
Sample records for clusters estudio dinamico

  1. [Dynamic study of small metallic clusters]; Estudio Dinamico de Pequenos Agregados Metalicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez, M.J. [Valladolid Univ. (Spain). Dept. de Fisica Teorica; Jellinek, J. [Argonne National Lab., IL (United States)


    We present a brief introduction to computer simulation techniques (particularly to classical molecular dynamics) and their application to the study of the thermodynamic properties of a material system. The basic concepts are illustrated in the study of structural and energetic properties such as the liquid-solid transition and the fragmentation of small clusters of nickel. [Espanol] Presentamos una breve introducci{acute o}n de las t{acute e}cnicas de simulaci{acute o}n por ordenador (en particular de la Din{acute a}mica Molecular cl{acute a}sica) y de su aplicaci{acute o}n al estudio de las propiedades termodin{acute a}micas de un sistema material. Los conceptos b{acute a}sicos se ilustran en el estudio de las propieades estructurales y energ{acute e}ticas, as{acute i} como de la transici{acute o}n de fase s{acute o}lido-l{acute i}quido y de las fragmentaciones de peque{tilde n}os agregados de n{acute i}quel.

  2. Analysis of the nonlinear dynamic behavior of power systems using normal forms of superior order; Analisis del comportamiento dinamico no lineal de sistemas de potencia usando formas normales de orden superior

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marinez Carrillo, Irma


    of the generator and criteria and procedures are proposed to interpret the phenomenon of modal interaction. [Spanish] Esta tesis investiga la aplicacion de metodos de analisis de perturbacion de parametros en la teoria de sistemas dinamicos no lineales, al estudio de la estabilidad de pequena senal de sistemas electricos de potencia. El trabajo se centra en la determinacion de dos aspectos fundamentales de interes en el estudio del comportamiento dinamico no lineal del sistema: la caracterizacion y cuantificacion del grado de la interaccion no lineal entre los modos fundamentales de oscilacion del sistema y el estudio de los modos con mayor influencia en la respuesta del sistema ante perturbaciones pequenas. Con estos objetivos, se propone un modelo matematico general, basado en la aplicacion de la expansion en series de potencia del modelo no lineal del sistema de potencia y la teoria de formas normales de capos vectoriales para el estudio del comportamiento dinamico del sistema de potencia. La herramienta propuesta generalizada los metodos existentes en la literatura para considerar efectos de orden superior en el modelo dinamico del sistema de potencia. Partiendo de esta representacion, se propone una metodologia para obtener soluciones analiticas de lazo cerrado y se investiga la extension de los metodos existentes para identificar y cuantificar el grado de interaccion entre los modos fundamentales de oscilacion del sistema. La herramienta desarrollada permite, a partir de expresiones analiticas de lazos cerrado, el desarrollo de medidas analiticas para evaluar el grado de estres en el sistema, la interaccion entre los modos fundamentales de oscilacion y la determinacion de fronteras de estabilidad. El desarrollo conceptual del metodo propuesto en esta tesis ofrece, por otra parte, una gran flexibilidad para incorporar modelos detallados del sistema de potencia y la evaluacion de diversas medidas de la interaccion modal no lineal. Por ultimo, se presenta los

  3. Importance of the dynamic module of soil rigidity in the analysis of the stability problems by the action of the seismic waves; Importancia del modulo dinamico de rigidez del suelo en el analisis de los problemas de estabilidad por la accion de las ondas sismicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zeevaert-Wiechers, L. [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The object of the present paper is to motivate engineers interested in soil mechanics and in soil dynamics to use, apply and develop seismic-geodynamics principles in the professional practice of seismic engineering, as well as to study and investigate dynamic soil parameters. For this purpose the author presents two types of equipment that he has used with success during several decades. [Spanish] El objetivo de este trabajo es el de motivar a los ingenieros interesados en mecanica y dinamica de suelos, al uso, aplicacion y desarrollo de la sismo-geodinamica en la practica profesional de la ingenieria sismica, asi como al estudio e investigacion de los parametros dinamicos del suelo. Para este fin, el autor presenta dos equipos que ha usado durante varias decadas.

  4. Module generator of plans for dynamic processes; Modulo generdor de planes para procesos dinamicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reyes B, Alberto; Fernandez J, Jose L [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    This work describes the generating module of plans (Geplan) as a part of the project: Development of Techniques of Intelligent Planning for Dynamic Processes, based on techniques of artificial intelligence, and that is being developed in the Gerencia de Control e Instrumentacion the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE). The study case corresponds to the elaboration of a plan to help the plant operators in the task of taking a combined cycle central (CCC) to a stable state of operation given a specific load level. The architecture of the module generator of plans is presented and the codification of the actions allowed (ACT) is illustrated by means of rules, in addition the challenges that are due to face so that the system operates in line with the process. Also the technical aspects of the generator of plans, as well as the benefits and expectations of their use in any CCC are mentioned. [Spanish] En este trabajo se describe el modulo generador de planes (Geplan) como parte del proyecto Desarrollo de Tecnicas de Planificacion Inteligente para Procesos Dinamicos, basado en tecnicas de inteligencia Artificial, y que estan desarrollandose en la Gerencia de Control e Instrumentacion del Instituto de Investigaciones Electrica (IIE). El caso de estudio corresponde a la elaboracion de un plan para asistir a los operadores de planta en la tarea de llevar una central de ciclo combinado (CCC) a un estado estable de operacion dedo un nivel de carga especifico. Se presenta la arquitectura del modulo generador de planes y se ilustra la codificacion de las acciones permitidas (ACT) mediante reglas, ademas los retos que se deben enfrentar para que el sistema opere en linea con el proceso. Tambien se mencionan los aspectos tecnicos del generador de planes, asi como los beneficios y expectativas de su uso en cualquier CCC.

  5. Importance of the dynamic module of rigidity of the ground in the analysis of the problems of stability by the action of the seismic waves; Importancia del modulo dinamico de rigidez del suelo en el analisis de los problemas de estabilidad por la accion de las ondas sismicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zeevaert Wiechers, L. [Facultad de Ingenieria, UNAM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The object of the present paper is to motivate engineers interested in soil mechanics and in soil dynamics to use, apply and develop seismic-geodynamics principles in the professional practice of seismic engineering, as well as to study and investigate dynamic soil parameters. For this purpose, the author present two types of equipment he has used with success during several decades. [Spanish] El objetivo de este trabajo es el de motivar a los ingenieros interesados en mecanica y dinamica de suelos, al uso, aplicacion y desarrollo de la sismo-geodinamica en la practica profesional de la ingenieria sismica, asi como al estudio e investigacion de los parametros dinamicos del suelo. Para este fin, el autor presenta dos equipos que ha usado con exito durante varias decadas.

  6. Measurement and calculation of dynamic coefficients in hydrodynamic bearings of gas films; Medicion y calculo de coeficientes dinamicos en cojinetes hidrodinamicos de peliculas de gas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz, Rafael O.; Di Liscia, Marcelo H.; Diaz, Sergio E. [Universidad Simon Bolivar, Sartendejas, Baruta (Venezuela)


    dynamic coefficients. [Spanish] La identificacion de los coeficientes dinamicos en cojinetes de aire es fundamental para un adecuado analisis rotodinamico. El presente trabajo muestra el desarrollo de un algoritmo que permite la obtencion directa de los coeficientes dinamicos en cojinetes hidrodinamicos de aire tanto de forma numerica como experimental. El banco de pruebas utilizado consta de dos cojinetes magneticos, los cuales soportan al rotor en sus extremos y a su vez funcionan como actuadores permitiendo inducir orbitas controladas en el rotor. El cojinete de prueba se encuentra ubicado entre los cojinetes magneticos. Las fuerzas dinamicas generadas en el cojinete de aire se registran a partir de tres celdas de carga. El algoritmo fue desarrollado en un codigo comercial de programacion grafica, a traves del cual se pueden colectar, controlar y procesar las senales. El comportamiento no lineal de este tipo de cojinetes dificulta el calculo de los coeficientes dinamicos, por esta razon el procesamiento de las senales en espacio frecuencial facilita de cierta manera su manejo. Por otra parte, el modelo numerico se comparo con los resultados experimentales obteniendo aproximaciones aceptables tanto en magnitud como en comportamiento. El calculo de los coeficientes dinamicos numericos se realizo resolviendo la ecuacion diferencial de Reynolds para un fluido compresible en el espesor de la pelicula de gas, tomando en consideracion el flujo masico del fluido que se introduce, asi como la perdida de presion que sufre el mismo al pasar a traves de los orificios de alimentacion. Los metodos numericos utilizados incluyen la resolucion de la ecuacion diferencial de Reynolds por diferencias finitas, el calculo del perfil de presiones realizando iteraciones sucesivas y el calculo de las fuerzas hidrodinamicas a traves de una integracion numerica de Simpson. Los coeficientes dinamicos numericos fueron hallados aplicando una tecnica de minimos cuadrados a las fuerzas hidrodinamicas

  7. Dynamic analysis of piping with multiple damping mechanisms; Analisis dinamico de tuberias con multiples mecanismos de amortiguamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz Lopez, Pablo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper describes a damping criterion that allows realizing in a more convenient form the dynamic analysis of piping and structures in general, subjected to independent stimulations, fabricated in different materials and/or damping devices. This criterion, named composed damping, is applicable to the method of modal superimposition. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describe un criterio de amortiguamiento que permite realizar en una forma mas conveniente el analisis dinamico de tuberias y estructuras en general, sujetas a excitaciones independientes, compuestas de diferentes materiales y/o mecanismos de amortiguamiento. Este criterio, denominado amortiguamiento compuesto, es aplicable en el metodo de superposicion modal.

  8. Dynamic analysis of piping with multiple damping mechanisms; Analisis dinamico de tuberias con multiples mecanismos de amortiguamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz Lopez, Pablo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper describes a damping criterion that allows realizing in a more convenient form the dynamic analysis of piping and structures in general, subjected to independent stimulations, fabricated in different materials and/or damping devices. This criterion, named composed damping, is applicable to the method of modal superimposition. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describe un criterio de amortiguamiento que permite realizar en una forma mas conveniente el analisis dinamico de tuberias y estructuras en general, sujetas a excitaciones independientes, compuestas de diferentes materiales y/o mecanismos de amortiguamiento. Este criterio, denominado amortiguamiento compuesto, es aplicable en el metodo de superposicion modal.

  9. Flow Rate Capacity Reduction Due to Temporal and Dynamic Processes in Large Pipelines. Study with Field Measurements; Efectos dinamicos y temporales en la reduccion de la capacidad de conduccion en grandes acueductos. Estudio con medidas en prototipo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carmona Paredes, Rafael; Ortiz Nunez, Luis Alfonso; Sanchez Huerta, Alejandro [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico)


    More than 15 years of operation have show that some water transport pressurized pipelines change their flow rate capacity faster than expected due to normal roughness increase. As explained by the tubular pinch effects, the radial migration of suspended particles in a flow can produce a high concentration close to the pipe wall. The non-uniform particle concentration leads to higher velocities at the center of the tube, equivalent to a reduced hydraulic section that increases the head losses. A model to explain field measurements at the Chapala-Guadalajara Aqueduct is proposed that suggests to hydraulic engineers to be more distrustful when using traditional head loss formulas to analyze water transport pipelines. [Spanish] La perdida de la capacidad de conduccion es un grave problema en la operacion de grandes acueductos. Mas de 15 anos de estudios y de inspeccion directa al interior de las tuberias de varios sistemas de abastecimiento de agua potable han mostrado el desarrollo de capas de material fino fuertemente adheridas a la pared de los tubos. En algunos casos, la variacion de la perdida de carga no ha podido ser explicada con los modelos tradicionales de crecimiento de la rugosidad interna, por lo que para explicar de forma adecuada las mediciones de campo realizadas en el acueducto Chapala-Guadalajara ha sido necesario incorporar de manera simultanea fenomenos dinamicos y temporales. Con base en el fecto de elongacion tubular (o tubular pinch effect), descrito por otros autores, mas observaciones directas al interior de las tuberias, en este trabajo se plantea como una posible de la disminucion de capacidad de conduccion en el acueducto Chapala-Guadalajara un cambio aparente en la seccion efectiva del flujo, originado por la migracion radial hacia la pared del tubo de las particulas suspendidas en el agua. El modelo que propone reproduce las medidas en campo con diferencias menores al 10% e invita a reflexionar sobre las practicas convencionales para

  10. Steady state analysis and Eastern power system dynamic PDVSA EyP considering incorporating Furrial and PIGAP II generation plants; Analisis en regimen permanente y dinamico del sistema electrico de PDVSA EyP Oriente considerando la incorporacion de las plantas de generacion Furrial y PIGAP II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez, S [Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica, Antonio Jose de Sucre, Guayana, Bolivar (Venezuela)]. E-mail:; Vasquez, C [Petroleos de Venezuela S.A., Maturin, Monagas (Venezuela)]. E-mail:


    Sector Electrico Nacional. Para el estudio de arranque de motores se determino el modelo dinamico del motor mayor mediante la estimacion de los parametros de su circuito equivalente, asi como la aplicacion del metodo de regresion no lineal para obtener el modelo de la carga partiendo de los datos caracteristicos suministrados por el fabricante.

  11. Investigation of multi-phases dynamic systems by means of optical and electrochemical methods; Investigacion de sistemas dinamicos multifasicos mediante metodos opticos y electroquimicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarmiento Martinez, Oscar


    During former investigations, the utilization of optical interferometric techniques was proposed to perform the monitoring of oxide layers growing or metallic degradation occurring in aluminum samples immersed in aqueous solutions, during initial stages of related oxidation processes without direct physical contact. Additionally a mathematical model was developed in order to obtain, from orthogonal displacements located in the metal surface during the anodic reaction, the metallic layer thickness loss or growth in the sample by interference fringes count. Here in this doctoral thesis, experimental and numerical results related to certain corrosion processes observed in different electrochemical systems using simultaneously Michelson interferometry optical monitoring and polarization curves electrochemical monitoring are presented. The qualitative and quantitative information resumed by important physical parameters related with the corrosion processes and their dynamics is analyzed, same as the alternated appearance and disappearance of interference patterns which optical visibility is lost and recovered as time goes by. On the other hand, a mathematical model for the optical-electrochemical system was developed in order to quantify metal loss or oxide layer growth in metallic samples, and also the reconstruction of conventional electrochemical dependences by using alternative experimental data obtained by interference maxima fringes counting. Lastly, and according to non-linear dynamical systems theoretical concepts, the non-linear parameters related to the existence of chaotic complex solutions are analyzed and discussed, based on experimental and numerical data obtained from the observation of corrosion processes of metals in aqueous solutions and hydrocarbons, during optical-electrochemical monitoring of our system. [Spanish] En un estudio previo, se propuso la utilizacion de tecnicas opticas interferometricas para monitorear el crecimiento de capas de oxidos o

  12. Development and application of the capacity to make tests of dynamic displacement in samples of oil well drilling cores; Desarrollo y aplicacion de la capacidad para realizar pruebas de desplazamiento dinamico en muestras de nucleos de perforacion de pozos petroleros

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Contreras L, Enrique; Garcia M, Pablo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    In the Laboratory of Deposits of the Gerencia de Geotermia of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) the capacity has been developed to make tests of dynamic oil displacement by means of gas or brine injection in samples of oil well drilling cores. Also the methodologies to interpret the results of these tests in terms of dynamics and the efficiency of the oil recovery in terms of the relative permeability have been developed. These capacities represent a very important contribution towards the improvement of the insufficiency that exists in the country to make the large amount of tests of dynamic displacement that demand the different Actives of PEMEX Exploration and Production (PEP), since they satisfy their necessities of data on which the activities of design and implementation of the most suitable techniques for the hydrocarbon recovery of the oil deposits lean. In the present work these capacities are described and some examples are presented of the results that have been obtained from their application in special studies of drilling cores, which have been recently made in the Laboratory of Deposits of the IIE for diverse Actives of PEP exploitation. [Spanish] En el laboratorio de yacimientos de la Gerencia de Geotermia del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) se ha desarrollado la capacidad de realizar pruebas de desplazamiento dinamico de aceite mediante inyeccion de salmuera o de gases en muestras de nucleos de perforacion de pozos petroleros. Tambien se han desarrollado las metodologias para interpretar los resultados de estas pruebas en terminos de la dinamica y la eficiencia de la recuperacion de aceite y en terminos de la permeabilidades relativas. Estas capacidades representan una contribucion muy importante hacia el mejoramiento de la insuficiencia que existe en el pais para realizar la gran cantidad de pruebas de desplazamiento dinamico que demandan los diferentes activos de explotacion de PEMEX Exploracion y Produccion (PEP), ya

  13. Application of the identification methods from Hilbert and Prony to the study of oscillatory phenomena in electrical power systems; Aplicacion de los metodos de identificacion de Hilbert y Prony al estudio de fenomenos oscilatorios en sistemas electricos de potencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrade Soto, Manuel Antonio


    In the present thesis work the application of identification techniques is investigated based on methods of spectral analysis to the study of the instantaneous characteristics of signals obtained by means of digital simulation of the dynamic behavior of the power system. The study focuses on the perspectives developed from two different approaches of analysis: the use of lineal methods of spectral analysis and the use of methods of non-lineal analysis, based on the concept of an analytical signal. The developed tools are applied to the study of two phenomena of electromechanical origin of different characteristics in complex power systems. A comparison between the results obtained is performed for these techniques and the possibility of its application is discussed for the problem of on-line identification in power systems. [Spanish] En el presente trabajo de tesis se investiga la aplicacion de tecnicas de identificacion basadas en metodos de analisis espectral al estudio de las caracteristicas instantaneas de senales obtenidas mediante simulacion digital del comportamiento dinamico del sistema de potencia. El estudio se centra en las aproximaciones desarrolladas desde dos enfoques distintos de analisis: la utilizacion de metodos lineales de analisis espectral y la utilizacion de metodos de analisis no lineal, basados en el concepto de una senal analitica. Las herramientas desarrolladas se aplican al estudio de dos fenomenos de origen electromecanico de caracteristicas distintas en sistemas complejos de potencia. Se hace una comparacion entre los resultados obtenidos por estas tecnicas y se discute la posibilidad de su aplicacion al problema de identificacion en linea en sistemas de potencia.

  14. Incorporation of a wind generator model into a dynamic power flow analysis; Incorporacion de un modelo de generador eolico al analisis de flujos dinamicos de potencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Angeles Camacho, C.; Banuelos Ruedas, F. [Instituto de Ingenieria, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    dinamicos de potencia. El modelo de la turbina toma en cuenta las velocidades del viento y la potencia reactiva consumida por el generador de induccion. El analisis de los flujos dinamicos de potencia que se presenta aqui, se realiza en funcion de los datos reales de la velocidad del viento recolectados en una estacion de monitoreo del estado de Zacatecas en intervalos de 10 minutos. La generacion inyectada en una parte de la red proporciona potencia localmente, reduciendo las perdidas globales del sistema. Sin embargo, la variacion de la potencia entregada por la central eolica causa fluctuaciones de la magnitud de voltaje y de los flujos de potencia en las lineas de transmision.

  15. Estudio osteométrico y selección de variables relevantes para clasificación de rostros en estudios de antropología forense

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soncini, Julieta A.


    Full Text Available Se espera que este estudio contribuya a los análisis de identificación de restos óseos humanos, al proponer esta nueva vía de reducción del universo de búsqueda en la comparación de fotografías de personas en vida/ fichas pre - mortem y restos óseos N.N. En la presente investigación se han establecido un número mínimo de quince variables craneométricas para la clasificación de cráneos y la determinación de aquellas más relevantes para la diferenciación morfológica facial. La base de datos utilizada consta de una muestra de 159 cráneos y 31 variables craneométricas. Algunos de los análisis que hemos realizado con los datos obtenidos incluyen Técnicas Geométricas, Clasificaciones No Supervisadas, Clustering (Agrupamientos, Medidas de Similitud, Criterios de Clustering, Algoritmos Simples de Búsqueda de Clusters, Clasificadores de Mínima Distancia por Funciones Discriminantes - Lineales y el Algoritmo k-Medias.

  16. Estudios Experimentales 2 Parte: Estudios Cuasi-Experimentales


    Manterola, Carlos; Otzen, Tamara


    Los estudios experimentales, se caracterizan por la valoración del efecto de una o más intervenciones, habitualmente de forma comparativa con otra intervención, o un placebo; y el carácter prospectivo, de la recolección de datos y seguimiento. Agrupados bajo esta denominación, existe una diversidad de diseños, entre los que se encuentran los estudios cuasi-experimentales (ECE), que se caracterizan especialmente por la ausencia de asignación aleatoria. El objetivo de este manuscrito, es report...


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    Macarena Gálvez Herrer


    Full Text Available Los estudios transculturales no son un ejercicio secundario y complementario en el estudio de la psicología; un modelo antropológico de la conducta humana obliga a plantear que las variables culturales no son secundarias sino primarias. Por estas razones el estudio del “burnout†o desgaste profesional puede profundizarse mediante la utilización de los métodos transculturales. No es suficiente con la simple comparación de resultados, sino que es necesario buscar instrumentos propios de cada cultura y establecer la comparación no sólo del síndrome de desgaste profesional sino de todos los diferentes elementos del proceso. El trabajo presentado establece las bases teóricas de este planteamiento, y expone, mediante un ejemplo, algunas de las vías posibles para una psicología transcultural del burnout.

  18. Estudios sobre postmodernidad y estudios culturales: ¿sinónimos?

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    Dr. Roberto A. Follari


    Full Text Available La postmodernidad exige para ser comprendida una dimensión sociohistórica y otra filosófica que le resulta irrenunciables. También hay una serie de fenómenos propiamente culturales, que son los que los denominados "estudios culturales" (G. Canclini. M. Barbero, etc. han asumido en Latinoamérica. Tales estudios han aportado una descripción de fenómenos nuevos, que no son analizados por ningún otro discurso teórico (tribus urbanas, identidades lábiles, influencia de los medios en los nuevos estilos de consumo, etc.. Con ello se da cuenta de parte de la cuestión postmodernidad, pero sin dudase deja fuera otras: lo filosófico y aún lo social y lo político quedan fuera de esa especie de antropología del presente. Por lo tanto, un enfoque integral de lo postmoderno incluye los estudios culturales, pero está lejos de limitarse a ellos.

  19. Estudios transculturales del burnout: Los estudios transculturales Brasil-España

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    Bernardo Moreno Jiménez


    Full Text Available Los estudios transculturales no son un ejercicio secundario y complementario en el estudio de la psicología; un modelo antropológico de la conducta humana obliga a plantear que las variables culturales no son secundarias sino primarias. Por estas razones el estudio del “burnout” o desgaste profesional puede profundizarse mediante la utilización de los métodos transculturales. No es suficiente con la simple comparación de resultados, sino que es necesario buscar instrumentos propios de cada cultura y establecer la comparación no sólo del síndrome de desgaste profesional sino de todos los diferentes elementos del proceso. El trabajo presentado establece las bases teóricas de este planteamiento, y expone, mediante un ejemplo, algunas de las vías posibles para una psicología transcultural del burnout

  20. What we know from epidemiological studies on cancer and residential exposure to radiofrequency fields Qué sabemos a partir de los estudios epidemiológicos sobre la exposición residencial a ondas de radiofrecuencia y su relación con el cáncer

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    Marina Pollán Santamaría


    Full Text Available This review discusses epidemiological studies on residential exposure to radiofrequency fields and its possible association with cancer are commented. Most of these studies are ecologic. They use the distance to the power station as a surrogated measure of exposure. Possible confounders other than sex and age are rarely considered. For these reasons, it is difficult to infer causality from their results. Very often the study was a carried out due to the observation of cluster of cancer cases. Some of these clusters were reanalysed yielding different conclusions, showing their methodological weakness.En esta revisión se presentan y comentan los estudios existentes sobre la exposición residencial a campos de radiofrecuencia con relación a un posible aumento de incidencia o de mortalidad por cáncer. La mayor parte de estos estudios son de naturaleza ecológica, con una medida de exposición indirecta: la distancia a las antenas. El control de posibles factores de confusión más allá de la edad y el sexo es bastante limitado. Por estas razones, los resultados de estos estudios no tienen una fácil interpretación causal. Muchas veces el estudio fue motivado por la aparición de una agregación inusual de casos de cáncer. Algunos de estos clusters fueron reanalizados llegando a conclusiones diferentes, lo que demuestra la debilidad metodológica de este tipo de estudios.


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    Samanta M. Carrión


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta un estudio basado en la Teoría del Funcional de la Densidad, de la adsorción y disociación de hidrógeno molecular sobre pequeños clusters de molibdeno, desde un dímero a un hexámero. Para el mismo se utilizó el funcional de intercambio de Becke y el funcional de correlación de Lee, Yang y Parr, tal como está implementado en el programa ADF. Las funciones base utilizadas son de calidad triple zeta con funciones de polarización. Todas las estructuras fueron optimizadas para distintas multiplicidades de espín hasta encontrar la mínima energía. Se determinaron distancias interatómicas, energías de adsorción y barreras energéticas de los sistemas más estables de la serie MonH2 (n=2-6. Los resultados muestran que las estructuras más estables de los agregados son las que poseen un estado de espín singlete. Se obtuvieron barreras energéticas en todos los casos.

  2. Clustering of near clusters versus cluster compactness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Gao; Yipeng Jing


    The clustering properties of near Zwicky clusters are studied by using the two-point angular correlation function. The angular correlation functions for compact and medium compact clusters, for open clusters, and for all near Zwicky clusters are estimated. The results show much stronger clustering for compact and medium compact clusters than for open clusters, and that open clusters have nearly the same clustering strength as galaxies. A detailed study of the compactness-dependence of correlation function strength is worth investigating. (author)

  3. Cluster-cluster clustering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnes, J.; Dekel, A.; Efstathiou, G.; Frenk, C.S.; Yale Univ., New Haven, CT; California Univ., Santa Barbara; Cambridge Univ., England; Sussex Univ., Brighton, England)


    The cluster correlation function xi sub c(r) is compared with the particle correlation function, xi(r) in cosmological N-body simulations with a wide range of initial conditions. The experiments include scale-free initial conditions, pancake models with a coherence length in the initial density field, and hybrid models. Three N-body techniques and two cluster-finding algorithms are used. In scale-free models with white noise initial conditions, xi sub c and xi are essentially identical. In scale-free models with more power on large scales, it is found that the amplitude of xi sub c increases with cluster richness; in this case the clusters give a biased estimate of the particle correlations. In the pancake and hybrid models (with n = 0 or 1), xi sub c is steeper than xi, but the cluster correlation length exceeds that of the points by less than a factor of 2, independent of cluster richness. Thus the high amplitude of xi sub c found in studies of rich clusters of galaxies is inconsistent with white noise and pancake models and may indicate a primordial fluctuation spectrum with substantial power on large scales. 30 references

  4. Los cluster tecnológicos en México y Argentina: una estrategia para el desarrollo local

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    Prudencio Mochi Alemu00E1n


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es, por una parte, darle continuidad a la línea de trabajo anterior sobre la industria de software y servicios informáticos, pero en esta oportunidad centrada en el estudio de la dinámica de los cluster tecnológicos en experiencias locales. Para ello se indagará esta dinámica en dos ciudades: Mérida (Yucatán-México y Rosario (Santa Fe-Argentina. El objetivo de enfocar estos dos casos de estudio se fundamenta en el interés por estas dos ciudades, ya que presentan un perfil productivo innovador, con tasas de crecimiento importante y que además esta estrategia se suma a otras actividades de alto valor agregado. En este sentido la producción de software y de nuevas tecnologías, están creando un clima propicio de desarrollo local. En este trabajo se analiza el contexto socio económico de cada ciudad, los antecedentes de la creación del cluster tecnológico, la cooperación inter empresarial e inter institucional, las políticas públicas territorializadas en el cluster, el perfil y las actividades de las empresas que conforman el mismo, así como las características de sus recursos humanos.

  5. Dynamic analysis of the condensate and of the feed water in the Laguna Verde nuclear power station; Analisis dinamico del sistema de condensado y agua de alimentacion de la nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Macedo Muth, Javier; Sandoval Pena, Ramon [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article shows a non-lineal mathematical model for the condensate, and feed water systems and for feed water heater drains at the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station for its simulation in real time. The model allows the calculation of flows and pressures in all the piping system and equipment that integrate the systems. It was obtained by using the force unbalance in the fluid concept and is capable of reproducing its dynamic behavior through variations induced by the different operation modes and more common failures. The final model objective is to form part of the Laguna Verde simulator that will be used for operator training of this Nuclear Power Plant. [Espanol] En este articulo se muestra un modelo matematico no lineal de los sistemas de condensado, agua de alimentacion y drenes de calentadores de la central nuclear de Laguna Verde para su simulacion en tiempo real. El modelo permite calcular los flujos y las presiones en toda la red de tuberias y equipos que integran los sistemas. Se obtuvo utilizando el concepto de desbalance de fuerzas en el fluido, y es capaz de reproducir su comportamiento dinamico ante variaciones inducidas por los diversos modos de operacion y fallas mas comunes. El objetivo final del modelo es formar parte del simulador de Laguna Verde que se empleara para el adiestramiento de los operadores de dicha central nuclear.

  6. Los estudios culturales en Centroamérica.


    Fumero, Patricia


    En el presente artículo se considerará el inicio de los estudios culturales en Centroamérica y las diversas corrientes que influyeron en este cambio. Posteriormente, se analizará la problemática que supone el estudio del istmo, en términos de su diversidad y del desarrollo de adecuadas perspectivas comparativas. Por último, se revisarán los avances logrados por los estudios literarios y los desafíos planteados en el futuro inmediato.

  7. Escala de Metas de Estudio para Estudiantes Universitarios

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    María Victoria Pérez Villalobos


    Full Text Available Actualmente disponemos de gran cantidad de trabajos que muestran la implicación de las metas de estudio en la motivación por estudiar y aprender. Este trabajo analiza la motivación académica y, especialmente, la variable "metas de estudio". El principal propósito de esta investigación es conocer las características psicométricas de la adaptación de la Escala de Metas de Estudio a la población universitaria chilena. Los participantes son 542 estudiantes chilenos, de distintas facultades universitarias. Los resultados del análisis factorial y de consistencia interna son aceptables en las tres subescalas. Estos resultados fundamentan el uso de la Escala de Metas de Estudio para evaluar la motivación al estudio de alumnas y alumnos universitarios en Chile (CL.

  8. Casos de Estudio de Distribuciones de Probabilidad para Turismo


    Fernández Morales, Antonio


    Este trabajo propone diversos casos de estudio para el estudio de las distribuciones de probabilidad aplicadas a la investigación y la práctica profesional en el ámbito del turismo. Se afronta el estudio de distribuciones de probabilidad, tanto de variables aleatorias discretas como continuas.

  9. Estudio de la legislación ambiental en licencias de dragados de puertos en Brasil y España. Estudio de caso




    Este TFC consistirá en la realización de un estudio de la legislación ambiental existente en relación al dragado de puertos en Brasil y en España, en el análisis de los procesos de licenciamiento y de la metodología de la monitorización del dragado aplicada en un estudio de caso. Viñes Bernardo, M. (2011). Estudio de la legislación ambiental en licencias de dragados de puertos en Brasil y España. Estudio de caso. Archivo delegado

  10. Estudios Experimentales 1 Parte: El Ensayo Clínico


    Manterola, Carlos; Otzen, Tamara


    Los estudios experimentales, se caracterizan por la valoración del efecto de una o más intervenciones, habitualmente de forma comparativa con otra intervención, o un placebo; y el carácter prospectivo, de la recolección de los datos y el seguimiento de los grupos en estudio. Bajo la denominación de estudios experimentales, existe una diversidad de diseños, desde los ensayos clínicos (EC) y sus variantes, hasta los estudios cuasi-experimentales y los experientos naturales. El objetivo de este ...

  11. Estudio de estabilidad de tabletas de propiltiouracilo 50 mg

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    María Olga Valdés Bendoyro

    Full Text Available Se desarrolló el estudio de estabilidad de las tabletas de propiltiouracilo 50 mg y se determinó su fecha de vencimiento. Este estudio se realizó por los métodos de vida de estante y de estabilidad acelerada mediante cromatografía líquida de alta eficiencia, validados en el Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos. El estudio de vida de estante se desarrolló por un periodo de 24 meses a temperatura ambiente; mientras que el estudio de estabilidad acelerada se efectuó sometiendo el producto a la influencia de la luz, la humedad y la temperatura; se realizó el análisis durante 3 meses, para los 2 primeros y durante 6 meses para el estudio de la temperatura. La formulación de propiltiouracilo tabletas 50 mg cumplió con las especificaciones de calidad descritas en la farmacopea. Los resultados del estudio de estabilidad por vida de estante después de transcurridos los 24 meses indicaron que el producto mantenía los parámetros que determinan su calidad durante ese tiempo, y en los estudios acelerados no se observó degradación significativa del producto. Se estableció 2 años como fecha de vencimiento en las condiciones señaladas.

  12. un estudio comparativo

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    Federico Varona


    Full Text Available La comunicación efectiva es uno de los mayores retos que tienen hoy las organizaciones y empresas tanto a nivel nacional como internacional (global. Este artículo presenta los resultados de la investigación realizada por un equipo internacional de investigadores interesados en descubrir y comparar las conductas comunicativas o estilos de comunicación de los empleados finlandeses y mexicanos cuando interactúan con sus superiores. Para ello presentamos: primero, un breve marco teórico del estudio; segundo, la metodología; tercero, los resultados del análisis estadístico comparativo entre los empleados de Finlandia y México; cuarto, las conclusiones generales y su explicación cultural; y quinto, las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de este estudio con respecto a las competencias comunicativas necesarias para la comunicación efectiva entre empleados y superiores tanto en organizaciones nacionales como internacionales (globales.

  13. Estudio comparativo entre SIG propietario y SIG libre


    Mesa Díaz, Juan Ramón


    Estudio comparativo entre SIG propietario y SIG libre, focalizado en los casos particulares de Geomedia Pro (SIG Propietario) y gvSIG (SIG Libre). En el estudio se procede a determinar cuáles son los aspectos destacables de un SIG, para poder evaluarlos, posteriormente, en los dos SIG objeto del estudio y obtener una ponderación definitoria de cada SIG. A continuación, algunos de los aspectos evaluados en cada SIG: interoperabilidad, conexión a bases de datos espaciales, aspectos económ...


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    Catherine Walsh


    Full Text Available Los «estudios culturales» en América Latina forman parte de una política de nombrar inscrita en legados y cartografiados frecuentemente como totalidad, ocultando o dejando pasar por alto las diferencias a su interior. Este articula examina desde dónde nacen los estudios culturales en América Latina en general y en la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar en Quito en particular, con qué política de nombramiento, qué proyecto(s y qué bases y perspectivas de conocimiento. Considera qué implica concebir y construir los estudios culturales como proyecto político-intelectual, inter-cultural, inter-epistémico y de orientación de-colonial y los desafíos y obstáculos al respecto, incluyendo dentro de la problemática misma de la «uni»-versidad.

  15. de estudios observacionales

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    Erik von Elm


    un documento de explicación y elaboración al que puede accederse libremente en los sitios web de PLoS Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine y Epidemiology. Esperamos que la declaración STROBE contribuya a mejorar la calidad de la publicación de los estudios observacionales.


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    Florencia María Páez


    Full Text Available Pretendemos con este trabajo efectuar un análisis del contrato de lectura de dos publicaciones periódicas de Argentina que se inscriben en el campo de estudios de las ciencias sociales. Partimos de las ideas de Eliseo Verón, esbozadas en “Cuando leer es hacer: la enunciación en el discurso de la prensa gráfica” (1984, y realizamos una apropiación de las categorías del autor teniendo en cuenta las particularidades propias de las revistas científicas y el modo de funcionamiento del subcampo de publicaciones de ciencias sociales del país, en íntima relación con los capitales en juego en el campo científico en general. Hemos escogido uno de los últimos números de cada una de las revistas Estudios del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la UNC, y Estudios Sociales, de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Los criterios que fueron atendidos al momento de la elección de estas revistas apuntaron a la factibilidad de efectuar una comparación entre los contratos de lectura de ambas, según la propuesta de Verón en torno a este tipo de análisis. Este estudio nos permite profundizar nuestra comprensión del funcionamiento de la comunicación científica gráfica, puntualmente posibilita conocer las estrategias que las publicaciones despliegan para captar a los académicos (potenciales lectores y autores en las revistas y para convencer de la calidad científica de su trabajo editorial a los encargados de elaborar índices y catálogos de publicación.

  17. Razonamiento covariacional en el estudio de funciones cuadráticas

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    Jhony Alexander Villa-Ochoa


    Full Text Available En este artículo se usa el marco conceptual de Carlson et al. (2003 para discutir los resultados de un estudio de caso, el cual describe la forma como un estudiante razona covariacionalmente al enfrentarse a situaciones de variación asociadas a funciones cuadráticas. El estudio se ideó para desarrollar una línea convergente de indagación (Yin, 2009, la cual se centró en las descripciones que el estudiante realizaba a medida que abordaba las situaciones diseñadas para el estudio; dichas descripciones fueron trianguladas con las producciones escritas y los elementos teóricos. Desde las acciones que el estudiante evidenció, se pudo observar que el proceso de razonamiento covariacional no es un proceso lineal pero sí recursivo. Así mismo, este estudio de caso pone en evidencia el hecho de que existen estudiantes que pueden aproximarse a una interpretación variacional de las concavidades de una gráfica, sin que ello exija un estudio previo del cálculo diferencial. Del estudio se desprenden algunas implicaciones tanto para el marco conceptual abordado en este estudio como para el diseño de situaciones orientadas al aula de clase.

  18. El creciente campo de los Estudios Sensoriales

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    David Howes


    Full Text Available Este ensayo presenta una breve descripción acerca del giro sensorial en la investigación contemporánea, y propone algunas perspectivas de trabajo para futuras investigaciones. Esta labor no pretende ser exhaustiva y, más bien, busca indicar las principales tendencias en este campo. El ensayo, en su primera parte, ofrece una mirada general sobre la aparición y el desarrollo de la historia y la antropología de los sentidos. En la segunda parte, la atención se concentra en cómo el campo de los estudios sensoriales puede ser, de otro lado, conceptualizado como compuesto de cultura visual, cultura auditiva (o estudios del sonido, cultura del olfato, cultura del gusto y cultura del tacto. Se ofrece una explicación acerca de la génesis de estas divisiones. Posteriormente, se presenta una visión general de algunas cuestiones claves en los estudios sensoriales, como la pregunta por el número de los sentidos y la relación entre orden sensorial y orden social. El ensayo concluye con ocho proposiciones para los estudios sensoriales.

  19. El creciente campo de los Estudios Sensoriales

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    David Howes


    Full Text Available Este ensayo presenta una breve descripción acerca del giro sensorial en la investigación contemporánea, y propone algunas perspectivas de trabajo para futurasinvestigaciones. Esta labor no pretende ser exhaustiva y, más bien, busca indicar las principales tendencias en este campo. El ensayo, en su primera parte, ofrece una mirada general sobre la aparición y el desarrollo de la historia y la antropología de los sentidos. En la segunda parte, la atención se concentra en cómo el campo de los estudios sensoriales puede ser, de otro lado, conceptualizado como compuesto de cultura visual, cultura auditiva (o estudios del sonido, cultura del olfato, cultura del gusto y cultura del tacto. Se ofrece una explicación acerca de la génesis de estas divisiones. Posteriormente,se presenta una visión general de algunas cuestiones claves en los estudios sensoriales, como la pregunta por el número de los sentidos y la relación entre orden sensorial y orden social. El ensayo concluye con ocho proposiciones para los estudios sensoriales.

  20. Los estudios longitudinales en la prevención de las enfermedades cardiovasculares

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    Ignacio Balaguer Vintró


    Full Text Available Los estudios longitudinales de cohortes bien definidas han contribuido a la identificación de los factores de riesgo de la cardiopatía coronaria y otras complicaciones clínicas de la aterosclerosis. Después de comentar las conclusiones de los estudios de la aterosclerosis experimental y los factores de riesgo sugeridos por el estudio de una serie de infartos de miocardio en adultos jóvenes en comparación con controles apareados, se expone la metodología, el desarrollo y los resultados de los estudios longitudinales realizados en Estados Unidos desde 1949: Twin Cities, Framingham, Pooling Project, Western Collaborative, Puerto Rico, Evans County, NI-HONSAN, San Francisco, Harvard, Bogalusa y CARDIA. Se presta especial atención a las hipótesis propuestas al inicio del estudio de Framingham y a los obstáculos y cambios para continuar el proyecto después de los primeros veinticuatro años. A continuación se expone el Seven Countries Study, ideado y dirigido por Ancel Keys y primer estudio realizado con metodología centralizada en varios países, y los estudios longitudinales realizados en diversos países de Europa: Whitehall, Manresa, París, British Regional, Northwick Park, Caerphilly, Speedwell, PROCAM. Se analiza el papel de los estudios longitudinales en la metodología de los estudios posteriores: hijos e hijas de los participantes en Framingham, estudios longitudinales basados en cuestionarios, estudios de otros posibles factores de riesgo, prevalencia de factores de riesgo en estudios retrospectivos, ensayos de intervención primaria (MRFT, WHO European Collaborative Trial y el de Goteburgo y la participación de los equipos entrenados en el Proyecto MONICA. Se señalan los temas todavía en debate en relación con la metodología y los resultados de los estudios longitudinales: exámenes periódicos de los participantes en las cohortes de los estudios epidemiológicos, cambios en la definición de nuevos casos de accidentes

  1. Recursos bibliográgicos sobre los estudios en italiano


    Caprara, Giovanni


    Este artículo bibliográfico busca ofrecer una visión panorámica actualizada (y representativa) de los Estudios de Traducción en lengua italiana. En ella se clasifican por temas objeto de estudio toda una serie de obras (libros, monografías colectivas, etc.) que inciden sobre el estudio de la Traducción e Interpretación desde la perspectiva de la lengua y la cultura italianas o que, aunque hayan sido realizados por autores extranjeros, su publicación utiliza como lengua vehicular de comunic...

  2. Brightest Cluster Galaxies in REXCESS Clusters (United States)

    Haarsma, Deborah B.; Leisman, L.; Bruch, S.; Donahue, M.


    Most galaxy clusters contain a Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) which is larger than the other cluster ellipticals and has a more extended profile. In the hierarchical model, the BCG forms through many galaxy mergers in the crowded center of the cluster, and thus its properties give insight into the assembly of the cluster as a whole. In this project, we are working with the Representative XMM-Newton Cluster Structure Survey (REXCESS) team (Boehringer et al 2007) to study BCGs in 33 X-ray luminous galaxy clusters, 0.055 < z < 0.183. We are imaging the BCGs in R band at the Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research (SOAR) in Chile. In this poster, we discuss our methods and give preliminary measurements of the BCG magnitudes, morphology, and stellar mass. We compare these BCG properties with the properties of their host clusters, particularly of the X-ray emitting gas.

  3. Estudios sobre plantas andinas,- V

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    Cuatrecasas José


    Full Text Available Desde hace diez años, he venido interesándome por el conocimiento y clasificación del género Diplostephium, distribuido abundantemente en las zonas frías de los Andes, desde Venezuela al norte de Chile con un enclave en Costa Rica. Las excursiones realizadas en 1932 me permitieron descubrir dos nuevas especies colombianas (1 y el estudio de la colección Isern me dio oportunidad de conocer otras especies ecuatorianas y peruanas (2. A raíz del abundante material recogido en mis excursiones por Colombia desde el año 1938, decidí llevar a cabo el estudio monográfico del género; para ella diversos centros de los Estados Unidos pusieron a mi disposición sus coIecciones: Smithsonian Institution (United States National Herbarium, Field Museum of Natural History de Chicago y New York Botanical Garden, los cuales me remitieron el material para este fin al Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de Bogotá; el trabajo fue iniciado en este centro, pero al trasladarme a la Escuela Superior de Agricultura Tropical de Cali, la dirección del Instituto me permitió llevar para el Valle todos los ejemplares, incluso los del Herbario Nacional Colombiano, y así pude concluir el estudio provisional, en mi nuevo lugar de trabajo.

  4. Situación de los Estudios Clínicos en Colombia

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    Alexander Carreño Dueñas


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: Los estudios clínicos son un tipo de investigación que ayudan a la ciencia médica a encontrar nuevas formas de prevenir, detectar, diagnosticar o tratar enfermedades y hoy en día son los estudios que aportan la mayor evidencia científica frente al uso de nuevas terapias farmacológicas. Objetivo: Describir la situación actual de los estudios clínicos en Colombia. Métodos: Se consultaron las bases de datos de registro de estudios clínicos, se realizó una revisión de los aspectos regulatorios y la normatividad relacionada. Resultados: no es posible determinar la cantidad exacta de estudios clínicos registrados en Colombia debido a que no se cuenta con un sistema de registro. Los estudios clínicos registrados difieren en las bases de datos consultadas. Desde 1995 a 2013 se identificaron 738 ensayos únicos, el 90% de ellos fueron patrocinados por industrias farmacéuticas, 62% fueron fase III y se han desarrollado principalmente en enfermedades crónicas como el cáncer, las enfermedades cardiovasculares y las degenerativas. Conclusiones: Colombia carece de un sistema de registro de estudios clínicos que permita realizar un seguimiento adecuado por parte de la comunidad y los profesionales de la salud. Debido a que el mayor porcentaje de estos estudios han sido patrocinados por la Industria Farmacéutica, se hace necesario fomentar y desarrollar estrategias que permitan el desarrollo de investigación propia

  5. Metal cluster compounds - chemistry and importance; clusters containing isolated main group element atoms, large metal cluster compounds, cluster fluxionality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walther, B.


    This part of the review on metal cluster compounds deals with clusters containing isolated main group element atoms, with high nuclearity clusters and metal cluster fluxionality. It will be obvious that main group element atoms strongly influence the geometry, stability and reactivity of the clusters. High nuclearity clusters are of interest in there own due to the diversity of the structures adopted, but their intermediate position between molecules and the metallic state makes them a fascinating research object too. These both sites of the metal cluster chemistry as well as the frequently observed ligand and core fluxionality are related to the cluster metal and surface analogy. (author)

  6. Estrategia organizacional: una propuesta de estudio

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    Ángela Lucía Noguera Hidalgo


    Full Text Available El concepto de estrategia en el contexto de las organizaciones empresariales es uno de los temas que genera gran interés en los asuntos del management. Sin embargo, la proposición de nuevos enfoques no ha aportado significativamente al avance en el estudio de este concepto. El estancamiento se hace evidente, razón por la cual el presente documento esboza una propuesta que reúne algunos de los retos para el estudio de la estrategia. En él se presenta una revisión que deja por sentados los posibles caminos a seguir, los cuales contribuyen a la perdurabilidad de las organizaciones.

  7. PREFACE: Nuclear Cluster Conference; Cluster'07 (United States)

    Freer, Martin


    The Cluster Conference is a long-running conference series dating back to the 1960's, the first being initiated by Wildermuth in Bochum, Germany, in 1969. The most recent meeting was held in Nara, Japan, in 2003, and in 2007 the 9th Cluster Conference was held in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. As the name suggests the town of Stratford lies upon the River Avon, and shortly before the conference, due to unprecedented rainfall in the area (approximately 10 cm within half a day), lay in the River Avon! Stratford is the birthplace of the `Bard of Avon' William Shakespeare, and this formed an intriguing conference backdrop. The meeting was attended by some 90 delegates and the programme contained 65 70 oral presentations, and was opened by a historical perspective presented by Professor Brink (Oxford) and closed by Professor Horiuchi (RCNP) with an overview of the conference and future perspectives. In between, the conference covered aspects of clustering in exotic nuclei (both neutron and proton-rich), molecular structures in which valence neutrons are exchanged between cluster cores, condensates in nuclei, neutron-clusters, superheavy nuclei, clusters in nuclear astrophysical processes and exotic cluster decays such as 2p and ternary cluster decay. The field of nuclear clustering has become strongly influenced by the physics of radioactive beam facilities (reflected in the programme), and by the excitement that clustering may have an important impact on the structure of nuclei at the neutron drip-line. It was clear that since Nara the field had progressed substantially and that new themes had emerged and others had crystallized. Two particular topics resonated strongly condensates and nuclear molecules. These topics are thus likely to be central in the next cluster conference which will be held in 2011 in the Hungarian city of Debrechen. Martin Freer Participants and Cluster'07


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    Adriana Amado Suárez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta de forma resumida una revisión de antecedentes de los estudios empíricos de periodismo en Argentina. En las publicaciones de los últimos años los investigadores coincidían en señalar falta de datos de la profesión y el escaso desarrollo de los marcos teóricos afines a los estudios de periodismo. La investigación local priorizó abordajes y métodos que no se ocupan del conjunto de los periodistas. Antes bien, buena parte de la investigación confunde análisis de los medios y los mensajes con el estudio del periodismo y sigue sin brindar datos que permitan conocer las condiciones de trabajo y el perfil profesional de los periodistas argentinos.

  9. doméstico. Discusiones y estudios recientes

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    Patricia Arias


    Full Text Available Con base en la revisión de algunos estudios recientes que se han llevado a cabo en diver- sas comunidades rurales de las nuevas regiones migratorias, en este artículo se revisan, de manera crítica, dos interpretaciones de los estudios sobre la familia rural: la economía campesina como unidad de producción-consumo y el ciclo de desarrollo de la unidad doméstica. En las condiciones actuales la migración, interna e internacional, desem- peña un papel decisivo en las comunidades rurales. Muchos estudios han constatado la voluntad de las mujeres de salir de los grupos domésticos y sumarse a los flujos migra- torios por motivos particulares, por situaciones y demandas específicas de ellas; su salida ha contribuido al resquebrajamiento de los sistemas tradicionales de organización y re- producción de la familia campesina. Las feministas, y más tarde los estudios con la perspectiva de género, criticaron la visión de que las familias rurales constituían unidades de producción-consumo donde las decisiones correspondían a un modelo de estrategias familiares de sobrevivencia y reproducción (Hondagneu-Sotelo, 2007; Wolf, 1990. Ese modelo privilegiaba la homo- geneidad, la colectividad, la solidaridad y el consenso, es decir, suponía que en los hogares no había conflictos ni tensiones a la hora de tomar decisiones que a todos com- prometían (Ariza, 2007. La familia era una “unidad económica moral” que se susten- taba en los principios de “reciprocidad, consenso y altruismo” (Grasmuck y Pessar, 1991. Los estudios desde el enfoque de género señalaron que en las familias había relacio- nes de poder basadas en una distribución jerárquica y desigual de los derechos, recursos y autoridad que afectaban especialmente a las mujeres (Ariza, 2007; González Montes, 2002; Hondagneu-Sotelo, 2007; Wolf, 1990. Las críticas alcanzaron a los estudios migratorios: la migración no era un fenómeno exclusivamente de los hombres, las mi

  10. Formation of stable products from cluster-cluster collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alamanova, Denitsa; Grigoryan, Valeri G; Springborg, Michael


    The formation of stable products from copper cluster-cluster collisions is investigated by using classical molecular-dynamics simulations in combination with an embedded-atom potential. The dependence of the product clusters on impact energy, relative orientation of the clusters, and size of the clusters is studied. The structures and total energies of the product clusters are analysed and compared with those of the colliding clusters before impact. These results, together with the internal temperature, are used in obtaining an increased understanding of cluster fusion processes

  11. El estudio de la cadena productiva del fique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Eugenia Morales Rubiano


    Full Text Available El estudio recopila los resultados más importantes obtenidos en el trabajo de grado denominado "Estudio de factibilidad de la cadena productiva del fique cultivado en Colombia", el cual tomo como punto de referencia el sector fiquero para estimas la factibilidad de aplicar un esquema de cadena productiva, a través de la estructura y análisis estratégico del sistema.

  12. Document clustering methods, document cluster label disambiguation methods, document clustering apparatuses, and articles of manufacture (United States)

    Sanfilippo, Antonio [Richland, WA; Calapristi, Augustin J [West Richland, WA; Crow, Vernon L [Richland, WA; Hetzler, Elizabeth G [Kennewick, WA; Turner, Alan E [Kennewick, WA


    Document clustering methods, document cluster label disambiguation methods, document clustering apparatuses, and articles of manufacture are described. In one aspect, a document clustering method includes providing a document set comprising a plurality of documents, providing a cluster comprising a subset of the documents of the document set, using a plurality of terms of the documents, providing a cluster label indicative of subject matter content of the documents of the cluster, wherein the cluster label comprises a plurality of word senses, and selecting one of the word senses of the cluster label.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha Rocío Torres Narváez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es exponer algunas estrategias de apoyo pedagógico que, articuladas con la estructura curricular del Programa de Fisioterapia de la Universidad del Rosario, apoyan el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes a partir de las categorías analizadas con la aplicación del instrumento "Inventario de hábitos de estudio" a los estudiantes que cursaron una de las asignaturas de mayor fracaso académico. Los hábitos de estudio tienen una implicación en el rendimiento académico y esto influye en cómo se enfrenta el reto de asumir las responsabilidades de ser universitario. Como parte de la metodología, se realizó un análisis de los resultados de la aplicación del inventario antes nombrado, en aras de identificar y replantear las estrategias pedagógicas. Para esto se revisaron los planes de asignaturas y se determinaron las actividades extracurriculares que se diseñaron para abordar la problemática de la deserción estudiantil relacionada con el fracaso académico. El estudio realizado determinó la importancia del desarrollo de habilidades o hábitos de estudio apropiados para el buen desempeño del estudiante universitario. Además, comprobó que deben considerarse en el entorno universitario la cultura de aprendizaje en el proceso de formación, las habilidades de trabajo en equipo, la apropiación y el desarrollo de conocimiento, así como las buenas relaciones interpersonales, para disminuir el fracaso académico y mejorar los hábitos de estudio.

  14. Razonamiento covariacional en el estudio de funciones cuadráticas


    Jhony Alexander Villa-Ochoa


    En este artículo se usa el marco conceptual de Carlson et al. (2003) para discutir los resultados de un estudio de caso, el cual describe la forma como un estudiante razona covariacionalmente al enfrentarse a situaciones de variación asociadas a funciones cuadráticas. El estudio se ideó para desarrollar una línea convergente de indagación (Yin, 2009), la cual se centró en las descripciones que el estudiante realizaba a medida que abordaba las situaciones diseñadas para el estudio; dichas ...

  15. El estudio de las psicopatologías en Puerto Rico


    Alfonso Martínez Taboas


    El estudio de las psicopatologías en Puerto Rico fue un campo poco productivo durante las primeras siete décadas de este siglo. Durante este término de tiempo las publicaciones profesionales fueron exiguas y mayormente anecdóticas. Sin embargo, la década de los años ochenta fue una muy productiva en términos de publicaciones profesionales y estudios de corte empírico. Principalmente se destacan una serie programática de estudios epidemiológicos que abarcan poblaciones de niñ...

  16. Estudio epidemiológico de salud oral en adultos. Comunidad Valenciana, 2006


    Eustaquio Raga, Mª Vicenta


    RESUMEN En las últimas dos décadas se han venido realizando estudios epidemiológicos de salud oral en adultos en las diferentes comunidades autónomas españolas. Así la ausencia de dicho estudio de ámbito autonómico valenciano justifica plenamente su realización. En la realización del presente estudio nos hemos propuesto como objetivo general el evaluar el estado de salud bucodental de la población adulta y mayor de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se ha diseñado un estudio transversal o de p...

  17. Nuclear clustering - a cluster core model study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paul Selvi, G.; Nandhini, N.; Balasubramaniam, M.


    Nuclear clustering, similar to other clustering phenomenon in nature is a much warranted study, since it would help us in understanding the nature of binding of the nucleons inside the nucleus, closed shell behaviour when the system is highly deformed, dynamics and structure at extremes. Several models account for the clustering phenomenon of nuclei. We present in this work, a cluster core model study of nuclear clustering in light mass nuclei

  18. Cluster fusion algorithm: application to Lennard-Jones clusters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Solov'yov, Ilia; Solov'yov, Andrey V.; Greiner, Walter


    paths up to the cluster size of 150 atoms. We demonstrate that in this way all known global minima structures of the Lennard-Jones clusters can be found. Our method provides an efficient tool for the calculation and analysis of atomic cluster structure. With its use we justify the magic number sequence......We present a new general theoretical framework for modelling the cluster structure and apply it to description of the Lennard-Jones clusters. Starting from the initial tetrahedral cluster configuration, adding new atoms to the system and absorbing its energy at each step, we find cluster growing...... for the clusters of noble gas atoms and compare it with experimental observations. We report the striking correspondence of the peaks in the dependence of the second derivative of the binding energy per atom on cluster size calculated for the chain of the Lennard-Jones clusters based on the icosahedral symmetry...

  19. Cluster fusion algorithm: application to Lennard-Jones clusters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Solov'yov, Ilia; Solov'yov, Andrey V.; Greiner, Walter


    paths up to the cluster size of 150 atoms. We demonstrate that in this way all known global minima structures of the Lennard-Jones clusters can be found. Our method provides an efficient tool for the calculation and analysis of atomic cluster structure. With its use we justify the magic number sequence......We present a new general theoretical framework for modelling the cluster structure and apply it to description of the Lennard-Jones clusters. Starting from the initial tetrahedral cluster configuration, adding new atoms to the system and absorbing its energy at each step, we find cluster growing...... for the clusters of noble gas atoms and compare it with experimental observations. We report the striking correspondence of the peaks in the dependence of the second derivative of the binding energy per atom on cluster size calculated for the chain of the Lennard-Jones clusters based on the icosahedral symmetry...

  20. La auditoria sociolaboral y los estudios de relaciones laborales


    Benito Bermejo, José Luis


    Se analizan los estudios de Relaciones Laborales en relación al perfil profesional de auditor sociolaboral, haciendo un repaso de la historia de ambos, así como comparando la titulación con otras titulaciones. Se concluye con una propuesta de futuro para los estudios de Relaciones Laborales. Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos (Segovia)

  1. Apoyo a Estudios Geodinamicos con GPS en Guatemala (United States)

    Robles, V. R.


    El Instituto Geografico Nacional de Guatemala implemento 17 estaciones GNSS en el año 2009, como un proyecto de credito mixto de donacion de equipamiento del Gobierno de Suiza, el cual, este equipamiento de estaciones CORS GNSS es un sistema de recepción y transmisión de datos crudos GPS RInex que utiliza la tecnologia Spider Web de Leica, asi mismo este sistema esta sirviendo para el espablecimiento de un marco geodesico nacional de coordenadas geodesicas oficiales, el cual se calculan u obtienen las velocidades en tiempos temporales programados de las 17 Estaciones CORS. La infraestructura del marco geodesico de Guatemala esta sirviendo de base para las aplicaciones de estudios geodinamicos como el monitoreo de del desplazamiento de las placas tectonicas por medio de un estudio que se inicio en el año de 1999, llamado medicion con GPS el sistema de Fallas de los rios Polochic Motagua de Guatemala, tambien para un estudio que se implemento para deformación de corteza terrestre local en un Volcan Activo de Guatemala llamado Pacaya. Para el estudio de medicion con GPS en el sistema de falla de los Rios del polochic Motagua se implementaron 16 puntos para medir con GPS de dos frecuencias en el año de 1999, el cual, tres puntos son estaciones geodesicas CORS IGS llamados GUAT, ELEN y HUEH, despues en el año de 2003 se hizo otra medicion en un total de 20 puntos, que permitió calcular las velocidades de desplazamieinto de los puntos en mención, usando como referencia el modelo NUVEL 1A de DeMets de la placa de Norteamerica. Este estudio fue en cooperación internacional por la universidad de Nice de Francia y el IGNde Francia. Para el estudio del monitoreo con GPS del volcan activo de Guatemala, se implementaron cuatro puntos al rededor del volcan, el cual, se realizan cuatro mediciones al año, que permiten determinar axialmente la distancias entre los puntos, y rebisar estadisticamente cual es el comportamiento de las distancias en funcion del tiempo, si

  2. Estudio de factibilidad para la implantación de un restaurante de cocina en Quito


    Abril Donoso, Aníbal Trosky


    Componentes y sustentos técnicos. Identificación y descripción de la empresa. Análisis de la industria o sector. Productos y servicos de la empresa. Datos importantes para entrar al mercado. Estudio de mercado. Objetivs del estudio de mercado. Investigación del mercado objetivo. Estudio técnico. Objetivos del estudio técnico. Localización del proyecto. Ingeniería del proyecto. Organización y administración. Estudio financiero. Objetivos de estudio financiero. Sistema contable de la empresa. C...

  3. Estudios sobre Plantas Andinas, X

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cuatrecasas José


    Full Text Available Durante la preparación del género Baccharis para Prima Flora Colombiana tuve que estudiar gran número de especies andinas, tropicales y extratropicales de fuera de Colombia; el objeto principal de tales estudios fue el de tipificar las especies íntimamente relacionadas con las colombianas y establecer su diferenciación taxonómica. La consulta de los tipos específicos y la identificación de gran número de colecciones procedentes de las regiones andinas hasta el sur del continente americano permitió precisar el concepto de bastantes especies y de su área geográfica, al mismo tiempo que el establecimiento de numerosas sinonimias.  La mayor parte de las novedades taxonómicas y de los comentarios derivados de tal estudio va incluída en el texto de las Astereae de Colombia a publicar en breve. El objeto de este artículo es dar a conocer otra parte de las novedades relativas a especies andinas de los países vecinos y describir varias entidades taxonómicas deficientemente conocidas, incorporando a su conocimiento los resultados de muchas disecciones llevadas a cabo en los mencionados estudios.  El trabajo basico para estas notas fue hecho en la Smithsonian Institution; se consultaron también las colecciones de los herbarios europeos de Londres, París, Florencia, Ginebra y Madrid en viaje hecho en otoño de 1963. National Science Foundation de Washington D.C. subvencionó los trabajos.

  4. Comprehensive cluster analysis with Transitivity Clustering. (United States)

    Wittkop, Tobias; Emig, Dorothea; Truss, Anke; Albrecht, Mario; Böcker, Sebastian; Baumbach, Jan


    Transitivity Clustering is a method for the partitioning of biological data into groups of similar objects, such as genes, for instance. It provides integrated access to various functions addressing each step of a typical cluster analysis. To facilitate this, Transitivity Clustering is accessible online and offers three user-friendly interfaces: a powerful stand-alone version, a web interface, and a collection of Cytoscape plug-ins. In this paper, we describe three major workflows: (i) protein (super)family detection with Cytoscape, (ii) protein homology detection with incomplete gold standards and (iii) clustering of gene expression data. This protocol guides the user through the most important features of Transitivity Clustering and takes ∼1 h to complete.

  5. Complementary analyses to interpret profiles of 2{sup 10}Pb; Analisis complementarios para interpretar perfiles de {sup 210}Pb

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz-Fernandez, Ana Carolina [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia (Mexico); Mulsow, Sandor [Universidad Austral de Chile (Chile)


    The coastal zone is highly dynamic, subject to processes that often cause disturbances in the sedimentary record. These processes have varied origins: physical, chemical and biological. Because of this feature of the coastal area we suggest improving the quality of dating and estimated accumulation rates through the study of some of the many features expressed in the sedimentary record. Below are some ancillary techniques that can improve the quality of the interpretation of the profile of {sup 210}Pb{sub ex}. [Spanish] La zona costera es un medio altamente dinamico, sujeta a procesos que frecuentemente causan perturbaciones en el registro sedimentario. Estos procesos tienen origenes variados: fisicos, quimicos y biologicos. Debido a esta caracteristica del area costera sugerimos mejorar la calidad del fechado y las estimaciones de las tasas de acumulacion a traves del estudio de algunas de las muchas caracteristicas expresadas en los registros sedimentarios. A continuacion describimos algunas tecnicas auxiliares que pueden mejorar la calidad de la interpretacion del perfil de {sup 210}Pb{sub ex}.

  6. Cluster-cluster correlations and constraints on the correlation hierarchy (United States)

    Hamilton, A. J. S.; Gott, J. R., III


    The hypothesis that galaxies cluster around clusters at least as strongly as they cluster around galaxies imposes constraints on the hierarchy of correlation amplitudes in hierachical clustering models. The distributions which saturate these constraints are the Rayleigh-Levy random walk fractals proposed by Mandelbrot; for these fractal distributions cluster-cluster correlations are all identically equal to galaxy-galaxy correlations. If correlation amplitudes exceed the constraints, as is observed, then cluster-cluster correlations must exceed galaxy-galaxy correlations, as is observed.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lau, Erwin T.; Nagai, Daisuke; Kravtsov, Andrey V.; Vikhlinin, Alexey; Zentner, Andrew R.


    Recent simulations of cluster formation have demonstrated that condensation of baryons into central galaxies during cluster formation can drive the shape of the gas distribution in galaxy clusters significantly rounder out to their virial radius. These simulations generally predict stellar fractions within cluster virial radii that are ∼2-3 times larger than the stellar masses deduced from observations. In this paper, we compare ellipticity profiles of simulated clusters performed with varying input physics (radiative cooling, star formation, and supernova feedback) to the cluster ellipticity profiles derived from Chandra and ROSAT observations, in an effort to constrain the fraction of gas that cools and condenses into the central galaxies within clusters. We find that local relaxed clusters have an average ellipticity of ε = 0.18 ± 0.05 in the radial range of 0.04 ≤ r/r 500 ≤ 1. At larger radii r > 0.1r 500 , the observed ellipticity profiles agree well with the predictions of non-radiative simulations. In contrast, the ellipticity profiles of simulated clusters that include dissipative gas physics deviate significantly from the observed ellipticity profiles at all radii. The dissipative simulations overpredict (underpredict) ellipticity in the inner (outer) regions of galaxy clusters. By comparing simulations with and without dissipative gas physics, we show that gas cooling causes the gas distribution to be more oblate in the central regions, but makes the outer gas distribution more spherical. We find that late-time gas cooling and star formation are responsible for the significantly oblate gas distributions in cluster cores, but the gas shapes outside of cluster cores are set primarily by baryon dissipation at high redshift (z ≥ 2). Our results indicate that the shapes of X-ray emitting gas in galaxy clusters, especially at large radii, can be used to place constraints on cluster gas physics, making it potential probes of the history of baryonic

  8. Estudio comparativo del desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples en alumnos que cursan o no estudios de danza en un conservatorio


    Athanassopoulos-Zamorano, Néstor


    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si al comparar dos grupos de estudiantes, formados por alumnos que cursan estudios de danza en el conservatorio y alumnos que no los cursan, existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las Inteligencias Múltiples. La muestra total del estudio está compuesta por 175 personas, conformando dos grandes grupos, alumnos que estudian danza de manera oficial y alumnos que no estudian danza de manera oficial. Para conocer el nivel de las Inteligenc...

  9. Convex Clustering: An Attractive Alternative to Hierarchical Clustering (United States)

    Chen, Gary K.; Chi, Eric C.; Ranola, John Michael O.; Lange, Kenneth


    The primary goal in cluster analysis is to discover natural groupings of objects. The field of cluster analysis is crowded with diverse methods that make special assumptions about data and address different scientific aims. Despite its shortcomings in accuracy, hierarchical clustering is the dominant clustering method in bioinformatics. Biologists find the trees constructed by hierarchical clustering visually appealing and in tune with their evolutionary perspective. Hierarchical clustering operates on multiple scales simultaneously. This is essential, for instance, in transcriptome data, where one may be interested in making qualitative inferences about how lower-order relationships like gene modules lead to higher-order relationships like pathways or biological processes. The recently developed method of convex clustering preserves the visual appeal of hierarchical clustering while ameliorating its propensity to make false inferences in the presence of outliers and noise. The solution paths generated by convex clustering reveal relationships between clusters that are hidden by static methods such as k-means clustering. The current paper derives and tests a novel proximal distance algorithm for minimizing the objective function of convex clustering. The algorithm separates parameters, accommodates missing data, and supports prior information on relationships. Our program CONVEXCLUSTER incorporating the algorithm is implemented on ATI and nVidia graphics processing units (GPUs) for maximal speed. Several biological examples illustrate the strengths of convex clustering and the ability of the proximal distance algorithm to handle high-dimensional problems. CONVEXCLUSTER can be freely downloaded from the UCLA Human Genetics web site at PMID:25965340

  10. Cluster management. (United States)

    Katz, R


    Cluster management is a management model that fosters decentralization of management, develops leadership potential of staff, and creates ownership of unit-based goals. Unlike shared governance models, there is no formal structure created by committees and it is less threatening for managers. There are two parts to the cluster management model. One is the formation of cluster groups, consisting of all staff and facilitated by a cluster leader. The cluster groups function for communication and problem-solving. The second part of the cluster management model is the creation of task forces. These task forces are designed to work on short-term goals, usually in response to solving one of the unit's goals. Sometimes the task forces are used for quality improvement or system problems. Clusters are groups of not more than five or six staff members, facilitated by a cluster leader. A cluster is made up of individuals who work the same shift. For example, people with job titles who work days would be in a cluster. There would be registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, nursing assistants, and unit clerks in the cluster. The cluster leader is chosen by the manager based on certain criteria and is trained for this specialized role. The concept of cluster management, criteria for choosing leaders, training for leaders, using cluster groups to solve quality improvement issues, and the learning process necessary for manager support are described.

  11. Estudios de competitividad en sistemas urbano - territoriales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esteban Soms García


    El Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación de Chile, ha desarrollado varios estudios relacionados con la competitividad regional, destinados a pronosticar y evaluar los impactos positivos y negativos que podrían derivarse de los recientes Acuerdos de Libre Comercio suscritos por Chile con la Comunidad Europea, Estados Unidos y Corea, más los acuerdos ad portas con los Países de la APEC. En lo referente a competitividad urbana, destacan algunos estudios y proyectos relacionados con el programa gubernamental "Ciudades para el Bicentenario", impulsado el Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo y los Gobiernos Regionales de Antofagasta, Bio Bio, Valparaíso y Santiago.

  12. Lifting to cluster-tilting objects in higher cluster categories


    Liu, Pin


    In this note, we consider the $d$-cluster-tilted algebras, the endomorphism algebras of $d$-cluster-tilting objects in $d$-cluster categories. We show that a tilting module over such an algebra lifts to a $d$-cluster-tilting object in this $d$-cluster category.

  13. Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Rural Sustentable y la Soberanía Alimentaria (CEDRSSA. Estudios e investigaciones: nueva ruralidad; enfoques y propuestas para América Latina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Inés Babilonia Ballesteros


    Full Text Available Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Rural Sustentable y la Soberanía Alimentaria (CEDRSSA. Estudios e investigaciones:nueva ruralidad; enfoques y propuestas para América Latina.

  14. Data Clustering (United States)

    Wagstaff, Kiri L.


    On obtaining a new data set, the researcher is immediately faced with the challenge of obtaining a high-level understanding from the observations. What does a typical item look like? What are the dominant trends? How many distinct groups are included in the data set, and how is each one characterized? Which observable values are common, and which rarely occur? Which items stand out as anomalies or outliers from the rest of the data? This challenge is exacerbated by the steady growth in data set size [11] as new instruments push into new frontiers of parameter space, via improvements in temporal, spatial, and spectral resolution, or by the desire to "fuse" observations from different modalities and instruments into a larger-picture understanding of the same underlying phenomenon. Data clustering algorithms provide a variety of solutions for this task. They can generate summaries, locate outliers, compress data, identify dense or sparse regions of feature space, and build data models. It is useful to note up front that "clusters" in this context refer to groups of items within some descriptive feature space, not (necessarily) to "galaxy clusters" which are dense regions in physical space. The goal of this chapter is to survey a variety of data clustering methods, with an eye toward their applicability to astronomical data analysis. In addition to improving the individual researcher’s understanding of a given data set, clustering has led directly to scientific advances, such as the discovery of new subclasses of stars [14] and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) [38]. All clustering algorithms seek to identify groups within a data set that reflect some observed, quantifiable structure. Clustering is traditionally an unsupervised approach to data analysis, in the sense that it operates without any direct guidance about which items should be assigned to which clusters. There has been a recent trend in the clustering literature toward supporting semisupervised or constrained

  15. Dense Fe cluster-assembled films by energetic cluster deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, D.L.; Yamada, H.; Hihara, T.; Uchida, T.; Sumiyama, K.


    High-density Fe cluster-assembled films were produced at room temperature by an energetic cluster deposition. Though cluster-assemblies are usually sooty and porous, the present Fe cluster-assembled films are lustrous and dense, revealing a soft magnetic behavior. Size-monodispersed Fe clusters with the mean cluster size d=9 nm were synthesized using a plasma-gas-condensation technique. Ionized clusters are accelerated electrically and deposited onto the substrate together with neutral clusters from the same cluster source. Packing fraction and saturation magnetic flux density increase rapidly and magnetic coercivity decreases remarkably with increasing acceleration voltage. The Fe cluster-assembled film obtained at the acceleration voltage of -20 kV has a packing fraction of 0.86±0.03, saturation magnetic flux density of 1.78±0.05 Wb/m 2 , and coercivity value smaller than 80 A/m. The resistivity at room temperature is ten times larger than that of bulk Fe metal

  16. Cluster Physics with Merging Galaxy Clusters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandor M. Molnar


    Full Text Available Collisions between galaxy clusters provide a unique opportunity to study matter in a parameter space which cannot be explored in our laboratories on Earth. In the standard LCDM model, where the total density is dominated by the cosmological constant ($Lambda$ and the matter density by cold dark matter (CDM, structure formation is hierarchical, and clusters grow mostly by merging.Mergers of two massive clusters are the most energetic events in the universe after the Big Bang,hence they provide a unique laboratory to study cluster physics.The two main mass components in clusters behave differently during collisions:the dark matter is nearly collisionless, responding only to gravity, while the gas is subject to pressure forces and dissipation, and shocks and turbulenceare developed during collisions. In the present contribution we review the different methods used to derive the physical properties of merging clusters. Different physical processes leave their signatures on different wavelengths, thusour review is based on a multifrequency analysis. In principle, the best way to analyze multifrequency observations of merging clustersis to model them using N-body/HYDRO numerical simulations. We discuss the results of such detailed analyses.New high spatial and spectral resolution ground and space based telescopeswill come online in the near future. Motivated by these new opportunities,we briefly discuss methods which will be feasible in the near future in studying merging clusters.

  17. Estudio de validez predictiva


    Barquero-Segura, José Antonio


    Proyecto de investigación Este documento es un informe ejecutivo de la información obtenida de los estudios sobre la validez predictiva de los parámetros de selección de estudiantes y su relación con el rendimiento académico. En él se presenta una síntesis de información más relevante obtenida en los últimos 17 años.

  18. Are clusters of dietary patterns and cluster membership stable over time? Results of a longitudinal cluster analysis study. (United States)

    Walthouwer, Michel Jean Louis; Oenema, Anke; Soetens, Katja; Lechner, Lilian; de Vries, Hein


    Developing nutrition education interventions based on clusters of dietary patterns can only be done adequately when it is clear if distinctive clusters of dietary patterns can be derived and reproduced over time, if cluster membership is stable, and if it is predictable which type of people belong to a certain cluster. Hence, this study aimed to: (1) identify clusters of dietary patterns among Dutch adults, (2) test the reproducibility of these clusters and stability of cluster membership over time, and (3) identify sociodemographic predictors of cluster membership and cluster transition. This study had a longitudinal design with online measurements at baseline (N=483) and 6 months follow-up (N=379). Dietary intake was assessed with a validated food frequency questionnaire. A hierarchical cluster analysis was performed, followed by a K-means cluster analysis. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify the sociodemographic predictors of cluster membership and cluster transition. At baseline and follow-up, a comparable three-cluster solution was derived, distinguishing a healthy, moderately healthy, and unhealthy dietary pattern. Male and lower educated participants were significantly more likely to have a less healthy dietary pattern. Further, 251 (66.2%) participants remained in the same cluster, 45 (11.9%) participants changed to an unhealthier cluster, and 83 (21.9%) participants shifted to a healthier cluster. Men and people living alone were significantly more likely to shift toward a less healthy dietary pattern. Distinctive clusters of dietary patterns can be derived. Yet, cluster membership is unstable and only few sociodemographic factors were associated with cluster membership and cluster transition. These findings imply that clusters based on dietary intake may not be suitable as a basis for nutrition education interventions. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Clusters and how to make it work : Cluster Strategy Toolkit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Manickam, Anu; van Berkel, Karel


    Clusters are the magic answer to regional economic development. Firms in clusters are more innovative; cluster policy dominates EU policy; ‘top-sectors’ and excellence are the choice of national policy makers; clusters are ‘in’. But, clusters are complex, clusters are ‘messy’; there is no clear

  20. Cluster dynamics at different cluster size and incident laser wavelengths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desai, Tara; Bernardinello, Andrea


    X-ray emission spectra from aluminum clusters of diameter -0.4 μm and gold clusters of dia. ∼1.25 μm are experimentally studied by irradiating the cluster foil targets with 1.06 μm laser, 10 ns (FWHM) at an intensity ∼10 12 W/cm 2 . Aluminum clusters show a different spectra compared to bulk material whereas gold cluster evolve towards bulk gold. Experimental data are analyzed on the basis of cluster dimension, laser wavelength and pulse duration. PIC simulations are performed to study the behavior of clusters at higher intensity I≥10 17 W/cm 2 for different size of the clusters irradiated at different laser wavelengths. Results indicate the dependence of cluster dynamics on cluster size and incident laser wavelength

  1. Text Clustering Algorithm Based on Random Cluster Core

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huang Long-Jun


    Full Text Available Nowadays clustering has become a popular text mining algorithm, but the huge data can put forward higher requirements for the accuracy and performance of text mining. In view of the performance bottleneck of traditional text clustering algorithm, this paper proposes a text clustering algorithm with random features. This is a kind of clustering algorithm based on text density, at the same time using the neighboring heuristic rules, the concept of random cluster is introduced, which effectively reduces the complexity of the distance calculation.

  2. Generalidades de los estudios de casos y controles

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    Alejandro González Garay


    Full Text Available ANTECEDENTES: los estudios de casos y controles son de utilidad cuando se buscan factores de riesgo para enfermedades poco comunes o que tienen un periodo de latencia prologado. OBJETIVO: identificar las principales características del estudio de casos y controles (Ca-Co para favorecer la disminución de sesgos durante su evaluación o conducción. DESCRIPCIÓN: este diseño se caracteriza por la selección de sujetos con o sin el evento de interés. Éstos se comparan para identificar los factores de riesgo que favorecieron la presencia de este evento. La finalidad de este tipo de estudios es la de inferir una relación causal expresada mediante razón de momios y los intervalos de confianza al 95%. CONCLUSIONES: el diseño de Ca-CO es relativamente fácil y rápido de realizar. Sin embargo, es susceptible a múltiples fuentes de sesgo, las cuales deben de ser minimizadas para obtener mayor confiabilidad de las inferencias obtenidas.

  3. Estudios marxistas de la cultura y los medios

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    Roy Alfaro Vargas


    Full Text Available Este artículo introduce los Estudios Marxistas de la Cultura y los Medios (EMCM a Latinoamérica y expone los principales fundamentos teóricos y epistemológicos de los estudios marxistas de la cultura y los medios. Se analiza la relación entre la teoría de la auto-organización, la dialéctica y la teoría crítica, alrededor del estudio de la Web 2.0 y de los sitios de redes sociales. Además, se explica el rol de la teoría marxiana del valor dentro de los EMCM, como medio para establecer la crítica del trabajo digital alienado realizado por el usuario de los sitios de redes sociales. En este sentido, se expone el concepto de Web 3.0 como medio para la superación dialéctica de la Web 2.0, en cuanto proceso de participación democrática, basada en la construcción de medios alternativos.

  4. Los estudios culturales y la construcción social del patrimonio cultural

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    Rosa Elena Malavassi Aguilar


    Full Text Available El presente artículo forma parte una investigación más amplia, cuyo tema es la construcción social del patrimonio urbano y arquitectónico en la ciudad de San José, Costa Rica. El proyecto tiene por objetivo analizar la forma en que se ha construido el concepto de patrimonio en Costa Rica, específicamente en la ciudad de San José, su capital. En este texto se realiza una revisión de los postulados de los principales autores de la corriente de los estudios culturales, para definir un esquema de análisis aplicable al caso de estudio. El artículo se estructura en cuatro apartados: inicia con la obra de los pioneros de este tipo de estudios en Inglaterra, luego se analiza su repercusión en otras latitudes, por ejemplo, el desarrollo de los estudios poscoloniales en lugares como la India, para luego pasar a los trabajos de autores latinoamericanos, y finalmente hacer referencia a su impacto en el desarrollo de los estudios culturales en Costa Rica.

  5. Minería de datos con técnica cluster, caso de estudio: estudiantes de Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena.

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    Mariuxi De La Cruz


    Full Text Available Este trabajo fue realizado para la Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, muestra el proceso de minería de datos aplicando la técnica cluster o conglomerado, con herramientas de software libre como: PostgreSQL, apropiada para el almacenamiento de los datos y R para el análisis estadístico y la generación de los algoritmos que implica la técnica. El análisis cluster fue implementado en datos sociales, económicos y académicos de los estudiantes inscritos en la Facultad de Sistemas y Telecomunicaciones de esta institución de educación superior. El proceso es detallado en tres secciones, la primera donde se describe los conceptos  asociados a minería de datos, técnica cluster y las herramientas tecnológicas utilizadas para explotación de información. En la segunda sección  se describe el proceso de aplicación la técnica cluster con el método particional y con el método jerárquico. En la sección tres se muestra los conglomerados obtenidos al aplicar la técnica en el grupo de datos. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones de este trabajo.


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    Mercedes Sánchez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available El trabajo refiere la importancia de los estudios de mercado (EM en la toma de decisiones en las organizaciones. Dichos estudios caracterizan el entorno: competitivo, económico, social, regulador, político etc., y determinan las amenazas y las oportunidades a que se enfrenta la organización, para comercializar sus productos y servicios. Se presenta un estudio de caso que refleja los resultados alcanzados por la aplicación de los EM por la empresa cubana Inversiones Gamma S/A, comercializadora de servicios profesionales del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente de Cuba (CITMA, en la identificación de socios comerciales y en la concertación de alianzas estratégicas, con empresas que brindan servicios medioambientales y de riesgo industrial para las industrias petroleras: PEMEX (México, PDVSA (Venezuela y Petroamazonas (Ecuador. Así como también con empresas que realizan el servicio de restauración de playas en: Cancún, Bahamas y Jamaica.

  7. On clusters and clustering from atoms to fractals

    CERN Document Server

    Reynolds, PJ


    This book attempts to answer why there is so much interest in clusters. Clusters occur on all length scales, and as a result occur in a variety of fields. Clusters are interesting scientifically, but they also have important consequences technologically. The division of the book into three parts roughly separates the field into small, intermediate, and large-scale clusters. Small clusters are the regime of atomic and molecular physics and chemistry. The intermediate regime is the transitional regime, with its characteristics including the onset of bulk-like behavior, growth and aggregation, a

  8. GibbsCluster: unsupervised clustering and alignment of peptide sequences

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreatta, Massimo; Alvarez, Bruno; Nielsen, Morten


    motif characterizing each cluster. Several parameters are available to customize cluster analysis, including adjustable penalties for small clusters and overlapping groups and a trash cluster to remove outliers. As an example application, we used the server to deconvolute multiple specificities in large......-scale peptidome data generated by mass spectrometry. The server is available at

  9. Diametrical clustering for identifying anti-correlated gene clusters. (United States)

    Dhillon, Inderjit S; Marcotte, Edward M; Roshan, Usman


    Clustering genes based upon their expression patterns allows us to predict gene function. Most existing clustering algorithms cluster genes together when their expression patterns show high positive correlation. However, it has been observed that genes whose expression patterns are strongly anti-correlated can also be functionally similar. Biologically, this is not unintuitive-genes responding to the same stimuli, regardless of the nature of the response, are more likely to operate in the same pathways. We present a new diametrical clustering algorithm that explicitly identifies anti-correlated clusters of genes. Our algorithm proceeds by iteratively (i). re-partitioning the genes and (ii). computing the dominant singular vector of each gene cluster; each singular vector serving as the prototype of a 'diametric' cluster. We empirically show the effectiveness of the algorithm in identifying diametrical or anti-correlated clusters. Testing the algorithm on yeast cell cycle data, fibroblast gene expression data, and DNA microarray data from yeast mutants reveals that opposed cellular pathways can be discovered with this method. We present systems whose mRNA expression patterns, and likely their functions, oppose the yeast ribosome and proteosome, along with evidence for the inverse transcriptional regulation of a number of cellular systems.

  10. Partitional clustering algorithms

    CERN Document Server


    This book summarizes the state-of-the-art in partitional clustering. Clustering, the unsupervised classification of patterns into groups, is one of the most important tasks in exploratory data analysis. Primary goals of clustering include gaining insight into, classifying, and compressing data. Clustering has a long and rich history that spans a variety of scientific disciplines including anthropology, biology, medicine, psychology, statistics, mathematics, engineering, and computer science. As a result, numerous clustering algorithms have been proposed since the early 1950s. Among these algorithms, partitional (nonhierarchical) ones have found many applications, especially in engineering and computer science. This book provides coverage of consensus clustering, constrained clustering, large scale and/or high dimensional clustering, cluster validity, cluster visualization, and applications of clustering. Examines clustering as it applies to large and/or high-dimensional data sets commonly encountered in reali...

  11. Estudio molecular de pacientes colombianos afectados por enanismo esencial


    Navarrete Vargas, Julie Viviana


    Los síndromes de enanismo esencial microcefálico son un grupo de enfermedades monogénicas infrecuentes que se caracterizan principalmente por talla baja extrema proporcionada de inicio prenatal y microcefalia severa. En los pacientes que formaron parte del presente estudio se investigaron variantes en el gen PCNT debido a que presentaban hallazgos clínicos compatibles con el síndrome MOPD II (enanismo esencial osteodisplásico microcefálico tipo II). Posteriormente, se amplió el estudio con...

  12. NCG61/24: Plan de Estudios de M??ster en Biomedicina Regenerativa


    Universidad de Granada


    Plan de Estudios de M??ster en Biomedicina Regenerativa. Resoluci??n de 5 de marzo de 2012, de la Universidad de Granada, por la que se publica el plan de estudios de M??ster en Biomedicina Regenerativa

  13. Cluster Matters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gulati, Mukesh; Lund-Thomsen, Peter; Suresh, Sangeetha


    sell their products successfully in international markets, but there is also an increasingly large consumer base within India. Indeed, Indian industrial clusters have contributed to a substantial part of this growth process, and there are several hundred registered clusters within the country...... of this handbook, which focuses on the role of CSR in MSMEs. Hence we contribute to the literature on CSR in industrial clusters and specifically CSR in Indian industrial clusters by investigating the drivers of CSR in India’s industrial clusters....

  14. Weighted Clustering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ackerman, Margareta; Ben-David, Shai; Branzei, Simina


    We investigate a natural generalization of the classical clustering problem, considering clustering tasks in which different instances may have different weights.We conduct the first extensive theoretical analysis on the influence of weighted data on standard clustering algorithms in both...... the partitional and hierarchical settings, characterizing the conditions under which algorithms react to weights. Extending a recent framework for clustering algorithm selection, we propose intuitive properties that would allow users to choose between clustering algorithms in the weighted setting and classify...

  15. Support Policies in Clusters: Prioritization of Support Needs by Cluster Members According to Cluster Life Cycle

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    Gulcin Salıngan


    Full Text Available Economic development has always been a moving target. Both the national and local governments have been facing the challenge of implementing the effective and efficient economic policy and program in order to best utilize their limited resources. One of the recent approaches in this area is called cluster-based economic analysis and strategy development. This study reviews key literature and some of the cluster based economic policies adopted by different governments. Based on this review, it proposes “the cluster life cycle” as a determining factor to identify the support requirements of clusters. A survey, designed based on literature review of International Cluster support programs, was conducted with 30 participants from 3 clusters with different maturity stage. This paper discusses the results of this study conducted among the cluster members in Eskişehir- Bilecik-Kütahya Region in Turkey on the requirement of the support to foster the development of related clusters.

  16. Estudio de la variabilidad genética en camélidos bolivianos


    Barreta Pinto, Julia


    El estudio de los camélidos sudamericanos es de gran interés en los países andinoscomo Perú, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, debido a su importante valor económico y suimportancia en el mantenimiento y desarrollo de las poblaciones rurales en dichos países. Dada la falta de estudios genéticos centrados en las poblaciones de camélidos quehabitan en Bolivia, y la necesidad de realizar una valoración de la diversidad genética deestas poblaciones, la presente Tesis doctoral ha abordado el estudio gené...

  17. Clusters and how to make it work : toolkit for cluster strategy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Manickam, Anu; van Berkel, Karel


    Clusters are the magic answer to regional economic development. Firms in clusters are more innovative; cluster policy dominates EU policy; ‘top-sectors’ and excellence are the choice of national policy makers; clusters are ‘in’. But, clusters are complex, clusters are ‘messy’; there is no clear

  18. Determination of atomic cluster structure with cluster fusion algorithm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Obolensky, Oleg I.; Solov'yov, Ilia; Solov'yov, Andrey V.


    We report an efficient scheme of global optimization, called cluster fusion algorithm, which has proved its reliability and high efficiency in determination of the structure of various atomic clusters.......We report an efficient scheme of global optimization, called cluster fusion algorithm, which has proved its reliability and high efficiency in determination of the structure of various atomic clusters....

  19. Large-Scale Multi-Dimensional Document Clustering on GPU Clusters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cui, Xiaohui [ORNL; Mueller, Frank [North Carolina State University; Zhang, Yongpeng [ORNL; Potok, Thomas E [ORNL


    Document clustering plays an important role in data mining systems. Recently, a flocking-based document clustering algorithm has been proposed to solve the problem through simulation resembling the flocking behavior of birds in nature. This method is superior to other clustering algorithms, including k-means, in the sense that the outcome is not sensitive to the initial state. One limitation of this approach is that the algorithmic complexity is inherently quadratic in the number of documents. As a result, execution time becomes a bottleneck with large number of documents. In this paper, we assess the benefits of exploiting the computational power of Beowulf-like clusters equipped with contemporary Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) as a means to significantly reduce the runtime of flocking-based document clustering. Our framework scales up to over one million documents processed simultaneously in a sixteennode GPU cluster. Results are also compared to a four-node cluster with higher-end GPUs. On these clusters, we observe 30X-50X speedups, which demonstrates the potential of GPU clusters to efficiently solve massive data mining problems. Such speedups combined with the scalability potential and accelerator-based parallelization are unique in the domain of document-based data mining, to the best of our knowledge.

  20. Membership determination of open clusters based on a spectral clustering method (United States)

    Gao, Xin-Hua


    We present a spectral clustering (SC) method aimed at segregating reliable members of open clusters in multi-dimensional space. The SC method is a non-parametric clustering technique that performs cluster division using eigenvectors of the similarity matrix; no prior knowledge of the clusters is required. This method is more flexible in dealing with multi-dimensional data compared to other methods of membership determination. We use this method to segregate the cluster members of five open clusters (Hyades, Coma Ber, Pleiades, Praesepe, and NGC 188) in five-dimensional space; fairly clean cluster members are obtained. We find that the SC method can capture a small number of cluster members (weak signal) from a large number of field stars (heavy noise). Based on these cluster members, we compute the mean proper motions and distances for the Hyades, Coma Ber, Pleiades, and Praesepe clusters, and our results are in general quite consistent with the results derived by other authors. The test results indicate that the SC method is highly suitable for segregating cluster members of open clusters based on high-precision multi-dimensional astrometric data such as Gaia data.

  1. Cluster headache (United States)

    Histamine headache; Headache - histamine; Migrainous neuralgia; Headache - cluster; Horton's headache; Vascular headache - cluster ... Doctors do not know exactly what causes cluster headaches. They ... (chemical in the body released during an allergic response) or ...


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    Alexander Conde


    Full Text Available En este ensayo resaltamos los vínculos cognitivos entre las matemáticas y la música, que pueden favorecer procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las fracciones en la matemática escolar. Las actividades exhibidas provienen de una investigación que promueve experiencias sensoriales en el campo rítmico para favorecer la construcción de nociones matemáticas. Dichas actividades posibilitan un engranaje armónico entre las matemáticas y la música convergentes en el tiempo y el sonido como los objetos de estudio común entre éstas disciplinas. El análisis de la investigación que aquí reportamos es producto de la aplicación de las actividades en diferentes programas de formación de profesorado de México y Francia, alrededor de la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas en contextos interdisciplinarios. Este análisis se desarrolló desde tres categorías referentes a las nociones de unidad relativa, relación parte-parte y equipartición, las cuales son nociones fundamentales para el estudio de las fracciones en la matemática escolar. Encontramos que la enseñanza con enfoque integrador requiere no solo conocimientos especializados, sino un cambio de creencias en torno a las opiniones del profesorado sobre la organización del currículo, su enseñanza y la manera en que aprende la población estudiantil. Un aporte de esta experiencia es ofrecer a docentes elementos teóricos y didácticos para el estudio de las fracciones en contextos interdisciplinarios.

  3. Estudio por espectroscopia Raman-IR del estado de orden en materia carbonosa


    Carbajo Hijarrubia, Juan


    La espectroscopia Raman es una técnica analítica no destructiva y no intrusiva recientemente introducida en el estudio de la paleobiología. En esta línea se pretende emplear está técnica en el estudio de la posible vida en Marte y en el estudio de la vida en la Tierra. El empleo de la espectroscopia micro Raman nos permite analizar en detalle las muestras a la escala típica del grano mineral. La espectroscopia Raman muestra la información vibracional de los grupos moleculares y su ordenamient...

  4. Single-cluster dynamics for the random-cluster model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Deng, Y.; Qian, X.; Blöte, H.W.J.


    We formulate a single-cluster Monte Carlo algorithm for the simulation of the random-cluster model. This algorithm is a generalization of the Wolff single-cluster method for the q-state Potts model to noninteger values q>1. Its results for static quantities are in a satisfactory agreement with those

  5. Estudio “Cumple con SAM”

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    Escribá MP


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN Existen estudios que demuestran los beneficios de los sistemas personalizados de dosificación para aumentar la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes polimedicados. Recientemente se puso en el mercado un sistema de administración de medicamentos (SAM, portable y de pequeño tamaño, que combina un reloj con alarmas programables y varios compartimentos en donde colocar las formas farmacéuticas de los medicamentos. Para la valoración de su utilidad se ha realizado un estudio piloto de satisfacción sobre el SAM entre los pacientes diana de estos dispositivos, solicitando, tras un breve período de uso, su opinión sobre las características del mismo. Se ha evaluando también la mejora del cumplimiento. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS 43 farmacéuticos comunitarios voluntarios de 26 oficinas de farmacia ubicadas en 5 provincias reclutaron sobre la base de unos criterios de inclusión y exclusión 302 pacientes incumplidores para que utilizasen durante al menos 15 días el SAM y, posteriormente, rellenasen una encuesta de opinión sobre éste. RESULTADOS La opinión del 91% de los pacientes participantes en el estudio es que el SAM es útil, muy útil o imprescindible como sistema de administración de medicamentos. El incumplimiento autocomunicado pasa del 87% al 23% de pacientes. El SAM puede ser útil para los pacientes como sistema de administración de medicamentos en la mejora de la adherencia a su tratamiento farmacológico en la medida en que disminuye los olvidos. Sin embargo, también ponen de manifiesto algunos problemas de diseño mejorables como son el excesivo tamaño, dificultad de apertura e intensidad del sonido. Estos dos últimos problemas dificultan su uso entre la población de mayor edad.

  6. Estudio del estado del arte y perspectivas de los metales críticos


    Lluch Fruns, Nuria


    El presente proyecto esta centrado en el estudio del estado del arte y las perspectivas de los metales críticos, seleccionados por su estado geopolítico, riesgo que supone su escasez en el suministro y su correspondiente riesgo medioambiental. Los metales en los que se basa el siguiente estudio aparecen listados a continuación (por orden alfabético): Antimonio, Berilio, Cobalto, Galio, Indio, Metales del Grupo Platino, Niobio, Tantalio y Tungsteno. El estudio consta de una defi...

  7. clusterMaker: a multi-algorithm clustering plugin for Cytoscape

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    Morris John H


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In the post-genomic era, the rapid increase in high-throughput data calls for computational tools capable of integrating data of diverse types and facilitating recognition of biologically meaningful patterns within them. For example, protein-protein interaction data sets have been clustered to identify stable complexes, but scientists lack easily accessible tools to facilitate combined analyses of multiple data sets from different types of experiments. Here we present clusterMaker, a Cytoscape plugin that implements several clustering algorithms and provides network, dendrogram, and heat map views of the results. The Cytoscape network is linked to all of the other views, so that a selection in one is immediately reflected in the others. clusterMaker is the first Cytoscape plugin to implement such a wide variety of clustering algorithms and visualizations, including the only implementations of hierarchical clustering, dendrogram plus heat map visualization (tree view, k-means, k-medoid, SCPS, AutoSOME, and native (Java MCL. Results Results are presented in the form of three scenarios of use: analysis of protein expression data using a recently published mouse interactome and a mouse microarray data set of nearly one hundred diverse cell/tissue types; the identification of protein complexes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae; and the cluster analysis of the vicinal oxygen chelate (VOC enzyme superfamily. For scenario one, we explore functionally enriched mouse interactomes specific to particular cellular phenotypes and apply fuzzy clustering. For scenario two, we explore the prefoldin complex in detail using both physical and genetic interaction clusters. For scenario three, we explore the possible annotation of a protein as a methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase within the VOC superfamily. Cytoscape session files for all three scenarios are provided in the Additional Files section. Conclusions The Cytoscape plugin cluster

  8. Relevant Subspace Clustering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Müller, Emmanuel; Assent, Ira; Günnemann, Stephan


    Subspace clustering aims at detecting clusters in any subspace projection of a high dimensional space. As the number of possible subspace projections is exponential in the number of dimensions, the result is often tremendously large. Recent approaches fail to reduce results to relevant subspace...... clusters. Their results are typically highly redundant, i.e. many clusters are detected multiple times in several projections. In this work, we propose a novel model for relevant subspace clustering (RESCU). We present a global optimization which detects the most interesting non-redundant subspace clusters...... achieves top clustering quality while competing approaches show greatly varying performance....

  9. Horticultural cluster




    In the article there are the theoretical and methodological approaches to the nature and existence of the cluster. The cluster differences from other kinds of cooperative and integration associations. Was develop by scientific-practical recommendations for forming a competitive horticultur cluster.

  10. TreeCluster: Massively scalable transmission clustering using phylogenetic trees


    Moshiri, Alexander


    Background: The ability to infer transmission clusters from molecular data is critical to designing and evaluating viral control strategies. Viral sequencing datasets are growing rapidly, but standard methods of transmission cluster inference do not scale well beyond thousands of sequences. Results: I present TreeCluster, a cross-platform tool that performs transmission cluster inference on a given phylogenetic tree orders of magnitude faster than existing inference methods and supports multi...

  11. Voting-based consensus clustering for combining multiple clusterings of chemical structures

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    Saeed Faisal


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although many consensus clustering methods have been successfully used for combining multiple classifiers in many areas such as machine learning, applied statistics, pattern recognition and bioinformatics, few consensus clustering methods have been applied for combining multiple clusterings of chemical structures. It is known that any individual clustering method will not always give the best results for all types of applications. So, in this paper, three voting and graph-based consensus clusterings were used for combining multiple clusterings of chemical structures to enhance the ability of separating biologically active molecules from inactive ones in each cluster. Results The cumulative voting-based aggregation algorithm (CVAA, cluster-based similarity partitioning algorithm (CSPA and hyper-graph partitioning algorithm (HGPA were examined. The F-measure and Quality Partition Index method (QPI were used to evaluate the clusterings and the results were compared to the Ward’s clustering method. The MDL Drug Data Report (MDDR dataset was used for experiments and was represented by two 2D fingerprints, ALOGP and ECFP_4. The performance of voting-based consensus clustering method outperformed the Ward’s method using F-measure and QPI method for both ALOGP and ECFP_4 fingerprints, while the graph-based consensus clustering methods outperformed the Ward’s method only for ALOGP using QPI. The Jaccard and Euclidean distance measures were the methods of choice to generate the ensembles, which give the highest values for both criteria. Conclusions The results of the experiments show that consensus clustering methods can improve the effectiveness of chemical structures clusterings. The cumulative voting-based aggregation algorithm (CVAA was the method of choice among consensus clustering methods.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Comerford, Julia M.; Moustakas, Leonidas A.; Natarajan, Priyamvada


    Scaling relations of observed galaxy cluster properties are useful tools for constraining cosmological parameters as well as cluster formation histories. One of the key cosmological parameters, σ 8 , is constrained using observed clusters of galaxies, although current estimates of σ 8 from the scaling relations of dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters are limited by the large scatter in the observed cluster mass-temperature (M-T) relation. With a sample of eight strong lensing clusters at 0.3 8 , but combining the cluster concentration-mass relation with the M-T relation enables the inclusion of unrelaxed clusters as well. Thus, the resultant gains in the accuracy of σ 8 measurements from clusters are twofold: the errors on σ 8 are reduced and the cluster sample size is increased. Therefore, the statistics on σ 8 determination from clusters are greatly improved by the inclusion of unrelaxed clusters. Exploring cluster scaling relations further, we find that the correlation between brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) luminosity and cluster mass offers insight into the assembly histories of clusters. We find preliminary evidence for a steeper BCG luminosity-cluster mass relation for strong lensing clusters than the general cluster population, hinting that strong lensing clusters may have had more active merging histories.

  13. Cluster Headache


    Pearce, Iris


    Cluster headache is the most severe primary headache with recurrent pain attacks described as worse than giving birth. The aim of this paper was to make an overview of current knowledge on cluster headache with a focus on pathophysiology and treatment. This paper presents hypotheses of cluster headache pathophysiology, current treatment options and possible future therapy approaches. For years, the hypothalamus was regarded as the key structure in cluster headache, but is now thought to be pa...

  14. Estudio de la viabilidad en la impresión en 3D de piezas poliméricas para elevadores




    [ES] Se realizara el estudio de la viabilidad del uso de la impresión 3D en la sustitución de determinadas piezas utilizadas en instalaciones elevadoras. El estudio abarca desde la selección de la pieza polimérica a sustituir. Estudio de los esfuerzos a los que se ve implicada. Estudio del material empleado y su posible sustitución. Estudio del empleo del proceso de impresión 3D en los posibles materiales disponibles. Estudio económico. Haro Martí, A. (2016). Estudio de la viabilidad en la...

  15. Análisis del ciclo de vida y las políticas de desarrollo de los clusters de empresas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josep Capó-Vicedo


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analizan dos aspectos muy concretos de las teorías que estudian las aglomeraciones territoriales de empresas o clusters; por una parte los factores que propician su desarrollo, estudiando de manera especial su origen y ciclo de vida y, por otra, aquellas políticas y acciones que pueden llevarse a cabo para potenciarlos. El trabajo busca obtener una visión de conjunto de los aspectos mencionados, a partir de estudios significativos realizados tanto desde el mundo académico como desde el mundo profesional. Entre las principales conclusiones del artículo destaca el hecho de que los clusters tienen siempre un ciclo de vida, sobre el cual tienen influencia tanto factores internos como externos al propio cluster. En este sentido se indican aquellos factores que pueden contribuir a que un cluster se mantenga en sus etapas de crecimiento y madurez el mayor tiempo posible, sin entrar en su fase de decadencia.In this piece, two very concrete aspects of the theories that deal with territorial agglomerations of companies (or clusters are analyzed. These are, on the one hand, the factors that cause the development of such clusters, studying their origins and life cycles in a particular way. On the other hand, we look at those policies and actions that can be carried out in order to harness these territorial agglomerations. The work aims to obtain a holistic vision of the aforementioned aspects, drawing from significant studies from both academia and the private sector. Among the main conclusions of the article, we highlight the fact that clusters always have a stressed life cycle, in which both internal and external factors influence the formation of clusters. In this sense, the factors that cause a cluster to remain in its stages of growth and maturity for as long as possible, without entering into a phase of decay, are indicated.

  16. Estudio EPIFARM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martín Morales A


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN Los farmacéuticos comunitarios pueden ser un importante primer punto de contacto con los pacientes con disfunción eréctil (DE, pero hasta la fecha no hay ningún estudio sobre las características de los hombres que acuden a un farmacéutico solicitando consejo o tratamiento para la DE. OBJETIVO Caracterizar los perfiles de los hombres que solicitan tratamiento para la DE en la farmacia, con o sin receta de inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa tipo 5 (iPDE5. MÉTODOS Entre septiembre y noviembre de 2008 se realizó un estudio observacional, transversal y multicéntrico en farmacias comunitarias de España. De aquellos hombres que solicitaban consejo o tratamiento para la DE, cada investigador reclutó un paciente que tenía receta médica de iPDE5 y otro que acudía sin receta médica. Los farmacéuticos del estudio completaron un cuestionario de datos demográficos, clínicos y conductuales del paciente, incluido el Cuestionario de salud sexual para varones (Sexual Health Inventory for Men. VARIABLES PRINCIPALES Características demográficas y respuestas a los cuestionarios. RESULTADOS 574 farmacéuticos seleccionaron a 1.147 pacientes, de los cuales 1.113 fueron incluidos en el análisis. No se observaron diferencias estadísticas entre los grupos en cuanto al peso, la hipertensión, la diabetes mellitus, la hipercolesterolemia, la dislipidemia, la depresión o el estrés. Tampoco se observaron diferencias estadísticas respecto a la gravedad de la DE (p = 0,7892 ni a la proporción de hombres sin DE en cada grupo (p = 0,5755. En ambos grupos, los pacientes habían presentado síntomas de DE durante una media de veintiséis meses antes de la primera consulta a un profesional sanitario. Para el 60,2% de los pacientes incluidos en el grupo sin receta, la visita a la farmacia fue la primera ocasión en la que habían hablado de su DE con un profesional sanitario, y el 50% de aquellos que habían hablado previamente de la DE lo hab

  17. Properties of an ionised-cluster beam from a vaporised-cluster ion source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takagi, T.; Yamada, I.; Sasaki, A.


    A new type of ion source vaporised-metal cluster ion source, has been developed for deposition and epitaxy. A cluster consisting of 10 2 to 10 3 atoms coupled loosely together is formed by adiabatic expansion ejecting the vapour of materials into a high-vacuum region through the nozzle of a heated crucible. The clusters are ionised by electron bombardment and accelerated with neutral clusters toward a substrate. In this paper, mechanisms of cluster formation experimental results of the cluster size (atoms/cluster) and its distribution, and characteristics of the cluster ion beams are reported. The size is calculated from the kinetic equation E = (1/2)mNVsub(ej) 2 , where E is the cluster beam energy, Vsub(ej) is the ejection velocity, m is the mass of atom and N is the cluster size. The energy and the velocity of the cluster are measured by an electrostatic 127 0 energy analyser and a rotating disc system, respectively. The cluster size obtained for Ag is about 5 x 10 2 to 2 x 10 3 atoms. The retarding potential method is used to confirm the results for Ag. The same dependence on cluster size for metals such as Ag, Cu and Pb has been obtained in previous experiments. In the cluster state the cluster ion beam is easily produced by electron bombardment. About 50% of ionised clusters are obtained under typical operation conditions, because of the large ionisation cross sections of the clusters. To obtain a uniform spatial distribution, the ionising electrode system is also discussed. The new techniques are termed ionised-cluster beam deposition (ICBD) and epitaxy (ICBE). (author)

  18. Galactosemia: Diagnóstico precoz mediante estudio enzimático

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Úrsula Carrillo Estrada


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados obtenidos del estudio realizado a un paciente masculino de 45 días de nacido, cuyo motivo de ingreso fue pérdida de peso, decaimiento, retraso psicomotor y crisis de hipoglucemia. Los síntomas comenzaron en el período neonatal y coincidieron con la introducción de la lactancia materna. En estudios realizados se constató en la orina la presencia de lactosa y galactosa. Se confirma el diagnóstico por estudio enzimático. La evolución clínica ha sido satisfactoria. El tratamiento dietético que excluía a los alimentos que contienen galactosa y lactosa fue de mucha importancia. Es el primer caso diagnosticado en Cuba mediante estudio enzimático.This paper presents the results of a study performed on a 45-day old male patient who was admitted to the hospital for weight loss, tiredness, psychomotor retardation and hypoglicemic crisis. The symptoms had begun in the neonatal period and had coincided with the introduction of breast feeding. The studies detected lactose and galactose in urine. The enzymatic study confirmed the diagnosis. The clinical recovery was satisfactory. The dietary treatment that excluded foods containing galactose and lactose was important and successful. He is the first case diagnosed on enzymatic study in Cuba.

  19. Feasibility Study of Parallel Finite Element Analysis on Cluster-of-Clusters (United States)

    Muraoka, Masae; Okuda, Hiroshi

    With the rapid growth of WAN infrastructure and development of Grid middleware, it's become a realistic and attractive methodology to connect cluster machines on wide-area network for the execution of computation-demanding applications. Many existing parallel finite element (FE) applications have been, however, designed and developed with a single computing resource in mind, since such applications require frequent synchronization and communication among processes. There have been few FE applications that can exploit the distributed environment so far. In this study, we explore the feasibility of FE applications on the cluster-of-clusters. First, we classify FE applications into two types, tightly coupled applications (TCA) and loosely coupled applications (LCA) based on their communication pattern. A prototype of each application is implemented on the cluster-of-clusters. We perform numerical experiments executing TCA and LCA on both the cluster-of-clusters and a single cluster. Thorough these experiments, by comparing the performances and communication cost in each case, we evaluate the feasibility of FEA on the cluster-of-clusters.

  20. Interplay between experiments and calculations for organometallic clusters and caged clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajima, Atsushi


    Clusters consisting of 10-1000 atoms exhibit size-dependent electronic and geometric properties. In particular, composite clusters consisting of several elements and/or components provide a promising way for a bottom-up approach for designing functional advanced materials, because the functionality of the composite clusters can be optimized not only by the cluster size but also by their compositions. In the formation of composite clusters, their geometric symmetry and dimensionality are emphasized to control the physical and chemical properties, because selective and anisotropic enhancements for optical, chemical, and magnetic properties can be expected. Organometallic clusters and caged clusters are demonstrated as a representative example of designing the functionality of the composite clusters. Organometallic vanadium-benzene forms a one dimensional sandwich structure showing ferromagnetic behaviors and anomalously large HOMO-LUMO gap differences of two spin orbitals, which can be regarded as spin-filter components for cluster-based spintronic devices. Caged clusters of aluminum (Al) are well stabilized both geometrically and electronically at Al 12 X, behaving as a “superatom”

  1. Categorias Cluster


    Queiroz, Dayane Andrade


    Neste trabalho apresentamos as categorias cluster, que foram introduzidas por Aslak Bakke Buan, Robert Marsh, Markus Reineke, Idun Reiten e Gordana Todorov, com o objetivo de categoriíicar as algebras cluster criadas em 2002 por Sergey Fomin e Andrei Zelevinsky. Os autores acima, em [4], mostraram que existe uma estreita relação entre algebras cluster e categorias cluster para quivers cujo grafo subjacente é um diagrama de Dynkin. Para isto desenvolveram uma teoria tilting na estrutura triang...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haarsma, Deborah B.; Leisman, Luke; Donahue, Megan; Bruch, Seth; Voit, G. Mark; Boehringer, Hans; Pratt, Gabriel W.; Pierini, Daniele; Croston, Judith H.; Arnaud, Monique


    We investigate the relationship between brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and their host clusters using a sample of nearby galaxy clusters from the Representative XMM-Newton Cluster Structure Survey. The sample was imaged with the Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research in R band to investigate the mass of the old stellar population. Using a metric radius of 12 h -1 kpc, we found that the BCG luminosity depends weakly on overall cluster mass as L BCG ∝ M 0.18±0.07 cl , consistent with previous work. We found that 90% of the BCGs are located within 0.035 r 500 of the peak of the X-ray emission, including all of the cool core (CC) clusters. We also found an unexpected correlation between the BCG metric luminosity and the core gas density for non-cool-core (non-CC) clusters, following a power law of n e ∝ L 2.7±0.4 BCG (where n e is measured at 0.008 r 500 ). The correlation is not easily explained by star formation (which is weak in non-CC clusters) or overall cluster mass (which is not correlated with core gas density). The trend persists even when the BCG is not located near the peak of the X-ray emission, so proximity is not necessary. We suggest that, for non-CC clusters, this correlation implies that the same process that sets the central entropy of the cluster gas also determines the central stellar density of the BCG, and that this underlying physical process is likely to be mergers.

  3. Scientific Cluster Deployment and Recovery - Using puppet to simplify cluster management (United States)

    Hendrix, Val; Benjamin, Doug; Yao, Yushu


    Deployment, maintenance and recovery of a scientific cluster, which has complex, specialized services, can be a time consuming task requiring the assistance of Linux system administrators, network engineers as well as domain experts. Universities and small institutions that have a part-time FTE with limited time for and knowledge of the administration of such clusters can be strained by such maintenance tasks. This current work is the result of an effort to maintain a data analysis cluster (DAC) with minimal effort by a local system administrator. The realized benefit is the scientist, who is the local system administrator, is able to focus on the data analysis instead of the intricacies of managing a cluster. Our work provides a cluster deployment and recovery process (CDRP) based on the puppet configuration engine allowing a part-time FTE to easily deploy and recover entire clusters with minimal effort. Puppet is a configuration management system (CMS) used widely in computing centers for the automatic management of resources. Domain experts use Puppet's declarative language to define reusable modules for service configuration and deployment. Our CDRP has three actors: domain experts, a cluster designer and a cluster manager. The domain experts first write the puppet modules for the cluster services. A cluster designer would then define a cluster. This includes the creation of cluster roles, mapping the services to those roles and determining the relationships between the services. Finally, a cluster manager would acquire the resources (machines, networking), enter the cluster input parameters (hostnames, IP addresses) and automatically generate deployment scripts used by puppet to configure it to act as a designated role. In the event of a machine failure, the originally generated deployment scripts along with puppet can be used to easily reconfigure a new machine. The cluster definition produced in our CDRP is an integral part of automating cluster deployment

  4. Cluster-cluster correlations in the two-dimensional stationary Ising-model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klassmann, A.


    In numerical integration of the Cahn-Hillard equation, which describes Oswald rising in a two-phase matrix, N. Masbaum showed that spatial correlations between clusters scale with respect to the mean cluster size (itself a function of time). T. B. Liverpool showed by Monte Carlo simulations for the Ising model that the analogous correlations have a similar form. Both demonstrated that immediately around each cluster there is some depletion area followed by something like a ring of clusters of the same size as the original one. More precisely, it has been shown that the distribution of clusters around a given cluster looks like a sinus-curve decaying exponentially with respect to the distance to a constant value

  5. Meaningful Clusters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanfilippo, Antonio P.; Calapristi, Augustin J.; Crow, Vernon L.; Hetzler, Elizabeth G.; Turner, Alan E.


    We present an approach to the disambiguation of cluster labels that capitalizes on the notion of semantic similarity to assign WordNet senses to cluster labels. The approach provides interesting insights on how document clustering can provide the basis for developing a novel approach to word sense disambiguation.

  6. Methodology for electrical studies in industrial networks including the study of electric arc; Metodologia para los estudios electricos en redes industriales incluyendo el estudio de arco electrico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rasgado Casique, Jose Pepe; Silva Farias, Jose Luis [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    This article presents a methodology for conducting electrical studies in industrial networks. The methodology included the study of arc flash as a very important area of current basic electrical studies, such as power flow, short circuit and coordination. The aim of this study is to determine the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and flash protection boundary for personnel working with or near energized equipment, based on the IEEE Std 1584-2004 and NFPA-70E- 2004. Also included are criteria and recommendations to reduce incident energy level (cal/cm{sup 2}). At work we used a distribution network for industrial type test. The studies were carried out using a commercial program for the analysis of electrical networks. [Spanish] En este articulo se presenta una metodologia para llevar a cabo los estudios electricos en redes industriales. En la metodologia se incluye al estudio de arco electrico como un area muy importante de los estudios electricos basicos actuales, como: flujos de potencia, cortocircuito y coordinacion de protecciones. El objetivo de dicho estudio es determinar el Equipo de Proteccion Personal (EPP) apropiado y los limites de proteccion para el personal que opera con o cerca de equipo energizado, con base en las normas IEEE Std. 1584-2004 y la NFPA-70E-2004. Ademas, se incluyen criterios y recomendaciones para disminuir el nivel de energia incidente (cal/cm{sup 2}). En el trabajo se utilizo una red de distribucion tipo industrial de prueba. Los estudios se llevaron a cabo utilizando un programa comercial para el analisis de redes electricas.

  7. Macroeconomic Dimensions in the Clusterization Processes: Lithuanian Biomass Cluster Case

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Navickas Valentinas


    Full Text Available The Future production systems’ increasing significance will impose work, which maintains not a competitive, but a collaboration basis, with concentrated resources and expertise, which can help to reach the general purpose. One form of collaboration among medium-size business organizations is work in clusters. Clusterization as a phenomenon has been known from quite a long time, but it offers simple benefits to researches at micro and medium levels. The clusterization process evaluation in macroeconomic dimensions has been comparatively little investigated. Thereby, in this article, the clusterization processes is analysed by concentrating our attention on macroeconomic factor researches. The authors analyse clusterization’s influence on country’s macroeconomic growth; they apply a structure research methodology for clusterization’s macroeconomic influence evaluation and propose that clusterization processes benefit macroeconomic analysis. The theoretical model of clusterization processes was validated by referring to a biomass cluster case. Because biomass cluster case is a new phenomenon, currently there are no other scientific approaches to them. The authors’ accomplished researches show that clusterization allows the achievement of a large positive slip in macroeconomics, which proves to lead to a high value added to creation, a faster country economic growth, and social situation amelioration.

  8. Clustering Dycom

    KAUST Repository

    Minku, Leandro L.


    Background: Software Effort Estimation (SEE) can be formulated as an online learning problem, where new projects are completed over time and may become available for training. In this scenario, a Cross-Company (CC) SEE approach called Dycom can drastically reduce the number of Within-Company (WC) projects needed for training, saving the high cost of collecting such training projects. However, Dycom relies on splitting CC projects into different subsets in order to create its CC models. Such splitting can have a significant impact on Dycom\\'s predictive performance. Aims: This paper investigates whether clustering methods can be used to help finding good CC splits for Dycom. Method: Dycom is extended to use clustering methods for creating the CC subsets. Three different clustering methods are investigated, namely Hierarchical Clustering, K-Means, and Expectation-Maximisation. Clustering Dycom is compared against the original Dycom with CC subsets of different sizes, based on four SEE databases. A baseline WC model is also included in the analysis. Results: Clustering Dycom with K-Means can potentially help to split the CC projects, managing to achieve similar or better predictive performance than Dycom. However, K-Means still requires the number of CC subsets to be pre-defined, and a poor choice can negatively affect predictive performance. EM enables Dycom to automatically set the number of CC subsets while still maintaining or improving predictive performance with respect to the baseline WC model. Clustering Dycom with Hierarchical Clustering did not offer significant advantage in terms of predictive performance. Conclusion: Clustering methods can be an effective way to automatically generate Dycom\\'s CC subsets.

  9. Estudios de usuarios: un enfoque en información deportiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salvador Vázquez-Moctezuma


    Full Text Available Se presenta un trabajo exploratorio relacionado con el desarrollo y análisis de investigaciones sobre el comportamiento informacional en comunidades deportivas. En la metodología se empleó un tipo de investigación descriptiva documental, que permitió una revisión de literatura, método cualitativo y se aplicó la técnica de análisis documental. Se encontró que son limitados los estudios de usuarios en la comunidad deportiva y no son considerados como objeto de estudio de alto impacto. Se concluye, que los profesores, investigadores, entrenadores y atletas tienen un comportamiento informacional que se fundamenta según el desarrollo de sus funciones y usan múltiples recursos de información a su alcance, destacándose el escaso uso de los servicios de biblioteca. Se recomienda el desarrollo de estudios de usuarios en grupos sociales deportivos, con el fin de responder asertivamente con el avance de las ciencias del deporte.

  10. LMC clusters: young

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freeman, K.C.


    The young globular clusters of the LMC have ages of 10 7 -10 8 y. Their masses and structure are similar to those of the smaller galactic globular clusters. Their stellar mass functions (in the mass range 6 solar masses to 1.2 solar masses) vary greatly from cluster to cluster, although the clusters are similar in total mass, age, structure and chemical composition. It would be very interesting to know why these clusters are forming now in the LMC and not in the Galaxy. The author considers the 'young globular' or 'blue populous' clusters of the LMC. The ages of these objects are 10 7 to 10 8 y, and their masses are 10 4 to 10 5 solar masses, so they are populous enough to be really useful for studying the evolution of massive stars. The author concentrates on the structure and stellar content of these young clusters. (Auth.)

  11. Major cluster mergers and the location of the brightest cluster galaxy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martel, Hugo; Robichaud, Fidèle; Barai, Paramita


    Using a large N-body cosmological simulation combined with a subgrid treatment of galaxy formation, merging, and tidal destruction, we study the formation and evolution of the galaxy and cluster population in a comoving volume (100 Mpc) 3 in a ΛCDM universe. At z = 0, our computational volume contains 1788 clusters with mass M cl > 1.1 × 10 12 M ☉ , including 18 massive clusters with M cl > 10 14 M ☉ . It also contains 1, 088, 797 galaxies with mass M gal ≥ 2 × 10 9 M ☉ and luminosity L > 9.5 × 10 5 L ☉ . For each cluster, we identified the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG). We then computed two separate statistics: the fraction f BNC of clusters in which the BCG is not the closest galaxy to the center of the cluster in projection, and the ratio Δv/σ, where Δv is the difference in radial velocity between the BCG and the whole cluster and σ is the radial velocity dispersion of the cluster. We found that f BNC increases from 0.05 for low-mass clusters (M cl ∼ 10 12 M ☉ ) to 0.5 for high-mass clusters (M cl > 10 14 M ☉ ) with very little dependence on cluster redshift. Most of this result turns out to be a projection effect and when we consider three-dimensional distances instead of projected distances, f BNC increases only to 0.2 at high-cluster mass. The values of Δv/σ vary from 0 to 1.8, with median values in the range 0.03-0.15 when considering all clusters, and 0.12-0.31 when considering only massive clusters. These results are consistent with previous observational studies and indicate that the central galaxy paradigm, which states that the BCG should be at rest at the center of the cluster, is usually valid, but exceptions are too common to be ignored. We built merger trees for the 18 most massive clusters in the simulation. Analysis of these trees reveal that 16 of these clusters have experienced 1 or several major or semi-major mergers in the past. These mergers leave each cluster in a non-equilibrium state, but eventually the cluster

  12. Changing cluster composition in cluster randomised controlled trials: design and analysis considerations (United States)


    Background There are many methodological challenges in the conduct and analysis of cluster randomised controlled trials, but one that has received little attention is that of post-randomisation changes to cluster composition. To illustrate this, we focus on the issue of cluster merging, considering the impact on the design, analysis and interpretation of trial outcomes. Methods We explored the effects of merging clusters on study power using standard methods of power calculation. We assessed the potential impacts on study findings of both homogeneous cluster merges (involving clusters randomised to the same arm of a trial) and heterogeneous merges (involving clusters randomised to different arms of a trial) by simulation. To determine the impact on bias and precision of treatment effect estimates, we applied standard methods of analysis to different populations under analysis. Results Cluster merging produced a systematic reduction in study power. This effect depended on the number of merges and was most pronounced when variability in cluster size was at its greatest. Simulations demonstrate that the impact on analysis was minimal when cluster merges were homogeneous, with impact on study power being balanced by a change in observed intracluster correlation coefficient (ICC). We found a decrease in study power when cluster merges were heterogeneous, and the estimate of treatment effect was attenuated. Conclusions Examples of cluster merges found in previously published reports of cluster randomised trials were typically homogeneous rather than heterogeneous. Simulations demonstrated that trial findings in such cases would be unbiased. However, simulations also showed that any heterogeneous cluster merges would introduce bias that would be hard to quantify, as well as having negative impacts on the precision of estimates obtained. Further methodological development is warranted to better determine how to analyse such trials appropriately. Interim recommendations

  13. Using Supervised Learning Techniques for Diagnosis of Dynamic Systems (United States)


    diagnosis task is to determine the system elements that could cause decision trees [14], where classification is the result of a series of the erroneous...Rodriguez, Carlos J. Alonso y Q. Isaac Moro. Clasificaci6n de patrones temporales en sistemas dinimicos mediante Boosting y Alineamiento dinamico

  14. Cluster evolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaeffer, R.


    The galaxy and cluster luminosity functions are constructed from a model of the mass distribution based on hierarchical clustering at an epoch where the matter distribution is non-linear. These luminosity functions are seen to reproduce the present distribution of objects as can be inferred from the observations. They can be used to deduce the redshift dependence of the cluster distribution and to extrapolate the observations towards the past. The predicted evolution of the cluster distribution is quite strong, although somewhat less rapid than predicted by the linear theory

  15. Estudio de las propiedades mecánicas del sistema óseo


    Alvaro Mendoza G.


    Los estudios adelantados fueron realizados para el área de Biomecánica, tratando de que su desarrollo fuera lo más científico posible; y aplicado al estudio del sistema óseo del hombre, ya que él posee un material que tiene un comportamiento que hace posible las aplicaciones de conceptos mecánicos y físicos de la Ingenlerla para su análisis.

  16. Los estudios sobre paisaje en Estudios Geográficos (1940-2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arroyo Ilera, Fernando


    Full Text Available Not available.Los doscientos sesenta y nueve números editados de esta revista son un excelente banco de pruebas donde observar la evolución y los cambios experimentados por la Geografía española, en los últimos setenta años en los que Estudios Geográficos (EG se viene publicando ininterrumpidamente. La sucesión de temas, su tratamiento y enfoque, las citas bibliográficas, etc., constituyen una excelente referencia de gran interés para cualquier ciencia y, en especial para la nuestra, que ya en otras ocasiones ha sido utilizada para valorar la evolución metodológica de la Geografía.

  17. Cluster-cluster aggregation of Ising dipolar particles under thermal noise

    KAUST Repository

    Suzuki, Masaru


    The cluster-cluster aggregation processes of Ising dipolar particles under thermal noise are investigated in the dilute condition. As the temperature increases, changes in the typical structures of clusters are observed from chainlike (D1) to crystalline (D2) through fractal structures (D1.45), where D is the fractal dimension. By calculating the bending energy of the chainlike structure, it is found that the transition temperature is associated with the energy gap between the chainlike and crystalline configurations. The aggregation dynamics changes from being dominated by attraction to diffusion involving changes in the dynamic exponent z=0.2 to 0.5. In the region of temperature where the fractal clusters grow, different growth rates are observed between charged and neutral clusters. Using the Smoluchowski equation with a twofold kernel, this hetero-aggregation process is found to result from two types of dynamics: the diffusive motion of neutral clusters and the weak attractive motion between charged clusters. The fact that changes in structures and dynamics take place at the same time suggests that transitions in the structure of clusters involve marked changes in the dynamics of the aggregation processes. © 2009 The American Physical Society.

  18. Diversity among galaxy clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Struble, M.F.; Rood, H.J.


    The classification of galaxy clusters is discussed. Consideration is given to the classification scheme of Abell (1950's), Zwicky (1950's), Morgan, Matthews, and Schmidt (1964), and Morgan-Bautz (1970). Galaxies can be classified based on morphology, chemical composition, spatial distribution, and motion. The correlation between a galaxy's environment and morphology is examined. The classification scheme of Rood-Sastry (1971), which is based on clusters's morphology and galaxy population, is described. The six types of clusters they define include: (1) a cD-cluster dominated by a single large galaxy, (2) a cluster dominated by a binary, (3) a core-halo cluster, (4) a cluster dominated by several bright galaxies, (5) a cluster appearing flattened, and (6) an irregularly shaped cluster. Attention is also given to the evolution of cluster structures, which is related to initial density and cluster motion

  19. Modelo de estudio de dos informativas familias colombianas con Síndrome de Usher


    Tamayo ML.; González C.; Gelvez N.


    Establecer y evaluar un modelo de abordaje para el estudio del Síndrome de Usher, que abarca el diagnóstico clínico de los pacientes, establecimiento y confirmación del subtipo mediante estudios moleculares y posterior correlación genotipo-fenotipo.

  20. Estudio de la cultura, sus manifestaciones y efectos en una Red Inter-Organizacional


    Guevara Alarcon, Laura Natalie


    El presente trabajo tiene como propósito el estudio de la cultura, y el impacto que tiene esta en una red inter-organizacional. Para esto se realizó un estudio documental en el cual se hizo una revisión bibliográfica de los principales conceptos relacionados con la cultura y el enfoque de trabajo en red. Asimismo para dar cumplimiento al objetivo de la investigación, se realizó el análisis de varios estudios empíricos que muestran las relaciones entre cultura y redes y que a su vez re...

  1. Cluster-cluster aggregation of Ising dipolar particles under thermal noise

    KAUST Repository

    Suzuki, Masaru; Kun, Ferenc; Ito, Nobuyasu


    The cluster-cluster aggregation processes of Ising dipolar particles under thermal noise are investigated in the dilute condition. As the temperature increases, changes in the typical structures of clusters are observed from chainlike (D1

  2. Re-estimating sample size in cluster randomized trials with active recruitment within clusters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Schie, Sander; Moerbeek, Mirjam


    Often only a limited number of clusters can be obtained in cluster randomised trials, although many potential participants can be recruited within each cluster. Thus, active recruitment is feasible within the clusters. To obtain an efficient sample size in a cluster randomised trial, the cluster

  3. Estudio de las propiedades mecánicas del sistema óseo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvaro Mendoza G.


    Full Text Available Los estudios adelantados fueron realizados para el área de Biomecánica, tratando de que su desarrollo fuera lo más científico posible; y aplicado al estudio del sistema óseo del hombre, ya que él posee un material que tiene un comportamiento que hace posible las aplicaciones de conceptos mecánicos y físicos de la Ingenlerla para su análisis.

  4. Modelo de estudio de dos informativas familias colombianas con Síndrome de Usher

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. González


    Full Text Available Establecer y evaluar un modelo de abordaje para el estudio del Síndrome de Usher, que abarca el diagnóstico clínico de los pacientes, establecimiento y confirmación del subtipo mediante estudios moleculares y posterior correlación genotipo-fenotipo.

  5. Estudios cualitativos en calidad de vida. Teoría y práctica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nora Bayo Barroso


    Full Text Available Esta publicación trata de mostrar la importancia del desarrollo de la metodología cualitativa para el estudio de la calidad de vida. Ofrece una reflexión teórica y metodológica de los estudios cualitativos, donde se examina el papel del contexto y la cultura en este tipo de estudios, así como el rol de los investigadores, es pecialmente durante el proceso de incorporación de los más jóvenes a este campo. Presenta diversos proyectos de investigación sobre calidad de vida en los que se han utilizado métodos cualitativos, en diversos ámbitos: geografía, salud, comunidades, juventud, infancia y yoga en la vida laboral. La autora apuesta por la integración de la metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa, mediante el uso de los métodos mixtos, para el estudio de la calidad de vida

  6. Multi-Optimisation Consensus Clustering (United States)

    Li, Jian; Swift, Stephen; Liu, Xiaohui

    Ensemble Clustering has been developed to provide an alternative way of obtaining more stable and accurate clustering results. It aims to avoid the biases of individual clustering algorithms. However, it is still a challenge to develop an efficient and robust method for Ensemble Clustering. Based on an existing ensemble clustering method, Consensus Clustering (CC), this paper introduces an advanced Consensus Clustering algorithm called Multi-Optimisation Consensus Clustering (MOCC), which utilises an optimised Agreement Separation criterion and a Multi-Optimisation framework to improve the performance of CC. Fifteen different data sets are used for evaluating the performance of MOCC. The results reveal that MOCC can generate more accurate clustering results than the original CC algorithm.

  7. Electron: Cluster interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheidemann, A.A.; Knight, W.D.


    Beam depletion spectroscopy has been used to measure absolute total inelastic electron-sodium cluster collision cross sections in the energy range from E ∼ 0.1 to E ∼ 6 eV. The investigation focused on the closed shell clusters Na 8 , Na 20 , Na 40 . The measured cross sections show an increase for the lowest collision energies where electron attachment is the primary scattering channel. The electron attachment cross section can be understood in terms of Langevin scattering, connecting this measurement with the polarizability of the cluster. For energies above the dissociation energy the measured electron-cluster cross section is energy independent, thus defining an electron-cluster interaction range. This interaction range increases with the cluster size

  8. Semantic based cluster content discovery in description first clustering algorithm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, M.W.; Asif, H.M.S.


    In the field of data analytics grouping of like documents in textual data is a serious problem. A lot of work has been done in this field and many algorithms have purposed. One of them is a category of algorithms which firstly group the documents on the basis of similarity and then assign the meaningful labels to those groups. Description first clustering algorithm belong to the category in which the meaningful description is deduced first and then relevant documents are assigned to that description. LINGO (Label Induction Grouping Algorithm) is the algorithm of description first clustering category which is used for the automatic grouping of documents obtained from search results. It uses LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing); an IR (Information Retrieval) technique for induction of meaningful labels for clusters and VSM (Vector Space Model) for cluster content discovery. In this paper we present the LINGO while it is using LSI during cluster label induction and cluster content discovery phase. Finally, we compare results obtained from the said algorithm while it uses VSM and Latent semantic analysis during cluster content discovery phase. (author)

  9. The clustered nucleus-cluster structures in stable and unstable nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freer, Martin


    The subject of clustering has a lineage which runs throughout the history of nuclear physics. Its attraction is the simplification of the often uncorrelated behaviour of independent particles to organized and coherent quasi-crystalline structures. In this review the ideas behind the development of clustering in light nuclei are investigated, mostly from the stand-point of the harmonic oscillator framework. This allows a unifying description of alpha-conjugate and neutron-rich nuclei, alike. More sophisticated models of clusters are explored, such as antisymmetrized molecular dynamics. A number of contemporary topics in clustering are touched upon; the 3α-cluster state in 12 C, nuclear molecules and clustering at the drip-line. Finally, an understanding of the 12 C+ 12 C resonances in 24 Mg, within the framework of the theoretical ideas developed in the review, is presented

  10. Regional Innovation Clusters (United States)

    Small Business Administration — The Regional Innovation Clusters serve a diverse group of sectors and geographies. Three of the initial pilot clusters, termed Advanced Defense Technology clusters,...

  11. Choosing the Number of Clusters in K-Means Clustering (United States)

    Steinley, Douglas; Brusco, Michael J.


    Steinley (2007) provided a lower bound for the sum-of-squares error criterion function used in K-means clustering. In this article, on the basis of the lower bound, the authors propose a method to distinguish between 1 cluster (i.e., a single distribution) versus more than 1 cluster. Additionally, conditional on indicating there are multiple…

  12. Personalized PageRank Clustering: A graph clustering algorithm based on random walks (United States)

    A. Tabrizi, Shayan; Shakery, Azadeh; Asadpour, Masoud; Abbasi, Maziar; Tavallaie, Mohammad Ali


    Graph clustering has been an essential part in many methods and thus its accuracy has a significant effect on many applications. In addition, exponential growth of real-world graphs such as social networks, biological networks and electrical circuits demands clustering algorithms with nearly-linear time and space complexity. In this paper we propose Personalized PageRank Clustering (PPC) that employs the inherent cluster exploratory property of random walks to reveal the clusters of a given graph. We combine random walks and modularity to precisely and efficiently reveal the clusters of a graph. PPC is a top-down algorithm so it can reveal inherent clusters of a graph more accurately than other nearly-linear approaches that are mainly bottom-up. It also gives a hierarchy of clusters that is useful in many applications. PPC has a linear time and space complexity and has been superior to most of the available clustering algorithms on many datasets. Furthermore, its top-down approach makes it a flexible solution for clustering problems with different requirements.

  13. Clusters in nuclei

    CERN Document Server

    Following the pioneering discovery of alpha clustering and of molecular resonances, the field of nuclear clustering is today one of those domains of heavy-ion nuclear physics that faces the greatest challenges, yet also contains the greatest opportunities. After many summer schools and workshops, in particular over the last decade, the community of nuclear molecular physicists has decided to collaborate in producing a comprehensive collection of lectures and tutorial reviews covering the field. This third volume follows the successful Lect. Notes Phys. 818 (Vol. 1) and 848 (Vol. 2), and comprises six extensive lectures covering the following topics:  - Gamma Rays and Molecular Structure - Faddeev Equation Approach for Three Cluster Nuclear Reactions - Tomography of the Cluster Structure of Light Nuclei Via Relativistic Dissociation - Clustering Effects Within the Dinuclear Model : From Light to Hyper-heavy Molecules in Dynamical Mean-field Approach - Clusterization in Ternary Fission - Clusters in Light N...

  14. Spatial cluster modelling

    CERN Document Server

    Lawson, Andrew B


    Research has generated a number of advances in methods for spatial cluster modelling in recent years, particularly in the area of Bayesian cluster modelling. Along with these advances has come an explosion of interest in the potential applications of this work, especially in epidemiology and genome research. In one integrated volume, this book reviews the state-of-the-art in spatial clustering and spatial cluster modelling, bringing together research and applications previously scattered throughout the literature. It begins with an overview of the field, then presents a series of chapters that illuminate the nature and purpose of cluster modelling within different application areas, including astrophysics, epidemiology, ecology, and imaging. The focus then shifts to methods, with discussions on point and object process modelling, perfect sampling of cluster processes, partitioning in space and space-time, spatial and spatio-temporal process modelling, nonparametric methods for clustering, and spatio-temporal ...

  15. Estudio de la carga económica de la infertilidad femenina por anovulación en un hospital público de México: estudio piloto


    Martínez-Núñez, Juan Manuel; Altagracia-Martínez, Marina; Kravzov-Jinich, Jaime; Hinojosa-Cruz, Juan Carlos; Sánchez-Sánchez, Betsabé; Díaz de León-Castañeda, Christian


    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los costos totales de la infertilidad femenina por anovulación en pacientes atendidas en el Hospital de Gineco-Obstetricia "La Raza". Se realizó un estudio transversal y observacional. Se incluyeron 30 mujeres mayores de 18 años con infertilidad por anovulación tratadas con citrato de clomifeno o anastrozol. Los costos se estimaron mediante el proceso de micro-costeo, la aplicación de un cuestionario de 20 items y la revisión de expedientes médi...

  16. Herd Clustering: A synergistic data clustering approach using collective intelligence

    KAUST Repository

    Wong, Kachun; Peng, Chengbin; Li, Yue; Chan, Takming


    , this principle is used to develop a new clustering algorithm. Inspired by herd behavior, the clustering method is a synergistic approach using collective intelligence called Herd Clustering (HC). The novel part is laid in its first stage where data instances


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffin, Rhiannon D.; Dai, Xinyu; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Bregman, Joel N.


    We study 203 (of 442) Swift AGN and Cluster Survey extended X-ray sources located in the SDSS DR8 footprint to search for galaxy over-densities in three-dimensional space using SDSS galaxy photometric redshifts and positions near the Swift cluster candidates. We find 104 Swift clusters with a >3σ galaxy over-density. The remaining targets are potentially located at higher redshifts and require deeper optical follow-up observations for confirmation as galaxy clusters. We present a series of cluster properties including the redshift, brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) magnitude, BCG-to-X-ray center offset, optical richness, and X-ray luminosity. We also detect red sequences in ∼85% of the 104 confirmed clusters. The X-ray luminosity and optical richness for the SDSS confirmed Swift clusters are correlated and follow previously established relations. The distribution of the separations between the X-ray centroids and the most likely BCG is also consistent with expectation. We compare the observed redshift distribution of the sample with a theoretical model, and find that our sample is complete for z ≲ 0.3 and is still 80% complete up to z ≃ 0.4, consistent with the SDSS survey depth. These analysis results suggest that our Swift cluster selection algorithm has yielded a statistically well-defined cluster sample for further study of cluster evolution and cosmology. We also match our SDSS confirmed Swift clusters to existing cluster catalogs, and find 42, 23, and 1 matches in optical, X-ray, and Sunyaev–Zel’dovich catalogs, respectively, and so the majority of these clusters are new detections

  18. Scientific Cluster Deployment and Recovery – Using puppet to simplify cluster management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hendrix, Val; Yao Yushu; Benjamin, Doug


    Deployment, maintenance and recovery of a scientific cluster, which has complex, specialized services, can be a time consuming task requiring the assistance of Linux system administrators, network engineers as well as domain experts. Universities and small institutions that have a part-time FTE with limited time for and knowledge of the administration of such clusters can be strained by such maintenance tasks. This current work is the result of an effort to maintain a data analysis cluster (DAC) with minimal effort by a local system administrator. The realized benefit is the scientist, who is the local system administrator, is able to focus on the data analysis instead of the intricacies of managing a cluster. Our work provides a cluster deployment and recovery process (CDRP) based on the puppet configuration engine allowing a part-time FTE to easily deploy and recover entire clusters with minimal effort. Puppet is a configuration management system (CMS) used widely in computing centers for the automatic management of resources. Domain experts use Puppet's declarative language to define reusable modules for service configuration and deployment. Our CDRP has three actors: domain experts, a cluster designer and a cluster manager. The domain experts first write the puppet modules for the cluster services. A cluster designer would then define a cluster. This includes the creation of cluster roles, mapping the services to those roles and determining the relationships between the services. Finally, a cluster manager would acquire the resources (machines, networking), enter the cluster input parameters (hostnames, IP addresses) and automatically generate deployment scripts used by puppet to configure it to act as a designated role. In the event of a machine failure, the originally generated deployment scripts along with puppet can be used to easily reconfigure a new machine. The cluster definition produced in our CDRP is an integral part of automating cluster deployment

  19. Cluster consensus in discrete-time networks of multiagents with inter-cluster nonidentical inputs. (United States)

    Han, Yujuan; Lu, Wenlian; Chen, Tianping


    In this paper, cluster consensus of multiagent systems is studied via inter-cluster nonidentical inputs. Here, we consider general graph topologies, which might be time-varying. The cluster consensus is defined by two aspects: intracluster synchronization, the state at which differences between each pair of agents in the same cluster converge to zero, and inter-cluster separation, the state at which agents in different clusters are separated. For intra-cluster synchronization, the concepts and theories of consensus, including the spanning trees, scramblingness, infinite stochastic matrix product, and Hajnal inequality, are extended. As a result, it is proved that if the graph has cluster spanning trees and all vertices self-linked, then the static linear system can realize intra-cluster synchronization. For the time-varying coupling cases, it is proved that if there exists T > 0 such that the union graph across any T-length time interval has cluster spanning trees and all graphs has all vertices self-linked, then the time-varying linear system can also realize intra-cluster synchronization. Under the assumption of common inter-cluster influence, a sort of inter-cluster nonidentical inputs are utilized to realize inter-cluster separation, such that each agent in the same cluster receives the same inputs and agents in different clusters have different inputs. In addition, the boundedness of the infinite sum of the inputs can guarantee the boundedness of the trajectory. As an application, we employ a modified non-Bayesian social learning model to illustrate the effectiveness of our results.

  20. Relative efficiency and sample size for cluster randomized trials with variable cluster sizes. (United States)

    You, Zhiying; Williams, O Dale; Aban, Inmaculada; Kabagambe, Edmond Kato; Tiwari, Hemant K; Cutter, Gary


    The statistical power of cluster randomized trials depends on two sample size components, the number of clusters per group and the numbers of individuals within clusters (cluster size). Variable cluster sizes are common and this variation alone may have significant impact on study power. Previous approaches have taken this into account by either adjusting total sample size using a designated design effect or adjusting the number of clusters according to an assessment of the relative efficiency of unequal versus equal cluster sizes. This article defines a relative efficiency of unequal versus equal cluster sizes using noncentrality parameters, investigates properties of this measure, and proposes an approach for adjusting the required sample size accordingly. We focus on comparing two groups with normally distributed outcomes using t-test, and use the noncentrality parameter to define the relative efficiency of unequal versus equal cluster sizes and show that statistical power depends only on this parameter for a given number of clusters. We calculate the sample size required for an unequal cluster sizes trial to have the same power as one with equal cluster sizes. Relative efficiency based on the noncentrality parameter is straightforward to calculate and easy to interpret. It connects the required mean cluster size directly to the required sample size with equal cluster sizes. Consequently, our approach first determines the sample size requirements with equal cluster sizes for a pre-specified study power and then calculates the required mean cluster size while keeping the number of clusters unchanged. Our approach allows adjustment in mean cluster size alone or simultaneous adjustment in mean cluster size and number of clusters, and is a flexible alternative to and a useful complement to existing methods. Comparison indicated that we have defined a relative efficiency that is greater than the relative efficiency in the literature under some conditions. Our measure


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wen, Z. L.; Han, J. L.


    Identification of high-redshift clusters is important for studies of cosmology and cluster evolution. Using photometric redshifts of galaxies, we identify 631 clusters from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) wide field, 202 clusters from the CFHT deep field, 187 clusters from the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field, and 737 clusters from the Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE) field. The redshifts of these clusters are in the range 0.1 ∼ + - m 3.6 μ m colors of the BCGs are consistent with a stellar population synthesis model in which the BCGs are formed at redshift z f ≥ 2 and evolved passively. The g' - z' and B - m 3.6μm colors of the BCGs at redshifts z > 0.8 are systematically bluer than the passive evolution model for galaxies formed at z f ∼ 2, indicating star formation in high-redshift BCGs.

  2. Unequal cluster sizes in stepped-wedge cluster randomised trials: a systematic review. (United States)

    Kristunas, Caroline; Morris, Tom; Gray, Laura


    To investigate the extent to which cluster sizes vary in stepped-wedge cluster randomised trials (SW-CRT) and whether any variability is accounted for during the sample size calculation and analysis of these trials. Any, not limited to healthcare settings. Any taking part in an SW-CRT published up to March 2016. The primary outcome is the variability in cluster sizes, measured by the coefficient of variation (CV) in cluster size. Secondary outcomes include the difference between the cluster sizes assumed during the sample size calculation and those observed during the trial, any reported variability in cluster sizes and whether the methods of sample size calculation and methods of analysis accounted for any variability in cluster sizes. Of the 101 included SW-CRTs, 48% mentioned that the included clusters were known to vary in size, yet only 13% of these accounted for this during the calculation of the sample size. However, 69% of the trials did use a method of analysis appropriate for when clusters vary in size. Full trial reports were available for 53 trials. The CV was calculated for 23 of these: the median CV was 0.41 (IQR: 0.22-0.52). Actual cluster sizes could be compared with those assumed during the sample size calculation for 14 (26%) of the trial reports; the cluster sizes were between 29% and 480% of that which had been assumed. Cluster sizes often vary in SW-CRTs. Reporting of SW-CRTs also remains suboptimal. The effect of unequal cluster sizes on the statistical power of SW-CRTs needs further exploration and methods appropriate to studies with unequal cluster sizes need to be employed. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  3. Cluster synchronization induced by one-node clusters in networks with asymmetric negative couplings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Jianbao; Ma, Zhongjun; Zhang, Gang


    This paper deals with the problem of cluster synchronization in networks with asymmetric negative couplings. By decomposing the coupling matrix into three matrices, and employing Lyapunov function method, sufficient conditions are derived for cluster synchronization. The conditions show that the couplings of multi-node clusters from one-node clusters have beneficial effects on cluster synchronization. Based on the effects of the one-node clusters, an effective and universal control scheme is put forward for the first time. The obtained results may help us better understand the relation between cluster synchronization and cluster structures of the networks. The validity of the control scheme is confirmed through two numerical simulations, in a network with no cluster structure and in a scale-free network

  4. Cluster synchronization induced by one-node clusters in networks with asymmetric negative couplings (United States)

    Zhang, Jianbao; Ma, Zhongjun; Zhang, Gang


    This paper deals with the problem of cluster synchronization in networks with asymmetric negative couplings. By decomposing the coupling matrix into three matrices, and employing Lyapunov function method, sufficient conditions are derived for cluster synchronization. The conditions show that the couplings of multi-node clusters from one-node clusters have beneficial effects on cluster synchronization. Based on the effects of the one-node clusters, an effective and universal control scheme is put forward for the first time. The obtained results may help us better understand the relation between cluster synchronization and cluster structures of the networks. The validity of the control scheme is confirmed through two numerical simulations, in a network with no cluster structure and in a scale-free network.

  5. Homicidas juveniles en Bogotá, estudio de grupos focales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franklin Escobar Córdoba


    Materiales y Métodos. Estudio cualitativo mediante técnica de grupos focales. Resultados. Se encontró como el factor de riesgo más implicado la disponibilidad y uso de armas. Otros  factores de riesgo determinantes de la conducta delincuencial afectan la disposición del joven homicida para tener un comportamiento criminal y las estrategias de control que son elegidas por el individuo, dichos factores son apreciados de maneras distintas por los jóvenes homicidas y los no homicidas Conclusión. Este estudio arroja información clave que puede ser utilizada en el diseño e implementación de estrategias para enfrentar el homicidio juvenil como problema de salud pública.



    Nieves-Martín, Laura


    Cohorte multicéntrica retrospectiva de pacientes con LES refractario a terapia estándar que fueron tratados con rituximab. Estudio de efectividad y seguridad tras uno o varios cursos de tratamiento. Así mismo análisis lipídico básico de los pacientes antes y después del tratamiento.

  7. Semi-supervised clustering methods. (United States)

    Bair, Eric


    Cluster analysis methods seek to partition a data set into homogeneous subgroups. It is useful in a wide variety of applications, including document processing and modern genetics. Conventional clustering methods are unsupervised, meaning that there is no outcome variable nor is anything known about the relationship between the observations in the data set. In many situations, however, information about the clusters is available in addition to the values of the features. For example, the cluster labels of some observations may be known, or certain observations may be known to belong to the same cluster. In other cases, one may wish to identify clusters that are associated with a particular outcome variable. This review describes several clustering algorithms (known as "semi-supervised clustering" methods) that can be applied in these situations. The majority of these methods are modifications of the popular k-means clustering method, and several of them will be described in detail. A brief description of some other semi-supervised clustering algorithms is also provided.

  8. Comparing clustering models in bank customers: Based on Fuzzy relational clustering approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayad Hendalianpour


    Full Text Available Clustering is absolutely useful information to explore data structures and has been employed in many places. It organizes a set of objects into similar groups called clusters, and the objects within one cluster are both highly similar and dissimilar with the objects in other clusters. The K-mean, C-mean, Fuzzy C-mean and Kernel K-mean algorithms are the most popular clustering algorithms for their easy implementation and fast work, but in some cases we cannot use these algorithms. Regarding this, in this paper, a hybrid model for customer clustering is presented that is applicable in five banks of Fars Province, Shiraz, Iran. In this way, the fuzzy relation among customers is defined by using their features described in linguistic and quantitative variables. As follows, the customers of banks are grouped according to K-mean, C-mean, Fuzzy C-mean and Kernel K-mean algorithms and the proposed Fuzzy Relation Clustering (FRC algorithm. The aim of this paper is to show how to choose the best clustering algorithms based on density-based clustering and present a new clustering algorithm for both crisp and fuzzy variables. Finally, we apply the proposed approach to five datasets of customer's segmentation in banks. The result of the FCR shows the accuracy and high performance of FRC compared other clustering methods.

  9. Management of cluster headache

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tfelt-Hansen, Peer C; Jensen, Rigmor H


    The prevalence of cluster headache is 0.1% and cluster headache is often not diagnosed or misdiagnosed as migraine or sinusitis. In cluster headache there is often a considerable diagnostic delay - an average of 7 years in a population-based survey. Cluster headache is characterized by very severe...... or severe orbital or periorbital pain with a duration of 15-180 minutes. The cluster headache attacks are accompanied by characteristic associated unilateral symptoms such as tearing, nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhoea, eyelid oedema, miosis and/or ptosis. In addition, there is a sense of restlessness...... and agitation. Patients may have up to eight attacks per day. Episodic cluster headache (ECH) occurs in clusters of weeks to months duration, whereas chronic cluster headache (CCH) attacks occur for more than 1 year without remissions. Management of cluster headache is divided into acute attack treatment...

  10. ¿Se pueden predecir geográficamente los resultados electorales? Una aplicación del análisis de clusters y outliers espaciales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos J. Vilalta Perdomo


    Full Text Available Los resultados de este estudio demuestran que al aplicar la estadística espacial en la geografía electoral es posible predecir los resultados electorales. Se utilizan los conceptos geográficos de cluster y outlier espaciales, y como variable predictiva la segregación espacial socioeconómica. Las técnicas estadísticas que se emplean son los índices globales y locales de autocorrelación espacial de Moran y el análisis de regresión lineal. Sobre los datos analizados se encuentra: 1 que la Ciudad de México posee clusters espaciales de apoyo electoral y de marginación, 2 outliers espaciales de marginación, 3 que los partidos electorales se excluyen geográficamente, y 4 que sus resultados dependen significativamente de los niveles de segregación espacial en la ciudad.

  11. Estudio de eficiencia de una acería en Sestao


    Pindado Cebrián, Javier


    El objetivo final del proyecto es la realización de un estudio que permita optimizar la eficiencia de una instalación de aire comprimido, instalada en una planta de producción de acero, reduciendo de este modo, el consumo energético de la misma. La instalación objeto de estudio cuenta con dos salas independientes que generan el caudal demandado por la instalación. Una de ellas, la que más caudal genera, consta de seis compresores, mientras que la otra está equipada con cuatro máquinas. ...

  12. Análisis y estudio del radar Ramet AD9


    López Jiménez, José Manuel


    El proyecto está basado en un estudio completo y detallado del radar RAMET modelo AD9. Las autoridades de tráfico catalanas, a través del Servei Català del Trànsit, están introduciendo en nuestras carreteras este tipo de cinemómetro desde el año 2007, para el control de tráfico en carretera. El hecho de ser una novedad dentro de nuestro entorno hace que su desconocimiento sobre su composición y sus peculiaridades respecto a otro tipo de radares sea interesante realizar este estudio....

  13. La inteligencia emocional en jóvenes universitarios: un estudio descriptivo


    Vera Pedroza, A.; Alejandre Espinosa, M.; Piña Vázquez, D.L.; Segura Hernández, A.


    El estudio desarrolla el tema de la inteligencia emocional en estudiantes pertenecientes a la Facultad de Pedagogía de la Universidad Veracruzana, campus Poza Rica-Tuxpan, Veracruz, México; durante el periodo agosto 2015-enero 2016. Siendo el objetivo principal del trabajo determinar el nivel de inteligencia emocional de los alumnos universitarios y su relación en el contexto escolar. La metodología utilizada en el estudio fue de corte cuantitativa-descriptiva, que se caracteriza por recabar ...

  14. Cluster Dynamics: Laying the Foundation for Tailoring the Design of Cluster ASSE (United States)


    AFRL-AFOSR-VA-TR-2016-0081 CLUSTER DYNAMICS: LAYING THE FOUNDATION FOR TAILORING THE DESIGN OF CLUSTER ASSE Albert Castleman PENNSYLVANIA STATE...15-10-2015 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE CLUSTER DYNAMICS: LAYING THE FOUNDATION FOR TAILORING THE DESIGN OF CLUSTER ASSEMBLED NANOSCALE MATERIALS 5a... clusters as the building blocks of new materials with tailored properties that are beneficial to the AFOSR. Our continuing program is composed of two

  15. Determining characteristic principal clusters in the “cluster-plus-glue-atom” model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du, Jinglian; Wen, Bin; 2NeT Lab, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, 75 University Ave West, Ontario N2L 3C5 (Canada))" data-affiliation=" (M2NeT Lab, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, 75 University Ave West, Ontario N2L 3C5 (Canada))" >Melnik, Roderick; Kawazoe, Yoshiyuki


    The “cluster-plus-glue-atom” model can easily describe the structure of complex metallic alloy phases. However, the biggest obstacle limiting the application of this model is that it is difficult to determine the characteristic principal cluster. In the case when interatomic force constants (IFCs) inside the cluster lead to stronger interaction than the interaction between the clusters, a new rule for determining the characteristic principal cluster in the “cluster-plus-glue-atom” model has been proposed on the basis of IFCs. To verify this new rule, the alloy phases in Cu–Zr and Al–Ni–Zr systems have been tested, and our results indicate that the present new rule for determining characteristic principal clusters is effective and reliable


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoq, Sadia; Clemens, D. P., E-mail:, E-mail: [Institute for Astrophysical Research, 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 (United States)


    Stars in open clusters are powerful probes of the intervening Galactic magnetic field via background starlight polarimetry because they provide constraints on the magnetic field distances. We use 2MASS photometric data for a sample of 31 clusters in the outer Galaxy for which near-IR polarimetric data were obtained to determine the cluster distances, ages, and reddenings via fitting theoretical isochrones to cluster color–magnitude diagrams. The fitting approach uses an objective χ{sup 2} minimization technique to derive the cluster properties and their uncertainties. We found the ages, distances, and reddenings for 24 of the clusters, and the distances and reddenings for 6 additional clusters that were either sparse or faint in the near-IR. The derived ranges of log(age), distance, and E(B−V) were 7.25–9.63, ∼670–6160 pc, and 0.02–1.46 mag, respectively. The distance uncertainties ranged from ∼8% to 20%. The derived parameters were compared to previous studies, and most cluster parameters agree within our uncertainties. To test the accuracy of the fitting technique, synthetic clusters with 50, 100, or 200 cluster members and a wide range of ages were fit. These tests recovered the input parameters within their uncertainties for more than 90% of the individual synthetic cluster parameters. These results indicate that the fitting technique likely provides reliable estimates of cluster properties. The distances derived will be used in an upcoming study of the Galactic magnetic field in the outer Galaxy.

  17. CytoCluster: A Cytoscape Plugin for Cluster Analysis and Visualization of Biological Networks. (United States)

    Li, Min; Li, Dongyan; Tang, Yu; Wu, Fangxiang; Wang, Jianxin


    Nowadays, cluster analysis of biological networks has become one of the most important approaches to identifying functional modules as well as predicting protein complexes and network biomarkers. Furthermore, the visualization of clustering results is crucial to display the structure of biological networks. Here we present CytoCluster, a cytoscape plugin integrating six clustering algorithms, HC-PIN (Hierarchical Clustering algorithm in Protein Interaction Networks), OH-PIN (identifying Overlapping and Hierarchical modules in Protein Interaction Networks), IPCA (Identifying Protein Complex Algorithm), ClusterONE (Clustering with Overlapping Neighborhood Expansion), DCU (Detecting Complexes based on Uncertain graph model), IPC-MCE (Identifying Protein Complexes based on Maximal Complex Extension), and BinGO (the Biological networks Gene Ontology) function. Users can select different clustering algorithms according to their requirements. The main function of these six clustering algorithms is to detect protein complexes or functional modules. In addition, BinGO is used to determine which Gene Ontology (GO) categories are statistically overrepresented in a set of genes or a subgraph of a biological network. CytoCluster can be easily expanded, so that more clustering algorithms and functions can be added to this plugin. Since it was created in July 2013, CytoCluster has been downloaded more than 9700 times in the Cytoscape App store and has already been applied to the analysis of different biological networks. CytoCluster is available from

  18. Symmetries of cluster configurations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kramer, P.


    A deeper understanding of clustering phenomena in nuclei must encompass at least two interrelated aspects of the subject: (A) Given a system of A nucleons with two-body interactions, what are the relevant and persistent modes of clustering involved. What is the nature of the correlated nucleon groups which form the clusters, and what is their mutual interaction. (B) Given the cluster modes and their interaction, what systematic patterns of nuclear structure and reactions emerge from it. Are there, for example, families of states which share the same ''cluster parents''. Which cluster modes are compatible or exclude each other. What quantum numbers could characterize cluster configurations. There is no doubt that we can learn a good deal from the experimentalists who have discovered many of the features relevant to aspect (B). Symmetries specific to cluster configurations which can throw some light on both aspects of clustering are discussed

  19. Open source clustering software. (United States)

    de Hoon, M J L; Imoto, S; Nolan, J; Miyano, S


    We have implemented k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering and self-organizing maps in a single multipurpose open-source library of C routines, callable from other C and C++ programs. Using this library, we have created an improved version of Michael Eisen's well-known Cluster program for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix. In addition, we generated a Python and a Perl interface to the C Clustering Library, thereby combining the flexibility of a scripting language with the speed of C. The C Clustering Library and the corresponding Python C extension module Pycluster were released under the Python License, while the Perl module Algorithm::Cluster was released under the Artistic License. The GUI code Cluster 3.0 for Windows, Macintosh and Linux/Unix, as well as the corresponding command-line program, were released under the same license as the original Cluster code. The complete source code is available at Alternatively, Algorithm::Cluster can be downloaded from CPAN, while Pycluster is also available as part of the Biopython distribution.

  20. Electronic structure and properties of designer clusters and cluster-assemblies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khanna, S.N.; Jena, P.


    Using self-consistent calculations based on density functional theory, we demonstrate that electronic shell filling and close atomic packing criteria can be used to design ultra-stable clusters. Interaction of these clusters with each other and with gas atoms is found to be weak confirming their chemical inertness. A crystal composed of these inert clusters is expected to have electronic properties that are markedly different from crystals where atoms are the building blocks. The recent observation of ferromagnetism in potassium clusters assembled in zeolite cages is discussed. (orig.)

  1. Cluster Headache (United States)

    ... a role. Unlike migraine and tension headache, cluster headache generally isn't associated with triggers, such as foods, hormonal changes or stress. Once a cluster period begins, however, drinking alcohol ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rina De León Herrera


    Full Text Available En este artículo se intenta mostrar en forma sucinta la evolución de los estudios de pobreza urbana; se retoma para ello la producción escritural de investigadores que han hecho aportes valiosos sobre la temática en diferentes épocas y espacios geográficos. La información se ha organizado en dos unidades de análisis: la producción escritural en los países desarrollados y en los países en desarrollo.

  3. Motivación hacia el estudio y la cultura escolar: Estado de la cuestión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana María Gálvez Fernández


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una revisión de los estudios y reflexiones en torno a la motivación hacia el estudio y la cultura escolar. Se analizaron publicaciones referidas a reportes de investigación y ensayos teóricos publicados entre 1994 y 2005. Los resultados y conclusiones fueron reseñados y organizados en una matriz que permitió categorizar las variables abordadas en los estudios tanto en motivación hacia el estudio como en cultura escolar. En las variables se encontraron aspectos que hacen referencia por un lado con los tipos de motivación: intrínseca, extrínseca y social; referidos a los factores desencadenantes de cada tipo de motivación respecto a las tareas escolares y el estudio en general, así como algunos estilos y estrategias de motivación que las escuelas implementan para elevar el desempeño de sus estudiantes. Por otro lado, están los aspectos de la cultura escolar a nivel de los elementos que la constituyen, la influencia en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y motivación hacia el estudio, así como el impacto de la cultura social, los medios y las tecnologías. El balance plantea interrogantes acerca de la correlación entre la motivación hacia el estudio y los factores de la cultura escolar

  4. Performance Evaluation of Spectral Clustering Algorithm using Various Clustering Validity Indices


    M. T. Somashekara; D. Manjunatha


    In spite of the popularity of spectral clustering algorithm, the evaluation procedures are still in developmental stage. In this article, we have taken benchmarking IRIS dataset for performing comparative study of twelve indices for evaluating spectral clustering algorithm. The results of the spectral clustering technique were also compared with k-mean algorithm. The validity of the indices was also verified with accuracy and (Normalized Mutual Information) NMI score. Spectral clustering algo...

  5. An??lisis geoestad??stico en el estudio de la explotaci??n de los recursos minerales


    Chica Olmo, Mario


    La Tesis Doctoral del Sr. Chica Olmo constituye una aproximaci??n geoestad??stica al estudio de explotaci??n de los recursos minerales de modo que en la memoria se recogen las principales conclusiones metodol??gicas te??ricas y practicas alcanzadas a trav??s de diferentes estudios y proyectos llevados a cabo en el dominio minero referentes a dep??sitos de naturaleza variada como carb??n uranio plomo plata... En gran medida los anteriores estudios han sido realizados en el centro de geoestad??...

  6. Ítems politómicos vs. dicotómicos : un estudio metodológico


    López Pina, José Antonio


    En este estudio se comparan cinco formatos de respuesta para ítems politómicos, desde el formato original que consta de cuatro categorías a un formato dicotómico (sólo dos categorías de respuesta). La comparación de distintos análisis psicométricos (análisis de ítems, estudio de la fiabilidad, análisis de componentes principales y estudio de la habilidad) entre los cinco formatos prueba que un formato dicotómico aporta casi tanta información sobre la calidad del tests y las puntuaciones obser...

  7. Substructure in clusters of galaxies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fitchett, M.J.


    Optical observations suggesting the existence of substructure in clusters of galaxies are examined. Models of cluster formation and methods used to detect substructure in clusters are reviewed. Consideration is given to classification schemes based on a departure of bright cluster galaxies from a spherically symmetric distribution, evidence for statistically significant substructure, and various types of substructure, including velocity, spatial, and spatial-velocity substructure. The substructure observed in the galaxy distribution in clusters is discussed, focusing on observations from general cluster samples, the Virgo cluster, the Hydra cluster, Centaurus, the Coma cluster, and the Cancer cluster. 88 refs

  8. CC_TRS: Continuous Clustering of Trajectory Stream Data Based on Micro Cluster Life

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Musaab Riyadh


    Full Text Available The rapid spreading of positioning devices leads to the generation of massive spatiotemporal trajectories data. In some scenarios, spatiotemporal data are received in stream manner. Clustering of stream data is beneficial for different applications such as traffic management and weather forecasting. In this article, an algorithm for Continuous Clustering of Trajectory Stream Data Based on Micro Cluster Life is proposed. The algorithm consists of two phases. There is the online phase where temporal micro clusters are used to store summarized spatiotemporal information for each group of similar segments. The clustering task in online phase is based on temporal micro cluster lifetime instead of time window technique which divides stream data into time bins and clusters each bin separately. For offline phase, a density based clustering approach is used to generate macro clusters depending on temporal micro clusters. The evaluation of the proposed algorithm on real data sets shows the efficiency and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and proved it is efficient alternative to time window technique.

  9. Defining objective clusters for rabies virus sequences using affinity propagation clustering.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susanne Fischer


    Full Text Available Rabies is caused by lyssaviruses, and is one of the oldest known zoonoses. In recent years, more than 21,000 nucleotide sequences of rabies viruses (RABV, from the prototype species rabies lyssavirus, have been deposited in public databases. Subsequent phylogenetic analyses in combination with metadata suggest geographic distributions of RABV. However, these analyses somewhat experience technical difficulties in defining verifiable criteria for cluster allocations in phylogenetic trees inviting for a more rational approach. Therefore, we applied a relatively new mathematical clustering algorythm named 'affinity propagation clustering' (AP to propose a standardized sub-species classification utilizing full-genome RABV sequences. Because AP has the advantage that it is computationally fast and works for any meaningful measure of similarity between data samples, it has previously been applied successfully in bioinformatics, for analysis of microarray and gene expression data, however, cluster analysis of sequences is still in its infancy. Existing (516 and original (46 full genome RABV sequences were used to demonstrate the application of AP for RABV clustering. On a global scale, AP proposed four clusters, i.e. New World cluster, Arctic/Arctic-like, Cosmopolitan, and Asian as previously assigned by phylogenetic studies. By combining AP with established phylogenetic analyses, it is possible to resolve phylogenetic relationships between verifiably determined clusters and sequences. This workflow will be useful in confirming cluster distributions in a uniform transparent manner, not only for RABV, but also for other comparative sequence analyses.

  10. Contribución al estudio de los reacciones de hidratación del cemento portland por espectroscopia infrarroja II. Estudio de clínkeres y de cementos portland anhidros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vázquez-Moreno, Tomás


    Full Text Available Not availableEn un artículo anterior (1 se dio cuenta de los trabajos realizados sobre la aplicación de la espectroscopia IR al estudio de las principales fases sintetizadas del clínker de cemento portland como fase previa al estudio de diversos clínkeres, obtenidos por nosotros en el laboratorio a partir de crudos industriales, y de distintos cementos portland comerciales anhidros.

  11. Clustering methods for the optimization of atomic cluster structure (United States)

    Bagattini, Francesco; Schoen, Fabio; Tigli, Luca


    In this paper, we propose a revised global optimization method and apply it to large scale cluster conformation problems. In the 1990s, the so-called clustering methods were considered among the most efficient general purpose global optimization techniques; however, their usage has quickly declined in recent years, mainly due to the inherent difficulties of clustering approaches in large dimensional spaces. Inspired from the machine learning literature, we redesigned clustering methods in order to deal with molecular structures in a reduced feature space. Our aim is to show that by suitably choosing a good set of geometrical features coupled with a very efficient descent method, an effective optimization tool is obtained which is capable of finding, with a very high success rate, all known putative optima for medium size clusters without any prior information, both for Lennard-Jones and Morse potentials. The main result is that, beyond being a reliable approach, the proposed method, based on the idea of starting a computationally expensive deep local search only when it seems worth doing so, is capable of saving a huge amount of searches with respect to an analogous algorithm which does not employ a clustering phase. In this paper, we are not claiming the superiority of the proposed method compared to specific, refined, state-of-the-art procedures, but rather indicating a quite straightforward way to save local searches by means of a clustering scheme working in a reduced variable space, which might prove useful when included in many modern methods.

  12. The correlation functions for the clustering of galaxies and Abell clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, B.J.T.; Jones, J.E.; Copenhagen Univ.


    The difference in amplitudes between the galaxy-galaxy correlation function and the correlation function between Abell clusters is a consequence of two facts. Firstly, most Abell clusters with z<0.08 lie in a relatively small volume of the sampled space, and secondly, the fraction of galaxies lying in Abell clusters differs considerably inside and outside of this volume. (The Abell clusters are confined to a smaller volume of space than are the galaxies.) We discuss the implications of this interpretation of the clustering correlation functions and present a simple model showing how such a situation may arise quite naturally in standard theories for galaxy formation. (orig.)

  13. Subspace K-means clustering. (United States)

    Timmerman, Marieke E; Ceulemans, Eva; De Roover, Kim; Van Leeuwen, Karla


    To achieve an insightful clustering of multivariate data, we propose subspace K-means. Its central idea is to model the centroids and cluster residuals in reduced spaces, which allows for dealing with a wide range of cluster types and yields rich interpretations of the clusters. We review the existing related clustering methods, including deterministic, stochastic, and unsupervised learning approaches. To evaluate subspace K-means, we performed a comparative simulation study, in which we manipulated the overlap of subspaces, the between-cluster variance, and the error variance. The study shows that the subspace K-means algorithm is sensitive to local minima but that the problem can be reasonably dealt with by using partitions of various cluster procedures as a starting point for the algorithm. Subspace K-means performs very well in recovering the true clustering across all conditions considered and appears to be superior to its competitor methods: K-means, reduced K-means, factorial K-means, mixtures of factor analyzers (MFA), and MCLUST. The best competitor method, MFA, showed a performance similar to that of subspace K-means in easy conditions but deteriorated in more difficult ones. Using data from a study on parental behavior, we show that subspace K-means analysis provides a rich insight into the cluster characteristics, in terms of both the relative positions of the clusters (via the centroids) and the shape of the clusters (via the within-cluster residuals).

  14. Estudio epidemiológico de la dermatitis atópica desde la farmacia comunitaria: Estudio DAFAC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moreno P.


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Diseñar y evaluar la utilidad de un protocolo de actuación del farmacéutico comunitario ante las consultas realizadas sobre dermatitis atópica en la farmacia comunitaria, acordando con dermatólogos los criterios de derivación. Conocer los motivos de consulta más habituales y determinar en qué casos constituyen motivo de derivación al médico. Métodos: Estudio epidemiológico realizado en farmacias comunitarias españolas entre febrero del 2011 y enero del 2012. Se incluyeron en el estudio todos los usuarios de las farmacias que consultan un problema de salud dermatológico. Los farmacéuticos participantes, tras recibir formación específica online, aplicaron el protocolo de actuación consensuado. Se registraron los motivos de consulta, los casos de derivación al médico, la existencia de sobreinfecciones, el uso de productos adecuados para el cuidado de la piel. Resultados/Discusión: Participaron 259 farmacéuticos de 15 comunidades autónomas que registraron 688 intervenciones válidas. La distribución por sexo de los pacientes corresponde a 354 (51,5 % de sexo masculino y 334 (48,5 % del femenino, con mayor incidencia de la patología en menores de 14 años. En el 70% de los casos no se requirió la derivación al dermatólogo. Motivos de consulta: prurito, irritación, dificultad para dormir, ansiedad y estrés, y sobreinfección (35%, principal causa de derivación. La elaboración y difusión del protocolo y criterios de derivación, así como los resultados del estudio a los socios de SEFAC (Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria y al resto de farmacéuticos comunitarios permitirán la resolución de muchos de los casos de dermatitis atópica, contribuyendo así a la mejora de la calidad de vida del paciente.

  15. Globular clusters and galaxy halos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Den Bergh, S.


    Using semipartial correlation coefficients and bootstrap techniques, a study is made of the important features of globular clusters with respect to the total number of galaxy clusters and dependence of specific galaxy cluster on parent galaxy type, cluster radii, luminosity functions and cluster ellipticity. It is shown that the ellipticity of LMC clusters correlates significantly with cluster luminosity functions, but not with cluster age. The cluter luminosity value above which globulars are noticeably flattened may differ by a factor of about 100 from galaxy to galaxy. Both in the Galaxy and in M31 globulars with small core radii have a Gaussian distribution over luminosity, whereas clusters with large core radii do not. In the cluster systems surrounding the Galaxy, M31 and NGC 5128 the mean radii of globular clusters was found to increase with the distance from the nucleus. Central galaxies in rich clusters have much higher values for specific globular cluster frequency than do other cluster ellipticals, suggesting that such central galaxies must already have been different from normal ellipticals at the time they were formed

  16. Adaptive Scaling of Cluster Boundaries for Large-Scale Social Media Data Clustering. (United States)

    Meng, Lei; Tan, Ah-Hwee; Wunsch, Donald C


    The large scale and complex nature of social media data raises the need to scale clustering techniques to big data and make them capable of automatically identifying data clusters with few empirical settings. In this paper, we present our investigation and three algorithms based on the fuzzy adaptive resonance theory (Fuzzy ART) that have linear computational complexity, use a single parameter, i.e., the vigilance parameter to identify data clusters, and are robust to modest parameter settings. The contribution of this paper lies in two aspects. First, we theoretically demonstrate how complement coding, commonly known as a normalization method, changes the clustering mechanism of Fuzzy ART, and discover the vigilance region (VR) that essentially determines how a cluster in the Fuzzy ART system recognizes similar patterns in the feature space. The VR gives an intrinsic interpretation of the clustering mechanism and limitations of Fuzzy ART. Second, we introduce the idea of allowing different clusters in the Fuzzy ART system to have different vigilance levels in order to meet the diverse nature of the pattern distribution of social media data. To this end, we propose three vigilance adaptation methods, namely, the activation maximization (AM) rule, the confliction minimization (CM) rule, and the hybrid integration (HI) rule. With an initial vigilance value, the resulting clustering algorithms, namely, the AM-ART, CM-ART, and HI-ART, can automatically adapt the vigilance values of all clusters during the learning epochs in order to produce better cluster boundaries. Experiments on four social media data sets show that AM-ART, CM-ART, and HI-ART are more robust than Fuzzy ART to the initial vigilance value, and they usually achieve better or comparable performance and much faster speed than the state-of-the-art clustering algorithms that also do not require a predefined number of clusters.

  17. Estudio comparativo de alexitimia en personas institucionalizadas versus aula de mayores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julia García-Sevilla


    Full Text Available La experiencia y regulación de las emociones son aspectos que están adquiriendo mayor importancia a la hora de entender y fomentar el bienestar y la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido llevar a cabo un estudio comparativo de la alexitimia en usuarios pertenecientes a un centro institucionalizado de personas mayores y alumnos matriculados en el aula de mayores. Los participantes del estudio fueron 43 personas institucionalizadas y 48 personas pertenecientes al aula de mayores con una media de edad de 69.30 años y una desviación típica de 66.50. El instrumento utilizado fue la versión adaptada del TAS-20. Los resultados mostraron que las personas institucionalizadas puntuaban más alto en la dificultad para identificar sentimientos, dificultad para describir sentimientos así como en el patrón de pensamiento orientado a lo externo. El sexo fue indiferente en la dificultad para identificar sentimientos, en la dificultad para describir sentimientos así como en el patrón orientado a lo externo. En cuanto a la edad, se encontró una relación con la dificultad para identificar sentimientos y el patrón de pensamiento orientado a lo externo. El estudio permite concluir que la alexitimia se ve influida por el hecho de que la persona mayor se encuentre en un centro institucionalizado.

  18. Isotopic clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geraedts, J.M.P.


    Spectra of isotopically mixed clusters (dimers of SF 6 ) are calculated as well as transition frequencies. The result leads to speculations about the suitability of the laser-cluster fragmentation process for isotope separation. (Auth.)

  19. Contexto actual de los estudios preclínicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thelvia I. Ramos


    Full Text Available El desarrollo acelerado de la Industria Biofarmacéutica, y en particular de la producción de biológicos, ha permitido el incremento de la investigación clínica, teniendo en consideración la novedad de las sustancias que se desarrollan. El éxito de un producto solo se logra a través de la realización de los estudios clínicos controlados, lo cual significa que este ha sido validado a través de un sistema de gestión de calidad, principal determinante para que la molécula en estudio, pueda ser autorizada y comercializada posterior a la demostración de su seguridad y eficacia. Previo a la presentación de una solicitud para un nuevo producto ante las autoridades regulatorias, es necesario pasar por la etapa de investigación preclínica.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coziol, R.; Andernach, H.; Caretta, C. A.; Alamo-MartInez, K. A.; Tago, E.


    A large sample of Abell clusters of galaxies, selected for the likely presence of a dominant galaxy, is used to study the dynamical properties of the brightest cluster members (BCMs). From visual inspection of Digitized Sky Survey images combined with redshift information we identify 1426 candidate BCMs located in 1221 different redshift components associated with 1169 different Abell clusters. This is the largest sample published so far of such galaxies. From our own morphological classification we find that ∼92% of the BCMs in our sample are early-type galaxies and 48% are of cD type. We confirm what was previously observed based on much smaller samples, namely, that a large fraction of BCMs have significant peculiar velocities. From a subsample of 452 clusters having at least 10 measured radial velocities, we estimate a median BCM peculiar velocity of 32% of their host clusters' radial velocity dispersion. This suggests that most BCMs are not at rest in the potential well of their clusters. This phenomenon is common to galaxy clusters in our sample, and not a special trait of clusters hosting cD galaxies. We show that the peculiar velocity of the BCM is independent of cluster richness and only slightly dependent on the Bautz-Morgan type. We also find a weak trend for the peculiar velocity to rise with the cluster velocity dispersion. The strongest dependence is with the morphological type of the BCM: cD galaxies tend to have lower relative peculiar velocities than elliptical galaxies. This result points to a connection between the formation of the BCMs and that of their clusters. Our data are qualitatively consistent with the merging-groups scenario, where BCMs in clusters formed first in smaller subsystems comparable to compact groups of galaxies. In this scenario, clusters would have formed recently from the mergers of many such groups and would still be in a dynamically unrelaxed state.

  1. Motivación y Hábitos de estudio en estudiantes de la Universidad Alas Peruanas, Filial Juliaca


    Quispe Tapia, David


    El objetivo de la presente tesis es sustentar la influencia de la motivación en el habito de estudio en los estudiantes de la Universidad Alas Peruana, filial Juliaca. Asimismo, conocer de qué manera influye la motivación intrínseca y la motivación extrínseca en los hábitos de estudio. Los métodos y el estudio corresponde al tipo cualitativo, básico y con un diseño descriptivo correlacional, con una población de estudio de 160 estudiantes de los cuales se obtuvo una muestra ...

  2. Semi-supervised clustering methods (United States)

    Bair, Eric


    Cluster analysis methods seek to partition a data set into homogeneous subgroups. It is useful in a wide variety of applications, including document processing and modern genetics. Conventional clustering methods are unsupervised, meaning that there is no outcome variable nor is anything known about the relationship between the observations in the data set. In many situations, however, information about the clusters is available in addition to the values of the features. For example, the cluster labels of some observations may be known, or certain observations may be known to belong to the same cluster. In other cases, one may wish to identify clusters that are associated with a particular outcome variable. This review describes several clustering algorithms (known as “semi-supervised clustering” methods) that can be applied in these situations. The majority of these methods are modifications of the popular k-means clustering method, and several of them will be described in detail. A brief description of some other semi-supervised clustering algorithms is also provided. PMID:24729830

  3. Clustering of correlated networks


    Dorogovtsev, S. N.


    We obtain the clustering coefficient, the degree-dependent local clustering, and the mean clustering of networks with arbitrary correlations between the degrees of the nearest-neighbor vertices. The resulting formulas allow one to determine the nature of the clustering of a network.

  4. Analysis of Network Clustering Algorithms and Cluster Quality Metrics at Scale. (United States)

    Emmons, Scott; Kobourov, Stephen; Gallant, Mike; Börner, Katy


    Notions of community quality underlie the clustering of networks. While studies surrounding network clustering are increasingly common, a precise understanding of the realtionship between different cluster quality metrics is unknown. In this paper, we examine the relationship between stand-alone cluster quality metrics and information recovery metrics through a rigorous analysis of four widely-used network clustering algorithms-Louvain, Infomap, label propagation, and smart local moving. We consider the stand-alone quality metrics of modularity, conductance, and coverage, and we consider the information recovery metrics of adjusted Rand score, normalized mutual information, and a variant of normalized mutual information used in previous work. Our study includes both synthetic graphs and empirical data sets of sizes varying from 1,000 to 1,000,000 nodes. We find significant differences among the results of the different cluster quality metrics. For example, clustering algorithms can return a value of 0.4 out of 1 on modularity but score 0 out of 1 on information recovery. We find conductance, though imperfect, to be the stand-alone quality metric that best indicates performance on the information recovery metrics. Additionally, our study shows that the variant of normalized mutual information used in previous work cannot be assumed to differ only slightly from traditional normalized mutual information. Smart local moving is the overall best performing algorithm in our study, but discrepancies between cluster evaluation metrics prevent us from declaring it an absolutely superior algorithm. Interestingly, Louvain performed better than Infomap in nearly all the tests in our study, contradicting the results of previous work in which Infomap was superior to Louvain. We find that although label propagation performs poorly when clusters are less clearly defined, it scales efficiently and accurately to large graphs with well-defined clusters.

  5. Structure and physical properties of silicon clusters and of vacancy clusters in bulk silicon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sieck, A.


    In this thesis the growth-pattern of free silicon clusters and vacancy clusters in bulk silicon is investigated. The aim is to describe and to better understand the cluster to bulk transition. Silicon structures in between clusters and solids feature new interesting physical properties. The structure and physical properties of silicon clusters can be revealed by a combination of theory and experiment, only. Low-energy clusters are determined with different optimization techniques and a density-functional based tight-binding method. Additionally, infrared and Raman spectra, and polarizabilities calculated within self-consistent field density-functional theory are provided for the smaller clusters. For clusters with 25 to 35 atoms an analysis of the shape of the clusters and the related mobilities in a buffer gas is given. Finally, the clusters observed in low-temperature experiments are identified via the best match between calculated properties and experimental data. Silicon clusters with 10 to 15 atoms have a tricapped trigonal prism as a common subunit. Clusters with up to about 25 atoms follow a prolate growth-path. In the range from 24 to 30 atoms the geometry of the clusters undergoes a transition towards compact spherical structures. Low-energy clusters with up to 240 atoms feature a bonding pattern strikingly different from the tetrahedral bonding in the solid. It follows that structures with dimensions of several Angstroem have electrical and optical properties different from the solid. The calculated stabilities and positron-lifetimes of vacancy clusters in bulk silicon indicate the positron-lifetimes of about 435 ps detected in irradiated silicon to be related to clusters of 9 or 10 vacancies. The vacancies in these clusters form neighboring hexa-rings and, therefore, minimize the number of dangling bonds. (orig.)

  6. La estiba y desestiba portuaria. Un estudio desde el Derecho Administrativo.


    Menéndez de la Cruz, Cristina


    La estiba y desestiba en el entorno portuario no ha sido analizada desde la óptica del Derecho Administrativo, por lo que a mi juicio era pertinente hacer un estudio dada la significación que el fenómeno tiene para el conjunto de la economía. No ha ocurrido lo mismo en otras disciplinas jurídicas, como el Derecho Laboral y el Mercantil, pudiendo encontrar numerosos estudios sobre esta materia. Esto es debido al carácter de zona fronteriza del Derecho que adoptan algunos temas, como apunta el ...

  7. Estudio del balance energético en velocistas de alto rendimiento


    Lorente Gutiérrez, Jesús


    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el balance energético en tres atletas de alto rendimiento durante 28 días, que coincidieron con el periodo competitivo de pista cubierta. La ingesta energética fue estudiada a partir de registros alimentarios durante los 28 días. Del mismo modo, el gasto energético fue estimado por tres métodos, mediante registros de actividad durante 28 días, mediante el estudio del ritmo metabólico basal estudiado por calorimetría indirecta, aplicándole el fa...

  8. Modelo explicativo del bajo rendimiento escolar: un estudio con adolescentes mexicanos


    Caso Niebla, Joaquín; Hernández Guzmán, Laura


    A fin de contribuir al estudio de las variables autoestima, establecimiento de metas, habilidades de estudio, adaptación escolar, asertividad y consumo de sustancias en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de bachillerato en México, se propuso la presente investigación. Participaron 1581 estudiantes de una institución de educación media superior pública de la Ciudad de México con una edad promedio de 17.4 años. El tipo de muestreo utilizado fue el método aleatorio simple considerando como ...

  9. Cluster Decline and Resilience

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Christian Richter; Park, Eun Kyung

    Most studies on regional clusters focus on identifying factors and processes that make clusters grow. However, sometimes technologies and market conditions suddenly shift, and clusters decline. This paper analyses the process of decline of the wireless communication cluster in Denmark, 1963......-2011. Our longitudinal study reveals that technological lock-in and exit of key firms have contributed to impairment of the cluster’s resilience in adapting to disruptions. Entrepreneurship has a positive effect on cluster resilience, while multinational companies have contradicting effects by bringing...... in new resources to the cluster but being quick to withdraw in times of crisis....

  10. The rotation of galaxy clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tovmassian, H.M.


    The method for detection of the galaxy cluster rotation based on the study of distribution of member galaxies with velocities lower and higher of the cluster mean velocity over the cluster image is proposed. The search for rotation is made for flat clusters with a/b> 1.8 and BMI type clusters which are expected to be rotating. For comparison there were studied also round clusters and clusters of NBMI type, the second by brightness galaxy in which does not differ significantly from the cluster cD galaxy. Seventeen out of studied 65 clusters are found to be rotating. It was found that the detection rate is sufficiently high for flat clusters, over 60 per cent, and clusters of BMI type with dominant cD galaxy, ≈ 35 per cent. The obtained results show that clusters were formed from the huge primordial gas clouds and preserved the rotation of the primordial clouds, unless they did not have mergings with other clusters and groups of galaxies, in the result of which the rotation has been prevented

  11. Agricultural Clusters in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schouten, M.A.; Heijman, W.J.M.


    Michael Porter was the first to use the term cluster in an economic context. He introduced the term in The Competitive Advantage of Nations (1990). The term cluster is also known as business cluster, industry cluster, competitive cluster or Porterian cluster. This article aims at determining and



    Salini Calderón, Giovanni Angelo; Medina Mitma, Evelin Jhovana


    RESUMEN En este documento se presenta un estudio de series temporales de PM10 que muestran la mala calidad del aire en Cochabamba, mediante parámetros estadísticos usados en estudios sobre dinámica no lineal. El promedio diario de PM10 sigue patrones similares al de grandes ciudades que poseen altos índices de contaminación ambiental. Uno de los parámetros resultó del mismo orden y característica que los presentados en trabajos similares sobre el estudio de caoticidad en variables de contamin...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao Jiangang; Annis, James; Johnston, David E.; McKay, Timothy A.; Evrard, August; Siegel, Seth R.; Gerdes, David; Koester, Benjamin P.; Rykoff, Eli S.; Rozo, Eduardo; Wechsler, Risa H.; Busha, Michael; Becker, Matthew; Sheldon, Erin


    We present a large catalog of optically selected galaxy clusters from the application of a new Gaussian Mixture Brightest Cluster Galaxy (GMBCG) algorithm to SDSS Data Release 7 data. The algorithm detects clusters by identifying the red-sequence plus brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) feature, which is unique for galaxy clusters and does not exist among field galaxies. Red-sequence clustering in color space is detected using an Error Corrected Gaussian Mixture Model. We run GMBCG on 8240 deg 2 of photometric data from SDSS DR7 to assemble the largest ever optical galaxy cluster catalog, consisting of over 55,000 rich clusters across the redshift range from 0.1 < z < 0.55. We present Monte Carlo tests of completeness and purity and perform cross-matching with X-ray clusters and with the maxBCG sample at low redshift. These tests indicate high completeness and purity across the full redshift range for clusters with 15 or more members.

  14. A GMBCG galaxy cluster catalog of 55,880 rich clusters from SDSS DR7

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hao, Jiangang; McKay, Timothy A.; Koester, Benjamin P.; Rykoff, Eli S.; Rozo, Eduardo; Annis, James; Wechsler, Risa H.; Evrard, August; Siegel, Seth R.; Becker, Matthew; Busha, Michael; /Fermilab /Michigan U. /Chicago U., Astron. Astrophys. Ctr. /UC, Santa Barbara /KICP, Chicago /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC /Caltech /Brookhaven


    We present a large catalog of optically selected galaxy clusters from the application of a new Gaussian Mixture Brightest Cluster Galaxy (GMBCG) algorithm to SDSS Data Release 7 data. The algorithm detects clusters by identifying the red sequence plus Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) feature, which is unique for galaxy clusters and does not exist among field galaxies. Red sequence clustering in color space is detected using an Error Corrected Gaussian Mixture Model. We run GMBCG on 8240 square degrees of photometric data from SDSS DR7 to assemble the largest ever optical galaxy cluster catalog, consisting of over 55,000 rich clusters across the redshift range from 0.1 < z < 0.55. We present Monte Carlo tests of completeness and purity and perform cross-matching with X-ray clusters and with the maxBCG sample at low redshift. These tests indicate high completeness and purity across the full redshift range for clusters with 15 or more members.

  15. Subspace K-means clustering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmerman, Marieke E.; Ceulemans, Eva; De Roover, Kim; Van Leeuwen, Karla


    To achieve an insightful clustering of multivariate data, we propose subspace K-means. Its central idea is to model the centroids and cluster residuals in reduced spaces, which allows for dealing with a wide range of cluster types and yields rich interpretations of the clusters. We review the

  16. Clustering analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Cluster analysis is the name of group of multivariate techniques whose principal purpose is to distinguish similar entities from the characteristics they process.To study this analysis, there are several algorithms that can be used. Therefore, this topic focuses to discuss the algorithms, such as, similarity measures, and hierarchical clustering which includes single linkage, complete linkage and average linkage method. also, non-hierarchical clustering method, which is popular name K -mean method ' will be discussed. Finally, this paper will be described the advantages and disadvantages of every methods

  17. Cluster analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Everitt, Brian S; Leese, Morven; Stahl, Daniel


    Cluster analysis comprises a range of methods for classifying multivariate data into subgroups. By organizing multivariate data into such subgroups, clustering can help reveal the characteristics of any structure or patterns present. These techniques have proven useful in a wide range of areas such as medicine, psychology, market research and bioinformatics.This fifth edition of the highly successful Cluster Analysis includes coverage of the latest developments in the field and a new chapter dealing with finite mixture models for structured data.Real life examples are used throughout to demons

  18. Cluster editing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Böcker, S.; Baumbach, Jan


    . The problem has been the inspiration for numerous algorithms in bioinformatics, aiming at clustering entities such as genes, proteins, phenotypes, or patients. In this paper, we review exact and heuristic methods that have been proposed for the Cluster Editing problem, and also applications......The Cluster Editing problem asks to transform a graph into a disjoint union of cliques using a minimum number of edge modifications. Although the problem has been proven NP-complete several times, it has nevertheless attracted much research both from the theoretical and the applied side...

  19. Ethical implications of excessive cluster sizes in cluster randomised trials. (United States)

    Hemming, Karla; Taljaard, Monica; Forbes, Gordon; Eldridge, Sandra M; Weijer, Charles


    The cluster randomised trial (CRT) is commonly used in healthcare research. It is the gold-standard study design for evaluating healthcare policy interventions. A key characteristic of this design is that as more participants are included, in a fixed number of clusters, the increase in achievable power will level off. CRTs with cluster sizes that exceed the point of levelling-off will have excessive numbers of participants, even if they do not achieve nominal levels of power. Excessively large cluster sizes may have ethical implications due to exposing trial participants unnecessarily to the burdens of both participating in the trial and the potential risks of harm associated with the intervention. We explore these issues through the use of two case studies. Where data are routinely collected, available at minimum cost and the intervention poses low risk, the ethical implications of excessively large cluster sizes are likely to be low (case study 1). However, to maximise the social benefit of the study, identification of excessive cluster sizes can allow for prespecified and fully powered secondary analyses. In the second case study, while there is no burden through trial participation (because the outcome data are routinely collected and non-identifiable), the intervention might be considered to pose some indirect risk to patients and risks to the healthcare workers. In this case study it is therefore important that the inclusion of excessively large cluster sizes is justifiable on other grounds (perhaps to show sustainability). In any randomised controlled trial, including evaluations of health policy interventions, it is important to minimise the burdens and risks to participants. Funders, researchers and research ethics committees should be aware of the ethical issues of excessively large cluster sizes in cluster trials. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is

  20. Minimalist's linux cluster

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Chang-Yeong; Kim, Jeong-Hyun; Kim, Seyong


    Using barebone PC components and NIC's, we construct a linux cluster which has 2-dimensional mesh structure. This cluster has smaller footprint, is less expensive, and use less power compared to conventional linux cluster. Here, we report our experience in building such a machine and discuss our current lattice project on the machine

  1. Giardiasis intestinal: estudio de 60 pacientes Intestinal giardiasis: study of 60 patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nuris Rodríguez Vargas


    Full Text Available Se investiga, en un período de tiempo de 6 meses, a 60 pacientes en edades comprendidas entre 1 y 14 años. Los pacientes provenían del área de salud del Policlínico «19 de Abril» y acudieron a consulta por presentar vómitos y dolor abdominal de forma aislada o conjunta. Se analizaron variables como la edad y el sexo y se realizaron estudios relacionados con la búsqueda de enfermedades enterales por parásitos protozoarios, específicamente ocasionadas por Giardias lamblia. Para ello se indicó estudio parasitológico de las heces, estudio parasitológico del contenido duodenal mediante intubación, examen radiológico contrastado de esófago, estómago y duodeno y análisis de la inmunidad humoral. El mayor número de niños estaba en el grupo de 1 a 4 años (28 pacientes y le siguieron en frecuencia los de 5 a 8 años (20 niños. Predominó el sexo masculino con un total de 38 pacientes. El hallazgo de Giardias lamblia en las heces recién emitidas se registró en más de la mitad de los casos (33 pacientes, mientras que el estudio duodenal fue positivo en 45 pacientes, lo cual evidencia un mayor valor diagnóstico en el análisis del aspirado duodenal. Los resultados de la radiografía de estómago y duodeno detectaron 41 casos de duodenitis, lo cual corroboró los hallazgos de la exploración física. En 43 pacientes se pudo realizar un estudio de inmunoelectroforesis y 29 de ellos presentaron disminución de la IgA.

  2. Aportes de los estudios de género a las ciencias sociales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Loreto Rebolledo


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un recorrido de los aportes y trayectorias de los estudios de género para el caso chileno, a partir de la revisión de las principales transformaciones en este campo a nivel mundial y su influencia sobre América Latina. A partir de la década de 1970, las ciencias sociales entran en una crisis donde no solo se ponen en entredicho los grandes paradigmas explicativos, sino también los modos de acceso y construcción del conocimiento. Las visiones universalistas comienzan a ser cuestionadas ante la aparición de las políticas de la identidad tras el debate generado por los movimientos sociales y sus reivindicaciones específicas, entre ellos, el movimiento feminista de los países del primer mundo, cuyas críticas a la influencia de la variable de género en la construcción del conocimiento dan origen a los estudios de la mujer, antecedente directo de lo que conocemos hoy como estudios de género. Estos estudios, construidos a partir de la permanente crítica y revisión por parte de las/os investigadoras/es del campo, han aportado nuevas miradas, temas y formas de abordaje interdisciplinario, contribuyendo así a la revitalización de las ciencias sociales en el mundo, pero, sobre todo en el contexto latinoamericano. En este artículo se da cuenta de estos aportes, mostrando el desarrollo de los estudios de mujer y género en Chile y, revisando el contexto general en que surgieron; su instalación en el país; sus principales aportes y los desafíos que enfrentan en la actualidad.

  3. Cluster ion beam facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Popok, V.N.; Prasalovich, S.V.; Odzhaev, V.B.; Campbell, E.E.B.


    A brief state-of-the-art review in the field of cluster-surface interactions is presented. Ionised cluster beams could become a powerful and versatile tool for the modification and processing of surfaces as an alternative to ion implantation and ion assisted deposition. The main effects of cluster-surface collisions and possible applications of cluster ion beams are discussed. The outlooks of the Cluster Implantation and Deposition Apparatus (CIDA) being developed in Guteborg University are shown

  4. Clustering by reordering of similarity and Laplacian matrices: Application to galaxy clusters (United States)

    Mahmoud, E.; Shoukry, A.; Takey, A.


    Similarity metrics, kernels and similarity-based algorithms have gained much attention due to their increasing applications in information retrieval, data mining, pattern recognition and machine learning. Similarity Graphs are often adopted as the underlying representation of similarity matrices and are at the origin of known clustering algorithms such as spectral clustering. Similarity matrices offer the advantage of working in object-object (two-dimensional) space where visualization of clusters similarities is available instead of object-features (multi-dimensional) space. In this paper, sparse ɛ-similarity graphs are constructed and decomposed into strong components using appropriate methods such as Dulmage-Mendelsohn permutation (DMperm) and/or Reverse Cuthill-McKee (RCM) algorithms. The obtained strong components correspond to groups (clusters) in the input (feature) space. Parameter ɛi is estimated locally, at each data point i from a corresponding narrow range of the number of nearest neighbors. Although more advanced clustering techniques are available, our method has the advantages of simplicity, better complexity and direct visualization of the clusters similarities in a two-dimensional space. Also, no prior information about the number of clusters is needed. We conducted our experiments on two and three dimensional, low and high-sized synthetic datasets as well as on an astronomical real-dataset. The results are verified graphically and analyzed using gap statistics over a range of neighbors to verify the robustness of the algorithm and the stability of the results. Combining the proposed algorithm with gap statistics provides a promising tool for solving clustering problems. An astronomical application is conducted for confirming the existence of 45 galaxy clusters around the X-ray positions of galaxy clusters in the redshift range [0.1..0.8]. We re-estimate the photometric redshifts of the identified galaxy clusters and obtain acceptable values

  5. What Makes Clusters Decline?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Christian Richter; Park, Eun Kyung


    Most studies on regional clusters focus on identifying factors and processes that make clusters grow. However, sometimes technologies and market conditions suddenly shift, and clusters decline. This paper analyses the process of decline of the wireless communication cluster in Denmark. The longit...... but being quick to withdraw in times of crisis....

  6. Applications of Cluster Analysis to the Creation of Perfectionism Profiles: A Comparison of two Clustering Approaches

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jocelyn H Bolin


    Full Text Available Although traditional clustering methods (e.g., K-means have been shown to be useful in the social sciences it is often difficult for such methods to handle situations where clusters in the population overlap or are ambiguous. Fuzzy clustering, a method already recognized in many disciplines, provides a more flexible alternative to these traditional clustering methods. Fuzzy clustering differs from other traditional clustering methods in that it allows for a case to belong to multiple clusters simultaneously. Unfortunately, fuzzy clustering techniques remain relatively unused in the social and behavioral sciences. The purpose of this paper is to introduce fuzzy clustering to these audiences who are currently relatively unfamiliar with the technique. In order to demonstrate the advantages associated with this method, cluster solutions of a common perfectionism measure were created using both fuzzy clustering and K-means clustering, and the results compared. Results of these analyses reveal that different cluster solutions are found by the two methods, and the similarity between the different clustering solutions depends on the amount of cluster overlap allowed for in fuzzy clustering.

  7. Applications of cluster analysis to the creation of perfectionism profiles: a comparison of two clustering approaches. (United States)

    Bolin, Jocelyn H; Edwards, Julianne M; Finch, W Holmes; Cassady, Jerrell C


    Although traditional clustering methods (e.g., K-means) have been shown to be useful in the social sciences it is often difficult for such methods to handle situations where clusters in the population overlap or are ambiguous. Fuzzy clustering, a method already recognized in many disciplines, provides a more flexible alternative to these traditional clustering methods. Fuzzy clustering differs from other traditional clustering methods in that it allows for a case to belong to multiple clusters simultaneously. Unfortunately, fuzzy clustering techniques remain relatively unused in the social and behavioral sciences. The purpose of this paper is to introduce fuzzy clustering to these audiences who are currently relatively unfamiliar with the technique. In order to demonstrate the advantages associated with this method, cluster solutions of a common perfectionism measure were created using both fuzzy clustering and K-means clustering, and the results compared. Results of these analyses reveal that different cluster solutions are found by the two methods, and the similarity between the different clustering solutions depends on the amount of cluster overlap allowed for in fuzzy clustering.

  8. Internationalization of companies in industrial clusters: a study of medical, dental and hospital supply industries in Ribeirão Preto - SP Internacionalización de empresas en clusters industriales: un estudio aplicado en el polo médico-hospitalar-odontológico de Ribeirão Preto - SP Internacionalização de empresas em clusters industriais: um estudo aplicado no polo médico-hospitalar-odontológioco de Ribeirão Preto - SP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Barbieri Lima


    Full Text Available A trend, both national and international, has been identified in academic research, as well as in business and government. Micro, small and medium sized companies have sought to organize strategic networks of inter-organizational cooperation to be more competitive in their markets or even ensure survival in face of fierce competition arising from globalization. This research investigated relations of the internationalization process that allow these companies to cooperate in industrial clusters and local productive arrangements as opposed to penetration of individual companies in international markets. The method of case study was used to carry out this research. Results show that these companies are very much in favor of the internationalization process, and that this center may now be characterized as an exporter. Inter-organizational cooperation was cited by SEBRAE-SP as extremely important not only for survival of companies monitored, but also for their entry into international markets and increased exportsUna tendencia, tanto en el ámbito nacional como en el internacional, ha sido evidente en investigaciones académicas, como también en los medios empresariales y gubernamentales: la de empresas, especialmente micro, pequeñas y medianas, que buscan organizarse en redes estratégicas de cooperación ínter organizacionales, para mantenerse competitivas en los mercados donde actúan o, precisamente, para asegurar su sobrevivencia delante de la instigada competición proveniente del proceso denominado globalización de mercados. El objetivo general del presente estudio es investigar las interconexiones del proceso de internacionalización que les permite a las micro y pequeñas empresas cooperar en clusters industriales o arreglos productivos locales, en contrapunto a la inserción individual de las empresas en los mercados internacionales. Se utilizó el método de estudio de caso para la realización de la presente investigación. Como

  9. Robust continuous clustering. (United States)

    Shah, Sohil Atul; Koltun, Vladlen


    Clustering is a fundamental procedure in the analysis of scientific data. It is used ubiquitously across the sciences. Despite decades of research, existing clustering algorithms have limited effectiveness in high dimensions and often require tuning parameters for different domains and datasets. We present a clustering algorithm that achieves high accuracy across multiple domains and scales efficiently to high dimensions and large datasets. The presented algorithm optimizes a smooth continuous objective, which is based on robust statistics and allows heavily mixed clusters to be untangled. The continuous nature of the objective also allows clustering to be integrated as a module in end-to-end feature learning pipelines. We demonstrate this by extending the algorithm to perform joint clustering and dimensionality reduction by efficiently optimizing a continuous global objective. The presented approach is evaluated on large datasets of faces, hand-written digits, objects, newswire articles, sensor readings from the Space Shuttle, and protein expression levels. Our method achieves high accuracy across all datasets, outperforming the best prior algorithm by a factor of 3 in average rank.

  10. Estudio de las cualidades inmunoestimulantes de nuevas bacterias probióticas asociadas al cultivo de lv


    Gullian, Mariel; Rodríguez, Jenny


    Estudio de las cualidades inmunoestimulantes de nuevas bacterias probióticas asociadas al cultivo de LV Estudio de las cualidades inmunoestimulantes de nuevas bacterias probióticas asociadas al cultivo de LV

  11. The HectoMAP Cluster Survey. I. redMaPPer Clusters (United States)

    Sohn, Jubee; Geller, Margaret J.; Rines, Kenneth J.; Hwang, Ho Seong; Utsumi, Yousuke; Diaferio, Antonaldo


    We use the dense HectoMAP redshift survey to explore the properties of 104 redMaPPer cluster candidates. The redMaPPer systems in HectoMAP cover the full range of richness and redshift (0.08 systems included in the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam public data release are bona fide clusters. The median number of spectroscopic members per cluster is ∼20. We include redshifts of 3547 member candidates listed in the redMaPPer catalog whether they are cluster members or not. We evaluate the redMaPPer membership probability spectroscopically. The purity (number of real systems) in redMaPPer exceeds 90% even at the lowest richness. Three massive galaxy clusters (M ∼ 2 × 1013 M ⊙) associated with X-ray emission in the HectoMAP region are not included in the public redMaPPer catalog with λ rich > 20, because they lie outside the cuts for this catalog.

  12. Herd Clustering: A synergistic data clustering approach using collective intelligence

    KAUST Repository

    Wong, Kachun


    Traditional data mining methods emphasize on analytical abilities to decipher data, assuming that data are static during a mining process. We challenge this assumption, arguing that we can improve the analysis by vitalizing data. In this paper, this principle is used to develop a new clustering algorithm. Inspired by herd behavior, the clustering method is a synergistic approach using collective intelligence called Herd Clustering (HC). The novel part is laid in its first stage where data instances are represented by moving particles. Particles attract each other locally and form clusters by themselves as shown in the case studies reported. To demonstrate its effectiveness, the performance of HC is compared to other state-of-the art clustering methods on more than thirty datasets using four performance metrics. An application for DNA motif discovery is also conducted. The results support the effectiveness of HC and thus the underlying philosophy. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, Eric W.; Ferguson, Henry C.; Goudfrooij, Paul; Hammer, Derek; Lucey, John R.; Marzke, Ronald O.; Puzia, Thomas H.; Carter, David; Balcells, Marc; Bridges, Terry; Chiboucas, Kristin; Del Burgo, Carlos; Graham, Alister W.; Guzman, Rafael; Hudson, Michael J.; Matkovic, Ana


    Intracluster stellar populations are a natural result of tidal interactions in galaxy clusters. Measuring these populations is difficult, but important for understanding the assembly of the most massive galaxies. The Coma cluster of galaxies is one of the nearest truly massive galaxy clusters and is host to a correspondingly large system of globular clusters (GCs). We use imaging from the HST/ACS Coma Cluster Survey to present the first definitive detection of a large population of intracluster GCs (IGCs) that fills the Coma cluster core and is not associated with individual galaxies. The GC surface density profile around the central massive elliptical galaxy, NGC 4874, is dominated at large radii by a population of IGCs that extend to the limit of our data (R +4000 -5000 (systematic) IGCs out to this radius, and that they make up ∼70% of the central GC system, making this the largest GC system in the nearby universe. Even including the GC systems of other cluster galaxies, the IGCs still make up ∼30%-45% of the GCs in the cluster core. Observational limits from previous studies of the intracluster light (ICL) suggest that the IGC population has a high specific frequency. If the IGC population has a specific frequency similar to high-S N dwarf galaxies, then the ICL has a mean surface brightness of μ V ∼ 27 mag arcsec -2 and a total stellar mass of roughly 10 12 M sun within the cluster core. The ICL makes up approximately half of the stellar luminosity and one-third of the stellar mass of the central (NGC 4874+ICL) system. The color distribution of the IGC population is bimodal, with blue, metal-poor GCs outnumbering red, metal-rich GCs by a ratio of 4:1. The inner GCs associated with NGC 4874 also have a bimodal distribution in color, but with a redder metal-poor population. The fraction of red IGCs (20%), and the red color of those GCs, implies that IGCs can originate from the halos of relatively massive, L* galaxies, and not solely from the disruption of

  14. Range-clustering queries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abrahamsen, M.; de Berg, M.T.; Buchin, K.A.; Mehr, M.; Mehrabi, A.D.


    In a geometric k -clustering problem the goal is to partition a set of points in R d into k subsets such that a certain cost function of the clustering is minimized. We present data structures for orthogonal range-clustering queries on a point set S : given a query box Q and an integer k>2 , compute

  15. Innovation performance and clusters: a dynamic capability perspective on regional technology clusters


    Röttmer, Nicole


    This research provides a novel, empirically tested, actionable theory of cluster innovativeness. Cluster innovativeness has for long been subject of research and resulting policy efforts. The cluster's endowment with assets, such as specialized labor, firms, research institutes, existing regional networks and a specific culture are, among others, recognized as sources of innovativeness. While the asset structure of clusters as been subject to a variety of research efforts, the evidence on the...

  16. Fuzzy Clustering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berks, G.; Keyserlingk, Diedrich Graf von; Jantzen, Jan


    A symptom is a condition indicating the presence of a disease, especially, when regarded as an aid in diagnosis.Symptoms are the smallest units indicating the existence of a disease. A syndrome on the other hand is an aggregate, set or cluster of concurrent symptoms which together indicate...... and clustering are the basic concerns in medicine. Classification depends on definitions of the classes and their required degree of participant of the elements in the cases' symptoms. In medicine imprecise conditions are the rule and therefore fuzzy methods are much more suitable than crisp ones. Fuzzy c......-mean clustering is an easy and well improved tool, which has been applied in many medical fields. We used c-mean fuzzy clustering after feature extraction from an aphasia database. Factor analysis was applied on a correlation matrix of 26 symptoms of language disorders and led to five factors. The factors...

  17. El estudio académico de lo esotérico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Ricardo Chaves Pacheco


    Full Text Available Este artículo se divide en dos partes. Primero, analiza el desarrollo lingüístico e histórico de los conceptos esotérico y esoterismo, proceso que evolucionó a una incipiente “conciencia histórica” entre los propios esoteristas, influenciada por el influjo historicista romántico, que conformó un nuevo tipo de esoterismo en tiempos de ciencia, democracia y modernidad. Y segundo, explica el proceso de transformación disciplinaria de los estudios de lo esotérico, el esoterismo y la esoterología hasta la imposición de la categoría académica de los “estudios de esoterismo occidental”.

  18. Photochemistry in rare gas clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moeller, T.; Haeften, K. von; Pietrowski, R. von


    In this contribution photochemical processes in pure rare gas clusters will be discussed. The relaxation dynamics of electronically excited He clusters is investigated with luminescence spectroscopy. After electronic excitation of He clusters many sharp lines are observed in the visible and infrared spectral range which can be attributed to He atoms and molecules desorbing from the cluster. It turns out that the desorption of electronically excited He atoms and molecules is an important decay channel. The findings for He clusters are compared with results for Ar clusters. While desorption of electronically excited He atoms is observed for all clusters containing up to several thousand atoms a corresponding process in Ar clusters is only observed for very small clusters (N<10). (orig.)

  19. Photochemistry in rare gas clusters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moeller, T.; Haeften, K. von; Pietrowski, R. von [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany). Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor; Laarman, T. [Universitaet Hamburg, II. Institut fuer Experimentalphysik, Luruper Chaussee 149, D-22761 Hamburg (Germany)


    In this contribution photochemical processes in pure rare gas clusters will be discussed. The relaxation dynamics of electronically excited He clusters is investigated with luminescence spectroscopy. After electronic excitation of He clusters many sharp lines are observed in the visible and infrared spectral range which can be attributed to He atoms and molecules desorbing from the cluster. It turns out that the desorption of electronically excited He atoms and molecules is an important decay channel. The findings for He clusters are compared with results for Ar clusters. While desorption of electronically excited He atoms is observed for all clusters containing up to several thousand atoms a corresponding process in Ar clusters is only observed for very small clusters (N<10). (orig.)

  20. Estudios culturales y cine en España Cultural Studies and film in Spain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Palacio Arranz


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta el uso de las metodologías de los estudios culturales por los docentes e investigadores españoles. Estas metodologías de trabajo todavía resultan periféricas en los estudios de cine en España; sin embargo, está creciendo el número de publicaciones genéricamente adscritas a planteamientos culturalistas; en especial,y lo han hecho los estudios sobre el público del cine y los de género, y en menor medida los de recepción fílmica, la representación de los estereotipos y recientemente los estudios transnacionales. This paper presents the use of the different methodologies in cultural studies by Spanish researchers and academics. These working methodologies are still peripheral in film studies in Spain, although the number of publications generically adhering to cultural studies viewpoints are increasing, above all those studies concerning film audience or gender and, to a lesser extent, those dealing with film reception, stereotype representation and more recently transnational studies.

  1. Stochastic coupled cluster theory: Efficient sampling of the coupled cluster expansion (United States)

    Scott, Charles J. C.; Thom, Alex J. W.


    We consider the sampling of the coupled cluster expansion within stochastic coupled cluster theory. Observing the limitations of previous approaches due to the inherently non-linear behavior of a coupled cluster wavefunction representation, we propose new approaches based on an intuitive, well-defined condition for sampling weights and on sampling the expansion in cluster operators of different excitation levels. We term these modifications even and truncated selections, respectively. Utilising both approaches demonstrates dramatically improved calculation stability as well as reduced computational and memory costs. These modifications are particularly effective at higher truncation levels owing to the large number of terms within the cluster expansion that can be neglected, as demonstrated by the reduction of the number of terms to be sampled when truncating at triple excitations by 77% and hextuple excitations by 98%.

  2. Cluster analysis for applications

    CERN Document Server

    Anderberg, Michael R


    Cluster Analysis for Applications deals with methods and various applications of cluster analysis. Topics covered range from variables and scales to measures of association among variables and among data units. Conceptual problems in cluster analysis are discussed, along with hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering methods. The necessary elements of data analysis, statistics, cluster analysis, and computer implementation are integrated vertically to cover the complete path from raw data to a finished analysis.Comprised of 10 chapters, this book begins with an introduction to the subject o

  3. Small gold clusters on graphene, their mobility and clustering: a DFT study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amft, Martin; Sanyal, Biplab; Eriksson, Olle; Skorodumova, Natalia V


    Motivated by the experimentally observed high mobility of gold atoms on graphene and their tendency to form nanometer-sized clusters, we present a density functional theory study of the ground state structures of small gold clusters on graphene, their mobility and clustering. Our detailed analysis of the electronic structures identifies the opportunity to form strong gold-gold bonds and the graphene-mediated interaction of the pre-adsorbed fragments as the driving forces behind gold's tendency to aggregate on graphene. While clusters containing up to three gold atoms have one unambiguous ground state structure, both gas phase isomers of a cluster with four gold atoms can be found on graphene. In the gas phase the diamond-shaped Au 4 D cluster is the ground state structure, whereas the Y-shaped Au 4 Y becomes the actual ground state when adsorbed on graphene. As we show, both clusters can be produced on graphene by two distinct clustering processes. We also studied in detail the stepwise formation of a gold dimer out of two pre-adsorbed adatoms, as well as the formation of Au 3 . All reactions are exothermic and no further activation barriers, apart from the diffusion barriers, were found. The diffusion barriers of all studied clusters range from 4 to 36 meV only, and are substantially exceeded by the adsorption energies of - 0.1 to - 0.59 eV. This explains the high mobility of Au 1-4 on graphene along the C-C bonds.

  4. Negotiating Cluster Boundaries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Giacomin, Valeria


    Palm oil was introduced to Malay(si)a as an alternative to natural rubber, inheriting its cluster organizational structure. In the late 1960s, Malaysia became the world’s largest palm oil exporter. Based on archival material from British colonial institutions and agency houses, this paper focuses...... on the governance dynamics that drove institutional change within this cluster during decolonization. The analysis presents three main findings: (i) cluster boundaries are defined by continuous tug-of-war style negotiations between public and private actors; (ii) this interaction produces institutional change...... within the cluster, in the form of cumulative ‘institutional rounds’ – the correction or disruption of existing institutions or the creation of new ones; and (iii) this process leads to a broader inclusion of local actors in the original cluster configuration. The paper challenges the prevalent argument...

  5. Low-energy electron collisions with metal clusters: Electron capture and cluster fragmentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kresin, V.V.; Scheidemann, A.; Knight, W.D.


    The authors have carried out the first measurement of absolute cross sections for the interaction between electrons and size-resolved free metal clusters. Integral inelastic scattering cross sections have been determined for electron-Na n cluster collisions in the energy range from 0.1 eV to 30 eV. At energies ≤1 eV, cross sections increase with decreasing impact energies, while at higher energies they remain essentially constant. The dominant processes are electron attachment in the low-energy range, and collision-induced fragmentation at higher energies. The magnitude of electron capture cross sections can be quantitatively explained by the effect of the strong polarization field induced in the cluster by the incident electron. The cross sections are very large, reaching values of hundreds of angstrom 2 ; this is due to the highly polarizable nature of metal clusters. The inelastic interaction range for fragmentation collisions is also found to considerably exceed the cluster radius, again reflecting the long-range character of electron-cluster interactions. The important role played by the polarization interaction represents a bridge between the study of collision processes and the extensive research on cluster response properties. Furthermore, insight into the mechanisms of electron scattering is important for understanding production and detection of cluster ions in mass spectrometry and related processes


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berrier, Joel C.; Stewart, Kyle R.; Bullock, James S.; Purcell, Chris W.; Barton, Elizabeth J.; Wechsler, Risa H.


    We study the formation of 53 galaxy cluster-size dark matter halos (M = 10 14.0-14.76 M sun ) formed within a pair of cosmological Λ cold dark matter N-body simulations, and track the accretion histories of cluster subhalos with masses large enough to host ∼0.3 L * galaxies. By associating subhalos with cluster galaxies, we find the majority of galaxies in clusters experience no 'preprocessing' in the group environment prior to their accretion into the cluster. On average, 70% of cluster galaxies fall into the cluster potential directly from the field, with no luminous companions in their host halos at the time of accretion; less than 12% are accreted as members of groups with five or more galaxies. Moreover, we find that cluster galaxies are significantly less likely to have experienced a merger in the recent past (∼<6 Gyr) than a field halo of the same mass. These results suggest that local cluster processes such as ram pressure stripping, galaxy harassment, or strangulation play the dominant role in explaining the difference between cluster and field populations at a fixed stellar mass, and that pre-evolution or past merging in the group environment is of secondary importance for setting cluster galaxy properties for most clusters. The accretion times for z = 0 cluster members are quite extended, with ∼20% incorporated into the cluster halo more than 7 Gyr ago and ∼20% within the last 2 Gyr. By comparing the observed morphological fractions in cluster and field populations, we estimate an approximate timescale for late-type to early-type transformation within the cluster environment to be ∼6 Gyr.

  7. Estudio fisiológico de larvas de peces: retos y oportunidades


    Burggren, Warren; Blank, Tara


    Los estudios de fisiología en larvas de peces, están mucho más atrasados que los de peces adultos, sin embargo ofrecen enormes oportunidades para ampliar nuestro conocimiento sobre la biología básica de peces marinos y de agua dulce. Éstos también pueden mejorar la investigación y gestión en ciertas áreas de la ciencia aplicada, como la acuicultura, pesquerías y estudios ambientales. además, las larvas de peces pueden ser eficaces como modelos animales para comprender la evolución, el desar...

  8. Caractereisticas de la dieta de una muestra de adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad: estudio EVASYON


    Suárez, N.; Wärnberg, Julia; Zapatera, Belén; Campoy, Cristina; Martí, Amelia; Garragori, J. M.; Marcos, Ascensión


    La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en niños y adolescentes ha aumentado en los últimos años en nuestro país, liderando la prevalencia europea de obesidad infantil. El propósito de este estudio es obtener información sobre la calidad de la dieta de una muestra de adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad antes de comenzar un estudio de intervención integral de nutrición, actividad física y psicología EVASYON es un estudio multicéntrico realizado en 5 hospitales españoles (Granada, Madrid, Pamp...

  9. Globular Clusters - Guides to Galaxies

    CERN Document Server

    Richtler, Tom; Joint ESO-FONDAP Workshop on Globular Clusters


    The principal question of whether and how globular clusters can contribute to a better understanding of galaxy formation and evolution is perhaps the main driving force behind the overall endeavour of studying globular cluster systems. Naturally, this splits up into many individual problems. The objective of the Joint ESO-FONDAP Workshop on Globular Clusters - Guides to Galaxies was to bring together researchers, both observational and theoretical, to present and discuss the most recent results. Topics covered in these proceedings are: internal dynamics of globular clusters and interaction with host galaxies (tidal tails, evolution of cluster masses), accretion of globular clusters, detailed descriptions of nearby cluster systems, ultracompact dwarfs, formations of massive clusters in mergers and elsewhere, the ACS Virgo survey, galaxy formation and globular clusters, dynamics and kinematics of globular cluster systems and dark matter-related problems. With its wide coverage of the topic, this book constitute...

  10. Innovation performance and clusters : a dynamic capability perspective on regional technology clusters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Röttmer, Nicole


    This research provides a novel, empirically tested, actionable theory of cluster innovativeness. Cluster innovativeness has for long been subject of research and resulting policy efforts. The cluster's endowment with assets, such as specialized labor, firms, research institutes, existing regional

  11. Implantes dentales en pacientes adultos postrauma dentoalveolar. Estudio descriptivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edgardo González


    Conclusiones: En este estudio se presenta un protocolo establecido y se establece la necesidad de un diagnóstico detallado para planificar la rehabilitación mediante implantes dentales posterior a un trauma con un equipo multidisciplinario.

  12. Clustering of resting state networks.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Megan H Lee

    Full Text Available The goal of the study was to demonstrate a hierarchical structure of resting state activity in the healthy brain using a data-driven clustering algorithm.The fuzzy-c-means clustering algorithm was applied to resting state fMRI data in cortical and subcortical gray matter from two groups acquired separately, one of 17 healthy individuals and the second of 21 healthy individuals. Different numbers of clusters and different starting conditions were used. A cluster dispersion measure determined the optimal numbers of clusters. An inner product metric provided a measure of similarity between different clusters. The two cluster result found the task-negative and task-positive systems. The cluster dispersion measure was minimized with seven and eleven clusters. Each of the clusters in the seven and eleven cluster result was associated with either the task-negative or task-positive system. Applying the algorithm to find seven clusters recovered previously described resting state networks, including the default mode network, frontoparietal control network, ventral and dorsal attention networks, somatomotor, visual, and language networks. The language and ventral attention networks had significant subcortical involvement. This parcellation was consistently found in a large majority of algorithm runs under different conditions and was robust to different methods of initialization.The clustering of resting state activity using different optimal numbers of clusters identified resting state networks comparable to previously obtained results. This work reinforces the observation that resting state networks are hierarchically organized.

  13. The Innovation Clusters in the Developments by the Scandinavian School of Cluster Theory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Onipko Tetiana A.


    Full Text Available The article generalizes and analyzes the developments by the Scandinavian School of cluster theory (scientists from Sweden, Norway and Denmark on innovative clusters. It has been found that the Scandinavian scientists considered innovative clusters as an integral component of both the regional and the national innovation systems. It has been clarified that the efficiency of an innovative cluster depends largely on the «knowledge base». It was emphasized that innovative clusters, by facilitating interactive training and generating new ideas, stimulate the development of the «economy of training». It has been determined that the coordinating structures of innovative clusters are the institutions of cooperation that facilitate interaction between enterprises, scientific centres, and authorities. It has been specified that innovative clusters contribute to the emerging of benefits for participants, including the growing opportunities for innovation, improved conditions for establishing a business, and increased productivity. It has been concluded that the development of the inner environment of an innovative cluster depends largely on its relationships to the external environment.

  14. Esclavizada en los Estudios Poscoloniales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nellys Montenegro De la Hoz


    Full Text Available Este ensayo va a centrarse en el análisis de las formas de resis - tencia e identidad esclavizada presentes en Changó, el gran putas de Manuel Zapata Olivella, a través del análisis de los discur - sos hegemónicos y subalternos que hacían parte del sistema de poder, y la intervención de las teorías o estudios poscoloniales que cuestionan dichas perspectivas para redefinir las diferencias de las identidades contradictorias y desarrollar de esta manera literaturas deslindadas de las estructuras ideológicas y hegemónicas.

  15. Clusters of atoms and molecules theory, experiment, and clusters of atoms

    CERN Document Server


    Clusters of Atoms and Molecules is devoted to theoretical concepts and experimental techniques important in the rapidly expanding field of cluster science. Cluster properties are dicussed for clusteres composed of alkali metals, semiconductors, transition metals, carbon, oxides and halides of alkali metals, rare gases, and neutral molecules. The book is composed of several well-integrated treatments all prepared by experts. Each contribution starts out as simple as possible and ends with the latest results so that the book can serve as a text for a course, an introduction into the field, or as a reference book for the expert.

  16. Trimming and clustering sugarcane ESTs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guilherme P. Telles


    Full Text Available The original clustering procedure adopted in the Sugarcane Expressed Sequence Tag project (SUCEST had many problems, for instance too many clusters, the presence of ribosomal sequences, etc. We therefore redesigned the clustering procedure entirely, including a much more careful initial trimming of the reads. In this paper the new trimming and clustering strategies are described in detail and we give the new official figures for the project, 237,954 expressed sequence tags and 43,141 clusters.O método de clustering adotado no Projeto SUCEST (Sugarcane EST Project tinha vários problemas (muitos clusters, presença de seqüências de ribossomo etc. Nós assumimos a tarefa de reprojetar todo o processo de clustering, propondo uma "limpeza" inicial mais cuidadosa das seqüências. Neste artigo as estratégias de limpeza das seqüências e de clustering são descritas em detalhe, incluindo os números oficiais do projeto (237,954 ESTs e 43,141 clusters.

  17. Evolution of the spherical clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Surdin, V.G.


    The possible processes of the Galaxy spherical clusters formation and evolution are described on a popular level. The orbits of spherical cluster motion and their spatial velocities are determined. Given are the distrbutions of spherical cluster stars according to their velocities and the observed distribution of spherical clusters in the area of the Galaxy slow evolution. The dissipation and dynamic friction processes destructing clusters with the mass less than 10 4 of solar mass and bringing about the reduction of clusters in the Galaxy are considered. The paradox of forming mainly X-ray sources in spherical clusters is explained. The schematic image of possible ways of forming X-ray sources in spherical clusters is given

  18. Nuclear cluster states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rae, W.D.M.; Merchant, A.C.


    We review clustering in light nuclei including molecular resonances in heavy ion reactions. In particular we study the systematics, paying special attention to the relationships between cluster states and superdeformed configurations. We emphasise the selection rules which govern the formation and decay of cluster states. We review some recent experimental results from Daresbury and elsewhere. In particular we report on the evidence for a 7-α chain state in 28 Si in experiments recently performed at the NSF, Daresbury. Finally we begin to address theoretically the important question of the lifetimes of cluster states as deduced from the experimental energy widths of the resonances. (Author)

  19. Estudio de los metabolitos secundarios exudados por las hojas de Aloe barbadensis


    López González, Germán


    Debido a las numerosas propiedades terapéuticas Aloe Barbadensis, como cicatrizantes, hidratantes digestivas o anti-inflamatorias; se plantea el estudio, aislamiento y determinación estructural de los componentes de su exudado. Este se obtiene al hacer un corte en la hoja, y contiene principalmente antraquinonas y glicósidos de antronas, algunos de ellos con actividad anti-cancerígena reportada. Se realizará también un estudio biodirigido del mismo y se utilizarán técnicas como la resonancia ...

  20. Cluster size selectivity in the product distribution of ethene dehydrogenation on niobium clusters. (United States)

    Parnis, J Mark; Escobar-Cabrera, Eric; Thompson, Matthew G K; Jacula, J Paul; Lafleur, Rick D; Guevara-García, Alfredo; Martínez, Ana; Rayner, David M


    Ethene reactions with niobium atoms and clusters containing up to 25 constituent atoms have been studied in a fast-flow metal cluster reactor. The clusters react with ethene at about the gas-kinetic collision rate, indicating a barrierless association process as the cluster removal step. Exceptions are Nb8 and Nb10, for which a significantly diminished rate is observed, reflecting some cluster size selectivity. Analysis of the experimental primary product masses indicates dehydrogenation of ethene for all clusters save Nb10, yielding either Nb(n)C2H2 or Nb(n)C2. Over the range Nb-Nb6, the extent of dehydrogenation increases with cluster size, then decreases for larger clusters. For many clusters, secondary and tertiary product masses are also observed, showing varying degrees of dehydrogenation corresponding to net addition of C2H4, C2H2, or C2. With Nb atoms and several small clusters, formal addition of at least six ethene molecules is observed, suggesting a polymerization process may be active. Kinetic analysis of the Nb atom and several Nb(n) cluster reactions with ethene shows that the process is consistent with sequential addition of ethene units at rates corresponding approximately to the gas-kinetic collision frequency for several consecutive reacting ethene molecules. Some variation in the rate of ethene pick up is found, which likely reflects small energy barriers or steric constraints associated with individual mechanistic steps. Density functional calculations of structures of Nb clusters up to Nb(6), and the reaction products Nb(n)C2H2 and Nb(n)C2 (n = 1...6) are presented. Investigation of the thermochemistry for the dehydrogenation of ethene to form molecular hydrogen, for the Nb atom and clusters up to Nb6, demonstrates that the exergonicity of the formation of Nb(n)C2 species increases with cluster size over this range, which supports the proposal that the extent of dehydrogenation is determined primarily by thermodynamic constraints. Analysis of

  1. Globular clusters, old and young

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samus', N.N.


    The problem of similarity of and difference in the globular and scattered star clusters is considered. Star clusters in astronomy are related either to globular or to scattered ones according to the structure of Hertzsprung-Russell diagram constructed for star clusters, but not according to the appearance. The qlobular clusters in the Galaxy are composed of giants and subgiants, which testifies to the old age of the globular clusters. The Globular clusters in the Magellanic clouds are classified into ''red'' ones - similar to the globular clusters of the Galaxy, and ''blue'' ones - similar to them in appearance but differing extremely by the star composition and so by the age. The old star clusters are suggested to be called globular ones, while another name (''populous'', for example) is suggested to be used for other clusters similar to globular ones only in appearance

  2. Clustering at high redshifts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaver, P.A.


    Evidence for clustering of and with high-redshift QSOs is discussed. QSOs of different redshifts show no clustering, but QSOs of similar redshifts appear to be clustered on a scale comparable to that of galaxies at the present epoch. In addition, spectroscopic studies of close pairs of QSOs indicate that QSOs are surrounded by a relatively high density of absorbing matter, possibly clusters of galaxies

  3. Motricidad y cognición. Un estudio empírico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josep Morales Aznar


    Full Text Available Esta tesis es un intento de clarificar diversos aspectos sobre las dimensiones que abarca la Educación. La motricidad y la cognición son dos de estas dimensiones educativas sobre las cuales existe un amplio debate, tanto en su definición como en su posible interdependencia. Este trabajo no se centra en debates teóricos, sino que intenta aportar datos empíricos sobre dicha realidad. Dichos datos se aportan a partir de 3 estudios sobre población escolar, en cada uno de ellos la muestra se segmenta a partir del tipo de actividad física desarrollada: En el primer estudio se aplican un total de 6 pruebas a 487 sujetos de entre 9 y 16 años. Los ámbitos a los que pertenecen las pruebas son: perceptivo-motor, expresión gráfica y rendimiento académico. La segmentación de la muestra más interesante que se realiza en este estudio es la distinción entre los individuos que realizan actividades extraescolares y los que no. El segundo estudio se realiza también con población escolar, pero en este caso son 241 individuos que practican deporte de alto rendimiento. Las pruebas aplicadas son las mismas que en el estudio anterior pero añadiendo dos pruebas del ámbito técnico-táctico. El tercer estudio es un trabajo meramente estadístico, ya que la muestra corresponde a los dos anteriores, en el que se realiza una comparación sobre los datos más relevantes. Posteriormente, en el apartado de conclusiones y discusión, se ofrecen aportaciones que giran alrededor de los vínculos que se pueden establecer entre los di­ferentes ámbitos y la implicación que tiene el tipo de práctica física desarrollada en relación con las pruebas analizadas. En concreto, se confirma una evolución de los resultados de todas las pruebas en consonancia con el aumento de la edad de los sujetos. No queda definida la relación entre la operatividad en tareas que implican a la motricidad global y las que implican a la motricidad fina. El ámbito de la motricidad

  4. Clustering high dimensional data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Assent, Ira


    High-dimensional data, i.e., data described by a large number of attributes, pose specific challenges to clustering. The so-called ‘curse of dimensionality’, coined originally to describe the general increase in complexity of various computational problems as dimensionality increases, is known...... to render traditional clustering algorithms ineffective. The curse of dimensionality, among other effects, means that with increasing number of dimensions, a loss of meaningful differentiation between similar and dissimilar objects is observed. As high-dimensional objects appear almost alike, new approaches...... for clustering are required. Consequently, recent research has focused on developing techniques and clustering algorithms specifically for high-dimensional data. Still, open research issues remain. Clustering is a data mining task devoted to the automatic grouping of data based on mutual similarity. Each cluster...

  5. Performance criteria for graph clustering and Markov cluster experiments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    S. van Dongen


    textabstractIn~[1] a cluster algorithm for graphs was introduced called the Markov cluster algorithm or MCL~algorithm. The algorithm is based on simulation of (stochastic) flow in graphs by means of alternation of two operators, expansion and inflation. The results in~[2] establish an intrinsic

  6. Elementos para evaluar planes de estudio en la educación superior

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leda María Roldán Santamaría


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los lineamientos para generar una propuesta de evaluación curricular de un plan de estudios en el ámbito de la educación universitaria. Identifica la importancia que tiene este proceso para la institución con el fin de analizar las debilidades y fortalezas, con miras a la toma de decisiones para su actualización. En la propuesta se responde el por qué y para qué se debe evaluar; los beneficios que los usuarios recibirán de esa actualización; la concreción de elementos del plan de estudios por evaluar; la definición de las variables que se aplicarán en la evaluación de los elementos externos e internos. Se proponen cuáles son los sectores sociales que deben involucrarse en dicha evaluación; se analiza el momento adecuado para realizar la evaluación y cada cuanto debe aplicarse, se establece un plan estratégico para aplicar la evaluación y se presentan las sugerencias de los usos que se le pueda dar a la información recopilada con la evaluación. Evaluar un plan de estudios permite descubrir las necesidades de cambio de los planes de estudio; el establecimiento de los lineamientos para su actualización y el tiempo en que se debe cumplir con la misma para que el plan no pierda vigencia

  7. Electronic structure of metal clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wertheim, G.K.


    Photoemission spectra of valence electrons in metal clusters, together with threshold ionization potential measurements, provide a coherent picture of the development of the electronic structure from the isolated atom to the large metallic cluster. An insulator-metal transition occurs at an intermediate cluster size, which serves to define the boundary between small and large clusters. Although the outer electrons may be delocalized over the entire cluster, a small cluster remains insulating until the density of states near the Fermi level exceeds 1/kT. In large clusters, with increasing cluster size, the band structure approaches that of the bulk metal. However, the bands remain significantly narrowed even in a 1000-atom cluster, giving an indication of the importance of long-range order. The core-electron binding-energy shifts of supported metal clusters depend on changes in the band structure in the initial state, as well as on various final-state effects, including changes in core hole screening and the coulomb energy of the final-state charge. For cluster supported on amorphous carbon, this macroscopic coulomb shift is often dominant, as evidenced by the parallel shifts of the core-electron binding energy and the Fermi edge. Auger data confirm that final-state effects dominate in cluster of Sn and some other metals. Surface atom core-level shifts provide a valuable guide to the contributions of initial-state changes in band structure to cluster core-electron binding energy shifts, especially for Au and Pt. The available data indicate that the shift observed in supported, metallic clusters arise largely from the charge left on the cluster by photoemission. As the metal-insulator transition is approached from above, metallic screening is suppressed and the shift is determined by the local environment. (orig.)

  8. El “Estudio del Rechazo”: mujeres a las que no se les permite abortar = Turnaway Study


    Foster, Diana Greene; Barar, Rana; Weitz, Tracy; Heather, Gould; Weisz, Elissete


    El Turnaway Study o Estudio del Rechazo, es un estudio longitudinal prospectivo sobre mujeres a quienes se realiza un aborto y mujeres a quienes se les niega debido a que se presentan a recibir tratamiento después del límite de semanas de gestación establecido por la clínica. El estudio está encaminado a describir la salud mental y física y los resultados socioeconómicos de la realización de un aborto en comparación con llevar a término un embarazo indeseado.

  9. Globular clusters - Fads and fallacies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    White, R.E.


    The types of globular clusters observed in the Milky Way Galaxy are described together with their known characteristics, with special attention given to correcting the erroneous statements made earlier about globular clusters. Among these are the following statements: the Galaxy is surrounded by many hundreds of globular clusters; all globular clusters are located toward the Galactic center, all globular clusters are metal poor and move about the Galaxy in highly elliptical paths; all globular clusters contain RR Lyrae-type variable stars, and the RR Lyrae stars found outside of globulars have come from cluster dissolution or ejection; all of the stars in a given cluster were born at the same time and have the same chemical composition; X-ray globulars are powered by central black holes; and the luminosity functions for globular clusters are well defined and well determined. Consideration is given to the fact that globular clusters in the Magellanic Clouds differ from those in the Milky Way by their age distribution and that the globulars of the SMC differ from those of the LMC

  10. Studies of pyrolysis kinetics of sewage sludge obtained from dynamic experiments; Estudio cinetico de la pirolisis de fangos mediante experimentos dinamicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arauzo, J; Gonzalo, A; Sanchez, J L [Universidad de Zaragoza, Madrid (Spain). Inst. de Investigacion en Ingenieria de Aragon. Grupo de Procesos Termoquimicos; Resende, F L.P. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (United States). Dept. of Chemical Engineering; Rocha, J D [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP (Brazil). Nucleo Interdisciplinar de Planejamento Energetico (NIPE); Mesa Perez, J M [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP (Brazil). Fac. de Engenharia Agricola


    In this work, a pyrolysis model is presented in order to describe the pyrolysis kinetics of sewage sludge. Data were obtained from dynamic experiments, at heating rates of 5 to 20 deg C/min and in a temperature range of 40 to 900 deg C. A simple first order or near first order can predict reasonably well the final conversion reached, but, in what concerns the weight loss rate, a simple model cannot predict the peaks obtained in the weight loss rate. As it is shown, the best fit has been obtained by a model which takes into account four fractions which decompose independently following a first order kinetics. (author)

  11. La iconografía neogranadina y el estudio del miedo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Rosario Leal del Castillo


    Full Text Available For some time, visual images have been taken momentousness as historical sources, giving the possibility to make studies in mentality history. This article shows how to use religious iconography as a historical source, intermingled with other written documents, and analyzed from different fields, directed to the study of fear across transplanted imaginaries.//Desde hace algún tiempo, las imágenes visuales han cobrado importancia como fuente histórica, brindando la posibilidad de realizar estudios imbuidos en la historia de las mentalidades. Este artículo describe cómo utilizar la iconografía religiosa como fuente histórica, entrelazada con otros documentos escritos y analizados desde diversas disciplinas, para el estudio de! miedo a través de imaginarios trasplantados.

  12. The C4 clustering algorithm: Clusters of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miller, Christopher J.; Nichol, Robert; Reichart, Dan; Wechsler, Risa H.; Evrard, August; Annis, James; McKay, Timothy; Bahcall, Neta; Bernardi, Mariangela; Boehringer,; Connolly, Andrew; Goto, Tomo; Kniazev, Alexie; Lamb, Donald; Postman, Marc; Schneider, Donald; Sheth, Ravi; Voges, Wolfgang; /Cerro-Tololo InterAmerican Obs. /Portsmouth U.,


    We present the ''C4 Cluster Catalog'', a new sample of 748 clusters of galaxies identified in the spectroscopic sample of the Second Data Release (DR2) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The C4 cluster-finding algorithm identifies clusters as overdensities in a seven-dimensional position and color space, thus minimizing projection effects that have plagued previous optical cluster selection. The present C4 catalog covers {approx}2600 square degrees of sky and ranges in redshift from z = 0.02 to z = 0.17. The mean cluster membership is 36 galaxies (with redshifts) brighter than r = 17.7, but the catalog includes a range of systems, from groups containing 10 members to massive clusters with over 200 cluster members with redshifts. The catalog provides a large number of measured cluster properties including sky location, mean redshift, galaxy membership, summed r-band optical luminosity (L{sub r}), velocity dispersion, as well as quantitative measures of substructure and the surrounding large-scale environment. We use new, multi-color mock SDSS galaxy catalogs, empirically constructed from the {Lambda}CDM Hubble Volume (HV) Sky Survey output, to investigate the sensitivity of the C4 catalog to the various algorithm parameters (detection threshold, choice of passbands and search aperture), as well as to quantify the purity and completeness of the C4 cluster catalog. These mock catalogs indicate that the C4 catalog is {approx_equal}90% complete and 95% pure above M{sub 200} = 1 x 10{sup 14} h{sup -1}M{sub {circle_dot}} and within 0.03 {le} z {le} 0.12. Using the SDSS DR2 data, we show that the C4 algorithm finds 98% of X-ray identified clusters and 90% of Abell clusters within 0.03 {le} z {le} 0.12. Using the mock galaxy catalogs and the full HV dark matter simulations, we show that the L{sub r} of a cluster is a more robust estimator of the halo mass (M{sub 200}) than the galaxy line-of-sight velocity dispersion or the richness of the cluster

  13. Seizure clusters: characteristics and treatment. (United States)

    Haut, Sheryl R


    Many patients with epilepsy experience 'clusters' or flurries of seizures, also termed acute repetitive seizures (ARS). Seizure clustering has a significant impact on health and quality of life. This review summarizes recent advances in the definition and neurophysiologic understanding of clustering, the epidemiology and risk factors for clustering and both inpatient and outpatient clinical implications. New treatments for seizure clustering/ARS are perhaps the area of greatest recent progress. Efforts have focused on creating a uniform definition of a seizure cluster. In neurophysiologic studies of refractory epilepsy, seizures within a cluster appear to be self-triggering. Clinical progress has been achieved towards a more precise prevalence of clustering, and consensus guidelines for epilepsy monitoring unit safety. The greatest recent advances are in the study of nonintravenous route of benzodiazepines as rescue medications for seizure clusters/ARS. Rectal benzodiazepines have been very effective but barriers to use exist. New data on buccal, intramuscular and intranasal preparations are anticipated to lead to a greater number of approved treatments. Progesterone may be effective for women who experience catamenial clusters. Seizure clustering is common, particularly in the setting of medically refractory epilepsy. Clustering worsens health and quality of life, and the field requires greater focus on clarifying of definition and clinical implications. Progress towards the development of nonintravenous routes of benzodiazepines has the potential to improve care in this area.

  14. Clustering and segregation of small vacancy clusters near tungsten (0 0 1) surface (United States)

    Duan, Guohua; Li, Xiangyan; Xu, Yichun; Zhang, Yange; Jiang, Yan; Hao, Congyu; Liu, C. S.; Fang, Q. F.; Chen, Jun-Ling; Luo, G.-N.; Wang, Zhiguang


    Nanoporous metals have been shown to exhibit radiation-tolerance due to the trapping of the defects by the surface. However, the behavior of vacancy clusters near the surface is not clear which involves the competition between the self-trapping and segregation of small vacancy clusters (Vn) nearby the surface. In this study, we investigated the energetic and kinetic properties of small vacancy clusters near tungsten (0 0 1) surface by combining molecular statics (MS) calculations and object Kinetic Monte Carlo (OKMC) simulations. Results show that vacancies could be clustered with the reduced formation energy and migration energy of the single vacancy around a cluster as the respective energetic and kinetic driving forces. The small cluster has a migration energy barrier comparable to that for the single vacancy; the migration energy barriers for V1-5 and V7 are 1.80, 1.94, 2.17, 2.78, 3.12 and 3.11 eV, respectively. Clusters and become unstable near surface (0 0 1) and tend to dissociate into the surface. At the operation temperature of 1000 K, the single vacancy, V2, 2 V 3 V3 and V4 were observed to segregate to the surface within a time of one hour. Meanwhile, larger clusters survived near the surface, which could serve as nucleating center for voids near the surface. Our results suggest that under a low radiation dose, surface (0 0 1) could act as a sink for small vacancy clusters, alleviating defect accumulation in the material under a low radiation dose. We also obtained several empirical expressions for the vacancy cluster formation energy, binding energy, and trapping radius as a function of the number of vacancies in the cluster.

  15. Clustering on Membranes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johannes, Ludger; Pezeshkian, Weria; Ipsen, John H


    Clustering of extracellular ligands and proteins on the plasma membrane is required to perform specific cellular functions, such as signaling and endocytosis. Attractive forces that originate in perturbations of the membrane's physical properties contribute to this clustering, in addition to direct...... protein-protein interactions. However, these membrane-mediated forces have not all been equally considered, despite their importance. In this review, we describe how line tension, lipid depletion, and membrane curvature contribute to membrane-mediated clustering. Additional attractive forces that arise...... from protein-induced perturbation of a membrane's fluctuations are also described. This review aims to provide a survey of the current understanding of membrane-mediated clustering and how this supports precise biological functions....

  16. Estudio de caso: estrategias internacionales aplicadas a la empresa Astro Maquinaria Ltda.


    Araujo Peñate, Ana Maria; Piza Mora, Juan David; Velasco Zamora, Maria Ximena


    En el estudio de caso se podrá encontrar información relacionada a la empresa ASTRO MAQUINARIA Ltda. la cual lleva más de 20 años en el mercado, generando soluciones a las necesidades de maquinaria y equipos, especialmente en el área de bombeo. Desde el principio la empresa ha estado importando desde Estados Unidos el portafolio de productos que ofrecen, actualmente tienen la representación comercial de la empresa Pentair Pump Group. Este estudio de caso pretende identificar cual es la estrat...

  17. Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. VI. Age distribution and cluster formation history (United States)

    Piskunov, A. E.; Just, A.; Kharchenko, N. V.; Berczik, P.; Scholz, R.-D.; Reffert, S.; Yen, S. X.


    Context. The all-sky Milky Way Star Clusters (MWSC) survey provides uniform and precise ages, along with other relevant parameters, for a wide variety of clusters in the extended solar neighbourhood. Aims: In this study we aim to construct the cluster age distribution, investigate its spatial variations, and discuss constraints on cluster formation scenarios of the Galactic disk during the last 5 Gyrs. Methods: Due to the spatial extent of the MWSC, we have considered spatial variations of the age distribution along galactocentric radius RG, and along Z-axis. For the analysis of the age distribution we used 2242 clusters, which all lie within roughly 2.5 kpc of the Sun. To connect the observed age distribution to the cluster formation history we built an analytical model based on simple assumptions on the cluster initial mass function and on the cluster mass-lifetime relation, fit it to the observations, and determined the parameters of the cluster formation law. Results: Comparison with the literature shows that earlier results strongly underestimated the number of evolved clusters with ages t ≳ 100 Myr. Recent studies based on all-sky catalogues agree better with our data, but still lack the oldest clusters with ages t ≳ 1 Gyr. We do not observe a strong variation in the age distribution along RG, though we find an enhanced fraction of older clusters (t > 1 Gyr) in the inner disk. In contrast, the distribution strongly varies along Z. The high altitude distribution practically does not contain clusters with t < 1 Gyr. With simple assumptions on the cluster formation history, the cluster initial mass function and the cluster lifetime we can reproduce the observations. The cluster formation rate and the cluster lifetime are strongly degenerate, which does not allow us to disentangle different formation scenarios. In all cases the cluster formation rate is strongly declining with time, and the cluster initial mass function is very shallow at the high mass end.

  18. Integration K-Means Clustering Method and Elbow Method For Identification of The Best Customer Profile Cluster (United States)

    Syakur, M. A.; Khotimah, B. K.; Rochman, E. M. S.; Satoto, B. D.


    Clustering is a data mining technique used to analyse data that has variations and the number of lots. Clustering was process of grouping data into a cluster, so they contained data that is as similar as possible and different from other cluster objects. SMEs Indonesia has a variety of customers, but SMEs do not have the mapping of these customers so they did not know which customers are loyal or otherwise. Customer mapping is a grouping of customer profiling to facilitate analysis and policy of SMEs in the production of goods, especially batik sales. Researchers will use a combination of K-Means method with elbow to improve efficient and effective k-means performance in processing large amounts of data. K-Means Clustering is a localized optimization method that is sensitive to the selection of the starting position from the midpoint of the cluster. So choosing the starting position from the midpoint of a bad cluster will result in K-Means Clustering algorithm resulting in high errors and poor cluster results. The K-means algorithm has problems in determining the best number of clusters. So Elbow looks for the best number of clusters on the K-means method. Based on the results obtained from the process in determining the best number of clusters with elbow method can produce the same number of clusters K on the amount of different data. The result of determining the best number of clusters with elbow method will be the default for characteristic process based on case study. Measurement of k-means value of k-means has resulted in the best clusters based on SSE values on 500 clusters of batik visitors. The result shows the cluster has a sharp decrease is at K = 3, so K as the cut-off point as the best cluster.

  19. Cosmology with clusters in the CMB

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Majumdar, Subhabrata


    Ever since the seminal work by Sunyaev and Zel'dovich describing the distortion of the CMB spectrum, due to photons passing through the hot inter cluster gas on its way to us from the surface of last scattering (the so called Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE)), small scale distortions of the CMB by clusters has been used to detect clusters as well as to do cosmology with clusters. Cosmology with clusters in the CMB can be divided into three distinct regimes: a) when the clusters are completely unresolved and contribute to the secondary CMB distortions power spectrum at small angular scales; b) when we can just about resolve the clusters so as to detect the clusters through its total SZE flux such that the clusters can be tagged and counted for doing cosmology and c) when we can completely resolve the clusters so as to measure their sizes and other cluster structural properties and their evolution with redshift. In this article, we take a look at these three aspects of SZE cluster studies and their implication for using clusters as cosmological probes. We show that clusters can be used as effective probes of cosmology, when in all of these three cases, one explores the synergy between cluster physics and cosmology as well take clues about cluster physics from the latest high precision cluster observations (for example, from Chandra and XMM - Newton). As a specific case, we show how an observationally motivated cluster SZ template can explain the CBI-excess without the need for a high σ 8 . We also briefly discuss 'self-calibration' in cluster surveys and the prospect of using clusters as an ensemble of cosmic rulers to break degeneracies arising in cluster cosmology.






  1. La evaluación procesual del currículo y su efecto en el plan de estudios de una carrera de pregrado de la PUCP. Estudio de caso.


    Manrique Villavicencio, Lileya


    Existe una renovada preocupación por la calidad de la formación en las instituciones de educación superior. Ello exige implantar procesos de evaluación continua. La investigación tuvo como problema: ¿Cómo se desarrolla la evaluación procesual de currículo y la toma de decisiones que conducen a modificaciones en el plan de estudios en una carrera de pregrado de la PUCP, considerando la caracterización de los cambios en el Plan de estudios de las diversas carreras de la PUCP?. Se buscó comprend...

  2. K-means Clustering: Lloyd's algorithm

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Overview Graphics. K-means Clustering: Lloyd's algorithm. Refines clusters iteratively. Cluster points using Voronoi partitioning of the centers; Centroids of the clusters determine the new centers. Bad example k = 3, n =4.

  3. Estudio del álbum sin palabras


    Bosch Andreu, Emma


    [spa] Estudio del Álbum Sin Palabras tiene como objetivo principal definir, analizar y categorizar los álbumes sin palabras destinados principalmente al público infantil y juvenil dando a conocer sus características, peculiariades y diversidad tipológica, para facilitar las tareas de análisis y de mediación de investigadores, educadores, bibliotecarios y cualquier persona interesada en los libros con imágenes. En el capítulo titulado «Un nuevo mapa para los Libros Sin Palabras» situamos e...

  4. Structure and bonding in clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, V.


    We review here the recent progress made in the understanding of the electronic and atomic structure of small clusters of s-p bonded materials using the density functional molecular dynamics technique within the local density approximation. Starting with a brief description of the method, results are presented for alkali metal clusters, clusters of divalent metals such as Mg and Be which show a transition from van der Waals or weak chemical bonding to metallic behaviour as the cluster size grows and clusters of Al, Sn and Sb. In the case of semiconductors, we discuss results for Si, Ge and GaAs clusters. Clusters of other materials such as P, C, S, and Se are also briefly discussed. From these and other available results we suggest the possibility of unique structures for the magic clusters. (author). 69 refs, 7 figs, 1 tab


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    Manuel Ildefonso Ruiz Medina


    Full Text Available La finalidad del presente documento, es orientar a los investigadores de estudios fiscales basado en la experiencia personal de quienes escriben, a encontrar los mecanismos aptos para elaborar sus tesis doctorales mediante un enfoque mixto, es decir, mediante la combinación de los enfoques cuantitativo y cualitativo; en primera instancia, en nuestro trabajo de investigación se aplicó el enfoque cuantitativo para determinar resultados numéricos utilizando la técnica de la encuesta, cualitativamente se recurrió a la tradición de estudio de caso y a entrevistas abiertas a los sujetos de la investigación, lo que permitió confirmar el marco teórico y alcanzar los objetivos planteados, la intención era explicar, describir y explorar información de un programa específico de una política pública. En los estudios fiscales dependiendo del enfoque que se haya seleccionado una vez elaborados los objetivos, el investigador debe tener muy en cuenta que los resultados que obtenga deben ser claramente analizados y que deben reflejar confiabilidad y validez; probablemente al escoger el enfoque cualitativo se alcancen los objetivos propuestos, pero si no se tiene la certeza o la confianza suficiente, es recomendable ir más allá y utilizar el enfoque cuantitativo para ofrecer claridad y confianza a los resultados.

  6. Scalable Density-Based Subspace Clustering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Müller, Emmanuel; Assent, Ira; Günnemann, Stephan


    For knowledge discovery in high dimensional databases, subspace clustering detects clusters in arbitrary subspace projections. Scalability is a crucial issue, as the number of possible projections is exponential in the number of dimensions. We propose a scalable density-based subspace clustering...... method that steers mining to few selected subspace clusters. Our novel steering technique reduces subspace processing by identifying and clustering promising subspaces and their combinations directly. Thereby, it narrows down the search space while maintaining accuracy. Thorough experiments on real...... and synthetic databases show that steering is efficient and scalable, with high quality results. For future work, our steering paradigm for density-based subspace clustering opens research potential for speeding up other subspace clustering approaches as well....

  7. Cluster structures in light nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horiuchi, H.


    Complete text of publication follows. Clustering in neutron-rich nuclei is discussed. To understand the novel features (1,2,3) of the clustering in neutron-rich nuclei, the basic features of the clustering in stable nuclei (4) are briefly reviewed. In neutron-rich nuclei, the requirement of the stability of clusters is questioned and the threshold rule is no more obeyed. Examples of clustering in Be and B isotopes (4,5) are discussed in some detail. Possible existence of novel type of clustering near neutron dripline is suggested (1). (author)

  8. Data clustering algorithms and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Aggarwal, Charu C


    Research on the problem of clustering tends to be fragmented across the pattern recognition, database, data mining, and machine learning communities. Addressing this problem in a unified way, Data Clustering: Algorithms and Applications provides complete coverage of the entire area of clustering, from basic methods to more refined and complex data clustering approaches. It pays special attention to recent issues in graphs, social networks, and other domains.The book focuses on three primary aspects of data clustering: Methods, describing key techniques commonly used for clustering, such as fea

  9. BioCluster: Tool for Identification and Clustering of Enterobacteriaceae Based on Biochemical Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmed Abdullah


    Full Text Available Presumptive identification of different Enterobacteriaceae species is routinely achieved based on biochemical properties. Traditional practice includes manual comparison of each biochemical property of the unknown sample with known reference samples and inference of its identity based on the maximum similarity pattern with the known samples. This process is labor-intensive, time-consuming, error-prone, and subjective. Therefore, automation of sorting and similarity in calculation would be advantageous. Here we present a MATLAB-based graphical user interface (GUI tool named BioCluster. This tool was designed for automated clustering and identification of Enterobacteriaceae based on biochemical test results. In this tool, we used two types of algorithms, i.e., traditional hierarchical clustering (HC and the Improved Hierarchical Clustering (IHC, a modified algorithm that was developed specifically for the clustering and identification of Enterobacteriaceae species. IHC takes into account the variability in result of 1–47 biochemical tests within this Enterobacteriaceae family. This tool also provides different options to optimize the clustering in a user-friendly way. Using computer-generated synthetic data and some real data, we have demonstrated that BioCluster has high accuracy in clustering and identifying enterobacterial species based on biochemical test data. This tool can be freely downloaded at

  10. Marketing research cluster analysis


    Marić Nebojša


    One area of applications of cluster analysis in marketing is identification of groups of cities and towns with similar demographic profiles. This paper considers main aspects of cluster analysis by an example of clustering 12 cities with the use of Minitab software.

  11. Reduct Driven Pattern Extraction from Clusters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shuchita Upadhyaya


    Full Text Available Clustering algorithms give general description of clusters, listing number of clusters and member entities in those clusters. However, these algorithms lack in generating cluster description in the form of pattern. From data mining perspective, pattern learning from clusters is as important as cluster finding. In the proposed approach, reduct derived from rough set theory is employed for pattern formulation. Further, reduct are the set of attributes which distinguishes the entities in a homogenous cluster, hence these can be clear cut removed from the same. Remaining attributes are then ranked for their contribution in the cluster. Pattern is formulated with the conjunction of most contributing attributes such that pattern distinctively describes the cluster with minimum error.

  12. The interaction of super-intense ultra-short laser pulse and micro-clusters with large atomic clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miao Jingwei; Yang Chaowen; An Zhu; Yuan Xuedong; Sun Weiguo; Luo Xiaobing; Wang Hu; Bai Lixing; Shi Miangong; Miao Lei; Zhen Zhijian; Gu Yuqin; Liu Hongjie; Zhu Zhouseng; Sun Liwei; Liao Xuehua


    The fusion mechanism of large deuterium clusters (100-1000 Atoms/per cluster) in super-intense ultra-short laser pulse field, Coulomb explosions of micro-cluster in solids, gases and Large-size clusters have been studied using the interaction of a high-intensity femtosecond laser pulses with large deuterium clusters, collision of high-quality beam of micro-cluster from 2.5 MV van de Graaff accelerator with solids, gases and large clusters. The experimental advance of the project is reported. (authors)

  13. Clustering-based classification of road traffic accidents using hierarchical clustering and artificial neural networks. (United States)

    Taamneh, Madhar; Taamneh, Salah; Alkheder, Sharaf


    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been widely used in predicting the severity of road traffic crashes. All available information about previously occurred accidents is typically used for building a single prediction model (i.e., classifier). Too little attention has been paid to the differences between these accidents, leading, in most cases, to build less accurate predictors. Hierarchical clustering is a well-known clustering method that seeks to group data by creating a hierarchy of clusters. Using hierarchical clustering and ANNs, a clustering-based classification approach for predicting the injury severity of road traffic accidents was proposed. About 6000 road accidents occurred over a six-year period from 2008 to 2013 in Abu Dhabi were used throughout this study. In order to reduce the amount of variation in data, hierarchical clustering was applied on the data set to organize it into six different forms, each with different number of clusters (i.e., clusters from 1 to 6). Two ANN models were subsequently built for each cluster of accidents in each generated form. The first model was built and validated using all accidents (training set), whereas only 66% of the accidents were used to build the second model, and the remaining 34% were used to test it (percentage split). Finally, the weighted average accuracy was computed for each type of models in each from of data. The results show that when testing the models using the training set, clustering prior to classification achieves (11%-16%) more accuracy than without using clustering, while the percentage split achieves (2%-5%) more accuracy. The results also suggest that partitioning the accidents into six clusters achieves the best accuracy if both types of models are taken into account.

  14. Redes de colaboración científica en los estudios territoriales

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    Yuritzi Becerril-Tinoco


    Full Text Available Se presenta una investigación sobre la colaboración científica en el área de los estudios territoriales. Se retoma el enfoque de la teoría de redes sociales y de sistemas complejos, ampliamente desarrollado por Loet Leydesdorff. A través de un análisis estadístico basado en fuentes como Redalyc, Scopus, Web of Science y Scielo, se muestran las pautas de colaboración en el campo de estudios territoriales y se señala que existe relación entre el incremento de la literatura de este campo y la publicación en colaboración. Finalmente se presentan los indicadores generales de producción científica de una revista de esta área temática, Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, y se contrastan los resultados con la tendencia general en América Latina. La investigación muestra que los estudios urbano-regionales constituyen un campo altamente colaborativo.

  15. NCG61/33: Plan de Estudios de M??ster en Educaci??n Musical, una Perspectiva Multidisciplinar


    Universidad de Granada


    Plan de Estudios de M??ster en Educaci??n Musical, una Perspectiva Multidisciplinar. Resoluci??n de 5 de marzo de 2012, de la Universidad de Granada, por la que se publica el plan de estudios de M??ster en Educaci??n Musical, una Perspectiva Multidisciplinar

  16. Star clusters in evolving galaxies (United States)

    Renaud, Florent


    Their ubiquity and extreme densities make star clusters probes of prime importance of galaxy evolution. Old globular clusters keep imprints of the physical conditions of their assembly in the early Universe, and younger stellar objects, observationally resolved, tell us about the mechanisms at stake in their formation. Yet, we still do not understand the diversity involved: why is star cluster formation limited to 105M⊙ objects in the Milky Way, while some dwarf galaxies like NGC 1705 are able to produce clusters 10 times more massive? Why do dwarfs generally host a higher specific frequency of clusters than larger galaxies? How to connect the present-day, often resolved, stellar systems to the formation of globular clusters at high redshift? And how do these links depend on the galactic and cosmological environments of these clusters? In this review, I present recent advances on star cluster formation and evolution, in galactic and cosmological context. The emphasis is put on the theory, formation scenarios and the effects of the environment on the evolution of the global properties of clusters. A few open questions are identified.

  17. Statistical Significance for Hierarchical Clustering (United States)

    Kimes, Patrick K.; Liu, Yufeng; Hayes, D. Neil; Marron, J. S.


    Summary Cluster analysis has proved to be an invaluable tool for the exploratory and unsupervised analysis of high dimensional datasets. Among methods for clustering, hierarchical approaches have enjoyed substantial popularity in genomics and other fields for their ability to simultaneously uncover multiple layers of clustering structure. A critical and challenging question in cluster analysis is whether the identified clusters represent important underlying structure or are artifacts of natural sampling variation. Few approaches have been proposed for addressing this problem in the context of hierarchical clustering, for which the problem is further complicated by the natural tree structure of the partition, and the multiplicity of tests required to parse the layers of nested clusters. In this paper, we propose a Monte Carlo based approach for testing statistical significance in hierarchical clustering which addresses these issues. The approach is implemented as a sequential testing procedure guaranteeing control of the family-wise error rate. Theoretical justification is provided for our approach, and its power to detect true clustering structure is illustrated through several simulation studies and applications to two cancer gene expression datasets. PMID:28099990

  18. Marketing research cluster analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marić Nebojša


    Full Text Available One area of applications of cluster analysis in marketing is identification of groups of cities and towns with similar demographic profiles. This paper considers main aspects of cluster analysis by an example of clustering 12 cities with the use of Minitab software.

  19. Coma cluster of galaxies (United States)


    Atlas Image mosaic, covering 34' x 34' on the sky, of the Coma cluster, aka Abell 1656. This is a particularly rich cluster of individual galaxies (over 1000 members), most prominently the two giant ellipticals, NGC 4874 (right) and NGC 4889 (left). The remaining members are mostly smaller ellipticals, but spiral galaxies are also evident in the 2MASS image. The cluster is seen toward the constellation Coma Berenices, but is actually at a distance of about 100 Mpc (330 million light years, or a redshift of 0.023) from us. At this distance, the cluster is in what is known as the 'Hubble flow,' or the overall expansion of the Universe. As such, astronomers can measure the Hubble Constant, or the universal expansion rate, based on the distance to this cluster. Large, rich clusters, such as Coma, allow astronomers to measure the 'missing mass,' i.e., the matter in the cluster that we cannot see, since it gravitationally influences the motions of the member galaxies within the cluster. The near-infrared maps the overall luminous mass content of the member galaxies, since the light at these wavelengths is dominated by the more numerous older stellar populations. Galaxies, as seen by 2MASS, look fairly smooth and homogeneous, as can be seen from the Hubble 'tuning fork' diagram of near-infrared galaxy morphology. Image mosaic by S. Van Dyk (IPAC).

  20. Estudio comparativo de los Lenguajes de Programación Algebráicos SQL 2005 y Oracle


    García Díaz, Bertila Liduvina


    Estudio comparativo de los lenguajes de programación algebraicos SQL 2005 y ORACLE. El objetivo de esta investigación es realizar un estudio comparativo a nivel práctico de ambos Lenguajes algebraicos y profundizar en un tema que corresponde al curso de Base de Datos a mi cargo. Para recopilar los datos de este estudio se creé una Base de Datos en cada uno de los Lenguajes y se comprobó a nivel del Lenguaje de definición de datos (DDL), Lenguaje de manipulación de datos (DML) y Leng...

  1. Clusters in nuclei. Vol. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beck, Christian


    Following the pioneering discovery of alpha clustering and of molecular resonances, the field of nuclear clustering is presently one of the domains of heavy-ion nuclear physics facing both the greatest challenges and opportunities. After many summer schools and workshops, in particular over the last decade, the community of nuclear molecular physics decided to team up in producing a comprehensive collection of lectures and tutorial reviews covering the field. This first volume, gathering seven extensive lectures, covers the follow topics: - Cluster Radioactivity - Cluster States and Mean Field Theories - Alpha Clustering and Alpha Condensates - Clustering in Neutron-rich Nuclei - Di-neutron Clustering - Collective Clusterization in Nuclei - Giant Nuclear Molecules By promoting new ideas and developments while retaining a pedagogical nature of presentation throughout, these lectures will both serve as a reference and as advanced teaching material for future courses and schools in the fields of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics. (orig.)

  2. La actuación y los Estudios Literarios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karina Mauro


    de los estudios literarios en la investigación sobre la Actuación a partir del análisis de los conceptos de representación y mimesis aristotélica y de los problemas que acarrea la aplicación de estos conceptos en el análisis de la acción del actor en escena.

  3. Clusters in simple fluids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sator, N.


    This article concerns the correspondence between thermodynamics and the morphology of simple fluids in terms of clusters. Definitions of clusters providing a geometric interpretation of the liquid-gas phase transition are reviewed with an eye to establishing their physical relevance. The author emphasizes their main features and basic hypotheses, and shows how these definitions lead to a recent approach based on self-bound clusters. Although theoretical, this tutorial review is also addressed to readers interested in experimental aspects of clustering in simple fluids

  4. Estudio sobre encofrados de madera modernos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    de la Peña Aznar, Juan M.


    Full Text Available The author continues the development of the subject «Modern Timber Formwork», by summing up the comparative examination —already carried out in Part III of this Study— of the different types of glued timber existing on the market. In addition, the loads and stresses allowable for coniferous timber and the proposal for establishing Regulations for the Timber Section of the Research and Experimental Forestry Institute of Spain are given. In part V of the author's Study, published in this article, the important subject of the glues used for joining timber, a truly vital point in order to obtain louvered timber beams which are simply glued together, is approached.

    El autor continúa el desarrollo del tema sobre «Encofrados de madera modernos», resumiendo el estudio comparativo —ya hecho en la Parte III de este Estudio— de las diferentes vigas de madera encolada existentes en el mercado dando, además, las cargas y tensiones admisibles para maderas coníferas y la propuesta de Reglamentación de la Sección de Maderas del Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias de España. En la parte V del Estudio del autor, publicada en este articulo, se aborda el importante tema de las colas empleadas para las uniones de madera, algo realmente vital para la obtención de vigas de madera en celosía simplemente encoladas.

  5. Estudio sobre encofrados de madera modernos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    de la Peña Aznar, Juan M.


    Full Text Available The author continues the development of the subject «Modern Timber Formwork», by summing up the comparative examination —already carried out in Part III of this Study— of the different types of glued timber existing on the market. In addition, the loads and stresses allovk/able for coniferous timber and the proposal for establishing Regulations for the Timber Section of the Research and Experimental Forestry Institute of Spain are given. In part V of the author's Study, published in this article, the important subject of the glues used for joining timber, a truly vital point in order to obtain louvered timber beams which are simply glued together, is approached.

    El autor continúa el desarrollo del tema sobre «Encofrados de madera modernos», resumiendo el estudio comparativo —ya hecho en la Parte III de este Estudio— de las diferentes vigas de madera encolada existentes en el mercado dando, además, las cargas y tensiones admisibles para maderas coníferas y la propuesta de Reglamentación de la Sección de Maderas del Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias de España. En la parte V del Estudio del autor, publicada en este artículo, se aborda el importante tema de las colas empleadas para las uniones de madera, algo realmente vital para la obtención de vigas de madera en celosía simplemente encoladas.

  6. Progressive Exponential Clustering-Based Steganography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Yue


    Full Text Available Cluster indexing-based steganography is an important branch of data-hiding techniques. Such schemes normally achieve good balance between high embedding capacity and low embedding distortion. However, most cluster indexing-based steganographic schemes utilise less efficient clustering algorithms for embedding data, which causes redundancy and leaves room for increasing the embedding capacity further. In this paper, a new clustering algorithm, called progressive exponential clustering (PEC, is applied to increase the embedding capacity by avoiding redundancy. Meanwhile, a cluster expansion algorithm is also developed in order to further increase the capacity without sacrificing imperceptibility.

  7. The Durban Auto Cluster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Jochen; Robbins, Glen; Barnes, Justin


    The paper describes the formation of the Durban Auto Cluster in the context of trade liberalization. It argues that the improvement of operational competitiveness of firms in the cluster is prominently due to joint action. It tests this proposition by comparing the gains from cluster activities...

  8. Un estudio exploratorio del perfil de las mujeres empresarias en el Perú


    Avolio Alecchi, Beatrice


    La investigación identifica el perfil de las mujeres empresarias en el Perú mediante la exploración cualitativa de sus características demográficas; sus antecedentes educativos, laborales y familiares; sus habilidades administrativas; la naturaleza de sus empresas; los factores que las han estimulado a convertirse en empresarias; y los obstáculos para el desarrollo de sus empresas. El estudio utiliza el paradigma cualitativo basado en estudios de caso de veinticuatro mujeres empresarias en el...

  9. Radio investigations of clusters of galaxies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valentijn, E.A.


    This thesis contains a number of papers of the series entitled, A Westerbork Survey of Rich Clusters of Galaxies. The primary aim was to study the radio characteristics of cluster galaxies and especially the question whether their ''radio-activity'' is influenced by their location inside a cluster. It is enquired whether the presence of an intra-cluster medium (ICM), or the typical cluster evolution or cluster dynamical processes can give rise to radio-observable effects on the behaviour of cluster galaxies. 610 MHz WSRT observations of the Coma cluster (and radio observations of the Hercules supercluster) are presented. Extended radio sources in Abell clusters are then described. (Auth.)

  10. Cluster Management Institutionalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Normann, Leo; Agger Nielsen, Jeppe


    of how it was legitimized as a “ready-to-use” management model. Further, our account reveals how cluster management translated into considerably different local variants as it travelled into specific organizations. However, these processes have not occurred sequentially with cluster management first...... legitimized at the field level, then spread, and finally translated into action in the adopting organizations. Instead, we observed entangled field and organizational-level processes. Accordingly, we argue that cluster management institutionalization is most readily understood by simultaneously investigating...

  11. Estudio sobre redes sociales y estudiantes


    Toledo Morales, Purificación; Sánchez García, José Manuel


    En este estudio pretendemos analizar cómo una muestra de 150 estudiantes utiliza las redes sociales, y explorar el impacto de estas en el rendimiento académico de los mismos. Los datos recogidos de la aplicación y análisis de una escala de opinión revelaron que mas de la mitad de los estudiantes encuestados utilizan internet con una finalidad puramente recreativa, y las redes sociales para estar en contacto con los amigos. La mayoría de los encuestados rechazan las solicitudes de amistad de d...

  12. Amplificadores con transistores. Estudio y dimensionado


    Lubiano García, Adrián


    Este trabajo es un estudio de las distintas configuraciones de los amplificadores con transistores vistos en la asignatura de Electrónica Analógica del tercer curso del Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automática de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales de la Universidad de Valladolid. En este trabajo se mostrarán los pasos seguidos en la creación de una aplicación con Visual Basic para la realización de los ejercicios de las distintas configuraciones, así...

  13. Anorexia nervosa: un estudio de casos


    Zusman, Lillyana


    La Anorexia Nervosa es un trastorno de alimentación que se define (etimológicamente) como una "pérdida nerviosa del apetito". Se caracteriza por la actitud consciente, voluntaria y rotunda de los sujetos  de tener un exceso de peso que intentan modificar por vía de la inanición. A partir del estudio de casos, se propone la distinción entre una Anorexia Nervosa Estructural -aquella en la que predomina el conflicto intrapsíquico primario y arcaico, y que manifiesta una conducta aislada y retraí...

  14. Neutrosophic Hierarchical Clustering Algoritms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rıdvan Şahin


    Full Text Available Interval neutrosophic set (INS is a generalization of interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy set (IVIFS, whose the membership and non-membership values of elements consist of fuzzy range, while single valued neutrosophic set (SVNS is regarded as extension of intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS. In this paper, we extend the hierarchical clustering techniques proposed for IFSs and IVIFSs to SVNSs and INSs respectively. Based on the traditional hierarchical clustering procedure, the single valued neutrosophic aggregation operator, and the basic distance measures between SVNSs, we define a single valued neutrosophic hierarchical clustering algorithm for clustering SVNSs. Then we extend the algorithm to classify an interval neutrosophic data. Finally, we present some numerical examples in order to show the effectiveness and availability of the developed clustering algorithms.

  15. Disentangling Porterian Clusters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jagtfelt, Tue

    , contested theory become so widely disseminated and applied as a normative and prescriptive strategy for economic development? The dissertation traces the introduction of the cluster notion into the EU’s Lisbon Strategy and demonstrates how its inclusion originates from Porter’s colleagues: Professor Örjan...... to his membership on the Commission on Industrial Competitiveness, and that the cluster notion found in his influential book, Nations, represents a significant shift in his conception of cluster compared with his early conceptions. This shift, it is argued, is a deliberate attempt by Porter to create...... a paradigmatic textbook that follows Kuhn’s blueprint for scientific revolutions by instilling Nations with circular references and thus creating a local linguistic holism conceptualized through an encompassing notion of cluster. The dissertation concludes that the two research questions are philosophically...

  16. Preocupaciones y supuestos en los estudios de recepción teatral

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    Lic. Miguel Ángel Santagada


    Full Text Available Luego de una presentación de las principales inquietudes de los estudios de recepción teatral, se describen algunos conceptos generales que han inspirado esta línea de estudios empíricos. Se discuten las tradiciones teóricas conocidas como la teoría de los efectos indiferenciados, la teorías de los usos y gratificaciones y la teoría de la lectura literaria, a fin de precisar los términos de acuerdo con los cuales hemos desarrollado nuestras investigaciones de campo. Finalmente, se ejemplifica esta corriente mediante un ejemplo tomado a partir de una tarea de campo referida a una obra teatral de la dramaturga argentina Griselda Gambaro.

  17. Entre negación y reconocimiento. Estudios sobre “homosexualidad” en Colombia

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    José Fernando Serrano A.


    Full Text Available A Ebel Botero, pionero de los estudios sobre homosexualidad en Colombia¿Qué se ha escrito en Colombia sobre la “homosexualidad”? ¿Existen estudios desde las ciencias sociales y humanas sobre las personas “homosexuales” en el país? Con este par de preguntas el autor presenta un recorrido inicial por algunos textos de autores colombianos al respecto y señala la necesidad de abordar la construcción de conocimiento especializado que ahonde en la comprensión de las diversas formas en que se expresan las sexualidades.

  18. Cluster Implantation and Deposition Apparatus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hanif, Muhammad; Popok, Vladimir


    In the current report, a design and capabilities of a cluster implantation and deposition apparatus (CIDA) involving two different cluster sources are described. The clusters produced from gas precursors (Ar, N etc.) by PuCluS-2 can be used to study cluster ion implantation in order to develop...

  19. Estudio del impacto ambiental de medicamentos de control especial en Bogotá, Colombia. Caso de estudio: Lorazepam

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ibeth Eileen López


    Full Text Available El aumento de la población y la cobertura de los sistemas de salud, así como el crecimiento del mercado farmacéutico, ha dado lugar a la presencia de una nueva generación de residuos peligrosos, que no habían sido considerados como tal. En Colombia, no se han realizado suficientes estudios relacionados con el impacto ambiental ocasionado por la disposición final de medicamentos, porque no existen cifras disponibles acerca de la cantidad depositada diariamente en rellenos sanitarios, destruida en plantas gestoras de residuos peligrosos o encontrada en plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Se encontró en esta investigación que sólo en Bogotá, se destruyen en promedio anualmente 9.310.123 unidades farmacéuticas de productos de control especial, sin considerar las unidades desechadas a nivel doméstico. Para estudiar el impacto ambiental, se seleccionó el principio activo lorazepam, la información sobre la cantidad del medicamento consumida y destruida en plantas gestoras de residuos peligrosos en la ciudad de Bogotá, durante los años 2012 y 2013, fue aportada por el Fondo Nacional de Estupefacientes. Los datos fueron evaluados utilizando la matriz de Leopold, software especializado y ensayos de laboratorio complementarios. Este estudio pretende sensibilizar a fabricantes, prescriptores y pacientes sobre la responsabilidad ambiental en el uso de medicamentos de control especial.

  20. A Novel Cluster Head Selection Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Clustering and Particle Swarm Optimization. (United States)

    Ni, Qingjian; Pan, Qianqian; Du, Huimin; Cao, Cen; Zhai, Yuqing


    An important objective of wireless sensor network is to prolong the network life cycle, and topology control is of great significance for extending the network life cycle. Based on previous work, for cluster head selection in hierarchical topology control, we propose a solution based on fuzzy clustering preprocessing and particle swarm optimization. More specifically, first, fuzzy clustering algorithm is used to initial clustering for sensor nodes according to geographical locations, where a sensor node belongs to a cluster with a determined probability, and the number of initial clusters is analyzed and discussed. Furthermore, the fitness function is designed considering both the energy consumption and distance factors of wireless sensor network. Finally, the cluster head nodes in hierarchical topology are determined based on the improved particle swarm optimization. Experimental results show that, compared with traditional methods, the proposed method achieved the purpose of reducing the mortality rate of nodes and extending the network life cycle.

  1. Quantum annealing for combinatorial clustering (United States)

    Kumar, Vaibhaw; Bass, Gideon; Tomlin, Casey; Dulny, Joseph


    Clustering is a powerful machine learning technique that groups "similar" data points based on their characteristics. Many clustering algorithms work by approximating the minimization of an objective function, namely the sum of within-the-cluster distances between points. The straightforward approach involves examining all the possible assignments of points to each of the clusters. This approach guarantees the solution will be a global minimum; however, the number of possible assignments scales quickly with the number of data points and becomes computationally intractable even for very small datasets. In order to circumvent this issue, cost function minima are found using popular local search-based heuristic approaches such as k-means and hierarchical clustering. Due to their greedy nature, such techniques do not guarantee that a global minimum will be found and can lead to sub-optimal clustering assignments. Other classes of global search-based techniques, such as simulated annealing, tabu search, and genetic algorithms, may offer better quality results but can be too time-consuming to implement. In this work, we describe how quantum annealing can be used to carry out clustering. We map the clustering objective to a quadratic binary optimization problem and discuss two clustering algorithms which are then implemented on commercially available quantum annealing hardware, as well as on a purely classical solver "qbsolv." The first algorithm assigns N data points to K clusters, and the second one can be used to perform binary clustering in a hierarchical manner. We present our results in the form of benchmarks against well-known k-means clustering and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed techniques.

  2. Viviendo en Flatland. El estudio comparado del crimen violento

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    Luis David Ramírez de Garay


    Full Text Available Esta nota de investigación indaga sobre el notorio rezago que la criminología y la sociología del crimen tienen en la aplicación de la metodología comparada. A diferencia de la ciencia política y algunas áreas de la investigación sociológica, la metodología comparada no ocupa un lugar preponderante en la investigación empírica del crimen. Sin embargo, existen algunos valiosos ejemplos sobre las ventajas del estudio comparado del crimen y del crimen violento. Por ello, incluyo una breve revisión del estado actual de dichos estudios y de sus inherentes limitaciones teóricas y metodológicas. Finalmente, concluyo la nota presentando mi propuesta para incorporar la metodología comparada en la agenda de investigación sobre las bases sociales del crimen y del crimen violento

  3. Hierarchical Aligned Cluster Analysis for Temporal Clustering of Human Motion. (United States)

    Zhou, Feng; De la Torre, Fernando; Hodgins, Jessica K


    Temporal segmentation of human motion into plausible motion primitives is central to understanding and building computational models of human motion. Several issues contribute to the challenge of discovering motion primitives: the exponential nature of all possible movement combinations, the variability in the temporal scale of human actions, and the complexity of representing articulated motion. We pose the problem of learning motion primitives as one of temporal clustering, and derive an unsupervised hierarchical bottom-up framework called hierarchical aligned cluster analysis (HACA). HACA finds a partition of a given multidimensional time series into m disjoint segments such that each segment belongs to one of k clusters. HACA combines kernel k-means with the generalized dynamic time alignment kernel to cluster time series data. Moreover, it provides a natural framework to find a low-dimensional embedding for time series. HACA is efficiently optimized with a coordinate descent strategy and dynamic programming. Experimental results on motion capture and video data demonstrate the effectiveness of HACA for segmenting complex motions and as a visualization tool. We also compare the performance of HACA to state-of-the-art algorithms for temporal clustering on data of a honey bee dance. The HACA code is available online.

  4. Hα star formation rates of z > 1 galaxy clusters in the IRAC shallow cluster survey

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeimann, Gregory R.; Stanford, S. A.; Brodwin, Mark; Gonzalez, Anthony H.; Mancone, Conor; Snyder, Gregory F.; Stern, Daniel; Eisenhardt, Peter; Dey, Arjun; Moustakas, John


    We present Hubble Space Telescope near-IR spectroscopy for 18 galaxy clusters at 1.0 Cluster Survey. We use Wide Field Camera 3 grism data to spectroscopically identify Hα emitters in both the cores of galaxy clusters as well as in field galaxies. We find a large cluster-to-cluster scatter in the star formation rates within a projected radius of 500 kpc, and many of our clusters (∼60%) have significant levels of star formation within a projected radius of 200 kpc. A stacking analysis reveals that dust reddening in these star-forming galaxies is positively correlated with stellar mass and may be higher in the field than the cluster at a fixed stellar mass. This may indicate a lower amount of gas in star-forming cluster galaxies than in the field population. Also, Hα equivalent widths of star-forming galaxies in the cluster environment are still suppressed below the level of the field. This suppression is most significant for lower mass galaxies (log M * < 10.0 M ☉ ). We therefore conclude that environmental effects are still important at 1.0 clusters with log M * ≲ 10.0 M ☉ .

  5. Spanning Tree Based Attribute Clustering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zeng, Yifeng; Jorge, Cordero Hernandez


    Attribute clustering has been previously employed to detect statistical dependence between subsets of variables. We propose a novel attribute clustering algorithm motivated by research of complex networks, called the Star Discovery algorithm. The algorithm partitions and indirectly discards...... inconsistent edges from a maximum spanning tree by starting appropriate initial modes, therefore generating stable clusters. It discovers sound clusters through simple graph operations and achieves significant computational savings. We compare the Star Discovery algorithm against earlier attribute clustering...

  6. Size selected metal clusters

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Overview Graphics. The Optical Absorption Spectra of Small Silver Clusters (5-11) ... Soft Landing and Fragmentation of Small Clusters Deposited in Noble-Gas Films. Harbich, W.; Fedrigo, S.; Buttet, J. Phys. Rev. B 1998, 58, 7428. CO combustion on supported gold clusters. Arenz M ...

  7. Alpha condensates and nonlocalized cluster structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Funaki, Yasuro


    We discuss a container structure for non-gaslike cluster states, in which single Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-ROpke (THSR) wave functions are shown to be almost 100% equivalent to the full solutions of the corresponding RGM/GCM equations, for the inversion doublet band states in 20 Ne, α-linear-chain states, and α + α + A cluster states in 9 Λ Be. The recognition of the fact that the THSR wave function describes well not only gaslike cluster states but also non-gaslike cluster states is a recent remarkable development of nuclear cluster physics. This fact tells us that the cluster structure is composed of cluster-mean-field motion under the constraint of inter-cluster Pauli repulsion, in which we call the cluster-mean-field potential the container. We demonstrate that the evolution of the cluster structure of a nucleus is governed by the size parameter of the cluster-mean-field potential (container), for 16 O nucleus

  8. Cluster model of the nucleus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horiuchi, H.; Ikeda, K.


    This article reviews the development of the cluster model study. The stress is put on two points; one is how the cluster structure has come to be regarded as a fundamental structure in light nuclei together with the shell-model structure, and the other is how at present the cluster model is extended to and connected with the studies of the various subjects many of which are in the neighbouring fields. The authors the present the main theme with detailed explanations of the fundamentals of the microscopic cluster model which have promoted the development of the cluster mode. Examples of the microscopic cluster model study of light nuclear structure are given

  9. Cluster policy in Europe and Asia: A comparison using selected cluster policy characteristics

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    Martina Sopoligová


    Full Text Available Currently, cluster concept is one of the most important tools for governments to enhance competitiveness and innovations through sectoral specialization and cooperation. The paper focuses on applications of the cluster policy in the distinct territorial context of Europe and Asia so that to perform a comparison between different approaches to the cluster concept application in real practice. The paper introduces a comparative study of the cluster policy concepts based on the characteristics defined by the authors, such as scope, approach, targeting, autonomy, institutional coordination, policy instruments and evaluation system studied for the selected European and Asian countries such as Denmark, France, Germany, China, Japan, and South Korea. The research draws upon processing the secondary data obtained through content analysis of the related literature, government documents and strategies, and also cluster funding programmes. The findings demonstrate the diversity of cluster policies implemented in the context of European and Asian conditions at the current stage of their development.

  10. The Most Massive Star Clusters: Supermassive Globular Clusters or Dwarf Galaxy Nuclei? (United States)

    Harris, William


    Evidence is mounting that the most massive globular clusters, such as Omega Centauri and M31-G1, may be related to the recently discovered "Ultra-Compact Dwarfs" and the dense nuclei of dE, N galaxies. However, no systematic imaging investigation of these supermassive globular clusters - at the level of Omega Cen and beyond - has been done, and we do not know what fraction of them might bear the signatures {such as large effective radii or tidal tails} of having originated as dE nuclei. We propose to use the ACS/WFC to obtain deep images of 18 such clusters in NGC 5128 and M31, the two nearest rich globular cluster systems. These globulars are the richest star clusters that can be found in nature, the biggest of them reaching 10^7 Solar masses, and they are likely to represent the results of star formation under the densest and most extreme conditions known. Using the profiles of the clusters including their faint outer envelopes, we will carry out state-of-the-art dynamical modelling of their structures, and look for any clear evidence which would indicate that they are associated with stripped satellites. This study will build on our previous work with STIS and WFPC2 imaging designed to study the 'Fundamental Plane' of globular clusters. When our new work is combined with Archival WFPC2, STIS, and ACS material, we will also be able to construct the definitive mapping of the Fundamental Plane of globular clusters at its uppermost mass range, and confirm whether or not the UCD and dE, N objects occupy a different structural parameter space.

  11. Cluster beam injection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bottiglioni, F.; Coutant, J.; Fois, M.


    Areas of possible applications of cluster injection are discussed. The deposition inside the plasma of molecules, issued from the dissociation of the injected clusters, has been computed. Some empirical scaling laws for the penetration are given

  12. Intrinsic alignment of redMaPPer clusters: cluster shape-matter density correlation (United States)

    van Uitert, Edo; Joachimi, Benjamin


    We measure the alignment of the shapes of galaxy clusters, as traced by their satellite distributions, with the matter density field using the public redMaPPer catalogue based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey-Data Release 8 (SDSS-DR8), which contains 26 111 clusters up to z ˜ 0.6. The clusters are split into nine redshift and richness samples; in each of them, we detect a positive alignment, showing that clusters point towards density peaks. We interpret the measurements within the tidal alignment paradigm, allowing for a richness and redshift dependence. The intrinsic alignment (IA) amplitude at the pivot redshift z = 0.3 and pivot richness λ = 30 is A_IA^gen=12.6_{-1.2}^{+1.5}. We obtain tentative evidence that the signal increases towards higher richness and lower redshift. Our measurements agree well with results of maxBCG clusters and with dark-matter-only simulations. Comparing our results to the IA measurements of luminous red galaxies, we find that the IA amplitude of galaxy clusters forms a smooth extension towards higher mass. This suggests that these systems share a common alignment mechanism, which can be exploited to improve our physical understanding of IA.

  13. The smart cluster method. Adaptive earthquake cluster identification and analysis in strong seismic regions (United States)

    Schaefer, Andreas M.; Daniell, James E.; Wenzel, Friedemann


    Earthquake clustering is an essential part of almost any statistical analysis of spatial and temporal properties of seismic activity. The nature of earthquake clusters and subsequent declustering of earthquake catalogues plays a crucial role in determining the magnitude-dependent earthquake return period and its respective spatial variation for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment. This study introduces the Smart Cluster Method (SCM), a new methodology to identify earthquake clusters, which uses an adaptive point process for spatio-temporal cluster identification. It utilises the magnitude-dependent spatio-temporal earthquake density to adjust the search properties, subsequently analyses the identified clusters to determine directional variation and adjusts its search space with respect to directional properties. In the case of rapid subsequent ruptures like the 1992 Landers sequence or the 2010-2011 Darfield-Christchurch sequence, a reclassification procedure is applied to disassemble subsequent ruptures using near-field searches, nearest neighbour classification and temporal splitting. The method is capable of identifying and classifying earthquake clusters in space and time. It has been tested and validated using earthquake data from California and New Zealand. A total of more than 1500 clusters have been found in both regions since 1980 with M m i n = 2.0. Utilising the knowledge of cluster classification, the method has been adjusted to provide an earthquake declustering algorithm, which has been compared to existing methods. Its performance is comparable to established methodologies. The analysis of earthquake clustering statistics lead to various new and updated correlation functions, e.g. for ratios between mainshock and strongest aftershock and general aftershock activity metrics.

  14. La institucionalización de los estudios culturales en Estados Unidos: el caso del doctorado en estudios culturales en la Universidad de Ccalifornia, Davis, a ocho años


    Robert McKee Irwin


    Este artículo describe el proceso de institucionalización del campo de estudios culturales en los Estados Unidos. El ejemplo de este proceso en la experiencia de la Universidad de California, Davis, donde se estableció hace ocho años un doctorado en estudios culturales, aunque idiosincrático, ilustra el tipo de problemas, tanto prácticos como intelectuales, que tal institucionalización ha provocado en este país. Eel artículo señala también dos áreas el contenido cultural y la gestión cultural...

  15. Modified genetic algorithms to model cluster structures in medium-size silicon clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bazterra, Victor E.; Ona, Ofelia; Caputo, Maria C.; Ferraro, Marta B.; Fuentealba, Patricio; Facelli, Julio C.


    This paper presents the results obtained using a genetic algorithm (GA) to search for stable structures of medium size silicon clusters. In this work the GA uses a semiempirical energy function to find the best cluster structures, which are further optimized using density-functional theory. For small clusters our results agree well with previously reported structures, but for larger ones different structures appear. This is the case of Si 36 where we report a different structure, with significant lower energy than those previously found using limited search approaches on common structural motifs. This demonstrates the need for global optimization schemes when searching for stable structures of medium-size silicon clusters

  16. Población con discapacidad: Posibilidades y Desafíos para su Estudio


    Scheuermann, Helga


    El presente artículo enfatiza en examinar las fuentes de datos existentes en la República Argentina y en una de sus provincias (Tucumán) sobre la población con discapacidad, con el fin de abordar estudios sobre las condiciones de vida de estas poblaciones. Se realiza un recorrido por los censos, encuesta nacional de discapacidad y fuentes provinciales de información, con el objetivo de establecer y evaluar las posibilidades de estudios comparativos, evolutivos y/o específicos que puedan co...



    Carrasco, Rosario; Jadue, Fabiola; Letelier, Mario; Oliva, Claudia


    Existe consenso en que el aprendizaje no formal e informal debe ser reconocido por su impacto en los conocimientos y habilidades adquiridas. Este estudio pretende aportar al conocimiento del aprendizaje no formal e informal universitario, para ello se utilizó una metodología mixta, se analizaron factores que lo impulsan, y su uso y contribución al logro de resultados de aprendizaje en una universidad de nuestro país. A partir de los hallazgos del estudio, se elaboran una serie de sugerencias ...

  18. Areas naturales protegidas de Puerto Rico (United States)

    William A. Gould; Maya Quinones; Mariano Solórzano; Waldemar Alcobas; Caryl Alarcon


    En este mapa mostramos las areas naturales protegidas designadas para la conservacion de los recursos naturales en Puerto Rico y regiones reguladas por ley con el potencial de mejorar la conservacion de los mismos. La designacion de areas protegidas es un proceso dinamico debido a que es el resultado de la constante evolucion de valores en los diferentes sectores de la...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gettings, Daniel P.; Gonzalez, Anthony H.; Mancone, Conor; Stanford, S. Adam; Eisenhardt, Peter R. M.; Stern, Daniel; Brodwin, Mark; Zeimann, Gregory R.; Masci, Frank J.; Papovich, Casey; Tanaka, Ichi; Wright, Edward L.


    We present spectroscopic confirmation of a z = 0.99 galaxy cluster discovered using data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). This is the first z ∼ 1 cluster candidate from the Massive Distant Clusters of WISE Survey to be confirmed. It was selected as an overdensity of probable z ∼> 1 sources using a combination of WISE and Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR8 photometric catalogs. Deeper follow-up imaging data from Subaru and WIYN reveal the cluster to be a rich system of galaxies, and multi-object spectroscopic observations from Keck confirm five cluster members at z = 0.99. The detection and confirmation of this cluster represents a first step toward constructing a uniformly selected sample of distant, high-mass galaxy clusters over the full extragalactic sky using WISE data.

  20. Application of clustering methods: Regularized Markov clustering (R-MCL) for analyzing dengue virus similarity (United States)

    Lestari, D.; Raharjo, D.; Bustamam, A.; Abdillah, B.; Widhianto, W.


    Dengue virus consists of 10 different constituent proteins and are classified into 4 major serotypes (DEN 1 - DEN 4). This study was designed to perform clustering against 30 protein sequences of dengue virus taken from Virus Pathogen Database and Analysis Resource (VIPR) using Regularized Markov Clustering (R-MCL) algorithm and then we analyze the result. By using Python program 3.4, R-MCL algorithm produces 8 clusters with more than one centroid in several clusters. The number of centroid shows the density level of interaction. Protein interactions that are connected in a tissue, form a complex protein that serves as a specific biological process unit. The analysis of result shows the R-MCL clustering produces clusters of dengue virus family based on the similarity role of their constituent protein, regardless of serotypes.

  1. Properties of the open cluster system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janes, K.A.; Tilley, C.; Lynga, G.


    A system of weights corresponding to the precision of open cluster data is described. Using these weights, some properties of open clusters can be studied more accurately than was possible earlier. It is clear that there are three types of objects: unbound clusters, bound clusters in the thin disk, and older bound clusters. Galactic gradients of metallicity, longevity, and linear diameter are studied. Distributions at right angles to the galactic plane are discussed in the light of the different cluster types. The clumping of clusters in complexes is studied. An estimate of the selection effects influencing the present material of open cluster data is made in order to evaluate the role played by open clusters in the history of the galactic disk. 58 references

  2. El estudio del periodismo taurino: revisión y actualización bibliográfica

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    Mª Verónica de Haro de San Mateo


    Full Text Available Este artículo pone de relieve aquellos trabajos que han focalizado su atención en el estudio del periodismo taurino con el objetivo de ofrecer un estado de la cuestión de las investigaciones existentes en la materia. El resultado de nuestro estudio, que ha consistido fundamentalmente en la revisión bibliográfica, nos ha permitido de un lado, ofrecer un catálogo de títulos útil para futuros investigadores y de otro, señalar posibles vías de estudio, una vez constatada la ausencia de literatura sobre algunos aspectos relevantes que, sin duda, contribuirían a ampliar, contextualizar y en algunos casos también profundizar, las investigaciones actuales.

  3. Masculinities studies in eastern Cuba: imaginaries significations. Estudios de masculinidades en la región oriental de Cuba: develando imaginarios. Estudios de masculinidades en la región oriental de Cuba: develando imaginarios.

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    Denise Regina Quaresma da Silva


    Full Text Available In this paper we approached a study about masculinities imaginaries significations in eastern Cuba. Firstly, we rescued relevant moments of the masculinities studies in the country and some theoretical contributions to understand the social production of the masculinities. Besides, we show the qualitative results from the groups with men.En este artículo abordamos un estudio sobre significaciones imaginarias en torno a las masculinidades en la región oriental de Cuba. Primeramente, rescatamos momentos relevantes del desarrollo de los estudios de masculinidades en el país y algunas contribuciones teóricos que consideramos necesarias para comprender la producción de las masculinidades. Presentamos, además, los resultados cualitativos que emergieron de grupos de discusión realizados con hombres.En este artículo abordamos un estudio sobre significaciones imaginarias en torno a las masculinidades en la región oriental de Cuba. Primeramente, rescatamos momentos relevantes del desarrollo de los estudios de masculinidades en el país y algunas contribuciones teóricos que consideramos necesarias para comprender la producción de las masculinidades. Presentamos, además, los resultados cualitativos que emergieron de grupos de discusión realizados con hombres.

  4. Estudios de caso y la falsificación Popperiana: una nota de investigación sobre el artículo de Flyvbjerg titulado "Cinco malentendidos acerca de la investigación mediante los estudios de caso"

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    Roberto Sarmiento


    Full Text Available Esta nota de investigación presenta nuevas ideas acerca de importantes aspectos metodológicos relacionados con la aplicación de los resultados obtenidos por medio de "estudios de caso". Los autores respetamos el punto de vista que afirma que los estudios de caso deben ser utilizados para tener un mejor entendimiento de las interpretaciones subjetivas de fenómenos que son socialmente construidos por los diversos actores involucrados. El enfoque sobre la ciencia propuesto por Karl POPPER reconoce que los resultados de todas las investigaciones son falibles y teórico-dependientes. Sin embargo, POPPER también comenta que es posible proponer procedimientos críticos y objetivos que faciliten el poner a prueba intersubjetivamente (y posiblemente, falsificar los resultados de investigaciones científicas. Nuestra artículo amplía un tema especifico planteado por Bent FLYVBJERG (2004, 2006. Él acierta al decir que de acuerdo a la lógica Popperiana, una proposición científica puede ser falsificada con la evidencia encontrada en un solo estudio de caso. Sin embargo, también se debe especificar que una proposición científica puede ser lógicamente falsificada con evidencia única (como la obtenida en un estudio de caso sólo cuando ésta plantea un fenómeno que ocurre en todos los casos (i.e., cuando la proposición tiene las características de una teoría universal-determinística. Nuestro objetivo es crear conciencia sobre el papel importante que tienen los estudios de caso cualitativos en el avance del conocimiento científico (en el sentido Popperiano. De esta manera, esperamos contribuir a un debate incluyente sobre la metodología de investigación conocida como estudios de caso.

  5. Searching remote homology with spectral clustering with symmetry in neighborhood cluster kernels.

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    Ujjwal Maulik

    Full Text Available Remote homology detection among proteins utilizing only the unlabelled sequences is a central problem in comparative genomics. The existing cluster kernel methods based on neighborhoods and profiles and the Markov clustering algorithms are currently the most popular methods for protein family recognition. The deviation from random walks with inflation or dependency on hard threshold in similarity measure in those methods requires an enhancement for homology detection among multi-domain proteins. We propose to combine spectral clustering with neighborhood kernels in Markov similarity for enhancing sensitivity in detecting homology independent of "recent" paralogs. The spectral clustering approach with new combined local alignment kernels more effectively exploits the unsupervised protein sequences globally reducing inter-cluster walks. When combined with the corrections based on modified symmetry based proximity norm deemphasizing outliers, the technique proposed in this article outperforms other state-of-the-art cluster kernels among all twelve implemented kernels. The comparison with the state-of-the-art string and mismatch kernels also show the superior performance scores provided by the proposed kernels. Similar performance improvement also is found over an existing large dataset. Therefore the proposed spectral clustering framework over combined local alignment kernels with modified symmetry based correction achieves superior performance for unsupervised remote homolog detection even in multi-domain and promiscuous domain proteins from Genolevures database families with better biological relevance. Source code available upon

  6. Dos estudios de casos

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    Hernán Guillermo Salazar Morales


    Full Text Available RESUMEN A continuación se presenta dos casos de estudio en donde se puede apreciar a la forma  como se establecen  las relaciones en una organización y lo que una DECISION  puede llegar a incidir en el desarrollo de las operaciones de una empresa. Decisiones basadas en la intuición, o en corazonadas, frecuentemente conducen en dirección equivocada, ocasionando pérdidas en tiempo, personal y dinero. El proceso de toma de decisiones deben ser TAREAS ESTRUCTURADAS que se sustenten con hechos. Su ejecución debe hacerse secuencialmente y cumplir con cada uno de sus pasos. El diseño de los  casos está orientado para que  sirvan como material de aplicación en la asignatura de  taller de planeación.

  7. X-ray cluster Abell 744

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurtz, M.J.; Huchra, J.P.; Beers, T.C.; Geller, M.J.; Gioia, I.M.


    X-ray and optical observations of the cluster of galaxies Abell 744 are presented. The X-ray flux (assuming H(0) = 100 km/s per Mpc) is about 9 x 10 to the 42nd erg/s. The X-ray source is extended, but shows no other structure. Photographic photometry (in Kron-Cousins R), calibrated by deep CCD frames, is presented for all galaxies brighter than 19th magnitude within 0.75 Mpc of the cluster center. The luminosity function is normal, and the isopleths show little evidence of substructure near the cluster center. The cluster has a dominant central galaxy, which is classified as a normal brightest-cluster elliptical on the basis of its luminosity profile. New redshifts were obtained for 26 galaxies in the vicinity of the cluster center; 20 appear to be cluster members. The spatial distribution of redshifts is peculiar; the dispersion within the 150 kpc core radius is much greater than outside. Abell 744 is similar to the nearby cluster Abell 1060. 31 references

  8. Comorbilidad psicopatológica en el alcoholismo: un estudio descriptivo

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    Natalia Landa


    Full Text Available En este estudio se lleva a cabo un análisis del perfil de bebida y de la comorbilidad psicopatológica en 50 pacientes alcohólicos que acuden en busca de tratamiento a un programa ambulatorio de Proyecto Hombre de Navarra. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un estudio ex post facto, de carácter retrospectivo y con un grupo cuasi control. Se utilizan los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-IV-TR para la dependencia alcohólica, el Müncher Alkoholismus Test (MALT para valorar la gravedad del alcoholismo y el SCL-90-R como medida de la sintomatología asociada. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la presencia de numerosa sintomatología psicopatológica, con elevaciones significativas en la mayoría de las dimensiones del SCL-90-R, tanto en los hombres como en las mujeres de la muestra. La comparación con las muestras normativas refleja que los alcohólicos de la muestra presentan más síntomas psicopatológicos que la población normal, pero menos que la población psiquiátrica. Asimismo, la gravedad del alcoholismo se relaciona de forma significativa con la mayor presencia e intensidad de comorbilidad. Por último, se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la práctica clínica y para la investigación futura.

  9. Atomic cluster collisions (United States)

    Korol, Andrey V.; Solov'yov, Andrey


    Atomic cluster collisions are a field of rapidly emerging research interest by both experimentalists and theorists. The international symposium on atomic cluster collisions (ISSAC) is the premier forum to present cutting-edge research in this field. It was established in 2003 and the most recent conference was held in Berlin, Germany in July of 2011. This Topical Issue presents original research results from some of the participants, who attended this conference. This issues specifically focuses on two research areas, namely Clusters and Fullerenes in External Fields and Nanoscale Insights in Radiation Biodamage.

  10. Simulating star clusters with the AMUSE software framework. I. Dependence of cluster lifetimes on model assumptions and cluster dissolution modes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whitehead, Alfred J.; McMillan, Stephen L. W.; Vesperini, Enrico; Portegies Zwart, Simon


    We perform a series of simulations of evolving star clusters using the Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment (AMUSE), a new community-based multi-physics simulation package, and compare our results to existing work. These simulations model a star cluster beginning with a King model distribution and a selection of power-law initial mass functions and contain a tidal cutoff. They are evolved using collisional stellar dynamics and include mass loss due to stellar evolution. After studying and understanding that the differences between AMUSE results and results from previous studies are understood, we explored the variation in cluster lifetimes due to the random realization noise introduced by transforming a King model to specific initial conditions. This random realization noise can affect the lifetime of a simulated star cluster by up to 30%. Two modes of star cluster dissolution were identified: a mass evolution curve that contains a runaway cluster dissolution with a sudden loss of mass, and a dissolution mode that does not contain this feature. We refer to these dissolution modes as 'dynamical' and 'relaxation' dominated, respectively. For Salpeter-like initial mass functions, we determined the boundary between these two modes in terms of the dynamical and relaxation timescales.

  11. Information Clustering Based on Fuzzy Multisets. (United States)

    Miyamoto, Sadaaki


    Proposes a fuzzy multiset model for information clustering with application to information retrieval on the World Wide Web. Highlights include search engines; term clustering; document clustering; algorithms for calculating cluster centers; theoretical properties concerning clustering algorithms; and examples to show how the algorithms work.…

  12. Panorama sobre los estudios de clima organizacional en Bogotá, Colombia(1994-2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Vega


    Full Text Available El interés por el estudio del clima organizacional ha crecido rápidamente durante los últimos años, ya que las organizaciones, a través de la implementación de sistemas gestión de calidad y la inclusión de dicho tema en los indicadores de gestión, la han asumido como uno de los elementos básicos para generar mejoramiento continuo. Así, el objetivo de este artículo es presentar el panorama de los estudios de clima organizacional(CO en Bogotá, D.C. (Colombia, hallados en 10 instituciones de educación superior y 2 bibliotecas públicas, de los años 1994 a 2005. Se revisaron 168 documentos, de los cuales se tomaron, como base para el presente artículo, 93 en psicología del trabajo y las organizaciones y áreas relacionadas con la gestión humana; de estos, a suvez, 67 son trabajos de grado (48 en pregrado y19 en postgrado, 11 artículos científicos y 15 libros. Esta revisión permitió identificar las diferentes definiciones, los autores más representativos citados en los trabajos consultados, los factores asociados al estudio del clima organizacional, los instrumentos utilizados para medirlo y el abordaje del tema que se hace desde diferentes disciplinas en el contexto objeto de estudio.

  13. Privacy-preserving distributed clustering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Erkin, Z.; Veugen, T.; Toft, T.; Lagendijk, R.L.


    Clustering is a very important tool in data mining and is widely used in on-line services for medical, financial and social environments. The main goal in clustering is to create sets of similar objects in a data set. The data set to be used for clustering can be owned by a single entity, or in some

  14. Cosmology with cluster surveys

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. Surveys of clusters of galaxies provide us with a powerful probe of the den- sity and nature of the dark energy. The red-shift distribution of detected clusters is highly sensitive to the dark energy equation of state parameter w. Upcoming Sunyaev–. Zel'dovich (SZ) surveys would provide us large yields of clusters to ...

  15. Robustness of cluster synchronous patterns in small-world networks with inter-cluster co-competition balance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Jianbao; Ma, Zhongjun; Chen, Guanrong


    All edges in the classical Watts and Strogatz's small-world network model are unweighted and cooperative (positive). By introducing competitive (negative) inter-cluster edges and assigning edge weights to mimic more realistic networks, this paper develops a modified model which possesses co-competitive weighted couplings and cluster structures while maintaining the common small-world network properties of small average shortest path lengths and large clustering coefficients. Based on theoretical analysis, it is proved that the new model with inter-cluster co-competition balance has an important dynamical property of robust cluster synchronous pattern formation. More precisely, clusters will neither merge nor split regardless of adding or deleting nodes and edges, under the condition of inter-cluster co-competition balance. Numerical simulations demonstrate the robustness of the model against the increase of the coupling strength and several topological variations

  16. Robustness of cluster synchronous patterns in small-world networks with inter-cluster co-competition balance (United States)

    Zhang, Jianbao; Ma, Zhongjun; Chen, Guanrong


    All edges in the classical Watts and Strogatz's small-world network model are unweighted and cooperative (positive). By introducing competitive (negative) inter-cluster edges and assigning edge weights to mimic more realistic networks, this paper develops a modified model which possesses co-competitive weighted couplings and cluster structures while maintaining the common small-world network properties of small average shortest path lengths and large clustering coefficients. Based on theoretical analysis, it is proved that the new model with inter-cluster co-competition balance has an important dynamical property of robust cluster synchronous pattern formation. More precisely, clusters will neither merge nor split regardless of adding or deleting nodes and edges, under the condition of inter-cluster co-competition balance. Numerical simulations demonstrate the robustness of the model against the increase of the coupling strength and several topological variations.

  17. Robustness of cluster synchronous patterns in small-world networks with inter-cluster co-competition balance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Jianbao [School of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Ma, Zhongjun, E-mail: [School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004 (China); Chen, Guanrong [Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China)


    All edges in the classical Watts and Strogatz's small-world network model are unweighted and cooperative (positive). By introducing competitive (negative) inter-cluster edges and assigning edge weights to mimic more realistic networks, this paper develops a modified model which possesses co-competitive weighted couplings and cluster structures while maintaining the common small-world network properties of small average shortest path lengths and large clustering coefficients. Based on theoretical analysis, it is proved that the new model with inter-cluster co-competition balance has an important dynamical property of robust cluster synchronous pattern formation. More precisely, clusters will neither merge nor split regardless of adding or deleting nodes and edges, under the condition of inter-cluster co-competition balance. Numerical simulations demonstrate the robustness of the model against the increase of the coupling strength and several topological variations.

  18. Cluster algebras in mathematical physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Francesco, Philippe Di; Gekhtman, Michael; Kuniba, Atsuo; Yamazaki, Masahito


    This special issue of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical contains reviews and original research articles on cluster algebras and their applications to mathematical physics. Cluster algebras were introduced by S Fomin and A Zelevinsky around 2000 as a tool for studying total positivity and dual canonical bases in Lie theory. Since then the theory has found diverse applications in mathematics and mathematical physics. Cluster algebras are axiomatically defined commutative rings equipped with a distinguished set of generators (cluster variables) subdivided into overlapping subsets (clusters) of the same cardinality subject to certain polynomial relations. A cluster algebra of rank n can be viewed as a subring of the field of rational functions in n variables. Rather than being presented, at the outset, by a complete set of generators and relations, it is constructed from the initial seed via an iterative procedure called mutation producing new seeds successively to generate the whole algebra. A seed consists of an n-tuple of rational functions called cluster variables and an exchange matrix controlling the mutation. Relations of cluster algebra type can be observed in many areas of mathematics (Plücker and Ptolemy relations, Stokes curves and wall-crossing phenomena, Feynman integrals, Somos sequences and Hirota equations to name just a few examples). The cluster variables enjoy a remarkable combinatorial pattern; in particular, they exhibit the Laurent phenomenon: they are expressed as Laurent polynomials rather than more general rational functions in terms of the cluster variables in any seed. These characteristic features are often referred to as the cluster algebra structure. In the last decade, it became apparent that cluster structures are ubiquitous in mathematical physics. Examples include supersymmetric gauge theories, Poisson geometry, integrable systems, statistical mechanics, fusion products in infinite dimensional algebras, dilogarithm

  19. Ionization of nitrogen cluster beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yano, Katsuki; Be, S.H.; Enjoji, Hiroshi; Okamoto, Kosuke


    A nitrogen cluster beam (neutral particle intensity of 28.6 mAsub(eq)) is ionized by electron collisions in a Bayard-Alpert gauge type ionizer. The extraction efficiency of about 65% is obtained at an electron current of 10 mA with an energy of 50 eV. The mean cluster size produced at a pressure of 663 Torr and temperature of 77.3 K is 2x10 5 molecules per cluster. By the Coulomb repulsion force, multiply ionized cluster ions are broken up into smaller fragments and the cluster ion size reduces to one-fourth at an electron current of 15 mA. Mean neutral cluster sizes depend strongly on the initial degree of saturation PHI 0 and are 2x10 5 , 7x10 4 and 3x10 4 molecules per cluster at PHI 0 's of 0.87, 0.66 and 0.39, respectively. (auth.)

  20. Cluster-to-cluster transformation among Au6, Au8 and Au11 nanoclusters. (United States)

    Ren, Xiuqing; Fu, Junhong; Lin, Xinzhang; Fu, Xuemei; Yan, Jinghui; Wu, Ren'an; Liu, Chao; Huang, Jiahui


    We present the cluster-to-cluster transformations among three gold nanoclusters, [Au6(dppp)4]2+ (Au6), [Au8(dppp)4Cl2]2+ (Au8) and [Au11(dppp)5]3+ (Au11). The conversion process follows a rule that states that the transformation of a small cluster to a large cluster is achieved through an oxidation process with an oxidizing agent (H2O2) or with heating, while the conversion of a large cluster to a small one occurs through a reduction process with a reducing agent (NaBH4). All the reactions were monitored using UV-Vis spectroscopy and ESI-MS. This work may provide an alternative approach to the synthesis of novel gold nanoclusters and a further understanding of the structural transformation relationship of gold nanoclusters.

  1. Massive Star Clusters in Ongoing Galaxy Interactions: Clues to Cluster Formation (United States)

    Keel, William C.; Borne, Kirk D.


    We present HST WFPC2 observations, supplemented by ground-based Hα data, of the star-cluster populations in two pairs of interacting galaxies selected for being in very different kinds of encounters seen at different stages. Dynamical information and n-body simulations provide the details of encounter geometry, mass ratio, and timing. In NGC 5752/4 we are seeing a weak encounter, well past closest approach, after about 2.5×108 yr. The large spiral NGC 5754 has a normal population of disk clusters, while the fainter companion NGC 5752 exhibits a rich population of luminous clusters with a flatter luminosity function. The strong, ongoing encounter in NGC 6621/2, seen about 1.0×108 yr past closest approach between roughly equal-mass galaxies, has produced an extensive population of luminous clusters, particularly young and luminous in a small region between the two nuclei. This region is dynamically interesting, with such a strong perturbation in the velocity field that the rotation curve reverses sign. From these results, in comparison with other strongly interacting systems discussed in the literature, cluster formation requires a threshold level of perturbation, with stage of the interaction a less important factor. The location of the most active star formation in NGC 6621/2 draws attention to a possible role for the Toomre stability threshold in shaping star formation in interacting galaxies. The rich cluster populations in NGC 5752 and NGC 6621 show that direct contact between gas-rich galaxy disks is not a requirement to form luminous clusters and that they can be triggered by processes happening within a single galaxy disk (albeit triggered by external perturbations). Based on observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.

  2. Interacting star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Overmerging problem solved by cluster group formation (United States)

    Leon, Stéphane; Bergond, Gilles; Vallenari, Antonella


    We present the tidal tail distributions of a sample of candidate binary clusters located in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). One isolated cluster, SL 268, is presented in order to study the effect of the LMC tidal field. All the candidate binary clusters show tidal tails, confirming that the pairs are formed by physically linked objects. The stellar mass in the tails covers a large range, from 1.8x 10(3) to 3x 10(4) \\msun. We derive a total mass estimate for SL 268 and SL 356. At large radii, the projected density profiles of SL 268 and SL 356 fall off as r(-gamma ) , with gamma = 2.27 and gamma =3.44, respectively. Out of 4 pairs or multiple systems, 2 are older than the theoretical survival time of binary clusters (going from a few 10(6) years to 10(8) years). A pair shows too large age difference between the components to be consistent with classical theoretical models of binary cluster formation (Fujimoto & Kumai \\cite{fujimoto97}). We refer to this as the ``overmerging'' problem. A different scenario is proposed: the formation proceeds in large molecular complexes giving birth to groups of clusters over a few 10(7) years. In these groups the expected cluster encounter rate is larger, and tidal capture has higher probability. Cluster pairs are not born together through the splitting of the parent cloud, but formed later by tidal capture. For 3 pairs, we tentatively identify the star cluster group (SCG) memberships. The SCG formation, through the recent cluster starburst triggered by the LMC-SMC encounter, in contrast with the quiescent open cluster formation in the Milky Way can be an explanation to the paucity of binary clusters observed in our Galaxy. Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile}

  3. Desplazamiento activo de los adolescentes al centro de estudios y funcionamiento familiar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Sanz Arazuri


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza el desplazamiento activo al centro de estudios del alumnado de secundaria postobligatoria y su posible relación con el funcionamiento interno familiar atendiendo de forma conjunta a dos constructos fundamentales: la cohesión y la flexibilidad entre padres e hijos. 1764 jóvenes (15 a 18 años, cumplimentan un cuestionario ad hoc y el FACES IV. Se detectan diferencias significativas a través del coeficiente V de Cramer y se efectúan Anova de un factor y análisis de contrastes, para una p < 0.05. Menos de la mitad de los adolescentes españoles (el 45.7% se desplazan activamente a su centro de estudios, siendo significativamente y ligeramente superior el porcentaje de hombres frente al de mujeres. El 91.2% de los estudiantes de secundaria posobligatoria en España perciben que el funcionamiento interno de su familia es sano. El 89.6% indican una buena cohesión entre los miembros de su familia y un 88.3% señalan que gozan de una flexibilidad familiar saludable. Los estudiantes que acuden al centro de estudios andando perciben un funcionamiento familiar menos sano que quienes se desplazan en cualquier medio de transporte motorizado. Se refuerza la necesidad de promocionar el transporte activo entre los escolares en general, y en estas edades en especial, a través de programas de intervención dirigidos a estudiantes y sus familiares, concienciando sobre los beneficios saludables del desplazamiento activo, tanto en su dimensión física como en la psicológica y social.

  4. A Test for Cluster Bias: Detecting Violations of Measurement Invariance across Clusters in Multilevel Data (United States)

    Jak, Suzanne; Oort, Frans J.; Dolan, Conor V.


    We present a test for cluster bias, which can be used to detect violations of measurement invariance across clusters in 2-level data. We show how measurement invariance assumptions across clusters imply measurement invariance across levels in a 2-level factor model. Cluster bias is investigated by testing whether the within-level factor loadings…

  5. Percentiles de salto con contramovimiento en escolares de Bogotá, Colombia: Estudio FUPRECOL


    Ferro Vargas, Martha


    Objetivo: Determinar la distribución por percentiles de salto con contramovimiento (CMJ) en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, perteneciente al estudio Fuprecol. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado entre 2846 niños y 2754 adolescentes, entre 9 a 17 años de edad, pertenecientes a 18 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia. Se evaluó el CMJ, de acuerdo, con lo establecido por la batería de condición física, Fuprecol. Se calcularon, los percentiles (P3, P...





    En este trabajo de tesis se abordó la síntesis, caracterización estructural y el estudio magnético de nuevos y novedosos sistemas polinucleares de cero dimensionalidad. Estos complejos polinucleares fueron obtenidos por síntesis tradicional y síntesis solvotermal. El estudio magnético de estos compuestos se realizó por medio de técnicas experimentales y teóricas. Siete nuevos compuestos trinucleares oxo centrados de FeIII fueron obtenidos por síntesis solvotermal los cuales fueron cara...

  7. The X-ray spectra of clusters of galaxies and their relationship to other cluster properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitchell, R.J.; Dickens, R.J.; Burnell, S.J.B.; Culhane, J.L.


    New observations with the MSSL proportional counter spectrometer on the Ariel V satellite of the X-ray spectra of 20 candidate clusters of galaxies are reported. The data are compared with the results from the OSO-8 satellite and the combined sample of some 30 cluster X-ray spectra are analysed. The present study finds generally larger values of Lsub(X) than do Uhuru or the SSI, which, because of the larger field of view, may indicate significant amounts of hot gas away from the cluster centres. The validity of all X-ray cluster identifications has been examined, and sources have been classified according to certainty of identification. The incidence of X-ray line emission from the clusters has been investigated and temperatures, kTsub(X), have been derived on the basis of an isothermal model. Relationships between X-ray, optical and radio properties of the clusters have been studied. The more massive, centrally condensed clusters generally contain higher temperature gas and have a greater luminosity than the less massive, more irregular clusters. (author)

  8. Stick–slip behavior identified in helium cluster growth in the subsurface of tungsten: effects of cluster depth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Jinlong; Niu, Liang-Liang; Shu, Xiaolin; Zhang, Ying


    We have performed a molecular dynamics study on the growth of helium (He) clusters in the subsurface of tungsten (W) (1 0 0) at 300 K, focusing on the role of cluster depth. Irregular ‘stick–slip’ behavior exhibited during the evolution of the He cluster growth is identified, which is due to the combined effects of the continuous cluster growth and the loop punching induced pressure relief. We demonstrate that the He cluster grows via trap-mutation and loop punching mechanisms. Initially, the self-interstitial atom SIA clusters are almost always attached to the He cluster; while they are instantly emitted to the surface once a critical cluster pressure is reached. The repetition of this process results in the He cluster approaching the surface via a ‘stop-and-go’ manner and the formation of surface adatom islands (surface roughening), ultimately leading to cluster bursting and He escape. We reveal that, for the Nth loop punching event, the critical size of the He cluster to trigger loop punching and the size of the emitted SIA clusters are correspondingly increased with the increasing initial cluster depth. We tentatively attribute the observed depth effects to the lower formation energies of Frenkel pairs and the greatly reduced barriers for loop punching in the stress field of the W subsurface. In addition, some intriguing features emerge, such as the morphological transformation of the He cluster from ‘platelet-like’ to spherical, to ellipsoidal with a ‘bullet-like’ tip, and finally to a ‘bottle-like’ shape after cluster rupture. (paper)

  9. Litiasis renal: estudio y manejo endocrinológico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. Gilberto González, Dr.


    Full Text Available La litiasis renal es causa de importante morbilidad y costo económico, afectando hasta el 15% de la población. Además, la litiasis renal puede ser expresión también de enfermedades extrarrenales, entre las cuales destaca riesgo aumentado de osteoporosis. Estudios nacionales muestran que las causas de litiasis renal en Chile son similares a las comunicadas internacionalmente, destacando la hipercalciuria idiopática como el principal factor de riesgo. A pesar de los avances en técnicas urológicas de remoción de cálculo, éstas no modifican la historia natural de la litiasis renal. Así, en los pacientes sin tratamiento médico, la recurrencia es la regla más que la excepción. En esta revisión se actualiza el estudio y manejo endocrinológico de la litiasis renal, para el cual la evidencia muestra que éste es eficaz y seguro en la prevención de recurrencia de litiasis renal y control de enfermedades asociadas, complementando así el manejo urológico de esta importante enfermedad.

  10. Presentación de Atlánticas. Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Cobo Bedia


    Full Text Available El Centro de Estudios de Género y Feministas ha puesto en marcha Atlánticas. Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas con el apoyo de la Universidade da Coruña. Con esta publicación digital queremos contribuir, junto a revistas de otras universidades españolas, a la difusión de la teoría feminista y los estudios de género. Las señas de identidad de esta revista son el rigor intelectual y la pluralidad ideológica. Atlánticas, sin embargo, tiene la vista puesta no solo en la universidad sino también en la sociedad civil, pues sabemos que las reflexiones feministas solo son posibles si existe un movimiento feminista activo, crítico y plural. Consideramos que la teoría y la práctica política son inseparables. En el mismo sentido, esta revista no se dirige solo a la comunidad académica y a la sociedad civil española y portuguesa sino también a espacios universitarios y sociales de América Latina, Centroamérica y el Caribe.

  11. Clustering Millions of Faces by Identity. (United States)

    Otto, Charles; Wang, Dayong; Jain, Anil K


    Given a large collection of unlabeled face images, we address the problem of clustering faces into an unknown number of identities. This problem is of interest in social media, law enforcement, and other applications, where the number of faces can be of the order of hundreds of million, while the number of identities (clusters) can range from a few thousand to millions. To address the challenges of run-time complexity and cluster quality, we present an approximate Rank-Order clustering algorithm that performs better than popular clustering algorithms (k-Means and Spectral). Our experiments include clustering up to 123 million face images into over 10 million clusters. Clustering results are analyzed in terms of external (known face labels) and internal (unknown face labels) quality measures, and run-time. Our algorithm achieves an F-measure of 0.87 on the LFW benchmark (13 K faces of 5,749 individuals), which drops to 0.27 on the largest dataset considered (13 K faces in LFW + 123M distractor images). Additionally, we show that frames in the YouTube benchmark can be clustered with an F-measure of 0.71. An internal per-cluster quality measure is developed to rank individual clusters for manual exploration of high quality clusters that are compact and isolated.

  12. Normalization based K means Clustering Algorithm


    Virmani, Deepali; Taneja, Shweta; Malhotra, Geetika


    K-means is an effective clustering technique used to separate similar data into groups based on initial centroids of clusters. In this paper, Normalization based K-means clustering algorithm(N-K means) is proposed. Proposed N-K means clustering algorithm applies normalization prior to clustering on the available data as well as the proposed approach calculates initial centroids based on weights. Experimental results prove the betterment of proposed N-K means clustering algorithm over existing...

  13. Estudios ecológicos en salud ambiental: más allá de la epidemiología

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis C. Blanco-Becerra


    Full Text Available Los estudios ecológicos se caracterizan por tener como unidad de análisis a las poblaciones, y constituyen una fuente importante y frecuente de información comprobada en salud ambiental. En esta revisión se resumen los fundamentos de los estudios ecológicos, partiendo de la premisa de que es posible hacerlos con métodos cuantitativos, cualitativos o mixtos. Se presenta la lógica que subyace a su diseño, y su papel en la exploración de la causalidad, las variables y las categorías de análisis, los principales diseños y las técnicas de recolección de datos. Igualmente, se dan ejemplos de estudios ecológicos llevados a cabo en América Latina, y se discuten algunos de los problemas metodológicos frecuentes y las posibles vías para abordarlos. Por último, se resalta la relevancia de los estudios ecológicos cuantitativos y cualitativos en salud ambiental como una forma de superar el individualismo conceptual y metodológico hegemónico, que resulta insuficiente para el estudio de la salud en las poblaciones.


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un estudio de caso de una empresa donde colaboran directivos de dos culturas: México e India; se plantean preguntas de investigación como: ¿cuáles son los valores, actitudes y habilidades que ambas culturas esperan de sus líderes?, ¿cuáles son las habilidades del líder y sus estilos de liderazgo? y ¿cuál es la distancia y dimensión del poder de los líderes de ambas culturas? Se diseñó un instrumento con las cinco características de la descripción de la personalidad enumeradas por Goldberg (1990, la aproximación de estilo de liderazgo de Madrigal (2009, y dimensión de la incertidumbre y distancia del poder con la teoría de Northouse (2012. Para poder llevar a cabo este estudio se encuestaron a 102 directivos de cultura india y mexicana en diferentes aspectos relacionados con la percepción de liderazgo. Los resultados demuestran que tanto los mexicanos como los indios tienden a preferir un estilo de liderazgo democrático. Finalmente se presentan como hallazgos las diferencias existentes en el colectivismo institucional y en la orientación al futuro de ambas culturas.

  15. Anomalous properties of technetium clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kryuchkov, S.V.


    On the basis of critical evaluation of literature data in the field of chemistry of technetium cluster compounds with ligands of a weak field a conclusion is made on specific, ''anomalous'' properties of technetium cluster complexes which consist in an increased ability of the given element to the formation of a series of binuclear and multinuclear clusters, similar in composition and structure and easily transforming in each other. The majority of technetium clusters unlike similar compounds of other elements are paramagnetic with one unpaired electron on ''metallic'' MO of loosening type. All theoretical conceptions known today on the electronic structure of technetium clusters are considered. It is pointed out, that the best results in the explanation of ''anomalous'' properties of technetium clusters can be obtained in the framework of nonempirical methods of self-consistent field taking into account configuration interactions. It is also shown, that certain properties of technetium clusters can be explained on the basis of qualitative model of Coulomb repulsion of metal atoms in clusters. The conclusion is made, that technetium position in the Periodic table, as well as recently detected technetium property to the decrease of effective charge on its atoms during M-M bond formation promote a high ability of the element to cluster formation both with weak field ligands and with strong field one

  16. Estudio hidrogeológico del valle de Mala


    Ministerio de Agricultura. Dirección General de Aguas, Suelos e Irrigaciones


    Determina el recurso hídrico subterráneo del valle del río Mala, mediante el análisis e investigación de las características hidrogeológicas, en base a las informaciones de diferentes etapas del estudio; para de esta manera, racionalizar mejor su uso, dando cumplimiento así a lo dispuesto por la Ley General de Aguas.

  17. Contextualizing the Cluster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Giacomin, Valeria

    This dissertation examines the case of the palm oil cluster in Malaysia and Indonesia, today one of the largest agricultural clusters in the world. My analysis focuses on the evolution of the cluster from the 1880s to the 1970s in order to understand how it helped these two countries to integrate...... into the global economy in both colonial and post-colonial times. The study is based on empirical material drawn from five UK archives and background research using secondary sources, interviews, and archive visits to Malaysia and Singapore. The dissertation comprises three articles, each discussing a major under...

  18. Cluster Analysis of Maize Inbred Lines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiban Shrestha


    Full Text Available The determination of diversity among inbred lines is important for heterosis breeding. Sixty maize inbred lines were evaluated for their eight agro morphological traits during winter season of 2011 to analyze their genetic diversity. Clustering was done by average linkage method. The inbred lines were grouped into six clusters. Inbred lines grouped into Clusters II had taller plants with maximum number of leaves. The cluster III was characterized with shorter plants with minimum number of leaves. The inbred lines categorized into cluster V had early flowering whereas the group into cluster VI had late flowering time. The inbred lines grouped into the cluster III were characterized by higher value of anthesis silking interval (ASI and those of cluster VI had lower value of ASI. These results showed that the inbred lines having widely divergent clusters can be utilized in hybrid breeding programme.

  19. Clusters, Connectivity and Catch-up

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorenzen, Mark; Mudambi, Ram


    In this article, we make two important contributions to the literature on clusters. First, we provide a broader theory of cluster connectivity that has hitherto focused on organization-based pipelines and MNE subsidiaries, by including linkages in the form of personal relationships. Second, we us...... by contrasting two emerging economy case studies: Bollywood, the Indian filmed entertainment cluster in Mumbai and the Indian software cluster in Bangalore....

  20. Electronic and atomic impacts on large clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gspann, J.


    Describing first the generation and properties of molecular beams of large Van der Waals clusters such as speed distribution, cluster size distribution, and internal temperature of the clusters, the review then features the results of electronic impacts on large clusters: metastable electronic cluster excitations, ejection of positive cluster ions of less than 100 atoms from much larger parent clusters, and ionization of the large clusters. Atomic impacts at thermal energies are treated with respect to the scattering cross section of the clusters, their drag coefficient in free molecular flow, and the peculiarities of impacts on helium clusters of either isotope. (Auth.)

  1. Cluster headache


    Leroux, Elizabeth; Ducros, Anne


    Abstract Cluster headache (CH) is a primary headache disease characterized by recurrent short-lasting attacks (15 to 180 minutes) of excruciating unilateral periorbital pain accompanied by ipsilateral autonomic signs (lacrimation, nasal congestion, ptosis, miosis, lid edema, redness of the eye). It affects young adults, predominantly males. Prevalence is estimated at 0.5–1.0/1,000. CH has a circannual and circadian periodicity, attacks being clustered (hence the name) in bouts that can occur ...

  2. Cluster bomb ocular injuries. (United States)

    Mansour, Ahmad M; Hamade, Haya; Ghaddar, Ayman; Mokadem, Ahmad Samih; El Hajj Ali, Mohamad; Awwad, Shady


    To present the visual outcomes and ocular sequelae of victims of cluster bombs. This retrospective, multicenter case series of ocular injury due to cluster bombs was conducted for 3 years after the war in South Lebanon (July 2006). Data were gathered from the reports to the Information Management System for Mine Action. There were 308 victims of clusters bombs; 36 individuals were killed, of which 2 received ocular lacerations and; 272 individuals were injured with 18 receiving ocular injury. These 18 surviving individuals were assessed by the authors. Ocular injury occurred in 6.5% (20/308) of cluster bomb victims. Trauma to multiple organs occurred in 12 of 18 cases (67%) with ocular injury. Ocular findings included corneal or scleral lacerations (16 eyes), corneal foreign bodies (9 eyes), corneal decompensation (2 eyes), ruptured cataract (6 eyes), and intravitreal foreign bodies (10 eyes). The corneas of one patient had extreme attenuation of the endothelium. Ocular injury occurred in 6.5% of cluster bomb victims and 67% of the patients with ocular injury sustained trauma to multiple organs. Visual morbidity in civilians is an additional reason for a global ban on the use of cluster bombs.

  3. The next generation Virgo cluster survey. VIII. The spatial distribution of globular clusters in the Virgo cluster

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Durrell, Patrick R.; Accetta, Katharine [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH 44555 (United States); Côté, Patrick; Blakeslee, John P.; Ferrarese, Laura; McConnachie, Alan; Gwyn, Stephen [Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Research Council, 5071 West Saanich Road, Victoria, BC V9E 2E7 (Canada); Peng, Eric W.; Zhang, Hongxin [Department of Astronomy, Peking University, Beijing 100871 (China); Mihos, J. Christopher [Department of Astronomy, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 (United States); Puzia, Thomas H.; Jordán, Andrés [Institute of Astrophysics, Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Av. Vicu' a Mackenna 4860, Macul 7820436, Santiago (Chile); Lançon, Ariane [Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, UMR 7550, 11 rue de l' Université, F-67000 Strasbourg (France); Liu, Chengze [Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240 (China); Cuillandre, Jean-Charles [Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation, Kamuela, HI 96743 (United States); Boissier, Samuel; Boselli, Alessandro [Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, LAM (Laboratoire d' Astrophysique de Marseille) UMR 7326, F-13388 Marseille (France); Courteau, Stéphane [Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, Queen' s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 (Canada); Duc, Pierre-Alain [AIM Paris Saclay, CNRS/INSU, CEA/Irfu, Université Paris Diderot, Orme des Merisiers, F-91191 Gif sur Yvette cedex (France); Emsellem, Eric [Université de Lyon 1, CRAL, Observatoire de Lyon, 9 av. Charles André, F-69230 Saint-Genis Laval (France); CNRS, UMR 5574, ENS de Lyon (France); and others


    We report on a large-scale study of the distribution of globular clusters (GCs) throughout the Virgo cluster, based on photometry from the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS), a large imaging survey covering Virgo's primary subclusters (Virgo A = M87 and Virgo B = M49) out to their virial radii. Using the g{sub o}{sup ′}, (g' – i') {sub o} color-magnitude diagram of unresolved and marginally resolved sources within the NGVS, we have constructed two-dimensional maps of the (irregular) GC distribution over 100 deg{sup 2} to a depth of g{sub o}{sup ′} = 24. We present the clearest evidence to date showing the difference in concentration between red and blue GCs over the full extent of the cluster, where the red (more metal-rich) GCs are largely located around the massive early-type galaxies in Virgo, while the blue (metal-poor) GCs have a much more extended spatial distribution with significant populations still present beyond 83' (∼215 kpc) along the major axes of both M49 and M87. A comparison of our GC maps to the diffuse light in the outermost regions of M49 and M87 show remarkable agreement in the shape, ellipticity, and boxiness of both luminous systems. We also find evidence for spatial enhancements of GCs surrounding M87 that may be indicative of recent interactions or an ongoing merger history. We compare the GC map to that of the locations of Virgo galaxies and the X-ray intracluster gas, and find generally good agreement between these various baryonic structures. We calculate the Virgo cluster contains a total population of N {sub GC} = 67, 300 ± 14, 400, of which 35% are located in M87 and M49 alone. For the first time, we compute a cluster-wide specific frequency S {sub N,} {sub CL} = 2.8 ± 0.7, after correcting for Virgo's diffuse light. We also find a GC-to-baryonic mass fraction ε {sub b} = 5.7 ± 1.1 × 10{sup –4} and a GC-to-total cluster mass formation efficiency ε {sub t} = 2.9 ± 0.5 × 10{sup –5

  4. Multiparticle production through isoscalar clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armburst, W.T.; Scott, D.M.


    The isoscalar cluster model for multiparticle production was extended to include clusters of A 2 meson pairs in addition to previously studied rho-rho and sigma clusters. The production of each type of cluster is given by an energy dependent Poisson distribution. The Poisson parameters determined from the charged particle multiplicity distributions indicate that the inclusion of A 2 -A 2 clusters does not improve the fit to the data. The predictions of the model for n 0 n/sub -/, f/sup 2//sub -,-/, and f/sup 2//sub 0,0/ compare favorably to the experimental values. (U.S.)

  5. Using Cluster Bootstrapping to Analyze Nested Data with a Few Clusters (United States)

    Huang, Francis L.


    Cluster randomized trials involving participants nested within intact treatment and control groups are commonly performed in various educational, psychological, and biomedical studies. However, recruiting and retaining intact groups present various practical, financial, and logistical challenges to evaluators and often, cluster randomized trials…

  6. 15th Cluster workshop

    CERN Document Server

    Laakso, Harri; Escoubet, C. Philippe; The Cluster Active Archive : Studying the Earth’s Space Plasma Environment


    Since the year 2000 the ESA Cluster mission has been investigating the small-scale structures and processes of the Earth's plasma environment, such as those involved in the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetospheric plasma, in global magnetotail dynamics, in cross-tail currents, and in the formation and dynamics of the neutral line and of plasmoids. This book contains presentations made at the 15th Cluster workshop held in March 2008. It also presents several articles about the Cluster Active Archive and its datasets, a few overview papers on the Cluster mission, and articles reporting on scientific findings on the solar wind, the magnetosheath, the magnetopause and the magnetotail.

  7. Cluster Based Text Classification Model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nizamani, Sarwat; Memon, Nasrullah; Wiil, Uffe Kock


    We propose a cluster based classification model for suspicious email detection and other text classification tasks. The text classification tasks comprise many training examples that require a complex classification model. Using clusters for classification makes the model simpler and increases...... the accuracy at the same time. The test example is classified using simpler and smaller model. The training examples in a particular cluster share the common vocabulary. At the time of clustering, we do not take into account the labels of the training examples. After the clusters have been created......, the classifier is trained on each cluster having reduced dimensionality and less number of examples. The experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms the existing classification models for the task of suspicious email detection and topic categorization on the Reuters-21578 and 20 Newsgroups...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Hao; Collins, David C.; Norman, Michael L.; Li Hui; Li Shengtai


    We present self-consistent cosmological magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations that simultaneously follow the formation of a galaxy cluster and the magnetic field ejection by an active galactic nucleus (AGN). We find that the magnetic fields ejected by the AGNs, though initially distributed in relatively small volumes, can be transported throughout the cluster and be further amplified by the intracluster medium (ICM) turbulence during the cluster formation process. The ICM turbulence is shown to be generated and sustained by the frequent mergers of smaller halos. Furthermore, a cluster-wide dynamo process is shown to exist in the ICM and amplify the magnetic field energy and flux. The total magnetic energy in the cluster can reach ∼10 61 erg while micro Gauss (μG) fields can distribute over ∼ Mpc scales throughout the whole cluster. This finding shows that magnetic fields from AGNs, being further amplified by the ICM turbulence through small-scale dynamo processes, can be the origin of cluster-wide magnetic fields.

  9. Improving local clustering based top-L link prediction methods via asymmetric link clustering information (United States)

    Wu, Zhihao; Lin, Youfang; Zhao, Yiji; Yan, Hongyan


    Networks can represent a wide range of complex systems, such as social, biological and technological systems. Link prediction is one of the most important problems in network analysis, and has attracted much research interest recently. Many link prediction methods have been proposed to solve this problem with various techniques. We can note that clustering information plays an important role in solving the link prediction problem. In previous literatures, we find node clustering coefficient appears frequently in many link prediction methods. However, node clustering coefficient is limited to describe the role of a common-neighbor in different local networks, because it cannot distinguish different clustering abilities of a node to different node pairs. In this paper, we shift our focus from nodes to links, and propose the concept of asymmetric link clustering (ALC) coefficient. Further, we improve three node clustering based link prediction methods via the concept of ALC. The experimental results demonstrate that ALC-based methods outperform node clustering based methods, especially achieving remarkable improvements on food web, hamster friendship and Internet networks. Besides, comparing with other methods, the performance of ALC-based methods are very stable in both globalized and personalized top-L link prediction tasks.

  10. Estudio de las publicaciones sobre contabilidad de gestión en Brasil y España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rogério João Lunkes


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas, se han producido cambios importantes en la contabilidad de gestión con la inclusión de nuevos temas y métodos de investigación, revistas exclusivas y, en especial, estudios con perspectivas multidisciplinarias. Estos cambios se han detectado con estudios divulgados en publicaciones de revistas importantes. En este contexto surge la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cuál es el perfil de las investigaciones a respecto de la contabilidad de gestión en España y Brasil? Así, el objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar y analizar los temas y métodos de investigación aplicados en los estudios de contabilidad de gestión en España y Brasil, presentar cómo esas investigaciones son importantes para el desarrollo del área de contabilidad de gestión y compararlas con los estudios realizados en revistas anglosajonas por Hesford, Lee, Van Der Stede, e Young (2007. Con este fin se seleccionaron, entre 2001 y 2010, en primer lugar, siete revistas contables españolas que figuran en la base de datos IN-RECS (Índice de Impacto de Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales en donde hemos encontrado 421 artículos. En segundo lugar se han seleccionado veintinueve revistas brasileñas de contabilidad, administración, gestión, finanzas y negocios evaluadas por CAPES (Coordinación de Perfeccionamiento de la Educación Superior, en donde se han encontrado 321 artículos. Los resultados muestran que los trabajos en contabilidad de gestión no han ocupado un lugar destacado en las publicaciones analizadas. Entre los temas más relevantes se encuentran el de planificación y control con énfasis en el elemento de medición y evaluación del desempeño. El desarrollo de los estudios se produce, en gran medida, mediante la aplicación de estudios de caso y survey en Brasil y revisión y estudio de caso en España.

  11. Formation of nuclear molecules in cluster radioactivity. On interpretation of the cluster radioactivity mechanism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Volkov, V.V.; Cherepanov, E.A.


    The basis for cluster radioactivity is the property of nuclei of light isotopes of elements heavier than lead to spontaneously form clusters - nuclei of light elements - from valence nucleons, which gives rise to asymmetric nuclear molecules. The cluster formation proceeds through successive excitation-free transfer of valence nucleons to the particle and to subsequent light nuclei. Nuclear molecule formation is accompanied by a considerable amount of released energy, which allows quantum-mechanical penetration of the cluster through the exit Coulomb barrier

  12. Gene cluster statistics with gene families. (United States)

    Raghupathy, Narayanan; Durand, Dannie


    Identifying genomic regions that descended from a common ancestor is important for understanding the function and evolution of genomes. In distantly related genomes, clusters of homologous gene pairs are evidence of candidate homologous regions. Demonstrating the statistical significance of such "gene clusters" is an essential component of comparative genomic analyses. However, currently there are no practical statistical tests for gene clusters that model the influence of the number of homologs in each gene family on cluster significance. In this work, we demonstrate empirically that failure to incorporate gene family size in gene cluster statistics results in overestimation of significance, leading to incorrect conclusions. We further present novel analytical methods for estimating gene cluster significance that take gene family size into account. Our methods do not require complete genome data and are suitable for testing individual clusters found in local regions, such as contigs in an unfinished assembly. We consider pairs of regions drawn from the same genome (paralogous clusters), as well as regions drawn from two different genomes (orthologous clusters). Determining cluster significance under general models of gene family size is computationally intractable. By assuming that all gene families are of equal size, we obtain analytical expressions that allow fast approximation of cluster probabilities. We evaluate the accuracy of this approximation by comparing the resulting gene cluster probabilities with cluster probabilities obtained by simulating a realistic, power-law distributed model of gene family size, with parameters inferred from genomic data. Surprisingly, despite the simplicity of the underlying assumption, our method accurately approximates the true cluster probabilities. It slightly overestimates these probabilities, yielding a conservative test. We present additional simulation results indicating the best choice of parameter values for data


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cockcroft, Robert; Harris, William E.; Ferguson, Annette M. N.


    We use CFHT/MegaCam data to search for outer halo star clusters in M33 as part of the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey. This work extends previous studies out to a projected radius of 50 kpc and covers over 40 deg 2 . We find only one new unambiguous star cluster in addition to the five previously known in the M33 outer halo (10 kpc ≤ r ≤ 50 kpc). Although we identify 2440 cluster candidates of various degrees of confidence from our objective image search procedure, almost all of these are likely background contaminants, mostly faint unresolved galaxies. We measure the luminosity, color, and structural parameters of the new cluster in addition to the five previously known outer halo clusters. At a projected radius of 22 kpc, the new cluster is slightly smaller, fainter, and redder than all but one of the other outer halo clusters, and has g' ∼ 19.9, (g' - i') ∼ 0.6, concentration parameter c ∼ 1.0, a core radius r c ∼ 3.5 pc, and a half-light radius r h ∼ 5.5 pc. For M33 to have so few outer halo clusters compared to M31 suggests either tidal stripping of M33's outer halo clusters by M31, or a very different, much calmer accretion history of M33.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esther E. Pellizzari


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar la resistencia al arsénico en cultivos puros de Pseudomonas aeruginosa , aislada de aguas subterráneas de Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña, provincia de Chaco y evaluar la posibilidad de su uso para la remoción de este contaminante presente en las aguas subterráneas. Las cepas fueron inmovilizadas en piedra natural y se cu ltivaron en caldo de sales y 1 mgAs/L . Se observó la resistencia al arsénico y la formación de biofilm , logrando la interacción entre la s células, roca y arsénico . L a remoción de arsénico se evaluó durante 3 meses y el porcentaje de eliminación de arsénico al final del experimento fue 60%.

  15. Atomic interaction with quantum fluid clusters: cross-jet deflection of 3He- and 4He-clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gspann, J.; Vollmar, H.


    The authors have studied earlier the velocity dependence of the total scattering of Cs atomic beams by 4 He-cluster beams, in comparison with corresponding experiments with N 2 - and Ne-cluster beams. Only with the 4 He-cluster beams a deficiency in the effective total scattering compared to the expected behaviour has been observed which was largest near 200 m/s of relative velocity. However, it is difficult to estimate, and therefore still a matter of investigation, to which extent this effect could be attributed to the presence of a small amount of uncondensed helium atoms in the cluster beam. In this paper a first account is given on an experimental study of the drag coefficients in free molecular flow of helium clusters of either isotope. The drag coefficients describe the respective efficiencies of linear momentum transfer onto the clusters and are found to be appreciably lower for helium than for nitrogen clusters which is ascribed to the fluidity of the helium clusters. (Auth.)

  16. Stopping of hypervelocity clusters in solids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anders, Christian; Ziegenhain, Gerolf; Urbassek, Herbert M; Bringa, Eduardo M


    Using molecular-dynamics simulations, we study the processes underlying the stopping of energetic clusters upon impact in matter. We investigate self-bombardment of both a metallic (Cu) and a van-der-Waals bonded (frozen Ar) target. Clusters with sizes up to N = 10 4 atoms and with energies per atom of E/N = 0.1-1600 eV atom -1 were studied. We find that the stopping force exerted on a cluster follows an N 2/3 -dependence with cluster size N; thus large clusters experience less stopping than equi-velocity atoms. In the course of being stopped, the cluster is strongly deformed and attains a roughly pancake shape. Due to the cluster inertia, maximum deformation occurs later than the maximum stopping force. The time scale of projectile stopping is set by t 0 , the time the cluster needs to cover its own diameter before impacting the target; it thus depends on both cluster size and velocity. The time when the cluster experiences its maximum stopping force is around (0.7-0.8)t 0 . We find that the cluster is deformed with huge strain rates of around 1/2t 0 ; this amounts to 10 11 -10 13 s -1 for the cases studied here. (paper)

  17. Envejecimiento satisfactorio e indicadores de fragilidad en los mayores de la comunidad. Estudio Octabaix


    Ferrer, Assumpta; Formiga, Francesc; Sanz, Héctor; Monserrate, Elena; Verges, Dolors


    El envejecimiento satisfactorio como estado óptimo de un proceso de adaptación es poco conocido en las personas más mayores. Objetivo: Describir envejecimiento satisfactorio y analizar su asociación con indicadores de fragilidad en personas de 86 años. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo transversal al segundo año de seguimiento de un ensayo clínico (estudio Octabaix). Emplazamiento: Siete centros de atención primaria. Participantes: Personas nacidas en 1924, no institucionalizadas. Me...

  18. Estudio de técnicas de inserción de marcas de agua sobre software


    Jaimez Moruno, Marc


    Este trabajo es un estudio de las distintas técnicas de software watermarking existentes para la protección de la propiedad intelectual contenida en un programa. Partiendo de este estudio se propone una implementación para usar técnicas watermarking en la protección de agentes móviles. Concretamente se implementa una solución para detectar ejecuciones deshonestas por parte de host maliciosos

  19. Estudio sobre el estado nutricional, calidad de vida, y capacidad funcional en pacientes con fibromialgia. Estudio ENCAVI


    Arranz, Laura Isabel


    [spa] La fibromialgia es una enfermedad reumática, clasificada con el código OMS CIE-10- M79.7 (versión 2007), de carácter crónico que causa dolor muscular generalizado, rigidez, fatiga, alteraciones del sueño y trastornos cognitivos entre otros síntomas. La prevalencia en España está alrededor del 2.4%, aunque algunos estudios han situado esta cifra entorno al 4%, siendo las mujeres las que más la padecen, con gran diferencia respecto a los hombres. La fibromialgia, además, se presenta frecu...

  20. ClusterControl: a web interface for distributing and monitoring bioinformatics applications on a Linux cluster. (United States)

    Stocker, Gernot; Rieder, Dietmar; Trajanoski, Zlatko


    ClusterControl is a web interface to simplify distributing and monitoring bioinformatics applications on Linux cluster systems. We have developed a modular concept that enables integration of command line oriented program into the application framework of ClusterControl. The systems facilitate integration of different applications accessed through one interface and executed on a distributed cluster system. The package is based on freely available technologies like Apache as web server, PHP as server-side scripting language and OpenPBS as queuing system and is available free of charge for academic and non-profit institutions.

  1. Estudios pioneros en torno al origen del lenguaje natural

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martínez Contreras, Jorge


    Full Text Available It has being an ancient desire to ask apes what their natural lives are. De la Mettrie was the first to propose, in the 18th C., that the sign language of deaf adults could be used with them since they do not speak. We enhance here some of the pioneering projects of the two strategies for this endeavor: the use of ASL and the utilization of lexigrams and computers. Besides the ancient communicative quest with them, the evolutionist’s perspective has seen in these studies a way to find out how the natural language (NL emerged in hominids. If it is clear that apes do no possess totally the NL, the linguistic turn in primatology has left way, as in philosophy, to more complex field and laboratory cognitive studies of less anthropocentric nature.

    Tratar de hablar con los simios y preguntarles cosas sobre su vida natural es un viejo deseo. De la Mettrie propone, en el s. XVIII, que se les enseñe el lenguaje de los sordos en vista de que no pueden hablar. Resaltamos aquí algunos estudios pioneros en relación con las dos estrategias llevadas a cabo para tratar de hablar con los simios: el uso del lenguaje americano de sordos (ASL y el de los lexigramas y computadoras. Además del viejo interés interrogativo humano hacia ellos, la perspectiva evolucionista ha visto en estos estudios un medio de investigar cómo surgió el lenguaje natural (LN en homínidos. Si queda claro que los simios no poseen totalmente el LN, el giro lingüistico en primatología ha cedido, como en filosofía, el paso a estudios cognitivos más complejos, de campo y de laboratorio, de orientación menos antropomórfica.

  2. El fenómeno administrativo como objeto de estudio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Ramírez Cardona


    Full Text Available El perfil de la ciencia o de las ciencias llamadas administrativas resulta confuso cuan teoría general y el objeto de estudio de otras disciplinas relacionadas con el proceso administrativo o que constituyen campos de aplicación de principios y técnicas de la teoría general.

  3. Quasars in galaxy cluster environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellingson, E.


    The evolution of radio loud quasars is found to be strongly dependent upon their galaxy cluster environment. Previous studies have shown that bright quasars are found in rich clusters, while high luminosity quasars are found only in poorer environments. The analysis of low luminosity radio quiet quasars indicate that they are never found in rich environments, suggesting that they are a physically different class of objects. Properties of the quasar environment are investigated to determine constraints on the physical mechanisms of quasar formation and evolution. The optical cluster morphology indicates that the cluster cores have smaller radii and higher galaxy densities than are typical for low redshift clusters of similar richness. Radio morphologies may indicate that the formation of a dense intra-cluster medium is associated with the quasars' fading at these epochs. Galaxy colors appear to be normal, but there may be a tendency for clusters associated with high luminosity quasars to contain a higher fraction of gas-rich galaxies than those associated with low luminosity quasars. Multislit spectroscopic observations of galaxies associated with high luminosity quasars indicate that quasars are preferentially located in regions of low relative velocity dispersion, either in rich clusters of abnormally low dispersion, or in poor groups which are dynamically normal. This suggests that galaxy-galaxy interactions may play a role in quasar formation and sustenanace. Virialization of rich clusters and the subsequent increase in galaxy velocities may therefore be responsible for the fading of quasars in rich environments

  4. Análisis geoestadístico en el estudio de la explotación de los recursos minerales


    Chica Olmo, Mario


    La Tesis Doctoral del Sr. Chica Olmo constituye una aproximación geoestadística al estudio de explotación de los recursos minerales de modo que en la memoria se recogen las principales conclusiones metodológicas teóricas y practicas alcanzadas a través de diferentes estudios y proyectos llevados a cabo en el dominio minero referentes a depósitos de naturaleza variada como carbón uranio plomo plata... En gran medida los anteriores estudios han sido realizados en el centro de geoestadística de ...

  5. Tune Your Brown Clustering, Please

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Derczynski, Leon; Chester, Sean; Bøgh, Kenneth Sejdenfaden


    Brown clustering, an unsupervised hierarchical clustering technique based on ngram mutual information, has proven useful in many NLP applications. However, most uses of Brown clustering employ the same default configuration; the appropriateness of this configuration has gone predominantly...

  6. Yellow supergiants in open clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sowell, J.R.


    Superluminous giant stars (SLGs) have been reported in young globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). These stars appear to be in the post-asymptotic-giant-branch phase of evolution. This program was an investigation of galactic SLG candidates in open clusters, which are more like the LMC young globular clusters. These were chosen because luminosity, mass, and age determinations can be made for members since cluster distances and interstellar reddenings are known. Color magnitude diagrams were searched for candidates, using the same selection criteria as for SLGs in the LMC. Classification spectra were obtained of 115 program stars from McGraw-Hill Observatory and of 68 stars from Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Chile. These stars were visually classified on the MK system using spectral scans of standard stars taken at the respective observations. Published information was combined with this program's data for 83 stars in 30 clusters. Membership probabilities were assigned to these stars, and the clusters were analyzed according to age. It was seen that the intrinsically brightest supergiants are found in the youngest clusters. With increasing cluster age, the absolute luminosities attained by the supergiants decline. Also, it appears that the evolutionary tracks of luminosity class II stars are more similar to those of class I than of class III

  7. A possibilistic approach to clustering (United States)

    Krishnapuram, Raghu; Keller, James M.


    Fuzzy clustering has been shown to be advantageous over crisp (or traditional) clustering methods in that total commitment of a vector to a given class is not required at each image pattern recognition iteration. Recently fuzzy clustering methods have shown spectacular ability to detect not only hypervolume clusters, but also clusters which are actually 'thin shells', i.e., curves and surfaces. Most analytic fuzzy clustering approaches are derived from the 'Fuzzy C-Means' (FCM) algorithm. The FCM uses the probabilistic constraint that the memberships of a data point across classes sum to one. This constraint was used to generate the membership update equations for an iterative algorithm. Recently, we cast the clustering problem into the framework of possibility theory using an approach in which the resulting partition of the data can be interpreted as a possibilistic partition, and the membership values may be interpreted as degrees of possibility of the points belonging to the classes. We show the ability of this approach to detect linear and quartic curves in the presence of considerable noise.

  8. Conformational Clusters of Phosphorylated Tyrosine. (United States)

    Abdelrasoul, Maha; Ponniah, Komala; Mao, Alice; Warden, Meghan S; Elhefnawy, Wessam; Li, Yaohang; Pascal, Steven M


    Tyrosine phosphorylation plays an important role in many cellular and intercellular processes including signal transduction, subcellular localization, and regulation of enzymatic activity. In 1999, Blom et al., using the limited number of protein data bank (PDB) structures available at that time, reported that the side chain structures of phosphorylated tyrosine (pY) are partitioned into two conserved conformational clusters ( Blom, N.; Gammeltoft, S.; Brunak, S. J. Mol. Biol. 1999 , 294 , 1351 - 1362 ). We have used the spectral clustering algorithm to cluster the increasingly growing number of protein structures with pY sites, and have found that the pY residues cluster into three distinct side chain conformations. Two of these pY conformational clusters associate strongly with a narrow range of tyrosine backbone conformation. The novel cluster also highly correlates with the identity of the n + 1 residue, and is strongly associated with a sequential pYpY conformation which places two adjacent pY side chains in a specific relative orientation. Further analysis shows that the three pY clusters are associated with distinct distributions of cognate protein kinases.

  9. Mathematical classification and clustering

    CERN Document Server

    Mirkin, Boris


    I am very happy to have this opportunity to present the work of Boris Mirkin, a distinguished Russian scholar in the areas of data analysis and decision making methodologies. The monograph is devoted entirely to clustering, a discipline dispersed through many theoretical and application areas, from mathematical statistics and combina­ torial optimization to biology, sociology and organizational structures. It compiles an immense amount of research done to date, including many original Russian de­ velopments never presented to the international community before (for instance, cluster-by-cluster versions of the K-Means method in Chapter 4 or uniform par­ titioning in Chapter 5). The author's approach, approximation clustering, allows him both to systematize a great part of the discipline and to develop many in­ novative methods in the framework of optimization problems. The optimization methods considered are proved to be meaningful in the contexts of data analysis and clustering. The material presented in ...



    Carrascosa López, Conrado


    Resumen de la Tesis "Estudio de la proactividad medioambienta:l:e!l_las empresas industriales de la Comunidad Valenciana: Identificación de patrOliés de _ comportamiento. Interés del estudio. El propósito de esta tesis es estudiar en detalle el concepto proactividad medioambiental en la empresa y su aplicación a las industrias manufactureras. Objetivos. El objetivo principal de este estudio es analizar el sector industrial estudiando la ...~ � � _.. .... l..- '=" ' :-~...

  11. IntroductionThe Cluster mission

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Fehringer

    Full Text Available The Cluster mission, ESA’s first cornerstone project, together with the SOHO mission, dating back to the first proposals in 1982, was finally launched in the summer of 2000. On 16 July and 9 August, respectively, two Russian Soyuz rockets blasted off from the Russian cosmodrome in Baikonour to deliver two Cluster spacecraft, each into their proper orbit. By the end of August 2000, the four Cluster satellites had reached their final tetrahedral constellation. The commissioning of 44 instruments, both individually and as an ensemble of complementary tools, was completed five months later to ensure the optimal use of their combined observational potential. On 1 February 2001, the mission was declared operational. The main goal of the Cluster mission is to study the small-scale plasma structures in three dimensions in key plasma regions, such as the solar wind, bow shock, magnetopause, polar cusps, magnetotail and the auroral zones. With its unique capabilities of three-dimensional spatial resolution, Cluster plays a major role in the International Solar Terrestrial Program (ISTP, where Cluster and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO are the European contributions. Cluster’s payload consists of state-of-the-art plasma instrumentation to measure electric and magnetic fields from the quasi-static up to high frequencies, and electron and ion distribution functions from energies of nearly 0 eV to a few MeV. The science operations are coordinated by the Joint Science Operations Centre (JSOC, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK, and implemented by the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC, in Darmstadt, Germany. A network of eight national data centres has been set up for raw data processing, for the production of physical parameters, and their distribution to end users all over the world. The latest information on the Cluster mission can be found at

  12. IntroductionThe Cluster mission

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    C. P. Escoubet


    Full Text Available The Cluster mission, ESA’s first cornerstone project, together with the SOHO mission, dating back to the first proposals in 1982, was finally launched in the summer of 2000. On 16 July and 9 August, respectively, two Russian Soyuz rockets blasted off from the Russian cosmodrome in Baikonour to deliver two Cluster spacecraft, each into their proper orbit. By the end of August 2000, the four Cluster satellites had reached their final tetrahedral constellation. The commissioning of 44 instruments, both individually and as an ensemble of complementary tools, was completed five months later to ensure the optimal use of their combined observational potential. On 1 February 2001, the mission was declared operational. The main goal of the Cluster mission is to study the small-scale plasma structures in three dimensions in key plasma regions, such as the solar wind, bow shock, magnetopause, polar cusps, magnetotail and the auroral zones. With its unique capabilities of three-dimensional spatial resolution, Cluster plays a major role in the International Solar Terrestrial Program (ISTP, where Cluster and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO are the European contributions. Cluster’s payload consists of state-of-the-art plasma instrumentation to measure electric and magnetic fields from the quasi-static up to high frequencies, and electron and ion distribution functions from energies of nearly 0 eV to a few MeV. The science operations are coordinated by the Joint Science Operations Centre (JSOC, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK, and implemented by the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC, in Darmstadt, Germany. A network of eight national data centres has been set up for raw data processing, for the production of physical parameters, and their distribution to end users all over the world. The latest information on the Cluster mission can be found at

  13. Estudio sobre las relaciones del síndrome de burnout con algunos factores psicosociales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea López Fernández


    Full Text Available El Síndrome de Burnout es un problema psicosocial relevante porque el trabajador pierde su capacidad de motivación por el trabajo, su rendimiento laboral es bajo y se deteriora su salud física y mental, por eso se considera que es un problema importante sobre todo en el ámbito penitenciario, donde los trabajadores están sometidos a constantes presiones. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la relación existente entre Burnout, autoestima, género y experiencia laboral en funcionarios de prisiones. El estudio se realizó con 34 funcionarios penitenciarios de la cárcel de Albolote (Granada. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (1965 y el Cuestionario de Maslach Burnout Inventory (1986. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que no existen relaciones significativas entre Burnout, autoestima, experiencia laboral y género; aunque se han encontrado algunas diferencias de género en las variables de estudio.

  14. Facilitating Cluster Evolution in Peripheral Regions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jesper Lindgaard; Stoerring, Dagmara


    This paper discusses the feasibility and dilemmas in stimulating high-tech clusters in peripheral regions. In recent years innovation and cluster policy to a large extend has been focused upon stimulating collective learning processes and building social capital. This has in turn accentuated a need...... to focus on the carriers of the cluster policy. Despite this importance of the role of policy actors, research in cluster development and even cluster policy has generally not emphasized a more precise specification of this role. This paper contributes to this debate by substantiating the concept...... of “clusterpreneurs” defined as important actors in cluster formation. We illustrate the role of clusterpreneurs by the example of a biomedical technology cluster initiative in North Jutland, Denmark and point to the presence of different types of dilemmas connected with cluster policy. We show how the presence...

  15. [Cluster analysis in biomedical researches]. (United States)

    Akopov, A S; Moskovtsev, A A; Dolenko, S A; Savina, G D


    Cluster analysis is one of the most popular methods for the analysis of multi-parameter data. The cluster analysis reveals the internal structure of the data, group the separate observations on the degree of their similarity. The review provides a definition of the basic concepts of cluster analysis, and discusses the most popular clustering algorithms: k-means, hierarchical algorithms, Kohonen networks algorithms. Examples are the use of these algorithms in biomedical research.

  16. Co-clustering models, algorithms and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Govaert, Gérard


    Cluster or co-cluster analyses are important tools in a variety of scientific areas. The introduction of this book presents a state of the art of already well-established, as well as more recent methods of co-clustering. The authors mainly deal with the two-mode partitioning under different approaches, but pay particular attention to a probabilistic approach. Chapter 1 concerns clustering in general and the model-based clustering in particular. The authors briefly review the classical clustering methods and focus on the mixture model. They present and discuss the use of different mixture

  17. Testing the Large-scale Environments of Cool-core and Non-cool-core Clusters with Clustering Bias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medezinski, Elinor; Battaglia, Nicholas; Cen, Renyue; Gaspari, Massimo; Strauss, Michael A.; Spergel, David N. [Department of Astrophysical Sciences, 4 Ivy Lane, Princeton, NJ 08544 (United States); Coupon, Jean, E-mail: [Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva, ch. dEcogia 16, CH-1290 Versoix (Switzerland)


    There are well-observed differences between cool-core (CC) and non-cool-core (NCC) clusters, but the origin of this distinction is still largely unknown. Competing theories can be divided into internal (inside-out), in which internal physical processes transform or maintain the NCC phase, and external (outside-in), in which the cluster type is determined by its initial conditions, which in turn leads to different formation histories (i.e., assembly bias). We propose a new method that uses the relative assembly bias of CC to NCC clusters, as determined via the two-point cluster-galaxy cross-correlation function (CCF), to test whether formation history plays a role in determining their nature. We apply our method to 48 ACCEPT clusters, which have well resolved central entropies, and cross-correlate with the SDSS-III/BOSS LOWZ galaxy catalog. We find that the relative bias of NCC over CC clusters is b = 1.42 ± 0.35 (1.6 σ different from unity). Our measurement is limited by the small number of clusters with core entropy information within the BOSS footprint, 14 CC and 34 NCC clusters. Future compilations of X-ray cluster samples, combined with deep all-sky redshift surveys, will be able to better constrain the relative assembly bias of CC and NCC clusters and determine the origin of the bimodality.

  18. Testing the Large-scale Environments of Cool-core and Non-cool-core Clusters with Clustering Bias

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medezinski, Elinor; Battaglia, Nicholas; Cen, Renyue; Gaspari, Massimo; Strauss, Michael A.; Spergel, David N.; Coupon, Jean


    There are well-observed differences between cool-core (CC) and non-cool-core (NCC) clusters, but the origin of this distinction is still largely unknown. Competing theories can be divided into internal (inside-out), in which internal physical processes transform or maintain the NCC phase, and external (outside-in), in which the cluster type is determined by its initial conditions, which in turn leads to different formation histories (i.e., assembly bias). We propose a new method that uses the relative assembly bias of CC to NCC clusters, as determined via the two-point cluster-galaxy cross-correlation function (CCF), to test whether formation history plays a role in determining their nature. We apply our method to 48 ACCEPT clusters, which have well resolved central entropies, and cross-correlate with the SDSS-III/BOSS LOWZ galaxy catalog. We find that the relative bias of NCC over CC clusters is b = 1.42 ± 0.35 (1.6 σ different from unity). Our measurement is limited by the small number of clusters with core entropy information within the BOSS footprint, 14 CC and 34 NCC clusters. Future compilations of X-ray cluster samples, combined with deep all-sky redshift surveys, will be able to better constrain the relative assembly bias of CC and NCC clusters and determine the origin of the bimodality.

  19. Software para mejorar la aplicación de técnicas cuantitativas en estudios prospectivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amaury Cabarcas Álvarez


    Full Text Available Durante las dos últimas décadas se ha observado preocupación de organizaciones para lograr competitividad y obtener estabilidad en el mercado, impulsándolas a analizar ventajas de ir a un futuro deseado, haciendo uso de herramientas como los estudios prospectivos. Con el fin de optimizar la aplicación de estudios prospectivos, se han desarrollado herramientas de apoyo que aún no abarcan ciertos intereses de los involucrados como el uso de recursos económicos, ambientales, tecnológicos y humanos. Para suplir la necesidad encontrada, se planteó un software que contribuya al acompañamiento de estudios prospectivos apoyándose de tecnologías Web 2.0 independientemente de técnicas utilizadas por la persona guía del mismo, para lograr racionalizar recursos aprovechando las ventajas que ofrece la web. La investigación permitió concluir que los estudios prospectivos constituyen una alternativa viable para las organizaciones que desean planificar para alcanzar sus objetivos empresariales. Sin embargo, el intento de lograr el futuro deseable traería una serie de costos, que se incrementarán cuando la aplicación de estos estudios se lleve a cabo al margen de las herramientas, software y modelos adecuados. Por esta razón, el hombre debe emplear herramientas tecnológicas que combinen métodos, software, capacidad colaborativa y de integración como la ofrecida por la Web 2.0 para optimizar sus procesos y permitir así, que áreas como la prospectiva, alcancen un alto nivel de eficiencia y masificación

  20. Cluster radioactive decay within the preformed cluster model using relativistic mean-field theory densities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, BirBikram; Patra, S. K.; Gupta, Raj K.


    We have studied the (ground-state) cluster radioactive decays within the preformed cluster model (PCM) of Gupta and collaborators [R. K. Gupta, in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, edited by E. Gadioli (Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente, Milano, 1988), p. 416; S. S. Malik and R. K. Gupta, Phys. Rev. C 39, 1992 (1989)]. The relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory is used to obtain the nuclear matter densities for the double folding procedure used to construct the cluster-daughter potential with M3Y nucleon-nucleon interaction including exchange effects. Following the PCM approach, we have deduced empirically the preformation probability P 0 emp from the experimental data on both the α- and exotic cluster-decays, specifically of parents in the trans-lead region having doubly magic 208 Pb or its neighboring nuclei as daughters. Interestingly, the RMF-densities-based nuclear potential supports the concept of preformation for both the α and heavier clusters in radioactive nuclei. P 0 α(emp) for α decays is almost constant (∼10 -2 -10 -3 ) for all the parent nuclei considered here, and P 0 c(emp) for cluster decays of the same parents decrease with the size of clusters emitted from different parents. The results obtained for P 0 c(emp) are reasonable and are within two to three orders of magnitude of the well-accepted phenomenological model of Blendowske-Walliser for light clusters.

  1. Spectral embedded clustering: a framework for in-sample and out-of-sample spectral clustering. (United States)

    Nie, Feiping; Zeng, Zinan; Tsang, Ivor W; Xu, Dong; Zhang, Changshui


    Spectral clustering (SC) methods have been successfully applied to many real-world applications. The success of these SC methods is largely based on the manifold assumption, namely, that two nearby data points in the high-density region of a low-dimensional data manifold have the same cluster label. However, such an assumption might not always hold on high-dimensional data. When the data do not exhibit a clear low-dimensional manifold structure (e.g., high-dimensional and sparse data), the clustering performance of SC will be degraded and become even worse than K -means clustering. In this paper, motivated by the observation that the true cluster assignment matrix for high-dimensional data can be always embedded in a linear space spanned by the data, we propose the spectral embedded clustering (SEC) framework, in which a linearity regularization is explicitly added into the objective function of SC methods. More importantly, the proposed SEC framework can naturally deal with out-of-sample data. We also present a new Laplacian matrix constructed from a local regression of each pattern and incorporate it into our SEC framework to capture both local and global discriminative information for clustering. Comprehensive experiments on eight real-world high-dimensional datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of our SEC framework over existing SC methods and K-means-based clustering methods. Our SEC framework significantly outperforms SC using the Nyström algorithm on unseen data.

  2. Star formation and substructure in galaxy clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, Seth A.; Hickox, Ryan C.; Wegner, Gary A.; Einasto, Maret; Vennik, Jaan


    We investigate the relationship between star formation (SF) and substructure in a sample of 107 nearby galaxy clusters using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Several past studies of individual galaxy clusters have suggested that cluster mergers enhance cluster SF, while others find no such relationship. The SF fraction in multi-component clusters (0.228 ± 0.007) is higher than that in single-component clusters (0.175 ± 0.016) for galaxies with M r 0.1 <−20.5. In both single- and multi-component clusters, the fraction of star-forming galaxies increases with clustercentric distance and decreases with local galaxy number density, and multi-component clusters show a higher SF fraction than single-component clusters at almost all clustercentric distances and local densities. Comparing the SF fraction in individual clusters to several statistical measures of substructure, we find weak, but in most cases significant at greater than 2σ, correlations between substructure and SF fraction. These results could indicate that cluster mergers may cause weak but significant SF enhancement in clusters, or unrelaxed clusters exhibit slightly stronger SF due to their less evolved states relative to relaxed clusters.

  3. Connection between Seyfert galaxies and clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrosyan, A.R.


    To identify Seyfert galaxies that are members of clusters, the sample of known Seyfert galaxies (464 objects) is tested against the Zwicky, Abell, and southern clusters. On the basis of the criteria adopted in the paper, 67 Seyfert galaxies are selected as probable members of Zwicky clusters, 15 as members of Abell clusters, and 18 as members of southern clusters. Lists of these objects are given

  4. Analysis of genetic association using hierarchical clustering and cluster validation indices. (United States)

    Pagnuco, Inti A; Pastore, Juan I; Abras, Guillermo; Brun, Marcel; Ballarin, Virginia L


    It is usually assumed that co-expressed genes suggest co-regulation in the underlying regulatory network. Determining sets of co-expressed genes is an important task, based on some criteria of similarity. This task is usually performed by clustering algorithms, where the genes are clustered into meaningful groups based on their expression values in a set of experiment. In this work, we propose a method to find sets of co-expressed genes, based on cluster validation indices as a measure of similarity for individual gene groups, and a combination of variants of hierarchical clustering to generate the candidate groups. We evaluated its ability to retrieve significant sets on simulated correlated and real genomics data, where the performance is measured based on its detection ability of co-regulated sets against a full search. Additionally, we analyzed the quality of the best ranked groups using an online bioinformatics tool that provides network information for the selected genes. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Estudio de las propiedades mecánicas del sistema óseo (segunda parte)


    Mendoza, Alvaro


    Los estudios se hicieron bajo la supervisión del área de Biomecánica. Los ensayos dieron a conocer los valores reales de los esfuerzos mecánicos que es capaz de resistir el tejido óseo. Se elaboraron curvas de esfuerzo-deformación, con la ayuda de deformímetros mecánicos y rosetas de deformación, encontrándose las diferentes propiedades mecánicas y dando una base sólida para estudios posteriores en el área, que ayuden aún más al desarrollo de la bioingeniería en Colombia.

  6. Los estudios hispanos sobre el África subsahariana : una perspectiva histórica


    Santana Pérez, Germán; Ordóñez del Pino, Mariví


    La escasa importancia del colonialismo español en África explica en parte por qué los estudios hispanos sobre el África subsahariana han sido casi desconocidos. Sin embargo, éstos gozan de una larga trayectoria e incluso han sido pioneros en algunos casos durante el pasado. En este artículo hemos pretendido dar una visión general de estos estudios hispanos desde la Antigüedad hasta la actualidad. La información que procedía de África se incrementó en los inicios de la Edad Moderna debido a la...

  7. Electricity Consumption Clustering Using Smart Meter Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Tureczek


    Full Text Available Electricity smart meter consumption data is enabling utilities to analyze consumption information at unprecedented granularity. Much focus has been directed towards consumption clustering for diversifying tariffs; through modern clustering methods, cluster analyses have been performed. However, the clusters developed exhibit a large variation with resulting shadow clusters, making it impossible to truly identify the individual clusters. Using clearly defined dwelling types, this paper will present methods to improve clustering by harvesting inherent structure from the smart meter data. This paper clusters domestic electricity consumption using smart meter data from the Danish city of Esbjerg. Methods from time series analysis and wavelets are applied to enable the K-Means clustering method to account for autocorrelation in data and thereby improve the clustering performance. The results show the importance of data knowledge and we identify sub-clusters of consumption within the dwelling types and enable K-Means to produce satisfactory clustering by accounting for a temporal component. Furthermore our study shows that careful preprocessing of the data to account for intrinsic structure enables better clustering performance by the K-Means method.

  8. Cauchy cluster process

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ghorbani, Mohammad


    In this paper we introduce an instance of the well-know Neyman–Scott cluster process model with clusters having a long tail behaviour. In our model the offspring points are distributed around the parent points according to a circular Cauchy distribution. Using a modified Cramér-von Misses test...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yolanda Morejón-Bravo


    Full Text Available En primer lugar, se ofrece una breve explicación de los fundamentos teóricos de la inteligencia empresarial y sus productos, haciendo énfasis en los perfiles estratégicos, y dentro de ellos, en los perfiles de sector. También, se hace énfasis en los estudios de mercado y sus características. En segundo lugar, se presentan dos casos de estudio (un perfil de sector y un estudio de mercado, que demuestran la importancia de estos productos y servicios de inteligencia competitiva, para la toma de decisiones lo más acertada posible, en las organizaciones.


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    Francisco Javier Bonilla-Escobar


    Full Text Available Los estudios de casos y controles han existido desde el siglo XIX con el analisis de Jhon Snow en Inglaterra sobre la fuente del Colera, y han tomado inusitada importancia despues de su puesta en marcha en diversos campos de la ciencia moderna (1, siendo objeto de amplias discusiones metodologicas hace mas de 50 anos. En los dos numeros anteriores de la revista CIMEL, se encuentran dos de estas publicaciones, tituladas: Factores asociados al Sindrome de Aspiracion Meconial en el hospital Jose Cayetano Heredia Piura-Peru, de Purizaca y col. (2, y Factores asociados al desarrollo de preeclampsia en un hospital de Piura, Peru, de Benites-Condor y col. (3. Reconociendo la importancia de este tipo de publicaciones y el trabajo requerido para su elaboracion, queremos mencionar aciertos y falencias metodologicas que hemos encontrado en estas publicaciones y las cuales afectan las afirmaciones de los autores

  11. Composizione e dinamiche della microflora in differenti ecosistemi caseari


    Santarelli, Marcela


    Il formaggio è un cibo biologicamente e biochimicamente dinamico contenente microorganismi sia intenzionalmente aggiunti come colture starter sia presenti come contaminanti avventizi di natura non-starter. La composizione della popolazione microbica si modifica sotto l’influenza di continui cambiamenti delle condizioni ambientali e delle interazioni tra i microorganismi durante la produzione e la stagionatura. Nel processo produttivo del formaggio, la selezione di parametri tecnologici pu...

  12. La imagen de Estudios Generales y la calidad de gestión. Un modelo de análisis multivariable

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Alberto Rodríguez Bolaños


    Full Text Available El artículo versa sobre el diseño, fundamentación teórica y aplicación práctica del modelo de análisis multivariable o factorial para medir la calidad de atención al cliente (estudiantes de estudios generales, por parte del equipo docente. El artículo se divide en tres partes: la primera es una introducción teórica sobre la calidad del servicio, mejoramiento continuo, la importancia del dato estadístico y la evaluación sistemática. La segunda parte es una reflexión sobre los métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos, y su importancia en la medición de los procesos sociales, en particular sobre el modelo que he diseñado para la Escuela de Estudios Generales. En la tercera parte se explican las características del modelo, su fundamentación estadística en lo concerniente a las muestras de los dos estudios ya realizados, así como los antecedentes preparatorias al estudio. En esta parte, además, se analizan algunos datos estadísticos que expresan los indicadores de gestión, según los factores de estudio, sus variables, acorde a cada una de las secciones de Estudios Generales y de la Escuela en general.

  13. Mediaciones, comunicación y colonialidad: encuentros y desencuentros de los estudios culturales y la comunicación en Latinoamérica

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    Juan Carlos Valencia Rincón


    Full Text Available Los estudios en comunicación y los estudios culturales en Latinoamérica comparten trayectorias similares que durante mucho tiempo fueron convergentes. Sin embargo, la influencia del Grupo de Estudios Subalternos Latinoamericanos y del grupo Modernidad/ Colonialidad ha llevado los estudios culturales a adoptar posiciones radicales que desconocen los hallazgos de la Escuela Latinoamericana de la Comunicación y los estudios en recepción. A su vez, la Escuela Latinoamericana de la Comunicación, con su interés en las hibridaciones y las resignificaciones que realizan las audiencias, ha dejado de lado el papel que desempeña la colonialidad en nuestro contexto. Las academias de comunicación también parecen estar apartándose del estudio de las mediaciones sociales, para caer en un aislamiento disciplinario profundo. Este artículo analiza la relación entre estos dos campos del saber, sus puntos de convergencia y sus diferencias.

  14. Detecting space-time disease clusters with arbitrary shapes and sizes using a co-clustering approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sami Ullah


    Full Text Available Ability to detect potential space-time clusters in spatio-temporal data on disease occurrences is necessary for conducting surveillance and implementing disease prevention policies. Most existing techniques use geometrically shaped (circular, elliptical or square scanning windows to discover disease clusters. In certain situations, where the disease occurrences tend to cluster in very irregularly shaped areas, these algorithms are not feasible in practise for the detection of space-time clusters. To address this problem, a new algorithm is proposed, which uses a co-clustering strategy to detect prospective and retrospective space-time disease clusters with no restriction on shape and size. The proposed method detects space-time disease clusters by tracking the changes in space–time occurrence structure instead of an in-depth search over space. This method was utilised to detect potential clusters in the annual and monthly malaria data in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan from 2012 to 2016 visualising the results on a heat map. The results of the annual data analysis showed that the most likely hotspot emerged in three sub-regions in the years 2013-2014. The most likely hotspots in monthly data appeared in the month of July to October in each year and showed a strong periodic trend.

  15. Kinetic and radiation processes in cluster plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smirnov, B.M.


    The analysis of processes is made for a cluster plasma which is a xenon arc plasma of a high pressure with an admixture of tungsten cluster ions. Because cluster ions emit radiation, this system is a light source which parameters are determined by various processes such as heat release and transport of charged particles in the plasma, radiative processes involving clusters, processes of cluster evaporation and attachment of atoms to it that leads to an equilibrium between clusters and vapor of their atoms, processes of cluster generation, processes of the ionization equilibrium between cluster ions and plasma electrons, transport of cluster ions in the discharge plasma in all directions. These processes govern by properties of a specific cluster plasma under consideration. (author)


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tinker, Jeremy L.; Blanton, Michael R.; Sheldon, Erin S.; Wechsler, Risa H.; Becker, Matthew R.; Rozo, Eduardo; Zu, Ying; Weinberg, David H.; Zehavi, Idit; Busha, Michael T.; Koester, Benjamin P.


    We place constraints on the average density (Ω m ) and clustering amplitude (σ 8 ) of matter using a combination of two measurements from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: the galaxy two-point correlation function, w p (r p ), and the mass-to-galaxy-number ratio within galaxy clusters, M/N, analogous to cluster M/L ratios. Our w p (r p ) measurements are obtained from DR7 while the sample of clusters is the maxBCG sample, with cluster masses derived from weak gravitational lensing. We construct nonlinear galaxy bias models using the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) to fit both w p (r p ) and M/N for different cosmological parameters. HOD models that match the same two-point clustering predict different numbers of galaxies in massive halos when Ω m or σ 8 is varied, thereby breaking the degeneracy between cosmology and bias. We demonstrate that this technique yields constraints that are consistent and competitive with current results from cluster abundance studies, without the use of abundance information. Using w p (r p ) and M/N alone, we find Ω 0.5 m σ 8 = 0.465 ± 0.026, with individual constraints of Ω m = 0.29 ± 0.03 and σ 8 = 0.85 ± 0.06. Combined with current cosmic microwave background data, these constraints are Ω m = 0.290 ± 0.016 and σ 8 = 0.826 ± 0.020. All errors are 1σ. The systematic uncertainties that the M/N technique are most sensitive to are the amplitude of the bias function of dark matter halos and the possibility of redshift evolution between the SDSS Main sample and the maxBCG cluster sample. Our derived constraints are insensitive to the current level of uncertainties in the halo mass function and in the mass-richness relation of clusters and its scatter, making the M/N technique complementary to cluster abundances as a method for constraining cosmology with future galaxy surveys.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tinker, Jeremy L.; Blanton, Michael R. [Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, Department of Physics, New York University, New York, NY 10013 (United States); Sheldon, Erin S. [Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 (United States); Wechsler, Risa H. [Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Physics Department, and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (United States); Becker, Matthew R.; Rozo, Eduardo [Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States); Zu, Ying; Weinberg, David H. [Department of Astronomy, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 (United States); Zehavi, Idit [Department of Astronomy and CERCA, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 (United States); Busha, Michael T. [Institute for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, University of Zurich, CH-8057 Zurich (Switzerland); Koester, Benjamin P. [Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 6037 (United States)


    We place constraints on the average density ({Omega}{sub m}) and clustering amplitude ({sigma}{sub 8}) of matter using a combination of two measurements from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: the galaxy two-point correlation function, w{sub p} (r{sub p} ), and the mass-to-galaxy-number ratio within galaxy clusters, M/N, analogous to cluster M/L ratios. Our w{sub p} (r{sub p} ) measurements are obtained from DR7 while the sample of clusters is the maxBCG sample, with cluster masses derived from weak gravitational lensing. We construct nonlinear galaxy bias models using the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) to fit both w{sub p} (r{sub p} ) and M/N for different cosmological parameters. HOD models that match the same two-point clustering predict different numbers of galaxies in massive halos when {Omega}{sub m} or {sigma}{sub 8} is varied, thereby breaking the degeneracy between cosmology and bias. We demonstrate that this technique yields constraints that are consistent and competitive with current results from cluster abundance studies, without the use of abundance information. Using w{sub p} (r{sub p} ) and M/N alone, we find {Omega}{sup 0.5}{sub m}{sigma}{sub 8} = 0.465 {+-} 0.026, with individual constraints of {Omega}{sub m} = 0.29 {+-} 0.03 and {sigma}{sub 8} = 0.85 {+-} 0.06. Combined with current cosmic microwave background data, these constraints are {Omega}{sub m} = 0.290 {+-} 0.016 and {sigma}{sub 8} = 0.826 {+-} 0.020. All errors are 1{sigma}. The systematic uncertainties that the M/N technique are most sensitive to are the amplitude of the bias function of dark matter halos and the possibility of redshift evolution between the SDSS Main sample and the maxBCG cluster sample. Our derived constraints are insensitive to the current level of uncertainties in the halo mass function and in the mass-richness relation of clusters and its scatter, making the M/N technique complementary to cluster abundances as a method for constraining cosmology with future galaxy

  18. Clustering Coefficients for Correlation Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naoki Masuda


    Full Text Available Graph theory is a useful tool for deciphering structural and functional networks of the brain on various spatial and temporal scales. The clustering coefficient quantifies the abundance of connected triangles in a network and is a major descriptive statistics of networks. For example, it finds an application in the assessment of small-worldness of brain networks, which is affected by attentional and cognitive conditions, age, psychiatric disorders and so forth. However, it remains unclear how the clustering coefficient should be measured in a correlation-based network, which is among major representations of brain networks. In the present article, we propose clustering coefficients tailored to correlation matrices. The key idea is to use three-way partial correlation or partial mutual information to measure the strength of the association between the two neighboring nodes of a focal node relative to the amount of pseudo-correlation expected from indirect paths between the nodes. Our method avoids the difficulties of previous applications of clustering coefficient (and other measures in defining correlational networks, i.e., thresholding on the correlation value, discarding of negative correlation values, the pseudo-correlation problem and full partial correlation matrices whose estimation is computationally difficult. For proof of concept, we apply the proposed clustering coefficient measures to functional magnetic resonance imaging data obtained from healthy participants of various ages and compare them with conventional clustering coefficients. We show that the clustering coefficients decline with the age. The proposed clustering coefficients are more strongly correlated with age than the conventional ones are. We also show that the local variants of the proposed clustering coefficients (i.e., abundance of triangles around a focal node are useful in characterizing individual nodes. In contrast, the conventional local clustering coefficients

  19. Clustering Coefficients for Correlation Networks. (United States)

    Masuda, Naoki; Sakaki, Michiko; Ezaki, Takahiro; Watanabe, Takamitsu


    Graph theory is a useful tool for deciphering structural and functional networks of the brain on various spatial and temporal scales. The clustering coefficient quantifies the abundance of connected triangles in a network and is a major descriptive statistics of networks. For example, it finds an application in the assessment of small-worldness of brain networks, which is affected by attentional and cognitive conditions, age, psychiatric disorders and so forth. However, it remains unclear how the clustering coefficient should be measured in a correlation-based network, which is among major representations of brain networks. In the present article, we propose clustering coefficients tailored to correlation matrices. The key idea is to use three-way partial correlation or partial mutual information to measure the strength of the association between the two neighboring nodes of a focal node relative to the amount of pseudo-correlation expected from indirect paths between the nodes. Our method avoids the difficulties of previous applications of clustering coefficient (and other) measures in defining correlational networks, i.e., thresholding on the correlation value, discarding of negative correlation values, the pseudo-correlation problem and full partial correlation matrices whose estimation is computationally difficult. For proof of concept, we apply the proposed clustering coefficient measures to functional magnetic resonance imaging data obtained from healthy participants of various ages and compare them with conventional clustering coefficients. We show that the clustering coefficients decline with the age. The proposed clustering coefficients are more strongly correlated with age than the conventional ones are. We also show that the local variants of the proposed clustering coefficients (i.e., abundance of triangles around a focal node) are useful in characterizing individual nodes. In contrast, the conventional local clustering coefficients were strongly

  20. Clustering Coefficients for Correlation Networks (United States)

    Masuda, Naoki; Sakaki, Michiko; Ezaki, Takahiro; Watanabe, Takamitsu


    Graph theory is a useful tool for deciphering structural and functional networks of the brain on various spatial and temporal scales. The clustering coefficient quantifies the abundance of connected triangles in a network and is a major descriptive statistics of networks. For example, it finds an application in the assessment of small-worldness of brain networks, which is affected by attentional and cognitive conditions, age, psychiatric disorders and so forth. However, it remains unclear how the clustering coefficient should be measured in a correlation-based network, which is among major representations of brain networks. In the present article, we propose clustering coefficients tailored to correlation matrices. The key idea is to use three-way partial correlation or partial mutual information to measure the strength of the association between the two neighboring nodes of a focal node relative to the amount of pseudo-correlation expected from indirect paths between the nodes. Our method avoids the difficulties of previous applications of clustering coefficient (and other) measures in defining correlational networks, i.e., thresholding on the correlation value, discarding of negative correlation values, the pseudo-correlation problem and full partial correlation matrices whose estimation is computationally difficult. For proof of concept, we apply the proposed clustering coefficient measures to functional magnetic resonance imaging data obtained from healthy participants of various ages and compare them with conventional clustering coefficients. We show that the clustering coefficients decline with the age. The proposed clustering coefficients are more strongly correlated with age than the conventional ones are. We also show that the local variants of the proposed clustering coefficients (i.e., abundance of triangles around a focal node) are useful in characterizing individual nodes. In contrast, the conventional local clustering coefficients were strongly



    María Alejandra Energici Sprovera; Elaine Acosta Gonzáles; Florencia Borquez Grancelli; Macarena Huaiquimilla Paredes


    Resumen El estudio de la obesidad desde la psicología social se ha realizado principalmente desde una aproximación cognitivo conductual omitiendo los contextos sociales en que se realizan juicios discriminadores. Con el objetivo de comprender los significados con que se construye la gordura y su interacción con otras formas de exclusión social, hemos realizado un estudio cualitativo de jóvenes de Santiago de Chile. Trabajamos con tres grupos de discusión, que analizamos siguiendo las directri...

  2. Dynamical aspects of galaxy clustering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fall, S.M.


    Some recent work on the origin and evolution of galaxy clustering is reviewed, particularly within the context of the gravitational instability theory and the hot big-bang cosmological model. Statistical measures of clustering, including correlation functions and multiplicity functions, are explained and discussed. The close connection between galaxy formation and clustering is emphasized. Additional topics include the dependence of galaxy clustering on the spectrum of primordial density fluctuations and the mean mass density of the Universe. (author)

  3. Computational Design of Clusters for Catalysis (United States)

    Jimenez-Izal, Elisa; Alexandrova, Anastassia N.


    When small clusters are studied in chemical physics or physical chemistry, one perhaps thinks of the fundamental aspects of cluster electronic structure, or precision spectroscopy in ultracold molecular beams. However, small clusters are also of interest in catalysis, where the cold ground state or an isolated cluster may not even be the right starting point. Instead, the big question is: What happens to cluster-based catalysts under real conditions of catalysis, such as high temperature and coverage with reagents? Myriads of metastable cluster states become accessible, the entire system is dynamic, and catalysis may be driven by rare sites present only under those conditions. Activity, selectivity, and stability are highly dependent on size, composition, shape, support, and environment. To probe and master cluster catalysis, sophisticated tools are being developed for precision synthesis, operando measurements, and multiscale modeling. This review intends to tell the messy story of clusters in catalysis.

  4. Cluster polylogarithms for scattering amplitudes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golden, John; Paulos, Miguel F; Spradlin, Marcus; Volovich, Anastasia


    Motivated by the cluster structure of two-loop scattering amplitudes in N=4 Yang-Mills theory we define cluster polylogarithm functions. We find that all such functions of weight four are made up of a single simple building block associated with the A 2 cluster algebra. Adding the requirement of locality on generalized Stasheff polytopes, we find that these A 2 building blocks arrange themselves to form a unique function associated with the A 3 cluster algebra. This A 3 function manifests all of the cluster algebraic structure of the two-loop n-particle MHV amplitudes for all n, and we use it to provide an explicit representation for the most complicated part of the n = 7 amplitude as an example. This article is part of a special issue of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical devoted to ‘Cluster algebras in mathematical physics’. (paper)

  5. Estudio y análisis de instalaciones de centrales termosolares con tecnología CCP




    Trabajo científico técnico. El presente proyecto, trata de realizar el análisis y estudio de las plantas de generación de energía limpia y renovable, basadas en tecnología desarrollada a partir de captadores cilindro parabólicos Mas Sanz, J. (2011). Estudio y análisis de instalaciones de centrales termosolares con tecnología CCP. Archivo delegado


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    G. S. Merzlikina


    Full Text Available Summary. As a result of investigation of science and methodical approaches related problems of building and development of innovation clusters there were some issues in functional assignments of innovation and production clusters. Because of those issues, article’s authors differ conceptions of innovation cluster and production cluster, as they explain notion of innovation-production cluster. The main goal of this article is to reveal existing organizational issues in cluster building and its successful development. Based on regional clusters building analysis carried out there was typical practical structure of cluster members interaction revealed. This structure also have its cons, as following: absence cluster orientation to marketing environment, lack of members’ prolonged relations’ building and development system, along with ineffective management of information, financial and material streams within cluster, narrow competence difference and responsibility zones between cluster members, lack of transparence of cluster’s action, low environment changes adaptivity, hard to use cluster members’ intellectual property, and commercialization of hi-tech products. When all those issues listed above come together, it reduces life activity of existing models of innovative cluster-building along with practical opportunity of cluster realization. Because of that, authors offer an upgraded innovative-productive cluster building model with more efficient business processes management system, which includes advanced innovative cluster structure, competence matrix and subcluster responsibility zone. Suggested model differs from other ones by using unified innovative product development control center, which also controls production and marketing realization.

  7. El registro de los estudios observacionales: es el momento de cumplir el requerimiento de la Declaración de Helsinki

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    Rafael Dal-Ré


    Full Text Available El sesgo de publicación es una grave deficiencia del actual sistema de comunicación de los resultados de estudios de investigación en seres humanos. Los investigadores clínicos saben que, desde el punto de vista ético, deben inscribir los ensayos clínicos antes de su inicio en un registro público. Se entiende que este hecho ayudará a reducir el sesgo de publicación. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de los estudios en seres humanos son de tipo observacional y no de tipo experimental. Se estima que se han registrado menos del 2% de los 2 millones de estudios observacionales concluidos o en curso. La revisión de 2013 de la Declaración de Helsinki exige el registro de todo estudio de investigación en seres humanos, sus muestras o datos identificables. Se propone que los agentes financiadores, como el Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, requieran el registro de los estudios observacionales para proveer la financiación. Las empresas deberían hacer lo propio. Así mismo, se propone que los comités de ética de la investigación, que cumpliendo la regulación española utilizan desde 1990 la Declaración como marco de referencia para evaluar los aspectos éticos de los ensayos clínicos con medicamentos, hagan lo mismo con los estudios observacionales del ámbito sanitario; deberían, por tanto, exigir el registro del estudio antes de otorgar su aprobación definitiva. Esto permitiría educar a los investigadores de estudios observacionales en el cumplimiento de un requisito ético de reciente introducción en el código ético de mayor relevancia en la realización de investigaciones en seres humanos.

  8. Cluster generator (United States)

    Donchev, Todor I [Urbana, IL; Petrov, Ivan G [Champaign, IL


    Described herein is an apparatus and a method for producing atom clusters based on a gas discharge within a hollow cathode. The hollow cathode includes one or more walls. The one or more walls define a sputtering chamber within the hollow cathode and include a material to be sputtered. A hollow anode is positioned at an end of the sputtering chamber, and atom clusters are formed when a gas discharge is generated between the hollow anode and the hollow cathode.

  9. Cluster Bulleticity


    Massey, Richard; Kitching, Thomas; Nagai, Daisuke


    The unique properties of dark matter are revealed during collisions between clusters of galaxies, such as the bullet cluster (1E 0657−56) and baby bullet (MACS J0025−12). These systems provide evidence for an additional, invisible mass in the separation between the distributions of their total mass, measured via gravitational lensing, and their ordinary ‘baryonic’ matter, measured via its X-ray emission. Unfortunately, the information available from these systems is limited by their rarity. C...

  10. Node clustering for wireless sensor networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhatti, S.; Qureshi, I.A.; Memon, S.


    Recent years have witnessed considerable growth in the development and deployment of clustering methods which are not only used to maintain network resources but also increases the reliability of the WSNs (Wireless Sensor Network) and the facts manifest by the wide range of clustering solutions. Node clustering by selecting key parameters to tackle the dynamic behaviour of resource constraint WSN is a challenging issue. This paper highlights the recent progress which has been carried out pertaining to the development of clustering solutions for the WSNs. The paper presents classification of node clustering methods and their comparison based on the objectives, clustering criteria and methodology. In addition, the potential open issues which need to be considered for future work are high lighted. Keywords: Clustering, Sensor Network, Static, Dynamic

  11. Estudio antropológico de redes sociales de madres adolescentes durante el embarazo. En: Avá, nº 14


    Pasarin, Lorena


    La atención de la salud incluye a diversos actores sociales, por ello en su estudio debe contemplarse el papel que adquieren los contextos socioculturales. El estudio de las redes sociales resulta conveniente para abordarlos. Este trabajo presenta una aplicación del análisis de redes sociales como complemento de abordaje metodológico al estudio de las prácticas y comportamientos relacionados con la salud de madres adolescentes durante el período prenatal. Utilizando la herramienta E...

  12. DCE: A Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network Based on Double-Phase Cluster-Head Election. (United States)

    Han, Ruisong; Yang, Wei; Wang, Yipeng; You, Kaiming


    Clustering is an effective technique used to reduce energy consumption and extend the lifetime of wireless sensor network (WSN). The characteristic of energy heterogeneity of WSNs should be considered when designing clustering protocols. We propose and evaluate a novel distributed energy-efficient clustering protocol called DCE for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks, based on a Double-phase Cluster-head Election scheme. In DCE, the procedure of cluster head election is divided into two phases. In the first phase, tentative cluster heads are elected with the probabilities which are decided by the relative levels of initial and residual energy. Then, in the second phase, the tentative cluster heads are replaced by their cluster members to form the final set of cluster heads if any member in their cluster has more residual energy. Employing two phases for cluster-head election ensures that the nodes with more energy have a higher chance to be cluster heads. Energy consumption is well-distributed in the proposed protocol, and the simulation results show that DCE achieves longer stability periods than other typical clustering protocols in heterogeneous scenarios.

  13. Estudio preliminar de leptospirosis en roedores y canes en salitral, Piura-1999

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    Rosa Sacsaquispe C


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar serológica y bacteriológicamente la presencia de Leptospira en muestras de suero y riñón de carnes y roedores, del distrito de Salitral, departamento de Piura (norte del Perú.Materiales y métodos: Estudio realizado en octubre de 1999. Se capturaron roedoresutilizando trampas tomahawk en las localidades de Salitral y Malacasi. Se utilizó la prueba de aglutinación microscópica (MAT para la detección de anticuerpos y el cultivo de tejido de riñón para el estudio bacteriológico. Asimismo, se evaluaron muestras de suero de canes de la localidad del Salitral.Resultados: 2 de 12 roedores identificados como Rattus rattus (16,6% reaccionaron con Leptospira serovar grypotyphosa a un título de 1/200 y 1/400, en tanto que una de las 3 muestras de suero de can colectadas reaccionó con Leptospira serovar canicola. De los 12 cultivos de las muestras de riñón de roedores ninguno fue positivo a Leptospira. Conclusiones: La detección de anticuerpos contra Leptospira en el distrito de Salitral sugiere ampliar los estudios de Leptospira en la zona.

  14. Combining cluster number counts and galaxy clustering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacasa, Fabien; Rosenfeld, Rogerio, E-mail:, E-mail: [ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research, Instituto de Física Teórica, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo (Brazil)


    The abundance of clusters and the clustering of galaxies are two of the important cosmological probes for current and future large scale surveys of galaxies, such as the Dark Energy Survey. In order to combine them one has to account for the fact that they are not independent quantities, since they probe the same density field. It is important to develop a good understanding of their correlation in order to extract parameter constraints. We present a detailed modelling of the joint covariance matrix between cluster number counts and the galaxy angular power spectrum. We employ the framework of the halo model complemented by a Halo Occupation Distribution model (HOD). We demonstrate the importance of accounting for non-Gaussianity to produce accurate covariance predictions. Indeed, we show that the non-Gaussian covariance becomes dominant at small scales, low redshifts or high cluster masses. We discuss in particular the case of the super-sample covariance (SSC), including the effects of galaxy shot-noise, halo second order bias and non-local bias. We demonstrate that the SSC obeys mathematical inequalities and positivity. Using the joint covariance matrix and a Fisher matrix methodology, we examine the prospects of combining these two probes to constrain cosmological and HOD parameters. We find that the combination indeed results in noticeably better constraints, with improvements of order 20% on cosmological parameters compared to the best single probe, and even greater improvement on HOD parameters, with reduction of error bars by a factor 1.4-4.8. This happens in particular because the cross-covariance introduces a synergy between the probes on small scales. We conclude that accounting for non-Gaussian effects is required for the joint analysis of these observables in galaxy surveys.

  15. Comparison of Intra-cluster and M87 Halo Orphan Globular Clusters in the Virgo Cluster (United States)

    Louie, Tiffany Kaye; Tuan, Jin Zong; Martellini, Adhara; Guhathakurta, Puragra; Toloba, Elisa; Peng, Eric; Longobardi, Alessia; Lim, Sungsoon


    We present a study of “orphan” globular clusters (GCs) — GCs with no identifiable nearby host galaxy — discovered in NGVS, a 104 deg2 CFHT/MegaCam imaging survey. At the distance of the Virgo cluster, GCs are bright enough to make good spectroscopic targets and many are barely resolved in good ground-based seeing. Our orphan GC sample is derived from a subset of NGVS-selected GC candidates that were followed up with Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy. While our primary spectroscopic targets were candidate GC satellites of Virgo dwarf elliptical and ultra-diffuse galaxies, many objects turned out to be non-satellites based on a radial velocity mismatch with the Virgo galaxy they are projected close to. Using a combination of spectral characteristics (e.g., absorption vs. emission), Gaussian mixture modeling of radial velocity and positions, and extreme deconvolution analysis of ugrizk photometry and image morphology, these non-satellites were classified into: (1) intra-cluster GCs (ICGCs) in the Virgo cluster, (2) GCs in the outer halo of M87, (3) foreground Milky Way stars, and (4) background galaxies. The statistical distinction between ICGCs and M87 halo GCs is based on velocity distributions (mean of 1100 vs. 1300 km/s and dispersions of 700 vs. 400 km/s, respectively) and radial distribution (diffuse vs. centrally concentrated, respectively). We used coaddition to increase the spectral SNR for the two classes of orphan GCs and measured the equivalent widths (EWs) of the Mg b and H-beta absorption lines. These EWs were compared to single stellar population models to obtain mean age and metallicity estimates. The ICGCs and M87 halo GCs have = –0.6+/–0.3 and –0.4+/–0.3 dex, respectively, and mean ages of >~ 5 and >~ 10 Gyr, respectively. This suggests the M87 halo GCs formed in relatively high-mass galaxies that avoided being tidally disrupted by M87 until they were close to the cluster center, while IGCCs formed in relatively low-mass galaxies that were

  16. Organizational Studies: A Complement to the Study of Social Management Los estudios organizacionales: un complemento para el estudio de la gestión social

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Edith Morales Mosquera


    Full Text Available The article presents a reflection resulting from the PhD project “Construction intersubjective social management in the city of Medellin”, on the main aspects that turn the organizational studies into a complement in order to advance in the field of social management, addressed by tradition from the public. The article suggest how these aspects, which have an interdisciplinary perspective and look beyond the organization towards the study of phenomena different cultural, political, economic, social, among others, and whose nature is apparently non organizational, contribute to the conceptualization of social services management public which is not centered on the action of a single organization, but on the whole of the associations belonging to the civil society. In order to account for this, the article explains what is the social management, then discusses some of the main contributions made by the organizational theories, emphasizing aspects that give rise to organizational studies; after that, the article presents the contributions made by the organizational studies to the research in social management; finally, the conclusions are presented.El artículo recoge una reflexión producto del proyecto de tesis doctoral “Construcción intersubjetiva de la gestión social en la ciudad de Medellín” sobre los principales aspectos que hacen de los estudios organizacionales un complemento para avanzar en el campo de la gestión social, la cual ha sido tradicionalmente abordada desde la administración pública. Se plantea cómo éstos, al tener una perspectiva interdisciplinaria y trascender la mirada de la organización hacia el estudio de los fenómenos culturales, políticos, económicos y sociales –de naturaleza aparentemente no organizacional–, contribuyen a la conceptualización de la gestión de servicios sociales públicos, la cual no está centrada en la acción de una sola organización sino en la del conjunto de las

  17. Super computer made with Linux cluster

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jeong Hun; Oh, Yeong Eun; Kim, Jeong Seok


    This book consists of twelve chapters, which introduce super computer made with Linux cluster. The contents of this book are Linux cluster, the principle of cluster, design of Linux cluster, general things for Linux, building up terminal server and client, Bear wolf cluster by Debian GNU/Linux, cluster system with red hat, Monitoring system, application programming-MPI, on set-up and install application programming-PVM, with PVM programming and XPVM application programming-open PBS with composition and install and set-up and GRID with GRID system, GSI, GRAM, MDS, its install and using of tool kit

  18. Laval nozzles for cluster-jet targets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grieser, Silke; Bonaventura, Daniel; Hergemoeller, Ann-Katrin; Hetz, Benjamin; Koehler, Esperanza; Lessmann, Lukas; Khoukaz, Alfons [Institut fuer Kernphysik, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, 48149 Muenster (Germany)


    Cluster-jet targets are highly suited for storage ring experiments due to the fact that they provide high and constant beam densities. Therefore, a cluster-jet target is planned to be the first internal target for the PANDA experiment at FAIR. A cluster source generates a continuous flow of cryogenic solid clusters by the expansion of pre-cooled gases within fine Laval nozzles. For the production of clusters the geometry of the nozzle is crucial. The production of such nozzles with their complex inner geometry represents a major technical challenge. The possibility to produce new fine Laval nozzles ensures the operation of cluster-jet targets, e.g. for the PANDA experiment, and opens the way for future investigations on the cluster production process to match the required targets performance. Optimizations on the recently developed production process and the fabrication of new glass nozzles were done. Initial measurements of these nozzles at the PANDA cluster-jet target prototype and the investigation of the cluster beam origin within the nozzle will be presented and discussed. For the future more Laval nozzles with different geometries will be produced and additional measurements with these new nozzles at the PANDA cluster-jet target prototype towards higher performance will be realized.

  19. Two generalizations of Kohonen clustering (United States)

    Bezdek, James C.; Pal, Nikhil R.; Tsao, Eric C. K.


    The relationship between the sequential hard c-means (SHCM), learning vector quantization (LVQ), and fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering algorithms is discussed. LVQ and SHCM suffer from several major problems. For example, they depend heavily on initialization. If the initial values of the cluster centers are outside the convex hull of the input data, such algorithms, even if they terminate, may not produce meaningful results in terms of prototypes for cluster representation. This is due in part to the fact that they update only the winning prototype for every input vector. The impact and interaction of these two families with Kohonen's self-organizing feature mapping (SOFM), which is not a clustering method, but which often leads ideas to clustering algorithms is discussed. Then two generalizations of LVQ that are explicitly designed as clustering algorithms are presented; these algorithms are referred to as generalized LVQ = GLVQ; and fuzzy LVQ = FLVQ. Learning rules are derived to optimize an objective function whose goal is to produce 'good clusters'. GLVQ/FLVQ (may) update every node in the clustering net for each input vector. Neither GLVQ nor FLVQ depends upon a choice for the update neighborhood or learning rate distribution - these are taken care of automatically. Segmentation of a gray tone image is used as a typical application of these algorithms to illustrate the performance of GLVQ/FLVQ.

  20. Evaporation rate of nucleating clusters. (United States)

    Zapadinsky, Evgeni


    The Becker-Döring kinetic scheme is the most frequently used approach to vapor liquid nucleation. In the present study it has been extended so that master equations for all cluster configurations are included into consideration. In the Becker-Döring kinetic scheme the nucleation rate is calculated through comparison of the balanced steady state and unbalanced steady state solutions of the set of kinetic equations. It is usually assumed that the balanced steady state produces equilibrium cluster distribution, and the evaporation rates are identical in the balanced and unbalanced steady state cases. In the present study we have shown that the evaporation rates are not identical in the equilibrium and unbalanced steady state cases. The evaporation rate depends on the number of clusters at the limit of the cluster definition. We have shown that the ratio of the number of n-clusters at the limit of the cluster definition to the total number of n-clusters is different in equilibrium and unbalanced steady state cases. This causes difference in evaporation rates for these cases and results in a correction factor to the nucleation rate. According to rough estimation it is 10(-1) by the order of magnitude and can be lower if carrier gas effectively equilibrates the clusters. The developed approach allows one to refine the correction factor with Monte Carlo and molecular dynamic simulations.


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    Marvin Acuña Ortega


    Full Text Available Uno de los rasgos más notables que mejor representan el cambio estructural que ha experimentado la economía costarricense, en los últimos años, fruto de los procesos de apertura y globalización ha sido la creciente importancia relativa del sector servicios,  y en particular, del sector turismo en la economía. Este estudio se propone analizar estos cambios estructurales desde una perspectiva territorial, determinando su impacto en el desarrollo económico  regional o local. De manera más particular, este estudio busca determinar la estructura de mercado subyacente y el entorno institucional que ha hecho posible que el ecoturismo se haya convertido en La Fortuna de San Carlos una alternativa productiva para el desarrollo de las PyMES, y el impulsor de procesos de desarrollo local, en condiciones relativamente endógenas y un medio  para una mejor inserción internacional de esos territorios. El poder probar la existencia de cluster de servicios eco-turísticos en La Fortuna  de San Carlos permitirá dar respuesta a la siguiente interrogante: ¿qué tipo de estructuras e instituciones de mercado son capaces de generar economías de aglomeración, rendimientos crecientes y menores costos de transacción, para que las PyMES puedan adoptar un patrón de desarrollo basado en la cooperación, la competitividad y la innovación continua, para así convertirse en artífices del desarrollo local?

  2. PFI-ZEKE (Pulsed Field Ionization-Zero Electron Kinetic Energy) para el estudio de iones (United States)

    Castaño, F.; Fernández, J. A.; Basterretxea, A. Longarte. F.; Sánchez Rayo, M. N.; Martínez, R.

    descubierta, que va en contra de lo esperado en otros sistemas físicos y que consiste en que los altos estados Rydberg de átomos, moléculas y sus complejos de van der Waals (o de los iones) tienen tiempos de vida de centenas de μ s. En resumen, el experimento y la espectroscopía ZEKE consiste en excitar un átomo, molécula o cluster sucesivamente a dos estados excitados selectivos de manera que el final sea un estado Rydberg. A continuación se aplica un campo eléctrico variable que lo ioniza y después de un cierto retraso se aplica un campo eléctrico de extracción, tanto para el electrón como para el ión. El espectro de los iones, es un espectro ZEKE. Hay varias alternativas para hacer este último proceso. El estudio de la espectroscopía y propiedades de iones y sus clusters requiere el conocimiento detallado de la espectroscopía de la molécula neutra, los estados Rydberg, de los confórmeros y sus complejos. Todo ello implica el haber estudiado los sistemas por LIF, REMPI y doble resonancia (hole burning IR-UV, UV-UV). Además solo es posible interpretar los resultados y obtener la información contenida en los espectros con ayuda de cálculos cuánticos ab initio. Hasta el momento hemos aplicado tanto el ZEKE como el conjunto de técnicas mencionadas anteriormente, a varias molécula de interés químico general como anilina y sus derivados, así como sus complejos con agua y amoniaco. Sin embargo, el método es muy versátil y puede aplicarse a iones de átomos, iones múltiples, moléculas sencillas y sus clusters así como a sus semi-reacciones. Como ejemplo de uno de estos espectros PFI-ZEKE se presenta aquí el caso del amonibenzonitrilo, ABN y solamente en su estado fundamental. En la conferencia se presentarán espectros ZEKE del ABN y moléculas similares en estados vibracionales intermedios (islas de estabilidad), así como la determinación de potenciales de ionización precisos, energías de enlace de compuestos del ión con varios disolventes y

  3. Fission of Polyanionic Metal Clusters (United States)

    König, S.; Jankowski, A.; Marx, G.; Schweikhard, L.; Wolfram, M.


    Size-selected dianionic lead clusters Pbn2 -, n =34 - 56 , are stored in a Penning trap and studied with respect to their decay products upon photoexcitation. Contrary to the decay of other dianionic metal clusters, these lead clusters show a variety of decay channels. The mass spectra of the fragments are compared to the corresponding spectra of the monoanionic precursors. This comparison leads to the conclusion that, in the cluster size region below about n =48 , the fission reaction Pbn2 -→Pbn-10 -+Pb10- is the major decay process. Its disappearance at larger cluster sizes may be an indication of a nonmetal to metal transition. Recently, the pair of Pb10- and Pbn-10 - were observed as pronounced fragments in electron-attachment studies [S. König et al., Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 421, 129 (2017), 10.1016/j.ijms.2017.06.009]. The present findings suggest that this combination is the fingerprint of the decay of doubly charged lead clusters. With this assumption, the dianion clusters have been traced down to Pb212 -, whereas the smallest size for the direct observation was as high as n =28 .

  4. Chemisorption on size-selected metal clusters: activation barriers and chemical reactions for deuterium and aluminum cluster ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarrold, M.F.; Bower, J.E.


    The authors describe a new approach to investigating chemisorption on size-selected metal clusters. This approach involves investigating the collision-energy dependence of chemisorption using low-energy ion beam techniques. The method provides a direct measure of the activation barrier for chemisorption and in some cases an estimate of the desorption energy as well. They describe the application of this technique to chemisorption of deuterium on size-selected aluminum clusters. The activation barriers increase with cluster size (from a little over 1 eV for Al 10 + to around 2 eV for Al 27 + ) and show significant odd-even oscillations. The activation barriers for the clusters with an odd number of atoms are larger than those for the even-numbered clusters. In addition to chemisorption of deuterium onto the clusters, chemical reactions were observed, often resulting in cluster fragmentation. The main products observed were Al/sub n-1/D + , Al/sub n-2/ + , and Al + for clusters with n + and Al/sub n-1/D + for the larger clusters

  5. Estudio de inmunogenicidad para dos vacunas recombinantes contra hepatitis B

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O. Juliao


    Full Text Available Este estudio compara la inmunogenicidad (seroconversión, seroprotección e Hiperrespuesta, producida por dos vacunas recombinantes contra la hepatitis B (Engerix-B de Bélgica y Cubana, en dos esquemas (012 y 016 meses, empleando los métodos de cuantificación para Anti-HBsAg (Abbott y Organón, los cuales fueron también comparados. En el estudio participaron 257 voluntarios,  divididos al azar en 4 grupos (dos vacunas, dos esquemas. Resultados: los dos métodos de Abbon y Organon, no presentan diferencias estadísticas significativas. La vacuna cubana muestra una mayor respuesta inmunogénica para dos dosis de vacuna y para el esquema 012. No hay diferencia entre los esquemas 012 y 016 y en el esquema 016 no se ven diferencias estadísticamente significativas con la vacuna Engerix-B. En esta Última el esquema 016 muestra mejores resultados que el 012.

  6. Mixed-Initiative Clustering (United States)

    Huang, Yifen


    Mixed-initiative clustering is a task where a user and a machine work collaboratively to analyze a large set of documents. We hypothesize that a user and a machine can both learn better clustering models through enriched communication and interactive learning from each other. The first contribution or this thesis is providing a framework of…

  7. Remarks on stellar clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teller, E.


    In the following, a few simple remarks on the evolution and properties of stellar clusters will be collected. In particular, globular clusters will be considered. Though details of such clusters are often not known, a few questions can be clarified with the help of primitive arguments. These are:- why are spherical clusters spherical, why do they have high densities, why do they consist of approximately a million stars, how may a black hole of great mass form within them, may they be the origin of gamma-ray bursts, may their invisible remnants account for the missing mass of our galaxy. The available data do not warrant a detailed evaluation. However, it is remarkable that exceedingly simple models can shed some light on the questions enumerated above. (author)

  8. Plasmon resonances in large noble-metal clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soennichsen, C; Franzl, T; Wilk, T; Plessen, G von; Feldmann, J


    We investigate the optical properties of spherical gold and silver clusters with diameters of 20 nm and larger. The light scattering spectra of individual clusters are measured using dark-field microscopy, thus avoiding inhomogeneous broadening effects. The dipolar plasmon resonances of the clusters are found to have nearly Lorentzian line shapes. With increasing size we observe polaritonic red-shifts of the plasmon line and increased radiation damping for both gold and silver clusters. Apart from some cluster-to-cluster variations of the plasmon lines, agreement with Mie theory is reasonably good for the gold clusters. However, it is less satisfactory for the silver clusters, possibly due to cluster faceting or chemical effects

  9. El "estudio de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje": una forma globalizadora de investigación del profesorado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Elliott


    Full Text Available En 2007 la Asociación Mundial para el "Estudio de la enseñanza" organizó su congreso inaugural en Hhong Kong en pos del creciente interés internacional en el "Estudio de la enseñanza" en Japón y su transformación en Kong en "Estudio del Aprendizaje". En el centro del "Estudio de la enseñanza" se encuentra el desarrollo colaborativo de una "lección" (considerada una unidad didáctica, unidad de estudio construida en torno a un tema, más que una unidad de tiempo como tal mediante una serie de "sesiones de investigación". Los profesores involucrados en la enseñanza de la misma clase, o unidad didáctica, se observan unos a otros sucesivamente mientras la imparten, poniendo en común sus observaciones entre una clase y la siguiente, como base para tomar decisiones colectivas sobre cambios posteriores en las programaciones de las clases, que se pondrán a prueba posteriormente en la siguiente clase de investigación. En Hong Kong, el "estudio de enseñanza" japonés se fusionó con la teoría fenomenográfica de aprendizaje desarrollada por Marton y sus colaboradores en Suecia. Este enfoque se centra en desarrollar y poner a prueba en las aulas una teoría de aprendizaje conocida como "teoría de la variación". En Suecia, y al principio en Hong Kong, el Estudio del Aprendizaje se consideró una forma de "experimento de diseño", en lugar de una forma de investigación-acción. Aunque los profesores colaboraron con investigadores para poner a prueba la teoría, la responsabilidad principal sobre la recogida y el análisis de datos recaía en los investigadores. No obstante, en el contexto de Hhong Kong, donde a los maestros y a las escuelas se les proporcionaron espacios para desarrollar sus propios programas de estudio dentro de un amplio marco de objetivos y principios, la teoría de la variación llegó a integrarse en el proceso del Estudio de la enseñanza y ayudó a desarrollar las capacidades de los profesores propiciando un

  10. La comprensión y producción del lenguaje figurado en la L2. Estudio de un foro virtual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agnese Sampietro


    Full Text Available El estudio del bilingüismo es una de las áreas más dinámicas en la investigación en psicolingüística (Grosjean & Li, 2013. A pesar de la gran cantidad de estudios realizados en esta disciplina, sigue habiendo relativamente poca investigación que analice el procesamiento del lenguaje figurado. Esta misma falta de estudios se encuentra también en la glotodidáctica, puesto que la mayoría de estudios conciernen la enseñanza de idioms en inglés como lengua extranjera (Nation, 2001. Tras una revisión de los principales debates sobre el estudio del procesamiento de expresiones idiomáticas y su comprensión en la L2, el presente trabajo analiza las estrategias empleadas por usuarios de un foro lingüístico virtual en la comprensión y producción de expresiones no literales en castellano e italiano como lenguas extranjeras, valorando especialmente la importancia de la conciencia metalingüística del hablante. Se esbozarán finalmente algunas posibilidades para la aplicación de los resultados del estudio a la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras.

  11. Classification Of Cluster Area Forsatellite Image

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thwe Zin Phyo


    Full Text Available Abstract This paper describes area classification for Landsat7 satellite image. The main purpose of this system is to classify the area of each cluster contained in a satellite image. To classify this image firstly need to clusterthe satellite image into different land cover types. Clustering is an unsupervised learning method that aimsto classify an image into homogeneous regions. This system is implemented based on color features with K-means clustering unsupervised algorithm. This method does not need to train image before clustering.The clusters of satellite image are grouped into a set of three clusters for Landsat7 satellite image. For this work the combined band 432 from Landsat7 satellite is used as an input. Satellite imageMandalay area in 2001 is chosen to test the segmentation method. After clustering a specific range for three clustered images must be defined in order to obtain greenland water and urbanbalance.This system is implemented by using MATLAB programming language.

  12. RELICS: Strong Lens Models for Five Galaxy Clusters from the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (United States)

    Cerny, Catherine; Sharon, Keren; Andrade-Santos, Felipe; Avila, Roberto J.; Bradač, Maruša; Bradley, Larry D.; Carrasco, Daniela; Coe, Dan; Czakon, Nicole G.; Dawson, William A.; Frye, Brenda L.; Hoag, Austin; Huang, Kuang-Han; Johnson, Traci L.; Jones, Christine; Lam, Daniel; Lovisari, Lorenzo; Mainali, Ramesh; Oesch, Pascal A.; Ogaz, Sara; Past, Matthew; Paterno-Mahler, Rachel; Peterson, Avery; Riess, Adam G.; Rodney, Steven A.; Ryan, Russell E.; Salmon, Brett; Sendra-Server, Irene; Stark, Daniel P.; Strolger, Louis-Gregory; Trenti, Michele; Umetsu, Keiichi; Vulcani, Benedetta; Zitrin, Adi


    Strong gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters magnifies background galaxies, enhancing our ability to discover statistically significant samples of galaxies at {\\boldsymbol{z}}> 6, in order to constrain the high-redshift galaxy luminosity functions. Here, we present the first five lens models out of the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (RELICS) Hubble Treasury Program, based on new HST WFC3/IR and ACS imaging of the clusters RXC J0142.9+4438, Abell 2537, Abell 2163, RXC J2211.7–0349, and ACT-CLJ0102–49151. The derived lensing magnification is essential for estimating the intrinsic properties of high-redshift galaxy candidates, and properly accounting for the survey volume. We report on new spectroscopic redshifts of multiply imaged lensed galaxies behind these clusters, which are used as constraints, and detail our strategy to reduce systematic uncertainties due to lack of spectroscopic information. In addition, we quantify the uncertainty on the lensing magnification due to statistical and systematic errors related to the lens modeling process, and find that in all but one cluster, the magnification is constrained to better than 20% in at least 80% of the field of view, including statistical and systematic uncertainties. The five clusters presented in this paper span the range of masses and redshifts of the clusters in the RELICS program. We find that they exhibit similar strong lensing efficiencies to the clusters targeted by the Hubble Frontier Fields within the WFC3/IR field of view. Outputs of the lens models are made available to the community through the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes.

  13. Supersonic copper clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powers, D.E.; Hansen, S.G.; Geusic, M.E.; Michalopoulos, D.L.; Smalley, R.E.


    Copper clusters ranging in size from 1 to 29 atoms have been prepared in a supersonic beam by laser vaporization of a rotating copper target rod within the throat of a pulsed supersonic nozzle using helium for the carrier gas. The clusters were cooled extensively in the supersonic expansion [T(translational) 1 to 4 K, T(rotational) = 4 K, T(vibrational) = 20 to 70 K]. These clusters were detected in the supersonic beam by laser photoionization with time-of-flight mass analysis. Using a number of fixed frequency outputs of an exciplex laser, the threshold behavior of the photoionization cross section was monitored as a function of cluster size.nce two-photon ionization (R2PI) with mass selective detection allowed the detection of five new electronic band systems in the region between 2690 and 3200 A, for each of the three naturally occurring isotopic forms of Cu 2 . In the process of scanning the R2PI spectrum of these new electronic states, the ionization potential of the copper dimer was determined to be 7.894 +- 0.015 eV

  14. Star clusters and associations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruprecht, J.; Palous, J.


    All 33 papers presented at the symposium were inputted to INIS. They dealt with open clusters, globular clusters, stellar associations and moving groups, and local kinematics and galactic structures. (E.S.)

  15. Laser ionization of molecular clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desai, S.; Feigerle, C.S.


    Multiphoton ionization coupled with mass spectrometry was used to investigate molecular cluster distributions. Three examples will be discussed in this presentation. First, in studies of neat nitric oxide clusters, (NO) m , an interesting odd-even intensity alternation was observed and will be discussed in terms of electron-pairing considerations. In a separate study, the binary clusters comprising nitric oxide and methane preferentially form a stoichiometric cluster made up of repeating units of (NO) 2 CH 4 . These presumably represent a particularly strongly bound open-quotes van der Waalsclose quotes subunit. Finally, in similar studies of neat carbon disulfide clusters, (CS 2 ) m , additional photon absorption after the two-photon ionization step stimulates a series of intracluster ion-molecular reactions leading to formation of S m + and (CS) m + polymers, as well as intermediate species such as S m + (CS 2 ). This molecular cluster analogue of open-quotes laser snowclose quotes will be described in detail

  16. What Qualifies as a Cluster Theory?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maskell, Peter; Kebir, Leïla


    This paper investigates the theoretical backgrounds of the `cluster' and proposes a framework aiming at drawing the contour of cluster theory.The profundity of the notion of `clusters' is arguably conditional on the coherence of four fundamental issues associated with the concept: 1) the economic...... and social benefits that may accrue to firms when clustering or co-locating (the existence argument); 2) the diseconomiesencountered when clustering exceeds certain geographical and sectoral thresholds (the extension argument); 3) the advantages obtained by exploiting intra-cluster synergies rather engaging...... in external interaction (the exchange argument); and, finally, 4) the possible erosionof economies and onset of diseconomies over the lifecycle of the cluster (the exhaustion argument).Each of these four issues is examined in terms of three relevant major theoretical frameworks that can be brought to bear...

  17. cluML: A markup language for clustering and cluster validity assessment of microarray data. (United States)

    Bolshakova, Nadia; Cunningham, Pádraig


    cluML is a new markup language for microarray data clustering and cluster validity assessment. The XML-based format has been designed to address some of the limitations observed in traditional formats, such as inability to store multiple clustering (including biclustering) and validation results within a dataset. cluML is an effective tool to support biomedical knowledge representation in gene expression data analysis. Although cluML was developed for DNA microarray analysis applications, it can be effectively used for the representation of clustering and for the validation of other biomedical and physical data that has no limitations.

  18. Características académicas de los alumnos que inician estudios universitarios de ciencias economicas y empresariales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guerrero Manzano, M.


    Full Text Available Los docentes universitarios muestran un interés constante porque el alumno alcance los objetivos de conocimiento planeados en su asignatura y finalice con éxito sus estudios. De ahí su empeño manifiesto por mejorar la eficiencia de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Sin embargo, se constata en las universidades españolas la presencia de altos porcentajes de abandono de los estudios junto al incremento del tiempo necesario para egresarse. No existe una causa única para explicar estos problemas. En las Facultades de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales se destacan algunas características típicas del alumnado que concurre a estos estudios. Situaciones peculiares que se concretan en carencias en la formación previa del estudiante, falta de motivación, elección sin vocación de la carrera y baja aptitud hacia el estudio, de una importante proporción de alumnos. Este trabajo analiza las características de los alumnos que han iniciado estudios en carreras de Economía y Empresa desde 1995 hasta 2004, en relación con los ítems detallados, a fin de comprobar si responden a las creencias comunes sobre la cuestión.

  19. Estudio experimental del comportamiento del hormigón confinado sometido a compresión


    Aire Untiveros, Carlos Máximo


    La tesis presenta los resultados de un extenso estudio experimental de probetas cilíndricas de hormigón sometidas a confinamiento lateral cargadas axialmente. En el estudio se consideró el confinamiento activo y pasivo. El confinamiento activo consistió en aplicar una presión hidrostática en una célula triaxial y el confinamiento pasivo fue mediante tubos de acero rellenos de hormigón y probetas de hormigón zunchadas con polímeros reforzados con fibras (FRP) de carbono y vidrio. Se ensayaron ...

  20. Estudio teórico de formas inusuales y modificadas de los ácidos nucleicos


    Faustino Pló, Ignacio


    1) Estudio teórico de nucleobases modificadas. Las modificaciones químicas de ácidos nucleicos tienen una amplia variedad de aplicaciones tanto en clínica, utilizadas como agentes antisentido, así como en el estudio de las estructuras de los propios ácidos nucleicos, las interacciones proteína DNA o en la catálisis de ácidos nucleicos por poner algunos ejemplos. Actualmente se sintetizan cientos de análogos de nucleósidos estándar en laboratorios farmacéuticos, algunos de ellos como, ...

  1. Efectos del ejercicio en condiciones de normopeso y obesidad : Estudios en animales y humanos /


    Cigarroa Cuevas, Igor Iván,


    El objetivo principal de la tesis fue evaluar, en estudios con animales y humanos, el impacto que tiene la práctica de ejercicio físico sobre variables conductuales, metabólicas y nutricionales, considerando diferencias de género en individuos de peso normal o con sobrepeso/obesidad. En los estudios con animales, se usaron ratas macho y hembra adultas de peso normal o con obesidad inducida por dieta (OID). Las ratas fueron entrenadas a una intensidad moderada (12 metros/minutos) y más alta (1...

  2. Las interacciones escolares y los estereotipos de género : dos estudios de caso


    Flores Sánchez, Norma


    Durante la década de 1990 se introduce en Ecuador estudios orientados a explorar inequidades de género en el campo de la educación. Igualmente se proponen acciones de política para cerrar brechas de género. Los estudios, por lo general, han privilegiado aproximaciones cuantitativas (Reed, 1997; Ponce y Martínez 1990-2004), por lo que resulta importante incorporar una perspectiva cualitativa de las desigualdades de género. En este sentido resulta de interés conocer por ejemplo, al interior de ...

  3. Cluster growth kinetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubovik, V.M.; Gal'perin, A.G.; Rikhvitskij, V.S.; Lushnikov, A.A.


    Processes of some traffic blocking coming into existence are considered as probabilistic ones. We study analytic solutions for models for the dynamics of both cluster growth and cluster growth with fragmentation in the systems of finite number of objects. Assuming rates constancy of both coalescence and fragmentation, the models under consideration are linear on the probability functions

  4. Influence of reactive gas admixture on transition metal cluster nucleation in a gas aggregation cluster source (United States)

    Peter, Tilo; Polonskyi, Oleksandr; Gojdka, Björn; Mohammad Ahadi, Amir; Strunskus, Thomas; Zaporojtchenko, Vladimir; Biederman, Hynek; Faupel, Franz


    We quantitatively assessed the influence of reactive gases on the formation processes of transition metal clusters in a gas aggregation cluster source. A cluster source based on a 2 in. magnetron is used to study the production rate of titanium and cobalt clusters. Argon served as working gas for the DC magnetron discharge, and a small amount of reactive gas (oxygen and nitrogen) is added to promote reactive cluster formation. We found that the cluster production rate depends strongly on the reactive gas concentration for very small amounts of reactive gas (less than 0.1% of total working gas), and no cluster formation takes place in the absence of reactive species. The influence of discharge power, reactive gas concentration, and working gas pressure are investigated using a quartz micro balance in a time resolved manner. The strong influence of reactive gas is explained by a more efficient formation of nucleation seeds for metal-oxide or nitride than for pure metal.

  5. Estudio sobre la construcción autorregulada del portafolio en el grado de Enfermería

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernat C. Serdà-Ferrer

    Full Text Available Introducción: Este estudio presenta el proceso de implementación del portafolio en el transcurso de cuatro cursos académicos consecutivos (2006-2010. La planificación incluye tres fases (iniciación, desarrollo y consolidación. La muestra es de 480 estudiantes del primer curso de Enfermería de la Universitat de Girona. El objetivo consiste en evaluar la eficacia del instrumento y construirlo de una forma autorregulada. Sujetos y métodos: La propuesta metodológica se basa en la triangulación secuencial entre métodos, en que para el estudio de una misma unidad empírica se combinan dos estrategias de investigación, una cuantitativa y otra cualitativa. Estudio 1: cuantitativo, descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo. Para el análisis estadístico de los datos apareados en las variables continuas que siguen una distribución normal, se utiliza el test t de Student. Para el estudio de la correlación entre dos variables numéricas se ha calculado el índice de correlación P de Pearson. Estudio 2: cualitativo, utiliza grupos de discusión a partir de tópicos. Para el análisis de datos textuales se usa el programa informático Atlas.ti. Resultados: La nota final de los estudiantes que elaboran el portafolio (7,78 es superior a la nota de los estudiantes que no lo realizan (7 (p ≤ 0,001. Se identifica una correlación significativa entre la nota portafolio y la nota final (p ≤ 0,001. El estudio de la tendencia muestra una mayor sensibilidad del instrumento en la evaluación. Conclusión: El diseño final del portafolio se caracteriza por ser mixto, flexible y fomenta la reflexión, empoderando al estudiante en el continuo de aprendizaje.

  6. Optical properties of cluster plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kishimoto, Yasuaki; Tajima, Toshiki [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Neyagawa, Osaka (Japan). Kansai Research Establishment; Downer, M C


    It is shown that unlike a gas plasma or an electron plasma in a metal, an ionized clustered material (`cluster plasma`) permits propagation below the plasma cut-off of electromagnetic (EM) waves whose phase velocity is close to but below the speed of light. This results from the excitation of a plasma oscillation mode (and/or polarization mode) through the cluster surface which does not exist in usual gaseous plasma. The existence of this new optical mode, cluster mode, is confirmed via numerical simulation. (author)

  7. Integrative cluster analysis in bioinformatics

    CERN Document Server

    Abu-Jamous, Basel; Nandi, Asoke K


    Clustering techniques are increasingly being put to use in the analysis of high-throughput biological datasets. Novel computational techniques to analyse high throughput data in the form of sequences, gene and protein expressions, pathways, and images are becoming vital for understanding diseases and future drug discovery. This book details the complete pathway of cluster analysis, from the basics of molecular biology to the generation of biological knowledge. The book also presents the latest clustering methods and clustering validation, thereby offering the reader a comprehensive review o

  8. Bayesian Decision Theoretical Framework for Clustering (United States)

    Chen, Mo


    In this thesis, we establish a novel probabilistic framework for the data clustering problem from the perspective of Bayesian decision theory. The Bayesian decision theory view justifies the important questions: what is a cluster and what a clustering algorithm should optimize. We prove that the spectral clustering (to be specific, the…

  9. Estudio sobre las variables que intervienen en el abandono físico o negligencia infantil


    Moreno Manso, Juan Manuel


    La escasez de estudios en materia de abandono físico o negligencia determinan un desconocimiento bastante importante de la tipología de maltrato infantil, considerada hoy por hoy como la de mayor incidencia, tanto a través de estudios nacionales como internacionales. Por ello, a través del análisis de diecinueve variables individuales, sociales, relacionales y familiares, pretendemos aportar un mayor conocimiento sobre una práctica de desprotección infantil con...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Suk; Rey, Soo-Chang; Lee, Youngdae; Chung, Jiwon; Pak, Mina; Yi, Wonhyeong; Lee, Woong [Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, 99 Daehak-ro, Daejeon 305-764 (Korea, Republic of); Jerjen, Helmut [Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Australian National University, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611 (Australia); Lisker, Thorsten [Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (ZAH), Mönchhofstraße 12-14, D-69120 Heidelberg (Germany); Sung, Eon-Chang [Korea Astronomy and Space Science institute, 776 Daedeokdae-ro, Daejeon 305-348 (Korea, Republic of)


    We present a new catalog of galaxies in the wider region of the Virgo cluster, based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7. The Extended Virgo Cluster Catalog (EVCC) covers an area of 725 deg{sup 2} or 60.1 Mpc{sup 2}. It is 5.2 times larger than the footprint of the classical Virgo Cluster Catalog (VCC) and reaches out to 3.5 times the virial radius of the Virgo cluster. We selected 1324 spectroscopically targeted galaxies with radial velocities less than 3000 km s{sup –1}. In addition, 265 galaxies that have been overlooked in the SDSS spectroscopic survey but have available redshifts in the NASA Extragalactic Database are also included. Our selection process secured a total of 1589 galaxies, 676 of which are not included in the VCC. The certain and possible cluster members are defined by means of redshift comparison with a cluster infall model. We employed two independent and complementary galaxy classification schemes: the traditional morphological classification based on the visual inspection of optical images and a characterization of galaxies from their spectroscopic features. SDSS u, g, r, i, and z passband photometry of all EVCC galaxies was performed using Source Extractor. We compare the EVCC galaxies with the VCC in terms of morphology, spatial distribution, and luminosity function. The EVCC defines a comprehensive galaxy sample covering a wider range in galaxy density that is significantly different from the inner region of the Virgo cluster. It will be the foundation for forthcoming galaxy evolution studies in the extended Virgo cluster region, complementing ongoing and planned Virgo cluster surveys at various wavelengths.

  11. Clustervision: Visual Supervision of Unsupervised Clustering. (United States)

    Kwon, Bum Chul; Eysenbach, Ben; Verma, Janu; Ng, Kenney; De Filippi, Christopher; Stewart, Walter F; Perer, Adam


    Clustering, the process of grouping together similar items into distinct partitions, is a common type of unsupervised machine learning that can be useful for summarizing and aggregating complex multi-dimensional data. However, data can be clustered in many ways, and there exist a large body of algorithms designed to reveal different patterns. While having access to a wide variety of algorithms is helpful, in practice, it is quite difficult for data scientists to choose and parameterize algorithms to get the clustering results relevant for their dataset and analytical tasks. To alleviate this problem, we built Clustervision, a visual analytics tool that helps ensure data scientists find the right clustering among the large amount of techniques and parameters available. Our system clusters data using a variety of clustering techniques and parameters and then ranks clustering results utilizing five quality metrics. In addition, users can guide the system to produce more relevant results by providing task-relevant constraints on the data. Our visual user interface allows users to find high quality clustering results, explore the clusters using several coordinated visualization techniques, and select the cluster result that best suits their task. We demonstrate this novel approach using a case study with a team of researchers in the medical domain and showcase that our system empowers users to choose an effective representation of their complex data.

  12. Cluster-based spectrum sensing for cognitive radios with imperfect channel to cluster-head

    KAUST Repository

    Ben Ghorbel, Mahdi


    Spectrum sensing is considered as the first and main step for cognitive radio systems to achieve an efficient use of spectrum. Cooperation and clustering among cognitive radio users are two techniques that can be employed with spectrum sensing in order to improve the sensing performance by reducing miss-detection and false alarm. In this paper, within the framework of a clustering-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheme, we study the effect of errors in transmitting the local decisions from the secondary users to the cluster heads (or the fusion center), while considering non-identical channel conditions between the secondary users. Closed-form expressions for the global probabilities of detection and false alarm at the cluster head are derived. © 2012 IEEE.

  13. Cluster-based spectrum sensing for cognitive radios with imperfect channel to cluster-head

    KAUST Repository

    Ben Ghorbel, Mahdi; Nam, Haewoon; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    Spectrum sensing is considered as the first and main step for cognitive radio systems to achieve an efficient use of spectrum. Cooperation and clustering among cognitive radio users are two techniques that can be employed with spectrum sensing in order to improve the sensing performance by reducing miss-detection and false alarm. In this paper, within the framework of a clustering-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheme, we study the effect of errors in transmitting the local decisions from the secondary users to the cluster heads (or the fusion center), while considering non-identical channel conditions between the secondary users. Closed-form expressions for the global probabilities of detection and false alarm at the cluster head are derived. © 2012 IEEE.

  14. Modeling the formation of globular cluster systems in the Virgo cluster

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Hui; Gnedin, Oleg Y.


    The mass distribution and chemical composition of globular cluster (GC) systems preserve fossil record of the early stages of galaxy formation. The observed distribution of GC colors within massive early-type galaxies in the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey (ACSVCS) reveals a multi-modal shape, which likely corresponds to a multi-modal metallicity distribution. We present a simple model for the formation and disruption of GCs that aims to match the ACSVCS data. This model tests the hypothesis that GCs are formed during major mergers of gas-rich galaxies and inherit the metallicity of their hosts. To trace merger events, we use halo merger trees extracted from a large cosmological N-body simulation. We select 20 halos in the mass range of 2 × 10 12 to 7 × 10 13 M ☉ and match them to 19 Virgo galaxies with K-band luminosity between 3 × 10 10 and 3 × 10 11 L ☉ . To set the [Fe/H] abundances, we use an empirical galaxy mass-metallicity relation. We find that a minimal merger ratio of 1:3 best matches the observed cluster metallicity distribution. A characteristic bimodal shape appears because metal-rich GCs are produced by late mergers between massive halos, while metal-poor GCs are produced by collective merger activities of less massive hosts at early times. The model outcome is robust to alternative prescriptions for cluster formation rate throughout cosmic time, but a gradual evolution of the mass-metallicity relation with redshift appears to be necessary to match the observed cluster metallicities. We also affirm the age-metallicity relation, predicted by an earlier model, in which metal-rich clusters are systematically several billion younger than their metal-poor counterparts.

  15. Pedro de Luna y el Estudio Salmantino. Aspecto Institucional: su Constitución

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available En un claustro de Diputados del 24 de Septiembre de 1624, presidido por el Vicerrector D. Diego de Ángulo, en ausencia de D. Enrique de Guzmán, rector entonces de la Universidad, se tomaba el acuerdo de nombrar una comisión, cuyo cometido consistía en el estudio y recogida, para darlos a la luz, de toda la serie de estatutos por los que venía gobernándose el Estudio salmantino. De esta recopilación se hicieron cargo el P. Maestro Fr. Antonio de Ledesma y el Señor Doctor Martín López de Hontiveros. Un mes más tarde, aproximadamente, la tarea se daba por concluida y los comisarios la presentaban al claustro, que decidió, de inmediato, proceder a su publicación, encargando de ello a los mismos recopiladores; la impresión definitiva data de Junio de 1625 y está precedida de una introducción, que viene a ser una síntesis de la historia del Estudio desde el punto de vista de las disposiciones y reglamentos.

  16. Análisis y estudio del microcemento




    [es] El presente Trabajo Final de Grado trata sobre el microcemento, que es un revestimiento continuo multicapa a base de resinas poliméricas, áridos y elementos cementosos. En este trabajo se analizan sus propiedades y su forma de aplicación, también se mencionan algunos consejos a tener en cuenta para su correcto empleo, y se estudian tanto sus ventajas e inconvenientes como sus rendimientos y costes. Además del estudio teórico se desarrolla una aplicación práctica mediante la realización d...

  17. Estudio de un caso de control interno


    Alfonso Pirela


    El estudio se efectuó con el objetivo de analizar el control interno en el Almacén de la Facultad de ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad del Zulia. La metodología fue descriptiva. Se utilizó como población a todo el personal del almacén. Los resultados arrojaron que el control del almacén no cuenta con un sistema de control interno integrado que le permita llevar con efectividad las actividades de recepción, almacenamiento y despacho de la mercancía.

  18. Stuart Hall sobre “hacer estudios culturales”


    Mato, Daniel; Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero (Untref), Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Traducción de Emeshe Juhász MininbergEmeshe Juhász Mininberg es escritora e investigadora independiente. Doctora en Filosofía y Letras, Yale University, Estados Unidos. Traductora y editora de textos de crítica cultural y de artes plásticas. Ha publicado varios artículos sobre ciudadanía, cultura e identidad nacional en tiempos de globalización, que aparecen, entre otros, en Cultura, política y sociedad: perspectivas latinoamericanas (Clacso, 2005) y en el Diccionario de estudios culturales l...

  19. Estudios sobre metales arqueológicos quemados


    Montero Ruiz, Ignacio; Rovira Llorens, Salvador


    El registro arqueológico nos ofrece materiales metálicos que han sido sometidos a un proceso de quemado ya sea intencional, por su inclusión en ajuares funerarios con el rito de cremación, bien de manera accidental por fuegos o incendios. Se intentan observar e identificar las huellas que este proceso ha podido dejar en materiales metálicos no ferreos: unas veces visualmente reconocibles por la propia deformación del objeto y otras acudiendo a los estudios metalográficos para observar la estr...

  20. Raspberry Pi super cluster

    CERN Document Server

    Dennis, Andrew K


    This book follows a step-by-step, tutorial-based approach which will teach you how to develop your own super cluster using Raspberry Pi computers quickly and efficiently.Raspberry Pi Super Cluster is an introductory guide for those interested in experimenting with parallel computing at home. Aimed at Raspberry Pi enthusiasts, this book is a primer for getting your first cluster up and running.Basic knowledge of C or Java would be helpful but no prior knowledge of parallel computing is necessary.