direct influence of indebtedness and speed of rotation of the insolvency claims.


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    Putri Andarini


    Full Text Available This study aims to examine the association between board of commisioner and firm characteristics to the existence of risk management committee (RMC and type of RMC, whether it is combined or separated from audit committee. The board of commisioner and firm characteristics used in this study are independent commisioner, board size, auditor reputation, complexity, financial reporting risk, leverage, and firm size. Population consists of Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI-listed companies from nonfinancial industry in 2007-2008. Sample was collected based on purposive sampling, and resulted 248 companies as a final sample. Data was collected from the annual report, and was analysed with logistic regression. The results, based on logistic regression analyses, indicated that firm size has a positive and significant association with the existence of RMC and separated RMC. The other variables (independent commisioner, board size, auditor reputation, complexity, financial reporting risk, leverage have no significant association with the existence of RMC and separated RMC.

  13. 18 CFR 367.14 - Transactions with associate companies. (United States)


    ... all transactions with associate companies. The statements may be required to show the general nature... associate companies. 367.14 Section 367.14 Conservation of Power and Water Resources FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REGULATIONS UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY ACT OF 2005...

  14. Analisa Strategi E-Marketing dan Implementasinya pada Rental Company

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    Meyliana Meyliana


    Full Text Available Customers are the main key for persistence of a company. The company could arrange old customers and attract new customers, as marketing event. Marketing is one component in customer relationship management. Marketing today has become a trend in doing promotion, increase new customers to expand target market, and maintain old customer loyalty to increase the company sales’ point volume. Supported by appropriate information technology, marketing event could be changed as events that give benefit to the company. Marketing event with information technology, e-marketing, is done to increase company image. After being analysed, this e-marketing strategy will be implemented to rental company


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    Lucia P. BLĂJUȚ


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the location decisions of foreign direct investments by the most important global multinational companies in Romania. The study covers the top 100 multinational companies, according to Fortune and underline that all of them have the headquarters location in the United States. In particular, this analysis presents the distribution of global companies based on the main industry and major economic sectors. The first company, from the rank 100, that invests in our country is Exxon Mobil (the number two on the list and has numerous projects in petroleum refining industry in many other countries, because energy sector is one of the most important ones in the global economy.

  16. The Dutch private company: successfully relaunched?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Elst, C.F.; Vermeulen, E.P.M.; De Cordt, Y.; Navez, E.J.


    This Chapter in a comparative book on private limited liability companies starts with an illustration of the former success of the Dutch limited liability company (BV). Next it addresses the competitive European legal environment within which the Dutch BV has to operate. The study shows how the

  17. The legal status of engineering companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    It is assumed that the carrying out of research, also in the nuclear field should be entrusted to engineering companies, especially when dealing with the setting up of technological structures. This paper considers the problems of the legal status of such companies under Italian legislation. (NEA) [fr

  18. 77 FR 25349 - Mutual Insurance Holding Company Treated as Insurance Company (United States)


    ..., the first mutual fire insurer was established. The first American mutual insurance company, the Philadelphia Contributionship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire, was founded in 1752.\\3\\ \\3\\ The...

  19. 26 CFR 1.821-3 - Tax on mutual insurance companies other than life or marine or fire insurance companies subject... (United States)


    ... life or marine or fire insurance companies subject to the tax imposed by section 831. 1.821-3 Section 1... and Other Than Fire Or Flood Insurance Companies Which Operate on Basis of Perpetual Policies Or Premium Deposits) § 1.821-3 Tax on mutual insurance companies other than life or marine or fire insurance...

  20. 26 CFR 1.821-1 - Tax on mutual insurance companies other than life or marine or fire insurance companies subject... (United States)


    ... life or marine or fire insurance companies subject to the tax imposed by section 831. 1.821-1 Section 1... and Other Than Fire Or Flood Insurance Companies Which Operate on Basis of Perpetual Policies Or Premium Deposits) § 1.821-1 Tax on mutual insurance companies other than life or marine or fire insurance...

  1. A Business Plan for PK Handbags Manufacturing Company


    Somchatvong, Laddaporn


    PK Co. Limited is a small family-business-owned company located in Thailand. Since established in 1998, the company’s business is manufacturing women’s fashion handbags for wholesale apparel trading company in Thailand. The company also produces and merchandises premium gifts for Kasikorn Bank, one of the largest banks in Thailand. Over the past ten years, the company has generated more than 200 million Baht in revenue or £ 3.6 million . The founders, Likit and Duangporn Somchatvong, have ...

  2. Premium Forecasting of an Insurance Company: Automobile Insurance


    Fouladvand, M. Ebrahim; Darooneh, Amir H.


    We present an analytical study of an insurance company. We model the company's performance on a statistical basis and evaluate the predicted annual income of the company in terms of insurance parameters namely the premium, total number of the insured, average loss claims etc. We restrict ourselves to a single insurance class the so-called automobile insurance. We show the existence a crossover premium p_c below which the company is loss-making. Above p_c, we also give detailed statistical ana...


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    Full Text Available The methods used for the company valuation can be divided into 3 main groups: methods based on patrimony,methods based on financial performance, methods based both on patrimony and on performance. The companyvaluation methods based on patrimony are implemented taking into account the balance sheet or the financialstatement. The financial statement refers to that type of balance in which the assets are arranged according to liquidity,and the liabilities according to their financial maturity date. The patrimonial methods are based on the principle thatthe value of the company equals that of the patrimony it owns. From a legal point of view, the patrimony refers to allthe rights and obligations of a company. The valuation of companies based on their financial performance can be donein 3 ways: the return value, the yield value, the present value of the cash flows. The mixed methods depend both onpatrimony and on financial performance or can make use of other methods.

  4. Enterprise Architecture in the Company Management Framework

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    Bojinov Bojidar Violinov


    Full Text Available The study aims to explore the role and importance of the concept of enterprise architecture in modern company management. For this purpose it clarifies the nature, scope, components of the enterprise architecture and relationships within it using the Zachman model. Based on the critical analysis of works by leading scientists, there presented a definition of enterprise architecture as a general description of all elements of strategic management of the company combined with description of its organizational, functional and operational structure, including the relationship between all tangible and intangible resources essential for its normal functioning and development. This in turn enables IT enterprise architecture to be defined as a set of corporate IT resources (hardware, software and technology, their interconnection and integration within the overall architecture of the company, as well as their formal description, methods and tools for their modeling and management in order to achieve strategic business goals of the organization. In conclusion the article summarizes the significance and role of enterprise architecture for strategic management of the company in today’s digital economy. The study underlines the importance of an integrated multidisciplinary approach to the work of a contemporary company, and the need for adequate matching and alignment of IT with business priorities and objectives of the company.

  5. Fostering Student Entrepreneurship and University Spinoff Companies

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    Tony Bailetti


    Full Text Available A student spinoff company strives to transform knowledge acquired by students into an income-generating business. This article outlines how a university can increase the number of spinoff companies created by its student entrepreneurs. Student spinoff companies are of interest to all forward-thinking universities, particularly those that support research and teaching programs in the field of entrepreneurship. The spinoff companies provide tangible evidence that students acquire viable entrepreneurial skills while studying at the university. In addition, student spinoff companies contribute to regional economic development, commercialize knowledge that otherwise would go undeveloped, help universities attain and expand their core missions, and increase the return on the investments in university R&D. University policies developed specifically for student spinoff companies significantly affect the growth potential of such ventures. This article provides a model and a set of principles that universities can use to support and increase the number of student entrepreneurs at their institutions. The model and principles are grounded in research findings and practical experience. In addition, the article suggests that universities adopt a results-based management approach to plan and deploy initiatives to support student entrepreneurs. The approach is widely used by government agencies interested in increasing the outcomes from their investments.


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    Full Text Available A company’s manager has to create and maintain a healthy internal control system. An efficient internal control system implies the implementation in the company of risk management. Each company, but also each individual, who tries to attain certain objectives, establishes the activities which lead to the achievement of goals and, at the same time, tries to identify as many “threats” as possible, in order to take the necessary measures to eliminate them. Thus, even if one is not familiar with the concepts of risk and risk management, one acts, consciously or not, for that purpose.

  7. Between company and state : The dutch east and west india companies as brokers between war and profit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brandon, Pepijn; Baars, Grietje; Spicer, Andre


    Early modern chartered companies like the Dutch East India Company (VOC) are widely seen as the precursors of the modern corporation. However, the relation between the two remains mired in confusion. While writers working in a Neo-Classical or New Institutional Economics framework highlight the

  8. 76 FR 54717 - Supervised Securities Holding Companies Registration (United States)


    ... other financial statements submitted to the securities holding company's current consolidated supervisor... Y-9ES), The Supplement to the Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-9CS... Companies (FR Y-6), The Report of Foreign Banking Organizations (FR Y-7), The Consolidated Financial...

  9. Market research companies and new product development tools

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijssen, Edwin J.; Frambach, Ruud T.


    This research investigates (1) the share of new product development (NPD) research services in market research (MR) companies' turnover, (2) MR companies' awareness and use of NPD tools and the modifications made to these NPD tools, and (3) MR company managers' perceptions of the influence of client

  10. Analysis of Marketing communication of Diesel company


    Zvadová, Zuzana


    The main objective of this work is to highlight the specifics of marketing communications in the fashion industry on an example of a particular company, an Italian company Diesel. Theoretical knowledge of fashion marketing, management of fashion companies and the characteristics of the fashion market are applied to the brand Diesel. Marketing Communication is subject of analysis of individual campaigns and then summarized the common characteristics of the whole communication. Common features ...

  11. Capital Structure of Internet Companies: Case Study


    Miglo, Anton; Liang, Shuting; Lee, Zhenting


    We analyze the financing decisions and capital structure of internet companies and relate observed findings to the common capital structure theories. Large internet companies usually have low debt and small internet companies have high debt. We find that the trade-off theory of capital structure, pecking order theory, market timing theory and other theories cannot individually explain a firm’s capital structure. However, they can compliment each other in describing some patterns of observed b...

  12. Challenges of growth in a network company


    Axani, Darrell Kirk


    Mark Engineering is a large network company facing challenges between growth and its small company feel. Small networks are rewarding for both individuals and companies. With growth, networks become cumbersome and costly to operate. Like effective teams, networks must remain small to be efficient. Growth tends to drive management to more traditional hierarchical structures, but such a move would undermine the value of a network organization. Strategy and market forces influence organizational...

  13. Assessment of Gender Balanced Policies across Companies


    Šrámová, Michaela


    The thesis aims to analyze the representation of women in the top management within companies in the Czech Republic and companies' approach towards gender diversity. Theoretical background is provided as an introduction to the topic. Terms leadership and leadership styles are defined. The thesis follows with gender leadership specifics and typical characteristics for the Czech Republic. The research part is based on the interviews with HR representatives conducted in five chosen companies. Ty...

  14. HRM, company performance and employee well-being


    Vanhala, Sinikka; Tuomi, Kaija


    This paper is dealing with the relationships between HRM, company performance and employee well-being. The relationship between S/HRM and company performance has received much attention in prior literature, while the employee perspective has been widely neglected in this research tradition. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: first, to identify and evaluate how company performance and employee well-being are related, and, secondly, to evaluate the possibilities of HR policies and practices...

  15. Marketing Analysis of a chosen Company


    Slabá, Michaela


    The topic of this bachelor thesis is a proposal for improvement current situation in the company, which is engaged in manufacturing machinery for the food industry. The theoretical part includes the definition of market of organizations, marketing environment, marketing mix and marketing situation analysis. The practical part describes the company NATE - Marketing, Inc. and marketing mix of the company. The thesis also includes a proposal to improve current situation based on an analysis of t...

  16. Innovation. An Instrument for Development of Companies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana-Maria Nica


    Full Text Available Innovation is seen in numerous specialized studies as an efficient method for improving the performance of a company based on the sector in which that company operates. Based on this idea, the article aims to determine the nature of inter-correlation between the innovation activity of companies and the level of performance of these, which are the main types of innovation and how they can influence companies` position and how the sector of activity can influence the dimension of the impact of innovation. For achieve these objectives have been analysed empirical studies in various sectors, studies which have highlighted a positive inter-correlation between innovation activity and the performance of companies with significant differences depending on the type of innovation and industry use. The article is completed by an empirical analysis which aims to determine the extent to which performance of companies in the construction sector is sensitive to innovation activity. For the analysis were collected data from 14 companies which developed the specific activities in the construction sector of Europe, were achieve a total of 112 observations. The results obtained by applying a multiple regression model shows a positive correlation relationship between indicators of innovation (R&D expenditures and the value of patents/patents on the one side and performance indicators (equity, labour productivity and number of employees on the other side. Another direction of research analysed in this paper is to determine the impact of labour indicators on the level of innovation, in this situation was achieve a positive but insignificant inter-correlation between those indicators.

  17. Corporate financial decision makers' perceptions of their company's safety performance, programs and personnel: Do company size and industry injury risk matter? (United States)

    DeArmond, Sarah; Huang, Yueng-Hsiang; Chen, Peter Y; Courtney, Theodore K


    Top-level managers make important decisions about safety-related issues, yet little research has been done involving these individuals. The current study explored corporate financial decisions makers' perceptions of their company's safety and their justifications for these perceptions. This study also explored whether their perceptions and justifications varied as a function of company size or industry injury risk. A total of 404 individuals who were the most senior managers responsible for making decisions about property and casualty risk at their companies participated in this study. The participants took part in a telephone survey. The results suggest that corporate financial decision makers have positive views of safety at their companies relative to safety at other companies within their industries. Further, many believe their company's safety is influenced by the attention/emphasis placed on safety and the selection and training of safety personnel. Participants' perceptions varied somewhat based on the size of their company and the level of injury risk in their industry. While definitive conclusions about corporate financial decision makers' perceptions of safety cannot be reached as a result of this single study, this work does lay groundwork for future research aimed at better understanding the perceptions top-level managers.

  18. The Canadian Niagara Power Company story

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ball, N.R.


    This book chronicles the history and contributions of the Canadian Niagara Power Company and its employees toward the establishment of electricity generation and distribution in Niagara Falls and Fort Erie, Ontario, dating back to its founding in 1892. Through historical photographs, maps and drawings, the book demonstrates the impact of electricity on the Niagara region. It emphasizes the many skills and jobs required to run the company that generated electricity and maintained a complete system to deliver power, metering, and billing services through the depression, wars, and postwar booms, even during lightning, snow and ice storms. The company began producing power in 1905 with what had been the world's largest-capacity turbines and generators that supplied power to both sides of the Niagara River. Initially, most of the electricity was exported to New York State. The company eventually expanded its Canadian customer service area from Niagara Falls, Ontario, to Fort Erie, Bridgeburg, Amigari, Ridgeway, Stevensville, Crystal Beach and Point Abino. Throughout its history, the Canadian Niagara Power Company provided power at a lower cost than its neighbouring competitors. The William Birch Rankine Generating Station became an important tourist attraction, showcasing the latest electrical appliances of the time in an effort to promote the use of electricity in homes and offices. Today, the station remains a tribute to the fact that natural beauty can coincide with industry. The book also chronicles the difficult business challenges caused by restructuring in the electric power industry in the 1990s, repairing aging equipment and applying the latest in automation and remote sensing technology. Today, the company as FortisOntario is expanding to other communities around Ontario. refs., tabs., figs

  19. Ford Motor Company - Learning from the Automotive Industry


    Haas-Kotzegger, Ursula; Schlegelmilch, Bodo B.; Ambos, Björn


    This case study discusses the challenges faced by Ford Motor Company, one of the world's biggest car manufactures. In 2007, after Ford reported one of the worst losses in the company's history, the firm is in the middle of a restructuring process. The "Way Forward Initiative", started by Bill Ford should bring the company back into the fast lane. The case offers background information on the company and its different divisions. It provides the reader with data on the core markets of Ford wi...

  20. Jagten på afkast, DONG, illikviditet og performanceevaluering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bechmann, Ken L.


    I denne leder diskuteres alternative investeringer i lyset af de forskellige artikler, der haves i dette nummer af Finans/Invest. Med udgangspunkt i artiklen om jagten på afkast samt en rapport fra Finanstilsynet om alternative investeringer starter lederen med at beskrive omfanget og den stigende...... fokus, der er på alternative investeringer, og diskuterer endvidere de udfordringer som investorerne har i forhold til specielt risikoen. Lederen nævner her politisk risiko som ét eksempel på en kompliceret risiko og fremhæver her blandt andet hele forløbet omkring DONG som et aktuelt eksempel....... Illikviditet er en anden central risiko, som investorerne må forholde sig til i forbindelse med alternative investeringer. Artiklen om illikviditet i dette nummer viser, at det også er behæftet med udfordringer at behandle illikviditet i forbindelse med værdiansættelse....

  1. Patent holdings of US biotherapeutic companies in major markets. (United States)

    Sebastian, Teena E; Yerram, Chandra Bindu; Saberwal, Gayatri


    In previous studies we examined the (United States, US) patent holdings of 109 largely North American biotech companies developing therapeutics that, in particular, have an interest in discovery stage science. There appears little correlation between the number of patents and the number of products of individual companies. Here we quantified and compared the 103 US-headquartered companies' patent holdings in Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan and the US. The companies demonstrate variable and surprising patterns of patent holdings across these countries or regions. For most companies, patent holdings are not in proportion to the importance of the country as a biotech or pharma market. These results have implications for the patenting strategies of small biotech companies involved in drug discovery.

  2. Korean Investment in EU through Holding Companies: A Case Study

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    Seong-Bong Lee


    Full Text Available When transnational enterprises set subsidiary companies in certain area, their major aim is to invest indirectly through the holding companies which hold invested share. Especially, because of the geographical neighborhood and economic integration, investing by holding companies is common in Europe. In Europe, taking full advantage of holding company is out of the following two reasons. Firstly, the efficiency and flexibility of the manage strategy of a group could be elevated by making full use of the holding company. Secondly, the transnational enterprises have the possibility of flexible management at the tax strategy level. Recently, the Korean companies are making the best use of holding companies when they are Marching into the EU. In the year 1996, group K purchased 8 enterprises of a certain industry section of B, a German company, setting holding companies in Germany. The analysis result of the case shows that the manage efficiency could be risen and the taxation could be reduced by way of making use of holding companies. As to the Korean investment efficiency of overseas indirect investment in EU, this thesis brought forward a blueprint about integrating the local companies.


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    Tomislav Jakšić


    Full Text Available This contribution aims to provide directions for some possible future amendments of domestic company law regulation. Intent of such amendments is to facilitate creation of a more competitive and understandable legal framework that will be equally attractive to both domestic and foreign investors. Establishment of such legal framework can contribute to the strengthening of economy and legal certainty as well as creation of a favourable investment environment. Contribution is divided into two distinct parts. First part provides suggestions relating to amendments in the field of company incorporation. For example, consideration is given to establishment of one stop shop service as well as online incorporation, introduction of the limited liability company without the minimal share capital requirement and other similar areas which can contribute to the simplification of company incorporation procedure (e.g. abolition of the founder’s statement of tax debt non-existence. Second part provides suggestions for amendments aimed at improvement of existing legal solutions and removal of ambiguities that undermine legal certainty which can result in non-uniform application in business dealings and judicial practice. For example, suggestions are given in regard to the clearance given to the management and supervisory board members of a private company limited by shares, decision making by shareholders through use of means that do not require them to be physically present at the general meeting of a private company limited by shares, fee approval to the members of the first supervisory board of a public company limited by shares, attendance of management board members at the supervisory board meetings and making counter-proposals by company shareholders before and during the general meeting of the company.

  4. Beyond "medical tourism": Canadian companies marketing medical travel. (United States)

    Turner, Leigh


    Despite having access to medically necessary care available through publicly funded provincial health care systems, some Canadians travel for treatment provided at international medical facilities as well as for-profit clinics found in several Canadian provinces. Canadians travel abroad for orthopaedic surgery, bariatric surgery, ophthalmologic surgery, stem cell injections, "Liberation therapy" for multiple sclerosis, and additional interventions. Both responding to public interest in medical travel and playing an important part in promoting the notion of a global marketplace for health services, many Canadian companies market medical travel. Research began with the goal of locating all medical tourism companies based in Canada. Various strategies were used to find such businesses. During the search process it became apparent that many Canadian business promoting medical travel are not medical tourism companies. To the contrary, numerous types of businesses promote medical travel. Once businesses promoting medical travel were identified, content analysis was used to extract information from company websites. Company websites were analyzed to establish: 1) where in Canada these businesses are located; 2) the destination countries and health care facilities that they market; 3) the medical procedures they promote; 4) core marketing messages; and 5) whether businesses market air travel, hotel accommodations, and holiday tours in addition to medical procedures. Searches conducted from 2006 to 2011 resulted in identification of thirty-five Canadian businesses currently marketing various kinds of medical travel. The research project began with what seemed to be the straightforward goal of establishing how many medical tourism companies are based in Canada. Refinement of categories resulted in the identification of eighteen businesses fitting the category of what most researchers would identify as medical tourism companies. Seven other businesses market regional, cross

  5. 26 CFR 1.822-5 - Mutual insurance company taxable income. (United States)


    ... Companies and Other Than Fire Or Flood Insurance Companies Which Operate on Basis of Perpetual Policies Or... by the following examples: Example 1. The X Company, a mutual fire insurance company subject to the... 26 Internal Revenue 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Mutual insurance company taxable income. 1.822-5...

  6. The multiple market-exposure of waste management companies: A case study of two Swedish municipally owned companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Corvellec, Hervé; Bramryd, Torleif


    Highlights: ► Swedish municipally owned waste management companies are active on political, material, technical, and commercial markets. ► These markets differ in kind and their demands follow different logics. ► These markets affect the public service, processing, and marketing of Swedish waste management. ► Articulating these markets is a strategic challenge for Swedish municipally owned waste management. - Abstract: This paper describes how the business model of two leading Swedish municipally owned solid waste management companies exposes them to four different but related markets: a political market in which their legitimacy as an organization is determined; a waste-as-material market that determines their access to waste as a process input; a technical market in which these companies choose what waste processing technique to use; and a commercial market in which they market their products. Each of these markets has a logic of its own. Managing these logics and articulating the interrelationships between these markets is a key strategic challenge for these companies.

  7. Organizational culture in ICT companies


    Pilík, Tomáš


    This thesis deals with problematic of organizational culture with emphasis on organizational culture in ICT companies. Main goal of this thesis is to develop own framework for influencing organizational culture in ICT companies. The introductory part sums up an overview of definitions of culture and organizational culture in chronological order. Evaluation of definitions from the author's perspective is also part of the opening chapter. The main part of thesis focuses on proposing framework f...

  8. Company car study 2011. Reduction of environmental impacts by influencing the selection process of company cars; Tyoesuhdeautotutkimus 2011. Ympaeristoehaittojen vaehentaeminen autonvalinnan ohjauksella

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of the study is to identify: What kinds of operational models directing towards eco-friendlier company car use there are and which are in use. What kinds of practical impacts these operational models have had. What is the demand for company car use and what changes have taken place from the viewpoint of companies and beneficiaries. What factors should the best company car taxation include in terms of directiveness (from the environmental point of view). The main objective is to find directive factors in company car use which would result in smaller environmental impacts and which company car users could commit themselves to. The main target groups of the study were the recipients of company car benefits, and enterprises using company cars. Company cars are mainly used for two reasons: in many organisations, work is carried out where the customer is, in which case company cars are used for reducing travel costs. On the other hand, a company car is a significant means for attracting and motivating employees, especially skilled experts and management staff. Company cars also play a significant role in the replacement rate of Finnish motor vehicles. The car selection rules of organisations determine the roles that entitle an employee to have a company car and how they can choose their car. Factors restricting the choice are usually CO{sub 2} and the price and make of the car. The CO{sub 2} limit is used by about 70% of organisations. According to this study, the average emission limit is 168 g/km, depending on the company and the position of the beneficiary. However, the average CO{sub 2} emissions of new company cars are currently about 140 g/km, and therefore the emission limits of organisations have not followed the development of motor technology. In entrepreneurship, environmental issues will be regarded as very important in the future, and there is also a notion for this to be reflected in the guidelines for selecting company cars. Emissions reduction


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    Nugroho A.C.


    Full Text Available Agro-industry has an important role in Indonesian economic growth. One of the crucial constraints in agro-industry investments in developing country is due to limited access to investment fund. This research was aimed to analyze the impacts of leverage on the agro-industrial company investments. The research used financial report data of the manufacturing industries on agro-industrial bases registered in Indonesian Stock-Exchange from 2007 to 2016. The data were analyzed using panel data regression analysis. The results of the research showed that the leverage influenced negatively on the agro-industrial companies. Cash flow has a negative impact on the company investments, which shows the existence of financial constraints when the company decide to invest.

  10. Mobbing in Company: Levels and Typology

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    Arnejčič Beno


    Full Text Available Background and purpose: The individual is exposed to ever more covert psychological violence or mobbing in workplace within companies. The aim of this study is to analyse the level and the types of psychological violence within a company in which the individual works in their daily lives.

  11. Communication Needs of Fortune 500 Companies. (United States)

    Hagen, Suzanne J.

    Personnel directors of 42 Fortune 500 companies responded to a questionnaire designed to elicit information on (1) the predominant communication-related job titles in those companies, (2) which of those positions communication majors were qualified to fill, and (3) what academic preparations were most useful for such positions. All respondents…

  12. 76 FR 24465 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (United States)


    ... Electric Company Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and Establishing Procedural... Gas and Electric Company. e. Name of Project: Drum-Spaulding Project. f. Location: The west slope of..., Pacific Gas and Electric Company, P.O. Box 770000, San Francisco, CA 94177-0001, (415) 973-4481, or e-mail...

  13. Design of disturbances control model at automotive company (United States)

    Marie, I. A.; Sari, D. K.; Astuti, P.; Teorema, M.


    The discussion was conducted at PT. XYZ which produces automotive components and motorcycle products. The company produced X123 type cylinder head which is a motor vehicle forming component. The disturbances in the production system has affected the company performance in achieving the target of Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Currently, the determination of the percentage of safety stock of cylinder head products is not in accordance to the control limits set by the company (60% - 80%), and tends to exceed the control limits that cause increasing the inventory wastage in the company. This study aims to identify the production system disturbances that occurs in the production process of manufacturing components of X123 type cylinder head products and design the control model of disturbance to obtain control action and determine the safety stock policy in accordance with the needs of the company. The design stage has been done based on the Disturbance Control Model which already existing and customized with the company need in controlling the production system disturbances at the company. The design of the disturbances control model consists of sub-model of the risk level of the disturbance, sub-model of action status, sub-model action control of the disturbance, and sub-model of determining the safety stock. The model can assist the automotive company in taking the decision to perform the disturbances control action in production system cylinder head while controlling the percentage of the safety stock.

  14. Environmental certification - why do companies seek it? : A comparative case study of ISO 14001 certified companies in Umeå


    Blackestam, Andreas; Olofsson, Anton


    In modern times environmental matters have increased in importance and are being discussed more frequently, and especially in relation with company activity. One way of complying with modern standards for companies is to work with environmental management systems, and it has become quite normal for companies to certify their environmental management systems to a recognized environmental certification. Continuing on this, the purpose of our thesis is to gain a deeper understanding regarding an...

  15. Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Company Performance


    Petr Suchánek; Maria Králová


    The subject of this article is customer satisfaction and its impact on company performance through satisfaction with its products, including a comparison with the competition. Research was conducted in search of factors which affect customer satisfaction on the one hand and the performance of the company on the other hand. We constructed a model explaining what specific factors (affecting customer satisfaction) have an impact on the performance of a company. This model can help management to ...

  16. Effective Business Planning : Case Study: Company X


    Yakovleva, Yulia


    A business planning process plays one of the most important roles in a company. A business plan can either provide stablility and prosperity to a company or drastically worsen its state. Thus, the recommendations for efficient business plans are very useful for companies that have some difficulties with their perfomance. The thesis has a deductive approach, and the qualitative research method was chosen as primary data was collected through desk study and interviews. The secondary data wa...

  17. Strategic Analysis of the Air Astana Company


    Mansurova, Benazir


    The main goal of this bachelor thesis was the implementation of the strategic analysis and further formulation of strategic comments and recommendations for the Air Astana Company. This goal was reached by the identification of the strength and weaknesses of the company and opportunities and threats that can influence the company from the external environment. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part was described the theory of strategic management, st...

  18. Japan's big trading companies find themselves underemployed

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coeyman, M.


    Japan's sogoshosha - its large trading companies - are fighting their way through an identity crisis. Originally established to help connect Japanese products and companies with offshore customers and a global market, the sogoshosha suddenly find that they are no longer in demand. The trading companies were originally intermediaries, says Yasunori Masuda, v.p. of Mitsui's chemical dividion (New York). But now we are less intermediaries and more organizers of joint ventures. Mitsubishi has a position in Saudi Arabia in methanol, ethylene glycol, and polyethylene (PE), currently being expanded. More recently the company teamed up with Pequiven, Venezuela's state-owned petrochemicals firm, on a 2,000-m.t./day methanol plant to be completed by the end of 1993 at Jose. Sone says Mitsubishi plans to market the methanol in the US Mitsubishi is also working on a feasibility study for a chlor-alkali/ethylene dichloride venture with Pequiven. Mitsubishi has jointed with five Japanese trading companies - Itochu, Marubeni, Mitsui, Sumitomo, and Nissho Iwai - to build a 450,000-m.t./year ethylene plant in China


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    Full Text Available The analysis of financial economic ratios provides managers and external partners feedback on the results obtained from operational activities and the associated performance and risks. This paper studies the functional dependence of the companies’ success (on performance over internal financial management elements. The research was carried out for the most traded non-financial securities Bucharest listed companies and covers the period 2011- 2013. To carry out its purpose it analyzed the interdependence between the key financial ratios, studying the impact of liquidity ratios, solvency and efficiency on profitability. The study provides empirical evidences to identify factors that have ensured the performance of companies and their ranking in the segment of the most traded companies in Romania. Results suggest the view that the source of company success on the capital market lies in the positive signals sent to investors regarding profitability and the low risk of solvency. This study gives additional information for managerial decision-making in order to create more value and a better positioning of the companies in the market

  20. 7 CFR 210.16 - Food service management companies. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Food service management companies. 210.16 Section 210... Authority Participation § 210.16 Food service management companies. (a) General. Any school food authority... management company to manage its food service operation in one or more of its schools. However, no school or...

  1. Performance evaluation of the insurance companies based on AHP (United States)

    Lu, Manhong; Zhu, Kunping


    With the entry of foreign capital, China's insurance industry is under increasing pressure of competition. The performance of a company is the external manifestation of its comprehensive strength. Therefore, the establishment of a scientific evaluation system is of practical significance for the insurance companies. In this paper, based on the financial and non-financial indicators of the companies, the performance evaluation system is constructed by means of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In the system, the weights of the indicators which represent the impact on the performance of the companies will be calculated by the process. The evaluation system is beneficial for the companies to realize their own strengths and weaknesses, so as to take steps to enhance the core competitiveness of the companies.

  2. The Balanced Company

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    through control or trust. Human resource specialists need to make balanced decisions about how to design tasks and jobs in order to make them attractive as well as motivating. Marketers need to make balanced decisions about how to market products in the light of what is now important in consumers...... in their environments. Communication specialists need to make balanced decisions which take the different value systems and assumptions of stakeholders into consideration. Change specialists need to balance the need for continuity and change. Managers need to make balanced decisions about whether to achieve goals...... the creation and recreation of balanced relationships. Chapters in The Balanced Company ask and provide answers to questions about corporately responsible and ethically driven balanced decision making, such as: • How can a company and its stakeholders identify what should be taken into consideration - What...

  3. Marketing Communication Strategies of the Industrial Companies

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    Wojciech Wodyński


    Full Text Available Industrial market, created by companies, which buy and sell goods which are not directly for consumption, but are used in production process, communicates with the environment in a specific way. Many industrial companies supply only the customers of non consumption goods market and hence they do not enter into direct contact with a final consumer. In such cases recognizing the customers needs is even more difficult. Such environment requires efficiently functioning and planned communication of the company with the market. This study presents methods and strategies of marketing communication really used in industrial companies. While analysing marketing strategies of industrial companies, the author draws the attention to the fact that even though there was system transformation, the state still has significant impact on functioning and development of industry and that in a way directs and created barriers in companies functioning. Such conditions force even more active marketing communication as well as searching new solutions. As there are more and more sophisticated marketing techniques related to digital media, there is also a growing demand for strategic solutions in marketing communication. Digital media, first of all the Internet, provide so far unavailable possibilities of researching consumers behaviours and ways of using media. They also give a chance to follow the behaviour of smaller, unique and often social groups of consumers.

  4. Multinational Oil Companies and Corporate Social Responsibilities ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Niger Delta Region, Nigeria), the concept of corporate social responsibility must be fully imbibed by the multinational oil companies. Therefore, this study examines multinational oil companies and corporate social responsibilities with particular ...

  5. Company Stock in Pension Funds


    Even, William E.; Macpherson, David


    This study examines several issues surrounding the tendency for some pension funds to invest in their own company’s stock. After reviewing the existing literature describing the benefits and costs of investing in company stock, the legislative environment surrounding company stock holdings is reviewed. Using data from Internal Revenue Service Form 5500 filings on the pension fund holdings of over 300,000 defined–contribution pension plans in the 1990s, we show that about one out of ten define...

  6. Benchmarking in Mobarakeh Steel Company

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    Sasan Ghasemi


    Full Text Available Benchmarking is considered as one of the most effective ways of improving performance incompanies. Although benchmarking in business organizations is a relatively new concept and practice, ithas rapidly gained acceptance worldwide. This paper introduces the benchmarking project conducted in Esfahan’s Mobarakeh Steel Company, as the first systematic benchmarking project conducted in Iran. It aimsto share the process deployed for the benchmarking project in this company and illustrate how the projectsystematic implementation led to succes.

  7. financial analysis of the company


    Pojerová, Jana


    The main goal of this bachelor thesis called "Company Financial Analysis" is to evaluate the financial situation of ZS Kosova Hora a.s. in the years 2005 2013 using standard methods of financial analysis. To achieve this goal horizontal and vertical analyses, ratio analysis, pyramidal decomposition of the ROE indicator and solvency and bankruptcy models have been used. In all these areas the selected company has been compared with a selected sample of other agricultural enterprises and its fi...

  8. Communication Practices in Technology Companies.


    Casey, Ruth; Gallagher, Marc


    It is contended that the skills or competencies that are required of business graduates by technology companies, range from the ability to communicate complex information about global issues in ways that are accessible to and connect with the general public, to problem-solving and project-based interaction. This represents a shift in the type of communication practice that now characterises the technology company, with its main focus on “agile” frameworks of teamwork. This report examines the...



    Agnieszka Wójcik-Mazur; Karina Wieczorek


    The subject of this publication is the problem of distribution management, exemplified by Company X. The process has been defined by analysing the conditions necessary to satisfy prospects’ needs and create the market position of a business entity. The paper focuses on the basic features of distribution system and the character of distribution channels.The assessment of distribution management has been illustrated with an example of Company X. The subjects of interest are: the dynamics of ord...

  10. Which Companies Benefit form Liberalization?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baghdasaryan, Delia; la Cour, Lisbeth; Schneider, Cédric


    Theoretical research shows that competition has positive effects on productivity, for companies that are initially efficient, but not for unproductive firms. Our empirical analysis on a panel data of Czech companies, years 1995–2004, confirms this result. In addition, our analysis shows that when...... economic reforms affect both domestic and foreign competition, controlling for domestic competition is crucial when assessing the impact of trade liberalization. Otherwise, the effect of trade liberalization on firm productivity is upward biased....


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    Doni Purnama Alamsyah


    Full Text Available Abstrak - Kepercayaan nasabah menjadi hal penting dalam meningkatkan pelayanan bertransaksi di Bank. Tujuan dari penelitian ini membangun kepercayaan nasabah melalui penerimaan kualitas dan penerimaan risiko. Terdapat 100 nasabah yang digunakan untuk mengkaji hubungan dan pengaruh antar variabel penelitian yang diuji melalui hipotesis. Melalui kuesioner yang disebar pada tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya hubungan yang berbanding terbalik antara penerimaan kualitas dan penerimaan risiko, serta kepercayaan nasabah dapat ditingkatkan melalui peningkatan penerimaan kualitas dan penekanan penerimaan risiko nasabah atas produk internet banking. Penelitian ini menyempurnakan penelitian sebelumnya dan memiliki implikasi pada penerapan pelayanan nasabah secara online di Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Penerimaan Kualitas, Penerimaan Risiko, Kepercayaan Nasabah Abstract - Customer trust more important in improved service transactions in the Bank. The purposed of this study build customer trust through the perceived quality and perceived risk. There are 100 customers who used to study the relationship and influenced between the variables tested through hypothesis. Through questionnaires distributed in 2015. The research found inversely proportional relationship between perceived quality and perceived risk, as well as customer trust can be enhanced through increased perceived quality and decreased perceived risk of customers on internet banking products. The complete study and previous research has implications for online customer service application in Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Keywords : Perceived Quality, Perceived Risk, Trust


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    Caruntu Genu Alexandru


    Full Text Available In economic and financial activity, risk is an inherent financial decisions, encountered in daily agenda of managers of companies. Unexpected changes in the price of a product development not only affect the financial results of a company, but can cause even bankruptcy. In fact, the nature of financial decisions involve uncertainty. Financial decisions are made based on cash flows under future contracts, which are par excellence incerte.Activitatea an enterprise that holds any weight in the industry is subject to risks, since it can not predict with certainty different components of its outcome (cost, quantity, price and operating cycle (purchase, processing, sales.

  13. Motives for Corporate Social Responsibility in Chinese Food Companies

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    Dongyong Zhang


    Full Text Available This paper explores the connection between corporate social responsibility (CSR and food safety and how best to promote CSR in Chinese food companies by comparing two groups of food companies, one which had food safety incidents in the previous three years and one which had no food safety incidents during the same period. Managers of 498 food companies in 17 regions of China were surveyed. It was found that companies where the senior management gave higher levels of support and commitment to CSR and companies that had higher levels of CSR engagement had lower food safety incident rates. Motives for CSR engagement by food companies are the expected benefits that might accrue to the company including helping to achieve strategic objectives, improving daily management, ensuring food safety, improving internal cooperation, enhancing food quality, improving employees’ skills at work, increasing employee benefit and improving their morale, and maintaining business integrity. It was also found that the external factors for CSR engagement are consumer demand, as well as pressures from the government and from other companies in the supply chain. Finally, the paper makes a number of suggestions for improvements in policy.


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    Ioana Ancuta Iancu


    Full Text Available When we think about promotion in financial investment services companies, we have to consider, not only the offline or traditional type of promotion (personal communication, advertising, sales promotion, public relations and organization identity but online promotion as well. Due to the fact that for more and more people, Internet represents the most important mean of communication, financial investment services companies marketing specialists have a variety of tools at hand. In this study we will describe the most important online promotion tools, like: E-mail Marketing, advertising, search engines, networks socialization, M-Marketing and promotion through web pages. Specific methods of online promotion enable real-time knowledge of the investor’s behavior and can also address to them most effectively. The purpose of this theoretical study is to increase the rate of knowledge and usage of online marketing, in a very conservatory sector of the financial market: Financial Investment Services Companies Marketing. By promoting online a company, a product or a service the marketing specialists can target specific customer, segments and quantify results, which is almost impossible on such a scale and with such precision by traditional methods of promotion. Based on the literature and our own experience, methods were taken up and adapted in financial investment services companies. We show the present state of online marketing, make proposals and describe difficulties which can be encountered when an e-marketing strategy is made. The conclusion of our study is that more and more companies use online tools in their marketing strategies. There is a change in attitude by the Financial Investment Services Companies web pages: from a reserved one in 2010 to one open to innovation in 2015; we believe that SSIF Broker is an illustrative example in this regard. Instead, our opinion is that Search Engine Optimization should be used more by SSIF Broker

  15. Ankara National Textiles [Turkish] Incorporated Company (1916-1930

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    M. Bülent Varlık


    Full Text Available This study aims to provide brief information on the foundation, activities and closing down of Ankara National Textiles Incorporated Company, which was founded by a group of local tradesmen in Ankara within the scope of the “National Economy Policy” implemented by the Union and Progress Association. The aforementioned local tradesmen undertook the first steps to establish a factory in mid-1913, and as a result of these efforts, the aforementioned incorporated Company was founded in 1916. This Company, probably due to a low quality production, was closed down, possibly around the years 1921-1922. In 1925, a reconstruction process was initiated with the intervention of the politics and bureaucracy of Ankara, and the capital of the Company was increased. However, these attempts failed and finally, the Company was closed down in 1928. The factory was acquired by Türkiye İş Bankası in 1930, and after the endeavors, it continued its activities as a new company under the name Yün-İş.

  16. Community-company relations in gold mining in Ghana. (United States)

    Garvin, Theresa; McGee, Tara K; Smoyer-Tomic, Karen E; Aubynn, Emmanuel Ato


    As a result of Structural Adjustment Programme from the 1980s, many developing countries have experienced an increase in resource extraction activities by international and transnational corporations. The work reported here examines the perceived impacts of gold mining at the community level in the Wassa West District of Ghana, Africa and discusses those perceived impacts in the context of globalization processes and growing multinational corporate interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Interview data compared community members' perceptions with those of company representatives in three communities. The results indicate that communities held companies responsible for a series of economic, social, and environmental changes. While recognizing some of the benefits brought by the mines, communities felt that the companies did not live up to their responsibility to support local development. Companies responded by denying, dismissing concerns, or shifting blame. Findings from this work show that lack of engagement and action by government agencies at all levels resulted in companies acting in a surrogate governmental capacity. In such situations, managing expectations is key to community-company relations.


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    K. A. Dyundik


    Full Text Available In article the organizational and administrative structure of the integrated metallurgical company is investigated. It is shown that linearly – a staff control system to become a limiting factor in its development. Management of transformations represents purposeful translation process of the integrated metallurgical company in a new qualitative state. The purpose . The subject of the article is to analyze the organization of management, to improve it on the basis of a new conceptual approach to the modernization of the control system integrated steel companies and the allocation of the subsystems.Methodology. The methodological basis of this article are the comparative analysis methods.The Results. Studied approaches to the development of integrated management of the metallurgical company, the possibility of change.Conclusions / signifi cance. Management development in an integrated steel company requires in-depth study of existing internal operating conditions and specifi cs of the company, as well as the planning and implementation of measures to improve its receptivity to innovation.

  18. The social shaping of innovation in polish companies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Anne


    The paper deals with strategies of innovation in Polish manufacturing companies. The point of departure is a theoretical framework of enterprise level innovation, and of the factors forming strategies of innovation on enterprise level. The paper analyses evidence from 23 Polish companies and pres......The paper deals with strategies of innovation in Polish manufacturing companies. The point of departure is a theoretical framework of enterprise level innovation, and of the factors forming strategies of innovation on enterprise level. The paper analyses evidence from 23 Polish companies...... and presents two cases more in detail. The analysis shows that the Polish companies have all been quite innovative, mostly in relation to product innovation. They choose innovation strategies, which are incremental more than radical, and they tend to differentiate their product range rather than to specialise....... They consider quality development a must in the fight for market shares and they adapt equipment and organisation to this goal. The factors forming and determining the strategies of the companies count the technological knowledge and expertise of the owner/founder, the structural changes of the market...


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    Liviana Andreea Niminet


    Full Text Available The article deals with the rind aspects of European Company (also known by its Latin name Societas Europaea or SE, a “type of public limited-liability company regulated under European Union law”. Although this form of company was proposed more than 40 years ago, it was only in 2001 when the Council issued Regulation (EC No 2157/2001 of 8 October 2001 on the Statute for a European company defining the European company (SE as “a legal structure that permits a company to operate in different European Union (EU countries under a single statute”, as determined by the law of the Union and common to all EU countries. Being a new legal form, the SE coexists with the corporate forms that already were in each Member Statebeing governed by both European Regulation and national law. As it follows we address the rules, classification, conditions for settling an SE, organization structures, tax harmonization, employee involvement in the SE, advantages and disadvantages of SEs, as well as the opportunity of SPEs.

  20. Transvaal Consolidated Land and Exploration Company, Limited

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lawrence, R.S.


    The difficult economic circumstances with which almost the whole world had to contend, brought serious financial crisis in many countries. South Africa also had its own share of serious problems. Despite this situation, Transvaal Consolidated Land and Exploration Company, Limited, showed on increase in earnings of 24 per cent per share. The reason for this lies mainly in two areas. Firstly the company acquired the mining related business of Rand Mines, Limited. Included in the acquisition was a partfolio of shares mainly in the company's associated gold and uranium mining companies and additional shares in its listed coal mining subsidiaries. Secondly, the average gold price realised by producers in rand terms, was considerably higher than in the previous year. Consolidated profit attributable to members increased by 52 per cent to R82,6 million

  1. Finance Companies and Small Business Borrowers: An Empirical Investigation


    Haynes, George; Watts, Myles


    Finance companies have been perceived as isolated and insignificant lenders, attracting high risk borrowers and charging these borrowers relatively high prices. Using the 1988 National Survey of Small Business Finance, this study examines the relationship between finance companies and other lenders, describes the characteristics of borrowers attracted to finance companies and assesses whether finance companies charge higher loan prices and impose more stringent collateral requirements on thei...

  2. Beyond "medical tourism": Canadian companies marketing medical travel (United States)


    Background Despite having access to medically necessary care available through publicly funded provincial health care systems, some Canadians travel for treatment provided at international medical facilities as well as for-profit clinics found in several Canadian provinces. Canadians travel abroad for orthopaedic surgery, bariatric surgery, ophthalmologic surgery, stem cell injections, “Liberation therapy” for multiple sclerosis, and additional interventions. Both responding to public interest in medical travel and playing an important part in promoting the notion of a global marketplace for health services, many Canadian companies market medical travel. Methods Research began with the goal of locating all medical tourism companies based in Canada. Various strategies were used to find such businesses. During the search process it became apparent that many Canadian business promoting medical travel are not medical tourism companies. To the contrary, numerous types of businesses promote medical travel. Once businesses promoting medical travel were identified, content analysis was used to extract information from company websites. Company websites were analyzed to establish: 1) where in Canada these businesses are located; 2) the destination countries and health care facilities that they market; 3) the medical procedures they promote; 4) core marketing messages; and 5) whether businesses market air travel, hotel accommodations, and holiday tours in addition to medical procedures. Results Searches conducted from 2006 to 2011 resulted in identification of thirty-five Canadian businesses currently marketing various kinds of medical travel. The research project began with what seemed to be the straightforward goal of establishing how many medical tourism companies are based in Canada. Refinement of categories resulted in the identification of eighteen businesses fitting the category of what most researchers would identify as medical tourism companies. Seven other

  3. The Exchange Rate Exposure of Danish Non-Financial Companies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aabo, Tom


    of the extra-market exchange rate exposure of individual companies. As such, only a minority of companies has significant exposures when using the effective Danish exchange rate in an OLS regression analysis while half of the companies have significant exposures when using five main exchange rates. A GARCH(1......A shortcut to measuring exchange rate exposure at the company level can be to exploit the information content in the stock prices. A regression analysis is conducted for the main Danish non-financial companies. The use of one all-comprising exchange rate indicator fails to address the complexity......,1) regression analysis is shown to further improve the detection of exposures. The success in identifying exposures for Danish non-financial companies is in contrast to earlier US studies and is relevant in a European context....


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    Full Text Available In crisis situations, the competitiveness of transnational companies becomes a particularly complex concept, due to the fact that said business entities are continuously moving within the context of internationalization and increasing use of global strategies. Given the current economic context, one cannot merely assess the competitiveness level of any given transnational company from a static standpoint, depending on the turnover, sales volume or number of employees of said company, but such assessment needs to be made from a dynamic standpoint, in close connection with the internal and international business environment in which that company carries out its activity.

  5. Marketing through Social Media : Case: Comparison of Social Media Marketing Approaches of B2C Companies for Company X


    Rantapelkonen Ahlberg, Jaana


    Rantapelkonen Ahlberg, Jaana. 2010. Social Media Marketing. Case: Comparison of Social Media Marketing Approaches of B2C Companies for Company X. Master’s Thesis. Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences. Business and Culture. Pages 42 (74). The objective of this thesis is to provide insights on how Company X can use Social Media as a marketing and branding tool in consumer marketing in the Swedish market. More specifically, this study attempts to define what kinds of social media are u...

  6. Company Delistings from the UN Global Compact

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Jette Steen


    While a substantial amount of the literature describes corporate benefits of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, the literature is silent concerning why some companies announce CSR initiatives, yet fail to implement them. The article examines company delistings from the UN Global...... shows that companies are less likely to be delisted from countries where domestic governance institutions are well-functioning. To a lesser extent, I find that firms from countries with international economies are more willing to comply with the UN Global Compact requirements. Countries with a high...

  7. The Influence of Company Size on Accounting Information: Evidence in Large Caps and Small Caps Companies Listed on BM&FBovespa

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    Karen Yukari Yokoyama


    Full Text Available In this study, the relation between accounting information aspects and the capitalization level o companies listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange was investigated, classified as Large Caps or Small Caps, companies with larger and smaller capitalization, respectively, between 2010 and 2012. Three accounting information measures were addressed: informativeness, conservatism and relevance, through the application of Easton and Harris’ (1991 models of earnings informativeness, Basu’s (1997 model of conditional conservatism and the value relevance model, based on Ohlson (1995. The results appointed that, although the Large Caps present a higher level of conservatism, their accounting figures were less informative and more relevant when compared to the Large Caps companies. Due to the greater production of private information (predisclosure surrounding larger companies, the market would tend to respond less strongly or surprised to the publication of these companies’ accounting information, while the lack of anticipated information would make the effect of disclosing these figures more preponderant for the Small Caps companies.

  8. SMEs’ Organizational Performance: Comparative Study between Cooperated and Uncooperated Companies

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    Ana Karla de Lucena Justino Gomes


    Full Text Available Faced with the need for survival and competitiveness, here called micro and small enterprises (MPE, they seek to develop competitive differentials, such as the insertion of the company into a cooperation network. Several researches seek to identify the benefits of cooperative strategies, but few studies seek to compare the organizational performance of cooperating companies with that of uncooperated companies. Thus, the present study has as general objective to verify if the MPE, when inserted in cooperation networks, present organizational performance superior to those that are not inserted in that context. The present research is of the survey type and involves 67 companies inserted in cooperation networks and 154 companies that do not participate in cooperation networks. To achieve the objective, the organizational performance was analyzed based on the managers' perception regarding aspects associated to the following performance measures: customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, company growth, company profitability and overall performance. The results indicate that the companies included in cooperation networks presented superior performance when compared to the companies not included in cooperation networks

  9. The policies of social welfare produced effects in performance of the company? Comparative analysis of European companies

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    Teresa M. Monllau Jaques


    Full Text Available Purpose: The aim of this paper is to study and analyze the public well being policies and its repercussions in the efficacy and efficiency of the companies that give services to dependant people (CNAE 87 and 88 Codes. Design/methodology/approach: For the making of the present study several companies which gives services in countries with different patterns when applying public well being policies have been compared. These countries have been Spain, Germany, UK and Netherlands. The data has been obtained through AMADEUS. The period of the study has been 2008-2012. The variables used are the operating margin (OMR rate and the rotation assets rate (RAT. Findings and Originality/value: From the results obtained we have not been able to establish a significant statistic relationship between Companies behaviour and public well being policies. Originality/value: Up to date few extracts have been done, in Spain, about the financial behaviour of the companies which give services to the elderly. The business development entails an economic growth which balances with the cost inherent in the elderly population.

  10. The multiple market-exposure of waste management companies: A case study of two Swedish municipally owned companies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Corvellec, Herve, E-mail: [Department of Service Management, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, PO Box 882, SE-251 08 Helsingborg (Sweden); Bramryd, Torleif [Department of Environmental Strategy, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, PO Box 882, SE-251 08 Helsingborg (Sweden)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Swedish municipally owned waste management companies are active on political, material, technical, and commercial markets. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer These markets differ in kind and their demands follow different logics. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer These markets affect the public service, processing, and marketing of Swedish waste management. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Articulating these markets is a strategic challenge for Swedish municipally owned waste management. - Abstract: This paper describes how the business model of two leading Swedish municipally owned solid waste management companies exposes them to four different but related markets: a political market in which their legitimacy as an organization is determined; a waste-as-material market that determines their access to waste as a process input; a technical market in which these companies choose what waste processing technique to use; and a commercial market in which they market their products. Each of these markets has a logic of its own. Managing these logics and articulating the interrelationships between these markets is a key strategic challenge for these companies.

  11. Corporate Social Performance of Indian FMCG Companies Introduction of CSR, framework and Karmayog CSR Ratings with three top Indian FMCG companies CSR initiatives

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    Saeed Khan


    materials, these companies are doing work in the field of Environment, Health care, Education, Community welfare, Women's empowerment and Girl Child care. Companies like Hindustan Unilever started work on CO2 reduction also. The websites of these companies are providing information about their CSR initiatives but are found not updated regularly. For checking their CSR performance, Karmayog Rating is taken. The rating gives good insight on CSR ratings of major FMCG companies of India. The method of calculating the rating also discussed. In appendices, India‘s top three major FMCGs companies overall CSR initiatives are discussed.

  12. Financial Structure Analysis of Publicly Held Lodging Companies: An International Comparison

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    Erdinç KARADENİZ


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to analyze financial structure and preference of lodging companies that issues traded in European and Turkish stock markets by using ratio analysis technique. In this context, statements of financial positions of 51 lodging companies from European stock markets and 12 lodging companies from Borsa Istanbul used and calculated 10 financial structure ratios for each company between 2011-2012-2013 years. In the results of ratio analysis, it is determined that Turkish lodging companies use mainly equity while European lodging companies prefer liabilities and debt to finance their activities. In respect to maturity of liabilities it is determined that European lodging companies prefer long term debt while Turkish lodging companies use short term liabilities. Finally, it is determined that European lodging companies use leasing but no Turkish lodging companies to choose leasing.

  13. [Response of Pharmaceutical Companies to the Crisis of Post-Marketing Clinical Trials of Anti-Cancer Agents -- Results of Questionnaires to Pharmaceutical Companies]. (United States)

    Nakajima, Toshifusa


    Investigator-oriented post-marketing clinical trials of anti-cancer agents are faced to financial crisis due to drastic decrease in research-funds from pharmaceutical companies caused by a scandal in 2013. In order to assess the balance of research funds between 2012 and 2014, we made queries to 26 companies manufacturing anti-cancer agents, and only 10 of 26 responded to our queries. Decrease in the fund was observed in 5 of 10, no change in 1, increase in 3 and no answer in 1. Companies showed passive attitude to carry out doctor-oriented clinical trials of off-patent drugs or unapproved drugs according to advanced medical care B program, though some companies answered to proceed approved routines of these drugs if clinical trials showed good results. Most companies declined to make comments on the activity of Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), but some insisted to produce good corroboration between AMED and pharmaceutical companies in order to improve the quality of trials. Further corroboration must be necessary for this purpose among researchers, governmental administrative organs, pharmaceutical companies, patients' groups, and mass-media.

  14. Systematic approach to modernizing the production company

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    Irina Valeryevna Makarova


    Full Text Available This paper discusses development of modernization processes in the Russian industrial enterprises. The object of the current study is the JSC "Perm Company of petroleum machinery-producing industry". It has been manufacturing oilfield service products of various kinds. It is shown that the impact of modernization on the enterprise depends not only on the local effectiveness of selected solutions, but also on the overall strategy of sustainable development. Modernization is a strategic planning tool. Taking into account the need for a comprehensive approach to strategic development and modernization, the top five stages of the development strategy of the company were mentioned: 1 analysis of internal and external environment; 2 definition of the mission and goals; 3 choice of strategy and baseline scenarios; 4 development of basic strategy; 5 implementation of the strategy. At each stage, methods and tools for strategic planning, as well as the tools of modernization are defined. The relationship between modernization and development strategy of the company is shown. It was revealed that an integrated approach to the modernization and incremental implementation are the basics for the use of a hierarchical system of optimization models to describe the process of manufacturing company modernization. As the target model of the upper level, financial performance of the company is defined. This approach has the following advantages over the point upgrading - reducing the probability of omission of important limitations and ineffective use of resources during the transition to modernization of the company. Basing on the main strategic goals, main directions and tasks of modernization, which are integrated into the tree ends were formed. A thesis was substantiated that he essence of modernization lies in the continuity of mutually complex processes of improving all its directions. For the JSC "Perm Company of petroleum machinery-producing industry

  15. Happy oil companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maincent, G.


    The decay of demand, the bad financial results of the first half of 2009 and the hypothetical depletion of reserves must not hide a reality: oil companies are passing through the economic crisis without much trouble. Even if profits have marked time in volume (-57% for BP, -65% for Shell..), the net margins have not significantly suffered and the available cash remains comfortable (14 billion euros for Total as an example). The perspectives offered by the new offshore sites (like Santos in Brazil) added to the fabulous promises of the Iraqi market where 'majors' can now make their come-back will be the key of success of oil companies. The overall exploration-production investments should start up again by the beginning of 2011. For the only offshore drilling domain, they should rise up by 32% during the 2009-2013 period which represents a sum of 367 billion dollars. (J.S.)

  16. Founders of share companies under the Ethiopian share company law

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article explores the Commercial Code and other laws of Ethiopia regarding founders – who they are, liabilities and benefits - who are also called 'promoters' by many other company laws. To some extent, it also looks into the business practice based on documents like memorandum of associations, articles of ...

  17. 18 CFR 367.30 - Cost accumulation system for associate companies. (United States)


    ... to the types of services performed and chargeable to the associate companies served. Service company... system for associate companies. 367.30 Section 367.30 Conservation of Power and Water Resources FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REGULATIONS UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY...

  18. Applying Physics: Opportunities in Semiconductor Technology Companies (United States)

    Redinbo, Greg


    While many physicists practice in university settings, physics skills can also be applied outside the traditional academic track. ~Identifying these opportunities requires a clear understanding of how your physics training can be used in an industrial setting, understanding what challenges technology companies face, and identifying how your problem solving skills can be broadly applied in technology companies. ~In this talk I will highlight the common features of such companies, discuss what specific skills are useful for an industrial physicist, and explain roles (possibly unfamiliar) that may be available to you.



    Elaine Di Diego Antunes; Joysinett Moraes Silva


    The purpose of this study is to identify the main internationalization strategies used by small manufacturers of hammocks. Our findings show that these export companies have up to 20 employees and their main internationalization strategy is exportation. This plan is carried out in 3 ways: indirect exportation, through trading companies; direct exportation, through sales performed in the companies and cooperative exportation, through a network of dealers in greater companies. Its was also veri...

  20. Teaching company law to business students::an effective framework


    Madhloom, Omar; Butler, Nicolette


    Business students learning company law face a number of unique challenges. Therefore, instructors who teach company law to business students must carefully consider how their courses will meet these unique needs. This article will reflect on the challenges faced by business students studying company law before going on to consider how these challenges can be overcome. This work emphasises the importance of focusing on the learning outcomes of business students undertaking company law and the ...

  1. The effects of competencies on the company value

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    Kamila Růžičková


    Full Text Available Competent management of a company is an important generator of a company value. The aim of the article is to provide detailed academic discussion of the human capital potential and its effects on the value of the company. Attention is paid especially to the definition of the human resources in this context and possible measurability, assuming what can be measured, can be increased. Although the company value can be measured by financial analyses tools, we have in the article moved on to the empirical dimension and provide a theoretical framework of the represented issue. Firstly, we stressed the importance of knowledge in the society of today, secondly, we outlined the indispensability of the intellectual capital for the companies and after that we dealt with the human capital itself, both competences and competencies and their measurability. Based on the partial results, the fi­gure describing the creation of company value was formed; we identified important variables and one of the triggers of these variables. All findings are supported with the literature review e. g. Andreissen (2004, Boddy (2008, Kubeš, et al. (2004, Marinič (2008, Stewart (1998 and Sullivan (2000.

  2. The Binding Effect of the Constitutive Documents of Companies: The 1973 and 2008 Companies Acts of South Africa

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    TCR Morajane


    Full Text Available This contribution examines the provisions of the constitutive documents of companies under two specific provisions, namely s 65(2 of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 and s 15(6 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008. The aim is to determine who is bound by these provisions, the circumstances which give rise to being bound by them, and the possible effect thereof on various parties. The provisions of the constitutive documents under section 65(2 of the 1973 Companies Act are interpreted by courts and academic writers to amount to a statutory contract between a company and its members and between members inter se. The members are said to be bound by the provisions of these documents only in their capacity as members. It is submitted, however, that the rights and obligations are granted to members in their capacity as such if they are membership rights which are granted by virtue on one’s membership. So far the courts have failed to provide a logical explanation of the concept “capacity of a member as such”. This failure and the “qua membership test” resulted in limitations in the interpretation of section 65(2: for example, the exclusion of persons who are regarded as outsiders. The directors, despite the fact that numerous provisions of the applicable article provides for their rights,have rights that are unenforceable via the articles, for being regarded as outsiders. The company on the other hand can enforce the obligations against the directors on the basis of breach of their fiduciary duties. These limitations called for a redraft of section 65(2. This contribution raises the legal challenges raised by the above. It arrives inter alia at the conclusion that the “qua membership test” may find application under the 2008 Companies Act, since members/shareholders may be allowed to exercise rights that are membership rights granted to them by virtue of their membership, and directors may be allowed to exercise rights that are grantedto them in

  3. A financial career in a hospital management company. (United States)

    Herr, H T


    Concurrent with the recent development of the hospital financial manager's position has been the emergence of investor-owned multifacility hospital management companies. Many of these companies had their beginnings in the late 1960s. One such company is Hospital Affiliates International, formed in 1967 and now providing management to approximately 150 hospitals. About 50 of these facilities are owned by Hospital Affiliates, and 100 are managed for other, primarily community, nonprofit and governmental organizations. Development of investor-owned management companies has progressed to the extent that as of September 30, 1979 they provided management to approximately 330 hospitals in the United States and in foreign countries.

  4. Clustering stock market companies via chaotic map synchronization (United States)

    Basalto, N.; Bellotti, R.; De Carlo, F.; Facchi, P.; Pascazio, S.


    A pairwise clustering approach is applied to the analysis of the Dow Jones index companies, in order to identify similar temporal behavior of the traded stock prices. To this end, the chaotic map clustering algorithm is used, where a map is associated to each company and the correlation coefficients of the financial time series to the coupling strengths between maps. The simulation of a chaotic map dynamics gives rise to a natural partition of the data, as companies belonging to the same industrial branch are often grouped together. The identification of clusters of companies of a given stock market index can be exploited in the portfolio optimization strategies.


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    Lucia P. BLĂJUȚ


    Full Text Available This paper highlights the significant share of multinational companies in international trade that are a factor of developing global economies. In the context of economic globalization the activity of multinational companies and their foreign direct investment have a strong impact on the host country which presents advantages and disadvantages for them. The main objective of this article is the review of the important role played by multinationals in economic development, especially in developed economies. In the economies in which they operate, they bring capital, technology transfer, improve the national reputation and influence the other companies to invest in this countries, they provide a substantial source of revenue for the government and always improve the balance of payments in the host country.

  6. Westinghouse Hanford Company waste minimization actions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greenhalgh, W.O.


    Companies that generate hazardous waste materials are now required by national regulations to establish a waste minimization program. Accordingly, in FY88 the Westinghouse Hanford Company formed a waste minimization team organization. The purpose of the team is to assist the company in its efforts to minimize the generation of waste, train personnel on waste minimization techniques, document successful waste minimization effects, track dollar savings realized, and to publicize and administer an employee incentive program. A number of significant actions have been successful, resulting in the savings of materials and dollars. The team itself has been successful in establishing some worthwhile minimization projects. This document briefly describes the waste minimization actions that have been successful to date. 2 refs., 26 figs., 3 tabs

  7. 78 FR 18224 - Airworthiness Directives; Robinson Helicopter Company Helicopters (United States)


    ... Airworthiness Directives; Robinson Helicopter Company Helicopters AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA... Helicopter Company (Robinson) Model R44 and R44 II helicopters equipped with emergency floats. This AD..., contact Robinson Helicopter Company, 2901 Airport Drive, Torrance, CA 90505; telephone (310) 539-0508; fax...

  8. 77 FR 50644 - Airworthiness Directives; Cessna Airplane Company Airplanes (United States)


    ... Airworthiness Directives; Cessna Airplane Company Airplanes AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT... (AD) for certain Cessna Airplane Company Model 525 airplanes equipped with certain part number (P/N... Aircraft Company (Cessna) 525, 550, and 560 airplanes, where investigation revealed brushes had worn beyond...

  9. How tobacco companies ensure prime placement of their advertising and products in stores: interviews with retailers about tobacco company incentive programmes. (United States)

    Feighery, E C; Ribisl, K M; Clark, P I; Haladjian, H H


    About 81% of cigarette manufacturers' marketing expenditures in the USA is spent to promote cigarette sales in stores. Relatively little is known about how these expenditures help the manufacturers achieve their marketing goals in stores. A better understanding of how tobacco companies influence the retail environment would help researchers and tobacco control activists to monitor industry presence in stores. To describe the types of tobacco company incentive programmes offered to retailers, how these programmes impact the store environments, and possible visual indicators of retailer participation in incentive programmes. In-depth qualitative interviews with a convenience sample of 29 tobacco retailers were conducted in 2001. USA. The types and requirements of retailer incentive programmes provided by tobacco companies, and how participation in a programme alters their stores. The retailers provided insights into how tobacco companies convey promotional allowances and special offers to them and how these incentives shape the retail environment. Retailers noted that tobacco companies exert substantial control over their stores by requiring placement of products in the most visible locations, and of specific amounts and types of advertising in prime locations in the store. Retailers also described how tobacco companies reduce prices by offering them volume based discounts, "buy two, get one free" specials, and "buying down" the price of existing product. Tobacco companies are concentrating their marketing dollars at the point-of-sale to the extent that the store is their primary communication channel with customers. As a result, all shoppers regardless of age or smoking status are exposed to pro-smoking messages. Given the financial resources spent by tobacco companies in stores, this venue warrants closer scrutiny by researchers and tobacco control advocates.

  10. Australian Coal Company Risk Factors: Coal and Oil Prices


    M. Zahid Hasan; Ronald A. Ratti


    Examination of panel data on listed coal companies on the Australian exchange over January 1999 to February 2010 suggests that market return, interest rate premium, foreign exchange rate risk, and coal price returns are statistically significant in determining the excess return on coal companies’ stock. Coal price return and oil price return increases have statistically significant positive effects on coal company stock returns. A one per cent rise in coal price raises coal company returns ...

  11. Company Stock in Pension Plans: How Costly Is It?


    Meulbroek, Lisa


    Employees often hold substantial levels of company stock in their defined contribution pension plans, a practice widely recognized as risky. But holding company stock is not only risky, it is costly: employees who own company stock are not fully diversified, so expected returns on their portfolios are lower than equally risky, but fully diversified, portfolios. This paper investigates the costs of holding company stock and finds that the loss in diversification reduces the value of employees'...

  12. Strategic Management: Business Model Canvas for Start-Up Company


    Sonninen, Anna


    Thesis is written about development of Kakunpala as a Start-Up Company, because development processes and ideas are the key factors for future success of the company. The aim of this thesis is to understand Strategic Management of the Company and Development processes,by using the SWOT analysis before and after development and by applying Business Model Canvas template to the Start-Up Company, and by describing Customer Journey: what relations Kakunpala has with clients and its processes...

  13. Evaluation of Accommodation Companies Recreation Activities in İstanbul




    Recreation activities represent quality of company, image and attractiveness for both staying guests and day use guests. At the same time recreation can be important income source for accommodation companies. This study investigate the web page of 82 five star accommodation company in Istanbul from the side of recreation activities. At the end of the study find that most of accommodation company don't have in place recreation activities, recreation tab and representation about activities in t...

  14. The financial impact of quality audits in portuguese companies

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    Isabel Cristina Passos Batista


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the main theme the financial implications that Portuguese companies with the implementation and subsequent certification of the Quality System and respective Quality Audits. The literature review shows that companies do not publish financial results on the subject in question, making it necessary to acquire information through a questionnaire. About 126 questionnaires were sent. Our sample is however 32 validados.Pode to complete questionnaires that the top 5 overall benefits or indirect financial benefits for Portuguese companies were, respectively: improving internal organization; improving the company's image; increasing customer satisfaction; continuous improvement in customer service; improving competitive position. In terms of direct financial benefits the 3 main benefits obtained by the companies were: turnover increase; Performance (cost reduction; Increased business productivity. So it is expected to contribute to the knowledge of the impact, notably financial of Quality Management Systems and respective audits in Portuguese companies.

  15. Factors Affecting Competitive Strategies in International Construction Companies

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    Tuğçe ERCAN


    Full Text Available Due to rising competition in the international construction market, competitive strategies are becoming ever more important. This study aims to identify the level of importance of a variety of competitive strategies in construction companies to create a theoretical framework for competitive strategies in international construction business. In the questionnaire titled: ‘Identifying the Parameters of Strategic Performance Comparison Tool in International Construction Companies’, professionals were asked the level of importance of parameters in acquiring a competitive edge in international markets for construction companies. 82 people who currently work for international construction companies responded the questionnaire. The Relative Importance Index (RII of competitive strategies in construction companies was calculated using the survey results. The construct was redesigned through the Pearson Correlation and principal components analysis (PCA. The results of the PCA denoted that the construct of competitive strategies in construction companies can be explained by three main factors in sync with Porter’s three generic competitive strategy types: F1 Cost Leadership in Construction, F2 Specialization and Focus and F3 Differentiation in Construction and Company Resources. The analysis results show that the competitive strategies related to “Differentiation in Construction and Company Resources” have a greater importance level, while the diversification strategies have a lower importance level. Which means specialization in some type of construction activity and focus on a specific group of customers is more effective than diversification strategies in gaining a competitive advantage in the market.

  16. Exploring the Linkages Between Deming’s Principle, World-Class Company, Operational Excellence, and Company Performance in an Oil and Gas Industry Setting

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    Wakhid Slamet Ciptono


    Full Text Available This study explores the linkages between Deming’s Principle, World-Class Company, Operational Excellence, and Company Performance in the Indonesia’s oil and gas industry. The aim of this study is to examine the causal relationships model between the Deming’s Principle (DP, World-Class Company (WCC, Operational Excellence (OE, and Company Performance (Monetary Gain Performance or MGP and Value Gain Performance or VGP. The author used 140 strategic business units (SBUs in 49 oil and gas companies in Indonesia. The survey was administered to every level of management at each SBU (Top, Middle, and Low Level Management. A multiple informant sampling unit is used to ensure a balanced view of the relationships between the research constructs, and to collect data from the most informed respondents on different levels of management. A total of 1,332 individual usable questionnaires were returned thus qualified for analysis, representing an effective response rate of 50.19 percent. Path analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM are used to analyze the effect of Deming’s principle on company performance and to investigate the interrelationships between Deming’s principle, world-class company, operational excellence, and company performance. The results show that Deming’s Principle has significant positive and indirect effect on company performance (monetary gain performance and value gain performance. Although the Deming’s Principle has no significant direct effects on company performance, the Deming’s Principle has significant positive effects on the intervening variables (world-class company and operational excellence. The result also shows that a complete model fit and the acceptable parameter level that indicate the overall parameter are good fit between the hypothesized model and the observed data. By concentrating on a single industry (oil and gas, SEM specification of the causal relationship model between five constructs can be

  17. 12 CFR 583.12 - Multiple savings and loan holding company. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Multiple savings and loan holding company. 583... DEFINITIONS FOR REGULATIONS AFFECTING SAVINGS AND LOAN HOLDING COMPANIES § 583.12 Multiple savings and loan holding company. The term multiple savings and loan holding company means any savings and loan holding...

  18. 12 CFR 583.11 - Diversified savings and loan holding company. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Diversified savings and loan holding company... DEFINITIONS FOR REGULATIONS AFFECTING SAVINGS AND LOAN HOLDING COMPANIES § 583.11 Diversified savings and loan holding company. The term diversified savings and loan holding company means any savings and loan holding...

  19. 12 CFR 225.81 - What is a financial holding company? (United States)


    ... RESERVE SYSTEM BANK HOLDING COMPANIES AND CHANGE IN BANK CONTROL (REGULATION Y) Regulations Financial Holding Companies § 225.81 What is a financial holding company? (a) Definition. A financial holding... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false What is a financial holding company? 225.81...

  20. The expatriates in multinational companies: A trend in Serbia

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    Ratković Tatjana


    Full Text Available Expansion of international operations has imposed new demands to multinational companies, especially in the area of human resource management. International human resource management is primarily characterized by movement of employees across the boundaries of one country in order to take various roles in foreign subsidiaries of multinational companies. One of the most important decisions a multinational company has to make refers to selection of employees to fill in positions in its foreign subsidiaries depending on nationality of employees. This paper tends to explore the significance and roles of expatriates in obtaining success of multinational company in international operations in order to emphasize the advantages expatriates may bring to a multinational company. This paper aims to analyze one of crucial issues that multinational companies face in global environment - the process of expatriation, particularly focusing on the number of expatriates (parent country nationals in subsidiaries of foreign multinational companies in Serbia and the tendency of changing their number in these subsidiaries, as well as nationality of managers in key positions in these subsidiaries (CEO and HR manager. Empirical research performed through a questionnaire has shown certain features of subsidiaries of multinational companies in Serbia, indicating that the number of expatriates has increased since their founding until today (contrary to expectations based on theoretical concepts and results of studies performed in other countries and environments. However, as it was expected, the analysis of results has shown that most subsidiaries in Serbia have replaced their expatriates in the position of CEO (and HR manager, which has brought companies numerous benefits, such as lower expenses.