
Sample records for coluna vertebral estudo

  1. Epidemiologia do traumatismo da coluna vertebral

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    Marcelo Ferraz de Campos

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliação epidemiológica retrospectiva de 100 casos de traumatismo da coluna vertebral. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal de dados colhidos por levantamento de prontuário, segundo protocolo de decodificação local. RESULTADOS: Predomínio etário de 20 a 40 anos em 64% dos casos; sexo masculino em 86%; segmento toracolombar mais comumente atingido 64% e 36% para o segmento cervical; principais causas foram às quedas em 40%, seguidas de acidentes automobilísticos em 25% e quedas da laje 23%. A prevalência dos ferimentos por arma de fogo foi de 7%, mergulho em águas rasas 3% e agressões 2%. Houve análise complementar com cruzamentos entre idade, sexo, causa e segmento da coluna vertebral acometido, observando que o segmento cervical teve grande predomínio nas mulheres em relação aos homens em 85,7% X 14,3%. CONCLUSÃO: O traumatismo da coluna vertebral ocorreu predominantemente em homens entre 20 e 40 anos e o segmento cervical foi o mais acometido nas mulheres em relação aos homens na proporção de 6:1.

  2. Análise postural da coluna vertebral: estudo comparativo entre surdos e ouvintes em idade escolar

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    Renato de Souza Melo

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A postura é determinada pela atuação dos sistemas visual, somatossensorial e vestibular, situado na orelha interna. Crianças com perda auditiva sensório-neural podem apresentar problemas na regulação do controle postural, favorecendo o surgimento de desvios e alterações posturais na coluna vertebral, provocados, possivelmente, pela hipoatividade do sistema vestibular, em decorrência da lesão na orelha interna. OBJETIVOS: Identificar e comparar a distribuição de alterações posturais na coluna vertebral em escolares surdos e ouvintes na faixa etária entre 7 e 17 anos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Este estudo analítico, observacional, de corte transversal analisou a postura da coluna vertebral de 44 escolares com perda auditiva sensório-neural e 44 escolares ouvintes, de ambos os gêneros. O estudo foi desenvolvido por meio de uma avaliação postural, com o uso de um simetrógrafo, segundo os critérios propostos por Kendall et al. RESULTADOS: Observou-se uma maior ocorrência de alterações posturais nos escolares surdos, se comparados aos ouvintes (surdos: 100%; ouvintes: 84,1%, p = 0,012. A escoliose foi a alteração postural mais observada em ambos os grupos (surdos: 84,1%; ouvintes: 59,1%, p = 0,009, seguida da hipercifose torácica (surdos: 68,2%; ouvintes: 45,5%, p = 0,031. CONCLUSÃO: Os escolares surdos apresentaram uma probabilidade ainda maior quando comparados aos escolares ouvintes de desenvolver alterações posturais na coluna vertebral. Tal condição pode ter relação com o acometimento do sistema vestibular, em decorrência da lesão na orelha interna, de maus hábitos posturais em atividades diárias e da ergonomia desfavorável do ambiente escolar.

  3. Estudo anatômico do trajeto da artéria vertebral na coluna cervical inferior humana Anatomical study of the vertebral artery path in human lower cervical spine

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    Ben Hur Junitiro Kajimoto


    Full Text Available O aumento da utilização de novas técnicas e materiais de síntese para o tratamento cirúrgico de afecções da coluna cervical baixa foi acompanhado da crescente preocupação em relação às complicações que podem ocorrer. A técnica de fixação transpedicular, amplamente utilizada para os outros níveis da coluna vertebral, quando realizada na coluna cervical, apesar de conferir maior estabilidade quando comparada a outras técnicas, pode cursar com complicações graves como lesão da artéria vertebral, lesão de raiz nervosa, além de lesão da articulação facetária. A vértebra C7, no entanto, é considerada mais segura para a realização de tal procedimento, já que, na grande maioria das pessoas, segundo os estudos anatômicos disponíveis, esta não possui a artéria vertebral dentro de seu forame transverso, pois este vaso irá penetrar tal estrutura apenas na vértebra C6. Como hoje existem apenas estudos de imagem para avaliação do trajeto desta artéria e suas variações anatômicas, realizamos este estudo anatômico dissecando 40 artérias vertebrais de cadáveres para avaliar a incidência das variações anatômicas. Encontramos 3 casos onde a artéria vertebral penetrou o forame transverso já em C7 (7,5%, o que aumentaria o risco de uma técnica transpedicular neste nível. O restante das peças anatômicas possuíam anatomia habitual.The increasing use of new techniques and materials for surgical treatment of lower cervical spine conditions has come along with an increasing concern regarding potential complications that might occur. The transpedicular fixation technique, frequently used in other spine levels, is used on the cervical spine, while providing more stability than other techniques, it may cause serious complications such as vertebral artery injury, nervous root injury, or facet joint injuries. However, the C7 vertebra is considered safer for performing this procedure, since, in the vast majority of

  4. Conduta na lesão dural intraoperatória em artrodese da coluna lombar


    Grandese, Fabiano de Mendonça; Yamazato, Clóvis; Oliveira, Fábio Mastromauro de; Ribeiro, Iberê; Bastos Júnior, José Olympio Catão; Kusabara, René


    OBJETIVO: estudo retrospectivo de pacientes com lesão dural intraoperatória de cirurgia da coluna vertebral lombar, conduzido por meio de um protocolo independente da extensão da lesão, complicações associadas e resultados após seguimento mínimo de um ano. MÉTODOS: um total de 10 pacientes com durotomia acidental em cirurgias de descompressão e artrodese da coluna vertebral lombar, no período de Janeiro de 2007 a Janeiro de 2009, para tratamento de doença degenerativa, tiveram seus prontuário...

  5. Estudo sobre a associação de cerâmica a plasma rico em plaquetas na coluna vertebral de ratos Study about fusion using ceramic with platelet-rich plasma in the spine of rats

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    Rita Delgado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o efeito osteoindutor dos fatores de crescimento contidos no plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP quando associados a cerâmicas no processo de fusão na coluna vertebral de ratos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Laminectomia lombar foi realizada em 16 ratos Lewis isogênicos para implantar cerâmica. O PRP foi preparado no ato operatório a partir do sangue de outras duas cobaias.os grupos estudo e controle foram estabelecidos por randomização, recebendo o grupo estudo cerâmica associada a PRP e o controle apenas cerâmica. Os animais foram sacrificados após 10 semanas e as colunas enviadas para análise histopatológica. RESULTADOS: Intensa atividade osteoblástica e osteoclástica e completa reabsorção da cerâmica foram achados no grupo estudo. No grupo controle havia ilhotas de osso em meio a tecido fibroso e cerâmica não reabsorvida. Discussão: Os fatores de crescimento liberados pelas plaquetas agem ligando-se à superfície de osteoblastos e fibroblastos, estimulando a síntese de colágeno para formação de matriz óssea. macrófagos ativados continuam secretando os fatores de crescimento e estimulando a osteogênese. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de PRP associado a cerâmica mostrou maior atividade osteoblástica e osteoclástica e completa reabsorção da cerâmica em relação à enxertia da mesma isoladamente na coluna vertebral de ratos.OBJECTIVE: To assess the osteoinductive action of platelet-rich plasma when associated to ceramics in the spine of rats. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Laminectomy was performed in 16 isogenic Lewis rats for posterior ceramic grafting. PRP was prepared intraoperatively using blood collected from two other rats. Study and control groups were set by randomization, with the study group receiving ceramics associated to PRP, and the control group receiving only ceramics. The animals were sacrificed for histopathological analysis after 10 weeks. RESULTS: Strong osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity and full re

  6. Fratura tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar: correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada

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    Matheus Luís da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar e fazer a correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 72 pacientes com fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar. O estreitamento do canal vertebral, o colapso vertebral e a cifose local foram avaliados em três segmentos distintos: torácico, transição toracolombar e lombar. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatística significativa (p < 0,05 dos valores do estreitamento do canal vertebral e cifose local nos diferentes segmentos da coluna vertebral avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: As fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar, embora apresentem características semelhantes, independentemente do local de ocorrência, sofrem influência direta do segmento biomecânico sagital no que diz respeito às alterações estruturais que ocorrem na vértebra fraturada.

  7. Fratura tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar: correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada


    Silva,Matheus Luís da; Tisot,Rodrigo Arnold; Vieira,Juliano Silveira Luiz; Santos,Renato Tadeu dos; Tisot,Orley Fauth


    OBJETIVO: Analisar as fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar e fazer a correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 72 pacientes com fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar. O estreitamento do canal vertebral, o colapso vertebral e a cifose local foram avaliados em três segmentos distintos: torácico, transição toracolombar e lombar. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatística si...

  8. Estudo do alcance do retalho do músculo grande dorsal para o revestimento cutâneo da coluna An anatomic study of latissimus dorsi and its suitability for spinal soft tissue coverage

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    Kelly Cristina Moutinho da Costa


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A crescente indicação cirúrgica na terapêutica das patologias da coluna vertebral, ocasionada pela melhoria tecnológica aplicada ao tratamento cirúrgico, que proporciona cada vez mais uma cirurgia mais segura, mais rápida, menos invasiva e com melhores resultados funcionais, tem nos levado a um aumento nas complicações pós-operatórias da coluna vertebral. As complicações podem ser mecânicas, biológicas, estruturais ou relacionadas ao material de síntese. As infecções em cirurgia de coluna vertebral, embora raras, ocorrem em 3-6%, constituem um dilema para o cirurgião de coluna, além de graves desdobramentos clínicos para o paciente. A importância do uso do retalho do grande dorsal esta implicada na tentativa de cobertura de partes moles e melhora no padrão vascular regional. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a confiabilidade do retalho do músculo grande dorsal para cobertura de defeitos cutâneos na coluna. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram dissecados 17 músculos grande dorsal de cadáver e medido o quanto eles passavam da linha média na altura de C7, T7 e transição toracolombar. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: O estudo anatômico realizado comprovou a eficácia desse método.INTRODUCTION: There has been a dramatic increase in spine surgery. New surgical instrumentation and less invasive techniques make surgical procedure faster, safer, achieving better functional results. With this increasing number of operations, the number of back surgery failures has also increased. Complications may be mechanical, biological, or related to problems on instrumentation frames. The rate of spinal infections lies between 3-6 % and it´s still a challenge. After debridement and removal of all infected nonviable soft tissue, it is sometimes difficult to obtain wound closure. Pedicled latissimus dorsi muscle flap coverage provides wound healing by promoting vascularized tissue to reduce dead spaces, enhancing local oxygen delivery, and facilitating

  9. Conduta na lesão dural intraoperatória em artrodese da coluna lombar Conducta en lesión de duramadre intraoperatoria en artrodesis de la columna lumbar Management of intraoperatory dural tear in lumbar spine arthrodesis


    Fabiano de Mendonça Grandese; Clóvis Yamazato; Fábio Mastromauro de Oliveira; Iberê Ribeiro; José Olympio Catão Bastos Júnior; René Kusabara


    OBJETIVO: estudo retrospectivo de pacientes com lesão dural intraoperatória de cirurgia da coluna vertebral lombar, conduzido por meio de um protocolo independente da extensão da lesão, complicações associadas e resultados após seguimento mínimo de um ano. MÉTODOS: um total de 10 pacientes com durotomia acidental em cirurgias de descompressão e artrodese da coluna vertebral lombar, no período de Janeiro de 2007 a Janeiro de 2009, para tratamento de doença degenerativa, tiveram seus prontuário...

  10. Imobilização interna da coluna vertebral lombar com placas de cloreto de polivinila, em cães - parte I: resultados clínico-cirúrgicos Internal immobilization of the lumbar canine spine using polyvinylchloride plates - part I: clinical and surgical results

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    Eduardo Alberto Tudury


    Full Text Available Utilizando-se 20 cães, com o segmento lombar da coluna vertebral cirurgicamente desestabilizado na junção das vértebras L2-L3, foi testada a eficiência de placas ortopédicas de cloreto de polivinila (PVC Tigre®, fixadas com parafusos nos corpos vertebrais e com fio ortopédico de aço inoxidável nos processos espinhosos. As placas foram manual e individualmente confeccionadas para cada animal e esterilizadas pelo calor. Apesar de apresentar maleabilidade adequada, a resistência das placas utilizadas no corpos vertebrais deixou a desejar, dado seu rompimento em 40% dos casos. Apesar disto, durante os 45 dias do estudo, verificaram-se resultados favoráveis quanto ao estado clinico-neurológico, resultados de exames laboratoriais, achados radiológicos, estabilidade e alinhamento da coluna vertebral, assim como, quanto a resistência e flexibilidade das placas utilizadas nos processos espinhosos. Os fios ortopédicos de aço inoxidável, utilizados para fixar as placas no compartimento dorsal da coluna vertebral, passaram entre e não através desses processos.The efficiency ofpolyvinylchioride (PVC orthopedic plates, fixed by screws to the vertebral bodies and by cerciage wires to the spinous processes, were tested in twenty dogs with the lumbar spine destabilized at L2-L3. The plates were produced manually and individuatly for each animal and sterilized by heat. The plates exhibited suitable malleabitity but inappropriate strength because 40% ofthose affixed to the vertebral bodies were bmken. Nevertheless, during the 45 days ofthe study, the technique was consideredefective based on stability, clinicai, neurological, laboratory and radiological results. This effïciency was achieved by the technique used m the spinous processes, where the plates were fixed by wires passing between (not through them.

  11. The shape of the human lumbar vertebral canal A forma do canal vertebral lombar humano

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    Edmundo Zarzur


    Full Text Available Literature on the anatomy of the human vertebral column characterizes the shape of the lumbar vertebral canal as triangular. The purpose of the present study was to determine the precise shape of the lumbar vertebral canal. Ten lumbar vertebral columns of adult male cadavers were dissected. Two transverse sections were performed in the third lumbar vertebra. One section was performed at the level of the lower border of the ligamenta flava, and the other section was performed at the level of the pedicles. The shape of the lumbar vertebral canal at the level of the pedicles tends to be oval or circular, whereas the shape of the lumbar vertebral canal at the level of the lower border of the ligamenta flava is triangular. Thus, the shape of the human lumbar vertebral canal is not exclusively triangular, as reported in the literature. It is related to the level of the transversal section performed on the lumbar vertebra. This finding should be taken into consideration among factors involved in the spread of solutions introduced into the epidural space.A literatura sobre a anatomia da coluna vertebral descreve como sendo triangular o formato do canal vertebral na região lombar. O objetivo deste estudo é determinar a real forma do canal da coluna vertebral lombar.Dez colunas vertebrais de cadáveres de homens adultos foram dissecadas. Dois cortes transversais foram executados na terceira vértebra lombar. Um corte foi feito no nível das bordas inferiores de dois ligamentos amarelos vizinhos e o outro corte foi transversal, no nível dos pedículos. A forma do canal vertebral variou: no nível dos pedículos ela tende a ser oval ou circular e junto às bordas inferiores dos ligamentos amarelos passa a ser triangular. Portanto, a forma do canal vertebral lombar não é somente triangular; ela depende do nível em que se faz o corte transversal da vértebra. Estes achados devem ser levados em consideração entre os fatores envolvidos na difusão das

  12. O que eu não faço mais na cirurgia da coluna vertebral: pesquisa entre cirurgiões de coluna brasileiros Lo que no hago más en la cirugía de la coluna vertebral: encuesta entre cirujanos brasileños de la columna What i stopped doing in spinal surgery: survey among brazilian spinal surgeons

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    Helton L .A Defino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar o resultado de pesquisa realizada entre 257 cirurgiões de coluna sobre os principais procedimentos cirúrgicos que não são mais utilizados para o tratamento das doenças traumáticas, degenerativas e deformidades da coluna vertebral. MÉTODO: Os participantes da pesquisa responderam a um questionário abrangendo o tratamento das diferentes doenças traumáticas, degenerativas e deformidades dos segmentos cervical, torácico e lombar, sendo que cada quesito apresentava três opções de resposta: não faço mais, nunca utilizei e ainda utilizo. RESULTADOS: Os cirurgiões entrevistados eram oriundos de 22 estados brasileiros, 97% eram do sexo masculino com idade variando de 28 a 72 anos de idade (média 43,16 anos ±11,54 anos, e com 0 a 23 anos de atuação na área da cirurgia da coluna vertebral. A formação básica dos cirurgiões entrevistados era Ortopedia em 78,2% e Neurocirurgia em 20,2%. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação das respostas dos questionários evidencia a mudança de atitude terapêutica e abandono de técnicas classicamente utilizadas no tratamento das doenças da coluna vertebral, influência da formação básica do cirurgião na escolha do tratamento das doenças da coluna vertebral e grande espectro de opções terapêuticas entre os cirurgiões entrevistados considerando o tempo de experiência na área de atuação, idade e formação básica.OBJETIVO: Presentar el resultado de la encuesta realizada entre 257 cirujanos de columna sobre los principales procedimientos quirúrgicos que no se utilizan más para el tratamiento de las enfermedades traumáticas, degenerativas y las deformidades de la columna vertebral. MÉTODO: Los participantes en la encuesta respondieron a un cuestionario que abarcó el tratamiento de las diversas enfermedades traumáticas, degenerativas y las deformidades de los segmentos cervical, torácico y lumbar, siendo que cada pregunta presentaba tres opciones de respuesta: no hago m

  13. Perfil dos desvios posturais da coluna vertebral em adolescentes de escolas públicas do município de Juazeiro do Norte - CE Profile of postural deviations of the spine in adolescents from public schools in the city of Juazeiro do Norte - CE

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    José Vitorino de Souza Junior


    Full Text Available Postura é definida como sendo a posição adotada pelo ser humano. Dados epidemiológicos apontam para uma alta prevalência de alterações posturais de coluna entre crianças e adolescentes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os desvios posturais da coluna vertebral em escolares (n=670 de 11 a 19 anos. Utilizou-se como metodologia um simetrógrafo e uma máquina fotográfica para pesquisar a presença de desvios na coluna vertebral. Foram utilizados um nível d'água e uma régua para aferir a gibosidade, um fio de prumo e uma régua para medir os desvios laterais da coluna. Dos resultados obtidos, encontrou-se uma prevalência de 8,8% de desvios laterais e 2,4% de gibosidade, além de ser observada a presença de escoliose em portadores de assimetrias de ombros e ilíacos. Porém, não houve influência do peso, altura e índice de massa corporal (IMC para a prevalência de escoliose. Dessa maneira, com este estudo, constatou-se elevada prevalência dos desvios posturais em escolares.Posture is defined as the position taken by humans. Epidemiological data indicate a high prevalence of backbone postural changes among children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to investigate the postural deviations of the spine in schoolchildren (n=670 from 11 to 19 years. The methodology used was a simetrograf and a camera for the presence of deviations in the spine. We used a water level and a ruler to measure the spinal deformity, a plumb line and a ruler to measure the lateral deviation of the spine. Of the obtained results it was found a prevalence of 8.8% of lateral deviation and 2.4% of gibbosity, besides it was observed the presence of scoliosis in patients with asymmetries in the shoulders and hipbones. However, there was no influence of weight, height and body mass index (BMI for the prevalence of scoliosis. Thus, through this study, it was stated the high prevalence of postural deviations in schoolchildren.

  14. Lesões ocupacionais afetando a coluna vertebral em trabalhadores de enfermagem Lesiones ocupacionales de la columna vertebral en trabajadores de enfermería Vertebral column trauma caused by occupational accidents involving members of the nursing team

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    Elisandra de Oliveira Parada


    Full Text Available Através do levantamento das comunicações de acidente do trabalho (CAT de um hospital universitário no período de janeiro de 1990 a dezembro de 1997, analisou-se determinadas características da ocorrência de acidentes do trabalho relacionados com a coluna vertebral em trabalhadores de enfermagem. Verificou-se que nesse período foram notificados 531 acidentes e 37 (7,0% destes eram acidentes típicos que comprometeram a coluna vertebral. Os resultados indicam subnotificação do acidente e que a categoria mais acometida foi o atendente de enfermagem. Os acidentes ocorreram principalmente pela movimentação e transporte de equipamentos e pacientes e pelas quedas.A través de los reportes de accidentes de trabajo (RAT de un Hospital Universitario en el periodo de enero de 1990 a diciembre de 1997, se analizaron determinadas características de la ocurrencia de accidentes de trabajo relacionados con la columna vertebral en trabajadores de enfermería. Se verificó que en ese periodo fueron notificados 531 accidentes y 37 (7,0% eran accidentes típicos que comprometieron la columna vertebral. Los resultados indican la subnotificación del accidente y que la categoría más afectada fue la de ayudante de enfermería. Los accidentes ocurrieron principalmente por el movimiento y traslado de equipos y pacientes y también por las caídas.All occupational accidents (CAT reported at a University hospital, from January 1990 to December 1997, were analyzed and the characteristics of the vertebral column trauma caused by the occupational accidents involving members of the nursing team were investigated. During this period, 531 accidents were reported and 37 (7% of these were typical vertebral column traumas. These results suggested that the number of accidents reported were below actual estimates and that the nursing auxiliaries were the most affected. The accidents were mainly caused by falls and during the transport or transfer of patients and

  15. Influencia del trauma quirúrgico sobre el comportamiento de los niveles de albúmina sérica después de cirugía de columna vertebral


    Luciano, Rafael Paiva [UNIFESP; Leite, Marcio Squassoni [UNIFESP; Martins, Délio Eulálio [UNIFESP; Wajchenberg, Marcelo [UNIFESP; Puertas, Eduardo Barros [UNIFESP


    OBJETIVO: avaliar a variação da concentração da albumina nas cirurgias de coluna vertebral e relacioná-la às repercussões clínicas no pós-operatório. MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo observacional sobre os valores do nível sérico da albumina de 55 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia na coluna vertebral. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas um dia antes da cirurgia e 24 horas após o procedimento. Foi aplicado o teste t pareado na avaliação da variação (pré versus pós) nos parâmetros albumina, hemoglob...

  16. Primary Ewing’s sarcoma of the spine: case report Sarcoma de Ewing primário da coluna vertebral: relato de caso

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    Leandro I. Dini


    Full Text Available Primary malignant sarcomas of the spine are extremely rare. Because of biological heterogeneity, these tumors have variable sensitivity to radiation and chemotherapy. Adequate local control through complete tumor removal is an important therapeutic goal. However, aggressive resection of tumors in the spinal column must be coupled with restoration of spinal column stability and minimization of neural deficits. The balance of these factors makes treatment of primary sarcomas of the spine challenging, and dictates an individual approach to treatment. We report on a 18 years old man with primary Ewing's sarcoma of the nonsacral spine. The clinical picture and imaging characteristics were analyzed as well as the management modalities and outcome.Sarcomas malignos primários da coluna são extremamente raros. Devido sua heterogeneidade biológica, estes tumores apresentam sensibilidade variada à radioterapia e à quimioterapia.O controle local adequado através da ressecção tumoral completa é um objetivo terapêutico importante. Contudo, a ressecção completa dos tumores da coluna vertebral deve ser realizada com a restauração da estabilidade espinhal e minimização do déficit neurológico. O equilíbrio entre estes fatores torna o tratamento dos sarcomas da coluna desafiador, exigindo-se uma abordagem individualizada para o tratamento de cada paciente. Relatamos um caso de sarcoma de Ewing da coluna não-sacral em um homem de 18 anos. O quadro clínico e características de imagem foram analisados, bem como a modalidades de manejo e o prognóstico.

  17. Incidência Pélvica: um parâmetro fundamental para definição do equilíbrio sagital da coluna vertebral Incidência pélvica: un parámetro fundamental para definir el equilibrio sagital de la columna Pelvic incidence: a fundamental parameter for defining the sagittal balance of the spine

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    Sérgio Afonso Henneman


    Full Text Available Este trabalho propõe um parâmetro anatômico, a incidência pélvica, como fator chave para a compreensão do alinhamento da coluna vertebral. Existe estreita relação, tanto para indivíduos normais como para indivíduos com deformidades da coluna, entre o parâmetro anatômico de incidência pélvica e a inclinação sacral, determinantes da lordose lombar. O ângulo de Cobb e a rotação vertebral apical servem de instrumento para o entendimento do aspecto tridimensional da coluna vertebral e das relações entre a pelve e a coluna. Uma equação preditiva para lordose é apresentada. A incidência pélvica parece ser o fator determinante do equilíbrio sagital da coluna. Ela determina as curvas da coluna vertebral, variando conforme outros parâmetros.En este trabajo se propone un parámetro anatómico, la incidencia de la pelvis, como el factor clave para entender la alineación de la columna vertebral. Hay estrecha relación, tanto para el normal y para las personas con deformidades de la columna entre el parámetro anatómico de la incidencia de la pelvis y la inclinación del sacro, determinantes de la lordosis lumbar. El ángulo de Cobb y la rotación vertebral apical sirven como una herramienta para entender el aspecto tridimensional de la columna vertebral y de su relación con la pelvis. Se presenta una ecuación de predicción para la lordosis. La incidencia pélvica parece ser el factor determinante del equilibrio sagital de la columna. Dicha ecuación determina las curvas de la columna y varía según otros parámetros.This paper proposes an anatomical parameter, the pelvic incidence, as the key factor for managing the spinal balance. There is a close relationship for both normal individuals and those with spinal deformities between the anatomical parameter of pelvic incidence and the sacral slope, which determine lumbar lordosis. The Cobb angle and the apical vertebral rotation serve as a tool for understanding the three

  18. Suporte de cabeça para cirurgia da coluna vertebral: nota técnica Soporte de cabeza para cirúgia de columna vertebral: nota técnica Head support for spinal surgery: technical note

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    Guilherme Zanini Rocha


    Full Text Available Descreve-se um suporte de cabeça para cirurgia da coluna vertebral, que permite a colocação da cabeça do paciente em alinhamento neutro com o corpo e monitorização da posição de olhos, boca, nariz e tubo orotraqueal, evitando danos decorrentes de mau posicionamento durante a cirurgia.Se describe un soporte de cabeza para la cirugía de columna vertebral que permite la colocación de la cabeza del paciente en alineación neutra con el cuerpo y el control de la posición de ojos, boca, nariz y tubo oro-traqueal, evitando los daños causados por el posicionamiento incorrecto durante la cirugía.We describe a head support for spinal surgery that allows the placement of the patient's head in neutral alignment with the body and monitoring the position of the eyes, mouth, nose and orotracheal tube, preventing damages from poor positioning during surgery.

  19. Tratamento cirúrgico das lesões traumáticas do segmento médio-inferior da coluna cervical

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    Full Text Available O nível C2 é o mais frequente em lesões traumáticas da coluna cervical, sendo seguido por C5 e C6. Elas ocorrem, mais habitualmente, na terceira década de vida, com incidência decrescente na idade avançada. Como parte destas lesões está localizada nos elementos da coluna anterior, segundo a conceituação de Denis e, levado-se em consideração os estudos biomecânicos do segmento médio--inferior da coluna cervical, bem como os mecanismos que causam estas lesões, elaboramos este estudo, com o intuito de apresentar as técnicas de fusão cervical anterior, com enxerto ósseo e placas de Caspar, Morscher (CSLP e ORION(TM. Mostramos e discutimos as vantagens e desvantagens de cada tipo de fixação anterior, com base nos dados de literatura, evidenciando a melhoria no material de implante e das técnicas de fixação.

  20. Instrumentos de avaliação clínica e funcional em cirurgia da coluna vertebral Instrumentos de evaluación clínica y funcional en cirugía de la columna vertebral Instruments of clinical and functional evaluation in spine surgery

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    Asdrubal Falavigna


    Full Text Available Alguns dos indivíduos submetidos à cirurgia de coluna vertebral terão desfechos pós-operatório desfavoráveis, independente do êxito técnico. Esse insucesso gera aumento da morbidade e dos custos socioeconômicos. Sabe-se que fatores psicossociais interferem na impressão do sujeito. Com o propósito de identificá-los, tem-se estimulado a busca de preditores prognósticos por meio de instrumentos de triagem. Porém, a eleição do mais adequado pode ser difícil, já que existe um grande número de questionários. Entre os aspectos abordados por eles, podemos citar: incapacidade funcional, qualidade de vida, satisfação, dor, depressão, distúrbios do humor e atividade funcional. O trabalho objetiva revisar as particularidades, indicações e limitações dos instrumentos de avaliação do paciente com doença na coluna vertebral.Algunos individuos, sometidos a la cirugía de columna vertebral, tendrán resultados posoperatorios desfavorables, independientemente del éxito técnico. Esta falla causa aumento de la morbilidad y de los costos socioeconómicos. Se sabe que factores psicosociales interfieren en las impresiones del sujeto. Con la finalidad de identificarlos, se ha estimulado la búsqueda de predictores pronosticadores mediante instrumentos de selección. Sin embargo, elegir el más adecuado puede ser difícil, ya que existe un gran número de cuestionarios. Entre los aspectos abarcados por estos, podemos citar: incapacidad funcional, calidad de vida, satisfacción, dolor, depresión, disturbios del humor y actividad funcional. El trabajo tiene el objetivo de revisar las particularidades, indicaciones y limitaciones de los instrumentos de evaluación del paciente con enfermedad en la columna vertebral.Some individuals submitted to spine surgery will have unfavorable postoperative outcomes, regardless of the success of the technical procedure. This failure leads to an increase in morbidity and socioeconomic costs. Also, it is

  1. Modelo de avaliação físico-funcional da coluna vertebral Modelo de evaluación físico-funcional de la columna vertebral Spinal cord physical assessment model

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    Neusa Maria Costa Alexandre


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho descreve os métodos semiológicos que devem ser empregados na exploração postural e na avaliação da coluna vertebral, dentro da assistência à saúde em nível primário. Os métodos empregados nessa propedêutica sistematizada englobam o histórico e um exame físico específico composto de: inspeção estática e exame postural; inspeção dinâmica; palpação; avaliação da força e flexibilidade musculares; exame neurológico e manobras especiais.El presente trabajo describe un modelo de evaluación fisico-funcional que puede ser empleado en la evaluación postural y en la valoración de la columna vertebral dentro de la atención a la salud en nivel primario. Los métodos empleados en esa propedéutica sistematizada engloban la historia clínica y un examen físico específico compuesto de inspección estática y examen de la postura, inspección dinámica, palpación, evaluación de la fuerza y flexibilidad muscular, examen neurológico y maniobras especiales.The study describes semiological methods that must be employed in posture and spinal cord evaluation, considering primary health care. The methods used in this study involve the patient´s history, and a specific physical examination which includes a static inspection, posture examination, dynamic inspection, palpation, muscle strength and flexibility assessment, neurological examination and special tests.

  2. Relação entre a excursão do músculo diafragma e as curvaturas da coluna vertebral em crianças respiradoras bucais The relationship between excursion of the diaphragm and curvatures of the spinal column in mouth breathing children

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    Liu Chiao Yi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a relação entre a excursão do músculo diafragma e as curvaturas da coluna vertebral em crianças respiradoras bucais. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 52 crianças de 5 a 12 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos. Por meio de avaliação otorrinolaringológica, foram divididas em dois grupos: respiradores bucais e respiradores nasais. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a exame de videofluoroscopia do músculo diafragma e a avaliação postural. A excursão do diafragma foi analisada pelo programa Adobe Photoshop®, e a avaliação postural através de fotografias em norma lateral esquerda, sendo analisadas pelo Software de Avaliação Postural. RESULTADOS: Os grupos estudados apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante quanto ao comportamento das curvaturas da coluna vertebral (lordose cervical: p = 0,003; lordose lombar: p = 0,001; cifose torácica: p = 0,002; posição da pelve: p = 0,001 e da excursão do músculo diafragma (diafragma lado direito: p = 0,001; diafragma lado esquerdo: p = 0,001. O grupo respirador bucal apresentou diminuição da lordose cervical, aumento da cifose torácica, aumento da lordose lombar e anteversão da posição da pelve. A distância excursionada pelo músculo diafragma em crianças respiradoras bucais é menor que em crianças respiradoras nasais. Não houve significância estatística ao relacionar o comportamento das curvaturas da coluna vertebral com a excursão do músculo diafragma. CONCLUSÃO: Não há relação entre as curvaturas da coluna vertebral com a excursão do músculo diafragma nos grupos estudados.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between excursion of the diaphragm muscle and spinal curvatures in mouth breathing children. METHODS: A total of 52 children of both sexes, aged from 5 to 12 years, were studied. After otorhinolaryngological assessment, the children were divided into two groups: mouth breathers and nose breathers. All of the children underwent



    José Lourêdo Fontinele


    O presente estudo trata da influência do envelopamento da tropopausa na coluna total de ozônio, durante a passagem dos sistemas frontais. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar, a partir das relações entre a corrente de jato em altos níveis e a coluna total de ozônio, o envelopamento da tropopausa no sul da América do Sul. Pretende-se também quantificar as frentes frias que agiram ao longo de 2008, bem como identificá-las em eventos de envelopamento da tropopausa e ação da...

  4. Prevalência de dores musculoesqueléticas em motoristas de caminhão e fatores associados

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    Lucia Castro Lemos

    Full Text Available Introdução:motoristas profissionais podem estar sujeitos a doenças musculoesqueléticas relacionadas às condições de trabalho.Objetivo:estimar a prevalência e identificar fatores associados à dor musculoesquelética na coluna vertebral, nos 12 meses anteriores à pesquisa, referida por motoristas de caminhão.Métodos:estudo transversal realizado em 2007 com todos os 460 motoristas do sexo masculino de uma empresa de transportes de carga. Utilizou-se questionário abordando fatores sociodemográficos, ocupacionais e de saúde. Análises de regressão logística univariada e múltipla foram utilizadas para verificar a associação entre o relato de dor musculoesquelética na coluna vertebral e os fatores estudados.Resultados:a prevalência de dor musculoesquelética referida foi de 53,5%, sendo mais prevalentes a dor na coluna vertebral (38,5% e a dor na coluna lombar (28%. Sono de má qualidade, hábito de não cochilar, medo de ser assaltado, morrer, adoecer ou sofrer algum acidente durante o trabalho, e estresse, tensão ou fadiga por desconforto ao dirigir foram fatores associados às dores na coluna vertebral.Conclusão:constatou-se alta prevalência de lombalgia associada a estressores externos, como medo de acidentes e roubos, e a fatores ligados diretamente à organização do trabalho, como a ausência de pausas para cochilos e a restrição dos horários de sono, o que leva a sua má qualidade.

  5. Fixação transpedicular da coluna toraco-lombo-sagrada: análise de 124 parafusos

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    Eunice Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVO: Avaliar a técnica free hand de colocação de parafusos transpediculares na coluna torácica, lombar e sagrada. MÉTODOS: Avaliação clínica e imagiológica (tomografia computorizada de 25 pacientes (13 mulheres e 12 homens submetidos a instrumentação vertebral num total de 124 parafusos transpediculares aplicados, utilizando a técnica free hand. Os parafusos foram inseridos de T11 a S1, e a maioria destes foram colocados nos níveis L4, L5 e S1. RESULTADOS: 94% dos parafusos transpediculares estavam correctamente colocados no pedículo. Verificou-se que 6% (7 parafusos estavam mal colocados e destes apenas dois violavam a cortical inferomedial, um destes apresentava uma perfuração inferior a 2 mm e o outro entre 2 e 4 mm. Nenhum dos pacientes seguidos apresentou complicações associadas ao incorrecto posicionamento dos parafusos. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica free hand é segura na instrumentação da coluna torácica e lombo-sagrada.

  6. Comportamento à compressão de solo estabilizado com cimento utilizado em colunas de DEEP Soil Mixing


    Geraldo Vanzolini Moretti


    Resumo: Apresenta-se neste trabalho o estudo comportamento à compressão não confinada de um solo argiloso aluvionar estabilizado segundo a metodologia Deep Soil Mixing (DSM). Esta técnica consiste no tratamento de solos moles através da mistura deste com agentes químicos estabilizantes, podendo-se utilizar cal e/ou cimento. Para a condução deste trabalho foram executadas colunas de DSM sob um aterro rodoviário localizado no nordeste do Brasil, com aproximadamente 300m de extensão. O sítio de ...

  7. Proposta educativa com enfoque ergonômico para auxiliar na prevenção de lesões músculo-esqueléticas na equipe de enfermagem

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    Neusa Maria Costa Alexandre


    Full Text Available Os trabalhadores de enfermagem estão sujeitos a lesões na coluna vertebral, atribuídas a condições ergonômicas e posturais inadequadas. Com o objetivo de auxiliar na redução dessas lesões, elaborou-se uma proposta educativa específica para o pessoal de enfermagem, cujo planejamento e tópicos constam do presente estudo. A estratégia foi realizada a partir da análise do ambiente de trabalho e das atividades desenvolvidas por esse pessoal, abordando temas relativos à anatomia e biomecânica da coluna vertebral, orientações gerais de postura, aspectos ergonômicos específicos do trabalho da enfermagem e considerações sobre movimentação e transporte de pacientes.

  8. Reducción de infecciones por autocontaminación en cirugía de columna Redução de infecções por autocontaminação em cirurgia de coluna vertebral Reducing infections by auto-contamination in spine surgery

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    Alejo Vernengo Lezica


    de um dos membros da equipe, decidimos tomar uma série de medidas (com relação à escovação das mãos e manipulação da máscara cirúrgica de forma prospectiva. Avaliamos 120 pacientes nos quais operamos a coluna vertebral prospectivamente de janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2009. Os critérios de inclusão foram cirurgias de coluna por via posterior realizadas pela mesma equipe cirúrgica, de acordo com as medidas apresentadas a seguir. Os critérios de exclusão foram pacientes operados por via anterior, cirurgias laparoscópicas e vertebroplastias, assim como as cirurgias nas quais não havia ninguém da equipe cirúrgica em estudo. RESULTADOS: Das 120 colunas operadas houve infecção em três casos, nos quais se realizou a limpeza correspondente e a cultura e antibiograma da amostra e do nariz dos membros da equipe cirúrgica. Em nenhum dos casos, o microrganismo que produziu a infecção coincidiu com os encontrados no nariz da equipe cirúrgica, ou seja, 0% de contaminação provocada pelo cirurgião. CONCLUSÕES: Acreditamos que as medidas adotadas na sala de cirurgia, a saber, escovação das mãos e manipulação da máscara cirúrgica, podem reduzir a infecção nas cirurgias de coluna provocada pelo próprio cirurgião.OBJECTIVE: To carry out a prospective evaluation of spine surgery infections caused by contamination by the surgeon or some other member of the surgical team. METHODS: After seeing two infections in a row during spine surgery, and detecting that the germ found in the sample cultures coincided with that found in the nose of one of the members of the surgical team, we decided to prospectively implement a series of measures related to scrubbing and handling the surgical mask. We carried out a prospective evaluation from January 2007 to December 2009 of 120 patients who underwent spine surgery carried out by our team. Criteria for inclusion were spine surgery by the posterior route carried out by the same surgical team complying with the

  9. Caracterização clínica e das situações de fratura da coluna vertebral no município de ribeirão preto, propostas para um programa de prevenção do trauma raquimedular Caracterización clínica y de las situaciones de fractura de la columna vertebral en el municipio de ribeirão preto, propuestas para un programa de prevención del traumatismo raquimedular Clinical characterization and description cases of vertebral spinal fracture in the municipality of ribeirão preto, proposals for a spinal cord trauma prevention program

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    Elaine Cristine Lemes Mateus de Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização clínica e a avaliação das situações relacionadas ao trauma raquimedular no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto durante os anos de 2007 e 2008. MÉTODO: Levantamento de prontuários baseado nos códigos da Classificação Internacional de Doenças de fratura da coluna vertebral, exceto aquelas decorrentes de lesão por projétil de arma de fogo. Foram revisados 190 pacientes, 22 tiveram óbito confirmado, 96 foram entrevistados por telefone ou pessoalmente, restando 94 cujas informações foram colhidas apenas a partir do prontuário médico. RESULTADOS: As lesões ocorreram predominantemente nos indivíduos jovens do sexo masculino, acometeram o nível vertebral cervical e causaram lesão medular em 27% dos indivíduos, principalmente lesões completas (AIS A: 57,7%. A principal etiologia do trauma foram os acidentes de trânsito com carros e motos (52%. Nas entrevistas, os pacientes relataram a desatenção e desrespeito às regras de trânsito e normas de segurança como o principal fator associado ao trauma. Muitos pacientes afirmaram desconhecer o risco presente nas situações em que ocorreram os traumas e as consequências da fratura na coluna e lesão medular. CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo identificou os homens jovens como sujeitos trauma raquimedular. Entre as situações apontadas pelos pacientes como associadas a esse tipo de trauma, a desatenção e desrespeito às leis foram aspectos importantes. Estas informações permitiram a elaboração de uma campanha de prevenção das lesões da coluna vertebral focada no grupo social e comportamentos de maior risco.OBJETIVO: Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de caracterización clínica y evaluación de situações relacionadas con traumatismo raquimedular, en el Hospital de Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, durante 2007-2008. MÉTODO: evaluación de historiales de pacientes usando c

  10. Complicações determinadas por placas de cloreto de polivinila (PVC na estabilização da porção cervical caudal da coluna vertebral de cães Complications determined by polyvinylchloride (PVC plates in the stabilization of caudal cervical vertebral column of dogs

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    Mônica Vicky Bahr Arias


    Full Text Available Em 10 cães com peso médio de 14,6kg, as vértebras cervicais 5 e 6 foram cirurgicamente desestabilizadas através da secção do disco intervertebral e, em seguida, estabilizadas com placas ortopédicas confeccionadas com PVC de 2mm de espessura, para após 180 dias, proceder-se ao estudo histológico do tecido ósseo e conjuntivo circunvizinho. Constatou-se que o PVC causou alterações ósseas que podem ter favorecido o afrouxamento dos parafusos e a falha do implante. O material induziu ainda à formação de granuloma de corpo estranho e a reações inflamatórias locais que podem ter causado degradação do material implantado. Assim, placas de PVC, apesar de proporcionarem estabilidade e alinhamento da coluna vertebral, não satisfazem a maioria das propriedades necessárias a um biomaterial, não sendo recomendadaa a sua utilização em ortopedia veterinária.In ten dogs with an average mean weight of 14,6 kg, the cervical vertebra 5 and 6 were destabilized and fixed with plates of 2mm of thickness. The purpose of this work was to verify the effect of orthopedic PVC plates on the internal stabilization of the caudal cervical spine of dogs by studying the occurrence of alterations in the bone tissue and fibrous tissue adjacent to the plate after 180 days of permanence of the material in the dogs' organism. PVC causes progressive bone alterations, which, in the long term, could promote the loosening of the screws and failure of the implant. It also induces the formation of foreign body granuloma and inflammatory reactions which could cause degradation of the implant. Thus, PVC plates do not satisfy the majority of properties required of a biomaterial, its use not being recommended in veterinary orthopedics.

  11. Problema crônico de coluna e diagnóstico de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT autorreferidos no Brasil: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, 2013

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    Max Moura de Oliveira

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:descrever a prevalência de problemas crônicos de coluna e de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT autorreferidos em adultos brasileiros, segundo variáveis sociodemográficas.MÉTODOS:estudo descritivo com 60.202 indivíduos ≥18 anos incluídos na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde 2013; foram estimadas prevalências e intervalos de confiança (IC95%.RESULTADOS:a prevalência de problema crônico de coluna foi de 18,5% (IC95%:17,8-19,1, maior em mulheres (21,1%; IC95%:20,2-21,9, indivíduos com baixa escolaridade (24,6%; IC95%:23,5-25,6 e residentes na região Sul (23,3%; IC95%:21,6-25,1; dos que referiram problema de coluna, 16,4% (IC95%:15,2-17,6 relataram possuir grau intenso/muito intenso de limitações nas atividades habituais, principalmente na área rural (20,3%; IC95%:17,5-23,0; a prevalência de DORT foi de 2,4% (IC95%:2,2-2,7, superior entre mulheres (3,3%; IC95%:2,9-3,7 e indivíduos com Ensino Superior (3,8; IC95%:3,0-4,7, e mais baixa no Norte (0,7%; IC95%:0,5-1,0.CONCLUSÃO:a prevalência de problema crônico de coluna foi elevada mas a prevalência de DORT, baixa, possivelmente indicando falta deste diagnóstico.

  12. Postura Scanner - Mapeamento e Interpretação da postura humana

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    João Ricardo R. de Moraes


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem a finalidade de projetar um software capaz de mapear e interpretar a condição clínica da postura humana por meio de imagens, tendo como foco a identificação de patologias que atuam sobre o formato das curvas fisiológicas da coluna vertebral humana. Além disso, será um banco de informações a ser consultado por médicos e pacientes, através de exames que exerceram interações com o software segundo a sua natureza. Neste estudo, relatase como são definidas a postura humana, a coluna vertebral e as medidas das curvas fisiológicas e apresentam-se as técnicas de processamento de imagens que permitem a obtenção dos dados requeridos para o processo. Finalmente, mostra-se a modelagem e implementação do software, bem como a forma de mapeamento e a interpretação da postura humana.

  13. Influência do posicionamento do ciclista na sobrecarga mecânica da coluna cervical, calculada pela técnica da dinâmica inversa


    Candotti, Cláudia Tarragô; Delwing, Gustavo Becker; La Torre, Marcelo; Pasini, Maicon; Noll, Matias; Loss, Jefferson Fagundes


    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência do posicionamento do indivíduo na bicicleta, durante a pedalada, sobre a sobrecarga mecânica na coluna cervical. Foram avaliados nove indivíduos durante teste em uma bicicleta de competição acoplada a um ciclossimulador. O protocolo consistiu em pedalar em quatro posturas (ereta, descanso, intermediária e ataque), com filmagem simultânea no plano sagital. As imagens foram digitalizadas no software DVideow e possibilitaram o cálculo das variáv...

  14. Relação da velocidade de escoamento da solução e do comprimento da coluna de solo com os parâmetros de transporte de potássio em um latossolo e um neossolo

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    Danilo Pereira Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Devido à importância dos estudos de deslocamento de solutos em colunas de solo, para avaliar os riscos de poluição do solo e das águas subterrâneas, e à falta de padronização no comprimento da coluna de solo utilizada (L e na velocidade de escoamento da solução aplicada (, realizou-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar a relação de L e de com o coeficiente de dispersão-difusão (D, a dispersividade (λ e o fator de retardamento (R do K+ em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (LVd e num Neossolo Quartzarênico órtico (RQo. Foram testados cinco comprimentos de colunas (0,10, 0,20, 0,30, 0,40 e 0,50 m e quatro velocidades, sendo 0,62, 0,69, 0,75 e 0,81 m h-1 para o LVd e 0,37, 0,40, 0,44 e 0,48 m h-1 para o RQo. Aplicou-se uma solução deslocadora de 130 mg L-1 de K+ nas colunas montadas com o solo desestruturado e saturadas com uma solução de CaCl2 5 mmol L-1. Os parâmetros de transporte R e D foram obtidos utilizando-se o programa computacional Disp; a λ foi obtida pela equação D = Do + λ, sendo Do igual a 7,13 10-6 m² h-1 para o KCl. Houve relação do comprimento da coluna e da velocidade de escoamento da solução com os parâmetros de transporte do K+ tanto no LVd quanto no RQo. No LVd, o fator de retardamento aumentou com o aumento na velocidade de escoamento da solução. Em ambos os solos, o fator de retardamento diminuiu com o aumento no comprimento da coluna; o coeficiente de dispersão-difusão aumentou com o aumento na velocidade de escoamento da solução e com o aumento no comprimento da coluna de solo; e a dispersividade também aumentou com o aumento no comprimento da coluna.

  15. Validation, repeatability and reproducibility of a noninvasive instrument for measuring thoracic and lumbar curvature of the spine in the sagittal plane Validade, repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade de um instrumento não-invasivo para medição das curvaturas torácica e lombar da coluna vertebral no plano sagital

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    Fabiana O. Chaise


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The need for early identification of postural abnormalities without exposing patients to constant radiation has stimulated the development of instruments aiming to measure the spinal curvatures. OBJECTIVE: To verify the validity, repeatability and reproducibility of angular measures of sagittal curvatures of the spine obtained using an adapted arcometer, by comparing them with Cobb angles of the respective curvatures obtained by using X-rays. METHODS: 52 participants were submitted to two procedures designed to evaluate the thoracic and lumbar curvatures: (1 X-ray examination from which the Cobb angles (CA of both curvatures were obtained, and (2 measuring the angles with the arcometer (AA. Two evaluators collected the data using the arcometer, with the rods placed at T1, T12, L1 and L5 spinous processes levels in a way as to permit linear measurements which, with aid of trigonometry, supplied the AA. RESULTS: There was a very strong and significant correlation between AA and CA (r=0.94; pCONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A necessidade de identificação precoce de alterações posturais, sem expor as pessoas à radiação constante, tem estimulado a construção de instrumentos para medir as curvaturas da coluna vertebral. OBJETIVO: Verificar a validade, repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade dos ângulos das curvaturas sagitais da coluna vertebral, obtidos por meio de um arcômetro adaptado, comparando-os com os ângulos de Cobb (AC das respectivas curvaturas, obtidos por meio de exames radiográficos. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta e dois indivíduos foram submetidos a dois procedimentos destinados a avaliar as curvaturas torácica e lombar: (1 exame de raios-X, a partir do qual os AC de ambas as curvaturas foram obtidos e (2 medição dos ângulos das curvaturas com o arcômetro (AA. Dois avaliadores coletaram os dados usando o arcômetro com as hastes sobre os processos espinhosos T1, T12, L1 e L5, de modo a permitir medidas que, com auxílio de

  16. Biossorção de níquel e cromo de um efluente de galvanoplastia utilizando alga marinha pré-tratada em coluna - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v31i2.864

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    Márcia Teresinha Veit


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo o estudo da biossorção dos íons cromo e níquel presentes no efluente do processo de uma indústria de galvanoplastia, utilizando como biossorvente a biomassa de alga marinha pré-tratada Sargassum filipendula. As condições de operação da coluna foram: massa de biossorvente de 8 g, pH do efluente de alimentação 3,85, temperatura de 30ºC, vazão de 6 mL min.-1 e concentrações iniciais de alimentação (cromo+níquel de 7,12 e 3,66 meq L-1. Foi empregado um modelo matemático para representar a dinâmica da biossorção em coluna de leito fixo. O modelo da isoterma multicomponente de Langmuir (qm= 2,78 meq g-1, bCr = 0,85 L meq-1, bNi = 0,08 L meq-1 foi utilizado para representar os dados de equilíbrio da coluna e para simular a dinâmica de biossorção dos íons. Os resultados da simulação demonstraram que o modelo matemático empregado foi capaz de descrever satisfatoriamente a complexa dinâmica de biossorção dos íons presentes no efluente.

  17. Avaliação pré-operatória visando ao uso do halo craniano no tratamento de deformidades rígidas da coluna vertebral Evaluación pre-operatoria del uso del halo craneal en lo tratamiento de las deformidades rígidas de la columna vertebral Preoperative evaluation for the use of cranial halo traction in the spine treatment of rigid deformities

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    Lucas Sasdelli Soares de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a eficácia e a segurança do uso do halo craniano gravitacional como técnica de tratamento de deformidades rígidas da coluna vertebral e rever complicações associadas ao seu tratamento. MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva de dez pacientes com deformidades rígidas da coluna vertebral: cifose, escoliose, cifoescoliose e hiperlordose cervical. O critério para inclusão dos pacientes foi o uso do halo craniano gravitacional em um período pré-operatório e interoperatório em deformidades rígidas da coluna vertebral. Foram avaliados os prontuários dos pacientes e suas mensurações radiográficas foram feitas em um período pré-operatório, após instalação do halo craniano gravitacional, e no período pós-operatório. As variáveis estudadas foram idade, sexo, valor angular da curva principal, valor angular da curva secundária, valor angular da curva sagital maior, protocolo de tração e tipo de procedimento utilizado. RESULTADOS: em relação ao plano frontal, avaliou-se, no período pré-operatório, a média angular de 89,9º, decrescendo para 65º após a instalação do halo e 56,9º no pós-operatório. Analisando o plano sagital, observou-se no período pré-operatório o valor angular de 77,7º, decrescendo para 55,4º, com o uso do halo-colete, e 46,5º no pós-operatório tardio. CONCLUSÃO: pode-se concluir que o uso da tração halo craniana é um método eficaz no auxílio da correção das deformidades rígidas da coluna vertebral, visto que se conseguiu uma correção significativa das deformidades do período pré-operatório para os períodos pós-instalação do halo e pós-operatório, sem se observar lesão neurológica ou outra grave complicação.OBJETIVO: evaluar, retrospectivamente, la eficacia y la seguridad del uso del halo craneal gravitacional como técnica de tratamiento de deformidades rígidas de la columna vertebral, y rever complicaciones asociadas a su tratamiento. MÉTODOS: ha sido

  18. Estudo demográfico de pacientes portadores de deformidades de coluna vertebral que aguardam cirurgia em hospital terciário de alta complexidade Estudio demográfico de pacientes con deformidades de la columna en espera de cirugía en hospital de tercer nivel de alta complejidad Demographic study of patients with spinal deformities who are awaiting surgery in a tertiary hospital of high complexity

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    Nicola Jorge Carneiro Neto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Definir as características demográficas dos pacientes portadores de deformidades secundárias da coluna vertebral que aguardam em fila de espera para tratamento cirúrgico em hospital terciário de alta complexidade. MÉTODOS: As informações foram obtidas através dos prontuários dos pacientes no período previamente definido. Os dados foram selecionados conforme os critérios já apresentados e manipulados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: O estudo incluiu um total de 170 pacientes, dos quais 94 eram do sexo feminino com idades entre 1 e 58 anos, e 76 do sexo masculino com idade entre 1 e 26 anos. Entre as deformidades encontradas foram identificadas: escolioses congênitas por segmentação (6 ou 3,5%, formação (39 ou 22,9%, mistas (34 ou 20,0% e complexas (14 ou 8,2%, escolioses neuromusculares por paralisia cerebral (PC (54 ou 31,8%, miopatia (11 ou 6,5%, artrogripose (2 ou 1,2% e escolioses por neurofibromatose (10 ou 5,9%. CONCLUSÃO: Existe uma considerável lista de pacientes portadores de deformidades de coluna vertebral que aguardam em fila de espera para tratamento cirúrgico por um período muitas vezes bastante prolongado. Este fato acarreta um problema social de difícil manuseio e quando somadas, escoliose neuromuscular e escoliose congênita são responsáveis pela grande maioria dos casos que aguardam cirurgia.OBJETIVO: Definir las características demográficas de los pacientes con deformidades secundarias de la columna vertebral en la lista de espera para el tratamiento quirúrgico en un hospital de tercer nivel de complejidad alta. MÉTODOS: Las informaciones fueron obtenidas de los archivos de pacientes en período predefinido. Los datos fueron seleccionados de acuerdo con los criterios ya presentados y manipulados estadísticamente. RESULTADOS: En el estudio participaron un total de 170 pacientes, de los cuales 94 eran mujeres de edades comprendidas entre 1 y 58, y 76 varones de edades comprendidas entre 1 y 26

  19. Uma ninfa a perseguir cabeças: imagens de Salomé na coluna Garotas do Alceu

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    Daniela Queiroz Campos

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo aborda as temporalidades das imagens da coluna Garotas do Alceu da revista O Cruzeiro. As pin-ups ilustradas por Alceu Penna para a coluna Garotas foram imagens permeadas de publicidades, comportamentos, morais e modas em voga em seu tempo histórico de produção. Contudo, segundo Georges Didi-Huberman, a imagem pertence ao tempo. Tempos múltiplos, impuros, heterogêneos, dialéticos, anacrônicos também perpassam as imagens da coluna em questão. Nas páginas que seguem as Garotas do Alceu, as pin-ups, foram também analisadas como ninfas modernas que associam o belo ao trauma. Entre as Garotas e as ninfas, as apresentações de Salomé e das cabeças decapitadas foram aqui destacadas e analisadas.

  20. Pico de força das articulações do membro inferior e ativação muscular da coluna dorso-lombar durante o manuseio de carga com estilo livre


    Patrícia Cilene Freitas Sant'Anna


    o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o pico de força articular (FA) do tornozelo, joelho e quadril do membro inferior direito, e a ativação eletromiográfia (AE) da musculatura da coluna dorso-lombar no manuseio de carga, no movimento de colocar e retirar uma caixa situada no chão e na altura dos olhos. Foram utilizadas cargas correspondentes a I% e 10% da massa corporal do sujeito, totalizando-se oito tarefas. A amostra foi composta por 4 mulheres e 4 homens, na faixa etária entre 23 a ...

  1. Estudo comparativo dos mecanorreceptores dos discos intervertebrais normais e degenerados da coluna lombar de humanos pela radiografia, ressonância magnética e estudo anatomopatológico Comparative study of normal and degenerated intervertebral discs' mechanoreceptors of human lumar spine X-ray, magnetic resonance and anatomopathologic study

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    Valdeci Manoel de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os autores fizeram um estudo da coluna lombar de humanos, objetivando avaliar e determinar os diferentes tipos de fibras nervosas no disco intervertebral normal e no degenerado. Foram usadas dez colunas lombares de cadáveres com aproximadamente 48 a 72 horas de óbito. As peças foram submetidas a exames de radiografia simples e ressonância magnética. Após os exames, os discos foram classificados em normais e degenerados. Em seguida, foram dissecados, divididos em regiões anterior e posterior, incluídos em parafina e realizado estudo de imuno-histoquímica com a proteína S100. Com o auxílio de um programa de computador Image-Pro Plus (media cybernetics®, as fibras nervosas tiveram seu diâmetro medidos em micrômetros e classificadas em quatro tipos de fibras. Foram encontrados quatro tipos de fibras nervosas nas diferentes regiões discais. O número e o tipo de fibras variaram de acordo com a região e grau de degeneração do disco intervertebral. Concluíram que as fibras do tipo III são mais freqüentes na região anterior; as fibras dos tipos II e IV são mais freqüentes na região posterior, e as fibras do tipo I não apresentaram diferenças entre a região anterior e a posterior; além disso, o disco degenerado tem mais fibras nervosas que o disco normal.The authors conducted a study on human lumbar spine, aiming to assess and determine the different kinds of nervous fibers in normal and degenerated intervertebral discs. Ten cadaver’s lumbar spines with approximately 48 - 72 of death have been used. The pieces were submitted to simple X-ray and magnetic resonance tests. Subsequently to the tests, discs were divided into normal and degenerated. Then, they were dissected, divided into anterior and posterior according to the region, included in paraffin and an immunohistochemical study with S100 protein was performed. With the aid of Image-Pro Plus computer software (media cybernetics ®, nervous fibers’ diameters were

  2. Avaliação clínica e funcional no pré-operatório de doenças degenerativas da coluna vertebral Evaluación clínica y funcional en el preoperatorio de patologías degenerativas de columna Clinical and functional evaluation in preoperative period of degenerative disease spine surgery

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    Asdrubal Falavigna


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: a utilização de instrumentos de avaliação clínica e funcional nos pacientes com doenças da coluna vertebral pode determinar a evolução e predizer o desfecho pós-operatório. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a metodologia de avaliação de doenças degenerativas espinhais e verificar os resultados. MÉTODOS: após a indicação de tratamento cirúrgico nos pacientes com doenças das colunas lombar e cervical, os mesmos foram informados dos objetivos do estudo e convidados a participar. Os questionários foram respondidos no consultório médico, onde possíveis dúvidas surgidas durante o preenchimento eram esclarecidas por uma pessoa treinada não envolvida com a cirurgia. Todos os instrumentos de avaliação usados eram autoaplicativos. Foram utilizados a escala numérica de dor, o Questionário de Qualidade de Vida SF-36, o Questionário de Evitação por Medos e Crenças (FABq, o Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI, a Escala de Depressão e Ansiedade Hospitalar (HAD, o Índice de Incapacidade Oswestry (ODI e o Índice de Disfunção Relacionado ao Pescoço (NDI. RESULTADOS: foram avaliados 220 pacientes com doenças da coluna lombar e 32 da cervical. A prevalência de depressão segundo o BDI foi de 28,0% e de 31,2% em pacientes com doença cirúrgica lombar e cervical, e a prevalência de ansiedade pelo HAD-A de 40,1% e 46,9%, respectivamente. A média do ODI foi de 46,5, e a do NDI, de 25,4. Quanto ao preenchimento dos questionários, a maioria dos pacientes, uma vez instruídos, não apresentou dificuldades em finalizá-los. O tempo médio de preenchimento de todos os instrumentos foi de 25 a 35 minutos. CONCLUSÕES: a utilização de instrumentos validados para avaliação dos pacientes com doenças degenerativas vertebrais é exequível e deve ser estimulada entre os cirurgiões que atuam no âmbito da coluna vertebral.OBJETIVO: la utilización de instrumentos de evaluación clínica y funcional de patolog

  3. Prevalência de osteoporose e fraturas vertebrais em mulheres na pós-menopausa atendidas em serviços de referência Prevalence of osteoporosis and vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women attending reference centers

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    Francisco Bandeira


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a prevalência de osteoporose e a presença de fraturas vertebrais em mulheres na pós-menopausa. Foram estudadas, em serviços de referências, 627 mulheres com idade acima de 50 anos, com média de idade de 63,9 ± 8,3 anos, tempo de menopausa de 16,2 ± 8,6 anos, e índice de massa corpórea de 26,6 ± 4.3 Kg/m2. A prevalência de osteoporose foi de 28,8% na coluna lombar e de 18,8% no colo do fêmur. Esta foi maior nas pacientes que apresentaram história de fraturas quando jovens. Na faixa entre 60 a 69 anos, 33,2% tinham osteoporose na coluna lombar e entre 70 e 79 anos, 38,2%. Das pacientes com mais de 80 anos 54,5% apresentam osteoporose na coluna lombar e 72,7% no colo do fêmur. Trinta e sete por cento tinham fraturas, sendo que 9% apresentam fraturas grau I, e 10,9% fraturas severas. Considerando-se os diversos grupos etários, a prevalência de fraturas vertebrais foi de 20% entre 50 e 59 anos, 25,6% entre 60 e 69 anos, 58,3% entre 70 e 79 anos, e 81,8% entre 80 e 89 anos. Em mulheres na pós-menopausa, a maioria sem sintomas clínicos, verificamos uma alta taxa de prevalência de osteoporose, e fraturas vertebrais.The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of osteoporosis and vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women. We studied 627 women, aged 50 years and over in reference centers (mean age 63.9±8.3 years, 16.2 ± 8.6 mean years since menopause, and mean body mass index 26.6 ± 4.3 Kg/m2. The prevalence of osteoporosis was 28.8% for lumbar spine and 18.8% for femoral neck. The prevalence was higher in patients who had had a fracture during youth. In the 60-69 year-old group, 32.2% had lumbar spine osteoporosis and 17.4% femoral neck osteoporosis. In the 70-79 year-old group, 38.2% had lumbar spine osteoporosis and 34% femoral neck osteoporosis. In the 80 years and over age group, 54.5% had lumbar spine osteoporosis and 72.7% femoral neck osteoporosis. Thirty-seven percent had

  4. Avaliação epidemiológica das fraturas da coluna torácica e lombar dos pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Getúlio Vargas em Recife/PE


    Pereira,André Flávio Freire; Portela,Luiz Eduardo Duque; Lima,Guilherme Didier de Andrade; Carneiro,Wagner Cabral Gomes; Ferreira,Marcus André Costa; Rangel,Túlio Albuquerque de Moura; Santos,Ricardo Barreto Monteiro dos


    INTRODUÇÃO: as fraturas da coluna torácica e lombar estão se tornando mais frequentes, devido ao aumento dos acidentes de alta energia. Elas apresentam um elevado índice de morbidade e mortalidade, acarretando grandes prejuízos socioeconômicos. OBJETIVO: analisar a epidemiologia das fraturas torácicas e lombares de pacientes atendidas no Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Getúlio Vargas em Recife (PE). MÉTODOS: este estudo é uma análise epidemiológica dos pacientes com fraturas ...

  5. Cifoplastia no tratamento da fratura vertebral por insuficiência: avaliação funcional prospectiva Cifoplastia en el tratamiento de la fractura vertebral por insuficiencia: evaluación funcional prospectiva Kyphoplasty in the treatment of vertebral compression fracture: prospective functional evaluation

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    Bartolomeu Ribeiro Coutinho Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o resultado funcional e o grau de satisfação do tratamento cirúrgico utilizando cifoplastia em pacientes com fratura vertebral por insuficiência localizada na coluna tóraco-lombar. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo em pacientes adultos, com diagnóstico de fratura vertebral por insuficiência com evolução superior a oito semanas, apresentando dor no local da fratura e edema ósseo evidente ao exame de RM. A avaliação funcional foi realizada através do Oswestry Disability Index 2.0 e da Escala Visual Analógica de Dor no pré- e pós-operatório. A satisfação pessoal com o tratamento foi quantificada pela escala de Johnson. RESULTADOS: Houve melhora significativa da dor com uma queda média de 6.4 pontos na Escala Visual Analógica de Dor ao final de doze meses de seguimento em comparação ao período pré-operatório (p OBJETIVO: Evaluar el resultado funcional y el grado de satisfacción del tratamiento quirúrgico mediante cifoplastia en pacientes con fractura vertebral debido a la insuficiencia situada en la columna toracolumbar. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en pacientes adultos, con diagnóstico de fractura vertebral por insuficiencia, con tiempo de evolución de más de ocho semanas, con dolor en el sitio de la fractura y edema óseo evidente por resonancia magnética. La evaluación funcional se realizó mediante el Índice de Incapacidad de Oswestry 2.0 y la Escala Analógica Visual del Dolor antes y después de la operación. La satisfacción personal con el tratamiento fue medida por la escala de Johnson. RESULTADOS: Una mejora significativa en el dolor con una caída promedio de 6,4 puntos en la escala visual analógica del dolor al final de doce meses de seguimiento, en comparación con el período preoperatorio (p OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the functional outcome and degree of satisfaction of surgical treatment using kyphoplasty in patients with vertebral compression fractures

  6. Avaliação do tratamento cirúrgico das fraturas da coluna toracolombar com material de terceira geração tipo fixador interno Evaluation of surgical treatment of fractures of thoracolumbar spine with third-generation material for internal fixation

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    Adalberto Bortoletto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o resultado funcional dos pacientes com fratura da coluna toracolombar cirúrgica. MÉTODO: Foi feito um estudo prospectivo incluindo 100 pacientes portadores de fratura da coluna vertebral nos segmentos torácico e lombar. As lesões foram classificadas conforme a sistemática da AO e os pacientes foram tratados com cirurgia. Avaliou-se a presença de cifose inicial e sua evolução após a intervenção cirúrgica, a presença de dor pós-operatória e sua evolução até 24 semanas do ato cirúrgico. Comparando nossos dados com a literatura. RESULTADOS: Analisados 100 pacientes cirúrgicos, sendo 37 do tipo A, 46 do tipo B e 17 do tipo C, observamos que os pacientes que se apresentavam com Frankel A mantiveram o quadro, porém, os pacientes com Frankel B ou mais, evoluíram com alguma melhora do quadro; a média da melhora da dor baseada na escala visual analógica (EVA foi acima de 4 pontos, e o retorno às atividades de rotina diária constatado em todos os pacientes, sendo que o retorno ao trabalho não foi considerado por nós como critério de avaliação. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da controvérsia quanto à indicação da cirurgia nas fraturas da coluna, consideramos o método por nós utilizado como satisfatório, com bons resultados e baixo índice de complicações, porém mais estudos prospectivos e randomizados, com um seguimento mais longo, são necessários para uma avaliação deste tipo de fixação.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the functional results from patients with surgical fractures in the thoracolumbar spine. METHOD: A prospective study including 100 patients with spinal fractures in the thoracic and lumbar segments was conducted. The lesions were classified in accordance with the AO system, and the patients were treated surgically. The presence of early kyphosis and its evolution after the surgical intervention, and the presence of postoperative pain and its evolution up to the 24th week after the surgery, were

  7. Análise ergonômica das posturas que envolvem a coluna vertebral no trabalho da equipe de enfermagem

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    Gladys Amélia Benito Vélez


    Full Text Available Investigación descriptiva sobre estudio de caso, basada en los estudios de Fialho y Santos para desarrollar un análisis ergonómico en una situación de trabajo. Su objetivo es analizar las posturas que afectan la columna vertebral durante el desarrollo del trabajo de un equipo de enfermería en una Clínica médica. El análisis reveló que los equipos, la estructura física del sector y la biomecánica corporal de los empleados, son factores que colaboran para la adopción de posturas inadecuadas, que asociadas a la jornada de trabajo y al tiempo de servicio de los empleados, pueden causar deformidades en la estructura vertebral y en la paravertebral. Se concluye que el equipo de enfermería adopta posturas de inclinación cervical, torácica, lumbar y de rotación, que con el pasar del tiempo producen el desgaste de las estructuras vertebrales, ocasionando muchas veces dolor. Se recomienda que sea desarrollado un programa de terapia ocupacional para disminuir el riesgo de deformaciones de la columna vertebral, y así, obtener satisfacción en el trabajo, el cual se reflejará en la productividad de estos profesionales

  8. Estudos ecotoxicológicos com as espécies Argyrodiaptomus furcatus e Notodiaptomus iheringi (Copepoda, Calanoida)


    Denise Tieme Okumura


    Os Copepoda constituem a maior classe de pequenos crustáceos, com mais de 8.500 espécies descritas. Dentre as cinco ordens de Copepoda de vida livre, as espécies pertencentes à ordem Calanoida apresentam um forte endemismo, com uma restrita distribuição geográfica. Além disso, os Copepoda Calanoida são particularmente sensíveis a contaminantes contidos na coluna de água devido ao seu hábito planctônico. No presente trabalho foram realizados estudos ecotoxicológicos com duas espécies de Copepo...

  9. Doença de Forestier e suas implicações otorrinolaringológicas: revisão de literatura

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    Janaina Oliveira Bentivi Pulcherio


    Full Text Available Introdução: A Doença de Forestier afeta a coluna vertebral, preferencialmente em homens Coluna vertebral; idosos. Não é rara, mas é frequentemente não reconhecida e pode levar a relevante morbimortalidade. Quando acomete a coluna cervical, pode gerar importantes manifestações otorrino-Transtornos de laringológicas. Objetivo: Destacar os sintomas faringolaríngeos da doença de Forestier. Método: Revisão da literatura nas bases de dados Web of Knowledge, PubMed e SciELO e entre os dez periódicos de maior número de citações na área de otorrinolaringologia e também busca manual por publicações nas listas de referências dos artigos selecionados, principalmente os de cunho histórico. Resultados: A doença não tem etiologia clara. Os sintomas das complicações são mais exuberantes que os da doença propriamente dita. A disfagia é o sintoma cervical mais conhecido. Outros sintomas discutidos são a apneia do sono, globus faríngeo, tosse, disfonia, dispneia, otalgia reflexa e sintomas medulares compressivos. O diagnóstico é efetuado com apropriado estudo radiológico. O tratamento é baseado em estratégia conservadora. Pacientes com disfagia refratária e comprometimento respiratório podem ser submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. Conclusão: A doença de Forestier deve ser suspeitada em pacientes idosos com os principais sintomas das complicações, os quais são comuns na prática otorrinolaringológica, para o início precoce de acompanhamento multidisciplinar.

  10. Estudo da atividade eletromiográfica e de parâmetros cinemáticos do supino paralímpico de alto rendimento


    Silva, Bárbara Gama da


    O halterofilismo apareceu pela primeira vez em uma Paralimpíada, em 1964, em Tóquio, no qual a deficiência dos atletas era exclusivamente lesão da coluna vertebral. No halterofilismo os atletas perma necem deitados em um banco, e executam um movimento conhecido como supino. A prova começa no momento em que a barra de apoio é retirada com ou sem a ajuda do auxiliar central deixando os cotovelos totalmente estendidos. O atleta flexiona os braços, com os cotovelos descendo a ...

  11. Reduction of the chronic pain associated to the scoliosis non structural, in university students submitted to the Pilates method


    Araújo, Maria Erivânia Alves de; Silva, Elirez Bezerra da; Vieira, Pollyana Coelho; Cader, Samária Ali; Mello, Danielli Braga de; Dantas, Estélio Henrique Martin


    Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia do método Pilates na redução da dor crônica associada à escoliose não estrutural. Método: Participaram do estudo ensaio clínico controlado e aleatorizado 31 universitárias, com idade entre 18 e 25 anos, com diagnóstico de escoliose não estrutural e apresentando dor crônica na coluna vertebral. A amostra foi dividida em grupo controle (n=11) que não foi submetido a nenhuma intervenção terapêutica e grupo experimental (n=20) que participou do programa de mecanoterap...

  12. Evaluation of abdominal muscle endurance of individuals who attend gymnastics gym

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    Ney Marcos da Luz Pedroso


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Localized Muscular endurance (LME of the abdominal region in relation to distinct muscle groups (hip and lumbar spine fl exor of individuals in differing physical conditions. One hundred twenty subjects were selected at random (60 male and 60 female 50% of whom worked out and 50% who didn’t. The AAHPERD Test (1976 and PAULA Test (1990 were used to measure the LME of hip and lumbar spine fl exor, respectively. Results indicated that subjects who worked out differ significantly (p RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a Resistência Muscular Localizada (RML da região abdominal em relação a grupos musculares distintos (fl exores do quadril e fl exores da coluna vertebral de indivíduos com condicionamento físico diferentes. Para tal foram selecionados aleatoriamente 120 indivíduos (60 masculinos e 60 femininos sendo 50% destes treinados e os outros 50% destreinados. Utilizou-se o teste da AAHPER e o teste de PAULA para mensurar a RML dos fl exores de quadril e fl exores da coluna vertebral, respectivamente. Os resultados demonstram que indivíduos treinados e destreinados diferem signifi cativamente (p<0,01 quanto a RML dos fl exores da coluna vertebral em ambos os sexos, e também nos fl exores do quadril no sexo feminino (p<0,05; fi cando somente os fl exores do quadril do sexo masculino sem diferenças estatisticamente signifi cativas. Existiram correlações de baixas a moderadas entre flexores do quadril e fl exores da coluna vertebral para treinadas (r=0,45 e destreinadas (r=0,44 do sexo feminino, sendo moderada em treinados do sexo masculino (r=057 e baixa para destreinados (r=0,36. Apesar destes valores de correlação terem sido signifi cativos estatisticamente (p<0,05 em mulheres treinadas e destreinadas e homens treinados, os valores de r2 demonstraram um baixo grau de variação conjunta entre os grupos musculares (variando entre 13,32% a 33,52%. Pode-se concluir que nenhum

  13. Estudo comparativo da medida da rotação vertebral pelos métodos de Nash & Moe e método de Raimondi Comparative study of the measurements of the vertebral rotation using Nash & Moe and Raimondi methods

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    Helton L. A. Defino


    Full Text Available Neste estudo foram avaliados a sensibilidade e precisão dos métodos de Nash e Moe e de Raimondi para a medida da rotação da vértebra torácica e lombar.Três cirurgiões de coluna avaliaram, independentemente, as radiografias de uma vértebra torácica (T9 e de uma vértebra lombar (L2 com graus de rotação que variaram de 0º a 60º e estabeleceram valores de acordo com o método de Nash e Moe e o método de Raimondi.Foram estudadas a concordância entre os examinadores para um determinado método, a variação das medidas obtidas na vértebra torácica e lombar a partir de uma mesma rotação real conhecida e a correlação entre um valor real conhecido de rotação vertebral e a sua estimativa pelos métodos utilizados no estudo . Os resultados mostraram boa concordância entre os examinadores para o método de Nash e Moe, tanto para a vértebra torácica (k médio = 0,66, quanto para a lombar (k médio = 0,80. Pelo método de Raimondi não houve diferença significativa entre os examinadores para a vértebra torácica, no entanto, para a vértebra lombar houve baixa reprodutibilidade do método.Para uma mesma rotação na vértebra torácica e lombar os resultados foram não concordantes pelo método de Nash e Moe, e pelo método de Raimondi os valores observados para a vértebra torácica foram significativamente maiores que os da vértebra lombar. A correlação entre os valores reais e as estimados pelo método de Raimondi para a vértebra torácica mostrou que houve diferença significativa produzida em função da rotação até 20º graus, já para a vértebra lombar, os valores obtidos foram muito próximos do real.The sensibility and precision of the Nash and Moe and Raimondi methods were evaluated in this study for the measurement of the rotation of the thoracic and the lumbar vertebra. Three spine surgeons evaluated, independently, the x-rays of a thoracic vertebra (T9 and of a lumbar vertebra (L2 with varying rotational

  14. Lordose lombar: estudo dos valores angulares e da participação dos corpos vertebrais e discos intervertebrais Lumbar lordosis: a study of angle values and of vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs role

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    Luiz Henrique Fonseca Damasceno


    Full Text Available Foi estudado, em indivíduos normais, o valor angular da lordose lombar e a participação dos corpos vertebrais e discos intervertebrais na sua composição. Foram avaliadas as radiografias da coluna lombar de 350 indivíduos normais e assintomáticos com a idade variando de 18 a 50 anos (média 29,0 anos ± 8,24, sendo 143 homens e 207 mulheres. Foram medidas a curvatura lombossacra (L1S1 e a curvatura lombolombar (L1L5. As medidas das curvaturas lombares e dos seus componentes apresentaram grande variabilidade. Foram observados valores médios de -61° para a curvatura lombossacra e de -45° para a curvatura lombolombar. As medidas dos corpos vertebrais apresentaram valores cifóticos para L1, neutros para L2, e progressivamente lordóticos de L3 a L5. Os discos intervertebrais apresentaram angulação lordótica progressiva desde L1-L2. Os elementos caudais da curvatura, discos intervertebrais L4-L5 e L5-S1 e o corpo vertebral L5 corresponderam a quase 60% medida angular da curvatura lombossacra. Foi observada diferença significante entre os sexos masculino e feminino para as medidas das curvaturas lombares, e dos corpos vertebrais L2 e L4, tendo sido observados valores maiores no sexo feminino. Foram observadas diferenças relacionadas à idade na medida das curvaturas lombares e dos corpos vertebrais.The angular value of lumbar lordosis and the role of vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs in its constitution were studied in normal individuals. X-Ray images of lumbar spine were studied in 350 normal and asymptomatic individuals, ages ranging from 18 to 50 years old (average 29.0 years old ± 8.24, being 143 males and 207 females. The lumbosacral (L1S1 and the lumbolumbar (L1L5 curves were measured. Measurements for lumbar curves and their components presented a large variation. Average values of -61º were seen for lumbosacral curve and of -45º for lumbolumbar curve. Vertebral bodies measurements presented kyphotic values for L1

  15. Influência da alteração da dimensão vertical de oclusão na postura da cabeça e da coluna cervical, em voluntários edêntulos portadores de disfunção temporomandibular, tratados com aparelhos oclusais planos


    João Paulo dos Santos Fernandes


    Resumo: O objetivo neste trabalho foi analisar a influência da dimensão vertical de oclusão na postura da coluna cervical e da cabeça por meio de aferições de medidas angulares craniocervicais. Foram selecionados 17 voluntários desdentados totais, com sinais clínicos de diminuição de dimensão vertical de oclusão, portadores de sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular e usuários de próteses totais, inscritos no cadastro de pacientes do CETASE (Centro de Estudos e Tratamento das Alteraç...

  16. Efeito da acupuntura na dor lombar: revisão de literatura - doi: 105102/ucs.v12i1.2593

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    José Roberto Pimenta de Godoy


    Full Text Available A lombalgia é o acometimento mais frequente da coluna vertebral, sendo uma das principais queixas e uma das causas mais comuns de incapacidade e morbidade. Diversos tipos de tratamento são usados no combate à dor lombar, porém, muitos pacientes não apresentam resultados com a medicina convencional. Entre os tratamentos não convencionais, a acupuntura é uma das principais alternativas para o alívio e cura dessa patologia. Com isso, o objetivo do trabalho é analisar a eficácia da acupuntura no tratamento da lombalgia, comparando-a com outros tratamentos. Para isso, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica com 21 estudos, randomizados, revisões de literatura e meta-análises, publicados entre os anos de 1999 e 2011, com o tema deste estudo. A acupuntura foi eficaz no tratamento da lombalgia crônica e seus resultados foram superiores aos de outros tratamentos. Sugerimos que mais estudos sejam feitos para a comprovação dos efeitos da acupuntura na lombalgia aguda.

  17. Cisto ósseo aneurismático vertebral: estudo de três casos Vertebral aneurysmatic bone cyst: study of three cases

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    Benjamim Pessoa Vale


    Full Text Available O cisto ósseo aneurismático é lesão hipervascularizada, benigna, localmente destrutiva pelo seu crescimento progressivo, de incidência maior na segunda década de vida. Acomete preferencialmente ossos longos e vértebras. Sua sintomatologia varia desde dor e edema locais, até presença de sintomas neurológicos quando de sua localização vertebral. Relatamos três casos de cisto ósseo aneurismático vertebral acometendo crianças, todas com alterações neurológicas. Os diagnósticos foram firmados através de tomografia computadorizada e/ou ressonância magnética, sendo os pacientes submetidos a cirurgia para ressecção do tumor. Em um dos casos foi realizada a embolização arterial seletiva pré-operatória da lesão. Os três pacientes evoluíram satisfatoriamente, com melhora do quadro neurológico, demonstrando a eficácia da técnica microcirúrgica para ressecção de tumor raquimedular. Discutimos a evolução dos casos e os tratamentos existentes na atualidade.Aneurysmatic bone cyst is a hypervascularized, benign lesion locally destructive by its progressive growth with greater incidence in the second decade of life. It lodges preferably in the long bones and vertebras. The clinical picture varies from pain to local edema and even neurological symptoms when in vertebral location. Three cases of vertebral aneurysmatic bone cyst occurring in childhood and all with neurologic deficit symptoms are described. Computerized tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis. Patients underwent surgery to remove the tumor. In one of the cases, pre-operative selective arterial embolization of the lesion was performed. The three patients progressed satisfactorily with neurological improvement, which demonstrated the efficiency of the microsurgical technique for the resection of the spinal tumor. The evolution of the cases and the current treatment are discussed.


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    Nelson Alexandre Campos Vinagre


    Full Text Available Esta investigação teve o propósito de assistir a avaliação física e capacidades funcionais, para a validação de sintomas em diagnósticos ortopédicos dentro do processo de reintegração para o trabalho. A análise do estado funcional da coluna vertebral de uma amostra aleatória de 236 pacientes, através da medição da força máxima isométrica utilizando o Sistema DAVID® de Avaliação foi feita levando em consideração o estado sócio-econômico dos pacientes. O protocolo de teste está coerente com o relatório da avaliação do Centro de Rehabilitação. Os dados da análise funcional biomecânica foram encontrados com auxílio do programa Excel. De acordo com o breve estudo desenvolvido é possível dizer que existe uma significativa diferença no desenvolvimento de força máxima durante o movimento de rotação do tronco (para a direita, p = 0,018; para a esquerda, p = 0,046 entre os grupos sócio-econômicos “empregados” ou “desempregados” nos pacientes com dor na parte inferior das costas. Uma vez que o estudo não pode comprovar correlação entre dor crônica da região lombar e desenvolvimento da força, a particularidade patológica em questão permanece irrelevante.

  19. Estudo da densidade óssea na esclerodermia sistêmica

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    da Silva H.C.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. A osteopenia em pacientes com esclerodermia sistêmica foi descrita, radiologicamente, em mãos e, por densidade óssea, no terço proximal e distal do rádio. A redução da massa óssea, nesses pacientes, tem sido atribuída à isquemia, imobilização e à menopausa precoce. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a densidade óssea na coluna, região proximal do fêmur e corpo todo de pacientes com esclerodermia sistêmica. PACIENTES E MÉTODO. Foram examinadas 25 pacientes caucasóides, sem outras condições que pudessem afetar o metabolismo ósseo. A média de idade das pacientes foi de 48 ± 12 anos, e o tempo de doença, de 7 ± 7 anos; 13 estavam na pós-menopausa há 8 ± 8 anos. A medida de massa óssea foi realizada na coluna, região proximal do fêmur e corpo todo, utilizando-se densitômetro de dupla emissão com fonte de raios X (Lunar - modelo DPX. RESULTADOS. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na densidade óssea das regiões avaliadas nas pacientes com esclerodermia sistêmica e as mulheres-controle pareadas para a idade, peso, altura e anos de menopausa. A densidade óssea das pacientes com forma limitada não foi diferente daquelas com a forma difusa. Pacientes com calcinose apresentaram menor densidade óssea na região proximal do fêmur que aquelas sem calcinose. CONCLUSÕES. Os autores concluíram que pacientes com esclerodermia sistêmica não apresentam perda de massa óssea. Portanto, a esclerodermia não é um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de osteoporose generalizada.

  20. Estudo experimental do sequenciamento das manobras da ligamentotaxia na descompressão do canal vertebral Experimental study of ligamentotaxis maneuvers sequencing in vertebral canal decompression

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    Ilton José Carrilho de Castro


    Full Text Available A descompressão do canal vertebral, para aliviar as estruturas nervosas, pode ser realizada por meio da ligamentotaxia. O objetivo foi analisar a influência da seqüência de realização da ligamentotaxia sobre a descompressão do canal vertebral. Foram utilizados segmentos de vértebras de suínos (Landrace. Um equipamento especialmente desenvolvido foi utilizado para produção de fratura do tipo explosão. Após a tomografia computadorizada, 10 espécimes que melhores apresentavam fraturas do tipo explosão foram fixados com fixador interno (Synthes. Foram formados dois grupos. No primeiro (n=5 foi realizada a lordose e depois a distração. Posteriormente, foram submetidos à nova compressão por meio de morsa até o retorno da fratura à posição inicial, a seguir foram novamente submetidos à distração e lordose. No segundo grupo (n=5 foi realizada a distração e depois a lordose. Após cada manobra era realizado o exame tomográfico para medir o diâmetro do canal vertebral. Os deslocamentos dos fragmentos dos corpos vertebrais fraturados foram mensurados e comparados utilizando t de Student (pVertebral canal decompression, intended to provide relief to nervous structures, may be performed by means of legamentotaxis. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of the ligamentotaxis sequence on vertebral canal decompression. Vertebral segments of Landrace swine specimens were used. A device especially developed for producing a burst-type fracture was employed. Subsequently to the computerized tomography scan, 10 specimens that best showed a burst-type fracture were fixated with internal fixator (Synthes. Two groups were formed. On the first group (n=5, lordosis followed by distraction were performed. Then, they were submitted to distraction and lordosis. On the second group (n=5, distraction was provided first, and then lordosis was performed. After each maneuver, vertebral canal was measured by tomography scan

  1. Estudo biomecânico da fixação pedicular curta na fratura-explosão toracolombar Estudio biomecánico de fijación pedicular corta en la fracturaexplosión toracolumbar Biomechanical evaluation of short-segment fixation for thoracolumbar burst-fractures

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    Marcos André Sonagli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a rigidez biomecânica entre a coluna toracolombar intacta, a coluna com fratura explosão e a coluna com fratura explosão associada à fixação pedicular curta em suínos. MÉTODOS: 30 amostras de coluna toracolombar (T11-L3 de suínos foram divididas em três grupos com 10 amostras cada. O Grupo 1 representava a coluna intacta, o Grupo 2 representava a coluna com fratura explosão e o Grupo 3 a fratura explosão associada à fixação pedicular curta. Foi realizado o corte ósseo em "V" do terço médio do corpo vertebral comprometendo a coluna anterior e média de L1 para simular a fratura explosão. No Grupo 3 foi realizada a fixação pedicular com Pinos de Schanz. Os grupos foram submetidos ao teste biomecânico em compressão axial controlada. Os parâmetros de carga (N e deslocamento (mm eram gerados em um gráfico instantâneo e a rigidez (N/mm foi determinada. O teste era interrompido quando ocorria uma queda súbita na curva no gráfico indicando falência da amostra. RESULTADOS: A rigidez das colunas fraturadas foi 53% menor do que a rigidez das colunas intactas, sendo essa diferença estatisticamente significativa (p OBJETIVO: Comparar la rigidez biomecánica entre la columna toracolumbar intacta, la columna con fractura-explosión y la columna con fractura-explosión asociada a la fijación pedicular corta en cerdos. MÉTODOS: 30 muestras de columna toracolumbar (T11-L3 de cerdos fueron divididas en tres grupos con 10 muestras cada una. El Grupo 1 representaba la columna intacta, el Grupo 2 representaba la columna con fractura-explosión y el Grupo 3 la fractura-explosión asociada a la fijación pedicular corta. Fue realizado el corte óseo en "V" del 1/3 medio del cuerpo vertebral, comprometiendo la columna anterior y media de L1, para simular la fractura-explosión. En el Grupo 3 fue realizada la fijación pedicular con pernos de Schanz. Los Grupos fueron sometidos al test biomecánico en compresión axial

  2. Instrumentação anterior da coluna em espondilite tuberculosa mal de pott: Relato de caso

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    Farage Luciano


    Full Text Available Relatamos caso de tratamento cirúrgico com instrumentação anterior em espondilite tuberculosa (mal de Pott, em mulher de 71 anos, que se encontrava em tratamento para tuberculose na forma pulmonar e evoluiu com dor lombar, dificuldade progressiva para deambular, cifose e disfunção vesical. A ressonância magnética revelou lesão nos corpos vertebrais de T12 e L1 com abcesso paravertebral. A paciente foi tratada cirurgicamente por acesso tóraco-abdominal lateral. Os corpos vertebrais foram ressecados, foi instalado uma gaiola vertical (mesh cage e a coluna foi estabilizada com placa lateral (Z plate e parafusos fixados em T11 e L2. Essa técnica permite boa artrodese dos corpos vertebrais remanescentes e boa estabilidade da coluna, sem comprometer a eficácia dos tuberculostáticos. A paciente foi avaliada um ano após a operação e não apresentava déficit motor, dor residual e a cifose foi desfeita.

  3. Análise das alterações posturais da coluna vertebral, dores musculoesqueléticas e função laboral em carteiros pedestres = Analysis of postural changes of the spine, musculoskeletal pain, and work activity in walking letter carriers

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    Andrade, Francini Porcher


    Conclusões: Na amostra de carteiros pedestres avaliada, houve associação da presença de dor na coluna cervical com o aumento da curvatura nessa região. Não foi encontrada associação significativa da alteração postural no plano frontal com a forma de carregar a bolsa durante a atividade laboral

  4. Radiographic evaluation of cervical spine of subjects with temporomandibular joint internal disorder Avaliação radiográfica da coluna cervical de indivíduos com distúrbios internos da articulação temporomandibular

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    Wagner Cesar Munhoz


    Full Text Available Although the etiopathophysiology of internal temporomandibular joint internal disorders (TMJ ID is still unknown, it has been suggested that head and body posture could be related to its initial onset, development and perpetuation. The purpose of the present study was to observe the relationship between cervical spine X-ray abnormalities and TMJ ID. This investigation evaluated 30 subjects with internal TMJ disorder symptoms (test group and 20 healthy subjects (control group. Subjects were submitted to clinical and radiographic evaluation. Clinical evaluation comprised anamnesis and stomatognathic system physical examination. Radiographic evaluation comprised analysis of lateral cervical spine X-rays by three physical therapists and tracing on the same im ages. The test group presented twice as much cervical spine hyperlordosis as the control group (20.7% versus 10.5%, but almost half of rectification prevalence (41.4 versus 79.0%, p = 0.03. After that, the test group was divided into three subgroups according to TMJ dysfunction severity, evaluated by Helkimo's index. These subgroups were not significantly different, but the subgroup with more severe TMD showed a tendency to cervical spine hyperlordosis prevalence. Results showed a tendency for subjects with more severe TMD to exhibit cervical spine hyperlordosis. Nevertheless, studies with a larger number of subjects suffering from severe TMD are encouraged in order to corroborate the present findings.Apesar de a etiofisiopatologia dos distúrbios internos (DI da articulação temporomandibular (ATM ser ainda desconhecida, sugere-se que as posturas de cabeça e corpo estariam associadas a seu desencadeamento, desenvolvimento e sua perpetuação. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a relação entre alterações radiográficas de coluna cervical e distúrbios internos da ATM. Este estudo avaliou 30 indivíduos com distúrbios da ATM (grupo teste e 20 saudáveis (grupo controle. Os indiv

  5. Estudo do efeito de um "Riser Blowout" na perfuração de poços de petroleo em aguas profundas


    Heitor Rodrigues de Paula Lima


    Resumo: Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise do comportamento da pressão dos fluidos que ocorre durante o especial acidente na perfuração de um poço submarino de petróleo conhecido como "Riser Blowout" ( * ). O modelo usado neste estudo baseia-se na solução do sistema de equações diferenciais parciais que governam o fluxo ascendente da mistura bifásica fluido de perfuração/ gás dentro do espaço anular entre a coluna de perfuração e o "marine riser". As perdas de carga devido a aceleração do...

  6. Osteopetrosis and osteonecrosis in snake Boa constrictor Osteopetrose e osteocondrose em serpente Boa constrictor

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    N.M. Ocarino


    Full Text Available Uma jibóia (Boa constrictor, de onze anos de cativeiro, apresentou à seis meses um histórico de aumento de volume ao longo da coluna vertebral e perda progressiva dos movimentos e de apetite. Exames radiológicos revelaram aumento da opacidade, áreas de excrescências ósseas e inúmeras fraturas ao longo da coluna. Devido o prognóstico desfavorável, a serpente foi eutanasiada. À necropsia, aumento de volume com estenose do canal vertebral e compressão da medula espinhal foram observados, juntamente com fraturas completas de corpos vertebrais. O diagnóstico de osteopetrose e osteonecrose foi firmado à histologia.

  7. Análise ergonômica das posturas que envolvem a coluna vertebral no trabalho da equipe de enfermagem


    Gladys Amélia Benito Vélez; Karina Corrêa de Aguiar; Ana Luiza dos Santos


    Investigación descriptiva sobre estudio de caso, basada en los estudios de Fialho y Santos para desarrollar un análisis ergonómico en una situación de trabajo. Su objetivo es analizar las posturas que afectan la columna vertebral durante el desarrollo del trabajo de un equipo de enfermería en una Clínica médica. El análisis reveló que los equipos, la estructura física del sector y la biomecánica corporal de los empleados, son factores que colaboran para la adopción de posturas ina...

  8. Lesão oculta da articulação manúbrio-esternal associada à fratura da coluna torácica Occult manubriosternal joint injury associated with fracture of the thoracic spine

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    Carlos Fernando Pereira da Silva Herrero


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam a ocorrência de lesão oculta da articulação manúbrio-esternal na avaliação inicial de um paciente com fratura da coluna torácica (T9. Foi diagnosticada fratura de T9 no paciente do sexo masculino de 37 anos de idade associada a déficit neurológico parcial. No atendimento inicial, as radiografias realizadas não demonstraram a lesão da articulação manúbrioesternal. Durante a reabilitação, após a estabilização cirúrgica da fratura da coluna torácica, subitamente o paciente sentiu dor intensa, acompanhada de deformidade ao nível do esterno, tendo sido diagnosticada luxação manúbrio-esternal nos exames de imagem. Devido à recidiva da luxação e de dor incapacitante, foi necessária a realização da redução aberta e fixação da articulação manúbrio-esternal. Na avaliação após 12 meses, o paciente apresentou recuperação completa da lesão neurológica, consolidação da artrodese do segmento vertebral T7-T11, e manutenção da redução da articulação manúbrio-esternal, que era assintomática durante a realização das atividades cotidianas.The authors report the occurrence of an occult manubriosternal joint injury in the initial evaluation on a patient with a thoracic spine fracture (T9. This T9 fracture was diagnosed in a 37-year-old man and was associated with a partial neurological deficit. At the initial evaluation, the radiographs produced did not show the manubriosternal joint injury. During rehabilitation, after surgical stabilization of the thoracic spine fracture, the patient suddenly felt an intense pain accompanied by deformation at the sternal level. From imaging examinations, manubriosternal dislocation was diagnosed. Because of recurrence of the dislocation and the incapacitating pain, open reduction and fixation of the manubriosternal joint had to be performed. At the 12-month follow-up, the patient presented complete recovery of the neurological lesion, consolidation of the

  9. Ossificação do ligamento longitudinal posterior na coluna cervical: relato de caso Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in the cervical spine: case report

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    Full Text Available A ossificação do ligamento longitudinal posterior (OLLP é causa incomum de mielopatia compressiva na população caucasiana. É relatado o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino com um quadro de paraparesia espástica, cuja investigação radiológica mostrou OLLP. O raio-X de coluna cervical mostrou imagem laminar, vertical, com densidade óssea, posterior aos corpos vertebrais, que se estendia de C2 a T1. A tomografia computadorizada (TC e a mielotomografia mostravam OLLP causando compressão medular ântero-posterior no segmento descrito. Na ressonância magnética, observou-se área de hiperintensidade em T2 no segmento C7-T1, compatível com mielomalácia. O paciente foi submetido a laminoplastia tipo "open-door", com melhora do quadro parético dos membros inferiores. A OLLP deve entrar no diagnóstico diferencial das mielopatias cervicais, sendo facilmente diagnosticada através de radiografias e TC da coluna cervical. São revisados os aspectos clínicos e radiológicos e o tratamento da OLLP.Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL is an uncommon cause of compressive myelopathy in the Caucasian population. A case of spastic paraparesis in a Caucasian man whose radiological investigation showed OPLL is presented. The radiographs of the cervical spine showed a strip of bony density posterior to the vertebral bodies, extending from C2 to T1. Computerized tomography (CT and CT myelography showed OPLL at the same level. Magnetic resonance showed an area of increased signal on T2-weighted sequences at C7-T1 level suggestive of myelomalacia. The patient underwent an open-door laminoplasty (C2 to C7 with improvement of the paraparesis. OPLL should be included in the differential diagnosis of cervical myelopathy. It can be easily detected by plain radiographs and CT of the cervical spine. A review of the clinical and radiological features and the treatment of OPLL is presented.

  10. Morphometry of the spinal canal at cervical region in asymptomatic military young men Morfometria do canal vertebral no segmento cervical em militares jovens assintomáticos

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    Augustin Malzac


    Full Text Available Spinal canal measurements obtainned from radiographic imaging studies are an integral part of diagnostic evaluation of cervical spine stenosis. Before abnormal spinal morphometry can be determined, it is first necessary to establish normal values for the specific patient population being evaluated. Cervical spinal canal stenosis increase risk of quadriplegia after "minor trauma" in the head or neck, mainly in athletes who participate in contact or collision sports. Prospective and random selection of 500 plain film of the lateral cervical spine in young militaries population in age group 18-20 years old. Those were performed a hundred set of film were for each geographic region, including Manaus, Recife, São Paulo, Porto Alegre and Campo Grande. The first part of this study established normal values for cervical morphometry. The second part determined the most accurate screenning method for detecting cervical spinal stenosis. Normal spinal canal mean value for C3 was 18,27mm, C4 17,98mm, C5 18,33mm and 18,76mm in C6. The TORG ratio was evaluated as a method to detect significant cervical spinal stenosis and was shown to have sensitivity and high positive predictive value. It was observed TORG's ratio of 0,80 or less in 14,4% of the X-rays.A medição do diâmetro sagital do canal vertebral é parte integrante da avaliação diagnóstica de estenose da coluna cervical. Antes de identificar a morfometria anormal é necessário estabelecer valores normais para uma população específica. A estenose do canal cervical pode se converter em fator agravante na vigência de um "trauma menor" na cabeça ou no pescoço, aumentando o risco de dano medular especialmente naqueles que praticam esporte de contato. Foram selecionadas de maneira prospectiva e randomizada quinhentas radiografias em perfil da coluna cervical de militares jovens assintomáticos na faixa etária dos 18 aos 20 anos, agrupados em cem em cada região geográfica, nas cidades de Manaus

  11. Predicting vertebral bone strength by vertebral static histomorphometry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Jesper Skovhus; Ebbesen, Ebbe Nils; Mosekilde, Lis


    of the entire vertebral bodies (L-2) were used for histomorphometry. The other iliac crest biopsies and the L-3 were destructively tested by compression. High correlation was found between BV/TV or Tb.Sp and vertebral bone strength (absolute value of r = 0.86 in both cases). Addition of Tb.Th significantly....... No gender-related differences were found in any of the relationships. Neither static histomorphometry nor biomechanical testing of iliac crest bone biopsies is a good predictor of vertebral bone strength.......The study investigates the relationship between static histomorphometry and bone strength of human lumbar vertebral bone. The ability of vertebral histomorphometry to predict vertebral bone strength was compared with that of vertebral densitometry, and also with histomorphometry and bone strength...

  12. Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para a verificação automática de colunas-viga de acordo com o Eurocódigo 3


    Cardoso, João Manuel Fernandes


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Nesta dissertação abordam-se as equações de verificação da segurança de colunas-viga de aço através do Método 2 do Eurocódigo 3 (EC3), assim como os parâmetros, metodologias e tipos de análise que lhe estão associadas. É desenvolvida e apresentada uma ferramenta de cálculo para a avaliação da segurança de colunas-viga tendo em conta as equações do EC3, com o propósito de constituir uma ferramenta útil ao projecto e an...

  13. Ergonomia e as atividades ocupacionais da equipe de enfermagem


    Alexandre,Neusa Maria Costa


    Esse trabalho discute determinadas condições ergonômicas do trabalho que causam lesões no sistema músculo-esquelético da coluna vertebral, relacionando-as com as atividades ocupacionais da equipe de enfermagem.

  14. Avaliação angular do equilíbrio sagital em pacientes obesos

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    Alynson Larocca Kulcheski


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Tendo em vista a pouca quantidade de informações a respeito das alterações degenerativas e patológicas da coluna vertebral realizou-se este estudo com objetivo de avaliar e quantificar os valores angulares do equilíbrio sagital na população obesa. MÉTODOS: Foram medidos os ângulos de incidência pélvica (IP, versão pélvica (VP e declive sacral (DS. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 30 pacientes, sendo 19 do sexo feminino e 11 do sexo masculino, no ano de 2012 que aguardavam realização de cirurgia bariátrica. A média de idade foi de 33 anos. O IMC médio foi de 41 kg/m², sendo que o valor médio para os homens foi de 43 kg/m² e das mulheres 39 kg/m². O IP médio foi de 57°. O VP foi de 19°. O DS foi de 38°. O valor da incidência pélvica e da versão pélvica ficou em média acima do encontrado na população com índice de massa corporal normal. Já o valor do declive sacral encontra-se na média da população. CONCLUSÕES: Cada vez mais o equilíbrio sagital vem ganhando espaço na avaliação da coluna vertebral. Faz-se necessário literatura mais vasta e aumento do conhecimento médico das patologias e comorbidades que podem alterar o equilíbrio sagital em seus pacientes, como a obesidade.

  15. Estudo epidemiológico de 55 pacientes portadores de doença vertebral metastática sintomática em Santo André - SP, Brasil Estudio epidemiológico de 55 pacientes con enfermedad metastásica sintomática de la columna vertebral en Santo André - SP, Brasil Epidemiological study of 55 patients with symptomatic metastatic spinal disease in Santo André - SP, Brazil

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    Edgar Santiago Valesin Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes portadores de doença vertebral metastática sintomática de serviço público de atenção terciária na região do ABC. MÉTODO: Avaliamos de Janeiro de 2008 a Janeiro de 2011, 55 pacientes com diagnóstico de metástase vertebral e coletamos dados de idade no diagnóstico de lesão metastática, sexo, tipo de tumor, topografia vertebral e sintomatologia. A evolução da doença foi observado nas datas: biópsia da neoplasia primária; início de sintomas vertebrais; diagnóstico de doença vertebral metastática (imagem e data da cirurgia. RESULTADOS: A idade dos pacientes variou de 28 a 85 anos; 40% homens e 60% mulheres. Os principais tumores foram carcinoma de mama (32,7%, mieloma múltiplo (25,4% e carcinoma de próstata (14,5%. Observamos 25 pacientes (45,4% com lesões na coluna torácica; 13 pacientes (23,6% lombares ou sacrais; 11 pacientes (20% difusas e 6 pacientes (10,9% cervicais. 34 pacientes (61,8% apresentavam somente dor, os demais (38,2% apresentavam também alteração neurológica. O intervalo entre a lesão primária e a manifestação clínica de lesão vertebral apresentou mediana de 190 dias; entre a sintomatologia na coluna e o diagnóstico por imagem teve mediana de 70 dias; aos submetidos a cirurgia, entre o diagnóstico e o procedimento foi de 288 dias. CONCLUSÃO: Observamos os dados epidemiológicas, compatíveis a literatura: predomínio do sexo feminino (60%, com idade média de 55 anos; metástases predominantemente toracolombares (69% por neoplasia de mama, mieloma múltiplo e próstata (72%. Observamos ampla variação no intervalo de tempo na descrição cronológica dos eventos clínico-diagnósticos e cirúrgicos.OBJETIVO: Presentar el perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes con síntomas de enfermedad metastásica espinal tratados en el servicio público de atención terciaria en la región del ABC. MÉTODO: Se evaluaron 55 pacientes con diagn

  16. Ergonomia e as atividades ocupacionais da equipe de enfermagem Ergonomics and the occupacional activities of the nursing staff

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    Neusa Maria Costa Alexandre


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho discute determinadas condições ergonômicas do trabalho que causam lesões no sistema músculo-esquelético da coluna vertebral, relacionando-as com as atividades ocupacionais da equipe de enfermagem.This paper discusses some of the ergonomics conditions that contribute to the development of musculoskeletal disorders of the vertebral column and relates these conditions to the occupational activities of the nursing staff.

  17. Ergonomics and the occupacional activities of the nursing staff


    Alexandre, Neusa Maria Costa


    Esse trabalho discute determinadas condições ergonômicas do trabalho que causam lesões no sistema músculo-esquelético da coluna vertebral, relacionando-as com as atividades ocupacionais da equipe de enfermagem.This paper discusses some of the ergonomics conditions that contribute to the development of musculoskeletal disorders of the vertebral column and relates these conditions to the occupational activities of the nursing staff.

  18. Conduta na lesão dural intraoperatória em artrodese da coluna lombar Conducta en lesión de duramadre intraoperatoria en artrodesis de la columna lumbar Management of intraoperatory dural tear in lumbar spine arthrodesis

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    Fabiano de Mendonça Grandese


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: estudo retrospectivo de pacientes com lesão dural intraoperatória de cirurgia da coluna vertebral lombar, conduzido por meio de um protocolo independente da extensão da lesão, complicações associadas e resultados após seguimento mínimo de um ano. MÉTODOS: um total de 10 pacientes com durotomia acidental em cirurgias de descompressão e artrodese da coluna vertebral lombar, no período de Janeiro de 2007 a Janeiro de 2009, para tratamento de doença degenerativa, tiveram seus prontuários revisados, após terem sido tratados por meio de um protocolo embasado em reparo primário da lesão, drenagem subaracnoidea fechada, subfascial e subcutânea aspirativa realizados por cirurgião experiente, associado a repouso relativo com mobilidade precoce e terapia medicamentosa. Suas anotações e exames radiológicos foram verificados com seguimento pós-operatório e direcionados para identificação de sintomas sugestivos de complicações. RESULTADOS: todos os pacientes apresentaram boa evolução, sem ocorrência de fístula liquórica ou infecção pós-operatória; três deles apresentaram cefaleia pós-operatória de leve intensidade. Não houve necessidade de reoperação em nenhum desses pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: concluiu-se que a conduta adotada é segura e de bom resultado para os pacientes quando ocorre esse tipo de lesão, independentemente da extensão da mesma.OBJETIVO: un estudio retrospectivo de pacientes con lesión de la duramadre intraoperatoria de cirugía en la columna lumbar, llevada a cabo por medio de un protocolo independiente de la extensión de la lesión, complicaciones asociadas y los resultados de seguimiento después de un mínimo de un año. MÉTODOS: 10 pacientes con durotomía accidental en la descompresión quirúrgica y artrodesis de la columna vertebral lumbar, en el período de enero de 2007 a enero de 2009, para el tratamiento de enfermedades degenerativas, tuvieron sus registros revisados después de

  19. Hemodiluição normovolêmica aguda em crianças submetidas a artrodese de coluna vertebral pela via posterior Hemodilución normovolémica aguda en niños sometidos a artrodesis de columna vertebral por la vía posterior Acute normovolemic hemodilution in children submitted to posterior spinal fusion

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    Gizelda S de Oliveira


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A hemodiluição normovolêmica aguda (HNA é um método de transfusão autóloga simples e de baixo custo. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a HNA pode reduzir a necessidade de sangue homólogo em crianças submetidas à artrodese da coluna vertebral pela via posterior e avaliar as complicações decorrentes da hemodiluição nesse tipo de paciente. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 25 crianças, estado físico ASA I e II, submetidas a artrodese de coluna pela via posterior, e que receberam HNA (grupo H. Foram registrados os valores do hematócrito no início e fim da cirurgia, na alta da terapia intensiva e do hospital, o percentual de crianças que recebeu transfusão homóloga durante e após a cirurgia e as complicações ocorridas no intra e no pós-operatório. Os dados do grupo H foram comparados com outro grupo de crianças submetidas ao mesmo tipo de cirurgia, mesma técnica anestésica, porém sem HNA (grupo S. RESULTADOS: As medianas de idade e peso dos dois grupos H e S foram respectivamente 13 e 12 anos e 41,5 e 34 kg. Foram retirados 523 ml de sangue do grupo H, no início da cirurgia, equivalente a 17,1% da volemia, e reinfundida simultaneamente solução de Ringer com lactato, reduzindo o hematócrito para 28,8% ± 3.72%. No final da cirurgia, após a reinfusão do sangue autólogo, hematócrito atingiu o valor médio de 27% no grupo H e 30,4% no grupo S (p = 0,01. Na alta da unidade de terapia intensiva e na alta do hospital, as diferenças entre os hematócritos não eram estatisticamente significativas. Transfusão de sangue homólogo foi utilizada em 28% das crianças do grupo H e 79% do grupo S (p = 0,001. Hipotensão arterial ocorreu em 28% dos pacientes do grupo H e 37,5% do grupo S (p = 0,9. No grupo S, 4 pacientes tiveram complicações infecciosas importantes no pós-operatório. A duração da internação hospitalar nos grupos H e S foram, respectivamente, 7,56 ± 3,203 dias e 9,75

  20. Efeitos da participação em um Grupo de Coluna sobre as dores musculoesqueléticas, qualidade de vida e funcionalidade dos usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Porto Alegre - Brasil Effects of participation in a Back School on musculoskeletal pain, quality of life and functionality of users of a Unidade Básica de Saúde from Porto Alegre- Brazil

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    Raquel Gonçalves Borges


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do Grupo de Coluna ministrado em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Porto Alegre. Foram avaliados e reavaliados 29 usuários, os quais participaram do Grupo de Coluna. Foi utilizada a Escala Visual Analógica para avaliar a intensidade da dor, o questionário Oswestry Disability Índex para avaliar a capacidade funcional, e o questionário Short-Form Health Survey - SF-36 para avaliar a qualidade de vida. Os resultados, obtidos a partir do teste de Wilcoxon (a=0,05, demonstraram a eficácia do Grupo de Coluna na melhora da intensidade das dores musculoesqueléticas (pThis study was carried out in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the Back Group project, in a Porto Alegre’s Basic Health Unit. We evaluated and re-evaluated 29 users before and after the participated in a Back Group. It’s were used the Visual Analogue Scale to assess pain, the Oswestry Disability Index to assess the functionality, and the questionnaire Item Short-Form Health Survey-SF-36 to assess the quality of life. The results, obtained from the Wilcoxon test (a=0.05, demonstrated the effectiveness of the Back Group in the improvement of the intensity of musculoskeletal pain (p<0.05, in the physical functioning (p=0.005, in the quality of life in the functional capacity (p=0.001, by the physical limitations (p=0.001, pain (p=0.001, vitality (p=0.004, emotional limitation (p=0.026 and mental health (p=0.010 dominions. It is concluded that the Back Group was effectiveness in the improved of the pain, function and quality of life’s users.

  1. Intraobserver and interobserver reliability of the Landim's Classification System for lumbar spinal stenosis Evaluación intraobservador e ínterobservador del Sistema de Clasificación de Landim para estenosis vertebral lumbar Avaliação intra-observador e inter-observadores do Sistema de Classificação de Landim para estenose vertebral lombar

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    Rodrigo Castro de Medeiros


    Ambulatorio de Columna del Departamento de Ortopedia y Traumatología del Hospital das Clínicas de la Universidad de Campinas, Unicamp. Doce cirujanos de columna clasificaron los exámenes de los 11 pacientes según la clasificación de Landim en dos momentos con intervalo de tres semanas. Para el análisis estadístico intra e interobservador fueron aplicados el test de Wilcoxon y el test de Alfa de Cronbach, respectivamente. Fueron considerados significativos los resultados con POBJETIVO: a classificação proposta por Landim para estenose vertebral lombar é um método de uniformização diagnóstica, uma vez que na literatura os estudos não padronizam a utilização de uma classificação que permita a comparação de resultados. Para validar esta classificação, fizemos a avaliação da reprodutibilidade da mesma intraoobservadores e inter-observadores. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados exames de imagem pré-operatórios das colunas lombossacras de 11 pacientes com diagnóstico de estenose lombar sintomática. Os critérios de seleção foram exames de imagem com boa qualidade e etiologias diversificadas. A idade variou entre 15 e 87 anos e incluiu ambos os sexos. Todos os casos envolvidos no estudo foram acompanhados no Ambulatório de Coluna do Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de Campinas, Unicamp. Doze cirurgiões de coluna classificaram os exames dos 11 pacientes segundo a classificação de Landim em dois momentos com intervalo de três semanas. Para análise estatística intra-observador e interobservador foram aplicados o Teste de Wilcoxon e o Teste Alfa de Cronbach, respectivamente. Foram considerados significantes os resultados com P <0.05. RESULTADOS: a análise do somatório da primeira e segunda classificações dos 11 casos avaliados pelos 12 cirurgiões com intervalo de três semanas, resultou em concordâncias percentuais intra-observador e inter-observador, respectivamente, de 65% e 83% para a classifica

  2. Análise computacional para auxílio ao diagnóstico de osteoartrite de coluna lombar baseado em redes neurais artificiais Computational analysis based on artificial neural networks for aiding in diagnosing osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine

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    Carlos Cassiano Denipotti Veronezi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Conhecer as vantagens da utilização das redes neurais artificiais no reconhecimento de padrões em radiografias de coluna lombar na incidência perfil para auxiliar no diagnóstico da osteoartrite primária. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal, descritivo, analítico, de abordagem quantitativa e com ênfase diagnóstica. O conjunto de treinamento foi composto por imagens coletadas no período de janeiro a julho de 2009 de pacientes submetidos a radiografias digitais de coluna lombar na incidência em perfil provenientes de um serviço de radiologia localizado no município de Criciúma (SC. Das 260 imagens coletadas, foram excluídas: as radiografias distorcidas, as patologias que alteram a arquitetura da coluna lombar e os padrões de difícil caracterização, resultando em um total de 206 imagens. O banco de imagens (n = 206 foi subdividido, resultando em 68 radiografias para a etapa de treinamento, 68 para testes e 70 para validação. Foi utilizada uma rede neural híbrida baseada em mapas auto-organizáveis de Kohonen e redes Multilayer Perceptron. RESULTADOS: Após 90 ciclos, foi realizada a validação com o melhor teste, alcançando acurácia de 62,85%, sensibilidade de 65,71% e especificidade de 60%. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da demonstração de uma eficácia mediana, por se tratar de estudo de caráter inovador, seus valores mostram um futuro promissor da técnica utilizada, com sugestão para trabalhos futuros com abrangência na metodologia de processamento das imagens e ciclos com uma quantidade maior de radiografias.OBJECTIVE: To ascertain the advantages of applying artificial neural networks to recognize patterns on lumbar column radiographs in order to aid in the process of diagnosing primary osteoarthritis. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional descriptive analytical study with a quantitative approach and an emphasis on diagnosis. The training set was composed of images collected between January and July 2009 from patients who had

  3. Delayed vertebral diagnosed L4 pincer vertebral fracture, L2-L3 ruptured vertebral lumbar disc hernia, L5 vertebral wedge fracture - Case report


    Balasa D; Schiopu M; Tunas A; Baz R; Hancu Anca


    An association between delayed ruptured lumbar disc hernia, L5 vertebral wedge fracture and posttraumaticL4 pincer vertebral fracture (A2.3-AO clasification) at different levels is a very rare entity. We present the case of a 55 years old male who falled down from a bicycle. 2 months later because of intense and permanent vertebral lumbar and radicular L2 and L3 pain (Visual Scal Autologus of Pain7-8/10) the patient came to the hospital. He was diagnosed with pincer vertebral L4 fracture (A2....

  4. Comparação entre métodos de avaliação da curvatura lombossacral obtidos por imagem radiográfica e fotográfica


    Vacari, Daiane Aparecida


    Introdução: Os avanços tecnológicos no desenvolvimento de medidas preventivas são indispensáveis no processo de manutenção da qualidade de vida dos seres humanos. O incremento de novos métodos avaliativos para estruturas complexas como a coluna vertebral e, mais especificamente a coluna lombossacral, é demanda constante no âmbito de pesquisa científica. Objetivo: Investigar a correlação e a concordância entre diferentes métodos radiográficos de avaliação da concavidade lombossacral e desenvol...

  5. Biossorção de níquel e cromo de um efluente de galvanoplastia utilizando alga marinha pré-tratada em coluna = Biosorption of nickel and chromium from a galvanization effluent using seaweed pre-treated on a fixed-bed column

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    Márcia Teresinha Veit


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo o estudo da biossorção dos íons cromo e níquel presentes no efluente do processo de uma indústria de galvanoplastia, utilizando como biossorvente a biomassa de alga marinha pré-tratada Sargassum filipendula. As condições deoperação da coluna foram: massa de biossorvente de 8 g, pH do efluente de alimentação 3,85, temperatura de 30ºC, vazão de 6 mL min.-1 e concentrações iniciais de alimentação (cromo+níquel de 7,12 e 3,66 meq L-1. Foi empregado um modelo matemático para representar a dinâmica da biossorção em coluna de leito fixo. O modelo da isotermamulticomponente de Langmuir (qm= 2,78 meq g-1, bCr = 0,85 L meq-1, bNi = 0,08 L meq-1 foi utilizado para representar os dados de equilíbrio da coluna e para simular a dinâmica de biossorção dos íons. Os resultados da simulação demonstraram que o modelo matemáticoempregado foi capaz de descrever satisfatoriamente a complexa dinâmica de biossorção dos íons presentes no efluente.This work investigated the biosorption of chromium (III and nickel (II present in the effluent of a galvanoplasty plant using the pre-treated biomass of Sargassum filipendula seaweed. The column operation conditions were 8 g of biosorbent mass, 3.85 pH for the feed effluent, 30ºC temperature, 6 mL min.-1 flow rate, 7.12 meq L-1 initial chromium concentration and 3.66 meq L-1 initialnickel concentration. A mathematical model was used to represent the dynamics of biosorption of the metals in a fixed-bed column. The Langmuir multicomponent isotherm model (qm = 2.78 meq g-1, bCr = 0.85 L meq-1, bNi = 0.08 L meq-1 was used to represent the equilibrium data of the column and to simulate the biosorption dynamics of the ions. The simulation results showed that the mathematical model described satisfactory the complex binary biosorption of chromium and nickel in the effluent.

  6. Ocorrência de acidente do trabalho em uma unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Vera Médice Nishide

    Full Text Available Este estudo, de caráter descritivo, identificou os acidentes do trabalho ocorridos com trabalhadores de enfermagem de uma unidade de terapia intensiva, correlacionando-os com o procedimento que estava sendo executado pelo trabalhador no momento do acidente. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista individual, realizado com 68 trabalhadores, no ano de 2001. Constatou-se que os acidentes ocorreram, predominantemente, devido ao contato da pele e da mucosa com sangue e secreções, ferimento por material perfurocortante, queda e lesões na coluna vertebral. Os acidentes acontecidos estavam relacionados aos procedimentos de aspiração de tubo orotraqueal, manuseio de excretas/secreções, preparo de medicação, coleta de sangue arterial, piso molhado e transporte de paciente. Concluiu-se que são necessárias mudanças no ambiente de trabalho e programas de prevenção, para minimizar os acidentes em procedimentos de assistência aos pacientes.

  7. Predominância de desvios posturais em estudantes de educação física da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

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    José Ailton Oliveira Carneiro


    Full Text Available O propósito deste estudo foi o de averiguar a predominância de desvios posturais da coluna vertebral dos estudantes de Educação Física da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia. Foram avaliados (n=23 alunos, selecionados por conveniência com média de idade de 21,7 anos (DP=3,16, composta por 12 homens e 11 mulheres .O método avaliativo foi a posição de pé simétrica, vista frontal, lateral e posterior, utilizando o simetógrafo,. Os resultados foram: escoliose (69,6%, hipercifose (30,5% e hiperlordose (17,4%. Demonstrando que (86,9% dos avaliados apresentam algum tipo de desvio postural, tendo a escoliose como predomínio. Quando comparado os sexos 72,2% das mulheres e todos os homens apresentaram algum desvio, possivelmente em decorrência de maus hábitos posturais

  8. V. Terrestrial vertebrates (United States)

    Dean Pearson; Deborah Finch


    Within the Interior West, terrestrial vertebrates do not represent a large number of invasive species relative to invasive weeds, aquatic vertebrates, and invertebrates. However, several invasive terrestrial vertebrate species do cause substantial economic and ecological damage in the U.S. and in this region (Pimental 2000, 2007; Bergman and others 2002; Finch and...

  9. Variação de conduta cirúrgica em doença degenerativa da coluna lombar Variación de conducta quirúrgica en la enfermedad degenerativa de la columna lumbar Surgical decision making variation in degenerative lumbar spine

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    Luís Felipe Pamplona Novaes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: examinar a variação da decisão de tratamento entre cirurgiões de coluna para cinco situações clínicas que envolvam condições degenerativas da coluna lombar e determinar se fatores como tipo de treinamento do cirurgião, experiência e idade são como preditores da tomada de decisões para cada caso. MÉTODOS: dez ortopedistas e dez neurocirurgiões, de diferentes idades, responderam questões sobre a necessidade de cirurgia, opções de via de acesso, realização de descompressão, realização de artrodese, com ou sem instrumentação, para cinco casos de doença degenerativa da coluna lombar por meio de informações da história, exame clínico e exames de imagem adequados (todos tiveram acesso às mesmas informações e foram orientados a responder com base em sua prática clínica. Os casos foram: discopatia com instabilidade vertebral em um paciente jovem; hérnia de disco extrusa em paciente jovem; estenose de canal vertebral múltiplos níveis sem deformidade; estenose canal múltiplos níveis com cifoescoliose degenerativa; hérnia de disco com artrose facetária. Na análise estatística foi utilizado o teste "t" de student para comparar o fator especialidade e médias de idade com as variáveis de tratamento (significativo quando pOBJETIVOS: examinar la variación de la decisión de tratamiento entre cirujanos de la columna para cinco escenarios clínicos involucrando condiciones degenerativas de la columna lumbar. Determinar si el tipo del entrenamiento del cirujano, experiencia y edad sirve como factores predictivos en la toma de decisiones de cada caso. MÉTODOS: diez ortopedistas y diez neurocirujanos de diferentes edades respondieron un cuestionario sobre la necesidad de cirugía, opciones de vías de acceso, realización de descompresión, realización de artrodesis con o sin instrumentación para 5 casos de enfermedad degenerativa de la columna lumbar por medio de informaciones de la historia, examen cl

  10. CT study of vertebral metastasis: re-realization of the diagnostic role of the vertebral pedicle sign

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meng Quanfei; Jiang Bo; Chen Yingming; Zhang Chaohui


    Objective: To investigate the essence of the vertebral pedicle sign of vertebral metastasis on plain film, and to explore the useful CT signs for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of this tumor. Methods: The CT scans of the spine obtained in 48 patients with vertebral metastases, 19 patients with vertebral tuberculosis, and 11 with vertebral myeloma, were analyzed. The CT findings were correlated with the abnormalities seen on plain films in 34 of the 48 patients (66 vertebrae involved) with vertebral metastasis. Results: 66 vertebrae were involved in the group of metastasis. Of the 28 vertebrae whose vertebral body were completely destroyed, 15 were seen bilateral pedicles destruction; Of the 22 vertebrae with lateral destruction of the body, 16 were noticed unilateral pedicle destruction which located posterior to the involved side of the body. Of the 62 micro-metastatic foci, 56 were scattered in the vertebral body. In the 19 para-spinal soft-tissue masses of vertebral tuberculosis, 5 were noticed calcifications and 12 with postcontrast rings enhancement. The rates of vertebral pedicle destruction of vertebral metastasis and myeloma were not statistically different (X 2 = 0.03, P > 0.50). The locations of destruction of vertebral body in vertebral metastasis and myeloma had no statistical difference (X 2 = 3.52, P > 0.10), but they differed from that in tuberculosis (X 2 = 39.32, P < 0.001). The distribution of lesions within the vertebrae of metastasis and tuberculosis was similar, but was quite different from myeloma. Conclusion: The vertebral metastasis initially occurs in the vertebral body. The vertebral pedicle sign on plain film of vertebral metastasis is the outcome of the posterior invasion of the tumor in the vertebral body, which is of no differential significance for vertebral metastasis and myeloma. Para-spinal soft tissue mass, location of destruction of vertebral body, and the distribution of lesions within the vertebrae may help

  11. Efeito da adição de diferentes fontes de cálcio no movimento de cátions em colunas de solo Effect of several calcium sources on cation leaching using soil columns

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    I.C. de Maria


    Full Text Available No estudo realizado em colunas de solo montadas em laboratório, procurou-se avaliar o movimento do cálcio, e de outros cátions, após aplicação de calcário agrícola, gesso, calcário calcinado e uma mistura de calcário agrícola e gesso, comparados com um tratamento testemunha, em dois latossolos vermelho escuros de texturas diferentes: média e argilosa. Utilizaram-se colunas de PVC, com 5cm de diâmetro e 45cm de altura, e aplicaram-se em cada coluna 1,8 litros de água, parcelados em quatro vezes. Determinaram-se os cátions trocáveis presentes na água percolada e, no final do experimento, em cinco profundidades de cada solo. Os resultados mostraram que nos tratamentos gesso e calcário mais gesso as quantidades de Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ e Al3+ na solução percolada foram maiores, enquanto que os tratamentos calcário agrícola e calcário calcinado não promoveram perdas significativas de cátions. As maiores perdas ocorreram na primeira percolação no solo de textura média e na segunda no solo de textura argilosa. O gesso não modificou o pH dos solos, mas reduziu teores de bases no solo argiloso, enquanto que os calcários corrigiram o solo apenas próximo à camada de incorporação.Soil columns under controlled conditions were used to determine the movement of calcium and other cations after the application of lime, calcium oxide, gypsum and a mixture of Ume and gypsum, compared with a control treatment. Two Oxisols with different textures were used: clayey and silty. Rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC columns (length, 45cm; diam, 5cm were used, applying 1.8 1 of water to each divided into four applications. Exchangeable cations were determined in the drainage water in 4 periods and in 5 dephts of the soil columns at the end of the experiment. The results showed that losses of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and A1(3+, were higher in the treatments with gypsum and lime plus gypsum. Amendments h'ke lime and calcium oxide did not promote significant losses

  12. Vertebral osteomyelitis without disc involvement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamani, I.; Syed, I.; Saifuddin, A. E-mail:; Green, R.; MacSweeney, F


    Vertebral osteomyelitis is most commonly due to pyogenic or granulomatous infection and typically results in the combined involvement of the intervertebral disc and adjacent vertebral bodies. Non-infective causes include the related conditions of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) and SAPHO (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, and osteitis) syndrome. Occasionally, these conditions may present purely within the vertebral body, resulting in various combinations of vertebral marrow oedema and sclerosis, destructive lesions of the vertebral body and pathological vertebral collapse, thus mimicking neoplastic disease. This review illustrates the imaging features of vertebral osteomyelitis without disc involvement, with emphasis on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings.

  13. Estudo descritivo de alterações posturais sagitais da coluna lombar em escolares da rede federal de ensino de Florianópolis Descriptive study of sagittal lumbar spine changes in students of the federal educational system of Florianópolis

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    Susane Graup


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a prevalência de alterações posturais sagitais na coluna lombar e fatores associados em escolares da Rede Federal de Ensino de Florianópolis. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 288 adolescentes (156 do sexo masculino e 132 do feminino, na faixa etária dos 15 aos 18 anos, estudantes da Rede Federal de Ensino de Florianópolis/SC. Para o levantamento dos dados utilizou-se: fotogrametria seguindo protocolo específico para avaliação postural e questionário para identificar a prevalência de quadros de dor, frequência e atividades que desencadeavam o problema. Na análise de dados utilizou-se de estatística descritiva, teste t de Student para amostras independentes, Qui-quadrado e regressão de Poisson, adotando a significância de 0,05 em todos os testes. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de dor lombar foi de 49,3%, apresentando uma frequência semanal em 43,1% dos avaliados. A prevalência de desvios foi de 53,8%, sendo que 90,9% corresponderam à retificação da curvatura lombar, acometendo mais o sexo masculino. Foi encontrada diferença significativa no ângulo lombar entre os sexos, sendo que o grupo masculino apresentou razões de prevalência superiores de desvios posturais. A variável dor lombar não apresentou associação com desvios posturais sagitais. CONCLUSÃO: As prevalências de dor e desvios posturais na coluna lombar foram elevadas, sendo que a relação entre essas variáveis não se apresentou de forma significativa. As principais causas de dor lombar foram a prática de esportes ou atividades vigorosas e a permanência durante longos períodos de tempo na posição sentada.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of sagittal lumbar spine changes and associated factors in students of the federal educational system of Florianópolis. METHODS: 288 adolescents (156 males and 132 females, aged from 15 to 18 years, students of the Florianópolis' federal school took

  14. Prevalência de dores nas costas na gestação Back pain is a major problem for many pregnant women

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    Roseny Flávia Martins


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a prevalência destas algias na coluna vertebral, identificar sua localização e a associação entre idade, idade gestacional, acometimento nervoso e a presença de dor anterior à gravidez. MÉTODOS: A dor nas costas foi identificada através de estudo descritivo, no qual se realizaram entrevistas através de um questionário estruturado pelos autores a 203 gestantes, selecionadas em salas de espera de Unidades Básicas de Saúde da cidade de Paulínia (Estado de São Paulo, no momento em que chegavam para a assistência pré-natal, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2001. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de dor nas costas foi de 79,8%, a região lombar foi referida por 80,8% e a sacroilíaca por 49,1% das gestantes. A dor foi mais freqüente entre as gestantes mais jovens. A prevalência de dor nas costas não aumentou com o avanço da idade gestacional. Os sintomas de acometimento nervoso foram relatados por 47,7% das gestantes, sem relação com o local da dor na coluna vertebral. CONCLUSÃO: Cerca de 80% das gestantes relataram dor na coluna vertebral em algum período da gravidez, sendo que os locais mais referidos foram as regiões lombar e/ou sacroilíaca. A dor foi mais freqüente entre as mulheres mais jovens. Metade das grávidas apresentou sintomas de acometimento nervoso.OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the prevalence of back pains, identify their location and the association between age, time of pregnancy, nervous injury and the presence of pain prior to pregnancy. METHODS: Back pain was identified by means of a descriptive study. From January to December of 2001, using a questionnaire structured by the authors, 203 pregnant women arriving for Pre-natal care were interviewed after selection in the waiting rooms of the Primary Health care Units of the city of Paulínia (state of São Paulo. RESULTS: Prevalence of back pain was of 79.8%; of these location in the lumbar region was reported by 80.8% and in the sacroiliac by 49.1% of the

  15. Redução da dor crônica associada à escoliose não estrutural, em universitárias submetidas ao método Pilates Reduction of the chronic pain associated to the scoliosis non structural, in university students submitted to the Pilates method

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    Maria Erivânia Alves de Araújo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia do método Pilates na redução da dor crônica associada à escoliose não estrutural. Método: Participaram do estudo ensaio clínico controlado e aleatorizado 31 universitárias, com idade entre 18 e 25 anos, com diagnóstico de escoliose não estrutural e apresentando dor crônica na coluna vertebral. A amostra foi dividida em grupo controle (n=11 que não foi submetido a nenhuma intervenção terapêutica e grupo experimental (n=20 que participou do programa de mecanoterapia pelo método Pilates. A intervenção consistiu de vinte e quatro sessões. Os movimentos foram orientados de acordo com a convexidade da escoliose de cada indivíduo. Foi utilizado o teste de Adams, radiografia panorâmica da coluna vertebral (pré tratamento e um questionário mediante a "Escala de dor percebida CR 10 de Borg" (pré e pós tratamento. O tratamento estatístico utilizado foi a ANOVA 2x2 de medidas repetidas, seguida do teste post hoc de Tukey. Resultados: Os resultados identificaram diminuição significativa de 66% da dor no grupo experimental (P = 0,0002. Conclusão: Pode-se verificar que o programa de exercícios utilizando-se o método Pilates para jovens com escoliose não estrutural, apresentando dor na coluna vertebral é eficaz, pois houve redução da intensidade de dor.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Pilates method in the reduction of the chronic pain associated to a non structural scoliosis. Method: 31 academical subjects participated in the clinical aleatorical controlled experiment study, under age between 18 and 25 years, with diagnosis of non structural scoliosis and presenting chronic pain in the spine. The sample was divided into: control group (n=11 that the was not submitted to any therapeutic intervention and experimental group (n=20 that participated of the mecanotherapy program for the Pilates method. The intervention consisted of twenty-four sessions. The movements were guided in

  16. Midterm Follow-Up of Vertebral Geometry and Remodeling of the Vertebral Bidisk Unit (VDU) After Percutaneous Vertebroplasty of Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pitton, Michael Bernhard; Koch, Ulrike; Drees, Philip; Dueber, Christoph


    The purpose of this study was to investigate geometrical stability and preservation of height gain of vertebral bodies after percutaneous vertebroplasty during 2 years' follow-up and to elucidate the geometric remodeling process of the vertebral bidisk unit (VDU) of the affected segment. Patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures with pain resistant to analgetic drugs were treated with polymethylmethacrylate vertebroplasty. Mean ± standard error cement volume was 5.1 ± 2.0 ml. Vertebral geometry was documented by sagittal and coronal reformations from multidetector computed tomography data sets: anterior, posterior, and lateral vertebral heights, end plate angles, and compression index (CI = anterior/posterior height). Additionally, the VDU (vertebral bodies plus both adjacent disk spaces) was calculated from the multidetector computed tomography data sets: anterior, posterior, and both lateral aspects. Patients were assigned to two groups: moderate compression with CI of >0.75 (group 1) and severe compression with CI of o vs. -1.0 ± 2.7 o , P o , P < 0.01) and compression indices (+0.11 ± 0.15, P < 0.01). Thus, posterior height loss of vertebrae and adjacent intervertebral disk spaces contributed to a remodeling of the VDU, resulting in some compensation of the kyphotic malposition of the affected vertebral segment. Vertebroplasty improved vertebral geometry during midterm follow-up. In severe vertebral compression, significant height gain and improvement of end plate angles were achieved. The remodeling of the VDUs contributes to reduction of kyphosis and an overall improvement of the statics of the spine.

  17. Delayed vertebral diagnosed L4 pincer vertebral fracture, L2-L3 ruptured vertebral lumbar disc hernia, L5 vertebral wedge fracture - Case report

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    Balasa D


    Full Text Available An association between delayed ruptured lumbar disc hernia, L5 vertebral wedge fracture and posttraumaticL4 pincer vertebral fracture (A2.3-AO clasification at different levels is a very rare entity. We present the case of a 55 years old male who falled down from a bicycle. 2 months later because of intense and permanent vertebral lumbar and radicular L2 and L3 pain (Visual Scal Autologus of Pain7-8/10 the patient came to the hospital. He was diagnosed with pincer vertebral L4 fracture (A2.3-AO clasification and L2-L3 right ruptured lumbar disc hernia in lateral reces. The patient was operated (L2-L3 right fenestration, and resection of lumbar disc hernia, bilateral stabilisation, L3-L4-L5 with titan screws and postero-lateral bone graft L4 bilateral harvested from iliac crest.

  18. Vantagens e desvantagens das colunas C18 e C30 para a separação de carotenóides por CLAE Advantages and disadvantages of C18 and C30 columns for HPLC separation of carotenoids

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    Itaciara Larroza Nunes


    Full Text Available Estudos têm demonstrado uma alta associação entre ingestão ou nível plasmático de carotenóides e a diminuição do risco ou proteção contra algumas doenças. Estes fatos, bem como a elevada suscetibilidade destes compostos à luz e calor, com formação de isômeros cis, os quais apresentam menor atividade biológica, torna importante o desenvolvimento de sistemas que permitam a separação destes carotenóides em alimentos. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a separação de isômeros geométricos de licopeno, e dos isômeros de posição luteína e zeaxantina, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE, utilizando colunas C18 (monomérica, 4 mm, 300 x 3,9 mm e C30 (polimérica, 3 mm, 250 x 4,6 mm e diferentes fases móveis, tanto com eluição isocrática como com gradiente. Os carotenóides foram identificados através das características espectrais e co-cromatografia com padrões. As melhores condições cromatográficas foram obtidas em coluna C30 com temperatura de 33 ºC, eluição isocrática a 1 mL/min e fase móvel com metanol (0,1% trietilamina/éter metil-terc-butílico (50:50 para separar isômeros de licopeno e (95:5 para luteína e zeaxantina. Entretanto, para análise quantitativa, é necessário verificar a repetibilidade da área dos picos na coluna C30. Além disso, a coluna C18 monomérica pode ser empregada para separar luteína e zeaxantina.Several studies have demonstrated a high association between dietary intake or plasma levels of carotenoids and the decrease of risk or the protection against some diseases. Taking this into consideration, as well as the high susceptibility of these compounds to light and heat, leading to the formation of cis isomers with lower biological activity, it is important to develop systems that allow the separation of such compounds in foods. This work evaluated the separation of the geometric isomers of lycopene and of the position isomers, lutein and zeaxanthin, by high

  19. Analgesia preemptiva nas cirurgias da coluna lombossacra: estudo prospectivo e randomizado Analgesia preventiva en las cirugías de la columna lumbosacra: estudio prospectivo y aleatorio Preemptive analgesia in lumbosacral spine surgeries: prospective randomized study

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    Augustin Malzac


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a eficácia da analgesia preemptiva pelo método da administração de analgésicos antes e após o início do estímulo doloroso operatório, comparando-as. A melhora do quadro doloroso pós-operatório nas cirurgias da coluna vertebral no segmento lombossacro, por via posterior, não tem sido completamente investigada. MÉTODOS: Sessenta e dois pacientes submetidos à microdiscectomia ou microdescompressão, em um único nível, na coluna lombossacra, foram divididos em três grupos, 20 pacientes no primeiro (A não receberam qualquer substância analgésica (controle. Vinte e dois no segundo (B, os quais foram submetidos à injeção epidural, 20 minutos antes da incisão cirúrgica, contendo 10 mL de marcaína e morfina. No terceiro e no último grupo (C com vinte pacientes, foi injetado, com auxílio de um cateter, no espaço epidural, as mesmas drogas do grupo B, através da incisão antes do fechamento da ferida operatória. Os pacientes foram examinados durante as primeiras 24 horas com auxílio da escala verbal de dor. RESULTADOS: Os três grupos foram comparados quanto à idade, sexo, nível e tempo cirúrgico. Os dados não obedeceram a uma distribuição Gaussiana, o teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney foi adotado para análise estatística. Desta maneira, os valores da escala verbal de dor, em todos os intervalos de tempo, foram significativamente baixos (pOBJETIVO: analizar la eficacia y comparar la analgesia preventiva por el método de la administración de analgésicos antes y después del inicio del estímulo doloroso operatorio. La mejoría del cuadro doloroso postoperatorio en las cirugías de la columna vertebral en el segmento lumbosacro, por vía posterior, no ha sido completamente investigada. MÉTODOS: sesenta y dos pacientes sometidos a la microdisección o microdescompresión, en un único nivel, en la columna lumbosacra fueron divididos en tres grupos. Veinte pacientes en el primer grupo (A no

  20. Imaging the vertebral artery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tay, Keng Yeow; U-King-Im, Jean Marie; Trivedi, Rikin A.; Higgins, Nicholas J.; Cross, Justin J.; Antoun, Nagui M. [Addenbrooke' s Hospital and University of Cambridge, Department of Radiology, Cambridge (United Kingdom); Davies, John R.; Weissberg, Peter L. [Addenbrooke' s Hospital and University of Cambridge, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Cambridge (United Kingdom); Gillard, Jonathan H. [Addenbrooke' s Hospital and University of Cambridge, Department of Radiology, Cambridge (United Kingdom); Addenbrooke' s Hospitald, University Department of Radiology, Cambridge (United Kingdom)


    Although conventional intraarterial digital subtraction angiography remains the gold standard method for imaging the vertebral artery, noninvasive modalities such as ultrasound, multislice computed tomographic angiography and magnetic resonance angiography are constantly improving and are playing an increasingly important role in diagnosing vertebral artery pathology in clinical practice. This paper reviews the current state of vertebral artery imaging from an evidence-based perspective. Normal anatomy, normal variants and a number of pathological entities such as vertebral atherosclerosis, arterial dissection, arteriovenous fistula, subclavian steal syndrome and vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia are discussed. (orig.)

  1. Imaging the vertebral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tay, Keng Yeow; U-King-Im, Jean Marie; Trivedi, Rikin A.; Higgins, Nicholas J.; Cross, Justin J.; Antoun, Nagui M.; Davies, John R.; Weissberg, Peter L.; Gillard, Jonathan H.


    Although conventional intraarterial digital subtraction angiography remains the gold standard method for imaging the vertebral artery, noninvasive modalities such as ultrasound, multislice computed tomographic angiography and magnetic resonance angiography are constantly improving and are playing an increasingly important role in diagnosing vertebral artery pathology in clinical practice. This paper reviews the current state of vertebral artery imaging from an evidence-based perspective. Normal anatomy, normal variants and a number of pathological entities such as vertebral atherosclerosis, arterial dissection, arteriovenous fistula, subclavian steal syndrome and vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia are discussed. (orig.)

  2. Granuloma eosinófilo da coluna cervical com manifestação neurológica, liquorica e radiológica atípica

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    Umbertina Conti Reed


    Full Text Available É relatado um caso de granuloma eosinófilo da coluna cervical em menino branco de 10 anos de idade que apresentava dor cervical na altura de C5-C6, hemiparesia direita que evoluiu ulteriormente para tetraparesia, mista, de tipo motonêuronio inferior para membros superiores e de tipo motonêuronio superior para membros inferiores. O exame do líquido cefalorraquano (LCR revelou alterações de tipo inflamatório. Radiografias da coluna cervical mostravam apenas aspecto irregular da apófise espinhosa de C6 com rarefação na base. Houve acentuada e rápida melhora do quadro neurológico e normalização do LCR na vigência de córticoterapia e, reagravamento da sintomatologia neurológica bem como das alterações no LCR após supressão da referida medicação. A biópsia do processo espinhoso da sexta vértebra cervical revelou tratar-se de granuloma eosinófilo. A evolução foi excelente após radioterapia local associada a corticosteróides. São discutidas as características do caso e daqueles referidos na literatura.

  3. Fraturas vertebrais em grandes animais: estudo retrospectivo de 39 casos (1987-2002 Vertebral fractures in large animals: retrospective study of 39 cases (1987-2002

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    A.S. Borges


    Full Text Available Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo (1987-2002 dos aspectos clínicos das fraturas vertebrais em eqüinos, bovinos, ovinos, caprinos e suínos atendidos no hospital veterinário da FMVZ-Unesp de Botucatu. Todos os casos tiveram confirmação radiográfica ou post-mortem. Segundo a espécie, a ordem de acometimento foi: bovina, eqüina, ovina, caprina e suína. As lesões ocorreram desde os 12 dias de idade até os 10 anos, com maior freqüência até os 12 meses. O segmento torácico foi o mais comprometido seguido dos segmentos lombar, cervical e sacral. As fraturas vertebrais devem fazer parte da lista de diagnósticos diferenciais de animais em decúbito, independente da espécie, sexo ou idade.It was performed a retrospective study (1987-2002 of clinical features of spinal fractures in the equine, bovine, ovine, caprine and swine referred to the Veterinary Hospital - FMVZ-Unesp in Botucatu, SP, Brazil. All the cases were confirmed by necropsy or radiographic evaluation. Bovines were the most affected species, followed by horses, sheep, goats and swines, and lesions occurred from 12 days to 10 years of age, being more frequent up to 12 months of age. Thoracic vertebrae were the most affected, followed by lumbar, cervical and sacral segments. Vertebral fractures should be included for differential diagnosis of recumbent animals, independently on species, sex or age.


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    Neusa Maria Cosía Alexandre

    Full Text Available Determinados fatores ambientais inadequados podem provocar lesões na coluna vertebral. Este trabalho discute certos aspectos ergonômicos e posturais específicos em Centro de Material com o objetivo de desenvolver uma consciência crítica a respeito dos efeitos do local de trabalho sobre a saúde.

  5. Management of osteoporotic vertebral fractures


    Dionyssiotis, Yannis


    Yannis DionyssiotisRhodes General Hospital, Rhodes, GreeceAbstract: Osteoporotic vertebral fractures are associated with considerable reduction of quality of life, morbidity, and mortality. The management of patients with vertebral fractures should include treatment for osteoporosis and measures to reduce pain and improve mobility. This article provides information for management and rehabilitation of vertebral fractures based on clinical experience and literature.Keywords: vertebral fracture...

  6. Anthropometric measurements and vertebral deformities. European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study (EVOS) Group. (United States)

    Johnell, O; O'Neill, T; Felsenberg, D; Kanis, J; Cooper, C; Silman, A J


    To investigate the association between anthropometric indices and morphometrically determined vertebral deformity, the authors carried out a cross-sectional study using data from the European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study (EVOS), a population-based study of vertebral osteoporosis in 36 European centers from 19 countries. A total of 16,047 EVOS subjects were included in this analysis, of whom 1,973 subjects (915 males, 1,058 females) (12.3%) aged 50 years or over had one or more vertebral deformities ("cases"). The cases were compared with the 14,074 subjects (6,539 males, 7,535 females) with morphometrically normal spines ("controls"). Data were collected on self-reported height at age 25 years and minimum weight after age 25 years, as well as on current measured height and weight. Body mass index (BMI) and height and weight change were calculated from these data. The relations between these variables and vertebral deformity were examined separately by sex with logistic regression adjusting for age, smoking, and physical activity. In females, there was a significant trend of decreasing risk with increasing quintile of current weight, current BMI, and weight gain since age 25 years. In males, subjects in the lightest quintile for these measures were at increased risk but there was no evidence of a trend. An ecologic analysis by country revealed a negative correlation between mean BMI and the prevalence of deformity in females but not in males. The authors conclude that low body weight is associated with presence of vertebral deformity.

  7. Height gain of vertebral bodies and stabilization of vertebral geometry over one year after vertebroplasty of osteoporotic vertebral fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pitton, Michael B.; Morgen, Nadine; Herber, Sascha; Dueber, Christoph; Drees, Philipp; Boehm, Bertram


    The height gain of vertebral bodies after vertebroplasty and geometrical stability was evaluated over a one-year period. Osteoporotic fractures were treated with vertebroplasty. The vertebral geometry and disc spaces were analysed using reformatted computed tomography (CT) images: heights of the anterior, posterior, and lateral vertebral walls, disc spaces, endplate angles, and minimal endplate distances. Vertebrae were assigned to group I [severe compression (anterior height/posterior height) 0.75). A total of 102 vertebral bodies in 40 patients (12 men, 28 women, age 70.3 ± 9.5) were treated with vertebroplasty and prospectively followed for 12 months. Group I showed a greater benefit compared with group II with respect to anterior height gain (+2.1 ± 1.9 vs +0.7 ± 1.6 mm, P < 0.001), reduction of endplate angle (-3.6 ± 4.2 vs -0.8 ± 2.3 , P < 0.001), and compression index (+0.09 ± 0.11 vs +0.01 ± 0.06, P < 0.001). At one-year follow-up, group I demonstrated preserved anterior height gain (+1.5 ± 2.8 mm, P < 0.015) and improved endplate angle (-3.4 ± 4.9 , P < 0.001). In group II, the vertebral heights returned to and were fixed at the pre-interventional levels. Vertebroplasty provided vertebral height gain over one year, particularly in cases with severe compression. Vertebrae with moderate compression were fixed and stabilized at the pre-treatment level over one year. (orig.)

  8. Evolution of endothelin receptors in vertebrates. (United States)

    Braasch, Ingo; Schartl, Manfred


    Endothelin receptors are G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) of the β-group of rhodopsin receptors that bind to endothelin ligands, which are 21 amino acid long peptides derived from longer prepro-endothelin precursors. The most basal Ednr-like GPCR is found outside vertebrates in the cephalochordate amphioxus, but endothelin ligands are only present among vertebrates, including the lineages of jawless vertebrates (lampreys and hagfishes), cartilaginous vertebrates (sharks, rays, and chimaeras), and bony vertebrates (ray-finned fishes and lobe-finned vertebrates including tetrapods). A bona fide endothelin system is thus a vertebrate-specific innovation with important roles for regulating the cardiovascular system, renal and pulmonary processes, as well as for the development of the vertebrate-specific neural crest cell population and its derivatives. Expectedly, dysregulation of endothelin receptors and the endothelin system leads to a multitude of human diseases. Despite the importance of different types of endothelin receptors for vertebrate development and physiology, current knowledge on endothelin ligand-receptor interactions, on the expression of endothelin receptors and their ligands, and on the functional roles of the endothelin system for embryonic development and in adult vertebrates is very much biased towards amniote vertebrates. Recent analyses from a variety of vertebrate lineages, however, have shown that the endothelin system in lineages such as teleost fish and lampreys is more diverse and is divergent from the mammalian endothelin system. This diversity is mainly based on differential evolution of numerous endothelin system components among vertebrate lineages generated by two rounds of whole genome duplication (three in teleosts) during vertebrate evolution. Here we review current understanding of the evolutionary history of the endothelin receptor family in vertebrates supplemented with surveys on the endothelin receptor gene complement of

  9. Vertebral stabilization using positively threaded profile pins and polymethylmethacrylate, with or without laminectomy, for spinal canal stenosis and vertebral instability caused by congenital thoracic vertebral anomalies. (United States)

    Aikawa, Takeshi; Kanazono, Shinichi; Yoshigae, Yuki; Sharp, Nicholas J H; Muñana, Karen R


    To describe diagnostic findings, surgical technique, and outcome in dogs with thoracic spinal canal stenosis and vertebral instability secondary to congenital vertebral anomalies. Retrospective clinical study. Dogs (n=9) with thoracic spinal canal stenosis. Medical records (1995-1996; 2000-2006) of 9 dogs with a myelographic diagnosis of spinal canal stenosis and/or vertebral instability secondary to congenital vertebral anomaly that were surgically managed by vertebral stabilization with or without laminectomy were reviewed. Data on pre- and postoperative neurologic status, diagnostic findings, surgical techniques, and outcomes were retrieved. Follow-up evaluations were performed at 1, 2, and 6 months. Long-term outcome was assessed by means of clinical examination or owner telephone interviews. Spinal cord compression was confirmed by myelography, and in 2 dogs, dynamic compression by stress myelography. Eight dogs regained the ability to ambulate postoperatively. One dog with a partial recovery regained voluntary movement but did not become ambulatory. Spinal cord injury secondary to congenital vertebral anomaly may have a good outcome when treated by vertebral stabilization with or without laminectomy. Adequate stabilization of the vertebrae and improved neurologic outcome were achieved in most dogs. Vertebral stabilization using positively threaded profile pins and polymethylmethacrylate with or without laminectomy is an effective treatment for spinal canal stenosis and vertebral instability secondary to congenital thoracic vertebral anomalies.

  10. Approach-related morbidity in transthoracic anterior spine surgery: a clinical study and review of literature Morbilidad relacionada con el abordaje torácico anterior de la columna: estudio clínico y revisión de la literatura Morbidade relacionada à abordagem transtorácica anterior da coluna: estudo clínico e revisão da literatura

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    Juliane Zenner


    morbidade maior que 10% (média 27,5%. A morbidade foi definida como a presença de dor crônica após toracotomia. No grupo submetido à toracotomia aberta para tratamento de escoliose, a média da morbidade foi 7,0±12,7% (0-52,1%, e 44% não apresentava morbidade. De toda a amostra, 18,6% apresentaram morbidade >10% (média: 28,6%. Sinais de neuralgia intercostal foram observados em 14% dos pacientes. Em ambos os grupos, a presença de neuralgia intercostal teve impacto significativo e apresentou correlação com a morbidade (p<0,0001. Na avaliação clínica, a gravidade da morbidade após a toracotomia aberta para a correção da deformidade vertebral ou toracotomia para a colocação de dreno torácico foi de grau leve, com exceção de um paciente em cada grupo. A idade e o tempo de seguimento foram diferentes entre os dois grupos (p<0,0001, p=0,02, mas não foi observada diferença no índice de morbidade entre os dois grupos (p=0,08. CONCLUSÕES: A morbidade da toracotomia aberta ou vídeo-assistida pode ser avaliada por meio de questionários respondidos pelos pacientes. A avaliação da morbidade após a realização de toracotomia aberta para a correção de deformidade da coluna vertebral não apresentou diferença em relação à morbidade observada nos pacientes nos quais foi realizada a toracotomia para a colocação de dreno torácico. Os pacientes com neuralgia intercostal apresentaram o maior índice de morbidade em ambos os grupos. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que o aspecto cosmético não foi relevante para os pacientes submetidos à toracotomia aberta e o índice de morbidade foi semelhante no grupo de pacientes submetidos à toracotomia aberta e toracotomia para a colocação de dreno de tórax.

  11. Primary extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms. (United States)

    Morasch, Mark D; Phade, Sachin V; Naughton, Peter; Garcia-Toca, Manuel; Escobar, Guillermo; Berguer, Ramon


    Extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms are uncommon and are usually associated with trauma or dissection. Primary cervical vertebral aneurysms are even rarer and are not well described. The presentation and natural history are unknown and operative management can be difficult. Accessing aneurysms at the skull base can be difficult and, because the frail arteries are often afflicted with connective tissue abnormalities, direct repair can be particularly challenging. We describe the presentation and surgical management of patients with primary extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms. In this study we performed a retrospective, multi-institutional review of patients with primary aneurysms within the extracranial vertebral artery. Between January 2000 and January 2011, 7 patients, aged 12-56 years, were noted to have 9 primary extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms. All had underlying connective tissue or another hereditary disorder, including Ehler-Danlos syndrome (n=3), Marfan's disease (n=2), neurofibromatosis (n=1), and an unspecified connective tissue abnormality (n=1). Eight of 9 aneurysms were managed operatively, including an attempted bypass that ultimately required vertebral ligation; the contralateral aneurysm on this patient has not been treated. Open interventions included vertebral bypass with vein, external carotid autograft, and vertebral transposition to the internal carotid artery. Special techniques were used for handling the anastomoses in patients with Ehler-Danlos syndrome. Although endovascular exclusion was not performed in isolation, 2 hybrid procedures were performed. There were no instances of perioperative stroke or death. Primary extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms are rare and occur in patients with hereditary disorders. Operative intervention is warranted in symptomatic patients. Exclusion and reconstruction may be performed with open and hybrid techniques with low morbidity and mortality. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights

  12. Deslocamento miscível de cátions básicos provenientes da água residuária de mandioca em colunas de solo Miscible displacement of basic cations from cassava processing wastewater in soil columns

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    Ralini F. de Melo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este estudo, determinar os fatores de retardamento e os coeficientes de dispersão-difusão dos íons potássio, sódio, cálcio e magnésio, presentes na água residuária de fecularias ou manipueira, e simular as concentrações residentes em colunas de solos de 160 cm, pelo período de 5 h. Os ensaios foram realizados em laboratório utilizando-se colunas de percolação preenchidas com amostras de Neossolo Quartzarênico órtico espódico (RQo, Latossolo Amarelo distrófico típico (LAd e Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico típico (LVAd. A concentração dos íons no efluente foram analisados empregando-se a metodologia de deslocamento de fluidos miscíveis. Os valores mais elevados dos fatores de retardamento ocorreram no LVAd, indicando maior retenção dos íons potássio, sódio, cálcio e magnésio nesse solo. Os valores dos coeficientes dispersivos-difusivos decresceram no sentido do RQo para o LVAd, sendo que o maior valor ocorreu no RQo para o íon potássio, e o menor no LVAd, para o íon cálcio. A simulação para um período de aplicação da manipueira de 5 h, mostrou pequeno avanço dos íons na coluna do LVAd, em comparação com RQo e LAd alertando, assim, para os perigos de contaminação de águas subterrâneas ao se aplicar a manipueira nesses solos.This study aimed to determine the retardation factors and the diffusion-dispersion coefficients of the potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium ions found in the cassava wastewater, as well as to simulate the resident concentrations in soil columns with 160 cm over a five-hours period. The trials were accomplished under laboratory conditions, by using percolation columns fulfilled with materials from the spodic ortic Quartzarenic Neosol (RQo, typical distrophic Yellow Latosol (LAd and typical distrophic Yellow Red Latosol (LVAd. The data of the ion concentrations in effluent were analyzed, by using the miscible fluid displacement methodology. The highest

  13. Artrodese do quadril: estudo retrospectivo com mais de 20 anos de seguimento Hip arthrodesis: a minimum 20 year follow-up retrospective study

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    José Ricardo Negreiros Vicente


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados a longo prazo de setenta pacientes submetidos à artrodese do quadril pela técnica original descrita por Davis. MÉTODOS: Realizamos um estudo clínico retrospectivo com 70 pacientes, operados entre 1982 e 1995. A presença de sintomas sobre a coluna lombar, joelho ipsilateral e quadril contralateral foi aferida assim como o sucesso da consolidação da artrodese, o posicionamento da mesma e a eventual indicação para conversão à artroplastia total do quadril. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio de seguimento foi 21,6 anos. Uma consolidação satisfatória foi constatada em 48 pacientes (85,7%. A dor lombar foi presente em 11 pacientes (19,6% e osteoartrite dolorosa do joelho em quatro pacientes (7,1%. Discussão: Dois trabalhos com seguimento superior ao nosso estudo ( 35 e 38 anos apresentaram repercussões sobre a coluna lombar mais prevalentes (57% e 62%, assim como dor no joelho homolateral (45% e 57% e indicação para conversão em artroplastia total do quadril (17% e 28%. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que a artrodese do quadril pela técnica de Davis apresenta resultados satisfatórios até o vigésimo ano, porém a presença de dor lombar é mais frequente com o passar dos anos e a dor no joelho homolateral sugere associação com a posição inicial em abdução do quadril artrodesado. Nivel de Evidência III, estudo clinico.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the long-term results of seventy patients who underwent hip arthrodesis using the original technique described by Davis. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective study involving seventy patients submitted to hip arthrodesis between 1982 and 1995. The presence of symptoms involving the lumbar spine, ipsilateral knee, and contralateral hip was noted, as well as the success of the arthrodesis fusion, its positioning, and the need for conversion surgery to total hip replacement. RESULTS: The mean follow-up time was 21.6 years. A satisfactory hip fusion was found in 48 patients

  14. Measurements of vertebral shape by radiographic morphometry: sex differences and relationships with vertebral level and lumbar lordosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheng, X G; Sun, Y; Boonen, S; Nicholson, P H.F.; Dequeker, J [Arthritis and Metabolic Bone Disease Research Unit, U.Z. Pellenberg, Division of Rheumatology, Pellenberg (Belgium); Brys, P [Radiology Department, University Hospitals, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven (Belgium); Felsenberg, D [Radiology Department, Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany)


    Objective. To examine sex-related and vertebral-level-specific differences in vertebral shape and to investigate the relationships between the lumbar lordosis angle and vertebral morphology. Design and patients. Lateral thoracic and lumbar spine radiographs were obtained with a standardized protocol in 142 healthy men and 198 healthy women over 50 years old. Anterior (Ha), central (Hc) and posterior (Hp) heights of each vertebra from T4 to L4 were measured using a digitizing technique, and the Ha/Hp and Hc/Hp ratios were calculated. The lumbar lordosis angle was measured on the lateral lumbar spine radiographs. Results. Ha/Hp and Hc/Hp ratios were smaller in men than women by 1.8% and 0.7%, respectively, and these ratios varied with vertebral level. Significant correlations were found between vertebral shape and the lumbar lordosis angle. Conclusions. These results demonstrate that vertebral shape varies significantly with sex, vertebral level and lumbar lordosis angle. Awareness of these relationships may help prevent misdiagnosis in clinical vertebral morphometry. (orig.) With 4 figs., 2 tabs., 17 refs.

  15. Produção hidropônica de morangueiro em sistema de colunas verticais, sob cultivo protegido Hydroponic strawberry production in vertical columns system under protected cultivation

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    Eunice Oliveira Calvete


    Full Text Available O cultivo do morangueiro fora do solo possibilita a eliminação do uso de produtos para desinfecção, reduzindo o consumo de frutos contaminados e a agressão ao meio ambiente, além de proporcionar melhor aproveitamento da área e maior facilidade de manejo da cultura. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, em ambiente protegido e colunas verticais, dois sistemas de irrigação: gotejamento por estacas (externo e autocompensante (interno; dois tipos de substratos: Horta 2 e Tabaco 1; com e sem drenagem. A cultivar utilizada foi a Oso Grande. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos dispostos em parcela subsubdividida, com três repetições. Com base nos rendimentos obtidos nos terços superior, médio e inferior das colunas, o sistema de irrigação mais indicado é o gotejamento por estacas (externo, com drenagem na extremidade inferior da coluna. Os substratos não diferem quanto à produção, mas Horta 2 incrementa o teor de antocianina nos frutos.Since strawberry cultivation in soil less system does not needs disinfection products, it decreases fruits and environmental contamination. Besides it provides a better utilization of the area and makes easy the management of the culture. The objective of this work was to evaluate two irrigation systems: dripping for props (outside and self compensate (inside; and two types of substrates: Horta 2 and Tabaco 1; with or without draining, on the cultivar Oso Grande of strawberry. The experiment was carried out under protected cultivation and in vertical columns conditions. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with three replications, and the treatments were arranged in a split-plot. The strawberry yield found in the upper, medium, and lower positions of the columns indicates that the dripping for props (outside is the most efficient irrigation system, since drainage is used in the lower extremity of the column. Although there were no differences substrates, Horta

  16. Transporte de fósforo e de potássio em colunas com agregados de um latossolo vermelho distrófico

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    C. A. S. Araujo


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar os coeficientes dispersivo-difusivos de fósforo e de potássio e descrever o transporte desses nutrientes em diferentes classes de agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, cultivado com milho por vários anos, usando dois modelos teóricos. O experimento foi realizado, em laboratório, com colunas de percolação, utilizando cinco classes de agregados (2,0-1,0, 1,0-0,5, 0,5-0,25, 0,25-0,105 e < 0,105 mm. A eluição foi realizada em um cilindro de vidro de 2 cm de diâmetro interno e 30 cm de comprimento, preenchido com agregados até 10 cm da borda superior. A coluna foi saturada, sob vácuo, com uma solução de CaCl2 0,005 mol L-1. A velocidade de percolação do efluente foi controlada e mantida próxima daquela obtida para a menor classe de agregados. Aplicou-se, a seguir, a solução saturante até percolação constante, seguida de um pulso de uma solução de KH2PO4 que continha 1.550 e 1.950 mg L-1 de fósforo e de potássio, respectivamente (Co. No efluente coletado, determinou-se a concentração de fósforo e de potássio (C, que permitiu obter a relação C/Co, de acordo com o número de volume de poros da solução percolada. Isso permitiu obter a curva de eluição experimental para esses elementos, a qual foi comparada com curvas teóricas estimadas por dois modelos, um dos quais considera o transporte dispersivo e o outro, o dispersivo-difusivo. O coeficiente dispersivo-difusivo para o potássio foi maior do que para o fósforo nas classes de agregados de diâmetro maior que 0,5 mm. Nas de menor diâmetro, ocorreu o contrário, indicando que o fósforo foi transportado mais rapidamente que o potássio nessas colunas de agregados. O modelo que considera apenas o fluxo dispersivo apresentou melhor predição de transporte do fósforo e do potássio, em todas as classes de agregados. As curvas teóricas descreveram melhor o transporte de potássio do que o de fósforo.

  17. Constrained vertebrate evolution by pleiotropic genes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hu, Haiyang; Uesaka, Masahiro; Guo, Song


    applied to vertebrates than chordates. Furthermore, we found that vertebrates' conserved mid-embryonic developmental programmes are intensively recruited to other developmental processes, and the degree of the recruitment positively correlates with their evolutionary conservation and essentiality...... for normal development. Thus, we propose that the intensively recruited genetic system during vertebrates' organogenesis period imposed constraints on its diversification through pleiotropic constraints, which ultimately led to the common anatomical pattern observed in vertebrates....

  18. Rapid onset aggressive vertebral haemangioma. (United States)

    Cheung, Nicholas K; Doorenbosch, Xenia; Christie, John G


    Vertebral haemangiomas are generally benign asymptomatic vascular tumours seen commonly in the adult population. Presentations in paediatric populations are extremely rare, which can result in rapid onset of neurological symptoms. We present a highly unusual case of an aggressive paediatric vertebral haemangioma causing significant cord compression. A 13-year-old boy presented with only 2 weeks duration of progressive gait disturbance, truncal ataxia and loss of bladder control. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine revealed a large vascular epidural mass extending between T6 and T8 vertebral bodies. Associated displacement and compression of the spinal cord was present. A highly vascular bony lesion was found during surgery. Histopathology identified this tumour to be a vertebral haemangioma. We present an extremely unusual acute presentation of a paediatric vertebral haemangioma. This study highlights the need for early diagnosis, MRI for investigation and urgent surgical management. © Springer-Verlag 2011

  19. Cement Leakage in Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation for Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures: Analysis of Risk Factors. (United States)

    Xie, Weixing; Jin, Daxiang; Ma, Hui; Ding, Jinyong; Xu, Jixi; Zhang, Shuncong; Liang, De


    The risk factors for cement leakage were retrospectively reviewed in 192 patients who underwent percutaneous vertebral augmentation (PVA). To discuss the factors related to the cement leakage in PVA procedure for the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. PVA is widely applied for the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Cement leakage is a major complication of this procedure. The risk factors for cement leakage were controversial. A retrospective review of 192 patients who underwent PVA was conducted. The following data were recorded: age, sex, bone density, number of fractured vertebrae before surgery, number of treated vertebrae, severity of the treated vertebrae, operative approach, volume of injected bone cement, preoperative vertebral compression ratio, preoperative local kyphosis angle, intraosseous clefts, preoperative vertebral cortical bone defect, and ratio and type of cement leakage. To study the correlation between each factor and cement leakage ratio, bivariate regression analysis was employed to perform univariate analysis, whereas multivariate linear regression analysis was employed to perform multivariate analysis. The study included 192 patients (282 treated vertebrae), and cement leakage occurred in 100 vertebrae (35.46%). The vertebrae with preoperative cortical bone defects generally exhibited higher cement leakage ratio, and the leakage is typically type C. Vertebrae with intact cortical bones before the procedure tend to experience type S leakage. Univariate analysis showed that patient age, bone density, number of fractured vertebrae before surgery, and vertebral cortical bone were associated with cement leakage ratio (Pcement leakage are bone density and vertebral cortical bone defect, with standardized partial regression coefficients of -0.085 and 0.144, respectively. High bone density and vertebral cortical bone defect are independent risk factors associated with bone cement leakage.

  20. Measurements of vertebral shape by r[iographic morphometry: sex differences and relationships with vertebral level and lumbar lordosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, X.G.; Sun, Y.; Boonen, S.; Nicholson, P.H.F.; Dequeker, J.; Brys, P.; Felsenberg, D.


    Objective. To examine sex-related and vertebral-level-specific differences in vertebral shape and to investigate the relationships between the lumbar lordosis angle and vertebral morphology. Design and patients. Lateral thoracic and lumbar spine r[iographs were obtained with a standardized protocol in 142 healthy men and 198 healthy women over 50 years old. Anterior (Ha), central (Hc) and posterior (Hp) heights of each vertebra from T4 to L4 were measured using a digitizing technique, and the Ha/Hp and Hc/Hp ratios were calculated. The lumbar lordosis angle was measured on the lateral lumbar spine r[iographs. Results. Ha/Hp and Hc/Hp ratios were smaller in men than women by 1.8% and 0.7%, respectively, and these ratios varied with vertebral level. Significant correlations were found between vertebral shape and the lumbar lordosis angle. Conclusions. These results demonstrate that vertebral shape varies significantly with sex, vertebral level and lumbar lordosis angle. Awareness of these relationships may help prevent misdiagnosis in clinical vertebral morphometry. (orig.)

  1. ANOMALOUS PREVERTEBRAL COURSE OF THE LEFT VERTEBRAL ARTERY. Recorrido prevertebral anómalo de la arteria vertebral izquierda

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    Prakash B Billakanti


    Full Text Available La arteria vertebral es una de las arterias que irriga el cerebro. El conocimiento de la anatomía normal y las variantes de la arteria vertebral adquiere importancia en la práctica clínica y la radiología vascular. El origen anómalo de la arteria vertebral del arco de la aorta o cualquiera de las arterias del cuello ha sido reportado por muchos autores. En este informe se presenta una variación del curso prevertebral de la arteria vertebral izquierda. La arteria vertebral tenía su origen habitual en la arteria subclavia con un largo curso prevertebral y entraba en el foramen transversarium de la vértebra CII. El origen y recorrido de la arteria vertebral en el lado derecho fue normal. Clínicamente es importante conocer el origen y curso del segmento prevertebral de la arteria vertebral y las posibles variaciones. El presente informe debería ser de interés para el médico vascular con respecto a las variaciones en el cuello y región torácica, y puede dar idea para dilucidar el mecanismo de desarrollo de la angiogénesis. Vertebral artery is one of the arteries supplying the brain. Knowledge of the normal and variant anatomy of the vertebral artery assumes importance in clinical practice and vascular radiology. Anomalous origins of the vertebral artery from the arch of the aorta or any one of the arteries of the neck have been reported by several authors. In this report a variation of the prevertebral course of the left vertebral artery is being presented. The Vertebral artery had usual origin from the subclavian artery and had a longer prevertebral course to enter the foramen transversarium of the CII vertebra. The origin and course of the vertebral artery on the right side was normal. It is clinically important to know the origin and course of the prevertebral segment of the vertebral artery and possible variations. The present report should be of interest for clinicians with regard to vascular variations in the neck and thoracic

  2. Evaluation on vertebral endplate injury and adjacent intervertebral disk injury of patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures by MRI and its clinical significance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen Yu; Shen Huiliang; Fang Xiutong; Zhang Wenbo


    Objective: To investigate the relationship between vertebral endplate injury and adjacent intervertebral disk injury of patients with acute or sub-acute osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVC-F) by MRI, and to provide basis for diagnosis of OVCF. Methods: The clinical data of a total of 66 patients with OVCF underwent vertebroplasty (76 fracture of vertebral bodies) were selected. The vertebral endplate injury and adjacent intervertebral disk injury of OVCF patients were detected by MRI. Results: There were 57 vertebral endplate injury in 76 fracture vertebral bodies (75% ). There were only 27 vertebral bodies with vertebral endplate injury in 57 fracture vertebral bodies with endplate injury (47% ), and 22 vertebral with superior and inferior vertebral endplate injury (39% ), and 8 vertebral bodies with inferior vertebral endplate injury (14% ). There were 48 vertebral bodies with intervertebral disc injury in 76 fracture vertebral bodies (63% ). There were 22 intervertebral disc injury located above the fracture of the lumbar spine in 48 vertebral bodies with intervertebral disc injury (45% ), and 19 fracture vertebral bodies with upper and lower intervertebral disc injury (40% ), and 7 intervertebral injuries located below the fracture of the lumbar spine (15% ). Conclusion: Vertebral endplate injury is frequently associated with the adjacent intervertebral disk injury. The clinical diagnosis and treatment should be emphasized in the fracture vertebral endplate damage and adjacent intervertebral disc injury. (authors)

  3. The lamprey: a jawless vertebrate model system for examining origin of the neural crest and other vertebrate traits. (United States)

    Green, Stephen A; Bronner, Marianne E


    Lampreys are a group of jawless fishes that serve as an important point of comparison for studies of vertebrate evolution. Lampreys and hagfishes are agnathan fishes, the cyclostomes, which sit at a crucial phylogenetic position as the only living sister group of the jawed vertebrates. Comparisons between cyclostomes and jawed vertebrates can help identify shared derived (i.e. synapomorphic) traits that might have been inherited from ancestral early vertebrates, if unlikely to have arisen convergently by chance. One example of a uniquely vertebrate trait is the neural crest, an embryonic tissue that produces many cell types crucial to vertebrate features, such as the craniofacial skeleton, pigmentation of the skin, and much of the peripheral nervous system (Gans and Northcutt, 1983). Invertebrate chordates arguably lack unambiguous neural crest homologs, yet have cells with some similarities, making comparisons with lampreys and jawed vertebrates essential for inferring characteristics of development in early vertebrates, and how they may have evolved from nonvertebrate chordates. Here we review recent research on cyclostome neural crest development, including research on lamprey gene regulatory networks and differentiated neural crest fates. Copyright © 2014 International Society of Differentiation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Repeated vertebral augmentation for new vertebral compression fractures of postvertebral augmentation patients: a nationwide cohort study

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    Liang CL


    Full Text Available Cheng-Loong Liang,1 Hao-Kwan Wang,1 Fei-Kai Syu,2 Kuo-Wei Wang,1 Kang Lu,1 Po-Chou Liliang1 1Department of Neurosurgery, E-Da Hospital, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan; 2Department of Pharmacy, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung City, Taiwan Purpose: Postvertebral augmentation vertebral compression fractures are common; repeated vertebral augmentation is usually performed for prompt pain relief. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence and risk factors of repeat vertebral augmentation.Methods: We performed a retrospective, nationwide, population-based longitudinal observation study, using the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD of Taiwan. All patients who received vertebral augmentation for vertebral compression fractures were evaluated. The collected data included patient characteristics (demographics, comorbidities, and medication exposure and repeat vertebral augmentation. Kaplan–Meier and stratified Cox proportional hazard regressions were performed for analyses.Results: The overall incidence of repeat vertebral augmentation was 11.3% during the follow-up until 2010. Patients with the following characteristics were at greater risk for repeat vertebral augmentation: female sex (AOR=1.24; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.10–2.36, advanced age (AOR=1.60; 95% CI: 1.32–2.08, diabetes mellitus (AOR=4.31; 95% CI: 4.05–5.88, cerebrovascular disease (AOR=4.09; 95% CI: 3.44–5.76, dementia (AOR=1.97; 95% CI: 1.69–2.33, blindness or low vision (AOR=3.72; 95% CI: 2.32–3.95, hypertension (AOR=2.58; 95% CI: 2.35–3.47, and hyperlipidemia (AOR=2.09; 95% CI: 1.67–2.22. Patients taking calcium/ vitamin D (AOR=2.98; 95% CI: 1.83–3.93, bisphosphonates (AOR=2.11; 95% CI: 1.26–2.61, or calcitonin (AOR=4.59; 95% CI: 3.40–5.77 were less likely to undergo repeat vertebral augmentation; however, those taking steroids (AOR=7.28; 95% CI: 6.32–8.08, acetaminophen (AOR=3.54; 95% CI: 2.75–4.83, or nonsteroidal

  5. Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem a paciente com luxação de coluna cervical: estudo de caso Sistematización de la asistencia de la enfermería a paciente con luxación de columna cervical: estudio de caso Systematization of nursing care to patient with cervical spine luxation: case study

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    Silvia Cristina Mangini Bocchi


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo de caso de paciente portador de luxação de coluna cervical. Sem comprometimento medular, no qual as autoras operacionalizaram o processo de enfermagem, segundo Modelo Conceitual de Horta, adaptando a Taxonomia I dos Diagnósticos de Enfermagem proposta pela North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA. Os resultados demonstraram que as intervenções propostas ao "caso" contribuíram na sua reabilitação, prevenindo complicações, bem como ajudando-o a retomar ao seu ambiente social para reassumir a sua autonomia.Se trata de un estudio de caso de paciente portador de luxación de columna cervical sin compromiso medular, en la cual las autoras operacionalizaron el proceso de enfermería, según el Modelo Conceptual de Horta, adaptando a la Taxonomía I de los diagnósticos de enfermería propuesta por la North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA. Los resultados demuestran que las intervenciones propuestas al "caso", contribuyeron en la rehabilitación previniendo complicaciones, también ayudándolo a regresar a su ambiente social para asumir su autonomía.It deals with a study of patient case of cervical spine luxation with no marrow commitment, in which the authors conducted nursing process according to Horta's Conceptual Model, adapting to Taxonomy I of the Nursing Diagnosis proposed by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA. The results showed that the proposed intervention contributed to the patient rehabilitation preventing complication, as well as, helped the patient to reassume his autonomy coming back to his social environment.

  6. Evaluación de una nueva sistematización de estudios para el diagnóstico del síndrome de destrucción vertebral Avaliação de nova sistematização de exames para o diagnóstico da síndrome de destruição vertebral Evaluation of a new systematization of tests for the diagnosis of vertebral destruction syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando Alpizar Aguirre


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Explorar la efectividad de un conjunto de pruebas de diagnósticos, sistematizadas en hoja de protocolo, para la determinación del Síndrome de Destrucción Vertebral en pacientes de nuestro servicio. MÉTODOS: Analizamos una propuesta de sistematización mediante un estudio piloto de 20 pacientes a quienes se realizaron 10 diferentes pruebas de laboratorio y gabinete, además del estudio histopatológico de biopsia percutánea. Se describieron las características demográficas y clínicas, con los resultados obtenidos mediante estadística descriptiva, media y desviación estándar para las variables cuantitativas y porcentajes para las cualitativas. RESULTADOS: Edad promedio de 53,3 años ± 16,56 años; 10 hombres y 10 mujeres. 30 vértebras afectadas en los 20 pacientes, 8 de ellos tuvieron afección de dos o más vértebras. El nivel más afectado fue el Lumbar en 18 casos, seguido por el Torácico en 12. El Mal de Pott se diagnosticó en 7 casos (35%, Osteomielitis en 4 (20%, Mieloma Múltiple en 2 (10%, y Espondilodiscitis, Metástasis de Adenocarcinoma, Linfoma y Osteoporosis en un caso respectivamente (5%. En 3 casos (15% no se obtuvo un diagnóstico específico. CONCLUSIONES: Esta propuesta de sistematización fue útil para llegar al diagnóstico etiológico definitivo del SDV en 85% de los casos, con la reducción en la cantidad de estudios realizados. Es necesario mayor número de pacientes para aumentar la evidencia de su utilidad.OBJETIVO: Explorar a efetividade de um conjunto de exames diagnósticos sistematizados em folha de protocolo para determinação da síndrome de destruição vertebral em pacientes atendidos em nosso serviço. MÉTODOS: Analisamos uma proposta de sistematização por meio de estudo piloto de 20 pacientes que foram submetidos a dez exames laboratoriais e de imagens distintos, além do estudo histopatológico de biópsia percutânea. Foram descritas as características demográficas e cl

  7. Diagnosis of vertebral fractures on lateral chest X-ray: Intraobserver agreement of semi-quantitative vertebral fracture assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jagt-Willems, H.C. van der; Munster, B.C. van; Leeflang, M.; Beuerle, E.; Tulner, C.R.; Lems, W.F.


    Highlights: • (Lateral) chest X-ray's are often performed in older individuals for various reasons. • Vertebral fractures are visualized on lateral chest X-ray, but the diagnosis of vertebral fractures is until now only validated on (lateral) spine X-ray's. • This study shows that a (lateral) chest X-ray is sufficient for the diagnosis of vertebral fractures. • Older individuals with a vertebral fracture on a (lateral) chest X-ray do not need further radiography with thoracic spine X-ray or vertebral fracture assessment with DXA. - Abstract: Background: In clinical practice lateral images of the chest are performed for various reasons. As these lateral chest X rays show the vertebrae of the thoracic and thoraco-lumbar region, we wondered if these X-rays can be used for evaluation of vertebral fractures instead of separate thoracic spine X-rays. Methods: To evaluate the agreement and intraobserver reliability of the semi-quantitative method for vertebral fractures on the lateral chest X-ray (X-chest) in comparison to the lateral thoracic spine X-ray (X-Tspine), two observers scored vertebral fractures on X-Tspine and twice on X-chest, separately, blinded and in different time periods. Agreement and Cohens’ kappa were calculated for a diagnosis of any fracture on patient level and on vertebral body level. The study was done in patients visiting an outpatient geriatric day clinic, with a high prevalence of vertebral fractures. Results: 109 patients were included. The intraobserver agreement for X-chest versus X-Tspine was 95–98% for the two levels of fracturing, with a Cohen's kappa of 0.88–0.91. The intraobserver agreement and reliability of the re-test on the X-chest showed an agreement between 91 and 98% with a Cohen's kappa of 0.81–0.93. More vertebrae were visible on the X-chest, mean 10.2, SD 0.66 versus mean 9.8, SD 0.73 on the X-Tspine (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results show good agreement and intraobserver reliability on

  8. Diagnosis of vertebral fractures on lateral chest X-ray: Intraobserver agreement of semi-quantitative vertebral fracture assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jagt-Willems, H.C. van der, E-mail: [Department of Geriatrics, Slotervaart Hospital, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Department of Internal Medicine, Spaarne Hospital, Hoofddorp (Netherlands); Munster, B.C. van [Department of Internal Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Department of Geriatrics, Gelre Hospitals, Apeldoorn (Netherlands); Leeflang, M. [Department of Geriatrics, Gelre Hospitals, Apeldoorn (Netherlands); Beuerle, E. [Department of Radiology, Slotervaart Hospital, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Tulner, C.R. [Department of Geriatrics, Slotervaart Hospital, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Lems, W.F. [Department of Rheumatology, VU Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    Highlights: • (Lateral) chest X-ray's are often performed in older individuals for various reasons. • Vertebral fractures are visualized on lateral chest X-ray, but the diagnosis of vertebral fractures is until now only validated on (lateral) spine X-ray's. • This study shows that a (lateral) chest X-ray is sufficient for the diagnosis of vertebral fractures. • Older individuals with a vertebral fracture on a (lateral) chest X-ray do not need further radiography with thoracic spine X-ray or vertebral fracture assessment with DXA. - Abstract: Background: In clinical practice lateral images of the chest are performed for various reasons. As these lateral chest X rays show the vertebrae of the thoracic and thoraco-lumbar region, we wondered if these X-rays can be used for evaluation of vertebral fractures instead of separate thoracic spine X-rays. Methods: To evaluate the agreement and intraobserver reliability of the semi-quantitative method for vertebral fractures on the lateral chest X-ray (X-chest) in comparison to the lateral thoracic spine X-ray (X-Tspine), two observers scored vertebral fractures on X-Tspine and twice on X-chest, separately, blinded and in different time periods. Agreement and Cohens’ kappa were calculated for a diagnosis of any fracture on patient level and on vertebral body level. The study was done in patients visiting an outpatient geriatric day clinic, with a high prevalence of vertebral fractures. Results: 109 patients were included. The intraobserver agreement for X-chest versus X-Tspine was 95–98% for the two levels of fracturing, with a Cohen's kappa of 0.88–0.91. The intraobserver agreement and reliability of the re-test on the X-chest showed an agreement between 91 and 98% with a Cohen's kappa of 0.81–0.93. More vertebrae were visible on the X-chest, mean 10.2, SD 0.66 versus mean 9.8, SD 0.73 on the X-Tspine (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results show good agreement and intraobserver reliability on

  9. Imaging assessment of vertebral burst fracture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Jianlin; Liang Lihua; Wang Yujia


    Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value of radiography, CT and MRI in diagnosis of vertebral burst fracture. Methods: 51 patients with vertebral burst fracture were evaluated with X-ray, CT and MRI, including 3 cases in cervical vertebra, 18 cases in thoracic vertebra, and 30 cases in lumbar vertebra. The imaging features were comparatively studied. Results: Radiography showed decreased height of the vertebral body, increased antero-posterior diameter and the transverse diameter, and/or the widened interpedicle distance, the inter-spinous distance, as well as the bony fragment inserted into the vertebral canal in 28 cases(54.90%). X-ray findings similar to the compression fracture were revealed in 20 cases(39.21%). And missed diagnosis was made in 3 cases (5.88%). CT clearly demon-strated the vertebral body vertically or transversely burst crack in 49 cases (96.07%); bony fragment inserted into the vertebral canal and narrowed vertebral canal in 35 cases(68. 62% ); fracture of spinal appendix in 22 cases(43.14%). Meanwhile MRI showed abnormal signals within the spinal cord in 35 cases (68.62%),injured intervertebral disk in 29 cases(56.86% ), extradural hematoma in 12 cases(23.52% ) and torn posterior longitudinal ligament in 6 cases (11.76%). Conclusions: Radiography is the routine examination, while with limited diagnostic value in vertebral burst fracture. These patients who have nervous symptoms with simple compression fracture or unremarkable on X-ray should receive the CT or MRI examination. CT is better than MRI in demonstrating the fracture and the displaced bony fragment, while MRI is superior to CT in showing nervous injuries. CT and MRI will provide comprehensive information guiding clinical treatment of vertebral burst fracture. (authors)

  10. Globally threatened vertebrates on islands with invasive species. (United States)

    Spatz, Dena R; Zilliacus, Kelly M; Holmes, Nick D; Butchart, Stuart H M; Genovesi, Piero; Ceballos, Gerardo; Tershy, Bernie R; Croll, Donald A


    Global biodiversity loss is disproportionately rapid on islands, where invasive species are a major driver of extinctions. To inform conservation planning aimed at preventing extinctions, we identify the distribution and biogeographic patterns of highly threatened terrestrial vertebrates (classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature) and invasive vertebrates on ~465,000 islands worldwide by conducting a comprehensive literature review and interviews with more than 500 experts. We found that 1189 highly threatened vertebrate species (319 amphibians, 282 reptiles, 296 birds, and 292 mammals) breed on 1288 islands. These taxa represent only 5% of Earth's terrestrial vertebrates and 41% of all highly threatened terrestrial vertebrates, which occur in vertebrates was available for 1030 islands (80% of islands with highly threatened vertebrates). Invasive vertebrates were absent from 24% of these islands, where biosecurity to prevent invasions is a critical management tool. On the 76% of islands where invasive vertebrates were present, management could benefit 39% of Earth's highly threatened vertebrates. Invasive mammals occurred in 97% of these islands, with Rattus sp. as the most common invasive vertebrate (78%; 609 islands). Our results provide an important baseline for identifying islands for invasive species eradication and other island conservation actions that reduce biodiversity loss.

  11. Hormonally active phytochemicals and vertebrate evolution. (United States)

    Lambert, Max R; Edwards, Thea M


    Living plants produce a diversity of chemicals that share structural and functional properties with vertebrate hormones. Wildlife species interact with these chemicals either through consumption of plant materials or aquatic exposure. Accumulating evidence shows that exposure to these hormonally active phytochemicals (HAPs) often has consequences for behavior, physiology, and fecundity. These fitness effects suggest there is potential for an evolutionary response by vertebrates to HAPs. Here, we explore the toxicological HAP-vertebrate relationship in an evolutionary framework and discuss the potential for vertebrates to adapt to or even co-opt the effects of plant-derived chemicals that influence fitness. We lay out several hypotheses about HAPs and provide a path forward to test whether plant-derived chemicals influence vertebrate reproduction and evolution. Studies of phytochemicals with direct impacts on vertebrate reproduction provide an obvious and compelling system for studying evolutionary toxicology. Furthermore, an understanding of whether animal populations evolve in response to HAPs could provide insightful context for the study of rapid evolution and how animals cope with chemical agents in the environment.

  12. [Correlation analysis of cement leakage with volume ratio of intravertebral bone cement to vertebral body and vertebral body wall incompetence in percutaneous vertebroplasty for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures]. (United States)

    Liang, De; Ye, Linqiang; Jiang, Xiaobing; Huang, Weiquan; Yao, Zhensong; Tang, Yongchao; Zhang, Shuncong; Jin, Daxiang


    To investigate the risk factors of cement leakage in percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) for osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture (OVCF). Between March 2011 and March 2012, 98 patients with single level OVCF were treated by PVP, and the clinical data were analyzed retrospectively. There were 13 males and 85 females, with a mean age of 77.2 years (range, 54-95 years). The mean disease duration was 43 days (range, 15-120 days), and the mean T score of bone mineral density (BMD) was -3.8 (range, -6.7- -2.5). Bilateral transpedicular approach was used in all the patients. The patients were divided into cement leakage group and no cement leakage group by occurrence of cement leakage based on postoperative CT. Single factor analysis was used to analyze the difference between 2 groups in T score of BMD, operative level, preoperative anterior compression degree of operative vertebrae, preoperative middle compression degree of operative vertebrae, preoperative sagittal Cobb angle of operative vertebrae, preoperative vertebral body wall incompetence, cement volume, and volume ratio of intravertebral bone cement to vertebral body. All relevant factors were introduced to logistic regression analysis to analyze the risk factors of cement leakage. All procedures were performed successfully. The mean operation time was 40 minutes (range, 30-50 minutes), and the mean volume ratio of intravertebral bone cement to vertebral body was 24.88% (range, 7.84%-38.99%). Back pain was alleviated significantly in all the patients postoperatively. All patients were followed up with a mean time of 8 months (range, 6-12 months). Cement leakage occurred in 49 patients. Single factor analysis showed that there were significant differences in the volume ratio of intravertebral bone cement to vertebral body and preoperative vertebral body wall incompetence between 2 groups (P 0.05). The logistic regression analysis showed that the volume ratio of intravertebral bone cement to vertebral body (P

  13. Evolution of the vertebrate claudin gene family: insights from a basal vertebrate, the sea lamprey. (United States)

    Mukendi, Christian; Dean, Nicholas; Lala, Rushil; Smith, Jeramiah; Bronner, Marianne E; Nikitina, Natalya V


    Claudins are major constituents of tight junctions, contributing both to their intercellular sealing and selective permeability properties. While claudins and claudin-like molecules are present in some invertebrates, the association of claudins with tight junctions has been conclusively documented only in vertebrates. Here we report the sequencing, phylogenetic analysis and comprehensive spatiotemporal expression analysis of the entire claudin gene family in the basal extant vertebrate, the sea lamprey. Our results demonstrate that clear orthologues to about half of all mammalian claudins are present in the lamprey, suggesting that at least one round of whole genome duplication contributed to the diversification of this gene family. Expression analysis revealed that claudins are expressed in discrete and specific domains, many of which represent vertebrate-specific innovations, such as in cranial ectodermal placodes and the neural crest; whereas others represent structures characteristic of chordates, e.g. pronephros, notochord, somites, endostyle and pharyngeal arches. By comparing the embryonic expression of claudins in the lamprey to that of other vertebrates, we found that ancestral expression patterns were often preserved in higher vertebrates. Morpholino mediated loss of Cldn3b demonstrated a functional role for this protein in placode and pharyngeal arch morphogenesis. Taken together, our data provide novel insights into the origins and evolution of the claudin gene family and the significance of claudin proteins in the evolution of vertebrates.

  14. Vertebral chondroblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ilaslan, Hakan; Sundaram, Murali; Unni, Krishnan K.


    To determine the age distribution, gender, incidence, and imaging findings of vertebral chondroblastoma, and to compare our series with findings from case reports in the world literature.Design and patients Case records and imaging findings of nine histologically documented vertebral chondroblastomas were retrospectively reviewed for patient age, gender, vertebral column location and level, morphology, matrix, edema, soft tissue mass, spinal canal invasion, and metastases. Our findings were compared with a total of nine patients identified from previous publications in the world literature. The histologic findings in our cases was re-reviewed for diagnosis and specifically for features of calcification and secondary aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC). Clinical follow-up was requested from referring institutions. Nine of 856 chondroblastomas arose in vertebrae (incidence 1.4%; thoracic 5, lumbar 1, cervical 2, sacral 1). There were six males and three females ranging in age from 5 to 41 years (mean 28 years). Satisfactory imaging from seven patients revealed the tumor to arise from the posterior elements in four and the body in three. All tumors were expansive, six of seven were aggressive, and the spinal canal was significantly narrowed by bone or soft tissue mass in six. In one patient canal invasion was minimal. Calcification was pronounced in two and subtle in four. The sole nonaggressive-appearing tumor was heavily mineralized. Bony edema and secondary ABC were not seen on MR imaging. None of the cases had microscopic features of significant secondary ABC. Calcification, and specifically ''chicken wire'' calcification, was identified in two patients. Pulmonary metastases occurred in none. Vertebral chondroblastoma is a rare neoplasm that presents later in life than its appendicular counterpart. On imaging it is aggressive in appearance with bone destruction, soft tissue mass, and spinal canal invasion. The lesions contain variable amounts of mineral. Secondary

  15. Vertebral Augmentation Involving Vertebroplasty or Kyphoplasty for Cancer-Related Vertebral Compression Fractures: An Economic Analysis. (United States)


    Untreated vertebral compression fractures can have serious clinical consequences and impose a considerable impact on patients' quality of life and on caregivers. Since non-surgical management of these fractures has limited effectiveness, vertebral augmentation procedures are gaining acceptance in clinical practice for pain control and fracture stabilization. The objective of this analysis was to determine the cost-effectiveness and budgetary impact of kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty compared with non-surgical management for the treatment of vertebral compression fractures in patients with cancer. We performed a systematic review of health economic studies to identify relevant studies that compare the cost-effectiveness of kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty with non-surgical management for the treatment of vertebral compression fractures in adults with cancer. We also performed a primary cost-effectiveness analysis to assess the clinical benefits and costs of kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty compared with non-surgical management in the same population. We developed a Markov model to forecast benefits and harms of treatments, and corresponding quality-adjusted life years and costs. Clinical data and utility data were derived from published sources, while costing data were derived using Ontario administrative sources. We performed sensitivity analyses to examine the robustness of the results. In addition, a 1-year budget impact analysis was performed using data from Ontario administrative sources. Two scenarios were explored: (a) an increase in the total number of vertebral augmentation procedures performed among patients with cancer in Ontario, maintaining the current proportion of kyphoplasty versus vertebroplasty; and (b) no increase in the total number of vertebral augmentation procedures performed among patients with cancer in Ontario but an increase in the proportion of kyphoplasties versus vertebroplasties. The base case considered each of kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty

  16. Imaging of vertebral fracture in osteoporosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skowronska-Jozwiak, E.; Lewinski, A.; Bieganski, T.


    Vertebral collapses are the most frequent fractures in osteoporosis. They are often overlooked, although their presence is a strong risk factor for development of new fractures. Lateral radiographs of the spine are the accepted standard for assessment of fractures. Qualitative (visual), semiquantitative and quantitative (morphometric) techniques are useful in determining the compressive deformities of vertebral bodies. In the present paper, the advantages and the disadvantages of these methods are discussed. The improvement of scan quality allows to use DXA technique to diagnose the fractures, in both - the visual and the morphometric way. The vertebral morphologic assessment also seems to be an important diagnostic tool in pediatric osteoporosis. Application of multidetector CT and especially MR in vertebral imaging of osteoporosis, improves the sensitivity of fracture detection and enables the differentiation of benign from malignant vertebral body collapses. (author)

  17. CIRSE Guidelines on Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsoumakidou, Georgia, E-mail:; Too, Chow Wei, E-mail:; Koch, Guillaume, E-mail:; Caudrelier, Jean, E-mail:; Cazzato, Roberto Luigi, E-mail:; Garnon, Julien, E-mail:; Gangi, Afshin, E-mail: [Strasbourg University Hospital, Interventional Radiology Department (France)


    Vertebral compression fracture (VCF) is an important cause of severe debilitating back pain, adversely affecting quality of life, physical function, psychosocial performance, mental health and survival. Different vertebral augmentation procedures (VAPs) are used in order to consolidate the VCFs, relief pain,and whenever posible achieve vertebral body height restoration. In the present review we give the indications, contraindications, safety profile and outcomes of the existing percutaneous VAPs.

  18. Relação entre qualidade de vida e fratura vertebral em mulheres idosas residentes no Sul do Brasil Relationship between quality of life and vertebral fractur in older women living in Southern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Pereira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a relação entre qualidade de vida e fratura vertebral em mulheres com mais de 60 anos em uma cidade do Sul do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Realizado estudo caso-controle com aplicação do questionário WHOQOL-bref em 100 mulheres residentes na cidade Chapecó (SC, com idade superior a 60 anos, na pós-menopausa de raça branca ou caucasoide, sem prejuízo cognitivo importante ou história pessoal doenças que sabidamente afetem o metabolismo ósseo ou neoplasias malignas. A população foi dividida em dois grupos dependendo da existência ou não de fraturas vertebrais na radiografia de coluna. Foram analisadas variáveis relacionadas à historia médica atual e pregressa, hábitos de vida e história familiar de fraturas, e os domínios e facetas que compõe o WHOQOL-bref. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que as mulheres com fratura tinham maior média de idade do que as sem fraturas (p0,05. Na avaliação dos domínios que compõem o WHOQOL-bref, a maior média deste grupo foi no psicológico (..=63,6±13,0, e a menor no meio ambiente (..=58,8±9,3. No grupo sem fratura, a maior média também ocorreu no domínio psicológico (..=67,2±9,3, já a menor ocorreu no das relações sociais (..=57,5±7,7. A análise estatística não mostrou correlação significativa entre as médias das facetas que compõem os domínios entre os grupos com e sem fraturas. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo sugere não haver prejuízo na qualidade de vida de idosas com fratura vertebral, mas sua relação com o tempo de ocorrência e gravidade das fraturas deve ser melhor avaliada. Ambos grupos tiveram escores mais elevados no domínio psicológico, mostrando que as entrevistadas se apóiam em crenças pessoais, espiritualidade e religião, aceitam sua aparência física mantendo a autoestima e a capacidade de pensar, aprender e concentrar-se, independentemente da existência do agravo. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos, e nem entre os

  19. Light adaptation and the evolution of vertebrate photoreceptors. (United States)

    Morshedian, Ala; Fain, Gordon L


    Lamprey are cyclostomes, a group of vertebrates that diverged from lines leading to jawed vertebrates (including mammals) in the late Cambrian, 500 million years ago. It may therefore be possible to infer properties of photoreceptors in early vertebrate progenitors by comparing lamprey to other vertebrates. We show that lamprey rods and cones respond to light much like rods and cones in amphibians and mammals. They operate over a similar range of light intensities and adapt to backgrounds and bleaches nearly identically. These correspondences are pervasive and detailed; they argue for the presence of rods and cones very early in the evolution of vertebrates with properties much like those of rods and cones in existing vertebrate species. The earliest vertebrates were agnathans - fish-like organisms without jaws, which first appeared near the end of the Cambrian radiation. One group of agnathans became cyclostomes, which include lamprey and hagfish. Other agnathans gave rise to jawed vertebrates or gnathostomes, the group including all other existing vertebrate species. Because cyclostomes diverged from other vertebrates 500 million years ago, it may be possible to infer some of the properties of the retina of early vertebrate progenitors by comparing lamprey to other vertebrates. We have previously shown that rods and cones in lamprey respond to light much like photoreceptors in other vertebrates and have a similar sensitivity. We now show that these affinities are even closer. Both rods and cones adapt to background light and to bleaches in a manner almost identical to other vertebrate photoreceptors. The operating range in darkness is nearly the same in lamprey and in amphibian or mammalian rods and cones; moreover background light shifts response-intensity curves downward and to the right over a similar range of ambient intensities. Rods show increment saturation at about the same intensity as mammalian rods, and cones never saturate. Bleaches decrease

  20. Estudo experimental da aplicação das forças de compressão ou distração sobre o sistema de fixação pedicular Compression or distraction forces applied on a pedicular fixation system: an experimental study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helton Luiz Aparecido Defino


    Full Text Available Foi realizado estudo experimental com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da aplicação da força de compressão e distração (aproximação e afastamento sobre os implantes colocados nos pedículos vertebrais. Foram utilizados no estudo os segmentos vertebrais T8-T9, T10-T11, T12-L1, L2-L3 e L4-L5 de suínos da raça Landsark. Cada segmento vertebral foi fixado com implantes pediculares, tendo sido aplicada força de compressão ou distração com deslocamento que variou de 5,1 mm a 9,35 mm. O deslocamento provocado pela aplicação das forças foi mensurado em quatro pontos do segmento vertebral: A (porção anterior do corpo vertebral, B (porção média do corpo vertebral, C (porção posterior do corpo vertebral e D (processo articular siperior. A força de compressão produziu o afastamento dos pontos localizados nas regiões A e B, e aproximação dos pontos da região D. A força de distração produziu a aproximação dos pontos da região A e B e o afastamento dos pontos da região D.An experimental study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the effects of compression and distraction (approach and deviation forces applied on implants placed at vertebral pedicles. The vertebral segments T8-T9, T10-T11, T12-L1, L2-L3 and L4-L5 of Landsark pigs were used in the study. Each vertebral segment was fixed with pedicular implants, with compression or distraction forces being applied with a displacement that ranged from 5.1 mm to 9.35 mm. Displacement caused by forces application was measured in four points of the vertebral segment: A (anterior portion of the vertebral segment, B (medial portion of the vertebral segment, C (posterior portion of the vertebral segment and D (superior joint process. Compression forces caused the deviation of points located at regions A and B, and the approach of points at region D. Distraction forces caused the approach of points at regions A and B and deviation of the points at region D.

  1. An invertebrate stomach's view on vertebrate ecology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Leendertz, Fabian H.; Gilbert, Tom


    Recent studies suggest that vertebrate genetic material ingested by invertebrates (iDNA) can be used to investigate vertebrate ecology. Given the ubiquity of invertebrates that feed on vertebrates across the globe, iDNA might qualify as a very powerful tool for 21st century population...

  2. Vertebral architecture in the earliest stem tetrapods. (United States)

    Pierce, Stephanie E; Ahlberg, Per E; Hutchinson, John R; Molnar, Julia L; Sanchez, Sophie; Tafforeau, Paul; Clack, Jennifer A


    The construction of the vertebral column has been used as a key anatomical character in defining and diagnosing early tetrapod groups. Rhachitomous vertebrae--in which there is a dorsally placed neural arch and spine, an anteroventrally placed intercentrum and paired, posterodorsally placed pleurocentra--have long been considered the ancestral morphology for tetrapods. Nonetheless, very little is known about vertebral anatomy in the earliest stem tetrapods, because most specimens remain trapped in surrounding matrix, obscuring important anatomical features. Here we describe the three-dimensional vertebral architecture of the Late Devonian stem tetrapod Ichthyostega using propagation phase-contrast X-ray synchrotron microtomography. Our scans reveal a diverse array of new morphological, and associated developmental and functional, characteristics, including a possible posterior-to-anterior vertebral ossification sequence and the first evolutionary appearance of ossified sternal elements. One of the most intriguing features relates to the positional relationships between the vertebral elements, with the pleurocentra being unexpectedly sutured or fused to the intercentra that directly succeed them, indicating a 'reverse' rhachitomous design. Comparison of Ichthyostega with two other stem tetrapods, Acanthostega and Pederpes, shows that reverse rhachitomous vertebrae may be the ancestral condition for limbed vertebrates. This study fundamentally revises our current understanding of vertebral column evolution in the earliest tetrapods and raises questions about the presumed vertebral architecture of tetrapodomorph fish and later, more crownward, tetrapods.

  3. Estudo de acurácia em cirurgia assistida por navegação na revisão cirúrgica de deformidade vertebral Estudio de la precisión en cirugía asistida por navegación en la reoperación de deformidad espinal Study of the accuracy of navigation-assisted surgery in the surgical revision of spinal deformity

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    Chárbel Jacob Junior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as vantagens da cirurgia com navegação na revisão cirúrgica de deformidades vertebrais, verificando a acurácia deste método. MÉTODO: Foram revisados cincos pacientes com deformidades vertebrais que tiveram intercorrências na primeira cirurgia. Esses pacientes foram submetidos a um estudo de tomografia computadorizada (TC com cortes de 2mm da coluna vertebral antes da segunda cirurgia. Nos cinco pacientes submetidos a reabordagem cirúrgica procedeu-se a instrumentação posterior com auxílio da navegação. Foram 84 parafusos pediculares implantados, sendo que 33 destes parafusos foram assistidos por computação. A navegação foi empregada nos níveis da deformidade vertebral onde a anatomia apresentava-se alterada inviabilizando o correto uso dos parâmetros anatômicos para inserção de parafusos pediculares. Nos demais níveis onde era possível a correta identificação desses parâmetros anatômicos foi utilizada a técnica padrão. A TC pós-operatória foi realizada para aferição do posicionamento dos parafusos pediculares. Avaliamos os resultados obtidos no posicionamento com e sem o uso da navegação. O tempo de fluoroscopia e o tempo da cirurgia também foram comparados com o padrão ouro da literatura. RESULTADOS: Dos 33 parafusos implantados com navegação observou-se uma acurácia de 94%, com uma taxa de violação pedicular de 6%. CONCLUSÕES: O uso da navegação é importante nas revisões cirúrgicas das deformidades vertebrais com anatomia alterada, influenciando no bom resultado final da cirurgia.OBJETIVO: Evaluar las ventajas de la cirugía con navegación en reoperación por deformidades vertebrales, verificando la precisión de este método. MÉTODO: Fueron revisados cinco pacientes con deformidades vertebrales que tuvieron complicaciones en la primera cirugía. Esos pacientes fueron sometidos a un estudio de tomografía computada (TC con cortes de 2 mm de la columna vertebral antes de la

  4. Vertebrate pressure-gradient receivers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jakob


    The eardrums of all terrestrial vertebrates (tetrapods) are connected through Eustachian tubes or interaural canals. In some of the animals, these connections create pressure-gradient directionality, an enhanced directionality by interaction of sound arriving at both sides of the eardrum and stro......The eardrums of all terrestrial vertebrates (tetrapods) are connected through Eustachian tubes or interaural canals. In some of the animals, these connections create pressure-gradient directionality, an enhanced directionality by interaction of sound arriving at both sides of the eardrum....... Recent vertebrates form a continuum from perfect interaural transmission (0 dB in a certain frequency band) and pronounced eardrum directionality (30-40 dB) in the lizards, over somewhat attenuated transmission and limited directionality in birds and frogs, to the strongly attenuated interaural...

  5. Head segmentation in vertebrates


    Kuratani, Shigeru; Schilling, Thomas


    Classic theories of vertebrate head segmentation clearly exemplify the idealistic nature of comparative embryology prior to the 20th century. Comparative embryology aimed at recognizing the basic, primary structure that is shared by all vertebrates, either as an archetype or an ancestral developmental pattern. Modern evolutionary developmental (Evo-Devo) studies are also based on comparison, and therefore have a tendency to reduce complex embryonic anatomy into overly simplified patterns. Her...

  6. Caffeine degradation by Rhizopus delemar in packed bed column bioreactor using coffee husk as substrate Degradação de cafeína por Rhizopus delemar em biorreator de colunas usando casca de café como substrato

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    Cristiane Vanessa Tagliari


    Full Text Available Various microorganisms including bacteria, yeast and fungi can degrade caffeine. There are few publications about caffeine degradation pathway in filamentous fungi, mainly by solid-state fermentation (SSF. Studies were carried out on degradation of caffeine and their metabolites by filamentous fungi in SSF using coffee husk as substrate. The purpose of this work was to investigate the caffeine degradation pathway by Rhizopus delemar in packed bed column fermenter and to compare this degradation metabolism with glass flasks fermentation. The methylxanthines were quantified by HPLC analysis. The experiments were realized with the optimized conditions in previous experiments: pH 6.5, 28ºC, inoculation rate 10(6 spores/g substrate, aeration rate 60 mL/min and initial moisture 73%. Under these conditions, after 72 hous of fermentation was achieved only 0.19% of caffeine and 0.014% of theophylline in the coffee husk. The strain proved to be able for caffeine and theophylline degradation by SSF in packed bed column bioreactor.Diversos microrganismos incluindo bactérias, fungos e leveduras são capazes de assimilar a cafeína de meios sintéticos ou de resíduos de café. Existem poucos trabalhos sobre a via de degradação da cafeína em fungos filamentosos, principalmente por fermentação no estado sólido (FES. Estudos de degradação da cafeína por fungos filamentosos em FES usando casca de café como substrato vêm sendo realizados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a via de degradação da cafeína por Rhizopus delemar em biorreator de colunas aeradas e comparar este metabolismo de degradação com o da fermentação em frascos de vidro. As metilxantinas foram quantificadas por análises em HPLC. Os experimentos foram realizados com as condições otimizadas previamente: pH 6,5, 28ºC, 10(6 espores/g substrato, vazão de ar 60 mL/min e 73% de umidade inicial. Após 90 horas de fermentação, 65% da cafeína foi reduzida, resultando 0

  7. Prevalent Vertebral Fractures in Black Women and White Women


    Cauley, Jane A; Palermo, Lisa; Vogt, Molly; Ensrud, Kristine E; Ewing, Susan; Hochberg, Marc; Nevitt, Michael C; Black, Dennis M


    Vertebral fractures are the most common osteoporotic fracture. Hip and clinical fractures are less common in black women, but there is little information on vertebral fractures. We studied 7860 white and 472 black women ≥65 yr of age enrolled in the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures. Prevalent vertebral fractures were identified from lateral spine radiographs using vertebral morphometry and defined if any vertebral height ratio was >3 SD below race-specific means for each vertebral level. Infor...

  8. Espectro óculo-aurículo-vertebral em pacientes com defeitos cardíacos congênitos

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    Rafael Fabiano Machado Rosa


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Há poucos estudos avaliando a frequência do espectro óculo-aurículo-vertebral (EOAV nos pacientes com defeitos cardíacos congênitos (DCC. OBJETIVO: Verificar a frequência do EOAV em uma amostra de pacientes com malformações cardíacas graves. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos uma coorte prospectiva de pacientes com DCC, admitidos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI cardiopediátrica no Brasil. O diagnóstico de EOAV foi feito com base em dados clínicos, considerando critérios padrões. Os pacientes que preenchiam esses critérios foram submetidos ao cariótipo de alta resolução com bandamento GTG e hibridização fluorescente in situ para a microdeleção 22q11.2. O teste exato de Fisher (P < 0,05 foi usado para as análises estatísticas. RESULTADOS: Durante o período de avaliação, 330 pacientes foram hospitalizados pela primeira vez na UTI, mas trinta deles não participaram deste estudo. Dos 300 pacientes que constituíram a amostragem final, o EOAV foi verificado em três casos (1%. Todos apresentaram estudos citogenéticos normais. CONCLUSÃO: O EOAV parece ser uma condição frequente em pacientes com DCC. Contudo, não podemos excluir a possibilidade de que a frequência de EOAV encontrada em nosso estudo possa ter sido subestimada devido à baixa taxa de detecção pré-natal de DCC e ao acesso limitado dos pacientes ao tratamento médico apropriado em nosso meio. Estudos prospectivos futuros com critérios clínicos bem definidos e pacientes com defeitos leves e graves serão importantes para avaliar o papel do EOAV na população em geral de indivíduos com malformações cardíacas.

  9. Evolution of circadian organization in vertebrates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Menaker


    Full Text Available Circadian organization means the way in which the entire circadian system above the cellular level is put together physically and the principles and rules that determine the interactions among its component parts which produce overt rhythms of physiology and behavior. Understanding this organization and its evolution is of practical importance as well as of basic interest. The first major problem that we face is the difficulty of making sense of the apparently great diversity that we observe in circadian organization of diverse vertebrates. Some of this diversity falls neatly into place along phylogenetic lines leading to firm generalizations: i in all vertebrates there is a "circadian axis" consisting of the retinas, the pineal gland and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN, ii in many non-mammalian vertebrates of all classes (but not in any mammals the pineal gland is both a photoreceptor and a circadian oscillator, and iii in all non-mammalian vertebrates (but not in any mammals there are extraretinal (and extrapineal circadian photoreceptors. An interesting explanation of some of these facts, especially the differences between mammals and other vertebrates, can be constructed on the assumption that early in their evolution mammals passed through a "nocturnal bottleneck". On the other hand, a good deal of the diversity among the circadian systems of vertebrates does not fall neatly into place along phylogenetic lines. In the present review we will consider how we might better understand such "phylogenetically incoherent" diversity and what sorts of new information may help to further our understanding of the evolution of circadian organization in vertebrates

  10. Vertebral chondroblastoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ilaslan, Hakan; Sundaram, Murali [Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street, SW, Rochester, MN 55905 (United States); Unni, Krishnan K. [Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street, SW, Rochester, MN 55905 (United States)


    To determine the age distribution, gender, incidence, and imaging findings of vertebral chondroblastoma, and to compare our series with findings from case reports in the world literature.Design and patients Case records and imaging findings of nine histologically documented vertebral chondroblastomas were retrospectively reviewed for patient age, gender, vertebral column location and level, morphology, matrix, edema, soft tissue mass, spinal canal invasion, and metastases. Our findings were compared with a total of nine patients identified from previous publications in the world literature. The histologic findings in our cases was re-reviewed for diagnosis and specifically for features of calcification and secondary aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC). Clinical follow-up was requested from referring institutions. Nine of 856 chondroblastomas arose in vertebrae (incidence 1.4%; thoracic 5, lumbar 1, cervical 2, sacral 1). There were six males and three females ranging in age from 5 to 41 years (mean 28 years). Satisfactory imaging from seven patients revealed the tumor to arise from the posterior elements in four and the body in three. All tumors were expansive, six of seven were aggressive, and the spinal canal was significantly narrowed by bone or soft tissue mass in six. In one patient canal invasion was minimal. Calcification was pronounced in two and subtle in four. The sole nonaggressive-appearing tumor was heavily mineralized. Bony edema and secondary ABC were not seen on MR imaging. None of the cases had microscopic features of significant secondary ABC. Calcification, and specifically ''chicken wire'' calcification, was identified in two patients. Pulmonary metastases occurred in none. Vertebral chondroblastoma is a rare neoplasm that presents later in life than its appendicular counterpart. On imaging it is aggressive in appearance with bone destruction, soft tissue mass, and spinal canal invasion. The lesions contain variable amounts of mineral

  11. Cirurgias endoscópicas para a coluna torácica: avaliação crítica Endoscopic surgery for thoracic spine: critical review

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    Full Text Available Com o advento da tecnologia vídeo-assistida a endoscopia tem assumido importante papel terapêutico na cavidade torácica. Este artigo é uma avaliação crítica da literatura e tem como objetivo demonstrar o estado atual da cirurgia endoscópica direcionada para a coluna torácica. Hérnias discais, deformidades, infecções, tumores, doenças congênitas e traumatismos estão sendo tratados por técnica endoscópica. Na literatura, as vantagens sobre a toracotomia aberta são visibilidade aumentada e reduções em: tempo de recuperação, perda sanguínea, custos, índice de infecção e morbidade pós-operatória. Algumas desvantagens são: intubação seletiva, significativa curva de aprendizado, dificuldades técnicas na operação de crianças muito pequenas, reparação da dura máter e instrumentação. Embora os benefícios sejam aparentemente claros e haja pronunciado grau de entusiasmo, os autores são cautelosos em afirmar que a toracoscopia já é uma alternativa definitiva à toracotomia convencional. A comparação dos resultados entre as técnicas endoscópica e aberta é dificultada pela escassez de estudos comparativos. Os autores, embora otimistas, recomendam análises de mais estudos prospectivos, multicêntricos e randomizados para uma conclusão definitiva.After the development of video-assisted technology, endoscopic techniques have assumed an important therapeutic role into thoracic cavity. This is a literature review article to show the current state of the endoscopy for thoracic spine. Disc herniations, deformities, infections, tumors, congenital disorders and traumatic events have been treated by endoscopic techniques. On reviewing the literature, the advantages over open approaches are: enhanced visualization, shorter recovery time and decreased blood loss, costs, infection rate and post operative morbidity. Some disadvantages are: one lung anesthesia, significant learning curve, and technical problems in operating

  12. Factors for vertebral artery injury accompanied by cervical trauma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murata, Masaaki; Shingu, Hikosuke; Kimura, Isao; Nasu, Yoshiro; Shiotani, Akihide [San-in Rosai Hospital, Yonago, Tottori (Japan). Spine and Low Back Pain Center


    Injury of the vertebral artery with cerebellar and brain stem infarction is a complication of cervical vertebral trauma. However, the pathogenesis and etiological factors remain to be clarified. In this study, we investigated patients with cervical vertebral and cord injury. This study included 51 patients with cervical vertebral and cord injury who were treated in our department. In these patients, plain X-ray, CT, MRI, and MRA findings were examined. The incidence of vertebral arterial injury was 33.3% (17 of 51 patients with cervical vertebral trauma). In 11 of the 17 patients, dislocation fracture was noted, comprising a markedly high percentage (64.7%). Particularly, vertebral arterial injury was commonly observed in patients with a large dislocation distance and severe paralysis. Cerebellar and brain stem infarction related to vertebral arterial injury was observed in 5 of the 17 patients (29.4%). No infarction developed in patients 50 years old or younger. Infarction was detected in relatively elderly patients. Vertebral arterial injury and cerebellar/brain stem infarction related to cervical vertebral trauma were frequently observed in patients with high energy injury. However, these disorders commonly occurred in elderly patients. Therefore, age-related factors such as arteriosclerosis may also be closely involved. In the acute stage, the state of the vertebral artery should be evaluated by MRA and MRI. Among patients with vertebral arterial injury, caution is needed during follow-up those with risk factors such as high energy injury and advanced age. (author)

  13. Factors for vertebral artery injury accompanied by cervical trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murata, Masaaki; Shingu, Hikosuke; Kimura, Isao; Nasu, Yoshiro; Shiotani, Akihide


    Injury of the vertebral artery with cerebellar and brain stem infarction is a complication of cervical vertebral trauma. However, the pathogenesis and etiological factors remain to be clarified. In this study, we investigated patients with cervical vertebral and cord injury. This study included 51 patients with cervical vertebral and cord injury who were treated in our department. In these patients, plain X-ray, CT, MRI, and MRA findings were examined. The incidence of vertebral arterial injury was 33.3% (17 of 51 patients with cervical vertebral trauma). In 11 of the 17 patients, dislocation fracture was noted, comprising a markedly high percentage (64.7%). Particularly, vertebral arterial injury was commonly observed in patients with a large dislocation distance and severe paralysis. Cerebellar and brain stem infarction related to vertebral arterial injury was observed in 5 of the 17 patients (29.4%). No infarction developed in patients 50 years old or younger. Infarction was detected in relatively elderly patients. Vertebral arterial injury and cerebellar/brain stem infarction related to cervical vertebral trauma were frequently observed in patients with high energy injury. However, these disorders commonly occurred in elderly patients. Therefore, age-related factors such as arteriosclerosis may also be closely involved. In the acute stage, the state of the vertebral artery should be evaluated by MRA and MRI. Among patients with vertebral arterial injury, caution is needed during follow-up those with risk factors such as high energy injury and advanced age. (author)

  14. Initial non-weight-bearing therapy is important for preventing vertebral body collapse in elderly patients with clinical vertebral fractures

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    Kishikawa Y


    Full Text Available Yoichi KishikawaKishikawa Orthopaedic Clinic, Saga City, Saga, JapanPurpose: The aim of the present conventional observational study was to compare the clinical outcomes of initial non-weight-bearing therapy and conventional relative rest therapy among elderly patients with clinical vertebral fractures.Methods: In total, 196 consecutive patients with clinical vertebral fractures (mean age: 78 years who were hospitalized for treatment between January 1999 and March 2007 were analyzed. Initial non-weight-bearing therapy consisted of complete bed rest allowing rolling on the bed without any weight-bearing to the spine for 2 weeks, followed by rehabilitation wearing a soft brace. The indications for initial non-weight-bearing therapy were vertebral fracture involving the posterior portion of the vertebral body at the thoraco-lumbar spine, mild neurological deficit, instability of the fracture site, severe pain, multiple vertebral fractures arising from trauma, malalignment at the fracture site, and mild spinal canal stenosis caused by the fracture. Patients who met the indication criteria were treated with initial non-weight-bearing therapy (n = 103, while the other patients were treated with conventional relative rest (n = 93. All the patients were uniformly treated with intramuscular elcatonin to relieve pain. The primary endpoint was progression of the vertebral fracture. The secondary endpoints included bony union and subjective back pain. The follow-up period was 12 weeks.Results: Compared with the conventional relative rest group, the collapse rate of the anterior and posterior portions of the vertebral body was significantly smaller in the initial non-weight-bearing group. The bony union rate was 100% in the initial non-weight-bearing group and 97% in the conventional relative rest group. The number of patients who experienced back pain was significantly lower in the initial non-weight-bearing group than in the conventional relative rest

  15. Vertebral morphometry by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyanov, M.


    Vertebral fractures are a key feature of overt osteoporosis. Different X-ray morphometric techniques have been developed for quantification of changes in vertebral body shape. In recent years, a new method was implemented based on dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Morphometric X-ray absorptiometry, MXA, is a source of lower radiation and there is no image distortion. Several aspects of its application are under heavy discussion: image quality, accuracy and precision, reference databases, age changes in vertebral shape. The differential diagnosis of vertebral fracture/deformity is difficult. MXA has prove its value in large epidemiological studies on prevalence of vertebral deformities, as well in assessing the effects of different diseases and medications on vertebral body architecture. MXA is a promising method for future research and clinical work. (author)

  16. Utilização da tração halo-craniana pré-operatória no tratamento de deformidades vertebrais de alto valor angular Uso de tracción halo gravitacional en el tratamiento quirúrgico de las deformidades graves de la columna vertebral Halo gravity preoperative traction in severe spine deformities treatment

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    Maximiliano Aguiar Porto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar o resultado do tratamento cirúrgico das deformidades acentuadas da coluna vertebral por meio da utilização da tração halo-gravitacional. MÉTODOS: foram estudados 17 pacientes portadores de diferentes patologias (6 congênitas, 2 pós-neoplasia, 2 neurofibromatoses, 1 idiopática, 1 raquitismo e 5 neuromusculares submetidos a cirurgia para correção de deformidade de alto valor angular na coluna vertebral. A idade no momento da cirurgia variou de 6 a 26 anos (média de 13,75 anos±4,5. Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram o sexo, a idade, o tempo e o peso da tração. Os parâmetros radiográficos estudados foram: a medida da escoliose, da cifose e a altura da coluna vertebral. Os parâmetros radiográficos foram avaliados no período pré-operatório, durante a tração, e no pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: o tempo de tração variou de 14 a 106 dias (34,5±20,83 e a porcentagem de peso da tração em relação ao peso corporal variou de 12,5 a 50% (30%±9,36. A média inicial das escolioses foi de 98,6±25,7º(medida Cobb, reduzido para 83,5º±28,5º durante a tração e para 77º±29,4º no pós-operatório, com a média de correção de 27º, sendo 63% destes ocorridos no período do uso do halo. A média inicial da cifose foi de 86,3±32,08º (Cobb, reduzido para 62,2º±19,9º durante a tração e para 60º±20,9º no pós-operatório, com a média de correção de 26º, sendo 92% durante a tração. CONCLUSÃO: o tratamento cirúrgico das deformidades acentuadas da coluna vertebral, por meio da tração halo-gravitacional pré-operatória, é um método que melhora o ângulo de Cobb reduzindo a correção aguda intraoperatória assim como seus riscos de lesão neurológica.OBJETIVOS: evaluar el resultado del tratamiento quirúrgico en deformidades graves de la columna vertebral con el uso de tracción halo gravitacional. MÉTODOS: fueron estudiados 17 pacientes portadores de diferentes patologías (seis cong

  17. Trunk muscle activity is modified in osteoporotic vertebral fracture and thoracic kyphosis with potential consequences for vertebral health.

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    Alison M Greig

    Full Text Available This study explored inter-relationships between vertebral fracture, thoracic kyphosis and trunk muscle control in elderly people with osteoporosis. Osteoporotic vertebral fractures are associated with increased risk of further vertebral fractures; but underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Several factors may explain this association, including changes in postural alignment (thoracic kyphosis and altered trunk muscle contraction patterns. Both factors may increase risk of further fracture because of increased vertebral loading and impaired balance, which may increase falls risk. This study compared postural adjustments in 24 individuals with osteoporosis with and without vertebral fracture and with varying degrees of thoracic kyphosis. Trunk muscle electromyographic activity (EMG associated with voluntary arm movements was recorded and compared between individuals with and without vertebral fracture, and between those with low and high thoracic kyphosis. Overall, elderly participants in the study demonstrated co-contraction of the trunk flexor and extensor muscles during forwards arm movements, but those with vertebral fractures demonstrated a more pronounced co-contraction than those without fracture. Individuals with high thoracic kyphosis demonstrated more pronounced alternating flexor and extensor EMG bursts than those with less kyphosis. Co-contraction of trunk flexor and extensor muscles in older individuals contrasts the alternating bursts of antagonist muscle activity in previous studies of young individuals. This may have several consequences, including altered balance efficacy and the potential for increased compressive loads through the spine. Both of these outcomes may have consequences in a population with fragile vertebrae who are susceptible to fracture.

  18. Hemifacial spasm; The value of vertebral angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Hak Seok; Kim, Myung Soon; Han, Yong Pyo


    In order to evaluate the value of vertebral angiography in assesment of hemifacial spasm, We reviewed retrospectively the vertebral angiography of 28 patients (30 cases) with surgically proved hemifacial spasm but normal CT scans of posterior fossa. There were 9 males and 19 females. Angiography revealed vascular focus of hemifacial spasm located at anterior inferior cerebellar artery , posterior inferior cerebellar artery, and vertebral artery in 19, 9, and 2 cases respectively. Right side was involved in 20 cases. All involved vessels were elongated, tortuous, and dilated. In conclusion, vertebral angiography was valuable in evaluating hemifacial spasm of vascular origin in the posterior fossa

  19. MR imaging of tuberculous vertebral osteomyelitis: pictorial review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gouliamos, A.D.; Kehagias, D.T.; Lahanis, S.; Moulopoulou, E.S.; Kalovidouris, A.A.; Trakadas, S.J.; Vlahos, L.j. [Dept. of Radiology, University of Athens (Greece); Athanassopoulou, A.A. [Dept. of Radiology, Asklipiion Hospital, Athens (Greece)


    Vertebral osteomyelitis is one of the most common manifestations of tuberculosis. Magnetic resonance imaging is considered the main imaging modality for the diagnosis, the demonstration of the extent of the disease, and follow-up studies. Vertebral destruction involving two consecutive levels with sparing of the intervertebral disc, disc herniation into the vertebral body, epidural involvement, and paraspinal abscess are the most common MRI findings suggestive of tuberculous vertebral osteomyelitis. (orig.)

  20. Metamerism in cephalochordates and the problem of the vertebrate head. (United States)

    Onai, Takayuki; Adachi, Noritaka; Kuratani, Shigeru


    The vertebrate head characteristically exhibits a complex pattern with sense organs, brain, paired eyes and jaw muscles, and the brain case is not found in other chordates. How the extant vertebrate head has evolved remains enigmatic. Historically, there have been two conflicting views on the origin of the vertebrate head, segmental and non-segmental views. According to the segmentalists, the vertebrate head is organized as a metameric structure composed of segments equivalent to those in the trunk; a metamere in the vertebrate head was assumed to consist of a somite, a branchial arch and a set of cranial nerves, considering that the head evolved from rostral segments of amphioxus-like ancestral vertebrates. Non-segmentalists, however, considered that the vertebrate head was not segmental. In that case, the ancestral state of the vertebrate head may be non-segmented, and rostral segments in amphioxus might have been secondarily gained, or extant vertebrates might have evolved through radical modifications of amphioxus-like ancestral vertebrate head. Comparative studies of mesodermal development in amphioxus and vertebrate gastrula embryos have revealed that mesodermal gene expressions become segregated into two domains anteroposteriorly to specify the head mesoderm and trunk mesoderm only in vertebrates; in this segregation, key genes such as delta and hairy, involved in segment formation, are expressed in the trunk mesoderm, but not in the head mesoderm, strongly suggesting that the head mesoderm of extant vertebrates is not segmented. Taken together, the above finding possibly adds a new insight into the origin of the vertebrate head; the vertebrate head mesoderm would have evolved through an anteroposterior polarization of the paraxial mesoderm if the ancestral vertebrate had been amphioxus-like.

  1. Lumbar Vertebral Canal Diameters in Adult Ugandan Skeletons ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Normal values of lumbar vertebral canal diameters are useful in facilitating diagnosis of lumbar vertebral canal stenosis. Various studies have established variation on values between different populations, gender, age, and ethnic groups. Objectives: To determine the lumbar vertebral canal diameters in adult ...

  2. The shape of the human lumbar vertebral canal




    Literature on the anatomy of the human vertebral column characterizes the shape of the lumbar vertebral canal as triangular. The purpose of the present study was to determine the precise shape of the lumbar vertebral canal. Ten lumbar vertebral columns of adult male cadavers were dissected. Two transverse sections were performed in the third lumbar vertebra. One section was performed at the level of the lower border of the ligamenta flava, and the other section was performed at the level of t...

  3. A Case of Duplicated Right Vertebral Artery. (United States)

    Motomura, Mayuko; Watanabe, Koichi; Tabira, Yoko; Iwanaga, Joe; Matsuuchi, Wakako; Yoshida, Daichi; Saga, Tsuyoshi; Yamaki, Koh-Ichi


    We encountered a case of duplicated right vertebral artery during an anatomical dissection course for medical students in 2015. Two vertebral arteries were found in the right neck of a 91-year-old female cadaver. The proximal leg of the arteries arose from the area between the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery that diverged from the brachiocephalic artery. The distal leg arose from the right subclavian artery as expected. The proximal leg entered the transverse foramen of the fourth cervical vertebra and the distal leg entered the transverse foramen of the sixth cervical vertebra. The two right vertebral arteries joined to form one artery just after the origin of the right vertebral artery of the brachiocephalic artery entered the transverse foramen of the fourth cervical vertebra. This artery then traveled up in the transverse foramina and became the basilar artery, joining with the left vertebral artery. We discuss the embryological origin of this case and review previously reported cases.

  4. Innate immunity in vertebrates: an overview. (United States)

    Riera Romo, Mario; Pérez-Martínez, Dayana; Castillo Ferrer, Camila


    Innate immunity is a semi-specific and widely distributed form of immunity, which represents the first line of defence against pathogens. This type of immunity is critical to maintain homeostasis and prevent microbe invasion, eliminating a great variety of pathogens and contributing with the activation of the adaptive immune response. The components of innate immunity include physical and chemical barriers, humoral and cell-mediated components, which are present in all jawed vertebrates. The understanding of innate defence mechanisms in non-mammalian vertebrates is the key to comprehend the general picture of vertebrate innate immunity and its evolutionary history. This is also essential for the identification of new molecules with applications in immunopharmacology and immunotherapy. In this review, we describe and discuss the main elements of vertebrate innate immunity, presenting core findings in this field and identifying areas that need further investigation. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Assisted techniques for vertebral cementoplasty: Why should we do it?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muto, M., E-mail: [Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Section of Neuroradiology—“A. Cardarelli” Hospital, Naples (Italy); Marcia, S. [Section of Radiology—Santissima Trinità Hospital, Cagliari (Italy); Guarnieri, G. [Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Section of Neuroradiology—“A. Cardarelli” Hospital, Naples (Italy); Pereira, V. [Unit of Interventional Neuroradiology–HUG, Geneva (Switzerland)


    Assisted techniques (AT) for vertebral cementoplasty include multiple mini-invasive percutaneous systems in which vertebral augmentation is obtained through mechanical devices with the aim to reach the best vertebral height restoration. As an evolution of the vertebroplasty, the rationale of the AT-treatment is to combine the analgesic and stability effect of cement injection with the restoration of a physiological height for the collapsed vertebral body. Reduction of the vertebral body kyphotic deformity, considering the target of normal spine biomechanics, could improve all systemic potential complications evident in patient with vertebral compression fracture (VCF). Main indications for AT are related to fractures in fragile vertebral osseous matrix and non-osteoporotic vertebral lesions due to spine metastasis or trauma. Many companies developed different systems for AT having the same target but different working cannula, different vertebral height restoration system and costs. Aim of this review is to discuss about vertebral cementoplasty procedures and techniques, considering patient inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as all related minor and/or major interventional complications.

  6. Assisted techniques for vertebral cementoplasty: Why should we do it?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muto, M.; Marcia, S.; Guarnieri, G.; Pereira, V.


    Assisted techniques (AT) for vertebral cementoplasty include multiple mini-invasive percutaneous systems in which vertebral augmentation is obtained through mechanical devices with the aim to reach the best vertebral height restoration. As an evolution of the vertebroplasty, the rationale of the AT-treatment is to combine the analgesic and stability effect of cement injection with the restoration of a physiological height for the collapsed vertebral body. Reduction of the vertebral body kyphotic deformity, considering the target of normal spine biomechanics, could improve all systemic potential complications evident in patient with vertebral compression fracture (VCF). Main indications for AT are related to fractures in fragile vertebral osseous matrix and non-osteoporotic vertebral lesions due to spine metastasis or trauma. Many companies developed different systems for AT having the same target but different working cannula, different vertebral height restoration system and costs. Aim of this review is to discuss about vertebral cementoplasty procedures and techniques, considering patient inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as all related minor and/or major interventional complications

  7. Endplates Changes Related to Age and Vertebral Segment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Fernando P. S. Herrero


    Full Text Available Endplate separations are defined as the presence of a space between the hyaline cartilage and the cortical bone of the adjacent vertebral body. This study evaluates endplate separations from the vertebral body and intervertebral discs and verifies if endplate separation is related to age and the spinal level. Groups were formed based on age (20–40 and 41–85 years old and the vertebral segment (T7-T8 and L4-L5 segments. Histological analysis included assessment of the length of the vertebral endplates, the number and dimensions of the separations, and orientation of the collagen fibers, in the mid-sagittal slice. Two indexes were created: the separation index (number of separations/vertebral length and separation extension index (sum of all separations/vertebral length. The results of the study demonstrated a direct relationship between the density of separations in the endplate and two variables: age and spinal level.

  8. Interobserver reproducibility of radiographic evaluation of lumbar spine instability. (United States)

    Segundo, Saulo de Tarso de Sá Pereira; Valesin, Edgar Santiago; Lenza, Mario; Santos, Durval do Carmo Barros; Rosemberg, Laercio Alberto; Ferretti, Mario


    To measure the interobserver reproducibility of the radiographic evaluation of lumbar spine instability. Measurements of the dynamic radiographs of the lumbar spine in lateral view were performed, evaluating the anterior translation and the angulation among the vertebral bodies. The tests were evaluated at workstations of the organization, through the Carestream Health Vue RIS (PACS), version Inc. 2009© system. Agreement in detecting cases of radiographic instability among the observers varied from 88.1 to 94.4%, and the agreement coefficients AC1 were all above 0.8, indicating excellent agreement. The interobserver analysis performed among orthopedic surgeons with different levels of training in dynamic radiographs of the spine obtained high reproducibility and agreement. However, some factors, such as the manual method of measurement and the presence of vertebral osteophytes, might have generated a few less accurate results in this comparative evaluation of measurements. Mensurar a reprodutibilidade interobservadores da avaliação radiográfica da instabilidade da coluna lombar. Foram realizadas mensurações das radiografias dinâmicas de coluna lombar na incidência em perfil, avaliando-se a translação anterior e a angulação entre os corpos vertebrais. Os exames foram avaliados em workstations da própria instituição, por meio do sistema Vue RIS (PACS) da Carestream Health, versão Inc. 2009©. A proporção de concordância em detecção de casos de instabilidade radiográfica entre os observadores variou de 88,1 a 94,4%, e os coeficientes de concordância AC1 estiveram todos acima de 0,8, indicando concordância excelente. A análise interobservadores realizada entre médicos ortopedistas com diferentes níveis de treinamento em radiografias dinâmicas da coluna vertebral obteve elevada reprodutibilidade e concordância. No entanto, alguns fatores, como método manual de aferição e a presença de osteófitos vertebrais, podem

  9. Tratamento das lesões traumáticas instáveis da coluna torácica e lombar com retângulo de Hartshill Treatment of unstable thotacic spine traumatic injuries using Hartshill rectangle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Júlio César Pereira da Cunha


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados 14 pacientes com lesão instável da coluna torácica e lombar, tratados com instrumentação de Hartshill. De uma forma geral, obtivemos bons resultados com a técnica proposta.Fourteen patients with unstable thoracolumbar spine injuries treated with Hartshill's instrumentation have been evaluated. Good results were generally achieved using this technique.

  10. Duplication of the Left Vertebral Artery Origin: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Sang Wook; Park, Dong Woo; Park, Choong Ki; Lee, Young Jun [Dept. of Radiology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Hanyang University Guri Hospital, Guri (Korea, Republic of)


    Duplication of vertebral arteries is a very rare but clinically important condition. A duplicated vertebral artery origin can influence hemodynamics, pathogenesis of vascular lesions and treatment options. In cases of vertebral artery duplication, the vertebral arteries generally enter the transverse foramen higher up than normal. Awareness of these vertebral artery variants before procedures, such as neurointervention or surgery, may be beneficial. Here, we describe a case of a 51-year-old female patient with left vertebral artery duplication which was detected incidentally.

  11. Duplication of the Left Vertebral Artery Origin: A Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Sang Wook; Park, Dong Woo; Park, Choong Ki; Lee, Young Jun


    Duplication of vertebral arteries is a very rare but clinically important condition. A duplicated vertebral artery origin can influence hemodynamics, pathogenesis of vascular lesions and treatment options. In cases of vertebral artery duplication, the vertebral arteries generally enter the transverse foramen higher up than normal. Awareness of these vertebral artery variants before procedures, such as neurointervention or surgery, may be beneficial. Here, we describe a case of a 51-year-old female patient with left vertebral artery duplication which was detected incidentally.

  12. Automatic vertebral identification using surface-based registration (United States)

    Herring, Jeannette L.; Dawant, Benoit M.


    This work introduces an enhancement to currently existing methods of intra-operative vertebral registration by allowing the portion of the spinal column surface that correctly matches a set of physical vertebral points to be automatically selected from several possible choices. Automatic selection is made possible by the shape variations that exist among lumbar vertebrae. In our experiments, we register vertebral points representing physical space to spinal column surfaces extracted from computed tomography images. The vertebral points are taken from the posterior elements of a single vertebra to represent the region of surgical interest. The surface is extracted using an improved version of the fully automatic marching cubes algorithm, which results in a triangulated surface that contains multiple vertebrae. We find the correct portion of the surface by registering the set of physical points to multiple surface areas, including all vertebral surfaces that potentially match the physical point set. We then compute the standard deviation of the surface error for the set of points registered to each vertebral surface that is a possible match, and the registration that corresponds to the lowest standard deviation designates the correct match. We have performed our current experiments on two plastic spine phantoms and one patient.

  13. Observer agreement in pediatric semiquantitative vertebral fracture diagnosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Siminoski, Kerry [University of Alberta, Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging and Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Edmonton (Canada); Lentle, Brian [University of British Columbia, Department of Radiology, Vancouver (Canada); BC Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Vancouver (Canada); Matzinger, Mary Ann; Shenouda, Nazih [University of Ottawa, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Ottawa (Canada); Children' s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Department of Medical Imaging, Ottawa (Canada); Ward, Leanne M. [University of Ottawa, Department of Pediatrics, Children' s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa (Canada); Children' s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Research Institute, Ottawa (Canada); Collaboration: The Canadian STOPP Consortium


    The Genant semiquantitative (GSQ) method has been a standard procedure for diagnosis of vertebral fractures in adults but has only recently been shown to be of clinical utility in children. Observer agreement using the GSQ method in this age group has not been described. To evaluate observer agreement on vertebral readability and vertebral fracture diagnosis using the GSQ method in pediatric vertebral morphometry. Spine radiographs of 186 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia were evaluated independently by three radiologists using the same GSQ methodology as in adults. A subset of 100 radiographs was evaluated on two occasions. An average of 4.7% of vertebrae were unreadable for the three radiologists. Intraobserver Cohen's kappa (κ) on readability ranged from 0.434 to 0.648 at the vertebral level and from 0.416 to 0.611 at the patient level, while interobserver κ for readability had a range of 0.330 to 0.504 at the vertebral level and 0.295 to 0.467 at the patient level. Intraobserver κ for the presence of vertebral fracture had a range of 0.529 to 0.726 at the vertebral level and was 0.528 to 0.767 at the patient level. Interobserver κ for fracture at the vertebral level ranged from 0.455 to 0.548 and from 0.433 to 0.486 at the patient level. Most κ values for both intra- and interobserver agreement in applying the GSQ method to pediatric spine radiographs were in the moderate to substantial range, comparable to the performance of the technique in adult studies. The GSQ method should be considered for use in pediatric research and clinical practice. (orig.)

  14. Observer agreement in pediatric semiquantitative vertebral fracture diagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siminoski, Kerry; Lentle, Brian; Matzinger, Mary Ann; Shenouda, Nazih; Ward, Leanne M.


    The Genant semiquantitative (GSQ) method has been a standard procedure for diagnosis of vertebral fractures in adults but has only recently been shown to be of clinical utility in children. Observer agreement using the GSQ method in this age group has not been described. To evaluate observer agreement on vertebral readability and vertebral fracture diagnosis using the GSQ method in pediatric vertebral morphometry. Spine radiographs of 186 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia were evaluated independently by three radiologists using the same GSQ methodology as in adults. A subset of 100 radiographs was evaluated on two occasions. An average of 4.7% of vertebrae were unreadable for the three radiologists. Intraobserver Cohen's kappa (κ) on readability ranged from 0.434 to 0.648 at the vertebral level and from 0.416 to 0.611 at the patient level, while interobserver κ for readability had a range of 0.330 to 0.504 at the vertebral level and 0.295 to 0.467 at the patient level. Intraobserver κ for the presence of vertebral fracture had a range of 0.529 to 0.726 at the vertebral level and was 0.528 to 0.767 at the patient level. Interobserver κ for fracture at the vertebral level ranged from 0.455 to 0.548 and from 0.433 to 0.486 at the patient level. Most κ values for both intra- and interobserver agreement in applying the GSQ method to pediatric spine radiographs were in the moderate to substantial range, comparable to the performance of the technique in adult studies. The GSQ method should be considered for use in pediatric research and clinical practice. (orig.)

  15. Simulação do deslocamento de potássio em colunas verticais de solo não-saturado Potassium displacement simulation in vertical columns of unsaturated soil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jarbas H. Miranda


    Full Text Available O estudo do transporte de água e potássio em solo não-saturado é importante, tanto do ponto de vista do ambiente quanto do econômico. Assim sendo, o uso da modelagem computacional é importante, pois permite de maneira precisa e rápida o monitoramento do deslocamento de solutos, importante na prevenção de impactos ao ambiente. No presente trabalho, teve-se o objetivo de avaliar a simulação do deslocamento do íon potássio em colunas de solo não-saturado, utilizando o modelo MIDI, bem como apresentar a determinação dos parâmetros de transporte do íon potássio em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, fase arenosa. Concluiu-se que o modelo foi capaz de simular de maneira satisfatória o perfil de umidade e o deslocamento do íon potássio.Water and solute transport studies in unsaturated soil are important for both economical and environmental points of view and, in this sense, it should be emphasized the increase of agricultural use of urban and industrial residues, to the water resources and fertilizers saving. Thus, the computational modeling use is important, because it allows the monitoring of solute displacement, necessary to the environmental impacts prevention in a precise and fast way. The main objective of the present work is to simulate the displacement of potassium ion in unsaturated soil columns, using the MIDI model, as well as to present transport parameters determination of the potassium ion in a Red Yellowish Latossol, sandy phase. The obtained results allowed concluding that the model was capable to adequately simulate the potassium ion displacement.

  16. Vascular complications of prosthetic inter-vertebral discs


    Daly, Kevin J.; Ross, E. Raymond S.; Norris, Heather; McCollum, Charles N.


    Five consecutive cases of prosthetic inter-vertebral disc displacement with severe vascular complications on revisional surgery are described. The objective of this case report is to warn spinal surgeons that major vascular complications are likely with anterior displacement of inter-vertebral discs. We have not been able to find a previous report on vascular complications associated with anterior displacement of prosthetic inter-vertebral discs. In all five patients the prosthetic disc had e...

  17. Constrained vertebrate evolution by pleiotropic genes. (United States)

    Hu, Haiyang; Uesaka, Masahiro; Guo, Song; Shimai, Kotaro; Lu, Tsai-Ming; Li, Fang; Fujimoto, Satoko; Ishikawa, Masato; Liu, Shiping; Sasagawa, Yohei; Zhang, Guojie; Kuratani, Shigeru; Yu, Jr-Kai; Kusakabe, Takehiro G; Khaitovich, Philipp; Irie, Naoki


    Despite morphological diversification of chordates over 550 million years of evolution, their shared basic anatomical pattern (or 'bodyplan') remains conserved by unknown mechanisms. The developmental hourglass model attributes this to phylum-wide conserved, constrained organogenesis stages that pattern the bodyplan (the phylotype hypothesis); however, there has been no quantitative testing of this idea with a phylum-wide comparison of species. Here, based on data from early-to-late embryonic transcriptomes collected from eight chordates, we suggest that the phylotype hypothesis would be better applied to vertebrates than chordates. Furthermore, we found that vertebrates' conserved mid-embryonic developmental programmes are intensively recruited to other developmental processes, and the degree of the recruitment positively correlates with their evolutionary conservation and essentiality for normal development. Thus, we propose that the intensively recruited genetic system during vertebrates' organogenesis period imposed constraints on its diversification through pleiotropic constraints, which ultimately led to the common anatomical pattern observed in vertebrates.

  18. Modulación del crecimiento vertebral mediante electrocoagulación hemicircunferencial vertebral asistida


    Caballero García, Alberto


    Nuestro trabajo está basado en la posibilidad de controlar el desarrollo asimétrico de los cartílagos de crecimiento vertebral, mediante la realización de una fisiodesis hemivertebral, con electrocoagulación, videoasistida por toracoscópica. Se realizará en cinco niveles torácicos, con un abordaje anterior mínimamente invasivo. Por lo tanto, planteamos como hipótesis de trabajo que La destrucción de las fisis de crecimiento vertebral mediante electrocoagulación, videoasistida por vía toracosc...

  19. SpineAnalyzer™ is an accurate and precise method of vertebral fracture detection and classification on dual-energy lateral vertebral assessment scans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birch, C.; Knapp, K.; Hopkins, S.; Gallimore, S.; Rock, B.


    Osteoporotic fractures of the spine are associated with significant morbidity, are highly predictive of hip fractures, but frequently do not present clinically. When there is a low to moderate clinical suspicion of vertebral fracture, which would not justify acquisition of a radiograph, vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) using Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) offers a low-dose opportunity for diagnosis. Different approaches to the classification of vertebral fractures have been documented. The aim of this study was to measure the precision and accuracy of SpineAnalyzer™, a quantitative morphometry software program. Lateral vertebral assessment images of 64 men were analysed using SpineAnalyzer™ and standard GE Lunar software. The images were also analysed by two expert readers using a semi-quantitative approach. Agreement between groups ranged from 95.99% to 98.60%. The intra-rater precision for the application of SpineAnalyzer™ to vertebrae was poor in the upper thoracic regions, but good elsewhere. SpineAnalyzer™ is a reproducible and accurate method for measuring vertebral height and quantifying vertebral fractures from VFA scans. - Highlights: • Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) using Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) offers a low-dose opportunity for diagnosis. • Agreement between VFA software (SpineAnalyzer™) and expert readers is high. • Intra-rater precision of SpineAnalyzer™ applied to upper thoracic vertebrae is poor, but good elsewhere. • SpineAnalyzer™ is reproducible and accurate for vertebral height measurement and fracture quantification from VFA scans

  20. Influence of physical activity on vertebral strength during late adolescence. (United States)

    Junno, Juho-Antti; Paananen, Markus; Karppinen, Jaro; Tammelin, Tuija; Niinimäki, Jaakko; Lammentausta, Eveliina; Niskanen, Markku; Nieminen, Miika T; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Takatalo, Jani; Tervonen, Osmo; Tuukkanen, Juha


    Reduced vertebral strength is a clear risk factor for vertebral fractures. Men and women with vertebral fractures often have reduced vertebral size and bone mineral density (BMD). Vertebral strength is controlled by both genetic and developmental factors. Malnutrition and low levels of physical activity are commonly considered to result in reduced bone size during growth. Several studies have also demonstrated the general relationship between BMD and physical activity in the appendicular skeleton. In this study, we wanted to clarify the role of physical activity on vertebral bodies. Vertebral dimensions appear to generally be less pliant than long bones when lifetime changes occur. We wanted to explore the association between physical activity during late adolescence and vertebral strength parameters such as cross-sectional size and BMD. The association between physical activity and vertebral strength was explored by measuring vertebral strength parameters and defining the level of physical activity during adolescence. The study population consisted of 6,928 males and females who, at 15 to 16 and 19 years of age, responded to a mailed questionnaire inquiring about their physical activity. A total of 558 individuals at the mean age of 21 years underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. We measured the dimensions of the fourth lumbar vertebra from the MRI scans of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 and performed T2* relaxation time mapping, reflective of BMD. Vertebral strength was based on these two parameters. We analyzed the association of physical activity on vertebral strength using the analysis of variance. We observed no association between the level of physical activity during late adolescence and vertebral strength at 21 years. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Rehabilitation in osteoporotic vertebral fractures


    Pratelli, Elisa; Cinotti, Irene; Pasquetti, Pietro


    Vertebral fractures occur particularly in osteoporotic patients due to an increased bone fragility. Vertebral fractures influence the quality of life, mobility and mortality. Preventive training exercises and proprioception reeducation can be utilised for improving posture, balance and level of daily function and for decreasing pain. Quality of life is improved even beyond the active training period. This mini review provides information based on the literature for the rehabilitation of osteo...

  2. CT and MRI characteristics of vertebral tuberculosis (34 cases)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Wenbing; Liao Qinghou; Wu Shiqiang; Huang Tao; Deng Yufang; Liu Jianming


    Objective: To explore CT and MRI characteristics of vertebral tuberculosis. Methods: 34 patients with vertebral tuberculosis proved by clinic or pathology were analyzed retrospectively. Of these patients, 20 were performed with CT examination and 24 with MRI, 10 with both CT and MRI. The results were compared mutually. Results: The CT features of vertebral tuberculosis were bone destruction, paraspinal abscess, spinal canal involvement. The MRI features of vertebral tuberculosis were bone destruction, intervertebral disc destruction, paraspinal abscess, spinal canal involvement, sub-ligamental spread. Conclusion: Vertebral tuberculosis showed multiple characteristics on CT and MRI. CT is useful in showing sequester and calcification, and MRI is useful in showing sub-ligamental spread, epidural and spinal cord involvement. Combining CT with and MRI is helpful for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of vertebral tuberculosis. (authors)

  3. Facultative parthenogenesis in vertebrates: reproductive error or chance? (United States)

    Lampert, K P


    Parthenogenesis, the development of an embryo from a female gamete without any contribution of a male gamete, is very rare in vertebrates. Parthenogenetically reproducing species have, so far, only been found in the Squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes). Facultative parthenogenesis, switching between sexual and clonal reproduction, although quite common in invertebrates, e.g. Daphnia and aphids, seems to be even rarer in vertebrates. However, isolated cases of parthenogenetic development have been reported in all vertebrate groups. Facultative parthenogenesis in vertebrates has only been found in captive animals but might simply have been overlooked in natural populations. Even though its evolutionary impact is hard to determine and very likely varies depending on the ploidy restoration mechanisms and sex-determining mechanisms involved, facultative parthenogenesis is already discussed in conservation biology and medical research. To raise interest for facultative parthenogenesis especially in evolutionary biology, I summarize the current knowledge about facultative parthenogenesis in the different vertebrate groups, introduce mechanisms of diploid oocyte formation and discuss the genetic consequences and potential evolutionary impact of facultative parthenogenesis in vertebrates.

  4. Ancient deuterostome origins of vertebrate brain signalling centres. (United States)

    Pani, Ariel M; Mullarkey, Erin E; Aronowicz, Jochanan; Assimacopoulos, Stavroula; Grove, Elizabeth A; Lowe, Christopher J


    Neuroectodermal signalling centres induce and pattern many novel vertebrate brain structures but are absent, or divergent, in invertebrate chordates. This has led to the idea that signalling-centre genetic programs were first assembled in stem vertebrates and potentially drove morphological innovations of the brain. However, this scenario presumes that extant cephalochordates accurately represent ancestral chordate characters, which has not been tested using close chordate outgroups. Here we report that genetic programs homologous to three vertebrate signalling centres-the anterior neural ridge, zona limitans intrathalamica and isthmic organizer-are present in the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii. Fgf8/17/18 (a single gene homologous to vertebrate Fgf8, Fgf17 and Fgf18), sfrp1/5, hh and wnt1 are expressed in vertebrate-like arrangements in hemichordate ectoderm, and homologous genetic mechanisms regulate ectodermal patterning in both animals. We propose that these genetic programs were components of an unexpectedly complex, ancient genetic regulatory scaffold for deuterostome body patterning that degenerated in amphioxus and ascidians, but was retained to pattern divergent structures in hemichordates and vertebrates. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

  5. X-ray image segmentation for vertebral mobility analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benjelloun, Mohammed; Mahmoudi, Said


    The goal of this work is to extract the parameters determining vertebral motion and its variation during flexion-extension movements using a computer vision tool for estimating and analyzing vertebral mobility. To compute vertebral body motion parameters we propose a comparative study between two segmentation methods proposed and applied to lateral X-ray images of the cervical spine. The two vertebra contour detection methods include (1) a discrete dynamic contour model (DDCM) and (2) a template matching process associated with a polar signature system. These two methods not only enable vertebra segmentation but also extract parameters that can be used to evaluate vertebral mobility. Lateral cervical spine views including 100 views in flexion, extension and neutral orientations were available for evaluation. Vertebral body motion was evaluated by human observers and using automatic methods. The results provided by the automated approaches were consistent with manual measures obtained by 15 human observers. The automated techniques provide acceptable results for the assessment of vertebral body mobility in flexion and extension on lateral views of the cervical spine. (orig.)

  6. Varied overstrain injuries of the vertebral column conditioned by evolution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kohlbach, W


    During physiological growth of the juvenile vertebral column, various stages of stability occur which are characterized by the condition of the marginal rim of the vertebral bodies. If the vertebral juvenile column is overstrained, these variations in stability results in a variety of damage to vertebral bodies and vertebral disks. One of these lesions corresponds to Scheuermann's disease (osteochondrosis of vertebral epiphyses in juveniles). Damage of the vertebral column due to overstrain can occur only if the overstrain is applied in upright position. Since Man alone can damage his vertebral column in upright position (as a result of his evolutionary development), Scheuermann's thesis is confirmed that Scheuermann's disease is confined to Man. Spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis is also a damage caused by overstrain. Here, too, the damage can occur only if the load is exercised in upright position, with the exception of a slanted positioning of the intervertebral components.

  7. Varied overstrain injuries of the vertebral column conditioned by evolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kohlbach, W.


    During physiological growth of the juvenile vertebral column, various stages of stability occur which are characterized by the condition of the marginal rim of the vertebral bodies. If the vertebral juvenile column is overstrained, these variations in stability results in a variety of damage to vertebral bodies and vertebral disks. One of these lesions corresponds to Scheuermann's disease (osteochondrosis of vertebral epiphyses in juveniles). Damage of the vertebral column due to overstrain can occur only if the overstrain is applied in upright position. Since Man alone can damage his vertebral column in upright position (as a result of his evolutionary development), Scheuermann's thesis is confirmed that Scheuermann's disease is confined to Man. Spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis is also a damage caused by overstrain. Here, too, the damage can occur only if the load is exercised in upright position, with the exception of a slanted positioning of the intervertebral components. (orig.) [de

  8. The prevalence of radiographic vertebral fractures in Latin American countries: the Latin American Vertebral Osteoporosis Study (LAVOS). (United States)

    Clark, P; Cons-Molina, F; Deleze, M; Ragi, S; Haddock, L; Zanchetta, J R; Jaller, J J; Palermo, L; Talavera, J O; Messina, D O; Morales-Torres, J; Salmeron, J; Navarrete, A; Suarez, E; Pérez, C M; Cummings, S R


    In the first population-based study of vertebral fractures in Latin America, we found a 11.18 (95% CI 9.23-13.4) prevalence of radiographically ascertained vertebral fractures in a random sample of 1,922 women from cities within five different countries. These figures are similar to findings from studies in Beijing, China, some regions of Europe, and slightly lower than those found in the USA using the same standardized methodology. We report the first study of radiographic vertebral fractures in Latin America. An age-stratified random sample of 1,922 women aged 50 years and older from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Puerto Rico were included. In all cases a standardized questionnaire and lateral X-rays of the lumbar and thoracic spine were obtained after informed consent. A standardized prevalence of 11.18 (95% CI 9.23-13.4) was found. The prevalence was similar in all five countries, increasing from 6.9% (95% CI 4.6-9.1) in women aged 50-59 years to 27.8% (95% CI 23.1-32.4) in those 80 years and older (p for trend < 0.001). Among different risk factors, self-reported height loss OR = 1.63 (95% CI: 1.18-2.25), and previous history of fracture OR = 1.52 (95% CI: 1.14-2.03) were significantly (p < 0.003 and p < 0.04 respectably) associated with the presence of radiographic vertebral fractures in the multivariate analysis. In the bivariate analyses HRT was associated with a 35% lower risk OR = 0.65 (95% CI: 0.46-0.93) and physical activity with a 27% lower risk of having a vertebral fracture OR = 0.73 (95% CI: 0.55-0.98), but were not statistically significant in multivariate analyses We conclude that radiographically ascertained vertebral fractures are common in Latin America. Health authorities in the region should be aware and consider implementing measures to prevent vertebral fractures.

  9. Prevalence of thoracolumbar vertebral fractures on multidetector CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartalena, Tommaso; Giannelli, Giovanni; Rinaldi, Maria Francesca; Rimondi, Eugenio; Rinaldi, Giovanni; Sverzellati, Nicola; Gavelli, Giampaolo


    Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of osteoporotic vertebral fractures in patients undergoing multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) of the chest and/or abdomen. Materials and methods: 323 consecutive patients (196 males, 127 females) with a mean age of 62.6 years (range 20-88) who had undergone chest and/or abdominal MDCT were evaluated. Sagittal reformats of the spine obtained from thin section datasets were reviewed by two radiologists and assessed for vertebral fractures. Morphometric analysis using electronic calipers was performed on vertebral bodies which appeared abnormal upon visual inspection. A vertebral body height loss of 15% or more was considered a fracture and graded as mild (15-24%), moderate (25-49%) or severe (more than 50%). Official radiology reports were reviewed and whether the vertebral fractures had been reported or not was noted. Results: 31 out of 323 patients (9.5%) had at least 1 vertebral fracture and 7 of those patients had multiple fractures for a total of 41 fractures. Morphometric grading revealed 10 mild, 16 moderate and 15 severe fractures. Prevalence was higher in women (14.1%) than men (6.6%) and increased with patients age with a 17.1% prevalence in post-menopausal women. Only 6 out 41 vertebral fractures (14.6%) had been noted in the radiology final report while the remaining 35 (85.45) had not. Conclusion: although vertebral fractures represent frequent incidental findings on multidetector CT studies and may be easily identified on sagittal reformats, they are often underreported by radiologists, most likely because of unawareness of their clinical importance.

  10. Reproducibility of central lumbar vertebral BMD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan, F.; Pocock, N.; Griffiths, M.; Majerovic, Y.; Freund, J.


    Full text: Lumbar vertebral bone mineral density (BMD) using dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) has generally been calculated from a region of interest which includes the entire vertebral body. Although this region excludes part of the transverse processes, it does include the outer cortical shell of the vertebra. Recent software has been devised to calculate BMD in a central vertebral region of interest which excludes the outer cortical envelope. Theoretically this area may be more sensitive to detecting osteoporosis which affects trabecular bone to a greater extent than cortical bone. Apart from the sensitivity of BMD estimation, the reproducibility of any measurement is important owing to the slow rate of change of bone mass. We have evaluated the reproducibility of this new vertebral region of interest in 23 women who had duplicate lumbar spine DXA scans performed on the same day. The patients were repositioned between each measurement. Central vertebral analysis was performed for L2-L4 and the reproducibility of area, bone mineral content (BMC) and BMD calculated as the coefficient of variation; these values were compared with those from conventional analysis. Thus we have shown that the reproducibility of the central BMD is comparable to the conventional analysis which is essential if this technique is to provide any additional clinical data. The reasons for the decrease in reproducibility of the area and hence BMC requires further investigation

  11. Mielopatia por deficiência de vitamina B12 apresentando-se como mielite transversa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vasconcellos Luiz Felipe Rocha


    Full Text Available As manifestações neurológicas associadas à deficiência de vitamina B12 incluem polineuropatia, mielopatia, demência e neuropatia óptica. O diagnóstico laboratorial é feito através da dosagem sérica de cianocobalamina ou homocisteína e da excreção urinária de ácido metilmalônico. No estudo anatomopatológico observa-se na microscopia a destruição da mielina e de axônios vistos na substância branca. A região mais comumente afetada é o cordão posterior cervical e/ou torácico. O acometimento da coluna lateral é raro, ocorrendo em casos graves e avançados. O tratamento consiste na reposição de vitamina B12 e a resposta depende da gravidade do quadro e do tempo transcorrido entre o inicio dos sintomas e inicio do tratamento. Relatamos o caso de um paciente que apresentou, como manifestação de deficiência de vitamina B12, mielite transversa. O estudo morfológico da medula demonstrou comprometimento dos tractos cortico-espinhais lateral e anterior, da coluna dorsal e ainda do tracto espino-talâmico.

  12. Varied overstrain injuries of the vertebral column conditioned by evolution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kohlbach, W.


    During physiological growth of the juvenile vertebral column, various stages of stability occur which are characterized by the condition of the marginal rim of the vertebral bodies. If the vertebral juvenile column is overstrained, these variations in stability results in a variety of damage to vertebral bodies and vertebral disks. One of these lesions corresponds to Scheuermann's disease (osteochondrosis of vertebral epiphyses in juveniles). Damage of the vertebral column due to overstrain can occur only if the overstrain is applied in upright position. Since Man alone can damage his vertebral column in upright position (as a result of his evolutionary development), Scheuermann's thesis is confirmed that Scheuermann's disease is confined to Man. Spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis is also a damage caused by overstrain. Here, too, the damage can occur only if the load is exercised in upright position, with the exception of a slanted positioning of the intervertebral components.

  13. High-altitude adaptations in vertebrate hemoglobins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weber, Roy E.


    Vertebrates at high altitude are subjected to hypoxic conditions that challenge aerobic metabolism. O2 transport from the respiratory surfaces to tissues requires matching between the O2 loading and unloading tensions and theO2-affinity of blood, which is an integrated function of hemoglobin......, birds and ectothermic vertebrates at high altitude....

  14. Vertebral body osteomyelitis in the horse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markel, M.D.; Madigan, J.E.; Lichtensteiger, C.A.; Large, S.M.; Hornof, W.J.


    The clinical signs, laboratory data, results of nuclear scintigraphy and radiographic examination of five horses with vertebral body osteomyelitis are described together with response to treatment. Three horses were less than five months of age. Four horses demonstrated hindlimb paresis and in three a focus of pain in the thoracolumbar region could be identified. An umbilical abscess, a caudal lobe lung abscess and a patent urachus were considered primary niduses of infection in each of three horses. Leucocytosis, neutrophilia, anaemia and elevated fibrinogen were the most consistent laboratory abnormalities. Nuclear scintigraphy was performed in three horses and identified the site of the vertebral lesion which was subsequently evaluated radiographically. In the other two horses radiographic examination in the region of areas of focal pain identified a lesion. Radiographic abnormalities included compression fractures of vertebral bodies (two), proliferative new bone (three) and soft tissue swelling ventral to a vertebral body (one). Two horses, including one with a compression fracture of the second lumbar vertebra, received parenteral antimicrobial therapy for 40 and 74 days, respectively. When re-examined six months later they showed no neurological abnormalities. The other three horses failed to respond to antimicrobial treatment and were humanely destroyed. The horse with a lung abscess also had an abscess cranial to the right tuber coxae which extended into the vertebral bodies of the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae from which Streptococcus zooepidemicus was cultured. A horse with proliferative new bone on the ventral aspect of the fifth and sixth thoracic vertebrae had a mediastinal mass associated with these vertebrae and fungal granulomas, from which Aspergillus species was cultured, in the heart and aorta, trachea, spleen and kidney. The horse with a patent urachus and soft tissue swelling ventral to the vertebral body of the 12th thoracic vertebra

  15. Osteomielitis vertebral piógena Pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro P. Perrotti


    Full Text Available La osteomielitis vertebral piógena (OVP es una localización poco frecuente (2-7% Se confirma con el aislamiento de un microorganismo de una vértebra, disco intervertebral, absceso epidural o paravertebral. Se describe una serie de casos por la infrecuente presentación de esta enfermedad, que puede ser consulta inicial en los servicios de clínica médica y por su sintomatología inespecífica que supone una dificultad diagnóstica. Tanto la columna lumbar como la dorsal fueron los sitios más afectados. El dolor dorsolumbar y la paraparesia fueron los síntomas más frecuentes de presentación. En ocho pacientes se aislaron Staphylococcus aureus, en uno Escherichia coli y en el restante Haemophylus sp. Se observó leucocitosis sólo en tres pacientes, y en dos velocidad de sedimentación globular mayor de 100 mm/h. Los diez pacientes presentaron imágenes características de osteomielitis vertebral piógena en la resonancia nuclear magnética. Dentro de las complicaciones, los abscesos paravertebrales y epidurales fueron los más frecuentes (en cinco enfermos. Además, un paciente presentó empiema pleural. De los diez pacientes de esta serie, siete recibieron inicialmente tratamiento médico empírico y luego específico para el germen aislado. En los restantes el tratamiento fue guiado de acuerdo al antibiograma. A dos enfermos fue necesario realizarles laminectomía descompresiva por compromiso de partes blandas y a otros dos estabilización quirúrgica por inestabilidad espinal, observándose buena evolución en todos los casos. Esta serie demuestra que, ante un paciente con dolor dorsolumbar y síntomas neurológicos se deberá tener en cuenta esta entidad para evitar un retraso en el tratamiento.Pyogenic osteomyelitis seldom affects the spine (2-7%. It is diagnosed by the isolation of a bacterial agent in the vertebral body, the intervertebral disks or from paravertebral or epidural abscesses. We report a retrospective study of ten

  16. VerSeDa: vertebrate secretome database. (United States)

    Cortazar, Ana R; Oguiza, José A; Aransay, Ana M; Lavín, José L


    Based on the current tools, de novo secretome (full set of proteins secreted by an organism) prediction is a time consuming bioinformatic task that requires a multifactorial analysis in order to obtain reliable in silico predictions. Hence, to accelerate this process and offer researchers a reliable repository where secretome information can be obtained for vertebrates and model organisms, we have developed VerSeDa (Vertebrate Secretome Database). This freely available database stores information about proteins that are predicted to be secreted through the classical and non-classical mechanisms, for the wide range of vertebrate species deposited at the NCBI, UCSC and ENSEMBL sites. To our knowledge, VerSeDa is the only state-of-the-art database designed to store secretome data from multiple vertebrate genomes, thus, saving an important amount of time spent in the prediction of protein features that can be retrieved from this repository directly. VerSeDa is freely available at © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.

  17. Kyphoplasty for severe osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bao Zhaohua; Wang Genlin; Yang Huilin; Meng Bin; Chen Kangwu; Jiang Weimin


    Objective: To evaluate the clininal efficacy of kyphoplasty for severe osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Methods: Forty-five patients with severe osteoporotic compressive fractures were treated by kyphoplasty from Jan 2005 to Jan 2009. The compressive rate of the fractured vertebral bodies was more than 75%. According to the morphology of the vertebral compression fracture bodies the unilateral or bilateral balloon kyphoplasty were selected. The anterior vertebral height was measured on a standing lateral radiograph at pre-operative, post-operative (one day after operation) and final follow-up time. A visual analog scale(VAS) and the Oswestry disability index (ODI) were chosen to evaluate pain status and functional activity. Results: The mean follow-up was for 21.7 months (in range from 18 to 48 months). The anterior vertebral body height of fracture vertebra was restored from preoperative (18.7 ± 3.1)% to postoperative (51.4 ± 2.3)%, the follow-up period (50.2 ± 2.7)%. There was a significant improvement between preoperative and postoperative values (P 0.05). The VAS was 8.1 ± 1.4 at preoperative, 2.6 ± 0.9 at postoperative, 2.1 ± 0.5 at final follow-up time; and the ODI was preoperative 91.1 ± 2.3, postoperative 30.7 ± 7.1, follow-up period 26.1 ± 5.1. There was statistically significant improvement in the VAS and ODI in the post-operative assessment compared with the pre-operative assessment (P 0.05). Asymptomatic cement leakage occurred in three cases. New vertebral fracture occurred in one case. Conclusion: The study suggests that balloon kyphoplasty is a safe and effective procedure in the treatment of severe osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. (authors)

  18. The pre-vertebrate origins of neurogenic placodes. (United States)

    Abitua, Philip Barron; Gainous, T Blair; Kaczmarczyk, Angela N; Winchell, Christopher J; Hudson, Clare; Kamata, Kaori; Nakagawa, Masashi; Tsuda, Motoyuki; Kusakabe, Takehiro G; Levine, Michael


    The sudden appearance of the neural crest and neurogenic placodes in early branching vertebrates has puzzled biologists for over a century. These embryonic tissues contribute to the development of the cranium and associated sensory organs, which were crucial for the evolution of the vertebrate "new head". A previous study suggests that rudimentary neural crest cells existed in ancestral chordates. However, the evolutionary origins of neurogenic placodes have remained obscure owing to a paucity of embryonic data from tunicates, the closest living relatives to those early vertebrates. Here we show that the tunicate Ciona intestinalis exhibits a proto-placodal ectoderm (PPE) that requires inhibition of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and expresses the key regulatory determinant Six1/2 and its co-factor Eya, a developmental process conserved across vertebrates. The Ciona PPE is shown to produce ciliated neurons that express genes for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), a G-protein-coupled receptor for relaxin-3 (RXFP3) and a functional cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (CNGA), which suggests dual chemosensory and neurosecretory activities. These observations provide evidence that Ciona has a neurogenic proto-placode, which forms neurons that appear to be related to those derived from the olfactory placode and hypothalamic neurons of vertebrates. We discuss the possibility that the PPE-derived GnRH neurons of Ciona resemble an ancestral cell type, a progenitor to the complex neuronal circuit that integrates sensory information and neuroendocrine functions in vertebrates.

  19. Vertebral Column Resection for Rigid Spinal Deformity. (United States)

    Saifi, Comron; Laratta, Joseph L; Petridis, Petros; Shillingford, Jamal N; Lehman, Ronald A; Lenke, Lawrence G


    Broad narrative review. To review the evolution, operative technique, outcomes, and complications associated with posterior vertebral column resection. A literature review of posterior vertebral column resection was performed. The authors' surgical technique is outlined in detail. The authors' experience and the literature regarding vertebral column resection are discussed at length. Treatment of severe, rigid coronal and/or sagittal malalignment with posterior vertebral column resection results in approximately 50-70% correction depending on the type of deformity. Surgical site infection rates range from 2.9% to 9.7%. Transient and permanent neurologic injury rates range from 0% to 13.8% and 0% to 6.3%, respectively. Although there are significant variations in EBL throughout the literature, it can be minimized by utilizing tranexamic acid intraoperatively. The ability to correct a rigid deformity in the spine relies on osteotomies. Each osteotomy is associated with a particular magnitude of correction at a single level. Posterior vertebral column resection is the most powerful posterior osteotomy method providing a successful correction of fixed complex deformities. Despite meticulous surgical technique and precision, this robust osteotomy technique can be associated with significant morbidity even in the most experienced hands.

  20. Prevalência de desordens musculoesqueléticas em odontologistas de Caxias do Sul = Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in Caxias do Sul’s dentists

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gazzola, Franciele


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência de desordens musculoesqueléticas que acometem Odontologistas de Caxias do Sul, correlacionando os achados significativos. Materiais e métodos: estudo do tipo observacional transversal descritivo onde foi aplicado um questionário semi-estruturado com questões sócio-demográficas, clínicas e laborais, elaborado com base em questionários utilizados em outras pesquisas. Os dados foram analisados no programa SPSS 11. 0 e, para verificar as associações dos sintomas com as variáveis demográficas, clínicas e laborais (sexo, idade, posição adotada no trabalho, jornada de trabalho, tempo de atuação e região corporal, foi utilizado o teste do qui-quadrado, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 71 Odontologistas, sendo 46 homens e 25 mulheres, com média de idade de 37 anos. Os resultados apontaram uma alta prevalência (98,6% de desordens musculoesqueléticas nesses profissionais, onde as regiões mais acometidas foram: a coluna cervical (77,5%, a coluna lombar (73,3% e os ombros (69%. A relação entre desordens musculoesqueléticas e sintoma concomitante foi estatisticamente significativa para as desordens musculoesqueléticas na coluna cervical (p=0,014, nos cotovelos (p=0,002, nos antebraços (p=0,002 e nos punhos/mãos/dedos (p=0,015. Conclusões: Podemos concluir que a prevalência de desordens musculoesqueléticas nesses profissionais foi alta e provavelmente está associada às características da prática do profissional de Odontologia

  1. Vertebrate Embryonic Cleavage Pattern Determination. (United States)

    Hasley, Andrew; Chavez, Shawn; Danilchik, Michael; Wühr, Martin; Pelegri, Francisco


    The pattern of the earliest cell divisions in a vertebrate embryo lays the groundwork for later developmental events such as gastrulation, organogenesis, and overall body plan establishment. Understanding these early cleavage patterns and the mechanisms that create them is thus crucial for the study of vertebrate development. This chapter describes the early cleavage stages for species representing ray-finned fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles, mammals, and proto-vertebrate ascidians and summarizes current understanding of the mechanisms that govern these patterns. The nearly universal influence of cell shape on orientation and positioning of spindles and cleavage furrows and the mechanisms that mediate this influence are discussed. We discuss in particular models of aster and spindle centering and orientation in large embryonic blastomeres that rely on asymmetric internal pulling forces generated by the cleavage furrow for the previous cell cycle. Also explored are mechanisms that integrate cell division given the limited supply of cellular building blocks in the egg and several-fold changes of cell size during early development, as well as cytoskeletal specializations specific to early blastomeres including processes leading to blastomere cohesion. Finally, we discuss evolutionary conclusions beginning to emerge from the contemporary analysis of the phylogenetic distributions of cleavage patterns. In sum, this chapter seeks to summarize our current understanding of vertebrate early embryonic cleavage patterns and their control and evolution.

  2. Vertebral metastases: characteristic MRI findings due to epidural carcinomatous inflitration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hutzelmann, A.; Palmie, S.; Freund, M.


    Purpose: In cases of lumbar vertebral metastasis associated with anterior epidural carcinomatous infiltration, we have observed that infiltrations tend to respect the midline. This study led to the systematic recognition of these phenomena in vertebral metastases. Materials and Methods: 11 Patients with 17 vertebral metastases and adjacent anterior epidural infiltration were reviewed retrospectively. All cases were studied by MRI. The routinely used imaging technique included spin echo (SE) T 1 and T 2 weighted sequences in the sagittal plane native and T 1 -SE without and with Gd-DTPA in the axial planes. The radiological findings of these phenomena and the anatomy were studied. Results: We observed these phenomena to be uni- or bilateral in 88.3% of all cases with intraspinal anterior epidural carcinomatous infiltration, especially in that part of the vertebral body where the basal vertebral venous plexus was located. Conclusion: We conclude that vertebral metastases respect the midline. We interpret this fact as being due the anatomy of the vertebral body and especially its stabilization by the posterior longitudinal ligament. These findings may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of vertebral body metastases with epidural infiltration in contrast to intraspinal processes which proceed with the destruction of the vertebral body. (orig.) [de

  3. Stent assisted coil embolization of a dissecting aneurysm of the vertebral artery: a case involving a patient with hypoplasia of the contralateral vertebral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyun Jin; Jeong, Hae Woong; Cho, Jae Kwoeng; Park, Jeong Hoon; Koo, Yong Woon; Baik, Seung Kug


    A dissecting aneurysm of the vertebral artery may be treated conservatively, surgically, or using an endovascular approach. Proximal clipping, wrapping or trapping are surgical treatment methods, and endovascular treatment with coils and balloons is performed where a dissecting aneurysm is located near the midline or the appropriate surgical manipulation is difficult. As the contralateral vertebral artery of this patient was hypoplastic, the stent-assisted coil embolization technique was employed to preserve the ipsilateral vertebral artery. We describe a clinical case of dissecting aneurysm of the vertebral artery occurring in a patient in whom a hypoplastic contralateral vertebral artery was successfully treated

  4. Symptomatic intracranial vertebral artery atherosclerotic stenosis (≥70%) with concurrent contralateral vertebral atherosclerotic diseases in 88 patients treated with the intracranial stenting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Zi-Liang [Stroke Center, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhengzhou University (China); Gao, Bu-Lang [Department of Medical Research Shijiazhuang First Hospital, Hebei Medical University (China); Li, Tian-Xiao, E-mail: [Stroke Center, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhengzhou University (China); Cai, Dong-Yang; Zhu, Liang-Fu; Bai, Wei-Xing; Xue, Jiang-Yu; Li, Zhao-Shuo [Stroke Center, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhengzhou University (China)


    Highlights: • Symptomatic vertebral artery stenosis can be treated with intracranial stenting. • Stenting for intracranial vertebral artery stenosis is safe and effective. • Stenting for intracranial vertebral artery stenosis can prevent long-term stroke. - Abstract: Purpose: To investigate the safety, effect and instent restenosis rate of Wingspan stenting in treating patients with intracranial vertebral artery atherosclerotic stenosis (70–99%) concurrent with contralateral vertebral artery atherosclerotic diseases. Materials and methods: Eighty-eight patients with severe symptomatic intracranial vertebral artery atherosclerotic stenosis (≥70%) combined with contralateral vertebral artery atherosclerotic diseases were treated with the Wingpsan stent. All the baseline, cerebral angiography, success rate, perioperative complications, clinical and imaging follow-up data were prospectively analyzed. Results: The success rate of stenting was 100%, and the mean stenotic rate was reduced from prestenting (84.9 ± 6.8)% to poststenting (17.2 ± 5.9)%. The perioperative stroke rate was 1.1%. Among eighty patients (90.9%) with clinical follow-up 8-62 months (mean 29.3 ± 17.2) poststenting, five (6.3%) had posterior circulation TIA only, three (3.8%) had mild stroke in the posterior circulation but recovered completely, and another five patients greater than 70 years old died of non-ischemic stroke. Imaging follow-up in 46 patients (52.3%) 5–54 months (mean 9.9 ± 9.9) following stenting revealed instent restenosis in 12 patients (26.1%) including 7 (58.3%) symptomatic restenosis. Age and residual stenosis were the two factors to significantly (P < 0.05) affect instent restenosis. Conclusion: Wingspan stenting in the intracranial vertebral artery atherosclerotic stenosis combined with contralateral vertebral artery atherosclerotic diseases has a low perioperative stroke rate and a good preventive effect on long-term ischemic stroke, but the instent restenosis

  5. Habilidades funcionais de autocuidado, mobilidade e função social em crianças com fissura labiopalatina e Espectro Óculo-Aurículo-Vertebral (EOAV)


    Luciana Alves de Souza Carvalho


    As anomalias craniofaciais ocasionam comprometimentos estéticos e funcionais com grande impacto na saúde e na integração social da criança, com interferência no desenvolvimento global e social. Das anomalias craniofaciais este estudo abordou as Fissuras Labiopalatinas (FLP) e o Espectro Óculo Aurículo Vertebral (EOAV). As FLP constituem malformações resultantes de falta do fechamento completo dos tecidos que compõe o lábio e o palato. O EOAV, também conhecido como Síndrome de Goldenhar, é um...

  6. Congenital abnormalities of the vertebral column in ferrets. (United States)

    Proks, Pavel; Stehlik, Ladislav; Paninarova, Michaela; Irova, Katarina; Hauptman, Karel; Jekl, Vladimir


    Vertebral column pathologies requiring surgical intervention have been described in pet ferrets, however little information is available on the normal vertebral formula and congenital variants in this species. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe vertebral formulas and prevalence of congenital vertebral anomalies in a sample of pet ferrets. Radiographs of 172 pet ferrets (96 males and 76 females) were included in this retrospective study. In 143 ferrets (83.14%), five different formulas of the vertebral column were recorded with normal morphology of vertebrae (rib attachment included) but with a variable number of thoracic (Th), lumbar (L), and sacral (S) vertebrae. The number of cervical (C) vertebrae was constant in all examined animals. Observed vertebral formulas were C7/Th14/L6/S3 (51.74%), C7/Th14/L6/S4 (22.10%), C7/Th14/L7/S3 (6.98%), C7/Th15/L6/S3 (1.74%), and C7/Th15/L6/S4 (0.58%). Formula C7/Th14/L6/S4 was significantly more common in males than in females (P < 0.05). Congenital spinal abnormalities were found in 29 ferrets (16.86%), mostly localized in the thoracolumbar and lumbosacral regions. The cervical region was affected in only one case. Transitional vertebrae represented the most common congenital abnormalities (26 ferrets) in the thoracolumbar (13 ferrets) and lumbosacral regions (10 ferrets) or simultaneously in both regions (three ferrets). Other vertebral anomalies included block (two ferrets) and wedge vertebra (one ferret). Spina bifida was not detected. Findings from the current study indicated that vertebral formulas may vary in ferrets and congenital abnormalities are common. This should be taken into consideration for surgical planning. © 2014 American College of Veterinary Radiology.

  7. Kyphoplasty for vertebral augmentation in the elderly with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures: scenarios and review of recent studies. (United States)

    Bednar, Timothy; Heyde, Christoph E; Bednar, Grace; Nguyen, David; Volpi, Elena; Przkora, Rene


    Vertebral compression fractures caused by osteoporosis are among the most common fractures in the elderly. The treatment focuses on pain control, maintenance of independence, and management of the osteoporosis. Elderly patients often encounter adverse effects to pain medications, do not tolerate bed rest, and are not ideal candidates for invasive spinal reconstructive surgery. Percutaneous vertebral augmentation (vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty) has become popular as a less-invasive alternative. However, studies have questioned the effectiveness of these procedures. The authors conducted a MEDLINE search using relevant search terms including osteoporosis, osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture, elderly, kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty. Two elderly patients presented with a fracture of their third and first lumbar vertebral body, respectively. One patient progressed well with conservative treatment, whereas the other patient was hospitalized secondary to pain after conservative measures failed to offer improvement. The hospitalized patient subsequently opted for a kyphoplasty and was able to resume his normal daily activities after the procedure. Selecting patients on an individual case-by-case basis can optimize the effectiveness and outcomes of a vertebral augmentation. This process includes the documentation of an osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture with the aide of imaging studies, including the acuity of the fracture as well as the correlation with the physical examination findings. Patients who are functional and improving under a conservative regimen are not candidates for kyphoplasty. However, if the conservative management is not successful after 4 to 6 weeks and the patient is at risk to become bedridden, an augmentation should be considered. A kyphoplasty procedure may be preferred over vertebroplasty, given the lower risk profile and better outcomes regarding spinal alignment. Published by Elsevier HS Journals, Inc.

  8. Non-contiguous multifocal vertebral osteomyelitis caused by Serratia marcescens. (United States)

    Lau, Jen Xin; Li, Jordan Yuanzhi; Yong, Tuck Yean


    Serratia marcescens is a common nosocomial infection but a rare cause of osteomyelitis and more so of vertebral osteomyelitis. Vertebral osteomyelitis caused by this organism has been reported in few studies. We report a case of S. marcescens vertebral discitis and osteomyelitis affecting multiple non-contiguous vertebras. Although Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of vertebral osteomyelitis, rare causes, such as S. marcescens, need to be considered, especially when risk factors such as intravenous heroin use, post-spinal surgery and immunosuppression are present. Therefore, blood culture and where necessary biopsy of the infected region should be undertaken to establish the causative organism and determine appropriate antibiotic susceptibility. Prompt diagnosis of S. marcescens vertebral osteomyelitis followed by the appropriate treatment can achieve successful outcomes.

  9. Handed behavior in hagfish--an ancient vertebrate lineage--and a survey of lateralized behaviors in other invertebrate chordates and elongate vertebrates. (United States)

    Miyashita, Tetsuto; Palmer, A Richard


    Hagfish represent an ancient lineage of boneless and jawless vertebrates. Among several curious behaviors they exhibit, solitary individuals in one dominant genus of hagfish (Eptatretus spp.) regularly rest in a tightly coiled posture. We present the first systematic treatment of this distinctive behavior. Individual northeastern Pacific hagfish (E. stoutii) exhibited significant handedness (preferred orientation of coiling). However, right-coiling and left-coiling individuals were equally common in the population. Individual hagfish likely develop a preference for one direction by repeating the preceding coiling direction. We also revisit classical accounts of chordate natural history and compare the coiling behavior of Eptatretus with other handed or lateralized behaviors in non-vertebrate chordates, lampreys, and derived vertebrates with elongate bodies. Handed behaviors occur in many of these groups, but they likely evolved independently. In contrast to vertebrates, morphological asymmetries may bias lateralized larval behaviors toward one side in cephalochordates and tunicates. As a consequence, no known handed behavior can be inferred to have existed in the common ancestor of vertebrates.

  10. Caudal lumbar vertebral fractures in California Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred racehorses. (United States)

    Collar, E M; Zavodovskaya, R; Spriet, M; Hitchens, P L; Wisner, T; Uzal, F A; Stover, S M


    To gain insight into the pathophysiology of equine lumbar vertebral fractures in racehorses. To characterise equine lumbar vertebral fractures in California racehorses. Retrospective case series and prospective case-control study. Racehorse post mortem reports and jockey injury reports were retrospectively reviewed. Vertebral specimens from 6 racehorses affected with lumbar vertebral fractures and 4 control racehorses subjected to euthanasia for nonspinal fracture were assessed using visual, radiographic, computed tomography and histological examinations. Lumbar vertebral fractures occurred in 38 Quarter Horse and 29 Thoroughbred racehorses over a 22 year period, primarily involving the 5th and/or 6th lumbar vertebrae (L5-L6; 87% of Quarter Horses and 48% of Thoroughbreds). Lumbar vertebral fractures were the third most common musculoskeletal cause of death in Quarter Horses and frequently involved a jockey injury. Lumbar vertebral specimens contained anatomical variations in the number of vertebrae, dorsal spinous processes and intertransverse articulations. Lumbar vertebral fractures examined in 6 racehorse specimens (5 Quarter Horses and one Thoroughbred) coursed obliquely in a cranioventral to caudodorsal direction across the adjacent L5-L6 vertebral endplates and intervertebral disc, although one case involved only one endplate. All cases had evidence of abnormalities on the ventral aspect of the vertebral bodies consistent with pre-existing, maladaptive pathology. Lumbar vertebral fractures occur in racehorses with pre-existing pathology at the L5-L6 vertebral junction that is likely predisposes horses to catastrophic fracture. Knowledge of these findings should encourage assessment of the lumbar vertebrae, therefore increasing detection of mild vertebral injuries and preventing catastrophic racehorse and associated jockey injuries. © 2014 EVJ Ltd.

  11. Malignant paraganglioma with vertebral metastasis: case report Paraganglioma maligno com metástase vertebral: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno Lázaro


    Full Text Available A paraganglioma is a rare tumor, composed of chromaffin cells, groups of cells associated to the autonomous system. When the tumor occurs in the adrenal gland, it is called pheochromocitoma. The malignant paraganglioma is a very rare presentation; it is diagnosed by local recurrence after total resection of the primary mass, or findings of distant metastases. We present a case report of a 29-year-old woman with cervico-brachial pain. In 1995 she underwent a carotid body tumor resection. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, plain X-rays and computerized tomography scan revealed multiple lesions in C5, T5 and T12. She underwent a surgical procedure to correct the cervical lesion. The histological and immunohistochemical assays revealed a malignant paraganglioma. She received adjuvant radiotherapy, showing clinical improvement after treatment, presenting no symptoms after one year. The therapeutic approach is based on the total resection of the tumor. The treatment of distant metastases can be made with adjuvant measures such as conventional radiotherapy, I¹³¹-MIBG, or chemotherapy, especially in malignant pheochromocitomas.O paraganglioma é tumor raro, composto de células cromafins, associado ao sistema nervoso autônomo. Quando localizado na glândula supra-renal, o tumor é chamado feocromocitoma. Descreve-se um caso de paciente do sexo feminino, 29 anos, que se apresentou com cervicobraquialgia e que havia sido operada em 1995 para exérese de tumor glômico da carótida cervical. RM, RX e TC revelaram múltiplas lesões acometendo o corpo vertebral de C5, T5 e T12. Foi submetida à ressecção cirúrgica radical da lesão cervical, com substituição do corpo vertebral por prótese de titânio. A histopatologia e o estudo imunohistoquímico da lesão confirmaram o diagnóstico de paraganglioma maligno. As outras lesões foram tratadas com radioterapia. Um ano após os procedimentos, a paciente apresenta-se assintomática. O tratamento destas

  12. Reintroduction of locally extinct vertebrates impacts arid soil fungal communities. (United States)

    Clarke, Laurence J; Weyrich, Laura S; Cooper, Alan


    Introduced species have contributed to extinction of native vertebrates in many parts of the world. Changes to vertebrate assemblages are also likely to alter microbial communities through coextinction of some taxa and the introduction of others. Many attempts to restore degraded habitats involve removal of exotic vertebrates (livestock and feral animals) and reintroduction of locally extinct species, but the impact of such reintroductions on microbial communities is largely unknown. We used high-throughput DNA sequencing of the fungal internal transcribed spacer I (ITS1) region to examine whether replacing exotic vertebrates with reintroduced native vertebrates led to changes in soil fungal communities at a reserve in arid central Australia. Soil fungal diversity was significantly different between dune and swale (interdune) habitats. Fungal communities also differed significantly between sites with exotic or reintroduced native vertebrates after controlling for the effect of habitat. Several fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) found exclusively inside the reserve were present in scats from reintroduced native vertebrates, providing a direct link between the vertebrate assemblage and soil microbial communities. Our results show that changes to vertebrate assemblages through local extinctions and the invasion of exotic species can alter soil fungal communities. If local extinction of one or several species results in the coextinction of microbial taxa, the full complement of ecological interactions may never be restored. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Balloon kyphoplasty for aged osteoporotic vertebral compressive fractures using domestic instruments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Gang; Jin Peng; Yi Yuhai; Xie Zhiyong; Zhang Xuping; Zhang Kangli


    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of balloon kyphoplasty in the treatment of painful osteoporosis vertebral compressive fractures using instruments made in China. Methods: 10 cases of painful osteoporotic vertebral compressive fractures, involved 11 vertebrae. Under X-ray fluoroscopy monitoring, the inflatable balloon were inserted into the fractured vertebral body via transpedicular route bilaterally. The balloon was inflated with injected contrast agent to restore vertebral height and form a cavity within vertebral body. The cavity was then filled with bone cement in toothpaste state period. The postoperative symptoms and the radiographic findings of vertebral height recovery were observed. Results: Balloon kyphoplasty was successful in all 10 cases with dramatic pain relief within 48 hours after the procedure without clinical complications. The height restoration of vertebral body was satisfactory with correction of kyphosis up to 6 degree-24 degree. Leakage of a small quantity of bone cement occurred at only the anterior border of the vertebral body. Conclusions: Kyphoplasty using domestic instruments for painful osteoporotic vertebral compressive fractures was effective and safe. (authors)

  14. Vertebrate richness and biogeography in the Big Thicket of Texas (United States)

    Michael H MacRoberts; Barbara R. MacRoberts; D. Craig Rudolph


    The Big Thicket of Texas has been described as rich in species and a “crossroads:” a place where organisms from many different regions meet. We examine the species richness and regional affiliations of Big Thicket vertebrates. We found that the Big Thicket is neither exceptionally rich in vertebrates nor is it a crossroads for vertebrates. Its vertebrate fauna is...

  15. Imperfect isolation: factors and filters shaping Madagascar's extant vertebrate fauna. (United States)

    Samonds, Karen E; Godfrey, Laurie R; Ali, Jason R; Goodman, Steven M; Vences, Miguel; Sutherland, Michael R; Irwin, Mitchell T; Krause, David W


    Analyses of phylogenetic topology and estimates of divergence timing have facilitated a reconstruction of Madagascar's colonization events by vertebrate animals, but that information alone does not reveal the major factors shaping the island's biogeographic history. Here, we examine profiles of Malagasy vertebrate clades through time within the context of the island's paleogeographical evolution to determine how particular events influenced the arrival of the island's extant groups. First we compare vertebrate profiles on Madagascar before and after selected events; then we compare tetrapod profiles on Madagascar to contemporary tetrapod compositions globally. We show that changes from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic in the proportions of Madagascar's tetrapod clades (particularly its increase in the representation of birds and mammals) are tied to changes in their relative proportions elsewhere on the globe. Differences in the representation of vertebrate classes from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic reflect the effects of extinction (i.e., the non-random susceptibility of the different vertebrate clades to purported catastrophic global events 65 million years ago), and new evolutionary opportunities for a subset of vertebrates with the relatively high potential for transoceanic dispersal potential. In comparison, changes in vertebrate class representation during the Cenozoic are minor. Despite the fact that the island's isolation has resulted in high vertebrate endemism and a unique and taxonomically imbalanced extant vertebrate assemblage (both hailed as testimony to its long isolation), that isolation was never complete. Indeed, Madagascar's extant tetrapod fauna owes more to colonization during the Cenozoic than to earlier arrivals. Madagascar's unusual vertebrate assemblage needs to be understood with reference to the basal character of clades originating prior to the K-T extinction, as well as to the differential transoceanic dispersal advantage of other, more

  16. A unified anatomy ontology of the vertebrate skeletal system.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wasila M Dahdul

    Full Text Available The skeleton is of fundamental importance in research in comparative vertebrate morphology, paleontology, biomechanics, developmental biology, and systematics. Motivated by research questions that require computational access to and comparative reasoning across the diverse skeletal phenotypes of vertebrates, we developed a module of anatomical concepts for the skeletal system, the Vertebrate Skeletal Anatomy Ontology (VSAO, to accommodate and unify the existing skeletal terminologies for the species-specific (mouse, the frog Xenopus, zebrafish and multispecies (teleost, amphibian vertebrate anatomy ontologies. Previous differences between these terminologies prevented even simple queries across databases pertaining to vertebrate morphology. This module of upper-level and specific skeletal terms currently includes 223 defined terms and 179 synonyms that integrate skeletal cells, tissues, biological processes, organs (skeletal elements such as bones and cartilages, and subdivisions of the skeletal system. The VSAO is designed to integrate with other ontologies, including the Common Anatomy Reference Ontology (CARO, Gene Ontology (GO, Uberon, and Cell Ontology (CL, and it is freely available to the community to be updated with additional terms required for research. Its structure accommodates anatomical variation among vertebrate species in development, structure, and composition. Annotation of diverse vertebrate phenotypes with this ontology will enable novel inquiries across the full spectrum of phenotypic diversity.

  17. A unified anatomy ontology of the vertebrate skeletal system. (United States)

    Dahdul, Wasila M; Balhoff, James P; Blackburn, David C; Diehl, Alexander D; Haendel, Melissa A; Hall, Brian K; Lapp, Hilmar; Lundberg, John G; Mungall, Christopher J; Ringwald, Martin; Segerdell, Erik; Van Slyke, Ceri E; Vickaryous, Matthew K; Westerfield, Monte; Mabee, Paula M


    The skeleton is of fundamental importance in research in comparative vertebrate morphology, paleontology, biomechanics, developmental biology, and systematics. Motivated by research questions that require computational access to and comparative reasoning across the diverse skeletal phenotypes of vertebrates, we developed a module of anatomical concepts for the skeletal system, the Vertebrate Skeletal Anatomy Ontology (VSAO), to accommodate and unify the existing skeletal terminologies for the species-specific (mouse, the frog Xenopus, zebrafish) and multispecies (teleost, amphibian) vertebrate anatomy ontologies. Previous differences between these terminologies prevented even simple queries across databases pertaining to vertebrate morphology. This module of upper-level and specific skeletal terms currently includes 223 defined terms and 179 synonyms that integrate skeletal cells, tissues, biological processes, organs (skeletal elements such as bones and cartilages), and subdivisions of the skeletal system. The VSAO is designed to integrate with other ontologies, including the Common Anatomy Reference Ontology (CARO), Gene Ontology (GO), Uberon, and Cell Ontology (CL), and it is freely available to the community to be updated with additional terms required for research. Its structure accommodates anatomical variation among vertebrate species in development, structure, and composition. Annotation of diverse vertebrate phenotypes with this ontology will enable novel inquiries across the full spectrum of phenotypic diversity.

  18. A Unified Anatomy Ontology of the Vertebrate Skeletal System (United States)

    Dahdul, Wasila M.; Balhoff, James P.; Blackburn, David C.; Diehl, Alexander D.; Haendel, Melissa A.; Hall, Brian K.; Lapp, Hilmar; Lundberg, John G.; Mungall, Christopher J.; Ringwald, Martin; Segerdell, Erik; Van Slyke, Ceri E.; Vickaryous, Matthew K.; Westerfield, Monte; Mabee, Paula M.


    The skeleton is of fundamental importance in research in comparative vertebrate morphology, paleontology, biomechanics, developmental biology, and systematics. Motivated by research questions that require computational access to and comparative reasoning across the diverse skeletal phenotypes of vertebrates, we developed a module of anatomical concepts for the skeletal system, the Vertebrate Skeletal Anatomy Ontology (VSAO), to accommodate and unify the existing skeletal terminologies for the species-specific (mouse, the frog Xenopus, zebrafish) and multispecies (teleost, amphibian) vertebrate anatomy ontologies. Previous differences between these terminologies prevented even simple queries across databases pertaining to vertebrate morphology. This module of upper-level and specific skeletal terms currently includes 223 defined terms and 179 synonyms that integrate skeletal cells, tissues, biological processes, organs (skeletal elements such as bones and cartilages), and subdivisions of the skeletal system. The VSAO is designed to integrate with other ontologies, including the Common Anatomy Reference Ontology (CARO), Gene Ontology (GO), Uberon, and Cell Ontology (CL), and it is freely available to the community to be updated with additional terms required for research. Its structure accommodates anatomical variation among vertebrate species in development, structure, and composition. Annotation of diverse vertebrate phenotypes with this ontology will enable novel inquiries across the full spectrum of phenotypic diversity. PMID:23251424

  19. Changes in stature during and after spinal traction in young male subjects Alterações na estatura antes e após a tração vertebral em homens jovens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    ALF Rodacki


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Spinal traction is a relatively popular procedure for increasing the intervertebral space by applying separating forces. The parameters of time and magnitude of the traction forces may influence the outcomes from this procedure and need to be investigated. The duration of the benefits derived from traction is unknown and needs to be determined so that physiotherapists can provide better and more effective treatments. OBJECTIVE: This study analyzed the relationship between load magnitude and time during spinal traction in relation to stature variations. Traction effect duration was also analyzed. METHOD: Fifteen healthy male subjects (23.1 ± 5.77 years; 1.80 ± 0.17 m and 87.0 ± 9.6 kg were assessed under three traction conditions (0, 30 and 60% of body weight, BW of 42 minutes. Stature variation was used to determine intervertebral disc height variation. Stature was assessed every 7 minutes during traction of 42 minutes and every 5 minutes for 45 minutes after traction ceased. RESULTS: 0 and 30% BW traction produced similar gains (6.09 ± 1.89 mm, 5.70 ± 1.88 mm, respectively; p>0.05, while these were smaller (pCONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A tração sobre a coluna vertebral é um procedimento relativamente popular para aumentar o espaço inter-vertebral pela aplicação de forças de separação. Os parâmetros de tempo e magnitude da força aplicada podem influenciar os resultados desse procedimento e ainda precisam ser investigados. A duração dos benefícios derivados da tração não é conhecida e precisa ser determinada para que fisioterapeutas possam prover tratamentos melhores e mais eficientes. OBJETIVO: Este estudo analisou a relação entre a magnitude de carga e de tempo durante a tração vertebral sobre as variações de estatura, bem como a duração deste efeito. MÉTODOS: Quinze sujeitos saudáveis do sexo masculino (23,1 ± 5,77 anos; 1,80 ± 0,17 m e 87,0 ± 9,6 Kg foram mensurados sob três condições (0, 30 e 60% PC

  20. 50 CFR 17.84 - Special rules-vertebrates. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Special rules-vertebrates. 17.84 Section 17.84 Wildlife and Fisheries UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR....84 Special rules—vertebrates. (a) Delmarva Peninsula fox squirrel (Sciurus niger cinereus). (1) The...

  1. Vertebral column regionalisation in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. (United States)

    De Clercq, A; Perrott, M R; Davie, P S; Preece, M A; Wybourne, B; Ruff, N; Huysseune, A; Witten, P E


    Teleost vertebral centra are often similar in size and shape, but vertebral-associated elements, i.e. neural arches, haemal arches and ribs, show regional differences. Here we examine how the presence, absence and specific anatomical and histological characters of vertebral centra-associated elements can be used to define vertebral column regions in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). To investigate if the presence of regions within the vertebral column is independent of temperature, animals raised at 8 and 12 °C were studied at 1400 and 1530 degreedays, in the freshwater phase of the life cycle. Anatomy and composition of the skeletal tissues of the vertebral column were analysed using Alizarin red S whole-mount staining and histological sections. Six regions, termed I-VI, are recognised in the vertebral column of specimens of both temperature groups. Postcranial vertebrae (region I) carry neural arches and parapophyses but lack ribs. Abdominal vertebrae (region II) carry neural arches and ribs that articulate with parapophyses. Elastic- and fibrohyaline cartilage and Sharpey's fibres connect the bone of the parapophyses to the bone of the ribs. In the transitional region (III) vertebrae carry neural arches and parapophyses change stepwise into haemal arches. Ribs decrease in size, anterior to posterior. Vestigial ribs remain attached to the haemal arches with Sharpey's fibres. Caudal vertebrae (region IV) carry neural and haemal arches and spines. Basidorsals and basiventrals are small and surrounded by cancellous bone. Preural vertebrae (region V) carry neural and haemal arches with modified neural and haemal spines to support the caudal fin. Ural vertebrae (region VI) carry hypurals and epurals that represent modified haemal and neural arches and spines, respectively. The postcranial and transitional vertebrae and their respective characters are usually recognised, but should be considered as regions within the vertebral column of teleosts


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    Eduardo Alberto Tudury


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar os efeitos da laminectomia dorsal do tipo Funkquist A em cães normais. A técnica realizada consistiu em abordagem dorsal à coluna vertebral; remoção (com ou sem a ajuda da elevação dos corpos vertebrais das lâminas dorsais de T13 e L1; manutenção do ligamento supra-espinhal; colocação de gordura subcutânea como coxim supramedular; sutura da fáscia toracolombar, subcutâneo e pele; e bandagem compressiva por sete dias. Quarenta e oito horas após a cirurgia, todos os 10 cães submetidos a essa técnica exibiram perda das reações posturais e paresia de moderada a grave nos membros pélvicos. Hipoalgesia foi constatada em cinco deles. Tentando descobrir as causas, foram realizados estudos histológicos de medulas espinhais, coletadas 4 e 48 horas após a realização da laminectomia, porém com modificações como: não elevação dos corpos vertebrais durante a cirurgia e prevenção de qualquer tipo de compressão medular após a laminectomia. Analisando esses resultados, foi possível concluir que as disfunções neurológicas decorreram de lesões medulares ocasionadas possivelmente por: elevações dos corpos vertebrais durante a laminectomia, danificação de vasos espinhais, desestabilização da coluna vertebral e uma somatória de forças compressivas atuantes sobre a medula espinhal desprotegida. Na necropsia de cinco cães, acompanhados por quarenta e cinco dias, foi possível constatar: a permanência do ligamento supra-espinhal; que o enxerto de gordura não evita a penetração do tecido fibroso no canal vertebral nem sua aderência à dura- máter; notório (PThe purpose of this research was to check the effects of the Funkquist A dorsal laminectomy in normal dogs. The technique accomplished consisted in dorsal approach to the spine; removal of T13-L1 laminae with or without vertebral bodies elevation; mantainement of the supraspinous ligament; placement of subcutaneous fat as

  3. Transoral vertebral augmentation with polymethylmethacrylate in the treatment of a patient with a dens fracture nonunion and subarticular vertebral body fracture of C2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beall, Douglas P.; Martin, Hal D.; Stapp, Annette M.; Stanfield, Matthew


    The injection of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is a minimally invasive, image-guided procedure used to treat vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis, metastatic lesions, multiple myeloma, and benign but destabilizing bone tumors. The injection of PMMA into the C2 vertebral body using the transoral technique has been reported in three separate patients for treatment of benign tumors (a vertebral hemangioma and an aneurysmal bone cyst) and for multiple myeloma in the third patient. Although the injection of PMMA into the vertebral body is most commonly performed to treat benign vertebral compression fractures, a transoral C2 approach has not been reported in the English literature as a treatment for a benign fracture of C2. We report the treatment of a fracture and nonunion of the base of the dens and a subarticular fracture of the vertebral body of C2 using a bilateral transoral approach. (orig.)

  4. Vertebral Fractures After Discontinuation of Denosumab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cummings, Steven R; Ferrari, Serge; Eastell, Richard


    . We analyzed the risk of new or worsening vertebral fractures, especially multiple vertebral fractures, in participants who discontinued denosumab during the FREEDOM study or its Extension. Participants received ≥2 doses of denosumab or placebo Q6M, discontinued treatment, and stayed in the study ≥7...... months after the last dose. Of 1001 participants who discontinued denosumab during FREEDOM or Extension, the vertebral fracture rate increased from 1.2 per 100 participant-years during the on-treatment period to 7.1, similar to participants who received and then discontinued placebo (n = 470; 8.5 per 100....... Therefore, patients who discontinue denosumab should rapidly transition to an alternative antiresorptive treatment. NCT00089791 (FREEDOM) and NCT00523341 (Extension). © 2017 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research....

  5. The characteristic of rBMD distribution in lumbar vertebral body

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Chenguang; Xiao Xiangsheng; Chen Xingrong; Shen Tianzhen; Liu Guanghua; Hong Qingjian; Ji Rongming; Zhou Weiming


    Purpose: To determine the distribution and variation of rBMD in human lumbar vertebral body. Methods: The BMD and rBMD of 28 samples of lumbar body were measured with QCT. The rBMD was measured in the regions of anterior, anterolateral, posterolateral and central, superior-level, middle-level and inferior-level of the vertebral bodies. The relationship between BMD and rBMD were statistically analysed with multiple regression. Results: The rBMD of the inferior vertebral body was higher than that of the superior and middle portions (P<0.05); the central and posterolateral higher than the anterior and anterolateral (P<0.05). The rBMD of posterioinferior vertebral body was the highest. The multiple regression showed that the standard partial regression coefficient of inferior was larger than the superior and middle; the anterior and central were larger than the other regions of the vertebra. Variations of the BMD of vertebral body were mostly related to the rBMD of anterior and central parts. Conclusion: The distribution of BMD are heterogeneous in vertebral body. The anterior and central part of vertebral body are most sensitive to bone loss in osteoporosis. It is emphasized that the rBMD of anterior and central part of vertebral body should be measured for following the osteoporosis

  6. Differential preservation of vertebrates in Southeast Asian caves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julien Louys


    Full Text Available Caves have been an important source of vertebrate fossils for much of Southeast Asia, particularly for the Quaternary. Despite this importance, the mechanisms by which vertebrate remains accumulate and preserve in Southeast Asian caves has never been systematically reviewed or examined. Here, we present the results of three years of cave surveys in Indonesia and Timor-Leste, describing cave systems and their attendant vertebrate accumulations in diverse geological, biogeographical, and environmental settings. While each cave system is unique, we find that the accumulation and preservation of vertebrate remains are highly dependent on local geology and environment. These factors notwithstanding, we find the dominant factor responsible for faunal deposition is the presence or absence of biological accumulating agents, a factor directly dictated by biogeographical history. In small, isolated, volcanic islands, the only significant accumulation occurs in archaeological settings, thereby limiting our understanding of the palaeontology of those islands prior to human arrival. In karstic landscapes on both oceanic and continental islands, our understanding of the long-term preservation of vertebrates is still in its infancy. The formation processes of vertebrate-bearing breccias, their taphonomic histories, and the criteria used to determine whether these represent syngenetic or multiple deposits remain critically understudied. The latter in particular has important implications for arguments on how breccia deposits from the region should be analysed and interpreted when reconstructing palaeoenvironments.

  7. Vertebral deformity arising from an accelerated "creep" mechanism. (United States)

    Luo, Jin; Pollintine, Phillip; Gomm, Edward; Dolan, Patricia; Adams, Michael A


    Vertebral deformities often occur in patients who recall no trauma, and display no evident fracture on radiographs. We hypothesise that vertebral deformity can occur by a gradual creep mechanism which is accelerated following minor damage. "Creep" is continuous deformation under constant load. Forty-five thoracolumbar spine motion segments were tested from cadavers aged 42-92 years. Vertebral body areal BMD was measured using DXA. Specimens were compressed at 1 kN for 30 min, while creep in each vertebral body was measured using an optical MacReflex system. After 30 min recovery, each specimen was subjected to a controlled overload event which caused minor damage to one of its vertebrae. The creep test was then repeated. Vertebral body creep was measurable in specimens with BMD Creep was greater anteriorly than posteriorly (p creep by 800 % (anteriorly), 1,000 % (centrally) and 600 % (posteriorly). In 34 vertebrae with complete before-and-after data, anterior wedging occurring during the 1st creep test averaged 0.07° (STD 0.17°), and in the 2nd test (after minor damage) it averaged 0.79° (STD 1.03°). The increase was highly significant (P creep test was proportional to the severity of damage, as quantified by specimen height loss during the overload event (r (2) = 0.51, p creep to such an extent that it makes a substantial contribution to vertebral deformity.

  8. Worldwide prevalence and incidence of osteoporotic vertebral fractures. (United States)

    Ballane, G; Cauley, J A; Luckey, M M; El-Hajj Fuleihan, G


    We investigated the prevalence and incidence of vertebral fractures worldwide. We used a systematic Medline search current to 2015 and updated as per authors' libraries. A total of 62 articles of fair to good quality and comparable methods for vertebral fracture identification were considered. The prevalence of morphometric vertebral fractures in European women is highest in Scandinavia (26%) and lowest in Eastern Europe (18%). Prevalence rates in North America (NA) for White women ≥50 are 20-24%, with a White/Black ratio of 1.6. Rates in women ≥50 years in Latin America are overall lower than Europe and NA (11-19%). In Asia, rates in women above ≥65 are highest in Japan (24%), lowest in Indonesia (9%), and in the Middle East, Lebanon, rates are 20%. The highest-lowest ratio between countries, within and across continents, varied from 1.4-2.6. Incidence data is less abundant and more heterogeneous. Age-standardized rates in studies combining hospitalized and ambulatory vertebral fractures are highest in South Korea, USA, and Hong Kong and lowest in the UK. Neither a North-South gradient nor a relation to urbanization is evident. Conversely, the incidence of hospitalized vertebral fractures in European patients ≥50 shows a North-South gradient with 3-3.7-fold variability. In the USA, rates in Whites are approximately 4-fold higher than in Blacks. Vertebral fractures variation worldwide is lower than observed with hip fractures, and some of highest rates are unexpectedly from Asia. Better quality representative studies are needed. We investigate the occurrence of vertebral fractures, worldwide, using published data current until the present. Worldwide, the variation in vertebral fractures is lower than observed for hip fractures. Some of the highest rates are from North America and unexpectedly Asia. The highest-lowest ratio between countries, within and across continents, varied from 1.4-2.6. Better quality representative data is needed.

  9. Clinical application of multislice spiral CT angiography in evaluation of anomalous vertebral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hua Rui; Liu Jun; Zhang Yu


    Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of 16-slice spiral computed tomography angiography (MSCTA) in evaluation of anomalous vertebral artery. Methods: MSCTA data from 32 patients with anomalous vertebral artery were retrospectively analyzed. Results: 22 cases had vertebral artery course variation (bended into the C 5 , C 4 or C 3 foramen transversarium), 7 cases had variation in the prevertebral segments of vertebral arteries, 15 patients had unilateral vertebral congenital stenosis, 1 case had double vertebral artery branch, 1 case had vertebral arterial fenestration, and 2 cases had vertebral artery in one side that did not converged upon basilar artery and unilateral vertebral artery formed basilar artery. Conclusion: MSCTA is a useful noninvasive imaging tool for the diagnosis of vertebral artery variations. (authors)

  10. Clinical and radiological evaluation in vertebral artery dissections

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Murat Çabalar


    Full Text Available In recent years, vertebral artery dissection (VAD is reported more frequently as a cause of young cerebrovascular accidents. It can occur spontaneously or following a neck manipulation and trauma. The patients were 3 females (mean age: 35±26 years and 7 males (mean age: 37.71±4.96 years. Only 2 patients described neck trauma. Cerebellar findings were prominent in all cases. On radiological investigation, vascular changes of vertebral arteries were detected bilaterally in 2 cases, right in 5 and left in 3 cases. All the cases were treated with anticoagulant therapy and cured but 1 with sequela. Prognosis of vertebral artery dissection is generally good by early diagnosis and treatment. In this article, we reported clinical and radiological properties of 10 vertebral artery dissection cases.

  11. The origin of the vertebrate skeleton (United States)

    Pivar, Stuart


    The anatomy of the human and other vertebrates has been well described since the days of Leonardo da Vinci and Vesalius. The causative origin of the configuration of the bones and of their shapes and forms has been addressed over the ensuing centuries by such outstanding investigators as Goethe, Von Baer, Gegenbauer, Wilhelm His and D'Arcy Thompson, who sought to apply mechanical principles to morphogenesis. However, no coherent causative model of morphogenesis has ever been presented. This paper presents a causative model for the origin of the vertebrate skeleton, based on the premise that the body is a mosaic enlargement of self-organized patterns engrained in the membrane of the egg cell. Drawings illustrate the proposed hypothetical origin of membrane patterning and the changes in the hydrostatic equilibrium of the cytoplasm that cause topographical deformations resulting in the vertebrate body form.

  12. An invertebrate stomach's view on vertebrate ecology: certain invertebrates could be used as "vertebrate samplers" and deliver DNA-based information on many aspects of vertebrate ecology. (United States)

    Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Leendertz, Fabian H; Gilbert, M Thomas P; Schubert, Grit


    Recent studies suggest that vertebrate genetic material ingested by invertebrates (iDNA) can be used to investigate vertebrate ecology. Given the ubiquity of invertebrates that feed on vertebrates across the globe, iDNA might qualify as a very powerful tool for 21st century population and conservation biologists. Here, we identify some invertebrate characteristics that will likely influence iDNA retrieval and elaborate on the potential uses of invertebrate-derived information. We hypothesize that beyond inventorying local faunal diversity, iDNA should allow for more profound insights into wildlife population density, size, mortality, and infectious agents. Based on the similarities of iDNA with other low-quality sources of DNA, a general technical framework for iDNA analyses is proposed. As it is likely that no such thing as a single ideal iDNA sampler exists, forthcoming research efforts should aim at cataloguing invertebrate properties relevant to iDNA retrieval so as to guide future usage of the invertebrate tool box. © 2013 WILEY Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Use of cervical vertebral dimensions for assessment of children growth. (United States)

    Caldas, Maria de Paula; Ambrosano, Gláucia Maria Bovi; Haiter-Neto, Francisco


    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether skeletal maturation using cephalometric radiographs could be used in a Brazilian population. The study population was selected from the files of the Oral Radiological Clinic of the Dental School of Piracicaba, Brazil and consisted of 128 girls and 110 boys (7.0 to 15.9 years old) who had cephalometric and hand-wrist radiographs taken on the same day. Cervical vertebral bone age was evaluated using the method described by Mito and colleagues in 2002. Bone age was assessed by the Tanner-Whitehouse (TW3) method and was used as a gold standard to determine the reliability of cervical vertebral bone age. An analysis of variance and Tukey's post-hoc test were used to compare cervical vertebral bone age, bone age and chronological age at 5% significance level. The analysis of the Brazilian female children data showed that there was a statistically significant difference (pcervical vertebral bone age and chronological age and between bone age and chronological age. However no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) was found between cervical vertebral bone age and bone age. Differently, the analysis of the male children data revealed a statistically significant difference (pcervical vertebral bone age and bone age and between cervical vertebral bone age and chronological age (pmaturation on cephalometric radiographs by determination of vertebral bone age can be applied to Brazilian females only. The development of a new method to objectively evaluate cervical vertebral bone age in males is needed.

  14. The origin of vertebrate limbs. (United States)

    Coates, M I


    The earliest tetrapod limbs are polydactylous, morphologically varied and do not conform to an archetypal pattern. These discoveries, combined with the unravelling of limb developmental morphogenetic and regulatory mechanisms, have prompted a re-examination of vertebrate limb evolution. The rich fossil record of vertebrate fins/limbs, although restricted to skeletal tissues, exceeds the morphological diversity of the extant biota, and a systematic approach to limb evolution produces an informative picture of evolutionary change. A composite framework of several phylogenetic hypotheses is presented incorporating living and fossil taxa, including the first report of an acanthodian metapterygium and a new reconstruction of the axial skeleton and caudal fin of Acanthostega gunnari. Although significant nodes in vertebrate phylogeny remain poorly resolved, clear patterns of morphogenetic evolution emerge: median fin origination and elaboration initially precedes that of paired fins; pectoral fins initially precede pelvic fin development; evolving patterns of fin distribution, skeletal tissue diversity and structural complexity become decoupled with increased taxonomic divergence. Transformational sequences apparent from the fish-tetrapod transition are reiterated among extant lungfishes, indicating further directions for comparative experimental research. The evolutionary diversification of vertebrate fin and limb patterns challenges a simple linkage between Hox gene conservation, expression and morphology. A phylogenetic framework is necessary in order to distinguish shared from derived characters in experimental model regulatory systems. Hox and related genomic evolution may include convergent patterns underlying functional and morphological diversification. Brachydanio is suggested as an example where tail-drive patterning demands may have converged with the regulation of highly differentiated limbs in tetrapods.

  15. Preoperative MRI evaluation of vertebral hemangiomas treated with percutaneous vertebroplasty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xiaoping; Wu Chungen; Li Minghua; Li Yuehua; Gu Yifeng; Cheng Yongde


    Objective: To discuss the clinical value of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging examination in guiding the treatment of vertebral hemangiomas with percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP). Methods: A total of 286 patients with vertebral hemangiomas detected on spine MRI in authors' Department were enrolled in this study. The patient's age, the lesion's size and location, the clinical symptoms, MRI findings, etc. were retrospectively analyzed. Results: A total of 336 vertebral bodies were affected in 286 patients. The lesions were mainly located at the lumbar spine (43.15%) and the thoracic spine (37.80%). The highest incidence of disease was seen in 50-59 years old patients (34.62%). The mean diameter of the lesions was 14.56 mm. Solitary lesion was seen in 85.66% of patients, while two vertebral bodies involved were seen in 10.14% of patients. Twelve cases (4.20%) simply presented as back pain at the related vertebral bodies. Two patients showed signs due to spinal cord compression. All aggressive vertebral hemangiomas were manifested as iso-lower signal on T1-weighted images and higher signal on T2-weighted images. Simple PVP was performed in 4 cases, and subtotal tumor excision together with PVP was carried out in two patients with aggressive vertebral hemangiomas. Conclusion: Evaluation of vertebral hemangiomas with MRI performed prior to percutaneous vertebroplasty is very helpful in guiding the selection of therapeutic scheme. (authors)

  16. Multiple chromosomal rearrangements structured the ancestral vertebrate Hox-bearing protochromosomes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vincent J Lynch


    Full Text Available While the proposal that large-scale genome expansions occurred early in vertebrate evolution is widely accepted, the exact mechanisms of the expansion--such as a single or multiple rounds of whole genome duplication, bloc chromosome duplications, large-scale individual gene duplications, or some combination of these--is unclear. Gene families with a single invertebrate member but four vertebrate members, such as the Hox clusters, provided early support for Ohno's hypothesis that two rounds of genome duplication (the 2R-model occurred in the stem lineage of extant vertebrates. However, despite extensive study, the duplication history of the Hox clusters has remained unclear, calling into question its usefulness in resolving the role of large-scale gene or genome duplications in early vertebrates. Here, we present a phylogenetic analysis of the vertebrate Hox clusters and several linked genes (the Hox "paralogon" and show that different phylogenies are obtained for Dlx and Col genes than for Hox and ErbB genes. We show that these results are robust to errors in phylogenetic inference and suggest that these competing phylogenies can be resolved if two chromosomal crossover events occurred in the ancestral vertebrate. These results resolve conflicting data on the order of Hox gene duplications and the role of genome duplication in vertebrate evolution and suggest that a period of genome reorganization occurred after genome duplications in early vertebrates.

  17. MRI-based anatomical landmarks for the identification of thoracic vertebral levels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Connor, S.E.J.; Shah, A.; Latifoltojar, H.; Lung, P.


    Aim: To identify soft-tissue and bony anatomical landmarks on dedicated thoracic spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and to assess their detectability, reproducibility, and accuracy in predicting specific thoracic vertebral levels. Materials and methods: One hundred dedicated thoracic MRI studies were retrospectively analysed by two radiologists independently. Ten bone and soft-tissue landmarks were localized to the adjacent vertebral level. The true numerical thoracic vertebral level was subsequently determined and recorded by cross referencing with a sagittal cervico-thoracic “counting scan”. Results: Six landmarks were defined in ≥98% cases; however, there was a low interobserver percentage agreement for the defined vertebral levels (>70% for only one landmark). The most useful landmark for defining a specific vertebral level was the most superior rib (98% detection, 95% interobserver agreement, 98% at a single vertebral level, 0.07 SD). Eight landmarks localized to a specific thoracic segment in only 16–44% of cases, with a standard deviation of >0.5 vertebral levels and with a range which was greater than four vertebral levels. Conclusion: The C2 vertebra must be identified and cross referenced to the dedicated thoracic spine MRI, as other MRI-based anatomical landmarks are unreliable in determining the correct thoracic vertebral level

  18. Vascular complications of prosthetic inter-vertebral discs. (United States)

    Daly, Kevin J; Ross, E Raymond S; Norris, Heather; McCollum, Charles N


    Five consecutive cases of prosthetic inter-vertebral disc displacement with severe vascular complications on revisional surgery are described. The objective of this case report is to warn spinal surgeons that major vascular complications are likely with anterior displacement of inter-vertebral discs. We have not been able to find a previous report on vascular complications associated with anterior displacement of prosthetic inter-vertebral discs. In all five patients the prosthetic disc had eroded into the bifurcation of the inferior vena cava and the left common iliac vein. In three cases the aortic bifurcation was also involved. The fibrosis was so severe that dissecting out the arteries and veins to provide access to the relevant disc proved impossible. Formal division of the left common iliac vein and artery with subsequent repair was our solution. Anterior inter-vertebral disc displacement was associated with severe vascular injury. Preventing anterior disc displacement is essential in disc design. In the event of anterior displacement, disc removal should be planned with a Vascular Surgeon.

  19. Evolution of the vertebrate phototransduction cascade activation steps. (United States)

    Lamb, Trevor D; Hunt, David M


    We examine the molecular phylogeny of the proteins underlying the activation steps of vertebrate phototransduction, for both agnathan and jawed vertebrate taxa. We expand the number of taxa analysed and we update the alignment and tree building methodology from a previous analysis. For each of the four primary components (the G-protein transducin alpha subunit, Gα T , the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase, PDE6, and the alpha and beta subunits of the cGMP-gated ion channel, CNGC), the phylogenies appear consistent with expansion from an ancestral proto-vertebrate cascade during two rounds of whole-genome duplication followed by divergence of the agnathan and jawed vertebrate lineages. In each case, we consider possible scenarios for the underlying gene duplications and losses, and we apply relevant constraints to the tree construction. From tests of the topology of the resulting trees, we obtain a scenario for the expansion of each component during 2R that accurately fits the observations. Similar analysis of the visual opsins indicates that the only expansion to have occurred during 2R was the formation of Rh1 and Rh2. Finally, we propose a hypothetical scenario for the conversion of an ancestral chordate cascade into the proto-vertebrate phototransduction cascade, prior to whole-genome duplication. Together, our models provide a plausible account for the origin and expansion of the vertebrate phototransduction cascade. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. iDNA screening: Disease vectors as vertebrate samplers. (United States)

    Kocher, Arthur; de Thoisy, Benoit; Catzeflis, François; Valière, Sophie; Bañuls, Anne-Laure; Murienne, Jérôme


    In the current context of global change and human-induced biodiversity decline, there is an urgent need for developing sampling approaches able to accurately describe the state of biodiversity. Traditional surveys of vertebrate fauna involve time-consuming and skill-demanding field methods. Recently, the use of DNA derived from invertebrate parasites (leeches and blowflies) was suggested as a new tool for vertebrate diversity assessment. Bloodmeal analyses of arthropod disease vectors have long been performed to describe their feeding behaviour, for epidemiological purposes. On the other hand, this existing expertise has not yet been applied to investigate vertebrate fauna per se. Here, we evaluate the usefulness of hematophagous dipterans as vertebrate samplers. Blood-fed sand flies and mosquitoes were collected in Amazonian forest sites and analysed using high-throughput sequencing of short mitochondrial markers. Bloodmeal identifications highlighted contrasting ecological features and feeding behaviour among dipteran species, which allowed unveiling arboreal and terrestrial mammals of various body size, as well as birds, lizards and amphibians. Additionally, lower vertebrate diversity was found in sites undergoing higher levels of human-induced perturbation. These results suggest that, in addition to providing precious information on disease vector host use, dipteran bloodmeal analyses may represent a useful tool in the study of vertebrate communities. Although further effort is required to validate the approach and consider its application to large-scale studies, this first work opens up promising perspectives for biodiversity monitoring and eco-epidemiology. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Evolution of vertebrate sex chromosomes and dosage compensation. (United States)

    Graves, Jennifer A Marshall


    Differentiated sex chromosomes in mammals and other vertebrates evolved independently but in strikingly similar ways. Vertebrates with differentiated sex chromosomes share the problems of the unequal expression of the genes borne on sex chromosomes, both between the sexes and with respect to autosomes. Dosage compensation of genes on sex chromosomes is surprisingly variable - and can even be absent - in different vertebrate groups. Systems that compensate for different gene dosages include a wide range of global, regional and gene-by-gene processes that differ in their extent and their molecular mechanisms. However, many elements of these control systems are similar across distant phylogenetic divisions and show parallels to other gene silencing systems. These dosage systems cannot be identical by descent but were probably constructed from elements of ancient silencing mechanisms that are ubiquitous among vertebrates and shared throughout eukaryotes.

  2. Distal vertebral artery reconstruction when managing vertebrobasilar insufficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. M. Galaktionov


    Full Text Available This article presents a literature review devoted to the reconstruction of the distal vertebral artery and a clinical case of successful surgical treatment of a patient suffering from vertebrobasilar insufficiency caused by occlusion of the vertebral artery in a proximal segment. The external carotid artery-distal vertebral artery bypass was performed by using the radial artery.Received 27 February 2017. Revised 25 July 2017. Accepted 3 August 2017.Funding: The study did not have sponsorship.Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. 

  3. Ancient duplications and functional divergence in the interferon regulatory factors of vertebrates provide insights into the evolution of vertebrate immune systems. (United States)

    Du, Kang; Zhong, Zaixuan; Fang, Chengchi; Dai, Wei; Shen, Yanjun; Gan, Xiaoni; He, Shunping


    Interferon regulatory factors (IRFs) were first discovered as transcription factors that regulate the transcription of human interferon (IFN)-β. Increasing evidence shows that they might be important players involved in Adaptive immune system (AIS) evolution. Although numbers of IRFs have been identified in chordates, the evolutionary history and functional diversity of this gene family during the early evolution of vertebrates have remained obscure. Using IRF HMM profile and HMMER searches, we identified 148 IRFs in 11 vertebrates and 4 protochordates. For them, we reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships, determined the synteny conservation, investigated the profile of natural selection, and analyzed the expression patterns in four "living fossil" vertebrates: lamprey, elephant shark, coelacanth and bichir. The results from phylogeny and synteny analysis imply that vertebrate IRFs evolved from three predecessors, instead of four as suggested in a previous study, as results from an ancient duplication followed by special expansions and lost during the vertebrate evolution. The profile of natural selection and expression reveals functional dynamics during the process. Together, they suggest that the 2nd whole-genome duplication (2WGD) provided raw materials for innovation in the IRF family, and that the birth of type-I IFN might be an important factor inducing the establishment of IRF-mediated immune networks. As a member involved in the AIS evolution, IRF provide insights into the process and mechanism involved in the complexity and novelties of vertebrate immune systems. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  4. Combined endovascular and surgical treatment in vertebral arteriovenous fistula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakstad, P.H.; Haakonsen, M.; Magnaes, B.; Hetland, S.


    A 7-year-old girl with a right-sided congenital arteriovenous fistula in the neck was admitted with signs of cardial incompensation. Her fistula was fed from the right vertebral artery in antegrade as well as retrograde directions. A steal from the intracranial arteries was established. In addition, smaller feeding arteries from the neck were found. She was operated on with ligation of the right vertebral artery proximal to the fistula but the attempted ligation of the artery cranially to the fistula was unsuccessful. She was therefore embolized by the formation of a plug of platinum fiber coils in the upper right vertebral artery. Catheterization was performed from the left vertebral artery via the basilar artery. Persisting minor feeders to the fistula from cervical arteries were embolized in a second session. Finally, surgical extirpation of the fistula was performed together with the operative ligation of a crossover feeding artery from the left vertebral artery. Her heart size, heart rate and blood pressure were successively normalized. (orig.)

  5. Evolutionary growth process of highly conserved sequences in vertebrate genomes. (United States)

    Ishibashi, Minaka; Noda, Akiko Ogura; Sakate, Ryuichi; Imanishi, Tadashi


    Genome sequence comparison between evolutionarily distant species revealed ultraconserved elements (UCEs) among mammals under strong purifying selection. Most of them were also conserved among vertebrates. Because they tend to be located in the flanking regions of developmental genes, they would have fundamental roles in creating vertebrate body plans. However, the evolutionary origin and selection mechanism of these UCEs remain unclear. Here we report that UCEs arose in primitive vertebrates, and gradually grew in vertebrate evolution. We searched for UCEs in two teleost fishes, Tetraodon nigroviridis and Oryzias latipes, and found 554 UCEs with 100% identity over 100 bps. Comparison of teleost and mammalian UCEs revealed 43 pairs of common, jawed-vertebrate UCEs (jUCE) with high sequence identities, ranging from 83.1% to 99.2%. Ten of them retain lower similarities to the Petromyzon marinus genome, and the substitution rates of four non-exonic jUCEs were reduced after the teleost-mammal divergence, suggesting that robust conservation had been acquired in the jawed vertebrate lineage. Our results indicate that prototypical UCEs originated before the divergence of jawed and jawless vertebrates and have been frozen as perfect conserved sequences in the jawed vertebrate lineage. In addition, our comparative sequence analyses of UCEs and neighboring regions resulted in a discovery of lineage-specific conserved sequences. They were added progressively to prototypical UCEs, suggesting step-wise acquisition of novel regulatory roles. Our results indicate that conserved non-coding elements (CNEs) consist of blocks with distinct evolutionary history, each having been frozen since different evolutionary era along the vertebrate lineage. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Anastomose entre artéria carótida externa e artéria vertebral em dois casos de trombose de artéria carótida interna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro H. Longo


    Full Text Available São apresentados dois casos com trombose de carótida interna, com anastomose entre as artérias occipital e vertebral. São tecidas considerações sôbre a possível eficácia da suplência por essa via e sôbre o estabelecimento dessa anastomose, particularmente em relação ao primeiro dos casos em que foi feito estudo angiográfico bastante extenso. Revendo a bibliografia até a presente data, os autores só encontraram o registro de três casos semelhantes, documentados angiográficamente.

  7. Closure of the vertebral canal in human embryos and fetuses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mekonen, Hayelom K.; Hikspoors, Jill P. J. M.; Mommen, Greet; Kruepunga, Nutmethee; Köhler, S. Eleonore; Lamers, Wouter H.


    The vertebral column is the paradigm of the metameric architecture of the vertebrate body. Because the number of somites is a convenient parameter to stage early human embryos, we explored whether the closure of the vertebral canal could be used similarly for staging embryos between 7 and 10weeks of

  8. Gout and the Risk of Non-vertebral Fracture. (United States)

    Kim, Seoyoung C; Paik, Julie M; Liu, Jun; Curhan, Gary C; Solomon, Daniel H


    Prior studies suggest an association between osteoporosis, systemic inflammation, and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6. Conflicting findings exist on the association between hyperuricemia and osteoporosis. Furthermore, it remains unknown whether gout, a common inflammatory arthritis, affects fracture risk. Using data from a US commercial health plan (2004-2013), we evaluated the risk of non-vertebral fracture (ie, forearm, wrist, hip, and pelvis) in patients with gout versus those without. Gout patients were identified with ≥2 diagnosis codes and ≥1 dispensing for a gout-related drug. Non-gout patients, identified with ≥2 visits coded for any diagnosis and ≥1 dispensing for any prescription drugs, were free of gout diagnosis and received no gout-related drugs. Hip fracture was the secondary outcome. Fractures were identified with a combination of diagnosis and procedure codes. Cox proportional hazards models compared the risk of non-vertebral fracture in gout patients versus non-gout, adjusting for more than 40 risk factors for osteoporotic fracture. Among gout patients with baseline serum uric acid (sUA) measurements available, we assessed the risk of non-vertebral fracture associated with sUA. We identified 73,202 gout and 219,606 non-gout patients, matched on age, sex, and the date of study entry. The mean age was 60 years and 82% were men. Over the mean 2-year follow-up, the incidence rate of non-vertebral fracture per 1,000 person-years was 2.92 in gout and 2.66 in non-gout. The adjusted hazard ratio (HR) was 0.98 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.85-1.12) for non-vertebral fracture and 0.83 (95% CI 0.65-1.07) for hip fracture in gout versus non-gout. Subgroup analysis (n = 15,079) showed no association between baseline sUA and non-vertebral fracture (HR = 1.03, 95% CI 0.93-1.15), adjusted for age, sex, comorbidity score, and number of any prescription drugs. Gout was not associated with a risk of non-vertebral

  9. Built for speed: strain in the cartilaginous vertebral columns of sharks. (United States)

    Porter, M E; Diaz, Candido; Sturm, Joshua J; Grotmol, Sindre; Summers, A P; Long, John H


    In most bony fishes vertebral column strain during locomotion is almost exclusively in the intervertebral joints, and when these joints move there is the potential to store and release strain energy. Since cartilaginous fishes have poorly mineralized vertebral centra, we tested whether the vertebral bodies undergo substantial strain and thus may be sites of energy storage during locomotion. We measured axial strains of the intervertebral joints and vertebrae in vivo and ex vivo to characterize the dynamic behavior of the vertebral column. We used sonomicrometry to directly measure in vivo and in situ strains of intervertebral joints and vertebrae of Squalus acanthias swimming in a flume. For ex vivo measurements, we used a materials testing system to dynamically bend segments of vertebral column at frequencies ranging from 0.25 to 1.00 Hz and a range of physiologically relevant curvatures, which were determined using a kinematic analysis. The vertebral centra of S. acanthias undergo strain during in vivo volitional movements as well as in situ passive movements. Moreover, when isolated segments of vertebral column were tested during mechanical bending, we measured the same magnitudes of strain. These data support our hypothesis that vertebral column strain in lateral bending is not limited to the intervertebral joints. In histological sections, we found that the vertebral column of S. acanthias has an intracentral canal that is open and covered with a velum layer. An open intracentral canal may indicate that the centra are acting as tunics around some sections of a hydrostat, effectively stiffening the vertebral column. These data suggest that the entire vertebral column of sharks, both joints and centra, is mechanically engaged as a dynamic spring during locomotion. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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    Denílson de Queiroz Cerdeira


    Full Text Available Perfil clínico e sócio-demográfico caracterizar-se pela condição de saúde de uma população, considerando os fatores relacionados a ela. Foi construído um perfil clínico e sócio - demográfico dos pacientes atendidos no setor de Traumato-ortopedia e Reumatologia de uma Clínica Escola de Fisioterapia no sertão central do Ceará. Tratou-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo e documental, agosto 2011 a junho de 2012, através da revisão dos prontuários da Clínica Escola de Fisioterapia da Faculdade Católica Rainha do Sertão e uma revisão bibliográfica na biblioteca do referido local. Entre os 243 prontuários, 155 (63,8% eram do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 43,7 anos. Quanto às queixas clínicas, prevaleceu o quadro álgico em 185 (76,1%, sendo a coluna vertebral o mais acometido em 79 (32,5%. Ao diagnóstico cinesiológico funcional a diminuição da amplitude de movimento predominou em 82 (33,7% e a radiografia apresentou predominância com 160 (65,8% dos prontuários. Pode–se instituir a existência da necessidade de se realizar estudos que proporcionem o conhecimento das evidências clínicas para que a prática fisioterapêutica seja direcionada e resolutiva, contemplando o processo de reabilitação funcional, a prevenção e promoção à saúde.

  11. Vertebral split fractures: Technical feasibility of percutaneous vertebroplasty

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huwart, Laurent, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Hôpital Archet 2, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Nice, Nice (France); Foti, Pauline, E-mail: [Department of Biostatistics, Hôpital Archet 2, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Nice, Nice (France); Andreani, Olivier, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Hôpital Archet 2, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Nice, Nice (France); Hauger, Olivier, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Hôpital Pellegrin, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Bordeaux, Bordeaux (France); Cervantes, Elodie, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Hôpital Archet 2, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Nice, Nice (France); Brunner, Philippe, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Hôpital Princesse Grasse de Monaco (Monaco); Boileau, Pascal, E-mail: [Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hôpital Archet 2, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Nice, Nice (France); Amoretti, Nicolas, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Hôpital Archet 2, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Nice, Nice (France)


    Objective: The treatment of vertebral split fractures remains controversial, consisting of either corset or internal fixation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the technical feasibility of CT- and fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of vertebral split fractures. Materials and methods: Institutional review board approval and informed consent were obtained for this study. Sixty-two consecutive adult patients who had post-traumatic vertebral split fractures (A2 according to the AO classification) without neurological symptoms were prospectively treated by percutaneous vertebroplasty. All these procedures were performed by an interventional radiologist under computed tomography (CT) and fluoroscopy guidance by using only local anaesthesia. Postoperative outcome was assessed using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and Oswestry disability index (ODI) scores. Results: Vertebroplasty was performed on thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, creating a cement bridge between the displaced fragment and the rest of the vertebral body. Seven discal cement leakages (11%) were observed, without occurrence of adjacent vertebral compression fractures. The mean VAS measurements ± standard deviation (SD) significantly decreased from 7.9 ± 1.5 preoperatively to 3.3 ± 2.1 at 1 day, 2.2 ± 2.0 at 1 month, and 1.8 ± 1.4 at 6 months (P < 0.001). The mean ODI scores ± SD had also a significant improvement: 62.3 ± 17.2 preoperatively and 15.1 ± 6.0 at the 6-month follow-up (P < 0.001). Conclusion: This study suggests that type A2 vertebral fractures could be successfully treated by CT- and fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous vertebroplasty.

  12. Vertebral split fractures: Technical feasibility of percutaneous vertebroplasty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huwart, Laurent; Foti, Pauline; Andreani, Olivier; Hauger, Olivier; Cervantes, Elodie; Brunner, Philippe; Boileau, Pascal; Amoretti, Nicolas


    Objective: The treatment of vertebral split fractures remains controversial, consisting of either corset or internal fixation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the technical feasibility of CT- and fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of vertebral split fractures. Materials and methods: Institutional review board approval and informed consent were obtained for this study. Sixty-two consecutive adult patients who had post-traumatic vertebral split fractures (A2 according to the AO classification) without neurological symptoms were prospectively treated by percutaneous vertebroplasty. All these procedures were performed by an interventional radiologist under computed tomography (CT) and fluoroscopy guidance by using only local anaesthesia. Postoperative outcome was assessed using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and Oswestry disability index (ODI) scores. Results: Vertebroplasty was performed on thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, creating a cement bridge between the displaced fragment and the rest of the vertebral body. Seven discal cement leakages (11%) were observed, without occurrence of adjacent vertebral compression fractures. The mean VAS measurements ± standard deviation (SD) significantly decreased from 7.9 ± 1.5 preoperatively to 3.3 ± 2.1 at 1 day, 2.2 ± 2.0 at 1 month, and 1.8 ± 1.4 at 6 months (P < 0.001). The mean ODI scores ± SD had also a significant improvement: 62.3 ± 17.2 preoperatively and 15.1 ± 6.0 at the 6-month follow-up (P < 0.001). Conclusion: This study suggests that type A2 vertebral fractures could be successfully treated by CT- and fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous vertebroplasty

  13. Contaminant exposure in terrestrial vertebrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, Philip N.; Cobb, George P.; Godard-Codding, Celine; Hoff, Dale; McMurry, Scott T.; Rainwater, Thomas R.; Reynolds, Kevin D.


    Here we review mechanisms and factors influencing contaminant exposure among terrestrial vertebrate wildlife. There exists a complex mixture of biotic and abiotic factors that dictate potential for contaminant exposure among terrestrial and semi-terrestrial vertebrates. Chemical fate and transport in the environment determine contaminant bioaccessibility. Species-specific natural history characteristics and behavioral traits then play significant roles in the likelihood that exposure pathways, from source to receptor, are complete. Detailed knowledge of natural history traits of receptors considered in conjunction with the knowledge of contaminant behavior and distribution on a site are critical when assessing and quantifying exposure. We review limitations in our understanding of elements of exposure and the unique aspects of exposure associated with terrestrial and semi-terrestrial taxa. We provide insight on taxa-specific traits that contribute, or limit exposure to, transport phenomenon that influence exposure throughout terrestrial systems, novel contaminants, bioavailability, exposure data analysis, and uncertainty associated with exposure in wildlife risk assessments. Lastly, we identify areas related to exposure among terrestrial and semi-terrestrial organisms that warrant additional research. - Both biotic and abiotic factors determine chemical exposure for terrestrial vertebrates

  14. Análise comparativa da força, potência e fadiga muscular de crianças e adolescentes saudáveis e com mielomeningocele


    Emanuela Juvenal Martins


    A mielomeningocele (MMC) é a uma doença congênita, causada pelo defeito do fechamento do tubo neural durante o período gestacional, resultando em falha de fusão dos elementos posteriores da coluna vertebral, com consequente protrusão das meninges e displasia da medula espinhal e das raízes nervosas. A displasia medular promove paralisia sensitivomotora que acomete os membros inferiores, o sistema urinário e o intestino. O baixo nível de atividade física das crianças e adolescentes com MMC pod...

  15. Use of cervical vertebral dimensions for assessment of children growth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria de Paula Caldas


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether skeletal maturation using cephalometric radiographs could be used in a Brazilian population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study population was selected from the files of the Oral Radiological Clinic of the Dental School of Piracicaba, Brazil and consisted of 128 girls and 110 boys (7.0 to 15.9 years old who had cephalometric and hand-wrist radiographs taken on the same day. Cervical vertebral bone age was evaluated using the method described by Mito and colleagues in 2002. Bone age was assessed by the Tanner-Whitehouse (TW3 method and was used as a gold standard to determine the reliability of cervical vertebral bone age. An analysis of variance and Tukey's post-hoc test were used to compare cervical vertebral bone age, bone age and chronological age at 5% significance level. RESULTS: The analysis of the Brazilian female children data showed that there was a statistically significant difference (p0.05 was found between cervical vertebral bone age and bone age. Differently, the analysis of the male children data revealed a statistically significant difference (p<0.05 between cervical vertebral bone age and bone age and between cervical vertebral bone age and chronological age (p<0.05. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the present study suggest that the method for objectively evaluating skeletal maturation on cephalometric radiographs by determination of vertebral bone age can be applied to Brazilian females only. The development of a new method to objectively evaluate cervical vertebral bone age in males is needed.

  16. Alterações decorrentes do envelhecimento podem impedir a indetificação de indivíduos submetidos a radiografias da coluna lombar? Potencial contribuição da avaliação radiológica para a atividade forense Can changes associated with aging hinder the identification of individuals submitted to lumbar spine radiography? A potential contribution of radiology to the forensic activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sílvia Falcão de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de o exame radiológico da coluna lombar determinar a identificação correta dos indivíduos, apesar das alterações evolutivas do envelhecimento. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi constituída amostra com 60 pares de radiografias de coluna lombar, feitas em épocas distintas, com intervalo mínimo de três anos, de pacientes de ambos os sexos, adultos e com idades diversas. Os pares foram misturados para que dois experientes radiologistas os reconstituíssem. As vértebras de cada par foram comparadas em relação a semelhanças e diferenças de detalhes anatômicos, sendo estabelecido, como critério de pareamento, o encontro de uma variação anatômica ou de uma particularidade específica, ou o encontro de duas ou mais igualdades entre os detalhes anatômicos, sem pontos de divergência. RESULTADOS: O correto pareamento de todas as radiografias foi alcançado por ambos os observadores, os quais apresentaram inúmeros pontos de coincidência em suas análises. O estudo estatístico demonstrou que a concordância entre os dois observadores foi considerada de boa a perfeita. CONCLUSÃO: A comparação radiográfica da coluna lombar é capaz de determinar a correta identificação dos indivíduos, apesar das alterações evolutivas do envelhecimento. Dessa forma, as radiografias representam potencial instrumento para uso em perícias de identificação forense.OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed at evaluating the possibility of a radiological study of the lumbar spine determining the correct identification of an individual despite the changes associated with aging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study sample included 60 pairs of lumbar spine radiographic images of both male and female, adult patients of different ages, acquired at different times, at three-year minimum intervals. The pairs of images were mixed up so two experienced radiologists could put them back together. The vertebrae

  17. Allergenicity of vertebrate tropomyosins: Challenging an immunological dogma. (United States)

    González-Fernández, J; Daschner, A; Cuéllar, C

    With the exception of tilapia tropomyosin, other anecdotic reports of tropomyosin recognition of vertebrate origin are generally not accompanied by clinical significance and a dogmatic idea is generally accepted about the inexistence of allergenicity of vertebrate tropomyosins, based mainly on sequence similarity evaluations with human tropomyosins. Recently, a specific work-up of a tropomyosin sensitised patient with seafood allergy, demonstrated that the IgE-recognition of tropomyosin from different fish species can be clinically relevant. We hypothesise that some vertebrate tropomyosins could be relevant allergens. The hypothesis is based on the molecular evolution of the proteins and it was tested by in silico methods. Fish, which are primitive vertebrates, could have tropomyosins similar to those of invertebrates. If the hypothesis is confirmed, tropomyosin should be included in different allergy diagnosis tools to improve the medical protocols and management of patients with digestive or cutaneous symptoms after fish intake. Copyright © 2016 SEICAP. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. Cervical vertebral and dental maturity in Turkish subjects. (United States)

    Başaran, Güvenç; Ozer, Törün; Hamamci, Nihal


    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between the stages of calcification of teeth and the cervical vertebral maturity stages in Turkish subjects. A retrospective cross-sectional study was designed. The final study population consisted of 590 Turkish subjects. Statistical analysis of the data was performed with computer software. Spearman rank order correlation coefficients were used to assess the relationship between cervical vertebral and dental maturation. For a better understanding of the relationship between cervical vertebral maturation indexes and dental age, percentage distributions of the studied teeth were also calculated. Strict correlations were found between dental and cervical vertebral maturation of Turkish subjects. For males, the sequence from lowest to the highest was third molar, central incisor, canine, first premolar, second premolar, first molar, and second molar. For females, the sequence from lowest to the highest was third molar, canine, second premolar, first premolar, central incisor, first molar, and second molar. Dental maturation stages can be used as a reliable indicator of facial growth.

  19. Corticotropin-releasing hormone: Mediator of vertebrate life stage transitions? (United States)

    Watanabe, Yugo; Grommen, Sylvia V H; De Groef, Bert


    Hormones, particularly thyroid hormones and corticosteroids, play critical roles in vertebrate life stage transitions such as amphibian metamorphosis, hatching in precocial birds, and smoltification in salmonids. Since they synergistically regulate several metabolic and developmental processes that accompany vertebrate life stage transitions, the existence of extensive cross-communication between the adrenal/interrenal and thyroidal axes is not surprising. Synergies of corticosteroids and thyroid hormones are based on effects at the level of tissue hormone sensitivity and gene regulation. In addition, in representative nonmammalian vertebrates, corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulates hypophyseal thyrotropin secretion, and thus functions as a common regulator of both the adrenal/interrenal and thyroidal axes to release corticosteroids and thyroid hormones. The dual function of CRH has been speculated to control or affect the timing of vertebrate life history transitions across taxa. After a brief overview of recent insights in the molecular mechanisms behind the synergic actions of thyroid hormones and corticosteroids during life stage transitions, this review examines the evidence for a possible role of CRH in controlling vertebrate life stage transitions. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Cause analysis of missing diagnosis for vertebral fracture on lateral chest radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Wei; Yao Jinpeng; Lin Qiang; Mu Wenbin


    Objective: To analyze the cause of missing diagnosis for vertebral fracture on lateral chest radiography. Methods: Lateral chest radiographies of 1638 hospitalized patients (871 males and 767 females) were retrospectively reviewed for identifying vertebral fractures. Their ages ranged from 50 to 91 years with the mean of 63.5 years. Complains and application for chest radiography in all patients were not related to osteoporosis and vertebral fracture. Vertebral fracture and fracture severity were evaluated using Genant's semiquantitative visual method, taking approximately a 20%-25% vertebral height reduction as mild grade, 26%--40% as moderate grade and 41% or greater as severe grade. Evaluation results of the vertebral fracture, original X-ray reports, as well as medical records were compared for further analysis. Results: Eighty-four in 1638 patients showed vertebral fractures on the lateral chest radiographies. Of them, vertebral fractures were reported in 30 cases and 54 patients were not reported on their original X-ray reports. There were 63 vertebral fractures in 54 un-reported patients, most of which were single fracture (75% or 47/63). Grade I fracture accounted for 54% (34/63), Grade II fracture 33% (21/63), while 13% presented grade III fracture (8/63). In all 84 patients with vertebral fractures, only 5 cases (6%) underwent dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurement, 5 cases (6%) were recorded to have vertebral fractures on the medical papers, as well as 15 cases (18%) were prescribed drugs related to the osteoporosis when discharged from hospital. All drugs prescribed for the 15 patients were limited only to calcium. Conclusions: More attention should be paid to osteoporosis by doctors including radiologists. Vertebral fracture on lateral chest radiography should be completely diagnosed, which is helpful for both prevention and treatment. (authors)

  1. Under-reporting of osteoporotic vertebral fractures on computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, Alexandra L.; Al-Busaidi, Aisha; Sparrow, Patrick J.; Adams, Judith E.; Whitehouse, Richard W.


    Purpose: Osteoporotic vertebral fractures are frequently asymptomatic. They are often not diagnosed clinically or radiologically. Despite this, prevalent osteoporotic vertebral fractures predict future osteoporotic fractures and are associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Appropriate management of osteoporosis can reduce future fracture risk. Fractures on lateral chest radiographs taken for other conditions are frequently overlooked by radiologists. Our aim was to assess the value of computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of vertebral fracture and identify the frequency with which significant fractures are missed. Materials and methods: The thoracic CT scans of 100 consecutive male and 100 consecutive female patients over 55 years were reviewed. CT images were acquired on General Electric Lightspeed multi-detector (MD) CT scanners (16 or 32 row) using 1.25 mm slice thickness. Midline sagittal images were reconstructed from the 3D volume images. The presence of moderate (25-40% height loss) or severe (>40% height loss) vertebral fractures between T1 and L1 was determined using an established semi-quantitative method and confirmed by morphological measurement. Results were compared with the formal CT report. Results: Scans of 192 patients were analysed (95 female; 97 male); mean age 70.1 years. Thirty-eight (19.8%) patients had one or more moderate to severe vertebral fractures. Only 5 (13%) were correctly reported as having osteoporotic fractures in the official report. The sensitivity of axial CT images to vertebral fracture was 0.35. Conclusion: Incidental osteoporotic vertebral fractures are under-reported on CT. The sensitivity of axial images in detecting these fractures is poor. Sagittal reformations are strongly recommended to improve the detection rate

  2. Cochlear vertebral entrapment syndrome: a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu Chinghsiung; Lin Shinnkuang E-mail:; Chang Yeujhy


    The authors describe a patient with isolated involvement of vestibulocochlear nerve by a huge vascular loop from vertebral dolichoectasia. No other neurological deficit was found except for unilateral hearing loss. Abnormal brainstem auditory evoked potential study indicated a retrocochlear lesion. The brain computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies demonstrated an abnormally enhanced vascular lesion impinged on the left porus acusticus with a displacement of the brainstem to the right. There was no infarction in the brainstem. A cerebral angiography demonstrated a megadolichoectatic horizontal loop at the intracranial portion of the left vertebral artery. There was no thrombus or atherosclerosis in the vertebrobasilar system. A mechanical compression by a vascular loop is the only possible pathogenesis for hearing loss. The authors diagnose this condition as cochlear vertebral entrapment syndrome.

  3. Imperfect Isolation: Factors and Filters Shaping Madagascar’s Extant Vertebrate Fauna (United States)

    Samonds, Karen E.; Godfrey, Laurie R.; Ali, Jason R.; Goodman, Steven M.; Vences, Miguel; Sutherland, Michael R.; Irwin, Mitchell T.; Krause, David W.


    Analyses of phylogenetic topology and estimates of divergence timing have facilitated a reconstruction of Madagascar’s colonization events by vertebrate animals, but that information alone does not reveal the major factors shaping the island’s biogeographic history. Here, we examine profiles of Malagasy vertebrate clades through time within the context of the island’s paleogeographical evolution to determine how particular events influenced the arrival of the island’s extant groups. First we compare vertebrate profiles on Madagascar before and after selected events; then we compare tetrapod profiles on Madagascar to contemporary tetrapod compositions globally. We show that changes from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic in the proportions of Madagascar’s tetrapod clades (particularly its increase in the representation of birds and mammals) are tied to changes in their relative proportions elsewhere on the globe. Differences in the representation of vertebrate classes from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic reflect the effects of extinction (i.e., the non-random susceptibility of the different vertebrate clades to purported catastrophic global events 65 million years ago), and new evolutionary opportunities for a subset of vertebrates with the relatively high potential for transoceanic dispersal potential. In comparison, changes in vertebrate class representation during the Cenozoic are minor. Despite the fact that the island’s isolation has resulted in high vertebrate endemism and a unique and taxonomically imbalanced extant vertebrate assemblage (both hailed as testimony to its long isolation), that isolation was never complete. Indeed, Madagascar’s extant tetrapod fauna owes more to colonization during the Cenozoic than to earlier arrivals. Madagascar’s unusual vertebrate assemblage needs to be understood with reference to the basal character of clades originating prior to the K-T extinction, as well as to the differential transoceanic dispersal advantage of

  4. Association between vertebral cross-sectional area and lumbar lordosis angle in adolescents.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tishya A L Wren

    Full Text Available Lumbar lordosis (LL is more prominent in women than in men, but the mechanisms responsible for this discrepancy are poorly defined. A recent study indicates that newborn girls have smaller vertebral cross-sectional area (CSA when compared to boys-a difference that persists throughout life and is independent of body size. We determined the relations between vertebral cross-sectional area (CSA and LL angle and whether sex differences in lumbar lordosis are related to sex differences in vertebral CSA. Using multi-planar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, we measured vertebral cross-sectional area (CSA and vertebral height of the spine of 40 healthy boys and 40 girls, ages 9-13 years. Measures of the CSA of the lumbar vertebrae significantly differed between sexes (9.38 ± 1.46 vs. 7.93 ± 0.69 in boys and girls, respectively; P < 0.0001, while the degree of LL was significantly greater in girls than in boys (23.7 ± 6.1 vs. 27.6 ± 8.0 in boys and girls, respectively; P = 0.02. When all subjects were analyzed together, values for LL angle were negatively correlated to vertebral CSA (r = -0.47; P < 0.0001; this was also true when boys and girls were analyzed separately. Multivariate regression analysis indicated that vertebral CSA was independently associated with LL, even after accounting for sex, age, height or vertebral height, and weight. Similar negative relations were present when thoracic vertebrae were analyzed (Model P < 0.0001, R2 = 0.37, thoracic vertebral CSA slope P < 0.0001, suggesting that deficient vertebral cross-sectional dimensions are not merely the consequence of the anterior lumbar curvature. We conclude that vertebral CSA is negatively associated with LL, and that the greater degree of LL in females could, at least in part, be due to smaller vertebral cross-sectional dimensions. Studies are needed to examine the potential relations between vertebral CSA and spinal conditions known to be associated with increased LL, such as

  5. Association between vertebral cross-sectional area and lumbar lordosis angle in adolescents. (United States)

    Wren, Tishya A L; Aggabao, Patricia C; Poorghasamians, Ervin; Chavez, Thomas A; Ponrartana, Skorn; Gilsanz, Vicente


    Lumbar lordosis (LL) is more prominent in women than in men, but the mechanisms responsible for this discrepancy are poorly defined. A recent study indicates that newborn girls have smaller vertebral cross-sectional area (CSA) when compared to boys-a difference that persists throughout life and is independent of body size. We determined the relations between vertebral cross-sectional area (CSA) and LL angle and whether sex differences in lumbar lordosis are related to sex differences in vertebral CSA. Using multi-planar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we measured vertebral cross-sectional area (CSA) and vertebral height of the spine of 40 healthy boys and 40 girls, ages 9-13 years. Measures of the CSA of the lumbar vertebrae significantly differed between sexes (9.38 ± 1.46 vs. 7.93 ± 0.69 in boys and girls, respectively; P < 0.0001), while the degree of LL was significantly greater in girls than in boys (23.7 ± 6.1 vs. 27.6 ± 8.0 in boys and girls, respectively; P = 0.02). When all subjects were analyzed together, values for LL angle were negatively correlated to vertebral CSA (r = -0.47; P < 0.0001); this was also true when boys and girls were analyzed separately. Multivariate regression analysis indicated that vertebral CSA was independently associated with LL, even after accounting for sex, age, height or vertebral height, and weight. Similar negative relations were present when thoracic vertebrae were analyzed (Model P < 0.0001, R2 = 0.37, thoracic vertebral CSA slope P < 0.0001), suggesting that deficient vertebral cross-sectional dimensions are not merely the consequence of the anterior lumbar curvature. We conclude that vertebral CSA is negatively associated with LL, and that the greater degree of LL in females could, at least in part, be due to smaller vertebral cross-sectional dimensions. Studies are needed to examine the potential relations between vertebral CSA and spinal conditions known to be associated with increased LL, such as spondylolysis

  6. Pleistocene vertebrates of the Yukon Territory (United States)

    Harington, C. R.


    Unglaciated parts of the Yukon constitute one of the most important areas in North America for yielding Pleistocene vertebrate fossils. Nearly 30 vertebrate faunal localities are reviewed spanning a period of about 1.6 Ma (million years ago) to the close of the Pleistocene some 10 000 BP (radiocarbon years before present, taken as 1950). The vertebrate fossils represent at least 8 species of fishes, 1 amphibian, 41 species of birds and 83 species of mammals. Dominant among the large mammals are: steppe bison ( Bison priscus), horse ( Equus sp.), woolly mammoth ( Mammuthus primigenius), and caribou ( Rangifer tarandus) - signature species of the Mammoth Steppe fauna ( Fig. 1), which was widespread from the British Isles, through northern Europe, and Siberia to Alaska, Yukon and adjacent Northwest Territories. The Yukon faunas extend from Herschel Island in the north to Revenue Creek in the south and from the Alaskan border in the west to Ketza River in the east. The Yukon holds evidence of the earliest-known people in North America. Artifacts made from bison, mammoth and caribou bones from Bluefish Caves, Old Crow Basin and Dawson City areas show that people had a substantial knowledge of making and using bone tools at least by 25 000 BP, and possibly as early as 40 000 BP. A suggested chronological sequence of Yukon Pleistocene vertebrates ( Table 1) facilitates comparison of selected faunas and indicates the known duration of various taxa.

  7. Leaching of hexazinone and mixture hexazinone + diuron in columns of soils with distinct textures. = Lixiviação do hexazinone e da mistura hexazinone + diuron em colunas de solos com texturas distintas.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kassio Ferreira Mendes


    Full Text Available Objective to evaluate the leaching of the hexazinone and admixed with diuron, in soil of contrasting textures, in soil columns under different rainfall. The following soils were used: Red Latosol - LV, of clay texture and Quartzarenic Neosol - NQ, sandy texture. The experimental units were constituted by PVC columns filled with soil, at rates of hexazinone (LV - 375 g ha -1 and NQ - 225 g ha -1 and hexazinone + diuron (LV - 396 + 1,404 g ha -1 and NQ - 264 + 936 g ha-1 . The factorial 6 x 6 in randomized block design, with three replications was adopted. Factor A evaluated the precipitation of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mm; factor B analyzed the depths (0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-25 and 25-30 cm column. Posteriorly the rain simulation the columns were longitudinally opened and along these were sown Cucumis sativus. Independent of soil texture, the hexazinoneand mixture hexazinone + diuron did not exceed 10-15 cm layer of soil, the layer of 0 mm. The hexazinone and diuron + hexazinone mixture showed phytotoxicity of species bioindicator in the layer of 20-25 cm in LV, and reaching up to 25-30 cm in NQ, the greatest layer simulated. It was concluded that there was no difference in leaching potential of hexazinone when mixture with diuron in soils with distinct textures, however the clay textural composition, organic matter content of soil and rainfall influenced the leaching. = Objetivou-se avaliar a lixiviação do hexazinone isoladamente e da mistura com o diuron, em solos de texturas contrastantes, em colunas de solos sob diferentes precipitações. Utilizou-se um Latossolo Vermelho – LV, de textura argilosa e um Neossolo Quartzarênico – NQ, de textura arenosa. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por colunas de PVC preenchidas com solos, nas doses de hexazinone (LV - 375 g ha -1 e NQ - 225 g ha -1 e hexazinone + diuron (LV - 396 + 1.404 g ha -1 e NQ - 264 + 936 g ha -1 . Adotou-se o esquema fatorial 6 x 6 no delineamento em

  8. Magnetic resonance angiography of the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akimura, Tatsuo; Saito, Kenichi; Nakayama, Hisato; Kashiwagi, Shiro; Kato, Shoichi; Ito, Haruhide.


    To evaluate the contribution of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in the screening study of the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries using the conventional head and neck coils, 500 consecutive MRAs of the cervical vessels were performed using 1.5 tesla magnetic resonance unit with circularly polarized head coil. The 5 cm-thick imaging plane was placed in coronal fashion including both carotid and vertebral arteries. The imaging sequence was three-dimensional (3D) fast imaging with steady precession (FISP). In 10 patients with failed head coil examination, 10 patients with possible carotid and vertebral diseases and 10 volunteers, the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries were examined with the Helmholtz neck coil. Both 3D- and 2D-FISP were performed in each case. The imaging plane was placed in oblique sagittal fashion. In 458 out of 500 cases (91.6%), the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries were successfully depicted using head coil. In 20 patients with high shoulders, the carotid bifurcations were out of range of the head coil. In these cases, carotid bifurcations and the origins of the carotid and vertebral arteries were successfully revealed using a neck coil. To evaluate the stenotic lesions and tortuous vessels, 2D-FISP sequence seemed to be more suitable than 3D-FISP. Compared with conventional angiography, MRA caused overestimation of the degree of stenotic lesions. For screening examination of the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries, most cases can be evaluated only with the conventional head coil. If depiction of the carotid bifurcation fails and the examination of carotids or vertebrals down to the aortic arch is needed, neck coil examination is required. (author)

  9. The biogeography of threatened insular iguanas and opportunities for invasive vertebrate management (United States)

    Tershy, Bernie R.; Newton, Kelly M.; Spatz, Dena R.; Swinnerton, Kirsty; Iverson, John B.; Fisher, Robert N.; Harlow, Peter S.; Holmes, Nick D.; Croll, Donald A.; Iverson, J.B.; Grant, T. D.; Knapp, C. R.; Pasachnik, S. A.


    Iguanas are a particularly threatened group of reptiles, with 61% of species at risk of extinction. Primary threats to iguanas include habitat loss, direct and indirect impacts by invasive vertebrates, overexploitation, and human disturbance. As conspicuous, charismatic vertebrates, iguanas also represent excellent flagships for biodiversity conservation. To assist planning for invasive vertebrate management and thus benefit threatened iguana recovery, we identified all islands with known extant or extirpated populations of Critically Endangered and Endangered insular iguana taxa as recognized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. For each island, we determined total area, sovereignty, the presence of invasive alien vertebrates, and human population. For the 23 taxa of threatened insular iguanas we identified 230 populations, of which iguanas were extant on 185 islands and extirpated from 45 islands. Twenty-one iguana taxa (91% of all threatened insular iguana taxa) occurred on at least one island with invasive vertebrates present; 16 taxa had 100% of their population(s) on islands with invasive vertebrates present. Rodents, cats, ungulates, and dogs were the most common invasive vertebrates. We discuss biosecurity, eradication, and control of invasive vertebrates to benefit iguana recovery: (1) on islands already free of invasive vertebrates; (2) on islands with high iguana endemicity; and (3) for species and subspecies with small total populations occurring across multiple small islands. Our analyses provide an important first step toward understanding how invasive vertebrate management can be planned effectively to benefit threatened insular iguanas.

  10. Zygotic Genome Activation in Vertebrates. (United States)

    Jukam, David; Shariati, S Ali M; Skotheim, Jan M


    The first major developmental transition in vertebrate embryos is the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT) when maternal mRNAs are degraded and zygotic transcription begins. During the MZT, the embryo takes charge of gene expression to control cell differentiation and further development. This spectacular organismal transition requires nuclear reprogramming and the initiation of RNAPII at thousands of promoters. Zygotic genome activation (ZGA) is mechanistically coordinated with other embryonic events, including changes in the cell cycle, chromatin state, and nuclear-to-cytoplasmic component ratios. Here, we review progress in understanding vertebrate ZGA dynamics in frogs, fish, mice, and humans to explore differences and emphasize common features. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Relevant signs of stable and unstable thoracolumbar vertebral column trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gehweiler, J.A.; Daffner, R.H.; Osborne, R.L.


    One-hundred and seventeen patients with acute thoracolumbar vertebral column fracture or fracture-dislocations were analyzed and classified into stable (36%) and unstable (64%). Eight helpful roentgen signs were observed that may serve to direct attention to serious underlying, often occult, fractures and dislocations. The changes fall into four principal groups: abnormal soft tissues, abnormal vertebral alignment, abnormal joints, and widened vertebral canal. All stable and unstable lesions showed abnormal soft tissues, while 70% demonstrated kyphosis and/or scoliosis, and an abnormal adjacent intervertebral disk space. All unstable lesions showed one or more of the following signs: displaced vertebra, widened interspinous space, abnormal apophyseal joint(s), and widened vertebral canal. (orig.)

  12. Common metabolic constraints on dive duration in endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    April Hayward


    Full Text Available Dive duration in air-breathing vertebrates is thought to be constrained by the volume of oxygen stored in the body and the rate at which it is consumed (i.e., “oxygen store/usage hypothesis”. The body mass-dependence of dive duration among endothermic vertebrates is largely supportive of this model, but previous analyses of ectothermic vertebrates show no such body mass-dependence. Here we show that dive duration in both endotherms and ectotherms largely support the oxygen store/usage hypothesis after accounting for the well-established effects of temperature on oxygen consumption rates. Analyses of the body mass and temperature dependence of dive duration in 181 species of endothermic vertebrates and 29 species of ectothermic vertebrates show that dive duration increases as a power law with body mass, and decreases exponentially with increasing temperature. Thus, in the case of ectothermic vertebrates, changes in environmental temperature will likely impact the foraging ecology of divers.

  13. Nonsurgical Corrective Union of Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture with Once-Weekly Teriparatide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naohisa Miyakoshi


    Full Text Available Osteoporotic vertebral fractures usually heal with kyphotic deformities with subsidence of the vertebral body when treated conservatively. Corrective vertebral union using only antiosteoporotic pharmacotherapy without surgical intervention has not been reported previously. An 81-year-old female with osteoporosis presented with symptomatic fresh L1 vertebral fracture with intravertebral cleft. Segmental vertebral kyphosis angle (VKA at L1 was 20° at diagnosis. Once-weekly teriparatide administration, hospitalized rest, and application of a thoracolumbosacral orthosis alleviated symptoms within 2 months. Corrective union of the affected vertebra was obtained with these treatments. VKA at 2 months after injury was 8° (correction, 12° and was maintained as of the latest follow-up at 7 months. Teriparatide has potent bone-forming effects and has thus been expected to enhance fracture healing. Based on the clinical experience of this case, teriparatide may have the potential to allow correction of unstable vertebral fractures without surgical intervention.

  14. Closure of the vertebral canal in human embryos and fetuses. (United States)

    Mekonen, Hayelom K; Hikspoors, Jill P J M; Mommen, Greet; Kruepunga, Nutmethee; Köhler, S Eleonore; Lamers, Wouter H


    The vertebral column is the paradigm of the metameric architecture of the vertebrate body. Because the number of somites is a convenient parameter to stage early human embryos, we explored whether the closure of the vertebral canal could be used similarly for staging embryos between 7 and 10 weeks of development. Human embryos (5-10 weeks of development) were visualized using Amira 3D ® reconstruction and Cinema 4D ® remodelling software. Vertebral bodies were identifiable as loose mesenchymal structures between the dense mesenchymal intervertebral discs up to 6 weeks and then differentiated into cartilaginous structures in the 7th week. In this week, the dense mesenchymal neural processes also differentiated into cartilaginous structures. Transverse processes became identifiable at 6 weeks. The growth rate of all vertebral bodies was exponential and similar between 6 and 10 weeks, whereas the intervertebral discs hardly increased in size between 6 and 8 weeks and then followed vertebral growth between 8 and 10 weeks. The neural processes extended dorsolaterally (6th week), dorsally (7th week) and finally dorsomedially (8th and 9th weeks) to fuse at the midthoracic level at 9 weeks. From there, fusion extended cranially and caudally in the 10th week. Closure of the foramen magnum required the development of the supraoccipital bone as a craniomedial extension of the exoccipitals (neural processes of occipital vertebra 4), whereas a growth burst of sacral vertebra 1 delayed closure until 15 weeks. Both the cranial- and caudal-most vertebral bodies fused to form the basioccipital (occipital vertebrae 1-4) and sacrum (sacral vertebrae 1-5). In the sacrum, fusion of its so-called alar processes preceded that of the bodies by at least 6 weeks. In conclusion, the highly ordered and substantial changes in shape of the vertebral bodies leading to the formation of the vertebral canal make the development of the spine an excellent, continuous staging system for

  15. LncRNAs in vertebrates: advances and challenges. (United States)

    Mallory, Allison C; Shkumatava, Alena


    Beyond the handful of classic and well-characterized long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), more recently, hundreds of thousands of lncRNAs have been identified in multiple species including bacteria, plants and vertebrates, and the number of newly annotated lncRNAs continues to increase as more transcriptomes are analyzed. In vertebrates, the expression of many lncRNAs is highly regulated, displaying discrete temporal and spatial expression patterns, suggesting roles in a wide range of developmental processes and setting them apart from classic housekeeping ncRNAs. In addition, the deregulation of a subset of these lncRNAs has been linked to the development of several diseases, including cancers, as well as developmental anomalies. However, the majority of vertebrate lncRNA functions remain enigmatic. As such, a major task at hand is to decipher the biological roles of lncRNAs and uncover the regulatory networks upon which they impinge. This review focuses on our emerging understanding of lncRNAs in vertebrate animals, highlighting some recent advances in their functional analyses across several species and emphasizing the current challenges researchers face to characterize lncRNAs and identify their in vivo functions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. and Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire (SFBBM). All rights reserved.

  16. The role of the notochord in amniote vertebral column segmentation. (United States)

    Ward, Lizzy; Pang, Angel S W; Evans, Susan E; Stern, Claudio D


    The vertebral column is segmented, comprising an alternating series of vertebrae and intervertebral discs along the head-tail axis. The vertebrae and outer portion (annulus fibrosus) of the disc are derived from the sclerotome part of the somites, whereas the inner nucleus pulposus of the disc is derived from the notochord. Here we investigate the role of the notochord in vertebral patterning through a series of microsurgical experiments in chick embryos. Ablation of the notochord causes loss of segmentation of vertebral bodies and discs. However, the notochord cannot segment in the absence of the surrounding sclerotome. To test whether the notochord dictates sclerotome segmentation, we grafted an ectopic notochord. We find that the intrinsic segmentation of the sclerotome is dominant over any segmental information the notochord may possess, and no evidence that the chick notochord is intrinsically segmented. We propose that the segmental pattern of vertebral bodies and discs in chick is dictated by the sclerotome, which first signals to the notochord to ensure that the nucleus pulposus develops in register with the somite-derived annulus fibrosus. Later, the notochord is required for maintenance of sclerotome segmentation as the mature vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs form. These results highlight differences in vertebral development between amniotes and teleosts including zebrafish, where the notochord dictates the segmental pattern. The relative importance of the sclerotome and notochord in vertebral patterning has changed significantly during evolution. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Vertebral physitis: a radiographic diagnosis to be separated from discospondylitis: a preliminary report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jimenez, M.M.; O'Callaghan, M.W.


    A retrospective study was initiated to investigate the incidence, radiographic appearance and progression of vertebral physitis, a condition the authors propose as a separate radiographic diagnosis from discospondylitis. From 30 dogs with an initial radiographic diagnosis of discospondylitis, six dogs (five less than two years old) had radiographic signs believed to represent vertebral physitis. Bone lysis initially confined to the caudal physeal zone of affected vertebrae and sparing the vertebral endplates characterized the vertebral physitis lesions. Subsequent collapse of the caudoventral vertebral body and reactive spondylosis arising only from the caudal vertebral margins followed as the lesions progressed. By contrast, discospondylitis lesions originated as symmetric lysis of the vertebral endplates with reactive sclerosis in both vertebral bodies, and subsequent symmetric spondylosis. As a result of the differing radiographic patterns demonstrated by the physitis and discospondylitis lesions the author's also propose an alternative pathogenesis from that which is generally accepted for discospondylitis

  18. Imaging of vertebral trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daffner, R.H.


    This translation of the toolbook published in the 'US-ART' series, offers invaluable help to medical radiologists in the diagnostic imaging and evaluation of complex vertebral traumas which are on the rise, inter alia due to increasingly dangerous leisure sports. (orig./CB) [de

  19. Insights from amphioxus into the evolution of vertebrate cartilage.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Meulemans


    Full Text Available Central to the story of vertebrate evolution is the origin of the vertebrate head, a problem difficult to approach using paleontology and comparative morphology due to a lack of unambiguous intermediate forms. Embryologically, much of the vertebrate head is derived from two ectodermal tissues, the neural crest and cranial placodes. Recent work in protochordates suggests the first chordates possessed migratory neural tube cells with some features of neural crest cells. However, it is unclear how and when these cells acquired the ability to form cellular cartilage, a cell type unique to vertebrates. It has been variously proposed that the neural crest acquired chondrogenic ability by recruiting proto-chondrogenic gene programs deployed in the neural tube, pharynx, and notochord. To test these hypotheses we examined the expression of 11 amphioxus orthologs of genes involved in neural crest chondrogenesis. Consistent with cellular cartilage as a vertebrate novelty, we find that no single amphioxus tissue co-expresses all or most of these genes. However, most are variously co-expressed in mesodermal derivatives. Our results suggest that neural crest-derived cartilage evolved by serial cooption of genes which functioned primitively in mesoderm.

  20. Vertebral Fractures and Spondylosis in Men - Original Investigation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Selmin Gülbahar


    Full Text Available Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between vertebral fractures and spondylosis and bone mineral density in men older than 60 years. Material and Method: Thirty-two men with back and low back pain aged over 60 years were included into the study. Thoracic and lumbar spine radiographs were taken and, anterior, central and posterior heights of each vertebral body from T4 to L5 was measured and than the number of vertebral fractures was assessed. Osteophyte and disc scores were used for evaluation of spondylosis. Bone mineral density was measured by dual-energy-X-ray absorptiometry. Measurements were obtained from lumbar vertebrae and proximal femoral region. Results: Significant positive correlations were found between vertebral fracture and osteophyte score and bone mineral density of total femoral region. When osteophyte score and total femoral bone mineral density were taken into consideration, there were no significant correlations between other parameters and vertebral fracture. Significant positive correlations were observed between osteophyte score and bone mineral density and t scores of L1-4. Also there were significant positive correlations between disc score and both bone mineral density and t scores of L1-4. Significant positive correlation was also found between femoral bone density and body weight. Conclusion: Finally, lumbar bone mineral density increases with spinal degenerative changes, but the increase in bone mineral density can not prevent sub clinic vertebral fractures. Especially, in the men who have intensive spinal degenerative changes, the measurement of lumbar bone mineral density is not enough for determining the fracture risk. Measurement of femoral bone mineral density and evaluation of clinic risk factors are more important for determining the fracture risk. (From the World of Osteoporosis 2008;14:1-6

  1. Orientation-Selective Retinal Circuits in Vertebrates. (United States)

    Antinucci, Paride; Hindges, Robert


    Visual information is already processed in the retina before it is transmitted to higher visual centers in the brain. This includes the extraction of salient features from visual scenes, such as motion directionality or contrast, through neurons belonging to distinct neural circuits. Some retinal neurons are tuned to the orientation of elongated visual stimuli. Such 'orientation-selective' neurons are present in the retinae of most, if not all, vertebrate species analyzed to date, with species-specific differences in frequency and degree of tuning. In some cases, orientation-selective neurons have very stereotyped functional and morphological properties suggesting that they represent distinct cell types. In this review, we describe the retinal cell types underlying orientation selectivity found in various vertebrate species, and highlight their commonalities and differences. In addition, we discuss recent studies that revealed the cellular, synaptic and circuit mechanisms at the basis of retinal orientation selectivity. Finally, we outline the significance of these findings in shaping our current understanding of how this fundamental neural computation is implemented in the visual systems of vertebrates.

  2. High prevalence of radiological vertebral fractures in HIV-infected males. (United States)

    Torti, Carlo; Mazziotti, Gherardo; Soldini, Pier Antonio; Focà, Emanuele; Maroldi, Roberto; Gotti, Daria; Carosi, Giampiero; Giustina, Andrea


    Age-related co-morbidities including osteoporosis are relevant in patients responding to combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). Vertebral fractures are common osteoporotic fractures and their diagnosis is useful for managing at-risk individuals. However, there are few data from HIV-infected patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of and factors associated with vertebral fractures in a population of HIV-infected males. A cross-sectional study of 160 HIV-infected patients with available chest X-rays was conducted from 1998 to 2010. One hundred and sixty-three males with comparable age and with no history of HIV infection were recruited as controls. Semi-quantitative evaluation of vertebral heights in lateral chest X-rays and quantitative morphometry assessment of centrally digitized images using dedicated morphometry software were utilized to detect prevalent vertebral fractures. The result showed that the vertebral fractures were detected in 43/160 (26.9%) HIV-infected patients and in 21/163 (12.9%) controls (P = 0.002). In HIV-infected patients with fractures, 27 had two or more fractures and ten patients had severe fractures. The prevalence of any fractures and multiple fractures in HIV-infected patients receiving cART (29.6 and 20.0%) was slightly higher than in HIV-infected patients not exposed to cART (17.1 and 5.7%), but significantly higher than control subjects (12.9 and 3.7%). At multivariable analyses, body mass index and diabetes mellitus were independently correlated with vertebral fractures in HIV-infected patients. We concluded that a significant proportion of HIV-infected males receiving cART showed vertebral fractures. Furthermore, proactive diagnosis of vertebral fragility fractures is particularly relevant in patients who are overweight or suffer from diabetes.

  3. The pattern and prevalence of vertebral artery injury in patients with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Other important risk factors for vertebral artery injury include facet joint dislocations and fractures of the first to the third cervical vertebral bodies. The aim of this study was to determine the pattern and prevalence of vertebral artery injury on CT angiography (CTA) in patients with cervical spine fractures. Method.

  4. Recognizing and reporting vertebral fractures: reducing the risk of future osteoporotic fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lentle, B.C.; Brown, J.P.; Khan, A.


    Given the increasing evidence that vertebral fractures are underdiagnosed and not acted on, Osteoporosis Canada and the Canadian Association of Radiologists initiated a project to develop and publish a set of recommendations to promote and facilitate the diagnosis and reporting of vertebral fractures. The identification of spinal fractures is not uniform. More than 65% of vertebral fractures cause no symptoms. It is also apparent that vertebral fractures are inadequately recognized when the opportunity for diagnosis arises fortuitously. It is to patients' benefit that radiologists report vertebral fractures evident on a chest or other radiograph, no matter how incidental to the immediate clinical indication for the examination. The present recommendations can help to close the gap in care in recognizing and treating vertebral fractures, to prevent future fractures and thus reduce the burden of osteoporosis-related morbidity and mortality, as well as fracture-related costs to the health care system. Several studies indicate that a gap exists in regard to the diagnosis of vertebral fractures and the clinical response following such diagnosis. All recommendations presented here are based on consensus. These recommendations were developed by a multidisciplinary working group under the auspices of the Scientific Advisory Council of Osteoporosis Canada and the Canadian Association of Radiologists. Prevalent vertebral fractures have important clinical implications in terms of future fracture risk. Recognizing and reporting fractures incidental to radiologic examinations done for other reasons has the potential to reduce health care costs by initiating further steps in osteoporosis diagnosis and appropriate therapy. Physicians should be aware of the importance of vertebral fracture diagnosis in assessing future osteoporotic fracture risk. Vertebral fractures incidental to radiologic examinations done for other reasons should be identified and reported. Vertebral fractures

  5. Visualization of the Origin of the Vertebral Arteries with Color Doppler Sonography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Seok Hwan; Lee, Won Hong; Lee, Dae Hyung


    Atherosclerotic disease at the origin of the vertebral arteries is one of the risk factors for vertebrobasilar ischemic disease. Assessment and visualization of the origin of the vertebral arteries with color doppler sonography is a non-trivial task. The aim of this study is to increase the visualization rate of the origin of the vertebral arteries with color doppler sonography. Color doppler sonography for the vertebral arteries included carotid arteries was performed to 198 patients. We first examined the vertebral artery in the upper neck in the direction of the subclavian artery to distinguish its origin more easily. If the vertebral artery origin was not visualized in natural position, the examiner pushed the transducer toward a clavicle or pushed the shoulder of patient by the other hand. The technical methods for visualization of the vertebral artery origin were classified into three grades: natural position, pushing the transducer, and pushing the shoulder of patient according to the depth (3.0 cm and shallower, deeper than 3.0 cm) of the origin. The origin of the vertebral arteries could be visualized in 97% on the right and in 92% on the left. The origin of the vertebral arteries could be visualized in 98.6%, 1.4%, and 0.0% in natural position, pushing the transducer, and pushing the shoulder of patient, respectively, at shallower than 3.0 cm on the right side. The origin of the vertebral arteries could be visualized in 81.2%, 14.6%, and 4.2% in natural position, pushing the transducer, and pushing the shoulder of patient, respectively, at deeper than 3.0 cm on the right side. The origin of the vertebral arteries could be visualized in 85.4%, 10.7%, and 3.9% in natural position, pushing the transducer, and pushing the shoulder of patient, respectively, at shallower than 3.0 cm on the left side. The origin of the vertebral arteries could be visualized in 55.7%, 30.4%, and 13.9% in natural position, pushing the transducer, and pushing the shoulder of

  6. Percutaneous Vertebroplasty for Compression Fracture: Analysis of Vertebral Body Volume by CT Volumetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komemushi, A.; Tanigawa, N.; Kariya, S.; Kojima, H.; Shomura, Y.; Sawada, S.


    Purpose: To evaluate the relationships between volume of vertebral bodies with compression fracture (measured by CT volumetry) before percutaneous vertebroplasty, the amount of bone cement injected, and the effect of treatment. Material and Methods: We examined 49 consecutive patients, with 104 vertebral body compression fractures, who underwent percutaneous injection of bone cement. Vertebral body volume was measured by CT volumetry. The patient's pain level was assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS) before and after the procedure. Improvement in VAS was defined as the decrease in VAS after the procedure. Relationships between vertebral body volume, the amount of bone cement, and the effect of treatment were evaluated using Pearson's correlation coefficient test. Results: Average vertebral body volume was 26.3 ±8.1 cm 3 ; average amount of bone cement was 3.2 ±1.1 ml; and average improvement in VAS was 4.9 ±2.7. The vertebral body volume was greater if a larger amount of bone cement was injected. There was a significant positive correlation between vertebral body volume and amount of bone cement ( r ∼ 0.44; P <0.0001). However, there was no correlation between vertebral body volume and improvement in VAS, or between amount of bone cement and improvement in VAS. Conclusion: In percutaneous vertebroplasty for vertebral body compression fracture, there is a positive correlation between vertebral body volume and amount of bone cement, but improvement in VAS does not correlate with vertebral body volume or amount of bone cement

  7. Reconstruction techniques in the treatment of vertebral neoplasms. (United States)

    Biagini, R; Boriani, S; Casadei, R; Bandiera, S; De Iure, F; Campanacci, L; Demitri, S; Orsini, U; Di Fiore, M


    The authors present a new system for the topographical description of vertebral neoplasms. The general criteria of reconstruction after curettage or vertebral resection are evaluated. The literature is reviewed in terms of the use of prostheses, bone grafts, cement and stabilization systems in the treatment of tumors of the spine. Indications for the different methods are discussed.

  8. Measurement of vertebral bone density. Quantitative CT or dual-photon absorptiometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergot, C.; Laval-Jeantet, A.M.; Laval-Jeantet, M.H.; Kuntz, D.


    We have compared vertebral bone density measurements (QCT and DXA) in women in the postmenopausal period who underwent both examinations. Our aim was to study the results and to define the respective indications of QCT and DXA in various clinical pictures of osteoporosis. The subjects of the study were distributed into various groups according to the presence or absence of vertebral collapse and/or peripheral fractures. The results of the measurements were expressed as Z-scores (deviation from age-normal average) to suppress the age effect and to make comparison between both methods possible. The values of both measurements are significantly lower in case of vertebral involvement. QCT is more sensitive than DXA to discriminate vertebral collapse. A vertebral fragility threshold was defined at a Z-score of-1 with DXA and-1.25 with QCT, corresponding to the best sensitivity for an acceptable specificity. The results of densitometry suggest that there is a peripheral osteoporosis, different from vertebral osteoporosis, as early as the postmenopausal period. Since DXA is easy to implement, it can be used to screen osteoporosis. When the vertebral measurement with DXA is normal although osteoporosis is obvious (previous collapse or fracture), QCT must be used as it is more sensitive

  9. Three-dimensional vertebral wedging in mild and moderate adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sophie-Anne Scherrer

    Full Text Available Vertebral wedging is associated with spinal deformity progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Reporting frontal and sagittal wedging separately could be misleading since these are projected values of a single three-dimensional deformation of the vertebral body. The objectives of this study were to determine if three-dimensional vertebral body wedging is present in mild scoliosis and if there are a preferential vertebral level, position and plane of deformation with increasing scoliotic severity.Twenty-seven adolescent idiopathic scoliotic girls with mild to moderate Cobb angles (10° to 50° participated in this study. All subjects had at least one set of bi-planar radiographs taken with the EOS® X-ray imaging system prior to any treatment. Subjects were divided into two groups, separating the mild (under 20° from the moderate (20° and over spinal scoliotic deformities. Wedging was calculated in three different geometric planes with respect to the smallest edge of the vertebral body.Factorial analyses of variance revealed a main effect for the scoliosis severity but no main effect of vertebral Levels (apex and each of the three vertebrae above and below it (F = 1.78, p = 0.101. Main effects of vertebral Positions (apex and above or below it (F = 4.20, p = 0.015 and wedging Planes (F = 34.36, p<0.001 were also noted. Post-hoc analysis demonstrated a greater wedging in the inferior group of vertebrae (3.6° than the superior group (2.9°, p = 0.019 and a significantly greater wedging (p≤0.03 along the sagittal plane (4.3°.Vertebral wedging was present in mild scoliosis and increased as the scoliosis progressed. The greater wedging of the inferior group of vertebrae could be important in estimating the most distal vertebral segment to be restrained by bracing or to be fused in surgery. Largest vertebral body wedging values obtained in the sagittal plane support the claim that scoliosis could be initiated

  10. Pediatric congenital vertebral artery arteriovenous malformation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shownkeen, Harish; Chenelle, Andrew G.; Origitano, Thomas C.; Bova, Davide


    Vertebral arteriovenous fistulas are rare in children and the congenital form has been seldom reported in the literature. Prior to using endovascular therapy techniques, only surgery was the main treatment. The most common endovascular treatment is through the use of detachable balloons. This report describes the clinical and radiological findings of a congenital vertebral artery fistula in a 20-month-old child. Balloons could not be safely employed; therefore, embolization was performed with Guglielmi detachable microcoils. We review the history and treatment of these lesions, their clinical presentation, and imaging features, including their outcome, with particular attention to the pediatric population. (orig.)

  11. The pattern and prevalence of vertebral artery injury in patients with cervical spine fractures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Farzanah Ismail


    Method: A retrospective review of patients who had undergone CTA of the vertebral arteries was undertaken. Reports were reviewed to determine which patients met the inclusion criteria of having had both cervical spine fractures and CTA of the vertebral arteries. Images of patients who met the inclusion criteria were analysed by a radiologist. Results: The prevalence of vertebral artery injury was 33%. Four out of the 11 patients who had vertebral artery injury, had post-traumatic spasm of the artery, with associated thrombosis or occlusion of the vessel. In terms of blunt carotid vertebral injury (BCVI grading, most of the patients sustained grade IV injuries. Four patients who had vertebral artery injury had fractures of the upper cervical vertebrae, i.e. C1 to C3. Fifteen transverse process fractures were associated with vertebral artery injury. No vertebral artery injury was detected in patients who had facet joint subluxations. Conclusion: Patients with transverse process fractures of the cervical spine and upper cervical vertebral body fractures should undergo CTA to exclude vertebral artery injury.

  12. Cooperative Learning as a Tool To Teach Vertebrate Anatomy. (United States)

    Koprowski, John L.; Perigo, Nan


    Describes a method for teaching biology that includes more investigative exercises that foster an environment for cooperative learning in introductory laboratories that focus on vertebrates. Fosters collaborative learning by facilitating interaction between students as they become experts on their representative vertebrate structures. (SAH)

  13. High prevalence of morphometric vertebral deformities in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. (United States)

    Heijckmann, Anna Caroline; Huijberts, Maya S P; Schoon, Erik J; Geusens, Piet; de Vries, Jolanda; Menheere, Paul P C A; van der Veer, Eveline; Wolffenbuttel, Bruce H R; Stockbrugger, Reinhold W; Dumitrescu, Bianca; Nieuwenhuijzen Kruseman, Arie C


    Earlier studies have documented that the prevalence of decreased bone mineral density (BMD) is elevated in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of vertebral deformities in inflammatory bowel disease patients and their relation with BMD and bone turnover. One hundred and nine patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and 72 with ulcerative colitis (UC) (age 44.5+/-14.2 years) were studied. BMD of the hip (by dual X-ray absorptiometry) was measured and a lateral single energy densitometry of the spine for assessment of vertebral deformities was performed. Serum markers of bone resorption (carboxy-terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen) and formation (procollagen type I amino-terminal propeptide) were measured, and determinants of prevalent vertebral deformities were assessed using logistic regression analysis. Vertebral deformities were found in 25% of both CD and UC patients. Comparing patients with and without vertebral deformities, no significant difference was found between Z-scores and T-scores of BMD, or levels of serum carboxy-terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen and serum procollagen type I amino-terminal propeptide. Using logistic regression analysis the only determinant of any morphometric vertebral deformity was sex. The presence of multiple vertebral deformities was associated with older age and glucocorticoid use. The prevalence of morphometric vertebral deformities is high in CD and UC. Male sex, but neither disease activity, bone turnover markers, clinical risk factors, nor BMD predicted their presence. The determinants for having more than one vertebral deformity were age and glucocorticoid use. This implies that in addition to screening for low BMD, morphometric assessment of vertebral deformities is warranted in CD and UC.

  14. Prevalent morphometric vertebral fractures in professional male rugby players.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen Hind

    Full Text Available There is an ongoing concern about the risk of injury to the spine in professional rugby players. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of vertebral fracture using vertebral fracture assessment (VFA dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA imaging in professional male rugby players. Ninety five professional rugby league (n = 52 and union (n = 43 players (n = 95; age 25.9 (SD 4.3 years; BMI: 29.5 (SD 2.9 kg.m2 participated in the research. Each participant received one VFA, and one total body and lumbar spine DXA scan (GE Lunar iDXA. One hundred and twenty vertebral fractures were identified in over half of the sample by VFA. Seventy four were graded mild (grade 1, 40 moderate (grade 2 and 6 severe (grade 3. Multiple vertebral fractures (≥2 were found in 37 players (39%. There were no differences in prevalence between codes, or between forwards and backs (both 1.2 v 1.4; p>0.05. The most common sites of fracture were T8 (n = 23, T9 (n = 18 and T10 (n = 21. The mean (SD lumbar spine bone mineral density Z-score was 2.7 (1.3 indicating high player bone mass in comparison with age- and sex-matched norms. We observed a high number of vertebral fractures using DXA VFA in professional rugby players of both codes. The incidence, aetiology and consequences of vertebral fractures in professional rugby players are unclear, and warrant timely, prospective investigation.

  15. [Vertebral fractures in children with Type I Osteogenesis imperfecta]. (United States)

    Sepúlveda, Andrea M; Terrazas, Claudia V; Sáez, Josefina; Reyes, María L


    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is an hereditary disease affecting conective tissue, mainly associated to growth retardation and pathological fractures. OI type I (OI type I), is the mildest, most often, and homogeneous in its fenotype. Vertebral fractures are the most significant complications, associated to skeletical and cardiopulmonary morbidity. To characterize clinically a cohort of children with OI type I. A cohort of OI type I children younger than 20 year old was evaluated. Demographic, clinical, biochemical and radiological data were registered. Sixty seven patients were included, 55% male, 69% resident in the Metropolitan Region. The mean age of diagnose was 2.9 years, 70% presented vertebral fractures on follow-up, mostly thoracic, and 50% before the age of 5 years. Fifty percentage presented vertebral fractures at diagnose, which was about the age of 5 years. Bone metabolic parameters were in the normal range, without significant change at the moment of vertebral fractures. Calcium intake was found to be below American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations at the time of the first fracture. In this study OI type I has an early diagnose, and vertebral fractures show a high incidence, mostly in toddlers. Calcium intake was found to be below reccomended values, and should be closely supervised in these patients.

  16. Desenvolvimento de um programa computacional didático para o projeto de colunas de absorção

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nehemias Curvelo Pereira


    Full Text Available A absorção de gases é uma operação unitária da engenharia química na qual há a transferência de massa de uma corrente gasosa para uma corrente líquida. O princípio desta operação é simples e as dificuldades no dimensionamento das colunas de absorção estão associadas à execução de um conjunto de balanços de massa e de energia nas condições de operação do sistema. Elaborou-se, usando a linguagem de programação DELPHI, voltada ao ambiente WINDOWS, e algumas equações encontradas na literatura, um programa computacional de caráter didático para o projeto de torres de absorção isotérmicas, com diversos tipos de recheio e com operação em contracorrente. Os resultados são apresentados tanto em forma numérica como de gráficos, sendo possível sua impressão. Alguns exemplos tirados da literatura foram usados para testar a eficácia do software e observou-se que os erros apresentados pelos resultados do programa variam em torno de 5%

  17. Slipped vertebral epiphysis (report of 2 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Majid Reza Farrokhi


    Full Text Available

    • Avulsion or fracture of posterior ring apophysis of lumbar vertebra is an uncommon cause of radicular low back pain in pediatric age group, adolescents and athletes. This lesion is one of differential diagnosis of disc herniation. We reported two teenage boys with sever low back pain and sciatica during soccer play that ultimately treated with diagnosis of lipped vertebral apophysis.
    • KEY WORDS: Ring Apophysis, vertebral fracture, sciatica, low back pain, disc herniation.

  18. Análise de parâmetros de força e resistência dos músculos eretores da espinha lombar durante a realização de exercício isométrico em diferentes níveis de esforço Análisis de los parametros de fuerza y resistencia de los músculos erectores de la columna lumbar durante la realizacion de exercício isométrico en diferentes níveles de esfuerzo Analysis of strength and resistance parameters of the lumbar spinae erector muscles during isometric exercise at different effort levels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauro Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A dor lombar tem demonstrado ser um achado comum em atletas e, particularmente, a sobrecarga na coluna lombar em conseqüência de um comprometimento da força ou resistência isométrica de músculos desse segmento, como resultado da fadiga muscular, tem sido considerada como importante fator etiológico para o seu desenvolvimento. Nesse sentido, destacam-se testes utilizados para a avaliação e treinamento dos músculos eretores da espinha lombares. No presente estudo, a análise de parâmetros de força e resistência isométrica foi utilizada com o objetivo de avaliar as respostas desses músculos durante contrações isométricas voluntárias máximas (CIVM e submáximas em duas situações: com fadiga e sem fadiga, induzida por exercício isométrico realizado até a exaustão. Nove voluntários do gênero masculino e saudáveis realizaram CIVM antes e após exercícios de extensão da coluna vertebral sustentando 5%, 10%, 15% e 20% da CIVM. Em cada uma dessas situações foi registrado o sinal eletromiográfico (EMG dos músculos iliocostal e multífido, assim como o nível de força gerado nas CIVM. A fadiga muscular foi identificada pela verificação do declínio dos valores de CIVM e freqüência mediana (FM do sinal EMG obtidos após os exercícios isométricos. Os resultados demonstraram que, enquanto a força não foi capaz de evidenciar a fadiga muscular, a FM demonstrou de forma estatisticamente significante a fadiga dos músculos iliocostal e multífido, sendo observado neste último maior nível de fadiga muscular. De forma interessante, cargas entre 5% e 20% da CIVM induziram um mesmo nível de fadiga muscular. Assim, embora a força gerada durante a extensão da coluna vertebral após a exaustão induzida por exercício isométrico permaneça inalterada, provavelmente pela ação de músculos acessórios desse movimento, a sobrecarga sobre a coluna vertebral desenvolve-se como conseqüência do comprometimento da sua

  19. Vertebral anomalies in children with Alagille syndrome: an analysis of 50 consecutive patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanderson, Evelyn; Newman, Vanessa; Haigh, Susan F.; Sidhu, Paul S.; Baker, Alastair


    Background: Vertebral anomalies may help differentiate Alagille syndrome from other causes of chronic cholestasis. We suspect significant under-reporting of vertebral anomalies in children with Alagille syndrome. Objective: To compare the vertebral anomalies in Alagille syndrome with those in patients with chronic cholestasis due to other causes. The accuracy of original radiographic reporting was evaluated. Materials and methods: Spinal radiographs of 50 patients with Alagille syndrome and 31 non-Alagille syndrome cholestatic patients were evaluated retrospectively by four trained radiologists. The number, site and type of vertebral anomaly were noted. The consensus evaluation was then compared to the original report. Results: Vertebral anomalies were found in 66% of patients with Alagille syndrome and 9.7% of cholestatic control subjects (P<0.0005). In the patients with Alagille syndrome, incomplete fusion of the anterior arch, most frequently at the D6-9 level, accounted for 123 of 126 anomalies. Multiple vertebral anomalies occurred in 48% of patients with Alagille syndrome (mean 2.5 anomalies). Vertebral anomalies were misreported in 54% of cases of Alagille syndrome. Conclusions: Vertebral anomalies are significantly more common in Alagille syndrome than in chronic cholestasis of other causes and are frequently overlooked. Reporting should be undertaken by a radiologist familiar with the appearance and location of these vertebral anomalies. (orig.)

  20. Vertebrate Osmoregulation: A Student Laboratory Exercise Using Teleost Fish (United States)

    Boily P.; Rees, B. B.; Williamson, L. A. C.


    Here, we describe a laboratory experiment as part of an upper-level vertebrate physiology course for biology majors to investigate the physiological response of vertebrates to osmoregulatory challenges. The experiment involves measuring plasma osmolality and Na[superscript +] -K[superscript +] -ATPase activity in gill tissue of teleost fish…

  1. Vertebral body trabecular density at the thoracolumbar junction using quantitative computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singer, K.P.; Breidahl, P.D.; Royal Perth Hospital


    Quantitative computed tomography was used to assess vertebral trabecular density in 26 post-mortem spines from individuals aged between 14 and 80 years. All vertebrae from T10 to L1 were scanned transversely near the mid-vertebral level with calculations of trabecular density in HUs averaged and referenced to a mineral equivalent phantom. An age-related decline in trabecular density was recorded (r=0.55, p<0.0001). Density measures from the anterior aspect of the vertebral body were significantly greater than from postero-lateral regions. From T10 to L1, there was a significant decrease in trabecular density, whereas density measures multiplied by vertebral body cross-sectional area were constant. Predictions of vertebral compressive strength using quantitative computed tomography may become more accurate by increasing the sampling area per scan and including vertebral body cross-sectional area as part of the radiologic assessment. (orig.)

  2. Prevalence of silent vertebral fractures detected by vertebral fracture assessment in young Portuguese men with hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Barbosa, Ana Paula; Rui Mascarenhas, Mário; Silva, Carlos Francisco; Távora, Isabel; Bicho, Manuel; do Carmo, Isabel; de Oliveira, António Gouveia


    Hyperthyroidism is a risk factor for reduced bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporotic fractures. Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is a radiological method of visualization of the spine, which enables patient comfort and reduced radiation exposure. This study was carried out to evaluate BMD and the prevalence of silent vertebral fractures in young men with hyperthyroidism. We conducted a cross-sectional study in a group of Portuguese men aged up to 50 years and matched in hyperthyroidism (n=24) and control (n=24) groups. A group of 48 Portuguese men aged up to 50 years was divided and matched in hyperthyroidism (n=24) and control (n=24) groups. BMD (g/cm(2)) at L1-L4, hip, radius 33%, and whole body as well as the total body masses (kg) were studied by DXA. VFA was used to detect fractures and those were classified by Genant's semiquantitative method. No patient had previously been treated for hyperthyroidism, osteoporosis, or low bone mass. Adequate statistical tests were used. The mean age, height, and total fat mass were similar in both groups (P≥0.05). The total lean body mass and the mean BMD at lumbar spine, hip, and whole body were significantly decreased in the hyperthyroidism group. In this group, there was also a trend for an increased prevalence of reduced BMD/osteoporosis and osteoporotic vertebral fractures. The results obtained using VFA technology (confirmed by X-ray) suggest that the BMD changes in young men with nontreated hyperthyroidism may lead to the development of osteoporosis and vertebral fractures. This supports the pertinence of using VFA in the routine of osteoporosis assessment to detect silent fractures precociously and consider early treatment. © 2015 European Society of Endocrinology.

  3. Associations between the Cervical Vertebral Column and Craniofacial Morphology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sonnesen, Ane Liselotte


    Aim. To summarize recent studies on morphological deviations of the cervical vertebral column and associations with craniofacial morphology and head posture in nonsyndromic patients and in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Design. In these recent studies, visual assessment of the cerv......Aim. To summarize recent studies on morphological deviations of the cervical vertebral column and associations with craniofacial morphology and head posture in nonsyndromic patients and in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Design. In these recent studies, visual assessment...... of the cervical vertebral column and cephalometric analysis of the craniofacial skeleton were performed on profile radiographs of subjects with neutral occlusion, patients with severe skeletal malocclusions and patients with OSA. Material from human triploid foetuses and mouse embryos was analysed histologically....... Results. Recent studies have documented associations between fusion of the cervical vertebral column and craniofacial morphology, including head posture in patients with severe skeletal malocclusions. Histological studies on prenatal material supported these findings. Conclusion. It is suggested...

  4. Correlation between dental maturity and cervical vertebral maturity. (United States)

    Chen, Jianwei; Hu, Haikun; Guo, Jing; Liu, Zeping; Liu, Renkai; Li, Fan; Zou, Shujuan


    The aim of this study was to investigate the association between dental and skeletal maturity. Digital panoramic radiographs and lateral skull cephalograms of 302 patients (134 boys and 168 girls, ranging from 8 to 16 years of age) were examined. Dental maturity was assessed by calcification stages of the mandibular canines, first and second premolars, and second molars, whereas skeletal maturity was estimated by the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) stages. The Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient was used to measure the association between CVM stage and dental calcification stage of individual teeth. The mean chronologic age of girls was significantly lower than that of boys in each CVM stage. The Spearman rank-order correlation coefficients between dental maturity and cervical vertebral maturity ranged from 0.391 to 0.582 for girls and from 0.464 to 0.496 for boys (P cervical vertebral maturation stage. The development of the mandibular second molar in females and that of the mandibular canine in males had the strongest correlations with cervical vertebral maturity. Therefore, it is practical to consider the relationship between dental and skeletal maturity when planning orthodontic treatment. Copyright © 2010 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Vertebral Artery Dissection Causing Stroke After Trampoline Use. (United States)

    Casserly, Courtney S; Lim, Rodrick K; Prasad, Asuri Narayan


    The aim of this study was to report a case of a 4-year-old boy who had been playing on the trampoline and presented to the emergency department (ED) with vomiting and ataxia, and had a vertebral artery dissection with subsequent posterior circulation infarcts. This study is a chart review. The patient presented to the emergency department with a 4-day history of vomiting and gait unsteadiness. A computed tomography scan of his head revealed multiple left cerebellar infarcts. Subsequent magnetic resonance imaging/magnetic resonance angiogram of his head and neck demonstrated multiple infarcts involving the left cerebellum, bilateral thalami, and left occipital lobe. A computed tomography angiogram confirmed the presence of a left vertebral artery dissection. Vertebral artery dissection is a relatively common cause of stroke in the pediatric age group. Trampoline use has been associated with significant risk of injury to the head and neck. Patients who are small and/or young are most at risk. In this case, minor trauma secondary to trampoline use could be a possible mechanism for vertebral artery dissection and subsequent strokes. The association in this case warrants careful consideration because trampoline use could pose a significant risk to pediatric users.

  6. Comparative Studies of Vertebrate Platelet Glycoprotein 4 (CD36

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    Roger S. Holmes


    Full Text Available Platelet glycoprotein 4 (CD36 (or fatty acyl translocase [FAT], or scavenger receptor class B, member 3 [SCARB3] is an essential cell surface and skeletal muscle outer mitochondrial membrane glycoprotein involved in multiple functions in the body. CD36 serves as a ligand receptor of thrombospondin, long chain fatty acids, oxidized low density lipoproteins (LDLs and malaria-infected erythrocytes. CD36 also influences various diseases, including angiogenesis, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, malaria, diabetes, steatosis, dementia and obesity. Genetic deficiency of this protein results in significant changes in fatty acid and oxidized lipid uptake. Comparative CD36 amino acid sequences and structures and CD36 gene locations were examined using data from several vertebrate genome projects. Vertebrate CD36 sequences shared 53–100% identity as compared with 29–32% sequence identities with other CD36-like superfamily members, SCARB1 and SCARB2. At least eight vertebrate CD36 N-glycosylation sites were conserved which are required for membrane integration. Sequence alignments, key amino acid residues and predicted secondary structures were also studied. Three CD36 domains were identified including cytoplasmic, transmembrane and exoplasmic sequences. Conserved sequences included N- and C-terminal transmembrane glycines; and exoplasmic cysteine disulphide residues; TSP-1 and PE binding sites, Thr92 and His242, respectively; 17 conserved proline and 14 glycine residues, which may participate in forming CD36 ‘short loops’; and basic amino acid residues, and may contribute to fatty acid and thrombospondin binding. Vertebrate CD36 genes usually contained 12 coding exons. The human CD36 gene contained transcription factor binding sites (including PPARG and PPARA contributing to a high gene expression level (6.6 times average. Phylogenetic analyses examined the relationships and potential evolutionary origins of the vertebrate CD36 gene with vertebrate

  7. CT diagnosis in the evaluation of vertebral trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Emori, Takumi; Kadoya, Satoru; Nakamura, Tsutomu; Ito, Shotaro; Kwak, Ryungchan


    The diagnostic capability of the CT scan of the vertebral trauma and a comparison with the results of a routine roentgenogram and tomogram were studied in 11 patients. In total, there were 15 fractured vertebrae: 3 in the upper cervical, 3 in the lower cervical, and 9 in the thoracic and thoraco-lumbar vertebrae. In the detailed evaluation of the vertebral fractures, CT provided more information than plain films in all 15 fractured vertebrae, with a better visualization of the spinal bony details, particularly at the upper cervical, thoracic, and thoraco-lumbar levels, where the interpretation of the spinal abnormalities is usually difficult because of adjacent structures such as the skull and thorax. Only CT was able to demonstrate impingements on the vertebral canal by bony fragments. Post-traumatic syringomyelia was incidentally demonstrated in one patient on a plain CT. In 6 patients, conventional tomography was done, but no additional information with regard to spinal instability and spinal-cord compression was obtained. The usage of sagittal tomography was also limited, because it required a change in the patient's position, which might worsen the neurological deficits. On the other hand, a plain roentgenogram and conventional tomography were superior in the evaluation of spinal malalignment and fractures running horizontally. In summary, both plain roentgenograms and CT images provided detailed information about vertebral injury, whereas conventional tomography is judged to be inferior and not always necessary. Based on these results, our new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches using CT for the vertebral injuries were presented. (author)

  8. Birth and death of gene overlaps in vertebrates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Makałowska Izabela


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Between five and fourteen per cent of genes in the vertebrate genomes do overlap sharing some intronic and/or exonic sequence. It was observed that majority of these overlaps are not conserved among vertebrate lineages. Although several mechanisms have been proposed to explain gene overlap origination the evolutionary basis of these phenomenon are still not well understood. Here, we present results of the comparative analysis of several vertebrate genomes. The purpose of this study was to examine overlapping genes in the context of their evolution and mechanisms leading to their origin. Results Based on the presence and arrangement of human overlapping genes orthologs in rodent and fish genomes we developed 15 theoretical scenarios of overlapping genes evolution. Analysis of these theoretical scenarios and close examination of genomic sequences revealed new mechanisms leading to the overlaps evolution and confirmed that many of the vertebrate gene overlaps are not conserved. This study also demonstrates that repetitive elements contribute to the overlapping genes origination and, for the first time, that evolutionary events could lead to the loss of an ancient overlap. Conclusion Birth as well as most probably death of gene overlaps occurred over the entire time of vertebrate evolution and there wasn't any rapid origin or 'big bang' in the course of overlapping genes evolution. The major forces in the gene overlaps origination are transposition and exaptation. Our results also imply that origin of overlapping genes is not an issue of saving space and contracting genomes size.

  9. Tracing the evolutionary origin of vertebrate skeletal tissues: insights from cephalochordate amphioxus. (United States)

    Yong, Luok Wen; Yu, Jr-Kai


    Vertebrate mineralized skeletal tissues are widely considered as an evolutionary novelty. Despite the importance of these tissues to the adaptation and radiation of vertebrate animals, the evolutionary origin of vertebrate skeletal tissues remains largely unclear. Cephalochordates (Amphioxus) occupy a key phylogenetic position and can serve as a valuable model for studying the evolution of vertebrate skeletal tissues. Here we summarize recent advances in amphioxus developmental biology and comparative genomics that can help to elucidate the evolutionary origins of the vertebrate skeletal tissues and their underlying developmental gene regulatory networks (GRN). By making comparisons to the developmental studies in vertebrate models and recent discoveries in paleontology and genomics, it becomes evident that the collagen matrix-based connective tissues secreted by the somite-derived cells in amphioxus likely represent the rudimentary skeletal tissues in chordates. We propose that upon the foundation of this collagenous precursor, novel tissue mineralization genes that arose from gene duplications were incorporated into an ancestral mesodermal GRN that makes connective and supporting tissues, leading to the emergence of highly-mineralized skeletal tissues in early vertebrates. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Lampreys, the jawless vertebrates, contain only two ParaHox gene clusters. (United States)

    Zhang, Huixian; Ravi, Vydianathan; Tay, Boon-Hui; Tohari, Sumanty; Pillai, Nisha E; Prasad, Aravind; Lin, Qiang; Brenner, Sydney; Venkatesh, Byrappa


    ParaHox genes ( Gsx , Pdx , and Cdx ) are an ancient family of developmental genes closely related to the Hox genes. They play critical roles in the patterning of brain and gut. The basal chordate, amphioxus, contains a single ParaHox cluster comprising one member of each family, whereas nonteleost jawed vertebrates contain four ParaHox genomic loci with six or seven ParaHox genes. Teleosts, which have experienced an additional whole-genome duplication, contain six ParaHox genomic loci with six ParaHox genes. Jawless vertebrates, represented by lampreys and hagfish, are the most ancient group of vertebrates and are crucial for understanding the origin and evolution of vertebrate gene families. We have previously shown that lampreys contain six Hox gene loci. Here we report that lampreys contain only two ParaHox gene clusters (designated as α- and β-clusters) bearing five ParaHox genes ( Gsxα , Pdxα , Cdxα , Gsxβ , and Cdxβ ). The order and orientation of the three genes in the α-cluster are identical to that of the single cluster in amphioxus. However, the orientation of Gsxβ in the β-cluster is inverted. Interestingly, Gsxβ is expressed in the eye, unlike its homologs in jawed vertebrates, which are expressed mainly in the brain. The lamprey Pdxα is expressed in the pancreas similar to jawed vertebrate Pdx genes, indicating that the pancreatic expression of Pdx was acquired before the divergence of jawless and jawed vertebrate lineages. It is likely that the lamprey Pdxα plays a crucial role in pancreas specification and insulin production similar to the Pdx of jawed vertebrates.

  11. Vertebral bone mineral measurement using dual photon absorptiometry and computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eriksson, S.; Isberg, B.; Lindgren, U.; Huddinge Univ. Hospital


    The lumbar spine of 14 cadavers was studied both by 153 Gd dual photon absorptiometry (DPA) and quantitative computed tomography (QCT) at 96 and 125 kVp. The intact spine and the individual vertebrae were analyzed. After these measurements the ash content of the vertebral body, the posterior elements, and the transverse processes was determined. The fat content of the vertebral body as well as its volume was also measured. With DPA, the bone mineral content (BMC) determined in situ as well as on excised spine specimens correlated highly with the amount of total vertebral ash (r > 0.92, SEE 0.81, SEE 3 ). The so-called corpus density and central density determinations were less accurate. No difference in accuracy was found between measurements when using 3 mm and 4.5 mm step intervals. Variations in the distribution of mineral between the vertebral body and the posterior elements contribute to the error in predicting vertebral body mineral with DPA. QCT gave a smaller error when a cylindric portion of the vertebral body with a 20 diameter was measured compared with one with a 9 mm diameter, when the dual energy technique was used (p 3 ). Single energy QCT was insignificantly less accurate than dual energy QCT. Only small differences were found between vertebrae with high fat density of the vertebral body when single or dual QCT was used. QCT was more accurate than DPA in the prediction of the mineral density of individual vertebral bodies (p < 0.05) but no difference was found when the average values for the lumbar spine were calculated. (orig.)

  12. Origin and evolution of retinoid isomerization machinery in vertebrate visual cycle: hint from jawless vertebrates. (United States)

    Poliakov, Eugenia; Gubin, Alexander N; Stearn, Olivia; Li, Yan; Campos, Maria Mercedes; Gentleman, Susan; Rogozin, Igor B; Redmond, T Michael


    In order to maintain visual sensitivity at all light levels, the vertebrate eye possesses a mechanism to regenerate the visual pigment chromophore 11-cis retinal in the dark enzymatically, unlike in all other taxa, which rely on photoisomerization. This mechanism is termed the visual cycle and is localized to the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), a support layer of the neural retina. Speculation has long revolved around whether more primitive chordates, such as tunicates and cephalochordates, anticipated this feature. The two key enzymes of the visual cycle are RPE65, the visual cycle all-trans retinyl ester isomerohydrolase, and lecithin:retinol acyltransferase (LRAT), which generates RPE65's substrate. We hypothesized that the origin of the vertebrate visual cycle is directly connected to an ancestral carotenoid oxygenase acquiring a new retinyl ester isomerohydrolase function. Our phylogenetic analyses of the RPE65/BCMO and N1pC/P60 (LRAT) superfamilies show that neither RPE65 nor LRAT orthologs occur in tunicates (Ciona) or cephalochordates (Branchiostoma), but occur in Petromyzon marinus (Sea Lamprey), a jawless vertebrate. The closest homologs to RPE65 in Ciona and Branchiostoma lacked predicted functionally diverged residues found in all authentic RPE65s, but lamprey RPE65 contained all of them. We cloned RPE65 and LRATb cDNAs from lamprey RPE and demonstrated appropriate enzymatic activities. We show that Ciona ß-carotene monooxygenase a (BCMOa) (previously annotated as an RPE65) has carotenoid oxygenase cleavage activity but not RPE65 activity. We verified the presence of RPE65 in lamprey RPE by immunofluorescence microscopy, immunoblot and mass spectrometry. On the basis of these data we conclude that the crucial transition from the typical carotenoid double bond cleavage functionality (BCMO) to the isomerohydrolase functionality (RPE65), coupled with the origin of LRAT, occurred subsequent to divergence of the more primitive chordates (tunicates, etc

  13. Vertebral column aggressive osteoblastoma: two cases report and literature review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabedotti, Ismail Fernando; Sabedotti, Valdir


    Osteoblastoma is a bone neoplasy that in most circumstances present a low aggressive aspect on radiographic studies, but in some cases may acquire an aggressive pattern, rupturing the bone cortex and invading nearby structures. Most cases occur on the vertebral column, especially at the posterior arch and occasionally involving the vertebral body. Differential diagnosis of the aggressive form is made with osteosarcomas. This review reports two cases of osteoblastomas involving vertebral column, with an aggressive pattern on radiologic studies, and their histologic confirmation. (author)

  14. Evolution of the shut-off steps of vertebrate phototransduction (United States)

    Patel, Hardip R.; Chuah, Aaron


    Different isoforms of the genes involved in phototransduction are expressed in vertebrate rod and cone photoreceptors, providing a unique example of parallel evolution via gene duplication. In this study, we determine the molecular phylogeny of the proteins underlying the shut-off steps of phototransduction in the agnathan and jawed vertebrate lineages. For the G-protein receptor kinases (GRKs), the GRK1 and GRK7 divisions arose prior to the divergence of tunicates, with further expansion during the two rounds of whole-genome duplication (2R); subsequently, jawed and agnathan vertebrates retained different subsets of three isoforms of GRK. For the arrestins, gene expansion occurred during 2R. Importantly, both for GRKs and arrestins, the respective rod isoforms did not emerge until the second round of 2R, just prior to the separation of jawed and agnathan vertebrates. For the triplet of proteins mediating shut-off of the G-protein transducin, RGS9 diverged from RGS11, probably at the second round of 2R, whereas Gβ5 and R9AP appear not to have undergone 2R expansion. Overall, our analysis provides a description of the duplications and losses of phototransduction shut-off genes that occurred during the transition from a chordate with only cone-like photoreceptors to an ancestral vertebrate with both cone- and rod-like photoreceptors. PMID:29321241

  15. Analysis of the vertebral venous system in relation to cerebral venous drainage on MR angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baik, Seung Kug; Sohn, Chul Ho; Kim, Gab Chul; Kim, Yong Sun


    In the supine position, cerebral venous drainage occurs primarily through the internal jugular veins, as seen on venous phase cerebral angiography. However, in the erect position, the vertebral venous system represents the major alternative pathway of cerebral venous drainage, while outflow through the internal jugular veins is absent or negligible. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the vertebral venous system and its relationship between the surrounding venous structures using magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in the case of subjects in the supine position. We retrospectively reviewed the results of 65 patients (M:F = 31: 34, mean age 61.6 years) who underwent multi-phase contrast-enhanced carotid MRA. The imaging studies were performed using a 3.0 T MR unit (TR: 5.2, TE: 1.1, FA: 20, 3.8 thickness, EC: 1). We analyzed the appearance and extent of the vertebral venous system (vertebral venous plexus and vertebral artery venous plexus) and the internal jugular vein on the venous phase images. We also evaluated the main drainage pattern of the cerebral venous drainage and the drainage pattern of the vertebral venous system. The visualized vertebral venous system was defined as either poor, vertebral venous plexus dominant, vertebral artery venous plexus dominant or mixed. In the vertebral venous system, the vertebral artery venous plexus was visualized in 54 cases (83%). The appearance of the visualized vertebral artery venous plexus was symmetrical in 39 cases (72%) and asymmetrical in 15 cases (28%). The extent of the visualized vertebral artery venous plexus was partial in 26 cases (48%) and complete in 28 cases (52%). The vertebral venous plexus was visualized in 62 cases (95%). The appearance of the visualized vertebral artery venous plexus was symmetrical in 43 cases (69%) and asymmetrical in 19 cases (31%). The extent of the visualized vertebral artery venous plexus was partial in 35 cases (56%) and complete in 27 cases (44%). The appearance of the

  16. Transferência de calor e massa de um condensador evaporativo em escala reduzida


    Ivoni Carlos Acunha Júnior


    Este trabalho trata de um estudo experimental da transferência de calor e de massa de um condensador evaporativo, bem como, da relação existente entre as grandezas envolvidas durante a sua operação. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi construído um condensador evaporativo de pequeno porte com dimensões proporcionais a condensadores comercialmente fabricados no Brasil para operar com R-22 como fluido refrigerante. Este condensador tem 35 colunas e 12 fileiras de tubos de cobre de 6,35 mm de...

  17. Desenvolvimento e otimização de sistema de elevação para linha de montagem no setor auto


    Manta, Catarina Ribeiro


    A presente dissertação expõe o processo de estudo e otimização de um elevador de colunas, desenvolvido pela RARI, S.A. para uma unidade fabril da indústria automóvel cujo funcionamento apresentou, desde o início de operação, graves problemas de estabilidade, o que por sua vez comprometeu o correto funcionamento da linha onde estava inserido. A falta de rigidez e consequentemente instabilidade da estrutura do elevador, foram ana-lisadas neste trabalho do ponto de vista dinâmico, tendo em co...



    Silva, Sílvia Daniela Rodrigues da


    Ao longo dos tempos tem existido um avanço, nas empresas, dirigido à preocupação com o bemestar dos trabalhadores, adotando por isso medidas preventivas. A formação especializada em Medicina do Trabalho é indispensável para o exercício de atividades de prevenção dos riscos profissionais e de promoção da saúde. A postura corporal pode ser definida como a posição e a orientação global do corpo e membros relativamente uns aos outros. Qualquer desvio na forma da coluna vertebral pode gerar sol...

  19. ORIGINAL ARTICLE The pattern and prevalence of vertebral artery ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    vertebral artery injury in all patients who have fractures involving the transverse foraminae of the cervical spine, those with facet joint dislocations, and those with fractures involving the first to the third cervical vertebrae. The aim of this study was to determine the pattern and prevalence of vertebral artery injury using CTA in ...

  20. Vertebral fractures in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with corticosteroids

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lems, W. F.; Jahangier, Z. N.; Jacobs, J. W.; Bijlsma, J. W.


    To examine the relationship between roentgenological deformities of the vertebral column and clinical manifestations of vertebral fractures in patients with RA, treated with glucocorticosteroids (Cs). In all outpatients of Utrecht University Hospital with RA, who were currently using Cs (n = 52),

  1. Methods to score vertebral deformities in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lems, W. F.; Jahangier, Z. N.; Raymakers, J. A.; Jacobs, J. W.; Bijlsma, J. W.


    The objective was to compare four different scoring methods for vertebral deformities: the semiquantitative Kleerekoper score and three quantitative scores (according to Minne, Melton and Raymakers) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Lateral radiographs of the thoracic and lumbar vertebral

  2. Evolutionary Transition of Promoter and Gene Body DNA Methylation across Invertebrate-Vertebrate Boundary. (United States)

    Keller, Thomas E; Han, Priscilla; Yi, Soojin V


    Genomes of invertebrates and vertebrates exhibit highly divergent patterns of DNA methylation. Invertebrate genomes tend to be sparsely methylated, and DNA methylation is mostly targeted to a subset of transcription units (gene bodies). In a drastic contrast, vertebrate genomes are generally globally and heavily methylated, punctuated by the limited local hypo-methylation of putative regulatory regions such as promoters. These genomic differences also translate into functional differences in DNA methylation and gene regulation. Although promoter DNA methylation is an important regulatory component of vertebrate gene expression, its role in invertebrate gene regulation has been little explored. Instead, gene body DNA methylation is associated with expression of invertebrate genes. However, the evolutionary steps leading to the differentiation of invertebrate and vertebrate genomic DNA methylation remain unresolved. Here we analyzed experimentally determined DNA methylation maps of several species across the invertebrate-vertebrate boundary, to elucidate how vertebrate gene methylation has evolved. We show that, in contrast to the prevailing idea, a substantial number of promoters in an invertebrate basal chordate Ciona intestinalis are methylated. Moreover, gene expression data indicate significant, epigenomic context-dependent associations between promoter methylation and expression in C. intestinalis. However, there is no evidence that promoter methylation in invertebrate chordate has been evolutionarily maintained across the invertebrate-vertebrate boundary. Rather, body-methylated invertebrate genes preferentially obtain hypo-methylated promoters among vertebrates. Conversely, promoter methylation is preferentially found in lineage- and tissue-specific vertebrate genes. These results provide important insights into the evolutionary origin of epigenetic regulation of vertebrate gene expression. © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf

  3. Underdiagnosis of Vertebral Collapse on Routine Multidetector Computed Tomography Scan of the Abdomen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obaid, H.; Husamaldin, Z.; Bhatt, R.


    Background: Vertebral fractures are commonly associated with osteoporosis and have significant morbidity and mortality rates. Osteoporotic vertebral fractures are presently considered as a treatable and preventable condition, and early detection is vital for further management. The evaluation of vertebral compression on multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scans of the abdomen has, to our knowledge, not been reported before. Purpose: To assess the prevalence of vertebral collapse on routine abdominal CT scans, and to evaluate the usefulness of the multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) capability of MDCT scans in accurately identifying vertebral abnormalities such as vertebral collapse, spondylolisthesis, and retrolisthesis. Material and Methods: A retrospective review of 307 MDCT scans of the abdomen was carried out at a university teaching hospital. Identifiable patient information was anonymized for data protection. All images were reviewed on a picture archiving and communications system (PACS) using sagittal MPR and bone window for the assessment of the vertebrae. Data were collected from the Computerized Radiology Information System (CRIS). Results: Vertebral collapse was seen in 42 (13.6%) of the 307 patients undergoing routine MDCT of the abdomen. Multilevel and single-level collapses were seen in 24 and 18 patients, respectively. Spondylolisthesis was identified in 5.5% (n=17), and retrolisthesis was seen in 0.6% (n=2). All patients with vertebral fracture were older than 50 years. Women were more commonly affected than men. Conclusion: A significant number of patients with vertebral collapse were diagnosed using MPR on MDCT routine scans of the abdomen

  4. Reference values for radiological evaluation of cervical vertebral body shape and spinal canal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Remes, V.M. [Hospital for Children and Adolescents, Helsinki University Central Hospital (Finland); Heinaenen, M.T.; Marttinen, E.J. [Department of Radiology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki (Finland); Kinnunen, J.S. [Department of Radiology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, HYKS (Finland)


    Background. Defining normal values is essential for reliable evaluation of growth disturbances. Previous studies of the cervical spine have mainly focused on the sagittal canal diameter and interpedicular distances. Values for vertebral body height and depth have been published only in adult men and cadavers.Objectives. To define normal values for vertebral body height (H)/vertebral body depth (D) ratio (H/D ratio) and sagittal canal diameter (S)/vertebral body depth ratio (S/D ratio) in C2-7.Materials and methods. Lateral cervical spine radiographs were available from 441 children and 192 adults. Subjects' ages varied from newborn to 39 years. Vertebral body height and depth and sagittal canal diameter were measured and ratios were calculated. This was a cross-sectional and retrospective study.Results. Vertebral bodies grow relatively more in height than in depth, most actively at puberty. At all levels, the H/D ratio remains below 1, indicating that vertebral body depth is greater than height. The SD ratio is quite stable until 7-8 years of age and then it starts to decline slowly.Conclusions. When estimating platyspondyly, the age of the patient must be taken into consideration because vertebral body height is lower in children. Growth of the spinal canal declines after 7-8 years of age. (orig.)

  5. Reference values for radiological evaluation of cervical vertebral body shape and spinal canal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remes, V.M.; Heinaenen, M.T.; Marttinen, E.J.; Kinnunen, J.S.


    Background. Defining normal values is essential for reliable evaluation of growth disturbances. Previous studies of the cervical spine have mainly focused on the sagittal canal diameter and interpedicular distances. Values for vertebral body height and depth have been published only in adult men and cadavers.Objectives. To define normal values for vertebral body height (H)/vertebral body depth (D) ratio (H/D ratio) and sagittal canal diameter (S)/vertebral body depth ratio (S/D ratio) in C2-7.Materials and methods. Lateral cervical spine radiographs were available from 441 children and 192 adults. Subjects' ages varied from newborn to 39 years. Vertebral body height and depth and sagittal canal diameter were measured and ratios were calculated. This was a cross-sectional and retrospective study.Results. Vertebral bodies grow relatively more in height than in depth, most actively at puberty. At all levels, the H/D ratio remains below 1, indicating that vertebral body depth is greater than height. The SD ratio is quite stable until 7-8 years of age and then it starts to decline slowly.Conclusions. When estimating platyspondyly, the age of the patient must be taken into consideration because vertebral body height is lower in children. Growth of the spinal canal declines after 7-8 years of age. (orig.)

  6. Utilização da densitometria óssea como método de avaliação dos resultados da utilização de BMP bovina em artrodese de coluna em coelhos Bone densitometry in the evaluation of the results obtained with the use of bovine BMP in spine arthrodesis in rabbits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Roberto Moura Machado


    Full Text Available As BMPs, proteínas indutoras de crescimento ósseo, desde o início de sua utilização, têm sido avaliadas em diferentes modelos experimentais objetivando determinar sua eficácia, sendo necessário o estabelecimento de métodos de avaliação que permitam melhor compreensão dos resultados. OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a utilização da densitometria óssea como método de avaliação do incremento ósseo observado quando da utilização de BMP bovina em artrodeses intertransversas da coluna lombar de coelhos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dois grupos de dez coelhos neozelandeses fêmeas, submetidos a artrodese intertransversa da coluna lombar, segmento L5/L6, por via posterior. No primeiro grupo foi utilizado enxerto homólogo e no segundo a associação de enxerto homólogo com biocomposto (BMP bovino, 1,0 mg e hidroxiapatita, 9,0 mg. Os animais foram acompanhados por 15 semanas, isolados em cativeiro e avaliados diariamente por veterinário sob o ponto de vista clínico e neurológico e, posteriormente, submetidos à realização de densitometria óssea por tomografia computadorizada. RESULTADOS: Foram obtidas 268 medidas de densidade óssea do osso normal, 134 medidas do osso neoformado de enxerto homólogo isolado e 134 medidas do osso neoformado pela associação enxerto homólogo e BMP. Esses valores foram submetidos à análise estatística que demonstrou incremento ósseo significativo (p=0,034 do grupo BMP/HAP, quando comparado ao grupo controle. Os valores de densidade óssea do osso normal foram submetidos à mesma análise estatística onde se encontrou resultado semelhante. CONCLUSÃO: A densitometria óssea realizada pela tomografia computadorizada apresenta-se como método alternativo para avaliação de resultados quando utilizado BMP em estudos experimentais. Estudos subseqüentes deverão ser realizados para melhor entendimento da variação de densidade óssea encontrada quando da comparação das medidas

  7. The evolutionary history of vertebrate cranial placodes II. Evolution of ectodermal patterning. (United States)

    Schlosser, Gerhard; Patthey, Cedric; Shimeld, Sebastian M


    Cranial placodes are evolutionary innovations of vertebrates. However, they most likely evolved by redeployment, rewiring and diversification of preexisting cell types and patterning mechanisms. In the second part of this review we compare vertebrates with other animal groups to elucidate the evolutionary history of ectodermal patterning. We show that several transcription factors have ancient bilaterian roles in dorsoventral and anteroposterior regionalisation of the ectoderm. Evidence from amphioxus suggests that ancestral chordates then concentrated neurosecretory cells in the anteriormost non-neural ectoderm. This anterior proto-placodal domain subsequently gave rise to the oral siphon primordia in tunicates (with neurosecretory cells being lost) and anterior (adenohypophyseal, olfactory, and lens) placodes of vertebrates. Likewise, tunicate atrial siphon primordia and posterior (otic, lateral line, and epibranchial) placodes of vertebrates probably evolved from a posterior proto-placodal region in the tunicate-vertebrate ancestor. Since both siphon primordia in tunicates give rise to sparse populations of sensory cells, both proto-placodal domains probably also gave rise to some sensory receptors in the tunicate-vertebrate ancestor. However, proper cranial placodes, which give rise to high density arrays of specialised sensory receptors and neurons, evolved from these domains only in the vertebrate lineage. We propose that this may have involved rewiring of the regulatory network upstream and downstream of Six1/2 and Six4/5 transcription factors and their Eya family cofactors. These proteins, which play ancient roles in neuronal differentiation were first recruited to the dorsal non-neural ectoderm in the tunicate-vertebrate ancestor but subsequently probably acquired new target genes in the vertebrate lineage, allowing them to adopt new functions in regulating proliferation and patterning of neuronal progenitors. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights

  8. The evolutionary origin of the vertebrate body plan: the problem of head segmentation. (United States)

    Onai, Takayuki; Irie, Naoki; Kuratani, Shigeru


    The basic body plan of vertebrates, as typified by the complex head structure, evolved from the last common ancestor approximately 530 Mya. In this review, we present a brief overview of historical discussions to disentangle the various concepts and arguments regarding the evolutionary development of the vertebrate body plan. We then explain the historical transition of the arguments about the vertebrate body plan from merely epistemological comparative morphology to comparative embryology as a scientific treatment on this topic. Finally, we review the current progress of molecular evidence regarding the basic vertebrate body plan, focusing on the link between the basic vertebrate body plan and the evolutionarily conserved developmental stages (phylotypic stages).

  9. How can mathematics help us explore vertebrate segmentation?


    Baker, Ruth E.; Schnell, Santiago


    Since the discovery of gene products oscillating during the formation of vertebral segments, much attention has been directed toward eluciating the molecular basis of the so-called segmentation clock. What research has told us is, that even in the most simple vertebrates, enormously complicated gene networks act in each cell to give rise to oscillations, and that cell-cell communication synchronizes these oscillations between neighboring cells. A number of theories have been proposed to expla...

  10. The sea lamprey meiotic map improves resolution of ancient vertebrate genome duplications. (United States)

    Smith, Jeramiah J; Keinath, Melissa C


    It is generally accepted that many genes present in vertebrate genomes owe their origin to two whole-genome duplications that occurred deep in the ancestry of the vertebrate lineage. However, details regarding the timing and outcome of these duplications are not well resolved. We present high-density meiotic and comparative genomic maps for the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), a representative of an ancient lineage that diverged from all other vertebrates ∼550 million years ago. Linkage analyses yielded a total of 95 linkage groups, similar to the estimated number of germline chromosomes (1n ∼ 99), spanning a total of 5570.25 cM. Comparative mapping data yield strong support for the hypothesis that a single whole-genome duplication occurred in the basal vertebrate lineage, but do not strongly support a hypothetical second event. Rather, these comparative maps reveal several evolutionarily independent segmental duplications occurring over the last 600+ million years of chordate evolution. This refined history of vertebrate genome duplication should permit more precise investigations of vertebrate evolution. © 2015 Smith and Keinath; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

  11. Fungal osteomyelitis with vertebral re-ossification. (United States)

    O Guinn, Devon J; Serletis, Demitre; Kazemi, Noojan


    We present a rare case of thoracic vertebral osteomyelitis secondary to pulmonary Blastomyces dermatitides. A 27-year-old male presented with three months of chest pains and non-productive cough. Examination revealed diminished breath sounds on the right. CT/MR imaging confirmed a right-sided pre-/paravertebral soft tissue mass and destructive lytic lesions from T2 to T6. CT-guided needle biopsy confirmed granulomatous pulmonary Blastomycosis. Conservative management with antifungal therapy was initiated. Neurosurgical review confirmed no clinical or profound radiographic instability, and the patient was stabilized with TLSO bracing. Serial imaging 3 months later revealed near-resolution of the thoracic soft tissue mass, with vertebral re-ossification from T2 to T6. Fungal osteomyelitis presents a rare entity in the spectrum of spinal infections. In such cases, lytic spinal lesions are classically seen in association with a large paraspinous mass. Fungal infections of the spinal column may be treated conservatively, with surgical intervention reserved for progressive cases manifesting with neurological compromise and/or spinal column instability. Here, we found unexpected evidence for vertebral re-ossification across the affected thoracic levels (T2-6) in response to IV antibiotic therapy and conservative bracing, nearly 3 months later. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  12. Biomonitoring of marine vertebrates in Monterey Bay using eDNA metabarcoding.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth A Andruszkiewicz

    Full Text Available Molecular analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA can be used to assess vertebrate biodiversity in aquatic systems, but limited work has applied eDNA technologies to marine waters. Further, there is limited understanding of the spatial distribution of vertebrate eDNA in marine waters. Here, we use an eDNA metabarcoding approach to target and amplify a hypervariable region of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene to characterize vertebrate communities at 10 oceanographic stations spanning 45 km within the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS. In this study, we collected three biological replicates of small volume water samples (1 L at 2 depths at each of the 10 stations. We amplified fish mitochondrial DNA using a universal primer set. We obtained 5,644,299 high quality Illumina sequence reads from the environmental samples. The sequence reads were annotated to the lowest taxonomic assignment using a bioinformatics pipeline. The eDNA survey identified, to the lowest taxonomic rank, 7 families, 3 subfamilies, 10 genera, and 72 species of vertebrates at the study sites. These 92 distinct taxa come from 33 unique marine vertebrate families. We observed significantly different vertebrate community composition between sampling depths (0 m and 20/40 m deep across all stations and significantly different communities at stations located on the continental shelf (200 m bottom depth. All but 1 family identified using eDNA metabarcoding is known to occur in MBNMS. The study informs the implementation of eDNA metabarcoding for vertebrate biomonitoring.

  13. Technical strategies and anatomic considerations for parapedicular access to thoracic and lumbar vertebral bodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beall, Douglas P.; Martin, Hal D.; Stapp, Annette M.; Puckett, Timothy A.; Stechison, M.T.; Braswell, John J.


    To investigate and illustrate a variation on the traditional percutaneous access to the vertebral body via a parapedicular approach. An effective parapedicular access technique that could safely and reliably guide the needle tip into the center of the vertebral body was developed from cadaver dissection observations for the purpose of clinical use. A total of 102 vertebral compression fractures from T-4 to L-5 were treated via the parapedicular access at our institution between July 2005 and March 2006. There were 72 patients between the ages of 17 and 96 years (mean age: 68.2 years) who underwent treatment. The cadaver dissection revealed a relatively avascular and aneural portion of the vertebral body along the superior margin of the vertebral body-pedicle junction. A total 102 vertebral fractures were treated using the parapedicular access technique without any recognized clinical complications from the needle access or the instrumentation. The thoracic and lumbar vertebral bodies may be safely, reliably, and reproducibly accessed using a percutaneous parapedicular access technique. The technique presented represents a relatively avascular and aneural approach to vertebral body. (orig.)

  14. Tumores dermóides e epidermóides intra-espinhas

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    Oscar Fontenelle Filho


    Full Text Available São relatados dois casos de tumores epidermóides e um de tumor dermóide, todos intrarraquianos. Este último era de localização epidural ao nível da coluna torácica (caso 3; os dois tumores epidermóides situavam-se na coluna tóraco-lombar (caso 1 e lombar (caso 2, respectivamente, sendo o primeiro intramedular e o segundo intradural. Em dois casos (casos 2 e 3 os tumores associavam-se a fístula dérmica congênita. Um paciente (caso 3 foi operado aos dois meses de idade; a descoberta do tumor deveu-se à realização da raquimanometria que revelou bloqueio, apesar do paciente não apresentar qualquer sinal neurológico de compressão medular. Os autores são de opinião que, em presença de fístula dérmica congênita ao nível da coluna vertebral, principalmente quando localizada acima do segmento lombosacro, deve-se sempre suspeitar da possibilidade do tumor epidermóide ou dermóide intrarraquiano, mesmo na ausência de sinais neurológicos. A combinação de sintomas neurológicos de longa duração, a evidência radiológica de erosão e alargamento do canal raquiano e a história de fístula dérmica congênita proporcionaram o diagnóstico pré-operatório correto no caso 2.

  15. Closed cervical spine trauma associated with bilateral vertebral artery injuries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kloen, P.; Patterson, J. D.; Wintman, B. I.; Ozuna, R. M.; Brick, G. W.


    Bilateral vertebral artery injuries in closed cervical spine injuries are uncommon, but early recognition and treatment are important to prevent neurological deterioration. A case of bilateral vertebral injuries in a 35-year-old motor vehicle accident victim is presented, and the current literature

  16. Extinction risk is most acute for the world's largest and smallest vertebrates. (United States)

    Ripple, William J; Wolf, Christopher; Newsome, Thomas M; Hoffmann, Michael; Wirsing, Aaron J; McCauley, Douglas J


    Extinction risk in vertebrates has been linked to large body size, but this putative relationship has only been explored for select taxa, with variable results. Using a newly assembled and taxonomically expansive database, we analyzed the relationships between extinction risk and body mass (27,647 species) and between extinction risk and range size (21,294 species) for vertebrates across six main classes. We found that the probability of being threatened was positively and significantly related to body mass for birds, cartilaginous fishes, and mammals. Bimodal relationships were evident for amphibians, reptiles, and bony fishes. Most importantly, a bimodal relationship was found across all vertebrates such that extinction risk changes around a body mass breakpoint of 0.035 kg, indicating that the lightest and heaviest vertebrates have elevated extinction risk. We also found range size to be an important predictor of the probability of being threatened, with strong negative relationships across nearly all taxa. A review of the drivers of extinction risk revealed that the heaviest vertebrates are most threatened by direct killing by humans. By contrast, the lightest vertebrates are most threatened by habitat loss and modification stemming especially from pollution, agricultural cropping, and logging. Our results offer insight into halting the ongoing wave of vertebrate extinctions by revealing the vulnerability of large and small taxa, and identifying size-specific threats. Moreover, they indicate that, without intervention, anthropogenic activities will soon precipitate a double truncation of the size distribution of the world's vertebrates, fundamentally reordering the structure of life on our planet.

  17. MR manifestations of vertebral artery injuries in cervical spine trauma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Jeong Sik; Chung, Tae Sub; Kim, Young Soo; Cho, Yong Eun; Kang, Byung Chul; Kim, Dong Ik [Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To assess the diagnostic efficacy of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the detection of a vertebral artery injury occurring from major cervical spine trauma. Conventional MR findings of 63 patients and 63 control subjects were compared to detect a possible change in the vertebral arteries resulted from trauma. Plain films, CT and clinical records were also reviewed to correlate the degree of cervical spine injury with vascular change. Nine cases of absent flow signals in vessel lumen were observed in eight patients and one was observed in the control group. Patients more frequently demonstrated other abnormalities such as intraluminal linear signals (n=3) or focal luminal narrowing (n=9) but there was no statistical significance. There was a close relationship between degree of cord damage and occlusion of the vertebral artery. Conventional MR imaging is useful in the detection of vertebral artery occlusion resulting from cervical spine trauma.

  18. Micromechanics of the human vertebral body for forward flexion. (United States)

    Yang, Haisheng; Nawathe, Shashank; Fields, Aaron J; Keaveny, Tony M


    To provide mechanistic insight into the etiology of osteoporotic wedge fractures, we investigated the spatial distribution of tissue at the highest risk of initial failure within the human vertebral body for both forward flexion and uniform compression loading conditions. Micro-CT-based linear elastic finite element analysis was used to virtually load 22 human T9 vertebral bodies in either 5° of forward flexion or uniform compression; we also ran analyses replacing the simulated compliant disc (E=8 MPa) with stiff polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA, E=2500 MPa). As expected, we found that, compared to uniform compression, forward flexion increased the overall endplate axial load on the anterior half of the vertebra and shifted the spatial distribution of high-risk tissue within the vertebra towards the anterior aspect of the vertebral body. However, despite that shift, the high-risk tissue remained primarily within the central regions of the trabecular bone and endplates, and forward flexion only slightly altered the ratio of cortical-to-trabecular load sharing at the mid-vertebral level (mean±SD for n=22: 41.3±7.4% compression; 44.1±8.2% forward flexion). When the compliant disc was replaced with PMMA, the anterior shift of high-risk tissue was much more severe. We conclude that, for a compliant disc, a moderate degree of forward flexion does not appreciably alter the spatial distribution of stress within the vertebral body. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. A checklist of the vertebrates of Kerala State, India

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    P. O. Nameer


    Full Text Available Following the first publication on vertebrates of India (Blanford 1888–1890, a huge wealth of information has been compiled on the vertebrate fauna of various biogeographic zones of the country, especially the Western Ghats.  The state of Kerala comprising of a land area of 38,863km2, 590km coastline, an intricate system of backwaters along the coast, tropical moist forests of the Western Ghats, the highly undulating terrain, and the tropical monsoon is a unique geographical and environmental entity rich in biodiversity.  A region-specific checklist that summarises and documents the current status of vertebrate diversity provides benchmark data for documentation and appreciation of biodiversity at regional level.  Further, with the current rate of global biodiversity loss and concordant conservation efforts, the taxonomic community has a greater responsibility to make scientific information available to scientists, policy makers, politicians, research students and all relevant stakeholders, an attempt that has been made in the present paper.  The State of Kerala has 1847 species of vertebrates in 330 families and 81 orders, of which 386 are endemic to the Western Ghats region (of the Western Ghats - Sri Lanka Hotspot, and 205 species as threatened. Six hundred and eighty species of vertebrates of Kerala have been listed in the various schedules of the Indian Wildlife (Protection Act, while 148 are listed in the different appendices of CITES.  

  20. Ancient Pbx-Hox signatures define hundreds of vertebrate developmental enhancers

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    Parker Hugo J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Gene regulation through cis-regulatory elements plays a crucial role in development and disease. A major aim of the post-genomic era is to be able to read the function of cis-regulatory elements through scrutiny of their DNA sequence. Whilst comparative genomics approaches have identified thousands of putative regulatory elements, our knowledge of their mechanism of action is poor and very little progress has been made in systematically de-coding them. Results Here, we identify ancient functional signatures within vertebrate conserved non-coding elements (CNEs through a combination of phylogenetic footprinting and functional assay, using genomic sequence from the sea lamprey as a reference. We uncover a striking enrichment within vertebrate CNEs for conserved binding-site motifs of the Pbx-Hox hetero-dimer. We further show that these predict reporter gene expression in a segment specific manner in the hindbrain and pharyngeal arches during zebrafish development. Conclusions These findings evoke an evolutionary scenario in which many CNEs evolved early in the vertebrate lineage to co-ordinate Hox-dependent gene-regulatory interactions that pattern the vertebrate head. In a broader context, our evolutionary analyses reveal that CNEs are composed of tightly linked transcription-factor binding-sites (TFBSs, which can be systematically identified through phylogenetic footprinting approaches. By placing a large number of ancient vertebrate CNEs into a developmental context, our findings promise to have a significant impact on efforts toward de-coding gene-regulatory elements that underlie vertebrate development, and will facilitate building general models of regulatory element evolution.

  1. Post-traumatic cerebellar infarction due to vertebral artery foramina fracture: case report

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    Moscote-Salazar Luis Rafael


    Full Text Available Posttraumatic cerebral infarction is an uncommon cause of morbidity and mortality and many studies have highlighted that trauma needs to considered as causative factor for cerebellar infarction. We present a case of cerebellar infarction in a 35 year old young patient secondary to vertebral fracture involving the vertebral foramen and vertebral artery injury. CT scan cervical spine showed C2-3 fracture on left side with fracture extending into the left vertebral foramen. A CT scan angiogram could not be performed because of poor neurological status. Possibly the infarction was due to left vertebral artery injury. Without surgical intervention prognosis of these patients remain poor. Prognosis of patients with traumatic cerebellar infarction depends on the neurological status of the patient, intrinsic parenchymal damage and more importantly extrinsic compression of the brainstem by the edematous cerebellar hemispheres.

  2. Transmission of Ranavirus between Ectothermic Vertebrate Hosts (United States)

    Brenes, Roberto; Gray, Matthew J.; Waltzek, Thomas B.; Wilkes, Rebecca P.; Miller, Debra L.


    Transmission is an essential process that contributes to the survival of pathogens. Ranaviruses are known to infect different classes of lower vertebrates including amphibians, fishes and reptiles. Differences in the likelihood of infection among ectothermic vertebrate hosts could explain the successful yearlong persistence of ranaviruses in aquatic environments. The goal of this study was to determine if transmission of a Frog Virus 3 (FV3)-like ranavirus was possible among three species from different ectothermic vertebrate classes: Cope’s gray treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) larvae, mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), and red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans). We housed individuals previously exposed to the FV3-like ranavirus with naïve (unexposed) individuals in containers divided by plastic mesh screen to permit water flow between subjects. Our results showed that infected gray treefrog larvae were capable of transmitting ranavirus to naïve larval conspecifics and turtles (60% and 30% infection, respectively), but not to fish. Also, infected turtles and fish transmitted ranavirus to 50% and 10% of the naïve gray treefrog larvae, respectively. Nearly all infected amphibians experienced mortality, whereas infected turtles and fish did not die. Our results demonstrate that ranavirus can be transmitted through water among ectothermic vertebrate classes, which has not been reported previously. Moreover, fish and reptiles might serve as reservoirs for ranavirus given their ability to live with subclinical infections. Subclinical infections of ranavirus in fish and aquatic turtles could contribute to the pathogen’s persistence, especially when highly susceptible hosts like amphibians are absent as a result of seasonal fluctuations in relative abundance. PMID:24667325

  3. Transmission of ranavirus between ectothermic vertebrate hosts.

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    Roberto Brenes

    Full Text Available Transmission is an essential process that contributes to the survival of pathogens. Ranaviruses are known to infect different classes of lower vertebrates including amphibians, fishes and reptiles. Differences in the likelihood of infection among ectothermic vertebrate hosts could explain the successful yearlong persistence of ranaviruses in aquatic environments. The goal of this study was to determine if transmission of a Frog Virus 3 (FV3-like ranavirus was possible among three species from different ectothermic vertebrate classes: Cope's gray treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis larvae, mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis, and red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans. We housed individuals previously exposed to the FV3-like ranavirus with naïve (unexposed individuals in containers divided by plastic mesh screen to permit water flow between subjects. Our results showed that infected gray treefrog larvae were capable of transmitting ranavirus to naïve larval conspecifics and turtles (60% and 30% infection, respectively, but not to fish. Also, infected turtles and fish transmitted ranavirus to 50% and 10% of the naïve gray treefrog larvae, respectively. Nearly all infected amphibians experienced mortality, whereas infected turtles and fish did not die. Our results demonstrate that ranavirus can be transmitted through water among ectothermic vertebrate classes, which has not been reported previously. Moreover, fish and reptiles might serve as reservoirs for ranavirus given their ability to live with subclinical infections. Subclinical infections of ranavirus in fish and aquatic turtles could contribute to the pathogen's persistence, especially when highly susceptible hosts like amphibians are absent as a result of seasonal fluctuations in relative abundance.

  4. Radiotherapy for vertebral metastases. Analysis of symptoms and clinical effects by MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugiyama, Akira


    Fifty patients with 63 symptomatic vertebral metastasis (18 sites: pain only, 28 sites: radiculopathy with pain, 17 sites: myelopathy) were treated by radiotherapy. Primary lesions were located in the lung (9 cases), breast (9), colorectal area (9), prostate (7) and so on. We correlated the radiologic findings, symptoms and clinical effects with metastatic features which were classified into 4 types by MR imaging: non-deformity, expanding, vertebral collapse, and destructive mass. Each type of metastasis was accompanied with or without epidural tumor. Osteolytic metastases were apt to create features of deformity (expanding type: 18 vertebrae, vertebral collapse type: 17, destructive mass type: 9). The features of osteoblastic metastases were no deformity (18 vertebrae) and expanding type (2). The symptom of pain only occurred most frequently in the lumbosacral spine. The vertebral body deformity of symptomatic sites was relatively slight (non-deformity type: 6 sites, expanding type: 6, vertebral collapse type: 6), and epidural tumors were seen at only 2 sites. The effect of radiotherapy was excellent (complete pain relief: 64.7%, partial pain relief: 29.4%). Radiculopathy occurred most frequently in the lumber spine. Vertebral body deformity was noted in most symptomatic sites (expanding type: 9 sites, vertebral collapse type: 10, destructive mass type: 2). Complete relief was obtained in 6 sites (22.2%), partial relief in 18 (63.0%). Myelopathy occurred most often in the thoracic spine, followed by the lumbar spine. The vertebral body deformity was severe (expanding: 3 cases, vertebral collapse type: 3, destructive mass type: 6). Epidural tumors were also present in all but one case. Six of 13 patients treated with radiation alone improved. These 6 patients had non-deformity or expanding types with epidural tumor. No improvement was seen in the vertebral collapse type with epidural tumor or destructive mass type. (author)

  5. Giant Vertebral Notochordal Rest: Magnetic Resonance and Diffusion Weighted Imaging Findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oner, Ali Yusuf; Akpek, Sergin; Tali, Turgut; Ucar, Murat


    A giant vertebral notochordal rest is a newly described, benign entity that is easily confused with a vertebral chordoma. As microscopic notochordal rests are rarely found in adult autopsies, the finding of a macroscopic vertebral lesion is a new entity with only seven previously presented cases. We report here radiological findings, including diffusion weighted images, of a patient with a giant notochordal remnant confined to the L5 vertebra, with an emphasis on its distinction from a chordoma

  6. Evolution of neural crest and placodes: amphioxus as a model for the ancestral vertebrate? (United States)

    Holland, L. Z.; Holland, N. D.


    Recent studies of protochordates (ascidian tunicates and amphioxus) have given insights into possible ancestors of 2 of the characteristic features of the vertebrate head: neural crest and placodes. The neural crest probably evolved from cells on either side of the neural plate-epidermis boundary in a protochordate ancestral to the vertebrates. In amphioxus, homologues of several vertebrate neural crest marker genes (BMP2/4, Pax3/7, Msx, Dll and Snail) are expressed at the edges of the neural plate and/or adjacent nonneural ectoderm. Some of these markers are also similarly expressed in tunicates. In protochordates, however, these cells, unlike vertebrate neural crest, neither migrate as individuals through embryonic tissues nor differentiate into a wide spectrum of cell types. Therefore, while the protochordate ancestor of the vertebrates probably had the beginnings of a genetic programme for neural crest formation, this programme was augmented in the earliest vertebrates to attain definitive neural crest. Clear homologues of vertebrate placodes are lacking in protochordates. However, both amphioxus and tunicates have ectodermal sensory cells. In tunicates these are all primary neurons, sending axons to the central nervous system, while in amphioxus, the ectodermal sensory cells include both primary neurons and secondary neurons lacking axons. Comparisons of developmental gene expression suggest that the anterior ectoderm in amphioxus may be homologous to the vertebrate olfactory placode, the only vertebrate placode with primary, not secondary, neurons. Similarly, biochemical, morphological and gene expression data suggest that amphioxus and tunicates also have homologues of the adenohypophysis, one of the few vertebrate structures derived from nonneurogenic placodes. In contrast, the origin of the other vertebrate placodes is very uncertain.

  7. The largest Silurian vertebrate and its palaeoecological implications (United States)

    Choo, Brian; Zhu, Min; Zhao, Wenjin; Jia, Liaotao; Zhu, You'an


    An apparent absence of Silurian fishes more than half-a-metre in length has been viewed as evidence that gnathostomes were restricted in size and diversity prior to the Devonian. Here we describe the largest pre-Devonian vertebrate (Megamastax amblyodus gen. et sp. nov.), a predatory marine osteichthyan from the Silurian Kuanti Formation (late Ludlow, ~423 million years ago) of Yunnan, China, with an estimated length of about 1 meter. The unusual dentition of the new form suggests a durophagous diet which, combined with its large size, indicates a considerable degree of trophic specialisation among early osteichthyans. The lack of large Silurian vertebrates has recently been used as constraint in palaeoatmospheric modelling, with purported lower oxygen levels imposing a physiological size limit. Regardless of the exact causal relationship between oxygen availability and evolutionary success, this finding refutes the assumption that pre-Emsian vertebrates were restricted to small body sizes. PMID:24921626

  8. Vertebral morphology influences the development of Schmorl's nodes in the lower thoracic vertebrae. (United States)

    Plomp, Kimberly A; Roberts, Charlotte A; Viðarsdóttir, Una Strand


    Schmorl's nodes are the result of herniations of the nucleus pulposus into the adjacent vertebral body and are commonly identified in both clinical and archaeological contexts. The current study aims to identify aspects of vertebral shape that correlate with Schmorl's nodes. Two-dimensional statistical shape analysis was performed on digital images of the lower thoracic spine (T10-T12) of adult skeletons from the late medieval skeletal assemblages from Fishergate House, York, St. Mary Graces and East Smithfield Black Death cemeteries, London, and postmedieval Chelsea Old Church, London. Schmorl's nodes were scored on the basis of their location, depth, and size. Results indicate that there is a correlation between the shape of the posterior margin of the vertebral body and pedicles and the presence of Schmorl's nodes in the lower thoracic spine. The size of the vertebral body in males was also found to correlate with the lesions. Vertebral shape differences associated with the macroscopic characteristics of Schmorl's nodes, indicating severity of the lesion, were also analyzed. The shape of the pedicles and the posterior margin of the vertebral body, along with a larger vertebral body size in males, have a strong association with both the presence and severity of Schmorl's nodes. This suggests that shape and/or size of these vertebral components are predisposing to, or resulting in, vertically directed disc herniation. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of vertebral body compression fracture secondary to osteogenesis imperfecta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rami, Parag M.; Heatwole, Eric V.; Boorstein, Jeffrey M.; McGraw, Kevin J.


    Percutaneous vertebroplasty, a minimally invasive interventional radiological procedure, has recently been used effectively for the treatment of symptomatic vertebral body compression fractures. Primary indications for vertebroplasty include osteoporotic compression fracture, osteolytic vertebral metastasis and myeloma, and vertebral hemangioma. We present a case and extend the indication of percutaneous vertebroplasty in a patient with a vertebral body compression fracture secondary to osteogenesis imperfecta. (orig.)

  10. Percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of vertebral body compression fracture secondary to osteogenesis imperfecta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rami, Parag M.; Heatwole, Eric V.; Boorstein, Jeffrey M. [Center for Vascular and Interventional Radiology, St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center, Toledo, OH (United States); McGraw, Kevin J. [Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, OH (United States)


    Percutaneous vertebroplasty, a minimally invasive interventional radiological procedure, has recently been used effectively for the treatment of symptomatic vertebral body compression fractures. Primary indications for vertebroplasty include osteoporotic compression fracture, osteolytic vertebral metastasis and myeloma, and vertebral hemangioma. We present a case and extend the indication of percutaneous vertebroplasty in a patient with a vertebral body compression fracture secondary to osteogenesis imperfecta. (orig.)

  11. Decreased Vertebral Artery Hemodynamics in Patients with Loss of Cervical Lordosis. (United States)

    Bulut, Mehmet Deniz; Alpayci, Mahmut; Şenköy, Emre; Bora, Aydin; Yazmalar, Levent; Yavuz, Alpaslan; Gülşen, İsmail


    BACKGROUND Because loss of cervical lordosis leads to disrupted biomechanics, the natural lordotic curvature is considered to be an ideal posture for the cervical spine. The vertebral arteries proceed in the transverse foramen of each cervical vertebra. Considering that the vertebral arteries travel in close anatomical relationship to the cervical spine, we speculated that the loss of cervical lordosis may affect vertebral artery hemodynamics. The aim of this study was to compare the vertebral artery values between subjects with and without loss of cervical lordosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS Thirty patients with loss of cervical lordosis and 30 controls matched for age, sex, and body mass index were included in the study. Sixty vertebral arteries in patients with loss of cervical lordosis and 60 in controls without loss of cervical lordosis were evaluated by Doppler ultrasonography. Vertebral artery hemodynamics, including lumen diameter, flow volume, peak systolic velocity, end-diastolic velocity, and resistive index, were measured, and determined values were statistically compared between the patient and the control groups. RESULTS The means of diameter (p=0.003), flow volume (p=0.002), and peak systolic velocity (p=0.014) in patients were significantly lower as compared to controls. However, there was no significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of the end-diastolic velocity (p=0.276) and resistive index (p=0.536) parameters. CONCLUSIONS The present study revealed a significant association between loss of cervical lordosis and decreased vertebral artery hemodynamics, including diameter, flow volume, and peak systolic velocity. Further studies are required to confirm these findings and to investigate their possible clinical implications.

  12. Phylostratigraphic profiles in zebrafish uncover chordate origins of the vertebrate brain. (United States)

    Šestak, Martin Sebastijan; Domazet-Lošo, Tomislav


    An elaborated tripartite brain is considered one of the important innovations of vertebrates. Other extant chordate groups have a more basic brain organization. For instance, cephalochordates possess a relatively simple brain possibly homologous to the vertebrate forebrain and hindbrain, whereas tunicates display the tripartite organization, but without the specialized brain centers. The difference in anatomical complexity is even more pronounced if one compares chordates with other deuterostomes that have only a diffuse nerve net or alternatively a rather simple central nervous system. To gain a new perspective on the evolutionary roots of the complex vertebrate brain, we made here a phylostratigraphic analysis of gene expression patterns in the developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). The recovered adaptive landscape revealed three important periods in the evolutionary history of the zebrafish brain. The oldest period corresponds to preadaptive events in the first metazoans and the emergence of the nervous system at the metazoan-eumetazoan transition. The origin of chordates marks the next phase, where we found the overall strongest adaptive imprint in almost all analyzed brain regions. This finding supports the idea that the vertebrate brain evolved independently of the brains within the protostome lineage. Finally, at the origin of vertebrates we detected a pronounced signal coming from the dorsal telencephalon, in agreement with classical theories that consider this part of the cerebrum a genuine vertebrate innovation. Taken together, these results reveal a stepwise adaptive history of the vertebrate brain where most of its extant organization was already present in the chordate ancestor. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.

  13. Trends in Medicinal Uses of Edible Wild Vertebrates in Brazil

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    Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves


    Full Text Available The use of food medicines is a widespread practice worldwide. In Brazil, such use is often associated with wild animals, mostly focusing on vertebrate species. Here we assessed taxonomic and ecological trends in traditional uses of wild edible vertebrates in the country, through an extensive ethnobiological database analysis. Our results showed that at least 165 health conditions are reportedly treated by edible vertebrate species (n=204, mostly fishes and mammals. However, reptiles stand out presenting a higher plasticity in the treatment of multiple health conditions. Considering the 20 disease categories recorded, treatment prescriptions were similar within continental (i.e., terrestrial and freshwater and also within coastal and marine habitats, which may reflect locally related trends in occurrence and use of the medicinal fauna. The comprehension of the multiplicity and trends in the therapeutic uses of Brazilian vertebrates is of particular interest from a conservation perspective, as several threatened species were recorded.

  14. Relationship between cervical vertebral maturation and mandibular growth. (United States)

    Ball, Gina; Woodside, Donald; Tompson, Bryan; Hunter, W Stuart; Posluns, James


    The cervical vertebrae have been proposed as a method of determining biologic maturity. The purposes of this study were to establish a pattern of mandibular growth and to relate this pattern to the stages of cervical vertebral maturation. Cephalometric radiographs, taken annually from ages 9 to 18 years, were evaluated for 90 boys from the Burlington Growth Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Mandibular lengths were measured from articulare to gnathion, and incremental growth was determined. Cervical vertebral maturation stages were assessed by using a 6-stage method. Advanced, average, and delayed maturation groups were established. The prepubertal mandibular growth minimum velocity occurred during cervical stages 1 through 4 (P = 0.7327). Peak mandibular growth velocity occurred most frequently during stage 4 in all 3 maturation groups, with a statistical difference in the average and delayed groups (P cervical stages 1 through 6 does not occur annually; time spent in each stage varies depending on the stage and the maturation group. Cervical vertebral maturation stages cannot accurately identify the mandibular prepubertal growth minimum and therefore cannot predict the onset of the peak in mandibular growth. The cervical vertebral maturation stages should be used with other methods of biologic maturity assessment when considering both dentofacial orthopedic treatment and orthognathic surgery. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Temporal trends in vertebral size and shape from medieval to modern-day.

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    Juho-Antti Junno

    Full Text Available Human lumbar vertebrae support the weight of the upper body. Loads lifted and carried by the upper extremities cause significant loading stress to the vertebral bodies. It is well established that trauma-induced vertebral fractures are common especially among elderly people. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological factors that could have affected the prevalence of trauma-related vertebral fractures from medieval times to the present day. To determine if morphological differences existed in the size and shape of the vertebral body between medieval times and the present day, the vertebral body size and shape was measured from the 4th lumbar vertebra using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and standard osteometric calipers. The modern samples consisted of modern Finns and the medieval samples were from archaeological collections in Sweden and Britain. The results show that the shape and size of the 4th lumbar vertebra has changed significantly from medieval times in a way that markedly affects the biomechanical characteristics of the lumbar vertebral column. These changes may have influenced the incidence of trauma- induced spinal fractures in modern populations.

  16. Cistos de Tarlov: relato de quatro casos

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    Sá Márcia Cristina da Paixão Rodrigues Miranda de


    Full Text Available São relatados quatro casos de cistos perineurais sacrais, conhecidos por cistos de Tarlov, e é feita revisão da literatura. A partir de amostra de 88 pacientes com queixas de radiculopatia em membros inferiores, e/ ou dor lombar ou sacral que foram submetidos à ressonância magnética de coluna lombossacra quatro (4.5% tiveram o diagnóstico de cisto de Tarlov. O diagnóstico foi feito através de ressonância magnética de coluna vertebral lombossacra. Os quatro casos foram submetidos a laminectomia sacral. Todos evoluíram assintomáticos sem défices motores ou sensitivos. Os cistos de Tarlov podem apresentar manifestações clínicas semelhantes às provocadas por hérnia discal lombossacra embora, nem sempre sejam citados nos diagnósticos diferenciais. O tratamento clínico é basicamente fisioterápico. O tratamento cirúrgico visa sanar o efeito compressivo em estruturas ósseas e/ ou nervosas através de punção do cisto ou retirada dele através de laminectomia sacral.

  17. MRI evaluation and treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaguchi, Ken; Otani, Koji


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI findings and the prognosis of the fractured vertebral body in the patients with fresh osteoporotic compression vertebral fractures. Subjects were 8 cases, 11 vertebrae. All of the cases were treated with no bed rest and no corset. MRI and radiographs were taken within 1 week after injury. MRI signal intensity of the fractured vertebral body altered low on T1WI at acute phase. When the fractured vertebrae were enhanced at whole area with Gd-DTPA at acute phase, the vertebrae showed no progression of wedge deformity by follow up radiographs. On the other hand, when the fractured vertebrae were not enhanced at whole area, the vertebrae showed progression of wedge deformity. These findings suggests that vertebral fractures in osteoporosis should be taken MRI including GD-DTPA in acute phase after injury. When the fractured vertebrae are enhanced with Gd-DTPA in whole body at acute phase, the fracture may need no special treatment. In conclusion, Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI may be useful to determine the prognosis of the osteoporotic compression fracture. (author)

  18. Correlation between cervical vertebral and dental maturity in Iranian subjects. (United States)

    Heravi, Farzin; Imanimoghaddam, Mahrokh; Rahimi, Hoda


    Determination of the skeletal maturation is extremely important in clinical orthodontics. Cervical vertebral maturation is an effective diagnostic tool for determining the adolescent growth spurt. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between the stages of calcification of teeth and the cervical vertebral maturity stages.

  19. Comparative studies of vertebrate endothelin-converting enzyme-like 1 genes and proteins

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    Holmes RS


    Full Text Available Roger S Holmes,1,2 Laura A Cox11Department of Genetics and Southwest National Primate Research Center, Texas Biomedical Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; 2Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies and School of Biomolecular and Physical Sciences, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland, AustraliaAbstract: Endothelin-converting enzyme-like 1 (ECEL1 is a member of the M13 family of neutral endopeptidases which play an essential role in the neural regulation of vertebrate respiration. Genetic deficiency of this protein results in respiratory failure soon after birth. Comparative ECEL1 amino acid sequences and structures and ECEL1 gene locations were examined using data from several vertebrate genome projects. Vertebrate ECEL1 sequences shared 66%–99% identity as compared with 30%–63% sequence identities with other M13-like family members, ECE1, ECE2, and NEP (neprilysin or MME. Three N-glycosylation sites were conserved among most vertebrate ECEL1 proteins examined. Sequence alignments, conserved key amino acid residues, and predicted secondary and tertiary structures were also studied, including cytoplasmic, transmembrane, and luminal sequences and active site residues. Vertebrate ECEL1 genes usually contained 18 exons and 17 coding exons on the negative strand. Exons 1 and 2 of the human ECEL1 gene contained 5'-untranslated (5'-UTR regions, a large CpG island (CpG256, and several transcription factor binding sites which may contribute to the high levels of gene expression previously reported in neural tissues. Phylogenetic analyses examined the relationships and potential evolutionary origins of the vertebrate ECEL1 gene with six other vertebrate neutral endopeptidase M13 family genes. These suggested that ECEL1 originated in an ancestral vertebrate genome from a duplication event in an ancestral neutral endopeptidase M13-like gene.Keywords: vertebrates, amino acid sequence, ECEL1, ECE1, ECE2, KELL, NEP, NEPL1, PHEX

  20. The amphioxus genome illuminates vertebrate origins and cephalochordate biology


    Holland, Linda Z.; Albalat, Ricard; Azumi, Kaoru; Benito-Gutiérrez, Èlia; Blow, Matthew J.; Bronner-Fraser, Marianne; Brunet, Frederic; Butts, Thomas; Candiani, Simona; Dishaw, Larry J.; Ferrier, David E.K.; Garcia-Fernàndez, Jordi; Gibson-Brown, Jeremy J.; Gissi, Carmela; Godzik, Adam


    Cephalochordates, urochordates, and vertebrates evolved from a common ancestor over 520 million years ago. To improve our understanding of chordate evolution and the origin of vertebrates, we intensively searched for particular genes, gene families, and conserved noncoding elements in the sequenced genome of the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae, commonly called amphioxus or lancelets. Special attention was given to homeobox genes, opsin genes, genes involved in neural crest development,...

  1. The vertebrate fauna of Ichauway, Baker County, GA (United States)

    Smith, L.L.; Steen, D.A.; Stober, J.M.; Freeman, Mary C.; Golladay, S.W.; Conner, L.M.; Cochrane, J.


    Less than 4% of the once extensive Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) ecosystem remains today. Although longleaf pine habitats are recognized for their high species diversity, few published accounts document the vertebrate faunas of remaining tracts. Here we report on the vertebrate species richness of lchauway, an 11,300-ha property in Baker County, GA. The property includes ca. 7300 ha of longleaf pine with native ground cover, along with more than 30 seasonal wetlands and ca. 45 km of riparian habitat associated with Ichawaynochaway Creek, Big Cypress Creek, and the Flint River. The fauna includes 61 species of fish, 31 amphibians, 53 reptiles, 191 birds, and 41 mammals. Despite the relative isolation of the property from other natural ecosystems, the vertebrate fauna of lchauway is remarkably diverse and may offer an example of reference conditions to guide restoration of longleaf pine forests, associated seasonal wetlands, and riparian areas elsewhere in the southeastern U S.

  2. Nestedness of ectoparasite-vertebrate host networks.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sean P Graham


    Full Text Available Determining the structure of ectoparasite-host networks will enable disease ecologists to better understand and predict the spread of vector-borne diseases. If these networks have consistent properties, then studying the structure of well-understood networks could lead to extrapolation of these properties to others, including those that support emerging pathogens. Borrowing a quantitative measure of network structure from studies of mutualistic relationships between plants and their pollinators, we analyzed 29 ectoparasite-vertebrate host networks--including three derived from molecular bloodmeal analysis of mosquito feeding patterns--using measures of nestedness to identify non-random interactions among species. We found significant nestedness in ectoparasite-vertebrate host lists for habitats ranging from tropical rainforests to polar environments. These networks showed non-random patterns of nesting, and did not differ significantly from published estimates of nestedness from mutualistic networks. Mutualistic and antagonistic networks appear to be organized similarly, with generalized ectoparasites interacting with hosts that attract many ectoparasites and more specialized ectoparasites usually interacting with these same "generalized" hosts. This finding has implications for understanding the network dynamics of vector-born pathogens. We suggest that nestedness (rather than random ectoparasite-host associations can allow rapid transfer of pathogens throughout a network, and expand upon such concepts as the dilution effect, bridge vectors, and host switching in the context of nested ectoparasite-vertebrate host networks.

  3. Radiotherapy of vertebral hemangiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakata, Kohichi; Hareyama, Masato; Oouchi, Atushi; Sido, Mitsuo; Nagakura, Hisayasu; Tamakawa, Mituharu; Akiba, Hidenari; Morita, Kazuo


    Between 1975 and 1996, 14 patients (11 females, 3 males) with vertebral hemangioma received treatment with radiotherapy. Thirteen patients had a history of back pain or lumbago and 2 patients had neurological symptoms such as sensory impairment or paraplegia. The standard dose administered was 36 Gy in 18 fractions (five treatments per week). In the 13 patients with pain, this was completely or partially relieved. The condition of a man with hypesthesia of the legs deteriorated and a woman with paraplegia who was treated with decompressive laminectomy followed by radiotherapy recovered completely after irradiation. CT scan before irradiation showed thickened trabeculae as small punctate areas of sclerosis in all patients. At MR imaging before irradiation, T2-weighted MR images showed areas of high intensity in all patients and MR images demonstrated lesion enhancement. However, none of the patients who were treated successfully with radiation demonstrated any changes of the affected vertebra in the conventional radiographic films, CT scan or MR imaging, even 5 years after irradiation. Radiological imaging is indispensable for the diagnosis of vertebral hemangiomas but does not appear to be useful for evaluating the effects of radiotherapy. (orig.)

  4. Primary Ewing's sarcoma of the vertebral column

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ilaslan, Hakan; Sundaram, Murali [Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Ch2-290 200 First Street, SW, Rochester, 55905, MN (United States); Unni, K.Krishnan [Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street, SW, 55905, Rochester, MN (United States); Dekutoski, Mark B. [Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street, SW, 55905, Rochester, MN (United States)


    To determine the demographics, imaging findings, clinical symptoms, and prognosis of primary vertebral Ewing's sarcoma (PVES). A retrospective review of medical records and radiological studies of patients diagnosed with PVES from 1936 through 2001 in our institution and Department of Pathology consultation files was undertaken. Metastatic and soft tissue Ewing's sarcoma cases were excluded. From a total of 1,277 cases of Ewing's sarcoma, 125 (9.8%) had a primary vertebral origin. There were 48 females and 76 males. Patient ages ranged from 4 to 54 (mean 19.3, standard deviation 10.7, median 16) years. Vertebral column distribution was four cervical (3.2%), 13 thoracic (10.5%), 31 lumbar (25%), and 67 sacrum (53.2%). More than one vertebral segment was involved in ten cases (8%). Satisfactory imaging studies were available in 51 patients: 49 radiographs, 27 computerized tomography (CT), and 23 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. The majority of tumors were lytic (93%). Three cases were mixed lytic and sclerotic (6%) and one sclerotic. In the nonsacral spine, the majority of lesions (12/20) involved the posterior elements with extension into the vertebral body. Five cases were centered in the vertebral body with extension into the posterior elements. Two cases were limited to the posterior elements, and one case solely involved the vertebral body. Ala was the most frequently affected site in the sacrum (18/26). Spinal canal invasion was frequent (91%). Detailed clinical information was available in 53 patients. Duration of symptoms ranged from 1 to 30 (mean 7) months. Local pain was the first symptom and seen in all cases. Neurological deficits were present in 21 (40%) cases. All patients received radiation in various dosages; 70% additionally received chemotherapy. Twenty-five patients had surgery, and two patients received bone marrow transplantation. Forty-five patients had follow-up; the five-year disease-free survival probability is 0

  5. Early vertebrate origin and diversification of small transmembrane regulators of cellular ion transport. (United States)

    Pirkmajer, Sergej; Kirchner, Henriette; Lundell, Leonidas S; Zelenin, Pavel V; Zierath, Juleen R; Makarova, Kira S; Wolf, Yuri I; Chibalin, Alexander V


    Small transmembrane proteins such as FXYDs, which interact with Na + ,K + -ATPase, and the micropeptides that interact with sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+ -ATPase play fundamental roles in regulation of ion transport in vertebrates. Uncertain evolutionary origins and phylogenetic relationships among these regulators of ion transport have led to inconsistencies in their classification across vertebrate species, thus hampering comparative studies of their functions. We discovered the first FXYD homologue in sea lamprey, a basal jawless vertebrate, which suggests small transmembrane regulators of ion transport emerged early in the vertebrate lineage. We also identified 13 gene subfamilies of FXYDs and propose a revised, phylogeny-based FXYD classification that is consistent across vertebrate species. These findings provide an improved framework for investigating physiological and pathophysiological functions of small transmembrane regulators of ion transport. Small transmembrane proteins are important for regulation of cellular ion transport. The most prominent among these are members of the FXYD family (FXYD1-12), which regulate Na + ,K + -ATPase, and phospholamban, sarcolipin, myoregulin and DWORF, which regulate the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+ -ATPase (SERCA). FXYDs and regulators of SERCA are present in fishes, as well as terrestrial vertebrates; however, their evolutionary origins and phylogenetic relationships are obscure, thus hampering comparative physiological studies. Here we discovered that sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), a representative of extant jawless vertebrates (Cyclostomata), expresses an FXYD homologue, which strongly suggests that FXYDs predate the emergence of fishes and other jawed vertebrates (Gnathostomata). Using a combination of sequence-based phylogenetic analysis and conservation of local chromosome context, we determined that FXYDs markedly diversified in the lineages leading to cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes) and bony

  6. Endovascular treatment of three traumatic lesions of the vertebral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galvis, Victor Raul; Medina V, Francisco Jose


    The purpose is to expose the results of the endovascular treatment of three traumatic lesions of the vertebral artery. Methods: in the period from October 2005 to May 2006, three patients with traumatic lesions in the vertebral artery were treated by endovascular therapy with an age average of 32 years. All the procedures were carried out using subtraction digital angiography under anesthesiology supervision and were started with a 5,000 IU heparin bolus, previous antiplatelet medication with clopidogrel. For the treatment of the lesions covered stents and coils were used. results: there were three documented cases of traumatic lesions of the vertebral artery treated by endovascular therapy, in two cases arteriovenous fistulas were identified (between vertebral artery and internal jugular vein) with associated pseudo aneurysms, and in one case a pseudo aneurysm without fistula was found. The first patient was treated with placement of a covered stent, in a second patient the lesion was occluded with coils and a third patient required stent and coils with satisfactory repair of the lesions. Complications were not presented as a result of the procedures. Conclusions: the endovascular treatment for traumatic lesions of the vertebral artery is an alternative with minimum morbidity and reasonable costs avoiding the open surgery and conserving the permeability of the vessel when it is possible

  7. Regional disc change in segmental hypoplasia of the lumbosacral vertebral bodies: MR findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Sung Kyu; Lee Seung Ro; Moon, Won Jin; Park, Dong Woo; Hahm, Chang Kok


    To classify types of vertebral hypoplasia and to investigate the prevalence and patterns of associated disc degeneration. Defining vertebral hypoplasia as occurring when the AP diameter of a lower vertebral body is smaller than that of an upper ones, we retrospectively reviewed the MR images obtained in 34 cases of this condition involving young adults. Two major types and two subtypes, a total of four different entities were classified as follows; type I: hypoplasia involving a single vertebral body; type II: hypoplasia involving serial lower segmental vertebral bodies; subtype a: hypoplastic body located anteriorly along the anterior spinal line; subtype b: hypoplastic body located posteriorly along the posterior spinal line. We also investigated each type of vertebral hypoplasia and patterns of associated disc changes. Three different types were observed. In type IIa (n=3D29), posterior disc occurred in 8/29 cases, diffuse degeneration in 21/29 patients, and posterior disc herniation in all. All type Ia cases (3/3) showed diffuse disc degeneration at both upper and lower disc levels, with posterior disc herniation, while both type IIb cases (2/2) showed diffuse disc degeneration, with bidirectional disc herniation. By identifying the exact patterns of vertebral hypoplasia, we were able to predict which portion of the disc was likely to degenerate. (author)

  8. MR diagnosis of cerebellar infarction due to vertebral artery dissection in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheon, J.E.; Kim, I.O.; Kim, W.S.; Yeon, K.M.; Hwang, Y.S.; Wang, K.C.


    Posterior circulation infarction is uncommon in children. We describe the clinical presentation and radiological findings in two children with cerebellar infarction resulting from dissection of the vertebral artery. We emphasize that vertebral artery injury should be considered in a child with acute symptoms and signs of ischaemia in the posterior circulation. MRI and MRA may be helpful in the diagnosis of cerebellar infarction and vertebral artery abnormality. (orig.)

  9. Elemental markers in elasmobranchs: effects of environmental history and growth on vertebral chemistry. (United States)

    Smith, Wade D; Miller, Jessica A; Heppell, Selina S


    Differences in the chemical composition of calcified skeletal structures (e.g. shells, otoliths) have proven useful for reconstructing the environmental history of many marine species. However, the extent to which ambient environmental conditions can be inferred from the elemental signatures within the vertebrae of elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, rays) has not been evaluated. To assess the relationship between water and vertebral elemental composition, we conducted two laboratory studies using round stingrays, Urobatis halleri, as a model species. First, we examined the effects of temperature (16°, 18°, 24°C) on vertebral elemental incorporation (Li/Ca, Mg/Ca, Mn/Ca, Zn/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca). Second, we tested the relationship between water and subsequent vertebral elemental composition by manipulating dissolved barium concentrations (1x, 3x, 6x). We also evaluated the influence of natural variation in growth rate on elemental incorporation for both experiments. Finally, we examined the accuracy of classifying individuals to known environmental histories (temperature and barium treatments) using vertebral elemental composition. Temperature had strong, negative effects on the uptake of magnesium (DMg) and barium (DBa) and positively influenced manganese (DMn) incorporation. Temperature-dependent responses were not observed for lithium and strontium. Vertebral Ba/Ca was positively correlated with ambient Ba/Ca. Partition coefficients (DBa) revealed increased discrimination of barium in response to increased dissolved barium concentrations. There were no significant relationships between elemental incorporation and somatic growth or vertebral precipitation rates for any elements except Zn. Relationships between somatic growth rate and DZn were, however, inconsistent and inconclusive. Variation in the vertebral elemental signatures of U. halleri reliably distinguished individual rays from each treatment based on temperature (85%) and Ba exposure (96%) history. These

  10. Whole genome duplications and expansion of the vertebrate GATA transcription factor gene family

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bowerman Bruce


    Full Text Available Abstract Background GATA transcription factors influence many developmental processes, including the specification of embryonic germ layers. The GATA gene family has significantly expanded in many animal lineages: whereas diverse cnidarians have only one GATA transcription factor, six GATA genes have been identified in many vertebrates, five in many insects, and eleven to thirteen in Caenorhabditis nematodes. All bilaterian animal genomes have at least one member each of two classes, GATA123 and GATA456. Results We have identified one GATA123 gene and one GATA456 gene from the genomic sequence of two invertebrate deuterostomes, a cephalochordate (Branchiostoma floridae and a hemichordate (Saccoglossus kowalevskii. We also have confirmed the presence of six GATA genes in all vertebrate genomes, as well as additional GATA genes in teleost fish. Analyses of conserved sequence motifs and of changes to the exon-intron structure, and molecular phylogenetic analyses of these deuterostome GATA genes support their origin from two ancestral deuterostome genes, one GATA 123 and one GATA456. Comparison of the conserved genomic organization across vertebrates identified eighteen paralogous gene families linked to multiple vertebrate GATA genes (GATA paralogons, providing the strongest evidence yet for expansion of vertebrate GATA gene families via genome duplication events. Conclusion From our analysis, we infer the evolutionary birth order and relationships among vertebrate GATA transcription factors, and define their expansion via multiple rounds of whole genome duplication events. As the genomes of four independent invertebrate deuterostome lineages contain single copy GATA123 and GATA456 genes, we infer that the 0R (pre-genome duplication invertebrate deuterostome ancestor also had two GATA genes, one of each class. Synteny analyses identify duplications of paralogous chromosomal regions (paralogons, from single ancestral vertebrate GATA123 and GATA456

  11. Parametric modelling and segmentation of vertebral bodies in 3D CT and MR spine images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Štern, Darko; Likar, Boštjan; Pernuš, Franjo; Vrtovec, Tomaž


    Accurate and objective evaluation of vertebral deformations is of significant importance in clinical diagnostics and therapy of pathological conditions affecting the spine. Although modern clinical practice is focused on three-dimensional (3D) computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques, the established methods for evaluation of vertebral deformations are limited to measuring deformations in two-dimensional (2D) x-ray images. In this paper, we propose a method for quantitative description of vertebral body deformations by efficient modelling and segmentation of vertebral bodies in 3D. The deformations are evaluated from the parameters of a 3D superquadric model, which is initialized as an elliptical cylinder and then gradually deformed by introducing transformations that yield a more detailed representation of the vertebral body shape. After modelling the vertebral body shape with 25 clinically meaningful parameters and the vertebral body pose with six rigid body parameters, the 3D model is aligned to the observed vertebral body in the 3D image. The performance of the method was evaluated on 75 vertebrae from CT and 75 vertebrae from T 2 -weighted MR spine images, extracted from the thoracolumbar part of normal and pathological spines. The results show that the proposed method can be used for 3D segmentation of vertebral bodies in CT and MR images, as the proposed 3D model is able to describe both normal and pathological vertebral body deformations. The method may therefore be used for initialization of whole vertebra segmentation or for quantitative measurement of vertebral body deformations.

  12. Segmental in vivo vertebral kinematics at the walk, trot and canter: a preliminary study. (United States)

    Haussler, K K; Bertram, J E; Gellman, K; Hermanson, J W


    Understanding the pathophysiology of equine back problems, for clinical evaluation, treatment or injury prevention, requires understanding of the normal 3-dimensional motion characteristics of the vertebral column. Recent studies have investigated regional vertebral kinematics; however, there are no reported measures of direct in vivo segmental vertebral kinematics in exercising horses. Relative movements between 2 adjacent vertebrae were recorded for 3 horses that were clinically sound and did not have a known history of a back problem. A transducer consisting of 2 fixtures and an array of liquid metal strain gauges (LMSGs) was used to measure 3-dimensional segmental vertebral motion. The transducer was attached directly to Steinmann pins implanted in the dorsal spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae in 3 vertebral regions: thoracic (T14 to T16), lumbar (L1 to L3) and lumbosacral (L6 to S2). Rotational displacements between adjacent vertebrae were calculated from the differential outputs of the LMSG array during walk, trot and canter on a treadmill. Peak magnitudes of dorsoventral flexion, lateral bending and axial rotation were recorded continuously for each stride. The largest motion of the 3 instrumented vertebral segments was at the lumbosacral junction. In general, the greatest magnitude of segmental vertebral motion occurred during the canter and the least during the trot. The dynamic and continuous measure of 3-dimensional in vivo segmental vertebral motion provides an important new perspective for evaluating vertebral motion and back problems in horses.

  13. Lumbo-costo-vertebral syndrome with congenital lumbar hernia. (United States)

    Gupta, Lucky; Mala, Tariq Ahmed; Gupta, Rahul; Malla, Shahid Amin


    Lumbo-costo-vertebral syndrome (LCVS) is a set of rare abnormalities involving vertebral bodies, ribs, and abdominal wall. We present a case of LCVS in a 2-year-old girl who had a progressive swelling over left lumbar area noted for the last 12 months. Clinical examination revealed a reducible swelling with positive cough impulse. Ultrasonography showed a defect containing bowel loops in the left lumbar region. Chest x-ray showed scoliosis and hemivertebrae with absent lower ribs on left side. Meshplasty was done.

  14. Nocardia brasiliensis vertebral osteomyelitis and epidural abscess. (United States)

    Johnson, Philip; Ammar, Hussam


    Nocardia species exist in the environment as a saprophyte; it is found worldwide in soil and decaying plant matter. They often infect patients with underlying immune compromise, pulmonary disease or history of trauma or surgery. The diagnosis of nocardiosis can be easily missed as it mimics many other granulomatous and neoplastic disease. We report a 69-year-old man who presented with chronic back pain and paraparesis. He was found to have Nocardial brasiliensis vertebral osteomyelitis and epidural abscess. Laminectomy and epidural wash out was performed but with no neurological recovery. This is the second reported case of N brasiliensis vertebral osteomyelitis in the literature.

  15. Patterns and Processes of Vertebrate Evolution (United States)

    Carroll, Robert Lynn


    This new text provides an integrated view of the forces that influence the patterns and rates of vertebrate evolution from the level of living populations and species to those that resulted in the origin of the major vertebrate groups. The evolutionary roles of behavior, development, continental drift, and mass extinctions are compared with the importance of variation and natural selection that were emphasized by Darwin. It is extensively illustrated, showing major transitions between fish and amphibians, dinosaurs and birds, and land mammals to whales. No book since Simpson's Major Features of Evolution has attempted such a broad study of the patterns and forces of evolutionary change. Undergraduate students taking a general or advanced course on evolution, and graduate students and professionals in evolutionary biology and paleontology will find the book of great interest.

  16. Spatial complexity of carcass location influences vertebrate scavenger efficiency and species composition. (United States)

    Smith, Joshua B; Laatsch, Lauren J; Beasley, James C


    Scavenging plays an important role in shaping communities through inter- and intra-specific interactions. Although vertebrate scavenger efficiency and species composition is likely influenced by the spatial complexity of environments, heterogeneity in carrion distribution has largely been disregarded in scavenging studies. We tested this hypothesis by experimentally placing juvenile bird carcasses on the ground and in nests in trees to simulate scenarios of nestling bird carrion availability. We used cameras to record scavengers removing carcasses and elapsed time to removal. Carrion placed on the ground was scavenged by a greater diversity of vertebrates and at > 2 times the rate of arboreal carcasses, suggesting arboreal carrion may represent an important resource to invertebrate scavengers, particularly in landscapes with efficient vertebrate scavenging communities. Nonetheless, six vertebrate species scavenged arboreal carcasses. Rat snakes (Elaphe obsolete), which exclusively scavenged from trees, and turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) were the primary scavengers of arboreal carrion, suggesting such resources are potentially an important pathway of nutrient acquisition for some volant and scansorial vertebrates. Our results highlight the intricacy of carrion-derived food web linkages, and how consideration of spatial complexity in carcass distribution (i.e., arboreal) may reveal important pathways of nutrient acquisition by invertebrate and vertebrate scavenging guilds.


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    Afifah Nasukha


    Full Text Available Vertebral development is one of the main indicators of organism growth. The aim of this study was to know the vertebral development of cobia Rachycentron canadum in larval stage (20 day post hatch. Vertebral assay was done with double staining methods. The result showed that cobia larvae from 0 dph up to 5 dph did not have cartilage. On 5 dph up to 10 dph had pre cartilage phase composed by calcium and on 10 dph up to 18 dph were cartilage phase and marked with blue color by alcian blue. Vertebral was formed perfectly as bones on 18 dph marked with red color by alizarin red. On 20 dph, cartilage had been fully transformed to bones, and the segment of vertebral was clearly formed. Measurement showed that length of cobia vertebrae was 20.20±3.90 mm, vertebrae segment was 0.91±0.11 mm and number of vertebral segments were between 25-26 segments.

  18. Autorretratos da dor em profusão: diálogo entre o soneto Eu..., de Florbela espanca, e a pintura A coluna partida, de Frida Kahlo

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    Cícero Émerson do Nascimento Cardoso


    Full Text Available

    Este trabalho se pauta na análise de obras artísticas em dois campos específicos: Literatura e Arte Plástica. Busca estabelecer um diálogo entre o soneto “EU”, de Florbela Espanca, e a pintura “A coluna partida”, de Frida Kahlo. Em ambas as obras é perceptível o quanto a concepção de dor e de sofrimento, vinculado às experiências trágicas vividas por essas duas mulheres de espírito moderno, motivaram a realização de obras de significante valor estético. Essas obras em destaque se constituem como exemplos de autorretratos em que a feminilidade, a sensibilidade, as pulsões dolorosas da alma dessas artistas captam, de modo expressivo, os dramas existenciais vividos e redirecionados para a arte por elas produzidas.

  19. Checklist of vertebrate animals of the Cascade Head Experimental Forest. (United States)

    Chris Maser; Jerry F. Franklin


    Three months, April and August 1971 and August 1972, were spent studying the vertebrate fauna of Cascade Head Experimental Forest. The resulting annotated checklist includes 9 amphibians, 2 reptiles, 35 birds, and 40 mammals. A standardized animal habitat classification is presented in an effort to correlate the vertebrates in some meaningful way to their environment...

  20. The vertebrate Hox gene regulatory network for hindbrain segmentation: Evolution and diversification: Coupling of a Hox gene regulatory network to hindbrain segmentation is an ancient trait originating at the base of vertebrates. (United States)

    Parker, Hugo J; Bronner, Marianne E; Krumlauf, Robb


    Hindbrain development is orchestrated by a vertebrate gene regulatory network that generates segmental patterning along the anterior-posterior axis via Hox genes. Here, we review analyses of vertebrate and invertebrate chordate models that inform upon the evolutionary origin and diversification of this network. Evidence from the sea lamprey reveals that the hindbrain regulatory network generates rhombomeric compartments with segmental Hox expression and an underlying Hox code. We infer that this basal feature was present in ancestral vertebrates and, as an evolutionarily constrained developmental state, is fundamentally important for patterning of the vertebrate hindbrain across diverse lineages. Despite the common ground plan, vertebrates exhibit neuroanatomical diversity in lineage-specific patterns, with different vertebrates revealing variations of Hox expression in the hindbrain that could underlie this diversification. Invertebrate chordates lack hindbrain segmentation but exhibit some conserved aspects of this network, with retinoic acid signaling playing a role in establishing nested domains of Hox expression. © 2016 WILEY Periodicals, Inc.

  1. The application of data measurement before the pedicle vertebral arch fixed operation with spiral CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Zenian; Luo Zhongyao; Chen Yong'an


    Objective: Authors carry out volume scans and 3D surface reconstruction. Then authors get the precise data of pedicle of vertebral arch, entering nail angle on horizontal direction, entering nail screw length, and the smallest horizontal diameter and entering nails' distance on pedicle of vertebral arch before the pedicle vertebral arch fixed operation. Method: Select the axial image of the widest pedicle of vertebral arch and it SSD image, measure the entering nail distance on the pedicle of vertebral arch, TSA, entering nail screw length, and the smallest horizontal diameter of the pedicle of vertebral arch. Result: The method helps to prepare the length, size and location of the nail and TSA for the pedicle of vertebral arch fixed operation, increase the operation success rate. Conclusion: This is a simple and reliable method to prepare the precise data of the nail length and size, TSA for the operation

  2. Clinical characteristics of unruptured vertebral artery dissections presenting with headaches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Homare; Mizuniwa, Yoshitaka; Kouno, Takao; Nakayama, Hirofumi; Furuya, Yu; Taguchi, Yoshio


    We reviewed 13 cases of patients with unruptured dissections of the vertebral artery who were treated at our hospital after presenting with headaches. We identified 13 patients who had headache alone at the time of onset and who were diagnosed as having vertebral artery dissection using three-dimensional CT, MRI, MR angiography (MRA), or angiography from November 2007 to October 2009. Primary radiographic investigations showed the 'pearl and string' sign in two cases, dilatation in eight, and the string sign alone in three cases. Following initial conservative treatment, 11 cases exhibited radiographic improvement, but two cases underwent surgical treatment because of progressive vertebral artery dissection. A definitive diagnosis was made using primary investigations in nine cases and dynamic changes on radiographic investigations in four cases. The headache was located posteriorly in all cases, but some patients had mild headaches. Clinicians need to be aware of the possibility of vertebral artery dissection even if the headache is mild at onset. Radiographic investigations are important for a definitive diagnosis and in deciding whether to intervene surgically. (author)

  3. Assessment of radiological vertebral fractures in HIV-infected patients: clinical implications and predictive factors. (United States)

    Gazzola, L; Savoldi, A; Bai, F; Magenta, A; Dziubak, M; Pietrogrande, L; Tagliabue, L; Del Sole, A; Bini, T; Marchetti, G; d'Arminio Monforte, A


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical impact of including lateral spine X-ray in the screening of bone diseases in HIV-positive patients. A total of 194 HIV-positive patients underwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), lateral spine X-ray and bone biochemical analysis. Vertebral fractures were identified using a morphometric analysis of X-rays and classified using the semiquantitative scoring system of Genant et al. For each patient, a spine deformity index (SDI) score was calculated by summing the grades of vertebral deformities. Reductions in vertebral body height of > 25% were considered vertebral fractures, and those Risk factors associated with vertebral fractures were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analysis. Vertebral fractures were detected in 24 patients (12.4%) and vertebral deformities in 17 patients (8.7%); 153 patients (78.9%) did not show any vertebral deformity. Among patients with fractures, only two with SDI > 10 reported lumbar pain; the remaining were asymptomatic. Patients over 50 years old showed a higher prevalence of vertebral fracture [24.4% versus 11.8% in patients 41-50 years old (P = 0.05) and 1.9% in patients ≤ 40 years old (P = 0.04)]. No significant increase in the prevalence according to bone mineral density (BMD) reduction was observed, and 70% of fractures were diagnosed in nonosteoporotic patients. Older age [adjusted odds ratio 1.09; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03-1.13; P = 0.001] and steroid use (adjusted odds ratio 3.64; 95% CI 1.29-10.3; P = 0.01) were independently associated with vertebral fracture; no association was found with HIV- or highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)-related variables. A prevalence of vertebral fractures of 12.4% was observed in our HIV-positive cohort. Given that two-thirds of fractures occurred in nonosteoporotic patients, spine X-ray may be considered in patients at increased risk, irrespective of BMD; that is, in elderly patients

  4. Spontaneous dissecting aneurysm of the extracranial vertebral artery (20 cases)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chiras, J; Marciano, S; Vega Molina, J; Touboul, J; Poirier, B; Bories, J


    Spontaneous dissecting aneurysm of the vertebral artery is an infrequent cause of vertebro basilar ischemic strokes. Previously reported cases concern essentially occlusion of the basilar artery. Only 14 cases of spontaneous dissecting aneurysm concern the extracranial vertebral artery among these eight were angiographically documented. In this study based upon 15 patients (20 dissecting aneurysms), the authors discuss etiological factors, such as hypertension or fibromuscular dysplasia: on clinical findings they insist upon the diagnostic value of preliminary symptoms, cervical pain or posterior headaches; the most frequent angiographic appearance was a long and irregular stenosis of one or two segments of the vertebral artery. The prognosis of these aneurysms most often appears favourable in this group.

  5. Learning about Vertebrate Limb Development (United States)

    Liang, Jennifer O.; Noll, Matthew; Olsen, Shayna


    We have developed an upper-level undergraduate laboratory exercise that enables students to replicate a key experiment in developmental biology. In this exercise, students have the opportunity to observe live chick embryos and stain the apical ectodermal ridge, a key tissue required for development of the vertebrate limb. Impressively, every…

  6. Global patterns in threats to vertebrates by biological invasions (United States)

    Bellard, C.; Genovesi, P.; Jeschke, J. M.


    Biological invasions as drivers of biodiversity loss have recently been challenged. Fundamentally, we must know where species that are threatened by invasive alien species (IAS) live, and the degree to which they are threatened. We report the first study linking 1372 vertebrates threatened by more than 200 IAS from the completely revised Global Invasive Species Database. New maps of the vulnerability of threatened vertebrates to IAS permit assessments of whether IAS have a major influence on biodiversity, and if so, which taxonomic groups are threatened and where they are threatened. We found that centres of IAS-threatened vertebrates are concentrated in the Americas, India, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand. The areas in which IAS-threatened species are located do not fully match the current hotspots of invasions, or the current hotspots of threatened species. The relative importance of biological invasions as drivers of biodiversity loss clearly varies across regions and taxa, and changes over time, with mammals from India, Indonesia, Australia and Europe are increasingly being threatened by IAS. The chytrid fungus primarily threatens amphibians, whereas invasive mammals primarily threaten other vertebrates. The differences in IAS threats between regions and taxa can help efficiently target IAS, which is essential for achieving the Strategic Plan 2020 of the Convention on Biological Diversity. PMID:26817767

  7. The MRI appearances of early vertebral osteomyelitis and discitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunbar, J.A.T.; Sandoe, J.A.T.; Rao, A.S.; Crimmins, D.W.; Baig, W.; Rankine, J.J.


    Aim: To describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearances in patients with a clinical history suggestive of vertebral osteomyelitis and discitis who underwent MRI very early in their clinical course. Materials and methods: A retrospective review of the database of spinal infections from a spinal microbiological liaison team was performed over a 2 year period to identify cases with clinical features suggestive of spinal infection and an MRI that did not show features typical of vertebral osteomyelitis and discitis. All patients had positive microbiology and a follow up MRI showing typical features of spinal infection. Results: In four cases the features typical of spinal infection were not evident at the initial MRI. In three cases there was very subtle endplate oedema associated with disc degeneration, which was interpreted as Modic type I degenerative endplate change. Intravenous antibiotic therapy was continued prior to repeat MRI examinations. The mean time to the repeat examination was 17 days with a range of 8-22 days. The second examinations clearly demonstrated vertebral osteomyelitis and discitis. Conclusion: Although MRI is the imaging method of choice for vertebral osteomyelitis and discitis in the early stages, it may show subtle, non-specific endplate subchondral changes; a repeat examination may be required to show the typical features.

  8. Vertebral Osteophyte as Possible Etiology of Aortoenteric Fistula. (United States)

    Janko, Matthew; Ciocca, Rocco G; Hacker, Robert I


    Aortoenteric fistula (AEF) and aortoenteric erosion (AEE) are deadly and difficult to diagnose. We present here a case report of a patient with a delayed diagnosis of AEF whose preoperative imaging revealed a large vertebral osteophyte which likely directed the aortic impulse into the duodenum. We believe this is the first report documenting an anatomical explanation for AEF/AEE and conclude that the presence of vertebral osteophytes should be considered a risk factor when assessing preoperative likelihood of AEF/AEE. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. The origin and diversification of the developmental mechanisms that pattern the vertebrate head skeleton. (United States)

    Square, Tyler; Jandzik, David; Romášek, Marek; Cerny, Robert; Medeiros, Daniel Meulemans


    The apparent evolvability of the vertebrate head skeleton has allowed a diverse array of shapes, sizes, and compositions of the head in order to better adapt species to their environments. This encompasses feeding, breathing, sensing, and communicating: the head skeleton somehow participated in the evolution of all these critical processes for the last 500 million years. Through evolution, present head diversity was made possible via developmental modifications to the first head skeletal genetic program. Understanding the development of the vertebrate common ancestor's head skeleton is thus an important step in identifying how different lineages have respectively achieved their many innovations in the head. To this end, cyclostomes (jawless vertebrates) are extremely useful, having diverged from jawed vertebrates approximately 400 million years ago, at the deepest node within living vertebrates. From this ancestral vantage point (that is, the node connecting cyclostomes and gnathostomes) we can best identify the earliest major differences in development between vertebrate classes, and start to address how these might translate onto morphology. In this review we survey what is currently known about the cell biology and gene expression during head development in modern vertebrates, allowing us to better characterize the developmental genetics driving head skeleton formation in the most recent common ancestor of all living vertebrates. By pairing this vertebrate composite with information from fossil chordates, we can also deduce how gene regulatory modules might have been arranged in the ancestral vertebrate head. Together, we can immediately begin to understand which aspects of head skeletal development are the most conserved, and which are divergent, informing us as to when the first differences appear during development, and thus which pathways or cell types might be involved in generating lineage specific shape and structure. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All

  10. Spatial coordination of compensatory eye movements in vertebrates: form and function. (United States)

    Graf, W


    The semicircular canals of the labyrinth of vertebrates provide one way of motion detection in three-dimensional space. The fully developed form of the vertebrate labyrinth consists of six semicircular canals, three on each side of the head, whose spatial arrangement (vertical canals are placed diagonally in the head, horizontal canals are oriented earth horizontally) follows three interconnected principles: 1) bilateral symmetry, 2) push-pull operational mode, and 3) mutual orthogonality. Other sensory and motor systems related to vestibular reflexes, such as the extraocular muscles or the "optokinetic" coordinate axes encoded in the activity of the visually driven cells of the accessory optic system, share the same geometrical framework. This framework is also reflected in the anatomical networks mediating compensatory eye movements, linking each of the semicircular canals to a particular set of extraocular muscles (so-called principal vestibuloocular reflex connections to yoke muscles). These classical vestibulo-oculomotor relationships have been verified at many levels of the vertebrate hierarchy, including lateral- and frontal-eyed animals. The particular spatial orientation of the semicircular canals requires further comment and phylogenetic evaluation. The spatial arrangement of the vertical canals is already present in fossil ostracoderms, and is also exemplified in lampreys, the modern forms of once abundant agnathan species that populated the Silurian and Devonian oceans. The lampreys and ostracoderms lack horizontal canals, which appear later in all descendent vertebrates. The fully developed vertebrate labyrinth with its six semicircular canals displays distinct differences that are obvious when comparing distant taxa (e.g. elasmobranchs versus other vertebrates). Whereas the common crus of the semicircular canals in teleosts through mammals is formed between the anterior and the posterior semicircular canal, it occurs between the anterior and the

  11. Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM) in an Italian Holstein calf

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gentile, A.; Diana, A.; Testoni, S.; Olzi, E.


    Complex Vertebral Malformation, a congenital and lethal genetic defect of Holstein breed, has been recently observed in different Countries all over the world. In this paper the AA describe the clinical and radiological aspects of CVM in a two day old female calf. The disease was characterized by low body weight, symmetrical arthrogryposis and partial rotation of all legs and scoliosis. Calf was alert and showed physiological appetite, but was not able to maintain the quadrupedal stance. Radiographs of the vertebral column showed multiple vertebral anomalies, including hemivertebrae, fused and misshapen vertebrae and ribs and scoliosis, that affected mainly the caudal, cervical and thoracic regions. At necropsy, besides the skeleton anomalies, complex malformation of the heart was observed, which included atrial and interventricular defects and patent ductus arteriosus. This is the first case of CVM completely documented and genetically tested in Italy [it

  12. Evolution of lung breathing from a lungless primitive vertebrate. (United States)

    Hoffman, M; Taylor, B E; Harris, M B


    Air breathing was critical to the terrestrial radiation and evolution of tetrapods and arose in fish. The vertebrate lung originated from a progenitor structure present in primitive boney fish. The origin of the neural substrates, which are sensitive to metabolically produced CO2 and which rhythmically activate respiratory muscles to match lung ventilation to metabolic demand, is enigmatic. We have found that a distinct periodic centrally generated rhythm, described as "cough" and occurring in lamprey in vivo and in vitro, is modulated by central sensitivity to CO2. This suggests that elements critical for the evolution of breathing in tetrapods, were present in the most basal vertebrate ancestors prior to the evolution of the lung. We propose that the evolution of breathing in all vertebrates occurred through exaptations derived from these critical basal elements. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Inference of the ancestral vertebrate phenotype through vestiges of the whole-genome duplications. (United States)

    Onimaru, Koh; Kuraku, Shigehiro


    Inferring the phenotype of the last common ancestor of living vertebrates is a challenging problem because of several unresolvable factors. They include the lack of reliable out-groups of living vertebrates, poor information about less fossilizable organs and specialized traits of phylogenetically important species, such as lampreys and hagfishes (e.g. secondary loss of vertebrae in adult hagfishes). These factors undermine the reliability of ancestral reconstruction by traditional character mapping approaches based on maximum parsimony. In this article, we formulate an approach to hypothesizing ancestral vertebrate phenotypes using information from the phylogenetic and functional properties of genes duplicated by genome expansions in early vertebrate evolution. We named the conjecture as 'chronological reconstruction of ohnolog functions (CHROF)'. This CHROF conjecture raises the possibility that the last common ancestor of living vertebrates may have had more complex traits than currently thought.

  14. Sensitivity and specificity of thallium-201 scintigraphy for the diagnosis of malignant vertebral fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thariat, Juliette; Toubeau, Michel; Ornetti, Paul; Coudert, Bruno; Berrielo-Riedinger, Alina; Fargeot, Pierre; Tavernier, Christian; Brunotte, Francois; Maillefert, Jean Francis


    Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of thallium-201 ( 201 TI) scintigraphy in distinguishing a benign from a malignant recent non-traumatic vertebral fracture. Methods: Study design--Single center, prospective study. Participants--Patients hospitalized for a recent non-traumatic vertebral fracture. Evaluation--Usual clinical, laboratory and radiological assessment; 201 TI vertebral scintigraphy: patients were injected with iv 3 mCi 201 TI. Early and delayed images of the fractured vertebra were obtained. Data analysis--(1) Two examinators, unaware of the other findings, rated the images as hyperfixation or not of the fractured vertebra; (2) the ratio (average count per pixel of the fractured vertebra/normal adjacent vertebrae) were calculated. The final diagnosis was established on the result of vertebral biopsy or on follow-up. Results: Twenty-one patients were included. The final diagnosis was a benign vertebral fracture in 14 patients and a malignant vertebral fracture in 7. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for a malignant fracture on early 201 TI vertebral scintigraphy images were 28.6, 92.9, 66.6, and 72.2%, respectively, and on delayed images were 28.6, 100, 100, and 73.7%, respectively. The ratio of lesioned over normal tissue was not increased in malignant, compared with benign fractures. Conclusion: The weak sensitivity does not support the wide use of 201 TI bone scintigraphy to distinguish a benign from a malignant recent non traumatic vertebral fracture. However, the high specificity suggests that such evaluation might be proposed prior to vertebral biopsy in some difficult cases

  15. MRI and MR angiography of vertebral artery dissection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mascalchi, M.; Bianchi, M.C.; Mangiafico, S.; Ferrito, G.; Puglioli, M.; Marin, E.; Mugnai, S.; Canapicchi, R.; Quilici, N.; Inzitari, D.


    A review of 4,500 angiograms yielded 11 patients with dissection of the vertebral arteries who had MRI and (in 4 patients) MR angiography (MRA) in the acute phase of stroke. One patient with incidental discovery at arteriography of asymptomatic vertebral artery dissection and two patients with acute strokes with MRI and MRA findings consistent with vertebral artery dissection were included. Dissection occurred after neck trauma or chiropractic manipulation in 4 patients and was spontaneous in 10. Dissection involved the extracranial vertebral artery in 9 patients, the extra-intracranial junction in 1, and the intracranial artery in 4. MRI demonstrated infarcts in the brain stem, cerebellum, thalamus or temporo-occipital regions in 7 patients with extra- or extra-intracranial dissections and a solitary lateral medullary infarct in 4 patients (3 with intracranial and 1 with extra-intracranial dissection). In 2 patients no brain abnormality related to vertebral artery dissection was found and in one MRI did not show subarachnoid haemorrhage revealed by CT. Intramural dissecting haematoma appeared as crescentic or rounded high signal on T1-weighted images in 10 patients examined 3-20 days after the onset of symptoms. The abnormal vessel stood out in the low signal cerebrospinal fluid in intracranial dissections, whereas it was more difficult to detect in extracranial dissections because of the intermediate-to-high signal of the normal perivascular structures and slow flow proximal and distal to the dissection. In two patients examined within 36 h of the onset, mural thickening was of intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and high signal on spin-density and T2-weighted images. MRA showed abrupt stenosis in 2 patients and disappearance of flow signal at and distal to the dissection in 5. Follow-up arteriography, MRI or MRA showed findings consistent with occlusion of the dissected vessel in 6 of 8 patients. (orig.). With 7 figs., 3 tabs

  16. Tetanus with multiple wedge vertebral collapses

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 6, 2012 ... associated with traumatic injury, often a penetrating wound inflicted by dirty ... multiple vertebral collapses and the management chal- .... back pains and swelling as in our patient.9 There are usually no ... The cervical and.

  17. Timing Embryo Segmentation: Dynamics and Regulatory Mechanisms of the Vertebrate Segmentation Clock (United States)

    Resende, Tatiana P.; Andrade, Raquel P.; Palmeirim, Isabel


    All vertebrate species present a segmented body, easily observed in the vertebrate column and its associated components, which provides a high degree of motility to the adult body and efficient protection of the internal organs. The sequential formation of the segmented precursors of the vertebral column during embryonic development, the somites, is governed by an oscillating genetic network, the somitogenesis molecular clock. Herein, we provide an overview of the molecular clock operating during somite formation and its underlying molecular regulatory mechanisms. Human congenital vertebral malformations have been associated with perturbations in these oscillatory mechanisms. Thus, a better comprehension of the molecular mechanisms regulating somite formation is required in order to fully understand the origin of human skeletal malformations. PMID:24895605

  18. Estudos de atmosfera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo Riccioppo


    Full Text Available Joker e Estudos de balística possuíam formas distintas dos cadernos ou livros quando foram exibidos pela primeira vez, na mostra Dual Overdrive. De algum modo, o flagrante das imagens dos cartazes da campanha política parisiense e daquelas cusparadas sobre o asfalto era preservado no modo como eram mostrados os trabalhos, que repunham não apenas a orientação espacial dos objetos fotografados, mas, igualmente, sua escala: Joker apresentava-se na parede, em dimensões relativamente próximas às dos cartazes lambe-lambe que retratavam; e Estudos de balística, no chão da galeria, também com ampliação suficiente para que se tivesse a impressão de que se tratava de imagens “em tamanho real”.

  19. Common mechanisms of synaptic plasticity in vertebrates and invertebrates (United States)

    Glanzman, David L.


    Until recently, the literature on learning-related synaptic plasticity in invertebrates has been dominated by models assuming plasticity is mediated by presynaptic changes, whereas the vertebrate literature has been dominated by models assuming it is mediated by postsynaptic changes. Here I will argue that this situation does not reflect a biological reality and that, in fact, invertebrate and vertebrate nervous systems share a common set of mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. PMID:20152143

  20. Sex reversal in vertebrates



    This special topic issue of Sexual Development gives an overview of sex reversal in vertebrates, from fishes naturally changing their sex, to rodents escaping the mammalian SRY-determining system. It offers eight up-to-date reviews on specific subjects in sex reversal, considering fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, marsupials, and placental mammals, including humans. The broad scope of represented animals makes this ideal for students and researchers, especially those interested in the...

  1. Vertebrate endemism in south-eastern Africa numerically redefines a biodiversity hotspot. (United States)

    Perera, Sandun J; ProcheŞ, Şerban; Ratnayake-Perera, Dayani; Ramdhani, Syd


    We use numerical methods to explore patterns of vertebrate endemism in south-eastern Africa, refining the boundaries of the intuitively-defined Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany biodiversity hotspot, also proposing a zoogeographic regionalisation. An incidence matrix of 300 vertebrate species endemic to south-eastern Africa sensu lato in 37 operational geographic units were used in (a) phenetic cluster analysis (PCA) using the algorithm of unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (phenetic approach), and (b) parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE; parsimony approach), in order to numerically evaluate the bioregional delimitations. The analyses provide a valid biogeographical entity 37% larger than the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany hotspot, but substantially (131%) higher in vertebrate endemicity viz. the Greater Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany (GMPA) region of vertebrate endemism. South-east Africa is recognised as a dominion in the global zoogeographical area hierarchy, with subordinate units including the GMPA province. Various spatially-based measures of endemism were mapped for vertebrate species restricted to the dominion, i.e. endemic to south-eastern Africa sensu stricto. Areas and centres of endemism detected respectively from PAE and PCA, within the south-east Africa dominion also support the refined boundary of the GMPA region of endemism, which provides a better spatial conservation priority compared to the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany hotspot. Reptiles and amphibians are found to be the main drivers of the overall pattern of endemism, while the pattern in freshwater fish is the most distinctive. Our analyses also indicate a good congruence of the centres of endemism across different terrestrial vertebrate taxa.

  2. Cervical vertebral bone mineral density changes in adolescents during orthodontic treatment. (United States)

    Crawford, Bethany; Kim, Do-Gyoon; Moon, Eun-Sang; Johnson, Elizabeth; Fields, Henry W; Palomo, J Martin; Johnston, William M


    The cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) stages have been used to estimate facial growth status. In this study, we examined whether cone-beam computed tomography images can be used to detect changes of CVM-related parameters and bone mineral density distribution in adolescents during orthodontic treatment. Eighty-two cone-beam computed tomography images were obtained from 41 patients before (14.47 ± 1.42 years) and after (16.15 ± 1.38 years) orthodontic treatment. Two cervical vertebral bodies (C2 and C3) were digitally isolated from each image, and their volumes, means, and standard deviations of gray-level histograms were measured. The CVM stages and mandibular lengths were also estimated after converting the cone-beam computed tomography images. Significant changes for the examined variables were detected during the observation period (P ≤0.018) except for C3 vertebral body volume (P = 0.210). The changes of CVM stage had significant positive correlations with those of vertebral body volume (P ≤0.021). The change of the standard deviation of bone mineral density (variability) showed significant correlations with those of vertebral body volume and mandibular length for C2 (P ≤0.029). The means and variability of the gray levels account for bone mineral density and active remodeling, respectively. Our results indicate that bone mineral density distribution and the volume of the cervical vertebral body changed because of active bone remodeling during maturation. Copyright © 2014 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Kyphoplasty increases vertebral height, decreases both pain score and opiate requirements while improving functional status. (United States)

    Tolba, Reda; Bolash, Robert B; Shroll, Joshua; Costandi, Shrif; Dalton, Jarrod E; Sanghvi, Chirag; Mekhail, Nagy


    Vertebral compression fractures can result from advanced osteoporosis, or less commonly from metastatic or traumatic insults to the vertebral column, and result in disabling pain and decreased functional capacity. Various vertebral augmentation options including kyphoplasty aim at preventing the sequelae of pain and immobility that can develop as the result of the vertebral fractures. The mechanism for pain relief following kyphoplasty is not entirely understood, and the restoration of a portion of the lost vertebral height is a subject of debate. We retrospectively reviewed radiographic imaging, pain relief, analgesic intake and functional outcomes in 67 consecutive patients who underwent single- or multilevel kyphoplasty with the primary goal of quantifying the restoration of lost vertebral height. We observed a mean of 45% of the lost vertebral height restored postprocedurally. Secondarily, kyphoplasty was associated with significant decreases in pain scores, daily morphine consumption and improvement in patient-reported functional measures. © 2013 World Institute of Pain.

  4. An optimized animal model for partial and total skin thickness burns studies Um modelo animal aperfeiçoado para estudo de queimaduras superficiais e profundas da pele

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula Bomfim Soares Campelo


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Development of an improved animal model for studying skin burns in rats. METHODS: Twenty-four male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to four groups (n=6: G1-Control, G2- T100°C, G3-T150°C and G4-T200°C. Two 10 x 10 mm squares were outlined with a sterile surgical marker on each side and along the vertebral column using a prepared template positioned between the anterior and posterior limbs. G2-G4 rats were subjected to 100°C, 150°C and 200ºC thermal burns, respectively. G1 rats served as controls. Burns were inflicted by applying a copper plate connected to an electronic temperature controlling device to the dorsal skin of anesthetized rats. Four burns were produced on each animal (total area: 4 cm²/animal leaving about 1 cm of undamaged skin between burn areas. Analgesia was administered during 24 h after burn injury by adding 30 mg codeine phosphate hemihydrate to 500 ml tap water. RESULTS: The application of 100°C and 150ºC resulted in partial thickness skin burns with central reepithelialization of the burned area only at 100°C. In G4 group the whole thickness of the skin was injured without central reepithelialization. However, there was marginal reepithelialization in all groups. CONCLUSION: The model studied is inexpensive and easily reproducible, enabling the achievement of controlled burns with partial or total impairment of the skin in experimental animals.OBJETIVO: Desenvolvimento de um modelo animal aperfeiçoado para estudo de queimaduras cutâneas em ratos. MÉTODOS: Vinte e quatro ratos Wistar, machos, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos (n=6: G1-Controle, G2-T100°C, G3-T150°C e G4-T200°C. Dois quadrados medindo 10x10 mm foram delineados com um marcador cirúrgico estéril em cada lado e ao longo da coluna vertebral e posicionados entre os membros anteriores e posteriores, utilizando um molde previamente preparado. Os ratos dos grupos G2-G4 foram submetidos a queimaduras térmicas de 100

  5. A importância da estabilização central no método Pilates: uma revisão sistemática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gisele Marés

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Joseph Humbertus Pilates criou uma série de exercícios baseados nos movimentos progressivos que o corpo é capaz de executar, os quais envolvem contrações isotônicas e, principalmente, isométricas, no que denominou power house (ou centro de força. OBJETIVOS: Este estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar os aspectos relacionados à importância da estabilização central no método Pilates. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática sobre o assunto na biblioteca central e virtual da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, e também por meio do site de busca BIREME acessando as bases de dados LILACS, PUB MED, CAPES e MEDLINE. A pesquisa abrangeu livros, revistas, periódicos publicados entre 2000 e 2010, e os descritores utilizados para a busca foram pilates e core. RESULTADOS: Concluiu-se que a estabilização central ajuda o indivíduo a obter ganhos de força, controle neuromuscular, potência e resistência muscular, facilitando um equilibrado funcionamento muscular. CONCLUSÃO: Embora seja necessária uma bibliografia mais extensa, pode-se verificar que a estabilização central no Pilates é importante para o equilíbrio de carga apropriado dentro da coluna vertebral, pélvis.

  6. Reproducibility analysis of the stability and treatment of vertebral metastatic lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raphael de Rezende Pratali


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To investigate the reproducibility among spine surgeons in defining the treatment of vertebral metastatic lesions, taking into account the mechanical stability of injuries. METHODS: Twenty cases of isolated vertebral metastatic lesions were presented to ten experts. Their opinion was then asked about the stability of the lesion, as well as their treatment option. RESULTS: The interobserver Kappa coefficient obtained both for stability analysis as to the decision of the treatment was poor (0.334 and 0.248, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Poor interobserver reproducibility was observed in deciding the treatment of vertebral metastatic lesions when considering the stability of the lesions.

  7. Mensuração da curva escoliótica pela técnica de cobb intraobservadores e interobservadores e sua importância clínica Medición de la curva de escoliosis mediante la técnica de cobb para intraobservadores e interobservadores y su significación clínica Measurement of the scoliotic curve by cobb technique for intra-observer and inter-observer and its clinical significance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rigel Rego de Sá Godinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a mensuração manual do ângulo de Cobb entre profissionais com diferentes experiências da área de Ortopedia e Traumatologia e Cirurgia da Coluna Vertebral, para observar se existem diferenças na avaliação das radiografias de pacientes portadores de escoliose idiopática intra e interobservadores, a ponto de influenciar no tratamento e seguimento desses pacientes. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas para este estudo 22 radiografias simples da coluna toracolombar, póstero-anterior, de pacientes portadores de escoliose idiopática, em acompanhamento regular no ambulatório do Grupo da Coluna do Hospital São Paulo. Os exames foram avaliados por quatro diferentes categorias de profissionais ortopedistas e cirurgiões da coluna vertebral e realizada a mensuração das curvas escolióticas através do método de Cobb. As vértebras terminais das curvas não foram previamente marcadas. Somente foram mensuradas as curvas principais (consideradas as de maior valor angular de cada radiografia. A reprodutibilidade das mensurações feitas pelos diferentes Observadores (inter-observadores e entre as duas mensurações de cada Observador (intraobservador foi analisada pelo Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI. RESULTADOS: Foram observadas, quanto às medidas dos ângulos, concordâncias excelentes entre as avaliações intraobservadores, e observadas concordâncias excelentes entre as avaliações interobservadores, uma vez que o CCI em todas as situações manteve-se maior que 0,75, o que representa excelente reprodutibilidade. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que houve concordância excelente (CCI > 0,75 na avaliação dos ângulos nas mensurações das curvas escolióticas intra e interobservadores. Ao mesmo tempo, as mensurações apresentaram variação de até 13,58º intraobservadores, e de até 12,72º interobservadores.OBJETIVO: Analizar la medición manual del ángulo de Cobb entre profesionales con diferentes experiencias de

  8. Uso da mochila em crianças pré-escolares : uma experiência de pesquisa-ação


    Larissa Bertolini Andreatta


    Introdução: Os fatores mais destacados para as alterações posturais e dores na coluna vertebral em crianças referem-se aos hábitos relacionados às atividades escolares, tais como, a maneira de transportar o material escolar, o modelo e o peso da mochila. Quando hábitos posturais incorretos são adotados, desde a infância, são considerados motivo de grande preocupação, visto que as crianças estão em processo de formação do esqueleto e tornam-se mais suscetíveis a deformações e lesões nas estrut...

  9. NMR imaging of the vertebral column and the spinal canal. 2. rev. and enl. ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forsting, Michael; Uhlenbrock, Detlev; Wanke, Isabel; Universitaetsklinikum Essen


    The book on the MRT (magnetic resonance tomography) of the vertebral cord and spinal canal covers the following topics: physics fundamentals and application; malformation of the spinal canal; degenerative vertebral column diseases; vertebral column and spinal canal carcinomas; inflammatory diseases of the vertebral column and the spinal canal; applicability of MRT in case of acute spinal cord traumata; vascular diseases of the spinal canal


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    Carlos Eduardo Falcão Uchôa


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva mostrar os inícios e a progressão dos estudos estilísticos no Brasil. Após uma introdução sobre o surgimento, na Europa, da Estilística como disciplina de pesquisa no campo da linguagem, detém-se, sucessivamente, nas contribuições de filólogos, linguistas, teóricos da literatura e gramáticos para o estudo dos mais variados recursos estilísticos ocorrentes sobretudo em autores brasileiros.

  11. Vertebral column anomalies in Indo-Pacific and Atlantic humpback dolphins Sousa spp. (United States)

    Weir, Caroline R; Wang, John Y


    Conspicuous vertebral column abnormalities in humpback dolphins (genus Sousa) were documented for the first time during 3 photo-identification field studies of small populations in Taiwan, Senegal and Angola. Seven Taiwanese humpback dolphins S. chinensis taiwanensis with vertebral column anomalies (lordosis, kyphosis or scoliosis) were identified, along with 2 possible cases of vertebral osteomyelitis. There was evidence from several individuals photographed over consecutive years that the anomalies became more pronounced with age. Three Atlantic humpback dolphins S. teuszii were observed with axial deviations of the vertebral column (lordosis and kyphosis). Another possible case was identified in a calf, and 2 further animals were photographed with dorsal indents potentially indicative of anomalies. Vertebral column anomalies of humpback dolphins were predominantly evident in the lumbo-caudal region, but one Atlantic humpback dolphin had an anomaly in the cervico-thoracic region. Lordosis and kyphosis occurred simultaneously in several individuals. Apart from the described anomalies, all dolphins appeared in good health and were not obviously underweight or noticeably compromised in swim speed. This study presents the first descriptions of vertebral column anomalies in the genus Sousa. The causative factors for the anomalies were unknown in every case and are potentially diverse. Whether these anomalies result in reduced fitness of individuals or populations merits attention, as both the Taiwanese and Atlantic humpback dolphin are species of high conservation concern.

  12. Treatment Challenges of a Primary Vertebral Artery Aneurysm Causing Recurrent Ischemic Strokes

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    Davide Strambo


    Full Text Available Background. Extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms are a rare cause of embolic stroke; surgical and endovascular therapy options are debated and long-term complication may occur. Case Report. A 53-year-old man affected by neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1 came to our attention for recurrent vertebrobasilar embolic strokes, caused by a primary giant, partially thrombosed, fusiform aneurysm of the left extracranial vertebral artery. The aneurysm was treated by endovascular approach through deposition of Guglielmi Detachable Coils in the proximal segment of the left vertebral artery. Six years later the patient presented stroke recurrence. Cerebral angiography and Color Doppler Ultrasound well characterized the unique hemodynamic condition developed over the years responsible for the new embolic event: the aneurysm had been revascularized from its distal portion by reverse blood flow coming from the patent vertebrobasilar axis. A biphasic Doppler signal in the left vertebral artery revealed a peculiar behavior of the blood flow, alternately directed to the aneurysm and backwards to the basilar artery. Surgical ligation of the distal left vertebral artery and excision of the aneurysm were thus performed. Conclusion. This is the first described case of NF1-associated extracranial vertebral artery aneurysm presenting with recurrent embolic stroke. Complete exclusion of the aneurysm from the blood circulation is advisable to achieve full resolution of the embolic source.

  13. A case of traumatic intracranial vertebral artery injury presenting with life-threatening symptoms

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    Kishi S


    Full Text Available Seiji Kishi1, Kenji Kanaji2, Toshio Doi1, Tadashi Matsumura21Department of Nephrology, Tokushima University Hospital, Kuramoto-cho Tokushima, 2Department of General Internal Medicine, Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital, Otowachinji-cho Yamashina-ku Kyoto, JapanAbstract: Traumatic intracranial vertebral artery injury is a relatively rare but potentially fatal disease. We present a case of a 63-year-old man who presented with sudden onset of loss of consciousness after hitting his head. After immediate resuscitation, he showed quadriplegia and absence of spontaneous breathing. Brain and cervical spine magnetic resonance imaging revealed an atlantoaxial subluxation, fractured C2 odontoid process, left vertebral artery occlusion, and bilateral extensive ischemia in the medulla oblongata and high cervical spinal cord. Digital subtraction angiography demonstrated left vertebral artery dissection just below the level of vertebral body C2.Keywords: vertebral artery dissection, brainstem infarction, bilateral spinal cord infarction, neck trauma

  14. Combined use of intraarterial digital subtraction angiography with conventional retrograde brachial vertebral angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaguchi, Tatsuo; Ogawa, Toshihide; Inugami, Atsushi; Kawata, Yasushi; Shishido, Fumio; Uemura, Kazuo


    For 102 patients who had the examination of conventional bilaterally retrograde brachial vertebral angiography (retrograde VAG), intraarterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was successively performed to investigate steno-occlusive lesions of proximal vertebral and subclavian arteries. All the patients had no complication due to the DSA procedure. In 50% of 72 ischemic stroke cases, positive findings were found either in the origin of the vertebral artery or in the subclavian artery. Stenosis of more than 50% of the lumen of the vertebral artery were found in 14% of the cases at the origin of the right one and also in 14% in the left one. Occlusion of the vertebral artery was found in 4% in the left side only. In 30 cases with non-ischemic brain diseases, positive findings were noted in 10%. Intraarterial DSA combined with retrograde VAG was thought to be useful, especially in the examination for ischemic stroke. (author)

  15. Importance of MRI in the diagnosis of vertebral involvement in generalized cystic lymphangiomatosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Renjen, Pooja; Kovanlikaya, Arzu; Brill, Paula W. [New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, Department of Radiology, New York, NY (United States); Narula, Navneet [New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, Department of Pathology, New York, NY (United States)


    A 9-year-old boy presented with the sudden onset of pleuritic chest pain and on CT was found to have a large pleural effusion, mediastinal fluid, splenic lesions and multiple apparently sclerotic vertebral bodies. Subsequent MRI showed that those vertebral bodies that appeared sclerotic were in fact normal, and the vertebral bodies initially interpreted as normal had an abnormal T1 and T2 hyperintense signal on MRI and were relatively lucent on CT. MRI also demonstrated abnormal heterogeneous T2 hyperintense paraspinal tissue and several multicystic soft tissue masses. Biopsy of two adjacent vertebral bodies, one relatively sclerotic and one lucent, demonstrated findings of bony remodeling without a specific diagnosis. Biopsy of an infiltrative mediastinal mass confirmed the diagnosis of generalized cystic lymphangiomatosis. MRI should be included in the assessment of vertebral involvement in this condition because CT and biopsy findings may be nonspecific. (orig.)

  16. [Utility of nickel-titanium shape memory alloys of vertebral body reduction fixator with assisted distraction bar]. (United States)

    Man, Yi; Zheng, Yue-huan; Cao, Peng; Chen, Bo; Zheng, Tao; Sun, Chang-hui; Lu, Jiong


    To test the nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) shape memory alloys of vertebral body reduction fixator with assisted distraction bar for the treatment of traumatic and osteoporotic vertebral body fracture. A Ni-Ti shape memory alloys of vertebral body reduction fixator with assisted distraction bar was implanted into the compressed fracture specimens through vertebral pedicle with the radiographic monitoring to reduce the collapsed endplate as well as distract the compressed vertebral fracture. Radiographic film and computed tomographic reconstruction technique were employed to evaluate the effects of reduction and distraction. A biomechanic test machine was used to measure the fatigue and the stability of deformation of fixation segments. Relying on the effect of temperature shape memory, such an assembly could basically reduce the collapsed endplate as well as distract the compressed vertebral fracture. And when unsatisfied results of reduction and distraction occurred, its super flexibility could provide additional distraction strength. A Ni-Ti shape memory alloys of vertebral body reduction fixator with assisted distraction bar may provide effective endplate reduction, restore the vertebral height and the immediate biomechanic spinal stability. So the above assembly is indicated for the treatment of traumatic and osteoporotic vertebral body fracture.

  17. Risk of vertebral compression fractures in multiple myeloma patients


    Anitha, D.; Thomas, Baum; Jan, Kirschke S.; Subburaj, Karupppasamy


    Abstract The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a finite element (FE) model to predict vertebral bone strength in vitro using multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) images in multiple myeloma (MM) patients, to serve as a complementing tool to assess fracture risk. In addition, it also aims to differentiate MM patients with and without vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) by performing FE analysis on vertebra segments (T1?L5) obtained from in vivo routine MDCT imaging scans....

  18. Variation in vertebral number and its morphological implication in Galaxias platei. (United States)

    Barriga, J P; Milano, D; Cussac, V E


    Variation in the vertebral number of the puyen grande Galaxias platei was examined for specimens from 22 localities that span the entire distribution range of the species (from 40° to 55° S). The mean vertebral number (NMW ) increases towards high latitudes, i.e. Jordan's rule is applicable to this species. Owing to the wide geographic variation of the species, not only in latitude but also in altitude, the most explicative variable for NMW was mean winter air temperature, showing negative dependence. Morphological data suggest that the increment in vertebral number lies in the pre-pelvic region of the trunk and in the caudal region, but not in the segment between pelvic-fin insertion and the origin of the anal fin. As these alterations in body shape have important consequences for hydrodynamics and swimming performance, vertebral number variation in G. platei also holds implications for both individual and population fitness. © 2013 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.

  19. O desamparo aprendido revisitado: estudos com animais

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    Maria Helena Leite Hunziker

    Full Text Available O desamparo aprendido tem sido definido como a dificuldade de aprendizagem apresentada por indivíduos que tiveram experiência prévia com estímulos aversivos incontroláveis. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão crítica dos estudos sobre o desamparo aprendido, com animais. Nessa análise, são considerados aspectos conceituais e metodológicos dos estudos em questão e as interpretações teóricas sobre esse efeito comportamental. Aborda-se a evolução histórica desses estudos, bem como alguns aspectos controversos das publicações que se acumularam ao longo de quatro décadas de pesquisa. A associação do desamparo aprendido com a depressão clínica é analisada criticamente, destacando-se a necessidade de maior rigor metodológico e conceitual nos estudos da área.

  20. The uranium content in the blood of some vertebrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Das, K.C.; Hanifa, A.; Goswami, T.D.


    The method of fission track analysis has been used to estimate the uranium concentration in the blood of some vertebrates like lata fish (Ophiocephalus punctatus - class Pisces), toad (Bufo melanostictus -class Amphibia) and man (Homo Sapiens - class Mammalia). The uranium content in the blood of these vertebrates has been found to range from 0.20 ± 0.016 to 0.94 ± 0.038 microgram/litre. However, the concentration in toad is found to be the lowest (0.20 ± 0.016 to 0.40 ± 0.022 microgram/litre) as compared to that in fish (0.50 ± 0.027 to 0.94 ± 0.038 microgram/litre) and man (0.33 ± 0.023 to 0.74 ± 0.034 microgram/litre). The intervariation among the different classes of vertebrates as regards uranium concentration has been found to be statistically significant. (author)

  1. Global patterns in post-dispersal seed removal by invertebrates and vertebrates. (United States)

    Peco, Begoña; Laffan, Shawn W; Moles, Angela T


    It is commonly accepted that species interactions such as granivory are more intense in the tropics. However, this has rarely been tested. A global dataset of post-dispersal seed removal by invertebrates and vertebrates for 79 native plant species from semi-natural and natural terrestrial habitats ranging from 55° N to 45° S, was compiled from the global literature to test the hypothesis that post-dispersal seed removal by invertebrates and vertebrates is more intense at lower latitudes. We also quantified the relationship between post-dispersal seed removal by vertebrates and by invertebrates to global climatic features including temperature, actual evapotranspiration (AET) and rainfall seasonality. Linear mixed effect models were applied to describe the relationships between seed removal and latitude, hemisphere and climatic variables controlling for the effect of seed mass. Post-dispersal seed removal by invertebrates was negatively related to latitude. In contrast, post-dispersal seed removal by vertebrates was positively but weakly related to latitude. Mean annual temperature and actual evapotranspiration were positively related to post-dispersal seed removal by invertebrates, but not to post-dispersal seed removal by vertebrates, which was only marginally negatively related to rainfall seasonality. The inclusion of seed mass improved the fit of all models, but the term for seed mass was not significant in any model. Although a good climatic model for predicting post-dispersal seed predation by vertebrates at the global level was not found, our results suggest different and opposite latitudinal patterns of post-dispersal seed removal by invertebrates vs vertebrates. This is the first time that a negative relationship between post-dispersal seed removal by invertebrates and latitude, and a positive relationship with temperature and AET have been documented at a global-scale. These results have important implications for understanding global patterns in plant

  2. Perda de pressão estática em uma coluna de grãos de quinoa

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    Poliana T. da S. Gratão


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar os efeitos do fluxo de ar sobre a queda da pressão estática em massa granular de quinoa, cultivar Real, com diferentes teores de impurezas; ajustar os modelos matemáticos aos dados experimentais obtidos e selecionar o modelo que melhor represente o fenômeno. Inicialmente, o produto estava isento de impurezas e com teor de água de 17% base seco. Foram feitas adições de impurezas nos percentuais de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5. Utilizando-se um equipamento devidamente projetado e construído e fluxos de ar variando de 0,1 a 0,4 m³ s-1 m-2, foram determinadas as pressões estáticas da quinoa limpa e com impurezas. Os dados experimentais de perda de carga foram ajustados às equações comumente utilizadas para descrever o fenômeno. Os resultados permitiram concluir que: a a pressão estática em uma coluna com grãos de quinoa aumenta com o incremento de fluxo de ar; b O aumento do nível de impureza provocou redução da queda de pressão estática; c As equações que melhor representam os dados experimentais da queda de pressão no interior do leito com grãos de quinoa, sem e com impurezas, foram as equações de Shedd e de Guimarães, respectivamente.

  3. Regions identity between the genome of vertebrates and non-retroviral families of insect viruses. (United States)

    Fan, Gaowei; Li, Jinming


    The scope of our understanding of the evolutionary history between viruses and animals is limited. The fact that the recent availability of many complete insect virus genomes and vertebrate genomes as well as the ability to screen these sequences makes it possible to gain a new perspective insight into the evolutionary interaction between insect viruses and vertebrates. This study is to determine the possibility of existence of sequence identity between the genomes of insect viruses and vertebrates, attempt to explain this phenomenon in term of genetic mobile element, and try to investigate the evolutionary relationship between these short regions of identity among these species. Some of studied insect viruses contain variable numbers of short regions of sequence identity to the genomes of vertebrate with nucleotide sequence length from 28 bp to 124 bp. They are found to locate in multiple sites of the vertebrate genomes. The ontology of animal genes with identical regions involves in several processes including chromatin remodeling, regulation of apoptosis, signaling pathway, nerve system development and some enzyme-like catalysis. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that at least some short regions of sequence identity in the genomes of vertebrate are derived the ancestral of insect viruses. Short regions of sequence identity were found in the vertebrates and insect viruses. These sequences played an important role not only in the long-term evolution of vertebrates, but also in promotion of insect virus. This typical win-win strategy may come from natural selection.

  4. Influência da decorticação vertebral na neoformação dos tecidos da interface do enxerto ósseo Influence of vertebral decortication on tissue neoformation at bone graft interface

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    Fabiano Ricardo Tavares Canto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a influência da decorticação dos elementos posteriores da coluna vertebral na integração do enxerto ósseo, considerando a avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa dos tecidos (ósseo, cartilaginoso e fibroso da interface entre o leito receptor e o enxerto ósseo. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a realização da decorticação do leito receptor do enxerto. Foi utilizado enxerto autólogo derivado dos processos espinhosos das duas primeiras vértebras lombares. A neoformação tecidual na interface entre o leito receptor e seu enxerto ósseo foi avaliada após três semanas por meio de análise histomorfométrica. RESULTADOS: No grupo de animais com o leito receptor decorticado a média da porcentagem de osso neoformado foi de 40%±6,1, e 7,7%± 3,5 no grupo não decorticado (p=0,0001. A média da porcentagem de formação do tecido cartilaginoso no grupo decorticado foi de 7,2%±3,5, no não decorticado de 10,9%±5,6 (p=0,1123. A formação de tecido fibroso no grupo decorticado apresentou média de 8,6%±3,9 e no não decorticado e 24%±10,1, (p=0,0002. CONCLUSÕES: A decorticação acelerou o processo histológico da integração do enxerto ósseo. Ocorrendo maior produção de tecido ósseo neoformado e predomínio da ossificação do tipo intramembranosa no grupo de animais nos quais a decorticação foi realizada.OBJECTIVE: To determine the influence of vertebral posterior elements decortication in bone graft integration, considering a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the (bone, cartilaginous, and fibrous tissues in the interface between the receptor bed and the bone graft. METHODS: Twenty-four Wistar rats were divided into two groups according to the decortication of the bone graft receptor bed. Autologous bone graft from the first and second lumbar vertebrae were used. The new tissue formation in the interface between the receptor bed and its bone graft

  5. Percutaneous vertebroplasty for multi-level osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Gefang; Cheng Yongde; Wu Chungen; Zhang Ji; Gu Yifeng; Li Minghua


    Objective: To prospectively evaluate the clinical efficiency and safety of patients receiving percutaneous vertebroplasty due to multi-level osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted to review eighty-six osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture patients including 23 with three and more levels of vertebroplasty. The outcome was considered carefully by pre and postoperatively the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)for pain relief, the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI)for the improvement activity of daily life and also the accompanied imaging information. Results: All procedures were performed successfully. Three patients had a transient high blood pressure and dyspnea, and recovered after sublingual nitroglycerin. The VAS and ODI improved from a mean preoperative score of 8.58±1.12 and 81.43 ±12.54 to a mean postoperative score of 3.03±0.98 and 31.04±11.11 one day afterward. Asymptomatic cement leakage rate was 17.8% with no major complications occurred during operation or post-operation. Five patients had new symptomatic vertebral fracture (s) during follow-up in one year. Conclusions: Vertebroplasty with cement to treat multi-level osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures in the elderly is safe and effective, providing immediate and long-term pain relief with improvement in quality of life. Due to the risk of fat embolism, the limitation of three per session must be kept strictly. (authors)

  6. Evolution of vertebrate central nervous system is accompanied by novel expression changes of duplicate genes. (United States)

    Chen, Yuan; Ding, Yun; Zhang, Zuming; Wang, Wen; Chen, Jun-Yuan; Ueno, Naoto; Mao, Bingyu


    The evolution of the central nervous system (CNS) is one of the most striking changes during the transition from invertebrates to vertebrates. As a major source of genetic novelties, gene duplication might play an important role in the functional innovation of vertebrate CNS. In this study, we focused on a group of CNS-biased genes that duplicated during early vertebrate evolution. We investigated the tempo-spatial expression patterns of 33 duplicate gene families and their orthologs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate Xenopus laevis and the cephalochordate Brachiostoma belcheri. Almost all the identified duplicate genes are differentially expressed in the CNS in Xenopus embryos, and more than 50% and 30% duplicate genes are expressed in the telencephalon and mid-hindbrain boundary, respectively, which are mostly considered as two innovations in the vertebrate CNS. Interestingly, more than 50% of the amphioxus orthologs do not show apparent expression in the CNS in amphioxus embryos as detected by in situ hybridization, indicating that some of the vertebrate CNS-biased duplicate genes might arise from non-CNS genes in invertebrates. Our data accentuate the functional contribution of gene duplication in the CNS evolution of vertebrate and uncover an invertebrate non-CNS history for some vertebrate CNS-biased duplicate genes. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  7. A nomenclature for vertebral fossae in sauropods and other saurischian dinosaurs.

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    Jeffrey A Wilson

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The axial skeleton of extinct saurischian dinosaurs (i.e., theropods, sauropodomorphs, like living birds, was pneumatized by epithelial outpocketings of the respiratory system. Pneumatic signatures in the vertebral column of fossil saurischians include complex branching chambers within the bone (internal pneumaticity and large chambers visible externally that are bounded by neural arch laminae (external pneumaticity. Although general aspects of internal pneumaticity are synapomorphic for saurischian subgroups, the individual internal pneumatic spaces cannot be homologized across species or even along the vertebral column, due to their variability and absence of topographical landmarks. External pneumatic structures, in contrast, are defined by ready topological landmarks (vertebral laminae, but no consistent nomenclatural system exists. This deficiency has fostered confusion and limited their use as character data in phylogenetic analysis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We present a simple system for naming external neural arch fossae that parallels the one developed for the vertebral laminae that bound them. The nomenclatural system identifies fossae by pointing to reference landmarks (e.g., neural spine, centrum, costal articulations, zygapophyses. We standardize the naming process by creating tripartite names from "primary landmarks," which form the zygodiapophyseal table, "secondary landmarks," which orient with respect to that table, and "tertiary landmarks," which further delineate a given fossa. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The proposed nomenclatural system for lamina-bounded fossae adds clarity to descriptions of complex vertebrae and allows these structures to be sourced as character data for phylogenetic analyses. These anatomical terms denote potentially homologous pneumatic structures within Saurischia, but they could be applied to any vertebrate with vertebral laminae that enclose spaces, regardless of their developmental

  8. Radiological evaluation of the cranio vertebral junction; Avaliacao radiologica da transicao cranio-vertebral

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mello, Silvia Marcal Benicio de; Haetinger, Rainer Guilherme [Med Imagem - Beneficiencia Portuguesa de Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Setor de Cabeca e Pescoco]. E-mail:; Schettini, Marianna Cunha; Lima, Sergio Santos [Med Imagem - Beneficiencia Portuguesa de Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Mourao, Maria Lucia; Mendonca, Renato Adam [Med Imagem - Beneficiencia Portuguesa de Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Setor de Neuroradiologia


    The cranio vertebral junction (CVJ) comprises the occiput, atlas, their joints and ligaments. Besides conventional x-rays other imaging methods are need for the assessment of CVJ including high resolution computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which provide specific parameters such as field of view, slice thickness and incremental movement of the patient. A dynamic study is also important to assess the stability of the cranio vertebral junction and the effect upon the bulbomedullary junction. The aim of this study is to review the techniques used in the evaluation of the CVJ, the semiological parameters, and the most frequent disorders affecting this region. We review the literature and present conventional x-ray, CT and MRI images from the didactic file of the Radiology service 'Med Imagem - Beneficiencia Portuguesa de Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, of cases with normal anatomy and the main congenital and acquired disorders of the CVJ. In daily practice, CVJ disorders are diagnoses using CT and MRI scans of the head and cervical spine. It is essential to be familiar with these conditions in order to preform specific tests which will allow a detailed study of the CVJ, thus providing the basis for the treatment, whenever indicated. (author)

  9. The variability of vertebral body volume and pain associated with osteoporotic vertebral fractures: conservative treatment versus percutaneous transpedicular vertebroplasty. (United States)

    Andrei, Diana; Popa, Iulian; Brad, Silviu; Iancu, Aida; Oprea, Manuel; Vasilian, Cristina; Poenaru, Dan V


    Osteoporotic vertebral fractures (OVF) can lead to late collapse which often causes kyphotic spinal deformity, persistent back pain, decreased lung capacity, increased fracture risk and increased mortality. The purpose of our study is to compare the efficacy and safety of vertebroplasty against conservative management of osteoporotic vertebral fractures without neurologic symptoms. A total of 66 patients with recent OVF on MRI examination were included in the study. All patients were admitted from September 2009 to September 2012. The cohort was divided into two groups. The first study group consisted of 33 prospectively followed consecutive patients who suffered 40 vertebral osteoporotic fractures treated by percutaneous vertebroplasty (group 1), and the control group consisted of 33 patients who suffered 41 vertebral osteoporotic fractures treated conservatively because they refused vertebroplasty (group 2). The data collection has been conducted in a prospective registration manner. The inclusion criteria consisted of painful OVF matched with imagistic findings. We assessed the results of pain relief and minimal sagittal area of the vertebral body on the axial CT scan at presentation, after the intervention, at six and 12 months after initial presentation. Vertebroplasty with poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was performed in 30 patients on 39 VBs, including four thoracic vertebras, 27 vertebras of the thoracolumbar jonction and eight lumbar vertebras. Group 2 included 30 patients with 39 OVFs (four thoracic vertebras, 23 vertebras of the thoracolumbar junction and 11 lumbar vertebras). There was no significant difference in VAS scores before treatment (p = 0.229). The mean VAS was 5.90 in Group 1 and 6.28 in Group 2 before the treatment. Mean VAS after vertebroplasty was 0.85 in Group 1. The mean VAS at six months was 0.92 in Group 1 and 3.00 in Group 2 (p pain and avoid VB collapse, vertebroplasty is the recommended treatment in OCFs. Considering the

  10. Value of diffusion - weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of bone marrow in vertebral metastases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herneth, A.M.; Philipp, M.; Trattnig, S.; Imhof, H.; Naude, J.; Beichel, R.


    Aim of the study. The aim of the study was the evaluation of the diffusion coefficient (ADC) of vertebral metastasis and regular vertebral bodies with diffusion weighted MRI (DWI). DWI evaluates the tissue-specific molecular diffusion of protons. In tissues with high cell densities (neoplasm) a decreased ADC can be expected due to restricted diffusion according to an exaggerated amount of intra- and intercellular membranes (i.e. diffusion barriers). Methods. In 5 breast cancer patients the ADC of both known vertebral metastases and of adjacent regular vertebral bodies were measured with DWI (1.0 T; Phased-Array-Body-Coil; b: 880 and 440 s/mm 2 ). Results. The ADC of regular vertebral bodies (1.3±0.23x10 -3 s/mm 2 ) was significantly (p -3 s/mm 2 ). Conclusions. These data demonstrate that the ADC can be reliably measured in vertebral bodies. The quantitative evaluation of the ADC in vertebral bodies seems to be an objective and comparable parameter for differentiating malign from benign vertebral tissue. (orig.) [de

  11. An investigation of an autonomic innervation of the vertebral artery using monoamine histofluorescence

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    JA Mitchell


    Full Text Available Blood flow to the hindbrain, via the paired vertebral arteries, must be uncompromised for adequate neurological functioning of its vital centres. Therefore, it would seem unlikely that the intracranial vertebral artery would need to vasoconstrict, thus reducing its blood flow. In order to investigate the existence and location of a noradrenaline-mediated constrictor mechanism in the wall of the intracranial vertebral artery, transverse sections of ten baboon and ten monkey vessels were stained with sucrose-potassium phosphate-glyoxylic acid (counterstained with malachite-green. This method allows the visualisation of catecholaminergic nerves when the sections are exposed to ultraviolet light. In this study of primate vascular tissue, however, none of the monkey or baboon vertebral artery sections showed the presence of noradrenergic nerves in the tunica media – tunica adventitia junction or penetrating the tunica media of the arteries. These findings indicate that the intracranial vertebral artery does not have a neurogenic vasomotor function in primates.

  12. Sequencing of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) genome provides insights into vertebrate evolution (United States)

    Smith, Jeramiah J; Kuraku, Shigehiro; Holt, Carson; Sauka-Spengler, Tatjana; Jiang, Ning; Campbell, Michael S; Yandell, Mark D; Manousaki, Tereza; Meyer, Axel; Bloom, Ona E; Morgan, Jennifer R; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Sachidanandam, Ravi; Sims, Carrie; Garruss, Alexander S; Cook, Malcolm; Krumlauf, Robb; Wiedemann, Leanne M; Sower, Stacia A; Decatur, Wayne A; Hall, Jeffrey A; Amemiya, Chris T; Saha, Nil R; Buckley, Katherine M; Rast, Jonathan P; Das, Sabyasachi; Hirano, Masayuki; McCurley, Nathanael; Guo, Peng; Rohner, Nicolas; Tabin, Clifford J; Piccinelli, Paul; Elgar, Greg; Ruffier, Magali; Aken, Bronwen L; Searle, Stephen MJ; Muffato, Matthieu; Pignatelli, Miguel; Herrero, Javier; Jones, Matthew; Brown, C Titus; Chung-Davidson, Yu-Wen; Nanlohy, Kaben G; Libants, Scot V; Yeh, Chu-Yin; McCauley, David W; Langeland, James A; Pancer, Zeev; Fritzsch, Bernd; de Jong, Pieter J; Zhu, Baoli; Fulton, Lucinda L; Theising, Brenda; Flicek, Paul; Bronner, Marianne E; Warren, Wesley C; Clifton, Sandra W; Wilson, Richard K; Li, Weiming


    Lampreys are representatives of an ancient vertebrate lineage that diverged from our own ~500 million years ago. By virtue of this deeply shared ancestry, the sea lamprey (P. marinus) genome is uniquely poised to provide insight into the ancestry of vertebrate genomes and the underlying principles of vertebrate biology. Here, we present the first lamprey whole-genome sequence and assembly. We note challenges faced owing to its high content of repetitive elements and GC bases, as well as the absence of broad-scale sequence information from closely related species. Analyses of the assembly indicate that two whole-genome duplications likely occurred before the divergence of ancestral lamprey and gnathostome lineages. Moreover, the results help define key evolutionary events within vertebrate lineages, including the origin of myelin-associated proteins and the development of appendages. The lamprey genome provides an important resource for reconstructing vertebrate origins and the evolutionary events that have shaped the genomes of extant organisms. PMID:23435085

  13. Odontogenic Pain as the Principal Presentation of Vertebral Artery Pseudoaneurysm; a Case Report

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    Marco Zenteno


    Full Text Available Dissection of the vertebral artery is an important but rare cause of cerebrovascular accidents. Here we report a 48-year-old man with toothache since 4 days before who presented to the emergency department with neck pain and final diagnosis of dissecting right vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm. To our knowledge, this maybe the first report of odontogenic pain as the first manifestation of vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm in the literatures.

  14. Auxílio da tomografia computadorizada no planejamento pré-operatório de pacientes portadores de escoliose idiopática do adolescente Auxilio de la tomografía computarizada en el plan preoperatorio de pacientes portadores de escoliosis idiopática del adolescente Computed tomography aid in preoperative planning of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Rodrigo Rezende


    Full Text Available A escoliose idiopática do adolescente (EIA é uma doença diagnosticada no início da puberdade. Ela apresenta etiologia indefinida e caracteriza-se pelo desvio lateral da coluna vertebral maior que 10°, associado à rotação do corpo vertebral. O uso de instrumentação de terceira geração produziu um melhor resultado na correção da curva do que as técnicas anteriores. Porém, ainda existem dificuldades técnicas no momento da passagem e da escolha dos parafusos pediculares, devido à angulação e ao diâmetro dos pedículos vertebrais. Apesar de apresentar vantagens, essa técnica não é isenta de riscos e complicações, necessitando de uma maior curva de aprendizado pelo médico-cirurgião, bem como de um adequado planejamento pré-operatório. Até o momento, não há na literatura relato sobre a utilização da tomografia computadorizada no auxílio do planejamento cirúrgico de pacientes com escoliose. Diante do exposto, objetivamos, no presente estudo, descrever uma técnica de planejamento pré-operatório, com o auxílio da tomografia computadorizada para a fixação da coluna em pacientes com escoliose idiopática do adolescente, especificando a angulação e o diâmetro dos pedículos vertebrais, o que poderá auxiliar o médico-cirurgião no momento da fixação.La escoliosis idiopática en el adolescente (EIA es una enfermedad diagnosticada en el inicio de la pubertad. Esta presenta una etiología indefinida y es caracterizada por el desvío lateral de la columna vertebral por encima de los diez grados asociados a la rotación del cuerpo vertebral. El uso de instrumentación de tercera generación produjo un mejor resultado en la corrección de la curva comparado con las técnicas anteriores. Sin embargo, existen dificultades técnicas en el momento del paso y de escoger los tornillos pediculares debido a la angulación y al diámetro de los pedículos vertebrales. A pesar de presentar ventajas, esta técnica no est

  15. A new classification for cervical vertebral injuries: influence of CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daffner, R.H.; Brown, R.R.; Goldberg, A.L.


    Objective. Computed tomography (CT) has been demonstrated to be superior to radiography in identifying cervical vertebral injuries. However, many of these injuries may not be clinically significant, and require only minimal symptomatic and supportive treatment. It is therefore imperative that radiologists and spine surgeons have criteria for distinguishing between those injuries requiring surgical stabilization and those that do not. The authors propose a new classification of cervical vertebral injuries into two categories: major and minor.Design and patients. A data base, acquired on 1052 separate cervical injuries in 879 patients seen between 1983 and 1998, was reviewed. Four categories of injury based on mechanism [hyperflexion (four variants), hyperextension (two variants), rotary (two variants), and axial compression (five variants)] were identified. ''Major'' injuries are defined as having either radiographic or CT evidence of instability with or without associated localized or central neurologic findings, or have the potential to produce the latter. ''Minor'' injuries have no radiographic and/or CT evidence of instability, are not associated with neurologic findings, and have no potential to cause the latter.Results and conclusions. Cervical injury should be classified as ''major'' if the following radiographic and/or CT criteria are present: displacement of more than 2 mm in any plane, wide vertebral body in any plane, wide interspinous/interlaminar space, wide facet joints, disrupted posterior vertebral body line, wide disc space, vertebral burst, locked or perched facets (unilateral or bilateral), ''hanged man'' fracture of C2, dens fracture, and type III occipital condyle fracture. All other types of fractures may be considered ''minor''. (orig.)

  16. A mechanical perspective on vertebral segmentation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Truskinovsky, L.; Vitale, G.; Smit, T.H.


    Segmentation is a characteristic feature of the vertebrate body plan. The prevailing paradigm explaining its origin is the 'clock and wave-front' model, which assumes that the interaction of a molecular oscillator (clock) with a traveling gradient of morphogens (wave) pre-defines spatial

  17. Early prenatal diagnosis of a lumbo-costo-vertebral syndrome. (United States)

    Pristavu, Anda Ioana; Furnica, Cristina; Ifrim, Mona Mihaela; Popovici, Razvan Mihai


    Lumbo-costo-vertebral syndrome (LCVS) is a rare type of lumbar hernia with associated abnormalities of the vertebral bodies, ribs, and trunk muscles. Only a few cases have been reported in the literature, all of which were diagnosed after birth. We present a case of LCVS diagnosed early in the second trimester of pregnancy using two- and three-dimensional ultrasound. In our case, the associated anomalies were: multiple costovertebral anomalies, lumbar hernia, anal imperforation, left hand supernumerary digit, and clubfoot.

  18. Population momentum across vertebrate life histories (United States)

    Koons, D.N.; Grand, J.B.; Arnold, J.M.


    Population abundance is critically important in conservation, management, and demographic theory. Thus, to better understand how perturbations to the life history affect long-term population size, we examined population momentum for four vertebrate classes with different life history strategies. In a series of demographic experiments we show that population momentum generally has a larger effect on long-term population size for organisms with long generation times than for organisms with short generation times. However, patterns between population momentum and generation time varied across taxonomic groups and according to the life history parameter that was changed. Our findings indicate that momentum may be an especially important aspect of population dynamics for long-lived vertebrates, and deserves greater attention in life history studies. Further, we discuss the importance of population momentum in natural resource management, pest control, and conservation arenas. ?? 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. CT and MRI of vertebral haemangiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braitinger, S.; Weigert, F.; Held, P.; Obletter, N.; Breit, A.


    A retrospective comparative study of CT and MRI was carried out involving 38 vertebral haemangiomas; this revealed a typical signal pattern on MRI from benign lesions. It consists of a hyper-intense signal from the bone marrow affecting the T 1 /T 2 sequences; this may be focal or involve the entire vertebral body. These characteristic signals were compared with CT images of the spine. The areas of bone that produce the high intensity signals on MRI appear on CT as spongey patterns with hypertrophic trabeculae surrounding mostly areas with negative absorption values. An analysis of the changes in the spongiosa has revealed three clearly defined types. The signals derived from haemangiomas extending beyond the bone have an intensity of normal spongiosa; this corresponds with an absence of fat, as demonstrated by CT. Extra-osseous components have low intensity T 1 signals that increase in T 2 sequences. (orig.) [de

  20. Vertebrate Genome Evolution in the Light of Fish Cytogenomics and rDNAomics (United States)

    Howell, W. Mike


    To understand the cytogenomic evolution of vertebrates, we must first unravel the complex genomes of fishes, which were the first vertebrates to evolve and were ancestors to all other vertebrates. We must not forget the immense time span during which the fish genomes had to evolve. Fish cytogenomics is endowed with unique features which offer irreplaceable insights into the evolution of the vertebrate genome. Due to the general DNA base compositional homogeneity of fish genomes, fish cytogenomics is largely based on mapping DNA repeats that still represent serious obstacles in genome sequencing and assembling, even in model species. Localization of repeats on chromosomes of hundreds of fish species and populations originating from diversified environments have revealed the biological importance of this genomic fraction. Ribosomal genes (rDNA) belong to the most informative repeats and in fish, they are subject to a more relaxed regulation than in higher vertebrates. This can result in formation of a literal ‘rDNAome’ consisting of more than 20,000 copies with their high proportion employed in extra-coding functions. Because rDNA has high rates of transcription and recombination, it contributes to genome diversification and can form reproductive barrier. Our overall knowledge of fish cytogenomics grows rapidly by a continuously increasing number of fish genomes sequenced and by use of novel sequencing methods improving genome assembly. The recently revealed exceptional compositional heterogeneity in an ancient fish lineage (gars) sheds new light on the compositional genome evolution in vertebrates generally. We highlight the power of synergy of cytogenetics and genomics in fish cytogenomics, its potential to understand the complexity of genome evolution in vertebrates, which is also linked to clinical applications and the chromosomal backgrounds of speciation. We also summarize the current knowledge on fish cytogenomics and outline its main future avenues. PMID

  1. Evolution of Retinoid and Steroid Signaling: Vertebrate Diversification from an Amphioxus Perspective (United States)

    Albalat, Ricard; Brunet, Frédéric; Laudet, Vincent; Schubert, Michael


    Although the physiological relevance of retinoids and steroids in vertebrates is very well established, the origin and evolution of the genetic machineries implicated in their metabolic pathways is still very poorly understood. We investigated the evolution of these genetic networks by conducting an exhaustive survey of components of the retinoid and steroid pathways in the genome of the invertebrate chordate amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae). Due to its phylogenetic position at the base of chordates, amphioxus is a very useful model to identify and study chordate versus vertebrate innovations, both on a morphological and a genomic level. We have characterized more than 220 amphioxus genes evolutionarily related to vertebrate components of the retinoid and steroid pathways and found that, globally, amphioxus has orthologs of most of the vertebrate components of these two pathways, with some very important exceptions. For example, we failed to identify a vertebrate-like machinery for retinoid storage, transport, and delivery in amphioxus and were also unable to characterize components of the adrenal steroid pathway in this invertebrate chordate. The absence of these genes from the amphioxus genome suggests that both an elaboration and a refinement of the retinoid and steroid pathways took place at the base of the vertebrate lineage. In stark contrast, we also identified massive amplifications in some amphioxus gene families, most extensively in the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase superfamily, which, based on phylogenetic and genomic linkage analyses, were likely the result of duplications specific to the amphioxus lineage. In sum, this detailed characterization of genes implicated in retinoid and steroid signaling in amphioxus allows us not only to reconstruct an outline of these pathways in the ancestral chordate but also to discuss functional innovations in retinoid homeostasis and steroid-dependent regulation in both cephalochordate and vertebrate evolution

  2. Relationship between vertebral artery blood flow in different head positions and vertigo. (United States)

    Araz Server, Ela; Edizer, Deniz Tuna; Yiğit, Özgür; Yasak, Ahmet Görkem; Erdim, Çağrı


    To identify the vertebral artery blood flow in different head positions in patients with positional vertigo with no specific diagnosis. Patients with history of vestibular symptoms associated with changes in head position were enrolled into the study. Healthy volunteers were evaluated as control group. Doppler ultrasonography examination of the cervical segment of the vertebral arteries was performed under three different head positions: (i) supine position, (ii) head hyperextended and rotated to the right side and (iii) head hyperextended and rotated to the left side. In the study group, right and left vertebral artery blood flow was significantly lower in the ipsilateral hyperextended position compared to standard supine position (respectively p = .014; p = .001), but did not differ significantly when compared between the standard supine and contralateral hyperextended positions (respectively = .959; p = .669). In the control group, left and right vertebral artery blood flow did not differ significantly when the head was hyperextended to the right or left sides compared to standard supine position (p > .05). Our data demonstrated that the etiology of vestibular complaints in patients with undiagnosed positional vertigo might be related to impairment in vertebral artery blood flow according to head positions.

  3. Questioning hagfish affinities of the enigmatic Devonian vertebrate Palaeospondylus (United States)

    Johanson, Zerina; Smith, Moya; Sanchez, Sophie; Senden, Tim; Trinajstic, Kate; Pfaff, Cathrin


    Palaeospondylus gunni Traquair, 1890 is an enigmatic Devonian vertebrate whose taxonomic affinities have been debated since it was first described. Most recently, Palaeospondylus has been identified as a stem-group hagfish (Myxinoidea). However, one character questioning this assignment is the presence of three semicircular canals in the otic region of the cartilaginous skull, a feature of jawed vertebrates. Additionally, new tomographic data reveal that the following characters of crown-group gnathostomes (chondrichthyans + osteichthyans) are present in Palaeospondylus: a longer telencephalic region of the braincase, separation of otic and occipital regions by the otico-occipital fissure, and vertebral centra. As well, a precerebral fontanelle and postorbital articulation of the palatoquadrate are characteristic of certain chondrichthyans. Similarities in the structure of the postorbital process to taxa such as Pucapampella, and possible presence of the ventral cranial fissure, both support a resolution of Pa. gunni as a stem chondrichthyan. The internally mineralized cartilaginous skeleton in Palaeospondylus may represent a stage in the loss of bone characteristic of the Chondrichthyes.

  4. Níveis s��ricos de vitamina B12 não se relacionam com baixa densidade mineral óssea em mulheres brasileiras na pós-menopausa Serum levels of vitamin B12 are not related to low bone mineral density in postmenopausal Brazilian women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Maria Kakehasi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Osteoporose e deficiência de vitamina B12 são condições de prevalência crescente com o envelhecimento. A associação entre níveis séricos de vitamina B12, baixa massa óssea e risco aumentado de fraturas ósseas tem sido descrita, mas os estudos não são homogêneos e os resultados são controversos. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre níveis plasmáticos de vitamina B12 e densidade mineral óssea em mulheres assintomáticas na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: Mulheres assintomáticas no período pós-menopausa foram consecutivamente incluídas neste estudo transversal. A densidade mineral óssea (coluna lombar e fêmur foi avaliada pelo método DXA Lunar Prodigy Vision, e foram determinados níveis sanguíneos de vitamina B12, cálcio, fósforo, fosfatase alcalina óssea e hormônio paratireoidiano. Os critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde foram considerados para o diagnóstico de osteoporose. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídas neste estudo 70 mulheres, com média de idade de 62,5 ± 7 anos. Do total, 18 (25,7% apresentaram densidade mineral óssea normal, 33 (47,1% tinham osteopenia e 19 (27,1% tinham osteoporose. Seis (8,6% pacientes haviam apresentado fratura de punho, duas (2,8% reportaram diagnóstico de fratura vertebral e apenas uma (1,4% paciente havia sofrido fratura de quadril. Os níveis de vitamina B12 (média ± DP; pg/mL das mulheres com densidade mineral óssea normal, osteopenia e osteoporose foram 590,2 ± 364,3, 536,6 ± 452,3 e 590,2 ± 497,9, respectivamente (P = 0,881. A análise de regressão múltipla mostrou que o índice de massa corporal e a fosfatase alcalina óssea foram preditores da densidade mineral óssea na coluna lombar. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam que níveis de vitamina B12 não se relacionam à densidade mineral óssea neste grupo de mulheres brasileiras na pós-menopausa.INTRODUCTION: Osteoporosis and vitamin B12 deficiency are conditions with an increasing prevalence over

  5. Mexican patients with HIV have a high prevalence of vertebral fractures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio Mata-Marín


    Full Text Available Low bone mineral density (BMD and fragility fractures are common in individuals infected with HIV, who are undergoing antiretroviral therapy (ART. In high-income countries, dual energy X-ray absorptiometrry is typically used to evaluate osteopenia or osteoporosis in HIV infected individuals. However, this technology is unavailable in low and-middle income countries, so a different approach is needed. The aim of this study was to use X-ray scans of the spine to determine the prevalence of and associated risk factors for vertebral fractures in HIV-infected patients in a tertiary-care hospital in Mexico. We conducted a cross-sectional study of outpatients who were >40 years old and receiving ART at the Hospital de Infectología, La Raza National Medical Center in Mexico City, Mexico. We used semi-quantitative morphometric analysis of centrally digitized X-ray images to assess vertebral deformities in the spine. Anterior, middle and posterior vertebral heights were measured, and height ratios were calculated. For each vertebral body, fractures were graded on the basis of height ratio reductions, and a spine deformity index’ (SDI value was calculated by summing the grades of the vertebral deformities: An SDI>1 was indicative of a vertebral fracture. We included 104 patients, 87% of whom were men. The median age was 49 years [interquartile range (IQR 42-52]. Themost common stage of HIV infection, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control,was B2 in 40 (39% of patients. Forty seven (45% patients were on ART regimens that included protease inhibitors (PIs and 100 (96% being treated with tenofovir. The median time of ART was 6.5 years (IQR1.6-9.0. Of the 104 patients in our study, 83 (80% had undetectable viral load, as assessed by HIV-1 RNA levels, 32 (31% showed evidence of a previous fracture, 4 (4% were co-infected with hepatitis C virus, and 57 (55% had a history of corticosteroid treatment. The prevalence of vertebral fractures was 25%, 95

  6. Prevalence Study of Proximal Vertebral Artery Stenosis Using High-Resolution Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, S.H.; Lee, J.S.; Kwon, O.K.; Han, M.K.; Kim, J.H.


    Purpose: To evaluate the prevalence of proximal vertebral artery stenosis, compared with those of the distal vertebral/basilar artery and extracranial internal carotid artery, in a large population of stroke and non-stroke patients. Material and Methods: Nine-hundred-and-thirty-five patients who underwent high-resolution contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography in a regional general hospital were categorized into six groups based on neurological symptoms and disease: an asymptomatic group (n ∼ 182), a minor symptom group with headache or dizziness (n ∼ 519), a cardiac group with coronary artery steno-occlusive disease (n ∼ 15), a hemorrhagic group with old cerebral hemorrhage (n ∼ 26), an anterior circulation infarct group (n ∼ 121), and posterior circulation infarct group (n ∼ 72). Prevalence of stenosis of the proximal vertebral artery, distal vertebral/basilar artery, and internal carotid artery was analyzed. Results: The prevalence of stenosis of the proximal vertebral artery, distal vertebral/basilar artery, and internal carotid artery was 12.9%, 5.5%, and 7.2%, respectively, in the study population, and rose as the age increased (P <0.0001 for all arteries). The prevalence of stenosis of the proximal vertebral artery, distal vertebral/basilar artery, and internal carotid artery was 3.3%, 0.5%, and.1%, respectively, in the asymptomatic group; 8.3%, 2.1%, and 3.7%, respectively, in the minor symptom group; 13.3%, 6.7%, and 6.7%, respectively, in the cardiac group; 19.2%, 7.7%, and 7.7%, respectively, in the hemorrhagic group; 27.3%, 8.3%, and 25.6%, respectively, in the anterior circulation infarct group; and 44.4%, 36.1%, and 16.7%, respectively, in the posterior circulation infarct group. This increasing tendency of stenosis accordingly was statistically significant ( P <0.0001 for all arteries). Conclusion: The prevalence of proximal vertebral artery stenosis was highest, compared with those of the distal vertebral/basilar artery and

  7. Regions identity between the genome of vertebrates and non-retroviral families of insect viruses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fan Gaowei


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The scope of our understanding of the evolutionary history between viruses and animals is limited. The fact that the recent availability of many complete insect virus genomes and vertebrate genomes as well as the ability to screen these sequences makes it possible to gain a new perspective insight into the evolutionary interaction between insect viruses and vertebrates. This study is to determine the possibility of existence of sequence identity between the genomes of insect viruses and vertebrates, attempt to explain this phenomenon in term of genetic mobile element, and try to investigate the evolutionary relationship between these short regions of identity among these species. Results Some of studied insect viruses contain variable numbers of short regions of sequence identity to the genomes of vertebrate with nucleotide sequence length from 28 bp to 124 bp. They are found to locate in multiple sites of the vertebrate genomes. The ontology of animal genes with identical regions involves in several processes including chromatin remodeling, regulation of apoptosis, signaling pathway, nerve system development and some enzyme-like catalysis. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that at least some short regions of sequence identity in the genomes of vertebrate are derived the ancestral of insect viruses. Conclusion Short regions of sequence identity were found in the vertebrates and insect viruses. These sequences played an important role not only in the long-term evolution of vertebrates, but also in promotion of insect virus. This typical win-win strategy may come from natural selection.

  8. A Comparative Study of Vertebrate Corneal Structure: The Evolution of a Refractive Lens. (United States)

    Winkler, Moritz; Shoa, Golroxan; Tran, Stephanie T; Xie, Yilu; Thomasy, Sarah; Raghunathan, Vijay K; Murphy, Christopher; Brown, Donald J; Jester, James V


    Although corneal curvature plays an important role in determining the refractive power of the vertebrate eye, the mechanisms controlling corneal shape remain largely unknown. To address this question, we performed a comparative study of vertebrate corneal structure to identify potential evolutionarily based changes that correlate with the development of a corneal refractive lens. Nonlinear optical (NLO) imaging of second-harmonic-generated (SHG) signals was used to image collagen and three-dimensionally reconstruct the lamellar organization in corneas from different vertebrate clades. Second-harmonic-generated images taken normal to the corneal surface showed that corneal collagen in all nonmammalian vertebrates was organized into sheets (fish and amphibians) or ribbons (reptiles and birds) extending from limbus to limbus that were oriented nearly orthogonal (ranging from 77.7°-88.2°) to their neighbors. The slight angular offset (2°-13°) created a rotational pattern that continued throughout the full thickness in fish and amphibians and to the very posterior layers in reptiles and birds. Interactions between lamellae were limited to "sutural" fibers in cartilaginous fish, and occasional lamellar branching in fish and amphibians. There was a marked increase in lamellar branching in higher vertebrates, such that birds ≫ reptiles > amphibians > fish. By contrast, mammalian corneas showed a nearly random collagen fiber organization with no orthogonal, chiral pattern. Our data indicate that nonmammalian vertebrate corneas share a common orthogonal collagen structural organization that shows increased lamellar branching in higher vertebrate species. Importantly, mammalian corneas showed a different structural organization, suggesting a divergent evolutionary background.

  9. The influence of fat infiltration of back extensor muscles on osteoporotic vertebral fractures. (United States)

    So, Kwang-Young; Kim, Dae-Hee; Choi, Dong-Hyuk; Kim, Choong-Young; Kim, Jeong-Seok; Choi, Yong-Soo


    Retrospective study. To investigate the influence of fat infiltration at low back extensor muscles on osteoporotic vertebral fracture. In persons with stronger back muscles, the risk of osteoporotic vertebral fractures will likely be lower than in those persons with weaker back muscles. However, the degree of influence of fat infiltration of the back extensor muscle on osteoporotic vertebral fracture remains controversial. Two hundred and thirty-seven patients who had undergone lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging and bone mineral density (BMD) were enrolled in this study. The amount of low back extensor muscle was determined using the pseudocoloring technique on an axial view of the L3 level. The patients were divided into two groups: osteoporotic vertebral fracture group (group A) and non-fracture group (group B). The amount of low back extensor muscle is compared with BMD, degenerative change of disc, osteophyte grade of facet joint and promontory angle to reveal the association between these factors. A negative correlation is found between age and the amount of low back extensor muscle (p=0.001). The amount of low back extensor muscle in group A and group B was 60.3%±14.5% and 64.2%±9.3% respectively, thus showing a significantly smaller amount of low back extensor muscle in the osteoporotic vertebral fracture group (p=0.015). Fat infiltration of low back extensor muscle was increased in osteoporotic vertebral fracture patients. Therefore, fat infiltration of low back extensor muscle in an elderly person may be a risk factor of osteoporotic vertebral fracture.

  10. Development and evolution of the vertebrate primary mouth (United States)

    Soukup, Vladimír; Horácek, Ivan; Cerny, Robert


    The vertebrate oral region represents a key interface between outer and inner environments, and its structural and functional design is among the limiting factors for survival of its owners. Both formation of the respective oral opening (primary mouth) and establishment of the food-processing apparatus (secondary mouth) require interplay between several embryonic tissues and complex embryonic rearrangements. Although many aspects of the secondary mouth formation, including development of the jaws, teeth or taste buds, are known in considerable detail, general knowledge about primary mouth formation is regrettably low. In this paper, primary mouth formation is reviewed from a comparative point of view in order to reveal its underestimated morphogenetic diversity among, and also within, particular vertebrate clades. In general, three main developmental modes were identified. The most common is characterized by primary mouth formation via a deeply invaginated ectodermal stomodeum and subsequent rupture of the bilaminar oral membrane. However, in salamander, lungfish and also in some frog species, the mouth develops alternatively via stomodeal collar formation contributed both by the ecto- and endoderm. In ray-finned fishes, on the other hand, the mouth forms via an ectoderm wedge and later horizontal detachment of the initially compressed oral epithelia with probably a mixed germ-layer derivation. A very intriguing situation can be seen in agnathan fishes: whereas lampreys develop their primary mouth in a manner similar to the most common gnathostome pattern, hagfishes seem to undergo a unique oropharyngeal morphogenesis when compared with other vertebrates. In discussing the early formative embryonic correlates of primary mouth formation likely to be responsible for evolutionary–developmental modifications of this area, we stress an essential role of four factors: first, positioning and amount of yolk tissue; closely related to, second, endoderm formation during

  11. Global patterns of terrestrial vertebrate diversity and conservation (United States)

    Jenkins, Clinton N.; Pimm, Stuart L.; Joppa, Lucas N.


    Identifying priority areas for biodiversity is essential for directing conservation resources. Fundamentally, we must know where individual species live, which ones are vulnerable, where human actions threaten them, and their levels of protection. As conservation knowledge and threats change, we must reevaluate priorities. We mapped priority areas for vertebrates using newly updated data on >21,000 species of mammals, amphibians, and birds. For each taxon, we identified centers of richness for all species, small-ranged species, and threatened species listed with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Importantly, all analyses were at a spatial grain of 10 × 10 km, 100 times finer than previous assessments. This fine scale is a significant methodological improvement, because it brings mapping to scales comparable with regional decisions on where to place protected areas. We also mapped recent species discoveries, because they suggest where as-yet-unknown species might be living. To assess the protection of the priority areas, we calculated the percentage of priority areas within protected areas using the latest data from the World Database of Protected Areas, providing a snapshot of how well the planet’s protected area system encompasses vertebrate biodiversity. Although the priority areas do have more protection than the global average, the level of protection still is insufficient given the importance of these areas for preventing vertebrate extinctions. We also found substantial differences between our identified vertebrate priorities and the leading map of global conservation priorities, the biodiversity hotspots. Our findings suggest a need to reassess the global allocation of conservation resources to reflect today’s improved knowledge of biodiversity and conservation. PMID:23803854

  12. Osteoporosis with vertebral fractures associated with pregnancy: two case reports


    Raffaetà, Gloria; Mazzantini, Maurizio; Menconi, Agnese; Bottai, Vanna; Falossi, Francesca; Celauro, Ilenia; Guido, Giulio


    Pregnancy and lactation-associated osteoporosis (PAO) is a rare condition characterized by the occurrence of fragility fractures, most commonly vertebral, in late pregnancy or the early postpartum period. The prevalence, etiology and pathogenesis of this osteoporosis are unknown, although there are several hypotheses attempting to explain the etiopathogenesis of pregnancy associated osteoporosis. In this paper we present two cases of young women who developed severe PAO with vertebral fractur...

  13. Gap junctional coupling in the vertebrate retina: variations on one theme? (United States)

    Völgyi, Béla; Kovács-Oller, Tamás; Atlasz, Tamás; Wilhelm, Márta; Gábriel, Róbert


    Gap junctions connect cells in the bodies of all multicellular organisms, forming either homologous or heterologous (i.e. established between identical or different cell types, respectively) cell-to-cell contacts by utilizing identical (homotypic) or different (heterotypic) connexin protein subunits. Gap junctions in the nervous system serve electrical signaling between neurons, thus they are also called electrical synapses. Such electrical synapses are particularly abundant in the vertebrate retina where they are specialized to form links between neurons as well as glial cells. In this article, we summarize recent findings on retinal cell-to-cell coupling in different vertebrates and identify general features in the light of the evergrowing body of data. In particular, we describe and discuss tracer coupling patterns, connexin proteins, junctional conductances and modulatory processes. This multispecies comparison serves to point out that most features are remarkably conserved across the vertebrate classes, including (i) the cell types connected via electrical synapses; (ii) the connexin makeup and the conductance of each cell-to-cell contact; (iii) the probable function of each gap junction in retinal circuitry; (iv) the fact that gap junctions underlie both electrical and/or tracer coupling between glial cells. These pan-vertebrate features thus demonstrate that retinal gap junctions have changed little during the over 500 million years of vertebrate evolution. Therefore, the fundamental architecture of electrically coupled retinal circuits seems as old as the retina itself, indicating that gap junctions deeply incorporated in retinal wiring from the very beginning of the eye formation of vertebrates. In addition to hard wiring provided by fast synaptic transmitter-releasing neurons and soft wiring contributed by peptidergic, aminergic and purinergic systems, electrical coupling may serve as the 'skeleton' of lateral processing, enabling important functions such

  14. A comparative study of bone scintigraphy and NMR for vertebral diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakatani, Mariko; Sekiya, Toru; Hata, Yuichi; Mori, Yutaka; Yasuda, Masanobu; Kawakami, Kenji; Tada, Sinpei


    A comparative study of NMR and bone scintigraphy was performed in vertebral disorders, and the significance of both modalities was evaluated. Twelve patients with various vertebral abnormalities including ten cases of vertebral metastases, one case of cervical caries and one case of Granular cell tumor of L3, were examined. In 4 patients, NMR showed abnormalities in the same regions as the bone scintigrams. In another 3 patients. NMR did not show the disorders reported on bone scintigrams. This may be due to the low NMR sensitivity to tiny infiltration of tumor cells in the bone marrow. In 3 out of the remaining 5 patients, NMR demonstrated abnormal findings, whilst the bone scintigrams were normal. Previous bone scintigrams in these patients before treatment had shown abnormal accumulation of activity in the region of abnormal NMR findings. This may be due to the fact that NMR detects the irreversible change of bone marrow, and bone scintigram demonstrates the turn over of bone minerals. This limited experience suggests that both madalities are complementary in the evaluation of vertebral abnormalities. (author)

  15. MDCT after balloon kyphoplasty: analysis of vertebral body architecture one year after treatment of osteoporotic fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roehrl, B.; Dueber, C.; Sadick, M.; Brocker, K.; Voggenreiter, G.; Obertacke, U.; Brade, J.


    Purpose: to evaluate the value of MDCT in the monitoring of vertebral body architecture after balloon kyphoplasty and observe morphological changes of the vertebral body. Material and methods: during a period of 26 months, 66 osteoporotic fractures of the vertebral bodies were treated with percutanous balloon kyphoplasty. The height of the vertebral body, width of spinal space, sagittal indices, kyphosis und COBB angle, and cement leakage were evaluated by computed tomography before and after treatment and in a long-term follow up. Statistical analysis was performed by calculating quantitative constant parameters of descriptive key data. In addition, parametric and distribution-free procedures were performed for all questions. Results: after kyphoplasty, the treated vertebral bodies showed a significant gain in the height of the leading edge (0.15 cm; p < 0.0001) and in the central part of the vertebral body (0.17 cm; p < 0.0001). The height of the trailing edge did not change significantly. A corresponding gain in the sagittal index was found. The index remained stable during follow-up. Treated vertebral bodies as well as untreated references showed a comparable loss of height over the period of one year. The shape of the vertebral bodies remained stable. In comparison to these findings, treated vertebral bodies showed a reduced loss of height. A significant change in kyphosis und the COBB angle was noted. In total, pallacos leakage was detected in 71% of cases. Conclusion: MDCT is an accurate method for evaluating vertebral body architecture after treatment with balloon kyphoplasty. (orig.)

  16. Vertebral sarcoidosis: long-term follow-up with MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lefere, M. [University Hospitals Gasthuisberg, Department of Radiology, Leuven (Belgium); Larbi, A.; Malghem, J.; Vande Berg, B.; Dallaudiere, B. [University Hospitals St Luc, Department of Radiology, Brussels (Belgium)


    Vertebral involvement in sarcoidosis is rare and its clinical and imaging features are non-specific. Indeed, because the lesions are hard to differentiate from metastatic disease based on imaging alone, a histological confirmation is advised. Fatty replacement is a well-known finding indicating stabilization and healing in both benign and malignant conditions. It can be used as an indicator of a favorable disease course and response to treatment. We report the case of a 43-year-old woman with multifocal vertebral sarcoidosis lesions and long-term follow-up showing progressive and gradual fatty involution on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during 4 years of steroid treatment with a final favorable outcome. (orig.)

  17. Gene duplications and losses among vertebrate deoxyribonucleoside kinases of the non-TK1 Family

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mutahir, Zeeshan; Christiansen, Louise Slot; Clausen, Anders R.


    , among vertebrates only four mammalian dNKs have been studied for their substrate specificity and kinetic properties. However, some vertebrates, such as fish, frogs, and birds, apparently possess a duplicated homolog of deoxycytidine kinase (dCK). In this study, we characterized a family of d...... substrate specificities and subcellular localization are likely the drivers behind the evolution of vertebrate dNKs...

  18. A new classification for cervical vertebral injuries: influence of CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Daffner, R.H.; Brown, R.R.; Goldberg, A.L. [Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Allegheny University Hospitals, Allegheny General, Pittsburgh, PA (United States)


    Objective. Computed tomography (CT) has been demonstrated to be superior to radiography in identifying cervical vertebral injuries. However, many of these injuries may not be clinically significant, and require only minimal symptomatic and supportive treatment. It is therefore imperative that radiologists and spine surgeons have criteria for distinguishing between those injuries requiring surgical stabilization and those that do not. The authors propose a new classification of cervical vertebral injuries into two categories: major and minor.Design and patients. A data base, acquired on 1052 separate cervical injuries in 879 patients seen between 1983 and 1998, was reviewed. Four categories of injury based on mechanism [hyperflexion (four variants), hyperextension (two variants), rotary (two variants), and axial compression (five variants)] were identified. ''Major'' injuries are defined as having either radiographic or CT evidence of instability with or without associated localized or central neurologic findings, or have the potential to produce the latter. ''Minor'' injuries have no radiographic and/or CT evidence of instability, are not associated with neurologic findings, and have no potential to cause the latter.Results and conclusions. Cervical injury should be classified as ''major'' if the following radiographic and/or CT criteria are present: displacement of more than 2 mm in any plane, wide vertebral body in any plane, wide interspinous/interlaminar space, wide facet joints, disrupted posterior vertebral body line, wide disc space, vertebral burst, locked or perched facets (unilateral or bilateral), ''hanged man'' fracture of C2, dens fracture, and type III occipital condyle fracture. All other types of fractures may be considered ''minor''. (orig.)

  19. Influência da suplementação de creatina sobre a massa óssea de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos Influence of creatine supplementation on bone mass of spontaneously hypertensive rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christiano Robles Rodrigues Alves


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Recentes evidências indicam que a suplementação de creatina (Cr é capaz de aumentar a densidade mineral óssea (DMO no fêmur de ratos saudáveis em crescimento. Entretanto, há poucos estudos que testam a efetividade da suplementação desse nutriente em condições de perda óssea. OBJETIVO: Investigar o efeito da suplementação de Cr na DMO e no conteúdo mineral ósseo (CMO de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR, um modelo experimental de baixa massa óssea. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Dezesseis ratos SHR machos com 8 meses de idade foram randomizados em dois grupos experimentais pareados pelo peso corporal, a saber: 1 Pl: SHR tratados com placebo (água destilada; n = 8; e 2 Cr: SHR tratados com Cr (n = 8. Após nove semanas de suplementação os animais foram eutanasiados e o fêmur e a coluna vertebral (L1-L4 foram analisados por densitometria óssea (Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa na DMO (Pl = 0,249 ± 0,003 g/cm² vs. Cr = 0,249 ± 0,004 g/cm²; P = 0,95 e no CMO (Pl = 0,509 ± 0,150 g vs. Cr = 0,509 ± 0,017 g; P = 0,99 da coluna vertebral e na DMO (Pl = 0,210 ± 0,004 g/cm² vs. Cr = 0,206 ± 0,004 g/cm2;P = 0,49 e no CMO (Pl = 0,407 ± 0,021 g vs. Cr = 0,385 ± 0,021 g; P = 0,46 do fêmur total entre os grupos experimentais. CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo, usando um modelo experimental de baixa massa óssea, a suplementação de Cr não afetou a massa óssea.INTRODUCTION: Recent evidence has suggested that creatine supplementation (Cr can increase the bone mineral density (BMD of the femur in healthy growing rats. Nevertheless, studies assessing the efficacy of the Cr supplementation in conditions characterized by bone mass loss are scarce. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of Cr supplementation on BMD and bone mineral content (BMC in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs, an experimental model of osteoporosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixteen 8-month-old male SHRs were

  20. Nervous systems and scenarios for the invertebrate-to-vertebrate transition. (United States)

    Holland, Nicholas D


    Older evolutionary scenarios for the origin of vertebrates often gave nervous systems top billing in accordance with the notion that a big-brained Homo sapiens crowned a tree of life shaped mainly by progressive evolution. Now, however, tree thinking positions all extant organisms equidistant from the tree's root, and molecular phylogenies indicate that regressive evolution is more common than previously suspected. Even so, contemporary theories of vertebrate origin still focus on the nervous system because of its functional importance, its richness in characters for comparative biology, and its central position in the two currently prominent scenarios for the invertebrate-to-vertebrate transition, which grew out of the markedly neurocentric annelid and enteropneust theories of the nineteenth century. Both these scenarios compare phyla with diverse overall body plans. This diversity, exacerbated by the scarcity of relevant fossil data, makes it challenging to establish plausible homologies between component parts (e.g. nervous system regions). In addition, our current understanding of the relation between genotype and phenotype is too preliminary to permit us to convert gene network data into structural features in any simple way. These issues are discussed here with special reference to the evolution of nervous systems during proposed transitions from invertebrates to vertebrates. © 2015 The Author(s).

  1. The efficacy of radiotherapy for 59 patients with vertebral hemangioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qian Liting; Liu Xinfan; Li Yexiong; Yu Zihao; Yin Weibo


    Objective: To investigate the indication, total dose and efficacy of radiotherapy for vertebral hemangiomas. Methods: Between 1967 and 2000, 59 patients (36 female, 23 male) with vertebral hemangioma were treated with deep X-ray, electron beam, 60 Co or 6-8MV X-ray with a total dose ranging from 28 to 90 Gy and a median of 40 Gy. Results: Of the 54 evaluable cases, the overall response rate was 87.0%. The response rates were 90.2% and 83.3%, respectively, for patients treated with 34-40 Gy and more than 40 Gy (χ 2 =0.41, P=0.608). Among the 9 patients with paraplegic patients, 4 achieved complete response, 4 partial response, and only one showed no response to the treatment. Conclusions: Radiotherapy is effective and safe for symptomatic vertebral hemangioma, on condition of a suitable total dose range of 30 to 40 Gy. Patients with asymptomatic or minor symptomatic lesion should be watched and followed rather than giving immediate treatment. Radiation therapy shows slow and delayed improvement in vertebral hemangioma and the symptoms are gradually relieved or disappear in three months to seven years with a median interval of 1.5 years, even though diagnostic images show no or only minor changes after treatment

  2. Percutaneous vertebroplasty in the therapy of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures: a critical review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hochmuth, K.; Proschek, D.; Schwarz, W.; Mack, M.; Vogl, T.J.; Kurth, A.A.


    Percutaneous vertebroplasty has become an efficient technique for the treatment of painful vertebral fractures. Osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures are characterized by severe back pain and immobilization causing other complications like thrombosis or pneumonia. Vertebral cement augmentation provides increased strength of the vertebral body and an obvious pain relief. Between 1989 and 2004, 30 studies and a total of 2,086 treated patients have been published in literature. A review of these studies has been performed. The number and age of the patients, number of treated vertebrae, pre- and postoperative outcome of pain and complications of the different studies were assessed and analyzed. Percutaneous vertebroplasty is an efficient technique with low complication rates and a significant reduction in pain. It rapidly improves the mobility and quality of life of patients with vertebral compression fractures. With an increasing number of treated patients, experience with this interventional technique has become excellent. But still there are no randomized controlled trials available, showing that percutaneous vertebroplasty has a significantly better outcome than other treatment options, especially after a long-term follow-up. (orig.)

  3. Phytochemical investigation of dichloromethanic fraction on Ocimum gratissimum L. extract/ Estudo químico da fração diclorometânica do extrato de Ocimum gratissimum L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Roberto Pinto de Souza


    Full Text Available Previous studies showed that ethanolic extract of Ocimum gratissimum inhibited growth of Penicillium chrysogenum, Rhizoctonia sp, Aspergillus niger and Alternaria sp, isolated from tomato and carrot. The aim of this study was to identify the chemical constituents of Ocimum gratissim. Aerial parts of the plant were treated with hexane-dichloromethane-ethanol mixture (1:3:1 at room temperature. The obtained extract was chromatographed on silica gel column eluted with hexane, dichloromethane and ethanol. Fractions eluted with dichloromethane were rechromatographed on a column of silica gel to yield alyphatic hydrocarbon mixture (C31, C33, C34 e C35, eugenol, caryophyllene oxide and a mixture of stigmasterol and sitosterol. The structures of the compounds were deduced by spectral data analysis and by comparison with literature values. Recent studies showed that eugenol is probably one of the responsibles for antifungal activity of O. gratissimum.Ensaios anteriores de atividade antifúngica do extrato etanólico de Ocimum gratissimum, utilizando a técnica de difusão em meio sólido, evidenciaram a inibição do crescimento de Penicillium chrysogenum, Rhizoctonia sp, Aspergillus niger e de duas espécies de Alternaria sp isoladas de tomate e de cenoura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar os possíveis constituintes químicos responsáveis pela atividade antifúngica da planta, por meio de estudo químico do extrato hexano-diclorometano-etanol (1:3:1 das partes aéreas de O. gratissimum. O extrato foi cromatografado em coluna de sílica gel, eluída com hexano, diclorometano e etanol. A purificação em coluna cromatográfica de sílica gel das frações eluídas com diclorometano (5,9g resultou na obtenção de quatro constituintes: uma mistura de hidrocarbonetos saturados de cadeia longa (C31, C33, C34 e C35, eugenol, óxido de cariofileno e uma mistura de estigmasterolsitosterol. Os constituintes foram identificados através das an

  4. Análise radiográfica da coluna cervical em indivíduos assintomáticos submetidos a tração manual Radiographic analysis of the cervical spine in healthy individuals submitted to manual traction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roger Burgo de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar, radiograficamente, o efeito da tração manual sobre o comprimento da coluna cervical. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta e cinco participantes de ambos os gêneros - 12 masculinos (22% e 43 femininos (78% - sem história de distúrbios cervicais contituíram a amostra deste estudo. Eles foram submetidos a dois procedimentos radiológicos, um antes e outro durante a tração manual sustentada por 120 segundos. As distâncias entre as bordas anteriores e posteriores da segunda à sétima vértebras cervicais foram mensuradas e comparadas antes e durante a tração manual. RESULTADOS: A mediana da distância anterior antes da tração foi de 8,40 cm e durante a tração aumentou para 8,50 cm (p=0,002. A mediana da distância posterior antes da tração foi de 8,35 cm e durante a tração aumentou para 8,50 cm (pOBJECTIVE: To evaluate radiographically the effect of manual traction on the length of the cervical spine in healthy individuals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample of the present study included 55 individuals - 12 men (22% and 43 women (78% - with no previous history of cervical disorders, submitted to two radiological procedures previously and during manual traction sustained for 120 seconds. Distances between the anterior and posterior edges from the second to the seventh cervical vertebrae were measured and compared before and during manual traction. RESULTS: The median of pre-traction anterior length was 8.40 cm, increasing to 8.50 cm during the traction (p=0.002; and the median of pre-traction posterior length was 8.35 cm, increasing to 8.50 cm during traction (p<0.001. CONCLUSION: Application of manual traction resulted in a statistically significant increase in the length the cervical spine in healthy individuals.

  5. Geometry of the Intervertebral Volume and Vertebral Endplates of the Human Spine

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Houwen, E. B.; Baron, P.; Veldhuizen, A. G.; Burgerhof, J. G. M.; van Ooijen, P. M. A.; Verkerke, G. J.

    Replacement of a degenerated vertebral disc with an artificial intervertebral disc (AID) is currently possible, but poses problems, mainly in the force distribution through the vertebral column. Data on the intervertebral disc space geometry will provide a better fit of the prosthesis to the

  6. Geometry of the Intervertebral Volume and Vertebral Endplates of the Human Spine

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Houwen, E.B.; Baron, P.; Veldhuizen, A.G.; Burgerhof, J.G.M.; van Ooijen, P.M.A.; Verkerke, Gijsbertus Jacob


    Replacement of a degenerated vertebral disc with an artificial intervertebral disc (AID) is currently possible, but poses problems, mainly in the force distribution through the vertebral column. Data on the intervertebral disc space geometry will provide a better fit of the prosthesis to the

  7. Computerized tomography in the diagnosis of degenerative vertebral diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bokarev, V.S.; Savchenko, A.P.; Ternovoj, S.K.


    CT and roentgenography were used for the investigation of 78 patients with the radicular syndrome. The state of the intervertebral disks, intervertebral joints and cerebrospinal canal in degenerative vertebral diseases was assessed. CT permits the detection of hernia, protrusion of the intervertebral disks, deformity of the intervertebral joints, and the narrowing of the cerebrospinal canal as a result of degenerative changes, as well as establishing the cause of the affection of neural structures in the cerebrospinal canal, radicular holes. CT possesses some advantages over roentgenography in the diagnosis of degenerative vertebral diseases

  8. Diagnosis of ischemic vertebral collapse using selective spinal angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stojanovic, J.; Kovac, V.


    During the year of 1980 we observed 3 patients with a vertebral collapse of indistinct origin. As there was no recent trauma in the past history, selective spinal angiography (SSA) was used to clarify the diagnosis. In each of the three cases we found evident rarefaction, in some places even an occlusion of the arteries of the adjacent affected vertebra. On the bases of this finding we concluded that this might be an ischemic vertebral collapse, an entity which had been under discussion long ago but not exactly confirmed so far. (orig.) [de

  9. Bilateral Medial Medullary Infarction with Nondominant Vertebral Artery Occlusion. (United States)

    Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Gui-lian; Du, Ju-mei; Ma, Zhu-lin


    Bilateral medial medullary infarction (MMI) is a rare stroke subtype. Here, we report a case with bilateral MMI caused by nondominant vertebral artery occlusion confirmed by brain digital subtraction angiography and magnetic resonance imaging basi-parallel-anatomical-scanning. We highlight that anterior spinal arteries could originate from a unilateral vertebral artery (VA). Radiologists and neurologists should pay attention to the nondominant VA as bilateral MMI may be induced by occlusion of nondominant VA that supplies the bilateral anteromedial territories of the medulla. Copyright © 2015 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Congenital costo-vertebral fibrous band and congenital kyphoscoliosis: a previously unreported combination. (United States)

    Eid, Tony; Ghostine, Bachir; Kreichaty, Gaby; Daher, Paul; Ghanem, Ismat


    Congenital kyphoscoliosis (CKS) results from abnormal vertebral chondrification. Congenital fibrous bands occur in several locations with variable impact on vertebral development. We report a previously unreported case of a female infant with CKS presenting with an L2 hypoplastic vertebra and a costo-vertebral fibrous band extending to the skin in the form of a dimple. We also describe the therapeutic approach, consisting of surgical excision of the fibrous band and postoperative fulltime bracing, with a 7-year follow-up. We recommend a high index of suspicion in any unusual presentation of CKS and insist on case by case management in such cases.

  11. Kummel Disease Treatment by Unipedicular Vertebral Augmentation Using Curved Injection Cannula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masala, Salvatore; Nano, Giovanni; Mammucari, Matteo; Simonetti, Giovanni


    Purpose: This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of the blunt-tipped curved injection needle (BCN) AVAflex (Care Fusion) for vertebral augmentation in cases of Kummel’s disease. Methods: We performed 25 vertebral augmentation procedures on 25 consecutive patients (11 men/14 women; mean age, 67 years) with Kummel’s disease using the blunt-tipped curved injection needle with PMMA cement. We performed all 25 procedures by unipedicular left approach with patients in prone position under local anesthesia and mild sedation. In all cases, an intravertebral cleft was evident on preprocedural imaging. We evaluated pain intensities by Visual Analogic Scale (VAS) before and at first day, 6 months, and 1 year after procedure. Results: In all cases the curved injection cannula permitted the filling of the clefts and surrounding cancellous bone without any complication. A significant reduction of kyphotic deformities of the treated vertebral bodies was evident. A significance decrease in VAS values at 1 year also was evident (mean decrease 7.2). At plain dynamic postprocedural X-rays checks, there was no sign of pathologic intravertebral motion as evidence of optimal stabilization. Conclusions: BCN AVAflex is a safe and effective device for targeted vertebral augmentation in cases of Kummel’s disease. Its distinctive characteristic is the curved injection cannula, which enables targeting the cement injection to areas far off the trajectory of the straight access cannula, thus providing excellent cement spread throughout the entire volume of vertebral body.

  12. Adaptive changes in alphavirus mRNA translation allowed colonization of vertebrate hosts. (United States)

    Ventoso, Iván


    Members of the Alphavirus genus are arboviruses that alternate replication in mosquitoes and vertebrate hosts. In vertebrate cells, the alphavirus resists the activation of antiviral RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR) by the presence of a prominent RNA structure (downstream loop [DLP]) located in viral 26S transcripts, which allows an eIF2-independent translation initiation of these mRNAs. This article shows that DLP structure is essential for replication of Sindbis virus (SINV) in vertebrate cell lines and animals but is dispensable for replication in insect cells, where no ortholog of the vertebrate PKR gene has been found. Sequence comparisons and structural RNA analysis revealed the evolutionary conservation of DLP in SINV and predicted the existence of equivalent DLP structures in many members of the Alphavirus genus. A mutant SINV lacking the DLP structure evolved in murine cells to recover a wild-type phenotype by creating an alternative structure in the RNA that restored the translational independence for eIF2. Genetic, phylogenetic, and biochemical data presented here support an evolutionary scenario for the natural history of alphaviruses, in which the acquisition of DLP structure in their mRNAs probably allowed the colonization of vertebrate host and the consequent geographic expansion of some of these viruses worldwide.

  13. Origins of the Vertebrate Erythro/Megakaryocytic System

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Svoboda, Ondřej; Bartůněk, Petr


    Roč. 2015, Oct 18 (2015) ISSN 2314-6141 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LO1419 Institutional support: RVO:68378050 Keywords : erythrocytes * thrombocytes * vertebrate Erythro/Megakaryocytic System * progenitors Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology

  14. The Evolution of Bony Vertebrate Enhancers at Odds with Their Coding Sequence Landscape. (United States)

    Yousaf, Aisha; Sohail Raza, Muhammad; Ali Abbasi, Amir


    Enhancers lie at the heart of transcriptional and developmental gene regulation. Therefore, changes in enhancer sequences usually disrupt the target gene expression and result in disease phenotypes. Despite the well-established role of enhancers in development and disease, evolutionary sequence studies are lacking. The current study attempts to unravel the puzzle of bony vertebrates' conserved noncoding elements (CNE) enhancer evolution. Bayesian phylogenetics of enhancer sequences spotlights promising interordinal relationships among placental mammals, proposing a closer relationship between humans and laurasiatherians while placing rodents at the basal position. Clock-based estimates of enhancer evolution provided a dynamic picture of interspecific rate changes across the bony vertebrate lineage. Moreover, coelacanth in the study augmented our appreciation of the vertebrate cis-regulatory evolution during water-land transition. Intriguingly, we observed a pronounced upsurge in enhancer evolution in land-dwelling vertebrates. These novel findings triggered us to further investigate the evolutionary trend of coding as well as CNE nonenhancer repertoires, to highlight the relative evolutionary dynamics of diverse genomic landscapes. Surprisingly, the evolutionary rates of enhancer sequences were clearly at odds with those of the coding and the CNE nonenhancer sequences during vertebrate adaptation to land, with land vertebrates exhibiting significantly reduced rates of coding sequence evolution in comparison to their fast evolving regulatory landscape. The observed variation in tetrapod cis-regulatory elements caused the fine-tuning of associated gene regulatory networks. Therefore, the increased evolutionary rate of tetrapods' enhancer sequences might be responsible for the variation in developmental regulatory circuits during the process of vertebrate adaptation to land. © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for

  15. Evolution of the new vertebrate head by co-option of an ancient chordate skeletal tissue. (United States)

    Jandzik, David; Garnett, Aaron T; Square, Tyler A; Cattell, Maria V; Yu, Jr-Kai; Medeiros, Daniel M


    A defining feature of vertebrates (craniates) is a pronounced head that is supported and protected by a robust cellular endoskeleton. In the first vertebrates, this skeleton probably consisted of collagenous cellular cartilage, which forms the embryonic skeleton of all vertebrates and the adult skeleton of modern jawless and cartilaginous fish. In the head, most cellular cartilage is derived from a migratory cell population called the neural crest, which arises from the edges of the central nervous system. Because collagenous cellular cartilage and neural crest cells have not been described in invertebrates, the appearance of cellular cartilage derived from neural crest cells is considered a turning point in vertebrate evolution. Here we show that a tissue with many of the defining features of vertebrate cellular cartilage transiently forms in the larvae of the invertebrate chordate Branchiostoma floridae (Florida amphioxus). We also present evidence that during evolution, a key regulator of vertebrate cartilage development, SoxE, gained new cis-regulatory sequences that subsequently directed its novel expression in neural crest cells. Together, these results suggest that the origin of the vertebrate head skeleton did not depend on the evolution of a new skeletal tissue, as is commonly thought, but on the spread of this tissue throughout the head. We further propose that the evolution of cis-regulatory elements near an ancient regulator of cartilage differentiation was a major factor in the evolution of the vertebrate head skeleton.

  16. Evolutionary hierarchy of vertebrate-like heterotrimeric G protein families. (United States)

    Krishnan, Arunkumar; Mustafa, Arshi; Almén, Markus Sällman; Fredriksson, Robert; Williams, Michael J; Schiöth, Helgi B


    Heterotrimeric G proteins perform a crucial role as molecular switches controlling various cellular responses mediated by G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling pathway. Recent data have shown that the vertebrate-like G protein families are found across metazoans and their closest unicellular relatives. However, an overall evolutionary hierarchy of vertebrate-like G proteins, including gene family annotations and in particular mapping individual gene gain/loss events across diverse holozoan lineages is still incomplete. Here, with more expanded invertebrate taxon sampling, we have reconstructed phylogenetic trees for each of the G protein classes/families and provide a robust classification and hierarchy of vertebrate-like heterotrimeric G proteins. Our results further extend the evidence that the common ancestor (CA) of holozoans had at least five ancestral Gα genes corresponding to all major vertebrate Gα classes and contain a total of eight genes including two Gβ and one Gγ. Our results also indicate that the GNAI/O-like gene likely duplicated in the last CA of metazoans to give rise to GNAI- and GNAO-like genes, which are conserved across invertebrates. Moreover, homologs of GNB1-4 paralogon- and GNB5 family-like genes are found in most metazoans and that the unicellular holozoans encode two ancestral Gβ genes. Similarly, most bilaterian invertebrates encode two Gγ genes which include a representative of the GNG gene cluster and a putative homolog of GNG13. Interestingly, our results also revealed key evolutionary events such as the Drosophila melanogaster eye specific Gβ subunit that is found conserved in most arthropods and several previously unidentified species specific expansions within Gαi/o, Gαs, Gαq, Gα12/13 classes and the GNB1-4 paralogon. Also, we provide an overall proposed evolutionary scenario on the expansions of all G protein families in vertebrate tetraploidizations. Our robust classification/hierarchy is essential to further

  17. Evolution and Functional Diversification of the GLI Family of Transcription Factors in Vertebrates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amir Ali Abbasi


    Full Text Available Background: In vertebrates the “SONIC HEDGEHOG” signalling pathway has been implicated in cell-fate determination, proliferation and the patterning of many different cell types and organs. As the GLI family members (GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 are key mediators of hedgehog morphogenetic signals, over the past couple of decades they have been extensively scrutinized by genetic, molecular and biochemical means. Thus, a great deal of information is currently available about the functional aspects of GLI proteins in various vertebrate species. To address the roles of GLI genes in diversifying the repertoire of the Hh signalling and deploying them for the vertebrate specifications, in this study we have examined the evolutionary patterns of vertebrate GLI sequences within and between species. Results: Phylogenetic tree analysis suggests that the vertebrate GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 genes diverged after the separation of urochordates from vertebrates and before the tetrapods-bony fishes split. Lineage specific duplication events were also detected. Estimation of mode and strength of selection acting on GLI orthologs demonstrated that all members of the GLI gene family experienced more relaxed selection in teleost fish than in the mammalian lineage. Furthermore, the GLI1 gene appeared to have been exposed to different functional constraints in fish and tetrapod lineages, whilst a similar level of functional constraints on GLI2 and GLI3 was suggested by comparable average non-synonymous (Ka substitutions across the lineages. A relative rate test suggested that the majority of the paralogous copies of the GLI family analyzed evolved with similar evolutionary rates except GLI1 which evolved at a significantly faster rate than its paralogous counterparts in tetrapods. Conclusions: Our analysis shows that sequence evolutionary patterns of GLI family members are largely correlated with the reported similarities and differences in the functionality of GLI proteins

  18. Age-related changes in vertebral and iliac crest 3D bone microstructure--differences and similarities. (United States)

    Thomsen, J S; Jensen, M V; Niklassen, A S; Ebbesen, E N; Brüel, A


    Age-related changes of vertebra and iliac crest 3D microstructure were investigated, and we showed that they were in general similar. The 95th percentile of vertebral trabecular thickness distribution increased with age for women. Surprisingly, vertebral and iliac crest bone microstructure was only weakly correlated (r = 0.38 to 0.75), despite the overall similar age-related changes. The purposes of the study were to determine the age-related changes in iliac and vertebral bone microstructure for women and men over a large age range and to investigate the relationship between the bone microstructure at these skeletal sites. Matched sets of transiliac crest bone biopsies and lumbar vertebral body (L2) specimens from 41 women (19-96 years) and 39 men (23-95 years) were micro-computed tomography (μCT) scanned, and the 3D microstructure was quantified. For both women and men, bone volume per total volume (BV/TV), connectivity density (CD), and trabecular number (Tb.N) decreased significantly, while structure model index (SMI) and trabecular separation (Tb.Sp) increased significantly with age at either skeletal site. Vertebral trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) was independent of age for both women and men, while iliac Tb.Th decreased significantly with age for men, but not for women. In general, the vertebral and iliac age-related changes were similar. The 95th percentile of the Tb.Th distribution increased significantly with age for women but was independent of age for men at the vertebral body, while it was independent of age for either sex at the iliac crest. The Tb.Th probability density functions at the two skeletal sites became significantly more similar with age for women, but not for men. The microstructural parameters at the iliac crest and the vertebral bodies were only moderately correlated from r = 0.38 for SMI in women to r = 0.75 for Tb.Sp in men. Age-related changes in vertebral and iliac bone microstructure were in general similar. The iliac

  19. Percutaneous vertebroplasty of the entire thoracic and lumbar vertebrate for vertebral compression fractures related to chronic glucocorticosteriod use: Case report and review of literature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tian, Qing Hwa; Wu, Chun Gen; Xiao, Quan; Ping; He, Cheng Jian; Gu, Yi Feng; Wang, Tao; Li, Ming Hua [Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People' s Hospital, Shanghai (China)


    Glucocorticosteroid-induced osteoporosis is the most frequent of all secondary types of osteoporosis, and can increase the risk of vertebral compression fractures (VCFs). There are promising additions to current medical treatment for appropriately selected osteoporotic patients. Few studies have reported on the efficiency of percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) or kyphoplasty for whole thoracic and lumbar glucocorticosteroid-induced osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. We report a case of a 67-year-old man with intractable pain caused by successional VCFs treated by PVP.

  20. Minimal invasive stabilization of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Methods and preinterventional diagnostics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grohs, J.G.; Krepler, P.


    Minimal invasive stabilizations represent a new alternative for the treatment of osteoporotic compression fractures. Vertebroplasty and balloon kyphoplasty are two methods to enhance the strength of osteoporotic vertebral bodies by the means of cement application. Vertebroplasty is the older and technically easier method. The balloon kyphoplasty is the newer and more expensive method which does not only improve pain but also restores the sagittal profile of the spine. By balloon kyphoplasty the height of 101 fractured vertebral bodies could be increased up to 90% and the wedge decreased from 12 to 7 degrees. Pain was reduced from 7,2 to 2,5 points. The Oswestry disability index decreased from 60 to 26 points. This effects persisted over a period of two years. Cement leakage occurred in only 2% of vertebral bodies. Fractures of adjacent vertebral bodies were found in 11%. Good preinterventional diagnostics and intraoperative imaging are necessary to make the balloon kyphoplasty a successful application. (orig.) [de

  1. Bias in phylogenetic reconstruction of vertebrate rhodopsin sequences. (United States)

    Chang, B S; Campbell, D L


    Two spurious nodes were found in phylogenetic analyses of vertebrate rhodopsin sequences in comparison with well-established vertebrate relationships. These spurious reconstructions were well supported in bootstrap analyses and occurred independently of the method of phylogenetic analysis used (parsimony, distance, or likelihood). Use of this data set of vertebrate rhodopsin sequences allowed us to exploit established vertebrate relationships, as well as the considerable amount known about the molecular evolution of this gene, in order to identify important factors contributing to the spurious reconstructions. Simulation studies using parametric bootstrapping indicate that it is unlikely that the spurious nodes in the parsimony analyses are due to long branches or other topological effects. Rather, they appear to be due to base compositional bias at third positions, codon bias, and convergent evolution at nucleotide positions encoding the hydrophobic residues isoleucine, leucine, and valine. LogDet distance methods, as well as maximum-likelihood methods which allow for nonstationary changes in base composition, reduce but do not entirely eliminate support for the spurious resolutions. Inclusion of five additional rhodopsin sequences in the phylogenetic analyses largely corrected one of the spurious reconstructions while leaving the other unaffected. The additional sequences not only were more proximal to the corrected node, but were also found to have intermediate levels of base composition and codon bias as compared with neighboring sequences on the tree. This study shows that the spurious reconstructions can be corrected either by excluding third positions, as well as those encoding the amino acids Ile, Val, and Leu (which may not be ideal, as these sites can contain useful phylogenetic signal for other parts of the tree), or by the addition of sequences that reduce problems associated with convergent evolution.

  2. Diagnosis of vertebral fractures on lateral chest X-ray: Intraobserver agreement of semi-quantitative vertebral fracture assessment.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Jagt-Willems, H.C.; van Munster, B.C.; Leeflang, M.; Beuerle, E.; Tulner, C.R.; Lems, W.F.


    Background In clinical practice lateral images of the chest are performed for various reasons. As these lateral chest X rays show the vertebrae of the thoracic and thoraco-lumbar region, we wondered if these X-rays can be used for evaluation of vertebral fractures instead of separate thoracic spine

  3. Evolution and Diversity of Transposable Elements in Vertebrate Genomes. (United States)

    Sotero-Caio, Cibele G; Platt, Roy N; Suh, Alexander; Ray, David A


    Transposable elements (TEs) are selfish genetic elements that mobilize in genomes via transposition or retrotransposition and often make up large fractions of vertebrate genomes. Here, we review the current understanding of vertebrate TE diversity and evolution in the context of recent advances in genome sequencing and assembly techniques. TEs make up 4-60% of assembled vertebrate genomes, and deeply branching lineages such as ray-finned fishes and amphibians generally exhibit a higher TE diversity than the more recent radiations of birds and mammals. Furthermore, the list of taxa with exceptional TE landscapes is growing. We emphasize that the current bottleneck in genome analyses lies in the proper annotation of TEs and provide examples where superficial analyses led to misleading conclusions about genome evolution. Finally, recent advances in long-read sequencing will soon permit access to TE-rich genomic regions that previously resisted assembly including the gigantic, TE-rich genomes of salamanders and lungfishes. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.

  4. Duplication of the vertebral artery: report of two cases and review of the literature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goddard, A.J.P.; Annesley-Williams, D.; Guthrie, J.A.; Weston, M.


    Duplication of the vertebral artery is rare. We report two cases in which it was an incidental finding. In the first, duplication of the right vertebral artery was demonstrated by magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and conventional angiography. The second patient had duplication of the right vertebral artery demonstrated by MRA. We discuss the origin of this abnormality, its radiological implications and its potential clinical significance are discussed. (orig.)

  5. Magnetic resonance tomography of the vertebral column and spinal canal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uhlenbrock, D.; Brueckmann, H.; Bunke, J.; Giesecke, J.; Heinzerling, J.; Kunze, V.; Mirvis, S.E.; Weidner, A.; Wolf, A.L.


    In addition to all the aspects pertinent to diagnostic procedures in the vertebral column and spinal canal this pocket book provides complete coverage of congenital and acquired disorders in the fields of orthopedics, neurology and neurosurgery - including malformations of the spinal canal, degenerative vertebral diseases, tumours, inflammatory changes and vascular diseases, to mention only a few. The authors discuss the question of how image qualities can be influenced and the most information obtained from the different pulse sequences. They outline future development trends and give advice on the reduction of artefacts. The principles that must be adhered to in surgical intervention and nmr imaging for the post-operative assessment of vertebral disk syndromes and tumours are just as important an issue here as is the information the surgeon expects to obtain through diagnostic nmr imaging and the recommendations to be given by the radiologist. (orig.) With 265 figs [de

  6. The role of contrast-enhanced digital subtraction MRI in the diagnosis of vertebral metastasic tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Yeyu; Yang Jun; Qi Weili; Liu Qize; Hong Bikai; Wu Renhua


    Objective: To evaluate the contrast-enhanced digital subtraction MRI in the diagnosis of vertebral metastasic tumors. Methods 66 vertebral metastasic tumors in 43 patients were examined with conventional MRI (T 1 WI, STIR and Contrast-enhanced T 1 WI) and contrast-enhanced digital subtraction MR imaging. All lesions were histologically proved. The quantity and characteristic imaging signs (including spiculation, bull eye sign and irregular edge) of lesions were detected separately by different sequences. K independent samples test was used. Results: The detection rates of 35 vertebral metastasic tumors with vertebral morphological changes were same in all MR sequences. But in the other 31 lesions without vertebral morphological changes, the detection rates were different and STIR was the highest in all sequences. Contrast-enhanced digital subtraction MRI was more sensitive than all the conventional MR sequences in finding characteristic imaging signs with statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Contrast enhanced subtraction MRI is an useful and convenient technique which has great value in finding vertebral metastasic tumors and depicting the characteristic imaging signs. (authors)

  7. Percutaneous vertebroplasty for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures with intraosseous cystic cavity phenomena

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Shicheng; Teng Gaojun; Deng Gang; Fang Wen; Guo Jinhe; Zhu Guangyu; Li Guozao; Shen Zhiping; Ding Huijuan


    Objective: To evaluate the key technique, short term clinical efficacy and degree of changes in vertebral body height for percutaneous vertebroplasty in treating patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures containing intraosseous cystic cavity phenomena. Methods: Thirty two vertebrae of painful compression fractures with intraosseous vacuum sign occurring in 27 patients were identified from 326 percutaneous vertebroplasties performed in 207 patients during 4 years. PVP was performed under C-arm fluoroscopy guidance only with local anesthesia. Intaosseous venography was performed on each vertebra by hand injection with non-ionic contrast agent, with CT monitoring after PMMA injection for the PMMA distribution in the vertebrae and looking for leakage. The heights of 32 vertebral bodies were measured before and after the vertebroplasty. The efficacy of PVP was evaluated during the follow-up. Results: The successful rate of PVP was 100%. Main appearance of vertebral venography showed cystic cavity-like, stasis of contrast medium within the marrow space of the fractured vertebra. 6.8 ml of PMMA in average was injected into each vertebra. CR, PR and NR were obtained respectively 66.7%, 18.5%, 14.8% mm centrally and 0.06 mm posteriorly. The heights restoration of vertebrae anteriorly and centrally were significantly different (P 0.05). No serious complications related to the technique occurred, except 3 cases with asymptomatic PMMA leakage around vertebrae demonstrated by CT. Conclusions: Significant pain relief and vertebral height restoration by PVP in the treatment of patients with painful vertebral compression fractures accompanied by intraosseous cysticavitary change, are promising with low-rate of PMMA leakage. The basic successful mechanism lies on the proper complete PMMA filling predicting through venography. (authors)

  8. Vertebral metastases with high risk of symptomatic malignant spinal cord compression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamamoto, Yasushi; Kataoka, Masaaki; Senba, Takatoshi


    To find vertebral metastases with high risk of symptomatic malignant spinal cord compression (MSCC), features of vertebral metastases caused motor deficits of the lower extremities were examined. From 2004 through 2006, 78 patients with metastases of the thoracic and/or the cervical spine were treated with radiation therapy (RT). Of these, 86 irradiated lesions in 73 patients were evaluable by magnetic resonance imaging and/or computed tomography at the initiation of RT and were reviewed retrospectively in this study. Twenty-eight patients (38%) had motor deficits at the initiation of RT. Assessed factors were age, sex, primary disease (lung, breast, digestive system and other cancer), lamina involvement, main level of tumor location and vertebral-body involvement. Incidence of motor deficits at the initiation of RT was 55% for lesions with lamina involvement and 5% for lesions without lamina involvement (P 0.9999, P=0.7798, P=0.1702 and P=0.366, respectively). Vertebral metastases with lamina involvement tended to cause symptomatic MSCC. Latent development of MSCC occurred more frequently in the MTS compared with other levels of the thoracic and the cervical spine. (author)

  9. Individualized management for intracranial vertebral artery dissecting aneurysms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    SHANG Yan-guo


    Full Text Available Objective To discuss the individualized management strategy for intracranial vertebral artery dissecting aneurysms. Methods Eighteen patients with intracranial vertebral artery dissecting aneurysms were treated with different surgical methods. Results Eighteen patients underwent different surgical treatment. Five patients underwent complete occlusion of the aneurysm and parent artery by coiling, 5 were treated by stent -assisted coiling (3 densely packed coiling and 2 non-densely packed coiling, 4 underwent stent-only therapy and 3 of them presented hemodynamic improvement after surgery, 3 were treated by direct surgical clipping, and 1 underwent occipital artery-posterior inferior cerebellar artery bypass. Two aneurysms ruptured immaturely, in which one patient died on the third day after operation and one patient occurred moderate disablity. Only 1 patient who underwent complete occlusion of aneurysm and parent artery presented temporarily ischemic symptoms. No adverse effects were seen in other patients. Seventeen patients were followed up for 1 month to 3 years, and all the aneurysms were stable. Conclusion There are many kinds of therapeutic methods for intracranial vertebral artery dissecting aneurysms. The patients should be treated according to several factors such as the clinical manifestations, aneurysm configuration, and relationship with the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. The treatment should be individualized.

  10. Neofunctionalization in vertebrates: the example of retinoic acid receptors.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hector Escriva


    Full Text Available Understanding the role of gene duplications in establishing vertebrate innovations is one of the main challenges of Evo-Devo (evolution of development studies. Data on evolutionary changes in gene expression (i.e., evolution of transcription factor-cis-regulatory elements relationships tell only part of the story; protein function, best studied by biochemical and functional assays, can also change. In this study, we have investigated how gene duplication has affected both the expression and the ligand-binding specificity of retinoic acid receptors (RARs, which play a major role in chordate embryonic development. Mammals have three paralogous RAR genes--RAR alpha, beta, and gamma--which resulted from genome duplications at the origin of vertebrates. By using pharmacological ligands selective for specific paralogues, we have studied the ligand-binding capacities of RARs from diverse chordates species. We have found that RAR beta-like binding selectivity is a synapomorphy of all chordate RARs, including a reconstructed synthetic RAR representing the receptor present in the ancestor of chordates. Moreover, comparison of expression patterns of the cephalochordate amphioxus and the vertebrates suggests that, of all the RARs, RAR beta expression has remained most similar to that of the ancestral RAR. On the basis of these results together, we suggest that while RAR beta kept the ancestral RAR role, RAR alpha and RAR gamma diverged both in ligand-binding capacity and in expression patterns. We thus suggest that neofunctionalization occurred at both the expression and the functional levels to shape RAR roles during development in vertebrates.

  11. Small vertebral cross-sectional area and tall intervertebral disc in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ponrartana, Skorn; Fisher, Carissa L.; Aggabao, Patricia C. [Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Department of Radiology, Children' s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Chavez, Thomas A. [Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Department of Pediatrics, Children' s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Broom, Alexander M.; Wren, Tishya A.L.; Skaggs, David L. [Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Children' s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Gilsanz, Vicente [Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Department of Radiology, Children' s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Department of Pediatrics, Children' s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Children' s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    When compared to boys, girls have smaller vertebral cross-sectional area, which conveys a greater spinal flexibility, and a higher prevalence of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. To test the hypothesis that small vertebral cross-sectional area and tall intervertebral disc height are structural characteristics of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Using multiplanar imaging techniques, measures of vertebral cross-sectional area, vertebral height and intervertebral disc height in the lumbar spine were obtained in 35 pairs of girls and 11 pairs of boys with and without adolescent idiopathic scoliosis of the thoracic spine matched for age, height and weight. Compared to adolescents without spinal deformity, girls and boys with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis had, on average, 9.8% (6.68 ± 0.81 vs. 7.40 ± 0.99 cm{sup 2}; P = 0.0007) and 13.9% (8.22 ± 0.84 vs. 9.55 ± 1.61 cm{sup 2}; P = 0.009) smaller vertebral cross-sectional dimensions, respectively. Additionally, patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis had significantly greater values for intervertebral disc heights (9.06 ± 0.85 vs. 7.31 ± 0.62 mm and 9.09 ± 0.87 vs. 7.61 ± 1.00 mm for girls and boys respectively; both P ≤ 0.011). Multiple regression analysis indicated that the presence of scoliosis was negatively associated with vertebral cross-sectional area and positively with intervertebral disc height, independent of sex, age and body mass index. We provide new evidence that girls and boys with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis have significantly smaller vertebral cross-sectional area and taller intervertebral disc heights - two major structural determinants that influence trunk flexibility. With appropriate validation, these findings may have implications for the identification of children at the highest risk for developing scoliosis. (orig.)

  12. Small vertebral cross-sectional area and tall intervertebral disc in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ponrartana, Skorn; Fisher, Carissa L.; Aggabao, Patricia C.; Chavez, Thomas A.; Broom, Alexander M.; Wren, Tishya A.L.; Skaggs, David L.; Gilsanz, Vicente


    When compared to boys, girls have smaller vertebral cross-sectional area, which conveys a greater spinal flexibility, and a higher prevalence of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. To test the hypothesis that small vertebral cross-sectional area and tall intervertebral disc height are structural characteristics of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Using multiplanar imaging techniques, measures of vertebral cross-sectional area, vertebral height and intervertebral disc height in the lumbar spine were obtained in 35 pairs of girls and 11 pairs of boys with and without adolescent idiopathic scoliosis of the thoracic spine matched for age, height and weight. Compared to adolescents without spinal deformity, girls and boys with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis had, on average, 9.8% (6.68 ± 0.81 vs. 7.40 ± 0.99 cm 2 ; P = 0.0007) and 13.9% (8.22 ± 0.84 vs. 9.55 ± 1.61 cm 2 ; P = 0.009) smaller vertebral cross-sectional dimensions, respectively. Additionally, patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis had significantly greater values for intervertebral disc heights (9.06 ± 0.85 vs. 7.31 ± 0.62 mm and 9.09 ± 0.87 vs. 7.61 ± 1.00 mm for girls and boys respectively; both P ≤ 0.011). Multiple regression analysis indicated that the presence of scoliosis was negatively associated with vertebral cross-sectional area and positively with intervertebral disc height, independent of sex, age and body mass index. We provide new evidence that girls and boys with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis have significantly smaller vertebral cross-sectional area and taller intervertebral disc heights - two major structural determinants that influence trunk flexibility. With appropriate validation, these findings may have implications for the identification of children at the highest risk for developing scoliosis. (orig.)

  13. The Sarmatian vertebrates from Draxeni (Moldavian Platform

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vlad Codrea


    Full Text Available Middle Miocene (Sarmatian vertebrates had been unearthed at Draxeni (Vaslui district. The site is located in the northern area of the Moldavian Platform. There, the sand belonging to Şcheia Formation (Bessarabian is mined in a restricted open pit. This sand is related to a littoral environment (shoreface and foreshore. Some of its levels are rich in mollusc debris. Vertebrate remains, carried into the Bessarabian brackish basin are present too, but in smaller amounts. Mastodon, rhinoceros, hipparionine, tortoise remains had been collected there over several years. All teeth and bones are isolated and bear the marks of intensive rolling by waves and currents. This assemblage is typical for the top of Bessarabian in Moldavia, i.e. soon after the first hipparionine invasion in this part of the Europe. This assemblage can be related to the base of MN 9 unit.

  14. Review of radiological scoring methods of osteoporotic vertebral fractures for clinical and research settings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oei, Ling [Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology, P.O. Box 2040 Ee21-75, CA, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI)-sponsored Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA), Rotterdam (Netherlands); Erasmus Medical Center, Departments of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology, P.O. Box 2040 Ee21-83, CA, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Rivadeneira, Fernando [Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology, P.O. Box 2040 Ee21-75, CA, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI)-sponsored Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA), Rotterdam (Netherlands); Erasmus Medical Center, Departments of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology, P.O. Box 2040 Ee5-79, CA, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Ly, Felisia; Breda, Stephan J. [Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology, P.O. Box 2040 Ee21-75, CA, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Erasmus Medical Center, Departments of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology, P.O. Box 2040 Ee21-83, CA, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Zillikens, M.C. [Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI)-sponsored Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA), Rotterdam (Netherlands); Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, ' s Gravendijkwal 230, CE, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Hofman, Albert [Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology, P.O. Box 2040 Ee21-75, CA, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI)-sponsored Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA), Rotterdam (Netherlands); Uitterlinden, Andre G. [Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology, P.O. Box 2040 Ee21-75, CA, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI)-sponsored Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA), Rotterdam (Netherlands); Erasmus Medical Center, Departments of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology, P.O. Box 2040 Ee5-75B, CA, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Krestin, Gabriel P.; Oei, Edwin H.G. [Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Radiology, ' s Gravendijkwal 230, CE, Rotterdam (Netherlands)


    Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease; vertebral fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures. Several radiological scoring methods using different criteria for osteoporotic vertebral fractures exist. Quantitative morphometry (QM) uses ratios derived from direct vertebral body height measurements to define fractures. Semi-quantitative (SQ) visual grading is performed according to height and area reduction. The algorithm-based qualitative (ABQ) method introduced a scheme to systematically rule out non-fracture deformities and diagnoses osteoporotic vertebral fractures based on endplate depression. The concordance across methods is currently a matter of debate. This article reviews the most commonly applied standardised radiographic scoring methods for osteoporotic vertebral fractures, attaining an impartial perspective of benefits and limitations. It provides image examples and discusses aspects that facilitate large-scale application, such as automated image analysis software and different imaging investigations. It also reviews the implications of different fracture definitions for scientific research and clinical practice. Accurate standardised scoring methods for assessing osteoporotic vertebral fractures are crucial, considering that differences in definition will have implications for patient care and scientific research. Evaluation of the feasibility and concordance among methods will allow establishing their benefits and limitations, and most importantly, optimise their effectiveness for widespread application. (orig.)

  15. Review of radiological scoring methods of osteoporotic vertebral fractures for clinical and research settings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oei, Ling; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Ly, Felisia; Breda, Stephan J.; Zillikens, M.C.; Hofman, Albert; Uitterlinden, Andre G.; Krestin, Gabriel P.; Oei, Edwin H.G.


    Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease; vertebral fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures. Several radiological scoring methods using different criteria for osteoporotic vertebral fractures exist. Quantitative morphometry (QM) uses ratios derived from direct vertebral body height measurements to define fractures. Semi-quantitative (SQ) visual grading is performed according to height and area reduction. The algorithm-based qualitative (ABQ) method introduced a scheme to systematically rule out non-fracture deformities and diagnoses osteoporotic vertebral fractures based on endplate depression. The concordance across methods is currently a matter of debate. This article reviews the most commonly applied standardised radiographic scoring methods for osteoporotic vertebral fractures, attaining an impartial perspective of benefits and limitations. It provides image examples and discusses aspects that facilitate large-scale application, such as automated image analysis software and different imaging investigations. It also reviews the implications of different fracture definitions for scientific research and clinical practice. Accurate standardised scoring methods for assessing osteoporotic vertebral fractures are crucial, considering that differences in definition will have implications for patient care and scientific research. Evaluation of the feasibility and concordance among methods will allow establishing their benefits and limitations, and most importantly, optimise their effectiveness for widespread application. (orig.)

  16. Comparison of vertebral morphometry in the lumbar vertebrae by T1-weighted sagittal MRI and radiograph

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomomitsu, Tatsushi; Murase, Kenya; Sone, Teruki; Fukunaga, Masao


    Purpose: In this study, we investigated the usefulness of T1-weighted sagittal MR images at the lumbar vertebrae in the vertebral morphometry, in comparison with lateral radiographs. Subjects and methods: The subjects were 42 men (mean age: 53.0 years) and 41 women (mean age: 57.9 years). Both MRI and radiography of the lumbar spine were performed within 1 month. The vertebral body heights and their ratios were measured by the semi-automatic measuring system. The frequency of a vertebral fracture and the absolute value of vertebral body height in both morphometry were compared. Results: Based on the criteria for prevalent vertebral fracture using vertebral height ratios, the vertebrae were classified into four groups. Group 1 was defined as the vertebrae without fracture (n = 347 vertebrae). Groups 2-4 were defined as the vertebrae with fracture; Group 2 by both MRI and X-ray morphometry (n = 17), Group 3 by MRI morphometry alone (n = 17), and Group 4 by X-ray morphometry alone (n = 4). The rate of prevalent vertebral fracture diagnosed by MRI morphometry (8.8%) was higher than that by X-ray morphometry (5.5%). In Group 1, the values of anterior and posterior vertebral height obtained by MRI morphometry were greater than those obtained by X-ray morphometry. On the other hand, the values of central vertebral height obtained by MRI morphometry were smaller than those obtained by X-ray morphometry. Conclusion: Severe biconcave deformity of vertebra can be detected by both MRI and X-ray morphometry, although mild biconcave deformity can be detected only by MRI morphometry

  17. Isolated anomalous origin of the vertebral artery from the common carotid artery. (United States)

    Kesler, William W; Sabat, Shyamsunder B


    Anomalous origins of the vertebral arteries are uncommon and typically associated with other abnormalities of the great vessels. We present a case of an isolated origin of the right vertebral artery from the ipsilateral common carotid artery detected using magnetic resonance angiography. Such variants can significantly affect endovascular and surgical planning.

  18. Causes and prevention of in-stent restenosis of vertebral artery origin after stenting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Huipin; Li Shenmao; Zhang Guangping


    Vertebral artery stenosis is an important cause of posterior circulation stroke. Vertebral artery stenosis most commonly occurs at its origin site. In recent years, balloon angioplasty and stent implantation have been widely employed in the treatment of vertebral artery origin stenosis. However, the long term outcome of stent implantation is affected by in-stent restenosis. Multiple contributory factors have been identified, but clear understanding of the overall underlying mechanism remains an enigma. With the development of pathophysiology, prevention and treatment methods of in-stent restenosis have been improved. In recent years, drug-eluting stents, radioactive stents and magnetic stents have been widely applied. To some extent, these stents and drug therapy can solve the problem of restenosis. This article aims to review the clinical application and the up-to-date research progresses in preventing and managing vertebral artery origin restenosis. (authors)

  19. Supine vs decubitus lateral patient positioning in vertebral fracture assessment. (United States)

    Paggiosi, Margaret Anne; Finigan, Judith; Peel, Nicola; Eastell, Richard; Ferrar, Lynne


    In vertebral fracture assessment (VFA), lateral scans are obtained with the patient positioned supine (C-arm densitometers) or lateral decubitus (fixed-arm densitometers). We aimed to determine the impact of positioning on image quality and fracture definition. We performed supine and decubitus lateral VFA in 50 postmenopausal women and used the algorithm-based qualitative method to identify vertebral fractures. We compared the 2 techniques for the identification of fractures (kappa analysis) and compared the numbers of unreadable vertebrae (indiscernible endplates) and vertebrae that were projected obliquely (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test). The kappa score for agreement between the VFA techniques (to identify women with vertebral fractures) was 0.84 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.68-0.99), and for agreement with fracture assessments made from radiographs, kappa was 0.76 (95% CI: 0.57-0.94) for both supine and decubitus lateral VFA. There were more unreadable vertebrae with supine lateral (48 vertebrae in supine lateral compared with 14 in decubitus lateral; p=0.001), but oblique projection was less common (93 vertebrae compared with 145 in decubitus lateral; p=0.002). We conclude that there were significantly different projection effects with supine and decubitus lateral VFA, but these differences did not influence the identification of vertebral fractures in our study sample. Copyright © 2012 The International Society for Clinical Densitometry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. The preliminary report on percutaneous vertebroplasty for cervical vertebral metastases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Gang; Jin Peng; Yi Yuhai; Xie Zonggui; Xie Zhiyong; Zhang Xuping; Zhang Dianxing


    Objective: To evaluate the treating effect of percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) for cervical vertebral metastasis, and to explore the cervical vertebral technique of percutaneous vertebroplasty. Methods: Eleven cases with single cervical vertebral metastasis underwent PVP, including C2 in 1 case, C3 in 2 cases, C4 in 4 cases, C5 in 3 cases, and C6 in 1 case. PVP was performed with the instruments and PMMA made in China. Anterolateral route was used under the guidance of fluoroscopy in 10 cases, and posterolateral route was used under the guidance of CT combined with fluoroscopy in 1 case of C 2 vertebra. PMMA was injected in the paste period. CT scans were performed before and after the procedures. Results: The successful puncturing of PVP was obtained in 100%. The percentage of lesion PMMA filling was more than 50% demonstrated by CT. The clinical data of 11 cases was followed up for 7 to 12 months. The rate of marked or complete pain relief was demonstrated in all cases (CR in 6 cases, PR in 5 cases) within 7 days, 7/10 in 6 months, and 5/9 in 12 months, respectively, after operation. There was no bleeding of the puncturing route or leakage of PMMA related complications with clinical performance. Conclusion: The clinical effect of percutaneous vertebroplasty for cervical vertebral metastasis was satisfied