
Sample records for cng ty lin

  1. Performance Characteristics Comparison of CNG Port and CNG Direct Injection in Spark Ignition Engine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajesh Patel


    Full Text Available A comparative performance analysis is being carried out on a four cylinder, four stroke cycle, spark ignition engine having displacement volume 1297cc. The cylinder head of original gasoline based engine was modified by drilling holes from upper surfaces of head to individual combustion chamber to convert the engine in a CNG direct injection engine. The CNG port injection (CNG-PI system and CNG direct injection (CNG-DI system were incorporated with the single engine.  The engine was retrofitted to run on both CNG-PI and CNG-DI system alternately with common CNG tank and other engine loading and measurement system. The engine was equipped with electrical dynamometer having rheostat type loading. The CNG direct injection system was incorporated with various sensors and engine ECU. The operating parameters can be obtained on computer screen by loading the computer with engine through switch box. The engine was run over the speed range of 1000 rpm to 3000 rpm with incremental speed of 300 rpm. The performance parameters were calculated from observations and recorded for both CNG-PI and CNG-DI system. The experimental investigation exhibits that, the average 7-8% reduction in BSFC while the engine was running with CNG-DI system as compared to that of CNG-PI system. Also the engine produced 8-9% higher brake torque and hence higher brake power. The engine gives 6-7% higher brake thermal efficiency with CNG-DI system as compared to CNG-PI system.

  2. Compressed natural gas (CNG) in fueled systems and the significance of CNG in vehicular transportation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ayar, G. [Besikduzu, Trabzon (Turkey)


    Most NG vehicles operate using compressed natural gas (CNG). CNG's popularity stems, in part, from its clean-burning properties. In addition, more than 85,000 CNG vehicles, including one out of every five transit buses, are operating successfully today. This compressed gas is stored in similar fashion to a car's gasoline tank, attached to the rear, top, or undercarriage of the vehicle in a tube-shaped storage tank. A CNG tank can be filled in a similar manner, and in a similar amount of time, to a gasoline tank. (author)

  3. Työterveyshuolto esimiestyön psykososiaalisen työhyvinvoinnin tukena


    Jeskanen, Jemina


    Hyvinvoiva esimies on keskeinen tekijä työntekijöiden ja työyhteisöjen hyvinvoinnille sekä työn tuloksellisuudelle. Muuttuvassa työelämässä esimiestyön vaatimukset kasvavat ja henkinen kuormittavuus lisääntyy. Esimiestyön merkitystä työntekijöiden työhyvinvointiin on tutkittu lukuisissa tutkimuksissa. Hoitoalan esimiesten työhyvinvointiin liittyvää tutkimus- ja kehittämistoimintaa on tehty kuitenkin suhteellisen vähän. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää työterveyshuollon palveluja ...

  4. Työpaikkavalmentaja osatyökykyisen henkilön työllistymisen tukena : työpaikkavalmentajien ja heidän esimiesten näkemyksiä työpaikkavalmentajuudesta


    Leinonen, Kristiina


    Opinnäytetyössä tarkastelen työpaikkavalmentajuutta osatyökykyisen henkilön työllistymisen tukena työpaikkavalmentajina toimineiden henkilöiden ja heidän esimiestensä näkökulmasta. Aspa-säätiön kehittämisprojekteissa on kehitetty työpaikkavalmentajamallia osana osatyökykyisten tai muuten vaikeassa työmarkkina-asemassa olevien henkilöiden työllistymisen tukemista. Opinnäytetyön tutkimuskysymyksiä ovat: Millaisia kokemuksia työpaikkavalmentajilla ja heidän esimiehillään on työpaikkavalmentajuud...

  5. Osapäiväetätyön vaikutukset työhyvinvointiin Kevassa


    Pylvänäinen, Katja


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää vaikuttaako osapäiväetätyö työntekijän stressitasoon, parantaako osapäiväetätyö työntekijän vaikutusmahdollisuuksia omaan työhön, parantaako osapäiväetätyö työntekijän elämänhallintaa ja työn hallintaa, vaikuttaako osapäiväetätyö työtyytyväisyyteen, miten osapäiväetätyö vaikuttaa työntekijän työn ja vapaa-ajan yhteensovittamiseen, sekä miten muiden työntekijöiden mielipiteet ja kokemukset osapäiväetätyöstä vaikuttavat osapäiväetätyöntekijän työhyvinvo...

  6. The Mediator co-activator complex regulates Ty1 retromobility by controlling the balance between Ty1i and Ty1 promoters. (United States)

    Salinero, Alicia C; Knoll, Elisabeth R; Zhu, Z Iris; Landsman, David; Curcio, M Joan; Morse, Randall H


    The Ty1 retrotransposons present in the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae belong to the large class of mobile genetic elements that replicate via an RNA intermediary and constitute a significant portion of most eukaryotic genomes. The retromobility of Ty1 is regulated by numerous host factors, including several subunits of the Mediator transcriptional co-activator complex. In spite of its known function in the nucleus, previous studies have implicated Mediator in the regulation of post-translational steps in Ty1 retromobility. To resolve this paradox, we systematically examined the effects of deleting non-essential Mediator subunits on the frequency of Ty1 retromobility and levels of retromobility intermediates. Our findings reveal that loss of distinct Mediator subunits alters Ty1 retromobility positively or negatively over a >10,000-fold range by regulating the ratio of an internal transcript, Ty1i, to the genomic Ty1 transcript. Ty1i RNA encodes a dominant negative inhibitor of Ty1 retromobility that blocks virus-like particle maturation and cDNA synthesis. These results resolve the conundrum of Mediator exerting sweeping control of Ty1 retromobility with only minor effects on the levels of Ty1 genomic RNA and the capsid protein, Gag. Since the majority of characterized intrinsic and extrinsic regulators of Ty1 retromobility do not appear to effect genomic Ty1 RNA levels, Mediator could play a central role in integrating signals that influence Ty1i expression to modulate retromobility.

  7. CNG: a potential transport fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is an alternative transport fuel. Advantages of its use are briefly described. Infra structural requirements, if it is to be used in India are outlined. Applications of CNG as transport fuel for buses and trucks in India are discussed. (P.R.K.). 5 refs

  8. Työhyvinvointi päiväkodissa : henkilökunnan keinoja omaan työhyvinvointiin ja työssä jaksamiseen


    Kalenius, Taina


    Opinnäytetyöni tavoitteena on selvittää yhden Oulun kaupungin päiväkodin työntekijöiden työssä jaksamisen keinoja. Tarkoituksenani on selvittää sellaisia keinoja, joihin työntekijät itse voivat vaikuttaa. Lisäksi tarkoituksenani on selvittää päiväkodin työntekijöiden työstä palautumisen keinoja. Lähestyn aihetta positiivisesta näkökulmasta, keskittymällä voimavaraistaviin keinoihin. Opinnäytetyöni teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on työhyvinvoinnin viisi porrasta. Sovellan teoriaa siltä osin, ...

  9. 26 CFR 48.4041-21 - Compressed natural gas (CNG). (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 16 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Compressed natural gas (CNG). 48.4041-21 Section... natural gas (CNG). (a) Delivery of CNG into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle or motorboat—(1) Imposition of tax. Tax is imposed on the delivery of compressed natural gas (CNG) into the fuel supply tank...

  10. Työturvallisuuden parantaminen rikastamon kunnossapidossa


    Kaisanlahti, S. (Santeri)


    Tiivistelmä Diplomityön tavoitteena on parantaa työturvallisuutta Agnico Eagle Finland Oy:n Kittilän kaivoksen rikastamon kunnossapidossa. Työn tilaus tuli kaivoksen työturvallisuusosastolta. Syynä työn tilaamiseen oli rikastamon kunnossapidossa aikaisemmin sattuneet tapaturmat ja rikastamon alueella sijaitsevat haastavat työkohteet. Työturvallisuus on...

  11. Hoitotyön opettajien työhyvinvointi ja työnohjaus sen kehittämismenetelmänä


    Kuorikoski, Kati


    Työurien pidentäminen, väestön ikääntyminen, työhyvinvointi ja työkyvyn edistäminen ovat päivittäin esillä yhteiskunnallisessa keskustelussa. Tutkimustulokset viittaavat siihen, että hyviä työvuosia lisätään parhaiten edistämällä työkykyä jo työuran varhaisissa vaiheissa. Tulevana terveydenhoitajana ja työnohjaajana näen tärkeänä pohtia työhyvinvointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja työnohjauksen mahdollisuuksia osana työn ja työhyvinvoinnin kokonaisvaltaista kehittämistä. Tutkimuksen tarkoitu...

  12. Työhyvinvoinnin kehittäminen työhyvinvointisuunnitelman avulla Tukipiste Akussa


    Forsman, Linda


    Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu Tiivistelmä Laurea Hyvinkää Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma Forsman Linda Työhyvinvoinnin kehittäminen työhyvinvointisuunnitelman avulla Tukipiste Akussa. Vuosi 2011 Sivumäärä 69 Opinnäytetyössäni työelämän yhteistyötaho on kuvitteellisesti nimetyn Onnentuulet ry:n yksikkö Tukipiste Akku. Organisaatiosta käytetään fiktiivistä nimeä toiminnanjohtajan toiveesta, jota hän perustelee hankintalain mukanaan tuomalla markki...

  13. Työntekijä aktiivisena työhyvinvoinnin edistäjänä tulkkauspalveluyrityksessä


    Pakkala, Pigga-Maiju


    Kehittämistyön tilaajana oli Viittomakielialan Osuuskunta Via. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää Viittomakielialan Osuuskunta Vian kuukausipalkkaisten tulkkien työhyvinvoinnin tekijöitä ja miten työntekijä itse pystyy aktiivisesti edistämään omaa ja työyhteisön hyvinvointia. Kehittämistyö toteutettiin yrityksen työhyvinvointihankkeessa keräten aineistoa samanaikaisesti hankkeelle kuin kehittämistyölle. Kehittämistyön menetelmänä oli realistinen evaluaatio, tarkemmin sanottuna prosessievaluaa...

  14. Työmotivaatiotutkimus : Case K-supermarket Petonen


    Föhr, Virpi


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää K-supermarket Petosen henkilökunnan työmotivaatio ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työmotivaatiotutkimus koostui seuraavista aihe-alueista: työmotivaatio, työn ominaisuudet, työilmapiiri/ työyhteisö, palkitseminen ja esimiestyö. Näitä aihe-alueita koskevien kysymysten pohjalta luotiin kokonaiskuva siitä, millainen henkilökunnan työmotivaatio oli tutkimus hetkellä ja miten nämä motivaatioon vaikuttavat asiat koetaan. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös se...

  15. lin-4 and the NRDE pathway are required to activate a transgenic lin-4 reporter but not the endogenous lin-4 locus in C. elegans. (United States)

    Jiao, Alan L; Foster, Daniel J; Dixon, Julia; Slack, Frank J


    As the founding member of the microRNA (miRNA) gene family, insights into lin-4 regulation and function have laid a conceptual foundation for countless miRNA-related studies that followed. We previously showed that a transcriptional lin-4 reporter in C. elegans was positively regulated by a lin-4-complementary element (LCE), and by lin-4 itself. In this study, we sought to (1) identify additional factors required for lin-4 reporter expression, and (2) validate the endogenous relevance of a potential positive autoregulatory mechanism of lin-4 expression. We report that all four core nuclear RNAi factors (nrde-1, nrde-2, nrde-3 and nrde-4), positively regulate lin-4 reporter expression. In contrast, endogenous lin-4 levels were largely unaffected in nrde-2;nrde-3 mutants. Further, an endogenous LCE deletion generated by CRISPR-Cas9 revealed that the LCE was also not necessary for the activity of the endogenous lin-4 promoter. Finally, mutations in mature lin-4 did not reduce primary lin-4 transcript levels. Taken together, these data indicate that under growth conditions that reveal effects at the transgenic locus, a direct, positive autoregulatory mechanism of lin-4 expression does not occur in the context of the endogenous lin-4 locus.

  16. lin-4 and the NRDE pathway are required to activate a transgenic lin-4 reporter but not the endogenous lin-4 locus in C. elegans.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alan L Jiao

    Full Text Available As the founding member of the microRNA (miRNA gene family, insights into lin-4 regulation and function have laid a conceptual foundation for countless miRNA-related studies that followed. We previously showed that a transcriptional lin-4 reporter in C. elegans was positively regulated by a lin-4-complementary element (LCE, and by lin-4 itself. In this study, we sought to (1 identify additional factors required for lin-4 reporter expression, and (2 validate the endogenous relevance of a potential positive autoregulatory mechanism of lin-4 expression. We report that all four core nuclear RNAi factors (nrde-1, nrde-2, nrde-3 and nrde-4, positively regulate lin-4 reporter expression. In contrast, endogenous lin-4 levels were largely unaffected in nrde-2;nrde-3 mutants. Further, an endogenous LCE deletion generated by CRISPR-Cas9 revealed that the LCE was also not necessary for the activity of the endogenous lin-4 promoter. Finally, mutations in mature lin-4 did not reduce primary lin-4 transcript levels. Taken together, these data indicate that under growth conditions that reveal effects at the transgenic locus, a direct, positive autoregulatory mechanism of lin-4 expression does not occur in the context of the endogenous lin-4 locus.

  17. Hydrogeology of the interstream area between Ty Ty Creek and Ty Ty Creek tributary near Plains, Georgia (United States)

    Stewart, Lisa M.; Hicks, David W.


    This report is part of an interdisciplinary effort to identify and describe processes that control movement and fate of selected fertilizers and pesticides in the surface and subsurface environments in the Fall Line Hills district of the Georgia Coastal Plain physiographic province. This report describes the hydrogeology of the interstream area between Ty Ty Creek and it's tributary near Plains, Sumter County, Georgia. Geologic units of interest to this study are, in ascending order, (1) the Tuscahoma Formation, a bluish gray, silty clay; (2) the Tallahatta Formation, a fine-to-coarse, poorly sorted quartz sand that is divided into an upper and lower unit; and (3) the undifferentiated overburden, which consists of fine to medium poorly sorted sand, silt and clay. Continuous-core samples indicate that the unsaturated zone includes the undifferentiated overburden and the upper unit of the Tallahatta Formation, and attains a maximum thickness of about 52 feet (ft) in the southern part of the study area. The Claiborne aquifer in the study area consists of the lower unit of the Tallahatta Formation and ranges in thickness from 3 ft near Ty Ty Creek tributary to about 20 ft in the upland divide area. It is confined below by the clayey sediments of the Tuscahoma Formation. The Claiborne aquifer in the study area generally is confined above by an extensive clay layer that is the base if the upper unit of the Tallahatta Formation. Fluctuations in the amount of vertical recharge to the aquifer result in areal and temporal changes in aquifer conditions from confined to unconfined in parts of the study area. Hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer ranges from 3.5 to 7 feet per day. The transmissivity of the aquifer is approximately 50 feet squared per day. Water-level data indicate the potentiometric surface slopes to the south, southeast, and southwest with a gradient of about 87 to 167 feet per mile. The shape of the potentiometric surface and the direction of groundwater flow

  18. CNG Fuelling Stations Design Philosophy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radwan, H.


    I. Overview (a) Compressed Natural Gas - CNG:- Natural Gas, as an alternative fuel for vehicles, is supplied from the Natural Gas Distribution Network to the CNG fuelling stations to be compressed to 250 bars. It is then dispensed, to be stored on board of the vehicle at about 200 bars in a cylinder installed in the rear, under carriage, or on top of the vehicle. When the Natural Gas is required by the engine, it leaves the cylinder traveling through a high pressure pipe to a high pressure regulator, where the pressure is reduced close to atmospheric pressure, through a specially designed mixer, where it is properly mixed with air. The mixture then flows into the engine's combustion chamber, and is ignited to create the power required to drive the vehicle. (b) CNG Fuelling Stations General Description: as Supply and Metering The incoming gas supply and metering installation primarily depend on the pressure and flow demands of the gas compressor. Natural Gas Compressor In general, gas compressors for natural gas filling stations have relatively low flow rates

  19. Työpaikkakiusaaminen - sen seuraukset ja selviytymiskeinot


    Päivärinta, Salla


    Opinnäytetyöni aihe on työpaikkakiusaaminen. Kiinnostus aihetta kohtaan syntyi omista kokemuksistani työpaikalla ja siitä, että olen ollut mukana luottamushenkilötoiminnassa useita vuosia. Tavoitteena on avata työpaikkakiusaamista ilmiönä, ja millaisia vakavia vaikutuksia sillä on niin työntekijään, hänen läheisiinsä, työpaikkaan ja koko yhteiskuntaan. Selvitän, mikä on ja mikä ei ole työpaikkakiusaamista ja epäasiallista häirintää. Kuvaan sitä, millaiseksi kiusaaja työpaikalla koetaan. Tutki...

  20. Työhyvinvoinnin johtaminen kauneudenhoitoalalla


    Mäkisalo, Heli


    Tämä opinnäytetyö on kirjallisuuteen perustuva työ, jossa tarkastelun kohteena olivat työhy-vinvoinnin johtamisen keinot niin ylimmän johdon, lähiesimiehen kuin henkilöstön osalta. Tutkimusaineistona olivat johtamisesta, työhyvinvoinnista sekä tiimityöskentelystä käsittelevät kirjat ja julkaisut. Työssä tarkasteltiin johtamista myös kauneudenhoitoalan näkökulmasta, sillä alalla vallitsee joitakin erityispiirteitä, kuten pienyrittäjyys ja naisvaltaisuus. Nämä seikat tuovat omat haasteensa ja m...

  1. Työterveys- ja työturvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmä : Case Tapojärvi Oy


    Honkanen, Päivi


    Honkanen, Päivi. 2011. Työterveys- ja työturvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmä. Case Tapo-järvi Oy. Opinnäytetyö. Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulu. Kaupan ja kulttuurin toimiala. Sivuja 33. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on selvittää Tapojärvi Oy:n työterveys- ja työturvalli-suusjohtamisjärjestelmän nykytilaa ja arvioida kuinka se vastaa standardin OHSAS 18001:2007 vaatimuksia. Opinnäytetyö koostuu teoriaosuudesta ja empiirisestä tutkimuksesta. Teoriaosassa käsit-telen turvallisuusjohtamis...

  2. One dimensional modeling of a diesel-CNG dual fuel engine (United States)

    Azman, Putera Adam; Fawzi, Mas; Ismail, Muammar Mukhsin; Osman, Shahrul Azmir


    Some of the previous studies have shown that the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) in diesel engines potentially produce engine performance improvement and exhaust gas emission reduction, especially nitrogen oxides, unburned hydrocarbons, and carbon dioxide. On the other hand, there are other researchers who claimed that the use of CNG increases exhaust gas emissions, particularly nitrogen oxides. In this study, a one-dimensional model of a diesel-CNG dual fuel engine was made based on a 4-cylinder 2.5L common rail direct injection diesel engine. The software used is GT-Power, and it was used to analyze the engine performance and exhaust gas emissions of several diesel-CNG dual fuel blend ratios, i.e. 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40 and 50:50. The effect of 100%, 75%, 50% engine loads on the exhaust gas emissions were also studied. The result shows that all diesel-CNG fuel blends produces higher brake torque and brake power at engine speed of 2000-3000 rpm compared with 100% diesel. The 50:50 diesel-CNG blend produces the highest brake torque and brake power, but also has the highest brake specific fuel consumption. As a higher percentage of CNG added to the dual fuel blend, unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide emission increased while carbon dioxide emission decreased. The nitrogen oxides emission concentration is generally unaffected by any change of the dual fuel ratio.

  3. Toimijuus kuntoutuslaitoksen työhyvinvointiasiakkailla : case Peurunka


    Joki, Riikka


    TIIVISTELMÄ Toimijuus kuntoutuslaitoksen työhyvinvointiasiakkailla Riikka Joki Fysioterapian pro gradu -tutkielma Jyväskylän yliopisto , Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta, Terveystieteiden laitos Kevät 2013 70 sivua, 3 liitettä Työelämä on muuttunut suorituskeskeiseksi, nopeasti muuttuvaksi ja lyhytjänteiseksi projektityöksi. Ihmissuhdeammateissa toimivilta vaaditaan stressinsietoa ja monipuolista sosiaalista ja psykologista osaamista. Työntekijöiden työkykyvyn ja työhyvinvoinnin säilymis...

  4. In vitro expansion of Lin+ and Lin- mononuclear cells from human peripheral blood (United States)

    Norhaiza, H. Siti; Rohaya, M. A. W.; Zarina, Z. A. Intan; Hisham, Z. A. Shahrul


    Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are used in the therapy of blood disorders due to the ability of these cells to reconstitute haematopoietic lineage cells when transplanted into myeloablative recipients. However, substantial number of cells is required in order for the reconstitution to take place. Since HSCs present in low frequency, larger number of donor is required to accommodate the demand of transplantable HSCs. Therefore, in vitro expansion of HSCs will have profound impact on clinical purposes. The aim of this study was to expand lineage negative (Lin-) stem cells from human peripheral blood. Total peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs) were fractionated from human blood by density gradient centrifugation. Subsequently, PBMNCs were subjected to magnetic assisted cell sorter (MACS) which depletes lineage positive (Lin+) mononuclear cells expressing lineage positive markers such as CD2, CD3, CD11b, CD14, CD15, CD16, CD19, CD56, CD123, and CD235a to obtained Lin- cell population. The ability of Lin+ and Lin- to survive in vitro was explored by culturing both cell populations in complete medium consisting of Alpha-Minimal Essential Medium (AMEM) +10% (v/v) Newborn Calf Serum (NBCS)+ 2% (v/v) pen/strep. In another experiment, Lin+ and Lin- were cultured with complete medium supplemented with 10ng/mL of the following growth factors: stem cell factor (SCF), interleukin (IL)-3, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), 2IU/mL of Erythropoietin (Epo) and 20ng/mL of IL-6. Three samples were monitored in static culture for 22 days. The expansion potential was assessed by the number of total viable cells, counted by trypan blue exclusion assay. It was found that Lin+ mononuclear cells were not able to survive either in normal proliferation medium or proliferation medium supplemented with cytokines. Similarly, Lin- stem cells were not able to survive in proliferation medium however, addition of cytokines into the proliferation medium support Lin


    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    QING LIN. Articles written in Journal of Genetics. Volume 96 Issue 4 September 2017 pp 535-544 RESEARCH ARTICLE. Effects of genetic variants of the bovine WNT8A gene on nine important growth traits in beef cattle · YONG-ZHEN HUANG YONG ZOU QING LIN HUA HE LI ZHENG ZI-JING ZHANG YONG-LONG DANG ...

  6. Työhyvinvointi varhaiskasvatustyössä


    Penttilä, Anu


    Tutkimuksessani kartoitetaan helsinkiläisten varhaiskasvatuksen työntekijöiden kokemuksia työhyvinvoinnistaan. Sekä työhyvinvointi että varhaiskasvatukseen kohdistuvat muutokset puhuttavat tällä hetkellä paljon yhteiskunnallisessa keskustelussa. Aiempien tutkimusten perusteella työhyvinvointi koostuu monesta eri tekijästä. Työhyvinvointia ilmiönä on tutkittu paljon, muttei vielä laajemmin varhaiskasvatusalalla. Tutkimukseni pyrkii selvittämään, millaisena varhaiskasvatuksen henkilökunta kokee...

  7. Impact of CNG Crisis on Student's Academic Life (United States)

    Azeem, Kiran; Nadeem, Wajiha; Zia, Afsa; Shehzad, Shiza; Anwar, Zara


    The goal of this study is to determine the impact of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) crisis on Student's Academic Life of Karachi Pakistan. This research helps in observing the behavior of students and their educational progress includes depression and anxiety, rate of absenteeism and undesirable results in exams threatens due to CNG crisis and…

  8. Survey for the development of compressed natural gas systems (CNG) for vehicles


    Abulamosha, A.M.


    Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles have been used internationally by fleets for decades. The use of CNG vehicles results in less petroleum consumption, resulting in fewer air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions in most applications. In Europe, the adoption of CNG among consumers has been slowed by the availability of affordable gasoline and diesel fuel. This investigation addresses the current situation of the CNG vehicle at the manufacturing level and the consumer level in Europe. Bas...

  9. Liiku, lepää, keskustele - matkalla työhyvinvointiin


    Luukkonen, Päivi; Vahalahti, Tanja


    Työhyvinvoinnilla on suuri merkitys työssä jaksamisessa. Työssä jaksamiseen vaikutta-vat monet seikat, kuten arvot, elintavat, riittävä lepo ja henkinen hyvinvointi. Työkykyä voidaan seurata, hallita ja edistää monin eri keinoin. Johtamisella on suuri merkitys työntekijöiden työhyvinvoinnissa. Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli edistää Pkssk:n Honkalampi-keskuksen henkilökunnan työhyvinvointia tykytoiminnan avulla, painottaen työturvallisuutta, työssä jaksamiseen vaikuttavaa liikuntaa ja ...

  10. Hoitajien kokema työturvallisuus Martinlaakson terveysasemalla


    Kulppi, Miia; Koponen, Aleksi


    Uhka- ja väkivaltatilanteet ovat työelämän kasvava ongelma. Väkivalta on yleistä varsinkin terveydenhuoltoalalla. Työpaikkaväkivalta on tapahtuma, jossa henkilöä loukataan sanallisesti, uhataan tai pahoinpidellään työssä. Se voi vaarantaa uhrin turvallisuuden, hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden. Työturvallisuutta tutkitaankin jatkuvasti, ja sen kehittämiseen kiinnitetään työpaikoilla entistä enemmän huomiota. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on kuvata Martinlaakson terveysaseman hoitohenkilökunnan ...

  11. H/CNG pathway to hydrogen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bugyra, W.J.; Martin, D.R.


    'Full text:' The addition of hydrogen to natural gas to produce a 'premium' fuel offers an ideal bridge to the hydrogen and fuel cell era. This pathway provides many of the expected benefits of hydrogen and fuel cells, reduces cost and risk, and facilitates the transition to hydrogen incrementally through existing infrastructure, technologies and channels. The H/CNG pathway is evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively in the context of: barriers to introducing hydrogen infrastructure and how they can be addressed; potential benefits (emissions, energy security) and drawbacks (range, technical compatibility) of H/CNG blended fuels; economics; and, comparative analysis to the use of ethanol in gasoline. Leveraging the NGV industry eases the transition to fuel cells by taking advantage of existing infrastructure, technologies, skills, codes and standards, and provides for incremental change that may be more acceptable to consumers, regulators and incumbent technology providers. The greatest benefits can be achieved through a two-track pathway. One would utilize small amounts of hydrogen in existing NGVs and installed power systems - much as ethanol is added to gasoline. The second introduce products designed specifically to operate on higher levels of H/CNG, like buses, in concentrations where the greatest emission benefits can be achieved. (author)

  12. Työn ja vapaa-ajan tasapaino


    Yoshida, Teemu


    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena oli työn ja vapaa-ajan tasapainon hallinta. Työssä paneuduttiin työn ja vapaa-ajan tasapainon määrittelyn vaikeuteen sekä tasapainon löytämisen mukanaan tuomiin hyötyihin. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat työntekijän elämän tasapainoon. Tutkimus on rajattu organisaation näkökulmasta niihin tunnusmerkkeihin ja käytäntöihin, jotka määrittelevät perheystävällisen organisaatiokulttuurin unohtamatta kuitenkaan yksineläviä työntekijöitä. Työntekijän ...

  13. Työhyvinvointia edistävä toimistorakennuksen sisustussuunnitelma


    Eklund, Hanna


    Tänä päivänä puhutaan paljon työuupumuksesta ja työstä aiheutuvasta stressistä. Näiden tekijöiden taustalla on usein kiire tai pelko työpaikan menettämisestä. Pelkoon pyritään vaikuttamaan hyvällä työntekijän ja esimiehen välisellä luottamussuhteella, mutta ennen kaikkea työn tehokkuudella. Työn tehokkuus lisää työn tuottavuutta, mikä vaikuttaa yrityksen menestykseen. Kun yrityksellä menee hyvin, on työntekijöiden irtisanominen harvinaisempaa kuin huonosti tuottavalla yrityksellä. Työntehokku...

  14. Työnopastuksen kehittäminen Varuskuntaravintola Kotkassa


    Hälikkä, Mari-Anna


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kehittää työnopastusta Varuskuntaravintola Kotkassa. Leijona Catering Oy:llä on olemassa oma perehdyttämisrunko ja materiaali uuden työntekijän yleiseen perehdyttämiseen ja koko organisaation toimintaan, mutta Varuskuntaravintola Kotkan kirjallinen materiaali toimipaikkakohtaiseen työnopastukseen oli puutteellinen ja osittain vanhentunut. Tässä työssä laadittiin toimeksiantajalle, Varuskuntaravintola Kotkalle, työnopastuksen käytäntöä tukeva työnopastusmate...

  15. Yhdessä kierrättämään : Raaseporin kaupungin työllisyysosaston työpajatoiminnan kehittämishanke


    Westerholm, Leena


    Aktiivisen sosiaali- ja työvoimapolitiikan myötä ovat kuntien vastuut pitkäaikaistyöttömien palveluista lisääntyneet. Työllisyyskysymykset ovat muodostuneet luontevaksi osaksi sosiaalityötä. Kuntien lakisääteiset tehtävät sisältävät ikääntyvien työllistämisvelvoitteen, työmarkkinatuen rahoitusvastuun, työttömien terveyden edistämisen ja kuntouttavan työtoiminnan järjestämisen. Sosiaalihuoltolain alainen kuntouttava työtoiminta on kunnan järjestämää toimintaa, joka tähtää pitkäaikaistyöttömän ...

  16. Työskentely Norjassa : maassa työskennelleiden kokemuksia


    Mäkäläinen, Teressa


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli antaa käytännönläheistä tietoa Norjaan muuttamisesta, työnhausta ja muista asuinmaan vaihdossa huomioon otettavista asioista, kuten verotuksesta ja sosiaaliturvasta, elinkustannuksista, asunnon hankinnasta ja käytännön elämästä. Opinnäytetyö on tarkoitettu avuksi kaikille Norjaan töihin lähteville tai sitä suunnitteleville. Tarkoituksena on tutustuttaa lukija Norjan työelämään ja maahanmuuttoa koskeviin säännöksiin, sekä auttaa Suomesta muuttamisen järjes...

  17. Trans Ocean Gas CNG transportation development plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Liquefied natural gas (LNG) transportation is on the rise due to increased global demand for natural gas. However, the challenge of transporting LNG lies in finding suitable locations for import terminals. Compressed natural gas (CNG) transportation offers an alternative method for transporting stranded natural gas to existing markets and for creating new natural gas markets not practical for LNG or pipelines. The founder of Trans Ocean Gas Inc. (TOG) modified an existing fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) pressure vessel technology to safely store CNG on a ship. The newly developed containment system has proven to overcome all the deficiencies of steel-based systems. TOG patented the containment system and will license its use to owners of stranded gas and shipping service providers around the world. Financial support is needed to perform verification testing and for regulatory approval. The CNG systems will be built and assembled throughout facilities in Atlantic Canada. 2 tabs., 3 figs.

  18. Työpaikkakiusaamisen synnyn syyt ravintola-alalla


    Öström, Riikka


    Tutkimuksen taustalla on henkilökohtainen kokemus työpaikkakiusatuksi joutu-misesta ravintola-alalla. Tutkimusongelmana oli selvittää ne syyt, jotka johtavat ravintola-alalla työpaikkakiusaamiseen sekä selvittää, pätevätkö samat kiusaami-seen johtavat syyt niin ravintola-alalla kuin yleisestikin työelämässä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on antaa valmiuksia työelämään sekä löytää lisää tietoa työpaikkakiusaamisesta ja kuinka sitä pystyttäisiin välttelemään. Teoriaosuudelle antaa pohjan määritelmä...

  19. Läsnätyö ja joustavat työaikamuodot -hanke Uudenmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskuksessa


    Karsila, Petteri


    Opinnäytetyö tarkastelee toimeksiantajayrityksen Uudenmaan elinkeino-, liikenne ja ympäristökeskuksen läsnätyö ja joustavat työaikamuodot -kokeiluhanketta. Toimeksiantajayrityksen tehtävänä on edistää alueellista kehittämistä hoitamalla valtionhallinnon toimeenpano- ja kehittämistehtäviä toimialueellaan. Tavoitteena oli selvittää läsnätyön ja mobiiliteknologian hyvät ja huonot puolet kohdeorganisaatiossa sekä arvioida, miten muuttaa kohdeorganisaation työn tekemisen tapoja, työkulttuuria...

  20. Esimiehen kehittämisvalmennuksen vaikutus hänen ja työryhmän työhyvinvointiin : Case: Osuuskauppa Arina


    Räihä, Henna


    Tämän opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana toimii Osuuskauppa Arina. Arinan HR-tiimin kaksi jäsentä ovat kouluttautuneet vuonna 2016 työnohjaajiksi, ja he ovat tuotteistaneet ratkaisukeskeisen työnohjauksen kehittämisvalmennukseksi. Kehittämisvalmennus on yhdistelmä ratkaisukeskeisyyttä, työnohjausta ja valmennusta, ja sen tavoitteena on saada yksilöllistä kehitystä aikaan ja valmentaa työyhteisöä ratkaisukeskeisesti. Kehittämisvalmennusta pidetään pääasiassa esimiehille. Tässä työssä tavoittee...

  1. Työkierron kehittämishanke Grand Casino Helsinki


    Lammi, Saskia


    Opinnäytetyön aiheena on Grand Casino Helsingin (GCH) työkierron kehittämishankkeen toteuttaminen. Työkiertoa päätettiin alkaa kehittämään, koska henkilökuntaa haastateltaessa se nousi yhdeksi keinoksi lisätä kaivattua vaihtelua ja haastetta työhön. Työkierrolla tarkoitetaan sitä, että työntekijä siirtyy sovituksi ajaksi joko toiseen samantasoiseen tai eritasoiseen tehtävään ja palaa kierron lopuksi ensimmäiseen työtehtäväänsä. Työkiertoon läheisesti liittyy myös työn rikastaminen, eli om...

  2. Tuutoroinnin keinot työhön perehtymisen tukena


    Tauriainen, Marita


    Kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena oli toteuttaa tuutorointiprosessi työpaikalla uuden työntekijän työhön perehtymisen tueksi. Kehittämishankkeessa tutkittiin tuutoroinnin erilaisia toteuttamistapoja ja merkitystä työpaikalla. Laadukkaalla tuutoroinnilla tavoitellaan uuden työntekijän nopeaa oppimista ja työpaikan tapojen sisäistämistä. Tuutoroinnin toteuttaminen on opettavaista myös tuutorille. Hän oppii uusia toteuttamismalleja ja pystyy jatkossa kehittämään tuutorin rooliaan monipuolisemmin. T...

  3. On-road emission characteristics of CNG-fueled bi-fuel taxis (United States)

    Yao, Zhiliang; Cao, Xinyue; Shen, Xianbao; Zhang, Yingzhi; Wang, Xintong; He, Kebin


    To alleviate air pollution and lessen the petroleum demand from the motor vehicle sector in China, natural gas vehicles (NGVs) have been rapidly developed over the last several years. However, the understanding of the real-world emissions of NGVs is very limited. In this study, the emissions from 20 compressed-natural-gas-fueled bi-fuel taxis were measured using a portable emission measurement system (PEMS) under actual driving conditions in Yichang, China. The emission characteristics of the tested vehicles were analyzed, revealing that the average CO2, CO, HC and NOx emissions from the tested compressed-natural-gas (CNG) taxis under urban driving conditions were 1.6, 4.0, 2.0 and 0.98 times those under highway road conditions, respectively. The CO, HC and NOx emissions from Euro 3 CNG vehicles were approximately 40%, 55% and 44% lower than those from Euro 2 vehicles, respectively. Compared with the values for light-duty gasoline vehicles reported in the literature, the CO2 and CO emissions from the tested CNG taxis were clearly lower; however, significant increases in the HC and NOx emissions were observed. Finally, we normalized the emissions under the actual driving cycles of the entire test route to the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC)-based emissions using a VSP modes method developed by North Carolina State University. The simulated NEDC-based CO emissions from the tested CNG taxis were better than the corresponding emissions standards, whereas the simulated NEDC-based HC and NOx emissions greatly exceeded the standards. Thus, more attention should be paid to the emissions from CNG vehicles. As for the CNG-fueled bi-fuel taxis currently in use, the department of environmental protection should strengthen their inspection and supervision to reduce the emissions from these vehicles. The results of this study will be helpful in understanding and controlling emissions from CNG-fueled bi-fuel vehicles in China.

  4. Perspectives of Biogas Conversion into Bio-CNG for Automobile Fuel in Bangladesh

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. S. Shah


    Full Text Available The need for liquid and gaseous fuel for transportation application is growing very fast. This high consumption trend causes swift exhaustion of fossil fuel reserve as well as severe environment pollution. Biogas can be converted into various renewable automobile fuels such as bio-CNG, syngas, gasoline, and liquefied biogas. However, bio-CNG, a compressed biogas with high methane content, can be a promising candidate as vehicle fuel in replacement of conventional fuel to resolve this problem. This paper presents an overview of available liquid and gaseous fuel commonly used as transportation fuel in Bangladesh. The paper also illustrates the potential of bio-CNG conversion from biogas in Bangladesh. It is estimated that, in the fiscal year 2012-2013, the country had about 7.6775 billion m3 biogas potential equivalent to 5.088 billion m3 of bio-CNG. Bio-CNG is competitive to the conventional automobile fuels in terms of its properties, economy, and emission.

  5. Alternative Fuel Vehicles: The Case of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicles in California Households


    Abbanat, Brian A.


    Compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles have been used internationally by fleets and households for decades. The use of CNG vehicles results in less petroleum consumption, and fewer air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions in most applications. In the United States, the adoption of CNG technology has been slowed by the availability of affordable gasoline and diesel fuel. This study addresses the potential market for CNG vehicles at the consumer level in California. Based on semi-structured pe...

  6. A comparative study of emission motorcycle with gasoline and CNG fuel (United States)

    Sasongko, M. N.; Wijayanti, W.; Rahardja, R. A.


    A comparison of the exhaust emissions of the engine running gasoline and Compressed Natural Gas have been performed in this study. A gasoline engine 4 stroke single-cylinder with volume of 124.8 cc and compression ratio of 9.3:1 was converted to a CNG gaseous engine. The fuel injector was replaced with a solenoid valve system for injecting CNG gas to engine. The concentrations of CO, CO2, O2 and HC in the exhaust gas of engine were measured over the range of fuel flow rate from 25.32 mg/s to 70.22 mg/s and wide range of Air Fuel Ratio. The comparative analysis of this study showed that CNG engine has a lower HC, CO2 and CO emission at the stoichiometry mixture of fuel and air combustion. The emissions increased when the Air-Fuel ratio was switched from the stoichiometry condition. Moreover, CNG engine produced a lower HC and CO emission compared to the gasoline for difference air flow rate. The average of HC and CO emissions of the CNG was 92 % and 78 % lower than that of the gasoline

  7. Candice Lin: paisaje, territorio y fronteras (Candice Lin: Landscape, Territory and Boundaries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Baltodano Román


    Full Text Available Se analizan los contenidos ideológicos de la acuarela «Nacimiento de una nación» (2008, de Candice Lin. A partir de nociones como territorio, tropo caníbal, tipo botánico tropical y pensamiento fronterizo, se plantea una interpretación de esa paisajística pictórica, en que la artista-activista reflexiona sobre el régimen de representación visual. Mediante diversos procedimientos formales, Lin pone en entredicho preceptos centrales de la mentalidad colonialista, que contrapone a las concepciones indigenistas. Abstract An analysis is provided of the ideological contents of the watercolor “Birth of a Nation” (2008, by Candice Lin. This interpretation of this pictorial landscape is based on notions such as territory, cannibal tropes, tropical botanical types and border thinking. The artist activist reflects here on the regime of visual representation. Using different formal procedures, Lin questions central precepts of the colonialist mentality, in contrast with indigenous conceptions.

  8. Experimental investigation of the concomitant injection of gasoline and CNG in a turbocharged spark ignition engine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Momeni Movahed, M.; Basirat Tabrizi, H.; Mirsalim, M.


    Highlights: • Concomitant injection of gasoline and CNG is compared with gasoline and CNG modes. • BSFC, HC and CO emissions of the concomitant injection are lower than gasoline mode. • Deteriorations of the concomitant injection are negligible compared to gasoline mode. • Cylinder peak pressure and heat loss to coolant of the concomitant injection are lower than CNG mode. • Some shortcomings in CNG mode can be solved by changing the spark timing and lambda. - Abstract: Concomitant injection of gasoline and CNG is a new concept to overcome problems of bi-fueled spark ignition engines, which operate in single fuel mode, either in gasoline or in CNG mode. This experimental study indicates how some problems of gasoline mode such as retarded ignition timings for knock prevention and rich air–fuel mixture for component protection can be resolved with the concomitant injection of gasoline and CNG. Results clearly show that the concomitant injection improves thermal efficiency compared to gasoline mode. On the other hand, simultaneous injection of gasoline and CNG reduces some problems of CNG mode such as high cylinder pressure and heat loss to the engine coolant. This decreases the stringent requirements for thermal and mechanical strength of the engine components in CNG mode. In addition, it is shown that by modifying the spark advance and air fuel ratio in CNG mode, the engine operation improves in terms of NOx emissions and maximum in-cylinder pressure as the concomitant injection does. Nevertheless, new requirements such as an intercooler with higher cooling capacity are implied to the engine configuration. Finally, the most important concerns in control strategies of the engine control unit for a vehicle with concomitant injection of gasoline and CNG are discussed

  9. Työtyytyväisyys media-alan yrityksessä


    Tolonen, Johanna; Niittyjoki, Noora


    Henkilöstön työtyytyväisyydellä on suuri vaikutus yrityksen menestymiseen ja kilpailukykyyn. Työtyytyväisyyttä pitäisi tutkia säännöllisesti, koska se ylläpitää ja edistää työntekijöiden terveyttä, hyvinvointia, motivoituneisuutta ja innovatiivisuutta. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää kansainvälisen media-alan yrityksen työntekijöiden yleistä työtyytyväisyyden tilaa. Tutkimusongelmaa pyrittiin selvittämään empiirisen tutkimuksen avulla ja saamaan vastauksia kysymykseen, millä työt...

  10. Technical evaluation and assessment of CNG/LPG bi-fuel and flex-fuel vehicle viability (United States)

    Sinor, J. E.


    This report compares vehicles using compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and combinations of the two in bi-fuel or flex-fuel configurations. Evidence shows that environmental and energy advantages can be gained by replacing two-fuel CNG/gasoline vehicles with two-fuel or flex-fuel systems to be economically competitive, it is necessary to develop a universal CNG/LPG pressure-regulator-injector and engine control module to switch from one tank to the other. For flex-fuel CNG/LPG designs, appropriate composition sensors, refueling pumps, fuel tanks, and vaporizers are necessary.

  11. Diesel/CNG Mixture Autoignition Control Using Fuel Composition and Injection Gap

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Combustion phasing is the main obstacle to the development of controlled auto-ignition based (CAI engines to achieve low emissions and low fuel consumption operation. Fuel combinations with substantial differences in reactivity, such as diesel/compressed natural gas (CNG, show desirable combustion outputs and demonstrate great possibility in controlling the combustion. This paper discusses a control method for diesel/CNG mixture combustion with a variation of fuel composition and fuel stratification levels. The experiments were carried out in a constant volume combustion chamber with both fuels directly injected into the chamber. The mixture composition was varied from 0 to 100% CNG/diesel at lambda 1 while the fuel stratification level was controlled by the injection phasing between the two fuels, with gaps between injections ranging from 0 to 20 ms. The results demonstrated the suppressing effect of CNG on the diesel combustion, especially at the early combustion stages. However, CNG significantly enhanced the combustion performance of the diesel in the later stages. Injection gaps, on the other hand, showed particular behavior depending on mixture composition. Injection gaps show less effect on combustion phasing but a significant effect on the combustion output for higher diesel percentage (≥70%, while it is contradictive for lower diesel percentage (<70%.

  12. Analysis list: lin-13 [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available lin-13 Embryo,Larvae + ce10,, ...

  13. In vitro expansion of Lin{sup +} and Lin{sup −} mononuclear cells from human peripheral blood

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Norhaiza, H. Siti; Zarina, Z. A. Intan; Hisham, Z. A. Shahrul [School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600, Selangor (Malaysia); Rohaya, M. A. W. [Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 50300, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)


    Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are used in the therapy of blood disorders due to the ability of these cells to reconstitute haematopoietic lineage cells when transplanted into myeloablative recipients. However, substantial number of cells is required in order for the reconstitution to take place. Since HSCs present in low frequency, larger number of donor is required to accommodate the demand of transplantable HSCs. Therefore, in vitro expansion of HSCs will have profound impact on clinical purposes. The aim of this study was to expand lineage negative (Lin{sup −}) stem cells from human peripheral blood. Total peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs) were fractionated from human blood by density gradient centrifugation. Subsequently, PBMNCs were subjected to magnetic assisted cell sorter (MACS) which depletes lineage positive (Lin{sup +}) mononuclear cells expressing lineage positive markers such as CD2, CD3, CD11b, CD14, CD15, CD16, CD19, CD56, CD123, and CD235a to obtained Lin{sup −} cell population. The ability of Lin{sup +} and Lin{sup −} to survive in vitro was explored by culturing both cell populations in complete medium consisting of Alpha-Minimal Essential Medium (AMEM) +10% (v/v) Newborn Calf Serum (NBCS)+ 2% (v/v) pen/strep. In another experiment, Lin{sup +} and Lin{sup −} were cultured with complete medium supplemented with 10ng/mL of the following growth factors: stem cell factor (SCF), interleukin (IL)-3, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), 2IU/mL of Erythropoietin (Epo) and 20ng/mL of IL-6. Three samples were monitored in static culture for 22 days. The expansion potential was assessed by the number of total viable cells, counted by trypan blue exclusion assay. It was found that Lin{sup +} mononuclear cells were not able to survive either in normal proliferation medium or proliferation medium supplemented with cytokines. Similarly, Lin{sup −} stem cells were not able to survive in proliferation medium however

  14. Low-cost, low-weight CNG cylinder development. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Richards, Mark E.; Melford, K.; Wong, J.; Gambone, L.


    This program was established to develop and commercialize new high-strength steel-lined, composite hoop-wrapped compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinders for vehicular applications. As much as 70% of the cost of natural gas vehicles can be related to on-board natural gas storage costs. The cost and weight targets for this program represent significant savings in each characteristic when compared to comparable containers available at the initiation of the program. The program objectives were to optimize specific weight and cost goals, yielding CNG cylinders with dimensions that should, allowing for minor modifications, satisfy several vehicle market segments. The optimization process encompassed material, design, and process improvement. In optimizing the CNG cylinder design, due consideration was given to safety aspects relative to national, international, and vehicle manufacturer cylinder standards and requirements. The report details the design and development effort, encompassing plant modifications, material selection, design issues, tooling development, prototype development, and prototype testing. Extenuating circumstances prevented the immediate commercialization of the cylinder designs, though significant progress was made towards improving the cost and performance of CNG cylinders. A new low-cost fiber was successfully employed while the weight target was met and the cost target was missed by less than seven percent.

  15. Future perspective for CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veen, D.


    Driving on natural gas (CNG, Compressed Natural Gas) has been the talk of the industry for many years now. Although the benefits of natural gas as an engine fuel have become well-known, this phenomenon does not seem to gain momentum in the Netherlands. Over the last few months, however, the attitude towards CNG seems to be changing. Energy companies are increasingly engaged in commercial activities, e.g. selling natural gas at petrol stations, an increasing number of car manufacturers are delivering natural gas vehicles ex-works, and recently the NGV (Natural Gas Vehicles) Holland platform was set up for the unequivocal marketing of natural gas as an engine fuel

  16. Ergonomiset työtavat työelämässä : Vaivoista Voimaksi -ergonomiaopas Ravintolamaailma Sokokselle


    Juutilainen, Jonna


    Tuki- ja liikuntaelinvaivat (tule-vaivat) ovat Suomessa toiseksi yleisin sairauspoissaoloja aiheuttava sairausryhmä. Tule-vaivoista suurin osa on niska- tai selkäperäisiä vaivoja, jotka ilmenevät työn teon aikana tai levossa. Vaivat tuovat haittaa niin yksilötasolla työntekijälle kuin myös organisaatiotasolla sekä yritykselle että valtiolle. Yksilötason haitat ovat erilaisia epämukavuustekijöitä kuten kiputiloja sekä tehokkuuteen liittyviä seikkoja kuten työkyvyn las-kua. Organisaatio- ja val...

  17. Urheiluvalmentajien työhyvinvointi Suomessa


    Kaski, Satu


    Hyvinvoiva valmentaja koko suomalaisen urheilun etu Suomalaisessa urheilussa puhutaan muutoksesta ja pyrkimyksestä olla Pohjoismaiden paras urheilumaa vuonna 2020. Tällaisen tavoitteen edessä valmentajien työhyvinvointia ei voi sivuuttaa. Kyselytutkimukseeni vastasi 499 valmentajaa, joista suurin osa valmensi SM- tai maajoukkuetasolla olevia urheilijoita. Tutkimukseni antaa siis arvokasta tietoa suomalaisten kilpa- ja huippu-urheilussa toimivien valmentajien työhyvinvoinnista. Tutkimu...

  18. Myynnin työkalu ohjelmalliseen ostamiseen


    Laukkonen, Patrick


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on tutustua ohjelmalliseen mediaostamiseen, sen avulla toteutettavaan huutokauppaostamiseen (real-time bidding) ja tutkia ohjelmallisen ostamisen hyötyjä perinteiseen mediaostamiseen verrattuna. Oleellisena osana opinnäytetyötä markkinointialan toimijalle on syntynyt myynnin työkalu, jota yritys pystyy käyttämään jatkossa asiakastyön tukena sekä perehdytystyökaluna omille työntekijöilleen. Myynnin työkalun sekä opinnäytetyön luomisessa on käytetty pääsääntöises...

  19. Työpisteiden tuotevirtojen ja työvälineiden hallinta : 5S-menetelmän käyttöönotto


    Pelttari, Timo


    Työn tilaajana oli M-Components Oy Hämeenlinnasta, jonka toimialana on metallialan tuotteiden kehittely, valmistus, huolto ja kauppa. Yritys halusi ottaa käyttöön tehtaalla 5S-menetelmän, eikä siitä ollut aiempaa kokemusta yrityksessä. Työn tavoitteena oli ottaa käyttöön 5S-menetelmä ensin koneistamossa, josta se sitten laajennetaan koko yritykseen. 5S:n tavoitteena on selkeyttää työpisteiden tuotevirtoja ja työkalujen hallintaa järjestämällä työpisteet uusiksi. Kaiken tämän takana on ide...

  20. Työpaikkakouluttajan motivaatio ja motivaatioon vaikuttamisen keinot


    Ihme, Iina-Eveliina


    Tämä opinnäytetyö tehtiin toimeksiantona Lahden Koulutuskeskus Salpaukselle. Työn päätavoitteena oli tutkia teorian ja empirian keinoin työpaikkakouluttajien motivaatiota, siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja motivaatioon vaikuttamisen keinoja. Työn toisena tavoitteena oli tutkia työpaikkakouluttajien ja Koulutuskeskus Salpauksen välistä yhteydenpitoa sekä tuottaa kehitysideoita toimeksiantajan käyttöön. Opinnäytetyön tietolähteenä käytettiin aihealuetta käsittelevää lähdekirjallisuutta, kvant...

  1. Työvuorosuunnittelu myynnin kehittämisen työvälineenä McDonald´s-ketjussa


    Helenius, Enna


    Tämä opinnäytetyö on McDonald´s Oy:n tilaama tutkimuksellinen kehittämistyö. Kehittämistyössä tutkittiin McDonald´s-ketjun esimiesten työvuorosuunnittelun osaamistasoa sekä työvuorosuunnittelun vaikutusta myynnin kasvattamiseen. Kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena oli luoda kehitysehdotuksia, joilla saadaan kasvatettua yksikkökohtaista myyntiä työvuorosuun-nittelun avulla. Aihetta on lähestytty tapaustutkimuksen keinoin. Opinnäytetyö koostuu tietoperustasta, ravintolapäälliköille tehdystä kyse...

  2. Determinants of Genomic RNA Encapsidation in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposons Ty1 and Ty3

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katarzyna Pachulska-Wieczorek


    Full Text Available Long-terminal repeat (LTR retrotransposons are transposable genetic elements that replicate intracellularly, and can be considered progenitors of retroviruses. Ty1 and Ty3 are the most extensively characterized LTR retrotransposons whose RNA genomes provide the template for both protein translation and genomic RNA that is packaged into virus-like particles (VLPs and reverse transcribed. Genomic RNAs are not divided into separate pools of translated and packaged RNAs, therefore their trafficking and packaging into VLPs requires an equilibrium between competing events. In this review, we focus on Ty1 and Ty3 genomic RNA trafficking and packaging as essential steps of retrotransposon propagation. We summarize the existing knowledge on genomic RNA sequences and structures essential to these processes, the role of Gag proteins in repression of genomic RNA translation, delivery to VLP assembly sites, and encapsidation.

  3. Työohjeistus Perälän Turve Oy


    Haukka, Arto


    Perälän Turve Oy:n uusille työntekijöille laadittu työohjeistus ja siitä raportointi. Työhön kuuluu kaksi osaa, word-raportti sekä powerpoint-työohjeistuskansio. Powerpoint-tiedosto upotettuna tiedostona alkuperäisessä word-tiedostossa.

  4. An assessment of the market for LPG and CNG in Peru's transport sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boykiw, A. L.


    This is an abridged version of the report prepared by Boykiw and Company Limited to provide a technical, statistical and financial assessment of potential sales of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) or propane, and compressed natural gas (CNG) to the transportation sector in Peru. Results show that use of CNG and LPG in Peru's transportation sector will primarily be a function of the counrty's vehicle population, the economics of conversion and the availability of infrastructure. With regard to conversion, the fact that 62 per cent of the nation's one million vehicles are located in Lima, combined with their age, the prospects appear to be very favourable. Changing to LPG will also benefit the environment since carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides emissions will be significantly reduced. Similar environmental benefits are expected from the use of CNG. Assuming that low cost first generation conversion kits can be made available, in combination with the growing refueling infrastructure ( from one in 1994 to 9 by the end of 1999, and an additional five in 2000) should result in a dramatic increase in the number of vehicles using LPG. By contrast, the prospect for CNG as vehicle fuel is less favourable because of the much more complex and costly refuelling station required to make it practicable. Based on very incomplete information on the Lima fleet of vehicles and their operating characteristics, the total number of CNG-fuelled vehicles five years after CNG becomes available in Lima, is estimated at between 2,000 and 3,000, and CNG requirements of between 800,000 and 1,500,000 cubic feet per day

  5. Korikorjaamoluokituksen mukaiset työmenetelmät


    Ylén, Niko


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää auton korikorjauksessa käytettävät työmenetelmät korikorjaamoluokituksen vaatimukset huomioiden. Korikorjaamoluokituksen vaatimuksien perusteella luodaan VV-Auto Helsingin vauriokorjaamolle korikorjaustyökalujen hallinnointijärjestelmä, jonka avulla työkaluja hallinnoidaan. Lisäksi järjestelmän avulla pystytään osoittamaan korikorjaamon työkalut muun muassa korikorjaamoluokkaa auditoitaessa. Nykyaikainen auto koostuu useista erilaisista terä...

  6. Analysis list: lin-35 [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available lin-35 Adult,Larvae + ce10,, ...

  7. CNG transport by ship with FRP pressure vessels access to east coast gas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campbell, S. [Trans Ocean Gas Inc., St. John' s, NL (Canada)


    This paper discussed the Trans Ocean Gas (TOG) method for transporting compressed natural gas (CNG). CNG transportation offers an alternative method for transporting stranded natural gas to existing markets and for creating new natural gas markets that are not feasible for liquefied natural gas (LNG) or pipelines. Trans Ocean Gas Inc. (TOG) modified an existing fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) pressure vessel technology to safely store CNG on a ship. The newly developed containment system has proven to overcome all the deficiencies of steel-based systems. TOG patented the containment system and will license its use to owners of stranded gas and shipping service providers around the world. The CNG systems will be built and assembled throughout facilities in Atlantic Canada. FRP pressure vessels have been proven safe and reliable through critical applications in the national defense, aerospace, and natural gas vehicle industries. They are light-weight, highly reliable, have very safe failure modes, are corrosion resistant, and have excellent low temperature characteristics. Under TOG's scheme, natural gas can be stored at two thirds the density of LNG without costly processing. TOG's proposed design and testing of a CNG system was reviewed in detail. figs.

  8. CNG transport opportunities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The recent announcement by the Australian Government of funding for a dramatic increase in supply infrastructure for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) powered vehicles has shored up predictions that natural gas will achieve a thirty-fold increase in its share of the Australian transport energy market by 2015. This projection, would put sales of natural gas for transport fuel in the year 2014/15 at about 10% of current retail sales across the nation. In the general transport sector, the lower particulate and noise pollution, compared with diesel-powered vehicles, is a significant advantage

  9. Hoitaja-lääkäri työpari : Hoitotyöntekijöiden ajatuksia ja odotuksia työparimallin toimivuudesta vastaanottotoiminnassa


    Surakka, Iina; Pitkänen, Satu


    LAUREA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TIIVISTELMÄ Laurea Hyvinkää Sosiaali-, terveys- ja liikunta-ala Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma Pitkänen Satu Surakka Iina Hoitaja-lääkäri työpari. Hoitotyöntekijöiden ajatuksia ja odotuksia työparimallin toimivuudesta vastaanottotoiminnassa Vuosi 2009 Sivu 41 Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää Hyvinkään vastaanottotoiminnassa työskentelevien hoitajien ajatuksia ja odotuksia liittyen hoitaja-lääkäri työparimalliin. Tutkimuste...

  10. Autoalan työssäoppiminen : Case: Autoalan merkkiliikkeet


    Kalliomäki, Marko


    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää Jyväskylän ammattiopiston autoalan työssäoppimista Jyväskylän autoalan merkkiliikkeissä työnantajien näkökulmasta. Työssä selvitettiin yhteistyön nykytilanne ja millaisia ongelmia yhteistyössä koetaan olevan. Mukaan otettiin myös oppilaitoksen näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia yhteistyöstä autoalan merkkiliikkeiden kanssa työssäoppimisesta. Tutkimustulosten perusteella rakennettiin kehittämissuunnitelma yhteistyön kehittämisen pohjaksi. Tutkimusaineisto saatii...

  11. Tämä työ on kuin tehty minulle : avustajien kokemuksia työstään ja saamastaan ohjauksesta avustajatoimintahankkeessa


    Majuri-Kiiski, Minna


    Majuri-Kiiski, Minna. Tämä työ on kuin tehty minulle ‒ Avustajien kokemuksia työstään ja saamastaan ohjauksesta avustajatoimintahankkeessa. Kevät 2014, 85 s., 5 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, Diakonisen sosiaalityön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, sosionomi (AMK) + diakonin virkakelpoisuus. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää Sotainvalidien Veljesliiton käynnistämässä veteraanien avustajatoimintahankkeessa työskentelevien avustajien kokemuksia omas...

  12. A study on the amount of pilot injection and its effects on rich and lean boundaries of the premixed CNG/air mixture for a CNG/diesel dual-fuel engine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhiqiang Lin; Wanhua Su [Tianjin University (China). State Key Laboratory of Engines


    A sequential port injection, lean-burn, fully electronically-controlled compressed natural gas (CNG)/diesel dual-fuel engine has been developed based on a turbo-charged and inter-cooled direct injection (D.I.) diesel engine. During the optimisation of engine overall performance, the effects of pilot diesel and premixed CNG/air mixture equivalence ratio on emissions (CO, HC, NO{sub x}, soot), knocking, misfire and fuel economy are studied. The rich and lean boundaries of the premixed CNG/air mixture versus engine load are also provided, considering the acceptable values of NO{sub x} and THC emissions, respectively. It is interesting to find that there is a critical amount of pilot diesel for each load and speed point, which proved to be the optimum amount of pilot fuel. Any decrease in the amount of pilot diesel from this optimum amount results in an increase of NO{sub x} emissions, because the premixed CNG/air mixture must be made richer, otherwise THC emissions would increase. However, the soot emissions remain almost unchanged at a very low level. (author)

  13. Emission factors of air pollutants from CNG-gasoline bi-fuel vehicles: Part I. Black carbon. (United States)

    Wang, Yang; Xing, Zhenyu; Xu, Hui; Du, Ke


    Compressed natural gas (CNG) is considered to be a "cleaner" fuel compared to other fossil fuels. Therefore, it is used as an alternative fuel in motor vehicles to reduce emissions of air pollutants in transportation. To quantify "how clean" burning CNG is compared to burning gasoline, quantification of pollutant emissions under the same driving conditions for motor vehicles with different fuels is needed. In this study, a fleet of bi-fuel vehicles was selected to measure the emissions of black carbon (BC), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and nitrogen oxide (NO x ) for driving in CNG mode and gasoline mode respectively under the same set of constant speeds and accelerations. Comparison of emission factors (EFs) for the vehicles burning CNG and gasoline are discussed. This part of the paper series reports BC EFs for bi-fuel vehicles driving on the real road, which were measured using an in situ method. Our results show that burning CNG will lead to 54%-83% reduction in BC emissions per kilometer, depending on actual driving conditions. These comparisons show that CNG is a cleaner fuel than gasoline for motor vehicles in terms of BC emissions and provide a viable option for reducing BC emissions cause by transportation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. An experimental investigation of performance of diesel to CNG engine (United States)

    Misra, Sheelam; Gupta, Ayush; Garg, Ashutosh


    Over the past few decades, diesel engines are widely used in automobiles which is responsible for hazardous increase in pollution. Around the world, many countries are trying to reduce it by replacing diesel with CNG as a fuel which is more economical and leads to pollution free environment. Engineers came up with an idea to convert diesel engine to CNG engine. This conversion is possible by doing some alteration of engine components and it also include adding some extra components to the system which includes spark plug, valves etc. and by decreasing the compression ratio of the engine. It is used worldwide today and many countries have many programs to convert older, polluting diesel vehicles to CNG enable vehicles so that they can run on clean, economical natural gas. This is, an excellent way to reduce fuel cost, reduce pollution, reduce noise with minimum possible capital costs.first, second, and third level headings.

  15. Työhyvinvointi on kaikkien yhteinen asia


    Jukantupa, Anna


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää erään päihde- ja mielenterveystyötä tekevän asumispalveluyksikön henkilöstön kokemuksia työhyvinvointiin vaikuttavista asioista ja miten näihin asioihin voi itse vaikuttaa. Tavoitteena oli lisäksi saada tietoa henkilöstön halukkuudesta osallistua työyhteisön yhteisiin työhyvinvointia ylläpitäviin hetkiin sekä kerätä tietoa, millainen tällaisen hetken sisältö voisi olla. Anonymiteetin takaamiseksi ei paljastettu yhteistyötahon nimeä. Tutkimuksen ...

  16. Innovation Ecosystem of CNG Vehicles: A Case Study of Its Cultivation and Characteristics in Sichuan, China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ling Ding


    Full Text Available Under the constraints of resources and environment, China is eager to cultivate a new industrial system with ecological characteristics in light of local circumstances. This paper selects the innovation ecosystem of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG vehicles in Sichuan, China as the objective of the case study to explore its cultivation and characteristics. The theoretical significance lies in three areas. Firstly, the cultivation path of the CNG vehicle innovation ecosystem is manifested. Secondly, the symbiotic process model among the communities within the CNG vehicle innovation ecosystem is found. Thirdly, the substitutive process model of the CNG vehicle innovation ecosystem is discovered, which reveals the substitutability among innovation ecosystems, the communities of similar products, and the enterprises of similar products. This paper is of theoretical, practical, and political significance for the development of a CNG vehicle innovation ecosystem in emerging markets in terms of regional energy security and emission reduction.

  17. Perehdytys etätyössä : case Annanpura Oy:n perehdytyssuunnitelma


    Kohomäki, Noora


    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli laatia toimiva perehdytyssuunnitelma yritykselle, jonka työntekijät työskentelevät pääsääntöisesti kotoaan käsin. Etätyön perehdyttämisessä korostuvat riittävän viestinnän ja vuorovaikutuksen järjestäminen. Työn keskeisenä haasteena oli dialogisen perehdytyksen ja itsenäisesti suoritettavan etätyön yhdistäminen. Työn tavoitteena oli lisäksi selvittää, onnistuuko hiljaisen tiedon ja osaamisen siirtäminen etätyössä ja sen perehdytyksessä. Teoreettisessa viitekeh...

  18. Particle and gaseous emissions from individual diesel and CNG buses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Å. M. Hallquist


    Full Text Available In this study size-resolved particle and gaseous emissions from 28 individual diesel-fuelled and 7 compressed natural gas (CNG-fuelled buses, selected from an in-use bus fleet, were characterised for real-world dilution scenarios. The method used was based on using CO2 as a tracer of exhaust gas dilution. The particles were sampled by using an extractive sampling method and analysed with high time resolution instrumentation EEPS (10 Hz and CO2 with a non-dispersive infrared gas analyser (LI-840, LI-COR Inc. 1 Hz. The gaseous constituents (CO, HC and NO were measured by using a remote sensing device (AccuScan RSD 3000, Environmental System Products Inc.. Nitrogen oxides, NOx, were estimated from NO by using default NO2/NOx ratios from the road vehicle emission model HBEFA3.1. The buses studied were diesel-fuelled Euro III–V and CNG-fuelled Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicles (EEVs with different after-treatment, including selective catalytic reduction (SCR, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR and with and without diesel particulate filter (DPF. The primary driving mode applied in this study was accelerating mode. However, regarding the particle emissions also a constant speed mode was analysed. The investigated CNG buses emitted on average a higher number of particles but less mass compared to the diesel-fuelled buses. Emission factors for number of particles (EFPN were EFPN, DPF = 4.4 ± 3.5 × 1014, EFPN, no DPF = 2.1 ± 1.0 × 1015 and EFPN, CNG = 7.8 ± 5.7 ×1015 kg fuel−1. In the accelerating mode, size-resolved emission factors (EFs showed unimodal number size distributions with peak diameters of 70–90 nm and 10 nm for diesel and CNG buses, respectively. For the constant speed mode, bimodal average number size distributions were obtained for the diesel buses with peak modes of ~10 nm and ~60 nm. Emission factors for NOx expressed as NO2 equivalents for the diesel buses were on average 27 ± 7 g (kg fuel−1 and for the CNG buses 41

  19. Regulators of ribonucleotide reductase inhibit Ty1 mobility in saccharomyces cerevisiae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O'Donnell John P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Ty1 is a long terminal repeat retrotransposon of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with a replication cycle similar to retrovirus replication. Structurally, Ty1 contains long terminal repeat (LTR regions flanking the gag and pol genes that encode for the proteins that enable Ty1 mobility. Reverse transcriptase produces Ty1 complementary (cDNA that can either be integrated back into the genome by integrase or recombined into the yeast genome through homologous recombination. The frequency of Ty1 mobility is temperature sensitive, with optimum activity occurring at 24-26°C. Results In this study, we identified two host genes that when deleted allow for high temperature Ty1 mobility: RFX1 and SML1. The protein products of these genes are both negative regulators of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase, a key enzyme in regulating deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate (dNTP levels in the cell. Processing of Ty1 proteins is defective at high temperature, and processing is not improved in either rfx1 or sml1 deletion strains. Ty1 mobility at high temperature is mediated by homologous recombination of Ty1 cDNA to Ty1 elements within the yeast genome. We quantified cDNA levels in wild type, rfx1 and sml1 deletion background strains at different temperatures. Southern blot analysis demonstrated that cDNA levels were not markedly different between the wild type and mutant strains as temperatures increased, indicating that the increased Ty1 mobility is not a result of increased cDNA synthesis in the mutant strains. Homologous recombination efficiency was increased in both rfx1 and sml1 deletion strains at high temperatures; the rfx1 deletion strain also had heightened homologous recombination efficiency at permissive temperatures. In the presence of the dNTP reducing agent hydroxyurea at permissive temperatures, Ty1 mobility was stimulated in the wild type and sml1 deletion strains but not in the rfx1 deletion strain. Mobility frequency was greatly

  20. Influence of extensive compressed natural gas (CNG) usage on air quality (United States)

    Suthawaree, Jeeranut; Sikder, Helena Akhter; Jones, Charlotte Emily; Kato, Shungo; Kunimi, Hitoshi; Mohammed Hamidul Kabir, Abu Naser; Kajii, Yoshizumi


    Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is an inexpensive, indigenous energy resource which currently accounts for the majority of automobile and domestic energy consumption in Bangladesh. This extensive CNG usage, particularly within the capital city, Dhaka, heavily influences the atmospheric composition (and hence air quality), yet to date measurements of trace gases in regions dominated by CNG emissions are relatively limited. Here we report continuous observations of the atmospherically important trace gases O3, CO, SO2, NOx and volatile organic compounds (VOC), in ambient air in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, during May 2011. The average mixing ratios of O3, CO, SO2, and NOx for the measurement period were 18.9, 520.9, 7.6 and 21.5 ppbv, respectively. The ratios of CO to NO reveal that emissions from gasoline and CNG-fuelled vehicles were dominant during the daytime (slope of ˜26), while in contrast, owing to restrictions imposed on diesel fuelled vehicles entering Dhaka City, emissions from these vehicles only became significant during the night (slope of ˜10). The total VOC mixing ratio in Dhaka was ˜5-10 times higher than the levels reported in more developed Asian cities such as Tokyo and Bangkok, which consequently gives rise to a higher ozone formation potential (OFP). However, the most abundant VOC in Dhaka were the relatively long-lived ethane and propane (with mean mixing ratios of ˜115 and ˜30 ppbv, respectively), and as a consequence, the ozone formation potential per ppb carbon (ppbC) was lower in Dhaka than in Tokyo and Bangkok. Thus the atmospheric composition of air influenced by extensive CNG combustion may be characterized by high VOC mixing ratios, yet mixing ratios of the photochemical pollutant ozone do not drastically exceed the levels typical of Asian cities with considerably lower VOC levels.

  1. Osaamisen kehittämisen haasteet, esteet ja kannusteet työuran keskivaiheen muutostilanteissa


    Törmälä-Rantala, Päivi


    Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia osaamisen kehittämisen haasteita, esteitä ja kannusteita työuran puolivälissä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miksi toinen opiskelee ja koulutuksen avulla muuttaa työtilannettaan aktiivisesti, kun taas toinen jättää osaamisensa kehittämisen ja jämähtää samaan työtehtävään vuosiksi. Kartoitus toimi taustatietona Työterveyslaitoksen Taidot työhön –hankkeeseen. Hanke toteutettiin interventiona, ja siinä opastettiin ja kannustettiin ihmisiä parantamaan työllistymiskykyään...

  2. Työkierto : Mielipiteitä käytännöstä


    Hietala, Teija; Lehtonen, Anna


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää hoitajien kokemuksia työkierrosta eräillä yliopistollisen sairaalan osastoilla. Tavoitteena oli antaa tietoa osastojen henkilökunnalle työkierron toimivuudesta. Tavoitteena oli, että kyselyn tuloksia voitaisiin käyttää apuna työkierron toimivuuden arvioinnissa ja mahdollisessa kehittämisessä. Opinnäytetyön tehtävinä oli selvittää mitä työkierto on, miten osaston työntekijät kokivat työkierron toimivuuden osastoilla ja miten osastojen työntekijät...

  3. CNG (compressed natural gas) as fuel for the transport sector in Trinidad and Tobago

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    So`Brien, G.C.; Persad, P.; Satcunanathan, S. [University of the West Indies, St. Augustine (Trinidad)


    Several studies have established that Trinidad and Tobago is well positioned to consider the substitution of compressed natural gas (CNG) for gasoline or diesel in the transport sector. Consequently a programme of conversion of private motors was initiated. Despite considerable advertisement programs projecting CNG as an environmentally friendly and cheap fuel, there is not yet widespread acceptance of the technology. The reasons for this are analysed. It is recommended that the policy of CNG usage be reviewed and the emphasis be shifted to transport fleets. It is also recommended that tax credits be considered as an incentive to users. (author)

  4. The combustion behavior of diesel/CNG mixtures in a constant volume combustion chamber (United States)

    Firmansyah; Aziz, A. R. A.; Heikal, M. R.


    The stringent emissions and needs to increase fuel efficiency makes controlled auto-ignition (CAI) based combustion an attractive alternative for the new combustion system. However, the combustion control is the main obstacles in its development. Reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) that employs two fuels with significantly different in reactivity proven to be able to control the combustion. The RCCI concept applied in a constant volume chamber fuelled with direct injected diesel and compressed natural gas (CNG) was tested. The mixture composition is varied from 0 - 100% diesel/CNG at lambda 1 with main data collection are pressure profile and combustion images. The results show that diesel-CNG mixture significantly shows better combustion compared to diesel only. It is found that CNG is delaying the diesel combustion and at the same time assisting in diesel distribution inside the chamber. This combination creates a multipoint ignition of diesel throughout the chamber that generate very fast heat release rate and higher maximum pressure. Furthermore, lighter yellow color of the flame indicates lower soot production in compared with diesel combustion.

  5. MYCN-driven regulatory mechanisms controlling LIN28B in neuroblastoma (United States)

    Beckers, Anneleen; Van Peer, Gert; Carter, Daniel R.; Gartlgruber, Moritz; Herrmann, Carl; Agarwal, Saurabh; Helsmoortel, Hetty H.; Althoff, Kristina; Molenaar, Jan J.; Cheung, Belamy B.; Schulte, Johannes H.; Benoit, Yves; Shohet, Jason M.; Westermann, Frank; Marshall, Glenn M.; Vandesompele, Jo; De Preter, Katleen; Speleman, Frank


    LIN28B has been identified as an oncogene in various tumor entities, including neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer that originates from neural crest-derived cells, and is characterized by amplification of the MYCN oncogene. Recently, elevated LIN28B expression levels were shown to contribute to neuroblastoma tumorigenesis via let-7 dependent de-repression of MYCN. However, additional insight in the regulation of LIN28B in neuroblastoma is lacking. Therefore, we have performed a comprehensive analysis of the regulation of LIN28B in neuroblastoma, with a specific focus on the contribution of miRNAs. We show that MYCN regulates LIN28B expression in neuroblastoma tumors via two distinct parallel mechanisms. First, through an unbiased LIN28B-3′UTR reporter screen, we found that miR-26a-5p and miR-26b-5p regulate LIN28B expression. Next, we demonstrated that MYCN indirectly affects the expression of miR-26a-5p, and hence regulates LIN28B, therefor establishing a MYCN-miR-26a-5p-LIN28B regulatory axis. Second, we provide evidence that MYCN regulates LIN28B expression via interaction with the LIN28B promotor, establishing a direct MYCN-LIN28B regulatory axis. We believe that these findings mark LIN28B as an important effector of the MYCN oncogenic phenotype and underlines the importance of MYCN-regulated miRNAs in establishing the MYCN-driven oncogenic process. PMID:26123663

  6. Hanford Single-Shell Tank Leak Causes and Locations - 241-BY and 241-TY Farm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Girardot, Crystal L.; Harlow, Donald G.


    This document identifies 241-BY Tank Farm (BY Farm) and 241-TY Tank Farm (TY Farm) lead causes and locations for the 100 series leaking tanks (241-BY-103, 241-TY-103, 241-TY-104, 241-TY-105 and 241-TY-106) identified in RPP-RPT-43704, Hanford BY Farm Leak Assessments Report, and in RPP-RPT-42296, Hanford TY Farm Leak Assessments Report. This document satisfies the BY and TY Farm portion of the target (T04) in the Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order milestone M-045-91F.

  7. Hoitohenkilökunnnan näkemyksiä tavoitteellisesta työkierrosta


    Neuvonen, Elina


    Opinnäytetyöni tarkoituksena oli kuvailla tavoitteelliseen työkiertoon osallistumattoman hoitohenkilökunnan näkemyksiä tavoitteellisesta työkierrosta. Hoitohenkilökunnalla tässä työssä tarkoitetaan perus-, lähi-, ja mielenterveys- ja sairaanhoitajia. Tavoitteena oli kuvailla hoitohenkilökunnan näkemyksiä tavoitteellisesta työkierrosta, kartoittaa mitä tietoa heillä on sekä selvittää, mitkä tekijät edistäisivät hoitohenkilökunnan työkiertoon lähtemistä ja toisaalta mitkä tekijät sitä estävät. ...

  8. Venäjä-opas IKEA Kuopion työntekijöille


    Vartiainen, Noora


    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena oli luoda IKEA Kuopion työntekijöille venäjä-opas venäläisten asi-akkaiden palvelua varten. Työn tarkoituksena oli auttaa Kuopion IKEA – tavaratalon työntekijöitä kommunikoimaan venäläisten asiakkaiden kanssa ja palvelemaan heitä paremmin. Työn tavoitteena oli tehdä opas, joka sisältää käytännöllisiä ja oleellisia lauseita venäjäksi IKEA Kuopion työntekijöiden työn kannalta sekä on helppokäyttöinen. Opas sisältää tietoa venäläisistä, jotta työntekijät ymmärtävät en...

  9. Kehityskeskustelut osana työyhteisön johtamista


    Nikula, Johannes


    Tämän päivän suomalaisessa työelämässä eletään jatkuvassa muutoksessa, joka on seurausta kiristyneestä kansainvälisestä kilpailusta. Menestyäkseen alati kovenevassa kilpailussa organisaatioiden on saatava jokaisen työntekijän potentiaali käyttöönsä täysimääräisesti. Kehityskeskustelut tarjoavat organisaatioiden johdolle, esimiehille ja työntekijöille viestintäkanavan käydä kehittävää vuoropuhelua yhteisen suunnan löytämiseksi. Kehityskeskustelujen avulla organisaatioissa johdetaan suoritusta,...

  10. Urban air quality improvement by using a CNG lean burn engine for city buses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Merétei, T.; Ling, J.A.N. van; Havenith, C.


    The use of compressed natural gas (CNG)-fuelled lean-burn city bus engines has a significant potential for air quality improvement in urban areas. Particularly important is the reduction of NO, as well as particulate and non regulated HC-emissions. For this reason, a CNG-fuelled, lean-burn,

  11. Diversity and evolution of Ty1-copia and Ty3-gypsy retroelements in the non-photosynthetic flowering plants Orobanche and Phelipanche (Orobanchaceae). (United States)

    Park, Jeong-Mi; Schneeweiss, Gerald M; Weiss-Schneeweiss, Hanna


    We present the first study on the diversity and evolution of Ty1-copia and Ty3-gypsy retroelements in a group of non-photosynthetic flowering plants. To this end partial sequences of the reverse transcriptase (rt) gene were obtained from 20 clones for each retroelement type from seven and six accessions of Orobanche and Phelipanche (Orobanchaceae), respectively. Overall sequence similarity is higher in Ty3-gypsy elements than in Ty1-copia elements in agreement with the results from other angiosperm groups. Higher sequence diversity and stronger phylogenetic structure, especially of Ty1-copia sequences, in Orobanche species compared to Phelipanche species support the previously suggested hypothesis (based on karyological and cytological data) that genomes of Orobanche species are more dynamic than those of Phelipanche species. No evidence was found for intraspecific differences of retroelement diversity nor for differences between pest taxa and their putative wild relatives, e.g., O. crenata and O. owerini. The occurrence of a few sequences from Phelipanche species in clades otherwise comprising sequences from Orobanche species might be due to horizontal gene transfer, but the alternative of vertical transmission cannot be rejected unambiguously.

  12. Rakennusalan työsaliopetuksen arviointi Omnian ammattiopistossa


    Huttunen, Ari Petteri


    TIIVISTELMÄ Taustaa Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä on pääkaupunkiseudun aktiivisempia ja isoimpia rakennusalan kouluttajia. Omnian ammattiopisto antaa rakennusalan perustutkintoon johtavaa koulutusta. Koulutusohjelma on talonrakennus. Omnian muuttaessa uusiin tiloihin kolme vuotta sitten, havaittiin että rakennusalan työsalin opetusta tulisi kehittää. Tavoite Tavoitteena oli että saisimme kehittää nuorten rakennusalan koulutusta työsalilla tapahtuvassa II-asteen koulutuksen o...

  13. Cost-effectiveness analysis of CNG urban taxi operations. (United States)


    Increased emphasis on energy efficiency and air quality has resulted in a number of state and federal initiatives : examining the use of alternative fuels for motor vehicles. Texas' program for alternate fuels includes compressed : natural gas (CNG)....

  14. Sosiaalisen median markkinointisuunnitelma uudelle hoitoalan konseptoidulle työvaatemallistolle


    Leppälä, Sanna


    Opinnäytetyössä pohdittiin keinoja saada uuden konseptoidun työvaatemalliston näkyvyyttä esille sosiaalisen median keinoin. Toimeksiantaja-yrityksenä toimi suomalainen Virtually Oy ja kohteena oli sen uusi hoitajille suunnattu työvaatemallisto. Malliston ympärille halutaan luoda kestävä brändi ja sosiaalisen median markkinointi on tukemassa brändin tunnettavuutta ja myyntiä. Sosiaalinen media ei yritysten välisessä liiketoiminnassa toimi ainoana markkinoinnin työkaluna, vaan se on tukemas...

  15. Lin28a regulates germ cell pool size and fertility (United States)

    Shinoda, Gen; de Soysa, T. Yvanka; Seligson, Marc T.; Yabuuchi, Akiko; Fujiwara, Yuko; Huang, Pei Yi; Hagan, John P.; Gregory, Richard I.; Moss, Eric G.; Daley, George Q.


    Overexpression of LIN28A is associated with human germ cell tumors and promotes primordial germ cell (PGC) development from embryonic stem cells in vitro and in chimeric mice. Knockdown of Lin28a inhibits PGC development in vitro, but how constitutional Lin28a deficiency affects the mammalian reproductive system in vivo remains unknown. Here, we generated Lin28a knockout (KO) mice and found that Lin28a deficiency compromises the size of the germ cell pool in both males and females by affecting PGC proliferation during embryogenesis. Interestingly however, in Lin28a KO males the germ cell pool partially recovers during postnatal expansion, while fertility remains impaired in both males and females mated to wild type mice. Embryonic overexpression of let-7, a microRNA negatively regulated by Lin28a, reduces the germ cell pool, corroborating the role of the Lin28a/let-7 axis in regulating the germ lineage. PMID:23378032

  16. Performance of CO2 enrich CNG in direct injection engine (United States)

    Firmansyah, W. B.; Ayandotun, E. Z.; Zainal, A.; Aziz, A. R. A.; Heika, M. R.


    This paper investigates the potential of utilizing the undeveloped natural gas fields in Malaysia with high carbon dioxide (CO2) content ranging from 28% to 87%. For this experiment, various CO2 proportions by volume were added to pure natural gas as a way of simulating raw natural gas compositions in these fields. The experimental tests were carried out using a 4-stroke single cylinder spark ignition (SI) direct injection (DI) compressed natural gas (CNG) engine. The tests were carried out at 180° and 300° before top dead centre (BTDC) injection timing at 3000 rpm, to establish the effects on the engine performance. The results show that CO2 is suppressing the combustion of CNG while on the other hand CNG combustion is causing CO2 dissociation shown by decreasing CO2 emission with the increase in CO2 content. Results for 180° BTDC injection timing shows higher performance compared to 300° BTDC because of two possible reasons, higher volumetric efficiency and higher stratification level. The results also showed the possibility of increasing the CO2 content by injection strategy.

  17. Asiakaspalveluosaston työtyytyväisyys ja sitoutuminen


    Puustinen, Piia


    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli mitata toimeksiantajayrityksen X asiakaspalveluosaston työviihtyvyyden sekä työhön sitoutumisen tasoa selvittämällä näihin eniten vaikuttavat tekijät sekä näiden tekijöiden toteutumisen taso henkilökunnan näkökulmasta. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana ollut kansainvälinen logistiikka-alan yritys halusi pysyä nimettömänä työn aiheen vuoksi, joten tästä syystä opinnäytetyössä käytettiin nimeä Yritys X. Sitouttaminen voidaan määritellä henkilöstöjohtamisen keinoks...

  18. Hyvät kokemukset luovat lumipalloilmiön. : kartoitus näkövammaisten henkilöiden työllistymisestä työkeskuksiin ja sosiaalisiin yrityksiin.


    Vehviläinen, Timo


    TIIVISTELMÄ Vehviläinen, Timo. Hyvät kokemukset luovat lumipalloilmiön. Näkövammaisten henkilöiden työllistyminen työkeskuksiin ja sosiaalisiin yrityksiin. Diak Helsinki, syksy 2013, 58 s., 2 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Helsingin toimipaikka, Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, sosio-nomi (AMK). Tämän tutkimuksellisen opinnäytetyön aiheena oli näkövammaisten henkilöiden työllisty-minen. Siinä kartoitettiin työllistymiseen vaadittavia keskeisiä tukitoimia ja apuvälineitä sekä ...

  19. Facebook lanseerauksen työkaluna : Case: Flypark


    Rautio, Hanna


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on tuoda esille nykyajan tuomaa muutosta markkinointiin ja sosiaalisen median mahdollisuuksia mainonnan välineenä. Työssä tutustutaan viime vuosina tapahtuneeseen markkinoinnin kehitykseen ja rahallisten panostusten muutoksiin Suomessa. Esimerkkinä työssä toimii viime syksynä toimintansa aloittanut pysäköintiyritys Flypark, joka toteutti lanseerauskampanjan Facebookissa tavoitteena kasvattaa tunnettuutta, sekä kerätä potentiaalisia asiakkaita sosiaalisen median avu...

  20. The Lin28/let-7 axis regulates glucose metabolism (United States)

    Zhu, Hao; Shyh-Chang, Ng; Segrè, Ayellet V.; Shinoda, Gen; Shah, Samar P.; Einhorn, William S.; Takeuchi, Ayumu; Engreitz, Jesse M.; Hagan, John P.; Kharas, Michael G; Urbach, Achia; Thornton, James E.; Triboulet, Robinson; Gregory, Richard I.; Altshuler, David; Daley, George Q.


    SUMMARY The let-7 tumor suppressor microRNAs are known for their regulation of oncogenes, while the RNA-binding proteins Lin28a/b promote malignancy by blocking let-7 biogenesis. In studies of the Lin28/let-7 pathway, we discovered unexpected roles in regulating metabolism. When overexpressed in mice, both Lin28a and LIN28B promoted an insulin-sensitized state that resisted high fat diet-induced diabetes, whereas muscle-specific loss of Lin28a and overexpression of let-7 resulted in insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance. These phenomena occurred in part through let-7-mediated repression of multiple components of the insulin-PI3K-mTOR pathway, including IGF1R, INSR, and IRS2. The mTOR inhibitor rapamycin abrogated the enhanced glucose uptake and insulin-sensitivity conferred by Lin28a in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we found that let-7 targets were enriched for genes that contain SNPs associated with type 2 diabetes and fasting glucose in human genome-wide association studies. These data establish the Lin28/let-7 pathway as a central regulator of mammalian glucose metabolism. PMID:21962509

  1. Cost-Effectiveness of Emissions Reduction through Vehicle Repair Compared to CNG Conversion. (United States)

    Guenther, Paul L; Lesko, Jon M; Stedman, Donald H


    In return for a temporary waiver from converting five vehicles to operate on compressed natural gas (CNG) for the Denver Clean Fuels program, the University of Denver identified, tested, repaired, and retested nine employee commuter vehicles. The results of the study validated the concept that employer-based identification and repair programs can be carried out in a cost-effective way. On average, each repaired vehicle removed fifty times more carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from Denver air than each CNG conversion. The average cost of each repair was eight times less than the average cost of each conversion. The average fuel economy benefit from the repairs was enough to pay for the average cost of repairs in less than three years of normal driving. When the expected lifetimes of repairs and conversions are included, the targeted repair program appears to be over sixty times more cost-effective as a CO emissions reduction strategy than CNG conversion.

  2. Assessment of air quality after the implementation of compressed natural gas (CNG) as fuel in public transport in Delhi, India. (United States)

    Ravindra, Khaiwal; Wauters, Eric; Tyagi, Sushil K; Mor, Suman; Van Grieken, René


    Public transport in Delhi was amended by the Supreme Court of India to use Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) instead of diesel or petrol. After the implementation of CNG since April 2001, Delhi has the highest fraction of CNG-run public vehicles in the world and most of them were introduced within 20 months. In the present study, the concentrations of various criteria air pollutants (SPM, PM(10), CO, SO(2) and NO(x)) and organic pollutants such as benzene, toluene, xylene (BTX) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were assessed before and after the implementation of CNG. A decreasing trend was found for PAHs, SO(2) and CO concentrations, while the NO(x) level was increased in comparison to those before the implementation of CNG. Further, SPM, PM(10), and BTX concentrations showed no significant change after the implementation of CNG. However, the BTX concentration demonstrated a clear relation with the benzene content of gasoline. In addition to the impact of the introduction of CNG the daily variation in PAHs levels was also studied and the PAHs concentrations were observed to be relatively high between 10 pm to 6 am, which gives a proof of a relation with the limited day entry and movement of heavy vehicles in Delhi.

  3. Perhetyöntekijöiden työnkuva ja ajankäyttö


    Rantala, Miia


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tarkastella Porin perusturvakeskuksen perhetyöntekijöiden työnkuvaa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, minkälaisia työtehtäviä perhetyöntekijän työhön kuuluu ja kuinka paljon yksittäiset työtehtävät vievät työaikaa. Opinnäytetyön teoreettisessa osuudessa käsiteltiin yleisesti perhetyötä ja mitä se tarkoittaa erilaisista näkökulmista. Perhetyöstä kerrottiin niin ennaltaehkäisevästä kuin lastensuojelunkin näkökulmasta, myös lain säädäntöä ja työvälineitä sivuttiin...

  4. Emission factors of air pollutants from CNG-gasoline bi-fuel vehicles: Part II. CO, HC and NOx. (United States)

    Huang, Xiaoyan; Wang, Yang; Xing, Zhenyu; Du, Ke


    The estimation of emission factors (EFs) is the basis of accurate emission inventory. However, the EFs of air pollutants for motor vehicles vary under different operating conditions, which will cause uncertainty in developing emission inventory. Natural gas (NG), considered as a "cleaner" fuel than gasoline, is increasingly being used to reduce combustion emissions. However, information is scarce about how much emission reduction can be achieved by motor vehicles burning NG (NGVs) under real road driving conditions, which is necessary for evaluating the environmental benefits for NGVs. Here, online, in situ measurements of the emissions from nine bi-fuel vehicles were conducted under different operating conditions on the real road. A comparative study was performed for the EFs of black carbon (BC), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) for each operating condition when the vehicles using gasoline and compressed NG (CNG) as fuel. BC EFs were reported in part I. The part II in this paper series reports the influence of operating conditions and fuel types on the EFs of CO, HC and NOx. Fuel-based EFs of CO showed good correlations with speed when burning CNG and gasoline. The correlation between fuel-based HC EFs and speed was relatively weak whether burning CNG or gasoline. The fuel-based NOx EFs moderately correlated with speed when burning CNG, but weakly correlated with gasoline. As for HC, the mileage-based EFs of gasoline vehicles are 2.39-12.59 times higher than those of CNG vehicles. The mileage-based NOx EFs of CNG vehicles are slightly higher than those of gasoline vehicles. These results would facilitate a detailed analysis of the environmental benefits for replacing gasoline with CNG in light duty vehicles. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Refinements to calandria tube - liquid injection nozzle (CT-LIN) contact assessments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sedran, P.J.


    In recent years, the issue of CT-LIN contact, which first gained attention in 1989, has been addressed through CT-LIN gap measurements, followed by analytical predictions of time-to-contact. CT-LIN time-to-contact predictions have been preformed independently by CPUS Limited for Point Lepreau and Gentilly-2 and by AECL Sheridan Park (now Candu Energy Inc.) for Bruce Power and Gentilly-2. Both companies used the CDEPTH code in combination with CT-LIN gap measurements. Subsequent to the assessments for Point Lepreau and Gentilly-2, a recommended approach for future assessments was presented at the 2008 CANDU maintenance conference. Since that time, a number of refinements to the overall strategy for predicting CT-LIN time-to-contact have been developed and are outlined in this paper. The refinements include: 1. The use of ultrasonic LIN elevation measurements to confirm LIN creep sag behaviour 2. The development of a non-linear empirical CT Creep Sag Model 3. The development of a rationale for discrepancies observed in repeated optical CT-LIN gap measurements and a discussion of alternative CT-LIN gap measurements With these refinements, more accurate CT-LIN time-to-contact predictions can be obtained. For stations that plan to refurbish by 210,000 EFPH, the improvement in time-to-contact predictions resulting from the fore mentioned refinements will not be of any real benefit.. However, for stations that are planning life extensions in order to operate beyond 210,000 EFPH, CT-LIN contact will be an issue. For these stations, improvements in CT-LIN contact time predictions would be beneficial. This paper presents a summary of the proposed refinements and demonstrates how they would impact CT-LIN time-to-contact predictions. (author)

  6. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Transit Bus Experience Survey: April 2009--April 2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adams, R.; Horne, D. B.


    This survey was commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to collect and analyze experiential data and information from a cross-section of U.S. transit agencies with varying degrees of compressed natural gas (CNG) bus and station experience. This information will be used to assist DOE and NREL in determining areas of success and areas where further technical or other assistance might be required, and to assist them in focusing on areas judged by the CNG transit community as priority items.

  7. The Coselle CNG carrier : a new way to ship natural gas by sea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stenning, D.


    Coselle CNG carriers represent an emerging technology option for water-borne natural gas transportation. The idea behind the Coselle is to create a large but compact CNG storage system using pipe coiled into a carousel. The system promises to significantly improve the economics of shipping natural gas over short sea routes. This would unlock many gas reserves which are stranded because of the high costs associated with shipping natural gas by conventional tankers. The innovative patented technology for Coselle CNG carriers was described in this paper. The completed work on the technology is sufficient to allow a pilot project to proceed before the next step of commercialization of the technology. The technology can be applied in the Mediterranean Sea, the Caribbean Sea, the Arabian Sea, Sakhalin Island, Canada's east coast, Deepwater offshore Brazil and Gulf of Mexico, and West Africa. 4 refs., 1 tab., 5 figs

  8. Työaikaergonomia eräässä hoiva-alan yrityksessä


    Airaksinen, Riikka


    Vuorotyön haitallisista vaikutuksista ihmisen terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin on laajaa tutkimusnäyttöä, mutta terveydenhuoltoalalla epäsäännöllinen vuorotyö on edelleen erittäin yleistä. Vuorotyön haitallisia vaikutuksia on mahdollista vähentää huomioimalla työaikaergonomia työvuorosuunnittelussa. Tämän tapaustutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa erään hoiva-alan yrityksen hoitohenkilöstön työaikaergonomiaa, siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä hoitohenkilöstön mielipiteitä työaikaergonomias...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syed Kaleemuddin


    Full Text Available Fluctuating fuel prices and associated pollution problems of largely exploited petroleum liquid fuel has stimulated the research on abundantly available gaseous fuels to keep the mobility industry intact. In the present work an air cooled diesel engine was modified suitably into a spark ignition engine incorporating electronic ignition and variable speed dependant spark timing to accommodate both LPG and CNG as fuels. Engine was optimized for stoichiometric operation on engine dynamometer. Materials of a few intricate engine components were replaced to suit LPG and CNG application. Ignition timing was mapped to work with gaseous fuels for different speeds. Compensation was done for recovering volumetric efficiency when operated with CNG by introducing more volume of air through resonator. Ignition timing was observed to be the pertinent parameter in achieving good performance with gaseous fuels under consideration. Performance and emission tests were carried out on engine dynamometer and chassis dynamometer. Under wide open throttle and at rated speed condition, it was observed that the peak pressure with LPG was lying between diesel fuel and CNG fuel operation due to slow burning nature of gaseous fuels. As compression ratio was maintained same for LPG and CNG fuel operation, low CO emissions were observed with LPG where as HC + NOx emissions were lower with CNG fuel operation. Chassis dynamometer based emission tests yielded lower CO2 levels with CNG operation.

  10. CNG: Aiming to be an energy company, not a gas company

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wheatley, R.


    Long before regulatory changes in the US paved the way for the union of natural gas and electric utility companies, Consolidated Natural Gas Co. (CNG) embarked on a strategy that would serve the company well in the 1990s. In 1995, CNG began a corporate repositioning to meet mounting competition, switching emphasis from its regulated businesses to the non-regulated side. The goal: to become an energy player, not only in the US but internationally. This paper focuses on the company's operations, business plans, and management strategies. The paper gives an overview, then discusses production of oil and gas, the growing exploration program and plans for the future

  11. Varttuneet ja ikäsyrjintä työelämässä


    Viitasalo, Niina


    Työelämän ikäsyrjintä esteenä pitkille työurille Työelämässä esiintyvä ikäsyrjintä on ristiriidassa työurien pidentämisen kanssa. Ikäsyrjintää kokeneilla on jopa kaksinkertainen pitkien sairauspoissaolojen riski 3 vuoden seuranta-aikana. Eniten ikäsyrjintäkokemuksia on yli 55-vuotiailla naisilla, heistä lähes 8 prosenttia on kokenut ikäsyrjintää työssään. Ikäsyrjintä ilmenee työpaikkojen arjessa varttuneiden torjuntana, painostamisena, vähättelynä tai eristämisenä. Ikäsyrjintä näyttäytyy ...

  12. Röntgenhoitajaopiskelijan työturvallisuus ammattitaitoa edistävässä harjoittelussa


    Vierula, Hanna-Leena


    Opinnäytetyönä tuotettiin taskuinfo työturvallisuudesta Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun radiografian ja sädehoidon koulutusohjelman opiskelijoille ammattitaitoa edistäviin harjoitteluihin. Opinnäytetyön tavoite on edistää röntgenhoitajaopiskelijoiden tietoutta työturvallisuudesta sekä auttaa heitä työturvallisuuteen liittyvissä ongelmatilanteissa ammattitaitoa edistävissä harjoitteluissa. Opinnäytetyössä tuotettiin materiaalia opiskelijoiden työturvallisuuteen liittyen. Pohjana käytettiin...

  13. Tye7 regulates yeast Ty1 retrotransposon sense and antisense transcription in response to adenylic nucleotides stress. (United States)

    Servant, Géraldine; Pinson, Benoit; Tchalikian-Cosson, Aurélie; Coulpier, Fanny; Lemoine, Sophie; Pennetier, Carole; Bridier-Nahmias, Antoine; Todeschini, Anne Laure; Fayol, Hélène; Daignan-Fornier, Bertrand; Lesage, Pascale


    Transposable elements play a fundamental role in genome evolution. It is proposed that their mobility, activated under stress, induces mutations that could confer advantages to the host organism. Transcription of the Ty1 LTR-retrotransposon of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is activated in response to a severe deficiency in adenylic nucleotides. Here, we show that Ty2 and Ty3 are also stimulated under these stress conditions, revealing the simultaneous activation of three active Ty retrotransposon families. We demonstrate that Ty1 activation in response to adenylic nucleotide depletion requires the DNA-binding transcription factor Tye7. Ty1 is transcribed in both sense and antisense directions. We identify three Tye7 potential binding sites in the region of Ty1 DNA sequence where antisense transcription starts. We show that Tye7 binds to Ty1 DNA and regulates Ty1 antisense transcription. Altogether, our data suggest that, in response to adenylic nucleotide reduction, TYE7 is induced and activates Ty1 mRNA transcription, possibly by controlling Ty1 antisense transcription. We also provide the first evidence that Ty1 antisense transcription can be regulated by environmental stress conditions, pointing to a new level of control of Ty1 activity by stress, as Ty1 antisense RNAs play an important role in regulating Ty1 mobility at both the transcriptional and post-transcriptional stages.

  14. Lin28 sustains early renal progenitors and induces Wilms tumor (United States)

    Urbach, Achia; Yermalovich, Alena; Zhang, Jin; Spina, Catherine S.; Zhu, Hao; Perez-Atayde, Antonio R.; Shukrun, Rachel; Charlton, Jocelyn; Sebire, Neil; Mifsud, William; Dekel, Benjamin; Pritchard-Jones, Kathy; Daley, George Q.


    Wilms Tumor, the most common pediatric kidney cancer, evolves from the failure of terminal differentiation of the embryonic kidney. Here we show that overexpression of the heterochronic regulator Lin28 during kidney development in mice markedly expands nephrogenic progenitors by blocking their final wave of differentiation, ultimately resulting in a pathology highly reminiscent of Wilms tumor. Using lineage-specific promoters to target Lin28 to specific cell types, we observed Wilms tumor only when Lin28 is aberrantly expressed in multiple derivatives of the intermediate mesoderm, implicating the cell of origin as a multipotential renal progenitor. We show that withdrawal of Lin28 expression reverts tumorigenesis and markedly expands the numbers of glomerulus-like structures and that tumor formation is suppressed by enforced expression of Let-7 microRNA. Finally, we demonstrate overexpression of the LIN28B paralog in a significant percentage of human Wilms tumor. Our data thus implicate the Lin28/Let-7 pathway in kidney development and tumorigenesis. PMID:24732380

  15. PUVUSTUS REUNAN YLI – NUORISONÄYTELMÄÄN : Pukusuunnittelija osana työryhmää


    Savinoff, Kirsi


    Tarkastelen tässä opinnäytetyössä pukusuunnittelijan työnkuvaa ja roolia näytelmäproduktion yhtenä rakentajana. Työssäni pohdiskelen sitä kuinka pukusuunnittelija työskentelee osana ammattimaista teatteriryhmää ja, kuinka ryhmän sisäinen tiimityöskentely vaikuttaa työn kulkuun ja lopullisen työn laatuun. Työni rajaan käsittelemään pukusuunnittelijan kannalta neljää tärkeintä produktioissa mukana olevaa tahoa ohjaajaa, näyttelijää, lavastajaa ja valmistajia eli ompelimjoita. Tietoutta pukusuun...

  16. Structure-Function Model for Kissing Loop Interactions That Initiate Dimerization of Ty1 RNA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eric R. Gamache


    Full Text Available The genomic RNA of the retrotransposon Ty1 is packaged as a dimer into virus-like particles. The 5′ terminus of Ty1 RNA harbors cis-acting sequences required for translation initiation, packaging and initiation of reverse transcription (TIPIRT. To identify RNA motifs involved in dimerization and packaging, a structural model of the TIPIRT domain in vitro was developed from single-nucleotide resolution RNA structural data. In general agreement with previous models, the first 326 nucleotides of Ty1 RNA form a pseudoknot with a 7-bp stem (S1, a 1-nucleotide interhelical loop and an 8-bp stem (S2 that delineate two long, structured loops. Nucleotide substitutions that disrupt either pseudoknot stem greatly reduced helper-Ty1-mediated retrotransposition of a mini-Ty1, but only mutations in S2 destabilized mini-Ty1 RNA in cis and helper-Ty1 RNA in trans. Nested in different loops of the pseudoknot are two hairpins with complementary 7-nucleotide motifs at their apices. Nucleotide substitutions in either motif also reduced retrotransposition and destabilized mini- and helper-Ty1 RNA. Compensatory mutations that restore base-pairing in the S2 stem or between the hairpins rescued retrotransposition and RNA stability in cis and trans. These data inform a model whereby a Ty1 RNA kissing complex with two intermolecular kissing-loop interactions initiates dimerization and packaging.

  17. lin-12 Notch functions in the adult nervous system of C. elegans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tucey Tim M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Notch signaling pathways are conserved across species and traditionally have been implicated in cell fate determination during embryonic development. Notch signaling components are also expressed postdevelopmentally in the brains of adult mice and Drosophila. Recent studies suggest that Notch signaling may play a role in the physiological, rather than developmental, regulation of neurons. Here, we investigate a new non-developmental role for Caenorhabditis elegans lin-12 Notch signaling in neurons regulating the spontaneous reversal rate during locomotion. Results The spontaneous reversal rate of C. elegans during normal locomotion is constant. Both lin-12 gain and loss of function mutant animals had significantly increased reversal rates compared to wild type controls. These defects were caused by lin-12 activity, because the loss of function defect could be rescued by a wild type lin-12 transgene. Furthermore, overexpression of lin-12 recapitulated the gain-of-function defect. Increasing or decreasing lin-12 activity in the postdevelopmental adult animal was sufficient to rapidly and reversibly increase reversals, thereby excluding a developmental role for lin-12. Although lin-12 is expressed in the vulval and somatic gonad lineages, we find that these tissues play no role in regulating reversal rates. In contrast, altering lin-12 activity specifically in the nervous system was sufficient to increase reversals. These behavioral changes require components of the canonical lin-12 signaling cascade, including the ligand lag-2 and the transcriptional effector lag-1. Finally, the C. elegans AMPA/kainate glutamate receptor homolog glr-1 shows strong genetic interactions with lin-12, suggesting that glr-1 and/or other glutamate gated channels may be targets of lin-12 regulation. Conclusion Our results demonstrate a neuronal role for lin-12 Notch in C. elegans and suggest that lin-12 acutely regulates neuronal physiology to

  18. Onko Facebookista hyötyä pienyritysten markkinoinnissa?


    Huida, Niina


    Sosiaalisesta mediasta on tullut yhä merkittävämpi osa yritysten markkinointiviestintää. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on kehittää sosiaalisen median käyttöä pienyritysten markkinoinnissa ja tarkoituksena on selvittää pienyritysten saama hyöty markkinoimisesta sosiaalisessa mediassa. Tutkimuksessa keskityn verkkoyhteisö Facebookin yrityksille tarjoamiin markkinointimahdollisuuksiin. Opinnäytetyön tehtävänä on tutkimuksen avulla vastata ongelmaan ”Onko Facebookista hyötyä pienten yritysten markkin...

  19. Air quality and climate impacts due to CNG conversion of motor vehicles in Dhaka, Bangladesh. (United States)

    Wadud, Zia; Khan, Tanzila


    Dhaka had recently experienced rapid conversion of its motor vehicle fleet to run on compressed natural gas (CNG). This paper quantifies ex-post the air quality and climate benefits of the CNG conversion policy, including monetary valuations, through an impact pathway approach. Around 2045 (1665) avoided premature deaths in greater Dhaka (City Corporation) can be attributed to air quality improvements from the CNG conversion policy in 2010, resulting in a saving of around USD 400 million. Majority of these health benefits resulted from the conversion of high-emitting diesel vehicles. CNG conversion was clearly detrimental from climate change perspective using the changes in CO2 and CH4 only (CH4 emissions increased); however, after considering other global pollutants (especially black carbon), the climate impact was ambiguous. Uncertainty assessment using input distributions and Monte Carlo simulation along with a sensitivity analysis show that large uncertainties remain for climate impacts. For our most likely estimate, there were some climate costs, valued at USD 17.7 million, which is an order of magnitude smaller than the air quality benefits. This indicates that such policies can and should be undertaken on the grounds of improving local air pollution alone and that precautions should be taken to reduce the potentially unintended increases in GHG emissions or other unintended effects.

  20. A structural, functional, and computational analysis suggests pore flexibility as the base for the poor selectivity of CNG channels. (United States)

    Napolitano, Luisa Maria Rosaria; Bisha, Ina; De March, Matteo; Marchesi, Arin; Arcangeletti, Manuel; Demitri, Nicola; Mazzolini, Monica; Rodriguez, Alex; Magistrato, Alessandra; Onesti, Silvia; Laio, Alessandro; Torre, Vincent


    Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channels, despite a significant homology with the highly selective K(+) channels, do not discriminate among monovalent alkali cations and are permeable also to several organic cations. We combined electrophysiology, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and X-ray crystallography to demonstrate that the pore of CNG channels is highly flexible. When a CNG mimic is crystallized in the presence of a variety of monovalent cations, including Na(+), Cs(+), and dimethylammonium (DMA(+)), the side chain of Glu66 in the selectivity filter shows multiple conformations and the diameter of the pore changes significantly. MD simulations indicate that Glu66 and the prolines in the outer vestibule undergo large fluctuations, which are modulated by the ionic species and the voltage. This flexibility underlies the coupling between gating and permeation and the poor ionic selectivity of CNG channels.

  1. Temporal variability of benzene concentration in the ambient air of Delhi: a comparative assessment of pre- and post-CNG periods. (United States)

    Khillare, P S; Hoque, Raza Rafiqul; Shridhar, Vijay; Agarwal, Tripti; Balachandran, S


    CNG (compressed natural gas) was fully implemented in public transport system in Delhi in December 2002. The study assesses the benzene concentration trends at two busy traffic intersections and a background site in Delhi, India. Monitoring was done for two different time periods viz; in the year 2001-2002 (pre-CNG) and two winter months (January and February) of the year 2007 (post-CNG) to assess the impact of various policy measures adopted by the government of Delhi to improve the air quality in the city. Annual average benzene concentration for the pre-CNG period was found to be 86.47+/-53.24 microg m(-3). Average benzene concentrations for the winter months (January-February) of pre- and post-CNG periods were 116.32+/-51.65 microg m(-3) and 187.49+/-22.50 microg m(-3), respectively. Enhanced values could be solely attributed to the increase in the vehicular population from 3.5 million in the year 2001-2002 to approximately 5.1 millions in the year 2007.

  2. Työelämäosaaminen: kvalifikaatioiden luokitusjärjestelmän konstruointi


    Hanhinen, Taina


    YTM Taina Hanhinen käsittelee ammattikasvatustieteen väitöstutkimuksessaan työelämäosaamisen ilmiötä eri näkökulmista ja eri tasoilla. Tutkimuksen tuloksena esitetään työelämäosaamisen teoreettinen malli. Se kuvaa jatkuvassa muutoksessa olevaa työelämän kenttää, jossa työorganisaatiot ja niiden jäsenet aktiivisesti kehittävät omaa osaamistaan, toimintaansa sekä toimintaympäristöään. Tutkimuksessa työelämäosaamisen keskeisiksi osatekijöiksi jäsentyivät kvalifikaatiot ja kompetenssi sekä am...

  3. RCRA Assessment Plan for Single-Shell Tank Waste Management Area TX-TY

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horton, Duane G.


    WMA TX-TY contains underground, single-shell tanks that were used to store liquid waste that contained chemicals and radionuclides. Most of the liquid has been removed, and the remaining waste is regulated under the RCRA as modi¬fied in 40 CFR Part 265, Subpart F and Washington State’s Hazardous Waste Management Act . WMA TX-TY was placed in assessment monitoring in 1993 because of elevated specific conductance. A groundwater quality assessment plan was written in 1993 describing the monitoring activities to be used in deciding whether WMA TX-TY had affected groundwater. That plan was updated in 2001 for continued RCRA groundwater quality assessment as required by 40 CFR 265.93 (d)(7). This document further updates the assessment plan for WMA TX-TY by including (1) information obtained from ten new wells installed at the WMA after 1999 and (2) information from routine quarterly groundwater monitoring during the last five years. Also, this plan describes activities for continuing the groundwater assessment at WMA TX TY.

  4. Linjasaneerauksen työvaiheiden yhteensovituksen vaikutus linja-aikatauluun


    Luomala, Joni


    Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään perinteistä putkiremonttia, sen aikataulua ja aikataulun yhteensovittamisen vaikutusta lopulliseen linja-aikatauluun. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin pääkaupunkiseudulla toimivalle talotekniikkaurakointiyritykselle LVIS-Hokka Oy:lle. Opinnäytetyössä perehdytään tarkemmin 1960–70-luvulla rakennettujen kerrostalojen perinteiseen putkiremonttiin ja siinä tehtäviin työvaiheisiin. Työssä on esitelty LVI-, sähkö ja rakennustöiden laajuus huoneistoittain yhden LVIS-Hokka Oy:n li...

  5. Tuotekoulutuksen vaikutus kosmetiikkamyyjän työmotivaatioon


    Leppäkorpi, Elina


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia tuotekoulutuksen vaikutusta kosmetiikkamyyjän työmotivaatioon. Opinnäytetyön yhteistyökumppanina toimi Estée Lauder Finland Oy. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys käsittelee myyntityötä, motivaatiota sekä koulutusta. Myyntityön osuudessa keskitytään myynnin suunnitteluun ja myyntiprosessiin. Motivaation osuus käsittelee motivaatiota käsitteenä sekä siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Koulutuksen osuudessa käsitellään koulutusprosessia ja koulutuksen menetelmiä...

  6. Selective blockade of microRNA processing by Lin-28 (United States)

    Viswanathan, Srinivas R.; Daley, George Q.; Gregory, Richard I.


    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play critical roles in development, and dysregulation of miRNA expression has been observed in human malignancies. Recent evidence suggests that the processing of several primary miRNA transcripts (pri-miRNAs) is blocked post-transcriptionally in embryonic stem (ES) cells, embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, and primary tumors. Here we show that Lin-28, a developmentally regulated RNA-binding protein, selectively blocks the processing of pri-let-7 miRNAs in embryonic cells. Using in vitro and in vivo studies, we demonstrate that Lin-28 is necessary and sufficient for blocking Microprocessor-mediated cleavage of pri-let-7 miRNAs. Our results identify Lin-28 as a negative regulator of miRNA biogenesis and suggest that Lin-28 may play a central role in blocking miRNA-mediated differentiation in stem cells and certain cancers. PMID:18292307

  7. Charge conduction process and photovoltaic effects in thiazole yellow (TY) thin film based Schottky devices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roy, M.S. [Defence Lab., Jodhpur (India). Camouflage Div.; Sharma, G.D.; Gupta, S.K. [Department of Physics, J.N.V. University, Jodhpur (Raj.) (India)


    The charge generation and photovoltaic effects observed with thin films of TY in the form of sandwich structures, were analysed by J-V, C-V and photoaction spectra. These measurements were explained in terms of n-type semiconductivity of TY thin film and by the formation of a Schottky barrier with ITO while Ohmic contact with an Al or In electrode. The existence of thermionic emission over the ITO-TY barrier has been observed in low voltage region, whereas at high voltages, the process is dominant by the series resistance of TY layer. Various electrical parameters were calculated from the analysis of J-V and C-V characteristics of the devices and discussed in details. The diode quality factor is higher for Al/TY/ITO than In/TY/ITO device which can be attributed to the formation of thin layer of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} between Al and TY. The photoaction spectra of the devices reveal that the fraction of light which is absorbed near the ITO-TY interface, to the depth of 180 A, is responsible for producing the charge carriers. The photovoltaic parameters were also calculated from the J-V characteristics of the devices, under illumination and described in detail. (orig.) 21 refs.

  8. Effects of pilot injection pressure on the combustion and emissions characteristics in a diesel engine using biodiesel–CNG dual fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryu, Kyunghyun


    Highlights: • Injection pressure of pilot fuel in dual fuel combustion (DFC) affects the engine power and exhaust emissions. • In the biodiesel–CNG DFC mode, the combustion begins and ends earlier as the pilot-fuel injection pressure increases. • The ignition delay in the DFC mode is about 1.2–2.6 °CA longer than that in the diesel single fuel combustion (SFC) mode. • The smoke and NOx emissions are significantly reduced in the DFC mode. - Abstract: Biodiesel–compressed natural gas (CNG) dual fuel combustion (DFC) system is studied for the simultaneous reduction of particulate matters (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from diesel engine. In this study, biodiesel is used as a pilot injection fuel to ignite the main fuel, CNG of DFC system. In particular, the pilot injection pressure is controlled to investigate the characteristics of engine performance and exhaust emissions in a single cylinder diesel engine. The results show that the indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) of biodiesel–CNG DFC mode is lower than that of diesel single fuel combustion (SFC) mode at higher injection pressure. However, the combustion stability of biodiesel–CNG DFC mode is increased with the increase of pilot injection pressure. At the same injection pressure, the start of combustion of biodiesel–CNG DFC is delayed compared to diesel SFC due to the increase of ignition delay of pilot fuel. On the contrary, it is observed that as the pilot injection pressure increase, the combustion process begins and ends a little earlier for biodiesel–CNG DFC. The ignition delay in the DFC is about 1.2–2.6 °CA longer compared to diesel SFC, but decreases with increases of pilot injection pressure. Smoke and NOx emissions are decreased and increased, respectively, as the pilot injection pressure increases in the biodiesel–CNG DFC. In comparison to diesel SFC, smoke emissions are significantly reduced over all the operating conditions and NOx emissions also exhibited similar

  9. Mobile Officen sisustussuunnitelma : Rytmikorjaamon liikkuvan ihmisen työpisteet


    Talvitie, Satu


    Opinnäytetyö käsitteli toimistotilan sisustussuunnittelua luovan tilan konseptilla. Työn tarkoituksena oli antaa selkeä kuva sisustussuunnittelusta, toimistosuunnittelusta ja luovan tilan merkityksestä. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tehdä sisustussuunnitelma Rytmikorjaamon Mobile Officeen. Mobile Office tehdään liikkuvien ihmisten työpisteiksi. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana toimivat Sisustuskeskus Sella, Seinäjoen kaupunki, Selmu Ry ja Seinäjoen teknologiakeskus. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuud...

  10. Jaksetaan, jookos? : Päiväkodin johtajien kokemuksia psykososiaalisesta työhyvinvoinnista


    Puranen, Tiina


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kuvata päiväkodin johtajien psykososiaalista työhyvinvointia: kuin-ka päiväkodin johtajat jaksavat työssään ja työyhteisössä. Kysely suunnattiin Kuopion kaupungin, Siiliset- peruspalvelukeskuksen, Suonenjoen kaupungin, Rautalammin kunnan sekä muutamien yksityisten päiväkotien johtajille (N=56). Vastausprosentti oli 59 % (n=33). Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella maalis-huhtikuun aikana vuonna 2011. Kyselylomakkeessa käytettiin pääosin yleistä pohjoi...

  11. Two large-scale analyses of Ty1 LTR-retrotransposon de novo insertion events indicate that Ty1 targets nucleosomal DNA near the H2A/H2B interface

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bridier-Nahmias Antoine


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Over the years, a number of reports have revealed that Ty1 integration occurs in a 1-kb window upstream of Pol III-transcribed genes with an approximate 80-bp periodicity between each integration hotspot and that this targeting requires active Pol III transcription at the site of integration. However, the molecular bases of Ty1 targeting are still not understood. Findings The publications by Baller et al. and Mularoni et al. in the April issue of Genome Res. report the first high-throughput sequencing analysis of Ty1 de novo insertion events. Their observations converge to the same conclusion, that Ty1 targets a specific surface of the nucleosome at he H2A/H2B interface. Conclusion This discovery is important, and should help identifying factor(s involved in Ty1 targeting. Recent data on transposable elements and retroviruses integration site choice obtained by large-scale analyses indicate that transcription and chromatin structure play an important role in this process. The studies reported in this commentary add a new evidence of the importance of chromatin in integration selectivity that should be of interest for everyone interested in transposable elements integration.

  12. Characterization of active reverse transcriptase and nucleoprotein complexes of the yeast retrotransposon Ty3 in vitro. (United States)

    Cristofari, G; Gabus, C; Ficheux, D; Bona, M; Le Grice, S F; Darlix, J L


    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the distantly related yeast Ty3 retrotransposon encode reverse transcriptase (RT) and a nucleic acid-binding protein designated nucleocapsid protein (NCp) with either one or two zinc fingers, required for HIV-1 replication and Ty3 transposition, respectively. In vitro binding of HIV-1 NCp7 to viral 5' RNA and primer tRNA(3)(Lys) catalyzes formation of nucleoprotein complexes resembling the virion nucleocapsid. Nucleocapsid complex formation functions in viral RNA dimerization and tRNA annealing to the primer binding site (PBS). RT is recruited in these nucleoprotein complexes and synthesizes minus-strand cDNA initiated at the PBS. Recent results on yeast Ty3 have shown that the homologous NCp9 promotes annealing of primer tRNA(i)(Met) to a 5'-3' bipartite PBS, allowing RNA:tRNA dimer formation and initiation of cDNA synthesis at the 5' PBS (). To compare specific cDNA synthesis in a retrotransposon and HIV-1, we have established a Ty3 model system comprising Ty3 RNA with the 5'-3' PBS, primer tRNA(i)(Met), NCp9, and for the first time, highly purified Ty3 RT. Here we report that Ty3 RT is as active as retroviral HIV-1 or murine leukemia virus RT using a synthetic template-primer system. Moreover, and in contrast to what was found with retroviral RTs, retrotransposon Ty3 RT was unable to direct cDNA synthesis by self-priming. We also show that Ty3 nucleoprotein complexes were formed in vitro and that the N terminus of NCp9, but not the zinc finger, is required for complex formation, tRNA annealing to the PBS, RNA dimerization, and primer tRNA-directed cDNA synthesis by Ty3 RT. These results indicate that NCp9 chaperones bona fide cDNA synthesis by RT in the yeast Ty3 retrotransposon, as illustrated for NCp7 in HIV-1, reinforcing the notion that Ty3 NCp9 is an ancestor of HIV-1 NCp7.

  13. Multiple transcription factors directly regulate Hox gene lin-39 expression in ventral hypodermal cells of the C. elegans embryo and larva, including the hypodermal fate regulators LIN-26 and ELT-6. (United States)

    Liu, Wan-Ju; Reece-Hoyes, John S; Walhout, Albertha J M; Eisenmann, David M


    Hox genes encode master regulators of regional fate specification during early metazoan development. Much is known about the initiation and regulation of Hox gene expression in Drosophila and vertebrates, but less is known in the non-arthropod invertebrate model system, C. elegans. The C. elegans Hox gene lin-39 is required for correct fate specification in the midbody region, including the Vulval Precursor Cells (VPCs). To better understand lin-39 regulation and function, we aimed to identify transcription factors necessary for lin-39 expression in the VPCs, and in particular sought factors that initiate lin-39 expression in the embryo. We used the yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) method to screen for factors that bound to 13 fragments from the lin-39 region: twelve fragments contained sequences conserved between C. elegans and two other nematode species, while one fragment was known to drive reporter gene expression in the early embryo in cells that generate the VPCs. Sixteen transcription factors that bind to eight lin-39 genomic fragments were identified in yeast, and we characterized several factors by verifying their physical interactions in vitro, and showing that reduction of their function leads to alterations in lin-39 levels and lin-39::GFP reporter expression in vivo. Three factors, the orphan nuclear hormone receptor NHR-43, the hypodermal fate regulator LIN-26, and the GATA factor ELT-6 positively regulate lin-39 expression in the embryonic precursors to the VPCs. In particular, ELT-6 interacts with an enhancer that drives GFP expression in the early embryo, and the ELT-6 site we identified is necessary for proper embryonic expression. These three factors, along with the factors ZTF-17, BED-3 and TBX-9, also positively regulate lin-39 expression in the larval VPCs. These results significantly expand the number of factors known to directly bind and regulate lin-39 expression, identify the first factors required for lin-39 expression in the embryo, and hint at a

  14. The TyG index may predict the development of cardiovascular events. (United States)

    Sánchez-Íñigo, Laura; Navarro-González, David; Fernández-Montero, Alejandro; Pastrana-Delgado, Juan; Martínez, Jose Alfredo


    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the worldwide leading cause of morbidity and mortality. An early risk detection of apparently healthy people before CVD onset has clinical relevance in the prevention of cardiovascular events. We evaluated the association between the product of fasting plasma glucose and triglycerides (TyG index) and CVD. A total of 5014 patients of the Vascular Metabolic CUN cohort (VMCUN cohort) were followed up during a median period of 10 years. We used a Cox proportional-hazard ratio with repeated measures to estimate the risk of incidence of CVD across quintiles of the TyG index, calculated as ln[fasting triglycerides (mg/dL) × fasting plasma glucose (mg(dL)/2], and plotted a receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) curve to compare a prediction model fitted on the variables used in the Framingham risk score, a new model containing the Framingham variables with the TyG index, and the risk of coronary heart disease. A higher level of TyG index was significantly associated with an increased risk of developing CVD independent of confounding factors with a value of 2·32 (95% CI: 1·65-3·26) for those in the highest quintile and 1·52 (95% CI: 1·07-2·16) for those in the fourth quintile. The areas under the curve (AUC) of the ROC plots were 0·708 (0·68-0·73) for the Framingham model and 0·719 (0·70-0·74) for the Framingham + TyG index model (P = 0·014). The TyG index, a simple measure reflecting insulin resistance, might be useful to early identify individuals at a high risk of developing a cardiovascular event. © 2015 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation.

  15. The Lin28/let-7 Axis Regulates Glucose Metabolism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhu, Hao; Shyh-Chang, Ng; Segre, Ayellet V.; Shinoda, Gen; Shah, Samar P.; Einhorn, William S.; Takeuchi, Ayumu; Engreitz, Jesse M.; Hagan, John P.; Kharas, Michael G.; Urbach, Achia; Thornton, James E.; Triboulet, Robinson; Gregory, Richard I.; Altshuler, David; Daley, George Q.


    The let-7 tumor suppressor microRNAs are known for their regulation of oncogenes, while the RNA-binding proteins Lin28a/b promote malignancy by inhibiting let-7 biogenesis. We have uncovered unexpected roles for the Lin28/let-7 pathway in regulating-metabolism. When overexpressed in mice, both

  16. Ammatillisesti syvennetyn lääketieteellisen kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuus. Kuntoutus osana työpaikan terveyden edistämistä


    Turja, Johanna


    Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa selvitettiin kontrolloidulla seurantatutkimuksella ammatillisesti syvennetyn lääketieteellisen kuntoutuksen (ASLAK®) jatkumista työpaikalla, sen pitkäaikaista vaikutusta kuntoutujien henkiseen hyvinvointiin, koettuun terveyteen ja työkykyyn sekä työpaikan fyysisiin ja psykososiaalisiin työolosuhteisiin. Tutkimuksen mukaan kuntoutuksella ei ollut näihin asioihin pitkäaikaista vaikutusta. ASLAK®-kuntoutus on varhaiskuntoutuksen muoto, jolla pyritään vaikuttamaan työ...

  17. Työnantajien mielikuvia ammattiryhmästä - vertailussa sihteerit, HSO-sihteerit ja tradenomi, HSOt


    Kohtala, Hannele


    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia mielikuvia suomalaisilla työnantajilla on sihteerien ja assistenttien ammattiryhmästä. Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin työnantajien tietämystä erilaisista sihteerien nimikkeistä, kuten HSO-sihteeristä ja tradenomi, HSOsta. Haluttiin tietää, millä sektorilla työskentelevät henkilöt tuntevat eri nimikkeet parhaiten. Samalla selvitettiin, onko naistyönantajilla parempi tietämys kuin miehillä ja minkä ikäiset työnantajat osaavat parhaiten erottaa nimikk...

  18. Spray-Wall Impingement of Diesel-CNG Dual Fuel Jet using Schlieren Imaging Technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ismael Mhadi Abaker


    Full Text Available Natural gas is a low cost fuel with high availability in nature. However, it cannot be used by itself in conventional diesel engines due to its low flame speed and high ignition temperature. The addition of a secondary fuel to enhance the mixture formation and combustion process facilitate its wider use as an alternative fuel. An experimental study was performed to investigate the diesel-CNG dual fuel jet-wall impingement. A constant volume optical chamber was designed to facilitate maximum optical access for the study of the jet-wall impingement at different injection pressures, temperatures and injector-wall distances. The bottom plate of the test rig was made of aluminum (piston material and it was heated up to 500 K at ambient pressure. An injector driver was used to control the single-hole nozzle diesel injector combined with a natural gas injector. The injection timing of both injectors was synchronized with a camera trigger. The jet-wall impingement of diesel and diesel-CNG dual fuel jets was recorded with a high speed camera using Schlieren imaging technique and associated image processing software. The measurements of the jet radial penetration were higher in diesel-CNG dual fuel while the jet height travel along were higher in the case of diesel single fuel.

  19. Turvajalkineiden vaikutus jalkaterveyteen Suur-Savon Sähkötyö Oy:ssä


    Pulkkinen, Riikka; Tossavainen, Inka; Ryynänen, Elina


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia vaikutuksia turvajalkineilla voi olla jalkaterveyteen, minkälaisia jalkaongelmia turvajalkineiden käyttö voi aiheuttaa, voivatko työntekijät itse vaikuttaa turvajalkineiden hankintaan ja millainen on turvajalkineiden hankintaprosessi Suur-Savon Sähkötyö Oy:ssä. Opinnäytetyömme toimeksiantaja oli Suur-Savon Sähkötyö Oy. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin pääasiassa kvantitatiivista tutkimusta ja aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoidulla kysely...

  20. An analysis of price competitiveness of CNG (compressed natural gas) versus gasoline: estimation of the elasticities of demand by CNG in a recent period in Brazil; Uma analise da competitividade de preco do GNV (Gas Natural Veicular) frente a gasolina: estimacao das elasticidades da demanda por GNV no Brasil no periodo recente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iootty, Mariana; Pinto Junior, Helder; Roppa, Bruna; Biasi, Guilherme de [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Inst. de Economia


    One of the main determinants to the expansion of natural gas on the Brazilian domestic market is its price. Hence, it is important to analyze the price competitiveness of natural gas vis-a-vis its competitors. The current paper focuses on the market of natural gas in vehicles (the compressed natural gas - CNG), and uses co-integration techniques to estimate the price-elasticity of CNG, the cross-elasticity of CNG and gasoline, and the income-elasticity. The results suggest that price is a relevant factor in the long-run, while in the short-run income is the most significant determinant of the demand variation. In addition, the paper also shows an imperfect substitutability between CNG and gasoline. (author)

  1. Fetal deficiency of Lin28 programs life-long aberrations in growth and glucose metabolism (United States)

    Shinoda, Gen; Shyh-Chang, Ng; de Soysa, T. Yvanka; Zhu, Hao; Seligson, Marc T.; Shah, Samar P.; Abo-Sido, Nora; Yabuuchi, Akiko; Hagan, John P.; Gregory, Richard I.; Asara, John M.; Cantley, Lewis C.; Moss, Eric G.; Daley, George Q.


    LIN28A/B are RNA binding proteins implicated by genetic association studies in human growth and glucose metabolism. Mice with ectopic over-expression of Lin28a have shown related phenotypes. Here we describe the first comprehensive analysis of the physiologic consequences of Lin28a and Lin28b deficiency in knockout (KO) mice. Lin28a/b-deficiency led to dwarfism starting at different ages, and compound gene deletions showed a cumulative dosage effect on organismal growth. Conditional gene deletion at specific developmental stages revealed that fetal but neither neonatal nor adult deficiency resulted in growth defects and aberrations in glucose metabolism. Tissue-specific KO mice implicated skeletal muscle-deficiency in the abnormal programming of adult growth and metabolism. The effects of Lin28b KO can be rescued by Tsc1 haplo-insufficiency in skeletal muscles. Our data implicate fetal expression of Lin28a/b in the regulation of life-long effects on metabolism and growth, and demonstrate that fetal Lin28b acts at least in part via mTORC1 signaling. PMID:23666760

  2. Aliupseereiden työssä oppiminen - Tapaustutkimus sosiomateriaalisten oppimisverkostojen näkökulmasta


    Pekkarinen, Otto


    Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin Puolustusvoimien perusyksiköissä kouluttajatehtävissä toimivien aliupseerien työssä oppimista ja sen ohjaamista. Työssä oppimista tarkasteltiin kulttuurihistori-allisen toiminnan teorian ja tietoa luovan oppimisen metaforan mukaisen trialogisen oppimisen tarjoamilla teoreettisilla työkaluilla. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen näkökulma kiteytettiin sosiomate-riaalisen oppimisverkostoon, joka määriteltiin toiminnan yhteisen kohteen ympärille rakentu-neeksi yksilön, hänen yh...

  3. Työelämään valmentautumisen arvioinnin kehittäminen : Työhön ja itsenäiseen elämään valmentava ja kuntouttava opetus ja ohjaus


    Wredfors, Marjo


    Keskuspuiston ammattiopisto on ORTON Invalidisäätiön ylläpitämä ammatillinen erityisoppilaitos ja erityisopetuksen kehittämiskeskus, joka tarjoaa muun muassa työhön ja itsenäiseen elämään valmentava ja kuntouttava opetus ja ohjaus -koulutusta (valmentava 2). Koulutuksen tavoitteena on antaa valmiuksia, joiden avulla opiskelija selviytyy jokapäiväisessä elämässä ja työpaikalla sijoittuen mahdollisimman itsenäiseen työtehtävään. Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on kehittää työhön ja itsenäiseen elä...

  4. Perehdyttäminen työyhteisössä : Perehdyttämisopas Kartanogolfille


    Tuovinen, Niina


    Tämän opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja toimi Joroisten Kartano-Golf Oy. Kartanogolf on täysimittainen golfkenttä Joroisissa. Golfkenttä on avoinna huhtikuun lopusta lokakuulle. Kartanogolf työllistää kauden aikana 15–20 henkilöä, joista kolme vakituisesti. Suurin osa työsuhteista on määräaikaisia, joten työntekijöiden vaihtuvuus kausien välillä on suuri. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli laatia perehdyttämisopas toimeksiantajalle perehdyttämisprosessin tueksi. Perehdyttämisoppaan laatimisen tavoi...

  5. In vitro expansion of Lin+ and Lin− mononuclear cells from human peripheral blood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Norhaiza, H. Siti; Zarina, Z. A. Intan; Hisham, Z. A. Shahrul; Rohaya, M. A. W.


    Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are used in the therapy of blood disorders due to the ability of these cells to reconstitute haematopoietic lineage cells when transplanted into myeloablative recipients. However, substantial number of cells is required in order for the reconstitution to take place. Since HSCs present in low frequency, larger number of donor is required to accommodate the demand of transplantable HSCs. Therefore, in vitro expansion of HSCs will have profound impact on clinical purposes. The aim of this study was to expand lineage negative (Lin − ) stem cells from human peripheral blood. Total peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs) were fractionated from human blood by density gradient centrifugation. Subsequently, PBMNCs were subjected to magnetic assisted cell sorter (MACS) which depletes lineage positive (Lin + ) mononuclear cells expressing lineage positive markers such as CD2, CD3, CD11b, CD14, CD15, CD16, CD19, CD56, CD123, and CD235a to obtained Lin − cell population. The ability of Lin + and Lin − to survive in vitro was explored by culturing both cell populations in complete medium consisting of Alpha-Minimal Essential Medium (AMEM) +10% (v/v) Newborn Calf Serum (NBCS)+ 2% (v/v) pen/strep. In another experiment, Lin + and Lin − were cultured with complete medium supplemented with 10ng/mL of the following growth factors: stem cell factor (SCF), interleukin (IL)-3, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), 2IU/mL of Erythropoietin (Epo) and 20ng/mL of IL-6. Three samples were monitored in static culture for 22 days. The expansion potential was assessed by the number of total viable cells, counted by trypan blue exclusion assay. It was found that Lin + mononuclear cells were not able to survive either in normal proliferation medium or proliferation medium supplemented with cytokines. Similarly, Lin − stem cells were not able to survive in proliferation medium however, addition of cytokines into the proliferation

  6. Numerical Evaluation ofThe Performance ofA Compression Ignition Cng Engine For Heavy DutyTrucksWithAn Optimum Speed PowerTurbine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto A. Boretti


    Full Text Available The turbocharged direct injection lean burn Diesel engine is the most efficient engine now in production for transport applications. CNG is an alternative fuel with a better carbon to hydrogen ratio therefore permitting reduced carbon dioxide emissions. It is injected in gaseous form for a much cleaner combustion almost cancelling some of the emissions of the Diesel and it permits a much better energy security within Australia. The paper discusses the best options currently available to convert Diesel engine platforms to CNG, with particular emphasis to the use of these CNG engines within Australia where the refuelling network is scarce. This option is determined in the dual fuel operation with a double injector design that couples a second CNG injector to the Diesel injector. This configuration permits the operation Diesel only or Diesel pilot and CNG main depending on the availability of refuelling stations where the vehicle operates. Results of engine performance simulations are performed for a straight six cylinder 13 litres truck engine with a novel power turbine connected to the crankshaft through a constant variable transmission that may be by-passed when non helpful to increase the fuel economy of the vehicle or when damaging the performances of the after treatment system.

  7. Project risk perspective on using LNG, CNG, and GTL concepts to monetise offshore stranded gas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Danielsen, Hans Kristian; Blikom, Lars Petter


    This paper discusses technology maturity and the key risks involved in establishing LNG, CNG, and GTL value chains in order to monetise offshore stranded and associated gas. The paper uses Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the economics of the various concepts and the impact of uncertainty. The conclusion is that LNG offers the most flexible value chain with the lowest level of risk exposure. CNG may offer better economics as long as the distance to market is fairly short. GTL must overcome significant technological challenges before becoming available for offshore use and also offers higher uncertainty in economic terms.

  8. Ford F250 Dedicated CNG Pickup

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eudy, Leslie


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is encouraging the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). To support this activity, DOE has directed the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to conduct projects to evaluate the performance and acceptability of light-duty AFVs. In this study, we tested a pair of 1998 Ford F-250 pickups: one dedicated compressed natural gas (CNG) model and a gasoline model as closely matched as possible. Each vehicle was run through a series of tests to evaluate acceleration, fuel economy, braking, and cold-start capabilities, as well as more subjective performance indicators such as handling, climate control, and noise

  9. Characterization of Direct Push Vadose Zone Sediments from the T and TY Waste Management Areas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brown, Christopher F.; Valenta, Michelle M.; Serne, R. Jeffrey; Bjornstad, Bruce N.; Lanigan, David C.; Iovin, Cristian; Clayton, Ray E.; Geiszler, Keith N.; Clayton, Eric T.; Kutnyakov, Igor V.; Baum, Steven R.; Lindberg, Michael J.; Orr, Robert D.


    This report contains all the geochemical and selected physical characterization data collected on vadose zone sediment recovered from 5 direct push characterization holes emplaced to investigate vadose zone contamination associated with leaks from tanks 241-TY-105 (UPR-200-W-152) and 241-TY-106 (UPR-200-W-153). Tank 241-TY-105 is estimated to have leaked 35,000 gal of tributyl phosphate (TBP) waste from the uranium recovery process to the vadose zone in 1960. Tank 241-TY-106 is estimated to have leaked 20,000 gal of TBP-uranium recovery waste to the vadose zone in 1959. Although several drywells in the vicinity of tank 241-TY-106 contain measurable quantities of cesium-137 and/or cobalt-60, their relatively low concentrations indicate that the contaminant inventory in the vadose zone around tank 241-TY-106 is quite small. Additionally, this report contains all the geochemical and selected physical characterization data collected on vadose zone sediment recovered from 7 direct push characterization holes emplaced to investigate vadose zone contamination associated with an overfill event and leak from tank 241-T-101.

  10. Kutsumuksesta palkkatyöhön? Perusasteen opettajan työn muuttunut luonne ja logiikka


    Lindén, Jyri


    Kun opetustyön luonne muuttuu, myös sen mielekkyys on vaarassa kadota Opetustyö on vaarassa muuttua kutsumustyöstä pelkäksi palkkatyöksi, jossa työn mieltä ja merkitystä arvioidaan suhteessa siitä saatavaan taloudelliseen hyötyyn. Kun mahdollisuudet tehdä kutsumusperustaista työtä itseä tyydyttävällä tavalla heikkenevät merkittävästi, työntekijä alkaa kyseenalaistaa sitoutumisensa työhön ja sen kohteeseen. Opetustyön erityisasema on perustunut sille asetettuun tehtävään ylläpitää yhte...

  11. New gas-fuelled engine. SBZ takes a look at the Iveco Daily CNG; Mit neuem Erdgasmotor. SBZ-Redaktion testet den Iveco Daily CNG

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the van class, there are fewer natural-gas vehicles now on the market than before. One of these is the new Iveco Daily CNG, a low-emission industrial vehicle which is available both as a van or as a flatbed vehicle with sufficient rotary momentum and power. SBZ editor Thomas Dietrich of the Bonn office of SBZ tested several variants of the vehicle. (orig.)

  12. Interaktiivinen portfolio työelämälähtöisen opiskelun pelivälineenä


    Kallioranta, Jussi


    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli työelämälähtöisyyden kehittäminen opiskelussa pelillistämisen keinoin. Työssä tarkasteltiin opiskelijoiden työelämätaitoja, sekä portfoliota välineenä oman osaamisen tunnistamisessa. Lisäksi työssä pohdittiin korkeakoulujen ja yritysten välisen yhteistyön kehittämistä avoimen innovaation mallien avulla. Työn tuloksena syntyi idea interaktiivisesta verkottuvasta portfoliosta, joka auttaa opiskelijaa tunnistamaan osaamistaan ja verkottumaan muiden opiskelijoiden ka...

  13. Perehdytysopas Solo Sokos Hotel Tornin vastaanottoon uudelle työntekijälle


    Plester, Sira


    Tämä opinnäytetyö on viitekehys perehdytysoppaalle Solo Sokos Hotel Tornin vastaanottoon. Perehdytysopas ohjeistaa vastaanoton uusia työntekijöitä työtehtävissä sekä tarjoaa tietoa jokapäiväisestä työssä Solo Sokos Hotel Tornin vastaanotossa ja sen ympäristössä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä pohditaan minkälainen hyvän perehdytysoppaan tulisi olla. Opinnäytetyössä pohditaan myös mitä tietoja perehdytysoppaaseen Solo Sokos Hotel Tornin vastaanottoon tarvitsee. Opinnäytetyössä käydään lisäksi l...

  14. Developing a strategy to speed up large-scale adoption of compressed-natural-gas-driven (CNG) cars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Egmond, Cees; Houtman, Simone; Jonkers, R.; Gelissen, R. [SenterNovem (Netherlands)


    Large-scale adoption of environmentally friendly, clean, silent and CO{sub 2}-neutral technological innovations into the market is necessary to reduce the human causes of the greenhouse effect and global warming. In theory, an innovation diffuses smoothly into the market following an S-shaped curve when the number of adopters is plotted against time. In practice, diffusion of innovation does not move smoothly from left to right on the S-shaped curve. Fundamental differences in the adoption characteristics between the visionary early adopters and the pragmatic mainstream cause diffusion to stop before reaching the mainstream market segment. This 'chasm' in the diffusion process is not the result of bad technology or bad products, but rather the result of 'incomplete' products that do not meet the needs of the pragmatic mainstream. In this paper, we report on a case study, conducted in the Netherlands, aimed at speeding up the adoption of the CNG car. This study contains an analysis of the market segments within a target group of local fleet owners. We used survey data covering about 200 local fleet owners. Through structured interviews and a questionnaire, we identified a niche group of the mainstream that would be most likely to adopt the CNG car. This niche is the group to target in a marketing strategy aimed at crossing the chasm. A focus-group discussion held with members of the niche identified the conditions under which the niche actors would consider buying CNG cars. Based on the results of this focus group and the niche market analysis, we concluded that the marketing of the CNG car is still in its beginning phase and has to focus on the early market. Following our recommendations, car dealers and the municipality of Leeuwarden are now developing a plan for marketing the CNG car. The marketing will focus on the early market as the first step into the mainstream.

  15. The triglyceride and glucose index (TyG) is an effective biomarker to identify nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. (United States)

    Zhang, Shujun; Du, Tingting; Zhang, Jianhua; Lu, Huiming; Lin, Xuan; Xie, Junhui; Yang, Yan; Yu, Xuefeng


    The triglyceride and glucose index (TyG) has been proposed as a marker of insulin resistance. We aimed to investigate the ability of TyG, through comparing with the predictive value of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), to identify individuals at risk for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). A cross-sectional study was conducted in a Chinese health examination cohort of 10 761 people aged above 20 years. NAFLD was diagnosed by ultrasonography. Compared with the participants in the lowest quartile of TyG, the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for NAFLD were 1.8 (1.5-2.1), 3.0 (2.5-3.5), and 6.3 (5.3-7.5) for those in the second, the third, and the fourth quartile of TyG, whereas the corresponding ORs (95% CI) for NAFLD were 1.5 (1.3-1.7), 1.9 (1.6-2.2), and 3.1 (2.6-3.7) for the upper three quartiles of ALT. These results suggested that TyG was superior to ALT in association with NAFLD risk. According to the ROC analysis, the optimal cut-off point of TyG for NAFLD was 8.5 and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.782 (95% CI 0.773-0.790), with 72.2 and 70.5% sensitivity and specificity, respectively. The AUC of TyG was larger than that of ALT (0.715 (95% CI 0.705-0.725), P for difference <0.0001), whereas the largest AUC was obtained when adding TyG to ALT (0.804 (95% CI 0.795-0.812), P for difference <0.0001). TyG is effective to identify individuals at risk for NAFLD. A TyG threshold of 8.5 was highly sensitive for detecting NAFLD subjects and may be suitable as a diagnostic criterion for NAFLD in Chinese adults.

  16. Eihän "leikkitäti" voi väsyä, vai voiko? : Käytännön olosuhteet ja työstä aiheutuva stressi musiikkileikkikoulunopettajan työssä


    Busk, Vilma


    TIIVISTELMÄ Tässä opinnäytetyössä tarkastellaan musiikkileikkikoulunopettajan työtä ja sen haasteita. Keskiössä ovat työn käytännön olosuhteet ja työstä aiheutuva stressi. Opinnäytetyötäni varten tein kyselytutkimuksen, jonka toteutin Internet-kyselynä Facebookissa, Muskari-ideoita-sivustolla. Kyselyyn vastasi 48 musiikkileikkikoulunopettajaa, joilla oli vaihteleva määrä kokemusta ja jotka olivat iältään 21—50-vuotiaita. Vastaajien taustatietojen lisäksi kartoitin mahdollisimman mon...

  17. Lin Receives 2010 Natural Hazards Focus Group Award for Graduate Research (United States)


    Ning Lin has been awarded the Natural Hazards Focus Group Award for Graduate Research, given annually to a recent Ph.D. recipient for outstanding contributions to natural hazards research. Lin's thesis is entitled “Multi-hazard risk analysis related to hurricanes.” She is scheduled to present an invited talk in the Extreme Natural Events: Modeling, Prediction, and Mitigation session (NH20) during the 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, held 13-17 December in San Francisco, Calif. Lin will be formally presented with the award at the Natural Hazards focus group reception on 14 December 2010.

  18. Simulation and Empirical Studies of the Commercial SI Engine Performance and Its Emission Levels When Running on a CNG and Hydrogen Blend

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafaa Saaidia


    Full Text Available This article is a report on a simulation based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD and an empirical investigation of in-cylinder flow characteristics, In addition, it assesses the performance and emission levels of a commercial-spark ignited engine running on a CNG and Hydrogen blend in different ratios. The main objective was to determine the optimum hydrogen ratio that would yield the best brake torque and release the least polluting gases. The in-cylinder flow velocity and turbulence aspects were investigated during the intake stroke in order to analyze the intake flow behavior. To reach this goal, a 3D CFD code was adopted. For various engine speeds were investigated for gasoline, CNG and hydrogen and CNG blend (HCNG fueled engines via external mixtures. The variation of brake torque (BT, NOX and CO emissions. A series of tests were conducted on the engine within the speed range of 1000 to 5000 rpm. For this purpose, a commercial Hyundai Sonata S.I engine was modified to operate with a blend of CNG and Hydrogen in different ratios. The experiments attempted to determine the optimum allowable hydrogen ratio with CNG for normal engine operation. The engine performance and the emission levels were also analyzed. At the engine speed of 4200 rpm, the results revealed that beyond a ratio of 50% of the volume of hydrogen added to CNG a backfire phenomenon appeared. Below this ratio (0~40% of the hydrogen volume, the CNG and Hydrogen blend seemed to be beneficial for the engine performance and for curtailing the emission level. However, at low engine speeds, the NOX concentration increased simultaneously with hydrogen content. In contrast, at high engine speeds, the NOX concentration decreased to its lowest level compared to that reached with gasoline as a running fuel. The concentration levels of HC, CO2, and CO decreased with the increase of hydrogen percentage.

  19. Studi Eksperimen Unjuk Kerja Mesin Diesel Menggunakan Sistem Dual Fuel Solar Gas CNG Dengan Variasi Tekanan Injeksi Gas Dan Derajat Waktu Injeksi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dicky Yoko Exoryanto


    Full Text Available Bahan bakar gas ini jika ditinjau dari ekonomis tergolong sangat murah dan ramah lingkungan. Namun, pengaplikasian bahan bakar gas CNG pada generator diesel dengan sistem dual fuel berdampak pada penurunan performansinya. Hal ini terjadi karena rasio campuran udara dan bahan bakar pada sistem dual fuel belum sesuai, sehingga perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan performa pada mesin diesel dengan memodifikasi saluran masuk udara dengan memasang injector gas CNG untuk memasukkan bahan bakar tersebut kedalam ruang bakar sehingga mesin diesel berubah menjadi sitem dual fuel. Tidak hanya saluran masuk udara saja yang di modifikasi tetapi, variasi start of injection dan tekanan gas yang masuk juga di variasikan. Penelitian ini di lakukan secara eksperimental dengan menginjeksikan gas CNG ke dalam ruang bakar melalui saluran hisap yang sudah terpasang injector. Proses pengaturan injeksi gas CNG diatur oleh ECU programamble melalui software VEMSTUNE. Sistem pengaturan yang dilakukan adalah mengatur derajat waktu injection (SOI dengan nilai 5o, 30o, 55o, dan 80o CA BTDC dan variasi tekanan masuk gas CNG dengan nilai 1, 1,5, 2, dan 2,5 N/m2. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan putaran mesin konstan sebesar 2000 rpm dengan beban 0 sampai 100 %. Hasil yang didapatkan dari eksperimen yang dilakukan kali ini, antara lain : performa dual fuel lebih optimal dibandingkan saat pengoperasian single fuel. Pengaturan paling optimal terjadi pada start of injection 80° CA BTDC dengan tekanan 1,5 gas CNG. Gas CNG dapat menggantikan porsi bahan bakar minyak solar sebesar 45,30 %. Nilai subtitusi minyak solar yang optimal sebesar 61,39 % dan SFC minyak solar rata-rata mengalami penurunan sebesar 47,10 %, tetapi SFC dual fuel rata-rata meningkat sebesar 47,67 % dibandingkan SFC single fuel. Nilai rata-rata efisiensi thermal turun sebesar 40,89 %, nilai AFR rata-rata turun dari 25,60 menjadi 12,90 dan Temperatur gas buang meningkat dari

  20. Palkansaajasta itsensä työllistäjäksi : Naisyrittäjyyden näkökulmasta


    Sirviö, Outi


    Opinnäytetyön aiheena on palkansaajasta itsensä työllistäjäksi naisyrittäjyyden näkökulmasta. Työssä kuvaillaan yrittäjyyden sekä naisyrittäjyyden keskeisiä piirteitä. Työn tarkoituksena on tutkia naisyrittäjyyden näkökulmasta yrityksen perustamiseen liittyvää toimintaa, verkostoja sekä rahoitusmahdollisuuksia. Työ on rajattu koskemaan naisyrittäjyyttä ja heidän mahdollisuuksiaan ja motiiveja työllistää itsensä oman yrityksen kautta. Suomessa on Naisyrittäjiä noin 80 000, joka on noin kol...

  1. UPS CNG Truck Fleet Start Up Experience: Alternative Fuel Truck Evaluation Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walkowicz, K.


    UPS operates 140 Freightliner Custom Chassis compressed natural gas (CNG)-powered vehicles with Cummins B5.9G engines. Fifteen are participating in the Alternative Fuel Truck Evaluation Project being funded by DOE's Office of Transportation Technologies and the Office of Heavy Vehicle Technologies

  2. Työntekijöiden ja lähiesimiehen välinen yhteistyö Kissanmaan perhetukikeskuksessa


    Salonen, Jenni


    Opinnäytetyöni tavoitteena oli selvittää lähiesimiehen ja työntekijöiden välistä yhteistyötä tamperelaisen Kissanmaan perhetukikeskuksen lastenpäivystys- ja lastenpsykiatrisella kuntoutusosastolla. Tutkimuksessa selvitin yhteistyöaiheita ja mitkä asiat siinä sujuvat ja mitkä vaativat kehittämistä. Lisäksi selvitin, millaista tukea työntekijät lähiesimieheltään saavat. Tarkoitukseni oli myös selvittää, miten työntekijöiden kuuleminen ja työntekijän ja lähiesimiehen välinen yhteistyö liittyvät ...

  3. Selvitys HR House Oy:n vuokratyöntekijöiden työtyytyväisyydestä


    Kaskela, Leeni


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää HR House Oy:n palveluksessa olevien vuokratyöntekijöiden työtyytyväisyyteen vaikuttavia asioita. Opinnäytetyö on laadullinen tutkielma, jossa käytän tutkimusmenetelmänä teemahaastattelua. Tutkimuskysymykseni selvittävät, mitkä asiat vaikuttavat työntekijöiden työ- tyytyväisyyteen ja mitä he kertovat työtyytyväisyyteen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Toimeksianto opinnäytetyön tekemiseen on tullut HR House Oy Henkilöstöpalveluilta. Tavoitteena oli löytää kei...

  4. Caracterização de genótipos de tomateiro resistentes a begomovírus por marcador molecular co-dominante ligado ao gene Ty-1 Fingerprinting of tomato genotypes resistant to begomovirus by a codominant molecular marker linked to Ty-1 gene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Aparecida de Castro Nizio


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar genótipos de tomateiro, quanto à resistência a begomovírus, e caracterizar, por meio do marcador molecular SSR-47, híbridos de tomate de mesa portadores do alelo de resistência ao begomovírus Ty-1, com potencial comercial. Os 24 híbridos experimentais, heterozigotos no loco Ty-1, depois de infectados via enxertia, apresentaram sintomas intermediários, em comparação aos identificados pelas linhagens homozigotas Ty-1/Ty-1 e pelos genótipos suscetíveis Ty-1+/Ty-1+, o que indica a dominância incompleta do alelo Ty-1. Esses híbridos foram considerados como parcialmente tolerantes a begomovírus. Os híbridos experimentais TEX-246, TEX-261, TEX-253, TEX-256, TEX-262, TEX-252, TEX-251 e TEX-268 aliaram médias elevadas de produção total e de massa média dos frutos; e os híbridos TEX-246, TEX-253, TEX-256, TEX-262 e TEX-252 apresentaram valores elevados também para meia-vida da firmeza e foram, portanto, considerados competitivos em comparação aos padrões comerciais usados como testemunhas. O marcador molecular SSR-47 foi eficiente em caracterizar genótipos portadores do alelo Ty-1. A infecção do begomovírus, induzida via enxertia, manifestou sintomas, nos genótipos testados, condizentes com os resultados obtidos com o marcador molecular SSR-47.The objectives of this study were to evaluate tomato genotypes for begomovirus resistance and to assess SSR-47 fingerprinting patterns associated with alleles Ty-1, in hybrids of fresh-market tomato with commercial potential. Twenty-four experimental genotypes, heterozygous at Ty-1 locus, were infected with begomovirus via grafting, and showed intermediate symptoms compared to the ones identified by homozygous Ty-1/Ty-1 lines and by susceptible genotypes Ty-1+/Ty-1+, which indicates the incomplete dominance of the Ty-1 allele. These hybrids were considered to possess partial resistance to begomovirus. The experimental hybrids TEX-246, TEX-261, TEX

  5. Työntekijän opas lapsen rakkaudelliseen kohtaamiseen Helsingin Diakonissalaitoksen intensiivihoidossa


    Cacho, Janika


    TIIVISTELMÄ Cacho, Janika. Työntekijän opas lapsen rakkaudelliseen kohtaamiseen Helsingin Diakonissalaitoksen intensiivihoidossa. Kevät 2014, 73s., 2 liitteitä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, Kristillisen lapsi- ja nuorisotyön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, sosionomi (AMK) + kirkon nuorisotyöntekijän virkakelpoisuus. Opinnäytetyöni tavoitteena oli tuottaa opas, joka tarjoaisi Helsingin Diakonissalaitoksen intensiivihoidon työntekijöille tietoa lapsen rak...

  6. Parametric optimization and heat transfer analysis of a dual loop ORC (organic Rankine cycle) system for CNG engine waste heat recovery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Fubin; Zhang, Hongguang; Yu, Zhibin; Wang, Enhua; Meng, Fanxiao; Liu, Hongda; Wang, Jingfu


    In this study, a dual loop ORC (organic Rankine cycle) system is adopted to recover exhaust energy, waste heat from the coolant system, and intercooler heat rejection of a six-cylinder CNG (compressed natural gas) engine. The thermodynamic, heat transfer, and optimization models for the dual loop ORC system are established. On the basis of the waste heat characteristics of the CNG engine over the whole operating range, a GA (genetic algorithm) is used to solve the Pareto solution for the thermodynamic and heat transfer performances to maximize net power output and minimize heat transfer area. Combined with optimization results, the optimal parameter regions of the dual loop ORC system are determined under various operating conditions. Then, the variation in the heat transfer area with the operating conditions of the CNG engine is analyzed. The results show that the optimal evaporation pressure and superheat degree of the HT (high temperature) cycle are mainly influenced by the operating conditions of the CNG engine. The optimal evaporation pressure and superheat degree of the HT cycle over the whole operating range are within 2.5–2.9 MPa and 0.43–12.35 K, respectively. The optimal condensation temperature of the HT cycle, evaporation and condensation temperatures of the LT (low temperature) cycle, and exhaust temperature at the outlet of evaporator 1 are kept nearly constant under various operating conditions of the CNG engine. The thermal efficiency of the dual loop ORC system is within the range of 8.79%–10.17%. The dual loop ORC system achieves the maximum net power output of 23.62 kW under the engine rated condition. In addition, the operating conditions of the CNG engine and the operating parameters of the dual loop ORC system significantly influence the heat transfer areas for each heat exchanger. - Highlights: • A dual loop ORC system is adopted to recover the waste heat of a CNG engine. • Parametric optimization and heat transfer analysis are

  7. Lin28b is sufficient to drive liver cancer and necessary for its maintenance in murine models (United States)

    Nguyen, Liem H.; Robinton, Daisy A.; Seligson, Marc; Wu, Linwei; Li, Lin; Rakheja, Dinesh; Comerford, Sarah; Ramezani, Saleh; Sun, Xiankai; Parikh, Monisha; Yang, Erin; Powers, John T.; Shinoda, Gen; Shah, Samar; Hammer, Robert; Daley, George Q.; Zhu, Hao


    SUMMARY Lin28a/b are RNA-binding proteins that influence stem cell maintenance, metabolism, and oncogenesis. Poorly differentiated, aggressive cancers often overexpress Lin28, but its role in tumor initiation or maintenance has not been definitively addressed. We report that LIN28B overexpression is sufficient to initiate hepatoblastoma and hepatocellular carcinoma in murine models. We also detected Lin28b overexpression in MYC-driven hepatoblastomas, and liver-specific deletion of Lin28a/b reduced tumor burden, extended latency, and prolonged survival. Both intravenous siRNA against Lin28b and conditional Lin28b deletion reduced tumor burden and prolonged survival. Igf2bp proteins are upregulated and Igf2bp3 is required in the context of LIN28B overexpression to promote growth. Thus, multiple murine models demonstrate that Lin28b is both sufficient to initiate liver cancer and necessary for its maintenance. PMID:25117712

  8. Carbonyl compounds and PAH emissions from CNG heavy-duty engine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gambino, M.; Cericola, R.; Corbo, P.; Iannaccone, S.


    Previous works carried out in Istituto Motori laboratories have shown that natural gas is a suitable fuel for general means of transportation. This is because of its favorable effects on engine performance and pollutant emissions. The natural gas fueled engine provided the same performance as the diesel engine, met R49 emission standards, and showed very low smoke levels. On the other hand, it is well known that internal combustion engines emit some components that are harmful for human health, such as carbonyl compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). This paper shows the results of carbonyl compounds and PAH emissions analysis for a heavy-duty Otto cycle engine fueled with natural gas. The engine was tested using the R49 cycle that is used to measure the regulated emissions. The test analysis has been compared with an analysis of a diesel engine, tested under the same conditions. Total PAH emissions from the CNG engine were about three orders of magnitude lower than from the diesel engine. Formaldehyde emission from the CNG engine was about ten times as much as from the diesel engine, while emissions of other carbonyl compounds were comparable

  9. Analysis of a combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a CNG-B20 fuelled diesel engine under dual fuel mode

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pankaj S. Shelke


    Full Text Available The Carbon dioxide (CO2 is one of the primary greenhouse gases emitted by various human activities. CO2 is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of carbon cycle. Human activities are altering the carbon cycle by adding or removing CO2 to the atmosphere. The main human activity that emits the CO2 is combustion of fossil fuels for energy and transportation. Compression ignition (CI engines emit high amount of CO2 emission as it is the end product of complete combustion of hydro carbon fuels. Moreover, they emit higher NOx (nitrogen oxides and PM (particulate matter emissions and have higher fuel consumption. In the present study, experimental investigations were carried out on a CI engine under dual fuel mode with biodiesel as a pilot fuel and compressed natural gas (CNG as a main fuel. The effects of 10 % and 20 % CNG energy shares on performance and emission characteristics of the engine at rated (100% loads were studied. Experimental results indicate the beneficial of CNG addition on improvement in the engine efficiency, and reduction in NOx and CO2 emissions. The NOx and CO2 emissions decreased by 14.24 % and 30 % respectively at the rated load with biodiesel + CNG (20 % energy share as compared to base diesel. No knocking combustion was observed during the tests which confirm the smooth operation. The dual fuel operation with combination of CNG-biodiesel is an effective method to reduce NOx and CO2 emissions with an additional benefit of lower specific energy consumption.

  10. Effect of live Salmonella Ty21a in Dextran Sulfate Sodium-induced Colitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gunnar Nysœter


    Full Text Available Background Intestinal microbiota seems to play an essential role in the development of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD. We hypothesised that an oral vaccine based on live Salmonella typhi would be well tolerated and could even attenuate dextran sulfate sodium (DSS induced colitis in rats, an animal model of IBD. Methods Nine male Wistar rats was used for an initial tolerance study, in which we used 3 dose-levels of Salmonella Ty21a, 0.5 × 10 9 , 1 × 10 9 , and 2 × 10 9 CFU, each dose being tested in 3 rats. Four treatment groups consisting of 8 male Wistar rats per group: 1 control group given standard food and water, 2 control group given four daily administrations of Salmonella Ty21a 1 × 10 9 CFU, 3 water with 5% DSS the last 7 days, 4 four daily administrations of Salmonella Ty21a before water with 5% DSS the last 7 days. The Salmonella Ty21a was administered by gastric gavage on day 1, 3, 5 and 16, while DSS was given with the drinking water from day 15 to 22. The animals were sacrificed and colonic tissue removed for analysis 22 days after gavage of the first vaccine dose. Results The animals in the tolerance study got no signs of disease. In the treatment study, all animals receiving DSS had histologic indications of colitis, particularly in the distal part of the colon. Administration of Salmonella Ty21a had no significant effect on crypt and inflammation scores (p > 0.05. Conclusion Gastric administration of live vaccine strain Salmonella Ty21a was well tolerated, but did not provide any significant protection against development of DSS induced colitis in rats.

  11. Tuntityöntekijöiden työtyytyväisyyden mittaaminen - Case Yritys X


    Länsilahti, Anni; Yliniemi, Sanna


    Työtyytyväisyyden mittaaminen suoritettiin suomalaisen finanssialan tuntityöntekijöille. Tuntityöntekijällä kyseenomaisessa yrityksessä tarkoitetaan osa-aikaista työntekijää. Tuntityöntekijöiden työnkuva keskittyy pääsääntöisesti uusasiakashankintaan sekä nykyisten asiakassuhteiden ylläpitämiseen vakuutusasioissa. Tuntityöntekijät tekevät keskimäärin noin 16 tuntia töitä viikossa Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat koko Suomen tuntityöntekijät, joita yrityksessä on noin 50 henkeä. Suurin osa tuntityö...

  12. Exhaust gas concentration of CNG fuelled direct injection engine at MBT timing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, M.K.; Aris, I.; Mahmod, S.; Sidek, R.


    Full text: This paper presents an experimental result of exhaust gas concentration of high compression engine fuelled with compressed natural gas (CNG) at maximum brake torque (MBT). The engine uses central direct injection (DI) technique to inject the CNG into the cylinder. The engine geometry bases on gasoline engine with 14:1 compression ratio and called CNGDI engine. The injectors are positioned within a certain degrees of spark plug location. The objective of the experiment is to study the influence and significant of MBT timing in CNGDI engine towards exhaust gases. The experimental tests were carried out using computer-controlled eddy-current dynamometer, which measures the CNGDI engine performance. At MBT region, exhaust gas concentration as such CO, HC, NO x , O 2 and CO 2 , were recorded and analyzed during the test using the Horiba analyzer. A closed loop wide band lambda sensor has been mounted at the exhaust manifold to indicate the oxygen level during the exercise. (author)

  13. Tank 241-TY-101 Tank Characterization Plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Homi, C.S.


    This document is a plan which serves as the contractual agreement between the Characterization Program, Sampling Operations, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and PNL tank vapor program. The scope of this plan is to provide guidance for the sampling and analysis of vapor samples from tank 241-TY-101

  14. Kinetic and sequence-structure-function analysis of known LinA variants with different hexachlorocyclohexane isomers.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pooja Sharma

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Here we report specific activities of all seven naturally occurring LinA variants towards three different isomers, α, γ and δ, of a priority persistent pollutant, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH. Sequence-structure-function differences contributing to the differences in their stereospecificity for α-, γ-, and δ-HCH and enantiospecificity for (+- and (--α -HCH are also discussed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Enzyme kinetic studies were performed with purified LinA variants. Models of LinA2(B90A A110T, A111C, A110T/A111C and LinA1(B90A were constructed using the FoldX computer algorithm. Turnover rates (min(-1 showed that the LinAs exhibited differential substrate affinity amongst the four HCH isomers tested. α-HCH was found to be the most preferred substrate by all LinA's, followed by the γ and then δ isomer. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The kinetic observations suggest that LinA-γ1-7 is the best variant for developing an enzyme-based bioremediation technology for HCH. The majority of the sequence variation in the various linA genes that have been isolated is not neutral, but alters the enantio- and stereoselectivity of the encoded proteins.

  15. Energy based source location by using acoustic emission for damage detection in steel and composite CNG tank

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Il Sik; Han, Byeong Hee; Park, Choon Su; Yoon, Dong Jin [Center for Safety Measurements, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Acoustic emission (AE) is an effective nondestructive test that uses transient elastic wave generated by the rapid release of energy within a material to detect any further growth or expansion of existing defects. Over the past decades, because of environmental issues, the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) as an alternative fuel for vehicles is increasing because of environmental issues. For this reason, the importance and necessity of detecting defects on a CNG fuel tank has also come to the fore. The conventional AE method used for source location is highly affected by the wave speed on the structure, and this creates problems in inspecting a composite CNG fuel tank. Because the speed and dispersion characteristics of the wave are different according to direction of structure and laminated layers. In this study, both the conventional AE method and the energy based contour map method were used for source location. This new method based on pre-acquired D/B was used for overcoming the limitation of damage localization in a composite CNG fuel tank specimen which consists of a steel liner cylinder overwrapped by GFRP. From the experimental results, it is observed that the damage localization is determined with a small error at all tested points by using the energy based contour map method, while there were a number of mis-locations or large errors at many tested points by using the conventional AE method. Therefore, the energy based contour map method used in this work is more suitable technology for inspecting composite structures.

  16. Genetic modification of glaucoma associated phenotypes between AKXD-28/Ty and DBA/2J mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zabaleta Adriana


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Glaucoma is a common disease but its molecular etiology is poorly understood. It involves retinal ganglion cell death and optic nerve damage that is often associated with elevated intraocular pressure. Identifying genes that modify glaucoma associated phenotypes is likely to provide insights to mechanisms of glaucoma. We previously reported glaucoma in DBA/2J mice caused by recessive alleles at two loci, isa and ipd, that cause iris stromal atrophy and iris pigment dispersion, respectively. A approach for identifying modifier genes is to study the effects of specific mutations in different mouse strains. When the phenotypic effect of a mutation is modified upon its introduction into a new strain, crosses between the parental strains can be used to identify modifier genes. The purpose of this study was to determine if the effects of the DBA/2J derived isa and ipd loci are modified in strain AKXD-28/Ty. Results AKXD-28/Ty mice develop glaucoma characterized by intraocular pressure elevation, retinal ganglion loss, and optic nerve excavation. In AKXD-28/Ty, isa causes an iris stromal atrophy phenotype as in DBA/2J. However, the iris pigment dispersion phenotype associated with ipd in DBA/2J does not occur in AKXD-28/Ty. Additionally, a greater severity and speed of retinal and optic nerve damage following intraocular pressure elevation in AKXD-28/Ty compared to DBA/2J mice suggests that AKXD-28/Ty is more susceptible to pressure-induced cell death. Conclusions The consequences of the ipd and isa mutations are modified in the AKXD-28/Ty background. These strains provide a resource for the identification of modifier genes that modulate pigment dispersion and susceptibility to pressure-induced cell death.

  17. A role for the budding yeast separase, Esp1, in Ty1 element retrotransposition.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krystina L Ho


    Full Text Available Separase/Esp1 is a protease required at the onset of anaphase to cleave cohesin and thereby enable sister chromatid separation. Esp1 also promotes release of the Cdc14 phosphatase from the nucleolus to enable mitotic exit. To uncover other potential roles for separase, we performed two complementary genome-wide genetic interaction screens with a strain carrying the budding yeast esp1-1 separase mutation. We identified 161 genes that when mutated aggravate esp1-1 growth and 44 genes that upon increased dosage are detrimental to esp1-1 viability. In addition to the expected cell cycle and sister chromatid segregation genes that were identified, 24% of the genes identified in the esp1-1 genetic screens have a role in Ty1 element retrotransposition. Retrotransposons, like retroviruses, replicate through reverse transcription of an mRNA intermediate and the resultant cDNA product is integrated into the genome by a conserved transposon or retrovirus encoded integrase protein. We purified Esp1 from yeast and identified an interaction between Esp1 and Ty1 integrase using mass spectrometry that was subsequently confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation analysis. Ty1 transposon mobility and insertion upstream of the SUF16 tRNA gene are both reduced in an esp1-1 strain but increased in cohesin mutant strains. Securin/Pds1, which is required for efficient localization of Esp1 to the nucleus, is also required for efficient Ty1 transposition. We propose that Esp1 serves two roles to mediate Ty1 transposition - one to remove cohesin and the second to target Ty1-IN to chromatin.

  18. Lin4Neuro: a customized Linux distribution ready for neuroimaging analysis. (United States)

    Nemoto, Kiyotaka; Dan, Ippeita; Rorden, Christopher; Ohnishi, Takashi; Tsuzuki, Daisuke; Okamoto, Masako; Yamashita, Fumio; Asada, Takashi


    A variety of neuroimaging software packages have been released from various laboratories worldwide, and many researchers use these packages in combination. Though most of these software packages are freely available, some people find them difficult to install and configure because they are mostly based on UNIX-like operating systems. We developed a live USB-bootable Linux package named "Lin4Neuro." This system includes popular neuroimaging analysis tools. The user interface is customized so that even Windows users can use it intuitively. The boot time of this system was only around 40 seconds. We performed a benchmark test of inhomogeneity correction on 10 subjects of three-dimensional T1-weighted MRI scans. The processing speed of USB-booted Lin4Neuro was as fast as that of the package installed on the hard disk drive. We also installed Lin4Neuro on a virtualization software package that emulates the Linux environment on a Windows-based operation system. Although the processing speed was slower than that under other conditions, it remained comparable. With Lin4Neuro in one's hand, one can access neuroimaging software packages easily, and immediately focus on analyzing data. Lin4Neuro can be a good primer for beginners of neuroimaging analysis or students who are interested in neuroimaging analysis. It also provides a practical means of sharing analysis environments across sites.

  19. Lin28 Mediates Cancer Chemotherapy Resistance via Regulation of miRNA Signaling. (United States)

    Xu, Chaoyang; Xie, Shuduo; Song, Chunjiao; Huang, Liming; Jiang, Zhinong


    Chemotherapy resistance is one of the major obstacles limiting the success of cancer drug treatment. Among the mechanisms of resistance to chemotherapy treatment, there are those closely related to P-Glycoprotein, multidrug resistance-related protein, glutathione S-transferase pi and topoisomerase-II. Lin28 is a highly conserved RNA-binding protein, it consists of a cold shock domain and retroviral-type (CCHC) zinc finger motifs. In previous preclinical and clinical studies, positive Lin28 expression in cancer cells was correlated with decreased sensitivity to chemotherapy. And Lin28 could mediate cancer chemotherapy resistance via regulation of miR107 and Let-7 MiRNA. This article reviews current knowledge on predictive value of Lin28 in response to chemotherapy. Better understanding of its role may facilitate patient's selection of therapeutic regimen and lead to optimal clinical outcome.

  20. Ensihoitotyön sosiaalinen kuormittavuus : – työhyvinvoinnin voimavara vai taakka?


    Ahonen, Kaisa


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kartoittaa ensihoitotyön sosiaalista kuormittavuutta eräässä aluepelastuslaitoksessa. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tehdä tarvittavia kehittämisehdotuksia sosiaalisen kuormittavuuden hallitsemiseen organisaatiossa. Työn kuormittavuudella on suuri vaikutus työhyvinvointiin, jolla on merkitystä organisaation suorituskykyyn. Aineisto kerättiin kesäkuussa 2014 aikaisemmin kehitetyllä ja testatulla mittarilla. QPSNordic on pohjoismainen psyykkisten ja sosiaalisten...

  1. Antitumor activity of TY-011 against gastric cancer by inhibiting Aurora A, Aurora B and VEGFR2 kinases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wang Liu


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Overexpression of Aurora A and B has been reported in a wide range of tumor types, including gastric cancer. Anti-angiogenesis has been considered as an important therapeutic modality in advanced gastric cancer. Here we identified a novel compound TY-011 with promising antitumor activity by targeting mitotic kinases (Aurora A and B and angiogenic receptor tyrosine kinase (VEGFR2. Methods HTRF® KinEASE™ assay was used to detect the effect of TY-011 against Aurora A, Aurora B and VEGFR2 activities. Docking simulation study was performed to predict the binding mode of TY-011 with Aurora A and B kinases. CCK-8 assay was used to test cell growth. Cell cycle and cell apoptosis was analyzed by flow cytometry. Gastric cancer cell xenograft mouse models were used for in vivo study. TUNEL kit was used to determine the apoptosis of tumor tissues. Immunohistochemistry analysis and HUVEC tube formation assay were performed to determine the anti-angiogenesis ability. Immunofluorescence and western blot were used to test protein expression. Results TY-011 was identified as a potential Aurora A and B inhibitor by HTRF® KinEASE™ assay. It effectively inhibited cellular Aurora A and B activities in a concentration-dependent manner. TY-011 occupied the ATP-binding site of both Aurora A and B kinases. TY-011 demonstrated prominent inhibitory effects on proliferation of gastric cancer cells. TY-011 treatment induced an obvious accumulation of cells at G2/M phase and a modest increase of cells with >4 N DNA content, which then underwent apoptosis. Meaningfully, orally administration of TY-011 demonstrated superior efficacy against the tumor growth in gastric cancer cell xenograft, with ~90% inhibition rate and 100% tumor regression at 9 mg/kg dose, and TY-011 did not affect the body weight of mice. Interestingly, we observed that TY-011 also antagonized tumor angiogenesis by targeting VEGFR2 kinase. Conclusions These results indicate that

  2. Feasibility study on utilization of associated gas as CNG

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Back Ho oilfield is the largest oilfield in Vietnam and at the same time is producing the largest amount of natural gas (associated gas) in Vietnam. Although the majority of the associated gas has been used in the power generation plant, a large amount of surplus gas is not effectively used because of shortage of fund and technologies. Accordingly, a feasibility study has been executed for a project to compress 20% of the associated gas into CNG, and use it effectively as automobile and factory fuel. As a result of the site survey, it was found that, although Vietnam consumes less amount of energy and emits less amount of CO2, the nation has a strong interest and a large amount of knowledge about global warming and CDM because the country is subjected to large effect of warming. Furthermore, it has been reconfirmed that introducing CNG into this territory is highly effective. Discussions have been made on places of installing the facilities, effective surplus gas utilization systems, facility specifications, utilities, and number of workers. Calculations were made on approximate cost of the facilities and the running cost. As a result of the surveys and discussions, it was determined that technological support from Japan and the Yen loan for environment with low interest rate are necessary. (NEDO)

  3. Lin28b stimulates the reprogramming of rat Müller glia to retinal progenitors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Chen; Tao, Zui; Xue, Langyue; Zeng, Yuxiao [Southwest Hospital/Southwest Eye Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038 (China); Key Lab of Visual Damage and Regeneration & Restoration of Chongqing, Chongqing 400038 (China); Wang, Yi, E-mail: [Southwest Hospital/Southwest Eye Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038 (China); Key Lab of Visual Damage and Regeneration & Restoration of Chongqing, Chongqing 400038 (China); Xu, Haiwei, E-mail: [Southwest Hospital/Southwest Eye Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038 (China); Key Lab of Visual Damage and Regeneration & Restoration of Chongqing, Chongqing 400038 (China); Yin, Zheng Qin, E-mail: [Southwest Hospital/Southwest Eye Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038 (China); Key Lab of Visual Damage and Regeneration & Restoration of Chongqing, Chongqing 400038 (China)


    In lower-order vertebrates, Müller glia exhibit characteristics of retinal progenitor cells, while in higher vertebrates, such as mammals, the regenerative capacity of Müller glia is limited. Recently, we reported that Lin28b promoted the trans-differentiation of Müller cells to rod photoreceptor and bipolar cells in the retina of retinitis pigmentosa rat model, whereas it is unclear whether Lin28b can stimulate the reprogramming of Müller glia in vitro for transplantation into a damaged retina. In the present study, Long-Evens rat Müller glia were infected with Adeno-Lin28b or Adeno-GFP. Over-expression of Lin28b in isolated rat Müller glia resulted in the suppression of GFAP expression, enhancement of cell proliferation and a significant increase of the expression of retinal progenitor markers 5 days after infection. Moreover, Lin28b caused a significant reduction of the Let-7 family of microRNAs. Following sub-retinal space transplantation, Müller glia-derived retinal progenitors improved b-wave amplification of 30d Royal College of Surgeons retinitis pigmentosa model (RCS-P+) rats, as detected by electroretinography (ERG) recordings. Taken together, these data suggest that the up-regulation of Lin28b expression facilitated the reprogramming of Müller cells toward characteristics of retinal progenitors. - Highlights: • Lin28b reprograms Müller glia to retinal progenitors. • Let-7 micrRNAs are suppressed by Lin28b. • Transplantation of reprogrammed Müller glia restores retinal function.

  4. Lin28b stimulates the reprogramming of rat Müller glia to retinal progenitors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Chen; Tao, Zui; Xue, Langyue; Zeng, Yuxiao; Wang, Yi; Xu, Haiwei; Yin, Zheng Qin


    In lower-order vertebrates, Müller glia exhibit characteristics of retinal progenitor cells, while in higher vertebrates, such as mammals, the regenerative capacity of Müller glia is limited. Recently, we reported that Lin28b promoted the trans-differentiation of Müller cells to rod photoreceptor and bipolar cells in the retina of retinitis pigmentosa rat model, whereas it is unclear whether Lin28b can stimulate the reprogramming of Müller glia in vitro for transplantation into a damaged retina. In the present study, Long-Evens rat Müller glia were infected with Adeno-Lin28b or Adeno-GFP. Over-expression of Lin28b in isolated rat Müller glia resulted in the suppression of GFAP expression, enhancement of cell proliferation and a significant increase of the expression of retinal progenitor markers 5 days after infection. Moreover, Lin28b caused a significant reduction of the Let-7 family of microRNAs. Following sub-retinal space transplantation, Müller glia-derived retinal progenitors improved b-wave amplification of 30d Royal College of Surgeons retinitis pigmentosa model (RCS-P+) rats, as detected by electroretinography (ERG) recordings. Taken together, these data suggest that the up-regulation of Lin28b expression facilitated the reprogramming of Müller cells toward characteristics of retinal progenitors. - Highlights: • Lin28b reprograms Müller glia to retinal progenitors. • Let-7 micrRNAs are suppressed by Lin28b. • Transplantation of reprogrammed Müller glia restores retinal function.

  5. Perhetukikeskus Auerkulma : työntekijöiden näkemyksiä tiedon johtamisesta ja sen jakamisesta


    Alho-Mikkonen, Heli


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata Perhetukikeskus Auerkulman työntekijöiden näkemyksiä tiedon johtamisesta, jakamisesta ja jakamiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Samalla tarkoituksena oli kuvata myös, miten tiedon jakamiseen tulisi varautua tulevaisuudessa ja miten tiedon jakamista voitaisiin tukea johtamisella. Tavoitteena oli saada tietoa työntekijöiden koulutustarpeista, jotta tulevaisuudessa tiedon johtamista ja jakamista olisi mahdollista kehittää. Tavoitteena oli myös työn rakenteide...

  6. Importance of the pluripotency factor LIN28 in the mammalian nucleolus during early embryonic development. (United States)

    Vogt, Edgar J; Meglicki, Maciej; Hartung, Kristina Ilka; Borsuk, Ewa; Behr, Rüdiger


    The maternal nucleolus is required for proper activation of the embryonic genome (EGA) and early embryonic development. Nucleologenesis is characterized by the transformation of a nucleolar precursor body (NPB) to a mature nucleolus during preimplantation development. However, the function of NPBs and the involved molecular factors are unknown. We uncover a novel role for the pluripotency factor LIN28, the biological significance of which was previously demonstrated in the reprogramming of human somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Here, we show that LIN28 accumulates at the NPB and the mature nucleolus in mouse preimplantation embryos and embryonic stem cells (ESCs), where it colocalizes with the nucleolar marker B23 (nucleophosmin 1). LIN28 has nucleolar localization in non-human primate (NHP) preimplantation embryos, but is cytoplasmic in NHP ESCs. Lin28 transcripts show a striking decline before mouse EGA, whereas LIN28 protein localizes to NPBs at the time of EGA. Following knockdown with a Lin28 morpholino, the majority of embryos arrest between the 2- and 4-cell stages and never develop to morula or blastocyst. Lin28 morpholino-injected embryos arrested at the 2-cell stage were not enriched with nucleophosmin at presumptive NPB sites, indicating that functional NPBs were not assembled. Based on these results, we propose that LIN28 is an essential factor of nucleologenesis during early embryonic development.

  7. Uhka- ja väkivaltatilanteet hotellin vastaanottovirkailijan työssä


    Malinen, Kristiina


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on auttaa parantamaan hotellin vastaanotossa työskentelevän henkilöstön turvallisuutta ehkäisemällä ja hallitsemalla uhka- ja väkivaltatilanteita. Tutkimuksen keskeisiä käsitteitä ovat uhka- ja väkivaltatilanteet sekä asiakaspalvelutyö hotellin vastaanotossa. Väkivalta jaetaan fyysiseen ja psyykkiseen väkivaltaan sekä seksuaaliseen häirintään. Tutkimuksessa asiakaspalvelua tarkastellaan henkilökunnan työturvallisuuden näkökulmasta. Vastaanottovirkailija voi omalla ...

  8. On Combustion in the CNG-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine


    Königsson, Fredrik


    Currently there is a large interest in alternative transport fuels. There are two underlying reasons for this interest: the desire to decrease the environmental impact of transports and the need to compensate for the declining availability of petroleum. In the light of both these factors, the CNG-diesel dual fuelengine is an attractive concept. The primary fuel of the dual fuel engine is methane, which can be derived both from renewables and from fossil sources. Methane from organic waste, co...

  9. LIN28 phosphorylation by MAPK/ERK couples signaling to the post-transcriptional control of pluripotency (United States)

    Tsanov, Kaloyan M.; Pearson, Daniel S.; Wu, Zhaoting; Han, Areum; Triboulet, Robinson; Seligson, Marc T.; Powers, John T.; Osborne, Jihan K.; Kane, Susan; Gygi, Steven P.; Gregory, Richard I.; Daley, George Q.


    Signaling and post-transcriptional gene control are both critical for the regulation of pluripotency1,2, yet how they are integrated to influence cell identity remains poorly understood. LIN28 (also known as LIN28A), a highly conserved RNA-binding protein (RBP), has emerged as a central post-transcriptional regulator of cell fate through blockade of let-7 microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis and direct modulation of mRNA translation3. Here we show that LIN28 is phosphorylated by MAPK/ERK in pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), which increases its levels via post-translational stabilization. LIN28 phosphorylation had little impact on let-7 but enhanced LIN28’s effect on its direct mRNA targets, revealing a mechanism that uncouples LIN28’s let-7-dependent and independent activities. We have linked this mechanism to the induction of pluripotency by somatic cell reprogramming and the transition from naïve to primed pluripotency. Collectively, our findings indicate that MAPK/ERK directly impacts LIN28, defining an axis that connects signaling, post-transcriptional gene control, and cell fate regulation. PMID:27992407

  10. Developing a strategy to speed up large-scale adoption of compressed-natural-gas-driven (CNG) cars. Volume 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Egmond, Cees; Houtman, Simone; Jonkers, R.; Gelissen, R.


    Large-scale adoption of environmentally friendly, clean, silent and CO 2 -neutral technological innovations into the market is necessary to reduce the human causes of the greenhouse effect and global warming. In theory, an innovation diffuses smoothly into the market following an S-shaped curve when the number of adopters is plotted against time. In practice, diffusion of innovation does not move smoothly from left to right on the S-shaped curve. Fundamental differences in the adoption characteristics between the visionary early adopters and the pragmatic mainstream cause diffusion to stop before reaching the mainstream market segment. This 'chasm' in the diffusion process is not the result of bad technology or bad products, but rather the result of 'incomplete' products that do not meet the needs of the pragmatic mainstream. In this paper, we report on a case study, conducted in the Netherlands, aimed at speeding up the adoption of the CNG car. This study contains an analysis of the market segments within a target group of local fleet owners. We used survey data covering about 200 local fleet owners. Through structured interviews and a questionnaire, we identified a niche group of the mainstream that would be most likely to adopt the CNG car. This niche is the group to target in a marketing strategy aimed at crossing the chasm. A focus-group discussion held with members of the niche identified the conditions under which the niche actors would consider buying CNG cars. Based on the results of this focus group and the niche market analysis, we concluded that the marketing of the CNG car is still in its beginning phase and has to focus on the early market. Following our recommendations, car dealers and the municipality of Leeuwarden are now developing a plan for marketing the CNG car. The marketing will focus on the early market as the first step into the mainstream

  11. Developing a strategy to speed up large-scale adoption of compressed-natural-gas-driven (CNG) cars. Volume 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Egmond, Cees; Houtman, Simone; Jonkers, R.; Gelissen, R. [SenterNovem (Netherlands)


    Large-scale adoption of environmentally friendly, clean, silent and CO{sub 2}-neutral technological innovations into the market is necessary to reduce the human causes of the greenhouse effect and global warming. In theory, an innovation diffuses smoothly into the market following an S-shaped curve when the number of adopters is plotted against time. In practice, diffusion of innovation does not move smoothly from left to right on the S-shaped curve. Fundamental differences in the adoption characteristics between the visionary early adopters and the pragmatic mainstream cause diffusion to stop before reaching the mainstream market segment. This 'chasm' in the diffusion process is not the result of bad technology or bad products, but rather the result of 'incomplete' products that do not meet the needs of the pragmatic mainstream. In this paper, we report on a case study, conducted in the Netherlands, aimed at speeding up the adoption of the CNG car. This study contains an analysis of the market segments within a target group of local fleet owners. We used survey data covering about 200 local fleet owners. Through structured interviews and a questionnaire, we identified a niche group of the mainstream that would be most likely to adopt the CNG car. This niche is the group to target in a marketing strategy aimed at crossing the chasm. A focus-group discussion held with members of the niche identified the conditions under which the niche actors would consider buying CNG cars. Based on the results of this focus group and the niche market analysis, we concluded that the marketing of the CNG car is still in its beginning phase and has to focus on the early market. Following our recommendations, car dealers and the municipality of Leeuwarden are now developing a plan for marketing the CNG car. The marketing will focus on the early market as the first step into the mainstream.

  12. Strain improvement of Pichia kudriavzevii TY13 for raised phytase production and reduced phosphate repression. (United States)

    Qvirist, Linnea; Vorontsov, Egor; Veide Vilg, Jenny; Andlid, Thomas


    In this work, we present the development and characterization of a strain of Pichia kudriavzevii (TY1322), with highly improved phytate-degrading capacity. The mutant strain TY1322 shows a biomass-specific phytate degradation of 1.26 mmol g -1  h -1 after 8 h of cultivation in a high-phosphate medium, which is about 8 times higher compared with the wild-type strain. Strain TY1322 was able to grow at low pH (pH 2), at high temperature (46°C) and in the presence of ox bile (2% w/v), indicating this strain's ability to survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract. The purified phytase showed two pH optima, at pH 3.5 and 5.5, and one temperature optimum at 55°C. The lower pH optimum of 3.5 matches the reported pH of the pig stomach, meaning that TY1322 and/or its phytase is highly suitable for use in feed production. Furthermore, P. kudriavzevii TY1322 tolerates ethanol up to 6% (v/v) and shows high osmotic stress tolerance. Owing to the phenotypic characteristics and non-genetically modified organisms nature of TY1322, this strain show great potential for future uses in (i) cereal fermentations for increased mineral bioavailability, and (ii) feed production to increase the phosphate bioavailability for monogastric animals to reduce the need for artificial phosphate fortification. © 2016 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.

  13. Comparative engine performance and emission analysis of CNG and gasoline in a retrofitted car engine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jahirul, M.I.; Masjuki, H.H.; Saidur, R.; Kalam, M.A.; Jayed, M.H.; Wazed, M.A.


    A comparative analysis is being performed of the engine performance and exhaust emission on a gasoline and compressed natural gas (CNG) fueled retrofitted spark ignition car engine. A new 1.6 L, 4-cylinder petrol engine was converted to the computer incorporated bi-fuel system which operated with either gasoline or CNG using an electronically controlled solenoid actuated valve mechanism. The engine brake power, brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, exhaust gas temperature and exhaust emissions (unburnt hydrocarbon, carbon mono-oxide, oxygen and carbon dioxides) were measured over a range of speed variations at 50% and 80% throttle positions through a computer based data acquisition and control system. Comparative analysis of the experimental results showed 19.25% and 10.86% reduction in brake power and 15.96% and 14.68% reduction in brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) at 50% and 80% throttle positions respectively while the engine was fueled with CNG compared to that with the gasoline. Whereas, the retrofitted engine produced 1.6% higher brake thermal efficiency and 24.21% higher exhaust gas temperature at 80% throttle had produced an average of 40.84% higher NO x emission over the speed range of 1500-5500 rpm at 80% throttle. Other emission contents (unburnt HC, CO, O 2 and CO 2 ) were significantly lower than those of the gasoline emissions.

  14. Verkkoyhteisöpalveluiden käytön hyödyt ja haitat työllistyvyydelle


    Toivonen, Julia


    Sosiaalisen median käyttö on kasvanut viime vuosina huomattavasti ja verkkoyhteisöpalveluiden käyttö työllistyvyyden edistämisen apuna on kasvussa. Verkkoyhteisöpalveluiden käytöllä voidaan katsoa olevan sekä positiivia että negatiivisia vaikutuksia yksilön työllistyvyydelle. Sosiaalisella medialla on suuri mahdollisuus toimia erityisen tehokkaana osana yksilön työllistyvyyden edistämistä, sillä sosiaalinen media tarjoaa paljon mahdollisuuksia rekrytointiin, omien taitojen esille tuomiseen se...

  15. Fracture Analysis of CNG High Pressure Container using Fractography and Measurement of Property

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kim Eui-Soo


    Full Text Available Bursting accidents of pressure containers due to design and manufacturing defects are frequently occurring. Due to high-pressure gas or harmful substances, when this vessel is fractured, it can lead to catastrophic disasters. Especially, in the event of bursting accident of composite pressure vessel for CNG bus, many unspecified people can be damaged. Most of the accidents were caused by problems in the manufacturing process. The manufacturing process for TYPE2 pressure vessel is very complicated such as three drawing processes, two ironing processes and one spinning process. In the middle of process, various heat treatments are performed for imparting toughness and removing residual stresses. It should cause a serious problem such as bursting and fragmentation of the pressure container due to defects of this process. In this research, the fracture cause of CNG vessel is evaluated through fractography and measuring material property using IIT and analysis of chemical composition.

  16. A Dynamic Attitude Measurement System Based on LINS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanzhou Li


    Full Text Available A dynamic attitude measurement system (DAMS is developed based on a laser inertial navigation system (LINS. Three factors of the dynamic attitude measurement error using LINS are analyzed: dynamic error, time synchronization and phase lag. An optimal coning errors compensation algorithm is used to reduce coning errors, and two-axis wobbling verification experiments are presented in the paper. The tests indicate that the attitude accuracy is improved 2-fold by the algorithm. In order to decrease coning errors further, the attitude updating frequency is improved from 200 Hz to 2000 Hz. At the same time, a novel finite impulse response (FIR filter with three notches is designed to filter the dither frequency of the ring laser gyro (RLG. The comparison tests suggest that the new filter is five times more effective than the old one. The paper indicates that phase-frequency characteristics of FIR filter and first-order holder of navigation computer constitute the main sources of phase lag in LINS. A formula to calculate the LINS attitude phase lag is introduced in the paper. The expressions of dynamic attitude errors induced by phase lag are derived. The paper proposes a novel synchronization mechanism that is able to simultaneously solve the problems of dynamic test synchronization and phase compensation. A single-axis turntable and a laser interferometer are applied to verify the synchronization mechanism. The experiments results show that the theoretically calculated values of phase lag and attitude error induced by phase lag can both match perfectly with testing data. The block diagram of DAMS and physical photos are presented in the paper. The final experiments demonstrate that the real-time attitude measurement accuracy of DAMS can reach up to 20″ (1σ and the synchronization error is less than 0.2 ms on the condition of three axes wobbling for 10 min.

  17. A Dynamic Attitude Measurement System Based on LINS (United States)

    Li, Hanzhou; Pan, Quan; Wang, Xiaoxu; Zhang, Juanni; Li, Jiang; Jiang, Xiangjun


    A dynamic attitude measurement system (DAMS) is developed based on a laser inertial navigation system (LINS). Three factors of the dynamic attitude measurement error using LINS are analyzed: dynamic error, time synchronization and phase lag. An optimal coning errors compensation algorithm is used to reduce coning errors, and two-axis wobbling verification experiments are presented in the paper. The tests indicate that the attitude accuracy is improved 2-fold by the algorithm. In order to decrease coning errors further, the attitude updating frequency is improved from 200 Hz to 2000 Hz. At the same time, a novel finite impulse response (FIR) filter with three notches is designed to filter the dither frequency of the ring laser gyro (RLG). The comparison tests suggest that the new filter is five times more effective than the old one. The paper indicates that phase-frequency characteristics of FIR filter and first-order holder of navigation computer constitute the main sources of phase lag in LINS. A formula to calculate the LINS attitude phase lag is introduced in the paper. The expressions of dynamic attitude errors induced by phase lag are derived. The paper proposes a novel synchronization mechanism that is able to simultaneously solve the problems of dynamic test synchronization and phase compensation. A single-axis turntable and a laser interferometer are applied to verify the synchronization mechanism. The experiments results show that the theoretically calculated values of phase lag and attitude error induced by phase lag can both match perfectly with testing data. The block diagram of DAMS and physical photos are presented in the paper. The final experiments demonstrate that the real-time attitude measurement accuracy of DAMS can reach up to 20″ (1σ) and the synchronization error is less than 0.2 ms on the condition of three axes wobbling for 10 min. PMID:25177802

  18. IUE observations of W UMa systems AE Phoenicis and TY Mensae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rucinski, S.M.


    SWP spectra of AE Phe and TY Men are presented and discussed. The spectrum of AE Phe is typical in showing strong emission lines which originate in the chromosphere and transition region. On the basis of the strenght of the He II emission line we predict that AE Phe should be a moderately strong X-ray source. The spectrum of TY Men is too weakly exposed for a full discussion. It is pointed out that this star is one of the most important for understanding the activity in W UMa systems. 18 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab. (author)

  19. Le nævus épidermique verruqueux inflammatoire linéaire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le nævus épidermique verruqueux inflammatoire linéaire (NEVIL) est une affection rare correspondant à des hyperplasies épidermiques bénignes qui se présentent cliniquement sous forme de lésions linéaires unilatérales hyperkératosiques. Une adolescente âgée de 16 ans, sans antécédents, présentait depuis la ...

  20. Guidance on Biogas used to Produce CNG or LNG under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program (United States)

    Provides EPA’s interpretation of biogas quality and RIN generation requirements that apply to renewable fuel production pathways involving the injection into a commercial pipeline of biogas for use in producing renewable CNG or renewable LNG.

  1. 107 Définition structurale des linéaments par traitement d'image ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Valued Packard Bell Customer

    The Ngovayang massif represents a key domain in understanding the geodynamics of the northern border of the Congo craton in South Cameroon. Remote sensing works .... linéaments liés au socle rocheux et aux accidents tectoniques (Minyem, 1994 [2]). Ces linéaments sont repartis selon trois directions. - la direction ...

  2. ”SUN SYY ETTÄ OON NYT TÄSSÄ” : Kuntouttavaan työtoiminnan merkitys ihmisen hyvinvoinnille ja mielenterveydelle.


    Ylimäki, Titta


    Ylimäki, Titta. Kuntouttavan työtoiminnan merkitys ihmisen hyvinvoinnille ja mielenterveydelle. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Oulu, kevät 2015 39 s., 2 liitettä. Terveyden edistämisen koulutusohjelma, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK -tutkinto, Sosionomi (ylempi AMK). Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millainen merkitys kuntouttavalla työtoiminnalla on siihen osallistuvien ihmisten mielestä. Tutkimuskysymykset olivat seuraavat: Mikä merkitys kuntouttavalla työtoiminnalla on ih...

  3. ”Kaikki lähtee siitä, et ihmisillä on hyviä, itselleen sopivia, itseään kehittäviä työtehtäviä” Käsityksiä osaamisesta ja osaamisen kehittämisestä sekä työhyvinvoinnista asiantuntijatyössä


    Kurru, Niina


    Tavoitteet. Tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella käsityksiä osaamisesta, osaamisen kehittämisestä sekä työhyvinvoinnista asiantuntijatyössä työntekijöiden näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tarkastella näiden ilmiöiden kytkeytymistä toisiinsa. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että osaaminen on keskeinen työhyvinvoinnin tekijä, ja osaamisen kehittämisellä on positiivisia vaikutuksia työhyvinvointiin erityisesti tietointensiivisessä työssä. Aihe on tärkeä, sillä asi...

  4. Natural gas for ship propulsion in Denmark - Possibilities for using LNG and CNG on ferry and cargo routes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stuer-Lauridsen, F.; Nielsen, Jesper B. (LITEHAUZ, Copenhagen (Denmark)); Odgaard, T.; Birkeland, M. (IncentivePartners, Birkeroed (Denmark)); Winter Graugaard, C.; Blikom, L.P. (DNV, Copenhagen (Denmark)); Muro-Sun, N.; Andersen, Morten; OEvlisen, F. (Ramboell Oil and Gas, Esbjerg (Denmark))


    The project's main task was to review logistical, technical and economic feasibility for using Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as fuel for ship propulsion and the supply of LNG or CNG to Danish ports from existing natural gas lines, trucks or by ship. The following key findings are related to the use of natural gas as fuel for ships in Denmark: Natural gas as propulsion fuel in ships: 1) Advantages: Provide solution to present air emission challenges 2) Barriers: Capital investments large 3) Synergies: Developments in Norway and Baltic Sea area 4) Economy: Positive case for operation for large consumers 5) Future: Develop bunkering options for short sea shipping LNG: 6) Propulsion technology in ships is mature and proven 7) Distribution network not yet developed for use in ships 8) Safety concerns are demanding but manageable 9) Can enter existing bunkering value chain CNG: 10) Well developed for land based transport, not yet for shipping 11) Distribution network for natural gas exists in Denmark 12) Safety concerns are demanding but manageable 13) No seaborne CNG value chains in operation An immediate focus on the ferry sector in Denmark will reap benefits on a relatively short time scale. For the short sea shipping sector away to promote the conversion to natural gas is to support the development of storage and bunkering facilities in main ports. Given the general expectations in the shipping community LNG will presumably be the de facto choice at least for the 5-10 years ahead and the demand for facilities and bunkers will be for LNG. (LN)

  5. Secretion of non-cell-bound phytase by the yeast Pichia kudriavzevii TY13. (United States)

    Hellström, A; Qvirist, L; Svanberg, U; Veide Vilg, J; Andlid, T


    Mineral deficiencies cause several health problems in the world, especially for populations consuming cereal-based diets rich in the anti-nutrient phytate. Our aim was to characterize the phytate-degrading capacity of the yeast Pichia kudriavzevii TY13 and its secretion of phytase. The phytase activity in cell-free supernatants from cultures with 100% intact cells was 35-190 mU ml(-1) depending on the media. The Km was 0.28 mmol l(-1) and the specific phytase activity 0.32 U mg(-1) total protein. The phytase activity and secretion of extracellular non-cell-bound phytase was affected by the medium phosphate concentrations. Further, addition of yeast extract had a clearly inducing effect, resulting in over 60% of the cultures total phytase activity as non-cell-bound. Our study reveals that it is possible to achieve high extracellular phytase activity from the yeast P. kudriavzevii TY13 by proper composition of the growth medium. TY13 could be a promising future starter culture for fermented foods with improved mineral bioavailability. Using strains that secrete phytase to the food matrix may significantly improve the phytate degradation by facilitating the enzyme-to-substrate interaction. The secreted non-cell-bound phytase activities by TY13 could further be advantageous in industrial production of phytase. © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  6. LIN-32/Atonal Controls Oxygen Sensing Neuron Development in Caenorhabditis elegans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Romanos, Teresa Rojo; Pladevall-Morera, David; Langebeck-Jensen, Kasper


    HLH) family of transcription factors has multiple functions in neurogenesis. Here, we identified the LIN-32/Atonal bHLH transcription factor as a key regulator of URXL/R oxygen-sensing neuron development in Caenorhabditis elegans. When LIN-32/Atonal expression is lost, the expression of URX specification......Development of complex nervous systems requires precisely controlled neurogenesis. The generation and specification of neurons occur through the transcriptional and post-Transcriptional control of complex regulatory networks. In vertebrates and invertebrates, the proneural basic-helix-loop-helix (b...... and terminal differentiation genes is abrogated. As such, lin-32 mutant animals are unable to respond to increases in environmental oxygen. The URX neurons are generated from a branch of the cell lineage that also produces the CEPDL/R and URADL/R neurons. We found development of these neurons is also defective...

  7. LoRa IoT -radion soveltuvuus käytettyjen työkoneiden tiedonsiirtoon


    Hasu, Lassi


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia LoRa-radiotekniikan soveltuvuutta lastinkäsittelylaitteiden tuottaman datan tiedonsiirtoon. LoRa on teollisen internetin sovelluksia varten kehitetty pitkän kantaman radiotekniikka. Tavoitteena oli löytää käyttötapauksia, joihin LoRa-tekniikka soveltuu etsittäessä kustannustehokasta radiotekniikkaa erityisesti käytettyihin lastinkäsittelylaitteisiin. Työn toimeksiantaja oli Cargotec Finland Oy:n Kalmar-liiketoimintayksikkö. Työn tutkimusmenetelmänä käyte...

  8. T-TY Tank Farm Interim Surface Barrier Demonstration - Vadose Zone Monitoring Plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Z.F.; Strickland, Christopher E.; Field, Jim G.; Parker, Danny L.


    The Hanford Site has 149 underground single-shell tanks that store hazardous radioactive waste. Many of these tanks and their associated infrastructure (e.g., pipelines, diversion boxes) have leaked. Some of the leaked waste has entered the groundwater. The largest known leak occurred from the T-106 Tank of the 241-T Tank Farm in 1973. Five tanks are assumed to have leaked in the TY Farm. Many of the contaminants from those leaks still reside within the vadose zone within the T and TY Tank Farms. The Department of Energy's Office of River Protection seeks to minimize the movement of these contaminant plumes by placing interim barriers on the ground surface. Such barriers are expected to prevent infiltrating water from reaching the plumes and moving them further. The soil water regime is monitored to determine the effectiveness of the interim surface barriers. Soil-water content and water pressure are monitored using off-the-shelf equipment that can be installed by the hydraulic hammer technique. Four instrument nests were installed in the T Farm in fiscal year (FY) 2006 and FY2007; two nests were installed in the TY Farm in FY2010. Each instrument nest contains a neutron probe access tube, a capacitance probe, and four heat-dissipation units. A meteorological station has been installed at the north side of the fence of the T Farm. This document summarizes the monitoring methods, the instrument calibration and installation, and the vadose zone monitoring plan for interim barriers in T farm and TY Farm.

  9. Regulation of C. elegans L4 cuticle collagen genes by the heterochronic protein LIN-29. (United States)

    Abete-Luzi, Patricia; Eisenmann, David M


    The cuticle, the outer covering of the nematode C. elegans, is synthesized five times during the worm's life by the underlying hypodermis. Cuticle collagens, the major cuticle component, are encoded by a large family of col genes and, interestingly, many of these genes express predominantly at a single developmental stage. This temporal preference motivated us to investigate the mechanisms underlying col gene expression and here we focus on a subset of col genes expressed in the L4 stage. We identified minimal promoter regions of <300 bp for col-38, col-49, and col-63. In these regions, we predicted cis-regulatory sequences and evaluated their function in vivo via mutagenesis of a col-38p::yfp reporter. We used RNAi to study the requirement for candidate transcription regulators ELT-1 and ELT-3, LIN-29, and the LIN-29 co-factor MAB-10, and found LIN-29 to be necessary for the expression of four L4-specific genes (col-38, col-49, col-63, and col-138). Temporal misexpression of LIN-29 was also sufficient to activate these genes at a different developmental stage. The LIN-29 DNA-binding domain bound the col-38, col-49, and col-63 minimal promoters in vitro. For col-38 we showed that the LIN-29 sites necessary for reporter expression in vivo are also bound in vitro: this is the first identification of specific binding sites for LIN-29 necessary for in vivo target gene expression. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Työntekijärekisterin luominen ja käyttöönotto


    Kurkola, Matias


    Logistiikan turvallisuudesta huolehtiminen on tärkeä osa kuljetuksiin erikoistuneiden yritysten toimintaa. Yleisesti käytössä olevien turvallisuustyökalujen, kuten esimerkiksi kulunvalvonnan lisäksi toiminnan laatu vaatii tarkkaa henkilö- ja tavarakontrollia. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda TNT Suomi Oy:n Turun toimipisteeseen helppokäyttöinen työntekijärekisteri, joka vähentäisi esimiesten työmäärää vapauttamalla resursseja henkilöstöhallinnosta varsinaiseen esimiestyöhön. Yrity...

  11. Etätyökäytäntöjen kehittäminen


    Haverinen, Liisa


    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda selvitys kohdeyritykselle siihen, kannattaako yrityksessä tehdä etätöitä laajemmin. Lähtötilanne oli, että etätöitä tehdään yrityksessä osittain. Etätöitä tekeviä työntekijöitä on kuitenkin vähän, ja etätöitä tehdään myös määrällisesti vähän. Työn alussa kerrotaan etätyöstä ilmiönä ja käsitteenä. Teoriaosuudessa selvitetään vastuita, hyötyjä ja haasteita liittyen etätöihin. Selvitetään myös etäjohtamisen ominaispiirteitä. Teoriaosuudessa käydään läpi e...

  12. Analysis of Engine Parameters at Using Diesel-LPG and Diesel-CNG Mixture in Compression-ignition Engine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michal Jukl


    Full Text Available This work is aimed on influence of diesel engine parameters that is used with mixture of gas and diesel fuel. The first part of the article describes diesel fuel systems where small part of diesel fuel is replaced by LPG or CNG fuel. These systems are often called as Diesel-Gas systems. Next part of the article focuses on tested car and measurement equipment. Measurement was performed by common-rail diesel engine in Fiat Doblň. Tests were carried out in laboratories of the Department of Engineering and Automobile Transport at the Mendel University in Brno. They were observed changes between emissions of used fuels – diesel without addition of gas, diesel + LPG and diesel + CNG mixture. It was found that that the addition of gas had positive effect on the performance parameters and emissions.

  13. Impact source location on composite CNG storage tank using acoustic emission energy based signal mapping method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Byeong Hee; Yoon, Dong Jin; Park, Chun Soo [Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Center for Safety Measurement, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Young Shin [Dept. of Mechanical Design Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Acoustic emission (AE) is one of the most powerful techniques for detecting damages and identify damage location during operations. However, in case of the source location technique, there is some limitation in conventional AE technology, because it strongly depends on wave speed in the corresponding structures having heterogeneous composite materials. A compressed natural gas(CNG) pressure vessel is usually made of carbon fiber composite outside of vessel for the purpose of strengthening. In this type of composite material, locating impact damage sources exactly using conventional time arrival method is difficult. To overcome this limitation, this study applied the previously developed Contour D/B map technique to four types of CNG storage tanks to identify the source location of damages caused by external shock. The results of the identification of the source location for different types were compared.

  14. TyG index, HOMA score and viral load in patients with chronic hepatitis C due to genotype 1. (United States)

    Petta, S; Di Marco, V; Di Stefano, R; Cabibi, D; Cammà, C; Marchesini, G; Craxì, A


    The triglycerides × glucose (TyG) index is a recently proposed surrogate marker of insulin resistance (IR), calculated from fasting plasma triglyceride and glucose concentrations. We tested the host and viral factors associated with Tyg and homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) scores, comparing their associations with histological features and with sustained virological response (SVR) in patients with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C(G1CHC). Three hundred and forty consecutive patients with G1CHC were considered. All had a liver biopsy scored by one pathologist for staging and grading (Scheuer), and graded for steatosis, which was considered moderate-severe if ≥30%. Anthropometric and metabolic measurements, including IR measured by both HOMA and TyG, were registered. By linear regression analysis, TyG was independently associated with waist circumference (WC), total cholesterol, presence of arterial hypertension, Log10 HCV-RNA and steatosis. Similarly, WC and steatosis were significantly associated with HOMA. Older age (OR, 1.036; 95%CI, 1.004-1.070, P = 0.02), higher WC (1.031; 1.004-1.060; P = 0.02) and higher TyG (11.496; 3.163-41.784; P HOMA-IR in the model, the latter remained significantly associated with steatosis ≥30% (1.237; 1.058-1.448; P = 0.008). Receiver operating characteristic curves showed a similar performance of TyG (AUC 0.682) and HOMA-IR (AUC 0.699) in predicting moderate-severe steatosis. No independent associations were found between both TyG and HOMA and fibrosis or SVR. In patients with G1CHC , TyG, an easy-to-calculate and low-cost surrogate marker of IR, is linked to liver steatosis and shows an independent association with viral load. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  15. RED ONE kuvaajan työkaluna


    Käki, Ossi


    Opinnäytetyöni projektiosa, 30-minuuttinen lyhytelokuva Huomisen Muisto – Memory of Tomorrow kuvattiin RED ONE -kameralla vuosina 2008-2009. Opinnäytetyöni kirjallinen osuus tutkii miten RED ONE soveltuu kuvaajan työvälineeksi lyhytelokuvassa. Huomisen Muisto oli ensimmäinen Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulussa RED ONE:lla kuvattu elokuva ja koko tekninen workflow piti kehittää lähes nollasta. Paljon kuvan digitaalista jälkikäsittelyä sisältävänä science fiction -elokuvana Huomisen Muisto asetti i...

  16. The yeast Ty3 retrotransposon contains a 5'-3' bipartite primer-binding site and encodes nucleocapsid protein NCp9 functionally homologous to HIV-1 NCp7. (United States)

    Gabus, C; Ficheux, D; Rau, M; Keith, G; Sandmeyer, S; Darlix, J L


    Retroviruses, including HIV-1 and the distantly related yeast retroelement Ty3, all encode a nucleoprotein required for virion structure and replication. During an in vitro comparison of HIV-1 and Ty3 nucleoprotein function in RNA dimerization and cDNA synthesis, we discovered a bipartite primer-binding site (PBS) for Ty3 composed of sequences located at opposite ends of the genome. Ty3 cDNA synthesis requires the 3' PBS for primer tRNAiMet annealing to the genomic RNA, and the 5' PBS, in cis or in trans, as the reverse transcription start site. Ty3 RNA alone is unable to dimerize, but formation of dimeric tRNAiMet bound to the PBS was found to direct dimerization of Ty3 RNA-tRNAiMet. Interestingly, HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein NCp7 and Ty3 NCp9 were interchangeable using HIV-1 and Ty3 RNA template-primer systems. Our findings impact on the understanding of non-canonical reverse transcription as well as on the use of Ty3 systems to screen for anti-NCp7 drugs.

  17. Facebook Ravintola Sipulin markkinoinnin työkaluna


    Eerikäinen, Hanna


    Tämä opinnäytetyö keskittyy tutkimaan sosiaalisen median kanavaa, Facebookia ja sen erityispiirteitä markkinoinnin näkökulmasta. Toimeksiantona Royal Ravintolat Oy:n yksikölle, Ravintola Sipulille, luotiin uudet Facebook-sivut sekä ohjeistus henkilökun-nalle sivujen käyttöä varten. Ohjeistus on tehty Royal Ravintoloiden yleisten ohjeistus-ten pohjalta erityisesti Ravintola Sipulin toimintaa koskevaksi. Työn tavoitteena on kehittää tietoperustan pohjalta Ravintola Sipulin markkinointia ja ...

  18. Regulated and unregulated exhaust gas components from LD vehicles on petrol, diesel, LPG and CNG

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hendriksen, P.; Rijkeboer, R.C.


    Four fuels (petrol, LPG, CNG and diesel) are compared on passenger cars and lighter vans. The comparisons are made for the usual regulated components, but also for a number of unregulated components. The project was financed by the Dutch government, the association of gas suppliers, a number of

  19. Clinical application of Lin's biopsy grasper for intrauterine targeted biopsy and polypectomy during office hysteroscopy. (United States)

    Cheng, Hsin-Yi; Lin, Bao-Liang; Tseng, Jen-Yu; Ueno, Kazunori; Nakada, Sakura


    Hysteroscopy has widely been used for diagnosis of the uterine cavity; however, target biopsy has often been difficult in part to the inherent limitations of ancillary instruments. Lin's biopsy grasper was specifically designed to work in conjunction with a flexible hysteroscope to obtain intrauterine biopsy under transabdominal sonography. Herein, we share our clinical experience in the management of endometrial abnormalities with the use of Lin's biopsy grasper during office-based hysteroscopy. From February 2006 to November 2016, the use of Lin's biopsy grasper for tissue biopsy was attempted on 126 cases. We retrospectively recorded and analyzed the patients' preoperative characteristics and biopsy outcomes to demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of Lin's biopsy grasper. Out of the one hundred and twenty-six enrolled patients, satisfactory targeted biopsies were achieved; including high diagnostic rate (92.1%, with 116 cases confirmed histologically) and adequate tissue retrieval (77.8%, with 98 cases obtaining optimal specimen volume). All patients tolerated the procedure without analgesics or anesthesia. Diagnostic flexible hysteroscopy combined with the use of Lin's biopsy grasper has proven to be an effective tool for intrauterine evaluation and obtaining tissue sample. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  20. Työympäristön vaikutus toimistotyöntekijän tuottavuuteen


    Bågman, Tomas


    Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin fyysisten ympäristötekijöiden vaikutuksia toimistotyötä tekevän työntekijän tuottavuuteen ja suunniteltiin Pikval Oy:n suunnitteluosastolle uusi layout. Työntekijän tuottavuuteen vaikuttavia asioita ympäristön suhteen ovat rakennus, sisäilmasto, akustiset olot, valaistus ja niiden alaosiot. Melu ja keskeytykset osoittautuivat olevan merkittäviä tuottavuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä joihin tulisi kiinnittää huomiota toimiston layoutia suunnitellessa. Avoin ...

  1. régression linéaire multiple

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mots clés: Alcools et phénols – Représentation numérique de la structure chimique – Facteur acentrique – Régression linéaire multiple – Modèle RSP hybride. English Title: Structure / acentric factor relationship of alcohols and phenols: genetic algorithm – multiple linear regression approach. English Abstract. The acentric ...

  2. Association of Lin-28A rs3811464 Variant with Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mona Khodabandeh


    Full Text Available Introduction: It has been suggested that Lin-28A and the let-7 microRNA family (Lin-28/let-7 axis play a critical role in the control of glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity and resistance to diabetes. Aim: This case-control study aimed at evaluating the association between Lin-28 rs3811464 polymorphism and the susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes (T2D in a sample of Iranian population. Materials and Methods: This study involved 172 T2D patients and 160 non-diabetic age and gender-matched controls. Lin 28A rs3811464 genotypes were determined by Polymerase Chain Reaction–Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP technique. Results: The results showed that the frequency of the AA genotype was significantly higher in control subjects than in diabetic patients (13.12% vs. 4.65%. In addition, binary logistic regression analysis revealed that rs3811464-AA genotype was significantly associated to T2D after adjustment for BMI, age and lipid profiles. Indeed, subjects with AA genotype were less likely to develop T2D than GG and AG subjects (OR of 0.26, 95% CI 0.10-0.66, p=0.005. Conclusion: The findings of our study suggest that the Lin 28A rs3811464 is associated with type 2 diabetes susceptibility and subjects with AA genotypes were less likely to develop T2D diabetes.

  3. The CNG program in Argentine transport sector sources: present and forecasting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andres G, D.


    The CNG program in Argentina was formulated in the early 80's with the goal of reaching energy independence by means of a greater participation of natural gas in the energy demand. The transport sector is responsible of 30% of the total energy demand and 60% of all the oil consumption, so that any plan for substituting liquid fuels had to tackle transportation. The experiences which allowed gas to increase its participation from 27% to 33% may be profited by others interested in producing similar projects. (author)

  4. Metabolomics of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) transformation: ratio of LinA to LinB determines metabolic fate of HCH isomers. (United States)

    Geueke, Birgit; Garg, Nidhi; Ghosh, Sneha; Fleischmann, Thomas; Holliger, Christof; Lal, Rup; Kohler, Hans-Peter E


    Although the production and use of technical hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and lindane (the purified insecticidal isomer γ-HCH) are prohibited in most countries, residual concentrations still constitute an immense environmental burden. Many studies describe the mineralization of γ-HCH by bacterial strains under aerobic conditions. However, the metabolic fate of the other HCH isomers is not well known. In this study, we investigated the transformation of α-, β-, γ-, δ-, ε-HCH, and a heptachlorocyclohexane isomer in the presence of varying ratios of the two enzymes that initiate γ-HCH degradation, a dehydrochlorinase (LinA) and a haloalkane dehalogenase (LinB). Each substrate yielded a unique metabolic profile that was strongly dependent on the enzyme ratio. Comparison of these results to those of in vivo experiments with different bacterial isolates showed that HCH transformation in the tested strains was highly optimized towards productive metabolism of γ-HCH and that under these conditions other HCH-isomers were metabolized to mixtures of dehydrochlorinated and hydroxylated side-products. In view of these results, bioremediation efforts need very careful planning and toxicities of accumulating metabolites need to be evaluated. © 2012 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  5. Evaluation of the environmental impact of modern passenger cars on petrol, diesel, automotive LPG and CNG

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hendriksen, P.; Vermeulen, R.J.; Rijkeboer, R.C.; Bremmers, D.A.C.M.; Smokers, R.T.M.; Winkel, R.G.


    The project reported here concerns an investigation into the environmental performance of modern passenger cars on four different fuels: petrol, diesel, automotive LPG and CNG. The objectives of the project were twofold: - To make a valid and useful comparison between modern vehicles fuelled by

  6. Kiinteistömuuntamon Työohje


    Rinkinen, Heikki


    Kiinteistömuuntamo on kaupunkialueen sähkönjakelussa suosittu vaihtoehto. Sillä saadaan sähkönjakelulaitteisto pois näkyvistä ja arvokasta tonttitilaa jää muuhun rakennuskäyttöön. Kiinteistömuuntamo on määräyksiltään tiukempi kuin missä tahansa muualla sijaitsevat muuntamot. Työni on avuksi vastaavanlaisen kiinteistömuuntamon rakentamisessa. Opinnäytetyön oli tarkoitus koota määräyksiä ja ohjeistuksia koskien kiinteistömuuntamon suunnittelua rakentamista. Kerron myös opinnäytetyökohteen ...

  7. Ammattiosaamisen näytöt : Pohjois-Karjalan Ammattiopisto Outokumpu, Radio- ja TV-työ


    Dufva, Pilvi; Laatikainen, Mika


    Kehittämishankeraportissa kuvataan Pohjois-Karjalan Ammattiopisto Outokummun Radio- ja TV-työn linjan ensimmäisten ammattiosaamisen näyttöjen suunnittelua ja toteuttamista. Ammattiosaamisen näytöt toteutettiin maaliskuussa 2008. Kehittämishankkeen aiheena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa Radio- ja TV-työn ensimmäiset ammattiosaamisen näytöt video-, televisio- ja elokuvailmaisun 15 opintoviikon kokonaisuuteen (VTE-ilmaisu). This project describes how the first vocational skills demonstration wa...

  8. Screening of tank-to-wheel efficiencies for CNG, DME and methanol-ethanol fuel blends in road transport

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kappel, Jannik; Mathiesen, Brian Vad

    efficiency. This screening indicates methanol, methanol-ethanol blends and CNG to be readily availability, economic feasible and with the introduction of the DISI engine not technologically challenging compared to traditional fuels. Studies across fuel types indicate a marginally better fuel utilization...

  9. Biodegradation of γ-hexachlorocyclohexane by transgenic hairy root cultures of Cucurbita moschata that accumulate recombinant bacterial LinA. (United States)

    Nanasato, Yoshihiko; Namiki, Sayuri; Oshima, Masao; Moriuchi, Ryota; Konagaya, Ken-Ichi; Seike, Nobuyasu; Otani, Takashi; Nagata, Yuji; Tsuda, Masataka; Tabei, Yutaka


    γ-HCH was successfully degraded using LinA-expressed transgenic hairy root cultures of Cucurbita moschata . Fusing an endoplasmic reticulum-targeting signal peptide to LinA was essential for stable accumulation in the hairy roots. The pesticide γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (γ-HCH) is a persistent organic pollutant (POP) that raises public health and environmental pollution concerns worldwide. Although several isolates of γ-HCH-degrading bacteria are available, inoculating them directly into γ-HCH-contaminated soil is ineffective because of the bacterial survival rate. Cucurbita species incorporate significant amounts of POPs from soils compared with other plant species. Here, we describe a novel bioremediation strategy that combines the bacterial degradation of γ-HCH and the efficient uptake of γ-HCH by Cucurbita species. We produced transgenic hairy root cultures of Cucurbita moschata that expressed recombinant bacterial linA, isolated from the bacterium Sphingobium japonicum UT26. The LinA protein was accumulated stably in the hairy root cultures by fusing an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-targeting signal peptide to LinA. Then, we demonstrated that the cultures degraded more than 90 % of γ-HCH (1 ppm) overnight and produced the γ-HCH metabolite 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, indicating that LinA degraded γ-HCH. These results indicate that the gene linA has high potential for phytoremediation of environmental γ-HCH.

  10. LINS Curve in Romanian Economy

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    Emilian Dobrescu


    Full Text Available The paper presents theoretical considerations and empirical evidence to test the validity of the Laffer in Narrower Sense (LINS curve as a parabola with a maximum. Attention is focused on the so-called legal-effective tax gap (letg. The econometric application is based on statistical data (1990-2013 for Romania as an emerging European economy. Three cointegrating regressions (fully modified least squares, canonical cointegrating regression and dynamic least squares and three algorithms, which are based on instrumental variables (two-stage least squares, generalized method of moments, and limited information maximum likelihood, are involved.

  11. Granulometric data 241-TY Tank Farm monitoring well sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fecht, K.R.; Price, W.H.


    Approximately 200 sediment samples collected during the drilling of wells in the 241-TY Tank Farm have been analyzed for grain size and calcium carbonate content. The grain size data were used to categorize the sediment samples into sediment classes. The granulometric data, the calcium carbonate data, and the sediment class of each of the 200 sediment samples are documented in this paper

  12. Terminologia työvälineenä – aikamuotojärjestelmästä ja sen opetuskäytänteiden ergonomiasta S2-opetuksessa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Kok


    Full Text Available Artikkeli käsittelee kahta ongelmalliseksi osoittautunutta verbien tempusnimitystä, perfektiä ja imperfektiä. Tarkastelen kirjoituksessani nimitysten välittämää informaatiota, jota vertaan S2-oppikirjoissa aikamuotojen käytöstä annettuun tietoon. Kriittisen katsauksen tavoitteena on osoittaa harhaanjohtavien termien haitta ja hyvän metakielen tarve sekä myös pohtia keinoja virheellisten nimitysten korjaamiseksi. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on työolosuhteita, työvälineitä ja työtapoja tutkiva ergonomia. Koska kielen opetus ja opiskelu ovat työtä ja metakieli on työväline, jolla opettaja ja opiskelijat yhdessä työskentelevät, on käytettävän termistön ammatillinen ja käytännönläheinen arviointi tarpeen. DOI:

  13. [Professor LIN Guohua's experience of gold implantation at acupoint for rheumatoid arthritis]. (United States)

    Li, Jingjing; Pei, Wenya


    Based on the pathogenesis and symptom of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), professor LIN Guohua's unique opinion and method for RA in clinical treatment are summarized and analyzed. In the opinion of Professor Lin, RA is considered as "Jinbi" and "Gubi" in TCM, which is caused by deficient root with superficial excess. Based on the symptoms of RA, attention should be focused on lung-kidney diagnosis and treatment, and gold and catgut implantation at acupoint can be mutually combined, which is aimed to provide a special and effective method for clinical treatment of RA.

  14. Assessment of on-road emissions of four Euro V diesel and CNG waste collection trucks for supporting air-quality improvement initiatives in the city of Milan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontaras, Georgios, E-mail: [Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Italy); Martini, Giorgio; Manfredi, Urbano; Marotta, Alessandro; Krasenbrink, Alois [Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Italy); Maffioletti, Francesco; Terenghi, Roberto; Colombo, Mauro [AMSA, Azienda Milanese Servizi Ambientali, Milano (Italy)


    This paper summarizes the results of an extensive experimental study aiming to evaluate the performance and pollutant emissions of diesel and CNG waste collection trucks under realistic and controlled operating conditions in order to support a fleet renewal initiative in the city of Milan. Four vehicles (1 diesel and 3 CNG) were tested in two phases using a portable emission measurement system. The first phase included real world operation in the city of Milan while the second involved controlled conditions in a closed track. Emissions recorded from the diesel truck were on average 2.4 kg/km for CO{sub 2}, 0.21 g/km for HC, 7.4 g/km for CO, 32.3 g/km for NO{sub x} and 46.4 mg/km for PM. For the CNG the values were 3.6 kg/km for CO{sub 2}, 2.19 g/km for HC, 15.8 g/km for CO, 4.38 g/km for NO{sub x} and 11.4 mg/km for PM. CNG vehicles presented an important advantage with regards to NO{sub x} and PM emissions but lack the efficiency of their diesel counterparts when it comes to CO, HC and particularly greenhouse gas emissions. This tradeoff needs to be carefully analyzed prior to deciding if a fleet should be shifted towards either technology. In addition it was shown that existing emission factors, used in Europe for environmental assessment studies, reflect well the operation for CNG but were not so accurate when it came to the diesel engine truck particularly for CO{sub 2} and NO{sub x}. With regard to NO{sub x}, it was also shown that the limits imposed by current emission standards are not necessarily reflected in real world operation, under which the diesel vehicle presented almost 4 times higher emissions. Regarding CO{sub 2}, appropriate use of PEMS data and vehicle information allows for accurate emission monitoring through computer simulation. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Investigated diesel and CNG Euro V waste collection vehicles for municipal use Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer NO{sub x}-GhG emission trade-off should be considered prior to

  15. Genome packaging in EL and Lin68, two giant phiKZ-like bacteriophages of P. aeruginosa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sokolova, O.S.; Shaburova, O.V.; Pechnikova, E.V.; Shaytan, A.K.; Krylov, S.V.; Kiselev, N.A.; Krylov, V.N.


    A unique feature of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa giant phage phiKZ is its way of genome packaging onto a spool-like protein structure, the inner body. Until recently, no similar structures have been detected in other phages. We have studied DNA packaging in P. aeruginosa phages EL and Lin68 using cryo-electron microscopy and revealed the presence of inner bodies. The shape and positioning of the inner body and the density of the DNA packaging in EL are different from those found in phiKZ and Lin68. This internal organization explains how the shorter EL genome is packed into a large EL capsid, which has the same external dimensions as the capsids of phiKZ and Lin68. The similarity in the structural organization in EL and other phiKZ-like phages indicates that EL is phylogenetically related to other phiKZ-like phages, and, despite the lack of detectable DNA homology, EL, phiKZ, and Lin68 descend from a common ancestor. - Highlights: • We performed a comparative structural study of giant P. aeruginosa phages: EL, Lin68 and phiKZ. • We revealed that the inner body is a common feature in giant phages. • The phage genome size correlates with the overall dimensions of the inner body

  16. Genome packaging in EL and Lin68, two giant phiKZ-like bacteriophages of P. aeruginosa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sokolova, O.S., E-mail: [M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow (Russian Federation); A.V. Shoubnikov Institute of Crystallography RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation); Shaburova, O.V. [I.I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, RAMS, Moscow (Russian Federation); Pechnikova, E.V. [A.V. Shoubnikov Institute of Crystallography RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation); Shaytan, A.K. [M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow (Russian Federation); Krylov, S.V. [I.I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, RAMS, Moscow (Russian Federation); Kiselev, N.A. [A.V. Shoubnikov Institute of Crystallography RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation); Krylov, V.N. [I.I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, RAMS, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    A unique feature of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa giant phage phiKZ is its way of genome packaging onto a spool-like protein structure, the inner body. Until recently, no similar structures have been detected in other phages. We have studied DNA packaging in P. aeruginosa phages EL and Lin68 using cryo-electron microscopy and revealed the presence of inner bodies. The shape and positioning of the inner body and the density of the DNA packaging in EL are different from those found in phiKZ and Lin68. This internal organization explains how the shorter EL genome is packed into a large EL capsid, which has the same external dimensions as the capsids of phiKZ and Lin68. The similarity in the structural organization in EL and other phiKZ-like phages indicates that EL is phylogenetically related to other phiKZ-like phages, and, despite the lack of detectable DNA homology, EL, phiKZ, and Lin68 descend from a common ancestor. - Highlights: • We performed a comparative structural study of giant P. aeruginosa phages: EL, Lin68 and phiKZ. • We revealed that the inner body is a common feature in giant phages. • The phage genome size correlates with the overall dimensions of the inner body.

  17. "Arjessa pitää aikalailla olla kaikki palikat itsellä tassuissa" : suomalaisten johtajien työn ja perheen yhteensovittaminen puolisoiden kokemana


    Telanne, Emmi


    Emmi Telanne (2017). ”Arjessa pitää aikalailla olla kaikki palikat itsellä tassuissa” - Suomalaisten johtajien työn ja perheen yhteensovittaminen puolisoiden kokemana: Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta, Jyväskylän yliopisto, terveyskasvatuksen pro gradu -tutkielma, 52 s., 6 liitettä. Työn ja perheen yhteensovittaminen on tärkeää yksilön, yhteiskunnan, yritysten ja erityisesti perheen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusten mukaan johtajan työn stressi- ja vaatimustekijöillä on havaittu olevan kielteisiä ...

  18. Identification and Characterization of Genes That Interact with Lin-12 in Caenorhabditis Elegans


    Tax, F. E.; Thomas, J. H.; Ferguson, E. L.; Horvitz, H. R.


    We identified and characterized 14 extragenic mutations that suppressed the dominant egg-laying defect of certain lin-12 gain-of-function mutations. These suppressors defined seven genes: sup-17, lag-2, sel-4, sel-5, sel-6, sel-7 and sel-8. Mutations in six of the genes are recessive suppressors, whereas the two mutations that define the seventh gene, lag-2, are semi-dominant suppressors. These suppressor mutations were able to suppress other lin-12 gain-of-function mutations. The suppressor ...

  19. Vapor space characterization of Waste Tank 241-TY-104: Results from samples collected on 4/27/95

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klinger, G.S.; Olsen, K.B.; Clauss, T.W.


    This report describes inorganic and organic analyses results from samples obtained from the headspace of the Hanford waste storage Tank 241-TY-104 (referred to as Tank TY-104). The results described here were obtained to support safety and toxicological evaluations. A summary of the results for inorganic and organic analytes is listed in Table 1. Detailed descriptions of the results appear in the text. Quantitative results were obtained for the inorganic compounds ammonia (NH 3 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), nitric oxide (NO), and water (H 2 O). Sampling for hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and sulfur oxides (SO x ) was not requested. In addition, quantitative results were obtained for the 39 TO-14 compounds plus an additional 14 analytes. Of these, 8 were observed above the 5-ppbv reporting cutoff. Five tentatively identified compounds (TICs) were observed above the reporting cutoff of (ca.) 10 ppbv and are reported with concentrations that are semiquantitative estimates based on internal-standard response factors. The 10 organic analytes with the highest estimated concentrations are listed in Table 1 and account for approximately 94% of the total organic components in Tank TY-104. Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) was the only permanent gas detected in the tank-headspace samples. Tank TY-104 is on the Ferrocyanide Watch List

  20. Vapor space characterization of waste Tank 241-TY-101: Results from samples collected on 4/6/95

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klinger, G.S.; Clauss, T.W.; Ligotke, M.W.; Pool, K.H.; McVeety, B.D.; Olsen, K.B.; Bredt, O.P.; Fruchter, J.S.; Goheen, S.C.


    This report describes inorganic and organic analyses results from samples obtained from the headspace of the Hanford waste storage Tank 241-TY-101 (referred to as Tank TY-101). The results described here were obtained to support safety and toxicological evaluations. A summary of the results for inorganic and organic analytes is listed in Table 1. Detailed descriptions of the results appear in the text. Quantitative results were obtained for the inorganic compounds ammonia (NH 3 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), nitric oxide (NO), and water vapor (H 2 O). Sampling for hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and sulfur oxides (SO x ) was not requested. In addition, quantitative results were obtained for the 39 TO-14 compounds plus an additional 14 analytes. Off these, 5 were observed above the 5-ppbv reporting cutoff. One tentatively identified compound (TIC) was observed above the reporting cutoff of (ca.) 10 ppbv and are reported with concentrations that are semiquantitative estimates based on internal-standard response factors. The six organic analyses identified are listed in Table 1 and account for approximately 100% of the total organic components in Tank TY-101. Two permanent gases, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O), were also detected. Tank TY-101 is on the Ferrocyanide Watch List

  1. Detection of an inversion in the Ty-2 region between S. lycopersicum and S. habrochaites by a combination of de novo genome assembly and BAC cloning. (United States)

    Wolters, Anne-Marie A; Caro, Myluska; Dong, Shufang; Finkers, Richard; Gao, Jianchang; Visser, Richard G F; Wang, Xiaoxuan; Du, Yongchen; Bai, Yuling


    A chromosomal inversion associated with the tomato Ty - 2 gene for TYLCV resistance is the cause of severe suppression of recombination in a tomato Ty - 2 introgression line. Among tomato and its wild relatives inversions are often observed, which result in suppression of recombination. Such inversions hamper the transfer of important traits from a related species to the crop by introgression breeding. Suppression of recombination was reported for the TYLCV resistance gene, Ty-2, which has been introgressed in cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) from the wild relative S. habrochaites accession B6013. Ty-2 was mapped to a 300-kb region on the long arm of chromosome 11. The suppression of recombination in the Ty-2 region could be caused by chromosomal rearrangements in S. habrochaites compared with S. lycopersicum. With the aim of visualizing the genome structure of the Ty-2 region, we compared the draft de novo assembly of S. habrochaites accession LYC4 with the sequence of cultivated tomato ('Heinz'). Furthermore, using populations derived from intraspecific crosses of S. habrochaites accessions, the order of markers in the Ty-2 region was studied. Results showed the presence of an inversion of approximately 200 kb in the Ty-2 region when comparing S. lycopersicum and S. habrochaites. By sequencing a BAC clone from the Ty-2 introgression line, one inversion breakpoint was identified. Finally, the obtained results are discussed with respect to introgression breeding and the importance of a priori de novo sequencing of the species involved.

  2. Variational principles of fluid mechanics and electromagnetism: imposition and neglect of the Lin constraint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, R.R. Jr.


    The Lin constraint has been utilized by a number of authors who have sought to develop Eulerian variational principles in both fluid mechanics and electromagnetics (or plasmadynamics). This dissertation first reviews the work of earlier authors concerning the development of variational principles in both the Eulerian and Lagrangian nomenclatures. In the process, it is shown whether or not the Euler-Lagrange equations that result from the variational principles are equivalent to the generally accepted equations of motion. In particular, it is shown in the case of several Eulerian variational principles that imposition of the Lin constraint results in Euler-Lagrange equations equivalent to the generally accepted equations of motion, whereas neglect of the Lin constraint results in restrictive Euler-Lagrange equations. In an effort to improve the physical motivation behind introduction of the Lin constraint, a new variational constraint is developed based on teh concept of surface forces within a fluid. Additionally, it is shown that a quantity often referred to as the canonical momentum of a charged fluid is not always a constant of the motion of the fluid; and it is demonstrated that there does not exist an unconstrained Eulerian variational principle giving rise to the generally accepted equations of motion for both a perfect fluid and a cold, electromagnetic fluid

  3. Lin28a uses distinct mechanisms of binding to RNA and affects miRNA levels positively and negatively. (United States)

    Nowak, Jakub Stanislaw; Hobor, Fruzsina; Downie Ruiz Velasco, Angela; Choudhury, Nila Roy; Heikel, Gregory; Kerr, Alastair; Ramos, Andres; Michlewski, Gracjan


    Lin28a inhibits the biogenesis of let-7 miRNAs by triggering the polyuridylation and degradation of their precursors by terminal uridylyltransferases TUT4/7 and 3'-5' exoribonuclease Dis3l2, respectively. Previously, we showed that Lin28a also controls the production of neuro-specific miRNA-9 via a polyuridylation-independent mechanism. Here we reveal that the sequences and structural characteristics of pre-let-7 and pre-miRNA-9 are eliciting two distinct modes of binding to Lin28a. We present evidence that Dis3l2 controls miRNA-9 production. Finally, we show that the constitutive expression of untagged Lin28a during neuronal differentiation in vitro positively and negatively affects numerous other miRNAs. Our findings shed light on the role of Lin28a in differentiating cells and on the ways in which one RNA-binding protein can perform multiple roles in the regulation of RNA processing. © 2017 Nowak et al.; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the RNA Society.

  4. Experimental investigations of effects of EGR on performance and emissions characteristics of CNG fueled reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh Kalsi, Sunmeet; Subramanian, K.A.


    Highlights: • NO_x emission decreased drastically in RCCI engine with EGR. • CO and HC emissions decreased with 8% EGR. • Smoke emission increased with EGR but is still less than base diesel. • Brake thermal efficiency does not change with EGR up to 15% • 8% EGR is optimum based on less CO, HC, NO_x except smoke. - Abstract: Experimental: tests were carried out on a single cylinder diesel engine (7.4 kW rated power at 1500 rpm) under dual fuel mode (CNG-Diesel) with EGR (exhaust gas recirculation). Less reacting fuel (CNG) was injected inside the intake manifold using timed manifold gas injection system whereas high reactive diesel fuel was directly injected into the engine’s cylinder for initiation of ignition. EGR at different percentages (8%, 15% and 30%) was inducted to the engine through intake manifold and tests were conducted at alternator power output of 2 kW and 5 kW. The engine can operate under dual fuel mode with maximum CNG energy share of 85% and 92% at 5 kW and 2 kW respectively. The brake thermal efficiency of diesel engine improved marginally at 5 kW power output under conventional dual fuel mode with the CNG share up to 37% whereas the efficiency did not change with up to 15% EGR however it decreased beyond the EGR percentage. NO_x emission in diesel engine under conventional dual fuel mode decreased significantly and it further decreased drastically with EGR. The notable point emerged from this study is that CO and HC emissions, which are major problems at part load in reactivity controlled compression ignition engine (RCCI), decreased with 8% EGR along with further reduction of NO_x. However, smoke emission is marginally higher with EGR than without EGR but it is still less than conventional mode (Diesel alone). The new concept emerged from this study is that CO and HC emissions of RCCI engine at part load can be reduced using EGR.

  5. Combustion of Pure, Hydrolyzed and Methyl Ester Formed of Jatropha Curcas Lin oil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhaji Muhaji


    Full Text Available The density and viscosity of vegetable oil are higher than that of diesel oil. Thus its direct combustion in the diesel engine results many problems. This research was conducted to investigate the flame characteristics of combustion of jatropha curcas lin in pure, hydrolyzed and methyl ester form. The results indicated that the combustion of pure jatropha curcas lin occurs in three stages, hydrolyzed in two stages    and methyl ester in one stage. For pure jatropha curcas lin, in the first stage, unsaturated fatty acid burned for  0.265 s.  It is followed by saturated fatty acid, burned for 0.389 s in the second stage. And, in the last stage is the burned of glycerol for 0.560 s. Meanwhile for hydrolyzed one, in the first stage, unsaturated fatty acid burned for 0.736 s, followed by saturated fatty acid, burned  for 0.326 s in the second stage. And the last, for methyl ester is the burned for 0.712 s. The highest burning rate was for methyl ester which was 0.003931cc/s. The energy releasing rate of methyl ester, which was for 13,628.67 kcal/(kg.s resembled that of diesel oil the most, while the lowest rate was for pure jatropha curcas lin which was 8,200.94 kcal/(kg.s. In addition, massive explosion occurred in the fuel containing unsaturated fatty acid and glycerol

  6. Analysis of a lin-42/period Null Allele Implicates All Three Isoforms in Regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans Molting and Developmental Timing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Theresa L. B. Edelman


    Full Text Available The Caenorhabditis elegans heterochronic gene pathway regulates the relative timing of events during postembryonic development. lin-42, the worm homolog of the circadian clock gene, period, is a critical element of this pathway. lin-42 function has been defined by a set of hypomorphic alleles that cause precocious phenotypes, in which later developmental events, such as the terminal differentiation of hypodermal cells, occur too early. A subset of alleles also reveals a significant role for lin-42 in molting; larval stages are lengthened and ecdysis often fails in these mutant animals. lin-42 is a complex locus, encoding overlapping and nonoverlapping isoforms. Although existing alleles that affect subsets of isoforms have illuminated important and distinct roles for this gene in developmental timing, molting, and the decision to enter the alternative dauer state, it is essential to have a null allele to understand all of the roles of lin-42 and its individual isoforms. To remedy this problem and discover the null phenotype, we engineered an allele that deletes the entire lin-42 protein-coding region. lin-42 null mutants are homozygously viable, but have more severe phenotypes than observed in previously characterized hypomorphic alleles. We also provide additional evidence for this conclusion by using the null allele as a base for reintroducing different isoforms, showing that each isoform can provide heterochronic and molting pathway activities. Transcript levels of the nonoverlapping isoforms appear to be under coordinate temporal regulation, despite being driven by independent promoters. The lin-42 null allele will continue to be an important tool for dissecting the functions of lin-42 in molting and developmental timing.

  7. LIN28 expression in malignant germ cell tumors down-regulates let-7 and increases oncogene levels (United States)

    Murray, Matthew J.; Saini, Harpreet K.; Siegler, Charlotte A.; Hanning, Jennifer E.; Barker, Emily M.; van Dongen, Stijn; Ward, Dawn M.; Raby, Katie L.; Groves, Ian J.; Scarpini, Cinzia G.; Pett, Mark R.; Thornton, Claire M.; Enright, Anton J.; Nicholson, James C.; Coleman, Nicholas


    Despite their clinico-pathologic heterogeneity, malignant germ-cell-tumors (GCTs) share molecular abnormalities that are likely to be functionally important. In this study, we investigated the potential significance of down-regulation of the let-7 family of tumor-suppressor microRNAs in malignant-GCTs. Microarray results from pediatric and adult samples (n=45) showed that LIN28, the negative-regulator of let-7 biogenesis, was abundant in malignant-GCTs, regardless of patient age, tumor site or histologic subtype. Indeed, a strong negative-correlation existed between LIN28 and let-7 levels in specimens with matched datasets. Low let-7 levels were biologically significant, since the sequence complementary to the 2-7nt common let-7 seed ‘GAGGUA’ was enriched in the 3′untranslated regions of mRNAs up-regulated in pediatric and adult malignant-GCTs, compared with normal gonads (a mixture of germ cells and somatic cells). We identified 27 mRNA targets of let-7 that were up-regulated in malignant-GCT cells, confirming significant negative-correlations with let-7 levels. Among 16 mRNAs examined in a largely independent set of specimens by qRT-PCR, we defined negative-associations with let-7e levels for six oncogenes, including MYCN, AURKB, CCNF, RRM2, MKI67 and C12orf5 (when including normal control tissues). Importantly, LIN28 depletion in malignant-GCT cells restored let-7 levels and repressed all of these oncogenic let-7 mRNA targets, with LIN28 levels correlating with cell proliferation and MYCN levels. Conversely, ectopic expression of let-7e was sufficient to reduce proliferation and down-regulate MYCN, AURKB and LIN28, the latter via a double-negative feedback loop. We concluded that the LIN28/let-7 pathway has a critical pathobiological role in malignant-GCTs and therefore offers a promising target for therapeutic intervention. PMID:23774216

  8. Borehole data package for well 299-W15-41 at single-shell tank waste management Area TX-TY

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horton, D.G.; Hodges, F.N.


    One new Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) groundwater monitoring well was installed at the single-shell tank farm Waste Management Area (WMA) TX-TY during December 1999 and January 2000 in fulfillment of Tri-Party Agreement (Ecology 1996) milestone M-24-43. The well is 299-W15-41 and is located south of the 241-TX tank farm and south of 20th Street in the 200 West Area. A figure shows the locations of all wells in the WMA TX-TY monitoring network. The new well was constructed to the specifications and requirements described in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-160 and WAC 173-303, the groundwater monitoring plan for WMA TX-TY (Caggiano and Goodwin 1991), the assessment plan for WMA TX-TY (Caggiano and Chou 1993), and the description of work for well drilling and installation. This document compiles information on the drilling and construction, well development, pump installation, and sediment testing applicable to well 299-W1 5-41. Appendix A contains the geologist's log, the Well Construction Summary Report, and Well Summary Sheet (as-built diagram) and Appendix B contains borehole geophysical logs. Additional documentation concerning well construction is on file with Bechtel Hanford, Inc., Richland, Washington

  9. A role for Lin28 in primordial germ cell development and germ cell malignancy (United States)

    West, Jason A.; Viswanathan, Srinivas R.; Yabuuchi, Akiko; Cunniff, Kerianne; Takeuchi, Ayumu; Park, In-Hyun; Sero, Julia E.; Zhu, Hao; Perez-Atayde, Antonio; Frazier, A. Lindsay; Surani, M. Azim; Daley, George Q.


    The rarity and inaccessibility of the earliest primordial germ cells (PGCs) in the mouse embryo thwarts efforts to investigate molecular mechanisms of germ cell specification. Stella marks the minute founder population of the germ lineage1,2. Here we differentiate mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) carrying a Stella transgenic reporter into putative PGCs in vitro. The Stella+ cells possess a transcriptional profile similar to embryo-derived PGCs, and like their counterparts in vivo, lose imprints in a time-dependent manner. Using inhibitory RNAs to screen candidate genes for effects on the development of Stella+ cells in vitro, we discovered that Lin28, a negative regulator of let-7 microRNA processing3-6, is essential for proper PGC development. We further show that Blimp1, a let-7 target and a master regulator of PGC specification7-9, can rescue the effect of Lin28-deficiency during PGC development, thereby establishing a mechanism of action for Lin28 during PGC specification. Over-expression of Lin28 promotes formation of Stella+ cells in vitro and PGCs in chimeric embryos, and is associated with human germ cell tumours. The differentiation of putative PGCs from ESCs in vitro recapitulates the early stages of gamete development in vivo, and provides an accessible system for discovering novel genes involved in germ cell development and malignancy. PMID:19578360

  10. Systemic and Terminal Ileum Mucosal Immunity Elicited by Oral Immunization With the Ty21a Typhoid Vaccine in HumansSummary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jayaum S. Booth


    Full Text Available Background & Aims: Systemic cellular immunity elicited by the Ty21a oral typhoid vaccine has been extensively characterized. However, very limited data are available in humans regarding mucosal immunity at the site of infection (terminal ileum [TI]. Here we investigated the host immunity elicited by Ty21a immunization on terminal ileum–lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMC and peripheral blood in volunteers undergoing routine colonoscopy. Methods: We characterized LPMC-T memory (TM subsets and assessed Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S Typhi–specific responses by multichromatic flow cytometry. Results: No differences were observed in cell yields and phenotypes in LPMC CD8+-TM subsets following Ty21a immunization. However, Ty21a immunization elicited LPMC CD8+ T cells exhibiting significant S Typhi–specific responses (interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-17A, and/or CD107a in all major TM subsets (T-effector/memory [TEM], T-central/memory, and TEM-CD45RA+, although each TM subset exhibited unique characteristics. We also investigated whether Ty21a immunization elicited S Typhi–specific multifunctional effectors in LPMC CD8+ TEM. We observed that LPMC CD8+ TEM responses were mostly multifunctional, except for those cells exhibiting the characteristics associated with cytotoxic responses. Finally, we compared mucosal with systemic responses and made the important observation that LPMC CD8+ S Typhi–specific responses were unique and distinct from their systemic counterparts. Conclusions: This study provides the first demonstration of S Typhi–specific responses in the human terminal ileum mucosa and provides novel insights into the generation of mucosal immune responses following oral Ty21a immunization. Keywords: Lamina Propria Mononuclear Cells, Multifunctional T Cells, CD8+-T Memory Cells, Typhoid, Vaccines

  11. LIN7A depletion disrupts cerebral cortex development, contributing to intellectual disability in 12q21-deletion syndrome.

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    Ayumi Matsumoto

    Full Text Available Interstitial deletion of 12q21 has been reported in four cases, which share several common clinical features, including intellectual disability (ID, low-set ears, and minor cardiac abnormalities. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH analysis using the Agilent Human Genome CGH 180K array was performed with the genomic DNA from a two-year-old Japanese boy with these symptoms, as well as hypoplasia of the corpus callosum. Consequently, a 14 Mb deletion at 12q21.2-q21.33 (nt. 77 203 574-91 264 613 bp, which includes 72 genes, was detected. Of these, we focused on LIN7A, which encodes a scaffold protein that is important for synaptic function, as a possible responsible gene for ID, and we analyzed its role in cerebral cortex development. Western blotting analyses revealed that Lin-7A is expressed on embryonic day (E 13.5, and gradually increases in the mouse brain during the embryonic stage. Biochemical fractionation resulted in the enrichment of Lin-7A in the presynaptic fraction. Suppression of Lin-7A expression by RNAi, using in utero electroporation on E14.5, delayed neuronal migration on postnatal day (P 2, and Lin-7A-deficient neurons remained in the lower zone of the cortical plate and the intermediate zone. In addition, when Lin-7A was silenced in cortical neurons in one hemisphere, axonal growth in the contralateral hemisphere was delayed; development of these neurons was disrupted such that one half did not extend into the contralateral hemisphere after leaving the corpus callosum. Taken together, LIN7A is a candidate gene responsible for 12q21-deletion syndrome, and abnormal neuronal migration and interhemispheric axon development may contribute to ID and corpus callosum hypoplasia, respectively.

  12. Vapor space characterization of Waste Tank 241-TY-104 (in situ): Results from samples collected on 8/5/94

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ligotke, M.W.; Pool, K.H.; Lucke, R.B.


    This report describes inorganic and organic analyses results from in situ samples obtained from the headspace of the Hanford waste storage Tank 241-TY-104 (referred to as Tank TY-104). The results described here were obtained to support safety and toxicological evaluations. A summary of the results for inorganic and organic analytes is listed in Table 1. Detailed descriptions of the results appear in the text. Quantitative results were obtained for the inorganic compounds ammonia (NH 3 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), nitric oxide (NO), and water (H 2 O). Sampling for hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and sulfur oxides (SO x ) was not performed. In addition, the authors looked for the 39 TO-14 compounds plus an additional 14 analytes. Of these, eight were observed above the 5-ppbv reporting cutoff. Twenty-four organic tentatively identified compounds (TICs) were observed above the reporting cutoff of (ca.) 10 ppbv and are reported with concentrations that are semiquantitative estimates based on internal standard response factors. The 10 organic analytes with the highest estimated concentrations are listed in Table 1 and account for approximately 86% of the total organic components in Tank TY-104. Tank TY-104 is on the Ferrocyanide Watch List

  13. Functional comparison of the nematode Hox gene lin-39 in C. elegans and P. pacificus reveals evolutionary conservation of protein function despite divergence of primary sequences. (United States)

    Grandien, K; Sommer, R J


    Hox transcription factors have been implicated in playing a central role in the evolution of animal morphology. Many studies indicate the evolutionary importance of regulatory changes in Hox genes, but little is known about the role of functional changes in Hox proteins. In the nematodes Pristionchus pacificus and Caenorhabditis elegans, developmental processes can be compared at the cellular, genetic, and molecular levels and differences in gene function can be identified. The Hox gene lin-39 is involved in the regulation of nematode vulva development. Comparison of known lin-39 mutations in P. pacificus and C. elegans revealed both conservation and changes of gene function. Here, we study evolutionary changes of lin-39 function using hybrid transgenes and site-directed mutagenesis in an in vivo assay using C. elegans lin-39 mutants. Our data show that despite the functional differences of LIN-39 between the two species, Ppa-LIN-39, when driven by Cel-lin-39 regulatory elements, can functionally replace Cel-lin-39. Furthermore, we show that the MAPK docking and phosphorylation motifs unique for Cel-LIN-39 are dispensable for Cel-lin-39 function. Therefore, the evolution of lin-39 function is driven by changes in regulatory elements rather than changes in the protein itself.

  14. Lin28a uses distinct mechanisms of binding to RNA and affects miRNA levels positively and negatively


    Nowak, Jakub Stanislaw; Hobor, Fruzsina; Downie Ruiz Velasco, Angela; Choudhury, Nila Roy; Heikel, Gregory; Kerr, Alastair; Ramos, Andres; Michlewski, Gracjan


    Lin28a inhibits the biogenesis of let-7 miRNAs by triggering the polyuridylation and degradation of their precursors by terminal uridylyltransferases TUT4/7 and 3’-5’ exoribonuclease Dis3l2, respectively. Previously, we showed that Lin28a also controls the production of neuro-specific miRNA-9 via a polyuridylation-independent mechanism. Here we reveal that the sequences and structural characteristics of pre-let-7 and pre-miRNA-9 are eliciting two distinct modes of binding to Lin28a. We presen...

  15. Injection characteristics study of high-pressure direct injector for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) using experimental and analytical method (United States)

    Taha, Z.; Rahim, MF Abdul; Mamat, R.


    The injection characteristics of direct injector affect the mixture formation and combustion processes. In addition, the injector is converted from gasoline operation for CNG application. Thus measurement of CNG direct injector mass flow rate was done by independently tested a single injector on a test bench. The first case investigated the effect of CNG injection pressure and the second case evaluate the effect of pulse-width of injection duration. An analytical model was also developed to predict the mass flow rate of the injector. The injector was operated in a choked condition in both the experiments and simulation studies. In case 1, it was shown that mass flow rate through the injector is affected by injection pressure linearly. Based on the tested injection pressure of 20 bar to 60 bar, the resultant mass flow rate are in the range of 0.4 g/s to 1.2 g/s which are met with theoretical flow rate required by the engine. However, in Case 2, it was demonstrated that the average mass flow rate at short injection durations is lower than recorded in Case 1. At injection pressure of 50 bar, the average mass flow rate for Case 2 and Case 1 are 0.7 g/s and 1.1 g/s respectively. Also, the measured mass flow rate at short injection duration showing a fluctuating data in the range of 0.2 g/s - 1.3 g/s without any noticeable trends. The injector model able to predict the trend of the mass flow rate at different injection pressure but unable to track the fluctuating trend at short injection duration.

  16. RDE-based assessment of a factory bi-fuel CNG/gasoline light-duty vehicle (United States)

    Rašić, Davor; Rodman Oprešnik, Samuel; Seljak, Tine; Vihar, Rok; Baškovič, Urban Žvar; Wechtersbach, Tomaž; Katrašnik, Tomaž


    On-road exhaust emissions of a Euro 5 factory bi-fuel CNG/gasoline light-duty vehicle equipped with the TWC were assessed considering the Real Driving Emissions (RDE) guidelines. The vehicle was equipped with a Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) that enabled the measurement of THC, CO, NOx, CO2, and CH4. With respect to the characteristics of the vehicle, the appropriate Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty Vehicle Test Cycles (WLTC) were selected and based on the requirements of the RDE legislation a suitable route was conceived. In addition to the moderate RDE-based route, an extended RDE-based route was also determined. The vehicle was driven along each defined route twice, once with each individual fuel option and with a fully warm vehicle. RDE routes feature a multitude of new driving patterns that are significantly different to those encountered in the NEDC. However, as these driving patterns can greatly influence the cumulative emissions an insight in to local time trace phenomena is crucial to understand, reason and to possibly reduce the cumulative emissions. Original contributions of this paper comprise analyses of the RDE-LDV local time resolved driving emissions phenomena of a CNG-powered vehicle that are benchmarked against the ones measured under the use of gasoline in the same vehicle and under similar operating conditions to reason emission trends through driving patterns and powertrain parameters and exposing the strong cold-start independent interference of CO and N2O infrared absorption bands in the non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer. The paper provides experimental evidence on this interference, which significantly influences on the readings of CO emissions. The paper further provides hypotheses why CO and N2O interference is more pronounced when using CNG in LDVs and supports these hypotheses by PEMS tests. The study reveals that the vehicle's NOx real-world emission values of both conceived RDE-based routes when using both fuels are

  17. CCD Photometry of W UMa Type Binary TY UMa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Young Woon Kang


    Full Text Available We present VRI CCD photometry of W UMa type binary TY UMa. The light curves show that the secondary minimum is deeper than theprimary minimum and the maximum I (0.p25 is 0.m023 brighter than the maximum II (0.p75. The V light curve has beenanalyzed and the photometric solutions have been determined by the method of Wilson & Devinney differential correction. Weadopted the spot model to explain the asymetric light curve.

  18. Response to Niklasson's comment on Lin, et al. (2012) : "the relation between postural movement and bilateral motor integration". (United States)

    Lin, Chin-Kai; Kuo, Bor-Chen; Wu, Huey-Min


    In the study of Lin, Wu, Lin, Wu, Wu, Kuo, and Yeung (2012 ), the relationship between the validity of postural movement and bilateral motor integration in terms of sensory integration theory was examined. Postural movement is the ability to use the antigravity postures required for stabilization of the neck, trunk and upper extremities via muscle co-contractions in the neck and upper extremities, and balance. Niklasson's (2013 ) comment argued that postural movement should include primitive reflexes in terms of the general abilities approach. Niklasson (2013 ) focused on the efficacy of the treatment rather than the theoretical frameworks implied in the therapeutic activities. For that purpose Lin, et al. (2012 ) used sensory integration as the theoretical foundation, and the relationship between postural movement and bilateral motor integration was assessed via empirical data. The result of Lin, et al. (2012 ) was offered as a theoretical reference for therapeutic activities.

  19. "Tää on ollu niinku toinen koti" : Kankaan päiväkodin lasten vanhempien ja työntekijöiden kokemuksia sisarusryhmästä


    Pulkka, Laura; Halonen, Tiina


    Tiivistelmä Opinnäytetyön aiheena on Kankaan päiväkodin sisarusryhmä, jota tutkitaan lasten vanhempien ja työntekijöiden kokemuksien pohjalta. Työssä selvitetään, millainen vaikutus päiväkodin sisarusryhmällä on lapsen kehitykseen ja sisarusten väliseen suhteeseen vanhempien ja päiväkodin työntekijöiden näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tutkitaan, millaisia hyötyjä ja haittoja sisarusryhmässä on. Haastatteluista saadut vastaukset ovat vanhempien ja työntekijöiden subjektiivisia näkemyksiä aiheesta. ...

  20. ITSM-työkalun käyttöönotto konsernissa : Kriittisiin menestystekijöihin pohjautuva kehityshanke


    Pajunen, Eero


    Yrityksessä X ollaan ottamassa käyttöön uusi ITSM-työkalu ServiceNow. Toistaiseksi ohjelmistosta on otettu käyttöön Incident Management -osio ja jatkossa tullaan ottamaan käyttöön Problem Management- ja Change Management -osiot. Uuden ITSM-työkalun Incident Management -osion käyttöönotto yrityksen X ICT Segment -tiimissä on ollut odotettua hitaampaa, koska konsernitasolla tapahtuu haastavia muutoksia. Kehityshankkeen tavoitteena on ensimmäisessä käyttöönotossa todettujen asioiden kautta l...

  1. Novel Acetone Metabolism in a Propane-Utilizing Bacterium, Gordonia sp. Strain TY-5▿ (United States)

    Kotani, Tetsuya; Yurimoto, Hiroya; Kato, Nobuo; Sakai, Yasuyoshi


    In the propane-utilizing bacterium Gordonia sp. strain TY-5, propane was shown to be oxidized to 2-propanol and then further oxidized to acetone. In this study, the subsequent metabolism of acetone was studied. Acetone-induced proteins were found in extracts of cells induced by acetone, and a gene cluster designated acmAB was cloned on the basis of the N-terminal amino acid sequences of acetone-induced proteins. The acmA and acmB genes encode a Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase (BVMO) and esterase, respectively. The BVMO encoded by acmA was purified from acetone-induced cells of Gordonia sp. strain TY-5 and characterized. The BVMO exhibited NADPH-dependent oxidation activity for linear ketones (C3 to C10) and cyclic ketones (C4 to C8). Escherichia coli expressing the acmA gene oxidized acetone to methyl acetate, and E. coli expressing the acmB gene hydrolyzed methyl acetate. Northern blot analyses revealed that polycistronic transcription of the acmAB gene cluster was induced by propane, 2-propanol, and acetone. These results indicate that the acmAB gene products play an important role in the metabolism of acetone derived from propane oxidation and clarify the propane metabolism pathway of strain TY-5 (propane → 2-propanol → acetone → methyl acetate → acetic acid + methanol). This paper provides the first evidence for BVMO-dependent acetone metabolism. PMID:17071761

  2. The let-7/Lin28 axis regulates activation of hepatic stellate cells in alcoholic liver injury. (United States)

    McDaniel, Kelly; Huang, Li; Sato, Keisaku; Wu, Nan; Annable, Tami; Zhou, Tianhao; Ramos-Lorenzo, Sugeily; Wan, Ying; Huang, Qiaobing; Francis, Heather; Glaser, Shannon; Tsukamoto, Hidekazu; Alpini, Gianfranco; Meng, Fanyin


    The let-7/Lin28 axis is associated with the regulation of key cellular regulatory genes known as microRNAs in various human disorders and cancer development. This study evaluated the role of the let-7/Lin28 axis in regulating a mesenchymal phenotype of hepatic stellate cells in alcoholic liver injury. We identified that ethanol feeding significantly down-regulated several members of the let-7 family in mouse liver, including let-7a and let-7b. Similarly, the treatment of human hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) significantly decreased the expressions of let-7a and let-7b. Conversely, overexpression of let-7a and let-7b suppressed the myofibroblastic activation of cultured human HSCs induced by LPS and TGF-β, as evidenced by repressed ACTA2 (α-actin 2), COL1A1 (collagen 1A1), TIMP1 (TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1), and FN1 (fibronectin 1); this supports the notion that HSC activation is controlled by let-7. A combination of bioinformatics, dual-luciferase reporter assay, and Western blot analysis revealed that Lin28B and high-mobility group AT-hook (HMGA2) were the direct targets of let-7a and let-7b. Furthermore, Lin28B deficiency increased the expression of let-7a/let-7b as well as reduced HSC activation and liver fibrosis in mice with alcoholic liver injury. This feedback regulation of let-7 by Lin28B is verified in hepatic stellate cells isolated by laser capture microdissection from the model. The identification of the let-7/Lin28 axis as an important regulator of HSC activation as well as its upstream modulators and down-stream targets will provide insights into the involvement of altered microRNA expression in contributing to the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver fibrosis and novel therapeutic approaches for human alcoholic liver diseases. © 2017 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  3. Henkilöstöjohtamisella vaikutusta työhyvinvointiin : Henkilöstöjohtamisen käsikirja tukena esimiestyön haasteissa


    Viitasaari, Tuomas


    Yhteiskunnallisesti katsottuna työhyvinvointi on tärkeässä asemassa. Hyvällä johtamisella voidaan vaikuttaa työhyvinvointiin ja sen parantamiseen. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan käytännön henkilöstöjohtamista ja henkilöstöjohtamisen käsikirjan merkitystä esimiestyössä. Opinnäytteeni ensimmäisenä tavoitteena on vastata siihen, mikä on hyvää henkilöstöjohtamista ja miten sitä voidaan tukea. Toinen tavoite on työpaikkani SPR Kontti kierrätystavarataloketjun toimeksiannon mukaisesti tutkia henki...

  4. Toisen asteen ammatillinen koulutus ja työssäoppiminen


    Vesa, Kalle


    ”Niin muuttuu maailma, Eskoni”- Nummisuutarit (Aleksis Kivi, 1864) Toisen asteen ammatillisen koulutuksen reformi on tuloillaan ja uudistuneiden lakien on tarkoitus astua voimaan 1.1.2018. Hallituksen ohjelman mukaan mm. ammatillisen koulutuksen yhteiskunnallista merkitystä vahvistetaan ja toisen asteen koulutusta uudistetaan vastaamaan tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeita. Työpaikalla tapahtuvaa oppimista pyritään lisäämään ja samalla parantamaan sen laatua. Oppimisympäristöjä digitalisoidaan j...

  5. Opposing Post-transcriptional Control of InR by FMRP and LIN-28 Adjusts Stem Cell-Based Tissue Growth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arthur Luhur


    Full Text Available Summary: Although the intrinsic mechanisms that control whether stem cells divide symmetrically or asymmetrically underlie tissue growth and homeostasis, they remain poorly defined. We report that the RNA-binding protein fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP limits the symmetric division, and resulting expansion, of the stem cell population during adaptive intestinal growth in Drosophila. The elevated insulin sensitivity that FMRP-deficient progenitor cells display contributes to their accelerated expansion, which is suppressed by the depletion of insulin-signaling components. This FMRP activity is mediated solely via a second conserved RNA-binding protein, LIN-28, known to boost insulin signaling in stem cells. Via LIN-28, FMRP controls progenitor cell behavior by post-transcriptionally repressing the level of insulin receptor (InR. This study identifies the stem cell-based mechanism by which FMRP controls tissue adaptation, and it raises the possibility that defective adaptive growth underlies the accelerated growth, gastrointestinal, and other symptoms that affect fragile X syndrome patients. : Luhur et al. report that FMRP acts via LIN-28 in progenitor cells to dampen the adaptive expansion of intestinal tissue in the fruit fly, raising the possibility that defective LIN28-mediated adaptive growth underlies some of the symptoms that affect fragile X syndrome patients. Keywords: FMRP, fmr1, LIN-28, insulin receptor, IIS, adaptive growth, tissue resizing, intestinal stem cell, insulin sensitivity

  6. "Parasta oli, että työntekijä vaivautui tulemaan meille asti, monta kertaa." : Kokemuksia ratkaisukeskeisestä neuropsykiatrisesta valmennuksesta


    Isomettä, Jenni


    Opinnäytetyön aihe nousi esiin Tampereen kaupungin lasten ja nuorten terveyspalveluiden OSMO-hankkeesta. Työelämätaho oli vakuuttunut tämänkaltaisen työn tarpeellisuudesta. OSMO-lyhenne tulee sanoista osaamisverkostoista monimuotoinen tuki lasten ja nuorten kehitysympäristöihin. Opinnäytetyössä kartoitettiin Tampereen kaupungin OSMO-hankkeen ratkaisukeskeiseen neuropsykiatriseen valmennukseen osallistuneiden kokemuksia valmennuksesta. Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin, mitä he ovat kokeneet valmen...

  7. Fragmented Encounters, Social Slippages: Lin Huiyin's "In Ninety-Nine Degree Heat"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carles Prado-Fonts


    Full Text Available The article reads Lin Huiyin’s short story “In Ninety-Nine Degree Heat” (1934 in relation to the context of 1930s China, as an innovative literary work which combines elements from both the Chinese and the Western traditions, and as a text which informs readers not only of the problematic of class and gender issues in 1930s Chinese society but also of the context of the liuxuesheng who returns to China –like Lin Huiyin herself. Focusing on questions like otherness, representation, and encounters, the essay analyzes how the episodic narrative structure of Lin’s short story echoes social and representational discourses in post-May Fourth China, at the same time that it explores issues such as social inequality, otherness and alienation, which were crucial to the liuxuesheng, and which reflect Lin’s own experience as a returned and alienated liuxuesheng at the time.

  8. Overexpression of Lin28b in Neural Stem Cells is Insufficient for Brain Tumor Formation, but Induces Pathological Lobulation of the Developing Cerebellum. (United States)

    Wefers, Annika K; Lindner, Sven; Schulte, Johannes H; Schüller, Ulrich


    LIN28B is a homologue of the RNA-binding protein LIN28A and regulates gene expression during development and carcinogenesis. It is strongly upregulated in a variety of brain tumors, such as medulloblastoma, embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes (ETMR), atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT), or glioblastoma, but the effect of an in vivo overexpression of LIN28B on the developing central nervous system is unknown. We generated transgenic mice that either overexpressed Lin28b in Math1-positive cerebellar granule neuron precursors or in a broad range of Nestin-positive neural precursors. Sections of the cerebellar vermis from adult Math1-Cre::lsl-Lin28b mice had an additional subfissure in lobule IV. Vermes from p0 and p7 Nestin-Cre::lsl-Lin28b mice appeared normal, but we found a pronounced vermal hypersublobulation at p15 and p21 in these mice. Also, the external granule cell layer (EGL) was thicker at p15 than in controls, contained more proliferating cells, and persisted up to p21. Consistently, some Pax6- and NeuN-positive cells were present in the EGL of Nestin-Cre::lsl-Lin28b mice even at p21, and we detected more NeuN-positive granule neuron precursors in the molecular layer (ML) as compared to control. Finally, we found some residual Pax2-positive precursors of inhibitory interneurons in the ML of Nestin-Cre::lsl-Lin28b mice at p21, which have already disappeared in controls. We conclude that while overexpression of LIN28B in Nestin-positive cells does not lead to tumor formation, it results in a protracted development of granule cells and inhibitory interneurons and leads to a hypersublobulation of the cerebellar vermis.

  9. 93 une urbanisation linéaire, dynamique demographique et ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    d'Alger, dans l'ensemble Sahel-Mitidja sur un linéaire côtier de 2 km. Rattaché administrativement à la daira de ... connait une dynamique démographique remar- quable, dans sa périphérie orientale - composé de l'ensemble Sahel-. Mitidja ..... «Etude agro-pédologique de la plaine de la Mitidja». Florin B.; Semoud N. 2010.

  10. Tank 241-TY-101 vapor sampling and analysis tank characterization report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huckaby, J.L.


    This report presents the details of the Hanford waste tank characterization study for tank 241-TY-101. The drivers and objectives of the headspace vapor sampling and analysis were in accordance with procedure that were presented in other reports. The vapor and headspace gas samples were collected and analyzed to determine the potential risks to tank farm workers due to fugitive emissions from the tank

  11. Study of gas (CNG) SI engine with pre-chamber. Improvement of the indicated thermal efficiency on lean mixture with EGR and supercharging; Fukushitsushiki hibana tenka asshuku tennen gas (CNG) engine ni kansuru kenkyu. Kakyu to EGR ni yoru kihakuiki no netsukoritsu kaizen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yonetani, H.; Fukutani, I. [Polytechnic University, Kanagawa (Japan)


    As lean burn of compressed natural gas (CNG) is applied to conventional gasoline engines, a combustion period largely increases, resulting in large combustion fluctuation and low thermal efficiency. Heterogeneous spacial air/fuel ratios also have an effect on combustion in lean burn area. By preparing a pre-chamber for a combustion chamber of high- compression ratio CNG pre-mixing SI engines to utilize premixture turbulence, rapid flame propagation is obtained in lean burn area, resulting high combustion performance. Furthermore, study was made on improvement of combustion performance in lean burn area under various compression ratios, intake pressures, pre-chamber shapes and EGR ratios. As a result, lean burn operation at high intake pressure by supercharging showed possible improvement of a thermal efficiency and expansion of inflammable limits. Higher thermal efficiency in lean burn area was also obtained by using higher compression ratios considering heat loss. Although EGR was effective in controlling NOx formed in lean burn area, strict control of both air excess rate and EGR rate was required to prevent lower thermal efficiency. 2 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab.

  12. Dynamiques complexes et morphogenèse Introduction aux sciences non linéaires

    CERN Document Server

    Misbah, Chaouqi


    Les sciences non linéaires ont pour objet l’ensemble des phénomènes dont l’analyse résiste au principe de superposition. Elles concernent en grande partie les systèmes dits « complexes » dont l’interaction et l’interdépendance entre les parties empêchent de prédire précisément l’évolution du système. Pour expliquer ces phénomènes, deux approches complémentaires ont été proposées : la théorie des bifurcations et la théorie des catastrophes. Mais la pleine compréhension et la modélisation de la non-linéarité restent chacune un défi pour les scientifiques du XXIe siècle. C’est dans la perspective d’accompagner tous ceux qui voudront le relever que ce livre a été conçu. Son objectif est d’exposer au lecteur le langage et le formalisme nécessaires à l’étude de la non-linéarité. Partant d’exemples simples, pour ensuite atteindre un niveau d’abstraction visant l’universalité, l’auteur explore les divers scénarios possibles de bifurcations et les catastr...

  13. [Analysis of acid rain characteristics of Lin'an Regional Background Station using long-term observation data]. (United States)

    Li, Zheng-Quan; Ma, Hao; Mao, Yu-Ding; Feng, Tao


    Using long-term observation data of acid rain at Lin'an Regional Background Station (Lin'an RBS), this paper studied the interannual and monthly variations of acid rain, the reasons for the variations, and the relationships between acid rain and meteorological factors. The results showed that interannual variation of acid rain at Lin'an RBS had a general increasing trend in which there were two obvious intensifying processes and two distinct weakening processes, during the period ranging from 1985 to 2012. In last two decades, the monthly variation of acid rain at Lin'an RBS indicated that rain acidity and frequency of severe acid rain were increasing but the frequency of weak acid rain was decreasing when moving towards bilateral side months of July. Acid rain occurrence was affected by rainfall intensity, wind speed and wind direction. High frequency of severe acid rain and low frequency of weak acid rain were on days with drizzle, but high frequency of weak acid rain and low frequency of severe acid rain occurred on rainstorm days. With wind speed upgrading, the frequency of acid rain and the proportion of severe acid rain were declining, the pH value of precipitation was reducing too. Another character is that daily dominant wind direction of weak acid rain majorly converged in S-W section ,however that of severe acid rain was more likely distributed in N-E section. The monthly variation of acid rain at Lin'an RBS was mainly attributed to precipitation variation, the increasing and decreasing of monthly incoming wind from SSE-WSW and NWN-ENE sections of wind direction. The interannual variation of acid rain could be due to the effects of energy consumption raising and significant green policies conducted in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai.

  14. Ty1-copia elements reveal diverse insertion sites linked to polymorphisms among flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) accessions. (United States)

    Galindo-González, Leonardo; Mhiri, Corinne; Grandbastien, Marie-Angèle; Deyholos, Michael K


    Initial characterization of the flax genome showed that Ty1-copia retrotransposons are abundant, with several members being recently inserted, and in close association with genes. Recent insertions indicate a potential for ongoing transpositional activity that can create genomic diversity among accessions, cultivars or varieties. The polymorphisms generated constitute a good source of molecular markers that may be associated with phenotype if the insertions alter gene activity. Flax, where accessions are bred mainly for seed nutritional properties or for fibers, constitutes a good model for studying the relationship of transpositional activity with diversification and breeding. In this study, we estimated copy number and used a type of transposon display known as Sequence-Specific Amplification Polymorphisms (SSAPs), to characterize six families of Ty1-copia elements across 14 flax accessions. Polymorphic insertion sites were sequenced to find insertions that could potentially alter gene expression, and a preliminary test was performed with selected genes bearing transposable element (TE) insertions. Quantification of six families of Ty1-copia elements indicated different abundances among TE families and between flax accessions, which suggested diverse transpositional histories. SSAPs showed a high level of polymorphism in most of the evaluated retrotransposon families, with a trend towards higher levels of polymorphism in low-copy number families. Ty1-copia insertion polymorphisms among cultivars allowed a general distinction between oil and fiber types, and between spring and winter types, demonstrating their utility in diversity studies. Characterization of polymorphic insertions revealed an overwhelming association with genes, with insertions disrupting exons, introns or within 1 kb of coding regions. A preliminary test on the potential transcriptional disruption by TEs of four selected genes evaluated in three different tissues, showed one case of significant

  15. Clustering pesticides according to their molecular properties and their impacts by considering additional ecotoxicological parameters in the TyPol method (United States)

    Traore, Harouna; Crouzet, Olivier; Mamy, Laure; Sireyjol, Christine; Rossard, Virginie; Servien, Remy; Latrille, Eric; Benoit, Pierre


    The understanding of the fate of pesticides and their environmental impacts largely relies on their molecular properties. We recently developed 'TyPol' (Typology of Pollutants), a clustering method based on statistical analyses combining several environmental endpoints (i.e. environmental parameters such as sorption coefficient, degradation half-life) and one ecotoxicological one (bioconcentration factor), and structural molecular descriptors (number of atoms in the molecule, molecular surface, dipole moment, energy of orbitals…). TyPol has been conceived on the available knowledge on QSAR of a wide diversity of organic compounds (Mamy et al., 2015). This approach also allows to focus on transformation products present in different clusters and to infer possible changes in environmental fate consecutively to different degradation processes (Servien et al., 2014; Benoit et al., 2016). The initial version of TyPol did not include any ecotoxicological parameters except the bioconcentration factor (BCF), which informs more on the transfer along the trophic chain rather than on the effects on non-target organisms. The objective was to implement the TyPol database with a data set of ecotoxicological data concerning pesticides and several aquatic and terrestrial organisms, in order to test the possibility to extend TyPol to ecotoxicological effects on various organisms. The data analysis (available literature and databases) revealed that relevant ecotoxicological endpoints for terrestrial organisms such as soil microorganisms and macroinvertebrates are lacking compared to aquatic organisms. We have added seven parameters for acute (EC50, LC50) and chronic (NOEC) toxicological effects for the following organisms: Daphnia, Algae, Lemna and Earthworm. In this new configuration, TyPol was used to classify about 45 pesticides in different behavioural and ecotoxicity clusters. The clustering results were analyzed to reveals relationships between molecular descriptors

  16. Distribution of a Ty3/gypsy-like retroelement on the A and B-chromosomes of Cestrum strigilatum Ruiz & Pav. and Cestrum intermedium Sendtn. (Solanaceae

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    Jéferson Nunes Fregonezi


    Full Text Available Retroelements are a diversified fraction of eukaryotic genomes, with the Ty1/copia and Ty3/gypsy groups being very common in a large number of plant genomes. We isolated an internal segment of the Ty3/gypsy retroelement of Cestrum strigilatum (Solanaceae using PCR amplification with degenerate primers for a conserved region of reverse transcriptase. The isolated segment (pCs12 was sequenced and showed similarity with Ty3/gypsy retroelements of monocotyledons and dicotyledons. This segment was used as probe in chromosomes of C. strigilatum and Cestrum intermedium. Diffuse hybridization signals were observed along the chromosomes and more accentuated terminal signals in some chromosome pairs, always associated with nucleolus organizer regions (NORs. The physical relationship between the hybridization sites of pCs12 and pTa71 ribosomal probes was assessed after sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH. Hybridization signals were also detected in the B chromosomes of these species, indicating an entail among the chromosomes of A complement and B-chromosomes.

  17. Primordial dwarfism gene maintains Lin28 expression to safeguard embryonic stem cells from premature differentiation. (United States)

    Dai, Qian; Luan, Guangxin; Deng, Li; Lei, Tingjun; Kang, Han; Song, Xu; Zhang, Yujun; Xiao, Zhi-Xiong; Li, Qintong


    Primordial dwarfism (PD) is characterized by global growth failure, both during embryogenesis and postnatally. Loss-of-function germline mutations in La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member 7 (LAPR7) have recently been linked to PD. Paradoxically, LARP7 deficiency was previously assumed to be associated with increased cell growth and proliferation via activation of positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb). Here, we show that Larp7 deficiency likely does not significantly increase P-TEFb activity. We further discover that Larp7 knockdown does not affect pluripotency but instead primes embryonic stem cells (ESCs) for differentiation via downregulation of Lin28, a positive regulator of organismal growth. Mechanistically, we show that Larp7 interacts with a poly(A) polymerase Star-PAP to maintain Lin28 mRNA stability. We propose that proper regulation of Lin28 and PTEFb is essential for embryonic cells to achieve a sufficient number of cell divisions prior to differentiation and ultimately to maintain proper organismal size. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. New explicit and exact solutions of the Benney–Kawahara–Lin equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan-Xi, Xie


    In this paper, we present a combination method of constructing the explicit and exact solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations. And as an illustrative example, we apply the method to the Benney–Kawahara–Lin equation and derive its many explicit and exact solutions which are all new solutions. (general)

  19. Jäsen 360° -datan vaikutukset Ylöjärven seurakunnan työn kehittämisprosessissa


    Korppoo-Seppänen, Riikka


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko Ylöjärven seurakunnan työn kehittämisprosessissa hyödynnetty Jäsen 360° -dataa ja miten se on vaikuttanut työn tekemiseen ja koko seurakunnan toiminnan suunnitteluun ja ohjaukseen. Tarkoituksena oli myös selvittää minkälaisissa tilanteissa ja miten kehittämisprosessi on muuttanut henkilöstön toimintatapoja sekä onko Jäsen 360° -datan avulla muutettu toiminnan suuntaamista. Tutkimuksen avulla selvitettiin Jäsen 360° -datan käytön rajoitteit...

  20. linäituse stendid = Outdoor exhibition stands / Gert Sarv, Galina Burnakova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarv, Gert, 1971-


    Eesti Sisearhitektide Liidu 2012. aasta parima eseme preemia pälvinud välinäituse stendidest Vanasadama Admiraliteedi basseini kaldapealsel. Autorid: Gert Sarv, Galina Burnakova, Loreida Hein. Sisearhitekti ja ESLi aastapreemiate žürii liikme Tea Tammelaane arvamus

  1. Identification and characterization of REC66, a Ty1-copia-like retrotransposon in the genome of red flower of Mirabilis jalapa L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shunri Jiang


    Full Text Available Mirabilis jalapa Lis the most commonly grown ornamental species of Mirabilis and is available in a range of brilliant colors. However, genetic research on Mirabilis jalapa Lis limited. Using fluorescent differential display (FDD screening, we report the identification of a novel Ty1-copia-like retrotransposon in the genome of the red flower of Mirabilis jalapa L, and we named it REC66based on its sequence homology to the GAG protein from Ty1-copiaretrotransposon. Using degenerate primers based on the DNA sequence of REC66, a total of fourteen different variants in reverse transcriptase (RT sequence were recovered from the genomic DNA. These RT sequences show a high degree of heterogeneity characterized mainly by deletion mutation; they can be divided into three subfamilies, of which the majority encode defective RT. This is the first report of a Ty1-copiaretrotransposon in Mirabilis jalapa L. The finding could be helpful for the development of new molecular markers for genetic studies, particularly on the origin and evolutionary relationships of M. jalapa L, and the study of Ty1-copiaretrotransposons and plant genome evolution in the genus Mirabilisor family Nyctaginaceae.

  2. NOPS 2010–2012 –hanke, Nuoren työ- ja toimintakyvyn edistäminen ammattiopistoissa : Ammattiopiston opiskelijan terveysosaaminen terveystapahtumien jälkeen : Terveystapahtumien toteutuminen ammattiopistoissa keväällä 2011


    Javanainen, Jonna; Leino, Maria; Kahri, Vesa


    Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa NOPS 2010–2012 -hankkeesta (Nuoren työ- ja toimintakyvyn edistäminen ammattiopistoissa). NOPS 2010–2012 -hankkeen tarkoituksena on luoda nuoren työ- ja toimintakykyä edistävä toimintamalli, jossa ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijat kytketään osaksi ammattiopistojen terveyttä edistävää työtä. Hankkeessa kehitetään myös sellaisia terveyden edistämisen menetelmiä, jotka soveltuvat ammattiopistossa opiskelevien nuorten työ- ja toimintakyvyn edistämiseen. Hankkeessa tehdä...


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    Adam Majczak


    Full Text Available The article presents the tests results of the prototype design of hydraulically assisted injector, that is designed for gas supply into diesel engines. The construction of the injector allows for it positioning in the glow plug socket, so that the gas is injected directly into the combustion chamber. The cycle analysis of the four-cylinder Andoria ADCR engine with a capacity of 2.6 dm3 for different crankshaft rotational speeds allowed to determine the necessary time for fuel injection. Because of that, it was possible to determine the required mass flow rate of the injector, for replacing as much of the original fuel by gaseous fuel. To ensure a high value of flow inside the injector, supply pressure equal to 1 MPa was applied. High gas supply pressure requires high value of valve opening forces. For this purpose a injector with hydraulic control system, using a liquid under pressure for the opening process was designed. On the basis of air pressure measurements in the flow line after the injector, the analysis of opening and closing of the valve was made. Measurements of outflow mass of the injector were also carried out. The results showed that the designed injector meets the requirements necessary to supply ADCR engine by the CNG fuel.

  4. Results of Phase I groundwater quality assessment for single-shell tank waste management areas T and TX-TY at the Hanford Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hodges, F.N.


    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) conducted a Phase I, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) groundwater quality assessment for the Richland Field Office of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE-RL) under the requirements of the Federal Facility Compliance Agreement. The purpose of the investigation was to determine if the Single-Shell Tank Waste Management Areas (WMAs) T and TX-TY have impacted groundwater quality. Waste Management Areas T and TX-TY, located in the northern part of the 200 West Area of the Hanford Site, contain the 241-T, 241-TX, and 241-TY tank farms and ancillary waste systems. These two units are regulated under RCRA interim-status regulations (under 40 CFR 265.93) and were placed in assessment groundwater monitoring because of elevated specific conductance in downgradient wells. Anomalous concentrations of technetium-99, chromium, nitrate, iodine-129, and cobalt-60 also were observed in some downgradient wells. Phase I assessment, allowed under 40 CFR 265, provides the owner-operator of a facility with the opportunity to show that the observed contamination has a source other than the regulated unit. For this Phase I assessment, PNNL evaluated available information on groundwater chemistry and past waste management practices in the vicinity of WMAs T and TX-TY. Background contaminant concentrations in the vicinity of WMAs T and TX-TY are the result of several overlapping contaminant plumes resulting from past-practice waste disposal operations. This background has been used as baseline for determining potential WMA impacts on groundwater

  5. DPL-1 DP, LIN-35 Rb and EFL-1 E2F act with the MCD-1 zinc-finger protein to promote programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans. (United States)

    Reddien, Peter W; Andersen, Erik C; Huang, Michael C; Horvitz, H Robert


    The genes egl-1, ced-9, ced-4, and ced-3 play major roles in programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans. To identify genes that have more subtle activities, we sought mutations that confer strong cell-death defects in a genetically sensitized mutant background. Specifically, we screened for mutations that enhance the cell-death defects caused by a partial loss-of-function allele of the ced-3 caspase gene. We identified mutations in two genes not previously known to affect cell death, dpl-1 and mcd-1 (modifier of cell death). dpl-1 encodes the C. elegans homolog of DP, the human E2F-heterodimerization partner. By testing genes known to interact with dpl-1, we identified roles in cell death for four additional genes: efl-1 E2F, lin-35 Rb, lin-37 Mip40, and lin-52 dLin52. mcd-1 encodes a novel protein that contains one zinc finger and that is synthetically required with lin-35 Rb for animal viability. dpl-1 and mcd-1 act with efl-1 E2F and lin-35 Rb to promote programmed cell death and do so by regulating the killing process rather than by affecting the decision between survival and death. We propose that the DPL-1 DP, MCD-1 zinc finger, EFL-1 E2F, LIN-35 Rb, LIN-37 Mip40, and LIN-52 dLin52 proteins act together in transcriptional regulation to promote programmed cell death.

  6. Environmentální aspekty provozu vozů na CNG


    Raiskup, Martin


    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřená na téma environmentální aspekty provozu vozů na CNG. Nejprve je představen zemní plyn jako palivo pro spalovací motory. Jsou zhodnoceny jeho výhody a nevýhody. Dále jsou popsány jednotlivé spalovací systémy a komponenty motoru na stlačený zemní plyn. Hlavní část práce je zaměřená na ekologii. Je popsán vliv na životní prostředí u spalování stlačeného zemního plynu v porovnání s konvenčními palivy. Toto porovnání je provedeno také podle objektivnější Well to W...

  7. GENII-LIN: a Multipurpose Health Physics Code Built on GENII-1.485

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Sumini


    Full Text Available The aim of the GENII-LIN project was to develop an open source multipurpose health physics code running on Linux platform, for calculating radiation dose and risk from radionuclides released to the environment. The general features of the GENII-LIN system include [1] capabilities for calculating radiation dose both for acute and chronic releases, with options for annual dose, committed dose and accumulated dose [2] capabilities for evaluating exposure pathways including direct exposure via water (swimming, boating, fishing, soil (buried and surface sources and air (semi-infinite cloud and finite cloud model, inhalation pathways and ingestion pathways. The release scenarios considered are: - acute release to air, from ground level or elevated sources, or to water; - chronic release to air, from ground level or elevated sources, or to water; - initial contamination of soil or surfaces. Keywords: radiation protection, Linux, health physics, risk analysis.

  8. Using Lin's method to solve Bykov's problems (United States)

    Knobloch, Jürgen; Lamb, Jeroen S. W.; Webster, Kevin N.


    We consider nonwandering dynamics near heteroclinic cycles between two hyperbolic equilibria. The constituting heteroclinic connections are assumed to be such that one of them is transverse and isolated. Such heteroclinic cycles are associated with the termination of a branch of homoclinic solutions, and called T-points in this context. We study codimension-two T-points and their unfoldings in Rn. In our consideration we distinguish between cases with real and complex leading eigenvalues of the equilibria. In doing so we establish Lin's method as a unified approach to (re)gain and extend results of Bykov's seminal studies and related works. To a large extent our approach reduces the study to the discussion of intersections of lines and spirals in the plane. Case (RR): Under open conditions on the eigenvalues, there exist open sets in parameter space for which there exist periodic orbits close to the heteroclinic cycle. In addition, there exist two one-parameter families of homoclinic orbits to each of the saddle points p1 and p2.See Theorem 2.1 and Proposition 2.2 for precise statements and Fig. 2 for bifurcation diagrams. Cases (RC) and (CC): At the bifurcation point μ=0 and for each N≥2, there exists an invariant set S0N close to the heteroclinic cycle on which the first return map is topologically conjugated to a full shift on N symbols. For any fixed N≥2, the invariant set SμN persists for |μ| sufficiently small.In addition, there exist infinitely many transversal and non-transversal heteroclinic orbits connecting the saddle points p1 and p2 in a neighbourhood of μ=0, as well as infinitely many one-parameter families of homoclinic orbits to each of the saddle points.For full statements of the results see Theorem 2.3 and Propositions 2.4, 2.5 and Fig. 3 for bifurcation diagrams. The dynamics near T-points has been studied previously by Bykov [6-10], Glendinning and Sparrow [20], Kokubu [27,28] and Labouriau and Rodrigues [30,31,38]. See also the surveys

  9. Topografia ficcional: a construção do espaço nos manuscritos de Osman Lins

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    Francisco José Gonçalves Lima Rocha


    Full Text Available In the construction of the narrative space of his final, unfinished novel, A cabeça levada em triunfo, Osman Lins operates both verbal, with notes planning, as iconically, through drawings. Will try to show that the author’s purpose is to clarify the topography of the work, because it establishes and harmonizes the technical functions - ie, like space, says Osman Lins, “frame” the character – and symbolic means, ie. how the space reflects, like all other elements of the work, the questioning of the head-body dichotomy.

  10. Surface acoustic wave sensors/gas chromatography; and Low quality natural gas sulfur removal and recovery CNG Claus sulfur recovery process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klint, B.W.; Dale, P.R.; Stephenson, C.


    This topical report consists of the two titled projects. Surface Acoustic Wave/Gas Chromatography (SAW/GC) provides a cost-effective system for collecting real-time field screening data for characterization of vapor streams contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Model 4100 can be used in a field screening mode to produce chromatograms in 10 seconds. This capability will allow a project manager to make immediate decisions and to avoid the long delays and high costs associated with analysis by off-site analytical laboratories. The Model 4100 is currently under evaluation by the California Environmental Protection Agency Technology Certification Program. Initial certification focuses upon the following organics: cis-dichloroethylene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethylene, tetrachloroethylene, tetrachloroethane, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and o-xylene. In the second study the CNG Claus process is being evaluated for conversion and recovery of elemental sulfur from hydrogen sulfide, especially found in low quality natural gas. This report describes the design, construction and operation of a pilot scale plant built to demonstrate the technical feasibility of the integrated CNG Claus process.

  11. Vapor space characterization of waste tank 241-TY-103: Results from samples collected on 4/11/95

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ligotke, M.W.; Clauss, T.W.; Pool, K.H.


    This report describes inorganic and organic analyses results from samples obtained from the headspace of the Hanford waste storage Tank 241-TY-103 (referred to as Tank TY-103). The results described here were obtained to support safety and toxicological evaluations. A summary of the results for inorganic and organic analytes is listed in Table 1. Detailed descriptions of the results appear in the text. Quantitative results were obtained for the inorganic compounds ammonia (NH 3 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), nitric oxide (NO), and water (H 2 O). Sampling for hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and sulfur oxides (SO x ) was not requested. In addition, quantitative results were obtained for the 39 TO-14 compounds plus an additional 14 analytes. Of these, 16 were observed above the 5-ppbv reporting cutoff. Sixteen tentatively identified compounds (TICs) were observed above the reporting cutoff of (ca.) 10 ppbv and are reported with concentrations that are semiquantitative estimates based on internal-standard response factors. The 10 organic analytes with the highest estimated concentrations are listed in Table 1 and account for approximately 95% of the total organic components in Tank TY-103. Two permanent gases, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O), were also detected

  12. On the reduction of generalized polylogarithms to Li_n and Li_2_,_2 and on the evaluation thereof

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frellesvig, Hjalte; Tommasini, Damiano; Wever, Christopher


    We give expressions for all generalized polylogarithms up to weight four in terms of the functions log, Li_n, and Li_2_,_2, valid for arbitrary complex variables. Furthermore we provide algorithms for manipulation and numerical evaluation of Li_n and Li_2_,_2, and add codes in Mathematica and C++ implementing the results. With these results we calculate a number of previously unknown integrals, which we add in appendix C.

  13. Lin28B promotes Müller glial cell de-differentiation and proliferation in the regenerative rat retinas (United States)

    Tao, Zui; Zhao, Chen; Jian, Qian; Gillies, Mark; Xu, Haiwei; Yin, Zheng Qin


    Retinal regeneration and repair are severely impeded in higher mammalian animals. Although Müller cells can be activated and show some characteristics of progenitor cells when injured or under pathological conditions, they quickly form gliosis scars. Unfortunately, the basic mechanisms that impede retinal regeneration remain unknown. We studied retinas from Royal College of Surgeon (RCS) rats and found that let-7 family molecules, let-7e and let-7i, were significantly overexpressed in Müller cells of degenerative retinas. It demonstrated that down-regulation of the RNA binding protein Lin28B was one of the key factors leading to the overexpression of let-7e and let-7i. Lin28B ectopic expression in the Müller cells suppressed overexpression of let-7e and let-7i, stimulated and mobilized Müller glia de-differentiation, proliferation, promoted neuronal commitment, and inhibited glial fate acquisition of de-differentiated Müller cells. ERG recordings revealed that the amplitudes of a-wave and b-wave were improved significantly after Lin28B was delivered into the subretinal space of RCS rats. In summary, down-regulation of Lin28B as well as up-regulation of let-7e and let-7i may be the main factors that impede Müller cell de-differentiation and proliferation in the retina of RCS rats. PMID:27384999

  14. TyG Index Change Is More Determinant for Forecasting Type 2 Diabetes Onset Than Weight Gain. (United States)

    Navarro-González, David; Sánchez-Íñigo, Laura; Fernández-Montero, Alejandro; Pastrana-Delgado, Juan; Martinez, Jose Alfredo


    The risk of type 2 diabetes associated with obesity appears to be influenced by other metabolic abnormalities, and there is controversy about the harmless condition of the metabolically healthy obese (MHO) state. The aim of this study is to assess the risk of diabetes and the impact of changes in weight and in triglyceride-glucose index (TyG index), according to the metabolic health and obesity states.We analyzed prospective data of the Vascular Metabolic CUN cohort, a population-based study among a White European population (mean follow-up, 8.9 years). Incident diabetes was assessed in 1923 women and 3016 men with a mean age at baseline of 55.33 ± 13.68 and 53.78 ± 12.98 years old.A Cox proportional-hazard analysis was conducted to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) of diabetes on metabolically healthy nonobese (MHNO), metabolically healthy obese, metabolically unhealthy nonobese (MUNO), and metabolically unhealthy obese (MUO). A continuous standardized variable (z-score) was derived to compute the HR for diabetes per 1-SD increment in the body mass index (BMI) and the TyG index.MHO, MUNO, and MUO status were associated with the development of diabetes, HR of 2.26 (95% CI: 1.25-4.07), 3.04 (95% CI: 1.69-5.47), and 4.04 (95% CI: 2.14-7.63), respectively. MUNO individuals had 1.82 greater risk of diabetes compared to MHO subjects (95% CI: 1.04-3.22). The HRs for incident diabetes per 1-SD increment in BMI and TyG indexes were 1.23 (95% CI: 1.04-1.44) and 1.54 (95% CI: 1.40-1.68). The increase in BMI did not raise the risk of developing diabetes among metabolically unhealthy subjects, whereas increasing the TyG index significantly affect the risk in all metabolic health categories.Metabolic health is more important determinant for diabetes onset than weight gain. The increase in weight does not raise the risk of developing diabetes among metabolically unhealthy subjects.

  15. Diesel Engine Convert to Port Injection CNG Engine Using Gaseous Injector Nozzle Multi Holes Geometries Improvement: A Review


    Semin; Abdul R. Ismail; Rosli A. Bakar


    The objective of this study was to review the previous research in the development of gaseous fuel injector for port injection CNG engine converted from diesel engine. Problem statement: The regular development of internal combustion engines change direction to answer the two most important problems determining the development trends of engines technology and in particular, their combustion systems. They were environmental protection against emission and noise, shortage of hydrocarbon fuels, ...

  16. Estudio de tolerancia local de la vacuna vax-TyVi® en ratas Sprague Dawley

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eligio Sosa Roble


    Full Text Available La vacuna antitifoídica vax-TyVi® consiste en una preparación de polisacárido capsular Vi de Salmonella typhi, el cual es diluido en una solución buffer isotónica solución amortiguador, a la que se le añade fenol como preservo. Cada dosis de 0,5 mL contiene 25 μg de polisacárido como sustancia activa. En nuestro país el esquema de vacunación contra la fiebre tifoidea con vax- TyVi® se aplica a los alumnos de 9-10 años (5to grado, una 2da dosis a la edad de 12-13 años (8vo grado y una 3ra dosis a la edad de 16-17 años (11no grado. Además, es vacunado el personal de riesgo de Salud Pública y el personal que manipula alimentos. En el presente trabajo se describe el ensayo de tolerancia local llevado a cabo con la vacuna vax-TyVi® durante su fase de estudios preclínicos, actualmente utilizada en la vacunación contra la fiebre tifoidea en Cuba. Se empleó un total de 170 ratas que fueron tratadas con la vacuna, su placebo (todos los componentes, excepto la materia prima activa, o que no recibieron tratamiento alguno (controles. Se realizaron observaciones clínicas diarias durante todo el ensayo, se determinó el consumo de agua y alimentos y se realizaron investigaciones anatomopatológicas a animales sacrificados 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 y 42 días después de la inoculación. No se observaron muertes ni síntomas de toxicidad; no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los pesos vivos, el consumo de agua ni el de alimentos entre los grupos del ensayo. Tampoco se observaron lesiones anatomopatológicas que indicaran toxicidad por parte del producto inoculado. Los resultados permitieron concluir que la potencialidad de la vacuna vax-TyVi® para producir efectos adversos locales es baja.

  17. A role for the malignant brain tumour (MBT domain protein LIN-61 in DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicholas M Johnson

    Full Text Available Malignant brain tumour (MBT domain proteins are transcriptional repressors that function within Polycomb complexes. Some MBT genes are tumour suppressors, but how they prevent tumourigenesis is unknown. The Caenorhabditis elegans MBT protein LIN-61 is a member of the synMuvB chromatin-remodelling proteins that control vulval development. Here we report a new role for LIN-61: it protects the genome by promoting homologous recombination (HR for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs. lin-61 mutants manifest numerous problems associated with defective HR in germ and somatic cells but remain proficient in meiotic recombination. They are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation and interstrand crosslinks but not UV light. Using a novel reporter system that monitors repair of a defined DSB in C. elegans somatic cells, we show that LIN-61 contributes to HR. The involvement of this MBT protein in HR raises the possibility that MBT-deficient tumours may also have defective DSB repair.

  18. Tutkimustiedon käyttö röntgenhoitajan työssä osana näyttöön perustuvaa toimintaa


    Vesikukka, E. (Emilia)


    Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla röntgenhoitajien tutkimustiedon käyttöä työssään röntgenhoitajien arvioimana. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli lisätä tietoisuutta tutkimustiedon käyttötottumuksista sekä tutkimustiedon käyttöön vaikuttavista tekijöistä, joiden avulla voitaisiin pyrkiä edistämään näyttöön perustuvaa radiografiaa osaksi työkulttuuria. ...

  19. Air quality assessment in Delhi: before and after CNG as fuel. (United States)

    Chelani, Asha B; Devotta, Sukumar


    A number of policy measures have been activated in India in order to control the levels of air pollutants such as particulate matter, sulphur dioxide (SO(2)) and nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)). Delhi, which is one of the most polluted cities in the world, is also going through the implementation phase of the control policies. Ambient air quality data monitored during 2000 to 2003, at 10 sites in Delhi, were analyzed to assess the impact of implementation of these measures, specifically fuel change in vehicles. This paper presents the impact of policy measures on ambient air quality levels and also the source apportionment. CO and NO(2) concentration levels in ambient air are found to be associated with the mobile sources. The temporal variation of air quality data shows the significant effect of shift to CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) in vehicles.

  20. HEVOSHETKET-VALOKUVAKIRJA : Pedagoginen dokumentointi työvälineenä sosiaalipedagogisessa hevostoiminnassa


    Nikola, Riikka


    TIIVISTELMÄ Nikola, Riikka. Hevoshetket-valokuvakirja – pedagoginen dokumentointi työvälineenä sosiaalipedagogisessa hevostoiminnassa. Diak Itä, Pieksämäki kevät 2012. (37 s, 3 liitettä) Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Diak Itä, Pieksämäki. Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma. Sosionomi (AMK). Opinnäytetyö on kehityspainotteinen produktio, joka koostuu 15 toimintakerrasta sosiaalipedagogista hevostoimintaa ja kolmesta sosiaalipedagogisen hevostoiminnan asiakkaalle yksilöllisesti kootusta Hevos...

  1. Cryptanalysis of Lin et al.'s Efficient Block-Cipher-Based Hash Function

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liu, Bozhong; Gong, Zheng; Chen, Xiaohong; Qiu, Weidong; Zheng, Dong


    Hash functions are widely used in authentication. In this paper, the security of Lin et al.'s efficient block-cipher-based hash function is reviewed. By using Joux's multicollisions and Kelsey et al.'s expandable message techniques, we find the scheme is vulnerable to collision, preimage and second

  2. Single-tube linear DNA amplification (LinDA) for robust ChIP-seq

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Shankaranarayanan, P.; Mendoza-Parra, M.A.; Walia, M.; Wang, L.; Li, N.; Trindade, L.M.; Gronemeyer, H.


    Genome-wide profiling of transcription factors based on massive parallel sequencing of immunoprecipitated chromatin (ChIP-seq) requires nanogram amounts of DNA. Here we describe a high-fidelity, single-tube linear DNA amplification method (LinDA) for ChIP-seq and reChIP-seq with picogram DNA amounts

  3. Monimuoto-opiskelijoiden ajanhallinta ja jaksaminen : kokemuksia perheen, työn ja opiskelun yhteensovittamisesta


    Ranne, Satu-Maaret; Salminen, Piia


    Ranne Satu-Maaret ja Salminen Piia. Monimuoto-opiskelijoiden ajanhallinta ja jaksaminen - kuinka sovittaa yhteen perhe, työ ja opiskelu. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulun monimuoto-opiskelijoiden kokemuksia ajanhallinnasta ja jaksamisesta. Pori, kevät 2011, 34 s. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Diak Länsi, Pori. Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma. Sairaanhoitaja (AMK). Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia ammattikorkeakoulussa monimuotoisesti opiskelevien opiskelijoiden ajanhallintaa ja jaksamista: ...

  4. Moniosaaminen ja työnkierto - Kuinka saada henkilökunta innostumaan osaamisen lisäämisestä ja työnkierrosta


    Murto, Maria


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on löytää keinoja ylläpitää ja innostaa henkilökuntaa Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeudessa moniosaamiseen ja tehtävänkiertoon. Ajatus tähän tehtävään oli kypsynyt mielessäni jo pitkään ja itse tutkimuksen aihe syntyi yhdessä laamannin kanssa keskusteltaessa. Digitalisoituminen on yleistynyt ja sen myötä osaamisen kehittäminen ja sen ylläpitäminen ovat nousseet oleelliseen asemaan työelämässä. Tietojärjestelmät kehittyvät ja sen myötä joudutaan ottamaan uusia toim...

  5. Report on investigations in fiscal 2000 on the basic investigation on promotion of joint implementation. Effective utilization of associated gas as CNG; 2000 nendo kyodo jisshi nado kiso chosa hokokusho. Zuihan gas no CNG to shite no yuko riyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Back Ho oilfield is the largest oilfield in Vietnam and at the same time is producing the largest amount of natural gas (associated gas) in Vietnam. Although the majority of the associated gas has been used in the power generation plant, a large amount of surplus gas is not effectively used because of shortage of fund and technologies. Accordingly, a feasibility study has been executed for a project to compress 20% of the associated gas into CNG, and use it effectively as automobile and factory fuel. As a result of the site survey, it was found that, although Vietnam consumes less amount of energy and emits less amount of CO2, the nation has a strong interest and a large amount of knowledge about global warming and CDM because the country is subjected to large effect of warming. Furthermore, it has been reconfirmed that introducing CNG into this territory is highly effective. Discussions have been made on places of installing the facilities, effective surplus gas utilization systems, facility specifications, utilities, and number of workers. Calculations were made on approximate cost of the facilities and the running cost. As a result of the surveys and discussions, it was determined that technological support from Japan and the Yen loan for environment with low interest rate are necessary. (NEDO)

  6. The gga-let-7 family post-transcriptionally regulates TGFBR1 and LIN28B during the differentiation process in early chick development. (United States)

    Lee, Sang In; Jeon, Mi-Hyang; Kim, Jeom Sun; Jeon, Ik-Soo; Byun, Sung June


    Early chick embryogenesis is governed by a complex mechanism involving transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, although how post-transcriptional processes influence the balance between pluripotency and differentiation during early chick development have not been previously investigated. Here, we characterized the microRNA (miRNA) signature associated with differentiation in the chick embryo, and found that as expression of the gga-let-7 family increases through early development, expression of their direct targets, TGFBR1 and LIN28B, decreases; indeed, gga-let-7a-5p and gga-let-7b miRNAs directly bind to TGFBR1 and LIN28B transcripts. Our data further indicate that TGFBR1 and LIN28B maintain pluripotency by regulating POUV, NANOG, and CRIPTO. Therefore, gga-let-7 miRNAs act as post-transcriptional regulators of differentiation in blastodermal cells by repressing the expression of the TGFBR1 and LIN28B, which intrinsically controls blastodermal cell differentiation in early chick development. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Digitaalinen opas Osuuspankin työntekijöille tietoisuuden lisäämiseksi blockchain-teknologiasta ja sen hyödyistä


    Kangasmäki, Meeri


    Opinnäytetyö on laadittu toimeksiantona Osuuspankille. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiannon tavoitteena oli tuottaa opas blockchain-teknologiasta ja sen hyödyistä Osuuspankin työntekijöille. Oppaan tarkoituksena on lisätä ymmärrystä blockchain-teknologian toiminnasta ja sen käyttömahdollisuuksista. Blockchain-teknologia tulee muuttamaan finanssialaa lähitulevaisuudessa ja siksi siitä on tärkeä lisätä tietoisuutta alalla työskentelevien keskuudessa. Opinnäytetyössä esitellään blockchain-teknologian...

  8. Curcumin Inhibits LIN-28A through the Activation of miRNA-98 in the Lung Cancer Cell Line A549. (United States)

    Liu, Wei-Lun; Chang, Jia-Ming; Chong, Inn-Wen; Hung, Yi-Li; Chen, Yung-Hsiang; Huang, Wen-Tsung; Kuo, Hsuan-Fu; Hsieh, Chong-Chao; Liu, Po-Len


    Metastasis is common in lung cancer and is associated with poor clinical outcomes and increased mortality. Curcumin is a natural anti-cancer agent that inhibits the metastasis of various cancers by modulating the expression of micro (mi) RNAs such as miR-98, which acts as a tumor suppressor. This study investigated the effect of curcumin on miR-98 expression and in vitro cell line growth and invasiveness in lung cancer. Curcumin treatment enhanced the expression of miR-98 and reduced that of the miR-98 target gene LIN28A as well as matrix metalloproteinase ( MMP ) 2 and MMP9 in vitro and in vivo. MiR-98 overexpression suppressed lung cancer cell migration and invasion by inhibiting LIN28A-induced MMP2 and MMP9 expression. Meanwhile, LIN28A level was downregulated by overexpression of miR-98 mimic. Induction of miR-98 by curcumin treatment suppressed MMP2 and MMP9 by targeting LIN28A. These findings provide insight into the mechanisms by which curcumin suppresses lung cancer cell line growth in vitro and in vivo and invasiveness in vitro.

  9. TyG Index Change Is More Determinant for Forecasting Type 2 Diabetes Onset Than Weight Gain (United States)

    Navarro-González, David; Sánchez-Íñigo, Laura; Fernández-Montero, Alejandro; Pastrana-Delgado, Juan; Martinez, Jose Alfredo


    Abstract The risk of type 2 diabetes associated with obesity appears to be influenced by other metabolic abnormalities, and there is controversy about the harmless condition of the metabolically healthy obese (MHO) state. The aim of this study is to assess the risk of diabetes and the impact of changes in weight and in triglyceride-glucose index (TyG index), according to the metabolic health and obesity states. We analyzed prospective data of the Vascular Metabolic CUN cohort, a population-based study among a White European population (mean follow-up, 8.9 years). Incident diabetes was assessed in 1923 women and 3016 men with a mean age at baseline of 55.33 ± 13.68 and 53.78 ± 12.98 years old. A Cox proportional-hazard analysis was conducted to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) of diabetes on metabolically healthy nonobese (MHNO), metabolically healthy obese, metabolically unhealthy nonobese (MUNO), and metabolically unhealthy obese (MUO). A continuous standardized variable (z-score) was derived to compute the HR for diabetes per 1-SD increment in the body mass index (BMI) and the TyG index. MHO, MUNO, and MUO status were associated with the development of diabetes, HR of 2.26 (95% CI: 1.25–4.07), 3.04 (95% CI: 1.69–5.47), and 4.04 (95% CI: 2.14–7.63), respectively. MUNO individuals had 1.82 greater risk of diabetes compared to MHO subjects (95% CI: 1.04–3.22). The HRs for incident diabetes per 1-SD increment in BMI and TyG indexes were 1.23 (95% CI: 1.04–1.44) and 1.54 (95% CI: 1.40–1.68). The increase in BMI did not raise the risk of developing diabetes among metabolically unhealthy subjects, whereas increasing the TyG index significantly affect the risk in all metabolic health categories. Metabolic health is more important determinant for diabetes onset than weight gain. The increase in weight does not raise the risk of developing diabetes among metabolically unhealthy subjects. PMID:27175686

  10. An Effective Implementation of K-opt Moves for the Lin-Kernighan TSP Heuristic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helsgaun, Keld

    Local search with k-change neighborhoods, k-opt, is the most widely used heuristic method for the traveling salesman problem (TSP). This report presents an effective implementation of k-opt for the Lin- Kernighan TSP heuristic. The effectiveness of the implementation is demonstrated with extensive...

  11. Weak activity of haloalkane dehalogenase LinB with 1,2,3-trichloropropane revealed by X-Ray crystallography and microcalorimetry. (United States)

    Monincová, Marta; Prokop, Zbynek; Vévodová, Jitka; Nagata, Yuji; Damborsky, Jirí


    1,2,3-Trichloropropane (TCP) is a highly toxic and recalcitrant compound. Haloalkane dehalogenases are bacterial enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of a carbon-halogen bond in a wide range of organic halogenated compounds. Haloalkane dehalogenase LinB from Sphingobium japonicum UT26 has, for a long time, been considered inactive with TCP, since the reaction cannot be easily detected by conventional analytical methods. Here we demonstrate detection of the weak activity (k(cat) = 0.005 s(-1)) of LinB with TCP using X-ray crystallography and microcalorimetry. This observation makes LinB a useful starting material for the development of a new biocatalyst toward TCP by protein engineering. Microcalorimetry is proposed to be a universal method for the detection of weak enzymatic activities. Detection of these activities is becoming increasingly important for engineering novel biocatalysts using the scaffolds of proteins with promiscuous activities.

  12. Weak Activity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB with 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Revealed by X-Ray Crystallography and Microcalorimetry▿ (United States)

    Monincová, Marta; Prokop, Zbyněk; Vévodová, Jitka; Nagata, Yuji; Damborský, Jiří


    1,2,3-Trichloropropane (TCP) is a highly toxic and recalcitrant compound. Haloalkane dehalogenases are bacterial enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of a carbon-halogen bond in a wide range of organic halogenated compounds. Haloalkane dehalogenase LinB from Sphingobium japonicum UT26 has, for a long time, been considered inactive with TCP, since the reaction cannot be easily detected by conventional analytical methods. Here we demonstrate detection of the weak activity (kcat = 0.005 s−1) of LinB with TCP using X-ray crystallography and microcalorimetry. This observation makes LinB a useful starting material for the development of a new biocatalyst toward TCP by protein engineering. Microcalorimetry is proposed to be a universal method for the detection of weak enzymatic activities. Detection of these activities is becoming increasingly important for engineering novel biocatalysts using the scaffolds of proteins with promiscuous activities. PMID:17259360

  13. An experimental study on premixed CNG/H2/CO2 mixture flames (United States)

    Yilmaz, Ilker; Yilmaz, Harun; Cam, Omer


    In this study, the effect of swirl number, gas composition and CO2 dilution on combustion and emission behaviour of CNG/H2/CO2 gas mixtures was experimentally investigated in a laboratory scale combustor. Irrespective of the gas composition, thermal power of the combustor was kept constant (5 kW). All experiments were conducted at or near stoichiometric and the local atmospheric conditions of the city of Kayseri, Turkey. During experiments, swirl number was varied and the combustion performance of this combustor was analysed by means of centreline temperature distributions. On the other hand, emission behaviour was examined with respect to emitted CO, CO2 and NOx levels. Dynamic flame behaviour was also evaluated by analysing instantaneous flame images. Results of this study revealed the great impact of swirl number and gas composition on combustion and emission behaviour of studied flames.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Ground penetrating radar surveys of the TX and TY tank farms were performed to identify existing infrastructure in the near surface environment. These surveys were designed to provide background information supporting Surface-to-Surface and Well-to-Well resistivity surveys of Waste Management Area TX-TY. The objective of the preliminary investigation was to collect background characterization information with GPR to understand the spatial distribution of metallic objects that could potentially interfere with the results from high resolution resistivity(trademark) surveys. The results of the background characterization confirm the existence of documented infrastructure, as well as highlight locations of possible additional undocumented subsurface metallic objects

  15. Preliminary tank characterization report for single-shell tank 241-TY-101: best-basis inventory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lambert, S.L.


    An effort is underway to provide waste inventory estimates that will serve as standard characterization source terms for the various waste management activities. As part of this effort, an evaluation of available information for single-shell tank 241-TY-101 was performed, and a best-basis inventory was established. This work follows the methodology that was established by the standard inventory task

  16. Prelimainary tank characterization report for single-shell tank 241-TY-103 : Best-Basis inventory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hendrickson, D.W.


    An effort is underway to provide waste inventory estimates that will serve as standard characterization source terms for the various waste management activities. As part of this effort, an evaluation of available information for single-shell tank 241'-TY-103 was performed, and a best-basis inventory was established. This work follows the methodology that was established by the standard inventory task

  17. Sairaanhoitajan työhön perehdytys lastensuojelulaitoksessa : Sairaanhoitajan perehdytyssuunnitelma Helsingin Diakonissalaitoksen intensiivihoidon osastoille


    Pitkälä, Pia


    Pitkälä, Pia. ”Sairaanhoitajan työhön perehdytys lastensuojelulaitoksessa. Sairaanhoitajan perehdytyssuunnitelma Helsingin Diakonissalaitoksen intensiivihoidon osastoille.” Helsinki, syksy 2013, s.56, 2 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, hoitotyön koulutusohjelma, sairaanhoitaja (AMK). Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli laatia sairaanhoitajien perehdytyssuunnitelma Diakonissalaitoksen lapsi- ja perhetyön palvelualueen osana toimiville intensiivihoidon osastoille. Tavoitteena oli kehittää...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This report documents the results of preliminary surface geophysical exploration activities performed between September and October 2007 at the waste management areas surrounding the TX and TY tank farms. The TX-TY tank farms are located in the 200 West Area of the US Department of Energy's Hanford Site in Washington State. The objective of the preliminary investigation was to acquire background characterization information using magnetic gradiometry (Mag) and electromagnetic induction (EM) methods to understand the spatial distribution of buried metallic objects that could potentially interfere with the results of a subsequently completed high resolution resistivity survey

  19. CRM-järjestelmän suunnittelu ja käyttöönotto myynnin strategiseksi työkaluksi : case: Stala Oy


    Pirkkalainen, Markus


    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on asiakkuudenhallinta- eli Customer Relationship Management(CRM)-järjestelmän suunnittelu ja käyttöönotto myynnin strategiseksi työkaluksi. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa tutkitaan asiakkuudenhallintaa, CRM-järjestelmiä ja CRM-järjestelmien suunnitteluun sekä käyttöönottoon liittyviä haasteita. Työn empiirinen osuus koostuu CRM-järjestelmän käyttöoppaasta kohdeyritys Stala Oy:n myyntitiimille. Tutkimusongelma vastaa kysymykseen, miksi yrityksen tulisi panostaa a...

  20. LIN28B polymorphisms are associated with central precocious puberty and early puberty in girls

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sung Won Park


    Full Text Available &lt;B&gt;Purpose:&lt;/B&gt; Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP markers within &lt;i&gt;LIN28B&lt;/i&gt; have been reported to be related to the timing of pubertal growth. However, no study has investigated the frequency of genetic markers in girls with precocious puberty (PP or early puberty (EP. This study aimed to determine the frequency of putative genetic markers in girls with PP or EP. &lt;B&gt;Methods:&lt;/B&gt; Genomic DNAs were obtained from 77 and 109 girls that fulfilled the criteria for PP and EP, respectively. The controls in this study were 144 healthy volunteers between 20 and 30 years of age. The haplotypes were reconstructed using 11 SNPs of &lt;i&gt;LIN28B&lt;/i&gt;, and haplotype association analysis was performed. The haplotype frequencies were compared. Differences in the clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed according to the haplotype dosage. &lt;B&gt;Results:&lt;/B&gt; Eleven SNPs in &lt;i&gt;LIN28B&lt;/i&gt; were all located in a block that was in linkage disequilibrium. The haplotype could be reconstructed using 2 representative SNPs, rs4946651 and rs369065. The AC haplotype was less frequently observed in the PP group than in the controls (0.069 vs. 0.144, &lt;I&gt;P&lt;/I&gt;=0.010. The trend that girls with non-AC haplotypes tended to have earlier puberty onset (&lt;I&gt;P&lt;/I&gt;=0.037 was illustrated even in the EP+PP patient group by Kaplan-Meier analysis. &lt;B&gt;Conclusion:&lt;/B&gt; The results of the present study showed that non-AC haplotypes of &lt;i&gt;LIN28B&lt;/i&gt;had a significant association with PP in girls.

  1. Loss of the Caenorhabditis elegans pocket protein LIN-35 reveals MuvB's innate function as the repressor of DREAM target genes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul D Goetsch


    Full Text Available The DREAM (Dp/Retinoblastoma(Rb-like/E2F/MuvB transcriptional repressor complex acts as a gatekeeper of the mammalian cell cycle by establishing and maintaining cellular quiescence. How DREAM's three functional components, the E2F-DP heterodimer, the Rb-like pocket protein, and the MuvB subcomplex, form and function at target gene promoters remains unknown. The current model invokes that the pocket protein links E2F-DP and MuvB and is essential for gene repression. We tested this model by assessing how the conserved yet less redundant DREAM system in Caenorhabditis elegans is affected by absence of the sole C. elegans pocket protein LIN-35. Using a LIN-35 protein null mutant, we analyzed the assembly of E2F-DP and MuvB at promoters that are bound by DREAM and the level of expression of those "DREAM target genes" in embryos. We report that LIN-35 indeed mediates the association of E2F-DP and MuvB, a function that stabilizes DREAM subunit occupancy at target genes. In the absence of LIN-35, the occupancy of E2F-DP and MuvB at most DREAM target genes decreases dramatically and many of those genes become upregulated. The retention of E2F-DP and MuvB at some target gene promoters in lin-35 null embryos allowed us to test their contribution to DREAM target gene repression. Depletion of MuvB, but not E2F-DP, in the sensitized lin-35 null background caused further upregulation of DREAM target genes. We conclude that the pocket protein functions primarily to support MuvB-mediated repression of DREAM targets and that transcriptional repression is the innate function of the evolutionarily conserved MuvB complex. Our findings provide important insights into how mammalian DREAM assembly and disassembly may regulate gene expression and the cell cycle.

  2. "Yhdessä hyvää" hyvin toimiva työyhteisö ravintola Kiesassa


    Jaaranen, Minka


    Ravintola Kiesa kuuluu osana Pohjois-Karjalan Ammattiopisto, Joensuu, Palvelujen toimintaan. Oppilaitoksen tavoitteena on kouluttaa opiskelijoita, joilla on hyvät tiedot ja taidot kokin ja tarjoilijan työhön. Ravintola Kiesa oppimisympäristönä mahdollistaa taitojen harjoittelun. Kiesassa on toimivat uudet tilat ja laitteet sekä osaava ja kouluttautuva henkilökunta. Haasteen Kiesan toiminnalle luovat jatkuvasti vaihtuvat opiskelijaryhmät opettajineen. Ratkaisua haetaan kysymyksiin: kuinka yht...

  3. Triglyceride-glucose index (TyG index) in comparison with fasting plasma glucose improved diabetes prediction in patients with normal fasting glucose: The Vascular-Metabolic CUN cohort. (United States)

    Navarro-González, David; Sánchez-Íñigo, Laura; Pastrana-Delgado, Juan; Fernández-Montero, Alejandro; Martinez, J Alfredo


    We evaluated the potential role of the triglyceride-glucose index (TyG index) as a predictor of diabetes in a White European cohort, and compared it to fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and triglycerides. 4820 patients of the Vascular-Metabolic CUN cohort (VMCUN cohort) were examined and followed up for 8.84years (±4.39). We performed a Cox proportional hazard ratio with repeated-measures analyses to assess the risk of developing type 2 diabetes across quartiles of FPG, triglycerides and the TyG index (ln[fasting triglycerides (mg/dl)×fasting plasma glucose (mg/dl)/2]), and plotted a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve for discrimination. There were 332 incident cases of type 2 diabetes involving 43,197.32person-years of follow-up. We observed a progressively increased risk of diabetes in subjects with TyG index levels of 8.31 or more. Among those with normal fasting glucose at baseline, index in the fourth quartile were 6.87 times more likely to develop diabetes (95% CI, 2.76-16.85; P for trendindex, 0.66 (0.60-0.72) for FPG and 0.71 (0.65-0.77) for TG, in subjects with normal fasting glucose (p=0.017). Our data suggest that the TyG index is useful for the early identification of individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes. The TyG index seems to be a better predictor than FPG or triglycerides of the potential development of type 2 diabetes in normoglycemic patients. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Safety and Feasibility of Lin- Cells Administration to ALS Patients: A Novel View on Humoral Factors and miRNA Profiles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Sobuś


    Full Text Available Therapeutic options for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS are still limited. Great hopes, however, are placed in growth factors that show neuroprotective abilities (e.g., nerve growth factor (NGF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF and in the immune modulating features, in particular, the anti-inflammatory effects. In our study we aimed to investigate whether a bone marrow-derived lineage-negative (Lin- cells population, after autologous application into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, is able to produce noticeable concentrations of trophic factors and inflammatory-related proteins and thus influence the clinical course of ALS. To our knowledge, the evaluation of Lin- cells transplantation for ALS treatment has not been previously reported. Early hematopoietic Lin- cells were isolated from twelve ALS patients’ bone marrow, and later, the suspension of cells was administered into the subarachnoid space by lumbar puncture. Concentrations of selected proteins in the CSF and plasma were quantified by multiplex fluorescent bead-based immunoassays at different timepoints post-transplantation. We also chose microRNAs (miRNAs related to muscle biology (miRNA-1, miRNA-133a, and miRNA-206 and angiogenesis and inflammation (miRNA-155 and miRNA-378 and tested, for the first time, their expression profiles in the CSF and plasma of ALS patients after Lin- cells transplantation. The injection of bone marrow cells resulted in decreased concentration of selected inflammatory proteins (C3 after Lin- cells injection, particularly in patients who had a better clinical outcome. Moreover, several analyzed miRNAs have changed expression levels in the CSF and plasma of ALS patients subsequent to Lin- cells administration. Interestingly, the expression of miR-206 increased in ALS patients, while miR-378 decreased both in the CSF and plasma one month after the cells’ injection. We propose that autologous lineage

  5. Safety and Feasibility of Lin- Cells Administration to ALS Patients: A Novel View on Humoral Factors and miRNA Profiles. (United States)

    Sobuś, Anna; Baumert, Bartłomiej; Litwińska, Zofia; Gołąb-Janowska, Monika; Stępniewski, Jacek; Kotowski, Maciej; Pius-Sadowska, Ewa; Kawa, Miłosz P; Gródecka-Szwajkiewicz, Dorota; Peregud-Pogorzelski, Jarosław; Dulak, Józef; Nowacki, Przemysław; Machaliński, Bogusław


    Therapeutic options for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are still limited. Great hopes, however, are placed in growth factors that show neuroprotective abilities (e.g., nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)) and in the immune modulating features, in particular, the anti-inflammatory effects. In our study we aimed to investigate whether a bone marrow-derived lineage-negative (Lin-) cells population, after autologous application into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), is able to produce noticeable concentrations of trophic factors and inflammatory-related proteins and thus influence the clinical course of ALS. To our knowledge, the evaluation of Lin- cells transplantation for ALS treatment has not been previously reported. Early hematopoietic Lin- cells were isolated from twelve ALS patients’ bone marrow, and later, the suspension of cells was administered into the subarachnoid space by lumbar puncture. Concentrations of selected proteins in the CSF and plasma were quantified by multiplex fluorescent bead-based immunoassays at different timepoints post-transplantation. We also chose microRNAs (miRNAs) related to muscle biology (miRNA-1, miRNA-133a, and miRNA-206) and angiogenesis and inflammation (miRNA-155 and miRNA-378) and tested, for the first time, their expression profiles in the CSF and plasma of ALS patients after Lin- cells transplantation. The injection of bone marrow cells resulted in decreased concentration of selected inflammatory proteins (C3) after Lin- cells injection, particularly in patients who had a better clinical outcome. Moreover, several analyzed miRNAs have changed expression levels in the CSF and plasma of ALS patients subsequent to Lin- cells administration. Interestingly, the expression of miR-206 increased in ALS patients, while miR-378 decreased both in the CSF and plasma one month after the cells’ injection. We propose that autologous lineage-negative early

  6. An experimental study on premixed CNG/H2/CO2 mixture flames

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yilmaz Ilker


    Full Text Available In this study, the effect of swirl number, gas composition and CO2 dilution on combustion and emission behaviour of CNG/H2/CO2 gas mixtures was experimentally investigated in a laboratory scale combustor. Irrespective of the gas composition, thermal power of the combustor was kept constant (5 kW. All experiments were conducted at or near stoichiometric and the local atmospheric conditions of the city of Kayseri, Turkey. During experiments, swirl number was varied and the combustion performance of this combustor was analysed by means of centreline temperature distributions. On the other hand, emission behaviour was examined with respect to emitted CO, CO2 and NOx levels. Dynamic flame behaviour was also evaluated by analysing instantaneous flame images. Results of this study revealed the great impact of swirl number and gas composition on combustion and emission behaviour of studied flames.

  7. Y-sukupolven ajatukset työelämästä: Motivointi ja sitouttaminen


    Nikkilä, Henni


    Opinnäytetyö suoritettiin toimeksiantona finanssi-ja vakuutusalalla toimivalle organisaatiolle. Kohdeorganisaatiolla on tarve selvittää miten Y-sukupolvi (1980–1990-luvulla syntyneet henkilöt) motivoituvat ja miten heidät saadaan sitoutettua työpaikkaan. Y-sukupolvi eli niin sanottu nouseva sukupolvi eroaa aiemmista sukupolvista siinä, että he ovat tavallisesti teknologian kasvatteja, sosiaalisesti verkostoituneita ja tasavertaisten oikeuksien puolestapuhujia. Y-sukupolvi arvostaa mielenk...

  8. Lin28a is a putative factor in regulating cancer stem cell-like properties in side population cells of oral squamous cell carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hayashi, S.; Tanaka, J.; Okada, S.; Isobe, T.; Yamamoto, G.; Yasuhara, R.; Irie, T.; Akiyama, C.; Kohno, Y.; Tachikawa, T.; Mishima, K., E-mail:


    Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are among the target cells of cancer therapy because they are uniquely involved in both cancer progression and sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents. We identified side population (SP) cells, which are known to be an enriched population of CSC, in five oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells (SCC9, SCC25, TOSCC7, TOSCC17, and TOSCC23). The percentages of SP cells ranged from 0% to 3.3%, with TOSCC23 cells showing the highest percentages of SP cells (3.3% of the total cell population). The SP cells isolated from TOSCC23 cells also showed greater cell proliferation and invasion compared to non-SP (MP) cells. Therefore, our initial findings suggested that SP cells were enriched for CSC-like cells. Furthermore, DNA microarray analysis revealed that the expression of cell proliferation-related and anti-apoptotic genes was greater in SP cells compared to MP cells. We focused on Lin28a, which showed the highest expression (approximately 22-fold) among the upregulated genes. The overexpression of Lin28a in TOSCC23 cells increased their proliferation, colony formation, and invasion. These findings suggest that Lin28a is an appropriate CSC target molecule for OSCC treatment - Highlights: ► Lin28a is a SP cell-specific factor in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells. ► SP cells in OSCC cells show cancer stem cell-like properties. ► Lin28a regulates OSCC proliferative and invasive activities.

  9. Lin28a is a putative factor in regulating cancer stem cell-like properties in side population cells of oral squamous cell carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, S.; Tanaka, J.; Okada, S.; Isobe, T.; Yamamoto, G.; Yasuhara, R.; Irie, T.; Akiyama, C.; Kohno, Y.; Tachikawa, T.; Mishima, K.


    Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are among the target cells of cancer therapy because they are uniquely involved in both cancer progression and sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents. We identified side population (SP) cells, which are known to be an enriched population of CSC, in five oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells (SCC9, SCC25, TOSCC7, TOSCC17, and TOSCC23). The percentages of SP cells ranged from 0% to 3.3%, with TOSCC23 cells showing the highest percentages of SP cells (3.3% of the total cell population). The SP cells isolated from TOSCC23 cells also showed greater cell proliferation and invasion compared to non-SP (MP) cells. Therefore, our initial findings suggested that SP cells were enriched for CSC-like cells. Furthermore, DNA microarray analysis revealed that the expression of cell proliferation-related and anti-apoptotic genes was greater in SP cells compared to MP cells. We focused on Lin28a, which showed the highest expression (approximately 22-fold) among the upregulated genes. The overexpression of Lin28a in TOSCC23 cells increased their proliferation, colony formation, and invasion. These findings suggest that Lin28a is an appropriate CSC target molecule for OSCC treatment - Highlights: ► Lin28a is a SP cell-specific factor in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells. ► SP cells in OSCC cells show cancer stem cell-like properties. ► Lin28a regulates OSCC proliferative and invasive activities

  10. Long noncoding RNA TUG1 facilitates osteogenic differentiation of periodontal ligament stem cells via interacting with Lin28A. (United States)

    He, Qin; Yang, Shuangyan; Gu, Xiuge; Li, Mengying; Wang, Chunling; Wei, Fulan


    Periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) are mesenchymal stem cells derived from dental tissues with multidirectional differentiation potential and excellent self-renewing ability. Recently, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been shown to play important roles in MSC osteogenic differentiation. In this study, we found that taurine upregulated gene 1 (TUG1), an evolutionarily conserved and widely present lncRNA was significantly upregulated in osteogenically induced PDLSCs compared to their undifferentiated counterparts. Further investigation demonstrated that the expression of TUG1 was positively correlated with the osteogenic differentiation of PDLSCs following the induction, as evidenced by the increase in cellular alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level, formation of calcium nodules, and the upregulation of several osteogenic-related gene markers such as ALP, osteocalcin (OCN), and runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2). Conversely, TUG1 knockdown was demonstrated to inhibit the potential of PDLSCs for osteogenic differentiation. Using bioinformatics analysis, we identified lin-28 homolog A (Lin28A) as a potential target of TUG1 during osteogenic differentiation of PDLSCs. Lin28A was found to be significantly downregulated in TUG1-repressed PDLSCs and contained multiple binding sites for lncRNA TUG1. Moreover, suppression of Lin28A was shown to be able to inhibit osteogenic differentiation and decreased the expression of several osteogenic genes. Taken together, these results could help researchers better understand the mechanism that governs the osteogenic differentiation of PDLSCs, and also serve as a stepping stone for the development of novel therapeutic strategies that can be used to regenerate dental tissues.

  11. Siirrytään yhdessä : Ergonomiavastaavien toimintamalli - ergonomiaosaamista ja laatua vanhustyöhön


    Fingerroos, Anitta


    Tässä opinnäytetyössä laadittiin Raahen seudun hyvinvointikuntayhtymän vanhustyössä toimiville ergonomiavastaaville toimintamalli. Toimintamallissa määriteltiin ergonomiavastaavan tehtävänkuva, vastuu, valtuudet, osaamistaso, verkostoituminen ja työnantajan vastuu. Toimintamalli on tiivistetty esitteeksi. Toimintamallin pilotointi aloitettiin mallin valmistumisen jälkeen Mäkelänrinteen palvelukeskuksessa. Tavoitteena oli parantaa ergonomiaosaamista ja laatua vanhustyössä. Pitkän aikavälin ...

  12. Tip 2 Diabetes Mellituslu Hastalarda Mikroalbuminüri, İnsülin Direnci ve Kardiyovasküler Risk


    ERSOY, Canan; TAŞLI, Babürşah; YILDIZ, Abdülmecit; İMAMOĞLU, Şazi


    Son çalışmalar tip 2 diyabette mikroalbuminüri (MAU) varlığı ile hedef organ hasarları ve kardiyovasküler hastalık riski arasındaki ilişkilere yönelmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada, Tip 2 diabetes mellituslu (DM) hastalarda MAU ile glisemik kontrol, insülin direnci (İR) ve diğer kardiyovasküler risk faktörleri arasındaki ilişki değerlendirilmiştir. İnsülin gereksinimi olmayan, normal renal fonksiyonlu 29 mikroalbuminürik ve 68 normoalbuminürik tip 2 DM'lu hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Tüm hast...

  13. Properties of the fullerene C_6_0-containing PN Lin49 in the SMC; Explanations of strong near-IR excess

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otsuka, Masaaki; Kemper, Francisca; Leal-Ferreira, Marcelo L.; Aleman, Isabel; Ochsendorf, Bram; Bernard-Salas, Jeronimo; Cami, Jan; Peeters, Els


    We performed a detailed spectroscopic analysis of the fullerene C_6o-containing planetary nebula (PN) Lin49 in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Lin49 is a C-rich and metal- deficient PN (Z∼⃒0.0006) and its nebular abundances are in agreement with the AGB model for the initially 1.25M_☉ stars with the metallicity Z = 0.001 of Fishlock et al. (2014, [1]). By stellar absorption fitting with TLUSTY, we derived stellar abundances, effective temperature, and surface gravity. We constructed the photo-ionization model with CLOUDY in order to investigate physical conditions of Lin49. The model with the 0.005-0.1 μm radius graphite and a constant hydrogen density shell could not fit the ∼⃒1-5 μm SED owing to the strong near-IR excess. We propose that the near-IR excess indicates (1) the presence of extremely small carbon molecules or (2) the presence of high-density structure surrounding the central star. (paper)

  14. Crystal structures of MW1337R and lin2004: Representatives of a novel protein family that adopt a four-helical bundle fold

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozbial, Piotr; Xu, Qingping; Chiu, Hsiu-Ju; McMullan, Daniel; Krishna, S. Sri; Miller, Mitchell D.; Abdubek, Polat; Acosta, Claire; Astakhova, Tamara; Axelrod, Herbert L.; Carlton, Dennis; Clayton, Thomas; Deller, Marc; Duan, Lian; Elias, Ylva; Elsliger, Marc-André; Feuerhelm, Julie; Grzechnik, Slawomir K.; Hale, Joanna; Han, Gye Won; Jaroszewski, Lukasz; Jin, Kevin K.; Klock, Heath E.; Knuth, Mark W.; Koesema, Eric; Kumar, Abhinav; Marciano, David; Morse, Andrew T.; Murphy, Kevin D.; Nigoghossian, Edward; Okach, Linda; Oommachen, Silvya; Reyes, Ron; Rife, Christopher L.; Spraggon, Glen; Trout, Christina V.; ban den Bedem, Henry; Weekes, Dana; White, Aprilfawn; Wolf, Guenter; Zubieta, Chloe; Hodgson, Keith O.; Wooley, John; Deacon, Ashley M.; Godzik, Adam; Lesley, Scott A.; Wilson, Ian A. (Scripps); (SSRL); (JCSG); (UCSD); (Burnham)


    To extend the structural coverage of proteins with unknown functions, we targeted a novel protein family (Pfam accession number PF08807, DUF1798) for which we proposed and determined the structures of two representative members. The MW1337R gene of Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus Rosenbach (Wood 46) encodes a protein with a molecular weight of 13.8 kDa (residues 1-116) and a calculated isoelectric point of 5.15. The lin2004 gene of the nonspore-forming bacterium Listeria innocua Clip11262 encodes a protein with a molecular weight of 14.6 kDa (residues 1-121) and a calculated isoelectric point of 5.45. MW1337R and lin2004, as well as their homologs, which, so far, have been found only in Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Listeria, and related genera (Geobacillus, Exiguobacterium, and Oceanobacillus), have unknown functions and are annotated as hypothetical proteins. The genomic contexts of MW1337R and lin2004 are similar and conserved in related species. In prokaryotic genomes, most often, functionally interacting proteins are coded by genes, which are colocated in conserved operons. Proteins from the same operon as MW1337R and lin2004 either have unknown functions (i.e., belong to DUF1273, Pfam accession number PF06908) or are similar to ypsB from Bacillus subtilis. The function of ypsB is unclear, although it has a strong similarity to the N-terminal region of DivIVA, which was characterized as a bifunctional protein with distinct roles during vegetative growth and sporulation. In addition, members of the DUF1273 family display distant sequence similarity with the DprA/Smf protein, which acts downstream of the DNA uptake machinery, possibly in conjunction with RecA. The RecA activities in Bacillus subtilis are modulated by RecU Holliday-junction resolvase. In all analyzed cases, the gene coding for RecU is in the vicinity of MW1337R, lin2004, or their orthologs, but on a different operon located in the complementary DNA strand. Here, we report the crystal structures

  15. "...Aikaa kohdata rauhassa lapsi..." : Päivähoidossa työskentelevien kokemuksia vertaisryhmässään sivuun jäävistä lapsista


    Kaiponen, Jaana; Koskela, Jenna


    Kaiponen, Jaana & Koskela, Jenna. ”…Aikaa kohdata rauhassa lapsi…” - Päivähoidossa työskentelevien kokemuksia vertaisryhmässään sivuun jäävistä lapsista. Oulu, syksy 2009, 66 s., 2 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Diak Pohjoinen Oulu. Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, Diakonisen sosiaalityön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, sosionomi (AMK) + diakonin virkakelpoisuus. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata päivähoidon työntekijöiden kokemuksia vertaisryhmässään sivuun jäävistä lapsista. Tavoittee...

  16. Arkea, ammattitaitoa ja yhteistyötä : työntekijöiden kokemuksia käytöshäiriöisten nuorten hoidosta koulukodissa


    Haunia, Henna


    TIIVISTELMÄ Haunia, Henna. Arkea, ammattitaitoa ja yhteistyötä : työntekijöiden kokemuksia käytöshäiriöisten nuorten hoidosta koulukodissa. Helsinki, syksy 2011. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Diak Etelä, Helsinki. Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, sosionomi (YAMK). Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia koulukodissa tapahtuvaan käytöshäiriöisten nuorten hoitoon liittyviä työmenetelmiä ja kehittämisen tarpeita. Tässä laadullisessa tutkimuksessa tutkimusmenetelmänä oli toimintatutkimus....

  17. Työtapojen integrointi varastotyöhön oppaan avulla. Case: Nilson Group


    Siitonen, Arja


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus oli kehittää nykyistä toimintaa arvioiden Nilson Groupille integroitu varastotyön vaiheita kuvaava opas. Tavoitteena oli helpottaa työntekijöiden varastotyötä, esimerkiksi kenkien hakua, ja täten parantaa asiakaspalvelua. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhdessä Nilson Groupin kanssa. Nilson Groupiin kuuluvat Suomessa Nilson Shoes, Din Sko, Skopunkten, Radical Sports Shop in Shop ja muutama franchising-pohjainen Ecco Shop in Shop. Tutkimusongelmaksi muodostui varaston käyttö ...

  18. José Lins do Rego: um guia brasileiro de Israel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Glauber Pereira Quintão


    Full Text Available Este artigo procura analisar, de forma crítica, o livro de José Lins do Rego, Roteiro de Israel, 1955. Busca-­se destacar duas facetas suplementares: a de um olhar poético e a de uma preocupação ético-política lançados pelo escritor sobre a construção do novo Estado de Israel. Observa-­se também uma relação entre os signos da modernidade e das histórias arcaica judaicas. Para isso, usa-­se o conceito de palimpsesto, de Gerard Genette, e de flâneur, de Walter Benjamim.

  19. "Tää on, elämä on" : Epätyypillisinä aikoina työskentelevien yksinhuoltajaäitien vanhemmuuden voimavarat ja kuormittavat tekijät


    Brunou, Miia


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia epätyypillisinä aikoina työskentelevien yksinhuoltajaäitien kokemuksia vanhemmuuden voimavaroista ja kuormittavista tekijöistä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää ja kuvata äitien kokemuksia vanhemmuudesta ja erityisesti mitä epätyypillisinä aikoina tehtävä työ merkitsee arjen ja vuorovaikutuksen sujumisessa. Laadullinen opinnäytetyö on ollut osa Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun, Jyväskylän yliopiston ja Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitokset Perheet 24/7 – hankett...

  20. Synthèse et validation d'une loi de commande linéaire robuste de braquage d'une automobile


    MENHOUR, Lghani; LECHNER, Daniel; CHARARA, Ali


    Ce papier propose la synthèse d'un retour d'état robuste préprogrammé pour le contrôle de direction d'un véhicule. Celui-ci est utilisé pour simuler le comportement du véhicule sous des fortes sollicitations dynamiques. Les contraintes d'inégalités matricielles linéaires (LMI) et un modèle linéaire à paramètres variants sont utilisés pour la synthèse du retour d'état. Ensuite, une méthode d'interpolation des gains est utilisée pour la conception d'un retour d'état robuste préprogrammé. La str...

  1. Functional study of risk loci of stem cell-associated gene lin-28B and associations with disease survival outcomes in epithelial ovarian cancer. (United States)

    Lu, Lingeng; Katsaros, Dionyssios; Mayne, Susan T; Risch, Harvey A; Benedetto, Chiara; Canuto, Emilie Marion; Yu, Herbert


    Several single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the stem cell-associated gene lin-28B have been identified in association with ovarian cancer and ovarian cancer-related risk factors. However, whether these SNPs are functional or might be potential biomarkers for ovarian cancer prognosis remains unknown. The purposes of this study were to investigate the functional relevance of the identified lin-28B SNPs, as well as the associations of genotype and phenotype with epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) survival. We analyzed five SNPs and mRNA levels of lin-28B in 211 primary EOC tissues using Taqman(®) SNP genotyping assays and SYBR green-based real-time PCR, respectively. The RNA secondary structures at the region of a genome-wide association-identified intronic rs314276 were analyzed theoretically with mfold and experimentally with circular dichroism spectroscopy. We found that rs314276 was a cis-acting expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) in both additive and dominant models, while rs7759938 and rs314277 were significant or of borderline significance in dominant models only. The rs314276 variant significantly affects RNA secondary structure. No SNPs alone were associated with patient survival. However, we found that among patients initially responding to chemotherapy, those with higher lin-28B expression had higher mortality risk (hazard ratio =3.27, 95% confidence interval: 1.63-6.56) and relapse risk (hazard ratio = 2.53, 95% confidence interval: 1.41-4.54) than those with lower expression, and these associations remained in multivariate analyses. These results suggest that rs314276 alters RNA secondary structure and thereby influences gene expression, and that lin-28B is a cancer stem cell-associated marker, which may be a pharmaceutical target in the management of EOC.

  2. LEDWIRE: A Versatile Networking Platform for Smart LED Lighting Applications Using LIN-Bus and WSNs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dimitrios D. Piromalis


    Full Text Available In this paper, the architecture of a versatile networking and control platform for Light-Emitting Diode (LED lighting applications is presented, based on embedded wireless and wired networking technologies. All the possible power and control signals distribution topologies of the lighting fixtures are examined with particular focus on dynamic lighting applications with design metrics as the cost, the required wiring installation expenses and maintenance complexity. The proposed platform is optimized for applications where the grouping of LED-based lighting fictures clusters is essential, as well as their synchronization. With such an approach, the distributed control and synchronization of LED lighting fixtures' clusters is performed through a versatile network that uses the single wire Local Interconnect Network (LIN bus. The proposed networking platform is presented in terms of its physical layer architecture, its data protocol configuration, and its functionality for smart control. As a proof of concept, the design of a LED lighting fixture together with a LIN-to-IEEE802.15.4/ZigBee data gateway is presented.

  3. Lessons of the Past. Development of an alternative fuel infrastructure. The case of LPG/CNG in the Netherlands and other countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Backhaus, J.; Bunzeck, I.G.


    The introduction of an alternative transport fuel always bears a challenge that is often referred to as a 'chicken and egg' problem: while people will only become interested in and start switching to a new fuel if sufficient refuelling stations are available, industry will only start investing in the development of a refuelling infrastructure if the market is sufficiently developed and existing stations are economically viable. Governments have a variety of, for example, fiscal or regulatory measures at hand to facilitate and support the introduction of an alternative transport fuel. This report describes and analyses the introduction of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or compressed natural gas (CNG) in the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Canada and Argentina. In particular, the report pays attention to the development of station coverage and vehicle numbers for these alternative fuels. Drivers and barriers to the introduction of LPG or CNG, such as fuel price developments, supporting policy instruments or a lack thereof were identified. Main focus are the Netherlands where LPG was introduced in the mid-1950s. A comparison of developments in the Netherlands with the other four countries reveals that well concerted efforts by policy makers and industry supporting a parallel development of vehicle uptake and refuelling station availability may lead to the firm establishment of an alternative fuel market. The report concludes with lessons learned for the introduction of hydrogen as an alternative transport fuel.

  4. An Adaptation of the Kernighan-Lin Heuristic to the Simple Graph Partitioning Problem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Michael Malmros


    to this problem of the Kernighan-Lin exchange heuristic, which was originally developed for the closely related 2-partition problem. The evaluation is carried out on problem instances on graphs with up to 50 nodes for which the optimal partition values are known or upper bounds are available. The computational...... results show that among all instances with known optimal values the best partition values found by a randomized version of this heuristic lie well within 1% off the optimum....

  5. Patirtų negatyvių situacijų, depresiškumo ir įsitikinimų (pagal kognityvinę - elgesio teoriją) sąsajos su nuteistų vyrų tyčiniu savęs žalojimu


    Jakutonytė, Jolanta


    Lietuvoje yra nedaug mokslinių tyrimų apie įkalintų asmenų tyčinį savęs žalojimą, susijusį su savižudybės rizika. Užsienio šalių moksliniais tyrimais nustatomos įkalintų asmenų tyčinio savęs žalojimo sąsajos su negatyviomis situacijomis ir depresiškumu yra nevienareikšmės. Įkalintų asmenų tyčinio savęs žalojimo atsiradimui gali būti svarbūs stabilesni asmenybiniai veiksniai, kaip kertiniai įsitikinimai. Tyrimo tikslas. Nustatyti patirtų negatyvių situacijų, depresiškumo ir kertini...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Rashid A. Aziz


    Full Text Available An experimental study was carried out on a dedicated compressed natural gas direct injection (CNG-DI engine with a compression ratio (CR of 14 and a central injection system. Several injection timing parameters from early injection timing (300 BTDC to partial direct injection (180 BTDC to full direct injection (120 BTDC were investigated. The 300 BTDC injection timing experiment was carried out to simulate the performance of a port injection engine and the result is used as a benchmark for engine performance. The full DI resulted in a 20% higher performance than the early injection timing for low engine speeds up to 2750 rpm. 180 BTDC injection timing shows the highest performance over an extensive range of engine speed because it has a similar volumetric efficiency to full DI. However, the earlier injection timing allowed for a better air–fuel mixing and gives superior performance for engine speeds above 4500 rpm. The engine performance could be explained by analysis of the heat release rate that shows that at low and intermediate engine speeds of 2000 and 3000, the full DI and partial DI resulted in the fastest heat release rate whereas at a high engine speed of 5000 rpm, the simulated port injection operation resulted in the fastest heat release rate.

  7. Uudistuva johtajuus ja Z-sukupolvi työelämässä


    Aakkula, Eveliina


    Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään epäjohtamista, joka on uusi johtamisen käsite, jonka ovat luoneet Janne Tienari ja Rebekka Piekkari kirjassaan Z ja epäjohtaminen. Terminä epäjohtaminen ei ole virallinen, eikä tule välttämättä vakiintumaan johtajuuden käsitteiden joukkoon. Tämä uusi johtamisen malli liitetään vahvasti Z-sukupolven tulemiseen työmarkkinoille. Z-sukupolvea ovat 1990-luvulla syntyneet. Johtajuus on tärkeä aihe, jonka käsittelemiseen löytyy aina uusia näkökulmia, joiden toimivuutta vo...

  8. Lin28a Is Dormant, Functional, and Dispensable During Mouse Oocyte-to-Embryo Transition

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Flemr, Matyáš; Moravec, Martin; Libová, Veronika; Sedláček, Radislav; Svoboda, Petr


    Roč. 90, č. 6 (2014), s. 1-9 ISSN 0006-3363 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LH13084; GA MŠk(CZ) LM2011032; GA ČR(CZ) GBP305/12/G034 Institutional support: RVO:68378050 Keywords : early development * genome activation * guinea pigs * Let-7 * LIN28 * mice * microRNA * oocyte * rats * RNAi * rodents * transgenic/ knockout model * voles * zygote Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 3.318, year: 2014

  9. Optical and electrical properties of zinc oxide thin films with low resistivity via Li-N dual-acceptor doping

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang Daoli, E-mail: [Department of Electronic Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province 430074 (China); Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, 1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province 430074 (China); Zhang Jianbing [Department of Electronic Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province 430074 (China); Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, 1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province 430074 (China); Guo Zhe [Department of Electronic Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province 430074 (China); Miao Xiangshui [Department of Electronic Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province 430074 (China); Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, 1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province 430074 (China)


    Highlights: > Zinc oxide films have been deposited on glass substrates by Li-N dual-acceptor doping method via a modified SILAR method. > The resistivity of ZnO film was found to be 1.04 {Omega} cm with a Hall mobility of 0.749 cm{sup 2} V{sup -1} s{sup -1}, carrier concentration of 8.02 x 1018 cm{sup -3}, and transmittance of about 80% in visible range showing good crystallinity with prior c-axis orientation. > A shallow acceptor level of 91 meV is identified from free-to-neutral-acceptor transitions. > Another deep level of 255 meV was ascribed to Li{sub Zn}-Li{sub i} complex. - Abstract: Zinc oxide thin films with low resistivity have been deposited on glass substrates by Li-N dual-acceptor doping method via a modified successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction process. The thin films were systematically characterized via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction, ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry and fluorescence spectrophotometry. The resistivity of zinc oxide film was found to be 1.04 {Omega} cm with a Hall mobility of 0.749 cm{sup 2} V{sup -1} s{sup -1} and carrier concentration of 8.02 x 10{sup 18} cm{sup -3}. The Li-N dual-acceptor doped zinc oxide films showed good crystallinity with prior c-axis orientation, and high transmittance of about 80% in visible range. Moreover, the effects of Li doping level and other parameters on crystallinity, electrical and ultraviolet emission of zinc oxide films were investigated.

  10. Tank Vapor Characterization Project: Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Tank 241-TY-102: Results from samples collected on 04/12/96

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, J.C.; Pool, K.H.; Thomas, B.L.


    This report describes the analytical results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of the waste storage tank 241-TY-102 (Tank TY-102) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. The results described in this report were obtained to'characterize the vapors present in the tank headspace and to support safety evaluations and tank farm operations. The results include air concentrations of selected inorganic and organic analytes, and grouped compounds from samples obtained by Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) and provided for analysis to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Analyses were performed by the Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) at PNNL. Analyte concentrations were based on analytical results and, where appropriate, sample volumes provided by WHC. A summary of the inorganic analytes, permanent gases, and total non-methane organic compounds is listed in Table S.1. The three highest concentration analytes detected in SUMMA trademark canister and triple sorbent trap samples are also listed in Table S.1. Detailed descriptions of the analytical results appear in the appendices

  11. TY-0048 in radiotherapy for carcinoma of the head and neck

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizukoshi, Takanori; Yamashita, Tetsuro; Fukuda, Hiroshi; Tomita, Kinai


    TY-0048, a mucolytic agent, was administered to 3 patients (2 with gingiva tumor and 1 with tongue cancer) who underwent radiotherapy, and the results were evaluated. The drug was given to the 2 patients with gingiva tumor simultaneously with the initiation of radiotherapy. After receiving 1,500 to 2,000 rad of irradiation, the patients had difficulty in coughing up sputa due to increased viscosity. The third patient with tongue cancer who received large field irradiation took the drug after he had apparently increased viscosity of the sputa and difficulty in coughing up to sputa. The drug demonstrated to be effective in decreasing viscosity of the sputa and making it easy for this patient to cough up the sputa. This drug, in a preparation of syrup, is readily used for stomatitis and xerostomia. (Ueda, j.)

  12. Gas Phase Emission Ratios From In-Use Diesel and CNG Curbside Passenger Buses in New York City (United States)

    Herndon, S. C.; Shorter, J.; Canagaratna, M.; Jayne, J.; Nelson, D. D.; Wormhoudt, J. C.; Williams, P.; Silva, P. J.; Shi, Q.; Ghertner, A.; Zahniser, M.; Worsnop, D.; Kolb, C.; Lanni, T.; Drewnick, F.; Demerjian, K. L.


    The Aerodyne Mobile Laboratory simultaneously measured gas phase and particulate emissions from in use vehicles during two campaigns in New York City. The campaigns took place during two weeks in October, 2000 and four weeks in July-August, 2001. Passenger curbside buses were the primary focus of the study, but school buses and several other heavy duty diesel vehicles were also characterized. This paper describes the methodologies used to measure individual in use vehicles and presents the results of the gas phase measurements. Emission ratios for NO, NO2, SO2, N2O, CO, CH4 and H2CO relative to CO2 have been determined across several classes of buses. The gas phase concentrations were measured each second, using Tunable Infrared Laser Direct Absorption Spectroscopy (TILDAS). Some of the categories of buses into which the data has been sorted are; diesel (both 6V92 and Series 50) with and without the Continuous Regenerative Technology (CRT) retrofit, compressed natural gas powered(CNG) and hybrid diesel-electric buses. The New York Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) cooperated with this work, providing details about each of their buses followed. In addition to MTA buses, other New York City passenger bus operators were also measured. In September 2000, MTA began to switch to 30 ppm sulfur diesel fuel while it is believed the non MTA operators did not. The measured emission ratios show that low sulfur fuel greatly reduces the amount of SO2 per CO2. Roughly one third of the MTA fleet of diesel buses have been equipped with the CRT retrofit. The gas phase results of interest in this category show increased direct emission of NO2 and companion work (also submitted to the 12th CRC) show the impact the CRT refit has on particulate emissions. CNG buses show increased H2CO and CH4 emission ratios relative to diesel powered motors.

  13. Preliminary tank characterization report for single-shell tank 241-TY-102: best-basis inventory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Place, D.E.


    This document is a preliminary Tank Characterization Report (TCR). It only contains the current best-basis inventory (Appendix D) for single-shell tank 241-TY-102. No TCRs have been previously issued for this tank, and current core sample analyses are not available. The best-basis inventory, therefore, is based on an engineering assessment of waste type, process flowsheet data, early sample data, and/or other available information. The Standard Inventories of Chemicals and Radionuclides in Hanford Site Tank Wastes describes standard methodology used to derive the tank-by-tank best-basis inventories. This preliminary TCR will be updated using this same methodology when additional data on tank contents become available

  14. Preferential Ty1 retromobility in mother cells and nonquiescent stationary phase cells is associated with increased concentrations of total Gag or processed Gag and is inhibited by exposure to a high concentration of calcium. (United States)

    Peifer, Andrew C; Maxwell, Patrick H


    Retrotransposons are abundant mobile DNA elements in eukaryotic genomes that are more active with age in diverse species. Details of the regulation and consequences of retrotransposon activity during aging remain to be determined. Ty1 retromobility in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is more frequent in mother cells compared to daughter cells, and we found that Ty1 was more mobile in nonquiescent compared to quiescent subpopulations of stationary phase cells. This retromobility asymmetry was absent in mutant strains lacking BRP1 that have reduced expression of the essential Pma1p plasma membrane proton pump, lacking the mRNA decay gene LSM1 , and in cells exposed to a high concentration of calcium. Mother cells had higher levels of Ty1 Gag protein than daughters. The proportion of protease-processed Gag decreased as cells transitioned to stationary phase, processed Gag was the dominant form in nonquiescent cells, but was virtually absent from quiescent cells. Treatment with calcium reduced total Gag levels and the proportion of processed Gag, particularly in mother cells. We also found that Ty1 reduced the fitness of proliferating but not stationary phase cells. These findings may be relevant to understanding regulation and consequences of retrotransposons during aging in other organisms, due to conserved impacts and regulation of retrotransposons.

  15. Computational exploration of cis-regulatory modules in rhythmic expression data using the "Exploration of Distinctive CREs and CRMs" (EDCC) and "CRM Network Generator" (CNG) programs. (United States)

    Bekiaris, Pavlos Stephanos; Tekath, Tobias; Staiger, Dorothee; Danisman, Selahattin


    Understanding the effect of cis-regulatory elements (CRE) and clusters of CREs, which are called cis-regulatory modules (CRM), in eukaryotic gene expression is a challenge of computational biology. We developed two programs that allow simple, fast and reliable analysis of candidate CREs and CRMs that may affect specific gene expression and that determine positional features between individual CREs within a CRM. The first program, "Exploration of Distinctive CREs and CRMs" (EDCC), correlates candidate CREs and CRMs with specific gene expression patterns. For pairs of CREs, EDCC also determines positional preferences of the single CREs in relation to each other and to the transcriptional start site. The second program, "CRM Network Generator" (CNG), prioritizes these positional preferences using a neural network and thus allows unbiased rating of the positional preferences that were determined by EDCC. We tested these programs with data from a microarray study of circadian gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Analyzing more than 1.5 million pairwise CRE combinations, we found 22 candidate combinations, of which several contained known clock promoter elements together with elements that had not been identified as relevant to circadian gene expression before. CNG analysis further identified positional preferences of these CRE pairs, hinting at positional information that may be relevant for circadian gene expression. Future wet lab experiments will have to determine which of these combinations confer daytime specific circadian gene expression.

  16. Preliminary technical and economic viability for the implantation of fluvial transport of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) for barges in Amazon Region; Avaliacao preliminar de viabilidade tecnico-economica para implantacao de transporte fluvial de GNC (Gas Natual Comprimido) por barcacas na Regiao Amazonica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Araujo, Marcos C.C. de; Porto, Paulo L. Lemgruber [Interocean Engenharia e Ship Management, Rio de janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Cunha, Rafael H. da [Metro Rio, RJ (Brazil); Garcia, Rafael M. [Pic Brasil (Brazil); Almeida, Marco A.R. de [Universidade Gama Filho (UGF), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The isolated regions of the Amazon present difficulties for integration with the electrical system which is creating some economic problems due to the consequent costs of electric generation of subsidies as a function of the fossil fuel use as oils diesel and fuel. A viable option is the use of Natural Gas - NG that is Also available in the region. Its modal of transport possible in the Region North they are for gas-lines or barges. The Compressed Natural Gas transport is distinguished that - CNG for barges was still not tested operationally in Brazil. Soon, to develop a Preliminary Study of Viability Technician - Economic - SVTE for the implantation of fluvial transport of CNG between the cities of Coari and Manaus is basic, therefore it is created strategical alternative for the electric generation in this region. The electric sector, the characteristics of the NG and the transport in this region had been analyzed to support to the work. The gas line and the fluvial transport of CNG for barges in this region are not conflicting, and they in a complementary form can act. The SVTE presented a Liquid Present Value and Internal Tax of very attractive Return justifying its implantation. (author)

  17. Screening of tank-to-wheel efficiencies for CNG, DME and methanol-ethanol fuel blends in road transport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kappel, J.; Vad Mathiesen, B.


    The purpose of this report is to evaluate the fuel efficiency of selected alternative fuels based on vehicle performance in a standardised drive cycle test. All studies reviewed are either based on computer modelling of current or future vehicles or tests of just one alternative fuel, under different conditions and concentrations against either petrol or diesel. No studies were found testing more than one type of alternative fuel in the same setup. Due to this one should be careful when comparing results on several alternative fuels. Only few studies have been focused on vehicle energy efficiency. This screening indicates methanol, methanol-ethanol blends and CNG to be readily availability, economic feasible and with the introduction of the DISI engine not technologically challenging compared to traditional fuels. Studies across fuel types indicate a marginally better fuel utilization for methanol-ethanol fuel mixes. (Author)

  18. Hotellin vastaanotto toimivana ja tehokkaana työympäristönä, case: Radisson Blu Espoo


    Lahtinen, Mirjami


    Tämän opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana toimi Otaniemessä sijaitseva Radisson Blu Espoo. Radisson Blu Espoo hotellissa on 209 huonetta ja suurin osa sen asiakkaista on business-matkailijoita, sen sijaitessa lähellä Keilarannan yrityskeskittymää. Radisson Blu kuuluu kansainväliseen Rezidor Hotel Group konserniin. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää erilaisia keinoja, joiden avulla hotellin vastaanotosta voidaan luoda toimivampi sekä kustannustehokkaampi. Toimivassa vastaanotossa työntekijät...

  19. Lin- CD34hi CD117int/hi FcεRI+ cells in human blood constitute a rare population of mast cell progenitors. (United States)

    Dahlin, Joakim S; Malinovschi, Andrei; Öhrvik, Helena; Sandelin, Martin; Janson, Christer; Alving, Kjell; Hallgren, Jenny


    Mast cells are rare tissue-resident immune cells that are involved in allergic reactions, and their numbers are increased in the lungs of asthmatics. Murine lung mast cells arise from committed bone marrow-derived progenitors that enter the blood circulation, migrate through the pulmonary endothelium, and mature in the tissue. In humans, mast cells can be cultured from multipotent CD34(+) progenitor cells. However, a population of distinct precursor cells that give rise to mast cells has remained undiscovered. To our knowledge, this is the first report of human lineage-negative (Lin(-)) CD34(hi) CD117(int/hi) FcεRI(+) progenitor cells, which represented only 0.0053% of the isolated blood cells in healthy individuals. These cells expressed integrin β7 and developed a mast cell-like phenotype, although with a slow cell division capacity in vitro. Isolated Lin(-) CD34(hi) CD117(int/hi) FcεRI(+) blood cells had an immature mast cell-like appearance and expressed high levels of many mast cell-related genes as compared with human blood basophils in whole-transcriptome microarray analyses. Furthermore, serglycin, tryptase, and carboxypeptidase A messenger RNA transcripts were detected by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Altogether, we propose that the Lin(-) CD34(hi) CD117(int/hi) FcεRI(+) blood cells are closely related to human tissue mast cells and likely constitute an immediate precursor population, which can give rise to predominantly mast cells. Furthermore, asthmatics with reduced lung function had a higher frequency of Lin(-) CD34(hi) CD117(int/hi) FcεRI(+) blood mast cell progenitors than asthmatics with normal lung function. © 2016 by The American Society of Hematology.

  20. Initial results on computational performance of Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture: implementation of the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) Purdue-Lin microphysics scheme (United States)

    Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.


    Purdue-Lin scheme is a relatively sophisticated microphysics scheme in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The scheme includes six classes of hydro meteors: water vapor, cloud water, raid, cloud ice, snow and graupel. The scheme is very suitable for massively parallel computation as there are no interactions among horizontal grid points. In this paper, we accelerate the Purdue Lin scheme using Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture (MIC) hardware. The Intel Xeon Phi is a high performance coprocessor consists of up to 61 cores. The Xeon Phi is connected to a CPU via the PCI Express (PICe) bus. In this paper, we will discuss in detail the code optimization issues encountered while tuning the Purdue-Lin microphysics Fortran code for Xeon Phi. In particularly, getting a good performance required utilizing multiple cores, the wide vector operations and make efficient use of memory. The results show that the optimizations improved performance of the original code on Xeon Phi 5110P by a factor of 4.2x. Furthermore, the same optimizations improved performance on Intel Xeon E5-2603 CPU by a factor of 1.2x compared to the original code.

  1. Nanos promotes epigenetic reprograming of the germline by down-regulation of the THAP transcription factor LIN-15B. (United States)

    Lee, Chih-Yung Sean; Lu, Tu; Seydoux, Geraldine


    Nanos RNA-binding proteins are required for germline development in metazoans, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We have profiled the transcriptome of primordial germ cells (PGCs) lacking the nanos homologs nos-1 and nos-2 in C. elegans. nos-1nos-2 PGCs fail to silence hundreds of transcripts normally expressed in oocytes. We find that this misregulation is due to both delayed turnover of maternal transcripts and inappropriate transcriptional activation. The latter appears to be an indirect consequence of delayed turnover of the maternally-inherited transcription factor LIN-15B, a synMuvB class transcription factor known to antagonize PRC2 activity. PRC2 is required for chromatin reprogramming in the germline, and the transcriptome of PGCs lacking PRC2 resembles that of nos-1nos-2 PGCs. Loss of maternal LIN-15B restores fertility to nos-1nos-2 mutants. These findings suggest that Nanos promotes germ cell fate by downregulating maternal RNAs and proteins that would otherwise interfere with PRC2-dependent reprogramming of PGC chromatin.

  2. IDIS-menetelmäsalkku työntekijän ammattitaidon vahvistajana lastensuojelun identiteettityössä


    Palm, David


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli vahvistaa lastensuojelutyön työntekijän ammattitaitoa lasten ja nuorten kanssa tehtävässä identiteettityössä. Tavoitteena oli IDIS-menetelmäsalkun avulla toteuttaa ja testata pienryhmäkodissa toiminnallisia lasten ja nuorten arvon näkyväksi tekemiseen tähtääviä menetelmiä. IDIS-menetelmäsalkulla tavoiteltiin myös pysyvää toimintamenetelmää pienryhmäkodin arkeen. IDIS-menetelmäsalkku oli opinnäytetyön tekijän itse suunnittelema kokonaisuus. Tutkimukselli...

  3. Ei ruokaa, ei elokuvaa : elokuvacateringin analysointi ja yritystoiminnan perustaminen liiketoimintasuunnitelman ja henkilökohtaisen työkokemuksen avulla


    Itkonen, Johanna


    Tässä opinnäytetyössä käsittelen elokuva-cateringiä (freelancer-toimintana) sen mahdollisuuksia ja toimenpiteitä kasvaa yritykseksi (Jojo Foods, työnimi) liiketoimintasuunnitelman avulla, sekä tarkastella mitä vaaditaan ja mitä henkilökohtaisesti toivon elokuvacatering -alan yritykseltäni tulevaisuudessa. Suomessa opinnäytetyön kirjoitushetkellä on vain yksi erityisesti elokuvatuotantoihin ja -kuvauksiin suunnattu catering-alan yritys, jonka omistaa ja pyörittää yksi ihminen. Freelance-toimij...

  4. Traitement statistique des distorsions non-linéaires pour la restauration des enregistrements sonores.


    Picard , Guillaume


    L'objet de la thèse est l'étude, la modélisation et le traitement des distorsions non linéaires sonores, pour lesquelles les techniques actuelles s'avèrent impuissantes. L'approche retenue consiste à représenter, globalement, à la fois le signal audio à restaurer et le processus de distorsion, dans le cadre d'un modèle statistique. Cette approche présente un bon compromis entre une souhaitable généricité -possibilité de traiter à l'aide d'une méthode globale plusieurs types de distorsions- et...

  5. Reduction of EMC Emissions in Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits with Embedded LIN Driver

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    P. Hartl


    Full Text Available This paper describes several methods for reduction of electromagnetic emissions (EME of mixed signal integrated circuits (IC. The focus is on the impact that a LIN bus communication block has on a complex IC which contains analog blocks, noisy digital block, micro-core (µC and several types of memories. It is used in an automotive environment, where EMC emission reduction is one of the key success factors. Several proposed methods for EME reduction are described and implemented on three test chips. These methods include current consumption reduction, internal on-chip decoupling, ground separation and different linear voltage regulator topologies. Measurement results of several fabricated test chips are shown and discussed.

  6. Applying a Multiple Screening Program Aided by a Guideline-driven Computerized Decision Support System—A Pilot Experience in Yun-Lin, Taiwan

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    Jou-Wei Lin


    Conclusion: A computer-aided screening program driven by the US Preventive Services Task Force recommendations has been successfully implemented in Yun-Lin, Taiwan, and provided useful information about local epidemiology and implications for future health policy making. [J Formos Med Assoc 2007; 106(1:58-68

  7. Problematika operací s cennými papíry a finančními deriváty


    Tejnský, Radko


    1 Resume Název: Problematika operací s cennými papíry a finančními deriváty Title: The issues of operations with securities and financial derivatives The aim of this thesis is to discuss selected issues of operations with securities (such as stocks, bonds, promissory notes, etc.) and financial derivatives. A financial derivative (or derivative security) is a financial instrument whose value depends on the values of other, more basic underlying variables. Commonly issued and frequently traded ...

  8. Comparative analysis of pepper and tomato reveals euchromatin expansion of pepper genome caused by differential accumulation of Ty3/Gypsy-like elements

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    Ahn Jong Hwa


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Among the Solanaceae plants, the pepper genome is three times larger than that of tomato. Although the gene repertoire and gene order of both species are well conserved, the cause of the genome-size difference is not known. To determine the causes for the expansion of pepper euchromatic regions, we compared the pepper genome to that of tomato. Results For sequence-level analysis, we generated 35.6 Mb of pepper genomic sequences from euchromatin enriched 1,245 pepper BAC clones. The comparative analysis of orthologous gene-rich regions between both species revealed insertion of transposons exclusively in the pepper sequences, maintaining the gene order and content. The most common type of the transposon found was the LTR retrotransposon. Phylogenetic comparison of the LTR retrotransposons revealed that two groups of Ty3/Gypsy-like elements (Tat and Athila were overly accumulated in the pepper genome. The FISH analysis of the pepper Tat elements showed a random distribution in heterochromatic and euchromatic regions, whereas the tomato Tat elements showed heterochromatin-preferential accumulation. Conclusions Compared to tomato pepper euchromatin doubled its size by differential accumulation of a specific group of Ty3/Gypsy-like elements. Our results could provide an insight on the mechanism of genome evolution in the Solanaceae family.

  9. [Heavy metal pollution characteristics and ecological risk analysis for soil in Phyllostachys praecox stands of Lin'an]. (United States)

    Fang, Xiao-bo; Shi, Han; Liao, Xin-feng; Lou, Zhong; Zhou, Lyu-yan; Yu, Hai-xia; Yao, Lin; Sun, Li-ping


    An investigation was carried out in an attempt to reveal the characteristics of heavy metals contamination in the soils of Phyllostachys praecox forest in Lin' an. Based on the concentrations of Hg, As, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni, Co and Mn in 160 topsoil samples, the pollution status and ecological risks of heavy metals in the soils were assessed by single factor pollution index, Nemerow integrated pollution index and Hankanson potential ecological risk index. The spatial variability of heavy metal concentrations in the soils closely related to the distribution of traffic, industrial and livestock pollution sources. The average concentrations of Hg, As, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni, Co and Mn in the soils were 0.16, 7.41, 34.36, 87.98, 103.98, 0.26, 59.12, 29.56, 11.44 and 350.26 mg · kg(-1), respectively. Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu concentrations were as 2.89, 1.70, 1.12 and 1.12 times as the background values of soil in Zhejiang Province, respectively. But their concentrations were all lower than the threshold values of the National Environmental Quality Standard for Soil (GB 15618-1995). The average single factor pollution index revealed that the level of heavy metal pollution in the soils was in order of Pb>Cd>Cu= Zn>Hg>As>Ni>Co>Cr>Mn. Pb pollution was of moderate level while Cd, Cu and Zn pollutions were slight. There was no soil pollution caused by the other heavy metals. However, the Nemerow integrated pollution index showed that all the 160 soil samples were contaminated by heavy metals to a certain extent. Among total 160 soil samples, slight pollution level, moderate pollution level and heavy pollution level accounted for 55.6%, 29.4% and 15.0%, respectively. The average single factor potential ecological risk index (Er(i)) implied that the potential ecological risk related to Cd reached moderate level, while the others were of slight level. Furthermore, Cd and Hg showed higher potential ecological risk indices which reached up to 256.82 and 187.33 respectively

  10. Impact of Low-Energy Ion Beam Implantation on the Expression of Ty1-copia-like Retrotransposons in Wheat (Triticum aestivum)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ya Huiyuan; Jiao Zhen; Gu Yunhong; Wang Weidong; Qin Guangyong; Huo Yuping


    Retrotransposon-like elements are major constituents of most eukaryotic genomes. For example, they account for roughly 90% of the wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome. Previous study on a wheat strain treated by low-energy N + ions indicated the variations in AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism ) markers. One such variation was caused by the re-activation of Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons, implying that the mutagenic effects of low-energy ions might work through elevated activation of retrotransposons. In this paper an expression profile of Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons in wheat treated by low-energy N + ions is reported. The reverse transcriptase (RT) domains of these retrotransposons were amplified by reverse-transcriptional polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and sequentially cloned. 42 and 65 clones were obtained from the treated (CL) and control materials (CK), respectively. Sequence analysis of each clone was performed by software. Phylogeny and classification were calculated responding to the sequences of the RT domains. All the results show that there is much difference in the RT domain between the control sample and the treated sample. Especially, the RT domains from the treated group encode significantly more functional ORF (open reading frames) than those from the control sample. This observation suggests that the treated sample has higher activation of retrotransposons, possibly as a consequence of low-energy ion beam irradiation. It also suggests that retrotransposons in the two groups impact the host gene expression in two different ways and carry out different functions in wheat cells

  11. The Story of Heathcliff’s Journey Back to Wuthering Heights de Lin Haire-Sargeant (1992, ou le « deux en un » de la ré-écriture The Story of Heathcliff’s Journey Back to Wuthering Heights by Lin Haire-Sargeant (1992, and a “Two in one” Rewrite

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    Isabelle Roblin


    Full Text Available Lin Haire-Sargeant’s 1992 novel The Story of Heathcliff’s Journey Back to Wuthering Heights is typical of the interest shown by contemporary American writers in Victorian novels. It could indeed be classified doubly as a “retro-Victorian novel” since it partly re-writes not only Emily Brontë’s most famous novel, Wuthering Heights, as the title points out, but also, somewhat less obviously, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. We will study in this article how Lin Haire-Sargeant’s attempt at re-writing highlights the usual aims of the retro-Victorian novel: taking advantage of the blanks left by the source novels to propose to the reader a modern critical approach, while at the same time being as faithful as possible to the writing conventions of the 19th century, and suggesting another point of view on a well-known story, through a postmodern mixing of historical and fictive characters.


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    Zélia Monteiro Bora ; Marina Rodrigues de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os romances do ciclo da cana-de-açúcar, do escritor paraibano José Lins do Rego (1901-1957 e a sua relação com a sociedade e a cultura destacam-se enquanto abordagens ficcionais, através das quais o escritor buscou representar aspectos relevantes para o entendimento das relações de gênero no Nordeste, no começo do século vinte. Tal representação, indiscutivelmente, reflete a perspectiva de um narrador profundamente marcado pelo lugar privilegiado de onde narra e de sua condição existencial, como o neto de um senhor de engenho. Diante desses aspectos, propomo- nos a analisar brevemente as implicações dessa perspectiva sobre a construção simbólica da personagem negra representada no romance. Para tanto, serão utilizados como referenciais críticos, além do citado romance, os estudos de Zagury (1982, Albuquerque Jr. (1999, Azevedo (1996, 2007, Freyre (2006 Chaguri (2009, Schwarz (2008 e Raboni (2010.The so called sugar cane cycle novels by the Parahyban writer Jose Lins do Rego (1901-197 and its relationship with society and culture constitute themselves as fictional approaches through which the writer sought to represent aspects to the understanding of gender relations in the Northeast of Brazil in the early twentieth century. Such representation, undoubtedly reflects the perspective of a narrator deeply marked by the privileged place from which he narrates and his existential condition, as the son of a plantation owner. Given these aspects, we propose to examine briefly the implications of his perspective on the symbolic construction of the black woman characteres represented in the novel. The following

  13. Weak Activity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB with 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Revealed by X-Ray Crystallography and Microcalorimetry▿


    Monincová, Marta; Prokop, Zbyněk; Vévodová, Jitka; Nagata, Yuji; Damborský, Jiří


    1,2,3-Trichloropropane (TCP) is a highly toxic and recalcitrant compound. Haloalkane dehalogenases are bacterial enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of a carbon-halogen bond in a wide range of organic halogenated compounds. Haloalkane dehalogenase LinB from Sphingobium japonicum UT26 has, for a long time, been considered inactive with TCP, since the reaction cannot be easily detected by conventional analytical methods. Here we demonstrate detection of the weak activity (kcat = 0.005 s−1) of Li...

  14. Trzyetapowa korekcja deformacji tyłostopia u chorej na reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iwona Słowińska


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono trzyetapowe leczenie operacyjne deformacjityłostopia u chorej na reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów (RZSw Klinice Reumoortopedii Instytutu Reumatologii w Warszawie.Z powodu znacznie zaawansowanych zmian destrukcyjnych wszystkichstawów na obu poziomach stawu skokowego konieczne byłowykonanie operacji przygotowującej do zaplanowanej endoprotezoplastykistawu skokowo-goleniowego. Wykonano potrójnąartrodezę tyłostopia, następnie reoperację usztywnienia z powodunadmiernej pierwotnej korekcji i ostatecznie aloplastykę stawuskokowego. Na rycinach 1–6 przedstawiono wyjściowy obraz zmiandestrukcyjnych stawów stopy pacjentki, kolejne etapy leczeniaoperacyjnego oraz zaistniałe powikłania. Pomimo powikłań dwóchpierwszych zabiegów chirurgicznych końcowy efekt był zadowa -lający. Obecnie pacjentka chodzi bez bólu w operowanej stopiei stawie skokowym, może nosić zwyczajne obuwie i jest zado wo -lona z wyglądu operowanej stopy.

  15. An attempt of using soil grain size in calculating the capacity of water unavailable to plants / Próba wykorzystania uziarnienia gleby do obliczania zawartości wody niedostępnej dla roślin

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    Brogowski Zygmunt


    Full Text Available Celem pracy była próba znalezienia możliwości obliczenia ilości wody niedostępnej dla roślin na podstawie uziarnienia gleb. Frakcje o średnicach <0,02 mm gromadzą od 90,1 do 98,8% całkowitej ilości wody niedostępnej dla roślin, a frakcja iłu koloidalnego (<0,002 mm zatrzymuje od 52,1 do 80,1% tej wody. Gromadzenie wody we frakcjach <0,02 mm znacząco zależy od ich składu mineralogicznego. Obecność we frakcjach illitu, chlorytu oraz kaolinitu powoduje zmniejszenie ilości wody niedostępnej nawet o 40% w stosunku do frakcji zbudowanych ze smektytów, wermikulitów oraz próchnicy. Ze względu na duże zróżnicowanie ilości wody niedostępnej dla roślin w poszczególnych frakcjach granulometrycznych <0,02 mm wynikaj¹ce ze zróżnicowania mineralogicznego tych frakcji nie udało się wyprowadzić współczynników pozwalających na obliczenie ilościowe w glebach wody niedostępnej dla roślin wiązanej w mikroporach <0,2 μm.

  16. The Many Sides of Happy Lim: aka Hom Ah Wing, Lin Jian Fu, Happy Lum, Lin Chien Fu, Hom Yen Chuck, Lam Kin Foo, Lum Kin Foo, Hom, Lim Goon Wing, Lim Gin Foo, Gin Foo Lin, Koon Wing Lim, Henry Chin, Lim Ying Chuck, Lim Ah Wing, et. al.

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    Gordon H. Chang


    Full Text Available

    Known to the FBI, INS, and IRS as Mr. Ah Wing Hom, he was also Lin Jian Fu, Jian Fu (Tough Guy, or just Fu to the readers of the many poems and short stories he published in Chinese over four decades in the twentieth century. And to still others, primarily English-readers of his writing, he was Happy Lim, an ironic, even tragically bizarre name, as his life was far from pleasant. On New Year's Day 1986, he died alone in a dingy San Francisco Chinatown bachelor hotel suffering from a bacterial infection and a chronic blood disorder that had required the amputation of all his toes the year before. He was seventy-eight years of age and had spent most of his life within blocks of where he died.

  17. Choice of precipitant and calcination temperature of precursor for synthesis of NiCo2O4 for control of CO-CH4 emissions from CNG vehicles. (United States)

    Trivedi, Suverna; Prasad, Ram


    Compressed natural gas (CNG) is most appropriate an alternative of conventional fuel for automobiles. However, emissions of carbon-monoxide and methane from such vehicles adversely affect human health and environment. Consequently, to abate emissions from CNG vehicles, development of highly efficient and inexpensive catalysts is necessary. Thus, the present work attempts to scan the effects of precipitants (Na 2 CO 3 , KOH and urea) for nickel cobaltite (NiCo 2 O 4 ) catalysts prepared by co-precipitation from nitrate solutions and calcined in a lean CO-air mixture at 400°C. The catalysts were used for oxidation of a mixture of CO and CH 4 (1:1). The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffractometer, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface-area, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; temperature programmed reduction and Scanning electron microscopy coupled with Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. The Na 2 CO 3 was adjudged as the best precipitant for production of catalyst, which completely oxidized CO-CH 4 mixture at the lowest temperature (T 100 =350°C). Whereas, for catalyst prepared using urea, T 100 =362°C. On the other hand the conversion of CO-CH 4 mixture over the catalyst synthesized by KOH limited to 97% even beyond 400°C. Further, the effect of higher calcination temperatures of 500 and 600°C was examined for the best catalyst. The total oxidation of the mixture was attained at higher temperatures of 375 and 410°C over catalysts calcined at 500 and 600°C respectively. Thus, the best precipitant established was Na 2 CO 3 and the optimum calcination temperature of 400°C was found to synthesize the NiCo 2 O 4 catalyst for the best performance in CO-CH 4 oxidation. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Journalismin uudet vuorovaikutuskeinot : Eli kuinka joukkoälyä käytetään osana toimituksellista työprosessia


    Riihinen, Eleonoora


    Joukkoäly journalistisessa prosessissa on vielä vähän kokeiltu toimitustyökalu, joka yhdistää yleisön hyödyntämisen, tutkivan journalismin ja verkon datasovellukset. Joukkoälyllä tarkoitetaan jonkin tehtävän ulkoistamista ennalta nimeämättömälle joukolle ihmisiä. Tutkielmassani selvitän, millainen prosessi joukkoälyn käyttö on journalistisessa työprosessissa ja kuinka kiinnostuneita pienemmän levikkialueen maakuntalehdet ovat käyttämään yleisöä osana journalistista prosessia uusia toimitu...

  19. ”Minun ääneni” : Lapsilähtöisiä työskentelymenetelmiä Länsi-Pohjan keskussairaalan erityispoliklinikalle


    Takalahti, Milla; Takalo-Kastari, Saara


    Opinnäytetyön kuvaus: Opinnäytetyömme koostuu menetelmäpaketista sekä opinnäytetyöraportista, joka sisältää teoriaosuuden ja opinnäytetyöprosessin kuvauksen. Tavoitteenamme oli edistää lapsilähtöisten menetelmien käyttöä erityispoliklinikalla ja edesauttaa vuorovaikutusta palveluohjaajan ja lapsen tai nuoren välillä. Valmistimme lapsilähtöisiä työskentelymenetelmiä sisältävän menetelmäpaketin Länsi-Pohjan keskussairaalan erityispoliklinikalle. Teoreettinen ja käsitteellinen esittely: ...

  20. Analysis on Internal Control of TY Company & Its System Reconstruction%TY公司内部控制现状分析和体系重构

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    黄美珍; 陈文芳


    在对福州TY公司进行深入调查的基础上,参照我国的《内部控制基本规范》及其配套指引,从控制环境、风险评估、控制活动、信息与沟通以及内部监督等方面对TY公司内部控制现状进行分析,对TY公司内部控制系统重构提出了自己的见解,以期能够对TY公司解决其内部控制问题有所启示。%Based on an in-depth study of TY Company,we analyze the current state of its internal control from the aspects of internal environment,risk assessment,internal monitoring,information and communication,referring to China's Basic Norms of Internal Control and its supporting guidelines.We put forward our views on internal control system reconstruction of TY Company,in hopes of offering some enlightening suggestions for resolving its internal control problems.

  1. Efeito e modo de ação das bacteriocinas produzidas por Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ITAL 383, ATCC 11454 e CNRZ 150 contra Listeria innocua LIN 11 Effect and mode of action of the bacterioncin produced by Lactococcus. lactis subsp. lactis ITAL 383, ATCC 11454 e CNRZ 150 against Listeria innocua LIN 11

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Izildinha MORENO


    Full Text Available O efeito e o modo de ação das bacteriocinas produzidas por L. lactis subsp. lactis ITAL 383 e CNRZ 150 são similares à nisina de L. lactis subsp. lactis ATCC 11454. Estas bacteriocinas apresentaram um modo de ação bactericida, causando a lise de células de L. innocua LIN 11, associada ao decréscimo da absorbância e da viabilidade celular. O efeito letal foi maior para células em fase exponencial comparativamente à fase estacionária de crescimento. A adsorção dessas bacteriocinas às células de L. innocua LIN 11 foi muito rápida e influenciada pelo pH do meio de suspensão; adsorção máxima foi verificada a pH 6,0 e logo após o contato inicial. Perda completa de adsorção ocorreu em pH 2,0.The effect and mode of action of the bacteriocin produced by L. lactis subsp. lactis ITAL 383 and CNRZ 150 are similar to the nisin produced by L. lactis subsp. lactis ATCC 11454. It was clearly bactericidal, and caused lysis of a strain of L. innocua LIN 11 detected by the decrease of absorbance values and the cell viability. Their lethal effect was considerably higher during the logarithmic growth when compared to the stationary phase. Adsorption developed rapidly and was influenced by the pH value of the suspension medium. Maximum adsorption was observed at pH 6,0 and immediately after initial contact and loss at pH 2,0.

  2. Evidence of cation vacancy induced room temperature ferromagnetism in Li-N codoped ZnO thin films (United States)

    Zhang, B. Y.; Yao, B.; Li, Y. F.; Liu, A. M.; Zhang, Z. Z.; Li, B. H.; Xing, G. Z.; Wu, T.; Qin, X. B.; Zhao, D. X.; Shan, C. X.; Shen, D. Z.


    Room temperature ferromagnetism (RTFM) was observed in Li-N codoped ZnO thin films [ZnO:(Li, N)] fabricated by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy, and p-type ZnO:(Li, N) shows the strongest RTFM. Positron annihilation spectroscopy and low temperature photoluminescence measurements indicate that the RTFM in ZnO:(Li, N) is attributed to the defect complex related to VZn, such as VZn and Lii-NO-VZn complex, well supported by first-principles calculations. The incorporation of NO can stabilize and enhance the RTFM of ZnO:(Li, N) by combining with Lii to form Lii-NO complex, which restrains the compensation of Lii for VZn and makes the ZnO:(Li, N) conduct in p-type.

  3. Using a Human Challenge Model of Infection to Measure Vaccine Efficacy: A Randomised, Controlled Trial Comparing the Typhoid Vaccines M01ZH09 with Placebo and Ty21a. (United States)

    Darton, Thomas C; Jones, Claire; Blohmke, Christoph J; Waddington, Claire S; Zhou, Liqing; Peters, Anna; Haworth, Kathryn; Sie, Rebecca; Green, Christopher A; Jeppesen, Catherine A; Moore, Maria; Thompson, Ben A V; John, Tessa; Kingsley, Robert A; Yu, Ly-Mee; Voysey, Merryn; Hindle, Zoe; Lockhart, Stephen; Sztein, Marcelo B; Dougan, Gordon; Angus, Brian; Levine, Myron M; Pollard, Andrew J


    Typhoid persists as a major cause of global morbidity. While several licensed vaccines to prevent typhoid are available, they are of only moderate efficacy and unsuitable for use in children less than two years of age. Development of new efficacious vaccines is complicated by the human host-restriction of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) and lack of clear correlates of protection. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the protective efficacy of a single dose of the oral vaccine candidate, M01ZH09, in susceptible volunteers by direct typhoid challenge. We performed a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in healthy adult participants at a single centre in Oxford (UK). Participants were allocated to receive one dose of double-blinded M01ZH09 or placebo or 3-doses of open-label Ty21a. Twenty-eight days after vaccination, participants were challenged with 104CFU S. Typhi Quailes strain. The efficacy of M01ZH09 compared with placebo (primary outcome) was assessed as the percentage of participants reaching pre-defined endpoints constituting typhoid diagnosis (fever and/or bacteraemia) during the 14 days after challenge. Ninety-nine participants were randomised to receive M01ZH09 (n = 33), placebo (n = 33) or 3-doses of Ty21a (n = 33). After challenge, typhoid was diagnosed in 18/31 (58.1% [95% CI 39.1 to 75.5]) M01ZH09, 20/30 (66.7% [47.2 to 87.2]) placebo, and 13/30 (43.3% [25.5 to 62.6]) Ty21a vaccine recipients. Vaccine efficacy (VE) for one dose of M01ZH09 was 13% [95% CI -29 to 41] and 35% [-5 to 60] for 3-doses of Ty21a. Retrospective multivariable analyses demonstrated that pre-existing anti-Vi antibody significantly reduced susceptibility to infection after challenge; a 1 log increase in anti-Vi IgG resulting in a 71% decrease in the hazard ratio of typhoid diagnosis ([95% CI 30 to 88%], p = 0.006) during the 14 day challenge period. Limitations to the study included the requirement to limit the challenge period prior to treatment to 2

  4. Search for the signature of a halo structure in the p(6He,6Li)n reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortina-Gil, M.D.; Roussel-Chomaz, P.; Mittig, W.; Casandjian, J.M.; Chartier, M.; Alamanos, N.; Auger, F.; Fekou-Youmbi, V.; Blumenfeld, Y.; and others.


    The elastic scattering p( 6 He, 6 He)p and charge exchange reaction p( 6 He, 6 Li)n have been measured in reverse kinematics with a secondary 6 He beam. The angular distributions for these reactions were obtained. In the case of the charge exchange reaction, the ratio of the cross section for the Gamow-Teller transition to the ground state, and for the Fermi transition to the isobaric analog state is a measure of the relative strength of the two components of the exchange interaction. This ratio is found compatible with existing systematics for stable T=1 nuclei, and no clear signature of a halo structure was found in the present data. (author)

  5. Quando "falha a fala" e "fala a bala": lingua(gem e violência em Cidade de Deus, de Paulo Lins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Gabrielli Pereira


    Full Text Available Cidade de Deus traz em si a história da construção do conjunto habitacional, cujo nome intitula o romance, e de sua transformação em uma das favelas mais violentas do Rio de Janeiro, por meio do entrecruzamento das histórias de Cabeleira, Bené, Zé Pequeno e Busca-Pé. Concebendo o romance, nos atos da escrita e da leitura, como uma enunciação (BENVENISTE, 1989a; 1989b; 1995a; 1995b entre autor e leitor, constituída por outras enunciações — entre narrador e narratário e entre personagens — a partir do "ato ficcional" (ISER, 2002 do autor, vamos nos guiar por essa tessitura de/entre histórias para rastrear o modo como Lins relaciona linguagem e violência. Palavras-chave: Lingua(gem, Subjetividade, Violência ______________________________ Cidade de Deus tells the history of the construction of the housing complex that entitles the novel and its transformation process into one of the most violent slums of Rio de Janeiro. By treating the novel as an enunciation (BENVENISTE, 1989a; 1989b; 1995a; 1995b between author and reader, which is made of other enunciations − between narrator and narratee and between characters −, based on the author´s “fictional act”(ISER, 2002, we intend to analyze the way how Lins relates language and violence. Keywords: Language, Subjectivity, Violence.

  6. Exposure assessment of particulates originating from diesel and CNG fuelled engines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oravisjaervi, K.; Pietikaeinen, M.; Keiski, R. L. (Univ. of Oulu, Dept. of Process and Environmental Engineering (Finland)). email:; Voutilainen, A. (Univ. of Kuopio, Dept. of Physics (Finland)); Haataja, M. (Oulu Univ. of Applied Sciences (Finland); Univ. of Oulu, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (Finland)); Ruuskanen, J. (Univ. of Kuopio, Dept. of Environmental Sciences (Finland)); Rautio, A. (Univ. of Oulu, Thule Inst. (Finland))


    given mass, and the surface may be able to act as a catalyst for specific reactions with cells or as a carrier for co-pollutants. They also penetrate deeper into the lungs. Hydrocarbons, as lipid soluble compounds, can also penetrate the cell membranes of the lung cells, enter into the blood circulation and influence the whole organ system, even reach the brain. The aim of this study was to compare children's exposure to diesel and compressed natural gas (CNG) exhaust particulates, which have been formed and then distributed into the human lung. Particulate measurements were carried out in the Technical Research Centre of Finland for two Euro 2 diesel buses with an oxidation catalyst on one and a partial-DPF catalyst on the other vehicle (DI-OC and DI-pDPF, respectively), and one Euro 3 natural gas bus with an oxidation catalyst on the vehicle (CNG-OC). For the evaluation of particulate emissions in an urban bus route the Braunschweig City Driving Cycle, a transient chassis dynamometer test cycle was used. Particulate number size distributions were measured using an Electric Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI) instrument (Dekati Ltd, Finland) with the size range of 7 nm to 10 mum. The ELPI measurement system yields particulate number concentrations in 12 nonoverlapping size bins covering the whole measurement size range. Estimation of deposited particles into human lung system was computed with a lung deposition model based on a ICRP 66 lung deposition model published by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). The model includes specific information related to the subjects (including age, ventilation rate, breathing pattern, gender). The respiratory tract is divided into five main deposition regions: the anterior nasal region (ET1), the main extra thoracic region (ET2, including the posterior nasal region, mouth, pharynx and larynx), the bronchial region (BB, consisting of the trachea and bronchi), the bronchiolar region (bb, consisting of the

  7. SemaTyP: a knowledge graph based literature mining method for drug discovery. (United States)

    Sang, Shengtian; Yang, Zhihao; Wang, Lei; Liu, Xiaoxia; Lin, Hongfei; Wang, Jian


    Drug discovery is the process through which potential new medicines are identified. High-throughput screening and computer-aided drug discovery/design are the two main drug discovery methods for now, which have successfully discovered a series of drugs. However, development of new drugs is still an extremely time-consuming and expensive process. Biomedical literature contains important clues for the identification of potential treatments. It could support experts in biomedicine on their way towards new discoveries. Here, we propose a biomedical knowledge graph-based drug discovery method called SemaTyP, which discovers candidate drugs for diseases by mining published biomedical literature. We first construct a biomedical knowledge graph with the relations extracted from biomedical abstracts, then a logistic regression model is trained by learning the semantic types of paths of known drug therapies' existing in the biomedical knowledge graph, finally the learned model is used to discover drug therapies for new diseases. The experimental results show that our method could not only effectively discover new drug therapies for new diseases, but also could provide the potential mechanism of action of the candidate drugs. In this paper we propose a novel knowledge graph based literature mining method for drug discovery. It could be a supplementary method for current drug discovery methods.

  8. Evidence of cation vacancy induced room temperature ferromagnetism in Li-N codoped ZnO thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, B. Y.; Yao, B.; Li, Y. F.; Xing, G. Z.; Liu, A. M.; Zhang, Z. Z.; Li, B. H.; Zhao, D. X.; Shan, C. X.; Shen, D. Z.; Wu, T.; Qin, X. B.


    Room temperature ferromagnetism (RTFM) was observed in Li-N codoped ZnO thin films [ZnO:(Li, N)] fabricated by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy, and p-type ZnO:(Li, N) shows the strongest RTFM. Positron annihilation spectroscopy and low temperature photoluminescence measurements indicate that the RTFM in ZnO:(Li, N) is attributed to the defect complex related to V Zn , such as V Zn and Li i -N O -V Zn complex, well supported by first-principles calculations. The incorporation of N O can stabilize and enhance the RTFM of ZnO:(Li, N) by combining with Li i to form Li i -N O complex, which restrains the compensation of Li i for V Zn and makes the ZnO:(Li, N) conduct in p-type.

  9. ''SMILE'': A Self Magnetically Insulated Transmission LinE adder for the 8-stage RADLAC II accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazarakis, M.G.; Poukey, J.W.; Shope, S.L.; Frost, C.A.; Turman, B.N.; Ramirez, J.J.; Prestwich, K.R.; Pankuch, P.J.


    The RADLAC II Self Magnetically Insulated Transmission LinE ''SMILE'' is a coaxial wave guide structure that is composed of two regions: (a) a 9.5-m voltage adder and (b) a 3-m long extension section. The adder section provides for the addition of the input voltages from the individual water-dielectric pulse forming line feeds. The extension section isolates the adder from the magnetically immersed foilless diode electron source load and efficiently transports the pulsed power out from the deionized water tank of the device. The SMILE modification of the RADLAC II accelerator enabled us to produce high quality beams of up to 14 MV, 100 kA. The design and the experimental evaluation of SMILE will be presented and compared with numerical simulation predictions. 12 refs., 9 figs., 1 tab


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Couple years ago, ADEME engaged programs dedicated to the urban buses exhaust emissions studies. The measures associated with the reduction of atmospheric and noise pollution has particular importance in the sector of urban buses. In many cases, they illustrate the city's environmental image and contribute to reinforcing the attractiveness of public transport. France's fleet in service, presently put at about 14,000 units, consumes about 2 per cent of the total energy of city transport. It causes about 2 per cent of the HC emissions and from 4 to 6 per cent of the NOx emissions and particles. These vehicles typically have a long life span (about 15 years) and are relatively expensive to buy, about 150.000 euros per unit. Several technical solutions were evaluated to quantify, on a real condition cycle for buses, on one hand pollutants emissions, fuel consumption and on the other hand reliability, cost in real existing fleet. This paper presents main preliminary results on urban buses exhaust emission on two different cases: - existing Diesel buses, with fuel modifications (Diesel with low sulphur content), Diesel with water emulsion and bio-Diesel (30% oil ester in standard Diesel fuel); renovating CNG powered Euro II buses fleet, over representative driving cycles, set up by ADEME and partners. On these cycles, pollutants (regulated and unregulated) were measured as well as fuel consumption, at the beginning of a program and one year after to quantify reliability and increase/decrease of pollutants emissions. At the same time, some after-treatment technologies were tested under real conditions and several vehicles. Information such as fuel consumption, lubricant analysis, problem on the technology were following during a one year program. On the overall level, it is the combination of various action, pollution-reduction and renewal that will make it possible to meet the technological challenge of reducing emissions and fuel consumption by urban bus

  11. Regio- and Enantioselective Sequential Dehalogenation of rac-1,3-Dibromobutane by Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB. (United States)

    Gross, Johannes; Prokop, Zbyněk; Janssen, Dick; Faber, Kurt; Hall, Mélanie


    The hydrolytic dehalogenation of rac-1,3-dibromobutane catalyzed by the haloalkane dehalogenase LinB from Sphingobium japonicum UT26 proceeds in a sequential fashion: initial formation of intermediate haloalcohols followed by a second hydrolytic step to produce the final diol. Detailed investigation of the course of the reaction revealed favored nucleophilic displacement of the sec-halogen in the first hydrolytic event with pronounced R enantioselectivity. The second hydrolysis step proceeded with a regioselectivity switch at the primary position, with preference for the S enantiomer. Because of complex competition between all eight possible reactions, intermediate haloalcohols formed with moderate to good ee ((S)-4-bromobutan-2-ol: up to 87 %). Similarly, (S)-butane-1,3-diol was formed at a maximum ee of 35 % before full hydrolysis furnished the racemic diol product. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Comparability of estimating energy rebound effect should be based on uniform mechanism and benchmark: A reply to Du and Lin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Chengyu; Shao, Shuai; Yang, Lili; Yu, Mingliang


    Du and Lin (2015) argued that the estimation model of the economy-wide energy rebound effect proposed by Shao et al. (2014) should be revised and provided an alternative approach, which they considered to be more consistent with the definition of the rebound effect. However, in this comment, we do not find a valid correction or modification to our original model, because their criticism logic does not originate from the corresponding mechanism in Shao et al. (2014), and their estimation formula has a different benchmark with ours. Moreover, their data samples were also different from ours, generating the incomparable results, and there are some irrational results in the comment. Even based on different estimation formulas in the two studies and using the same estimation method and data sample, the comparison results show that the problem of the estimation formula in our previous study which they claimed does not really exist. We argue that this comment is not consistent with the principle of the rebound effect. Actually, their work can be only regarded as proposing an alternative approach for the estimate of the rebound effect. Therefore, their argument is not enough to overturn our previous study. - Highlights: • A reply to Du and Lin (2015), who questioned our previous study, is provided. • Their criticism logic does not originate from our corresponding mechanism. • Their estimation formula has a different benchmark with ours. • Different data samples in the two papers make their results incomparable. • Their argument is not enough to overturn our previous study.

  13. Solving quantum optimal control problems using Clebsch variables and Lin constraints (United States)

    Delgado-Téllez, M.; Ibort, A.; Rodríguez de la Peña, T.


    Clebsch variables (and Lin constraints) are applied to the study of a class of optimal control problems for affine-controlled quantum systems. The optimal control problem will be modelled with controls defined on an auxiliary space where the dynamical group of the system acts freely. The reciprocity between both theories: the classical theory defined by the objective functional and the quantum system, is established by using a suitable version of Lagrange’s multipliers theorem and a geometrical interpretation of the constraints of the system as defining a subspace of horizontal curves in an associated bundle. It is shown how the solutions of the variational problem defined by the objective functional determine solutions of the quantum problem. Then a new way of obtaining explicit solutions for a family of optimal control problems for affine-controlled quantum systems (finite or infinite dimensional) is obtained. One of its main advantages, is the the use of Clebsch variables allows to compute such solutions from solutions of invariant problems that can often be computed explicitly. This procedure can be presented as an algorithm that can be applied to a large class of systems. Finally, some simple examples, spin control, a simple quantum Hamiltonian with an ‘Elroy beanie’ type classical model and a controlled one-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator, illustrating the main features of the theory, will be discussed.

  14. Using a Human Challenge Model of Infection to Measure Vaccine Efficacy: A Randomised, Controlled Trial Comparing the Typhoid Vaccines M01ZH09 with Placebo and Ty21a.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas C Darton


    Full Text Available Typhoid persists as a major cause of global morbidity. While several licensed vaccines to prevent typhoid are available, they are of only moderate efficacy and unsuitable for use in children less than two years of age. Development of new efficacious vaccines is complicated by the human host-restriction of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi and lack of clear correlates of protection. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the protective efficacy of a single dose of the oral vaccine candidate, M01ZH09, in susceptible volunteers by direct typhoid challenge.We performed a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in healthy adult participants at a single centre in Oxford (UK. Participants were allocated to receive one dose of double-blinded M01ZH09 or placebo or 3-doses of open-label Ty21a. Twenty-eight days after vaccination, participants were challenged with 104CFU S. Typhi Quailes strain. The efficacy of M01ZH09 compared with placebo (primary outcome was assessed as the percentage of participants reaching pre-defined endpoints constituting typhoid diagnosis (fever and/or bacteraemia during the 14 days after challenge. Ninety-nine participants were randomised to receive M01ZH09 (n = 33, placebo (n = 33 or 3-doses of Ty21a (n = 33. After challenge, typhoid was diagnosed in 18/31 (58.1% [95% CI 39.1 to 75.5] M01ZH09, 20/30 (66.7% [47.2 to 87.2] placebo, and 13/30 (43.3% [25.5 to 62.6] Ty21a vaccine recipients. Vaccine efficacy (VE for one dose of M01ZH09 was 13% [95% CI -29 to 41] and 35% [-5 to 60] for 3-doses of Ty21a. Retrospective multivariable analyses demonstrated that pre-existing anti-Vi antibody significantly reduced susceptibility to infection after challenge; a 1 log increase in anti-Vi IgG resulting in a 71% decrease in the hazard ratio of typhoid diagnosis ([95% CI 30 to 88%], p = 0.006 during the 14 day challenge period. Limitations to the study included the requirement to limit the challenge period prior to treatment to

  15. Evidence of cation vacancy induced room temperature ferromagnetism in Li-N codoped ZnO thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, B. Y. [Key Laboratory of Excited State Process, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Changchun 130033 (China); School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023 (China); Yao, B. [Key Laboratory of Excited State Process, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Changchun 130033 (China); State Key Laboratory of Superhard Material, Department of Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130023 (China); Li, Y. F.; Xing, G. Z. [State Key Laboratory of Superhard Material, Department of Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130023 (China); Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637371 (Singapore); Liu, A. M. [School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023 (China); Zhang, Z. Z.; Li, B. H.; Zhao, D. X.; Shan, C. X.; Shen, D. Z. [Key Laboratory of Excited State Process, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Changchun 130033 (China); Wu, T. [Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637371 (Singapore); Qin, X. B. [Key Laboratory of Nuclear Analysis Techniques, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China)


    Room temperature ferromagnetism (RTFM) was observed in Li-N codoped ZnO thin films [ZnO:(Li, N)] fabricated by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy, and p-type ZnO:(Li, N) shows the strongest RTFM. Positron annihilation spectroscopy and low temperature photoluminescence measurements indicate that the RTFM in ZnO:(Li, N) is attributed to the defect complex related to V{sub Zn}, such as V{sub Zn} and Li{sub i}-N{sub O}-V{sub Zn} complex, well supported by first-principles calculations. The incorporation of N{sub O} can stabilize and enhance the RTFM of ZnO:(Li, N) by combining with Li{sub i} to form Li{sub i}-N{sub O} complex, which restrains the compensation of Li{sub i} for V{sub Zn} and makes the ZnO:(Li, N) conduct in p-type.

  16. Cartographie des linéaments géologiques en domaine aride par extraction semi-automatique à partir d’images satellitaires: Exemple à la région d’El Kseïbat (Sahara algérien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hammad, N.


    Full Text Available Geologists in charge of a detailed lineament mapping in arid and desert area, face the extent of the land and the abundance of eolian deposits. This study presents a semi-automatic approach of extraction of lineament, different from other methods, such as the automatic extraction and manual extraction, by being both fast and objective. It consists of a series of digital processing (textural and spatial filtering, binarization by thresholding and mathematic morphology ... etc. applied to a Landsat 7 ETM+scene. This semi-automatic approach has produced a detailed map of lineaments, while taking account of tectonic directions recognized in the region. It helps mitigate the effect of dune deposits meet the specifications of arid environment. The visual validation of these linear structures, by geoscientists and field data, allowed the identification of the majority of structural lineaments or at least those tried geological.[fr] Les géologues en charge d’une cartographie des linéaments détaillée en domaine aride et désertique, font face à l’étendue des terrains et la présence abondante de dépôts éoliens. La présente étude présente une approche semi-automatique différente des autres méthodes d’extraction des linéaments, à savoir l’extraction automatique et l’extraction manuelle par le fait d’être à la fois rapide et objective. Elle consiste en une succession de traitements numériques (filtrage textural et spatial, binarisation par seuillage et morphologie mathématique…etc. appliqués sur une scène LANDSAT-7 ETM+. Cette approche semi-automatique a permis d’obtenir une carte détaillée des linéaments, tout en tenant compte des directions tectoniques reconnues dans la région. Elle permet d’atténuer l’effet des dépôts dunaires répondant aux spécifications du contexte aride. La validation visuelle de ces structures linéaires, effectuée sur terrain et sur la base de la carte géologique et des données g


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    Bruno Avila Leal de Meirelles Herrera


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP is one of the most well-known and studied problems of Operations Research field, more specifically, in the Combinatorial Optimization field. As the TSP is a NP (Non-Deterministic Polynomial time-hard problem, there are several heuristic methods which have been proposed for the past decades in the attempt to solve it the best possible way. The aim of this work is to introduce and to evaluate the performance of some approaches for achieving optimal solution considering some symmetrical and asymmetrical TSP instances, which were taken from the Traveling Salesman Problem Library (TSPLIB. The analyzed approaches were divided into three methods: (i Lin-Kernighan-Helsgaun (LKH algorithm; (ii LKH with initial tour based on uniform distribution; and (iii an hybrid proposal combining Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO with quantum inspired behavior and LKH for local search procedure. The tested algorithms presented promising results in terms of computational cost and solution quality.

  18. Cell type-specific recruitment of Drosophila Lin-7 to distinct MAGUK-based protein complexes defines novel roles for Sdt and Dlg-S97. (United States)

    Bachmann, André; Timmer, Marco; Sierralta, Jimena; Pietrini, Grazia; Gundelfinger, Eckart D; Knust, Elisabeth; Thomas, Ulrich


    Stardust (Sdt) and Discs-Large (Dlg) are membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs) involved in the organization of supramolecular protein complexes at distinct epithelial membrane compartments in Drosophila. Loss of either Sdt or Dlg affects epithelial development with severe effects on apico-basal polarity. Moreover, Dlg is required for the structural and functional integrity of synaptic junctions. Recent biochemical and cell culture studies have revealed that various mammalian MAGUKs can interact with mLin-7/Veli/MALS, a small PDZ-domain protein. To substantiate these findings for their in vivo significance with regard to Sdt- and Dlg-based protein complexes, we analyzed the subcellular distribution of Drosophila Lin-7 (DLin-7) and performed genetic and biochemical assays to characterize its interaction with either of the two MAGUKs. In epithelia, Sdt mediates the recruitment of DLin-7 to the subapical region, while at larval neuromuscular junctions, a particular isoform of Dlg, Dlg-S97, is required for postsynaptic localization of DLin-7. Ectopic expression of Dlg-S97 in epithelia, however, was not sufficient to induce a redistribution of DLin-7. These results imply that the recruitment of DLin-7 to MAGUK-based protein complexes is defined by cell-type specific mechanisms and that DLin-7 acts downstream of Sdt in epithelia and downstream of Dlg at synapses.

  19. der(4)t(Y;4): Three-generation transmission and sperm meiotic segregation analysis. (United States)

    Vozdova, Miluse; Horinova, Vera; Wernerova, Vendula; Skalikova, Romana; Rybar, Roman; Prinosilova, Petra; Oracova, Eva; Rubes, Jiri


    We present a family where five members (three males and two females) are carriers of der(4)t(Y;4)(q11.23;p16.3). The adult carriers are phenotypicaly normal and fertile; the boy shows macrocephaly, psychomotor retardation, and atypical autism. The FISH on cultured lymphocytes confirmed that the redundant Yq heterochromatin was attached to the 4p-subtelomeric region maintained on the der(4). Sperm FISH analysis performed in a normospermic der(4) carrier showed a significant distortion of the expected 1:1 ratio of the X- and Y-bearing spermatozoa in favor of the X chromosome and significant lack of Y,der(4)spermatozoa. The overall lack of Y spermatozoa was not balanced even by a relative excess of Y,4 sperm. The analysis of X, Y, 7, 8, 18, and 21 sperm disomy and diploidy did not indicate any interchromosomal effect. The chromosome 4 disomy was significantly increased but still very low to be of considerable reproductive significance. The neurodevelomental phenotype of the boy was probably caused by a gene mutation. The coincidental occurrence of such chromosomal aberration and boy's phenotype might lead to misinterpretation of the causal relationship between these findings. It is necessary to consider the results of chromosomal analysis and clinical records of relatives for provide genetic counseling in such families. Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  20. Gaseous and particulate composition of fresh and aged emissions of diesel, RME and CNG buses using Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (United States)

    Psichoudaki, Magda; Le Breton, Michael; Hallquist, Mattias; Watne, Ågot; Hallquist, Asa


    Urban air pollution is becoming a significant global problem, especially for large cities around the world. Traffic emissions contribute significantly to both elevated particle concentrations and to gaseous pollutants in cities. The latter also have the potential of forming more particulate mass via their photochemical oxidation in the atmosphere. The International Agency for Research on Cancer and the US EPA have characterised diesel exhausts as a likely human carcinogen that can also contribute to other health problems. In order to meet the challenges with increased transportation and enhanced greenhouse gas emissions, the European Union have decided on a 10% substitution of traditional fuels in the road transport sector by alternative fuels (e.g. biodiesel, CNG) before the year 2020. However, it is also important to study the influence of fuel switches on other primary pollutants as well as the potential to form secondary aerosol mass. This work focuses on the characterisation of the chemical composition of the gas and the condensed phase of fresh bus emissions during acceleration, in order to mimic the exhaust plume that humans would inhale under realistic conditions. In addition, photochemical aging of the exhaust emissions was achieved by employing a Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM) flow reactor, allowing the characterization of the composition of the corresponding aged emissions. The PAM reactor uses UV lamps and high concentrations of oxidants (OH radicals and O3) to oxidize the organic species present in the chamber. The oxidation that takes place within the reactor can be equivalent to up to one week of atmospheric oxidation. Preliminary tests showed that the oxidation employed in these measurements corresponded to a range from 4 to 8 days in the atmosphere. During June and July 2015, a total of 29 buses, 5 diesel, 13 CNG and 11 RME (rapeseed methyl ester), were tested in two different locations with limited influence from other types of emissions and traffic

  1. Expression and associations of TRAF1, BMI-1, ALDH1, and Lin28B in oral squamous cell carcinoma. (United States)

    Wu, Tian-Fu; Li, Yi-Cun; Ma, Si-Rui; Bing-Liu; Zhang, Wen-Feng; Sun, Zhi-Jun


    Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1, an adaptor protein of tumor necrosis factor 2, is involved in classical nuclear factor (NF)-κB activation and lymphocyte recruitment. However, less is known about the expression and association of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1 with cancer stem cell markers in oral squamous cell carcinoma. This study aimed to investigate the expression of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1 and stem cell characteristic markers (lin28 homolog B, B cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1, and aldehyde dehydrogenase 1) in oral squamous cell carcinoma and analyze their relations. Paraffin-embedded tissues of 78 oral squamous cell carcinomas, 39 normal oral mucosa, and 12 oral dysplasia tissues were employed in tissue microarrays, and the expression of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1, B cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1, aldehyde dehydrogenase 1, and lin28 homolog B was measured by immunohistostaining and digital pathological analysis. The expression of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1 was higher in the oral squamous cell carcinoma group as compared with the expression in the oral mucosa (p oral dysplasia (p oral squamous cell carcinoma. The patient survival rate was lower in the highly expressed tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1 group, although the difference was not significant. The clustering analysis showed that tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1 was most related to aldehyde dehydrogenase 1. These findings suggest that tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1 has potential direct/indirect regulations with the cancer stem cell markers in oral squamous cell carcinoma, which may help in further analysis of the cancer stem cell characteristics.

  2. Systém pro obchodování s virtuálními předměty


    Sedláček, Lukáš


    Cílem této práce je seznámit čtenáře s problematikou systémů pro obchodování s virtuálními předměty. Práce je zaměřena hlavně na virtuální ekonomiky MMORPG (Massive(ly)-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). Pro hlubší pochopení MMORPG světů, je v této práci zpracován jejich vznik, vývoj, historie, psychologické aspekty, náhled do problematiky jejich virtuálních ekonomik, stručná charakteristika elektronických platebních systémů a informace o dvou virtuálních ekonomikách (Entropia Universe a ...

  3. Performance analysis of a novel coaxial power-split hybrid powertrain using a CNG engine and supercapacitors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ouyang, Minggao; Zhang, Weilin; Wang, Enhua; Yang, Fuyuan; Li, Jianqiu; Li, Zhongyan; Yu, Ping; Ye, Xiao


    Highlights: • Four different types of hybrid powertrain for heavy-duty vehicles are reviewed. • A novel coaxial power-split hybrid powertrain is proposed and models are developed. • Performance characteristics are analyzed and compared to a conventional powertrain. • Fuel saving potential is evaluated and explained using energy efficiency method. - Abstract: Energy conservation is a very important task for the automotive industry. The use of hybrid electric vehicles can improve energy efficiency, thus reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions. In this research, the performance characteristics of a novel coaxial power-split hybrid powertrain for a transit bus are presented. The power sources are a combination of a compressed natural gas (CNG) engine and supercapacitors. A mathematical model for the coaxial power-split hybrid powertrain is established. Subsequently, an analysis program is developed based on Matlab and Advisor. The parameters are specified using experimental data. Afterwards, a rule-based control strategy is designed and optimized from the viewpoint of energy efficiency. Later, the system performance is evaluated using the Chinese Transit Bus City Driving Cycle and compared to a conventional powertrain. The results indicate that the proposed coaxial power-split hybrid powertrain can fulfill the requirements of the transit bus and enhance the energy efficiency dramatically. Moreover, the average energy efficiency of the supercapacitors was found to be above 97% over the entire driving cycle. Using supercapacitors as energy storage devices for the coaxial power-split hybrid powertrain can effectively recover the kinetic energy during regenerative braking and is a good solution for transit buses that require frequent acceleration and deceleration.

  4. An Extension of the Lin-Kernighan-Helsgaun TSP Solver for Constrained Traveling Salesman and Vehicle Routing Problems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helsgaun, Keld

    This report describes the implementation of an extension of the Lin-Kernighan-Helsgaun TSP solver for solving constrained traveling salesman and vehicle routing problems. The extension, which is called LKH-3, is able to solve a variety of well-known problems, including the sequential ordering...... problem (SOP), the traveling repairman problem (TRP), variants of the multiple travel-ing salesman problem (mTSP), as well as vehicle routing problems (VRPs) with capacity, time windows, pickup-and-delivery and distance constraints. The implementation of LKH-3 builds on the idea of transforming...... the problems into standard symmetric traveling salesman problems and handling constraints by means of penalty functions. Extensive testing on benchmark instances from the literature has shown that LKH-3 is effective. Best known solutions are often obtained, and in some cases, new best solutions are found...

  5. Formation of positive cluster ions Li(n) Br (n = 2-7) and ionization energies studied by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Veličković, S R; Đustebek, J B; Veljković, F M; Veljković, M V


    Clusters of the type Li(n)X (X = halides) can be considered as potential building blocks of cluster-assembly materials. In this work, Li(n)Br (n = 2-7) clusters were obtained by a thermal ionization source of modified design and selected by a magnetic sector mass spectrometer. Positive ions of the Li(n)Br (n = 4-7) cluster were detected for the first time. The order of ion intensities was Li(2)Br(+) > Li(4)Br(+) > Li(5)Br(+) > Li(6)Br(+) > Li(3)Br(+). The ionization energies (IEs) were measured and found to be 3.95 ± 0.20 eV for Li(2)Br, 3.92 ± 0.20 eV for Li(3)Br, 3.93 ± 0.20 eV for Li(4)Br, 4.08 ± 0.20 eV for Li(5)Br, 4.14 ± 0.20 eV for Li(6)Br and 4.19 ± 0.20 eV for Li(7)Br. All of these clusters have a much lower ionization potential than that of the lithium atom, so they belong to the superalkali class. The IEs of Li(n)Br (n = 2-4) are slightly lower than those in the corresponding small Li(n) or Li(n)H clusters, whereas the IEs of Li(n)Br are very similar to those of Li(n) or Li(n)H for n = 5 and 6. The thermal ionization source of modified design is an important means for simultaneously obtaining and measuring the IEs of Li(n)Br (n = 2-7) clusters (because their ions are hermodynamically stable with respect to the loss of lithium atoms in the gas phase) and increasingly contributes toward the development of clusters for practical applications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  6. Lin's theory of flux and nuclear reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ping-Wha Lin


    Mathematical development of Lin's theory of flux is presented. Based on the Theory, when a chemical reaction system is subjected to a high time rate of temperature change, it changes from equilibrium to non-equilibrium conditions. It is proved mathematically that, when a gas system is subjected to a high time rate of temperature increase, the activities of particles (molecules, atoms or nuclei, and electrons) are increased: the particles are accelerated; frequencies and amplitudes of electron and atomic vibrations in a molecule increased; average kinetic energy of the particles increased; atomic bonds are ruptured; electrons are caused to leave their orbits. If most or all of the electrons leave their orbits, the gas fluid becomes plasma, which is very active chemically. The acceleration of nuclei in the dynamic condition can lead to nuclear reactions. In the pilot plant studies conducted at Research Triangle, NC, USA, for SO 2 conversion to SO 3 by rapid heating, a 10-ft high vertically fired combustor (VFC) was used. Air containing 0.5% SO 2 is forced continuously through the VFC, where it is heated by burners for conversion of SO 2 to SO 3 . During the idle period of operation, no external heat is added to the system by turning off the burners. It is observed that, as the air passing through the VFC during the idle period of sixteen hours, the temperature of the flowing air consistently rises up rapidly from ambient temperature (90 deg F) at inlet of the VFC to an average temperature as high as 582 deg F (in the range of 840 deg F to 455 deg F) at one section of the VFC, an increase of about 500 deg F. The air flow temperature increase of such large magnitude and long duration clearly indicates that nuclear reactions are present in VFC. It is also found that the water vapour in the air stream has completely disappeared in the VFC, for no sulphuric acid formation resulting from the reaction of water and SO 3 is detected there. Presumably, the water vapour in the

  7. Functional comparison of the nematode Hox gene lin-39 in C. elegans and P. pacificus reveals evolutionary conservation of protein function despite divergence of primary sequences


    Grandien, Kaj; Sommer, Ralf J.


    Hox transcription factors have been implicated in playing a central role in the evolution of animal morphology. Many studies indicate the evolutionary importance of regulatory changes in Hox genes, but little is known about the role of functional changes in Hox proteins. In the nematodes Pristionchus pacificus and Caenorhabditis elegans, developmental processes can be compared at the cellular, genetic, and molecular levels and differences in gene function can be identified. The Hox gene lin-3...

  8. Evolutionary characterization of Ty3/gypsy-like LTR retrotransposons in the parasitic cestode Echinococcus granulosus. (United States)

    Bae, Young-An


    Cyclophyllidean cestodes including Echinococcus granulosus have a smaller genome and show characteristics such as loss of the gut, a segmented body plan, and accelerated growth rate in hosts compared with other tissue-invading helminths. In an effort to address the molecular mechanism relevant to genome shrinkage, the evolutionary status of long-terminal-repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, which are known as the most potent genomic modulators, was investigated in the E. granulosus draft genome. A majority of the E. granulosus LTR retrotransposons were classified into a novel characteristic clade, named Saci-2, of the Ty3/gypsy family, while the remaining elements belonged to the CsRn1 clade of identical family. Their nucleotide sequences were heavily corrupted by frequent base substitutions and segmental losses. The ceased mobile activity of the major retrotransposons and the following intrinsic DNA loss in their inactive progenies might have contributed to decrease in genome size. Apart from the degenerate copies, a gag gene originating from a CsRn1-like element exhibited substantial evidences suggesting its domestication including a preserved coding profile and transcriptional activity, the presence of syntenic orthologues in cestodes, and selective pressure acting on the gene. To my knowledge, the endogenized gag gene is reported for the first time in invertebrates, though its biological function remains elusive.

  9. Retinal Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channels: From Pathophysiology to Therapy

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    Stylianos Michalakis


    Full Text Available The first step in vision is the absorption of photons by the photopigments in cone and rod photoreceptors. After initial amplification within the phototransduction cascade the signal is translated into an electrical signal by the action of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG channels. CNG channels are ligand-gated ion channels that are activated by the binding of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP or cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP. Retinal CNG channels transduce changes in intracellular concentrations of cGMP into changes of the membrane potential and the Ca2+ concentration. Structurally, the CNG channels belong to the superfamily of pore-loop cation channels and share a common gross structure with hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN channels and voltage-gated potassium channels (KCN. In this review, we provide an overview on the molecular properties of CNG channels and describe their physiological role in the phototransduction pathways. We also discuss insights into the pathophysiological role of CNG channel proteins that have emerged from the analysis of CNG channel-deficient animal models and human CNG channelopathies. Finally, we summarize recent gene therapy activities and provide an outlook for future clinical application.

  10. Digital cultural heritage and its applications: case studies of Digital Mogao Grottos and Chi Lin Nunnery reconstruction (United States)

    Li, Deren; Du, Zhiqiang; Zhu, Yixuan; Wang, Tingsong


    Considerable damage has been done to the cultural heritage sites around the world ranging from natural erosion to artificial destruction. With the development of information sciences, frontier technologies are actively introduced to help protect cultural heritage sites. The new concept of a Digital Cultural Heritage has been presented for culture protection and is gradually becoming an efficient method to solve or to remit various difficult problems. This paper puts forward a digitalization method for cultural heritage sites which rationally integrates and utilizes multiform surveying measurements. These techniques have been successfully implemented into two projects, namely the Digital Mogao Grottos and the Chi Lin Nunnery reconstruction. Our results prove that the concept of and the techniques utilized in Digital Cultural Heritage can not only contribute to research, preservation, management, interpretation, and representation of cultural heritages but can also help resolve the conflicts between tourism and protection.

  11. Efficacy of Atovaquone plus Proguanil for Malaria Prophylaxis in Children, and its Effect on the Immunogenicity of Live Oral Cholera (CVD103-HgR) and Typhoid (Ty21a) Vaccines


    Gruß, Holger


    Wir führten eine randomisierte Doppelblindstudie durch, um den Einfluss der Malariachemoprophy-laxe mit Atovaquon-Proguanil auf die Antikörperantwort auf die oralen Lebendimpfungen gegen Cholera (CVD103-HgR) und Typhus (Ty21a) zu bestimmen. Dazu wurden insgesamt 330 gabuni-sche Kinder den beiden Behandlungsgruppen A-P oder Placebo zugeteilt. In diesen verblieben sie während 12 Wochen Chemoprophylaxegabe und 4 Wochen Nachsorgephase. Die Impfungen mit den oben genannten Impfstoffen erfolgte 3 ...

  12. Psykofyysiset menetelmät kroonisen kivun hoidossa : Työelämävalmiuksia tukevan ryhmätoiminnan suunnittelu kroonisista kivuista kärsiville pitkäaikaistyöttömille


    Jämsä, Silja


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata psykofyysisen harjoittelun mahdollisuuksia kroonisesta kivusta kärsivien asiakkaiden kuntoutuksessa sekä suunnitella ryhmätoiminnan käytännön toteutus pitkäaikaistyöttömille pitkittyneistä kiputiloista kärsiville kuntoutujille. Työn tavoitteiksi asetettiin 1) perehtyminen teoreettiselta näkökannalta psykofyysiseen fysioterapiaan ja krooniseen kipuun sekä tutustuminen psykofyysiseen viitekehykseen kuuluviin lähestymistapoihin, menetelmiin ja harjoitteisii...

  13. A substrate specificity-determining unit of three Lin12-Notch repeat modules is formed in trans within the pappalysin-1 dimer and requires a sequence stretch C-terminal to the third module

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weyer, Kathrin; Boldt, Henning B; Poulsen, Christine B


    -A cleaves IGFBP-4 and IGFBP-5, whereas PAPP-A2 cleaves only IGFBP-5. The pappalysins contain three Lin12-Notch repeat (LNR1-3) modules, previously considered unique to the Notch receptor family in which they function to regulate receptor cleavage. In contrast to the Notch receptor where three LNR modules...

  14. Caractérisation microstructurale et mécanique d’un composite cimentaire renforcé par des fibres de lin Characterizations mechanical and microstructural of flax fibre cement composite reinforced

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boutouil M.


    Full Text Available Dans la perspective de valorisation des fibres de lin dans les matériaux de construction, la présente étude s’intéresse à la caractérisation microstructurale et mécanique d’un composite cimentaire renforcé par des fibres de lin. Les analyses microstructurales au MEB ont été menées pour évaluer l’homogénéité de la distribution des fibres, la qualité de l’interaction fibre/matrice et l’influence de leur présence sur les défauts microstructuraux. Le comportement mécanique en flexion du mortier renforcé par les fibres de lin est étudié en fonction de la longueur et la teneur en fibres. Les résultats indiquent une bonne adhésion entre les fibres et la matrice à l’état frais. Mais les fibres étant hydrophiles, elles gonflent pendant la prise du ciment et le retrait lors du séchage engendre alors des déchaussements. Les résultats de caractérisation mécanique sont encourageants. Tout d’abord, la fissuration du mortier due au retrait au jeune âge est fortement réduite du fait de la présence des fibres. Ensuite, la rupture brutale de la matrice en monolithe laisse place à un comportement quasi-ductile quand la teneur ou la longueur de fibre augmente. Ce changement de comportement, analysé en termes d’indice de ténacité, illustre la capacité remarquable des fibres de lin à renforcer les matrices cimentaires du fait de leurs bonnes propriétés mécaniques. With the purpose of the flax fibre valuing in construction materials, this study focuses on the characterizations mechanical and microstructural of flax fibre cement composite reinforced. The mechanical strength was studied as the function of fibre volume ratio and length. Meanwhile, the microstructural analysis investigated the homogeneity of fibre scattering, the interaction fibre/cement matrix and the influence of flax fibres on the defects microstructures. The results show the interesting mechanical properties of flax fibre in comparison with

  15. In vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activities of seeds of Caesalpinia bonduc (Lin.) Roxb. (United States)

    Arif, Tasleem; Mandal, T K; Kumar, Naresh; Bhosale, J D; Hole, Archana; Sharma, G L; Padhi, M M; Lavekar, G S; Dabur, Rajesh


    Caesalpinia bonduc (Lin.) Roxb. is a known drug in Ayurveda to treat various diseases specifically tumors, cysts and cystic fibrosis (CF). The aim of this study was to assess in vitro as well as in vivo antimicrobial activity of Caesalpinia bonduc seeds. The in vitro antimicrobial activities of seed coat and seed kernel extracts were investigated by microbroth dilution assay. In vivo activities of hydro-alcoholic extracts were investigated in rat models of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia mimicking that in patients with cystic fibrosis. Various extracts of plant seeds exhibited in vitro antimicrobial activities in a range of 22-350 microg/ml. The extracts also showed activity against methicillin resistant (MR) Staphylococcus aureus and ampicillin resistant (AR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa as in the sensitive strains. In rat model of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia, hydro-alcoholic extracts of Caesalpinia bonduc seed kernel (CBSK) and Caesalpinia bonduc seed coat (CBSC) were injected subcutaneously in the test groups of animals. The control groups were treated with cortisone and saline. Two weeks after challenge with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the CBSK treated animals showed a significant bacterial clearance from the lungs (PCaesalpinia bonduc may have the potential to be promising natural medicine, with other forms of treatments, for CF patients with chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infections.

  16. "O Romancista e o Engenho: José Lins do Rego e o regionalismo nordestino dos anos 1920 e 1930", de Mariana Ghaguri "O Romancista e o Engenho: José Lins do Rego e o regionalismo nordestino dos anos 1920 e 1930", by Mariana Chaguri

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mário Augusto Medeiros da Silva


    Full Text Available Trata-se das relações entre a formalização estética do Ciclo da Cana de Açúcar e o processo social do Regionalismo Nordestino. Analisa a trajetória social e produção literária de José Lins do Rego, buscando deslindar as formas de realização social do autor, nos circuitos intelectuais e políticos de que participou (Pernambuco e Rio de Janeiro, notadamente e as condições sociais de produção de sua obra (editoras em que a mesma é publicada, recepção entre a crítica de época etc.. Em vista das disputas travadas com os Modernistas paulistas de 1922, sua interpenetração com a crise política dos anos 1930 e com as formulações de Gilberto Freyre acerca das ideias de Região e Nação, Chaguri sugere a análise do Regionalismo Nordestino como parte de um projeto estético e político, cujas intenções e consequências merecem ser sociologicamente examinadas.The book deals with the relations between the aesthetics formalization of the Sugarcane Cycle and the social process of the Brazilian Northeastern regionalism. It analyzes the social trajectory and literary work of José Lins do Rego, seeking to disclose this author's ways of social fulfillment in the intellectual and political circles he participated (especially in Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro as well as the social conditions of production of his work (his publishers, critiques etc.. Considering his disputes with members of the 1922 modernist movement, intertwined with the political crisis of the 1930s and the formulations of Gilberto Freyre's notions about Region and Nation, Chaguri suggests the analysis of Northeastern Regionalism while part of an aesthetic and political project whose intentions and consequences deserve to be sociologically examined.

  17. On-road and laboratory emissions of NO, NO2, NH3, N2O and CH4 from late-model EU light utility vehicles: Comparison of diesel and CNG. (United States)

    Vojtíšek-Lom, Michal; Beránek, Vít; Klír, Vojtěch; Jindra, Petr; Pechout, Martin; Voříšek, Tomáš


    Exhaust emissions of eight Euro 6 light duty vehicles - two station wagons and six vans - half powered by diesel fuel and half by compressed natural gas (CNG) were examined using both chassis dynamometer and on-road testing. A portable on-board FTIR analyzer was used to measure concentrations of reactive nitrogen compounds - NO, NO 2 and ammonia, of CO, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and greenhouse gases CO 2 , methane and N 2 O. Exhaust flow was inferred from engine control unit data. Total emissions per cycle were compared and found to be in good agreement with laboratory measurements of NO X , CO and CO 2 during dynamometer tests. On diesel engines, mean NO X emissions were 136-1070mg/km in the laboratory and 537-615mg/km on the road, in many cases nearly an order of magnitude higher compared to the numerical value of the Euro 6 limit. Mean N 2 O emissions were 3-19mg/km and were equivalent to several g/km CO 2 . The measurements suggest that NO X and N 2 O emissions from late-model European light utility vehicles with diesel engines are non-negligible and should be continuously assessed and scrutinized. High variances in NO X emissions among the tested diesel vehicles suggest that large number of vehicles should be tested to offer at least some insights about distribution of fleet emissions among vehicles. CNG engines exhibited relatively low emissions of NO X (12-186mg/km) and NH 3 (10-24mg/km), while mean emissions of methane were 18-45mg/km, under 1g/km CO 2 equivalent, and N 2 O, CO, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were negligible. The combination of a relatively clean-burning fuel, modern engine technology and a three-way catalyst has resulted in relatively low emissions under the wide variety of operating conditions encountered during the tests. The on-board FTIR has proven to be a useful instrument capable of covering, with the exception of total hydrocarbons, essentially all gaseous pollutants of interest. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Combustion Temperature Effect of Diesel Engine Convert to Compressed Natural Gas Engine


    Semin; Abdul R. Ismail; Rosli A. Bakar


    Effect of combustion temperature in the engine cylinder of diesel engine convert to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) engine was presents in this study. The objective of this study was to investigate the engine cylinder combustion temperature effect of diesel engine convert to CNG engine on variation engine speed. Problem statement: The hypothesis was that the lower performance of CNG engine was caused by the effect of lower in engine cylinder temperature. Are the CNG engine is lower cylinder temp...

  19. Climate and health relevant emissions from in-use Indian three-wheelers fueled by natural gas and gasoline. (United States)

    Reynolds, Conor C O; Grieshop, Andrew P; Kandlikar, Milind


    Auto-rickshaws in India use different fuels and engine technologies, with varying emissions and implications for air quality and climate change. Chassis dynamometer emission testing was conducted on 30 in-use auto-rickshaws to quantify the impact of switching from gasoline to compressed natural gas (CNG) in spark-ignition engines. Thirteen test vehicles had two-stroke CNG engines (CNG-2S) and 17 had four-stroke CNG engines (CNG-4S), of which 11 were dual-fuel and operable on a back-up gasoline (petrol) system (PET-4S). Fuel-based emission factors were determined for gaseous pollutants (CO(2), CH(4), NO(X), THC, and CO) and fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)). Intervehicle variability was high, and for most pollutants there was no significant difference (95% confidence level) between "old" (1998-2001) and "new" (2007-2009) age-groups within a given fuel-technology class. Mean fuel-based PM(2.5) emission factor (mean (95% confidence interval)) for CNG-2S (14.2 g kg(-1) (6.2-26.7)) was almost 30 times higher than for CNG-4S (0.5 g kg(-1) (0.3-0.9)) and 12 times higher than for PET-4S (1.2 g kg(-1) (0.8-1.7)). Global warming commitment associated with emissions from CNG-2S was more than twice that from CNG-4S or PET-4S, due mostly to CH(4) emissions. Comprehensive measurements and data should drive policy interventions rather than assumptions about the impacts of clean fuels.

  20. Sustainable driving with natural gas. Economic feasibility. Section report 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kooistra, K.; De Vries, R.


    The economic feasibility of driving on compressed natural gas (CNG) was studied for the northern part of the Netherlands (provinces Drenthe, Friesland and Groningen). Data from interviews with three car fleet owners, which apply CNG, are used for a calculation model. Also interviews were held with seven organizations which might want to apply CNG for their vehicles. For each of the seven organizations the nett present value (NPV) of switching to CNG was calculated by means of the model. Also, a sensitivity analysis and a scenario analysis were carried out to determine the dependency of the NCW for several variables. Based on the results of those analyses an acceptable price for CNG was calculated and discussed [nl

  1. Effect of Diesel Engine Converted to Sequential Port Injection Compressed Natural Gas Engine on the Cylinder Pressure vs Crank Angle in Variation Engine Speeds


    Semin; Abdul R. Ismail; Rosli A. Bakar


    The diesel engine converted to compressed natural gas (CNG) engine effect is lower in performance. Problem statement: The hypothesis is that the lower performance of CNG engine is caused by the effect of lower in engine cylinder pressure. Are the CNG engine is lower cylinder pressure than diesel engine? This research is conducted to investigate the cylinder pressure of CNG engine as a new engine compared to diesel engine as a baseline engine. Approach: The research approach in this study is b...

  2. Les vélins du Muséum national d’histoire naturelle : une collection mise en lumière


    Cardinal, Catherine


    Une exposition unique au Cabinet d’histoire du Jardin des plantes Très rarement, le public a pu voir la collection d’images de fleurs, de plantes, d’oiseaux et de mammifères, déposée à la bibliothèque centrale du Musée national d’histoire naturelle. La fragilité des peintures sur vélin au contact de l’air humide et de la lumière explique les précautions prises à leur égard. L’exposition d’environ cent cinquante pièces au sein du Cabinet d’histoire, d’octobre 2016 à janvier 2017, a donc consti...

  3. Characteristics of Early Flame Development in a Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition CNG Engine Fitted with a Variable Swirl Control Valve

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    Abd Rashid Abd Aziz


    Full Text Available An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effect of the structure of the induction flow on the characteristics of early flames in a lean-stratified and lean-homogeneous charge combustion of compressed natural gas (CNG fuel in a direct injection (DI engine at different engine speeds. The engine speed was varied at 1500 rpm, 1800 rpm and 2100 rpm, and the ignition timing was set at a 38.5° crank angle (CA after top dead center (TDC for all conditions. The engine was operated in a partial-load mode and a homogeneous air/fuel charge was achieved by injecting the fuel early (before the intake valve closure, while late injection during the compression stroke was used to produce a stratified charge. Different induction flow structures were obtained by adjusting the swirl control valves (SCV. Using an endoscopic intensified CCD (ICCD camera, flame images were captured and analyzed. Code was developed to analyze the level of distortion of the flame and its wrinkledness, displacement and position relative to the spark center, as well as the flame growth rate. The results showed a higher flame growth rate with the flame kernel in the homogeneous charge, compared to the stratified combustion case. In the stratified charge combustion scenario, the 10° SCV closure (medium-tumble resulted in a higher early flame growth rate, whereas a homogeneous charge combustion (characterized by strong swirl resulted in the highest rate of flame growth.

  4. Identifying trial recruitment uncertainties using a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership - the PRioRiTy (Prioritising Recruitment in Randomised Trials) study. (United States)

    Healy, Patricia; Galvin, Sandra; Williamson, Paula R; Treweek, Shaun; Whiting, Caroline; Maeso, Beccy; Bray, Christopher; Brocklehurst, Peter; Moloney, Mary Clarke; Douiri, Abdel; Gamble, Carrol; Gardner, Heidi R; Mitchell, Derick; Stewart, Derek; Jordan, Joan; O'Donnell, Martin; Clarke, Mike; Pavitt, Sue H; Guegan, Eleanor Woodford; Blatch-Jones, Amanda; Smith, Valerie; Reay, Hannah; Devane, Declan


    Despite the problem of inadequate recruitment to randomised trials, there is little evidence to guide researchers on decisions about how people are effectively recruited to take part in trials. The PRioRiTy study aimed to identify and prioritise important unanswered trial recruitment questions for research. The PRioRiTy study - Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) included members of the public approached to take part in a randomised trial or who have represented participants on randomised trial steering committees, health professionals and research staff with experience of recruiting to randomised trials, people who have designed, conducted, analysed or reported on randomised trials and people with experience of randomised trials methodology. This partnership was aided by the James Lind Alliance and involved eight stages: (i) identifying a unique, relevant prioritisation area within trial methodology; (ii) establishing a steering group (iii) identifying and engaging with partners and stakeholders; (iv) formulating an initial list of uncertainties; (v) collating the uncertainties into research questions; (vi) confirming that the questions for research are a current recruitment challenge; (vii) shortlisting questions and (viii) final prioritisation through a face-to-face workshop. A total of 790 survey respondents yielded 1693 open-text answers to 6 questions, from which 1880 potential questions for research were identified. After merging duplicates, the number of questions was reduced to 496. Questions were combined further, and those that were submitted by fewer than 15 people and/or fewer than 6 of the 7 stakeholder groups were excluded from the next round of prioritisation resulting in 31 unique questions for research. All 31 questions were confirmed as being unanswered after checking relevant, up-to-date research evidence. The 10 highest priority questions were ranked at a face-to-face workshop. The number 1 ranked question was "How can randomised trials become

  5. É tempo de pipa: a representação da infância em Cidade de Deus, de Paulo Lins, e Lembrancinha do Adeus, de Júlio Ludemir

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    Anderson Luís Nunes da Mata


    Full Text Available Traditionally understood as an age of innocence and learning, childhood has been shown indifferent colors in the so called "slum" narratives. Thus, poor children, who live in the urban peripheral areas, are represented in fiction as a counterface for such traditional notion of childhood. Lembrancinha do Adeus, by Julio Ludemir, and Cidade de Deus, by Paulo Lins, are both novels built upon characters who maintain only remains of childhood, which indicates both a new sociability for such children and deeper social changes.

  6. Land cover changes in catchment areas of lakes situated in headwaters of the Tyśmienica River

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    Grzywna Antoni


    Full Text Available The paper presents the history of land cover changes in the catchment area of lakes situated in the headwaters of the Tyśmienica River. The basis of the study were topographic maps in scale 1:50 000, from 1936 and 2014. We analyzed the quantitative aspect of these changes. The study was conducted in three natural lakes (Rogóźno, Krasne, Łukcze, and in one lake transformed into a storage reservoir (Krzczeń. The technical issues of georeferencing maps in the Geographic Information System (GIS software are addressed first. In the landscape of Łęczna and Włodawa Lake District, to the end of the 19th century wetlands and bushes dominated. The first type of human pressure on this area was agriculture. Another type of pressure was recreation. In the catchment areas of studied lakes increased mainly the area of buildings and forests. Significantly increased also the length of roads and watercourses. Almost completely disappeared bushes and wastelands. In most of the analyzed basins, the area of wetlands and arable lands decreased. The probable cause of the changes in catchment use was decline in the water table, and thus overgrowing of meadows and wetlands.

  7. Závislost ceny a lhůty výstavby vybraného stavebního objektu na použité technologii


    Jandová, Renáta


    Diplomová práce se zabývá závislostí ceny se lhůtou vybraného stavebního objektu, konkrétně silničního mostu na použité technologii. Porovnány jsou tři technologie výstavby nosné konstrukce mostu. První dvě technologie uvažují prefabrikované tyčové nosníky a třetí monolitickou nosnou mostní desku. Technologický postup č. 1 je realizován montáží nosníků zavážecí dráhou za pomoci dvou autojeřábů, technologický postup č. 2 je charakterizován montáží nosníků autojeřábem zespod mostu a technologie...

  8. Investigating the Methane Footprint of Compressed Natural Gas Stations in the Los Angeles Basin (United States)

    Carranza, V.; Hopkins, F. M.; Randerson, J. T.; Bush, S.; Ehleringer, J. R.; Miu, J.


    In recent years, natural gas has taken on a larger role in the United States' discourse on energy policy because it is seen as a fuel that can alleviate the country's dependence on foreign energy while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To this end, the State of California promotes the use of vehicles fueled by compressed natural gas (CNG). However, the implications of increased CNG vehicles for greenhouse gas emission reduction are not fully understood. Specifically, methane (CH4) leakages from natural gas infrastructure could make the switch from conventional to CNG vehicles a source of CH4 to the atmosphere, and negate the greenhouse-gas reduction benefit of this policy. The goal of our research is to provide an analysis of potential CH4 leakages from thirteen CNG filling stations in Orange County, California. To improve our understanding of CH4 leakages, we used a mobile laboratory, which is a Ford Transit van equipped with cavity-ring down Picarro spectrometers, to measure CH4 mixing ratios in these CNG stations. MATLAB and ArcGIS were used to conduct statistical analysis and to construct spatial and temporal maps for each transect. We observed mean levels of excess CH4 (relative to background CH4 mixing ratios) ranging from 60 to 1700 ppb at the CNG stations we sampled. Repeated sampling of CNG stations revealed higher levels of excess CH4 during the daytime compared to the nighttime. From our observations, CNG storage tanks and pumps have approximately the same CH4 leakage levels. By improving our understanding of the spatial and temporal patterns of CH4 emissions from CNG stations, our research can provide valuable information to reduce the climate footprint of the natural gas industry.

  9. Natural gas for vehicles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chauveron, S. de


    This article presents compressed natural gas for vehicles (CNG), which can provide considerable advantages both as an alternative fuel and as a clean fuel. These assets are not only economic but also technical. The first part deals with what is at stake in developing natural gas as a motor fuel. The first countries to use CNG were those with natural gas resources in their subsoil. Today, with a large number of countries having to cope with growing concern about increasing urban pollution, natural gas is also seen as a clean fuel that can help cut vehicle pollutant emissions dramatically. In the second part a brief technical descriptions is given of CNG stations and vehicles, with the aim of acquainting the reader with some of CNG's specific technical features as compared to gasoline and diesel oil. Here CNG technologies are seen to be very close to the more conventional ones. (author)

  10. Efficiency Improvement Opportunities for Light-Duty Natural-Gas-Fueled Vehicles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Staunton, R.H.; Thomas, J.F.


    The purpose of this report is to evaluate and make recommendations concerning technologies that promise to improve the efilciency of compressed natural gas (CNG) light-duty vehicles. Technical targets for CNG automotive technology given in the March 1998 OffIce of Advanced Automotive Technologies research and development plan were used as guidance for this effort. The technical target that necessitates this current study is to validate technologies that enable CNG light vehicles to have at least 10% greater - fuel economy (on a miles per gallon equivalent basis) than equivalent gasoline vehicles by 2006. Other tar- gets important to natural gas (NG) automotive technology and this study are to: (1) increase CNG vehicle range to 380 miles, (2) reduce the incremental vehicle cost (CNG vs gasoline) to $1500, and (3) meet the California ultra low-emission vehicle (ULEV) and Federal Tier 2 emission standards expected to be in effect in 2004.

  11. Compressed natural gas vehicles motoring towards a green Beijing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Ming; Kraft-Oliver, T. [International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) - Asia, Bangkok (Thailand); Guo Xiao Yan [China North Vehicle Research Institute (CNVRI), Beijing (China)


    This paper first describes the state-of-the-art of compressed natural gas (CNG) technologies and evaluates the market prospects for CNG vehicles in Beijing. An analysis of the natural gas resource supply for fleet vehicles follows. The costs and benefits of establishing natural gas filling stations and promoting the development of vehicle technology are evaluated. The quantity of GHG reduction is calculated. The objective of the paper is to provide information of transfer niche of CNG vehicle and equipment production in Beijing. This paper argues that the development of CNG vehicles is a cost-effective strategy for mitigating both air pollution and GHG.


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    Srilarakasuri P Ardiagarini


    Full Text Available Pergeseran konsumsi bahan bakar minyak ke bahan bakar berbasis gas, sebagai alternatif energi untuk sektor transportasi di Indonesia diperlukan. Salah satu renewable energy yang saat ini populer adalah biogas. Landfill gas (LFG yaitu biogas yang dihasilkan dari timbunan sampah domestik dalam jumlah yang besar pada suatu lahan. Penelitian ini dibuat dengan tujuan menghitung harga pokok untuk memproduksi CNG yang terbuat dari LFG yang dihasilkan oleh TPST Bantar Gebang. CNG dapat digunakan untuk menggerakkan mesin-mesin industri dan juga kendaraan mobil. TPST Bantar Gebang termasuk sebagai salah satu institusi yang dapat mengelola sampah dengan baik memiliki 95 area aktif Ha yang dapat menghasilkan gas TPA (LFG dengan kapasitas 5.971 Nm3/hour. Kandungan utama dari gas yang terbentuk adalah metana (CH4 dan karbondioksida (CO2 diikuti dengan gas-gas lainnya dengan komposisi yang relatif kecil. LFG dapat dikonversi ke CNG menggunakan Acrion CO2 WASH yang melepaskan CH4 dari gas lainnya. Hasil penelitian menggunakan 2 skenario jangka waktu, yaitu selama 5 tahun dan 10 tahun, didapatkan kapasitas LFG yang digunakan saat ini untuk memproduksi CNG hanya 5% dari kapasitas LFG, yaitu sebesar 7,500 Nm3/hari, dan menghasilkan CNG sebanyak 3,570 Nm3/hari. Harga pokok produksi produk CNG yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rp 160,00/ liter dengan perhitungan jangka waktu selama 5 tahun dan Rp 150,00 /liter dengan perhitungan jangka waktu selama 10 tahun. Kata kunci: renewable energy, biogas, TPST bantar gebang, LFG, CNG, harga pokok produksi Abstract In light of shifting fuel consumption from oil-based to gas-based fuel, researches on renewable energy as an alternative energy for trasportation sector in Indonesia are needed. Meanwhile, TPST Bantar Gebang has 95 Ha active area which can produce landfill gas (LFG with the capacity of 5,971 Nm3/hour. Landfill gas is biogas produced as a result of anaerob decomposition on organic material from piled

  13. Qualidade de um sistema latossolo-argissolo como receptor de efluentes no município de Lins(SP Quality of a latosol-argisol system in the county of Lins/SP, Brazil

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    Liliane Ibrahim


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar um sistema de solos, evidenciando a propriedades que possam esclarecer sua dinâmica e contribuir para a definição de critérios que condicionem a aptidão destes solos como receptores de efluentes. Trata-se de uma área experimental de estudos, contígua à Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto do município de Lins (SP, onde o efluente é gerado a partir do tratamento de esgoto por sistema de lagoas de estabilização. Os solos, situados ao longo de uma vertente com ligeira inclinação, foram caracterizados por meio de análises, morfológica, granulométrica, química, mineralógica e micromorfológica, realizadas em amostras coletadas em cinco trincheiras em toposseqüência. Os solos são desenvolvidos a partir dos sedimentos arenosos da Formação Adamantina (Grupo Bauru e constituem um sistema Latossolo - Argissolo onde a transição Bw - Bt ocorre lateralmente do topo para a base da vertente. Foram identificadas três fases pedogenéticas nesta associação de solos. A primeira, argiluviação e adensamento de partículas, responsável pela formação dos horizontes texturais, foi superposta pelos processos de latossolização e hidromorfismo, atuantes na dinâmica atual destes solos. Análises micromorfológicas mostraram tratar-se de solos com intensa porosidade, caracterizada pelo empilhamento dos grãos do esqueleto quartzoso amplamente predominante e pelo arranjo entre os microagregados granulares. A permeabilidade é ainda favorecida pela intensa ação da mesofauna. Os solos são distróficos e compostos por caulinita e óxidos de Fe na fração argilosa. Por constituírem um sistema frágil, a disposição de quaisquer tipos de resíduos nestes solos requer o monitoramento constante de suas propriedades, tanto para a manutenção, quanto para a recuperação da qualidade desta cobertura pedológica.The purpose of this study was the characterization of a soil system, focused on proprieties that



    Herrainsilta, Mika


    Työhyvinvointi ja työtyytyväisyys ovat organisaatioille merkittäviä menestystekijöitä. Työhyvinvointiin panostaminen luo monenlaisia hyötyjä. Työntekijä voi fyysisesti, henkisesti ja sosiaalisesti paremmin. Työntekijä on tuottavampi, tehokkaampi ja yhteistyökykyisempi. Samalla parantunut työhyvinvointi tuottaa organisaatiolla taloudellista hyötyä, kun sairaspoissaolot ja työkyvyttömyyseläkkeet vähenevät. Työhyvinvointia on myös johdettava. Työjärjestelyt ovat yksi työhyvinvoinnin johtamisen t...

  15. Simulation study on the cold neutron guides in China advanced research reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Liping; Yang Tonghua; Wang Hongli; Sun Kai; Zhao Zhixiang


    The designs of the two cold neutron guides, CNG1 and CNG2, to be built in China advanced research reactor (CARR) are studied with Monte-Carlo simulation technique. The neutron flux density at the exit of the both guides can reach above 1 x10 9 cm -2 ·s -1 under the assumed flux spectrum of the cold neutron source. The transmission efficiency is 50% and 42%, and the maximum divergence is about 2.2 degree and 1.9 degree, respectively for CNG1 and CNG2. Neutron distribution along horizontal direction is quite uniform for both guides, with maximum fluctuation of less than 3%. Gravity can affect neutron distribution along vertical direction considerably

  16. Gene expression profile and functionality of ESC-derived Lin-ckit+Sca-1+ cells are distinct from Lin-ckit+Sca-1+ cells isolated from fetal liver or bone marrow.

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    Irina Fernandez

    Full Text Available In vitro bioreactor-based cultures are being extensively investigated for large-scale production of differentiated cells from embryonic stem cells (ESCs. However, it is unclear whether in vitro ESC-derived progenitors have similar gene expression profiles and functionalities as their in vivo counterparts. This is crucial in establishing the validity of ESC-derived cells as replacements for adult-isolated cells for clinical therapies. In this study, we compared the gene expression profiles of Lin-ckit+Sca-1+ (LKS cells generated in vitro from mouse ESCs using either static or bioreactor-based cultures, with that of native LKS cells isolated from mouse fetal liver (FL or bone marrow (BM. We found that in vitro-generated LKS cells were more similar to FL- than to BM LKS cells in gene expression. Further, when compared to cells derived from bioreactor cultures, static culture-derived LKS cells showed fewer differentially expressed genes relative to both in vivo LKS populations. Overall, the expression of hematopoietic genes was lower in ESC-derived LKS cells compared to cells from BM and FL, while the levels of non-hematopoietic genes were up-regulated. In order to determine if these molecular profiles correlated with functionality, we evaluated ESC-derived LKS cells for in vitro hematopoietic-differentiation and colony formation (CFU assay. Although static culture-generated cells failed to form any colonies, they did differentiate into CD11c+ and B220+ cells indicating some hematopoietic potential. In contrast, bioreactor-derived LKS cells, when differentiated under the same conditions failed to produce any B220+ or CD11c+ cells and did not form colonies, indicating that these cells are not hematopoietic progenitors. We conclude that in vitro culture conditions significantly affect the transcriptome and functionality of ESC-derived LKS cells and although in vitro differentiated LKS cells were lineage negative and expressed both ckit and Sca-1



    Siekkinen, Roosa-Maria


    Työhyvinvointi on kokonaisuus, jonka muodostavat työ ja sen mielekkyys, turvallisuus, terveys ja hyvinvointi. Työhyvinvointia lisäävät työyhteisön ilmapiiri, motivoiva ja hyvä johtaminen, sekä työntekijöiden ammattitaito. Työhyvinvointia voidaan kehittää esimerkiksi kehittämällä ammatillista osaamista ja työoloja työterveyshuollon avulla ja työkykyä ylläpitävällä toiminnalla. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan Hong Kong Kokkolan henkilöstön henkistä ja fyysistä työhyvinvointia ja millainen s...

  18. A Formalism for the Consistent Description of Non-Linear Elasticity of Anisotropic Media Formalisme pour une description cohérente de l'élasticité non linéaire des milieux anisotropes

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    Helbig K.


    deviation can be expressed by the relative change of the eigenstiffnesses and by the variation in the direction of the eigenstrains (expressed as vectors in six-dimensional strain space. The suggested procedure is applied to the two materials discussed by Rasolofosaon and Yin (1996. The results allow a heuristic evaluation of the meaning of the reference strain , the square root of the ratio of the norms of the fourth-rank and sixth-rank stiffness tensors. It is stressed that this is not a new theory of non-linearity, but only a different way of viewing the existing theory and results. La propagation des ondes élastiques est généralement traitée sous quatre hypothèses : - le milieu est isotrope, - le milieu est homogène, - il y a une relation biunivoque entre la tension et la déformation, - les tensions sont reliées d'une façon linéaire aux déformations (et de manière équivalente, les déformations sont reliées d'une façon linéaire aux tensions. En général au moins une de ces hypothèses - et souvent toutes - n'est pas vérifiée dans les milieux réels. Une description théorique valide de la propagation des ondes dans les milieux réels dépend ainsi de la description à la fois qualitative et quantitative de l'hétérogénéité, de l'anisotropie et de la non-linéarité : soit on doit supposer (ou montrer que l'écart par rapport à l'hypothèse de départ peut être - pour le problème considéré - négligé, soit on doit développer une description théorique, valide même en présence de ces écarts. Alors que l'effet d'un seul écart par rapport à un état idéal est relativement bien connu, les difficultés surviennent quand on veut combiner plusieurs de ces écarts. Les propriétés élastiques non linéaires d'échantillons de roche anisotropes (tricliniques ont été étudiées, par P. Rasolofosaon et H. Yin au 6e IWSA à Trondheim (Rasolofosaon et Yin, 1996. L'élasticité anisotrope non linéaire est importante seulement pour les amplitudes

  19. Comparative study of four immortalized human brain capillary endothelial cell lines, hCMEC/D3, hBMEC, TY10, and BB19, and optimization of culture conditions, for an in vitro blood–brain barrier model for drug permeability studies


    Eigenmann, Daniela E; Xue, Gongda; Kim, Kwang S; Moses, Ashlee V; Hamburger, Matthias; Oufir, Mouhssin


    Background: Reliable human in vitro blood brain barrier (BBB) models suitable for high throughput screening are urgently needed in early drug discovery and development for assessing the ability of promising bioactive compounds to overcome the BBB. To establish an improved human in vitro BBB model we compared four currently available and well characterized immortalized human brain capillary endothelial cell lines hCMEC/D3 hBMEC TY10 and BB19 with respect to barrier tightness and paracellular p...

  20. Natural Gas Driven Vehicles Safety and Regulatory Regime - Challenges in Bangladesh

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    Robiul Islam Rubel


    Full Text Available Natural gas driven vehicles (NGV is common in Bangladesh first introduced around 1995. Be that as it may, situation has changed because of minimal effort of CNG as fuel. The legislature additionally empowered the change of private vehicles by making a few strategy activities as Bangladesh has natural gas reserve, cost economy, low emission. Now passenger automobile like car, bus, and even agricultural vehicles are utilizing CNG as fuel. Faulty cylinders or other CNG-related kits in NGV not only endanger the lives of the passengers of the vehicles, but also of others somehow remaining close to the accident spots. The safety aspect of CNG runs vehicles are beyond regular and strict monitoring, even out of consideration. The objective of this paper is to find out the present scenario of the NGV of Bangladesh and safety perspective in compare to the CNG safety act of Bangladesh. For this purpose, other CNG safety standard of first world country along with exporter country is under consideration. This paper reviews the options available to policy makers in their efforts to reduce the causalities associated with NGV transport. It provides a summary of the categories of negative impacts targeted together with the specific policy initiatives available. The actions for regulation taken by policy makers and foregoing challenges are underlined. To fight against the challenges a framework has proposed.

  1. Structure-based function prediction of the expanding mollusk tyrosinase family (United States)

    Huang, Ronglian; Li, Li; Zhang, Guofan


    Tyrosinase (Ty) is a common enzyme found in many different animal groups. In our previous study, genome sequencing revealed that the Ty family is expanded in the Pacific oyster ( Crassostrea gigas). Here, we examine the larger number of Ty family members in the Pacific oyster by high-level structure prediction to obtain more information about their function and evolution, especially the unknown role in biomineralization. We verified 12 Ty gene sequences from Crassostrea gigas genome and Pinctada fucata martensii transcriptome. By using phylogenetic analysis of these Tys with functionally known Tys from other molluscan species, eight subgroups were identified (CgTy_s1, CgTy_s2, MolTy_s1, MolTy-s2, MolTy-s3, PinTy-s1, PinTy-s2 and PviTy). Structural data and surface pockets of the dinuclear copper center in the eight subgroups of molluscan Ty were obtained using the latest versions of prediction online servers. Structural comparison with other Ty proteins from the protein databank revealed functionally important residues (HA1, HA2, HA3, HB1, HB2, HB3, Z1-Z9) and their location within these protein structures. The structural and chemical features of these pockets which may related to the substrate binding showed considerable variability among mollusks, which undoubtedly defines Ty substrate binding. Finally, we discuss the potential driving forces of Ty family evolution in mollusks. Based on these observations, we conclude that the Ty family has rapidly evolved as a consequence of substrate adaptation in mollusks.

  2. State of the art and environmental benefits using methane-hydrogen blends

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faedo, D.


    Hythane is the patented mixture of 15% (by energy content) of hydrogen in CNG: in other proportions the blend is called HCNG. Hydrogen addition to CNG extends the lean burn limit of a natural gas engine, and has the potential to lower the nitrogen oxides emissions and to improve the engine thermal efficiency, with minor hardware changes necessary. This paper reports the benefits of hydrogen to CNG in S.I. engine, and a brief review of the results obtained in this field [it

  3. Stepwise dissection and visualization of the catalytic mechanism of haloalkane dehalogenase LinB using molecular dynamics simulations and computer graphics. (United States)

    Negri, Ana; Marco, Esther; Damborsky, Jiri; Gago, Federico


    The different steps of the dehalogenation reaction carried out by LinB on three different substrates have been characterized using a combination of quantum mechanical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. This has allowed us to obtain information in atomic detail about each step of the reaction mechanism, that is, substrate entrance and achievement of the near-attack conformation, transition state stabilization within the active site, halide stabilization, water molecule activation and subsequent hydrolytic attack on the ester intermediate with formation of alcohol, and finally product release. Importantly, no bias or external forces were applied during the whole procedure so that both intermediates and products were completely free to sample configuration space in order to adapt to the plasticity of the active site and/or search for an exit. Differences in substrate reactivity were found to be correlated with the ease of adopting the near-attack conformation and two different exit pathways were found for product release that do not interfere with substrate entrance. Additional support for the different entry and exit pathways was independently obtained from an examination of the enzyme's normal modes.

  4. Etude de la stabilité globale de l’équilibre endémique des modèles multi groupes SIR avec une incidence non linéaire.




    Dans ce mémoire, on présente le nombre de reproduction de base pour un modèle épidémique multigroupe avec une incidence non linéaire. Ensuite, on établie la dynamique globale est entièrement déterminée par le nombre de reproduction de base R0. On montre que le nombre de reproduction de base R0 est un paramètre global de seuil dans le sens que si il est inférieur ou égale à 1, l’équilibre sans maladie est globalement stable et la maladie s’éteint, alors que si il est supérieur à 1, il est u...

  5. Source apportionment of PM2.5 at the Lin'an regional background site in China with three receptor models (United States)

    Deng, Junjun; Zhang, Yanru; Qiu, Yuqing; Zhang, Hongliang; Du, Wenjiao; Xu, Lingling; Hong, Youwei; Chen, Yanting; Chen, Jinsheng


    Source apportionment of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were conducted at the Lin'an Regional Atmospheric Background Station (LA) in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region in China from July 2014 to April 2015 with three receptor models including principal component analysis combining multiple linear regression (PCA-MLR), UNMIX and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF). The model performance, source identification and source contribution of the three models were analyzed and inter-compared. Source apportionment of PM2.5 was also conducted with the receptor models. Good correlations between the reconstructed and measured concentrations of PM2.5 and its major chemical species were obtained for all models. PMF resolved almost all masses of PM2.5, while PCA-MLR and UNMIX explained about 80%. Five, four and seven sources were identified by PCA-MLR, UNMIX and PMF, respectively. Combustion, secondary source, marine source, dust and industrial activities were identified by all the three receptor models. Combustion source and secondary source were the major sources, and totally contributed over 60% to PM2.5. The PMF model had a better performance on separating the different combustion sources. These findings improve the understanding of PM2.5 sources in background region.

  6. Siisteyden kehittäminen Rauten tehtaalla


    Mikkonen, Jali


    Tämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää Raute Oyj:n Nastolan tehtaan siisteyttä. Työn tilaaja oli nähnyt tarpeelliseksi nostaa tehtaan siisteyttä, joka parantaa työturvallisuutta ja työviihtyvyyttä ja välillisesti työn tuottavuutta ja laatua. Tehtaalle kehitettiin siisteystarkastuskäytäntö, minkä perusteella jokaiselle työhallille määritellään siisteysindeksi, joka lasketaan hallille työpisteiden keskiarvona. Siisteysindeksillä pyritään motivoimaan työntekijöitä siisteyden ylläpitämiseen ja ...

  7. Circulating Tumor Cells with Aberrant ALK Copy Number Predict Progression-Free Survival during Crizotinib Treatment in ALK-Rearranged Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients. (United States)

    Pailler, Emma; Oulhen, Marianne; Borget, Isabelle; Remon, Jordi; Ross, Kirsty; Auger, Nathalie; Billiot, Fanny; Ngo Camus, Maud; Commo, Frédéric; Lindsay, Colin R; Planchard, David; Soria, Jean-Charles; Besse, Benjamin; Farace, Françoise


    The duration and magnitude of clinical response are unpredictable in ALK -rearranged non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with crizotinib, although all patients invariably develop resistance. Here, we evaluated whether circulating tumor cells (CTC) with aberrant ALK -FISH patterns [ ALK -rearrangement, ALK -copy number gain ( ALK -CNG)] monitored on crizotinib could predict progression-free survival (PFS) in a cohort of ALK -rearranged patients. Thirty-nine ALK -rearranged NSCLC patients treated with crizotinib as first ALK inhibitor were recruited prospectively. Blood samples were collected at baseline and at an early time-point (2 months) on crizotinib. Aberrant ALK -FISH patterns were examined in CTCs using immunofluorescence staining combined with filter-adapted FISH after filtration enrichment. CTCs were classified into distinct subsets according to the presence of ALK -rearrangement and/or ALK -CNG signals. No significant association between baseline numbers of ALK -rearranged or ALK -CNG CTCs and PFS was observed. However, we observed a significant association between the decrease in CTC number with ALK -CNG on crizotinib and a longer PFS (likelihood ratio test, P = 0.025). In multivariate analysis, the dynamic change of CTC with ALK -CNG was the strongest factor associated with PFS (HR, 4.485; 95% confidence interval, 1.543-13.030, P = 0.006). Although not dominant, ALK -CNG has been reported to be one of the mechanisms of acquired resistance to crizotinib in tumor biopsies. Our results suggest that the dynamic change in the numbers of CTCs with ALK -CNG may be a predictive biomarker for crizotinib efficacy in ALK -rearranged NSCLC patients. Serial molecular analysis of CTC shows promise for real-time patient monitoring and clinical outcome prediction in this population. Cancer Res; 77(9); 2222-30. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  8. A comparative life cycle assessment of diesel and compressed natural gas powered refuse collection vehicles in a Canadian city

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rose, Lars; Hussain, Mohammed; Ahmed, Syed; Malek, Kourosh; Costanzo, Robert; Kjeang, Erik


    Consumers and organizations worldwide are searching for low-carbon alternatives to conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their impact on the environment. A comprehensive technique used to estimate overall cost and environmental impact of vehicles is known as life cycle assessment (LCA). In this article, a comparative LCA of diesel and compressed natural gas (CNG) powered heavy duty refuse collection vehicles (RCVs) is conducted. The analysis utilizes real-time operational data obtained from the City of Surrey in British Columbia, Canada. The impact of the two alternative vehicles is assessed from various points in their life. No net gain in energy use is found when a diesel powered RCV is replaced by a CNG powered RCV. However, significant reductions (approximately 24% CO 2 -equivalent) in GHG and criteria air contaminant (CAC) emissions are obtained. Moreover, fuel cost estimations based on 2011 price levels and a 5-year lifetime for both RCVs reveal that considerable cost savings may be achieved by switching to CNG vehicles. Thus, CNG RCVs are not only favorable in terms of reduced climate change impact but also cost effective compared to conventional diesel RCVs, and provide a viable and realistic near-term strategy for cities and municipalities to reduce GHG emissions. - Highlights: ► Life cycle analysis is performed on two alternative refuse collection vehicle technologies. ► Real-time operational data obtained by the City of Surrey in British Columbia are utilized. ► The life cycle energy use is similar for diesel and CNG RCVs. ► A 24% reduction of GHG emissions (CO 2 -equivalent) may be realized by switching from diesel to CNG. ► CNG RCVs are estimated to be cost effective and may lead to reduced fuel costs.

  9. Exhaust energy conversion by thermoelectric generator: Two case studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karri, M.A.; Thacher, E.F.; Helenbrook, B.T.


    This study reports predictions of the power and fuel savings produced by thermoelectric generators (TEG) placed in the exhaust stream of a sports utility vehicle (SUV) and a stationary, compressed-natural-gas-fueled engine generator set (CNG). Results are obtained for generators using either commercially-available bismuth telluride (Bi 2 Te 3 ) or quantum-well (QW) thermoelectric material. The simulated tests are at constant speed in the SUV case and at constant AC power load in the CNG case. The simulations make use of the capabilities of ADVISOR 2002, the vehicle modeling system, supplemented with code to describe the thermoelectric generator system. The increase in power between the QW- and Bi 2 Te 3 -based generators was about three times for the SUV and seven times for the CNG generator under the same simulation conditions. The relative fuel savings for the SUV averaged around -0.2% using Bi 2 Te 3 and 1.25% using QW generators. For the CNG case the fuel savings was around 0.4% using Bi 2 Te 3 and around 3% using QW generators. The negative fuel gains in the SUV were caused by parasitic losses. The power to transport the TEG system weight was the dominant parasitic loss for the SUV but was absent in the CNG generator. The lack of space constraint and the absence of parasitic loss from the TEG system weight in the CNG case allowed an increase in the TEG system size to generate more power.

  10. Compressed natural gas transportation by utilizing FRP composite pressure vessels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campbell, S.C. [Trans Ocean Gas Inc., St. John' s, NF (Canada)


    This paper discussed the Trans Ocean Gas (TOG) method for transporting compressed natural gas (CNG). As demand for natural gas increases and with half of the world's reserves considered stranded, a method to transport natural gas by ship is needed. CNG transportation is widely viewed as a viable method. Transported as CNG, stranded gas reserves can be delivered to existing markets or can create new natural gas markets not applicable to liquefied natural gas (LNG). In contrast to LNG, compressed gas requires no processing to offload. TOG proposes that CNG be transported using fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) pressure vessels which overcome all the deficiencies of proposed steel-based systems. FRP pressure vessels have been proven safe and reliable through critical applications in the national defense, aerospace, and natural gas vehicle industries. They are light-weight, highly reliable, have very safe failure modes, are corrosion resistant, and have excellent low temperature characteristics. Under TOG's scheme, natural gas can be stored at two thirds the density of LNG without costly processing. TOG's proposed design and testing of a CNG system was reviewed in detail. 1 fig.

  11. A Comparative study on VOCs and aldehyde-ketone emissions from a spark Ignition vehicle fuelled on compressed natural gas and gasoline

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, A.N.


    In this work, an experimental study was conducted on a spark ignition (SI) vehicle fuelled on compressed natural gas (CNG), and gasoline to compare the unregulated emissions such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and aldehyde-ketones or carbonyls. In the meantime, ozone forming potential (OFP) of pollutants was also calculated on the basis of their specific reactivity (SR). The vehicle was run on a chassis dynamometer following the Chinese National Standards test scheduled for light duty vehicle (LDV) emissions. According to the results, total aldehyde-ketones were increased by 39.4% due to the substantial increase in formaldehyde and acrolein + acetone emissions, while VOCs and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene) reduced by 85.2 and 86% respectively, in case of CNG fuelled vehicle as compared to gasoline vehicle. Although total aldehyde-ketones were higher with CNG relative to gasoline, their SR was lower due decrease in acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, and methacrolein species having higher maximum incremental reactivity (MIR) values. The SR of VOCs and aldehyde-ketones emitted from CNG fuelled vehicle was decreased by above 10% and 32% respectively, owing to better physicochemical properties and more complete burning of CNG as compared to gasoline. (author)

  12. Psykologiset sopimukset ja organisaatioon sitoutuminen tietotyössä


    Saari, Tiina


    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan tietotyön psykologisia sopimuksia ja organisaatiositoutumista osana työhyvinvointia. Tutkimus sijoittuu yhteiskuntatieteellisen työelämäntutkimuksen alueelle ja sen kontekstina on tietointensiivinen työ suomalaisissa yksityisen ja julkisen sektorin organisaatioissa. Psykologisella sopimuksella tarkoitetaan työntekijän subjektiivista käsitystä omaan työsuhteeseensa kuuluvista oikeuksista ja velvollisuuksista. Psykologinen sopimus perustuu työntekijän näkemykseen...

  13. Unregulated emissions from compressed natural gas (CNG) transit buses configured with and without oxidation catalyst. (United States)

    Okamoto, Robert A; Kado, Norman Y; Kuzmicky, Paul A; Ayala, Alberto; Kobayashi, Reiko


    The unregulated emissions from two in-use heavy-duty transit buses fueled by compressed natural gas (CNG) and equipped with oxidation catalyst (OxiCat) control were evaluated. We tested emissions from a transit bus powered by a 2001 Cummins Westport C Gas Plus 8.3-L engine (CWest), which meets the California Air Resources Board's (CARB) 2002 optional NOx standard (2.0 g/bhp-hr). In California, this engine is certified only with an OxiCat, so our study did not include emissions testing without it. We also tested a 2000 New Flyer 40-passenger low-floor bus powered by a Detroit Diesel series 50G engine (DDCs50G) that is currently certified in California without an OxiCat. The original equipment manufacturer (OEM) offers a "low-emission" package for this bus that includes an OxiCat for transit bus applications, thus, this configuration was also tested in this study. Previously, we reported that formaldehyde and other volatile organic emissions detected in the exhaust of the DDCs50G bus equipped with an OxiCat were significantly reduced relative to the same DDCs50G bus without OxiCat. In this paper, we examine othertoxic unregulated emissions of significance. The specific mutagenic activity of emission sample extracts was examined using the microsuspension assay. The total mutagenic activity of emissions (activity per mile) from the OxiCat-equipped DDC bus was generally lower than that from the DDC bus without the OxiCat. The CWest bus emission samples had mutagenic activity that was comparable to that of the OxiCat-equipped DDC bus. In general, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions were lower forthe OxiCat-equipped buses, with greater reductions observed for the volatile and semivolatile PAH emissions. Elemental carbon (EC) was detected in the exhaust from the all three bus configurations, and we found that the total carbon (TC) composition of particulate matter (PM) emissions was primarily organic carbon (OC). The amount of carbon emissions far exceeded the

  14. Evaluación preclínica y estudio de estabilidad de extractos a partir del follaje de Momordica charantia Lin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Lagarto


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue la evaluación preclínica y el estudio de estabilidad de extractos a partir del follaje de Momordica charantia Lin. Se obtuvieron extractos acuoso e hidroalcohólico para los cuales se establecieron las especificaciones de calidad mediante la evaluación de tres lotes y se estudió su estabilidad por el método de vida de estante durante 12 meses. A los extractos se le evaluó el potencial genotóxico mediante ensayos de micronúcleos en médula ósea de ratón y aberraciones cromosómicas en linfocitos de sangre periférica. La actividad hipoglicemiante oral fue evaluada en animales con hiperglicemia temporal inducida por carga de glucosa. Como resultados se establecieron las especificaciones de calidad de los extractos acuoso e hidroalcohólico, los mismos mostraron estabilidad por 6 meses para el extracto acuoso y 12 meses para el extracto hidroalcohólico. No mostraron efecto genotóxico en los ensayos evaluados y mostraron efecto hipoglicemiante oral a la dosis de 450 mg/kg.

  15. Exhaust energy conversion by thermoelectric generator: Two case studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karri, M.A.; Thacher, E.F.; Helenbrook, B.T. [Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, PO Box 5725, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699 (United States)


    This study reports predictions of the power and fuel savings produced by thermoelectric generators (TEG) placed in the exhaust stream of a sports utility vehicle (SUV) and a stationary, compressed-natural-gas-fueled engine generator set (CNG). Results are obtained for generators using either commercially-available bismuth telluride (Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3}) or quantum-well (QW) thermoelectric material. The simulated tests are at constant speed in the SUV case and at constant AC power load in the CNG case. The simulations make use of the capabilities of ADVISOR 2002, the vehicle modeling system, supplemented with code to describe the thermoelectric generator system. The increase in power between the QW- and Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3}-based generators was about three times for the SUV and seven times for the CNG generator under the same simulation conditions. The relative fuel savings for the SUV averaged around -0.2% using Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3} and 1.25% using QW generators. For the CNG case the fuel savings was around 0.4% using Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3} and around 3% using QW generators. The negative fuel gains in the SUV were caused by parasitic losses. The power to transport the TEG system weight was the dominant parasitic loss for the SUV but was absent in the CNG generator. The lack of space constraint and the absence of parasitic loss from the TEG system weight in the CNG case allowed an increase in the TEG system size to generate more power. (author)

  16. Driving on Natural Gas, Greening the Gasunie Fleet

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Faber, Tom


    Driving on CNG is preferable to conventional fuels because of diversification of the energy mix, local availability of natural gas, the financial benefit and the transition function towards (sustain-able) biogas and emission reduction. Furthermore, the CNG technology is expected to be safer than

  17. 49 CFR 571.303 - Standard No. 303; Fuel system integrity of compressed natural gas vehicles. (United States)


    ... compressed natural gas vehicles. 571.303 Section 571.303 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to... system integrity of compressed natural gas vehicles. S1. Scope. This standard specifies requirements for the integrity of motor vehicle fuel systems using compressed natural gas (CNG), including the CNG fuel...

  18. Natural gas application in light- and heavy-duty vehicles in Brazil: panorama, technological routes and perspectives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Machado, Guilherme Bastos, Cordeiro de Melo, Tadeu Cavalcante; Leao, Raphael Riemke de Campos Cesar; Iaccarino, Fernando Aniello; Figueiredo Moreira, Marcia


    The Brazilian CNG light-duty vehicle fleet has currently reached more than 1,300,000 units. This growth increased in the late 1990's, when CNG was approved for use in passenger cars. In 2001, the IBAMA (Brazilian Institute for Environment and Natural Renewable Resources), concerned with this uncontrolled growth, published CONAMA (National Environmental Council, controlled by IBAMA) resolution 291, which establishes rules for CNG conversion kit environmental certification.This paper discusses the technological challenges for CNG-converted vehicles to comply with PROCONVE (Brazilian Program for Automotive Air Pollution Control) emission limits. In the 1980's, because of the oil crisis, Natural Gas (NG) emerged as a fuel with great potential to replace Diesel in heavy-duty vehicles. Some experiences were conducted for partial conversions from Diesel to NG (Diesel-gas). Other experiences using NG Otto Cycle buses were conducted in some cities, but have not expanded. Another technological route called 'Ottolization' (Diesel to Otto cycle convertion) appeared recently. Population increase and the great growth in vehicle fleet promote a constant concern with automotive emissions. More restrictive emission limits, high international oil prices, and the strategic interest in replacing Diesel imports, altogether form an interesting scenario for CNG propagation to public transportation in the main Brazilian metropolises.

  19. Life cycle air emissions impacts and ownership costs of light-duty vehicles using natural gas as a primary energy source. (United States)

    Luk, Jason M; Saville, Bradley A; MacLean, Heather L


    This paper aims to comprehensively distinguish among the merits of different vehicles using a common primary energy source. In this study, we consider compressed natural gas (CNG) use directly in conventional vehicles (CV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), and natural gas-derived electricity (NG-e) use in plug-in battery electric vehicles (BEV). This study evaluates the incremental life cycle air emissions (climate change and human health) impacts and life cycle ownership costs of non-plug-in (CV and HEV) and plug-in light-duty vehicles. Replacing a gasoline CV with a CNG CV, or a CNG CV with a CNG HEV, can provide life cycle air emissions impact benefits without increasing ownership costs; however, the NG-e BEV will likely increase costs (90% confidence interval: $1000 to $31 000 incremental cost per vehicle lifetime). Furthermore, eliminating HEV tailpipe emissions via plug-in vehicles has an insignificant incremental benefit, due to high uncertainties, with emissions cost benefits between -$1000 and $2000. Vehicle criteria air contaminants are a relatively minor contributor to life cycle air emissions impacts because of strict vehicle emissions standards. Therefore, policies should focus on adoption of plug-in vehicles in nonattainment regions, because CNG vehicles are likely more cost-effective at providing overall life cycle air emissions impact benefits.

  20. Suunnitteluautomaatio CAD-ohjelmissa


    Anttila, Juho


    Tässä työssä tutkittiin suunnitteluautomaation mahdollisuuksia cad-ohjelmissa. Työtä varten perehdyttiin useampaan cad-ohjelmaan ja tehtiin suurehko automaatti Vertex G4 alustalle, jonka kokemuksiin työn pohdinta pitkälti perustuu. Työ etenee yleisestä työkalujen esittelystä automatisoinnin teoriaan. Teoriassa pohditaan erilaisia tapoja ja tasoja miten automatisointia voidaan toteuttaa. Työn aihe oli kiinnostava, koska aiheesta on tehty melko vähän teoksia. Teoriapohdiskelun ohella esitettii...

  1. The triglyceride-glucose index, an insulin resistance marker in newborns? (United States)

    Gesteiro, Eva; Bastida, Sara; Barrios, Laura; Sánchez-Muniz, Francisco J


    The study aims to assess the utility of the triglyceride-glucose index (TyG) as a marker of insulin resistance (IR) in neonates. TyG and the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA-IR) values were compared in 196 singleton, term normoweight and without distress newborns. A Decision Tree procedure (CHAID) was used to classify cases into groups or predict values of a dependent (Ln HOMA-IR) variable. Three nodes were drawn for TyG: ≤ 6.7, > 6.7-7.8 and > 7.8 (p glucose challenge test (p = 0.138) classifications nor by the TyG node* glucose challenge test and TyG node*gender interactions (p = 0.456 and p = 0.209, respectively). Glucose, HOMA-IR, and the triglyceride/HDL cholesterol ratio increased progressively from node 1 to 3 for TyG while QUICKI decreased. In conclusion, TyG appears to be a suitable tool for identifying IR at birth, justifying the further insulin determination in those neonates. TyG ≥ 7.8 is recommended as cut-off point in neonates. The need for a follow-up study to confirm the TyG as early IR marker is desirable. • HOMA-IR and the triglyceride-glucose index (TyG) show a high correlation. • The TyG has been used as an insulin resistance marker in adults. • This is the first study where TyG has been assessed in neonates. • TyG appears to be a suitable and cheap tool for identifying insulin resistance at birth.

  2. Natural Gas Vehicle Cylinder Safety, Training and Inspection Project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hank Seiff


    Under the auspices of the National Energy Technology Laboratory and the US Department of Energy, the Clean Vehicle Education Foundation conducted a three-year program to increase the understanding of the safe and proper use and maintenance of vehicular compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel systems. High-pressure fuel systems require periodic inspection and maintenance to insure safe and proper operation. The project addressed the needs of CNG fuel containers (cylinders) and associated high-pressure fuel system components related to existing law, codes and standards (C&S), available training and inspection programs, and assured coordination among vehicle users, public safety officials, fueling station operators and training providers. The program included a public and industry awareness campaign, establishment and administration of a cylinder inspector certification training scholarship program, evaluation of current safety training and testing practices, monitoring and investigation of CNG vehicle incidents, evaluation of a cylinder recertification program and the migration of CNG vehicle safety knowledge to the nascent hydrogen vehicle community.

  3. A Real-Time Implementable NMPC Output Feedback for a Diesel Engine Air Path Commande prédictive non linéaire avec retour de sortie implémentable en temps-réel pour un circuit d’air d’un moteur Diesel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Murilo A.


    Full Text Available In this paper, an experimental validation of a parameterized Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC scheme with a Moving Horizon Observer (MHO is presented for a Diesel engine air path. The control design based on the parameterized approach leads to a low dimensional optimization problem which makes the proposed controller real-time implementable. An attractive feature of this control strategy lies in its compatibility with more elaborated and fully nonlinear models since it uses the model as a black box predictor. Dans cet article, une validation expérimentale d’un schéma de commande prédictive non linéaire (CPNL paramétrique avec un observateur à horizon glissant a été proposé pour le circuit d’air d’un moteur Diesel. La stratégie de commande basée sur l’approche paramétrique à faible dimension s’est montrée implémentable en temps réel et peut être utilisée aussi en tant qu’une solution du type boîte noire indépendamment de la structure du modèle non linéaire.

  4. Low diversity Cryptococcus neoformans variety grubii multilocus sequence types from Thailand are consistent with an ancestral African origin.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sitali P Simwami


    Full Text Available The global burden of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis is estimated at nearly one million cases per year, causing up to a third of all AIDS-related deaths. Molecular epidemiology constitutes the main methodology for understanding the factors underpinning the emergence of this understudied, yet increasingly important, group of pathogenic fungi. Cryptococcus species are notable in the degree that virulence differs amongst lineages, and highly-virulent emerging lineages are changing patterns of human disease both temporally and spatially. Cryptococcus neoformans variety grubii (Cng, serotype A constitutes the most ubiquitous cause of cryptococcal meningitis worldwide, however patterns of molecular diversity are understudied across some regions experiencing significant burdens of disease. We compared 183 clinical and environmental isolates of Cng from one such region, Thailand, Southeast Asia, against a global MLST database of 77 Cng isolates. Population genetic analyses showed that Thailand isolates from 11 provinces were highly homogenous, consisting of the same genetic background (globally known as VNI and exhibiting only ten nearly identical sequence types (STs, with three (STs 44, 45 and 46 dominating our sample. This population contains significantly less diversity when compared against the global population of Cng, specifically Africa. Genetic diversity in Cng was significantly subdivided at the continental level with nearly half (47% of the global STs unique to a genetically diverse and recombining population in Botswana. These patterns of diversity, when combined with evidence from haplotypic networks and coalescent analyses of global populations, are highly suggestive of an expansion of the Cng VNI clade out of Africa, leading to a limited number of genotypes founding the Asian populations. Divergence time testing estimates the time to the most common ancestor between the African and Asian populations to be 6,920 years ago (95% HPD

  5. Isolation and characterization of reverse transcriptase fragments of LTR retrotransposons from the genome of Chenopodium quinoa (Amaranthaceae). (United States)

    Kolano, Bozena; Bednara, Edyta; Weiss-Schneeweiss, Hanna


    High heterogeneity was observed among conserved domains of reverse transcriptase ( rt ) isolated from quinoa. Only one Ty1- copia rt was highly amplified. Reverse transcriptase sequences were located predominantly in pericentromeric region of quinoa chromosomes. The heterogeneity, genomic abundance, and chromosomal distribution of reverse transcriptase (rt)-coding fragments of Ty1-copia and Ty3-gypsy long terminal repeat retrotransposons were analyzed in the Chenopodium quinoa genome. Conserved domains of the rt gene were amplified and characterized using degenerate oligonucleotide primer pairs. Sequence analyses indicated that half of Ty1-copia rt (51 %) and 39 % of Ty3-gypsy rt fragments contained intact reading frames. High heterogeneity among rt sequences was observed for both Ty1-copia and Ty3-gypsy rt amplicons, with Ty1-copia more heterogeneous than Ty3-gypsy. Most of the isolated rt fragments were present in quinoa genome in low copy numbers, with only one highly amplified Ty1-copia rt sequence family. The gypsy-like RNase H fragments co-amplified with Ty1-copia-degenerate primers were shown to be highly amplified in the quinoa genome indicating either higher abundance of some gypsy families of which rt domains could not be amplified, or independent evolution of this gypsy-region in quinoa. Both Ty1-copia and Ty3-gypsy retrotransposons were preferentially located in pericentromeric heterochromatin of quinoa chromosomes. Phylogenetic analyses of newly amplified rt fragments together with well-characterized retrotransposon families from other organisms allowed identification of major lineages of retroelements in the genome of quinoa and provided preliminary insight into their evolutionary dynamics.

  6. Complete sequence of Tvv1, a family of Ty 1 copia-like retrotransposons of Vitis vinifera L., reconstituted by chromosome walking. (United States)

    Pelsy, F.; Merdinoglu, D.


    A chromosome-walking strategy was used to sequence and characterize retrotransposons in the grapevine genome. The reconstitution of a family of retroelements, named Tvv1, was achieved by six successive steps. These elements share a single, highly conserved open reading frame 4,153 nucleotides-long, putatively encoding the gag, pro, int, rt and rh proteins. Comparison of the Tvv1 open reading frame coding potential with those of drosophila copia and tobacco Tnt1, revealed that Tvv1 is closely related to Ty 1 copia-like retrotransposons. A highly variable untranslated leader region, upstream of the open reading frame, allowed us to differentiate Tvv1 variants, which represent a family of at least 28 copies, in varying sizes. This internal region is flanked by two long terminal repeats in direct orientation, sized between 149 and 157 bp. Among elements theoretically sized from 4,970 to 5,550 bp, we describe the full-length sequence of a reference element Tvv1-1, 5,343 nucleotides-long. The full-length sequence of Tvv1-1 compared to pea PDR1 shows a 53.3% identity. In addition, both elements contain long terminal repeats of nearly the same size in which the U5 region could be entirely absent. Therefore, we assume that Tvv1 and PDR1 could constitute a particular class of short LTRs retroelements.

  7. Some Results on the Graph Theory for Complex Neutrosophic Sets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shio Gai Quek


    Full Text Available Fuzzy graph theory plays an important role in the study of the symmetry and asymmetry properties of fuzzy graphs. With this in mind, in this paper, we introduce new neutrosophic graphs called complex neutrosophic graphs of type 1 (abbr. CNG1. We then present a matrix representation for it and study some properties of this new concept. The concept of CNG1 is an extension of the generalized fuzzy graphs of type 1 (GFG1 and generalized single-valued neutrosophic graphs of type 1 (GSVNG1. The utility of the CNG1 introduced here are applied to a multi-attribute decision making problem related to Internet server selection.

  8. Increased attentiveness is associated with hemispheric asymmetry measured with lateral tympanic membrane temperature in humans and dogs. (United States)

    Helton, William S; Maginnity, Michelle


    In this study, we examined the relationship between a measure of cerebral lateralization--differences in tympanic temperature (T(Ty))--and questionnaire measures of inattentiveness and hyperactivity in both people and dogs. Theories of cerebral lateralization indicate that cerebral asymmetry may improve attentive behaviour. In people, greater left than right T(Ty) was related to increased self-reports of inattentiveness. There was no relationship between lateralized T(Ty) and hyperactivity. In dogs, there was quadratic relationship between lateralized T(Ty) and handler reports of inattentiveness. Increased T(Ty) asymmetry, regardless of direction, was related to more attentiveness. There was no discernable relationship between hyperactivity and lateralized T(Ty). Differences in T(Ty) may be an useful tool for investigating species comparisons of cerebral lateralization.

  9. Henkilöarvioinnin tehostaminen kohdeorganisaation rekrytoinnissa


    Kytömaa, Johanna


    Tämä opinnäytetyön aihe on henkilöarvioinnin tehostamisen. Työn tavoite on luoda kohdeor-ganisaatiolle työhaastattelun rinnalle yksinkertaistettu arvioinnin väline, joka tehostaa henki-löarviointia työhönottotilanteessa. Työ käsittelee henkilöarviointia käsitteenä sekä siihen käy-tettäviä eri menetelmiä ja arviointiprosessia. Työ on luonteeltaan toiminnallinen, eli se on tehty projektimuotoisena. Työn kohdeorganisaatio, Nooa Säästöpankki, on suomalainen pääkaupunkiseudulla toimiva Säästöp...

  10. The International Team in NanosafeTy (TITNT): A Multidisciplinary group for an improvement of Nanorisk Assessment and Management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Emond, C; Rolando, C; Torkaski, C; Hirano, S; Schuster, F; Sentein, C; Jolliet, O; Maghni, K; Meyer-Plath, A; Halle, S; Vandelac, L


    Nanotechnology allows the ability to design many new materials and devices with multiple applications, such as in medicine, electronics, and energy production. However, nanotechnology also raises several concerns about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials. A report published by the Council of Canadian Academies points out the necessity to respond about many uncertainties associated with risk assessment for ensuring the safety of health and environment. Nanotoxicology (or Nanosafety) is a part of the toxicology science that aims to study adverse effects of nanomaterials or nanoparticles on living organisms. This field includes different aspects from workers prevention to the environment protection. Group of researchers have initiated an international powerful interactive milieu for researchers to work in concert for a global and integrated study of many aspects of nanotoxicology. The International Team in NanosafeTy (TITNT) is composed of research scientists from 5 different countries (Canada, USA, Japan, France and Germany) working together on 6 different specific thematics, and organized as 9 different technology platforms ( TITNT aims to study different features of nanomaterials related to nanosafety, such as in vivo and in vitro studies, life cycle, occupational protections and monitoring, early biomarkers detection, characterization and nanotoxicokinetic/dynamic assessment during and after nanoparticles synthesis and the societal, public policy and environmental aspects. While the rapid growth of nanotechnology is opening up a floodgate of opportunities, the legislation related is lagging behind mainly because of a lack of knowledge in the biosafety of most nanomaterials. The main goal of TITNT is to improve knowledge in nanosafety science for the benefit of the discipline, for better public policies and for the public itself.

  11. The International Team in NanosafeTy (TITNT): A Multidisciplinary group for an improvement of Nanorisk Assessment and Management

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Emond, C [BioSimulation Consulting Inc 220E. Delaware Ave. 1182, Newark DE, 19711 (United States); Rolando, C; Torkaski, C [MSAP, USR CNRS 3290, and Proteomique, Modifications Post-traductionnelles et Glycobiologie, IFR 147, Universite de Lille 1 Sciences et Technologies, 59655 Villeneuve d' Ascq Cedex (France); Hirano, S [National Institute for Environmental Studies16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506 (Japan); Schuster, F; Sentein, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique (CEA) Saclay (France); Jolliet, O [University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Michigan (United States); Maghni, K [University of Montreal, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Department, PO Box 6128 Main Station, Montreal, Qc (Canada); Meyer-Plath, A [BAM - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin (Germany); Halle, S [Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Montreal, Qc (Canada); Vandelac, L, E-mail: [Departement de sociologie, Institut des sciences de l' environnement, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal, Qc (Canada)


    Nanotechnology allows the ability to design many new materials and devices with multiple applications, such as in medicine, electronics, and energy production. However, nanotechnology also raises several concerns about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials. A report published by the Council of Canadian Academies points out the necessity to respond about many uncertainties associated with risk assessment for ensuring the safety of health and environment. Nanotoxicology (or Nanosafety) is a part of the toxicology science that aims to study adverse effects of nanomaterials or nanoparticles on living organisms. This field includes different aspects from workers prevention to the environment protection. Group of researchers have initiated an international powerful interactive milieu for researchers to work in concert for a global and integrated study of many aspects of nanotoxicology. The International Team in NanosafeTy (TITNT) is composed of research scientists from 5 different countries (Canada, USA, Japan, France and Germany) working together on 6 different specific thematics, and organized as 9 different technology platforms ( TITNT aims to study different features of nanomaterials related to nanosafety, such as in vivo and in vitro studies, life cycle, occupational protections and monitoring, early biomarkers detection, characterization and nanotoxicokinetic/dynamic assessment during and after nanoparticles synthesis and the societal, public policy and environmental aspects. While the rapid growth of nanotechnology is opening up a floodgate of opportunities, the legislation related is lagging behind mainly because of a lack of knowledge in the biosafety of most nanomaterials. The main goal of TITNT is to improve knowledge in nanosafety science for the benefit of the discipline, for better public policies and for the public itself.

  12. Nonlinear EGR and VGT Control with Integral Action for Diesel Engines Régulation de Recirculation des Gaz d’Echappement (RGE et de Turbine à Géométrie Variable (TGV non linéaire avec action intégrée pour moteurs Diesel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wahlström J.


    Full Text Available A nonlinear multivariable control design with integral action is proposed and investigated for control of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR and Variable Geometry Turbine (VGT in heavy duty Diesel engines. The main control goal is to regulate oxygen/fuel ratio and intake manifold EGR-fraction, and they are specified in an outer loop. These are chosen as main performance variables since they are strongly coupled to the emissions. An existing nonlinear control design based on feedback linearization is extended with integral action. In particular, the control design method utilizes a control Lyapunov function, inverse optimal control, and a nonlinear input transformation. Comparisons between different control structures are performed in simulations showing the following four points. Firstly, integral action is necessary to handle model errors so that the controller can track the performance variables specified in the outer loop. Secondly, the proposed control design handles the nonlinear effects in the Diesel engine that results in less control errors compared to a control structure with PID controllers. Thirdly, it is important to use the input transformation and it is sufficient to use a control structure with PID controllers and input transformation to handle the nonlinear effects. Fourthly, the proposed control design is sensitive to model errors in the input transformation while a control structure with PID controllers and input transformation handles these model errors. Une conception de régulation non linéaire à variables multiples avec action intégrée est proposée et étudiée pour une régulation de la Recirculation des Gaz d’Echappement (RGE et une Turbine à Géométrie Variable (TGV au sein de moteurs Diesel à usage industriel. L’objectif principal de la régulation consiste à réguler le rapport oxygène / carburant et la fraction de RGE de tubulure d’admission, qui sont spécifiés au sein d’une boucle extérieure. Ceux

  13. Iodine Deficiency in a Study Population of Norwegian Pregnant Women-Results from the Little in Norway Study (LiN). (United States)

    Dahl, Lisbeth; Wik Markhus, Maria; Sanchez, Perla Vanessa Roldan; Moe, Vibeke; Smith, Lars; Meltzer, Helle Margrete; Kjellevold, Marian


    Iodine sufficiency is particularly important in pregnancy, where median urinary iodine concentration (UIC) in the range of 150⁻250 µg/L indicates adequate iodine status. The aims of this study were to determine UIC and assess if dietary and maternal characteristics influence the iodine status in pregnant Norwegian women. The study comprises a cross-sectional population-based prospective cohort of pregnant women (Little in Norway (LiN)). Median UIC in 954 urine samples was 85 µg/L and 78.4% of the samples ( n = 748) were ≤150 µg/L. 23.2% ( n = 221) of the samples were ≤50 µg/L and 5.2% ( n = 50) were above the requirements of iodine intake (>250 µg/L). Frequent iodine-supplement users ( n = 144) had significantly higher UIC (120 µg/L) than non-frequent users (75 µg/L). Frequent milk and dairy product consumers (4⁻9 portions/day) had significantly higher UIC (99 µg/L) than women consuming 0⁻1 portion/day (57 µg/L) or 2⁻3 portions/day (83 µg/L). Women living in mid-Norway ( n = 255) had lowest UIC (72 µg/L). In conclusion, this study shows that the diet of the pregnant women did not necessarily secure a sufficient iodine intake. There is an urgent need for public health strategies to secure adequate iodine nutrition among pregnant women in Norway.

  14. Case Study: Natural Gas Regional Transport Trucks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laughlin, M.; Burnham, A.


    Learn about Ryder System, Inc.'s experience in deploying nearly 200 CNG and LNG heavy-duty trucks and construction and operation of L/CNG stations using ARRA funds. Using natural gas in its fleet, Ryder mitigated the effects of volatile fuel pricing and reduced lifecycle GHGs by 20% and petroleum by 99%.

  15. Alternative Fuels Data Center: North Carolina Transportation Data for (United States)

    Private Biodiesel (B20 and above) 7 108 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) 26 16 Electric 500 121 Ethanol (E85 CNG Installation a Boost Aug. 19, 2015 Video thumbnail for Biodiesel Offers an Easy Alternative for Fleets Biodiesel Offers an Easy Alternative for Fleets Aug. 18, 2015 Video thumbnail for Blue Skies

  16. Osastonäytteenoton ergonomia : kartoitus ja kokeilu


    Ronkainen, Helmiina; Singh, Janita


    Terveydenhoitoalan ammatit ovat fyysisesti ja psyykkisesti rasittavia. Fyysistä rasittavuutta aiheuttavat hankalat työasennot, raskaat työt ja työn pakkotahtisuus. Psyykkisesti rasittavia tilanteita ovat muun muassa jatkuva kiireen tuntu ja kasvavat odotukset työntekijää kohtaan, esimerkiksi lääkärit odottavat laboratoriovastauksia nopeammin ja potilaat vaativat hoidoltaan enemmän. Fyysistä ja psyykkistä rasittavuutta voidaan vähentää hyvin suunnitellulla työergonomialla. Ergonomian tavoittee...

  17. Involvement of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels in spontaneous activity generated in isolated interstitial cells of Cajal from the rabbit urethra. (United States)

    Sancho, Maria; Bradley, Eamonn; Garcia-Pascual, Angeles; Triguero, Domingo; Thornbury, Keith D; Hollywood, Mark A; Sergeant, Gerard P


    Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are non-selective cation channels that mediate influx of extracellular Na + and Ca 2+ in various cell types. L-cis-Diltiazem, a CNG channel blocker, inhibits contraction of urethral smooth muscle (USM), however the mechanisms underlying this effect are still unclear. We investigated the possibility that CNG channels contribute to spontaneous pacemaker activity in freshly isolated interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) isolated from the rabbit urethra (RUICC). Using immunocytochemistry, we found intense CNG1-immunoreactivity in vimentin-immunoreactive RUICC, mainly within patches of the cellular body and processes. In contrast, α-actin immunoreactive smooth muscle cells (SMC) did not show significant reactivity to a specific CNGA1 antibody. Freshly isolated RUICC, voltage clamped at -60mV, developed spontaneous transient inward currents (STICs) that were inhibited by L-cis-Diltiazem (50µM). Similarly, L-cis-Diltiazem (50µM) also inhibited Ca 2+ waves in isolated RUICC, recorded using a Nipkow spinning disk confocal microscope. L-cis-Diltiazem (50µM) did not affect caffeine (10mM)-induced Ca 2+ transients, but significantly reduced phenylephrine-evoked Ca 2+ oscillations and inward currents in in RUICC. L-type Ca 2+ current amplitude in isolated SMC was reduced by ~18% in the presence of L-cis-Diltiazem (50µM), however D-cis-Diltiazem, a recognised L-type Ca 2+ channel blocker, abolished L-type Ca 2+ current but did not affect Ca 2+ waves or STICs in RUICC. These results indicate that the effects of L-cis-diltiazem on rabbit USM could be mediated by inhibition of CNG1 channels that are present in urethral ICC and therefore CNG channels contribute to spontaneous activity in these cells. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Environmental implications of alternative-fueled automobiles: Air quality and greenhouse gas tradeoffs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MaClean, H.L.; Lave, L.B.


    The authors analyze alternative fuel-powerstrain options for internal combustion engine automobiles. Fuel/engine efficiency, energy use, pollutant discharges, and greenhouse gas emissions are estimated for spark and compression ignited, direct injected (DI), and indirect injected (II) engines fueled by conventional and reformulated gasoline, reformulated diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG), and alcohols. Since comparisons of fuels and technologies in dissimilar vehicles are misleading, the authors hold emissions level, range, vehicle size class, and style constant. At present, CNG vehicles have the best exhaust emissions performance while DI diesels have the worst. Compared to a conventional gasoline fueled II automobile, greenhouse gases could be reduced by 40% by a DI CNG automobile and by 25% by a DI diesel. Gasoline- and diesel-fueled automobiles are able to attain long ranges with little weight or fuel economy penalty. CNG vehicles have the highest penalty for increasing range, due to their heavy fuel storage systems, but are the most attractive for a 160-km range. DI engines, particularly diesels, may not be able to meet strict emissions standards, at least not without lowering efficiency

  19. Experimental investigation and combustion analysis of a direct injection dual-fuel diesel-natural gas engine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlucci, A.P.; De Risi, A.; Laforgia, D.; Naccarato, F. [Department of Engineering for Innovation, University of Salento, CREA, via per Arnesano, 73100 Lecce (Italy)


    A single-cylinder diesel engine has been converted into a dual-fuel engine to operate with natural gas together with a pilot injection of diesel fuel used to ignite the CNG-air charge. The CNG was injected into the intake manifold via a gas injector on purpose designed for this application. The main performance of the gas injector, such as flow coefficient, instantaneous mass flow rate, delay time between electrical signal and opening of the injector, have been characterized by testing the injector in a constant-volume optical vessel. The CNG jet structure has also been characterized by means of shadowgraphy technique. The engine, operating in dual-fuel mode, has been tested on a wide range of operating conditions spanning different values of engine load and speed. For all the tested operating conditions, the effect of CNG and diesel fuel injection pressure, together with the amount of fuel injected during the pilot injection, were analyzed on the combustion development and, as a consequence, on the engine performance, in terms of specific emission levels and fuel consumption. (author)

  20. Methane-fueled vehicles: A promising market for coalbed methane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deul, M.


    The most acceptable alternative fuel for motor vehicles is compressed natural gas (CNG). An important potential source of such gas is coalbed methane, much of which is now being wasted. Although there are no technological impediments to the use of CNG it has not been adequately promoted for a variety of reasons: structural, institutional and for coalbed gas, legal. The benefits of using CNG fuel are manifold: clean burning, low cost, abundant, and usable in any internal combustion engine. Even though more than 30,000 CNG vehicles are now in use in the U.S.A., they are not readily available, fueling stations are not easily accessible, and there is general apathy on the part of the public because of negligence by such agencies as the Department of Energy, the Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency. The economic benefits of using methane are significant: 100,000 cubic feet of methane is equivalent to 800 gallons of gasoline. Considering the many millions of cubic feet methane wasted from coal mines conservation and use of this resource is a worthy national goal

  1. Lithology identification of aquifers from geophysical well logs and fuzzy logic analysis: Shui-Lin Area, Taiwan (United States)

    Hsieh, Bieng-Zih; Lewis, Charles; Lin, Zsay-Shing


    The purpose of this study is to construct a fuzzy lithology system from well logs to identify formation lithology of a groundwater aquifer system in order to better apply conventional well logging interpretation in hydro-geologic studies because well log responses of aquifers are sometimes different from those of conventional oil and gas reservoirs. The input variables for this system are the gamma-ray log reading, the separation between the spherically focused resistivity and the deep very-enhanced resistivity curves, and the borehole compensated sonic log reading. The output variable is groundwater formation lithology. All linguistic variables are based on five linguistic terms with a trapezoidal membership function. In this study, 50 data sets are clustered into 40 training sets and 10 testing sets for constructing the fuzzy lithology system and validating the ability of system prediction, respectively. The rule-based database containing 12 fuzzy lithology rules is developed from the training data sets, and the rule strength is weighted. A Madani inference system and the bisector of area defuzzification method are used for fuzzy inference and defuzzification. The success of training performance and the prediction ability were both 90%, with the calculated correlation of training and testing equal to 0.925 and 0.928, respectively. Well logs and core data from a clastic aquifer (depths 100-198 m) in the Shui-Lin area of west-central Taiwan are used for testing the system's construction. Comparison of results from core analysis, well logging and the fuzzy lithology system indicates that even though the well logging method can easily define a permeable sand formation, distinguishing between silts and sands and determining grain size variation in sands is more subjective. These shortcomings can be improved by a fuzzy lithology system that is able to yield more objective decisions than some conventional methods of log interpretation.

  2. An analysis of the economic impact of non-pipeline options for developing Newfoundland's offshore natural gas resources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Locke, W.; Millan, S.; Rodgers, B.


    The technical and economic feasibility of four non-pipeline development options for Newfoundland's offshore natural gas resources are examined. The options are: compressed natural gas (CNG) that is incremental to FPSO oil development (CNG FPSO Incremental); CNG as part of a Grand Bank System Gas Hub( CNG GBS Gas Hub); liquefied natural gas (LNG) that is incremental to FPSO oil development (LNG FPSO Incremental) and combined Fischer-Tropsch (gas-to-liquid technology) that is incremental to FPSO oil development (combined methanol/F-T). The economic impacts of each development option were considered in terms of project viability, employment and income impacts created through the supply of goods and services, employment effects resulting from project expenditures, incomes generated to Newfoundland factors of production, GDP impacts, and provincial treasury impacts, net of equalization losses. Results indicate that the largest employment and income impacts on the Newfoundland economy would be generated by the CNG GBS Gas Hub option (2,000 person-years of employment per year and $110 million income annually). The other three cases provide an equivalent level of benefits with an annual average of 1,650 person-years of employment and $90 million in incomes to business and labour. Each option is expected to generate between $16 and $21 million per annum to the Newfoundland treasury, net of equalization losses. GDP impacts are also close for all all four options, and provide no basis for preference of any option. In terms of project viability, the CNG FPSO Incremental option is considered by far the most attractive with a 33.7 per cent rate of return and a net present value of $1 billion, followed by the CNG GBS Gas Hub option at 18.3 per cent rate of return and a net present value of $317 million. The LNG FPSO incremental option has an internal rate of return of 17.8 per cent and a net present value of $263 million. The combined methanol/F-T option is not considered

  3. Triglyceride glucose-waist circumference, a novel and effective predictor of diabetes in first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetes patients: cross-sectional and prospective cohort study. (United States)

    Zheng, Shuang; Shi, Sheng; Ren, Xingxing; Han, Tingting; Li, Yangxue; Chen, Yawen; Liu, Wei; Hou, Peter C; Hu, Yaomin


    Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), visceral adiposity index (VAI), triglyceride glucose index (TyG), TyG-BMI, and TyG-WC have been reported as markers of insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). However, little is known about the associations between the aforementioned markers and the risk of prediabetes and diabetes in first-degree relatives (FDRs) of T2DM patients. 1544 FDRs of T2DM patients (635 men and 909 women) were enrolled in the initial cross-sectional study and all of them finished corresponding examinations. Logistic regression analysis and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve were used to compare and identify the associations of the six parameters (BMI, WC, VAI, TyG, TyG-BMI and TyG-WC) with the prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes. Subsequently, 452 of them were followed-up for an average of 5 years. Cox proportional hazard regression model was applied to confirm the predictive value of the optimal marker. Among the indices, TyG-WC was more strongly associated with the prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes. Compared with participants in the lowest quartile of TyG-WC, the adjusted odds ratio and 95 % CIs for prediabetes and diabetes was 11.19 (7.62-16.42) for those in the top quartile of TyG-WC. Moreover, the largest AUC was also observed in TyG-WC (0.765, 95 % CIs 0.741-0.789, P < 0.001). The robust predictive value of TyG-WC was further confirmed in the follow-up study (HR: 7.13, 95 % CIs 3.41-14.90, P < 0.001). TyG-WC is a novel and clinically effective marker for early identifying the risks of prediabetes and diabetes in FDRs of T2DM patients.

  4. Heterodimerization with the β1 subunit directs the α2 subunit of nitric oxide-sensitive guanylyl cyclase to calcium-insensitive cell-cell contacts in HEK293 cells: Interaction with Lin7a. (United States)

    Hochheiser, Julia; Haase, Tobias; Busker, Mareike; Sömmer, Anne; Kreienkamp, Hans-Jürgen; Behrends, Sönke


    Nitric oxide-sensitive guanylyl cyclase is a heterodimeric enzyme consisting of an α and a β subunit. Two different α subunits (α 1 and α 2 ) give rise to two heterodimeric enzymes α 1 /β 1 and α 2 /β 1 . Both coexist in a wide range of tissues including blood vessels and the lung, but expression of the α 2 /β 1 form is generally much lower and approaches levels similar to the α 1 /β 1 form in the brain only. In the present paper, we show that the α 2 /β 1 form interacts with Lin7a in mouse brain synaptosomes based on co-precipitation analysis. In HEK293 cells, we found that the overexpressed α 2 /β 1 form, but not the α 1 /β 1 form is directed to calcium-insensitive cell-cell contacts. The isolated PDZ binding motif of an amino-terminally truncated α 2 subunit was sufficient for cell-cell contact localization. For the full length α 2 subunit with the PDZ binding motif this was only the case in the heterodimer configuration with the β 1 subunit, but not as isolated α 2 subunit. We conclude that the PDZ binding motif of the α 2 subunit is only accessible in the heterodimer conformation of the mature nitric oxide-sensitive enzyme. Interaction with Lin7a, a small scaffold protein important for synaptic function and cell polarity, can direct this complex to nectin based cell-cell contacts via MPP3 in HEK293 cells. We conclude that heterodimerization is a prerequisite for further protein-protein interactions that direct the α 2 /β 1 form to strategic sites of the cell membrane with adjacent neighbouring cells. Drugs increasing the nitric oxide-sensitivity of this specific form may be particularly effective. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Muovit ja niiden hyödyntäminen elektroniikan näkökulmasta : käsikirja


    Holmström, Jens


    Tämän työn tarkoituksena on antaa lukijalle tietoa muoveista. Työ avulla pitäisi pystyä muodos-tamaan kuva erilaisista muovilaaduista, niiden ominaisuuksista ja käyttökohteista. Tämän lisäksi työssä käsitellään muovien historiaa ja muovien erilaisia valmistus- ja tuotantomenetelmiä. Työssä myös käsitellään muovien kierrätystä sekä mietitty miten työn tietoja voidaan hyödyntää elektroniikka alalla. Työstä suurin osa on ollut tiedon keräämistä useammista lähteistä lyhyeen ja helposti sisäist...

  6. Huoltoneuvojan perehdytysprosessi


    Kaukonen, Jaani


    Tässä työssä tutkittiin VV-Autotalot oy:n huoltoneuvojan perehdyttämisprosessia. Työssä käsitellään perehdyttämisen sisältöä sekä Nordean käytössä olevaa perehdytysprosessia uusille palveluneuvojille. Tavoitteena oli tehdä ohjeistus, jonka avulla luodaan selkeä perehdytysprosessi. Suomen laki vaatii, että uusi työntekijä on perehdytettävä ja hänen on saatava opastus työhönsä. Perehdyttämisellä pyritään vähentämään työtapaturmia, virheitä sekä auttamaan uusi työntekijä mahdollisimman nope...

  7. Perehdytys avaimena vuokratyöntekijän onnistumiseen


    Lahtinen, Emilia


    Vuokratyövoiman käyttö on nykypäivää työelämässä ja se yleistyy edelleen. Työpaikkakouluttajan käsikirjan (2000, 63) mukaan nopeasti muuttuvassa tuotantoelämässä osaaminen ja uuden oppiminen on tärkeää. Yksilön on kehitettävä ja ylläpidettävä ammattiosaamistaan. Työn tavoitteina oli tutustua perehdyttämiseen ja vuokratyöhön. Työn tarkoituksena oli laatia perehdytysmateriaali Hotelli-ravintola Lapuahovin pubiin, esimiehen ja työntekijöiden käyttöön. Työ aloitettiin teoriaosuudella, jossa...

  8. FACES -TUNNEKORTIT : apuna tunteiden käsittelyssä ja ilmaisussa


    Puurunen, Tiina; Vaitiniemi , Satu


    Tässä toiminnallisessa opinnäytetyössä kehitettiin kriisitilanteisiin sopivat tunnekortit. Idea tunnekorttien tekemiseen lähti työmme toimeksiantajalta. Työn toimeksiantaja on Ylä-Savon SOTE -kuntayhtymän hyvinvointipalveluiden perhekeskukseen kuuluvassa perheneuvolan koulutiimissä työskentelvä vastaava kuraattori. Hän työskentelee Iisalmessa ala- ja yläkouluissa sekä lyseossa. Hän kaipasi keskustelun tueksi työvälinettä, jonka avulla lasten ja nuorten elämää koskettavista vaikeista asioista ...

  9. Lockout/Tagout - Turvalukituskäytäntö


    Juhala, Ville


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli laatia kattava ohjeistus kuparitehtaan turvalukituksista. Työ tehtiin Aurubis Finland Oy:n kuparivalssaamoon. Ohjeistuksista tuli käydä ilmi turvalukitusten vaikutus lukittaviin laitteisiin sekä mahdolliset työturvallisuusriskit joita koneiden kanssa toimiessa tulee huomioida. Työn tavoitteena oli lisätä kunnossapidon työturvallisuutta ja selkeyttää koneiden kanssa työskentelyyn liittyviä käytäntöjä. Ohjeistukset laadittiin vahinkokäynnistymisen estoa...

  10. Toxicity and mutagenicity of exhaust from compressed natural gas: Could this be a clean solution for megacities with mixed-traffic conditions? (United States)

    Agarwal, Avinash K; Ateeq, Bushra; Gupta, Tarun; Singh, Akhilendra P; Pandey, Swaroop K; Sharma, Nikhil; Agarwal, Rashmi A; Gupta, Neeraj K; Sharma, Hemant; Jain, Ayush; Shukla, Pravesh C


    Despite intensive research carried out on particulates, correlation between engine-out particulate emissions and adverse health effects is not well understood yet. Particulate emissions hold enormous significance for mega-cities like Delhi that have immense traffic diversity. Entire public transportation system involving taxis, three-wheelers, and buses has been switched from conventional liquid fuels to compressed natural gas (CNG) in the Mega-city of Delhi. In this study, the particulate characterization was carried out on variety of engines including three diesel engines complying with Euro-II, Euro-III and Euro-IV emission norms, one Euro-II gasoline engine and one Euro-IV CNG engine. Physical, chemical and biological characterizations of particulates were performed to assess the particulate toxicity. The mutagenic potential of particulate samples was investigated at different concentrations using two different Salmonella strains, TA98 and TA100 in presence and absence of liver S9 metabolic enzyme fraction. Particulates emitted from diesel and gasoline engines showed higher mutagenicity, while those from CNG engine showed negligible mutagenicity compared to other test fuels and engine configurations. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) adsorbed onto CNG engine particulates were also relatively fewer compared to those from equivalent diesel and gasoline engines. Taken together, our findings indicate that CNG is comparatively safer fuel compared to diesel and gasoline and can offer a cleaner transport energy solution for mega-cities with mixed-traffic conditions, especially in developing countries. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Täydennyskouluttautuminen taloushallintoalalla : case Accountor Group


    Salovuori, Hanna


    Tässä opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin taloushallinnon alalla toimivan Accountor Group-konsernin työntekijöiden omaa kokemusta työssä tarvitsemastaan osaamisesta. Tutkimus tehtiin Accountorin Helsingin Ympyrätalon toimipisteessä ja siihen osallistui kirjanpidon ammattilaisia kahdesta eri juridisesta yksiköstä. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää miten Accountorin henkilökunta kokee osaamisensa riittävän päivittäisiin työtehtäviinsä. Työntekijöillä on taustallaan erimittaisia ja – laatuisia koulu...

  12. Seksi matkustusmotiivina


    Laaksonen, Pia


    Työn tarkoituksena oli syventyä tarkemmin seksiturismin maailmaan, mukaan lukien seksi matkustusmotiivina. Prostituutiota tutkittiin työssä merkittävänä osana seksiturismia. Aihetta tarkasteltiin lisäksi kolmessa esimerkkimaassa: Kuubassa, Venäjällä ja Thaimaassa. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää seksiturismin kaupallistumista sekä Internetin vaikutusta sen kasvuun. Työ tehtiin suomalaisesta näkökulmasta tarkoituksena saada laajempi näkemys aiheesta. Työ tehtiin käyttäen hyväksi Suomessa saatav...

  13. Tyytyväinen asiakas – AINA: Perehdytyksen kehittäminen Prestossa


    Koskinen, Karoliina


    Tämä opinnäytetyö on toteutettu toiminnallisena opinnäytetyönä Ravintola Preston toimeksiannosta. Tämän työn tavoitteena on kehittää ravintolan perehdytysprosessia palvelumuotoilun menetelmiä käyttäen. Työn tarkoituksena on luoda selkeä työkalu, perehdytysopas, joka omalla osallaan auttaa saamaan Preston perehdytysprosessin mahdollisimman motivoivaksi ja toimivaksi. Opinnäytetyössä tavoitteena on, että jokaisen uuden ja palaavan työntekijän on helppo ja innostava astua uusiin työtehtäviin Rav...

  14. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Business Intelligence ja sen tuomat uudistukset


    Luoma, Lauri


    Insinöörityö käsittelee Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun Microsoft Business Intelligence (BI) ratkaisut -kurssilla käytetyn laboratoriomanuaalin MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-448) -harjoituksien siirtämistä SQL Serverille 2012. Työllä on tarkoitus osoittaa, että SQL Server 2012 BI -työkalut soveltuvat harjoituksiin. Työssä siirrytään käyttämään uudempaa työkalua, SQL Server Data Toolsia, joka korvaa SQL Server 2008 R2 Business Intelligence Development Studion. Työn alussa tutust...

  15. The Triglycerides and Glucose Index rather than HOMA-IR is more associated with Hypogonadism in Chinese men. (United States)

    Zhang, Kun; Chen, Yi; Liu, Lijie; Lu, Meng; Cheng, Jing; Gao, Fengbin; Wang, Ningjian; Shen, Zhoujun; Lu, Yingli


    Previous studies have reported that insulin resistant and low testosterone are related. The triglyceride and glucose index (TyG) well mirrors insulin sensitivity. No study investigated the application of TyG in male hypogonadism. We aimed to explore whether TyG was associated with hypogonadism, and also evaluate the ability of TyG compared to HOMA-IR as a possible hypogonadism predictor. A total of 4299 male subjects were enrolled from 22 sites in East China. Hypogonadism was defined as total testosterone HOMA-IR (0.68, 95% CI 0.66,0.70). Thus, the TyG was significantly associated with a higher prevalence of hypogonadism in Chinese men. TyG had a better predictive power for hypogonadism than HOMA-IR.

  16. Urkintalaki


    Kivioja, Elina


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoite on antaa kattava kuva siitä, millä keinoilla työnantaja voi lukea työntekijöidensä sähköpostiviestejä, valvoa Internetin ja intranetin käyttöä työpaikoilla, ja näin estää yrityssalaisuuksiensa oikeudettomat paljastumiset ja tietoverkon väärinkäytökset. Tietoverkon väärinkäytösten osalta työni perustuu pääasiassa sähköisen viestinnän tietosuojalain säännöksiin ja lain esitöihin. Työnantajan oikeuksien osalta hakea esille ja lukea työntekijöiden sähköpostiviestejä pe...

  17. Metformin in women with type 2 diabetes in pregnancy (MiTy): a multi-center randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Feig, Denice S; Murphy, Kellie; Asztalos, Elizabeth; Tomlinson, George; Sanchez, Johanna; Zinman, Bernard; Ohlsson, Arne; Ryan, Edmond A; Fantus, I George; Armson, Anthony B; Lipscombe, Lorraine L; Barrett, Jon F R


    The incidence of type 2 diabetes in pregnancy is rising and rates of serious adverse maternal and fetal outcomes remain high. Metformin is a biguanide that is used as first-line treatment for non-pregnant patients with type 2 diabetes. We hypothesize that metformin use in pregnancy, as an adjunct to insulin, will decrease adverse outcomes by reducing maternal hyperglycemia, maternal insulin doses, maternal weight gain and gestational hypertension/pre-eclampsia. In addition, since metformin crosses the placenta, metformin treatment of the fetus may have a direct beneficial effect on neonatal outcomes. Our aim is to compare the effectiveness of the addition of metformin to insulin, to standard care (insulin plus placebo) in women with type 2 diabetes in pregnancy. The MiTy trial is a multi-centre randomized trial currently enrolling pregnant women with type 2 diabetes, who are on insulin, between the ages of 18-45, with a gestational age of 6 weeks 0 days to 22 weeks 6 days. In this randomized, double-masked, parallel placebo-controlled trial, after giving informed consent, women are randomized to receive either metformin 1,000 mg twice daily or placebo twice daily. A web-based block randomization system is used to assign women to metformin or placebo in a 1:1 ratio, stratified for site and body mass index. The primary outcome is a composite neonatal outcome of pregnancy loss, preterm birth, birth injury, moderate/severe respiratory distress, neonatal hypoglycemia, or neonatal intensive care unit admission longer than 24 h. Secondary outcomes are large for gestational age, cord blood gas pH pregnancy, and duration of hospital stays. The trial aims to enroll 500 participants. The results of this trial will inform endocrinologists, obstetricians, family doctors, and other healthcare professionals caring for women with type 2 diabetes in pregnancy, as to the benefits of adding metformin to insulin in this high risk population. Identifier: no

  18. Potential Environmental Benefits from Increased Use of Bioenergy in China (United States)

    Fan, Shuyang; Freedman, Bill; Gao, Jixi


    Because of its large population and rapidly growing economy, China is confronting a serious energy shortage and daunting environmental problems. An increased use of fuels derived from biomass could relieve some demand for nonrenewable sources of energy while providing environmental benefits in terms of cleaner air and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases. In 2003, China generated about 25.9 × 108 metric tons of industrial waste (liquid + solid), 14.7 × 108 metric tons/year (t/y) of manure (livestock + human), 7.1 × 108 t/y of crop residues and food-processing byproducts, 2 × 108 t/y of fuelwood and wood manufacturing residues, and 1.5 × 108 t/y of municipal waste. Biofuels derived from these materials could potentially displace the use of about 4.12 × 108 t/y of coal and 3.75 × 106 t/y of petroleum. An increased bioenergy use of this magnitude would help to reduce the emissions of key air pollutants: SO2 by 11.6 × 106 t/y, NOX by 1.48 × 106 t/y, CO2 by 1.07 × 109 t/y, and CH4 by 50 × 106 t/y. The reduced SO2 emissions would be equivalent to 54% of the national emissions in 2003, whereas those for CO2 are 30%. It is important to recognize, however, that large increases in the use of biomass fuels also could result in socioeconomic and environmental problems such as less production of food and damage caused to natural habitats.

  19. Work-life Interaction among International Business Travelers


    Mäkelä, Liisa


    Tämä väitöskirja koostuu kolmesta tutkimuksesta, joissa tarkastellaan kansainvälisten työmatkustajien työn ja yksityiselämän yhteensovittamista. Tutkimuksessa huomioidaan uraorientaatio, sukupuoli ja vanhemmuus tekijöinä, jotka mahdollisesti muuntavat työmatkojen määrän/keston ja työn ja yksityiselämän vuorovaikutuksen välistä suhdetta. Lisäksi tutkitaan työn ja yksityiselämän vuorovaikutusta liikematkojen keston ja uniongelmien yhteyttä välittävänä tekijänä. Tutkimukset perustuvat kahtee...

  20. Perehdyttämisen kehittäminen pankissa


    Hirvonen, Emma


    Muuttuva työelämä luo haasteita yrityksille, mutta myös niiden työntekijöille. Perehdyttämisen merkitys niin yritykselle itselleen kuin sen työntekijöillekin on merkittävä. Erityisesti uusien työntekijöiden perehdyttämiseen panostaminen luo arvoa kaikille osapuolille. Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin uusien työntekijöiden perehdyttämisen tilaa pankissa ja sen mahdollisia kehittämistarpeita. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuskyselynä vuoden sisään pankkiin palkatulle henkilöstölle. O...