
Sample records for coca

  1. Especies vegetales empleadas en la insalivación de hojas de “coca” (Erythroxylum coca var. Coca, Erythroxylaceae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norma I. Hilgert


    Full Text Available Hilgert, N. I. 2000. Especies vegetales empleadas en la insalivación de hojas de “coca”(Erythroxylum coca var. coca, Erythroxylaceae. Darwiniana 38(3-4: 241-252.El estudio se desarrolló en comunidades campesinas de la selva nublada, en la alta cuenca del ríoBermejo, Provincia de Salta, Argentina con el objeto de documentar el uso de plantas involucradas en laelaboración de “yista”. “Yista” es el nombre asignado a las sustancias alcalinas utilizadas durante lainsalivación de hojas de coca (Erythroxylum coca Lam. var. coca. Para la obtención de la “yista” lasplantas seleccionadas deben ser incineradas. Se registraron veintisiete especies nativas y cinco exóticasempleadas, en el presente o en el pasado, para preparar “yista”. Se mencionan los nombres científicos yvulgares y las porciones de la planta utilizadas, y la comunidad donde se registró el uso. Se describe eilustra el modo de preparar “yista”

  2. Coca-Cola - a model of transparency in research partnerships? A network analysis of Coca-Cola's research funding (2008-2016). (United States)

    Serôdio, Paulo M; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David


    To (i) evaluate the extent to which Coca-Cola's 'Transparency Lists' of 218 researchers that it funds are comprehensive; (ii) map all scientific research acknowledging funding from Coca-Cola; (iii) identify those institutions, authors and research topics funded by Coca-Cola; and (iv) use Coca-Cola's disclosure to gauge whether its funded researchers acknowledge the source of funding. Using Web of Science Core Collection database, we retrieved all studies declaring receipt of direct funding from the Coca-Cola brand, published between 2008 and 2016. Using conservative eligibility criteria, we iteratively removed studies and recreated Coca-Cola's transparency lists using our data. We used network analysis and structural topic modelling to assess the structure, organization and thematic focus of Coca-Cola's research enterprise, and string matching to evaluate the completeness of Coca-Cola's transparency lists. Three hundred and eighty-nine articles, published in 169 different journals, and authored by 907 researchers, cite funding from The Coca-Cola Company. Of these, Coca-Cola acknowledges funding forty-two authors (Coca-Cola Company appears to have failed to declare a comprehensive list of its research activities. Further, several funded authors appear to have failed to declare receipt of funding. Most of Coca-Cola's research support is directed towards physical activity and disregards the role of diet in obesity. Despite initiatives for greater transparency of research funding, the full scale of Coca-Cola's involvement is still not known.

  3. Brandimielikuvan muodostuminen : case: Coca-Cola


    Mollberg, Janina; Helén, Rea


    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Coca-Cola-virvoitusjuoman brandimielikuvia suhteessa yläasteikäisten ostokäyttäytymiseen ja verrata saatuja tuloksia Coca-Cola-virvoitusjuoman asettamiin mielikuvatavoitteisiin ja brandin saavuttamaan laajaan suosioon. Tämän ohella toisena ongelmana oli tutkia sitä, minkä tekijöiden perusteella 7.-9.-luokkalaisten mielikuvat nuorten keskuudessa eroavat toisistaan. Lisäksi haluttiin pohtia, miksi yläasteikäiset ostavat Coca-Cola-virvoitusjuomaa. Tutkimuk...

  4. Philanthropically Always Coca-Cola. (United States)

    Black Issues in Higher Education, 1997


    In an interview, the head of the Coca-Cola Foundation, Ingrid Saunders Jones, discusses the foundation's objectives for financial support of education and the role of targeted and ethnic marketing, programs at historically black colleges and universities, recent growth of the endowment, number of projects funded, and the role of the Coca-Cola…

  5. The use of coca: prehistory, history, and ethnography. (United States)

    Stolberg, Victor B


    The purpose of this article is to review the use of the natural mild stimulant coca, which is a story that originates with the prehistory of coca, evolves through its following historical uses, and leads up to the eventual development of cocaine. This discussion will begin with the botanical background of the coca plant, followed by a review of some of the prehistoric, historic and ethnographic evidence of coca use, which indicates the extensive antiquity and pervasiveness of coca use in South and Central America. The diverse roles that coca played among the Inca and other indigenous peoples led to the early adoption of coca in the West and, in turn, to the resultant discovery of cocaine and its assorted early applications, particularly for medicinal purposes. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

  6. Preference of stevia level in Coca Cola

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Panovská, Zdenka; Grosová, Stanislava; Sudzina, Frantisek


    Coca Cola Life was first introduced in Argentina in June 2013. In the following 15 months, it was launched also in Chile, Sweden, and the U.K. Since January 2015, it is available in many but not all countries. In the version of Coca Cola Life, which was produced till December 2016, 35% of sugar...... was replaced by stevia. In the version produced since January 2017, 45% of sugar is replaced by stevia. This opened a limited time-frame for studying preferences between regular Coca Cola, Coca Cola Life with 35% of stevia, and Coca Cola Life with 45% of stevia. The aim of the paper is to investigate if Big...... Five Inventory personality traits, gender, age, smoking, and drinking of any cola in general influence preferred amount of stevia. The research was conducted in the Czech Republic where Coca Cola Life is not available, so all respondents are equally unaware of (or equally not used to) the taste. All...

  7. Perbandingan Kadar Glukosa Darah Setelah Mengonsumsi Coca-cola Reguler Dan Coca-cola Zero Pada Populasi Non-diabetes


    Hutapea, Gabriella Carolina; Ariosta, Ariosta; Hardian, Hardian


    Latar belakang : Diabetes melitus (DM) tipe II dan obesitas merupakan penyakit metabolik yang disebabkan oleh sejumlah faktor gaya hidup diantaranya adalah aktivitas fisik, merokok, konsumsi alkohol, pola diet. Coca-cola merupakan salah satu minuman yang digemari dan mengandung tinggi karbohidrat yang diduga meningkatkan risiko obesitas dan kejadian DM tipe II. Coca cola zero merupakan solusi yang diberikan oleh coca cola untuk mengurangi peningkatan glukosa darah.Tujuan : Mengetahui perbedaa...

  8. Fiebre del oro blanco: la cocaína

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iván Marín Argüello


    Full Text Available La planta de coca, Erythroxylon coca es cultivada en la zona occidental de América del Sur exigiendo condiciones de suelo muy particulares. La mezcla de las hojas de cocaína con sustancias químicas origina un polvo cristalino blanco, conocido comúnmente como cocaína. Al producto obtenido del tratamiento de la cocaína con solventes se le denomina crack. El consumo de cocaína, las formas de administración más diversas y el estado fisiológico logrado por los usuarios, es denominado flash 0 high Los efectos neuro-fisiológicos son muy variados, provocando sobre todo un fuerte estímulo al Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC, producto de la liberación de dopamina en las terminaciones nerviosas.

  9. Efectos cardiovasculares de la cocaína

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    Ubier Gómez


    Full Text Available

    La cocaína es un alcaloide derivado de la planta de coca, la cual es nativa de Sur América. Hay datos arqueológicos de esta planta desde 300 años a. C. en los cuales se encontró la primera prueba del uso de coca en humanos. En este tiempo la coca fue reconocida por su habilidad de producir energía, quitar la fatiga y disminuir el hambre.
    La cocaína es la droga ilícita más usada después de la marihuana. La
    frecuencia es mayor en hombres entre los 18-25 años.
    En los años 70 y 80 con el desarrollo del freebase y el crack se revolucionó el uso de esta droga, proporcionando una forma que podría ser fumada.
    Los síntomas que relatan los pacientes que usan cocaína son principalmente en el sistema cardiovascular; otros son neurológicos,
    pulmonares, gastrointestinales, etc.



  10. Modificaciones psicológicas y fisiológicas producidas por la coca y la cocaína en los coqueros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicente Zapata Ortiz


    Full Text Available Se ha estudiado el efecto de la cocaína y de la coca en sujetos no habituados y habituados a la coca. Los resultados son los siguientes: 1. En los sujetos no habituados la cocaína produce un moderado retardo del tiempo de reacción sensorial para estímulos auditivos, a las dosis de 0.5, 1 y 1.5 mgrs. por kilo de peso corporal. 2. En los sujetos no habituados a la cocaína disminuye el tiempo de ejecución del test de Valdizán para el estudio de la atención (en el 88 % de los casos, pero aumenta el número de errores en más del 50 % de los Casos estudiados. 3. Sobre los sujetos habituados o coqueros la coca y la cocaína (de 4 a 6 mlgr. por kg. de peso retardan el tiempo de reacción sensorial para estímulos auditivos. 4. En el 91 % de los coqueros estudiados la coca disminuye el tiempo de ejecución del test de Valdizán y en el 63% disminuyen los errores. 5. Sobre los sujetos habituados, la coca durante el coqueo produce elevación de temperatura (que puede llegar a estados subfebriles, aumento del pulso, presión arterial y reflejos tendinosos; leve aumento de la respiración; modificaciones del reflejo óculo-cardiaco de carácter parasimpaticotónico en la mayoría, y de carácter simpaticotónico en muy pocos casos.

  11. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT : case study Coca-Cola Company


    Ling, Xiaojing


    The Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational beverage corporation, a manufacturer, retailer and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups with its headquarter in Atlanta, Georgia. This thesis is aimed to affirm the superiority of the Coca-Cola Company and to find out its shortcomings in managing customer relationships based on studying the customer relationship management strategy for Coca-Cola Company and discussing the comparison between Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola, then...

  12. COCA Commentary

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    COCA Commentary podcasts are designed to be an educational resource for healthcare providers. This podcast series provides current information on emerging health threats, emergency preparedness and response topics, and CDC clinical guidance.

  13. Hjernen vil have Coca Cola

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jantzen, Christian


    Coca Cola kan i modsætning til Pepsi aktivere den præfontale kortex eller pandelappen - derfor er det selvfølgelig den, vi vil have!......Coca Cola kan i modsætning til Pepsi aktivere den præfontale kortex eller pandelappen - derfor er det selvfølgelig den, vi vil have!...

  14. [Effects of coca chewing on the glucose tolerance test]. (United States)

    Galarza Guzmán, M; Peñaloza Imaña, R; Echalar Afcha, L; Aguilar Valerio, M; Spielvogel, H; Sauvain, M


    The effects of coca chewing on the glucose tolerance test were measured. The subjects were 14 habitual coca chewers and 14 non-chewers. All were of Aymara ancestry and came from a rural community from the "Altiplano" close to the city of La Paz. The coca users chewed coca leaves during 3 1/2 hours of the test. The non-chewers showed a significant hypoglycemia at 120 minutes of the test. This effect was not observed in the coca chewers. The hormonal counter-regulation response to hypoglycemia worked perfectly in non-chewers, since glucose levels reached normal values at 180 minutes of the test. These results suggest that coca chewers, at high altitude do not present hypoglycemia, due to an antagonic action of coca metabolites on insulin; allowing a greater availability of glucose in the organism. This would have a positive effect on metabolism in an environment of hypobaric hypoxia, known to lead to situations of hypoglycemia.



    Luoti, Emilia


    Coca-Cola Finland muutti vanhoista tiloistaan Helsingistä Sinebrychoffin tehtaalle Keravalle. Uusista tiloista haluttiin tyylikkäät ja brandin mukaiset, sillä tiloissa vierailee myös asiakkaita. Coca-Cola Finlandin uusien toimitilojen suunnittelussa yrityksen brandin huomioiminen onkin ollut tärkeää. Suunnitelmassa on keskitytty mittatilaus kalusteiden suunnitteluun, mutta työ sisältää myös visuaalisien elementtien suunnittelua. Suunnitteluprosessin aikana on tutkittu Coca-Colaa yritykse...

  16. Fallstudie SIG - Supply Chain Prototyp mit Coca Cola Beverages


    Senger, Enrico


    SIG, ein führender Lieferant von Verpackungsmaterialien für Getränke, hat mit Coca Cola CPFR, collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment realisiert. Das Unternehmen kann elektronisch und ohne Zeitverzug (vorher mit bis zu 15 Tagen Verspätung) auf die Lagerbestände und Verkaufsvorhersagen bei Coca Cola zugreifen. Coca Cola erhält die exakten Liefermengen und zeiten. Coca Cola konnte dadurch den Lagerbestand von Verpackungsmaterial um 50% senken. Dies reduziert die Bearbeitungszeit d...

  17. Forests and drugs: coca-driven deforestation in tropical biodiversity hotspots. (United States)

    Dávalos, Liliana M; Bejarano, Adriana C; Hall, Mark A; Correa, H Leonardo; Corthals, Angelique; Espejo, Oscar J


    Identifying drivers of deforestation in tropical biodiversity hotspots is critical to assess threats to particular ecosystems and species and proactively plan for conservation. We analyzed land cover change between 2002 and 2007 in the northern Andes, Chocó, and Amazon forests of Colombia, the largest producer of coca leaf for the global cocaine market, to quantify the impact of this illicit crop on forest dynamics, evaluate the effectiveness of protected areas in this context, and determine the effects of eradication on deforestation. Landscape-level analyses of forest conversion revealed that proximity to new coca plots and a greater proportion of an area planted with coca increased the probability of forest loss in southern Colombia, even after accounting for other covariates and spatial autocorrelation. We also showed that protected areas successfully reduced forest conversion in coca-growing regions. Neither eradication nor coca cultivation predicted deforestation rates across municipalities. Instead, the presence of new coca cultivation was an indicator of municipalities, where increasing population led to higher deforestation rates. We hypothesize that poor rural development underlies the relationship between population density and deforestation in coca-growing areas. Conservation in Colombia's vast forest frontier, which overlaps with its coca frontier, requires a mix of protected areas and strategic rural development to succeed.

  18. Coca: High Altitude Remedy of the Ancient Incas. (United States)

    Biondich, Amy Sue; Joslin, Jeremy D


    The use of coca leaf for medicinal purposes is a centuries-old tradition of the native peoples of South America. Coca products are thought by many laypersons to provide risk-free benefits to users participating in strenuous activities at high altitude. Physiologic studies of coca have increased understanding of its possible mechanism of action as well as its potential impact on high altitude activities. This present work explores the role of coca throughout the history of the Andean peoples and explores whether this ancient remedy has a place in modern medicine. A focused summary of research articles with particular relevance to the field of wilderness medicine is also included to better provide the reader with lessons not only from history but also from another culture. Copyright © 2015 Wilderness Medical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



    Ljiljana Stošić Mihajlović


    The most valuable brand in the world is still "Coca Cola", and the highest increase was recorded value "Apple" because that's who entered the top ten most valuable brands. Coca-Cola HBC Serbia makes a significant contribution to the local economy. In three bottling plants, distribution centers and sales offices in Serbia and employ over 1500 people. Taxes that are paid regularly Serbian authorities are yet another way of contribution to the national economy.

  20. Coca: The History and Medical Significance of an Ancient Andean Tradition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amy Sue Biondich


    Full Text Available Coca leaf products are an integral part of the lives of the Andean peoples from both a cultural and traditional medicine perspective. Coca is also the whole plant from which cocaine is derived. Coca products are thought to be a panacea for health troubles in regions of South America. This review will examine the toxicology of whole coca and will also look at medicinal applications of this plant, past, present, and future.

  1. Biological activity of the alkaloids of Erythroxylum coca and Erythroxylum novogranatense

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Salemink, C.A.; Novák, M.; Khan, I.


    The cultivated Erythroxylum varieties E. coca var. coca, E. coca var. ipadu, E. novogranatense var. novogranatense and E. novogranatense var. truxillense contain 18 alkaloids, identified so far, belonging to the tropanes, pyrrolidines and pyridines, with cocaine as the main alkaloid. The biological


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    Ljiljana Stošić Mihajlović


    Full Text Available The most valuable brand in the world is still "Coca Cola", and the highest increase was recorded value "Apple" because that's who entered the top ten most valuable brands. Coca-Cola HBC Serbia makes a significant contribution to the local economy. In three bottling plants, distribution centers and sales offices in Serbia and employ over 1500 people. Taxes that are paid regularly Serbian authorities are yet another way of contribution to the national economy.

  3. Analysis of Marketing Strategy of Coca-Cola Company

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    This study provides a report on marketing strategy adopted by the Coca-Cola Company. Included in the report are the various marketing and/or business issues and opportunities facing Coca-Cola Company, as wel as the characteristics of its current and potential customers. The report also provides a discussion of the various segmentation options available to Coca-Cola Company and then gives a recommendation of the most appropriate market segmentation that the company can focus in order to achieve profitable sales growth. An analysis of the company's strengths and weaknesses based on a proposed marketing mix for a positioning strategy is also given.

  4. Las artes de leer e interpretar las hojas de coca

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    Eugenia Flores


    Full Text Available En este artículo quisiera hablar sobre un oficio secreto, subterráneo, clandestino, que es el arte de leer e interpretar las hojas de coca en espacios marginales del valle de Salta. Muestro en estas páginas las diferentes formas y modos en que la coca es utilizada por la población local, diversa y heterogénea, donde tradiciones indígenas ancestrales se manifiestan en prácticas concretas que rozan los límites entre la magia y la terapia. Presto especial interés, a partir del trabajo de campo realizado, a aquellas personas que manejan estas artes de leer las hojas de coca, las cuales en los casos analizados fueron adquiridas a partir de un ritual de paso, que fue el haber sido “tocado por el rayo”. Me interesa particularmente trabajar con estos hombres y mujeres, cuyo arte de hacer con coca es equiparable a las “maneras de hacer”. Estas maneras de hacer con la coca ritual no están visibilizadas y son subterráneas, marginales y silenciosas, en este artículo se pretende dar cuenta de estas prácticas con coca y sus dinámicas relaciones inter e intra comunales. Palabras-claves: Artes; maneras de hacer; coca; ritual.

  5. Brief communication: effect of coca-leaf chewing on salivary progesterone assays. (United States)

    Vitzthum, V J; von Dornum, M; Ellison, P T


    Although there is evidence for reduced fertility in Andean and Himalayan populations at higher altitudes, factors other than hypoxia may be primarily responsible. A valuable approach in the investigation of these fertility determinants is the use of salivary steroid assays. However, coca-leaf chewing--a ubiquitous practice among high altitude Andean populations--has negative consequences for the accurate measurement of ovarian steroids. This report evaluates the effects of coca-leaf chewing on assays of salivary progesterone. Study participants include naive and habitual users of coca leaf from La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia. Approximately 300 saliva samples were collected immediately before, during, and after coca-leaf chewing. The series includes samples with and without the alkaloid enhancer typically used by coca-leaf chewers. Coca chewing produces false salivary progesterone values that mimic luteal phase values. On the basis of this study, an appropriate protocol is developed for the collection of salivary samples in coca-leaf chewing populations. These results verify the feasibility of salivary assays, even for very difficult field conditions, and highlight the necessity of establishing suitable collection procedures before full field implementation of saliva sampling.

  6. Strategic analysis of the coca-cola company


    Puravankara, Dinesh


    This paper performs a strategic analysis of The Coca-Cola Company, a leader in the beverage industry. Coca-Cola, the world’s leading soft drink maker, operates in more than 200 countries and owns or licenses 400 brands of nonalcoholic beverages. The company faces challenges in today’s marketplace because of market driven changes, regulatory changes and socio-economic changes. An external analysis of the soft drink industry is performed to understand the impact of environment. An internal anal...


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    Mărioara VLIONCU


    Full Text Available Cet article traite un problème très actuel dans le domaine de la linguistique, notamment les champs lexicaux. L’article démontre le fait que les champs lexicaux du brand “ Coca-Cola” se trouve à la frontière entre le langage commun et le langage de spécialité. Le but de l’article est de mettre en évidence les particularités des champs lexicaux des slogans du brand “Coca-Cola”. Le corpus analysé comprend des slogans du brand « Coca-Cola » à partir du XIXème siècle jusqu’au début du XXIème siècle. L’article délimite un cadre théorique et une démonstration pratique concernant les éléments distinctifs des champs lexicaux du brand « Coca-Cola ».Dans ce sens l’article présente et développe le problème des relations entre les champs lexicaux homogènes et hétérogènes, les micro champs lexicaux des slogans du brand « Coca-Cola » les éléments centraux et périphériques des champs lexicaux des slogans de ce brand, les structures syntagmatiques et paradigmatiques des champs lexicaux du brand « Coca-Cola ». L’article met en évidence des champs corrélatifs, multimodaux, pluridimensionnels, en série, récursifs etc. La prémisse dont on est parti a été celle que « jusqu'à présent le problème des champs lexicaux du brand « Coca-Cola » n’a pas été analysé en détail ».Cet article propose une perspective explicative et démonstrative de ces champs lexicaux à l’intention de contribuer à la réalisation d’une analyse linguistique pertinente concernant les champs lexicaux des slogans du brand américain « Coca-Cola ».

  8. Anestesia no paciente usuário de cocaína Anestesia en el paciente usuario de cocaína Anesthesia in cocaine users

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Luft


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A cocaína é a droga ilícita mais freqüentemente associada a óbitos, e suas implicações perioperatórias nos pacientes agudamente intoxicados ou com história de uso crônico precisam ser bem conhecidas pelos anestesiologistas. O conhecimento da neurofisiologia, da farmacologia e das conseqüências fisiopatológicas decorrentes do uso da cocaína poderá facilitar o cuidado desses pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi revisar as informações sobre a cocaína e suas interações com a anestesia. CONTEÚDO: O artigo discute a farmacologia da cocaína, as conseqüências fisiopatológicas decorrentes do seu uso e as interações com a anestesia. CONCLUSÕES: A compreensão e o reconhecimento precoce das complicações associadas ao uso de cocaína são essenciais para o manuseio adequado de pacientes usuários desta droga. O anestesiologista deve estar preparado, pois tanto as anestesias regionais quanto a geral apresentam riscos significativos nesses pacientes.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La cocaína es la droga ilícita más frecuentemente asociada a decesos, y sus implicaciones perioperatorias en los pacientes agudamente intoxicados o con historial de uso crónico necesitan ser muy bien conocidas por los anestesiólogos. El conocimiento de la neurofisiología, de la farmacología y de las consecuencias fisiopatológicas provenientes del uso de la cocaína podrá facilitar el cuidado de esos pacientes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue revisar las informaciones sobre la cocaína y sus interacciones con la anestesia. CONTENIDO: El artículo discute la farmacología de la cocaína, las consecuencias fisiopatológicas provenientes de su uso y las interacciones con la anestesia. CONCLUSIONES: La comprensión y el reconocimiento precoz de las complicaciones asociadas al uso de la cocaína son esenciales para el manejo adecuado de pacientes usuarios de esa droga. El anestesiólogo debe estar preparado, pues tanto las

  9. Observaciones en enfermos mentales habituados a la coca


    Gutiérrez Noriega, Carlos


    Estudio en seis enfermos mentales habituados a la coca. En sólo un caso encuentra relación entre el cocaísmo y la alteración mental. Lo más frecuente son las alucinaciones, ideas delirantes de persecución y alteraciones cenestésicas. En todos los casos hubo bradicardia e hipotensión arterial. El metabolismo basal disminuye durante la abstinencia.

  10. Drugs and Protected Areas: Coca Cultivation and Social Acceptance of Bahuaja-Sonene National Park in Peru

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaqueline Garcia-Yi


    Full Text Available Cocaine is extracted from coca: a native bush from the Amazon rainforest. Coca is mostly grown in remote areas to avoid government intervention, and it has been increasingly cultivated inside protected areas (PAs. The effects of coca cultivation on the preservation of PAs are largely unknown. This research uses panel data (2006–2008 from a total of 684 farmers to evaluate the influence of coca growing on the acceptance of PAs, using as case study a farmer community located within the buffer zone of Bahuaja-Sonene National Park (Peru. All farmers are coffee growers and some complement their income with coca production. The area has not been subject of forced coca eradication activities. The data were analyzed using probit models with covariance matrix correction for cluster errors by year, with and without interaction effects. The results suggest that coca growers are more likely to state a positive opinion about the PA than non-coca growers. This may reflect the fact that non-coca growers need extensive areas of land for coffee cultivation in order to approach the economic benefits obtained by farmers who also grow coca. However the likelihood of stating a positive opinion by coca growers decreases the higher the perception that coca cultivation has increased in the region. Coca growers may be afraid that large coca areas would lead to the implementation of forced eradication activities. In such a case, the BSNP would restrict the access to remote land resources, which in turn decreases the support for this PA.

  11. The real thing: a profile of the coca cola company


    Hartogh, Matthew


    Competition In its core competency, the Coca-Company has only one serious competitor, the PepsiCo Company, maker of Pepsi-Cola. Current market share of the two companies in the United States stands at 43.7% for Coca-Cola against 31.6% for PepsiCo. British firm Cadbury Schweppes comes in third in the American market with its 7UP and Dr. Pepper brands but does not have a head to head cola competitor for Coca-Cola. Supermarket “private label” cola brands are a substitute beverage for the bi...

  12. Coca-Cola Hispanic Education Fund: Los Angeles Program Description. (United States)

    Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Los Angeles, CA.

    The Coca-Cola Hispanic Education Fund was created in response to the high school dropout problem in Los Angeles. The Fund enables the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles to build upon the successful relationship it has developed in the Hispanic community and maximizes the effectiveness of existing student support programs by directing needy…

  13. From Conflict to Collaboration: An Innovative Approach to Reducing Coca Cultivation in Bolivia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kathryn Ledebur


    Full Text Available Upon his presidential election, Bolivian coca grower leader Evo Morales adopted a policy of promoting consensual coca reduction through social control, a sophisticated coca monitoring system, and economic development. That strategy is paying off. In 2011, coca cultivation decreased by 13 per cent according to the U.S. government. The Morales administration has also made significant progress facing the ongoing challenges of drug production and trafficking. Seizures of coca paste and cocaine and destruction of drug laboratories have steadily increased since President Morales took office. Despite continued tensions in bilateral relations, U.S.-Bolivian counter-drug cooperation continues and the signing of a new framework agreement in 2011 should lead to an exchange of ambassadors. Internationally, Bolivia has successfully gained acceptance of the right to the traditional use of coca within its own territory. But Bolivia’s efforts must be carried out in tandem with effective demand reduction strategies to shrink the global cocaine market.

  14. Hardness of enamel exposed to Coca-Cola and artificial saliva. (United States)

    Devlin, H; Bassiouny, M A; Boston, D


    The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of change in indentation hardness of enamel in permanent teeth exposed to Coca-Cola. In a further experiment, the ability of a commercially available artificial saliva to remineralize enamel treated with Coca-Cola was tested. Ten enamel specimens were randomly chosen to be treated with Coca-Cola (experimental groups) and seven with water (control group). The fluids were applied for 1, 2, 3 h and overnight (15 h), washed off with a few drops of water and the moist enamel indentation hardness tested after each interval. With Coca-Cola treatment, the mean enamel hardness was 92.6% (s.d. = 7.9) of the original baseline hardness after 1 h, 93.25% (s.d. = 10.15) after 2 h, 85.7% (s.d. = 12.03) after 3 h and 80.3% after 15 h. The mean indentation hardness of control specimens treated with water was 108.7% (s.d. = 16.09) of the original hardness after 1 h, 99.09% (s.d. = 18.98) after 2 h, 98.97% (s.d. =11.24) after 3 h and 98.42% (s.d. = 22.78) after 15 h. In a separate experiment, the hardness of 9 enamel specimens was tested, as previously described, before and after treatment with Coca-Cola overnight and again after application of artificial saliva for 3 min. Coca-Cola reduced the mean indentation hardness of enamel in the teeth, but the hardness was partially restored with artificial saliva (Salivart) and increased by 18% from the demineralized enamel hardness.

  15. [Phytobezoar dissolution with Coca-Cola]. (United States)

    Martínez de Juan, F; Martínez-Lapiedra, C; Picazo, V


    The treatment of phytobezoar is empiric. The various therapeutic choices include dietary modifications, prokinetic drugs, gastric lavage, enzymatic dissolution, endoscopic treatment, and surgery. We present two cases of phytobezoar with successful outcome after Coca-Cola administration.

  16. Hvorfor køber forbrugerne Coca Cola, når de bedst kan lide Pepsi?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jantzen, Christian


    Coca Cola kan i modsætning til Pepsi Cola aktivere den præfrontale cortex – derfor er det selvfølgelig Coca, vi vil have!......Coca Cola kan i modsætning til Pepsi Cola aktivere den præfrontale cortex – derfor er det selvfølgelig Coca, vi vil have!...

  17. Miks Coca-Cola enam ei kihise? / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Autor teeb USA äriajakirjanduse põhjal ülevaate Coca-Cola Company maine, turupositsiooni ja aktsiakursi langemise põhjustest alates 1997. aastast. Analüütikute sõnul on korporatsioon olnud ebaedukas tippkaadri voolavuse, sisekonfliktide, pidevate ümberkorralduste ja töötajate koondamiste tõttu. Praegune peadirektor Neville Isdelle on püstitanud eesmärgiks firma sisekultuuri parandamise, et keskenduda liidripositsiooni kindlustamisele turul. Diagramm: Karastusjookidel gaas väljas. Vt. samas: Coca-Cola ja Pepsi - üheskoos alla

  18. Effect of an acidic beverage (Coca-Cola) on the pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine in healthy volunteers. (United States)

    Malhotra, S; Dixit, R K; Garg, S K


    The effect of an acidic beverage (Coca-Cola) on the pharmacokinetics of a single dose of carbamazepine was studied. In a two-way cross-over design with a 1 week washout period, 10 healthy volunteers were randomized to received 200 mg carbamazepine orally with 300 ml of Coca-Cola or water. Blood samples were collected at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after drug administration. Plasma carbamazepine levels were higher with Coca-Cola as compared to water. The AUC0-infinity and Cmax of carbamazepine were significantly enhanced after Coca-Cola while tmax was achieved earlier with Coca-Cola. The results of the study indicate that concomitant administration of Coca-Cola enhances the rate and extent of absorption of carbamazepine.

  19. Coca-colonization and hybridization of diets among the Tz'utujil Maya. (United States)

    Nagata, Jason M; Barg, Frances K; Valeggia, Claudia R; Bream, Kent D W


    Biomedical health professionals express increasing concern that rising consumption of soft drinks and processed foods in Mayan and Latin American eating patterns may lead to detrimental nutritional and health consequences. Scholars debate whether the pervading presence of Coca-Cola and Pepsi in developing countries represents "Coca-Colonization," synonymous with cultural imperialism, or cultural hybridization. Using mixed qualitative and quantitative research methods, including participant observation and semi-structured interviews, this study explores the development of Coca-Colonization and cultural hybridization among the Tz'utujil Maya of Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala. By specifically examining biomedical perspectives, cycles of conquest, the political economy, religion, celebrations, and the physical environment through the lens of soft drinks, this study finds that Coca-Colonization and cultural hybridization are complementary rather than mutually exclusive processes that contribute to dietary transitions, economic development, and differential health beliefs related to soft drink consumption.

  20. Influence of acidic beverage (Coca-Cola) on pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen in healthy rabbits. (United States)

    Kondal, Amit; Garg, S K


    The study was aimed at determining the effect of Coca-Cola on the pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen in rabbits. In a cross-over study, ibuprofen was given orally in a dose of 56 mg/kg, prepared as 0.5% suspension in carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and blood samples (1 ml) were drawn at different time intervals from 0-12 hr. After a washout period of 7 days, Coca-Cola in a dose of (5 ml/kg) was administered along with ibuprofen (56 mg/kg) and blood samples were drawn from 0-12 hr. To these rabbits, 5 ml/kg Coca-Cola was administered once daily for another 7 days. On 8th day, Coca-Cola (5 ml/kg) along with ibuprofen (56 mg/kg), prepared as a suspension was administered and blood samples (1 ml each) were drawn at similar time intervals. Plasma was separated and assayed for ibuprofen by HPLC technique and various pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated. The Cmax and AUC0-alpha of ibuprofen were significantly increased after single and multiple doses of Coca-Cola, thereby indicating increased extent of absorption of ibuprofen. The results warrant the reduction of ibuprofen daily dosage, frequency when administered with Coca-Cola.

  1. Coca-Cola : kasumi languses on süüdi Põhja-Euroopa kehv ilm / Raivo Sormunen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sormunen, Raivo, 1976-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 29. sept. lk. 6. Karastusjookide tootja Coca-Cola andis kasumihoiatuse. Ettevõtte majandustulemuste languse põhjustest. Diagramm: Coca-Cola aktsia aasta madalaimal tasemel. Vt. samas: Annika Matson. Coca-Cola jooksev kvartal Eestis saladus

  2. Coca leaf chewing as therapy for cocaine maintenance. (United States)

    Hurtado-Gumucio, J


    Major ethnic groups in Bolivia (Aymaras and Quechuas) have chewed the coca leaf for generations upon generations without health problems. The effects of coca leaf chewing produce a level of social and economic adaptation that is beyond what is normally possible. This was a major factor during the Spanish colonization of Bolivia, when forced native labor was used extensively. The cocaine base, or "pasta", may be seen as a type of South American crack. Its obligatory method of administration is smoking. A primary condition of the "pasta" smoker is compulsive drug-search behavior and addiction to cocaine base destroys emotional and mental balance. Socio-economic maladjustment is the norm amongst "pasta" addicts. Since 1984 I have recommended the chewing of the coca leaf, between 100 to 200 grams of coca leaf per week for the treatment of cocaine dependence. Since this treatment was dispensed on an ad hoc basis, it was not possible to measure the relapses. However, an assessment was conducted on the basis of mental condition and level of social and economic adaptation before and after treatment. The patent's level of social acceptance, before treatment, only reached 60% at most, and after treatment, 26% improved their level of adaptation. Four patients among 50 reached an adaptation level of 100%. Upon final assessment, the level of social adaptation prior to treatment was only 28%, after treatment as many as 48.8% of the patients were socially adapted.

  3. The Coca-Cola incident in Belgium, June 1999. (United States)

    Nemery, B; Fischler, B; Boogaerts, M; Lison, D; Willems, J


    The present paper describes the outbreak of health complaints that occurred in Belgium, in June 1999, among schoolchildren and members of the general public in relation to the consumption of Coca-Cola and other soft drinks. The outbreak took place in the wake of a major food crisis, caused by PCB/dioxin contamination of animal feed, that had erupted shortly before. The clinical features (absence of serious poisoning) and epidemiological characteristics of the Coca-Cola outbreak pointed to mass sociogenic illness, and no subsequent toxicological or other data have refuted this hypothesis.

  4. Corporate Citizenship: Case study of Coca-Cola Beverages Hrvatska


    Tafra-Vlahović, Majda


    The aim of this research was to investigate whether the corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy implemented by Coca-Cola Beverages Croatia during the past four years has had a positive impact on the reputation of this company and on the overall business. The researcher intended to explore attitudes of Coca-Cola Beverages employees about CSR and the mentioned community relations model in order to evaluate whether the CSR policy of the company has had an impact on internal stakehol...

  5. No harmful effect of different Coca-cola beverages after 6 months of intake on rat testes. (United States)

    Tóthová, Lubomíra; Hodosy, Július; Mettenburg, Kathryn; Fábryová, Helena; Wagnerová, Alexandra; Bábíčková, Janka; Okuliarová, Monika; Zeman, Michal; Celec, Peter


    Our laboratory recently reported that a 3-month exposure of rats to cola-like beverages induced sex hormone changes. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of various types of Coca-cola intake with different composition for 6 months on oxidative status in testes and testosterone in adult male rats. Fifty adult male Wistar rats were divided into control group drinking water, and groups drinking different Coca-cola beverages (regular Coca-cola, Coca-cola caffeine-free, Coca-cola Light and Coca-cola Zero). Oxidative and carbonyl stress markers were measured in the testicular tissue to assess oxidative status together with testicular and plasma testosterone. StAR expression in testes as a marker of steroidogenesis was quantified. No significant differences were found between the groups in any of the measured parameters. In conclusion, oxidative and carbonyl stress in testicular tissue were not influenced by drinking any type of Coca-cola. Additionally, testosterone in testes and in plasma, as well as testicular StAR expression were comparable among the groups. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Influence of an acidic beverage (Coca-Cola) on the absorption of itraconazole. (United States)

    Jaruratanasirikul, S; Kleepkaew, A


    To evaluate the effectiveness of Coca-Cola in enhancing the absorption of itraconazole. Eight healthy volunteers were randomized to receive two treatment sequences in a two-way crossover design with a 1-week wash-out period separating each study treatment. Treatment 1, the control, consisted of 100 mg itraconazole with 325 ml water. Treatment II was identical to treatment I, except that itraconazole was administered with 325 ml of Coca-Cola (pH 2.5). Serum itraconazole concentrations, after administration with Coca-Cola (treatment II), were higher than after administration with water (treatment I). The mean AUC was 1.12 vs 2.02 micrograms.h.m1-1, the mean Cmax was 0.14 vs 0.31 micrograms.m1-1 and the mean tmax was 2.56 vs 3.38 h in treatments I and II, respectively. The absorption of itraconazole can be enhanced by Coca-Cola.

  7. Colonic obstruction secondary to sigmoid fecaloma endoscopically resolved with Coca-Cola®. (United States)

    Ontanilla Clavijo, Guillermo; León Montañés, Rafael; Sánchez Torrijos, Yolanda; López Ruiz, Teófilo; Bozada García, Juan Manuel


    Colonic obstruction is a relatively common condition in emergency care, with a mortality rate of up to 20%. In 90% of cases it results from colonic or rectal adenocarcinoma, volvulus, or stenosis secondary to diverticular disease. When fecal impaction is the underlying cause, the condition is usually managed conservatively, but may on occasion become complicated and even require surgical intervention. Based on the proven efficacy of Coca-Cola® to dissolve gastric phytobezoars, we report a case of colonic obstruction secondary to sigmoid fecaloma. A 58 years old woman arrived at the Emergency Room (ER) with persistent constipation for the last six days. An abdominal CT scan showed a large fecal mass at the sigmoid colon with retrograde dilated colonic loops. Cleansing enemas and oral lactulose were administered, which failed to resolve the clinical presentation, so we then proceeded to inject Coca-Cola® within the fecaloma using a sclerosing needle, and then washed the fecaloma surface also with Coca-Cola®. After a few minutes we started to fragment the fecalith, the consistency of which had been notably decreased. The use of Coca-Cola® for gastric washes in the management of phytobezoars is well established. Since fecaliths are partly composed of these same substances than phytobezoars, the use of Coca-Cola® might well be warranted against them as in our patient, without surgery. Our case report is the second one published in the literature, in which Coca-Cola® helped solve colonic obstruction secondary to fecaloma.

  8. Colonic obstruction secondary to sigmoid fecaloma endoscopically resolved with Coca-Cola®

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo Ontanilla-Clavijo

    Full Text Available Background: Colonic obstruction is a relatively common condition in emergency care, with a mortality rate of up to 20%. In 90% of cases it results from colonic or rectal adenocarcinoma, volvulus, or stenosis secondary to diverticular disease. When fecal impaction is the underlying cause, the condition is usually managed conservatively, but may on occasion become complicated and even require surgical intervention. Based on the proven efficacy of Coca-Cola® to dissolve gastric phytobezoars, we report a case of colonic obstruction secondary to sigmoid fecaloma. Case report: A 58 years old woman arrived at the Emergency Room (ER with persistent constipation for the last six days. An abdominal CT scan showed a large fecal mass at the sigmoid colon with retrograde dilated colonic loops. Cleansing enemas and oral lactulose were administered, which failed to resolve the clinical presentation, so we then proceeded to inject Coca-Cola® within the fecaloma using a sclerosing needle, and then washed the fecaloma surface also with Coca-Cola®. After a few minutes we started to fragment the fecalith, the consistency of which had been notably decreased. Discussion: The use of Coca-Cola® for gastric washes in the management of phytobezoars is well established. Since fecaliths are partly composed of these same substances than phytobezoars, the use of Coca-Cola® might well be warranted against them as in our patient, without surgery. Our case report is the second one published in the literature, in which Coca-Cola® helped solve colonic obstruction secondary to fecaloma.

  9. Social control as supplyside harm reduction strategy The case of an indigenous coca growing community in Peru

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    GARCIA-YI, Jaqueline


    Full Text Available Traditional coca uses have taken place in Peru and Bolivia from three thousand years. International organizations have urged the implementation of “zero-coca” growing policies in those countries, although without tangible results. Supply-side harm reduction strategies are currently being implemented in Bolivia, which rely on social control to limit, although not totally abolish coca growing. In this article, the different motivations for traditional coca growing are extensively reviewed, and the data from a survey conducted with 496 farmers in an indigenous community is examined, in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the coca-growing problem and to evaluate if social control could potentially influence the scale of coca growing in Peru. The results suggest that social control variables, such as attachment, involvement, and beliefs, seem to limit coca-growing areas. Those factors have been largely overlooked and may offer an opportunity to reduce coca areas if explicitly considered in anti-drug policy design.

  10. Evaluation of heavy metals in the process of composting organic waste of coca leaves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Apaza-Condori Emma Eva


    Full Text Available The present study is to evaluate the total concentrations of the heavy metals in waste compost samples from coca leaf. This work was carried out Kallutaca Experimental Center, Biofertilizers module Career Agricultural Engineering at the Public University of El Alto, La Paz municipality of Laja. Posed treatments were: T1 (+ Yogurt Coca wastes; T2 (Coca wastes + whey; T3 (Coca wastes + yeast and T4 (Control. The design was completely randomized with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. The concentration of heavy metals (cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, mercury and chromium; they were categorized into Class A, for the four treatments according to the classifications established by Moreno & Moral (2008.

  11. Selling Local Modernization through the Global Corporation: Coca-Cola Bottling in Colombia, 1927-1944

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda Ciafone


    Full Text Available The Coca-Cola Company sold drink concentrates and licensed rights to its trademarked brands to contracted bottlers who produced and sold bottled drinks in designated geographic areas around the world, including Colombia, beginning in 1927. The franchise system enabled international expansion without large corporate growth or direct local employment allowing the company to externalize liability and financial risk. The franchise system helped the company situate the production of Coca-Cola within local economies, conscripting local elites and workers into its industry, and negotiating its representational forms to fit local contexts. The Coca-Cola Company thus benefited from the economic and political power of both the U.S. and the Colombian elite as it established its business in the country beginning in 1927. Examining print advertising from the 1920s and 1940s, the papers of Coca-Cola executives, and publications of the U.S. multinational and its Colombian franchise bottler, this article argues that The Coca-Cola Company tenuously constructed its industry, products, and brands as simultaneously global and local. While localizing the Coca-Cola industry, products, and brand, the company alluded to its modernity and global popularity, available for purchase by enterprising merchants and thirsty consumers in Colombia.

  12. An Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy Analysis of Elemental Changes of a Persimmon Phytobezoar Dissolved in Coca-Cola. (United States)

    Iwamuro, Masaya; Urata, Haruo; Higashi, Reiji; Nakagawa, Masahiro; Ishikawa, Shin; Shiraha, Hidenori; Okada, Hiroyuki

    To investigate the mechanism of phytobezoar dissolution by Coca-Cola(®), persimmon phytobezoar pieces removed from a 60-year-old Japanese woman were analyzed by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The amount of calcium significantly decreased after dissolution treatment using Coca-Cola(®), suggesting a potential contribution of calcium to dissolution mechanisms. Moreover, immersion in Coca-Cola(®) for 120 hours on the exterior surface revealed that Coca-Cola(®) did not permeate persimmon phytobezoars. This is the first study to investigate the mechanisms of persimmon phytobezoar permeability and dissolution induced by Coca-Cola(®).

  13. Influence of an acidic beverage (Coca-Cola) on the pharmacokinetics of phenytoin in healthy rabbits. (United States)

    Kondal, A; Garg, S K


    This study was carried out to evaluate the influence of an acidic beverage (Coca-Cola) on the pharmacokinetics of phenytoin in rabbits. In a cross-over study, phenytoin was given orally at a dose of 30 mg/kg and blood samples were taken at different intervals from 0-24 h. After a washout period of 7 days, Coca-Cola (5 ml/kg) was administered in combination with phenytoin (30 mg/kg) and blood samples were taken at various time intervals from 0-24 h. The same rabbits continued to receive Coca-Cola (5 ml/kg) for another 7 days. On the 8th day, Coca-Cola (5 ml/kg) in combination with phenytoin (30 mg/kg) was administered and blood samples were taken at similar intervals. Plasma was separated and assayed for phenytoin by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and various pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated. It was concluded that an acidic beverage (Coca-Cola) increases the extent of absorption of phenytoin by significantly increasing the Cmax and AUC(o-á) of phenytoin. These results warrant the reduction of phenytoin dose when administered in combination with Coca-Cola to avoid any toxicity. (c) 2003 Prous Science

  14. Komunikasi Pemasaran Produk Big-Cola Dan Coca-Cola Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen (Studi Komparatif Komunikasi Pemasaran Produk Big-Cola Dan Coca-Cola Terahadap Minat Beli Konsumen Pada Mahasiswa Di Universitas Sumatera Utara )


    Harahap, Mirza swardani


    Research is called communication of its marketing Big-Cola and Coca-Cola to interest in buying types of buyers in student at the university of north sumatra.The purpose of this research to know the influence of communication of its marketing Big-Cola and Coca-Cola to interest in buying student at the university of north sumatra. A study of correlational to perceive the difference or comparative marketing communications Big-Cola products and Coca-Cola to interest in buying types of buyers in s...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrina Yustitia


    Full Text Available The Objective of this research is to analyze the attributes that influence Coca Cola customer satisfaction. Gap analysis shows that the priority attributes must be improved performance were: interesting promotion (-0.83, color of the product (0.61, attractive design (-0.59, refill packaging (-0.58 and product safety (-0.08 while the other attributes have accordanced with customer expectations. Importance-Performance Analysis showed the top priority attributes (quadrant A were an interesting campaign, the next priority for the enhanced importance (quadrant C were the product color, attractive design, packaging, rechargeable and affordable prices. Coca Cola has been able to meet consumer expectations in reaching the level of satisfaction ( multi-attribute test : 1.78, total value of satisfaction (13,508. Keywords: attributes, coca cola, consumer expectations

  16. Drink! : En analys av The Coca-Cola Company's marknadsföringshistoria ur ett moderniseringsperspektiv


    Hedblom, Karin; Forsgren, Oskar


    Drink! The Marketing History of The Coca-Cola Company: A Modernization Perspective examines the development of The Coca-Cola Company’s marketing history, from the founding of the company in 1886 until today. The Coca-Cola Company has been superior on the market for over a century. It has also developed along with the urbanisation of its society, which is interesting in a modernization perspective. The essay investigates the marketing strategies of the company, with focus on three themes: gend...

  17. Colombian coca plants. A critical discussion on taxonomic aspects of cultivated Erythroxylum species (Erythroxylaceae)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galindo Bonilla, Aida; Fernandez Alonzo, Jose Luis


    Forensic botany is in high demand in Colombia in connection with plant material, mainly coca from illicit crops. The taxonomic study of the two species and four varieties of Erythroxylum P. Browne (Erythroxylaceae) cultivated in Colombia was carried out. Hybridization between E. coca and E. novogranatense and between the two varieties of E. coca is suggested, and important changes in the geographic distribution of all taxa are described. Both, hybridization and changes in distribution patterns are due to anthropic intervention.

  18. Studi Pendapat Konsumen Terhadap Brand Awareness Brand Equity Dan Brand Image Minuman Coca-cola Di Kota Makassar


    Rezkiawaty, Sitti Utami


    The aims of the research are to find out (1) the implementation of the strategy of PT Coca-Cola bottling Indonesia southern Sulawesi in creating brand awareness, brand equity and brand image of coca-cola beverages in the city of Makassar, (2) the consumer opinion about coca-cola beverage product in the city of Makassar, (3) the factors that influence consumer ratings of brand awareness, brand equity, brand image coca-cola beverage products. The research was a descriptive quantitative study co...

  19. Coca-Cola’s case


    Fabregat García, Noelia


    Treball final de Grau en Finances i Comptabilitat. Codi: FC1049. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015 Coca-Cola’s case is a research paper based on cocacola bottling companies in Spain. Its aim is to analyse its financial statements and the conclusions about its corresponding profitability and liquidity indicators to finally reach the conclusion that this large reorganizations and the labour force adjustment plan suffered were not really argued and the alleged causes were not certa...

  20. Comunicación emocional: Coca-Cola


    García Hernández, María


    Partiendo de la inteligencia emocional, de donde nace la comunicación emocional, llegamos a la influencia de esta en la publicidad, presente en una buena parte de las campañas publicitarias actuales. La autora se centra en el caso de Coca-Cola y sus campañas publicitarias

  1. Systematic review: Coca-Cola can effectively dissolve gastric phytobezoars as a first-line treatment. (United States)

    Ladas, S D; Kamberoglou, D; Karamanolis, G; Vlachogiannakos, J; Zouboulis-Vafiadis, I


    Gastric phytobezoars represent the most common bezoars in patients with poor gastric motility. A variety of dissolution therapies and endoscopic fragmentation techniques have been evaluated as conservative treatment so as to avoid surgery. To investigate the effectiveness of Coca-Cola for gastric phytobezoars dissolution. We performed a systematic search to identify publications on gastric phytobezoars to assess the efficacy of Coca-Cola as a dissolution therapy. Diospyrobezoars, formed after persimmon ingestion, are a distinct type of phytobezoars characterized by their hard consistency. Thus, these two subgroups of bezoars were compared in terms of successful dissolution. Over a 10-year period (2002-2012), 24 papers including 46 patients have been published. In 91.3% of the cases, phytobezoar resolution with Coca-Cola administration was successful, either as a single treatment (50%) or combined with further endoscopic techniques, whereas only 4 patients underwent surgery. Phytobezoars were more likely to dissolve after initial attempt with Coca-Cola compared with diospyrobezoars (60.6% vs. 23%, P = 0.022). Coca-Cola alone is effective in gastric phytobezoar dissolution in half of the cases and, combined with additional endoscopic methods, is successful in more than 90% of them. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  2. Coca-Cola's Many faces


    Nicholson, Kasper


    This reports has been written with the purpose to answer how are the semiotic choices used in advertising on the official website of Coca-Cola, both in Japan and in the US, be argued to create a different meaningful whole to guide their respective target audiences, which share characteristics with ‘John’ and ‘Kyo’, to the preferred reading. Coming from different cultural backgrounds, particularly high vs low context cultures, ‘John’ and ‘Kyo’ create meaning from the collaboration of the signs...

  3. Geographically Sourcing Cocaine’s Origin - Delineation of the Nineteen Major Coca Growing Regions in South America (United States)

    Mallette, Jennifer R.; Casale, John F.; Jordan, James; Morello, David R.; Beyer, Paul M.


    Previously, geo-sourcing to five major coca growing regions within South America was accomplished. However, the expansion of coca cultivation throughout South America made sub-regional origin determinations increasingly difficult. The former methodology was recently enhanced with additional stable isotope analyses (2H and 18O) to fully characterize cocaine due to the varying environmental conditions in which the coca was grown. An improved data analysis method was implemented with the combination of machine learning and multivariate statistical analysis methods to provide further partitioning between growing regions. Here, we show how the combination of trace cocaine alkaloids, stable isotopes, and multivariate statistical analyses can be used to classify illicit cocaine as originating from one of 19 growing regions within South America. The data obtained through this approach can be used to describe current coca cultivation and production trends, highlight trafficking routes, as well as identify new coca growing regions.

  4. [Two cases of phytobezoars treated by adminsitration of Coca-Cola by oral route]. (United States)

    Lee, Hyun Jai; Kang, Hyoun Goo; Park, Se Young; Yi, Chea Yong; Na, Gyoung Jun; Lee, Tae Yeong; Kim, Sang Hyun; Song, Chul Soo


    Bezoars are concretions of foreign bodies found in the gastrointestinal tract. In the past, most common method for the treatment of bezoar was surgical management. However, the current treatment methods include chemical dissolution and endoscopic mechanical lithotripsy. There were few reports on the treatment of phytobezoars by nasogastric Cola lavage. However, there was no report succeeded by oral route alone. In our two cases, phytobezoars were treated by oral administration of Coca-Cola. Our patients drank 700-800 mL of Coca-Cola daily, and after two months, complete dissolutions of bezoars were achieved. We report two cases of phytobezoars completely treated by drinking Coca-Cola.

  5. NATO palkas Coca-Colast mainekujundaja / Evelyn Kaldoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldoja, Evelyn, 1980-


    NATO otsustas oma kaubamärgi värskendamiseks palgata viimased kaks aastat Coca-Cola mainet kujundanud Michael Stopfordi, kelle põhiülesandeks tõenäoliselt jääb tavakodanikele organisatsiooni tähtsuse ja rolli selgitamine

  6. Pepsi and Coca Cola in Delhi, India: availability, price and sales. (United States)

    Taylor, Fiona C; Satija, Ambika; Khurana, Swati; Singh, Gurpreet; Ebrahim, Shah


    India is experiencing increased consumption of sugar-sweetened carbonated drinks, consumption that may be associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. The aim of the study was to determine the availability, price and quantity sold of 'Pepsi' and 'Coca Cola' in their 'regular' and 'diet' forms in Delhi and London. A questionnaire about the availability, price and quantity sold per day of both regular and diet Pepsi and Coca Cola was devised and piloted. Using this, a survey of food and drink outlets within a 100 m radius of randomly selected Metro stations was conducted in both cities. Store vendors, owners and staff of food and drink outlets. Delhi, India; London, United Kingdom. In Delhi, of the outlets stocking regular Pepsi and Coca Cola, only 34% sold diet versions and these were more readily available in the most affluent areas than in the poorest areas (34% v. 6%, Z=3.67, PCoca Cola was observed in Delhi; however, profit margins were better for regular, relative to diet, Coca Cola. Sales of regular products were significantly greater than those of diet products (PCoca Cola in less affluent areas of Delhi is likely to exacerbate the obesity and diabetes trends. Price differentials to promote diet versions and other healthier or traditional low-energy drinks may be beneficial.

  7. Pepsi and Coca Cola in Delhi, India: availability, price and sales.


    Taylor, FC; Satija, A; Khurana, S; Singh, G; Ebrahim, S


    : India is experiencing increased consumption of sugar-sweetened carbonated drinks, consumption that may be associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. The aim of the study was to determine the availability, price and quantity sold of 'Pepsi' and 'Coca Cola' in their 'regular' and 'diet' forms in Delhi and London. : A questionnaire about the availability, price and quantity sold per day of both regular and diet Pepsi and Coca Cola was devised and piloted. Using this, a surv...

  8. Pepsi und Coca ewige Rivallen




    Fast jeder kennt Pepsi und Coca. Man kann sie treffen praktisch in jedem Geschaeft. Dennoch nicht alle wissen, dass diese Firmen Erzrivallen sind und das ihre Rivallitaet sich seit Ewigkeit dauert. In meinem Artikel, welches ich in der Zusammenarbeit mit meinem Vater schrieb versuchte ich den Weg beider Firmen von der Gruendung bis heutigen Tagen zu beschreiben. Auf diesem Weg trafen sich technologische Aenderungen, Gerichtsverhandlungen, sowie geschickte Tricks. Wichtige Rolle spielt auch Ma...

  9. Efectos toxicológicos y neuropsiquiátricos producidos por consumo de cocaína


    Téllez Mosquera, Jairo; Cote Menéndez, Miguel


    Este artículo realiza una revisión sobre la historia, la cultura, los aspectos clínico toxicológicos y los efectos en el comportamiento producidos por el uso agudo y crónico de la cocaína. La cocaína como sustancia psicoactiva sin importar su forma de consumo, una vez dentro del organismo sigue las mismas vías metabólicas, produciendo efecto sobre los diferentes órganos. La toxicidad de la cocaína es debida a su metabolito el benzoilecgonina un potente agonista a...

  10. A pausa que refresca... Tempo e espaço nas propagandas da Coca-Cola

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    Ana Lúcia Furquim de Campos


    Full Text Available

    Com base nas reflexões de Mikhail Bakhtin (1988 sobre cronótopo e nos estudos dos semióticos, principalmente no que tange ao percurso passional do sujeito, analisamos propagandas impressas e comerciais televisivos da Coca-Cola. O objetivo principal é traçar a trajetória discursiva da Coca-Cola desde sua entrada no Brasil, em 1941, até a campanha Gostoso é viver, lançada em 2001. O discurso da Coca-Cola apresenta valores positivos como a alegria, emoção e prazer. Entretanto, são eliminados valores negativos e ocultados interditos, como: Coca-Cola é um produto norte-americano e industrializado, portanto, não é natural, engorda e vicia. Constrói-se, assim, um discurso que privilegia aspectos temáticos voltados para os estados passionais eufóricos (paixão, emoção, alegria. A Coca-Cola também reforça a idéia de que está presente em todo tempo e lugar. Assim, as categorias espaço-temporais são elementos importantes para a construção de sentido de suas propagandas. Reafirmando os mesmos valores e mantendo as categorias cronotópicas para a construção de sentido de suas propagandas, a Coca-Cola consolida a idéia de onipotência, ou seja, ela tem o "poder" de refrescar, trazer alegria, provovar emoção e satisfazer prazeres. Cria-se, assim, um estilo, isto é, uma identidade calcada em categorias divinas, tais como onipresença e onipotência.

  11. Coca-Cola ja Pepsi - vennad, nii et veri lendab / Argo Luude, Ave Peetri ; interv. Urmas Vahe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luude, Argo


    Endine PepsiCo Eesti divisjoni juht ning Suurbritannia Coca-Cola suurte kaubanduskettide turundusjuht ettevõtete vahelisest konkurentsist. Vt. samas: Mida on vaja teada Coca-Colast?; Mida on tarvis teada Pepsi-Colast?

  12. Happing: Nativos digitales al servicio de la imagen corporativa de Coca-Cola

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    Carmen Llorente Barroso


    Full Text Available Happing, la comunidad de la gente que se atreve a ser feliz, es la nueva propuesta de la compañía Coca-Cola para su promoción web en España; su éxito entre los nativos digitales pone de manifiesto el acierto de esta gran marca internacional, que ha sabido aprovechar la creatividad de los nativos digitales que participan en la comunidad, para dar brillo a una Imagen Corporativa Intencional de sobra solvente. Los nativos digitales que contribuyen a la creación del mágico mundo Coca-Cola, participan gustosos de la oportunidad expresiva que les brida la compañía, fascinados por la filosofía de vida que siempre ha sido bandera de la Imagen de marca de Coca-Cola, ahora alimentada y, en parte, creada por esos nativos digitales.

  13. Regional Monopoly and Interregional and Intraregional Competition: The Parallel Trade in Coca-Cola between Shanghai and Hangzhou in China


    Yeung, Godfrey; Mok, Vincent


    This article uses a “principal-agent-subagent” analytical framework and data that were collected from field surveys in China to (1) investigate the nature and causes of the parallel trade in Coca-Cola between Shanghai and Hangzhou and (2) assess the geographic and theoretical implications for the regional monopolies that have been artificially created by Coca-Cola in China. The parallel trade in Coca-Cola is sustained by its intraregional rivalry with Pepsi-Cola in Shanghai, where Coca-Cola (...

  14. Por trás de uma tampinha de Coca-Cola um mundo de coisas boas!: propaganda no Brasil (1950-1960 = Behind a cover of Coca-Cola a world of good things!: propaganda in Brazil (1950-1960

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    Bammann, Kellen


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como fonte de pesquisa os anúncios de Coca-Cola veiculados nas revistas brasileiras O Cruzeiro e Manchete entre 1950 e 1960. O ensaio procura demonstrar de que forma as campanhas publicitárias de Coca-Cola veiculadas nos dois magazines procuraram se adequar aos discursos de valorização da industrialização brasileira. Com o objetivo de evidenciar o auxílio da Coca-Cola no processo industrialização e desenvolvimento do Brasil

  15. 75 FR 61141 - In the Matter of The Coca-Cola Company; Analysis of Agreement Containing Consent Order to Aid... (United States)


    ... FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION [File No. 101 0107] In the Matter of The Coca-Cola Company; Analysis of... should be submitted by using the following weblink: ( ). If this Notice appears at ( ), you...

  16. Stimulatory effect of Coca-Cola on gastroduodenal HCO3- secretion in rats. (United States)

    Sasaki, Y; Aihara, E; Ise, F; Kita, K; Takeuchi, K


    We examined the effect of various carbonated beverages, especially Coca-Cola, on the HCO3- secretion in the rat stomach and duodenum. Under urethane anaesthesia, a chambered stomach or a proximal duodenal loop was perfused with saline, and HCO3- secretion was measured at pH 7.0 using a pH-stat method and by adding 2 mM HCl. The amount of CO2 contained in these beverages was about 4-7 g/mL. Coca-Cola topically applied to the mucosa for 10 min significantly increased the HCO3- secretion in both the stomach and the duodenum. The HCO3- response in the duodenum was totally abolished by indomethacin and also partially inhibited by acetazolamide, an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase. Likewise, the response in the stomach was also markedly inhibited by either acetazolamide or indomethacin. The mucosal application of Coca-Cola increased the PGE2 contents in both the stomach and the duodenum. Other carbonated beverages, such as sparkling water, Fanta Grape or cider, also increased the HCO3- secretion in these tissues. These results suggest that Coca-Cola induces HCO3- secretion in both the stomach and the duodenum, and these responses may be attributable to both the intracellular supply of HCO3- generated via carbonic anhydrase, and endogenous PGs, probably related to the acidic pH of the solution.

  17. Arteriopatía periférica crónica inducida por cocaína

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    Sonia Pankl


    Full Text Available La trombosis periférica aguda inducida por cocaína ha sido descripta en la literatura, siendo una complicación poco común. Si bien existen comunicaciones que reflejan los efectos crónicos de la cocaína sobre el sistema arterial periférico, no hay casos publicados de tal complicación en ausencia de otros factores de riesgo. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 22 años de edad con antecedentes de consumo de cocaína intranasal de 3 gramos por semana durante un año, que consultó por claudicación intermitente a los 200 metros asociada a dolor y parestesias en miembro inferior izquierdo de 2 meses de evolución. El ecodoppler arterial evidenció una estenosis mayor del 70% en la arteria femoral superficial izquierda. Se realizaron estudios complementarios descartando otras etiologías probables. Se inició tratamiento con ácido acetilsalicílico, cilostazol y ejercicio reglado, asociado a terapia de apoyo para mantenimiento del cese del consumo de cocaína, con buena respuesta. Se destaca la importancia de la difusión de información a los pacientes, dado que la mayoría de la población desconoce las complicaciones cardiovasculares de dicha adicción. Es indispensable indagar sobre el consumo de cocaína en pacientes jóvenes con arteriopatía sin factores de riesgo aparentes.

  18. Evaluation of the Coca-Cola company travel health kit. (United States)

    Harper, Lynne A; Bettinger, Julie; Dismukes, Roberta; Kozarsky, Phyllis E


    The Coca-Cola travel health kit has been used for about one decade for international travelers and required evaluation to see if the items contained were appropriate for the employees. Two hundred thirty-four travelers were sampled and filled out a voluntary survey including questions about demographic information, travel history, and usage and value of the contents of the travel health kit. One hundred eighty-one surveys were returned; 65% of the respondents were male, and the majority of travelers were between the ages of 36 and 45 years. The most useful items were analgesics and medications used for gastrointestinal problems. In general, the items identified as being the least useful were those requiring specialized use by a medical practitioner, such as needles and syringes. Suggestions of items to be added to the kit included vitamins, cough drops, sleep aids, and eye drops. A surprising result that Coca-Cola employees expressed the desire for brand name rather than generic items. Evaluation of the Coca-Cola Company travel health kit revealed it to be very useful to most corporate travelers. Suggestions that were made will be taken into consideration in designing a new kit, and consideration is being given to whether a basic travel health kit should be provided to which travelers can add other items depending on their personal needs.

  19. We are Originarios …"we just aren't from here": coca leaf and identity politics in the Chapare, Bolivia. (United States)

    Grisaffi, Thomas


    This article first examines the ways in which coca leaf acquired an important symbolic value in forging a counter-hegemonic discourse that wove together various strands of class and cultural identity struggles in the Chapare province, Bolivia. The second line of enquiry that runs through this article deals with the conflicts that arose when the coca union mutated into a governing political party. Now that the coca growers' leader, Evo Morales, is President of the Republic he is obliged by the international community to reduce the amount of land under coca cultivation. To do this President Morales has had to rhetorically pull coca leaf apart from Andean tradition. This presents a challenge to the integrity of indigenous-peasant based movements in the Chapare because it brings attention to their constructed nature and thus questions the authenticity of the originario identity.

  20. Acute intestinal obstruction caused by a persimmon phytobezoar after dissolution therapy with Coca-Cola. (United States)

    Ha, Seung Soo; Lee, Hyun Suk; Jung, Min Kyu; Jeon, Seong Woo; Cho, Chang Min; Kim, Sung Kook; Choi, Yong Hwan


    Bezoars are concretions or hard masses of foreign matter that are found in the gastrointestinal tract. Recent reports have demonstrated the efficacy of Coca-Cola administration for the dissolution of phytobezors. Here we report on a 73-year-old man with a very large gastric persimmon diospyrobezoar, and this caused small intestinal obstruction after partial dissolution with oral and injected Coca-Cola.

  1. Effect of the aqueous, acidic and alcoholic extract of dried leaves of Erythroxylum coca var. coca (coca in Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and Candida albicans in vitro

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    Medalit Luna-Vílchez


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the effect of the aqueous, acidic and alcoholic extract of dried leaves of Erythroxylum coca var. coca (coca in Trichophyton rubrum (TR, Trichophyton mentagrophytes (TM, Microsporum canis (MC and Candida albicans (CA in vitro. Materials and methods: An experimental study which evaluated the presence or absence of fungal growth, and fungal growth rate from the seeding point, compared to fungal growth in Sabouraud Agar (SA using Siegel-Tukey and KruskalWallis tests (p<0.05. Results: The CA group showed a statistical difference (p<0.05 between the following groups: 99.9% ethanol vs. aqueous, 99.9% ethanol vs. 0.01M HCl, 99.9% ethanol vs. control, control vs. aqueous, 0.01M HCl vs. control. The TR group showed a statistical difference (p<0.05 between the following groups: 99.9% ethanol vs. 0.01M HCl, 99.9% ethanol vs. aqueous, 99.9% ethanol vs. control, 0.01M HCl vs. control. The TM group showed a statistical difference (p<0.05 between the following groups: 99.9% ethanol vs. 0.01M HCl, 99.9% ethanol vs. control, aqueous vs. acid, aqueous vs. control. The MC group showed a statistical difference (p<0.05 between the following groups: 99.9% ethanol vs. 0.01M HCl, 99.9% ethanol vs. control, aqueous vs. acid, aqueous vs. control. In all the cases, the results of the 0.01M HCl vs. aqueous group were not significant. Conclusions: The aqueous, acidic and alcoholic extracts have no effect on the growth of CA and TM, but the alcoholic extract has effects on the growth of TR and MC. In addition, there were differences in the growth rate of CA, TR and TM in the aqueous, acidic and alcoholic extracts compared to that in SA. However only TR, TM and MC showed differences in their growth rate in the alcoholic extract.

  2. The Coca-Cola Company : equity valuation


    Santos, André Escoval dos


    The present dissertation aims to demonstrate the process of valuing The Coca-Cola Company (KO). Valuation is not an exact science, requiring numerous assumptions and different models to be trusted. Several theories and articles from prestigious authors were followed aiming to deliver the best possible result. There is not a consensus among authors about which method yields best results, however Discounted Cash Flow is considered the finest by most of them. Therefore, KO will...

  3. Selling Local Modernization through the Global Corporation: Coca-Cola Bottling in Colombia, 1927-1944


    Amanda Ciafone


    The Coca-Cola Company sold drink concentrates and licensed rights to its trademarked brands to contracted bottlers who produced and sold bottled drinks in designated geographic areas around the world, including Colombia, beginning in 1927. The franchise system enabled international expansion without large corporate growth or direct local employment allowing the company to externalize liability and financial risk. The franchise system helped the company situate the production of Coca-Cola with...

  4. Selling Local Modernization through the Global Corporation: Coca-Cola Bottling in Colombia, 1927-1944


    Ciafone, Amanda


    Abstract The Coca-Cola Company sold drink concentrates and licensed rights to its trade-marked brands to contracted bottlers who produced and sold bottled drinks in designated geographic areas around the world, including Colombia, beginning in 1927. The franchise system enabled international expansion without large corporate growth or direct local employment allowing the company to externalize liability and financial risk. The franchise system helped the company situate the production of Coca...

  5. Results of long-term carcinogenicity bioassays on Coca-Cola administered to Sprague-Dawley rats. (United States)

    Belpoggi, Fiorella; Soffritti, Morando; Tibaldi, Eva; Falcioni, Laura; Bua, Luciano; Trabucco, Francesca


    Coca-Cola was invented in May 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia by a pharmacist who, by accident or design, mixed carbonated water with the syrup of sugar, phosphoric acid, caffeine, and other natural flavors to create what is known as "the world's favorite soft drink." Coca-Cola is currently sold in more than 200 countries and in early 2000, the company sold its 10 billionth unit case of Coca-Cola branded products. Given the worldwide consumption of Coca-Cola, a project of experimental bioassays to study its long-term effects when administered as substitute for drinking water on male and female Sprague-Dawley rats was planned and executed. The objective of the project was to study whether and how long-term consumption of Coca-Cola affects the basic tumorigram of test animals. The bioassays were performed on rats beginning at different ages, namely: (a) on males and females exposed since embryonic life or from 7 weeks of age; and (b) on males and females exposed from 30, 39, or 55 weeks of age. Overall, the project included 1999 rats. During the biophase, data were collected on fluid and feed consumption, body weight, and survival. Animals were kept under observation until spontaneous death and underwent complete necropsy. The results indicate: (a) an increase in body weight in all treated animals; (b) a statistically significant increase of the incidence in females, both breeders and offspring, bearing malignant mammary tumors; (c) a statistically significant increase in the incidence of exocrine ademonas of the pancreas in both male and female breeders and offspring; and (d) an increased incidence, albeit not statistically significant, of pancreatic islet cell carcinomas in females, a malignant tumor which occurs very rarely in our historical controls. On the basis of the results of this study, excessive consumption of regular soft-drinks should be generally discouraged, in particular for children and adolescents.

  6. An Analysis of Yip's Global Strategy Model, Using Coca-Cola ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Analysis of the selected business cases suggest a weak fit between the Yip model of a truly Global strategy ... like Coca-Cola in the beverage industry for effective implementation of a global strategy. ... Keywords: Global Strategy, Leadership.

  7. The Image and Politics of Coca-Cola: From the Early Years to the Present


    Al-Othman, Dalia


    This paper examines the history of Coca-Cola from its early years to the present and discusses how the Company perpetuated the various images it sought for Coke through brilliant leadership, marketing, and the manipulation of events, and how it was able to develop and use its political connections to overcome government-created obstacles and cultural resistance to its products both within and without the United States. The paper will discuss the history of Coca-Cola’s inter...

  8. Sangue e Coca-Cola: a carnavalização e a literatura pop de Roberto Drummond

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    Ernest Bowes


    Full Text Available Este estudo se propõe à reflexão sobre as obras de Roberto Drummond, mais especificamente Sangue de Coca-Cola - romance que integra o ciclo Coca-Cola do autor. A pesquisa se propõe a demonstrar que a arte pop não é estática e que se materializa através da interação com outras linguagens e com a cultura. Assim, o trânsito entre distintos campos discursivos como a Filosofia, Sociologia e a Teoria da Literatura apresentou-se, então, como a estratégia mais apropriada para discutir a questão.   Palavras-chave: Carnavalização, Literatura Pop, Sangue de Coca-Cola.

  9. ["Fabulous things". Drug narratives about coca and cocaine in the 19th century]. (United States)

    Wahrig, Bettina


    This contribution focuses on the history of Coca leaves and Cocaine in the second half of 19th century Europe. Even though, to date, no direct link has been established between the activities of the Milano physician Paolo Mantegazza, and the Göttingen chemist Friedrich Wöhler, it is not a mere coincidence that both published their findings in the same year, namely, 1859. Mantegazza authored the first treatise claiming that Coca had psychoactive qualities and touted its broad therapeutic faculties; he claimed that it should be introduced into European pharmacotherapy. In Wöhler's laboratory, cocaine was isolated from leaves by his pupil Alfred Niemann; later, Wilhelm Lossen refined and corrected Niemann's results. Narratives about medicinal drugs often streamline history into a story that starts with multiple meanings and impure matters and ends with well-defined substances, directed at clear-cut diseases and symptoms. In the case of Coca, however, the pure substance triggered no such process well into the 1880s, whereas the leaves continued to circulate as an exotic, pluripotent drug whose effects where miraculous and yet difficult to establish.

  10. Analýza komunikačního mixu společnosti Coca Cola na českém trhu


    Málková, Alena


    The subject of this diploma thesis is the communications mix of The Coca-Cola Company and it is focusing on the brand Coca-Cola on the Czech market. The aim is to analyze current communication mix of brand Coca-Cola, reveal fundamental aspects that influence the communication mix and propose specific changes to the mix. Introductory part acquaints readers with the various communication tools, their advantages and disadvantages, the optimal structure of the communication mix and other theoreti...

  11. Aspectos Farmacológicos y Socioculturales del consumo de hoja de coca en indígenas Koguis respecto al consumo de cocaína en ambientes urbanos

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    Katiuska Vera Zambrano


    Full Text Available La investigación compara los aspectos farmacológicos y socioculturales del consumo de la hoja de coca en indígenas Kogui de la Sierra Nevadade Santa Marta en Colombia frente a los aspectos farmacológicos y socioculturales del  consumo de cocaína en los ambientes urbanos, relacionados con los conceptos de tolerancia y dependencia a sustancias psicoactivas. Los resultados aportan al desarrollo  y diseño de programas de prevención, tratamiento y reducción de riesgo y daño en fármaco dependencia, al igual que sugiere la inclusión de aspectos relevantes en futuras políticas sociales de prevención en drogas.

  12. Hygrine and cuscohygrine as possible markers to distinguish coca chewing from cocaine abuse in workplace drug testing. (United States)

    Rubio, C; Strano-Rossi, S; Tabernero, M J; Anzillotti, L; Chiarotti, M; Bermejo, A M


    Cocaine abuse is widespread all over the world, and is performed generally by sniffing, injecting or smoking cocaine or crack. The distinction between the recreational use of cocaine from the practice of the so called "coqueo" is still an issue in those countries where this habit is diffused and where it is not considered an addiction, by this reason is necessary to develop a method for to distinguish the coca chewers and cocaine abusers. The use of an unique marker to distinguish between cocaine abuse and chewing of coca leaves is of fundamental importance in those countries where this habit is diffused. Certain alkaloids of the leaves of Erythroxylum coca are lost during the process of extraction/purification of cocaine and it is not possible to find them neither in seizures of chlorhidrate of cocaine nor urine samples of cocaine abusers. These markers are the hygrine and cuscohygrine that are present in the leaves of E. coca. A fast GC/MS method involving a liquid:liquid extraction procedure with tertbutylmethylether (TBME) is proposed for the determination of some alkaloids in cocaine leaves, cocaine seizures and biological samples. All specimens were alkalinized to pH 9 with a carbonate/bicarbonate buffer and then extracted with TBME. The analysis was carry out by GC/MS with electron impact at 70 eV and in full scan mode. The results demonstrate that hygrine and cuscohygrine are not found neither in the urine of cocaine abusers nor in cocaine seizures. For this reason this compounds could be considered as markers of coca chewing. This developed method permits to distinguish coca chewing from cocaine abuse in workplace drug testing through the analysis of urine samples. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Composting system for waste treatment coca leaf with the addition of three biological activators in the Experimental Center Kallutaca

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    Apaza-Condori Emma Eva


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the composting process waste coca leaf with the addition of three biological activators (yogurt, whey and yeast. This work was carried out Kallutaca Experimental Center, Biofertilizers module Career Agricultural Engineering at the Public University of El Alto, La Paz municipality of Laja. Posed treatments were: T1 (+ Yogurt Coca wastes; T2 (Coca wastes + whey; T3 (Coca wastes + yeast and T4 (Control. The design was completely randomized with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. The values in N are classified medium and high levels the quantities of P, K are classified as middle levels. The value obtained 7.9 pH, EC 12950 µS/cm and 61% organic matter belong to treatment T1. The decomposition time was a period of 105 days corresponds to treatment T3.

  14. Belgian coca-cola-related outbreak: intoxication, mass sociogenic illness, or both? (United States)

    Gallay, A; Van Loock, F; Demarest, S; Van der Heyden, J; Jans, B; Van Oyen, H


    An epidemic of health complaints occurred in five Belgian schools in June 1999. A qualitative investigation described the scenario. The role of soft drinks was assessed by using a case-control study. Cases were students complaining of headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or trembling. Controls were students present at school on the day of the outbreak but not taken ill. An analysis was performed separately for school A, where the outbreak started, and was pooled for schools B-E. In school A, the attack rate (13.2%) was higher than in schools B-E (3.6%, relative risk = 3.6, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.5, 5.3). Exclusive consumption of regular Coca-Cola (school A: odds ratio (OR) = 29.7, 95% CI: 1.32, 663.6; schools B-E: OR = 7.3, 95% CI: 2.9, 18.0) and low mental health score (school A: OR = 16.1, 95% CI: 1.3, 201.9; schools B-E: OR = 3.1, 95% CI: 1.5, 6.6) were independently associated with the illness. In schools B-E, consumption of Fanta, consumption of Coca-Cola light, and female gender were also associated with the illness. It seems reasonable to attribute the first cases of illness in school A to regular Coca-Cola consumption. However, mass sociogenic illness could explain the majority of the other cases.

  15. Cuando ya no se puede tomar trago ni chacchar coca. When alcohol can no longer be drunk or coca leaves chewed. the case of the “protestants” in the Peruvian central Andes

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    Caroline Magny


    Full Text Available Desde hace mucho tiempo el alcohol y la coca ocupan un lugar central en las comunidades andinas. Hasta ahora en el distrito de Churcampa (Huancavelica, Perú, los católicos, mayoritarios, siguen explicando al visitante lo siguiente: “acá no se puede hacer nada sin trago ni coca”. No obstante, durante las ultimas décadas, muchas personas en este distrito – así como en muchos otros distritos de los Andes peruanos – se han convertido y siguen convirtiéndose al “protestantismo” (termino genérico usado por los católicos para referirse en forma general a las Iglesias evangélicas. Esta conversión implica, entre otras cosas, dejar completamente de masticar hojas de coca y de beber cualquier tipo de bebidas alcohólicas. En esta exposición proponemos analizar hasta qué punto y bajo qué modalidades estas restricciones alimenticias afectan a los conversos (quienes siguen siendo minoritarios en el distrito en su vida social cotidiana.Alcohol and coca have played a central role in Andean communities for many centuries. Nowadays, in the district of Churcampa (Huancavelica, Peru, the Catholic people, who are the majority, still explain to visitors that “here you can’t do anything without trago [alcohol] and coca”. Yet, over the past decades, many men and women in this district - as well as in many other districts of the Peruvian Andes - have been converting to “Protestantism” (a generic term used by Catholics to refer to the Evangelical Churches. This conversion implies, among other things, completely giving up chewing of coca leaves and drinking of any type of alcoholic drink. The aim of this article is to analyze to what extent and how these restrictions in the dietary habits affect converted people in their everyday social life.alcohol, coca leaves, religion, conversion, evangelic Churches, Peru

  16. Utilização do agonista dopaminérgico pergolida no tratamento da "fissura" por cocaína

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    Focchi Guilherme R de Azevedo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: O estudo avaliou a eficácia e a segurança terapêutica do agonista dopaminérgico pergolida no tratamento ambulatorial da ''fissura" por cocaína. MÉTODOS: Participaram de estudo controlado simples-cego, com duração de quatro semanas, em tratamento ambulatorial, 42 pacientes do sexo masculino com idade entre 18 e 50 anos, com diagnóstico de dependência de cocaína pelo DSM-IV e primeiro grau completo. Transtornos clínicos e/ou psiquiátricos que necessitassem de internação, uso de medicação psiquiátrica, quadros psicóticos prévios independentes do consumo de cocaína e hipersensibilidade à pergolida foram critérios de exclusão. Os pacientes foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: o primeiro recebeu pergolida (0,05-0,2 mg ao dia, e o segundo, placebo (1 a 4 comprimidos ao dia. Os grupos foram comparados quanto à ''fissura'' por cocaína e aos efeitos colaterais das medicações. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos em relação à incidência de efeitos colaterais ou ao relato da redução da ''fissura'' por cocaína. CONCLUSÃO: A amostra pequena e o uso de medicação por tempo curto podem ter influído nos resultados. A pergolida se mostrou segura, com poucos efeitos colaterais. A pergolida não se mostrou superior ao placebo no tratamento da "fissura" por cocaína.

  17. Science organisations and Coca-Cola's 'war' with the public health community: insights from an internal industry document. (United States)

    Barlow, Pepita; Serôdio, Paulo; Ruskin, Gary; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David


    Critics have long accused food and beverage companies of trying to exonerate their products from blame for obesity by funding organisations that highlight alternative causes. Yet, conclusions about the intentions of food and beverage companies in funding scientific organisations have been prevented by limited access to industry's internal documents. Here we allow the words of Coca-Cola employees to speak about how the corporation intended to advance its interests by funding the Global Energy Balance Network (GEBN). The documents reveal that Coca-Cola funded and supported the GEBN because it would serve as a 'weapon' to 'change the conversation' about obesity amidst a 'growing war between the public health community and private industry'. Despite its close links to the Coca-Cola company, the GEBN was to be portrayed as an 'honest broker' in this 'war'. The GEBN's message was to be promoted via an extensive advocacy campaign linking researchers, policy-makers, health professionals, journalists and the general public. Ultimately, these activities were intended to advance Coca-Cola's corporate interests: as they note, their purpose was to 'promote practices that are effective in terms of both policy and profit'. Coca-Cola's proposal for establishing the GEBN corroborates concerns about food and beverage corporations' involvement in scientific organisations and their similarities with Big Tobacco. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  18. Pengaruh Implementasi CSR Yang Dilakukan Oleh PT. Coca-cola Bottling Indonesia Terhadap Pengembangan Masyarakat Medan


    Lubis, Zulfizar Syahputra


    Formulation of the problem in this research is: Is CSR Implementation conducted by PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia Significant Impact on Community Development. The purpose of this research is to study and analyze how CSR Implementation conducted by PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia Significant Impact on Community Development. This study is associative, ie research that connects two or more variables to see the effect of these variables. The data used in this study is primary data and secon...

  19. 21 CFR 1304.32 - Reports of manufacturers importing coca leaves. (United States)


    ... manufacturer importing or manufacturing from raw coca leaves shall submit information accounting for the importation and for all manufacturing operations performed between the importation and the manufacture of bulk or finished products standardized in accordance with U.S. Pharmacopoeia, National Formulary, or other...

  20. Intoxicaciones agudas por cocaína: Caracterización, factores de riesgo, conocimientos y precauciones de los consumidores


    Santos Sanz, Sara


    La cocaína es la tercera droga ilegal más consumida después del cannabis y las anfetaminas. España es uno de los países donde su consumo está más extendido, sobretodo en el grupo de adultos jóvenes de 15-34 años. Los problemas de salud asociados al consumo de cocaína son frecuentes (13%-30%) entre los consumidores, aunque la intoxicación aguda por cocaína así como sus factores de riesgo no se han estudiado tanto como en el caso de la sobredosis por heroina. Existen vacios en la literatura sob...

  1. Análisis de cocaína en diferentes muestras por cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de llama (CG-FID

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    Ángela M. López C.


    Full Text Available En este estudio se realizó la validación de los métodos establecidos por la UNODC para la cuantificación y extracción de benzometilecgonina (cocaína presente en las hojas de Erythhroxylum coca, en té de coca y en clorhidrato de cocaína. El primer método de extracción, recomendado por la UNODC, es una extracción solido-líquido (ESL, sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos indican que esta no es lo suficientemente eficiente para lograr una señal de analito distinguible de la relación señal a ruido (S/N para las muestras de hojas de Erythhroxylum coca y té de coca. El segundo método propuesto es la extracción soxhlet, los resultados indican que esta resulta más eficiente para aislar y cuantificar el analito de interés por cromatografía de gases acoplada a un detector de ionización por llama (CG-FID. Después de someter las muestras al proceso de extracción soxhlet y cuantificación por CG-FID se encontró que la hoja de té posee 7,66×102 mg de cocaína/kg de muestra, las hojas de coca 17,15 mg de cocaína/kg de muestra y el clorhidrato de cocaína 7,15×105 mg de cocaína/kg de muestra. El método de análisis escogido se caracteriza por arrojar bajos límites de detección (0,169 mg/L y por poseer parámetros estadísticos y cromatográficos ideales.

  2. The Rhetoric of the iconic discourse within the Coca-Cola brand

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    Mărioara VLIONCU


    Full Text Available Cet article, tel que son nom de Rhétorique du discours iconique de la marque Coca-Cola l’annonce, a comme thème la structure de la rhétorique des publicités de la marque Coca-Cola. Ces dernières sont représentées, de manière conventionnelle, par deux annexes auxquelles se réfère cette analyse. Ce que ce débat, à caractère sémio-rhétorique, se propose en particulier, c’est de mettre en évidence les liens qui s’établissent entre l’énoncé iconique des réclames de la marque Coca-Cola et les éléments rhétoriques de celui-ci. Les deux composantes (iconique et rhétorique sont évaluées de la perspective d’un discours public, d’un message de nature promotionnelle qui caractérise le marché libre. Cette approche se propose de démontrer les particularités de la rhétorique iconique qui, par le phénomène de l’argumentation discursive, poursuit l’acceptation d’une idée en vertu de raisons pragmatiques ou d’intérêts actionnels. La présente analyse a comme but l’identification des composantes de l’iconicité rhétorique et de la spécificité de celle-ci. L’article trace en ce sens les contours d’une stratégie analytique peu commune ; son objectif consiste dans la présentation d’une liaison pouvant être faite entre l’image et les valeurs rhétoriquesde celle-ci. Le thème de l’analyse est basé sur une dimension théorique qui renvoie à la manière dont les publicités Coca-Cola donnent naissance à un discours qui peut être étudié à partir de catégories rhétoriques telles : ethos, mythos, pathos etc. La seconde partie de l’article représente une analyse de la narrativité iconique et met en évidence la caractéristique rhétorique des images de la marque soumise à l’étude. Cette recherche se veut une proposition d’ordre sémio-linguistique et rhétorique, une évaluation iconique des signes dans le cadre des publicités en général et des publicités de la marque Coca

  3. Importancia de la resiliencia e inteligencia emocional en el consumo de cocaína


    Martínez López, Ana


    Según los datos epidemiológicos disponibles, 14.1 millones de europeos adultos consumieron cocaína alguna vez en sus vidas(OED 2012). En la actualidad, ningún tratamiento farmacológico ha sido considerado eficaz para tratar la dependencia a la cocaína, sin embargo algunos tratamientos psicológicos han encontrado resultados positivos en el tratamiento de esta adicción. En este trabajo de investigación se utilizó una muestra de 101 sujetos que acudían a la Unidad de Conductas Adictivas de...

  4. Cocaína: lendas, história e abuso Cocaine: myths, history and abuse

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    Pedro Eugênio M Ferreira


    Full Text Available A civilização ocidental tem estado envolvida com múltiplos problemas sociais, sendo o abuso de drogas um deles. A cocaína e os transtornos decorrentes de seu abuso tornaram-se um problema de saúde pública. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo colaborar pelo aprofundamento da investigação histórica desse tema. Há mais de 4500 anos, as folhas de coca são usadas por índios da América do Sul. Com a industrialização no século XIX, a cocaína chegou aos países desenvolvidos da época. Na medicina, essa substância também se mostrou presente, sendo usada, tanto por Freud quanto por outros médicos, na tentativa de curar inúmeras enfermidades. No entanto, a maior disponibilidade e a queda dos preços nos últimos 30 anos possibilitaram que essa droga fosse usada abusivamente por um número crescente de pessoas, trazendo conseqüências assustadoras para a saúde do indivíduo e para a sociedade como um todo.Western civilization is involved with multiple social problems and drug abuse is one of them. Cocaine and its abuse have become over the years a public health problem. This paper intends to provide a historical background to the subject. For more than 4,500 years, South America natives have been using coca leaves. After the industrial revolution in the 19th century, cocaine clorhydrate, an alkaloid present in the coca leaf, reached the developed countries. Many products, which main ingredient was cocaine, were consumed by famous people at that time, such as Vino Mariani, used by Pope Leo XVIII. In medicine, Freud and other doctors used cocaine with the purpose of healing various diseases. However, in the last 30 years, it became more available and its price dropped, making it accessible to an increasing number of people, resulting in alarming consequences to users' health as well as for the whole society.

  5. La coca en el intercambio mercante Atlántico-Mediterráneo

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    Ortega Villoslada, Antonio


    Full Text Available One approaches the passage of the coca to the Mediterranean and its relevancy in the medieval navigation. Superiority determined by the rudder of sternpost, know generically by the sailors of the mediterranean basin as bayonés, that is to say, of the Gulf of Biscay, whose skippers will arrive regularly to Majorca.

    Se aborda el paso de la coca al Mediterráneo y su relevancia en la náutica medieval. Primacía determinada por el timón de codaste, conocido genéricamente por los marinos de la cuenca mediterránea como bayonés, es decir, del Golfo de Vizcaya, cuyos patrones arribarán regularmente a Mallorca.

  6. Marit Kroon: just for fun pole mõtet Coca-Colas töötada / Marit Kroon ; intervjueerinud Taivo Paju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kroon, Marit


    Coca-Cola Eesti esinduses kogu Baltikumi turunduse eest vastutav Marit Kroon vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad Coca-Colasse tööle saamist, esimesi tööülesandeid, töötamist ülemustest eemal, enese motiveerimist, enesekehtestamist ning valmisolekut kodust eemal töötamiseks

  7. Coca-Cola, caffeine, and mental deficiency: Harry Hollingworth and the Chattanooga trial of 1911. (United States)

    Benjamin, L T; Rogers, A M; Rosenbaum, A


    Harry Hollingworth's 1911 investigation of the behavioral effects of caffeine is one of the earliest examples of psychological research contracted by a large corporation. The research was necessitated by a federal government suit against the Coca-Cola Company for marketing a beverage with a deleterious ingredient, namely, caffeine. Although Hollingworth's research played little role in the outcome of the Coca-Cola trials, it was important as a model of sophistication in experimental design. As such, it set a standard for psychopharmacological research. It also was particularly important in directing Hollingworth toward a life-long career in applied psychology.

  8. Coca-Cola jõulukaravan tõi lastekodulastele palju rõõmu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vt. ka Linnaleht : Tartu 21. dets., lk. 13, Linnaleht : Pärnu 21. dets., lk. B5. Sel nädalal Eestis ringi sõitnud heategevuslik Coca-Cola jõulukaravan viis kingitusi 17 Tartu ja Tartumaa, Tallinna, Jõgevamaa ning Ida-Virumaa lastekodusse

  9. "Coca got us here and now it's our weakness:" Fusarium oxysporum and the political ecology of a drug war policy alternative in Bolivia. (United States)

    Pearson, Zoe


    A strain of Fusarium oxysporum fungus is killing coca plants in the Chapare coca growing region of Bolivia. Coca farmers are already constrained in the amount of coca they can grow under the government's community-based coca control approach, "social control." Coca leaf is the main ingredient in cocaine, but it is also a traditional medicine and food, is economically vital to household incomes, and is a political symbol of the current government administration. Bolivia's approach to coca control, now administered without any United States military intervention, is an innovative example of experimentation with drug policy reform. This paper is based on ethnographic research including semi-structured interviews and observation. Coca growers are worried about the dire economic, social, and political consequences of the fungus' appearance and spread since summer 2013. They have two explanations for its origins: First, that it was sent by the United States government, which in the past was developing a strain of F. oxysporum for use in the drug war; Second, and the explanation of scientists, is that the outbreak is caused by the overuse of agrochemicals and other intensive agricultural practices. More than a matter of agroecology, the practices identified in the second explanation must be understood in terms of the persistence of the international drug prohibition regime. Bolivia's social control approach is a successful alternative to violent eradication measures, however the country is constrained to uphold the fundamental principles of supply-side control in order to be a respected partner in global drug control. The supply-side logics restricting social control make intensive agriculture practices attractive, but may have contributed to the fungus' proliferation and its continued spread. The fungus draws attention to the challenges of policy reform, new collateral damages of drug control, and role environmental factors can play in drug control politics. Copyright

  10. Los cirujanos y la cocaína. Facile est inventis addere

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    Jorge Dagnino Sepúlveda


    Full Text Available Este artículo, tercero de una serie sobre el desarrollo de la anestesia local, describe los acontecimientos que siguieron al descubrimiento hecho por Carl Koller en 1884 del uso anestésico de la cocaína hasta la introducción de la procaína por Einhorn. En un lapso de veinte años, varias investigaciones culminaron con la introducción de muchas de las técnicas de anestesia local y regional usadas contemporáneamente: troncular, por infiltración, raquídea y peridural caudal. El escrito toca aspectos tales como la juventud de los innovadores, en su mayoría cirujanos, la toxicidad y el terrible poder de adicción de la cocaína que alcanzó a algunos de ellos, las disputas por la precedencia y la tradición de autoexperimentación.

  11. The use of Coca-Cola in the management of bolus obstruction in benign oesophageal stricture. (United States)

    Karanjia, N. D.; Rees, M.


    Oesophageal stricture is a complication of oesophageal reflux and may itself be complicated by bolus obstruction. We reviewed the records of patients presenting with dysphagia and who were found to have benign oesophageal strictures. We studied the outcome of bolus obstruction in 13 episodes affecting eight patients. In six episodes Coca-Cola was administered on the day before endoscopy, and in all these patients the bolus had cleared. In seven episodes nothing was administered before endoscopy, and in all seven a bolus was evident at endoscopy. In five of these seven the bolus was removed piecemeal and in each of these instances the endoscope had to be passed between two and five times. In the remaining two instances the procedure was abandoned and the patients returned to the ward for the administration of Coca-Cola. At subsequent endoscopy these patients were found to be clear of any bolus. These results suggest that the administration of Coca-Cola (or other aerated drinks) may clear a bolus in the acutely obstructed oesophagus. PMID:8476194

  12. Coca-Cola Valued Youth Program. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report (United States)

    What Works Clearinghouse, 2009


    The Coca-Cola Valued Youth Program offers secondary school students who are considered at risk of dropping out the opportunity to serve as tutors in elementary schools. By having these at-risk students serve as tutors, the program aims to improve their basic academic skills and self-esteem, with the goal of keeping them enrolled in school. The…

  13. Repercussões otorrinolaringológicas do abuso de cocaína e/ou crack em dependentes de drogas

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    Nassif Filho A.C.N.


    Full Text Available A prevalência de pacientes viciados em cocaína e/ou crack parece estar aumentando; portanto, o médico deve estar preparado para diagnosticar o uso de drogas. OBJETIVOS. Determinar se existem sinais típicos de uso de cocaína e/ou crack no trato respiratório superior ou na orofaringe em exame otorrinolaringológico comum. Orientar o médico no diagnóstico dos pacientes viciados nessas drogas. MÉTODOS. Foram estudados 18 pacientes viciados em cocaína e/ou crack, que estavam internados em clínica psiquiátrica, através de anamnese e exame otorrinolaringológico simples (rinoscopia anterior e orofaringoscopia. RESULTADOS. Foi impossível estabelecer uma correlação entre o tempo de uso, quantidade e freqüência no uso das drogas quanto aos sintomas e exame otorrinolaringológico. CONCLUSÃO. Devido à inespecíficidade no exame otorrinolaringológico do paciente viciado em cocaína e/ou crack, é necessário que o médico suspeite do abuso de drogas na história clínica; caso contrário, poderá não realizar este importante diagnóstico.

  14. Huge gastric diospyrobezoars successfully treated by oral intake and endoscopic injection of Coca-Cola. (United States)

    Chung, Y W; Han, D S; Park, Y K; Son, B K; Paik, C H; Jeon, Y C; Sohn, J H


    A diospyrobezoar is a type of phytobezoar that is considered to be harder than any other types of phytobezoars. Here, we describe a new treatment modality, which effectively and easily disrupted huge gastric diospyrobezoars. A 41-year-old man with a history of diabetes mellitus was admitted with lower abdominal pain and vomiting. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed three huge, round diospyrobezoars in the stomach. He was made to drink two cans of Coca-Cola every 6 h. At endoscopy the next day, the bezoars were partially dissolved and turned to be softened. We performed direct endoscopic injection of Coca-Cola into each bezoar. At repeated endoscopy the next day, the bezoars were completely dissolved.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    LIU Meng-qing


    There has a lot of discussion about the correct expression of CHINESE DREAM or CHINA DREAM. This paper aims to make well use of COCA, a free online corpus, to clear this question. After contrast, we finally find that the exact expression is CHINESE DREAM instead of the original CHINA DREAM. The application of corpus can also be a new pattern for us to pur-sue our study career and will also be an effective way to help us in research field.

  16. Effects of an acidic beverage (Coca-Cola) on absorption of ketoconazole. (United States)

    Chin, T W; Loeb, M; Fong, I W


    Absorption of ketoconazole is impaired in patients with achlorhydria. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a palatable acidic beverage (Coca-Cola Classic, pH 2.5) in improving the absorption of ketoconazole in the presence of drug-induced achlorhydria. A prospective, randomized, three-way crossover design with a 1-week wash-out period between each treatment was employed. Nine healthy nonsmoking, nonobese volunteers between 22 and 41 years old were studied. Each subject was randomized to receive three treatments: (A) ketoconazole 200-mg tablet with water (control), (B) omeprazole (60 mg) followed by ketoconazole (200 mg) taken with water, and (C) omeprazole (60 mg) followed by ketoconazole (200 mg) taken with 240 ml of Coca-Cola Classic. The pH values of gastric aspirates were checked after omeprazole was administered to confirm attainment of a pH of > 6. Multiple serum samples were obtained for measurements of ketoconazole concentrations by high-pressure liquid chromatography. The mean area under the ketoconazole concentration-time curve from zero to infinity for the control treatment (17.9 +/- 13.1 mg.h/liter) was significantly greater than that for treatment B (3.5 +/- 5.1 mg.h/liter; 16.6% +/- 15.0% of control). The mean peak concentration was highest for the control treatment (4.1 +/- 1.9 micrograms/ml), for which the mean peak concentration showed a significant increase over that for treatment B. The absorption of ketoconazole was reduced in the presence of omeprazole-induced achlorhydria. However, drug absorption was significantly increased, to approximately 65% of the mean for the control treatment, when the drug was taken with an acidic beverage, such as Coca-Cola.


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    Mărioara VLIONCU


    Full Text Available Le but de cet etude a été celui de presenter quelques aspects qui visent la liaison qui peut se faire entre les fonctions de la langue telles comme ells sont théorisées par le linguiste Roman Kakobson et les champs lexicaux des slogans de la marquee « Coca-Cola » qui peut être circonscrite à une structure théorique qui appartient à l’acte communicationnel. Les champs lexicaux d’un objet notionnel, respectivement le boisson gazéifié « Coca-Cola », et une structure théorique spécifique à un acte communicationnel base sur le langage. Pour chaque des fonctions du language, telles comme elles ont été théorisées par le linguiste Roman Jakobson, ont été trouvées des correspondances des champs lexicaux, appartenant aux slogans de la marque « Coca-Cola » . Ces champs lexicaux ont été considérablement étendus par des exemples prépondérente de la sphère verbale.

  18. Análisis de cocaína en diferentes muestras por cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de llama (CG-FID)


    Ángela M. López C.; William F. Garzón M; Milton Rosero-Moreano; Gonzalo Taborda O.


    En este estudio se realizó la validación de los métodos establecidos por la UNODC para la cuantificación y extracción de benzometilecgonina (cocaína) presente en las hojas de Erythhroxylum coca, en té de coca y en clorhidrato de cocaína. El primer método de extracción, recomendado por la UNODC, es una extracción solido-líquido (ESL), sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos indican que esta no es lo suficientemente eficiente para lograr una señal de analito distinguible de la relación señal a ru...

  19. La decisión de los agricultores del área tropical de Cochabamba (Bolivia) de cultivar coca en lugar de los productos alternativos recomendados por el Estado


    Juan Carlos Barrientos; Walter Schug


    A pesar de la prohibición estatal del cultivo de coca desde 1973 y de la reducción rápida de las plantaciones de coca hasta 2002, este arbusto todavía se cultiva en las zonas tropicales de Cochabamba (Bolivia). Tanto aspectos técnicos como económicos, son responsables de que muchos agricultores se decidan por el cultivo de la coca y no por el de cultivos alternativos. Técnicamente, el cultivo de la coca es más adaptable y menos exigente, en comparación con los cinco cultivos alternativos anal...

  20. Performance Analysis Comparison Of Coca Cola And Pepsi


    The, Glenny Marselia; Saerang, David Paul Elia; Tumewu, Ferdinand


    All companies fight to get as many consumers as they can and it makes, product, price, place and promotion become important factors to make a company has a successful marketing campaign. The companies spend much money for create an attractive product at an affordable price, a place that can be reached, and the promotion that can be well-received by the public. So, regarding that fact, the researcher writes a study about the performance analysis comparison of Coca Cola and Pepsi in Manado b...

  1. The effect of Coca-Cola and fruit juices on the surface hardness of glass-ionomers and 'compomers'. (United States)

    Aliping-McKenzie, M; Linden, R W A; Nicholson, J W


    The interaction of tooth-coloured dental restorative materials (a conventional glass-ionomer, two resin-modified glass-ionomers and two compomers) with acidic beverages has been studied with the aim of investigating how long-term contact affects solution pH and specimen surface hardness. For each material (ChemFil Superior, ChemFlex, Vitremer Core Build-Up/Restorative, Fuji II LC, Dyract AP and F2000) disc-shaped specimens were prepared and stored in sets of six in the following storage media: 0.9% NaCl (control), Coca-Cola, apple juice and orange juice. After time intervals of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 1 year, solution pH and Vickers Hardness Number were determined for each individual specimen. Differences were analysed by anova followed by Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis. All materials were found to reduce the pH of the 0.9% NaCl, but to increase the pH of the acidic beverages. The conventional glass-ionomers dissolved completely in apple juice and orange juice, but survived in Coca-Cola, albeit with a significantly reduced hardness after 1 year. The other materials survived in apple juice and orange juice, but showed greater reductions in surface hardness in these beverages than in Coca-Cola. Fruit juices were thus shown to pose a greater erosive threat to tooth coloured materials than Coca-Cola, a finding which is similar to those concerning dentine and enamel towards these drinks.

  2. El manejo de contingencias para el tratamiento de la dependencia a la cocaína en la red sanitaria pública


    Zacarés Romaguera, Francisco Damián


    De acuerdo con el European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), España, junto con Gran Bretaña, es el país con las tasas de consumo de cocaína más altas. Al mismo tiempo, la demanda de tratamiento por abuso de cocaína se ha incrementado de forma muy importante en nuestro país durante los últimos años. Por este motivo, el desarrollo y la diseminación de tratamientos eficaces de la adicción a la cocaína es un asunto de salud pública prioritario en España y en el resto de Eur...

  3. A system dynamics approach to the study of Colombian coca cultivation and the counter-intuitive consequence of law enforcement. (United States)

    Jaén, Sebastian; Dyner, Isaac


    A large-scale expansion of the Colombian coca cultivation is one of the most revealing signs of a structural change in the illegal cocaine market in the Andean region. From being a modest and domestic production, in the space of five years Colombian coca cultivation supplied a competitive market, capable of substituting almost completely the foreign sources of supply. The purpose of this work is to explore the role and potential of system dynamics (SD) as a modeling methodology to better understand the consequences of drug policy. As a case study, this work tests the hypothesis that the outbreak of Colombian coca cultivations is a consequence of the take down of large cartels, leading to the surge of small drug-trafficking firms called "cartelitos." Using an SD model, and elements from the economic theory of the criminal firm, our work shows how the formation of these small firms might significantly contribute to the configuring of a more competitive domestic coca industry (and hence to a more efficient crime industry). We conclude that SD seems an appropriate dynamic modeling-based approach to address policy issues regarding drug markets. The methodology takes into account the dynamic nature of drug markets and their multi-dimensional responses to policy interventions. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. The good, the bad, the Jolly: Taste, image, and the symbolic resistance to the Coca-colonization of Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Askegaard, Søren; Csaba, Fabian F.


    This inquiry examines the efforts of Denmark's once favoured national cola, Jolly Cola, to resist the advancement of Coca-cola and, to a lesser degree, Pepsi. In moving our looking glass to the struggles of this obscure Danish product, we seek to move the debate on globalization, consumption...... and culture home to our own back yard. From there we offer a refreshing story, drawing on our local narrative tradition and woven together with advertising imagery, about the symbolic resistance to the Coca-colonization....

  5. Sangue e Coca-Cola: a carnavalização e a literatura pop de Roberto Drummond

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    Ernest Bowes


    Full Text Available Este estudo se propõe à reflexão sobre as obras de Roberto Drummond, mais especificamente Sangue de Coca-Cola – romance que integra o ciclo Coca-Cola do autor. A pesquisa se propõe a demonstrar que a arte pop não é estática e que se materializa através da interação com outras linguagens e com a cultura. Assim, o trânsito entre distintos campos discursivos como a Filosofia, Sociologia e a Teoria da Literatura apresentou-se, então, como a estratégia mais apropriada para discutir a questão.

  6. The Dimension Of The Socio-Cultural Brand Of Coca-Cola

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    Florentina Manuela Dumitrescu


    Full Text Available Today, advertising is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating social phenomena, a fundamental factor influencing individuals, attitudes or lifestyles. It is an important element of contemporary culture, deeply anchored in our cultural heritage. In this framework encompasses our article, aiming to demonstrate influential aspects of the Coca-Cola advertising slogan as an instrument of culture and ideology, in a few words, a merciless mirror of our society.

  7. Asociación de otras drogas de abuso en la intoxicación por cocaína


    JL Echarte Pazos; A Supervía Caparrós; C Clemente Rodríguez; ML Iglesias Lepine; N León Bertrán; V Labordeta de la Cal; I Puente Palacios; G Maldonado Duran; E Skaf Peters; A Aguirre Tejedo


    El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido llevar a cabo un análisis de las urgencias atendidas en un hospital urbano de tercer nivel que se han relacionado con el consumo de cocaína. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo, con exclusión del área de pediatría y ginecología, durante los años 2005 y 2006. Se revisaron todas las asistencias clínicas que consultaron por intoxicación por cocaína. Los datos fueron analizados con el paquete estadístico SPSS 15.0 para windows. Durante el pe...

  8. Supply Chain Maturity Assessment of Coca Cola Ghana Ltd


    Tetteh, Quaye


    This study aims to assess the supply chain process management of Coca Cola Ghana Ltd; this research is of importance due to its potential to point out processes that can yield higher performance of the supply chain and those processes that can be enhanced for higher per-formance levels. The sample for this study was selected using purposive sampling; five supply chain man-agement practitioners in the company were used for the data extraction. Questionnaires were sent to these five respond...

  9. Oesophageal and gastric potential difference and pH in healthy volunteers following intake of coca-cola, red wine, and alcohol. (United States)

    Rubinstein, E; Hauge, C; Sommer, P; Mortensen, T


    Alcohol causes gastroesophageal reflux and mucosal damage in the oesophagus and the stomach. The transmucosal electrical potential difference gives information on gastric mucosal integrity and function, while the validity of oesophageal measurements have been discussed. Baseline oesophageal potential difference measurements were performed three times with an interval of at least one week. We found oesophageal potential difference measurements reliable with an acceptable reproducibility. Oesophageal and gastric potential difference and pH were measured by use of a new microelectrode principle in 10 healthy volunteers following intake of coca-cola, wine and alcohol. Oesophageal and gastric potential difference decreased after intake of 250 ml coca-cola, 250 ml 11 vol% red wine and 60 ml 43 vol% whisky. Gastric potential difference decreased after intake of 250 ml ethanol 11 vol% and 60 ml ethanol 43 vol%. Intake of red wine and whisky resulted in a significant greater gastric potential difference decrease compared to similar concentrations and volumes of ethanol. The time until the potential difference had regained baseline level was longer after intake of red wine compared to coca-cola, whisky and ethanol. Oesophageal pH decreased after intake of coca-cola and red wine, but was unchanged after whisky. Gastric pH was unchanged after intake of all the drinks. In conclusion, the gastric potential difference reduction was not correlated to alcohol concentration. Red wine seems to affect the gastric potential difference more than coca-cola, whisky and ethanol. The observed changes in oesophageal and gastric potential difference might be due to changes in Cl- secretion and/or due to a damaging effect of the additives of the beverages.

  10. La hoja transfronteriza. El consumo de coca en las faenas mineras salitreras en el Norte Grande de Chile (1900-1930

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    Sergio González Miranda


    Full Text Available Bolivian workers have crossed the Andes and participated in the nitrate-mining projects from the beginning of the cycle of expansion of that industry in the 19th century until its definitive ending with the crisis of 1930. Along with the arrival of these workers in the towns and camps of Tarapacá and Antofagasta, came a variety of goods that formed an essential part of their diet, including coca leaves. Although the consumption of this product is associated with high-altitude mining and underground mining, this article studies the importance it had in desert and open-pit mining. It also analyzes the commerce of coca in the local stores known as pulperías, and the opinion of public officials regarding the social and labor impact of this cross-border leaf. A historiographical study was done of press archives and official documents located in Chile and Bolivia, to contrast the hypotheses on the subject, leading to conclude that the consumption of coca was generalized among workers of almost all types in the nitrate-mining industry. With respect to nationalities, the consumption of coca was not limited exclusively to Bolivians, but was common among Peruvian and Chilean workers as well.

  11. Projekt managementu a marketingu sportovní akce na příkladu Coca-cola školského poháru na léta 2009-2011


    Jeřábek, Petr


    - Title: Project of management and marketing of event Coca-cola School Cup in time period 2009-2011 Work goal: Methods: Annotation: Results: Keywords: Analysis ofmarketing and management of event Coca-cola School Cup and advices of innovation for this event. Descriptive analysis, Interview with experts, SWOT analysis. The project Coca-Cola School Cup for the years 2009- 2011 involves innovation approaches in particular manager activities of this sport event. The innovation approaches result f...

  12. Podnikatelské strategie pro čínský trh - příklad společnosti Coca-Cola, HBC


    Kyselová, Karolina


    This thesis deals with the business strategy in the Chinese market, which is introduced a concrete example of the business strategy of Coca-Cola. According the breadth of the topic there is not included the overall business strategy of mentioned company, but corporate social responsibility, which is the third pillar of the strategy. The aim is to compare by values of social responsibility and setting the Coca-Cola's current situation on the Chinese market and local governments attitude to the...

  13. Promotion demand forecast: A Case Study of Coca Cola Enterprise


    Lai, Hoi-Yin Cecilia


    In this highly competitive business environment, forecasting becomes one of the hot topics. Every business organization uses forecasts for decision marking. Forecasting can help companies to determine the market strategy. It also helps in production planning and resources allocation. A good forecast can help the management team to make the best decision. Nowadays, it is important to develop a collaborative partnership within the supply chain. Coca Cola Enterprise (CCE) is working with its cus...

  14. The spermicidal potency of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. (United States)

    Hong, C Y; Shieh, C C; Wu, P; Chiang, B N


    The inhibitory effect of Old Coke, caffeine-free New Coke, New Coke, Diet Coke and Pepsi-Cola on human sperm motility was studied with a trans-membrane migration method. None of them could decrease sperm motility to less than 70% of control within one hour. A previous study which claimed a marked variation of spermicidal potencies among different formulations of Coca-Cola could not be confirmed. Even if cola has a spermicidal effect, its potency is relatively weak as compared with other well-known spermicidal agents.



    Justinek, Vanesa


    V diplomskem seminarju z naslovom Zunanje oglaševanje na primeru blagovne znamke Coca Cola govorim predvsem o oglasih, ki so izven zaprtih prostorov. Zunanje oglaševanje je oblika tržnega komuniciranja ter plačana oblika oglaševanja, poteka preko sredstev javnega obveščanja. V to obliko oglaševanja sodijo: Veleplakati (jumbo plakati), mali panoji (city panoji), digitalni panoji, polepitve na prevoznih sredstvih, oglasni stebri, transparenti nad voziščem, obešanke, oglasni stolpi. V prvem t...

  16. Cocaína (Investigación bibliográfica)


    Salas Segura, Donato A.


    artículo de revisión bibliográfica -- Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Medicina. 2001 Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica sobre las principales características farmacológicas, clínicas y del tratamiento de la intoxicación por cocaína. It is about the bibliographical review of the main pharmacological, clinical characteristics and the treatment of intoxication with cocaine. lt also includes other less frequently studied aspects in the medical literature like the botanical chara...

  17. Valuing Brazilian Youth: IDRA's Coca Cola Valued Youth Program in Latin America (United States)

    Montecel, Maria Robledo


    Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA) is an independent, non-profit organization with a vision for schools that work for all children. It partnered with Coca-Cola in 1984 and began a dropout prevention program just as it was conducting the first comprehensive study of school dropouts in Texas. Its annual studies since then have…

  18. Análise toxicológica da cocaína e dos seus metabolitos em contexto forense


    Quental, Ana Raquel de Pinho Sousa


    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas Apesar do declínio no consumo de cocaína observado nas últimas décadas, esta continua a ser uma das drogas ilícitas mais consumidas no mundo. A cocaína possui múltiplas ações centrais e periféricas, sendo um potente estimulante do sistema nervoso central e também um anestésico local com propriedades vasoconstritoras. O seu consu...

  19. Developing Industry-Sponsored Entrepreneurship Education Programmes. The Experiences of the Coca-Cola National Enterprise Award. (United States)

    Henry, Colette; Titterington, Albert; Wiseman, Kate


    A partnership among Dundalk Institute of Technology (Ireland), Coca Cola, and government encourages young entrepreneurs through formal education in business management, workshops, mentoring, and financial rewards provided by the corporation's National Enterprise Award. (SK)

  20. Comunicació de crisi en conflictes laborals : la comunicació durant l’ERO de Coca-Cola Iberian Partners


    Garcés González, Miriam


    Un conflicte laboral com un ERO pot derivar en una veritable crisi per a una empresa. En aquest context, la comunicació pren un paper rellevant en l'organització, emmarcada en la comunicació de crisi. Un cas recent és la crisi soferta per l'ERO de Coca-Cola Iberian Partners, embotelladora per a la marca Coca-Cola a territori espanyol. Aquesta investigació se centra en la comunicació que es va produir durant aquest conflicte laboral, a través d'una anàlisi de contingut de notícies sobre l'ERO ...

  1. Vartotojų požiūrio formavimas reklamos priemonėmis: „Coca-Cola“ pavyzdžiu


    Kučkovaitė, Agnė


    Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti Lietuvos gyventojų požiūrį į reklamą ir pateikti „Coca-Cola“ įmonei pasiūlymus kaip tinkamiausiu būdu reklamuoti savo paslaugas internete. Darbas sudarytas iš trijų dalių. Pirmoje dalyje teoriniu aspektu apibūdinama ir palyginama su kitomis reklamos priemonėmis reklama internete, jos privalumai, trūkumai ir perspektyvos. Antroje dalyje pristatoma „Coca-Cola“ įmonė, analizuojami Lietuvos gyventojų požiūrio į reklamą internete tyrimo rezultatai, nustatomi tinka...

  2. Efectividad del uso del mate de coca en la reducción del estrés laboral en


    Rivera-Encinas, María Teresa


    Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del uso del mate de coca en la reducción del estrés laboral en administrativos de una universidad y determinar sus principales características sociodemográficas.Material y métodos: Se aplicó el cuestionario para la detección del estrés laboral de la OIT/OMS a dos grupos de trabajadores, experimental (10) y control (10), empleando randomización simple. Se hizo un experimento cruzado en 31 días, utilizando mate de coca y agua para cada grupo. Se utilizó el análi...

  3. Analisis Perbandingan Pendanaan Leasing Dan Hutang Jangka Panjang Dalam Pengadaan Aktiva Tetap (Studi Pada Koperasi Karyawan Coca-cola Jawa Timur)


    Marchelia, Yusina Fitri


    This research aims to know the more efficient and profiting funding between leasing funding compared to long term debt in procurement of fixed assets on cooperative employees of Coca Cola East Java. The type of research used in this research is a descriptive research. While, the approach used in this research is financial quantitative approach.The cooperative employees of Coca Cola East Java have plans for procurement of fixed assets in form of vehicles worth Rp. 568.850.000 that will be fund...

  4. Klaaspudelist loobumine vähendab Coca-Cola brändi eeliseid / Eda-Liis Kann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kann, Eda-Liis, 1979-


    BRAND sense uuringu kohaselt, milles uuriti pakendi mõju brändilojaalusele, eelistab enam kui 60% Ameerika ja Suurbritannia tarbijaist juua kokakoolat klaaspudelist. Majanduslikel põhjustel on Coca-Cola Company aga viimased kümme aastat tegelenud klaaspudelite poelettidelt ära korjamisega. Diagramm

  5. Successful treatment with a combination of endoscopic injection and irrigation with coca cola for gastric bezoar-induced gastric outlet obstruction. (United States)

    Lin, Chen-Sheng; Tung, Chun-Fang; Peng, Yen-Chun; Chow, Wei-Keung; Chang, Chi-Sen; Hu, Wei-Hsiung


    We report a case of gastric bezoar-induced gastric outlet obstruction that was successfully treated with a combination of endoscopic injection and irrigation with Coca Cola. A 73-year-old diabetic woman had a history of perforated peptic ulcer and had received pyloroplasty more than 20 years previously. She had been ingesting Pho Pu Zi (Cordia dichotoma Forst. f.) as an appetizer for 1 month. She presented with epigastric pain, nausea, and vomiting. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, performed at a local hospital, showed 2 gastric bezoars in the stomach, and 1 of them impacted at the pylorus. She was referred to our emergency department for removal of the gastric bezoars that were suspected to be causing gastric outlet obstruction. All attempts at endoscopic removal using a polypectomy snare, biopsy forceps and Dormia basket failed. We then injected Coca Cola directly into the bezoar mass, followed by irrigation with Coca Cola. Follow-up endoscopy was performed the next day, which revealed that the gastric bezoars had dissolved spontaneously.

  6. Eficacia del programa de reforzamiento comunitario (CRA) más incentivos para el tratamiento de la adicción a la cocaína


    García Rodríguez, Olaya


    De acuerdo con el European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), España, junto con Gran Bretaña, es el país con las tasas de consumo de cocaína más altas. Al mismo tiempo, la demanda de tratamiento por abuso de cocaína se ha incrementado de forma muy importante en nuestro país durante los últimos años. Por este motivo, el desarrollo y la diseminación de tratamientos eficaces de la adicción a la cocaína es un asunto de salud pública prioritario en España y en el resto de Eur...

  7. Stilistiskie izteiksmes līdzekļi Coca-Cola reklāmas plakātos


    Gudre, Anete


    Šajā darbā tika pētīti mākslinieciskie un fonētiskie stila izteiksmes līdzekļi un to lietojums Coca-Cola reklāmas plakātos. Kā arī tika analizēti Coca-Cola reklāmas plakātu vizuālie elementi. Tēma tika izvēlēta, lai redzētu atšķirību starp mākslinieciskās izteiksmes līdzekļiem un, lai redzētu, cik bieži tie tiek izmantoti izvēlētajos reklāmas plakātos. Darbā tika aplūkoti vispopulārākie mākslinieciskās izteiksmes līdzekļi – metafora, epitets, personifikācija un hiperbola. Multimediju analīze ...

  8. Palavra de coca e de tabaco como "conhecimento tradicional": cultura, política e desenvolvimento entre os uitoto-murui do rio Caraparaná (CO The word of coca and tobacco as 'traditional knowledge': culture, politics and development among the uitoto-murui of the Cara Paraná River (Colombia

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    Edmundo Pereira


    Full Text Available Entre 2000-2001, um debate mobilizou os aldeamentos uitoto-murui do rio Caraparaná tendo como tema a noção de "desenvolvimento". Alguns deles sediaram reuniões entre indígenas (locais e de órgãos de representação política nacional e não indígenas (técnicos de Estado, de ONGs e militares na produção de "diagnósticos" e "projetos". Nesse contexto, o aldeamento de San Rafael, em articulação entre seu cacique, Don Ángel Ortiz, e o cabildo local, propõe um projeto baseado nos "conhecimentos" das rodas noturnas de diálogo e consumo ritual da coca (Erythroxylon coca var. ipadu e do tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum, no conjunto de conhecimentos materiais, simbólicos e ético-morais chamado de "Palavra de Coca e de Tabaco" (jiibina uai diona uai. Este conjunto de "conhecimentos" (do mítico-cosmológico ao médico-terapêutico e as formas de governança é o resultado das articulações socioculturais vividas pelos grupos indígenas que habitam o interflúvio dos rios Caquetá-Putumayo (que têm a coca e o tabaco como epicentros simbólicos, em especial após a década de 1930, com o fim da escravidão caucheira e do conflito Peru-Colômbia. No calor dos debates, a noção de "desenvolvimento" ganha, então, contornos "indígenas", passando a ser lida e articulada a partir dos "usos e costumes" locais, como demanda a Constituição de 1991. Do mesmo modo, diante das demandas da arena do desenvolvimento, um perfil discreto e acabado do que seja a Palavra de Coca e de Tabaco é também apresentado.Throughout 2000 and 2001 the Uitoto-Murui communities of the Cara Paraná River were mobilized by a debate on the notion of 'development.' Meetings were held between the indigenous population (including both local villagers and representatives of national organizations and the non-indigenous population (government officials, NGOs and the military to discuss the theme with the aim of producing 'diagnoses' and 'projects.' As part of this context, the

  9. Narcotráfico y conflicto: ¿por qué bajó el precio de la cocaína?

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    Leonardo Raffo López


    Full Text Available Conjugando el enfoque de Ortiz con el de Mejía et al. este ensayo propone un nuevo modelo de narcotráfico y conflicto. En un marco de equilibrio general elabora una explicación del descenso del precio de la cocaína en las dos últimas décadas. El modelo muestra que la causa fundamental de esa tendencia es el aumento de la productividad de las actividades ilícitas, que ha contrarrestado los efectos de las políticas de represión de la oferta y el descenso registrado de la superficie de cultivos de coca.

  10. Coca-Cola, cancers, and coronaries: personality and stress as mediating factors. (United States)

    Grossarth-Maticek, R; Eysenck, H J


    A theory is presented relating the consumption of stimulant and depressant drugs to cancer and coronary heart disease, with stress/personality acting as an intermediary. The predictions from the theory that large-scale consumption of Coca-Cola would prevent cancer and promote coronary heart disease was tested and found to be supported by the results of a long-scale prospective study. Results replicate those from an earlier study using coffee as a stimulant drug.

  11. Presencia de plaguicidas en muestras de cocaína


    García Fernández, J. C.; Villaamil, Edda C.; Ravenna, Alicia; Roses, Otmaro Enrique


    Se estudió por cromatografía gaseosa la presencia de residuos de plaguicidas en 51 muestras de cocaína provenientes de incautaciones realizadas en el norte argentino, identificándose en 36 muestras 13 plaguicidas distintos, mientras que en 15 muestras no se halló ninguno. Los plaguicidas revelados en mayor cantidad de muestras fueron γ-HCH (0,01 a 0,20 ppm; n = 26), Heptacloro (0,02 a 0,10 ppm; n = 15) y pp'DDE (0,04 a 1,9 ppm; n = 15), mientras en menor número se encontró Fenitrotión, α-HCL,...

  12. Bezoar in a Pediatric Oncology Patient Treated with Coca-Cola. (United States)

    Naramore, Sara; Virojanapa, Amy; Bell, Moshe; Jhaveri, Punit N


    A bezoar is a mass of indigestible material. Bezoars can present with a gradual onset of non-specific gastrointestinal symptoms including abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. However, bezoars can result in more serious conditions such as intestinal bleeding or obstruction. Without quick recognition, particularly in susceptible individuals, the diagnosis and treatment can be delayed. Currently resolution is achieved with enzymatic dissolution, endoscopic fragmentation or surgery. We describe, to our knowledge, the first pediatric patient with lymphoma to have had a bezoar treated with Coca-Cola.


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    Darminto Pujotomo


    Full Text Available PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI Central Java merupakan salah satu perusahaan produsen minuman ringan yang terkemuka di Indonesia, dengan dua jenis kelompok produk yang dihasilkan yaitu minuman karbonasi/Carbonated Soft Drink (Coca-Cola, Sprite, dan Fanta dan non-karbonasi (Frestea dan Ades. Dalam usaha untuk mempertahankan mutu dan meningkatkan produktifitas, salah satu faktor yang harus diperhatikan adalah masalah perawatan fasilitas/mesin produksi.  Makalah ini membahas mengenai penyebab dan akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh breakdown mesin terjadi pada Line 8/Carbonated Soft Drink, khususnya pada conveyor, filler machine, dan bottle washer machine. Untuk mendapatkan mesin yang dapat terjaga keterandalannya dibutuhkan suatu konsep yang baik. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM merupakan sebuah konsep yang baik untuk merealisasikan hal tersebut. Konsep ini, selain melibatkan semua personil dalam perusahaan, juga bertujuan untuk merawat semua fasilitas produksi yang dimiliki perusahaan.Data yang digunakan merupakan data breakdown conveyor, filler machine, dan bottle washer machine dari ME Monthly Report PT.CCBI selama bulan Januari-Desember 2005 khususnya line 8. Selain itu makalah ini juga membahas performance maintenance PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia-Central Java, dengan memperhitungkan nilai Mean Time Beetwen Failure (MTBF, Mean Time To Repair (MTTR, serta Availability mesin, dengan menggunakan data record Line 8 selama bulan Mei 2006 sampai bulan Juli 2006. Sehingga nantinya akan diketahui informasi keadaan aktual dari perusahaan tentang sistem perawatannya, khususnya pada Line 8/Carbonated Soft Drink apakah baik atau buruk. Kata kunci : Total Production Maintenance, Conveyor, Filler Machine, Bottle Washer Machine, Performance Maintenance   PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI-Central Java represent one of notable light beverage producer company in Indonesia, with two product group type yielded is carbonated beverage/Carbonated Soft

  14. La contabilidad ambiental y el impacto financiero de los costos ambientales para el desarrollo sostenible de la empresa multinacional de la industria de bebidas Coca Cola Company en el Ecuador


    Castro Saavedra, Diego Gabriel; Ehmig Dillon, Gunther Pablo


    The present study aims to analyse the environmental accounting and the financial impact of the environmental costs for sustainable development of a multinational corporation within the beverage company such as Coca Cola Company in Ecuador. Since 2010, Coca Cola Company in Ecuador performs business operations under the name of Arca Ecuador, which is a part of the Mexican group Arca Continental that manages Coca Cola Brand in Mexico, Argentina and Ecuador. Sustainable development is part of the...

  15. Pengaruh Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT.Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) Unit Medan Dengan Motivasi Sebagai Variabel Intervening


    Harahap, Debbyanzah Fahmi


    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Health and Safety of the employee's performance at Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) at Medan. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis and path analysis. The study population consisted of 174 employees at Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) at Medan. The sample in this study using simple random sampling, totaling 64 employees. collection of primary data using questionnaires and secondary data collection using case studie...

  16. Successful Treatment with a Combination of Endoscopic Injection and Irrigation with Coca Cola for Gastric Bezoar-induced Gastric Outlet Obstruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen-Sheng Lin


    Full Text Available We report a case of gastric bezoar-induced gastric outlet obstruction that was successfully treated with a combination of endoscopic injection and irrigation with Coca Cola. A 73-year-old diabetic woman had a history of perforated peptic ulcer and had received pyloroplasty more than 20 years previously. She had been ingesting Pho Pu Zi (Cordia dichotoma Forst. f. as an appetizer for 1 month. She presented with epigastric pain, nausea, and vomiting. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, performed at a local hospital, showed 2 gastric bezoars in the stomach, and 1 of them impacted at the pylorus. She was referred to our emergency department for removal of the gastric bezoars that were suspected to be causing gastric outlet obstruction. All attempts at endoscopic removal using a polypectomy snare, biopsy forceps and Dormia basket failed. We then injected Coca Cola directly into the bezoar mass, followed by irrigation with Coca Cola. Follow-up endoscopy was performed the next day, which revealed that the gastric bezoars had dissolved spontaneously.

  17. Komunikační strategie nové plastové láhve společnosti Coca-Cola.


    Němcová, Klára


    The thesis relates to theorethical principles of marketing and commercial communications. The application part of the thesis relates to a concept of communication strategy of The Coca-Cola Company's new plastic bottle

  18. Abordagens metodológicas que auxiliam na identificação química da cocaína apreendida no Brasil

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    Isaias da Silva Freitas


    Full Text Available O tráfico de drogas proscritas no Brasil tem aumentado consideravelmente. Um dos reflexos desse crescimento se dá pelo quantitativo apreendido pelos órgãos de segurança pública de drogas sintéticas, canabinóides e, em sua maioria, por cocaína. O Brasil encontra-se geograficamente localizado em uma área onde o cultivo de espécies da família Erythroxylaceae é beneficiado, além disso, faz fronteiras com os principais países produtores de cocaína no mundo, o que dificulta, sobremaneira, o combate ao seu tráfico. As polícias federal e civil têm identificado, constantemente, novos fornecedores e novos locais de refino de cocaína, logo, a identificação das rotas de tráfico, origem geográfica e dos seus distribuidores torna-se cada vez mais complexa exigindo dos órgãos de segurança pública e da comunidade forense em geral um melhor aprimoramento de suas metodologias de identificação e quantificação, de forma a fornecerem informações conclusivas para o combate ao seu tráfico. Assim, nesse trabalho, foram avaliadas as principais abordagens metodológicas que contribuem para a elucidação da identificação das amostras de cocaína apreendida no país.

  19. Bezoar in a Pediatric Oncology Patient Treated with Coca-Cola

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    Sara Naramore


    Full Text Available A bezoar is a mass of indigestible material. Bezoars can present with a gradual onset of non-specific gastrointestinal symptoms including abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. However, bezoars can result in more serious conditions such as intestinal bleeding or obstruction. Without quick recognition, particularly in susceptible individuals, the diagnosis and treatment can be delayed. Currently resolution is achieved with enzymatic dissolution, endoscopic fragmentation or surgery. We describe, to our knowledge, the first pediatric patient with lymphoma to have had a bezoar treated with Coca-Cola.

  20. Coca and poppy eradication in Colombia: environmental and human health assessment of aerially applied glyphosate. (United States)

    Solomon, Keith R; Anadón, Arturo; Carrasquilla, Gabriel; Cerdeira, Antonio L; Marshall, Jon; Sanin, Luz-Helena


    The production of coca and poppy as well as the processing and production of cocaine and heroin involve significant environmental impacts. Both coca and poppy are grown intensively in a process that involves the clearing of land in remote areas, the planting of the crop, and protection against pests such as weeds, insects, and pathogens. The aerial spray program to control coca and poppy production in Colombia with the herbicide glyphosate is conducted with modern state-of-the-art aircraft and spray equipment. As a result of the use of best available spray and navigation technology, the likelihood of accidental off-target spraying is small and is estimated to be less than 1% of the total area sprayed. Estimated exposures in humans resulting from direct overspray, contact with treated foliage after reentry to fields, inhalation, diet, and drinking water were small and infrequent. Analyses of surface waters in five watersheds showed that, on most occasions, glyphosate was not present at measurable concentrations; only two samples had residues just above the method detection limit of 25 microg/L. Concentrations of glyphosate in air were predicted to be very small because of negligible volatility. Glyphosate in soils that are directly sprayed will be tightly bound and biologically unavailable and have no residual activity. Concentrations of glyphosate plus Cosmo-Flux will be relatively large in shallow surface waters that are directly oversprayed (maximum instantaneous concentration of 1,229microgAE/L in water 30cm deep); however, no information was available on the number of fields in close proximity to surface waters, and thus it was not possible to estimate the likelihood of such contamination. The formulation used in Colombia, a mixture of glyphosate and Cosmo-Flux, has low toxicity to mammals by all routes of exposure, although some temporary eye irritation may occur. Published epidemiological studies have not suggested a strong or consistent linkage between

  1. [Influence of Coca-Cola on early erosion and surface microhardness of human enamel: an in situ study]. (United States)

    Yuan, M; Zhang, Q; Gao, X J


    Assessed the effect of single dose attack of Coca-Cola on early erosion and surface microhardness of permanent human enamel, in order to provide diet instructions on minimum amount and frequency of carbonated beverage consumption. Eighty enamel slabs were prepared out of 10 extracted human mandibular third molars, and distributed into 8 groups with randomized block design(n=10). Ten generally healthy volunteers with normal saliva secretion wore acrylic palatal appliances containing 2 enamel slabs, with formation of a salivary pellicle 2 h ahead. The volunteers were instructed to drink 100 ml fresh Coca-Cola within 20 s. And then the alterations of the enamel slabs were measured using a Vicker's microhardness tester at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 30 min after the consumption of Coca-Cola. For each volunteer, the experiment was carried out in four days, 2 samples were examined each time. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests(α =0.05). Significant decreases in surface microhardness(SMH)were observed in each time point(PCoca-Cola could lead to significant decrease of enamel microhardness and initiate erosion of enamel surface. Enamel surface microhardness decreased to the lowest points at 2-8 min, and began to recover after 10 min. The enamel surface microhardness could not fully recovered to the baseline level in 30 min if no intervention was performed.

  2. Los efectos globo en los cultivos de coca en la Región Andina (1990-2009

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    Leonardo Raffo López


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es poner a prueba estadísticamente la presencia de efectos globo en los cultivos de coca en el territorio geográfico correspondiente a los principales países productores en la región andina (Colombia, Perú y Bolivia durante el periodo 1990-2009. La metodología empírica se centra en la especificación y estimación de un modelo de ecuaciones simultáneas utilizando el método SUR, el cual permite explicar el comportamiento de las hectáreas cultivadas con coca en función de un conjunto de determinantes. Se concluye que hay evidencia empírica a favor de la presencia de efectos globo en la región andina a lo largo del periodo estudiado.

  3. Efecto terapéutico del extracto etanólico de Erythroxylum coca spp. en anemia ferropénica inducida en ratas Holtzman macho

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    Evelyn F. Gonzales-Carazas


    Full Text Available Introducción: La hoja de coca ha sido usada tradicionalmente con fines medicinales y contiene altos niveles de hierro. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto del extracto etanólico de Erythroxylum coca spp. frente a anemia ferropénica inducida por dieta deficiente en hierro, en ratas Holtzman macho. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Laboratorio del Instituto de Patología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Material biológico: Dieciocho ratas Holtzman macho de 16 días de edad recién destetadas. Intervenciones: Se formó tres grupos de seis ratas cada uno: a grupo hierro suficiente (HS, recibió 25 g/d de alimento balanceado durante 7 semanas; b grupo hierro deficiente (HD, recibió 25 g/d de dieta ferropénica durante 7 semanas; y, c el grupo hierro deficiente - extracto E. coca (HD-EC, recibió 25 g/d de dieta ferropénica durante 7 semanas y a partir de la semana 5 se agregó 18 g/d de extracto de E. coca. Principales medidas de resultados: Nivel sérico de hemoglobina, peso y talla. Resultados: Al finalizar el tratamiento, se observó aumento significativo de la hemoglobina en el grupo HD-EC (p=0,04. Se encontró diferencia significativa en los niveles séricos de hemoglobina entre los grupos HD-EC y HD (p=0,0062. No se encontró diferencia significativa en los valores de hemoglobina entre los grupos HD-EC y HS (p= 0,06. No se evidenció diferencia en el peso y la talla entre los grupos HD y HD-EC (p=0,20 y p=0,23, respectivamente. Conclusiones: E. coca presenta efecto antianémico experimental, sustentado en los resultados de los niveles de hemoglobina.

  4. Condoms and Coca-Cola. (United States)

    Townsend, S


    Social marketing entails promoting the appropriate and quality product to be sold in the right places at the right price. Even though mass media advertisement of condoms is forbid in Zaire, condoms have been effectively promoted and sold in the country using alternate approaches. 8 million units of the condom, Prudence, were sold in 1990, and Prudence has become the generic name for condoms in the Zaire. Noting that Coca-Cola, beer, and cigarettes may be purchased virtually ubiquitously, commercial outlets and local traders were enlisted to sell condoms at reduced prices on the market. Reduced price sales are possible since donor and government agencies provide the condoms to wholesalers and merchants free of charge. The successful social marketing of condoms expands condom availability to a greater segment of a country's population while recovering some public sector costs and shifting health care away from the public sector. Condoms are especially promoted to high risk groups such as commercial sex workers and their clients in Zaire. Similar programs have been inspired in 10 African countries including Cameroon and Burundi, as well as in Brazil, Haiti, and India. Prevention programs in Latin America and Asia will benefit from these program experiences in Africa. In closing, the article notes the need for an adequate and predictable commodity supply in attaining effective social marketing. Marked program success may, however, lead to sustainability problems.

  5. A influência da marca Coca Cola na atratividade e manutenção dos funcionários em uma afiliada no Rio Grande Do Sul

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    Christine da Silva Schröeder


    Full Text Available O estudo analisou a influência da marca Coca-Cola na atratividade e manutenção de funcionários em uma empresa afiliada de uma franqueada da The Coca-Cola Company, denominada CVI Refrigerantes Ltda., identificando o nível de conhecimento prévio dos colaboradores da empresa sobre a mesma, verificando os atributos relacionados à marca na visão destes e diagnosticando fatores considerados decisivos no momento da escolha da empresa como empregadora. Foi realizada análise documental e de entrevistas semiestruturadas com funcionários. Constata-se que a imagem e o nome da marca Coca-Cola constituem, para os funcionários, fortes atrativos, além dos benefícios e oportunidades de crescimento oferecidos.

  6. Prenatal dietary load of Maillard reaction products combined with postnatal Coca-Cola drinking affects metabolic status of female Wistar rats. (United States)

    Gurecká, Radana; Koborová, Ivana; Janšáková, Katarína; Tábi, Tamás; Szökő, Éva; Somoza, Veronika; Šebeková, Katarína; Celec, Peter


    To assess the impact of prenatal exposure to Maillard reaction products (MRPs) -rich diet and postnatal Coca-Cola consumption on metabolic status of female rats. Diet rich in MRPs and consumption of saccharose/fructose sweetened soft drinks is presumed to impose increased risk of development of cardiometabolic afflictions, such as obesity or insulin resistance. At the first day of pregnancy, 9 female Wistar rats were randomized into two groups, pair-fed either with standard rat chow (MRP-) or MRPs-rich diet (MRP+). Offspring from each group of mothers was divided into two groups and given either water (Cola-) or Coca-Cola (Cola+) for drinking ad libitum for 18 days. Oral glucose tolerance test was performed, and circulating markers of inflammation, oxidative stress, glucose and lipid metabolism were assessed. MRP+ groups had higher weight gain, significantly so in the MRP+/Cola- vs MRP-/Cola-. Both prenatal and postnatal intervention increased carboxymethyllysine levels and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase activity, both significantly higher in MRP+/Cola + than in MRP-/Cola-. Total antioxidant capacity was lower in MRP+ groups, with significant decrease in MRP+/Cola + vs MRP-/Cola+. Rats drinking Coca-Cola had higher insulin, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance, heart rate, advanced oxidation of protein products, triacylglycerols, and oxidative stress markers measured as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances compared to rats drinking water, with no visible effect of MRPs-rich diet. Metabolic status of rats was affected both by prenatal and postnatal dietary intervention. Our results suggest that combined effect of prenatal MRPs load and postnatal Coca-Cola drinking may play a role in development of metabolic disorders in later life.


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    Catalin POPESCU


    Full Text Available The paper begins with a summary of the concept, emphasizing that sustainable development is a strongly supported policy around the world. The case study examines specific aspects of sustainable development in Coca-Cola HBC Romania. Finally it presents the main obstacles and opportunities identified for adoption by Romanian companies in their business of sustainable competitiveness strategies.



    Catalin POPESCU; Mihaela OTELEA


    The paper begins with a summary of the concept, emphasizing that sustainable development is a strongly supported policy around the world. The case study examines specific aspects of sustainable development in Coca-Cola HBC Romania. Finally it presents the main obstacles and opportunities identified for adoption by Romanian companies in their business of sustainable competitiveness strategies.

  9. ¿Estaba intoxicado por cocaína este individuo? (I): estimaciones basadas en la farmacocinética de la droga


    A. Ortega Pérez


    La cocaína tiene mucho interés para los médicos forenses a causa de la frecuencia de su uso, de su toxicidad y de su implicación en hechos violentos. Con el fin de ayudar a dictaminar si existió una intoxicación por la droga se exponen los datos disponibles sobre su farmacocinética. La droga puede absorberse por varias vías, alcanzando concentraciones sanguíneas apreciables casi inmediatamente y las concentraciones máximas en pocos minutos o en una hora, según la vía. La cocaína tiene una sem...

  10. Importancia dopaminérgica en farmacodinamia de cocaína evaluada por alteraciones de GABA y glutamato en el núcleo accumbens de ratas

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    Edgar A. Gélvez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se propuso demostrar la importancia del sistema dopaminérgico en la farmacodinamia de cocaína en el SNC de ratas. Este postulado se verificó evaluando las alteraciones de GABA y glutamato en el núcleo accumbens. Este enfoque se sustenta en la gran cantidad de evidencias que muestran, consistentemente alteraciones en la actividad dopaminérgica por cocaína. Además, el GABA y el glutamato tienen gran importancia en los efectos agudos y crónicos por cocaína. Es bien conocida la interrelación de GABA y glutamato con la actividad dopaminérgica en el núcleo accumbens. Se diseñó un estudio por 16 días de administración de cocaína a ratas a la dosis inicial de 30 mglkgldía (IP con incremento de 5 mglkg cada 4 días, a las cuales se les había lesionado la actividad dopaminérgica en el núcleo accumbens con la neurotoxina 6- hidroxidopamina en ácido ascórbico. Además, se conformó un grupo basal que recibió estereotáxicamante, en el núcleo accumbens, ácido ascórbico en solución salina 0,9% y se trató con un volumen correspondiente de solución salina (IP y, un grupo control, al cual estereotáxicamente, en el núcleo mencionado, se le administró 6-OHDA (en ácido ascórbico, recibiendo posteriormente como tratamiento solución salina (IP. La determinación de los niveles de GABA y glutamato se realizó por métodos enzimáticos. Se observó que la administración crónica de cocaína produce una disminución significativa en el nivel de GABA en el núcleo accumbens del grupo problema, con relación a los grupos basal y control. En tanto, el nivel de glutamato en el grupo problema mostró un incremento significativo con relación al grupo basal, pero, no con relación al grupo control. En conclusión, los resultados de este trabajo sostienen la hipótesis del papel importante que tiene la dopamina en la farmacoterapia de cocaína a través de las alteraciones en los niveles de GABA y glutamato o alteraciones en

  11. Intoxicación con cocaína: reporte de caso


    Juan Dávila Meneses


    El consumo de cocaína en Costa Rica, en cualquiera de sus presentaciones, es un problema creciente de salud pública y seguridad ciudadana desde la década de los 80’s. Las complicaciones derivadas de su uso tienen un impacto considerable en la utilización del recurso humano y económico de nuestro sistema de salud y cuya complejidad de manejo es clara: se ha asociado en forma muy importante con la muerte súbita en pacientes jóvenes y sin factores de riesgo, que presentan infartos agudos del mio...

  12. Respektování lidských práv a transnacionální korporace: Případová studie Coca-cola


    Hyšková, Kateřina


    This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of violation of human rights by transnational corporations on a case of Coca-Cola. The theoretical part explains the international legal responsibility of individual subjects of the international environment and the issue of non-binding international legal standards for the issue of transnational corporations and human rights. In the empirical part, the thesis tries to answer the question of to what extent and which specific human rights Coca-Cola vio...

  13. Evaluación de sustancias fitoprotectoras usadas como estrategia de neutralización de la acción del glifosato sobre cultivos de erythroxylum coca

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    Carlos Julio Tunjano Huerta


    Full Text Available Son múltiples las estrategias empleadas por los cocaleros para resistir a los programas de erradicación. El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar 3 tratamientos usados por los cultivadores de coca para neutralizar la acción del glifosato, para tal efecto se estableció un cultivo de coca Erythroylum coca y mediante diseño experimental en bloques al azar se aplicaron los tratamientos consistentes en aspersiones a plantas adultas completamente establecidas (8 meses de edad compuestos en 3 tipos de sustancias disueltas en agua: Melaza 0.1 g/ml., Leche 1 g/ml, Jabón detergente 10 g/l, mediante inspección basada en la escala de ALAM se determinó los signos de toxicidad y la efectividad fitoprotectora de las sustancias empleadas encontrándose la ineficacia de las estrategias.

  14. A influência da marca Coca Cola na atratividade e manutenção dos funcionários em uma afiliada no Rio Grande Do Sul

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    Carla Cavalheiro Lima


    Full Text Available O estudo analisou a influência da marca Coca-Cola na atratividade e manutenção de funcionários em uma empresa afiliada de uma franqueada da The Coca-Cola Company, denominada CVI Refrigerantes Ltda., identificando o nível de conhecimento prévio dos colaboradores da empresa sobre a mesma, verificando os atributos relacionados à marca na visão destes e diagnosticando fatores considerados decisivos no momento da escolha da empresa como empregadora. Foi realizada análise documental e de entrevistas  semiestruturadas com funcionários. Constata-se que a imagem e o nome da marca Coca-Cola constituem, para os funcionários, fortes atrativos, além dos benefícios e oportunidades de crescimento oferecidos.

  15. Oesophageal food impaction in achalasia treated with Coca-Cola and nifedipine. (United States)

    Koumi, Andriani; Panos, Marios Zenon


    Achalasia is characterised by the loss of peristaltic movement in the distal oesophagus and failure of the lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation, which results in impaired oesophageal emptying. We report a case of a 92-year-old frail woman with a history of achalasia, who presented with acute oesophageal obstruction due to impaction of a large amount of food material. She was treated successfully with nifedipine, in combination with Coca-Cola (original product, not sugar free), so avoiding the risks associated with repeated endoscopic intubation and piecemeal removal of the oesophageal content.

  16. Gastric Outlet Obstruction--An Unexpected Complication during Coca-Cola Therapy for a Gastric Bezoar: A Case Report and Literature Review. (United States)

    Lu, Lei; Zhang, Xiao-Feng


    Gastric bezoars are concretions of undigested material, and Coca-Cola therapy is an easy, efficacious and safe approach for bezoar treatment. Gastric outlet obstruction due to a migratory gastric bezoar during Coca-Cola therapy is an uncommon presentation and, to the best of our knowledge, no cases have been previously reported. We herein describe one such case with no known predisposing factors that recovered via the endoscopic technique. A thorough literature search was performed, which yielded eight relevant patients from seven publications, all of who developed gastrointestinal obstruction during dissolution treatment and recovered uneventfully after surgical intervention. In conclusion, this potential complication should be kept in mind in the event that alternative treatment is necessary.

  17. An internalization approach to joint ventures: the case of Coca-Cola in China


    Mok, Vincent; Dai, Xiudian; Yeung, Godfrey


    In the presence of high transaction costs due to market imperfections, it is normally less expensive for multinational corporations (MNCs) to conduct their business activities in new markets through their internal corporate structures rather than by relying on the markets. Based on a case study of Coca-Cola's entry into the Chinese market, this paper tests the applicability of internalization theory to explaining the entry mode choices of MNCs in developing countries. Internalization theory r...

  18. Coca-Cola : stratégie de l’immanence et narrative


    Alen, Fanny


    L’essentiel de ce mémoire consiste à se pencher sur les deux stratégies mises en place par la firme The Coca-Cola Company, au travers ses annonces télévisées. Le leader mondial des sodas est devenu une multinationale qui ne cesse d’éblouir ses consommateurs au travers ses spots publicitaires. Comment y parvient-il ? L’objectif de cette recherche a été de parvenir à découvrir la recette magique, non pas du célèbre Coke, mais du mélange entre narration et immanence. Tour à tour, ...

  19. Órdenes subsidiarios. Coca, esmeraldas: la guerra y la paz.

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    Francisco Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available This article explains how the emerald and coca economies are ingrained in the Colombian conflict. We interpret the mechanisms that generate conflict or peace, order or disorder. Our analysis is supported on Richard Snyder’s model which offers analytical elements to understand how violent reaction and raw products exports correlate with each other. We conclude that the described economies have had very violent courses but have also opened up specific paths to peace, of which the prerequisites are the denial of democratic freedom, privatization of public economies, and the endorsement and strengthening of illegal or semi-legal actors. We also make a critical exam of Snyder’s model.

  20. Entidades clínicas cardiovasculares asociadas al consumo de cocaína por vía nasal en una población peruana

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    Luis Razzeto-Ríos


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Conocer la frecuencia de entidades clínicas cardiovasculares asociadas al empleo de cocaína por vía nasal en consumidores peruanos. Diseño: Estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, tipo serie de casos. Lugar: Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, EsSalud, hospital docente, y Clínica San Felipe. Participantes: Pacientes atendidos entre los años 1991 y 2006. Principales medidas de resultados: Síntomas y entidades clínicas asociadas al consumo de cocaína vía nasal. Resultados: En los 63 pacientes evaluados, la mediana de edad fue 35 años, 53 (84% eran de sexo masculino, 86% afirmó haber ingerido cocaína previamente. Los síntomas aparecieron antes de las 2 horas en 78% de los pacientes y 81% presentó trastornos del electrocardiograma. Los síntomas reportados fueron dolor torácico (59%, palpitaciones (27%, convulsiones (5%, hipertermia (3% y cefalea (6%. Las entidades clínicas asociadas fueron: síndromes coronarios agudos (49%, arritmia ventricular (25%, infarto agudo de miocardio (10%, crisis hipertensiva (5% y muerte súbita (11%. Durante el seguimiento, la reincidencia en el consumo se produjo en 76%, siendo esta predominantemente en los primeros 6 meses (63%. Conclusiones: El empleo de cocaína intranasal se asocia a importantes entidades clínicas cardiovasculares, la mayoría de ellas graves. Se aconseja la evaluación de los pacientes en emergencia, incluyendo una anamnesis completa dirigida a la evaluación del consumo de sustancias ilícitas.

  1. Impact of emotional stability and attitude on consumption decisions under risk: the Coca-Cola crisis in Belgium. (United States)

    Verbeke, Wim; Van Kenhove, Patrick


    This article focuses on consumer reactions during and after the Coca-Cola crisis of June 1999 in Belgium. The research tests for associations between the personality trait "emotional stability," attitude toward the brand, and self-reported behavior. Cross-sectional data are collected from a sample of Coca-Cola drinkers between 19 and 22 years old. The data are analyzed through the specification and estimation of a structural equation model and ANOVA. A direct and positive effect of attitude toward the brand on the behavioral response is found. No direct effect of emotional stability on behavior is revealed. However, indirect effects of personality mediated by attitude are discovered. Further, emotional stability is found to correlate negatively with importance attached to information during the crisis. Fast and transparent communication with specific attention to lower emotional stability groups, as well as the inclusion of personality and attitude measurements in future health and food safety studies, are recommended.

  2. Efectos de la cocaína sobre los niveles de y-aminobutirato, glutamato y aspartato en el núcleo accumbens e hipocampo de rata

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    Rafael A. Ulloque


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron los efectos agudos y crónicos de la cocaína sobre los niveles de y-aminobutirato (GABA, glutamato y aspartato en el núcleo accumbens e hipocampo de ratas, para lo cual se administró cocaína en forma aguda y crónica (intraperitoneal a grupos de ratas. El primer grupo recibió 30 mglkg; la administración crónica se inició con 30 mg/kg y se incrementaron 5 mg/kg cada cuatro dias durante 20 días. Los grupos controles recibieron el respectivo volumen de solución salina, por la misma vía y por el tiempo respectivo. A los 30 minutos de administrada la cocaína en forma aguda y 24 horas después de la última dosis crónica, los animales fueron decapitados, los cerebros separados rápidamente del cráneo y colocados en solución salina normal a O OC durante 10 minutos. Posteriormente, se tomaron muestras del núcleo accumbens y del hipocampo. Se procedió igual con los grupos controles. Los niveles de GABA, glutamato y aspartato se determinaron utilizando técnicas enzimáticas y medidas espectrofotométricas. Los resultados muestran que la administración aguda o crónica de cocaína incrementa significativamente el glutamato y el aspartato tanto en el núcleo accumbens como en el hipocampo. Además, se observó un descenso significativo del GABA con la administración crónica. Estos resultados experimentales sustentan la hipótesis de que la administración de cocaína produce efectos excitadores, posiblemente, a través del incremento de las actividades glutaaspartatérgicas o a través de una disminución de actividad GABAérgica en el núcleo accumbens y en el hipocampo.

  3. Corporate Brand Value Shifting from Identity to Innovation Capability: from Coca-Cola to Apple


    Ray R. Gehani


    Corporate brand value, a key corporate asset, has traditionally relied on stakeholder interactions, heritage, and corporate identity. In dynamic fast clock-speed industries (information technology and consumer electronics), we note that brand values change dramatically within a few years based on their innovativeness. Using grounded theory approach and multi-case study method we examine how Apple, Samsung, Toyota, and Coca-Cola sustained their most valuable global brands while Kodak and Gener...

  4. An Econometric Analysis of Brand Level Strategic Pricing Between Coca Cola and Pepsi Inc.


    Tirtha Pratim Dhar; Jean-Paul Chavas; Ronald W. Cotterill; Brian W. Gould


    Market structure and strategic pricing for leading brands sold by Coca Cola and Pepsi Inc. are investigated in the context of a flexible demand specification and structural price equations. This approach is more general than prior studies that rely upon linear approximations and interactions of an inherently nonlinear problem. We test for Bertrand equilibrium, Stackelberg equilibrium, collusion, and a general conjectural variation (CV) specification. This nonlinear Full Information Maximum Li...

  5. Institutional Advertising in the Context of Social Representation Theory: The Case of Coca Cola


    MURAT ÇOLPA, Zeynep


    Social representation emergesto provide needs of individuals understanding world. Production of socialrepresentations only can be provided by individuals and groups interact eachother that is generally used in the field of communication. In this respect,this study attempts to analyze the instituional advertising in the context ofsocial representation theory. In this study institutionaladvertising of Coca Cola which is a well-known beverage company is inspectedand evaluated. Three sample of Co...


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    Akira Igaki


    Full Text Available La hoja de coca, apreciada entre los pueblos indígenas desde sus primeros contactos y difundida por ellos hacia otros lugares durante milenios, entró a los complejos procesos conflictivos -tanto interculturales como internacionales- de estigmatización y marginalización desde el período colonial hasta el día de hoy. Argentina se encuentra dentro de estos procesos pues la coca es comúnmente usada en áreas andinas del norte del país. Este trabajo presenta a dos científicos sociales argentinos -Juan Bautista Ambrosetti y Mario Rabey- de dos épocas que no solamente separan por casi cien años la publicación de sus estudios sobre los usos de la hoja sino también otorgan diferentes significados en el objeto y objetivo del estudio. Mientras Ambrosetti representa y legitima con su lenguaje la hegemonía que estigmatiza la práctica cultural no europea, como lo son dichos usos, Rabey los reivindica como parte de la diversidad cultural entendida como diferencia cultural discriminada, con una postura crítica a la hegemonía idiosincrásica nacional. A través de la comparación entre ellos, este trabajo relata el cambio en la mirada antropológica y su posición como producto de un complejo desenvolvimiento de relaciones entre dicha diferencia y su significado en la ciencia y política.


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    Lorena Carrillo González.


    Full Text Available This article presents the main results of an investigation into the consequences of the adoption of the cultivation of coca, the productive logic of the illicit economy, and anti-drug policies of the Colombian State have meant for the safety and food sovereignty of Afrocolombian communities in the State of Caquetá. The work was based on extensive field work carried out in the rural area of inspection of Rionegro, Municipality of Puerto Rico. The text examines the role played by the regional history, the social and economic context in the reasons that help to explain the reason for the presence of coca. It gives an account of the main features of the mode of family production that characterizes the coca in the region and finally, and it shows the impact that the counter-narcotics policy has on food security of the communities in the study area. In order to provide elements for the discussion of the alternatives to the cultivation of coca, the article shows how the production practices in the region, both legal and illegal, do not pass through the construction of a project of food sovereignty and fail to meet the basics of food safety. RESUMEN: El artículo expone los principales resultados de una investigación sobre las consecuencias que la adopción del cultivo de coca, las lógicas productivas de la economía ilícita, y las políticas antinarcóticos del estado Colombiano han significado para la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria de comunidades afrocolombianas en el departamento del Caquetá. El trabajo se sustentó en un extenso trabajo de campo realizado en la zona rural de la inspección de Rionegro, municipio de puerto Rico. En el texto se analiza el papel que juegan la historia regional, el contexto social y económico en las razones que permiten explicar el por qué de la presencia de la coca. Se da cuenta de las principales características de la modalidad de producción familiar que caracteriza la coca en la región y finalmente, y

  8. La m??sica en la narrativa publicitaria audiovisual. El caso de Coca-Cola


    S??nchez Porras, Mar??a Jos??


    En esta investigaci??n se ha realizado un estudio profundo de la m??sica en la publicidad audiovisual y su relaci??n con otros aspectos sonoros y visuales de la publicidad. Para llevarlo a cabo se ha seleccionado una marca concreta, Coca-Cola, debido a su globalizaci??n y reconocimiento. Se ha abordado una nueva perspectiva de an??lisis musical en la publicidad audiovisual, abordando los diferentes elementos de la estructura musical a trav??s de la proyecci??n de los anuncios. Se ha rea...

  9. An Economic Analysis of Brand-Level Strategic Pricing Between Coca-Cola Company and Pepsi


    Dhar, Tirtha; Chavas, Jean- Paul; Cotterill, Ronald W.; Gould, Brian W.


    We investigate market structure and strategic pricing for leading brands sold by Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo. in the context of a flexible demand specification (i.e., nonlinear AIDS) and structural price equations. Our flexible and generalized approach does not rely upon the often used ad hoc linear approximations to demand and profit-maximizing first-order conditions, andthe assumption of Nash-Bertrand competition. We estimate a conjectural variation model and test for different brand-leve...

  10. Vasculite cerebral e uso de cocaína e crack Cerebral vasculitis and cocaine and crack abuse

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    Fernando Madalena Volpe


    Full Text Available O abuso de cocaína e crack está associado com importante parcela dos acidentes vasculares cerebrais, especialmente em pacientes jovens. O presente estudo relata o caso de um usuário de cocaína e crack que desenvolveu vasculite do sistema nervoso central, resultando em infartos cerebrais e edema extensos, levando à demência com alterações comportamentais e convulsões. Ressalta-se a importância de suspeitar do uso de drogas em jovens que se apresentam com acidente vascular cerebral, assim como avaliar possíveis lesões cerebrais em usuários de drogas com deterioração cognitiva.Cocaine and crack abuse is strongly related to stroke, particularly in young patients. The present study reports the case of a cocaine and crack abuser who developed central nervous system vasculitis, resulting in extensive cerebral infarctions, leading to dementia, behavioural disturbances and seizures. The relevance of detecting drug abuse in young stroke patients is stressed. Assessing possible brain lesions in drug abusers with cognitive impairment is also important.

  11. Lesión de paladar duro por uso crónico de cocaína. Reporte de un caso

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    José Luis D’Addino


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue presentar una lesión inusual de gran tamaño comprometiendo paladar duro. Se describe su diagnóstico, manejo terapéutico y evolución. El paciente de raza blanca de 37 años, desde hace 12 meses presentaba lesión ulcerada con perforación de paladar duro. Dentro de los antecedentes personales se resalta el uso de cocaína desde hace 20 años, tabaquista desde hace 23 años. Como antecedentes familiares de importancia cabe citarse 2 casos de Hipertermia Maligna en familiares consanguíneos operados anteriormente. La biopsia de la lesión fue lesión benigna. Se intervino quirúrgicamente efectuándose un colgajo tipo Randal para el cierre del defecto y Rintala para la cobertura de la cara nasal del orificio. Se reforzó con malla de colágeno entre los dos colgajos. El último control a los 6 meses de seguimiento, mostraba buena evolución post quirúrgica aunque recayó en el consumo de cocaína y no regresó a la consulta. En conclusión, el uso crónico de cocaína suele destruir el tabique nasal y el paladar. La reparación resulta un desafió por lo dificultoso de la obtención de tejidos sumado a la escasa adhesión de los enfermos al abandono de la droga.

  12. Estereótipos de gênero no cuidado psicossocial das usuárias de cocaína e crack

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    Érika Barbosa de Oliveira Silva


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa analisou as concepções dos profissionais de saúde sobre as mulheres usuárias de cocaína e crack em processo de cuidado psicossocial baseando-se na perspectiva de gênero. Para tal fim, foram entrevistados 17 profissionais de saúde e procedidas observações sistemáticas nos espaços de cuidado coletivo em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para álcool e drogas da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A análise das entrevistas e diários de campo foi realizada por meio do método hermenêutico-dialético, que revelou três categorias: a fragilidade como atributo constitutivo da condição feminina; a dependência afetiva feminina relacionada com o uso de cocaína e crack; e os estereótipos de gênero no cuidado psicossocial. Os profissionais de saúde expressam a visão tradicional da mulher heterossexual, dócil e maternal, e reproduzem concepções estereotipadas ao considerar as usuárias de cocaína e crack como pessoas sensíveis, frágeis, dependentes afetivamente dos homens e mais envolvidas com o lar e a família. Esses profissionais carecem de uma compreensão mais elaborada sobre as questões de gênero no processo saúde/doença mental, a fim de possibilitar a superação do senso comum e da práxis de cuidado reducionista.

  13. Unique proline-benzoquinone pigment from the colored nectar of "bird's Coca cola tree" functions in bird attractions. (United States)

    Luo, Shi-Hong; Liu, Yan; Hua, Juan; Niu, Xue-Mei; Jing, Shu-Xi; Zhao, Xu; Schneider, Bernd; Gershenzon, Jonathan; Li, Sheng-Hong


    The major pigment responsible for the dark brown nectar of the "bird's Coca cola tree", Leucosceptrum canum (Labiatae), was isolated and identified as a unique symmetric proline-quinone conjugate, 2,5-di-(N-(-)-prolyl)-para-benzoquinone (DPBQ). Behavioral experiments with both isolated and synthetic authentic samples indicated that DPBQ functions mainly as a color attractant to bird pollinators.

  14. Estudos epigenéticos em dependentes de crack e cocaína: investigação da metilação global do genoma


    Caroline Perez Camilo


    INTRODUÇÃO: A expansão e disseminação do consumo de crack e cocaína no Brasil vem se tornando um grave problema de saúde pública nos últimos vinte anos. Diferentes abordagens biológicas têm sido investigadas utilizando o fenótipo de abuso/dependência de crack/cocaína, cujos resultados têm demonstrado a participação importante do substrato genético, assim como a sua interação com os fatores ambientais no desenvolvimento desse transtorno. OBJETIVOS: Investigar o padrão de metilação do DNA do ge...

  15. Treatment of gastric phytobezoars with Coca-Cola® given via oral route: a case report

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    Ertuğrul G


    Full Text Available Gökhan Ertuğrul1, Murat Coşkun1, Mahsuni Sevinç1, Fisun Ertuğrul2, Toygar Toydemir31Department of General Surgery, Düzce Atatürk State Hospital, Muncurlu, Düzce, Turkey; 2Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation, Düzce Atatürk State Hospital, Muncurlu, Düzce, Turkey; 3Department of General Surgery, İstanbul Surgery Hospital, Nisantasi, İstanbul, TurkeyBackground: A 43-year-old female patient presented with a chief complaint of upper abdominal pain. As her complaints had lasted for 1 month, an upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy was performed and discovered a bezoar in the stomach.Case presentation: The bezoar was quite hard and light green-yellow in color. Pathological examination revealed phytobezoar. The patient was hospitalized and given oral Coca-Cola® Zero for seven days at a dose of 500 mL three times daily.Conclusion: The upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy performed at the end of 7 days showed that the phytobezoar had softened and become smaller. The phytobezoar was broken into pieces with biopsy forceps and washing was applied, so the phytobezoar pieces could pass through the pylorus. The patient was discharged after the procedure without problem.Keywords: gastric phytobezoar, Coca-Cola, upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy

  16. Measuring the Effectiveness of Sales Promotion Activities on Brand Loyalty: A Study on COCA COLA

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    Uma Shankar Singh


    Full Text Available The study is descriptive in nature measuring the effect and relationship in between sales promotion activities and brand loyalty. The study is done on COCA COLA brand in the open market. The research problem observed here as to measure the efficiency of sales promotion and brand loyalty to get the real effectiveness on sales promotion activities. The research objectives formulated are to know the importance of component of sales promotion activities, to know the effect of advertising on sales promotion activities, to realize the importance of brand loyalty on sales promotion activities. A quantitative method was used to accomplish the purpose of the study. A survey instrument developed taking items to measure all variables with five points likert scale. A sample size of 159 (from 210 incorporated in the study having the reliability of 0.851(more than 0.7. The data analyzed using SPSS for descriptive statistics and regression to measure the effect of independent variable on dependent variable. It is recommend that COCA COLA should improve more on its different activities and produce different product and with tasty fast food or build up different production of equipment to expand its business in the whole world’s market .

  17. Persimmon bezoar successfully treated by oral intake of Coca-Cola: a case report. (United States)

    Hayashi, Kazuki; Ohara, Hirotaka; Naitoh, Itaru; Okumura, Fumihiro; Andoh, Tomoaki; Itoh, Takafumi; Nakazawa, Takahiro; Joh, Takashi


    An 82-year-old male presented with a chief complaint of upper abdominal pain. Subsequently, a bezoar and a gastric ulcer were detected by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The bezoar was dark green in color and extremely hard, having a major axis of 7 cm. After hospitalization, 500-1000 ml/day of Coca-Cola was orally administered continuously for 3 weeks. Thereafter, the bezoar decreased in size to a major axis of 4 cm and showed a softening trend. Therefore, lithotripsy was thereafter carried out under endoscopy using forceps.

  18. The influence of "Coca-Cola" company over the quality of the environment of Zemun


    Topalović Sanja


    Food industry can be a significant source of environmental pollution, which depends on the type of food industry. In the industrial area “Gornji Zemun” there are at least ten larger factories. Among these Coca-Cola HBC Serbia, as a representative of the industry of non-alcoholic beverages, is the most active and has the biggest influence on the environment. The success in business is based on the sustainable development and the lesser influence over the environment, which will be proven...

  19. Propuesta de un modelo ecosistémico para la cadena productiva de la coca con fines alternativos en Colombia

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    Alexandra Montoya-Restrepo


    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como objetivo proponer una alternativa socioeconómica para la producción de hoja de coca en Colombia. Metodología: A partir de las propiedades industriales de la planta y sus usos ancestrales se propone la utilización del modelo de integración organizacional para el apoyo de los actuales cultivadores que tienen como único sustento este sistema productivo, ilícito en el país, pero que encuentran en peligro real de perder su capacidad productiva. Resultados: estudios actuales han determinado propiedades industriales farmacéuticas y agrícolas de la planta, con lo cual se puede realizar una integración empresarial. Conclusiones: A partir del modelo propuesto, es posible encontrar alternativas para la solución del cultivo ilícito de hoja de coca en el país, con un modelo de encadenamiento organizacional y productivo.

  20. Process evaluation of knowledge transfer across industries: Leveraging Coca-Cola's supply chain expertise for medicine availability in Tanzania. (United States)

    Linnander, Erika; Yuan, Christina T; Ahmed, Shirin; Cherlin, Emily; Talbert-Slagle, Kristina; Curry, Leslie A


    Persistent gaps in the availability of essential medicines have slowed the achievement of global health targets. Despite the supply chain knowledge and expertise that ministries of health might glean from other industries, limited empirical research has examined the process of knowledge transfer from other industries into global public health. We examined a partnership designed to improve the availability of medical supplies in Tanzania by transferring knowledge from The Coca-Cola system to Tanzania's Medical Stores Department (MSD). We conducted a process evaluation including in-depth interviews with 70 participants between July 2011 and May 2014, corresponding to each phase of the partnership, with focus on challenges and strategies to address them, as well as benefits perceived by partners. Partners faced challenges in (1) identifying relevant knowledge to transfer, (2) translating operational solutions from Coca-Cola to MSD, and (3) maintaining momentum between project phases. Strategies to respond to these challenges emerged through real-time problem solving and included (1) leveraging the receptivity of MSD leadership, (2) engaging a boundary spanner to identify knowledge to transfer, (3) promoting local recognition of commonalities across industries, (4) engaging external technical experts to manage translation activities, (5) developing tools with visible benefits for MSD, (6) investing in local relationships, and (7) providing time and space for the partnership model to evolve. Benefits of the partnership perceived by MSD staff included enhanced collaboration and communication, more proactive orientations in managing operations, and greater attention to performance management. Benefits perceived by Coca-Cola staff included strengthened knowledge transfer capability and enhanced job satisfaction. Linking theoretical constructs with practical experiences from the field, we highlight the challenges, emergent strategies, and perceived benefits of a partnership

  1. Process evaluation of knowledge transfer across industries: Leveraging Coca-Cola's supply chain expertise for medicine availability in Tanzania.

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    Erika Linnander

    Full Text Available Persistent gaps in the availability of essential medicines have slowed the achievement of global health targets. Despite the supply chain knowledge and expertise that ministries of health might glean from other industries, limited empirical research has examined the process of knowledge transfer from other industries into global public health. We examined a partnership designed to improve the availability of medical supplies in Tanzania by transferring knowledge from The Coca-Cola system to Tanzania's Medical Stores Department (MSD. We conducted a process evaluation including in-depth interviews with 70 participants between July 2011 and May 2014, corresponding to each phase of the partnership, with focus on challenges and strategies to address them, as well as benefits perceived by partners. Partners faced challenges in (1 identifying relevant knowledge to transfer, (2 translating operational solutions from Coca-Cola to MSD, and (3 maintaining momentum between project phases. Strategies to respond to these challenges emerged through real-time problem solving and included (1 leveraging the receptivity of MSD leadership, (2 engaging a boundary spanner to identify knowledge to transfer, (3 promoting local recognition of commonalities across industries, (4 engaging external technical experts to manage translation activities, (5 developing tools with visible benefits for MSD, (6 investing in local relationships, and (7 providing time and space for the partnership model to evolve. Benefits of the partnership perceived by MSD staff included enhanced collaboration and communication, more proactive orientations in managing operations, and greater attention to performance management. Benefits perceived by Coca-Cola staff included strengthened knowledge transfer capability and enhanced job satisfaction. Linking theoretical constructs with practical experiences from the field, we highlight the challenges, emergent strategies, and perceived benefits of a

  2. The influence of "Coca-Cola" company over the quality of the environment of Zemun

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    Topalović Sanja


    Full Text Available Food industry can be a significant source of environmental pollution, which depends on the type of food industry. In the industrial area “Gornji Zemun” there are at least ten larger factories. Among these Coca-Cola HBC Serbia, as a representative of the industry of non-alcoholic beverages, is the most active and has the biggest influence on the environment. The success in business is based on the sustainable development and the lesser influence over the environment, which will be proven by this article.

  3. Measuring the Effectiveness of Sales Promotion Activities on Brand Loyalty: A Study on COCA COLA


    Uma Shankar Singh; Osman Sahin


    The study is descriptive in nature measuring the effect and relationship in between sales promotion activities and brand loyalty. The study is done on COCA COLA brand in the open market. The research problem observed here as to measure the efficiency of sales promotion and brand loyalty to get the real effectiveness on sales promotion activities. The research objectives formulated are to know the importance of component of sales promotion activities, to know the effect of advertising on sales...

  4. Fluorescent carbon nanodots facilely extracted from Coca Cola for temperature sensing (United States)

    Li, Feiming; Chen, Qiaoling; Cai, Zhixiong; Lin, Fangyuan; Xu, Wei; Wang, Yiru; Chen, Xi


    A novel method for the fabrication of carbon nanodots (CDs) is introduced: extracting CDs from the well-known soft drink Coca Cola via dialysis. The obtained CDs are of good monodispersity with a narrow size distribution (average diameter of 3.0 nm), good biocompatibility, high solubility (about 180 mg ml-1) and stable fluorescence even at a high salt concentration. Furthermore, they are sensitive to the temperature change with a linear relationship between the fluorescence intensity and temperature from 5 °C-95 °C. The CDs have been applied in high stable temperature sensing. This protocol is quite simple, green, cost-effective and technologically simple, which might be used for a range of applications including sensing, catalysts, drug and gene delivery, and so on.

  5. Intoxicación aguda por cocaína en un lactante no asociada a lactancia materna: A propósito de un caso clínico


    Decia1, Mónica; Pan, Melina; Telechea, Héctor; Laborde, Amalia; Menchaca, Amanda


    La intoxicación aguda por cocaína es infrecuente en lactantes y niños. Las formas más frecuentes de presentación clínica son las convulsiones tónico-clónicas en apirexia, alteraciones motoras y la excitación psicomotriz. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 1 mes que ingresó a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de Niños del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell por una intoxicación aguda por cocaína. El cuadro clínico consistió en manifestaciones secundarias a un estado hiperadrenérgico generali...

  6. Process evaluation of knowledge transfer across industries: Leveraging Coca-Cola’s supply chain expertise for medicine availability in Tanzania (United States)

    Yuan, Christina T.; Ahmed, Shirin; Cherlin, Emily; Talbert-Slagle, Kristina; Curry, Leslie A.


    Persistent gaps in the availability of essential medicines have slowed the achievement of global health targets. Despite the supply chain knowledge and expertise that ministries of health might glean from other industries, limited empirical research has examined the process of knowledge transfer from other industries into global public health. We examined a partnership designed to improve the availability of medical supplies in Tanzania by transferring knowledge from The Coca-Cola system to Tanzania’s Medical Stores Department (MSD). We conducted a process evaluation including in-depth interviews with 70 participants between July 2011 and May 2014, corresponding to each phase of the partnership, with focus on challenges and strategies to address them, as well as benefits perceived by partners. Partners faced challenges in (1) identifying relevant knowledge to transfer, (2) translating operational solutions from Coca-Cola to MSD, and (3) maintaining momentum between project phases. Strategies to respond to these challenges emerged through real-time problem solving and included (1) leveraging the receptivity of MSD leadership, (2) engaging a boundary spanner to identify knowledge to transfer, (3) promoting local recognition of commonalities across industries, (4) engaging external technical experts to manage translation activities, (5) developing tools with visible benefits for MSD, (6) investing in local relationships, and (7) providing time and space for the partnership model to evolve. Benefits of the partnership perceived by MSD staff included enhanced collaboration and communication, more proactive orientations in managing operations, and greater attention to performance management. Benefits perceived by Coca-Cola staff included strengthened knowledge transfer capability and enhanced job satisfaction. Linking theoretical constructs with practical experiences from the field, we highlight the challenges, emergent strategies, and perceived benefits of a

  7. Activating Processes in the Brand Communication of Valuable Brands on the example of Coca-Cola.


    Pöhler, Marie-Luise


    Everyone in the world, from the streets of Paris to the villages in Africa, knows the logo with the white letters that are written on a bright red background. Coca-Cola was introduced in 1886. In that year, only nine glasses of the soda drink were sold per day. So how did the little company from Atlanta become the world’s most valuable and popular soft drink? One of the company’s secrets is its emotional and memorable advertising strategies. Therefore, this thesis explains and analyzes ho...

  8. Relationship of Coca-Cola Brazil and the communities participant of the social projects: (im) possibilities


    Lima, Vanessa Sobreira Casali


    Five years ago, Coca-Cola Brasil launched a program named “Coletivo Project”, with the purpose to enjoy an opportunity of increase on the potential consumption power of the low-income pyramid population that lived on the “favelas”. At the same time, it had the objective to offer to them a social and financial impact, which is a trust on the future, the first job for the young adults’ participant of this program and an increase on their family source of revenues, through salaries. This was...

  9. Enamel softening with Coca-Cola and rehardening with milk or saliva. (United States)

    Gedalia, I; Dakuar, A; Shapira, L; Lewinstein, I; Goultschin, J; Rahamim, E


    Rehardening effects by cow's milk and by secreted saliva were investigated, in situ, following softening of human enamel with an acidic beverage (Coca-Cola). Volunteers wearing orthodontic removable appliances participated in the study. The intra-oral test was chosen for measuring microhardness of enamel slabs inserted into the dental appliance. The softening and the rehardening degrees were defined as the alterations between initial- and experimental-microhardness value at the enamel surface. In addition, SEM photos were prepared from the initial and experimental stages. Exposure of enamel slabs to the acidic beverage during 1 hour had a softening effect as expressed by the hardness decrease and visualized by the SEM photo. Rehardening effects following milk or saliva exposures respectively were evident, presumably due to deposited organic and mineral material on the enamel surface.

  10. Gastric phytobezoars may be treated by nasogastric Coca-Cola lavage. (United States)

    Ladas, Spiros D; Triantafyllou, Konstantinos; Tzathas, Charalabos; Tassios, Pericles; Rokkas, Theodore; Raptis, Sotirios A


    Large gastric phytobezoars may occur in patients with gastric dysmotility disorders. Treatment options include dissolution with enzymes, endoscopic fragmentation with removal or aspiration, and surgery. We report our experience with nasogastric cola lavage therapy. Over an 8-year period, five consecutive patients were referred to our unit for endoscopic treatment of large gastric phytobezoars. They included one patient with lobectomy for lung cancer and four patients with diabetic gastroparesis. An initial attempt of endoscopic fragmentation and removal was unsuccessful. Patients were treated with 3 l of Coca-Cola nasogastric lavage over 12 h. Nasogastric lavage was very well tolerated by the patients. Complete phytobezoar dissolution was achieved in one session in all cases. There were no procedure-related complications. The dissolution of large gastric phytobezoars with cola nasogastric lavage is a safe, rapid and effective method. Patients may be treated in the medical ward, avoiding therapeutic endoscopy or surgery.

  11. Corporate Brand Value Shifting from Identity to Innovation Capability: from Coca-Cola to Apple

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    Ray R. Gehani


    Full Text Available Corporate brand value, a key corporate asset, has traditionally relied on stakeholder interactions, heritage, and corporate identity. In dynamic fast clock-speed industries (information technology and consumer electronics, we note that brand values change dramatically within a few years based on their innovativeness. Using grounded theory approach and multi-case study method we examine how Apple, Samsung, Toyota, and Coca-Cola sustained their most valuable global brands while Kodak and General Motors eroded the same. Certain key dynamic innovative capabilities are identified as best practices. We conclude with implications for managers and future researchers, along with some limitations.

  12. Control de la cocaína: ¿represión o legalización?


    Cartay, Rafael


    Artículos Control de la cocaína: ¿represión o legalización? Cartay, Rafael El presupuesto nacional y la política económica. Contreras C., Hugo de Jesús Viejos y nuevos modelos de Venezuela. Domingo, Carlos; Fargier, María; Mora, C., Jesús Alberto; Rojas Salazar, Andrés y Tonella, Giorgio Una aplicación del análisis de componentes principales en el área educativa. González Martín, Pilar; Díaz de Pascual, Amelia; Torres Lezama, Enrique y Garnica Olmos, Elsy El proces...

  13. A publicidade da Coca-Cola “Happiness Factory” e o imaginário do sistema produtivo na sociedade de consumo

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    João Carrascoza


    Full Text Available O artigo propõe a reflexão sobre o universo simbólico da marca Coca-Cola com base no comercial “Happiness Factory” (“Fábrica de Felicidade”, 2006, em que a esfera produtiva da corporação é recuperada como espetáculo, como apoteose, para servir ao imaginário do consumo. Trata-se de estudo preliminar sobre os processos simbólicos de reconstrução, de esvaziamento, de harmonização das tensões e dialéticas que envolvem o mundo do trabalho, para servir à publicidade da marca – esta entendida como ente social, mediador da negociação simbólica entre anunciantes e consumidores. A metodologia de análise é baseada no quadro teórico da análise do discurso de linha francesa e de conceitos- chave da obra de Mikhail Bakhtin, entre outros autores. Palavras-chave: Publicidade; consumo simbólico; trabalho.ABSTRACT This article presents a reflection on the symbolic universe of the Coca-Cola brand based on the comercial “Happiness Factory” (2006, in which the productive sphere of the corporation is transformed and presented as a spectacle, as an apotheosis in order to meet the purposes of consumption imaginary. This is a preliminary study on the symbolic processes of reconstruction, of emptying and of the harmonization of tensions and dialectics which involve the world of labour in order to meet the requirements of the publicity of the Coca-Cola brand – which is understood as a social being, mediator of the symbolic negotiation between advertisers and consumers. Our methodology of analysis is based on the theoretical framework of the French line of discourse analysis and key concepts of Mikhail Bakhtin, among other authors. Keywords: Advertising; symbolic consumption; brands.

  14. Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Loyalitas Konsumen Terhadap Merek Coca-cola (Studi pada Restoran Sop Saudara Medan)


    Puspasari, Indriyani


    This study aims to determine the factors that influence consumer loyalty to the brand coca - cola at Soup Brothers Restaurant Medan . Where consumer loyalty is a manifestation and continuation of customer satisfaction in using the facilities and services provided by the company . Loyalty is bbukti consumers who always want to be the consumer , who has the strength and positive attitude over the company . While the brand is a name , term , symbol , or design , or a combination of these things ...

  15. Ocular injuries from exploding glass-bottled Coca-Cola® drinks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. (United States)

    Pedro-Egbe, Chinyere Nnenne; Ejimadu, Chibuike Sydney; Nwachukwu, Henrietta


    Eye injuries and subsequent loss of vision from the glass and caps of exploding pressurized bottled drinks have been well reported, and as a result most developed countries now use mainly plastic bottles. In Nigeria, however, most drinks are still sold in glass bottles and ocular injuries from this source are therefore not uncommon. To retrospectively analyze ocular injuries resulting from exploding glass-bottled Coca-Cola® and propose ways of eliminating such injuries in future. Eye Clinic, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The medical records of all cases of ocular injury that presented at the Eye Clinic of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital over a 5-year period (January 2006 to December 2010) were retrieved and relevant data including age, sex, occupation, events surrounding bottle explosion, and type of ocular injury sustained were extracted. A total of 426 cases of ocular injuries was seen during the period under review. There were 335 (78.6%) males and 91 (21.4%) females. Six patients had ocular injury from exploding glass-bottled Coca-Cola®, giving an incidence of 1.4%. The presenting visual acuities (VA) were light perception (2 cases), counting fingers (2 cases), and 1 VA of 6/24 and 1 VA of 6/12. There were 4 (66.7%) cases of corneoscleral laceration with uveal prolapse and 1 case of total hyphema. Because pressurized glass-bottles can explode with normal handling, legislation to ban the use of glass containers for bottling carbonated drinks will go a long way to reducing ocular morbidity from this source. Plastic bottles should be introduced as an alternative.

  16. The brand images of Coca-Cola and Pepsi and buying motives of cola consumers: a consumer research study


    Yılmaz, Emre


    Ankara : The Department of Management and Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent University, 1997. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1997. Includes bibliographical references leaves 54-55 Cola is one of the heavily consumed products all over the world by almost every individual. Today there are two main competitors in the world to convince consumers to consume their brand; Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Both companies give a big importance to understand their con...

  17. Brain injury markers (S100B and NSE in chronic cocaine dependents Marcadores de lesão cerebral (S100B e NSE em dependentes crônicos de cocaína

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    Felix Henrique Paim Kessler


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Studies have shown signs of brain damage caused by different mechanisms in cocaine users. The serum neuron specific enolase and S100B protein are considered specific biochemical markers of neuronal and glial cell injury. This study aimed at comparing blood levels of S100B and NSE in chronic cocaine users and in volunteers who did not use cocaine or other illicit drugs. METHOD: Twenty subjects dependent on cocaine but not on alcohol or marijuana, and 20 non-substance using controls were recruited. Subjects were selected by consecutive and non-probabilistic sampling. Neuron specific enolase and S100B levels were determined by luminescence assay. RESULTS: Cocaine users had significantly higher scores than controls in all psychiatric dimensions of the SCL-90 and had cognitive deficits in the subtest cubes of WAIS and the word span. Mean serum S100B level was 0.09 ± 0.04 µg/l among cocaine users and 0.08 ± 0.04 µg/l among controls. Mean serum neuron specific enolase level was 9.7 ± 3.5 ng/l among cocaine users and 8.3 ± 2.6 ng/l among controls. CONCLUSIONS: In this first study using these specific brain damage markers in cocaine users, serum levels of S100B and neuron specific enolase were not statistically different between cocaine dependent subjects and controls.OBJETIVO: Estudos têm demonstrado sinais de lesão cerebral causadas por diferentes mecanismos em usuários de cocaína. A enolase sérica neurônio-específica e a proteína S100B são consideradas marcadores bioquímicos específicos de lesão neuronal e glial. Este estudo objetivou comparar os níveis sangüíneos de S100B e enolase sérica neurônio-específica em usuários crônicos de cocaína e em voluntários que não usam cocaína ou outras drogas ilícitas. MÉTODO: Vinte sujeitos dependentes de cocaína, mas não dependentes de álcool, maconha ou outra droga, e 20 sujeitos controles não usuários de drogas foram recrutados. Os sujeitos foram selecionados por

  18. Analisis Brand Association CocaCola dalam Pembentukan Brand Image Konsumen (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara)


    Silitonga, Lewildy V


    Image of a product can not be separated from the view or perception given by the consumers (respondents), whether or not a product consumers who rate it as users and customers concerned. The aim of the research was to know and analyze the brand association that forms CocaCola brand image in the minds of consumers in the North Sumatra University students. This research was descriptive.. It used descriptive analytic method, statistical method, that is, the validity and reliability test with ...

  19. Obstructive Bezoars of the Small Bowel Treated with Coca-Cola Zero through a Long Intestinal Tube and Endoscopic Manipulation. (United States)

    Endo, Kei; Kakisaka, Keisuke; Suzuki, Yuji; Matsumoto, Takayuki; Takikawa, Yasuhiro


    An 82-year-old Japanese man visited our hospital with abdominal fullness accompanied by lower abdominal pain. He presented with small bowel obstruction due to multiple diospyrobezoars. The bezoars were successfully removed without any surgical intervention by the administration of Coca-Cola Zero through a long intestinal tube and subsequent endoscopic manipulation. Such a combination may be the treatment of choice for small bowel obstruction due to bezoars.

  20. Ocular injuries from exploding glass-bottled Coca-Cola® drinks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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    Pedro-Egbe CN


    Full Text Available Chinyere Nnenne Pedro-Egbe, Chibuike Sydney Ejimadu, Henrietta NwachukwuDepartment of Ophthalmology, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, NigeriaBackground: Eye injuries and subsequent loss of vision from the glass and caps of exploding pressurized bottled drinks have been well reported, and as a result most developed countries now use mainly plastic bottles. In Nigeria, however, most drinks are still sold in glass bottles and ocular injuries from this source are therefore not uncommon.Aim: To retrospectively analyze ocular injuries resulting from exploding glass-bottled Coca-Cola® and propose ways of eliminating such injuries in future.Setting: Eye Clinic, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.Materials and methods: The medical records of all cases of ocular injury that presented at the Eye Clinic of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital over a 5-year period (January 2006 to December 2010 were retrieved and relevant data including age, sex, occupation, events surrounding bottle explosion, and type of ocular injury sustained were extracted.Results: A total of 426 cases of ocular injuries was seen during the period under review. There were 335 (78.6% males and 91 (21.4% females. Six patients had ocular injury from exploding glass-bottled Coca-Cola®, giving an incidence of 1.4%. The presenting visual acuities (VA were light perception (2 cases, counting fingers (2 cases, and 1 VA of 6/24 and 1 VA of 6/12. There were 4 (66.7% cases of corneoscleral laceration with uveal prolapse and 1 case of total hyphema.Conclusion: Because pressurized glass-bottles can explode with normal handling, legislation to ban the use of glass containers for bottling carbonated drinks will go a long way to reducing ocular morbidity from this source. Plastic bottles should be introduced as an alternative.Keywords: ocular injuries, exploding glass-bottled drink


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    Singgih Saptadi


    Full Text Available PT Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia adalah salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang minuman ringan baik berupa carbonated soft drink (coca-cola, fanta, sprite maupun non-carbonated soft drink (frestea, ades. Penanganan material pada pabrik ini masih dilakukan secara manual (Manual Material Handling/MMH. Pekerjaan ini dimulai dengan pengangkatan kontainer dari atas conveyor kemudian dipindahkan dan disusun di atas pallet (proses palletizing.Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA adalah salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menilai postur kerjakaitanya dengan cedera otot akibat bekerja. Pada metode ini juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor coupling, beban eksternal serta aktivitas pekerja yang dialami oleh subjek pengamatan. Implementasi REBA dilakukan pada postur penanganan material khususnya pada pengangkatan krat dan penyusunan krat. Dari hasil penilaian menunjukkan action level didominasi pada level 3 dan level 4, untuk itu perlu dilakukan tindakan perbaikan segera/saat itu juga. Dalam melakukan rekomendasi perbaikan postur penulis melakukan perancangan fasilitas yang disesuaikan dengan data antropometri dan didasarkan pada jenis aktifitasnya serta memberikan usulan fasilitas berupa meja adjustable. Penulis memvisualisasikan hasil rancangan melalui sofware 3DS max, dimana sofware ini juga digunakan sebagai analisis postur pada fasilitas kerja usulan. Kata kunci : Manual Material Handling, REBA, perancangan fasilitas kerja, meja adjustable, 3DS max                Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia is one of the company which move on soft drink areas like carbonated soft drinks (coca-cola, fanta, sprite or non-carbonated soft drinks (frestea,ades. Material handling in this factory is still done manually. This work is started by lifting the container from conveyor  then move it and arrange it above the pallet ( proses palletizing.              Rapid Entire Body Assesment ( REBA is one of the method by which is used to score working

  2. Selection and validation of reference genes for quantitative gene expression studies in Erythroxylum coca [v1; ref status: indexed,

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    Teresa Docimo


    Full Text Available Real-time quantitative PCR is a powerful technique for the investigation of comparative gene expression, but its accuracy and reliability depend on the reference genes used as internal standards. Only genes that show a high level of expression stability are suitable for use as reference genes, and these must be identified on a case-by-case basis. Erythroxylum coca produces and accumulates high amounts of the pharmacologically active tropane alkaloid cocaine (especially in the leaves, and is an emerging model for the investigation of tropane alkaloid biosynthesis. The identification of stable internal reference genes for this species is important for its development as a model species, and would enable comparative analysis of candidate biosynthetic genes in the different tissues of the coca plant. In this study, we evaluated the expression stability of nine candidate reference genes in E. coca (Ec6409, Ec10131, Ec11142, Actin, APT2, EF1α, TPB1, Pex4, Pp2aa3. The expression of these genes was measured in seven tissues (flowers, stems, roots and four developmental leaf stages and the stability of expression was assessed using three algorithms (geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper. From our results we conclude that Ec10131 and TPB1 are the most appropriate internal reference genes in leaves (where the majority of cocaine is produced, while Ec10131 and Ec6409 are the most suitable internal reference genes across all of the tissues tested.

  3. Effect of calcium lactate in erosion and S. mutans in rats when added to Coca-Cola. (United States)

    Beiraghi, S; Atkins, S; Rosen, S; Wilson, S; Odom, J; Beck, M


    Thirty-six Sprague Dawley rats, 22 days of age, were divided randomly into three groups of 12 each and housed in a programmable feeder. The three experimental groups received either Coca-Cola (CC), Coca-Cola with calcium lactate (CC-CaL), or distilled water. The programmable feeder was set to deliver 17 equal volumes of fluid per day with each feeding period lasting between 80-90 min. All groups were given Diet MIT 305 in one premeasured amount per 24 hr period (ad libitum). The pH of the CC with calcium lactate was adjusted to match the CC without calcium lactate by the addition of citric and phosphoric acids. The test period lasted five weeks. Each week, the food and fluid consumed and the weight gain were measured. Erosion of the teeth was scored by the method of Restarski et al. (1945). ANOVA indicated that there was a significant difference in the amount of erosion among groups. A Newman-Keuls analysis showed that the mean erosion score of the CC group was significantly greater (P less than 0.05) than that of the CC-CaL and distilled water groups (54.2 +/- 0.12; 0.0275 +/- 0.0123; 0.132 +/- 0.070, respectively). There was no significant difference in erosion between the CC-CaL and distilled water groups. There was no difference in the amount of food and fluid consumed among the group of rats. In conclusion, calcium lactate added to CC resulted in significantly reduced tooth erosion in rats.

  4. Marketingové strategie značek Coca-Cola, Pepsi a Kofola na českém trhu


    Tvrdý, Aleš


    This diploma thesis in the first chapter characterises the concepts of brand and marketing strategy including their main components. In the second chapter deals with the brands Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Kofola and their elements, image, positioning and marketing mix. In the final part, the results of two surveys are presented - a survey of the retail chains and a survey among consumers of those brands, which are dealing with analysis of the market positiong of those brands and their perception by ...

  5. Brand Sponsorship and Social Media. Coca Cola and Carlsberg Illustrated with an Example of the European Football Championship 2016


    Komańda, Marcin


    Purpose of the article: Presentation of the issue of brand sponsorship of events in the light of the use of social media for the purposes of brand management in the customer-based brand equity paradigm. Methodology/methods: Two brands (CocaCola and Carlsberg) which were the official sponsors of a sports event (EURO 2016) were monitored in social media. For this purpose information gathered by and were used. Presentation of the results of the ana...

  6. The Comparative Analysis of Packaging Design Element to Purchasing Decision Between Coca Cola and Big Cola in Manado


    Gessal, Putri


    Packaging can play a very interesting role in the success or failure of a product. Its success depends a lot on how it is designed by its creators. Packaging function to protect the contents of a product lies within the package design. It has the power to influence your choices, and with its carefully thought-out aesthetics can affect your emotions. This aim of the study comparative analysis of packaging design element to purchase decision between Coca Cola and Big Cola with packaging element...

  7. Prenatal dietary load of Maillard reaction products combined with postnatal Coca-Cola drinking affects metabolic status of female Wistar rats


    Gurecká, Radana; Koborová, Ivana; Janšáková, Katarína; Tábi, Tamás; Szökő, Éva; Somoza, Veronika; Šebeková, Katarína; Celec, Peter


    Aim To assess the impact of prenatal exposure to Maillard reaction products (MRPs) -rich diet and postnatal Coca- Cola consumption on metabolic status of female rats. Diet rich in MRPs and consumption of saccharose/fructose sweetened soft drinks is presumed to impose increased risk of development of cardiometabolic afflictions, such as obesity or insulin resistance. Methods At the first day of pregnancy, 9 female Wistar rats were randomized into two groups, pair-fed ei...

  8. Polimorfismos del gen Butirilcolinesterasa responsables de reacciones adversas en pacientes consumidores de “cocaína”


    Estrada Serrato, Carlos


    La butirilcolinesterasa humana (BChE; EC es una enzima polimórfica sintetizada en el hígado y en el tejido adiposo, ampliamente distribuida en el organismo y encargada de hidrolizar algunos ésteres de colina como la procaína, ésteres alifáticos como el ácido acetilsalicílico, fármacos como la metilprednisolona, el mivacurium y la succinilcolina y drogas de uso y/o abuso como la heroína y la cocaína. Es codificada por el gen BCHE (OMIM 177400), habiéndose identificado más de 100 varia...

  9. Quality of cocaine seized in 1997 in the street-drug market of São Paulo city, Brazil Qualidade da cocaína traficada em 1997 na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Débora Gonçalves de Carvalho


    carbonates and bicarbonates (19.2%; silicates (13.8%, sugars (9.59%; starch (5.6%, borate (3.8% and sulphates(2.8%. Contaminants (secondary products originated from coca paste refining or decomposition processes were not analysed.Teores de cocaína e adulterantes bem como vários diluentes foram determinados em 389 amostras de pó branco apreendidas na cidade de São Paulo, no ano de 1997. Cocaína e seus adulterantes foram analisados por cromatografia em camada delgada, cromatografia em fase gasosa (detetor de ionização de chama e cromatografia em fase gasosa acoplado a espectrometria de massa (CG/MS. Diluentes foram analisados através de "spot tests" e da cromatografia em camada delgada. Foram obtidos os seguintes resultados: em 4,4% das amostras não foram detectados cocaína e adulterantes; de todas as amostras positivas para cocaína, 14% não continham mais que 200 mg/g de pó; em 70% a pureza da cocaína variou de 201 a 550 mg/g e em 16% não foi maior que 700 mg/g. Os anestésicos locais lidocaína e procaína foram detectados em 19 amostras em concentrações que variaram de 10 a 602 mg/g de pó. Cafeína foi encontrada em duas amostras. Os principais diluentes detectados foram: carbonatos e bicarbonatos, silicatos, açúcares, amido, borato e sulfatos. Contaminantes (produtos secundários originários do refino da pasta de coca ou de processos de decomposição não foram analisados.

  10. El caso Coca Nasa : análisis jurídico de la política del Estado colombiano en materia de comercialización de alimentos y bebidas derivados de hoja de coca producidos por comunidades indígenas


    Ceballos Bedoya, Nicolás


    El presente trabajo surgió en el marco de mi práctica en el grupo de investigación “Derechos Fundamentales y Diversidad cultural”; en ese entonces, me enteré de la prohibición a los productos de hoja de coca que comercializa la comunidad nasa de Calderas en el Cauca, que se originó una vez el INVIMA emitió una circular restringiendo su venta a los territorios indígenas. Este caso particular fue de nuestro interés ya que permitía analizar múltiples problemas atinentes al reconocimiento de la d...

  11. Treatment of gastric phytobezoars with Coca-Cola given via oral route: a case report. (United States)

    Ertuğrul, Gökhan; Coşkun, Murat; Sevinç, Mahsuni; Ertuğrul, Fisun; Toydemir, Toygar


    A 43-year-old female patient presented with a chief complaint of upper abdominal pain. As her complaints had lasted for 1 month, an upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy was performed and discovered a bezoar in the stomach. The bezoar was quite hard and light green-yellow in color. Pathological examination revealed phytobezoar. The patient was hospitalized and given oral Coca-Cola(®) Zero for seven days at a dose of 500 mL three times daily. The upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy performed at the end of 7 days showed that the phytobezoar had softened and become smaller. The phytobezoar was broken into pieces with biopsy forceps and washing was applied, so the phytobezoar pieces could pass through the pylorus. The patient was discharged after the procedure without problem.

  12. Plan estratégico de marketing de nueva línea de jugos premium para the Coca-Cola Company


    Carbonel, Magaly; Ríos, Nicole; Taborga, Marcelo; Victorero, Natalia


    La alimentación saludable está cambiando los patrones de consumo de la sociedad, los consumidores están eligiendo productos bajos en grasas, sin preservantes u otros componentes dañinos a la salud. La categoría de jugos no es ajena a esta realidad, de acuerdo a las tendencias globales, regionales y locales, se ha evaluado la posibilidad de incorporar un jugo Premium RTD (100% jugo listo para consumir) al portafolio de The Coca-Cola Company en Lima Metropolitana. El presente Pla...

  13. “Eu odeio Coca-Cola”: uma análise netnográfica sobre o discurso antimarca da comunidade virtual do orkut


    Abdalla, Márcio Moutinho; Universidade Federal Fluminense; Bravo, Igor Garcia; Universidade Federal Fluminense


    It is evident broad organizational concerns regarding the management and maintenance of their brands. Retaliatory and repudiation action against product and services brands are shown as imposing barriers to be implemented by organizations. Thus, this study aims to deepen understanding of the subject by analyzing the speech of members of the virtual community antibrand "eu odeio coca-cola (I hate Coke)" in Orkut social network, besides seeking the motivations that led these members to express...

  14. Alterações neuropsicológicas em dependentes de cocaína/crack internados: dados preliminares Neuropsychological impairments in crack cocaine-dependent inpatients: preliminary findings

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    Paulo J Cunha


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Embora o uso de cocaína seja um problema significativo de saúde pública, há uma relativa escassez de dados científicos sobre as conseqüências neurocognitivas decorrentes da exposição à substância. MÉTODOS: Esse estudo avaliou a associação entre dependência de cocaína e crack e desempenho cognitivo. Uma ampla bateria de testes neuropsicológicos foi aplicada a 15 dependentes de cocaína, em abstinência por duas semanas, em tratamento em regime de internação, e em 15 sujeitos controles, não usuários de drogas, pareados por idade, sexo, escolaridade, nível sócio-econômico, lateralidade e QI. RESULTADOS: Os resultados preliminares mostraram significação estatística (pOBJECTIVE: Although cocaine use is a significant public health problem, there is relative paucity of scientific data on long-term neurocognitive consequences of the exposure to the substance. METHODS: This study examined the association between crack cocaine dependence and neuropsychological performance. An extended battery of neuropsychological tests was administered to 15 abstinent cocaine abusers, inpatients in abstinence for two weeks, and 15 non-drug-using control subjects matched for age, gender, education, socio-economic status, handedness and IQ. RESULTS: The preliminary findings showed statistical significance (p<0,05 on differences of performance in attention, verbal fluency, verbal memory, visual memory, learning ability and executive functions. CONCLUSIONS: These results represent evidences that cocaine abuse is associated with decrements in cognitive functioning, similar to cognitive disorders associated to prefrontal and temporal brain impairments. Knowledge of specific cognitive deficits in cocaine abusers may be useful for designing more effective substance abuse prevention and treatment programs.

  15. Perlakuan Akuntansi Aktiva Tetap Dan Metode Penyusutan Yang Sesuai Dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Pada PT. Coca Cola Bottling Company Indonesia Medan


    Tarigan, Yulinda


    This study aims to obtain a clear picture of the policy of fixed assets employed by PT Coca Cola Bottling Company of Indonesia Medan, such as how the acquisition of fixed assets, expenses after the acquisition of fixed assets, fixed assets depreciation method, the withdrawal of fixed assets, as well as the presentation of fixed assets those in the financial statements are appropriate depreciation method and the Financial Accounting Standards. In a study conducted, the author uses descripti...

  16. Estudo in situ do efeito da freqüência de ingestão de Coca-Cola na erosão do esmalte-dentina e reversão pela saliva

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    FUSHIDA Claudia Emy


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi uma avaliação intra-oral do efeito erosivo de refrigerante no esmalte-dentina e a capacidade da saliva em reverter as alterações, considerando a adequação do modelo e a inexistência de pesquisas em relação à dentina. Para tanto, foram utilizados dentes bovinos, a partir dos quais prepararam-se blocos de esmalte e dentina radicular adequados para determinação de microdureza superficial. Nove voluntários, utilizando dispositivos intra-orais palatinos contendo 4 blocos de esmalte e 4 de dentina, participaram deste estudo de 4 etapas, nas quais Coca-Cola foi ingerida de 1 a 8 vezes ao dia. Foram feitas determinações de microdureza superficial utilizando-se o aparelho SHIMADZU HMV 2000, e cargas de 50,0 e 15,0 g, respectivamente para esmalte e dentina, durante 5,0 segundos. Os resultados mostraram que, em função da freqüência de ingestão de Coca-Cola, a porcentagem de perda de dureza foi de 18,7 a 27,9 para o esmalte e de 24,6 a 32,6 para a dentina. Estas reduções foram estatisticamente significativas a 5% (teste "t" pareado. A porcentagem de recuperação de dureza pela ação da saliva foi parcial, porém significativa (p < 0,05, variando de 43,6 a 35,6 para o esmalte e de 40,5 a 34,6 para a dentina. Houve também uma correlação significativa entre freqüência de ingestão de Coca-Cola e % de perda de dureza, sendo de 0,97 para o esmalte e de 0,72 para a dentina. Por outro lado, em termos de recuperação de dureza, a correlação foi negativa, -0,70 para o esmalte e -0,74 para a dentina. Conclui-se que em função da freqüência de ingestão de Coca-Cola há perdas proporcionais e irreversíveis da estrutura superficial tanto do esmalte como da dentina.

  17. Analisis Pengaruh Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja OHSAS 18001 Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan PT. Coca Cola Amatil Medan


    Sitorus, Ummi Salamah


    Basically to doing his job, employees are not immune from the called risk in the work. Both the level of risk in mild or severe. To minimize the risk of loss is required a management system for managing safety and health of employees in order to increase employee productivity so companies can compete with other companies. In this case PT. Coca Cola Amatil Medan implement a safety and health Management System (SMK3) OHSAS 18001. The method used is quantitative research with assosiative app...

  18. Treatment of gastric phytobezoars with Coca-Cola® given via oral route: a case report (United States)

    Ertuğrul, Gökhan; Coşkun, Murat; Sevinç, Mahsuni; Ertuğrul, Fisun; Toydemir, Toygar


    Background A 43-year-old female patient presented with a chief complaint of upper abdominal pain. As her complaints had lasted for 1 month, an upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy was performed and discovered a bezoar in the stomach. Case presentation The bezoar was quite hard and light green-yellow in color. Pathological examination revealed phytobezoar. The patient was hospitalized and given oral Coca-Cola® Zero for seven days at a dose of 500 mL three times daily. Conclusion The upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy performed at the end of 7 days showed that the phytobezoar had softened and become smaller. The phytobezoar was broken into pieces with biopsy forceps and washing was applied, so the phytobezoar pieces could pass through the pylorus. The patient was discharged after the procedure without problem. PMID:22393302

  19. Comportamiento de la empresa criminal productora de cocaína en Antioquia, desde el análisis econométrico espacial


    Sarmiento Reyes, Carlos Arturo; Arias Cuéllar, Juan Carlos


    El enfoque principal del presente estudio se basa en el análisis de la cadena productiva de cocaína en el Departamento de Antioquia (Colombia), particularmente en sus 125 municipios durante el periodo 2010-2015 -- Se utiliza el análisis econométrico e inferencia de datos espaciales que establecen condiciones de atipicidad, adyacencia y autocorrelación que permiten asociar el comportamiento de estas variables como una empresa criminal totalmente estructurada en función de capital y trabajo -- ...

  20. Brand Sponsorship and Social Media. Coca Cola and Carlsberg Illustrated with an Example of the European Football Championship 2016

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    Marcin Komańda


    Full Text Available Purpose of the article: Presentation of the issue of brand sponsorship of events in the light of the use of social media for the purposes of brand management in the customer-based brand equity paradigm. Methodology/methods: Two brands (CocaCola and Carlsberg which were the official sponsors of a sports event (EURO 2016 were monitored in social media. For this purpose information gathered by and were used. Presentation of the results of the analysis required the use of descriptive statistics as well as the Wilcoxon test and a network graph. Scientific aim: Determination of the scope and nature of the influence of sponsorship of an international sports event on the way a brand is perceived by social media users based on a selected set of data derived from brand monitoring. Findings: In case of Carlsberg the attitude of social media users did not change during EURO 2016, however, majority of their statements was connected with the issues related to this sports event. In case of Coca Cola, the perception of the brand by its clients changed within the studied period of time, however, the issues related to EURO 2016 were only one of many other issues raised by them. Conclusions: Assessment of the influence of brand sponsorship of an event on social media users’ perception faces the following difficulties: scope of monitoring, its efficiency, choice of data set generated by the monitoring tool for the analysis, level of recognition of brands and brand multi-sponsorship (parallel engagement of the brand in many events.

  1. Desarrollo y fabricación de una herramienta para la erradicación manual de cultivos de mata de coca


    Vasco Ceballos, Camilo Andrés; Vásquez Gómez, David


    En Colombia se viene desarrollando actualmente la erradicación de cultivos ilícitos manualmente, tal y como se hizo en otros países -- Se opto por este proceso ya que se ha demostrado que con el herbicida Glifosato no solo mueren las matas de coca, amapola y marihuana, sino que también lo hacen especies nativas, generando un enorme impacto ambiental al ecosistema -- El proceso ha demostrado ser muy efectivo, además de todo lo que conlleva su realización; familias cobijadas con sustitución de ...

  2. “Viver positivamente”: as lições ensinadas por peças publicitárias da Coca-Cola Company

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    Daniela Ripoll


    Full Text Available Analisa-se a campanha publicitária da Coca-Cola Company Brasil, “Viva positivamente!”. A partir dos Estudos Culturais, dos Estudos de Mídia e das discussões pós-modernas acerca do consumo do corpo e de determinados estilos de vida na mídia, discute-se o crescente movimento de “redenção” ou, ainda, de “absolvição” do consumo, construído pedagógica e culturalmente como algo positivo e relacionado à melhora do corpo e da qualidade de vida dos sujeitos na contemporaneidade.

  3. O percurso dos gêneros do discurso publicitário: considerações sobre as propagandas da Coca-cola


    Campos-Toscano, Ana Lúcia Furquim [UNESP


    Com base nas reflexões do Círculo de Mikhail Bakhtin sobre gêneros do discurso e dialogismo e com a contribuição de outros estudiosos da linguagem e do discurso, além da utilização de referencial teórico das áreas de Comunicação Social, História e Sociologia, este trabalho tem como objetivo principal entender o percurso dos gêneros do discurso publicitário por meio da análise das propagandas da Coca-Cola e de seus contradiscursos. O corpus desta pesquisa constitui-se de propagandas impressas,...

  4. Efectos de la cocaína y del tolueno sobre la neurogénesis en el hipocampo de rata


    Domínguez Escribà, Laura


    En el presente proyecto se estudió el efecto de dos drogas adictivas, el tolueno y la cocaína, sobre la neurogénesis hipocámpica. Los experimentos diseñados para ambas drogas, abordaron el estudio de la neurogénesis, a través de la medida de proliferación, supervivencia, diferenciación y migración. Además se analizó el efecto ultraestructural que ambas drogas causan sobre el giro dentado. De forma más exhaustiva, se estudió el efecto producido por una administración crónica ...

  5. Quantitative capillary electrophoresis and its application in analysis of alkaloids in tea, coffee, coca cola, and theophylline tablets. (United States)

    Li, Mengjia; Zhou, Junyi; Gu, Xue; Wang, Yan; Huang, Xiaojing; Yan, Chao


    A quantitative CE (qCE) system with high precision has been developed, in which a 4-port nano-valve was isolated from the electric field and served as sample injector. The accurate amount of sample was introduced into the CE system with high reproducibility. Based on this system, consecutive injections and separations were performed without voltage interruption. Reproducibilities in terms of RSD lower than 0.8% for retention time and 1.7% for peak area were achieved. The effectiveness of the system was demonstrated by the quantitative analysis of caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline in real samples, such as tea leaf, roasted coffee, coca cola, and theophylline tablets.

  6. Vliv sociálních sítí na marketingové strategie společnosti Coca Cola v kategorii FMCG


    Nguyen Minh, Tuan


    The thesis analyses the possible utilizations of social networks by the companies in connection with periodic supply of new technology that faciliates communication between marketters and the target groups as well as communication between the users alone. The theoretical section summarizes actual trends of social networks world-wide. The thesis also focuses on the trends and innovational elements of the world's most popular networks. The practical part concentrates on the company Coca Cola wh...

  7. Complicações cardiovasculares em usuário de cocaína: relato de caso Cardiovascular complications related to cocaine use: case report

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    Fernanda Martins Gazoni


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A cocaína é uma droga ilícita amplamente utilizada e o seu uso tem sido associado a efeitos decorrentes da toxicidade aguda e crônica em praticamente todos os órgãos, particularmente no sistema cardiovascular. Este artigo visou descrever um caso de cardiomiopatia em paciente jovem usuário crônico de cocaína. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 19 anos, usuário de cocaína por inalação e crack desde os 15 anos de idade. Foi internado em fevereiro de 2006 devido a dispnéia progressiva aos mínimos esforços e expectoração sanguinolenta. Ao exame físico apresentava edema nos membros inferiores, estase jugular e dispnéia em repouso. Foram observados no ecocardiograma: dilatação das quatro câmaras cardíacas, com hipocinesia difusa de ventrículo esquerdo (VE, trombo mural em VE de 17 mm e fração de ejeção de 12%. Realizada broncoscopia pulmonar que identificou sangramento em língula ativo, tratado com embolização. Após 48h do procedimento, o paciente manteve-se assintomático e sem expectoração sanguinolenta. Iniciado tratamento antitrombótico com warfarina e enoxaparina. A cineangiocoronariografia não evidenciou lesões obstrutivas e o paciente recebeu alta após melhora clínica. Re-internado em julho de 2006 com dor precordial de forte intensidade e dispnéia de repouso. Nova cineangiocoronariografia evidenciou oclusão de terço médio da artéria descendente anterior. CONCLUSÕES: Os efeitos agudos da cocaína freqüentemente motivam atendimento de emergência. Já as suas manifestações crônicas, como as doenças cardiovasculares, podem produzir alterações de difícil correlação futura ao seu consumo prévio. O uso prolongado da cocaína está relacionado à alteração da função sistólica ventricular esquerda por hipertrofia ou dilatação miocárdica, aterosclerose, disritmias cardíacas, apoptose de cardiomiócitos e lesão simpática.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES

  8. Differential effects of dopamine and opioid receptor blockade on motivated Coca-Cola drinking behavior and associated changes in brain, skin and muscle temperatures. (United States)

    Kiyatkin, E A


    Although pharmacological blockade of both dopamine (DA) and opiate receptors has an inhibiting effect on appetitive motivated behaviors, it is still unclear which physiological mechanisms affected by these treatments underlie the behavioral deficit. To clarify this issue, we examined how pharmacological blockade of either DA (SCH23390+eticlopride at 0.2 mg/kg each) or opioid receptors (naloxone 1 mg/kg) affects motor activity and temperature fluctuations in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), temporal muscle, and facial skin associated with motivated Coca-Cola drinking behavior in rats. In drug-free conditions, presentation of a cup containing 5 ml of Coca-Cola induced locomotor activation and rapid NAcc temperature increases, which both transiently decreased during drinking, and phasically increased again after the cup was emptied. Muscle temperatures followed this pattern, but increases were weaker and more delayed than those in the NAcc. Skin temperature rapidly dropped after cup presentation, remained at low levels during consumption, and slowly restored during post-consumption behavioral activation. By itself, DA receptor blockade induced robust decrease in spontaneous locomotion, moderate increases in brain and muscle temperatures, and a relative increase in skin temperatures, suggesting metabolic activation coupled with adynamia. Following this treatment (approximately 180 min), motor activation to cup presentation and Coca-Cola consumption were absent, but rats showed NAcc and muscle temperature increases following cup presentation comparable to control. Therefore, DA receptor blockade does not affect significantly central and peripheral autonomic responses to appetitive stimuli, but eliminates their behavior-activating effects, thus disrupting appetitive behavior and blocking consumption. Naloxone alone slightly decreased brain and muscle temperatures and increased skin temperatures, pointing at the enhanced heat loss and possible minor inhibition of basal

  9. Neuromarketing: diferencias en los niveles de atención y emoción entre hombres y mujeres respecto a Pepsi y Coca-cola


    Pelayo García, Alejandra


    En este trabajo se desarrollan las diferencias existentes en los niveles de atención en hombres y mujeres tras haber sido expuestos a dos anuncios de Coca-cola y dos anuncios de Pepsi respectivamente. La medición fue posible gracias a la utilización del dispositivo sociograph, que nos proporcionaba datos cuantitativos, y a las encuestas pre y post visualización que nos proporcional datos cualitativos. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas

  10. A study on beverage MNCs’ entry mode decisions and determinant factors in internationalization in China: Case studies of Coca-Cola and Red bull


    Tonsuwan, Pantitra


    The economic reform and liberalized government regulations toward business operations in 1980s make China a new target of international investments by multinational corporations (MNCs). How to enter this growth market and what entry mode should be implemented remain inconclusive. This paper analyses how two beverage companies- Coca-Cola and Red Bull that are operating in China, evaluate the influences and implications of the factors on their entry mode decisions since they initially came to C...

  11. Estudio de los mecanismos subyacentes a las alteraciones mediadas por cocaína y metilfenidato en el sistema tálamo-cortical de ratón. Rol de la serotonina en la modulación de la transmisión GABAérgica talámica


    Goitia, Belén


    Los efectos de la cocaína sobre la transmisión GABAérgica del sistema tálamocortical son similares a los previamente descritos para un conjunto de patologías psiquiátricas y neurológicas englobadas bajo el nombre de síndrome de disritmia tálamocortical, que presenta coherencia anormal entre bajas y altas frecuencias a nivel tálamocortical. Se cree que la presencia de bajas frecuencias en individuos despiertos puede subyacer un procesamiento sensorial anormal. La cocaína ejerce sus propiedades...

  12. Transtornos mentais como fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de abuso/dependência de cocaína: estudo caso-controle Mental disorders as risk factors for the development of cocaine abuse/dependence: case-control study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia S Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o papel dos transtornos mentais e da dependência ao álcool como possíveis fatores de risco para o abuso/dependência de cocaína. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se o desenho caso-controle e a técnica de bola-de-neve (snowball technique para selecionar uma amostra de usuários de cocaína não tratados na comunidade (casos e parear casos e controles por sexo, idade e amizade. A coleta de dados foi feita através da utilização do questionário CIDI (Composite International Diagnostic Interview que gera diagnósticos de acordo com os critérios do Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-III-R. A análise dos dados foi feita através de regressão logística condicional. RESULTADOS: O estudo incluiu 208 indivíduos. Os principais resultados mostraram que história passada de dependência ao álcool era o principal fator associado a um aumento no risco de desenvolvimento de abuso de cocaína (OR=15,1; IC 95% 3,8-60,2; nenhum outro transtorno mental isolado manteve-se significativamente associado ao aumento deste risco após a análise multivariada. Aumento no risco de abuso de cocaína também foi encontrado entre os indivíduos que relataram pensamentos suicidas (OR=3,1; IC 95% 0,91-10,8, sugerindo associação entre quadros mais graves de depressão e abuso de cocaína. CONCLUSÕES: Esses achados sugerem que os programas voltados para a prevenção e tratamento do abuso de cocaína devem estar preparados para o manejo de questões relacionadas à co-morbidade do abuso de drogas com o álcool e outros distúrbios psiquiátricos.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of psychiatric disorders and alcohol dependence as possible risk factors for cocaine abuse/dependence. METHODS: The case-control study used the "snowball" technique in order to select untreated cocaine users (cases and to match sex, age and friendship. Information was gathered using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI, and computer diagnosis were

  13. O uso do diagrama comparativo como ferramenta de abordagem sistêmica na gestão de design das marcas coca cola e Pepsi


    Sá, Túlio Henrique Mandolesi; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC; Merino, Giselle Schmidt Díaz; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/UFSC; Figueiredo, Luiz Fernando Gonçalves de; UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Souza, Richard Perassi Luiz de; UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


    This article presents the product mix that brands Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. operates in Brazil. Through a descriptive and exploratory research and based on the Kotler’s criteria for classifying products, will be presented in a diagram, a visual representation of the performance of these brands. The goal is to identify that they work their management in order to expand their business presence to strengthen they position in the mind of their consumers. Este artigo apresenta o mix de produtos co...

  14. Anormalidades de fluxo sangüíneo cerebral em indivíduos dependentes de cocaína Cerebral blood flow abnormalities in cocaine dependent subjects

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    Sergio Nicastri


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Nos últimos anos, tem havido relatos de anormalidades do fluxo sanguíneo cerebral em indivíduos com o abuso de cocaína, detectadas por meio de tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton único (SPECT. Esse padrão anormal de perfusão cerebral tem sido associado a prejuízos cognitivos mas não a alterações observáveis por meio de exames de neuroimagem estrutural. Um problema envolvendo a maioria dos trabalhos publicados sobre esse tema é a inclusão de um grande número de usuários de heroína nas amostras estudadas. Essa outra droga também parece afetar o padrão de perfusão cerebral, particularmente durante estados de abstinência. MÉTODOS: Quatorze pacientes dependentes de cocaína (nenhum com uso de opióides e 14 voluntários normais (grupo controle foram submetidos a exames de SPECT com dímero de etil-cisteína marcado com tecnécio-99m. A análise dos exames de SPECT foi realizada por meio de análise visual qualitativa das imagens obtidas (procedimento padrão na prática clínica, realizada por um radiologista não informado sobre o diagnóstico dos indivíduos avaliados. RESULTADOS: A análise visual revelou um padrão sugestivo de irregularidades do fluxo sangüíneo cerebral em nove pacientes, mas em apenas dois controles (p = 0,018; teste exato de Fisher bicaudal. CONCLUSÕES: Anormalidades de circulação cerebral podem ter relação com prejuízos cognitivos relatados em populações de dependentes de cocaína. Embora déficits de perfusão cerebral associados ao uso de cocaína possam ser irreversíveis, têm surgido relatos na literatura de tratamentos para essas anormalidades de fluxo sangüíneo. Alterações de fluxo sangüíneo cerebral associadas à dependência de cocaína ocorrem mesmo na ausência de abuso ou dependência de opióides.INTRODUCTION: In the last years, there have been reports of abnormalities in brain blood flow of cocaine abusers, detected by single photon computed

  15. El proyecto hidroeléctrico Coca Codo Sinclair y la gobernanza energética en la Amazonía ecuatoriana

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    Victor López


    Full Text Available Las condiciones en las que el Estado impulsa el cambio de la matriz energética, configuran problemas de gobernanza y retos para una gestión de energías renovables en la Amazonía, acorde con la Constitución y la planificación estatal del desarrollo. Coca Codo Sinclair (CCS es el mayor proyecto hidroeléctrico en implementación y apuntala las políticas de soberanía y eficiencia energética del gobierno, sin que se evidencien criterios de gestión integrada del recurso hídrico y equidad regional para las poblaciones locales.

  16. Penerapan Diagram Kontrol D^2 Mahalanobis Pada Proses Produksi Minuman Kemasan Returnable Glass Bottle (Studi Kasus Di PT. Coca-cola Bottling Indonesia Central Java)


    Muhyidin, Muhammad Abid; Safitri, Diah; Rahmawati, Rita


    Quality being one of the basic factors in choosing a product consumers. Therefore, an industry or a company should always maintain the quality of their products in order to get loyal customers and are able to survive in the competitive market. Coca-cola Bottling Indonesia Central Java Limited Compay is one of the manufacturing company engaged in the beverage packaging industry and always trying to improve the quality for customer satisfaction. Although it has been to improve the quality, the...

  17. Estudio in vitro sobre los efectos de la cocaína sobre los tejidos duros del diente In vitro study on the effects of cocaine on the hard tissues of the tooth

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    Eduvigis Solórzano Navarro


    Full Text Available El uso de los derivados de la cocaína es un problema de salud pública en continuo crecimiento. Estas drogas son frecuentemente frotadas sobre la mucosa gingival, pero sus efectos son poco conocidos y de difícil diagnóstico. Con este trabajo se pretende demostrar in vitro, que la aplicación por frotación de la cocaína sobre la superficie dentaria produce erosión del esmalte. Se seleccionaron 30 dientes sanos, distribuidos aleatoriamente en 3 grupos, a los cuales se frotó sobre la superficie vestibular clorhidrato de cocaína, basuco y limón (grupo control respectivamente, durante 40 semanas. Las lesiones más características observadas fueron fractura y pérdida de sustancia dura, demostrando así que la aplicación tópica y continua de drogas en cavidad bucal produce lesiones en los tejidos duros del diente.The use of cocaine derivatives is an increasingly growing public health problem. These drugs are frequently rubbed on the gingival mucosa, but their efffects are little known and difficult to be diagnosed. This paper pretends to prove in vitro that the rubbing of cocaine on the dental surface produces enamel erosion. 30 healthy teeth were selected and distributed at random into 3 groups that were rubbed cocaine hydrochloride, bazuko and lemon (control group on the vestibular surface, respectively, during 40 weeks. The most observed characteristic lesions were fracture and loss of the dental hard substance, which showed that the topical and continual application of drugs on the oral cavity causes lesions in the hard tissues of the tooth.

  18. La experiencia enlatada del compartir. Análisis de la regulación de las sensaciones en “Comparte tu Coca-Cola con” en las campañas de Coca-Cola 2014-2015

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    Eliana Isabel Abraham


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo pretende analizar los procesos de regulación de las sensaciones que construye el capitalismo sobre la experiencia social del “compartir/compartir con otros” en las campañas de Coca-Cola 2014-2015. Se tomara como horizonte epistemológico las contribuciones de una sociología de las emociones para desentramar los operativos ideológicos que subyacen en el montaje de las distintas instantáneas de consumo en torno a la campaña. Será pertinente para este caso, realizar una genealogía de las interpelaciones a lo sensible que construyó la empresa desde su llegada al país en 1942 y el especial tratamiento que reside en esta última apuesta del monopolio de la bebida al asalto de las experiencias. Por último, siguiendo el dictum benjaminiano, algunas imágenes publicitarias de la campaña que circulan en redes sociales para pensar el escenario mediático que refuerza los procesos de regulación a lo sensible.

  19. Profile of cocaine and crack users in Brazil Perfil dos usuários de cocaína e crack no Brasil

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    Lígia Bonacim Duailibi


    Full Text Available This article aims to systematize the profile of cocaine and crack users in Brazil. The study adopted a literature review of the MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane Library databases and CAPES thesis/dissertation database. Data were grouped in thematic categories: national household surveys, surveys of specific population groups, profile of patients that seek treatment, and mortality and morbidity. Within each category the principal findings from the Brazilian literature were described and then discussed. The article concludes that the information on cocaine and crack consumption in Brazil is still incipient, but that the scientific community can already draw on a relevant theoretical corpus that can be used to update current public policies on this issue.Este artigo tem como objetivo sintetizar o perfil dos usuários de cocaína e crack no Brasil. Foi construído por meio de revisão da literatura com base em dados (MEDLINE, LILACS e Biblioteca Cochrane e no banco de teses da CAPES. Os dados foram agrupados em categorias temáticas, quais sejam: levantamentos domiciliares nacionais, populações específicas, perfil dos pacientes que procuram tratamento, mortalidade e morbidade. Dentro de cada categoria os principais achados da literatura nacional foram descritos e posteriormente discutidos. O artigo conclui que informações relacionadas ao consumo de cocaína e crack no Brasil ainda são incipientes, mas já temos à disposição da comunidade científica um conjunto teórico relevante que pode ser utilizado visando à atualização das atuais políticas públicas referentes a este tema.

  20. Padrão de uso de cannabis em dependentes de crack/cocaína internados para desintoxicação

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    Laura Baptista Lewgoy


    Full Text Available Introdução: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o padrão de uso de cannabis em dependentes de crack/cocaína internados para desintoxicação em uma unidade de internação especializada. Métodos: Pesquisa quantitativa com delineamento exploratório e transversal em amostra não aleatória (n=109 de dependentes de crack/cocaína segundo os critérios da Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10. O protocolo de coleta foi composto por: informações sociodemográficas e descrição do padrão de uso de substâncias psicoativas, Inventário Beck de Ansiedade (BAI e Inventário Beck de Depressão (BDI. Resultados: Os participantes, com média de idade de 27,82 anos (DP=6,68; 18-49 e com 8,19 (2,56; 4-16 de anos de estudo, estavam internados há cerca de 14,81 dias (DP=11,51; 7-64. Verificou-se que a idade média de início do uso de cannabis (15,17 +-3,29 é bastante inferior à idade de início do uso de crack (22,76 +-6,28. Achados indicam que a cannabis foi a primeira droga ilícita a ser consumida pelos dependentes de crack, sendo que 96,33% desses sujeitos apresentavam dependência de cannabis. Conclusão: Foi encontrada uma correlação positiva (r=0,385 de intensidade baixa entre a idade de início de consumo de crack e de cannabis, concluindo-se que, quanto mais cedo é iniciado o uso de cannabis, mais cedo é iniciado o uso de crack.

  1. O episódio de Freud com a cocaína: o médico e o monstro

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    Decio Gurfinkel


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho é uma avaliação dos possíveis "restos" que o episódio de Freud com a cocaína tenha deixado para a criação da psicanálise, realizada através do reexame retrospectivo, crítico e analítico desse episódio. O resultado desta avaliação pôs em destaque quatro elementos: o surgimento de um Freud psiquiatra e farmacologista e o progressivo abandono desta via; o surgimento da adicção como objeto de investigação; o modelo da auto-administração como método de pesquisa; e a crença e abandono subseqüente de um projeto de "cura mágica".

  2. On the Pragmatist Translation of the Ads Of Coca-Cola and Pepsi

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Advertising language is an important research material of social change, it is picked up conveniently. There is no distortion and glossing over history, it is the most simple and most visual material. For English advertising, it reflects values, aesthetic tastes, lifestyle, cultural traditions in the U.S., Britain and other countries. With their own unique ways of recording social change, English advertising is quietly playing an important role in the social life and the psychology of social culture. As a practical style, the advertising language has its unique characteristics in vocabulary, syntax, rhetoric and other aspects. Leech opened the first systematic study of advertising language. He studied the various features of advertising language from literature perspective. With the emergence of the theories of pragmatics, some Chinese scholars, like Zhao Jing, Huang guowen, also set out to explore the advertising language from different aspects. But few of them devoted themselves to the English advertising of American beverage. This paper sets out to explore the issues from a pragmatics perspective. Based on the characteristics of advertising language of American Coca-Cola and Pepsi, the paper analyzes the inevitable language impact on social functioning and the concept of values between English advertising and the interaction of modem simple life, revealing the failure of English advertising language in cross-cultural exchanges and social pragmatic information.

  3. Coca-Cola Refreshments Class 8 Diesel Electric Hybrid Tractor Evaluation: 13-Month Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walkowicz, K.; Lammert, M.; Curran, P.


    This 13-month evaluation used five Kenworth T370 hybrid tractors and five Freightliner M2106 standard diesel tractors at a Coca Cola Refreshments facility in Miami, Florida. The primary objective was to evaluate the fuel economy, emissions, and operational field performance of hybrid electric vehicles when compared to similar-use conventional diesel vehicles. A random dispatch system ensures the vehicles are used in a similar manner. GPS logging, fueling, and maintenance records and laboratory dynamometer testing are used to evaluate the performance of these hybrid tractors. Both groups drive similar duty cycles with similar kinetic intensity (0.95 vs. 0.69), average speed (20.6 vs. 24.3 mph), and stops per mile (1.9 vs. 1.5). The study demonstrated the hybrid group had a 13.7% fuel economy improvement over the diesel group. Laboratory fuel economy and field fuel economy study showed similar trends along the range of KI and stops per mile. Hybrid maintenance costs were 51% lower per mile; hybrid fuel costs per mile were 12% less than for the diesels; and hybrid vehicle total cost of operation per mile was 24% less than the cost of operation for the diesel group.

  4. RO unit for canned coffee drink processing line. Shipped to Tone Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Ltd., Ibaraki plant; Coffee line yo RO sochi. Tone Coca-Cola Bottling (kabu) Ibaraki kojo nonyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakajima, K. [Ebara Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    The paper introduces an RO unit (reverse osmotic membrane equipment) for producing water holding for the canned coffee drink processing line introduced to the Ibaraki plant of Tone Coca-Cola Bottling Co. The unit aims at reducing hardness components from city water and producing water holding for the coffee drink processing line. The capacity of the unit is 25m{sup 3}/h and the recovery rate is 80%. The unit is composed of a sand filter, an heat exchanger, a pre-filter, RO modules, a treated water tank, chemicals storage tanks, and an RO cleaning unit, which are all for pretreatment. The treated water, into which chlorine is injected, is sent through the existing activated carbon tower and micro filter to the processing line. The RO unit can remove at the same time ion and trihalomethane, pathogens, organic matters which are substances other than hardness components. The continued water bottling is possible with no need for the usual reproduction process, and the maintenance is easy. Because of the high hardness of the supplied raw water, acid is injected at the primary side of the unit for pH regulation to prevent scale deposition in the RO modules. The quality of the treated water well met the specifications. 2 figs., 2 tabs.

  5. Estrategia de comunicación de mercadeo con Énfasis en la plataforma digital -redes sociales y geolocalización- para Coca-Cola Zero


    Lara Cascante, Mariela


    Tesis de maestría -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Posgrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Maestría Profesional en Administración y Dirección de Empresas con énfasis en Mercadeo y Ventas, 2012 El proyecto, desarrollado a lo largo de este documento, incluye la preparación y descripción de una estrategia de comunicación de mercadeo, que tiene un enfoque en el uso de herramientas digitales, como redes sociales y geolocalización, para fortalecer la marca de bebida gaseosa Coca-Cola Ze...

  6. Modelo preditivo do uso de cocaína em prisões do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Predictive model for cocaine use in prisons in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Márcia Lazaro de Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar variáveis preditoras e grupos mais vulneráveis ao uso de cocaína em prisão. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 376 presos com história de uso de cocaína em prisão (casos e 938 presos sem história de uso de cocaína na vida (controles, que cumpriam pena no sistema penitenciário do Rio de Janeiro em 1998. A análise considerou as variáveis de exposição em três níveis de hierarquia: distal, intermediário e proximal. Na análise bivariada utilizou-se regressão logística e na multivariada, regressão hierarquizada, resultando em valores de odds ratio. RESULTADOS: As variáveis associadas ao uso de cocaína na prisão, no nível proximal, foram uso de álcool e maconha e tempo de reclusão em anos. O efeito das variáveis de vulnerabilidade social (nível distal é intermediado pelas variáveis dos níveis seguintes. Considerando apenas os níveis distal e intermediário, o uso de maconha antes de ser preso (OR=4,50; IC 95%: 3,17-6,41 e o fato de ter cometido delito para obter droga (OR=2,96; IC 95%: 1,79-4,90 são as mais fortemente associadas ao desfecho. Para cada ano a mais que se passa na prisão, a chance de usar cocaína aumenta em 13% (OR=1,13; IC 95%: 1,06-1,21. CONCLUSÕES: Considerando os níveis distal e intermediário, o uso de maconha antes da prisão e delito para obtenção de droga foram as variáveis com maior poder de predição. O modelo final revelou o uso de álcool, de maconha na prisão e o tempo de cumprimento de pena são importantes preditores do desfecho. O ambiente carcerário aparece como fator estimulante da continuidade do uso de drogas.OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of and groups vulnerable to cocaine use in prison. METHODS: We selected 376 inmates with history of cocaine use in prison (cases and 938 inmates with no history of drug use (controls serving sentences in the Rio de Janeiro State prison system in 1998. The analysis included exposure variables divided into three

  7. La «i-Generación» y su interacción en las redes sociales. Análisis de Coca-Cola en Tuenti

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    Carmen Marta Lazo


    Full Text Available Los adolescentes y jóvenes utilizan cada vez más las redes sociales como medio para interactuar y participar en la construcción de un discurso múltiple. Las empresas aprovechan las opciones de relación directa con los seguidores en las redes y utilizan estas estructuras virtuales para acercarse a su «target». El objeto de este artículo es estudiar, mediante una metodología empírica y observacional, cómo construye «Coca-Cola» su imagen de marca en «Tuenti», la red más seguida por este sector del público. Entre otros aspectos, observaremos de qué modo interviene la marca y cómo los seguidores; cuáles son los temas que se introducen en las entradas y a través de qué tipo de formatos. Como conclusión, advertimos que el interés de la marca de dejar libertad de expresión a los seguidores es solo una estrategia, en realidad las entradas de «Coca-Cola» son muy escasas pero todas ellas tienen un elevado efecto «gancho», pues con un lenguaje que interpela al usuario para que se active y retome su discurso de manera dirigida. Además, no existe ningún tipo de mecanismo diferenciador entre la información, el entretenimiento y la publicidad, lo que, unido a la exposición continuada a impactos publicitarios a través de diferentes formatos, nos lleva a proponer la necesidad de una educación mediática para fomentar el uso responsable y crítico de las redes sociales por parte de los jóvenes.

  8. Evaluación de pasivos ambientales en el área de influencia del proyecto hidroeléctrico Coca Codo Sinclair (El Salado - Lumbaquí) y alternativas de remediación


    Cuesta Soto, Irina Esthela


    Al iniciar los trabajos de construcción del Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Coca Codo Sinclair, se identifican varios puntos de contaminación por presencia de hidrocarburos, por lo que se reporta al Ministerio del Ambiente (MAE) el cual entabla reuniones con el Programa de Reparación Ambiental y Social (PRAS) y miembros de la Gerencia de Seguridad, Salud y Ambiente de la EP PETROECUADOR (SGER). Como resultado de las reuniones, se ve la necesidad de determinar los impactos negativos asociados a los pa...

  9. Spray droplet size, drift potential, and risks to nontarget organisms from aerially applied glyphosate for coca control in Colombia. (United States)

    Hewitt, Andrew J; Solomon, Keith R; Marshall, E J P


    A wind tunnel atomization study was conducted to measure the emission droplet size spectra for water and Glyphos (a glyphosate formulation sold in Colombia) + Cosmo-flux sprays for aerial application to control coca and poppy crops in Colombia. The droplet size spectra were measured in a wind tunnel for an Accu-Flo nozzle (with 16 size 0.085 [2.16 mm] orifices), under appropriate simulated aircraft speeds (up to 333 km/h), using a laser diffraction instrument covering a dynamic size range for droplets of 0.5 to 3,500 microm. The spray drift potential of the glyphosate was modeled using the AGDISP spray application and drift model, using input parameters representative of those occurring in Colombia for typical aerial application operations. The droplet size spectra for tank mixes containing glyphosate and Cosmo-Flux were considerably finer than water and became finer with higher aircraft speeds. The tank mix with 44% glyphosate had a D(v0.5) of 128 microm, while the value at the 4.9% glyphosate rate was 140 microm. These are classified as very fine to fine sprays. Despite being relatively fine, modeling showed that the droplets would not evaporate as rapidly as most similarly sized agricultural sprays because the nonvolatile proportion of the tank mix (active and inert adjuvant ingredients) was large. Thus, longer range drift is small and most drift that does occur will deposit relatively close to the application area. Drift will only occur downwind and, with winds of velocity less than the modeled maximum of 9 km/h, the drift distance would be substantially reduced. Spray drift potential might be additionally reduced through various practices such as the selection of nozzles, tank mix adjuvants, aircraft speeds, and spray pressures that would produce coarser sprays. Species sensitivity distributions to glyphosate were constructed for plants and amphibians. Based on modeled drift and 5th centile concentrations, appropriate no-spray buffer zones (distance from the

  10. O papel das marcas nas dinâmicas sociais online: análise da presença das marcas concorrentes Pepsi e Coca-Cola, no facebook em Portugal


    Mariano, Ana Filipa Costa


    presente dissertação pretende analisar a presença das marcas de grande consumo na rede social Facebook em Portugal, tendo por base o case study das marcas concorrentes Pepsi e Coca-Cola enquanto representantes do setor. A presença de marcas nas redes sociais é um tema atual, que levanta questões quanto à sua relevância e aceitação pelos utilizadores. Esta investigação permite-nos perceber a forma como os consumidores vêm esta situação, assim como, compreender quais as motivações que os lev...

  11. Caffeine enhances and accelerates the expression of sensitization induced by coca paste indicating its relevance as a main adulterant. (United States)

    Prieto, José P; Galvalisi, Martín; López-Hill, Ximena; Meikle, María N; Abin-Carriquiry, Juan A; Scorza, Cecilia


    Caffeine is an active adulterant found in several drugs of abuse including coca paste (CP). We had previously demonstrated that caffeine potentiated the acute stimulant effect induced by CP seized samples. The role of caffeine in the expression of sensitization elicited by a CP seized sample (CP1) was here evaluated. CP1 (equivalent dose of 10 mg/kg of cocaine), cocaine (pure, 10 mg/kg), a combination of cocaine 10 mg/kg plus caffeine 2.5 mg/kg (CP1-surrogate) and saline (control) were intraperitoneally injected in male rats under two different sensitization schedules. Ambulatory locomotion was recorded in 58 animals. After five daily CP1 injections and 5 days of withdrawal, CP1-challenged animals displayed a more robust sensitization than cocaine-treated animals. When a 3 injections-regime of CP1-surrogate or cocaine was assayed, only CP1-surrogate was able to elicit sensitization. Caffeine enhances and accelerates the CP1-induced sensitization. Results may shed light on the fast and high dependence observed in CP users. © American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry.

  12. The decision of farmers from the tropical region of Cochabamba in Bolivia to cultivate coca instead of state-recommended alternative products

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    Barrientos Juan Carlos


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    Despite national coca cultivation having been prohibited from 1973 onwards and the rapid reduction of coca plantations up to 2000, coca is still being cultivated in the tropical region of  Cochabamba. Technical and economic aspects are responsible for many farmers deciding to continue to cultivate coca and not to cultivate alternative crops. Coca cultivation

  13. Duodenal pH in health and duodenal ulcer disease: effect of a meal, Coca-Cola, smoking, and cimetidine. (United States)

    McCloy, R F; Greenberg, G R; Baron, J H


    Intraluminal duodenal pH was recorded using a combined miniature electrode and logged digitally every 10 or 20 seconds for five hours (basal/meal/drink) in eight control subjects and 11 patients with duodenal ulcer (five on and off treatment with cimetidine). Over the whole test there were no significant differences in duodenal mean pH or log mean hydrogen ion activity (LMHa) between control subjects and patients with duodenal ulcer, but there were significantly longer periods of duodenal acidification (pH less than 4) and paradoxically more periods of duodenal alkalinisation (pH greater than 6) in the duodenal ulcer group compared with controls. After a meal duodenal mean pH and LMHa fell significantly in both controls and patients with duodenal ulcer, with more periods of duodenal acidification and alkalinisation in the duodenal ulcer group. An exogenous acid load (Coca-Cola) significantly increased the periods of duodenal acidification, and reduced alkalinisation, in both groups. Cimetidine significantly increased mean pH and LMHa and abolished the brief spikes of acidification in four of five patients with duodenal ulcer. Peak acid output (but not basal acid output) was significantly correlated with duodenal mean pH and LMHa but not with the periods of duodenal acidification. Smoking did not affect duodenal pH in either group.



    SEVİM, Bilgen


    2000’li yıllarda küresel ölçekli markaların reklam söyleminde büyük bir dönüşüm yaşanmıştır. Bu markalar, “sevgi”, “umut”, “mutluluk”, “yardımseverlik”, “aşk” ve “barış” gibi kavramları kullanarak yaşamın anlamına dair mesajlar vermeye başlamışlardır. Interbrand’ın raporuna göre, 2012 yılında dünyanın en değerli markası seçilen Coca Cola’nın Türkiye için hazırladığı Yeni yıl, Yeni Umutlar (2012), Bimilyonneden Yeni Yıl (2012), Güvenlik Kameraları (2012), Daha İyi Bir Yıl (2013) Yeni Yıla Yaln...

  15. Prevalência da exposição pré-natal à cocaína em uma amostra de recém-nascidos de um hospital geral universitário Prevalence of prenatal exposure to cocaine in a sample of newborns from a university teaching hospital

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    Gabrielle B. da Cunha


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar a prevalência da exposição pré-natal à cocaína em uma amostra de recém-nascidos utilizando dois métodos: a fluorescência polarizada por imunoensaio no mecônio e a entrevista materna. MÉTODO: estudo transversal realizado num hospital geral universitário, abrangendo todos os recém-nascidos nascidos vivos no centro obstétrico do hospital durante o período de 23 de março de 1999 a 1 de junho de 1999 (847 recém-nascidos. A presença de exposição pré-natal à cocaína foi definida por um teste de fluorescência polarizada por imunoensaio positivo para benzoilecgonina no mecônio do RN e/ou por uma entrevista materna positiva. RESULTADOS: a taxa da exposição pré-natal à cocaína foi de 16 casos (2,4%, através da entrevista, e de 25 casos (3,4% através da testagem do mecônio. Foram encontrados 34 casos, com uma prevalência de 4,6%, quando os métodos para a detecção foram considerados de forma complementar. CONCLUSÕES: através deste estudo, foi observado que a testagem meconial é mais eficaz que a entrevista materna no diagnóstico da exposição pré-natal à cocaína. A entrevista aumentou, em relação à testagem do mecônio, em 26% a possibilidade do diagnóstico da exposição; e a testagem do mecônio, em relação à entrevista, aumentou em 53,4% o diagnóstico da exposição.OBJECTIVE: to assess the prevalence of prenatal exposure to cocaine in a sample of newborns using two methods: fluorescence polarization immunoassay and interview with the mother. METHODS: this cross-sectional study was carried out in a university teaching hospital. The population included all live births between March 23, 1999 and June 01, 1999 (n=847. Exposure was determined by a benzoylecgonine-positive meconium specimen and/or by a positive interview with the mother. RESULTS: the prevalence of prenatal exposure to cocaine in this sample was 2.4% (16 cases according to the interviews, and 3.4% (25 cases according to


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    Asep Alvan


    Full Text Available PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java (CCAI-CJ pada tahun 2013 telah menerapkan program ABg (Aktif Berbagi Sistem, pada tahun tersebut terdapat peningkatan kasus kecelakaan kerja di area kerja dari tahun sebelumnya sebanyak 2 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran evaluasi dan rekomendasi dari kendala-kendala dalam penerapan ABg Sistem sebagai upaya mengurangi angka kecelakaan kerja di PT. CCAI-CJ. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnografi. Teknik pengambilan sumber informasi yang digunakan adalah teknik snowball sampling, jumlah informan awal yaitu dua orang. Hasil penelitian didapatkan masih terdapat kendala dalam penerapan ABg Sistem yaitu: pelaksanaan pengawasan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3 yang belum berjalan konsisten. Konsistensi penerapan peraturan dan prosedur K3 yang belum optimal serta adanya sanksi yang tidak sesuai dengan prosedur penerapan ABg Sistem. Kurangnya komunikasi antara manajemen dengan pekerja dan kurangnya pemahaman pekerja tentang informasi K3. Kurangnya keterlibatan pekerja dalam pelaporan kejadian kecelakaan/kondisi berbahaya. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu: konsistensi pelaksanaan pengawasan K3 sesuai prosedur, sanksi yang diberikan lebih baik berupa arahan bagi pekerja untuk dapat bekerja lebih aman, melakukan komunikasi kepada pekerja sesuai dengan prosedur komunikasi internal, diadakan peningkatan kompetensi melalui pelatihan awareness K3, serta dilakukan pelatihan mengenai prosedur pelaporan kecelakaan/kondisi berbahaya kepada pekerja. PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java (CCAI-CJ in 2013 has implemented ABg (Aktif Berbagi system program, there are two accident cases increase in 2013 at the working areas. The purpose of this study is to describe the evaluation and recommendation of the constraints in the implementation of ABg System as an effort to reduce the number of accidents in the workplace. This research design is a

  17. Consecuencias del uso de cocaína en las personas que ejercen la prostitución Consequences of cocaine use among prostitutes

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    Carmen Meneses Falcón


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las circunstancias y las consecuencias del consumo de cocaína en el entorno del ejercicio de la prostitución. Material y métodos: Estudio cualitativo sobre una muestra de 60 personas, de 18-50 años de edad, que ejercen la prostitución en la calle, apartamentos y clubs de 6 ciudades españolas, mediante entrevista semiestructurada. Resultados: El alcohol y la cocaína son las principales sustancias de consumo en este contexto. Se trata de consumos ocasionales e instrumentales que permiten a las personas que ejercen la prostitución sobrellevar la actividad que realizan, resistir muchas horas la prestación de prácticas sexuales con diferentes clientes, obtener mayores beneficios económicos y eludir los servicios sexuales. Las consecuencias del consumo por parte de estas personas pueden llevar a la desprotección en las prácticas sexuales y a ser víctimas de agresión o violencia por parte del cliente. Las personas prostituidas desarrollan estrategias de disminución del consumo: reducción de las dosis de consumo, simulación del uso de drogas o selección de los clientes consumidores. Conclusiones: El estudio destaca que los consumos de drogas se encuentran asociados al contexto de realización de los servicios sexuales. Sin embargo, las consecuencias de éstos pueden implicar riesgos para la salud por la desprotección de las prácticas sexuales que demanda el cliente.Objective: To describe the circumstances and consequences of cocaine use in the setting of prostitution. Material and method: We performed a qualitative study with fieldwork in 6 Spanish cities. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to 60 persons aged between 18 and 50 years old involved in prostitution in different settings: street, flat and brothel. Results: The main substances used in prostitution were alcohol and cocaine. Consumption was occasional and instrumental and helped to reduce psychological barriers or inhibition and increase

  18. Srovnávací analýza organizační architekrury zahraničních a českých nadnárodních organizací (na příkladu společností Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola a Kofola)


    Jurka, Petr


    The thesis explains the theoretical concepts of multinational corporation, organization, different types of organizational structures and indicators used for the analysis of organizational structures. In the practical part, the author describes the structure of Coca Cola, PepsiCo and Kofola, analyzes the selected indicators for individual companies and also focuses on similar and different features of the organizational structures of these companies. In conclusion, the author establishes the ...

  19. Fluorescent nanoparticles present in Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola: physiochemical properties, cytotoxicity, biodistribution and digestion studies. (United States)

    Li, Shen; Jiang, Chengkun; Wang, Haitao; Cong, Shuang; Tan, Mingqian


    Foodborne nanoparticles (NPs) have drawn great attention due to human health concerns. This study reports the detection of the presence of fluorescent NPs, about 5 nm, in two of the most popular beverages, Coca-Cola (Coke) and Pepsi-Cola (Pepsi). The NPs contain H, C and O, three elements with a tunable emission and with a quantum yield of 3.3 and 4.3% for Coke and Pepsi, respectively. The presence of sp 3 -hybridized carbon atoms of alcohols and ethers bonds was confirmed by NMR analysis. The NPs can be taken up by living cells and accumulate within cell membrane and cytoplasm. Evaluation of the acute toxicity of the NPs revealed that the BALB/c mice appeared healthy after administration of a single dose of 2 g kg -1 body weight. Analysis of glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), urea and creatinine showed that there were statistically, but not biologically, significant differences in some of these biochemical parameters between the test and control groups. No obvious organ damage or apparent histopathological abnormality was observed in the tested mice. The biodistribution study in major organs indicated that the NPs were easily accumulated in the digestive tract, and they were able to cross the blood-brain barrier and dispersed in the brain. In vitro digestion of the NPs showed a significant fluorescence quenching of the NPs. This work represents the first report of foodborne fluorescent NPs present in Coke and Pepsi, and provides valuable insights into physicochemical properties of these NPs and their toxicity characteristics both in vitro and in vivo.

  20. Estudio de parámetros metabólicos en sujetos jóvenes sometidos a ejercicio sub-máximo después de la administración de mate de coca, en la exposición aguda de altura


    Mujica, Elydia; Ronceros, Gerardo; Torres, Javier; Pinto, Rogelio; Ponciano, Walter; Bravo, Yelitz; López, Milena; Gallardo, Duber; Salinas, César; Calderón, Segundo; Villareal, Carmen; Yampufé, Manuel


    Objetivos: Determinar los parámetros metabólicos glucosa, colesterol, triglicéridos, HDL, en sujetos jóvenes sometidos a ejercicio sub-máximo después de la administración de mate de coca, en exposición aguda de altura. Diseño: Estudio experimental. Institución: Instituto Nacional de Biología Andina. Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas y Sección Fisiología de la Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM. Participantes: Estudiantes universitarios varones nativos del nivel del mar. Intervenciones: Se estudi...

  1. 78 FR 38944 - Lemon Juice From Mexico: Final Results of Full Sunset Review of the Suspended Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... party and the respondent interested parties, The Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiary, The Coca-Cola....10 percent for The Coca-Cola Export Corporation, Mexico Branch, 205.37 percent for Citrotam...

  2. Karastusjoogihiid võib Eestile selja pöörata / Virge Lahe, Artur Tooman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lahe, Virge


    Coca-Cola kolib kulude optimeerimiseks oma tootmise Tallinnast Lätti. Vt. samas: Õlletehas jätkab Sakus; Farmaatsiatehas võib kolida Riiga; Coca-Cola Hellenic. Diagramm: Coca-Cola majandusnäitajad

  3. Assessing Victory: How to Identify the Correct Measures of Success in Counterinsurgency Warfare - The Case of the FARC in Colombia (United States)


    morphine addiction, while Europeans valued its hunger- and fatigue suppressing qualities. Famously, the original recipe for Coca - Cola included coca ...resulted in the 1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act, which outlawed cocaine, as well as narcotics, such as opium. Coca - Cola had already changed its formula... coca cultivators who receive protection, as well as coerced support from civilians who may prefer the Colombian Government to the insurgents, but

  4. Pieprasījuma veicināšanas iespējas „Coca – Cola HBC Latvia” uzņēmumā krīzes apstākļos


    Petjukeviča, Tatjana


    Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētot Latvijas bezalkoholisku dzērienu nozares attīstības tendences un vadošo uzņēmuma menedžmentu, atrast pieprasījuma veicināšanas iespējas „Coca-Cola HBC Latvia” uzņēmuma produkcijai krīzes apstākļos. Šis uzņēmums ir viens no Latvijas vadošajiem uzņēmumiem bezalkoholisko dzērienu tirdzniecībā, tomēr krīze negatīvi ietekmēja uz tā neto apgrozījuma izmaiņām, tāpēc ir nepieciešams izstrādāt vairākus pasākumus pieprasījuma veicināšanai šā uzņēmuma produkcijai. Darba...

  5. Comportamento motor oral e global de recém-nascidos de mães usuárias de crack e/ou cocaína Oral and general motor behavior of newborns from crack and/or cocaine using mothers

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    Marisa Gasparin


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o comportamento motor oral e global de recém-nascidos de mães que fizeram uso de crack e/ou cocaína durante a gestação e verificar se há relação entre o desenvolvimento dos sistemas sensório motor oral (SSMO e motor global. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, em que foram avaliados 25 recém-nascidos prematuros e a termo de mães usuárias de crack e/ou cocaína, pareados com outro grupo de 25 recém-nascidos sem o fator em estudo. As avaliações do SSMO e motor global foram realizadas por meio do Instrumento de Avaliação da Prontidão do Prematuro para Início da Alimentação Oral e do Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP, respectivamente. Os resultados compararam os escores encontrados nas duas escalas e a relação destes com o uso materno do crack e/ou cocaína durante a gestação. RESULTADOS: No TIMP não foi constatada diferença na comparação entre os escores de recém-nascidos de mães usuárias de crack e/ou cocaína e os de mães não usuárias. No Instrumento de Avaliação da Prontidão do Prematuro para Início da Alimentação Oral, os resultados apresentaram diferença. Foi observada associação entre os resultados de bebês que apresentaram atraso no TIMP com menor escore no Instrumento de Avaliação da Prontidão do Prematuro para Início da Alimentação Oral. CONCLUSÃO: O baixo desempenho observado no Instrumento de Avaliação da Prontidão do Prematuro para Início da Alimentação Oral sugere que as respostas motoras orais estão alteradas pelo uso materno das drogas. A correlação entre os dois instrumentos mostra que o desenvolvimento do SSMO pode estar relacionado ao desenvolvimento motor global.PURPOSE: analyzing the oral and general motor behavior of newborns from women who used crack and/or cocaine during pregnancy, and verifying if there is a relation between the development of the oral and general sensory motor system. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 25 premature and full

  6. 77 FR 75998 - Lemon Juice from Mexico: Preliminary Results of Full Sunset Review of the Suspended Antidumping... (United States)


    ... interested party and the respondent interested parties, The Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiary, The Coca-Cola Export Corporation, Mexico Branch (collectively, ``TCCC'') and Procimart Citrus (``Procimart.../Exporter CHED H= 1 >Weighted-Average Margin (percent) The Coca-Cola Export Corporation, Mexico Branch 146...

  7. Stress-related behavioral alterations accompanying cocaine toxicity: the effects of mixed opioid drugs. (United States)

    Hayase, T; Yamamoto, Y; Yamamoto, K


    The present study evaluated the effects of mixed opioid drugs on the severity of cocaine (COCA) toxicity by examining stress-related behavioral alterations in mice. In order to ascertain the strength of the stress, the continuous observation of the behavioral symptoms in the cage and the forced swimming test (Porsolt test) were performed in the COCA (75 mg/kg, i.p.)-treated groups, with or without the mixed mu-kappa receptor-related opioid drugs, buprenorphine (BUP) and pentazocine (PEN). Using the high-sensitivity activity measuring instrument Supermex, both the spontaneous behaviors in the cage and the forced swimming behaviors in the water were assessed as activity counts. The behavioral alterations in the COCA-treated groups were compared with a group of mice given a 10 min immobilization stress (IM group). In the COCA-only group, a prolonged increase in the spontaneous behaviors accompanied by convulsive seizures was observed even in the surviving mice, unlike in the IM group. However, an acceleration of behavioral despair in the Porsolt test similar to that observed in the IM group was observed in the COCA group after the disappearance of the acute toxic symptoms (5 hours after the COCA treatment). Among the opioid-treated groups, the mortality rate was attenuated only in the COCA-BUP (0.25 mg/kg, i.p.) group. In the COCA-BUP group, a prolonged suppression of the morbid hyperactivity in the cage except for the convulsive seizures, and a normalization of the swimming behavior in the Porsolt test were observed in the survivors. On the other hand, in the COCA-PEN (5 mg/kg, i.p.) group, the swimming behavior in the Porsolt test was abnormally increased in addition to the prolonged morbid hyperactivity in the cage. Therefore, the COCA-induced stress-related behaviors were normalized in the group of mice treated with BUP, a group with a good prognosis.

  8. Retardo del crecimiento intrauterino asociado con el consumo de pasta básica de cocaína por mujeres gestantes de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

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    Oscar Ramírez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar una posible asociación entre el consumo de pasta ásica de cocaína o 'basuco' entre mujeres embarazadas y el crecimiento intrauterino de sus productos vivos en dos hospitales de tercer nivel en Bogotá, Colombia. Con un diseño de cohorte retrospectiva, se encuestaron 1.878 mujeres en el puerperio mediato para indagar, entre otras variables, la historia sobre el consumo de drogas ilicitas. Tanto a las madres como a sus recién nacidos se les realizaron mediciones antropométricas estandarizadas. Se comparó la prevalencia de bajo peso al nacer (BPN, parto prematuro (PP y retardo del crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU con la historia de consumo de drogas ilicitas durante el embarazo por medio de modelos de regresión lineal múltiple y regresión logística múltiple, para ajustar el efecto de posibles confusores como edad materna, estado nutricional y patologias maternas, nivel socioeconómico, escolaridad y tabaquismo, entre otros. Los resultados mostraron que una de cada 189 mujeres consumió sustancias ilegales durante el embarazo, comúnmente Cannabis safiva o pasta básica de cocaina. Las consumidoras de ostos productos tipicamente tenían menor escolaridad, eran de nivel socioeconomico más bajo. eran más delgadas, con una historia de control prenatal inadecuado, primigestantes o multigestantes y, con frecuencia, también fumaban tabaco y bebían alcohol. Se halló una asociación entre el consumo de las sustancias ilegales con RCIU (cociente de suertes de prevalencias de 5.24, IC95%: 1,3-21.0, y un déficit de 0.7 desvios estándares del peso para la edad gestacional (p=0.03. Además, se encontró un cociente de suertes ajustado de 7,78 con IC95%: 1,O-62, entre el consumo de pasta básica de cocaina y RCIU. Aunque es probable que a través de entrevistas se subestime la prevalencia de consumo de drogas y a pesar del limitado poder del estudio, éste fue capaz de identificar un efecto importante

  9. Simultaneous analysis of aspartame and its hydrolysis products of Coca-Cola Zero by on-line postcolumn derivation fluorescence detection and ultraviolet detection coupled two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography. (United States)

    Cheng, Cheanyeh; Wu, Shing-Chen


    An innovative two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography system was developed for the simultaneous analysis of aspartame and its hydrolysis products of Coca-Cola Zero. A C8 reversed-phase chromatographic column with ultraviolet detection was used as the first dimension for the determination of aspartame, and a ligand-exchange chromatographic column with on-line postcolumn derivation fluorescence detection was employed as the second dimension for the analysis of amino acid enantiomers. The fluorimetric derivative reagent of amino acid enantiomers was o-phthaldialdehyde. The hydrolysis of aspartame in Coca-Cola Zero was induced by electric-heating or microwave heating. Aspartame was quantified by the matrix matched external standard calibration curve with a linear concentration range of 0-50 μg mL(-1) (r(2)=0.9984). The limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ) were 1.3 μg mL(-1) and 4.3 μg mL(-1), respectively. The amino acid enantiomers was analyzed by the matrix matched internal standard calibration method (D-leucine as the internal standard) with a linear concentration range of 0-10 μg mL(-1) (r(2)=0.9988-0.9997). The LODs and LOQs for L- and D-aspartic acid and L- and D-phenylalanine were 0.16-0.17 μg mL(-1) and 0.52-0.55 μg mL(-1), respectively, that was 12-13 times more sensitive than ultraviolet detection. The overall analysis accuracy for aspartame and amino acid enantiomers was 90.2-99.2% and 90.4-96.2%, respectively. The overall analysis precision for aspartame and amino acid enantiomers was 0.1-1.7% and 0.5-6.7%, respectively. Generally, the extent of aspartame hydrolysis increases with the increase of electro-thermal temperature, microwave power, and the duration of hydrolysis time. D-aspartic acid and D-phenylalanine can be observed with the electro-thermal racemization at the hydrolysis temperature 120°C for 1 day and only D-aspartic acid can be observed at the hydrolysis temperature 90°C for 2 and 3 days. For

  10. Disabusing cocaine: pervasive myths and enduring realities of a globalised commodity. (United States)

    Dávalos, Liliana M; Bejarano, Adriana C; Correa, H Leonardo


    For more than 30 years Colombia has waged an internal War on Drugs with the support of the international community. During this time, the illegal economy has evolved toward integrating cultivation with processing and trafficking, making Colombia the largest grower of coca in the world. The environmental impact of coca production and processing is vast, accounting for large quantities of toxic chemicals directly dumped onto the soil and watersheds, as well as most deforestation since the 1990s. The policies pursued to stem the coca economy, however, are based on unfounded assumptions about the behaviour of coca growers in the context of international markets. Despite their unfounded premises, these assumptions have acquired a mythical stature. In this article we review the most persistent myths about coca production with a view to understanding its links to environmental degradation. To this end, we present data on the economic and demographic background of coca growers, their impact on the environment, and their behaviour in the larger context of international markets and current eradication policies.

  11. Effect of soft drinks on proximal plaque pH at normal and low salivary secretion rates. (United States)

    Johansson, Ann-Katrin; Lingström, Peter; Birkhed, Dowen


    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different types of drinks on plaque pH during normal and drug-induced low salivary secretion rates. Three drinks were tested in 10 healthy adult subjects: 1) Coca-Cola regular, 2) Coca-Cola light, and 3) fresh orange juice. pH was measured in the maxillary incisor and premolar region with the microtouch method. The area under the pH curve (AUC) was calculated. During normal salivary condition, mouth-rinsing with Coca-Cola regular resulted in a slightly more pronounced drop in pH during the first few minutes than it did with orange juice. After this initial phase, both products showed similar and relatively slow pH recovery. Coca-Cola light also resulted in low pH values during the very first minutes, but thereafter in a rapid recovery back to baseline. During dry mouth conditions, the regular Cola drink showed a large initial drop in pH, and slightly more pronounced than for orange juice. After the initial phase, both products had a similar and slow recovery back to baseline. At most time-points, AUC was significantly greater in dry conditions compared to normal conditions for Coca-Cola regular and orange juice, but not for Coca-Cola light. Coca-Cola light generally showed a significantly smaller AUC than Coca-Cola regular and orange juice. The main conclusion from this study is that a low salivary secretion rate may accentuate the fall in pH in dental plaque after gentle mouth-rinsing with soft drinks.

  12. Normas percibidas por los estudiantes universitarios hondureños acerca de sus pares y el uso de tabaco, alcohol, marihuana y cocaína Normas percebidas pelos estudantes universitários hondurenhos sobre os pares e o uso de tabaco, álcool, maconha e cocaína Perceived norms among honduran university students about peers and tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and cocaine use

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    Syntia Dinora Santos Figueroa


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente estudio fue estimar la diferencia entre las normas percibidas sobre el uso de drogas por los pares y el uso real informado por estudiantes universitarios, entre 18 a 24 años, del segundo y tercer año en el área de Educación. La teoría de las Normas Sociales fue usada como marco referencial. 286 estudiantes participaron en el estudio, el 67% expresó haber consumido alcohol al menos una vez en la vida y el 28% declaró consumirlo diariamente. Los estudiantes percibieron que 62% de sus compañeros consumen tabaco y el 63% alcohol. El estándar percibido de consumo de drogas fue ligeramente más alto entre las mujeres que en los hombres. Se concluye que los resultados indican una sobreestimación al compararse el estándar percibido con el consumo informado de tabaco y alcohol así como de marihuana y cocaína.O objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a diferença entre as normas percebidas sobre o uso de drogas pelos pares e o próprio uso em estudantes universitários, entre 18 e 24 anos, do segundo e terceiro ano da área de educação. A teoria das Normas Sociais foi usada como marco referencial. Participaram do estudo 286 estudantes, sendo que 67% declararam ter consumido álcool ao menos uma vez na vida e 28%, diariamente. Os estudantes estimaram que 62% dos pares consomem tabaco e 63%, álcool. A norma percebida para o consumo de drogas foi ligeiramente mais alta em mulheres do que em homens. Como conclusão os resultados indicaram hiperestimativa ao se comparar a norma percebida com o próprio consumo, em relação ao tabaco, ao álcool, à maconha e à cocaína.The purpose of this study was to assess the difference between perceived norms and peers' drug use among sophomore and junior university students (from the field of education aged 18 to 24 years. The Social Norms Theory was used as the theoretical framework. In total, 286 students participated in the study, 67% of which reported having consumed

  13. Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst with Complex Odontoma: Histological and Immunohistochemical Features

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    Nooshin Mohtasham


    Full Text Available The calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC is a rare odontogenic cyst. Only 2% of all odontogenic cysts and tumors are COC. COC associated with odontoma (COCaO reported in 24% of COCs. COCaO presents a greater incidence in female, with a ratio of 2 to 1. The highest incidence of COCaO occurs during the second decade with a mean age of 16 years, most frequently occurring in the maxilla (61.5%. Here, we describe a classic case of COCaO of the maxillary incisor-canine region in 17-year-old girl, and discuss the clinicopathological features and immunohistochemical finding of this tumor.

  14. Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst with Complex Odontoma: Histological and Immunohistochemical Features

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohsen Merati


    Full Text Available The calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC is a rare odontogenic cyst. Only 2% of all odontogenic cysts and tumors are COC. COC associated with odontoma (COCaO reported in 24% of COCs. COCaO presents a greater incidence in female, with a ratio of 2 to 1. The highest incidence of COCaO occurs during the second decade with a mean age of 16 years, most frequently occurring in the maxilla (61.5%. Here, we describe a classic case of COCaO of the maxillary incisor-canine region in 17-year-old girl, and discuss the clinicopathological features and immunohistochemical finding of this tumor.

  15. Gestion de l’eau, privatisation et droits



    I. Les femmes du Kerala contre Coca-Cola Vandana Shiva« Les femmes du Kerala contre Coca-Cola », Le Monde diplomatique, mars 2005, pp. 20-21 Expulsé en 1977 par le gouvernement, Coca-Cola a repris pied en Inde le 23 octobre 1993, au moment même où Pepsi-Cola s’y implantait. Les deux entreprises possèdent 90 « usines d’embouteillage » qui sont en réalité… des « usines de pompage » : 52 unités appartiennent à Coca-Cola et 38 à Pepsi-Cola. Chacune extrait entre 1 million et 1,5 million de litres...

  16. The effect of cola consumption on oral mucosa in rats. (United States)

    Kapicloğlu, S; Baki, A H; Tekelioğlu, Y; Araz, K


    Drinks that contain phosphoric acid have been shown to have erosive effects and cola drinks are strongly acidic (pH 2.5). Gingivitis may be caused by dietary acids. Therefore, this study analyses the interaction of Coca Cola consumption and oral mucosal damage. Thirty rats were divided into three groups of 10. The animals received saline (pH 7.0) or HCl acid buffered to pH 2.6 or Coca Cola (pH 2.6) per os with 24-h free access to these solutions. A biopsy was taken from the front of the gingiva and the tongue. Histopathological analysis showed no specific lesion and there were no differences among saline, Coca Cola and HCl groups. Flow cytometric analysis was used to assess proliferative activity. In the HCl acid and Coca Cola groups, cell cycle analysis showed that the effects of Coca Cola and HCl acid in inducing oral mucosal damage are similar. In both Coca Cola [G0/G1, 70.38+/-7.9; S, 28.06+/-10.13; G2/M, 1.62+/-2.80; proliferative index (PI), 28.68+/-7.981 and HCI (G0/G1, 67.7+/-18.9; S, 27.8+/-17.5; G2/M, 4.4+/-3.8; PI, 30.9+/-20.98), the rat cell population G0/G1 and G2/M phases were found to be low (p Coca Cola and HCl acid have similar proliferative and regenerative effects on oral mucosa, and it is possible that their regenerative effects are caused as a result of an irritant effect.

  17. Brain injury markers (S100B and NSE) in chronic cocaine dependents


    Kessler, Felix Henrique Paim; Woody, George; Portela, Luis Valmor Cruz; Tort, Adriano Bretanha Lopes; De Boni, Raquel Brandini; Peuker, Ana Carolina Wolf Baldino; Genro, Vanessa Krebs; Diemen, Lisia von; Souza, Diogo Onofre Gomes de; Pechansky, Flavio


    Objetivo: Estudos têm demonstrado sinais de lesão cerebral causadas por diferentes mecanismos em usuários de cocaína. A enolase sérica neurônio-específica e a proteína S100B são consideradas marcadores bioquímicos específicos de lesão neuronal e glial. Este estudo objetivou comparar os níveis sangüíneos de S100B e enolase sérica neurônio-específica em usuários crônicos de cocaína e em voluntários que não usam cocaína ou outras drogas ilícitas. Método: Vinte sujeitos dependentes de cocaína, ma...

  18. Economic Conflict and National Security Research (United States)


    increases in oil prices and what the next budget was likely to be. Then, since he is from Atlanta where the Coca - Cola Company is located, he would go see...the local Coca - Cola representative and ask him similar questions. Governor Carter found that invariably the Coca - Cola representative knew a lot more...military attack. The OPEC em- bargo of 1973-74 is a conspicuous example, but is by no means the only one. The sponsorship of transnational terrorists

  19. 77 FR 273 - Combined Notice of Filings #1 (United States)


    ... Numbers: QF12-120-000. Applicants: The Coca-Cola Company. Description: Form 556--Notice of self-certification of qualifying cogeneration facility status of The Coca-Cola Company. Filed Date: 12/21/2011...

  20. Communication Among Incident Responders-A Study (United States)


    Determine If More Teams Prefer Water or Coca - Cola 5 2.3.1 Description 5 2.3.2 Results 6 2.3.3 Analysis 7 2.4 Task #4: Complete Email Message...participating in this study: <REDACTED> Please determine whether more of these teams prefer Coca - Cola or Water to drink with dinner. Please...needs to express a preference for either water or Coca - Cola . We also did not describe how teams should communicate and tally votes in order to answer our

  1. Atividades Marcárias como Recursos de Elaboração da Face em Comunidades Virtuais de Marca: Análise de uma Comunidade Virtual de Consumidores Da Coca-Cola

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    André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão


    Full Text Available As relações interpessoais sofreram mudanças expressivas após a inserção da internet na vida social. Deste contexto, podemos destacar as comunidades virtuais e, mais especificamente, comunidades virtuais de marcas. Assumindo que o “eu” seja uma construção social promovida nas interações sociais, este estudo objetiva analisar o comportamento verbal de participantes de comunidades virtuais de marcas em relação a estas como meio de elaboração de suas faces (Goffman, 2006. Neste sentido, assumimos a noção de o que e como dizemos as coisas são comportamentos sociais (Austin, 1990 e utilizamos o conceito de “atividades marcárias”, desenvolvido por Leão e Mello (2009. Para tal, selecionamos uma comunidade de consumidores da Coca-Cola como terreno investigativo, onde realizamos uma “netnografia da comunicação”, suportada por uma análise de discurso funcional. Por fim, aspectos teóricos e práticos são considerados. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v9i2.2168

  2. 75 FR 16843 - Prohibited Transaction Exemptions Grant of Individual Exemptions Involving: 2010-09, Ivy Asset... (United States)


    ..., Deutsche Bank AG and Its Affiliates, D-11518; 2010-11, The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC), D-11555 AGENCY... Department, telephone (202) 693-8553. (This is not a toll-free number.) The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) Located...

  3. A prospective randomized trial on the use of Coca-Cola Zero(®) vs water for polyethylene glycol bowel preparation before colonoscopy. (United States)

    Seow-En, I; Seow-Choen, F


    The study aimed to determine whether Coca-Cola (Coke) Zero is a safe and effective solvent for polyethylene glycol (PEG). Between December 2013 and April 2014, 209 healthy adults (115 men, 95 women) scheduled for elective colonoscopy were randomized to use either Coke Zero (n = 100) or drinking water (n = 109) with PEG as bowel preparation. Each patient received two sachets of PEG to dissolve in 2 l of solvent, to be completed 6 h before colonoscopy. Serum electrolytes were measured before and after preparation. Bowel cleanliness and colonoscopy findings were recorded. Palatability of solution, adverse effects, time taken to complete and willingness to repeat the preparation were documented via questionnaire. Mean palatability scores in the Coke Zero group were significantly better compared with the control group (2.31 ± 0.61 vs 2.51 ± 0.63, P = 0.019), with a higher proportion willing to use the same preparation again (55% vs 43%). The mean time taken to complete the PEG + Coke Zero solution was significantly faster (74 ± 29 min vs 86 ± 31 min, P = 0.0035). The quality of bowel cleansing was also significantly better in the Coke Zero group (P = 0.0297). There was no difference in the frequency of adverse events (P = 0.759) or the polyp detection rate (32% vs 31.2%). Consumption of either preparation did not significantly affect electrolyte levels or hydration status. Coke Zero is a useful alternative solvent for PEG. It is well tolerated, more palatable, leads to quicker consumption of the bowel preparation and results in better quality cleansing. Colorectal Disease © 2015 The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.

  4. Uso y actitudes relacionados a las drogas en las estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés Uso e atitudes relacionados às drogas em estudantes de enfermagem da Universidade Maior de San Andres Use and attitudes about drugs among nursing students at the Universidad Mayor de San Andres

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    Iblin Elizabeth Enriquez Flores


    Full Text Available Este trabajo representa los resultados del Uso y Actitudes relacionando el alcohol, tabaco, Hojas de coca, tranquilizantes y anfetaminas en Estudiantes de Enfermería de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. El objetivo es analizar las actitudes mediante el uso de diferentes substancias con aquellos que no usan en los últimos 12 meses. Los datos fueron recolectados en Agosto del 2002, utilizando un cuestionario auto administrado y distribuido, garantizando el anonimato. Se obtuvieron estos resultados: Las actitudes relacionadas a las drogas aprueban el uso de hojas de coca, uso de alcohol, uso de tranquilizantes y desaprueban el uso de cocaína. El uso personal de drogas en los últimos 12 meses corresponde a: hojas de coca diariamente, alcohol menos que una vez por semana y tabaco diariamente. El principal motivo de uso de estas drogas vinculase a la práctica religiosa; los estudiantes son introducidos por primera vez por familiares y por amigos/enamorados.Este trabalho representa os resultados do Uso e Atitudes relacionados ao álcool, tabaco, folhas de coca, tranqüilizantes e anfetaminas em estudantes de enfermagem da Universidade Mayor de San Andrés. O objetivo é analisar as atitudes mediante o uso das diferentes substâncias com aqueles que usaram ou não drogas nos últimos 12 meses. Os dados da amostra estratificada e intencional foram coletados em agosto de 2002, utilizando um questionário auto administrado distribuído para preservar o anonimato. Obtiveram-se estes resultados: as atitudes relacionadas às drogas demonstram a aprovação do uso das folhas de coca, álcool, tranqüilizantes e desaprovam o uso da cocaína. O uso pessoal de drogas nos últimos 12 meses corresponde a: às folhas de coca diariamente, ao álcool menos que uma vez por semana, e tabaco diariamente. O principal motivo do uso destas drogas vincula-se a prática religiosa; os estudantes são introduzidos pela primeira vez pelos familiares, pelos amigos

  5. Sinter recrystalization and properties evaluation of glass-ceramic from waste glass bottle and magnesite for extended application

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    As'mau Ibrahim Gebi


    Full Text Available In a bid to address environmental challenges associated with the management of waste Coca cola glass bottle, this study set out to develop glass ceramic materials using waste coca cola glass bottles and magnesite from Sakatsimta in Adamawa state. A reagent grade chrome (coloring agent were used to modify the composition of the coca cola glass bottle;  X-ray fluorescence(XRF, X-ray diffraction (XRD and Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA were used to characterize raw materials, four batches GC-1= Coca cola glass frit +1%Cr2O3, GC-2=97% Coca cola glass frit+ 2% magnesite+1%Cr2O3, GC-3=95% Coca cola glass frit+ 4%magnesite+1%Cr2O3, GC-4=93%Coca cola glass frit+ 6%magnesite+ 1%Cr2O3 were formulated and prepared. Thermal Gradient Analysis (TGA results were used as a guide in selection of three temperatures (7000C, 7500C and 8000C used for the study, three particle sizes -106+75, -75+53, -53µm and 2 hr sintering time were also used, the sinter crystallization route of glass ceramic production was adopted. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM, the density, porosity, hardness and flexural strength of the resulting glass ceramics were also measured. The resulting glass ceramic materials composed mainly of wollastonite, diopside and anorthite phases depending on composition as indicated by XRD and SEM, the density of the samples increased with increasing sintering temperature and decreasing particle size. The porosity is minimal and it decreases with increasing sintering temperature and decreasing particle size. The obtained glass ceramic materials possess appreciable hardness and flexural strength with GC-3 and GC-4 having the best combination of both properties.


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    Purnawan Adi Wicaksono


    Full Text Available PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (PT. CCAI merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang minuman ringan dalam kemasan. Perusahaan ini menjadi pusat produksi produk Coca-Cola regional Jawa Tengah. Berbagai macam produk seperti Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Minute Maid dan Frestea diproduksi demi memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Produk-produk tersebut tentunya tidak terlepas dari permasalahan produk cacat, dimana dalam produksinya terdapat produk yang tidak sesuai dengan standar ketetapan produk. Secara umum, produk cacat PT.CCAI dibagi menjadi tiga tipe, yakni cap, cap quality, dan underfill. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan, produk Coca-Cola 1000 ml memiliki jumlah cacat yang paling besar, yakni 0,49%. Penyebab terbesar dari terjadinya cacat produk pada produk Coca-Cola 1000 ml adalah underfill, dimana volume dari produk yang dihasilkan tidak sesuai dengan batas minimal. Permasalahan tersebut diselesaikan menggunakan konsep Lean Six Sigma dengan menggunakan tools diagram Pareto dan diagram tulang ikan. Dari hasil analisis menggunakan tools tersebut, PT. CCAI Semarang  disarankan untuk memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan mengenai manajemen waktu pada karyawan-karyawannya, terutama pada karyawan-karyawan baru. Selain itu, PT. CCAI Semarang harus  juga melakukan pengecekan mesin yang lebih rutin dan lebih memperhatikan lingkungan area produksi.

  7. Vertical Integration and Common Agency : An Empirical Analysis of the U.S. Carbonated Soft Drink Industry


    Adachi, Takanori


    By using the unique feature of the U.S. carbonated soft drink industry, I find that PepsiCo's 2010 vertical merger lowered its retail prices by 4.4%. More importantly, these price effects are stronger in the markets with Coca-Cola's common agency than in the markets with PepsiCo's common agency: I find a price reduction of 2.5% for the markets where neither Coca-Cola's nor PepsiCo's bottler is a common agent for Dr Pepper. PepsiCo's prices are additionally lowered by 2.3-2.5% if Coca-Cola’s b...

  8. High-energy physics software parallelization using database techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Argante, E.; Van der Stok, P.D.V.; Willers, I.


    A programming model for software parallelization, called CoCa, is introduced that copes with problems caused by typical features of high-energy physics software. By basing CoCa on the database transaction paradigm, the complexity induced by the parallelization is for a large part transparent to the programmer, resulting in a higher level of abstraction than the native message passing software. CoCa is implemented on a Meiko CS-2 and on a SUN SPARCcenter 2000 parallel computer. On the CS-2, the performance is comparable with the performance of native PVM and MPI. (orig.)

  9. In vitro Comparison of the Effct Cola Beverage on Surface Hardness of Siloran-Based (p90 and Methyl Methacrylate-Based (p60 Composites

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    Full Text Available Introduction: Th characteristics of a suitable restoration material is having acceptable mechanical properties, protecting teeth against decay and ease of use in clinics. Diet can affct properties of restorative materials in the mouth. Since amongst important properties of composite restorations are mechanical properties such as hardness, the aim of this study was evaluation of the effct of Coca-Cola Beverages on surface hardness of a silorane based p90( and methyl methacrylate p60( composites. Methods: In this experimental study, thirty disc-shaped specimens 5 × 2 mm( of each of methyl methacrylate based Filtek p60, 3M Dental Products, USA( and a silorane based Filtek p90, 3M Dental Products, USA( composite resins were prepared, according to manufacturers' instructions. Specimens were randomly divided to four groups as follows N = 15(: G1: Filtek p90 without exposure to Coca-Cola, G2: Filtek p90 with exposure to Coca-Cola, G3: Filtek p60 without expure to Coca-Cola, G4: Filtek p60 with expure to Coca-Cola. Th specimens were exposed to regular sof drinks Coca-Cola, Khoshgovar, Tehran, Iran( at room temperature for seven days with a frequency of three times daily for 20 minutes at a time. In the remaining times of the day, they were kept in distilled water. Thn, micro hardness measurements were made for each specimen with a Vickers hardness testing machine Buehler, Lake Bluff IL, USA( under 500 g of force for 15 seconds. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18 and independent t-test at a signifiance level of 0.05. Results: Micro hardness values of four groups were G1: 68.28 ± 2.65; G2:59.56 ± 6.61; G3: 93.5 ± 2.38; and G4:86.76 ± 5.47, respectively. Th results of this study showed that Coca-Cola reduces the surface hardness of the two composite materials P > 0.05(. Conclusions: Th results showed the hardness of both Filtek p90 and Filtek p60 composite signifiantly decreases with Coca-Cola but the reduction was equal.

  10. Force-dynamic cultural models in a scalar adjectival construction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kim Ebensgaard

    MAG NationalGeographic) (3) If the making of a revolution is drama, punctuated with tragedies too numerous to count, making peace is long-form prose requiring iterations of conversation between people. (COCA 2011 MAG TechReview) (4) I'm too young to get married. (COCA 2011 FIC Callaloo) (5) I......'m in a certain group that's almost too old to hire. (COCA 2011 NEWS Denver) (6) Mr. Turman insisted he was too busy to meet at any other time. (COCA 2011 NEWS NYTimes) In all instances, semantic relations of force-dynamics are set up between the adjective and verb positions, such that the adjective describes...... that the constructional semantics may interact with underlying cultural models (Holland & Quinn 1987, Ungerer & Schmid 2006: 51-59) of force-dynamics or causation (d'Andrade 1987: 117-118). In their study of the English into-causative, Gries & Stefanowitsch (2004: 232-234) suggest that collexeme combinations...

  11. A laboratory approach to the control of cocaine in Bolivia. (United States)

    Morales-Vaca, M


    Of the 4,196 samples of drugs seized and analysed at the Toxicology Laboratory of the National Bureau for the Control of Dangerous Substances during the period 1975-1982, 3,768 samples (89.8 per cent) contained coca paste, cocaine hydrochloride or related substances. Most of the samples analysed contained coca paste and came from La Paz, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba. With a slight exception in 1980, the number of samples increased steadily over an eight-year period. The increase in the number of seizures of cocaine-related substances was a result of the growth in the illicit production of these substances, which began to assume larger dimensions in 1976. In many areas, coca-paste and cocaine-related problems are growing out of all proportion. The smoking of cigarettes that contain a mixture of tobacco and coca paste, popularly known as pitillos, is the most common form of drug abuse.

  12. Reshaping the Army Corps of Engineers’ Workforce (United States)


    Coca Cola Company, General Electric, IBM, Viacom, Cox Communications, MasterCard, and Accenture. Louise Kursmark is a leading expert in resume writing...and is a hiring consultant to Coca - Cola , Nortel, Siemens, and other Fortune 500 companies. She has authored 18 books about resume writing

  13. [Anesthesia in the Inca empire]. (United States)

    Fairley, H Barrie


    The Incas had no written language and their chroniclers say little about their surgery and nothing about their methods for relieving the pain it caused. It is possible that they did have some form of anesthesia. Available plants that had central effects include maize (which they used in different ways to prepare an alcoholic beverage called chicha), Datura, espingo, tobacco, San Pedro cactus, and coca. The Incas used chicha to induce unconsciousness during minor surgical operations and it was still being used in those regions in the 19th century to perform female circumcision. Datura, espingo, tobacco, and San Pedro cactus can produce a deep trance and, in all probability, anesthesia. There is evidence that they used Datura as a total or partial anesthetic. The Incas chewed coca leaves with lime and swallowed the resulting juice, and this allowed them to work long hours without eating or drinking. Modern-day Peruvian Indians say that coca only numbs the mouth, though it was observed in the 19th century that coca leaves placed in wounds provided pain relief. It is possible that the Incas used chicha - probably in combination with another narcotic - to achieve the total or partial anesthesia needed for their surgery. A decoction of coca leaves may have been used as a topical anesthetic.

  14. 21 CFR 182.20 - Essential oils, oleoresins (solvent-free), and natural extractives (including distillates). (United States)


    ... (clary sage) Salvia sclarea L. Clover Trifolium spp. Coca (decocainized) Erythroxylum coca Lam. and other spp. of Erythroxylum. Coffee Coffea spp. Cola nut Cola acuminata Schott and Endl., and other spp. of Cola. Coriander Coriandrum sativum L. Cumin (cummin) Cuminum cyminum L. Curacao orange peel (orange...

  15. Selecting Senior Acquisition Officials: Assessing the Current Processes and Practices for Recruiting, Confirming, and Retaining Senior Officials in the Acquisition Workforce (United States)


    Berkshire Hathaway • Citigroup • Coca - Cola • Pepsicola • Comcast Vodaphone – An Under Secretary of Defense for Comptroller: • Berkshire...Hathaway • Gillette – A General Counsel of the Department of Defense: • AOL-Time Warner • Coca - Cola In recent Presidential transitions, an

  16. 21 CFR 582.20 - Essential oils, oleoresins (solvent-free), and natural extractives (including distillates). (United States)


    .... Clover Trifolium spp. Coca (decocainized) Erythroxylum coca Lam. and other spp. of Erythroxylum. Coffee Coffea spp. Cola nut Cola acuminata Schott and Endl., and other spp. of Cola. Coriander Coriandrum... Cola acuminata Schott and Endl., and other spp. of Cola. Laurel berries Laurus nobilis L. Laurel leaves...

  17. Air Power in Irregular Warfare (United States)


    that Americans will return and bring with them “radios, TV’s, trucks, boats, watches, iceboxes, medicine, Coca - Cola and many wonderful things.”292 Some...three American contractors were employees of the Northrop Grumman Corporation. During a reconnaissance mission looking for coca fields and drug

  18. 76 FR 5827 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ... basic classes of controlled substances: Drug Schedule Phenylacetone (8501) II Coca Leaves (9040) II... re-registration to import crude opium, poppy straw, concentrate of poppy straw or coca leaves. As... classes of controlled substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section...

  19. The establishment of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia in Queensland (1996–2002

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    Walker Bruce F


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction For chiropractors and osteopaths after graduation, the learning process continues by way of experience and continuing education (CE. The provision of CE and other vocational services in Queensland between 1996 and 2002 is the subject of this paper. Methods The Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia (COCA implemented a plan, which involved continuing education, with speakers from a broad variety of health provider areas; and the introduction of the concepts of evidence-based practice. The plan also involved building membership. Results Membership of COCA in Queensland grew from 3 in June 1996 to 167 in 2002. There were a total of 25 COCA symposia in the same period. Evidence-based health care was introduced and attendees were generally satisfied with the conferences. Discussion The development of a vocational body (COCA for chiropractors and osteopaths in Queensland was achieved. Registrants in the field have supported an organisation that concentrates on the vocational aspects of their practice.

  20. Odonto calcifying cyst

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    Nalini Aswath


    Full Text Available The calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC is reported to be associated with odontoma in 24% of cases. Separation of the cases of calcifying odontogenic cyst associated with odontoma (COCaO may lead to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of this lesion. The literature revealed 52 cases of COCaO. The male to female ratio was 1:1.9, with a mean age of 16 years. Most common location was the maxilla (61.5%. The radiographic appearance of most cases (80.5% was a well-defined, mixed radiolucent-radiopaque lesion. Histologically, the lesions consisted of a single large cyst with tooth-like structures as an integral part, giving the impression of a single lesion. In addition to the unique histologic features, differences in gender and distribution were found between the cases of COCaO and those of simple COC. COCaO may be regarded as a separate entity and classified as a benign, mixed odontogenic tumor. The term odontocalcifying odontogenic cyst is suggested.

  1. Odonto calcifying cyst. (United States)

    Aswath, Nalini; Mastan, Kader; Manikandan, Tirupathi; Samuel, Gigi


    The calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC) is reported to be associated with odontoma in 24% of cases. Separation of the cases of calcifying odontogenic cyst associated with odontoma (COCaO) may lead to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of this lesion. The literature revealed 52 cases of COCaO. The male to female ratio was 1:1.9, with a mean age of 16 years. Most common location was the maxilla (61.5%). The radiographic appearance of most cases (80.5%) was a well-defined, mixed radiolucent-radiopaque lesion. Histologically, the lesions consisted of a single large cyst with tooth-like structures as an integral part, giving the impression of a single lesion. In addition to the unique histologic features, differences in gender and distribution were found between the cases of COCaO and those of simple COC. COCaO may be regarded as a separate entity and classified as a benign, mixed odontogenic tumor. The term odontocalcifying odontogenic cyst is suggested.

  2. Adjectives and usage-patterns in the [X enough to VERB]-construction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kim Ebensgaard

    puppies, but old enough to know it was good-bye. (COCA 2012 FIC AntiocRev) (2)But every time I try to get close enough to touch one, the mother shows her yellow teeth and growls. (COCA 2012 FIC Bk:IntoFreeNovel) (3)With its 18-inch barrel and collapsible stock, it is quite maneuverabe and is light enough...... methods are applied in our anaysis of the construction. For instance, a covarying collexeme analysis (Stefanowitsch & Gries 2004) indicates that the construction does indeed set up a relation of enablement, with semantically coherent pairs such as cool-handle, small-fit, heavy-sink, smart...... to come and find me in heaven and tell me you're sorry. (COCA 2012 SPOK NBC_Dateline) (5)Not even light travels fast enough to escape it. (COCA 2012 NEWS CSMonitor) A simple frequency analysis of the distribution of the three word classes in the X-position suggests that adjectives (n = 720 76...

  3. Cocaína: complicaciones obstétricas, médicas y perinatales. Características clínicas y tratamiento a estas pacientes Cocaine: obstetric, medical and perinatal complications. Clinical characteristics and treatment of these patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Lugones Botell


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión sobre los efectos generales de la cocaína, y en particular, sobre el embarazo y el recién nacido, en la que se enfatiza en los efectos deletéreos que tiene esta droga sobre la gestación, entre los que se destacan el bajo peso al nacer, el hematoma retroplacentario, la hipertensión arterial y la muerte fetal, entre otras complicaciones, así como también las consecuencias negativas que provoca sobre el producto de la concepción. Se hacen consideraciones acerca del manejo integral que hay que tener sobre estas pacientes.A review on the general effects of cocaine and, in particular, on its effects on pregnancy and the newborn infant, was made. Low birth weight, retroplacental hematoma, arterial hypertension and fetal death, are some of the deleterious effects of this drug on gestation that were emphazised, among other complications, as well as its negative consequences for the product of conception. Considerations are made on the comprehensive management of these patients.

  4. 78 FR 12101 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application; Mallinckrodt, LLC. (United States)


    ... Coca Leaves (9040) II Opium, raw (9600) II Poppy Straw Concentrate (9670) II The company plans to... or coca leaves. Comments and requests for hearings on applications to import narcotic raw material... to manufacture such basic classes of controlled substances listed in schedules I or II, which fall...

  5. 75 FR 1812 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ... of controlled substances listed in schedule II: Drug Schedule Phenylacetone (8501) II Coca Leaves... registration or re-registration to import crude opium, poppy straw, concentrate of poppy straw or coca leaves... such basic classes of controlled substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall under the authority...

  6. Publications | Page 324 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 3231 - 3240 of 6374 ... Costa Rica's competition authority fines Coca-Cola. The benefits of competition policy are not always clear to the average consumer. But people in Costa Rica noticed when a competition authority ruling forced Coca-Cola makers to change their practices. The highly visible case is.

  7. Hamburger, lit and coca-cola Hamburger, lit and coca-cola


    Leslie Fiedler


    What I would like to do today is begin by talking a little while about something I had on my mind, but still remains unspoken, including a few words about my next to the last book Freaks and the book that will probably be called "What Was Literature". After I finish talking about those things for a short time I'd like to open the floor up for questions because I know, two or three people have told me already they have questions which they'd want to ask, and I'm sure some of the rest of y...

  8. Hamburger, lit and coca-cola Hamburger, lit and coca-cola

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leslie Fiedler


    Full Text Available What I would like to do today is begin by talking a little while about something I had on my mind, but still remains unspoken, including a few words about my next to the last book Freaks and the book that will probably be called "What Was Literature". After I finish talking about those things for a short time I'd like to open the floor up for questions because I know, two or three people have told me already they have questions which they'd want to ask, and I'm sure some of the rest of you have questions you have asked before and have thought I have not adequately answered. What I would like to do today is begin by talking a little while about something I had on my mind, but still remains unspoken, including a few words about my next to the last book Freaks and the book that will probably be called "What Was Literature". After I finish talking about those things for a short time I'd like to open the floor up for questions because I know, two or three people have told me already they have questions which they'd want to ask, and I'm sure some of the rest of you have questions you have asked before and have thought I have not adequately answered.

  9. Korporatīvā sociālā atbildība: patērētāju uztveres un korporāciju komunikācijas analīze starptautiskajos tirgos uz McDonald's un Coca-Cola piemēra.


    Teterins, Pāvels


    Korporatīvās sociālās atbildības (KSA) komunikācijas efektivitātes pamats ir pielāgošanās patērētāju prasībām. Pētījuma mērķis bija uz McDonald’s un Coca-Cola sociālo tīklu KSA komunikācijas piemēra, izvērtēt to, vai kompānijas pielāgo KSA komunikāciju patērētāju vērtējumam par atbildīgu uzņēmējdarbību, un piedāvāt optimālu KSA komunikācijas struktūru. Demogrāfisko faktoru ietekme uz Latvijas, Vācijas un Austrālijas KSA vērtējumu praktiski netika novērota. Savukārt, salīdzinot valstis savā st...

  10. 75 FR 64743 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ... Phenylacetone (8501) II Coca Leaves (9040) II Thebaine (9333) II Opium, raw (9600) II Noroxymorphone (9668) II... re-registration to import crude opium, poppy straw, concentrate of poppy straw, and coca leaves. As... such basic classes of controlled substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall under the authority...

  11. 76 FR 39123 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ... Carfentanil (9743) II Coca Leaves (9040) II Cocaine (9041) II Codeine (9050) II Dextropropoxyphene, bulk (non... registration or re-registration to import crude opium, poppy straw, concentrate of poppy straw, and coca leaves... such basic classes of controlled substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall under the authority...

  12. Purchase and consumption: The interdisciplinary nature of analysing food choice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grunert, Klaus G.


    We can safely assume that the Coca Cola company is familiar with concepts like segmentation and the marketing mix, and that reading the Garber et al. paper therefore would not have saved them from one of the biggest marketing blunders in history. If there is anything we can learn from the Coca Co...

  13. Max Headroom, Ad Man of the Eighties: When Commercial Becomes Cult. (United States)

    Wassmuth, Birgit L.; Carr, Douglas J.

    With Coca-Cola's selection of a digital, computer-constructed "spokesthing" named Max Headroom, came a dramatic shift toward a reliance on high technology to deliver the advertising message. Headroom was developed in Britain, and made his debut on the Home Box Office television network in 1985. Coca-Cola then bought the rights to…

  14. Improving the palatability of activated charcoal in pediatric patients. (United States)

    Cheng, Adam; Ratnapalan, Savithiri


    To compare the taste preference and ease of swallowing of activated charcoal among healthy teenagers when mixed separately with 3 different additives: chocolate milk, Coca-Cola, and water. Healthy volunteers between 14 to 19 years of age were selected for the study. Five grams of activated charcoal (25 mL of 0.2 g/mL of Charcodote [Pharma Science, Montreal, Canada]) was mixed with 25 mL of chocolate milk, Coca-Cola, or water individually to make up 50 mL. The volunteers drank the 3 cups of the charcoal-additive mixture separately and then rated taste and ease of swallowing on a 10-cm visual analogue scale. The subjects then indicated their preferred charcoal-additive mixture if he/she had to drink 9 more portions of charcoal (this would estimate the dose of charcoal for a 50-kg child). A total of 44 subjects were recruited (25 boys and 19 girls). The mean scores for taste preference for chocolate milk, Coca-Cola, and water mixtures of charcoal were 5.5, 6.3, and 2.0, respectively, on a 10-cm visual analogue scale. Thus, subjects preferred the taste of charcoal mixed with chocolate milk or Coca-Cola over charcoal mixed with water (P = 0.0003 for both comparisons). The subjects did not show a statistically significant difference for ease of swallowing between the 3 charcoal-additive mixtures. Overall, 48% preferred the chocolate milk mixture, 45% preferred the Coca-Cola mixture, and 7% preferred charcoal mixed with water. Healthy teenaged subjects identified that activated charcoal (Charcodote) mixed with chocolate milk or Coca-Cola (in a 1:1 ratio) improved taste but had no significant effect on improving ease of swallowing. Overall, the addition of chocolate milk or coke improves the palatability of charcoal and is favored over charcoal mixed with water alone.

  15. 76 FR 77253 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ... Schedule Coca Leaves (9040) II Thebaine (9333) II Opium, raw (9600) II Noroxymorphone (9668) II Poppy Straw...-registration to import crude opium, poppy straw, concentrate of poppy straw, and coca leaves. Comments and... substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of the Act (21...

  16. 77 FR 70824 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application; Johnson Matthey, Inc. (United States)


    ... Coca Leaves (9040) II Thebaine (9333) II Opium, raw (9600) II Noroxymorphone (9668) II Poppy Straw...-registration to import crude opium, poppy straw, concentrate of poppy straw, and coca leaves. Comments and... substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of the Act (21...

  17. Do soft drinks affect metal ions release from orthodontic appliances? (United States)

    Mikulewicz, Marcin; Wołowiec, Paulina; Loster, Bartłomiej W; Chojnacka, Katarzyna


    The effect of orange juice and Coca Cola(®) on the release of metal ions from fixed orthodontic appliances. A continuous flow system designed for in vitro testing of orthodontic appliances was used. Orange juice/Coca Cola(®) was flowing through the system alternately with artificial saliva for 5.5 and 18.5h, respectively. The collected samples underwent a multielemental ICP-OES analysis in order to determine the metal ions release pattern in time. The total mass of ions released from the appliance into orange juice and Coca Cola(®) (respectively) during the experiment was calculated (μg): Ni (15.33; 37.75), Cr (3.604; 1.052), Fe (48.42; ≥ 156.1), Cu (57.87, 32.91), Mn (9.164; 41.16), Mo (9.999; 30.12), and Cd (0.5967; 2.173). It was found that orange juice did not intensify the release of metal ions from orthodontic appliances, whereas Coca Cola(®) caused increased release of Ni ions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  18. The Colombian environment and the illicit cultivations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diaz Piedrahita, Santiago


    A profile of the richness, diversity and use of the Colombian flora is provided. the uses, historically, of the coca (Erytroxilon coca), marijuana (Cannabis indica), and poppy (Papaver somniferum), as escape mechanisms, are analyzed and attention is given to the ecological damages (deforestation, use of herbicides, erosion, and destruction of sources of water) generated by these now illegal crops

  19. The Colombian environment and the illicit cultivations; El medio ambiente colombiano y los cultivos ilicitos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz Piedrahita, Santiago


    A profile of the richness, diversity and use of the Colombian flora is provided. the uses, historically, of the coca (Erytroxilon coca), marijuana (Cannabis indica), and poppy (Papaver somniferum), as escape mechanisms, are analyzed and attention is given to the ecological damages (deforestation, use of herbicides, erosion, and destruction of sources of water) generated by these now illegal crops.

  20. Proceedings of the Annual Ada Software Engineering Education and Training Symposium (4th) Held in Houston, Texas on June 13-15, 1989 (United States)


    Canfields, SevenUp, CocaCola , none); type Ounces is range 0 .. 20; type PriceType is digits 2 range 0.0 .. 0.75; type ContainerType is (bottle, can...brand of the soda (Shasta, CocaCola , etc.) function IsDiet(TheSoda : Soda) return boolean; -- return TRUE if the soda is a diet soda, FALSE otherwise

  1. 75 FR 36681 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ... Anileridine (9020) II Bezitramide (9800) II Carfentanil (9743) II Coca Leaves (9040) II Cocaine (9041) II..., concentrate of poppy straw, and coca leaves. As explained in the Correction to Notice of Application... schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 952 (a)(2...

  2. 77 FR 4831 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ... (8501) II Coca Leaves (9040) II Oxycodone (9143) II Hydromorphone (9150) II Hydrocodone (9193) II... crude opium, poppy straw, poppy straw concentrate, and coca leaves. As explained in the Correction to... schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of the Act 21 U.S.C. 952 (a)(2)(B...

  3. Prezentace dlouhodobých hmotných aktiv v účetních závěrkách dle IFRS / US GAAP


    Karľa, Tomáš


    Purpose of this work is to describe long-termed tangible assets in compliance with IFRS and U.S. GAAP and compare their individual elements using financial statements of The Coca-Cola Company and Coca-Cola HBC. Part of this work will focus on ongoing convergent process. Specifity of agriculture (IAS 41) is not an object of this work.

  4. Réflexion sur le développement alternatif à la culture de la coca en Amérique andine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Follin Jean-Claude


    Full Text Available Dans les années 1965-1975, on observe un développement très important des cultures illicites et de la consommation de drogues, qui s’accentue encore dans la décennie suivante. Ce développement est concomitant à deux phénomènes mondiaux indépendants : d’une part, l’ouverture des agricultures du Sud à l’économie de marché et, d’autre part, des changements culturels profonds dans les pays du Nord, avec les premières manifestations de dérégulation sociale. Les premières actions internationales, dans le domaine de la réduction de l’offre, pour le contrôle de la culture des plantes productrices de drogues ont commencé au milieu des années 70 en Asie sur la culture du pavot (au travers du Pnucid - programme des Nations unies pour le contrôle international des drogues ; elles se sont ensuite développées en Amérique latine sur la culture de la coca (création de la Comisión interamericana para el control del abuso de drogas - Cicad, en 1986, puis dans le bassin méditerranéen au début des années 90 sur la culture du chanvre (programmes UE/MED. Les premières années, cette lutte s’est opérée sous le concept de cultures de substitution (ou cultures alternatives : les parcelles de culture illicites étaient arrachées et remplacées par d’autres productions. L’analyse des échecs répétés de ce type d’intervention a montré que les régions productrices étaient presque toujours des régions marginalisées d’un point de vue socio-économique et que la lutte contre les cultures illicites n’était pas uniquement une affaire de développement de nouvelles cultures. Il était, en fait, nécessaire de créer les conditions d’une nouvelle économie agricole. Ainsi, le concept de développement alternatif a peu à peu émergé pour aboutir aux grands principes de base énoncés, en 33 points, lors de l’assemblée générale des Nations unies du 8 septembre 1998 1.

  5. Bara ett tips

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn Sørensen, Anders; Mølgaard, Ellen


    Kom ihåg att fråga en historiker innan du bygger ditt varumärke på dess förflutna. Det glömde Coca-Cola i Tyskland.......Kom ihåg att fråga en historiker innan du bygger ditt varumärke på dess förflutna. Det glömde Coca-Cola i Tyskland....

  6. Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Journal. 2004/5 Edition (United States)


    serves primarily with Coca Cola Inc. providing Occupational Medicine clinical training in Atlanta and consultative services worldwide for Coca Cola ...duty personnel of the Uniformed Services who receive authorization to participate in the USU graduate training programs under the sponsorship of reducing health disparities through its sponsorship of interactive workshops, presentations by improvisational actors, and the development of

  7. From Strategic Communication to Simply Communicate: Redefining SC in Military Communication (United States)


    been much easier for Coca Cola to coordinate and execute cmmnunication stnitegy for their 11 98,000 employees18 than it has for DOD leadership to...Prentice Hall, 2007. ’ 16 Ibid. . ~ 17 Ibid. 18 Estimate of Coca - Cola Company employees (world-wide) for 20 10; information provided from corporate...16 SECTION THREE: . . Marketing & Advertising : a 51h SC-Enabler? ................................................................ ~ ... 22

  8. Investigación de cocaína y marihuana en meconio de neonatos atendidos en un hospital público: Primera experiencia realizada en la ciudad Córdoba, Argentina Screening of cocaine and marijuana in meconium of newborns from a public hospital of city of Córdoba, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Suárez


    Full Text Available Se investigaron cocaína y marihuana en meconio de neonatos nacidos en la Maternidad Provincial de la Ciudad de Córdoba y se relacionaron los resultados con las semanas de gestación y los pesos al nacer. Las determinaciones se realizaron utilizando inmunoensayo y cromatografía gaseosa-espectrometría de masas. Se analizaron 48 muestras de meconio recolectadas durante un año (2007-2008. De los 48 meconios analizados, 17 correspondieron a neonatos masculinos y 31 a neonatos femeninos. Se procesaron en paralelo 15 muestras de meconio como controles normales (niños no expuestos a drogas seleccionados por historia clínica y controles prenatales. De las 48 muestras de meconio 13 fueron positivas para cocaína y/o marihuana. El peso y las semanas de gestación de los neonatos cuyas muestras fueron positivas se compararon frente a un grupo control normal, hallándose mayores diferencias estadísticamente significativas (α=0,05 - pWe investigated cocaine and marijuana in meconium of newborns attended at the Hospital Materno Provincial of Córdoba City and the results were correlated with birthweight and weeks of pregnancy. The samples were analyzed using immunoassay (FPIA and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS for confirmation. Forty eight samples of meconium were collected during one year period (2007-2008. Of the 48 samples screened, 17 correspond to masculine sex and 31 to feminine. Fifteen samples of meconium from normal newborns (newborns not exposed to drugs selected by maternal self report, pregnancy controls were processed as control group. The results obtained in 48 samples of meconium showed 13 cases tested positive for cocaine and/or marijuana. Birth weight and weeks of gestation of newborn with positive sample results were compared with a control group. A statistically significant difference (α= 0.05 - p<0.0001 was found in relation to birth weight. Although these results arise from a small number of samples, these data have

  9. Is Cognitive Activity of Speech Based On Statistical Independence?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feng, Ling; Hansen, Lars Kai


    This paper explores the generality of COgnitive Component Analysis (COCA), which is defined as the process of unsupervised grouping of data such that the ensuing group structure is well-aligned with that resulting from human cognitive activity. The hypothesis of {COCA} is ecological......: the essentially independent features in a context defined ensemble can be efficiently coded using a sparse independent component representation. Our devised protocol aims at comparing the performance of supervised learning (invoking cognitive activity) and unsupervised learning (statistical regularities) based...... on similar representations, and the only difference lies in the human inferred labels. Inspired by the previous research on COCA, we introduce a new pair of models, which directly employ the independent hypothesis. Statistical regularities are revealed at multiple time scales on phoneme, gender, age...

  10. Comparison of the microhardness of primary and permanent teeth after immersion in two types of carbonated beverages. (United States)

    Haghgou, Hamid R; Haghgoo, Roza; Asdollah, Fatemah Molla


    The consumption of carbonated beverages is one of the etiological factors that cause dental erosion. The purpose of this research was to compare changes in the microhardness of permanent and primary teeth after immersion in two types of carbonated beverages. This investigation was done on 30 healthy permanent molars and 30 healthy primary canines. Each group of primary and permanent teeth was subdivided into three groups of 10 teeth. The teeth was immersed in 40 ml of each of the three beverages for 5 min. One subgroup was immersed in water (as a control). The next was immersed in Lemon Delster and the last subgroup was immersed in Coca-Cola. The microhardness of enamel was measured using the Vickers method before and after immersion. Finally, the data was analyzed by paired t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and t-test. Microhardness reduction in the primary teeth was significant in both the Lemon Delster and Coca-Cola groups (P Coca-Cola and Lemon Delster caused a significant reduction of microhardness in tooth enamel. This reduction was greater in primary teeth than in permanent teeth, and was also greater after immersion in Coca-Cola than after immersion in Lemon Delster.

  11. Risks of a fructose rich soft drink consumption on some biochemical parameters in Balb/c mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abd Elmonem, H.A.; Ali, E.A.


    Consumption of soft drinks, in particular carbonated beverages, has markedly increased in the last two to three decades. In fact, the carbonated beverages are the most popular refreshments among most of the world's population. The aim of this study was to assess the body weight gains and analyze some biochemical and hematological parameters in male and female Balb/c mice. Animals were provided with diluted coca cola (fructose rich soft drink) for 6 weeks and were matched against corresponding control animals. The control animals were maintained on tap water ad libitum and coca cola was diluted v/v by tap water. The results revealed that the percentages of body weight gains of male and female control animals were significantly higher than the corresponding mice provided with coca cola. Hemoglobin content (Hb, g/100ml blood), erythrocytes (RBCs), hematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), leucocytes (WBCs), granulocytes and blood platelet counts were significantly decreased in the groups of mice treated with the soft drink, compared to the control groups. However, significant increases were observed in lymphocytes in the treated groups. Consumption of the soft drink (coca cola) in both male and female animal groups exhibited significant increases of total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein-c and atherogenic index. Levels of serum calcium significantly decreased in both male and female treated mice than the corresponding control groups. Consumption of coca cola did not affect the levels of T3. This study suggests that consumption of high fructose soft drink may lead to many health problems

  12. Effect of commonly used beverage, soft drink, and mouthwash on force delivered by elastomeric chain: a comparative in vitro study. (United States)

    Kumar, Kiran; Shetty, Sharath; Krithika, M J; Cyriac, Bobby


    The objective was to evaluate and compare the effect of Coca-Cola®, tea, Listerine® mouthwash on the force delivered by elastomeric chain in vitro. Four specimen groups (distilled water, Coca-Cola®, tea, Listerine® mouthwash) with a total sample size of 480 specimens. A specimen is described as a four link grey close elastomeric chain. Jigs, each with a series of pins set 25 mm apart, was used to hold stretched elastomeric chains at a constant length. These jigs allowed for complete submersion of the elastomeric chain in a water bath throughout the test period, as well as the dipping of elastomeric chains in respective control and test solutions. For 60 s, twice a day, groups were exposed to the respective solutions, the two daily exposure was separated by 9 h and force measurements were taken at six time points during the experiment, that is, 1 h, 24 h, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, and 28 days. Force measurements were made by Instron machine by a single blinded examiner with the help of a second examiner. It was found out that there was highly significant difference between groups control, Coca-Cola®, Listerine®, and tea as well as there was highly significant (p Coca-Cola® and the Listerine® group reached a plateau between 7 and 21 days then decrease between 21 and 28 days. The tea group showed plateau phase between 7 and 28 days. After 28 days in the control group, 25% force decay occurred while the test groups force decay of 30-50% occurred. Coca-Cola®, Listerine® mouthwash, and tea cause an increase in force decay of elastomeric chains over time. Tea caused highest force decay followed by Listerine® and Coca-Cola® when compared to control group. How to cite the article: Kumar K, Shetty S, Krithika MJ, Cyriac B. Effect of commonly used beverage, soft drink, and mouthwash on force delivered by elastomeric chain: A comparative in vitro study. J Int Oral Health 2014;6(3):7-10.

  13. The Political Economy of Counterdrug Policy: The Case of Bolivia, 1997-2006 (United States)


    Economia de la Coca,” Comision Inter-americana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas (Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission), 6. available from http...this was a frightening thought because, if Mexico , for example, which has more established institutions and legal system than Bolivia, was having a...Penguin Group, Inc) 1988. “Sustituyendo La Economia de la Coca,” Comision Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas (Inter-American

  14. Whole of Government Approach to Transnational Organized Crime: Where and How Does the Military Fit In? (United States)


    and the amount of cultural diversity within each nation makes popular acceptance difficult without fear and intimidation. However, there are states...assistance helped reduce coca production in Peru and Bolivia . Undeterred, however, the coca growers moved to Colombia, where the narcotraffickers were...Colombia mirrored many of its policies closely with the U.S., it may be more comfortable for Nieto to rely on his culturally similar partners to the

  15. NRL Review for 1993 (United States)


    opinion and leading medical experts depicted it as a remarkable, THE PARADOX OF PAIN RELIEF harmless stimulant. In fact, when Coca - Cola was 1886. it was marketed as a Opioids: Plants and Synthetics drink offering the advantages of coca but lack- ing the danger of alcohol. Cocaine was not...performance of 77 K) insertion loss data demonstrates high system accu- the individual DUTs. racy of HTSSE-I space hardware Acknowledgments: Sponsorship and

  16. An Analysis of Counterinsurgency Campaigns Using Lanchestrian Based Marketing Differential Equations (United States)


    Coca - Cola would be assessed to be high relative to Shasta Brand cola , as Coca - Cola advertises more than Shasta. The analogous comparison in our models. . . have a strong resemblance to Lanchester’s models of warfare.” (Little, 1979) Mathematical modeling of marketing and advertising ... advertising expenditure or effort, ρ is the response constant measuring the rate of effectiveness per unit of effort, and δ is the rate at which the

  17. Promotional Strategy Impacts on Organizational Market Share and Profitability


    Adesoga Dada Adefulu


    The paper examined promotional strategy impacts on market share and profitability in Coca-Cola and 7up companies in Lagos State, Nigeria. Survey research method was adopted. The study population was the staff in marketing positions in the selected companies. Questionnaire was administered on the samples from Coca-Cola and 7UP companies. The statistical tool employed was the univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the statistical significance and the extent to which...

  18. Cocainismo experimental: I. Toxicología general, acostumbramiento y sensibilización

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Gutiérrez-Noriega


    Full Text Available Se ha estudiado el efecto de la cocaína en el perro. Los resultados son los siguientes: 1. En los experimentos de intoxicación crónica se observaron las siguientes manifestaciones de hipersensibilidad adquirida : a Intensificación de las reacciones tóxicas para la misma dosis en el curso de la cocainización; b Disminución de la dosis umbral convulsivante; c Reducción de la dosis letal mínima; d Prolongación e intensificación de los estados de excitación para la misma dosis; e Intensificación de las reacciones hipertérmicas. Las manifestaciones de hipersensibilidad adquirida que hemos mencionado se obtuvieron en forma constante cualquiera que sea la vía de absorción (endovenosa, subcutánea u oral. 2. Todos los perros sometidos a intoxicación crónica por la cocaína presentaron notables manifestaciones de acostumbramiento o de deseo por recibir la droga. Los perros testigos, que fueron sometidos a inyecciones de suero fisiológico y que manifestaban una conducta marcadamente hostil contra este tratamiento, cambiaron completamente, tornándose dóciles y reclamando la inyección tan luego el suero fisiológico fué reemplazado por cocaína. Substituyendo la cocaína por otros estimulantes (cardiazol o coramina se observó nuevamente la desaparición de los síntomas de habituación. Reemplazando dichos estimulantes por la cocaína las reacciones de deseo de la droga reaparecieron. Se demostró que la cocaína administrada por vía endovenosa predispone con más rapidez al acostumbramiento que cuando se administra por vía subcutánea. Cuando la administración se hace por vía oral los síntomas de acostumbramiento son menos notables y de aparición tardía. 3. La zona manejable de la cocaína es pequeña en comparación a la zona manejable de otros estimulantes. En primer lugar, la dosis convulsivante coincide muchas veces con la dosis letal, y las dosis mínimas letales sólo son dos veces mayores que las dosis estimulantes

  19. A elaboração da face em comunidades virtuais de marca: um estudo de caso sobre uma comunidade virtual de consumidores da Coca-Cola

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    Grayci Kelli Alexandre de Freitas

    Full Text Available As mudanças por que passam a sociedade e as pessoas, em campos como comunicação, consumo e organização social, desde a concepção da modernidade, colocaram em xeque muitos conceitos que embasavam a compreensão a respeito das pessoas e das suas relações sociais, incluídas as de consumo. Destacamos, neste quadro, as interações sociais encenadas pelas pessoas e os caminhos que percorrem para a elaboração dos seus "eus". Partindo de uma realidade cujo uso massivo da Internet e o surgimento das comunidades virtuais são enfatizados, recortamos uma comunidade virtual da marca Coca-Cola como terreno para compreendermos que faces são elaboradas pelas pessoas quando se utilizam de signos marcários como mediadores em interações virtuais. Para tanto, adotamos as noções de "eu" e elaboração da face conforme concebidas por Goffman (2006, juntamente com a concepção de marca numa dimensão simbólica, enquanto recurso de representação social. Sob este arcabouço teórico, seguimos a perspectiva interpretativista para realizar este estudo de caso netnográfico por meio da análise de discurso funcional. Juntamente com estas orientações ontoepistemológicas e metodológicas, adotamos o método elaborado por Leão (2007 para acessarmos as interações virtuais concebidas como face a face. Catorze faces foram identificadas. Estas são descritas por meio de exemplos extraídos das observações, os quais são elucidativos do papel da marca estudada na dinâmica de negociação interacional entre os participantes, que caracteriza o processo de elaboração de faces. Contribuições para o conhecimento, bem como implicações gerenciais são consideradas.

  20. The Role of Security Assistance in the Andean Initiative (United States)


    national values and institutions, and the domestic violence generated by the trade in drugs is all to familiar . President George Bush, in National...of radio reports. One must keep in mind that the use of such a service is not without potential pitfalls. One pitfall is a lack of familiarity with the...monopoly, ENACO ( Empresa Nacional de la Coca) , with two purposes: 1) 53 to control the flow of coca leaves between producers and consumers; and 2) to

  1. Collaborating with the Private Sector (United States)


    circumstances to maintain its secrecy. 110 For information to be considered a trade secret, it must remain a secret. For example, the Coca - Cola recipe... Advertising .‖ Center for Democracy & Technology. 14 Aug. 2009 <>. 19 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2522 20 a trade secret because the recipe has been kept a secret for over 100 years to protect Coca -Cola‘s economic interests. 111

  2. Combating Terrorism Within Local Policing Through Crime Reduction: Using Real-Time, Situational Awareness Within a Distributed Common Operating Picture to Combat all Crime and Terrorism V2I2SION Process and SAFECOP Pilot Project (United States)


    revealed the presence of two white males, one with a tattoo, driving a white older model Ford Aerostar van. The van had the faded words “ Coca Cola ” on the Coca Cola Corporation at Fowler/59th St. regarding the leads on the van. The manager sent the detectives to the Greater Tampa Bay Auto...the underpinnings of each crime category listed are illicit financial gain, local law enforcement officials, with a strong crime fighting strategy

  3. The Effect of Two Soft Drinks on Bracket Bond Strength and on Intact and Sealed Enamel: An In Vitro Study


    Pasha, Azam; Sindhu, D; Nayak, Rabindra S; Mamatha, J; Chaitra, K R; Vishwakarma, Swati


    Background and Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of two soft drinks, Coca-Cola and Mirinda orange on bracket bond strength, on adhesive remnant on teeth after debonding the bracket, and to observe by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM) the effect of these drinks on intact and sealed enamel. Methods: 120 non-carious maxillary premolar teeth already extracted for Orthodontic purposes were taken and divided into three groups, i.e., Coca-Cola drink, Mirinda orang...

  4. Redesigning Acquisition Processes: A New Methodology Based on the Flow of Knowledge and Information (United States)


    their audiences and, in the process of doing so, manage to make a profit. The Value of Information One interesting aspect of information is that it has...different nature of the attributes above in a business context. The “corporate war” between Coca-Cola and Pepsi in the 1980s was largely one of product...differentiation (Ramsey, 1987). Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi tried to increase their shares of the “cola” soft drink market by launching new differentiated

  5. Cola soft drinks for evaluating the bioaccessibility of uranium in contaminated mine soils. (United States)

    Lottermoser, Bernd G; Schnug, Ewald; Haneklaus, Silvia


    There is a rising need for scientifically sound and quantitative as well as simple, rapid, cheap and readily available soil testing procedures. The purpose of this study was to explore selected soft drinks (Coca-Cola Classic®, Diet Coke®, Coke Zero®) as indicators of bioaccessible uranium and other trace elements (As, Ce, Cu, La, Mn, Ni, Pb, Th, Y, Zn) in contaminated soils of the Mary Kathleen uranium mine site, Australia. Data of single extraction tests using Coca-Cola Classic®, Diet Coke® and Coke Zero® demonstrate that extractable arsenic, copper, lanthanum, manganese, nickel, yttrium and zinc concentrations correlate significantly with DTPA- and CaCl₂-extractable metals. Moreover, the correlation between DTPA-extractable uranium and that extracted using Coca-Cola Classic® is close to unity (+0.98), with reduced correlations for Diet Coke® (+0.66) and Coke Zero® (+0.55). Also, Coca-Cola Classic® extracts uranium concentrations near identical to DTPA, whereas distinctly higher uranium fractions were extracted using Diet Coke® and Coke Zero®. Results of this study demonstrate that the use of Coca-Cola Classic® in single extraction tests provided an excellent indication of bioaccessible uranium in the analysed soils and of uranium uptake into leaves and stems of the Sodom apple (Calotropis procera). Moreover, the unconventional reagent is superior in terms of availability, costs, preparation and disposal compared to traditional chemicals. Contaminated site assessments and rehabilitation of uranium mine sites require a solid understanding of the chemical speciation of environmentally significant elements for estimating their translocation in soils and plant uptake. Therefore, Cola soft drinks have potential applications in single extraction tests of uranium contaminated soils and may be used for environmental impact assessments of uranium mine sites, nuclear fuel processing plants and waste storage and disposal facilities. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier

  6. The Decolonization of Bolivia's Antinarcotics Policy?

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    Alba Hesselroth


    Este artículo sostiene que, en el siglo XX, se desarrolló una forma peculiar de colonización en la política antinarcótica de Bolivia, compuesta por rasgos parecidos a los del colonialismo externo e interno. Por una parte, las instituciones internacionales y los Estados Unidos lograron imponer en el país un sistema de control y prohibición del cultivo y consumo de la hoja de coca. Por otra parte,  la élite gobernante apoyada por los EE.UU. impuso su poder y dominio sobre los cocaleros al introducir esta prohibición  y promover la erradicación forzosa de la coca con el auspicio de EE.UU., poniendo en severo peligro los derechos de los  cocaleros. A diferencia de anteriores gobiernos que aceptaron pasivamente las decisiones tomadas en foros internacionales acerca de la clasificación de la hoja de coca como droga ilegal y siguieron con rigor las instrucciones de los EE.UU. acerca de la erradicación de la coca, el gobierno de Evo Morales está actuando para cambiar la situación  en un doble esfuerzo internacional y nacional. Analizando las políticas de este gobierno entre 2006-2014, este artículo sostiene que en el manejo de la política antinarcótica está siguiendo un proceso particular de descolonización para defender los usos tradicionales de la hoja de coca y proteger los derechos sociales, económicos y culturales de las poblaciones andinas involucradas en su producción y/o consumo, y promover el desarrollo económico de las áreas donde se cultiva.

  7. Influence of various acidic beverages on tooth erosion. Evaluation by a new method. (United States)

    Zimmer, Stefan; Kirchner, Georg; Bizhang, Mozhgan; Benedix, Mathias


    We have analyzed the loss of enamel and dentine after exposure to different non-alcoholic drinks with a simple new method using bovine teeth. 100 enamel and 100 dentine specimens from freshly extracted bovine incisors were randomly attributed to 10 groups (n=10 for enamel and dentine each). Prior to the start of the experiment all specimens were weighed using a precision balance. The mean initial masses (SD) were 35.8 mg (7.2) for enamel and 24.7 mg (7.0) for dentine. No statistically significant differences were found between groups for initial masses (p>0.05, ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test). Thereafter, all specimens of one group were simultaneously placed in 200 ml of the following fluids: Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola light, Sprite, apple juice, Red Bull, orange juice, Bonaqua Fruits (Mango-Acai), tap water, chlorinated swimming pool water, and lemon juice. Fluids were continuously ventilated at 37° C for 7 days. Thereafter the specimens were weighed again and the mean mass loss was calculated. The values were (enamel/dentine): Coca-Cola 7.5 mg/6.6 mg; Coca-Cola light 5.2 mg/3.5 mg, Sprite 26.1 mg/17.7 mg, apple juice 27.1 mg/15.2 mg, Red Bull 16.6 mg/17.0 mg, orange juice 24.3 mg/20.2 mg, Bonaqua Fruits (Mango-Acai) 17.8 mg/16.2 mg, tap water -0.2 mg/-0.3 mg, swimming pool water -0.3 mg/-0.2 mg, and lemon juice 32.0 mg/28.3 mg. From all drinks, Cola and Cola light showed the least erosivity (pCoca-Cola light. The findings from the present study should be taken into account in choosing a diet that provides satisfactory nutrition while minimizing tooth erosion.

  8. Erosive Effect of Different Soft Drinks on Enamel Surface in vitro: Application of Stylus Profilometry. (United States)

    Barac, Radomir; Gasic, Jovanka; Trutic, Natasa; Sunaric, Slavica; Popovic, Jelena; Djekic, Petar; Radenkovic, Goran; Mitic, Aleksandar


    To assess the erosive potential of various soft drinks by measuring initial pH and titratable acidity (TA) and to evaluate enamel surface roughness using different exposure times. The initial pH of the soft drinks (group 1: Coca-Cola; group 2: orange juice; group 3: Cedevita; group 4: Guarana, and group 5: strawberry yoghurt) was measured using a pH meter, and TA was measured by titration with NaOH. Enamel samples (n = 96), cut from unerupted human third molars, were randomly assigned to 6 groups: experimental (groups 1-5) and control (filtered saliva). The samples were exposed to 50 ml of soft drinks for 15, 30 and 60 min, 3 times daily, during 10 days. Between immersions, the samples were kept in filtered saliva. Enamel surface roughness was measured by diamond stylus profilometer using the following roughness parameters: Ra, Rq, Rz, and Ry. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, Tukey's post hoc and Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc tests. The pH values of the soft drinks ranged from 2.52 (Guarana) to 4.21 (strawberry yoghurt). Orange juice had the highest TA, requiring 5.70 ml of NaOH to reach pH 7.0, whereas Coca-Cola required only 1.87 ml. Roughness parameters indicated that Coca-Cola had the strongest erosion potential during the 15 min of exposure, while Coca-Cola and orange juice were similar during 30- and 60-min exposures. There were no significant differences related to all exposure times between Guarana and Cedevita. Strawberry yoghurt did not erode the enamel surface regardless of the exposure time. All of the tested soft drinks except yoghurt were erosive. Erosion of the enamel surfaces exposed to Coca-Cola, orange juice, Cedevita, and Guarana was directly proportional to the exposure time. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  9. Influência dos agentes clareadores e um refrigerante a base de cola na microdureza do esmalte dental e a ação da saliva na superfície tratada = Influence of bleaching agents and a carbonated soft drink on dental enamel microhardness as well as the artificial saliva effect on the treated surface

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    Araújo, Rodrigo Maximo de


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de três agentes clareadores e uma bebida carbonatada, à base de cola, sobre a microdureza do esmalte dental, assim como os efeitos da saliva artificial sobre o esmalte tratado com estes agentes. Foram utilizados quarenta dentes incisivos bovinos embutidos em resina acrílica. As amostras foram avaliadas em microdurômetro (Future Tech FM 700 após a divisão em quatro grupos, uma leitura inicial da microdureza serviu como controle do experimento: Grupo 1: peróxido de carbamida a 10% (Whiteness Perfect – FGM; Grupo 2: refrigerante Coca-Cola; Grupo 3: peróxido de carbamida a 37% (Whiteness Super – FGM; Grupo 4: peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% (Whiteness HP – FGM. Os dados foram submetidos aos testes estatísticos ANOVA e Tukey. Conclui-se que os agentes clareadores não diminuíram a microdureza do esmalte; a exposição à Coca-Cola diminuiu significantemente a microdureza do esmalte; o tempo de exposição aos agentes foi significante apenas para a Coca- Cola; o armazenamento em saliva aumentou a microdureza do esmalte exposto ao peróxido de carbamida a 37%; à Coca-Cola e ao peróxido de hidrogênio à 35%

  10. Valuation of brands and intellectual capital


    Fernández, Pablo


    In this paper we review several methods used for valuing brands. Among them, those of Interbrand, Damodaran, Financial World, Houlihan Valuation Advisors, Market Facts, Young & Rubicam and CDB Research & Consulting. In particular, we analyze in depth the valuations of Kellogg's and Coca-Cola performed by Damodaran and the method proposed by Interbrand. Damodaran valued the Coca-Cola brand at 24.6 billion dollars in 1993 and at 102.6 billion dollars in 1998. In recent years, a lot has been sai...

  11. Alcohol-Induced Physiological Displacements and Their Effects on Flight-Related Functions (United States)


    measured height and weight (6). One part bourbon per two parts of Coca Cola were mixed, divided equally into three drinks and drunk at an even rate over a...temporary protection against a plasma volume decrease (21). In our study, the imbibed volume of alcohol plus Coca Cola (about 350-550 ml) temporarily...amE E T Office of Aviation Medicine MAY 2 7 1982 Washington, D.C. 20591A~A C.-, t(Jin NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of

  12. Effect of Commonly Used Beverage, Soft Drink, and Mouthwash on Force Delivered by Elastomeric Chain: A Comparative In Vitro Study


    Kumar, Kiran; Shetty, Sharath; Krithika, M J; Cyriac, Bobby


    Background: The objective was to evaluate and compare the effect of Coca-Cola®, tea, Listerine® mouthwash on the force delivered by elastomeric chain in vitro. Materials and Methods: Four specimen groups (distilled water, Coca-Cola®, tea, Listerine® mouthwash) with a total sample size of 480 specimens. A specimen is described as a four link grey close elastomeric chain. Jigs, each with a series of pins set 25 mm apart, was used to hold stretched elastomeric chains at a...

  13. Evaluation of Staining-Dependent Colour Changes in Resin Composites Using Principal Component Analysis. (United States)

    Manojlovic, D; Lenhardt, L; Milićević, B; Antonov, M; Miletic, V; Dramićanin, M D


    Colour changes in Gradia Direct™ composite after immersion in tea, coffee, red wine, Coca-Cola, Colgate mouthwash, and distilled water were evaluated using principal component analysis (PCA) and the CIELAB colour coordinates. The reflection spectra of the composites were used as input data for the PCA. The output data (scores and loadings) provided information about the magnitude and origin of the surface reflection changes after exposure to the staining solutions. The reflection spectra of the stained samples generally exhibited lower reflection in the blue spectral range, which was manifested in the lower content of the blue shade for the samples. Both analyses demonstrated the high staining abilities of tea, coffee, and red wine, which produced total colour changes of 4.31, 6.61, and 6.22, respectively, according to the CIELAB analysis. PCA revealed subtle changes in the reflection spectra of composites immersed in Coca-Cola, demonstrating Coca-Cola's ability to stain the composite to a small degree.

  14. "The Real Thing:" Nominal Price Rigidity of the Nickel Coke, 1886-1959


    Daniel Levy; Andrew T. Young


    We report that the price of a 6.5oz Coke was 5¢ from 1886 until 1959. Thus, we are documenting a nominal price rigidity that lasted more than 70 years! The case of Coca-Cola is particularly interesting because during the 70-year period there were substantial changes in the soft drink industry as well as two World Wars, the Great Depression, and numerous regulatory interventions and lawsuits, which led to substantial changes in the Coca-Cola market conditions. The nickel price of Coke, neverth...

  15. Twitter as driver of stock price


    Jubbega, Annika


    The goal of this research is to examine the dynamic relationship of Twitter and stock price, by examining the effects for the ten most valuable brands according Interbrand (2010): Coca-Cola, IBM, Microsoft, Google, McDonald’s, Intel, Nokia, Disney, Toyota and Cisco. A VAR modelling approach captures the short and long term effects of Twitter to stock price and stock price to Twitter. Effects were found for 5 of the 10 brand. For Coca-Cola and Toyota, the number of brand sentiment tweets dri...

  16. Effect of pH and comedication on gastrointestinal absorption of posaconazole: monitoring of intraluminal and plasma drug concentrations. (United States)

    Walravens, Jeroen; Brouwers, Joachim; Spriet, Isabel; Tack, Jan; Annaert, Pieter; Augustijns, Patrick


    Posaconazole (Noxafil®) is an extended-spectrum triazole antifungal agent for prevention and treatment of invasive fungal infections. An inadequate dietary intake and abnormal gastric pH levels are common in critically ill patients receiving antifungal treatment with posaconazole, resulting in unpredictable bioavailability and sub-therapeutic plasma concentrations. This study was carried out to elucidate the impact of pH on posaconazole absorption and to explore the underlying mechanisms of enhanced intestinal absorption when coadministering an acidic carbonated beverage. In contrast to previously published studies, in which only plasma concentrations were determined, we also explored the gastric and intestinal behaviour of posaconazole after a single oral dose. A crossover study was performed in five healthy subjects. A single dose (10 mL) of posaconazole suspension (40 mg/mL) was administered orally in four different conditions: with 330 mL of water (condition 1); with 330 mL of a cola beverage [Coca-Cola®] (condition 2); with 330 mL of water following intake of the proton pump inhibitor esomeprazole 40 mg once daily for 3 days (condition 3); or with 330 mL of Coca-Cola® following intake of esomeprazole 40 mg once daily for 3 days (condition 4). After administration, gastrointestinal fluid and plasma samples were collected at regular time points, and posaconazole concentrations were determined. Compared with administration with water, coadministration of Coca-Cola® did not alter the pH of the intraluminal environment but did significantly increase posaconazole gastric concentrations (+102%; p Coca-Cola® and prolonged gastric residence. Coadministration of esomeprazole led to an increased gastric pH, which was accompanied by decreased posaconazole absorption; the mean plasma and gastric area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) values decreased by 37% and 84%, respectively. Simultaneous intake of Coca-Cola® could not completely compensate for the

  17. A utilização dos jogos cooperativos no tratamento de dependentes de crack internados em uma unidade de desintoxicação

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    Gabriel Soares Ledur Alves


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade dos jogos cooperativos no manejo do craving (fissura e da ansiedade, bem como na motivação para a mudança do comportamento aditivo em dependentes de crack/cocaína internados em uma unidade de desintoxicação. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico do tipo quase-experimental, em que foram pesquisados 30 sujeitos, do sexo masculino, entre 18 e 50 anos, dependentes de crack/cocaína, distribuídos em oito grupos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: ficha com dados sociodemográficos, mini-mental state examination, University of Rhode Island Change Assessment scale (URICA, Beck anxiety inventory (BAI e escala analógica visual (EAV. Foram apresentadas imagens e vídeos da cocaína sob a forma de crack com o objetivo de induzir o craving nos participantes e, em seguida, foram aplicados a EAV, a URICA e o BAI. Após, foi realizada uma oficina de jogos cooperativos, sendo reaplicados os instrumentos. Foi encontrada diferença significativa no craving e sintomas de ansiedade a partir dos jogos cooperativos (p < 0,001, porém não houve alteração na motivação para mudança do comportamento aditivo. Conclui-se que os jogos cooperativos podem ser um importante instrumento no tratamento de dependentes de crack/cocaína.

  18. Supplementation of soft drinks with metallic ions reduces dissolution of bovine enamel

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    Heloisa Aparecida Barbosa da Silva Pereira


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of metallic ions to carbonated drinks on their erosive potential. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Powdered enamel was added to carbonated beverages (Coca-ColaTM or Sprite ZeroTM and shaken for 30 s. The samples were then immediately centrifuged and the supernatant removed. This procedure was repeated 5 times with the beverages containing Cu2+, Mg2+, Mn2+ or Zn2+ (1.25-60 mmol/L. For Coca-ColaTM, the concentration of each ion that exhibited the highest protection was also evaluated in combination with Fe2+. The phosphate or calcium released were analyzed spectrophotometrically. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's test (p<0.05. RESULTS: For Coca-ColaTM, the best protective effect was observed for Zn2+ alone (10 mmol/L or in combination (1 mmol/L with other ions (12% and 27%, respectively, when compared with the control. Regarding Sprite ZeroTM, the best protective effect was observed for Cu2+ at 15 and 30 mmol/L, which decreased the dissolution by 22-23%. Zn2+ at 2.5 mmol/L also reduced the dissolution of powdered enamel by 8%. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the combination of metallic ions can be an alternative to reduce the erosive potential of Coca-ColaTM. Regarding Sprite ZeroTM, the addition of Cu2+ seems to be the best alternative.

  19. Prevalencia del consumo de drogas en pacientes atendidos en urgencias de adultos

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    Piñero-De Fuentes Sofía


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer la asociación entre consumo de marihuana, cocaína y/o bazuco, y causas de ingreso de pacientes al Hospital Central de Valencia, Venezuela. Material y métodos. Se estudiaron 148 individuos recibidos en el área de urgencias, debido a lesiones por agresión (LA, accidentes de tránsito (AT, accidentes de trabajo (ATB, lesión autoinfringida (LAU e intoxicaciones (INT. Se aplicó un cuestionario y un análisis toxicológicos. Resultados. Se encontró un consumo de drogas, solas y/o asociadas, de 23.6% (13.5% cocaína, 7.4% marihuana y 2.7% ambas. De los pacientes positivos para cocaína, 50% ingresaron por LA; 20% por INT; 10% por LAU; 5% por ATB, y 15% por otras causas. De los positivos para marihuana, 36.4% ingresaron por AT; 27.3% por ATB; 18% por LA; 9.09% por INT, y 9.09% por otros motivos. Los ingresos por LA fueron de 75%, y por ATB, de 25%, para drogas en combinación. El consumo alcohólico asociado a cocaína fue de 50%; a marihuana, de 9%; a combinación, de 25%. Conclusiones. Estos hallazgos demuestran que uno de cada cuatro ingresos por causa traumática está asociado al abuso de drogas, solas o en combinación, lo que revela una estrecha relación causa-efecto.

  20. Cocaine Allergy in Drug-Dependent Patients and Allergic People. (United States)

    Armentia, Alicia; Martín-Armentia, Blanca; Martín-Armentia, Sara; Ruiz-Muñoz, Pedro; Quesada, Jorge Martínez; Postigo, Idoia; Conde, Rosa; González-Sagrado, Manuel; Pineda, Fernando; Castillo, Miriam; Palacios, Ricardo; Tejedor, Jesús

    Adverse reactions to local anesthetics (LAs), especially esters, are not uncommon, but true allergy is rarely diagnosed. To our knowledge, currently there is no reliable method of determining IgE-mediated hypersensitivity to LAs and cocaine. To assess the clinical value of allergy tests (prick, IgE, challenges, and arrays) in people suffering hypersensitivity reactions (asthma and anaphylaxis) during local anesthesia with cocaine derivatives and drug abusers with allergic symptoms after cocaine inhalation. We selected cocaine-dependent patients and allergic patients who suffered severe reactions during local anesthesia from a database of 23,873 patients. The diagnostic yield (sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value) of allergy tests using cocaine and coca leaf extracts in determining cocaine allergy was assessed, taking a positive challenge as the criterion standard. After prick tests, specific IgE, and challenge with cocaine extract, 41 of 211 patients (19.4%) were diagnosed as sensitized to cocaine. Prick tests and IgE to coca leaves (coca tea) had a good sensitivity (95.1% and 92.7%, respectively) and specificity (92.3 and 98.8%, respectively) for the diagnosis of cocaine allergy and LA-derived allergy. Cocaine may be an important allergen. Drug abusers and patients sensitized to local anesthesia and tobacco are at risk. Both prick tests and specific IgE against coca leaf extract detected sensitization to cocaine. The highest levels were related to severe clinical profiles. Copyright © 2017 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Using thought mapping and structured stories to decrease HIV risk behaviors among cocaine injectors and crack smokers in the South of Brazil A utilização do mapeamento cognitivo e de histórias estruturadas para diminuir comportamentos de risco para a contaminação pelo HIV entre consumidores de cocaína injetável e de crack no Sul do Brasil

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    Flavio Pechansky


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To compare changes in AIDS knowledge and risk behaviors among Brazilian cocaine users in an intervention trial. METHOD: 119 participants were randomly assigned to either a standard or a standard plus "thought mapping" intervention, and re-interviewed 2 and 8 weeks after intake using standardized data collection instruments. Intervention effects were examined using generalized estimated equation model. RESULTS: Significant increases in AIDS knowledge and condom use were observed in the experimental group, as well as significant changes in the subscores for sexual and drug risks. The experimental intervention was less successful in decreasing mean days of cocaine use when compared to the standard. CONCLUSION: Although not robust, the findings nevertheless suggest that components of the experimental thought-mapping model might be useful in combination with other approaches.OBJETIVOS: Comparar as mudanças em conhecimento sobre AIDS e comportamentos de risco em usuários de cocaína brasileiros submetidos a uma intervenção experimental. MÉTODO: 119 sujeitos foram aleatoriamente designados para uma intervenção padrão ou uma intervenção padrão adicionada a um "mapa cognitivo", e re-entrevistados duas e oito semanas após admissão no estudo, utilizando-se instrumentos de coleta padronizados. Os efeitos da intervenção foram examinados utilizando modelo de equações de estimação generalizadas. RESULTADOS: Foram observados aumentos significativos no conhecimento sobre AIDS e uso de preservativos no grupo experimental, bem como modificações significativas nos subescores para risco sexual e uso de drogas. A intervenção experimental teve menos sucesso em diminuir dias de uso de cocaína quando comparada com a intervenção padrão. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de não serem robustos, os achados sugerem que os componentes do modelo de mapa cognitivo experimentados poderiam ser úteis em combinação com outras abordagens.

  2. Defense Science Board Task Force Report: Predicting Violent Behavior (United States)


    Boeing • Coca Cola • Disney • Intel Corporation D E F E N S E S C I E N C E B O A R D | D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E DSB TASK FORCE...University of North Carolina Corporations:  Microsoft  Coca Cola  Boeing  Disney D E F E N S E S C I E N C E B O A R D | D E P A R T M E

  3. Nefrotoxicidad por uso recreacional de drogas psicoactivas. Reporte de un caso

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    Gustavo Aroca


    Full Text Available El uso recreacional de drogas psicoactivas es una prácticageneralizada en población de adultos jóvenes en el mundo. Existe evidencia de que los opioides y la cocaína producen toxicidad renal. La necrosis tubular aguda, rabdomiolisis y la glomerulonefritis focal segmentaria son las presentaciones más comunes. Reportamos un caso de daño renal agudo en un joven después del uso recreacional de alcohol, cocaína y opioides, cuyos hallazgos patológicos son descritos brevemente en la literatura.

  4. Efectividad de un tratamiento psicológico para dependientes a cocaina en atención primaria


    Sánchez-Hervás, Emilio; Zacarés Romaguera, Francisco; Secades-Villa, Roberto; García-Rodríguez, Olaya; Santonja Gómez, Francisco José; Fernández-Hermida, José Ramón


    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la viabilidad y la efectividad del Programa de Reforzamiento Comunitario (CRA) en un grupo de adictos a la cocaína y comprobar qué variables pronosticaban mejor la retención en tratamiento. Se realizó en la Unidad de Conductas Adictivas de Catarroja (Departamento 10 de la Consellería de Sanitat de Valencia).Participaron 26 pacientes con diagnóstico de dependencia a la cocaína, a los que se les aplicó el CRA, con las adaptaciones necesarias para poder s...

  5. Caquetá, Putumayo y Guaviare: cultivos ilícitos y problemática socioecónomica

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    Rubén Darío Godoy G.


    Full Text Available El abandono por parte del Estado de estos departamentos desde los orígenes de su configuración espacial y administrativa, han originado diferentes problemas de índole social, económico, político y ambiental, agudizados a partir de la década de los 80 con la producción y comercialización de la marihuana, coca y cocaína, presencia de grupos alzados en armas y en anos recientes con la fumigación y la represión.

  6. The Effect of Two Soft Drinks on Bracket Bond Strength and on Intact and Sealed Enamel: An In Vitro Study. (United States)

    Pasha, Azam; Sindhu, D; Nayak, Rabindra S; Mamatha, J; Chaitra, K R; Vishwakarma, Swati


    This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of two soft drinks, Coca-Cola and Mirinda orange on bracket bond strength, on adhesive remnant on teeth after debonding the bracket, and to observe by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM) the effect of these drinks on intact and sealed enamel. 120 non-carious maxillary premolar teeth already extracted for Orthodontic purposes were taken and divided into three groups, i.e., Coca-Cola drink, Mirinda orange, and control (artificial saliva) group. Brackets were bonded using conventional methods. Teeth were kept in soft drinks for 15 days, for 15 min, 3 times a day, separated by intervals of 2 h. At other times, they were kept in artificial saliva. The samples, thus obtained were evaluated for shear bond strength using the universal testing machine and subsequently subjected for adhesive remnant index (ARI) scores. SEM study on all the three groups was done for evaluating enamel surface of the intact and sealed enamel. The lowest mean resistance to shearing forces was shown by Mirinda orange group (5.30 ± 2.74 Mpa) followed by Coca-Cola group (6.24 ± 1.59 Mpa) and highest resistance to shearing forces by control group (7.33 ± 1.72 Mpa). The ARI scores revealed a cohesive failure in control samples and an adhesive failure in Mirinda and cola samples. SEM results showed areas of defect due to erosion caused by acidic soft drinks on intact and sealed enamel surface. Mirinda group showed the lowest resistance to shearing forces, followed by Coca-Cola group and with the highest resistance to shearing forces by the control group. There were significant differences between the control group and the study groups. Areas of defects, which were caused by erosion related to acidic soft drinks on the enamel surface around the adhesive, were seen. Areas of defects caused by Coca-Cola were more extensive when compared to Mirinda orange drink.

  7. The Effect of Two Soft Drinks on Bracket Bond Strength and on Intact and Sealed Enamel: An In Vitro Study (United States)

    Pasha, Azam; Sindhu, D; Nayak, Rabindra S; Mamatha, J; Chaitra, K R; Vishwakarma, Swati


    Background and Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of two soft drinks, Coca-Cola and Mirinda orange on bracket bond strength, on adhesive remnant on teeth after debonding the bracket, and to observe by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM) the effect of these drinks on intact and sealed enamel. Methods: 120 non-carious maxillary premolar teeth already extracted for Orthodontic purposes were taken and divided into three groups, i.e., Coca-Cola drink, Mirinda orange, and control (artificial saliva) group. Brackets were bonded using conventional methods. Teeth were kept in soft drinks for 15 days, for 15 min, 3 times a day, separated by intervals of 2 h. At other times, they were kept in artificial saliva. The samples, thus obtained were evaluated for shear bond strength using the universal testing machine and subsequently subjected for adhesive remnant index (ARI) scores. SEM study on all the three groups was done for evaluating enamel surface of the intact and sealed enamel. Results: The lowest mean resistance to shearing forces was shown by Mirinda orange group (5.30 ± 2.74 Mpa) followed by Coca-Cola group (6.24 ± 1.59 Mpa) and highest resistance to shearing forces by control group (7.33 ± 1.72 Mpa). The ARI scores revealed a cohesive failure in control samples and an adhesive failure in Mirinda and cola samples. SEM results showed areas of defect due to erosion caused by acidic soft drinks on intact and sealed enamel surface. Conclusion: Mirinda group showed the lowest resistance to shearing forces, followed by Coca-Cola group and with the highest resistance to shearing forces by the control group. There were significant differences between the control group and the study groups. Areas of defects, which were caused by erosion related to acidic soft drinks on the enamel surface around the adhesive, were seen. Areas of defects caused by Coca-Cola were more extensive when compared to Mirinda orange drink. PMID:26668477

  8. De-demonizing the VRAEM: A Peruvian-Cocalero Area. (United States)

    Ferreira, Francisco


    The valley of the rivers Apurímac, Ene, and Mantaro (VRAEM) is the main center of coca production in Peru. This is a jungle area located between southern highland regions, and is notorious for the presence of drug-trafficking and the last remnants of Shining Path guerrillas. As a result, it occupies a central place in security policies in Peru, and has been "demonized" in the national imaginary. This article explores the current situation, recent history, and most important collectives of the VRAEM, challenging stereotypes about it. The article is based on short-term fieldwork undertaken in the VRAEM in March 2008, and long-term research conducted in Ayacucho in 2008-2009; and it is contextualized in relation to the literature on coca producing areas and drug policies. The negative image of the VRAEM started in the context of the 1980s-1990s coca boom and Peruvian armed conflict. State policies in the area since then have been mainly based on militarization and repression, contributing to maintain that negative image, which differs of a complex and nuanced local reality. A coca eradication campaign started in 2014, bringing major changes. The negative image of the VRAEM is largely unfair, and has been mainly based on stereotypes and prejudices. This negative stereotyping contributes to justify and maintain inefficient and pernicious state policies in the area, and to criminalize local people. There is an urgent need for fieldwork-based studies in the area to counteract those negative stereotypes and monitor current events.

  9. Preventive effects of different protective agents on dentin erosion: An in vitro investigation. (United States)

    Poggio, Claudio; Gulino, Chiara; Mirando, Maria; Colombo, Marco; Pietrocola, Giampiero


    The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the preventive effects of different protective agents on dentine erosion, measuring mean percentage weight loss. Dissolution of dentine under erosive challenges caused by soft drinks was analyzed: specimens were weighed following each immersion period, with mean percent weight losses calculated. Extracted teeth were sectioned into uniform slabs. Seventy permanent enamel specimens were randomly distributed to seven groups. Initial weights of all dentin specimens were performed. The fluoride pastes Remin Pro, MI Paste Plus, Tooth Mousse, Biorepair, Biorepair Plus and Regenerate were used in this study. A control group was treated just with tap water. The specimens then were immersed in Coca-Cola for a total of 32 min at room temperature. Finally each specimen was dry and weighed. The mass loss was calculated as a percentage of that observed prior the fluoride pastes application. Weight loss data were subjected to Analysis of Variance (One-way ANOVA) followed by Bonferroni's post hoc tests. Percent weight loss of specimens exposed to early stages in Coca-Cola showed linear progression with time. Specimen's application of fluoridated varnishes such as Biorepair or Regenerate, prior immersion in Coca-Cola, significantly protect dentin from demineralization. Otherwise, application of Tooth Mousse or Biorepair Plus increased dentin demineralization starting from 24 min of immersion in Coca-Cola. Despite the limitations of this study, the protective pastes that showed the less weight loss due to the acidic challenge are Biorepair and Regenerate. Key words: Dentine, erosion, protective agents, soft drinks, toothpastes.

  10. The Real Thing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holt Larsen, Henrik


    Mangfoldighed, retfærdighed og inklusion var de tre temaer, som blev foldet ud ved et AOM-besøg i Coca- Colas hovedsæde i Atlanta. I alt ca. 12 ledere, der er centralt placeret i f.t. virksomhedens enorme satsning på mangfoldighed og inklusion, præsenterede og diskuterede indbyrdes, hvori denne...... indsats består, hvorfor og hvordan den harmonerer med virksomhedens vision og ledelsesgrundlag, og hvordan den knytter virksomheden til det omliggende samfund, ikke blot i USA i de mange lande, hvor Coca-Colas drikke produceres og sælges....

  11. Rabdomiolisis y ampollas del coma debido a una poliintoxicación aguda.

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    Margarita Carnero Fernández


    Full Text Available Mujer de 35 años, consumidora de alcohol, cocaína y neurolépticos. Ingresa en el hospital en situación de coma, con respuesta a estímulos dolorosos, tras intento de autolisis (ingesta de 12 comprimidos de amoxicilina, 60 de quetiapina, 500 cc de aguardiente, 2 cervezas y cocaína no cuantificada en las horas previas. En la piel se apreciaban placas eritematosas, edematosas, bien delimitadas en cadera, dorso de articulaciones interfalángicas y pies, que en pocas horas evolucionaron formando ampollas tensas de contenido claro.

  12. Normas percibidas por los estudiantes universitarios acerca de sus pares y el uso de drogas en Bogotá, Colombia Normas percebidas pelos estudantes universitários acerca dos seus pares e o uso de drogas em Bogotá, Colômbia Perceived norms among university students about their peers and drug use in Bogota, Colombia

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    Luz Stella Medina Matallana


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar la diferencia entre las normas percibidas sobre uso de drogas en universitarios y sus pares, entre 18 a 24 años, de las áreas de salud y educación. Se trata de un estudio transversal, por encuesta y cuestionario autoaplicado anónimo. Participaron 365 estudiantes. En el último año, la proporción de consumo real de tabaco fue 43,6%, de alcohol 96,2%, de marihuana 8,2%; y 2,2%, de cocaína. La norma percibida de la proporción de consumo de tabaco el último año fue 78,9%, alcohol 88,3%, marihuana 35,4% y 20,9% cocaína. La proporción de consumo real de alcohol entre los estudiantes y la norma percibida por ellos estuvieron muy próximas; para el tabaco, marihuana y cocaína la percepción estuvo sobreestimada. De las drogas de acceso fácil o muy fácil en el campus, se encontró una subestimación para cigarrillo y cocaína, y sobreestimación para marihuana. Se concluye que los universitarios sobrestiman el consumo de tabaco, marihuana y cocaína, parte de sus pares, y tienen una percepción exacta del consumo de alcohol. La sustancia de consumo más sobreestimada de los últimos doce meses fue el tabaco.Com este trabalho objetivou-se estimar a diferença entre as normas percebidas sobre o uso de drogas pelos estudantes universitários e os seus pares, com idades entre 18 e 24 anos, das faculdades de educação e saúde. É um estudo transversal, baseado em censo e questionário autoadministrado, sem identificação do respondente. Participaram 365 estudantes. Quanto aos resultados, vê-se que a proporção do consumo de tabaco no último ano foi 43,6%; álcool 96,2%, maconha 8,2% e 2,2% cocaína. A norma percebida para a proporção do consumo de tabaco no último ano foi de 78,9%, álcool 88,3%, maconha 35,4% e 20,9% para a cocaína. A proporção do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e a norma percebida estiveram muito próximas, para o consumo de tabaco esteve sobreestimada. Para o acesso f

  13. Cola soft drinks for evaluating the bioaccessibility of uranium in contaminated mine soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lottermoser, Bernd G.; Schnug, Ewald; Haneklaus, Silvia


    There is a rising need for scientifically sound and quantitative as well as simple, rapid, cheap and readily available soil testing procedures. The purpose of this study was to explore selected soft drinks (Coca-Cola Classic (registered) , Diet Coke (registered) , Coke Zero (registered) ) as indicators of bioaccessible uranium and other trace elements (As, Ce, Cu, La, Mn, Ni, Pb, Th, Y, Zn) in contaminated soils of the Mary Kathleen uranium mine site, Australia. Data of single extraction tests using Coca-Cola Classic (registered) , Diet Coke (registered) and Coke Zero (registered) demonstrate that extractable arsenic, copper, lanthanum, manganese, nickel, yttrium and zinc concentrations correlate significantly with DTPA- and CaCl 2 -extractable metals. Moreover, the correlation between DTPA-extractable uranium and that extracted using Coca-Cola Classic (registered) is close to unity (+ 0.98), with reduced correlations for Diet Coke (registered) (+ 0.66) and Coke Zero (registered) (+ 0.55). Also, Coca-Cola Classic (registered) extracts uranium concentrations near identical to DTPA, whereas distinctly higher uranium fractions were extracted using Diet Coke (registered) and Coke Zero (registered) . Results of this study demonstrate that the use of Coca-Cola Classic (registered) in single extraction tests provided an excellent indication of bioaccessible uranium in the analysed soils and of uranium uptake into leaves and stems of the Sodom apple (Calotropis procera). Moreover, the unconventional reagent is superior in terms of availability, costs, preparation and disposal compared to traditional chemicals. Contaminated site assessments and rehabilitation of uranium mine sites require a solid understanding of the chemical speciation of environmentally significant elements for estimating their translocation in soils and plant uptake. Therefore, Cola soft drinks have potential applications in single extraction tests of uranium contaminated soils and may be used for

  14. Cola soft drinks for evaluating the bioaccessibility of uranium in contaminated mine soils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lottermoser, Bernd G., E-mail: [School of Earth Sciences, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 79, Hobart, Tasmania 7001 (Australia); Schnug, Ewald; Haneklaus, Silvia [Institute for Crop and Soil Science, Federal Institute for Cultivated Plants, Julius Kuehn-Institute (JKI), Bundesallee 50, D-38116 Braunschweig (Germany)


    There is a rising need for scientifically sound and quantitative as well as simple, rapid, cheap and readily available soil testing procedures. The purpose of this study was to explore selected soft drinks (Coca-Cola Classic (registered) , Diet Coke (registered) , Coke Zero (registered) ) as indicators of bioaccessible uranium and other trace elements (As, Ce, Cu, La, Mn, Ni, Pb, Th, Y, Zn) in contaminated soils of the Mary Kathleen uranium mine site, Australia. Data of single extraction tests using Coca-Cola Classic (registered) , Diet Coke (registered) and Coke Zero (registered) demonstrate that extractable arsenic, copper, lanthanum, manganese, nickel, yttrium and zinc concentrations correlate significantly with DTPA- and CaCl{sub 2}-extractable metals. Moreover, the correlation between DTPA-extractable uranium and that extracted using Coca-Cola Classic (registered) is close to unity (+ 0.98), with reduced correlations for Diet Coke (registered) (+ 0.66) and Coke Zero (registered) (+ 0.55). Also, Coca-Cola Classic (registered) extracts uranium concentrations near identical to DTPA, whereas distinctly higher uranium fractions were extracted using Diet Coke (registered) and Coke Zero (registered) . Results of this study demonstrate that the use of Coca-Cola Classic (registered) in single extraction tests provided an excellent indication of bioaccessible uranium in the analysed soils and of uranium uptake into leaves and stems of the Sodom apple (Calotropis procera). Moreover, the unconventional reagent is superior in terms of availability, costs, preparation and disposal compared to traditional chemicals. Contaminated site assessments and rehabilitation of uranium mine sites require a solid understanding of the chemical speciation of environmentally significant elements for estimating their translocation in soils and plant uptake. Therefore, Cola soft drinks have potential applications in single extraction tests of uranium contaminated soils and may be used for

  15. Influence of various acidic beverages on tooth erosion. Evaluation by a new method.

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    Stefan Zimmer

    Full Text Available We have analyzed the loss of enamel and dentine after exposure to different non-alcoholic drinks with a simple new method using bovine teeth. 100 enamel and 100 dentine specimens from freshly extracted bovine incisors were randomly attributed to 10 groups (n=10 for enamel and dentine each. Prior to the start of the experiment all specimens were weighed using a precision balance. The mean initial masses (SD were 35.8 mg (7.2 for enamel and 24.7 mg (7.0 for dentine. No statistically significant differences were found between groups for initial masses (p>0.05, ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test. Thereafter, all specimens of one group were simultaneously placed in 200 ml of the following fluids: Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola light, Sprite, apple juice, Red Bull, orange juice, Bonaqua Fruits (Mango-Acai, tap water, chlorinated swimming pool water, and lemon juice. Fluids were continuously ventilated at 37° C for 7 days. Thereafter the specimens were weighed again and the mean mass loss was calculated.The values were (enamel/dentine: Coca-Cola 7.5 mg/6.6 mg; Coca-Cola light 5.2 mg/3.5 mg, Sprite 26.1 mg/17.7 mg, apple juice 27.1 mg/15.2 mg, Red Bull 16.6 mg/17.0 mg, orange juice 24.3 mg/20.2 mg, Bonaqua Fruits (Mango-Acai 17.8 mg/16.2 mg, tap water -0.2 mg/-0.3 mg, swimming pool water -0.3 mg/-0.2 mg, and lemon juice 32.0 mg/28.3 mg. From all drinks, Cola and Cola light showed the least erosivity (p<0.001, ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test whereas lemon juice showed statistically significant higher erosivity than all other drinks except Sprite and apple juice (p<0.01, ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test.In conclusion, erosivity of common non-alcoholic drinks varies widely. For example, Sprite, apple juice, and orange juice are about five times more erosive than Coca-Cola light. The findings from the present study should be taken into account in choosing a diet that provides satisfactory nutrition while minimizing tooth erosion.

  16. In vitro evaluation of the erosive potential of viscosity-modified soft acidic drinks on enamel. (United States)

    Aykut-Yetkiner, Arzu; Wiegand, Annette; Ronay, Valerie; Attin, Rengin; Becker, Klaus; Attin, Thomas


    The objective of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of viscosity-modified soft acidic drinks on enamel erosion. A total of 108 bovine enamel samples (∅ = 3 mm) were embedded in acrylic resin and allocated into six groups (n = 18). Soft acidic drinks (orange juice, Coca-Cola, Sprite) were used both in their regular forms and at a kinetic viscositiy of 5 mm(2)/s, which was adjusted by adding hydroxypropyl cellulose. All solutions were pumped over the enamel surface from a reservoir with a drop rate of 3 ml/min. Each specimen was eroded for 10 min at 20 °C. Erosion of enamel surfaces was measured using profilometry. Data were analyzed using independent t tests and one-way ANOVAs (p Coca-Cola, 5.60 ± 1.04 μm; Sprite, 5.49 ± 0.94 μm; orange juice, 1.35 ± 0.4 μm) than for the viscosity-modified drinks (Coca-Cola, 4.90 ± 0.34 μm; Sprite, 4.46 ± 0.39 μm; orange juice, 1.10 ± 0.22 μm). For both regular and viscosity-modified forms, Coca-Cola and Sprite caused higher enamel loss than orange juice. Increasing the viscosity of acidic soft drinks to 5 mm(2)/s reduced enamel erosion by 12.6-18.7 %. The erosive potential of soft acidic drinks is not only dependent on various chemical properties but also on the viscosity of the acidic solution and can be reduced by viscosity modification.

  17. A Single Platinum Microelectrode for Identifying Soft Drink Samples

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    Lígia Bueno


    Full Text Available Cyclic voltammograms recorded with a single platinum microelectrode were used along with a non-supervised pattern recognition, namely, Principal Component Analysis, to conduct a qualitative analysis of sixteen different brands of carbonated soft drinks (Kuat, Soda Antarctica, H2OH!, Sprite 2.0, Guarana Antarctica, Guarana Antarctica Zero, Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero, Coca-Cola Plus, Pepsi, Pepsi Light, Pepsi Twist, Pepsi Twist Light, Pepsi Twist 3, Schin Cola, and Classic Dillar’s. In this analysis, soft drink samples were not subjected to pre-treatment. Good differentiation among all the analysed soft drinks was achieved using the voltammetric data. An analysis of the loading plots shows that the potentials of −0.65 V, −0.4 V, 0.4 V, and 0.750 V facilitated the discrimination process. The electrochemical processes related to this potential are the reduction of hydrogen ions and inhibition of the platinum oxidation by the caffeine adsorption on the electrode surface. Additionally, the single platinum microelectrode was useful for the quality control of the soft drink samples, as it helped to identify the time at which the beverage was opened.

  18. History of Bioterrorism: Botulism

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication ... Assessment and Surveillance Tools Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) Emergency ...

  19. Anestesia extra-dural en el parto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Cárdenas Escobar


    Full Text Available Desde que A. J. Corning practicó en 1885 la primera inyección de una solución de cocaína en el espacio epidural, diversos métodos anestésicos que utilizan este espacio han sido ensayados, tanto en cirugía como en obstetricia. Sicard y Cathelin, en 1901, usaron el hiatus sacro para anestesia epidural en operaciones urológicas. Stoeckel y Schlimpert en 1911 fueron los primeros en emplear este método en obstetricia. Reemplazaron la cocaína por novocaína. recientemente preparada, y lograron analgesia bastante satisfactoria durante 30 minutos a 1 hora, en casos seleccionados



    Tainara Milbradt Weich


    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a condição auditiva de frequentadores de grupos de apoio a ex-usuários de drogas. Foram avaliados 17 indivíduos ex-usuários de drogas, estando entre as mais usadas a maconha, o crack e a cocaína. Os indivíduos foram divididos em dois grupos, conforme o tipo de droga mais consumida: Grupo 1 (G1) 10 ex-usuários de maconha; Grupo 2 (G2) sete ex-usuários de crack/cocaína. Para a análise dos resultados, houve uma subdivisão confor...

  1. History of Bioterrorism: Botulism

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Health Professionals Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) Laboratory Information Emergency Planners and Responders Emergency ...

  2. History of Bioterrorism: Botulism

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Health Professionals Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) Disaster Relief Volunteers Emergency Planners and Responders ...

  3. Assessing the acidity and total sugar content of four different commercially available beverages commonly consumed by children and its time-dependent effect on plaque and salivary pH

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abhishek Jha


    Full Text Available Introduction: Sugared beverages such as cola, packaged juice, are known for cariogenicity their intake leads to the immediate drop in plaque and salivary pH, which can be an etiologic factor for dental caries. Objective: The objective was to assess the endogenous acidity and total sugar content of four commercially available beverages commonly consumed by children in India and its effect on salivary and plaque pH. Materials and Methods: A crossover controlled trial was conducted. 60 randomly selected school children from school at south Bangalore, who were meeting the inclusion criteria, were asked to refrain from oral hygiene practices for 24 h till the sample collection. Children were divided into four groups and for each group test drink was given. Plaque and salivary sample were collected at the time of 2, 5, 10, 20, and 30 min and were sent for pH estimation. 7 days of washout time was given for each cross-over and 3 such cross-over was done during the study and the drinks were interchanged. Results: Sweet lassi was found to be having maximum total sugar content of and Coca-Cola had the lowest pH 5.3. Milk showed least sugar content and highest pH (6.7. Study showed a significant drop in pH after consumption of all the test drinks (P = 0. 05. Carbonated beverage, that is, Coca-Cola Showed the maximum drop of pH, followed by Pulpy orange in both the plaque as well as saliva. Coca-Cola showed the drop of plaque pH below the critical level, 5.44 (0.134. Conclusion: Sweet lassi showed the maximum inherent total sugar content, lowest inherent pH and maximum fall in plaque and salivary pH, was found with Coca-Cola.

  4. Chronic effects of soft drink consumption on the health state of Wistar rats: A biochemical, genetic and histopathological study (United States)



    The present study was performed to examine the effects of chronic soft drink consumption (SDC) on oxidative stress, biochemical alterations, gene biomarkers and histopathology of bone, liver and kidney. Free drinking water of adult male Wistar rats was substituted with three different soft drinks: Coca-Cola, Pepsi and 7-Up, for three consecutive months. The serum and organs were collected for examining the biochemical parameters associated with bone, liver and kidney functions. Semi-quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was used to observe the changes in the expression of genes in the liver and kidney, which are associated with oxidative stress resistance. Histopathological investigations were performed to determine the changes in bone, liver and kidney tissues using hematoxylin and eosin stains. SDC affected liver, kidney and bone function biomarkers. Soft drinks increased oxidative stress, which is represented by an increase in malondialdehyde and a decrease in antioxidant levels. SDC affected serum mineral levels, particularly calcium and phosphorus. Soft drinks downregulated the expression levels of glutathione-S-transferase and super oxide dismutase in the liver compared with that of control rats. Rats administered Coca-Cola exhibited a hepatic decrease in the mRNA expression of α2-macroglobulin compared with rats administered Pepsi and 7-Up. On the other hand, SDC increased the mRNA expression of α1-acid glycoprotein. The present renal studies revealed that Coca-Cola increased the mRNA expression levels of desmin, angiotensinogen and angiotensinogen receptor compared with the other groups, together with mild congestion in renal histopathology. Deleterious histopathological changes were reported predominantly in the bone and liver of the Coca-Cola and Pepsi groups. In conclusion, a very strict caution must be considered with SDC due to the increase in oxidative stress biomarkers and disruption in the expression of certain genes

  5. Child and adolescent exposure to food and beverage brand appearances during prime-time television programming. (United States)

    Speers, Sarah E; Harris, Jennifer L; Schwartz, Marlene B


    The food industry disproportionately markets to young people through product placements. Children and adolescents may be more susceptible to these disguised persuasive attempts. Quantify incidence and youth exposure to food and beverage brand appearances within shows on prime-time TV. Data on the number of food, beverage, and restaurant brand appearances within shows during prime-time programming in 2008 were purchased from Nielsen and analyzed by product category and company in 2010. Exposure to these brand appearances by children, adolescents, and adults were examined and compared with exposure to prime-time TV advertisements for the same categories and companies using additional Nielsen data. Food, beverage, and restaurant brands appeared a total of 35,000 times within prime-time TV programming examined by Nielsen in 2008. Regular soft drinks, traditional restaurants (i.e., not quickserve), and energy/sports drinks made up 60% of all brand appearances. Young people viewed relatively few of these appearances with one notable exception. Coca-Cola products were seen 198 times by the average child and 269 times by the average adolescent during prime-time shows over the year, accounting for 70% of child exposure and 61% of adolescent exposure to brand appearances. One show, American Idol, accounted for more than 95% of these exposures. Exposure of children to Coca-Cola products through traditional advertisements was much less common. Brand appearances for most food industry companies, except for Coca-Cola, are relatively rare during prime-time programming with large youth audiences. Coca-Cola has pledged to refrain from advertising to children, yet the average child views almost four Coke appearances on prime-time TV every week. This analysis reveals a substantial, potential loophole in current food industry self-regulatory pledges to advertise only better-for-you foods to children. Copyright © 2011 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc

  6. History of Bioterrorism: Botulism

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Resources for Emergency Health Professionals Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) Disaster Relief Volunteers Emergency Planners and Responders ...


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    Luís Henrique Rauber


    Full Text Available O presente artigo propõe discutir a importância do uso das comunidades virtuais na atualidade e sua relação com as crises de imagem nas organizações. Entendendo que o público usuário das marcas (cliente-consumidor, a partir do contato e da possibilidade de interação com estas comunidades virtuais, pode opinar e, também, receber informações sobre os produtos e serviços (sejam estas positivas ou negativas, estabelecer-se-ão exemplos de como isso ocorre, mencionando a comunidade virtual oficial da Coca-Cola na rede social Orkut. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Comunidades virtuais. Crises de imagem. Rede social. Publicidade. Coca-Cola.

  8. Study of repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation on the treatment of cocaine addiction


    Philip Leite Ribeiro


    INTRODUÇÃO: dependência de cocaína é um problema grave de saúde no Brasil e no mundo. Até hoje não existe um tratamento específico eficaz para este sindrome. A Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana de repetição(EMTr) é um método capaz de neuromodular o cérebro. MÉTODOS: Em um estudo randomizado duplo cego 25 pacientes dependentes de cocaína com diagnóstico feito pelo DSM IV-TR foram tratados em condição de EMTr de alta freqüência ativa (1250 pulsos/dia) ou EMTr placebo.O tratamento consiste em ...

  9. Erosive effects of common beverages on extracted premolar teeth. (United States)

    Seow, W K; Thong, K M


    Dental erosion is highly prevalent today, and acidic drinks are thought to be an important cause. The aim of the present investigation was to determine the erosive potential of a range of common beverages on extracted human teeth. The beverages were tested for their individual pHs using a pH meter. The clinical effects of the most erosive beverages were determined by the degree of etching and Vickers microhardness of enamel. The results showed that many common beverages have pHs sufficiently low to cause enamel erosion. Lime juice concentrate (pH 2.1) had the lowest pH, followed by Coca-cola and Pepsi (both with pH 2.3) and Lucozade (pH 2.5). The erosive potential of these beverages was demonstrated by the deep etching of the enamel after five minutes. The Vickers Hardness of enamel was reduced by about 50 per cent in the case of lime juice (p case of Coca-cola (p Coca-cola completely reversed the erosive effects on the enamel. Although only a few of the beverages with the lowest pHs were tested, the present study showed that the most acidic drinks had the greatest erosive effects on enamel. While saliva was protective against erosion, relatively large volumes were required to neutralize the acidity.

  10. New and safe treatment of food impacted in the esophagus: a single center experience of 100 consecutive cases. (United States)

    Shafique, Muhammad; Yaqub, Sheraz; Lie, Erik S; Dahl, Vegard; Olsbø, Frode; Røkke, Ola


    Aim. Large food bits can get stuck in the esophagus and must be removed by endoscopy. In some cases, this can be difficult or unsafe. We describe a new and safe treatment for such patients. Materials and Methods. 100 consecutive patients were referred to Akershus University Hospital with impacted food in the esophagus. In 36 patients (36%), the food passed spontaneously. In 59 (92%) of the remaining 64 patients, the food was removed by endoscopic intervention. In the last five patients, endoscopic removal was judged difficult or unsafe. These patients received the new treatment: one capsule Creon 10000 IU dissolved in 30 mL of Coca-Cola administered by a nasooesophageal tube four times daily for 2-3 days. Results. Of the 59 patients treated with endoscopic procedure, complications occurred in four (7%): three bleedings and one perforation of the esophagus. In five patients treated with Coca-Cola and Creon, the food had either passed or was soft after 2-3 days and could easily be removed. Conclusion. The treatment of choice of impacted food in the esophagus is endoscopic removal. In cases where this is difficult, we recommend treatment with Coca-Cola and Creon for 2-3 days before complications occur.

  11. The effects of two soft drinks on bond strength, bracket microleakage, and adhesive remnant on intact and sealed enamel. (United States)

    Navarro, Raúl; Vicente, Ascensión; Ortiz, Antonio J; Bravo, Luis A


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Coca-Cola and Schweppes Limón on bond strength, adhesive remnant, and microleakage beneath brackets. One hundred and twenty upper central incisor brackets were bonded to bovine incisors and divided into three groups: (1) Control, (2) Coca-Cola, and (3) Schweppes Limón. The teeth were submerged in the drinks three times a day for 15 minutes over a 15 day period. Shear bond strength (SBS) was measured with a universal testing machine, and adhesive remnant evaluated using image analysis equipment. Microleakage at the enamel-adhesive and adhesive-bracket interfaces was determined using methylene blue. One hundred and eight teeth were used for scanning electron microscopy to determine the effect of the drinks on intact and sealed enamel. SBS and adhesive remnant data were analysed using the Kruskal-Wallis test (P adhesive remnant between the groups (P > 0.05). Microleakage at the enamel-adhesive interface for groups 2 and 3 was significantly greater than for group 1 (P adhesive-bracket interface, microleakage was significantly greater in group 2 than in group 1 (P enamel erosion, loss of adhesive and microleakage. Coca-Cola and Schweppes Limón did not affect the SBS of brackets or the adhesive remnant.

  12. Estratégias mercadológicas de empresas transnacionais em um mercado global marcado por diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento das nações: um estudo de caso da the coca-cola company 10.5102/uri.v9i1.1339

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    Luciana Cantuária Lôbo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho buscou verificar o grau de alinhamento da estratégia de composição do mix de produtos das empresas transnacionais aos diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento dos mercados consumidores dos países onde atuam. Para atender a esse objetivo, a pesquisa seguiu uma concepção descritiva-quantitativa, e se baseou no método de estudo de caso único da empresa The Coca-Cola Company. A metodologia adotada se baseou no cálculo do índice de correlação de Pearson entre duas variáveis: o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano e o número de categorias de produtos comercializados em cada país onde a empresa estudada opera. Os resultados mostram uma alta correlação positiva entre as duas variáveis consideradas. Assim, acredita-se que a principal contribuição deste trabalho é apontar para a estratégia de adequação local da organização estudada para atender as necessidades específicas da população de forma rentável em cada país, na medida em que se percebe que as novas tendências de consumo não necessariamente estão ocorrendo de forma homogênea entre as nações, notadamente entre as de alto e baixo IDH.

  13. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939 e Karl Köller (1857-1944 e a descoberta da anestesia local Sigmund Freud (1856-1939 y Karl Köller (1857-1944 y el Descubrimiento de la anestesia local Sigmund Freud (1856-1939 and Karl Köller (1857-1944 and the Discovery of local anesthesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Almiro dos Reis Jr


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATVA E OBJETIVOS: O entendimento por vezes admitido de que Sigmund Freud teve a intuição de utilizar a cocaína como anestésico local para intervenções cirúrgicas, ou mesmo de que ele tenha tido algum papel na descoberta da anestesia local não é verídico. Os objetivos das pesquisas de Freud eram outros e o verdadeiro realizador da descoberta foi Karl Köller, sobre o que há argumentos irrefutáveis. Diante desses fatos, tem importância histórica o conhecimento correto da questão. CONTEÚDO: O texto refere-se às propriedades há muito conhecidas da cocaína. Recorda dados pessoais, atividades profissionais e científicas de Sigmund Freud e de Karl Köller. Apresenta as pesquisas de Freud sobre efeitos fisiopatológicos observados com a cocaína. Expõe as razões das duras críticas recebidas por Freud diante de conceitos por ele emitidos. Descreve a súbita, porém consciente e justificada idéia de Karl Köller de estudar cientificamente a cocaína como anestésico local em animais e seres humanos. Indica como foram realizadas as pesquisas pioneiras que culminaram com a descoberta da anestesia local por Köller e as duas exposições sobre esta, feitas em Viena. Relata a primeira intervenção cirúrgica oftalmológica sob anestesia local. Comprova a imediata difusão pelo mundo da descoberta que marcou o início da anestesia locorregional. Comenta numerosos documentos comprobatórios da prioridade de Köller na descoberta. Finalmente, menciona as numerosas homenagens recebidas por Köller em várias partes do mundo. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia locorregional foi iniciada por Karl Köller em 1884, quando ele provou a possibilidade de praticar intervenções cirúrgicas oftalmológicas sem dor utilizando a cocaína como anestésico local. Sigmund Freud realizou muitas pesquisas sobre a cocaína, mas não participou diretamente do importantíssimo feito.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Los que a veces se cree de que Sigmund Freud tuvo

  14. Drug Control: International Policy and Approaches

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Perl, Raphael


    ...: opium and marijuana production has roughly doubled and coca production tripled. Street prices of cocaine and heroin have fallen significantly in the past 20 years, reflecting increased availability...

  15. Üritusturundus aitab kommunikatsiooni kujundada personaalseks / Hardi Kinnas, Mark Kuslapuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kinnas, Hardi


    Innovatsioonist üritusturunduses. Üritusturundus kui ettevõtte strateegiline kommunikatsioonikanal. Tehnoloogia abil kliendisuhtesse panustamisest. Näitena EMT mobiilirakendus EMT Live ja Coca-Cola personaliseeritud joogipurkide ja -pudelite turunduskampaania

  16. Kobarkino ooperisõpradest tulvil / Heili Vaus-Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaus-Tamm, Heili, 1961-


    Metropolitan Opera HD-otseülekanded Tallinna Coca-Cola Plazas: 24. jaanuaril linastunud Christoph Willibald Glucki ooperist "Orpheus ja Eurydike" ja 7. veebruaril Gaetano Donizetti "Lucia di Lammermoorist"

  17. Linn annab tublile Estonia koorilauljale ranitsatoetust / Ragne Jõerand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõerand, Ragne, 1970-


    Coca-Cola Plazas 13. augustil toimuvast Tallinna Linnavalitsuse ja Eesti Punase Risti kampaaniast Ranits 2015, kus vähekindlustatud perede lapsed saavad kooliaasta alguse puhul kingituseks koolitarvetega ranitsa

  18. Normas percibidas por estudiantes peruanos acerca de sus pares y el uso de drogas Normas percebidas por estudantes peruanos sobre uso de drogas entre seus pares Perceived norms among peruvian students for drug use among peers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inés V. Bustamante


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la diferencia entre las normas percibidas sobre el uso de drogas por sus pares y el uso real de drogas entre universitarios, entre 18 y 24 años, de las áreas de salud. Se trata de un estudio transversal, basado en un censo y en un cuestionario anónimo y autoaplicado. Participaron 306 estudiantes (82%. La proporción del consumo, en el último año, fue de 51,3% para el tabaco, 90,8% para el alcohol, 5,9% para la marihuana y 0,7% para la cocaína. Se observó una diferencia entre la norma percibida de consumo y la proporción de uso real informado para el tabaco (70% vs. 51.3%, marihuana (10% vs. 5.9% y cocaína (8.3% vs. 0.7%. Se concluye que los universitarios sobrestiman el consumo de tabaco, marihuana y cocaína de sus pares.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a diferença entre as normas percebidas pelos estudantes universitários, com idade entre 18 e 24 anos, sobre o uso de drogas pelos seus pares e o uso de drogas relatado pelos próprios estudantes em cursos da área da saúde. Foi usado o método transversal, baseado em censo realizado através de questionário, preenchido pelos próprios estudantes, sem identificação. O número de participantes foi de 306 (82%. Como resultados obteve-se: a proporção de estudantes que utilizou drogas no último ano foi de 51,3% para o tabaco, 90,8% para o álcool, 5,9% para a maconha e 0,7% para a cocaína. Diferença entre as normas percebidas e o uso de drogas foi observada para o tabaco (70% vs 51,3%, maconha (10% vs 5.9% e cocaína (8,3% vs 0,7%. Conclui-se que os estudantes universitários apresentaram estimativa aumentada sobre o consumo de tabaco, maconha e cocaína entre seus pares.Objective: to evaluate the difference between perceived norms about drug use among peer and actual drug use as reported by the same university students. The students were between 18 and 24 years old and attended health courses. Method: cross-sectional study based on a

  19. El movimiento cocalero y su (inexistencia en el Perú. Itinerario de desencuentros en el río Apurímac

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Le mouvement des producteurs de coca et son (inexistence au Pérou, Itinéraire de mésententes dans la région du fleuve Apurímac Résumé: Le présent article traite des principaux efforts et limitations des cultivateurs de feuilles de coca (cocaleros pour se constituer en un «mouvement social» capable de présenter le problème les consensus culturels présents dans la société civile et, à la fois, d’intervenir efficacement sur le terrain politique. De plus, il résume une partie des progrès accomplis dans la recherche sur la politique et la démocratie dans les vallées productrices de coca, réalisée dans le cadre de la bourse IFEA-IEP. Les deux premières parties permettent de cerner le scénario régional. On y analyse tant les caractéristiques démographiques et socio-économiques de la vallée du fleuve Apurímac que les processus historiques et politiques, marqués par la violence politique et le trafic de stupéfiants, facteurs qui exercent une influence décisive sur l’identité de l’acteur, la rendant extrêmement variable. Les deux parties suivantes approfondissent la problématique de l’action collective, en regardant de près les principales stratégies d’organisation et les efforts déployés pour partager l’information sur le conflit des acteurs. Ces stratégies se caractérisent par les difficultés à définir les adversaires et par la présence de caudillismes et de composants pragmatiques qui contribuent à l’isolement et à la fragmentation. Il est ainsi impossible d’articuler un plan d’action national des producteurs de coca ou de nouer des alliances avec d’autres acteurs sociaux qui enrichiraient l’action collective. En conclusion, nous attirons l’attention sur l’importance de s’attaquer à la problématique des producteurs de coca par des voies démocratiques, comme étant la meilleure façon d’éviter de nouvelles situations d’exclusion, de polarisation et de violence. El presente art

  20. How Coke Added Life to its Video Network. (United States)

    Curran, Patrick D.


    Describes how Coca-Cola's training department identified problems in the use of a video training package and made improvements that expanded the potential of the corporation-wide training network. (SK)

  1. 76 FR 42732 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Registration (United States)


    ... classes of controlled substances: Drug Schedule Coca Leaves (9040) II Opium, raw (9600) II Poppy Straw... with United States obligations under international treaties, conventions, or protocols in effect on May...

  2. What Intellectual Property lawyers can Learn from Barbra Streisand ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... lawyers can Learn from Barbra Streisand, Sepp Blatter, and the "Coca-Cola ... rights; Overly-aggressive enforcement; Rights holder over-reach; Litigation strategy; ... 'Trademark extortion'; 'Duty to police'; Streisand effect; Ambush marketing.

  3. Maailma majandusse suurkontsernide kaudu / Tiina Hakman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hakman, Tiina


    Maailma suurfirmade esindused Eestis: Ericsson, ABB, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Neste, Shell. Ilmunud ka: Molodjozh Estonii, 6. aug. 1996, lk. 3; Russkaja Gazeta, 27. aug. 1996, lk. 3

  4. Pan-Baltic Linas Libikas - sometimes Hobbes, sometimes Calvin / Linas Libikas ; interv. Ingrid Nielsen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Libikas, Linas


    Coca-Cola HBC Eesti AS-i turundusjuht olukorrast Baltimaade reklaamiturul, turundusspetsialistide sagedase töökohavahetamise võimalikest põhjustest ning oma eesmärkidest ettevõtte eesotsas. Lisa: Linas Libikas

  5. Kinopilet kallines : 115 krooni õhtuse filmielamuse eest / Mari Sarv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarv, Mari, 1978-


    Kinopileti hinna tõstmisest Coca Cola Plaza ja Kosmose kinodes Tallinnas. Lisatud tabelid "Kinopiletite hinnad maailmas keskmist palka arvestades", "Õhtuse pileti hind MPDE kinodes", samuti piletihinna kohta teistes Eesti kinodes

  6. Disease: H01068 [KEGG MEDICUS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available as mainly been associated with endocarditis, brain abscesses, vertebral osteomyel...g) ... AUTHORS ... Coll-Vinent B, Suris X, Lopez-Soto A, Miro JM, Coca A ... TITLE ... Haemophilus paraphrophilus endocarditis

  7. Coca-Cola otdõhhajet / Viktoria Panova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Panova, Viktoria


    10. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival algab. Festivali toimumispaikadest, filmiprogrammidest, alafestivalidest : animafestival Animated Dreams, tudengifilmifestival Sleepwalkers, laste- ja noortefilmi festival Just

  8. 75 FR 65658 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ..., and coca leaves. As explained in the Correction to Notice of Application pertaining to Rhodes... DEA to manufacture such basic classes of controlled substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall...

  9. 76 FR 35241 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ..., and coca leaves. As explained in the Correction to Notice of Application pertaining to Rhodes... DEA to manufacture such basic classes of controlled substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall...

  10. Titaanide heitlus: Forum Cinemas vs Cinamon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Cinamon Group avab Solarise keskuses uue Cinamoni kinoketti kuuluva kino, mis konkureerib Coca-Cola Plazaga (võrdlev tabel, allikad: Cinamoni turundusjuht Evelyn Laar ja Forum Cinemas' levijuhi asetäitja Timo Diener)

  11. Professionaalne marketing - edu pant / Thomas Westerberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Westerberg, Thomas


    Majanduslanguse perioodil tuleb fokusseerida oma plaanid tulevikku, sel perioodil avalduvad turundusjuhtide tõelised ja varjatud professionaalsed oskused. Thomas Westerbergi, Coca-Cola Baltic Beverages Ltd. tegevdirektori ettekanne Majanduskonverentsil "Kuidas olla edukas majanduslanguse perioodil"

  12. Prevalência do uso de drogas entre escolares do ensino médio do Município de São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elissandro de Freitas Silva

    Full Text Available Este estudo dispõe-se a estudar as taxas de prevalência de consumo de substâncias psicoativas entre escolares do ensino médio no Município de São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brasil, e sua distribuição por sexo e período escolar. Utilizou-se um estudo de corte transversal em escolas públicas do ensino médio do município com uma amostragem de conglomerados. Aplicaram-se 1.041 questionários autopreenchíveis de maneira coletiva nas classes, mantidos sem identificação. As prevalências do consumo na vida foram: álcool 77%, tabaco 28,7%, solventes 18,1%, maconha 12,1%, anfetamínicos 3,7%, cocaína 3,3%, alucinógenos 3,1%, e crack 1,4%. O uso na semana de maconha foi o maior (2,8%, seguido dos solventes (1,3%. O sexo masculino consumiu mais álcool, maconha, cocaína e crack que o feminino. O período noturno teve prevalência significantemente superior para o tabaco, maconha, cocaína e alucinógeno. No presente estudo, verificou-se uma caracterização da prevalência do consumo de substâncias psicoativas em São José do Rio Preto semelhante à encontrada em outros estudos brasileiros.

  13. In vivo effects of two acidic soft drinks on shear bond strength of metal orthodontic brackets with and without resin infiltration treatment. (United States)

    Hammad, Shaza M; Enan, Enas T


    To evaluate the in vivo effects of two acidic soft drinks (Coca-Cola and Sprite) on the shear bond strength of metal orthodontic brackets with and without resin infiltration treatment. In addition, the enamel surface was evaluated, after debonding, using a scanning electron microscope. Sixty noncarious maxillary premolars, scheduled for extraction in 30 orthodontic patients, were used. Patients were randomly divided into two groups according to the soft drink tested (Coca-Cola or Sprite). In each group, application of resin infiltration (Icon. DMG, Hamburg, Germany) was done on one side only before bonding of brackets. Patients were told to rinse their mouth with their respective soft drink at room temperature for 5 minutes, three times a day for 3 months. Shear bond strength was tested with a universal testing machine. After shearing test, a scanning electron microscope was used to evaluate enamel erosion. Statistical analysis was performed by twoway analysis of variance followed by the least significant difference test. The Coca-Cola group without resin infiltration showed the lowest resistance to shearing forces. Scanning electron micrographs of both groups after resin application showed a significant improvement compared with results without resin use, as the enamel appeared smoother and less erosive. Pretreatment with the infiltrating resin has proved to result in a significant improvement in shear bond strength, regardless of the type of soft drink consumed.

  14. Jutta Rabe : suurriigid kasutasid Eestit ära / Jutta Rabe ; interv. Peeter Ernits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rabe, Jutta


    Saksa poliitiline põnevusfilm "Balti torm" ("Baltic Storm"), mis kujutab parvlaev "Estonia" hukku, esilinastus eile Eestis Coca-Cola Plazas. Saksa ajakirjanik, selle filmi stsenarist, produtsent ja peategelase prototüüp filmi kontseptsioonist

  15. 75 FR 69705 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ... re-registration to import crude opium, poppy straw, concentrate of poppy straw, and coca leaves. As... classes of controlled substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section...

  16. 78 FR 39337 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice Of Registration; Mallinckrodt, LLC. (United States)


    ... Phenylacetone (8501) II Coca Leaves (9040) II Opium, raw (9600) II Poppy Straw Concentrate (9670) II The company... States obligations under international treaties, conventions, or protocols in effect on May 1, 1971. DEA...

  17. 75 FR 44285 - Importer of Controlled Substances: Notice of Registration (United States)


    ... of controlled substances listed in schedule II: Drug Schedule Coca Leaves (9040) II Opium, raw (9600... treaties, conventions, or protocols in effect on May 1, 1971, at this time. DEA has investigated Penick...

  18. Massenet "Thaisi" näeb otseülekandes kinolinal / Toomas Kuter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuter, Toomas, 1965-


    Forum Cinemas toob oktoobrist maini Tallinnas Coca-Cola Plazas ja Tartus Ekraanis publikuni New Yorgi Metropolitan Opera etenduste HD-otseülekanded, 20. dets. kantakse üle Jules Massenet' ooper "Thais", peaosas Renee Fleming

  19. PÖFFi avab norra film

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Pimedate Ööde VII filmifestivali keskus asub sel aastal Coca-Cola Plazas. Festivali avab 28. nov. Morten Tyldumi mängufilm "Buddy" ja lõpetab 6. dets. iirlase Jim Sheridani "Ameerikas" ("In America")

  20. Iiri režissöör Jim Sheridan tuleb "Pimedate ööde" festivalile

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Pimedate Ööde VII filmifestivali keskus asub sel aastal Coca-Cola Plazas. Festivali avab 28. nov. Morten Tyldumi mängufilm "Buddy" ja lõpetab 6. dets. iirlase Jim Sheridani "Ameerikas" ("In America")

  1. Halloo Kosmos, hallo Maa! / Kairit Tsäro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tsäro, Kairit, 1974-


    Režissööride Rob Lettermani ja Conrad Vernoni animafilm "Koletised tulnukate vastu", mis on dubleeritud ka eesti keelde. Tallinnas Coca Cola Plazas, Tartus kinos Ekraan vaadatav 3D (kolmemõõtmelisena)

  2. Kuu filmid / toimetanud Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Nicolas Winding Refni krimidraama "Ohtlik sõit" (USA 2011), Pedro Almodovari "tume melodraama" "Nahk, milles ma elan" (Hispaania 2011). Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarti "Don Giovanni" Tallinnas (Coca-Cola Plaza), Tartus (Ekraan) ja Narvas (Astri kinos)

  3. Kolmemõõtmelise kino järjekordne tulemine / Aarne Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäe, Aarne, 1967-


    Ruumilise e. 3D-kino levikust ja jõudmisest Forum Cinemas kinoketi kinodesse, esialgu Coca Cola Plazasse Tallinnas, peagi Cinamon kinoketi kultuuri- ja vabaajakeskusesse 2009. aasta sügisel. 3-D kinoelamusest ja tulevikust

  4. Comportamiento neurológico del recién nacido de madre consumidora de basuco durante su gestación Effect of maternal consumption of cocaine base paste on neurological behavior of newborn infants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz E. Gómez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 20 niños recién nacidos, hijos de madres consumidoras de pasta base de coca (basuco, en comparación con 19 controles nacidos de madres no consumidoras, con el fin de detectar en los primeros alteraciones neurológicas y evidencias de supresión; se hallaron las siguientes con frecuencias significativamente mayores en los hijos de madres consumidoras: temblor (p: 0.00001, irritabilidad (p: 0.0015, náuseas (p: 0.003, llanto deprimido (p: 0.004 y succión deprimida (p: 0.02; en los restantes signos de supresión (vómito, anorexia, hipersomnia, hiposomnia, hipertonía, cólico y diarrea y alteraciones neurológicas (hipotonía o hipertonía musculares, enderezamiento anormal, marcha deprimida, alpinista deprimido, hiporreflexia no hubo diferencia significativa entre los casos y los controles. La duración del temblor, la irritabilidad y las náuseas, así como la depresión del llanto, la succión, la prensión y la marcha, el enderezamiento anormal, el alpinista deprimido y la hiporreflexia, fueron significativamente más prolongadas en los hijos de madres consumidoras que en los de las controles. Los hallazgos demuestran que los neonatos sometidos a exposición a cocaína porque sus madres consumieron pasta base de coca durante la gestación, presentan alteraciones neurológicas y signos definidos de supresión que sugieren una acción directa del sicofármaco sobre el sistema nervioso central, la cual perdura varios días; estos niños constituyen un serio problema de salud pública cuyo manejo requiere decisión y sólidos conocimientos acerca de las repercusiones de esta drogadicción. Twenty newborn infants from mothers that consumed coca leaves' paste during pregnancy were compared with 19 controls as to their neurological behavior and supression evidences; the following alterations were significantly more frequent (p < 0.05 in infants from consumer mothers: Tremor, irritability, nausea, and depression of crying, suction

  5. Record High US Measles Cases: Patient Vaccination, Clinical Assessment and Management

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is an overview of the Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Call: Record High US Measles Cases: Patient Vaccination, Clinical Assessment and Management. In May 2014, the United States recorded the largest number of reported measles cases since 1994 and the number continues to rise. Most cases reported have been acquired in the U.S. and are associated with importations from countries where measles is still common. This highly contagious, acute viral illness spreads quickly in unvaccinated populations once reaching the U.S. The recent measles outbreaks highlight the importance of maintaining high vaccination coverage in the U.S. and ensuring age-appropriate vaccination for international travelers. During this COCA call, clinicians will learn the status of measles in the U.S. and CDC vaccination recommendations and guidelines for patient assessment and management.


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    Prihantoro Prihantoro


    Full Text Available The research problems in this research are 1 how lexicogrammar takes role in determining polarity of F-Word1 and 2 how to formalize it for corpus processing. The data is obtained from the Contemporary American English Corpus (COCA. In this corpus, F-word is proven to be highest in frequency as compared to its distribution across corpora. Corpus methodology is applied by sending queries to retrieve F-Words to COCA interface. Tokens combination surrounding F-words resulted in the phrase and clause unit accompanying F-words, which are significant cues to determine F-word polarity. The polarity is later proven to be not necessarily negative. I also designed a computational resource to allow the retrieval of F-words offline so that users might apply it to any digital text collections.

  7. Normas percibidas por los estudiantes universitarios de enfermería acerca de sus pares y el uso de drogas en Lima, Perú Normas percebidas por estudantes universitários de enfermagem sobre seus pares e o uso de drogas, em Lima, Peru Perceived norms among nursing students about their peers and drug use in Lima, Peru

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    Eva Chaname


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de estimar la diferencia entre las normas percibidas sobre el uso de drogas por los pares y el uso real de drogas entre estudiantes universitarios se efectuó un estudio cuantitativo transversal, basado en una encuesta de 196 estudiantes de enfermería de Lima. Se utilizó un cuestionario que midió la percepción del uso de drogas y el propio uso. La información fue analizada con estadística descriptiva; fue considerando un valor mayor, menor o igual a 10% para establecer la diferencia. Las normas percibidas para alcohol y tabaco fueron mayores de 50%, mientras que para marihuana y cocaína fue de 6%. El 57,7% informó haber usado tabaco, 84,7% alcohol, 2,6% marihuana y 1% cocaína; se encontró que existe sobreestimación sobre el uso de marihuana y cocaína, subestimación para el alcohol, y percepción exacta para el uso de tabaco. Los resultados serán de utilidad para sensibilizar a las autoridades universitarias e para implementar políticas o programas de prevención.Com o objetivo de estimar a diferença entre as normas percebidas sobre o uso de drogas por estudantes universitários, foi realizado estudo quantitativo transversal, baseado em censo com 196 estudantes de enfermagem de Lima, Peru. Utilizou-se questionário com a finalidade de medir a percepção do uso de drogas e do próprio uso, analisando-se a informação com estatística descritiva, considerando valor maior, menor ou igual a 10 pontos para estabelecer a diferença. As normas percebidas para o álcool e tabaco foram maiores que 50%, enquanto que para maconha e cocaína foi de 6%; 57,7% referiram ter usado tabaco, 84,7% álcool, 2,6% maconha e 1% cocaína. Existe superestimação do uso de maconha e cocaína, subestimação para o uso de álcool e percepção exata para o uso de tabaco. Os resultados são úteis para sensibilizar as autoridades universitárias e implementar políticas de prevenção.This quantitative, cross-sectional study was performed

  8. La Corona Española y sus Leyes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Herrera Pontón


    Full Text Available

    Bogotá, Mayo 27 de 1994

    Señor Académico
    Zoilo Cuéllar Montoya
    Academia Nacional de Medicina

    E. S. D.

    Muy estimado doctor Cuéllar:

    En la última reunión de la Academia, el académico De Zubiría, mencionó que el consumo de coca ya estaba penalizado desde la época de la Colonia. Me permito enviarle una copia de lo referente a la coca que se encuentra en las Leyes dictadas por la Corona Española en relación con este tema. Está tomado de la tercera edición de la recopilación que se hizo de dichas leyes en el año de 1774, por orden del Rey don Carlos Ir, del 7 de febrero de dicho año.

    Como es una fiel copia del original, he respetado la ortografía usada en él.

    Jaime Herrera Pontón

    Recopilación de leyes de los reynos de las Indias
    Año de 1774, tercera edición, Madrid.

    Del servicio en Coca y Añir

    – Ley primera. Que los Indios, que trabajan, en la Coca sean bien tratados, y no usen de ella en supersticiones y hechicerías.

    D. Felipe Segundo en Madrid a 18 de Octubre de 1569

    Somos informados que de la costumbre de los Indios del Perú tienen en el uso de la Coca, y su
    grangería, se siguen grandes inconvenientes, por ser mucha parte para sus idolatrías, ceremonias, y hechicerías, y fingen, que trayéndola en la boca les da más fuerza y vigor para el trabajo, que según afirman los experimentados es ilusión de el Demonio, y en su beneficio perecen infinidad de Indios, que por ser cálida, y enferma la parte donde se cría, e ir a ella de tierra fría, de que mueren muchos, y otros salen tan enfermos, y débiles, que no se pueden reparar.

    Y aunque nos fue suplicado, que la mandássemos, porque desamas no quitar a los Indios este genero de alivio para el trabajo, aunque solo consista en la imaginación: Ordenamos a los Virreyes, que probean como los Indios, que se emplean en el

  9. Seanssõ dlja potselujev / Alina Zelimhanova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zelimhanova, Alina


    Kinos "Sõprus" näidatakse seoses Tallinna üliõpilaspäevadega 4 õhtul USA ja Korea filme, mille aluseks on koomiksid. Ka teistest "Sõpruse" seassidest ning kinopileti hindadest kinos "Kosmos" ja Coca Cola Plaza

  10. Adios to Migrancy (United States)

    Larkin, Timothy


    Coca Cola's Agricultural Labor Project was designed to change the migrant's way of life from very unstable to stable by making migrant housing more habitable, creating permanent jobs, and providing numerous other fringe benefits. (BP)

  11. Sequencing: Targeting Insurgents and Drugs in Colombia

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Farrell, Michelle L


    Peru's success in first defeating the Shining Path guerrilla movement in the early 1990s and then reducing coca cultivation in the mid-1990s demonstrates the effectiveness of a sequential approach to these problems...

  12. Initial investigation of nutrition and supplement use, knowledge and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    strategies than pre-game meals. Seventy .... and match-day strategies were found to be ..... marketing and production of supplements, aggressive marketing and ... in South African rugby players participating in the under 13 Coca-Cola Craven.

  13. Kokakoolakinno kolib ooper, popkorn on out / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Forum Cinemas võimaldab Tartu kinos Ekraan ja Tallinnas Coca-Cola Plazas kord kuus laupäevaõhtuti vaadata-kuulata klassikaooperite otseülekandeid Metropolitan Opera lavalt (Metropolitani projekti "The Met: Live in HD" raames)

  14. 78 FR 46369 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application; Research Triangle Institute (United States)


    ... Anileridine (9020) II Bezitramide (9800) II Carfentanil (9743) II Coca Leaves (9040) II Cocaine (9041) II... controlled substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of...

  15. Nagu Helsingi parvlaevas / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    7. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival on kaotanud oma osalejate solidaarsustundes ja suhtlemises, kolides Coca-Cola Plazasse. Sakslase Hans-Christian Schmid'i mängufilmist "Kauged tuled" ja taanlase Lars von Trieri mängufilmist "Dogville"

  16. Harry, kes vallutab maailma / Jaanus Noormets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Noormets, Jaanus


    Joanne Rowling'u lasteraamatu "Harry Potter ja Tarkade kivi" ekraniseeringu esilinastus Eestis on 21. detsembril Coca-Cola Plazas. Selle USA filmi režissöör on Chris Columbus ja peaosas 12-aastane Daniel Radcliffe

  17. History of Bioterrorism: Botulism

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... or Traumatic Event Taking Care of Your Emotional Health Helping Children Cope Resources for Leaders Resources for ... with Disabilities People Experiencing Homelessness Resources for Emergency Health Professionals Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Crisis & ...

  18. Kolmteist piirivalvurit käisid ohutut jalgrattasõitu propageerimas / Velve Põldoja, Georgi Skorobogatov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põldoja, Velve


    17.-18. juuli 2009 toimunud Eesti Posti, Eesti Politsei, Eesti Piirivalve, Falck Autoabi, Coca-Cola Hellenic Eesti ja Regio ühiselt korraldatud rattaretkest "Tahan sõita ohutult!", kus rahvale tutvustati rattaga ohutult liiklemise olulisust ja liikluses toimetulekut

  19. Tänasest elavad kobarkinos kääbikud / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Täna toimub inglise kirjaniku J.R.R. Tolkieni "Sõrmuste isanda" järgi loodud Peter Jacksoni teise filmi "Sõrmuste isand : Kaks kantsi" esilinastus. Coca Cola Plazas avab Tolkieni Eesti fänniklubi asjakohase maalinäituse

  20. Iseäraliku väega piigad, õhupallimeelast karust rääkimata / Anneli Aasmäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aasmäe, Anneli, 1973-


    6. septembril Coca-Cola Plazas esilinastuva Arvo Iho mängufilmi "Karu süda" peategelast Niikat mängiva Rain Simmuli abiga meenutatakse filmimist ja kaasnäitlejaid Dinara Drukarovat, Iljana Pavlovat ja karu Malõshshi

  1. Monsoon induced cobalt enrichment in Porites (coral) from the Arabian Sea

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Naqvi, S.A.S.; Nath, B.N.

    Cobalt concentrations in growth bands of a reef building coral (Porites sp.) collected from Kalpeni Atoll of the Lakshadweep group of islands (Arabian Sea), rvealed that cobalt concentrations and Co/Ca ratios exhibit similar trend. Study indicates...

  2. History of Bioterrorism: Botulism

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) Disaster Relief Volunteers Emergency Planners and ... Resources Response Worker Health and Safety Reaching At-Risk Populations Health Alert Network (HAN) Laboratory Information Social ...

  3. "BASUCO" Resumen del Foro sobre "Basuco" organizado por la Asociación Colombiana de Toxicología y Farmacodependencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jairo Arévalo


    Full Text Available

    La farmacodependencia del Basuco ocupa el primer lugar en relación a todas las demás dependencias y afecta principalmente a núcleos jóvenes de la población, (entre 10 y 14 años - edad de iniciación, con predominio del sexo masculino. El principio activo del Basuco es la cocaína, que en esta forma inhalada, tiene una eliminación muy rápida.

    La coca colombiana es especialmente utilizable para la producción de Basuco, por su bajo rendimiento en cocaína refinada.

    Médicamente se produce un síndrome de estimulación general, caracterizado por excitación psicomotriz, hiperactividad del Sistema Nervioso Autónoma, insomnio, aporexia, psicosis paranoide con delirio y alucinaciones de tipo persecutorio y síndrome de abstinencia.

    El tratamiento de los cuadros de psicosis tóxica deben ser de tipo intramural e intensivo desde el punto de vista toxicológico, médico y psiquiátrico.

    El manejo terapéutico post internamiento está dado por la personalidad básica del farmacodependiente que es de tipo maníaco-depresivo con predominio de la depresión.

    Es posible que una secuela del uso crónico del Basuco sea la atrofia cortical cerebral, aspecto éste que se está estudiando actualmente.

  4. Analysis of dental erosion induced by different beverages and validity of equipment for identifying early dental erosion, in vitro study. (United States)

    Jameel, Rafey Ahmad; Khan, Shah Salman; Abdul Rahim, Zubaidah Hj; Bakri, Marina Mohd; Siddiqui, Saima


    To understand early dental erosion induced by different beverages and the equipment for its detection. The study was conducted at the University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from June to September 2014, and comprised single-rooted, unpolished teeth divided into six groups. Electron micrographs and other baseline readings for further analyses were taken before and after the exposure to different beverages. The teeth were exposed to the beverages using a modified Nordini's artificial mouth model. The positioning of the teeth on the motorised stage of the equipment was standardised. Of the several beverages used, CocaCola had the lowest pH value of 2.53, while tap water had the highest pH of 5.4. Deionised distilled water, which was used as a reference, had a pH near to neutral /alkaline of 7.3. The fluoride content ranged between 9.38ppm in tea and 0.005ppm in orange juice. Teeth exposed to beverages with low pH and considerably high fluoride underwent slight remineralisation (roughness increase 8% from tea), while beverages with no fluoride content and low pH roughened the enamel surface (Coca Cola roughened upto 37%). Quantitative analyses of tooth erosion, micro-hardness, surface-roughness, and surface-height showed that all beverages exhibited positive erosive effect on the tooth enamel surface (pCocaCola was found to be the most erosive agent among both hot and cold beverages (37%), while coffee was more erosive among the hot beverages (29%).

  5. The fast and furious : Cocaine, amphetamines and harm reduction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J-P.C. Grund (Jean-Paul); P. Coffin (Philip); M. Jauffret-Roustide (Marie); M. Dijkstra (Minke); D. de Bruin (Dick); P. Blanken (Peter)


    textabstractCocaine and amphetamines (‘stimulants’) are distinct central nervous system stimulants with similar effects (Pleuvry, 2009; Holman, 1994). Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid extracted from coca leaves. Amphetamines are a subclass of phenylethylamines with primarily stimulant

  6. 77 FR 34069 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application; Research Triangle Institute (United States)


    ... Carfentanil (9743) II Coca Leaves (9040) II Cocaine (9041) II Codeine (9050) II Dextropropoxyphene, bulk (non... substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of the Act (21...

  7. 76 FR 14688 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ...-registration to import crude opium, poppy straw, concentrate of poppy straw or coca leaves. As explained in the... controlled substances listed in schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of...

  8. Radiation heat transfer through the gas of a sodium cooled fast breeder reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pradel, P.; Frachet, S.; Petit, D.


    Analysis based on results from the COCA test campaign and Germinal mockup of Super Phenix upper shuttings, of the heat transfers and radiation attenuation due to sodium aerosols between the free surface of sodium and the upper shuttings

  9. Between fragments and fullness: Worshipping in the in- between ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mar 13, 2013 ... This brand of globalisation has been characterised as the 'cultural assault' of McDonalds,. Coca-Cola, Disney, Nike, MTV, et cetera .... The liminal character of Picasso's 'style' could be described as: the movement between ...

  10. 75 FR 50015 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; International Securities Exchange, LLC; Notice of Filing and... (United States)


    ...''), Halliburton Company (``HAL''), International Business Machines Corporation (``IBM''), The Coca-Cola [[Page...Shares Russell 2000 (``IWM''), Financial Select Sector SPDR (``XLF''), Apple, Inc. (``AAPL''), General... Company (``F''), Direxion Shares Financial Bull (``FAS''), Direxion Shares Financial Bear (``FAZ''), First...

  11. study and analysis of asa river hypothetical dam break using hec-ras

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Windows User

    outcome of the analysis showed that in the event of such failure of Asa dam, some areas which include industrial and residential .... Road Bridge (Coca Cola Axis). (iv) Stretch ..... Solutions and Case Studies, WIT Press, Southampton,. Boston ...

  12. La prensa en la sociedad narco. Tabú, ceguera y muerte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul Little


    Full Text Available Dossier Comunicación y Drogas. La década de los ochenta podría ser calificada como la década de la droga. El auge del consumo de drogas ilegales ha superado todos los pronósticos; la cocaína se coloca adelante de todas las demás en consumo, ventas y ganancias. Colombia, un país tradicionalmente controlado por los sectores oligárquicos vinculados con la exportación del café, es ahora el mayor productor y exportador de cocaína a nivel mundial con ganancias superiores a las del café. En el lapso de diez años, los narcotraficantes colombianos se convirtieron de pequeños contrabandistas de esmeraldas y marihuana en una empresa multinacional con ganancias iguales a la General Motors.

  13. International Companies Withdrawal from Lithuania: Problematics and Alternative Solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viktorija Tauraitė


    Full Text Available The main attention in this article is focused on the problematic of international companies’ withdrawal from Lithuania and presentation of alternative solutions of this problem. The macro(Sweden, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland level analysis and micro (“Coca-Cola”, “Nordea” and DNB, “Orkla” level analysis showed that competitiveness, business conditions, employment relations, institutional environment and innovation should be improved and the corruption should be reduced in Lithuania. It is advisable that current Lithuanian Labour Code should be revised in order to increase the efficiency of labour relations. It is found out that the significance of “Coca-Cola”company is the highest in the context of the withdrawing companies from Lithuania. It is assumed that the most rational solution for each company is to move from Lithuania to another country.

  14. Magustoit filmihuvilistele lastele / Maris Balbat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Balbat, Maris, 1936-


    25. oktoobrist tuleb Coca-Cola Plaza ekraanile USA joonisfilm "Jääaeg" ("Ice Age"), mille dubleerimisse on režissöör Janno Põldma juhtimisel kaasatud head eesti näitlejad Anu Lamp, Lembit Ulfsak, Marko Matvere jt

  15. Järgmisel nädalal lisandub kinolinale kolmas mõõde / Mart Niineste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niineste, Mart, 1983-


    Ruumilise e. 3D-kino levikust ja jõudmisest Forum Cinemas kinoketi kinodesse, esialgu Coca Cola Plazasse Tallinnas : 24. oktoobril linastuvad "Kärbsed kuu peale" ja "U2 3-D" . Lisatud sõnum "Eestis on tehtud 3D-nukufilmi"

  16. Technical Assessment: Synthetic Biology (United States)


    Pfizer, Bausch & Lomb, Coca - Cola , and other Fortune 500 companies 8 Data estimated by the... financial prize for ideas to drive forward the production of a sensor relying on synthetic organisms that can detect exposure to 500 specific chemicals

  17. Ameerika toode? No tänan, aga jah / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Politoloogid Peter Katzenstein ja Robert Keohane uurisid, kas Ameerika firmad kannatavad Ameerika poliitika tõttu. Kuigi küsitlusele vastanud eurooplased arvasid, et nad boikotiksid Coca-Colat ja McDonald'sit, ostsid nad siiski nii kokakoolat kui ka hamburgereid

  18. Reliikvia 33 aastat hiljem / Piret Tali

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tali, Piret, 1972-


    Soomes restaureeritud eesti menufilmi "Viimne reliikvia" (1969) taas Eestis ekraanile jõudmise eel korraldatud pressikonverentsilt Coca-Cola Plazas, kus kohal filmis osalenud näitlejad Ingrida Andrina, Aleksandr Goloborodko, Eve Kivi ja Uldis Vazdik, stsenarist Arvo Valton ja kunstnik Rein Raamat

  19. Eesti-Ameerika ühisfilm lõpuks kohal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eilsest linastub kobarkinos Coca-Cola Plaza "Virtuoos" ("Out of the Cold") : režissöör Aleksandr Bulavsky : operaator Vladimir Klimov : peaosas Keith Carradine : Ameerika Ühendriigid - Eesti 1999. Väiksemates rollides teeb kaasa mitmeid eesti näitlejaid

  20. Kohus elab meis endis edasi, kõik elab meis edasi / Pärt Uusberg ; interv. Piret Linnamägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uusberg, Pärt


    Coca-Cola Plazas kuulutati välja uue filmiauhinna "Hää film 2007" laureaadid. Nominentide hulgas oli ka Raplamaa noormees Pärt Uusberg, kes mängis filmis "Klass" üht peaosalist. Endast, filmist, koolielust, filmi püstitatud teemadest

  1. Emory University Decides How to Allot $100,000,000. (United States)

    Teel, Leonard Ray


    In 1979 Emory University became the recipient of the largest single endowment gift (from Coca-Cola's Robert Woodruff) to a college or university. Self-studies have been initiated to recommend improvements that will guide the allocation of the uncommitted funds. (MLW)

  2. 78 FR 69130 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application: Johnson Matthey, Inc. (United States)


    ... Coca Leaves (9040) II Thebaine (9333) II Opium, raw (9600) II Noroxymorphone (9668) II Poppy Straw..., which fall under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 952(a)(2)(B)) may, in the...

  3. Sisekommunikatsiooni roll on toidutööstuses kriitilise kaaluga / Kairi Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Kairi


    Toidutööstuse sisekommunikatsioonist. Selgitusi jagavad Coca-Cola HBC Eesti avalike suhete juht Nele Normak, Jako Arula ettevõttest AS A. Le Coq, AS-i Kalev kommunikatsioonijuht Rutt Roht ja Eesti Toiduainetööstuse Liidu juhataja Sirje Potisepp

  4. Harry Potteri film jõudis Eestisse / Ilona Martson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martson, Ilona, 1970-


    Joanne Rowling'u lasteraamatu "Harry Potter ja Tarkade kivi" ekraniseeringu esilinastus Eestis on 21. detsembril Coca Cola Plazas. Selle 125 miljonit dollarit maksnud USA filmi režissöör on Chris Columbus ja peaosas 12-aastane Daniel Radcliff

  5. Defense Industrial Base (DIB): Munitions Realignment for 2020 (United States)


    munitions DIB by companies like Coca Cola , Quaker Oats, and Eastman Kodak. As industrial mobilization quickly increased, the requirements decreased...industry and the munitions DIB. This report documented the volatility associated with the production of munitions and financial risks to which

  6. 75 FR 42809 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; International Securities Exchange, LLC; Notice of Filing and... (United States)


    ...''), International Business Machines Corporation (``IBM''), The Coca-Cola Company (``KO''), Las Vegas Sands Corp...Shares Russell 2000 (``IWM''), Financial Select Sector SPDR (``XLF''), Apple, Inc. (``AAPL''), General... Company (``F''), Direxion Shares Financial Bull (``FAS''), Direxion Shares Financial Bear (``FAZ''), First...

  7. The Efficacy of Foreign Assistance in Counter Narcotics (United States)


    ACI Were Initiated. ...........................................................................................................15 Figure 3. Coffee ...Crop Reduction Components)...................................................................................25 Table 6. Colombian Coffee Prices in U.S...drug trafficking. Due to the covert nature of narcotics transactions, scholars are limited to estimations based on coca, poppy, and cannabis

  8. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 1 - 50 of 148 ... Vol 7, No 1 (2015), A DFT Study on the Structural and Electronic ... Old Carbon Filters for Contaminants Removal: Antwerp Coca Cola plant, ... Maize: the case of Koga Watershed Areas in northwestern Ethiopia, Abstract PDF.

  9. Kuu filmid / toimetanud Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Aki Kaurismäki film "Le Havre" (Soome-Prantsusmaa-Saksamaa 2011) kinos Sõprus, Julia Leigh debüütfilm "Uinuv kaunitar" Coca-Cola Plazas (Austraalia 2011) ja režissöör Cyril Tuschi dokumentaalfilm "Hodorkovski" (Saksamaa 2011) Artise kinos

  10. Marketing Verde: responsabilidade social e ambiental integradas na envolvente de marketingGreen Marketing: integrated social and environmental responsibility in the marketing environmentMarketing Verde: responsabilidad social y ambiental integrada en la envolvente de marketing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    DALMORO, Marlon


    Full Text Available RESUMOO presente estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar e descrever como a responsabilidade social e ambiental está integrada na envolvente de marketing de uma unidade franqueada da Companhia Coca-Cola. Ao encontro das percepções de Karna, Hansen e Juslin (2001, a envolvente de marketing é descrita, baseada em três níveis hierárquicos: marketing estratégico, estrutural e funcional. Neste sentido, realizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa com estudo de caso, no qual os dados foram coletados, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com pessoas envolvidas no processo de gestão ambiental e social da empresa franqueada. No tratamento dos dados foi utilizada análise de conteúdo. Na percepção dos entrevistados, a empresa encontra-se em um avançado processo de integração em toda a organização de uma cultura de marketing verde, principalmente, pela relação de franqueado, mantida com a Companhia Coca-Cola. Observou-se que a empresa franqueada, bem como a companhia, de modo geral, encontram-se numa situação pró-ativa em termos de marketing verde, mesmo que o ambiente institucional não cumpra com o seu papel na plenitude.ABSTRACTThis study aims to describe and analyze as social and environmental responsibility is integrated in the marketing strategy of a Coca-Cola Company franchisee. By the perceptions of Karna, Hansen and Juslin (2001, environment marketing is described based on three hierarchical levels: strategic, structural and functional marketing. There has been developed a qualitative approach through case study, in which the data were collected through semi-structured interviews with people involved in the process of environmental and social management of the franchisee company. Data treatment was used in the analysis of content. In the interviewer’s perception, the company is in advanced process of integration across the organization of a green marketing culture, primarily by the relationship of the franchisee maintained

  11. Diferenças entre fatores de risco para infecção pelo HIV em usuários de drogas injetáveis do Rio de Janeiro e Porto Alegre Risks differences of HIV infection between injection drug users in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel De Boni


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: No Brasil, aproximadamente 19 mil pessoas adquiriram o vírus HIV por meio do uso de drogas injetáveis desde o início da epidemia, com a soroprevalência em amostras destes usuários variando entre 25% e 65%. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar os comportamentos de risco para infecção por HIV entre amostras de usuários de cocaína injetável do Rio de Janeiro e de Porto Alegre. MÉTODOS: Comparação entre dados de estudos transversais conduzidos em Porto Alegre e no Rio de Janeiro. Um grupo de 250 indivíduos que haviam utilizado cocaína injetável nos seis meses prévios à coleta respondeu ao RBA (Risk Behaviour Assessement e realizou testagem anti-HIV em ambos os centros. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os dados demográficos, exceto entre as médias de idade (31 anos no Rio de Janeiro e 28 anos em Porto Alegre. Em Porto Alegre, houve maior uso de cocaína injetável e maior número de comportamentos de risco relacionados a este uso. No Rio de Janeiro, houve mais comportamentos sexuais de risco e uso mais freqüente de cocaína aspirada e álcool. DISCUSSÃO: Os usuários de cocaína injetável das duas regiões estudadas apresentavam freqüências diferentes nos comportamentos de risco para HIV, e estes comportamentos parecem estar relacionados com o tipo, a via e a freqüência das drogas utilizadas. Os dados foram coletados entre 1994 e 1997, quando o uso de crack era menor nestas cidades, o que pode ter alterado o padrão atual de comportamentos de risco para HIV em usuários de cocaína.INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, about 19.000 of HIV cases have been attributed to injection drug use, with the seroprevalence among such samples ranging from 25% to 65%. The aim of this study is to compare drug using and HIV risk behaviors among injection cocaine users in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre. METHODS: Comparative analysis of cross-sectional data from two studies conducted in Porto Alegre and

  12. “I hate coke”: an nethnographic analysis about speech anti-brand of the virtual community on orkut “Eu odeio Coca-Cola”: uma análise netnográfica sobre o discurso antimarca da comunidade virtual do orkut

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcio Moutinho Abdalla


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabela normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} It is evident broad organizational concerns regarding the management and maintenance of their brands. Retaliatory and repudiation action against product and services brands are shown as imposing barriers to be implemented by organizations. Thus, this study aims to deepen understanding of the subject by analyzing the speech of members of the virtual community antibrand "eu odeio coca-cola (I hate Coke" in Orkut social network, besides seeking the motivations that led these members to express their opinions. As research procedures, drew on an exploratory analysis by conducting a search netnography, which led the researchers to immerse themselves in the community for a period of one year, featuring a longitudinal study. For the analysis of information, was employed discourse analysis, which enabled the categorization of the motivations for community members to express their opinions. As a result, we found six categories of behavior, which were (1 negative experience of consumption, (2 brand association with health/aesthetics problems, (3 presumed use of illicit material in the product, (4 concern with the effects of globalization, and

  13. Color Stability Assessment of Two Different Composite Resins with Variable Immersion Time Using Various Beverages: An In vitro Study. (United States)

    Kumar, M Senthil; Ajay, R; Miskeen Sahib, S A; Chittrarasu, M; Navarasu, M; Ragavendran, N; Burhanuddin Mohammed, Omar Farooq


    The aim of the study was to evaluate the difference in the color of microhybrid (MH) and nanofilled (NF) composite resins after 24 and 48 h in beverages such as red wine (RW), Coca-Cola, and distilled water. The specific objective of this study was to investigate the cumulative effect of the colorant solutions on the dental composites. MH and NF composite resins (A2 shade) were used in this current study. Sixty disk-shaped material specimens (10 mm in diameter × 2 mm in thickness) were prepared using a fiber mold (ring), with the desired dimensions. The specimen surfaces were polished using super-snap polishing system. Sixty specimens were divided into two groups of 30 each (Group I: MH resin composite; Group II: NF resin composite). Both the groups divided into six subgroups (Subgroup I: RW for 24 h [RW-24]; Subgroup II: RW for 48 h; Subgroup III: Coca-Cola for 24 h [CC-24]; Subgroup IV: Coca-Cola for 48 h [CC-48]; Subgroup V: Distilled water for 24 h [DW-24]; Subgroup VI: Distilled water for 48 h [DW-48]). All the samples were immersed in respective drinks for a period of 24 h, and color differences were measured using ultraviolet spectrophotometer. Once again, all the samples were immersed for another 24 h in the same drinks. After 48 h, the color change of the samples was measured. Measurements were made according to the CIE L × a × b × color space relative to the CIE standard illuminant D65. The color changes of the specimens were evaluated using the following formula: Statistical analysis was performed. The data were analyzed using the one-way ANOVA and t -test at a significance level of 0.05. Color stability of MH composite resin was found to be inferior than the NF resin composite irrespective of immersion medium and time. In RW, the color change observed was maximum for both composite resins followed by Coca-Cola. Immersing the resin composites in distilled water for 24 and 48 h had negligible color change. A 48-h immersion of both composite resins in

  14. Homeland Defense and Homeland Security: Creating Unity of Effort (United States)


    law enforcement. Canada-based Asian DTOs are increasingly producing high-potency marijuana in the United States at indoor sites and have relocated...highest-ever recorded levels for coca and domestic marijuana eradication, and a reduction in the domestic production of methamphetamine since 2004

  15. Illicit drug use in South Africa: Findings from a 2008 national ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    estimates in terms of sex, race, and province, indicating that the 2008 survey sample ... (59.6%) had Grade 8 or higher education, while 9.8% had no formal education. ..... Chile) of 2.2% for any illegal drug (marijuana, coca paste, and cocaine ...

  16. The Marine Environment as a Veritable Source of Pharmaceuticals ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    For example lignocaine, a local anaesthetic agent, and procainamide, an antiarrhythmic agent have their antecedent in cocaine an alkaloid obtained from Erythroxylun coca leaves. Vinblastine, vincristine, irinotecan, topotecan etoposide and paclitaxel (taxol) are cytotoxic agents derived from plants. These drugs have been ...

  17. Cognitive componets of speech at different time scales

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feng, Ling; Hansen, Lars Kai


    Cognitive component analysis (COCA) is defined as unsupervised grouping of data leading to a group structure well aligned with that resulting from human cognitive activity. We focus here on speech at different time scales looking for possible hidden ‘cognitive structure’. Statistical regularities...

  18. Quantification of Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine (TETS) in Various Food Matrices by Solid Phase Extraction Liquid ChromatographyIon Trap Mass Spectrometry (United States)


    Teledyne Isco (Lincoln, NE). Juicy Juice apple juice (Harvest Hill Beverage Company; Stamford, CT), Minute Maid orange juice ( Coca Cola Company; Atlanta...products. This report may not be cited for purposes of advertisement . This report has been approved for public release. Acknowledgments We

  19. 75 FR 69459 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ..., poppy straw, concentrate of poppy straw, and coca leaves. As explained in the Correction to Notice of... schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of the Act [(21 U.S.C. 952 (a)(2...

  20. 77 FR 2321 - Importer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Application (United States)


    ..., poppy straw, concentrate of poppy straw, and coca leaves. As explained in the Correction to Notice of... schedule I or II, which fall under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of the Act 21 U.S.C. 952(a)(2)(B...