
Sample records for code simulacao computacional

  1. Pensamiento computacional: rompiendo brechas digitales y educativas

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    Mauricio Javier Rico


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe una iniciativa pragmática de colaboración internacional en el ámbito de la formación del Pensamiento Computacional de los jóvenes estudiantes de Colombia. El proyecto “Introducción del Pensamiento Computacional en las escuelas de Bogotá y Colombia” (RENATA/EHU involucra el pensamiento computacional en el currículo escolar de una manera asequible y eficaz para los estudiantes, los docentes y los centros educativos. Las nuevas generaciones de este país tienen ahora la posibilidad de adquirir habilidades del siglo XXI al igual que las nuevas generaciones de otros países donde la computación es parte del currículo educativo desde los primeros años escolares. Este proyecto está en su fase de implementación en escuelas de diferentes regiones de Colombia; puede ser un ejemplo de cómo romper brechas digitales y educativas utilizando las TIC y la educación como principales herramientas de transformación social.



    Botassoli, Guilherme Tonini; UNISC - Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul; Alberti, Rafael Alvise; UNISC - Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul; Furtado, João Carlos; UNISC - Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul


    A utilização de técnicas de otimização em simulação impactam fortemente em diferentes áreas e por isso, acabam por se tornar ferramentas fundamentais na engenharia de processos. Assim, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo para otimização em simulação computacional, em linguagem C a partir do programa Code::Blocks, utilizando-se de conceitos provenientes do Método Enxame de Partículas (MEP) e Algoritmos Genéticos (AG). Partindo inicialmente de um algoritmo base com matriz de números aleatórios, busco...

  3. Métodos de Simulación Computacional en Biología

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    Amir Dario Maldonado Arce


    Full Text Available Las técnicas de simulación computacional se usan extensivamente para estudiar sistemas biológicos, y en general, materiales sólidos y blandos. Debido a la complejidad de los fenómenos biológicos, y a la imposibilidad de estudiar teóricamente el comportamiento de sistemas tales como proteínas y membranas, la simulación computacional se utiliza para estudiar la estructura y dinámica de estos sistemas en diferentes escalas temporales. En este artículo describiremos brevemente algunas de las técnicas de simulación computacional más utilizadas en Biología: la Dinámica Molecular, la Dinámica Browniana y el Método de Monte Carlo. Nuestra intención es proporcionar un panorama introductorio de la utilidad de los métodos de simulación molecular en Biología

  4. Hacia un modelo computacional unificado del lenguaje natural

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    Benjamín Ramírez González


    Full Text Available ¿Qué tipo de formalismo debe utilizarse para representar el lenguaje natural? Es necesario un formalismo capaz de describir adecuadamente todas las secuencias de las lenguas naturales. Pero, además, en la medida de lo posible, debe ser un formalismo sencillo, de un coste computacional reducido. Esta pregunta ha generado mucha controversia entre las principales escuelas generativas: la Gramática Transformacional y las Gramáticas de Unificación. En este artículo se defiende que, pese a las diferencias existentes, en última instancia, tales escuelas formalizan el lenguaje humano mediante un mismo tipo de formalismo bien definido: lo que Noam Chomsky llamó lenguaje independiente del contexto. Bajo el prisma de este artículo, la Lingüística actual está en condiciones de ofrecer un modelo computacional unificado del lenguaje natural.

  5. La Energía del Cerebro Humano Autolimita su Poder Computacional

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    Mario Camacho Pinto


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    Los expertos en informática no consideran apropiado seguir preguntando cuántos Mips o cuántos Megaflops constituyen la capacidad de ejecución del cerebro a ejemplo de un Supercomputador Cray o de un IBM Pc, sino cuántas operaciones computacionales puede ejecutar el encéfalo en fa unidad de tiempo o sea su poder computacional.

    El enfoque neurofisiológico involucra tres aspectos contributorios para una respuesta positiva, a saber:

    l. Poder computacional de las Synapsis intemeuronales.
    2. Poder computacional de la retina como punto de referencia.
    3. Medición de la energía total gastada por el cerebro en la unidad de tiempo.

    l. Poder computacional de las Synapsis.
    Engloba así mismo 3 premisas a saber:

    a. El cerebro no puede “computar” si la programación de las señales NO se efectúa mediante el transporte de una Synapsis a la siguiente por el sofisticado mecanismo electroquímico que requiere una determinada cantidad de energía que limita su poder, como veremos adelante.

    b. Este transporte toma tiempo que ha sido posible calcular en relación con la distancia total que todos los impulsos nerviosos tienen que recorrer, tiempo que se ha estimado en un segundo por cada diez impulsos.

    c. El número de Synapsis actuantes se calcula en 10 15.

    Así el total de “operaciones” será el resultado de la relación del número de Synapsis en juego con la distancia que tenga que recorrer el impulso nervioso y su velocidad de operancia.

    Entonces como hay aproximadamente 1015 Synapsis operando a 10 impulsos por segundo, el resultado crudo sería evaluado en 1016 operaciones synapsiales del cerebro en la unidad de tiempo...

  6. La Neurociencia Computacional hoy: I. Qué es y por qué es difícil su estudio

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    Jesús Cortés


    Full Text Available La Neurociencia Computacional es una disciplina consolidada, con más de 20 años de desarrollo, y que emplea técnicas muy diversas para entender diferentes computaciones cerebrales. Aquí se introduce brevemente mediante dos artículos. En el primero, “Qué es y por qué es difícil su estudio”, se introducen de forma muy general cuáles son sus objetivos como ciencia y los problemas con los que se encuentra. En el segundo, mediante “Un ejemplo muy representativo en el campo” abordamos su metodología y destacamos la trascendencia que la Neurociencia Computacional está teniendo y tendrá dentro de las Neurociencias.

  7. Sintaxe X-barra: uma aplicação computacional

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    Gabriel de Ávila Othero


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresentaremos uma aplicação computacional da teoria X-barra (cf. HAEGEMAN, 1994; MIOTO et al., 2004, através do programa Grammar Play, um parser sintático em Prolog. O Grammar Play analisa sentenças declarativas simples do português brasileiro, identificando sua estrutura de constituintes. Sua gramática é implementada em Prolog, com o recurso das DCGs, e é baseada nos moldes propostos pela teoria X-barra. O parser é uma primeira tentativa de expandir a cobertura de analisadores semelhantes, como o esboçado em Pagani (2004 e Othero (2004. Os objetivos que guiam a presente versão do Grammar Play são o de implementar computacionalmente modelos lingüísticos coerentes aplicados à descrição do português e o de criar uma ferramenta computacional que possa ser usada didaticamente em aulas de introdução à sintaxe e lingüística, por exemplo.


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    Jorlei Luis Baierle


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta um jogo computacional educacional desenvolvido para atuar como uma nova tática de ensino em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem com agentes pedagógicos emocionais, que executam diferentes funções. O jogo computacional tem como objetivo desenvolver o raciocínio lógico oferecendo desafios aos estudantes em um ambiente 3D, incluindo personagens tais como macacos, abelhas, jacaré, morcegos e gorila no trajeto de um trem que carrega mantimentos. O cenário do jogo possui elementos diversificados, tais como pontes, túnel, lago, floresta, montanhas e aldeia de índios. Este projeto visa contribuir no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, oferecendo um ambiente dinâmico e de interação com os estudantes, respeitando e adaptando-se às suas características de aprendizagem. Pretende-se adaptar o jogo desenvolvido para trabalhar com pessoas com deficiência física motora, mas com capacidade de aprendizagem, a fim de auxiliar com a sua inclusão em nossa sociedade.

  9. Simulação computacional aplicada na análise do projeto de um restaurante universitário

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    José Victor Silvério


    Full Text Available O uso da simulação computacional foi impulsionado pelos avanços da computação e sua grande flexibilidade de utilização. Dentre as diversas aplicações, a análise de projetos ganha destaque. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar a simulação computacional para análise da capacidade de atendimento de um novo restaurante universitário. Para tanto, foram utilizados a abordagem de pesquisa quantitativa e o procedimento de pesquisa experimental, por meio do uso de simulação computacional. Mediante a análise dos resultados do modelo computacional desenvolvido, foi possível compreender o provável funcionamento do sistema estudado, bem como o fluxo das entidades entre os locais de atendimento. Verificou-se que o espaço físico projetado é adequado para o atendimento. No entanto, o processo de atendimento do local caixa deverá ser revisto, pois em horários de maior procura pelo serviço houve grande formação de fila de espera. Este trabalho apresenta contribuições para a área acadêmica e para a área empresarial.

  10. Computational simulation of natural circulation and rewetting experiments using the TRAC/PF1 code; Simulacao computacional dos experimentos: circulacao natural no CTE-150 e remolhamento na ITR utilizando o TRAC-PF1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, J.D. da


    In this work the TRAC code was used to simulate experiments of natural circulation performed in the first Brazilian integral test facility at (COPESP), Sao Paulo and a rewetting experiment in a single tube test section carried out at CDTN, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In the first simulation the loop behavior in two transient conditions with different thermal power, namely 20 k W and 120 k W, was verified in the second one the quench front propagation, the liquid mass collected in the carry over measuring tube and the wall temperature at different elevations during the flooding experiment was measured. A comparative analysis, for code consistency, shows a good agreement between the code results and experimental data, except for the quench from velocity. (author). 15 refs, 19 figs, 12 tabs.

  11. Modelo Computacional Baseado em Servidor: Estudo de Caso Utilizando Thin Clients


    Moacir Luiz Barnabé; Rita de Cassia Rocha; Reginaldo Castro de Souza; Carlos Eduardo Costa Vieira


    Este artigo apresenta a solução Thin Client como alternativa econômica e segura, ao modelo computacional massivamente utilizado atualmente no meio empresarial. Paradoxalmente é concedido inicialmente aos clientes equipamentos e recursos tecnológicos, por meio de computadores, para, posteriormente, em uma ação permanente, controlar ou limitar estes recursos de forma a garantir a segurança, disponibilidade operacional e evitar seu uso recreativo.

  12. N-gramas sintácticos y su uso en la lingüistica computacional

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    Grigori Sidorov


    Full Text Available En este artículo, estamos introduciendo un nuevo concepto que se utilizará en la lingüística computacional, se llama n-gramas sintácticos: son n-gramas que se construyen siguiendo un árbol sintáctico. Es equivalente a introducir la información sintáctica en los métodos de aprendizaje automático, que siempre era un problema muy difícil. Discutimos los elementos que pueden formar estos n-gramas: palabras, clases gramaticales (POS tags, nombres de relaciones sintácticas, caracteres. Consideramos dos ejemplos de cómo se puede obtener los n-gramas sintácticos basándonos en un árbol sintáctico, tanto para el español como para el inglés. Adicionalmente, presentamos un modelo más utilizando de solución de problemas de la lingüística computacional, específicamente, el modelo de espacio vectorial.


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    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo mostrarvarios trabajos de investigación sobre un enfoque desimulación denominado Economía computacional basadaen agentes, el cual rechaza las asunciones delos enfoques de estudio tradicionales que indican quela economía es un sistema cerrado que eventualmentelogra un estado de equilibrio, en el que deben realizarsesupuestos de racionalidad perfecta e inversioneshomogéneas para que los modelos sean tratadosanalíticamente. En su lugar, ve a la economía comoun sistema complejo, adaptativo y dinámico. Estenuevo enfoque permite usar la simulación basada enagentes para comprender que varios agentes económicos(firmas, grupos económicos con sus propiasreglas y objetivos, son capaces de interactuar entresí y con su entorno para obtener comportamientosemergentes que no son explicables directamente delas propiedades de los agentes individuales.

  14. Interação Humano - Computador usando Visão Computacional

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    Bernardo Bucher B. Barbosa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho visa estudar maneiras de se explorar a Interação Humano Computador, usando Visão Computacional. A idéia tem como objetivo um esforço para tornar o computador mais interativo com o usuário, sem a necessidade da compra de um hardware ou acessório específico para tal. O produto final deste trabalho em desenvolvimento é um software que contempla esta funcionalidade, tornando o computador mais interativo.

  15. Necesidad de un Centro Nacional de Bioinformática y Biología Computacional para Colombia

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    Lyda Raquel Castro


    Full Text Available Los principales y más revolucionarios avances de la biología en este siglo se han derivado de la información proveniente de genomas completos de diferentes organismos. Los descubrimientos que se derivan de la genómica están generando un nuevo paradigma en la biología, sustituyendo la era de la biología centrada en los genes por aquella centrada en los genomas. Este nuevo concepto es base para desarrollos de gran potencial e impacto social en diferentes áreas como la medicina, la agricultura y la industria. El éxito en el desarrollo de métodos de última generación para la secuenciación de genomas, la proteómica y todas las “omicas”, ha contribuido al surgimiento de nuevas posibilidades para el análisis de la enorme cantidad de datos que se están generando mediante el uso de herramientas computacionales, dando origen a una nueva rama de estudio conocida como bioinformática o biología computacional. Este trabajo hace una revisión general del desarrollo de la bioinformática y la biología computacional en Colombia. Inicialmente, a modo de comparación, describimos el desarrollo de esta ciencia en otros países latinoamericanos que son reconocidos en el área. Finalmente, se discuten los principales aspectos que van a jugar un papel importante en el futuro de esta ciencia en nuestro país, y que además justifican la necesidad de crear un centro nacional de bioinformática y biología computacional.

  16. A Monte Carlo simulation for the field theory with quartic interaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Sergio Mittmann dos [Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)


    Full text: In the work [1-S. M. Santos, B. E. J. Bodmann and A. T. Gomez, Um novo metodo computacional para a teoria de campos na rede: resultados preliminares, IV Escola do Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, 2002; and 2-S. M. Santos and B. E. J. Bodmann, Simulacao na rede de teorias de campos quanticos, XXVIII Congresso Nacional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional (CNMAC), Sao Paulo, 2005], a computational method on the lattice was elaborated for the problem known as scalar field theory with quartic interaction (for instance, see: J. R. Klauder, Beyound conventional quantization, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000). This one introduced an algorithm, which allows the simulation of a given field theory and is independent of the lattice spacing, by redefining the fields and the parameters (the mass m and the coupling constant g). This kind of approach permits varying the dimension of the lattice without changing the computational complexity of the algorithm. A simulation was made using the Monte Carlo method, where the renormalized mass m{sub R}, the renormalized coupling constant g{sub R} and the two point correlation function were determined with success. In the present work, the genuine computational method is used for new simulations. Now, the Monte Carlo method is not used just for the simulation of the algorithm, like in [1, 2], but also for defining the adjust parameters (the mass and the coupling constant), introduced ad hoc in [1, 2]. This work presents the first simulations' outcomes, where best results that [1, 2] were determined, for the renormalized mass and the renormalized coupling constant. (author)

  17. Remodelagem do sistema computacional para dosimetria em radioterapia por nêutrons e fótons baseado em métodos estocásticos - SISCODES


    Bruno Machado Trindade


    O presente trabalho apresenta a remodelagem do Sistema Computacional para Dosimetria em Radioterapia por Nêutrons e Fótons Baseado em Métodos Estocásticos . SISCODES. Para isso mostra a proposta inicial e estado anterior do sistema, as modificações e expansões propostas e executadas, e o estado atual de desenvolvimento do sistema. Melhorias futuras são propostas ao final do trabalho. O SISCODES é um sistema que permite a execução de planejamento computacional 3D em radioterapia, através de si...

  18. Aprendizagens em movimento: Um experimento de estímulo ao Pensamento Computacional de docentes com M-Learning e U-Learning

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    Guaraci Vargas Greff


    Full Text Available Este artigo relata a experiência de prática pedagógica de pensamento computacional em sala de aula. Faz uso das aprendizagens móvel e ubíqua  na prática do Pensamento Computacional na construção de aplicativo para dispositivo móvel ou portátil através da ferramenta denominada App Inventor disponível no site do Instituto de Tecnologia de Massassuchets. A base teórica usada é as metodologias de inquérito incluindo: aprendizagem por descoberta, inquérito indutivo, instrução ancorada, estudo de caso e Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas ou Projetos (ABP. Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa de estudo de caso colaborativo que analisa e aplica a proposta de curso disponível no site, realiza análise do perfil dos entrevistados e apresenta opiniões sobre a atividade. Como resultados surgem aspectos relevantes do perfil docente para aprendizagem móvel e ubíqua, assim como orientações para a prática docente do Pensamento Computacional com as aprendizagens móvel e ubíqua em sala de aula, além da aceitação dos estudantes e docentes no uso de dispositivos móveis para aprendizagem de lógica de programação.

  19. Teoría Computacional de la Mente.

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    Mario Camacho Pinto


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    Cuando publiqué mi trabajo titulado “Inteligencia Artificial y Neurología” en la Revista MEDICINA en cuatro ejemplares Nos. 14, 15, 16, 17, Años 1986-1987, expuse exhaustivamente la contribución científica contemporánea de las Neuro-ciencias y experimenté la ingenua ilusión (frecuente ocurrencia en el ser humano de participar, así fuese muy lejanamente, en el optimismo de los científicos japoneses quienes ofrecían obtener en el decurso de pocos años inteligencia artificial equiparable con la inteligencia humana. Infortunadamente no sucedió así, no podía ser así, lo que nunca quiere decir que de mi parte se ignoren o se desconozcan los sensacionales logros que esos mismos científicos han venido consiguiendo.

    Ahora me encuentro entusiasmado en el desarrollo de otro tema de características similares, lo cual me induce a comentarlo así sea someramente en su trayectoria.

    Se trata de la teoría computacional de la mente, interesantísimo rubro expuesto prolijamente por Steven Pinker del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachussets en el libro del cual es autor, “best seller” de 660 páginas titulado “How the Mind Works”, publicado el año pasado con 800 referencias de bibliografía.

    Su cuidadosa lectura con mis múltiples fieles transcripciones a más de mi información personal mediante Internet, constituyen el bagage intelectual y el soporte científico que me han impulsado a escribir este somero comentario sobre tan trascendente tema, con destino a MEDICINA.

    La Teoría Computacional de la Mente tiene su origen en las ideas geniales del matemático norteamericano Alan Turing quien demostró que una máquina binaria podía ser programada para realizar cualquier tarea algorítmica, lo cual fue complementado en el mismo año de 1937 por Claude Shannon del MIT con la noción de integración de circuitos en los rieles eléctricos que integran el sistema binario de almacenamiento de informaci

  20. Hacia un tratamiento computacional del Aktionsart

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    Juan Aparicio


    Full Text Available En el área del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN, a la hora de crear aplicaciones inteligentes, el tratamiento semántico es fundamental. Sin embargo, la investigación que actualmente se está llevando a cabo en PLN está todavía lejos de conseguir niveles profundos de compresión del lenguaje. El objetivo principal de nuestra investigación es la representación del Aktionsart (la manera como se construye el evento expresado por un verbo en su desarrollo temporal. Una de las dificultades básicas que presenta el tratamiento semántico del lenguaje es el establecimiento de clases, debido principalmente a la naturaleza gradual del significado y la alta incidencia del contexto en la interpretación de las diferentes unidades. En este artículo nos centraremos en la presentación de las clases aspectuales léxicas de nuestra propuesta. El total de clases definidas se clasifica en dos grupos, las clases simples: estados, procesos y puntos, cuya combinación da lugar a las clases complejas: culminaciones, realizaciones y graduales. Esta presentación se llevará a cabo tanto desde el punto de vista teórico, como de su implementación computacional.

  1. Victimización y “ondas de choque”: simulación computacional de la propagación del miedo al crimen

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    Manuel Chacón-Mateos


    Full Text Available Se presenta un modelo computacional sobre la generación y propagación del miedo al crimen, basado en los impactos creados por la victimización criminal. El objetivo: es evaluar y describir los efectos que pueden tener en la propagación del miedo al crimen un conjunto de determinantes relacionados con la victimización (directa e indirecta: tamaño de la red social, tasa de victimización y tiempo de recuperación en victimizados. El método: utilizado fue la simulación computacional, en la cual se trabajó con cuatro combinaciones de parámetros que representan diferentes situaciones. Los resultados: permiten describir la dinámica de interacción entre los factores determinantes considerados, y reflejan que estos influyen de manera no lineal en la propagación del miedo al crimen.


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    Lucas Tadeu Hinterholz


    Full Text Available Os estudos no campo da Neurociência Cognitiva estão evoluindo e apontando-a como essencial para o entendimento da construção do conhecimento. Esta pesquisa faz parte da proposta do projeto Contribuição da Tecnologia Computacional para a Assistência Social e apoio do projeto de extensão Unisc - Inclusão Digital, desenvolvidos na Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul e executados por docentes e estudantes do curso de Licenciatura em Computação. Como base teórica foram estudados conceitos da Neurociência Cognitiva e Abstração Reflexionante para a compreensão dos processos mentais e acompanhamento de resultados de aprendizagem do estudante, enquanto utiliza computador para programar em uma linguagem específica. A Metodologia contou com um Estudo de Caso, desenvolvido através de oficina de ensino de programação para adolescentes entre 14 e 17 anos, os quais não possuíam qualquer conhecimento prévio. Estes responderam a um teste do Método Clínico Piagetiano – MCP relacionado à memória implícita e explícita, adaptado para aplicação durante a utilização de linguagem de programação. Como resultado, observou-se que 83,34% dos participantes correspondeu à expectativa e apresentou características de abstração e consciência compatíveis com o nível cognitivo reflexivo. Neste sentido, afirma-se que a programação computacional é incentivo à cognição humana, contribui para o desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional, devendo ser inserida no ensino formal junto aos currículos escolares.


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    David Fernández Rivas


    Full Text Available Para el estudio y el diseño de un intercambiador de calor del tipo Termosifón se emplea por primera vez enCuba una novedosa técnica de modelación numérica, la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional, uso quepudiera ahorrar al país numerosos recursos. Este trabajo continua, con nuevos aportes, una largainvestigación que ha tenido como objetivo central, la instalación de tubos térmicos termosifón (ITTT. Lasimulación computacional, es una poderosa herramienta que se emplea para conocer parámetros de interésen la operación de dicha instalación. Se trabaja con programas de Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional(DFC para acortar el tiempo de experimentación y ahorrar recursos materiales y humanos durante elestudio de diferentes variantes de arreglos geométricos de los tubos térmicos. Se logran conocer lasparticularidades que los diferentes arreglos de tubos introducen al proceso de intercambio de calor. Esteresultado brinda una importante contribución para la futura construcción de un termosifón a escalaindustrial. Esta investigación ha suscitado mucho interés por lo que pudiera significar para la eficiencia de lacaldera las nuevas condiciones impuestas por la quema de combustible cubano.Palabras Claves: Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional, Tubos térmicos, termosifón.__________________________________________________________________________AbstractThe Computational Fluids Dynamic it is used for studying a thermosyphon heat exchanger like a noveltechnique of numeric modeling, for the first time in Cuba. This technique could save a lot of resources. Thiswork is the continuation of a long research in the heat pipes technology. Working with Computational FluidsDynamic (DFC programs, consumes less time in the experimentation and allows saving material andhuman resources for these studies. It is possible to know many particularities of different geometries of tubesarrangements. This investigation will guarantee a future thermosyphon

  4. Simplified computational simulation of liquid metal behaviour in turbulent flow with heat transfer; Simulacao computacional simplificada do comportamento de metais liquidos em escoamento turbulento com transferencia de calor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Costa, E.B. da


    The present work selected the available bibliography equations and empirical relationships to the development of a computer code to obtain the turbulent velocity and temperature profiles in liquid metal tube flow with heat generation. The computer code is applied to a standard problem and the results are considered satisfactory, at least from the viewpoint of qualitative behaviour. (author). 50 refs, 21 figs, 3 tabs.

  5. Programa computacional para calcular a potência requerida de máquinas e implementos agrícolas

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    Pablo Pereira Corrêa Klaver


    Full Text Available O uso de programas computacionais no setor agrícola permite atingir objetivos específicos na área. Dentre esses, um dos mais complexos é a seleção adequada de máquinas e implementos agrícolas visando à otimização de operações agrícolas, devido, principalmente, à grande variedade de equipamentos existentes no mercado e a gama de tarefas e situações de trabalho que estas são submetidas no campo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um programa computacional para calcular a potência requerida de máquinas e implementos agrícolas normalmente utilizados na condução de operações de campo, desde o preparo do solo até as operações de implantação de culturas. Desenvolvido em linguagem PHP, o programa computacional baseia-se na norma ASAE D497.4 - Agricultural Machinery Management Data como referência para desenvolvimento de cálculos. A partir do programa desenvolvido, tornou-se possível a execução de tarefas para cálculos de avaliação da demanda de potência de máquinas e implementos agrícolas de forma simplificada pela internet.

  6. Modelo computacional para manejo da fertirrigação em sistemas de microirrigação

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    Alex Nunes de Almeida


    Full Text Available O uso de fertirrigação é um dos meios utilizado para a aplicação de fertilizantes via água de irrigação, mas caso não se tome cuidados necessários durante os cálculos da fertirrigação a quantidade calculada destes insumos pode apresentar-se inferior ou superior ao necessário, e assim comprometer a produção e/ou o solo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi desenvolver uma aplicação computacional para o cálculo da quantidade de fertilizantes a ser colocada em um tanque de fertirrigação e da quantidade de tanques necessários para realização do manejo adequado da fertirrigação. O aplicativo foi escrito em Visual Basic utilizando como ferramenta de desenvolvimento o software Visual Studio Community 2015. O modelo computacional desenvolvido utiliza de um grupo de variáveis informadas pelo usuário que possibilitam a obtenção de resultados consistentes. A metodologia de cálculo utilizada pelo aplicativo enfatiza o máximo de aproveitamento dos insumos tornando possível com seu uso a economia de recursos e ainda se apresenta simples e auto instrutivo para o usuário, permitindo assim melhor aproveitamento de suas funções.

  7. Caracterización computacional de los epitopes B de la quitinasa clase I de la Ananas comosus (Piña

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    César Muñoz Mejía


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar el potencial alergénico de la quitinasa de piña y proponer un modelo computacional de la estructura de esta proteína para la predicción de posibles sitios de unión a la IgE, a los Epitopes E, los que se encuentran implicados en las reacciones alérgicas de esta fruta. Métodos: A partir de una secuencia de bases de ADN de piña, previamente reportada, que traduce para una proteína con homología a diferentes quitinasas de otras frutas, y mediante el uso de herramientas bioinformáticas y bases de datos disponibles en la red, se obtuvo un modelo computacional de quitinasa de piña y se analizaron su estructura y características fisicoquímicas para la predicción de epítopes dentro de la misma. Resultados: Se generó un modelo computacional de una proteína de 204 aminoácidos, que pertenece al grupo de las quitinasas I. La predicción y posterior análisis de Epitopes obtenidos a partir de varios servidores bioinformáticos mostró que estos tienen características (Área de Superficie Relativa, RSA que los hacen aptos para pertenecer a un sitio de unión a IgE. Conclusiones: La quitinasa de piña estudiada posee homología con uno de los grupos de alérgenos de alimentos que está implicado en el síndrome látexfruta, y podría ser la responsable de reacciones alérgicas a este alimento. Por otro lado, poder predecir estos epítopes es de utilidad también en el diseño de alimentos transgénicos.

  8. Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional 1-D para uso em projeto de turbinas a vapor


    Fábio Santos Nascimento


    O presente trabalho trata do projeto aerotermodinâmico de turbinas a vapor de múltiplos estágios baseado em uma abordagem de técnicas de modelamento unidimensional. Um programa computacional foi desenvolvido para projeto preliminar de turbinas a vapor de múltiplos estágios escritos em linguagem FORTRAN 90, visando à redução do tempo de projeto preliminar, a independência de programas comerciais e o acesso ao código fonte para modificar e implementar novos modelos para melhorar o potencial da ...


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    Edwar Jacinto Gómez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el software  Fuzzy Tool desarrollado como una herramienta educativa para el aprendizaje de sistemas difusos, define los métodos y operaciones difusos más importantes y utilizadas en el diseño de sistemas difusos en el mundo. FuzzyTool se implementó como una herramienta computacional educativa teniendo como referencia cada una de lo programas que se encuentran en la actualidad para el desarrollo, diseño y simulación de sistemas y controladores difusas (fuzzytech, Matlab, Unfuzzy, etc..La herramienta que se desarrollo le entrega al usuario una interfaz gráfica donde es guiado en el diseño de los sistemas difusos, por medio de tres pasos fundamentales como lo son: la edición de las variables, la construcción de la base de reglas o base de conocimiento y por ultimo, la inferencia de reglas.





    Esta Tesis Doctoral corresponde a parte de las actividades de los Proyectos FONDECYT 1070186 y 1111067, donde se utiliza la modelación matemática y la simulación computacional para describir los fenómenos de transporte de fluidos, calor y masa que ocurren en los procesos de congelación y deshidratación de alimentos sólidos porosos y líquidos no Newtonianos. En paralelo se estudian diferentes características de gran complejidad para cada proceso térmico, como son: uso de modelos conjugados ...

  11. Soporte computacional para administración integrada de redes y servicios

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    José Nelson Pérez Castillo


    Full Text Available Este artículo contextualiza la problemática actual de la administración de redes de comunicaciones considerando las profundas repercusiones, tanto de la internacionalización de la economía como del ritmo impetuoso del avance tecnológico sobre el sector teleinformático y la calidad en la prestación de los servicios de comunicaciones. Reseña someramente las actividades de los distintos frentes de estandarización; en particular la ISO, la ITU- T y la Internet. Se muestran, entonces, las características del soporte computacional para el desarrollo de aplicaciones, señalando los servicios de comunicaciones, interfaz gráfica y bases de datos teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza distribuida de la administración de redes. Finalmente, se muestran los atributos generales de las herramientas de desarrollo disponibles en la actualidad.

  12. Computer simulation of thermal-hydraulic transient events in multi-circuits with multipumps; Simulacao computacional de eventos termo-hidraulicos transitorios em multicircuitos com multibombas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veloso, Marcelo Antonio


    PANTERA-2 (from Programa para Analise Termo-hidraulica de Reatores a Agua - Program for Thermal-hydraulic Analysis of Water Reactors, Version 2), whose fundamentals are described in this work, is intended to carry out rod bundle subchannel analysis in conjunction with multiloop simulation. It solves simultaneously the conservation equations of mass, axial and lateral momentum, and energy for subchannel geometry coupled with the balance equations that describe the fluid flows in any number of coolant loops connected to a pressure vessel containing the rod bundle. As far as subchannel analysis is concerned, the basic computational strategy of PANTERA-2 comes from COBRA codes, but an alternative implicit solution method oriented to the pressure field has been used to solve the finite difference approximations for the balance laws. The results provided by the subchannel model comprise the fluid density, enthalpy, flow rate, and pressure fields in the subchannels. The loop model predicts the individual loop flows, total flow through the pressure vessel, and pump rotational speeds as a function of time subsequent to the failure of any number of the coolant pumps. The flow transients in the loops may initiated by partial, total or sequential loss of electric power to the operating pumps. Transient events caused by either shaft break or rotor locking may also be simulated. The changes in rotational speed of the pumps as a function of rime are determined from a torque balance. Pump dynamic head and hydraulic torque are calculated as a function of rotational speed and volumetric flow from two polar homologous curves supplied to the code in the tabular form. In order to illustrate the analytical capability of PANTERA-2, three sample problems are presented and discussed. Comparisons between calculated and measured results indicate that the program reproduces with a good accuracy experimental data for subchannel exit temperatures and critical heat fluxes in 5x5 rod bundles. It

  13. Efectos de la simulación computacional en la comprensión de la distribución binomial y la distribución de proporciones


    Martínez, Johanna; Yáñez, Gabriel


    En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto de investigación que se basa en el enfoque instrumental para describir el efecto que tiene la simulación computacional en la comprensión de la distribución binomial y la distribución de proporciones.

  14. Desarrollo y validación experimental de un modelo computacional de pilas de combustible tipo PEM y su aplicación al análisis de monoceldas


    Iranzo Paricio, Alfredo


    La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental el desarrollo de un modelo computacional para pilas de combustible tipo PEM, que suponga un avance con respecto al estado actual del modelado de pilas de combustible. ... * Desarrollo de un model


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    Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este artigo descreve o tratamento da passiva e do passado composto na FrGramm, uma gramática computacional do francês implementada na Gramática Léxico-Funcional (LFG usando o software XLE. Devido à dualidade de auxiliares e concordância do particípio passado (PTPST, a segunda perífrase exibe uma maior complexidade estrutural em francês do que em línguas como inglês e português, representando, consequentemente, um maior desafio à implementação computacional. Uma dificuldade adicional é a modelação das regularidades morfológicas e sintático-semânticas da passiva. A FrGramm resolve esse problema por meio de uma regra lexical produtiva. Também implementa as restrições que governam a formação das duas perífrases verbais, exceto a concordância do PTPST com o objeto direto. A im ple men ta ção foi avaliada pela aplicação de um analisador sintático automático (parser a 157 sentenças gra ma ti cais e 279 construções a gramati cais. Todas as sentenças do primeiro con junto foram ana li sa das corretamente. Apenas duas construções do segundo que violam a pre cedência do auxiliar do passado composto so bre o da passiva foram analisadas como gra ma ticais. A FrGramm é a úni ca gramática LFG do fran cês com essa cobertura atualmente dis po nibilizada livremente. Uma versão futura dará con ta da concordância do PTPST com o objeto direto e evitará a hipergeração referida.

  16. La Neurociencia Computacional hoy: II. El Proyecto Blue Brain, un ejemplo muy representativo en el campo

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    Jesús Cortés


    Full Text Available La Neurociencia Computacional es un campo reciente, pero bien establecido dentro de las Neurociencias. En un primer artículo (Cortés, 2009,, “Qué es y por qué es difícil su estudio”, explico su principal paradigma: todo proceso mental que tiene lugar en nuestro cerebro tiene un circuito o cableado físico que lo sustenta. En este artículo comento un ejemplo muy representativo en el campo: el macro-proyecto de simulación a gran escala y en tiempo real de procesos en la corteza cerebral, el famoso Blue Brain Project.

  17. Programa computacional para calcular a potência requerida de máquinas e implementos agrícolas


    Pablo Pereira Corrêa Klaver; Ricardo Ferreira Garcia; José Francisco Sá Vasconcelos Júnior; Delorme Corrêa Junior; Wellington Gonzaga Vale


    O uso de programas computacionais no setor agrícola permite atingir objetivos específicos na área. Dentre esses, um dos mais complexos é a seleção adequada de máquinas e implementos agrícolas visando à otimização de operações agrícolas, devido, principalmente, à grande variedade de equipamentos existentes no mercado e a gama de tarefas e situações de trabalho que estas são submetidas no campo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um programa computacional para calcular a potência requeri...

  18. Estimate of fuel burnup spatial a multipurpose reactor in computer simulation; Estimativa da queima espacial do combustivel de um reator multiproposito por simulacao computacional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Nadia Rodrigues dos, E-mail: [Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), Paracambi, RJ (Brazil); Lima, Zelmo Rodrigues de; Moreira, Maria de Lourdes, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    In previous research, which aimed, through computer simulation, estimate the spatial fuel burnup for the research reactor benchmark, material test research - International Atomic Energy Agency (MTR/IAEA), it was found that the use of the code in FORTRAN language, based on the diffusion theory of neutrons and WIMSD-5B, which makes cell calculation, bespoke be valid to estimate the spatial burnup other nuclear research reactors. That said, this paper aims to present the results of computer simulation to estimate the space fuel burnup of a typical multipurpose reactor, plate type and dispersion. the results were considered satisfactory, being in line with those presented in the literature. for future work is suggested simulations with other core configurations. are also suggested comparisons of WIMSD-5B results with programs often employed in burnup calculations and also test different methods of interpolation values obtained by FORTRAN. Another proposal is to estimate the burning fuel, taking into account the thermohydraulics parameters and the appearance of xenon. (author)

  19. Os conceitos elementares de estatística a partir do homem vitruviano: uma experiência de ensino em ambiente computacional


    Silva, Edgard Dias da


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as potencialidades de uma intervenção de ensino sobre os conceitos elementares de Estatística com alunos do Ensino Médio, construída a partir de uma visita cultural (exposição de Leonardo Da Vinci), tendo como ferramenta o ambiente computacional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho quali-quantitativo, que seguiu um modelo quaseexperimental, no formato pré-teste/intervenção/pós-teste, complementada pela análise qualitativa das atividades...

  20. Sistema computacional de realidad aumentada para la solidificación del aprendizaje en la educación básica


    Ponce Tubay, Manuel Alexander; Párraga Muñoz, Sonia Monserrate; Ochoa Parrales, Jhonny Andrés


    El desarrollo de una herramienta computacional para la mejora de los diferentes procesos de aprendizaje implantando nuevas TIC con realidad aumenta, para de esta forma despertar un mayor interés e interacción de los alumnos, contribuyendo así con en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la educación de la Unidad Educativa. La investigación está orientada a mejorar cada uno de los aspectos necesarios para la enseñanza y aprendizaje, agilizar e innovar la manera de aprender con un software com...

  1. Um sistema computacional de coleta de dados e avaliação institucional para apoio à tomada de decisão na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    José Marcos da Silva


    Full Text Available A avaliação institucional em Universidades Federais consiste de um trabalho constante e exaustivo de permanente reflexão do fazer universitário; é uma condição básica para identificar os desafios necessários à formulação de diretrizes para o Ensino, a Pesquisa, a Extensão e a Administração Universitária. Assim, um sistema computacional que proporcione facilidades para coleta de dados e se utilize de recursos on-line, que possibilite uma participação eficiente de todos os envolvidos no processo avaliativo, poderia ser de grande interesse da comunidade universitária. O trabalho tem o intuito de demonstrar um sistema computacional de coleta, pesquisa e avaliação institucional, denominado COLLECTA, para aplicação na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC. Esse sistema, utilizando novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, visa a integrar alunos de graduação, alunos de pós-graduação, egressos, professores, técnico-administrativos e gestores, na busca de melhor qualidade institucional. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, devido à sua natureza aplicada, trabalhou-se com uma abordagem qualitativa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com enfoque descritivo, envolvendo levantamento bibliográfico e a resolução do problema por meio de pesquisa-ação. Com isso, foram identificadas as necessidades computacionais, sendo projetado, desenvolvido e implantado o sistema COLLECTA, com o intuito de auxiliar nos processos decisórios na UFSC com dados provenientes das avaliações institucionais, coletados pelo sistema computacional proposto, bem como tornar mais acessíveis e transparentes essas informações.

  2. Modelo computacional para caracterización de células escamosas de citologías cérvico-uterinas


    Martínez Abaunza Víctor Eduardo; Mendoza Castellanos Alfonso; Uribe Pérez Claudia Janeth


    El trabajo se realizó entre el Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Biomédica (GIIB) y el Grupo de Investigación en Patología Estructural, Funcional y Clínica de la Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), junto con la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB); el objetivo principal es construir un modelo computacional que permita caracterizar las células presentes en una citología cérvico uterina, con el propósito de clasificarlas como normales o displásicas. La...

  3. Importância da utilização de propriedades avaliadas em função da temperatura para a simulação computacional de cerâmicas refratárias

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    Akiyoshi M. M.


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo sistemático sobre a influência da utilização de propriedades avaliadas em função da temperatura para suprir um programa de simulação computacional por elementos finitos (AEF visando à determinação dos perfis de temperatura e tensão em uma âncora refratária. Para tanto, foram avaliados em função da temperatura, a condutividade térmica (k, o calor específico (c, o coeficiente de expansão térmica linear (alfaL e o módulo elástico (E. Um planejamento fatorial 2u e a análise de variância (ANOVA foram utilizados para avaliar a influência das interações entre as propriedades determinadas em função da temperatura sobre os perfis de temperatura e tensão normal resultantes da simulação computacional. Este estudo reforça a necessidade da avaliação das propriedades em função da temperatura para se suprir um programa de simulação computacional, destacando-se a condutividade térmica e o calor específico para propiciar uma melhor obtenção do perfil de temperatura, e o coeficiente de expansão térmica linear (alfaL e o módulo elástico (E para a avaliação do perfil de tensões.


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    Álvaro Duque S.J.


    Full Text Available Las matrices de las representaciones irreducibles de un grupo G se usan para el cómputo de la Transformada Generalizada de Fourier de una función definida en G. Existen muchas otras aplicaciones para las representaciones irreducibles de un grupo. Nosotros elaborarnos un software que calcula las matrices de las representacionesirreducibles del grupo simétrico en la forma serninormal de Young. Este programa corre en el Sistema Algebraico Computacional CoCoA.

  5. Programa GENES: Aplicativo Computacional em Estatística Aplicada à Genética (GENES - Software for Experimental Statistics in Genetics

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    Cosme Damião Cruz


    Full Text Available The main purpose of the GENES software is to help people working with genetic analysis and data processing in breeding programs, using several biometrics models. This software has several help windows that are very friendly to the user. More information about this program is available in the book" Programa GENES - Aplicativo Computacional em Genética e Estatística, 442. 1997". Purchase orders are welcome at the following address: Shareware copies of the GENES software are available at O programa GENES é um software destinado à análise e processamento de dados por meio de diferentes modelos biométricos. Seu uso é de grande importância em estudos genéticos aplicados ao melhoramento vegetal e animal, por permitir estimativa de parâmetros para entendimento de fenômenos biológicos e fundamentais em processo de tomada de decisão e na predição do sucesso e viabilidade da estratégia de seleção. O programa pode ser obtido pela rede Internet ( ou por solicitação pelo endereço: Departamento de Biologia Geral, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 36571-000 Viçosa, MG, Brasil. O programa conta com telas de ajuda, tornando-o de fácil utilização. Informações adicionais sobre seu uso estão disponíveis no livro" Programa GENES - Aplicativo Computacional em Genética e Estatística, 442, 1997" adquirido por E-mail enviado para

  6. O pensamento computacional e a formação continuada de professores: uma experiência com as TICs

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    Louise Alessandra Santos do Carmo Paz


    Full Text Available As novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs fazem parte do cotidiano dos alunos, mas nem sempre dos professores. Para que haja uma mudança de paradigma no papel do professor, de produtor para mediador do conhecimento é necessário o desenvolvimento de novas competências para ensinar, destacando-se o pensamento computacional. Este artigo relata a experiência de um curso de introdução às novas TICs, que foi ofertado como formação continuada para professores, utilizando uma metodologia baseada no modelo andragônico, colocando-os como colaboradores e criadores do seu saber, corresponsáveis pelos os rumos do seu processo de ensino aprendizagem.


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    Boris Henry Rocha Mercado


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un modelo matemático para un sistema frigorífico en régimen permanente y una simulación computacional de su desempeño térmico. El sistema estudiado fue diseñado para trabajar con R-12 como fluido refrigerante y considera entre sus componentes un compresor hermético, condensador y evaporador de tubos y aletas, un tubo capilar, un separador de líquido y un filtro deshidratador. Los modelos matemáticos de los componentes del sistema fueron desarrollados considerando especificaciones técnicas de los fabricantes y correlaciones disponibles en la literatura. En el compresor de desplazamiento fijo se admite la presencia de un proceso de compresión politrópica, en el condensador y evaporador fueron consideradas las regiones monofásicas y bifásicas que define el fluido refrigerante a su paso por estos componentes y en el tubo capilar la variación de densidad y presión a lo largo de su longitud. La solución del sistema de ecuaciones resultante de los distintos modelos matemáticos, fue obtenida mediante el método de sustituciones sucesivas. Este modelo de simulación computacional fue utilizado para el análisis del desempeño térmico del Retrofit, donde se verifica una disminución de 6% en el COP por la substitución de R-12 por R-134a.

  8. Identificação e estimação de ruído em redes DSL: uma abordagem baseada em inteligência computacional


    FARIAS, Fabrício de Souza


    Este trabalho propõe a utilização de técnicas de inteligência computacional objetivando identificar e estimar a potencia de ruídos em redes Digital Subscriber Line ou Linhas do Assinante Digital (DSL) em tempo real. Uma metodologia baseada no Knowledge Discovery in Databases ou Descobrimento de Conhecimento em Bases de Dados (KDD) para detecção e estimação de ruídos em tempo real, foi utilizada. KDD é aplicado para selecionar, pré-processar e transformar os dados antes da etapa de aplicação d...

  9. Análise computacional da compactação da cromatina de espermatozoides de galo Computational analysis of chromatin condensation of rooster spermatozoa

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    A.C.N. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Testaram-se variantes metodológicas utilizando azul de toluidina (AT, até se estabelecer um protocolo confiável para a avaliação computacional da compactação da cromatina em espermatozoides de galo. Para tal, foram utilizados sêmen de 10 galos com 35 semanas de idade e sêmen de 10 galos com 60 semanas de idade. O melhor método foi o de hidrólise com ácido clorídrico 1N por 10 minutos, coloração em cubeta com AT 0,025%, pH 4,0, por 20 minutos, desidratação em álcool, diafanização em xilol e montagem com bálsamo do Canadá. Todas as amostras de sêmen foram submetidas a este protocolo e posteriormente avaliadas por análise de imagem computacional, em que foram feitas mensurações da área, comprimento, largura, perímetro, homogeneidade da compactação da cromatina dentro de cada cabeça e intensidade de compactação da cromatina. Os espermatozoides de galos velhos apresentaram mais alterações na cromatina que os de galos jovens. Os galos jovens apresentaram cabeça dos espermatozoides maior que os galos mais velhos. A análise computacional da compactação da cromatina mostrou-se um método menos subjetivo e mais preciso que a avaliação visual das cabeças dos espermatozoides.The methodological variants using toluidina blue (AT to establish a trustworthy protocol for the computational analysis of chromatin condensation of rooster spermatozoa were studied. Twenty semen samples were used: ten from 35-week-old roosters and ten from 60-week-old roosters. Different methods of denaturation and staining were tested. The best method was hydrolysis with 1N HCl for 10 minutes, staining in bucket with 0.025% AT, pH 4.0, for 20 minutes, dehydration in alcohol, clearing in xylol, and mounted with Canada balsam. All the semen samples were submitted to this protocol and later evaluated by computational image analysis. Area, length, width, perimeter, and chromatin compaction homogeneity of head spermatozoa were measured. The sperm

  10. Dinámica de fluidos computacional aplicada al estudio de regeneradores térmicos

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    Cesar Nieto Lodoño


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo, muestra los resultados logrados durante la simulación de un regenerador térmico de lecho poroso empacado, sometido a convección forzada transitoria y su respectiva verificación experimental. Para visualizar la aplicación de la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (en inglés Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD en regeneradores de calor, se realiza un estudio detallado de los elementos que conforman la malla; analizando su distribución, tamaño y respectivo efecto sobre la precisión de los resultados. Se establecen las simplificaciones y alcances de los modelos empleados. Se comprueba la veracidad de los resultados obtenidos, mediante la validación experimental de estos en un modelo físico idéntico al empleado durante la simulación. Estas etapas permitieron observar que el comportamiento exponencial de la temperatura en los elementos empacados durante el periodo de calentamiento, fue idéntico al observado por Mejía [8]. Los resultados obtenidos aquí, verifican la capacidad de la CFD para el estudio de los regeneradores térmicos.

  11. Caracterização computacional de padrões estruturais em seqüências de DNA relacionadas a processos em redes metabólicas


    Laurita dos Santos


    Nas últimas décadas, uma enorme quantidade de informação sobre o funcionamento de sistemas biológicos foram disponibilizadas em bancos de dados de acesso público. A Computação Aplicada à Biologia ou Bioinformática tem contribuído para análise computacional de dados biológicos cada vez mais ricos em informação. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar e caracterizar a estrutura do Ácido Nucléico DNA através de técnicas matemáticas e computacionais. As técnicas de caracterização ...

  12. Estudio del comportamiento mecánico de un sistema recubierto mediante simulación computacional del ensayo de rayado//Mechanical Behavior study of a coated system by computer simulation of the scratch test

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    Eduardo A. Pérez Ruiz


    Full Text Available Una forma de evaluar un sistema recubierto es a través del ensayo de rayado. Los resultados obtenidos dependen de variables como: propiedades y geometría del indentador, tasa de carga, tasa de desplazamiento, propiedades de los materiales del sistema a evaluar como dureza, módulo elástico, microestructura, rugosidad superficial, espesor, entre otras. El presente trabajo analizó, a través de simulación computacional del ensayo de rayado, el efecto que tiene la geometría del indentador (cónica y esférica, la carga de rayado (20 N y 50 N, el espesor del recubrimiento (2,1 µm y 4,6 µm y el coeficiente de fricción (0,3 y 0,5 en el comportamiento de los esfuerzos y la deformación plástica en la superficie de un sistema recubierto. Los resultados sugieren que el coeficiente de fricción como variable de ensayo tiene una alta importancia en el comportamiento mecánico del sistema recubierto.Palabras claves: ensayo de rayado, simulación computacional, sistema recubierto.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractOne way to evaluate a coated system is through the scratch test. The results obtained depend of the variables including mechanical properties and geometry of indenter, loading, displacement, material properties in the system as hardness, elastic modulus, microstructure, roughness surface, thickness, among others, which are indicated in ASTM C1624 / 05. This paper analyzes through scratch test simulation, the effect of the indenter geometry (conical and spherical, the loading (20 N and 50 N, the thickness coating (2,1 µm and 4,6 µm and the friction coefficient values (0,3 and 0,5 in the stresses and plastic deformation behavior at the surface of a coated system. The results suggest that the coefficient of friction has a high importance in the mechanical performance of the coated system.Key words: scratch test, computacional simulation, coated system.

  13. Utilização de código aberto de dinâmica de fluidos computacional para estudo de placas de orifício


    Thiago Teixeira Kunz


    Este trabalho apresenta simulações numéricas de escoamento de fluidos através de placas de orifício, elementos primários de medição de vazão, em comparação aos resultados esperados por normas internacionais. O coeficiente de descarga usado para a determinação da vazão de um escoamento em uma tubulação foi obtido numericamente através da aplicação do modelo de turbulência de baixo Reynolds proposto por Launder-Sharma, resolvido através de um código aberto de Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional. ...

  14. Prótese para substituição total de disco intervertebral: desenvolvimento de modelo computacional e análise por elementos finitos Prótese de reemplazo total del disco intervertebral: modelo de desarrollo computacional y análisis de elementos finitos Prosthesis for total intervertebral disc replacement: computacional model development and finite element analysis

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    Tiago Nunes Campello


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a idéia de um disco intervertebral artificial não é nova. O campo de estudos sobre próteses para artroplastia de coluna desenvolve-se ao passo que novas tecnologias na área de materiais e engenharia médica são desenvolvidas ou introduzidas para o surgimento de novos projetos. OBJETIVO: estabelecer metodologia de desenvolvimento de produto em um projeto de prótese para substituição total de disco intervertebral pela utilização de ferramentas computacionais de engenharia. MÉTODOS: a metodologia de desenvolvimento de prótese para substituição total de disco iniciou-se com a definição do seu modelo virtual, seguida pela a análise mecânica virtual por elementos finitos. RESULTADOS: a prótese de disco foi concebida com três componentes, sendo eles o flange superior, o flange inferior e o núcleo. Aplicando o critério de von Mises para solução da análise virtual, verificou-se que o núcleo da prótese é o componente mais solicitado durante compressão axial e compressão/cisalhamento. CONCLUSÃO: este estudo demonstra a viabilidade do desenvolvimento de um projeto para fabricação de prótese para substituição total de disco intervertebral, por meio de metodologia computacional já consagrada em projetos mecânicos de engenharia, principalmente, nos ramos automotivo e aeronáutico.INTRODUCCIÓN: la idea de un disco intervertebral artificial no es nueva. Los estudios de la columna vertebral artroplastia prótesis están en desarrollo, mientras las nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito de la ingeniería y los materiales médicos son desarr llados o introducidos a la aparición de nuevos proyectos. OBJETIVO: establecer una metodología para el desarrollo de producto en un proyecto de prótesis para reemplazo total del disco intervertebral, a través del uso de herramientas de ingeniería computacional. MÉTODOS: la metodología de desarrollo de prótesis para reemplazo total del disco se inició con la definici


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    Elaine Cristina Gonçalves Moreira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetiva analisar o processo de produção de Pasta Diamantada, avaliando o número de operadores e máquinas, tempos de produção, alocação de atividades, dentre outros parâmetros importantes para avaliar a dinâmica do sistema e suas regras operacionais. O método utilizado tem por base a técnica de Simulação Computacional Estocástica de Eventos Discretos em virtude das variadas fontes de incertezas e da complexidade operacional relacionada ao processo de produção de Pasta Diamantada. O modelo conceitual deste sistema foi construído a partir da técnica IDEF-SIM e traduzido para o software Arena® 12 Rockwell Automation. O modelo de Simulação elaborado permitiu representar diversos cenários com considerável rapidez e flexibilidade, necessários à implantação da empresa ABRASDI. Este método permitiu identificar problemas e oportunidades de melhoria no processo, antes do início das linhas de produção. As principais medidas de desempenho avaliadas foram a taxa de utilização de operadores e o lead time do processo, considerando como restrições o custo da Pasta Diamantada, a qualidade do produto e o tempo total de produção. Os resultados obtidos a partir das análises demonstram que alguns cenários podem ser considerados ideais, dependendo das necessidades da empresa, tendo em vista que consideráveis ganhos podem ser obtidos com algumas mudanças de parâmetros.

  16. Rasgos y clases de la estructura eventiva: Hacia una representación computacional

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    Juan Aparicio


    Full Text Available La investigación que actualmente se está llevando a cabo en el área del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural está todavía lejos de conseguir niveles profundos de compresión del lenguaje. Para poder construir sistemas inteligentes que traten con la representación del significado, es necesario en el ámbito de las tecnologías del lenguaje, la creación de recursos semánticos de amplia cobertura. El objetivo principal de nuestra investigación es el establecimiento de clases para la representación eventiva en un sistema computacional. La unidad básica de representación es el rasgo, concretamente hemos considerado cuatro rasgos: dinamicidad,  telicidad, duración y gradualidad. A partir de la combinación de estos rasgos semánticos hemos establecido un conjunto de clases eventivas que nos permite caracterizar el comportamiento verbal. Para establecer estas clases hemos tenido en cuenta los posibles cambios eventivos que puede sufrir una unidad verbal según el contexto, representando así la composicionalidad del significado eventivo. Por ello hemos considerado la prototipicidad de los sentidos verbales, y la sensibilidad de las diferentes clases al contexto. El total de clases definidas se clasifica en dos grupos, las clases simples: estados, procesos y puntos, cuya combinación da lugar a las clases complejas: culminaciones, realizaciones y graduales.

  17. Computational simulation of flow and heat transfer in single-phase natural circulation loops; Simulacao computacional de escoamento e transferencia de calor em circuitos de circulacao natural monofasica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinheiro, Larissa Cunha


    Passive decay heat removal systems based on natural circulation are essential assets for the new Gen III+ nuclear power reactors and nuclear spent fuel pools. The aim of the present work is to study both laminar and turbulent flow and heat transfer in single-phase natural circulation systems through computational fluid dynamics simulations. The working fluid is considered to be incompressible with constant properties. In the way, the Boussinesq Natural Convection Hypothesis was applied. The model chosen for the turbulence closure problem was the k -- εThe commercial computational fluid dynamics code ANSYS CFX 15.0 was used to obtain the numerical solution of the governing equations. Two single-phase natural circulation circuits were studied, a 2D toroidal loop and a 3D rectangular loop, both with the same boundary conditions of: prescribed heat flux at the heater and fixed wall temperature at the cooler. The validation and verification was performed with the numerical data provided by DESRAYAUD et al. [1] and the experimental data provided by MISALE et al. [2] and KUMAR et al. [3]. An excellent agreement between the Reynolds number (Re) and the modified Grashof number (Gr{sub m}), independently of Prandtl Pr number was observed. However, the convergence interval was observed to be variable with Pr, thus indicating that Pr is a stability governing parameter for natural circulation. Multiple steady states was obtained for Pr = 0,7. Finally, the effect of inclination was studied for the 3D circuit, both in-plane and out-of-plane inclinations were verified for the steady state laminar regime. As a conclusion, the Re for the out-of-plane inclination was in perfect agreement with the correlation found for the zero inclination system, while for the in-plane inclined system the results differ from that of the corresponding vertical loop. (author)

  18. Realización computacional en tres dimensiones del Método de los Elementos de Contorno en la teoría de la Elasticidad // Three dimension computational realization of the Method of the Contour elements in the Elasticity theory.

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    I. L. Alemán Romero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se muestra la realización computacional en tres dimensiones del Método de los Elementos de Contorno en laTeoría de la Elasticidad Lineal, para medio homogéneo e isotrópico considerando el efecto de las cargas másicas.La realización computacional del método radica en discretizar el contorno mediante elementos en los que losdesplazamientos y las tracciones se suponen variando de acuerdo a funciones de interpolación. Aplicando el “método decolocación” se obtiene un sistema de ecuaciones lineales que aporta la solución en el contorno, a partir de la cual se puedeobtener la solución en cualquier punto de la región de definición del problema.En el presente trabajo se consideran elementos triangulares, se emplea interpolación lineal, se utiliza la transformación acoordenadas homogéneas y se muestran los algoritmos que conducen al ensamblaje del sistema de ecuaciones que aporta lasolución en el contorno.Palabras claves: Elementos de Contorno(MEC, BEM, realización computacional, elementos triangulares.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn this work is shown the computational formulation in three dimensions of the Boundary Element Method in 3D Elastostaticfor isotropic, homogeneous and linear material considering the effect of body forces.The computational formulation of the method is based on the discretization of the boundary into elements over whichdisplacements and tractions are expressed in terms of interpolation functions. Applying the collocation method a system oflineal equations is obtained that brings the solution on the boundary, from which the solution in any point of the definitionregion of the problem can be obtained.In the present work triangular elements are considered, lineal interpolation is employed, the transformation to homogenealcoordinates is used and it is shown the algorithms that guide to the assembling of the equations system that


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    Renê Jota Arruda de Macêdo


    Full Text Available Linguagens de programação vem se tornando populares em diversas áreas do meio acadêmico-científico. No âmbito das Geociências, emergem como potenciais ferramentas para a compreensão dos processos naturais da superfície terrestre. Neste trabalho realizou-se uma breve apresentação da linguagem computacional R e uma rápida abordagem a respeito da parametrização de elementos da superfície de uma determinada região a partir de dados discretos espaçados regularmente.  Em seguida, apresenta-se um exemplo de sua aplicação para derivação de parâmetros geométricos e análise digital de terreno (ADT em um modelo digital de elevação com 30 m de resolução espacial. Utilizou-se o software RStudio versão gratuita que oferece um ambiente de desenvolvimento gráfico intuitivo com diversas facilidades para implementação de rotinas. Com uma comunidade colaborativa ativa e aberta, a linguagem R aplicada em ADT permite que usuários iniciantes compreendam os aspectos básicos e visualize todo o processo de implementação do código e análise dos resultados.

  20. Sistema computacional para dosimetria de nêutrons e fótons baseado em métodos estocásticos aplicado a radioterapia e radiologia

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    Bruno Machado Trindade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este artigo mostra um procedimento de conversão de imagens de tomografia computadorizada ou de ressonância magnética em modelo de voxels tridimensional para fim de dosimetria. Este modelo é uma representação personalizada do paciente que pode ser usado na simulação, via código MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle, de transporte de partículas nucleares, reproduzindo o processo estocástico de interação de partículas nucleares com os tecidos humanos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O sistema computacional desenvolvido, denominado SISCODES, é uma ferramenta para planejamento computacional tridimensional de tratamentos radioterápicos ou procedimentos radiológicos. Partindo de imagens tomográficas do paciente, o plano de tratamento é modelado e simulado. São então mostradas as doses absorvidas, por meio de curvas de isodoses superpostas ao modelo. O SISCODES acopla o modelo tridimensional ao código MCNP5, que simula o protocolo de exposição à radiação ionizante. RESULTADOS: O SISCODES vem sendo utilizado no grupo de pesquisa NRI/CNPq na criação de modelos de voxels antropomórficos e antropométricos que são acoplados ao código MCNP para modelar braquiterapias e teleterapias aplicadas a tumores em pulmões, pelve, coluna, cabeça, pescoço, e outros. Os módulos atualmente desenvolvidos no SISCODES são apresentados junto com casos exemplos de planejamento radioterápico. CONCLUSÃO: O SISCODES provê de maneira rápida a criação de modelos de voxels personalizados de qualquer paciente que podem ser usados em simulações por códigos estocásticos tipo MCNP. A combinação da simulação via MCNP com um modelo personalizado do paciente traz grandes melhorias na dosimetria de tratamentos radioterápicos.

  1. O uso das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ensino de física : uma abordagem através da modelagem computacional


    Marcelo Esteves de Andrade


    Neste projeto, utilizamos algumas tecnologias da informação e comunicação para desenvolver uma estratégia de ensino de Física para o Ensino Médio abordando o tópico da cinemática. A estratégia contou com a utilização de aulas e testes virtuais e também com atividades de modelagem computacional com o programa Modellus. Todas as atividades foram aplicadas no laboratório de informática e mediadas pelo computador. Esta estratégia foi aplicada em duas turmas do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio do Inst...


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    Michele Tereza Marques Carvalho


    Full Text Available Tem-se observado que o crescimento da competitividade no setor da construção civil tem levado as empresas a procurarem por melhorias de desempenho relacionados aos resultados obtidos nas frentes de trabalho. Isso acontece por meio de programas de melhoria da qualidade e produtividade, onde pode-se citar a capacitação da mão de obra, melhoria das técnicas de produção e aperfeiçoamento da linguagem utilizada entre todas as partes envolvidas na realização das tarefas. Desta forma, o foco deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional que integre todos os indicadores de planejamento e controle, gráficos, diários de obras e programações  necessárias para permitir uma observação completa da obra e uma análise do planejamento realizado que aponte os seus pontos fortes e fracos, facilitando o processo de tomada de decisão. Este instrumento mostrará aonde o planejamento e controle estão falhando e assim será possível melhorar as diretrizes mais rapidamente, dado que estas falhas demoram a ser identificadas tanto pelos planejadores quanto pelos responsáveis pelas frentes de trabalho. Com os dados obtidos em mãos será realizada uma análise sobre os resultados alcançados com o desenvolvimento da ferramenta, a veracidade dos dados utilizados e a necessidade de seu desenvolvimento e emprego em outras obras.

  3. Desenvolvimento de um programa computacional didático para o projeto de colunas de absorção

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    Nehemias Curvelo Pereira


    Full Text Available A absorção de gases é uma operação unitária da engenharia química na qual há a transferência de massa de uma corrente gasosa para uma corrente líquida. O princípio desta operação é simples e as dificuldades no dimensionamento das colunas de absorção estão associadas à execução de um conjunto de balanços de massa e de energia nas condições de operação do sistema. Elaborou-se, usando a linguagem de programação DELPHI, voltada ao ambiente WINDOWS, e algumas equações encontradas na literatura, um programa computacional de caráter didático para o projeto de torres de absorção isotérmicas, com diversos tipos de recheio e com operação em contracorrente. Os resultados são apresentados tanto em forma numérica como de gráficos, sendo possível sua impressão. Alguns exemplos tirados da literatura foram usados para testar a eficácia do software e observou-se que os erros apresentados pelos resultados do programa variam em torno de 5%

  4. El uso del diagrama AVM como instrumento para la implementación de los principios de la Teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo Crítico en actividades de modelación computacional para la enseñanza de la Física

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    Sonia López


    Full Text Available Teniendo en consideración que la formación integral de un profesor de Física implica que éste tenga un dominio de su campo disciplinar, una concepción crítica sobre la ciencia que enseña y su enseñanza; presentamos en este trabajo el diseño de una propuesta didáctica que tiene como principal propósito considerar los principios de la Teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo Crítico de Moreira en el aula de clase, a partir de la implementación de actividades de modelación computacional. Estas actividades están apoyadas en el uso del diagrama AVM (Adaptación de la V de Gowin a la Modelación Computacional y tienen como propósito favorecer el aprendizaje significativo de conceptos físicos y la formación de futuros profesores de Física con visiones más críticas y reflexivas en relación con el conocimiento científico, la modelación científica y la enseñanza de las Ciencias.

  5. Otimização de entropia: implementação computacional dos princípios MaxEnt e MinxEnt

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    Mattos Rogério Silva de


    Full Text Available Os princípios de otimização de entropia MaxEnt de Jaynes (1957a,b e MinxEnt de Kullback (1959 encontram aplicações em várias áreas de investigação científica. Ambos envolvem a otimização condicionada de medidas de entropia que são funções intrinsecamente não-lineares de probabilidades. Como constituem problemas de programação não-linear, suas soluções demandam algoritmos de busca iterativa e, além disso, as condições de não-negatividade e de soma um para as probabilidades restringem de modo particular o espaço de soluções. O artigo apresenta em detalhe (com a ajuda de dois fluxogramas uma implementação computacional eficiente desses dois princípios no caso de restrições lineares com verificação prévia de existência de solução dos problemas de otimização. Os autores também disponibilizam rotinas de fácil uso desenvolvidas em linguagem MatLabâ .

  6. Simplificações e Adaptações para Redução do Custo Computacional do Pré-processamento de Voz na Plataforma Arduino

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    Pedro Ítalo Ribeiro Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Atualmente, existe um crescente interesse por aplicações em que a interação homem-máquina seja realizada via a voz humana. No entanto, alguns equipamentos, como telefones celulares e eletrodomésticos, possuem limitações de armazenamento e processamento, dificultando a implementação deste tipo de sistema. Neste trabalho, foram implementadas simplificações matemáticas e estratégias de programação em duas etapas típicas de um sistema de reconhecimento da fala, a pré-ênfase e o janelamento. Oobjetivo desta implementação foi analisar o impacto das mesmas no desempenho e, consequentemente, no custo computacional as referidas etapas. Diante das adaptações efetuadas, o tempo de execução foi reduzido para 1/5 do tempo original da pré-ênfase e para 1/10 no caso do janelamento. 

  7. Aplicativo computacional para la planeación de la producción en una empresa fabricante de autopartes

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    Andrea Hernández


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe el desarrollo de un aplicativo computacional para la planeación y secuenciación de la producción en una empresa colombiana fabricante de autopartes. El aplicativo integra pronósticos de ventas y órdenes en firme para calcular el plan maestro de producción, que se secuencia en la planta de producción. Un caso de estudio muestra la funcionalidad de la aplicación propuesta y compara los resultados de las secuencias propuestas con las que resultaron de las prácticas actuales. Los resultados muestran que la implementación del aplicativo puede mejorar los niveles de servicio y la satisfacción del cliente si se cumplen ciertos prerrequisitos descritos en el artículo. / This paper describes the development of a computer application for production planning and scheduling in a Colombian auto part company. Such an application integrates sales forecasts and firm orders, to calculate a Master Production Schedule which is validated with a detailed shop floor scheduling plan. A case study illustrates the functionality of the proposed application and compares the computer-calculated production plans with the current practices. The results show that the implementation of the application can improve service levels and customer satisfaction, given some prerequisites described in the paper are met.

  8. Sistema computacional de realidad aumentada para la solidificación del aprendizaje en la educación básica

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    Manuel Alexander Ponce Tubay


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de una herramienta computacional para la mejora de los diferentes procesos de aprendizaje implantando nuevas TIC con realidad aumenta, para de esta forma despertar un mayor interés e interacción de los alumnos, contribuyendo así con en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la educación de la Unidad Educativa. La investigación está orientada a mejorar cada uno de los aspectos necesarios para la enseñanza y aprendizaje, agilizar e innovar la manera de aprender con un software como lo es naturaleza aumentada. La Unidad Educativa Cesar Lucas cuenta con veinte docentes de los cuales cuatro están enfocados al área de ciencias naturales, cada uno de los docentes maneja estrategias o métodos de aprendizaje de acuerdo al contenido o al contexto que se desarrollan las clases. Esto permitió evidenciar que los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje ayudan al docente guiar sus diferentes temas al estudiante, con la creación de una herramienta de realidad aumentada personalizada y avanzada estos procesos innovarían la manera de aprender diferente, aplicando esta tecnología y con mejores características para un mayor aprendizaje en tiempo real.

  9. Computer simulation of deasphalting vacuum residues in a pilot unit; Simulacao computacional de desasfaltacao de residuo de vacuo realizada em unidade piloto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Concha, Viktor Oswaldo Cardenas; Quirino, Filipe Augusto Barral; Koroisgi, Erika Tomie; Rivarola, Florencia Wisnivesky Rocca; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; Maciel Filho, Rubens [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica; Medina, Lilian Carmen; Barros, Ricardo Soares de [PETROBRAS S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas (CENPES)


    In the context of the national petroleum industry, it is interesting to keep the production of the paraffinic lubricant oil type I, which implies in the identification of new loads to ensure the feeding of the existing units. Therefore, it is important to carry out carefully the characterization of the oils, defining its potential for fuel, asphalt and lubricant. Aiming to introduce in the characterization and evaluation of petroleum for lubricant, carried out by PETROBRAS/CENPES, information of basic oils, more similar to industrial oils, was built up in the Laboratory of Process Separation Development - LDPS of UNICAMP/FEQ, a deasphalting pilot unit. In this work, the deasphalting process of a vacuum residue of Brazilian petroleum is simulated, using Aspen Plus{sup R} simulator, in order to remove asphaltenes, resins and other heavy components of vacuum residue. The simulations were carried out considering the configuration of the pilot plant, evaluating the extraction in near-critical operational condition applied to a petroleum, using propane as the solvent. The extraction efficiency and the solvent power were evaluated considering variations in temperature, pressure and in the solvent/feed ratio in order to obtain yields with more efficiency in the production of deasphalted oil (DAO), what means more asphaltene removal. (author)

  10. Optimal codes as Tanner codes with cyclic component codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høholdt, Tom; Pinero, Fernando; Zeng, Peng


    In this article we study a class of graph codes with cyclic code component codes as affine variety codes. Within this class of Tanner codes we find some optimal binary codes. We use a particular subgraph of the point-line incidence plane of A(2,q) as the Tanner graph, and we are able to describe ...


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    Wesley Saldanha Nogueira Oliveira


    Full Text Available RESUMO. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados iniciais da comparação de alguns parâmetros de funcionamento do protótipo de uma turbina de ação simples, operando com ar comprimido como fluido de trabalho, realizados na unidade do SENAI de Barra do Piraí/RJ. O protótipo foi desenvolvido integralmente no Centro Universitário Geraldo Di Biase - UGB - Campus de Barra do Piraí/RJ, que inicialmente teve como o fluido de trabalho o vapor d’água, que nos testes inicias se mostrou ineficiente. A simulação computacional do sistema foi feita através do software SolidWorks na Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF - Campus de Volta Redonda/RJ, o que permitiu determinar a faixa de trabalho que apresentou maior eficiência nos resultados experimentais do sistema por meio da relação entre pressão de operação, velocidade angular transmitida pelo fluido ao eixo da turbina e a potência da mesma. Os valores nas simulações em velocidade tangencial na região rotacional apresentaram-se convergentes aos valores experimentais medidos no protótipo.

  12. Optimization of a computer simulation code to analyse thermal systems for solar energy water heating; Aperfeicoamento de um programa de simulacao computacional para analise de sistemas termicos de aquecimento de agua por energia solar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pozzebon, Felipe Barin


    The potential of solar water heating systems through solar energy in Brazil is excellent due to the climatic features of the country. The performance of these systems is highly influenced also by the materials used to build it and by the dimension of its equipment and components. In face of global warming, solar energy gains more attention, since it is one of the renewable energy that will be largely used to replace some of the existing polluting types of energy. This paper presents the improvement of a software that conducts simulations of water heating systems using solar energy in thermosyphon regime or forced circulation. TermoSim, as it is called, was initiated at the Solar Labs, and is in its version 3.0. The current version is capable of simulating 6 different arrangements' possibilities combined with auxiliary energy: systems with solar collectors with auxiliary energy with gas, electric energy, internal electric energy, electric energy in series with the consumption line, and no auxiliary energy. The software is a tool to aid studies and analysis of solar heating systems, it has a friendly interface that is easy to comprehend and results are simple to use. Besides that, this version also allows simulations that consider heat losses at night, situation in which a reverse circulation can occur and mean efficiency loss, depending on the simulated system type. There were many simulations with the mathematical models used and comparisons were made with the climatic data of the city of Caxias do Sul, in Rio Grande do Sul state, in Brazil, determining the system with the most efficient configuration for the simulated water consume profile. The paper is finalized with simple economic analyses with the intention of foreseeing the time for payback on the investment, taking into account the current prices for electrical energy in the simulated area and the possible monthly economy provided with the use of a solar energy heating system. (author)

  13. Analysis of the microturbine combustion chamber by using the CHEMKIN III computer code; Analise da camara de combustao de microturbinas empregando-se o codigo computacional CHEMKIN III

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Madela, Vinicius Zacarias; Pauliny, Luis F. de A.; Veras, Carlos A. Gurgel [Brasilia Univ., DF (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Mecanica]. E-mail:; Costa, Fernando de S. [Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil). Lab. Associado de Combustao e Propulsao]. E-mail:


    This work presents the results obtained with the simulation of multi fuel micro turbines combustion chambers. In particular, the predictions for the methane and Diesel burning are presented. The appropriate routines of the CHEMKIN III computer code were used.


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    Sergio González


    Full Text Available Con el fin de estudiar teóricamente fenómenos en donde los núcleos atómicos presentan comportamiento cuántico, hemos desarrollado el paquete computacional APMO (Any-Particle Molecular Orbital. Este implementa el método de orbitales moleculares nucleares y electrónicos (OMNE a un nivel de teoría Hartree-Fock (HF, en el que tanto núcleos como electrones se representan como funciones de onda.Para comprobar la correcta implementación del método, se realizaron  cálculos de estructura electrónica regular y núcleo-electrónica de las moléculas H2 y LiH. Las componentes de energía calculadas siguen las  tendencias y están en el mismo orden de magnitud de cálculos similares reportados en la literatura.A diferencia de otros paquetes que implementan el método OMNE, el nuestro fué diseñado para estudiar sistemas con cualquier número de especies cuánticas. 

  15. DelPapa - Aplicativo computacional para a análise de dados de experimentos no delineamento blocos ao acaso, usando o método Papadakis

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    Lindolfo Storck


    Full Text Available O aplicativo computacional para a análise de dados de experimentos executados no delineamento blocos ao acaso, por meio do método usual e de Papadakis, foi desenvolvido em sua primeira versão (não publicada, na linguagem de programação Pascal. Considerando que o método de Papadakis foi eficiente para as principais culturas agrícolas (milho, soja, feijão e trigo e, para tornar o aplicativo mais amigável, a versão em Pascal foi reprogramada em Java, cuja denominação é DelPapa. Este aplicativo realiza a análise de variância segundo o delineamento blocos ao acaso pelo método usual (estima parâmetros genéticos, medidas de qualidade experimental e testes dos pressupostos da análise de variância e pelo método de Papadakis. Usando as médias ajustadas pela covariável (média dos erros das parcelas vizinhas, também realiza o teste Scott e Knott (P=0,05 para agrupar os tratamentos.

  16. From concatenated codes to graph codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Justesen, Jørn; Høholdt, Tom


    We consider codes based on simple bipartite expander graphs. These codes may be seen as the first step leading from product type concatenated codes to more complex graph codes. We emphasize constructions of specific codes of realistic lengths, and study the details of decoding by message passing...

  17. Shielding calculations using computer techniques; Calculo de blindajes mediante tecnicas de computacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez Portilla, M. I.; Marquez, J.


    Radiological protection aims to limit the ionizing radiation received by people and equipment, which in numerous occasions requires of protection shields. Although, for certain configurations, there are analytical formulas, to characterize these shields, the design setup may be very intensive in numerical calculations, therefore the most efficient from to design the shields is by means of computer programs to calculate dose and dose rates. In the present article we review the codes most frequently used to perform these calculations, and the techniques used by such codes. (Author) 13 refs.

  18. Toric Varieties and Codes, Error-correcting Codes, Quantum Codes, Secret Sharing and Decoding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Johan Peder

    We present toric varieties and associated toric codes and their decoding. Toric codes are applied to construct Linear Secret Sharing Schemes (LSSS) with strong multiplication by the Massey construction. Asymmetric Quantum Codes are obtained from toric codes by the A.R. Calderbank P.W. Shor and A.......M. Steane construction of stabilizer codes (CSS) from linear codes containing their dual codes....

  19. Lingüística computacional y esteganografía lingüística. Distribuyendo información oculta con recursos mínimos

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    Muñoz Muñoz, Alfonso


    Full Text Available Computational linguistics and linguistic steganography could allow to design useful systems in the protection / privacy of digital communications and digital language watermarking. However, building these systems is not always possible provided a series of conditions are not met. This article investigates whether it is possible to design procedures to hide information in natural language using minimal linguistic and computational resources. An algorithm is proposed and implemented, arguing for the usefulness and security of such proposals.La lingüística computacional puede ser aprovechada junto a la ciencia de la esteganografía lingüística para diseñar sistemas útiles en la protección/privacidad de las comunicaciones digitales y en el marcado digital de textos. No obstante, para poder llevar a cabo tal tarea se requiere de una serie de condiciones que no siempre se dan. En este artículo se investiga si es posible diseñar procedimientos que permitan ocultar información en lenguaje natural utilizando la mínima cantidad de recursos tanto lingüísticos como computacionales. Se propone un algoritmo y se implementa, razonando posteriormente a favor de la utilidad y la seguridad de propuestas de este tipo.

  20. Automatic coding method of the ACR Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Kwi Ae; Ihm, Jong Sool; Ahn, Woo Hyun; Baik, Seung Kook; Choi, Han Yong; Kim, Bong Gi


    The authors developed a computer program for automatic coding of ACR(American College of Radiology) code. The automatic coding of the ACR code is essential for computerization of the data in the department of radiology. This program was written in foxbase language and has been used for automatic coding of diagnosis in the Department of Radiology, Wallace Memorial Baptist since May 1992. The ACR dictionary files consisted of 11 files, one for the organ code and the others for the pathology code. The organ code was obtained by typing organ name or code number itself among the upper and lower level codes of the selected one that were simultaneous displayed on the screen. According to the first number of the selected organ code, the corresponding pathology code file was chosen automatically. By the similar fashion of organ code selection, the proper pathologic dode was obtained. An example of obtained ACR code is '131.3661'. This procedure was reproducible regardless of the number of fields of data. Because this program was written in 'User's Defined Function' from, decoding of the stored ACR code was achieved by this same program and incorporation of this program into program in to another data processing was possible. This program had merits of simple operation, accurate and detail coding, and easy adjustment for another program. Therefore, this program can be used for automation of routine work in the department of radiology

  1. Coding in pigeons: Multiple-coding versus single-code/default strategies. (United States)

    Pinto, Carlos; Machado, Armando


    To investigate the coding strategies that pigeons may use in a temporal discrimination tasks, pigeons were trained on a matching-to-sample procedure with three sample durations (2s, 6s and 18s) and two comparisons (red and green hues). One comparison was correct following 2-s samples and the other was correct following both 6-s and 18-s samples. Tests were then run to contrast the predictions of two hypotheses concerning the pigeons' coding strategies, the multiple-coding and the single-code/default. According to the multiple-coding hypothesis, three response rules are acquired, one for each sample. According to the single-code/default hypothesis, only two response rules are acquired, one for the 2-s sample and a "default" rule for any other duration. In retention interval tests, pigeons preferred the "default" key, a result predicted by the single-code/default hypothesis. In no-sample tests, pigeons preferred the key associated with the 2-s sample, a result predicted by multiple-coding. Finally, in generalization tests, when the sample duration equaled 3.5s, the geometric mean of 2s and 6s, pigeons preferred the key associated with the 6-s and 18-s samples, a result predicted by the single-code/default hypothesis. The pattern of results suggests the need for models that take into account multiple sources of stimulus control. © Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

  2. Code Cactus; Code Cactus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fajeau, M; Nguyen, L T; Saunier, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    This code handles the following problems: -1) Analysis of thermal experiments on a water loop at high or low pressure; steady state or transient behavior; -2) Analysis of thermal and hydrodynamic behavior of water-cooled and moderated reactors, at either high or low pressure, with boiling permitted; fuel elements are assumed to be flat plates: - Flowrate in parallel channels coupled or not by conduction across plates, with conditions of pressure drops or flowrate, variable or not with respect to time is given; the power can be coupled to reactor kinetics calculation or supplied by the code user. The code, containing a schematic representation of safety rod behavior, is a one dimensional, multi-channel code, and has as its complement (FLID), a one-channel, two-dimensional code. (authors) [French] Ce code permet de traiter les problemes ci-dessous: 1. Depouillement d'essais thermiques sur boucle a eau, haute ou basse pression, en regime permanent ou transitoire; 2. Etudes thermiques et hydrauliques de reacteurs a eau, a plaques, a haute ou basse pression, ebullition permise: - repartition entre canaux paralleles, couples on non par conduction a travers plaques, pour des conditions de debit ou de pertes de charge imposees, variables ou non dans le temps; - la puissance peut etre couplee a la neutronique et une representation schematique des actions de securite est prevue. Ce code (Cactus) a une dimension d'espace et plusieurs canaux, a pour complement Flid qui traite l'etude d'un seul canal a deux dimensions. (auteurs)

  3. Evaluation Codes from an Affine Veriety Code Perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geil, Hans Olav


    Evaluation codes (also called order domain codes) are traditionally introduced as generalized one-point geometric Goppa codes. In the present paper we will give a new point of view on evaluation codes by introducing them instead as particular nice examples of affine variety codes. Our study...... includes a reformulation of the usual methods to estimate the minimum distances of evaluation codes into the setting of affine variety codes. Finally we describe the connection to the theory of one-pointgeometric Goppa codes. Contents 4.1 Introduction...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 4.9 Codes form order domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 4.10 One-point geometric Goppa codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 4.11 Bibliographical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 References...

  4. Un análisis computacional de las líneas prehistóricas: diseños geométricos y lenguaje

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    Víctor Manuel LONGA


    Full Text Available El enfoque usual en Paleoantropología y Arqueología ha sido analizar los restos prehistóricos desde la perspectiva de la conducta con la que pudieron asociarse –simbólica, tecnológica, social, etc. En lo que respecta al lenguaje, la presencia de objetos simbólicos en el registro arqueológico se ha tomado como indicador automático de la existencia de lenguaje complejo en la Prehistoria. Este trabajo presenta un enfoque muy diferente: analizar los restos prehistóricos desde la perspectiva de los procesos y las capacidades computacionales mentales requeridas para producir esos objetos. Esta perspectiva deja de lado la ‘semántica’ de las piezas –su posible carácter simbólico o representacional–, para centrarse en el análisis de rasgos puramente formales que revelen una complejidad computacional semejante a la del lenguaje. El artículo analiza desde esa perspectiva (1 los diseños geométricos producidos en el Paleolítico medio e inferior de Eurasia por especies como Homo neanderthalensis y quizás Homo heidelbergensis, y (2 los diseños geométricos producidos durante la Edad de la Piedra Media africana por los Humanos Anatómicamente Modernos. La comparación en términos computacionales entre ambos tipos de diseños permite inferir el tipo de lenguaje asociado a esas especies.

  5. Cuantificación de la eficiencia de la fachada cerámica ventilada mediante técnicas de la mecánica de fluidos computacional

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    Bengochea Escribano, M. A.


    Full Text Available In some countries, summer over-heating is a big problem in a building’s energy balance. Ventilated façades are a useful tool when applied to building design, especially in bioclimatic building design. A ventilated facade is a complex, multi-layer structural solution that enables dry installation of the covering elements. The objective of this paper is to quantify the efficiency improvement in the building thermal when this sort of facade is installed. These improvements are due to convection produced in the air gap of the façade. This convection depends on the air movement inside the gap and the heat transmission in this motion. These quantities are mathematically modelled by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD techniques using a commercial code: STAR CCM+. The proposed method allows an assessment of the energy potential of the ventilated façade and its capacity for cooling.

    En muchos países, el calentamiento en los edificios que se da en verano se convierte en una fuente de consumo energético importante. La fachada ventilada se convierte en una herramienta de diseño sostenible, especialmente en diseños preocupados por el bioclimatismo. La fachada ventilada es un sistema de envolvente del edificio basada en la combinación de los paneles cerámicos con la cámara de aire con objeto de favorecer un ahorro energético en condiciones adecuadas, especialmente frente a las necesidades de refrigeración. El objetivo de la presente contribución es cuantificar la contribución a la eficiencia energética en el comportamiento térmico de los edificios cuando se instala este tipo de fachada. Estas mejoras se deben a la convección producida por el movimiento del aire en la capa de la fachada. El movimiento convectivo del aire está ligado al intercambio de calor con los paneles de la fachada. Esta cuantificación se realiza por medio de la Fluido Dinámica Computacional utilizando un código comercial: STAR CCM+. La metodolog

  6. An Optimal Linear Coding for Index Coding Problem


    Pezeshkpour, Pouya


    An optimal linear coding solution for index coding problem is established. Instead of network coding approach by focus on graph theoric and algebraic methods a linear coding program for solving both unicast and groupcast index coding problem is presented. The coding is proved to be the optimal solution from the linear perspective and can be easily utilize for any number of messages. The importance of this work is lying mostly on the usage of the presented coding in the groupcast index coding ...

  7. Comparison of performance among three systems of Clinical PET by computerized simulation; Comparacao de desempenho entre tres sistemas de PET clinico por simulacao computacional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franze, Daniel L.; Bertolo, Antonio C.N.; Gama, Andressa F.; Moraes, Eder R. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (GIMN/USP), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Grupo de Imagens em Medicina Nuclear


    Whereas sensitivity and spatial resolution of PET images formed in coincidence systems may exhibit improvements with reduction of the distance between the detectors. Furthermore, since the human cross section not be a circle three different detection geometries of a PET system have been simulated; a circular and two ellipticals. The performance comparison was performed by the sensitivity, resolution and the Noise Equivalent Count Rate curve. The results show that elliptical systems may experience 25% lower cost detectors, increased sensitivity to 63%. The resolution improvements introduced in X direction, large loss in the Y direction, although the use of iterative reconstruction can reduce the loss in resolution. The reduction of peak NEC curve indicates the image with better quality is achieved with lower activity of the source. (author)

  8. Simulação do comportamento mecânico de misturas asfálticas usando um modelo computacional multi-escala

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    Flávio Vasconcelos de Souza


    Full Text Available As misturas asfálticas, por serem materiais heterogêneos, possuem comportamento global dependente do comportamento dos constituintes individuais, de suas frações volumétricas e das interações físico-químicas entre os constituintes, dentre outros fatores. Deste modo, para que se possa compreender melhor o comportamento desses materiais, é necessário o uso de metodologias capazes de considerar as características e fenômenos ocorrentes nas escalas menores. Uma metodologia que vem sendo bastante estudada e aplicada na comunidade científica internacional são os chamados modelos multi-escala. O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever um modelo computacional multi-escala e aplicá-lo à simulação de ensaios comumente usados em misturas asfálticas, quais sejam, os ensaios de compressão diametral e de fadiga por flexão em viga. Para o caso de compressão diametral, os resultados numéricos se mostraram em concordância com os resultados observados experimentalmente. Para o caso de carregamento cíclico, não foi feita uma comparação com experimentos, mas os resultados numéricos mostram a capacidade do modelo em simular qualitativamente os fenômenos de trincamento por fadiga e acúmulo de deformações permanentes.

  9. Modelo computacional para la liofilización de alimentos de geometría finita

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    Héctor E. Gómez H.


    Full Text Available La liofilización es una técnica de conservación por deshidratación aplicada a productos químicos, farmacéuticos, médicos, biológicos y alimenticios. El proceso es también llamado criodesecación porque consiste primero en congelar un producto húmedo y luego en vaporizar directamente el hielo a baja presión. Este fenómeno es conocido como sublimación y era ya practicado por los incas del Perú, desde el siglo XIII, para conservar papas. Los productos liofilizados, a diferencia de los deshidratados por otras técnicas de secado, conservan prácticamente en 100% su forma y propiedades naturales, tienen mayor vida de anaquel y son fácilmente rehidratables. En el presente trabajo la liofilización es estudiada experimentalmente y caracterizada por medio de un modelo matemático y computacional. Para ello fue utilizada una hortaliza: la papa Solanum tuberosum, variedad blanca, como material para el modelado de la liofilización por contacto. Se prepararon muestras individuales en forma de placas y cilindros finitos a tres espesores diferentes. Se operó a dos presiones de vacío y tres temperaturas de calentamiento. Se obtuvieron así 36 cinéticas de deshidratación y de temperatura del producto en monocapa, con 8 repeticiones cada una. Se propone un modelo de liofilización que considera tres frentes de sublimación que se retiran uniformemente pero a velocidades interdependientes. Para el estudio se recurrió a las leyes de Fick y de Fourier en estado cuasi-estacionario, considerando despreciable el colapso en el producto. Las temperaturas de cada frente de sublimación se consideran variables. El modelo dinámico resultante es un sistema de tres ecuaciones algebraicas no lineales y tres ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias. Para la solución del sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales-algebraicas se recurrió a los algoritmos acoplados de Runge-Kutta y Newton-Raphson. Para la estimación de los parámetros de transporte o coeficientes

  10. Estudi d'optimització per a regression wavelet analysis a través de models de regressió combinats


    Martín Somé, Ángel


    Basant-nos en el treball realitzat a l'article "Regression wavelet analysis for lossless coding of remote-sensing data", es presenta un aprofundiment en la matèria intentant trobar punts de millora pel que fa a rendiment de compressió o el cost computacional de la transformació. RWA utilitza implementacions de la transformada wavelet discreta, concretament en aquest projecte només la implementada amb el filtre Haar, per dividir les dades en components d'aproximació i components de detall. Les...

  11. La modelación computacional con diagrama AVM en la formación de profesores de física: un aporte al desarrollo de una visión crítica sobre la ciencia y la modelación científica

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    Sonia López


    Full Text Available La formación integral de un profesor de ciencias implica, más allá del dominio de su campo disciplinar, una concepción crítica sobre la ciencia y su enseñanza. A partir de esta reflexión elaboramos una propuesta didáctica cuyo principal objetivo fue valorar aspectos disciplinares, epistemológicos y didácticos, que propiciasen al estudiante una mejor comprensión del proceso de construcción del conocimiento científico. Tal propuesta se fundamenta en la implementación de los principios de la Teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo Crítico de Moreira (TASC y en el proceso de modelación científica con fines didácticos, haciendo uso del diagrama AVM (Adaptación de la V de Gowin a la Modelación Computacional. En este artículo son presentados resultados de investigación en la enseñanza de la mecánica con alumnos que ya cursaron asignaturas de Física General (siete estudiantes del programa de Física de la Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia, en un total de 36 horas de clase. Cada estudiante se constituye en un caso de estudio, investigado por medio de entrevistas, respuestas a test (sobre la concepción de ciencia y de modelación, y el FCI – Force Concept Inventory– y el desarrollo de actividades de modelación computacional. Se encontró que era posible aplicar los principios de la TASC por medio de la modelación didáctica científica, lo que lleva a los estudiantes a enriquecer sus concepciones sobre ciencia, además de profundizar en su conocimiento disciplinar.

  12. Rate-adaptive BCH codes for distributed source coding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salmistraro, Matteo; Larsen, Knud J.; Forchhammer, Søren


    This paper considers Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes for distributed source coding. A feedback channel is employed to adapt the rate of the code during the decoding process. The focus is on codes with short block lengths for independently coding a binary source X and decoding it given its...... strategies for improving the reliability of the decoded result are analyzed, and methods for estimating the performance are proposed. In the analysis, noiseless feedback and noiseless communication are assumed. Simulation results show that rate-adaptive BCH codes achieve better performance than low...... correlated side information Y. The proposed codes have been analyzed in a high-correlation scenario, where the marginal probability of each symbol, Xi in X, given Y is highly skewed (unbalanced). Rate-adaptive BCH codes are presented and applied to distributed source coding. Adaptive and fixed checking...

  13. Self-complementary circular codes in coding theory. (United States)

    Fimmel, Elena; Michel, Christian J; Starman, Martin; Strüngmann, Lutz


    Self-complementary circular codes are involved in pairing genetic processes. A maximal [Formula: see text] self-complementary circular code X of trinucleotides was identified in genes of bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes, plasmids and viruses (Michel in Life 7(20):1-16 2017, J Theor Biol 380:156-177, 2015; Arquès and Michel in J Theor Biol 182:45-58 1996). In this paper, self-complementary circular codes are investigated using the graph theory approach recently formulated in Fimmel et al. (Philos Trans R Soc A 374:20150058, 2016). A directed graph [Formula: see text] associated with any code X mirrors the properties of the code. In the present paper, we demonstrate a necessary condition for the self-complementarity of an arbitrary code X in terms of the graph theory. The same condition has been proven to be sufficient for codes which are circular and of large size [Formula: see text] trinucleotides, in particular for maximal circular codes ([Formula: see text] trinucleotides). For codes of small-size [Formula: see text] trinucleotides, some very rare counterexamples have been constructed. Furthermore, the length and the structure of the longest paths in the graphs associated with the self-complementary circular codes are investigated. It has been proven that the longest paths in such graphs determine the reading frame for the self-complementary circular codes. By applying this result, the reading frame in any arbitrary sequence of trinucleotides is retrieved after at most 15 nucleotides, i.e., 5 consecutive trinucleotides, from the circular code X identified in genes. Thus, an X motif of a length of at least 15 nucleotides in an arbitrary sequence of trinucleotides (not necessarily all of them belonging to X) uniquely defines the reading (correct) frame, an important criterion for analyzing the X motifs in genes in the future.

  14. Diagonal Eigenvalue Unity (DEU) code for spectral amplitude coding-optical code division multiple access (United States)

    Ahmed, Hassan Yousif; Nisar, K. S.


    Code with ideal in-phase cross correlation (CC) and practical code length to support high number of users are required in spectral amplitude coding-optical code division multiple access (SAC-OCDMA) systems. SAC systems are getting more attractive in the field of OCDMA because of its ability to eliminate the influence of multiple access interference (MAI) and also suppress the effect of phase induced intensity noise (PIIN). In this paper, we have proposed new Diagonal Eigenvalue Unity (DEU) code families with ideal in-phase CC based on Jordan block matrix with simple algebraic ways. Four sets of DEU code families based on the code weight W and number of users N for the combination (even, even), (even, odd), (odd, odd) and (odd, even) are constructed. This combination gives DEU code more flexibility in selection of code weight and number of users. These features made this code a compelling candidate for future optical communication systems. Numerical results show that the proposed DEU system outperforms reported codes. In addition, simulation results taken from a commercial optical systems simulator, Virtual Photonic Instrument (VPI™) shown that, using point to multipoint transmission in passive optical network (PON), DEU has better performance and could support long span with high data rate.

  15. List Decoding of Matrix-Product Codes from nested codes: an application to Quasi-Cyclic codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hernando, Fernando; Høholdt, Tom; Ruano, Diego


    A list decoding algorithm for matrix-product codes is provided when $C_1,..., C_s$ are nested linear codes and $A$ is a non-singular by columns matrix. We estimate the probability of getting more than one codeword as output when the constituent codes are Reed-Solomon codes. We extend this list...... decoding algorithm for matrix-product codes with polynomial units, which are quasi-cyclic codes. Furthermore, it allows us to consider unique decoding for matrix-product codes with polynomial units....

  16. Coding Partitions

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    Fabio Burderi


    Full Text Available Motivated by the study of decipherability conditions for codes weaker than Unique Decipherability (UD, we introduce the notion of coding partition. Such a notion generalizes that of UD code and, for codes that are not UD, allows to recover the ``unique decipherability" at the level of the classes of the partition. By tacking into account the natural order between the partitions, we define the characteristic partition of a code X as the finest coding partition of X. This leads to introduce the canonical decomposition of a code in at most one unambiguouscomponent and other (if any totally ambiguouscomponents. In the case the code is finite, we give an algorithm for computing its canonical partition. This, in particular, allows to decide whether a given partition of a finite code X is a coding partition. This last problem is then approached in the case the code is a rational set. We prove its decidability under the hypothesis that the partition contains a finite number of classes and each class is a rational set. Moreover we conjecture that the canonical partition satisfies such a hypothesis. Finally we consider also some relationships between coding partitions and varieties of codes.

  17. Combinatorial neural codes from a mathematical coding theory perspective. (United States)

    Curto, Carina; Itskov, Vladimir; Morrison, Katherine; Roth, Zachary; Walker, Judy L


    Shannon's seminal 1948 work gave rise to two distinct areas of research: information theory and mathematical coding theory. While information theory has had a strong influence on theoretical neuroscience, ideas from mathematical coding theory have received considerably less attention. Here we take a new look at combinatorial neural codes from a mathematical coding theory perspective, examining the error correction capabilities of familiar receptive field codes (RF codes). We find, perhaps surprisingly, that the high levels of redundancy present in these codes do not support accurate error correction, although the error-correcting performance of receptive field codes catches up to that of random comparison codes when a small tolerance to error is introduced. However, receptive field codes are good at reflecting distances between represented stimuli, while the random comparison codes are not. We suggest that a compromise in error-correcting capability may be a necessary price to pay for a neural code whose structure serves not only error correction, but must also reflect relationships between stimuli.

  18. Modelo computacional para o gerenciamento de dados e exames de pacientes para o acompanhamento remoto por meio de conferência multimídia Computational model for data and patients' exams management for remote follow-up by multimedia conferences

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    Huei Diana Lee


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Desenvolver um modelo computacional para aquisição, gerenciamento e armazenamento de dados e exames de pacientes, e definir uma arquitetura de conferência multimídia para o acompanhamento remoto de exames. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Definiu-se uma arquitetura computacional para a aquisição de exames a partir de equipamentos hospitalares, e para o armazenamento e gerenciamento de dados e exames de pacientes foram utilizados o servidor de aplicações Jboss, o sistema gerenciador de banco de dados MySQL, o servidor de páginas Apache e o framework Jboss-Seam para o desenvolvimento de aplicações. Para a conferência multimídia, foi aplicado um estudo de caso utilizando a arquitetura Openmeetings. RESULTADOS: Foram definidos modelos computacionais para o gerenciamento consistente e seguro de dados e exames de pacientes e estudou-se uma arquitetura para conferência multimídia. CONCLUSÃO: Os modelos computacionais, o protótipo implementado e a arquitetura de conferência multimídia avaliada poderão ser aplicados em situações reais da área médica, contribuindo para o acompanhamento remoto de pacientes.OBJECTIVE: To develop a computational model for acquisition, management and storing data and patients' exams, and to define a multimedia conference architecture to remote patients' follow-up. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A computational architecture was defined to acquire exams' information from hospital equipment and to store and manage patients' data and exams using the JBoss application server, the MySql database manager system, the Apache web page server and the Jboss Seam framework for application development. For multimedia conference, a case study using the Openmeetins architecture was performed. RESULTS: computational models intended to the consistent and safe management of data and patients' exams were defined and a multimedia conference architecture was studied. CONCLUSION: The computational models, the prototype developed and

  19. LDGM Codes for Channel Coding and Joint Source-Channel Coding of Correlated Sources

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    Javier Garcia-Frias


    Full Text Available We propose a coding scheme based on the use of systematic linear codes with low-density generator matrix (LDGM codes for channel coding and joint source-channel coding of multiterminal correlated binary sources. In both cases, the structures of the LDGM encoder and decoder are shown, and a concatenated scheme aimed at reducing the error floor is proposed. Several decoding possibilities are investigated, compared, and evaluated. For different types of noisy channels and correlation models, the resulting performance is very close to the theoretical limits.

  20. Software Certification - Coding, Code, and Coders (United States)

    Havelund, Klaus; Holzmann, Gerard J.


    We describe a certification approach for software development that has been adopted at our organization. JPL develops robotic spacecraft for the exploration of the solar system. The flight software that controls these spacecraft is considered to be mission critical. We argue that the goal of a software certification process cannot be the development of "perfect" software, i.e., software that can be formally proven to be correct under all imaginable and unimaginable circumstances. More realistically, the goal is to guarantee a software development process that is conducted by knowledgeable engineers, who follow generally accepted procedures to control known risks, while meeting agreed upon standards of workmanship. We target three specific issues that must be addressed in such a certification procedure: the coding process, the code that is developed, and the skills of the coders. The coding process is driven by standards (e.g., a coding standard) and tools. The code is mechanically checked against the standard with the help of state-of-the-art static source code analyzers. The coders, finally, are certified in on-site training courses that include formal exams.

  1. Discussion on LDPC Codes and Uplink Coding (United States)

    Andrews, Ken; Divsalar, Dariush; Dolinar, Sam; Moision, Bruce; Hamkins, Jon; Pollara, Fabrizio


    This slide presentation reviews the progress that the workgroup on Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) for space link coding. The workgroup is tasked with developing and recommending new error correcting codes for near-Earth, Lunar, and deep space applications. Included in the presentation is a summary of the technical progress of the workgroup. Charts that show the LDPC decoder sensitivity to symbol scaling errors are reviewed, as well as a chart showing the performance of several frame synchronizer algorithms compared to that of some good codes and LDPC decoder tests at ESTL. Also reviewed is a study on Coding, Modulation, and Link Protocol (CMLP), and the recommended codes. A design for the Pseudo-Randomizer with LDPC Decoder and CRC is also reviewed. A chart that summarizes the three proposed coding systems is also presented.

  2. New quantum codes constructed from quaternary BCH codes (United States)

    Xu, Gen; Li, Ruihu; Guo, Luobin; Ma, Yuena


    In this paper, we firstly study construction of new quantum error-correcting codes (QECCs) from three classes of quaternary imprimitive BCH codes. As a result, the improved maximal designed distance of these narrow-sense imprimitive Hermitian dual-containing quaternary BCH codes are determined to be much larger than the result given according to Aly et al. (IEEE Trans Inf Theory 53:1183-1188, 2007) for each different code length. Thus, families of new QECCs are newly obtained, and the constructed QECCs have larger distance than those in the previous literature. Secondly, we apply a combinatorial construction to the imprimitive BCH codes with their corresponding primitive counterpart and construct many new linear quantum codes with good parameters, some of which have parameters exceeding the finite Gilbert-Varshamov bound for linear quantum codes.

  3. Identificação dos parâmetros de design de dutos de luz solar através do emprego da simulação computacional

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    Gandhi Escajadillo Toledo


    Full Text Available Os dutos de luz solar podem reduzir o consumo de energia gasta em iluminação, como também melhorar o conforto visual nos ambientes. Para a previsão do desempenho lumínico destes sistemas, recomenda-se a utilização de simulações computacionais, como o programa Troplux. O presente artigo tem como objetivo determinar os parâmetros de design para os dutos de luz solar através da simulação computacional. O método aplicado neste trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi comparado o desempenho luminoso de três modelos virtuais de dutos de luz solar, com características ópticas iguais, mas com geometrias diferentes, visando identificar a geometria de duto mais eficiente. Na segunda etapa foi simulado o desempenho do duto de luz eleito, tendo como referência as especificações da CIE (Comissão Internacional de Iluminação para os tipos de céu e incidência solar. Os resultados das simulações foram então empregados para identificar os principais parâmetros de design para o os dutos de luz solar.

  4. Identificação dos parâmetros de design de dutos de luz solar através do emprego da simulação computacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gandhi Escajadillo Toledo


    Full Text Available Os dutos de luz solar podem reduzir o consumo de energia gasta em iluminação, como também melhorar o conforto visual nos ambientes. Para a previsão do desempenho lumínico destes sistemas, recomenda-se a utilização de simulações computacionais, como o programa Troplux. O presente artigo tem como objetivo determinar os parâmetros de design para os dutos de luz solar através da simulação computacional. O método aplicado neste trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi comparado o desempenho luminoso de três modelos virtuais de dutos de luz solar, com características ópticas iguais, mas com geometrias diferentes, visando identificar a geometria de duto mais eficiente. Na segunda etapa foi simulado o desempenho do duto de luz eleito, tendo como referência as especificações da CIE (Comissão Internacional de Iluminação para os tipos de céu e incidência solar. Os resultados das simulações foram então empregados para identificar os principais parâmetros de design para o os dutos de luz solar.

  5. Entanglement-assisted quantum MDS codes from negacyclic codes (United States)

    Lu, Liangdong; Li, Ruihu; Guo, Luobin; Ma, Yuena; Liu, Yang


    The entanglement-assisted formalism generalizes the standard stabilizer formalism, which can transform arbitrary classical linear codes into entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs) by using pre-shared entanglement between the sender and the receiver. In this work, we construct six classes of q-ary entanglement-assisted quantum MDS (EAQMDS) codes based on classical negacyclic MDS codes by exploiting two or more pre-shared maximally entangled states. We show that two of these six classes q-ary EAQMDS have minimum distance more larger than q+1. Most of these q-ary EAQMDS codes are new in the sense that their parameters are not covered by the codes available in the literature.

  6. Visualizing code and coverage changes for code review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oosterwaal, Sebastiaan; van Deursen, A.; De Souza Coelho, R.; Sawant, A.A.; Bacchelli, A.


    One of the tasks of reviewers is to verify that code modifications are well tested. However, current tools offer little support in understanding precisely how changes to the code relate to changes to the tests. In particular, it is hard to see whether (modified) test code covers the changed code.

  7. Homological stabilizer codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, Jonas T., E-mail:


    In this paper we define homological stabilizer codes on qubits which encompass codes such as Kitaev's toric code and the topological color codes. These codes are defined solely by the graphs they reside on. This feature allows us to use properties of topological graph theory to determine the graphs which are suitable as homological stabilizer codes. We then show that all toric codes are equivalent to homological stabilizer codes on 4-valent graphs. We show that the topological color codes and toric codes correspond to two distinct classes of graphs. We define the notion of label set equivalencies and show that under a small set of constraints the only homological stabilizer codes without local logical operators are equivalent to Kitaev's toric code or to the topological color codes. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We show that Kitaev's toric codes are equivalent to homological stabilizer codes on 4-valent graphs. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We show that toric codes and color codes correspond to homological stabilizer codes on distinct graphs. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We find and classify all 2D homological stabilizer codes. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We find optimal codes among the homological stabilizer codes.


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    Full Text Available A new code structure for spectral amplitude coding optical code division multiple access systems based on double weight (DW code families is proposed. The DW has a fixed weight of two. Enhanced double-weight (EDW code is another variation of a DW code family that can has a variable weight greater than one. The EDW code possesses ideal cross-correlation properties and exists for every natural number n. A much better performance can be provided by using the EDW code compared to the existing code such as Hadamard and Modified Frequency-Hopping (MFH codes. It has been observed that theoretical analysis and simulation for EDW is much better performance compared to Hadamard and Modified Frequency-Hopping (MFH codes.



    Raffo Lecca, Eduardo; Ruiz Lizama, Edgar


    The article review concepts of computacional geometry apply to simplex methods using MATLAB®. Do it programming linear PL, a feasible solution is a vector who specify all restrictions, incluides that sign. The work check concepts of computacional geometry, the simplex method, and show the maner to apply graph form one problem PL. To include meta files(of MATLAB, version 7.0). Finally to argue two case of a problem PL. El artículo revisa los conceptos de la geometría computacional aplicados...

  10. Fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana em idosos: análise por enfermeiros utilizando ferramenta computacional Factores de riesgo para enfermedad arterial coronaria en ancianos: análisis por enfermeras utilizando herramienta computacional Risk factors for coronary artery disease in the elderly: analysis by nurses using computational tool

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    Silvia Sidnéia da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou analisar a ocorrência dos fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana em população idosa participante de uma ação comunitária utilizando ferramenta computacional por enfermeiros. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho utilizou-se uma base de dados coletada em um evento comunitário. As informações se referem a fatores de risco, dados antropométricos, aferição de valores de glicemia, colesterol e pressão arterial, ocorrência de doença cardíaca e outras. A estrutura multidimensional foi elaborada e gerenciada pela ferramenta Analysis Services. A população idosa correspondeu a 40,4% do total, um terço dessa população estava com valores alterados de pressão arterial sistêmica, 53,8% apresentavam índice de massa corporal acima de 25 Kg/m², 40,3% referiram hipertensão e 20,3%, diabetes mellitus. Conclui-se que o controle de fatores de risco para DAC em clientes idosos é essencial e que a tecnologia da informação pode apoiar na tomada de decisões estratégicas de promoção de saúde.Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la ocurrencia de los factores de riesgo para enfermedad arterial coronaria en la población anciana participante de una acción comunitaria con una herramienta computacional para las enfermeras. Para el desarrollo del trabajo se utilizó una base de datos colectada en un evento comunitario. Las informaciones se refieren a factores de riesgo, datos antropométricos, contraste de valores de glucemia, colesterol y presión arterial, ocurrencia de enfermedad cardiaca y otras. La estructura multidimensional fue elaborada y administrada por la herramienta Analysis Services. La población anciana correspondió a 40,4% del total, un tercio de esta población estaba con valores alterados de presión arterial sistémica, 53,8% presentaban índice de masa corporal arriba de 25Kg/m², 40,4% se referían a hipertensión y 20,3% diabetes mellitus. Se concluye que el control de factores de

  11. DLLExternalCode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    DLLExternalCode is the a general dynamic-link library (DLL) interface for linking GoldSim ( with external codes. The overall concept is to use GoldSim as top level modeling software with interfaces to external codes for specific calculations. The DLLExternalCode DLL that performs the linking function is designed to take a list of code inputs from GoldSim, create an input file for the external application, run the external code, and return a list of outputs, read from files created by the external application, back to GoldSim. Instructions for creating the input file, running the external code, and reading the output are contained in an instructions file that is read and interpreted by the DLL.

  12. High efficiency video coding coding tools and specification

    CERN Document Server

    Wien, Mathias


    The video coding standard High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) targets at improved compression performance for video resolutions of HD and beyond, providing Ultra HD video at similar compressed bit rates as for HD video encoded with the well-established video coding standard H.264 | AVC. Based on known concepts, new coding structures and improved coding tools have been developed and specified in HEVC. The standard is expected to be taken up easily by established industry as well as new endeavors, answering the needs of todays connected and ever-evolving online world. This book presents the High Efficiency Video Coding standard and explains it in a clear and coherent language. It provides a comprehensive and consistently written description, all of a piece. The book targets at both, newbies to video coding as well as experts in the field. While providing sections with introductory text for the beginner, it suits as a well-arranged reference book for the expert. The book provides a comprehensive reference for th...

  13. Sistema computacional para índices de cárie dentária: banco de dados e análise estatística A computer software system for dental caries rates: data bases and statistical analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Lucia M.M. Sundefeld


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se um sistema computacional, denominado ICADPLUS, desenvolvido para elaboração de banco de dados, tabulação de dados, cálculo do índice CPO e análise estatística para estimação de intervalos de confiança e comparação de resultados de duas populações.Tem como objetivo apresentar método simplificado para atender necessidades de serviços de saúde na área de odontologia processando fichas utilizadas por cirurgiões dentistas em levantamentos epidemiológicos de cárie dentária. A característica principal do sistema é a dispensa de profissional especializado na área de odontologia e computação, exigindo o conhecimento mínimo de digitação por parte do usuário, pois apresenta "menus" simples e claros como também relatórios padronizados, sem possibilidade de erro. Possui opções para fichas de CPO segundo Klein e Palmer, CPO proposto pela OMS, CPOS segundo Klein, Palmer e Knutson, e ceo. A validação do sistema foi feita por comparação com outros métodos, permitindo recomendar sua adoção.A computer software system developed ICADAPLUS, is presented in order to create and tabulate data bases, calculate the DMF rate, perform statistical comparison of two populations, and calculate confidence intervals. The system offers a simplified method for health services in the area of dentistry, using dental records to carry out epidemiological surveys of tooth decay. The system's main feature is that it does not require specialists either in the area of dentistry or computing, demanding of the user only basic data-entry typing skills, since it presents simple menus, and standardized reports, with no possibility of error.The system comprises four steps: Data-entry, Processing, Reports and Utilities. In Data-entry the regions, towns and institutions supplying the data are initially registered, once only. Each record receives a code number, and it is this code which is available to the user through a Function Key, by

  14. Converter of a continuous code into the Grey code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonchar, A.I.; TrUbnikov, V.R.


    Described is a converter of a continuous code into the Grey code used in a 12-charged precision amplitude-to-digital converter to decrease the digital component of spectrometer differential nonlinearity to +0.7% in the 98% range of the measured band. To construct the converter of a continuous code corresponding to the input signal amplitude into the Grey code used is the regularity in recycling of units and zeroes in each discharge of the Grey code in the case of a continuous change of the number of pulses of a continuous code. The converter is constructed on the elements of 155 series, the frequency of continuous code pulse passing at the converter input is 25 MHz


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    Yaritza Tardo Fernández


    Full Text Available The cultural, technological and eminently social character of the computer programming problems solving process, joined with the complexity and difficulties detected in their teaching, has contributed to increase the concern about the study of the processes of communication, transmission and understanding of computer programming and to attract the attention of a wide scientific community in correspondence with the growing development that this reaches at the present time. That is the reason why this paper has the objective of discover, from the didactic point of view, the integrators axes of an algorithmic logic that solves the contradiction that is revealed in the formative process between the mathematic modeling and their algorithmic systematization to empower an efficient performance of the professionals of Computer Science and Computer Engineering. In this sense a new didactic proposal is based, that consist in an algorithmic logic, in which are specified and explained those essentials processes that should be carry out to solve computer programming problems. Based on the theoretical fundaments, we concluded that these processes constitute didactics moments, required in order to solve the contradiction mentioned before.RESUMENEl carácter eminentemente social, cultural y tecnológico del proceso de resolución de problemas de programación computacional, junto a la complejidad y dificultades detectadas en su enseñanza, han contribuido a despertar la preocupación por el estudio de los procesos de comunicación, transmisión y comprensión de la Programación y a interesar a una amplia comunidad científica en correspondencia con el creciente desarrollo que ésta alcanza en la actualidad. Razón por la cual este trabajo tiene como objetivo que se develen, desde el punto de vista didáctico, los ejes integradores de una lógica algorítmica que sea contentiva de la solución a la contradicción que se revela en el proceso formativo entre la

  16. The Aster code; Code Aster

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delbecq, J.M


    The Aster code is a 2D or 3D finite-element calculation code for structures developed by the R and D direction of Electricite de France (EdF). This dossier presents a complete overview of the characteristics and uses of the Aster code: introduction of version 4; the context of Aster (organisation of the code development, versions, systems and interfaces, development tools, quality assurance, independent validation); static mechanics (linear thermo-elasticity, Euler buckling, cables, Zarka-Casier method); non-linear mechanics (materials behaviour, big deformations, specific loads, unloading and loss of load proportionality indicators, global algorithm, contact and friction); rupture mechanics (G energy restitution level, restitution level in thermo-elasto-plasticity, 3D local energy restitution level, KI and KII stress intensity factors, calculation of limit loads for structures), specific treatments (fatigue, rupture, wear, error estimation); meshes and models (mesh generation, modeling, loads and boundary conditions, links between different modeling processes, resolution of linear systems, display of results etc..); vibration mechanics (modal and harmonic analysis, dynamics with shocks, direct transient dynamics, seismic analysis and aleatory dynamics, non-linear dynamics, dynamical sub-structuring); fluid-structure interactions (internal acoustics, mass, rigidity and damping); linear and non-linear thermal analysis; steels and metal industry (structure transformations); coupled problems (internal chaining, internal thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling, chaining with other codes); products and services. (J.S.)

  17. Entanglement-assisted quantum MDS codes constructed from negacyclic codes (United States)

    Chen, Jianzhang; Huang, Yuanyuan; Feng, Chunhui; Chen, Riqing


    Recently, entanglement-assisted quantum codes have been constructed from cyclic codes by some scholars. However, how to determine the number of shared pairs required to construct entanglement-assisted quantum codes is not an easy work. In this paper, we propose a decomposition of the defining set of negacyclic codes. Based on this method, four families of entanglement-assisted quantum codes constructed in this paper satisfy the entanglement-assisted quantum Singleton bound, where the minimum distance satisfies q+1 ≤ d≤ n+2/2. Furthermore, we construct two families of entanglement-assisted quantum codes with maximal entanglement.

  18. Error-correction coding (United States)

    Hinds, Erold W. (Principal Investigator)


    This report describes the progress made towards the completion of a specific task on error-correcting coding. The proposed research consisted of investigating the use of modulation block codes as the inner code of a concatenated coding system in order to improve the overall space link communications performance. The study proposed to identify and analyze candidate codes that will complement the performance of the overall coding system which uses the interleaved RS (255,223) code as the outer code.

  19. Turbo-Gallager Codes: The Emergence of an Intelligent Coding ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Today, both turbo codes and low-density parity-check codes are largely superior to other code families and are being used in an increasing number of modern communication systems including 3G standards, satellite and deep space communications. However, the two codes have certain distinctive characteristics that ...

  20. TASS code topical report. V.1 TASS code technical manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sim, Suk K.; Chang, W. P.; Kim, K. D.; Kim, H. C.; Yoon, H. Y.


    TASS 1.0 code has been developed at KAERI for the initial and reload non-LOCA safety analysis for the operating PWRs as well as the PWRs under construction in Korea. TASS code will replace various vendor's non-LOCA safety analysis codes currently used for the Westinghouse and ABB-CE type PWRs in Korea. This can be achieved through TASS code input modifications specific to each reactor type. The TASS code can be run interactively through the keyboard operation. A simimodular configuration used in developing the TASS code enables the user easily implement new models. TASS code has been programmed using FORTRAN77 which makes it easy to install and port for different computer environments. The TASS code can be utilized for the steady state simulation as well as the non-LOCA transient simulations such as power excursions, reactor coolant pump trips, load rejections, loss of feedwater, steam line breaks, steam generator tube ruptures, rod withdrawal and drop, and anticipated transients without scram (ATWS). The malfunctions of the control systems, components, operator actions and the transients caused by the malfunctions can be easily simulated using the TASS code. This technical report describes the TASS 1.0 code models including reactor thermal hydraulic, reactor core and control models. This TASS code models including reactor thermal hydraulic, reactor core and control models. This TASS code technical manual has been prepared as a part of the TASS code manual which includes TASS code user's manual and TASS code validation report, and will be submitted to the regulatory body as a TASS code topical report for a licensing non-LOCA safety analysis for the Westinghouse and ABB-CE type PWRs operating and under construction in Korea. (author). 42 refs., 29 tabs., 32 figs

  1. Decoding of concatenated codes with interleaved outer codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Justesen, Jørn; Høholdt, Tom; Thommesen, Christian


    Recently Bleichenbacher et al. proposed a decoding algorithm for interleaved (N, K) Reed-Solomon codes, which allows close to N-K errors to be corrected in many cases. We discuss the application of this decoding algorithm to concatenated codes.......Recently Bleichenbacher et al. proposed a decoding algorithm for interleaved (N, K) Reed-Solomon codes, which allows close to N-K errors to be corrected in many cases. We discuss the application of this decoding algorithm to concatenated codes....

  2. Fast Coding Unit Encoding Mechanism for Low Complexity Video Coding


    Gao, Yuan; Liu, Pengyu; Wu, Yueying; Jia, Kebin; Gao, Guandong


    In high efficiency video coding (HEVC), coding tree contributes to excellent compression performance. However, coding tree brings extremely high computational complexity. Innovative works for improving coding tree to further reduce encoding time are stated in this paper. A novel low complexity coding tree mechanism is proposed for HEVC fast coding unit (CU) encoding. Firstly, this paper makes an in-depth study of the relationship among CU distribution, quantization parameter (QP) and content ...

  3. Codes Over Hyperfields

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Atamewoue Surdive


    Full Text Available In this paper, we define linear codes and cyclic codes over a finite Krasner hyperfield and we characterize these codes by their generator matrices and parity check matrices. We also demonstrate that codes over finite Krasner hyperfields are more interesting for code theory than codes over classical finite fields.

  4. Amino acid codes in mitochondria as possible clues to primitive codes (United States)

    Jukes, T. H.


    Differences between mitochondrial codes and the universal code indicate that an evolutionary simplification has taken place, rather than a return to a more primitive code. However, these differences make it evident that the universal code is not the only code possible, and therefore earlier codes may have differed markedly from the previous code. The present universal code is probably a 'frozen accident.' The change in CUN codons from leucine to threonine (Neurospora vs. yeast mitochondria) indicates that neutral or near-neutral changes occurred in the corresponding proteins when this code change took place, caused presumably by a mutation in a tRNA gene.

  5. Analysis of quantum error-correcting codes: Symplectic lattice codes and toric codes (United States)

    Harrington, James William

    Quantum information theory is concerned with identifying how quantum mechanical resources (such as entangled quantum states) can be utilized for a number of information processing tasks, including data storage, computation, communication, and cryptography. Efficient quantum algorithms and protocols have been developed for performing some tasks (e.g. , factoring large numbers, securely communicating over a public channel, and simulating quantum mechanical systems) that appear to be very difficult with just classical resources. In addition to identifying the separation between classical and quantum computational power, much of the theoretical focus in this field over the last decade has been concerned with finding novel ways of encoding quantum information that are robust against errors, which is an important step toward building practical quantum information processing devices. In this thesis I present some results on the quantum error-correcting properties of oscillator codes (also described as symplectic lattice codes) and toric codes. Any harmonic oscillator system (such as a mode of light) can be encoded with quantum information via symplectic lattice codes that are robust against shifts in the system's continuous quantum variables. I show the existence of lattice codes whose achievable rates match the one-shot coherent information over the Gaussian quantum channel. Also, I construct a family of symplectic self-dual lattices and search for optimal encodings of quantum information distributed between several oscillators. Toric codes provide encodings of quantum information into two-dimensional spin lattices that are robust against local clusters of errors and which require only local quantum operations for error correction. Numerical simulations of this system under various error models provide a calculation of the accuracy threshold for quantum memory using toric codes, which can be related to phase transitions in certain condensed matter models. I also present

  6. Coding for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Abraham, Nikhil


    Hands-on exercises help you learn to code like a pro No coding experience is required for Coding For Dummies,your one-stop guide to building a foundation of knowledge inwriting computer code for web, application, and softwaredevelopment. It doesn't matter if you've dabbled in coding or neverwritten a line of code, this book guides you through the basics.Using foundational web development languages like HTML, CSS, andJavaScript, it explains in plain English how coding works and whyit's needed. Online exercises developed by Codecademy, a leading online codetraining site, help hone coding skill

  7. Detecting non-coding selective pressure in coding regions

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    Blanchette Mathieu


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Comparative genomics approaches, where orthologous DNA regions are compared and inter-species conserved regions are identified, have proven extremely powerful for identifying non-coding regulatory regions located in intergenic or intronic regions. However, non-coding functional elements can also be located within coding region, as is common for exonic splicing enhancers, some transcription factor binding sites, and RNA secondary structure elements affecting mRNA stability, localization, or translation. Since these functional elements are located in regions that are themselves highly conserved because they are coding for a protein, they generally escaped detection by comparative genomics approaches. Results We introduce a comparative genomics approach for detecting non-coding functional elements located within coding regions. Codon evolution is modeled as a mixture of codon substitution models, where each component of the mixture describes the evolution of codons under a specific type of coding selective pressure. We show how to compute the posterior distribution of the entropy and parsimony scores under this null model of codon evolution. The method is applied to a set of growth hormone 1 orthologous mRNA sequences and a known exonic splicing elements is detected. The analysis of a set of CORTBP2 orthologous genes reveals a region of several hundred base pairs under strong non-coding selective pressure whose function remains unknown. Conclusion Non-coding functional elements, in particular those involved in post-transcriptional regulation, are likely to be much more prevalent than is currently known. With the numerous genome sequencing projects underway, comparative genomics approaches like that proposed here are likely to become increasingly powerful at detecting such elements.

  8. Dynamic Shannon Coding


    Gagie, Travis


    We present a new algorithm for dynamic prefix-free coding, based on Shannon coding. We give a simple analysis and prove a better upper bound on the length of the encoding produced than the corresponding bound for dynamic Huffman coding. We show how our algorithm can be modified for efficient length-restricted coding, alphabetic coding and coding with unequal letter costs.

  9. The correspondence between projective codes and 2-weight codes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwer, A.E.; Eupen, van M.J.M.; Tilborg, van H.C.A.; Willems, F.M.J.


    The hyperplanes intersecting a 2-weight code in the same number of points obviously form the point set of a projective code. On the other hand, if we have a projective code C, then we can make a 2-weight code by taking the multiset of points E PC with multiplicity "Y(w), where W is the weight of

  10. Quality Improvement of MARS Code and Establishment of Code Coupling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Bub Dong; Jeong, Jae Jun; Kim, Kyung Doo


    The improvement of MARS code quality and coupling with regulatory auditing code have been accomplished for the establishment of self-reliable technology based regulatory auditing system. The unified auditing system code was realized also by implementing the CANDU specific models and correlations. As a part of the quality assurance activities, the various QA reports were published through the code assessments. The code manuals were updated and published a new manual which describe the new models and correlations. The code coupling methods were verified though the exercise of plant application. The education-training seminar and technology transfer were performed for the code users. The developed MARS-KS is utilized as reliable auditing tool for the resolving the safety issue and other regulatory calculations. The code can be utilized as a base technology for GEN IV reactor applications

  11. Multiple component codes based generalized LDPC codes for high-speed optical transport. (United States)

    Djordjevic, Ivan B; Wang, Ting


    A class of generalized low-density parity-check (GLDPC) codes suitable for optical communications is proposed, which consists of multiple local codes. It is shown that Hamming, BCH, and Reed-Muller codes can be used as local codes, and that the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decoding of these local codes by Ashikhmin-Lytsin algorithm is feasible in terms of complexity and performance. We demonstrate that record coding gains can be obtained from properly designed GLDPC codes, derived from multiple component codes. We then show that several recently proposed classes of LDPC codes such as convolutional and spatially-coupled codes can be described using the concept of GLDPC coding, which indicates that the GLDPC coding can be used as a unified platform for advanced FEC enabling ultra-high speed optical transport. The proposed class of GLDPC codes is also suitable for code-rate adaption, to adjust the error correction strength depending on the optical channel conditions.

  12. Vector Network Coding


    Ebrahimi, Javad; Fragouli, Christina


    We develop new algebraic algorithms for scalar and vector network coding. In vector network coding, the source multicasts information by transmitting vectors of length L, while intermediate nodes process and combine their incoming packets by multiplying them with L X L coding matrices that play a similar role as coding coefficients in scalar coding. Our algorithms for scalar network jointly optimize the employed field size while selecting the coding coefficients. Similarly, for vector co...

  13. Rateless feedback codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Jesper Hemming; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip


    This paper proposes a concept called rateless feedback coding. We redesign the existing LT and Raptor codes, by introducing new degree distributions for the case when a few feedback opportunities are available. We show that incorporating feedback to LT codes can significantly decrease both...... the coding overhead and the encoding/decoding complexity. Moreover, we show that, at the price of a slight increase in the coding overhead, linear complexity is achieved with Raptor feedback coding....

  14. Modelo computacional para suporte à decisão em áreas irrigadas. Parte I: Desenvolvimento e análise de sensibilidade Computer model for decision support on irrigated areas Part I: Development and sensitivity analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João C. F. Borges Júnior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho se refere ao desenvolvimento de um modelo computacional para suporte à tomada de decisão, quanto ao planejamento e manejo de projetos de irrigação e/ou drenagem. O modelo computacional, denominado MCID, é aplicável em nível de unidade de produção, gerando informações sobre como diferentes práticas de manejo da irrigação e configurações do sistema de drenagem afetam a produtividade e o retorno financeiro. Essas informações podem ser empregadas em estudos de otimização de padrão de cultivo em nível de propriedade agrícola, em relação ao retorno financeiro e ao uso da água, associados à análise de risco com base em simulações. O balanço hídrico e de sais na zona radicular e as estimativas da profundidade do lençol freático e vazão nos drenos, são conduzidos em base diária. A análise de sensibilidade indicou que os parâmetros de entrada que mais influenciaram o requerimento de irrigação totalizado para o ciclo, foram espaçamento entre drenos, porosidade drenável, número da curva, condutividade hidráulica horizontal do solo saturado, profundidade da camada impermeável e os parâmetros n e alfa do modelo de van Genuchten-Mualem.This paper refers to the development of a decision support model for planning and managing irrigation and/or drainage schemes. The computer model, called MCID, is applicable to a production unit level, generating information on how different irrigation management practices and drainage designs affect crop yield and financial return. This information may be applied in studies of crop patterns at farm level, taking into consideration financial return and water use, associated to risk analysis based on simulations. The water and salt balance in the root zone, as well as the water table depth and drain discharge predictions, are carried out on a daily basis. The sensitivity analysis pointed out that the most influential parameters on the seasonal irrigation requirement

  15. New quantum codes derived from a family of antiprimitive BCH codes (United States)

    Liu, Yang; Li, Ruihu; Lü, Liangdong; Guo, Luobin

    The Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes have been studied for more than 57 years and have found wide application in classical communication system and quantum information theory. In this paper, we study the construction of quantum codes from a family of q2-ary BCH codes with length n=q2m+1 (also called antiprimitive BCH codes in the literature), where q≥4 is a power of 2 and m≥2. By a detailed analysis of some useful properties about q2-ary cyclotomic cosets modulo n, Hermitian dual-containing conditions for a family of non-narrow-sense antiprimitive BCH codes are presented, which are similar to those of q2-ary primitive BCH codes. Consequently, via Hermitian Construction, a family of new quantum codes can be derived from these dual-containing BCH codes. Some of these new antiprimitive quantum BCH codes are comparable with those derived from primitive BCH codes.

  16. Surface acoustic wave coding for orthogonal frequency coded devices (United States)

    Malocha, Donald (Inventor); Kozlovski, Nikolai (Inventor)


    Methods and systems for coding SAW OFC devices to mitigate code collisions in a wireless multi-tag system. Each device producing plural stepped frequencies as an OFC signal with a chip offset delay to increase code diversity. A method for assigning a different OCF to each device includes using a matrix based on the number of OFCs needed and the number chips per code, populating each matrix cell with OFC chip, and assigning the codes from the matrix to the devices. The asynchronous passive multi-tag system includes plural surface acoustic wave devices each producing a different OFC signal having the same number of chips and including a chip offset time delay, an algorithm for assigning OFCs to each device, and a transceiver to transmit an interrogation signal and receive OFC signals in response with minimal code collisions during transmission.

  17. Separate Turbo Code and Single Turbo Code Adaptive OFDM Transmissions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Burr Alister


    Full Text Available Abstract This paper discusses the application of adaptive modulation and adaptive rate turbo coding to orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM, to increase throughput on the time and frequency selective channel. The adaptive turbo code scheme is based on a subband adaptive method, and compares two adaptive systems: a conventional approach where a separate turbo code is used for each subband, and a single turbo code adaptive system which uses a single turbo code over all subbands. Five modulation schemes (BPSK, QPSK, 8AMPM, 16QAM, and 64QAM are employed and turbo code rates considered are and . The performances of both systems with high ( and low ( BER targets are compared. Simulation results for throughput and BER show that the single turbo code adaptive system provides a significant improvement.

  18. Codes and curves

    CERN Document Server

    Walker, Judy L


    When information is transmitted, errors are likely to occur. Coding theory examines efficient ways of packaging data so that these errors can be detected, or even corrected. The traditional tools of coding theory have come from combinatorics and group theory. Lately, however, coding theorists have added techniques from algebraic geometry to their toolboxes. In particular, by re-interpreting the Reed-Solomon codes, one can see how to define new codes based on divisors on algebraic curves. For instance, using modular curves over finite fields, Tsfasman, Vladut, and Zink showed that one can define a sequence of codes with asymptotically better parameters than any previously known codes. This monograph is based on a series of lectures the author gave as part of the IAS/PCMI program on arithmetic algebraic geometry. Here, the reader is introduced to the exciting field of algebraic geometric coding theory. Presenting the material in the same conversational tone of the lectures, the author covers linear codes, inclu...

  19. Separate Turbo Code and Single Turbo Code Adaptive OFDM Transmissions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lei Ye


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the application of adaptive modulation and adaptive rate turbo coding to orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM, to increase throughput on the time and frequency selective channel. The adaptive turbo code scheme is based on a subband adaptive method, and compares two adaptive systems: a conventional approach where a separate turbo code is used for each subband, and a single turbo code adaptive system which uses a single turbo code over all subbands. Five modulation schemes (BPSK, QPSK, 8AMPM, 16QAM, and 64QAM are employed and turbo code rates considered are 1/2 and 1/3. The performances of both systems with high (10−2 and low (10−4 BER targets are compared. Simulation results for throughput and BER show that the single turbo code adaptive system provides a significant improvement.

  20. Quantum Codes From Cyclic Codes Over The Ring R 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Altinel, Alev; Güzeltepe, Murat


    Let R 2 denotes the ring F 2 + μF 2 + υ 2 + μυ F 2 + wF 2 + μwF 2 + υwF 2 + μυwF 2 . In this study, we construct quantum codes from cyclic codes over the ring R 2 , for arbitrary length n, with the restrictions μ 2 = 0, υ 2 = 0, w 2 = 0, μυ = υμ, μw = wμ, υw = wυ and μ (υw) = (μυ) w. Also, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for cyclic codes over R 2 that contains its dual. As a final point, we obtain the parameters of quantum error-correcting codes from cyclic codes over R 2 and we give an example of quantum error-correcting codes form cyclic codes over R 2 . (paper)

  1. A New Prime Code for Synchronous Optical Code Division Multiple-Access Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huda Saleh Abbas


    Full Text Available A new spreading code based on a prime code for synchronous optical code-division multiple-access networks that can be used in monitoring applications has been proposed. The new code is referred to as “extended grouped new modified prime code.” This new code has the ability to support more terminal devices than other prime codes. In addition, it patches subsequences with “0s” leading to lower power consumption. The proposed code has an improved cross-correlation resulting in enhanced BER performance. The code construction and parameters are provided. The operating performance, using incoherent on-off keying modulation and incoherent pulse position modulation systems, has been analyzed. The performance of the code was compared with other prime codes. The results demonstrate an improved performance, and a BER floor of 10−9 was achieved.

  2. Understanding Mixed Code and Classroom Code-Switching: Myths and Realities (United States)

    Li, David C. S.


    Background: Cantonese-English mixed code is ubiquitous in Hong Kong society, and yet using mixed code is widely perceived as improper. This paper presents evidence of mixed code being socially constructed as bad language behavior. In the education domain, an EDB guideline bans mixed code in the classroom. Teachers are encouraged to stick to…

  3. Development of a coupled code system based on system transient code, RETRAN, and 3-D neutronics code, MASTER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, K. D.; Jung, J. J.; Lee, S. W.; Cho, B. O.; Ji, S. K.; Kim, Y. H.; Seong, C. K.


    A coupled code system of RETRAN/MASTER has been developed for best-estimate simulations of interactions between reactor core neutron kinetics and plant thermal-hydraulics by incorporation of a 3-D reactor core kinetics analysis code, MASTER into system transient code, RETRAN. The soundness of the consolidated code system is confirmed by simulating the MSLB benchmark problem developed to verify the performance of a coupled kinetics and system transient codes by OECD/NEA

  4. QR Codes 101 (United States)

    Crompton, Helen; LaFrance, Jason; van 't Hooft, Mark


    A QR (quick-response) code is a two-dimensional scannable code, similar in function to a traditional bar code that one might find on a product at the supermarket. The main difference between the two is that, while a traditional bar code can hold a maximum of only 20 digits, a QR code can hold up to 7,089 characters, so it can contain much more…

  5. Some Families of Asymmetric Quantum MDS Codes Constructed from Constacyclic Codes (United States)

    Huang, Yuanyuan; Chen, Jianzhang; Feng, Chunhui; Chen, Riqing


    Quantum maximal-distance-separable (MDS) codes that satisfy quantum Singleton bound with different lengths have been constructed by some researchers. In this paper, seven families of asymmetric quantum MDS codes are constructed by using constacyclic codes. We weaken the case of Hermitian-dual containing codes that can be applied to construct asymmetric quantum MDS codes with parameters [[n,k,dz/dx

  6. Theoretical Atomic Physics code development II: ACE: Another collisional excitation code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clark, R.E.H.; Abdallah, J. Jr.; Csanak, G.; Mann, J.B.; Cowan, R.D.


    A new computer code for calculating collisional excitation data (collision strengths or cross sections) using a variety of models is described. The code uses data generated by the Cowan Atomic Structure code or CATS for the atomic structure. Collisional data are placed on a random access file and can be displayed in a variety of formats using the Theoretical Atomic Physics Code or TAPS. All of these codes are part of the Theoretical Atomic Physics code development effort at Los Alamos. 15 refs., 10 figs., 1 tab

  7. Multiple LDPC decoding for distributed source coding and video coding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Forchhammer, Søren; Luong, Huynh Van; Huang, Xin


    Distributed source coding (DSC) is a coding paradigm for systems which fully or partly exploit the source statistics at the decoder to reduce the computational burden at the encoder. Distributed video coding (DVC) is one example. This paper considers the use of Low Density Parity Check Accumulate...... (LDPCA) codes in a DSC scheme with feed-back. To improve the LDPC coding performance in the context of DSC and DVC, while retaining short encoder blocks, this paper proposes multiple parallel LDPC decoding. The proposed scheme passes soft information between decoders to enhance performance. Experimental...





    Máquinas agrícolas possuem mecanismos que as tornam autônomas, porém ainda é um recurso caro, baseado em GPS. O uso de visão computacional é uma alternativa ou um complemento para o uso do GPS. Até há pouco tempo, o uso de visão computacional, era restrito aos computadores de grande capacidade de processamento e seu uso em máquinas agrícolas era inviável devido às condições adversas do campo. Com a evolução dos processadores é possível aplicar visão computacional em celulares, cujo hardware é...

  9. FControl®: sistema inteligente inovador para detecção de fraudes em operações de comércio eletrônico


    Coelho,Leandro dos Santos; Raittz,Roberto Tadeu; Trezub,Maurício


    A prevenção de fraude em cartão de crédito é uma importante aplicação comercial para aplicação de abordagens de métodos de previsão e inteligência computacional. A inteligência computacional é uma associação de metodologias bio-inspiradas que incluem, como principais membros, as redes neurais, sistemas nebulosos, computação evolutiva, inteligência coletiva e computação probabilística. Recentemente, a aplicação de técnicas da inteligência computacional no suporte de tarefas de serviço, tais co...

  10. Error-correction coding and decoding bounds, codes, decoders, analysis and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Tomlinson, Martin; Ambroze, Marcel A; Ahmed, Mohammed; Jibril, Mubarak


    This book discusses both the theory and practical applications of self-correcting data, commonly known as error-correcting codes. The applications included demonstrate the importance of these codes in a wide range of everyday technologies, from smartphones to secure communications and transactions. Written in a readily understandable style, the book presents the authors’ twenty-five years of research organized into five parts: Part I is concerned with the theoretical performance attainable by using error correcting codes to achieve communications efficiency in digital communications systems. Part II explores the construction of error-correcting codes and explains the different families of codes and how they are designed. Techniques are described for producing the very best codes. Part III addresses the analysis of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, primarily to calculate their stopping sets and low-weight codeword spectrum which determines the performance of these codes. Part IV deals with decoders desi...

  11. Error floor behavior study of LDPC codes for concatenated codes design (United States)

    Chen, Weigang; Yin, Liuguo; Lu, Jianhua


    Error floor behavior of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes using quantized decoding algorithms is statistically studied with experimental results on a hardware evaluation platform. The results present the distribution of the residual errors after decoding failure and reveal that the number of residual error bits in a codeword is usually very small using quantized sum-product (SP) algorithm. Therefore, LDPC code may serve as the inner code in a concatenated coding system with a high code rate outer code and thus an ultra low error floor can be achieved. This conclusion is also verified by the experimental results.

  12. Reactor lattice codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulikowska, T.


    The present lecture has a main goal to show how the transport lattice calculations are realised in a standard computer code. This is illustrated on the example of the WIMSD code, belonging to the most popular tools for reactor calculations. Most of the approaches discussed here can be easily modified to any other lattice code. The description of the code assumes the basic knowledge of reactor lattice, on the level given in the lecture on 'Reactor lattice transport calculations'. For more advanced explanation of the WIMSD code the reader is directed to the detailed descriptions of the code cited in References. The discussion of the methods and models included in the code is followed by the generally used homogenisation procedure and several numerical examples of discrepancies in calculated multiplication factors based on different sources of library data. (author)

  13. CodeArmor : Virtualizing the Code Space to Counter Disclosure Attacks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chen, Xi; Bos, Herbert; Giuffrida, Cristiano


    Code diversification is an effective strategy to prevent modern code-reuse exploits. Unfortunately, diversification techniques are inherently vulnerable to information disclosure. Recent diversification-aware ROP exploits have demonstrated that code disclosure attacks are a realistic threat, with an

  14. An Evaluation of Automated Code Generation with the PetriCode Approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Kent Inge


    Automated code generation is an important element of model driven development methodologies. We have previously proposed an approach for code generation based on Coloured Petri Net models annotated with textual pragmatics for the network protocol domain. In this paper, we present and evaluate thr...... important properties of our approach: platform independence, code integratability, and code readability. The evaluation shows that our approach can generate code for a wide range of platforms which is integratable and readable....

  15. Advanced video coding systems

    CERN Document Server

    Gao, Wen


    This comprehensive and accessible text/reference presents an overview of the state of the art in video coding technology. Specifically, the book introduces the tools of the AVS2 standard, describing how AVS2 can help to achieve a significant improvement in coding efficiency for future video networks and applications by incorporating smarter coding tools such as scene video coding. Topics and features: introduces the basic concepts in video coding, and presents a short history of video coding technology and standards; reviews the coding framework, main coding tools, and syntax structure of AV

  16. Cracking the code: the accuracy of coding shoulder procedures and the repercussions. (United States)

    Clement, N D; Murray, I R; Nie, Y X; McBirnie, J M


    Coding of patients' diagnosis and surgical procedures is subject to error levels of up to 40% with consequences on distribution of resources and financial recompense. Our aim was to explore and address reasons behind coding errors of shoulder diagnosis and surgical procedures and to evaluate a potential solution. A retrospective review of 100 patients who had undergone surgery was carried out. Coding errors were identified and the reasons explored. A coding proforma was designed to address these errors and was prospectively evaluated for 100 patients. The financial implications were also considered. Retrospective analysis revealed the correct primary diagnosis was assigned in 54 patients (54%) had an entirely correct diagnosis, and only 7 (7%) patients had a correct procedure code assigned. Coders identified indistinct clinical notes and poor clarity of procedure codes as reasons for errors. The proforma was significantly more likely to assign the correct diagnosis (odds ratio 18.2, p code (odds ratio 310.0, p coding department. High error levels for coding are due to misinterpretation of notes and ambiguity of procedure codes. This can be addressed by allowing surgeons to assign the diagnosis and procedure using a simplified list that is passed directly to coding.

  17. Construction of new quantum MDS codes derived from constacyclic codes (United States)

    Taneja, Divya; Gupta, Manish; Narula, Rajesh; Bhullar, Jaskaran

    Obtaining quantum maximum distance separable (MDS) codes from dual containing classical constacyclic codes using Hermitian construction have paved a path to undertake the challenges related to such constructions. Using the same technique, some new parameters of quantum MDS codes have been constructed here. One set of parameters obtained in this paper has achieved much larger distance than work done earlier. The remaining constructed parameters of quantum MDS codes have large minimum distance and were not explored yet.

  18. Vector Network Coding Algorithms


    Ebrahimi, Javad; Fragouli, Christina


    We develop new algebraic algorithms for scalar and vector network coding. In vector network coding, the source multicasts information by transmitting vectors of length L, while intermediate nodes process and combine their incoming packets by multiplying them with L x L coding matrices that play a similar role as coding c in scalar coding. Our algorithms for scalar network jointly optimize the employed field size while selecting the coding coefficients. Similarly, for vector coding, our algori...

  19. Code-Mixing and Code Switchingin The Process of Learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diyah Atiek Mustikawati


    Full Text Available This study aimed to describe a form of code switching and code mixing specific form found in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom as well as determining factors influencing events stand out that form of code switching and code mixing in question.Form of this research is descriptive qualitative case study which took place in Al Mawaddah Boarding School Ponorogo. Based on the analysis and discussion that has been stated in the previous chapter that the form of code mixing and code switching learning activities in Al Mawaddah Boarding School is in between the use of either language Java language, Arabic, English and Indonesian, on the use of insertion of words, phrases, idioms, use of nouns, adjectives, clauses, and sentences. Code mixing deciding factor in the learning process include: Identification of the role, the desire to explain and interpret, sourced from the original language and its variations, is sourced from a foreign language. While deciding factor in the learning process of code, includes: speakers (O1, partners speakers (O2, the presence of a third person (O3, the topic of conversation, evoke a sense of humour, and just prestige. The significance of this study is to allow readers to see the use of language in a multilingual society, especially in AL Mawaddah boarding school about the rules and characteristics variation in the language of teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Furthermore, the results of this research will provide input to the ustadz / ustadzah and students in developing oral communication skills and the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies in boarding schools.

  20. Using Coding Apps to Support Literacy Instruction and Develop Coding Literacy (United States)

    Hutchison, Amy; Nadolny, Larysa; Estapa, Anne


    In this article the authors present the concept of Coding Literacy and describe the ways in which coding apps can support the development of Coding Literacy and disciplinary and digital literacy skills. Through detailed examples, we describe how coding apps can be integrated into literacy instruction to support learning of the Common Core English…

  1. Low Complexity List Decoding for Polar Codes with Multiple CRC Codes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jong-Hwan Kim


    Full Text Available Polar codes are the first family of error correcting codes that provably achieve the capacity of symmetric binary-input discrete memoryless channels with low complexity. Since the development of polar codes, there have been many studies to improve their finite-length performance. As a result, polar codes are now adopted as a channel code for the control channel of 5G new radio of the 3rd generation partnership project. However, the decoder implementation is one of the big practical problems and low complexity decoding has been studied. This paper addresses a low complexity successive cancellation list decoding for polar codes utilizing multiple cyclic redundancy check (CRC codes. While some research uses multiple CRC codes to reduce memory and time complexity, we consider the operational complexity of decoding, and reduce it by optimizing CRC positions in combination with a modified decoding operation. Resultingly, the proposed scheme obtains not only complexity reduction from early stopping of decoding, but also additional reduction from the reduced number of decoding paths.

  2. Majorana fermion codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bravyi, Sergey; Terhal, Barbara M; Leemhuis, Bernhard


    We initiate the study of Majorana fermion codes (MFCs). These codes can be viewed as extensions of Kitaev's one-dimensional (1D) model of unpaired Majorana fermions in quantum wires to higher spatial dimensions and interacting fermions. The purpose of MFCs is to protect quantum information against low-weight fermionic errors, that is, operators acting on sufficiently small subsets of fermionic modes. We examine to what extent MFCs can surpass qubit stabilizer codes in terms of their stability properties. A general construction of 2D MFCs is proposed that combines topological protection based on a macroscopic code distance with protection based on fermionic parity conservation. Finally, we use MFCs to show how to transform any qubit stabilizer code to a weakly self-dual CSS code.

  3. DISP1 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vokac, P.


    DISP1 code is a simple tool for assessment of the dispersion of the fission product cloud escaping from a nuclear power plant after an accident. The code makes it possible to tentatively check the feasibility of calculations by more complex PSA3 codes and/or codes for real-time dispersion calculations. The number of input parameters is reasonably low and the user interface is simple enough to allow a rapid processing of sensitivity analyses. All input data entered through the user interface are stored in the text format. Implementation of dispersion model corrections taken from the ARCON96 code enables the DISP1 code to be employed for assessment of the radiation hazard within the NPP area, in the control room for instance. (P.A.)

  4. Calculation of multiplication factors regarding criticality aiming at the storage of fissile material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lima Barros, M. de.


    The multiplication factors of several systems with low enrichment, 3,5% and 3,2% in the isotope 235 U, aiming at the storage of fuel of ANGRA-I and ANGRA II, through the method of Monte Carlo, by the computacional code KENO-IV and the library of section of cross Hansen - Roach with 16 groups of energy. The method of Monte Carlo is specially suitable to the calculation of the factor of multiplication, because it is one of the most acurate models of solution and allows the description of complex tridimensional systems. Various tests of sensibility of this method have been done in order to present the most convenient way of working with KENO-IV code. The safety on criticality of stores of fissile material of the 'Fabrica de Elementos Combustiveis ', has been analyzed through the method of Monte Carlo. (Author) [pt

  5. Fundamentals of convolutional coding

    CERN Document Server

    Johannesson, Rolf


    Fundamentals of Convolutional Coding, Second Edition, regarded as a bible of convolutional coding brings you a clear and comprehensive discussion of the basic principles of this field * Two new chapters on low-density parity-check (LDPC) convolutional codes and iterative coding * Viterbi, BCJR, BEAST, list, and sequential decoding of convolutional codes * Distance properties of convolutional codes * Includes a downloadable solutions manual

  6. 78 FR 18321 - International Code Council: The Update Process for the International Codes and Standards (United States)


    ... Energy Conservation Code. International Existing Building Code. International Fire Code. International... Code. International Property Maintenance Code. International Residential Code. International Swimming Pool and Spa Code International Wildland-Urban Interface Code. International Zoning Code. ICC Standards...

  7. Two-terminal video coding. (United States)

    Yang, Yang; Stanković, Vladimir; Xiong, Zixiang; Zhao, Wei


    Following recent works on the rate region of the quadratic Gaussian two-terminal source coding problem and limit-approaching code designs, this paper examines multiterminal source coding of two correlated, i.e., stereo, video sequences to save the sum rate over independent coding of both sequences. Two multiterminal video coding schemes are proposed. In the first scheme, the left sequence of the stereo pair is coded by H.264/AVC and used at the joint decoder to facilitate Wyner-Ziv coding of the right video sequence. The first I-frame of the right sequence is successively coded by H.264/AVC Intracoding and Wyner-Ziv coding. An efficient stereo matching algorithm based on loopy belief propagation is then adopted at the decoder to produce pixel-level disparity maps between the corresponding frames of the two decoded video sequences on the fly. Based on the disparity maps, side information for both motion vectors and motion-compensated residual frames of the right sequence are generated at the decoder before Wyner-Ziv encoding. In the second scheme, source splitting is employed on top of classic and Wyner-Ziv coding for compression of both I-frames to allow flexible rate allocation between the two sequences. Experiments with both schemes on stereo video sequences using H.264/AVC, LDPC codes for Slepian-Wolf coding of the motion vectors, and scalar quantization in conjunction with LDPC codes for Wyner-Ziv coding of the residual coefficients give a slightly lower sum rate than separate H.264/AVC coding of both sequences at the same video quality.

  8. The network code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Network Code defines the rights and responsibilities of all users of the natural gas transportation system in the liberalised gas industry in the United Kingdom. This report describes the operation of the Code, what it means, how it works and its implications for the various participants in the industry. The topics covered are: development of the competitive gas market in the UK; key points in the Code; gas transportation charging; impact of the Code on producers upstream; impact on shippers; gas storage; supply point administration; impact of the Code on end users; the future. (20 tables; 33 figures) (UK)

  9. XSOR codes users manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jow, Hong-Nian; Murfin, W.B.; Johnson, J.D.


    This report describes the source term estimation codes, XSORs. The codes are written for three pressurized water reactors (Surry, Sequoyah, and Zion) and two boiling water reactors (Peach Bottom and Grand Gulf). The ensemble of codes has been named ''XSOR''. The purpose of XSOR codes is to estimate the source terms which would be released to the atmosphere in severe accidents. A source term includes the release fractions of several radionuclide groups, the timing and duration of releases, the rates of energy release, and the elevation of releases. The codes have been developed by Sandia National Laboratories for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in support of the NUREG-1150 program. The XSOR codes are fast running parametric codes and are used as surrogates for detailed mechanistic codes. The XSOR codes also provide the capability to explore the phenomena and their uncertainty which are not currently modeled by the mechanistic codes. The uncertainty distributions of input parameters may be used by an. XSOR code to estimate the uncertainty of source terms

  10. Rate-adaptive BCH coding for Slepian-Wolf coding of highly correlated sources

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Forchhammer, Søren; Salmistraro, Matteo; Larsen, Knud J.


    This paper considers using BCH codes for distributed source coding using feedback. The focus is on coding using short block lengths for a binary source, X, having a high correlation between each symbol to be coded and a side information, Y, such that the marginal probability of each symbol, Xi in X......, given Y is highly skewed. In the analysis, noiseless feedback and noiseless communication are assumed. A rate-adaptive BCH code is presented and applied to distributed source coding. Simulation results for a fixed error probability show that rate-adaptive BCH achieves better performance than LDPCA (Low......-Density Parity-Check Accumulate) codes for high correlation between source symbols and the side information....

  11. Desenvolvimento de um sistema computacional para dimensionamento e evolução de rebanhos bovinos Development of software for dimensioning and evolution of bovine herds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Aurélio Lopes


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram desenvolver um sistema computacional que efetue o dimensionamento e a evolução de rebanhos bovinos e criar uma ferramenta que possibilite ao usuário efetuar simulações em um sistema de produção de carne e/ou leite. Foi utilizada a linguagem CA Clipper. As rotinas foram desenvolvidas de forma conversacional, com acesso aos diversos programas, por meio de menus auto-explicativos. O sistema desenvolvido pode auxiliar o técnico e o pecuarista no dimensionamento e na evolução de um rebanho bovino com precisão e considerável rapidez; possibilita ao usuário efetuar inúmeras simulações; e constitui -se em importante ferramenta no auxílio da tomada de decisões.The objectives of this study were to develop a software that accomplishes both the dimensioning and evolution of cattle herds and develop a tool which makes it possible for the user to perform simulations with production systems of milk and or beef. The language employed was CA Clipper. The routines have been developed in a conversational form, with an access to the several programs by means of self-explicative menus. The developed system can aid both the technician and the raiser in dimensioning and evolution of a cattle herd with precision and outstanding rapidity; it allows to the user to perform a number of simulations; and it is considered an important tool in the assistance to decision-making.

  12. Coding in Muscle Disease. (United States)

    Jones, Lyell K; Ney, John P


    Accurate coding is critically important for clinical practice and research. Ongoing changes to diagnostic and billing codes require the clinician to stay abreast of coding updates. Payment for health care services, data sets for health services research, and reporting for medical quality improvement all require accurate administrative coding. This article provides an overview of administrative coding for patients with muscle disease and includes a case-based review of diagnostic and Evaluation and Management (E/M) coding principles in patients with myopathy. Procedural coding for electrodiagnostic studies and neuromuscular ultrasound is also reviewed.

  13. Generalized concatenated quantum codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grassl, Markus; Shor, Peter; Smith, Graeme; Smolin, John; Zeng Bei


    We discuss the concept of generalized concatenated quantum codes. This generalized concatenation method provides a systematical way for constructing good quantum codes, both stabilizer codes and nonadditive codes. Using this method, we construct families of single-error-correcting nonadditive quantum codes, in both binary and nonbinary cases, which not only outperform any stabilizer codes for finite block length but also asymptotically meet the quantum Hamming bound for large block length.

  14. Synthesizing Certified Code


    Whalen, Michael; Schumann, Johann; Fischer, Bernd


    Code certification is a lightweight approach for formally demonstrating software quality. Its basic idea is to require code producers to provide formal proofs that their code satisfies certain quality properties. These proofs serve as certificates that can be checked independently. Since code certification uses the same underlying technology as program verification, it requires detailed annotations (e.g., loop invariants) to make the proofs possible. However, manually adding annotations to th...

  15. Coding Labour

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anthony McCosker


    Full Text Available As well as introducing the Coding Labour section, the authors explore the diffusion of code across the material contexts of everyday life, through the objects and tools of mediation, the systems and practices of cultural production and organisational management, and in the material conditions of labour. Taking code beyond computation and software, their specific focus is on the increasingly familiar connections between code and labour with a focus on the codification and modulation of affect through technologies and practices of management within the contemporary work organisation. In the grey literature of spreadsheets, minutes, workload models, email and the like they identify a violence of forms through which workplace affect, in its constant flux of crisis and ‘prodromal’ modes, is regulated and governed.

  16. Interface requirements to couple thermal-hydraulic codes to 3D neutronic codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Langenbuch, S.; Austregesilo, H.; Velkov, K. [GRS, Garching (Germany)] [and others


    The present situation of thermalhydraulics codes and 3D neutronics codes is briefly described and general considerations for coupling of these codes are discussed. Two different basic approaches of coupling are identified and their relative advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The implementation of the coupling for 3D neutronics codes in the system ATHLET is presented. Meanwhile, this interface is used for coupling three different 3D neutronics codes.

  17. Interface requirements to couple thermal-hydraulic codes to 3D neutronic codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langenbuch, S.; Austregesilo, H.; Velkov, K.


    The present situation of thermalhydraulics codes and 3D neutronics codes is briefly described and general considerations for coupling of these codes are discussed. Two different basic approaches of coupling are identified and their relative advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The implementation of the coupling for 3D neutronics codes in the system ATHLET is presented. Meanwhile, this interface is used for coupling three different 3D neutronics codes

  18. Synthesizing Certified Code (United States)

    Whalen, Michael; Schumann, Johann; Fischer, Bernd


    Code certification is a lightweight approach to demonstrate software quality on a formal level. Its basic idea is to require producers to provide formal proofs that their code satisfies certain quality properties. These proofs serve as certificates which can be checked independently. Since code certification uses the same underlying technology as program verification, it also requires many detailed annotations (e.g., loop invariants) to make the proofs possible. However, manually adding theses annotations to the code is time-consuming and error-prone. We address this problem by combining code certification with automatic program synthesis. We propose an approach to generate simultaneously, from a high-level specification, code and all annotations required to certify generated code. Here, we describe a certification extension of AUTOBAYES, a synthesis tool which automatically generates complex data analysis programs from compact specifications. AUTOBAYES contains sufficient high-level domain knowledge to generate detailed annotations. This allows us to use a general-purpose verification condition generator to produce a set of proof obligations in first-order logic. The obligations are then discharged using the automated theorem E-SETHEO. We demonstrate our approach by certifying operator safety for a generated iterative data classification program without manual annotation of the code.

  19. Report number codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nelson, R.N. (ed.)


    This publication lists all report number codes processed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information. The report codes are substantially based on the American National Standards Institute, Standard Technical Report Number (STRN)-Format and Creation Z39.23-1983. The Standard Technical Report Number (STRN) provides one of the primary methods of identifying a specific technical report. The STRN consists of two parts: The report code and the sequential number. The report code identifies the issuing organization, a specific program, or a type of document. The sequential number, which is assigned in sequence by each report issuing entity, is not included in this publication. Part I of this compilation is alphabetized by report codes followed by issuing installations. Part II lists the issuing organization followed by the assigned report code(s). In both Parts I and II, the names of issuing organizations appear for the most part in the form used at the time the reports were issued. However, for some of the more prolific installations which have had name changes, all entries have been merged under the current name.

  20. Report number codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, R.N.


    This publication lists all report number codes processed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information. The report codes are substantially based on the American National Standards Institute, Standard Technical Report Number (STRN)-Format and Creation Z39.23-1983. The Standard Technical Report Number (STRN) provides one of the primary methods of identifying a specific technical report. The STRN consists of two parts: The report code and the sequential number. The report code identifies the issuing organization, a specific program, or a type of document. The sequential number, which is assigned in sequence by each report issuing entity, is not included in this publication. Part I of this compilation is alphabetized by report codes followed by issuing installations. Part II lists the issuing organization followed by the assigned report code(s). In both Parts I and II, the names of issuing organizations appear for the most part in the form used at the time the reports were issued. However, for some of the more prolific installations which have had name changes, all entries have been merged under the current name

  1. Performance Analysis of CRC Codes for Systematic and Nonsystematic Polar Codes with List Decoding

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takumi Murata


    Full Text Available Successive cancellation list (SCL decoding of polar codes is an effective approach that can significantly outperform the original successive cancellation (SC decoding, provided that proper cyclic redundancy-check (CRC codes are employed at the stage of candidate selection. Previous studies on CRC-assisted polar codes mostly focus on improvement of the decoding algorithms as well as their implementation, and little attention has been paid to the CRC code structure itself. For the CRC-concatenated polar codes with CRC code as their outer code, the use of longer CRC code leads to reduction of information rate, whereas the use of shorter CRC code may reduce the error detection probability, thus degrading the frame error rate (FER performance. Therefore, CRC codes of proper length should be employed in order to optimize the FER performance for a given signal-to-noise ratio (SNR per information bit. In this paper, we investigate the effect of CRC codes on the FER performance of polar codes with list decoding in terms of the CRC code length as well as its generator polynomials. Both the original nonsystematic and systematic polar codes are considered, and we also demonstrate that different behaviors of CRC codes should be observed depending on whether the inner polar code is systematic or not.

  2. Z₂-double cyclic codes


    Borges, J.


    A binary linear code C is a Z2-double cyclic code if the set of coordinates can be partitioned into two subsets such that any cyclic shift of the coordinates of both subsets leaves invariant the code. These codes can be identified as submodules of the Z2[x]-module Z2[x]/(x^r − 1) × Z2[x]/(x^s − 1). We determine the structure of Z2-double cyclic codes giving the generator polynomials of these codes. The related polynomial representation of Z2-double cyclic codes and its duals, and the relation...

  3. Strict optical orthogonal codes for purely asynchronous code-division multiple-access applications (United States)

    Zhang, Jian-Guo


    Strict optical orthogonal codes are presented for purely asynchronous optical code-division multiple-access (CDMA) applications. The proposed code can strictly guarantee the peaks of its cross-correlation functions and the sidelobes of any of its autocorrelation functions to have a value of 1 in purely asynchronous data communications. The basic theory of the proposed codes is given. An experiment on optical CDMA systems is also demonstrated to verify the characteristics of the proposed code.

  4. Entropy Coding in HEVC


    Sze, Vivienne; Marpe, Detlev


    Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC) is a method of entropy coding first introduced in H.264/AVC and now used in the latest High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard. While it provides high coding efficiency, the data dependencies in H.264/AVC CABAC make it challenging to parallelize and thus limit its throughput. Accordingly, during the standardization of entropy coding for HEVC, both aspects of coding efficiency and throughput were considered. This chapter describes th...

  5. Quantum Codes From Negacyclic Codes over Group Ring ( Fq + υFq) G

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koroglu, Mehmet E.; Siap, Irfan


    In this paper, we determine self dual and self orthogonal codes arising from negacyclic codes over the group ring ( F q + υF q ) G . By taking a suitable Gray image of these codes we obtain many good parameter quantum error-correcting codes over F q . (paper)

  6. Trellis and turbo coding iterative and graph-based error control coding

    CERN Document Server

    Schlegel, Christian B


    This new edition has been extensively revised to reflect the progress in error control coding over the past few years. Over 60% of the material has been completely reworked, and 30% of the material is original. Convolutional, turbo, and low density parity-check (LDPC) coding and polar codes in a unified framework. Advanced research-related developments such as spatial coupling. A focus on algorithmic and implementation aspects of error control coding.

  7. Syndrome-source-coding and its universal generalization. [error correcting codes for data compression (United States)

    Ancheta, T. C., Jr.


    A method of using error-correcting codes to obtain data compression, called syndrome-source-coding, is described in which the source sequence is treated as an error pattern whose syndrome forms the compressed data. It is shown that syndrome-source-coding can achieve arbitrarily small distortion with the number of compressed digits per source digit arbitrarily close to the entropy of a binary memoryless source. A 'universal' generalization of syndrome-source-coding is formulated which provides robustly effective distortionless coding of source ensembles. Two examples are given, comparing the performance of noiseless universal syndrome-source-coding to (1) run-length coding and (2) Lynch-Davisson-Schalkwijk-Cover universal coding for an ensemble of binary memoryless sources.

  8. ComboCoding: Combined intra-/inter-flow network coding for TCP over disruptive MANETs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chien-Chia Chen


    Full Text Available TCP over wireless networks is challenging due to random losses and ACK interference. Although network coding schemes have been proposed to improve TCP robustness against extreme random losses, a critical problem still remains of DATA–ACK interference. To address this issue, we use inter-flow coding between DATA and ACK to reduce the number of transmissions among nodes. In addition, we also utilize a “pipeline” random linear coding scheme with adaptive redundancy to overcome high packet loss over unreliable links. The resulting coding scheme, ComboCoding, combines intra-flow and inter-flow coding to provide robust TCP transmission in disruptive wireless networks. The main contributions of our scheme are twofold; the efficient combination of random linear coding and XOR coding on bi-directional streams (DATA and ACK, and the novel redundancy control scheme that adapts to time-varying and space-varying link loss. The adaptive ComboCoding was tested on a variable hop string topology with unstable links and on a multipath MANET with dynamic topology. Simulation results show that TCP with ComboCoding delivers higher throughput than with other coding options in high loss and mobile scenarios, while introducing minimal overhead in normal operation.

  9. Performance analysis of WS-EWC coded optical CDMA networks with/without LDPC codes (United States)

    Huang, Chun-Ming; Huang, Jen-Fa; Yang, Chao-Chin


    One extended Welch-Costas (EWC) code family for the wavelength-division-multiplexing/spectral-amplitude coding (WDM/SAC; WS) optical code-division multiple-access (OCDMA) networks is proposed. This system has a superior performance as compared to the previous modified quadratic congruence (MQC) coded OCDMA networks. However, since the performance of such a network is unsatisfactory when the data bit rate is higher, one class of quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check (QC-LDPC) code is adopted to improve that. Simulation results show that the performance of the high-speed WS-EWC coded OCDMA network can be greatly improved by using the LDPC codes.

  10. Semi-supervised sparse coding

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Jim Jing-Yan; Gao, Xin


    Sparse coding approximates the data sample as a sparse linear combination of some basic codewords and uses the sparse codes as new presentations. In this paper, we investigate learning discriminative sparse codes by sparse coding in a semi-supervised manner, where only a few training samples are labeled. By using the manifold structure spanned by the data set of both labeled and unlabeled samples and the constraints provided by the labels of the labeled samples, we learn the variable class labels for all the samples. Furthermore, to improve the discriminative ability of the learned sparse codes, we assume that the class labels could be predicted from the sparse codes directly using a linear classifier. By solving the codebook, sparse codes, class labels and classifier parameters simultaneously in a unified objective function, we develop a semi-supervised sparse coding algorithm. Experiments on two real-world pattern recognition problems demonstrate the advantage of the proposed methods over supervised sparse coding methods on partially labeled data sets.

  11. Semi-supervised sparse coding

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Jim Jing-Yan


    Sparse coding approximates the data sample as a sparse linear combination of some basic codewords and uses the sparse codes as new presentations. In this paper, we investigate learning discriminative sparse codes by sparse coding in a semi-supervised manner, where only a few training samples are labeled. By using the manifold structure spanned by the data set of both labeled and unlabeled samples and the constraints provided by the labels of the labeled samples, we learn the variable class labels for all the samples. Furthermore, to improve the discriminative ability of the learned sparse codes, we assume that the class labels could be predicted from the sparse codes directly using a linear classifier. By solving the codebook, sparse codes, class labels and classifier parameters simultaneously in a unified objective function, we develop a semi-supervised sparse coding algorithm. Experiments on two real-world pattern recognition problems demonstrate the advantage of the proposed methods over supervised sparse coding methods on partially labeled data sets.

  12. Joint design of QC-LDPC codes for coded cooperation system with joint iterative decoding (United States)

    Zhang, Shunwai; Yang, Fengfan; Tang, Lei; Ejaz, Saqib; Luo, Lin; Maharaj, B. T.


    In this paper, we investigate joint design of quasi-cyclic low-density-parity-check (QC-LDPC) codes for coded cooperation system with joint iterative decoding in the destination. First, QC-LDPC codes based on the base matrix and exponent matrix are introduced, and then we describe two types of girth-4 cycles in QC-LDPC codes employed by the source and relay. In the equivalent parity-check matrix corresponding to the jointly designed QC-LDPC codes employed by the source and relay, all girth-4 cycles including both type I and type II are cancelled. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations show that the jointly designed QC-LDPC coded cooperation well combines cooperation gain and channel coding gain, and outperforms the coded non-cooperation under the same conditions. Furthermore, the bit error rate performance of the coded cooperation employing jointly designed QC-LDPC codes is better than those of random LDPC codes and separately designed QC-LDPC codes over AWGN channels.

  13. Coupling the severe accident code SCDAP with the system thermal hydraulic code MARS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Young Jin; Chung, Bub Dong [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    MARS is a best-estimate system thermal hydraulics code with multi-dimensional modeling capability. One of the aims in MARS code development is to make it a multi-functional code system with the analysis capability to cover the entire accident spectrum. For this purpose, MARS code has been coupled with a number of other specialized codes such as CONTEMPT for containment analysis, and MASTER for 3-dimensional kinetics. And in this study, the SCDAP code has been coupled with MARS to endow the MARS code system with severe accident analysis capability. With the SCDAP, MARS code system now has acquired the capability to simulate such severe accident related phenomena as cladding oxidation, melting and slumping of fuel and reactor structures.

  14. Coupling the severe accident code SCDAP with the system thermal hydraulic code MARS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Young Jin; Chung, Bub Dong


    MARS is a best-estimate system thermal hydraulics code with multi-dimensional modeling capability. One of the aims in MARS code development is to make it a multi-functional code system with the analysis capability to cover the entire accident spectrum. For this purpose, MARS code has been coupled with a number of other specialized codes such as CONTEMPT for containment analysis, and MASTER for 3-dimensional kinetics. And in this study, the SCDAP code has been coupled with MARS to endow the MARS code system with severe accident analysis capability. With the SCDAP, MARS code system now has acquired the capability to simulate such severe accident related phenomena as cladding oxidation, melting and slumping of fuel and reactor structures

  15. Distributed Video Coding for Multiview and Video-plus-depth Coding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salmistraro, Matteo

    The interest in Distributed Video Coding (DVC) systems has grown considerably in the academic world in recent years. With DVC the correlation between frames is exploited at the decoder (joint decoding). The encoder codes the frame independently, performing relatively simple operations. Therefore......, with DVC the complexity is shifted from encoder to decoder, making the coding architecture a viable solution for encoders with limited resources. DVC may empower new applications which can benefit from this reversed coding architecture. Multiview Distributed Video Coding (M-DVC) is the application...... of the to-be-decoded frame. Another key element is the Residual estimation, indicating the reliability of the SI, which is used to calculate the parameters of the correlation noise model between SI and original frame. In this thesis new methods for Inter-camera SI generation are analyzed in the Stereo...

  16. Diagnostic Coding for Epilepsy. (United States)

    Williams, Korwyn; Nuwer, Marc R; Buchhalter, Jeffrey R


    Accurate coding is an important function of neurologic practice. This contribution to Continuum is part of an ongoing series that presents helpful coding information along with examples related to the issue topic. Tips for diagnosis coding, Evaluation and Management coding, procedure coding, or a combination are presented, depending on which is most applicable to the subject area of the issue.

  17. Coding of Neuroinfectious Diseases. (United States)

    Barkley, Gregory L


    Accurate coding is an important function of neurologic practice. This contribution to Continuum is part of an ongoing series that presents helpful coding information along with examples related to the issue topic. Tips for diagnosis coding, Evaluation and Management coding, procedure coding, or a combination are presented, depending on which is most applicable to the subject area of the issue.

  18. Refactoring test code

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A. van Deursen (Arie); L.M.F. Moonen (Leon); A. van den Bergh; G. Kok


    textabstractTwo key aspects of extreme programming (XP) are unit testing and merciless refactoring. Given the fact that the ideal test code / production code ratio approaches 1:1, it is not surprising that unit tests are being refactored. We found that refactoring test code is different from

  19. Gauge color codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bombin Palomo, Hector


    Color codes are topological stabilizer codes with unusual transversality properties. Here I show that their group of transversal gates is optimal and only depends on the spatial dimension, not the local geometry. I also introduce a generalized, subsystem version of color codes. In 3D they allow...

  20. Opening up codings?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steensig, Jakob; Heinemann, Trine


    doing formal coding and when doing more “traditional” conversation analysis research based on collections. We are more wary, however, of the implication that coding-based research is the end result of a process that starts with qualitative investigations and ends with categories that can be coded...

  1. The materiality of Code

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Soon, Winnie


    This essay studies the source code of an artwork from a software studies perspective. By examining code that come close to the approach of critical code studies (Marino, 2006), I trace the network artwork, Pupufu (Lin, 2009) to understand various real-time approaches to social media platforms (MSN......, Twitter and Facebook). The focus is not to investigate the functionalities and efficiencies of the code, but to study and interpret the program level of code in order to trace the use of various technological methods such as third-party libraries and platforms’ interfaces. These are important...... to understand the socio-technical side of a changing network environment. Through the study of code, including but not limited to source code, technical specifications and other materials in relation to the artwork production, I would like to explore the materiality of code that goes beyond technical...

  2. Speech coding

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ravishankar, C., Hughes Network Systems, Germantown, MD


    Speech is the predominant means of communication between human beings and since the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, speech services have remained to be the core service in almost all telecommunication systems. Original analog methods of telephony had the disadvantage of speech signal getting corrupted by noise, cross-talk and distortion Long haul transmissions which use repeaters to compensate for the loss in signal strength on transmission links also increase the associated noise and distortion. On the other hand digital transmission is relatively immune to noise, cross-talk and distortion primarily because of the capability to faithfully regenerate digital signal at each repeater purely based on a binary decision. Hence end-to-end performance of the digital link essentially becomes independent of the length and operating frequency bands of the link Hence from a transmission point of view digital transmission has been the preferred approach due to its higher immunity to noise. The need to carry digital speech became extremely important from a service provision point of view as well. Modem requirements have introduced the need for robust, flexible and secure services that can carry a multitude of signal types (such as voice, data and video) without a fundamental change in infrastructure. Such a requirement could not have been easily met without the advent of digital transmission systems, thereby requiring speech to be coded digitally. The term Speech Coding is often referred to techniques that represent or code speech signals either directly as a waveform or as a set of parameters by analyzing the speech signal. In either case, the codes are transmitted to the distant end where speech is reconstructed or synthesized using the received set of codes. A more generic term that is applicable to these techniques that is often interchangeably used with speech coding is the term voice coding. This term is more generic in the sense that the

  3. Tri-code inductance control rod position indicator with several multi-coding-bars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi Jibin; Jiang Yueyuan; Wang Wenran


    A control rod position indicator named as tri-code inductance control rod position indicator with multi-coding-bars, which possesses simple structure, reliable operation and high precision, is developed. The detector of the indicator is composed of K coils, a compensatory coil and K coding bars. Each coding bar consists of several sections of strong magnetic cores, several sections of weak magnetic cores and several sections of non-magnetic portions. As the control rod is withdrawn, the coding bars move in the center of the coils respectively, while the constant alternating current passes the coils and makes them to create inductance alternating voltage signals. The outputs of the coils are picked and processed, and the tri-codes indicating rod position can be gotten. Moreover, the coding principle of the detector and its related structure are introduced. The analysis shows that the indicator owns more advantage over the coils-coding rod position indicator, so it can meet the demands of the rod position indicating in nuclear heating reactor (NHR). (authors)

  4. Fracture flow code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dershowitz, W; Herbert, A.; Long, J.


    The hydrology of the SCV site will be modelled utilizing discrete fracture flow models. These models are complex, and can not be fully cerified by comparison to analytical solutions. The best approach for verification of these codes is therefore cross-verification between different codes. This is complicated by the variation in assumptions and solution techniques utilized in different codes. Cross-verification procedures are defined which allow comparison of the codes developed by Harwell Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and Golder Associates Inc. Six cross-verification datasets are defined for deterministic and stochastic verification of geometric and flow features of the codes. Additional datasets for verification of transport features will be documented in a future report. (13 figs., 7 tabs., 10 refs.) (authors)

  5. NAGRADATA. Code key. Geology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, W.H.; Schneider, B.; Staeuble, J.


    This reference manual provides users of the NAGRADATA system with comprehensive keys to the coding/decoding of geological and technical information to be stored in or retreaved from the databank. Emphasis has been placed on input data coding. When data is retreaved the translation into plain language of stored coded information is done automatically by computer. Three keys each, list the complete set of currently defined codes for the NAGRADATA system, namely codes with appropriate definitions, arranged: 1. according to subject matter (thematically) 2. the codes listed alphabetically and 3. the definitions listed alphabetically. Additional explanation is provided for the proper application of the codes and the logic behind the creation of new codes to be used within the NAGRADATA system. NAGRADATA makes use of codes instead of plain language for data storage; this offers the following advantages: speed of data processing, mainly data retrieval, economies of storage memory requirements, the standardisation of terminology. The nature of this thesaurian type 'key to codes' makes it impossible to either establish a final form or to cover the entire spectrum of requirements. Therefore, this first issue of codes to NAGRADATA must be considered to represent the current state of progress of a living system and future editions will be issued in a loose leave ringbook system which can be updated by an organised (updating) service. (author)

  6. RFQ simulation code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lysenko, W.P.


    We have developed the RFQLIB simulation system to provide a means to systematically generate the new versions of radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) linac simulation codes that are required by the constantly changing needs of a research environment. This integrated system simplifies keeping track of the various versions of the simulation code and makes it practical to maintain complete and up-to-date documentation. In this scheme, there is a certain standard version of the simulation code that forms a library upon which new versions are built. To generate a new version of the simulation code, the routines to be modified or added are appended to a standard command file, which contains the commands to compile the new routines and link them to the routines in the library. The library itself is rarely changed. Whenever the library is modified, however, this modification is seen by all versions of the simulation code, which actually exist as different versions of the command file. All code is written according to the rules of structured programming. Modularity is enforced by not using COMMON statements, simplifying the relation of the data flow to a hierarchy diagram. Simulation results are similar to those of the PARMTEQ code, as expected, because of the similar physical model. Different capabilities, such as those for generating beams matched in detail to the structure, are available in the new code for help in testing new ideas in designing RFQ linacs

  7. The Visual Code Navigator : An Interactive Toolset for Source Code Investigation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lommerse, Gerard; Nossin, Freek; Voinea, Lucian; Telea, Alexandru


    We present the Visual Code Navigator, a set of three interrelated visual tools that we developed for exploring large source code software projects from three different perspectives, or views: The syntactic view shows the syntactic constructs in the source code. The symbol view shows the objects a

  8. Joint source-channel coding using variable length codes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Balakirsky, V.B.


    We address the problem of joint source-channel coding when variable-length codes are used for information transmission over a discrete memoryless channel. Data transmitted over the channel are interpreted as pairs (m k ,t k ), where m k is a message generated by the source and t k is a time instant

  9. Tokamak Systems Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reid, R.L.; Barrett, R.J.; Brown, T.G.


    The FEDC Tokamak Systems Code calculates tokamak performance, cost, and configuration as a function of plasma engineering parameters. This version of the code models experimental tokamaks. It does not currently consider tokamak configurations that generate electrical power or incorporate breeding blankets. The code has a modular (or subroutine) structure to allow independent modeling for each major tokamak component or system. A primary benefit of modularization is that a component module may be updated without disturbing the remainder of the systems code as long as the imput to or output from the module remains unchanged

  10. Blahut-Arimoto algorithm and code design for action-dependent source coding problems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trillingsgaard, Kasper Fløe; Simeone, Osvaldo; Popovski, Petar


    The source coding problem with action-dependent side information at the decoder has recently been introduced to model data acquisition in resource-constrained systems. In this paper, an efficient Blahut-Arimoto-type algorithm for the numerical computation of the rate-distortion-cost function...... for this problem is proposed. Moreover, a simplified two-stage code structure based on multiplexing is put forth, whereby the first stage encodes the actions and the second stage is composed of an array of classical Wyner-Ziv codes, one for each action. Leveraging this structure, specific coding/decoding...... strategies are designed based on LDGM codes and message passing. Through numerical examples, the proposed code design is shown to achieve performance close to the rate-distortion-cost function....

  11. On the Combination of Multi-Layer Source Coding and Network Coding for Wireless Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krigslund, Jeppe; Fitzek, Frank; Pedersen, Morten Videbæk


    quality is developed. A linear coding structure designed to gracefully encapsulate layered source coding provides both low complexity of the utilised linear coding while enabling robust erasure correction in the form of fountain coding capabilities. The proposed linear coding structure advocates efficient...

  12. Coding Class

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ejsing-Duun, Stine; Hansbøl, Mikala

    Denne rapport rummer evaluering og dokumentation af Coding Class projektet1. Coding Class projektet blev igangsat i skoleåret 2016/2017 af IT-Branchen i samarbejde med en række medlemsvirksomheder, Københavns kommune, Vejle Kommune, Styrelsen for IT- og Læring (STIL) og den frivillige forening...... Coding Pirates2. Rapporten er forfattet af Docent i digitale læringsressourcer og forskningskoordinator for forsknings- og udviklingsmiljøet Digitalisering i Skolen (DiS), Mikala Hansbøl, fra Institut for Skole og Læring ved Professionshøjskolen Metropol; og Lektor i læringsteknologi, interaktionsdesign......, design tænkning og design-pædagogik, Stine Ejsing-Duun fra Forskningslab: It og Læringsdesign (ILD-LAB) ved Institut for kommunikation og psykologi, Aalborg Universitet i København. Vi har fulgt og gennemført evaluering og dokumentation af Coding Class projektet i perioden november 2016 til maj 2017...

  13. KENO-V code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cramer, S.N.


    The KENO-V code is the current release of the Oak Ridge multigroup Monte Carlo criticality code development. The original KENO, with 16 group Hansen-Roach cross sections and P 1 scattering, was one ot the first multigroup Monte Carlo codes and it and its successors have always been a much-used research tool for criticality studies. KENO-V is able to accept large neutron cross section libraries (a 218 group set is distributed with the code) and has a general P/sub N/ scattering capability. A supergroup feature allows execution of large problems on small computers, but at the expense of increased calculation time and system input/output operations. This supergroup feature is activated automatically by the code in a manner which utilizes as much computer memory as is available. The primary purpose of KENO-V is to calculate the system k/sub eff/, from small bare critical assemblies to large reflected arrays of differing fissile and moderator elements. In this respect KENO-V neither has nor requires the many options and sophisticated biasing techniques of general Monte Carlo codes

  14. PEAR code review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Wit, R.; Jamieson, T.; Lord, M.; Lafortune, J.F.


    As a necessary component in the continuous improvement and refinement of methodologies employed in the nuclear industry, regulatory agencies need to periodically evaluate these processes to improve confidence in results and ensure appropriate levels of safety are being achieved. The independent and objective review of industry-standard computer codes forms an essential part of this program. To this end, this work undertakes an in-depth review of the computer code PEAR (Public Exposures from Accidental Releases), developed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) to assess accidental releases from CANDU reactors. PEAR is based largely on the models contained in the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) N288.2-M91. This report presents the results of a detailed technical review of the PEAR code to identify any variations from the CSA standard and other supporting documentation, verify the source code, assess the quality of numerical models and results, and identify general strengths and weaknesses of the code. The version of the code employed in this review is the one which AECL intends to use for CANDU 9 safety analyses. (author)

  15. Manually operated coded switch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnette, J.H.


    The disclosure related to a manually operated recodable coded switch in which a code may be inserted, tried and used to actuate a lever controlling an external device. After attempting a code, the switch's code wheels must be returned to their zero positions before another try is made

  16. Phonological coding during reading. (United States)

    Leinenger, Mallorie


    The exact role that phonological coding (the recoding of written, orthographic information into a sound based code) plays during silent reading has been extensively studied for more than a century. Despite the large body of research surrounding the topic, varying theories as to the time course and function of this recoding still exist. The present review synthesizes this body of research, addressing the topics of time course and function in tandem. The varying theories surrounding the function of phonological coding (e.g., that phonological codes aid lexical access, that phonological codes aid comprehension and bolster short-term memory, or that phonological codes are largely epiphenomenal in skilled readers) are first outlined, and the time courses that each maps onto (e.g., that phonological codes come online early [prelexical] or that phonological codes come online late [postlexical]) are discussed. Next the research relevant to each of these proposed functions is reviewed, discussing the varying methodologies that have been used to investigate phonological coding (e.g., response time methods, reading while eye-tracking or recording EEG and MEG, concurrent articulation) and highlighting the advantages and limitations of each with respect to the study of phonological coding. In response to the view that phonological coding is largely epiphenomenal in skilled readers, research on the use of phonological codes in prelingually, profoundly deaf readers is reviewed. Finally, implications for current models of word identification (activation-verification model, Van Orden, 1987; dual-route model, e.g., M. Coltheart, Rastle, Perry, Langdon, & Ziegler, 2001; parallel distributed processing model, Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989) are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved).

  17. Codes maintained by the LAACG [Los Alamos Accelerator Code Group] at the NMFECC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallace, R.; Barts, T.


    The Los Alamos Accelerator Code Group (LAACG) maintains two groups of design codes at the National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computing Center (NMFECC). These codes, principally electromagnetic field solvers, are used for the analysis and design of electromagnetic components for accelerators, e.g., magnets, rf structures, pickups, etc. In this paper, the status and future of the installed codes will be discussed with emphasis on an experimental version of one set of codes, POISSON/SUPERFISH

  18. Concatenated coding systems employing a unit-memory convolutional code and a byte-oriented decoding algorithm (United States)

    Lee, L.-N.


    Concatenated coding systems utilizing a convolutional code as the inner code and a Reed-Solomon code as the outer code are considered. In order to obtain very reliable communications over a very noisy channel with relatively modest coding complexity, it is proposed to concatenate a byte-oriented unit-memory convolutional code with an RS outer code whose symbol size is one byte. It is further proposed to utilize a real-time minimal-byte-error probability decoding algorithm, together with feedback from the outer decoder, in the decoder for the inner convolutional code. The performance of the proposed concatenated coding system is studied, and the improvement over conventional concatenated systems due to each additional feature is isolated.

  19. Benchmark studies of BOUT++ code and TPSMBI code on neutral transport during SMBI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Y.H. [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China); University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 (China); Center for Magnetic Fusion Theory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China); Wang, Z.H., E-mail: [Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 610041 (China); Guo, W., E-mail: [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China); Center for Magnetic Fusion Theory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China); Ren, Q.L. [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China); Sun, A.P.; Xu, M.; Wang, A.K. [Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 610041 (China); Xiang, N. [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China); Center for Magnetic Fusion Theory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China)


    SMBI (supersonic molecule beam injection) plays an important role in tokamak plasma fuelling, density control and ELM mitigation in magnetic confinement plasma physics, which has been widely used in many tokamaks. The trans-neut module of BOUT++ code is the only large-scale parallel 3D fluid code used to simulate the SMBI fueling process, while the TPSMBI (transport of supersonic molecule beam injection) code is a recent developed 1D fluid code of SMBI. In order to find a method to increase SMBI fueling efficiency in H-mode plasma, especially for ITER, it is significant to first verify the codes. The benchmark study between the trans-neut module of BOUT++ code and the TPSMBI code on radial transport dynamics of neutral during SMBI has been first successfully achieved in both slab and cylindrical coordinates. The simulation results from the trans-neut module of BOUT++ code and TPSMBI code are consistent very well with each other. Different upwind schemes have been compared to deal with the sharp gradient front region during the inward propagation of SMBI for the code stability. The influence of the WENO3 (weighted essentially non-oscillatory) and the third order upwind schemes on the benchmark results has also been discussed. - Highlights: • A 1D model of SMBI has developed. • Benchmarks of BOUT++ and TPSMBI codes have first been finished. • The influence of the WENO3 and the third order upwind schemes on the benchmark results has also been discussed.

  20. An application of the explicit method for analysing intersystem dependencies in the evaluation of event trees

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, L.F.S. de; Frutuoso e Melo, P.F.F.; Lima, J.E.P.; Stal, I.L.


    A computacional application of the explicit method for analyzing event trees in the context of probabilistic risk assessments is discussed. A detailed analysis of the explicit method is presented, including the train level analysis (TLA) of safety systems and the impact vector method. It is shown that the penalty for not adopting TLA is that in some cases non-conservative results may be reached. The impact vector method can significantly reduce the number of sequences to be considered, and its use has inspired the definition of a dependency matrix, which enables the proper running of a computer code especially developed for analysing event trees. The code has been extensively used in the Angra 1 PRA currently underway. In its present version it gives as output the dominant sequences for each given initiator, properly classiying them in core-degradation classes as specified by the user. (Author) [pt

  1. Algebraic and stochastic coding theory

    CERN Document Server

    Kythe, Dave K


    Using a simple yet rigorous approach, Algebraic and Stochastic Coding Theory makes the subject of coding theory easy to understand for readers with a thorough knowledge of digital arithmetic, Boolean and modern algebra, and probability theory. It explains the underlying principles of coding theory and offers a clear, detailed description of each code. More advanced readers will appreciate its coverage of recent developments in coding theory and stochastic processes. After a brief review of coding history and Boolean algebra, the book introduces linear codes, including Hamming and Golay codes.

  2. Optical coding theory with Prime

    CERN Document Server

    Kwong, Wing C


    Although several books cover the coding theory of wireless communications and the hardware technologies and coding techniques of optical CDMA, no book has been specifically dedicated to optical coding theory-until now. Written by renowned authorities in the field, Optical Coding Theory with Prime gathers together in one volume the fundamentals and developments of optical coding theory, with a focus on families of prime codes, supplemented with several families of non-prime codes. The book also explores potential applications to coding-based optical systems and networks. Learn How to Construct

  3. Identification of coding and non-coding mutational hotspots in cancer genomes. (United States)

    Piraino, Scott W; Furney, Simon J


    The identification of mutations that play a causal role in tumour development, so called "driver" mutations, is of critical importance for understanding how cancers form and how they might be treated. Several large cancer sequencing projects have identified genes that are recurrently mutated in cancer patients, suggesting a role in tumourigenesis. While the landscape of coding drivers has been extensively studied and many of the most prominent driver genes are well characterised, comparatively less is known about the role of mutations in the non-coding regions of the genome in cancer development. The continuing fall in genome sequencing costs has resulted in a concomitant increase in the number of cancer whole genome sequences being produced, facilitating systematic interrogation of both the coding and non-coding regions of cancer genomes. To examine the mutational landscapes of tumour genomes we have developed a novel method to identify mutational hotspots in tumour genomes using both mutational data and information on evolutionary conservation. We have applied our methodology to over 1300 whole cancer genomes and show that it identifies prominent coding and non-coding regions that are known or highly suspected to play a role in cancer. Importantly, we applied our method to the entire genome, rather than relying on predefined annotations (e.g. promoter regions) and we highlight recurrently mutated regions that may have resulted from increased exposure to mutational processes rather than selection, some of which have been identified previously as targets of selection. Finally, we implicate several pan-cancer and cancer-specific candidate non-coding regions, which could be involved in tumourigenesis. We have developed a framework to identify mutational hotspots in cancer genomes, which is applicable to the entire genome. This framework identifies known and novel coding and non-coding mutional hotspots and can be used to differentiate candidate driver regions from

  4. On the Performance of a Multi-Edge Type LDPC Code for Coded Modulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cronie, H.S.


    We present a method to combine error-correction coding and spectral-efficient modulation for transmission over the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel. The code employs signal shaping which can provide a so-called shaping gain. The code belongs to the family of sparse graph codes for which

  5. Aplicación de un modelo cognitivo de valoración emotiva a la función de evaluación de tableros de un programa que juega ajedrez

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Lilia Laureano Cruces


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se describe el análisis y diseño de un modelo cognitivo de valoración emotiva. Dicho modelo está basado en las metas que busca un jugador de ajedrez durante una partida. Este modelo afecta la salida de la función de evaluación de tableros de un agente computacional que juega ajedrez; dándole más peso a aspectos relacionados con las metas más urgentes; de acuerdo al contexto. De esta manera, la percepción del entorno cambia, y en consecuencia, la elección de la siguiente jugada. El objetivo es que el agente computacional incorpore en el proceso de toma de decisiones el estado emotivo y elija las jugadas con base en dicho estado. Para lograrlo se utilizaron herramientas de psicología cognitiva y computación suave con el fin de simular la emoción, y afectar el comportamiento del agente computacional. Palabras clave: ajedrez computacional; modelos mentales; valoración emotiva; emociones sintéticas; función de evaluación; mapas cognitivos difusos Mathematics Subject Classification: 68T20, 68T37.

  6. Insurance billing and coding. (United States)

    Napier, Rebecca H; Bruelheide, Lori S; Demann, Eric T K; Haug, Richard H


    The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of understanding various numeric and alpha-numeric codes for accurately billing dental and medically related services to private pay or third-party insurance carriers. In the United States, common dental terminology (CDT) codes are most commonly used by dentists to submit claims, whereas current procedural terminology (CPT) and International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD.9.CM) codes are more commonly used by physicians to bill for their services. The CPT and ICD.9.CM coding systems complement each other in that CPT codes provide the procedure and service information and ICD.9.CM codes provide the reason or rationale for a particular procedure or service. These codes are more commonly used for "medical necessity" determinations, and general dentists and specialists who routinely perform care, including trauma-related care, biopsies, and dental treatment as a result of or in anticipation of a cancer-related treatment, are likely to use these codes. Claim submissions for care provided can be completed electronically or by means of paper forms.

  7. Speaking Code

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cox, Geoff

    Speaking Code begins by invoking the “Hello World” convention used by programmers when learning a new language, helping to establish the interplay of text and code that runs through the book. Interweaving the voice of critical writing from the humanities with the tradition of computing and software...

  8. Locally orderless registration code

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    This is code for the TPAMI paper "Locally Orderless Registration". The code requires intel threadding building blocks installed and is provided for 64 bit on mac, linux and windows.......This is code for the TPAMI paper "Locally Orderless Registration". The code requires intel threadding building blocks installed and is provided for 64 bit on mac, linux and windows....

  9. Decoding Codes on Graphs

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Shannon limit of the channel. Among the earliest discovered codes that approach the. Shannon limit were the low density parity check (LDPC) codes. The term low density arises from the property of the parity check matrix defining the code. We will now define this matrix and the role that it plays in decoding. 2. Linear Codes.

  10. Sub-Transport Layer Coding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jonas; Krigslund, Jeppe; Roetter, Daniel Enrique Lucani


    Packet losses in wireless networks dramatically curbs the performance of TCP. This paper introduces a simple coding shim that aids IP-layer traffic in lossy environments while being transparent to transport layer protocols. The proposed coding approach enables erasure correction while being...... oblivious to the congestion control algorithms of the utilised transport layer protocol. Although our coding shim is indifferent towards the transport layer protocol, we focus on the performance of TCP when ran on top of our proposed coding mechanism due to its widespread use. The coding shim provides gains...

  11. Utility experience in code updating of equipment built to 1974 code, Section 3, Subsection NF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, K.R.; Deshpande, N.


    This paper addresses changes to ASME Code Subsection NF and reconciles the differences between the updated codes and the as built construction code, of ASME Section III, 1974 to which several nuclear plants have been built. Since Section III is revised every three years and replacement parts complying with the construction code are invariably not available from the plant stock inventory, parts must be procured from vendors who comply with the requirements of the latest codes. Aspects of the ASME code which reflect Subsection NF are identified and compared with the later Code editions and addenda, especially up to and including the 1974 ASME code used as the basis for the plant qualification. The concern of the regulatory agencies is that if later code allowables and provisions are adopted it is possible to reduce the safety margins of the construction code. Areas of concern are highlighted and the specific changes of later codes are discerned; adoption of which, would not sacrifice the intended safety margins of the codes to which plants are licensed

  12. Theory of epigenetic coding. (United States)

    Elder, D


    The logic of genetic control of development may be based on a binary epigenetic code. This paper revises the author's previous scheme dealing with the numerology of annelid metamerism in these terms. Certain features of the code had been deduced to be combinatorial, others not. This paradoxical contrast is resolved here by the interpretation that these features relate to different operations of the code; the combinatiorial to coding identity of units, the non-combinatorial to coding production of units. Consideration of a second paradox in the theory of epigenetic coding leads to a new solution which further provides a basis for epimorphic regeneration, and may in particular throw light on the "regeneration-duplication" phenomenon. A possible test of the model is also put forward.

  13. ETR/ITER systems code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barr, W.L.; Bathke, C.G.; Brooks, J.N.; Bulmer, R.H.; Busigin, A.; DuBois, P.F.; Fenstermacher, M.E.; Fink, J.; Finn, P.A.; Galambos, J.D.; Gohar, Y.; Gorker, G.E.; Haines, J.R.; Hassanein, A.M.; Hicks, D.R.; Ho, S.K.; Kalsi, S.S.; Kalyanam, K.M.; Kerns, J.A.; Lee, J.D.; Miller, J.R.; Miller, R.L.; Myall, J.O.; Peng, Y-K.M.; Perkins, L.J.; Spampinato, P.T.; Strickler, D.J.; Thomson, S.L.; Wagner, C.E.; Willms, R.S.; Reid, R.L. (ed.)


    A tokamak systems code capable of modeling experimental test reactors has been developed and is described in this document. The code, named TETRA (for Tokamak Engineering Test Reactor Analysis), consists of a series of modules, each describing a tokamak system or component, controlled by an optimizer/driver. This code development was a national effort in that the modules were contributed by members of the fusion community and integrated into a code by the Fusion Engineering Design Center. The code has been checked out on the Cray computers at the National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computing Center and has satisfactorily simulated the Tokamak Ignition/Burn Experimental Reactor II (TIBER) design. A feature of this code is the ability to perform optimization studies through the use of a numerical software package, which iterates prescribed variables to satisfy a set of prescribed equations or constraints. This code will be used to perform sensitivity studies for the proposed International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). 22 figs., 29 tabs.

  14. ETR/ITER systems code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barr, W.L.; Bathke, C.G.; Brooks, J.N.


    A tokamak systems code capable of modeling experimental test reactors has been developed and is described in this document. The code, named TETRA (for Tokamak Engineering Test Reactor Analysis), consists of a series of modules, each describing a tokamak system or component, controlled by an optimizer/driver. This code development was a national effort in that the modules were contributed by members of the fusion community and integrated into a code by the Fusion Engineering Design Center. The code has been checked out on the Cray computers at the National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computing Center and has satisfactorily simulated the Tokamak Ignition/Burn Experimental Reactor II (TIBER) design. A feature of this code is the ability to perform optimization studies through the use of a numerical software package, which iterates prescribed variables to satisfy a set of prescribed equations or constraints. This code will be used to perform sensitivity studies for the proposed International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). 22 figs., 29 tabs

  15. Coding and decoding for code division multiple user communication systems (United States)

    Healy, T. J.


    A new algorithm is introduced which decodes code division multiple user communication signals. The algorithm makes use of the distinctive form or pattern of each signal to separate it from the composite signal created by the multiple users. Although the algorithm is presented in terms of frequency-hopped signals, the actual transmitter modulator can use any of the existing digital modulation techniques. The algorithm is applicable to error-free codes or to codes where controlled interference is permitted. It can be used when block synchronization is assumed, and in some cases when it is not. The paper also discusses briefly some of the codes which can be used in connection with the algorithm, and relates the algorithm to past studies which use other approaches to the same problem.

  16. Hermitian self-dual quasi-abelian codes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herbert S. Palines


    Full Text Available Quasi-abelian codes constitute an important class of linear codes containing theoretically and practically interesting codes such as quasi-cyclic codes, abelian codes, and cyclic codes. In particular, the sub-class consisting of 1-generator quasi-abelian codes contains large families of good codes. Based on the well-known decomposition of quasi-abelian codes, the characterization and enumeration of Hermitian self-dual quasi-abelian codes are given. In the case of 1-generator quasi-abelian codes, we offer necessary and sufficient conditions for such codes to be Hermitian self-dual and give a formula for the number of these codes. In the case where the underlying groups are some $p$-groups, the actual number of resulting Hermitian self-dual quasi-abelian codes are determined.

  17. Hominoid-specific de novo protein-coding genes originating from long non-coding RNAs.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen Xie


    Full Text Available Tinkering with pre-existing genes has long been known as a major way to create new genes. Recently, however, motherless protein-coding genes have been found to have emerged de novo from ancestral non-coding DNAs. How these genes originated is not well addressed to date. Here we identified 24 hominoid-specific de novo protein-coding genes with precise origination timing in vertebrate phylogeny. Strand-specific RNA-Seq analyses were performed in five rhesus macaque tissues (liver, prefrontal cortex, skeletal muscle, adipose, and testis, which were then integrated with public transcriptome data from human, chimpanzee, and rhesus macaque. On the basis of comparing the RNA expression profiles in the three species, we found that most of the hominoid-specific de novo protein-coding genes encoded polyadenylated non-coding RNAs in rhesus macaque or chimpanzee with a similar transcript structure and correlated tissue expression profile. According to the rule of parsimony, the majority of these hominoid-specific de novo protein-coding genes appear to have acquired a regulated transcript structure and expression profile before acquiring coding potential. Interestingly, although the expression profile was largely correlated, the coding genes in human often showed higher transcriptional abundance than their non-coding counterparts in rhesus macaque. The major findings we report in this manuscript are robust and insensitive to the parameters used in the identification and analysis of de novo genes. Our results suggest that at least a portion of long non-coding RNAs, especially those with active and regulated transcription, may serve as a birth pool for protein-coding genes, which are then further optimized at the transcriptional level.

  18. An algebraic approach to graph codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinero, Fernando

    This thesis consists of six chapters. The first chapter, contains a short introduction to coding theory in which we explain the coding theory concepts we use. In the second chapter, we present the required theory for evaluation codes and also give an example of some fundamental codes in coding...... theory as evaluation codes. Chapter three consists of the introduction to graph based codes, such as Tanner codes and graph codes. In Chapter four, we compute the dimension of some graph based codes with a result combining graph based codes and subfield subcodes. Moreover, some codes in chapter four...

  19. Some new ternary linear codes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rumen Daskalov


    Full Text Available Let an $[n,k,d]_q$ code be a linear code of length $n$, dimension $k$ and minimum Hamming distance $d$ over $GF(q$. One of the most important problems in coding theory is to construct codes with optimal minimum distances. In this paper 22 new ternary linear codes are presented. Two of them are optimal. All new codes improve the respective lower bounds in [11].

  20. CITOPP, CITMOD, CITWI, Processing codes for CITATION Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albarhoum, M.


    Description of program or function: CITOPP processes the output file of the CITATION 3-D diffusion code. The program can plot axial, radial and circumferential flux distributions (in cylindrical geometry) in addition to the multiplication factor convergence. The flux distributions can be drawn for each group specified by the program and visualized on the screen. CITMOD processes both the output and the input files of the CITATION 3-D diffusion code. CITMOD can visualize both axial, and radial-angular models of the reactor described by CITATION input/output files. CITWI processes the input file (CIT.INP) of CITATION 3-D diffusion code. CIT.INP is processed to deduce the dimensions of the cell whose cross sections can be representative of the homonym reactor component in section 008 of CIT.INP

  1. Coding for Electronic Mail (United States)

    Rice, R. F.; Lee, J. J.


    Scheme for coding facsimile messages promises to reduce data transmission requirements to one-tenth current level. Coding scheme paves way for true electronic mail in which handwritten, typed, or printed messages or diagrams sent virtually instantaneously - between buildings or between continents. Scheme, called Universal System for Efficient Electronic Mail (USEEM), uses unsupervised character recognition and adaptive noiseless coding of text. Image quality of resulting delivered messages improved over messages transmitted by conventional coding. Coding scheme compatible with direct-entry electronic mail as well as facsimile reproduction. Text transmitted in this scheme automatically translated to word-processor form.

  2. Channel coding techniques for wireless communications

    CERN Document Server

    Deergha Rao, K


    The book discusses modern channel coding techniques for wireless communications such as turbo codes, low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, space–time (ST) coding, RS (or Reed–Solomon) codes and convolutional codes. Many illustrative examples are included in each chapter for easy understanding of the coding techniques. The text is integrated with MATLAB-based programs to enhance the understanding of the subject’s underlying theories. It includes current topics of increasing importance such as turbo codes, LDPC codes, Luby transform (LT) codes, Raptor codes, and ST coding in detail, in addition to the traditional codes such as cyclic codes, BCH (or Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem) and RS codes and convolutional codes. Multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) communications is a multiple antenna technology, which is an effective method for high-speed or high-reliability wireless communications. PC-based MATLAB m-files for the illustrative examples are provided on the book page on for free dow...

  3. Reactor lattice codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulikowska, T.


    The description of reactor lattice codes is carried out on the example of the WIMSD-5B code. The WIMS code in its various version is the most recognised lattice code. It is used in all parts of the world for calculations of research and power reactors. The version WIMSD-5B is distributed free of charge by NEA Data Bank. The description of its main features given in the present lecture follows the aspects defined previously for lattice calculations in the lecture on Reactor Lattice Transport Calculations. The spatial models are described, and the approach to the energy treatment is given. Finally the specific algorithm applied in fuel depletion calculations is outlined. (author)

  4. Exploring the concept of QR Code and the benefits of using QR Code for companies


    Ji, Qianyu


    This research work concentrates on the concept of QR Code and the benefits of using QR Code for companies. The first objective of this research work is to study the general information of QR Code in order to guide people to understand the QR Code in detail. The second objective of this research work is to explore and analyze the essential and feasible technologies of QR Code for the sake of clearing the technologies of QR code. Additionally, this research work through QR Code best practices t...

  5. Coding training for medical students: How good is diagnoses coding with ICD-10 by novices?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stausberg, Jürgen


    Full Text Available Teaching of knowledge and competence in documentation and coding is an essential part of medical education. Therefore, coding training had been placed within the course of epidemiology, medical biometry, and medical informatics. From this, we can draw conclusions about the quality of coding by novices. One hundred and eighteen students coded diagnoses from 15 nephrological cases in homework. In addition to interrater reliability, validity was calculated by comparison with a reference coding. On the level of terminal codes, 59.3% of the students' results were correct. The completeness was calculated as 58.0%. The results on the chapter level increased up to 91.5% and 87.7% respectively. For the calculation of reliability a new, simple measure was developed that leads to values of 0.46 on the level of terminal codes and 0.87 on the chapter level for interrater reliability. The figures of concordance with the reference coding are quite similar. In contrary, routine data show considerably lower results with 0.34 and 0.63 respectively. Interrater reliability and validity of coding by novices is as good as coding by experts. The missing advantage of experts could be explained by the workload of documentation and a negative attitude to coding on the one hand. On the other hand, coding in a DRG-system is handicapped by a large number of detailed coding rules, which do not end in uniform results but rather lead to wrong and random codes. Anyway, students left the course well prepared for coding.

  6. Turbo coding, turbo equalisation and space-time coding for transmission over fading channels

    CERN Document Server

    Hanzo, L; Yeap, B


    Against the backdrop of the emerging 3G wireless personal communications standards and broadband access network standard proposals, this volume covers a range of coding and transmission aspects for transmission over fading wireless channels. It presents the most important classic channel coding issues and also the exciting advances of the last decade, such as turbo coding, turbo equalisation and space-time coding. It endeavours to be the first book with explicit emphasis on channel coding for transmission over wireless channels. Divided into 4 parts: Part 1 - explains the necessary background for novices. It aims to be both an easy reading text book and a deep research monograph. Part 2 - provides detailed coverage of turbo conventional and turbo block coding considering the known decoding algorithms and their performance over Gaussian as well as narrowband and wideband fading channels. Part 3 - comprehensively discusses both space-time block and space-time trellis coding for the first time in literature. Par...

  7. Decoding Xing-Ling codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Rasmus Refslund


    This paper describes an efficient decoding method for a recent construction of good linear codes as well as an extension to the construction. Furthermore, asymptotic properties and list decoding of the codes are discussed.......This paper describes an efficient decoding method for a recent construction of good linear codes as well as an extension to the construction. Furthermore, asymptotic properties and list decoding of the codes are discussed....

  8. 75 FR 19944 - International Code Council: The Update Process for the International Codes and Standards (United States)


    ... documents from ICC's Chicago District Office: International Code Council, 4051 W Flossmoor Road, Country... Energy Conservation Code. International Existing Building Code. International Fire Code. International...

  9. Code portability and data management considerations in the SAS3D LMFBR accident-analysis code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunn, F.E.


    The SAS3D code was produced from a predecessor in order to reduce or eliminate interrelated problems in the areas of code portability, the large size of the code, inflexibility in the use of memory and the size of cases that can be run, code maintenance, and running speed. Many conventional solutions, such as variable dimensioning, disk storage, virtual memory, and existing code-maintenance utilities were not feasible or did not help in this case. A new data management scheme was developed, coding standards and procedures were adopted, special machine-dependent routines were written, and a portable source code processing code was written. The resulting code is quite portable, quite flexible in the use of memory and the size of cases that can be run, much easier to maintain, and faster running. SAS3D is still a large, long running code that only runs well if sufficient main memory is available

  10. Error-correction coding for digital communications (United States)

    Clark, G. C., Jr.; Cain, J. B.

    This book is written for the design engineer who must build the coding and decoding equipment and for the communication system engineer who must incorporate this equipment into a system. It is also suitable as a senior-level or first-year graduate text for an introductory one-semester course in coding theory. Fundamental concepts of coding are discussed along with group codes, taking into account basic principles, practical constraints, performance computations, coding bounds, generalized parity check codes, polynomial codes, and important classes of group codes. Other topics explored are related to simple nonalgebraic decoding techniques for group codes, soft decision decoding of block codes, algebraic techniques for multiple error correction, the convolutional code structure and Viterbi decoding, syndrome decoding techniques, and sequential decoding techniques. System applications are also considered, giving attention to concatenated codes, coding for the white Gaussian noise channel, interleaver structures for coded systems, and coding for burst noise channels.

  11. Code Team Training: Demonstrating Adherence to AHA Guidelines During Pediatric Code Blue Activations. (United States)

    Stewart, Claire; Shoemaker, Jamie; Keller-Smith, Rachel; Edmunds, Katherine; Davis, Andrew; Tegtmeyer, Ken


    Pediatric code blue activations are infrequent events with a high mortality rate despite the best effort of code teams. The best method for training these code teams is debatable; however, it is clear that training is needed to assure adherence to American Heart Association (AHA) Resuscitation Guidelines and to prevent the decay that invariably occurs after Pediatric Advanced Life Support training. The objectives of this project were to train a multidisciplinary, multidepartmental code team and to measure this team's adherence to AHA guidelines during code simulation. Multidisciplinary code team training sessions were held using high-fidelity, in situ simulation. Sessions were held several times per month. Each session was filmed and reviewed for adherence to 5 AHA guidelines: chest compression rate, ventilation rate, chest compression fraction, use of a backboard, and use of a team leader. After the first study period, modifications were made to the code team including implementation of just-in-time training and alteration of the compression team. Thirty-eight sessions were completed, with 31 eligible for video analysis. During the first study period, 1 session adhered to all AHA guidelines. During the second study period, after alteration of the code team and implementation of just-in-time training, no sessions adhered to all AHA guidelines; however, there was an improvement in percentage of sessions adhering to ventilation rate and chest compression rate and an improvement in median ventilation rate. We present a method for training a large code team drawn from multiple hospital departments and a method of assessing code team performance. Despite subjective improvement in code team positioning, communication, and role completion and some improvement in ventilation rate and chest compression rate, we failed to consistently demonstrate improvement in adherence to all guidelines.

  12. MARS code manual volume I: code structure, system models, and solution methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Bub Dong; Kim, Kyung Doo; Bae, Sung Won; Jeong, Jae Jun; Lee, Seung Wook; Hwang, Moon Kyu; Yoon, Churl


    Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute (KAERI) conceived and started the development of MARS code with the main objective of producing a state-of-the-art realistic thermal hydraulic systems analysis code with multi-dimensional analysis capability. MARS achieves this objective by very tightly integrating the one dimensional RELAP5/MOD3 with the multi-dimensional COBRA-TF codes. The method of integration of the two codes is based on the dynamic link library techniques, and the system pressure equation matrices of both codes are implicitly integrated and solved simultaneously. In addition, the Equation-Of-State (EOS) for the light water was unified by replacing the EOS of COBRA-TF by that of the RELAP5. This theory manual provides a complete list of overall information of code structure and major function of MARS including code architecture, hydrodynamic model, heat structure, trip / control system and point reactor kinetics model. Therefore, this report would be very useful for the code users. The overall structure of the manual is modeled on the structure of the RELAP5 and as such the layout of the manual is very similar to that of the RELAP. This similitude to RELAP5 input is intentional as this input scheme will allow minimum modification between the inputs of RELAP5 and MARS3.1. MARS3.1 development team would like to express its appreciation to the RELAP5 Development Team and the USNRC for making this manual possible

  13. Deciphering the genetic regulatory code using an inverse error control coding framework.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rintoul, Mark Daniel; May, Elebeoba Eni; Brown, William Michael; Johnston, Anna Marie; Watson, Jean-Paul


    We have found that developing a computational framework for reconstructing error control codes for engineered data and ultimately for deciphering genetic regulatory coding sequences is a challenging and uncharted area that will require advances in computational technology for exact solutions. Although exact solutions are desired, computational approaches that yield plausible solutions would be considered sufficient as a proof of concept to the feasibility of reverse engineering error control codes and the possibility of developing a quantitative model for understanding and engineering genetic regulation. Such evidence would help move the idea of reconstructing error control codes for engineered and biological systems from the high risk high payoff realm into the highly probable high payoff domain. Additionally this work will impact biological sensor development and the ability to model and ultimately develop defense mechanisms against bioagents that can be engineered to cause catastrophic damage. Understanding how biological organisms are able to communicate their genetic message efficiently in the presence of noise can improve our current communication protocols, a continuing research interest. Towards this end, project goals include: (1) Develop parameter estimation methods for n for block codes and for n, k, and m for convolutional codes. Use methods to determine error control (EC) code parameters for gene regulatory sequence. (2) Develop an evolutionary computing computational framework for near-optimal solutions to the algebraic code reconstruction problem. Method will be tested on engineered and biological sequences.

  14. Nuclear code abstracts (1975 edition)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akanuma, Makoto; Hirakawa, Takashi


    Nuclear Code Abstracts is compiled in the Nuclear Code Committee to exchange information of the nuclear code developments among members of the committee. Enlarging the collection, the present one includes nuclear code abstracts obtained in 1975 through liaison officers of the organizations in Japan participating in the Nuclear Energy Agency's Computer Program Library at Ispra, Italy. The classification of nuclear codes and the format of code abstracts are the same as those in the library. (auth.)

  15. Geochemical computer codes. A review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersson, K.


    In this report a review of available codes is performed and some code intercomparisons are also discussed. The number of codes treating natural waters (groundwater, lake water, sea water) is large. Most geochemical computer codes treat equilibrium conditions, although some codes with kinetic capability are available. A geochemical equilibrium model consists of a computer code, solving a set of equations by some numerical method and a data base, consisting of thermodynamic data required for the calculations. There are some codes which treat coupled geochemical and transport modeling. Some of these codes solve the equilibrium and transport equations simultaneously while other solve the equations separately from each other. The coupled codes require a large computer capacity and have thus as yet limited use. Three code intercomparisons have been found in literature. It may be concluded that there are many codes available for geochemical calculations but most of them require a user that us quite familiar with the code. The user also has to know the geochemical system in order to judge the reliability of the results. A high quality data base is necessary to obtain a reliable result. The best results may be expected for the major species of natural waters. For more complicated problems, including trace elements, precipitation/dissolution, adsorption, etc., the results seem to be less reliable. (With 44 refs.) (author)

  16. Bandwidth efficient coding

    CERN Document Server

    Anderson, John B


    Bandwidth Efficient Coding addresses the major challenge in communication engineering today: how to communicate more bits of information in the same radio spectrum. Energy and bandwidth are needed to transmit bits, and bandwidth affects capacity the most. Methods have been developed that are ten times as energy efficient at a given bandwidth consumption as simple methods. These employ signals with very complex patterns and are called "coding" solutions. The book begins with classical theory before introducing new techniques that combine older methods of error correction coding and radio transmission in order to create narrowband methods that are as efficient in both spectrum and energy as nature allows. Other topics covered include modulation techniques such as CPM, coded QAM and pulse design.

  17. Computer simulating for oil fields with artificial elevation method by electrical submersible pump; Simulacao computacional para pocos de petroleo com metodo de elevacao artificial por bombeio centrifugo submerso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Batista, Evellyne da Silva; Maitelli, Andre Laurindo [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN (Brazil); Costa, Rutacio de Oliveira [PETROBRAS S.A., Natal, RN (Brazil). Unidade de Negocio RN/CE; Barbosa, Tiago de Souza [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia de Computacao


    The architecture heterogeneities and petrophysical properties of carbonate reservoirs result from a combination of platform morphology, related depositional environments, relative sea level changes and diagenetic events. The reservoir layering built for static and dynamic modelling purposes should reflect the key heterogeneities (depositional or diagenetic) which govern the fluid flow patterns. The layering needs to be adapted to the goal of the modelling, ranging from full field computations of hydrocarbon volumes, to sector-based fine-scale simulations to test the recovery improvement. This paper illustrates various reservoir layering types, including schemes dominated by depositional architecture, and those more driven by the diagenetic overprint. The examples include carbonate platform reservoirs from different stratigraphic settings (Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic and Permian) and different regions (Europe, Africa and Middle East areas). This review shows how significant stratigraphic surfaces (such as sequence boundaries or maximum flooding) with their associated facies shifts, can be often considered as key markers to constrain the reservoir layering. Conversely, how diagenesis (dolomitization and karst development), resulting in units with particular poroperm characteristics, may significantly overprint the primary reservoir architecture by generating flow units which cross-cut depositional sequences. To demonstrate how diagenetic processes can create reservoir bodies with geometries that cross-cut the depositional fabric, different types of dolomitization and karst development are illustrated. (author)

  18. Coding for urologic office procedures. (United States)

    Dowling, Robert A; Painter, Mark


    This article summarizes current best practices for documenting, coding, and billing common office-based urologic procedures. Topics covered include general principles, basic and advanced urologic coding, creation of medical records that support compliant coding practices, bundled codes and unbundling, global periods, modifiers for procedure codes, when to bill for evaluation and management services during the same visit, coding for supplies, and laboratory and radiology procedures pertinent to urology practice. Detailed information is included for the most common urology office procedures, and suggested resources and references are provided. This information is of value to physicians, office managers, and their coding staff. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Development of a voxel phantom specific for simulation of eye brachytherapy; Desenvolvimeto de um fantoma de voxel especifico para simulacao de braquiterapia ocular

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Marcilio S.; Lima, Fernando R.A., E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares do Nordeste (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil); Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Departamento de Energia Nuclear; Vieira, Jose W., E-mail: [lnstituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia de Pernambuco (IFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    The ophthalmic brachytherapy involves inserting a plate with seeds of radioactive material in the patient's eye for the treatment of tumors. The radiation dose to be taken by the patient is prescribed by physicians and time of application of the material is calculated from calibration curves supplied by the manufacturers of the plates. To estimate the dose absorbed by the patient, in a series of diagnostic tests, it is necessary to perform simulations using a computational model of exposure. These models are composed primarily by a anthropomorphic phantom, and a Monte Carlo code. The coupling of a phantom voxel whole body to a Monte Carlo code is a complex process because the computer model simulations with exposure takes time, knowledge of the code used and various adjustments to be implemented. The problem is aggravated even more complex when you want to radiate one region of the body. In this work we developed a phantom, specifically the region containing the eyeball, from MASH (Male Adult voxel). This model was coupled to the Monte Carlo code EGSnrc (Electron Gamma Shower) together with an algorithm simulator source of I-125 , considering only its effect of higher energy range.

  20. Aztheca Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quezada G, S.; Espinosa P, G.; Centeno P, J.; Sanchez M, H.


    This paper presents the Aztheca code, which is formed by the mathematical models of neutron kinetics, power generation, heat transfer, core thermo-hydraulics, recirculation systems, dynamic pressure and level models and control system. The Aztheca code is validated with plant data, as well as with predictions from the manufacturer when the reactor operates in a stationary state. On the other hand, to demonstrate that the model is applicable during a transient, an event occurred in a nuclear power plant with a BWR reactor is selected. The plant data are compared with the results obtained with RELAP-5 and the Aztheca model. The results show that both RELAP-5 and the Aztheca code have the ability to adequately predict the behavior of the reactor. (Author)

  1. Critical Care Coding for Neurologists. (United States)

    Nuwer, Marc R; Vespa, Paul M


    Accurate coding is an important function of neurologic practice. This contribution to Continuum is part of an ongoing series that presents helpful coding information along with examples related to the issue topic. Tips for diagnosis coding, Evaluation and Management coding, procedure coding, or a combination are presented, depending on which is most applicable to the subject area of the issue.

  2. FERRET data analysis code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmittroth, F.


    A documentation of the FERRET data analysis code is given. The code provides a way to combine related measurements and calculations in a consistent evaluation. Basically a very general least-squares code, it is oriented towards problems frequently encountered in nuclear data and reactor physics. A strong emphasis is on the proper treatment of uncertainties and correlations and in providing quantitative uncertainty estimates. Documentation includes a review of the method, structure of the code, input formats, and examples

  3. Enhancing QR Code Security


    Zhang, Linfan; Zheng, Shuang


    Quick Response code opens possibility to convey data in a unique way yet insufficient prevention and protection might lead into QR code being exploited on behalf of attackers. This thesis starts by presenting a general introduction of background and stating two problems regarding QR code security, which followed by a comprehensive research on both QR code itself and related issues. From the research a solution taking advantages of cloud and cryptography together with an implementation come af...

  4. The Aesthetics of Coding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Christian Ulrik


    Computer art is often associated with computer-generated expressions (digitally manipulated audio/images in music, video, stage design, media facades, etc.). In recent computer art, however, the code-text itself – not the generated output – has become the artwork (Perl Poetry, ASCII Art, obfuscated...... code, etc.). The presentation relates this artistic fascination of code to a media critique expressed by Florian Cramer, claiming that the graphical interface represents a media separation (of text/code and image) causing alienation to the computer’s materiality. Cramer is thus the voice of a new ‘code...... avant-garde’. In line with Cramer, the artists Alex McLean and Adrian Ward (aka Slub) declare: “art-oriented programming needs to acknowledge the conditions of its own making – its poesis.” By analysing the Live Coding performances of Slub (where they program computer music live), the presentation...

  5. Reliability-Based Code Calibration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faber, M.H.; Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    The present paper addresses fundamental concepts of reliability based code calibration. First basic principles of structural reliability theory are introduced and it is shown how the results of FORM based reliability analysis may be related to partial safety factors and characteristic values....... Thereafter the code calibration problem is presented in its principal decision theoretical form and it is discussed how acceptable levels of failure probability (or target reliabilities) may be established. Furthermore suggested values for acceptable annual failure probabilities are given for ultimate...... and serviceability limit states. Finally the paper describes the Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS) recommended procedure - CodeCal - for the practical implementation of reliability based code calibration of LRFD based design codes....

  6. Validation of thermalhydraulic codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilkie, D.


    Thermalhydraulic codes require to be validated against experimental data collected over a wide range of situations if they are to be relied upon. A good example is provided by the nuclear industry where codes are used for safety studies and for determining operating conditions. Errors in the codes could lead to financial penalties, to the incorrect estimation of the consequences of accidents and even to the accidents themselves. Comparison between prediction and experiment is often described qualitatively or in approximate terms, e.g. ''agreement is within 10%''. A quantitative method is preferable, especially when several competing codes are available. The codes can then be ranked in order of merit. Such a method is described. (Author)

  7. Code-Switching: L1-Coded Mediation in a Kindergarten Foreign Language Classroom (United States)

    Lin, Zheng


    This paper is based on a qualitative inquiry that investigated the role of teachers' mediation in three different modes of coding in a kindergarten foreign language classroom in China (i.e. L2-coded intralinguistic mediation, L1-coded cross-lingual mediation, and L2-and-L1-mixed mediation). Through an exploratory examination of the varying effects…

  8. Introduction of SCIENCE code package

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Haoliang; Li Jinggang; Zhu Ya'nan; Bai Ning


    The SCIENCE code package is a set of neutronics tools based on 2D assembly calculations and 3D core calculations. It is made up of APOLLO2F, SMART and SQUALE and used to perform the nuclear design and loading pattern analysis for the reactors on operation or under construction of China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group. The purpose of paper is to briefly present the physical and numerical models used in each computation codes of the SCIENCE code pack age, including the description of the general structure of the code package, the coupling relationship of APOLLO2-F transport lattice code and SMART core nodal code, and the SQUALE code used for processing the core maps. (authors)

  9. Design of convolutional tornado code (United States)

    Zhou, Hui; Yang, Yao; Gao, Hongmin; Tan, Lu


    As a linear block code, the traditional tornado (tTN) code is inefficient in burst-erasure environment and its multi-level structure may lead to high encoding/decoding complexity. This paper presents a convolutional tornado (cTN) code which is able to improve the burst-erasure protection capability by applying the convolution property to the tTN code, and reduce computational complexity by abrogating the multi-level structure. The simulation results show that cTN code can provide a better packet loss protection performance with lower computation complexity than tTN code.

  10. MARS Code in Linux Environment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, Moon Kyu; Bae, Sung Won; Jung, Jae Joon; Chung, Bub Dong [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The two-phase system analysis code MARS has been incorporated into Linux system. The MARS code was originally developed based on the RELAP5/MOD3.2 and COBRA-TF. The 1-D module which evolved from RELAP5 alone could be applied for the whole NSSS system analysis. The 3-D module developed based on the COBRA-TF, however, could be applied for the analysis of the reactor core region where 3-D phenomena would be better treated. The MARS code also has several other code units that could be incorporated for more detailed analysis. The separate code units include containment analysis modules and 3-D kinetics module. These code modules could be optionally invoked to be coupled with the main MARS code. The containment code modules (CONTAIN and CONTEMPT), for example, could be utilized for the analysis of the plant containment phenomena in a coupled manner with the nuclear reactor system. The mass and energy interaction during the hypothetical coolant leakage accident could, thereby, be analyzed in a more realistic manner. In a similar way, 3-D kinetics could be incorporated for simulating the three dimensional reactor kinetic behavior, instead of using the built-in point kinetics model. The MARS code system, developed initially for the MS Windows environment, however, would not be adequate enough for the PC cluster system where multiple CPUs are available. When parallelism is to be eventually incorporated into the MARS code, MS Windows environment is not considered as an optimum platform. Linux environment, on the other hand, is generally being adopted as a preferred platform for the multiple codes executions as well as for the parallel application. In this study, MARS code has been modified for the adaptation of Linux platform. For the initial code modification, the Windows system specific features have been removed from the code. Since the coupling code module CONTAIN is originally in a form of dynamic load library (DLL) in the Windows system, a similar adaptation method

  11. MARS Code in Linux Environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, Moon Kyu; Bae, Sung Won; Jung, Jae Joon; Chung, Bub Dong


    The two-phase system analysis code MARS has been incorporated into Linux system. The MARS code was originally developed based on the RELAP5/MOD3.2 and COBRA-TF. The 1-D module which evolved from RELAP5 alone could be applied for the whole NSSS system analysis. The 3-D module developed based on the COBRA-TF, however, could be applied for the analysis of the reactor core region where 3-D phenomena would be better treated. The MARS code also has several other code units that could be incorporated for more detailed analysis. The separate code units include containment analysis modules and 3-D kinetics module. These code modules could be optionally invoked to be coupled with the main MARS code. The containment code modules (CONTAIN and CONTEMPT), for example, could be utilized for the analysis of the plant containment phenomena in a coupled manner with the nuclear reactor system. The mass and energy interaction during the hypothetical coolant leakage accident could, thereby, be analyzed in a more realistic manner. In a similar way, 3-D kinetics could be incorporated for simulating the three dimensional reactor kinetic behavior, instead of using the built-in point kinetics model. The MARS code system, developed initially for the MS Windows environment, however, would not be adequate enough for the PC cluster system where multiple CPUs are available. When parallelism is to be eventually incorporated into the MARS code, MS Windows environment is not considered as an optimum platform. Linux environment, on the other hand, is generally being adopted as a preferred platform for the multiple codes executions as well as for the parallel application. In this study, MARS code has been modified for the adaptation of Linux platform. For the initial code modification, the Windows system specific features have been removed from the code. Since the coupling code module CONTAIN is originally in a form of dynamic load library (DLL) in the Windows system, a similar adaptation method

  12. Stylize Aesthetic QR Code


    Xu, Mingliang; Su, Hao; Li, Yafei; Li, Xi; Liao, Jing; Niu, Jianwei; Lv, Pei; Zhou, Bing


    With the continued proliferation of smart mobile devices, Quick Response (QR) code has become one of the most-used types of two-dimensional code in the world. Aiming at beautifying the appearance of QR codes, existing works have developed a series of techniques to make the QR code more visual-pleasant. However, these works still leave much to be desired, such as visual diversity, aesthetic quality, flexibility, universal property, and robustness. To address these issues, in this paper, we pro...

  13. Fulcrum Network Codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Fulcrum network codes, which are a network coding framework, achieve three objectives: (i) to reduce the overhead per coded packet to almost 1 bit per source packet; (ii) to operate the network using only low field size operations at intermediate nodes, dramatically reducing complexity...... in the network; and (iii) to deliver an end-to-end performance that is close to that of a high field size network coding system for high-end receivers while simultaneously catering to low-end ones that can only decode in a lower field size. Sources may encode using a high field size expansion to increase...... the number of dimensions seen by the network using a linear mapping. Receivers can tradeoff computational effort with network delay, decoding in the high field size, the low field size, or a combination thereof....

  14. The fast code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freeman, L.N.; Wilson, R.E. [Oregon State Univ., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Corvallis, OR (United States)


    The FAST Code which is capable of determining structural loads on a flexible, teetering, horizontal axis wind turbine is described and comparisons of calculated loads with test data are given at two wind speeds for the ESI-80. The FAST Code models a two-bladed HAWT with degrees of freedom for blade bending, teeter, drive train flexibility, yaw, and windwise and crosswind tower motion. The code allows blade dimensions, stiffnesses, and weights to differ and models tower shadow, wind shear, and turbulence. Additionally, dynamic stall is included as are delta-3 and an underslung rotor. Load comparisons are made with ESI-80 test data in the form of power spectral density, rainflow counting, occurrence histograms, and azimuth averaged bin plots. It is concluded that agreement between the FAST Code and test results is good. (au)

  15. Beam-dynamics codes used at DARHT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ekdahl, Jr., Carl August [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Several beam simulation codes are used to help gain a better understanding of beam dynamics in the DARHT LIAs. The most notable of these fall into the following categories: for beam production – Tricomp Trak orbit tracking code, LSP Particle in cell (PIC) code, for beam transport and acceleration – XTR static envelope and centroid code, LAMDA time-resolved envelope and centroid code, LSP-Slice PIC code, for coasting-beam transport to target – LAMDA time-resolved envelope code, LSP-Slice PIC code. These codes are also being used to inform the design of Scorpius.

  16. Strongly-MDS convolutional codes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gluesing-Luerssen, H; Rosenthal, J; Smarandache, R

    Maximum-distance separable (MDS) convolutional codes have the property that their free distance is maximal among all codes of the same rate and the same degree. In this paper, a class of MDS convolutional codes is introduced whose column distances reach the generalized Singleton bound at the

  17. Interface requirements to couple thermal hydraulics codes to severe accident codes: ICARE/CATHARE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Camous, F.; Jacq, F.; Chatelard, P. [IPSN/DRS/SEMAR CE-Cadarache, St Paul Lez Durance (France)] [and others


    In order to describe with the same code the whole sequence of severe LWR accidents, up to the vessel failure, the Institute of Protection and Nuclear Safety has performed a coupling of the severe accident code ICARE2 to the thermalhydraulics code CATHARE2. The resulting code, ICARE/CATHARE, is designed to be as pertinent as possible in all the phases of the accident. This paper is mainly devoted to the description of the ICARE2-CATHARE2 coupling.

  18. Gravity inversion code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burkhard, N.R.


    The gravity inversion code applies stabilized linear inverse theory to determine the topography of a subsurface density anomaly from Bouguer gravity data. The gravity inversion program consists of four source codes: SEARCH, TREND, INVERT, and AVERAGE. TREND and INVERT are used iteratively to converge on a solution. SEARCH forms the input gravity data files for Nevada Test Site data. AVERAGE performs a covariance analysis on the solution. This document describes the necessary input files and the proper operation of the code. 2 figures, 2 tables

  19. Introduction to coding and information theory

    CERN Document Server

    Roman, Steven


    This book is intended to introduce coding theory and information theory to undergraduate students of mathematics and computer science. It begins with a review of probablity theory as applied to finite sample spaces and a general introduction to the nature and types of codes. The two subsequent chapters discuss information theory: efficiency of codes, the entropy of information sources, and Shannon's Noiseless Coding Theorem. The remaining three chapters deal with coding theory: communication channels, decoding in the presence of errors, the general theory of linear codes, and such specific codes as Hamming codes, the simplex codes, and many others.

  20. Random linear codes in steganography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kamil Kaczyński


    Full Text Available Syndrome coding using linear codes is a technique that allows improvement in the steganographic algorithms parameters. The use of random linear codes gives a great flexibility in choosing the parameters of the linear code. In parallel, it offers easy generation of parity check matrix. In this paper, the modification of LSB algorithm is presented. A random linear code [8, 2] was used as a base for algorithm modification. The implementation of the proposed algorithm, along with practical evaluation of algorithms’ parameters based on the test images was made.[b]Keywords:[/b] steganography, random linear codes, RLC, LSB

  1. Status of reactor core design code system in COSINE code package

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Y.; Yu, H.; Liu, Z., E-mail: [State Nuclear Power Software Development Center, SNPTC, National Energy Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power Software (NEKLS), Beijiing (China)


    For self-reliance, COre and System INtegrated Engine for design and analysis (COSINE) code package is under development in China. In this paper, recent development status of the reactor core design code system (including the lattice physics code and the core simulator) is presented. The well-established theoretical models have been implemented. The preliminary verification results are illustrated. And some special efforts, such as updated theory models and direct data access application, are also made to achieve better software product. (author)

  2. Status of reactor core design code system in COSINE code package

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Y.; Yu, H.; Liu, Z.


    For self-reliance, COre and System INtegrated Engine for design and analysis (COSINE) code package is under development in China. In this paper, recent development status of the reactor core design code system (including the lattice physics code and the core simulator) is presented. The well-established theoretical models have been implemented. The preliminary verification results are illustrated. And some special efforts, such as updated theory models and direct data access application, are also made to achieve better software product. (author)

  3. Further Generalisations of Twisted Gabidulin Codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Puchinger, Sven; Rosenkilde, Johan Sebastian Heesemann; Sheekey, John


    We present a new family of maximum rank distance (MRD) codes. The new class contains codes that are neither equivalent to a generalised Gabidulin nor to a twisted Gabidulin code, the only two known general constructions of linear MRD codes.......We present a new family of maximum rank distance (MRD) codes. The new class contains codes that are neither equivalent to a generalised Gabidulin nor to a twisted Gabidulin code, the only two known general constructions of linear MRD codes....

  4. Gap Conductance model Validation in the TASS/SMR-S code using MARS code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Sang Jun; Yang, Soo Hyung; Chung, Young Jong; Lee, Won Jae


    Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has been developing the TASS/SMR-S (Transient and Setpoint Simulation/Small and Medium Reactor) code, which is a thermal hydraulic code for the safety analysis of the advanced integral reactor. An appropriate work to validate the applicability of the thermal hydraulic models within the code should be demanded. Among the models, the gap conductance model which is describes the thermal gap conductivity between fuel and cladding was validated through the comparison with MARS code. The validation of the gap conductance model was performed by evaluating the variation of the gap temperature and gap width as the changed with the power fraction. In this paper, a brief description of the gap conductance model in the TASS/SMR-S code is presented. In addition, calculated results to validate the gap conductance model are demonstrated by comparing with the results of the MARS code with the test case

  5. Impacts of Model Building Energy Codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Athalye, Rahul A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Sivaraman, Deepak [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Elliott, Douglas B. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Liu, Bing [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Bartlett, Rosemarie [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) periodically evaluates national and state-level impacts associated with energy codes in residential and commercial buildings. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), funded by DOE, conducted an assessment of the prospective impacts of national model building energy codes from 2010 through 2040. A previous PNNL study evaluated the impact of the Building Energy Codes Program; this study looked more broadly at overall code impacts. This report describes the methodology used for the assessment and presents the impacts in terms of energy savings, consumer cost savings, and reduced CO2 emissions at the state level and at aggregated levels. This analysis does not represent all potential savings from energy codes in the U.S. because it excludes several states which have codes which are fundamentally different from the national model energy codes or which do not have state-wide codes. Energy codes follow a three-phase cycle that starts with the development of a new model code, proceeds with the adoption of the new code by states and local jurisdictions, and finishes when buildings comply with the code. The development of new model code editions creates the potential for increased energy savings. After a new model code is adopted, potential savings are realized in the field when new buildings (or additions and alterations) are constructed to comply with the new code. Delayed adoption of a model code and incomplete compliance with the code’s requirements erode potential savings. The contributions of all three phases are crucial to the overall impact of codes, and are considered in this assessment.

  6. MORSE Monte Carlo code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cramer, S.N.


    The MORSE code is a large general-use multigroup Monte Carlo code system. Although no claims can be made regarding its superiority in either theoretical details or Monte Carlo techniques, MORSE has been, since its inception at ORNL in the late 1960s, the most widely used Monte Carlo radiation transport code. The principal reason for this popularity is that MORSE is relatively easy to use, independent of any installation or distribution center, and it can be easily customized to fit almost any specific need. Features of the MORSE code are described

  7. Application of Quantum Gauss-Jordan Elimination Code to Quantum Secret Sharing Code (United States)

    Diep, Do Ngoc; Giang, Do Hoang; Phu, Phan Huy


    The QSS codes associated with a MSP code are based on finding an invertible matrix V, solving the system vATMB (s a)=s. We propose a quantum Gauss-Jordan Elimination Procedure to produce such a pivotal matrix V by using the Grover search code. The complexity of solving is of square-root order of the cardinal number of the unauthorized set √ {2^{|B|}}.

  8. Avaliação computacional da compactação da cromatina e de características morfométricas da cabeça de espermatozoides de coelho (Oryctolagus cuniculus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C.Y Kanayama


    Full Text Available Investigou-se a correlação entre a morfometria da cabeça e a intensidade da condensação e heterogeneidade da cromatina em espermatozoides de coelho (Oryctolagus cuniculus. Para tal, utilizaram-se 35 esfregaços de sêmen de coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, corados com azul de toluidina e avaliados por análise de imagem computacional. As imagens foram obtidas digitalmente em tons de cinza e avaliadas por algoritmos desenvolvidos em ambiente de programação Scilab. As mensurações obtidas da cabeça dos espermatozoides foram área, perímetro, comprimento, largura, relação comprimento largura, elipsidade, fator de forma, descritores Fourier e simetria lateral e anteroposterior. Também foram avaliadas a intensidade da compactação e a heterogeneidade da cromatina espermática. Os espermatozoides de coelho apresentaram compactação e heterogeneidade cromatínica mais intensas do que os de touro e observou-se correlação significativa entre características morfométricas da cabeça e compactação e heterogeneidade cromatínica. Conclui-se que a cromatina é importante para a constituição morfológica da cabeça de espermatozoides de coelho e que a cromatina espermática de coelho é naturalmente mais heterogênea e menos compactada que a de touro

  9. Um estudo de simulação computacional para a análise de perfis de aprendizagem organizacional A computer simulation study for the analysis of profiles of organizational learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Debora Azevedo


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta um modelo de simulação computacional que estende o modelo de aprendizagem mútua proposto por March (1991 com base no modelo SECI de Nonaka e Takeuchi (1997. Inicialmente são apresentadas considerações sobre aprendizagem organizacional e o modelo de aprendizagem mútua. Em seguida o modelo de March é revisitado, e são propostas extensões. São simulados diferentes cenários de evolução do modelo proposto, considerando as extensões, e analisados os resultados com base no referencial teórico. Finalmente, este trabalho apresenta considerações sobre a interpretação dos resultados obtidos em diferentes ambientes organizacionais, objetivando discutir a relação entre perfis de organização e aprendizagem organizacional.This paper presents a computer simulation model that extends the model of Mutual Learning proposed by March (1991 based on the SECI model presented by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1997. Initially some considerations are presented on organizational learning and the model itself. Then the model proposed by March is revisited, and extensions are proposed. Various scenarios of evolution of the model are simulated, and the proposed extensions are analyzed. The results are analyzed, based on the theoretical framework proposed. Finally, some considerations are presented on the interpretation of results obtained in different organizational environments, in order to discuss the relationship between profiles of organizations and organizational learning.

  10. Cryptography cracking codes

    CERN Document Server


    While cracking a code might seem like something few of us would encounter in our daily lives, it is actually far more prevalent than we may realize. Anyone who has had personal information taken because of a hacked email account can understand the need for cryptography and the importance of encryption-essentially the need to code information to keep it safe. This detailed volume examines the logic and science behind various ciphers, their real world uses, how codes can be broken, and the use of technology in this oft-overlooked field.

  11. Evaluation of Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) code Open FOAM in the study of the pressurized thermal stress of PWR reactors. Comparison with the commercial code Ansys-CFX; Evaluacion del codigo de Dinamica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) Open FOAM en el estudio del estres termico presurizado de los reactores PWR. Comparacion con el codigo comercial Ansys-CFX

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez, M.; Barrachina, T.; Miro, R.; Verdu Martin, G.; Chiva, S.


    In this work is proposed to evaluate the potential of the OpenFOAM code for the simulation of typical fluid flows in reactors PWR, in particular for the study of pressurized thermal stress. Test T1-1 has been simulated , within the OECD ROSA project, with the objective of evaluating the performance of the code OpenFOAM and models of turbulence that has implemented to capture the effect of the thrust forces in the case study.

  12. The Coding Causes of Death in HIV (CoDe) Project: initial results and evaluation of methodology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kowalska, Justyna D; Friis-Møller, Nina; Kirk, Ole


    The Coding Causes of Death in HIV (CoDe) Project aims to deliver a standardized method for coding the underlying cause of death in HIV-positive persons, suitable for clinical trials and epidemiologic studies.......The Coding Causes of Death in HIV (CoDe) Project aims to deliver a standardized method for coding the underlying cause of death in HIV-positive persons, suitable for clinical trials and epidemiologic studies....

  13. Allele coding in genomic evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christensen Ole F


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Genomic data are used in animal breeding to assist genetic evaluation. Several models to estimate genomic breeding values have been studied. In general, two approaches have been used. One approach estimates the marker effects first and then, genomic breeding values are obtained by summing marker effects. In the second approach, genomic breeding values are estimated directly using an equivalent model with a genomic relationship matrix. Allele coding is the method chosen to assign values to the regression coefficients in the statistical model. A common allele coding is zero for the homozygous genotype of the first allele, one for the heterozygote, and two for the homozygous genotype for the other allele. Another common allele coding changes these regression coefficients by subtracting a value from each marker such that the mean of regression coefficients is zero within each marker. We call this centered allele coding. This study considered effects of different allele coding methods on inference. Both marker-based and equivalent models were considered, and restricted maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods were used in inference. Results Theoretical derivations showed that parameter estimates and estimated marker effects in marker-based models are the same irrespective of the allele coding, provided that the model has a fixed general mean. For the equivalent models, the same results hold, even though different allele coding methods lead to different genomic relationship matrices. Calculated genomic breeding values are independent of allele coding when the estimate of the general mean is included into the values. Reliabilities of estimated genomic breeding values calculated using elements of the inverse of the coefficient matrix depend on the allele coding because different allele coding methods imply different models. Finally, allele coding affects the mixing of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms, with the centered coding being

  14. Towers of generalized divisible quantum codes (United States)

    Haah, Jeongwan


    A divisible binary classical code is one in which every code word has weight divisible by a fixed integer. If the divisor is 2ν for a positive integer ν , then one can construct a Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) code, where X -stabilizer space is the divisible classical code, that admits a transversal gate in the ν th level of Clifford hierarchy. We consider a generalization of the divisibility by allowing a coefficient vector of odd integers with which every code word has zero dot product modulo the divisor. In this generalized sense, we construct a CSS code with divisor 2ν +1 and code distance d from any CSS code of code distance d and divisor 2ν where the transversal X is a nontrivial logical operator. The encoding rate of the new code is approximately d times smaller than that of the old code. In particular, for large d and ν ≥2 , our construction yields a CSS code of parameters [[O (dν -1) ,Ω (d ) ,d ] ] admitting a transversal gate at the ν th level of Clifford hierarchy. For our construction we introduce a conversion from magic state distillation protocols based on Clifford measurements to those based on codes with transversal T gates. Our tower contains, as a subclass, generalized triply even CSS codes that have appeared in so-called gauge fixing or code switching methods.

  15. Essential idempotents and simplex codes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gladys Chalom


    Full Text Available We define essential idempotents in group algebras and use them to prove that every mininmal abelian non-cyclic code is a repetition code. Also we use them to prove that every minimal abelian code is equivalent to a minimal cyclic code of the same length. Finally, we show that a binary cyclic code is simplex if and only if is of length of the form $n=2^k-1$ and is generated by an essential idempotent.

  16. Advanced thermohydraulic simulation code for transients in LMFBRs (SSC-L code)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Agrawal, A.K.


    Physical models for various processes that are encountered in preaccident and transient simulation of thermohydraulic transients in the entire liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) plant are described in this report. A computer code, SSC-L, was written as a part of the Super System Code (SSC) development project for the ''loop''-type designs of LMFBRs. This code has the self-starting capability, i.e., preaccident or steady-state calculations are performed internally. These results then serve as the starting point for the transient simulation.

  17. Advanced thermohydraulic simulation code for transients in LMFBRs (SSC-L code)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agrawal, A.K.


    Physical models for various processes that are encountered in preaccident and transient simulation of thermohydraulic transients in the entire liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) plant are described in this report. A computer code, SSC-L, was written as a part of the Super System Code (SSC) development project for the ''loop''-type designs of LMFBRs. This code has the self-starting capability, i.e., preaccident or steady-state calculations are performed internally. These results then serve as the starting point for the transient simulation

  18. When sparse coding meets ranking: a joint framework for learning sparse codes and ranking scores

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Jim Jing-Yan


    Sparse coding, which represents a data point as a sparse reconstruction code with regard to a dictionary, has been a popular data representation method. Meanwhile, in database retrieval problems, learning the ranking scores from data points plays an important role. Up to now, these two problems have always been considered separately, assuming that data coding and ranking are two independent and irrelevant problems. However, is there any internal relationship between sparse coding and ranking score learning? If yes, how to explore and make use of this internal relationship? In this paper, we try to answer these questions by developing the first joint sparse coding and ranking score learning algorithm. To explore the local distribution in the sparse code space, and also to bridge coding and ranking problems, we assume that in the neighborhood of each data point, the ranking scores can be approximated from the corresponding sparse codes by a local linear function. By considering the local approximation error of ranking scores, the reconstruction error and sparsity of sparse coding, and the query information provided by the user, we construct a unified objective function for learning of sparse codes, the dictionary and ranking scores. We further develop an iterative algorithm to solve this optimization problem.

  19. Error Correcting Codes

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Science and Automation at ... the Reed-Solomon code contained 223 bytes of data, (a byte ... then you have a data storage system with error correction, that ..... practical codes, storing such a table is infeasible, as it is generally too large.

  20. Coded diffraction system in X-ray crystallography using a boolean phase coded aperture approximation (United States)

    Pinilla, Samuel; Poveda, Juan; Arguello, Henry


    Phase retrieval is a problem present in many applications such as optics, astronomical imaging, computational biology and X-ray crystallography. Recent work has shown that the phase can be better recovered when the acquisition architecture includes a coded aperture, which modulates the signal before diffraction, such that the underlying signal is recovered from coded diffraction patterns. Moreover, this type of modulation effect, before the diffraction operation, can be obtained using a phase coded aperture, just after the sample under study. However, a practical implementation of a phase coded aperture in an X-ray application is not feasible, because it is computationally modeled as a matrix with complex entries which requires changing the phase of the diffracted beams. In fact, changing the phase implies finding a material that allows to deviate the direction of an X-ray beam, which can considerably increase the implementation costs. Hence, this paper describes a low cost coded X-ray diffraction system based on block-unblock coded apertures that enables phase reconstruction. The proposed system approximates the phase coded aperture with a block-unblock coded aperture by using the detour-phase method. Moreover, the SAXS/WAXS X-ray crystallography software was used to simulate the diffraction patterns of a real crystal structure called Rhombic Dodecahedron. Additionally, several simulations were carried out to analyze the performance of block-unblock approximations in recovering the phase, using the simulated diffraction patterns. Furthermore, the quality of the reconstructions was measured in terms of the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). Results show that the performance of the block-unblock phase coded apertures approximation decreases at most 12.5% compared with the phase coded apertures. Moreover, the quality of the reconstructions using the boolean approximations is up to 2.5 dB of PSNR less with respect to the phase coded aperture reconstructions.

  1. Visual search asymmetries within color-coded and intensity-coded displays. (United States)

    Yamani, Yusuke; McCarley, Jason S


    Color and intensity coding provide perceptual cues to segregate categories of objects within a visual display, allowing operators to search more efficiently for needed information. Even within a perceptually distinct subset of display elements, however, it may often be useful to prioritize items representing urgent or task-critical information. The design of symbology to produce search asymmetries (Treisman & Souther, 1985) offers a potential technique for doing this, but it is not obvious from existing models of search that an asymmetry observed in the absence of extraneous visual stimuli will persist within a complex color- or intensity-coded display. To address this issue, in the current study we measured the strength of a visual search asymmetry within displays containing color- or intensity-coded extraneous items. The asymmetry persisted strongly in the presence of extraneous items that were drawn in a different color (Experiment 1) or a lower contrast (Experiment 2) than the search-relevant items, with the targets favored by the search asymmetry producing highly efficient search. The asymmetry was attenuated but not eliminated when extraneous items were drawn in a higher contrast than search-relevant items (Experiment 3). Results imply that the coding of symbology to exploit visual search asymmetries can facilitate visual search for high-priority items even within color- or intensity-coded displays. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved.

  2. MCNP code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cramer, S.N.


    The MCNP code is the major Monte Carlo coupled neutron-photon transport research tool at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and it represents the most extensive Monte Carlo development program in the United States which is available in the public domain. The present code is the direct descendent of the original Monte Carlo work of Fermi, von Neumaum, and Ulam at Los Alamos in the 1940s. Development has continued uninterrupted since that time, and the current version of MCNP (or its predecessors) has always included state-of-the-art methods in the Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport, basic cross section data, geometry capability, variance reduction, and estimation procedures. The authors of the present code have oriented its development toward general user application. The documentation, though extensive, is presented in a clear and simple manner with many examples, illustrations, and sample problems. In addition to providing the desired results, the output listings give a a wealth of detailed information (some optional) concerning each state of the calculation. The code system is continually updated to take advantage of advances in computer hardware and software, including interactive modes of operation, diagnostic interrupts and restarts, and a variety of graphical and video aids

  3. Under-coding of secondary conditions in coded hospital health data: Impact of co-existing conditions, death status and number of codes in a record. (United States)

    Peng, Mingkai; Southern, Danielle A; Williamson, Tyler; Quan, Hude


    This study examined the coding validity of hypertension, diabetes, obesity and depression related to the presence of their co-existing conditions, death status and the number of diagnosis codes in hospital discharge abstract database. We randomly selected 4007 discharge abstract database records from four teaching hospitals in Alberta, Canada and reviewed their charts to extract 31 conditions listed in Charlson and Elixhauser comorbidity indices. Conditions associated with the four study conditions were identified through multivariable logistic regression. Coding validity (i.e. sensitivity, positive predictive value) of the four conditions was related to the presence of their associated conditions. Sensitivity increased with increasing number of diagnosis code. Impact of death on coding validity is minimal. Coding validity of conditions is closely related to its clinical importance and complexity of patients' case mix. We recommend mandatory coding of certain secondary diagnosis to meet the need of health research based on administrative health data.

  4. Governance codes: facts or fictions? a study of governance codes in colombia1,2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julián Benavides Franco


    Full Text Available This article studies the effects on accounting performance and financing decisions of Colombian firms after issuing a corporate governance code. We assemble a database of Colombian issuers and test the hypotheses of improved performance and higher leverage after issuing a code. The results show that the firms’ return on assets after the code introduction improves in excess of 1%; the effect is amplified by the code quality. Additionally, the firms leverage increased, in excess of 5%, when the code quality was factored into the analysis. These results suggest that controlling parties commitment to self restrain, by reducing their private benefits and/or the expropriation of non controlling parties, through the code introduction, is indeed an effective measure and that the financial markets agree, increasing the supply of funds to the firms.

  5. Code, standard and specifications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail


    Radiography also same as the other technique, it need standard. This standard was used widely and method of used it also regular. With that, radiography testing only practical based on regulations as mentioned and documented. These regulation or guideline documented in code, standard and specifications. In Malaysia, level one and basic radiographer can do radiography work based on instruction give by level two or three radiographer. This instruction was produced based on guideline that mention in document. Level two must follow the specifications mentioned in standard when write the instruction. From this scenario, it makes clearly that this radiography work is a type of work that everything must follow the rule. For the code, the radiography follow the code of American Society for Mechanical Engineer (ASME) and the only code that have in Malaysia for this time is rule that published by Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) known as Practical code for radiation Protection in Industrial radiography. With the existence of this code, all the radiography must follow the rule or standard regulated automatically.

  6. Purifying selection acts on coding and non-coding sequences of paralogous genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Hoffmann, Robert D; Palmgren, Michael


    Whole-genome duplications in the ancestors of many diverse species provided the genetic material for evolutionary novelty. Several models explain the retention of paralogous genes. However, how these models are reflected in the evolution of coding and non-coding sequences of paralogous genes is unknown. Here, we analyzed the coding and non-coding sequences of paralogous genes in Arabidopsis thaliana and compared these sequences with those of orthologous genes in Arabidopsis lyrata. Paralogs with lower expression than their duplicate had more nonsynonymous substitutions, were more likely to fractionate, and exhibited less similar expression patterns with their orthologs in the other species. Also, lower-expressed genes had greater tissue specificity. Orthologous conserved non-coding sequences in the promoters, introns, and 3' untranslated regions were less abundant at lower-expressed genes compared to their higher-expressed paralogs. A gene ontology (GO) term enrichment analysis showed that paralogs with similar expression levels were enriched in GO terms related to ribosomes, whereas paralogs with different expression levels were enriched in terms associated with stress responses. Loss of conserved non-coding sequences in one gene of a paralogous gene pair correlates with reduced expression levels that are more tissue specific. Together with increased mutation rates in the coding sequences, this suggests that similar forces of purifying selection act on coding and non-coding sequences. We propose that coding and non-coding sequences evolve concurrently following gene duplication.

  7. Convolutional coding techniques for data protection (United States)

    Massey, J. L.


    Results of research on the use of convolutional codes in data communications are presented. Convolutional coding fundamentals are discussed along with modulation and coding interaction. Concatenated coding systems and data compression with convolutional codes are described.

  8. 21 CFR 106.90 - Coding. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Coding. 106.90 Section 106.90 Food and Drugs FOOD... of Infant Formulas § 106.90 Coding. The manufacturer shall code all infant formulas in conformity with the coding requirements that are applicable to thermally processed low-acid foods packaged in...

  9. User Instructions for the CiderF Individual Dose Code and Associated Utility Codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eslinger, Paul W.; Napier, Bruce A.


    Historical activities at facilities producing nuclear materials for weapons released radioactivity into the air and water. Past studies in the United States have evaluated the release, atmospheric transport and environmental accumulation of 131I from the nuclear facilities at Hanford in Washington State and the resulting dose to members of the public (Farris et al. 1994). A multi-year dose reconstruction effort (Mokrov et al. 2004) is also being conducted to produce representative dose estimates for members of the public living near Mayak, Russia, from atmospheric releases of 131I at the facilities of the Mayak Production Association. The approach to calculating individual doses to members of the public from historical releases of airborne 131I has the following general steps: • Construct estimates of releases 131I to the air from production facilities. • Model the transport of 131I in the air and subsequent deposition on the ground and vegetation. • Model the accumulation of 131I in soil, water and food products (environmental media). • Calculate the dose for an individual by matching the appropriate lifestyle and consumption data for the individual to the concentrations of 131I in environmental media at their residence location. A number of computer codes were developed to facilitate the study of airborne 131I emissions at Hanford. The RATCHET code modeled movement of 131I in the atmosphere (Ramsdell Jr. et al. 1994). The DECARTES code modeled accumulation of 131I in environmental media (Miley et al. 1994). The CIDER computer code estimated annual doses to individuals (Eslinger et al. 1994) using the equations and parameters specific to Hanford (Snyder et al. 1994). Several of the computer codes developed to model 131I releases from Hanford are general enough to be used for other facilities. This document provides user instructions for computer codes calculating doses to members of the public from atmospheric 131I that have two major differences from the

  10. Coding In-depth Semistructured Interviews

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Campbell, John L.; Quincy, Charles; Osserman, Jordan


    Many social science studies are based on coded in-depth semistructured interview transcripts. But researchers rarely report or discuss coding reliability in this work. Nor is there much literature on the subject for this type of data. This article presents a procedure for developing coding schemes...... useful for situations where a single knowledgeable coder will code all the transcripts once the coding scheme has been established. This approach can also be used with other types of qualitative data and in other circumstances....

  11. Polynomial weights and code constructions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Massey, J; Costello, D; Justesen, Jørn


    polynomial included. This fundamental property is then used as the key to a variety of code constructions including 1) a simplified derivation of the binary Reed-Muller codes and, for any primepgreater than 2, a new extensive class ofp-ary "Reed-Muller codes," 2) a new class of "repeated-root" cyclic codes...... of long constraint length binary convolutional codes derived from2^r-ary Reed-Solomon codes, and 6) a new class ofq-ary "repeated-root" constacyclic codes with an algebraic decoding algorithm.......For any nonzero elementcof a general finite fieldGF(q), it is shown that the polynomials(x - c)^i, i = 0,1,2,cdots, have the "weight-retaining" property that any linear combination of these polynomials with coefficients inGF(q)has Hamming weight at least as great as that of the minimum degree...

  12. QUIC: a chemical kinetics code for use with the chemical equilibrium code QUIL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lunsford, J.L.


    A chemical rate kinetics code QUIC is described, along with a support code RATE. QUIC is designed to allow chemical kinetics calculations on a wide variety of chemical environments while operating in the overlay environment of the chemical equilibrium code QUIL. QUIC depends upon a rate-data library called LIBR. This library is maintained by RATE. RATE enters into the library all reactions in a standardized format. The code QUIC, operating in conjunction with QUIL, is interactive and written to be used from a remote terminal, with paging control provided. Plotted output is also available

  13. Polynomial theory of error correcting codes

    CERN Document Server

    Cancellieri, Giovanni


    The book offers an original view on channel coding, based on a unitary approach to block and convolutional codes for error correction. It presents both new concepts and new families of codes. For example, lengthened and modified lengthened cyclic codes are introduced as a bridge towards time-invariant convolutional codes and their extension to time-varying versions. The novel families of codes include turbo codes and low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, the features of which are justified from the structural properties of the component codes. Design procedures for regular LDPC codes are proposed, supported by the presented theory. Quasi-cyclic LDPC codes, in block or convolutional form, represent one of the most original contributions of the book. The use of more than 100 examples allows the reader gradually to gain an understanding of the theory, and the provision of a list of more than 150 definitions, indexed at the end of the book, permits rapid location of sought information.

  14. Direct-semidirect (DSD) codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cvelbar, F.


    Recent codes for direct-semidirect (DSD) model calculations in the form of answers to a detailed questionnaire are reviewed. These codes include those embodying the classical DSD approach covering only the transitions to the bound states (RAF, HIKARI, and those of the Bologna group), as well as the code CUPIDO++ that also treats transitions to unbound states. (author)

  15. Polar Coding for the Large Hadron Collider: Challenges in Code Concatenation

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2238544; Podzorny, Tomasz; Uythoven, Jan


    In this work, we present a concatenated repetition-polar coding scheme that is aimed at applications requiring highly unbalanced unequal bit-error protection, such as the Beam Interlock System of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Even though this concatenation scheme is simple, it reveals significant challenges that may be encountered when designing a concatenated scheme that uses a polar code as an inner code, such as error correlation and unusual decision log-likelihood ratio distributions. We explain and analyze these challenges and we propose two ways to overcome them.

  16. Protograph-Based Raptor-Like Codes (United States)

    Divsalar, Dariush; Chen, Tsung-Yi; Wang, Jiadong; Wesel, Richard D.


    Theoretical analysis has long indicated that feedback improves the error exponent but not the capacity of pointto- point memoryless channels. The analytic and empirical results indicate that at short blocklength regime, practical rate-compatible punctured convolutional (RCPC) codes achieve low latency with the use of noiseless feedback. In 3GPP, standard rate-compatible turbo codes (RCPT) did not outperform the convolutional codes in the short blocklength regime. The reason is the convolutional codes for low number of states can be decoded optimally using Viterbi decoder. Despite excellent performance of convolutional codes at very short blocklengths, the strength of convolutional codes does not scale with the blocklength for a fixed number of states in its trellis.

  17. Construction and decoding of matrix-product codes from nested codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hernando, Fernando; Lally, Kristine; Ruano, Diego


    We consider matrix-product codes [C1 ... Cs] · A, where C1, ..., Cs  are nested linear codes and matrix A has full rank. We compute their minimum distance and provide a decoding algorithm when A is a non-singular by columns matrix. The decoding algorithm decodes up to half of the minimum distance....

  18. Bring out your codes! Bring out your codes! (Increasing Software Visibility and Re-use) (United States)

    Allen, A.; Berriman, B.; Brunner, R.; Burger, D.; DuPrie, K.; Hanisch, R. J.; Mann, R.; Mink, J.; Sandin, C.; Shortridge, K.; Teuben, P.


    Progress is being made in code discoverability and preservation, but as discussed at ADASS XXI, many codes still remain hidden from public view. With the Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL) now indexed by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), the introduction of a new journal, Astronomy & Computing, focused on astrophysics software, and the increasing success of education efforts such as Software Carpentry and SciCoder, the community has the opportunity to set a higher standard for its science by encouraging the release of software for examination and possible reuse. We assembled representatives of the community to present issues inhibiting code release and sought suggestions for tackling these factors. The session began with brief statements by panelists; the floor was then opened for discussion and ideas. Comments covered a diverse range of related topics and points of view, with apparent support for the propositions that algorithms should be readily available, code used to produce published scientific results should be made available, and there should be discovery mechanisms to allow these to be found easily. With increased use of resources such as GitHub (for code availability), ASCL (for code discovery), and a stated strong preference from the new journal Astronomy & Computing for code release, we expect to see additional progress over the next few years.

  19. Optimal, Reliability-Based Code Calibration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    Reliability based code calibration is considered in this paper. It is described how the results of FORM based reliability analysis may be related to the partial safety factors and characteristic values. The code calibration problem is presented in a decision theoretical form and it is discussed how...... of reliability based code calibration of LRFD based design codes....

  20. The reason for having a code of pharmaceutical ethics: Spanish Pharmacists Code of Ethics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Mulet Alberola


    Full Text Available The pharmacist profession needs its own code of conduct set out in writing to serve as a stimulus to pharmacists in their day-to-day work in the different areas of pharmacy, in conjunction always with each individual pharmacist´s personal commitment to their patients, to other healthcare professionals and to society. An overview is provided of the different codes of ethics for pharmacists on the national and international scale, the most up-to-date code for 2015 being presented as a set of principles which must guide a pharmacutical conduct from the standpoint of deliberative judgment. The difference between codes of ethics and codes of practice is discussed. In the era of massive-scale collaboration, this code is a project holding bright prospects for the future. Each individual pharmacutical attitude in practicing their profession must be identified with the pursuit of excellence in their own personal practice for the purpose of achieving the ethical and professional values above and beyond complying with regulations and code of practice.

  1. Usage of burnt fuel isotopic compositions from engineering codes in Monte-Carlo code calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aleshin, Sergey S.; Gorodkov, Sergey S.; Shcherenko, Anna I.


    A burn-up calculation of VVER's cores by Monte-Carlo code is complex process and requires large computational costs. This fact makes Monte-Carlo codes usage complicated for project and operating calculations. Previously prepared isotopic compositions are proposed to use for the Monte-Carlo code (MCU) calculations of different states of VVER's core with burnt fuel. Isotopic compositions are proposed to calculate by an approximation method. The approximation method is based on usage of a spectral functionality and reference isotopic compositions, that are calculated by engineering codes (TVS-M, PERMAK-A). The multiplication factors and power distributions of FA and VVER with infinite height are calculated in this work by the Monte-Carlo code MCU using earlier prepared isotopic compositions. The MCU calculation data were compared with the data which were obtained by engineering codes.

  2. An analytical demonstration of coupling schemes between magnetohydrodynamic codes and eddy current codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Yueqiang; Albanese, R.; Rubinacci, G.; Portone, A.; Villone, F.


    In order to model a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instability that strongly couples to external conducting structures (walls and/or coils) in a fusion device, it is often necessary to combine a MHD code solving for the plasma response, with an eddy current code computing the fields and currents of conductors. We present a rigorous proof of the coupling schemes between these two types of codes. One of the coupling schemes has been introduced and implemented in the CARMA code [R. Albanese, Y. Q. Liu, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci, and F. Villone, IEEE Trans. Magn. 44, 1654 (2008); A. Portone, F. Villone, Y. Q. Liu, R. Albanese, and G. Rubinacci, Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 50, 085004 (2008)] that couples the MHD code MARS-F[Y. Q. Liu, A. Bondeson, C. M. Fransson, B. Lennartson, and C. Breitholtz, Phys. Plasmas 7, 3681 (2000)] and the eddy current code CARIDDI[R. Albanese and G. Rubinacci, Adv. Imaging Electron Phys. 102, 1 (1998)]. While the coupling schemes are described for a general toroidal geometry, we give the analytical proof for a cylindrical plasma.

  3. Avaliação computacional de enfisema pulmonar em TC: comparação entre um sistema desenvolvido localmente e um sistema de uso livre Computer-assisted evaluation of pulmonary emphysema in CT scans: comparison between a locally developed system and a freeware system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Hebert da Silva Felix


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar um sistema de visão computacional em imagens de TCAR, desenvolvido localmente e denominado SIStema para a Detecção e a quantificação de Enfisema Pulmonar (SISDEP. Comparar esse sistema a um sistema computacional de acesso livre. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas 33 imagens de TCAR de 11 pacientes com DPOC com cortes tomográficos em ápice, hilo e base. O SISDEP foi comparado a Osiris Medical Imaging Software Program quanto à segmentação do parênquima pulmonar; precisão das medidas da área de secção transversal dos pulmões em mm², densidade pulmonar média (DPM, porcentagem da relative area (RA, área relativa dos voxels com densidade OBJECTIVE: To present a locally developed system of computer vision for use with HRCT images, designated SIStema para a Detecção e a quantificação de Enfisema Pulmonar (SISDEP, System to Detect and Quantify Pulmonary Emphysema, and to compare this system with a freeware system tool. METHODS: Thirty-three HRCT images scanned at the apex, hilum and base of the lungs of 11 patients with COPD were analyzed. The SISDEP was compared with the Osiris Medical Imaging Software Program regarding lung parenchyma segmentation, precision of the measurement of the cross-sectional area of the lungs in mm², mean lung density (MLD, relative area (RA of the lung occupied by voxels with attenuation values < -950 hounsfield units (ra -950, 15th percentile point (perc15 and visualization of hyperinflated areas using a color mask. RESULTS: Although both computational systems were efficient in segmenting the lungs, the SISDEP performed this task automatically and more rapidly. There were significant correlations between the two systems in terms of the results obtained for lung cross-sectional area, MLD, RA -950 and Perc15 (r² = 0.99, 0.99, 0.99 and 1.00, respectively. The color mask tool of the SISDEP allowed excellent visualization of hyperinflated areas, discriminating them from normal areas

  4. Preliminary investigation study of code of developed country for developing Korean fuel cycle code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Chang Joon; Ko, Won Il; Lee, Ho Hee; Cho, Dong Keun; Park, Chang Je


    In order to develop Korean fuel cycle code, the analyses has been performed with the fuel cycle codes which are used in advanced country. Also, recommendations were proposed for future development. The fuel cycle codes are AS FLOOWS: VISTA which has been developed by IAEA, DANESS code which developed by ANL and LISTO, and VISION developed by INL for the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) system analysis. The recommended items were proposed for software, program scheme, material flow model, isotope decay model, environmental impact analysis model, and economics analysis model. The described things will be used for development of Korean nuclear fuel cycle code in future

  5. The Coding Process and Its Challenges

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith A. Holton, Ph.D.


    Full Text Available Coding is the core process in classic grounded theory methodology. It is through coding that the conceptual abstraction of data and its reintegration as theory takes place. There are two types of coding in a classic grounded theory study: substantive coding, which includes both open and selective coding procedures, and theoretical coding. In substantive coding, the researcher works with the data directly, fracturing and analysing it, initially through open coding for the emergence of a core category and related concepts and then subsequently through theoretical sampling and selective coding of data to theoretically saturate the core and related concepts. Theoretical saturation is achieved through constant comparison of incidents (indicators in the data to elicit the properties and dimensions of each category (code. This constant comparing of incidents continues until the process yields the interchangeability of indicators, meaning that no new properties or dimensions are emerging from continued coding and comparison. At this point, the concepts have achieved theoretical saturation and the theorist shifts attention to exploring the emergent fit of potential theoretical codes that enable the conceptual integration of the core and related concepts to produce hypotheses that account for relationships between the concepts thereby explaining the latent pattern of social behaviour that forms the basis of the emergent theory. The coding of data in grounded theory occurs in conjunction with analysis through a process of conceptual memoing, capturing the theorist’s ideation of the emerging theory. Memoing occurs initially at the substantive coding level and proceeds to higher levels of conceptual abstraction as coding proceeds to theoretical saturation and the theorist begins to explore conceptual reintegration through theoretical coding.

  6. Development of new two-dimensional spectral/spatial code based on dynamic cyclic shift code for OCDMA system (United States)

    Jellali, Nabiha; Najjar, Monia; Ferchichi, Moez; Rezig, Houria


    In this paper, a new two-dimensional spectral/spatial codes family, named two dimensional dynamic cyclic shift codes (2D-DCS) is introduced. The 2D-DCS codes are derived from the dynamic cyclic shift code for the spectral and spatial coding. The proposed system can fully eliminate the multiple access interference (MAI) by using the MAI cancellation property. The effect of shot noise, phase-induced intensity noise and thermal noise are used to analyze the code performance. In comparison with existing two dimensional (2D) codes, such as 2D perfect difference (2D-PD), 2D Extended Enhanced Double Weight (2D-Extended-EDW) and 2D hybrid (2D-FCC/MDW) codes, the numerical results show that our proposed codes have the best performance. By keeping the same code length and increasing the spatial code, the performance of our 2D-DCS system is enhanced: it provides higher data rates while using lower transmitted power and a smaller spectral width.

  7. The Code of Ethics and Editorial Code of Practice of the Royal Astronomical Society (United States)

    Murdin, Paul


    Whilst the Royal Astronomical Society has got by for more than 100 years without a written code of ethics, modern standards of governance suggested that such a code could be useful in the resolution of disputes. In 2005, the RAS adopted the Universal Code of Ethics for Science that had been formulated by the Royal Society of London. At the same time and for similar reasons the RAS adopted an Editorial Code of Practice.

  8. Facial expression coding in children and adolescents with autism: Reduced adaptability but intact norm-based coding. (United States)

    Rhodes, Gillian; Burton, Nichola; Jeffery, Linda; Read, Ainsley; Taylor, Libby; Ewing, Louise


    Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can have difficulty recognizing emotional expressions. Here, we asked whether the underlying perceptual coding of expression is disrupted. Typical individuals code expression relative to a perceptual (average) norm that is continuously updated by experience. This adaptability of face-coding mechanisms has been linked to performance on various face tasks. We used an adaptation aftereffect paradigm to characterize expression coding in children and adolescents with autism. We asked whether face expression coding is less adaptable in autism and whether there is any fundamental disruption of norm-based coding. If expression coding is norm-based, then the face aftereffects should increase with adaptor expression strength (distance from the average expression). We observed this pattern in both autistic and typically developing participants, suggesting that norm-based coding is fundamentally intact in autism. Critically, however, expression aftereffects were reduced in the autism group, indicating that expression-coding mechanisms are less readily tuned by experience. Reduced adaptability has also been reported for coding of face identity and gaze direction. Thus, there appears to be a pervasive lack of adaptability in face-coding mechanisms in autism, which could contribute to face processing and broader social difficulties in the disorder. © 2017 The British Psychological Society.

  9. Generalized optical code construction for enhanced and Modified Double Weight like codes without mapping for SAC-OCDMA systems (United States)

    Kumawat, Soma; Ravi Kumar, M.


    Double Weight (DW) code family is one of the coding schemes proposed for Spectral Amplitude Coding-Optical Code Division Multiple Access (SAC-OCDMA) systems. Modified Double Weight (MDW) code for even weights and Enhanced Double Weight (EDW) code for odd weights are two algorithms extending the use of DW code for SAC-OCDMA systems. The above mentioned codes use mapping technique to provide codes for higher number of users. A new generalized algorithm to construct EDW and MDW like codes without mapping for any weight greater than 2 is proposed. A single code construction algorithm gives same length increment, Bit Error Rate (BER) calculation and other properties for all weights greater than 2. Algorithm first constructs a generalized basic matrix which is repeated in a different way to produce the codes for all users (different from mapping). The generalized code is analysed for BER using balanced detection and direct detection techniques.

  10. Error Correcting Codes

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 2; Issue 3. Error Correcting Codes - Reed Solomon Codes. Priti Shankar. Series Article Volume 2 Issue 3 March ... Author Affiliations. Priti Shankar1. Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India ...

  11. Neutron cross section library production code system for continuous energy Monte Carlo code MVP. LICEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Takamasa; Nakagawa, Masayuki; Kaneko, Kunio.


    A code system has been developed to produce neutron cross section libraries for the MVP continuous energy Monte Carlo code from an evaluated nuclear data library in the ENDF format. The code system consists of 9 computer codes, and can process nuclear data in the latest ENDF-6 format. By using the present system, MVP neutron cross section libraries for important nuclides in reactor core analyses, shielding and fusion neutronics calculations have been prepared from JENDL-3.1, JENDL-3.2, JENDL-FUSION file and ENDF/B-VI data bases. This report describes the format of MVP neutron cross section library, the details of each code in the code system and how to use them. (author)

  12. Development of authentication code for multi-access optical code division multiplexing based quantum key distribution (United States)

    Taiwo, Ambali; Alnassar, Ghusoon; Bakar, M. H. Abu; Khir, M. F. Abdul; Mahdi, Mohd Adzir; Mokhtar, M.


    One-weight authentication code for multi-user quantum key distribution (QKD) is proposed. The code is developed for Optical Code Division Multiplexing (OCDMA) based QKD network. A unique address assigned to individual user, coupled with degrading probability of predicting the source of the qubit transmitted in the channel offer excellent secure mechanism against any form of channel attack on OCDMA based QKD network. Flexibility in design as well as ease of modifying the number of users are equally exceptional quality presented by the code in contrast to Optical Orthogonal Code (OOC) earlier implemented for the same purpose. The code was successfully applied to eight simultaneous users at effective key rate of 32 bps over 27 km transmission distance.

  13. Neutron cross section library production code system for continuous energy Monte Carlo code MVP. LICEM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mori, Takamasa; Nakagawa, Masayuki [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment; Kaneko, Kunio


    A code system has been developed to produce neutron cross section libraries for the MVP continuous energy Monte Carlo code from an evaluated nuclear data library in the ENDF format. The code system consists of 9 computer codes, and can process nuclear data in the latest ENDF-6 format. By using the present system, MVP neutron cross section libraries for important nuclides in reactor core analyses, shielding and fusion neutronics calculations have been prepared from JENDL-3.1, JENDL-3.2, JENDL-FUSION file and ENDF/B-VI data bases. This report describes the format of MVP neutron cross section library, the details of each code in the code system and how to use them. (author).

  14. Ready, steady… Code!

    CERN Multimedia

    Anaïs Schaeffer


    This summer, CERN took part in the Google Summer of Code programme for the third year in succession. Open to students from all over the world, this programme leads to very successful collaborations for open source software projects.   Image: GSoC 2013. Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global programme that offers student developers grants to write code for open-source software projects. Since its creation in 2005, the programme has brought together some 6,000 students from over 100 countries worldwide. The students selected by Google are paired with a mentor from one of the participating projects, which can be led by institutes, organisations, companies, etc. This year, CERN PH Department’s SFT (Software Development for Experiments) Group took part in the GSoC programme for the third time, submitting 15 open-source projects. “Once published on the Google Summer for Code website (in April), the projects are open to applications,” says Jakob Blomer, one of the o...

  15. Radioactive action code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    A new coding system, 'Hazrad', for buildings and transportation containers for alerting emergency services personnel to the presence of radioactive materials has been developed in the United Kingdom. The hazards of materials in the buildings or transport container, together with the recommended emergency action, are represented by a number of codes which are marked on the building or container and interpreted from a chart carried as a pocket-size guide. Buildings would be marked with the familiar yellow 'radioactive' trefoil, the written information 'Radioactive materials' and a list of isotopes. Under this the 'Hazrad' code would be written - three symbols to denote the relative radioactive risk (low, medium or high), the biological risk (also low, medium or high) and the third showing the type of radiation emitted, alpha, beta or gamma. The response cards indicate appropriate measures to take, eg for a high biological risk, Bio3, the wearing of a gas-tight protection suit is advised. The code and its uses are explained. (U.K.)

  16. Software information sorting code 'PLUTO-R'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsunematsu, Toshihide; Naraoka, Kenitsu; Adachi, Masao; Takeda, Tatsuoki


    A software information sorting code PLUTO-R is developed as one of the supporting codes of the TRITON system for the fusion plasma analysis. The objective of the PLUTO-R code is to sort reference materials of the codes in the TRITON code system. The easiness in the registration of information is especially pursued. As experience and skill in the data registration are not required, this code is usable for construction of general small-scale information system. This report gives an overall description and the user's manual of the PLUTO-R code. (author)

  17. Quantum computing with Majorana fermion codes (United States)

    Litinski, Daniel; von Oppen, Felix


    We establish a unified framework for Majorana-based fault-tolerant quantum computation with Majorana surface codes and Majorana color codes. All logical Clifford gates are implemented with zero-time overhead. This is done by introducing a protocol for Pauli product measurements with tetrons and hexons which only requires local 4-Majorana parity measurements. An analogous protocol is used in the fault-tolerant setting, where tetrons and hexons are replaced by Majorana surface code patches, and parity measurements are replaced by lattice surgery, still only requiring local few-Majorana parity measurements. To this end, we discuss twist defects in Majorana fermion surface codes and adapt the technique of twist-based lattice surgery to fermionic codes. Moreover, we propose a family of codes that we refer to as Majorana color codes, which are obtained by concatenating Majorana surface codes with small Majorana fermion codes. Majorana surface and color codes can be used to decrease the space overhead and stabilizer weight compared to their bosonic counterparts.

  18. Genetic Code Analysis Toolkit: A novel tool to explore the coding properties of the genetic code and DNA sequences (United States)

    Kraljić, K.; Strüngmann, L.; Fimmel, E.; Gumbel, M.


    The genetic code is degenerated and it is assumed that redundancy provides error detection and correction mechanisms in the translation process. However, the biological meaning of the code's structure is still under current research. This paper presents a Genetic Code Analysis Toolkit (GCAT) which provides workflows and algorithms for the analysis of the structure of nucleotide sequences. In particular, sets or sequences of codons can be transformed and tested for circularity, comma-freeness, dichotomic partitions and others. GCAT comes with a fertile editor custom-built to work with the genetic code and a batch mode for multi-sequence processing. With the ability to read FASTA files or load sequences from GenBank, the tool can be used for the mathematical and statistical analysis of existing sequence data. GCAT is Java-based and provides a plug-in concept for extensibility. Availability: Open source Homepage:

  19. QC-LDPC code-based cryptography

    CERN Document Server

    Baldi, Marco


    This book describes the fundamentals of cryptographic primitives based on quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check (QC-LDPC) codes, with a special focus on the use of these codes in public-key cryptosystems derived from the McEliece and Niederreiter schemes. In the first part of the book, the main characteristics of QC-LDPC codes are reviewed, and several techniques for their design are presented, while tools for assessing the error correction performance of these codes are also described. Some families of QC-LDPC codes that are best suited for use in cryptography are also presented. The second part of the book focuses on the McEliece and Niederreiter cryptosystems, both in their original forms and in some subsequent variants. The applicability of QC-LDPC codes in these frameworks is investigated by means of theoretical analyses and numerical tools, in order to assess their benefits and drawbacks in terms of system efficiency and security. Several examples of QC-LDPC code-based public key cryptosystems are prese...

  20. Stability analysis by ERATO code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsunematsu, Toshihide; Takeda, Tatsuoki; Matsuura, Toshihiko; Azumi, Masafumi; Kurita, Gen-ichi


    Problems in MHD stability calculations by ERATO code are described; which concern convergence property of results, equilibrium codes, and machine optimization of ERATO code. It is concluded that irregularity on a convergence curve is not due to a fault of the ERATO code itself but due to inappropriate choice of the equilibrium calculation meshes. Also described are a code to calculate an equilibrium as a quasi-inverse problem and a code to calculate an equilibrium as a result of a transport process. Optimization of the code with respect to I/O operations reduced both CPU time and I/O time considerably. With the FACOM230-75 APU/CPU multiprocessor system, the performance is about 6 times as high as with the FACOM230-75 CPU, showing the effectiveness of a vector processing computer for the kind of MHD computations. This report is a summary of the material presented at the ERATO workshop 1979(ORNL), supplemented with some details. (author)

  1. Elements of algebraic coding systems

    CERN Document Server

    Cardoso da Rocha, Jr, Valdemar


    Elements of Algebraic Coding Systems is an introductory text to algebraic coding theory. In the first chapter, you'll gain inside knowledge of coding fundamentals, which is essential for a deeper understanding of state-of-the-art coding systems. This book is a quick reference for those who are unfamiliar with this topic, as well as for use with specific applications such as cryptography and communication. Linear error-correcting block codes through elementary principles span eleven chapters of the text. Cyclic codes, some finite field algebra, Goppa codes, algebraic decoding algorithms, and applications in public-key cryptography and secret-key cryptography are discussed, including problems and solutions at the end of each chapter. Three appendices cover the Gilbert bound and some related derivations, a derivation of the Mac- Williams' identities based on the probability of undetected error, and two important tools for algebraic decoding-namely, the finite field Fourier transform and the Euclidean algorithm f...

  2. QR codes for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Waters, Joe


    Find out how to effectively create, use, and track QR codes QR (Quick Response) codes are popping up everywhere, and businesses are reaping the rewards. Get in on the action with the no-nonsense advice in this streamlined, portable guide. You'll find out how to get started, plan your strategy, and actually create the codes. Then you'll learn to link codes to mobile-friendly content, track your results, and develop ways to give your customers value that will keep them coming back. It's all presented in the straightforward style you've come to know and love, with a dash of humor thrown

  3. LFSC - Linac Feedback Simulation Code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ivanov, Valentin; /Fermilab


    The computer program LFSC (Code>) is a numerical tool for simulation beam based feedback in high performance linacs. The code LFSC is based on the earlier version developed by a collective of authors at SLAC (L.Hendrickson, R. McEwen, T. Himel, H. Shoaee, S. Shah, P. Emma, P. Schultz) during 1990-2005. That code was successively used in simulation of SLC, TESLA, CLIC and NLC projects. It can simulate as pulse-to-pulse feedback on timescale corresponding to 5-100 Hz, as slower feedbacks, operating in the 0.1-1 Hz range in the Main Linac and Beam Delivery System. The code LFSC is running under Matlab for MS Windows operating system. It contains about 30,000 lines of source code in more than 260 subroutines. The code uses the LIAR ('Linear Accelerator Research code') for particle tracking under ground motion and technical noise perturbations. It uses the Guinea Pig code to simulate the luminosity performance. A set of input files includes the lattice description (XSIF format), and plane text files with numerical parameters, wake fields, ground motion data etc. The Matlab environment provides a flexible system for graphical output.

  4. Office of Codes and Standards resource book. Section 1, Building energy codes and standards

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hattrup, M.P.


    The US Department of Energy`s (DOE`s) Office of Codes and Standards has developed this Resource Book to provide: A discussion of DOE involvement in building codes and standards; a current and accurate set of descriptions of residential, commercial, and Federal building codes and standards; information on State contacts, State code status, State building construction unit volume, and State needs; and a list of stakeholders in the building energy codes and standards arena. The Resource Book is considered an evolving document and will be updated occasionally. Users are requested to submit additional data (e.g., more current, widely accepted, and/or documented data) and suggested changes to the address listed below. Please provide sources for all data provided.

  5. Development and Application of a Code for Internal Exposure (CINEX) based on the CINDY code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kravchik, T.; Duchan, N.; Sarah, R.; Gabay, Y.; Kol, R.


    Internal exposure to radioactive materials at the NRCN is evaluated using the CINDY (Code for Internal Dosimetry) Package. The code was developed by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory to assist the interpretation of bioassay data, provide bioassay projections and evaluate committed and calendar-year doses from intake or bioassay measurement data. It provides capabilities to calculate organ dose and effective dose equivalents using the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) 30 approach. The CINDY code operates under DOS operating system and consequently its operation needs a relatively long procedure which also includes a lot of manual typing that can lead to personal human mistakes. A new code has been developed at the NRCN, the CINEX (Code for Internal Exposure), which is an Excel application and leads to a significant reduction in calculation time (in the order of 5-10 times) and in the risk of personal human mistakes. The code uses a database containing tables which were constructed by the CINDY and contain the bioassay values predicted by the ICRP30 model after an intake of an activity unit of each isotope. Using the database, the code than calculates the appropriate intake and consequently the committed effective dose and organ dose. Calculations with the CINEX code were compared to similar calculations with the CINDY code. The discrepancies were less than 5%, which is the rounding error of the CINDY code. Attached is a table which compares parameters calculated with the CINEX and the CINDY codes (for a class Y uranium). The CINEX is now used at the NRCN to calculate occupational intakes and doses to workers with radioactive materials

  6. NR-code: Nonlinear reconstruction code (United States)

    Yu, Yu; Pen, Ue-Li; Zhu, Hong-Ming


    NR-code applies nonlinear reconstruction to the dark matter density field in redshift space and solves for the nonlinear mapping from the initial Lagrangian positions to the final redshift space positions; this reverses the large-scale bulk flows and improves the precision measurement of the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) scale.

  7. Quick response codes in Orthodontics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moidin Shakil


    Full Text Available Quick response (QR code codes are two-dimensional barcodes, which encodes for a large amount of information. QR codes in Orthodontics are an innovative approach in which patient details, radiographic interpretation, and treatment plan can be encoded. Implementing QR code in Orthodontics will save time, reduces paperwork, and minimizes manual efforts in storage and retrieval of patient information during subsequent stages of treatment.

  8. Joint Source-Channel Coding by Means of an Oversampled Filter Bank Code

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marinkovic Slavica


    Full Text Available Quantized frame expansions based on block transforms and oversampled filter banks (OFBs have been considered recently as joint source-channel codes (JSCCs for erasure and error-resilient signal transmission over noisy channels. In this paper, we consider a coding chain involving an OFB-based signal decomposition followed by scalar quantization and a variable-length code (VLC or a fixed-length code (FLC. This paper first examines the problem of channel error localization and correction in quantized OFB signal expansions. The error localization problem is treated as an -ary hypothesis testing problem. The likelihood values are derived from the joint pdf of the syndrome vectors under various hypotheses of impulse noise positions, and in a number of consecutive windows of the received samples. The error amplitudes are then estimated by solving the syndrome equations in the least-square sense. The message signal is reconstructed from the corrected received signal by a pseudoinverse receiver. We then improve the error localization procedure by introducing a per-symbol reliability information in the hypothesis testing procedure of the OFB syndrome decoder. The per-symbol reliability information is produced by the soft-input soft-output (SISO VLC/FLC decoders. This leads to the design of an iterative algorithm for joint decoding of an FLC and an OFB code. The performance of the algorithms developed is evaluated in a wavelet-based image coding system.

  9. Energy Code Enforcement Training Manual : Covering the Washington State Energy Code and the Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington State Energy Code Program


    This manual is designed to provide building department personnel with specific inspection and plan review skills and information on provisions of the 1991 edition of the Washington State Energy Code (WSEC). It also provides information on provisions of the new stand-alone Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ) Code.The intent of the WSEC is to reduce the amount of energy used by requiring energy-efficient construction. Such conservation reduces energy requirements, and, as a result, reduces the use of finite resources, such as gas or oil. Lowering energy demand helps everyone by keeping electricity costs down. (It is less expensive to use existing electrical capacity efficiently than it is to develop new and additional capacity needed to heat or cool inefficient buildings.) The new VIAQ Code (effective July, 1991) is a natural companion to the energy code. Whether energy-efficient or not, an homes have potential indoor air quality problems. Studies have shown that indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air. The VIAQ Code provides a means of exchanging stale air for fresh, without compromising energy savings, by setting standards for a controlled ventilation system. It also offers requirements meant to prevent indoor air pollution from building products or radon.

  10. Noncoherent Spectral Optical CDMA System Using 1D Active Weight Two-Code Keying Codes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bih-Chyun Yeh


    Full Text Available We propose a new family of one-dimensional (1D active weight two-code keying (TCK in spectral amplitude coding (SAC optical code division multiple access (OCDMA networks. We use encoding and decoding transfer functions to operate the 1D active weight TCK. The proposed structure includes an optical line terminal (OLT and optical network units (ONUs to produce the encoding and decoding codes of the proposed OLT and ONUs, respectively. The proposed ONU uses the modified cross-correlation to remove interferences from other simultaneous users, that is, the multiuser interference (MUI. When the phase-induced intensity noise (PIIN is the most important noise, the modified cross-correlation suppresses the PIIN. In the numerical results, we find that the bit error rate (BER for the proposed system using the 1D active weight TCK codes outperforms that for two other systems using the 1D M-Seq codes and 1D balanced incomplete block design (BIBD codes. The effective source power for the proposed system can achieve −10 dBm, which has less power than that for the other systems.

  11. The reason for having a code of pharmaceutical ethics: Spanish Pharmacists Code of Ethics. (United States)

    Barreda Hernández, Dolores; Mulet Alberola, Ana; González Bermejo, Diana; Soler Company, Enrique


    The pharmacist profession needs its own code of conduct set out in writing to serve as a stimulus to pharmacists in their day-to-day work in the different areas of pharmacy, in conjunction always with each individual pharmacist´s personal commitment to their patients, to other healthcare professionals and to society. An overview is provided of the different codes of ethics for pharmacists on the national and international scale, the most up-to-date code for 2015 being presented as a set of principles which must guide a pharmacutical conduct from the standpoint of deliberative judgment. The difference between codes of ethics and codes of practice is discussed. In the era of massive-scale collaboration, this code is a project holding bright prospects for the future. Each individual pharmacutical attitude in practicing their profession must be identified with the pursuit of excellence in their own personal practice for the purpose of achieving the ethical and professional values above and beyond complying with regulations and code of practice. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2017. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  12. Remote-Handled Transuranic Content Codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Remote-Handled Transuranic (RH-TRU) Content Codes (RH-TRUCON) document represents the development of a uniform content code system for RH-TRU waste to be transported in the 72-Bcask. It will be used to convert existing waste form numbers, content codes, and site-specific identification codes into a system that is uniform across the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sites.The existing waste codes at the sites can be grouped under uniform content codes without any lossof waste characterization information. The RH-TRUCON document provides an all-encompassing description for each content code and compiles this information for all DOE sites. Compliance with waste generation, processing, and certification procedures at the sites (outlined in this document foreach content code) ensures that prohibited waste forms are not present in the waste. The content code gives an overall description of the RH-TRU waste material in terms of processes and packaging, as well as the generation location. This helps to provide cradle-to-grave traceability of the waste material so that the various actions required to assess its qualification as payload for the 72-B cask can be performed. The content codes also impose restrictions and requirements on the manner in which a payload can be assembled. The RH-TRU Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (RH-TRAMPAC), Appendix 1.3.7 of the 72-B Cask Safety Analysis Report (SAR), describes the current governing procedures applicable for the qualification of waste as payload for the 72-B cask. The logic for this classification is presented in the 72-B Cask SAR. Together, these documents (RH-TRUCON, RH-TRAMPAC, and relevant sections of the 72-B Cask SAR) present the foundation and justification for classifying RH-TRU waste into content codes. Only content codes described in thisdocument can be considered for transport in the 72-B cask. Revisions to this document will be madeas additional waste qualifies for transport. Each content code uniquely

  13. Module type plant system dynamics analysis code (MSG-COPD). Code manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakai, Takaaki


    MSG-COPD is a module type plant system dynamics analysis code which involves a multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulics calculation module to analyze pool type of fast breeder reactors. Explanations of each module and the methods for the input data are described in this code manual. (author)

  14. Explicit MDS Codes with Complementary Duals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beelen, Duals Peter; Jin, Lingfei


    In 1964, Massey introduced a class of codes with complementary duals which are called Linear Complimentary Dual (LCD for short) codes. He showed that LCD codes have applications in communication system, side-channel attack (SCA) and so on. LCD codes have been extensively studied in literature....... On the other hand, MDS codes form an optimal family of classical codes which have wide applications in both theory and practice. The main purpose of this paper is to give an explicit construction of several classes of LCD MDS codes, using tools from algebraic function fields. We exemplify this construction...

  15. Serial-data correlator/code translator (United States)

    Morgan, L. E.


    System, consisting of sampling flip flop, memory (either RAM or ROM), and memory buffer, correlates sampled data with predetermined acceptance code patterns, translates acceptable code patterns to nonreturn-to-zero code, and identifies data dropouts.

  16. Circular codes revisited: a statistical approach. (United States)

    Gonzalez, D L; Giannerini, S; Rosa, R


    In 1996 Arquès and Michel [1996. A complementary circular code in the protein coding genes. J. Theor. Biol. 182, 45-58] discovered the existence of a common circular code in eukaryote and prokaryote genomes. Since then, circular code theory has provoked great interest and underwent a rapid development. In this paper we discuss some theoretical issues related to the synchronization properties of coding sequences and circular codes with particular emphasis on the problem of retrieval and maintenance of the reading frame. Motivated by the theoretical discussion, we adopt a rigorous statistical approach in order to try to answer different questions. First, we investigate the covering capability of the whole class of 216 self-complementary, C(3) maximal codes with respect to a large set of coding sequences. The results indicate that, on average, the code proposed by Arquès and Michel has the best covering capability but, still, there exists a great variability among sequences. Second, we focus on such code and explore the role played by the proportion of the bases by means of a hierarchy of permutation tests. The results show the existence of a sort of optimization mechanism such that coding sequences are tailored as to maximize or minimize the coverage of circular codes on specific reading frames. Such optimization clearly relates the function of circular codes with reading frame synchronization. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Non-Protein Coding RNAs

    CERN Document Server

    Walter, Nils G; Batey, Robert T


    This book assembles chapters from experts in the Biophysics of RNA to provide a broadly accessible snapshot of the current status of this rapidly expanding field. The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the discoverers of RNA interference, highlighting just one example of a large number of non-protein coding RNAs. Because non-protein coding RNAs outnumber protein coding genes in mammals and other higher eukaryotes, it is now thought that the complexity of organisms is correlated with the fraction of their genome that encodes non-protein coding RNAs. Essential biological processes as diverse as cell differentiation, suppression of infecting viruses and parasitic transposons, higher-level organization of eukaryotic chromosomes, and gene expression itself are found to largely be directed by non-protein coding RNAs. The biophysical study of these RNAs employs X-ray crystallography, NMR, ensemble and single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, optical tweezers, cryo-electron microscopy, and ot...

  18. Adaptive distributed source coding. (United States)

    Varodayan, David; Lin, Yao-Chung; Girod, Bernd


    We consider distributed source coding in the presence of hidden variables that parameterize the statistical dependence among sources. We derive the Slepian-Wolf bound and devise coding algorithms for a block-candidate model of this problem. The encoder sends, in addition to syndrome bits, a portion of the source to the decoder uncoded as doping bits. The decoder uses the sum-product algorithm to simultaneously recover the source symbols and the hidden statistical dependence variables. We also develop novel techniques based on density evolution (DE) to analyze the coding algorithms. We experimentally confirm that our DE analysis closely approximates practical performance. This result allows us to efficiently optimize parameters of the algorithms. In particular, we show that the system performs close to the Slepian-Wolf bound when an appropriate doping rate is selected. We then apply our coding and analysis techniques to a reduced-reference video quality monitoring system and show a bit rate saving of about 75% compared with fixed-length coding.

  19. Australasian code for reporting of mineral resources and ore reserves (the JORC code)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The latest revision of the Code first published in 1989 becomes effective in September 1999. It was prepared by the Joint Ores Reserves Committee of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Minerals Council of Australia (JORC). It sets out minimum standards, recommendations and guidelines for public reporting of exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves in Australasia. In this edition, the guidelines, which were previously separated from the Code, have been placed after the respective Code clauses. The Code is applicable to all solid minerals, including diamonds, other gemstones and coal for which public reporting is required by the Australian and New Zealand Stock Exchanges.

  20. The Aster code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delbecq, J.M.


    The Aster code is a 2D or 3D finite-element calculation code for structures developed by the R and D direction of Electricite de France (EdF). This dossier presents a complete overview of the characteristics and uses of the Aster code: introduction of version 4; the context of Aster (organisation of the code development, versions, systems and interfaces, development tools, quality assurance, independent validation); static mechanics (linear thermo-elasticity, Euler buckling, cables, Zarka-Casier method); non-linear mechanics (materials behaviour, big deformations, specific loads, unloading and loss of load proportionality indicators, global algorithm, contact and friction); rupture mechanics (G energy restitution level, restitution level in thermo-elasto-plasticity, 3D local energy restitution level, KI and KII stress intensity factors, calculation of limit loads for structures), specific treatments (fatigue, rupture, wear, error estimation); meshes and models (mesh generation, modeling, loads and boundary conditions, links between different modeling processes, resolution of linear systems, display of results etc..); vibration mechanics (modal and harmonic analysis, dynamics with shocks, direct transient dynamics, seismic analysis and aleatory dynamics, non-linear dynamics, dynamical sub-structuring); fluid-structure interactions (internal acoustics, mass, rigidity and damping); linear and non-linear thermal analysis; steels and metal industry (structure transformations); coupled problems (internal chaining, internal thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling, chaining with other codes); products and services. (J.S.)

  1. The path of code linting

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Join the path of code linting and discover how it can help you reach higher levels of programming enlightenment. Today we will cover how to embrace code linters to offload cognitive strain on preserving style standards in your code base as well as avoiding error-prone constructs. Additionally, I will show you the journey ahead for integrating several code linters in the programming tools your already use with very little effort.

  2. Bar codes for nuclear safeguards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keswani, A.N.; Bieber, A.M. Jr.


    Bar codes similar to those used in supermarkets can be used to reduce the effort and cost of collecting nuclear materials accountability data. A wide range of equipment is now commercially available for printing and reading bar-coded information. Several examples of each of the major types of commercially available equipment are given, and considerations are discussed both for planning systems using bar codes and for choosing suitable bar code equipment

  3. Bar codes for nuclear safeguards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keswani, A.N.; Bieber, A.M.


    Bar codes similar to those used in supermarkets can be used to reduce the effort and cost of collecting nuclear materials accountability data. A wide range of equipment is now commercially available for printing and reading bar-coded information. Several examples of each of the major types of commercially-available equipment are given, and considerations are discussed both for planning systems using bar codes and for choosing suitable bar code equipment

  4. Simulation of the phenomenon of single-phase and two-phase natural circulation; Simulacao do fenomeno de circulacao natural mono e bifasica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castrillo, Lazara Silveira


    Natural convection phenomenon is often used to remove the residual heat from the surfaces of bodies where the heat is generated e.g. during accidents or transients of nuclear power plants. Experimental study of natural circulation can be done in small scale experimental circuits and the results can be extrapolated for larger operational facilities. The numerical analysis of transients can be carried out by using large computational codes that simulate the thermohydraulic behavior in such facilities. The computational code RELAP5/MOD2, (Reactor Excursion and Leak Analysis Program) was developed by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissions's. Division of Reactor Safety Research with the objective of analysis of transients and postulated accidents in the light water reactor (LWR) systems, including small and large ruptures with loss of coolant accidents (LOCA's). The results obtained by the simulation of single-phase and two-phase natural circulation, using the RELAP5/MOD2, are presented in this work. The study was carried out using the experimental circuit built at the 'Departamento de Engenharia Quimica da Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo'. In the circuit, two experiments were carried out with different conditions of power and mass flow, obtaining a single-phase regime with a level of power of 4706 W and flow of 5.10{sup -5} m{sup 3}/s (3 l/min) and a two-phase regime with a level of power of 6536 W and secondary flow 2,33.10{sup -5} m{sup 3}/s (1,4 l/min). The study allowed tio evaluate the capacity of the code for representing such phenomena as well as comparing the transients obtained theoretically with the experimental results. The comparative analysis shows that the code represents fairly well the single-phase transient, but the results for two-phase transients, starting from the nodalization and calibration used for the case single-phase transient, did not reproduce faithfully some experimental results. (author)

  5. Data exchange between zero dimensional code and physics platform in the CFETR integrated system code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Guoliang [School of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 China (China); Shi, Nan [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 350 Shushanhu Road, Hefei (China); Zhou, Yifu; Mao, Shifeng [School of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 China (China); Jian, Xiang [State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 (China); Chen, Jiale [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 350 Shushanhu Road, Hefei (China); Liu, Li; Chan, Vincent [School of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 China (China); Ye, Minyou, E-mail: [School of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 China (China)


    Highlights: • The workflow of the zero dimensional code and the multi-dimension physics platform of CFETR integrated system codeis introduced. • The iteration process among the codes in the physics platform. • The data transfer between the zero dimensionalcode and the physical platform, including data iteration and validation, and justification for performance parameters.. - Abstract: The China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) integrated system code contains three parts: a zero dimensional code, a physics platform and an engineering platform. We use the zero dimensional code to identify a set of preliminary physics and engineering parameters for CFETR, which is used as input to initiate multi-dimension studies using the physics and engineering platform for design, verification and validation. Effective data exchange between the zero dimensional code and the physical platform is critical for the optimization of CFETR design. For example, in evaluating the impact of impurity radiation on core performance, an open field line code is used to calculate the impurity transport from the first-wall boundary to the pedestal. The impurity particle in the pedestal are used as boundary conditions in a transport code for calculating impurity transport in the core plasma and the impact of core radiation on core performance. Comparison of the results from the multi-dimensional study to those from the zero dimensional code is used to further refine the controlled radiation model. The data transfer between the zero dimensional code and the physical platform, including data iteration and validation, and justification for performance parameters will be presented in this paper.

  6. Opportunistic Adaptive Transmission for Network Coding Using Nonbinary LDPC Codes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cocco Giuseppe


    Full Text Available Network coding allows to exploit spatial diversity naturally present in mobile wireless networks and can be seen as an example of cooperative communication at the link layer and above. Such promising technique needs to rely on a suitable physical layer in order to achieve its best performance. In this paper, we present an opportunistic packet scheduling method based on physical layer considerations. We extend channel adaptation proposed for the broadcast phase of asymmetric two-way bidirectional relaying to a generic number of sinks and apply it to a network context. The method consists of adapting the information rate for each receiving node according to its channel status and independently of the other nodes. In this way, a higher network throughput can be achieved at the expense of a slightly higher complexity at the transmitter. This configuration allows to perform rate adaptation while fully preserving the benefits of channel and network coding. We carry out an information theoretical analysis of such approach and of that typically used in network coding. Numerical results based on nonbinary LDPC codes confirm the effectiveness of our approach with respect to previously proposed opportunistic scheduling techniques.

  7. Code of Practice containing definitions for Safety Codes of Practice for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Code provides definitions of the technical terms used in the licensing applications to be submitted to the Turkish Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC), in accordance with national licensing regulations. The Code is based mainly on the International Atomic Energy Agency's Code of Practice on the subject. (NEA) [fr

  8. The Minimum Distance of Graph Codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høholdt, Tom; Justesen, Jørn


    We study codes constructed from graphs where the code symbols are associated with the edges and the symbols connected to a given vertex are restricted to be codewords in a component code. In particular we treat such codes from bipartite expander graphs coming from Euclidean planes and other...... geometries. We give results on the minimum distances of the codes....

  9. SASSYS LMFBR systems code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunn, F.E.; Prohammer, F.G.; Weber, D.P.


    The SASSYS LMFBR systems analysis code is being developed mainly to analyze the behavior of the shut-down heat-removal system and the consequences of failures in the system, although it is also capable of analyzing a wide range of transients, from mild operational transients through more severe transients leading to sodium boiling in the core and possible melting of clad and fuel. The code includes a detailed SAS4A multi-channel core treatment plus a general thermal-hydraulic treatment of the primary and intermediate heat-transport loops and the steam generators. The code can handle any LMFBR design, loop or pool, with an arbitrary arrangement of components. The code is fast running: usually faster than real time

  10. Quasi-cyclic unit memory convolutional codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Justesen, Jørn; Paaske, Erik; Ballan, Mark


    Unit memory convolutional codes with generator matrices, which are composed of circulant submatrices, are introduced. This structure facilitates the analysis of efficient search for good codes. Equivalences among such codes and some of the basic structural properties are discussed. In particular......, catastrophic encoders and minimal encoders are characterized and dual codes treated. Further, various distance measures are discussed, and a number of good codes, some of which result from efficient computer search and some of which result from known block codes, are presented...

  11. Quality assurance and verification of the MACCS [MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System] code, Version 1.5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobbe, C.A.; Carlson, E.R.; Marshall, N.H.; Marwil, E.S.; Tolli, J.E.


    An independent quality assurance (QA) and verification of Version 1.5 of the MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System (MACCS) was performed. The QA and verification involved examination of the code and associated documentation for consistent and correct implementation of the models in an error-free FORTRAN computer code. The QA and verification was not intended to determine either the adequacy or appropriateness of the models that are used MACCS 1.5. The reviews uncovered errors which were fixed by the SNL MACCS code development staff prior to the release of MACCS 1.5. Some difficulties related to documentation improvement and code restructuring are also presented. The QA and verification process concluded that Version 1.5 of the MACCS code, within the scope and limitations process concluded that Version 1.5 of the MACCS code, within the scope and limitations of the models implemented in the code is essentially error free and ready for widespread use. 15 refs., 11 tabs


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio Muñoz Gómez


    Full Text Available The functions library, called Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS-1, is considered the programming standard in scientific computing. In this work, we focus on the analysis of various code optimization techniques to increase the computational performance of BLAS-1. In particular, we address a combinational approach to explore possible methods of encoding using unroll technique with different levels of depth, vector data programming with MMX and SSE for Intel processors. Using the main functions of BLAS-1, it was determined numerically a computational increase, expressed in mega-ops, up to 52% compared to the optimized BLAS-1 ATLASlibrary.// RESUMEN: La biblioteca de funciones denominada Subprogramas Básicos de Algebra Lineal (BLAS-1 es considerada el estándar de programación en computación científica. En este trabajo nos enfocamos en el análisis de diversas técnicas de optimización de código para incrementar el desempeño computacional de BLAS-1. En particular abordamos un enfoque combinacional para explorar las posibles formas de codificación empleando la técnica de unroll con diversos niveles de profundidad, programación vectorial de datos con MMX y SSE para procesadores Intel. Empleando las funciones principales de BLAS-1 determinamos numéricamente un incremento computacional, expresado en mega-flops, de hasta 52% en comparación con la biblioteca optimizada BLAS-1 de ATLAS.

  13. QR code for medical information uses. (United States)

    Fontelo, Paul; Liu, Fang; Ducut, Erick G


    We developed QR code online tools, simulated and tested QR code applications for medical information uses including scanning QR code labels, URLs and authentication. Our results show possible applications for QR code in medicine.

  14. Lean coding machine. Facilities target productivity and job satisfaction with coding automation. (United States)

    Rollins, Genna


    Facilities are turning to coding automation to help manage the volume of electronic documentation, streamlining workflow, boosting productivity, and increasing job satisfaction. As EHR adoption increases, computer-assisted coding may become a necessity, not an option.

  15. ESCADRE and ICARE code systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reocreux, M.; Gauvain, J.


    The French sever accident code development program is following two parallel approaches: the first one is dealing with ''integral codes'' which are designed for giving immediate engineer answers, the second one is following a more mechanistic way in order to have the capability of detailed analysis of experiments, in order to get a better understanding of the scaling problem and reach a better confidence in plant calculations. In the first approach a complete system has been developed and is being used for practical cases: this is the ESCADRE system. In the second approach, a set of codes dealing first with primary circuit is being developed: a mechanistic core degradation code, ICARE, has been issued and is being coupled with the advanced thermalhydraulic code CATHARE. Fission product codes have been also coupled to CATHARE. The ''integral'' ESCADRE system and the mechanistic ICARE and associated codes are described. Their main characteristics are reviewed and the status of their development and assessment given. Future studies are finally discussed. 36 refs, 4 figs, 1 tab

  16. Clean Code - Why you should care

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    - Martin Fowler Writing code is communication, not solely with the computer that executes it, but also with other developers and with oneself. A developer spends a lot of his working time reading and understanding code that was written by other developers or by himself in the past. The readability of the code plays an important factor for the time to find a bug or add new functionality, which in turn has a big impact on the productivity. Code that is difficult to undestand, hard to maintain and refactor, and offers many spots for bugs to hide is not considered to be "clean code". But what could considered as "clean code" and what are the advantages of a strict application of its guidelines? In this presentation we will take a look on some typical "code smells" and proposed guidelines to improve your coding skills to write cleaner code that is less bug prone and better to maintain.

  17. Burnup code for fuel assembly by Monte Carlo code. MKENO-BURN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naito, Yoshitaka; Suyama, Kenya; Masukawa, Fumihiro; Matsumoto, Kiyoshi; Kurosawa, Masayoshi; Kaneko, Toshiyuki.


    The evaluation of neutron spectrum is so important for burnup calculation of the heterogeneous geometry like recent BWR fuel assembly. MKENO-BURN is a multi dimensional burnup code that based on the three dimensional monte carlo neutron transport code 'MULTI-KENO' and the routine for the burnup calculation of the one dimensional burnup code 'UNITBURN'. MKENO-BURN analyzes the burnup problem of arbitrary regions after evaluating the neutron spectrum and making one group cross section in three dimensional geometry with MULTI-KENO. It enables us to do three dimensional burnup calculation. This report consists of general description of MKENO-BURN and the input data. (author)

  18. Burnup code for fuel assembly by Monte Carlo code. MKENO-BURN

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naito, Yoshitaka; Suyama, Kenya; Masukawa, Fumihiro; Matsumoto, Kiyoshi; Kurosawa, Masayoshi [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment; Kaneko, Toshiyuki


    The evaluation of neutron spectrum is so important for burnup calculation of the heterogeneous geometry like recent BWR fuel assembly. MKENO-BURN is a multi dimensional burnup code that based on the three dimensional monte carlo neutron transport code `MULTI-KENO` and the routine for the burnup calculation of the one dimensional burnup code `UNITBURN`. MKENO-BURN analyzes the burnup problem of arbitrary regions after evaluating the neutron spectrum and making one group cross section in three dimensional geometry with MULTI-KENO. It enables us to do three dimensional burnup calculation. This report consists of general description of MKENO-BURN and the input data. (author)

  19. The Art of Readable Code

    CERN Document Server

    Boswell, Dustin


    As programmers, we've all seen source code that's so ugly and buggy it makes our brain ache. Over the past five years, authors Dustin Boswell and Trevor Foucher have analyzed hundreds of examples of "bad code" (much of it their own) to determine why they're bad and how they could be improved. Their conclusion? You need to write code that minimizes the time it would take someone else to understand it-even if that someone else is you. This book focuses on basic principles and practical techniques you can apply every time you write code. Using easy-to-digest code examples from different languag

  20. An implicit Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Knapp, Charles E. [Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    An implicit version of the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) code SPHINX has been written and is working. In conjunction with the SPHINX code the new implicit code models fluids and solids under a wide range of conditions. SPH codes are Lagrangian, meshless and use particles to model the fluids and solids. The implicit code makes use of the Krylov iterative techniques for solving large linear-systems and a Newton-Raphson method for non-linear corrections. It uses numerical derivatives to construct the Jacobian matrix. It uses sparse techniques to save on memory storage and to reduce the amount of computation. It is believed that this is the first implicit SPH code to use Newton-Krylov techniques, and is also the first implicit SPH code to model solids. A description of SPH and the techniques used in the implicit code are presented. Then, the results of a number of tests cases are discussed, which include a shock tube problem, a Rayleigh-Taylor problem, a breaking dam problem, and a single jet of gas problem. The results are shown to be in very good agreement with analytic solutions, experimental results, and the explicit SPHINX code. In the case of the single jet of gas case it has been demonstrated that the implicit code can do a problem in much shorter time than the explicit code. The problem was, however, very unphysical, but it does demonstrate the potential of the implicit code. It is a first step toward a useful implicit SPH code.

  1. Code of Ethics (United States)

    Division for Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children, 2009


    The Code of Ethics of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children is a public statement of principles and practice guidelines supported by the mission of DEC. The foundation of this Code is based on sound ethical reasoning related to professional practice with young children with disabilities and their families…

  2. Scrum Code Camps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pries-Heje, Lene; Pries-Heje, Jan; Dalgaard, Bente


    is required. In this paper we present the design of such a new approach, the Scrum Code Camp, which can be used to assess agile team capability in a transparent and consistent way. A design science research approach is used to analyze properties of two instances of the Scrum Code Camp where seven agile teams...

  3. Polarization diversity scheme on spectral polarization coding optical code-division multiple-access network (United States)

    Yen, Chih-Ta; Huang, Jen-Fa; Chang, Yao-Tang; Chen, Bo-Hau


    We present an experiment demonstrating the spectral-polarization coding optical code-division multiple-access system introduced with a nonideal state of polarization (SOP) matching conditions. In the proposed system, the encoding and double balanced-detection processes are implemented using a polarization-diversity scheme. Because of the quasiorthogonality of Hadamard codes combining with array waveguide grating routers and a polarization beam splitter, the proposed codec pair can encode-decode multiple code words of Hadamard code while retaining the ability for multiple-access interference cancellation. The experimental results demonstrate that when the system is maintained with an orthogonal SOP for each user, an effective reduction in the phase-induced intensity noise is obtained. The analytical SNR values are found to overstate the experimental results by around 2 dB when the received effective power is large. This is mainly limited by insertion losses of components and a nonflattened optical light source. Furthermore, the matching conditions can be improved by decreasing nonideal influences.

  4. Physics of codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooper, R.K.; Jones, M.E.


    The title given this paper is a bit presumptuous, since one can hardly expect to cover the physics incorporated into all the codes already written and currently being written. The authors focus on those codes which have been found to be particularly useful in the analysis and design of linacs. At that the authors will be a bit parochial and discuss primarily those codes used for the design of radio-frequency (rf) linacs, although the discussions of TRANSPORT and MARYLIE have little to do with the time structures of the beams being analyzed. The plan of this paper is first to describe rather simply the concepts of emittance and brightness, then to describe rather briefly each of the codes TRANSPORT, PARMTEQ, TBCI, MARYLIE, and ISIS, indicating what physics is and is not included in each of them. It is expected that the vast majority of what is covered will apply equally well to protons and electrons (and other particles). This material is intended to be tutorial in nature and can in no way be expected to be exhaustive. 31 references, 4 figures

  5. Tokamak plasma power balance calculation code (TPC code) outline and operation manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujieda, Hirobumi; Murakami, Yoshiki; Sugihara, Masayoshi.


    This report is a detailed description on the TPC code, that calculates the power balance of a tokamak plasma according to the ITER guidelines. The TPC code works on a personal computer (Macintosh or J-3100/ IBM-PC). Using input data such as the plasma shape, toroidal magnetic field, plasma current, electron temperature, electron density, impurities and heating power, TPC code can determine the operation point of the fusion reactor (Ion temperature is assumed to be equal to the electron temperature). Supplied flux (Volt · sec) and burn time are also estimated by coil design parameters. Calculated energy confinement time is compared with various L-mode scaling laws and the confinement enhancement factor (H-factor) is evaluated. Divertor heat load is predicted by using simple scaling models (constant-χ, Bohm-type-χ and JT-60U empirical scaling models). Frequently used data can be stored in a 'device file' and used as the default values. TPC code can generate 2-D mesh data and the POPCON plot is drawn by a contour line plotting program (CONPLT). The operation manual about CONPLT code is also described. (author)

  6. Introduction of thermal-hydraulic analysis code and system analysis code for HTGR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Mitsuhiro; Izaki, Makoto; Koike, Hiroyuki; Tokumitsu, Masashi


    Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. has advanced the development and systematization of analysis codes, aiming at lining up the analysis codes for heat transferring flow and control characteristics, taking up HTGR plants as the main object. In order to make the model of flow when shock waves propagate to heating tubes, SALE-3D which can analyze a complex system was developed, therefore, it is reported in this paper. Concerning the analysis code for control characteristics, the method of sensitivity analysis in a topological space including an example of application is reported. The flow analysis code SALE-3D is that for analyzing the flow of compressible viscous fluid in a three-dimensional system over the velocity range from incompressibility limit to supersonic velocity. The fundamental equations and fundamental algorithm of the SALE-3D, the calculation of cell volume, the plotting of perspective drawings and the analysis of the three-dimensional behavior of shock waves propagating in heating tubes after their rupture accident are described. The method of sensitivity analysis was added to the analysis code for control characteristics in a topological space, and blow-down phenomena was analyzed by its application. (Kako, I.)

  7. Dynamic benchmarking of simulation codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henry, R.E.; Paik, C.Y.; Hauser, G.M.


    Computer simulation of nuclear power plant response can be a full-scope control room simulator, an engineering simulator to represent the general behavior of the plant under normal and abnormal conditions, or the modeling of the plant response to conditions that would eventually lead to core damage. In any of these, the underlying foundation for their use in analysing situations, training of vendor/utility personnel, etc. is how well they represent what has been known from industrial experience, large integral experiments and separate effects tests. Typically, simulation codes are benchmarked with some of these; the level of agreement necessary being dependent upon the ultimate use of the simulation tool. However, these analytical models are computer codes, and as a result, the capabilities are continually enhanced, errors are corrected, new situations are imposed on the code that are outside of the original design basis, etc. Consequently, there is a continual need to assure that the benchmarks with important transients are preserved as the computer code evolves. Retention of this benchmarking capability is essential to develop trust in the computer code. Given the evolving world of computer codes, how is this retention of benchmarking capabilities accomplished? For the MAAP4 codes this capability is accomplished through a 'dynamic benchmarking' feature embedded in the source code. In particular, a set of dynamic benchmarks are included in the source code and these are exercised every time the archive codes are upgraded and distributed to the MAAP users. Three different types of dynamic benchmarks are used: plant transients; large integral experiments; and separate effects tests. Each of these is performed in a different manner. The first is accomplished by developing a parameter file for the plant modeled and an input deck to describe the sequence; i.e. the entire MAAP4 code is exercised. The pertinent plant data is included in the source code and the computer

  8. A new two dimensional spectral/spatial multi-diagonal code for noncoherent optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) systems (United States)

    Kadhim, Rasim Azeez; Fadhil, Hilal Adnan; Aljunid, S. A.; Razalli, Mohamad Shahrazel


    A new two dimensional codes family, namely two dimensional multi-diagonal (2D-MD) codes, is proposed for spectral/spatial non-coherent OCDMA systems based on the one dimensional MD code. Since the MD code has the property of zero cross correlation, the proposed 2D-MD code also has this property. So that, the multi-access interference (MAI) is fully eliminated and the phase induced intensity noise (PIIN) is suppressed with the proposed code. Code performance is analyzed in terms of bit error rate (BER) while considering the effect of shot noise, PIIN, and thermal noise. The performance of the proposed code is compared with the related MD, modified quadratic congruence (MQC), two dimensional perfect difference (2D-PD) and two dimensional diluted perfect difference (2D-DPD) codes. The analytical and the simulation results reveal that the proposed 2D-MD code outperforms the other codes. Moreover, a large number of simultaneous users can be accommodated at low BER and high data rate.

  9. RH-TRU Waste Content Codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions


    The Remote-Handled Transuranic (RH-TRU) Content Codes (RH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of RH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (RH-TRAMPAC).1 The RH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the RH-TRU 72-B. This document is a catalog of RH-TRU 72-B authorized contents by site. A content code is defined by the following components: • A two-letter site abbreviation that designates the physical location of the generated/stored waste (e.g., ID for Idaho National Laboratory [INL]). The site-specific letter designations for each of the sites are provided in Table 1. • A three-digit code that designates the physical and chemical form of the waste (e.g., content code 317 denotes TRU Metal Waste). For RH-TRU waste to be transported in the RH-TRU 72-B, the first number of this three-digit code is “3.” The second and third numbers of the three-digit code describe the physical and chemical form of the waste. Table 2 provides a brief description of each generic code. Content codes are further defined as subcodes by an alpha trailer after the three-digit code to allow segregation of wastes that differ in one or more parameter(s). For example, the alpha trailers of the subcodes ID 322A and ID 322B may be used to differentiate between waste packaging configurations. As detailed in the RH-TRAMPAC, compliance with flammable gas limits may be demonstrated through the evaluation of compliance with either a decay heat limit or flammable gas generation rate (FGGR) limit per container specified in approved content codes. As applicable, if a container meets the watt*year criteria specified by the RH-TRAMPAC, the decay heat limits based on the dose-dependent G value may be used as specified in an approved content code. If a site implements the administrative controls outlined in the RH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 2.4 of the RH-TRU Payload Appendices, the decay heat or FGGR

  10. Remote-Handled Transuranic Content Codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions


    The Remote-Handled Transuranic (RH-TRU) Content Codes (RH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of RH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (RH-TRAMPAC).1 The RH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the RH-TRU 72-B. This document is a catalog of RH-TRU 72-B authorized contents by site. A content code is defined by the following components: • A two-letter site abbreviation that designates the physical location of the generated/stored waste (e.g., ID for Idaho National Laboratory [INL]). The site-specific letter designations for each of the sites are provided in Table 1. • A three-digit code that designates the physical and chemical form of the waste (e.g., content code 317 denotes TRU Metal Waste). For RH-TRU waste to be transported in the RH-TRU 72-B, the first number of this three-digit code is “3.” The second and third numbers of the three-digit code describe the physical and chemical form of the waste. Table 2 provides a brief description of each generic code. Content codes are further defined as subcodes by an alpha trailer after the three-digit code to allow segregation of wastes that differ in one or more parameter(s). For example, the alpha trailers of the subcodes ID 322A and ID 322B may be used to differentiate between waste packaging configurations. As detailed in the RH-TRAMPAC, compliance with flammable gas limits may be demonstrated through the evaluation of compliance with either a decay heat limit or flammable gas generation rate (FGGR) limit per container specified in approved content codes. As applicable, if a container meets the watt*year criteria specified by the RH-TRAMPAC, the decay heat limits based on the dose-dependent G value may be used as specified in an approved content code. If a site implements the administrative controls outlined in the RH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 2.4 of the RH-TRU Payload Appendices, the decay heat or FGGR

  11. Optical code division multiple access secure communications systems with rapid reconfigurable polarization shift key user code (United States)

    Gao, Kaiqiang; Wu, Chongqing; Sheng, Xinzhi; Shang, Chao; Liu, Lanlan; Wang, Jian


    An optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) secure communications system scheme with rapid reconfigurable polarization shift key (Pol-SK) bipolar user code is proposed and demonstrated. Compared to fix code OCDMA, by constantly changing the user code, the performance of anti-eavesdropping is greatly improved. The Pol-SK OCDMA experiment with a 10 Gchip/s user code and a 1.25 Gb/s user data of payload has been realized, which means this scheme has better tolerance and could be easily realized.

  12. Input/output manual of light water reactor fuel performance code FEMAXI-7 and its related codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suzuki, Motoe; Udagawa, Yutaka; Nagase, Fumihisa [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety Research Center, Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); Saitou, Hiroaki [ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    A light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7 has been developed for the purpose of analyzing the fuel behavior in normal conditions and in anticipated transient conditions. Numerous functional improvements and extensions have been incorporated in FEMAXI-7, which has been fully disclosed in the code model description published recently as JAEA-Data/Code 2010-035. The present manual, which is the counterpart of this description, gives detailed explanations of operation method of FEMAXI-7 code and its related codes, methods of Input/Output, methods of source code modification, features of subroutine modules, and internal variables in a specific manner in order to facilitate users to perform a fuel analysis with FEMAXI-7. This report includes some descriptions which are modified from the original contents of JAEA-Data/Code 2010-035. A CD-ROM is attached as an appendix. (author)

  13. Input/output manual of light water reactor fuel performance code FEMAXI-7 and its related codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Motoe; Udagawa, Yutaka; Nagase, Fumihisa; Saitou, Hiroaki


    A light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7 has been developed for the purpose of analyzing the fuel behavior in normal conditions and in anticipated transient conditions. Numerous functional improvements and extensions have been incorporated in FEMAXI-7, which has been fully disclosed in the code model description published recently as JAEA-Data/Code 2010-035. The present manual, which is the counterpart of this description, gives detailed explanations of operation method of FEMAXI-7 code and its related codes, methods of Input/Output, methods of source code modification, features of subroutine modules, and internal variables in a specific manner in order to facilitate users to perform a fuel analysis with FEMAXI-7. This report includes some descriptions which are modified from the original contents of JAEA-Data/Code 2010-035. A CD-ROM is attached as an appendix. (author)

  14. Developments of HTGR thermofluid dynamic analysis codes and HTGR plant dynamic simulation code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Mitsuhiro; Izaki, Makoto; Koike, Hiroyuki; Tokumitsu, Masashi


    In nuclear power plants as well as high temperature gas-cooled reactor plants, the design is mostly performed on the basis of the results after their characteristics have been grasped by carrying out the numerical simulation using the analysis code. Also in Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., on the basis of the system engineering accumulated with gas-cooled reactors since several years ago, the preparation and systematization of analysis codes have been advanced, aiming at lining up the analysis codes for heat transferring flow and control characteristics, taking up HTGR plants as the main object. In this report, a part of the results is described. The example of the analysis applying the two-dimensional compressible flow analysis codes SOLA-VOF and SALE-2D, which were developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory in USA and modified for use in Kawasaki, to HTGR system is reported. Besides, Kawasaki has developed the control characteristics analyzing code DYSCO by which the change of system composition is easy and high versatility is available. The outline, fundamental equations, fundamental algorithms and examples of application of the SOLA-VOF and SALE-2D, the present status of system characteristic simulation codes and the outline of the DYSCO are described. (Kako, I.)

  15. Interrelations of codes in human semiotic systems.


    Somov, Georgij


    Codes can be viewed as mechanisms that enable relations of signs and their components, i.e., semiosis is actualized. The combinations of these relations produce new relations as new codes are building over other codes. Structures appear in the mechanisms of codes. Hence, codes can be described as transformations of structures from some material systems into others. Structures belong to different carriers, but exist in codes in their "pure" form. Building of codes over other codes fosters t...

  16. Performance optimization of spectral amplitude coding OCDMA system using new enhanced multi diagonal code (United States)

    Imtiaz, Waqas A.; Ilyas, M.; Khan, Yousaf


    This paper propose a new code to optimize the performance of spectral amplitude coding-optical code division multiple access (SAC-OCDMA) system. The unique two-matrix structure of the proposed enhanced multi diagonal (EMD) code and effective correlation properties, between intended and interfering subscribers, significantly elevates the performance of SAC-OCDMA system by negating multiple access interference (MAI) and associated phase induce intensity noise (PIIN). Performance of SAC-OCDMA system based on the proposed code is thoroughly analyzed for two detection techniques through analytic and simulation analysis by referring to bit error rate (BER), signal to noise ratio (SNR) and eye patterns at the receiving end. It is shown that EMD code while using SDD technique provides high transmission capacity, reduces the receiver complexity, and provides better performance as compared to complementary subtraction detection (CSD) technique. Furthermore, analysis shows that, for a minimum acceptable BER of 10-9 , the proposed system supports 64 subscribers at data rates of up to 2 Gbps for both up-down link transmission.

  17. 3D neutronic codes coupled with thermal-hydraulic system codes for PWR, and BWR and VVER reactors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Langenbuch, S.; Velkov, K. [GRS, Garching (Germany); Lizorkin, M. [Kurchatov-Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation)] [and others


    This paper describes the objectives of code development for coupling 3D neutronics codes with thermal-hydraulic system codes. The present status of coupling ATHLET with three 3D neutronics codes for VVER- and LWR-reactors is presented. After describing the basic features of the 3D neutronic codes BIPR-8 from Kurchatov-Institute, DYN3D from Research Center Rossendorf and QUABOX/CUBBOX from GRS, first applications of coupled codes for different transient and accident scenarios are presented. The need of further investigations is discussed.

  18. R-matrix analysis code (RAC)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Zhenpeng; Qi Huiquan


    A comprehensive R-matrix analysis code has been developed. It is based on the multichannel and multilevel R-matrix theory and runs in VAX computer with FORTRAN-77. With this code many kinds of experimental data for one nuclear system can be fitted simultaneously. The comparisions between code RAC and code EDA of LANL are made. The data show both codes produced the same calculation results when one set of R-matrix parameters was used. The differential cross section of 10 B (n, α) 7 Li for E n = 0.4 MeV and the polarization of 16 O (n,n) 16 O for E n = 2.56 MeV are presented

  19. Code cases for implementing risk-based inservice testing in the ASME OM code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rowley, C.W.


    Historically inservice testing has been reasonably effective, but quite costly. Recent applications of plant PRAs to the scope of the IST program have demonstrated that of the 30 pumps and 500 valves in the typical plant IST program, less than half of the pumps and ten percent of the valves are risk significant. The way the ASME plans to tackle this overly-conservative scope for IST components is to use the PRA and plant expert panels to create a two tier IST component categorization scheme. The PRA provides the quantitative risk information and the plant expert panel blends the quantitative and deterministic information to place the IST component into one of two categories: More Safety Significant Component (MSSC) or Less Safety Significant Component (LSSC). With all the pumps and valves in the IST program placed in MSSC or LSSC categories, two different testing strategies will be applied. The testing strategies will be unique for the type of component, such as centrifugal pump, positive displacement pump, MOV, AOV, SOV, SRV, PORV, HOV, CV, and MV. A series of OM Code Cases are being developed to capture this process for a plant to use. One Code Case will be for Component Importance Ranking. The remaining Code Cases will develop the MSSC and LSSC testing strategy for type of component. These Code Cases are planned for publication in early 1997. Later, after some industry application of the Code Cases, the alternative Code Case requirements will gravitate to the ASME OM Code as appendices

  20. Code cases for implementing risk-based inservice testing in the ASME OM code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rowley, C.W.


    Historically inservice testing has been reasonably effective, but quite costly. Recent applications of plant PRAs to the scope of the IST program have demonstrated that of the 30 pumps and 500 valves in the typical plant IST program, less than half of the pumps and ten percent of the valves are risk significant. The way the ASME plans to tackle this overly-conservative scope for IST components is to use the PRA and plant expert panels to create a two tier IST component categorization scheme. The PRA provides the quantitative risk information and the plant expert panel blends the quantitative and deterministic information to place the IST component into one of two categories: More Safety Significant Component (MSSC) or Less Safety Significant Component (LSSC). With all the pumps and valves in the IST program placed in MSSC or LSSC categories, two different testing strategies will be applied. The testing strategies will be unique for the type of component, such as centrifugal pump, positive displacement pump, MOV, AOV, SOV, SRV, PORV, HOV, CV, and MV. A series of OM Code Cases are being developed to capture this process for a plant to use. One Code Case will be for Component Importance Ranking. The remaining Code Cases will develop the MSSC and LSSC testing strategy for type of component. These Code Cases are planned for publication in early 1997. Later, after some industry application of the Code Cases, the alternative Code Case requirements will gravitate to the ASME OM Code as appendices.

  1. Discriminative sparse coding on multi-manifolds

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, J.J.-Y.; Bensmail, H.; Yao, N.; Gao, Xin


    Sparse coding has been popularly used as an effective data representation method in various applications, such as computer vision, medical imaging and bioinformatics. However, the conventional sparse coding algorithms and their manifold-regularized variants (graph sparse coding and Laplacian sparse coding), learn codebooks and codes in an unsupervised manner and neglect class information that is available in the training set. To address this problem, we propose a novel discriminative sparse coding method based on multi-manifolds, that learns discriminative class-conditioned codebooks and sparse codes from both data feature spaces and class labels. First, the entire training set is partitioned into multiple manifolds according to the class labels. Then, we formulate the sparse coding as a manifold-manifold matching problem and learn class-conditioned codebooks and codes to maximize the manifold margins of different classes. Lastly, we present a data sample-manifold matching-based strategy to classify the unlabeled data samples. Experimental results on somatic mutations identification and breast tumor classification based on ultrasonic images demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed data representation and classification approach. 2013 The Authors. All rights reserved.

  2. Myths and realities of rateless coding

    KAUST Repository

    Bonello, Nicholas


    Fixed-rate and rateless channel codes are generally treated separately in the related research literature and so, a novice in the field inevitably gets the impression that these channel codes are unrelated. By contrast, in this treatise, we endeavor to further develop a link between the traditional fixed-rate codes and the recently developed rateless codes by delving into their underlying attributes. This joint treatment is beneficial for two principal reasons. First, it facilitates the task of researchers and practitioners, who might be familiar with fixed-rate codes and would like to jump-start their understanding of the recently developed concepts in the rateless reality. Second, it provides grounds for extending the use of the well-understood codedesign tools-originally contrived for fixed-rate codes-to the realm of rateless codes. Indeed, these versatile tools proved to be vital in the design of diverse fixed-rate-coded communications systems, and thus our hope is that they will further elucidate the associated performance ramifications of the rateless coded schemes. © 2011 IEEE.

  3. Discriminative sparse coding on multi-manifolds

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, J.J.-Y.


    Sparse coding has been popularly used as an effective data representation method in various applications, such as computer vision, medical imaging and bioinformatics. However, the conventional sparse coding algorithms and their manifold-regularized variants (graph sparse coding and Laplacian sparse coding), learn codebooks and codes in an unsupervised manner and neglect class information that is available in the training set. To address this problem, we propose a novel discriminative sparse coding method based on multi-manifolds, that learns discriminative class-conditioned codebooks and sparse codes from both data feature spaces and class labels. First, the entire training set is partitioned into multiple manifolds according to the class labels. Then, we formulate the sparse coding as a manifold-manifold matching problem and learn class-conditioned codebooks and codes to maximize the manifold margins of different classes. Lastly, we present a data sample-manifold matching-based strategy to classify the unlabeled data samples. Experimental results on somatic mutations identification and breast tumor classification based on ultrasonic images demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed data representation and classification approach. 2013 The Authors. All rights reserved.

  4. A class of Sudan-decodable codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Rasmus Refslund


    In this article, Sudan's algorithm is modified into an efficient method to list-decode a class of codes which can be seen as a generalization of Reed-Solomon codes. The algorithm is specialized into a very efficient method for unique decoding. The code construction can be generalized based...... on algebraic-geometry codes and the decoding algorithms are generalized accordingly. Comparisons with Reed-Solomon and Hermitian codes are made....

  5. Light-water reactor safety analysis codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackson, J.F.; Ransom, V.H.; Ybarrondo, L.J.; Liles, D.R.


    A brief review of the evolution of light-water reactor safety analysis codes is presented. Included is a summary comparison of the technical capabilities of major system codes. Three recent codes are described in more detail to serve as examples of currently used techniques. Example comparisons between calculated results using these codes and experimental data are given. Finally, a brief evaluation of current code capability and future development trends is presented

  6. LFSC - Linac Feedback Simulation Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, Valentin; Fermilab


    The computer program LFSC ( ) is a numerical tool for simulation beam based feedback in high performance linacs. The code LFSC is based on the earlier version developed by a collective of authors at SLAC (L.Hendrickson, R. McEwen, T. Himel, H. Shoaee, S. Shah, P. Emma, P. Schultz) during 1990-2005. That code was successively used in simulation of SLC, TESLA, CLIC and NLC projects. It can simulate as pulse-to-pulse feedback on timescale corresponding to 5-100 Hz, as slower feedbacks, operating in the 0.1-1 Hz range in the Main Linac and Beam Delivery System. The code LFSC is running under Matlab for MS Windows operating system. It contains about 30,000 lines of source code in more than 260 subroutines. The code uses the LIAR ('Linear Accelerator Research code') for particle tracking under ground motion and technical noise perturbations. It uses the Guinea Pig code to simulate the luminosity performance. A set of input files includes the lattice description (XSIF format), and plane text files with numerical parameters, wake fields, ground motion data etc. The Matlab environment provides a flexible system for graphical output

  7. High Order Modulation Protograph Codes (United States)

    Nguyen, Thuy V. (Inventor); Nosratinia, Aria (Inventor); Divsalar, Dariush (Inventor)


    Digital communication coding methods for designing protograph-based bit-interleaved code modulation that is general and applies to any modulation. The general coding framework can support not only multiple rates but also adaptive modulation. The method is a two stage lifting approach. In the first stage, an original protograph is lifted to a slightly larger intermediate protograph. The intermediate protograph is then lifted via a circulant matrix to the expected codeword length to form a protograph-based low-density parity-check code.

  8. The CORSYS neutronics code system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caner, M.; Krumbein, A.D.; Saphier, D.; Shapira, M.


    The purpose of this work is to assemble a code package for LWR core physics including coupled neutronics, burnup and thermal hydraulics. The CORSYS system is built around the cell code WIMS (for group microscopic cross section calculations) and 3-dimension diffusion code CITATION (for burnup and fuel management). We are implementing such a system on an IBM RS-6000 workstation. The code was rested with a simplified model of the Zion Unit 2 PWR. (authors). 6 refs., 8 figs., 1 tabs

  9. WWER reactor physics code applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gado, J.; Kereszturi, A.; Gacs, A.; Telbisz, M.


    The coupled steady-state reactor physics and thermohydraulic code system KARATE has been developed and applied for WWER-1000 and WWER-440 operational calculations. The 3 D coupled kinetic code KIKO3D has been developed and validated for WWER-440 accident analysis applications. The coupled kinetic code SMARTA developed by VTT Helsinki has been applied for WWER-440 accident analysis. The paper gives a summary of the experience in code development and application. (authors). 10 refs., 2 tabs., 5 figs

  10. The LIONS code (version 1.0)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertrand, P.


    The new LIONS code (Lancement d'IONS or Ion Launching), a dynamical code implemented in the SPIRaL project for the CIME cyclotron studies, is presented. The various software involves a 3D magnetostatic code, 2D or 3D electrostatic codes for generation of realistic field maps, and several dynamical codes for studying the behaviour of the reference particle from the cyclotron center up to the ejection and for launching particles packets complying with given correlations. Its interactions with the other codes are described. The LIONS code, written in Fortran 90 is already used in studying the CIME cyclotron, from the center to the ejection. It is designed to be used, with minor modifications, in other contexts such as for the simulation of mass spectrometer facilities

  11. Code Development and Analysis Program: developmental checkout of the BEACON/MOD2A code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramsthaler, J.A.; Lime, J.F.; Sahota, M.S.


    A best-estimate transient containment code, BEACON, is being developed by EG and G Idaho, Inc. for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's reactor safety research program. This is an advanced, two-dimensional fluid flow code designed to predict temperatures and pressures in a dry PWR containment during a hypothetical loss-of-coolant accident. The most recent version of the code, MOD2A, is presently in the final stages of production prior to being released to the National Energy Software Center. As part of the final code checkout, seven sample problems were selected to be run with BEACON/MOD2A

  12. The code of ethics for nurses. (United States)

    Zahedi, F; Sanjari, M; Aala, M; Peymani, M; Aramesh, K; Parsapour, A; Maddah, Ss Bagher; Cheraghi, Ma; Mirzabeigi, Gh; Larijani, B; Dastgerdi, M Vahid


    Nurses are ever-increasingly confronted with complex concerns in their practice. Codes of ethics are fundamental guidance for nursing as many other professions. Although there are authentic international codes of ethics for nurses, the national code would be the additional assistance provided for clinical nurses in their complex roles in care of patients, education, research and management of some parts of health care system in the country. A national code can provide nurses with culturally-adapted guidance and help them to make ethical decisions more closely to the Iranian-Islamic background. Given the general acknowledgement of the need, the National Code of Ethics for Nurses was compiled as a joint project (2009-2011). The Code was approved by the Health Policy Council of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and communicated to all universities, healthcare centers, hospitals and research centers early in 2011. The focus of this article is on the course of action through which the Code was compiled, amended and approved. The main concepts of the code will be also presented here. No doubt, development of the codes should be considered as an ongoing process. This is an overall responsibility to keep the codes current, updated with the new progresses of science and emerging challenges, and pertinent to the nursing practice.

  13. The aeroelastic code FLEXLAST

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Visser, B. [Stork Product Eng., Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    To support the discussion on aeroelastic codes, a description of the code FLEXLAST was given and experiences within benchmarks and measurement programmes were summarized. The code FLEXLAST has been developed since 1982 at Stork Product Engineering (SPE). Since 1992 FLEXLAST has been used by Dutch industries for wind turbine and rotor design. Based on the comparison with measurements, it can be concluded that the main shortcomings of wind turbine modelling lie in the field of aerodynamics, wind field and wake modelling. (au)

  14. Towards advanced code simulators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scriven, A.H.


    The Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) uses advanced thermohydraulic codes extensively to support PWR safety analyses. A system has been developed to allow fully interactive execution of any code with graphical simulation of the operator desk and mimic display. The system operates in a virtual machine environment, with the thermohydraulic code executing in one virtual machine, communicating via interrupts with any number of other virtual machines each running other programs and graphics drivers. The driver code itself does not have to be modified from its normal batch form. Shortly following the release of RELAP5 MOD1 in IBM compatible form in 1983, this code was used as the driver for this system. When RELAP5 MOD2 became available, it was adopted with no changes needed in the basic system. Overall the system has been used for some 5 years for the analysis of LOBI tests, full scale plant studies and for simple what-if studies. For gaining rapid understanding of system dependencies it has proved invaluable. The graphical mimic system, being independent of the driver code, has also been used with other codes to study core rewetting, to replay results obtained from batch jobs on a CRAY2 computer system and to display suitably processed experimental results from the LOBI facility to aid interpretation. For the above work real-time execution was not necessary. Current work now centers on implementing the RELAP 5 code on a true parallel architecture machine. Marconi Simulation have been contracted to investigate the feasibility of using upwards of 100 processors, each capable of a peak of 30 MIPS to run a highly detailed RELAP5 model in real time, complete with specially written 3D core neutronics and balance of plant models. This paper describes the experience of using RELAP5 as an analyzer/simulator, and outlines the proposed methods and problems associated with parallel execution of RELAP5

  15. The Coding Question. (United States)

    Gallistel, C R


    Recent electrophysiological results imply that the duration of the stimulus onset asynchrony in eyeblink conditioning is encoded by a mechanism intrinsic to the cerebellar Purkinje cell. This raises the general question - how is quantitative information (durations, distances, rates, probabilities, amounts, etc.) transmitted by spike trains and encoded into engrams? The usual assumption is that information is transmitted by firing rates. However, rate codes are energetically inefficient and computationally awkward. A combinatorial code is more plausible. If the engram consists of altered synaptic conductances (the usual assumption), then we must ask how numbers may be written to synapses. It is much easier to formulate a coding hypothesis if the engram is realized by a cell-intrinsic molecular mechanism. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Code package to analyse behavior of the WWER fuel rods in normal operation: TOPRA's code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheglov, A.; Proselkov, V.


    This paper briefly describes the code package intended for analysis of WWER fuel rod characteristics. The package includes two computer codes: TOPRA-1 and TOPRA-2 for full-scale fuel rod analyses; MRZ and MKK codes for analyzing the separate sections of fuel rods in r-z and r-j geometry. The TOPRA's codes are developed on the base of PIN-mod2 version and verified against experimental results obtained in MR, MIR and Halden research reactors (in the framework of SOFIT, FGR-2 and FUMEX experimental programs). Comparative analysis of calculation results and results from post-reactor examination of the WWER-440 and WWER-1000 fuel rod are also made as additional verification of these codes. To avoid the enlarging of uncertainties in fuel behavior prediction as a result of simplifying of the fuel geometry, MKK and MRZ codes are developed on the basis of the finite element method with use of the three nodal finite elements. Results obtained in the course of the code verification indicate the possibility for application of the method and TOPRA's code for simplified engineering calculations of WWER fuel rods thermal-physical parameters. An analysis of maximum relative errors for predicting of the fuel rod characteristics in the range of the accepted parameter values is also presented in the paper

  17. Quantum computation with Turaev-Viro codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koenig, Robert; Kuperberg, Greg; Reichardt, Ben W.


    For a 3-manifold with triangulated boundary, the Turaev-Viro topological invariant can be interpreted as a quantum error-correcting code. The code has local stabilizers, identified by Levin and Wen, on a qudit lattice. Kitaev's toric code arises as a special case. The toric code corresponds to an abelian anyon model, and therefore requires out-of-code operations to obtain universal quantum computation. In contrast, for many categories, such as the Fibonacci category, the Turaev-Viro code realizes a non-abelian anyon model. A universal set of fault-tolerant operations can be implemented by deforming the code with local gates, in order to implement anyon braiding. We identify the anyons in the code space, and present schemes for initialization, computation and measurement. This provides a family of constructions for fault-tolerant quantum computation that are closely related to topological quantum computation, but for which the fault tolerance is implemented in software rather than coming from a physical medium.

  18. Coding for effective denial management. (United States)

    Miller, Jackie; Lineberry, Joe


    Nearly everyone will agree that accurate and consistent coding of diagnoses and procedures is the cornerstone for operating a compliant practice. The CPT or HCPCS procedure code tells the payor what service was performed and also (in most cases) determines the amount of payment. The ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, on the other hand, tells the payor why the service was performed. If the diagnosis code does not meet the payor's criteria for medical necessity, all payment for the service will be denied. Implementation of an effective denial management program can help "stop the bleeding." Denial management is a comprehensive process that works in two ways. First, it evaluates the cause of denials and takes steps to prevent them. Second, denial management creates specific procedures for refiling or appealing claims that are initially denied. Accurate, consistent and compliant coding is key to both of these functions. The process of proactively managing claim denials also reveals a practice's administrative strengths and weaknesses, enabling radiology business managers to streamline processes, eliminate duplicated efforts and shift a larger proportion of the staff's focus from paperwork to servicing patients--all of which are sure to enhance operations and improve practice management and office morale. Accurate coding requires a program of ongoing training and education in both CPT and ICD-9-CM coding. Radiology business managers must make education a top priority for their coding staff. Front office staff, technologists and radiologists should also be familiar with the types of information needed for accurate coding. A good staff training program will also cover the proper use of Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABNs). Registration and coding staff should understand how to determine whether the patient's clinical history meets criteria for Medicare coverage, and how to administer an ABN if the exam is likely to be denied. Staff should also understand the restrictions on use of

  19. Dual Coding, Reasoning and Fallacies. (United States)

    Hample, Dale


    Develops the theory that a fallacy is not a comparison of a rhetorical text to a set of definitions but a comparison of one person's cognition with another's. Reviews Paivio's dual coding theory, relates nonverbal coding to reasoning processes, and generates a limited fallacy theory based on dual coding theory. (PD)

  20. The Redox Code. (United States)

    Jones, Dean P; Sies, Helmut


    The redox code is a set of principles that defines the positioning of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD, NADP) and thiol/disulfide and other redox systems as well as the thiol redox proteome in space and time in biological systems. The code is richly elaborated in an oxygen-dependent life, where activation/deactivation cycles involving O₂ and H₂O₂ contribute to spatiotemporal organization for differentiation, development, and adaptation to the environment. Disruption of this organizational structure during oxidative stress represents a fundamental mechanism in system failure and disease. Methodology in assessing components of the redox code under physiological conditions has progressed, permitting insight into spatiotemporal organization and allowing for identification of redox partners in redox proteomics and redox metabolomics. Complexity of redox networks and redox regulation is being revealed step by step, yet much still needs to be learned. Detailed knowledge of the molecular patterns generated from the principles of the redox code under defined physiological or pathological conditions in cells and organs will contribute to understanding the redox component in health and disease. Ultimately, there will be a scientific basis to a modern redox medicine.

  1. Desarrollo de un algoritmo computacional para la estimación de la tensión de cables en puentes atirantados con base en la medición experimental en laboratorio y campo de sus modos y frecuencias naturales de vibración Development of an computational algorith for estimating cables'tensile stress on cable-stayed bridges based on experimental laboratory and job site measurements on their natural vibration modes and frequencies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giordano Avellaneda


    Full Text Available En la presente investigación, se propone una nueva metodología para estimar la tensión de los tirantes con base en sus modos y frecuencias naturales de vibración, mediante el desarrollo de un aplicativo computacional apoyado en el método de los elementos finitos (FEM y en el análisis detallado de las señales. Para ello se presenta en este documento un estado del arte con algunos de los trabajos desarrollados en el mundo, un marco conceptual y la metodología planteada para su desarrollo y ejecución. El aplicativo computacional fue generado en MATLAB® y validado a través de mediciones experimentales en un prototipo a escala y en algunos cables de un puente atirantado en Colombia cuando estaba en proceso de construcción, con el cual se permite estimar la magnitud de la tensión de los tirantes con errores mínimos.In the present research, is proposed a new methodology for estimating tension forces in cables on the basis of their modes and natural frequencies of vibration, by developing a computer application leaning on the finite element method (FEM and a detailed analysis of signals. In this paper is presented a state of the art with some of the work done around the world, a conceptual framework and a proposed methodology for its development and implementation. The computer application which was programmed in MATLAB ®, which was validated through experimental measurements on a scaled prototype and some cables of a cable stayed bridge under construction in Colombia, allows to estimate the magnitude of the cable's tension with minimal errors.

  2. Coding for optical channels

    CERN Document Server

    Djordjevic, Ivan; Vasic, Bane


    This unique book provides a coherent and comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of optical communications, signal processing and coding for optical channels. It is the first to integrate the fundamentals of coding theory and optical communication.

  3. Transport theory and codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clancy, B.E.


    This chapter begins with a neutron transport equation which includes the one dimensional plane geometry problems, the one dimensional spherical geometry problems, and numerical solutions. The section on the ANISN code and its look-alikes covers problems which can be solved; eigenvalue problems; outer iteration loop; inner iteration loop; and finite difference solution procedures. The input and output data for ANISN is also discussed. Two dimensional problems such as the DOT code are given. Finally, an overview of the Monte-Carlo methods and codes are elaborated on

  4. LiveCode mobile development

    CERN Document Server

    Lavieri, Edward D


    A practical guide written in a tutorial-style, ""LiveCode Mobile Development Hotshot"" walks you step-by-step through 10 individual projects. Every project is divided into sub tasks to make learning more organized and easy to follow along with explanations, diagrams, screenshots, and downloadable material.This book is great for anyone who wants to develop mobile applications using LiveCode. You should be familiar with LiveCode and have access to a smartphone. You are not expected to know how to create graphics or audio clips.

  5. The 1996 ENDF pre-processing codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cullen, D.E.


    The codes are named 'the Pre-processing' codes, because they are designed to pre-process ENDF/B data, for later, further processing for use in applications. This is a modular set of computer codes, each of which reads and writes evaluated nuclear data in the ENDF/B format. Each code performs one or more independent operations on the data, as described below. These codes are designed to be computer independent, and are presently operational on every type of computer from large mainframe computer to small personal computers, such as IBM-PC and Power MAC. The codes are available from the IAEA Nuclear Data Section, free of charge upon request. (author)

  6. User manual of UNF code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Jingshang


    The UNF code (2001 version) written in FORTRAN-90 is developed for calculating fast neutron reaction data of structure materials with incident energies from about 1 Kev up to 20 Mev. The code consists of the spherical optical model, the unified Hauser-Feshbach and exciton model. The man nal of the UNF code is available for users. The format of the input parameter files and the output files, as well as the functions of flag used in UNF code, are introduced in detail, and the examples of the format of input parameters files are given

  7. PetriCode: A Tool for Template-Based Code Generation from CPN Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Kent Inge


    Code generation is an important part of model driven methodologies. In this paper, we present PetriCode, a software tool for generating protocol software from a subclass of Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs). The CPN subclass is comprised of hierarchical CPN models describing a protocol system at different...

  8. Vocable Code

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Soon, Winnie; Cox, Geoff


    a computational and poetic composition for two screens: on one of these, texts and voices are repeated and disrupted by mathematical chaos, together exploring the performativity of code and language; on the other, is a mix of a computer programming syntax and human language. In this sense queer code can...... be understood as both an object and subject of study that intervenes in the world’s ‘becoming' and how material bodies are produced via human and nonhuman practices. Through mixing the natural and computer language, this article presents a script in six parts from a performative lecture for two persons...

  9. SEVERO code - user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sacramento, A.M. do.


    This user's manual contains all the necessary information concerning the use of SEVERO code. This computer code is related to the statistics of extremes = extreme winds, extreme precipitation and flooding hazard risk analysis. (A.C.A.S.)

  10. Evaluation of Code Blue Implementation Outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bengü Özütürk


    Full Text Available Aim: In this study, we aimed to emphasize the importance of Code Blue implementation and to determine deficiencies in this regard. Methods: After obtaining the ethics committee approval, 225 patient’s code blue call data between 2012 and 2014 January were retrospectively analyzed. Age and gender of the patients, date and time of the call and the clinics giving Code Blue, the time needed for the Code Blue team to arrive, the rates of false Code Blue calls, reasons for Code Blue calls and patient outcomes were investigated. Results: A total of 225 patients (149 male, 76 female were evaluated in the study. The mean age of the patients was 54.1 years. 142 (67.2% Code Blue calls occurred after hours and by emergency unit. The mean time for the Code Blue team to arrive was 1.10 minutes. Spontaneous circulation was provided in 137 patients (60.8%; 88 (39.1% died. The most commonly identified possible causes were of cardiac origin. Conclusion: This study showed that Code Blue implementation with a professional team within an efficient and targeted time increase the survival rate. Therefore, we conclude that the application of Code Blue carried out by a trained team is an essential standard in hospitals. (The Medical Bulletin of Haseki 2015; 53:204-8

  11. Order functions and evaluation codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høholdt, Tom; Pellikaan, Ruud; van Lint, Jack


    Based on the notion of an order function we construct and determine the parameters of a class of error-correcting evaluation codes. This class includes the one-point algebraic geometry codes as wella s the generalized Reed-Muller codes and the parameters are detremined without using the heavy...... machinery of algebraic geometry....

  12. New nonbinary quantum codes with larger distance constructed from BCH codes over 𝔽q2 (United States)

    Xu, Gen; Li, Ruihu; Fu, Qiang; Ma, Yuena; Guo, Luobin


    This paper concentrates on construction of new nonbinary quantum error-correcting codes (QECCs) from three classes of narrow-sense imprimitive BCH codes over finite field 𝔽q2 (q ≥ 3 is an odd prime power). By a careful analysis on properties of cyclotomic cosets in defining set T of these BCH codes, the improved maximal designed distance of these narrow-sense imprimitive Hermitian dual-containing BCH codes is determined to be much larger than the result given according to Aly et al. [S. A. Aly, A. Klappenecker and P. K. Sarvepalli, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 53, 1183 (2007)] for each different code length. Thus families of new nonbinary QECCs are constructed, and the newly obtained QECCs have larger distance than those in previous literature.

  13. Pump Component Model in SPACE Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Byoung Jae; Kim, Kyoung Doo


    This technical report describes the pump component model in SPACE code. A literature survey was made on pump models in existing system codes. The models embedded in SPACE code were examined to check the confliction with intellectual proprietary rights. Design specifications, computer coding implementation, and test results are included in this report

  14. Input/output manual of light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7 and its related codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suzuki, Motoe; Udagawa, Yutaka; Nagase, Fumihisa [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety Research Center, Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); Saitou, Hiroaki [ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation, Tokyo (Japan)


    A light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7 has been developed, as an extended version from the former version FEMAXI-6, for the purpose of analyzing the fuel behavior in normal conditions and in anticipated transient conditions. Numerous functional improvements and extensions have been incorporated in FEMAXI-7, which are fully disclosed in the code model description published in the form of another JAEA-Data/Code report. The present manual, which is the very counterpart of this description document, gives detailed explanations of files and operation method of FEMAXI-7 code and its related codes, methods of input/output, sample Input/Output, methods of source code modification, subroutine structure, and internal variables in a specific manner in order to facilitate users to perform fuel analysis by FEMAXI-7. (author)

  15. Input/output manual of light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7 and its related codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Motoe; Udagawa, Yutaka; Nagase, Fumihisa; Saitou, Hiroaki


    A light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7 has been developed, as an extended version from the former version FEMAXI-6, for the purpose of analyzing the fuel behavior in normal conditions and in anticipated transient conditions. Numerous functional improvements and extensions have been incorporated in FEMAXI-7, which are fully disclosed in the code model description published in the form of another JAEA-Data/Code report. The present manual, which is the very counterpart of this description document, gives detailed explanations of files and operation method of FEMAXI-7 code and its related codes, methods of input/output, sample Input/Output, methods of source code modification, subroutine structure, and internal variables in a specific manner in order to facilitate users to perform fuel analysis by FEMAXI-7. (author)

  16. User's manual for the TMAD code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finfrock, S.H.


    This document serves as the User's Manual for the TMAD code system, which includes the TMAD code and the LIBMAKR code. The TMAD code was commissioned to make it easier to interpret moisture probe measurements in the Hanford Site waste tanks. In principle, the code is an interpolation routine that acts over a library of benchmark data based on two independent variables, typically anomaly size and moisture content. Two additional variables, anomaly type and detector type, also can be considered independent variables, but no interpolation is done over them. The dependent variable is detector response. The intent is to provide the code with measured detector responses from two or more detectors. The code then will interrogate (and interpolate upon) the benchmark data library and find the anomaly-type/anomaly-size/moisture-content combination that provides the closest match to the measured data

  17. Induction technology optimization code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caporaso, G.J.; Brooks, A.L.; Kirbie, H.C.


    A code has been developed to evaluate relative costs of induction accelerator driver systems for relativistic klystrons. The code incorporates beam generation, transport and pulsed power system constraints to provide an integrated design tool. The code generates an injector/accelerator combination which satisfies the top level requirements and all system constraints once a small number of design choices have been specified (rise time of the injector voltage and aspect ratio of the ferrite induction cores, for example). The code calculates dimensions of accelerator mechanical assemblies and values of all electrical components. Cost factors for machined parts, raw materials and components are applied to yield a total system cost. These costs are then plotted as a function of the two design choices to enable selection of an optimum design based on various criteria. (Author) 11 refs., 3 figs

  18. Differentially Encoded LDPC Codes—Part II: General Case and Code Optimization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jing Li (Tiffany


    Full Text Available This two-part series of papers studies the theory and practice of differentially encoded low-density parity-check (DE-LDPC codes, especially in the context of noncoherent detection. Part I showed that a special class of DE-LDPC codes, product accumulate codes, perform very well with both coherent and noncoherent detections. The analysis here reveals that a conventional LDPC code, however, is not fitful for differential coding and does not, in general, deliver a desirable performance when detected noncoherently. Through extrinsic information transfer (EXIT analysis and a modified “convergence-constraint” density evolution (DE method developed here, we provide a characterization of the type of LDPC degree profiles that work in harmony with differential detection (or a recursive inner code in general, and demonstrate how to optimize these LDPC codes. The convergence-constraint method provides a useful extension to the conventional “threshold-constraint” method, and can match an outer LDPC code to any given inner code with the imperfectness of the inner decoder taken into consideration.

  19. GAMERA - The New Magnetospheric Code (United States)

    Lyon, J.; Sorathia, K.; Zhang, B.; Merkin, V. G.; Wiltberger, M. J.; Daldorff, L. K. S.


    The Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry (LFM) code has been a main-line magnetospheric simulation code for 30 years. The code base, designed in the age of memory to memory vector ma- chines,is still in wide use for science production but needs upgrading to ensure the long term sustainability. In this presentation, we will discuss our recent efforts to update and improve that code base and also highlight some recent results. The new project GAM- ERA, Grid Agnostic MHD for Extended Research Applications, has kept the original design characteristics of the LFM and made significant improvements. The original de- sign included high order numerical differencing with very aggressive limiting, the ability to use arbitrary, but logically rectangular, grids, and maintenance of div B = 0 through the use of the Yee grid. Significant improvements include high-order upwinding and a non-clipping limiter. One other improvement with wider applicability is an im- proved averaging technique for the singularities in polar and spherical grids. The new code adopts a hybrid structure - multi-threaded OpenMP with an overarching MPI layer for large scale and coupled applications. The MPI layer uses a combination of standard MPI and the Global Array Toolkit from PNL to provide a lightweight mechanism for coupling codes together concurrently. The single processor code is highly efficient and can run magnetospheric simulations at the default CCMC resolution faster than real time on a MacBook pro. We have run the new code through the Athena suite of tests, and the results compare favorably with the codes available to the astrophysics community. LFM/GAMERA has been applied to many different situations ranging from the inner and outer heliosphere and magnetospheres of Venus, the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn. We present example results the Earth's magnetosphere including a coupled ring current (RCM), the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, and the inner heliosphere.

  20. Coded Splitting Tree Protocols

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Jesper Hemming; Stefanovic, Cedomir; Popovski, Petar


    This paper presents a novel approach to multiple access control called coded splitting tree protocol. The approach builds on the known tree splitting protocols, code structure and successive interference cancellation (SIC). Several instances of the tree splitting protocol are initiated, each...... instance is terminated prematurely and subsequently iterated. The combined set of leaves from all the tree instances can then be viewed as a graph code, which is decodable using belief propagation. The main design problem is determining the order of splitting, which enables successful decoding as early...

  1. Optimal Codes for the Burst Erasure Channel (United States)

    Hamkins, Jon


    Deep space communications over noisy channels lead to certain packets that are not decodable. These packets leave gaps, or bursts of erasures, in the data stream. Burst erasure correcting codes overcome this problem. These are forward erasure correcting codes that allow one to recover the missing gaps of data. Much of the recent work on this topic concentrated on Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes. These are more complicated to encode and decode than Single Parity Check (SPC) codes or Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, and so far have not been able to achieve the theoretical limit for burst erasure protection. A block interleaved maximum distance separable (MDS) code (e.g., an SPC or RS code) offers near-optimal burst erasure protection, in the sense that no other scheme of equal total transmission length and code rate could improve the guaranteed correctible burst erasure length by more than one symbol. The optimality does not depend on the length of the code, i.e., a short MDS code block interleaved to a given length would perform as well as a longer MDS code interleaved to the same overall length. As a result, this approach offers lower decoding complexity with better burst erasure protection compared to other recent designs for the burst erasure channel (e.g., LDPC codes). A limitation of the design is its lack of robustness to channels that have impairments other than burst erasures (e.g., additive white Gaussian noise), making its application best suited for correcting data erasures in layers above the physical layer. The efficiency of a burst erasure code is the length of its burst erasure correction capability divided by the theoretical upper limit on this length. The inefficiency is one minus the efficiency. The illustration compares the inefficiency of interleaved RS codes to Quasi-Cyclic (QC) LDPC codes, Euclidean Geometry (EG) LDPC codes, extended Irregular Repeat Accumulate (eIRA) codes, array codes, and random LDPC codes previously proposed for burst erasure

  2. Applications guide to the RSIC-distributed version of the MCNP code (coupled Monte Carlo neutron-photon Code)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cramer, S.N.


    An overview of the RSIC-distributed version of the MCNP code (a soupled Monte Carlo neutron-photon code) is presented. All general features of the code, from machine hardware requirements to theoretical details, are discussed. The current nuclide cross-section and other libraries available in the standard code package are specified, and a realistic example of the flexible geometry input is given. Standard and nonstandard source, estimator, and variance-reduction procedures are outlined. Examples of correct usage and possible misuse of certain code features are presented graphically and in standard output listings. Finally, itemized summaries of sample problems, various MCNP code documentation, and future work are given

  3. The RETRAN-03 computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paulsen, M.P.; McFadden, J.H.; Peterson, C.E.; McClure, J.A.; Gose, G.C.; Jensen, P.J.


    The RETRAN-03 code development effort is designed to overcome the major theoretical and practical limitations associated with the RETRAN-02 computer code. The major objectives of the development program are to extend the range of analyses that can be performed with RETRAN, to make the code more dependable and faster running, and to have a more transportable code. The first two objectives are accomplished by developing new models and adding other models to the RETRAN-02 base code. The major model additions for RETRAN-03 are as follows: implicit solution methods for the steady-state and transient forms of the field equations; additional options for the velocity difference equation; a new steady-state initialization option for computer low-power steam generator initial conditions; models for nonequilibrium thermodynamic conditions; and several special-purpose models. The source code and the environmental library for RETRAN-03 are written in standard FORTRAN 77, which allows the last objective to be fulfilled. Some models in RETRAN-02 have been deleted in RETRAN-03. In this paper the changes between RETRAN-02 and RETRAN-03 are reviewed

  4. Zebra: An advanced PWR lattice code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cao, L.; Wu, H.; Zheng, Y. [School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi' an Jiaotong Univ., No. 28, Xianning West Road, Xi' an, ShannXi, 710049 (China)


    This paper presents an overview of an advanced PWR lattice code ZEBRA developed at NECP laboratory in Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.. The multi-group cross-section library is generated from the ENDF/B-VII library by NJOY and the 361-group SHEM structure is employed. The resonance calculation module is developed based on sub-group method. The transport solver is Auto-MOC code, which is a self-developed code based on the Method of Characteristic and the customization of AutoCAD software. The whole code is well organized in a modular software structure. Some numerical results during the validation of the code demonstrate that this code has a good precision and a high efficiency. (authors)

  5. Code of Ethics for Electrical Engineers (United States)

    Matsuki, Junya

    The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) has established the rules of practice for its members recently, based on its code of ethics enacted in 1998. In this paper, first, the characteristics of the IEEJ 1998 ethical code are explained in detail compared to the other ethical codes for other fields of engineering. Secondly, the contents which shall be included in the modern code of ethics for electrical engineers are discussed. Thirdly, the newly-established rules of practice and the modified code of ethics are presented. Finally, results of questionnaires on the new ethical code and rules which were answered on May 23, 2007, by 51 electrical and electronic students of the University of Fukui are shown.

  6. Zebra: An advanced PWR lattice code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, L.; Wu, H.; Zheng, Y.


    This paper presents an overview of an advanced PWR lattice code ZEBRA developed at NECP laboratory in Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.. The multi-group cross-section library is generated from the ENDF/B-VII library by NJOY and the 361-group SHEM structure is employed. The resonance calculation module is developed based on sub-group method. The transport solver is Auto-MOC code, which is a self-developed code based on the Method of Characteristic and the customization of AutoCAD software. The whole code is well organized in a modular software structure. Some numerical results during the validation of the code demonstrate that this code has a good precision and a high efficiency. (authors)

  7. Manual of program operation for data analysis from radiometer system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva Mello, L.A.R. da; Migliora, C.G.S.


    This manual describes how to use the software to retrieve and analyse data from radiometer systems and raingauges used in the 12 GHz PROPAGATION MEASUREMENTS/CANADA - TELEBRAS COOPERATION PROGRAM. The data retrieval and analisys is being carried out by CETUC, as part of the activities of the project Simulacao de Enlaces Satelite (SES). The software for these tasks has been supplied by the Canadian Research Centre (CRC), together with the measurement equipment. The two following sections describe the use of the data retrieval routines and the data analysis routines of program ATTEN. Also, a quick reference guide for commands that can be used when a microcomputer is local or remotely connected to a radiometer indoor unit is included as a last section. A more detailed description of these commands, their objectives and cautions that should de taken when using them can be found in the manual ''12 GHz Propagation Measurements System - Volume 1 - Dual Slope Radiometer and Data Aquisition System'', supplied by Diversitel Communications Inc. (author) [pt

  8. SIMODIS - a software package for simulating nuclear reactor components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guimaraes, Lamartine; Borges, Eduardo M.


    In this paper it is presented the initial development effort in building a nuclear reactor component simulation package. This package was developed to be used in the MATLAB simulation environment. It uses the graphical capabilities from MATLAB and the advantages of compiled languages, as for instance FORTRAN and C ++ . From the MATLAB it takes the facilities for better displaying the calculated results. From the compiled languages it takes processing speed. So far models from reactor core, UTSG and OTSG have been developed. Also, a series a user-friendly graphical interfaces have been developed for the above models. As a by product a set of water and sodium thermal and physical properties have been developed and may be used directly as a function from MATLAB, or by being called from a model, as part of its calculation process. The whole set was named SIMODIS, which stands for SIstema MODular Integrado de Simulacao. (author)

  9. User's manual for computer code RIBD-II, a fission product inventory code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marr, D.R.


    The computer code RIBD-II is used to calculate inventories, activities, decay powers, and energy releases for the fission products generated in a fuel irradiation. Changes from the earlier RIBD code are: the expansion to include up to 850 fission product isotopes, input in the user-oriented NAMELIST format, and run-time choice of fuels from an extensively enlarged library of nuclear data. The library that is included in the code package contains yield data for 818 fission product isotopes for each of fourteen different fissionable isotopes, together with fission product transmutation cross sections for fast and thermal systems. Calculational algorithms are little changed from those in RIBD. (U.S.)

  10. Lattice polytopes in coding theory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivan Soprunov


    Full Text Available In this paper we discuss combinatorial questions about lattice polytopes motivated by recent results on minimum distance estimation for toric codes. We also include a new inductive bound for the minimum distance of generalized toric codes. As an application, we give new formulas for the minimum distance of generalized toric codes for special lattice point configurations.

  11. Computer codes for safety analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holland, D.F.


    Computer codes for fusion safety analysis have been under development in the United States for about a decade. This paper will discuss five codes that are currently under development by the Fusion Safety Program. The purpose and capability of each code will be presented, a sample given, followed by a discussion of the present status and future development plans

  12. New binary linear codes which are dual transforms of good codes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jaffe, D.B.; Simonis, J.


    If C is a binary linear code, one may choose a subset S of C, and form a new code CST which is the row space of the matrix having the elements of S as its columns. One way of picking S is to choose a subgroup H of Aut(C) and let S be some H-stable subset of C. Using (primarily) this method for

  13. A progressive data compression scheme based upon adaptive transform coding: Mixture block coding of natural images (United States)

    Rost, Martin C.; Sayood, Khalid


    A method for efficiently coding natural images using a vector-quantized variable-blocksized transform source coder is presented. The method, mixture block coding (MBC), incorporates variable-rate coding by using a mixture of discrete cosine transform (DCT) source coders. Which coders are selected to code any given image region is made through a threshold driven distortion criterion. In this paper, MBC is used in two different applications. The base method is concerned with single-pass low-rate image data compression. The second is a natural extension of the base method which allows for low-rate progressive transmission (PT). Since the base method adapts easily to progressive coding, it offers the aesthetic advantage of progressive coding without incorporating extensive channel overhead. Image compression rates of approximately 0.5 bit/pel are demonstrated for both monochrome and color images.

  14. Code Package to Analyze Parameters of the WWER Fuel Rod. TOPRA-2 Code - Verification Data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheglov, A.; Proselkov, V.; Passage, G.; Stefanova, S.


    Presented are the data for computer codes to analyze WWER fuel rods, used in the WWER department of RRC 'Kurchatov Institute'. Presented is the description of TOPRA-2 code intended for the engineering analysis of thermophysical and strength parameters of the WWER fuel rod - temperature distributions along the fuel radius, gas pressures under the cladding, stresses in the cladding, etc. for the reactor operation in normal conditions. Presented are some results of the code verification against test problems and the data obtained in the experimental programs. Presented are comparison results of the calculations with TOPRA-2 and TRANSURANUS (V1M1J06) codes. Results obtained in the course of verification demonstrate possibility of application of the methodology and TOPRA-2 code for the engineering analysis of the WWER fuel rods

  15. Rate-Compatible Protograph LDPC Codes (United States)

    Nguyen, Thuy V. (Inventor); Nosratinia, Aria (Inventor); Divsalar, Dariush (Inventor)


    Digital communication coding methods resulting in rate-compatible low density parity-check (LDPC) codes built from protographs. Described digital coding methods start with a desired code rate and a selection of the numbers of variable nodes and check nodes to be used in the protograph. Constraints are set to satisfy a linear minimum distance growth property for the protograph. All possible edges in the graph are searched for the minimum iterative decoding threshold and the protograph with the lowest iterative decoding threshold is selected. Protographs designed in this manner are used in decode and forward relay channels.

  16. Why comply with a code of ethics? (United States)

    Spielthenner, Georg


    A growing number of professional associations and occupational groups are creating codes of ethics with the goal of guiding their members, protecting service users, and safeguarding the reputation of the profession. There is a great deal of literature dealing with the question to what extent ethical codes can achieve their desired objectives. The present paper does not contribute to this debate. Its aim is rather to investigate how rational it is to comply with codes of conduct. It is natural and virtually inevitable for a reflective person to ask why one should pay any attention to ethical codes, in particular if following a code is not in one's own interest. In order to achieve the aim of this paper, I shall (in "Quasi-reasons for complying with an ethical code" section) discuss reasons that only appear to be reasons for complying with a code. In "Code-independent reasons" section, I shall present genuine practical reasons that, however, turn out to be reasons of the wrong kind. In "Code-dependent reasons" section finally presents the most important reasons for complying with ethical codes. The paper argues that while ethical codes do not necessarily yield reasons for action, professionals can have genuine reasons for complying with a code, which may, however, be rather weak and easily overridden by reasons for deviating from the code.

  17. Distributed source coding of video

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Forchhammer, Søren; Van Luong, Huynh


    A foundation for distributed source coding was established in the classic papers of Slepian-Wolf (SW) [1] and Wyner-Ziv (WZ) [2]. This has provided a starting point for work on Distributed Video Coding (DVC), which exploits the source statistics at the decoder side offering shifting processing...... steps, conventionally performed at the video encoder side, to the decoder side. Emerging applications such as wireless visual sensor networks and wireless video surveillance all require lightweight video encoding with high coding efficiency and error-resilience. The video data of DVC schemes differ from...... the assumptions of SW and WZ distributed coding, e.g. by being correlated in time and nonstationary. Improving the efficiency of DVC coding is challenging. This paper presents some selected techniques to address the DVC challenges. Focus is put on pin-pointing how the decoder steps are modified to provide...

  18. Verification of reactor safety codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murley, T.E.


    The safety evaluation of nuclear power plants requires the investigation of wide range of potential accidents that could be postulated to occur. Many of these accidents deal with phenomena that are outside the range of normal engineering experience. Because of the expense and difficulty of full scale tests covering the complete range of accident conditions, it is necessary to rely on complex computer codes to assess these accidents. The central role that computer codes play in safety analyses requires that the codes be verified, or tested, by comparing the code predictions with a wide range of experimental data chosen to span the physical phenomena expected under potential accident conditions. This paper discusses the plans of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for verifying the reactor safety codes being developed by NRC to assess the safety of light water reactors and fast breeder reactors. (author)

  19. Tristan code and its application (United States)

    Nishikawa, K.-I.

    Since TRISTAN: The 3-D Electromagnetic Particle Code was introduced in 1990, it has been used for many applications including the simulations of global solar windmagnetosphere interaction. The most essential ingridients of this code have been published in the ISSS-4 book. In this abstract we describe some of issues and an application of this code for the study of global solar wind-magnetosphere interaction including a substorm study. The basic code (tristan.f) for the global simulation and a local simulation of reconnection with a Harris model (issrec2.f) are available at http:/˜kenichi. For beginners the code (isssrc2.f) with simpler boundary conditions is suitable to start to run simulations. The future of global particle simulations for a global geospace general circulation (GGCM) model with predictive capability (for Space Weather Program) is discussed.

  20. Monomial codes seen as invariant subspaces

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García-Planas María Isabel


    Full Text Available It is well known that cyclic codes are very useful because of their applications, since they are not computationally expensive and encoding can be easily implemented. The relationship between cyclic codes and invariant subspaces is also well known. In this paper a generalization of this relationship is presented between monomial codes over a finite field and hyperinvariant subspaces of n under an appropriate linear transformation. Using techniques of Linear Algebra it is possible to deduce certain properties for this particular type of codes, generalizing known results on cyclic codes.

  1. TRAC code development status and plans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spore, J.W.; Liles, D.R.; Nelson, R.A.


    This report summarizes the characteristics and current status of the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 computer code. Recent error corrections and user-convenience features are described, and several user enhancements are identified. Current plans for the release of the TRAC-PF1/MOD2 computer code and some preliminary MOD2 results are presented. This new version of the TRAC code implements stability-enhancing two-step numerics into the 3-D vessel, using partial vectorization to obtain a code that has run 400% faster than the MOD1 code

  2. Computer code ANISN multiplying media and shielding calculation 2. Code description (input/output)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maiorino, J.R.


    The new code CCC-0514-ANISN/PC is described, as well as a ''GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ANISN/PC code''. In addition to the ANISN/PC code, the transmittal package includes an interactive input generation programme called APE (ANISN Processor and Evaluator), which facilitates the work of the user in giving input. Also, a 21 group photon cross section master library FLUNGP.LIB in ISOTX format, which can be edited by an executable file LMOD.EXE, is included in the package. The input and output subroutines are reviewed. 6 refs, 1 fig., 1 tab

  3. Status of SPACE Safety Analysis Code Development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Dong Hyuk; Yang, Chang Keun; Kim, Se Yun; Ha, Sang Jun


    In 2006, the Korean the Korean nuclear industry started developing a thermal-hydraulic analysis code for safety analysis of PWR(Pressurized Water Reactor). The new code is named as SPACE(Safety and Performance Analysis Code for Nuclear Power Plant). The SPACE code can solve two-fluid, three-field governing equations in one dimensional or three dimensional geometry. The SPACE code has many component models required for modeling a PWR, such as reactor coolant pump, safety injection tank, etc. The programming language used in the new code is C++, for new generation of engineers who are more comfortable with C/C++ than old FORTRAN language. This paper describes general characteristics of SPACE code and current status of SPACE code development

  4. The ZPIC educational code suite (United States)

    Calado, R.; Pardal, M.; Ninhos, P.; Helm, A.; Mori, W. B.; Decyk, V. K.; Vieira, J.; Silva, L. O.; Fonseca, R. A.


    Particle-in-Cell (PIC) codes are used in almost all areas of plasma physics, such as fusion energy research, plasma accelerators, space physics, ion propulsion, and plasma processing, and many other areas. In this work, we present the ZPIC educational code suite, a new initiative to foster training in plasma physics using computer simulations. Leveraging on our expertise and experience from the development and use of the OSIRIS PIC code, we have developed a suite of 1D/2D fully relativistic electromagnetic PIC codes, as well as 1D electrostatic. These codes are self-contained and require only a standard laptop/desktop computer with a C compiler to be run. The output files are written in a new file format called ZDF that can be easily read using the supplied routines in a number of languages, such as Python, and IDL. The code suite also includes a number of example problems that can be used to illustrate several textbook and advanced plasma mechanisms, including instructions for parameter space exploration. We also invite contributions to this repository of test problems that will be made freely available to the community provided the input files comply with the format defined by the ZPIC team. The code suite is freely available and hosted on GitHub at Work partially supported by PICKSC.

  5. Coded communications with nonideal interleaving (United States)

    Laufer, Shaul


    Burst error channels - a type of block interference channels - feature increasing capacity but decreasing cutoff rate as the memory rate increases. Despite the large capacity, there is degradation in the performance of practical coding schemes when the memory length is excessive. A short-coding error parameter (SCEP) was introduced, which expresses a bound on the average decoding-error probability for codes shorter than the block interference length. The performance of a coded slow frequency-hopping communication channel is analyzed for worst-case partial band jamming and nonideal interleaving, by deriving expressions for the capacity and cutoff rate. The capacity and cutoff rate, respectively, are shown to approach and depart from those of a memoryless channel corresponding to the transmission of a single code letter per hop. For multiaccess communications over a slot-synchronized collision channel without feedback, the channel was considered as a block interference channel with memory length equal to the number of letters transmitted in each slot. The effects of an asymmetrical background noise and a reduced collision error rate were studied, as aspects of real communications. The performance of specific convolutional and Reed-Solomon codes was examined for slow frequency-hopping systems with nonideal interleaving. An upper bound is presented for the performance of a Viterbi decoder for a convolutional code with nonideal interleaving, and a soft decision diversity combining technique is introduced.

  6. 45 CFR 162.1011 - Valid code sets. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Valid code sets. 162.1011 Section 162.1011 Public... ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Code Sets § 162.1011 Valid code sets. Each code set is valid within the dates specified by the organization responsible for maintaining that code set. ...

  7. Computer codes in particle transport physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pesic, M.


    Simulation of transport and interaction of various particles in complex media and wide energy range (from 1 MeV up to 1 TeV) is very complicated problem that requires valid model of a real process in nature and appropriate solving tool - computer code and data library. A brief overview of computer codes based on Monte Carlo techniques for simulation of transport and interaction of hadrons and ions in wide energy range in three dimensional (3D) geometry is shown. Firstly, a short attention is paid to underline the approach to the solution of the problem - process in nature - by selection of the appropriate 3D model and corresponding tools - computer codes and cross sections data libraries. Process of data collection and evaluation from experimental measurements and theoretical approach to establishing reliable libraries of evaluated cross sections data is Ion g, difficult and not straightforward activity. For this reason, world reference data centers and specialized ones are acknowledged, together with the currently available, state of art evaluated nuclear data libraries, as the ENDF/B-VI, JEF, JENDL, CENDL, BROND, etc. Codes for experimental and theoretical data evaluations (e.g., SAMMY and GNASH) together with the codes for data processing (e.g., NJOY, PREPRO and GRUCON) are briefly described. Examples of data evaluation and data processing to generate computer usable data libraries are shown. Among numerous and various computer codes developed in transport physics of particles, the most general ones are described only: MCNPX, FLUKA and SHIELD. A short overview of basic application of these codes, physical models implemented with their limitations, energy ranges of particles and types of interactions, is given. General information about the codes covers also programming language, operation system, calculation speed and the code availability. An example of increasing computation speed of running MCNPX code using a MPI cluster compared to the code sequential option

  8. NSURE code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rattan, D.S.


    NSURE stands for Near-Surface Repository code. NSURE is a performance assessment code. developed for the safety assessment of near-surface disposal facilities for low-level radioactive waste (LLRW). Part one of this report documents the NSURE model, governing equations and formulation of the mathematical models, and their implementation under the SYVAC3 executive. The NSURE model simulates the release of nuclides from an engineered vault, their subsequent transport via the groundwater and surface water pathways tot he biosphere, and predicts the resulting dose rate to a critical individual. Part two of this report consists of a User's manual, describing simulation procedures, input data preparation, output and example test cases

  9. Tribal Green Building Administrative Code Example (United States)

    This Tribal Green Building Administrative Code Example can be used as a template for technical code selection (i.e., building, electrical, plumbing, etc.) to be adopted as a comprehensive building code.

  10. NOAA Weather Radio - EAS Event Codes (United States)

    Non-Zero All Hazards Logo Emergency Alert Description Event Codes Fact Sheet FAQ Organization Search Coding Using SAME SAME Non-Zero Codes DOCUMENTS NWR Poster NWR Brochure NWR Brochure Printing Notes

  11. Some new quasi-twisted ternary linear codes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rumen Daskalov


    Full Text Available Let [n, k, d]_q code be a linear code of length n, dimension k and minimum Hamming distance d over GF(q. One of the basic and most important problems in coding theory is to construct codes with best possible minimum distances. In this paper seven quasi-twisted ternary linear codes are constructed. These codes are new and improve the best known lower bounds on the minimum distance in [6].

  12. Vectorization of nuclear codes 90-1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nonomiya, Iwao; Nemoto, Toshiyuki; Ishiguro, Misako; Harada, Hiroo; Hori, Takeo.


    The vectorization has been made for four codes: SONATINA-2V HTTR version, TRIDOSE, VIENUS, and SCRYU. SONATINA-2V HTTR version is a code for analyzing the dynamic behavior of fuel blocks in the vertical slice of the HTGR (High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor) core under seismic perturbation, TRIDOSE is a code for calculating environmental tritium concentration and dose, VIENUS is a code for analyzing visco elastic stress of the fuel block of HTTR (High Temperature gas-cooled Test Reactor), and SCRYU is a thermal-hydraulics code with boundary fitted coordinate system. The total speedup ratio of the vectorized versions to the original scalar ones is 5.2 for SONATINA-2V HTTR version. 5.9 ∼ 6.9 for TRIDOSE, 6.7 for VIENUS, 7.6 for SCRYU, respectively. In this report, we describe outline of codes, techniques used for the vectorization, verification of computed results, and speedup effect on the vectorized codes. (author)

  13. Computer Security: is your code sane?

    CERN Multimedia

    Stefan Lueders, Computer Security Team


    How many of us write code? Software? Programs? Scripts? How many of us are properly trained in this and how well do we do it? Do we write functional, clean and correct code, without flaws, bugs and vulnerabilities*? In other words: are our codes sane?   Figuring out weaknesses is not that easy (see our quiz in an earlier Bulletin article). Therefore, in order to improve the sanity of your code, prevent common pit-falls, and avoid the bugs and vulnerabilities that can crash your code, or – worse – that can be misused and exploited by attackers, the CERN Computer Security team has reviewed its recommendations for checking the security compliance of your code. “Static Code Analysers” are stand-alone programs that can be run on top of your software stack, regardless of whether it uses Java, C/C++, Perl, PHP, Python, etc. These analysers identify weaknesses and inconsistencies including: employing undeclared variables; expressions resu...

  14. Short-Block Protograph-Based LDPC Codes (United States)

    Divsalar, Dariush; Dolinar, Samuel; Jones, Christopher


    Short-block low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes of a special type are intended to be especially well suited for potential applications that include transmission of command and control data, cellular telephony, data communications in wireless local area networks, and satellite data communications. [In general, LDPC codes belong to a class of error-correcting codes suitable for use in a variety of wireless data-communication systems that include noisy channels.] The codes of the present special type exhibit low error floors, low bit and frame error rates, and low latency (in comparison with related prior codes). These codes also achieve low maximum rate of undetected errors over all signal-to-noise ratios, without requiring the use of cyclic redundancy checks, which would significantly increase the overhead for short blocks. These codes have protograph representations; this is advantageous in that, for reasons that exceed the scope of this article, the applicability of protograph representations makes it possible to design highspeed iterative decoders that utilize belief- propagation algorithms.

  15. International Accreditation of ASME Codes and Standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, Mervin R.


    ASME established a Boiler Code Committee to develop rules for the design, fabrication and inspection of boilers. This year we recognize 75 years of that Code and will publish a history of that 75 years. The first Code and subsequent editions provided for a Code Symbol Stamp or mark which could be affixed by a manufacturer to a newly constructed product to certify that the manufacturer had designed, fabricated and had inspected it in accordance with Code requirements. The purpose of the ASME Mark is to identify those boilers that meet ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code requirements. Through thousands of updates over the years, the Code has been revised to reflect technological advances and changing safety needs. Its scope has been broadened from boilers to include pressure vessels, nuclear components and systems. Proposed revisions to the Code are published for public review and comment four times per year and revisions and interpretations are published annually; it's a living and constantly evolving Code. You and your organizations are a vital part of the feedback system that keeps the Code alive. Because of this dynamic Code, we no longer have columns in newspapers listing boiler explosions. Nevertheless, it has been argued recently that ASME should go further in internationalizing its Code. Specifically, representatives of several countries, have suggested that ASME delegate to them responsibility for Code implementation within their national boundaries. The question is, thus, posed: Has the time come to franchise responsibility for administration of ASME's Code accreditation programs to foreign entities or, perhaps, 'institutes.' And if so, how should this be accomplished?

  16. Rulemaking efforts on codes and standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Millman, G.C.


    Section 50.55a of the NRC regulations provides a mechanism for incorporating national codes and standards into the regulatory process. It incorporates by reference ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME B and PV Code) Section 3 rules for construction and Section 11 rules for inservice inspection and inservice testing. The regulation is periodically amended to update these references. The rulemaking process, as applied to Section 50.55a amendments, is overviewed to familiarize users with associated internal activities of the NRC staff and the manner in which public comments are integrated into the process. The four ongoing rulemaking actions that would individually amend Section 50.55a are summarized. Two of the actions would directly impact requirements for inservice testing. Benefits accrued with NRC endorsement of the ASME B and PV Code, and possible future endorsement of the ASME Operations and Maintenance Code (ASME OM Code), are identified. Emphasis is placed on the need for code writing committees to be especially sensitive to user feedback on code rules incorporated into the regulatory process to ensure that the rules are complete, technically accurate, clear, practical, and enforceable

  17. Multiplexed coding in the human basal ganglia (United States)

    Andres, D. S.; Cerquetti, D.; Merello, M.


    A classic controversy in neuroscience is whether information carried by spike trains is encoded by a time averaged measure (e.g. a rate code), or by complex time patterns (i.e. a time code). Here we apply a tool to quantitatively analyze the neural code. We make use of an algorithm based on the calculation of the temporal structure function, which permits to distinguish what scales of a signal are dominated by a complex temporal organization or a randomly generated process. In terms of the neural code, this kind of analysis makes it possible to detect temporal scales at which a time patterns coding scheme or alternatively a rate code are present. Additionally, finding the temporal scale at which the correlation between interspike intervals fades, the length of the basic information unit of the code can be established, and hence the word length of the code can be found. We apply this algorithm to neuronal recordings obtained from the Globus Pallidus pars interna from a human patient with Parkinson’s disease, and show that a time pattern coding and a rate coding scheme co-exist at different temporal scales, offering a new example of multiplexed neuronal coding.

  18. Optical image encryption based on real-valued coding and subtracting with the help of QR code (United States)

    Deng, Xiaopeng


    A novel optical image encryption based on real-valued coding and subtracting is proposed with the help of quick response (QR) code. In the encryption process, the original image to be encoded is firstly transformed into the corresponding QR code, and then the corresponding QR code is encoded into two phase-only masks (POMs) by using basic vector operations. Finally, the absolute values of the real or imaginary parts of the two POMs are chosen as the ciphertexts. In decryption process, the QR code can be approximately restored by recording the intensity of the subtraction between the ciphertexts, and hence the original image can be retrieved without any quality loss by scanning the restored QR code with a smartphone. Simulation results and actual smartphone collected results show that the method is feasible and has strong tolerance to noise, phase difference and ratio between intensities of the two decryption light beams.

  19. Analysis of the Length of Braille Texts in English Braille American Edition, the Nemeth Code, and Computer Braille Code versus the Unified English Braille Code (United States)

    Knowlton, Marie; Wetzel, Robin


    This study compared the length of text in English Braille American Edition, the Nemeth code, and the computer braille code with the Unified English Braille Code (UEBC)--also known as Unified English Braille (UEB). The findings indicate that differences in the length of text are dependent on the type of material that is transcribed and the grade…

  20. Fundamentals of information theory and coding design

    CERN Document Server

    Togneri, Roberto


    In a clear, concise, and modular format, this book introduces the fundamental concepts and mathematics of information and coding theory. The authors emphasize how a code is designed and discuss the main properties and characteristics of different coding algorithms along with strategies for selecting the appropriate codes to meet specific requirements. They provide comprehensive coverage of source and channel coding, address arithmetic, BCH, and Reed-Solomon codes and explore some more advanced topics such as PPM compression and turbo codes. Worked examples and sets of basic and advanced exercises in each chapter reinforce the text's clear explanations of all concepts and methodologies.

  1. A Comparative Study on Seismic Analysis of Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) with Other Building Codes (United States)

    Bari, Md. S.; Das, T.


    Tectonic framework of Bangladesh and adjoining areas indicate that Bangladesh lies well within an active seismic zone. The after effect of earthquake is more severe in an underdeveloped and a densely populated country like ours than any other developed countries. Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) was first established in 1993 to provide guidelines for design and construction of new structure subject to earthquake ground motions in order to minimize the risk to life for all structures. A revision of BNBC 1993 is undergoing to make this up to date with other international building codes. This paper aims at the comparison of various provisions of seismic analysis as given in building codes of different countries. This comparison will give an idea regarding where our country stands when it comes to safety against earth quake. Primarily, various seismic parameters in BNBC 2010 (draft) have been studied and compared with that of BNBC 1993. Later, both 1993 and 2010 edition of BNBC codes have been compared graphically with building codes of other countries such as National Building Code of India 2005 (NBC-India 2005), American Society of Civil Engineering 7-05 (ASCE 7-05). The base shear/weight ratios have been plotted against the height of the building. The investigation in this paper reveals that BNBC 1993 has the least base shear among all the codes. Factored Base shear values of BNBC 2010 are found to have increased significantly than that of BNBC 1993 for low rise buildings (≤20 m) around the country than its predecessor. Despite revision of the code, BNBC 2010 (draft) still suggests less base shear values when compared to the Indian and American code. Therefore, this increase in factor of safety against the earthquake imposed by the proposed BNBC 2010 code by suggesting higher values of base shear is appreciable.

  2. Comparison of design margin for core shroud in between design and construction code and fitness-for-service code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dozaki, Koji


    Structural design methods for core shroud of BWR are specified in JSME Design and Construction Code, like ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sec. III, as a part of core support structure. Design margins are defined according to combination of the structural design method selected and service limit considered. Basically, those margins in JSME Code were determined after ASME Sec. III. Designers can select so-called twice-slope method for core shroud design among those design methods. On the other hand, flaw evaluation rules have been established for core shroud in JSME Fitness-for-Service Code. Twice-slope method is also adopted for fracture evaluation in that code even when the core shroud contains a flaw. Design margin was determined as structural factors separately from Design and Construction Code. As a natural consequence, there is a difference in those design margins between the two codes. In this paper, it is shown that the design margin in Fitness-for-Service Code is conservative by experimental evidences. Comparison of design margins between the two codes is discussed. (author)

  3. An Auto sequence Code to Integrate a Neutron Unfolding Code with thePC-MCA Accuspec

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In a neutron spectrometry using proton recoil method, the neutronunfolding code is needed to unfold the measured proton spectrum to become theneutron spectrum. The process of the unfolding neutron in the existingneutron spectrometry which was successfully installed last year was doneseparately. This manuscript reports that the auto sequence code to integratethe neutron unfolding code UNFSPEC.EXE with the software facility of thePC-MCA Accuspec has been made and run successfully so that the new neutronspectrometry become compact. The auto sequence code was written based on therules in application program facility of PC-MCA Accuspec and then it wascompiled using AC-EXE. Result of the test of the auto sequence code showedthat for binning width 20, 30, and 40 giving a little different spectrumshape. The binning width around 30 gives a better spectrum in mean of givingsmall error compared to the others. (author)

  4. Geographic data: Zip Codes (Shape File) (United States)

    Montgomery County of Maryland — This dataset contains all zip codes in Montgomery County. Zip codes are the postal delivery areas defined by USPS. Zip codes with mailboxes only are not included. As...

  5. Fast code for Monte Carlo simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, P.M.C. de; Penna, T.J.P.


    A computer code to generate the dynamic evolution of the Ising model on a square lattice, following the Metropolis algorithm is presented. The computer time consumption is reduced by a factor of 8 when one compares our code with traditional multiple spin codes. The memory allocation size is also reduced by a factor of 4. The code is easily generalizable for other lattices and models. (author) [pt

  6. Fuel performance analysis code 'FAIR'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swami Prasad, P.; Dutta, B.K.; Kushwaha, H.S.; Mahajan, S.C.; Kakodkar, A.


    For modelling nuclear reactor fuel rod behaviour of water cooled reactors under severe power maneuvering and high burnups, a mechanistic fuel performance analysis code FAIR has been developed. The code incorporates finite element based thermomechanical module, physically based fission gas release module and relevant models for modelling fuel related phenomena, such as, pellet cracking, densification and swelling, radial flux redistribution across the pellet due to the build up of plutonium near the pellet surface, pellet clad mechanical interaction/stress corrosion cracking (PCMI/SSC) failure of sheath etc. The code follows the established principles of fuel rod analysis programmes, such as coupling of thermal and mechanical solutions along with the fission gas release calculations, analysing different axial segments of fuel rod simultaneously, providing means for performing local analysis such as clad ridging analysis etc. The modular nature of the code offers flexibility in affecting modifications easily to the code for modelling MOX fuels and thorium based fuels. For performing analysis of fuel rods subjected to very long power histories within a reasonable amount of time, the code has been parallelised and is commissioned on the ANUPAM parallel processing system developed at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC). (author). 37 refs

  7. What Froze the Genetic Code?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lluís Ribas de Pouplana


    Full Text Available The frozen accident theory of the Genetic Code was a proposal by Francis Crick that attempted to explain the universal nature of the Genetic Code and the fact that it only contains information for twenty amino acids. Fifty years later, it is clear that variations to the universal Genetic Code exist in nature and that translation is not limited to twenty amino acids. However, given the astonishing diversity of life on earth, and the extended evolutionary time that has taken place since the emergence of the extant Genetic Code, the idea that the translation apparatus is for the most part immobile remains true. Here, we will offer a potential explanation to the reason why the code has remained mostly stable for over three billion years, and discuss some of the mechanisms that allow species to overcome the intrinsic functional limitations of the protein synthesis machinery.

  8. What Froze the Genetic Code? (United States)

    Ribas de Pouplana, Lluís; Torres, Adrian Gabriel; Rafels-Ybern, Àlbert


    The frozen accident theory of the Genetic Code was a proposal by Francis Crick that attempted to explain the universal nature of the Genetic Code and the fact that it only contains information for twenty amino acids. Fifty years later, it is clear that variations to the universal Genetic Code exist in nature and that translation is not limited to twenty amino acids. However, given the astonishing diversity of life on earth, and the extended evolutionary time that has taken place since the emergence of the extant Genetic Code, the idea that the translation apparatus is for the most part immobile remains true. Here, we will offer a potential explanation to the reason why the code has remained mostly stable for over three billion years, and discuss some of the mechanisms that allow species to overcome the intrinsic functional limitations of the protein synthesis machinery.

  9. Implementation of LT codes based on chaos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Qian; Li Liang; Chen Zengqiang; Zhao Jiaxiang


    Fountain codes provide an efficient way to transfer information over erasure channels like the Internet. LT codes are the first codes fully realizing the digital fountain concept. They are asymptotically optimal rateless erasure codes with highly efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In theory, for each encoding symbol of LT codes, its degree is randomly chosen according to a predetermined degree distribution, and its neighbours used to generate that encoding symbol are chosen uniformly at random. Practical implementation of LT codes usually realizes the randomness through pseudo-randomness number generator like linear congruential method. This paper applies the pseudo-randomness of chaotic sequence in the implementation of LT codes. Two Kent chaotic maps are used to determine the degree and neighbour(s) of each encoding symbol. It is shown that the implemented LT codes based on chaos perform better than the LT codes implemented by the traditional pseudo-randomness number generator. (general)

  10. A method for modeling co-occurrence propensity of clinical codes with application to ICD-10-PCS auto-coding. (United States)

    Subotin, Michael; Davis, Anthony R


    Natural language processing methods for medical auto-coding, or automatic generation of medical billing codes from electronic health records, generally assign each code independently of the others. They may thus assign codes for closely related procedures or diagnoses to the same document, even when they do not tend to occur together in practice, simply because the right choice can be difficult to infer from the clinical narrative. We propose a method that injects awareness of the propensities for code co-occurrence into this process. First, a model is trained to estimate the conditional probability that one code is assigned by a human coder, given than another code is known to have been assigned to the same document. Then, at runtime, an iterative algorithm is used to apply this model to the output of an existing statistical auto-coder to modify the confidence scores of the codes. We tested this method in combination with a primary auto-coder for International Statistical Classification of Diseases-10 procedure codes, achieving a 12% relative improvement in F-score over the primary auto-coder baseline. The proposed method can be used, with appropriate features, in combination with any auto-coder that generates codes with different levels of confidence. The promising results obtained for International Statistical Classification of Diseases-10 procedure codes suggest that the proposed method may have wider applications in auto-coding. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  11. Performance enhancement of optical code-division multiple-access systems using transposed modified Walsh code (United States)

    Sikder, Somali; Ghosh, Shila


    This paper presents the construction of unipolar transposed modified Walsh code (TMWC) and analysis of its performance in optical code-division multiple-access (OCDMA) systems. Specifically, the signal-to-noise ratio, bit error rate (BER), cardinality, and spectral efficiency were investigated. The theoretical analysis demonstrated that the wavelength-hopping time-spreading system using TMWC was robust against multiple-access interference and more spectrally efficient than systems using other existing OCDMA codes. In particular, the spectral efficiency was calculated to be 1.0370 when TMWC of weight 3 was employed. The BER and eye pattern for the designed TMWC were also successfully obtained using OptiSystem simulation software. The results indicate that the proposed code design is promising for enhancing network capacity.

  12. ENDF utility codes version 6.8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLaughlin, P.K.


    Description and operating instructions are given for a package of utility codes operating on evaluated nuclear data files in the formats ENDF-5 and ENDF-6. Included are the data checking codes CHECKER, FIZCON, PSYCHE; the code INTER for retrieving thermal cross-sections and some other data; graphical plotting codes PLOTEF, GRALIB, graphic device interface subroutine library INTLIB; and the file maintenance and retrieval codes LISTEF, SETMDC, GETMAT, STANEF. This program package which is designed for CDC, IBM, DEC and PC computers, can be obtained on magnetic tape or floppy diskette, free of charge, from the IAEA Nuclear Data Section. (author)

  13. Programming Entity Framework Code First

    CERN Document Server

    Lerman, Julia


    Take advantage of the Code First data modeling approach in ADO.NET Entity Framework, and learn how to build and configure a model based on existing classes in your business domain. With this concise book, you'll work hands-on with examples to learn how Code First can create an in-memory model and database by default, and how you can exert more control over the model through further configuration. Code First provides an alternative to the database first and model first approaches to the Entity Data Model. Learn the benefits of defining your model with code, whether you're working with an exis

  14. Squares of Random Linear Codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cascudo Pueyo, Ignacio; Cramer, Ronald; Mirandola, Diego


    a positive answer, for codes of dimension $k$ and length roughly $\\frac{1}{2}k^2$ or smaller. Moreover, the convergence speed is exponential if the difference $k(k+1)/2-n$ is at least linear in $k$. The proof uses random coding and combinatorial arguments, together with algebraic tools involving the precise......Given a linear code $C$, one can define the $d$-th power of $C$ as the span of all componentwise products of $d$ elements of $C$. A power of $C$ may quickly fill the whole space. Our purpose is to answer the following question: does the square of a code ``typically'' fill the whole space? We give...

  15. Challenge: Code of environmental law; Herausforderung Umweltgesetzbuch

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Within the meeting ''Challenge: Code of environmental law'' at 16th February, 2007, in Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany) and organized by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany), the following lectures were held: (a) the new code of environmental law as a contribution to more modernness and efficiency in the environmental politics (Sigmar Gabriel); (b) The code of environmental law from the view of the economy (Martin Wansleben); (c) Significance of the code of environmental law from the view of jurisprudence (Michael Kloepfer); (d) Targets, content and utility of the code of environmental law: Summary of the panel discussion (Tanja Goenner, Klaus Mittelbach, Juergen Resch, Hans-Joachim Koch, Alfred Wirtz, Andreas Troge (moderator)); (e) Considerations to the coding of water law in the code of environmental law (Helge Wendenburg); (f) Considerations to the coding of water law: Summary of te discussion; (g) Considerations to the coding of nature conservation law (Jochen Flasbarth); (h) Considerations to the coding of nature conservation law: Summary of the discussion.

  16. H.264 Layered Coded Video over Wireless Networks: Channel Coding and Modulation Constraints

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghandi MM


    Full Text Available This paper considers the prioritised transmission of H.264 layered coded video over wireless channels. For appropriate protection of video data, methods such as prioritised forward error correction coding (FEC or hierarchical quadrature amplitude modulation (HQAM can be employed, but each imposes system constraints. FEC provides good protection but at the price of a high overhead and complexity. HQAM is less complex and does not introduce any overhead, but permits only fixed data ratios between the priority layers. Such constraints are analysed and practical solutions are proposed for layered transmission of data-partitioned and SNR-scalable coded video where combinations of HQAM and FEC are used to exploit the advantages of both coding methods. Simulation results show that the flexibility of SNR scalability and absence of picture drift imply that SNR scalability as modelled is superior to data partitioning in such applications.

  17. Quick Response Code Secure: A Cryptographically Secure Anti-Phishing Tool for QR Code Attacks


    Mavroeidis, Vasileios; Nicho, Mathew


    The two-dimensional quick response (QR) codes can be misleading due to the difficulty in differentiating a genuine QR code from a malicious one. Since the vulnerability is practically part of their design, scanning a malicious QR code can direct the user to cloned malicious sites resulting in revealing sensitive information. In order to evaluate the vulnerabilities and propose subsequent countermeasures, we demonstrate this type of attack through a simulated experiment, where a malicious QR c...

  18. Code Disentanglement: Initial Plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wohlbier, John Greaton [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Kelley, Timothy M. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Rockefeller, Gabriel M. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Calef, Matthew Thomas [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    The first step to making more ambitious changes in the EAP code base is to disentangle the code into a set of independent, levelized packages. We define a package as a collection of code, most often across a set of files, that provides a defined set of functionality; a package a) can be built and tested as an entity and b) fits within an overall levelization design. Each package contributes one or more libraries, or an application that uses the other libraries. A package set is levelized if the relationships between packages form a directed, acyclic graph and each package uses only packages at lower levels of the diagram (in Fortran this relationship is often describable by the use relationship between modules). Independent packages permit independent- and therefore parallel|development. The packages form separable units for the purposes of development and testing. This is a proven path for enabling finer-grained changes to a complex code.

  19. New code of conduct

    CERN Multimedia

    Laëtitia Pedroso


    During his talk to the staff at the beginning of the year, the Director-General mentioned that a new code of conduct was being drawn up. What exactly is it and what is its purpose? Anne-Sylvie Catherin, Head of the Human Resources (HR) Department, talked to us about the whys and wherefores of the project.   Drawing by Georges Boixader from the cartoon strip “The World of Particles” by Brian Southworth. A code of conduct is a general framework laying down the behaviour expected of all members of an organisation's personnel. “CERN is one of the very few international organisations that don’t yet have one", explains Anne-Sylvie Catherin. “We have been thinking about introducing a code of conduct for a long time but lacked the necessary resources until now”. The call for a code of conduct has come from different sources within the Laboratory. “The Equal Opportunities Advisory Panel (read also the "Equal opportuni...

  20. An information theoretic approach to use high-fidelity codes to calibrate low-fidelity codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lewis, Allison, E-mail: [Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 (United States); Smith, Ralph [Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 (United States); Williams, Brian [Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (United States); Figueroa, Victor [Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185 (United States)


    For many simulation models, it can be prohibitively expensive or physically infeasible to obtain a complete set of experimental data to calibrate model parameters. In such cases, one can alternatively employ validated higher-fidelity codes to generate simulated data, which can be used to calibrate the lower-fidelity code. In this paper, we employ an information-theoretic framework to determine the reduction in parameter uncertainty that is obtained by evaluating the high-fidelity code at a specific set of design conditions. These conditions are chosen sequentially, based on the amount of information that they contribute to the low-fidelity model parameters. The goal is to employ Bayesian experimental design techniques to minimize the number of high-fidelity code evaluations required to accurately calibrate the low-fidelity model. We illustrate the performance of this framework using heat and diffusion examples, a 1-D kinetic neutron diffusion equation, and a particle transport model, and include initial results from the integration of the high-fidelity thermal-hydraulics code Hydra-TH with a low-fidelity exponential model for the friction correlation factor.