
Sample records for color del zumo

  1. Propiedades físicas de naranja agria cocristalizada: efecto del pH, sólidos solubles y zumo adicionado

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    Ricardo David Andrade Pizarro


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar las condiciones de cocristalización del zumo de naranja agria con sacarosa, sobre las propiedades fisicoquímicas del producto obtenido. El zumo de naranja agria fue obtenido con un exprimidor mecánico y concentrado en un rota-evaporador. Se preparó un jarabe de sacarosa a 70 °Brix, el cual fue sometido a calentamiento y agitación de 1000 rpm, hasta que se observó una coloración blanca (118 oC. El zumo de naranja agria se adicionó al jarabe, y la mezcla fue sometida a agitación constante de 600 rpm, hasta observar la formación de un material sólido particulado. Los cocristales fueron secados, molturados y tamizados. A los cocristales secos se les determinó: humedad, densidad aparente, solubilidad, actividad de agua y el ángulo de reposo. Una alta proporción de zumo de naranja agria adicionada (20% y bajo contenido de sólidos solubles (50 °Brix producen cocristales con bajo contenido de humedad (2,59%, actividad de agua (0,52 y tiempo de solubilidad (69,4 s. El zumo de naranja agria concentrado con un pH de 4,5, produjo cocristales con bajos contenidos de humedad (1,96%. Los cocristales de zumo de naranja agria mostraron buenas características de reconstitución (alta solubilidad; sin embargo, presentaron alta humedad (2,5 a 4,5% y actividad de agua (0,508 a 0,798.

  2. Contenido de vitamina C en zumos de frutas envasados y naturales. Práctica de laboratorio interactiva.


    Milla González, Miguel; Espada Bellido, Estrella


    En esta práctica de laboratorio simulada se aplica el método oficial (método del 2,6-diclorofenolindofenol) para determinar el contenido en vitamina C (ácido ascórbico) en un zumo. Hay tres opciones de análisis: contenido en vitamina C en un zumo de marca comercial, contenido en vitamina C en un zumo de marca blanca y contenido en vitamina C en el zumo natural de naranja. Para cada caso, se hacen cinco determinaciones y se calcula el valor medio de vitamina C expresado en mg por 100 mililitro...

  3. Análisis del perfil de azúcares en la autentificación de zumos de frutas


    Úbeda Gallego, Ana


    El objetivo general ha sido estudiar el perfil de azúcares por HPAEC-PAD para la autentificación de zumos de frutas de naranja, manzana y piña. Este objetivo general se ha dividido en los siguientes objetivos parciales: 1. Optimizar el método de análisis de azúcares por HPAEC-PAD. Para ello se han ensayado distintas concentraciones de NaOH en la fase móvil y distinta velocidad de flujo. Se han analizando muestras de azúcares, zumos concentrados y zumos comerciales. 2. Determinar el p...

  4. Efecto del zumo de mandarina sobre el estrés oxidativo : estudio experimental y en patologías mediadas por radicales libres


    López Jaén, Ana Belén


    La justificación del presente estudio radica, básicamente, en el hecho de que el estrés oxidativo ha sido asociado con enfermedades no sólo degenerativas, como la aterosclerosis, sino también crónicas, como la obesidad. Además, en los últimos años han cobrado especial interés determinados compuestos con capacidad antioxidante, presentes principalmente en las frutas, verduras y sus derivados. Entre ellos, cabe destacar el zumo de mandarina que, a pesar de contener una gran cantidad de compuest...

  5. Efecto antioxidante y citoprotector del Solanum tuberosum (papa en la mucosa gástrica de animales de experimentación

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    Miguel Sandoval-Vegas


    Full Text Available Introducción: Existen alternativas terapéuticas con productos naturales oriundos usados de manera empírica en la población. Tal es el caso del zumo de papa (Solanum tuberosum usado para problemas de mucosa gástrica. Objetivos: Evaluar la capacidad antioxidante y el efecto citoprotector a la mucosa gástrica del zumo de papa (Solanum tuberosum. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima. Materiales biológicos: Solanum tuberosum, variedad Tomasa y ratas albinas machos. Métodos: Se administró vía oral post ayuno las fracciones de sobrenadante y sedimento del zumo de Solanum tuberosum. Una hora después se administró alcohol como injuria de mucosa gástrica. Por laparotomía abdominal se obtuvo el tejido gástrico. Se midió en la mucosa gástrica el estrés oxidativo por lipoperoxidación, la formación de moco por alcian blue y la protección midiendo la extensión del área lacerada en imagen digitalizada. Principales medidas de resultados: Capacidad antioxidante y efecto citoprotector a la mucosa gástrica. Resultados: El sobrenadante de la dosis 5 mL/ kg produjo mayor protección al estrés oxidativo; el precipitado en dosis 5 mL/kg presentó mayor producción de moco, sin superar al control. El precipitado 20 mL/kg produjo mayor citoprotección (73,8%. Conclusión: La fracción sobrenadante del zumo de la papa (Solanum tuberosum posee actividad de defensa antioxidante y la fracción del sedimento, mayor actividad citoprotectora de la mucosa gástrica.

  6. Dinámica de los plaguicidas en la naranja. Estudio de la degradación de los plaguicidas en la cáscara, pulpa y zumo de la naranja.


    García Gómez, José María


    Falta por incorporar las palabras clave La tesis “Dinámica de los plaguicidas en la naranja. Estudio de la degradación de los plaguicidas en la cáscara, pulpa y zumo de la naranja” se divide en tres fases de estudio. En una primera etapa se estudia la optimización de la extracción de plaguicidas. Utilizando acetato de etilo como extractante, se estudia la influencia de la variación de la constante dieléctrica así como la influencia del medio ácido. Para ello se estudia la adición de cl...


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    Full Text Available Las frutas son microhábitats importantes para una variedad de especies de levaduras en la naturaleza debido a su alta concentración de azúcares simples, bajo pH y la constante visita por insectos vectores. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal el aislamiento e identificación de las levaduras encontradas en los zumos de mora, piña y uva. La identificación de las cepas se realizó mediante el uso de técnicas moleculares. Primero se realizó el análisis RFLP del gen ribosomal 5,8s y sus espaciadores transcritos internos con las enzimas CfoI, HaeIII y HinfI, para establecer agrupaciones de acuerdo a los patrones de restricción. Posteriormente 28 cepas fueron seleccionadas como representantes de los grupos para secuenciar el dominio D1/D2 del gen ribosomal 26s y poder definir a que especie pertenecían los diferentes aislados. Adicionalmente se hizo una caracterización fisiológica parcial de cada una de las cepas. Finalmente se logró la identificación de 66 cepas levaduriformes, distribuidas en las siguientes especies: Hanseniaspora uvarum, Wickerhamomyces pijperi, Candida sp., Pichia kluyveri, Hansenia sporauvarum, Candida boidinii, Candida oleophila, Meyerozyma caribbica, Hanseniaspora pseudo guilliermondii, Pichia sp.1, Pichia sp.2, Candida pseudointermedia, Pichia membranifaciens, Issatchenkia terrícola y Candida azyma

  8. Effects of high-intensity pulsed electric fields on the bioactive compounds stability and enzymes of broccoli juice


    Sánchez Vega, Rogelio


    La presente tesis doctoral se centro en evaluar la influencia de los paramétros de procesamiento de HIPEF (intensidad de campo eléctrico, tiempo de tratamiento y polaridad) sobre los compuestos bioactivos (clorofilas, carotenoides, vitamina C y compuestos fenólicos totales), minerales, aminoácidos y enzimas (mirosinasa, polifenol oxidasa y lipoxigenasa) de zumo de brócoli. Los resultados del zumo de brócoli procesado con HIPEF fueron comparados con aquellos del zumo tratado tér...

  9. Línea de elaboración de zumo de naranja pasterizado y refrigerado de 6000 L/h en Lorquí (Murcia)


    Pérez Ayala, Marta


    El presente proyecto tiene por finalidad servir de base para el cálculo de los procesos productivos, así como de la ejecución y puesta en marcha de las instalaciones de una Industria de Fabricación y Envasado de Zumo de Naranja Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica

  10. Analysis of the Volatile Constituents of Irradiated Apple Juice; Analyse des Constituants Volatils des Jus de Pommes Irradies; Mezhdunarodnyj proekt po oblucheniyu fruktov i fruktovykh sokov; Analisis de los Componentes Volatiles de los Zumos de Manzana Irradiados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dubois, P.; Zenz, H.; Stehlik, G.; Kaindl, K. [Agence Europeenne pour l' Energie Nucleaire, Seibersdorf (Austria)


    Degree-Sign C (Head Space Technique de Weurman). Les identifications ont ete faites par comparaison des volumes de retention avec ceux de substances pures, et a l'aide de reactifs chimiques permettant d'eliminer certains constituants de la vapeur. Pour simplifier les analyses, les premiers essais ont porte sur des concentres de jus de pommes ne contenant plus de substances volatiles avant irradiation. Par irradiation, cinq aldehydes prennent naissance dans les jus de pommes: acetaldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, butyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde et capronaldehyde; mais trois seulement dans les jus concentres; acetaldehyde, isobutyraldehyde et isovaleraldehyde. De plus, la 2-butanone apparait dans les jus concentres, mais le pic qui lui correspond sur les chroma- togrammes est entierement masque par celui de l'ethanol dans le cas des jus non concentres. Par ailleurs on a mis en evidence les formations de furane et de deux composes qui n'apparaissent qu'a l'etat de traces et qui n'ont pas pu etre identifies a ce jour. Des resultats analogues ont ete obtenus par pasteurisation, telle qu'elle est realisee par embouteillage a chaud. (author) [Spanish] Los estudios organolepticos y los ensayos de inocuidad que se realizan dentro del marco del proyecto internacional de investigaciones sobre la conservacion de frutas y zumos de fruta por irradiacion (Seibersdorf) hacen indispensable el analisis de las sustancias aromaticas de los zumos irradiados y no irradiados. Las sustancias volatiles de los zumos de manzana irradiados han sido analizados por cromatografia en fase gaseosa, inyectando directamente los vapores que emiten a la temperatura ambiente y a 60 Degree-Sign C (tecnica 'Head Space' , de Weurman). Las identificaciones se han efectuado comparando los volumenes de retencion con los de sustancias puras y eliminando ciertos constituyentes del vapor con reactivos quimicos. Para simplificar los analisis, los primeros ensayos se han efectuado con concentrados de zumos de manzana que no

  11. Evolución del desarrollo del color en sistema modelo de composición similar al dulce de leche. Influencia del tiempo de calentamiento y del Ph

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    Analía Rodríguez Blanco


    Full Text Available El color es un atributo importante en la elección del producto dulce de leche por parte del consumidor. El mismo se desarrolla en el proceso de elaboración debido principalmente a las reacciones de pardeamiento no enzimático, las cuales se ven influenciadas por varios factores. En este trabajo se evaluó el desarrollo de color, con el tiempo de tratamiento térmico y el pH inicial como variables tecnológicas, en un sistema modelo compuesto de caseinato, lactosa, sacarosa y agua destilada cuya composición fue similar a la del dulce de leche comercial. El estudio del color se realizó utilizando los parámetros de medición de color del sistema CIELAB y el índice de Kubelka Munk (K/S. Con ambos métodos se constató un aumento significativo del dE*ab y del K/S con el tiempo de tratamiento térmico y el pH inicial. Con el sistema CIELAB además se observó una tendencia a disminuir la luminosidad con el tiempo y el aumento del pH inicial, y el aumento de a* con el tiempo.

  12. Análisis del color en los websites de productos sobre flamenco.

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    Mª Antonia Hurtado Guapo


    Full Text Available El flamenco se ha convertido en los últimos años en un nicho de mercado en alza, tanto en España como fuera de ella. Teniendo en cuenta esto y la ya demostrada importancia del comercio electrónico, proliferan en Internet los sitios webs donde se venden, o al menos se exponen para su posterior venta, productos relacionados con el mundo del flamenco. El objetivo de esta investigación es el análisis del color de los websites de productos sobre flamenco, atendiendo a la percepción social y cultural del mismo, para orientar al diseñador web en el uso de los mismos en las páginas webs que realice con enfoque empresarial. En el siguiente estudio, se realiza una recuperación de tiendas en línea de venta de productos de flamenco exclusivamente, recuperándose 108 websites en el año 2014. Una vez localizadas las mismas se procede al análisis del color predominante como parte de la primera fase del comportamiento humano de la información. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el color elegido para el diseño de los sitios son el blanco (18,5%, seguido del negro (13% y el gris (10,2%. Se concluye que el color es una característica muy importante a tener en cuenta por el diseñador de tiendas on line de productos de flamenco.

  13. Color del iris e hipoacusia en el Síndrome de Waardenburg. Pinar del Río, Cuba Color of the iris and hypoacusis in Waardenburg Syndrome. Pinar del Rio, Cuba

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    Fidel Castro Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Aunque se han descrito hipoacusia neurosensorial y cambios de color en el iris, la relación entre estos no ha sido estudiada previamente. Objetivos: Describir y analizar la posible asociación de la hipoacusia y profundidad de ésta con el color del iris en una familia afectada con el síndrome, lo que constituiría un nuevo aporte al conocimiento del Síndrome de Waardenburg (SW. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio de casos, observacional, transversal y descriptivo con algunos aspectos analíticos en personas con SW del Municipio Sandino. Se utilizaron las medidas de resumen para variables cualitativas y la prueba de X² para medir asociación al 95 % de certeza. Resultados: 15 individuos presentaron hipoacusia neurosensorial de diferentes distribución e intensidad, con predominio de los ojos pardos y azules bilaterales. Se detectó mayor frecuencia de individuos hipoacúsicos entre los que tenían ojos azules con asociación entre las dos variables (X²= 6,47, gl = 1; p = 0.01. La intensidad de la hipoacusia fue mayor entre los individuos con ojos azules (85.7 % con hipoacusia severa o profunda 3 veces superior que en los otros colores de los ojos. Conclusiones: Existe relación entre el color azul del iris y la presencia de la hipoacusia y mayor intensidad de esta última en individuos con SW.Background: Although sensorineural hearing loss and iris pigmentary changes have been described, the association between these two elements has not been previously studied. Objectives: to describe and analyze the possible association of hypoacusis and the intensity of this with the color of the iris in a family suffering from this syndrome; which will constitute a new contribution to the understanding of Waardenburg Syndrome (WS. Material and Method: an observational, cross-sectional and descriptive case-study was carried out having some analytic aspects in people suffering from WS in Sandino municipality, Pinar del Rio. Measures

  14. Aplicación combinada de sonicación y aceites esenciales en la conservación de zumos naturales de fruta


    Sánchez Rubio, Marta


    Objetivos: Estudiar el efecto de la sonicación combinada con temperaturas moderadas y con antimicrobianos naturales sobre la inactivación de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli O157:H7 5297 y Listeria monocytogenes LM82, en zumos naturales (ZNs) y su posterior supervivencia en condiciones de refrigeración. Estudiar el efecto de estos tratamientos sobre las propiedades físico-químicas, el contenido en compuestos bioactivos, la actividad antioxidante y la microflora natural de ZNs y la p...

  15. Efecto del color y de la densidad del polietileno de fundas para cubrir el racimo sobre dimensiones, presentación y calidad poscosecha de frutos de banano y plátano

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    Alfonso Vargas


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del color (azul, verde y rojo y densidad (baja y alta del polietileno de fundas protectoras del racimo de Musa en 4 experimentos de banano (Musa AAA y en 1 de plátano (Musa AAB realizados en fincas comerciales del Caribe de Costa Rica. El peso del racimo y el intervalo de días del embolse a la cosecha no difirieron entre los colores (p>0,4116 ni entre las densidades (p>0,2583 de las fundas. La apariencia del racimo presentó diferencias entre colores (p0,0669 y densidades (p>0,2370 de las fundas. La longitud del fruto central de las manos antes mencionadas tampoco presentó diferencias entre colores (p>0,1446 y solo varió con la densidad en la segunda y cuarta mano del experimento 3 (p0,0899 y entre las densidades (p>0,0606 de las fundas. El porcentaje de acidez presentó diferencias (p<0,0001 entre colores solamente en el experimento 1. Los resultados indican que generalmente, bajo las condiciones agroclimáticas y de manejo propias de Caribe costarricense, no hubo efecto del color ni de la densidad del polietileno evaluados sobre los racimos y frutos de banano y plátano.

  16. La strana storia della luce e del colore

    CERN Document Server

    Guzzi, Rodolfo


    Sino al 1600 la luce era oggetto di studio degli scienziati ed il colore dei filosofi. Questa dicotomia fu superata dall’Esperimentum Crucis di Newton che spiego’ come la luce contenesse il colore. Il libro analizza le teorie che furono sviluppate dai greci, per evolversi successivamente nelle teorie degli scienziati arabi e approdare al medio evo. Con l’Esperimentum Crucis Newton dimostro’ che la luce conteneva i colori primari. Tra gli esperimenti che egli fece ci furono anche quelli sulla percezione che risultarono sbagliati; solo Goethe capi’ quale era la vera portata di quegli esperimenti e li rifece dando una interpretazione che, oggi, sappiamo essere vera, ma che a quel tempo fu alquanto osteggiata. Nel frattempo la comunita’ scientifica progrediva sul concetto di visione e di sensazione, poiche’ gli strumenti di indagine si raffinavano. Bisogna pero’ arrivare ai giorni nostri per avere una spiegazione sul comportamento della luce e del colore e come questa viene percepita da noi. Solo ...

  17. Asignación del color en modelos tridimensionales

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    Vicente Domínguez


    Full Text Available Hoy en día los sensores tridimensionales de última generación proporcionan información geométrica con un alto grado de precisión. En el proceso de construcción de un modelo digital, la información colorimétrica es añadida a través de cámaras de color, externas o integradas en el propio sensor 3D. Así, se obtiene una información completa (geometría+color para cada toma de la escena. Sin embargo, la fusión de información de color desde distintos puntos de vista es un problema que los sistemas digitalizadores actuales no resuelven satisfactoriamente. El presente trabajo se centra en el desarrollo de algoritmos que permitan obtener modelos digitales 3D completos, dedicando especial atención al problema de integración de texturas para diferentes posiciones del sensor 3D.


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    Full Text Available El color es uno de los parámetros más importantes a la hora de medir la calidad de productos que van a ser procesados a partir del pimentón rojo (Capsicum annuum, para la fabricación de condimentos, colorantes, conservas y aderezos. En este estudio, se evaluó el efecto del procesamiento térmico (freído y conserva con respecto al cambio de color y los carotenoides en frutos de pimentón rojo. Para el freído se utilizó aceite de soya a una temperatura de 175°C por 5 min; en la elaboración de la conserva, se realizó un proceso de escaldado y pasteurización a 100°C durante 15 min. Después de los tratamientos térmicos (freído y conserva la concentración de carotenoides totales y el color superficial en los frutos de pimentón rojo se afectaron significativamente. El proceso de freído obtiene los valores medios más altos de unidades ASTA (72,214, Carotenoides Totales (95,464, L* (38,26 y a* (34,13. La conserva registró los atributos más altos de color b* (21,81, h° (30,42, IP (145,40 y ΔE* (4,56-31,84. Estos resultados evidencian que el freído es una operación que mejora el atributo de color, al aumentar la disponibilidad de carotenoides e incrementar el color superficial a*.

  19. Influencia del uso de complejos enzimáticos en la segunda centrifugación de pastas de aceitunas

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    Jackisch, Björn Oliver


    Full Text Available Virgin olive oil is a natural fruit juice that conserves the flavor, aroma, vitamins and all the properties of the fruit from which it comes, being, in addition, the only vegetal oil that can be consumed as “virgin” or completely unrefined. The extraction of the juice from the olive is carried out exclusively by mechanical means in the first centrifugation step, in order to obtain directly consumable virgin olive oil. The use of enzymatic complexes in the process of a second centrifugation step has been contemplated in order to obtain a greater yield of refinable virgin oil.With this work, we attempt to demonstrate an increase in the yield of oil extraction with the use of an enzymatic complex in the second centrifugation and to confirm that its use does not affect the quality of the oils obtainedEl aceite de Oliva Virgen es un zumo de fruta natural que conserva el paladar, perfume, vitaminas y todas las propiedades del fruto del que procede, siendo, además, el único aceite vegetal que puede consumirse directamente virgen y crudo. Se defiende la elaboración del zumo de aceituna por medios exclusivamente mecánicos en la primera centrifugación, para obtener aceites de oliva vírgenes directamente consumibles, pero se contempla el uso de complejos enzimáticos en los procesos de segunda centrifugación, para incrementar los rendimientos en la obtención de aceites vírgenes refinables.Pretendemos demostrar con este trabajo que el uso de un complejo enzimático en la segunda centrifugación aumenta el rendimiento del aceite y, al mismo tiempo, confirmar que su uso no tiene efecto en los parámetros de calidad de los aceites obtenidos

  20. Estudio de la inactivación por ultra alta presión de homogeneización de microorganismos en alimentos líquidos. Valoración de los procesos de limpieza y desinfección del equipo


    Briñez Zambrano, Wilfido José


    Descripció del recurs: el 31 d'agost 2006 Consultable des del TDX El objetivo principal de esta Tesis Doctoral fue evaluar la inactivación bacteriana usando Ultra Alta Presión de Homogeneización (UHPH) a 300 + 30 MPa de las cepas Listeria innocua ATCC 33090, Escherichia coli ATCC 10536, Escherichia coli O157:H7 CCUG 44857, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 13565 y Staphylococcus carnosus CECT 4491 inoculadas en leche entera, leche desnatada y zumo de naranja. También, intentamos estudiar el ef...

  1. Efecto del proceso de acidificación sobre el color de queso cottage

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    Ramiro Vargas-Uscategui


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el cambio en la coloración del queso cottage elaborado a partir de diferentes vías de acidificación (enzimática y química. La investigación se realizó en los laboratorios de la Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia, entre los años 2014 y 2015. Para el queso elaborado por medio de coagulación enzimática, es decir, el “queso control”, se empleó cultivo láctico y cuajo microbiano (CC, y para la elaboración del queso por la vía química se usaron soluciones de ácido cítrico (AC y ácido fosfórico (AF. Se determinaron las propiedades fisicoquímicas y se analizó el comportamiento del color durante nueve días de almacenamiento. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en acidez y humedad para los tres coagulantes. En el plano cromático, los puntos final e inicial de las coordenadas a* y b* estuvieron muy cercanos entre sí, lo que indica que el cambio de color se debió principalmente a los cambios en la luminosidad. La velocidad de disminución de la luminosidad para los tres quesos se ajustó correctamente a cinéticas de orden cero y uno. Las de primer orden presentaron mayores valores de coeficientes de correlación lineal (R, AC: 0,8410±0,0533; AF: 0,8390±0,0847 y CC: 0,8717±0,0256. La cinética de cambio de color también se ajustó correctamente al modelo cinético de orden cero y uno, es decir, no hubo diferencia significativa (p<0,05 entre estos resultados. Sin embargo, la velocidad de cambio de color para los tres quesos presentó un ajuste levemente mayor para la cinética de orden cero, según los resultados del coeficiente de correlación lineal (R, AC: 0,8800±0,0205; AF: 0,8543±0,0099 y CC: 0,7982±0,0605.

  2. Percepciones del color y de la forma de los empaques: una experiencia de aprendizaje

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    Ana María Arboleda Arango


    Full Text Available midores al color y a la forma de los productos se crea a partir de su experiencia con los empaques y con el uso del producto. Este estudio analiza tal premisa de manera exploratoria, utilizando la metodología cualitativa de grupos focales. Así, los resultados sugieren que el hábito y la familiaridad del consumidor predisponen la búsqueda de ciertas características, en cuanto color y forma, que le permiten identificar el producto, sus atributos y su utilidad. Finalmente, dada la generalización que el consumidor hace de los símbolos, se recomienda conservar en los empaques códigos propios de la categoría para garantizar el reconocimiento del producto y evitar confusiones con los de otras categorías. Ante empaques con características diferentes a las de la categoría, se deben diseñar estrategias de comunicación para procurar el aprendizaje de nuevos símbolos.

  3. Estimation of the nopal cactus (Opuntia cochenillifera for color removal in drinking water Evaluación de la tuna (Opuntia cochenillifera para la remoción del color en agua potable

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    Joaquín Jiménez Antillón


    Full Text Available The efficiency of nopal cactus to remove color in river and artificial waters for human consumption was evaluated. The performance of nopal was compared with that of aluminum sulfate coagulant and a cationic flocculant.The river water was cha- racterized by high color, low turbidity, alkalinity and hardness, and a high percentage of dissolved oxygen. The cactus leaves showed no activity as unique coa- gulant to be evaluated only in river water. In artificial water, as a sole treatment (45 mg/l, an efficiency of 94% in color removal was observed, slightly higher than that of the conventional treatment (20 mg/l Al2 (SO43 and 2 mg/l of cationic flocculant with a removal of 89%. However, water treated with nopal left a residual COD value doubled (21 mg/l compared to con- ventional treatment. In the treatment of artificial water, nopal as a flocculant showed a color removal of 92% and a residual COD of 31.5 mg /l applied at a dose of 22.5 mg/l and 7 mg/l of Al2 (SO43. The nopal was not very effective to remove the color produced by humic substances in waters of low turbidity and alkalinity, but its applicability as a coagulant/flocculant in waters of high turbidity and alkalinity is promising. It is recommended to extract the active ingredients of natural products to reduce the organic load of treated water and prevent the formation of disin- fection byproducts.El estudio evaluó la eficiencia del cactus de la tuna para remover el color en agua de río y agua artificial para el consumo humano. Se comparó su desem- peño con el coagulante sulfato de aluminio y un floculante catiónico. El agua fluvial se caracterizó por presentar alto color, baja turbidez, alcalinidad y dureza y alto porcentaje de oxígeno disuelto. Las hojas de tuna no mostraron actividad como coagulante único al ser evaluadas en agua de río. Se observó una eficiencia de remoción de color del 94% en agua artificial, cuando se aplicó como tratamiento único (45 mg/l, poco

  4. Evaluación de herramientas de simulación y estudio de las preferencias del color en daltónicos dicrómatas


    Álvaro Llorente, Leticia


    Los observadores con visión normal del color (tricrómatas normales) poseen tres tipos de conos retinianos, que responden máximamente a las longitudes de onda larga (conos L), media (M) y corta (S). Los dicromatismos rojo-verde son alteraciones genéticas de la visión del color en las que, aparte del fotopigmento presente en los conos S, únicamente existe otro tipo de fotopigmento, el que contienen los conos L (deuteranopia) o M (protanopia). Afectan a un 2% de los varones y conllevan una discr...

  5. olor changes and 5-hydroxymethyl furfural formation in zile pekmezi during storage

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    Tosun, Ilkay


    Full Text Available Zile pekmezi (white hard pekmez is a traditional Turkish food which is produced from grape juice. Color, flavour and 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF contents are the most important quality parameters in Zile pekmezi. Browning is the most common quality problem in pekmez. In this study, reaction orders, rate constants and activation energies were evaluated for HMF formation and color difference ( ? E variation in Zile pekmezi stored at 55, 65 and 75 °C over 9 days. The results indicated that HMF formation and ?E variation during thermal processing of Zile pekmezi followed zero order reaction kinetics at 55, 65 and 75 °C . Calculated activation energy for HMF and ?E were 158.63 kJ mol-1 and 40.04 kJ mol-1, respectively.El Zile pekmezi (pekmez duro blanco es un alimento turco tradicional que se produce a partir del zumo del uva. El color, el sabor y el contenido en 5-hidroximetilfurfural (HMF son los parámetros de calidad más importantes en el Zile pekmezi. El pardeaminto es el problema más común que afecta a la calidad del pekmez. En este estudio se evalúa la cinética de formación del HFM determinándose los ordenes de reacción, las constantes de formación y la energía de activación así como las variaciones en las diferencias de color (?E en Zile Pekmezi, almacenado a 55, 65 y 75 °C durante 9 días. Los resultados indicaron que la formación de HMF y la variación del color durante el proceso termal del Zile pekmezi siguieron una cinética de orden cero. Las energías de activación calculadas para HMF y el ?E fueron de 158.63 kJ mol-1 y 40.04 kJ mol-1, respectivamente.

  6. The UV-VIS spectrophotometry applied to color and stability study in colored mortars

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    Alejandre, F. J.


    Full Text Available In the field of methodologies for color studying, a research of it has been done on colored mortars by applying uv-vis spectrophotometry, instrumental technique which can be used for solid materials works, and previously applied to building materials study. Results obtained show that the mentioned technique permits to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively colors in an easy and objective way, besides nowadays advantages of the instrumental analysis: digital color register, computerized data processing, and precision and exactness increment in chromatic comparisons.

    Dentro de las metodologías existentes para el estudio del color, se ha realizado una investigación del mismo en morteros coloreados por medio de la espectrofotometría UV-VIS, técnica instrumental que es adaptable al trabajo con materiales sólidos, y que ha sido aplicada anteriormente en el estudio de diversos materiales de construcción. Los resultados obtenidos muestran cómo la citada técnica permite además de evaluar cualitativamente y cuantitativamente los colores de forma sencilla y objetiva, el disponer de las ventajas que conlleva actualmente el análisis instrumental: registro digital del color, tratamiento informatizado de datos y aumento de precisión y exactitud en las comparaciones cromáticas.

  7. Matar negros, hacer blancos : los colores y los nombres del enemigo en las guerras civiles de la España contemporánea

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    Jordi Canal


    Full Text Available La guerra civil, omnipresente en numerosos países europeos a lo largo del siglo XIX, estuvo presidida por una guerra de colores. La lucha entre revolucionarios y contrarrevolucionarios se representó en colores, frecuentemente en fuerte contraste. Desde uno u otro bando, los colores y los nombres de colores eran usados para identificarse y reconocerse y para identificar al oponente y distinguirse de él. En este artículo se encontrarán algunas aproximaciones a la utilización de nombres de colores para identificar a revolucionarios y contrarrevolucionarios en España en el siglo XIX y parte del siglo XX.The civil war, omnipresent in many Europeans countries through out the XIX century, was presided by a war of colors. The fight between revolutionaries and counterrevolutionaries was represented by colors, frequently in a sharp contrast. For each side, colors, and names of colors were used for identifying and recognizing, and for distinguishing themselves from their opponents and to identify them. In this article you will find some approximations for the use of names of colors that identified revolutionaries and counterrevolutionaries in Spain in the XIX century and part of the XX century.

  8. Estudio in vivo del efecto del consumo de zumo de tomate sobre el metabolismo lipídico en el hígado


    Martín-Pozuelo del Pozo, Gala


    Introducción: La enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico (NAFLD) es la alteración hepática de mayor prevalencia en los países occidentales y se caracteriza principalmente por la acumulación de lípidos en el hígado en ausencia de un consumo excesivo de alcohol. La obesidad, diabetes tipo 2, dislipemia e hipertensión suponen importantes factores de riesgo, hasta tal punto que la NAFLD es considerada la manifestación hepática del síndrome metabólico. La fisiopatología de la NAFDL comprende alt...

  9. Taller sobre el color y su medición


    Alonso Felipe, Jose Vicente


    El color y su medición siempre han despertado la curiosidad del ser humano y han ido adquiriendo importancia significativa desde hace mucho tiempo como consecuencia del desarrollo industrial, tanto desde el punto de vista de la física del color como desde la psicología del color. Son muchos los sectores industriales donde su cuantificación y control son de importancia significativa, no hay nada más que pensar en el campo de la automoción, textil, industria del plástico, industria de pintur...

  10. Las experiencias de José Celestino Mutis sobre el uso del guaco como antiofídico

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    Alzate Echeverri, Adriana María


    Full Text Available This article intends to explore the germinal process to validate and «legitimate» an indigenous knowledge towards a therapeutic aim. It tells about a current traditional healing practice: the cure for the bite of snake, by inoculating the juice of a plant called guaco. Various representatives of the cultural elite in the New-Grenade participate in this process, they reveal the enligthened reason in the vice monarchy of the New-Grenade at the end of the 18th century.

    Este artículo busca explorar el germinal proceso de validación y de legitimación de un saber indígena con fines terapéuticos. Se trata de una corriente práctica curativa tradicional: la «cura» contra la mordedura de serpiente mediante la inoculación del zumo de una planta llamada guaco. Participan en este proceso varios representantes de la élite cultural neogranadina, pregoneros de la razón ilustrada en el virreinato de la Nueva Granada a finales del siglo XVIII.

  11. Caracterización del color de los aceites de oliva vírgenes de cultivares catalanes

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    Tous Martí, J.


    Full Text Available Colour variation of virgin oil from 34 olive cultivars growing in Catalonia (Spain was analyzed by the ABT (Bromthymol Blue modified method. In addition, the preferences of consumers in the Denomination of Origin Siurana (Tarragona were studied, in relation to coloration. The results obtained show that varietal differences exist in the colour index studied and that the commercial preferences vary according to the oil markets.

    Se analizan mediante el método ABT (Azul de Bromotimol modificado, las variaciones del color de los aceites vírgenes provenientes de 34 variedades de olivo cultivadas en Cataluña y, al mismo tiempo, se estudian las preferencias de los consumidores de la Denominación de Origen Siurana (Tarragona, en cuanto a tonalidades de color. Los resultados obtenidos indican que existen diferencias varietales en los índices de color estudiados y que las preferencias comerciales varían según los mercados oleícolas.

  12. Fábrica de colores la vida del inventor Guillermo González Camarena

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    Chimal, Carlos


    Carlos Chimal narra en Fábrica de colores la vida del inventor mexicano Guillermo González Camarena, quien diseñó uno de los primeros sistemas de trasmisión a color para la televisión. En los capítulos I y II relata los antecedentes familiares, sociales y tecnológicos que fomentaron su precoz interés por la electricidad y la electrónica; mientras que en los tres siguientes capítulos presenta los principales avances tecnológicos que le dieron fama mundial, así como el papel que jugó en el desarrollo de la radiodifusión en México. Finalmente, el epílogo de esta obra rememora su trágica muerte, a los 48 años de edad, en un accidente automovilístico.

  13. Más allá del color: proyecto etnoeducativo en la Institución Educativa Lorgia de Arco

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    Jhame Álvarez Mangones


    Full Text Available Más allá del color: proyecto etnoeducativo en la Instituición Educativa Lorgia de Arco, en Santander de la Cruz, municipio de Moñitos, es un trabajo de sistematización sobre la implementación del proceso etnoeducativo afrocolombiano según el decreto 804 de 1995, encaminado a la construcción colectiva de un proyecto global de vida como propuesta alternativa de desarrollo comunitario endógeno con participación de la comunidad en general. Con base en el enfoque epistemológico crítico social, este trabajo reconstruye un proceso étnico, social y pedagógico, basado en el empoderamiento legal y pedagógico de una comunidad que logró, a partir de talleres y prácticas de campo, construir poco a poco sus prácticas institucionales, etnoeducativas, estrategias pedagógicas y didácticas que permitieron apropiarse de un modelo didáctico ambiental fundamentado en ejes problémicos de identidad, cultura ambiental, calidad de vida y desarrollo comunitario, como un devenir social más allá del color, en la perspectiva de los derechos humanos en contextos pedagógicos de acciones afirmativas.

  14. Color tejido


    Rius Tormo, Palmira


    Póster presentado en el IX Congreso Nacional del Color, Alicante, 29-30 junio, 1-2 julio 2010. La exposición que se propone tiene como núcleo principal el color y muestra las posibilidades expresivas que aporta a los diferentes materiales. Las 7 obras presentadas buscan la armonía estética y la fuerza simbólica.


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    Jennifer Katiusca Castro Camacho

    Full Text Available Se desarrolló el análisis de las coordenadas colorimétricas de imágenes digitales en muestras de frutos de guayaba pera (Psidium guajava cv. Guayaba pera para tres tipos de cosecha: recolección tradicional 120 días después de la floración T1, recolección temprana 112 días después de la floración T2 y recolección temprana 110 días después de la floración T3, los tres tratamientos fueron almacenados en condiciones ambientales con temperatura de 26 °C y humedad relativa del 58% y en ambiente refrigerado con temperatura de 7,5 °C y humedad relativa del 85%. Para la determinación del color se utilizaron dos espacios de color: RGB y CIE-L*a*b*, cada uno de estos espacios describió el color de la piel usando tres componentes que permitieron comparar la evolución de cada uno de éstos durante la etapa de poscosecha. Los resultados presentaron una evolución típica desde el verde intenso, recién recolectado, hacia colores verdes claros amarillosos. Las coordenadas encontradas permiten la reproducción de los colores de la evolución de la madurez en dispositivos de impresión configurados en coordenadas RGB. De los parámetros fisicoquímicos evaluados, la tasa de respiración de los frutos es lo que más se correlaciona con el cambio de coloración durante la etapa de poscosecha.

  16. Remoción de color de los lixiviados del relleno sanitario la Esmeralda por adsorción sobre carbón activado


    Benavides Benavides, Lilia del Pilar; Posada Giraldo, Ronald Edwin


    En el presente trabajo se abordan los estudios acerca de la problemática de la refinación de los lixiviados del relleno sanitario. La Esmeralda (lixiviado viejo que no tiene ningún tratamiento previo y los efluentes del tratamiento biológico del reactor UASB y del filtro anaerobio de flujo ascendente dispuestos en serie) por proceso de adsorción con carbón activado en reactor discontinuo para la remoción de color. Este estudio se desarrollo dentro de la tercera etapa de la investigación sobre...

  17. Los colores de las conchas marinas en el antiguo occidente de México. El caso del Posclásico Seashell color in ancient western Mexico. The case of the Postclassic

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    Luis Gómez-Gastélum


    Full Text Available A partir de los estudios sobre la cosmovisión mesoamericana -en especial aquellos relacionados con el cuerpo humano y las significaciones del color-, se analizan los patrones de uso de las conchas marinas y los objetos elaborados con éstas en las sociedades prehispánicas del occidente de México durante el periodo Posclásico (1100-1350 d.C., con la finalidad de acercarse al simbolismo que les fueron otorgados por parte de quienes las utilizaron.Based on studies of Mesoamerican cosmology, especially with regard to the human body and the meaning of color, we analyzed the use patterns of seashells and objects made from seashells in the Pre-Hispanic societies of western Mexico in the Postclassic period (1100-1530 A.D.. The goal was to understand the symbolism given to these objects by the people who utilized them.

  18. El color del miedo bajo el desorden del paisaje urbano en la Ciudad de México y la zona metropolitana

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    José Luis Cisneros


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de un estudio exploratorio realizado en el 2008, sobre la percepción de la inseguridad en los pobladores de la Ciudad de México y la zona metropolitana, en el cual se utilizó la técnica del uso del color para relacionar la inseguridad con el espacio urbano, con el propósito de mostrar que los miedos no solo orbitan en las inmediaciones de las experiencias cotidianas, sino que, por el contrario, se alimentan de imaginarios sociales y mitos urbanos. Con estas líneas se pretende explorar la percepción de la inseguridad desde otras latitudes, despegándose de los estudios tradicionales de victimización, que si bien han servido para estudiar la criminalidad en México, como alternativa a las estadísticas oficiales, son apenas unos cuantos.

  19. Relaciones entre el tamaño del pelo, el color de la piel y mucosas externas con la producción lechera en condiciones tropicales

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    Manrique P. Luis Phanor


    Full Text Available

    El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar las relaciones entre el tamaño del pelo, el color de la piel y el de las mucosas externas (hocico y párpados con los rendimientos productivos de vacas lecheras Lucerna, explotadas en condiciones de clima tropical en Bugalagrande, Colombia. Se utilizaron 1855 registros con datos en 180 y 305 días de lactación, producción total de leche y la duración de los períodos de lactancia. A las vacas se les asignó una de las tres categorías para el tamaño del pelo, una de las cuatro para el color de la piel y una de las tres para el color de las mucosas externas. Por medio del método de cuadrados mínimos se realizaron los respectivos análisis de varianza y con el apoyo de pruebas de medias, se demostró que el tamaño del pelo no fue una fuente de variación significativa, pero las mayores producciones se presentaron en el grupo de vacas con pelo corto o fino. La relación entre el color de la piel y los rendimientos productivos determinó diferencias estadísticas (P < 0.05 en los grupos de animales, donde las mayores producciones se presentaron en los de las vacas con piel negra y café clara. El color de las mucosas externas no influyó significativamente en los rendimientos de las vacas lecheras.

    This research was conducted to find out the relationship among hair size, skin color and externals mucosa color (muzzle and evedil occular with milk production in cows of Lucerna's race, developed under tropical condition in Bugalagrande, Colombia. A total of 1855 records were analized in 180 and 305 days of milking, total production and lactation length. Each cow was classified under one of three categories for hair size, one of four categories for skin color and one of three categories for externals mucosa color. Harvey's statistical methods were used to analyse the data and the results showed up that the size of the hair was not a source of significative variation, but the larger milk

  20. Aspectos sociales de la introducción del color en la red de televisión colombiana Social aspects of the introduction of color in the Colombian television network

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    Juan Arturo Camargo Uribe


    Full Text Available Resumen En el artículo narramos aspectos del proceso de introducción del color en la red colombiana de televisión. Nuestro objetivo analítico consiste en problematizar la comprensión lineal característica de las narraciones históricas progresivas del cambio socio-técnico, mostrando una red heterogénea de circunstancias históricas, sociales, económicas, culturales, técnicas y políticas involucradas en el proceso, las cuales permiten explicar las alternativas tecnológicas consideradas y las trayectorias técnicas e institucionales resultantes. Las conclusiones de la revisión histórica sugieren que una comprensión sobresimplificada del cambio socio-técnico redunda en una baja capacidad para orientarlo de acuerdo con metas sociales ambiciosas.Abstract In this paper, we report some aspects of the process of the introduction of color to the Colombian television network. Our analytical approach is to see lineal comprehensions, typical of progressive histories of technological change, as problematic. Consequently, we try to take into account heterogeneous arrays of the historical, social, economical, cultural, technical and political circumstances involved in the process. This approach allows us to explain the technological alternatives that were considered and the technical and institutional pathways that were effectively implemented. The historical review suggests that an oversimplified comprehension of socio-technical change gives rise to a low capacity to guide it with respect to more ambitious social goals.


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    Full Text Available El Manjar Blanco del Valle originario de la región del Valle del Cauca en Colombia es considerado como símbolo gastronómico y cultural; es un tipo de dulce de leche con adición de almidón. El color es uno de los atributos más importantes en los alimentos. La medición del color tiene aplicaciones en el control de calidad y el desarrollo de nuevos productos. En esta investigación se caracteriza el color instrumental (escala CIE-L*a*b* del manjar blanco del Valle elaborado por empresas representativas y tradicionales de la región, mediante la determinación de los parámetros de color (L*, a*, b* de tres lotes de cada una de las marcas comerciales. También se caracterizó físicamente las muestras, encontrando pH entre 5,73 y 6,02 y grados Brix entre 65,16 y 76,47. Los valores promedio de los parámetros de color determinados experimentalmente para el manjar blanco fueron: L* 43,60, a* 14,58 y b* 34,67. De los datos reportados en este trabajo se concluye que existe una variabilidad considerable en el color entre lotes y marcas comerciales, lo que evidencia la necesidad de establecer procedimientos de estandarización en la producción y en la materia prima, con el fin de lograr un producto con características similares.O Manjar Branco Del Valle originário da região do Vale de Cauca na Colômbia é considerado um símbolo gastronômico e cultural; é um tipo de doce de leite com adição de amido. A coloração é um dos atributos mais importantes nos alimentos. A determinação da cor tem aplicações no controle de qualidade e no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Neste estudo se caracterizou a cor instrumental (Sistema CIE-L*a*b* do Manjar Branco Del Valle produzido por empresas representativas e tradicionais da região, mediante a determinação dos parâmetros de cor (L*, a*, b* de três lotes de cada uma das marcas comerciais. Também se caracterizou fisicamente as amostras, encontrando pH entre 5,73 e 6,02 e graus Brix entre 65

  2. Aprendizaje en la plataforma AVA-AD: la experiencia del curso a distancia “El color en el diseño gráfico”

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    Alice Cybis Pereira


    Full Text Available En este artículo presentamos el proyecto Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje en Arquitectura y Diseño (AVA AD. Sus presupuestos teóricos están fundamentados en el aprendizaje basado en solución de problemas (ABP, usando las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC. En el artículo resaltamos las bases conceptuales y técnicas que sustentan las actividades de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el ambiente AVA AD. Examinamos los siguientes ejes conceptuales: producción, comunicación, información y documentación. Asimismo describimos las herramientas vinculadas a dichos ejes conceptuales. Por último, relatamos la experiencia con el curso en línea “El Color en el Diseño Gráfico” desarrollado como piloto del ambiente virtual. En el curso, un grupo de alumnos de diseño resolvieron los problemas planteados acerca del uso del color en el Diseño Gráfico de manera cooperativa y a distancia.

  3. Anàlisi de la viabilitat d'una food-truck de sucs de fruita : TOPjuice


    Ferrer Codony, Gina


    El present treball estudia la viabilitat econòmica i financera de TOPjuice, una caravana totalment adaptada per a la venda de sucs de fruita naturals, ecològics i artesanals. TOPjuice, pretén formar part del moviment de food-truck que està incidint amb força entre els mercats més innovadors del país. Este trabajo estudia la viabilidad económica y financiera de TOPjuice, una caravana totalmente adaptada para la venta de zumos de fruta naturales, ecológicos y artesanales. TOPjuice, pretende ...

  4. Secado por atomización de zumo de granada


    Miravet Valero, Gracia María


    Se sabe que el granado era cultivado en tiempos muy remotos porque se han encontrado indicios del consumo de esta fruta en tumbas egipcias de 2.500 años antes de la era cristiana. Se cree que los cartagineses introdujeron el granado en la región mediterránea a raíz de las guerras Púnicas, de ahí su nombre “Punica granatum”. La granada es una fruta arbustiva oriunda de los países del este de Europa (Costa Dálmata y Grecia) y Oriente (Palestina, Irán, Afganistán, Paquistán). España es uno de lo...

  5. Unraveling the complex trait of low temperature adaptation in the wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae


    García Ríos, Estéfani


    1. Introducción Se cree que las uvas fueron domesticadas entre el Mar Negro e Irán durante el periodo del 7000-4000 aC. Las primeras evidencias de elaboración de vino provienen de la presencia de ácido tartárico en un tarro antiguo que data de 5400 - 5000 aC en el yacimiento neolítico de Tepe en Mesopotamia y de los restos de la extracción del zumo de uva en el yacimiento neolítico de Dikili Tash en Grecia (5000 aC). La colonización de los romanos extendió la elaboración del vino por todo ...

  6. Análisis del color y el soleamiento en las Torres de Quart de Valencia (España

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    Torres, A.


    Full Text Available In the Towers of Quart (s. XV in the city of Valencia (Spain, an exhaustive chromatic measurement has been done of the remains of colour pigment found on the three distinct materials used in the external facade walls. The sun lighting exposure on the building surfaces has also been studied. The paper describes and justifies the process for making an accurate study of the state of the colour and its illumination by the sun, which enables guidelines to be established for renovation works on the monument.

    En las Torres de Quart (s. XV de la ciudad de Valencia, se ha desarrollado un exhaustivo trabajo de medición cromática de los restos de pigmentos existentes en las fachadas extramuros del edificio, sobre tres estratos materiales de distinta naturaleza. Asimismo, se ha estudiado la incidencia de la luz solar sobre las superficies del edificio. Se describe y justifica el proceso llevado a cabo para la obtención de un documento gráfico preciso del estado del color y su iluminación que permita establecer un protocolo de actuación para intervenir en el monumento.

  7. Heterogeneidad del color en formulaciones de merkén elaboradas a partir de ecotipos de ají (Capsicum annuum L.) cv. "Cacho de cabra"


    Leonelli Cantergiani, Gina N; Díaz Becerra, Christian M; Tighe Neira, Ricardo M; Castillo Rubio, Claudia G; Pardo Díaz, Fernando L.; Birlouez-Aragon, Inès


    En el presente trabajo se evaluó la heterogeneidad del color en cinco muestras de merkén formuladas a partir de ecotipos de ají, Capsicum annuum L., cv. "Cacho de cabra" cultivados en la Región de La Araucanía y Región del Maule, Chile. La evaluación se realizó mediante la extracción y cuantificación del contenido de carotenoides. Las variables evaluadas en la cuantificación de carotenoides fueron carotenoides rojos (R) y carotenoides amarillo-naranja (A). Además, se utilizó el sistema de col...


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    Maroto Centeno José Alberto


    Full Text Available Resumen:El objetivo principal de este trabajo es aportar nuevos puntos de vista y enfoques didácticos para la enseñanza, en el ámbito de la Física, de las mezclas aditiva y sustractiva de colores. Concretamente, se expone un nuevo procedimiento para el diseño e impresión de discos de color de Maxwell, basado en la utilización del programa comercial Corel Photo-Paint 9. Estos discos evidencian con gran precisión y de manera extraordinariamente sugestiva el proceso de mezcla aditiva del color, a diferencia de la mayoría de los discos de color disponibles comercialmente. Este hecho se puso de manifiesto, a través de una demostración práctica, en el curso del “I Encuentro de Físicos de las Universidades de Costa Rica y Jaén. Desarrollo de Materiales Didácticos”. Finalmente, este trabajo analiza una página web que incluye diversos applets muy útiles para entender los mecanismos de las mezclas aditivas y sustractivas de colores.Abstract:The principal aim of this work is to improve the didactics, in the area of the Physics, of the additive and subtractive mixtures of color. Concretly, a new method used for the designing and printing of Maxwell color discs is put forward. This method is based on the use of the commercial program Corel Photo-Paint 9. The Maxwell color discs showed in this work achieves an excellent color reproducing unlike the majority of commercial color discs which do not work well. In fact, a suggestive exhibition based on these Maxwell color discs was carried out in the course of the meeting “I Encuentro de Físicos de las Universidades de Costa Rica y Jaén. Desarrollo de Materiales Didacticos”, which was held in San José de Costa Rica from 16 to 19 February 2009. Finally, a web page which contains interesting applets is analyzed in this work. These applets can be used to understand the mechanism of additive and subtractive mixtures.


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    José Alberto Maroto Centeno


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este trabajo es aportar nuevos puntos de vista y enfoques didácticos para la enseñanza, en el ámbito de la Física, de las mezclas aditiva y sustractiva de colores. Concretamente, se expone un nuevo procedimiento para el diseño e impresión de discos de color de Maxwell, basado en la utilización del programa comercial Corel Photo-Paint 9. Estos discos evidencian con gran precisión y de manera extraordinariamente sugestiva el proceso de mezcla aditiva del color, a diferencia de la mayoría de los discos de color disponibles comercialmente. Este hecho se puso de manifiesto, a través de una demostración práctica, en el curso del "I Encuentro de Físicos de las Universidades de Costa Rica y Jaén. Desarrollo de Materiales Didácticos". Finalmente, este trabajo analiza una página web que incluye diversos applets muy útiles para entender los mecanismos de las mezclas aditivas y sustractivas de colores.

  10. Revalorization of Waste Grape Skins from Juice Industry as a New Enological Product


    Pedroza, Miguel A.


    Los hollejos de uva son un residuo abundante, generado por la industria de los zumos y mostos concentrados, los cuales están desaprovechados a pesar de sus probadas cualidades como fuente de pigmentos y compuestos antioxidantes. Estos hollejos son especialmente relevantes en España y sobre todo en Castilla-La Mancha ya que representan un porcentaje importante (9%) del total de uva producido a nivel nacional. Actualmente la ausencia de aplicaciones de carácter industrial para...

  11. Color-Kinematics Duality for QCD Amplitudes

    CERN Document Server

    Johansson, Henrik


    We show that color-kinematics duality is present in tree-level amplitudes of quantum chromodynamics with massive flavored quarks. Starting with the color structure of QCD, we work out a new color decomposition for n-point tree amplitudes in a reduced basis of primitive amplitudes. These primitives, with k quark-antiquark pairs and (n-2k) gluons, are taken in the (n-2)!/k! Melia basis, and are independent under the color-algebra Kleiss-Kuijf relations. This generalizes the color decomposition of Del Duca, Dixon, and Maltoni to an arbitrary number of quarks. The color coefficients in the new decomposition are given by compact expressions valid for arbitrary gauge group and representation. Considering the kinematic structure, we show through explicit calculations that color-kinematics duality holds for amplitudes with general configurations of gluons and massive quarks. The new (massive) amplitude relations that follow from the duality can be mapped to a well-defined subset of the familiar BCJ relations for gluo...

  12. El hombre con su contradicción: del desflorador avergonzado al "hombre color mujer". // The man with his contradiction: from ashamed deflowered to "woman-colored man".

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    Fredy Ricardo Moreno Chía.


    Full Text Available The basis of this article is the idea that “the masculine” has an internal contradiction. This is supported by some freudian references, and brought out by Jacques Lacan’s formulations, particularly in his sexuation theory and his innovations on the borromean knot. We wonder how these statements explain the internal contradiction of masculinity, and we look for a possible answer in Lacan’s assertion that there is a “woman-colored man”, whose context corresponds to his theory of the sinthome. // El presente trabajo parte de la idea según la cual “lo masculino” posee una contradicción interna. Esta idea que es sustentada en algunas referencias freudianas es puesta a la luz de las formulaciones de Jacques Lacan, en particular su teoría de la sexuación y sus desarrollos en torno al nudo borromeo. Nos preguntamos cómo estas formulaciones dan cuenta de esa contradicción interna de la masculinidad, e intentamos una posible respuesta en la afirmación de Lacan, según la cual hay “hombre color mujer” y cuyo contexto corresponde a su teoría acerca del sinthome.

  13. El color en espots infantiles: Prevalencia cromática y relación con el logotipo de marca Color in Child Espots: Chromatic Prevalence and Relation with the Brand Logo

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    Victoria Tur Viñes


    Full Text Available El color es un elemento básico para la eficacia y la eficiencia comunicativa. Se realiza un análisis de contenido de los elementos de color en los espots dirigidos a niños emitidos en la cadena temática infantil Disney Channel, líder de audiencia de la televisión en abierto según Kantar Media, durante el mes de noviembre de 2009 en España. La selección de la muestra de conveniencia agrupó a los anunciantes considerados por Infoadex dentro del sector «deportes y tiempo libre» que comprende los productos y servicios tradicionalmente considerados infantiles, como juguetes y parques de ocio, además de la autopromoción de otras cadenas de televisión. El análisis cuantifica la prevalencia del uso del color en los anuncios televisivos dirigidos a la infancia y concluye que las marcas gestionan el color de forma muy diferenciada. Por otro lado, se estudia la relación entre la prevalencia cromática en el espot y en el logotipo del mismo anunciante. En este sentido, se comprueba un alto porcentaje de incoherencia en la prevalencia cromática en ambos formatos. La mayoría de los anunciantes del mercado infantil prefieren utilizar el color para provocar el contraste y resaltar el producto, sus características o bondades en detrimento de la coherencia en la imagen corporativa de la marca. El estudio realizado pone de manifiesto cierta arbitrariedad en la toma de decisiones sobre el color.Color is a crucial element in achieving effective and efficient communication. This article presents an analysis of the color elements used in TV ads aimed at children broadcast during November 2009 in Spain by the Disney Channel children's network which, according to Kantar Media, is the audience leader in open-to-air television programing. The convenience sample included the group of advertisers that Infoadex classifies as part of the «sports and leisure» sector, which includes products and services traditionally aimed at children, such as toys and

  14. Estudio de los síntomas asociados a la pérdida de color del chayote

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    J. Cadena-Iñiguez


    Full Text Available Bajo condiciones de invernadero, se reprodujeron los síntomas de deficiencias nutrimentales iniciales asociadas a la pérdida de vigor de planta y color del fruto de Sechium edule (Jacq. Sw. llamado chayote blanco, para evaluar la respuesta de adición de nutrimentos e inoculación de microsimbiontes. Se utilizó suelo de Actopan, Veracruz, México, separándolo en capas a 0-30, 30-60, 60-90 cm y mezcla del perfil completo para determinar su fertilidad. Se aplicaron 8.29 g de (NH42SO4, 1.0 g de Ca3 (PO42, 4.4 g de K2SO4, 1.15 g de FeSO4, MnSO4 y ZnSO4, y 0.75 g de azufre, 40 g de Glomus intraradices (MA y Azospirillum brasilense por cada 30 litros de capa de suelo. Se evaluó altura de planta, clorofila y biomasa total, asimilación de CO2 y análisis con rayos-X de cortes del cuarto entrenudo inferior a la yema apical del tallo principal. El suelo evaluado presentó compuestos solubles de Cl-, SO4 2-, HCO3 -, Na+ y pH de hasta 7.9, además de 5.6, 50.3 y 4.7 veces más P, Ca2+ y Mg2+ que los valores consignados para la especie. En suelo de la capa 0-30 cm, las plantas presentaron mayor crecimiento y menor en 30-60, 60-90 cm y la mezcla. Los nutrimentos combinados con MA, así como con MA y A. brasilense fueron estadísticamente significativos. Las plantas testigo mostraron cristales formados por P, Ca, S, Si, Na y Mg obstruyendo los vasos del xilema de tallo. La evidencia experimental mostró que los síntomas iniciales asociados a chayote blanco, se deben en gran medida a deficiencias nutrimentales, siendo más evidentes en capas de suelo inferiores a 0-30 cm


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    J. E. Cubillas


    Full Text Available This study demonstrates the application of CIELAB, Color intensity, and One Dimensional Scalar Constancy as features for image recognition and classifying benthic habitats in an image with the coastal areas of Hinatuan, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines as the study area. The study area is composed of four datasets, namely: (a Blk66L005, (b Blk66L021, (c Blk66L024, and (d Blk66L0114. SVM optimization was performed in Matlab® software with the help of Parallel Computing Toolbox to hasten the SVM computing speed. The image used for collecting samples for SVM procedure was Blk66L0114 in which a total of 134,516 sample objects of mangrove, possible coral existence with rocks, sand, sea, fish pens and sea grasses were collected and processed. The collected samples were then used as training sets for the supervised learning algorithm and for the creation of class definitions. The learned hyper-planes separating one class from another in the multi-dimensional feature space can be thought of as a super feature which will then be used in developing the C (classifier rule set in eCognition® software. The classification results of the sampling site yielded an accuracy of 98.85% which confirms the reliability of remote sensing techniques and analysis employed to orthophotos like the CIELAB, Color Intensity and One dimensional scalar constancy and the use of SVM classification algorithm in classifying benthic habitats.

  16. Estimating fruitpulp carotenoid content from shell color in gulupa (Passiflora edulis Sims

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    Germán Franco


    Full Text Available La gulupa (Passiflora edulis Sims es un fruto aceptado en mercados europeos; pero, su corta vida en poscosecha limita la comercialización. Por lo tanto, es necesario, caracterizar algunos atributos de la maduración, para que el fruto mantenga las mejores condiciones de calidad. La investigación tuvo como objetivo estimar, a partir de los cambios de color del fruto y de su edad, la evolución de los carotenoides, mediante el uso de modelos que predijeran esta relación. Se utilizaron frutos con edad conocida para determinar el color con base en el espacio CIE L*, a* y b*. La colorimetría confirmó que hay evolución apreciable a partir de los 84 días después de floración (DDF, con color morado oscuro hacia los 98 DDF y púrpura muy oscuro a los 105 DDF. En frutos madurados en la planta, se apreció disminución en la luminosidad (L*, mientras que en las coordenadas a* el valor aumentó y el b* disminuyó, cambios que definen el color del fruto. Se observó una tendencia similar en frutos cosechados a partir de los 91 DDF. Tanto en los frutos madurados en la planta como en los cosechados, el contenido de carotenoides se incrementó a medida que la senescencia del fruto avanzaba. Modelos de regresión permitieron estimar el contenido de carotenoides: uno múltiple, con las coordenadas de color como predictoras y el otro polinomial, basado en la edad del fruto.

  17. Asociación del color de la concha de reproductores de Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819 con la supervivencia, crecimiento y desarrollo larval de sus progenies Association between shell color of breeds (Lamarck, 1819 and the survival, growth and larval development of their progenies

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    Ricardo M García


    Full Text Available Las conchas de moluscos bivalvos marinos son extremadamente diversas en sus patrones de pigmentación y riqueza de colores. Tal diversidad se debe a factores ambientales y genéticos. En bivalvos marinos adultos, individuos con coloraciones de concha poco comunes en las poblaciones silvestres suelen presentar tasas de crecimiento y supervivencia menores que aquellos con colores de concha más frecuentes. Conociendo que la variación del color de la concha en Argopecten purpuratus está bajo control genético, en este trabajo se pone a prueba la hipótesis de que los loci responsables de dicha variación pueden afectar el crecimiento, la supervivencia y la tasa de desarrollo de las larvas de esta especie. Se estimó la supervivencia y el crecimiento en progenies de cruzamientos dirigidos entre individuos de A. purpuratus con colores de concha blanco, naranja y marrón, y se verificó la existencia de diferencias en las tasas de desarrollo. El crecimiento de las larvas producidas en cruzamientos que incluyeron individuos marrones o blancos con naranja no mostraron diferencias entre sí. En cambio, las progenies producto de autofecundaciones de individuos naranja y blancos presentaron tasas de crecimiento significativamente menores que las anteriores y distintas entre sí. Las tasas de desarrollo y de supervivencia, en cambio, no mostraron diferencias entre las progenies de los distintos tipos de cruzamientos. Los resultados sugieren que los genes que controlan la variación del color en las conchas de juveniles y adultos de A. purpuratus afectarían la tasa de crecimiento de sus larvas, pero no la tasa de desarrollo ni su supervivencia.Marine bivalve mollusks are extremely diverse in shell color and pigmentation patterns. Such diversity is affected by environmental and genetic factors. Some evidences in adult marine bivalves shows that individuals with low-frequency shell colors have lower growth rates and/or higher mortalities than those with the

  18. El color como parte de la estrategia de persuasión política: El caso de los XVI Juegos Panamericanos, Guadalajara 2011

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    Andrés Valdez-Zepeda


    Full Text Available En este trabajo los autores analizan el uso del color en las estrategias de persuasión política que utilizan los partidos y los candidatos durante los procesos electorales. También se describe la utilización que los principales partidos políticos de México hacen de los colores para lograr un posicionamiento y una diferenciación política. Específicamente, se indaga sobre el uso del color en los XVI Juegos Panamericanos celebrados en Guadalajara en octubre del 2011. Por ejemplo, se señala que el azul fue el color preponderante en la decoración de las instalaciones deportivas, los hoteles de la ciudad, los automóviles oficiales y en la publicidad del evento, lo que formaba parte de una estrategia ante las próximas elecciones federales del 2012.

  19. Influence of double cropping on growth and yield of dry beans with colored plastic mulches Influencia del doble cultivo en el crecimiento y rendimiento de frijol con cubierta plástica de colores

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    Luis Ibarra-Jiménez


    Full Text Available There are numerous studies of the use of plastic mulches in vegetable production, but there is little documentation of their use with dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. in single and double cropping. The objective of this study was to grow dry beans over two consecutive growing seasons using the same plastic mulch of different colors and examine the influence of soil temperature on growth and yield. The experiment was conducted in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, in the spring and summer of 2008. The treatments included four colored plastic mulches: white-on-black, black, silver-on-black, aluminum-on-black, and bare soil as a control. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replicates. The percentage of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR reflected from the plastic tended to be highest with the white-on-black mulch and lowest with the black mulch. Mean soil temperature under the plastic mulch decreased with the increasing percentage of reflected PAR. Mean soil temperature exhibited a relationship of 98% and 99% to yield in the first and second growing season, respectively. Photosynthetically active radiation had a relationship of 98% and 86% to yield in the first and second growing season, respectively. The effect of the colored plastic mulch on yield was significant (p Existen numerosos estudios sobre el uso de cubierta plástica en la producción de hortalizas, sin embargo está muy poco documentado el cultivo simple o doble de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.. El objetivo de este estudio fue cultivar frijol en dos estaciones de crecimiento consecutivas usando la misma cubierta plástica de diferentes colores y examinar la influencia de la temperatura del suelo en el crecimiento y rendimiento de frijol. El estudio fue conducido en Saltillo, Coahuila, México, en la primavera y verano de 2008. Se usaron cuatro colores de acolchado plástico: blanco-sobre-negro, negro, plata-sobre-negro, aluminio-sobre-negro, y control de

  20. International Project on the Irradiation of Fruit and Fruit Juices; Projet International d'Irradiation des Fruits et des Jus de Fruits; Mezhdunarodnyj simpozium po voprosam oblucheniya pishchevykh produktov; Proyecto Internacional de Irradiacion de Frutas y Zumos de Fruta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaindl, K. [Institute of Biology and Agriculture, Reaktorzentrum, Seibersdorf (Austria)


    posible. Si la radiodegradacion de los componentes de los alimentos es minima, estos conservan sus buenas propiedades organolepticas y su comestibilidad, y el procedimiento resulta mas economico. Se decidio emplear zumos de fruta como sustancia tipo para los estudios fundamentales por las siguientes razones: a) sus componentes constituyen una muestra representativa de la mayor parte de los productos alimenticios; b) dichos componentes son facilmente separables; c) los microorganismos que estropean los zumos de fruta son principalmente levaduras, sobre las que se han efectuado importantes trabajos de investigacion; d) son productos que poseen valor economico. El programa comprende tres clases de investigaciones: Investigaciones fundamentales. Se refieren, en particular, a la radiosensibilizacion de microorganismos, es decir, en el caso de los zumos de fruta, de levaduras, y, hasta cierto punto, de mohos. Estudios tecnologicos. Sobre la base de los resultados de las investigaciones fundamentales se han emprendido estudios de viabilidad tecnologica relativos a los aspectos organolepticos y microbiologicos, asi como analisis de sustancias volatiles y no volatiles. Los resultados obtenidos con el zumo de manzana son prometedores. Pruebas de comestibilidad. Se estan estudiando los efectos de esos productos en ratas, ratones y cerdos; se ha comenzado por determinar las cantidades de manzanas y zumo de manzana que estos animales pueden tolerar. Se han preparado cultivos de tejidos para separar por metodos biologicos los productos de degradacion. Instalacion de irradiacion. Se esta construyendo una instalacion de irradiacion de nuevo tipo a base de cobalto-60, con capacidades aproximadas de 10 000 Ci y de 30 000 a 40 000 Ci. (author) [Russian] V celjah rasshirenija primenenija obluchenija dlja predohranenija ot porchi pishhevyh produktov bolee obychnym sposobom i dlja sozdanija blagoprijatnyh uslovij jetim novym metodam neobhodimo provedenie fundamental'nyh issledovanij. Glavnoj

  1. Variaciones en los patrones de pigmentación y de color de larvas de poblaciones naturales de anofeles albimanus de Colombia

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    Marco F. Suárez


    Full Text Available Fueron observados el patrón de pigmentación y el color del cuerpo de las larvas de III y IV estadio en poblaciones naturales de Anopheles albimanus procedentes de cuatro áreas geográficas y ecológicas diferentes. Se incluyen tres variantes de la cápsula de la cabeza, el sable curvado de las antenas y la pigmentación; nueve variantes de la pigmentación del cuerpo y 17 del color del cuerpo. Se informa la alta variación en los patrones de color y otras características visibles. Se incluye una breve descripción de cada variante y la frecuencia observada en cada población.

  2. Desarrollo de un software de gestión de color para la industria cerámica

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    Martín, A.


    Full Text Available Not availableHoy en día contamos con una gran variedad de dispositivos para crear e imprimir imágenes, por eso es tan difícil ver un documento creado con un dispositivo, en otro diferente. La forma más eficaz de responder a este problema, es usar un Sistema de Gestión del Color (CMS. Cada dispositivo posee un modo particular de procesar el color. Con un Sistema de Gestión de Color, es posible controlar la reproducción de una imagen en diferentes dispositivos. Por lo tanto, la Gestión del Color describe todo el sistema que se utiliza para una comunicación cromática precisa entre un dispositivo y otro, y está basado en un software.

  3. Efecto del Escaldado sobre el Color y Cinética de Degradación Térmica de la Vitamina C de la Pulpa de Mango de Hilacha (Mangífera indica var magdalena river)


    Mendoza-Corvis, Fernando A; Hernández, Elvis J; Ruiz, Luis E


    El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la cinética de degradación de la vitamina C y el efecto del escaldado sobre el color de la pulpa de mango de hilacha edulcorada con 20% de sacarosa. La determinación de la vitamina C se realizó empleando el método 2.6 Diclorofenol indofenol y el color mediante Colorímetro HunterLab. Los parámetros cinéticos se determinaron por el método de los mínimos cuadrados y el análisis estadístico mediante el software Desing expert 6.0. La vitamina C sigu...

  4. El timbre como elemento formal en la obra de Messiaen: la orquestación en el Saint François d'Assise, una poética del color.


    Minguet, Vicent


    Presentamos en este artículo una aproximación al estudio de la noción de “sonido-color” del compositor francés Olivier Messiaen, de una gran importancia para la comprensión de su obra. La relación entre timbre, armonía y forma que en ella se establece es muy estrecha, instalando la idea de forma como resultado de una poética del color que permite a su vez aflorar la manifestación exterior de la significación interior. El estudio específico de algunas texturas observadas en su ópera Saint F...

  5. Aplicaciones al control de calidad industrial de la espectroscopia infrarroja media combinada con métodos quimiométricos multivariantes


    Gómez Carracedo, María Paz


    [Resumen] La espectroscopia infrarroja es una técnica muy empleada en ambientes industriales del ámbito químico debido a su simplicidad de uso, bajo mantenimiento de equipo, poco tiempo empleado en el análisis y analísis de la muestra con escasa o nula manipulación de la misma. En este Proyecto, se va a aplicar dicha técnica al control de calidad de dos tipos de industria, la petroquímica (análisis de kerosenos) y la alimentaria (análisis de zumos de manzana). Para el ...

  6. La cuarta función del criollismo y las luchas por la definición del origen y el color del Ethnos Argentino (desde las primeras novelas gauchescas hasta c. 1940

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    Ezequiel Adamovsky

    Full Text Available En su clásico estudio del discurso criollista en Argentina, Adolfo Prieto argumentó que su notable expansión desde fines del siglo XIX fue consecuencia de tres causas concurrentes. El mundo gaucho en desaparición resultaba atractivo (primero para las clases bajas criollas, como una expresión de nostalgia y de las angustias que traía la experiencia de la modernización; (segundo para los inmigrantes, como una forma sencilla de sentirse parte de la nación, identificándose con un símbolo de la autenticidad nacional y (tercero para las élites, como un modo de reclamar precedencia y legitimidad para ellas mismas y de excluir de la nación a los recién llegados que traían con ellos gérmenes de rebelión. Este artículo propone que el criollismo popular desempeñó una cuarta función, que debería listarse junto a las otras tres ya mencionadas. El criollismo resultó atractivo, al menos en parte, por el hecho de que fue uno de los canales a través de los cuales la cultura local pudo aludir a la heterogeneidad étnica de la nación (en particular sus colores no-blancos y sus componentes mestizos, en un contexto en el que los discursos dominantes de la nación se empeñaban por negarla.

  7. Una nueva especie del grupo Hyloscirtus larinopygion (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae del suroccidente de Colombia

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    Jonh Jairo Mueses-Cisneros


    Full Text Available Se describe una nueva especie del grupo Hyloscirtus larinopygion del Nudo de los Pastos en el departamento de Nariño, Colombia. Hyloscirtus tigrinus sp. nov. puede ser distinguida fácilmente de sus especies similares por la presencia de un tubérculo calcar carnoso y prominente, además de su distintivo patrón de coloración. Se realizan algunos comentarios sobre la coloración de la garganta y coloración ventral en Hyloscirtus caucanus, H. larinopygion, H. lindae y H. tigrinus. La coloración de la garganta es altamente variable, por lo tanto no puede ser utilizada para diagnosticar a estas especies.A new species of the Hyloscirtus larinopygion group from Nudo de los Pastos, Nariño department, Colombia is described. Hyloscirtus tigrinus sp. nov. can be distinguished easily from similar species by the presence of a fleshy and prominent calcar tubercle and by its distinctive color pattern. Some remarks on throat and ventral coloration in Hyloscirtus caucanus, H. larinopygion, H. lindae and H. tigrinus are presented. The throat coloration is highly variable and cannot be used to diagnose any of these species.

  8. Multiculturalismo radical y feminismos de mujeres de color


    Lugones, María


    En el núcleo lógico mismo del movimiento hacia un multiculturalismo radical y de los feminismos de las Mujeres de Color, se da un desplazamiento desde una lógica de la opresión hacia una lógica de la resistencia. Ya sea radical, estructural o policéntrico, el multiculturalismo es una repuesta radical al eurocentrismo que ha acompañado a la historia del colonialismo occidental. El colonialismo en la primera y en la última modernidad estaba constituido por una concepción eurocéntrica ...

  9. Modeling human color categorization: Color discrimination and color memory


    Heskes, T.; van den Broek, Egon; Lucas, P.; Hendriks, Maria A.; Vuurpijl, L.G.; Puts, M.J.H.; Wiegerinck, W.


    Color matching in Content-Based Image Retrieval is done using a color space and measuring distances between colors. Such an approach yields non-intuitive results for the user. We introduce color categories (or focal colors), determine that they are valid, and use them in two experiments. The experiments conducted prove the difference between color categorization by the cognitive processes color discrimination and color memory. In addition, they yield a Color Look-Up Table, which can improve c...

  10. Caracterización del Ñeque, Bebida Alcohólica elaborada Artesanalmente en la Costa Caribe Colombiana


    Tirado, Diego F; Acevedo, Diofanor; Montero, Piedad M


    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar el contenido de etanol, metanol y metales pesados en el ñeque, una bebida alcohólica a base de caña de azúcar producida artesanalmente en la Costa Caribe colombiana. Para la elaboración de ñeque se disuelve panela (zumo de caña de azúcar) en agua hasta llegar a una densidad de un grado Baumé. Esta solución se fermenta aproximadamente siete días, obteniendo un mosto. Luego se destila obteniéndose como destilado la bebida alcohólica. El co...

  11. Il colore delle cose

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    Vincenzo Vitiello


    Full Text Available Tema di questo saggio è l’operare della riflessione. Vitiello, dopo essersi soffermato sulla «frattura» tra la riflessione (il «vedersi» e il suo operare in Valéry, si concentra sul processo, descritto da Hegel nella Fenomenologia dello spirito, dell’esperienza della coscienza che s’eleva a coscienza dell’esperienza. La conclusione è fortemente critica: Hegel fallisce la mèta nel punto stesso in cui la raggiunge. Infatti nel sapere assoluto, nella visione compiuta, perfetta di sé, della luce che vede luce, viene meno proprio l’esperienza della coscienza, il suo divenire, la sua «imperfezione». La critica a Hegel, passando attraverso Nietzsche, si amplia a critica del linguaggio, in particolare del linguaggio dell’«essere» e  dell’«è», e delle tautologie heideggeriane quali «das Ereignis ereignet», «das Ding dingt», «die Welt weltet». Un importante passaggio del testo è quello sul linguaggio teatrale in cui la parola sembra riacquistare il legame originale tra la voce e il gesto, che tuttavia restano divisi, perché proprio il medio che li lega, il «colore» della parola, è «fuori» della parola e del gesto. Resta la parola dell’agire, dei pragmata, in cui il fare si espone nella sua modalità più propria: nell’immediatezza del patire: il grido di dolore; o nella mediatezza riflessiva dell’imperativo morale: Handle! I due opposti «colori» delle cose.

  12. Influência da cor de pele auto-referida na prevalência da síndrome metabólica numa população urbana do Brasil Influencia del color de la piel autodeclarado en la prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en una población urbana de Brasil Influence of the self-reported skin color on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in an urban Brazilian population

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    Paulo José Bastos Barbosa


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A síndrome metabólica tem uma elevada prevalência em diferentes partes do mundo, com variações entre diferentes grupos étnicos. OBJETIVO: Este estudo pretende explorar a influência da cor de pele auto-referida sobre a prevalência da SM. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, realizado em subgrupo populacional em Salvador, Brasil. Utilizou-se auto-definição de cor de pele (branca, parda e negra e o critério de SM do ATP-III. Foi usado o quiquadrado para tendência a fim de analisar gradiente das prevalências entre os grupos e a regressão logística para análises de associações. RESULTADOS: A prevalência geral da SM, ajustada por variáveis potencialmente confundidoras, não diferiu entre brancos (23,3%, pardos (23,3% e negros (23,4%,. A análise por sexo mostrou entre os homens redução da prevalência da SM dos brancos, 26,2% IC95%(20,7-31,7, em comparação aos negros, 17,5% IC95% (12,3-22,8, e uma prevalência intermediária entre os pardos, 21,9% IC95% (18,6 - 25,1, p tend= 0,002. Entre as mulheres, a tendência foi inversa, maior nas negras, 27,0% IC95% (22,2-31,8, e menor nas brancas, 20,5% IC95%(15,6-25,4, p tend= 0,02. Na análise multivariada da associação entre cor de pele e SM (branco=grupo de referência, a cor negra entre os homens foi fator de proteção, razão de prevalência (RP= 0,60 (0,36 - 0,97, enquanto que nas mulheres tendeu a ser fator de risco, RP= 1,33 (0,94 - 1,78. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência da SM variou em função da cor de pele de modo inverso entre homens e mulheres. Ser negro foi fator de proteção entre homens e de risco nas mulheres.FUNDAMENTO: El síndrome metabólico tiene una elevada prevalencia en diferentes partes del mundo, con variaciones entre diferentes grupos étnicos. OBJETIVO: Este estudio pretende explorar la influencia del color de la piel autodeclarado sobre la prevalencia del SM. MÉTODOS: ESTUDio transversal, realizado en subgrupo poblacional en Salvador, Brasil. Se utiliz

  13. Rosa, el nuevo color del feminismo: un análisis del transporte exclusivo para mujeres




    Este artículo explora la relación entre la movilidad urbana de las mujeres y la violencia en su contra en el transporte público. En particular, explora los temas de género que influyen en el abuso sexual en tal transporte, con atención tanto en los roles tradicionales de la mujer como ama de casa y no como una figura pública, así como en el debate innato o adquirido en la explicación del comportamiento del hombre. Dado que los servicios de transporte exclusivo para mujeres fueron implementado...

  14. El color del delito en Buenos Aires. 1750-1830

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    Silvia Cristina Mallo


    Full Text Available Security and social control were real problems to Borbon's functionaries since the middle of XVIII century and the beginning of the 20th when accelerated growth and transformations included duplication of the inhabitants of Buenos Aires city. Active commercial port on the Atlantic included the African slaves trade and they or their descendants were there nearly 30% of the population. Remarkably accused of disorder and delinquency as well as in other American cities, this phenomenon is not really registered. We seek in judicial papers their protagonism, integration signs and master's ways of inducing them to delinquency or of covering them.//El control social y la seguridad eran problemas reales para los funcionarios de los borbones desde la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII hasta los inicios del XIX cuando el crecimiento acelerado y las transformaciones significaron la duplicación de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Este activo puerto recibía el comercio de esclavos y sus descendientes eran cerca del 30% de la población y eran constantemente acusados de provocar desórdenes y de ser delincuentes. Este fenómeno, que también se presentó en otras ciudades americanas, no ha sido estudiado. Buscamos, en papeles judiciales, su protagonismo, integración, signos y maneras de inducirlos a la delincuencia o de encubrirla.

  15. Determinación de la degradación térmica de polímeros por análisis de cambio de color


    Rojas, Andrés Felipe; Osswald, Tim


    Contexto: Se ha observado que la degradación térmica de polímeros termoplásticos, cuando son reprocesados por inyección, extrusión y extrusión/inyección, causa cambios de color en el producto, aunque no se ha establecido en qué medida produce este efecto. Método: Se analizó el efecto sobre la degradación térmica del tipo de polímero, tipo de procesamiento, grado del polímero, velocidad de giro del husillo en extrusión y el número de reprocesamientos, cuantificada a través del cambio de color ...

  16. Iluminación led y color en materiales retroreflectivos


    Ferreyra, Simón


    La rápida mejora de las prestaciones lumínicas del diodo emisor de luz (LEO} ha generado una importante difusión de esta tecnología en el campo de la iluminación doméstica y comercial, que se está extendiendo ahora al alumbrado público, vial y vehicular. Este trabajo estudia la posible alteración en la reproducción de los colores de materiales retrorreflectivos, cuando se utiliza iluminación LEO. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar los cambios de color que genera la iluminación LED en mues...

  17. Modeling human color categorization: Color discrimination and color memory

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heskes, T.; van den Broek, Egon; Lucas, P.; Hendriks, Maria A.; Vuurpijl, L.G.; Puts, M.J.H.; Wiegerinck, W.


    Color matching in Content-Based Image Retrieval is done using a color space and measuring distances between colors. Such an approach yields non-intuitive results for the user. We introduce color categories (or focal colors), determine that they are valid, and use them in two experiments. The


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    Carlos Alberto Padrón Pereira


    Full Text Available Se estudió la evolución del color de muestras de tomates durante la maduración a temperatura ambiente y otras en refrigeración, mediante Sistema de Visión Computarizada (SVC. El SVC lo constituye un escenario iluminado, una cámara digital CCD y un computador (Laptop ambos calibrados. El procesamiento digital de las imágenes se llevó a cabo con el software Adobe® Photoshop® CS3 Extended, con los cuales generaron imágenes promediadas en coordenadas L*, a* y b*. La relación a*/b* y las coordenadas polares c* y hº, que presentaron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre las muestras determinadas (p<0,05.

  19. Obtenir mostres de color i comparar-les

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    Ana Entenza Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La nostra intenció era investigar l'ús del color en una sèrie de peces comunicatives, però en descriure com seleccionaríem i classificaríem les mostres, vam veure que aquest pas inicial suposava un estudi en si mateix, perquè classificar una cosa que no està acotat en quantitat (algunes aplicacions treballen amb milions, que disposa de diferents nomenclatures (en funció de cultures i països, del qual amb prou feines coneixem una dotzena de noms i que varia en funció de les condicions de llum, de suport, o de qualitat de reproducció, requereix reflexió i aprofundiment.

  20. Image color reduction method for color-defective observers using a color palette composed of 20 particular colors (United States)

    Sakamoto, Takashi


    This study describes a color enhancement method that uses a color palette especially designed for protan and deutan defects, commonly known as red-green color blindness. The proposed color reduction method is based on a simple color mapping. Complicated computation and image processing are not required by using the proposed method, and the method can replace protan and deutan confusion (p/d-confusion) colors with protan and deutan safe (p/d-safe) colors. Color palettes for protan and deutan defects proposed by previous studies are composed of few p/d-safe colors. Thus, the colors contained in these palettes are insufficient for replacing colors in photographs. Recently, Ito et al. proposed a p/dsafe color palette composed of 20 particular colors. The author demonstrated that their p/d-safe color palette could be applied to image color reduction in photographs as a means to replace p/d-confusion colors. This study describes the results of the proposed color reduction in photographs that include typical p/d-confusion colors, which can be replaced. After the reduction process is completed, color-defective observers can distinguish these confusion colors.

  1. ¿"Libre expresión gráfica" en dictadura? Las Jornadas del Color y de la Forma

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    Lucía Cañada


    Full Text Available En plena dictadura militar, en Buenos Aires, Mirtha Dermisache y el Taller de Acciones Creativas por ella coordinado organizó una serie de experiencias conocidas como Jornadas del Color y de la Forma. Con un discurso que promovía el desarrollo de la "libre expresión gráfica", los organizadores le proponían a quienes asistían crear libremente. Para ello ponían a su disposición un espacio (que era al mismo tiempo un museo, una variedad de herramientas plásticas y el tiempo que cada uno creía necesario para trabajar. En el presente artículo, nos proponemos reflexionar sobre la existencia de un espacio de este tipo en tiempos de censura y control. Así como también sobre las intenciones de quienes gestaron la idea y la forma en que fue recibida entre los participantes.

  2. Validación de un método para el análisis de color real en agua

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    Andrés Felipe Osorio Trujillo


    Full Text Available : El color como una de las propiedades organolépticas del agua es afectado por la presencia de material disuelto, suspendido o coloidal. El objetivo de este estudio es exponer los resultados de la validación del análisis de color real evaluado a 3 longitudes de onda usando como referencia la norma UNE-EN ISO 7887: 2012 método B, con el objetivo de evaluar la calidad del agua según los requerimientos de la resolución 0631 de 2015. Se propuso un método de análisis para la determinación de color real, se verificó la linealidad, límite de cuantificación, exactitud, precisión, porcentaje de recuperación  y  la incertidumbre de la medición. Se demostró  que el método validado cumple con los niveles de aceptación establecidos por las normas nacionales e internacionales relacionadas con la calidad en el laboratorio NTC ISO IEC 17025:2005, y aseguran que el método es adecuado para la determinación rutinaria de color real en aguas naturales, residuales domésticas y no domésticas

  3. Influence of Surrounding Colors in the Illuminant-Color Mode on Color Constancy

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    Kazuho Fukuda


    Full Text Available On color constancy, we showed that brighter surrounding colors had greater influence than dim colors (Uchikawa, Kitazawa, MacLeod, Fukuda, 2010 APCV. Increasing luminance of a stimulus causes the change in appearance from the surface-color to the illuminant-color mode. However it is unknown whether the visual system considers such color appearance mode of surrounding colors to achieve color constancy. We investigated the influence of surrounding colors that appeared illuminant on color constancy. The stimulus was composed of a central test stimulus and surrounding six colors: bright and dim red, green and blue. The observers adjusted the chromaticity of the test stimulus to be appeared as an achromatic surface. The luminance balance of three bright surrounding colors was equalized with that of the optimal colors in three illuminant conditions, then, the luminance of one of the three bright colors was varied in the range beyond the critical luminance of color appearance mode transition. The results showed that increasing luminance of a bright surrounding color shifted the observers' achromatic setting toward its chromaticity, but this effect diminished for the surrounding color in the illuminant-color mode. These results suggest that the visual system considers color appearance mode of surrounding colors to accomplish color constancy.

  4. Rosa, el nuevo color del feminismo: un análisis del transporte exclusivo para mujeres

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    Full Text Available Este artículo explora la relación entre la movilidad urbana de las mujeres y la violencia en su contra en el transporte público. En particular, explora los temas de género que influyen en el abuso sexual en tal transporte, con atención tanto en los roles tradicionales de la mujer como ama de casa y no como una figura pública, así como en el debate innato o adquirido en la explicación del comportamiento del hombre. Dado que los servicios de transporte exclusivo para mujeres fueron implementados para resolver problemas entre la mujer y el hombre, sirven como un punto de referencia para discutir estos temas de género. Este estudio examina, analiza y evalúa el transporte sólo para mujeres y los efectos que el mismo tiene sobre la movilidad de ellas en relación con estos debates de género. Concluye que el “transporte rosa” ayuda a las mujeres a romper la trampa entre lo público y lo privado en la que están atrapadas al llevar el tema de la discriminación de género a la atención del público.


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    J. A. Osuna-García


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del 1-MCP (0 y 300 nl·litro-1 y diferentes niveles de tratamiento hidrotérmico (0, 52 °C por 5 min y 46 °C por 110 min sobre la fisiología y calidad de mango 'Keitt'. Se analizó velocidad de respiración, pérdida de peso, firmeza, color de pulpa, sólidos solubles totales y porcentaje de frutos enfermos. Se encontró que la efectividad del 1-MCP varió acorde al nivel de tratamiento hidrotérmico. En frutos sin hidrotérmico el 1-MCP disminuyó velocidad de respiración, no influyó en la pérdida de peso, mantuvo cuatro veces más la firmeza y retrasó el cambio de color de pulpa y el aumento de los sólidos solubles. Sin embargo, bajo tratamiento hidrotérmico por 5 min el 1-MCP incrementó velocidad de respiración, no influyó en la pérdida de peso, mantuvo dos veces más la firmeza de pulpa, retrasó el desarrollo del color de pulpa y mantuvo sin cambios los sólidos solubles. La efectividad del 1-MCP sobre firmeza y pérdida de peso fue significativamente afectada por el tratamiento hidrotérmico de 110 min, y no tuvo ningún efecto sobre el control de enfermedades, sin embargo, el tratamiento con agua caliente por 5 min redujo en más de 50 % la presencia de frutos enfermos. El 1-MCP en combinación con el tratamiento hidrotérmico de 5 min alargó en cinco días la vida de anaquel de los frutos y podría ser una alternativa viable en mercados que no requieren tratamiento hidrotérmico cuarentenario para el control de mosca de la fruta.

  6. Evaluación de los efectos clínicos del blanqueamiento dental aplicando dos técnicas diferentes


    Lahoud Salem, Victor; Mendoza Zapata, Janet; Uriarte Mora, Carlos; Munive Degregori, Arnaldo


    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los efectos clínicos del blanqueamiento dental aplicando dos técnicas diferentes. Técnica aplicada en consultorio. Técnica aplicada en Hogar. Fueron seleccionados 10 pacientes divididos en 2 grupos de 5 pacientes para cada técnica. Los criterios de evaluación fueron: duración de color, sensibilidad post operatoria, estado de salud gingival. Los resultados de la evaluación clínica a los 08 meses presentan 100% de estabilidad del color en los casos tratados c...

  7. Processing of Color Words Activates Color Representations (United States)

    Richter, Tobias; Zwaan, Rolf A.


    Two experiments were conducted to investigate whether color representations are routinely activated when color words are processed. Congruency effects of colors and color words were observed in both directions. Lexical decisions on color words were faster when preceding colors matched the color named by the word. Color-discrimination responses…

  8. Color categories and color appearance (United States)

    Webster, Michael A.; Kay, Paul


    We examined categorical effects in color appearance in two tasks, which in part differed in the extent to which color naming was explicitly required for the response. In one, we measured the effects of color differences on perceptual grouping for hues that spanned the blue–green boundary, to test whether chromatic differences across the boundary were perceptually exaggerated. This task did not require overt judgments of the perceived colors, and the tendency to group showed only a weak and inconsistent categorical bias. In a second case, we analyzed results from two prior studies of hue scaling of chromatic stimuli (De Valois, De Valois, Switkes, & Mahon, 1997; Malkoc, Kay, & Webster, 2005), to test whether color appearance changed more rapidly around the blue–green boundary. In this task observers directly judge the perceived color of the stimuli and these judgments tended to show much stronger categorical effects. The differences between these tasks could arise either because different signals mediate color grouping and color appearance, or because linguistic categories might differentially intrude on the response to color and/or on the perception of color. Our results suggest that the interaction between language and color processing may be highly dependent on the specific task and cognitive demands and strategies of the observer, and also highlight pronounced individual differences in the tendency to exhibit categorical responses. PMID:22176751

  9. Preferred skin color enhancement for photographic color reproduction (United States)

    Zeng, Huanzhao; Luo, Ronnier


    Skin tones are the most important colors among the memory color category. Reproducing skin colors pleasingly is an important factor in photographic color reproduction. Moving skin colors toward their preferred skin color center improves the color preference of skin color reproduction. Several methods to morph skin colors to a smaller preferred skin color region has been reported in the past. In this paper, a new approach is proposed to further improve the result of skin color enhancement. An ellipsoid skin color model is applied to compute skin color probabilities for skin color detection and to determine a weight for skin color adjustment. Preferred skin color centers determined through psychophysical experiments were applied for color adjustment. Preferred skin color centers for dark, medium, and light skin colors are applied to adjust skin colors differently. Skin colors are morphed toward their preferred color centers. A special processing is applied to avoid contrast loss in highlight. A 3-D interpolation method is applied to fix a potential contouring problem and to improve color processing efficiency. An psychophysical experiment validates that the method of preferred skin color enhancement effectively identifies skin colors, improves the skin color preference, and does not objectionably affect preferred skin colors in original images.

  10. Criterios y metodologías para la conservación y restauración de los revestimientos y el color en la arquitectura

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    Javier Gallego Roca


    Full Text Available El autor del artículo, el arquitecto Javier Gallego, aborda el tema del color y los revestimientos desde problemas conceptuales como la posible conservación de la pátina y el papel desempeñado por la ornamentación, utilizando algunos ejemplos de la arquitectura romana para introducir al lector en los materiales y técnicas empleados en diversos casos de restauración de revestimientos y color.

  11. Adquisición de carbono en frutos de color verde del muérdago Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae Carbon acquisition in green fruits of Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae

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    Cecilia I. Núñez


    Full Text Available El color verde de los frutos maduros podría atribuirse a la capacidad de adquirir carbono mediante fotosíntesis, lo cual disminuye los costos reproductivos e incrementa la recompensa nutritiva para los dispersores de semillas. En el muérdago Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae el color de los frutos maduros varía según el bioma: en el matorral chileno los frutos son amarillos mientras que en el bosque templando son verdes. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar si el color de los frutos se relacionaba con la capacidad de ganar carbono vía fotosíntesis y si esta capacidad variaba con la madurez y el bioma. Realizamos mediciones fisiológicas en plantas provenientes de poblaciones de cada bioma. Los frutos, tanto inmaduros como maduros de cada bioma no mostraron adquisición neta de carbono; las hojas mostraron actividad fotosintética, éstas poseen estomas en ambas caras y los frutos carecen de ellos. Estos resultados permiten descartar la hipótesis de que el color verde de los frutos de T. corymbosus se encuentra asociado a la adquisición neta de carbono vía fotosíntesis y mantiene la necesidad de indagación de otras hipótesis sobre la variación del color de los frutos entre biomas.In some species fruits are green when they are ripe. This can be attributed to the ability to acquire carbon via photosynthesis, which reduces reproductive costs and increases nutritional reward for seed dispersers. The color of mature fruits of the mistletoe Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae differ between biomes. In the Chilean matorral ripe fruits are yellow while in the temperate forest are green. Our objective was to determine whether or not fruits photosynthesize and if this ability varied with maturity stage and biome. We performed physiological measurements in plants from populations of each contrasting biome. Fruits did not denote carbon acquisition, regardless the biome or maturity stage. Leaves showed photosynthetic activity, they are amphistomatic

  12. Evaluación del tratamiento biológico para remoción de color índigo de agua residual industrial textil por un consorcio microbiano en lecho fluidizado

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    Quintero1 Luz


    Full Text Available El recurso hídrico ha sido uno de los más afectados por la industrialización y el desarrollo del sector textil. Medellín es la capital de la moda en Colombia y en la ciudad, se utilizan diariamente tintorerías dedicadas al teñido de prendas índigo. Son grandes consumidores de agua potable y subterránea. El agua, utilizada con mínima conciencia, es su mayor materia prima y la que genera altos costos mensuales. Este estudio construyó un reactor de lecho fluidizado (RLF. La antracita se utilizó como material de soporte para investigar la eficiencia de remoción de la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO y el color del agua residual textil simulada. Los siguientes estudios a escala de laboratorio fueron realizados inicialmente para preparar los ensayos de inmovilización de microorganismos en medio de soporte sólido y los períodos de puesta en marcha y operación de la planta piloto: bioaumentación y bioadaptación de inóculo tomado de efluente textil y remoción de color en reactor discontinuo. Los resultados indicaron que es posible lograr el tratamiento aeróbico de agua residual textil después de obtener un inóculo adaptado a las fuentes de carbono de tensoactivos e índigo.

  13. Do focal colors look particularly "colorful"? (United States)

    Witzel, Christoph; Franklin, Anna


    If the most typical red, yellow, green, and blue were particularly colorful (i.e., saturated), they would "jump out to the eye." This would explain why even fundamentally different languages have distinct color terms for these focal colors, and why unique hues play a prominent role in subjective color appearance. In this study, the subjective saturation of 10 colors around each of these focal colors was measured through a pairwise matching task. Results show that subjective saturation changes systematically across hues in a way that is strongly correlated to the visual gamut, and exponentially related to sensitivity but not to focal colors.

  14. Using color management in color document processing (United States)

    Nehab, Smadar


    Color Management Systems have been used for several years in Desktop Publishing (DTP) environments. While this development hasn't matured yet, we are already experiencing the next generation of the color imaging revolution-Device Independent Color for the small office/home office (SOHO) environment. Though there are still open technical issues with device independent color matching, they are not the focal point of this paper. This paper discusses two new and crucial aspects in using color management in color document processing: the management of color objects and their associated color rendering methods; a proposal for a precedence order and handshaking protocol among the various software components involved in color document processing. As color peripherals become affordable to the SOHO market, color management also becomes a prerequisite for common document authoring applications such as word processors. The first color management solutions were oriented towards DTP environments whose requirements were largely different. For example, DTP documents are image-centric, as opposed to SOHO documents that are text and charts centric. To achieve optimal reproduction on low-cost SOHO peripherals, it is critical that different color rendering methods are used for the different document object types. The first challenge in using color management of color document processing is the association of rendering methods with object types. As a result of an evolutionary process, color matching solutions are now available as application software, as driver embedded software and as operating system extensions. Consequently, document processing faces a new challenge, the correct selection of the color matching solution while avoiding duplicate color corrections.

  15. Estudio del propoleos de Santiago del Estero, Argentina Estudo de própolis de Santiago del Estero, Argentina

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    Lucrecia Lucía Chaillou


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue determinar las características físico-químicas del propóleos de la provincia de Santiago del Estero. Las muestras se recolectaron de colmenas ubicadas en los departamentos Capital, Banda y Robles. Se determinaron: color, olor, sabor consistencia y aspecto. Las muestras por lo general, se presentaron en trozos irregulares con brillo, de estructura homogénea, consistencia dura. El color fue marrón oscuro, olor resinoso aromático y sabor picante. El porcentaje de impurezas mecánicas, cera y resinas se encuentran de valores normales. El índice de oxidación, las concentraciones de compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides y la actividad antibacteriana frente a Staphylococcus aureus permiten concluir que la calidad del propóleos de los departamentos estudiados es buena.O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi a determinação das caracteristicas físico-químicas de própolis de Santiago del Estero. As amostras foram coletadas de departamentos Capital, Banda e Robles. A cor, o odor, o sabor, a consistência e a aparência externa foram analisados. As impurezas mecânicas, a cera, a resina, o índice da oxidação, os compostos fenólicos e os flavonóides foram testados. A atividade antimicrobiana foi determinada. As amostras foram apresentadas com estrutura homogênea, em parcelas irregulares brilhantes e a consistência era dura ou pouco macia na maioria dos casos. A cor era marrom-escura e o aroma resinoso aromático e o sabor picante. Porcentagem das impurezas, das ceras, da resina estavam entre valores normais. O índice de oxidação, as concentrações de compostos fenólicos e de flavonóides e a atividade antimicrobiana na Staphylococcus aureus permitam concluir que a qualidade dos própolis de departamentos Capital, Banda e Robles é boa.

  16. Crecimiento de Plantas de Remolacha (Beta vulgaris L. var. Crosby Egipcia Bajo Coberturas de Color Growth of Beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. Crosby Egipcia under Colored Covers

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    Fánor Casierra-Posada


    Full Text Available La respuesta de las plantas a diferente color en la iluminación, se atribuye a fotorreceptores que conducen a diversas expresiones fenotípicas en diferentes niveles y etapas del desarrollo vegetal. Para determinar si el color de iluminación en que se cultivan las plantas de remolacha (Beta vulgaris L. var. Crosby Egipcia, afecta su crecimiento, rendimiento y calidad, se realizó en Duitama -; Colombia, un estudio bajo coberturas de color azul, rojo o transparente. Para conseguir los colores se colocaron películas de polietileno, 65 cm por encima del cultivo, dejando un control a plena exposición. Las plantas cubiertas con la película roja presentaron mejor calidad de raíz basada en el diámetro, sólidos solubles totales y peso fresco y seco en comparación con las que crecieron bajo cobertura azul, transparente o los controles. Las plantas bajo la cobertura roja mostraron valores mayores de área foliar y peso seco total. Los valores más bajos se presentaron en plantas bajo la cubierta azul. La radiación monocromática inducida por las coberturas alteró también la distribución de materia seca en los órganos de la planta. La calidad de la luz alteró el crecimiento y la calidad del producto a cosechar en remolacha, por los efectos sobre los fotorreceptores que alteran los patrones de crecimiento.Plant responses to different colors of illumination are attributed to different photoreceptors which operate as light-induced initiators of signalling pathways leading to varying phenotypic expressions at various levels and stages of plant development. To determine whether the color of illumination under which plants are grown, affects the growth, yield and the quality of harvested product, beet plants (Beta vulgaris L. var. Crosby Egipcia were grown under either blue-enriched, red-enriched, or transparent covers in Duitama -Colombia. To get colors, red, blue and transparent polyethylene films were expanded 65 cm above crop, leaving an

  17. Automatic color preference correction for color reproduction (United States)

    Tsukada, Masato; Funayama, Chisato; Tajima, Johji


    The reproduction of natural objects in color images has attracted a great deal of attention. Reproduction more pleasing colors of natural objects is one of the methods available to improve image quality. We developed an automatic color correction method to maintain preferred color reproduction for three significant categories: facial skin color, green grass and blue sky. In this method, a representative color in an object area to be corrected is automatically extracted from an input image, and a set of color correction parameters is selected depending on the representative color. The improvement in image quality for reproductions of natural image was more than 93 percent in subjective experiments. These results show the usefulness of our automatic color correction method for the reproduction of preferred colors.

  18. Embedding Color Watermarks in Color Images

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    Wu Tung-Lin


    Full Text Available Robust watermarking with oblivious detection is essential to practical copyright protection of digital images. Effective exploitation of the characteristics of human visual perception to color stimuli helps to develop the watermarking scheme that fills the requirement. In this paper, an oblivious watermarking scheme that embeds color watermarks in color images is proposed. Through color gamut analysis and quantizer design, color watermarks are embedded by modifying quantization indices of color pixels without resulting in perceivable distortion. Only a small amount of information including the specification of color gamut, quantizer stepsize, and color tables is required to extract the watermark. Experimental results show that the proposed watermarking scheme is computationally simple and quite robust in face of various attacks such as cropping, low-pass filtering, white-noise addition, scaling, and JPEG compression with high compression ratios.

  19. Aquel verano del 92 en el INEFC

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    Ramon Balius i Juli


    Full Text Available Nuestra Portada la ocupa un bonito y espectacular cartel dedicado a la inauguración de la nueva sede del INEFC el día 21 de junio de 1991. Sobre un fondo de color azul cielo intenso se destacan una parte importante de la “Acrópolis” del edificio y en el ángulo superior derecho de la obra, unos pequeños fragmentos de tres anillas de los colores olímpicos: amarillo, rojo y verde. El original es de los artistas Pilar Villuendas y Josep Ramon Gómez. Ambos autores habían creado en 1980 un estudio especializado en el diseño gráfico y la comunicación, esencialmente en el terreno sociocultural. Son un verdadero equipo que ha trabajado para la administración local y autonómica de Catalunya y para todo tipo de empresas públicas y privadas. Desde 1985 han sido distinguidos con numerosos premios LAUS, que anualmente otorga la Asociación de Directores de Arte y Diseñadores Gráficos del Fomento de las Artes Decorativas (ADG–FAD y en 1987 con el premio Nacional de Turismo Almara y el premio del Instituto de las Letras Catalanas. Como veremos, Pilar Villuendas y Josep Ramon Gómez tuvieron una importante colaboración artística durante el período olímpico de Barcelona ’92.

  20. Procesamiento Digital de Imagenes del Cometa Halley (United States)

    Ferrin, L.; Fuenmayor, F.; Naranjo, O.; Bulka, P.; Mendoza, C.


    Se reportan observaciones fotográficas del cometa Halley, obtenidas con los telescopios Schmidt de 1-m del CIDA, y de 35 cms de la ULA. Se hicieron exposiciones desde 2 segundos a 30 minutos y se utilizaron emulsiones IIa-O, 103a-F, y 103a-D, guladas manualmente 0 automaticámente. Las imágenes fueron digitalizadas con el microdensitómetro PDS, y procesadas con el sistema HACIENDA del CCIBM. Se experimentó con la Transformada de Fourier en dos dimensiones, y con la aplicación de filtros de paso alto y bajo. Se encontró que el metodo de "autocorrelación" es el mejor para separar "la vegetación" de "la montaña". Se aplicaron diversas técnicas a fin de cubrir ambos extremos: a) enfatizar detalles débiles en la cola, y b) penetrar en las regiones más intensas de la coma. Se lograron ambos objetivos. Detalles en la cola permitieron determinar velocidades de propagación de unos 50 a 90 kms/ seg. Se pudieron detectar no menos de tres perturbaciones en "Y", y una en 5? Co de Cisne). Se cree que las primeras están asociadas a eventos de desconexión. Se puede separar la cola de gas de la de polvo. Las fotos de color permiten enfatizar diferentes regiones espectrales con mayor claridad aún. El "balance" del color puede ser hecho con la computadora.

  1. Color evaluation of computer-generated color rainbow holography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi, Yile; Wang, Hui; Wu, Qiong


    A color evaluation approach for computer-generated color rainbow holography (CGCRH) is presented. Firstly, the relationship between color quantities of a computer display and a color computer-generated holography (CCGH) colorimetric system is discussed based on color matching theory. An isochromatic transfer relationship of color quantity and amplitude of object light field is proposed. Secondly, the color reproduction mechanism and factors leading to the color difference between the color object and the holographic image that is reconstructed by CGCRH are analyzed in detail. A quantitative color calculation method for the holographic image reconstructed by CGCRH is given. Finally, general color samples are selected as numerical calculation test targets and the color differences between holographic images and test targets are calculated based on our proposed method. (paper)

  2. Sensory Drive, Color, and Color Vision. (United States)

    Price, Trevor D


    Colors often appear to differ in arbitrary ways among related species. However, a fraction of color diversity may be explained because some signals are more easily perceived in one environment rather than another. Models show that not only signals but also the perception of signals should regularly evolve in response to different environments, whether these primarily involve detection of conspecifics or detection of predators and prey. Thus, a deeper understanding of how perception of color correlates with environmental attributes should help generate more predictive models of color divergence. Here, I briefly review our understanding of color vision in vertebrates. Then I focus on opsin spectral tuning and opsin expression, two traits involved in color perception that have become amenable to study. I ask how opsin tuning is correlated with ecological differences, notably the light environment, and how this potentially affects perception of conspecific colors. Although opsin tuning appears to evolve slowly, opsin expression levels are more evolutionarily labile but have been difficult to connect to color perception. The challenge going forward will be to identify how physiological differences involved in color vision, such as opsin expression levels, translate into perceptual differences, the selection pressures that have driven those differences, and ultimately how this may drive evolution of conspecific colors.

  3. Color planner for designers based on color emotions (United States)

    Cheng, Ka-Man; Xin, John H.; Taylor, Gail


    During the color perception process, an associated feeling or emotion is induced in our brains, and this kind of emotion is termed as 'color emotion.' The researchers in the field of color emotions have put many efforts in quantifying color emotions with the standard color specifications and evaluating the influence of hue, lightness and chroma to the color emotions of human beings. In this study, a color planner was derived according to these findings so that the correlation of color emotions and standard color specifications was clearly indicated. Since people of different nationalities usually have different color emotions as different cultural and traditional backgrounds, the subjects in this study were all native Hong Kong Chinese and the color emotion words were all written in Chinese language in the visual assessments. Through the color planner, the designers from different areas, no matter fashion, graphic, interior or web site etc., can select suitable colors for inducing target color emotions to the customers or product-users since different colors convey different meanings to them. In addition, the designers can enhance the functionality and increase the attractiveness of their designed products by selecting suitable colors.

  4. El vacío iluminado del negro

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    Alicia Sánchez Ortiz


    Full Text Available Negación y suma de todos los colores, el negro posee una enorme potencialidad que a lo largo de los siglos se ha visto plasmada a través de diversas manifestaciones artísticas, en un lento transcurrir que le ha posibilitado asumir un puesto relevante en el ámbito contemporáneo. La negrura tiene un inmenso abanico de asociaciones negativas y espantosas. Nos remite a los rincones más oscuros de nuestra memoria. Algo lógico teniendo en cuenta su vinculación con la oscuridad y el miedo a lo oculto, a diferencia de lo luminoso, que se relaciona preferentemente con cualidades muy positivas. Cosmogónicamente, la negrura es el caos; ontogénicamente, es el signo de la muerte y la tumba, o del ambivalente útero; es también el color del no ser, del vacío; físicamente connota la ceguera; psicológicamente significa la temible tierra de los sueños y el inconsciente. El negro nos exhorta a mirar la oscuridad, a reconocer la belleza en la ausencia del color y de la luz.Black (disclaimer and sum of all colours has a large potential that, over the centuries, has been reflected through various art forms which has enabled him to assume an important place in the contemporary scene. The blackness has a huge range of negative and appalling associations. It refers us to the darkest corners of our memory; which makes sense considering its link with the darkness and fear of the occult (in contrast to light, which is associated preferentially with very positive qualities. Cosmogonically, the darkness is chaos. Ontogenetically, is the sign of death and the grave, or ambivalent uterus. It is also the colour of non-being, emptiness and physically it connotes blindness. Psychologically it signifies the dreaded land of dreams and the unconscious. The black exhorts us to look at the darkness and to recognize beauty in the absence of colour and light.

  5. Novedades en el uso del barniz de flúor. Reporte de caso

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    Guido Perona Miguel de Priego


    Full Text Available Los barnices fluorados se utiliza en la odontologia desde hace mucho tiempo demostrando ser eficaz en la inhibición de la desmineralización del esmalte y promoción de la remineralización del mismo, una presentación tradicional es de color amarillo/naranja que siempre ha sido de cuestionar por los padres de familia si se está realizando una profilaxis dental porque aplicar uma sustancia de color sobre los dientes. Se presenta la técnica de um nuevo barniz transparente en un niño de 5 años de edad que presentaba lesiones de manchas blancas y su control a los 21 días.

  6. Colorization-Based RGB-White Color Interpolation using Color Filter Array with Randomly Sampled Pattern. (United States)

    Oh, Paul; Lee, Sukho; Kang, Moon Gi


    Recently, several RGB-White (RGBW) color filter arrays (CFAs) have been proposed, which have extra white (W) pixels in the filter array that are highly sensitive. Due to the high sensitivity, the W pixels have better SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) characteristics than other color pixels in the filter array, especially, in low light conditions. However, most of the RGBW CFAs are designed so that the acquired RGBW pattern image can be converted into the conventional Bayer pattern image, which is then again converted into the final color image by using conventional demosaicing methods, i.e., color interpolation techniques. In this paper, we propose a new RGBW color filter array based on a totally different color interpolation technique, the colorization algorithm. The colorization algorithm was initially proposed for colorizing a gray image into a color image using a small number of color seeds. Here, we adopt this algorithm as a color interpolation technique, so that the RGBW color filter array can be designed with a very large number of W pixels to make the most of the highly sensitive characteristics of the W channel. The resulting RGBW color filter array has a pattern with a large proportion of W pixels, while the small-numbered RGB pixels are randomly distributed over the array. The colorization algorithm makes it possible to reconstruct the colors from such a small number of RGB values. Due to the large proportion of W pixels, the reconstructed color image has a high SNR value, especially higher than those of conventional CFAs in low light condition. Experimental results show that many important information which are not perceived in color images reconstructed with conventional CFAs are perceived in the images reconstructed with the proposed method.

  7. Of colored numbers and numbered colors: interactive processes in grapheme-color synesthesia. (United States)

    Gebuis, Titia; Nijboer, Tanja C W; van der Smagt, Maarten J


    Grapheme-color synesthetes experience a specific color when they see a grapheme but they do not report to perceive a grapheme when a color is presented. In this study, we investigate whether color can still evoke number-processes even when a vivid number experience is absent. We used color-number and number-color priming, both revealing faster responses in congruent compared to incongruent conditions. Interestingly, the congruency effect was of similar magnitude for both conditions, and a numerical distance effect was present only in the color-number priming task. In addition, a priming task in which synesthetes had to judge the parity of a colored number revealed faster responses in parity congruent than in parity incongruent trials. These combined results demonstrate that synesthesia is indeed bi-directional and of similar strength in both directions. Furthermore, they illustrate the precise nature of these interactions and show that the direction of these interactions is determined by task demands, not by the more vividly experienced aspect of the stimulus.

  8. Percepción fotográfica. La visión del individuo




    Estudio de hipótesis relacionados con el color y la percepción del ser humano, la manera en que los sentimientos y las percepciones se relacionan con los distintos colores.Realmente la realización de este estudio, ha reafirmado algunas teorías ya existentes, ha mostrado lo que se percibe con los colores y cómo influyen en las personas. Con él hemos visto, los diferentes tipos de percepciones que existen y cómo influye la cultura o los estudios relacionados con la materia. Fuentes Aparicio,...

  9. Precision of synesthetic color matching resembles that for recollected colors rather than physical colors. (United States)

    Arnold, Derek H; Wegener, Signy V; Brown, Francesca; Mattingley, Jason B


    Grapheme-color synesthesia is an atypical condition in which individuals experience sensations of color when reading printed graphemes such as letters and digits. For some grapheme-color synesthetes, seeing a printed grapheme triggers a sensation of color, but hearing the name of a grapheme does not. This dissociation allowed us to compare the precision with which synesthetes are able to match their color experiences triggered by visible graphemes, with the precision of their matches for recalled colors based on the same graphemes spoken aloud. In six synesthetes, color matching for printed graphemes was equally variable relative to recalled experiences. In a control experiment, synesthetes and age-matched controls either matched the color of a circular patch while it was visible on a screen, or they judged its color from memory after it had disappeared. Both synesthetes and controls were more variable when matching from memory, and the variance of synesthetes' recalled color judgments matched that associated with their synesthetic judgments for visible graphemes in the first experiment. Results suggest that synesthetic experiences of color triggered by achromatic graphemes are analogous to recollections of color.

  10. Color Terms and Color Concepts (United States)

    Davidoff, Jules


    In their lead articles, both Kowalski and Zimiles (2006) and O'Hanlon and Roberson (2006) declare a general relation between color term knowledge and the ability to conceptually represent color. Kowalski and Zimiles, in particular, argue for a priority for the conceptual representation in color term acquisition. The complexities of the interaction…

  11. Color Categories and Color Appearance (United States)

    Webster, Michael A.; Kay, Paul


    We examined categorical effects in color appearance in two tasks, which in part differed in the extent to which color naming was explicitly required for the response. In one, we measured the effects of color differences on perceptual grouping for hues that spanned the blue-green boundary, to test whether chromatic differences across the boundary…

  12. Measurement of Color in different construction materials


    García Pascua, N.; Sánchez de Rojas, María Isabel; Frías, Moisés


    [ES] El empleo de materiales de construcción y la aplicación sobre ellos de productos de reparación requiere un detallado estudio sobre su forma de actuación y la importancia de la conservación del aspecto original de los mismos. Por este motivo, el objetivo principal de este estudio es el determinar un intervalo de color que se conserve a pesar de todas las posibles intervenciones que se acometan en el edificio, tanto cuando se realizan trabajos de restauración, que implican el uso ...

  13. Color Memory of University Students: Influence of Color Experience and Color Characteristic (United States)

    Bynum, Carlisle; Epps, Helen H.; Kaya, Naz


    The ability to select a previously viewed color specimen from an array of specimens that differ in hue, value, or chroma varies among individuals, and may be related to one's basic color discrimination ability or to prior experience with color. This study investigated short-term color memory of 40 college students, 20 of whom were interior design…

  14. Memory for color reactivates color processing region. (United States)

    Slotnick, Scott D


    Memory is thought to be constructive in nature, where features processed in different cortical regions are synthesized during retrieval. In an effort to support this constructive memory framework, the present functional magnetic resonance imaging study assessed whether memory for color reactivated color processing regions. During encoding, participants were presented with colored and gray abstract shapes. During retrieval, old and new shapes were presented in gray and participants responded 'old-colored', 'old-gray', or 'new'. Within color perception regions, color memory related activity was observed in the left fusiform gyrus, adjacent to the collateral sulcus. A retinotopic mapping analysis indicated this activity occurred within color processing region V8. The present feature specific evidence provides compelling support for a constructive view of memory.

  15. Paso del Aguilo : Figurine Féminine


    Michelet , Dominique


    Zone IV, site n°2. Las Colaciones, Paso del Aguila, municipio Armadillo, San Luis Potosi.Figurine féminine en pâte fine engobée en orange et une trace de colorant rouge sur le haut de la coiffure. Tête subtriangulaire. Incisions au niveau de la ceinture et sur les cuisses. Hauteur totale 9,7 centimètres.

  16. Una nueva especie de rana de cristal del género Hyalinobatrachium (Anura: Centrolenidae del Delta del Río Orinoco, Venezuela

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    J. Celsa Señaris


    Full Text Available Se describe una nueva especie de Hyalinobatrachium del grupo fleischmanni, H. mondolfii, de las planicies inundables del delta del río Orinoco, Venezuela. Hyalinobatrachium mondolfii se distingue del resto de las especies del grupo por la siguiente combinación de caracteres: peritoneo parietal translúcido, pericardio y peritoneos visceral y hepático blancos, coloración dorsal en vida verde claro con diminutos puntos amarillos y en preservativo crema uniforme con diminutos melanóforos oscuros (visibles solo bajo magnificación, huesos blancos en vida, palmeadura de manos y pies extensa, cabeza redondeada en vista dorsal e inclinada en vista lateral, piel dorsal granular y un canto con frecuencia fundamental superior a los 5 000 HzA new species of Hyalinobatrachium of the fleischmanni group, H. mondolfii, is described from the Orinoco delta floodplains in Venezuela. This new species can be distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of characters: parietal peritoneum clear, pericardium white, visceral and hepatic peritoneum white, color in life pale green with diminute yellow spots and, in preservative, cream with small dark melanophores (visible only under magnification, bones white in life, extense webbing, snout round in dorsal view and inclinate in lateral view, dorsal skin granulate and a advertisement call with a fundamental frequency greater than 5000 Hz

  17. Measurement of color in different construction materials. The restoration in sandstone buildings

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    García Pascua, N.


    Full Text Available The use of construction materials and their subsequent repair purposes include a search of knowledge and preservation of their original appearance. For this reason, the main aim of this study is to determine a color range which does not change with the possible actions on a building, both when restoration works which imply the use and repair of "ancient" materials are carried out, and when construction is carried out with new materials. It is necessary to obtain the quantification of this property in order to check its variation over the passage of time. Each construction material must be taken into account as an isolated problem, since the color is different in each case.

    El empleo de materiales de construcción y la aplicación sobre ellos de productos de reparación requiere un detallado estudio sobre su forma de actuación y la importancia de la conservación del aspecto original de los mismos. Por este motivo, el objetivo principal de este estudio es el determinar un intervalo de color que se conserve a pesar de todas las posibles intervenciones que se acometan en el edificio, tanto cuando se realizan trabajos de restauración, que implican el uso y reparación de materiales "viejos", o bien cuando se llevan a cabo trabajos de construcción con materiales nuevos. Es necesario cuantificar dicha propiedad para poder controlar el paso del tiempo. Cada material de construcción debe ser considerado como un problema aislado, ya que el color es distinto en cada caso.

  18. Using Single Colors and Color Pairs to Communicate Basic Tastes II: Foreground-Background Color Combinations. (United States)

    Woods, Andy T; Marmolejo-Ramos, Fernando; Velasco, Carlos; Spence, Charles


    People associate basic tastes (e.g., sweet, sour, bitter, and salty) with specific colors (e.g., pink or red, green or yellow, black or purple, and white or blue). In the present study, we investigated whether a color bordered by another color (either the same or different) would give rise to stronger taste associations relative to a single patch of color. We replicate previous findings, highlighting the existence of a robust crossmodal correspondence between individual colors and basic tastes. On occasion, color pairs were found to communicate taste expectations more consistently than were single color patches. Furthermore, and in contrast to a recent study in which the color pairs were shown side-by-side, participants took no longer to match the color pairs with tastes than the single colors (they had taken twice as long to respond to the color pairs in the previous study). Possible reasons for these results are discussed, and potential applications for the results, and for the testing methodology developed, are outlined.

  19. Colorism/Neo-Colorism (United States)

    Snell, Joel


    There are numerous aspects to being non-Caucasian that may not be known by Whites. Persons of color suggest folks who are African, South Americans, Native Americans, Biracial, Asians and others. The question is what do these individuals feel relative to their color and facial characteristics. Eugene Robinson suggest that the future favorable color…

  20. Luminance contours can gate afterimage colors and "real" colors. (United States)

    Anstis, Stuart; Vergeer, Mark; Van Lier, Rob


    It has long been known that colored images may elicit afterimages in complementary colors. We have already shown (Van Lier, Vergeer, & Anstis, 2009) that one and the same adapting image may result in different afterimage colors, depending on the test contours presented after the colored image. The color of the afterimage depends on two adapting colors, those both inside and outside the test. Here, we further explore this phenomenon and show that the color-contour interactions shown for afterimage colors also occur for "real" colors. We argue that similar mechanisms apply for both types of stimulation.

  1. Using Single Colors and Color Pairs to Communicate Basic Tastes II: Foreground–Background Color Combinations (United States)

    Marmolejo-Ramos, Fernando; Velasco, Carlos; Spence, Charles


    People associate basic tastes (e.g., sweet, sour, bitter, and salty) with specific colors (e.g., pink or red, green or yellow, black or purple, and white or blue). In the present study, we investigated whether a color bordered by another color (either the same or different) would give rise to stronger taste associations relative to a single patch of color. We replicate previous findings, highlighting the existence of a robust crossmodal correspondence between individual colors and basic tastes. On occasion, color pairs were found to communicate taste expectations more consistently than were single color patches. Furthermore, and in contrast to a recent study in which the color pairs were shown side-by-side, participants took no longer to match the color pairs with tastes than the single colors (they had taken twice as long to respond to the color pairs in the previous study). Possible reasons for these results are discussed, and potential applications for the results, and for the testing methodology developed, are outlined. PMID:27708752

  2. Color adaptation induced from linguistic description of color.

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    Liling Zheng

    Full Text Available Recent theories propose that language comprehension can influence perception at the low level of perceptual system. Here, we used an adaptation paradigm to test whether processing language caused color adaptation in the visual system. After prolonged exposure to a color linguistic context, which depicted red, green, or non-specific color scenes, participants immediately performed a color detection task, indicating whether they saw a green color square in the middle of a white screen or not. We found that participants were more likely to perceive the green color square after listening to discourses denoting red compared to discourses denoting green or conveying non-specific color information, revealing that language comprehension caused an adaptation aftereffect at the perceptual level. Therefore, semantic representation of color may have a common neural substrate with color perception. These results are in line with the simulation view of embodied language comprehension theory, which predicts that processing language reactivates the sensorimotor systems that are engaged during real experience.

  3. Aplicación de productos derivados del insecto Dactylopius coccus Costa (Homóptera, Dactylopiidae Aplicación de productos derivados del insecto Dactylopius coccus Costa (Homóptera, Dactylopiidae

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    Lorena Vargas Rodríguez


    Full Text Available   Nowadays many industries want to replace synthetic dyes by natural, due to its harmful effects and the high contamination of the environment. Dactylopius coccus Costa (cochi­neal is an insect to obtain natural products that are used as dyes. The aim of this study was to promote the application of cochineal and the products derivates of these insect, in the dyeing of cotton fabric and in the coloration of a lipstick bullet at the laboratory. Was applied to the aqueous extract of cochineal on cotton fabric, obtaining homogeneous colors, with average values in the CIELab scale of: 43.81±0.33 L*, 44.64±0.15 a* y -4.03±0.55 b*. It also was applied the carmine pigment in the elaboration of a lipstick bullet, was obtai­ned consistent color with the following average values on the CIELab scale: 13.25±3.62 L*, 4.80±1.41 a* y -0.23±0.84 b*. Actualmente muchas industrias buscan sustituir los colorantes sintéticos por naturales, debido a su efecto nocivo y a la alta contaminación del medio ambiente. Del insecto Dactylopius coccus Costa (grana carmín se obtienen productos naturales que se pueden usar como colorantes, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo fue difundir la aplicación del insecto grana carmín y los productos derivados del mismo en el teñido de una tela de algodón y en la coloración de una bala labial a nivel laboratorio. Al aplicar el extracto acuoso de la grana carmín sobre la tela de algodón, se consiguieron colores homogéneos, con valores promedio en la escala CIELab de: 43.81±0.33 L*, 44.64±0.15 a* y -4.03±0.55 b*. Asimismo al aplicar el pigmento laca carmín en la elaboración de una bala labial se lograron colores uniformes con los siguientes valores promedio en la escala CIELab: 13.25±3.62 L*, 4.80±1.41 a* y -0.23±0.84 b*.

  4. Caracterización química de la vidriera del rosetón del Duomo de Siena (Italia, 1288-1289

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    Tarozzi, C.


    with addition of copper (together with manganese and iron, previously prepared as a pigment that has as excipient a potassium glass. The use of potassium glass instead of the sodium glass locally produced strongly suggests that the pigment could be bought directly from Middle or Northern Europe markets and/or could be a sub-product of copper ore melting. On the other hand, the production of sodium red ruby plaqué glass, technologically more evolved and comparable to the coeval potassium glass coming from the Central Europe glass factories, would be outstanding in the XIV century; but we interpret (taking into account its chemical composition that was produced later and introduced during the restoration conducted at the end of XVII century. We can also note the use of well-dosed lead additions in order to increase the lightness and transparency of coloured glass. Manganese has been a very important element in the Siena workshop glassmaker colour palette achievements. On the other hand, the trace-element chemical fingerprint of the glass allows arguing what kind of mineral salts were used as pigments, as well as the way to introduce it in the uncoloured original glass.

    Se han caracterizado químicamente una colección de vidrios arquitectónicos coloreados originales del rosetón del Duomo (catedral de Siena, Italia, realizados bajo diseño del artista Duccio di Buoninsegna en 1288-89. Esta comunicación expone los resultados obtenidos mediante el empleo de microsonda electrónica de Castaing (mayoritarios y espectrometría de masas con fuente de plasma acoplado inductivamente (ICP-MS, elementos en traza en vidrios de varios colores (incoloro, verde oscuro, verde oliva, amarillo, violeta, rosa, azul oscuro, azul celeste, rojo plaqué. Se trata de vidrios sódico-cálcicos (valores en peso alrededor del 13-14 % de Na2O, 56-64 % SiO2, 4% MgO, 9-10 % CaO, 2,5-4 K2O de tradición por tanto mediterránea. Un resultado semejante

  5. Shift Colors (United States)

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  6. Natural Colorants: Food Colorants from Natural Sources. (United States)

    Sigurdson, Gregory T; Tang, Peipei; Giusti, M Mónica


    The color of food is often associated with the flavor, safety, and nutritional value of the product. Synthetic food colorants have been used because of their high stability and low cost. However, consumer perception and demand have driven the replacement of synthetic colorants with naturally derived alternatives. Natural pigment applications can be limited by lower stability, weaker tinctorial strength, interactions with food ingredients, and inability to match desired hues. Therefore, no single naturally derived colorant can serve as a universal alternative for a specified synthetic colorant in all applications. This review summarizes major environmental and biological sources for natural colorants as well as nature-identical counterparts. Chemical characteristics of prevalent pigments, including anthocyanins, carotenoids, betalains, and chlorophylls, are described. The possible applications and hues (warm, cool, and achromatic) of currently used natural pigments, such as anthocyanins as red and blue colorants, and possible future alternatives, such as purple violacein and red pyranoanthocyanins, are also discussed.

  7. Algunas de las aves emblemáticas del Eje Cafetero

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    Daniel Uribe Restrepo


    La región del Eje Cafetero no es una excepción, por el contrario, su variedad de climas, paisajes y ecosistemas albergan un gran número de especies de aves. Es difícil estimar la cantidad exacta de especies de aves en esta región, pero dicho número con seguridad supera las seiscientas cincuenta especies. Las aves conquistaron con éxito la geografía montañosa de las cordilleras Central y Occidental, y los humedales del valle interandino del río Cauca, irradiando sus múltiples formas, tamaños, colores, cantos y adaptaciones hasta conformar un caleidoscopio de indescriptible belleza.

  8. Colors, colored overlays, and reading skills

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    Arcangelo eUccula


    Full Text Available In this article, we are concerned with the role of colors in reading written texts. It has been argued that colored overlays applied above written texts positively influence both reading fluency and reading speed. These effects would be particularly evident for those individuals affected by the so called Meares-Irlen syndrome, i.e. who experience eyestrain and/or visual distortions – e.g. color, shape or movement illusions – while reading. This condition would interest the 12-14% of the general population and up to the 46% of the dyslexic population. Thus, colored overlays have been largely employed as a remedy for some aspects of the difficulties in reading experienced by dyslexic individuals, as fluency and speed. Despite the wide use of colored overlays, how they exert their effects has not been made clear yet. Also, according to some researchers, the results supporting the efficacy of colored overlays as a tool for helping readers are at least controversial. Furthermore, the very nature of the Meares-Irlen syndrome has been questioned. Here we provide a concise, critical review of the literature.

  9. Precision of Synesthetic Color Matching Resembles That for Recollected Colors Rather than Physical Colors (United States)

    Arnold, Derek H.; Wegener, Signy V.; Brown, Francesca; Mattingley, Jason B.


    Grapheme-color synesthesia is an atypical condition in which individuals experience sensations of color when reading printed graphemes such as letters and digits. For some grapheme-color synesthetes, seeing a printed grapheme triggers a sensation of color, but "hearing" the name of a grapheme does not. This dissociation allowed us to…

  10. Análisis espectral del timbre de la trompa


    Hijosa Martín, Gloria


    En este proyecto se estudia el timbre de la trompa mediante el análisis espectral de su señal acústica con el objetivo de poder comparar trompas de diferentes marcas, modelos y materiales de fabricación en función del color de su timbre. Para ello, se ha creado una base datos de 54 grabaciones del registro sonoro correspondiente a nueve trompas dobles, las cuales se han digitalizado para, posteriormente, realizar su análisis espectral utilizando dos técnicas de procesado de señ...

  11. Color Analysis (United States)

    Wrolstad, Ronald E.; Smith, Daniel E.

    Color, flavor, and texture are the three principal quality attributes that determine food acceptance, and color has a far greater influence on our judgment than most of us appreciate. We use color to determine if a banana is at our preferred ripeness level, and a discolored meat product can warn us that the product may be spoiled. The marketing departments of our food corporations know that, for their customers, the color must be "right." The University of California Davis scorecard for wine quality designates four points out of 20, or 20% of the total score, for color and appearance (1). Food scientists who establish quality control specifications for their product are very aware of the importance of color and appearance. While subjective visual assessment and use of visual color standards are still used in the food industry, instrumental color measurements are extensively employed. Objective measurement of color is desirable for both research and industrial applications, and the ruggedness, stability, and ease of use of today's color measurement instruments have resulted in their widespread adoption.

  12. Color Memory


    Pate, Monica; Raclariu, Ana-Maria; Strominger, Andrew


    A transient color flux across null infinity in classical Yang-Mills theory is considered. It is shown that a pair of test `quarks' initially in a color singlet generically acquire net color as a result of the flux. A nonlinear formula is derived for the relative color rotation of the quarks. For weak color flux the formula linearizes to the Fourier transform of the soft gluon theorem. This color memory effect is the Yang-Mills analog of the gravitational memory effect.

  13. Color Algebras (United States)

    Mulligan, Jeffrey B.


    A color algebra refers to a system for computing sums and products of colors, analogous to additive and subtractive color mixtures. The difficulty addressed here is the fact that, because of metamerism, we cannot know with certainty the spectrum that produced a particular color solely on the basis of sensory data. Knowledge of the spectrum is not required to compute additive mixture of colors, but is critical for subtractive (multiplicative) mixture. Therefore, we cannot predict with certainty the multiplicative interactions between colors based solely on sensory data. There are two potential applications of a color algebra: first, to aid modeling phenomena of human visual perception, such as color constancy and transparency; and, second, to provide better models of the interactions of lights and surfaces for computer graphics rendering.

  14. Color-Blind Racism, Color-Blind Theology, and Church Practices (United States)

    Hearn, Mark


    Color-blind racism develops when persons ignore color in people and see them simply as individuals. As persons of color in racialized societies such as the United States are unequally treated on account of their color, the issue becomes a matter of faith and religious experience as religious leaders and educators, who disregard color, overlook…

  15. El color, en el programa de mano de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

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    Dr. James F. Willis García-Talavera


    Full Text Available La estandarización de formatos de programas de mano, practicada por Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer al final de la década de los treinta, trajo consigo la arrolladora llegada del color, como carácter peculiar e inseparable del nuevo modelo, origen del matiz de opinión que, a partir de ese momento, generarían los nuevos ejemplares e ingrediente esencial en la obtención del pretendido impacto visual. Esa transformación del programa de mano supuso el ascenso de un punto en la escala de iconocidad gráfica –inversamente proporcional al grado de abstracción– diseñada por Abraham Moles.ABSTRACT: The standarization of programs carried out by MGM at the end of the 30´brought about the overwhelming arrival of colour as a peculiar characteristic inseparable from the new model, origin of the nuance of opinion which, from that moment, would generate the new models and ingredients essential in the obtaining of the alledged visual impact. That transformation of the program meant the raise of one point in the graphic icon scale, inversely proportional to the degree of abstraction designed by Abraham Moles.

  16. Estudio colorimétrico de los azulejos del Patio de las Doncellas del Real Alcázar de Sevilla (España*

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    Manuel Melgosa


    Full Text Available Se han realizado medidas colorimétricas y goniocolorimétricas de 187 azulejos de la galería baja del Patio de las Doncellas (S. xiv, que pueden agruparse en torno a 5 tonos principales: blanco, negro, azul, verde y melado. Las medidas goniocolorimétricas se muestran necesarias para caracterizar correctamente la mayoría de estas muestras, siendo insuficientes las medidas colorimétricas convencionales. Los principales cambios de color se dan al movernos desde el ángulo de –15° (próximo a la dirección de reflexión especular hasta el de +45° (dirección perpendicular a la muestra, consistiendo en un descenso de claridad (L* y un aumento de croma (C*ab. Para las muestras negras se observa además un acusado descenso del ángulo de tono (hab, así como un valor alto de 16,0 para el índice de flop en claridad. Las muestras negras y meladas tienen apariencia metalizada, con valores del índice de metalizado superiores a 5,0. Las diferencias de color entre los ángulos extremos de –15° y +110° son bastante elevadas, oscilando sus valores medios entre 4,1 (blancos y 31,2 (melados unidades CIELAB. La presente caracterización goniocolorimétrica de los azulejos del Patio de las Doncellas aporta una metodología y resultados que pueden ser útiles para los trabajos de conservadores y restauradores.

  17. Experimental Study on Color Durability of Color Asphalt Pavement (United States)

    Ning, Shi; Huan, Su


    Aiming at the poor Color durability and the lack of research on Color asphalt pavement, spraying an anti-tire trace seal resin emulsion on the surface, a Color durable asphalt pavement was proposed. After long-term rolling and long-term aging test, the Color durability was evaluated by RGB function in Photoshop and trace residue rate formula. Test results proved that the Evaluation method was simple and effective. After long-term rolling, the Color of the road surface tends to a constant value. Spraying the emulsion on the road surface can resist tire traces. After long-term aging test, the resistance to tire traces was increased by 26.6% compared with the conventional type, while the former was 44.1% higher than the latter without long-term aging. The Color durable asphalt pavement can effectively improve the ability of Color asphalt pavement to resist tire traces, and significantly improve the Color durability of Color asphalt pavement.

  18. Mirador de la Qubba Mayor (Lindaraja. Armadura apeinazada de cintas con vidrios de colores

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    Fernández-Puertas, Antonio


    Full Text Available This work studies the only decorative wooden ceiling with coloured glass that survived in situ in Hispano- Muslim Art, in the Palace of the Riyāḍ al-Sa'īd of the Alhambra, hence its enormous importance for the History of Art.

    En este trabajo se estudia la única armadura apeinazada decorativa con vidrios de colores que ha pervivido in situ en el arte hispanomusulmán, en el palacio del Riyāḍ al-Sa'īd de la Alhambra, de ahí su enorme importancia para la Historia del Arte.

  19. Intra and interobserver variability of renal allograft ultrasound volume and resistive index measurements; Variabilita' intra- ed interoperatore delle misure ecografiche del volume e dell'indice di resistenza del rene trapiantato

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mancini, Marcello; Liuzzi, Raffaele [CNR, Napoli (Italy). Istituto di biostrutture e bioimmagini; Daniele, Stefania; Raffio, Teresa; Salvatore, Marco [Napoli Univ., Napoli (Italy). Dipartimento di diagnostica per immagini; Sabbatini, Massimo; Cianciaruso, Bruno [Napoli Univ., Napoli (Italy). Istituto di nefrologia medica; Ferrara, Liberato Aldo [Napoli Univ., Napoli (Italy). Dipartimento di medicina clinica e sperimentale


    Purpose: Aim of the presents study was to evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of the Doppler Resistive Index (R.I.) and the Ultrasound renal volume measurement in renal transplants. Materials and methods: Twenty -six consecutive patients (18 men, 8 women) mean age of 42,8{+-}12,4 years (M{+-}SD)(range 22-65 years) were studied twice by each of two trained sonographers using a color Doppler ultrasound scanner. Twelve of them had a normal allograft function (defined as stable serum creatinine levels {<=}123,76 {mu}mol/L), whilst the remaining 14 had decreased allograft function (serum creatinine 132.6-265.2 {mu}mol/L). Results were given as mean of 6 measurements performed at upper, middle and lower pole of the kidney. Intra- and interobserver variability was assessed by the repeatability coefficient and coefficient of variation (CV). Results: Regarding Resistive Index measurement, repeatability coefficient was between 0.04 and 0.06 and the coefficient of variation was <5%. The analysis of the Student's test did not show any significant difference between the measurements (t=0.15; p=0.87 n.s.). A good reproducibility was also detected in US measurements of renal length and volume. Conclusions: These results suggest that Color Doppler Resistive Index measurements of renal allograft and Ultrasound renal volume measurements are repeatable and reproducible. [Italian] Scopo: Valutare la ripetibilit� e la riproducibilit� delle misurazioni ecografiche dell'Indice di Resistenza (I.R.) e del volume del rene trapiantato. Materiale e metodi: Ventisei pazienti (18 uomini, 8 donne) con et� media di 42,8{+-}12,4 anni (M{+-}SD)(range 22-65 anni) sono stati studiati consecutivamente due volte con eco-color-Doppler da due ecografisti esperti. Dodici pazienti avevano funzione renale normale (livello serico di creatina stabilmente {<=}123,76 {mu}mol/L, i rimanenti 14 avevano una lieve e stabile disfunzione del rene trapiantato (creatina serica 132.6-265.2 {mu

  20. Tree Colors: Color Schemes for Tree-Structured Data. (United States)

    Tennekes, Martijn; de Jonge, Edwin


    We present a method to map tree structures to colors from the Hue-Chroma-Luminance color model, which is known for its well balanced perceptual properties. The Tree Colors method can be tuned with several parameters, whose effect on the resulting color schemes is discussed in detail. We provide a free and open source implementation with sensible parameter defaults. Categorical data are very common in statistical graphics, and often these categories form a classification tree. We evaluate applying Tree Colors to tree structured data with a survey on a large group of users from a national statistical institute. Our user study suggests that Tree Colors are useful, not only for improving node-link diagrams, but also for unveiling tree structure in non-hierarchical visualizations.

  1. Illuminant color estimation based on pigmentation separation from human skin color (United States)

    Tanaka, Satomi; Kakinuma, Akihiro; Kamijo, Naohiro; Takahashi, Hiroshi; Tsumura, Norimichi


    Human has the visual system called "color constancy" that maintains the perceptive colors of same object across various light sources. The effective method of color constancy algorithm was proposed to use the human facial color in a digital color image, however, this method has wrong estimation results by the difference of individual facial colors. In this paper, we present the novel color constancy algorithm based on skin color analysis. The skin color analysis is the method to separate the skin color into the components of melanin, hemoglobin and shading. We use the stationary property of Japanese facial color, and this property is calculated from the components of melanin and hemoglobin. As a result, we achieve to propose the method to use subject's facial color in image and not depend on the individual difference among Japanese facial color.


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    Kyung-Won Suh


    Full Text Available We present infrared color-color diagrams of AGB stars from the observations at near and mid infrared bands. We compile the observations for hundreds of OH/IR stars and carbon stars using the data from the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX, the two micron sky survey (2MASS, and the IRAS point source catalog (PSC. We compare the observations with the theoretical evolutionary tracks of AGB stars. From the new observational data base and the theoretical evolution tracks, we discuss the meaning of the infrared color-color diagrams at different wavelengths.

  3. Color digital halftoning taking colorimetric color reproduction into account (United States)

    Haneishi, Hideaki; Suzuki, Toshiaki; Shimoyama, Nobukatsu; Miyake, Yoichi


    Taking colorimetric color reproduction into account, the conventional error diffusion method is modified for color digital half-toning. Assuming that the input to a bilevel color printer is given in CIE-XYZ tristimulus values or CIE-LAB values instead of the more conventional RGB or YMC values, two modified versions based on vector operation in (1) the XYZ color space and (2) the LAB color space were tested. Experimental results show that the modified methods, especially the method using the LAB color space, resulted in better color reproduction performance than the conventional methods. Spatial artifacts that appear in the modified methods are presented and analyzed. It is also shown that the modified method (2) with a thresholding technique achieves a good spatial image quality.

  4. Color preferences change after experience with liked/disliked colored objects. (United States)

    Strauss, Eli D; Schloss, Karen B; Palmer, Stephen E


    How are color preferences formed, and can they be changed by affective experiences with correspondingly colored objects? We examined these questions by testing whether affectively polarized experiences with images of colored objects would cause changes in color preferences. Such changes are implied by the ecological valence theory (EVT), which posits that color preferences are determined by people's average affective responses to correspondingly colored objects (Palmer & Schloss, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 8877-8882, 2010). Seeing images of strongly liked (and disliked) red and green objects, therefore, should lead to increased (and decreased) preferences for correspondingly colored red and green color patches. Experiment 1 showed that this crossover interaction did occur, but only if participants were required to evaluate their preferences for the colored objects when they saw them. Experiment 2 showed that these overall changes decreased substantially over a 24-h delay, but the degree to which the effect lasted for individuals covaried with the magnitude of the effects immediately after object exposure. Experiment 3 demonstrated a similar, but weaker, effect of affectively biased changes in color preferences when participants did not see, but only imagined, the colored objects. The overall pattern of results indicated that color preferences are not fixed, but rather are shaped by affective experiences with colored objects. Possible explanations for the observed changes in color preferences were considered in terms of associative learning through evaluative conditioning and/or priming of prior knowledge in memory.

  5. Influence of color word availability on the Stroop color-naming effect. (United States)

    Kim, Hyosun; Cho, Yang Seok; Yamaguchi, Motonori; Proctor, Robert W


    Three experiments tested whether the Stroop color-naming effect is a consequence of word recognition's being automatic or of the color word's capturing visual attention. In Experiment 1, a color bar was presented at fixation as the color carrier, with color and neutral words presented in locations above or below the color bar; Experiment 2 was similar, except that the color carrier could occur in one of the peripheral locations and the color word at fixation. The Stroop effect increased as display duration increased, and the Stroop dilution effect (a reduced Stroop effect when a neutral word is also present) was an approximately constant proportion of the Stroop effect at all display durations, regardless of whether the color bar or color word was at fixation. In Experiment 3, the interval between the onsets of the to-be-named color and the color word was manipulated. The Stroop effect decreased with increasing delay of the color word onset, but the absolute amount of Stroop dilution produced by the neutral word increased. This study's results imply that an attention shift from the color carrier to the color word is an important factor modulating the size of the Stroop effect.

  6. Representing Color Ensembles. (United States)

    Chetverikov, Andrey; Campana, Gianluca; Kristjánsson, Árni


    Colors are rarely uniform, yet little is known about how people represent color distributions. We introduce a new method for studying color ensembles based on intertrial learning in visual search. Participants looked for an oddly colored diamond among diamonds with colors taken from either uniform or Gaussian color distributions. On test trials, the targets had various distances in feature space from the mean of the preceding distractor color distribution. Targets on test trials therefore served as probes into probabilistic representations of distractor colors. Test-trial response times revealed a striking similarity between the physical distribution of colors and their internal representations. The results demonstrate that the visual system represents color ensembles in a more detailed way than previously thought, coding not only mean and variance but, most surprisingly, the actual shape (uniform or Gaussian) of the distribution of colors in the environment.

  7. Luminance contours can gate afterimage colors and 'real' colors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Anstis, S.; Vergeer, M.L.T.; Lier, R.J. van


    It has long been known that colored images may elicit afterimages in complementary colors. We have already shown (Van Lier, Vergeer, & Anstis, 2009) that one and the same adapting image may result in different afterimage colors, depending on the test contours presented after the colored image. The

  8. Digital color imaging

    CERN Document Server

    Fernandez-Maloigne, Christine; Macaire, Ludovic


    This collective work identifies the latest developments in the field of the automatic processing and analysis of digital color images.For researchers and students, it represents a critical state of the art on the scientific issues raised by the various steps constituting the chain of color image processing.It covers a wide range of topics related to computational color imaging, including color filtering and segmentation, color texture characterization, color invariant for object recognition, color and motion analysis, as well as color image and video indexing and retrieval. <

  9. Color-quality control using color-difference formulas: progress and problems (United States)

    Melgosa, M.; Gómez-Robledo, L.; García, P. A.; Morillas, S.; Fernández-Maloigne, C.; Richard, N.; Huang, M.; Li, C.; Cui, G.


    We report on some recent advances in industrial color-difference evaluation focused in three main fields: Development of reliable experimental visual datasets; proposal of new color spaces and color-difference formulas; tools to evaluate the merits of color-difference formulas. The use of fuzzy techniques to assign consistency degrees to color pairs in combined visual datasets is described. The CIE/ISO joint proposal of the CIEDE2000 color-difference formula as a standard will facilitate the communication among companies and users. The CIE recommendation of the STRESS index to assess observers' variability and relative merits of different color-difference formulas is reported. Power functions are an efficient method to improve the performance of modern color-difference formulas. We need of advanced color-difference formulas accounting for new materials with different kind of textures and gonioapparent effects.

  10. Characterization of Angle Dependent Color Travel of Printed Multi-Color Effect Pigment on Different Color Substrates

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    Mirica Karlovits


    Full Text Available Color-travel pigments, which exhibit much more extensive color change as well provide angle-dependent optical effect can be used in many industrial products. In present paper the multi-color effect pigment printed on three different foils with different background color (black, silver and transparent was investigated. The pigment was based on synthetically produced transparent silicon dioxide platelets coated with titanium dioxide. CIEL*a*b* values and reflection of prints were measured by multi-angle spectrophotometer at constant illumination at an angle of 45º and different viewing angles (-15º, 15°, 25º, 45º, 75º and 110º were used. The measurements of printed multi-color pigment showed that CIEL*a*b* color coordinates varied to great extents, depending on detection angles as well on color of the printing substrate. The study revealed that pigmnet printed on black background obtained significant change in color. The study has also shown that when viewing angle increases, the reflection curves decreases.


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    Dominique Lafon


    Full Text Available The goal of this article is to present specific capabilities and limitations of the use of color digital images in a characterization process. The whole process is investigated, from the acquisition of digital color images to the analysis of the information relevant to various applications in the field of material characterization. A digital color image can be considered as a matrix of pixels with values expressed in a vector-space (commonly 3 dimensional space whose specificity, compared to grey-scale images, is to ensure a coding and a representation of the output image (visualisation printing that fits the human visual reality. In a characterization process, it is interesting to regard color image attnbutes as a set of visual aspect measurements on a material surface. Color measurement systems (spectrocolorimeters, colorimeters and radiometers and cameras use the same type of light detectors: most of them use Charge Coupled Devices sensors. The difference between the two types of color data acquisition systems is that color measurement systems provide a global information of the observed surface (average aspect of the surface: the color texture is not taken into account. Thus, it seems interesting to use imaging systems as measuring instruments for the quantitative characterization of the color texture.

  12. Examination of Color-Lighting Control System Using Colored Paper User Interface

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    Aida Hiroto


    Full Text Available In recent year, Full-Color LED Lighting that can be changed to various color such as red, green, blue has been appeared with development of LED Lighting. By Color-Lighting control, users affected such as concentrating and relaxing. Therefore, Color-lighting control will spread to various place such as home, offices, stations. However color-lighting control affected some disturbance such as daylight, display when Full-Color LED controlled indoors. Also, information devices control get difficult with information technology develop. I propose Color-Lighting Control System using Colored Paper User Interface(CLC/CPUI. The purpose of CLC/CPUI is that anyone can intuitively control Full-Color LED Lighting. CLC/CPUI uses colored paper as user interface by sensing the paper. CLC/CPUI realizes lighting color that user demanded to do feedback control. I conduct accuracy verification experiment of CLC/CPUI.

  13. Colored Chaos (United States)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Released 7 May 2004 This daytime visible color image was collected on May 30, 2002 during the Southern Fall season in Atlantis Chaos. The THEMIS VIS camera is capable of capturing color images of the martian surface using its five different color filters. In this mode of operation, the spatial resolution and coverage of the image must be reduced to accommodate the additional data volume produced from the use of multiple filters. To make a color image, three of the five filter images (each in grayscale) are selected. Each is contrast enhanced and then converted to a red, green, or blue intensity image. These three images are then combined to produce a full color, single image. Because the THEMIS color filters don't span the full range of colors seen by the human eye, a color THEMIS image does not represent true color. Also, because each single-filter image is contrast enhanced before inclusion in the three-color image, the apparent color variation of the scene is exaggerated. Nevertheless, the color variation that does appear is representative of some change in color, however subtle, in the actual scene. Note that the long edges of THEMIS color images typically contain color artifacts that do not represent surface variation. Image information: VIS instrument. Latitude -34.5, Longitude 183.6 East (176.4 West). 38 meter/pixel resolution. Note: this THEMIS visual image has not been radiometrically nor geometrically calibrated for this preliminary release. An empirical correction has been performed to remove instrumental effects. A linear shift has been applied in the cross-track and down-track direction to approximate spacecraft and planetary motion. Fully calibrated and geometrically projected images will be released through the Planetary Data System in accordance with Project policies at a later time. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D

  14. Color vision test (United States)

    ... present from birth) color vision problems: Achromatopsia -- complete color blindness , seeing only shades of gray Deuteranopia -- difficulty telling ... Vision test - color; Ishihara color vision test Images Color blindness tests References Bowling B. Hereditary fundus dystrophies. In: ...

  15. Colors, colored overlays, and reading skills


    Uccula, Arcangelo; Enna, Mauro; Mulatti, Claudio


    In this article, we are concerned with the role of colors in reading written texts. It has been argued that colored overlays applied above written texts positively influence both reading fluency and reading speed. These effects would be particularly evident for those individuals affected by the so called Meares-Irlen syndrome, i.e., who experience eyestrain and/or visual distortions – e.g., color, shape, or movement illusions – while reading. This condition would interest the 12–14% of the ge...

  16. Un caso de xantismo parcial en Aplodactylus punctatus (Teleostei: Aplodactylidae del sur de Perú

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    Philippe Béarez


    Full Text Available Se reporta por primera vez en Ilo, sur del Perú, una jerguilla amarilla (Aplodactylus punctatus. Esa condición de tener una piel de color amarillo se denomina xantismo. Este registro, único, corresponde probablemente a una extensión hacia el norte del rango de distribución de la «jerguilla reina», conocida de la costa central de Chile.

  17. Color Appearance of the Neon Color Spreading Effect

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    Damir Vusić


    Full Text Available As a part of this paper, the influence of various parameters within the target process of graphic reproduction on the color appearance of the neon color spreading effect was investigated. The shift in a color appearance qualitatively is determined through the calculation of changes in perceptual attributes of color, i.e. differences in lightness, chroma and hue. The influence of different media (printed images, and LCD display in the “cross-media” system was examined, as well as the role of the inserted segment color choice and background of the primary stimulus as an element of design solutions. These parameters were evaluated in a variety of ambient conditions and under the observation of three CIE standard light sources and illuminants. It was found that it was mostly the changes of the chroma and lightness. The change in the color hue is the lowest.

  18. Using Single Colors and Color Pairs to Communicate Basic Tastes

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    Andy T. Woods


    Full Text Available Recently, it has been demonstrated that people associate each of the basic tastes (e.g., sweet, sour, bitter, and salty with specific colors (e.g., red, green, black, and white. In the present study, we investigated whether pairs of colors (both associated with a particular taste or taste word would give rise to stronger associations relative to pairs of colors that were associated with different tastes. We replicate the findings of previous studies highlighting the existence of a robust crossmodal correspondence between individual colors and basic tastes. However, while there was evidence that pairs of colors could indeed communicate taste information more consistently than single colors, our participants took more than twice as long to match the color pairs with tastes than the single colors. Possible reasons for these results are discussed.

  19. Using Single Colors and Color Pairs to Communicate Basic Tastes. (United States)

    Woods, Andy T; Spence, Charles


    Recently, it has been demonstrated that people associate each of the basic tastes (e.g., sweet, sour, bitter, and salty) with specific colors (e.g., red, green, black, and white). In the present study, we investigated whether pairs of colors (both associated with a particular taste or taste word) would give rise to stronger associations relative to pairs of colors that were associated with different tastes. We replicate the findings of previous studies highlighting the existence of a robust crossmodal correspondence between individual colors and basic tastes. However, while there was evidence that pairs of colors could indeed communicate taste information more consistently than single colors, our participants took more than twice as long to match the color pairs with tastes than the single colors. Possible reasons for these results are discussed.

  20. The interaction between surface color and color knowledge: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. (United States)

    Bramão, Inês; Faísca, Luís; Forkstam, Christian; Inácio, Filomena; Araújo, Susana; Petersson, Karl Magnus; Reis, Alexandra


    In this study, we used event-related potentials (ERPs) to evaluate the contribution of surface color and color knowledge information in object identification. We constructed two color-object verification tasks - a surface and a knowledge verification task - using high color diagnostic objects; both typical and atypical color versions of the same object were presented. Continuous electroencephalogram was recorded from 26 subjects. A cluster randomization procedure was used to explore the differences between typical and atypical color objects in each task. In the color knowledge task, we found two significant clusters that were consistent with the N350 and late positive complex (LPC) effects. Atypical color objects elicited more negative ERPs compared to typical color objects. The color effect found in the N350 time window suggests that surface color is an important cue that facilitates the selection of a stored object representation from long-term memory. Moreover, the observed LPC effect suggests that surface color activates associated semantic knowledge about the object, including color knowledge representations. We did not find any significant differences between typical and atypical color objects in the surface color verification task, which indicates that there is little contribution of color knowledge to resolve the surface color verification. Our main results suggest that surface color is an important visual cue that triggers color knowledge, thereby facilitating object identification. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Color-Blindness Study: Color Discrimination on the TICCIT System. (United States)

    Asay, Calvin S.; Schneider, Edward W.

    The question studied whether the specific seven TICCIT system colors used within color coding schemes can be a source of confusion, or not seen at all, by the color-blind segment of target populations. Subjects were 11 color-blind and three normally sighted students at Brigham Young University. After a preliminary training exercise to acquaint the…

  2. Human preferences for colorful birds: Vivid colors or pattern? (United States)

    Lišková, Silvie; Landová, Eva; Frynta, Daniel


    In a previous study, we found that the shape of a bird, rather than its color, plays a major role in the determination of human preferences. Thus, in the present study, we asked whether the preferences of human respondents towards uniformly shaped, colorful birds are determined by pattern rather than color. The experimental stimuli were pictures of small passerine birds of the family Pittidae possessing uniform shape but vivid coloration. We asked 200 participants to rank 43 colored and 43 identical, but grayscaled, pictures of birds. To find the traits determining human preferences, we performed GLM analysis in which we tried to explain the mean preference ranks and PC axes by the following explanatory variables: the overall lightness and saturation, edges (pattern), and the portion of each of the basic color hues. The results showed that the mean preference ranks of the grayscale set is explained mostly by the birds' pattern, whereas the colored set ranking is mostly determined by the overall lightness. The effect of colors was weaker, but still significant, and revealed that people liked blue and green birds. We found no significant role of the color red, the perception of which was acquired relatively recently in evolution.

  3. Human Preferences for Colorful Birds: Vivid Colors or Pattern?

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    Silvie Lišková


    Full Text Available In a previous study, we found that the shape of a bird, rather than its color, plays a major role in the determination of human preferences. Thus, in the present study, we asked whether the preferences of human respondents towards uniformly shaped, colorful birds are determined by pattern rather than color. The experimental stimuli were pictures of small passerine birds of the family Pittidae possessing uniform shape but vivid coloration. We asked 200 participants to rank 43 colored and 43 identical, but grayscaled, pictures of birds. To find the traits determining human preferences, we performed GLM analysis in which we tried to explain the mean preference ranks and PC axes by the following explanatory variables: the overall lightness and saturation, edges (pattern, and the portion of each of the basic color hues. The results showed that the mean preference ranks of the grayscale set is explained mostly by the birds' pattern, whereas the colored set ranking is mostly determined by the overall lightness. The effect of colors was weaker, but still significant, and revealed that people liked blue and green birds. We found no significant role of the color red, the perception of which was acquired relatively recently in evolution.

  4. Industrial Color Physics

    CERN Document Server

    Klein, Georg A


    This unique book starts with a short historical overview of the development of the theories of color vision and applications of industrial color physics. The three dominant factors producing color - light source, color sample, and observer - are described in detail. The standardized color spaces are shown and related color values are applied to characteristic color qualities of absorption as well as of effect colorants. The fundamentals of spectrometric and colorimetric measuring techniques together with specific applications are described. Theoretical models for radiative transfer in transparent, translucent, and opaque layers are detailed; the two, three, and multi-flux approximations are presented for the first time in a coherent formalism. These methods constitute the fundamentals not only for the important classical methods, but also modern methods of recipe prediction applicable to all known colorants. The text is supplied with 52 tables, more than 200 partially colored illustrations, an appendix, and a...

  5. Caracterización taxonómica y análisis de la variabilidad del agente causal del cancro del tallo de la soja en Buenos Aires (2005/2007

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    Full Text Available ResumenEl complejo Diaporthe/Phomopsis es un importante grupo de hongos patógenos de la soja. Dentro del mismo, Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora es uno de los agentes causales del cancro del tallo. Veintitrés aislamientos de este hongo, provenientes de diferentes zonas geográficas de la provincia de Buenos Aires, fueron caracterizados morfológica y genéticamente. Los criterios morfológicos fueron tipo y color de micelio; formación del teleomorfo y/o del anamorfo. La identificación molecular fue llevada a cabo utilizando una técnica de restricción de fragmentos de amplificación (PCR-RFLP de la región ITS de ADN ribosomal. Adicionalmente, los productos de amplificación fueron secuenciados y comparados con la información de bancos de datos. Los aislamientos presentaron características morfológicas y patogénicas propias de la variedad, y los patrones de restricción con la enzima Alu I fueron concordantes con la identificación morfológica y con la información de secuencias disponibles. Las reconstrucciones filogenéticas apoyan la idea de que D. meridionalis y D. caulivora son entidades biológicamente aisladas. Los resultados obtenidos confirmaron la utilidad del uso del método de PCR-RFLP para la identificación precisa y rápida de D. caulivora. Por sus características, este método puede ser implementado para análisis de rutina en laboratorios de pequeña y mediana escala.AbstractDiaporthe/Phomopsis is an important group of soybean pathogens. Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora is one of the causal agents of stem canker. Twenty three isolates from different regions from the Province of Buenos Aires were morphologically and genetically characterized and assigned to different taxa within the Diaporthe/Phomopsis complex; diagnostic morphological traits were: mycelium type and color, teleomorph/anamorph occurrence. Molecular characterization was carried out using RFLP analyses of PCR-amplified DNA (PCRRFLP for the

  6. La evolución tecnológica del distrito cerámico de Castellón: la contribución de la industria de fritas, colores y esmaltes

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    Tortajada Esparza, E.


    Full Text Available The industrial district of Castellon is characterized by a great dynamism based on technological innovation, both product and process, the origins of which are to be found on its providers (1, the machinery industry and the frit, glaze and colours industry. In this paper the current situation of the frit, glaze and colour industry is analyzed, accounting also for the situation of its main European competitor in Italy. The formation and development of the industry is also described in relation to the industrial district and the innovation system where it belongs, together with the R&D activity, the innovation activity, and the main technological milestones that have made it become the world leader. The analysis shows the challenges to which this subsector, and more generally, the tile innovation system need to react to, by means of cooperation, in order to maintain the tile district leadership. Globalization implies new behaviours and one of the most relevant is the increase of cooperation among the different actors in the innovation system.

    El distrito industrial de Castellón se caracteriza por un gran dinamismo fundamentado en la innovación tecnológica, tanto de proceso como de producto, cuyo origen está básicamente en sus proveedores (1, la industria de equipamiento mecánico y la industria de fritas, esmaltes y colores cerámicos. En este artículo se analiza la situación actual de la industria de fritas, esmaltes y colores cerámicos española, atendiendo además a la situación de su mayor competidor europeo, Italia. Se describe también la formación y desarrollo de la industria en el entorno del distrito cerámico de Castellón y de su sistema de innovación, se analizan, asimismo la actividad en I+D e innovación así como los hitos tecnológicos que le han llevado a ocupar un liderazgo mundial. El análisis realizado identifica los retos frente a los que el subsector y, en general, el sistema de innovación cer

  7. Color naming


    Şahin, Ebru


    Ankara : Bilkent University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and Institute of Fine Arts, 1998. Thesis (Ph.D) -- Bilkent University, 1998 Includes bibliographical refences. In this study, visual aspects of color and neurophysiological processes involved in the phenomenon, language of color and color models were explained in addition to the discussion of different ideas, orientations and previous works behind the subject of matter. Available color ...

  8. Color response and color transport in a quark-gluon plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heinz, U.


    Using color kinetic theory, we discuss color conduction and color response in a quark-gluon plasma. Collective color oscillations and their damping rates are investigated. An instability of the thermal equilibrium state in high T QCD is discovered

  9. Cognitive aspects of color (United States)

    Derefeldt, Gunilla A. M.; Menu, Jean-Pierre; Swartling, Tiina


    This report surveys cognitive aspects of color in terms of behavioral, neuropsychological, and neurophysiological data. Color is usually defined as psychophysical color or as perceived color. Behavioral data on categorical color perception, absolute judgement of colors, color coding, visual search, and visual awareness refer to the more cognitive aspects of color. These are of major importance in visual synthesis and spatial organization, as already shown by the Gestalt psychologists. Neuropsychological and neurophysiological findings provide evidence for an interrelation between cognitive color and spatial organization. Color also enhances planning strategies, as has been shown by studies on color and eye movements. Memory colors and the color- language connections in the brain also belong among the cognitive aspects of color.

  10. Color response and color transport in a quark-gluon plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heinz, U.


    Using color kinetic theory, the authors discuss color conduction and color response in a quark-gluon plasma. Collective color oscillations and their damping rates are investigated. An instability of the thermal equilibrium state in high T QCD is discovered

  11. A Study of Color Transformation on Website Images for the Color Blind


    Siew-Li Ching; Maziani Sabudin


    In this paper, we study on color transformation method on website images for the color blind. The most common category of color blindness is red-green color blindness which is viewed as beige color. By transforming the colors of the images, the color blind can improve their color visibility. They can have a better view when browsing through the websites. To transform colors on the website images, we study on two algorithms which are the conversion techniques from RGB colo...

  12. Color reproduction system based on color appearance model and gamut mapping (United States)

    Cheng, Fang-Hsuan; Yang, Chih-Yuan


    By the progress of computer, computer peripherals such as color monitor and printer are often used to generate color image. However, cross media color reproduction by human perception is usually different. Basically, the influence factors are device calibration and characterization, viewing condition, device gamut and human psychology. In this thesis, a color reproduction system based on color appearance model and gamut mapping is proposed. It consists of four parts; device characterization, color management technique, color appearance model and gamut mapping.

  13. Color inference in visual communication: the meaning of colors in recycling. (United States)

    Schloss, Karen B; Lessard, Laurent; Walmsley, Charlotte S; Foley, Kathleen


    People interpret abstract meanings from colors, which makes color a useful perceptual feature for visual communication. This process is complicated, however, because there is seldom a one-to-one correspondence between colors and meanings. One color can be associated with many different concepts (one-to-many mapping) and many colors can be associated with the same concept (many-to-one mapping). We propose that to interpret color-coding systems, people perform assignment inference to determine how colors map onto concepts. We studied assignment inference in the domain of recycling. Participants saw images of colored but unlabeled bins and were asked to indicate which bins they would use to discard different kinds of recyclables and trash. In Experiment 1, we tested two hypotheses for how people perform assignment inference. The local assignment hypothesis predicts that people simply match objects with their most strongly associated color. The global assignment hypothesis predicts that people also account for the association strengths between all other objects and colors within the scope of the color-coding system. Participants discarded objects in bins that optimized the color-object associations of the entire set, which is consistent with the global assignment hypothesis. This sometimes resulted in discarding objects in bins whose colors were weakly associated with the object, even when there was a stronger associated option available. In Experiment 2, we tested different methods for encoding color-coding systems and found that people were better at assignment inference when color sets simultaneously maximized the association strength between assigned color-object parings while minimizing associations between unassigned pairings. Our study provides an approach for designing intuitive color-coding systems that facilitate communication through visual media such as graphs, maps, signs, and artifacts.

  14. A subjective evaluation of high-chroma color with wide color-gamut display (United States)

    Kishimoto, Junko; Yamaguchi, Masahiro; Ohyama, Nagaaki


    Displays tends to expand its color gamut, such as multi-primary color display, Adobe RGB and so on. Therefore displays got possible to display high chroma colors. However sometimes, we feel unnatural some for the image which only expanded chroma. Appropriate gamut mapping method to expand color gamut is not proposed very much. We are attempting preferred expanded color reproduction on wide color gamut display utilizing high chroma colors effectively. As a first step, we have conducted an experiment to investigate the psychological effect of color schemes including highly saturated colors. We used the six-primary-color projector that we have developed for the presentation of test colors. The six-primary-color projector's gamut volume in CIELAB space is about 1.8 times larger than the normal RGB projector. We conducted a subjective evaluation experiment using the SD (Semantic Differential) technique to find the quantitative psychological effect of high chroma colors.

  15. Role of color memory in successive color constancy. (United States)

    Ling, Yazhu; Hurlbert, Anya


    We investigate color constancy for real 2D paper samples using a successive matching paradigm in which the observer memorizes a reference surface color under neutral illumination and after a temporal interval selects a matching test surface under the same or different illumination. We find significant effects of the illumination, reference surface, and their interaction on the matching error. We characterize the matching error in the absence of illumination change as the "pure color memory shift" and introduce a new index for successive color constancy that compares this shift against the matching error under changing illumination. The index also incorporates the vector direction of the matching errors in chromaticity space, unlike the traditional constancy index. With this index, we find that color constancy is nearly perfect.

  16. ColorPhylo: A Color Code to Accurately Display Taxonomic Classifications. (United States)

    Lespinats, Sylvain; Fertil, Bernard


    Color may be very useful to visualise complex data. As far as taxonomy is concerned, color may help observing various species' characteristics in correlation with classification. However, choosing the number of subclasses to display is often a complex task: on the one hand, assigning a limited number of colors to taxa of interest hides the structure imbedded in the subtrees of the taxonomy; on the other hand, differentiating a high number of taxa by giving them specific colors, without considering the underlying taxonomy, may lead to unreadable results since relationships between displayed taxa would not be supported by the color code. In the present paper, an automatic color coding scheme is proposed to visualise the levels of taxonomic relationships displayed as overlay on any kind of data plot. To achieve this goal, a dimensionality reduction method allows displaying taxonomic "distances" onto a Euclidean two-dimensional space. The resulting map is projected onto a 2D color space (the Hue, Saturation, Brightness colorimetric space with brightness set to 1). Proximity in the taxonomic classification corresponds to proximity on the map and is therefore materialised by color proximity. As a result, each species is related to a color code showing its position in the taxonomic tree. The so called ColorPhylo displays taxonomic relationships intuitively and can be combined with any biological result. A Matlab version of ColorPhylo is available at Meanwhile, an ad-hoc distance in case of taxonomy with unknown edge lengths is proposed.

  17. V color centers in electrolytically colored hydroxyl-doped sodium chloride crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu Hongen; Song Cuiying; Han Li


    Hydroxyl-doped sodium chloride crystals were successfully colored electrolytically by using pointed anode and flat cathode at various temperatures and under various electric field strengths. V 2 and V 3 color centers were produced in the colored crystals. Current-time curves for the electrolytic colorations were given, and activation energy for the V 2 and V 3 color center migration was determined. Production of the V 2 and V 3 color centers and formation of current zones for the electrolytic colorations of the hydroxyl-doped sodium chloride crystals are explained

  18. Color Space and Its Divisions: Color Order from Antiquity to the Present (United States)

    Kuehni, Rolf G.


    It has been postulated that humans can differentiate between millions of gradations in color. Not surprisingly, no completely adequate, detailed catalog of colors has yet been devised, however the quest to understand, record, and depict color is as old as the quest to understand the fundamentals of the physical world and the nature of human consciousness. Rolf Kuehni's Color Space and Its Divisions: Color Order from Antiquity to the Present represents an ambitious and unprecedented history of man's inquiry into color order, focusing on the practical applications of the most contemporary developments in the field. Kuehni devotes much of his study to geometric, three-dimensional arrangements of color experiences, a type of system developed only in the mid-nineteenth century. Color spaces are of particular interest for color quality-control purposes in the manufacturing and graphics industries. The author analyzes three major color order systems in detail: Munsell, OSA-UCS, and NCS. He presents historical and current information on color space developments in color vision, psychology, psychophysics, and color technology. Chapter topics include: A historical account of color order systems Fundamentals of psychophysics and the relationship between stimuli and experience Results of perceptual scaling of colors according to attributes History of the development of mathematical color space and difference formulas Analysis of the agreements and discrepancies in psychophysical data describing color differences An experimental plan for the reliable, replicated perceptual data necessary to make progress in the field Experts in academia and industry, neuroscientists, designers, art historians, and anyone interested in the nature of color will find Color Space and Its Divisions to be the authoritative reference in its field.

  19. Desarrollo embrionario y larva del sapo Incilius aucoinae (Bufonidae en Golfito, Costa Rica

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    Susy Segura-Solís


    Full Text Available Se describe la larva y los estadios del desarrollo del huevo y larva de Incilius aucoinae utilizando especímenes del río Cañaza, Golfito, Costa Rica, recolectados en enero de 1997 y enero-febrero de 1998. La muestra fue de 696 individuos, 317 huevos en estadios 1-12, 176 huevos con embriones en estadios 15-16, y 204 renacuajos en estadios 21-43. El promedio del número de huevos por nidada fue de 8 940 (n = 4, los cuales fueron colocados en una hilera, sujetos al sustrato del río. Los huevos en estadios 1-12 tienen un promedio de diámetro de 1.75 (s = 0.38 mm y los huevos con embriones en estadios 15-16 miden 1.33 (0.34 de ancho y 3.06 (1.46 mm de largo. La descripción del renacuajo basada en el espécimen UCR 19982, es como sigue: el dorso, el vientre y la cola son de color café y punteado de café oscuro; la cola mide 9.43 mm y el cuerpo 6.18, para un tamaño total de 15.62; las aletas son pequeñas café claro translúcidas, la dorsal con puntos dispersos y la ventral sin ningún tipo de pigmento oscuro. También es el único renacuajo ovoide con una tendencia a ser aplastado dorso-ventralmente, y con la boca antero-ventral. Dentro de la variación observada, algunos individuos son de color negro (3.4 % y pocos son uniformes (0.5- 1.5 %.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    We have obtained surface photometry in U, B, R, and I for a complete optically selected sample of 45 early-type spiral galaxies, to investigate the colors and color gradients of spiral bulges. Color profiles in U-R, B-R, U-B, and R-I have been determined in wedges opening on the semiminor axes.

  1. Examination of Color-Lighting Control System Using Colored Paper User Interface


    Aida Hiroto; Matsui Kento; Keisuke Soma; Murakami Hiroki; Miki Mistunori


    In recent year, Full-Color LED Lighting that can be changed to various color such as red, green, blue has been appeared with development of LED Lighting. By Color-Lighting control, users affected such as concentrating and relaxing. Therefore, Color-lighting control will spread to various place such as home, offices, stations. However color-lighting control affected some disturbance such as daylight, display when Full-Color LED controlled indoors. Also, information devices control get difficul...

  2. Combining fine texture and coarse color features for color texture classification (United States)

    Wang, Junmin; Fan, Yangyu; Li, Ning


    Color texture classification plays an important role in computer vision applications because texture and color are two fundamental visual features. To classify the color texture via extracting discriminative color texture features in real time, we present an approach of combining the fine texture and coarse color features for color texture classification. First, the input image is transformed from RGB to HSV color space to separate texture and color information. Second, the scale-selective completed local binary count (CLBC) algorithm is introduced to extract the fine texture feature from the V component in HSV color space. Third, both H and S components are quantized at an optimal coarse level. Furthermore, the joint histogram of H and S components is calculated, which is considered as the coarse color feature. Finally, the fine texture and coarse color features are combined as the final descriptor and the nearest subspace classifier is used for classification. Experimental results on CUReT, KTH-TIPS, and New-BarkTex databases demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art classification performance. Moreover, the proposed method is fast enough for real-time applications.

  3. A relativistic colored spinning particle in an external color field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heinz, U.


    I derive fully covariant equations of motion for a classical colored spinning particle in an external SU(3) color field. Although the total color charge and total spin of the particle are found to be separately constants of motion (here I disagree with a recent paper by Arodz), the dynamics of the orientation of the color and spin vectors are coupled to each other through interaction with the color field, even if the latter is homogeneous. (orig.)

  4. A Color-Opponency Based Biological Model for Color Constancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yongjie Li


    Full Text Available Color constancy is the ability of the human visual system to adaptively correct color-biased scenes under different illuminants. Most of the existing color constancy models are nonphysiologically plausible. Among the limited biological models, the great majority is Retinex and its variations, and only two or three models directly simulate the feature of color-opponency, but only of the very earliest stages of visual pathway, i.e., the single-opponent mechanisms involved at the levels of retinal ganglion cells and lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN neurons. Considering the extensive physiological evidences supporting that both the single-opponent cells in retina and LGN and the double-opponent neurons in primary visual cortex (V1 are the building blocks for color constancy, in this study we construct a color-opponency based color constancy model by simulating the opponent fashions of both the single-opponent and double-opponent cells in a forward manner. As for the spatial structure of the receptive fields (RF, both the classical RF (CRF center and the nonclassical RF (nCRF surround are taken into account for all the cells. The proposed model was tested on several typical image databases commonly used for performance evaluation of color constancy methods, and exciting results were achieved.

  5. Colored operads

    CERN Document Server

    Yau, Donald


    The subject of this book is the theory of operads and colored operads, sometimes called symmetric multicategories. A (colored) operad is an abstract object which encodes operations with multiple inputs and one output and relations between such operations. The theory originated in the early 1970s in homotopy theory and quickly became very important in algebraic topology, algebra, algebraic geometry, and even theoretical physics (string theory). Topics covered include basic graph theory, basic category theory, colored operads, and algebras over colored operads. Free colored operads are discussed in complete detail and in full generality. The intended audience of this book includes students and researchers in mathematics and other sciences where operads and colored operads are used. The prerequisite for this book is minimal. Every major concept is thoroughly motivated. There are many graphical illustrations and about 150 exercises. This book can be used in a graduate course and for independent study.

  6. Color management of porcelain veneers: influence of dentin and resin cement colors. (United States)

    Dozic, Alma; Tsagkari, Maria; Khashayar, Ghazal; Aboushelib, Moustafa


    Porcelain veneers have become an interesting treatment option to correct the shape and color of anterior teeth. Because of their limited thickness and high translucency, achieving a good color match is influenced by several variables. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of natural dentin and resin cement colors on final color match of porcelain veneers. A preselected shade tab (A1) was chosen as the target color for a maxillary central incisor, and its color parameters (L*a*b*) were measured using a digital spectrophotometer (SpectroShade, MHT). Nine natural dentin colors (Natural Die Material, Ivoclar Vivadent) representing a wide range of tooth colors were used to prepare resin replicas of the maxillary central incisor with a standard preparation for porcelain veneers. The prepared porcelain veneers (IPS Empress Esthetic, A1, 0.6 mm thick, Ivoclar Vivadent) were cemented on the resin dies (nine groups of natural dentin colors) using seven shades of resin cement (Variolink Veneers, Ivoclar Vivadent). The L*a*b* values of the cemented veneers were measured, and DE values were calculated against the preselected target color (A1). DE greater than 3.3 was considered as a significant color mismatch detectable by the human eye. The seven shades of resin cement had no significant influence on the final color of the veneers, as the measured DE values were almost identical for every test group. On the other hand, the color of natural dentin was a significant factor that influenced final color match. None of the 63 tested combinations (nine natural dentin colors and seven resin cement colors) produced an acceptable color match. Thin porcelain veneers cannot mask underlying tooth color even when different shades of resin cement are used. Incorporation of opaque porcelain (high chroma) may improve final color match.

  7. P1-15: Categorical Color Perception of LED Illuminant Color for Deuteranomals

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    Saeko Oishi


    Full Text Available Color information has great value in our everyday lives, but it is not mindful of people with color vision deficiency (CVD. We can choose several color names to categorize a lot of colors around us. Eleven color names (white, black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, orange, pink, and gray are known as basic color categories, but people with CVD cannot necessarily describe colors as people who are color vision normal (CVN do. Previous studies showed that it was hard for people with CVD to discriminate illuminant color from object color, and their color perception changed largely depending on experimental conditions. In this study we investigated categorical color perception of illuminant color for deuteranomals, using a mixture of light which consists of a red, a green, and a blue LED as a test stimulus. We tested those stimuli with three luminance levels (180 cd/m2, 18 cd/m2, 1.8 cd/m2 and two visual angles (10 deg, 0.5 deg. Subjects were three deuteranomals and three people who are CVN. Our result showed that the categorical color of mild deuteranomals was similar to that of those who were CVN, but that of severe deuteranomals was not. Severe deuteranomals judged more low chromatic colors as achromatic colors than those who were CVN. The smaller visual angle or lower luminance level the test stimulus had, the more deuteranomals confused color. The results suggest that the effect of the Bezold-Brucke phenomenon is greater to deuteranomals than to those who are CVN. Furthermore, deuteranomals use not only chromatic information but also luminance information when they describe color.

  8. Colored tracks of heavy ion particles recorded on photographic color film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuge, K.; Yasuda, N.; Kumagai, H.; Aoki, N.; Hasegawa, A.


    A new method to obtain the three-dimensional information on nuclear tracks was developed using color photography. Commercial color films were irradiated with ion beam and color-developed. The ion tracks were represented with color images in which different depths were indicated by different colors, and the three-dimensional information was obtained from color changes. Details of this method are reported, and advantages and limitations are discussed in comparison with a conventional method using a nuclear emulsion

  9. Reacciones encadenadas: del reloj de yodo al arco iris químico

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    Carlos Durán Torres


    Full Text Available Para motivar a los alumnos en el estudio de la química, presentamos una experiencia que llamará su atención y que puede servir para introducir diversos conceptos en el aula. Consiste en encadenar la reacción de reducción del yodato potásico por hidrogenosulfito de sodio en presencia de almidón con otra reacción en la que aparecen disoluciones de indicadores de pH coloreadas al pasar de medio ácido a básico. En siete copas de vidrio que contienen un líquido incoloro, se añade otra disolución también incolora. El contenido de las copas va cambiando brusca y sucesivamente a azul-negro. Al añadir a las copas una tercera disolución, igualmente incolora, desaparece el color oscuro y aparecen los siete colores del arco iris produciendo un vistoso resultado.

  10. Reacciones encadenadas: del reloj de yodo al arco iris químico

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    Carlos Durán Torres,


    Full Text Available Para motivar a los alumnos en el estudio de la química, presentamos una experiencia que llamará su atención y que puede servir para introducir diversos conceptos en el aula. Consiste en encadenar la reacción de reducción del yodato potásico por hidrogenosulfito de sodio en presencia de almidón con otra reacción en la que aparecendisoluciones de indicadores de pH coloreadas al pasar de medio ácido a básico. En siete copas de vidrio que contienen un líquido incoloro, se añade otra disolución también incolora. El contenido de las copas va cambiando brusca y sucesivamente a azul-negro. Al añadir a las copas una tercera disolución, igualmente incolora, desaparece el color oscuro y aparecen los siete colores del arco iris produciendo un vistoso resultado.

  11. ColorTracker

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Holzheu, Stefanie; Lee, S.; Herneoja, Aulikki; Österlund, Toni; Markkanen, Piia


    With the work-in-progress research project ColorTracker we explore color as a formal design tool. This project-based paper describes a novel software application that processes color composition of a place and transcribes the data into three-dimensional geometries for architectural design. The

  12. Colors in mind: a novel paradigm to investigate pure color imagery. (United States)

    Wantz, Andrea L; Borst, Grégoire; Mast, Fred W; Lobmaier, Janek S


    Mental color imagery abilities are commonly measured using paradigms that involve naming, judging, or comparing the colors of visual mental images of well-known objects (e.g., "Is a sunflower darker yellow than a lemon"?). Although this approach is widely used in patient studies, differences in the ability to perform such color comparisons might simply reflect participants' general knowledge of object colors rather than their ability to generate accurate visual mental images of the colors of the objects. The aim of the present study was to design a new color imagery paradigm. Participants were asked to visualize a color for 3 s and then to determine a visually presented color by pressing 1 of 6 keys. We reasoned that participants would react faster when the imagined and perceived colors were congruent than when they were incongruent. In Experiment 1, participants were slower in incongruent than congruent trials but only when they were instructed to visualize the colors. The results in Experiment 2 demonstrate that the congruency effect reported in Experiment 1 cannot be attributed to verbalization of the color that had to be visualized. Finally, in Experiment 3, the congruency effect evoked by mental imagery correlated with performance in a perceptual version of the task. We discuss these findings with respect to the mechanisms that underlie mental imagery and patients suffering from color imagery deficits. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved.

  13. Estudio cinético del agotamiento de colorantes reactivos en tricomía en fibras de algodón


    Parra Osorio, Hernán Julio; Parra Osorio, Hernán Julio


    Este estudio de investigación se desarrolla debido a la necesidad de contar con herramientas para hacer un análisis más eficiente del proceso de agotamiento de colorantes reactivos en la tintura del algodón. Dicho estudio nos llevará a predecir la tendencia en forma cuantitativa del nivel de difusión, absorción y reacción del color, y poder así determinar cuál es su comportamiento cinético durante el proceso de tintura. El estudio es corroborado con simulaciones de tintura experimenta...

  14. Calidad sanitaria de las aguas de la cuenca del Río Barranca - Período 2003


    Darner Mora Alvarado; Oscar Fonseca Calderón; Carlos Felipe Portuguez


    El presente trabajo es una investigación de tipo descriptivo, que pretende determinar los usos de la tierra y la calidad sanitaria del agua en diferentes puntos del cauce del Río Barranca durante el año 2003. El propósito es realizar inspecciones sanitarias, análisis físico-químicos (color, turbiedad, pH, conductividad y dureza total) y microbiológicos (Coliformes fecales/100 mL), los cuales se realizaron siguiendo las directrices de los Métodos Estándar para recomendar acciones inmediatas qu...

  15. Coloring mixed hypergraphs

    CERN Document Server

    Voloshin, Vitaly I


    The theory of graph coloring has existed for more than 150 years. Historically, graph coloring involved finding the minimum number of colors to be assigned to the vertices so that adjacent vertices would have different colors. From this modest beginning, the theory has become central in discrete mathematics with many contemporary generalizations and applications. Generalization of graph coloring-type problems to mixed hypergraphs brings many new dimensions to the theory of colorings. A main feature of this book is that in the case of hypergraphs, there exist problems on both the minimum and th


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    Zaíra Morais dos Santos Hurtado de Mendoza


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El estudio tuvo como objetivo una evaluación colorimétrica del extracto acuoso de hojas de la base y del ápice de árboles de teca, provenientes de repoblación forestal en Mato Grosso. Los parâmetros utilizados en el sistema CieLab fueron determinados por el colorímetro MINOLTA, modelo CR400. Los extractos acuosos fueron mantenidos a una tasa de calentamiento de 100 ºC por el tiempo de 1 y 2 horas separadamente. En el análisis de los datos se adoptó el delineamento enteramente casualizado (DEC, con 6 repeticiones, en el esquema de parcelas subdivididas. En este caso se consideró como factor principal la posición de la hoja en la copa del árbol y el tiempo de calentamiento como secundario. La luminosidad no presentó diferencias significativas, en función de los factores evaluados. Se observó una pérdida en la pigmentación amarilla de la base para el ápice. Así, se verificó el color amarillo anaranjado en la base y rojo anaranjado en el ápice. Se concluyó que tanto la posición de la hoja en la copa del árbol, cuanto el tiempo de calentamiento influyeron en la coloración de los extractos, siendo 1 hora suficiente para la obtención de los colorantes, independientemente de la posición en la copa.

  17. Perception of color emotions for single colors in red-green defective observers. (United States)

    Sato, Keiko; Inoue, Takaaki


    It is estimated that inherited red-green color deficiency, which involves both the protan and deutan deficiency types, is common in men. For red-green defective observers, some reddish colors appear desaturated and brownish, unlike those seen by normal observers. Despite its prevalence, few studies have investigated the effects that red-green color deficiency has on the psychological properties of colors (color emotions). The current study investigated the influence of red-green color deficiency on the following six color emotions: cleanliness, freshness, hardness, preference, warmth, and weight. Specifically, this study aimed to: (1) reveal differences between normal and red-green defective observers in rating patterns of six color emotions; (2) examine differences in color emotions related to the three cardinal channels in human color vision; and (3) explore relationships between color emotions and color naming behavior. Thirteen men and 10 women with normal vision and 13 men who were red-green defective performed both a color naming task and an emotion rating task with 32 colors from the Berkeley Color Project (BCP). Results revealed noticeable differences in the cleanliness and hardness ratings between the normal vision observers, particularly in women, and red-green defective observers, which appeared mainly for colors in the orange to cyan range, and in the preference and warmth ratings for colors with cyan and purple hues. Similarly, naming errors also mainly occurred in the cyan colors. A regression analysis that included the three cone-contrasts (i.e., red-green, blue-yellow, and luminance) as predictors significantly accounted for variability in color emotion ratings for the red-green defective observers as much as the normal individuals. Expressly, for warmth ratings, the weight of the red-green opponent channel was significantly lower in color defective observers than in normal participants. In addition, the analyses for individual warmth ratings in

  18. Perception of color emotions for single colors in red-green defective observers

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    Keiko Sato


    Full Text Available It is estimated that inherited red-green color deficiency, which involves both the protan and deutan deficiency types, is common in men. For red-green defective observers, some reddish colors appear desaturated and brownish, unlike those seen by normal observers. Despite its prevalence, few studies have investigated the effects that red-green color deficiency has on the psychological properties of colors (color emotions. The current study investigated the influence of red-green color deficiency on the following six color emotions: cleanliness, freshness, hardness, preference, warmth, and weight. Specifically, this study aimed to: (1 reveal differences between normal and red-green defective observers in rating patterns of six color emotions; (2 examine differences in color emotions related to the three cardinal channels in human color vision; and (3 explore relationships between color emotions and color naming behavior. Thirteen men and 10 women with normal vision and 13 men who were red-green defective performed both a color naming task and an emotion rating task with 32 colors from the Berkeley Color Project (BCP. Results revealed noticeable differences in the cleanliness and hardness ratings between the normal vision observers, particularly in women, and red-green defective observers, which appeared mainly for colors in the orange to cyan range, and in the preference and warmth ratings for colors with cyan and purple hues. Similarly, naming errors also mainly occurred in the cyan colors. A regression analysis that included the three cone-contrasts (i.e., red-green, blue-yellow, and luminance as predictors significantly accounted for variability in color emotion ratings for the red-green defective observers as much as the normal individuals. Expressly, for warmth ratings, the weight of the red-green opponent channel was significantly lower in color defective observers than in normal participants. In addition, the analyses for individual warmth

  19. Color Degree Sum Conditions for Rainbow Triangles in Edge-Colored Graphs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Li, Ruonan; Ning, Bo; Zhang, Shenggui

    Let G be an edge-colored graph and v a vertex of G. The color degree of v is the number of colors appearing on the edges incident to v. A rainbow triangle in G is one in which all edges have distinct colors. In this paper, we first prove that an edge-colored graph on n vertices contains a rainbow

  20. What is Color Blindness? (United States)

    ... Color Blindness? Who Is at Risk for Color Blindness? Color Blindness Causes Color Blindness Diagnosis and Treatment How Color Blindness Is Tested What Is Color Blindness? Leer en Español: ¿Qué es el daltonismo? Written ...

  1. Effect of different polishing systems and drinks on the color stability of resin composite. (United States)

    Berber, Asll; Cakir, Filiz Yalcin; Baseren, Meserret; Gurgan, Sevil


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the color stability of resin composit using different finishing systems and drinks. Composit disks (5 mm diameter, 2 mm thickness) were prepared for each nanofilled composite using a brass mold. The specimens were divided into 5 finishing system groups Mylar strip (Mylar, DuPont, Wilmington, Del., USA), Soft Lex (3M(™) ESPE(™) St. Paul, MN, USA), Enhance (Dentsply-DeTrey GmbHD Konstanz, Germany), Hiluster (KerrHawe, Bioggio, Switzerland), Opti Disc (KerrHawe, Bioggio, Switzerland) and each group was divided into 10 subgroups (n = 10) and stored for 24 hours at 37°C in different drinks water coffee, coffee with sugar, tea, tea with sugar, diet coke, coke, light sour cherry juice or sour cherry juice. Color of all specimens was measured before and after exposure with a spectrophotometer using CIE L*a*b* relative, and color changes (ΔE*) were then calculated. The data were analyzed with a twoway analysis of variance (ANOVA), and mean values were compared by the Tukey HSD test (p = 0.05). For the drinks, the lowest ΔE* values were observed in the water and highest ΔE* values were observed in sour cherry juice. When drinks with and without sugar were compared, all groups with sugar demonstrated a higher color difference than without sugar. For the different finishing systems, Mylar strip group demonstrated significantly highest color change; Enhance groups demonstrated significantly lowest color change. Finishing treatments and storage solutions significantly affect the color stability of resin composite. The presence of sugar in drinks increased the color difference compared to drinks without composit. Polishing techniques and drinking drinks with sugar may affect the color of esthetic restorations.

  2. El paisaje como archivo del territorio

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    Esther Isabel Prada Llorente


    (1 Este trabajo es una parte seleccionada sobre un aspecto muy concreto, como es la escala territorial, de la tesis doctoral “Sayago, evolución histórica y proyección futura de su estructura territorial” leída en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid en octubre de 2002. (2 Sayago: Posible relación con yacimientos mineros de época celta derivando de la palabra céltica Salliacum. Sus formas medievales serían: Saliago, Salago, Salagu y Sayago (cfr. MARTÍN VISO, 1996. De sayo, sayal, capa o “sagum” celtibérico y lusitano de color pardo, buriel o vellorí de las ovejas llamadas negras. Se pagaban como tributos por los vencidos celtíberos a las tribus romanas. Con el “paño sayal” se confeccionaron (hasta finales del s.XIX, principios del XX, todas las prendas externas de la indumentaria sayaguesa (cfr. Del Brío Mateos, 1998. (3 Escuadro: Topónimo de origen romanizador posiblemente referido a algún tipo de parcelación romana (Informante: Juan Vicent, prehistoriador del C.S.I.C. “Ex-cuadro” o “fuera del cuadro”, según la tradición popular este poblamiento hubiera surgido a raíz de los acompañamientos que las tropas romanas necesitaban para su abastecimiento en todos los aspectos, dejando fuera del recinto en otro lugar, al conjunto de herreros, artesanos, prostitutas, etc. que constituían dicho acompañamiento

  3. Color Calibration for Colorized Vision System with Digital Sensor and LED Array Illuminator

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    Zhenmin Zhu


    Full Text Available Color measurement by the colorized vision system is a superior method to achieve the evaluation of color objectively and continuously. However, the accuracy of color measurement is influenced by the spectral responses of digital sensor and the spectral mismatch of illumination. In this paper, two-color vision system illuminated by digital sensor and LED array, respectively, is presented. The Polynomial-Based Regression method is applied to solve the problem of color calibration in the sRGB and CIE  L⁎a⁎b⁎ color spaces. By mapping the tristimulus values from RGB to sRGB color space, color difference between the estimated values and the reference values is less than 3ΔE. Additionally, the mapping matrix ΦRGB→sRGB has proved a better performance in reducing the color difference, and it is introduced subsequently into the colorized vision system proposed for a better color measurement. Necessarily, the printed matter of clothes and the colored ceramic tile are chosen as the application experiment samples of our colorized vision system. As shown in the experimental data, the average color difference of images is less than 6ΔE. It indicates that a better performance of color measurement is obtained via the colorized vision system proposed.

  4. "Plain packaging" regulations for tobacco products: the impact of standardizing the color and design of cigarette packs Regulaciones de “empaquetado sencillo” para productos de tabaco: el impacto de la estandarizacion en diseño y color en los paquetes de cigarrillos

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    David Hammond


    Full Text Available Tobacco packaging and labeling policies have emerged as prominent and cost-effective tobacco control measures. Although packaging policies have primarily focused on health warnings, there is growing recognition of the importance of packaging as a marketing tool for the tobacco industry. The current paper reviews evidence on the potential impact of standardizing the color and design of tobacco packages -so called "plain" packaging. The evidence indicates three primary benefits of plain packaging: increasing the effectiveness of health warnings, reducing false health beliefs about cigarettes, and reducing brand appeal especially among youth and young adults. Overall, the research to date suggests that "plain" packaging regulations would be an effective tobacco control measure, particularly in jurisdictions with comprehensive restrictions on other forms of marketing.La política pública del empaquetado y etiquetado de productos de tabaco ha llegado a ser una forma costo-efectiva y significativa para el control del tabaco. Aunque las políticas públicas de empaquetado se han enfocado principalmente en advertencias sanitarias, el reconocimiento de la importancia del empaquetado como herramienta mercadológica ha crecido considerablemente. El presente artículo analiza la evidencia del impacto potencial de estandarizar el empaquetado de productos de tabaco -en color y diseño-, el llamado "empaquetado sencillo". La evidencia indica tres beneficios principales del empaquetado sencillo: mayor efectividad de las advertencias sanitarias; reducción de creencias falsas sobre cigarrillos y salud; y reducción de la preferencia por ciertas marcas, especialmente entre jovenes y jóvenes adultos. En general, los estudios hasta la fecha sugieren que el empaquetado sencillo sería una medida efectiva de control del tabaco, particularmente en jurisdicciones con restricciones amplias sobre otras formas de mercadotecnia.

  5. Predicción del color y contenido de humedad en café cerezo mediante redes neuronales y regresión de mínimos cuadrados parciales

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    Wilson Manuel Castro Silupu


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se enfocó en el desarrollo de modelos de predicción del color en coordenadas CIELab y el contenido de humedad de café cerezo mediante la tecnología de imágenes hiperespectrales; comparando el ajuste por un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple – PLSR (Partialleastsquareregression y un modelo no lineal (ANN – artiftial neural network. La muestra se conformó de 200 granos de café cerezo en diferentes estados de madurez, dividiéndola en 120 granos para calibración y 80 de validación.La  muestra fue caracterizada mediante colorimetría en el espacio CIELab y determinación de la humedad. Posteriormente se adquirieron imágenes hiperespectrales de cada granos y se almacenaron en formato *.bil. El procesamiento de las imágenes se realizó mediante un sistema desarrollado e implementado en el software matemático Matlab 2010a, mediante funciones *.m e interfaces de usuario (GUIs. Se desarrollaron modelos de ajuste para cada una de las coordenadas de color y el contenido de humedad, calculándose los coeficientes de correlación en calibración y validación. Los resultados mostraron que las redes neuronales tienen un mayor ajuste en calibración con coeficientes de correlación superiores a 0,90 mientras que el PLSR genero coeficientes entre 0,42 y 0,48.

  6. Focal colors across languages are representative members of color categories. (United States)

    Abbott, Joshua T; Griffiths, Thomas L; Regier, Terry


    Focal colors, or best examples of color terms, have traditionally been viewed as either the underlying source of cross-language color-naming universals or derived from category boundaries that vary widely across languages. Existing data partially support and partially challenge each of these views. Here, we advance a position that synthesizes aspects of these two traditionally opposed positions and accounts for existing data. We do so by linking this debate to more general principles. We show that best examples of named color categories across 112 languages are well-predicted from category extensions by a statistical model of how representative a sample is of a distribution, independently shown to account for patterns of human inference. This model accounts for both universal tendencies and variation in focal colors across languages. We conclude that categorization in the contested semantic domain of color may be governed by principles that apply more broadly in cognition and that these principles clarify the interplay of universal and language-specific forces in color naming.

  7. At-line cotton color measurements by portable color spectrophotometers (United States)

    As a result of reports of cotton bales that had significant color changes from their initial Uster® High Volume Instrument (HVI™) color measurements, a program was implemented to measure cotton fiber color (Rd, +b) at-line in remote locations (warehouse, mill, etc.). The measurement of cotton fiber...

  8. Similarly shaped letters evoke similar colors in grapheme-color synesthesia. (United States)

    Brang, David; Rouw, Romke; Ramachandran, V S; Coulson, Seana


    Grapheme-color synesthesia is a neurological condition in which viewing numbers or letters (graphemes) results in the concurrent sensation of color. While the anatomical substrates underlying this experience are well understood, little research to date has investigated factors influencing the particular colors associated with particular graphemes or how synesthesia occurs developmentally. A recent suggestion of such an interaction has been proposed in the cascaded cross-tuning (CCT) model of synesthesia, which posits that in synesthetes connections between grapheme regions and color area V4 participate in a competitive activation process, with synesthetic colors arising during the component-stage of grapheme processing. This model more directly suggests that graphemes sharing similar component features (lines, curves, etc.) should accordingly activate more similar synesthetic colors. To test this proposal, we created and regressed synesthetic color-similarity matrices for each of 52 synesthetes against a letter-confusability matrix, an unbiased measure of visual similarity among graphemes. Results of synesthetes' grapheme-color correspondences indeed revealed that more similarly shaped graphemes corresponded with more similar synesthetic colors, with stronger effects observed in individuals with more intense synesthetic experiences (projector synesthetes). These results support the CCT model of synesthesia, implicate early perceptual mechanisms as driving factors in the elicitation of synesthetic hues, and further highlight the relationship between conceptual and perceptual factors in this phenomenon. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Color Fringe Correction by the Color Difference Prediction Using the Logistic Function. (United States)

    Jang, Dong-Won; Park, Rae-Hong


    This paper proposes a new color fringe correction method that preserves the object color well by the color difference prediction using the logistic function. We observe two characteristics between normal edge (NE) and degraded edge (DE) due to color fringe: 1) the DE has relatively smaller R-G and B-G correlations than the NE and 2) the color difference in the NE can be fitted by the logistic function. The proposed method adjusts the color difference of the DE to the logistic function by maximizing the R-G and B-G correlations in the corrected color fringe image. The generalized logistic function with four parameters requires a high computational load to select the optimal parameters. In experiments, a one-parameter optimization can correct color fringe gracefully with a reduced computational load. Experimental results show that the proposed method restores well the original object color in the DE, whereas existing methods give monochromatic or distorted color.

  10. Branding, packaging o sabor? Relació entre el reconeixement de la marca de les begudes, el packaging i la percepció del sabor.


    Sánchez Ortega, Kevin


    Els cinc sentits, presents a l'ésser humà des del naixement, tenen funcions úniques que altres sentits no poden suplir. La vista, el gust i l'olfacte, sentits estudiats en aquesta investigació, son fonamentals per la publicitat, i més pel sector dels aliments i les begudes. Es pot reconèixer a cegues una marca de begudes? I un envàs sense colors ni elements identificatius? Quin paper té la memòria en els consumidors i com influeix en els sentits? Per què hi ha gent que escolta colors? I per q...

  11. Color calibration and color-managed medical displays: does the calibration method matter? (United States)

    Roehrig, Hans; Rehm, Kelly; Silverstein, Louis D.; Dallas, William J.; Fan, Jiahua; Krupinski, Elizabeth A.


    Our laboratory has investigated the efficacy of a suite of color calibration and monitor profiling packages which employ a variety of color measurement sensors. Each of the methods computes gamma correction tables for the red, green and blue color channels of a monitor that attempt to: a) match a desired luminance range and tone reproduction curve; and b) maintain a target neutral point across the range of grey values. All of the methods examined here produce International Color Consortium (ICC) profiles that describe the color rendering capabilities of the monitor after calibration. Color profiles incorporate a transfer matrix that establishes the relationship between RGB driving levels and the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) XYZ (tristimulus) values of the resulting on-screen color; the matrix is developed by displaying color patches of known RGB values on the monitor and measuring the tristimulus values with a sensor. The number and chromatic distribution of color patches varies across methods and is usually not under user control. In this work we examine the effect of employing differing calibration and profiling methods on rendition of color images. A series of color patches encoded in sRGB color space were presented on the monitor using color-management software that utilized the ICC profile produced by each method. The patches were displayed on the calibrated monitor and measured with a Minolta CS200 colorimeter. Differences in intended and achieved luminance and chromaticity were computed using the CIE DE2000 color-difference metric, in which a value of ▵E = 1 is generally considered to be approximately one just noticeable difference (JND) in color. We observed between one and 17 JND's for individual colors, depending on calibration method and target.

  12. Un caso práctico para el análisis del neuromarketing visual en el Centro Comercial Ventura Plaza (Cúcuta, Colombia

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    William R. Avendaño Castro


    Full Text Available Los avances en las áreas de la psicología, la neurociencia, el ámbito cognitivo y la comprensión sobre el funcionamiento del cerebro humano han posibilitado que otras disciplinas y áreas del conocimiento formulen nuevas teorías. Este es el caso del marketing, que haciendo uso de los últimos descubrimientos a nivel cerebral, ha incorporado estrategias para la captación de clientes. Se hace una revisión de las prácticas visuales de neuromarketing de 124 establecimientos del Centro Comercial Ventura Plaza, el más importante de la ciudad de Cúcuta (Norte de Santander, Colombia. La muestra estuvo representada por 71 establecimientos de textiles, 25 de comidas, 12 de electrodomésticos, 11 de diversión y entretenimiento y 5 de libros. Se aplicó una matriz que recopiló la información sobre la imagen externa e interna de los establecimientos atendiendo al uso del color, la luz y la imagen fotográfica. Los resultados muestran que un buen porcentaje de los establecimientos aplican los principios del neuromarketing asociados con la percepción sobre el color, la luz y la imagen fotográfica

  13. Propiedades nutraceúticas del licopeno Nutraceutical properties of lycopene

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    Krzysztof N Waliszewski


    Full Text Available Las recomendaciones dietarias en los últimos años proponen el incremento del consumo de alimentos que contienen fitoquímicos, ya que éstos proveen efectos benéficos para la salud humana y juegan un papel importante en la prevención de enfermedades crónicas. El licopeno, carotenoide responsable del color rojo de los tomates, ha atraído la atención debido a sus propiedades biológicas y fisicoquímicas en la prevención de enfermedades crónicas como cáncer, enfermedades cardiovasculares y neurodegenerativas, e hipertensión, entre otras, en las cuales el estrés oxidativo es un importante factor etiológico. Los antioxidantes, incluyendo al licopeno, interactúan con las especies reactivas del oxígeno, pudiendo mitigar el efecto dañino y jugar un papel significativo en la prevención de dichas enfermedades. Este artículo presenta una revisión de algunos estudios epidemiológicos realizados en los últimos años acerca de los efectos benéficos del licopeno en la salud humana.In recent years, dietary recommendations have suggested an increase in the consumption of foods that contain phytochemicals that provide benefits to human health and play an important role in preventing chronic diseases. Lycopene -the carotenoid responsible for the red color of tomatoes-has attracted attention because of its physicochemical and biological properties in the prevention of chronic diseases in which oxidative stress is a major etiological factor, such as cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and hypertension, among others. Antioxidants, including lycopene, interact with reactive oxygen species, can mitigate their damaging effects and play a significant role in preventing these diseases. This article presents a review of some epidemiological studies published in recent years on beneficial effects of lycopene in human health.

  14. Quantitative measurement of binocular color fusion limit for non-spectral colors. (United States)

    Jung, Yong Ju; Sohn, Hosik; Lee, Seong-il; Ro, Yong Man; Park, Hyun Wook


    Human perception becomes difficult in the event of binocular color fusion when the color difference presented for the left and right eyes exceeds a certain threshold value, known as the binocular color fusion limit. This paper discusses the binocular color fusion limit for non-spectral colors within the color gamut of a conventional LCD 3DTV. We performed experiments to measure the color fusion limit for eight chromaticity points sampled from the CIE 1976 chromaticity diagram. A total of 2480 trials were recorded for a single observer. By analyzing the results, the color fusion limit was quantified by ellipses in the chromaticity diagram. The semi-minor axis of the ellipses ranges from 0.0415 to 0.0923 in terms of the Euclidean distance in the u'v´ chromaticity diagram and the semi-major axis ranges from 0.0640 to 0.1560. These eight ellipses are drawn on the chromaticity diagram. © 2011 Optical Society of America

  15. Color segmentation in the HSI color space using the K-means algorithm (United States)

    Weeks, Arthur R.; Hague, G. Eric


    Segmentation of images is an important aspect of image recognition. While grayscale image segmentation has become quite a mature field, much less work has been done with regard to color image segmentation. Until recently, this was predominantly due to the lack of available computing power and color display hardware that is required to manipulate true color images (24-bit). TOday, it is not uncommon to find a standard desktop computer system with a true-color 24-bit display, at least 8 million bytes of memory, and 2 gigabytes of hard disk storage. Segmentation of color images is not as simple as segmenting each of the three RGB color components separately. The difficulty of using the RGB color space is that it doesn't closely model the psychological understanding of color. A better color model, which closely follows that of human visual perception is the hue, saturation, intensity model. This color model separates the color components in terms of chromatic and achromatic information. Strickland et al. was able to show the importance of color in the extraction of edge features form an image. His method enhances the edges that are detectable in the luminance image with information from the saturation image. Segmentation of both the saturation and intensity components is easily accomplished with any gray scale segmentation algorithm, since these spaces are linear. The modulus 2(pi) nature of the hue color component makes its segmentation difficult. For example, a hue of 0 and 2(pi) yields the same color tint. Instead of applying separate image segmentation to each of the hue, saturation, and intensity components, a better method is to segment the chromatic component separately from the intensity component because of the importance that the chromatic information plays in the segmentation of color images. This paper presents a method of using the gray scale K-means algorithm to segment 24-bit color images. Additionally, this paper will show the importance the hue

  16. Approaches to Color education in Graphic Design at the University of Chile. A historical review, from its origins to today

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    Sebastián Cares Peralta


    Full Text Available La enseñanza artística ha estado incluida en el sistema pedagógico chileno desde el siglo XVIII. Sin embargo, el Diseño Gráfico como disciplina proyectual no logra concretarse en Chile hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XX, abriendo paso entre escuelas de artes y escuelas de oficios a lo largo de la historia. De esta manera, esta disciplina proyectual sentó finalmente sus bases en la Escuela de Artes Aplicadas (EAA que funcionó entre 1928 hasta 1968, institución en la cual se formaron profesores que participaron en la fundación de las escuelas de diseño tales como la Universidad de Chile, y que, por tanto, suponen una formación de color con un enfoque desde las artes plásticas por al cauce natural de la formación de la EAA. Sin embargo, las necesidades en relación al color que propuso el diseño como nueva disciplina, llevó a que profesores de su plantel docente se empezaran a interesar por el estudio del color a modo de complementar sus saberes adquiridos. De esta forma, algunos profesores se han especializado en el tema y han desarrollado cursos dedicados a tratar solamente el fenómeno de color, contribuyendo de manera significativa a la formación de estudiantes de diseño a lo largo de sus carreras.

  17. Generación de impacto en la publicidad exterior a través del uso de los principios del neuromarketing visual

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    Vera, Carolina


    Full Text Available El presente artículo emprende la tarea de dar a conocer el uso de una nueva directriz aplicada a la mercadotecnia: el Neuromarketing en su rama visual a través de una breve guía; tratando de buscar rediseñar en algún punto el conocimiento preexistente en cuanto a la forma y metodología de aplicación de estrategias publicitarias hacia la creación de gráficas publicitarias de exteriores. Se exponen los aportes de esta neurociencia por medio de los autores Malfitano (2005, Renvoisé y Morín (2006 y Braidot (2005; entre otros, como novedosa disciplina enmarcada al mercadeo del siglo XXI; a propósito del trazado de lineamientos futuros para con el desarrollo de gráficas publicitarias de exteriores, que lleguen de manera mas acertada a la captura de la mente del consumidor, a largo plazo, de manera eficiente; por medio del estudio de sus principios: luz, color, imagen y emoción. Por lo que, se hace necesario explorar a través de un estudio Documental las bases neurológicas del ser humano y como éstas pueden emplearse a favor del mercado a través de la lectura certera y especializada en técnicas de neuroimagen. Así, el Neuromarketing considera la verdadera esencia del pensamiento del hombre, descubriendo más información sobre el consumidor, cualitativamente más rica y más veraz, que puede aprovecharse al constituirse en fisiología rental.

  18. Colored leptons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harari, H.


    If leptons are composite and if they contain colored preons, one expects the existence of heavy color-octet fermions with quantum numbers similar to those of ordinary leptons. Such a ''colored lepton'' should decay into a gluon and a lepton, yielding a unique experimental signature. Charged ''colored leptons'' probably have masses of the order of the compositeness scale Λ > or approx. 1 TeV. They may be copiously produced at future multi-TeV e + e - , ep and hadron colliders. ''Colored neutrinos'' may have both Dirac and Majorana masses. They could be much lighter than Λ, possibly as light as 100 GeV or less. In such a case they should be readily produced at the CERN anti pp collider, yielding spectacular monojet and dijet events. They may also be produced at LEP and HERA. (orig.)

  19. Mengkaji Penggunaan Software Apple Color untuk Color Grading saat Pasca Produksi

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    Ahmad Faisal Choiril Anam Fathoni


    Full Text Available In post-production process, there is one process that is not as well known as the video editing process, the addition of animation, special effects enrichment, motion graphics or audio editing and audio mixing, an important process which is rarely realized called Color Correction or Color Grading. Various software have been made to handle this process, ranging from additional filters are already available for free in any editing software, to high-end devices worth billions of dollars dedicated for specifically conducting Color Correction. Apple Color is one of the software included in the purchase of Final Cut Studio package which also include Final Cut Pro for Video Editing, Soundtrack Pro for Sound Editing and Mixing, and Motion for compositing. Apple's Color is specially designed for color correction tasks after previously edited in Final Cut Pro. This paper is designed to introduce Apple's software as well as analyze the feasibility of Apple Color as a professional device in the world of production, especially post-production. Some professional color correction software will be compared briefly with Apple Color to get an objective conclusion. 

  20. Colors in Mind: A Novel Paradigm to Investigate Pure Color Imagery


    Wantz, Andrea Laura; Borst, Grégoire; Mast, Fred; Lobmaier, Janek


    Mental color imagery abilities are commonly measured using paradigms that involve naming, judging, or comparing the colors of visual mental images of well-known objects (e.g., “Is a sunflower darker yellow than a lemon”?). Although this approach is widely used in patient studies, differences in the ability to perform such color comparisons might simply reflect participants’ general knowledge of object colors rather than their ability to generate accurate visual mental images of the colors of ...

  1. The Disunity of Color


    Matthen, Mohan


    What is color? What is color vision? Most philosophers answer by reference to humans: to human color qualia, or to the environmental properties or "quality spaces" perceived by humans. It is argued, with reference to empirical findings concerning comparative color vision and the evolution of color vision, that all such attempts are mistaken. An adequate definition of color vision must eschew reference to its outputs in the human cognition and refer only to inputs: color vision consists in...

  2. Fear no colors? Observer clothing color influences lizard escape behavior. (United States)

    Putman, Breanna J; Drury, Jonathan P; Blumstein, Daniel T; Pauly, Gregory B


    Animals often view humans as predators, leading to alterations in their behavior. Even nuanced aspects of human activity like clothing color affect animal behavior, but we lack an understanding of when and where such effects will occur. The species confidence hypothesis posits that birds are attracted to colors found on their bodies and repelled by non-body colors. Here, we extend this hypothesis taxonomically and conceptually to test whether this pattern is applicable in a non-avian reptile and to suggest that species should respond less fearfully to their sexually-selected signaling color. Responses to clothing color could also be impacted by habituation to humans, so we examine whether behavior varied between areas with low and high human activity. We quantified the effects of four T-shirt colors on flight initiation distances (FID) and on the ease of capture in western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis), and we accounted for detectability against the background environment. We found no differences in lizard behavior between sites. However, lizards tolerated the closest approaches and were most likely to be captured when approached with the T-shirt that resembled their sexually-selected signaling color. Because changes in individual behavior affect fitness, choice of clothing color by people, including tourists, hikers, and researchers, could impact wildlife populations and research outcomes.

  3. Respuesta del manzano "pacific rosetm" al riego parcial de la raíz

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    J. A. Zegbe


    árboles bajo RPR, con relación a aquellos bajo RC. El uso del RPR ahorró 0.15 megalitros de agua por hectárea. La calidad del fruto, en términos de concentración de materia seca, índice de almidón, concentración de sólidos solubles totales y color del fruto, fue igual entre tratamientos. Por lo tanto, el método de RPR podría ser sugerido como una práctica para el ahorro de agua, sin efectos negativos en el rendimiento y calidad de la fruta en ambientes húmedos; sin embargo, se debe realizar investigación en RPR en ambientes semiáridos.

  4. How redundant are redundant color adjectives? An efficiency-based analysis of color overspecification

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    Paula eRubio-Fernández


    Full Text Available Color adjectives tend to be used redundantly in referential communication. I propose that redundant color adjectives are often intended to exploit a color contrast in the visual context and hence facilitate object identification, despite not being necessary to establish unique reference. Two language-production experiments investigated two types of factors that may affect the use of redundant color adjectives: factors related to the efficiency of color in the visual context and factors related to the semantic category of the noun. The results of Experiment 1 confirmed that people produce redundant color adjectives when color may facilitate object recognition; e.g., they do so more often in polychrome displays than in monochrome displays, and more often in English (pre-nominal position than in Spanish (post-nominal position. Redundant color adjectives are also used when color is a central property of the object category; e.g., people referred to the color of clothes more often than to the color of geometrical figures (Experiment 1, and they overspecified atypical colors more often than variable and stereotypical colors (Experiment 2. These results are relevant for pragmatic models of referential communication based on Gricean pragmatics and informativeness. An alternative analysis is proposed, which focuses on the efficiency and pertinence of color in a given referential situation.

  5. Color-emotion associations and color preferences: A case study for residences


    Manav, Banu


    This study examines existing beliefs about "color" focusing on color-emotion associations by discussing how color can be used as a way of communicator to fulfill human needs in residences. Fifty people from various age groups participated in the study. They were asked to match a list of adjectives with the proper color samples from the catalogue of a quite popular color producer firm in Turkey. Results indicate that there is a strong dependency between the choice and use of green at residence...

  6. A color management system for multi-colored LED lighting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chakrabarti, Maumita; Thorseth, Anders; Jepsen, Jørgen


    A new color control system is described and implemented for a five–color LED light engine, covering a wide white gamut. The system combines a new way of using pre-calibrated look-up tables and a rule-based optimization of chromaticity distance from the Planckian locus with a calibrated color sensor....... The color sensor monitors the chromaticity of the mixed light providing the correction factor for the current driver by using the generated look-up table. The long term stability and accuracy of the system will be experimentally investigated with target tolerance within a circle radius 0.0011 in the uniform...

  7. Number of discernible colors for color-deficient observers estimated from the MacAdam limits. (United States)

    Perales, Esther; Martínez-Verdú, Francisco Miguel; Linhares, João Manuel Maciel; Nascimento, Sérgio Miguel Cardoso


    We estimated the number of colors perceived by color normal and color-deficient observers when looking at the theoretic limits of object-color stimuli. These limits, the optimal color stimuli, were computed for a color normal observer and CIE standard illuminant D65, and the resultant colors were expressed in the CIELAB and DIN99d color spaces. The corresponding color volumes for abnormal color vision were computed using models simulating for normal trichromatic observers the appearance for dichromats and anomalous trichomats. The number of colors perceived in each case was then computed from the color volumes enclosed by the optimal colors also known as MacAdam limits. It was estimated that dichromats perceive less than 1% of the colors perceived by normal trichromats and that anomalous trichromats perceive 50%-60% for anomalies in the medium-wavelength-sensitive and 60%-70% for anomalies in the long-wavelength-sensitive cones. Complementary estimates obtained similarly for the spectral locus of monochromatic stimuli suggest less impairment for color-deficient observers, a fact that is explained by the two-dimensional nature of the locus.

  8. Preferred memory color difference between the deuteranomalous and normal color vision (United States)

    Baek, YeSeul; Kwak, Youngshin; Woo, Sungjoo; Park, Chongwook


    The goal of this study is to evaluate the difference of the preferred hues of familiar objects between the color deficient observer and the normal observer. Thirteen test color images were chosen covering fruit colors, natural scene and human faces. It contained red, yellow, green, blue, purple and skin color. Two color deficient observer (deuteranomal) and two normal observers were participated in this experiment. They controlled the YCC hue of the objects in the images to obtain the most preferred and the most natural image. The selected images were analyzed using CIELAB values of each pixel. Data analysis results showed that in the case of naturalness, both groups selected the similar hues for the most of image, while, in the case of preference, the color deficient observer preferred more reddish or more greenish images. Since the deuteranomalous observer has relatively week perception for red and green region, they may prefer more reddish or greenish color. The color difference between natural hue and preferred hue of deuteranomal observer is bigger than those of normal observer.

  9. Individualization of 2D color maps for people with color vision deficiencies

    KAUST Repository

    Waldin, Nicholas; Bernhard, Matthias; Rautek, Peter; Viola, Ivan


    2D color maps are often used to visually encode complex data characteristics such as heat or height. The comprehension of color maps in visualization is affected by the display (e.g., a monitor) and the perceptual abilities of the viewer. People with color vision deficiencies, such as red-green blindness, face difficulties when using conventional color maps. We propose a novel method for adapting a color map to an individual person, by having the user sort lines extracted from a given color map.

  10. Individualization of 2D color maps for people with color vision deficiencies

    KAUST Repository

    Waldin, Nicholas


    2D color maps are often used to visually encode complex data characteristics such as heat or height. The comprehension of color maps in visualization is affected by the display (e.g., a monitor) and the perceptual abilities of the viewer. People with color vision deficiencies, such as red-green blindness, face difficulties when using conventional color maps. We propose a novel method for adapting a color map to an individual person, by having the user sort lines extracted from a given color map.

  11. Modeling human color categorization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Broek, Egon; Schouten, Th.E.; Kisters, P.M.F.

    A unique color space segmentation method is introduced. It is founded on features of human cognition, where 11 color categories are used in processing color. In two experiments, human subjects were asked to categorize color stimuli into these 11 color categories, which resulted in markers for a

  12. Urine - abnormal color (United States)

    ... Urine - abnormal color To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. The usual color of urine is straw-yellow. Abnormally colored urine ...

  13. Tooth - abnormal colors (United States)

    ... Tooth - abnormal colors To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Abnormal tooth color is any color other than white to yellowish- ...

  14. Color: Physics and Perception (United States)

    Gilbert, Pupa

    Unless we are colorblind, as soon as we look at something, we know what color it is. Simple, isn't it? No, not really. The color we see is rarely just determined by the physical color, that is, the wavelength of visible light associated with that color. Other factors, such as the illuminating light, or the brightness surrounding a certain color, affect our perception of that color. Most striking, and useful, is understanding how the retina and the brain work together to interpret the color we see, and how they can be fooled by additive color mixing, which makes it possible to have color screens and displays. I will show the physical origin of all these phenomena and give live demos as I explain how they work. Bring your own eyes! For more information: (1) watch TED talk: ``Color: Physics and Perception'' and (2) read book: PUPA Gilbert and W Haeberli ``Physics in the Arts'', ISBN 9780123918789.

  15. Fear no colors? Observer clothing color influences lizard escape behavior (United States)

    Drury, Jonathan P.; Blumstein, Daniel T.; Pauly, Gregory B.


    Animals often view humans as predators, leading to alterations in their behavior. Even nuanced aspects of human activity like clothing color affect animal behavior, but we lack an understanding of when and where such effects will occur. The species confidence hypothesis posits that birds are attracted to colors found on their bodies and repelled by non-body colors. Here, we extend this hypothesis taxonomically and conceptually to test whether this pattern is applicable in a non-avian reptile and to suggest that species should respond less fearfully to their sexually-selected signaling color. Responses to clothing color could also be impacted by habituation to humans, so we examine whether behavior varied between areas with low and high human activity. We quantified the effects of four T-shirt colors on flight initiation distances (FID) and on the ease of capture in western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis), and we accounted for detectability against the background environment. We found no differences in lizard behavior between sites. However, lizards tolerated the closest approaches and were most likely to be captured when approached with the T-shirt that resembled their sexually-selected signaling color. Because changes in individual behavior affect fitness, choice of clothing color by people, including tourists, hikers, and researchers, could impact wildlife populations and research outcomes. PMID:28792983

  16. Fear no colors? Observer clothing color influences lizard escape behavior.

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    Breanna J Putman

    Full Text Available Animals often view humans as predators, leading to alterations in their behavior. Even nuanced aspects of human activity like clothing color affect animal behavior, but we lack an understanding of when and where such effects will occur. The species confidence hypothesis posits that birds are attracted to colors found on their bodies and repelled by non-body colors. Here, we extend this hypothesis taxonomically and conceptually to test whether this pattern is applicable in a non-avian reptile and to suggest that species should respond less fearfully to their sexually-selected signaling color. Responses to clothing color could also be impacted by habituation to humans, so we examine whether behavior varied between areas with low and high human activity. We quantified the effects of four T-shirt colors on flight initiation distances (FID and on the ease of capture in western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis, and we accounted for detectability against the background environment. We found no differences in lizard behavior between sites. However, lizards tolerated the closest approaches and were most likely to be captured when approached with the T-shirt that resembled their sexually-selected signaling color. Because changes in individual behavior affect fitness, choice of clothing color by people, including tourists, hikers, and researchers, could impact wildlife populations and research outcomes.

  17. Skin color - patchy (United States)

    ... page: // Skin color - patchy To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Patchy skin color is areas where the skin color is irregular. ...

  18. Los pavimentos de mosaico de las termas del «Puerto de la Nava» (Cabeza del Buey, Badajoz

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Estudiamos en nuestro artículo los pavimentos de mosaico exhumados en las excavaciones de la estación termal del «Puerto de la Nava» (Cabeza del Buey, Badajoz. Se trata de un balneario de aguas ferruginosas en cuya zona residencial hemos podido poner a la luz dos cubicula pavimentadas con mosaicos —uno bícromo y otro polícromo— en torno a un patio solado con una taracea de cantos rodados que enmarca una alfombra de opus tessellatum de color azul. Por las características de los pavimentos y los paralelos que hemos podido aducir, concluimos que su cronología debe fijarse entre fines del s. II y mediados del III. d.C.ABSTRACT: In our article we study the mosaic pavings exhumed during the excavations at the thermal station in «Puerto de la Nava (Cabeza del Buey, Badajoz. The place is a spa of ferruginous waters, in the residential area of which we have brought to light two paved —wilh— mosaic cubicula -one bichromatic and the other polychromatic- around a court paved with a intarsia made or stream-gravel that frames a blue coloured opus tessellatum carpet. Throughout the features of the pavings and the likes that we have been able to produce as proof, we conclude that its date should be fixed between the end of the Ilnd century and the middle of the Illrd century A.D.

  19. Color design model of high color rendering index white-light LED module. (United States)

    Ying, Shang-Ping; Fu, Han-Kuei; Hsieh, Hsin-Hsin; Hsieh, Kun-Yang


    The traditional white-light light-emitting diode (LED) is packaged with a single chip and a single phosphor but has a poor color rendering index (CRI). The next-generation package comprises two chips and a single phosphor, has a high CRI, and retains high luminous efficacy. This study employs two chips and two phosphors to improve the diode's color tunability with various proportions of two phosphors and various densities of phosphor in the silicone used. A color design model is established for color fine-tuning of the white-light LED module. The maximum difference between the measured and color-design-model simulated CIE 1931 color coordinates is approximately 0.0063 around a correlated color temperature (CCT) of 2500 K. This study provides a rapid method to obtain the color fine-tuning of a white-light LED module with a high CRI and luminous efficacy.


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    Estrella Miqueleiz


    Full Text Available Fundamentos:La prevalencia de obesidad infantil es más alta en Espa-ña que en los países del norte de Europa por razones que todavía se desco-nocen. El objetivo fue comprobar si variables referentes a hábitos de vida ya estilos de cuidado de los progenitores relacionados con la obesidad infantildifieren entre los países del Norte de Europa y España.Métodos:Los datos fueron obtenidos del proyecto internacionalENERG. Se analizaron los de España, Países Bajos, Bélgica y Noruega, in-cluyendo a 1.937 niños y 2.061 niñas de 10 a 12 años de edad. Se estudiaronlos comportamientos de los padres referidos a variables dietéticas, variablesrelacionadas con la actividad física y los estilos de cuidado. Se calcularonlas medias y las proporciones de todas las variables y a continuación secalculó la asociación de las diferentes variables con el país de origen utili-zando el coeficiente beta y la Odds Ratio (OR como medidas de asociación.Resultados:En comparación con los progenitores del Norte de Europa,los progenitores españoles consumen bebidas azucaradas menos días porsemana (Media: 1,37 vs 2,16 pero consumen más zumos de frutas (Media:2,61 vs 2,35. Los progenitores españoles son más activos yendo a su traba-jo, son menos sedentarios pero realizan actividad física en su tiempo libremenos días por semana (Media de días por semana que realizan actividadfísica en su tiempo libre: 1,88 vs 2,21. Además, son menos negociadorescon sus hijos (Media (0-4: 1,26 vs 1,68 y evitan menos los modelos ne-gativos de conducta (Media (0-4: 0,90 vs 1,29. Sin embargo, prestan másatención (Media (0-4: 3,42 vs 3,04 y estimulan más los hábitos saludables(Media (0-4: 2,38 vs 2,06.Conclusiones: Las variables referentes a hábitos de vida y a estilos decuidado relacionados con la obesidad infantil difieren entre los progenitoresespañoles y los de los países del Norte de Europa aunque estas diferenciasno son estadísticamente significativas. Por lo

  1. Using color and grayscale images to teach histology to color-deficient medical students. (United States)

    Rubin, Lindsay R; Lackey, Wendy L; Kennedy, Frances A; Stephenson, Robert B


    Examination of histologic and histopathologic microscopic sections relies upon differential colors provided by staining techniques, such as hematoxylin and eosin, to delineate normal tissue components and to identify pathologic alterations in these components. Given the prevalence of color deficiency (commonly called "color blindness") in the general population, it is likely that this reliance upon color differentiation poses a significant obstacle for several medical students beginning a course of study that includes examination of histologic slides. In the past, first-year medical students at Michigan State University who identified themselves as color deficient were encouraged to use color transparency overlays or tinted contact lenses to filter out problematic colors. Recently, however, we have offered such students a computer monitor adjusted to grayscale for in-lab work, as well as grayscale copies of color photomicrographs for examination purposes. Grayscale images emphasize the texture of tissues and the contrasts between tissues as the students learn histologic architecture. Using this approach, color-deficient students have quickly learned to compensate for their deficiency by focusing on cell and tissue structure rather than on color variation. Based upon our experience with color-deficient students, we believe that grayscale photomicrographs may also prove instructional for students with normal (trichromatic) color vision, by encouraging them to consider structural characteristics of cells and tissues that may otherwise be overshadowed by stain colors.

  2. Range and stability of structural colors generated by Morpho-inspired color reflectors. (United States)

    Chung, Kyungjae; Shin, Jung H


    The range and stability of structural colors generated by Morpho-inspired color reflectors are investigated. We find that despite the internal randomness of such structures that gives rise to their Morpho-like angle-independent iridescence, their colors under ambient lighting condition can be predicted by simple transfer-matrix calculations of corresponding planar multilayer structures. By calculating the possible range of colors generated by multilayers of different structures and material combinations using such transfer-matrix methods, we find that low-refractive index multilayers with intrastructure absorption, such as the melanin-containing chitin/air multilayer structure from the Morpho butterflies, can provide not only the most pure structural colors with the largest color gamut, but also the highest stability of color against variations in multilayer structure.

  3. Medical color displays and their color calibration: investigations of various calibration methods, tools, and potential improvement in color difference ΔE (United States)

    Roehrig, Hans; Hashmi, Syed F.; Dallas, William J.; Krupinski, Elizabeth A.; Rehm, Kelly; Fan, Jiahua


    Our laboratory has investigated the efficacy of a suite of color calibration and monitor profiling packages which employ a variety of color measurement sensors. Each of the methods computes gamma correction tables for the red, green and blue color channels of a monitor that attempt to: a) match a desired luminance range and tone reproduction curve; and b) maintain a target neutral point across the range of grey values. All of the methods examined here produce International Color Consortium (ICC) profiles that describe the color rendering capabilities of the monitor after calibration. Color profiles incorporate a transfer matrix that establishes the relationship between RGB driving levels and the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) XYZ (tristimulus) values of the resulting on-screen color; the matrix is developed by displaying color patches of known RGB values on the monitor and measuring the tristimulus values with a sensor. The number and chromatic distribution of color patches varies across methods and is usually not under user control. In this work we examine the effect of employing differing calibration and profiling methods on rendition of color images. A series of color patches encoded in sRGB color space were presented on the monitor using color-management software that utilized the ICC profile produced by each method. The patches were displayed on the calibrated monitor and measured with a Minolta CS200 colorimeter. Differences in intended and achieved luminance and chromaticity were computed using the CIE DE2000 color-difference metric, in which a value of ΔE = 1 is generally considered to be approximately one just noticeable difference (JND) in color. We observed between one and 17 JND's for individual colors, depending on calibration method and target. As an extension of this fundamental work1, we further improved our calibration method by defining concrete calibration parameters for the display, using the NEC wide gamut puck, and making sure

  4. Bold colors in a cryptic lineage: do Eastern Indigo Snakes exhibit color dimorphism? (United States)

    Deitloff, Jennifer; Johnson, Valerie M; Guyer, Craig


    Many species exhibit variation in the color of their scales, feathers, or fur. Various forms of natural selection, such as mimicry, crypsis, and species recognition, as well as sexual selection, can influence the evolution of color. Eastern Indigo Snakes (Drymarchon couperi), a federally threatened species, have coloration on the sides of the head and the chin that can vary from black to red or cream. Despite significant conservations efforts for this species, little is known about its biology in the field. Past researchers have proposed that the color variation on the head and chin is associated with the sex of the individual. Alternatively, color might vary among individuals because it is controlled by genes that are under natural selection or neutral evolution. We tested these alternative hypotheses by examining whether coloration of the sublabial, submaxillary, and ventral scales of this species differed by sex or among clutches. We used color spectrometry to characterize important aspects of color in two ways: by examining overall color differences across the entire color spectrum and by comparing differences within the ultraviolet, yellow, and red colorbands. We found that Eastern Indigo Snakes do not exhibit sexual dichromatism, but their coloration does vary among clutches; therefore, the pattern of sexual selection leading to sexual dichromatism observed in many squamates does not appear to play a role in the evolution and maintenance of color variation in Eastern Indigo Snakes. We suggest that future studies should focus on determining whether color variation in these snakes is determined by maternal effects or genetic components and if color is influenced by natural selection or neutral evolutionary processes. Studying species that exhibit bright colors within lineages that are not known for such coloration will contribute greatly to our understanding of the evolutionary and ecological factors that drive these differences.

  5. Derivation of Color Confusion Lines for Pseudo-Dichromat Observers from Color Discrimination Thresholds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kahiro Matsudaira


    Full Text Available The objective is to develop a method of defining color confusion lines in the display RGB color space through color discrimination tasks. In the experiment, reference and test square patches were presented side by side on a CRT display. The subject's task is to set the test color where the color difference from the reference is just noticeable to him/her. In a single trial, the test color was only adjustable along one of 26 directions around the reference. Thus 26 colors with just noticeable difference (JND were obtained and made up a tube-like or an ellipsoidal shape around each reference. With color-anomalous subjects, the major axes of these shapes should be parallel to color confusion lines that have a common orientation vector corresponding to one of the cone excitation axes L, M, or S. In our method, the orientation vector was determined by minimizing the sum of the squares of the distances from JND colors to each confusion line. To assess the performance the method, the orientation vectors obtained by pseudo-dichromats (color normal observers with a dichromat simulator were compared to those theoretically calculated from the color vision model used in the simulator.

  6. ColorMoves: Optimizing Color's Potential for Exploration and Communication of Data (United States)

    Samsel, F.


    Color is the most powerful perceptual channel available for exposing and communicating data. Most visualizations are rendered in one of a handful of common colormaps - the rainbow, cool-warm, heat map and viridis. These maps meet the basic criteria for encoding data - perceptual uniformity and reasonable discriminatory power. However, as the size and complexity of data grows, our need to optimize the potential of color grows. The ability to expose greater detail and differentiate between multiple variables becomes ever more important. To meet this need we have created ColorMoves, an interactive colormap construction tool that enables scientists to quickly and easily align a concentration contrast with the data ranges of interest. Perceptual research tells us that luminance is the strongest contrast and thus provides the highest degree of perceptual discrimination. However, the most commonly used colormaps contain a limited range of luminance contrast. ColorMoves enables interactive constructing colormaps enabling one to distribute the luminance where is it most needed. The interactive interface enables optimal placement of the color scales. The ability to watch the changes on ones data, in real time makes precision adjustment quick and easy. By enabling more precise placement and multiple ranges of luminance one can construct colomaps containing greater discriminatory power. By selecting from the wide range of color scale hues scientists can create colormaps intuitive to their subject. ColorMoves is comprised of four main components: a set of 40 color scales; a histogram of the data distribution; a viewing area showing the colormap on your data; and the controls section. The 40 color scales span the spectrum of hues, saturation levels and value distributions. The histogram of the data distribution enables placement of the color scales in precise locations. The viewing area show is the impact of changes on the data in real time. The controls section enables export

  7. Ocean Color (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Satellite-derived Ocean Color Data sets from historical and currently operational NASA and International Satellite missions including the NASA Coastal Zone Color...

  8. Spatial Accuracy of Embedded Surface Coloring in Color 3D Printing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, David Bue; Hansen, Hans Nørgaard; Eiríksson, Eyþór Rúnar


    Measurement Machines(CMMʼs) and Machine Tools, that already hasbeen transferred to be applicable for AMmachine tools, [3] in order to determine the spatial accuracy of embedded color features to artifacts printed on a zCorp 650 color 3D Printer.The spatial color verification artifact is a flat platewith...... capable of full-color printing inpolymers[1]. Industrial service providers increasingly expand their product-range of full colorprint services, and as of today, the industry for full-color parts has grown rapidly, into a million-dollar industry [2]. With a new market emerging at such pace, it is believed...

  9. Full-color large-scaled computer-generated holograms using RGB color filters. (United States)

    Tsuchiyama, Yasuhiro; Matsushima, Kyoji


    A technique using RGB color filters is proposed for creating high-quality full-color computer-generated holograms (CGHs). The fringe of these CGHs is composed of more than a billion pixels. The CGHs reconstruct full-parallax three-dimensional color images with a deep sensation of depth caused by natural motion parallax. The simulation technique as well as the principle and challenges of high-quality full-color reconstruction are presented to address the design of filter properties suitable for large-scaled CGHs. Optical reconstructions of actual fabricated full-color CGHs are demonstrated in order to verify the proposed techniques.

  10. The interaction between surface color and color knowledge: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence


    Bramão, I.; Faísca, L.; Forkstam, C.; Inácio, F.; Araújo, S.; Petersson, K.; Reis, A.


    In this study, we used event-related potentials (ERPs) to evaluate the contribution of surface color and color knowledge information in object identification. We constructed two color-object verification tasks – a surface and a knowledge verification task – using high color diagnostic objects; both typical and atypical color versions of the same object were presented. Continuous electroencephalogram was recorded from 26 subjects. A cluster randomization procedure was used to explore the diffe...


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    Full Text Available The azomethines have broad applications in food and dyestuff industries, and in analytical chemistry, catalysis and also in the field of agrochemical. These have played an influential part in the improvement of modern coordination chemistry, but also they can also be found at key points in the development of inorganic biochemistry, catalysis and also in optical materials. The present paper describes coloring properties of wool fabric colored by new dyestuffs - azomethines, derivate of isatin. Synthesizing of dyestuffs can often have one to six chromogen, which can be defined as the photoactive components that contain colored or uncolored absorbent components. In addition of monoazo, diazo, poly-azo, anthraquinone, xanthan and similar systems, the azomethines or imines, also includes to the chromogen groups. Azomethines, such as, isatin-3-hydrazone, isatin-3-thiosemicarbazone and isatin-3-phenylhydrazone, were synthesized and their coloring performance on wool fabric assessed. The synthesized azomethines showed very good substantively for wool fibers with good coloring performance according to CIEL*a*b* system which characterized quantitative and qualitative coloring property. Dyestuff 3 or isatin-3-phenylhydrazone bound to woolen textiles to a greater extent and greater intensity (minimum value of L. Dyestuff 2 or isatin-3-thiosemicarbazone linked to the minimum amount for textiles (the largest value of L. Although it must be noted that it is a lighter shade (yellow color as opposed to the dyestuff 3 (red color.

  12. Encyclopedia of color science and technology

    CERN Document Server


    The Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology provides an authoritative single source for understanding and applying the concepts of color to all fields of science and technology, including artistic and historical aspects of color. Many topics are discussed in this timely reference, including an introduction to the science of color, and entries on the physics, chemistry and perception of color. Color is described as it relates to optical phenomena of color and continues on through colorants and materials used to modulate color and also to human vision of color. The measurement of color is provided as is colorimetry, color spaces, color difference metrics, color appearance models, color order systems and cognitive color. Other topics discussed include industrial color, color imaging, capturing color, displaying color and printing color. Descriptions of color encodings, color management, processing color and applications relating to color synthesis for computer graphics are included in this work. The Encyclo...

  13. Priming Letters by Colors: Evidence for the Bidirectionality of Grapheme-Color Synesthesia (United States)

    Weiss, Peter H.; Kalckert, Andreas; Fink, Gereon R.


    In synesthesia, stimulation of one sensory modality leads to a percept in another nonstimulated modality, for example, graphemes trigger an additional color percept in grapheme-color synesthesia, which encompasses the variants letter-color and digit-color synesthesia. Until recently, it was assumed that synesthesia occurs strictly unidirectional:…

  14. La mochila "rayá" : del símbolo a la subsistencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Echavarría Usher


    Full Text Available La mochila "rayá", la mochila en la que cargan los campesinos de toda la llanura del Caribe colombiano el pedazo de queso bajero y la "miguita" de panela, el frasco de café y el bollo de maíz para desayunar en el monte; la mochila que usan también los estudiantes y obreros; esta mochila de fique con rayas de brillantes colores, es tejida por mujeres y niños artesanos que viven en los pueblos y veredas de la región de Atánquez, situada en el árido piedemonte del sureste de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

  15. Coloring your information: How designers use Theory of Color in creative ways to present infographic (United States)

    Lucius, C. R.; Fuad, A.


    Various methods of data presentation is now visualized through engaging infographics and perform the presentation techniques a new kind of storytelling. Geometric elements for infographics perform interesting data, which is developed with color harmony. There are categories of colors based on color circle from the theory of color design: primary color, secondary color and tertiary color. This color circle allows a designer to visualize the balance and harmony of colors when they are side by side. These composition of colors can be formed as a harmonious dyad, triad, or tetrads. A harmonious dyad is formed from two diametrically opposed colors on the color circle, which known as contrast complementary and works best in color harmonious if one of the colors is dominant. A harmonious triad is represented by three colors from the color circle which positions with an equilateral triangle. An triangle of yellow-red-blue shows the most powerful of harmonious triad and call as the fundamental triad. A harmonious tetrad is developed from two pairs of complementary colors, which can be formed by rectangle or square on the color circle. It help to figure out how objects are connected on presenting data. To create an efficiency infographic, presenting data has to prepare with some strategic. The color circle has the power to perform the infographic when it is made for a fascinating design.

  16. RGB Color Cube-Based Histogram Specification for Hue-Preserving Color Image Enhancement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kohei Inoue


    Full Text Available A large number of color image enhancement methods are based on the methods for grayscale image enhancement in which the main interest is contrast enhancement. However, since colors usually have three attributes, including hue, saturation and intensity of more than only one attribute of grayscale values, the naive application of the methods for grayscale images to color images often results in unsatisfactory consequences. Conventional hue-preserving color image enhancement methods utilize histogram equalization (HE for enhancing the contrast. However, they cannot always enhance the saturation simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a histogram specification (HS method for enhancing the saturation in hue-preserving color image enhancement. The proposed method computes the target histogram for HS on the basis of the geometry of RGB (rad, green and blue color space, whose shape is a cube with a unit side length. Therefore, the proposed method includes no parameters to be set by users. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves higher color saturation than recent parameter-free methods for hue-preserving color image enhancement. As a result, the proposed method can be used for an alternative method of HE in hue-preserving color image enhancement.

  17. The Relation between Children's Conceptual Functioning with Color and Color Term Acquisition (United States)

    Kowalski, Kurt; Zimiles, Herbert


    Young children experience considerable difficulty in learning their first few color terms. One explanation for this difficulty is that initially they lack a conceptual representation of color sufficiently abstract to support word meaning. This hypothesis, that prior to learning color terms children do not represent color as an abstraction, was…

  18. Dynamic simulation of color blindness for studying color vision requirements in practice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lucassen, M.P.; Alferdinck, J.W.A.M.


    We report on a dynamic simulation of defective color vision. Using an RGB video camera connected to a PC or laptop, the captured and displayed RGB colors are translated by our software into modified RGB values that simulate the color appearance of a person with a color deficiency. Usually, the

  19. Días sin TV: la salud del hombre

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    Nelson González Leal


    Full Text Available Hoy hace una tarde tranquila. Por la ventana lateral del apartamento se cuela un zumbido espasmódico y ligero, lo producen los escasos automóviles que cruzan la avenida de cuando en cuando. El edificio que habito parece un Titán dormido, trasmite una molicie áspera y duradera, pero eso no quiebra la armonía del ambiente, por el contrario, le otorga sentido al clima, que es casi tibio. Son las cinco pasado el meridiano y los árboles juguetean con una brisa ligera y torpe, que de cuando en cuando choca con los cristales de las ventanas y se dispersa en fuga. Yo me acerco al balcón y observo las construcciones vecinas. Son moles grises, aunque su color sea blanco, verde o azul, parecen grises y dormitan igual que la antigua estructura desde donde fisgoneo. Vivo en una zona residencial de clase media, construida al interés de personas dispuestas a la caminata diurna y la larga y serena conversación vespertina. A doscientos metros de donde estoy hay una plaza, muchos árboles, una estación del Metro, varios locales comerciales y una gran avenida principal. Vivo en Altamira, baluarte de la reacción sociopolítica al gobierno del ex teniente coronel del ejército Hugo Chávez Frías.

  20. Color metallography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasson, Raymond.


    After a short introduction explaining the reasons why color metallography was adopted, the various operations involved in this technique are described in turn and illustrated by colored photomicrographs. The sample preparation (cutting, covering) and surface preparation (trimming, polishing, finishing) are described briefly. The operations specific to color metallography are then detailed: revelation of the structure of polished surfaces, dye impregnation techniques, optical systems used in macrography, in micrography, different light sources used in microscopy, photographic methods [fr

  1. Colored Contact Lens Dangers

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... One Use Facts About Colored Contacts and Halloween Safety Colored Contact Lens Facts Over-the-Counter Costume ... use of colored contact lenses , from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Are the colored lenses ...

  2. Multi-color and artistic dithering


    Ostromoukhov, Victor; Hersch, Roger D.


    A multi-color dithering algorithm is proposed, which converts a barycentric combination of color intensities into a multi-color non-overlapping surface coverage. Multi-color dithering is a generalization of standard bi-level dithering. Combined with tetrahedral color separation, multi-color dithering makes it possible to print images made of a set of non-standard inks. In contrast to most previous color halftoning methods, multi-color dithering ensures by construction that the different selec...

  3. Métodos de eliminación del color en efluentes de tintura textil


    Vilaseca Vallvé, M. Mercedes; López Grimau, Víctor; Gutiérrez Bouzán, María Carmen; Crespi Rosell, Martin


    La industria textil por vía húmeda genera grandes cantidades de agua residual en sus procesos productivos, principalmente en las operaciones de ennoblecimiento (preparación, tintura y acabado). El sector textil precisa de tratamientos primarios, secundarios y tratamientos avanzados para eliminar la materia orgánica, sólidos no eliminados anteriormente y el color. En especial, la eliminación de los colorantes en este tipo de efluentes representa un reto tecnológico en los procesos de tratamien...

  4. Is there a place for assisting therapy in colon rectum carcinoma?; Hay un lugar para la terapia adyuvante en la cirugia del cancer colorerctal?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veirano Rodriguez, G


    Reviving the experience of the past 40 years in the treatment of the cancer color rectal is evident that a remarkable improvement has not existed in the operative mortality and in the percentage of recovery.This panorama is analyzed from the surgeon's optics the different possibilities and radiotherapy,q chemotherapy modalities and of immunotherapy in the assisting of the cancer color rectal as well as its results in centers specialized.Their options and its sequence discuss as well as its association. It concludes that after the stadification pre operation of the cancer color rectal it should be valued together with the specialist oncologist the possibility to carry out the assisting and of persisting in alert attitude before the scientific advances very documented in this aspect of the treatment (Au) [Spanish] Reviviendo la experiencia de los pasados 40 anos en el tratamiento del cancer colorrectal resulta evidente que no ha existido una notable mejoria en la mortalidad operatoria y en el porcentaje de curacion.Ante este panorama se analiza desde la optica del cirujano las distintas posibilidades y modalidades de radioterapia,quimioterapia y de inmunoterapia en la adyuvancia del cancer colorrectal asi como sus resultados en centros especializados.Se discuten sus opciones y su secuencia asi como su asociacion.Se concluye que luego de la estadificacion preoperatoria del cancer colorrectal se deberia valorar en conjunto con los especialistas oncologos la posibilidad de realizar la adyuvancia y de persistir en actitud alerta y espectante ante los avances cientificos bien documentados en este aspecto del tratamiento (AU)

  5. Computing color categories

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yendrikhovskij, S.N.; Rogowitz, B.E.; Pappas, T.N.


    This paper is an attempt to develop a coherent framework for understanding, modeling, and computing color categories. The main assumption is that the structure of color category systems originates from the statistical structure of the perceived color environment. This environment can be modeled as

  6. Color waves : a simple heuristic for choosing false colors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Overveld, van C.W.A.M.


    A simple heuristic is presented for choosing false colors for visualizing scalar functions on two-dimensional domains. The color scheme allows inspection of the function on several length scales simultanously.

  7. Chemical composition and oxidative stability of jussara (Euterpe edulis M.) oil extracted by cold and hot mechanical pressing; Composición química y estabilidad oxidativa del aceite de jussara (Euterpe edulis M.) extraído mediante prensado mecánico en frío y en caliente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Da Cunha, A.L.A.; Freitas, S.P.; Godoy, R.L.O.; Cabral, L.M.C.; Tonon, R.V.


    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of mechanical pressing on jussara oil yield, oxidative stability and carotenoid profile with or without heat application. Firstly, jussara pulp was centrifuged for juice extraction, and the resulting cake was dried until reaching 10% moisture content. Then, oil extraction was performed in an expeller press at 25 ºC (cold pressing) and at 50 ºC (hot pressing). The process performance was evaluated by the oil yield, and the crude jussara oil was characterized for fatty acid composition, acid value, carotenoid profile and oxidative stability. Jussara oil contained 74% unsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic and linoleic acids (48% and 24%, respectively). The oil yield was almost twice as high for the hot process as compared to the cold one. Additionally, hot pressing resulted in 25% higher total carotenoid content as compared to cold pressing, with β-carotene as the most abundant one. Hot and cold pressing showed no difference in oil oxidative stability and fatty acid composition. [Spanish] El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del calor sobre el rendimiento del aceite, la estabilidad oxidativa y el perfil de carotenoides del aceite de Jussara extraído por prensado mecánico. En primer lugar, se centrifugó la pulpa de jussara para la extracción del zumo, y la torta resultante se secó para alcanzar el contenido de humedad de 10%. Posteriormente, la extracción del aceite se realizó en una prensa a 25 °C (prensado en frío) y a 50 °C (prensado en caliente). El desarrollo del proceso fue evaluado mediante el rendimiento de aceite y en bruto y éste se caracterizó mediante la composición en ácidos grasos, índice de acidez, perfil de carotenoides y la estabilidad oxidativa. El aceite de jussara presentó un 74% de ácidos grasos insaturados, principalmente ácidos oleico y linoleico (48% y 24%, respectivamente). El rendimiento del aceite para el proceso en caliente fue casi el doble, en comparaci

  8. Color and odor of artificial fruit used to signal potential dispersers in the Atlantic forest in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aliny Oliveira Barcelos


    características principales que regulan el nivel de consumo y la dispersión de las semillas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el efecto que tiene el olor y el color de los frutos sobre los depredadores y dispersores de semillas. El área de estudio abarca 30ha de bosque secundario localizado en el Atlántico sureste de Brasil. Este espacio se dividió en dos sectores, en los cuales se marcaron cuatro puntos con una distancia de 30m entre sí. En cada punto de muestreo se utilizaron 30 frutos que se distribuyeron en seis tratamientos, con cinco frutos artificiales para cada tratamiento. Además, cabe resaltar que cada tratamiento se colocó en el suelo de forma aleatoria y que los frutos artificiales se verificaron cada siete días. Para cada grupo de cinco frutos se utilizaron 5mL de esencia (vainilla y ananá y para el grupo de control no se utilizó ningún aditivo de olor. Los frutos se confeccionaron con plastilina atóxica de color verde y roja, además de esencias artificiales (ananá y vainilla, asimismo se obtuvieron 960 frutos. El nivel de frutos consumidos fue del 26.9% (258 unidades, de los cuales los rojos/ananá fueron los más consumidos (81.9%, seguidos del rojo/vainilla (46.3%, mientras que los verde/control no fueron comidos. Durante el experimento la tasa de frutos mordidos fue del 58.3% y de picoteados un 41.7%. No se registró una diferencia significativa (x²=7.57, gl=5, p=0.182 entre frutos mordidos y picoteados. El color y el olor de los frutos son aspectos importantes para atraer depredadores y dispersores, lo que explica los niveles de consumo de los frutos rojos/vainilla y rojo/ananá y la ausencia de frutos comidos en el tratamiento del verde/control. En cuanto al potencial dispersor, no hubo una diferencia estadística significativa entre frutos mordidos y picoteados, por lo que se debe tomar en cuenta que la dispersión principal es la zoocoria (ornitocoria y mamalocoria. Por lo tanto, se puede concluir que las aves son atraídas por

  9. Mecanismo de falla de los tubos del sobrecalentador de una caldera acuotubular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Jairo Coronado Marín


    Full Text Available En este artículo se investigaron las causas de las fallas presentadas por fisuración longitudinal a partir de la superficie externa en los tubos del sobrecalentador de una caldera acuotubular. La superficie externa de los tubos presentó una capa de color blanco-rojizo que presentó cadenas parafínicas: C-H, grupos funcionales: C-O, N-H y compuestos de azufre, esta capa frágil impide la transferencia de calor, causando un aumento de temperatura del tubo. La falla se presentó por termofluencia debido al sobrecalentamiento de larga duración, la microestructura del tubo de acero en el lado externo presentó: crecimiento de grano, globulización de la cemen-tita y fisuras intergranulares que producen pérdidas de las propiedades mecánicas del acero. Las observaciones anteriores evidencian un deterioro de la microestructura facilitado por un material que no está en capacidad de operar usando exclusivamente bagazo como combustible.

  10. Developmental Color Perception (United States)

    Gaines, Rosslyn; Little, Angela C.


    A sample of 107 subjects including kindergarteners, fifth graders, high school sophomores, parents of kindergarteners, and master artists were presented with a 108-item color perception test to investigate surface color perception at these age levels. A set of surface color perception rules was generated. (GO)

  11. Color models of hadrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greenberg, O.W.; Nelson, C.A.


    The evidence for a three-valued 'color' degree of freedom in hadron physics is reviewed. The structure of color models is discussed. Consequences of color models for elementary particle physics are discussed, including saturation properties of hadronic states, π 0 →2γ and related decays, leptoproduction, and lepton pair annihilation. Signatures are given which distinguish theories with isolated colored particles from those in which color is permanently bound. (Auth.)

  12. Human preference for individual colors (United States)

    Palmer, Stephen E.; Schloss, Karen B.


    Color preference is an important aspect of human behavior, but little is known about why people like some colors more than others. Recent results from the Berkeley Color Project (BCP) provide detailed measurements of preferences among 32 chromatic colors as well as other relevant aspects of color perception. We describe the fit of several color preference models, including ones based on cone outputs, color-emotion associations, and Palmer and Schloss's ecological valence theory. The ecological valence theory postulates that color serves an adaptive "steering' function, analogous to taste preferences, biasing organisms to approach advantageous objects and avoid disadvantageous ones. It predicts that people will tend to like colors to the extent that they like the objects that are characteristically that color, averaged over all such objects. The ecological valence theory predicts 80% of the variance in average color preference ratings from the Weighted Affective Valence Estimates (WAVEs) of correspondingly colored objects, much more variance than any of the other models. We also describe how hue preferences for single colors differ as a function of gender, expertise, culture, social institutions, and perceptual experience.

  13. How to display data by color schemes compatible with red-green color perception deficiencies. (United States)

    Geissbuehler, Matthias; Lasser, Theo


    Visualization of data concerns most scientists. The use of color is required in order to display multidimensional information. In addition, color encoding a univariate image can improve the interpretation significantly. However up to 10% of the adult male population are affected by a red-green color perception deficiency which hampers the correct interpretation and appreciation of color encoded information. This work attempts to give guidelines on how to display a given dataset in a balanced manner. Three novel color maps are proposed providing readers with normal color perception a maximum of color contrast while being a good compromise for readers with color perception deficiencies.

  14. [Research on developping the spectral dataset for Dunhuang typical colors based on color constancy]. (United States)

    Liu, Qiang; Wan, Xiao-Xia; Liu, Zhen; Li, Chan; Liang, Jin-Xing


    The present paper aims at developping a method to reasonably set up the typical spectral color dataset for different kinds of Chinese cultural heritage in color rendering process. The world famous wall paintings dating from more than 1700 years ago in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes was taken as typical case in this research. In order to maintain the color constancy during the color rendering workflow of Dunhuang culture relics, a chromatic adaptation based method for developping the spectral dataset of typical colors for those wall paintings was proposed from the view point of human vision perception ability. Under the help and guidance of researchers in the art-research institution and protection-research institution of Dunhuang Academy and according to the existing research achievement of Dunhuang Research in the past years, 48 typical known Dunhuang pigments were chosen and 240 representative color samples were made with reflective spectral ranging from 360 to 750 nm was acquired by a spectrometer. In order to find the typical colors of the above mentioned color samples, the original dataset was devided into several subgroups by clustering analysis. The grouping number, together with the most typical samples for each subgroup which made up the firstly built typical color dataset, was determined by wilcoxon signed rank test according to the color inconstancy index comprehensively calculated under 6 typical illuminating conditions. Considering the completeness of gamut of Dunhuang wall paintings, 8 complementary colors was determined and finally the typical spectral color dataset was built up which contains 100 representative spectral colors. The analytical calculating results show that the median color inconstancy index of the built dataset in 99% confidence level by wilcoxon signed rank test was 3.28 and the 100 colors are distributing in the whole gamut uniformly, which ensures that this dataset can provide reasonable reference for choosing the color with highest

  15. Content-Based Image Retrieval Benchmarking: Utilizing color categories and color distributions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Broek, Egon; Kisters, Peter M.F.; Vuurpijl, Louis G.

    From a human centered perspective three ingredients for Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) were developed. First, with their existence confirmed by experimental data, 11 color categories were utilized for CBIR and used as input for a new color space segmentation technique. The complete HSI color

  16. Efecto del uso de quitosano en el mejoramiento del cultivo del arroz (Oryza sativa L.

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    José Alejandro Molina Zerpa


    Full Text Available En la actualidad existen alternativas tecnológicas para el aprovechamiento de los desechos de crustáceos y su conversión en productos de utilidad como lo son la quitina y su derivado el quitosano.  En esta investigación, se utilizó gel de quitosano para aplicarlo a la variedad de arroz SD20 para mejorar su cultivo. El análisis mediante IR del quitosano utilizado mostró similitud con los espectros para cada una de las muestras, confirmando con estos resultados que la utilización de diferentes quitinas obtenidas por la desmineralización con HCl y H3PO4 no afectó la identidad del producto, pues se mantienen las bandas de los grupos funcionales más importantes, demostrándose así que las quitinas se transformaron en una nueva materia prima como el quitosano. Las plantas tratadas con quitosano presentaron alturas mayores, con incrementos de altura hasta de 16,57% en comparación al testigo. Además, produjo un incremento de la raíz de 52% para los 12 días de siembra en comparación con el testigo. Se observó en las plantas de arroz un color verde más intenso que en lote testigo, estos resultados se deben a la capacidad estimulante del quitosano, ya que actúa mejorando el enraizamiento y la producción de área foliar de la planta. Se encontró una diferencia de 1025 kg/ha, y un incremento en la cosecha de 16,21% con respecto al tratamiento sin quitosano. Se concluye que el cultivo de arroz, variedad SD20A, tuvo un desarrollo vegetativo mejor con el tratamiento con quitosano.

  17. [Study of spectrum drifting of primary colors and its impact on color rendering properties]. (United States)

    Cui, Xiao-yan; Zhang, Xiao-dong


    LEDs are currently used widely to display text, graphics and images in large screens. With red, green and blue LEDs as three primary colors, color rendition will be realized through color mixing. However, LEDs' spectrum will produce drifts with the changes in the temperature environment. With the changes in the driving current simulating changes in the temperature, the three primary color LEDs' spectral drifts were tested, and the drift characteristics of the three primary colors were obtained respectively. Based on the typical characteristics of the LEDs and the differences between LEDs with different colors in composition and molecular structure, the paper analyzed the reason for the spectrum drifts and the drift characteristics of different color LEDs, and proposed the equations of spectrum drifts. Putting the experimental data into the spectrum drift equations, the paper analyzed the impacts of primary colors on the mixed color, pointed out a way to reduce the chromatic aberration, and provided the theory for engineering application of color LEDs.

  18. Cambiando la clásica práctica restrictiva de ingesta en el proceso del parto Changing the classic no-oral intake practice in labour process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Purificación Fernández Salmerón


    Full Text Available En nuestro hospital se mantenía el ayuno de la gestante, desde el comienzo del proceso del parto hasta dos horas después de éste, como medida preventiva frente a complicaciones que eventualmente requiriesen anestesia general. Los cambios producidos por las recomendaciones de la OMS, junto con las directrices del proceso asistencial del Sistema Andaluz de Salud en un parto de bajo riesgo, así como la introducción de la analgesia epidural en este campo, planteó el objetivo de este estudio: ¿es ésta una práctica adecuada a la relación riesgo-beneficio de las gestantes? Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 249 gestantes de bajo riesgo a las que se les ofertó la libre elección de ingesta, siendo únicamente de líquidos (71.5% agua-zumo y sólidos (0.4% bollería, analizando el tipo de parto (espontáneo 165 mujeres - 66.3%-, tocúrgico 44 casos -17.7%-, cesárea 40 casos-16.1%-, incidencia de náuseas (41 mujeres -23%- / vómitos (27 mujeres -15.1 % tanto durante la dilatación como en el posparto inmediato (6 mujeres-2.4 %, y el grado de satisfacción de las puérperas (98%. Se concluyó como una experiencia satisfactoria, no observándose evidencias que limitaran esta práctica, planteándose la elaboración de un protocolo específico consensuado con los Servicios de Obstetricia y Ginecología y Anestesia y Reanimación, con la participación de las matronas.In our hospital, fasting during labour process from the early period to two hours postpartum is established in order to prevent the risks of a possible general anaesthesia. The Attendance Process of Andalusia Health System (SAS and W.H.O. recommendations about a natural labour in addiction to epidural anaesthesia, elicited us this question: is fasting in labour an adequate practice on balance risks / benefits for pregnant women? Oral intake was offered to 249 women during labour and immediate postpartum. 71.5% accepted clear fluids only. 0.4% preferred not clear fluids. We

  19. Color constancy in Japanese animation (United States)

    Ichihara, Yasuyo G.


    In this study, we measure the colors used in a Japanese Animations. The result can be seen on CIE-xy color spaces. It clearly shows that the color system is not a natural appearance system but an imagined and artistic appearance system. Color constancy of human vision can tell the difference in skin and hair colors between under moonlight and day light. Human brain generates a match to the memorized color of an object from daylight viewing conditions to the color of the object in different viewing conditions. For example, Japanese people always perceive the color of the Rising Sun in the Japanese flag as red even in a different viewing condition such as under moonlight. Color images captured by a camera cannot present those human perceptions. However, Japanese colorists in Animation succeeded in painting the effects of color constancy not only under moonlight but also added the memory matching colors. They aim to create a greater impact on viewer's perceptions by using the effect of the memory matching colors. In this paper, we propose the Imagined Japanese Animation Color System. This system in art is currently a subject of research in Japan. Its importance is that it could also provide an explanation on how human brain perceives the same color under different viewing conditions.

  20. Colored cool colorants based on rare earth metal ions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sreeram, Kalarical Janardhanan; Aby, Cheruvathoor Poulose; Nair, Balachandran Unni; Ramasami, Thirumalachari [Chemical Laboratory, Central Leather Research Institute, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Adyar, Chennai 600 020 (India)


    Colored pigments with high near infrared reflectance and not based on toxic metal ions like cadmium, lead and cobalt are being sought as cool colorants. Through appropriate doping two pigments Ce-Pr-Mo and Ce-Pr-Fe have been developed to offer a reddish brown and reddish orange color, respectively. These pigments have been characterized and found to be highly crystalline with an average size of 300 nm. A shift in band gap energy from 2.21 to 2.18 eV has been observed when Li{sub 2}CO{sub 3} was used as a mineralizer. Scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDAX) measurement indicate a uniform grind shape and distribution of metal ion, with over 65% reflectance in the NIR region, these pigments can well serve as cool colorants. (author)

  1. Polarization-color mapping strategies: catching up with color theory (United States)

    Kruse, Andrew W.; Alenin, Andrey S.; Vaughn, Israel J.; Tyo, J. Scott


    Current visualization techniques for mapping polarization data to a color coordinates defined by the Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV) color representation are analyzed in the context of perceptual uniformity. Since HSV is not designed to be perceptually uniform, the extent of non-uniformity should be evaluated by using robust color difference formulae and by comparison to the state-of-the-art uniform color space CAM02-UCS. For mapping just angle of polarization with HSV hue, the results show clear non-uniformity and implications for how this can misrepresent the data. UCS can be used to create alternative mapping techniques that are perceptually uniform. Implementing variation in lightness may increase shape discrimination within the scene. Future work will be dedicated to measuring performance of both current and proposed methods using psychophysical analysis.

  2. Full-Color Biomimetic Photonic Materials with Iridescent and Non-Iridescent Structural Colors. (United States)

    Kawamura, Ayaka; Kohri, Michinari; Morimoto, Gen; Nannichi, Yuri; Taniguchi, Tatsuo; Kishikawa, Keiki


    The beautiful structural colors in bird feathers are some of the brightest colors in nature, and some of these colors are created by arrays of melanin granules that act as both structural colors and scattering absorbers. Inspired by the color of bird feathers, high-visibility structural colors have been created by altering four variables: size, blackness, refractive index, and arrangement of the nano-elements. To control these four variables, we developed a facile method for the preparation of biomimetic core-shell particles with melanin-like polydopamine (PDA) shell layers. The size of the core-shell particles was controlled by adjusting the core polystyrene (PSt) particles' diameter and the PDA shell thicknesses. The blackness and refractive index of the colloidal particles could be adjusted by controlling the thickness of the PDA shell. The arrangement of the particles was controlled by adjusting the surface roughness of the core-shell particles. This method enabled the production of both iridescent and non-iridescent structural colors from only one component. This simple and novel process of using core-shell particles containing PDA shell layers can be used in basic research on structural colors in nature and their practical applications.

  3. The weight of color


    Brunberg, Mikael


    This paper explores the weight of color, with the focus lying on the symbolic significance ofcolor. Exploring whether color in itself conveys symbolic significance and is the symbolicsignificance of color permanent, or is it an after construction? It will be looking at differentareas such as what makes us humans able to perceive colors in the first place, beginning withan insight at some of the foundations in the area of color theory. Mentioning experiments ondecomposed white light, that cont...

  4. How Redundant Are Redundant Color Adjectives? An Efficiency-Based Analysis of Color Overspecification


    Rubio-Fern?ndez, Paula


    Color adjectives tend to be used redundantly in referential communication. I propose that redundant color adjectives are often intended to exploit a color contrast in the visual context and hence facilitate object identification, despite not being necessary to establish unique reference. Two language-production experiments investigated two types of factors that may affect the use of redundant color adjectives: factors related to the efficiency of color in the visual context and factors relate...

  5. Revisiting "Color Names and Color Notions": a contemporary examination of the language and attitudes of skin color among young black women. (United States)

    Wilder, JeffriAnne


    Employing the pioneering work of Charles Parrish as a basis of comparison, this study serves as a follow-up to “Color Names and Color Notions” by deconstructing the contemporary language and attitudes surrounding skin color. Nine focus groups with 58 black women between the ages of 18 and 25 reveal that the color names and color notions offered were consistent with many of the terms and stereotypes that Parrish found, thereby indicating that there has been no change in colorist ideology among African Americans. Participants discussed 40 color names regularly employed to describe light, medium, and dark skin tones. The terms and attitudes associated with light skin tones were generally negative; conversely, the terms and attitudes associated with dark skin tones were derogatory. The language and beliefs connected to medium skin tones indicate that colorism operates as a three-tiered structure rather than the traditionally situated binary paradigm.

  6. Image Transform Based on the Distribution of Representative Colors for Color Deficient (United States)

    Ohata, Fukashi; Kudo, Hiroaki; Matsumoto, Tetsuya; Takeuchi, Yoshinori; Ohnishi, Noboru

    This paper proposes the method to convert digital image containing distinguishing difficulty sets of colors into the image with high visibility. We set up four criteria, automatically processing by a computer, retaining continuity in color space, not making images into lower visible for people with normal color vision, and not making images not originally having distinguishing difficulty sets of colors into lower visible. We conducted the psychological experiment. We obtained the result that the visibility of a converted image had been improved at 60% for 40 images, and we confirmed the main criterion of the continuity in color space was kept.

  7. Color Reproduction with a Smartphone (United States)

    Thoms, Lars-Jochen; Colicchia, Giuseppe; Girwidz, Raimund


    The world is full of colors. Most of the colors we see around us can be created on common digital displays simply by superposing light with three different wavelengths. However, no mixture of colors can produce a fully pure color identical to a spectral color. Using a smartphone, students can investigate the main features of primary color addition…

  8. Color preferences are not universal. (United States)

    Taylor, Chloe; Clifford, Alexandra; Franklin, Anna


    Claims of universality pervade color preference research. It has been argued that there are universal preferences for some colors over others (e.g., Eysenck, 1941), universal sex differences (e.g., Hurlbert & Ling, 2007), and universal mechanisms or dimensions that govern these preferences (e.g., Palmer & Schloss, 2010). However, there have been surprisingly few cross-cultural investigations of color preference and none from nonindustrialized societies that are relatively free from the common influence of global consumer culture. Here, we compare the color preferences of British adults to those of Himba adults who belong to a nonindustrialized culture in rural Namibia. British and Himba color preferences are found to share few characteristics, and Himba color preferences display none of the so-called "universal" patterns or sex differences. Several significant predictors of color preference are identified, such as cone-contrast between stimulus and background (Hurlbert & Ling, 2007), the valence of color-associated objects (Palmer & Schloss, 2010), and the colorfulness of the color. However, the relationship of these predictors to color preference was strikingly different for the two cultures. No one model of color preference is able to account for both British and Himba color preferences. We suggest that not only do patterns of color preference vary across individuals and groups but the underlying mechanisms and dimensions of color preference vary as well. The findings have implications for broader debate on the extent to which our perception and experience of color is culturally relative or universally constrained. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  9. Cambios postcosecha del hongo comestible huitlacoche (Ustilago maydis (D. C. Corda

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    A. Martínez-Flores


    Full Text Available El huitlacoche [(Ustilago maydis (D.C. Corda] ha sido un importante alimento en la dieta de los habitantes de la región Centro-Sur de México desde épocas precolombinas. Recientemente, su aceptación a nivel mundial se ha incrementado. A pesar de que es un producto muy perecedero no existen estudios postcosecha, por lo cual, el objetivo de este estudio fue identificar el cambio de parámetros físicos y fisiológicos en postcosecha de huitlacoche entero (mazorca y desgranado (agallas a temperatura ambiente, 3 y 10 °C, durante 11 días. Se evaluó el cambio de aspecto, color, pérdida de peso, respiración, producción de etileno y cambio en aminoácidos. La respiración promedio del huitlacoche entero a temperatura ambiente, 10 y 3 °C fue de 320.8, 120.8 y 71. 5 mlCO2·kg- 1·h-1, respectivamente; en tanto que para el desgranado fue de 372.8, 346.7 y 164.1 mlCO2·kg-1·h-1 a temperatura ambiente, 10 y 3 °C respectivamente. A los 7 días de almacenamiento, el hongo presentó pérdida de peso arriba del 80, 60 y 22 % a temperatura ambiente, 10 y 3 °C respectivamente. Se encontraron 18 aminoácidos, del contenido total los esenciales representaron 37.8 % de los cuales lisina representó el 27.2 %. Después del almacenamiento, el huitlacoche no mostró un cambio importante en el contenido de aminoácidos. A 3 °C el huitlacoche entero conservó mejor su apariencia, color y peso. No se detectó producción de etileno en las temperaturas evaluadas.

  10. Procesamiento morfológico de imágenes en color: aplicación a la reconstrucción geodésica


    Ortiz Zamora, Francisco Gabriel


    La presente Tesis Doctoral se orienta en el estudio e investigación de la extensión de las operaciones morfológicas a imágenes en color. El campo de aplicación concreto se centra en las transformaciones geodésicas vectoriales. Para la extensión del procesamiento morfológico a imágenes en color se realiza un estudio de las diferentes estrategias de ordenación vectorial y su interacción con la familia de espacios HSI. Se presentan diferentes métodos de orden y se muestra como la ordenación l...

  11. Comparatively Studied Color Correction Methods for Color Calibration of Automated Microscopy Complex of Biomedical Specimens

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    T. A. Kravtsova


    Full Text Available The paper considers a task of generating the requirements and creating a calibration target for automated microscopy systems (AMS of biomedical specimens to provide the invariance of algorithms and software to the hardware configuration. The required number of color fields of the calibration target and their color coordinates are mostly determined by the color correction method, for which coefficients of the equations are estimated during the calibration process. The paper analyses existing color calibration techniques for digital imaging systems using an optical microscope and shows that there is a lack of published results of comparative studies to demonstrate a particular useful color correction method for microscopic images. A comparative study of ten image color correction methods in RGB space using polynomials and combinations of color coordinate of different orders was carried out. The method of conditioned least squares to estimate the coefficients in the color correction equations using captured images of 217 color fields of the calibration target Kodak Q60-E3 was applied. The regularization parameter in this method was chosen experimentally. It was demonstrated that the best color correction quality characteristics are provided by the method that uses a combination of color coordinates of the 3rd order. The study of the influence of the number and the set of color fields included in calibration target on color correction quality for microscopic images was performed. Six train sets containing 30, 35, 40, 50, 60 and 80 color fields, and test set of 47 color fields not included in any of the train sets were formed. It was found out that the train set of 60 color fields minimizes the color correction error values for both operating modes of digital camera: using "default" color settings and with automatic white balance. At the same time it was established that the use of color fields from the widely used now Kodak Q60-E3 target does not

  12. Study of chromatic adaptation using memory color matches, Part II: colored illuminants. (United States)

    Smet, Kevin A G; Zhai, Qiyan; Luo, Ming R; Hanselaer, Peter


    In a previous paper, 12 corresponding color data sets were derived for 4 neutral illuminants using the long-term memory colours of five familiar objects. The data were used to test several linear (one-step and two-step von Kries, RLAB) and nonlinear (Hunt and Nayatani) chromatic adaptation transforms (CAT). This paper extends that study to a total of 156 corresponding color sets by including 9 more colored illuminants: 2 with low and 2 with high correlated color temperatures as well as 5 representing high chroma adaptive conditions. As in the previous study, a two-step von Kries transform whereby the degree of adaptation D is optimized to minimize the DEu'v' prediction errors outperformed all other tested models for both memory color and literature corresponding color sets, whereby prediction errors were lower for the memory color set. Most of the transforms tested, except the two- and one-step von Kries models with optimized D, showed large errors for corresponding color subsets that contained non-neutral adaptive conditions as all of them tended to overestimate the effective degree of adaptation in this study. An analysis of the impact of the sensor space primaries in which the adaptation is performed was found to have little impact compared to that of model choice. Finally, the effective degree of adaptation for the 13 illumination conditions (4 neutral + 9 colored) was successfully modelled using a bivariate Gaussian in a Macleod-Boyton like chromaticity diagram.

  13. Spanning trees with many or few colors in edge-colored graphs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broersma, Haitze J.; Li, Xueliang; Li, Xueliang


    Given a graph G = (V,E) and a (not necessarily proper) edge-coloring of G, we consider the complexity of finding a spanning tree of G with as many different colors as possible, and of finding one with as few different colors as possible. We show that the first problem is equivalent to finding a

  14. Color Constancy by Deep Learning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lou, Z.; Gevers, T.; Hu, N.; Lucassen, M.P.; Xie, X.; Jones, M.W.; Tam, G.K.L.


    Computational color constancy aims to estimate the color of the light source. The performance of many vision tasks, such as object detection and scene understanding, may benefit from color constancy by estimating the correct object colors. Since traditional color constancy methods are based on

  15. Full color organic light-emitting devices with microcavity structure and color filter. (United States)

    Zhang, Weiwei; Liu, Hongyu; Sun, Runguang


    This letter demonstrated the fabrication of the full color passive matrix organic light-emitting devices based on the combination of the microcavity structure, color filter and a common white polymeric OLED. In the microcavity structure, patterned ITO terraces with different thickness were used as the anode as well as cavity spacer. The primary color emitting peaks were originally generated by the microcavity and then the second resonance peak was absorbed by the color filter.

  16. Scanning Color Laser Microscope (United States)

    Awamura, D.; Ode, T.; Yonezawa, M.


    A confocal color laser microscope which utilizes a three color laser light source (Red: He-Ne, Green: Ar, Blue: Ar) has been developed and is finding useful applications in the semiconductor field. The color laser microscope, when compared to a conventional microscope, offers superior color separation, higher resolution, and sharper contrast. Recently some new functions including a Focus Scan Memory, a Surface Profile Measurement System, a Critical Dimension Measurement system (CD) and an Optical Beam Induced Current Function (OBIC) have been developed for the color laser microscope. This paper will discuss these new features.

  17. Color Mixing Correction for Post-printed Patterns on Colored Background Using Modified Particle Density Model


    Suwa , Misako; Fujimoto , Katsuhito

    2006-01-01; Color mixing occurs between background and foreground colors when a pattern is post-printed on a colored area because ink is not completely opaque. This paper proposes a new method for the correction of color mixing in line pattern such as characters and stamps, by using a modified particle density model. Parameters of the color correction can be calculated from two sets of foreground and background colors. By employing this method, the colors of foreground patterns o...

  18. Possible influences on color constancy by motion of color targets and by attention-controlled gaze. (United States)

    Wan, Lifang; Shinomori, Keizo


    We investigated the influence of motion on color constancy using a chromatic stimulus presented in various conditions (static, motion, and rotation). Attention to the stimulus and background was also controlled in different gaze modes, constant fixation of the stimulus, and random viewing of the stimulus. Color constancy was examined in six young observers using a haploscopic view of a computer monitor. The target and background were illuminated in simulation by red, green, blue, and yellow, shifted from daylight (D65) by specific color differences along L - M or S - (L + M) axes on the equiluminance plane. The standard pattern (under D65) and test pattern (under the color illuminant) of a 5-deg square were presented side by side, consisting of 1.2-deg square targets with one of 12 colors at each center, surrounded by 230 background ellipses consisting of eight other colors. The central color targets in both patterns flipped between top and bottom locations at the rate of 3 deg/s in the motion condition. The results indicated an average reduction of color constancy over the 12 test colors by motion. The random viewing parameter indicated better color constancy by more attention to the background, although the difference was not significant. Color constancy of the four color illuminations was better to worse in green, red, yellow, and blue, respectively. The reduction of color constancy by motion could be explained by less contribution of the illumination estimation effect on color constancy. In the motion with constant fixation condition, the retina strongly adapted to the mean chromaticity of the background. However, motion resulted in less attention to the color of the background, causing a weaker effect of the illumination estimation. Conversely, in the static state with a random viewing condition, more attention to the background colors caused a stronger illumination estimation effect, and color constancy was improved overall.

  19. Color categories only affect post-perceptual processes when same- and different-category colors are equally discriminable. (United States)

    He, Xun; Witzel, Christoph; Forder, Lewis; Clifford, Alexandra; Franklin, Anna


    Prior claims that color categories affect color perception are confounded by inequalities in the color space used to equate same- and different-category colors. Here, we equate same- and different-category colors in the number of just-noticeable differences, and measure event-related potentials (ERPs) to these colors on a visual oddball task to establish if color categories affect perceptual or post-perceptual stages of processing. Category effects were found from 200 ms after color presentation, only in ERP components that reflect post-perceptual processes (e.g., N2, P3). The findings suggest that color categories affect post-perceptual processing, but do not affect the perceptual representation of color.

  20. Railroad signal color and orientation : effects of color blindness and criteria for color vision field tests (United States)


    This report concerns two issues: 1) whether color vision is necessary for locomotive crews who work on railroads where the signal system is either completely redundant with regard to signal color and signal orientation or the signal system only uses ...

  1. Directed paths with few or many colors in colored directed graphs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Li, X.; Li, Xueliang; Zhang, S.; Broersma, Haitze J.


    Given a graph $D=(V(D),A(D))$ and a coloring of $D$, not necessarily a proper coloring of either the arcs or the vertices of $D$, we consider the complexity of finding a path of $D$ from a given vertex $s$ to another given vertex $t$ with as few different colors as possible, and of finding one with

  2. Biological origins of color categorization


    Skelton, Alice E.; Catchpole, Gemma; Abbott, Joshua T.; Bosten, Jenny M.; Franklin, Anna


    The biological basis of the commonality in color lexicons across languages has been hotly debated for decades. Prior evidence that infants categorize color could provide support for the hypothesis that color categorization systems are not purely constructed by communication and culture. Here, we investigate the relationship between infants’ categorization of color and the commonality across color lexicons, and the potential biological origin of infant color categories. We systematically mappe...

  3. Ethylene, Enzymatic and Respiratory Pattern Evolution in Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb. Lindl. cv. Golden Nugget in the Last four Sequential Stages of Maturation Evolución del Patrón Respiratorio, Enzimático y de Etileno del Níspero Japonés (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb. Lindl. cv. Golden Nugget en los Últimos Cuatro Estadios Secuenciales de Madurez

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    Pedro L Undurraga M


    Full Text Available There is some controversy regarding the respiratory pattern of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica [Thunb.] Lindl.. Thus in order to provide information on this aspect of loquat, fruit of 50-70 g, from cv. Golden Nugget were harvested in four stages of maturity: green (BBCH 709, color break (BBCH 801, yellow (BBCH 807, and orange (BBCH 809. The parameters evaluated in each stage were: soluble solids, titratable acidity, respiration, ethylene generation, and activity of the enzymes pectin methyl esterase (PME, peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase (PPO, polygalacturonase (PG, and cellulose, and the soluble solids:acidity ratio was calculated. The results show that ethylene concentration increased at the time of color break, which was not the case for the change in the respiratory rate. The activity of the peroxidase enzyme increased from the green stage to color break, while the enzymes PME, cellulase, and PG showed a constant reduction from the green to the orange stage, and PPO showed no change over the four stages studied. With regards to quality, from color break onwards soluble solids increased to 11.8 °Brix and titratable acidity dropped from 0.67 to 0.28 g L-1 malic acid. Based on these results, the conclusion is that towards the end of its development loquat cv. Golden Nugget evidence enzymatic and ethylene behavior similar to that of climacteric fruits.Existe controversia sobre el patrón respiratorio del níspero (Eriobotrya japonica [Thunb.] Lindl.. Con el fin de aportar información sobre este aspecto, frutos del cv. Golden Nugget entre 50-70 g, fueron cosechados en cuatro estadios de madurez; verde (BBCH 709, quiebre de color (BBCH 801, amarillo (BBCH 807, y anaranjado (BBCH 809. Los parámetros evaluados en cada estadio fueron: sólidos solubles, acidez titulable, relación sólidos solubles acidez, respiración, generación de etileno y la actividad de las enzimas pectin metil esterasa (PME, peroxidasa, polifenoloxidasa (PPO, poligalacturonasa

  4. Caracterización fisicoquímica y nutricional del fruto Butia capitata y de su pulpa tamizada

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    María José Crosa


    Full Text Available El butiá es un fruto silvestre proveniente de los palmares de Rocha, cuyo consumo y comercialización se limita principalmente a ese departamento. El análisis de las propiedades fisicoquímicas y nutricionales en el fruto fresco y en su pulpa tamizada favorecerá la valorización de un recurso genético nativo. El objetivo de este estudio fue ampliar el conocimiento acerca de las características físico químicas y nutricionales del fruto fresco y de su pulpa tamizada, y estudiar la evolución microbiológica de la pulpa tamizada almacenada a -18 ºC durante 360 días. La caracterización del fruto fresco se realizó mediante los ensayos de sólidos solubles totales, pH, color, azúcares reductores, acidez titulable, materia seca, pectina, fibra alimentaria total y vitamina C. Los resultados más relevantes revelaron un contenido de vitamina C del entorno del 65 a 100 ppm de vitamina C y un contenido de fibra alimentaria de 4,9 % a 4,3 %. En la pulpa tamizada se analizó sólidos solubles totales, pH, color y vitamina C y pectina, microorganismos mesófilos aerobios, hongos y levaduras. El principal resultado fue la preservación de hasta un 55 % del contenido de vitamina C en la pulpa tamizada con respecto al fruto fresco. Durante los 360 días de almacenamiento a -18 ºC no se observó crecimiento microbiano en la pulpa tamizada.

  5. Color Stability of Enamel following Different Acid Etching and Color Exposure Times

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    Arezoo Jahanbin


    Full Text Available Background and aims. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different etching times on enamel color stability after immediate versus delayed exposure to colored artificial saliva (CAS. Materials and methods. Human first premolars were divided into five groups of twenty. A colorimeter was used according to the CIE system on the mid-buccal and mid-lingual surfaces to evaluate initial tooth color. Samples in group A remained unetched. In groups B to E, buccal and lingual surfaces were initially etched with phosphoric acid for 15 and 60 seconds, respectively. Then, the samples in groups A and C were immersed in colored artificial saliva (cola+saliva. In group B, the teeth were immersed in simple artificial saliva (AS. Samples in groups D and E were immersed in AS for 24 and 72 hours, respectively before being immersed in colored AS. The teeth were immersed for one month in each solution before color measurement. During the test period, the teeth were retrieved from the staining solution and stored in AS for five minutes. This was repeated 60 times. Color changes of buccal and lingual surfaces were calculated. Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests were used for statistical analysis (α ≤ 0.05. Results. There were no significant differences between the groups in term of ΔE of buccal (P = 0.148 and lingual surfaces (P = 0.73. Conclusion. Extended time of etching did not result in significant enamel color change. Immediate and delayed exposure of etched enamel to staining solutions did not result in clinically detectable tooth color changes.

  6. Correlation between skin color evaluation by skin color scale chart and narrowband reflectance spectrophotometer. (United States)

    Treesirichod, Arucha; Chansakulporn, Somboon; Wattanapan, Pattra


    Various methods are available for the evaluation of skin color. A skin color scale chart is a convenient and inexpensive tool. However, the correlation between a skin color scale chart and objective measurement has not been evaluated. To assess the correlation between skin color evaluation done by a skin color scale chart (Felix von Luschan skin color chart) and a narrowband reflectance spectrophotometer (Mexameter MX18). The participants were evaluated for skin color by using the Felix von Luschan skin color chart (range 1-36) and a narrowband reflectance spectrophotometer (Mexameter MX18) in which the results of the measurements were expressed as Erythema (E) and Melanin (M) indices. Skin color was measured on four different anatomical skin sites from each participant on the medial aspect of the volar and the dorsal regions of both forearms. A total of 208 records from 52 participants were established. The majority of participants (19.2%) were rated with the skin color scale at the number 16 (range 14-33). The mean M plus E, M, and E indices were 498.9 ± 143.9, 230.4 ± 74.4, and 268.5 ± 73.2, respectively. The correlation coefficient between the number on the skin color scale and each index: M plus E, M, and E indices were 0.90, 0.90, and 0.86, respectively, with a statistical significance of P spectrophotometer.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verónica Dayana Espinel Pino


    Full Text Available El objetivo consistió en determinar la calidad del agua de la microcuenca de Membrillo en función de su uso, para lo cual se realizaron análisis físico-químicos y microbiológicos. Las muestras se tomaron en las comunidades de: Camachal, Chapulí 1, Chapulí 2, Las Lisas, Dos Bocas y Membrillo (Estero Mulato y Las Minas en parte alta, media y baja. Entre los físicos estuvieron: pH, conductividad, temperatura, color, turbidez, sólidos totales y sólidos suspendidos; los químicos: dureza total, cloruro, alcalinidad, nitrito, fosfato y DBO5; y los microbiológicos: coliformes totales y fecales.. En cada una de ellas se subdividió. Para establecer el grado de contaminación, se utilizó la metodología ICA (Índice de Calidad del Agua. El grado de contaminación no presenta una influencia marcada de ningún sitio en particular, ni tampoco en función de sus partes dentro de cada lugar; sin embargo, si hubo una marcada diferencia en la contaminación del agua al analizarla según su uso, ya que como abastecimiento público se requiere una mayor necesidad de tratamiento a diferencia del uso industrial y agrícola que no requiere tratamiento para su utilización. En las condiciones actuales los habitantes de los sitios en estudio no deben consumir el agua sin un tratamiento previo.

  8. Fault-Tolerant Conflict-Free Coloring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abam, Mohammad; de Berg, Mark; Poon, Sheung-Hung


    ] introduced conict-free colorings, as de ned next, to model this problem. Let S be a set of n objects, and let R be a, possibly in nite, family of ranges. In this paper, we only consider objects and ranges that are subsets of R2, or sometimes of R1. For a range r 2 R, let S(r) be the subset of objects from S...... intersecting the range r. A conict-free coloring (CF-coloring) of S with respect to R is a coloring of S with the following property [5]: for any range r 2 R for which S(r) 6= ; there is an object o 2 S(r) with a unique color in S(r), that is, with a color not used by any other object in S(r). Trivially......, a conict-free coloring always exists: just assign a different color to each object. However, one would like to nd a coloring with only few colors. This is the conict-free coloring problem. Note that if we take S to be a set of disks|namely, the regions within reach of each base station|and we take R...

  9. Bioclimatic influence of extension of white and black coat color on Holstein cows production in a hot tropical climate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manrique P, Luis Phanor


    Was determined the influence of the white and black hair coat percentage in Holstein cows managed under hot climate condition at the San Jose del Hato farm, located in Palmira, Cauca Valley, Colombia. Three categories or classes of hair score were established, according to the white color distribution and with three observers it was determined the relative frequency of cows within each color category; the productive data were studied through an Anova using the least squares means method and Ducan test for means separation. The results were in agreement with the effect of color categories in the 305 days of milk production and in the total milk production (p < 0.05), being the best producer the cows group with 40 - 60 % white hair coats. These results showed the influence of the hair coat surface over the productive capability of Holstein cattle for selection programs in tropical conditions of hot climates

  10. Training synesthetic letter-color associations by reading in color

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Colizoli, O.; Murre, J.M.J.; Rouw, R.


    Synesthesia is a rare condition in which a stimulus from one modality automatically and consistently triggers unusual sensations in the same and/or other modalities. A relatively common and well-studied type is grapheme-color synesthesia, defined as the consistent experience of color when viewing,

  11. Estudio del mecanismo de la corrosión del recubrimiento de cobre químico usado en la protección de los espejos

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    Bolaños-Rodríguez, E.


    Full Text Available Darkening of the silver layer in classical glass mirror manufacturing process can be caused by the copper layer corrosion, this may take place by the environment action or residual chemicals remaining on the "mirroring" step. The present work describes a possible mechanism of copper coating corrosion, studying the corrosion product compositions formed inside the "spot". It was found that defect on the silver layer are associated with chemicals and moisture, they produce the copper layer corrosion and the development of blisters in the silver coating.

    El defecto conocido como "nube o mancha", que aparece en los espejos plateados fabricados usando las tecnologías convencionales, se atribuye a la corrosión del recubrimiento de cobre ocasionado por agentes agresivos que pueden atravesar las capas de pinturas, pero otra causa del problema puede estar originada por deficiencias durante las etapas del proceso de fabricación de los mismos. En este trabajo, se propone un mecanismo de la corrosión del recubrimiento de cobre a partir del estudio de la composición de los productos de la corrosión en la mancha. Los cloruros, los iones sodio y el oxígeno, procedentes de varias fuentes del sistema, reaccionan formando sales y óxidos de cobre que producen el ampollamiento de la película de plata, la ruptura de la misma y la presencia de estos productos de corrosión se refleja con la formación de manchas de diferentes tamaños, colores y formas sobre la superficie del espejo.

  12. Location and Classification of Moving Fruits in Real Time with a Single Color Camera Localización y Clasificación de Frutas Móviles en Tiempo Real con una Cámara Individual a Color

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José F Reyes


    Full Text Available Quality control of fruits to satisfy increasingly competitive food markets requires the implementation of automatic servovisual systems in fruit processing operations to cope with market challenges. A new and fast method for identifying and classifying moving fruits by processing single color images from a static camera in real time was developed and tested. Two algorithms were combined to classify and track moving fruits on image plane using representative color features. The method allows classifying the fruit by color segmentation and estimating its position on the image plane, which provides a reliable algorithm to be implemented in robotic manipulation of fruits. To evaluate the methodology an experimental real time system simulating a conveyor belt and real fruit was used. Testing of the system indicates that with natural lighting conditions and proper calibration of the system a minimum error of 2% in classification of fruits is feasible. The methodology allows for very simple implementation, and although operational results are promising, even higher accuracy may be possible if structured illumination is used.El control de calidad en frutas y hortalizas para satisfacer mercados cada vez mas exigentes, requiere la implementación de sistemas automáticos servo visuales en operaciones de de procesamiento de frutas para responder a estos desafíos de mercado. En está trabajo se desarrollo y evaluó un nuevo método para identificar y clasificar frutas en movimiento mediante el procesamiento en tiempo real imágenes a color capturadas por una cámara individual estática. Se combinaron dos algoritmos para clasificar y rastrear frutas en movimiento en el plano de imagen utilizando aspectos representativos de color. El método permite clasificar las frutas en base a segmentación de color y estimar su posición en el plano de imagen, lo cual proporciona un algoritmo confiable para ser implementado en un brazo robó manipulación de

  13. Matta en el inverso del universo con sus amigos detrás del espejo

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    Enrique de Santiago


    Full Text Available Este ensayo sobre Roberto Matta explora el trayecto, un trayecto otro, desde una proyección sensitiva del artista, arquitecto, filósofo y poeta chileno. Matta evoca la inmersión desde un proyecto del ser hasta un proyecto cósmico y alquímico, donde concurre con decisión irrevocable la relación entre alquimia y ciencia: Eliphas Lévi, Fulcanelli y Albert Einstein; el texto también pone en juego los vasos comunicantes entre la búsqueda del artista Matta y sus relaciones libres, muy libres, para con el movimiento surrealista (Breton y para sí mismo, en la medida en lo extrae y traduce del movimiento artístico referido, además, de sus intervenciones y participaciones en los movimientos del arte moderno y en el movimiento de sí mismo. En palabras de Roberto Matta (1965: La función del artista en nuestra sociedad consiste en ser este personaje deslumbrador y repudiado, como el niño del cuento de Andersen, que es el único que dice que el rey va desnudo. Esta situación de denuncia del escándalo hace de él un minoritario. No se trata, pues, para el artista, de establecer un relación entre un azul y un verde: estos cuadros estéticos son más o menos poseídos por aquellos que los contemplan. Yo quiero, al contrario, inquietar, para que el que contempla se convierta en minoritario. Deseo que este espectador, en lugar de poseer el cuadro, sea poseído por él, que sea bombardeado por una enorme cantidad de conciencia que le llegue de todas partes. Así, atrapado en una situación insoportable a causa de esta pintura, se ve obligado, también él, a realizar un acto poético de creación para hacerla suya: asediado por lo real, se siente vencido y, por tanto, reflexiona. En este sentido, este ensayo sobre Roberto Matta trata sobre el furor estético. No hay estética sin ciencia y sin videncia, como lo propone y lo provoca Matta. the career (a short one from a sensitive projection of the Chilean artist, architect, philosopher, and poet

  14. Color Image Segmentation Based on Different Color Space Models Using Automatic GrabCut

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dina Khattab


    Full Text Available This paper presents a comparative study using different color spaces to evaluate the performance of color image segmentation using the automatic GrabCut technique. GrabCut is considered as one of the semiautomatic image segmentation techniques, since it requires user interaction for the initialization of the segmentation process. The automation of the GrabCut technique is proposed as a modification of the original semiautomatic one in order to eliminate the user interaction. The automatic GrabCut utilizes the unsupervised Orchard and Bouman clustering technique for the initialization phase. Comparisons with the original GrabCut show the efficiency of the proposed automatic technique in terms of segmentation, quality, and accuracy. As no explicit color space is recommended for every segmentation problem, automatic GrabCut is applied with RGB, HSV, CMY, XYZ, and YUV color spaces. The comparative study and experimental results using different color images show that RGB color space is the best color space representation for the set of the images used.

  15. Progress in digital color workflow understanding in the International Color Consortium (ICC) Workflow WG (United States)

    McCarthy, Ann


    The ICC Workflow WG serves as the bridge between ICC color management technologies and use of those technologies in real world color production applications. ICC color management is applicable to and is used in a wide range of color systems, from highly specialized digital cinema color special effects to high volume publications printing to home photography. The ICC Workflow WG works to align ICC technologies so that the color management needs of these diverse use case systems are addressed in an open, platform independent manner. This report provides a high level summary of the ICC Workflow WG objectives and work to date, focusing on the ways in which workflow can impact image quality and color systems performance. The 'ICC Workflow Primitives' and 'ICC Workflow Patterns and Dimensions' workflow models are covered in some detail. Consider the questions, "How much of dissatisfaction with color management today is the result of 'the wrong color transformation at the wrong time' and 'I can't get to the right conversion at the right point in my work process'?" Put another way, consider how image quality through a workflow can be negatively affected when the coordination and control level of the color management system is not sufficient.

  16. P1-13: Color Induction from Surround Color under Interocular Suppression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ichiro Kuriki


    Full Text Available The effect of surround colors on color appearance is known to subserve color constancy in humans, but how multiple mechanisms in the visual system are involved in this effect is controversial. We used an interocular-suppression technique to examine how the effect occurs at the level higher than the interaction of binocular information. A test color chip (1.7 × 1.7 deg visual angle was presented in a static surround either with continuous-flash suppression in the dominant eye (CFS condition to make the surround inperceptible or without the suppression (no-CFS condition. The surround stimulus was either a Mondrian or a uniform field of the same mean chromaticity. Stimuli were simulated OSA color chips under red, white (D65, or green illuminant color and were presented on a CRT display. Unique yellows were measured by asking the subjects to judge whether the test stimulus appeared reddish or greenish. Two sizes of the surround stimuli (widths of 1 deg and 4 deg were used. Results showed significant shifts in unique yellow even under the CFS conditions, except for the 1 deg uniform-surround condition. Under the no-CFS condition, the shifts showed remarkable difference between subjects, except for the 4 deg Mondrian-surround condition. Interestingly, trends of the shifts showed high consistency within each subject, across conditions. These results indicate that mechanisms at both higher and lower levels than the neuronal site of interocular suppression are involved, and that the color shifts follow each subject's strategy in the higher-order mechanisms when only insufficient clues are available in the surround to estimate illuminant color.

  17. Surface color perception under two illuminants: the second illuminant reduces color constancy (United States)

    Yang, Joong Nam; Shevell, Steven K.


    This study investigates color perception in a scene with two different illuminants. The two illuminants, in opposite corners, simultaneously shine on a (simulated) scene with an opaque dividing wall, which controls how much of the scene is illuminated by each source. In the first experiment, the height of the dividing wall was varied. This changed the amount of each illuminant reaching objects on the opposite side of the wall. Results showed that the degree of color constancy decreased when a region on one side of the wall had cues to both illuminants, suggesting that cues from the second illuminant are detrimental to color constancy. In a later experiment, color constancy was found to improve when the specular highlight cues from the second illuminant were altered to be consistent with the first illuminant. This corroborates the influence of specular highlights in surface color perception, and suggests that the reduced color constancy in the first experiment is due to the inconsistent, though physically correct, cues from the two illuminants.

  18. Biological origins of color categorization. (United States)

    Skelton, Alice E; Catchpole, Gemma; Abbott, Joshua T; Bosten, Jenny M; Franklin, Anna


    The biological basis of the commonality in color lexicons across languages has been hotly debated for decades. Prior evidence that infants categorize color could provide support for the hypothesis that color categorization systems are not purely constructed by communication and culture. Here, we investigate the relationship between infants' categorization of color and the commonality across color lexicons, and the potential biological origin of infant color categories. We systematically mapped infants' categorical recognition memory for hue onto a stimulus array used previously to document the color lexicons of 110 nonindustrialized languages. Following familiarization to a given hue, infants' response to a novel hue indicated that their recognition memory parses the hue continuum into red, yellow, green, blue, and purple categories. Infants' categorical distinctions aligned with common distinctions in color lexicons and are organized around hues that are commonly central to lexical categories across languages. The boundaries between infants' categorical distinctions also aligned, relative to the adaptation point, with the cardinal axes that describe the early stages of color representation in retinogeniculate pathways, indicating that infant color categorization may be partly organized by biological mechanisms of color vision. The findings suggest that color categorization in language and thought is partially biologically constrained and have implications for broader debate on how biology, culture, and communication interact in human cognition.


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    Full Text Available El proceso de maduración del mango está gobernado bajo una serie de reacciones bioquímicas al interior del fruto que se caracterizan por cambios en la textura, color, en el contenido de azúcares, ácidos, aromas, entre otros. Las sustancias acumuladas durante el desarrollo se transforman de manera lenta y progresiva hasta que el fruto alcanza las condiciones de aroma y jugosidad que permita clasificarlo como maduro. Se realizó una cinética de maduración durante nueve días, determinando parámetros físicos y químicos como color en pulpa y en cáscara, textura, actividad de agua, sólidos solubles, pH y acidez titulable. Se modeló cinéticamente el comportamiento de cada una estas variables y se pudo determinar que los sólidos solubles tienen una tendencia explicada con un modelo de regresión multiplicativo y la actividad de agua con un modelo de regresión reciproco de X mientras el pH y la acidez con una ecuación de regresión de raíz cuadrada de X, de la misma manera el cambio de color en cáscara y en pulpa presento una regresión reciproca de X. Por último en el caso de la textura se observó y se ajustó modelos lineales tanto para cáscara como para pulpa.

  20. Adding Texture to Color: Quantitative Analysis of Color Emotions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lucassen, M.P.; Gevers, T.; Gijsenij, A.


    What happens to color emotion responses when texture is added to color samples? To quantify this we performed an experiment in which subjects ordered samples (displayed on a computer monitor) along four scales: Warm-Cool, Masculine-Feminine, Hard-Soft and Heavy-Light. Three sample types were used:

  1. Color and experimental physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chanowitz, M.S.


    After a brief review of the color hypothesis and the motivations for its introduction, the experimental tests arare discussed. It is assumed that colored states have not been produced at present energies and only experimental tests which apply below the color threshold, when color is a ''hidden symmetry,'' are discussed. Some of these tests offer the possibility of distinguishing between quark models with fractional and integral quark charges. (auth)

  2. Color ordering in QCD


    Schuster, Theodor


    We derive color decompositions of arbitrary tree and one-loop QCD amplitudes into color ordered objects called primitive amplitudes. Furthermore, we derive general fermion flip and reversion identities spanning the null space among the primitive amplitudes and use them to prove that all color ordered tree amplitudes of massless QCD can be written as linear combinations of color ordered tree amplitudes of $\\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory.

  3. Spectral Sharpening of Color Sensors: Diagonal Color Constancy and Beyond


    Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Bertalmío, Marcelo


    It has now been 20 years since the seminal work by Finlayson et al. on the use/nof spectral sharpening of sensors to achieve diagonal color constancy. Spectral sharpening is/nstill used today by numerous researchers for different goals unrelated to the original goal/nof diagonal color constancy e.g., multispectral processing, shadow removal, location of/nunique hues. This paper reviews the idea of spectral sharpening through the lens of what/nis known today in color constancy, describes the d...

  4. Colored Contact Lens Dangers

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... One Use Facts About Colored Contacts and Halloween Safety Colored Contact Lens Facts Over-the-Counter Costume ... Costume Contact Lenses Can Ruin Vision Eye Makeup Safety In fact, it is illegal to sell colored ...

  5. Color constancy in a scene with bright colors that do not have a fully natural surface appearance. (United States)

    Fukuda, Kazuho; Uchikawa, Keiji


    Theoretical and experimental approaches have proposed that color constancy involves a correction related to some average of stimulation over the scene, and some of the studies showed that the average gives greater weight to surrounding bright colors. However, in a natural scene, high-luminance elements do not necessarily carry information about the scene illuminant when the luminance is too high for it to appear as a natural object color. The question is how a surrounding color's appearance mode influences its contribution to the degree of color constancy. Here the stimuli were simple geometric patterns, and the luminance of surrounding colors was tested over the range beyond the luminosity threshold. Observers performed perceptual achromatic setting on the test patch in order to measure the degree of color constancy and evaluated the surrounding bright colors' appearance mode. Broadly, our results support the assumption that the visual system counts only the colors in the object-color appearance for color constancy. However, detailed analysis indicated that surrounding colors without a fully natural object-color appearance had some sort of influence on color constancy. Consideration of this contribution of unnatural object color might be important for precise modeling of human color constancy.

  6. Synesthesia for color is linked to improved color perception but reduced motion perception. (United States)

    Banissy, Michael J; Tester, Victoria; Muggleton, Neil G; Janik, Agnieszka B; Davenport, Aimee; Franklin, Anna; Walsh, Vincent; Ward, Jamie


    Synesthesia is a rare condition in which one property of a stimulus (e.g., shape) triggers a secondary percept (e.g., color) not typically associated with the first. Work on synesthesia has predominantly focused on confirming the authenticity of synesthetic experience, but much less research has been conducted to examine the extent to which synesthesia is linked to broader perceptual differences. In the research reported here, we examined whether synesthesia is associated with differences in color and motion processing by comparing these abilities in synesthetes who experience color as their evoked sensation with nonsynesthetic participants. We show that synesthesia for color is linked to facilitated color sensitivity but decreased motion sensitivity. These findings are discussed in relation to the neurocognitive mechanisms of synesthesia and interactions between color and motion processing in typical adults.

  7. Color Naming Experiment in Mongolian Language

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nandin-Erdene Osorjamaa


    Full Text Available There are numerous researches on color terms and names in many languages. In Mongolian language there are few doctoral theses on color naming. Cross cultural studies of color naming have demonstrated Semantic relevance in French and Mongolian color name Gerlee Sh. (2000; Comparisons of color naming across English and Mongolian Uranchimeg B. (2004; Semantic comparison between Russian and Mongolian idioms Enhdelger O. (1996; across symbolism Dulam S. (2007 and few others. Also a few articles on color naming by some Mongolian scholars are Tsevel, Ya. (1947, Baldan, L. (1979, Bazarragchaa, M. (1997 and others. Color naming studies are not sufficiently studied in Modern Mongolian. Our research is considered to be the first intended research on color naming in Modern Mongolian, because it is one part of Ph.D dissertation on color naming. There are two color naming categories in Mongolian, basic color terms and non- basic color terms. There are seven basic color terms in Mongolian. This paper aims to consider how Mongolian color names are derived from basic colors by using psycholinguistics associative experiment. It maintains the students and researchers to acquire the specific understanding of the differences and similarities of color naming in Mongolian and  English languages from the psycho-linguistic aspect.


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    Daniel Jácome Roca


    Full Text Available


    Los bulímicos son adictos a los alimentos por dos mecanismos posibles: uno, que perciben en forma desmedida las señales subliminales multisensoriales enviadas por los alimentos (el color rojo de la fruta se percibe con más intensidad, por ejemplo. El segundo puede radicar en que los bulímicos sufren de untrastorno en la liberación y/o señalización cerebral de las hormonas de la saciedad alimenticia provenientes del tracto gastrointestinal y del tejido adiposo como la GH-RELINA y la LEPTINA. Este artículo también resume las alteraciones endocrinas en la bulimia, además de las características de los pacientes con trastornos alimenticios como la bulimia nerviosa, la anorexia nerviosa y la enfermedad de las “comilonas compulsivas”.

    Palabras Clave: Trastornos de la alimentación, saciedad, neuropéptidos/apetito, señalizaciones visuales y aromáticas


    Bulimic patients are food-addicts, through two posible mechanisms. One, these persons magnify multisensensorial subliminal signals, sent by foods (i.e., red color of a fruit is perceived with greater intensity. Two, bulimics have a disordered release and/or signaling of brain-gut hormones and adipose-tissue hormones participating in saciety, such as Gh-relin and leptin. This paper includes brief remarks on endocrine dysregulation seen in” bulimia nervosa”. Also, it presents features of eating-disorder patients, such as those suffering from bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa y “binge-eating” disorder.

    Key Words: Eating disorders, satiety, neuropeptides/ appetite, visual food cues/odor cues

  9. Laser color recording unit (United States)

    Jung, E.


    A color recording unit was designed for output and control of digitized picture data within computer controlled reproduction and picture processing systems. In order to get a color proof picture of high quality similar to a color print, together with reduced time and material consumption, a photographic color film material was exposed pixelwise by modulated laser beams of three wavelengths for red, green and blue light. Components of different manufacturers for lasers, acousto-optic modulators and polygon mirrors were tested, also different recording methods as (continuous tone mode or screened mode and with a drum or flatbed recording principle). Besides the application for the graphic arts - the proof recorder CPR 403 with continuous tone color recording with a drum scanner - such a color hardcopy peripheral unit with large picture formats and high resolution can be used in medicine, communication, and satellite picture processing.

  10. Genetics Home Reference: color vision deficiency (United States)

    ... my area? Other Names for This Condition color blindness color vision defects defective color vision vision defect, color ... Perception KidsHealth from the Nemours Foundation MalaCards: color blindness MalaCards: color vision deficiency Orphanet: Blue cone monochromatism Orphanet: NON ...

  11. Full Color Camouflage in a Printable Photonic Blue-Colored Polymer


    Moirangthem, Monali; Schenning, Albertus P. H. J.


    A blue reflective photonic polymer coating which can be patterned in full color, from blue to red, by printing with an aqueous calcium nitrate solution has been fabricated. Color change in the cholesteric liquid-crystalline polymer network over the entire visible spectrum is obtained by the use of nonreactive mesogen. The pattern in the coating is hidden in the blue color dry state and appears upon exposure to water or by exhaling breath onto it due to different degrees of swelling of the pol...

  12. Computational Cognitive Color Perception

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ciftcioglu, O.; Bittermann, M.S.


    Comprehension of aesthetical color characteristics based on a computational model of visual perception and color cognition are presented. The computational comprehension is manifested by the machine’s capability of instantly assigning appropriate colors to the objects perceived. They form a scene

  13. Músicas, movimientos, colores en la fiesta andina: ejemplos bolivianos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosalía Martínez


    Full Text Available En la fiesta andina, la música suele tanto oírse como verse. Esta dimensión multisensorial de la situación musical no es únicamente el resultado de una yuxtaposición de elementos sonoros y visuales. El análisis de las articulaciones que los campesinos indígenas de la zona de sucre (Bolivia construyen entre sonidos, movimientos y colores revela la presencia de organizaciones singulares de la experiencia sensible que se caracterizan tanto por su espesor sensorial como por la manera en la cual se encuentran conectadas con otros campos del conocimiento. Estas formas de intersección culturalmente elaboradas implican el cuerpo mismo de los músicos, generando nuevas configuraciones perceptivas.

  14. Personalized 2D color maps

    KAUST Repository

    Waldin, Nicholas


    2D color maps are often used to visually encode complex data characteristics such as heat or height. The comprehension of color maps in visualization is affected by the display (e.g., a monitor) and the perceptual abilities of the viewer. In this paper we present a novel method to measure a user\\'s ability to distinguish colors of a two-dimensional color map on a given monitor. We show how to adapt the color map to the user and display to optimally compensate for the measured deficiencies. Furthermore, we improve user acceptance of the calibration procedure by transforming the calibration into a game. The user has to sort colors along a line in a 3D color space in a competitive fashion. The errors the user makes in sorting these lines are used to adapt the color map to his perceptual capabilities.

  15. Synesthesia induced colors do not bias attention in the same manner as physical colors do

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Thomas Alrik; Ásgeirsson, Árni Gunnar


    and performance in visual search, much like physical stimulus features. It has been demonstrated that the content of visual memory can guide attention (e.g. Carlisle & Woodman, 2011). This effect can be measured in the response time costs or benefits related to the presence of memorized color in a visual search......Grapheme-color synesthesia affects visual cognition in significant ways. The congruence or incongruence of physical stimuli with synesthetic color affects how quickly and accurately synesthetes respond to stimuli, and the induced color experience may help them memorize achromatic material...... display. Retaining color information in memory biases attention towards that specific color in visual search, apparent by response time costs when a matching distractor is present, but a benefit when the target matches the retained color. We investigated whether a synesthetic color is automatically...

  16. KROME Ceramics: color management system for the ceramics industry; KROME: Ceramics Sistema de gestion del color para la industra ceramica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, A.; Luque, J.; Pla, O.; Selvi, S.


    Digital Decoration Systems, SL (DIGIT-S) with Unicer, SL, has implemented a system to improve and optimize the process of decorating by inkjet printing for ceramic industry. It provides a comprehensive solution, KROME Ceramics, to improve the cost effectiveness of product and process through the implementation of a working system based on the control of digital decoration process and the synchronization of all elements that make up the decorative modules, including the creation of a work flow, management of files that are generated during the process, a correct color management system, and of course, optimizing and evaluating ink jet inks integrating all elements involved: Lighting, Computer, Software, Monitor, Plotter, Paper, Ink, Ink jet, Body's, Enamels and Oven. (Author)

  17. Color Term Knowledge Does Not Affect Categorical Perception of Color in Toddlers (United States)

    Franklin, A.; Clifford, A.; Williamson, E.; Davies, I.


    Categorical perception of color is shown when colors from the same category are discriminated less easily than equivalently spaced colors that cross a category boundary. The current experiments tested various models of categorical perception. Experiment 1 tested for categorical responding in 2- to 4-year-olds, the age range for the onset…

  18. Color balancing in CCD color cameras using analog signal processors made by Kodak (United States)

    Kannegundla, Ram


    The green, red, and blue color filters used for CCD sensors generally have different responses. It is often necessary to balance these three colors for displaying a high-quality image on the monitor. The color filter arrays on sensors have different architectures. A CCD with standard G R G B pattern is considered for the present discussion. A simple method of separating the colors using CDS/H that is a part of KASPs (Analog Signal Processors made by Kodak) and using the gain control, which is also a part of KASPs for color balance, is presented. The colors are separated from the video output of sensor by using three KASPs, one each for green, red, and blue colors and by using alternate sample pulses for green and 1 in 4 pulses for red and blue. The separated colors gain is adjusted either automatically or manually and sent to the monitor for direct display in the analog mode or through an A/D converter digitally to the memory. This method of color balancing demands high-quality ASPs. Kodak has designed four different chips with varying levels of power consumption and speed for analog signal processing of video output of CCD sensors. The analog ASICs have been characterized for noise, clock feedthrough, acquisition time, linearity, variable gain, line rate clamp, black muxing, affect of temperature variations on chip performance, and droop. The ASP chips have met their design specifications.

  19. Relating color working memory and color perception. (United States)

    Allred, Sarah R; Flombaum, Jonathan I


    Color is the most frequently studied feature in visual working memory (VWM). Oddly, much of this work de-emphasizes perception, instead making simplifying assumptions about the inputs served to memory. We question these assumptions in light of perception research, and we identify important points of contact between perception and working memory in the case of color. Better characterization of its perceptual inputs will be crucial for elucidating the structure and function of VWM. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Color correction optimization with hue regularization (United States)

    Zhang, Heng; Liu, Huaping; Quan, Shuxue


    Previous work has suggested that observers are capable of judging the quality of an image without any knowledge of the original scene. When no reference is available, observers can extract the apparent objects in an image and compare them with the typical colors of similar objects recalled from their memories. Some generally agreed upon research results indicate that although perfect colorimetric rendering is not conspicuous and color errors can be well tolerated, the appropriate rendition of certain memory colors such as skin, grass, and sky is an important factor in the overall perceived image quality. These colors are appreciated in a fairly consistent manner and are memorized with slightly different hues and higher color saturation. The aim of color correction for a digital color pipeline is to transform the image data from a device dependent color space to a target color space, usually through a color correction matrix which in its most basic form is optimized through linear regressions between the two sets of data in two color spaces in the sense of minimized Euclidean color error. Unfortunately, this method could result in objectionable distortions if the color error biased certain colors undesirably. In this paper, we propose a color correction optimization method with preferred color reproduction in mind through hue regularization and present some experimental results.

  1. Scanner-based macroscopic color variation estimation (United States)

    Kuo, Chunghui; Lai, Di; Zeise, Eric


    Flatbed scanners have been adopted successfully in the measurement of microscopic image artifacts, such as granularity and mottle, in print samples because of their capability of providing full color, high resolution images. Accurate macroscopic color measurement relies on the use of colorimeters or spectrophotometers to provide a surrogate for human vision. The very different color response characteristics of flatbed scanners from any standard colorimetric response limits the utility of a flatbed scanner as a macroscopic color measuring device. This metamerism constraint can be significantly relaxed if our objective is mainly to quantify the color variations within a printed page or between pages where a small bias in measured colors can be tolerated as long as the color distributions relative to the individual mean values is similar. Two scenarios when converting color from the device RGB color space to a standardized color space such as CIELab are studied in this paper, blind and semi-blind color transformation, depending on the availability of the black channel information. We will show that both approaches offer satisfactory results in quantifying macroscopic color variation across pages while the semi-blind color transformation further provides fairly accurate color prediction capability.

  2. A field guide to digital color

    CERN Document Server

    Stone, Maureen


    Maureen Stone's field guide to digital color presents a survey of digital color with special emphasis on those fields important for computer graphics. The book provides the foundation for understanding color and its applications, discusses color media and color management and the use of color in computer graphics, including color design and selection. The book provides a guide for anyone who wants to understand and apply digital color. An annotated bibliography provides in-depth references for further study on each topic.

  3. Color superconductivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilczek, F.


    The asymptotic freedom of QCD suggests that at high density - where one forms a Fermi surface at very high momenta - weak coupling methods apply. These methods suggest that chiral symmetry is restored and that an instability toward color triplet condensation (color superconductivity) sets in. Here I attempt, using variational methods, to estimate these effects more precisely. Highlights include demonstration of a negative pressure in the uniform density chiral broken phase for any non-zero condensation, which we take as evidence for the philosophy of the MIT bag model; and demonstration that the color gap is substantial - several tens of MeV - even at modest densities. Since the superconductivity is in a pseudoscalar channel, parity is spontaneously broken

  4. Color superconductivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilczek, F. [Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ (United States)


    The asymptotic freedom of QCD suggests that at high density - where one forms a Fermi surface at very high momenta - weak coupling methods apply. These methods suggest that chiral symmetry is restored and that an instability toward color triplet condensation (color superconductivity) sets in. Here I attempt, using variational methods, to estimate these effects more precisely. Highlights include demonstration of a negative pressure in the uniform density chiral broken phase for any non-zero condensation, which we take as evidence for the philosophy of the MIT bag model; and demonstration that the color gap is substantial - several tens of MeV - even at modest densities. Since the superconductivity is in a pseudoscalar channel, parity is spontaneously broken.

  5. ColorFull: a C++ library for calculations in SU(Nc) color space

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sjoedahl, Malin [Lund University, Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, Lund (Sweden)


    ColorFull, a C++ package for treating QCD color structure, is presented. ColorFull, which utilizes the trace basis approach, is intended for interfacing with event generators, but can also be used as a stand-alone package for squaring QCD amplitudes, calculating interferences, and describing the effect of gluon emission and gluon exchange. (orig.)

  6. Grapheme learning and grapheme-color synesthesia: toward a comprehensive model of grapheme-color association (United States)

    Asano, Michiko; Yokosawa, Kazuhiko


    Recent progress in grapheme-color synesthesia research has revealed that certain regularities, as well as individual differences, figure into grapheme-color associations. Although several factors are known to regulate grapheme-color associations, the impact of factors, including their interrelationships, on synesthesia remains unclear. We investigated determinants of synesthetic color for graphemes (characters, letters) of Hiragana, a phonetic script in the Japanese language, and the English alphabet. Results revealed that grapheme ordinality was the strongest predictor of synesthetic colors for Hiragana characters, followed by character sound, and visual shape. Ordinality and visual shapes also significantly predicted synesthetic colors for English alphabet letters, however, sounds did not. The relative impact of grapheme properties on grapheme-color associations and the differences between these two writing systems are accounted for by considering the way graphemes are processed in the brain and introduced during an individual's development. A new model is proposed which takes into account the developmental process of grapheme learning. The model provides comprehensive explanation of synesthetic grapheme-color association determination processes, including the differences across writing systems. PMID:24273504

  7. Grapheme learning and grapheme-color synesthesia: Toward a comprehensive model of grapheme-color association

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michiko eAsano


    Full Text Available Recent progress in grapheme-color synesthesia research has revealed that certain regularities, as well as individual differences, figure into grapheme-color associations. Although several factors are known to regulate grapheme-color associations, the impact of factors, including their interrelationships, on synesthesia remains unclear. We investigated determinants of synesthetic color for graphemes (characters, letters of Hiragana, a phonetic script in the Japanese language, and the English alphabet. Results revealed that grapheme ordinality was the strongest predictor of synesthetic colors for Hiragana characters, followed by character sound, and visual shape. Ordinality and visual shapes also significantly predicted synesthetic colors for English alphabet letters, however, sounds did not. The relative impact of grapheme properties on grapheme-color associations and the differences between these two writing systems are accounted for by considering the way graphemes are processed in the brain and introduced during an individual's development. A new model is proposed which takes into account the developmental process of grapheme learning. The model provides comprehensive explanation of synesthetic grapheme-color association determination processes, including the differences across writing systems.

  8. Grapheme learning and grapheme-color synesthesia: toward a comprehensive model of grapheme-color association. (United States)

    Asano, Michiko; Yokosawa, Kazuhiko


    Recent progress in grapheme-color synesthesia research has revealed that certain regularities, as well as individual differences, figure into grapheme-color associations. Although several factors are known to regulate grapheme-color associations, the impact of factors, including their interrelationships, on synesthesia remains unclear. We investigated determinants of synesthetic color for graphemes (characters, letters) of Hiragana, a phonetic script in the Japanese language, and the English alphabet. Results revealed that grapheme ordinality was the strongest predictor of synesthetic colors for Hiragana characters, followed by character sound, and visual shape. Ordinality and visual shapes also significantly predicted synesthetic colors for English alphabet letters, however, sounds did not. The relative impact of grapheme properties on grapheme-color associations and the differences between these two writing systems are accounted for by considering the way graphemes are processed in the brain and introduced during an individual's development. A new model is proposed which takes into account the developmental process of grapheme learning. The model provides comprehensive explanation of synesthetic grapheme-color association determination processes, including the differences across writing systems.

  9. Color metasurfaces in industrial perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højlund-Nielsen, Emil; Kristensen, Anders

    This doctoral thesis describes the utilization of color metasurfaces in an industrial perspective, where nano-scale textures and contingent post processing replace inks, dyes and pigments in plastic production. The concept of colors by structure arguably reduces the number of raw materials......, exemplified in silicon. However, only corresponding faint colors appear in polymeric materials. The concept of all-polymer pigment-free coloration seems somewhat restricted in relation to widespread industrial employment. Finally, a novel plasmon color technology for structural coloration in plastics......, and it is shown that the dependence on polarization can be controlled. In collaboration with industry, polymer-based colored metasurfaces of square-centimeter size are demonstrated by embossing, injection molding, roll-to-roll printing, and film insert molding with full compatibility. Furthermore, post production...

  10. Similarly shaped letters evoke similar colors in grapheme-color synesthesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brang, D.; Rouw, R.; Ramachandran, V.S.; Coulson, S.


    Grapheme-color synesthesia is a neurological condition in which viewing numbers or letters (graphemes) results in the concurrent sensation of color. While the anatomical substrates underlying this experience are well understood, little research to date has investigated factors influencing the

  11. Estabilidad del color de las cerámicas de disilicato de litio.


    Cedeño Salazar, Rosario


    La gran demanda de tratamientos estéticos por parte de los pacientes, supone un reto para los rehabilitadores orales, por lo que siempre están en búsqueda del material ideal. Las cerámicas dentales, poseen características que le permiten mimetizar la apariencia de los dientes naturales, por sus propiedades físicas y químicas, las cuales dependen de su composición. Poseen una fase vítrea que le aporta características estéticas y una fase cristalina que le aporta propiedades mecánicas. Clín...

  12. Temperatura de color correlacionada de la luz natural: análisis dinámico en espacios interiores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monteoliva, J. M.


    Full Text Available Currently daylight studies are focused on visual amenity. This new trend arises from the need of professionals and researchers to define indicators of daylight quality. One such indicator is the correlated color temperature (CCT. In this paper, the influence of windows orientation and shading systems in color perception of the environment (CCT is discussed. To achieve this goal a dynamic (spatial and temporal characterization methodology of daylight source CCT is proposed. The analysis was performed on a scale model of an indoor space, under clear sky conditions. Results showed the importance of the window orientation in the indoor CCT of daylight, obtaining variations of up to 50 %. It is also noted that shading device cause changes in indoor configurations and sensations. Also here the impact of shading systems and glass on the TCC of natural light entering a space was analyzedActualmente los estudios de la iluminación natural focalizan en la amabilidad visual del espacio. Esta nueva tendencia surge de la necesidad de profesionales e investigadores de definir indicadores de la calidad de la iluminación natural. Uno de ellos es la temperatura de color correlacionada (TCC. En este trabajo, se propone analizar la influencia de la orientación de las ventanas y sus sistemas de sombreado en la percepción de color del ambiente (TCC. Para ello se propone una metodología de caracterización dinámica (espacial y temporal de la TCC de la fuente luz natural. El análisis se desarrolló en un modelo a escala de un espacio interior, bajo condiciones de cielo claro. Los resultados han evidenciado la importancia de la orientación de la ventana en la TCC de un espacio, obteniendo variaciones de hasta el 50 %. De manera complementaria, se detecta la capacidad de modificar la TCC de los ambientes interiores que poseen las superficies vidriadas y los dispositivos de control solar.

  13. Colored Contact Lens Dangers

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... like a suction cup." Halloween is a popular time for people to use colored contact lenses to enhance their costumes. From ... MD, professor of ophthalmology at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. "This is far ... Use Facts About Colored Contacts and Halloween Safety Colored ...

  14. A new method for skin color enhancement (United States)

    Zeng, Huanzhao; Luo, Ronnier


    Skin tone is the most important color category in memory colors. Reproducing it pleasingly is an important factor in photographic color reproduction. Moving skin colors toward their preferred skin color center improves the skin color preference on photographic color reproduction. Two key factors to successfully enhance skin colors are: a method to detect original skin colors effectively even if they are shifted far away from the regular skin color region, and a method to morph skin colors toward a preferred skin color region properly without introducing artifacts. A method for skin color enhancement presented by the authors in the same conference last year applies a static skin color model for skin color detection, which may miss to detect skin colors that are far away from regular skin tones. In this paper, a new method using the combination of face detection and statistical skin color modeling is proposed to effectively detect skin pixels and to enhance skin colors more effectively.

  15. Color Functionality Used in Visual Display for Occupational and Environmental Safety and Managing Color Vision Deficiency. (United States)

    Ochiai, Nobuhisa; Kondo, Hiroyuki


    The effects of color perception are utilized in visual displays for the purpose of safety in the workplace and in daily life. These effects, generally known as color functionality, are divided into four classifications: visibility, legibility, conspicuity and discriminability. This article focuses on the relationship between the color functionality of color schemes used in visual displays for occupational and environmental safety and color vision deficiency (particularly congenital red-green color deficiency), a critical issue in ophthalmology, and examines the effects of color functionality on the perception of the color red in individuals with protan defects. Due to abrupt system reforms, current Japanese clinical ophthalmology finds itself in a situation where it is insufficiently prepared to handle congenital red-green color deficiencies. Indeed, occupational problems caused by color vision deficiencies have been almost completely neglected, and are an occupational safety and health concern that will need to be solved in the future. This report will present the guidelines for the color vision testing established by the British Health and Safety Executive (HSE), a pioneering example of a model meant to solve these problems. Issues relating to the creation of guidelines adapted to Japanese clinical ophthalmology will also be examined, and we will discuss ways to utilize color functionality used in visual displays for occupational and environmental safety to help manage color vision deficiency.

  16. Feedback from horizontal cells to cones mediates color induction and may facilitate color constancy in rainbow trout

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sabbah, Shai; Zhu, Changhai; Hornsby, Mark A. W.; Kamermans, Maarten; Hawryshyn, Craig W.


    Color vision is most beneficial when the visual system is color constant and can correct the excitations of photoreceptors for differences in environmental irradiance. A phenomenon related to color constancy is color induction, where the color of an object shifts away from the color of its

  17. Real color captures attention and overrides spatial cues in grapheme-color synesthetes but not in controls. (United States)

    van Leeuwen, Tessa M; Hagoort, Peter; Händel, Barbara F


    Grapheme-color synesthetes perceive color when reading letters or digits. We investigated oscillatory brain signals of synesthetes vs. controls using magnetoencephalography. Brain oscillations specifically in the alpha band (∼10Hz) have two interesting features: alpha has been linked to inhibitory processes and can act as a marker for attention. The possible role of reduced inhibition as an underlying cause of synesthesia, as well as the precise role of attention in synesthesia is widely discussed. To assess alpha power effects due to synesthesia, synesthetes as well as matched controls viewed synesthesia-inducing graphemes, colored control graphemes, and non-colored control graphemes while brain activity was recorded. Subjects had to report a color change at the end of each trial which allowed us to assess the strength of synesthesia in each synesthete. Since color (synesthetic or real) might allocate attention we also included an attentional cue in our paradigm which could direct covert attention. In controls the attentional cue always caused a lateralization of alpha power with a contralateral decrease and ipsilateral alpha increase over occipital sensors. In synesthetes, however, the influence of the cue was overruled by color: independent of the attentional cue, alpha power decreased contralateral to the color (synesthetic or real). This indicates that in synesthetes color guides attention. This was confirmed by reaction time effects due to color, i.e. faster RTs for the color side independent of the cue. Finally, the stronger the observed color dependent alpha lateralization, the stronger was the manifestation of synesthesia as measured by congruency effects of synesthetic colors on RTs. Behavioral and imaging results indicate that color induces a location-specific, automatic shift of attention towards color in synesthetes but not in controls. We hypothesize that this mechanism can facilitate coupling of grapheme and color during the development of

  18. Affective color palettes in visualization


    Patra, Abhisekh


    The communication of affect, a feeling or emotion, has a central role in creating engaging visual experiences. Prior work on the psychology of color has focused on its effect on emotions, color preferences and reactions to color. Studies have attempted to solve problems related to improving aesthetics and emotions of images by improving color themes and templates. However, we have little understanding of how designers manipulate color properties for effective visual communication in informati...

  19. 7 CFR 58.435 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 58.435 Section 58.435 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections....435 Color. Coloring when used, shall be Annatto or any cheese or butter color which meet the...

  20. Using Color and Grayscale Images to Teach Histology to Color-Deficient Medical Students (United States)

    Rubin, Lindsay R.; Lackey, Wendy L.; Kennedy, Frances A.; Stephenson, Robert B.


    Examination of histologic and histopathologic microscopic sections relies upon differential colors provided by staining techniques, such as hematoxylin and eosin, to delineate normal tissue components and to identify pathologic alterations in these components. Given the prevalence of color deficiency (commonly called "color blindness")…

  1. Color Laser Microscope (United States)

    Awamura, D.; Ode, T.; Yonezawa, M.


    A color laser microscope utilizing a new color laser imaging system has been developed for the visual inspection of semiconductors. The light source, produced by three lasers (Red; He-Ne, Green; Ar, Blue; He-Cd), is deflected horizontally by an AOD (Acoustic Optical Deflector) and vertically by a vibration mirror. The laser beam is focused in a small spot which is scanned over the sample at high speed. The light reflected back from the sample is reformed to contain linear information by returning to the original vibration mirror. The linear light is guided to the CCD image sensor where it is converted into a video signal. Individual CCD image sensors are used for each of the three R, G, or B color image signals. The confocal optical system with its laser light source yields a color TV monitor image with no flaring and a much sharper resolution than that of the conventional optical microscope. The AOD makes possible a high speed laser scan and a NTSC or PAL TV video signal is produced in real time without any video memory. Since the light source is composed of R, G, and B laser beams, color separation superior to that of white light illumination is achieved. Because of the photometric linearity of the image detector, the R, G, and B outputs of the system are most suitably used for hue analysis. The CCD linear image sensors in the optical system produce no geometrical distortion, and good color registration is available principally. The output signal can be used for high accuracy line width measuring. The many features of the color laser microscope make it ideally suited for the visual inspection of semiconductor processing. A number of these systems have already been installed in such a capacity. The Color Laser Microscope can also be a very useful tool for the fields of material engineering and biotechnology.

  2. 7 CFR 58.329 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 58.329 Section 58.329 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections....329 Color. Coloring, when used shall be Annatto or any color which is approved by the U.S. Food and...

  3. Color quarks and octonions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guersey, F.


    A mathematical framework based on octonions is developed for the description of the color quark scheme in which quarks are unobservable, the color SU(3) is exact, and only color singlets correspond to observable hadrons. The fictitious Hilbert space in which quarks operate is taken to be a space of vectors with octonion components. This space admits as a gauge group an exact SU(3) identified with the color SU/sub C/(3). Because of the nonassociativity of the underlying algebra, nonsinglet representations of SU/sub C/(3) are unobservable, while the subspace of color singlets satisfies associativity along with conditions for observability. Octonion quark fields satisfy the commutation relations of parafermions of order 3, leading to the correct SU(6) multiplets for hadrons. (U.S.)

  4. El útero humano en distintas edades y el carcinoma in situ del cuello uterino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herwig Hamperl


    Full Text Available El área alrededor del orificio del canal cervical es probablemente una de las más interesantes de la Patología Uterina. En el siguiente esbozo, voy a intentar dar un breve resumen de los problemas y del progreso que creemos haber realizado en nuestro esfuerzo por resolverlos. Empezamos con la recién nacida: En ella, la parte inferior del cuello uterino, presenta una forma que nunca volverá a mostrar durante el resto de la vida, sobresale en la vagina en forma de cono puntiaguda. El límite de los epitelios de revestimiento del cono varía: a veces el epitelio escamoso de la vagina termina exactamente en el orificio externo del canal cervical, como es usual en la mujer adulta; a veces el epitelio escamoso asciende unos milímetros en el canal cervical. El hecho más interesante es que en aproximadamente un tercio de las niñas, la extensión del epitelio escamoso está tan restringida, que el epitelio cilíndrico puede cubrir la superficie del cono cervical. Al examen macroseópico, está región se distingue  entonces por color rojo y forma, lo que se ha llamado erosión o mejor la pseudoerosión de la recién nacida.

  5. Laser-evoked coloration in polymers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zheng, H.Y.; Rosseinsky, David; Lim, G.C.


    Laser-evoked coloration in polymers has long been a major aim of polymer technology for potential applications in product surface decoration, marking personalised images and logos. However, the coloration results reported so far were mostly attributed to laser-induced thermal-chemical reactions. The laser-irradiated areas are characterized with grooves due to material removal. Furthermore, only single color was laser-induced in any given polymer matrix. To induce multiple colors in a given polymer matrix with no apparent surface material removal is most desirable and challenging and may be achieved through laser-induced photo-chemical reactions. However, little public information is available at present. We report that two colors of red and green have been produced on an initially transparent CPV/PVA samples through UV laser-induced photo-chemical reactions. This is believed the first observation of laser-induced multiple-colors in the given polymer matrix. It is believed that the colorants underwent photo-effected electron transfer with suitable electron donors from the polymers to change from colorless bipyridilium Bipm 2+ to the colored Bipm + species. The discovery may lead to new approaches to the development of laser-evoked multiple coloration in polymers

  6. Riemann Geometric Color-Weak Compensationfor Individual Observers


    Kojima, Takanori; Mochizuki, Rika; Lenz, Reiner; Chao, Jinhui


    We extend a method for color weak compensation based on the criterion of preservation of subjective color differences between color normal and color weak observers presented in [2]. We introduce a new algorithm for color weak compensation using local affine maps between color spaces of color normal and color weak observers. We show howto estimate the local affine map and how to determine correspondences between the origins of local coordinates in color spaces of color normal and color weak ob...

  7. On the purposes of color for living beings: toward a theory of color organization. (United States)

    Pinna, Baingio; Reeves, Adam


    Phylogenetic and paleontological evidence indicates that in the animal kingdom the ability to perceive colors evolved independently several times over the course of millennia. This implies a high evolutionary neural investment and suggests that color vision provides some fundamental biological benefits. What are these benefits? Why are some animals so colorful? What are the adaptive and perceptual meanings of polychromatism? We suggest that in addition to the discrimination of light and surface chromaticity, sensitivity to color contributes to the whole, the parts and the fragments of perceptual organization. New versions of neon color spreading and the watercolor illusion indicate that the visual purpose of color in humans is threefold: to inter-relate each chromatic component of an object, thus favoring the emergence of the whole; to support a part-whole organization in which components reciprocally enhance each other by amodal completion; and, paradoxically, to reveal fragments and hide the whole-that is, there is a chromatic parceling-out process of separation, division, and fragmentation of the whole. The evolution of these contributions of color to organization needs to be established, but traces of it can be found in Harlequin camouflage by animals and in the coloration of flowers.

  8. Caracterización del inicio de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en menores de 18 años

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan González Ramos


    Full Text Available Fundamento: la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es la enfermedad crónico endocrinológica más frecuente en la edad pediátrica y la segunda enfermedad crónica en la infancia después del asma bronquial, en los países desarrollados. Objetivo: identificar los aspectos epidemiológicos en el inicio de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en menores de 18 años en la provincia de Cienfuegos en el periodo 1997- octubre 2015. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en los pacientes menores de 18 años, diagnosticados con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en el periodo mencionado. Las variables utilizadas fueron: año y edad del inicio, sexo, color de la piel y municipio de procedencia. Los resultados se presentaron en tablas de frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: el porcentaje de pacientes del sexo masculino y femenino fue bastante similar con un leve predominio del masculino (53,5 %. El grupo 5-9 años presentó el mayor número de pacientes (35 casos pero sin diferencias significativas con el de 10-14 años (34 casos. El color de piel blanca predominó con el 75,7 %. El mayor número de casos se mostraron en los meses de otoño con 30. Los municipios de mayor incidencia fueron Cienfuegos con 40 y Cumanayagua con 16 casos respectivamente. Conclusiones: se ha producido un aumento de la incidencia en los últimos años con un leve predominio del sexo masculino y el grupo de 5-9 años. Predominó la raza blanca. El mayor número del inicio ocurrió en otoño y en el municipio de Cienfuegos.

  9. HVI Colorimeter and Color Spectrophotometer Relationships and Their Impacts on Developing "Traceable" Cotton Color Standards (United States)

    Color measurements of cotton fiber and cotton textile products are important quality parameters. The Uster® High Volume Instrument (HVI) is an instrument used globally to classify cotton quality, including cotton color. Cotton color by HVI is based on two cotton-specific color parameters—Rd (diffuse...

  10. Color and behavior differently predict competitive outcomes for divergent stickleback color morphs (United States)

    Lehto, Whitley R; Lierheimer, V Faith


    Abstract Our knowledge of how male competition contributes to speciation is dominated by investigations of competition between within-species morphs or closely related species that differ in conspicuous traits expressed during the breeding season (e.g. color, song). In such studies, it is important to consider the manner in which putatively sexually selected traits influence the outcome of competitive interactions within and between types because these traits can communicate information about competitor quality and may not be utilized by homotypic and heterotypic receivers in the same way. We studied the roles of breeding color and aggressive behaviors in competition within and between two divergent threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus color types. Our previous work in this system showed that the switch from red to black breeding coloration is associated with changes in male competition biases. Here, we find that red and black males also use different currencies in competition. Winners of both color types performed more aggressive behaviors than losers, regardless of whether the competitor was of the same or opposite color type. But breeding color differently predicted competitive outcomes for red and black males. Males who were redder at the start of competition were more likely to win when paired with homotypic competitors and less likely to win when paired with heterotypic competitors. In contrast, black color, though expressed in the breeding season and condition dependent, was unrelated to competitive outcomes. Placing questions about the role of male competition in speciation in a sexual signal evolution framework may provide insight into the “why and how” of aggression biases and asymmetries in competitive ability between closely related morphs and species. PMID:29492044

  11. Obtención y evaluación del semen de capibara Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Rodríguez P.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las características del semen y la morfometría de los espermatozoides del Capibara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 10 machos con peso entre 21-45 kg, los cuales fueron restringidos y anestesiados. El semen se obtuvo mediante electroeyaculación y se determinó el color, volumen, pH, motilidad en masa, motilidad individual, viabilidad, concentración y morfología. Se realizaron además mediciones de la cabeza y la cola de los espermatozoides. Resultados. Se obtuvo semen en el 100% (10/10 de los animales. El mayor número de eyaculaciones (80%; 8/10, se obtuvo con un voltaje máximo de 6V. El color fue blanco, de aspecto lechoso, los valores promedio fueron volumen 135.5±93.56 μl, pH 8.14±0.38, motilidad masal 32.60±13.46%, motilidad individual 34±19.81%, viabilidad 51.3±19.42%, concentración espermática 127±59.01x106 espermatozoides/mL y morfología 51.3±19.42 espermatozoides normales. La longitud de la cabeza fue 5.41±0.7 μm, el ancho de la cabeza 3.77±0.5 μm y área de la cabeza 75.66±20.6 μm2. La longitud de la cola fue 27.9±11.3 μm. Conclusiones. La obtención del semen fue satisfactoria mediante electroeyaculación, sin presentar notables diferencias en las características del semen y morfología de los espermatozoides con otros roedores silvestres de menor tamaño, aunque se observó una alta variabilidad de estas características entre los animales muestreados posiblemente por la heterogeneidad de los animales experimentales.

  12. The Cool Colors Project (United States)

    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, second from left, a sample from the Cool Colors Project, a roof product ) (Jeff Chiu - AP) more Cool Colors make the front page of The Sacramento Bee (3rd highest circulation newspaper in California) on 14 August 2006! Read the article online or as a PDF. The Cool Colors Project

  13. Transparent organic light-emitting diodes with different bi-directional emission colors using color-conversion capping layers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jonghee, E-mail: [OLED Research Center, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daejeon 305-700 (Korea, Republic of); Institut für Angewandte Photophysik, Technische Universität Dresden, George-Bähr-Straße 1, 01062 Dresden (Germany); Koh, Tae-Wook [Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon 305-701 (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Hyunsu [OLED Research Center, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daejeon 305-700 (Korea, Republic of); Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon 305-701 (Korea, Republic of); Schwab, Tobias [Institut für Angewandte Photophysik, Technische Universität Dresden, George-Bähr-Straße 1, 01062 Dresden (Germany); Lee, Jae-Hyun [Department School of Global Convergence Studies, Hanbat National University, San 16-1, Duckmyoung-dong, Daejeon 305-719 (Korea, Republic of); Hofmann, Simone [Institut für Angewandte Photophysik, Technische Universität Dresden, George-Bähr-Straße 1, 01062 Dresden (Germany); Lee, Jeong-Ik [OLED Research Center, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daejeon 305-700 (Korea, Republic of); Yoo, Seunghyup [Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon 305-701 (Korea, Republic of); and others


    We report a study on transparent organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with different bi-directional emission colors, enabled by color-conversion organic capping layers. Starting from a transparent blue OLED with an uncapped Ag top electrode exhibiting an average transmittance of 33.9%, a 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-methyl-6-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-4H-pyran (DCM)-doped tris-(8-hydroxy-quinolinato)-aluminum (Alq3) capping layer is applied to achieve color-conversion from blue to orange-red on the top side while maintaining almost unchanged device transmittance. This color-conversion capping layer does not only change the color of the top side emission, but also enhances the overall device efficiency due to the optical interaction of the capping layer with the primary blue transparent OLED. Top white emission from the transparent bi-directional OLED exhibits a correlated color temperature around 6000–7000 K, with excellent color stability as evidenced by an extremely small variation in color coordinate of Δ(x,y)=(0.002, 0.002) in the forward luminance range of 100–1000 cd m{sup −2}. At the same time, the blue emission color of bottom side is not influenced by the color conversion capping layer, which finally results in different emission colors of the two opposite sides of our transparent OLEDs. - Highlights: • We report transparent organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with different bi-directional emission colors. • Transparent blue OLED with color-conversion organic capping layers (CCL) shows orange top side emission. • Top white emission exhibits a CCT around 7000 K, with excellent color stability on a driving voltage.

  14. Transparent organic light-emitting diodes with different bi-directional emission colors using color-conversion capping layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jonghee; Koh, Tae-Wook; Cho, Hyunsu; Schwab, Tobias; Lee, Jae-Hyun; Hofmann, Simone; Lee, Jeong-Ik; Yoo, Seunghyup


    We report a study on transparent organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with different bi-directional emission colors, enabled by color-conversion organic capping layers. Starting from a transparent blue OLED with an uncapped Ag top electrode exhibiting an average transmittance of 33.9%, a 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-methyl-6-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-4H-pyran (DCM)-doped tris-(8-hydroxy-quinolinato)-aluminum (Alq3) capping layer is applied to achieve color-conversion from blue to orange-red on the top side while maintaining almost unchanged device transmittance. This color-conversion capping layer does not only change the color of the top side emission, but also enhances the overall device efficiency due to the optical interaction of the capping layer with the primary blue transparent OLED. Top white emission from the transparent bi-directional OLED exhibits a correlated color temperature around 6000–7000 K, with excellent color stability as evidenced by an extremely small variation in color coordinate of Δ(x,y)=(0.002, 0.002) in the forward luminance range of 100–1000 cd m −2 . At the same time, the blue emission color of bottom side is not influenced by the color conversion capping layer, which finally results in different emission colors of the two opposite sides of our transparent OLEDs. - Highlights: • We report transparent organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with different bi-directional emission colors. • Transparent blue OLED with color-conversion organic capping layers (CCL) shows orange top side emission. • Top white emission exhibits a CCT around 7000 K, with excellent color stability on a driving voltage

  15. 7 CFR 52.3760 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 52.3760 Section 52.3760 Agriculture Regulations... § 52.3760 Color. (a) General. The evaluation of color shall be determined within five minutes after the olives are removed from the container and is based upon the uniformity of the exterior color or general...

  16. Comportamiento del quiste branquial en pacientes del Hospital General Docente "Ciro Redondo García", Artemisa, 1993-2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available El quiste branquial de origen congénito que aparece en la región lateral del cuello es, con frecuencia, motivo de consulta. Se tuvo como objetivo determinar el comportamiento de los quistes branquiales en el Hospital "Ciro Redondo García", de Artemisa en el periodo de 1993 al 2009. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de los quistes branquiales diagnosticados en pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial. Se estudiaron la edad, el sexo, el color de la piel, el lado del cuello afectado, el resultado histopatológico y los medios auxiliares empleados. Se encontraron 12 quistes branquiales que afectaron el 50 % de ambos sexos, un 75 % a pacientes entre 15 y 30 años y un 75 % de la piel blanca, un 66,7 % afectó el lado derecho del cuello y en un 100 % de los casos se utilizó la biopsia y el ultrasonido como medios auxiliares para su diagnóstico. Se encontró epitelio escamoso estratificado en un 100 % de los quistes y en un 91,6 % el tejido linfoide. No se encontró predilección por el sexo, la mayoría de los pacientes eran menores de 30 años, de piel blanca y presentaban los quistes en el lado derecho del cuello. En todos los pacientes se empleó la biopsia y el ultrasonido como medios auxiliares de diagnóstico. El epitelio escamoso estratificado y el tejido linfoide fueron los hallazgos histopatológicos más relevantes.

  17. Overexpression of snapdragon Delila (Del) gene in tobacco enhances anthocyanin accumulation and abiotic stress tolerance. (United States)

    Naing, Aung Htay; Park, Kyeung Il; Ai, Trinh Ngoc; Chung, Mi Young; Han, Jeung Sul; Kang, Young-Wha; Lim, Ki Byung; Kim, Chang Kil


    Rosea1 (Ros1) and Delila (Del) co-expression controls anthocyanin accumulation in snapdragon flowers, while their overexpression in tomato strongly induces anthocyanin accumulation. However, little data exist on how Del expression alone influences anthocyanin accumulation. In tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum 'Xanthi'), Del expression enhanced leaf and flower anthocyanin production through regulating NtCHS, NtCHI, NtF3H, NtDFR, and NtANS transcript levels. Transgenic lines displayed different anthocyanin colors (e.g., pale red: T 0 -P, red: T 0 -R, and strong red: T 0 -S), resulting from varying levels of biosynthetic gene transcripts. Under salt stress, the T 2 generation had higher total polyphenol content, radical (DPPH, ABTS) scavenging activities, antioxidant-related gene expression, as well as overall greater salt and drought tolerance than wild type (WT). We propose that Del overexpression elevates transcript levels of anthocyanin biosynthetic and antioxidant-related genes, leading to enhanced anthocyanin production and antioxidant activity. The resultant increase of anthocyanin and antioxidant activity improves abiotic stress tolerance.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paula Ronderos


    Full Text Available


    En el siglo XIX, la medicina osciló entre la carne y la idea, la camilla de autopsia y la cama del paciente. Por un lado, se sumergió en los datos de la evidencia empírica y fascinante de la carne muerta vista por la lente del ojo y luego por la del microscopio. Durante siglos, levantó un exhaustivo inventario (pensar en Morgagni y Vesalio de órganos, partes, nombres y densidades, alteraciones y colores. Se construyó la enciclopedia del interior del cuerpo humano con bellas ilustraciones, de partes, de tejidos, formas y lesiones anatómicas. Se desarrollan avances en la anatomía gruesa, de color y peso, de la descripción de las partes con formas similares al liquen, a la flor; en las lesiones anatómicas clasificadas por rasgos y huellas visibles en la autopsia; y las alteraciones, úlceras y apostemas.

    Por el lado de la vida, la medicina oscilaba hacia la cama del paciente: pálido, enjuto, con edema, pletórico; tosiendo, amarillo, con las venas reventadas o los ojos idos. La clínica asumió la idea de observar los signos físicos en el cuerpo que pueden ser leídos como indicadores de las dinámicas del organismo, un sistema de medidas para expresar los datos de la experiencia de los sentidos de la percepción: olor, color, tacto, gusto. En los hospitales-escuela, se combinaron sistemáticamente ambos procesos para establecer la correlación de lesión y signo. Posteriormente, la historia del saber y la historia de la enfermedad se unen en una tormenta perfecta: la tuberculosis, patologías de coliflor caseosa en el pulmón y pacientes con esputo y tos, costillas rotas. Con la observación atenta y el oscilar de la evidencia, se pudieron relacionar el estado patológico visible en la autopsia y los sonidos revelados en la auscultación. Sin embargo, para construir la correlación, era necesario clasificar los sonidos y

  19. Two plus blue equals green: Grapheme-color synesthesia allows cognitive access to numerical information via color (United States)

    McCarthy, J. Daniel; Barnes, Lianne N.; Alvarez, Bryan D.; Caplovitz, Gideon Paul


    In grapheme-color synesthesia, graphemes (e.g., numbers or letters) evoke color experiences. It is generally reported that the opposite is not true: colors will not generate experiences of graphemes or their associated information. However, recent research has provided evidence that colors can implicitly elicit symbolic representations of associated graphemes. Here, we examine if these representations can be cognitively accessed. Using a mathematical verification task replacing graphemes with color patches, we find that synesthetes can verify such problems with colors as accurately as with graphemes. Doing so, however, takes time: ~250ms per color. Moreover, we find minimal reaction time switch-costs for switching between computing with graphemes and colors. This demonstrates that given specific task demands, synesthetes can cognitively access numerical information elicited by physical colors, and they do so as accurately as with graphemes. We discuss these results in the context of possible cognitive strategies used to access the information. PMID:24100131

  20. A study of glasses-type color CGH using a color filter considering reduction of blurring (United States)

    Iwami, Saki; Sakamoto, Yuji


    We have developed a glasses-type color computer generated hologram (CGH) by using a color filter. The proposed glasses consist of two "lenses" made of overlapping holograms and color filters. The holograms, which are calculated to reconstruct images in each primary color, are divided to small areas, which we called cells, and superimposed on one hologram. In the same way, colors of the filter correspond to the hologram cells. We can configure it very simply without a complex optical system, and the configuration yields a small and light weight system suitable for glasses. When the cell is small enough, the colors are mixed and reconstructed color images are observed. In addition, color expression of reconstruction images improves, too. However, using small cells blurrs reconstructed images because of the following reasons: (1) interference between cells because of the correlation with the cells, and (2) reduction of resolution caused by the size of the cell hologram. We are investigating in order to make a hologram that has high resolution reconstructed color images without ghost images. In this paper, we discuss (1) the details of the proposed glasses-type color CGH, (2) appropriate cell size for an eye system, (3) effects of cell shape on the reconstructed images, and (4) a new method to reduce the blurring of the images.

  1. Acyclicity in edge-colored graphs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gutin, Gregory; Jones, Mark; Sheng, Bin


    A walk W in edge-colored graphs is called properly colored (PC) if every pair of consecutive edges in W is of different color. We introduce and study five types of PC acyclicity in edge-colored graphs such that graphs of PC acyclicity of type i is a proper superset of graphs of acyclicity of type...

  2. 7 CFR 52.1006 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 52.1006 Section 52.1006 Agriculture Regulations... United States Standards for Grades of Dates Factors of Quality § 52.1006 Color. (a) (A) classification. Whole or pitted dates that possess a good color may be given a score of 18 to 20 points. “Good color...

  3. The structure and properties of color spaces and the representation of color images

    CERN Document Server

    Dubois, Eric


    This lecture describes the author's approach to the representation of color spaces and their use for color image processing. The lecture starts with a precise formulation of the space of physical stimuli (light). The model includes both continuous spectra and monochromatic spectra in the form of Dirac deltas. The spectral densities are considered to be functions of a continuous wavelength variable. This leads into the formulation of color space as a three-dimensional vector space, with all the associated structure. The approach is to start with the axioms of color matching for normal human vie

  4. Tonalidad Sinestésica: Relaciones entre la tonalidad de la música y del color a través de una propuesta personal




    El concepto de "Tonalidad" es un concepto que jerarquiza los tonos y los colores en las disciplinas de la música y el arte visual hasta nuestros días. Esta característica contribuye a establecer la funcionalidad de los elementos presentes en una pieza musical o en un espacio bidimensional o tridimensional, determinado por los colores que le ocupan. Con el concepto de una "Tonalidad Sinestésica", haremos referencia a una relación de correspondencias entre sonidos afinados y colores, determina...

  5. Color diffusion in QCD transport theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Selikhov, A.V.; Gyulassy, M.


    Color diffusion is shown to be an important dissipative property of quark-gluon plasmas with the characteristic color relaxation time scale, t c ∼ (3α s T log (m E /m M )) -1 , showing its sensitivity to the ratio of the static color electric and magnetic screening masses. Fokker-Planck equations are derived for QCD Wigner distributions taking into account quantum color dynamics. These equations show that the anomalously small color relaxation time leads to a small color conductivity and to strong damping of collective color modes

  6. Preliminary assessments of portable color spectrophotometer measurements of cotton color (United States)

    Cotton in the U.S. is classified for color with the Uster® High Volume Instrument (HVI), using the parameters Rd (diffuse reflectance) and +b (yellowness). It has been reported that some cotton bales, especially those transported overseas, appear to have changed significantly in color from their in...

  7. Full color camouflage in a printable photonic blue-colored polymer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moirangthem, M.; Schenning, A.P.H.J.


    A blue reflective photonic polymer coating which can be patterned in full color, from blue to red, by printing with an aqueous calcium nitrate solution has been fabricated. Color change in the cholesteric liquid-crystalline polymer network over the entire visible spectrum is obtained by the use of

  8. Human Colors-The Rainbow Garden of Pathology: What Gives Normal and Pathologic Tissues Their Color? (United States)

    Piña-Oviedo, Sergio; Ortiz-Hidalgo, Carlos; Ayala, Alberto G


    - Colors are important to all living organisms because they are crucial for camouflage and protection, metabolism, sexual behavior, and communication. Human organs obviously have color, but the underlying biologic processes that dictate the specific colors of organs and tissues are not completely understood. A literature search on the determinants of color in human organs yielded scant information. - To address 2 specific questions: (1) why do human organs have color, and (2) what gives normal and pathologic tissues their distinctive colors? - Endogenous colors are the result of complex biochemical reactions that produce biologic pigments: red-brown cytochromes and porphyrins (blood, liver, spleen, kidneys, striated muscle), brown-black melanins (skin, appendages, brain nuclei), dark-brown lipochromes (aging organs), and colors that result from tissue structure (tendons, aponeurosis, muscles). Yellow-orange carotenes that deposit in lipid-rich tissues are only produced by plants and are acquired from the diet. However, there is lack of information about the cause of color in other organs, such as the gray and white matter, neuroendocrine organs, and white tissues (epithelia, soft tissues). Neoplastic tissues usually retain the color of their nonneoplastic counterpart. - Most available information on the function of pigments comes from studies in plants, microorganisms, cephalopods, and vertebrates, not humans. Biologic pigments have antioxidant and cytoprotective properties and should be considered as potential future therapies for disease and cancer. We discuss the bioproducts that may be responsible for organ coloration and invite pathologists and pathology residents to look at a "routine grossing day" with a different perspective.

  9. The colors of the alphabet: naturally-biased associations between shape and color. (United States)

    Spector, Ferrinne; Maurer, Daphne


    Many letters of the alphabet are consistently mapped to specific colors in English-speaking adults, both in the general population and in individuals with grapheme-color synaesthesia who perceive letters in color. Here, across six experiments, we tested the ubiquity of the color/letter associations with typically developing toddlers, literate children, and adults. We found that pre-literate children associate O with white and X with black and discovered that they also associate I and ameboid nonsense shapes with white; Z and jagged nonsense shapes with black; and C with yellow; but do not make a number of other associations (B blue; Y yellow; A red; G green) seen in literate children and adults. The toddlers' mappings were based on the shape and not the sound of the letter. The results suggest that sensory cortical organization initially binds specific colors to some specific shapes and that learning to read can induce additional associations, likely through the influence of higher order networks as letters take on meaning.

  10. Portable real-time color night vision

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Toet, A.; Hogervorst, M.A.


    We developed a simple and fast lookup-table based method to derive and apply natural daylight colors to multi-band night-time images. The method deploys an optimal color transformation derived from a set of samples taken from a daytime color reference image. The colors in the resulting colorized

  11. Structural Color Tuning: Mixing Melanin-Like Particles with Different Diameters to Create Neutral Colors. (United States)

    Kawamura, Ayaka; Kohri, Michinari; Yoshioka, Shinya; Taniguchi, Tatsuo; Kishikawa, Keiki


    We present the ability to tune structural colors by mixing colloidal particles. To produce high-visibility structural colors, melanin-like core-shell particles composed of a polystyrene (PSt) core and a polydopamine (PDA) shell, were used as components. The results indicated that neutral structural colors could be successfully obtained by simply mixing two differently sized melanin-like PSt@PDA core-shell particles. In addition, the arrangements of the particles, which were important factors when forming structural colors, were investigated by mathematical processing using a 2D Fourier transform technique and Voronoi diagrams. These findings provide new insights for the development of structural color-based ink applications.

  12. How to display data by color schemes compatible with red-green color perception deficiencies


    Geissbuehler, Matthias; Lasser, Theo


    Visualization of data concerns most scientists. The use of color is required in order to display multidimensional information. In addition, color encoding a univariate image can improve the interpretation significantly. However up to 10% of the adult male population are affected by a red-green color perception deficiency which hampers the correct interpretation and appreciation of color encoded information. This work attempts to give guidelines on how to display a given dataset in a balanced ...

  13. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  14. Digital color analysis of color-ratio composite LANDSAT scenes. [Nevada (United States)

    Raines, G. L.


    A method is presented that can be used to calculate approximate Munsell coordinates of the colors produced by making a color composite from three registered images. Applied to the LANDSAT MSS data of the Goldfield, Nevada, area, this method permits precise and quantitative definition of the limonitic areas originally observed in a LANDSAT color ratio composite. In addition, areas of transported limonite can be discriminated from the limonite in the hydrothermally altered areas of the Goldfield mining district. From the analysis, the numerical distinction between limonitic and nonlimonitic ground is generally less than 3% using the LANDSAT bands and as much as 8% in ratios of LANDSAT MSS bands.

  15. Color Processing in Synesthesia: What Synesthesia Can and Cannot Tell Us About Mechanisms of Color Processing


    Janik, Agnieszka B; Banissy, Michael J.


    Synesthetic experiences of color have been traditionally conceptualized as a perceptual phenomenon. However, recent evidence suggests a role of higher order cognition in the formation of synesthetic experiences. Here, we discuss how synesthetic experiences of color differ from and influence veridical color processing, and how non-perceptual processes such as imagery and color memory might play a role in eliciting synesthetic color experience.

  16. 7 CFR 28.403 - Middling Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Middling Color. 28.403 Section 28.403 Agriculture..., TESTING, AND STANDARDS Standards Official Cotton Standards of the United States for the Color Grade of American Upland Cotton § 28.403 Middling Color. Middling Color is color which is within the range...

  17. Exposing Color Blindness/Grounding Color Consciousness: Challenges for Teacher Education (United States)

    Ullucci, Kerri; Battey, Dan


    As teacher educators we have been struck by the consistency, urgency, and frequency in which students employ color-blind perspectives. This orientation has negative consequences in K-12 settings. In this manuscript, we lay out the multiple meanings of color blindness, drawing from legal, educational, and social science traditions, and offer…

  18. A Multi-Addressable Dyad with Switchable CMY Colors for Full-Color Rewritable Papers. (United States)

    Qin, Tianyou; Han, Jiaqi; Geng, Yue; Ju, Le; Sheng, Lan; Zhang, Sean Xiao-An


    Reversible multicolor displays on solid media using single molecule pigments have been a long-awaited goal. Herein, a new and simple molecular dyad, which can undergo switchable CMY color changes both in solution and solid substrate upon exposure to light, water/acid, and nucleophiles, is designed and synthesized. The stimuli used in this work can be applied independent of each other, which is beneficial for color changes without mutual interference. As a comparison, the mixtures of the two molecular switching motifs forming the basis of the dyad were also studied. The dyad greatly outperforms the corresponding mixed system with respect to reversible color-switching on the paper substrate. Its potential for full-color rewritable paper with excellent reversibility has been demonstrated. Legible multicolor prints, that is, high color contrast and resolution, good dispersion, excellent reversibility, were achieved using common water-jet and light-based printers. This work provides a very promising approach for further development of full-color switchable molecules, materials and displays. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. El trastorno de conducta del sueño rem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alex Iranzo De Riquer, Dr.


    Full Text Available El trastorno de conducta durante el sueño REM (TCSR se caracteriza por conductas motoras vigorosas, pesadillas y ausencia de atonía muscular durante el sueño REM. Se debe a la disfunción directa o indirecta de las estructuras del tronco cerebral que regulan el sueño REM, especialmente el núcleo subceruleus. El TCSR puede ser idiopático o asociado a enfermedades neurológicas como la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP, la demencia con cuerpos de Lewy (DCL, la atrofia multisistémica (AMS y la narcolepsia. Los pacientes con la forma idiopática, especialmente los que tienen alterados el SPECT del transportador de la dopamina, la sonografía de la sustancia negra, los test de olfato y de la visión de colores, tienen un elevado riesgo de desarrollar la E P, DCL y AMS. El TCSR no debe considerarse como un simple trastorno del sueño, sino como una manifestación de una enfermedad neurológica. El clonazepam (0.25-4 mg y la melatonina (3-12 mg a la hora de acostarse mejoran los síntomas del TCSR pero no evitan, en la forma idiopática, la conversión a una enfermedad neurodegenerativa.

  20. Myoglobin chemistry and meat color. (United States)

    Suman, Surendranath P; Joseph, Poulson


    Consumers rely heavily on fresh meat color as an indicator of wholesomeness at the point of sale, whereas cooked color is exploited as an indicator of doneness at the point of consumption. Deviations from the bright cherry-red color of fresh meat lead to product rejection and revenue loss. Myoglobin is the sarcoplasmic heme protein primarily responsible for the meat color, and the chemistry of myoglobin is species specific. The mechanistic interactions between myoglobin and multiple extrinsic and intrinsic factors govern the color of raw as well as cooked meats. The objective of this review is to provide an overview of the current research in meat color and how the findings are applied in the meat industry. Characterizing the fundamental basis of myoglobin's interactions with biomolecules in postmortem skeletal muscles is necessary to interpret the chemistry of meat color phenomena and to engineer innovative processing strategies to minimize meat discoloration-induced revenue loss to the agricultural economy.

  1. Acyclicity in edge-colored graphs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gutin, Gregory; Jones, Mark; Sheng, Bin


    A walk W in edge-colored graphs is called properly colored (PC) if every pair of consecutive edges in W is of different color. We introduce and study five types of PC acyclicity in edge-colored graphs such that graphs of PC acyclicity of type i is a proper superset of graphs of acyclicity of type i......+1, i=1,2,3,4. The first three types are equivalent to the absence of PC cycles, PC closed trails, and PC closed walks, respectively. While graphs of types 1, 2 and 3 can be recognized in polynomial time, the problem of recognizing graphs of type 4 is, somewhat surprisingly, NP-hard even for 2-edge-colored...... graphs (i.e., when only two colors are used). The same problem with respect to type 5 is polynomial-time solvable for all edge-colored graphs. Using the five types, we investigate the border between intractability and tractability for the problems of finding the maximum number of internally vertex...

  2. On color transparency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jennings, B.K.; Miller, G.A.


    A quantum mechanical treatment of high momentum transfer nuclear processes is presented. Color transparency, the suppression of initial and final state interaction effects, is shown to arise from using the closure approximation. New conditions for the appearance of color transparency are derived

  3. Cross-cultural color-odor associations.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmel A Levitan

    Full Text Available Colors and odors are associated; for instance, people typically match the smell of strawberries to the color pink or red. These associations are forms of crossmodal correspondences. Recently, there has been discussion about the extent to which these correspondences arise for structural reasons (i.e., an inherent mapping between color and odor, statistical reasons (i.e., covariance in experience, and/or semantically-mediated reasons (i.e., stemming from language. The present study probed this question by testing color-odor correspondences in 6 different cultural groups (Dutch, Netherlands-residing-Chinese, German, Malay, Malaysian-Chinese, and US residents, using the same set of 14 odors and asking participants to make congruent and incongruent color choices for each odor. We found consistent patterns in color choices for each odor within each culture, showing that participants were making non-random color-odor matches. We used representational dissimilarity analysis to probe for variations in the patterns of color-odor associations across cultures; we found that US and German participants had the most similar patterns of associations, followed by German and Malay participants. The largest group differences were between Malay and Netherlands-resident Chinese participants and between Dutch and Malaysian-Chinese participants. We conclude that culture plays a role in color-odor crossmodal associations, which likely arise, at least in part, through experience.

  4. Cross-Cultural Color-Odor Associations (United States)

    Levitan, Carmel A.; Ren, Jiana; Woods, Andy T.; Boesveldt, Sanne; Chan, Jason S.; McKenzie, Kirsten J.; Dodson, Michael; Levin, Jai A.; Leong, Christine X. R.; van den Bosch, Jasper J. F.


    Colors and odors are associated; for instance, people typically match the smell of strawberries to the color pink or red. These associations are forms of crossmodal correspondences. Recently, there has been discussion about the extent to which these correspondences arise for structural reasons (i.e., an inherent mapping between color and odor), statistical reasons (i.e., covariance in experience), and/or semantically-mediated reasons (i.e., stemming from language). The present study probed this question by testing color-odor correspondences in 6 different cultural groups (Dutch, Netherlands-residing-Chinese, German, Malay, Malaysian-Chinese, and US residents), using the same set of 14 odors and asking participants to make congruent and incongruent color choices for each odor. We found consistent patterns in color choices for each odor within each culture, showing that participants were making non-random color-odor matches. We used representational dissimilarity analysis to probe for variations in the patterns of color-odor associations across cultures; we found that US and German participants had the most similar patterns of associations, followed by German and Malay participants. The largest group differences were between Malay and Netherlands-resident Chinese participants and between Dutch and Malaysian-Chinese participants. We conclude that culture plays a role in color-odor crossmodal associations, which likely arise, at least in part, through experience. PMID:25007343

  5. Theoretical research on color indirect effects (United States)

    Liu, T. C.; Liao, Changjun; Liu, Songhao


    Color indirect effects (CIE) means the physiological and psychological effects of color resulting from color vision. In this paper, we study CIE from the viewpoints of the integrated western and Chinese traditional medicine and the time quantum theory established by C. Y. Liu et al., respectively, and then put forward the color-automatic-nervous-subsystem model that could color excites parasympathetic subsystem and hot color excites sympathetic subsystem. Our theory is in agreement with modern color vision theory, and moreover, it leads to the resolution of the conflict between the color code theory and the time code theory oncolor vision. For the latitude phenomena on athlete stars number and the average lifespan, we also discuss the possibility of UV vision. The applications of our theory lead to our succeeding in explaining a number of physiological and psychological effects of color, in explaining the effects of age on color vision, and in explaining the Chinese chromophototherapy. We also discuss its application to neuroimmunology. This research provides the foundation of the clinical applications of chromophototherapy.

  6. Color vision deficiency compensation for Visual Processing Disorder using Hardy-Rand-Rittler test and color transformation (United States)

    Balbin, Jessie R.; Pinugu, Jasmine Nadja J.; Bautista, Joshua Ian C.; Nebres, Pauline D.; Rey Hipolito, Cipriano M.; Santella, Jose Anthony A.


    Visual processing skill is used to gather visual information from environment however, there are cases that Visual Processing Disorder (VPD) occurs. The so called visual figure-ground discrimination is a type of VPD where color is one of the factors that contributes on this type. In line with this, color plays a vital role in everyday living, but individuals that have limited and inaccurate color perception suffers from Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) and still not aware on their case. To resolve this case, this study focuses on the design of KULAY, a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) device that can assess whether a user has a CVD or not thru the standard Hardy-Rand-Rittler (HRR) test. This test uses pattern recognition in order to evaluate the user. In addition, color vision deficiency simulation and color correction thru color transformation is also a concern of this research. This will enable people with normal color vision to know how color vision deficient perceives and vice-versa. For the accuracy of the simulated HRR assessment, its results were validated thru an actual assessment done by a doctor. Moreover, for the preciseness of color transformation, Structural Similarity Index Method (SSIM) was used to compare the simulated CVD images and the color corrected images to other reference sources. The output of the simulated HRR assessment and color transformation shows very promising results indicating effectiveness and efficiency of the study. Thus, due to its form factor and portability, this device is beneficial in the field of medicine and technology.

  7. Physics of structural colors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinoshita, S; Yoshioka, S; Miyazaki, J


    In recent years, structural colors have attracted great attention in a wide variety of research fields. This is because they are originated from complex interaction between light and sophisticated nanostructures generated in the natural world. In addition, their inherent regular structures are one of the most conspicuous examples of non-equilibrium order formation. Structural colors are deeply connected with recent rapidly growing fields of photonics and have been extensively studied to clarify their peculiar optical phenomena. Their mechanisms are, in principle, of a purely physical origin, which differs considerably from the ordinary coloration mechanisms such as in pigments, dyes and metals, where the colors are produced by virtue of the energy consumption of light. It is generally recognized that structural colors are mainly based on several elementary optical processes including thin-layer interference, diffraction grating, light scattering, photonic crystals and so on. However, in nature, these processes are somehow mixed together to produce complex optical phenomena. In many cases, they are combined with the irregularity of the structure to produce the diffusive nature of the reflected light, while in some cases they are accompanied by large-scale structures to generate the macroscopic effect on the coloration. Further, it is well known that structural colors cooperate with pigmentary colors to enhance or to reduce the brilliancy and to produce special effects. Thus, structure-based optical phenomena in nature appear to be quite multi-functional, the variety of which is far beyond our understanding. In this article, we overview these phenomena appearing particularly in the diversity of the animal world, to shed light on this rapidly developing research field

  8. Color transparency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, G.A.


    Imagine shooting a beam of protons of high momentum P through an atomic nucleus. Usually the nuclear interactions prevent the particles from emerging with momentum ∼P. Further, the angular distribution of elastically scattered protons is close to the optical diffraction pattern produced by a black disk. Thus the nucleus acts as a black disk and is not transparent. However, certain high momentum transfer reactions in which a proton is knocked out of the nucleus may be completely different. Suppose that the high momentum transfer process leads to the formation of a small-size color singlet wavepacket that is ejected from the nucleus. The effects of gluons emitted by color singlet systems of closely separated quarks and gluons tend to cancel. Thus the wavepacket-nuclear interactions are suppressed, the nucleus becomes transparant and one says that color transparency CT occurs. The observation of CT also requires that the wavepacket not expand very much while it moves through the nucleus. Simple quantum mechanical formulations can assess this expansion. The creation of a small-sized wavepacket is expected in asymptotic perturbative effects. The author reviews the few experimental attempts to observe color transparency in nuclear (e,e'p) and (p,pp) reactions and interpret the data and their implications

  9. Color imaging fundamentals and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Reinhard, Erik; Oguz Akyuz, Ahmet; Johnson, Garrett


    This book provides the reader with an understanding of what color is, where color comes from, and how color can be used correctly in many different applications. The authors first treat the physics of light and its interaction with matter at the atomic level, so that the origins of color can be appreciated. The intimate relationship between energy levels, orbital states, and electromagnetic waves helps to explain why diamonds shimmer, rubies are red, and the feathers of the Blue Jay are blue. Then, color theory is explained from its origin to the current state of the art, including image captu

  10. A color-communication scheme for digital imagery (United States)

    Acosta, Alex


    Color pictures generated from digital images are frequently used by geologists, foresters, range managers, and others. These color products are preferred over black and white pictures because the human eye is more sensitive to color differences than to various shades of gray. Color discrimination is a function of perception, and therefore colors in these color composites are generally described subjectively, which can lead to ambiguous color communication. Numerous color-coordinate systems are available that quantitively relate digital triplets representing amounts of red, free, and blue to the parameters of hue, saturation, and intensity perceived by the eye. Most of these systems implement a complex transformation of the primary colors to a color space that is hard to visualize, thus making it difficult to relate digital triplets to perception parameters. This paper presents a color-communcation scheme that relates colors on a color triangle to corresponding values of "hue" (H), "saturation" (S), and chromaticity coordinates (x,y,z). The scheme simplifies the relation between red, green, and blue (RGB) digital triplets and the color generated by these triplets. Some examples of the use of the color-communication scheme in digital image processing are presented.

  11. An Investigation of the Effects of Practice on Color Memory as a Function of Condition, Dimension and Color


    Remus, Britten Grace


    Forty-two college aged participants took part in a mixed repeated measures factorial design experiment that assessed color memory as a function of condition (practice with feedback, practice without feedback and no practice), dimension (hue, saturation and lightness) and color (red, yellow, green and blue). Attention was focused on the distinction between memory color and color memory, color experience and preference, mechanisms of color perception and theories of color vision (see below). ...

  12. Colored Range Searching in Linear Space

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grossi, Roberto; Vind, Søren Juhl


    In colored range searching, we are given a set of n colored points in d ≥ 2 dimensions to store, and want to support orthogonal range queries taking colors into account. In the colored range counting problem, a query must report the number of distinct colors found in the query range, while...... an answer to the colored range reporting problem must report the distinct colors in the query range. We give the first linear space data structure for both problems in two dimensions (d = 2) with o(n) worst case query time. We also give the first data structure obtaining almost-linear space usage and o...

  13. Harmonious colors: from alchemy to science (United States)

    Beretta, Giordano B.; Moroney, Nathan M.


    There is a very long tradition in designing color palettes for various applications, going back to at least the Upanishad. Although color palettes have been influenced by the available colorants, starting with the advent of aniline dyes in the late 1850s there have been few physical limits on the choice of individual colors. This abundance of choices exacerbates the problem of limiting the number of colors in a palette, i.e., in keeping them into a manageable quantity. For example, it is not practical for a car company to offer each model in hundreds of colors. Instead, for each model year a small number of color palettes is offered, each containing the colors for the body, trim, interior, etc. Another example is the fashion industry, where in addition to solid colors there are also patterns, leading to a huge variety of combinations that would be impossible to stock. The traditional solution is that of "color forecasting." Color consultants assess the sentiment or affective state of a target customer class and compare it with new colorants offered by the industry. They assemble a limited color palette, name the colors according to the sentiment, and publish their result. Textile manufacturers will produce fabrics in these colors and fashion designers will design clothes, accessories, and furniture based on these fabrics. Eventually, the media will communicate these forecasts to the consumers, who will be admired by their cohorts when they choose colors from the forecast palette, which by then is widely diffused. The color forecasting business is very labor intensive and difficult, thus for years computer engineers have tried to come up with algorithms to design harmonious color palettes, alas with little commercial success. For example, Johannes Itten's color theory has been implemented many times, but despite Itten's success in the Bauhaus artifacts, the computer tools have been of little utility. Indeed, contrary to the auditory sense, there is no known

  14. Reexamination of Color Vision Standards, Part I: Status of Color Use in ATC Displays and Demography of Color-Deficit Controllers

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Xing, Jing; Schroeder, David J


    This report describes the status of color use in current air traffic control (ATC) displays. It represents the first step in an effort to reexamine the color vision standards for air traffic controllers...

  15. Stool Color: When to Worry (United States)

    Stool color: When to worry Yesterday, my stool color was bright green. Should I be concerned? Answers from Michael ... M.D. Stool comes in a range of colors. All shades of brown and even green are ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Este estudio evalúa dos tecnologías: una físico-química y otra biológica, que buscan eliminar la contaminación por el aceite dieléctrico presente en la tierra Fuller, Buscando con ello gestionar de forma ambientalmente adecuada este residuo peligroso. Para la Tecnología físico-química, se usó hexano como solvente y se alcanzó de manera preliminar remociones del aceite dieléctrico del orden del 87% en la tierra Fuller tratada, con una relación tierra Fuller: solvente de 1:8 p/v, una velocidad de agitación de 100 rpm y un tiempo de contacto de 30 minutos. La calidad del aceite dieléctrico recuperado no es apta para su uso en equipos eléctricos, por su baja rigidez dieléctrica, baja densidad y color desfavorable. La tierra Fuller recuperada alcanzó una densidad aparente de 0.623 gr/ml, una densidad real de 2.231 gr/ml y una porosidad de 72.075 %, lo que indica al menos preliminarmente que dicha tierra está muycercana en sus características físicas a la tierra fuller limpia. Para la tecnología biológica se trató la tierra contaminada en un reactor biológico de tierra activada, evaluando la velocidad de agitación y el tiempo de degradación necesario para alcanzar niveles de contaminación adecuados que permitan disponer el residuo en un relleno sanitario convencional sin riesgo para la salud de los ecosistemas y el ser humano, esta fase aún se encuentra en experimentación y los resultados dependen del análisis cromatográfi co del aceite dieléctrico que permanece en la tierra Fuller tratada, en el cual se hará el seguimiento de 10 especies que son clave dentro de este producto, debido a su cantidad y/o toxicidad , falta comprobar la calidad química de la tierra fuller y del aceite dieléctrico recuperados en el tratamiento físico-químico, y validar el proceso biológico para degradar el aceite dieléctrico.

  17. Development of the RGB LEDs color mixing mechanism for stability the color temperature at different projection distances. (United States)

    Hung, Chih-Ching


    In lighting application, the color mixing of the RGB LEDs can provide more color selection in correlated color temperature and color rendering. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a RGB color mixing mechanism by applying the mechanism design. Three sets of lamp-type RGB LEDs are individually installed on three four-bar linkages. A crank is used to drive three groups of RGB LEDs lamp-type to project lights onto a single plane in order to mix the lights. And, simulations of the illuminance and associated color temperatures are conducted by changing the distance to the projection plane, under the assumption that the stability of the color temperature of the projected light does not change according to the projecting height. Thus, the effect of change in the color temperature on color determination by the humans' eyes was avoided. The success of the proposed method will allow medical personnel to choose suitable wavelengths and color temperatures according to the particular requirements of their medical-examination environments.

  18. "Los peregrinajes de los feminismos de color en el pensamiento de María Lugones"




    María Lugones, prestigiosa filósofa feminista argentina, obtuvo su Ph.D. en filosofía y ciencia política por la University of Wisconsin, EEUU. Su compromiso con las Mujeres de Color en ese país comienza en la década de 1960, con las luchas emancipatorias del movimiento negro por los derechos civiles. Este ensayo piensa en clave de “peregrinajes” algunos de los conceptos y sistemas categoriales más importantes acuñados por Lugones, a partir de dos textos fundamentales de la filó...

  19. Gauge color codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bombin Palomo, Hector


    Color codes are topological stabilizer codes with unusual transversality properties. Here I show that their group of transversal gates is optimal and only depends on the spatial dimension, not the local geometry. I also introduce a generalized, subsystem version of color codes. In 3D they allow...

  20. Impact of olive oil usage on physical properties of chocolate fillings; Impacto del uso del aceite de oliva en las propiedades físicas de relleno de chocolate.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dias, J.M.; Almeida, M.; Adikevičius, D.; Andzevičius, P.; Alvarenga, N.B.


    The development of a new olive oil based chocolate filling was carried out. In this study three different types of virgin olive oil were tested, in three different concentrations in the production of chocolate fillings. An instrumental analysis was carried out for chemical analyses, such as moisture and pH. The color analysis included the CIE 1976 L*a*b* color space and RGB color space. The rheological analysis included the evaluation of flow curve, flow index (n), consistency (K) and dynamic moduli (G’ and G’’). No influence was detected on the moisture or pH of chocolate fillings, due to the concentration or type of olive oil. However, the use of olive oil decreased consistency from 1371 Pasn to 148 - 559 Pasn , even using olive oil concentrations of 20% w/w. Also, G’ registered a similar correlation, where a decrease was observed from 4.42 x 106 Pa to values around 1.70-2.51 x 106 Pa, for 20% w/w olive oil. The fillings presented a darker yellow-green color when using olive oil produced with Galega and Cordovil de Serpa varieties, but olive oil produced with the Arbequina variety did not affect color significantly, although further studies will be required to evaluate the impact of ripening stage. [Spanish] Ha sido desarrollado un nuevo relleno basado en aceite de oliva. En este estudio se testaron tres tipos diferentes de aceite de oliva, en tres concentraciones diferentes en la producción de rellenos de chocolate. El análisis instrumental incluyó análisis químico, como humedad y pH. El análisis del color incluyó el espacio CIE 1976 L*a*b* y el espacio RGB. El análisis reológico incluyó la evaluación del índice de flujo (n), consistencia (K) y módulos dinámicos (G’ y G’’). Ni se detectó influencia en la humedad ni el pH de rellenos debido a la concentración o el tipo de aceite. Sin embargo, el uso de aceite de oliva disminuyó la consistencia desde 1371 Pasn a 148 - 559 Pas, incluso usando concentraciones bajas de aceite como 20% m

  1. Color consilience: color through the lens of art practice, history, philosophy, and neuroscience. (United States)

    Conway, Bevil R


    Paintings can be interpreted as the product of the complex neural machinery that translates physical light signals into behavior, experience, and emotion. The brain mechanisms responsible for vision and perception have been sculpted during evolution and further modified by cultural exposure and development. By closely examining artists' paintings and practices, we can discover hints to how the brain works, and achieve insight into the discoveries and inventions of artists and their impact on culture. Here, I focus on an integral aspect of color, color contrast, which poses a challenge for artists: a mark situated on an otherwise blank canvas will appear a different color in the context of the finished painting. How do artists account for this change in color during the production of a painting? In the broader context of neural and philosophical considerations of color, I discuss the practices of three modern masters, Henri Matisse, Paul Cézanne, and Claude Monet, and suggest that the strategies they developed not only capitalized on the neural mechanisms of color, but also influenced the trajectory of western art history. © 2012 New York Academy of Sciences.

  2. Realizable Triples in Dominator Colorings

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Fletcher, Douglas M


    Given a graph G and its vertex set V(G), the chromatic number, Chi(G), represents the minimum number of colors required to color the vertices of G so that no two adjacent vertices have the same color...

  3. Seasonal Variations in Color Preference. (United States)

    Schloss, Karen B; Nelson, Rolf; Parker, Laura; Heck, Isobel A; Palmer, Stephen E


    We investigated how color preferences vary according to season and whether those changes could be explained by the ecological valence theory (EVT). To do so, we assessed the same participants' preferences for the same colors during fall, winter, spring, and summer in the northeastern United States, where there are large seasonal changes in environmental colors. Seasonal differences were most pronounced between fall and the other three seasons. Participants liked fall-associated dark-warm colors-for example, dark-red, dark-orange (brown), dark-yellow (olive), and dark-chartreuse-more during fall than other seasons. The EVT could explain these changes with a modified version of Palmer and Schloss' (2010) weighted affective valence estimate (WAVE) procedure that added an activation term to the WAVE equation. The results indicate that color preferences change according to season, as color-associated objects become more/less activated in the observer. These seasonal changes in color preferences could not be characterized by overall shifts in weights along cone-contrast axes. Copyright © 2016 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.

  4. Change of color in resins by adding layers of color 'enamel'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lafuente Marin, David; Arce Navarro, Hilda


    The quantification of the color change is proposed at the time of employing enamel resin over dentine resin. Six resins color dentin and two color enamel were used. Five discs of resin were built of each resin, with a deameter of 10 mm and a thicjness of 2 mm. The reflectance spectrophotometer Color-Eye ® 7000-A were used, to obtain the values L*, a*, b* of the dentin resin disks and transposition of these with enamel. The conclusion has been that in the color have produced changes clinically detectable when put layers of enamel. The Resin Helio Fill Transparent has been which has produced major changes. Given the two enamel resins, dentin resin Helio Molar 310/B3 has been which has suffered major changes and Helio Fill A2 which has introduced fewer changes. Most resins have decreased the chroma, less the value. (author) [es

  5. Desarrollo embrionario y larva del sapo Incilius aucoinae (Bufonidae en Golfito, Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susy Segura-Solís


    Full Text Available Se describe la larva y los estadios del desarrollo del huevo y larva de Incilius aucoinae utilizando especímenes del río Cañaza, Golfito, Costa Rica, recolectados en enero de 1997 y enero-febrero de 1998. La muestra fue de 696 individuos, 317 huevos en estadios 1-12, 176 huevos con embriones en estadios 15-16, y 204 renacuajos en estadios 21-43. El promedio del número de huevos por nidada fue de 8 940 (n = 4, los cuales fueron colocados en una hilera, sujetos al sustrato del río. Los huevos en estadios 1-12 tienen un promedio de diámetro de 1.75 (s = 0.38 mm y los huevos con embriones en estadios 15-16 miden 1.33 (0.34 de ancho y 3.06 (1.46 mm de largo. La descripción del renacuajo basada en el espécimen UCR 19982, es como sigue: el dorso, el vientre y la cola son de color café y punteado de café oscuro; la cola mide 9.43 mm y el cuerpo 6.18, para un tamaño total de 15.62; las aletas son pequeñas café claro translúcidas, la dorsal con puntos dispersos y la ventral sin ningún tipo de pigmento oscuro. También es el único renacuajo ovoide con una tendencia a ser aplastado dorso-ventralmente, y con la boca antero-ventral. Dentro de la variación observada, algunos individuos son de color negro (3.4 % y pocos son uniformes (0.5- 1.5 %.Embryonic development and larva of the toad Incilius aucoinae (Bufonidae in Golfito, Costa Rica. The larva and developmental stages of Incilius aucoinae are described using specimens from Río Cañaza, Golfito, Costa Rica. We collected the individuals in January 1997, and January and February 1998. The total sample was 696 individuals, 317 eggs in 1-12 stages, 176 eggs with embryos in stages 15-16, and 204 tadpoles in stages 21-43. The average number of eggs per nest was 8 940 (n = 4. These eggs were laid in strings, attached to the river strata. Eggs in stages 1-12 had an average diameter of 1.75 (s = 0.38 mm and eggs with embryos in stages 15 -16 measured 1.33 (0.34 mm wide and 3.06 (1.46 mm long. The

  6. The Psychological Four-Color Mapping Problem (United States)

    Francis, Gregory; Bias, Keri; Shive, Joshua


    Mathematicians have proven that four colors are sufficient to color 2-D maps so that no neighboring regions share the same color. Here we consider the psychological 4-color problem: Identifying which 4 colors should be used to make a map easy to use. We build a model of visual search for this design task and demonstrate how to apply it to the task…



    ÖZSAVAŞ, Nilay


    In this study, it is mentioned about color that is a keyfactor of interior architecture profession. Firstly, space perception, colorand space interaction, effects of space, color and user relationship is explainedexcept color theories and definitions. Within this scope these are scrutinizingboth perception of color in the space and material and lighting issues thathave a big role in perception. Recent searches, practice methods and evaluationwith examples play a part in this article. It is ai...

  8. Color preference in red–green dichromats (United States)

    Álvaro, Leticia; Moreira, Humberto; Lillo, Julio; Franklin, Anna


    Around 2% of males have red–green dichromacy, which is a genetic disorder of color vision where one type of cone photoreceptor is missing. Here we investigate the color preferences of dichromats. We aim (i) to establish whether the systematic and reliable color preferences of normal trichromatic observers (e.g., preference maximum at blue, minimum at yellow-green) are affected by dichromacy and (ii) to test theories of color preference with a dichromatic sample. Dichromat and normal trichromat observers named and rated how much they liked saturated, light, dark, and focal colors twice. Trichromats had the expected pattern of preference. Dichromats had a reliable pattern of preference that was different to trichromats, with a preference maximum rather than minimum at yellow and a much weaker preference for blue than trichromats. Color preference was more affected in observers who lacked the cone type sensitive to long wavelengths (protanopes) than in those who lacked the cone type sensitive to medium wavelengths (deuteranopes). Trichromats’ preferences were summarized effectively in terms of cone-contrast between color and background, and yellow-blue cone-contrast could account for dichromats’ pattern of preference, with some evidence for residual red–green activity in deuteranopes’ preference. Dichromats’ color naming also could account for their color preferences, with colors named more accurately and quickly being more preferred. This relationship between color naming and preference also was present for trichromat males but not females. Overall, the findings provide novel evidence on how dichromats experience color, advance the understanding of why humans like some colors more than others, and have implications for general theories of aesthetics. PMID:26170287

  9. From ultra-dense QCD towards NICA densities: Color-flavor locking and other color superconductors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmitt, Andreas [University of Southampton, Mathematical Sciences and STAG Research Centre, Southampton (United Kingdom)


    At asymptotically large densities and sufficiently low temperatures, quark matter is a color superconductor in the color-flavor locked phase. I present a brief discussion of this phase and of possible other color superconductors that may appear at densities reached at NICA and in the interior of compact stars. (orig.)

  10. Color perception involves color representations firstly at a semantic level and then at a lexical level. (United States)

    Heurley, Loïc P; Brouillet, Thibaut; Chesnoy, Gabrielle; Brouillet, Denis


    Studies and models have suggested that color perception first involves access to semantic representations of color. This result leads to two questions: (1) is knowledge able to influence the perception of color when associated with a color? and (2) can the perception of color really involve only semantic representations? We developed an experiment where participants have to discriminate the color of a patch (yellow vs. green). The target patch is preceded either by a black-and-white line drawing or by a word representing a natural object associated with the same or a different color (banana vs. frog). We expected a priming effect for pictures because, with a 350-ms SOA, they only involve access to semantic representations of color, whereas words seem only elicit an access to lexical representations. As expected, we found a priming effect for pictures, but also for words. Moreover, we found a general slowdown of response times in the word-prime-condition suggesting the need of an additional processing step to produce priming. In a second experiment, we manipulated the SOA in order to preclude a semantic access in the word-prime-condition that could explain the additional step of processing. We also found a priming effect, suggesting that interaction with perception occurs at a lexical level and the additional step occurs at a color perception level. In the discussion, we develop a new model of color perception assuming that color perception involves access to semantic representations and then access to lexical representations.

  11. Reconstruction of multispectral light field (5d plenoptic function based on compressive sensing with colored coded apertures from 2D projections

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kareth Marcela León-López


    Full Text Available Los sistemas de adquisición de información espacio – angular en 4D o campos de luz, han avanzado en la última década debido a la inclusión de aperturas codificadas en el camino óptico del sistema. Dichas aperturas, modulan la luz codificando la información antes de ser capturada. Tradicionalmente, estas aperturas codificadas son aperturas binarias, es decir, bloquean o dejan pasar los rayos de luz en la dimensión espacial haciendo que se capture información dispersa de la escena. En este trabajo, se reemplazan las aperturas binarias por aperturas codificadas de color, que además de modular la luz espacialmente lo hacen espectralmente. De esta forma, es posible adquirir campos de luz en múltiples longitudes de onda y aumentar su resolución espectral. La importancia de obtener información en el espectro radica en que es posible capturar características que no están presentes en el rango visible del espectro electromagnético. En este artículo, se propone un algoritmo que simula la adquisición de una imagen de campo de luz usando aperturas codificadas de color. El sistema propuesto aprovecha la redundancia de información que se presenta en la escena basándose en la teoría del muestreo compresivo, así, solo se captura una señal dispersa de la escena. La imagen multidimensional es recuperada a partir de dicha señal mediante un algoritmo de reconstrucción. Los resultados de simulación muestran la calidad de reconstrucción del campo de luz multiespectral. La calidad de las reconstrucciones obtenidas es de alrededor de 25 dB en PSNR.

  12. Modeling Color Difference for Visualization Design. (United States)

    Szafir, Danielle Albers


    Color is frequently used to encode values in visualizations. For color encodings to be effective, the mapping between colors and values must preserve important differences in the data. However, most guidelines for effective color choice in visualization are based on either color perceptions measured using large, uniform fields in optimal viewing environments or on qualitative intuitions. These limitations may cause data misinterpretation in visualizations, which frequently use small, elongated marks. Our goal is to develop quantitative metrics to help people use color more effectively in visualizations. We present a series of crowdsourced studies measuring color difference perceptions for three common mark types: points, bars, and lines. Our results indicate that peoples' abilities to perceive color differences varies significantly across mark types. Probabilistic models constructed from the resulting data can provide objective guidance for designers, allowing them to anticipate viewer perceptions in order to inform effective encoding design.

  13. Explorative analysis of 2D color maps


    Steiger, Martin; Bernard, Jürgen; Thum, Simon; Mittelstädt, Sebastian; Hutter, Marco; Keim, Daniel A.; Kohlhammer, Jörn


    Color is one of the most important visual variables in information visualization. In many cases, two-dimensional information can be color-coded based on a 2D color map. A variety of color maps as well as a number of quality criteria for the use of color have been presented. The choice of the best color map depends on the analytical task users intend to perform and the design space in choosing an appropriate 2D color map is large. In this paper, we present the ColorMap-Explorer, a visual-inter...

  14. Children's Book Color Preferences as Related to Their Favorite Color. (United States)

    Locke, Jill L.

    Because young children disregard writing on the spine of a book, researchers chose to run a test on color preferences in books. In a library situation young children see most books from a spine-out angle; thus when allowed to select a book by themselves, the first characteristics noticed are size and color. This study is based on the hypothesis…

  15. Enhancement of Afterimage Colors by Surrounding Contours

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takao Sato


    Full Text Available Presenting luminance contours surrounding the adapted areas in test phase enhances color afterimages in both duration and color appearance. The presence of surrounding contour is crucial to some color phenomenon such as van Lier's afterimage, but the contour-effect itself has not been seriously examined. In this paper, we compared the contour-effect to color afterimages and to actually colored patches to examine the nature of color information subserving color-aftereffect. In the experiment, observers were adapted for 1 sec to a small colored square (red, green, yellow, or blue presented on a gray background. Then, a test field either with or without surrounding contour was presented. Observers matched the color of a test-patch located near the afterimage to the color of afterimage. It was found that the saturation of negative afterimage was almost doubled by the presence of surrounding contours. There was no effect of luminance contrast or polarity of contours. In contrast, no enhancement of saturation by surrounding contours was observed for actually colored patches even though the colors of patches were equalized to that of afterimage without contours. This dissociation in the contour-effect demonstrates the crucial difference between the color information for aftereffects and for ordinary bottom-up color perception.

  16. Towards representation of a perceptual color manifold using associative memory for color constancy. (United States)

    Seow, Ming-Jung; Asari, Vijayan K


    In this paper, we propose the concept of a manifold of color perception through empirical observation that the center-surround properties of images in a perceptually similar environment define a manifold in the high dimensional space. Such a manifold representation can be learned using a novel recurrent neural network based learning algorithm. Unlike the conventional recurrent neural network model in which the memory is stored in an attractive fixed point at discrete locations in the state space, the dynamics of the proposed learning algorithm represent memory as a nonlinear line of attraction. The region of convergence around the nonlinear line is defined by the statistical characteristics of the training data. This learned manifold can then be used as a basis for color correction of the images having different color perception to the learned color perception. Experimental results show that the proposed recurrent neural network learning algorithm is capable of color balance the lighting variations in images captured in different environments successfully.

  17. A universal color image quality metric

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Toet, A.; Lucassen, M.P.


    We extend a recently introduced universal grayscale image quality index to a newly developed perceptually decorrelated color space. The resulting color image quality index quantifies the distortion of a processed color image relative to its original version. We evaluated the new color image quality

  18. Spectrophotometer-Based Color Measurements (United States)


    equipment. There are several American Society for Testing and Materials ( ASTM ) chapters covering the use of spectrometers for color measurements (refs. 3...Perkin Elmer software and procedures described in ASTM chapter E308 (ref. 3). All spectral data was stored on the computer. A summary of the color...similarity, or lack thereof, between two colors (ref. 5). In this report, the Euclidean distance metric, E, is used and recommended in ASTM D2244

  19. La estandarización del modelo de programa de mano Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr. James F. Willis García-Talavera


    Full Text Available La exhaustiva renovación practicada en el diseño del típico programa de mano Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, en las postrimerías de la década de los treinta, rompió definitivamente con los tradicionales conceptos anteriores. Esa estandarización de formatos supuso la instauración definitiva del margen blanco, el predominio de los colores vivos y los contrastes acusados, así como la abundancia de primeros planos de los actores protagonistas entre las figuras representadas. Este artículo analiza dicha transformación a través de diferentes teorías sobre la representatividad, simbolismo, separación, valoración y elocuencia de ese peculiar objeto publicitario.

  20. Color Vision in Aniridia. (United States)

    Pedersen, Hilde R; Hagen, Lene A; Landsend, Erlend C S; Gilson, Stuart J; Utheim, Øygunn A; Utheim, Tor P; Neitz, Maureen; Baraas, Rigmor C


    To assess color vision and its association with retinal structure in persons with congenital aniridia. We included 36 persons with congenital aniridia (10-66 years), and 52 healthy, normal trichromatic controls (10-74 years) in the study. Color vision was assessed with Hardy-Rand-Rittler (HRR) pseudo-isochromatic plates (4th ed., 2002); Cambridge Color Test and a low-vision version of the Color Assessment and Diagnosis test (CAD-LV). Cone-opsin genes were analyzed to confirm normal versus congenital color vision deficiencies. Visual acuity and ocular media opacities were assessed. The central 30° of both eyes were imaged with the Heidelberg Spectralis OCT2 to grade the severity of foveal hypoplasia (FH, normal to complete: 0-4). Five participants with aniridia had cone opsin genes conferring deutan color vision deficiency and were excluded from further analysis. Of the 31 with aniridia and normal opsin genes, 11 made two or more red-green (RG) errors on HRR, four of whom also made yellow-blue (YB) errors; one made YB errors only. A total of 19 participants had higher CAD-LV RG thresholds, of which eight also had higher CAD-LV YB thresholds, than normal controls. In aniridia, the thresholds were higher along the RG than the YB axis, and those with a complete FH had significantly higher RG thresholds than those with mild FH (P = 0.038). Additional increase in YB threshold was associated with secondary ocular pathology. Arrested foveal formation and associated alterations in retinal processing are likely to be the primary reason for impaired red-green color vision in aniridia.

  1. Association and Genetic Identification of Loci for Four Fruit Traits in Tomato Using InDel Markers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaoxi Liu


    Full Text Available Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum fruit weight (FW, soluble solid content (SSC, fruit shape and fruit color are crucial for yield, quality and consumer acceptability. In this study, a 192 accessions tomato association panel comprising a mixture of wild species, cherry tomato, landraces, and modern varieties collected worldwide was genotyped with 547 InDel markers evenly distributed on 12 chromosomes and scored for FW, SSC, fruit shape index (FSI, and color parameters over 2 years with three replications each year. The association panel was sorted into two subpopulations. Linkage disequilibrium ranged from 3.0 to 47.2 Mb across 12 chromosomes. A set of 102 markers significantly (p < 1.19–1.30 × 10−4 associated with SSC, FW, fruit shape, and fruit color was identified on 11 of the 12 chromosomes using a mixed linear model. The associations were compared with the known gene/QTLs for the same traits. Genetic analysis using F2 populations detected 14 and 4 markers significantly (p < 0.05 associated with SSC and FW, respectively. Some loci were commonly detected by both association and linkage analysis. Particularly, one novel locus for FW on chromosome 4 detected by association analysis was also identified in F2 populations. The results demonstrated that association mapping using limited number of InDel markers and a relatively small population could not only complement and enhance previous QTL information, but also identify novel loci for marker-assisted selection of fruit traits in tomato.

  2. Munsell color analysis of Landsat color-ratio-composite images of limonitic areas in southwest New Mexico (United States)

    Kruse, F. A.


    The causes of color variations in the green areas on Landsat 4/5-4/6-6/7 (red-blue-green) color-ratio-composite (CRC) images, defined as limonitic areas, were investigated by analyzing the CRC images of the Lordsburg, New Mexico area. The red-blue-green additive color system was mathematically transformed into the cylindrical Munsell color coordinates (hue, saturation, and value), and selected areas were digitally analyzed for color variation. The obtained precise color characteristics were then correlated with properties of surface material. The amount of limonite (L) visible to the sensor was found to be the primary cause of the observed color differences. The visible L is, is turn, affected by the amount of L on the material's surface and by within-pixel mixing of limonitic and nonlimonitic materials. The secondary cause of variation was vegetation density, which shifted CRC hues towards yellow-green, decreased saturation, and increased value.

  3. 7 CFR 29.3508 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 29.3508 Section 29.3508 Agriculture Regulations... Type 95) § 29.3508 Color. The third factor of a grade based on the relative hues, saturations or chromas, and color values common to the type. ...

  4. 7 CFR 29.1005 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 29.1005 Section 29.1005 Agriculture Regulations... Type 92) § 29.1005 Color. The third factor of a grade based on the relative hues, saturations or chromas, and color values common to the type. ...

  5. Schopenhauer on vision and the colors. (United States)

    Crone, R A


    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) published his book, On Vision and the Colors in 1816. He started from Aristotle's linear color system and Goethe's three pairs of contrast colors. His work preceded Hering's theory of opponent colors but his path to insight was blocked by his anti-Newtonianism and his neo-Hellenistic attitude toward science. Because of his theory of the subjectivity of colors he was a forerunner of the psycho-physiological variant of neo-Kantianism.

  6. Advanced Color Image Processing and Analysis

    CERN Document Server


    This volume does much more than survey modern advanced color processing. Starting with a historical perspective on ways we have classified color, it sets out the latest numerical techniques for analyzing and processing colors, the leading edge in our search to accurately record and print what we see. The human eye perceives only a fraction of available light wavelengths, yet we live in a multicolor world of myriad shining hues. Colors rich in metaphorical associations make us “purple with rage” or “green with envy” and cause us to “see red.” Defining colors has been the work of centuries, culminating in today’s complex mathematical coding that nonetheless remains a work in progress: only recently have we possessed the computing capacity to process the algebraic matrices that reproduce color more accurately. With chapters on dihedral color and image spectrometers, this book provides technicians and researchers with the knowledge they need to grasp the intricacies of today’s color imaging.

  7. Color contrasting in radioscopy systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopaev, V.P.; Pavlov, S.V.; Nazarenko, V.G.


    Transformation principles for achromatic radioscopy control systems to color ones have been considered. Described is the developed ''Gamma 1'' roentgen-TV facility with color contrasting, which is based on the principle of analog conversion of brightness signal to a hue. By means of color channels amplifiers realized are the special amplitude characteristics, permitting in comparison with the common method of analogous transformation to obtain the greater number of hues within the identical range of brightnesses of image under investigation due to introducing purple colors. The investigation of amplitude resolution capability of color contrasting device has shown, that in the case of color contrasting of image the amplitude resolution is 1.7-1.8 time higher than in the case of achromatic one. Defectoscopic sensitivity during the testing of 5-20 mm thick steel products in the process of experimental-production tests turned out to be 1.1-1.3 time higher when using color contrasting of radioscopic image. Realization simplicity, high resolution, noise stability and wide functional possibilities of the facility show the prospects for its using during the quality control of welded joints in products of power engineering


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    I Dewa Putu Wijana


    Full Text Available This brief article deals with the use of Indonesian words referring to colors for creating metaphorical expressions. All data presented are collected from various sources, such as Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Standard Dictionary, and added with data obtained from Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary, Indonesian proverb book, encyclopedia, terminology collection book, poetry anthology, song lyrics, and data of the author’s own creation as an Indonesian native speaker. Set aside from their literal meanings, the metaphorically used color words are collected and classified into two categories, i.e. achromatic and chromatic colors. Then, their universalities are determined by comparing them with English color metaphors. Finally the existence of specific Indonesian color metaphors are identified by correlating them with extra linguistic factors, such as environment, history, religion, politic and other socio cultural activities. A careful analysis on the data shows that there is nearly no significant difference in metaphorical uses of achromatic colors in English and Indonesian. However, despite universal nuances of chromatic color metaphors, some specific ones emerge due to various external factors, such as environment, education, history, politic, law, religion, literature, and other socio cultural facts that are specifically found and practiced in Indonesia.

  9. Reducción de pentaclorofenol en el agua cruda del río Cauca mediante adsorción con carbón activado en procesos de potabilización


    Torres, Patricia; Cruz, Camilo; González, Magally; Gutiérrez, Héctor Mario; Barba, Luz Edith; Escobar, Juan Carlos; Delgado, Luis Germán


    La reducción del riesgo químico del agua cruda del río Cauca causado por la presencia de pentaclorofenol y materia orgánica (color real, absorbancia UV254) se evaluó a escala de laboratorio mediante tres secuencias de tratamiento: adsorción con carbón activado en polvo (CAP); adsorción-coagulación y adsorción-desinfección-coagulación. Los resultados mostraron que el CAP es un compuesto adecuado para la remoción del pentaclorofenol y que su uso conjunto con el coagulante (sulfato de aluminio) ...

  10. Reducción de pentaclorofenol en el agua cruda del río cauca mediante adsorción con carbón activado en procesos de potabilización


    Cruz Vélez, Camilo Hernán; González, Magally; Gutiérrez, Héctor Mario; Barba, Luz Edith; Escobar, Juan Carlos; Germán Delgado, Luis; Torres, Patricia


    La reducción del riesgo químico del agua cruda del río Cauca causado por la presencia de pentaclorofenol y materia orgánica (color real, absorbancia UV254) se evaluó a escala de laboratorio mediante tres secuencias de tratamiento: adsorción con carbón activado en polvo (CAP); adsorción–coagulación y adsorción–desinfección-coagulación. Los resultados mostraron que el CAP es un compuesto adecuado para la remoción del pentaclorofenol y que su uso conjunto con el coagulante (sulfato de aluminio) ...

  11. Influence of framework color and layering technique on the final color of zirconia veneered restorations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aboushelib, M.N.; Dozic, A.; Liem, J.K.


    Objective: To investigate the influence of colored zirconia frameworks on the overall color match of zirconia- veneered restorations. Method and Materials: Identical natural and colored zirconia frameworks (Cercon Base, Degudent) were layered using a veneer ceramic (IPS e.max Ceram Dentin, Ivoclar

  12. Number of discernible object colors is a conundrum. (United States)

    Masaoka, Kenichiro; Berns, Roy S; Fairchild, Mark D; Moghareh Abed, Farhad


    Widely varying estimates of the number of discernible object colors have been made by using various methods over the past 100 years. To clarify the source of the discrepancies in the previous, inconsistent estimates, the number of discernible object colors is estimated over a wide range of color temperatures and illuminance levels using several chromatic adaptation models, color spaces, and color difference limens. Efficient and accurate models are used to compute optimal-color solids and count the number of discernible colors. A comprehensive simulation reveals limitations in the ability of current color appearance models to estimate the number of discernible colors even if the color solid is smaller than the optimal-color solid. The estimates depend on the color appearance model, color space, and color difference limen used. The fundamental problem lies in the von Kries-type chromatic adaptation transforms, which have an unknown effect on the ranking of the number of discernible colors at different color temperatures.

  13. Parton shower evolution with subleading color

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagy, Zoltan; Soper, Davison E.


    Parton shower Monte Carlo event generators in which the shower evolves from hard splittings to soft splittings generally use the leading color approximation, which is the leading term in an expansion in powers of 1/N c 2 , where N c =3 is the number of colors. We introduce a more general approximation, the LC+ approximation, that includes some of the color suppressed contributions. There is a cost: each generated event comes with a weight. There is a benefit: at each splitting the leading soft x collinear singularity and the leading collinear singularity are treated exactly with respect to color. In addition, an LC+ shower can start from a state of the color density matrix in which the bra state color and the ket state color do not match. (orig.)

  14. Parton shower evolution with subleading color

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagy, Zoltan [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Soper, Davison E. [Oregon Univ., Eugene, OR (United States). Inst. of Theoretical Science


    Parton shower Monte Carlo event generators in which the shower evolves from hard splittings to soft splittings generally use the leading color approximation, which is the leading term in an expansion in powers of 1/N{sub c}{sup 2}, where N{sub c}=3 is the number of colors. We introduce a more general approximation, the LC+ approximation, that includes some of the color suppressed contributions. There is a cost: each generated event comes with a weight. There is a benefit: at each splitting the leading soft x collinear singularity and the leading collinear singularity are treated exactly with respect to color. In addition, an LC+ shower can start from a state of the color density matrix in which the bra state color and the ket state color do not match. (orig.)

  15. Progress in color night vision

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Toet, A.; Hogervorst, M.A.


    We present an overview of our recent progress and the current state-of-the-art techniques of color image fusion for night vision applications. Inspired by previously developed color opponent fusing schemes, we initially developed a simple pixel-based false color-mapping scheme that yielded fused

  16. 7 CFR 29.3010 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 29.3010 Section 29.3010 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing... Color. The third factor of a grade, based on the relative hues, saturations or chroma, and color values...

  17. Personalized 2D color maps

    KAUST Repository

    Waldin, Nicholas; Bernhard, Matthias; Rautek, Peter; Viola, Ivan


    . In this paper we present a novel method to measure a user's ability to distinguish colors of a two-dimensional color map on a given monitor. We show how to adapt the color map to the user and display to optimally compensate for the measured deficiencies

  18. 7 CFR 29.2254 - Brown colors. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Brown colors. 29.2254 Section 29.2254 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing... colors. A group of colors ranging from a reddish brown to yellowish brown. These colors vary from low to...

  19. 7 CFR 51.1860 - Color classification. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color classification. 51.1860 Section 51.1860... STANDARDS) United States Standards for Fresh Tomatoes 1 Color Classification § 51.1860 Color classification... illustrating the color classification requirements, as set forth in this section. This visual aid may be...

  20. The Yin and Yang of Colors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abildgaard, Michael


    independent, device dependent, additive and subtractive color systems. In each color system, it is attempted to calculate the Complementary Color to an orange Brand Color (Pantone 151 C). The results are compared to the results from an online Adobe Creative Cloud Service, Adobe Kuler which was chosen because...

  1. Contact Lenses for Color Blindness. (United States)

    Badawy, Abdel-Rahman; Hassan, Muhammad Umair; Elsherif, Mohamed; Ahmed, Zubair; Yetisen, Ali K; Butt, Haider


    Color vision deficiency (color blindness) is an inherited genetic ocular disorder. While no cure for this disorder currently exists, several methods can be used to increase the color perception of those affected. One such method is the use of color filtering glasses which are based on Bragg filters. While these glasses are effective, they are high cost, bulky, and incompatible with other vision correction eyeglasses. In this work, a rhodamine derivative is incorporated in commercial contact lenses to filter out the specific wavelength bands (≈545-575 nm) to correct color vision blindness. The biocompatibility assessment of the dyed contact lenses in human corneal fibroblasts and human corneal epithelial cells shows no toxicity and cell viability remains at 99% after 72 h. This study demonstrates the potential of the dyed contact lenses in wavelength filtering and color vision deficiency management. © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. A comparison of color fidelity metrics for light sources using simulation of color samples under lighting conditions (United States)

    Kwon, Hyeokjun; Kang, Yoojin; Jang, Junwoo


    Color fidelity has been used as one of indices to evaluate the performance of light sources. Since the Color Rendering Index (CRI) was proposed at CIE, many color fidelity metrics have been proposed to increase the accuracy of the metric. This paper focuses on a comparison of the color fidelity metrics in an aspect of accuracy with human visual assessments. To visually evaluate the color fidelity of light sources, we made a simulator that reproduces the color samples under lighting conditions. In this paper, eighteen color samples of the Macbeth color checker under test light sources and reference illuminant for each of them are simulated and displayed on a well-characterized monitor. With only a spectrum set of the test light source and reference illuminant, color samples under any lighting condition can be reproduced. In this paper, the spectrums of the two LED and two OLED light sources that have similar values of CRI are used for the visual assessment. In addition, the results of the visual assessment are compared with the two color fidelity metrics that include CRI and IES TM-30-15 (Rf), proposed by Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) in 2015. Experimental results indicate that Rf outperforms CRI in terms of the correlation with visual assessment.

  3. Colecta y rescate del conocimiento local de algodones nativos en las costas de los estados Falcón y Aragua, Venezuela


    Gutiérrez M, Margaret; Trujillo, Baltazar; Pérez, Delis; Márques, Alexis; Pacheco, William


    Con el objetivo de rescatar la variabilidad genética del género Gossypium en Venezuela, se realizaron dos expediciones de colecta en los estados Falcón (formaciones climásicas y sucesionales de espinares) y Aragua (zona costera). Fueron colectados 23 ejemplares nativos de crecimiento subespontáneo; para la clasificación botánica se utilizaron los descriptores color de planta y hoja, número de lóbulos, forma de las hojas, color de los pétalos, presencia de "Petal Spot" (mancha púrpura en la ba...

  4. Rotation Invariant Color Retrieval


    Swapna Borde; Udhav Bhosle


    The new technique for image retrieval using the color features extracted from images based on LogHistogram is proposed. The proposed technique is compared with Global color histogram and histogram ofcorners .It has been observed that number of histogram bins used for retrieval comparison of proposedtechnique (Log Histogram)is less as compared to Global Color Histogram and Histogram of corners. Theexperimental results on a database of 792 images with 11 classes indicate that proposed method (L...

  5. Colored fused filament fabrication


    Song, Haichuan; Lefebvre, Sylvain


    Filament fused fabrication is the method of choice for printing 3D models at low cost, and is the de-facto standard for hobbyists, makers and schools. Unfortunately, filament printers cannot truly reproduce colored objects. The best current techniques rely on a form of dithering exploiting occlusion, that was only demonstrated for shades of two base colors and that behaves differently depending on surface slope. We explore a novel approach for 3D printing colored objects, capable of creating ...

  6. EXAFS analysis of full color glasses and glass ceramics: local order and color

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santa Cruz, Petrus A.; Sa, Gilberto F. de; Malta, Oscar L.; Silva, Jose expedito Cavalcante


    The generation and control of the relative intensities of the primary additive colors in solid state light emitters is very important to the development of higher resolution media, used in color monitors, solid state sensors, large area and flat displays and other optoelectronic devices. We have developed a multi-doped glassy material named FCG (full color glass, to generate and to control the primary light colors, allowing the simulation of any color of light by additive synthesis. Tm(III), Tb(III) and Eu(III) ions were used (0.01 to 5.0 mol%) as blue, green and red narrow emitters. A wide color gamut was obtained under ultraviolet excitation by varying the material composition. The chromaticity diagram is covered, including the white simulation. We proposed a mechanism to control the chromaticity of a fixed composition of the material, using the Er (III) as a selective quencher that may be deactivated by infrared excitation. Although this new material presents at this time a high efficiency, it may be improved because the energy transfer between the rare earth triad may be still reduced. Optical spectroscopy measurements confirms that it is still possible to improve the efficiency of the FCC material. EXAFS analysis will be used to probe the local environment around the triad of rare earth that generates the primary colors. For this purpose we have prepared single doped glasses with each component of the triad with the same concentration than FCG. The devitrification of these glasses will be analyzed in order to produce glassceramics with ion segregation. (author)

  7. Color back projection for fruit maturity evaluation (United States)

    Zhang, Dong; Lee, Dah-Jye; Desai, Alok


    In general, fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and dates are harvested before they fully ripen. After harvesting, they continue to ripen and their color changes. Color is a good indicator of fruit maturity. For example, tomatoes change color from dark green to light green and then pink, light red, and dark red. Assessing tomato maturity helps maximize its shelf life. Color is used to determine the length of time the tomatoes can be transported. Medjool dates change color from green to yellow, and the orange, light red and dark red. Assessing date maturity helps determine the length of drying process to help ripen the dates. Color evaluation is an important step in the processing and inventory control of fruits and vegetables that directly affects profitability. This paper presents an efficient color back projection and image processing technique that is designed specifically for real-time maturity evaluation of fruits. This color processing method requires very simple training procedure to obtain the frequencies of colors that appear in each maturity stage. This color statistics is used to back project colors to predefined color indexes. Fruit maturity is then evaluated by analyzing the reprojected color indexes. This method has been implemented and used for commercial production.

  8. Flavonoid biosynthesis controls fiber color in naturally colored cotton

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hai-Feng Liu


    Full Text Available The existence of only natural brown and green cotton fibers (BCF and GCF, respectively, as well as poor fiber quality, limits the use of naturally colored cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.. A better understanding of fiber pigment regulation is needed to surmount these obstacles. In this work, transcriptome analysis and quantitative reverse transcription PCR revealed that 13 and 9 phenylpropanoid (metabolic pathway genes were enriched during pigment synthesis, while the differential expression of phenylpropanoid (metabolic and flavonoid metabolic pathway genes occurred among BCF, GCF, and white cotton fibers (WCF. Silencing the chalcone flavanone isomerase gene in a BCF line resulted in three fiber phenotypes among offspring of the RNAi lines: BCF, almost WCF, and GCF. The lines with almost WCF suppressed chalcone flavanone isomerase, while the lines with GCF highly expressed the glucosyl transferase (3GT gene. Overexpression of the Gh3GT or Arabidopsis thaliana 3GT gene in BCF lines resulted in GCF. Additionally, the phenylpropanoid and flavonoid metabolites of BCF and GCF were significantly higher than those of WCF as assessed by a metabolomics analysis. Thus, the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway controls both brown and green pigmentation processes. Like natural colored fibers, the transgenic colored fibers were weaker and shorter than WCF. This study shows the potential of flavonoid pathway modifications to alter cotton fibers’ color and quality.

  9. La biología del color protector en las mariposas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richter Leopold


    Full Text Available Los conocimientos biológicos no pueden ser considerados correctamente si se han obtenido en seres vivos, de un medio ambiente, transformado por el hombre a través de muchas centurias, como ocurre en Europa.  Por otra parte los primeros «amigos de la naturaleza» eran hijos de una época supremamente romántica y de aquella datan conceptos como «flores hermosas», «mariposas bellas». «abejas laboriosas» que contribuyen hasta para el establecimiento de leyes biológicas.  Talles conceptos se han conservado y propagado a través de los años en las cátedras de biología y en los textos escolares, como si existiesen realmente. Lo antiguo, ya aceptado, se hereda sin disgusto, especialmente si se lo relaciona con historietas amenas.  Un concepto de esta naturaleza se denomina «el colorido protector» en los insectos y especialmente en los lepidópteros. Para ver esto se hace necesario, en primer lugar, estar en medio ambiente que no haya sufrido de ninguna manera la influencia demoledora del hombre. Como segunda medida muy lógicamente debe descubrirse contra qué se protege; en el caso nuestro, una mariposa cualquiera.

  10. 7 CFR 58.633 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 58.633 Section 58.633 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections....633 Color. Coloring used for ice cream and related products shall be those certified by the U.S. Food...

  11. Effects of hue, saturation, and brightness on preference: a study on Goethe's color circle with RGB color space (United States)

    Camgoz, Nilgun; Yener, Cengiz


    In order to investigate preference responses for foreground- background color relationships, 85 university undergraduates in Ankara, Turkey, viewed 6 background colors (red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and magenta) on which color squares of differing hues, saturations, and brightnesses were presented. All the background colors had maximum brightness (100%) and maximum saturation (100%). Subjects were asked to show the color square they preferred on the presented background color viewed through a computer monitor. The experimental setup consisted of a computer monitor located in a windowless room, illuminated with cove lighting. The findings of the experiment show that the brightness 100%- saturation 100% range is significantly preferred the most (p-value < 0.03). Thus, color squares that are most saturated and brightest are preferred on backgrounds of most saturated and brightest colors. Regardless of the background colors viewed, the subjects preferred blue the most (p-value < 0.01). Findings of the study are also discussed with pertinent research on the field. Through this analysis, an understanding of foreground-background color relationships in terms of preference is sought.

  12. Colors in Mind: A Novel Paradigm to Investigate Pure Color Imagery (United States)

    Wantz, Andrea L.; Borst, Grégoire; Mast, Fred W.; Lobmaier, Janek S.


    Mental color imagery abilities are commonly measured using paradigms that involve naming, judging, or comparing the colors of visual mental images of well-known objects (e.g., "Is a sunflower darker yellow than a lemon"?). Although this approach is widely used in patient studies, differences in the ability to perform such color…

  13. A color hierarchy for automatic target selection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Illia Tchernikov

    Full Text Available Visual processing of color starts at the cones in the retina and continues through ventral stream visual areas, called the parvocellular pathway. Motion processing also starts in the retina but continues through dorsal stream visual areas, called the magnocellular system. Color and motion processing are functionally and anatomically discrete. Previously, motion processing areas MT and MST have been shown to have no color selectivity to a moving stimulus; the neurons were colorblind whenever color was presented along with motion. This occurs when the stimuli are luminance-defined versus the background and is considered achromatic motion processing. Is motion processing independent of color processing? We find that motion processing is intrinsically modulated by color. Color modulated smooth pursuit eye movements produced upon saccading to an aperture containing a surface of coherently moving dots upon a black background. Furthermore, when two surfaces that differed in color were present, one surface was automatically selected based upon a color hierarchy. The strength of that selection depended upon the distance between the two colors in color space. A quantifiable color hierarchy for automatic target selection has wide-ranging implications from sports to advertising to human-computer interfaces.

  14. P1-9: Relationship between Color Shifts in Land's Two-Color Method and Higher- and Lower-Level Visual Information

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saki Iwaida


    Full Text Available Land's two-color method gives rise to apparent full-color perception, even though only two colors (e.g., red and gray are used. Previous studies indicate that chromatic adaptation, color memory, and inductive effects contribute to the shifts of color perception from real to illusory colors (e.g., Kuriki, 2006 Vision Research 46 3055–3066. This paper investigates the relationship between the color shifts induced by Land images and the skewness of the luminance histogram. In Experiment 1, several Land images are created based on a yellow ball, and the magnitude of the color shifts of the images are measured. The results of Experiment 1 show a significant correlation between the magnitude of the color shifts and skewness, suggesting that skewness is critical for the color shifts. In Experiment 2, we test the hypothesis that color shifts depends on just skewness; the color shifts should be invariant even if the Land images are scrambled. However, the results of Experiment 2 demonstrate that scrambled Land images exhibit less intense color shifts, suggesting that color shifts are determined by the object's overall shape or surface gloss, not just skewness. Taken together, we conclude that both low-level visual processes, such as those associated with luminance histogram skew, and high-level cognitive functions, such as object interpretation or understanding of surface gloss, are involved in the color shift of Land images.

  15. The color of polarization in cuprate superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoff, H.A.; Osofsky, M.S.; Lechter, W.L.; Pande, C.S.


    A technique for the identification of individual anisotropic grains in a heterogeneous and opaque material involves the observation of grain color in reflected light through crossed polarizers (color of polarization). Such colors are generally characteristic of particular phases. When grains of many members of the class of hole carrier cuprate superconductors are so viewed at room temperature with a 'daylight' source, a characteristic color of polarization is observed. This color was studied in many of these cuprate superconductors and a strong correlation was found between color and the existence of superconductivity. Two members were also examined of the electron cuprate superconductors and it was found that they possess the same color of polarization as the hole carrier cuprate superconductors so far examined. The commonality of the characteristic color regardless of charge carrier indicates that the presence of this color is independent of carrier type. The correlation of this color with the existence of superconductivity in the cuprate superconductors suggests that the origin of the color relates to the origin of superconductivity. Photometric techniques are also discussed

  16. Comparison of the performance of masterbatch and liquid color concentrates for mass coloration of polypropylene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haastrup, Sonja; Yu, Donghong; Broch, Thomas


    The properties of polypropylene (PP) mixed with masterbatch (MB) and liquid color concentrates (LCC), respectively, were compared by preparing samples of PP with MB and PP with LCC and neat PP as a reference material using 1–4 extrusion cycles. Two colors were examined, i.e., a white color...... consisting of pigment white 6, and a green color consisting of pigment white 6, pigment blue 15:3, and pigment green 7. The color difference between PP prepared with MB and LCC was determined and the mechanical, rheological, and crystalline properties of PP prepared with MB and LCC were found to be generic....... The color of PP obtained from MB and LCC were comparable. Further, it was found that the tensile strength, the viscosity, and the crystal structure obtained were similar when using LCC instead of MB. The viscosity of the treated PP generally decreased with increasing extruder retention time due to thermal...

  17. Analytical method for Buddleja colorants in foods. (United States)

    Aoki, H; Kuze, N; Ichi, T; Koda, T


    Buddleja yellow colorant derived from Buddleja officinalis Maxim. has recently been approved for use as a new kind of natural colorant for food additives in China. In order to distinguish Buddleja yellow colorant from other yellow colorants, two known phenylpropanoid glycosides, acteoside (= verbascoside) and poliumoside, were isolated from the colorant as marker substances for Buddleja yellow colorant. Poliumoside has not been detected in B. officinalis Maxim. previously. These phenylpropanoid glycosides were not detected in the fruits of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis or in the stamens of the flowers of Crocus sativus L., which also contain crocetin derivatives as coloring components, using a photodiode array and mass chromatograms. Thus, an analytical HPLC method was developed to distinguish foods that have been colored with yellow colorants containing crocetin derivatives, using phenylpropanoid glycosides as markers.

  18. 7 CFR 28.413 - Middling Light Spotted Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Middling Light Spotted Color. 28.413 Section 28.413... Spotted Color. Middling Light Spotted Color is color which in spot or color, or both, is between Middling Color and Middling Spotted Color. ...

  19. Manual de uso del programa VSD (Video Stereo Digitalizador)


    Almagro, Antonio; López Hernández, Gerardo


    El Vídeo Estéreo Digitalizador (VSD) de AGH, creado por el profesor J.J. Jachimski y el informático J.M. Zielinski del Departamento de Fotogrametría y Teledetección informática de la Universidad de Minería y Metalurgia de Cracovia, es un estereorrestituidor concebido para la producción de dibujos vectoriales a partir de pares de imágenes fotogramétricas digitales, en blanco y negro o color (estereopares u ortoestereopares). El VSD utiliza imágenes digitales, lo cual se traduce en la posibilid...

  20. 7 CFR 51.2283 - Off color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Off color. 51.2283 Section 51.2283 Agriculture... Standards for Shelled English Walnuts (Juglans Regia) Color Requirements § 51.2283 Off color. The term “off color” is not a color classification, but shall be applied to any lot which fails to meet the...

  1. Facts About Color Blindness (United States)

    ... color? Normal Human Retina What color is a strawberry? Most of us would say red, but do ... light and shorter wavelength corresponds to blue light. Strawberries and other objects reflect some wavelengths of light ...

  2. Plasmonic Structural Colors for Plastic Consumer Products

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højlund-Nielsen, Emil; Mortensen, N. Asger; Kristensen, Anders


    Today colorants, such as pigments or dyes, are used to color plastic-based consumer products, either as base for solid colored bulk polymer or in inks for surface decoration. After usage, the products must be mechanically sorted by color before recycling, limiting any large-scale efficient...... can be avoided in the recycling state. Plasmon color technology based on aluminum has recently been firmly established as a route towards structural coloring of polymeric materials. We report on the fabrication of colors by localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR) using roll-to-roll printing...



    Dr. Mrs Kirti Tewari


    Fashion trends point out colors to wear but individuality should never be overlooked An impression of fine colors in dress will be gained if they are becoming to the person who is to wear them, if they are right for the occasion and if they are selected and arranged so as to make a pleasing ensemble.The larger the area the duller a color should be specially for business wear, but foe an evening or sports wear, it should be modified. The colors should be bright then, provided the wearer is not...

  4. Automatic Color Sorting Machine Using TCS230 Color Sensor And PIC Microcontroller

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kunhimohammed C K


    Full Text Available Sorting of products is a very difficult industrial process. Continuous manual sorting creates consistency issues. This paper describes a working prototype designed for automatic sorting of objects based on the color. TCS230 sensor was used to detect the color of the product and the PIC16F628A microcontroller was used to control the overall process. The identification of the color is based on the frequency analysis of the output of TCS230 sensor. Two conveyor belts were used, each controlled by separate DC motors. The first belt is for placing the product to be analyzed by the color sensor, and the second belt is for moving the container, having separated compartments, in order to separate the products. The experimental results promise that the prototype will fulfill the needs for higher production and precise quality in the field of automation.

  5. Autonomous physics-based color learning under daylight (United States)

    Berube Lauziere, Yves; Gingras, Denis J.; Ferrie, Frank P.


    An autonomous approach for learning the colors of specific objects assumed to have known body spectral reflectances is developed for daylight illumination conditions. The main issue is to be able to find these objects autonomously in a set of training images captured under a wide variety of daylight illumination conditions, and to extract their colors to determine color space regions that are representative of the objects' colors and their variations. The work begins by modeling color formation under daylight using the color formation equations and the semi-empirical model of Judd, MacAdam and Wyszecki (CIE daylight model) for representing the typical spectral distributions of daylight. This results in color space regions that serve as prior information in the initial phase of learning which consists in detecting small reliable clusters of pixels having the appropriate colors. These clusters are then expanded by a region growing technique using broader color space regions than those predicted by the model. This is to detect objects in a way that is able to account for color variations which the model cannot due to its limitations. Validation on the detected objects is performed to filter out those that are not of interest and to eliminate unreliable pixel color values extracted from the remaining ones. Detection results using the color space regions determined from color values obtained by this procedure are discussed.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Suk-Jin; Lee, Sang-Yoon; Kim, Hak-Sub; Cho, Jaeil; Chung, Chul; Sohn, Sangmo T.; Blakeslee, John P.


    The optical color distributions of globular clusters (GCs) in most large elliptical galaxies are bimodal. Based on the assumed linear relationship between GC colors and their metallicities, the bimodality has been taken as evidence of two GC subsystems with different metallicities in each galaxy and has led to a number of theories in the context of galaxy formation. More recent observations and modeling of GCs, however, suggests that the color-metallicity relations (CMRs) are inflected, and thus colors likely trace metallicities in a nonlinear manner. The nonlinearity could produce bimodal color distributions from a broad underlying metallicity spread, even if it is unimodal. Despite the far-reaching implications, whether CMRs are nonlinear and whether the nonlinearity indeed causes the color bimodality are still open questions. Given that the spectroscopic refinement of CMRs is still very challenging, we here propose a new photometric technique to probe the possible nonlinear nature of CMRs. In essence, a color distribution of GCs is a 'projected' distribution of their metallicities. Since the form of CMRs hinges on which color is used, the shape of color distributions varies depending significantly on the colors. Among other optical colors, the u-band related colors (e.g., u – g and u – z) are theoretically predicted to exhibit significantly less inflected CMRs than other preferred CMRs (e.g., for g – z). As a case study, we performed the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/WFPC2 archival u-band photometry for the M87 (NGC 4486) GC system with confirmed color bimodality. We show that the u-band color distributions are significantly different from that of g – z and consistent with our model predictions. With more u-band measurements, this method will support or rule out the nonlinear CMR scenario for the origin of GC color bimodality with high confidence. The HST/WFC3 observations in F336W for nearby large elliptical galaxies are highly anticipated in this regard.

  7. Typography, Color, and Information Structure. (United States)

    Keyes, Elizabeth


    Focuses on how typography and color complement and differ from each other in signaling an underlying content structure; the synergism between typography, color, and page layout (use of white space) that aids audience understanding and use; and the characteristics of typography and of color that are most important in these contexts. (SR)

  8. Pedro García y el color del vidrio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Teresa González Vicario


    Full Text Available El vidrio es uno de los materiales que ha alcanzado una dimensión escultórica en el siglo XX. Fue a mediados de este siglo, aproximadamente, cuando tuvo lugar su incorporación a la escultura contemporánea, y aunque España se ha sumado con un cierto retraso a esta nueva vertiente del lengueje escultórico, no son pocos los nombres de escultores que podrían ser citados por haber descubierto las posibilidades que el vidrio encierra como material escultórico. Uno de ellos es Pedro García, quien ha encontrado en el vidrio laminado, un material de procedencia industrial, su medio de expresión plástica. El análisis de su evolución artística hasta el momento actual constituye el objeto de este artículo, para lo cual se ha partido de unas primeras obras que obedecen a un planteamiento constructivo, racionalista, y en las que el vidrio ha sido trabajado en frío.The apparition of glass as a new material in sculpture dates from the middle of the XXth century. Spain has incorporated the sculptoric possibilities of glass later than other countries, but it has had an important following by an important group of sculptors. One of them is Pedro García, who has found in laminated glass, an industrial type of glass, his chief inspiration. This article traces the history of his artistic evolution. In the beginning his sculptures were very constructive and rational. Later, he developed a special technique working on glass in the process of formation through heat.

  9. Wood Colorization through Pressure Treating: The Potential of Extracted Colorants from Spalting Fungi as a Replacement for Woodworkers’ Aniline Dyes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara C. Robinson


    Full Text Available The extracellular colorants produced by Chlorociboria aeruginosa, Scytalidium cuboideum, and Scytalidium ganodermophthorum, three commonly utilized spalting fungi, were tested against a standard woodworker’s aniline dye to determine if the fungal colorants could be utilized in an effort to find a naturally occurring replacement for the synthetic dye. Fungal colorants were delivered in two methods within a pressure treater—the first through solubilization of extracted colorants in dichloromethane, and the second via liquid culture consisting of water, malt, and the actively growing fungus. Visual external evaluation of the wood test blocks showed complete surface coloration of all wood species with all colorants, with the exception of the green colorant (xylindein from C. aeruginosa in liquid culture, which did not produce a visible surface color change. The highest changes in external color came from noble fir, lodgepole pine, port orford cedar and sugar maple with aniline dye, cottonwood with the yellow colorant in liquid culture, lodgepole pine with the red colorant in liquid culture, red alder and Oregon maple with the green colorant in dichloromethane, and sugar maple and port orford cedar with the yellow colorant in dichloromethane. The aniline dye was superior to the fungal colorants in terms of internal coloration, although none of the tested compounds were able to completely visually color the inside of the test blocks.

  10. Fingers that change color (United States)

    ... gov/ency/article/003249.htm Fingers that change color To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Fingers or toes may change color when they are exposed to cold temperatures or ...

  11. 7 CFR 29.3505 - Brown colors. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Brown colors. 29.3505 Section 29.3505 Agriculture... Type 95) § 29.3505 Brown colors. A group of colors ranging from a light brown to a dark brown. These colors vary from medium to low saturation and from medium to very low brillance. As used in these...

  12. 7 CFR 29.2504 - Brown colors. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Brown colors. 29.2504 Section 29.2504 Agriculture...-Cured Tobacco (u.s. Types 22, 23, and Foreign Type 96) § 29.2504 Brown colors. A group of colors ranging from a reddish brown to yellowish brown. These colors vary from low to medium saturation and from very...

  13. 7 CFR 29.3025 - General color. (United States)


    ... General color. The color of tobacco considered in relation to the type as a whole. General color is distinguished from the restricted use of the term “color” within a group. It is basically related to body and... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false General color. 29.3025 Section 29.3025 Agriculture...

  14. Multi-band transmission color filters for multi-color white LEDs based visible light communication (United States)

    Wang, Qixia; Zhu, Zhendong; Gu, Huarong; Chen, Mengzhu; Tan, Qiaofeng


    Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based visible light communication (VLC) can provide license-free bands, high data rates, and high security levels, which is a promising technique that will be extensively applied in future. Multi-band transmission color filters with enough peak transmittance and suitable bandwidth play a pivotal role for boosting signal-noise-ratio in VLC systems. In this paper, multi-band transmission color filters with bandwidth of dozens nanometers are designed by a simple analytical method. Experiment results of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) tri-band color filters demonstrate the effectiveness of the multi-band transmission color filters and the corresponding analytical method.

  15. Physics and psychophysics of color reproduction (United States)

    Giorgianni, Edward J.


    The successful design of a color-imaging system requires knowledge of the factors used to produce and control color. This knowledge can be derived, in part, from measurements of the physical properties of the imaging system. Color itself, however, is a perceptual response and cannot be directly measured. Though the visual process begins with physics, as radiant energy reaching the eyes, it is in the mind of the observer that the stimuli produced from this radiant energy are interpreted and organized to form meaningful perceptions, including the perception of color. A comprehensive understanding of color reproduction, therefore, requires not only a knowledge of the physical properties of color-imaging systems but also an understanding of the physics, psychophysics, and psychology of the human observer. The human visual process is quite complex; in many ways the physical properties of color-imaging systems are easier to understand.

  16. Reflection color filters of the three primary colors with wide viewing angles using common-thickness silicon subwavelength gratings. (United States)

    Kanamori, Yoshiaki; Ozaki, Toshikazu; Hane, Kazuhiro


    We fabricated reflection color filters of the three primary colors with wide viewing angles using silicon two-dimensional subwavelength gratings on the same quartz substrate. The grating periods were 400, 340, and 300 nm for red, green, and blue filters, respectively. All of the color filters had the same grating thickness of 100 nm, which enabled simple fabrication of a color filter array. Reflected colors from the red, green, and blue filters under s-polarized white-light irradiation appeared in the respective colors at incident angles from 0 to 50°. By rigorous coupled-wave analysis, the dimensions of each color filter were designed, and the calculated reflectivity was compared with the measured reflectivity.

  17. 7 CFR 52.806 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 52.806 Section 52.806 Agriculture Regulations... United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Red Tart Pitted Cherries Factors of Quality § 52.806 Color. (a) (A) Classification. Frozen red tart pitted cherries that possess a good red color may be given a...

  18. 7 CFR 29.2257 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 29.2257 Section 29.2257 Agriculture Regulations... INSPECTION Standards Official Standard Grades for Virginia Fire-Cured Tobacco (u.s. Type 21) § 29.2257 Color. The third factor of a grade based on the relative hues, saturation or chroma, and color values common...

  19. 7 CFR 52.778 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 52.778 Section 52.778 Agriculture Regulations... United States Standards for Grades of Canned Red Tart Pitted Cherries 1 Factors of Quality § 52.778 Color. (a) (A) classification. Canned red tart pitted cherries that have a good color may be given a score...

  20. 7 CFR 29.2507 - Color. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Color. 29.2507 Section 29.2507 Agriculture Regulations...-Cured Tobacco (u.s. Types 22, 23, and Foreign Type 96) § 29.2507 Color. The third factor of a grade based on the relative hues, saturation or chroma, and color values common to the type. ...