
Sample records for cliente oncologico subsidios

  1. Subsidios en educación básica y media en Bogotá: progresividad y mercado

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    Luis Fernando Gamboa


    Full Text Available En este artículo se usa la información disponible sobre la prestación del servicio educativo en Bogotá para evaluar el impacto redistributivo de los subsidios mediante el análisis de incidencia sobre el ingreso y el gasto por niveles de estratos y localidades de la ciudad. Los resultados indican que los subsidios educativos y las nuevas políticas del distrito han tenido un fuerte impacto progresivo sobre el ingreso y el gasto de los hogares bogotanos más pobres, que se refleja en una reducción de la pobreza y la desigualdad, sin importar la metodología empleada para calcular el subsidio que se imputa al ingreso del hogar.

  2. Treatment of radiodermatitis in cancer patients: support for nursing intervention; Tratamento de radiodermatite no cliente oncologico: subsidios para intervencoes de enfermagem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blecha, Flavio Peixoto [Instituto Nacional de Cancer (INCA), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)]. E-mail:; Guedes, Maria Teresa dos Santos [Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), RJ (Brazil)


    Radiation therapy is a locoregional treatment modality aimed at cure, remission, prophylaxis, or palliation and is indicated singly or in association (neoadjuvant, concomitant, or adjuvant) with treatments like chemotherapy and surgery. One of the complications arising from ionizing radiation involves skin lesions referred to as radiodermatitis, which can involve acute or late reactions. Radiodermatitis affects the individual's quality of life, with altered body image, self-image, and self-esteem, leading to social isolation. The nurse's role is important in prevention and especially in intervention in such reactions. The objective of the current study was to review the state of the art, identify the products and dressings used, and contribute to evidence-based nursing interventions based on treatment of radiodermatitis. A systematic literature review was performed without meta-analysis using the Lilacs, Medline, PubMed, and CINAHL databases from 1993 to 2004. The results identified in the review failed to demonstrate the frequent use of a product that could be recommended for nursing practice. The majority of the products identified are not available in Brazil. The principal publications were in nursing journals in which the nurse was the research coordinator or consultant. The current study revealed a knowledge gap and the need for controlled clinical research led by nurses as the basis for treatment of radiodermatitis. (author)

  3. Regla Fiscal para Determinar el Monto del Subsidio Estatal a la Universidad de Guanajuato Regla Fiscal para Determinar el Monto del Subsidio Estatal a la Universidad de Guanajuato

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    Oscar Javier Cárdenas Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propone una contribución especial y una regla fiscal para que el gobierno estatal determine, ex ante, el monto de subsidio ordinario que ha de otorgar cada ejercicio fiscal a la Universidad de Guanajuato. La ventaja de este mecanismo es la eliminación de la negociación presupuestal que se realiza año con año entre la Universidad, el Gobierno Estatal y el Congreso Local.An additional tax and a fiscal rule is proposed, in this paper, so that the Local Government determines, ex ante, the ordinary public subsidy it should give each fiscal year to the Universidad de Guanajuato. The advantage of this mechanism is the elimination of the budget negotiation that takes place yearly between the Universidad, the Local Government and the State Congress.

  4. Impacto de los subsidios a la investigación en la productividad científica : Argentina 2004-2008


    Vázquez, Claudia


    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en evaluar el impacto de un programa de subsidios a la investigación. En particular, se evalúan las convocatorias 2004 a 2008 de los Proyectos de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (PICT), el principal instrumento de apoyo a la investigación científica dentro de la ANPCyT de Argentina. Siguiendo a la literatura, las variables de resultado se basan en indicadores bibliométricos construidos a partir de la base de datos SCOPUS. Se encuentra que el program...

  5. Finanzas provinciales en época de crisis. Gasto público en Tucumán, subvenciones y subsidios nacionales 1870-1880

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    Claudia Elina Herrera


    Full Text Available Un clima de diálogo y negociaciones permanentes permitió al poder central afianzarse en las áreas periféricas; y a las élites locales, obtener beneficios para sus provincias. Está claro que estos favores se obtenían no solo en función de la capacidad negociadora de los intermediarios, sino también de la influencia de la provincia en las decisiones del gobierno nacional. La década de 1870 en Tucumán se caracterizó, en materia económica, por el éxito de la modernización azucarera, que se definió en torno a las vinculaciones con el poder central, pero también por el impacto de una severa crisis financiera internacional con repercusión en la economía nacional. En este artículo se reconstruyó la estructura del gasto público del estado tucumano, con especial atención al reparto de subsidios y subvenciones del gobierno nacional a las provincias en una coyuntura de crisis. Se analizó la existencia de una política preferencial hacia algunos Estados en perjuicio de otros a causa del manejo arbitrario de las rentas nacionales. Se examinaron las vías no ortodoxas por medio de las cuales se gestionaban subsidios y/o auxilios pecuniarios que el Estado provincial continuó percibiendo cuando la crisis obligó al gobierno nacional a suprimirlos.

  6. Tributos negociados: Las “questie”/subsidios de las villas catalanas en la primera mitad del siglo XIV

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    Sánchez Martínez, Manuel


    Full Text Available This article examines the questie/ subsidies requested by the Catalan- Aragonese monarchs from the towns of the royal domain of Catalonia between 1309 and 1359. From the point of view of the Crown, the importance of these tributes lies in the fact that they were the monarchy’s main way of financing prior to the transcendental changes in taxation of the decades of 1350 and 1360. And, from the point of view of the towns, the necessity to negotiate with the king and his officials, year after year, the amount of the questie/subsidies due in every small city, contributed to the increasing financial autonomy of the municipalities and, beyond that, to the social and institutional coordination of that community.

    En este artículo se estudian las questie/subsidios pedidas por los monarcas catalanoaragoneses a las villas de realengo de Cataluña entre 1309 y 1359. Desde el punto de vista de la Corona, la importancia de estos tributos radica en que fueron la principal forma de financiación de la monarquía antes de las trascendentales transformaciones fiscales de las décadas de 1350 y 1360. Y, desde la perspectiva de las villas, la necesidad de negociar con el rey y sus oficiales, año por año, el volumen de las questie/subsidios a pagar por cada pequeña ciudad contribuyó a la creciente autonomía financiera de los municipios y, más allá, a la vertebración social e institucional de la propia comunidad.

  7. Impuestos sobre la renta de los eclesiásticos: el subsidio y excusado (Diócesis de Sevilla, mediados del siglo XVII

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    José Julián Hernández Borreguero


    Full Text Available A partir del siglo XVI se instauraron dos impuestos otorgados por el Papa al Rey de España, que pagaban cada uno de los eclesiásticos y beneficiados de los diezmos (incluidos nobles: el subsidio y el excusado, impuestos directos que gravaban sus ingresos anuales. En este artículo se explica el funcionamiento de esos dos impuestos a nivel nacional, el proceso de reparto entre todas las diócesis, así como se estudia la casuística concreta de su gestión en el arzobispado hispalense hacia mediados del siglo XVII, desde un punto de vista económico y contable.

  8. Analysis of gasoline and diesel prices and subsidies in Mexico, 2007-2011; Analisis de los precios y de los subsidios a las gasolinas y el diesel en Mexico, 2007-2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tepach M, Reyes [LXI legislatura, Camara de Diputados (Mexico)


    subsidy was 56,153.3 mp and for 2011 Congress estimated a transfer to consumers of 9,631.3 mp. [Spanish] A partir de diciembre del 2009, el Gobierno Federal reinicio los deslizamientos mensuales de los precios de las gasolinas y el diesel con el objetivo de reducir los subsidios a favor de los consumidores nacionales: de diciembre del 2009 a julio del 2011, la gasolina Premium paso de 9.57 a 10.38 pesos por litro; la Magna de 7.77 a 9.32 pesos por litro y el diesel de 8.16 a 9.68 pesos por litro. El subsidio a las gasolinas y el diesel durante el ano 2011 tuvieron el siguiente comportamiento: En diciembre del 2009, el precio de la gasolina Premium en Mexico era 27 centavos por litro mas caro que el registrado en Estados Unidos, en julio del 2011 fue de 1.12 pesos por litro mas barato en nuestro pais. Respecto a la gasolina Magna, en diciembre del 2009 mantenia un subsidio de 64 centavos por litro, en julio del 2011 fue de 1.33 pesos por litro mas barata en nuestro pais. Por ultimo, el precio del Diesel mantuvo un subsidio de 1 peso por litro en diciembre del 2009, incrementandose a 2.11 pesos por litro en julio del 2011 con respecto al precio observado en Estados Unidos. Respecto a la estimacion monetaria de los ingresos que la industria de las gasolineras dejara de percibir por el diferencial de precios de estos petroliferos: Durante el ano 2010, fue de 41 mil 421.27 millones de pesos (mdp), distribuido de la siguiente manera: para la gasolina Magna fue de -21 mil 246.55 mdp, para la Premium fue de 597.22 mdp y para el Diesel fue de -20 mil 771.94 mdp. Para el periodo enero-julio del 2011, el monto total de los ingresos que la industria ha dejado de percibir ha sido de 48 mil 976.19 mdp, distribuido de la siguiente manera: para la gasolina Magna fue de -28 mil 400.9 mdp, para la Premium fue de -1 mil 707.6 mdp y para el Diesel fue de -18 mil 867.8 mdp. Notese que el 57.99% de la perdida de este ingreso se genera a traves del consumo de la gasolina Magna, porque mantiene

  9. Una fuente para el estudio de la geografía eclesiástica de Galicia en la Baja Edad Media: las tasaciones del subsidio y la décima


    Vázquez Bertomeu, Mercedes


    The most important tax that Galician clergy must confront in late Middle Ages is the decimal, delivered initially to the Pontificate and afterwards to the royal chambre, which became the revenue called in the century XV «decima y subsidio del clero». The payment that the diocesan representative does to the papal or royal collector is the final point of a process whose details are described here for the case of the Galician churches. This charge, which envolves all the dioce...

  10. Client Perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, M.; Oleksiak, T.A.


    Training Sections can best serve the needs of their clients by encouraging them to recognize that self-determination and overall training program ownership are the key ingredients of a successful program. In a support role, Training Sections should provide excellent lesson plans and instructors, good record keeping, and feedback vehicles. Most importantly, Training Sections should communicate closely with their clients and provide maximum flexibility to support overall client responsibilities

  11. Client Centred Desing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørngreen, Rikke; Nielsen, Janni; Levinsen, Karin


    In this paper we argue for the use of Client Centred preparation phases when designing complex systems. Through Client Centred Design human computer interaction can extend the focus on end-users to alse encompass the client's needs, context and resources....

  12. Una fuente para el estudio de la geografía eclesiástica de Galicia en la Baja Edad Media: las tasaciones del subsidio y la décima

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vázquez Bertomeu, Mercedes


    Full Text Available The most important tax that Galician clergy must confront in late Middle Ages is the decimal, delivered initially to the Pontificate and afterwards to the royal chambre, which became the revenue called in the century XV «decima y subsidio del clero». The payment that the diocesan representative does to the papal or royal collector is the final point of a process whose details are described here for the case of the Galician churches. This charge, which envolves all the diocesan benefices, caused a specific documentary type known as taxation in which is established a roll of contributors and a valuation of beneficies - a very useful source to know late medieval dioceses.

    La tasa más importante que pesa sobre el clero gallego es la décima, entregada inicialmente en beneficio del pontificado y más tarde al tesoro real, dando lugar al canon que en el siglo XV se conoce como «décima y subsidio del clero». El pago que el representante diocesano hace al recaudador pontificio o real es el punto final de un proceso cuyos pormenores son aquí descritos para el caso de las diócesis gallegas. Este gravamen, que afecta a todo los beneficios diocesanos, dio lugar al nacimiento de un tipo documental específico conocido como tasación en el que se establece la cantidad que cada contribuyente debe aportar y que es de gran interés para el acercamiento a la geografía diocesana bajomedieval.

  13. Client-Oriented Approach: Forming the System of Management of the Bank Relations with Clients

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    Zavadska Diana V.


    Full Text Available The aim of the article is to develop the theoretical principles of forming the bank relations with clients as part of the client-oriented strategy implementation. As a result of the conducted research there has been presented the definition of client-orientation, mechanism and system of management. The system of management of the bank relations with clients, the purpose and objectives of its formation have been substantiated. The hierarchy of subjects of forming and managing the process of the bank relations with client has been presented. The ways of implementing in practice the functions of the mechanism of managing relations with clients have been revealed. It has been proved that for implementation of the client-oriented approach the banking institution should have a comprehensive view of its clients’ behavior, which detailed understanding will allow for a more accurate segmentation and building individualized partnership relations. Implementing the principle of totality of client relationships level and comprehensive knowledge, development of employee behavior techniques and special techniques for working with the most valuable clients, the use of analytics and forecasting tools will provide targeting of marketing campaigns and lead to minimization of additional costs, satisfaction of every client, loyalty, increase in the market share, growth of sales volume, increase in profits of the banking institution.

  14. La contrainte client

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    Guillaume Tiffon


    Full Text Available Cet article montre que le contact client a beau être ambivalent, dans la mesure où il est à la fois source de contrainte et de reconnaissance, dans certains cas, comme celui des caissières, il constitue avant tout une contrainte, en ce que les clients contrôlent le travail qui s’opère « sous leurs yeux », tandis que, dans d’autres cas, comme celui des kinésithérapeutes, il contribue avant tout à donner du sens au travail et, par là, à susciter l’engagement des travailleurs. L’article souligne ainsi combien la contrainte client revêt des modalités différentes selon la configuration, spatiale et temporelle, dans laquelle se déroule la relation de service, et le différentiel de compétences entre les protagonistes engagés dans cette relation.The client constraint. A comparative analysis of cashiers and physiotherapistsThis article shows that despite the ambivalence of client contact, insofar as it is both a source of constraint and recognition, in some cases, as the ones of cashiers, it isprimarily a constraint: clients control the work that takes place “before their eyes”, whereas in other cases – as in the ones of physiotherapists – it contributes to give meaning to work and, thereby, to arouse the commitment of workers. The article highlights how the client constraint takes on different forms depending on thespatial and temporal configuration where the service relation runs, and the skills differential between the protagonists involved in this relation.El apremio de los clientes. Análisis comparativo entre las cajeras de supermercado y los kinesiterapeutasEn este artículo se demuestra que aunque el contacto con los clientes puede ser percibido como agradable, en realidad en la mayoría de los casos el cliente es percibido como un peso puesto que estos « controlan » visualmente el trabajo de las cajeras mientras que en otras profesiones como es el caso de los kinesiterapeutas la presencia del paciente

  15. Counselor Responsiveness to Client Religiousness. (United States)

    Kelly, Eugene W., Jr.


    Presents eight categories of client attitudes toward religion and suggests opportunities for religiously oriented counselor responses. Uses four categories to describes how religion may be associated with specific client issues. Contends that an informed appreciation of clients' religiousness and the religious dimensions of many client issues can…

  16. The Impact of Client Expertise, Client Gender and Auditor Gender on Auditors' Judgments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.H. Gold-Nöteberg (Anna); J.E. Hunton (James); M.I. Gomaa (Mohamed)


    textabstractThe purpose of the current study is to assess the extent to which auditors’ judgments are affected by client expertise, client gender and auditor gender. Prior audit research suggests that auditors place more weight on evidence received from clients who possess higher, relative to

  17. Client-Oriented Approach: Forming the System of Management of the Bank Relations with Clients


    Zavadska Diana V.


    The aim of the article is to develop the theoretical principles of forming the bank relations with clients as part of the client-oriented strategy implementation. As a result of the conducted research there has been presented the definition of client-orientation, mechanism and system of management. The system of management of the bank relations with clients, the purpose and objectives of its formation have been substantiated. The hierarchy of subjects of forming and managing the process...

  18. Open client/server computing and middleware

    CERN Document Server

    Simon, Alan R


    Open Client/Server Computing and Middleware provides a tutorial-oriented overview of open client/server development environments and how client/server computing is being done.This book analyzes an in-depth set of case studies about two different open client/server development environments-Microsoft Windows and UNIX, describing the architectures, various product components, and how these environments interrelate. Topics include the open systems and client/server computing, next-generation client/server architectures, principles of middleware, and overview of ProtoGen+. The ViewPaint environment

  19. GenExp: an interactive web-based genomic DAS client with client-side data rendering.

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    Bernat Gel Moreno

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The Distributed Annotation System (DAS offers a standard protocol for sharing and integrating annotations on biological sequences. There are more than 1000 DAS sources available and the number is steadily increasing. Clients are an essential part of the DAS system and integrate data from several independent sources in order to create a useful representation to the user. While web-based DAS clients exist, most of them do not have direct interaction capabilities such as dragging and zooming with the mouse. RESULTS: Here we present GenExp, a web based and fully interactive visual DAS client. GenExp is a genome oriented DAS client capable of creating informative representations of genomic data zooming out from base level to complete chromosomes. It proposes a novel approach to genomic data rendering and uses the latest HTML5 web technologies to create the data representation inside the client browser. Thanks to client-side rendering most position changes do not need a network request to the server and so responses to zooming and panning are almost immediate. In GenExp it is possible to explore the genome intuitively moving it with the mouse just like geographical map applications. Additionally, in GenExp it is possible to have more than one data viewer at the same time and to save the current state of the application to revisit it later on. CONCLUSIONS: GenExp is a new interactive web-based client for DAS and addresses some of the short-comings of the existing clients. It uses client-side data rendering techniques resulting in easier genome browsing and exploration. GenExp is open source under the GPL license and it is freely available at

  20. The Competitive Advantage: Client Service. (United States)

    Leffel, Linda G.; DeBord, Karen B.

    The adult education literature contains a considerable amount of research on and discussion of client service in the marketing process, management and staff roles in service- and product-oriented businesses, and the importance of client service and service quality to survival in the marketplace. By applying the principles of client-oriented…

  1. Do client fees help or hurt? (United States)

    Barnett, B


    This article discusses the impact of client fees for family planning (FP) services on cost recovery and level of user services in developing countries. The UN Population Fund reports that developing country governments currently pay 75% of the costs of FP programs. Donors contribute 15%, and clients pay 10%. Current pressures are on FP services to broaden and improve their scope, while user demand is increasing. Program managers should consider the program's need for funds and the clients' willingness to pay. Clients are willing to pay about 1% of their income for contraception. A study of sterilization acceptance in Mexico finds that the average monthly case load declined by 10% after the 1st price increase from $43 to $55 and declined by 58% after the 2nd price increase to $60. Fewer low-income clients requested sterilization. A CEMOPLAF study in Ecuador finds that in three price increase situations the number of clients seeking services declined, but the economic mix of clients remained about the same. The decline was 20% in the group with a 20% price increase and 26% in the 40% increase group. In setting fees, the first need is to determine unit costs. The Futures Group International recommends considering political, regulatory, and institutional constraints for charging fees; priorities for revenue use; protection for poor clients; and monitoring of money collection and expenditure. Management Sciences for Health emphasizes consideration of the reasons for collection of fees, client affordability, and client perception of quality issues. Sliding scales can be used to protect poor clients. Charging fees for laboratory services can subsidize poor clients. A Bangladesh program operated a restaurant and catering service in order to subsidize FP services. Colombia's PROFAMILIA sells medical and surgical services and a social marketing program in order to expand clinics.

  2. Chaperone-client complexes: A dynamic liaison (United States)

    Hiller, Sebastian; Burmann, Björn M.


    Living cells contain molecular chaperones that are organized in intricate networks to surveil protein homeostasis by avoiding polypeptide misfolding, aggregation, and the generation of toxic species. In addition, cellular chaperones also fulfill a multitude of alternative functionalities: transport of clients towards a target location, help them fold, unfold misfolded species, resolve aggregates, or deliver clients towards proteolysis machineries. Until recently, the only available source of atomic resolution information for virtually all chaperones were crystal structures of their client-free, apo-forms. These structures were unable to explain details of the functional mechanisms underlying chaperone-client interactions. The difficulties to crystallize chaperones in complexes with clients arise from their highly dynamic nature, making solution NMR spectroscopy the method of choice for their study. With the advent of advanced solution NMR techniques, in the past few years a substantial number of structural and functional studies on chaperone-client complexes have been resolved, allowing unique insight into the chaperone-client interaction. This review summarizes the recent insights provided by advanced high-resolution NMR-spectroscopy to understand chaperone-client interaction mechanisms at the atomic scale.

  3. Team-client Relationships And Extreme Programming

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    John Karn


    Full Text Available This paper describes a study that examined the relationship between software engineering teams who adhered to the extreme programming (XP methodology and their project clients. The study involved observing teams working on projects for clients who had commissioned a piece of software to be used in the real world. Interviews were conducted during and at the end of the project to get client opinion on how the project had progressed. Of interest to the researchers were opinions on frequency of feedback, how the team captured requirements, whether or not the iterative approach of XP proved to be helpful, and the level of contextual and software engineering knowledge the client had at the start of the project. In theory, fidelity to XP should result in enhanced communication, reduce expectation gaps, and lead to greater client satisfaction. Our results suggest that this depends heavily on the communication skills of the team and of the client, the expectations of the client, and the nature of the project.

  4. Anxiety in mammography: mammographers' and clients' perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galletta, S.; Joel, N.; Maguire, R.; Weaver, K.; Poulos, A.


    The aim of this study was to identify causes of anxiety experienced by mammographers and clients during mammography and strategies to decrease the anxiety generated by the mammographic procedure. Two questionnaires were distributed: one to mammographers in public and private centres within NSW, the other to women (clients) who have experienced mammography. Mammographers' and clients' rankings of causes of clients' anxiety demonstrated many similarities indicating the mammographers' acknowledgement of factors contributing to client anxiety. Thematic analysis provided important qualitative data concerning anxiety experienced by both mammographers and clients and the influence of mammographer and client behaviour on that anxiety. The results of this study have provided important new knowledge for mammographic practice and mammography education. By understanding the causes of anxiety experienced by clients, mammographers can provide an informed, empathetic approach to the mammographic process. By acknowledging factors which increase their own anxiety mammographers can reduce the impact of this on themselves and on their clients. Copyright (2003) Australian Institute of Radiography

  5. Call center. Centrados en el cliente


    Leal-Alonso-de-Castañeda, José Enrique


    La empresa actual ha de estar preparada para responder al Cliente tal y como éste espera, porque no se busca un cliente puntual, sino un cliente fiel. La globalización de la economía y del acceso a los mercados exige que la empresa sea capaz de atraer al cliente no sólo con un servicio de calidad, sino además con una atención de calidad. La implantación de un Call Center (Centro de Atención al Cliente, Centro de Atención de Llamadas) constituye por todo ello una estrategia de negocio qu...



    Mohammad Hefni


    Abstrac This article traces patron-client relationship of Madurese both from socio-historical point of view and its contemporary progress. As an imbalance social-exchange relationship, in terms of patron-client relationship, second side (client) much highly depends upon the first side (patron). This had been experienced in Madurese social history during the native governmental period of time. The government was classified into two major classes; ruler class (patron) and farmer class (client)....

  7. A comparison of fusion breeder/fission client and fission breeder/fission client systems for electrical energy production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Land, R.J.; Parish, T.A.


    A parametric study that evaluated the economic performance of breeder/client systems is described. The linkage of the breeders to the clients was modelled using the stockpile approach to determine the system doubling time. Since the actual capital costs of the breeders are uncertain, a precise prediction of the cost of a breeder was not attempted. Instead, the breakeven capital cost of a breeder relative to the capital cost of a client reactor was established by equating the cost of electricity from the breeder/client system to the cost of a system consisting of clients alone. Specific results are presented for two breeder/client systems. The first consisted of an LMFBR with LWR clients. The second consisted of a DT fusion reactor (with a 238 U fission suppressed blanket) with LWR clients. The economics of each system was studied as a function of the cost of fissile fuel from a conventional source. Generally, the LMFBR/LWR system achieved relatively small breakeven capital cost ratios; the maximum ratio computed was 2.2 (achieved at approximately triple current conventional fissile material cost). The DTFR/LWR system attained a maximum breakeven capital cost ratio of 4.5 (achieved at the highest plasma quality (ignited device) and triple conventional fissile cost)

  8. Negotiating the Client-Based Capstone Experience (United States)

    Reifenberg, Steve; Long, Sean


    Many graduate programs for professionals (public policy, public administration, business, international affairs, and others) use client-based experiential learning projects, often termed "capstones," in which students combine theory and practice to benefit an outside client. Increasingly, undergraduate programs use client-based capstones…

  9. The Effects of Psychotherapist's and Clients' Interpersonal Behaviors during a First Simulated Session: A Lab Study Investigating Client Satisfaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    François Moors


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of psychotherapists' behaviors during a first simulated therapy session on clients' satisfaction, including their intention to pursue or drop out from therapy. The importance of psychotherapists' warmth on clients' satisfaction was examined to check previous findings stressing this determining factor. Examining the role of warm behaviors is however insufficient according to the interpersonal perspective. We therefore tested the role of the psychotherapist's agentic behaviors since only a few studies provide contradictory results about the role of this interpersonal dimension on clients' satisfaction and how it is influenced by matching up client and therapist's profiles. To test our hypotheses and control for alternative therapy-related explanatory variables, we used different videos as experimental conditions manipulating the therapist's behaviors. Seventy-five participants had to imagine themselves as potential clients arriving for a first therapy session. They successively watched a role-playing therapist behaving according to five randomized interpersonal profiles. Results confirmed that warmth was a major dimension predicting client satisfaction. They revealed that agency was also a determinant of client satisfaction and that its effects depended on the client's own interpersonal agentic profile. Dominant clients were found to be more satisfied with the dominant psychotherapist than the submissive one while submissive clients preferred only the warm psychotherapist. These findings are discussed and suggest that therapists may need to be flexible and adapt their behaviors according to their client's interpersonal profile to increase their client satisfaction and decrease drop outs.

  10. 14 CFR 1261.317 - Attorney-client privilege. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Attorney-client privilege. 1261.317 Section... Injury or Death-Accruing On or After January 18, 1967 § 1261.317 Attorney-client privilege. (a) Attorneys... traditional attorney-client relationship with the employee with respect to application of the attorney-client...

  11. 32 CFR 776.4 - Attorney-client relationships. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Attorney-client relationships. 776.4 Section 776... General § 776.4 Attorney-client relationships. (a) The executive agency to which assigned (DON in most cases) is the client served by each covered USG attorney unless detailed to represent another client by...

  12. 49 CFR 1103.23 - Confidences of a client. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Confidences of a client. 1103.23 Section 1103.23... Responsibilities Toward A Client § 1103.23 Confidences of a client. (a) The practitioner's duty to preserve his client's confidence outlasts the practitioner's employment by the client, and this duty extends to the...

  13. Characterizing fentanyl use in methadone-maintained clients. (United States)

    Arfken, Cynthia L; Suchanek, Jessica; Greenwald, Mark K


    Deaths attributed to fentanyl have increased in the United States. However, little is known about fentanyl use among substance abuse treatment clients. To fill this gap, we assessed prevalence of fentanyl exposure, characteristics of clients testing positive for fentanyl, other substances detected concurrently or simultaneously with fentanyl, and clients' perception of how many people are actively seeking to use fentanyl. A retrospective chart review was conducted of all clients at one methadone maintenance treatment clinic between January 2015 and May 2016 in Wayne County, Michigan. Urine drug screens (UDS) including fentanyl (and its metabolite norfentanyl) were conducted clinically. To obtain additional data, 113 clients in this clinic subsequently completed an anonymous survey. Of 368 unique clients with UDS, 38.0% had at least one and 26.1% had ≥2 fentanyl-positive UDS results. None had a fentanyl prescription. Clients ever testing positive for fentanyl were significantly (pFentanyl-positive UDS results coincided most commonly with metabolites of cocaine- and heroin-positive UDS results. Of the anonymously surveyed clients, most (67.3%) reported they did not know anyone seeking fentanyl, a proportion significantly higher than for heroin, cocaine, alprazolam, hydrocodone and morphine. Fentanyl was commonly detected during this period with some clients having multiple fentanyl-positive UDS. Most clients did not know anyone seeking to obtain fentanyl. Regardless, the high exposure underscores that naloxone training and distribution is needed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Interactive Effects of Counselor-Client Similarity and Client Self-Esteem on Termination Type and Number of Sessions. (United States)

    Berry, G. William; Sipps, Gary J.


    Examined effects of client self-esteem as measured by Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and client-counselor similarity as determined by Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) on number of sessions and type of termination (unilateral or mutual) for 55 clients and 9 counselors at university counseling center. Self-esteem interacted significantly with…

  15. Client Involvement in Home Care Practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glasdam, Stinne; Henriksen, Nina; Kjær, Lone


    Client involvement’ has been a mantra within health policies, education curricula and healthcare institutions over many years, yet very little is known about how ‘client involvement’ is practised in home-care services. The aim of this article is to analyse ‘client involvement’ in practise seen fr...... in public home-care practice remains limited...

  16. 31 CFR 10.28 - Return of client's records. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Return of client's records. 10.28... § 10.28 Return of client's records. (a) In general, a practitioner must, at the request of a client, promptly return any and all records of the client that are necessary for the client to comply with his or...

  17. Podemos fidelizar clientes inicialmente insatisfechos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Cambra-Fierro


    Full Text Available El paradigma relacional, dominante en el ámbito de la mercadotecnia, aboga por establecer y desarrollar relaciones duraderas con los clientes. Para ello es preciso conocer cuáles son sus necesidades y esforzarse por satisfacerlas. Los clientes quieren sentirse importantes y, por tanto, las empresas deberían preocuparse no sólo por vender, sino también por conocer su índice real de satisfacción/ insatisfacción. Por tanto, desde un punto de vista lógico este debería ser el patrón de comportamiento empresarial, los trabajos de Barroso (2008 y Coca (2008 así lo indican. Pero la realidad demuestra que esto no siempre es así. A pesar de que los clientes siempre desean sentirse atendidos, existen empresas que parecen olvidarse de esta premisa básica y, sin embargo, obtienen resultados positivos. Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de analizar la posible contribución de los procesos de recuperación de servicios en la fidelización de clientes/usuarios. Para ello tomamos como referencia el concepto de procesos de recuperación de servicio y estudiamos el contexto del sector de telefonía móvil en España.Através de un análisis de estadísticos descriptivos y de la técnica Partial Least Squares (PLS, concluimos que las empresas se comportan de manera opuesta a lo que esperan los clientes y no se preocupan realmente por reconquistar su satisfacción. Sin embargo, la opinión de los usuarios resulta muy reveladora y sugiere que es posible convertir un cliente inicialmente insatisfecho en un cliente fiel.

  18. Xerostomia among older home care clients. (United States)

    Viljakainen, Sari; Nykänen, Irma; Ahonen, Riitta; Komulainen, Kaija; Suominen, Anna Liisa; Hartikainen, Sirpa; Tiihonen, Miia


    The purpose of this study was to examine drug use and other factors associated with xerostomia in home care clients aged 75 years or older. The study sample included 270 home care clients aged ≥75 years living in Eastern and Central Finland. The home care clients underwent in-home interviews carried out by trained home care nurses, nutritionists, dental hygienists and pharmacists. The collected data contained information on sociodemographic factors, health and oral health status, drug use, depressive symptoms (GDS-15), cognitive functioning (MMSE), functional ability (Barthel Index, IADL) and nutrition (MNA). The primary outcome was xerostomia status (never, occasionally or continuously). Among the home care clients, 56% (n = 150) suffered from xerostomia. Persons with continuous xerostomia used more drugs and had more depressive symptoms and a higher number of comorbidities than other home care clients. In multivariate analyses, excessive polypharmacy (OR = 1.83, 95% Cl 1.08-3.10) and depressive symptoms (OR = 1.12, 95% Cl 1.03-1.22) were associated with xerostomia. Xerostomia is a common problem among old home care clients. Excessive polypharmacy, use of particular drug groups and depressive symptoms were associated with xerostomia. The findings support the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in the care of older home care clients. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Perceptions towards IT Security in Online Banking: Croatian Clients vs. Clients of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nedim Makarevic


    Full Text Available This study has been completed with a purpose to analyze and compare perceptions of clients of Bosnia and Herzegovina and those of Croatian clients about IT security in online banking, to provide insight into similarities and differences of their view points and to create important set of information for all subjects active in banking industry. Once the survey based on six variables and specific questions assigned to each one of those variables was prepared, results regarding both countries were collected and concluded. Survey was completed in both Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia at high response rates. Even 207 respondents replied from Bosnia and Herzegovina, while 203 respondents completed survey from Croatia. Results were analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics. Results indicated that Croatian e-banking users trust to banks when it comes to IT security of online banking much more compared to clients of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is important to mention that clients of Croatia perceive tangible features as highly significant while Bosnian clients do not perceive tangible features that much important. This proved that Croatian clients are aware of potential security threats and they know their part of responsibility when it comes to handling money online. On the other hand, results from Bosnia and Herzegovina indicated that Bosnian clients have lack of trust in online banking, and lack of awareness about personal tangible aspects that can improve security of personal online banking experience. The main limitation of this study is relatively small sample and too generic approach. Therefore, this study may be perceived as a pilot study for future researchers. The study’s results may be of interest to marketers and managers of banks operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia to learn more about their clients’ perceptions towards their e-banking services.

  20. Clients' and therapists' stories about psychotherapy. (United States)

    Adler, Jonathan M


    This article provides an overview of the emerging field of research on clients' stories about their experiences in psychotherapy. The theory of narrative identity suggests that individuals construct stories about their lives in order to provide the self with a sense of purpose and unity. Psychotherapy stories serve both psychological functions. Focusing on the theme of agency as a vehicle for operationalizing purpose and coherence as a way of operationalizing unity, this article will describe the existing scholarship connecting psychotherapy stories to clients' psychological well-being. Results from cross-sectional qualitative and quantitative studies as well as longitudinal research indicate a connection between the stories clients tell about therapy and their psychological well-being, both over the course of treatment and after it is over. In addition, a preliminary analysis of therapists' stories about their clients' treatment is presented. These analyses reveal that the way therapists recount a particular client's therapy does not impact the relationships between clients' narratives and their improvement. The article concludes with a discussion of how this body of scholarship might be fruitfully applied in the realm of clinical practice. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. The Client's Perspective on Voluntary Stuttering. (United States)

    Byrd, Courtney T; Gkalitsiou, Zoi; Donaher, Joe; Stergiou, Erin


    Voluntary stuttering is a strategy that has been suggested for use in the clinical literature but has minimal empirical data regarding treatment outcomes. The purpose of the present study is to explore client perspectives regarding the impact of the use of this strategy on the affective, behavioral, and cognitive components of stuttering. The present study used an original survey designed to explore the intended purpose. A total of 206 adults who stutter were included in the final data corpus. Responses were considered with respect to the type of voluntary stuttering the participants reportedly produced and the location of use. A client perceives significantly greater affective, behavioral, and cognitive benefits from voluntary stuttering when the production is closely matched to the client's actual stutter and when it is used outside the clinical environment. To enhance client perception of associated benefits, clinicians should encourage use of voluntary stuttering that closely matches the client's own stuttering. Clinicians should also facilitate practice of voluntary stuttering outside of the therapy room. Finally, clinicians should be aware that clients, at least initially, may not perceive any benefits from the use of this strategy.

  2. [On the clients of public health organizations]. (United States)

    Duran, Júlia; Villalbí, Joan R; Guix, Joan


    Public services must satisfy a variety of agents: users of these services, the citizens who pay the taxes that finance them, politicians, and those that work in them. To obtain public services that give priority to the citizen-user, knowledge of clients, their expectations, preferences, complaints and degree of satisfaction is essential. This article presents the process of internal discussion in our agency about its clients, who differ from those of an industrial or commercial organization. A proposal for the classification of clients, as well as the process that has led to a client portfolio, are presented and steps to improve services from the perspective of the client are suggested.

  3. Client Intimacy & Performance Advice: Determinants of Trust in the Public Accountant - SME Client Relationship

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dianne McGrath


    Full Text Available This multi-discipline research investigated the determinants of trust in the relationship between Australia’s public accountants and their small and medium-sized (SME clients. In excess of four hundred SME owners, across Australia, were surveyed to test a proposed model and client intimacy variables were found to be the most significant predictors of trust in this important relationship. Offer-related variables, primarily the provision of advisory or performance-related services (rather than conformance-related services, were also found to be significant, however, at a lesser level than client intimacy and relationship variables. The multi-dimensionality of the trust construct was also highlighted.

  4. 49 CFR 1103.22 - Restraining clients from improprieties. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Restraining clients from improprieties. 1103.22... Practitioner's Duties and Responsibilities Toward A Client § 1103.22 Restraining clients from improprieties. A practitioner should see that his clients act with the same restraint that the practitioner himself uses...

  5. Acerca de los clientes de las organizaciones de salud pública On the clients of public health organizations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Júlia Duran


    Full Text Available Los servicios públicos han de responder y satisfacer a una diversidad de agentes: sus usuarios, los ciudadanos que pagan impuestos que los financian, los políticos, y el personal que trabaja en ellos. Para conseguir unos servicios públicos que pongan al ciudadano-usuario en el vértice de su funcionamiento habrá que conocer al cliente, sus expectativas, preferencias, quejas y satisfacción. Este manuscrito presenta el proceso de reflexión interna realizado en nuestra organización acerca de sus clientes, cuya naturaleza es muy distinta de los de una empresa industrial o comercial. Se plantea una tipología y el proceso que ha llevado a confeccionar un listado de clientes, y se plantean acciones que hay que realizar para mejorar los servicios desde su perspectiva.Public services must satisfy a variety of agents: users of these services, the citizens who pay the taxes that finance them, politicians, and those that work in them. To obtain public services that give priority to the citizen-user, knowledge of clients, their expectations, preferences, complaints and degree of satisfaction is essential. This article presents the process of internal discussion in our agency about its clients, who differ from those of an industrial or commercial organization. A proposal for the classification of clients, as well as the process that has led to a client portfolio, are presented and steps to improve services from the perspective of the client are suggested.

  6. 29 CFR 402.11 - Attorney-client communications exempted. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Attorney-client communications exempted. 402.11 Section 402... LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS LABOR ORGANIZATION INFORMATION REPORTS § 402.11 Attorney-client... communicated to such attorney by any of his clients in the course of a legitimate attorney-client relationship. ...

  7. 29 CFR 403.9 - Attorney-client communications exempted. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Attorney-client communications exempted. 403.9 Section 403... LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS LABOR ORGANIZATION ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS § 403.9 Attorney-client... communicated to such attorney by any of his clients in the course of a legitimate attorney-client relationship. ...

  8. 32 CFR 776.33 - Client under a disability. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Client under a disability. 776.33 Section 776.33... of Professional Conduct § 776.33 Client under a disability. (a) Client under a disability: (1) When a client's ability to make adequately considered decisions in connection with the representation is...

  9. 29 CFR 404.5 - Attorney-client communications exempted. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Attorney-client communications exempted. 404.5 Section 404... LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS LABOR ORGANIZATION OFFICER AND EMPLOYEE REPORTS § 404.5 Attorney-client... communicated to such attorney by any of his clients in the course of a legitimate attorney-client relationship. ...

  10. 42 CFR 483.420 - Condition of participation: Client protections. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Condition of participation: Client protections. 483... Condition of participation: Client protections. (a) Standard: Protection of clients' rights. The facility must ensure the rights of all clients. Therefore, the facility must— (1) Inform each client, parent (if...

  11. 31 CFR 10.21 - Knowledge of client's omission. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Knowledge of client's omission. 10.21... § 10.21 Knowledge of client's omission. A practitioner who, having been retained by a client with respect to a matter administered by the Internal Revenue Service, knows that the client has not complied...

  12. Uncovering client retention antecedents in service organizations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mari Jansen van Rensburg


    Full Text Available This paper develops a multi-dimensional model of retention to provide a more complete and integrated view of client retention and its determinants in service contexts. To uncover the antecedents of client retention, social and economic exchanges were reviewed under the fundamental ideas of the Social Exchange Theory. Findings from a survey of senior South African advertising executives suggest that client retention is the result of evaluative as well as relational factors that can influence client responses. Despite contractual obligations, advertisers are willing to pay the costs and make the sacrifices of switching should their expectations be unmet. An important contribution of this study is the use of multi-item scales to measure retention. The model developed provides valuable insight to agencies on client retention management and the optimal allocation of resources for maximum customer equity. This model may also be applied to other service organisations to provide insight to client retention.

  13. Client Contacts Improve Quality of Copywriting. (United States)

    McCann, Guy


    Discusses the advantages of using real-life clients for class assignments in copywriting courses. Presents suggestions for client sources and identifies possible problems which may be encountered. (MM)

  14. Comparisons of client and clinician views of the importance of factors in client-clinician interaction in hearing aid purchase decisions. (United States)

    Poost-Foroosh, Laya; Jennings, Mary Beth; Cheesman, Margaret F


    Despite clinical recognition of the adverse effects of acquired hearing loss, only a small proportion of adults who could benefit use hearing aids. Hearing aid adoption has been studied in relationship to client-related and hearing aid technology-related factors. The influence of the client-clinician interaction in the decision to purchase hearing aids has not been explored in any depth. Importance ratings of a sample of adults having a recent hearing aid recommendation (clients) and hearing healthcare professionals (clinicians) from across Canada were compared on factors in client-clinician interactions that influence hearing aid purchase decisions. A cross-sectional approach was used to obtain online and paper-based concept ratings. Participants were 43 adults (age range, 45-85 yr) who had received a first hearing aid recommendation in the 3 mo before participation. A total of 54 audiologists and 20 hearing instrument practitioners from a variety of clinical settings who prescribed or dispensed hearing aids completed the concept-rating task. The task consisted of 122 items that had been generated via concept mapping in a previous study and which resulted in the identification of eight concepts that may influence hearing aid purchase decisions. Participants rated "the importance of each of the statements in a person's decision to purchase a hearing aid" on a 5-point Likert scale, from 1 = minimally important to 5 = extremely important. For the initial data analysis, the ratings for each of the items included in each concept were averaged for each participant to provide an estimate of the overall importance rating of each concept. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to compare the mean importance ratings of the clients to the clinicians. Ratings of individual statements were also compared in order to investigate the directionality of the importance ratings within concepts. There was a significant difference in the mean ratings for clients and clinicians for

  15. Group Work with Transgender Clients (United States)

    Dickey, Lore M.; Loewy, Michael I.


    Drawing on the existing literature, the authors' research and clinical experiences, and the first author's personal journey as a member and leader of the transgender community, this article offers a brief history of group work with transgender clients followed by suggestions for group work with transgender clients from a social justice…

  16. 45 CFR 1608.7 - Attorney-client relationship. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Attorney-client relationship. 1608.7 Section 1608... PROHIBITED POLITICAL ACTIVITIES § 1608.7 Attorney-client relationship. Nothing in this part is intended to prohibit an attorney or staff attorney from providing any form of legal assistance to an eligible client...

  17. Can retail banking clients' attrition be managed?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agaliotis Konstantinos


    Full Text Available The rurrο_e of all banks across the universe is to satisfy their clients' necessities. One of the predominant impacts of the last few years' financial crisis in Europe was the way in which customers interact with their banks. The theory of 'main bank' is not any more the case as clients' trust toward banks fades away together with their loyalty. Nowadays, it is necessary for banks to segment their clientele data base, and target the most profitable clients. The retention strategy of each financial institution becomes more and more important as the value of each retained customer is disproportional to the cost of acquiring a new one. The main findings of the subject retail banking clients' retention policy analysis prove that clients of different lifetime value have different propensity to defect. At the same time, the ability of a bank to retain a potential defector does not depend directly on satisfying the defection reason. Many of the various bank counter offers which do not directly satisfy the reason that a client refers to as the 'defection' one, are enough in order to retain a client. Equally important to the identification of clients' behavioural patterns is the use of the subject findings on behalf of the retail oriented banks in order to predict accurately the cost of future defection, as well as, to incorporate one more measurable parameter in their credit risk scorecards i.e. the intention to increase credit exposure.

  18. 17 CFR 205.3 - Issuer as client. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Issuer as client. 205.3... ISSUER § 205.3 Issuer as client. (a) Representing an issuer. An attorney appearing and practicing before...'s clients. (b) Duty to report evidence of a material violation. (1) If an attorney, appearing and...

  19. 19 CFR 111.39 - Advice to client. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Advice to client. 111.39 Section 111.39 Customs... CUSTOMS BROKERS Duties and Responsibilities of Customs Brokers § 111.39 Advice to client. (a) Withheld or false information. A broker must not withhold information relative to any customs business from a client...

  20. Análise da lucratividade dos clientes


    Madeira, Paulo


    Um bom sistema de Análise da lucratividade de Clientes pode ajudar a melhorar a rendibilidade global do negócio, selecionando os clientes de qualidade, e a indicar o principal caminho a segui rpara atingir uma maior lucartividade, indicando o impacto financeiro actual e potencial dos movimentos estratégicos dos clientes.

  1. Improving UK client-contractor relations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brant, A.W.


    The client's aim in any decommissioning project is that the originally intended end point is achieved, within budget and on time. The contractor's aim is to have a satisfied client, so that both are happy to work together again, and to have a reasonable return for his efforts. How can these - not incompatible - aims best be achieved? (UK)

  2. The client-centred approach as experienced by male neurological rehabilitation clients in occupational therapy. A qualitative study based on a grounded theory tradition. (United States)

    Van de Velde, Dominique; Devisch, Ignaas; De Vriendt, Patricia


    Purpose To explore the perspectives of male clients in a neurological rehabilitation setting with regard to the occupational therapy they have received and the client-centred approach. Method This study involved a qualitative research design based on the grounded theory tradition. Individual in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Data were analysed using a constant comparative method. Seven male participants from an inpatient neurological setting were included using a theoretical sampling technique. Results Three themes emerged to describe the approach of the therapists to client-centred practice: (a) a shared biomedical focus as the start of the rehabilitation process, (b) the un-simultaneous shift from a biomedical towards a psycho-social focus and (c) formal versus informal nature of gathering client information. Conclusion A client-centred approach entails a shift from the therapist focussing on recovery from the short-term neurological issues towards the long-term consequences of the disease. According to the client, this shift in reasoning must occur at a specific and highly subjective moment during the rehabilitation process. Identifying this moment could strengthen the client-centred approach. Implications for Rehabilitation Client-centred practice entails a shift from recovering the short-term neurological issues towards the long-term psycho-social consequences of the disease. To be effective in client-centred practice, the clients expect from the professional to be an authority with regard to biomedical issues and to be partner with regard to psycho-social issues. Client-centred practice is most likely to be successful when client is susceptible to discuss his psycho-social issues and finding this moment is a challenge for the professional. Using formal methods for goal setting do not necessarily cover all the information needed for a client-centred therapy programme. Rather, using informal methods could lead to a more valid image of the client.

  3. Agreement between clients with schizophrenia and mental health workers on clients' social quality of life: The role of social cognition and symptoms. (United States)

    Ofir-Eyal, Shani; Hasson-Ohayon, Ilanit; Bar-Kalifa, Eran; Kravetz, Shlomo; Lysaker, Paul H


    Studies have showed that therapists and mental health workers of persons with schizophrenia tend to estimate their patients' social quality of life (SQoL) as poorer than the clients' own estimation. This study explores the hypothesis that this discrepancy is related to clients' social cognition and symptomatology. Cross-sectional assessment of both clients and their mental health workers. Ninety persons with schizophrenia and 12 persons who were formal care providers participated in the study. All responded to a parallel version (client and clinician) of social quality-of-life scales. Clients' emotion identification, theory of mind and symptoms were also assessed. Low social cognitive abilities of persons with schizophrenia, as well as negative symptomatology and having children, may be related to the negative bias of mental health workers, with regard to their client's SQoL. While more severe levels of negative symptoms and more deficits of social cognition were related to reduced levels of agreement, paradoxically, a relatively normative family life that includes parenting was also related to lower levels of agreement. Attention should be given to low agreement between clients with schizophrenia and clinicians with regard to the client's quality of life, as it is central to alliance and outcome. Clinicians tend to estimate clients' social quality of life as poorer than the clients' own estimation when those clients have low social cognition, high negative symptomatology and children. There is a need to identify additional factors that contribute to agreement and alliance in therapy. Longitudinal assessment during therapy can trace the process of construction of agreement. © 2016 The British Psychological Society.

  4. Managing Client Values in Construction Design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thyssen, Mikael Hygum; Emmitt, Stephen; Bonke, Sten


    In construction projects the client will comprise both owner, end-users, and the wider society, representatives of which may have conflicting goals and values; and these may not be fully realized by the stakeholders themselves. Therefore it is a great challenge to capture and manage the values...... for capturing and managing client values within a lean framework. This paper describes the initial findings of a joint research project between academia and industry practitioners that seeks to develop the workshop method to create a state of the art approach in construction design management. This includes...... of the multiple stakeholders that constitutes the “client”. However, seeing client satisfaction as the end-goal of construction it is imperative to make client values explicit in the early project phase and make sure that these values are reflected in all subsequent phases of design and construction...

  5. Maximising health literacy and client recall of clinical information: An exploratory study of clients and speech-language pathologists

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Friderike Schmidt von Wûhlisch


    Full Text Available Limited research has been carried out in the field of speech-language pathology with regard to ways of maximising health literacy and client recall. However, speech-language pathologists (SLPs frequently provide vast amounts of information that clients need to understand, apply and review in order to manage their (or their child’s health. This exploratory study aimed to contribute information about ways in which SLPs can overcome low health literacy and poor client recall so that treatment effectiveness is improved. A case-study design was used with specific focus on four clients receiving treatment for dysphagia, voice disorders (including laryngectomies and cleft lip and/or palate management in Cape Town. Strategies which may be able to maximise health literacy and client recall of clinical information were trialled and evaluated by clients and their SLPs, using semi-structured interviews. The researchers proposed a combination of high-tech strategies which assisted in all the cases. No single solution or universal tool was found that would be appropriate for all. There is a need to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the combined strategies across a wider population, at different stages of rehabilitation and in diverse contexts. Implications and suggestions for future related research are presented.

  6. Client Involvement in Home Care Practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glasdam, Stinne; Henriksen, Nina; Kjær, Lone


    , political and administrative frames that rule home- care practice. Client involvement is shown within four constructed analytical categories: ‘Structural conditions of providing and receiving home care’; ‘Client involvement inside the home: performing a professional task and living an everyday life......’; ‘Client involvement outside the home: liberal business and mutual goal setting’; and ‘Converting a home to a working place: refurnishing a life’. The meaning of involvement is depending on which position it is viewed from. On the basis of this analysis, we raise the question of the extent to which...

  7. Homebased rehabilitation: Physiotherapy student and client perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dianne Parris


    Full Text Available Background. Home-based rehabilitation (HBR in under-resourced areas in a primary healthcare (PHC context exposes students to the real-life situations of their clients. There is a scarcity of literature on student and client experiences of HBR in the physiotherapy context. Increased knowledge of HBR could result in an enhanced experience for both student and client. This study sought to discover the perceptions of final-year physiotherapy students and their clients relating to their experiences of HBR during a PHC placement in a resource-constrained setting. Objectives. To explore the experiences and perceptions of physiotherapy students and their clients regarding HBR as part of clinical training in resource-constrained settings. To discover the barriers to and facilitators of effective HBR. Methods. An exploratory case study was performed. A qualitative phenomenological research design in the interpretivist paradigm was used. Semistructured interviews were conducted with clients (n=7 living in an under-resourced setting, who had received HBR from physiotherapy students. Paired interviews were conducted with final-year physiotherapy students (n=6 after their HBR placement. Results. Clients appreciated the students’ services; however, data revealed communication barriers and unmet expectations. Students reported struggling to adapt to the context, resulting in interventions not being sufficiently client-centred. They voiced a need for language competency and earlier exposure to such contexts. Conclusion. Exposure to real-life situations in under-resourced settings in HBR provides valuable situated and authentic learning opportunities for physiotherapy students. The experience can be useful in preparing graduates to address the needs of the populations they serve during community service.

  8. 32 CFR 776.28 - Conflict of interest: Former client. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Conflict of interest: Former client. 776.28... ADVOCATE GENERAL Rules of Professional Conduct § 776.28 Conflict of interest: Former client. (a) Conflict of interest: Former client. A covered attorney who has represented a client in a matter shall not...

  9. Involvement of the Client in Home Care Practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glasdam, Stinne; Kjær, Lone; Præstegaard, Jeanette

    Background: Through the last 35 years, ‘client involvement’ has been a mantra within health policies, education curriculums and health care institutions, yet very little is known about how ‘client involvement’ is practiced in the meetings with clients and health professionals. Aim: To analyse...

  10. On Being "Attractive" With Resistant Clients. (United States)

    Miller, Mark J.; Wells, Don


    Calls client resistance a frequent occurrence within the helping profession. Defines client resistance, provides a brief review of related literature, and offers counselor attractiveness as one way of addressing the issue. Identifies attractive counselor behaviors and attitudes and presents case study illustrating specific attractive counselor…

  11. 37 CFR 10.84 - Representing a client zealously. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Representing a client... Office Code of Professional Responsibility § 10.84 Representing a client zealously. (a) A practitioner shall not intentionally: (1) Fail to seek the lawful objectives of a client through reasonably available...

  12. A theory led narrative review of one-to-one health interventions: the influence of attachment style and client-provider relationship on client adherence. (United States)

    Nanjappa, S; Chambers, S; Marcenes, W; Richards, D; Freeman, R


    A theory-led narrative approach was used to unpack the complexities of the factors that enable successful client adherence following one-to-one health interventions. Understanding this could prepare the provider to anticipate different adherence behaviours by clients, allowing them to tailor their interventions to increase the likelihood of adherence. The review was done in two stages. A theoretical formulation was proposed to explore factors which influence the effectiveness of one-to-one interventions to result in client adherence. The second stage tested this theory using a narrative synthesis approach. Eleven studies across the health care arena were included in the synthesis and explored the interplay between client attachment style, client-provider interaction and client adherence with health interventions. It emerged that adherence results substantially because of the relationship that the client has with the provider, which is amplified or diminished by the client's own attachment style. This occurs because the client's attachment style shapes how they perceive and behave in relationships with the health-care providers, who become the 'secure base' from which the client accepts, assimilates and adheres with the recommended health intervention. The pathway from one-to-one interventions to adherence is explained using moderated mediation and mediated moderation models. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  13. Clients' knowledge, perception and satisfaction with quality of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Clients' knowledge, perception and satisfaction with quality of maternal health care services at the primary health care level in Nnewi, Nigeria. ... Furthermore cost, local language used, staff attitude and interaction with clients was acceptable and may be the reason for high level of satisfaction reported. Key words: Clients' ...

  14. A "client perspective" helps improve services. (United States)


    Egypt's Ministry of Health launched a campaign in 1992 to improve client satisfaction with family planning clinic services in the country. In the program, family planning clinic supervisors are being trained to use a checklist of 101 indicators to evaluate services, ranging from the availability of contraceptive commodities to the condition of facilities. Television messages and posters disseminated throughout communities instruct potential clients to look for gold stars on the doors of family planning clinics across the country, indicators of a clinic which meets quality service standards. This program is currently used by almost 4000 clinics nationwide. Family planning services worldwide have long focused upon increasing levels of contraceptive use. More recently, however, they are also focusing upon the quality of services provided. Frameworks for improving services tend to emphasize better ways to interact with clients, and often address how to approach specific management concerns, such as maintaining adequate contraceptive supplies. Client interaction, management concerns, and how quality makes a difference are discussed.

  15. 31 CFR 8.34 - Knowledge of client's omission. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Knowledge of client's omission. 8.34... client's omission. Each attorney, certified public accountant, or enrolled practitioner who knows that a client has not complied with applicable law, or has made an error in or omission from any document...

  16. Successful Vocational Rehabilitation of Clients with Retinitis Pigmentosa. (United States)

    Taheri-Araghi, M.; Hendren, G.


    Statistical analysis of 10 personal (client) variables and four program variables related to 76 people who became blind from retinitis pigmentosa revealed that 6 variables predicted clients' rehabilitation outcomes: age, gender, race, work status, amount of case-service money spent on the client's behalf, and number of changes in career objectives…

  17. Mutual powerlessness in client participation practices in mental health care (United States)

    Broer, Tineke; Nieboer, Anna P.; Bal, Roland


    Abstract Background  Client participation has become a dominant policy goal in many countries including the Netherlands and is a topic much discussed in the literature. The success of client participation is usually measured in terms of the extent to which clients have a say in the participation process. Many articles have concluded that client participation is limited; professionals often still control the participation process and outcomes. Objective  The objective of this study is to gain insight into (i) the practice of client participation within a quality improvement collaborative in mental health care and (ii) the consequences of a Foucauldian conceptualization of power in analysing practices of client participation. Design  We used an ethnographic design consisting of observations of national events and improvement team meetings and interviews with the collaborative’s team members and programme managers. Results  Contrary to many studies on client participation, we found both clients and service providers frequently felt powerless in its practice. Professionals and clients alike struggled with the contributions clients could make to the improvement processes and what functions they should fulfil. Moreover, professionals did not want to exert power upon clients, but ironically just for that reason sometimes struggled with shaping practices of client participation. This mutual powerlessness (partly) disappeared when clients helped to determine and execute specific improvement actions instead of participating in improvement teams. Conclusion  Recognizing that power is inescapable might allow for a more substantive discussion concerning the consequences that power arrangements produce, rather than looking at who is exerting how much power. PMID:22390793

  18. Asymmetry of Responsiveness in Client-Centered Therapy (United States)

    Shapiro, David A.


    Each utterance of a psychotherapy session conducted by Carl Rogers was transcribed on a separate card. Fifteen undergraduate subjects reconstituted client-therapist sequences more accurately than therapist-client sequences. (Author)

  19. Experimental Blind Quantum Computing for a Classical Client (United States)

    Huang, He-Liang; Zhao, Qi; Ma, Xiongfeng; Liu, Chang; Su, Zu-En; Wang, Xi-Lin; Li, Li; Liu, Nai-Le; Sanders, Barry C.; Lu, Chao-Yang; Pan, Jian-Wei


    To date, blind quantum computing demonstrations require clients to have weak quantum devices. Here we implement a proof-of-principle experiment for completely classical clients. Via classically interacting with two quantum servers that share entanglement, the client accomplishes the task of having the number 15 factorized by servers who are denied information about the computation itself. This concealment is accompanied by a verification protocol that tests servers' honesty and correctness. Our demonstration shows the feasibility of completely classical clients and thus is a key milestone towards secure cloud quantum computing.

  20. Experimental Blind Quantum Computing for a Classical Client. (United States)

    Huang, He-Liang; Zhao, Qi; Ma, Xiongfeng; Liu, Chang; Su, Zu-En; Wang, Xi-Lin; Li, Li; Liu, Nai-Le; Sanders, Barry C; Lu, Chao-Yang; Pan, Jian-Wei


    To date, blind quantum computing demonstrations require clients to have weak quantum devices. Here we implement a proof-of-principle experiment for completely classical clients. Via classically interacting with two quantum servers that share entanglement, the client accomplishes the task of having the number 15 factorized by servers who are denied information about the computation itself. This concealment is accompanied by a verification protocol that tests servers' honesty and correctness. Our demonstration shows the feasibility of completely classical clients and thus is a key milestone towards secure cloud quantum computing.

  1. 37 CFR 10.78 - Limiting liability to client. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Limiting liability to client... Office Code of Professional Responsibility § 10.78 Limiting liability to client. A practitioner shall not attempt to exonerate himself or herself from, or limit his or her liability to, a client for his or her...

  2. Who cares for involuntary clients? (United States)

    Soliman, Soheil; Pollack, Harold A; Alexander, Jeffrey A


    The objectives of this study were to compare characteristics of outpatient substance abuse treatment (OSAT) units that serve high proportions of involuntary clients (ICs) with those that serve a low percentage of such clients. The authors analyze unit-level 1995-2005 data from the National Drug Abuse Treatment System Survey (NDATSS). Approximately 1/6 of OSAT units draw the dominant majority of their clients from involuntary referrals. OSAT units that treat a high proportion of ICs are less likely to be accredited by professional organizations, have fewer treatment staff with advanced degrees, and have shorter average treatment duration than do OSAT units that serve few ICs. OSAT units that serve ICs are more likely to offer legal and domestic violence services but are less likely to offer mental health services or aftercare. OSAT units that serve ICs are less likely to be hospital-affiliated than are other units. Clients at such facilities are more likely to be convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI), are younger, are less likely to have received prior treatment, are more likely to remain abstinent after treatment, but are more likely to be remanded back to courts. The authors conclude that ICs are an important market niche in OSAT care. DWI is by far the most common offense reported in units that specialize in ICs. Aside from legal and domestic violence services, units with a high proportion of ICs appear to offer somewhat less intensive and professionalized services than do other facilities; however, clients at these units are more likely to be abstinent at the end of treatment and but more likely to be remanded back to the courts.

  3. Client capital as a source of enterprise cost

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verba Veronika A.


    Full Text Available The article presents the authors’ vision of the essence of the client capital and its influence upon the enterprise cost. The goal of the article is explanation of the role of the client capital in the process of enterprise capitalisation with the help of the business cost capitalisation model: investments into assets – cash flow generation – enterprise capitalisation. The result of the study is the authors’ position regarding the essence and structuring the client capital, which gives a possibility to detect financial and managerial instruments of capitalisation of the client capital. The conducted analysis of dynamics of financial parameters of the world leaders of IT industry, car building, clothes manufacture and beverages production allows detection of interconnection of the enterprise cost with the volume of assets and profit and identification of influence of the client capital upon capitalisation of enterprises of various spheres of activity. The article develops a model of capitalisation of the client capital on the basis of detection of cash flows, caused by formation of enterprises of B2C and B2B types.

  4. Mutual construction and reconstruction in client-consultant interaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith, Irene Skovgaard

    Based on preliminary interviews with client representatives and a pilot case study, the pa-per explores collaboration and mutual construction in client-consultant relationships. Both consultants and client actors take part in an active construction and reconstruction of knowledge that involve...... struggles over position, power and control. In the context of client-consultant interaction, it is thus not only ideas and solutions that are contested but also the power to define. Attention is paid to how ideas are brought into play and negotiated in the interaction between actors. The empirical material...... presented in the paper illustrates how consultancy projects evolve through processes of negotiation over whose interpretation should count and who should be in control. In the process, client actors with different posi-tions and interests play an active role in creating what become valid and what ideas...

  5. Multi-client quantum key distribution using wavelength division multiplexing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grice, Warren P.; Bennink, Ryan S.; Earl, Dennis Duncan; Evans, Philip G.; Humble, Travis S.; Pooser, Raphael C.; Schaake, Jason; Williams, Brian P.


    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) exploits the rules of quantum mechanics to generate and securely distribute a random sequence of bits to two spatially separated clients. Typically a QKD system can support only a single pair of clients at a time, and so a separate quantum link is required for every pair of users. We overcome this limitation with the design and characterization of a multi-client entangled-photon QKD system with the capacity for up to 100 clients simultaneously. The time-bin entangled QKD system includes a broadband down-conversion source with two unique features that enable the multi-user capability. First, the photons are emitted across a very large portion of the telecom spectrum. Second, and more importantly, the photons are strongly correlated in their energy degree of freedom. Using standard wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) hardware, the photons can be routed to different parties on a quantum communication network, while the strong spectral correlations ensure that each client is linked only to the client receiving the conjugate wavelength. In this way, a single down-conversion source can support dozens of channels simultaneously--and to the extent that the WDM hardware can send different spectral channels to different clients, the system can support multiple client pairings. We will describe the design and characterization of the down-conversion source, as well as the client stations, which must be tunable across the emission spectrum.

  6. 37 CFR 10.65 - Limiting business relations with a client. (United States)


    ... with a client. 10.65 Section 10.65 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND... a client. A practitioner shall not enter into a business transaction with a client if they have differing interests therein and if the client expects the practitioner to exercise professional judgment...

  7. Empathy from the client's perspective: A grounded theory analysis. (United States)

    MacFarlane, Peter; Anderson, Timothy; McClintock, Andrew S


    Although empathy is one of most robust predictors of client outcome, there is little consensus about how best to conceptualize this construct. The aim of the present research was to investigate clients' perceptions and in-session experiences of empathy. Semi-structured, video-assisted interpersonal process recall interviews were used to collect data from nine clients receiving individual psychotherapy at a university psychology clinic. Grounded theory analysis yielded a model consisting of three clusters: (1) relational context of empathy (i.e., personal relationship and professional relationship), (2) types of empathy (i.e., psychotherapists' cognitive empathy, psychotherapists' emotional empathy, and client attunement to psychotherapist), and (3) utility of empathy (i.e., process-related benefits and client-related benefits). These results suggest that empathy is a multi-dimensional, interactional process that affects-and is affected by-the broader relationship between client and psychotherapist.

  8. Social work - client relationship practice: exploring social worker perspectives




    This thesis explores, using qualitative methodology, the significance of social worker – client relationships for achieving client outcomes in the field of child and family welfare. The study found that social worker – client relationships are critical for achieving outcomes. It is a distinct practice method, informed by relational views about ‘the self’, human development and healing. The social worker, as Relationship Building Agent, is heavily focused on client engagement and building t...

  9. 49 CFR 1103.15 - The practitioner's duty to clients, generally. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false The practitioner's duty to clients, generally... Practitioner's Duties and Responsibilities Toward A Client § 1103.15 The practitioner's duty to clients... all clients to observe the statutory law to the best of his knowledge or as interpreted by competent...

  10. Assessment of ART centres in India: client perspectives. (United States)

    Sogarwal, Ruchi; Bachani, Damodar


    Drug adherence and quality of antiretroviral therapy (ART) services are the keys for the successful ART programme. Hence, an attempt has been made to assess ART centres in India from client perspectives that are receiving services from the centres. Data were gathered through exit interviews with 1366 clients from 27 ART centres that were selected on the basis of drug adherence and client load. Analyses revealed that more than 80 per cent of the clients reported overall satisfaction with the services availed from the centre and 60 per cent reported that the quality of life has improved to a great extent after getting ART. Most of the clients strongly demanded to open ART centre in each district for better access as that will increase drug adherence and eventually control the HIV progression. It has been found that as many as 14% of respondents, ever been on ART, reported non-adherence and 70% of them cited distance and economic factors as the reasons for non-adherence. Study concludes that while majority of the clients were satisfied with ART services, shortage of staff, high level of non-drug adherence, long distances and poor referring system are the weak areas requiring attention.

  11. Automated Detection of Client-State Manipulation Vulnerabilities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Anders; Schwarz, Mathias


    automated tools that can assist the programmers in the application development process by detecting weaknesses. Many vulnerabilities are related to web application code that stores references to application state in the generated HTML documents to work around the statelessness of the HTTP protocol....... In this paper, we show that such client-state manipulation vulnerabilities are amenable to tool supported detection. We present a static analysis for the widely used frameworks Java Servlets, JSP, and Struts. Given a web application archive as input, the analysis identifies occurrences of client state...... and infers the information flow between the client state and the shared application state on the server. This makes it possible to check how client-state manipulation performed by malicious users may affect the shared application state and cause leakage or modifications of sensitive information. The warnings...

  12. Servidor de claves públicas pgp, cliente administrador y cliente para ciframiento y desciframiento de correo electrónico


    Redrovan Castillo, Fabian; Ruiz Ampuero, Luis M.; Vaca Ruiz, Carmen K.; Yanez Godoy, Ricardo E.; Caicedo Rossi, Guido Alfredo


    Basándose en el paradigma Cliente-Servidor bajo la arquitectura TCP/IP, se implementaran tres aplicaciones. Cada aplicación tiene un nombre que refleja su propósito: el Cliente Administrador, el Cliente de Correo Electrónico y finalmente el servidor PGP. Este último ofrece varios servicios, sobresaliendo por su importancia, el proporcionar a quien lo necesite, la clave pública de encriptación PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) de una persona determinada. Para que esto sea posible, dicha persona deb...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Hefni


    Full Text Available Abstrac This article traces patron-client relationship of Madurese both from socio-historical point of view and its contemporary progress. As an imbalance social-exchange relationship, in terms of patron-client relationship, second side (client much highly depends upon the first side (patron. This had been experienced in Madurese social history during the native governmental period of time. The government was classified into two major classes; ruler class (patron and farmer class (client. The former is fully in authority to take control either economic or politic potencies, however, the later transacts labors to the first side. Both side is connected by a bribe (upeti systems—percaton, apanage and daleman. In current progress this relationship becomes more acquaintance, it covers economic and politic relationship. The success of Trunojoyo, the king of Sumenep's inherit, against the Mataram domination had been supported by Madurese people that had previously tightened to the system. Today,  patron-client relationship in Madura is reflected in the relationship between the head of village, as the owner of percaton,  and the staff as well as people, as the percaton manager. The other is well-described in the relationship of ship owner and pandega (fisher in fishing. Once the relationship is set up, it directs to diadik relation, a two in one relation which is more personal and long lasting one. Kata-kata kunci Patron-klien, percaton, apanage, panembahan, rakyat, daleman, kepala desa, juragan, pandega, dan diadik.

  14. Laser Surgeon, Client Education, and Satisfaction with Tattoo Removal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hutton Carlsen, Katrina; Esmann, Jørgen; Serup, Jørgen


    Studies of satisfaction with tattoo removal outcomes by laser, rated by clients themselves, including qualitative aspects, are sparse. We studied long-term results and client satisfaction with tattoo removal by Q-switched YAG laser. Client satisfaction is influenced by numerous factors: pretreatm...

  15. 32 CFR 776.32 - Department of the Navy as client. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Department of the Navy as client. 776.32 Section... Rules of Professional Conduct § 776.32 Department of the Navy as client. (a) Department of Navy as client: (1) Except when representing an individual client pursuant to paragraph (a)(6) of this section, a...

  16. 45 CFR 1639.4 - Permissible representation of eligible clients. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Permissible representation of eligible clients... CORPORATION WELFARE REFORM § 1639.4 Permissible representation of eligible clients. Recipients may represent an individual eligible client who is seeking specific relief from a welfare agency. [62 FR 30766...

  17. 37 CFR 10.33 - Direct contact with prospective clients. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Direct contact with prospective clients. 10.33 Section 10.33 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND... clients. A practitioner may not solicit professional employment from a prospective client with whom the...

  18. Home-based rehabilitation: Physiotherapy student and client ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Results. Clients appreciated the students' services; however, data revealed communication barriers and unmet expectations. Students reported struggling to adapt to the context, resulting in interventions not being sufficiently client-centred. They voiced a need for language competency and earlier exposure to such contexts.

  19. Caring for Clients and Families With Anxiety

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noriko Yamamoto-Mitani


    Full Text Available This study elucidated Japanese home care nurses’ experiences of supporting clients and families with anxiety. We interviewed 10 registered nurses working in home care agencies and analyzed the data using grounded theory to derive categories pertaining to the nurses’ experiences of providing care. We conceptualized nurses’ approaches to caring for anxiety into three categories: First, they attempted to reach out for anxiety even when the client/family did not make it explicit; second, they tried to alter the outlook of the situation; and third, they created comfort in the lives of the client/family. The conceptualizations of nurses’ strategies to alleviate client/family anxiety may reflect Japanese/Eastern cultural characteristics in communication and their view of the person and social care system, but these conceptualizations may also inform the practice of Western nurses by increasing awareness of skills they may also have and use.

  20. Evaluating the Influence of the Client Behavior in Cloud Computing. (United States)

    Souza Pardo, Mário Henrique; Centurion, Adriana Molina; Franco Eustáquio, Paulo Sérgio; Carlucci Santana, Regina Helena; Bruschi, Sarita Mazzini; Santana, Marcos José


    This paper proposes a novel approach for the implementation of simulation scenarios, providing a client entity for cloud computing systems. The client entity allows the creation of scenarios in which the client behavior has an influence on the simulation, making the results more realistic. The proposed client entity is based on several characteristics that affect the performance of a cloud computing system, including different modes of submission and their behavior when the waiting time between requests (think time) is considered. The proposed characterization of the client enables the sending of either individual requests or group of Web services to scenarios where the workload takes the form of bursts. The client entity is included in the CloudSim, a framework for modelling and simulation of cloud computing. Experimental results show the influence of the client behavior on the performance of the services executed in a cloud computing system.

  1. 75 FR 82236 - Principal Trades with Certain Advisory Clients (United States)


    ... 3235-AJ96 Principal Trades with Certain Advisory Clients AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission... certain of their advisory clients. The amendment extends the date on which rule 206(3)- 3T will sunset... a principal capacity in transactions with certain of their advisory clients.\\1\\ In December 2009, we...

  2. Serving up the self: Role identity and burnout in client service environments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carly Steyn


    Full Text Available Orientation: Whilst the limited investigations into the relationship between identity and burnout have made an important contribution to our understanding of the development of burnout, further research is required to gain a deeper understanding of how the processes associated with the construction and enactment of a specific identity could contribute to burnout amongst client service employees. Research purpose: The purpose of this research was to explore whether levels of burnout amongst client service employees are associated with the manner in which they define and enact the client service role identity. Motivation for the study: The negative effects of burnout amongst client service employees can be particularly devastating for client service organisations. A deeper understanding of the causes of burnout amongst client service employees is therefore essential if we wish to reduce the significant costs associated with burnout in this environment. Research approach, design and method: The research strategy comprised a qualitative design consisting of semi-structured interviews. Main findings: The results of the study indicate that the role identities of higher burnout client service employees differ from the role identities of lower burnout client service employees. Lower burnout employees view the client relationship as a partnership and experience a high level of self-verification when dealing with their clients. Higher burnout employees, on the other hand, describe themselves as subordinate to the client and exhibit strong feelings of defeat and failure when interacting with their clients. Practical implications/managerial implications: The study shows that if client service organisations wish to reduce the detrimental effects of burnout in the workplace, they need to pay careful attention to the way in which their client service employees perceive themselves in relation to the client. Since client service employees construct role

  3. Organizational and Client Commitment among Contracted Employees (United States)

    Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A-M.; Morrow, Paula C.


    This study examines affective commitment to employing and client organizations among long-term contracted employees, a new and growing employment classification. Drawing on organizational commitment and social exchange literatures, we propose two categories of antecedents of employee commitment to client organizations. We tested our hypotheses…

  4. Discrimination against Obese Exercise Clients: An Experimental Study of Personal Trainers. (United States)

    Fontana, Fabio; Bopes, Jonathan; Bendixen, Seth; Speed, Tyler; George, Megan; Mack, Mick


    The aim of the study was to compare exercise recommendations, attitudes, and behaviors of personal trainers toward clients of different weight statuses. Fifty-two personal trainers participated in the study. The data collection was organized into two phases. In phase one, trainers read a profile and watched the video displaying an interview of either an obese or an average-weight client. Profiles and video interviews were identical except for weight status. Then, trainers provided exercise recommendations and rated their attitude toward the client. In phase two, trainers personally met an obese or an average-weight mock client. Measures were duration and number of advices provided by the trainer to a question posed by the client and sitting distance between trainer and client. There were no significant differences in exercise intensity ( p = .94), duration of first session ( p = .65), and total exercise duration of first week ( p = .76) prescribed to the obese and average-weight clients. The attitude of the personal trainers toward the obese client were not significantly different from the attitude of personal trainers toward the average-weight client ( p = .58). The number of advices provided ( p = .49), the duration of the answer ( p = .55), and the distance personal trainers sat from the obese client ( p = .68) were not significantly different from the behaviors displayed toward the average-weight client. Personal trainers did not discriminate against obese clients in professional settings.

  5. clientes surdos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wiliam César Alves Machado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar cómo profesionales de la unidad municipal de rehabilitación física se comunican con personas sordas que buscan atención especializada. Métodos: estudio exploratorio, descriptivo, de enfoque cualitativo, realizado con 32 profesionales que trabajan en rehabilitación física a través de instrumento auto aplicable. Resultados: del análisis de datos, surgieron dos categorías temáticas: Usando el Lenguaje Brasileño de Signos; Improvisación de Estrategias de comunicación para interactuar con clientes sordos. Improvisación de estrategias utilizadas por los profesionales para comunicarse con personas sordas pueden causar barreras que inciden negativamente en la calidad de los servicios prestados a esta población. Conclusión: la comunicación es deficiente, e iniciativas eficaces centradas en la cualificación de los profesionales que trabajan en el ámbito de la rehabilitación, pueden contribuir para que puedan dominar el Lenguaje Brasileño de Signos, garantizándose a los clientes sordos la atención adecuada, conforme a lo dispuestos para personas sin discapacidad auditiva.

  6. 37 CFR 10.67 - Settling similar claims of clients. (United States)


    ... clients. 10.67 Section 10.67 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE... Office Code of Professional Responsibility § 10.67 Settling similar claims of clients. A practitioner who represents two or more clients shall not make or participate in the making of an aggregate settlement of the...

  7. Psychometrics of the Personal Questionnaire: A client-generated outcome measure. (United States)

    Elliott, Robert; Wagner, John; Sales, Célia M D; Rodgers, Brian; Alves, Paula; Café, Maria J


    We present a range of evidence for the reliability and validity of data generated by the Personal Questionnaire (PQ), a client-generated individualized outcome measure, using 5 data sets from 3 countries. Overall pretherapy mean internal consistency (alpha) across clients was .80, and within-client alphas averaged .77; clients typically had 1 or 2 items that did not vary with the other items. Analyses of temporal structure indicated high levels of between-clients variance (58%), moderate pretherapy test-retest correlation (r = .57), and high session-to-session Lag-1 autocorrelation (.82). Scores on the PQ provided clear evidence of convergence with a range of outcome measures (within-client r = .41). Mean pre-post effects were large (d = 1.25). The results support a revised caseness cutoff of 3.25 and a reliable change index interval of 1.67. We conclude that PQ data meet criteria for evidence-based, norm-referenced measurement of client psychological distress for supporting psychotherapy practice and research. (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  8. Client contribution in negotiations on employability – categories revised?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eskelinen, L.; Olesen, Søren Peter; Caswell, D.


    worker–client talk: how the category unemployed is shaped and ‘translated’ when the client negotiates her situation with the social worker. Two types of category revisions are identified. First, the employability of the client, rather than her unemployment situation, is the issue under negotiation......In this article, we explore how the institutional category ‘unemployed’ is specified in everyday practice when implementing an active employment policy. We illustrate the process of categorisation as an aspect of the in situ positioning and self-representation of the client by examining one social...

  9. Research Study on the Migration of Clients on Banking Market

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cornelia Tureac


    Full Text Available In this paper we present the relevancy and importance of knowing the reasons on clients’migration to competitive banking institutions. The main reason of being the client of several banks isdue to the fierce competition between credit institutions,thusthe banking market has changed. Basedon a case study within the Raiffeisen Bank we researched and presented the reasons fordiscontinuation of banking tiesand the migration of clients to other banks. The used researchmethodology consisted of the application of analysis point of contact by sending a questionnairethrough which there could have been identified 105 migrating clients, out of which 89 were formerclients of Raiffeisen Bank. Since both in the specialized literatureand in practice there is very littleinformation about migration behavior of banking clients-especially in the category of small andmedium enterprises-the present research was not limited to the Raiffeisen Bank clients, but to all 105respondents whodiscontinued totally or partially their connection with the bank. It can be concludedthat the attitude of the bank clients has a considerable influence on the migration behavior. The most“infidel” banking clients are considered in the category of “clients oriented towards the conditions.”

  10. Writing about Clients: Ethical Considerations and Options (United States)

    Sperry, Len; Pies, Ronald


    Today, the decision to prepare clinical case material for publication is a decision that cannot be taken lightly. The decision involves reviewing ethical considerations and choosing among various options to safeguard client privacy. Such options include seeking the client's permission, disguising case material, and developing composite case…

  11. Experiential Interventions for Clients with Genital Herpes. (United States)

    Cummings, Anne L.


    Explores potential benefits of incorporating concepts and interventions from experimental therapy to help clients with psychosocial difficulties in learning to live with genital herpes. Recommends experimental counseling of two-chair dialog, empty chair, and metaphor for helping clients with emotional sequelae of genital herpes. Presents case…

  12. Can Knowledge of Client Birth Order Bias Clinical Judgment? (United States)

    Stewart, Allan E.


    Clinicians (N = 308) responded to identical counseling vignettes of a male client that differed only in the client's stated birth order. Clinicians developed different impressions about the client and his family experiences that corresponded with the prototypical descriptions of persons from 1 of 4 birth orders (i.e., first, middle, youngest, and…

  13. E-mail security: mail clients must use encrypted protocols

    CERN Multimedia


    In the coming weeks, users of mail clients other than Outlook (e.g. Pine, Mozilla, Mac Mail, etc.) may receive an e-mail from with instructions to update the security settings of their mail client. The aim of this campaign is to enforce the use of encrypted and authenticated mail protocols in order to prevent the propagation of viruses and protect passwords from theft. As a first step, from 6 June 2006 onwards, access to mail servers from outside CERN will require a securely configured mail client as described in the help page On this page most users will also find tools that will update their mail client settings automatically. Note that Outlook clients and WebMail access are not affected. The Mail Team

  14. Client and parent feedback on a Youth Mental Health Service: The importance of family inclusive practice and working with client preferences. (United States)

    Coates, Dominiek


    In mental health settings, feedback from clients and carers is central to service evaluation, development and delivery. Increasingly, client and carer feedback is considered an integral part of service planning, and recognized as a critical element of the provision of recovery oriented service. This paper outlines the findings of a qualitative evaluation of a Youth Mental Health (YMH) service from the perspective of discharged clients and their parents. The service researcher conducted telephone interviews with 39 parents of discharged clients, and 17 young people themselves. Participants reported positive or mixed experiences with the service. In addition to more generic positive statements about the service, analysis identified two key themes: the importance of 'family inclusive practice' and the importance of 'working with client preferences'. Young people and their parents want to be actively engaged in treatment and have their treatment preferences considered in treatment planning. Participants expressed the importance of "a good fit" between the client and the worker in terms of the clinician's gender, personality and treatment style/modality. While for some participants these themes were raised in the context of service strengths, others identified them as limitations or opportunities for service improvement. The extent to which clients and their parents felt engaged and heard by their allocated clinician is critical to their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service, depending on their unique experience. As an outcome of this evaluation, a range of service improvement strategies have been recommended. © 2016 Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc.

  15. The ARAC client system: network-based access to ARAC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leach, M J; Sumikawa, D; Webster, C


    The ARAC Client System allows users (such as emergency managers and first responders) with commonly available desktop and laptop computers to utilize the central ARAC system over the Internet or any other communications link using Internet protocols. Providing cost-effective fast access to the central ARAC system greatly expands the availability of the ARAC capability. The ARAC Client system consists of (1) local client applications running on the remote user's computer, and (2) ''site servers'' that provide secure access to selected central ARAC system capabilities and run on a scalable number of dedicated workstations residing at the central facility. The remote client applications allow users to describe a real or potential them-bio event, electronically sends this information to the central ARAC system which performs model calculations, and quickly receive and visualize the resulting graphical products. The site servers will support simultaneous access to ARAC capabilities by multiple users. The ARAC Client system is based on object-oriented client/server and distributed computing technologies using CORBA and Java, and consists of a large number of interacting components

  16. Client/server models for transparent, distributed computational resources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hammer, K.E.; Gilman, T.L.


    Client/server models are proposed to address issues of shared resources in a distributed, heterogeneous UNIX environment. Recent development of automated Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interface generator has simplified the development of client/server models. Previously, implementation of the models was only possible at the UNIX socket level. An overview of RPCs and the interface generator will be presented and will include a discussion of generation and installation of remote services, the RPC paradigm, and the three levels of RPC programming. Two applications, the Nuclear Plant Analyzer (NPA) and a fluids simulation using molecular modelling, will be presented to demonstrate how client/server models using RPCs and External Data Representations (XDR) have been used production/computation situations. The NPA incorporates a client/server interface for transferring/translation of TRAC or RELAP results from the UNICOS Cray to a UNIX workstation. The fluids simulation program utilizes the client/server model to access the Cray via a single function allowing it to become a shared co-processor to the workstation application. 5 refs., 6 figs

  17. What Business Students Should Know about Attorney-Client Privilege (United States)

    Draba, Robert; Marshall, Brent


    The case law on attorney-client privilege is extensive and can be somewhat complex. Over seven hundred articles in Westlaw, for example, have the phrase "attorney-client privilege" in the title; in the last three years alone, there have been over 3700 federal cases in which the phrase "attorney-client privilege" appears at least once. However,…

  18. Enhancing Clients' Communication Regarding Goals for Using Psychiatric Medications. (United States)

    Deegan, Patricia E; Carpenter-Song, Elizabeth; Drake, Robert E; Naslund, John A; Luciano, Alison; Hutchison, Shari L


    Discordance between psychiatric care providers' and clients' goals for medication treatment is prevalent and is a barrier to person-centered care. Power statements-short self-advocacy statements prepared by clients in response to a two-part template-offer a novel approach to help clients clarify and communicate their personal goals for using psychiatric medications. This study described the power statement method and examined a sample of power statements to understand clients' goals for medication treatment. More than 17,000 adults with serious mental illness at 69 public mental health clinics had the option to develop power statements by using a Web application located in the clinic waiting areas. A database query determined the percentage of clients who entered power statements into the Web application. The authors examined textual data from a random sample of 300 power statements by using content analysis. Nearly 14,000 (79%) clients developed power statements. Of the 277 statements in the sample deemed appropriate for content analysis, 272 statements had responses to the first part of the template and 230 had responses to the second part. Clients wanted psychiatric medications to help control symptoms in the service of improving functioning. Common goals for taking psychiatric medications (N=230 statements) were to enhance relationships (51%), well-being (32%), self-sufficiency (23%), employment (19%), hobbies (15%), and self-improvement (10%). People with serious mental illness typically viewed medications as a means to pursue meaningful life goals. Power statements appear to be a simple and scalable technique to enhance clients' communication of their goals for psychiatric medication treatment.

  19. 37 CFR 10.68 - Avoiding influence by others than the client. (United States)


    ... than the client. 10.68 Section 10.68 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND... the client. (a) Except with the consent of the practitioner's client after full disclosure, a practitioner shall not: (1) Accept compensation from one other than the practitioner's client for the...

  20. Client's constraining factors to construction project management ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study analyzed client's related factors that constrain project management success of public and private sector construction in Nigeria. Issues that concern clients in any project can not be undermined as they are the owners and the initiators of project proposals. It is assumed that success, failure or abandonment of ...

  1. Training Therapists about Client Expectations of Psychotherapy. (United States)

    Soley, Georgia; Marshall, Renee; Chambliss, Catherine

    Research has indicated that premature termination of therapy is sometimes due to a conflict in goal and outcome expectations between therapists and family members of clients. The present study requested both therapists and parents of child clients to complete questionnaires to determine if there is congruence between therapist and parental…

  2. Experience of Client-centered Practice amongst Danish Occupational Therapists

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Anette Enemark

    A client-centered approach is on the health care agenda in many European countries (1), and amongst these Denmark (2). It is described as the foundation for Occupational Therapy (OT) (3), a code of professional conduct (4,5), and defined as a partnership between client and therapist (3). The goal...... is to empower a client to fulfil his/her occupational roles in a variety of environments, leading to an increase in intervention efficacy and client perception of intervention quality (3). However, it is known to be challenging (1,3). Given the importance of this approach, there has been limited exploration...

  3. Client experiences of motivational interviewing: An interpersonal process recall study. (United States)

    Jones, Sarah A; Latchford, Gary; Tober, Gillian


    To explore clients' experience of the therapy process in motivational interviewing (MI) for alcohol abuse. A qualitative study using grounded theory. Interviews with nine clients were conducted using interpersonal process recall (IPR), a methodology which utilizes a video recording as a cue to aid memory recall. Clients watched a videotape of their MI session and were asked to identify and describe the important moments in the therapy session. The transcribed interviews were then analysed using grounded theory. A single session of MI is seen by the clients in this study as a complex interpersonal interaction between client and therapist, which impacts on the client's cognitive and affective intrapersonal processes. The themes which emerged partly confirm processes of MI previously hypothesized to be important, but also highlight the importance of factors common to all therapeutic approaches. The aspects of therapy which clients in this study felt were important are similar to those hypothesized to underlie the effectiveness of MI, including a non-confrontational approach, affirmation, and developing discrepancies between beliefs and behaviour. These were embedded in aspects common to all therapies, including the qualities of the therapist and the therapeutic relationship. Client's perspectives on therapeutic processes are an important area of research, and IPR is a particularly suitable method. © 2015 The British Psychological Society.

  4. Client capital as a source of enterprise cost


    Verba Veronika A.; Tyshchenko Oleksandr O.


    The article presents the authors’ vision of the essence of the client capital and its influence upon the enterprise cost. The goal of the article is explanation of the role of the client capital in the process of enterprise capitalisation with the help of the business cost capitalisation model: investments into assets – cash flow generation – enterprise capitalisation. The result of the study is the authors’ position regarding the essence and structuring the client capital, which gives a poss...

  5. Medicaid care management: description of high-cost addictions treatment clients. (United States)

    Neighbors, Charles J; Sun, Yi; Yerneni, Rajeev; Tesiny, Ed; Burke, Constance; Bardsley, Leland; McDonald, Rebecca; Morgenstern, Jon


    High utilizers of alcohol and other drug treatment (AODTx) services are a priority for healthcare cost control. We examine characteristics of Medicaid-funded AODTx clients, comparing three groups: individuals cost clients in the top decile of AODTx expenditures (HC; n=5,718); and 1760 enrollees in a chronic care management (CM) program for HC clients implemented in 22 counties in New York State. Medicaid and state AODTx registry databases were combined to draw demographic, clinical, social needs and treatment history data. HC clients accounted for 49% of AODTx costs funded by Medicaid. As expected, HC clients had significant social welfare needs, comorbid medical and psychiatric conditions, and use of inpatient services. The CM program was successful in enrolling some high-needs, high-cost clients but faced barriers to reaching the most costly and disengaged individuals. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Characteristics of clients accessing HIV counseling and testing ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Characteristics of clients accessing HIV counseling and testing services in a tertiary hospital in ... Introduction: Client-initiated HIV testing and counseling has helped millions of people learn their HIV status. ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  7. The Contribution of the Counselor-Client Working Alliance to Career Exploration (United States)

    Elad-Strenger, Julia; Littman-Ovadia, Hadassah


    This longitudinal study examines the effects of Israeli counselors' and clients' ratings of their working alliance on clients' career exploration (CE), using a sample of 94 three-session career counseling processes. Results reveal that both clients' and counselors' working alliance ratings increased over time; yet, clients' ratings remained…

  8. Emotional congruence between clients and therapists and its effect on treatment outcome. (United States)

    Atzil-Slonim, Dana; Bar-Kalifa, Eran; Fisher, Hadar; Peri, Tuvia; Lutz, Wolfgang; Rubel, Julian; Rafaeli, Eshkol


    The present study aimed to (a) explore 2 indices of emotional congruence-temporal similarity and directional discrepancy-between clients' and therapists' ratings of their emotions as they cofluctuate session-by-session; and (b) examine whether client/therapist emotional congruence predicts clients' symptom relief and improved functioning. The sample comprised 109 clients treated by 62 therapists in a university setting. Clients and therapists self-reported their negative (NE) and positive emotions (PE) after each session. Symptom severity and functioning level were assessed at the beginning of each session using the clients' self-reports. To assess emotional congruence, an adaptation of West and Kenny's (2011) Truth and Bias model was applied. To examine the consequences of emotional congruence, polynomial regression, and response surface analyses were conducted (Edwards & Parry, 1993). Clients and therapists were temporally similar in both PE and NE. Therapists experienced less intense PE on average, but did not experience more or less intense NE than their clients. Those therapists who experienced more intense NE than their clients were more temporally similar in their emotions to their clients. Therapist/client incongruence in both PE and NE predicted poorer next-session symptomatology; incongruence in PE was also associated with lower client next-session functioning. Session-level symptoms were better when therapists experienced more intense emotions (both PE and NE) than their clients. The findings highlight the importance of recognizing the dynamic nature of emotions in client-therapist interactions and the contribution of session-by-session emotional dynamics to outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. Understanding the innovation adoption process of construction clients, Clients driving Innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hartmann, Andreas; Dewulf, Geert P.M.R.; Reymen, Isabelle; Adams, L.; Guest, K.


    Although the role of clients in stimulating construction innovation seems to be controversial, little has been known about their innovation adoption behaviour. This paper presents first results of an ongoing research project the aim of which is to shed more light on the adoption processes of

  10. 77 FR 17367 - Permissible Sharing of Client Records by Customs Brokers (United States)


    ...-0038] RIN 1651-AA80 Permissible Sharing of Client Records by Customs Brokers AGENCY: U.S. Customs and... would allow brokers, upon the client's consent in a written authorization, to share client information... services to the broker's clients. Although the proposed rule was prepared in response to a request from a...

  11. Dreaming of you: client and therapist dreams about each other during psychodynamic psychotherapy. (United States)

    Hill, Clara E; Knox, Sarah; Crook-Lyon, Rachel E; Hess, Shirley A; Miles, Joe; Spangler, Patricia T; Pudasaini, Sakar


    Our objectives were to describe the frequency of therapists' dreams about their clients and clients' dreams about their therapists, to determine how therapists and clients who had such dreams differed from those who did not have such dreams, whether therapy process and outcome differed for those who had and did not have such dreams, and to describe the content and consequences of these dreams. Thirteen doctoral student therapists conducted psychodynamic psychotherapy with 63 clients in a community clinic. Therapists who had dreams about clients had higher estimated and actual dream recall than did therapists who did not dream about clients. Qualitative analyses indicated that therapists' dreams yielded insights about the therapist, clients, and therapy; therapists used insights in their work with the clients. Among the clients, only two (who were particularly high in attachment anxiety and who feared abandonment from their therapists) reported dreams that were manifestly about their therapists. Therapists-in-training dreamed more about their clients than their clients dreamed about them. Dreams about clients can be used by therapists to understand themselves, clients, and the dynamics of the therapy relationship.

  12. A qualitative analysis of staff-client interactions within a breast cancer assessment clinic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nightingale, J.M.; Murphy, F.; Eaton, C.; Borgen, R.


    Objectives: Breast screening clients recalled to an assessment clinic experience high levels of anxiety. The culture of the assessment clinic may impact upon client experience, which may influence their future re-engagement in screening. This study aimed to explore the culture of staff-client interactions within a breast cancer assessment clinic. Materials and methods: Following an ethnographic approach, twenty-three client journeys were observed, followed by semi-structured interviews with the clients. The observation and interview data were analysed to produce research themes, which were then explored within two focus groups to add a practitioner perspective. Results: Multiple staff-client interaction events were observed over a period of several weeks. Client interview feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Three recurrent and sequential themes emerged: breaking down barriers, preparing the ground and sign-posting. These themes outline the changing focus of staff-client interactions during the client's clinic journey, encompassing how anxieties were expressed by clients, and responded to by practitioners. Conclusion: This study was the first to explore in depth the staff-client interaction culture within a breast assessment clinic using an ethnographic approach. A new perspective on professional values and behaviours has been demonstrated via a model of staff-client interaction. The model documents the process of guiding the client from initial confusion and distress to an enhanced clarity of understanding. A recommendation most likely to have a positive impact on the client experience is the introduction of a client navigator role to guide the clients through what is often a lengthy, stressful and confusing process. - Highlights: • This study was the first to explore staff-client interaction within breast assessment clinics. • Assessment clinic culture may affect client perceptions and future re-engagement in screening. • An ethnographic approach


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ângela Cristina Bueno Vieira


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: In our experience and work in the Medical Clinic at the Federal University of Goiás Clinical Hospital (HC/UFG, we observe that in despite of the most patients get orientations about their pathology by the health team, they don’t accomplish these orientations. For the continuous self-care promotion was implanted project "Citizen Client", with intention to contribute to patient citizenship rescue, guiding and strengthening its rights and duties while carrying on pathology. This article is an experience related by a qualitative approach with a group of patients interned in the Medical Clinic of the HC/UFG that rambles, their familiars and that ones who participates in the project Citizen Client during their internment in the year of 2003. On the meeting we work with lectures, workshops and groups by the multi-professional team and coordinated by a Nurse. The subjects had been diverse, approaching some pathology and its cares, social and spiritual assistance. The client participation in its recovery has extreme importance and, so that this occurs, it is necessary health education understood in its extended form, recognizing the client’s life reality, their day-by-day, providing mechanisms for them to become an asset subject with autonomy to act in favor of own health. KEYWORDS: Health Education; Self Care; Quality of Life.

  14. Examining challenging behaviors of clients with borderline personality disorder. (United States)

    Chalker, Samantha A; Carmel, Adam; Atkins, David C; Landes, Sara J; Kerbrat, Amanda H; Comtois, Katherine Anne


    Few studies have examined effects of challenging behaviors of clients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) on psychotherapy outcomes. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based treatment designed to treat chronic suicidality, self-directed violence (SDV), and emotion dysregulation, while targeting challenging behaviors. DBT has been shown to be effective with clients with BPD. We evaluated whether therapist reported challenging behaviors, such as high volume phone contacts or violating the therapist's limits, during DBT would be associated with dropping out of DBT, severity and frequency of SDV, emotion regulation deficits, psychological symptom severity and client's and therapist's satisfaction of treatment. The current study examined challenging behaviors reported by therapists in a sample of 63 psychiatrically disabled outpatient DBT clients diagnosed with BPD (73% women, average age 37 years). More frequent phone contacts were associated with a decrease in dropout and psychological symptoms, and an increase in client and therapist satisfaction. More avoidance/disengagement behavior was associated with more than twice the risk of SDV and a decrease in therapist satisfaction. Findings suggest that the phone coaching might serve to maximize client satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of dropout. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Restating a Client-Centered Approach to Career Counseling. (United States)

    Miller, Mark J.


    Asserts career counseling too often is associated with objective test scores and rational decision making. Reiterates the importance of considering the client's developing self-concept in career counseling. Provides sample client centered career counseling session. (Author/ABL)

  16. 34 CFR 370.1 - What is the Client Assistance Program (CAP)? (United States)


    ... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What is the Client Assistance Program (CAP)? 370.1... § 370.1 What is the Client Assistance Program (CAP)? The purpose of this program is to establish and carry out CAPs that— (a) Advise and inform clients and client applicants of all services and benefits...

  17. Clients' outcomes of home health nursing in Taiwan. (United States)

    Yeh, L; Wen, M J


    The home health nursing movement is expanding rapidly. Home health nursing agencies (HHNAs) are expected to demonstrate that the care provided does make a difference for the client receiving the services. The purpose of this study was to explore client outcomes from home health nursing. Outcome indicators include: Services utilized (emergency services, re-hospitalization), physiological status (catheter indwelling status, consciousness level, wound severity-number and wound stages) and functional status (reflected by Barthel Index). A prospective research design was used to collect the results. Five hospital-based HHNAs were invited to participate in this research. Clients newly admitted to HHNAs and diagnosed as non-cancer patients were recruited, and the researchers gathered outcome indicators over a six-month period. Data were analyzed using SPSS 8.0 computer software. There were 75 clients in this study. Results showed that most of the clients (64.0%) received service for more than 180 days. The client characteristics were dominated by elderly (66.6% age above 70), female (53.3%) and married (74.7%). The three leading care needs were NG tubing service (84.0%), Foley tubing service (45.3%) and wound care (38.7%). The Kruscal Wallis Test revealed that there was no difference in emergency service frequency and re-hospitalization between clients who received service for more than 180 days and those who received service for less than 180 days. The Wilcoxon Sign rank test showed that within one half-year, catheter indwelling status, functional status, and wound severity were not significantly different, with the exception only of conscious level (p = .001). The results of this study can be viewed as preliminary data to assist in shaping home health nursing services in Taiwan.

  18. 13 CFR 113.3-3 - Structural accommodations for handicapped clients. (United States)


    ... handicapped clients. 113.3-3 Section 113.3-3 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION... ADMINISTRATOR General Provisions § 113.3-3 Structural accommodations for handicapped clients. (a) Existing... by handicapped clients. Where structural changes are necessary to make the recipient's goods or...

  19. Trust and Professional Skepticism in the Relationship between auditors and Clients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aschauer, Ewald; Fink, Matthias; Moro, Andrea


    This study empirically investigates the relationship between auditors' identification-based trust in client firm's managers and their perceptions of auditors' professional skepticism. We employ a multimethod approach broken Down into two studies. First, in study 1, we approached auditors...... collected from 233 real auditor-client dyads in Germany reveals that auditors' identification-based trust is positively Associated with their clients' perception of the auditors' professional skepticism. The identified coexistence of trust and professional skepticism in auditor-client dyads implies...... that regulatory measures that impede the evolution of trust between auditors and their clients will fail to enhance professional skepticism. instead, regulations should give auditors and their clients sufficient leeway to establish identification-based trust....

  20. Mutual powerlessness in client participation practices in mental health care

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T. Broer (Tineke); A.P. Nieboer (Anna); R.A. Bal (Roland)


    textabstractBackground Client participation has become a dominant policy goal in many countries including the Netherlands and is a topic much discussed in the literature. The success of client participation is usually measured in terms of the extent to which clients have a say in the participation

  1. Qualidade de vida de clientes pós-infarto agudo do miocárdio Calidad de vida de los clientes pós-infarto agudo del miocardio Client's quality of life after myocardial infarction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joselany Afio Caetano


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a qualidade de vida de clientes que sofreram infarto agudo do miocárdio. A amostra constou de 30 clientes selecionados pela busca em prontuários de uma unidade cardiológica, que nos permitiu a identificação e localização desses clientes, internados no ano de 2004. Para coleta de dados utilizamos a Escala de Qualidade de Vida de Flanagan e o tratamento estatístico com desvio-padrão. Os resultados mostraram maior índice de respostas nos níveis "indiferentes" a "pouco satisfeitos" em suas qualidades de vida. A relação interpessoal apresentou o mais alto índice de satisfação, contrariando o bem-estar físico e material, com o mais baixo índice de satisfação. Concluiu-se que a avaliação da qualidade de vida de clientes que sofreram infarto agudo do miocárdio se mostra comprometida, o que vem corroborar outros estudos anteriormente realizados.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la calidad de vida de los clientes que han sufrido infarto agudo del miocardio. La muestra ha consistido de 30 pacientes escogidos por la búsqueda en historias clínicas de una unidad cardiológica, que nos permitió la identificación y localización de estos clientes, internados en el año 2004. Para la colecta de los datos utilizamos la Escala de Calidad de Vida de Flanagan y el tratamiento estadístico con desvío medio. Los resultados muestran mayor índice de respuestas en los niveles "indiferentes" a "poco satisfechos" en sus calidades de vida. La relación interpersonal presentó el más alto índice de satisfacción, contrariando el bienestar físico y material, con el más bajo índice de satisfacción. Ha concluído que la evaluación de la calidad de vida de clientes que sufrieron infarto agudo del miocardio muéstrase comprometida, lo que viene a confirmar otros estudios anteriormente realizados.This study evaluates the quality of life of clients who suffered myocardial infarction. The sample consisted of 30

  2. A study on client needs regarding FDG-PET for cancer screening

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamane, Tomohiko; Yoshiya, Kazuhiko; Nagata, Takeshi; Ito, Shinichi; Ito, Satoshi; Mezaki, Yukio; Uchida, Hideo


    We researched client needs regarding FDG-PET for cancer screening. The study included 1,527 individuals who underwent FDG-PET for cancer screening at our hospital. An interview sheet was distributed after injecting FDG. Clients listed the organs that required examination and the symptoms causing them anxiety. Results indicated that 9.8% of the clients listed organs for which FDG-PET would not be useful in detecting cancer. This study suggested that there exists a gap between client needs and FDG-PET utility; hence we need improved methods of providing correct information to clients. (author)

  3. Comparison and selection of client computer in nuclear instrument

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma Guizhen; Xie Yanhui; Peng Jing; Xu Feiyan


    The function of modern new nuclear instrument is very much. And the information degree is high requested. Through close matching for host computer and client computer, the data processing function can be carried out. This article puts forward a few of projects for the client computer of general nuclear instrument. The function and features of several common client computers, such as FPGA, ARM and DSP, are analyzed and compared. The applied scope is discussed also. At the same time, using a practical design as an example, the selection ideas of client computer are described. This article can be used for reference for the hardware design of data acquisition processing unit in nuclear instrument. (authors)

  4. Communication management between architects and clients (United States)

    Taleb, Hala; Ismail, Syuhaida; Wahab, Mohammad Hussaini; Rani, Wan Nurul Mardiah Wan Mohd.


    Architectural projects are initiated with the designing phase, that tends to translate and materialize the client's requirements and needs. This phase is highly and directly affected by the exchanged information and communication between architects with their clients. Nevertheless, despite of its importance, studies have proven that communication management, being a significant field of project management, is distinctly overlooked by architects in the architectural industry. Thus, this paper highlights the current practices and attributes of communication management in the context of architectural design phase. It outlines the different aspects' definitions of communication, as well as communication management standards and practices. By the end of this paper, the findings are expected to increase the communication management knowledge amongst architects to achieve success in projects by promoting the relationships between them and their clients. Finally, this paper uncover the architects' need for significant improvement of communication management as an insistent matter to ultimately fulfill project success.

  5. Evaluation of a liaison librarian program: client and liaison perspectives. (United States)

    Tennant, Michele R; Cataldo, Tara Tobin; Sherwill-Navarro, Pamela; Jesano, Rae


    This paper describes a survey-based evaluation of the five-year old Liaison Librarian Program at the University of Florida. Liaison librarians, faculty, students, staff, residents, and post-doctoral associates were queried via Web-based surveys. Questions addressed client and liaison perspectives on a variety of issues, including program and service awareness and usage, client-library relations and communication, client support for the program, and liaison workload. Approximately 43% of the 323 client respondents were aware of liaison services; 72% (n = 163) of these clients had had contact with their liaison. Ninety-five percent (n = 101) of faculty and students who reported contact with their liaison supported the continuation of the program. Liaison services were used by a greater percentage of faculty than students, although they had similar patterns of usage and reported the same "traditional" services to be most important. Liaisons indicated that communications with clients had increased, the reputation of the library was enhanced, and their workloads had increased as a result of the Liaison Librarian Program. Survey results suggest that the Liaison Librarian Program has a core set of clients who use and highly value the services provided by liaisons. Recommendations addressing workload, training, marketing, and administrative support are provided.

  6. 45 CFR 1609.5 - Acceptance of reimbursement from a client. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Acceptance of reimbursement from a client. 1609.5... CORPORATION FEE-GENERATING CASES § 1609.5 Acceptance of reimbursement from a client. (a) When a case results in recovery of damages or statutory benefits, a recipient may accept reimbursement from the client...

  7. Corruption of Client Advocacy in a Community Mental Health System. (United States)

    Denner, Bruce

    This speech discusses client advocacy, a paraprofessional service offered in many community mental health centers to help bridge the gap between therapist and client. While having an advocate on the mental health team is an attractive idea, these client advocates are quite susceptible to "corruption." The author discusses two major causes of this…

  8. Understanding the usage of the Helioviewer Project clients and services (United States)

    Ireland, J.; Zahniy, S.; Mueller, D.; Nicula, B.; Verstringe, F.; Bourgoignie, B.; Buchlin, E.; Alingery, P.


    The Helioviewer Project enables visual exploration of the Sun and the inner heliosphere for everyone, everywhere via intuitive interfaces and novel technology. The project mainly develops two clients, and JHelioviewer, and the server-side capabilities accessed via those clients. Images from many different ground and space-based sources are currently available from multiple servers. Solar and heliospheric feature and event information, magnetic field extrapolations and important time-series can also be browsed and visualized using Helioviewer Project clients. Users of the Helioviewer Project have made over two million movies and many millions of screenshots since detailed (and anonymous) logging of Helioviewer Project usage was implemented in February 2011. These usage logs are analyzed to give a detailed breakdown on user interaction with solar and heliospheric data via Helioviewer Project clients and services. We present summary statistics on how our users are using our clients and services, which data they are interested in, and how they choose to interact with different data sources. At the poster presentation we will also be soliciting ideas from the community to improve our clients and services.

  9. Psychotherapy for Suicidal Clients. (United States)

    Lester, David


    Reviews various systems of psychotherapy for suitability for suicidal clients. Discusses psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy, primal therapy, transactional analysis, Gestalt therapy, reality therapy, person-centered therapy, existential analysis, and Jungian analysis in light of available treatment options. Includes 36 citations. (Author/CRR)

  10. 17 CFR 275.206(3)-2 - Agency cross transactions for advisory clients. (United States)


    ... advisory clients. 275.206(3)-2 Section 275.206(3)-2 Commodity and Securities Exchanges SECURITIES AND... Agency cross transactions for advisory clients. (a) An investment adviser, or a person registered as a... advisory client, if: (1) The advisory client has executed a written consent prospectively authorizing the...

  11. Male nurses' experiences of providing intimate care for women clients. (United States)

    Inoue, Madoka; Chapman, Rose; Wynaden, Dianne


    This paper reports a study of male nurses' experiences of providing intimate care for women clients. The number of men entering the nursing profession has increased worldwide. As a consequence of the move to a more gender-balanced profession, debate has ensued over how intimate care should be performed when this requires male nurses to be physically close to women clients. As there was little previous work on this topic, we wished to provide nurses, clients and other healthcare professionals with a better understanding of male nurses' experiences of working with women clients and within a healthcare system where they often feel excluded. Semi-structured, open-ended interviews were conducted with male nurses working in various clinical settings in Western Australia. Latent content analysis was used to analyse the interviews, which were carried out between June and July 2004. Three themes were identified: the definition of intimate care, the emotional experience associated with providing intimate care and strategies used to assist in the delivery of intimate care for women clients. Providing intimate care for women clients was a challenging experience for male nurses. Participants described how it required them to invade these clients' personal space. Consequently, they often experienced various negative feelings and used several strategies to assist them during care delivery. Nurse educators should assist male nurses to be better prepared to interact with women clients in various settings. Furthermore, workplace environments need to provide additional support and guidance for male nurses to enable them to develop effective coping strategies to manage challenging situations.

  12. Institutional policy changes aimed at addressing obesity among mental health clients. (United States)

    Knol, Linda L; Pritchett, Kelly; Dunkin, Jeri


    People with mental illness often experience unique barriers to healthy eating and physical activity. For these clients, interventions should focus on changes in the immediate environment to change behaviors. The purpose of this project was to implement and evaluate policy changes that would limit calorie intake and increase calorie expenditure of clients receiving mental health services. This intervention was implemented in a rural mental health system in the southeastern United States. Clients live in small group homes, where they are served breakfast, dinner, and a snack, and attend outpatient day treatment programs, where they are served lunch and can purchase snacks from vending machines. This intervention included institutional policy changes that altered menus and vending machine options and implemented group walking programs. Primary outcome measures were changes in clients' weight at 3 and 6 months after policy implementation. At the 3-month follow-up, the median weight loss for overweight/obese clients (n = 45) was 1.4 kg. The 33 overweight/obese clients who were still in the group homes at the 6-month follow-up either maintained or continued to lose weight. Institutional policy changes aimed at improving dietary intake and physical activity levels among clients receiving mental health services can promote weight loss in overweight clients.

  13. 37 CFR 10.57 - Preservation of confidences and secrets of a client. (United States)


    ... and secrets of a client. 10.57 Section 10.57 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT... confidences and secrets of a client. (a) “Confidence” refers to information protected by the attorney-client or agent-client privilege under applicable law. “Secret” refers to other information gained in the...

  14. Weight and body mass index among female contraceptive clients. (United States)

    Kohn, Julia E; Lopez, Priscilla M; Simons, Hannah R


    As obesity may affect the efficacy of some contraceptives, we examined weight, body mass index (BMI) and prevalence of obesity among female contraceptive clients at 231 U.S. health centers. A secondary aim was to analyze differences in contraceptive method use by obesity status. Cross-sectional study using de-identified electronic health record data from family planning centers. We analyzed contraceptive visits made by 147,336 females aged 15-44 years in 2013. A total of 46.1% of clients had BMI ≥25. Mean body weight was 154.4 lb (S.D.=41.9); mean BMI was 26.1 (S.D.=6.6). A total of 40% had BMI ≥26, when levonorgestrel emergency contraception may become less effective. Obese clients had higher odds of using a tier 1 or tier 3 contraceptive method and had lower odds of using a tier 2 or hormonal method than non-obese clients. About half of contraceptive clients would be categorized as overweight or obese. Contraceptive method choices differed by obesity status. About half of contraceptive clients in this study population were overweight or obese. Contraceptive method choices differed by obesity status. All women - regardless of body size - should receive unbiased, evidence-based counseling on the full range of contraceptive options so that they can make informed choices. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. An experimental study of client-side Spotify peering behaviour


    Ellis, M.; Strowes, S.; Perkins, C.


    Spotify is a popular music-streaming service which has seen widespread use across Europe. While Spotify’s server-side behaviour has previously been studied, little is known about the client-side behaviour. In this paper, we describe an experimental study where we collect packet headers for Spotify traffic over multiple 24-hour time frames at a client host. Two distinct types of behaviour are observed, when tracks are being downloaded, and when the client is only serving requests from other pe...

  16. 37 CFR 10.112 - Preserving identity of funds and property of client. (United States)


    ... and property of client. 10.112 Section 10.112 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT... funds and property of client. (a) All funds of clients paid to a practitioner or a practitioner's firm... therein. (2) Funds belonging in part to a client and in part presently or potentially to the practitioner...

  17. 49 CFR 1103.19 - Advising upon the merits of a client's cause. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Advising upon the merits of a client's cause. 1103... Practitioner's Duties and Responsibilities Toward A Client § 1103.19 Advising upon the merits of a client's cause. A practitioner shall try to obtain full knowledge of his client's cause before advising thereon...

  18. Meeting the Needs of Clients with Dissociative Identity Disorder: Considerations for Psychotherapy (United States)

    Ringrose, Jo L.


    Psychotherapy for clients with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is different to therapy with most clients because these clients are multiple, comprising one or more host, and one or more alter personalities. The necessary components to be addressed in order that clients can live successfully either as a multiple or as an integrated person are…

  19. Fidelização de clientes na web: como conhecer e fidelizar clientes por meio da internet


    Benossi, Claudio


    A dissertação intitulada Fidelização de Clientes na WEB: Como conhecer e fidelizar clientes através da Internet do Mestrado em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital (TIDD) tem como objetivo analisar a contribuição da tecnologia da informação para o marketing de relacionamento, incrementando a competitividade empresarial. O atual ambiente globalizado implica numa era de concorrência e competição, resultado da desintegração de fronteiras e da abertura de mercados anteriormente protegidos...

  20. Healing Relationships: A Qualitative Study of Healers and Their Clients in Germany

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. M. H. Stöckigt


    Full Text Available Background. The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of the relationships between healers and their clients in Germany. Methods. An interdisciplinary research team performed semistructured interviews with healers and clients and participatory observation of healing sessions. All interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using content analysis. Results. Fifteen healers and sixteen clients were included. The healer-client relationship was described as a profound and unique experience, which brought forth interpersonal and spiritual connections. The healers were seen as role models for healing to occur and support for being connected spiritually. The clients had to be open-minded and responsible. The importance of the healers’ empathy was emphasized. Discussion. The relationship between healer and client can be seen as a triangular connection between client, healer, and a transcendent source which is not the case in typical patient-doctor relationships. The spiritual connection is also said to enhance the empathetic understanding of the healer. The personality and a partner-like attitude of the healer supported the client in giving a more positive meaning to his life, in reconnecting to his spirituality, and in taking responsibility. Future studies should address the role of spirituality in health care and the development of enduring healer-client relationships.

  1. Cleaner shrimp use a rocking dance to advertise cleaning service to clients. (United States)

    Becker, Justine H A; Curtis, Lynda M; Grutter, Alexandra S


    Signals transmit information to receivers about sender attributes, increase the fitness of both parties, and are selected for in cooperative interactions between species to reduce conflict [1, 2]. Marine cleaning interactions are known for stereotyped behaviors [3-6] that likely serve as signals. For example, "dancing" and "tactile dancing" in cleaner fish may serve to advertise cleaning services to client fish [7] and manipulate client behavior [8], respectively. Cleaner shrimp clean fish [9], yet are cryptic in comparison to cleaner fish. Signals, therefore, are likely essential for cleaner shrimp to attract clients. Here, we show that the yellow-beaked cleaner shrimp [10] Urocaridella sp. c [11] uses a stereotypical side-to-side movement, or "rocking dance," while approaching potential client fish in the water column. This dance was followed by a cleaning interaction with the client 100% of the time. Hungry cleaner shrimp, which are more willing to clean than satiated ones [12], spent more time rocking and in closer proximity to clients Cephalopholis cyanostigma than satiated ones, and when given a choice, clients preferred hungry, rocking shrimp. The rocking dance therefore influenced client behavior and, thus, appears to function as a signal to advertise the presence of cleaner shrimp to potential clients.

  2. The Impact of Organizational Stress and Burnout on Client Engagement (United States)

    Landrum, Brittany; Knight, Danica K.; Flynn, Patrick M.


    This paper explores the impact of organizational attributes on client engagement within substance abuse treatment. Previous research has identified organizational features, including small size, accreditation, and workplace practices that impact client engagement (Broome, Flynn, Knight, & Simpson, 2007). The current study sought to explore how aspects of the work environment impact client engagement. The sample included 89 programs located in 9 states across the U.S. Work environment measures included counselor perceptions of stress, burnout, and work satisfaction at each program, while engagement measures included client ratings of participation, counseling rapport, and treatment satisfaction. Using multiple regression, tests of moderation and mediation revealed that staff stress negatively predicted client participation in treatment. Burnout was related to stress, but was not related to participation. Two additional organizational measures – workload and influence – moderated the positive relationship between staff stress and burnout. Implications for drug treatment programs are discussed. PMID:22154029

  3. Efficient Mobile Client Caching Supporting Transaction Semantics

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    IlYoung Chung


    Full Text Available In mobile client-server database systems, caching of frequently accessed data is an important technique that will reduce the contention on the narrow bandwidth wireless channel. As the server in mobile environments may not have any information about the state of its clients' cache(stateless server, using broadcasting approach to transmit the updated data lists to numerous concurrent mobile clients is an attractive approach. In this paper, a caching policy is proposed to maintain cache consistency for mobile computers. The proposed protocol adopts asynchronous(non-periodic broadcasting as the cache invalidation scheme, and supports transaction semantics in mobile environments. With the asynchronous broadcasting approach, the proposed protocol can improve the throughput by reducing the abortion of transactions with low communication costs. We study the performance of the protocol by means of simulation experiments.

  4. Counseling Older Japanese American Clients: An Overview and Observations. (United States)

    Itai, Goro; McRae, Cynthia


    Discusses important aspects of providing counseling to older Japanese American clients, including ethical issues based on cultural differences and nontraditional approaches to counseling. Examines unique historical and cultural characteristics of these clients. Includes 26 citations. (Author/CRR)

  5. The Impact of Comprehensive Case Management on HIV Client Outcomes.

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    Mark Brennan-Ing

    Full Text Available In 1990, New York State instituted Comprehensive Medicaid Case Management, also known as Target Case Management (TCM, for people dealing with multiple comorbid conditions, including HIV. The goal of TCM is to assist clients in navigating the health care system to increase care engagement and treatment adherence for individuals with complex needs. HIV-positive individuals engaged in care are more likely to be virally suppressed, improving clinical outcomes and decreasing chances of HIV transmission. The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of TCM management on outcomes for people with HIV. Data were obtained from Amida Care, which operates not-for-profit managed care Medicaid and Medicare Special Needs Plans (SNPs for HIV clients. Changes in clinical, cost, as well as medical and pharmacy utilization data among TCM clients were examined between January 2011 through September 2012 from the start of case management enrollment through the end of the study period (i.e., up to 6 months after disenrollment. Additionally, CD4 counts were compared between Amida Care TCM clients and non-TCM clients. Notable findings include increased CD4 counts for TCM clients over the one-year study period, achieving parity with non-TCM clients (i.e., Mean CD4 count > 500. When looking exclusively at TCM clients, there were increases in medication costs over time, which were concomitant with increased care engagement. Current findings demonstrate that TCM is able to achieve its goals of improving care engagement and treatment adherence. Subsequent policy changes resulting from the Affordable Care Act and the New York State Medicaid Redesign have made the Health Home the administrator of TCM services. Government entities charged with securing and managing TCM and care coordination for people with HIV should provide thoughtful and reasonable guidance and oversight in order to maintain optimal clinical outcomes for TCM clients and reduce the transmission of

  6. Visualization Software for VisIT Java Client

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The VisIT Java Client (JVC) library is a lightweight thin client that is designed and written purely in the native language of Java (the Python & JavaScript versions of the library use the same concept) and communicates with any new unmodified standalone version of VisIT, a high performance computing parallel visualization toolkit, over traditional or web sockets and dynamically determines capabilities of the running VisIT instance whether local or remote.

  7. 75 FR 66050 - Permissible Sharing of Client Records by Customs Brokers (United States)


    .... USCBP-2010-0038] RIN 1651-AA80 Permissible Sharing of Client Records by Customs Brokers AGENCIES... the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) pertaining to the obligations of customs brokers to keep clients' information confidential. The proposed amendment would allow brokers, upon the client's consent in a written...

  8. Difficult Clients: Who Are They and How Do We Help Them? (United States)

    Seligman, Linda; Gaaserud, Lynn


    Reviewed literature on dealing with resistant clients and, based on review, developed survey to elicit counselors' reactions to and experiences with resistant clients. Responses from 215 American Mental Health Counselors Association members suggest that nearly all counselors have encountered resistant clients, but counselors' reactions to and…

  9. A Client-Centered Review of Rogers with Gloria (United States)

    Moon, Kathryn A.


    Carl Rogers's nondirective theory and his response style with Gloria (E. L. Shostrom, 1965) are discussed in reply to S. A. Wickman and C. Campbell's (2003) "An Analysis of How Carl Rogers Enacted Client-Centered Conversation With Gloria." Client-centered studies of C. Rogers's transcripts give context for reformulating S. A. Wickman and C.…

  10. Client Views of TESOL Service: Expectations and Perceptions. (United States)

    Walker, John


    Used focus groups to explore TESOL (teaching of English to speakers of other languages) client expectations and perceptions of the service they received in New Zealand English language schools. Findings confirmed the key role of the teacher and the importance of the school's milieu and home stay, quality of client feedback systems, servicescape,…

  11. Propuesta metodológica para la gestión del cliente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Ignacio López Villegas


    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como objetivo diseñar una propuesta metodológica para la fidelización del cliente bancario. Situando al cliente como la razón de ser de su negocio, aportando a dicha entidad bancaria una visión más amplia del valor de sus clientes y un punto de partida para el diseño de acciones o estrategias realmente efectivas a la hora de gestionar en torno a éstos. La metodología se aplicó considerando clientes externos; mediante técnicas estadísticas aleatorias se les aplicó un instrumento —encuesta— validada previamente mediante prueba piloto, y a los clientes internos —funcionarios del banco— se les aplicó una entrevista, dando como resultado una propuesta metodológica de intervención hacia el cumplimiento del objetivo: incrementar la rentabilidad mediante la fidelización de clientes.

  12. assessment of clients' satisfaction with health service deliveries at ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Hence, the objective of this study was to assess the perceived levels of clients' ... doctor. Furthermore, satisfaction with the health care was found to have a significant association with the age ... those client values and expectations, which are.

  13. Clients' experiences of a community based lifestyle modification program: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Chan, Ruth S M; Lok, Kris Y W; Sea, Mandy M M; Woo, Jean


    There is little information about how clients attending lifestyle modification programs view the outcomes. This qualitative study examined the clients' experience of a community based lifestyle modification program in Hong Kong. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 clients attending the program. Clients perceived the program had positive impacts on their health and nutrition knowledge. They experienced frustration, negative emotion, lack of motivation, and pressure from others during the program. Working environment and lack of healthy food choices in restaurants were the major perceived environmental barriers for lifestyle modification. Clients valued nutritionists' capability of providing professional information and psychological support in the program. Our results suggest that nutritionist's capability of providing quality consultations and patient-centered care are important for empowering clients achieve lifestyle modification.

  14. Physical Attractiveness: Interactive Effects of Counselor and Client on Counseling Processes. (United States)

    Vargas, Alice M.; Borkowski, John G.


    Assessed how the physical attractiveness of counselors and clients interacted to build rapport in two experiments involving college students (N=128 and N=64). Results showed the counselor's physical attractiveness had a major impact on her perceived effectiveness and the client's expectation of success irrespective of the client's attractiveness…

  15. Clients' perception of service quality of care in health facilities in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: Clients perception of service quality is important for utilization of health services. Clients with positive perception are more likely to comply with treatment and to continue to use health care services. Assessing clients' perception of services offered is crucial for improving delivery and organization of the services.

  16. 17 CFR 275.206(4)-3 - Cash payments for client solicitations. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cash payments for client... for client solicitations. (a) It shall be unlawful for any investment adviser required to be... client at the time of the solicitation or referral; or (iii) Other than a solicitor specified in...

  17. Speaking for the Client

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mik-Meyer, Nanna; Silverman, D.

    . Nonetheless staff often assume that their clients were at the centre of the encounter, even when there is little indication that they understand the Danish language spoken. In order to analyze and explain dilemmas like these, we draw on symbolic interactionism and conversation analysis, placing linguistic...

  18. Subjective Experiences of Clients in a Voluntary Money Management Program. (United States)

    Serowik, Kristin L; Bellamy, Chyrell D; Rowe, Michael; Rosen, Marc I


    A large proportion of people diagnosed with mental illnesses have difficulty managing their money, and therefore many psychiatric treatments involve providing money management assistance. However, little is known about the subjective experience of having a money manager, and extant literature is restricted to people forced to work with a representative payee or conservator. In this study, fifteen people were interviewed about their experience receiving a voluntary money management intervention designed to minimize substance use. Clients emphasized the importance of trusting the money manager, financial mindfulness (an enhanced awareness of the financial transactions in clients' day-to-day lives), agency over their own affairs, and addiction. In contrast to evaluations of people assigned representative payees and/or conservators, there was little mention of feeling coerced. These findings suggest that money management programs can address client concerns by building trust, relating budgeting to clients' day-to-day lives, and encouraging clients' control over their own affairs.

  19. Social networks and links to isolation and loneliness among elderly HCBS clients. (United States)

    Medvene, Louis J; Nilsen, Kari M; Smith, Rachel; Ofei-Dodoo, Samuel; DiLollo, Anthony; Webster, Noah; Graham, Annette; Nance, Anita


    The purpose of this study was to explore the network types of HCBS clients based on the structural characteristics of their social networks. We also examined how the network types were associated with social isolation, relationship quality and loneliness. Forty personal interviews were carried out with HCBS clients to assess the structure of their social networks as indicated by frequency of contact with children, friends, family and participation in religious and community organizations. Hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted to identify network types. Four network types were found including: family (n = 16), diverse (n = 8), restricted (n = 8) and religious (n = 7). Family members comprised almost half of participants' social networks, and friends comprised less than one-third. Clients embedded in family, diverse and religious networks had significantly more positive relationships than clients embedded in restricted networks. Clients embedded in restricted networks had significantly higher social isolation scores and were lonelier than clients in diverse and family networks. The findings suggest that HCBS clients' isolation and loneliness are linked to the types of social networks in which they are embedded. The findings also suggest that clients embedded in restricted networks are at high risk for negative outcomes.

  20. Patient-Therapist Value Congruence and Ratings of Client Improvement (United States)

    Martini, Janie L.


    It can be concluded from the results of the two studies described here that value similarity between client and therapist is related to therapists' ratings of client improvement. This phenomenon can be expected in therapies irrespective of theoretical orientation. (Author)

  1. Case management in early psychosis intervention programme: Perspectives of clients and caregivers. (United States)

    Wong, Horng Hien; Yong, Yee Huei; Shahwan, Shazana; Cetty, Laxman; Vaingankar, Janhavi; Hon, Charlene; Lee, Helen; Loh, Christopher; Abdin, Edimansyah; Subramaniam, Mythily


    This qualitative study explored the perspectives of clients and caregivers on case management provided by the Singapore Early Psychosis Intervention Programme (EPIP), with the intent to understand the salient aspects of case management from their perspective. Clients and their caregivers were recruited from the EPIP outpatient clinics. Focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted at a community centre outside the hospital with 47 clients and 19 caregivers. Facilitators were experienced researchers who were not involved in the care of the clients and trained in qualitative research methodologies. All FGDs were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim with all participants' identifiers omitted to protect confidentiality. Qualitative data analysis was conducted using thematic analysis. There were 11 themes that emerged from the FGDs: therapeutic alliance, holistic monitoring, collaborative role with other care providers, counselling and guidance, crisis management, bridging role, client-centred care, client empowerment and strength building, psychoeducation/education on illness, support and problem solving. "Problem solving" surfaced only from the client FGDs; the remaining themes were common to both groups. The voices of clients and caregivers are important to EPIP case management service. This study has provided insights into their perspectives, understandings and lived experiences of case management and its impact on clients and caregivers. © 2017 The Authors Early Intervention in Psychiatry Published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  2. Seeking what matters: determinants of clients' satisfaction in obstetric care services in Pakistan. (United States)

    Ali, Moazzam; Qazi, Muhammad Suleman; Seuc, Armando


    Aim of this study was to determine the dimensions of the service quality in the public hospitals and evaluate the determinants of client satisfaction in obstetric health in the context of Pakistan. The present research evaluates the application of an integrated client satisfaction model that draws mainly from the original SERVQUAL framework in obstetric health services. We conducted a cross-sectional study, in four public district hospitals in Pakistan, enrolling 1101 clients attending obstetric health care services. Measures of service quality and determinants of client satisfaction were factor-analysed and multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis. The client satisfaction increased significantly with increases in respondent's age, number of children, number of visits and with decrease in educational status. Factor analysis revealed five service quality dimensions; and multiple regression analysis showed that all five dimensions of service quality in obstetric care were significant in explaining client satisfaction. The most powerful predictor for client satisfaction was provider communication with clients, followed by responsiveness and discipline. Interventions aimed at improving client provider interaction would not only advance the clinical provision of services, butwould also result in greater patient satisfaction with the services provided, leading to higher levels of facility utilization and continuity of care. Better client provider interaction can be accomplished at hospital's level through focused training of all cadre of service providers sensitizing them on clients' needs. Results also showed that the proposed framework is a valid and flexible instrument in assessing and monitoring service quality and enabling staff to identify where improvements are needed, from the clients' perspective.

  3. What client?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Unterrainer, Walter


    rising pressure for new approaches towards space, urbanization, environmental challenges, technological inventions, transformation of cities and buildings on one hand and the decline in impact, reputation, self-esteem and economy of ´conventional´architectural profession on the other hand. In Asia like...... engage architects, no matter how urgent the problems are. It is the architects who must reverse their understanding of ´clients´, for the sake of these challenges as well as for their own professional future. This started happen very much in contrast to predominant architectural education models: Young...

  4. Client Centeredness and Health Reform: Key Issues for Occupational Therapy (United States)

    Pitonyak, Jennifer S.; Fogelberg, Donald; Leland, Natalie E.


    Health reform promotes the delivery of patient-centered care. Occupational therapy’s rich history of client-centered theory and practice provides an opportunity for the profession to participate in the evolving discussion about how best to provide care that is truly patient centered. However, the growing emphasis on patient-centered care also poses challenges to occupational therapy’s perspectives on client-centered care. We compare the conceptualizations of client-centered and patient-centered care and describe the current state of measurement of client-centered and patient-centered care. We then discuss implications for occupational therapy’s research agenda, practice, and education within the context of patient-centered care, and propose next steps for the profession. PMID:26356651

  5. El servicio al cliente: una necesidad imperante en la calidad de la industria. // The client service: a prevailing necessity in the quality of the industry.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Martínez Delgado


    Full Text Available A través de todos los sectores industriales la investigación por la excelencia en el servicio se ha convertido en unapreocupación creciente y los gerentes han reconocido que la ventaja sustancial competitiva puede ganarse a través de unservicio superior al cliente, e igualmente importante, el servicio al cliente se convierte en un medio poderoso de diferenciarlas compañías desde la competencia. La calidad equivale entonces no sólo al producto en sí mismo, sino combinado éstecon lo que le rodea; de hecho, en las normas ISO 9000: 2000 se define al producto como el resultado de un proceso,siendo los servicios una de las cuatro categorías genéricas de éste. Cada vez más se demanda la garantía de la capacidad deproducir establemente una calidad superior y de innovación del producto acorde con los deseos de los clientes; pasándosede la certificación del producto a la certificación de toda la cadena logística, debiendo brindarse servicios de alto valoragregado a los clientes en forma diferenciada. Así, en el mercado globalizado donde sólo es posible ubicar productos dealta calidad para satisfacer a los clientes y al mercado, lo primero que debe hacer el gerente de servicios es comprender lascalidades demandadas por los clientes, así como la información relacionada con la importancia relativa de lascaracterísticas de calidad.El presente trabajo expone los resultados favorables obtenidos en el sistema de producción-distribución a través de unmodelo conformado para la evaluación integral del desempeño de la organización. Éste considera al cliente, con suscriterios y preferencias, como un elemento clave en la planeación de la producción y en la proyección de las capacidadesproductivas, incorporándolo con su oferta de valor.Palabras claves: Calidad industrial, producción-distribución, ISO 9000, cliente._______________________________________________________________________________Abstract.The investigation for the

  6. On the Use of Client-Driven Projects in the Mathematics Classroom (United States)

    Maki, Dan; Winston, Wayne; Shafii-Mousavi, Morteza; Kochanowski, Paul; Lang, Chris; Ernstberger, Kathy; Hodgson, Ted


    In this article, we discuss the use of client-driven projects--projects that are posed by business, government, and non-profit organizations and based upon real problems facing the organization. Although client-driven projects have long been used in business and engineering education, their use in the mathematics classroom is rare. Client-driven…

  7. Client Mobile Software Design Principles for Mobile Learning Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qing Tan


    Full Text Available In a client-server mobile learning system, client mobile software must run on the mobile phone to acquire, package, and send student’s interaction data via the mobile communications network to the connected mobile application server. The server will receive and process the client data in order to offer appropriate content and learning activities. To develop the mobile learning systems there are a number of very important issues that must be addressed. Mobile phones have scarce computing resources. They consist of heterogeneous devices and use various mobile operating systems, they have limitations with their user/device interaction capabilities, high data communications cost, and must provide for device mobility and portability. In this paper we propose five principles for designing Client mobile learning software. A location-based adaptive mobile learning system is presented as a proof of concept to demonstrate the applicability of these design principles.

  8. Tattoo removal by Q-switched yttrium aluminium garnet laser: client satisfaction. (United States)

    Hutton Carlsen, K; Esmann, J; Serup, J


    Tattoo removal by Q-switched yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG) lasers is golden standard; however, clients' satisfaction with treatment is little known. To determine clients' satisfaction with tattoo removal. One hundred and fifty-four tattoo removal clients who had attended the private clinic 'Centre for Laser Surgery', Hellerup, Denmark, from 2001 to 2013 completed a questionnaire concerning outcome expectations, level of pain experiences and satisfaction with tattoo removal. The laser surgeon and his team were blinded from data handling. The study design included a minimum 2-year postlaser treatment observation period from 2013 to 2015. Overall, clients were satisfied with their laser treatment; 85% assessed their treatment and results to be acceptable to superb, while 15% assessed their treatment and results to be inferior to unacceptable. Effectiveness relative to colour of tattoo on a scale from 0 (no effect) to 10 (complete removal) scored a mean of blue 9.5, black 9.4, yellow 8.9, red 8.8 and green 6.5. Clients were dissatisfied with green pigment remnants, which could mimic bruising. One hundred and twenty-nine clients (84%) experienced moderate to extreme pain during treatment. Twenty-eight (20%) developed minor scarring. There were many reasons for tattoo removal; e.g. stigmatisation (33%), conspicuousness (29%) and poor artistic quality (22%). One hundred and two clients had expected complete removal of tattoos without a blemish, expectations that were only partly fulfilled. During the treatment period, clients adjusted expectations and adapted more realistic views of outcomes. The majority of clients were satisfied with Q-switched YAG laser removal of tattoos despite high pretreatment expectations which were only partly met. The study supports YAG lasers for tattoo removal as acceptable therapy of today, with room for new approaches. © 2017 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

  9. Workplace Responses and Psychologists' Needs Following Client Suicide. (United States)

    Finlayson, Melissa; Simmonds, Janette


    This research aimed to explore the role of workplace responses in psychologists' adaptation to client suicides. Participants were 178 psychologists who completed an online self-report questionnaire which included both open and closed questions yielding qualitative and quantitative data. Fifty-six (31.5%) participants reported one or more client suicides. Mixed results were found in terms of perceived support from the workplace following a client suicide. Psychologists reported a need for more open communication in the workplace, peer supports, space to grieve, as well as opportunities to engage in a learning process. The findings have important implications for research and for understanding the role of the workplace postvention. It also raises the need for external support to be accessible for psychologists working in private practice.

  10. Employment-related information for clients receiving mental health services and clinicians. (United States)

    King, Joanne; Cleary, Catherine; Harris, Meredith G; Lloyd, Chris; Waghorn, Geoff


    Clients receiving public mental health services and clinicians require information to facilitate client access to suitable employment services. However, little is known about the specific employment-related information needs of these groups. This study aimed to identify employment-related information needs among clients, clinicians and employment specialists, with a view to developing a new vocational information resource. Employment-related information needs were identified via a series of focus group consultations with clients, clinicians, and employment specialists (n=23). Focus group discussions were guided by a common semi-structured interview schedule. Several categories of information need were identified: countering incorrect beliefs about work; benefits of work; disclosure and managing personal information; impact of earnings on welfare entitlements; employment service pathways; job preparation, planning and selection; and managing illness once working. Clear preferences were expressed about effective means of communicating the key messages in written material. This investigation confirmed the need for information tailored to clients and clinicians in order to activate clients' employment journey and to help them make informed decisions about vocational assistance.

  11. Addressing clients' racism and racial prejudice in individual psychotherapy: Therapeutic considerations. (United States)

    Bartoli, Eleonora; Pyati, Aarti


    Psychotherapists lack clear guidelines regarding how to address clients' racist and prejudicial comments in clinical work. The authors explore the contributions of multicultural, social justice, feminist, and ethical theories to the field of psychotherapy and apply these theories to 2 clinical vignettes in which clients made racially charged statements. These clinical examples highlight the importance of using racial, in addition to traditional, theories to decipher the clinical meanings of racial comments and dynamics in clinical work. The article provides therapeutic conceptualizations regarding how to address clients' racist and prejudicial comments in psychotherapy and elaborates on the complex meanings that might arise from engaging in racially charged discussions with clients depending on the racial composition of the therapeutic dyad. In addition to highlighting how social justice, multicultural, and feminist lenses are necessary to fully understand the meaning of clients' comments, the argument is made that addressing clients' racist and prejudicial comments is at once a clinical and a social justice issue. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  12. Performance of Distributed Query Optimization in Client/Server Systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Skowronek, J.; Blanken, Henk; Wilschut, A.N.

    The design, implementation and performance of an optimizer for a nested query language is considered. The optimizer operates in a client/server environment, in particular an Intranet setting. The paper deals with the scalability challenge by tackling the load of many clients by allocating optimizer

  13. Retención de clientes en agencias de eventos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Gómez-Ramírez


    Full Text Available Como componente de la mezcla de comunicación efectiva para las marcas se encuentran los "Eventos", que hoy en día exigen una gestión estratégica. Resulta clave, para las organizaciones especializadas en la prestación de este servicio, aplicar herramientas que les permitan ser competitivas a largo plazo gracias a la diferenciación. Para ello, el CESA ha estudiado la relación cliente-agencia de comunicación de marketing, fundamentalmente respecto a la importancia de la retención de clientes en relaciones B2B, como las que se llevan a cabo entre agencias de eventos y sus clientes. En el presente artículo se exponen los principales hallazgos de una investigación de tipo exploratorio acerca del tema de retención de clientes, que incluye perfiles, elementos claves para la satisfacción y factores relevantes de la relación clienteagencia de eventos como elementos fundamentales de la gestión empresarial. Al tener un mayor conocimiento del perfil de los clientes, las agencias podrán ser más productivas y competitivas, pues estarán en capacidad de ofrecer iniciativas de servicios con características particulares.

  14. 34 CFR 377.31 - What information must a grantee provide to eligible clients? (United States)


    ... clients? 377.31 Section 377.31 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education... PROJECTS TO INCREASE CLIENT CHOICE PROGRAM What Post-Award Conditions Must Be Met by a Grantee? § 377.31 What information must a grantee provide to eligible clients? Each grantee shall advise all clients and...

  15. Report on Provider-Client Interaction From 68 Methadone Maintenance Clinics in China. (United States)

    Li, Li; Comulada, W Scott; Lin, Chunqing; Lan, Chiao-Wen; Cao, Xiaobin; Wu, Zunyou


    Provider-client interaction is an integral of clinical practice and central to the delivery of high-quality medical care. This article examines factors related to the provider-client interaction in the context of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). Data were collected from 68 MMT clinics in China. In total, 418 service providers participated in the survey. Linear mixed effects regression models were performed to identify factors associated with provider-client interaction. It was observed that negative attitude toward drug users was associated with lower level of provider-client interaction and less time spent with each client. Other factors associated with lower level of interaction included being female, being younger, being a nurse, and fewer years in medical field. Higher provider-client interaction was associated with provider reported job satisfaction. The findings of this study call for a need to address provider negative attitudes that can impact provider-client interaction and the effectiveness of MMT. Future intervention efforts targeting MMT providers should be tailored by gender, provider type, and medical experiences.

  16. Interactional patterns between staff and clients with borderline to mild intellectual disabilities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reuzel, E.; Embregts, P.J.C.M.; Bosman, A.M.T.; van Nieuwenhuizen, A.; Jahoda, A.


    Background Client-centred models of care imply that clients should have a collaborative relationship with staff providing support. This study investigates whether dialogues between staff and clients in naturally occurring contexts reflect this collaborative ideal. Methods Nineteen staff members

  17. Speech Mannerisms: Games Clients Play (United States)

    Morgan, Lewis B.


    This article focuses on speech mannerisms often employed by clients in a helping relationship. Eight mannerisms are presented and discussed, as well as possible interpretations. Suggestions are given to help counselors respond to them. (Author)

  18. Feminist Therapy: A Comparative Study of Therapists and Clients. (United States)

    Curtin, Catherine A.

    Little research in the existing literature attempts to define feminist therapy by incorporating the specific experiences and philosophies of those who describe themselves as feminist therapists. Even less information is available about the perceptions of their clients. Therapists and their clients answered questions about the theoretical…

  19. Alienation: A Concept for Understanding Low-Income, Urban Clients (United States)

    Holcomb-McCoy, Cheryl


    The author examines the concept of alienation and how it can be used to understand low-income, urban clients. A description is presented of 4 dimensions of alienation: powerlessness, meaninglessness, normlessness, and social isolation. Case illustrations are provided, and recommendations are made for counseling alienated clients. This article…

  20. A macro perspective for client-centred practice in curricula: Critique and teaching methods. (United States)

    Fleming-Castaldy, Rita P


    Client-centred practice is often eclipsed by social, economic, and political inequities. Ignoring these realities obstructs clients' goal attainment. The author advocates for the integration of a macro perspective inclusive of participation barriers and supports in occupational therapy curricula and seeks to motivate educators to adopt teaching approaches that develop students' abilities to address the complexities of client-centred practice. This article integrates a critical analysis of the literature on client-centred practice with reflexivity on disability studies and autoethnography. Educational standards require students to learn about the social, economic, and political contexts that impact on client-centred practice and the need for advocacy to enable participation. Theoretical support of a macro perspective for client-centred practice is strongly evident in the literature. Information on methods for teaching students how to actualize these concepts in practice is scant. Thus, strategies to inform the integration of a macro perspective into curricula and concrete activities to develop students' competencies for empowered client-centred practice are required. Educators have an ethical responsibility to critique their pedagogy to determine whether they are adequately preparing students for client-centred practice. The focus must move from teaching a micro perspective of client-centred practice to a macro perspective that enables occupational justice and empowerment.

  1. Exploring the field of public construction clients by a graphical network analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eisma, P.R.; Volker, L.


    Because public construction clients form the majority of construction clients and procure over 40% of the construction output in most countries, they are important actors in the construction industry. Yet, the field of research on clients is still underdeveloped. In order to identify the research

  2. Client-Controlled Case Information: A General System Theory Perspective (United States)

    Fitch, Dale


    The author proposes a model for client control of case information via the World Wide Web built on principles of general system theory. It incorporates the client into the design, resulting in an information structure that differs from traditional human services information-sharing practices. Referencing general system theory, the concepts of…

  3. A Call for Feminist Research: A Limited Client Perspective (United States)

    Murray, Kirsten


    Feminist approaches embrace a counselor stance that is both collaborative and supportive, seeking client empowerment. On review of feminist family and couple counseling literature of the past 20 years using several academic databases, no research was found that explored a clients experience of feminist-informed family and couple counseling. The…

  4. Knowledge, Practices and Education of Clients on Cervical Cancer ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Most patients with cancer of the cervix present late with poor prognosis. Health workers' knowledge and utilization of the screening services might influence their clients. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge, practice and education of clients on cervical cancer and its screening among female ...

  5. Clients' experiences of HIV positive status disclosure to sexual ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences of HIV positive clients as they disclose their HIV positive status to their sexual partners. A qualitative descriptive and phenomenological design was used. Purposive sampling was used to select 15 HIV positive clients to participate in the study. Semi-structured ...

  6. Nurse Interaction With Clients In Communication Therapeutic Study Analysis Of Symbolic Interactionism Hospital South Sulawesi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe briefly on the application of social interaction which made nurses to clients while performing therapeutic communication at the Hospital of South Sulawesi with frame symbolic interactionism. Result achieved against the system carried nurse interaction with clients who patterned on therapeutic communication. At the stage of pre-interaction system is applied such as before the nurse interacts with the client well in advance to prepare the way of dressing reception duties of nurse and studying the book status of each client. Introduction or orientation phase nurses visit each client and when the first met uttered a greeting before asking the clients condition when the interaction takes place he uses verbal and non-verbal language and attitude shown in full client hospitality and courtesy. Stage work nurses do an evaluation or action on the clients condition in accordance with the termination task. Midwife stage nurse re-evaluate the client and conclude the development of the clients condition and report a doctor who handles client. The fourth aspect of the application using the analysis of symbolic interactionism

  7. 77 FR 62185 - Temporary Rule Regarding Principal Trades With Certain Advisory Clients (United States)


    ... 3235-AJ96 Temporary Rule Regarding Principal Trades With Certain Advisory Clients AGENCY: Securities... principal capacity in transactions with certain of their advisory clients. The amendment would extend the... Advisers Act when they act in a principal capacity in transactions with certain of their advisory clients...

  8. 75 FR 75650 - Temporary Rule Regarding Principal Trades With Certain Advisory Clients (United States)


    ... 3235-AJ96 Temporary Rule Regarding Principal Trades With Certain Advisory Clients AGENCY: Securities... principal capacity in transactions with certain of their advisory clients. The amendment would extend the... Advisers Act when they act in a principal capacity in transactions with certain of their advisory clients...

  9. 42 CFR 483.450 - Condition of participation: Client behavior and facility practices. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Condition of participation: Client behavior and... Retarded § 483.450 Condition of participation: Client behavior and facility practices. (a) Standard: Facility practices—Conduct toward clients. (1) The facility must develop and implement written policies and...

  10. Client Server design and implementation issues in the Accelerator Control System environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sathe, S.; Hoff, L.; Clifford, T.


    In distributed system communication software design, the Client Server model has been widely used. This paper addresses the design and implementation issues of such a model, particularly when used in Accelerator Control Systems. in designing the Client Server model one needs to decide how the services will be defined for a server, what types of messages the server will respond to, which data formats will be used for the network transactions and how the server will be located by the client. Special consideration needs to be given to error handling both on the server and client side. Since the server usually is located on a machine other than the client, easy and informative server diagnostic capability is required. The higher level abstraction provided by the Client Server model simplifies the application writing, however fine control over network parameters is essential to improve the performance. Above mentioned design issues and implementation trade-offs are discussed in this paper

  11. A brain-computer interface controlled mail client. (United States)

    Yu, Tianyou; Li, Yuanqing; Long, Jinyi; Wang, Cong


    In this paper, we propose a brain-computer interface (BCI) based mail client. This system is controlled by hybrid features extracted from scalp-recorded electroencephalographic (EEG). We emulate the computer mouse by the motor imagery-based mu rhythm and the P300 potential. Furthermore, an adaptive P300 speller is included to provide text input function. With this BCI mail client, users can receive, read, write mails, as well as attach files in mail writing. The system has been tested on 3 subjects. Experimental results show that mail communication with this system is feasible.

  12. Request queues for interactive clients in a shared file system of a parallel computing system (United States)

    Bent, John M.; Faibish, Sorin


    Interactive requests are processed from users of log-in nodes. A metadata server node is provided for use in a file system shared by one or more interactive nodes and one or more batch nodes. The interactive nodes comprise interactive clients to execute interactive tasks and the batch nodes execute batch jobs for one or more batch clients. The metadata server node comprises a virtual machine monitor; an interactive client proxy to store metadata requests from the interactive clients in an interactive client queue; a batch client proxy to store metadata requests from the batch clients in a batch client queue; and a metadata server to store the metadata requests from the interactive client queue and the batch client queue in a metadata queue based on an allocation of resources by the virtual machine monitor. The metadata requests can be prioritized, for example, based on one or more of a predefined policy and predefined rules.

  13. 77 FR 76854 - Temporary Rule Regarding Principal Trades With Certain Advisory Clients (United States)


    ... 3235-AL28 Temporary Rule Regarding Principal Trades With Certain Advisory Clients AGENCY: Securities... transactions with certain of their advisory clients. The amendment extends the date on which rule 206(3)- 3T... releases used RIN 3235-AJ96. (See Temporary Rule Regarding Principal Trades with Certain Advisory Clients...

  14. Prevalence and risk factors of frailty among home care clients. (United States)

    Miettinen, Minna; Tiihonen, Miia; Hartikainen, Sirpa; Nykänen, Irma


    Frailty is a common problem among older people and it is associated with an increased risk of death and long-term institutional care. Early identification of frailty is necessary to prevent a further decline in the health status of home care clients. The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence of frailty and associated factors among 75-year-old or older home care clients. The study participants were 75-year-old or older home care clients living in three cities in Eastern and Central Finland. Home care clients who had completed the abbreviated Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (aCGA) for frailty (n = 257) were included in the present study. Baseline data were obtained on functional status, cognitive status, depressive symptoms, self-rated health, ability to walk 400 m, nutritional status, drug use and comorbidities. Most of the home care clients (90%) were screened for frailty using the aCGA. Multivariate analysis showed that the risk of malnutrition or malnutrition (OR = 4.27, 95% CI = 1.56, 11.68) and a low level of education (OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.07, 1.23) were associated with frailty. Frailty is a prevalent problem among home care clients. The risk of malnutrition or malnourishment and a lower level of education increase the risk of frailty. Screening for frailty should be done to detect the most vulnerable older people for further intervention to prevent adverse health problems. NCT02214758 .

  15. Clients' psychosocial communication and midwives' verbal and nonverbal communication during prenatal counseling for anomaly screening. (United States)

    Martin, Linda; Gitsels-van der Wal, Janneke T; Pereboom, Monique T R; Spelten, Evelien R; Hutton, Eileen K; van Dulmen, Sandra


    This study focuses on facilitation of clients' psychosocial communication during prenatal counseling for fetal anomaly screening. We assessed how psychosocial communication by clients is related to midwives' psychosocial and affective communication, client-directed gaze and counseling duration. During 184 videotaped prenatal counseling consultations with 20 Dutch midwives, verbal psychosocial and affective behavior was measured by the Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS). We rated the duration of client-directed gaze. We performed multilevel analyses to assess the relation between clients' psychosocial communication and midwives' psychosocial and affective communication, client-directed gaze and counseling duration. Clients' psychosocial communication was higher if midwives' asked more psychosocial questions and showed more affective behavior (β=0.90; CI: 0.45-1.35; pcommunication was not related to midwives" client-directed gaze. Additionally, psychosocial communication by clients was directly, positively related to the counseling duration (β=0.59; CI: 0.20-099; p=0.004). In contrast with our expectations, midwives' client-directed gaze was not related with psychosocial communication of clients. In addition to asking psychosocial questions, our study shows that midwives' affective behavior and counseling duration is likely to encourage client's psychosocial communication, known to be especially important for facilitating decision-making. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  16. The measurement of emotional reactions of bank clients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marinković Veljko


    Full Text Available Focus on customers is an important factor in gaining sustainable competitive advantage of retail banks. Modern marketing-oriented banks have to be focused towards understanding and meeting the financial requirements of their clients. Attention of bank management should also be directed towards the study of quality of relationships between a bank and its clients. In this context, it is important to measure emotional reactions of clients. The aim of this paper is to identify the key drivers of emotional reactions. Specifically, two emotional reactions are observed in the paper: satisfaction and affective commitment. In the conducted study, two research models that include four independent variables (service quality, bank image, trust and social bonds are designed, wherein satisfaction is regarded as dependent variable in the first model, while affective commitment is given the role of dependent variable in the second model. The results indicate a moderate degree of satisfaction, but also a low level of affective commitment of the respondents. In addition, trust is stressed as the most important factor of emotional reactions. On the other hand, clients believe that banks provide a good quality service, where the quality stands out as an important driver of satisfaction, but not as a driver of affective commitment.

  17. Cultural humility: measuring openness to culturally diverse clients. (United States)

    Hook, Joshua N; Davis, Don E; Owen, Jesse; Worthington, Everett L; Utsey, Shawn O


    Building on recent theory stressing multicultural orientation, as well as the development of virtues and dispositions associated with multicultural values, we introduce the construct of cultural humility, defined as having an interpersonal stance that is other-oriented rather than self-focused, characterized by respect and lack of superiority toward an individual's cultural background and experience. In 4 studies, we provide evidence for the estimated reliability and construct validity of a client-rated measure of a therapist's cultural humility, and we demonstrate that client perceptions of their therapist's cultural humility are positively associated with developing a strong working alliance. Furthermore, client perceptions of their therapist's cultural humility were positively associated with improvement in therapy, and this relationship was mediated by a strong working alliance. We consider implications for research, practice, and training. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  18. 17 CFR 4.31 - Required delivery of Disclosure Document to prospective clients. (United States)


    ... Disclosure Document to prospective clients. 4.31 Section 4.31 Commodity and Securities Exchanges COMMODITY... Advisors § 4.31 Required delivery of Disclosure Document to prospective clients. (a) Each commodity trading... prospective client a Disclosure Document containing the information set forth in §§ 4.34 and 4.35 for the...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gary D. Holt


    Full Text Available Due to the significant impact of client performance on overall project performance and the interdependence of participant%5C%27s performance in the construction project coalition %28i.e. clients%2C designers and constructors%29%2C there is a need to establish client performance measures. Based on data collected from in-depth interviews with nineteen UK architects and nine UK contractors%2C a generic tool for the on-going formal assessment of client performance is presented. It was found that this approach to performance assessment %28i.e. from the view point of other%2C non-client coalition participants%29 should lead to improved project relationships. Data analysis showed that in addition to %5C%27harder%5C%27 measures such as understanding of project requirements and finance%2C other%2C %5C%27softer%5C%27 measures of client performance %28e.g. attitude%29 were worthy of consideration since they determine the quality of participant relationships. It is recommended that the tool be used to promote more effective client performance and thus enhance coalition relationships%2C enabling continuous improvement. The ultimate aim is to develop similar tools for the assessment of all coalition participants based on a culture of openness and trust. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : assessment+tool%2C+coalition+participants%2C+client+performance%2C+perceptions%2C+performance+measures%2C+satisfaction.

  20. Análise de Clientes de uma Distribuidora de Medicamentos


    Sidney Lino Oliveira; Josmária Lima Ribeiro Oliveira


    Este artigo trata da análise de clientes por meio de uma pesquisa quantitativa para uma distribuidora farmacêutica. O interesse desta análise foi de identificar os principais clientes para estabelecer um relacionamento mais efetivo, e promo- ver a implantação de um sistema logístico que possibilite uma abordagem voltada para o cliente. O estudo de caso foi desenvolvido em uma distribuidora farmacêutica situada em Juiz de Fora/MG que atende à região da Zona da Mata/MG e o estado do Rio de Jane...

  1. Community ambulation: influences on therapists and clients reasoning and decision making. (United States)

    Corrigan, Rosemary; McBurney, Helen


    Community ambulation is an important element of a rehabilitation training programme and its achievement is a goal shared by rehabilitation professionals and clients. The factors that influence a physiotherapist's or health professionals decision making around the preparation of a client for community ambulation and the factors that influence a client's decision to return to walking in their community are unclear. To review the available literature about the factors that have influenced the reasoning and decision making of rehabilitation therapists and clients around the topic of ambulation in the community. Three separate searches of the available literature were undertaken using Ovid, Cinahl, ProQuest, Medline and Ebscohost databases. Databases were searched from 1966 to October 2006.The first search explored the literature for factors that influence the clinical reasoning of rehabilitation therapists. The second search explored the literature for factors that influence client's decision to ambulate in the community. A third search was undertaken to explore the literature for the demands of community ambulation in rural communities. Very few studies were found that explored community ambulation in the context of clinical reasoning and decision making, the facilitators and barriers to a clients return to ambulation in their community or the demands of ambulation in a rural community. Consideration of the environment is key to the successful return to walking in the community of clients with mobility problems yet little literature has been found to guide physiotherapist's decision making about preparing a clients to return to walking in the community. An individual's participation in their society is also a result of the interaction between their personal characteristics and his or her environment. The influence of these characteristics may vary from one individual to another yet the factors that influence a person's decision to return to walking in their community

  2. Montessori-based training makes a difference for home health workers & their clients. (United States)

    Gorzelle, Gregg J; Kaiser, Kathy; Camp, Cameron J


    Home care visits can last several hours. Home care workers are often at a loss on how to fill time spent in homes of clients. The challenge is how to use this time in ways that are productive and engaging for both clients and home health workers. The authors trained home health aides to implement Montessori-based activities while interacting with clients who have dementia. The results were amazing. Among other positive results, the authors found a statistically significant increase in the amount of pleasure displayed by clients after health workers received training.

  3. Designing e-learning solutions with a client centred approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørngreen, Rikke; Nielsen, Janni; Levinsen, Karin


      This paper claims that the strategies applied in designing e-learning solutions tend to focus on how to proceed after the precondition, e.g., learners requirements, pedagogical choice, etc., have been decided upon. Investigating the HCI research field, we find that the methodological approaches...... as the organisation that has initiated the e-learning project and needs to manage the e-learning system after its development. Through the Client Centred Design and in close collaboration with the client, three strategic issues are uncovered and strategic models are presented for each. These models are complementary...... perspectives in a Client Centred framework that is useable as the starting point for others in developing large scale e-learning projects....

  4. 34 CFR 377.1 - What is the Demonstration Projects to Increase Client Choice Program? (United States)


    ... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What is the Demonstration Projects to Increase Client... PROJECTS TO INCREASE CLIENT CHOICE PROGRAM General § 377.1 What is the Demonstration Projects to Increase Client Choice Program? The Demonstration Projects to Increase Client Choice Program is designed to...

  5. Integrating Social and Traditional Media in the Client Project (United States)

    Melton, James; Hicks, Nancy


    Based on a client project assigned to students in two undergraduate business classes, this article argues that social media learning is best done in a context that mixes social media with more traditional kinds of media. Ideally, this approach will involve teams of students who are working on different aspects of a larger client project. This…

  6. Prostitución en Galicia: clientes e imaginarios femeninos Prostitution in Galicia: clients and feminine imaginary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agueda Gómez Suárez


    Full Text Available Hoy, la prostitución en nuestra sociedad resulta un indicador de la "cultura sexual" dominante en las sociedades patriarcales y capitalistas. Este artículo pretende aportar otro enfoque al análisis de la industria sexual en nuestro país, ajustándose, principalmente, a las experiencias de los hombres implicados en el fenómeno de la prostitución en Galicia. El dramatismo con que las mujeres en prostitución viven su realidad y la frivolidad y ociosidad en la que se recrean los clientes, muestra el controvertido e inquietante semblante de esta realidad. El análisis del discurso de los clientes a través del "Frame Analysis", y el estudio de los imaginarios femeninos dominantes entre ellos son retratados en este texto, junto con el discurso de las mujeres en prostitución y el de los hombres que ocupan espacios masculinizados. Este artículo pretende ser una contribución más al complejo estudio del fenómeno de la prostitución en nuestro país.Today, the prostitution in our society turns out to be an indicator of the dominant "sexual culture" in the patriarchal and capitalist societies. This article tries to contribute with another approach to the analysis of the sexual industry in our country, adjusting, principally, to the experiences of the men involved in the phenomenon of the prostitution in Galicia. The dramatic quality in which the women in prostitution live their reality and the levity and idleness, in which the clients enjoy themselves, show the controversial and worrying face of this reality. The analysis of the clients' speech across the "Frame Analysis", and the study of the feminine dominant imaginary among them are portrayed in this text, together with the speech of the women in prostitution and of the men who occupy masculinized spaces. This article tries to be a contribution to the complex study of the phenomenon of the prostitution in our country.

  7. Mr. Ngao's proposal: introducing client fees. Case scenarios for training and group discussion. (United States)


    In this supplement to the issue of "The Family Planning Manager" devoted to fees, a hypothetical case scenario is presented to illustrate the introduction of client fees to a family planning program. Managers are instructed to prepare a plan that includes the necessary information for deciding what to charge for, who to charge, and how much to charge; identifies the administrative changes involved in charging fees; and outlines steps that clinic managers should take before introducing client fees. Decisions should be based on factors such as the objectives of fee charging, client willingness and ability to pay, client perception of the quality of current services, services for which clients would be most willing to pay, estimated cost of providing services, and the cost of new administrative procedures inherent in a fee-for-service approach. Administrative procedures for collecting, handling, and accounting for cash; reporting income and expenses; and implementing a fair and flexible system of waivers and exemptions must be defined. Clients should be informed well in advance of fee introduction, and staff trained to manage potential client complaints.

  8. Encounters with unemployment in occupational health care: Nurses' constructions of clients without work. (United States)

    Romppainen, Katri; Jähi, Rita; Saloniemi, Antti; Virtanen, Pekka


    This study explores occupational health nurses' encounters with unemployed clients in Finland. It involved setting up and evaluating a new service, Career Health Care, that resembled occupational health care, except that clients were recruited from among job seekers who were participating in one of three active labour market policy measures: vocational training, subsidised employment in the public sector, or participatory training for entering the labour market. Our main interest focused on nurses' perceptions of the unemployed and their professional practices in the context of Career Health Care. The analysis revealed four overlapping discourses with regard to clients: the client as a casualty of unemployment, the client as unemployed but active, the client as a deviant in the labour market, and the client as a skilled user of the system. Each discourse had implications for professional practice. The risk of negative stereotyping and consequent exclusion from services is discussed here. In conclusion, we stress the complexity of providing health services that can match the increasing diversity of contemporary labour market trajectories. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. 45 CFR 1621.4 - Complaints by clients about manner or quality of legal assistance. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Complaints by clients about manner or quality of...) LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION CLIENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES § 1621.4 Complaints by clients about manner or... clients about the manner or quality of legal assistance that has been rendered by the recipient to the...

  10. Bringing the client back in

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danneris, Sophie; Nielsen, Mathias Herup


    Categorizing the job readiness of unemployed clients is a task of the utmost importance for active labor market policies. Scholarly attention on the topic has mostly focused either on questions of political legitimacy or on how categories are practically negotiated in meetings between the welfare...

  11. Ulysses directives in The Netherlands: opinions of psychiatrists and clients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Varekamp, I.


    In this article we present a study on the opinions of Dutch psychiatrists and clients on Ulysses directives. In-depth interviews were conducted with 18 clients and 17 psychiatrists. Most respondents were proponents of Ulysses directives. The most frequently mentioned objective of these directives

  12. Client participation in moral case deliberation: a precarious relational balance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weidema, F.C.; Abma, T.A.; Widdershoven, G.A.M.; Molewijk, A.C.


    Moral case deliberation (MCD) is a form of clinical ethics support in which the ethicist as facilitator aims at supporting professionals with a structured moral inquiry into their moral issues from practice. Cases often affect clients, however, their inclusion in MCD is not common. Client

  13. Toward Healthy Family Breathing: client survey

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Kaloti, Jiti; Naylor, P.J


    .... A secondary purpose was to measure clients behaviours and attitudes to add to the knowledge about how different types of perinatal workers can best assist pregnant and parenting women who smoke...

  14. Antecedent control in the treatment of brain-injured clients. (United States)

    Zencius, A H; Wesolowski, M D; Burke, W H; McQuade, P


    Three brain-injured clients failed to respond significantly to consequence management programmes designed to increase attendance, use of a cane, and to reduce unauthorized breaks. When antecedent stimulus control procedures were applied, attendance and use of a cane increased and unauthorized breaks decreased. The study shows that antecedent control may be the treatment of choice when treating brain-injured clients with memory loss.

  15. Meaning of dancing therapy in therapy of clients with psychological diseases


    NĚMCOVÁ, Barbora


    Bachelor thesis deals with meaning and effects of Dance therapy in frame of medical therapy of clients with psychical disease. Theoretical part defines words like dance, movement and Dance therapy. This part also describes history of dance, meaning and aims of Dance therapy, its school, aims and divisions. Mensioned are person of dance therapist, personalities connected with dance and Dance therapy, target groups of clients suitable for Dance therapy, importance of Dance therapy for clients w...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    afdal afdal


    Full Text Available The practice of counseling by counselor not only need the skills to understand what is expressed by the client, but were further able to understand and have skills in giving meaning to the nonverbal communication, demonstrated by the behavior of a counseling session. During this time many of counselors who focus only on what is revealed by the client and using verbal techniques alone without seeing what goes on inside the client more deeply to understand the communication indicated by nonverbal behavior. The techniques used in the discussion of this article provides the inspiration that counseling is an art, not superficial, not skeptical and just focus on one technique alone, but many of the techniques that can be used to explore client issues. Furthermore, this paper supports the philosophical theory of Gestalt who believe that the client can feel the direct presence in the counseling sessions through the practices of the techniques used, to interpret the expression of various communications made, stationing themselves and find their own meaning.

  17. BAG3 induces the sequestration of proteasomal clients into cytoplasmic puncta (United States)

    Minoia, Melania; Boncoraglio, Alessandra; Vinet, Jonathan; Morelli, Federica F; Brunsting, Jeanette F; Poletti, Angelo; Krom, Sabine; Reits, Eric; Kampinga, Harm H; Carra, Serena


    Eukaryotic cells use autophagy and the ubiquitin–proteasome system as their major protein degradation pathways. Upon proteasomal impairment, cells switch to autophagy to ensure proper clearance of clients (the proteasome-to-autophagy switch). The HSPA8 and HSPA1A cochaperone BAG3 has been suggested to be involved in this switch. However, at present it is still unknown whether and to what extent BAG3 can indeed reroute proteasomal clients to the autophagosomal pathway. Here, we show that BAG3 induces the sequestration of ubiquitinated clients into cytoplasmic puncta colabeled with canonical autophagy linkers and markers. Following proteasome inhibition, BAG3 upregulation significantly contributes to the compensatory activation of autophagy and to the degradation of the (poly)ubiquitinated proteins. BAG3 binding to the ubiquitinated clients occurs through the BAG domain, in competition with BAG1, another BAG family member, that normally directs ubiquitinated clients to the proteasome. Therefore, we propose that following proteasome impairment, increasing the BAG3/BAG1 ratio ensures the “BAG-instructed proteasomal to autophagosomal switch and sorting” (BIPASS). PMID:25046115

  18. Neurobiological response to EMDR therapy in clients with different psychological traumas

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    Full Text Available We assessed cortical activation differences in real-time upon exposure to traumatic memory between two distinct groups of psychologically traumatised clients also in comparison with healthy controls. We used electroencephalography (EEG to compare neuronal activation throughout the bilateral stimulation phase of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR sessions. We compared activation between the first (T0 and the last (T1 session, the latter performed after processing the index trauma. The group including all clients showed significantly higher cortical activity in orbito-frontal cortex at T0 shifting at T1 towards posterior associative regions. However the subgroup of clients with chronic exposure to the traumatic event showed a cortical firing at both stages which was closer to that of controls. For the first time EEG monitoring enabled to disclose neurobiological differences between groups of clients with different trauma histories during the reliving of the traumatic event. Cortical activations in clients chronically exposed to traumatic memories were moderate, suggesting an association between social and environmental contexts with the neurobiological response to trauma exposure and psychotherapy.

  19. An Exploration of Supervisory and Therapeutic Relationships and Client Outcomes (United States)

    Bell, Hope; Hagedorn, W. Bryce; Robinson, E. H. Mike


    The authors explored the connection between the facilitative conditions present within the supervisory relationship, the therapeutic relationship, and client outcomes. A correlational research design was used with a sample of 55 counselors-in-training and 88 clients. Results indicated a significant positive relationship between the therapeutic…

  20. Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients (United States)

    American Psychologist, 2012


    The "Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients" provide psychologists with (a) a frame of reference for the treatment of lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients and (b) basic information and further references in the areas of assessment, intervention, identity, relationships, diversity, education, training, and…

  1. Ulysses directives in The Netherlands: opinions of psychiatrists and clients. (United States)

    Varekamp, I


    In this article we present a study on the opinions of Dutch psychiatrists and clients on Ulysses directives. In-depth interviews were conducted with 18 clients and 17 psychiatrists. Most respondents were proponents of Ulysses directives. The most frequently mentioned objective of these directives was to secure timely admission to hospital, although a large minority was mainly interested in giving patients influence on treatment decisions. Psychiatrists differed on how much autonomy they preferred with regard to decisions about the moment of admission and kind of treatment. Clients also differed in this respect. Pressure from others to execute a Ulysses directive, and premature admission to the hospital were mentioned as risks of Ulysses directives. Crisis cards were seen as an alternative by many psychiatrists and some clients. Recommendations are made for a good functioning of Ulysses directives, and the appropriateness of crisis cards as an alternative for a number of patients is discussed.

  2. Challenging the Courtesy Bias Interpretation of Favorable Clients' Perceptions of Family Planning Delivery (United States)

    Len, Federico R.; Lundgren, Rebecka; Huapaya, Ana; Sinai, Irit; Jennings, Victoria


    Favorable client perceptions of provider's interpersonal behavior in contraceptive delivery, documented in clinic exit questionnaires, appear to contradict results from qualitative evaluations and are attributed to clients' courtesy bias. In this study, trained simulated clients requested services from Ministry of Health providers in three…

  3. Round-Trip Delay Estimation in OPC UA Server-Client Communication Channel


    Nakutis, Zilvinas; Deksnys, Vytautas; Jarusevicius, Ignas; Dambrauskas, Vilius; Cincikas, Gediminas; Kriauceliunas, Alenas


    In this paper an estimation of round-trip delay (RTD) in OPC UA server-client channel was investigated in various data communication networks including Ethernet, WiFi, and 3G. Testing was carried out using the developed IoT gateway device running OPC UA server and remote computer running OPC UA client. The server and the client machines were configured to operate in Virtual Private Network powered by OpenVPN. Experimental analysis revealed that RTD values are distributed in the wide range exh...

  4. Communicative principles among corporate clients and regional branches of commercial banks




    The aim of this article is to discuss the share of consumption taken by the corporate clients in the autonomous republic of Adjara. It is remarkable that the most of the share of banks’ total incomes are formed exactly on the base of accumulated resource accounts of corporate clients. So in order to attract corporate clients in the region, there is a great and strong competition among the banks. According to the above mentioned information, we are discussing several principles concerning to t...

  5. Improving the efficiency of cognitive-behavioural therapy by using formal client feedback. (United States)

    Janse, Pauline D; De Jong, Kim; Van Dijk, Maarten K; Hutschemaekers, Giel J M; Verbraak, Marc J P M


    Feedback from clients on their view of progress and the therapeutic relationship can improve effectiveness and efficiency of psychological treatments in general. However, what the added value is of client feedback specifically within cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), is not known. Therefore, the extent to which the outcome of CBT can be improved is investigated by providing feedback from clients to therapists using the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and Session Rating Scale (SRS). Outpatients (n = 1006) of a Dutch mental health organization either participated in the "treatment as usual" (TAU) condition, or in Feedback condition of the study. Clients were invited to fill in the ORS and SRS and in the Feedback condition therapists were asked to frequently discuss client feedback. Outcome on the SCL-90 was only improved specifically with mood disorders in the Feedback condition. Also, in the Feedback condition, in terms of process, the total number of required treatment sessions was on average two sessions fewer. Frequently asking feedback from clients using the ORS/SRS does not necessarily result in a better treatment outcome in CBT. However, for an equal treatment outcome significantly fewer sessions are needed within the Feedback condition, thus improving efficiency of CBT.

  6. Nonromantic/Nonsexual Relationships with Former Clients: Implications for Psychologists' Training. (United States)

    Anderson, Sharon K.

    The ethical principles and code of conduct of the American Psychological Association are clear: psychologists are to avoid sexual relationships with former clients. But guidelines offer scant guidance on nonromantic and nonsexual relationships with former clients; the ethical risks of such relationships are explored in this paper. The information…

  7. The Challenge of Prejudice: Counsellors' Talk about Challenging Clients' Prejudices (United States)

    Spong, Sheila J.


    This paper considers the implications for training and practice of counsellors' responses to the notion of challenging clients' prejudices. It explores tensions in counselling discourse between social responsibility, responsibility to the client and responsibility for one's self as counsellor. Three focus groups of counsellors were asked whether a…

  8. Patent Medicine VendorsAND#8217; Clients: Medicine Use Behaviour

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    Asa Auta


    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate some medicine use behaviour of Patent Medicine Vendors’ (PMVs clients including self medication practice and medication sharing behaviour. METHOD: A descriptive, cross-sectional survey was conducted in July 2011, on 361 undergraduate students of the University of Jos, Nigeria who visited PMVs within a month preceding the study. A pretested questionnaire was administered to participating students. Participants responded to questions on demography, and medicine use behaviour. Data were entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 16 to generate descriptive statistics which were represented in percentages. RESULTS: The results showed that majority of the respondents (91.7% visited the PMVs for self-medication with the common classes of medicines procured by PMVs clients including analgesics (38.4%, antimalarials (22.2% and nutrition/blood preparations (14.1%. About 78.5% of the medicines sold to PMVs clients were in their original package and only 45.9% of clients reported checking the expiry date of their procured medicine prior to use. Medication sharing behaviour was common (60.2% among respondents. Although most respondents (70.2% said they had read a medicine information leaflet in the past, majority of them depended on unreliable sources such as friends/relatives (23.2%, media (10.8% and the internet (9.9% for medicine information. CONCLUSION: The study therefore demonstrated that PMV clients are those on self-medication practices and medication sharing behaviour is high among them. [TAF Prev Med Bull 2012; 11(6.000: 681-686

  9. Experiences in occupational therapy with Afghan clients in Australia. (United States)

    Maroney, Pamela; Potter, Marianne; Thacore, Vinod Rai


    With a steady increase of refugees arriving in Australia from Afghanistan coupled with reports that prevalence of mental illness amongst Afghan refugees in South-East Melbourne is particularly high, mental health providers will need to acquire cultural competence to provide effective treatment. There is a dearth of literature on the subject of rehabilitation of Afghan psychiatric clients in the Australian context, providing the impetus for this article. To illustrate the impact of Afghan socio-cultural beliefs and attitudes on the implementation of occupational therapy and rehabilitation programmes in a mental health facility and adaptations to accommodate the needs of the clients and their families. Two case vignettes of Afghan clients are presented to illustrate the variance in goals and expectations of the clients and their families to that of the occupational therapy and rehabilitation programmes offered. Family expectations and involvement, culture-specific factors and religion play significant roles in the presentation and treatment of clients from the Muslim culture and require modification in implementation of rehabilitation programmes. A need for developing family or community-based services is proposed coupled with culturally responsive practices. Culture sensitive models of occupational therapy will need to be developed as younger generations of refugee families acculturate and need psychological help to deal with conflicts with parents and elders who hold values different from those adopted by their children born and brought up in the Australian socio-cultural environment. These and other issues mentioned above provide fertile fields for research in this evolving area of occupational therapy. © 2014 Occupational Therapy Australia.

  10. The insecure psychotherapy base: Using client and therapist attachment styles to understand the early alliance. (United States)

    Marmarosh, Cheri L; Kivlighan, Dennis M; Bieri, Kathryn; LaFauci Schutt, Jean M; Barone, Carrie; Choi, Jaehwa


    The purpose of this study was to test the notion that complementary attachments are best for achieving a secure base in psychotherapy. Specifically, we predicted third to fifth session alliance from client- and therapist-rated attachment style interactions. Using a combined sample of 46 therapy dyads from a community mental health clinic and university counseling center, the client- and therapist-perceived therapy alliance, attachment anxiety, and attachment avoidance were examined at the beginning of therapy. The results of an Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM; Kenny & Cook, 1999, Partner effects in relationship research: Conceptual issues, analytic difficulties, and illustrations. Personal Relationships, 6, 433-448.) indicated that there was no direct effect of either client or therapist attachment style on therapist or client early ratings of the alliance. One significant interaction emerged and indicated that client-perceived alliance was influenced by therapist and client attachment anxiety. The client-perceived early alliance was higher when more anxious therapists worked with clients with decreasing anxiety. The client early alliance was higher when less anxious therapists worked with clients with increasing anxiety. The findings partially support the notion that different attachment configurations between the therapist and client facilitate greater alliance, but this was the case only when assessing client-perceived early alliance and only with regards to the dimension of attachment anxiety. There were no significant main effects or interactions when exploring therapist-perceived alliance. Implications of the findings are discussed along with recommendations for future study and clinical training. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  11. Client-Centered Employee Assistance Services. (United States)

    Bayer, Darryl Lee

    This paper addresses delivery aspects and benefits of client-centered Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services through a review of the literature and research. EAP services are described as educational and mental health services utilized to assist employees and their families to respond constructively to job, personal, interpersonal or…

  12. Hsp90: Friends, clients and natural foes. (United States)

    Verma, Sharad; Goyal, Sukriti; Jamal, Salma; Singh, Aditi; Grover, Abhinav


    Hsp90, a homodimeric ATPase, is responsible for the correct folding of a number of newly synthesized polypeptides in addition to the correct folding of denatured/misfolded client proteins. It requires several co-chaperones and other partner proteins for chaperone activity. Due to the involvement of Hsp90-dependent client proteins in a variety of oncogenic signaling pathways, Hsp90 inhibition has emerged as one of the leading strategies for anticancer chemotherapeutics. Most of Hsp90 inhibitors blocks the N terminal ATP binding pocket and prevents the conformational changes which are essential for the loading of co-chaperones and client proteins. Several other inhibitors have also been reported which disrupt chaperone cycle in ways other than binding to N terminal ATP binding pocket. The Hsp90 inhibition is associated with heat shock response, mediated by HSF-1, to overcome the loss of Hsp90 and sustain cell survival. This review is an attempt to give an over view of all the important players of chaperone cycle. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. and Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire (SFBBM). All rights reserved.

  13. A real time multi-server multi-client coherent database for a new high voltage system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorbics, M.; Green, M.


    A high voltage system has been designed to allow multiple users (clients) access to the database of measured values and settings. This database is actively maintained in real time for a given mainframe containing multiple modules each having their own database. With limited CPU nd memory resources the mainframe system provides a data coherency scheme for multiple clients which (1) allows the client to determine when and what values need to be updated, (2) allows for changes from one client to be detected by another client, and (3) does not depend on the mainframe system tracking client accesses

  14. Dinheiro, afeto, sexualidade: a relação de prostitutas com seus clientes Dinero, afecto y sexualidad: la relación de prostitutas com sus clientes Money, affection and sexuality: the prostitutes' relationship with clients

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    Fernanda Burbulhan


    Full Text Available A prostituição é alvo constante de diferentes olhares, e para desvelar alguns de seus significados, resolvemos estudar a relação estabelecida entre a prostituta e o seu cliente. Para tanto, elegemos a abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, com informações obtidas através de entrevista semiestruturada. Nosso estudo contou com sete participantes mulheres, com idade mínima de dezoito anos e envolvimento com a prática da prostituição há pelo menos um ano. As participantes responderam um questionário socioeconômico e foram entrevistadas, sendo as entrevistas posteriormente submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Com base nas informações obtidas, concluímos que a relação estabelecida entre prostitutas e seus clientes fundamenta-se no dinheiro, tanto em relação ao que o cliente paga quanto em relação àquilo que ele não pode pagar, porque "não tem preço". Essa negociação serve de alicerce para o estabelecimento de condições de ser-estar dessas mulheres profissionais do sexo dentro e fora da prostituição.La prostitución es objetivo constante de diferentes puntos de vista y a fin de aclarar algunos de sus significados, se optó por estudiar la relación establecida entre la prostituta y su cliente. Así, elegimos un enfoque cualitativo de la investigación, con la información obtenida a través de entrevista semiestructurada. Nuestro estudio contó con la presencia de siete participantes del sexo femenino, con edad mínima de 18 años y su participación en el ejercicio de la prostitución en al menos un año. Las participantes respondieron a un cuestionario socioeconómico y fueron entrevistadas, y las entrevistas posteriormente objeto de análisis de contenido. Podemos concluir que la relación establecida entre las prostitutas y sus clientes se basa en el dinero, tanto en relación a lo que el cliente paga, así como en lo que respecta a lo que él no puede pagar porque "no tiene un precio". Este acuerdo sirve como base

  15. The Performance and Compatibility of Thin Client Computing with Fleet Operations

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Landry, Kenneth J


    ...) with a thin client/server-based computing (TCSBC) architecture. After becoming nearly extinct in the early 1990s, thin clients are emerging on the forefront of technology with numerous bandwidth improvements and cost reduction benefits...

  16. Paying by the hour: The least appealing option for clients of lawyers


    Seldeslachts, Jo


    In this study, we analyze a client's choice of contract in auctions where Dutch law firms compete for cases. The distinguishing feature is that lawyers may submit bids with any fee arrangement they wish. We find robust evidence that bids offering hourly rates are less attractive to clients. Our findings tentatively contradict lawyers' often-made argument that hourly rates are in a client's best interest.

  17. Comparing Performance of Government and Private Clients in Construction Projects: Contractors’ Perspective


    Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko; Riqi Radian Khasania


    By nature, government and private projects have different characteristics, which influence client performance. This research aims to compare performance of government and private clients in construction projects as perceived by contractors. Six client performance indicators were used, i.e. understanding of project requirements, financial, decision making, management skills, supports for contractor, and client’s attitude. Data were collected through questionnaire surveys filled in by 117 respo...

  18. Channel Access Client Toolbox for Matlab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This paper reports on MATLAB Channel Access (MCA) Toolbox--MATLAB [1] interface to EPICS Channel Access (CA) client library. We are developing the toolbox for SPEAR3 accelerator controls, but it is of general use for accelerator and experimental physics applications programming. It is packaged as a MATLAB toolbox to allow easy development of complex CA client applications entirely in MATLAB. The benefits include: the ability to calculate and display parameters that use EPICS process variables as inputs, availability of MATLAB graphics tools for user interface design, and integration with the MATLABbased accelerator modeling software - Accelerator Toolbox [2-4]. Another purpose of this paper is to propose a feasible path to a synergy between accelerator control systems and accelerator simulation codes, the idea known as on-line accelerator model

  19. Distribución comercial: Tema 14. El servicio al cliente en el comercio minorista


    Juan Vigaray, María Dolores de


    El servicio al cliente tiene una importancia trascendente a la hora de mantener y recuperar clientes. Un mal servicio al cliente puede anular completamente un producto fantástico. Se debe de recordar al cliente la posibilidad y el interés de la empresa en que reclame y diga cualquier cosa que no le haya satisfecho, para que la empresa pueda corregir el error y compensarle.

  20. Lightweight Tactical Client: A Capability-Based Approach to Command Post Computing (United States)


    bundles these capabilities together is proposed: a lightweight tactical client. In order to avoid miscommunication in the future, it is... solutions and almost definitely rules out most terminal-based thin clients. UNCLASSIFIED Approved for public release

  1. The influence of clients' leadership in relation to construction health ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The South African Construction Regulations realise the contributions by each member of a project team to health and safety (H&S) improvement. These Regulations amplify the roles and contributions of clients to project realisation. The tenets of the Regulations conform with the observation that clients' H&S leadership and ...

  2. Exploring Psychotherapy Clients' Independent Strategies for Change While in Therapy (United States)

    Mackrill, Thomas


    Psychotherapy research usually describes how client change is caused by therapist interventions. This article describes how clients change by continuing to use and revising the strategies for change that they bring with them when they first enter therapy. This article presents data from a qualitative diary study of psychotherapy. Three cases…

  3. Do Organizational Culture and Climate Matter for Successful Client Outcomes? (United States)

    Silver Wolf, David A. Patterson; Dulmus, Catherine N.; Maguin, Eugene; Cristalli, Maria


    Objectives: The existing literature on the impact of workplace conditions on client care suggests that good cultures and climates provide the best outcomes for clients. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational culture and climate and the proportion of children and youth successfully discharged…

  4. Client Participation in Managing Social Work Service--An Unfinished Quest (United States)

    Leung, Terry T. F.


    "Client participation" is a popular ideal and object of rhetorical commitment in social work service. But the much-touted potential of this concept requires careful and critical scrutiny. This article reports on a study of client-participation initiatives in the Hong Kong welfare sector. The study identified significant differences in…

  5. Parallel Journeys: How a Music Therapist Can Travel with his Client


    Henry Dunn


    This paper explores the nature of the client-therapist relationship through the presentation of a case study. In this case study I aim to show how our processes within the therapy had strong parallels and how through being personally affected by my client this enabled me to work therapeutically more effectively and help him on his journey. The case study demonstrates how I was prepared to try new techniques at the same time as my client became more experimental, and also reveals how the clien...

  6. A corporalidade do cliente segundo representações de estudantes de enfermagem La corporalidad del cliente según representaciones de estudiantes de enfermería The corporality of the client according to nursing students representations

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    Renata Campos de Lima


    Full Text Available É um estudo fundamentado na teoria da Representação Social que subsidiou a apreensão e análise de como as estudantes de enfermagem perceberam e representaram o corpo de seus clientes e as subjetividades emergentes do contato da relação do cuidar. Foi realizado junto a 20 estudantes do sexo feminino das quatro séries de graduação em Enfermagem da UNIFESP. Os dados foram obtidos utilizando a entrevista aberta e analisados pelo método Análise de Conteúdo (Análise Categorial, o qual desvelou as seguintes categorias: corpo objeto, estigmatização, relação estudante-cliente, comunicação corporal, invasão de privacidade e constrangimento.Es un estudio basado en la teoría de la Representación Social que subsidió la incautación y análisis de como las estudiantes de enfermería percibieron y representaron el cuerpo de sus clientes y las subjetividades emergentes del contacto de la relación del cuidar. Fue realizado junto la 20 estudiantes del sexo femenino de las cuatro series de graduación en Enfermería de la UNIFESP. Los datos fueron obtenidos utilizando la entrevista abierta y analizados por el método Análisis de Contenido (Análisis Categorial, lo cual desveló las siguientes categorías: cuerpo objeto, estigmatizacion, relación estudiante-cliente, comunicación corporal, invasión de privacidad y constreñimiento.This study based on the theory of the Social Representation that subsidized the apprehension and analysis of how nursing students had perceived and represented the body of their clients and the emergent subjectives of contact and relation of taking care. It was carried with 20 female students of four grades of the nursing faculty of the UNIFESP. The data were obtained using interview and analysed by content analysis method (Categorial Analysis that showed the following categories: body object, stigmatisation, student-client relationship, body communication, privacy's intrusion and embarrassing.


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    Jhuly Amado Souza


    Full Text Available O cancer e uma enfermidade cronica e multicausal caracterizado pelo descontrolado crescimento celular. A terapia oncologica (quimioterapia e radioterapia pode induzir anorexia, fadiga,nauseas, vomitos, diarreia, dentre outros, que afetam o estado nutricional dos pacientes.   Objetivo: Investigar na literatura a qualidade de vida de pacientes oncologicos.

  8. 37 CFR 10.85 - Representing a client within the bounds of the law. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Representing a client within... OFFICE Patent and Trademark Office Code of Professional Responsibility § 10.85 Representing a client within the bounds of the law. (a) In representation of a client, a practitioner shall not: (1) Initiate...

  9. Effects of Counselor Gender and Gender-Role Orientation on Client Career Choice Traditionality. (United States)

    Barak, Azy; And Others


    Male (N=120) and female (N=120) clients were counseled by male or female counselor classified as masculine, feminine, or androgynous in sex-role orientation. Clients' career choice traditionality was measured during counseling, following counseling, and with respect to clients' career six months later. Counselor gender and gender-role orientation…

  10. Counselors' attachment anxiety and avoidance and the congruence in clients' and therapists' working alliance ratings. (United States)

    Kivlighan, Dennis M; Marmarosh, Cheri L


    To determine how counselors' attachment anxiety and avoidance related to congruence between counselors' and clients' Working alliance (WA) ratings. Congruence strength was defined as the regression coefficient for clients' WA ratings predicting counselors' WA ratings. Directional bias was defined as the difference in level between counselors' and clients' WA ratings. Twenty-seven graduate student counselors completed an attachment measure and they and their 64 clients completed a measure of WA early in therapy. The truth-and-bias analysis was adapted to analyze the data. As hypothesized counselors' WA ratings were significantly and positively related to clients' WA ratings. Also as hypothesized, counselors' WA ratings were significantly lower than their clients' WA ratings (directional bias). Increasing counselor attachment anxiety was related to increasing negative directional bias; as counselors' attachment anxiety increased the difference between counselors and clients WA ratings became more negative. There was a significant interaction between counselor attachment anxiety and congruence strength in predicting counselor WA ratings. There was a stronger relationship between client WA ratings and counselor WA ratings for counselors low versus high in attachment anxiety. Counselors' attachment anxiety is realted to their ability to accurately percieve their clients' WA.

  11. Comparing Performance of Government and Private Clients in Construction Projects: Contractors’ Perspective

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    Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko


    Full Text Available By nature, government and private projects have different characteristics, which influence client performance. This research aims to compare performance of government and private clients in construction projects as perceived by contractors. Six client performance indicators were used, i.e. understanding of project requirements, financial, decision making, management skills, supports for contractor, and client’s attitude. Data were collected through questionnaire surveys filled in by 117 respondents. The results show that there is a significant difference between both types of client performance. Three variables related to financial indicators, i.e. timely payment, owner value estimate, and payment approval, rank in the bottom three of the government client performance, but in contrast rank in the top three of the private ones. These results suggest that the government clients’ performance is perceived inferior to the private ones. Establishing a clients’ forum for sharing knowledge and best practices would be a strategic solution to enhance clients’ capacities.

  12. The Effects of Client-Counselor Racial Matching on Therapeutic Outcome (United States)

    Kim, Eunha; Kang, Minchul


    This study explored the effects of ethnic/racial matching on psychotherapy outcomes via the number of counseling sessions attended by clients, using clinical data collected from a university's counseling center. A total sample of 644 clients (193 men, 448 women) was selected and the ethnic/racial distribution of the sample comprised 499…

  13. An Empirical Research on Bank Client Credit Assessments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Quan Chen


    Full Text Available Individual microcredit loans involve large quantities and small amounts and necessitate rapid approval, therefore making simple and fast application approvals rather critical. Creditors must evaluate clients’ credit status and default risk within the shortest time when determining whether to approve or decline their applications, preventing overdue responses that negatively impact bank profits and management practices, and could trigger domestic financial crises. This study investigates client credit quality criteria, focusing on the expert opinions of bank managers. The decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory method is adopted to enable a comparison and analysis of the similarities and differences in how banks evaluate their clients’ character, ability, financial capability, and collateral. Based on causality and correlations among the criteria, we also identify the core problems and key improvement criteria in the evaluation system. Through survey results of professional managers from Taiwanese banks, this study uses the DEMATEL method to compare the differences in bank evaluation methods based on the four dimensions of clients’ character, ability, pockets, and collateral, as well as the corresponding 14 criteria. In order to improve the reliability and usefulness in bank client credit risk assessment, the assessment dimensions and indicators of bank client credit risk assessment are first discussed; second, the causal relationship and degree of mutual influence between different dimensions and criteria are researched and assessed; in the end, the paper discusses how to improve the function and the benefits of bank client credit risk assessment.

  14. Therapists' causal attributions of clients' problems and selection of intervention strategies. (United States)

    Royce, W S; Muehlke, C V


    Therapists' choices of intervention strategies are influenced by many factors, including judgments about the bases of clients' problems. To assess the relationships between such causal attributions and the selection of intervention strategies, 196 counselors, psychologists, and social workers responded to the written transcript of a client's interview by answering two questionnaires, a 1982 scale (Causal Dimension Scale by Russell) which measured causal attribution of the client's problem, and another which measured preference for emotional, rational, and active intervention strategies in dealing with the client, based on the 1979 E-R-A taxonomy of Frey and Raming. A significant relationship was found between the two sets of variables, with internal attributions linked to rational intervention strategies and stable attributions linked to active strategies. The results support Halleck's 1978 hypothesis that theories of psychotherapy tie interventions to etiological considerations.

  15. 45 CFR 2551.81 - What type of clients are eligible to be served? (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false What type of clients are eligible to be served... FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE SENIOR COMPANION PROGRAM Clients Served § 2551.81 What type of clients are eligible to be served? Senior Companions serve only adults, primarily older adults, who have...

  16. Development and construct validation of the Client-Centredness of Goal Setting (C-COGS) scale. (United States)

    Doig, Emmah; Prescott, Sarah; Fleming, Jennifer; Cornwell, Petrea; Kuipers, Pim


    Client-centred philosophy is integral to occupational therapy practice and client-centred goal planning is considered fundamental to rehabilitation. Evaluation of whether goal-planning practices are client-centred requires an understanding of the client's perspective about goal-planning processes and practices. The Client-Centredness of Goal Setting (C-COGS) was developed for use by practitioners who seek to be more client-centred and who require a scale to guide and evaluate individually orientated practice, especially with adults with cognitive impairment related to acquired brain injury. To describe development of the C-COGS scale and examine its construct validity. The C-COGS was administered to 42 participants with acquired brain injury after multidisciplinary goal planning. C-COGS scores were correlated with the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) importance scores, and measures of therapeutic alliance, motivation, and global functioning to establish construct validity. The C-COGS scale has three subscales evaluating goal alignment, goal planning participation, and client-centredness of goals. The C-COGS subscale items demonstrated moderately significant correlations with scales measuring similar constructs. Findings provide preliminary evidence to support the construct validity of the C-COGS scale, which is intended to be used to evaluate and reflect on client-centred goal planning in clinical practice, and to highlight factors contributing to best practice rehabilitation.

  17. Students: Customers, Clients or Pawns? (United States)

    Tight, Malcolm


    The metaphor of the student as a consumer or customer is widely used within contemporary higher education, and impacts on the ways in which students, academics and institutions behave. These, and a number of alternative metaphors for the student, are critically reviewed. The alternatives considered include both contemporary (student as client or…

  18. Usage of Thin-Client/Server Architecture in Computer Aided Education (United States)

    Cimen, Caghan; Kavurucu, Yusuf; Aydin, Halit


    With the advances of technology, thin-client/server architecture has become popular in multi-user/single network environments. Thin-client is a user terminal in which the user can login to a domain and run programs by connecting to a remote server. Recent developments in network and hardware technologies (cloud computing, virtualization, etc.)…

  19. Client and family engagement in rehabilitation research: a framework for health care organizations. (United States)

    Anderson, James; Williams, Laura; Karmali, Amir; Beesley, Lori; Tanel, Nadia; Doyle-Thomas, Krissy; Sheps, Gideon; Chau, Tom


    To describe the development and implementation of an organizational framework for client and family-centered research. Case report. While patient-centered care is now well established, patient-centered research remains underdeveloped. This is particularly true at the organizational level (e.g., hospital based research institutes). In this paper we describe the development of an organizational framework for client and family centered research at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto, Canada. It is our hope that, by sharing our framework other research institutions can learn from our experience and develop their own research patient/client/family engagement programs. Implications for rehabilitation Family engagement in rehabilitation research •Rehabilitation research is crucial to the development and improvement of rehabilitative care. •The relevance, appropriateness, and accountability of research to patients, clients and families could be improved. •Engaging clients and families as partners in all aspects of the research process is one way to address this problem. •In this paper, we describe a framework for engaging clients and families in research at the organizational level.

  20. Certification. Tool for quality? Market and client for radiation experts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zwaard, W.


    The role and impact of certification in the advisory work of radiation experts is briefly outlined. Certification is a guarantee for quality of the advice or a product in case there is a client and a market. In cases where there is not a client or a market certification will lead to 'window-dressing and a bureaucratic system

  1. 77 FR 38766 - Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; International Client Life-Cycle Multi-Purpose... (United States)


    ... Request; International Client Life-Cycle Multi-Purpose Forms AGENCY: International Trade Administration...-0151, 0625-0215, 0625-0220, 0625-0228, and 0625- 0238. These collections include all client intake... trade events to U.S. organizations. The International Client Life-cycle Multi-Purpose Forms, previously...

  2. Occupational Therapists’ Perceived Relevance of Nussbaum’s Central Capabilities to Client-centered Practice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tahmineh Mousavi


    Full Text Available Background: Client-centered practice is highly valued in occupational therapy. Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach focuses on the individual person and functional autonomy by encompassing 10 functional capabilities that could provide a framework for the systematic implementation of client-centered care. Method: To explore the perceived relevance of Nussbaum’s 10 capabilities with respect to client-centered practice, semi-structured interviews with 14 occupational therapists in British Columbia, Canada, were conducted and thematically analyzed. Results: Nussbaum’s Central Human Functional Capabilities approach provides a broad perspective, encompassing the range of settings of occupational therapy practice. Nussbaum’s 10 capabilities were viewed as being particularly aligned with the established tenets of client-centered practice. Conclusion: Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach has several compelling attributes for consideration by occupational therapists that warrant further exploration as a novel basis for systematically implementing client-centered care.

  3. Facilitating Client Value Creation in the Conceptual Design Phase of Construction Projects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thyssen, Mikael Hygum; Emmitt, Stephen; Bonke, Sten


    If client values are not fully understood in a construction project it is likely to result in either low fulfilment of client expectations or multiple design alterations during the project process which lead to additional costs and frustration among the project participants. However...... by the fact that the delivery team, which is responsible for understanding and delivering client value, is made up of even more different parties. The paper reports the initial outcome of a joint research project between academics and practitioners, which aims to develop a practical workshop model...... that incorporates client values into the conceptual design of construction projects. The workshop model draws on value management and lean thinking as underlying principles in an attempt to address the ambiguous concept of ‘value’....

  4. Exploring the field of public construction clients by a graphical network analysis


    Eisma, P.R.; Volker, L.


    Because public construction clients form the majority of construction clients and procure over 40% of the construction output in most countries, they are important actors in the construction industry. Yet, the field of research on clients is still underdeveloped. In order to identify the research gaps in this field, a graphical network analysis of existing literature is performed. The analysis is based on a query executed in the scientific database Scopus resulting in around 3,300 publication...

  5. Reconciling Spiritual Values Conflicts for Counselors and Lesbian and Gay Clients (United States)

    Fallon, Kathleen M.; Dobmeier, Robert A.; Reiner, Summer M.; Casquarelli, Elaine J.; Giglia, Lauren A.; Goodwin, Eric


    Counselors and lesbian and gay clients experience parallel values conflicts between religious beliefs/spirituality and sexual orientation. This article uses critical thinking to assist counselors to integrate religious/spiritual beliefs with professional ethical codes. Clients are assisted to integrate religious/spiritual beliefs with sexual…

  6. 77 FR 24685 - Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Client Focus Groups and Qualitative Interviews (United States)


    ... Request; Client Focus Groups and Qualitative Interviews AGENCY: International Trade Administration (ITA... ``Quality Assurance Surveys'' to collect feedback from the U.S. business clients it serves. These surveys ask the client to evaluate the U.S. Commercial Service on its customer service provision. Results from...

  7. Prototype for a generic thin-client remote analysis environment for CMS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steenberg, C.D.; Bunn, J.J.; Hickey, T.M.; Holtman, K.; Legrand, I.; Litvin, V.; Newman, H.B.; Samar, A.; Singh, S.; Wilkinson, R.


    The multi-tiered architecture of the highly-distributed CMS computing systems necessitates a flexible data distribution and analysis environment. The authors describe a prototype analysis environment which functions efficiently over wide area networks using a server installed at the Caltech/UCSD Tier 2 prototype to analyze CMS data stored at various locations using a thin client. The analysis environment is based on existing HEP (Anaphe) and CMS (CARF, ORCA, IGUANA) software technology on the server accessed from a variety of clients. A Java Analysis Studio (JAS, from SLAC) plug-in is being developed as a reference client. The server is operated as a 'black box' on the proto-Tier2 system. ORCA objectivity databases (e.g. an existing large CMS Muon sample) are hosted on the master and slave nodes, and remote clients can request processing of queries across the server nodes, and get the histogram results returned and rendered in the client. The server is implemented using pure C++, and use XML-RPC as a language-neutral transport. This has several benefits, including much better scalability, better integration with CARF-ORCA, and importantly, makes the work directly useful to other non-Java general-purpose analysis and presentation tools such as Hippodraw, Lizard, or ROOT

  8. Working alliance, real relationship, session quality, and client improvement in psychodynamic psychotherapy: A longitudinal actor partner interdependence model. (United States)

    Kivlighan, Dennis M; Hill, Clara E; Gelso, Charles J; Baumann, Ellen


    We used the Actor Partner Interdependence Model (APIM; Kashy & Kenny, 2000) to examine the dyadic associations of 74 clients and 23 therapists in their evaluations of working alliance, real relationship, session quality, and client improvement over time in ongoing psychodynamic or interpersonal psychotherapy. There were significant actor effects for both therapists and clients, with the participant's own ratings of working alliance and real relationship independently predicting their own evaluations of session quality. There were significant client partner effects, with clients' working alliance and real relationship independently predicting their therapists' evaluations of session quality. The client partner real relationship effect was stronger in later sessions than in earlier sessions. Therapists' real relationship ratings (partner effect) were a stronger predictor of clients' session quality ratings in later sessions than in earlier sessions. Therapists' working alliance ratings (partner effect) were a stronger predictor of clients' session quality ratings when clients made greater improvement than when clients made lesser improvement. For clients' session outcome ratings, there were complex three-way interactions, such that both Client real relationship and working alliance interacted with client improvement and time in treatment to predict clients' session quality. These findings strongly suggest both individual and partner effects when clients and therapists evaluate psychotherapy process and outcome. Implications for research and practice are discussed. (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. Payeeship, financial leverage, and the client-provider relationship. (United States)

    Angell, Beth; Martinez, Noriko I; Mahoney, Colleen A; Corrigan, Patrick W


    Although representative payeeship provided within clinical settings is believed to have therapeutic benefits, its potential negative impact on the therapeutic alliance or client-provider relationship is of concern. This study examined the effects of payeeship and perceived financial leverage on positive and negative dimensions of the client-provider relationship. The sample consisted of 205 adults ages 18 to 65 with axis I disorders who were receiving mental health services from a large urban community mental health clinic. Information about money management characteristics and ratings of the client-provider relationship were collected via face-to-face interview. Fifty-three percent of the sample had a payee or money manager, and 79% of this group had a clinician payee. Respondents with co-occurring psychotic and substance use disorders, lower functioning, and lower insight about their illness were more likely to have a clinician payee. Forty percent of those with a clinician payee reported perceived financial leverage. Having a clinician payee was also associated with perceived financial leverage and with higher levels of conflict in the case management relationship. When examined in combination, financial leverage was found to mediate the effects of payeeship on conflict in the case management relationship (mean+/-SE=2.37+/-1.33, 95% confidence interval=16-5.52, pconflict in the therapeutic alliance when used as a source of treatment leverage. Although payeeship provides important support and may enhance functional outcomes for the patient, decisions about using the mechanism for promoting treatment adherence should take into account the potential disruption to the client-provider relationship.

  10. Rehabilitation therapies for older clients of the Ontario home care system: regional variation and client-level predictors of service provision. (United States)

    Armstrong, Joshua J; Zhu, Mu; Hirdes, John P; Stolee, Paul


    To examine regional variation in service provision and identify the client characteristics associated with occupational therapy (OT) and physiotherapy (PT) services for older adults in the Ontario Home Care System. Secondary analyses of a provincial database containing comprehensive assessments (RAI-HC) linked with service utilization data from every older long-stay home care client in the system between 2005 and 2010 (n = 299 262). Hierarchical logistic regression models were used to model the dependent variables of OT and PT service use within 90 d of the initial assessment. Regional differences accounted for 9% of the variation in PT service provision and 20% of OT service provision. After controlling for the differences across regions, the most powerful predictors of service provision were identified for both OT and PT. The most highly associated client characteristics related to PT service provision were hip fracture, impairments in activities of daily living/instrumental activities of daily living, cerebrovascular accidents, and cognitive impairment. For OT, hazards in the home environment was the most powerful predictor of future service provision. Where a client lived was an important determinant of service provision in Ontario, raising the possibility of inequities in access to rehabilitation services. Health care planners and policy makers should review current practices and make adjustments to meet the increasing and changing needs for rehabilitation therapies of the aging population. Implications for Rehabilitation For older adults in home care, the goal of rehabilitation therapy services is to allow individuals to maintain or improve physical functioning, quality of life and overall independence while living within their community. Previous research has demonstrated that a large proportion of home care clients specifically identified as having rehabilitation potential do not receive it. This article used clinical assessment data to identify the

  11. [Client centered psychotherapy]. (United States)

    Werthmann, H V


    In the discussion concerning which psychotherapeutic methods should come under the auspices of the medical health system in West Germany, the question is raised regarding the client-centered therapy of Carl Rogers. Can it be considered a distinct psychotherapeutic method? A review of the scientific literature dealing with this method shows that it provides neither a theory of mental illness nor a theory of clinical application based on individual cases or specific neurotic disturbances, Therefore it should be categorized as a useful method of communication in the field of psychology and not as a therapeutic method for treating mental illness.

  12. Modelling Client Satisfaction Levels: The Impact of Contractor Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robby Soetanto


    Full Text Available The performance of contractors is known to be a key determinant of client satisfaction.Here, using factor analysis, clients’ satisfaction is defined in several dimensions. Based onclients’ assessment of contractor performance, a number of satisfaction models developedusing the multiple regression (MR technique are presented. The models identify arange of variables encompassing contractor performance, project performance and respondent(i.e. client attributes as useful predictors of satisfaction levels. Contractor performanceattributes were found to be of utmost importance indicating that clientsatisfaction levels are mainly dependent on the performance of the contractor. Furthermore,findings suggest that subjectivity is to some extent prevalent in clients’ performanceassessment. The models demonstrate accurate and reliable predictive power as confirmedby validation tests. Contractors could use the models to help improve their performanceleading to more satisfied clients. This would also promote the development ofharmonious working relationships within the construction project coalition.

  13. Four different types of client attitudes towards purchasing spectacles in optometric practice (United States)

    Fylan, Fiona; Grunfeld, Elizabeth A; Turvey, Andrew; Desallais, Jacques


    Abstract Background  Unmet expectations are a major cause of client dissatisfaction, yet very little is known about the expectations and health values that clients in optometry practice hold about having an eye examination and purchasing spectacles. This study identified different attitudes and behaviours held by presbyope clients in optometric practices. Method  A total of 158 presbyope clients, recruited from 14 practices, completed a questionnaire which was developed from the theory of planned behaviour. The questionnaire examined attitudes towards spectacles and visiting the optician, motivation to visit the optician, perceptions of barriers to attending the opticians, information requirements, and preferences for shared decision‐making. Responses were analysed using principal components analysis. Results and Conclusions  Four factors were identified, which were labelled style, vision, avoiding and seeking. Style is concerned with the importance of appearing fashionable or stylish, and desiring approval from others. Vision relates to clients’ attitudes towards obtaining clear vision and to maintaining healthy eyesight. Avoiding describes the perceived difficulties associated with visiting the optician and purchasing new spectacles. Seeking corresponds to the desire for information on the technical details of lenses. Practitioners could use these characteristics to tailor information to meet the needs and address the expectations of individual clients. This may make the information provided more personally relevant, and could enhance client satisfaction. PMID:15713167

  14. Attachment Patterns in the Psychotherapy Relationship: Development of the Client Attachment to Therapist Scale. (United States)

    Mallinckrodt, Brent; And Others


    Describes development of an instrument, the Client Attachment to Therapist Scale (CATS). CATS factors correlated in expected directions with survey measures of object relations, client-rated working alliance, social self-efficacy, and adult attachment. Cluster analysis revealed four types of client attachment. Discusses implications of attachment…

  15. 77 FR 67804 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; Application for Client Assistance Program (United States)


    ...; Comment Request; Application for Client Assistance Program AGENCY: Department of Education (ED), Office of... of Collection: Application for Client Assistance Program. OMB Control Number: 1820-0520. Type of... Burden Hours: 9. Abstract: This form is used by states to request funds to establish and carry out Client...

  16. Using Private Employment Agencies to Place Public Assistance Clients in Jobs. (United States)

    Carcagno, George J.; And Others


    This paper presents the results of an experiment in which private employment agencies were used to place public assistance clients in jobs. Contains brief descriptions of the experiment and the AFDC clients who participated in it. Key experimental findings are outlined and policy implications are discussed. (CT)

  17. On Non-Parallelizable Deterministic Client Puzzle Scheme with Batch Verification Modes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tang, Qiang; Jeckmans, Arjan

    A (computational) client puzzle scheme enables a client to prove to a server that a certain amount of computing resources (CPU cycles and/or Memory look-ups) has been dedicated to solve a puzzle. Researchers have identified a number of potential applications, such as constructing timed cryptography,

  18. Indoor Location Fingerprinting with Heterogeneous Clients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Mikkel Baun


    Heterogeneous wireless clients measure signal strength differently. This is a fundamental problem for indoor location fingerprinting, and it has a high impact on the positioning accuracy. Mapping-based solutions have been presented that require manual and error-prone calibration for each new clie...

  19. Exploring Lawyer-Client Interaction: A Qualitative Study of Positive Lawyer Characteristics. (United States)

    Elbers, Nieke A; van Wees, Kiliaan A P C; Akkermans, Arno J; Cuijpers, Pim; Bruinvels, David J


    Personal injury victims involved in compensation processes have a worse recovery than those not involved in compensation processes. One predictor for worse recovery is lawyer engagement. As some people argue that this negative relation between lawyer engagement and recovery may be explained by lawyers' attitude and communications to clients, it seems important to investigate lawyer-client interaction. Although procedural justice and therapeutic jurisprudence had previously discussed aspects relevant for lawyer-client interaction, the client's perspective has been rather ignored and only few empirical studies have been conducted. In this qualitative study, 21 traffic accident victims were interviewed about their experiences with their lawyer. Five desirable characteristics for lawyers were identified: communication, empathy, decisiveness, independence, and expertise. Communication and empathy corresponded with aspects already discussed in literature, whereas decisiveness, independence and expertise had been addressed only marginally. Further qualitative and quantitative research is necessary to establish preferable lawyer characteristics and to investigate what would improve the well-being of personal injury victims during the claims settlement process.

  20. Gardening with Huntington's disease clients--creating a programme of winter activities. (United States)

    Spring, Josephine Anne; Baker, Mark; Dauya, Loreane; Ewemade, Ivie; Marsh, Nicola; Patel, Prina; Scott, Adrienne; Stoy, Nicholas; Turner, Hannah; Viera, Marc; Will, Diana


    A programme of garden-related indoor activities was developed to sustain a gardening group for people with mid to late stage Huntington's disease during the winter. The activities were devised by the horticulturist, working empirically, involving the services occupational therapist, physiotherapist, occupational therapy art technician, computer room, recreation and leisure staff. The programme was strongly supported by the nursing and care staff. Feedback on the effectiveness of the activities was sought from the clients, team members and unit staff. The clients' interest in gardening was sustained by a multidisciplinary programme of indoor growing and using plant products in creative activities, computing and group projects. The clients enjoyed all activities except one that they said lacked contact with plants. The inexpensive programme of activities enabled creativity and self-expression, stimulated social contact and helped with therapeutic goals of the clients. In addition, it engaged the multi-disciplinary team and the unit staff, was practical and enhanced the environment.

  1. Beauty from the beast: Avoiding errors in responding to client questions. (United States)

    Waehler, Charles A; Grandy, Natalie M


    Those rare moments when clients ask direct questions of their therapists likely represent a point when they are particularly open to new considerations, thereby representing an opportunity for substantial therapeutic gains. However, clinical errors abound in this area because clients' questions often engender apprehension in therapists, causing therapists to respond with too little or too much information or shutting down the discussion prematurely. These response types can damage the therapeutic relationship, the psychotherapy process, or both. We explore the nature of these clinical errors in response to client questions by providing examples from our own clinical work, suggesting potential reasons why clinicians may not make optimal use of client questions, and discussing how the mixed psychological literature further complicates the issue. We also present four guidelines designed to help therapists, trainers, and supervisors respond constructively to clinical questions in order to create constructive interactions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  2. Comparative analysis of a client's verbal responses in counseling sessions: quantitative case study. (United States)

    Lee, Han-Jong


    This study investigated how the in-session change in a client's verbal behavior might influence the effectiveness of counseling sessions. 10 sessions of counseling with a male undergraduate suffering from depressive mood were conducted by a humanistically oriented counselor. The two most effective and the two least effective sessions were identified according to the client's evaluation of the effectiveness of counseling sessions. Results indicated that over the three segments of the most effective sessions, the client gradually increased responses that indicated exploration of his own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. By contrast, the client continued talking mainly about past events in a storytelling manner throughout the least effective sessions.

  3. Advising Students or Practicing Law: The Formation of Implied Attorney-Client Relationships with Students (United States)

    Sheridan, Patricia M.


    An attorney-client relationship is traditionally created when both parties formally enter into an express agreement regarding the terms of representation and the payment of fees. There are certain circumstances, however, where the attorney-client relationship can be implied from the parties' conduct. An implied attorney-client relationship may…

  4. The prevalence and impact of depression in self-referred clients attending an employee assistance program. (United States)

    Lam, Raymond W; Wolinsky, Debra; Kinsella, Cynthia; Woo, Cindy; Cayley, Paula M; Walker, Anne B


    To determine the prevalence and characteristics of clients with depression attending an employee assistance program (EAP). Anonymized data were obtained from 10,794 consecutive clients, including 9105 employees, self-referred to PPC Canada, a large, external EAP. Assessment measures included the self-rated nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Clinical characteristics of depressed clients (PHQ-9 score ≥ 10) were compared with those of nondepressed clients. Thirty-seven percent of the employee sample met PHQ-9 criteria for clinically significant depression. Compared with clients without depression, they had significantly higher rates of anxiety, psychotropic medication use, problem substance use, global problems with functioning, absenteeism, impairment in work-related tasks, and low job satisfaction. A large proportion of EAP clients were clinically depressed with associated negative effects on personal and occupational functioning.

  5. Development of a Nutrition Education Intervention for Food Bank Clients. (United States)

    Dave, Jayna M; Thompson, Deborah I; Svendsen-Sanchez, Ann; McNeill, Lorna Haughton; Jibaja-Weiss, Maria


    The focus of this article is the development of a nutrition education intervention for food bank clients. Formative research using mixed-methods (qualitative and quantitative) and community-based participatory research principles was conducted to assess the nutrition education needs of clients obtaining service from the Houston Food Bank (HFB). Participants were HFB and pantry staff and clients. Interview data were coded and analyzed using grounded theory approach. Themes were then identified. Quantitative data were analyzed for frequencies and descriptives. Data were used to tailor the curriculum to the target population. Six HFB staff, 49 pantry staff from 17 pantries, and 54 clients from 10 pantries participated in interviews and focus groups and completed questionnaires. The participants provided opinion on the current nutrition education provided via the food bank and made suggestions on strategies for development of an intervention. Their feedback was used to develop the six-session intervention curriculum to be delivered over 6 months. This research provides evidence that it is critical for members of the target audience be included in formative research to develop behavior change programs that are relevant and appealing and target their needs and interests.

  6. The Use of Narrative Therapy with Clients Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    Ngazimbi, Evadne E.; Lambie, Glenn W.; Shillingford, M. Ann


    Clients diagnosed with bipolar disorder often suffer from mood instability, and research suggests that these clients need both counseling services and pharmacotherapy. Narrative therapy is a social constructionist approach grounded on the premise that there is no single "truth"; individuals may create new meanings and retell their stories to…

  7. Chair rise capacity and associated factors in older home-care clients. (United States)

    Tiihonen, Miia; Hartikainen, Sirpa; Nykänen, Irma


    The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of older home-care clients to perform the five times chair rise test and associated personal characteristics, nutritional status and functioning. The study sample included 267 home-care clients aged ≥75 years living in Eastern and Central Finland. The home-care clients were interviewed at home by home-care nurses, nutritionists and pharmacists. The collected data contained sociodemographic factors, functional ability (Barthel Index, IADL), cognitive functioning (MMSE), nutritional status (MNA), depressive symptoms (GDS-15), medical diagnoses and drug use. The primary outcome was the ability to perform the five times chair rise test. Fifty-one per cent ( n=135) of the home-care clients were unable to complete the five times chair rise test. Twenty-three per cent ( n=64) of the home-care clients had good chair rise capacity (≤17 seconds). In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, fewer years of education (odds ratio [OR] = 1.11, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.04-1.18), lower ADL (OR = 1.54, 95% CI 1.34-1.78) and low MNA scores (OR = 1.12, 95% CI 1.04-1.20) and a higher number of co-morbidities (OR = 1.21, 95% CI 1.02-1.43) were associated with inability to complete the five times chair rise test. Poor functional mobility, which was associated with less education, a high number of co-morbidities and poor nutritional status, was common among older home-care clients. To maintain and to prevent further decline in functional mobility, physical training and nutritional services are needed. (NutOrMed, Identifier: NCT02214758).

  8. Legibility of USP pictograms by clients of community pharmacies in Portugal. (United States)

    Soares, Maria Augusta


    Effective and safe use of medicines depends on patients' good understanding of the pharmacotherapy. Pictograms are a communication tool, as complement of verbal/written information, to facilitate drug use and, avoiding errors, being useful for drug effectiveness and safety. To assess the ability of pharmacy's clients, in understanding USP pictograms, establishing the relationship with their socio demographic profiles. The study was developed in community pharmacies, in Lisbon region. Cross sectional study, carried out in pharmacies in Lisbon. A structured questionnaire was used in pharmacies clients of 18 years old and above. Legibility of fifteen USP pictograms was studied using ISO and ANSI criteria. Correlation between the legibility of pictograms and pharmacies clients' demographic profile (age, gender, scholarship, frequency of medicines use) was evaluated. SPSS data base version 18 was used for descriptive analysis. Legibility of fifteen United States Pharmacopeia (USP) pictograms and, its relationship with clients' demographic data (scholarship degree, age, frequency of medicines use and, gender) was studied. From 751 responders, ten pictograms were legible by ISO and seven by ANSI. More than 30 % of the responders weren't able to understand five of the pictograms. It was found statistically significant relationships between some the understanding of some pictograms and clients' scholarships degree, age and frequency of medicines use. It was found that not all the fifteen tested USP pictograms were correctly comprehended by Portuguese pharmacies' clients, having found correlations with scholarship degree, daily use of medicines and age group, for some pictograms. To ensure the effectiveness of USP pictograms it is advisable to test patients' comprehension, before their use in general practice.

  9. The quality of integrated reproductive health services: perspectives of clients in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P Maharaj


    Full Text Available The focus of family planning programmes has shifted away from an emphasis on controlling fertility towards helping individuals achieve their reproductive goals. This article seeks to expand knowledge about the quality of integrated services from the perspective of clients at health facilities in KwaZulu-Natal. The results from 300 structured interviews with clients visiting health facilities found that overall quality of services was relatively high. However, the quality of services varied somewhat between rural and urban areas. Clients visiting urban health facilities reported greater satisfaction with services than clients visiting rural health facilities. The interviews with clients suggests that existing efforts to integrate services has had limited success. Clients were rarely offered an expanded range of services during their visit. In most cases, clients only received services for which they presented at the health facility.

  10. Client satisfaction with reproductive health-care quality: integrating business approaches to modeling and measurement. (United States)

    Alden, Dana L; Do, Mai Hoa; Bhawuk, Dharm


    Health-care managers are increasingly interested in client perceptions of clinic service quality and satisfaction. While tremendous progress has occurred, additional perspectives on the conceptualization, modeling and measurement of these constructs may further assist health-care managers seeking to provide high-quality care. To that end, this study draws on theories from business and health to develop an integrated model featuring antecedents to and consequences of reproductive health-care client satisfaction. In addition to developing a new model, this study contributes by testing how well Western-based theories of client satisfaction hold in a developing, Asian country. Applied to urban, reproductive health clinic users in Hanoi, Vietnam, test results suggest that hypothesized antecedents such as pre-visit expectations, perceived clinic performance and how much performance exceeds expectations impact client satisfaction. However, the relative importance of these predictors appears to vary depending on a client's level of service-related experience. Finally, higher levels of client satisfaction are positively related to future clinic use intentions. This study demonstrates the value of: (1) incorporating theoretical perspectives from multiple disciplines to model processes underlying health-care satisfaction and (2) field testing those models before implementation. It also furthers research designed to provide health-care managers with actionable measures of the complex processes related to their clients' satisfaction.

  11. El Servicio al cliente: ¡Más que un querer, un deber!

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Vargas Vargas


    Full Text Available Uno de los aspectos más importantes en la generaciónde diferenciación con respecto a la competencia loconstituye “el Servicio al Cliente”. El Servicio al Cliente presenta características, queconvierten su tratamiento en complejo de implementar:Por ejemplo se menciona que el Servicio es intangible;que el Servicio es variable; que el Servicio se producey se consume a la vez; y, que el Servicio no puede seralmacenado. Lo anterior es influido por la cultura del paísdonde se ubique la empresa. El tratar el tema del Servicio al Cliente es muyimportante en aras de poder mantener a nuestros clientes.En este sentido, varias investigaciones citadas evidencianel impacto de un mal manejo del Servicio al Cliente, asícomo cifras ligadas en general a su comportamiento. El Servicio al Cliente se puede definir como el conjuntode aspectos relacionados con los clientes, y no sólo setrata de atención al cliente, aspecto que es comúnmenteconfundido con el primero. La atención al cliente es partedel Servicio, pero no lo es todo! Es necesario escapar de seguir tratando este tema consuperficialidad, y más bien, aprovechar su implementacióncomo medio de generar ventajas competitivas ante lacompetencia.   ABSTRACT One of the most important aspects in the generationof a differentiation with your competition is constitutedby “Customer Service”. Customer Service presents several characteristicsthat make it complex to implement: For example itis mentioned that Service is intangible; that Serviceis variable; that Service is produced and consumedsimultaneously; and, that Service cannot be stored. Thisis influenced by the culture of the country where thecompany is located. Dealing with the subject of Customer Service is veryimportant for the sake of being able to maintain ourclients. In this sense several quoted investigations showthe impact of a badly handed Customer Service, as wellas financial figures related to its performance. Customer Service can be

  12. A humanização no cuidado com o cliente cirúrgico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosemari Ferigolo Medina


    Full Text Available A compreensão e o respeito ao ser humano na sua individualidade, a preocupação com seus sentimentos, desejos e direitos e a busca pela melhora no cuidado com vistas à humanização na assistência ao cliente e familiar, orientou este trabalho respaldado na Teoria Humanística de Paterson & Zderad (1988, desenvolvido com quinze clientes cirúrgicos internados num Hospital de Santa Maria. O acompanhamento no pré-operatório procurou identificar e reduzir os fatores causadores de ansiedade, medo e desconfortos ocasionados frente à iminência do ato cirúrgico. Os elementos-chave utilizados, neste processo de humanização ao cliente e seu familiar, foram a capacidade de empatia e a comunicação, sendo esta, verbal ou não-verbal. A interação vivida junto aos clientes propiciou-nos unir o saber técnico (racionalidade instrumental à subjetividade (intuição e afeto, desenvolvendo, desse modo, uma assistência de enfermagem diferenciada, com maior apoio e presença, orientação e reflexão e, segurança e conforto ao cliente (ser humano assistido.

  13. Using Web-Based Peer Benchmarking to Manage the Client-Based Project (United States)

    Raska, David; Keller, Eileen Weisenbach; Shaw, Doris


    The complexities of integrating client-based projects into marketing courses provide challenges for the instructor but produce richness of context and active learning for the student. This paper explains the integration of Web-based peer benchmarking as a means of improving student performance on client-based projects within a single semester in…

  14. Trainees' use of supervision for therapy with sexual minority clients: A qualitative study. (United States)

    Chui, Harold; McGann, Kevin J; Ziemer, Kathryn S; Hoffman, Mary Ann; Stahl, Jessica


    In the supervision literature, research on sexual orientation considerations often focuses on sexual minority supervisees and less often on their work with sexual minority clients. Yet both heterosexual and sexual minority supervisees serve sexual minority clients and may have different supervision needs. Twelve predoctoral interns from 12 APA-accredited counseling center internships were interviewed about how they made use of supervision for their work with a sexual minority client. The sample consisted of 6 heterosexual-identified supervisees and 6 supervisees who identified as lesbian, gay, or queer (LGQ). Data were analyzed using consensual qualitative research. All participants reported positive gains from supervision that carried over to their work with heterosexual and sexual minority clients, even when not all supervisors disclosed or discussed their own sexual orientation. Heterosexual supervisees used supervision to ensure that their heterosexuality does not interfere with an affirmative experience for their sexual minority client, whereas LGQ supervisees used supervision to explore differences in sexual identity development between themselves and their client to minimize the negative impact of overidentification. Thus, affirmative supervision may unfold with different foci depending on supervisees' sexual identity. Implications for training and supervision are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  15. 75 FR 66796 - Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP (“PwC”), Internal Firm Services Client Account Administrators Group... (United States)


    ... LLP (``PwC''), Internal Firm Services Client Account Administrators Group Atlanta, GA; Amended...''), Internal Firm Services Client Account Administrators Group. Accordingly, the Department is amending this... Firm Services Client Account Administrators Group. The amended notice applicable to TA-W-73,630 is...

  16. 77 FR 38582 - Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Domestic Client Life-Cycle Multi-Purpose Forms (United States)


    ... Request; Domestic Client Life-Cycle Multi-Purpose Forms AGENCY: International Trade Administration. ACTION..., 0625-0237, and 0625-0238. These collections include all client intake, events/activities and export... Client Life-cycle Multi-Purpose Forms, previously titled Export Information Services Order Forms, are...

  17. The Role of Reflection on Clients' Change in the Coaching Process (United States)

    Kristal, Zuno


    This study explored the role of reflection in the personal life-coaching process and the ways it affects clients' change, as perceived by both coach and client. Underlying this study is that coaching is currently recognized as a learning process, yet how reflection is understood or used is currently unspecified. Insights gained from the adult…

  18. Effects of Client Violence on Social Work Students: A National Study (United States)

    Criss, Pam


    This study uses a work stress theoretical framework to examine the effects of direct and indirect client violence on a randomly selected national sample of MSW and BSW social work students from the National Association of Social Workers (N=595). Client violence variables were analyzed in relationship to fear of future violence and occupational…

  19. Social-Cognitive Factors Affecting Clients' Career and Life Satisfaction after Counseling (United States)

    Verbruggen, Marijke; Sels, Luc


    This study examines factors affecting clients' career and life satisfaction in the first 6 months after having participated in career counseling. In particular, we tested a large subset of the recent social-cognitive model of work satisfaction of Lent and Brown using a longitudinal data set of 195 former counseling clients. Our results showed that…

  20. When psychologists work with religious clients: applications of the general principles of ethical conduct. (United States)

    Yarhouse, M A; VanOrman, B T


    Psychologists become more effective and relevant when they appreciate that many clients hold religious values and commitments. Greater awareness of religion and religious values in the lives of clients may aid clinicians' efforts to provide more accurate assessments and effective treatment plans. The authors use the American Psychological Association's (1992) "Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct" as a framework to examine many of the ethical issues relevant when psychologists work with religious clients. This article also provides suggestions for ways in which clinicians may obtain the skills needed to offer competent assessments and interventions with religiously committed clients.

  1. Client/Server Architecture Promises Radical Changes. (United States)

    Freeman, Grey; York, Jerry


    This article discusses the emergence of the client/server paradigm for the delivery of computer applications, its emergence in response to the proliferation of microcomputers and local area networks, the applicability of the model in academic institutions, and its implications for college campus information technology organizations. (Author/DB)

  2. Estimating Client Out-of-Pocket Costs for Accessing Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in South Africa.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michel Tchuenche

    Full Text Available In 2010, South Africa launched a countrywide effort to scale up its voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC program on the basis of compelling evidence that circumcision reduces men's risk of acquiring HIV through heterosexual intercourse. Even though VMMC is free there, clients can incur indirect out-of-pocket costs (for example transportation cost or foregone income. Because these costs can be barriers to increasing the uptake of VMMC services, we assessed them from a client perspective, to inform VMMC demand creation policies. Costs (calculated using a bottom-up approach and demographic data were systematically collected through 190 interviews conducted in 2015 with VMMC clients or (for minors their caregivers at 25 VMMC facilities supported by the government and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in eight of South Africa's nine provinces. The average age of VMMC clients was 22 years and nearly 92% were under 35 years of age. The largest reported out-of-pocket expenditure was transportation, at an average of US$9.20 (R 100. Only eight clients (4% reported lost days of work. Indirect expenditures were childcare costs (one client and miscellaneous items such as food or medicine (20 clients. Given competing household expense priorities, spending US$9.20 (R100 per person on transportation to access VMMC services could be a significant burden on clients and households, and a barrier to South Africa's efforts to create demand for VMMC. Thus, we recommend a more focused analysis of clients' transportation costs to access VMMC services.

  3. Risk Factors for Hip Fracture in Older Home Care Clients (United States)

    Poss, Jeff; Cook, Richard J.; Byrne, Kerry; Hirdes, John P.


    Background Little information is available on hip fracture risks among community-dwelling persons receiving home care. Our aim was to identify risk factors for hip fracture from health information routinely collected for older home care clients. Methods This was a cohort study involving secondary analysis of data on 40,279 long-stay (>60 days) home care clients aged 65 and older in Ontario, Canada; occurrence of hip fracture as well as potential risk factor information were measured using the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI)/Minimum Data Set–Home Care assessment instrument. Results In all, 1,003 clients (2.5%) had hip fracture on follow-up assessment. Older (85+ vs 65–74, relative risk [95% confidence interval]: 0.52 [0.43–0.64]) clients are at increased risk; males are at reduced risk [0.60 (0.51–0.70)]. Other risk factors include osteoporosis (1.19 [1.03–1.36]), falls (1.31 [1.15–1.49]), unsteady gait (1.18 [1.03–1.36]), use of ambulation aide (1.39 [1.21–1.59]), tobacco use (1.42, [1.13–1.80]), severe malnutrition (2.61 [1.67–4.08]), and cognitive impairment (1.30 [1.12–1.51]). Arthritis (0.86 [0.76–0.98]) and morbid obesity (0.34 [0.16–0.72]) were associated with reduced risk. Males and females demonstrated different risk profiles. Conclusions Important risk factors for hip fracture can be identified from routinely collected data; these could be used to identify at-risk clients for further investigation and prevention strategies [22]. PMID:19196903

  4. Veterinary students' views on animal patiens and human clients, using Q methodology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Graaf, G.


    Veterinarians serve two masters: animal patients and human clients. Both animal patients and human clients have legitimate interests, and conflicting moral claims may flow from these interests. Earlier research concludes that veterinary students are very much aware of the complex and often

  5. The Impact of internet use on the Client-professional relationship: A comparative analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johnsen, Helle


    use the internet to prepare for the client-professional meeting and to seek second opinions. Professionals reported more limitations than benefits in relation to internet use. Limitations were linked to doubts of reliability of internet information and information overload. Midwifery clients were......This study explores how internet use impacts the client–professional relationship among midwives compared to related professions. Thirty health professionals in Denmark and Norway took part in nine focus group interviews. A template approach was used to analyse data. Findings indicate that clients...... reported to use internet chatrooms as an information source. However, these were often perceived as interfering with midwifery work. Although midwifery clients were frequent users of internet information, they also turned to midwives for verification of the information they found. Seeking reassurance...

  6. What client?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Unterrainer, Walter


    Urbanization is growing exponentially, global streams of refugees are at an all-time high, 10 million people found their homes destroyed by one typhoon on the Philippines, 2,000,000,000 people have no access to basic sanitation. The building sector produces a gigantic 60% of global waste. 40...... has been a popular art and that the clients were the rich and powerful, documented by a legacy of palaces, churches, villas, office blocs and alienated ´property developments´. Slum dwellers, climate victims, war refugees, the urban poor but also endangered species as well as tormented spaces cannot......% of (non-renewable) energy is consumed by buildings (without calculating energy used in construction). Growing amounts of buildings become abandoned and derelict, infrastructural failures and junk spaces surge and whole urban quarters decline socially and physically. Any more challenges needed? Looking...

  7. OHS consultants as facilitators of learning processes in client enterprises

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Broberg, Ole


    emphasis on initiating learning processes in the client enter-prise in a way that will develop the OHS management capabilities of that enterprise. This presentation is based on a research program focussing on how OHS consultants go about when they are involved in consultancy on technological change...... processes in client enter-prises. Specifically the learning perspective will be touched upon. The research programme included four cases in different client enterprises: 1) New tech-nology in a logistic department of a brewery, 2) new pharmaceutical process facility, 3) design of a new catering centre...... in another institution than pre-sent the users to blueprints and then ask them to put forward technical suggestions to im-prove the workplace design. In conclusion, the study pointed out that the OHS consultants had different work practices on learning aspects of their consultancy. Several constraining...

  8. Implementation of news module for news client based on ApiCloud


    Fu Xin; Liang Yu; Cao Sanxing; Gu Hongbo


    With the development of new media technology, news client has become the main battlefield of news browsing. Based on the ApiCloud hybrid development platform, this paper uses HTML, JavaScript and other technologies to develop the mobile client news module, and uses WAMP integrated development environment to build a news publishing system on the server side.

  9. Risk-Coping through Sexual Networks: Evidence from Client Transfers in Kenya (United States)

    Robinson, Jonathan; Yeh, Ethan


    Why do women engage in transactional sex? While much of the explanation is that sex-for-money pays more than other jobs, we use a unique panel data set constructed from 192 self-reported diaries of sex workers in Western Kenya to show that women who supply transactional sex develop relationships with regular clients, and that these clients send…

  10. Effect of Pre-Construction on Construction Schedule and Client Loyalty


    Jong Hoon Kim; Hyun-Soo Lee; Moonseo Park; Min Jeong; Inbeom Lee


    Pre-construction is essential in achieving the success of a construction project. Due to the early involvement of project participants in the construction phase, project managers are able to plan ahead and solve issues well in advance leading to the success of the project and the satisfaction of the client. This research utilizes quantitative data derived from construction management projects in order to identify the relationship between pre-construction, construction schedule, and client sat...

  11. Client Perceptions of Occupational Health and Safety Management System Assistance Provided by OSHA On-Site Consultation: Results of a Survey of Colorado Small Business Consultation Clients. (United States)

    Autenrieth, Daniel A; Brazile, William J; Gilkey, David P; Reynolds, Stephen J; June, Cathy; Sandfort, Del


    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) On-Site Consultation Service provides assistance establishing occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS) to small businesses. The Safety and Health Program Assessment Worksheet (Revised OSHA Form 33) is the instrument used by consultants to assess an organization's OHSMS and provide feedback on how to improve a system. A survey was developed to determine the usefulness of the Revised OSHA Form 33 from the perspective of Colorado OSHA consultation clients. One hundred and seven clients who had received consultation services within a six-year period responded to the survey. The vast majority of respondents indicated that the Revised OSHA Form 33 accurately reflected their OHSMS and that information provided on the Revised OSHA Form 33 was helpful for improving their systems. Specific outcomes reported by the respondents included increased safety awareness, reduced injuries, and improved morale. The results indicate that the OHSMS assistance provided by OSHA consultation is beneficial for clients and that the Revised OSHA Form 33 can be an effective tool for assessing and communicating OHSMS results to business management. Detailed comments and suggestions provided on the Revised OSHA Form 33 are helpful for clients to improve their OHSMS.

  12. 49 CFR 1103.21 - How far a practitioner may go in supporting a client's cause. (United States)


    ... client's cause. 1103.21 Section 1103.21 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation... of Ethics The Practitioner's Duties and Responsibilities Toward A Client § 1103.21 How far a practitioner may go in supporting a client's cause. A practitioner shall put forth his best effort to maintain...

  13. 34 CFR 379.42 - What are the special requirements pertaining to the Client Assistance Program? (United States)


    ... Client Assistance Program? 379.42 Section 379.42 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department... requirements pertaining to the Client Assistance Program? Each grantee under a program covered by this part... availability and purposes of the State's Client Assistance Program, including information on seeking assistance...

  14. Training in Rational-Behavior Problem Solving and Employability Enhancement of Rehabilitation Clients. (United States)

    Farley, Roy C.


    Examined the effects of a psychoeducational program on employability enhancement of 23 rehabilitation clients. The program had a significant, positive impact on clients' thinking, feeling, acting, and vocational outcome and reduced task-interfering beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and problem behavior. Participants had a lower vocational training…

  15. Design and Build: Views from some Major Public Clients in Hong Kong

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Albert P C Chan


    Full Text Available This paper presents the views of clients in public sector on design and build(D&B procurement method. Specifically, their reasons of adopting D&B and refusing to adopt it were explored. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews with ten senior staff from four major public organisations in Hong Kong. The findings indicate that public clients held different views on D&B methods based on different grounds. Apart from functional requirements such as project completion time, cost certainty, etc., internal resources and political force would also influence client's adoption of D&B method in the public sector.

  16. Counselling and Psychological Services for Clients at the Shelter Home

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ľudmila Fonferová


    Full Text Available Problem: The paper is dealing with a psychological approach to the work with families and their children at a shelter home. It describes the circumstances and conditions for the work in the specific socio-therapeutic environment of the Horni Pocernice Shelter Home. The main research question - 'What are the options of psychological intervention and psychotherapeutic work with clients in the scope of services offered by the shelter home in Horni Pocernice'- works with the hypopaper that psychology and psychotherapy have their place within and next to social services. For clients who use services of this shelter home is this work essential and contributes to better understanding of their life situation and their social relations. Effectivity of psychological work in the environment of a shelter home is in a great deal connected to its acceptance, inner belief and understanding of its real possibilities by every single social worker. Lack of understanding, distorted expectations both on the side of social workers and psychologists complicate or even prevent psychotherapeutic work with clients for whom the requirements and demands of social workers are determining during their stay. Methods: This paper is based on the design of ethnographic field research. Empirical design of this research is defined by the premises of the shelter home and the time period from 2007 to 2012. Therapeutic possibilities of clients are examined from the position of psychologist and psychotherapist of this centre who offers his/her services once a week for about 5 to 7 hours. The research sample was being created during the collection of data in the examined period and its analysis when it was early established with respect to the research question that all available cases typical for full collection will be included (there were 646 clients in the examined period. Results: The answer to the main research question concerns two variables which are related to each other. The

  17. Client's Constraining Factors to Construction Project Management

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    factors as a significant system that constrains project management success of public and ... finance for the project and prompt payment for work executed; clients .... consideration of the loading patterns of these variables, the major factor is ...

  18. Using machine learning algorithms to guide rehabilitation planning for home care clients. (United States)

    Zhu, Mu; Zhang, Zhanyang; Hirdes, John P; Stolee, Paul


    Targeting older clients for rehabilitation is a clinical challenge and a research priority. We investigate the potential of machine learning algorithms - Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) - to guide rehabilitation planning for home care clients. This study is a secondary analysis of data on 24,724 longer-term clients from eight home care programs in Ontario. Data were collected with the RAI-HC assessment system, in which the Activities of Daily Living Clinical Assessment Protocol (ADLCAP) is used to identify clients with rehabilitation potential. For study purposes, a client is defined as having rehabilitation potential if there was: i) improvement in ADL functioning, or ii) discharge home. SVM and KNN results are compared with those obtained using the ADLCAP. For comparison, the machine learning algorithms use the same functional and health status indicators as the ADLCAP. The KNN and SVM algorithms achieved similar substantially improved performance over the ADLCAP, although false positive and false negative rates were still fairly high (FP > .18, FN > .34 versus FP > .29, FN. > .58 for ADLCAP). Results are used to suggest potential revisions to the ADLCAP. Machine learning algorithms achieved superior predictions than the current protocol. Machine learning results are less readily interpretable, but can also be used to guide development of improved clinical protocols.

  19. The impact of worker values on client outcomes within a drug treatment service. (United States)

    Phillips, Rosie; Bourne, Humphrey


    Little attention has been paid to understanding the impact of values, attributes and characteristics of drugs workers on therapeutic relationships and treatment outcomes. Interaction of values with other variables is considered to be of importance since values play a role in determining attitudes and behaviours. This exploratory study investigates the impact of drug workers' personal values on client outcomes within a drug treatment service. Eight drug workers and 58 clients were recruited at a UK charity working with problematic drug users who are also socially excluded. Drug workers completed a validated questionnaire to elicit their personal values. Client outcomes were assessed using the Christo Inventory for Substance Misuse Services. The relationship between client outcomes and worker values were analysed using Spearman's rank test of association. Drug workers prioritising stimulation, self-direction and hedonism value types experienced more positive client outcomes compared with those prioritising security, conformity, benevolence, tradition and universalism types. The value types associated with positive outcomes fall within Schwartz's 'openness to change' superordinate dimension, whereas those related to more negative outcomes fall within the 'conservation' dimension. The study suggests that drug workers' personal values may have a significant impact upon client outcomes in the treatment of substance misuse. Reasons for this finding are explored, as are limitations of this study and suggestions for future research.

  20. Smoking and its treatment in addiction services: clients' and staff behaviour and attitudes. (United States)

    Cookson, Camilla; Strang, John; Ratschen, Elena; Sutherland, Gay; Finch, Emily; McNeill, Ann


    High smoking prevalence has been observed among those misusing other substances. This study aimed to establish smoking behaviours and attitudes towards nicotine dependence treatment among clients and staff in substance abuse treatment settings. Cross-sectional questionnaire survey of staff and clients in a convenience sample of seven community and residential addiction services in, or with links to, Europe's largest provider of mental health care, the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Survey items assessed smoking behaviour, motivation to quit, receipt of and attitudes towards nicotine dependence treatment. Eighty five percent (n = 163) and 97% (n = 145) response rates of clients and staff were achieved. A high smoking prevalence was observed in clients (88%) and staff (45%); of current smokers, nearly all clients were daily smokers, while 42% of staff were occasional smokers. Despite 79% of clients who smoked expressing a desire to quit and 46% interested in receiving advice, only 15% had been offered support to stop smoking during their current treatment episode with 56% reported never having been offered support. Staff rated smoking treatment significantly less important than treatment of other substances (p smoking cessation interventions to an extraordinarily high prevalence population of smokers in addiction services. This is despite the majority of smokers reporting motivation to quit. Staff smoking and attitudes may be a contributory factor in these findings.

  1. 17 CFR 275.206(4)-4 - Financial and disciplinary information that investment advisers must disclose to clients. (United States)


    ... information that investment advisers must disclose to clients. 275.206(4)-4 Section 275.206(4)-4 Commodity and... disclose to clients. (a) It shall constitute a fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative act, practice, or... fail to disclose to any client or prospective client all material facts with respect to: (1) A...

  2. Knowledge about feet care of the diabetic client


    Barbui, Elaine Cristina; Cocco, Maria Inês Monteiro


    Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo avaliar o conhecimento dos clientes que freqüentam um Ambulatório de Diabetes, em relação à sua doença e cuidados com os pés. Na amostra estudada - diabéticos tipo 2 - houve predominância da faixa etária acima de cinqüenta anos e 71,8% tinham diabetes há menos de dez anos. Concluiu-se que os clientes sabem que os cuidados adequados com os pés são necessários para evitar as complicações, porém o autocuidado não é realizado corretamente. Para que isso seja incorpo...

  3. A RAD approach to client/server system development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brule, M.; Fair, W.; Jiang, J.; Sanvido, R.


    The capability, richness, and leverage of inexpensive commercial operating systems, off-the-shelf applications, and powerful developing tools have made building feature-rich client/server systems possible in rapid time and at low cost--ushering in a new level of systems integration not before possible. The authors achieve rapid application development (RAD) by using a flexible and extendible client/service integration framework. The framework provides the means to integrate in-house and third-party software applications with databases and expert-system knowledge bases and, where appropriate, provides communication links among the applications. The authors discuss the integration framework's capabilities, explain its underlying system architecture, and outline the methods and tools used to customize and integrate many diverse applications

  4. Business Client Segmentation in Banking Using Self-Organizing Maps

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bach Mirjana Pejić


    Full Text Available Segmentation in banking for the business client market is traditionally based on size measured in terms of income and the number of employees, and on statistical clustering methods (e.g. hierarchical clustering, k-means. The goal of the paper is to demonstrate that self-organizing maps (SOM effectively extend the pool of possible criteria for segmentation of the business client market with more relevant criteria, including behavioral, demographic, personal, operational, situational, and cross-selling products. In order to attain the goal of the paper, the dataset on business clients of several banks in Croatia, which, besides size, incorporates a number of different criteria, is analyzed using the SOM-Ward clustering algorithm of Viscovery SOMine software. The SOM-Ward algorithm extracted three segments that differ with respect to the attributes of foreign trade operations (import/export, annual income, origin of capital, important bank selection criteria, views on the loan selection and the industry. The analyzed segments can be used by banks for deciding on the direction of further marketing activities.

  5. The Effect of Client Attachment Style and Counselor Functioning on Career Exploration (United States)

    littman-Ovadia, Hadassah


    This longitudinal research investigated the interactive effect of social attachment style and perceived-counselor behavior on exploratory behavior exhibited by clients during and after career counseling. Results from 96 clients in career counseling indicated that social confidence and comfort, and the perception that the counselor had created…

  6. Implementation of news module for news client based on ApiCloud

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fu Xin


    Full Text Available With the development of new media technology, news client has become the main battlefield of news browsing. Based on the ApiCloud hybrid development platform, this paper uses HTML, JavaScript and other technologies to develop the mobile client news module, and uses WAMP integrated development environment to build a news publishing system on the server side.

  7. Prenatal screening for congenital anomalies: exploring midwives' perceptions of counseling clients with religious backgrounds. (United States)

    Gitsels-van der Wal, Janneke T; Manniën, Judith; Gitsels, Lisanne A; Reinders, Hans S; Verhoeven, Pieternel S; Ghaly, Mohammed M; Klomp, Trudy; Hutton, Eileen K


    In the Netherlands, prenatal screening follows an opting in system and comprises two non-invasive tests: the combined test to screen for trisomy 21 at 12 weeks of gestation and the fetal anomaly scan to detect structural anomalies at 20 weeks. Midwives counsel about prenatal screening tests for congenital anomalies and they are increasingly having to counsel women from religious backgrounds beyond their experience. This study assessed midwives' perceptions and practices regarding taking client's religious backgrounds into account during counseling. As Islam is the commonest non-western religion, we were particularly interested in midwives' knowledge of whether pregnancy termination is allowed in Islam. This exploratory study is part of the DELIVER study, which evaluated primary care midwifery in The Netherlands between September 2009 and January 2011. A questionnaire was sent to all 108 midwives of the twenty practices participating in the study. Of 98 respondents (response rate 92%), 68 (69%) said they took account of the client's religion. The two main reasons for not doing so were that religion was considered irrelevant in the decision-making process and that it should be up to clients to initiate such discussions. Midwives' own religious backgrounds were independent of whether they paid attention to the clients' religious backgrounds. Eighty midwives (82%) said they did not counsel Muslim women differently from other women. Although midwives with relatively many Muslim clients had more knowledge of Islamic attitudes to terminating pregnancy in general than midwives with relatively fewer Muslim clients, the specific knowledge of termination regarding trisomy 21 and other congenital anomalies was limited in both groups. While many midwives took client's religion into account, few knew much about Islamic beliefs on prenatal screening for congenital anomalies. Midwives identified a need for additional education. To meet the needs of the changing client population

  8. Improved materials management through client/server computing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brooks, D.; Neilsen, E.; Reagan, R.; Simmons, D.


    This paper reports that materials management and procurement impacts every organization within an electric utility from power generation to customer service. An efficient material management and procurement system can help improve productivity and minimize operating costs. It is no longer sufficient to simply automate materials management using inventory control systems. Smart companies are building centralized data warehouses and use the client/server style of computing to provide real time data access. This paper describes how Alabama Power Company, Southern Company Services and Digital Equipment Corporation transformed two existing applications, a purchase order application within DEC's ALL-IN-1 environment and a materials management application within an IBM CICS environment, into a data warehouse - client/server application. An application server is used to overcome incompatibilities between computing environments and provide easy, real-time access to information residing in multi-vendor environments

  9. Information provision to clients with stroke and their carers: self-reported practices of occupational therapists. (United States)

    Gustafsson, Louise; Hodge, Anna; Robinson, Mia; McKenna, Kryss; Bower, Kylie


    The literature promotes the use of a wide range of educational materials for teaching and training clients with chronic conditions such as stroke. Client education is a valuable tool used by occupational therapists to facilitate client and carer ability to manage the stroke-affected upper limb. The aim of this study was to identify what information was provided to clients and carers, how this information was delivered, when the information was delivered and the client factors that influenced the method of information provision. Convenience and snowball sampling was used to recruit occupational therapists working in stroke. Twenty-eight participants completed the study questionnaire anonymously and their responses were summarised descriptively. There was a clinically important trend for carers to receive less information than clients. Written and/or verbal information was the favoured method for delivering information related to handling (57%), soft-tissue injury minimisation (46.4%) and oedema management (50%). Information was delivered with decreasing frequency from admission (86%) to discharge (64%). More than 90% of participants indicated that the client's cognitive ability, visual ability, level of communication, primary language and perceptual ability were considered prior to the delivery of information. Participants regularly conveyed information to clients and carers with respect to management of the stroke-affected upper limb. However, an increased emphasis on the development of practical self-management skills, awareness of the impact of personal factors and a timeline for information provision may prove useful.


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    Fagna Florindo Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretende avaliar as práticas de fidelização de clientes adotadas pela empresa Móveis Conquista, à luz da literatura especializada. A metodologia considera duas vertentes, uma marcada pela revisão de literatura e outra na análise de uma empresa, considerada como estudo de caso, de cunho exploratório-avaliativo. Tomou-se por base a comparação entre os indicativos das fontes teóricas consultadas e a prática da referida empresa. Para o levantamento de dados, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os gestores e colaboradores. A partir da comparação, identificou-se a necessidade da empresa Moveis Conquista adotar estratégias competitivas, voltadas para a manutenção do cliente, com medidas capazes de desenvolver um relacionamento ainda maior. Identificou-se ainda que, diante do novo cenário de negócios, a referida empresa, a partir das ações em curso, vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço no mercado, reconhecendo que os clientes devem ser considerados necessários para o sucesso da organização, assim como reconhece a necessidade de aperfeiçoar as ferramentas de relacionamento já utilizadas.

  11. Growth curves of clients' emotional experience and their association with emotion regulation and symptoms. (United States)

    Fisher, Hadar; Atzil-Slonim, Dana; Bar-Kalifa, Eran; Rafaeli, Eshkol; Peri, Tuvia


    Emotional experience during psychotherapy is considered a core mechanism of change. Yet the sheer experience itself may not necessarily be beneficial; instead, the trajectories of emotional experience need to be explored as possible predictors of treatment outcomes. This study investigated whether clients' pre-treatment levels of emotion regulation and symptoms predicted patterns of session-to-session change in emotional experience. We also explored which patterns better predict clients' improvement in emotion regulation and symptoms from pre- to post treatment. One-hundred and seven clients undergoing psychodynamic psychotherapy completed questionnaires on their symptoms and emotion regulation at pre- and post- treatment. They also reported their level of emotional experience at the end of each session. Pre-treatment symptoms and difficulties in emotion regulation predicted greater instability in emotional experience. Higher mean levels of emotional experience during treatment were associated with an improvement in emotion regulation, and greater stability during treatment was associated with improvement in emotion regulation and symptoms. These findings lend weight to the idea that experiencing emotion in the therapeutic environment has significant implications for clients' ability to manage their emotions outside the session. However, emotions experienced in an unstable manner within therapy are associated with poorer outcomes. Clinical and methodological significance of this article: Therapists can benefit from observing the patterns and not only the level of their clients' emotional experiences. The identification of clients' difficulties early in treatment may help therapists guide clients through the delicate process of carefully attending to their emotions.

  12. A Whooping Cough Education Module for WIC Clients in Utah. (United States)

    Luthy, Karlen E; Anderson, Alicia; Macintosh, Janelle; Beckstrand, Renea L; Eden, Lacey M; Amy, Ryan; Macintosh, Christopher I

    Clients in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) are required to complete education modules quarterly to maintain eligibility. The purposes of this project were to: (1) create a whooping cough vaccination education module for WIC clients; (2) evaluate baseline perceptions of WIC clients on the whooping cough vaccine and disease; and (3) evaluate whooping cough knowledge following completion of the module. A decline in vaccination rates among infants and children using WIC services was reported by a local WIC program director who requested whooping cough vaccination education materials. This quality improvement project included development of a whooping cough education module and evaluation of learning. Learning was evaluated using a pre- and posttest design. Client feedback was solicited via open-ended questions. Quantitative analysis was performed on visual analog-type questions with paired t-tests and a Cohen's d. Content analysis was conducted on open-ended items. The module was designed by a team of vaccination experts and included general definitions, signs and symptoms during the three stages of disease, recommendations to prevent whooping cough, and vaccination recommendations. Learning of users of the module was then evaluated. After using the module, clients indicated they were significantly more likely to vaccinate themselves and their child against whooping cough, and to recommend the vaccination to their family members. The greatest concern of participants about whooping cough was how it affected infants. Participants reported they learned new information on disease seriousness, recognition of symptoms, and treatment options but still requested additional information on the whooping cough disease and vaccine. A whooping cough education module is an effective strategy to improve whooping cough knowledge and promote the whooping cough vaccine.

  13. Project Management Yinyang: Coupling project success and client satisfaction

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    Greg Stewart Usher


    Full Text Available Our research applies paradox theory to a project management construct to help project management researchers and practitioners understand the tensions that can exist between project success and client satisfaction. Our research highlights that although project success and client satisfaction are both present within a project management construct, they also belong to different functional systems. Project success and client satisfaction have different systemic-discourses and use different language games to convey information. These distinctions can create latent and sometimes salient tensions within the project management construct that project managers must understand, embrace, and work with. We have used a Grounded Theory (GT methodology to explore the lived experience of project managers, and from this have identified a phenomenon which we have termed project management yinyang. Project management yinyang is the state that exists when both project success and Client satisfaction are tightly coupled within the project management construct. Project management yinyang highlights that these two phenomena cannot be viewed as separate elements because the ‘seed’ of each exists within the other. And to truly achieve one, you must also achieve the other. Our findings indicate that in order to create project management yinyang the project manager must embrace a paradoxical yet holistic philosophy. They must understand the complementarity, interdependency, and structural coupling that exists between the positivist and interpretivist paradigms within the project management construct. They must understand how satisfaction (Yin and success (Yang are created through focus. Furthermore, they must understand how project management yinyang is separate from, but borne from, the convergence of the other two elements.

  14. Benefits to a life insurance company from providing radon tests for clients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, B.L.


    If a life insurance company provided free radon tests to clients, clients' life expectancies would be extended and profits would thereby be increased. This effect is quantified and it is found that the direct monetary benefits to the company could be substantial. Several subsidiary advantages are also discussed

  15. Which Individual Therapist Behaviors Elicit Client Change Talk and Sustain Talk in Motivational Interviewing? (United States)

    Apodaca, Timothy R; Jackson, Kristina M; Borsari, Brian; Magill, Molly; Longabaugh, Richard; Mastroleo, Nadine R; Barnett, Nancy P


    To identify individual therapist behaviors which elicit client change talk or sustain talk in motivational interviewing sessions. Motivational interviewing sessions from a single-session alcohol intervention delivered to college students were audio-taped, transcribed, and coded using the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code (MISC), a therapy process coding system. Participants included 92 college students and eight therapists who provided their treatment. The MISC was used to code 17 therapist behaviors related to the use of motivational interviewing, and client language reflecting movement toward behavior change (change talk), away from behavior change (sustain talk), or unrelated to the target behavior (follow/neutral). Client change talk was significantly more likely to immediately follow individual therapist behaviors [affirm (p=.013), open question (pmotivational interviewing can either elicit both client change talk and sustain talk or suppress both types of client language. Affirm was the only therapist behavior that both increased change talk and also reduced sustain talk. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. A physician role typology: colleague and client dependence in an HMO. (United States)

    Barr, J K; Steinberg, M K


    This paper reports on physicians' role definitions in one prepaid group practice, a health maintenance organization (HMO). Colleague and client dependence are reviewed and analyzed as separable dimensions of physician role definitions. Data are derived from documents, interviews, and staff questionnaires collected in 1979-1980. The evidence reported suggests widespread colleague dependence in the HMO. Physicians consulted with one another about patient care and engaged in informal referral and review, developing practice standards; and some of these physicians relied on colleagues for handling their patient visits when needed. In relation to their patients, some physicians viewed themselves as bureaucratic officials relatively dependent on client approval in carrying out their health care activities, while others saw themselves as trusted medical experts in a setting free of nonmedical constraints in patient care. The relationship of organizational structure to these different role definitions is discussed. Classifying these HMO physicians according to a fourfold typology of professional dependence shows that most are Organizational Physicians (Type I), who are both colleague and client dependent. Collegial Physicians (Type II) are colleague dependent and, at the same time, do not perceive clients as demanding. Implications for quality of care and physician satisfaction and turnover are considered.

  17. Client satisfaction in a faith-based health network: findings from a survey in Uganda. (United States)

    Shumba, Constance Sibongile; Kabali, Kenneth; Miyonga, Jonathan; Mugadu, Jairus; Lakidi, Luke; Kerchan, Patrick; Tumwesigye, Tonny


    Client satisfaction surveys are important in evaluating quality of the healthcare processes and contribute to health service improvements by assisting health program managers to develop appropriate strategies. The goal of this study was to assess clients' level of satisfaction with services provided by private-not-for-profit member health facilities affiliated to Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau. This was a cross-sectional descriptive study using an interviewer-administered questionnaire conducted in 254/278 (91%) of UPMB member health facilities between 27th April and 14th July 2014 among 927 clients. The tool measured ten dimensions of the care-seeking experience namely; health facility access; waiting time; health providers; support staff; rights; payments; facilities and environment; consent; confidentiality; and the overall care seeking experience. Logistic regression was utilised for multivariate analysis. Overall client satisfaction was found to be high within the UPMB network (84.2%). Most of the client satisfaction dimensions were rated above 70% except payments and rights. There was evidence of association with marital status; single/never married were 3.05 times more likely to be dissatisfied compared to widowed. Clients attending HCIII were less likely to be dissatisfied compared to those attending HCII (OR=0.51, 95% CI: 0.25-1.05). Post-secondary education (OR=1.79; 95% CI 1.01-3.17), being formally employed (OR=2.78, 95% CI: 0.91-8.48) or unemployed (OR=3.34, 95% CI: 1.00-11.17), attendance at a hospital (OR=2.15, 95% CI: 1.36- 3.41) were also associated with high dissatisfaction levels with payments. This study found a high level of satisfaction with services in the UPMB network but recorded low client satisfaction with the dimensions of rights and payments. Health workers should take time to explain rights and entitlement as well as charges levied to clients.

  18. Verbal interactional dominance and coordinative structure of speech rhythms of staff and clients with an intellectual disability. (United States)

    Reuzel, Ellen; Embregts, Petri J C M; Bosman, Anna M T; Cox, Ralf F A; van Nieuwenhuijzen, Maroesjka; Jahoda, Andrew


    Social interactions between staff and clients with an intellectual disability contain synchronized turn-taking patterns. Synchrony can increase rapport and cooperation between individuals. This study investigated whether verbal interactional dominance and balance, an indication of attunement between staff and clients with ID, are associated with synchrony of turn-taking patterns during staff-client interactions and whether the level of dominance and balance is related to the observed quality of the social interactions. Nineteen staff members video-recorded a social interaction with one of their clients in which the client asked for support. The recordings were analyzed using Cross Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Initiative Response Analysis. Fifteen staff observers as well as client observers completed a questionnaire on the quality of the video-recorded interactions. Staff and clients' patterns of verbal interactional dominance and balance were associated with the synchrony of their turn-taking behaviors. Staff's dominance was associated with a higher level of synchrony of turn taking, whereas client's dominance was associated with a lower level of synchrony. The patterns of verbal interactional dominance and balance were associated with staff observer reports about the quality of the interactions. The study suggested that staff and clients have a tendency to be sensitive to different aspects of interactions, which in turn may have different functions.

  19. Client and clinician-rated characteristics of problem gamblers with and without history of gambling-related illegal behaviors. (United States)

    Ellis, Jennifer D; Lister, Jamey J; Struble, Cara A; Cairncross, Molly; Carr, Meagan M; Ledgerwood, David M


    Individuals with gambling disorder are at an elevated risk for engaging in gambling-related illegal behaviors. The present study examined client (N = 88) and clinician ratings (N = 30) of client characteristics associated with a history of gambling-related illegal behaviors. We also examined client characteristics associated with history of arrest for a gambling-related crime. Gambling-related illegal behaviors and arrest were common (57.3% and 23.9%, respectively) in the present sample. Clients of younger age, and those with greater gambling-related financial consequences, lifetime alcohol problems, impulsivity, mood symptoms, and daily living role difficulties were more likely to report gambling-related illegal behaviors. Clients who had been arrested for a gambling-related crime were more likely to report daily living and role functioning difficulties and lifetime alcohol problems. Clinicians rated clients with a history of gambling-related illegal behaviors and/or gambling-related arrests as more impulsive, and clinicians also endorsed higher rates of treatment failure among these clients. Both client and clinician report suggested that clients with a history of illegal behaviors may have a variety of comorbid problems that may be a focus of clinical intervention. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. WORKING WITH HOMOSEXUAL CLIENTS: Application of Solution-Focused Therapy

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    Husmiati Husmiati


    Full Text Available This article discusses the psychosocial problems dealt by gay, lesbian, and bisexual clients. Gay is an individual who has sex orientation to male, whereas lesbian is to female. Bisexual has both sex orientation towards male and female. This article also points out one approach called Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT which can be applied in clinical practice. Working with SFT technique to homoerotic individual or group is significantly different to common people. Mental health experts such as social workers and clinical psychologists should have this understanding. Keywords: Homosexuality, client, clinical practice, therapy, solution focused

  1. The network of corporate clients: customer attrition at commercial banks (United States)

    Lublóy, Á.; Szenes, M.


    Commercial banks might profit from the adoption of methods widely used in network theory. A decision making process might become biased if one disregards network effects within the corporate client portfolio. This paper models the phenomenon of customer attrition by generating a weighted and directed network of corporate clients linked by financial transactions. During the numerical study of the agent-based toy model we demonstrate that multiple steady states may exist. The statistical properties of the distinct steady states show similarities. We show that most companies of the same community choose the same bank in the steady state. In contrast to the case for the steady state of the Barabási-Albert network, market shares in this model equalize by network size. When modeling customer attrition in the network of 3 × 105 corporate clients, none of the companies followed the behavior of the initial switcher in three quarters of the simulations. The number of switchers exceeded 20 in 1% of the cases. In the worst-case scenario a total of 688 companies chose a competitor bank. Significant network effects have been discovered; high correlation prevailed between the degree of the initial switcher and the severity of the avalanche effect. This suggests that the position of the corporate client in the network might be much more important than the underlying properties (industry, size, profitability, etc) of the company.

  2. An Evaluation of Army Wellness Center Clients' Health-Related Outcomes. (United States)

    Rivera, L Omar; Ford, Jessica Danielle; Hartzell, Meredith Marie; Hoover, Todd Allan


    To examine whether Army community members participating in a best-practice based workplace health promotion program (WHPP) experience goal-moderated improvements in health-related outcomes. Pretest/posttest outcome evaluation examining an autonomously participating client cohort over 1 year. Army Wellness Center facilities on 19 Army installations. Army community members sample (N = 5703), mostly Active Duty Soldiers (64%). Assessment of health risks with feedback, health assessments, health education classes, and health coaching sessions conducted by health educators at a recommended frequency of once a month for 3 to 12 months. Initial and follow-up outcome assessments of body mass index (BMI), body fat, cardiorespiratory fitness, blood pressure, and perceived stress. Mixed model linear regression testing for goal-moderated improvements in outcomes. Clients experienced significant improvements in body fat (-2% change), perceived stress (-6% to -12% change), cardiorespiratory fitness (+6% change), and blood pressure (-1% change) regardless of health-related goal. Only clients with a weight loss goal experienced BMI improvement (-1% change). Follow-up outcome assessment rates ranged from 44% (N = 2509) for BMI to 6% (N = 342) for perceived stress. Army Wellness Center clients with at least 1 follow-up outcome assessment experienced improvements in military readiness correlates and chronic disease risk factors. Evaluation design and follow-up-related limitations notwithstanding results suggest that best practices in WHPPs can effectively serve a globally distributed military force.

  3. 75 FR 66797 - PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (“PwC”) Internal Firm Services Client Account Administrators Group... (United States)


    ... LLP (``PwC'') Internal Firm Services Client Account Administrators Group, Charlotte, NC; Amended... Firm Services Client Account Administrators Group. Accordingly, the Department is amending this... Firm Services Client Account Administrators Group. The amended notice applicable to TA-W-73,608 is...

  4. Women-focused treatment agencies and process improvement: Strategies to increase client engagement (United States)

    Wisdom, Jennifer P.; Hoffman, Kim; Rechberger, Elke; Seim, Kay; Owens, Betta


    Behavioral health treatment agencies often struggle to keep clients engaged in treatment. Women clients often have additional factors such as family responsibilities, financial difficulties, or abuse histories that provide extra challenges to remaining in care. As part of a national initiative, four women-focused drug treatment agencies used process improvement to address treatment engagement. Interviews and focus groups with staff assessed the nature and extent of interventions. Women-focused drug treatment agencies selected relational-based interventions to engage clients in treatment and improved four-week treatment retention from 66% to 76%. Process improvement interventions in women-focused treatment may be useful to improve engagement. PMID:20046914

  5. Making participation accessible for vulnerable clients

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    Louis Anthony Iaquinto


    Full Text Available Despite forty years of research, community sector service providers still find operationalising participation in their practice confusing and difficult.  This paper presents the results of a preliminary study that begins to question why this is so and what can be done about it?  The study examines the meaning and importance of participation determined by a review of the academic literature, by soliciting feedback from a range of stakeholders in community sector organisations, including service users with complex barriers to participation, staff, and board members.  The participants’ perspectives, views and experience of participation were obtained through the use of semi-structured interviews.  The data generated a number of telling examples of the impact organisational culture has on service delivery and how the values of the leadership shape the organization, as well as illustrations of the principles that underpin participation expressed from the standpoints of the three participant groups.  Study findings underscore the critical importance for service providers to consider their culture and its influences.   Keywords: organisational culture, vulnerable clients, client participation

  6. Willingness of Graduate Students in Rehabilitation Counseling to Discuss Sexuality with Clients (United States)

    Juergens, Maria Helena; Smedema, Susan Miller; Berven, Norman L.


    The purpose of this study was to obtain a greater understanding of the willingness of graduate students in rehabilitation counseling to discuss sexuality with clients. This was done by testing a model of factors predicted to influence the willingness of rehabilitation counseling master's students to discuss sexuality with clients, using path…

  7. Validation of a Brief PTSD Scale for Clients with Severe Mental Illnesses (United States)

    O'Hare, Thomas; Shen, Ce; Sherrer, Margaret


    Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are more common in severe mental illnesses (SMI) clients than in the general population, yet brief screens for detecting probable PTSD in SMI clients are nonexistent. In a two-part study, the authors used correlation analysis and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis to develop and…

  8. Multiple Codes, Multiple Impressions: An Analysis of Doctor-Client Encounters in Nigeria (United States)

    Odebunmi, Akin


    Existing studies on doctor-client interactions have largely focused on monolingual encounters and the interactional effects and functions of the languages used in the communication between doctors and their clients. They have neither, to a large extent, examined the several codes employed in single encounters and their pragmatic roles nor given…

  9. Integrating Attachment Theory to Support a Client Coming to Terms with Infidelity (United States)

    Claire, Carolyn A.


    Finding it difficult to overcome the emotional distress experienced when considering her husband's infidelity, a client seeks counselling support. The client's goal was to learn about herself and to use the experience as an opportunity for self transformation. The case study utilizes Attachment Theory and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help the…

  10. The impact of a reproductive health franchise on client satisfaction in rural Nepal. (United States)

    Agha, Sohail; Karim, Ali Mehryar; Balal, Asma; Sosler, Steve


    This study evaluates the impact of a nurse and paramedic reproductive health franchise in rural Nepal on client satisfaction and utilization of services. A quasi-experimental study design, with baseline and follow-up measurements on nonequivalent control groups, was used to assess the effects of the intervention. The study collected data from exit interviews with male and female clients at clinics and from household interviews with married women. Our assessment covers the project's performance for about a year of actual implementation. Client satisfaction with the quality of services increased across a range of indicators at intervention clinics but not at control clinics. Overall satisfaction with services also increased only at intervention clinics but not at control clinics. Consistent with these changes, loyalty increased among clients of franchised clinics. The analysis showed a positive relationship between client satisfaction and loyalty. Although the project's implementation was examined over a relatively short period of time, there appears to have been a net positive effect of the intervention on obtaining family planning products from medical stores/pharmacies. The study shows that franchising reproductive health services increases a provider's interest in delivering better quality services in rural areas of a developing country.

  11. 76 FR 5840 - Supermedia LLC, Formerly Known as Idearc Media LLC, Supermedia Information Services LLC, Client... (United States)


    ... Known as Idearc Media LLC, Supermedia Information Services LLC, Client Care Group and Publishing... known as Idearc Media LLC, Client Care Group and Publishing Operations Group, Middleton, Massachusetts... Information Services LLC, Client Care Group and Publishing Operations Group, including on-site leased workers...

  12. 17 CFR 275.203(b)(3)-2 - Methods for counting clients in certain private funds. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Methods for counting clients....203(b)(3)-2 Methods for counting clients in certain private funds. (a) For purposes of section 203(b)(3) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 80b-3(b)(3)), you must count as clients the shareholders, limited partners...

  13. Factors associated with inconsistent condom use with clients among female sex workers in Podgorica, Montenegro

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    Laušević Dragan


    Full Text Available Introduction. Female sex workers (FSWs are a group at increased risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection, and inconsistent condom use with clients is a known risk factor for infection in this group. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine factors associated with inconsistent condom use with clients among female sex workers in Podgorica, Montenegro. Methods. We conducted an HIV bio-behavioral cross-sectional study in a sample of female sex workers recruited by snowball sampling. Results. A total of 142 FSWs were recruited. Eighty-one (57.0% of them used condoms consistently with clients. HIV prevalence was 0.0%. In the multivariate analysis inconsistent condom use with clients in the previous month was associated with clients’ negative personal attitude [age-adjusted odds ratio (AOR = 22.7, 95% confidence interval (CI = 2.3-228.0] or client’s indifference (AOR = 13.0, 95% CI = 1.4-118.9 towards using condom during sex with sexual workers, decision making by clients or by mutual agreement with client about using a condom (AOR = 10.2, 95% CI = 3.7-28.0, and early age of first sex (AOR = 5.4, 95% CI = 1.6-18.5. Conclusion. Our results suggest not only the need for further promotion of condom use, information and education for FSW but also the need to strengthen negotiation skills of FSWs with clients on regular use of condoms, as well as the need to extend prevention programs to clients of FSWs.

  14. Relating Therapist Characteristics to Client Engagement and the Therapeutic Alliance in an Adolescent Custodial Group Substance Misuse Treatment Program. (United States)

    Daniels, Rachael Anne; Holdsworth, Emma; Tramontano, Carlo


    Client engagement in substance misuse treatment programs is directly associated with positive treatment outcomes. The nature of these programs means there are often difficulties engaging and retaining clients, but authors have consistently found a strong therapeutic alliance is associated with client engagement. While research has focused on the association between the alliance and engagement, the factors that influence the therapeutic alliance have received less attention. To examine therapists' characteristics, namely therapists' stress and empathy levels, as potential predictors of client engagement and the therapeutic alliance, within an adolescent substance misuse group treatment program. The sample included 84 adolescent clients and 14 therapists from a Secure Training Centre in England. Client engagement in the treatment program was observed, while self-reporting measures assessed the therapeutic alliance (client and therapist-rated), and therapists' stress and empathy levels. Multiple regression analysis revealed that therapists' stress levels negatively influenced the therapeutic alliance and had a curvilinear relationship with client engagement, indicating that stress is not exclusively negatively related to engagement. Although stress was found to negatively impact both cognitive and affective empathy, neither cognitive nor affective empathy were significantly related to client engagement or the therapeutic alliance. This study demonstrates the importance of therapist characteristics on client engagement and the therapeutic alliance. Within practice stress can have a positive impact on clients' engagement. Nevertheless, therapists may need additional support to deal with stress effectively. Therapists' empathy may too be fundamental to client engagement, but only it if is perceived by clients.

  15. Predicting initial client engagement with community mental health services by routinely measured data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roeg, D.P.K.; van de Goor, L.A.M.; Garretsen, H.F.L.


    Engagement is a determinant of how well a person will respond to professional input. This study investigates whether, in practice, routinely measured data predict initial client engagement with community mental health services. Engagement, problem severity, client characteristics, and duration

  16. Determinants of Client-Professional Relationship Quality in the Financial Planning Setting

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    Katherine Hunt


    Full Text Available Advice provided by financial planners has the potential to impact the financial and emotional well being ofclients. Despite the outcomes of quality financial planning relationships, there is little direct evidence tosupport the importance of ‘relationship quality’ in financial planning. Previous research has emphasised theimportance of relationship quality in psychology, nursing, and business settings. This research investigatesdeterminants of client-professional relationship quality in financial planning, measured in a survey of clientsand financial planners regarding relationship factors of trust, engagement, empowerment, ownership, clientactivity and commitment. Ratings for relationship dimensions were compared between clients and financialplanners, with financial planners found to overestimate their clients’ levels of trust and commitment andunderestimate their client’s levels of empowerment. The relationship dimension of ‘trust’ was found to becritical for client-professional relationship quality.

  17. When Does Premature Treatment Termination Occur? Examining Session-by-Session Dropout Among Clients with Gambling Disorder. (United States)

    Pfund, Rory A; Peter, Samuel C; Whelan, James P; Meyers, Andrew W


    Premature termination challenges the successful outcomes of psychological treatments for gambling disorder. To date, research has primarily identified clients who are at particular risk for dropping out of treatment. A smaller but growing body of literature has investigated when dropout occurs. Typically, those studies have not considered improvement in psychological distress within their operationalizations of dropout and therefore may have misrepresented when dropout occurs. The current study examined when dropout occurs using an operationalization based on the criteria of attaining reliable change in a naturalistic sample of clients with gambling disorder, and the classification rates yielded from that operationalization were compared to the rates from a more common operationalization. Participants (n = 334) were clients meeting diagnostic criteria for gambling disorder at an outpatient private practice who completed a measure of psychological distress at baseline and prior to each subsequent treatment session. A survival analysis was conducted to determine temporal patterns of treatment dropout (i.e., clients who discontinued treatment before realizing reliable changes in psychological distress) and completion (i.e., clients who discontinued treatment after realizing reliable changes in distress) at each treatment session. Forty-nine percent of clients were classified as dropouts, and the majority of those clients did so in the first few sessions. The more common operationalization of dropout classified clients as dropouts when they had improved in their distress and clients as completers when they had not improved in their distress. Discussion centers on the implications of dropout occurring at various stages of treatment and future directions.

  18. The File Sync Algorithm of the ownCloud Desktop Clients

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    The ownCloud desktop clients provide file syncing between desktop machines and the ownCloud server, available for the important desktop platforms. This presentation will give an overview of the sync algorithm used by the clients to provide a fast, reliable and robust syncing experience for the users. It will describe the phases a sync run will go through and how it is triggered. It also will provide an insight on the algorithms that decided if a file is uploaded, downloaded or even deleted on either on the local machine or in the cloud. Some examples of non obvious situations in file syncing will be described and discussed. As the ownCloud sync protocol is based on the open standard WebDAV the resulting challenges and the solutions will be illustrated. Finally a couple of frequently proposed enhancements will be reviewed and assed for the future development of the ownCloud server and syncing clients.

  19. Client retention and health among sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya. (United States)

    Izugbara, Chimaraoke O


    It is still a small body of research that directly addresses female sex workers' relationships with their regular commercial male partners. I used ethnographic data from Nairobi, Kenya to interrogate motivations and strategies for recruiting and retaining regular male clients among female sex workers (FSWs). Regular commercial male partners, popularly called customer care, wera or wesh by Nairobi's FSWs, played diverse roles in their lives. Client retention enabled sex workers to manage the risk of reduced marriage prospects, guaranteed them steady work, livelihoods, and incomes, and prevented their victimization and harassment. To retain clients, sex workers obliged them a great deal, pretended they had quit prostitution, and sometimes resorted to magical practices. However, these strategies were also accompanied by risks that reinforced the vulnerability of sex workers. Lack of critical attention to sex workers' practices for managing perceived risks in their particular type of work may hamper current programmatic efforts to make their job safer.

  20. Diet Quality Is Low among Female Food Pantry Clients in Eastern Alabama (United States)

    Duffy, Patricia; Zizza, Claire; Jacoby, Jocelynn; Tayie, Francis A.


    Objective: Examine diet quality, food security, and obesity among female food pantry clients. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: A food pantry in Lee County, Alabama. Participants: Fifty-five female food pantry clients between 19 and 50 years of age. Main Outcome Measure(s): Diet quality using United States (US) Department of Agriculture…

  1. 75 FR 742 - Temporary Rule Regarding Principal Trades With Certain Advisory Clients (United States)


    ... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 17 CFR Part 275 [Release No. IA-2965A; File No. S7-23-07] RIN 3235-AJ96 Temporary Rule Regarding Principal Trades With Certain Advisory Clients AGENCY: Securities... transactions with certain of their advisory clients. As adopted, the only change to the rule was the expiration...


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    Luiz Antônio Antunes Teixeira


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho objetiva descrever práticas de gestão de um portfolio de clientes, relacionando-as com os pressupostos do modelo valor do cliente (customer equity orientado para retenção e rentabilidade. A partir do conceito fundamental sobre valor de clientes, o trabalho apresenta análise da viabilidade da aplicação de alguns modelos. O conceito foi operacionalizado tendo, como base, a classificação dos clientes por lucratividade e mensuração do valor do cliente de acordo com os modelos propostos por Rust, Blattberg e Gupta (2005, identificando ações relacionadas às políticas de retenção, manutenção e aquisição de clientes na empresa analisada. Observou-se que a baixa retenção dos clientes nos grupos, era devida, em parte, a esta grande mobilidade dos clientes entre os grupos de margem de contribuição bruta. O estudo foi realizado em um portfólio de clientes de uma empresa industrial multinacional de grande porte, do setor industrial, na perspectiva de estudo de caso quantitativo. Pelos elementos apresentados foi possível definir recomendações que minimizem a volatilidade de clientes, bem como identificar aqueles com maior potencial em termos de margem de contribuição e definir estratégias que facilite a maximização do valor do cliente.

  3. Social exchange as a framework for client-nurse interaction during public health nursing maternal-child home visits. (United States)

    Byrd, Mary E


    The purpose of this paper was to develop a nursing-focused use of social exchange theory within the context of maternal-child home visiting. The nature of social exchange theory, its application to client-nurse interaction, and its fit with an existing data set from a field research investigation were examined. Resources exchanged between the nurse and clients were categorized and compared across the patterns of home visiting, nursing strategies based on exchange notions were identified, and variations in exchange were linked with client outcomes. The nurse provided resources within the categories of information, status, service, and goods. Clients provided time, access to the home, space within the home to conduct the visit, opportunities to observe maternal-child interaction, access to the infant, and information. The ease and breadth of resource exchange varied across the patterns of home visiting. The social exchange perspective was useful in categorizing resources, specifying and uncovering new resource categories, understanding nursing strategies to initiate and maintain the client-nurse relationship, and linking client-nurse interactive phenomena with client outcomes. Social exchange theory is potentially useful for understanding client-nurse interaction in the context of maternal-child home visits.

  4. The clients' readiness to use mental health care services: Experiences and perceptions from Iranian context. (United States)

    Alavi, Mousa; Irajpour, Alireza


    Underutilization of mental health care services has been a challenge for the health care providers for many years. This challenge could be met in part by improving the clients' readiness to use such services. This study aimed to introduce the important aspects of the clients' readiness to use mental health services in the Iranian context. A thematic analysis of in-depth interviews was undertaken using a constant comparative approach. Participants (11 health professionals consisting of 3 physicians, 7 nurses, 1 psychologist, and 5 patients/their family members) were recruited from educational hospitals affiliated with Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. The credibility and trustworthiness was grounded on four aspects: factual value, applicability, consistency, and neutrality. The study findings uncovered two important aspects of the clients' readiness for utilizing mental health care services. These are described through two themes and related sub-themes: "The clients' awareness" implies the cognitive aspect of readiness and "the clients' attitudes" implies the psychological aspect of readiness, both of which have perceived to cultivate a fertile context through which the clients could access and use the mental health services more easily. For the health care system in Isfahan, Iran to be successful in delivering mental health services, training programs directed to prepare service users should be considered. Improving the clients' favorable attitudes and awareness should be considered.

  5. Clientes com doença renal crônica: avaliação de Enfermagem sobre a competência para o autocuidado Clientes con enfermedad renal crónica: evaluación de enfermería sobre la competencia para el auto-cuidado Clients with chronic renal disease: nursing evaluation about the competence for the selfcare

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    Gilvanice de Sousa Pacheco


    Full Text Available O ingresso em terapias dialíticas em condições inadequadas demanda desconforto e sofrimento aos clientes com doença renal crônica (DRC, além de custos ao sistema de saúde e do trabalho de enfermagem. Visando incentivar o cliente para a adesão ao tratamento conservador dessa patologia, tem-se como objetivo: avaliar a competência e o déficit para o autocuidado do cliente com DRC. Implementou-se o método epidemiológico mediante entrevista com 51 clientes do ambulatório de uremia do HUPE/UERJ, em 2005. Evidenciou-se o déficit do conhecimento sobre as conseqüências da hipertensão arterial e diabetes associados à DRC e os limites na escolha e adesão das terapêuticas médica, nutricional e de enfermagem. Concluiu-se que dúvidas sobre essa doença permeiam a vida dos clientes e podem interferir na adesão ao tratamento e comprometer sua qualidade de vida. Esse achado reforça a importância do ensino do autocuidado para demonstrar seu potencial para enfrentar a DRC.El ingreso en terapias dialíticas en condiciones inadecuadas demanda incomodidad y sufrimiento a los clientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC, allende costas al sistema de salud y del trabajo de enfermería. Teniendo en vista incentivar el cliente para la adhesión al tratamiento conservador de esta patología, se objetiva: evaluar la competencia y el déficit para el auto cuidado del cliente con ERC. Implementóse el método epidemiológico por entrevista con 51 clientes del ambulatorio de uremia del HUPE/UERJ, en 2005. Evidencióse el déficit del conocimiento sobre las consecuencias de la hipertensión arterial y diabetes asociados a la ERC y los limites en la elección y adhesión de las terapéuticas médica, nutricional y de enfermería. Concluyese que dudas sobre esa enfermedad atravesan la vida de los clientes y poden interferir en la adhesión al tratamiento y comprometer su cualidad de vida. Ese hallado refuerza la importancia de la enseñanza del auto

  6. Modelo Computacional Baseado em Servidor: Estudo de Caso Utilizando Thin Clients


    Moacir Luiz Barnabé; Rita de Cassia Rocha; Reginaldo Castro de Souza; Carlos Eduardo Costa Vieira


    Este artigo apresenta a solução Thin Client como alternativa econômica e segura, ao modelo computacional massivamente utilizado atualmente no meio empresarial. Paradoxalmente é concedido inicialmente aos clientes equipamentos e recursos tecnológicos, por meio de computadores, para, posteriormente, em uma ação permanente, controlar ou limitar estes recursos de forma a garantir a segurança, disponibilidade operacional e evitar seu uso recreativo.

  7. The X-Files: Investigating Alien Performance in a Thin-client World


    Gunther, Neil J.


    Many scientific applications use the X11 window environment; an open source windows GUI standard employing a client/server architecture. X11 promotes: distributed computing, thin-client functionality, cheap desktop displays, compatibility with heterogeneous servers, remote services and administration, and greater maturity than newer web technologies. This paper details the author's investigations into close encounters with alien performance in X11-based seismic applications running on a 200-n...

  8. The Impact of internet use on the Client-professional relationship: A comparative analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johnsen, Helle


    use the internet to prepare for the client-professional meeting and to seek second opinions. Professionals reported more limitations than benefits in relation to internet use. Limitations were linked to doubts of reliability of internet information and information overload. Midwifery clients were...

  9. Mapping fields of interest : A systematic literature review on public clients in construction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eisma, P.R.; Volker, L.


    Purpose: To create an overview of scientific knowledge currently available on public clients in order to set up a research agenda for public commissioning in construction. Background: Public clients are important actors and change agents in the construction industry. While sharing characteristics

  10. Client Predictors of Short-term Psychotherapy Outcomes among Asian and White American Outpatients (United States)

    Kim, Jin E.; Zane, Nolan W.; Blozis, Shelley A.


    Purpose To examine predictors of psychotherapy outcomes, focusing on client characteristics that are especially salient for culturally diverse clients. Method Sixty clients (31 women; 27 White Americans, 33 Asian Americans) participated in this treatment study. Client characteristics were measured at pre-treatment, and outcomes were measured post-fourth session via therapist ratings of functioning and symptomatology. Regression analyses were utilized to test for predictors of outcomes, and bootstrap analyses were utilized to test for mediators. Results Higher levels of somatic symptoms predicted lower psychosocial functioning at post-treatment. Avoidant coping style predicted more negative symptoms and more psychological discomfort. Non-English language preference predicted worse outcomes; this effect was mediated by an avoidant coping style. Conclusions Language preference, avoidant coping style, and somatic symptoms predicted treatment outcome in a culturally diverse sample. Findings suggest that race/ethnicity-related variables may function through mediating proximal variables to affect outcomes. PMID:22836681

  11. O significado da nutrição parenteral para o cliente no contexto hospitalar

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    Consuelo Helena Aires de Freitas Lopes


    Full Text Available A necessidade de compreender o significado da nutrição parenteral para o cliente no contexto hospitalar surgiu das nossas inquietações diante do cuidado de enfermagem. Realizaram-se observações participantes, entrevistas e anotações de campo junto a sete clientes hospitalizados, que se encontravam sob nutrição parenteral. O sentido das investigações foi centrado na indagação: como você está se sentindo com a nutrição parenteral? Os dados foram analisados numa abordagem interacionista, mostrando as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos clientes na assistência hospitalar, como percebiam eles a nutrição parenteral e que significados eram atribuídos a essa terapêutica. O estudo revelou os sentimentos, comportamentos e atitudes relacionados aos aspectos biológico, emocional e sócio-cultural do cliente, ligados à nutrição parenteral, demonstrando, também as limitações impostas ao cliente sob esse tratamento, bem como as dificuldades na assistência de enfermagem.

  12. 17 CFR 275.206(4)-2 - Custody of funds or securities of clients by investment advisers. (United States)


    ... of clients by investment advisers. 275.206(4)-2 Section 275.206(4)-2 Commodity and Securities... 1940 § 275.206(4)-2 Custody of funds or securities of clients by investment advisers. (a) Safekeeping... client funds or securities unless: (1) Qualified custodian. A qualified custodian maintains those funds...

  13. Client-controlled case information: a general system theory perspective. (United States)

    Fitch, Dale


    The author proposes a model for client control of case information via the World Wide Web built on principles of general system theory. It incorporates the client into the design, resulting in an information structure that differs from traditional human services information-sharing practices. Referencing general system theory, the concepts of controller and controlled system, as well as entropy and negentropy, are applied to the information flow and autopoietic behavior as they relate to the boundary-maintaining functions of today's organizations. The author's conclusions synthesize general system theory and human services values to lay the foundation for an information-sharing framework for human services in the 21st century.

  14. Procedimentos estéticos: percepção do cliente quanto ao esclarecimento para a tomada de decisão Procedimientos estéticos: percepción del cliente en cuanto a la explicacion para la toma de decisión A esthetic procedures: client's perception regarding the information given for the decision making process

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    Ana Maria Auricchio


    Full Text Available O trabalho verificou a percepção do cliente quanto ao esclarecimento e à liberdade para tomada de decisão na realização de procedimentos estéticos. A amostra foi de 44 clientes, freqüentadores da Clínica do estudo. A coleta de dados foi realizada com instrumento de 28 proposições, classificadas nas categorias: Informação, Competência e Liberdade, e duas escalas para percepção dos clientes quanto ao esclarecimento das informações e a liberdade para tomada de decisão. Os resultados mostraram predomínio dos clientes com grau de instrução de nível superior, profissão nos níveis III, IV e V; renda familiar superior a 30 salários mínimos, idade de 41 a 50 anos, sexo feminino e estado civil casado. O tratamento clínico predominou sobre o cirúrgico, havendo superioridade do escore Competência em relação à Informação e Liberdade. Quanto às escalas referentes à percepção dos clientes, concluiu-se, no geral, que perceberam-se esclarecidos e livres para a tomada de decisão.En el presente trabajo se verificó la percepción del cliente en cuanto a la explicación y a la libertad para la toma de decisión en la realización de procedimientos estéticos. La muestra fue de 44 clientes, frecuentadores de la Clínica del estudio. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo con un instrumento de 28 proposiciones, clasificadas en las categorías: Información, Competencia y Libertad, y dos escalas para percepción de los clientes en relación a la explicación de las informaciones y a la libertad para la toma de decisión. Los resultados mostraron predominio de clientes con grado de instrucción de nivel superior, profesión en los niveles III, IV y V; ingreso familiar superior a 30 salarios mínimos, edad de 41 a 50 años, sexo femenino y estado civil casada. El tratamiento clínico predominó sobre el quirúrgico habiendo superioridad del escore Competencia en relación a la Información y Libertad. Con relación a las

  15. Estrategia de marketing relacional para lograr la fidelización de los clientes

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    Juan Carlos Niño de Guzmán Miranda


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la eficacia de la estrategia de marketing relacional para mejorar la fidelización de los clientes en el Centro de Aplicación Productos Unión. La investigación tiene un diseño preexperimental. Para la recolección de información se aplicó la Encuesta de Fidelización de Clientes, en una muestra de 216 bodegueros de Lima Metropolitana, en dos momentos: antes y después de la implementación de la estrategia de marketing relacional. La encuesta mide tres dimensiones de la fidelización de los clientes: compra, servicios y lealtad. Los resultados muestran que la fidelización de los clientes se incrementó después de la implementación de la estrategia de marketing relacional, teniendo como media del pretest = 59.82 y el postest = 93.25. Del mismo modo, se incrementaron las medias en las dimensiones compra (pretest = 29.14; postest = 47.70, servicios (pretest = 25.96; postest = 31.53, y lealtad (pretest = 3.78; postest = 9.49. La prueba “t de student” para el contraste de medias muestra que hubo un incremento significativo en la fidelización de los clientes (0.000, compra (0.000, servicios (0.000 y lealtad (0.000 a un nivel de confianza de 95%. En conclusión, la estrategia de marketing relacional mejora la fidelización de los clientes.

  16. HIV susceptibility among clients of female sex workers in Indonesia: a qualitative inquiry. (United States)

    Mwanri, Lillian; Fauk, Nelsensius Klau; Kustanti, Christina Yeni; Ambarwati, Atik; Merry, Maria Silvia


    Background: The spread of HIV infection among men in Indonesia continues to increase every year. Clients of female sex workers (FSWs) are a group at higher risk of acquiring HIV infection due to their frequent engagement in sexual acts with sex workers. This study aimed to identify factors of susceptibility to HIV infection among clients of FSWs. Methods: A qualitative inquiry using one-on-one in-depth interviews was conducted in the Belu and Malaka districts of Indonesia from January to April 2017. The study participants (n =42) were the clients of FSWs recruited using the snowball sampling technique. The inclusion criteria were: being a client of FSWs and being aged 18 years or more. Data were analysed using a framework analysis. Results: Findings were grouped into two main emerging themes that included behavioural and socioeconomic factors. Behavioural factors that mediated HIV susceptibility among clients of FSWs were: frequent engagement in unsafe sex with multiple sex workers; low perceptions of the relevance of available HIV and AIDS services and limited access to these services; and HIV stigma or fear of being labelled as HIV positive. Socioeconomic factors included: participants' economic situation; and individuals' household responsibility and ability to afford FSWs services. Conclusions: The study results indicate the need to reformulate and improve HIV and AIDS-related services, including increasing the level of availability of HIV service points and the dissemination of knowledge and information about HIV and AIDS and condom use and making them accessible to both FSWs and their clients in Belu and Malaka districts.

  17. Client attachment security predicts alliance in a randomized controlled trial of two psychotherapies for bulimia nervosa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Folke, Sofie; Daniel, Sarah Ingrid Franksdatter; Poulsen, Stig Bernt


    interaction whereby dismissing clients would develop weaker alliances in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and preoccupied clients would develop weaker alliances in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Conclusions: As the first study to examine client attachment and therapeutic alliance using observer-based instruments......Objective: This study investigated the relation between clients’ attachment patterns and the therapeutic alliance in two psychotherapies for bulimia nervosa. Method: Data derive from a randomized clinical trial comparing cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychoanalytic psychotherapy for bulimia...... to be a significant (p = .007) predictor of alliance levels at the three measured time points, with clients higher on attachment security developing stronger alliances with their therapists in both treatments as compared to clients higher on attachment insecurity. No evidence was found to support a hypothesized...

  18. Effects of a Snoezelen Room on the Behavior of Three Autistic Clients (United States)

    McKee, Shari A.; Harris, Grant T.; Rice, Marnie E.; Silk, Larry


    The effect of a Snoezelen room on the disruptive and prosocial behavior of three male, autistic inpatients was examined. In an ABAB reversal design, specific disruptive and prosocial behaviors were recorded for each client throughout the four 28-day periods of the study. Results indicated that the three clients had different responses to the room,…

  19. Improving client-centred care and services : the role of front/back-office configurations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broekhuis, Manda; de Blok, C.; Meijboom, B.

    Improving client-centred care and services: the role of front/back-officeconfigurations. This paper is a report of a study conducted to explore the application of designing front- and back-office work resulting in efficient client-centred care in healthcare organizations that supply home care,

  20. 5 CFR 3201.105 - Prohibition on dealings with former employers, associates, and clients. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Prohibition on dealings with former employers, associates, and clients. 3201.105 Section 3201.105 Administrative Personnel FEDERAL DEPOSIT... INSURANCE CORPORATION § 3201.105 Prohibition on dealings with former employers, associates, and clients. (a...

  1. Consumer-providers of care for adult clients of statutory mental health services. (United States)

    Pitt, Veronica; Lowe, Dianne; Hill, Sophie; Prictor, Megan; Hetrick, Sarah E; Ryan, Rebecca; Berends, Lynda


    In mental health services, the past several decades has seen a slow but steady trend towards employment of past or present consumers of the service to work alongside mental health professionals in providing services. However the effects of this employment on clients (service recipients) and services has remained unclear.We conducted a systematic review of randomised trials assessing the effects of employing consumers of mental health services as providers of statutory mental health services to clients. In this review this role is called 'consumer-provider' and the term 'statutory mental health services' refers to public services, those required by statute or law, or public services involving statutory duties. The consumer-provider's role can encompass peer support, coaching, advocacy, case management or outreach, crisis worker or assertive community treatment worker, or providing social support programmes. To assess the effects of employing current or past adult consumers of mental health services as providers of statutory mental health services. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 3), MEDLINE (OvidSP) (1950 to March 2012), EMBASE (OvidSP) (1988 to March 2012), PsycINFO (OvidSP) (1806 to March 2012), CINAHL (EBSCOhost) (1981 to March 2009), Current Contents (OvidSP) (1993 to March 2012), and reference lists of relevant articles. Randomised controlled trials of current or past consumers of mental health services employed as providers ('consumer-providers') in statutory mental health services, comparing either: 1) consumers versus professionals employed to do the same role within a mental health service, or 2) mental health services with and without consumer-providers as an adjunct to the service. Two review authors independently selected studies and extracted data. We contacted trialists for additional information. We conducted analyses using a random-effects model, pooling studies that measured

  2. The Client Risk and The Audit Planning: Influence of Acceptance of Audit Engagement

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    Deby Suryani


    Full Text Available This study briefly aims to extend the relationship between client risks with the audit planning by proposes the acceptance of audit engagement as a mediate variable to fill a gap research, furthermore to determine the effect of client risk toward the audit planning in Public Accounting Firm in Jakarta, Indonesia. This research is a quantitative causal with primary data obtained by questionnaires. The population of this study is the auditors of Public Accounting Firm registered in the Directory Indonesian Institute of Accountants (Certified 2016 in Jakarta and to obtain the sample used purposive sampling technique and obtained samples of 197 respondents from 45 Public Accounting Firms spread in Jakarta. The analysis of data is using Structural Equation Modeling. The results of this research shows; (1. The Client risks directly may affect the audit planning in a positive but not significantly, (2. The Client risk directly affects the acceptance of audit positively and significantly, (3. The acceptance of audit engagement has positively and significantly influence on audit planning. Therefore the acceptance of audit engagement perfectly can act as mediate variable between client's risks with the audit planning, whereas the acceptance of audit engagement indicated by Time Budget Pressure, Audit Fee. Letter of Auditing and all indicator have a high loading factor.

  3. La gestion de la relation client dans la banque: Cas du marché marocain

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    EL KORAICHI Mustapha


    Full Text Available Face aux évolutions du secteur bancaire (concurrence accrue, crise de confiance l’adoption d’un système de gestion de la relation client représente un enjeu important pour les banques. Il contribue à l’optimisation de la gestion du portefeuille client, plus précisément ce système permet d’acquérir de nouveaux clients et d’augmenter la rentabilité des clients existants. Cet article a pour objectif de répondre à la problématique suivante: le système de gestion de la relation client permet-il aux banques d’atteindre les objectifs attendus? L’étude que nous avons réalisée auprès de 47 banques commerciales marocaines montre que malgré le potentiel anticipé, les bénéfices escomptés d’un tel système restent limités. En effet, l’utilisation de ce système reste à son état embryonnaire, il se centre principalement sur la collecte des informations clients au niveau des agences tandis que l’analyse et l’exploitation de ces informations se fait au niveau du siège de la banque. De même, les opérations basiques de la banque occupent une grande part du temps de travail des agents de la banque au dépend des services bancaires à valeur ajoutée. D’un autre côté, une grande part des banques adoptant ce système ne mesurent pas le coût de la relation avec leurs clients.

  4. The meaning and experience of stress among supported employment clients with mental health problems. (United States)

    Besse, Christine; Poremski, Daniel; Laliberté, Vincent; Latimer, Eric


    Many clinicians are concerned that competitive work may cause excessive stress for people with severe mental health problems. Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is acknowledged as the most effective model of supported employment for this population. The manner in which IPS clients define and experience employment-related stress is poorly understood. This qualitative study aims to explore how people with mental health problems receiving IPS services define and experience employment-related stress. We purposively sampled and interviewed 16 clients of an IPS programme, who had been competitively employed for more than 1 month. Data were collected between September 2014 and July 2015 in Montreal, Canada. Transcripts of semi-structured interviews were analysed using grounded theory methodology. IPS clients often defined stress similar to its common understanding: the result of experiencing prolonged or/and cumulative strains, or of an incongruence between efforts and rewards, hopes and reality. Stress experienced in this way could exacerbate psychiatric symptoms, especially depression or psychotic symptoms. However, when maintained at a more manageable level, stress stimulated learning and improved planning of tasks. Participants described different coping mechanisms, such as sharing their experiences and difficulties with others, focusing on problem resolution and avoidance. The first two of these helped IPS clients remain at work and bolstered their confidence. Work-related stress has potentially positive as well as negative consequences for IPS clients. In order to maximise the potential beneficial effects of stress, employment specialists can help clients anticipate potential stressors and plan how they might cope with them. Further research on the most effective ways of helping clients cope with stress is needed. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Modelo de gestión de relaciones con los clientes en empresas de consultoría

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    Efra De La Hoz


    Full Text Available En este artículo de investigación se presentan los resultados obtenidos durante el desarrollo del proyecto Diseño de un modelo de Gestión de Relaciones con los clientes en una Empresa de Consultoría de Barranquilla, Colombia. Inicialmente se hace una revisión bibliográfica de los desarrollos conceptuales de la gestión de clientes, gerencia del servicio, calidad del servicio, servicio y servicio al cliente, así como de modelos relacionados con la gestión y servicio al cliente, los cuales sirvieron de soporte conceptual para el diseño del modelo propuesto. Lo anterior a través de un análisis cualitativo, descriptivo propositivo y cuantitativo, soportado en un análisis  de simulación de la satisfacción de los clientes de la empresa para lo cual se utilizó la dinámica de sistemas. Del modelo de gestión de relaciones con los clientes, se puede concluir que mejora el nivel de satisfacción de los clientes,  lo que redunda en una mayor fidelización del mismo. Finalmente el trabajo realizado constituye un aporte de importancia para el sector de consultoría en la medida que se proporciona un modelo de gestión que mejora los niveles de satisfacción de sus clientes.

  6. Strategies for Optimal Implementation of Simulated Clients for Measuring Quality of Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. (United States)

    Fitzpatrick, Anne; Tumlinson, Katherine


    The use of simulated clients or "mystery clients" is a data collection approach in which a study team member presents at a health care facility or outlet pretending to be a real customer, patient, or client. Following the visit, the shopper records her observations. The use of mystery clients can overcome challenges of obtaining accurate measures of health care quality and improve the validity of quality assessments, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. However, mystery client studies should be carefully designed and monitored to avoid problems inherent to this data collection approach. In this article, we discuss our experiences with the mystery client methodology in studies conducted in public- and private-sector health facilities in Kenya and in private-sector facilities in Uganda. We identify both the benefits and the challenges in using this methodology to guide other researchers interested in using this technique. Recruitment of appropriate mystery clients who accurately represent the facility's clientele, have strong recall of recent events, and are comfortable in their role as undercover data collectors are key to successful implementation of this methodology. Additionally, developing detailed training protocols can help ensure mystery clients behave identically and mimic real patrons accurately while short checklists can help ensure mystery client responses are standardized. Strict confidentiality and protocols to avoid unnecessary exams or procedures should also be stressed during training and monitored carefully throughout the study. Despite these challenges, researchers should consider mystery client designs to measure actual provider behavior and to supplement self-reported provider behavior. Data from mystery client studies can provide critical insight into the quality of service provision unavailable from other data collection methods. The unique information available from the mystery client approach far outweighs the cost.

  7. Consequences of Psychotherapy Clients' Mental Health Ideology. (United States)

    Milling, Len; Kirsch, Irving

    Current theoretical approaches to understanding emotional difficulties are dominated by the medical model of mental illness, which assumes that emotional dysfunction can be viewed the same way as physical dysfunction. To examine the relationship between psychotherapy clients' beliefs about the medical model of psychotherapy and their behavior…

  8. Pretherapy Information: An Investigation of Client Responses. (United States)

    Lewis, Kathleen N.; And Others


    Investigated effects of pretherapy information about a feminist therapist's values and therapy orientation. Studied self-identified feminist clients' judgments of similarity to the therapist's values, confidence in the therapist's helpfulness, and willingness to see the therapist. Subjects were not as willing to see the explicitly feminist…



    Luis, Anel Hortensia Gómez San; Avendaño, Ariagor Manuel


    Se reportan los hallazgos de una investigación realizada en la comunidad de La Merced de la Ciudad de México, donde la trata y la explotación sexual comercial se conjugan para victimizar a niñas, adolescentes y adultas, ante una comunidad pasiva, y la participación activa de clientes de prostitución, quienes no suelen cuestionar el proceso que las llevó a estar inmersas en el comercio sexual. El análisis de las entrevistas realizadas a hombres que se identificaron como clientes de prostitució...

  10. Prevalence and Correlates of Client-Perpetrated Violence against Female Sex Workers in 13 Mexican Cities.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shirley J Semple

    Full Text Available Globally, client-perpetrated violence against female sex workers (FSWs has been associated with multiple health-related harms, including high-risk sexual behavior and increased exposure to HIV/STIs. This study examined correlates of client-perpetrated sexual, physical, and economic violence (e.g., robbery against FSWs in 13 cities throughout Mexico.FSWs (N = 1,089 who were enrolled in a brief, evidence-based, sexual risk reduction intervention for FSWs (Mujer Segura were interviewed about their work context, including experiences of violence perpetrated by clients, sexual risk and substance use practices, financial need, and social supports. Three broad categories of factors (sociodemographic, work context, behavioral and social characteristics of FSWs were examined as correlates of sexual, physical, and economic violence.The prevalence of different types of client-perpetrated violence against FSWs in the past 6 months was: sexual (11.7%, physical (11.8%, economic (16.9%, and any violence (22.6%. Greater financial need, self-identification as a street worker, and lower perceived emotional support were independently associated with all three types of violence. Alcohol use before or during sex with clients in the past month was associated with physical and sexual violence. Using drugs before or during sex with clients, injection drug use in the past month, and population size of city were associated with sexual violence only, and FSWs' alcohol use score (AUDIT-C was associated with economic violence only.Correlates of client-perpetrated violence encompassed sociodemographic, work context, and behavioral and social factors, suggesting that approaches to violence prevention for FSWs must be multi-dimensional. Prevention could involve teaching FSWs strategies for risk avoidance in the workplace (e.g., avoiding use of alcohol with clients, enhancement of FSWs' community-based supports, development of interventions that deliver an anti

  11. Why do you ask all those questions? Supporting client profiling in financial service encounters


    Kilic, Mehmet; Dolata, Mateusz; Schwabe, Gerhard


    Client data is key to provide personalized services and products. Therefore, banks go through great efforts to profile their clients during financial advisory service en- counters. Since traditional pen-and-paper profiling does not satisfy the banks’ needs, they strive to digitalize this activity. This paper offers joint profiling as a so- lution: The advisor and the client jointly create a cli- ent’s profile using a shared display. However, test cli- ents provided a mixed response to a first...

  12. Communicative competence and psychological aspects when interacting with client in tourism




    The article deals with the role of psychological preparation of specialists in service and tourism to building relationships with clients of travel agencies. Attention is paid to what is importantin psychological preparation of the expert assigned to the speech skill, because the possession of speech skills influences the formation of the motives and interests of the client, speed, completeness and the strength of assimilation of advertising materials, economy, recall; accuracy, consistency a...

  13. Loyal clients. Despite Arthur Andersen's indictment, healthcare companies aren't defecting. (United States)

    Jaklevic, Mary Chris


    In contrast to about 50 defections by public companies, many healthcare clients of Andersen are standing by the troubled auditor--at least for now. Saying that it's too soon to judge, clients such as the Catholic Health Association are sitting tight to see what the fallout is from the Enron scandal before making any decisions. And even if many part ways with Andersen, there's a host of consultants to take its place.

  14. Institutional Policy Changes Aimed at Addressing Obesity Among Mental Health Clients


    Knol, Linda L.; Pritchett, Kelly; Dunkin, Jeri


    Background People with mental illness often experience unique barriers to healthy eating and physical activity. For these clients, interventions should focus on changes in the immediate environment to change behaviors. The purpose of this project was to implement and evaluate policy changes that would limit calorie intake and increase calorie expenditure of clients receiving mental health services. Context This intervention was implemented in a rural mental health system in the southeastern U...

  15. Legal rights of client councils and their role in policy of long-term care organisations in the Netherlands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Westert Gert P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Legislation demands the establishment of client councils in Dutch nursing homes and residential care facilities. The members of those councils are residents or their representatives. Client councils have the right to participate in the strategic management of long-term care facilities. More specifically, they need to be consulted regarding organisational issues and a right to consent on issues regarding daily living of residents, including CQ-index research. CQ-index research concerns a method that measures, analyses and report clients' experiences about the quality of care. Research questions were: 'Do client councils exercise their rights to be consulted and to give their consent?' and 'What is the role of client councils in the process of measuring clients' experiences with the CQ-index and what is their opinion about the CQ-index?' Methods Postal questionnaires were sent to members of 1,540 client councils of Dutch nursing homes and residential care facilities. The questionnaire focussed on background information and client councils' involvement in decision-making and strategic management. Results The response rate was 34% (n = 524. Most councils consisted of seven members (range: 5 to 12 members. One out of four members participating in the client councils were clients themselves. Although councils have a legal right to be consulted for organisational issues like finance, vision, annual report, and accommodation, less than half the councils (31-46% reported that they exercised this right. The legal right to consent was perceived by 18 to 36% of the councils regarding client care issues like food and drink, complaints registration, respectful treatment, and activities. For CQ-index research, only 18% of the client councils perceived a right to consent. Their rights to choose an approved contractor -who performs CQ-index research- and indicating improvement priorities, were hardly used. Conclusions Client councils play a

  16. La Matriz Cruzada Cliente-Producto: herramienta factible para la toma de decisiones.The Matrix Crossed Client-product: feasible tool for the taking of decisions.


    Yanlis Rodríguez Veiguela; Rafael Sablón Fraga; Jensy Tanda Díaz


    La gestión de compras debe y tiene que dirigirse hacia su profesionalización, si se aspira a la diferenciación y al éxito, a partir de garantizar la calidad adecuada de los productos adquiridos para la satisfacción del cliente, el plazo de recepción oportuno y con la mejor relación calidad-precio, convirtiéndose en el área potencial para reducir los costos y aumentar los márgenes de beneficio. Por lo que en este trabajo se tiene como objetivo proponer la Matriz cruzada cliente-producto como u...

  17. assessment of clients' satisfaction with health service deliveries

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    showed that the overall client satisfaction level with the health services rendered at ... Therefore, the Hospital management should understand these weak service areas and plan for a better .... for use”, which means the consumer's perception.

  18. Predicting treatment noncompliance among criminal justice-mandated clients: a theoretical and empirical exploration. (United States)

    Sung, Hung-En; Belenko, Steven; Feng, Li; Tabachnick, Carrie


    Compliance with therapeutic regimens constitutes an important but infrequently studied precursor of treatment engagement and is a necessary condition of successful treatment. This study builds on recent treatment process research and provides a theory-driven analysis of treatment compliance. Five hypotheses are formulated to predict treatment noncompliance among criminal justice-mandated clients. These hypotheses tap different determinants of treatment progress, including physical prime, supportive social network, conventional social involvement, treatment motivation, and risk-taking propensity. Data from 150 addicted felons participating in a diversion program are analyzed to test the hypotheses. Predictors related to these hypotheses correctly identify 58% of the fully compliant clients and 55-88% of the noncompliant clients. Most hypotheses are at least partially corroborated and a few strong correlates emerge across analyses. Clients in their physical prime, those with poorer social support, and those lacking internal desires for change were found especially likely to violate treatment program rules. Clinical implications are discussed.

  19. 17 CFR 275.206(3)-3T - Temporary rule for principal trades with certain advisory clients. (United States)


    ... trades with certain advisory clients. 275.206(3)-3T Section 275.206(3)-3T Commodity and Securities... 1940 § 275.206(3)-3T Temporary rule for principal trades with certain advisory clients. (a) An..., sells to or purchases from an advisory client any security if: (1) The investment adviser exercises no...

  20. Coorientation Theory and Assessment of the RFP Solution to Client/Service Learner Matchmaking (United States)

    Rogers, Cathy; Andrews, Valerie


    Tensions that result from varying expectations of service learners and clients/community partners are as common as the pedagogical practice of service learning in public relations courses. The matchmaking process between instructors and clients can influence expectations; however, the literature includes little guidance about the process of client…

  1. Client-oriented Building Mass Customization (CoBMC) (United States)

    Lee, Xia Sheng; Faris Khamidi, Mohd; Kuppusamy, Sivaraman; Tuck Heng, Chin


    Although much later compared to other industries including aerospace, automobile, oil and gas etc., digital technology development has been cresting towards an exponential curve in the construction industry. Technological diversity and abundance change the game from “what you can” to “what you want”. Society is changing at an unprecedented rate. Consequently adaptability will be crucial. This research paper explores the integration of digital adaptive technologies that transform the construction industry from the mass production to that of a possible client-oriented mass customization. The focus on the design, construction and performance stages of a building project, currently undergoing major overhaul faces a paradigm shift globally that will impact and compel attention for the next three decades with viable solutions such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) to manage massive data cum information. Customization maximizes clients’ participation during the design process thereby achieving greater effective value and higher satisfaction. A study between customized and standardized examples will investigate how adaptive customization will shift the design paradigm from cost to value centric. This action research will explore different aspects of emerging innovative systems already in place pushing the edge of frontiers, and transforming the building industry landscape whether micro or giga, to compliment new technologies to create an unprecedented exhilaration of freshness over the mundane, routine and mediocrity. Three identified fundamental aspects that are instrumental to Client-oriented Building Mass Customization (CoBMC) are design option visualization, parametric product information and n-dimensional modelling. The study concluded that a paradigm shift is therefore inevitable for every stakeholder including clients who will need to re-examine their roles, capabilities, and competencies in preparation towards challenging future.


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    Ernesto Rodríguez González


    Full Text Available

    Los programas de mejoramiento de la calidad no exitosos se encuentran a menudo plagados de acciones tendientes a aumentar los ingresos, a través del incremento de la satisfacción de los clientes, pero que no han sido evaluadas económicamente. La contabilidad tradicional no permite evaluar cuantitativamente cuánto van a aumentar los ingresos producto de un proyecto que tenga como objetivo aumentar la satisfacción de los clientes, o que trate de recuperar su satisfacción mediante el beneficio de una capacitación en calidad del servicio, un programa de círculos de calidad, etcétera. En el trabajo se muestra cómo lograr con el tablero de control la imprescindible conexión entre los indicadores de calidad (orientación al cliente, calidad de procesos, etcétera y los indicadores de resultados del negocio y la medición de la calidad necesaria a la gestión.

  3. Predicción de la probabilidad de éxito en la adquisición de clientes


    Pamies Cartagena, Benjamín


    El proyecto consiste en un sistema capaz de predecir la probabilidad de éxito de convertir un cliente potencial en un cliente analizando y procesando los datos del cliente potencial mediante Inteligencia Artificial. El proyecto partirá de una base de datos con casos reales que servirá como conjunto de entrenamiento y test al algoritmo.

  4. A systematic review of HIV partner counseling and referral services: client and provider attitudes, preferences, practices, and experiences. (United States)

    Passin, Warren F; Kim, Angela S; Hutchinson, Angela B; Crepaz, Nicole; Herbst, Jeffrey H; Lyles, Cynthia M


    The objectives of this study were to understand client and provider attitudes, experiences, and practices regarding HIV partner notification in the United States and to help identify future research and program needs. The goals of this study were to synthesize the literature reporting client and provider attitudes, experiences, and practices and to identify potential negative effects of HIV partner notification. This study consisted of a systematic qualitative review. Clients were willing to self-notify partners and participate in provider notification, and few reported negative effects. The majority of health care providers were in favor of HIV partner notification; however, they did not consistently refer index clients to HIV partner notification programs. Considering that clients have positive attitudes toward self- and provider referral, local HIV prevention programs need to ensure that all HIV-positive clients are offered partner notification services. Additional research is needed to assess the potential risks of notifying partners and to identify effective techniques to improve client and provider participation.

  5. Available Supports and Coping Behaviors of Mental Health Social Workers Following Fatal and Nonfatal Client Suicidal Behavior (United States)

    Ting, Laura; Jacobson, Jodi M.; Sanders, Sara


    Research indicates that mental health social workers risk being confronted with fatal and nonfatal client suicidal behaviors during professional practice. Although reactions to client suicidal behavior have been documented, there is little empirical evidence about coping behaviors and available supports following client suicidal behavior. This…

  6. Satisfação e fidelização de clientes na área do fitness


    Rocha, Iuri Rafael Simões


    18 valores Atualmente, a realidade do mercado evidencia uma competitividade acrescida, sendo que, na visão do marketing a satisfação dos clientes é fulcral para que as organizações garantam vantagem competitiva em relação à sua concorrência. Neste sentido, a satisfação dos clientes ganhou maior relevância no contexto organizacional do ponto de vista da gestão, já que possibilita a conquista e fidelização de clientes. A satisfação dos clientes é alcançada a partir de diversos planos ou a...

  7. Enhancing Student Learning through Scaffolded Client Projects (United States)

    Tomlinson, Elizabeth


    This article reports on the current status of client projects (CPs) in business communication courses, provides a scaffolded model for implementing CP, and assesses student learning in CPs. Using a longitudinal mixed method research design, survey data and qualitative materials from six semesters are presented. The instructor survey indicated need…

  8. Nurse Interaction With Clients In Communication Therapeutic Study Analysis Of Symbolic Interactionism Hospital South Sulawesi


    Hj.Indirawaty; Syamsuddin AB


    ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe briefly on the application of social interaction which made nurses to clients while performing therapeutic communication at the Hospital of South Sulawesi with frame symbolic interactionism. Result achieved against the system carried nurse interaction with clients who patterned on therapeutic communication. At the stage of pre-interaction system is applied such as before the nurse interacts with the client well in advance to prepare the way of dressing re...

  9. Being active supports client control over health care. (United States)

    Fiveash, Barb; Nay, Rhonda


    The purpose of this study was to identify how healthcare clients achieve and maintain a sense of control over their health. The literature review conducted refers to: (i) key definitions of control, (ii) locus of control, and (iii) control and wellbeing. Participants with a range of acute and chronic health conditions and who had been hospitalised at some point were selected for the study. Symbolic interactionism (Blumer, 1969) and modified grounded theory of Strauss & Corbin (1998) provided the frameworks for this study. During the six month study period, data were collected from sixty participants and included interviews, participant observation, reviewing participants' records (nursing care plans, nursing notes and case histories), the nursing units' philosophy, organisational charts, policies and procedures, annual reports, consumer brochures and any other relevant information sources. Findings from the study indicated that participants moved from feeling vulnerable to having a sense of control through to being purposefully active. Vulnerability was associated with: (i) having limited choices in respect to their health, (ii) lacking adequate health information to make choices, (iii) being ignored by health providers with respect to their needs, and (iv) lacking friend/family supports. Purposefully activating was associated with three major categories: (i) reflecting, (ii) being self-determiningly involved and (iii) normalising. Findings from this study could be used by health care clients who want a sense of control over their health care, and also by health care providers who wish to support clients in the healthcare process.

  10. Patient/client participation – adaptability into the system?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glasdam, Stinne; Kjær, Lone; Præstegaard, Jeanette

    Through the last 35 years "patient/client involvement" have been a mantra within health policies and stated objectives in education curriculums and institutional object clauses; - although different terms are used: "patient-centered", "inclusion", "participation", "influence", "respect for patient...

  11. Counseling and Psychotherapy with Clients of Middle Eastern Descent: A Qualitative Inquiry


    Boghosian, Sara


    It is becoming increasingly important for clinical and counseling psychologists to have multicultural competence skills for treating an increasingly diverse client population. The psychology literature related to culturally competent treatment with persons of Middle Eastern descent is currently limited. In this study, qualitative methodology was utilized to explore the mental health attitudes and psychotherapy experiences of clients of Middle Eastern descent. Participants described culturally...

  12. Study of the absorbed dose in small fields with absence of lateral electronic balance in stereotactic radiosurgery and radiotherapy with modulated intensity; Estudio de la dosis absorbida en campos pequenos con ausencia de equilibrio electronico lateral en radiocirugia estereotaxica y radioterapia con intensidad modulada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vargas V, M. X.


    In this thesis we develop and experimental and theoretical study, using semi analytical techniques of the physical dosimetry for small and nonstandard fields for stereotactic radiosurgery (Srs) and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), with high energy photon beams from a BrainLAB system with cones at Instituto del Cancer SOLCA (Ecuador) and a Tomo Therapy Hi-Art system at Centro Oncologico de Chihuahua (Mexico). (Author)

  13. Study of the absorbed dose in small fields with absence of lateral electronic balance in stereotactic radiosurgery and radiotherapy with modulated intensity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vargas V, M. X.


    In this thesis we develop and experimental and theoretical study, using semi analytical techniques of the physical dosimetry for small and nonstandard fields for stereotactic radiosurgery (Srs) and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), with high energy photon beams from a BrainLAB system with cones at Instituto del Cancer SOLCA (Ecuador) and a Tomo Therapy Hi-Art system at Centro Oncologico de Chihuahua (Mexico). (Author)


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    Nicki L. Aubuchon-Endsley


    Full Text Available Client treatment expectations and hope are robustly associated with treatment outcome. Despite this, no known studies have examined client hope as a mediator to the relationship between expectancies and psychotherapy session outcomes. In addition, recent literature also supports cross-cultural differences in relations between treatment expectancies and outcomes. This article presents a cross-sectional study with a sample of Brazilian psychotherapy clients collected via referral sampling, in which existing clients referred potential participants. Participants were asked about their symptomatology and expectations of psychotherapy. The current study found that, within this Brazilian sample, trait hope partially mediated relations between expectancies and treatment session outcomes. Further studies are needed to investigate these effects and session outcomes in a culturally competent manner.

  15. Atributos críticos de satisfação em serviços de arquitetura: visão do cliente × visão do arquiteto Critical satisfaction attributes in architectural services: comparison of clients' and architects' points of view

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabela Winter Almada


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar se a percepção sobre os atributos necessários para a satisfação do cliente em projetos residenciais (construção ou reformas são os mesmos entre clientes e arquitetos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa exploratória, que emprega questionários estruturados não disfarçados como instrumento de coleta de dados. Os 15 atributos pesquisados foram definidos por meio da literatura. A coleta de dados foi realizada com 100 clientes pessoas físicas e 30 profissionais. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que os clientes esperam que o arquiteto resolva o seu problema e consiga entender as suas necessidades, sem necessidade de alterações ou muitas interações com o cliente. Na visão dos clientes, o serviço a ser prestado pelos arquitetos é um serviço técnico. Já os arquitetos percebem que o serviço deve ser construído em conjunto com o cliente e que seu serviço está mais concentrado na criação, no design. Como conclusão, levando em conta a visão dos clientes, o escritório de arquitetura que quiser ter um diferencial competitivo deve entender que seu serviço engloba desde a criação até a entrega da obra, com garantia dos serviços prestados. Deve entender também que o cliente pressupõe que o arquiteto deve saber de suas necessidades e que o atendimento ao cronograma e orçamento iniciais são atributos atrativos.The purpose of the present work was to identify the perception of clients and architects on critical attributes of customers' satisfaction in services of home architecture. It is an exploratory and quantitative research which uses questionnaires to collect data. The 15 researched attributes were identified based on literature review. One hundred clients and thirty architects were interviewed. Results indicate that clients expect architects solve their problems from the design to the construction phases, and that they should understand customers needs without further

  16. Rogers' interviews with Gloria and Kathy revisited: A micro-analysis of the client-therapist interaction.


    Takens, R.J.


    In order to illustrate the use of the Processing Modes Scales of Sachse (1990a) two prototypical interviews of Rogers, respectively with Gloria and Kathy, were analyzed. It was hypothesized that Rogers would offer his clients high levels of 'processing proposals', and that, as a consequence, his clients would show high levels of processing, too. Indeed, Rogers' processing proposals were much deeper than normally found, as were the processing modes by the two clients involved. It also turned o...

  17. Les clients des services d'escorte tels que perçus par des femmes offrant ces services

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    Full Text Available La discussion de projets de loi criminalisant l'achat des services sexuels constitue un sujet brûlant d'actualité dans plusieurs pays, dont le Canada. Pourtant, bon nombre d'études indiquent que la plupart des clients agissent de manière civilisée envers la personne travailleuse du sexe, alors que seule une infime minorité de clients présentent des comportements violents. Interviewant 16 femmes offrant des services d'escorte, quant à leur expérience de sexualité dans le cadre du travail, celles-ci ont beaucoup discuté des besoins qu'elles percevaient chez leurs clients, de même que des attitudes de ces derniers envers elles. Les participantes décrivent ceux-ci comme étant le plus souvent respectueux, la plupart recherchant un contact chaleureux avec elle et agissant en conséquence. En outre, ceux des clients qui ne recherchent qu'une expérience sexuelle tendent à être également respectueux envers l'escorte. Par contre, certains clients présentent une attitude ou un comportement désagréable. Quelques participantes ont également eu affaire à un client violent au cours de leur parcours comme escorte. La plupart des participantes étaient en mesure de choisir leurs clients, ce qui leur a permis de surtout rencontrer des clients aimables et qui, à l'occasion, leur procure également du plaisir sexuel. Par contre, les participantes plus vulnérables et moins capables de choisir et de maintenir leurs limites ont rencontré plus de clients désagréables ou agressifs.

  18. Using CBPR to Assess Client Needs at a Social Service Agency. (United States)

    Amendola, Mary Grace; Nazario, Noelia; Sanchez, Veronica


    Community-based participatory research (CBPR) has become an important research approach for universities to partner with social service agencies by uniting them in project design, planning, implementation, and evaluation. This study involved FOCUS, an urban social service agency, and Rutgers College of Nursing (RUCON) collaboratively conducting a needs assessment to compare the health needs of its clients and their employees' perception of their clients health needs, utilizing CBPR. Qualitative data was collected using the focus group method, field notes, photographs, and observation. The employees of FOCUS facilitated focus groups, participant recruitment, and transcribed and translated data. Three themes emerged: Health Education, Cost of Health Care, and Barriers to Health Care. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge of integrating the CBPR approach when conducting a community needs assessment with a social service agency. The CBPR approach closely reflects the identified health needs of its clients resulting in interventions that will meet their specific health needs. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Recognition of geriatric popular song repertoire: a comparison of geriatric clients and music therapy students. (United States)

    VanWeelden, Kimberly; Cevasco, Andrea M


    The purposes of the current study were to determine geriatric clients' recognition of 32 popular songs and songs from musicals by asking whether they: (a) had heard the songs before; (b) could "name the tune" of each song; and (c) list the decade that each song was composed. Additionally, comparisons were made between the geriatric clients' recognition of these songs and by music therapy students' recognition of the same, songs, based on data from an earlier study (VanWeelden, Juchniewicz, & Cevasco, 2008). Results found 90% or more of the geriatric clients had heard 28 of the 32 songs, 80% or more of the graduate students had heard 20 songs, and 80% of the undergraduates had heard 18 songs. The geriatric clients correctly identified 3 songs with 80% or more accuracy, which the graduate students also correctly identified, while the undergraduates identified 2 of the 3 same songs. Geriatric clients identified the decades of 3 songs with 50% or greater accuracy. Neither the undergraduate nor graduate students identified any songs by the correct decade with over 50% accuracy. Further results are discussed.

  20. Client-side Skype forensics: an overview (United States)

    Meißner, Tina; Kröger, Knut; Creutzburg, Reiner


    IT security and computer forensics are important components in the information technology. In the present study, a client-side Skype forensics is performed. It is designed to explain which kind of user data are stored on a computer and which tools allow the extraction of those data for a forensic investigation. There are described both methods - a manual analysis and an analysis with (mainly) open source tools, respectively.

  1. Supporting Intrapersonal Development in Substance Use Disorder Programs: A Conceptual Framework for Client Assessment. (United States)

    Turpin, Aaron; Shier, Micheal L


    Improvements to intrapersonal development of clients involved with substance use disorder treatment programs has widely been recognized as contributing to the intended goal of reducing substance misuse behaviors. This study sought to identify a broad framework of primary outcomes related to the intrapersonal development of clients in treatment for substance misuse. Using qualitative research methods, individual interviews were conducted with program participants (n = 41) at three treatment programs to identify the ways in which respondents experienced intrapersonal development through participation in treatment. The findings support the development of a conceptual model that captures the importance and manifestation of achieving improvements in the following outcomes: self-awareness, coping ability, self-worth, outlook, and self-determination. The findings provide a conceptual framework for client assessment that captures a broad range of the important intrapersonal development factors utilized as indicators for client development and recovery that should be measured in tandem during assessment.

  2. Client Motivation for Therapy Scale: a measure of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation for therapy. (United States)

    Pelletier, L G; Tuson, K M; Haddad, N K


    The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of a new measure of client motivation for therapy, the Client Motivation for Therapy Scale. This scale is designed to measure client's Intrinsic Motivation, four forms of regulation for Extrinsic Motivation (integrated, identified, introjected, and external regulation), and Amotivation for therapy. These subscales correspond to different forms of motivation identified by Deci and Ryan (1985) and fall along a self-determination continuum. An experimental version of the scale, along with related scales, was distributed to a total sample of 138 clients involved in therapy. The results supported the factor structure of the scale and revealed a satisfactory level of internal consistency. Correlations among the subscales revealed a simplex pattern that, in general, provides support for the self-determination continuum and the construct validity of the scale. Implications for research on client motivation for therapy are discussed.

  3. Building Alliances with (In)Voluntary Clients: A Study Focused on Therapists' Observable Behaviors. (United States)

    Sotero, Luciana; Cunha, Diana; da Silva, José Tomás; Escudero, Valentín; Relvas, Ana Paula


    This study aimed to compare therapists' observable behaviors to promote alliances with involuntary and voluntary clients during brief family therapy. The therapists' contributions to fostering alliances were rated in sessions 1 and 4 using videotapes of 29 families who were observed in brief therapy. Using the System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances, trained raters searched for specific therapist behaviors that contributed to or detracted from the four alliance dimensions: engagement in the therapeutic process, an emotional connection with the therapist, safety within the therapeutic system, and a shared sense of purpose within the family. The results showed that when working with involuntary clients, therapists presented more behaviors to foster the clients' engagement and to promote a shared sense of purpose within the family. However, in the fourth session, the therapists in both groups contributed to the alliance in similar ways. The results are discussed in terms of (a) the therapists' alliance-building behaviors, (b) the specificities of each client group, and (c) the implications for clinical practice, training, and research. © 2016 Family Process Institute.

  4. 34 CFR 350.63 - What are the requirements of a grantee relative to the Client Assistance Program? (United States)


    ... Client Assistance Program? 350.63 Section 350.63 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department... After an Award? § 350.63 What are the requirements of a grantee relative to the Client Assistance... representatives, of the availability and purposes of the Client Assistance Program (CAP) funded under the Act; and...

  5. Energy companies need to cuddle their clients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Due to a liberalized energy market in Europe more than 20% of the customers has chosen another electricity supplier. In spite of that many energy suppliers do not yet operate as client-oriented businesses, according to a report of Ernst and Young: 'Trend in Energy 2000'. Energy companies should become more active in relation management

  6. Contractor-Client Communications Checklist for Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF), Incluyendo la Versión de Español (United States)

    This checklist provides professional contractors and clients topics to discuss so that the client understands what to expect when a professional contractor installs SPF insulation. Lista de verificación de comunicación del contratista y el cliente.

  7. High HIV Prevalence and Risk Among Male Clients of Female Sex Workers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (United States)

    Nadol, Patrick; Hoang, Tran Vu; Le, Linh-Vi; Nguyen, Tuan Anh; Kaldor, John; Law, Matthew


    In Vietnam's concentrated HIV epidemic, female sex workers (FSWs) are at increased risk for acquiring and transmitting HIV, largely through their male clients. A high proportion of males in Vietnam report being clients of FSWs. Studying HIV-related risk factors and prevalence among male clients is important, particularly given the potential for male clients to be a 'bridge' of HIV transmission to the more general population or to sex workers. Time-location sampling was used to identify FSW in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam's largest cities, in 2013-2014. Recruited FSWs were asked to refer one male client to the study. Demographic and risk behavior data were collected from FSWs and male clients by administered questionnaires. Biologic specimens collected from male clients were tested for HIV and opiates. Sampling weights, calculated based on the FSWs probability of being selected for enrolment, were applied to prevalence estimates for both FSWs and male clients. Logistic regression models were developed to obtain odds ratios for HIV infection among male clients. A total of 804 male clients were enrolled. Overall, HIV prevalence among male clients was 10.2%; HIV prevalence was 20.7% (95% confidence interval (CI) 15.0-27.9%) among those reporting a history of illegal drug use and 32.4% (95% CI 20.2-47.7%) among those with opioids detected in urine. HIV prevalence among male clients did not differ across 'bridging' categories defined by condom use with FSWs and regular partners over the previous 6 months. HIV among male clients was associated with a reported history of illegal drug use (OR 3.76; 95% CI 1.87-7.56), current opioid use (OR 2.55; 95% CI 1.02-6.36), and being referred by an FSW who self-reported as HIV-positive (OR 5.37; 95% CI 1.46-19.75). Self-reported HIV prevalence among enrolled FSWs was 2.8%. Based on HIV test results of male clients and self-reported status from FSWs, an estimated 12.1% of male client-FSW pairs were sero-discordant. These

  8. La satisfacció dels clients dels centres esportius municipals de Barcelona


    Elasri Ejjaberi, Amal; Triadó Ivern, Xavier M.; Aparicio Chueca, Pilar


    L’objectiu d’aquest treball és identificar i analitzar les variables que més influeixen en la satisfacció del client als centres esportius de Barcelona. Les dades van ser recollides en una enquesta entre els clients actuals de centres esportius municipals. Una anàlisi factorial aplicada a aquesta informació revela cinc dimensions que subjeuen als múltiples components de l’oferta de serveis en aquestes instal·lacions: la seva qualitat, els recursos humans, la comunicació, l’entorn social i la ...

  9. Acceptance of referral for partners by clients testing positive for human immunodeficiency virus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Netsanet F


    Full Text Available Fetene Netsanet,1 Ayalew Dessie21IMA World Health SuddHealth Multi Donor Trust Fund-Basic Package of Health Services Project, Juba, South Sudan; 2United States Agency for International Development, Private Health Sector Program, Abt Associates Inc, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaBackground: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-positive individuals who do not disclose their HIV status to their partners are more likely to present late for HIV and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS care than those who have disclosed their HIV status to their partners. A major area of challenge with regards to HIV counseling for clients is disclosure of their HIV status to their partners. The main methods of partner notification are patient referral, provider referral, contract referral, and outreach assistance. The emphasis on a plausible and comprehensive partner referral strategy for widespread positive case detection in resource-limited countries needs to be thought out and developed.Methods: A qualitative study was conducted among newly HIV-positive clients to identify partners for notification and acceptance of referral by their partners. Health service providers working in HIV testing and counseling clinics were also provided with semistructured questionnaires in order to assess their view towards partner notification strategies for clients testing positive for HIV.Results: Fifteen newly diagnosed HIV-positive clients were counseled to provide referral slips to their partners. All clients agreed and took the referral card. However, only eight were willing and actually provided the card to their partners. Five of the eight partners of clients who tested HIV-positive and who were provided with referral cards responded to the referral and were tested for HIV. Three were positive and two were negative. Nine of 11 counselors did not agree to requesting partner locator information from HIV-positive clients for contractual referral and/or outreach assistance. The findings

  10. Validity and client use of information from the World Wide Web regarding veterinary anesthesia in dogs. (United States)

    Hofmeister, Erik H; Watson, Victoria; Snyder, Lindsey B C; Love, Emma J


    To determine the validity of the information on the World Wide Web concerning veterinary anesthesia in dogs and to determine the methods dog owners use to obtain that information. Web-based search and client survey. 73 Web sites and 92 clients. Web sites were scored on a 5-point scale for completeness and accuracy of information about veterinary anesthesia by 3 board-certified anesthesiologists. A search for anesthetic information regarding 49 specific breeds of dogs was also performed. A survey was distributed to the clients who visited the University of Georgia Veterinary Teaching Hospital during a 4-month period to solicit data about sources used by clients to obtain veterinary medical information and the manner in which information obtained from Web sites was used. The general search identified 73 Web sites that included information on veterinary anesthesia; these sites received a mean score of 3.4 for accuracy and 2.5 for completeness. Of 178 Web sites identified through the breed-specific search, 57 (32%) indicated that a particular breed was sensitive to anesthesia. Of 83 usable, completed surveys, 72 (87%) indicated the client used the Web for veterinary medical information. Fifteen clients (18%) indicated they believed their animal was sensitive to anesthesia because of its breed. Information available on the internet regarding anesthesia in dogs is generally not complete and may be misleading with respect to risks to specific breeds. Consequently, veterinarians should appropriately educate clients regarding anesthetic risk to their particular dog.

  11. Client/consultant model services agreement

    CERN Document Server

    International Federation of Consulting Engineers


    The terms of the Client Consultant Model Services agreement (The White Book) have been prepared by the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) and are recommended for general use for the purposes of pre-investment and feasibility studies, designs and administration of construction and project management, where proposals for such services are invited on an international basis. They are equally adaptable for domestic agreements. - See more at:

  12. Thin Client Architecture: The Promise and the Problems. (United States)

    Machovec, George S.


    Describes thin clients, a networking technology that allows organizations to provide software applications over networked workstations connected to a central server. Topics include corporate settings; major advantages, including cost effectiveness and increased computer security; problems; and possible applications for large public and academic…


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    Vanderli Prieto


    Full Text Available Este artigo trata da aplicação do conceito de Gestão do Relacionamento com o Cliente (CRM no segmento  business-to-business.O conceito representa o desafio de enxergar cada cliente como se fosse o seu próprio mercado. No segmento  business-to-business a transação de valor econômico é alta e a perda de um único cliente pode resultar em impacto significativamente negativo para as receitas. Isto demanda um investimento ainda maior em construir e manter um relacionamento com os clientes. O objetivo deste artigo  é indicar aspectos críticos na implementação do CRM relacionados à estratégia da empresa e à estrutura de CRM. O artigo descreve uma experiência com a automação da força de vendas (SFA, que é uma das dimensões tecnológicas do CRM. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada foi o estudo de caso em uma empresa global de engenharia eletroeletrônica. Neste artigo primeiramente são introduzidos os conceitos de CRM e SFA e então são discutidos aspectos da implementação do CRM no segmento  business-to-business.  As conclusões nos permitem perceber que a estrutura de CRM provê maior produtividade à área de Vendas e transfere o controle da gestão do relacionamento com o cliente do vendedor para a empresa e que tais resultados são apoiados em ações estratégicas sistematicamente conduzidas.

  14. Stakeholders' influence on the importance of users' and clients' information and constraints during website design. (United States)

    Chevalier, Aline


    The present study aims at determining the role of the stakeholder (via a user vs a client spokesperson) on the importance allocated to information and constraints considered by novice and professional web designers. Analysis showed all designers focused mainly on clients' constraints and information even when they dealt with a user spokesperson: they considered clients' constraints as more important than users' constraints. These results are new with regard to those previously obtained in web design, which showed designers considered prescribed constraints (regardless of the stakeholder to which they are related) as unavaoidable, and the vast majority of others as avoidable if required. Research is required to help web designers to ponder users' and clients' constraints and to assess whether the same patterns of results occur in other design domains.

  15. Improving client-centred care and services: the role of front/back-office configurations. (United States)

    Broekhuis, Manda; de Blok, Carolien; Meijboom, Bert


    This paper is a report of a study conducted to explore the application of designing front- and back-office work resulting in efficient client-centred care in healthcare organizations that supply home care, welfare and domestic services. Front/back-office configurations reflect a neglected domain of design decisions in the development of more client-centred processes and structures without incurring major cost increases. Based on a literature search, a framework of four front/back-office configurations was constructed. To illustrate the usefulness of this framework, a single, longitudinal case study was performed in a large organization, which provides home care, welfare and domestic services for a sustained period (2005-2006). The case study illustrates how front/back-office design decisions are related to the complexity of the clients' demands and the strategic objectives of an organization. The constructed framework guides the practical development of front/back-office designs, and shows how each design contributes differently to such performance objectives as quality, speed and efficiency. The front/back-office configurations presented comprise an important first step in elaborating client-centred care and service provision to the operational level. It helps healthcare organizations to become more responsive and to provide efficient client-centred care and services when approaching demand in a well-tuned manner. In addition to its applicability in home care, we believe that a deliberate front/back-office configuration also has potential in other fields of health care.

  16. Effects of EAP follow-up on prevention of relapse among substance abuse clients. (United States)

    Foote, A; Erfurt, J C


    Clients entering an employee assistance program (EAP) of a large manufacturing plant in 1985 who were assessed as having an alcohol or drug abuse problem (N = 325) were randomized into an experimental "special follow-up" group and a control "regular care" group. The regular care group received follow-up only as needed (following the usual practice of the EAP), while a follow-up counselor was hired to make routine contacts with the special follow-up group. Study intake continued through 1985, and follow-up continued through the end of 1986. Data collected on study subjects included EAP participation data, absenteeism, number of hospitalizations, health care claims paid and disability claims paid. The major study hypothesis was that EAP clients randomly allocated to special follow-up would show better results than regular care clients (i.e., would have fewer relapses, better job attendance and lower health benefit utilization during the follow-up year). The follow-up intervention was incompletely implemented due to a variety of organizational problems. Differences between the two groups on the six outcome measures were not statistically significant, although clients in the special follow-up group did show better results than clients in the regular care group on the three measures related to substance abuse. Differences on these three measures were marginally significant in regression analyses after controlling for the effects of number of follow-up visits, age, race and chronicity.

  17. Prioritizing the client trust factors in electronic banking using analytic hierarchy process

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    Hossein vazifedust


    Full Text Available This paper prioritizes the trust factors among electronic banking clients of an Iranian bank named Parsian Bank. The study first analyzes and reviews the literature and interviews with experts of electronic banking and academicians and determines client trust as the most important factor for development of electronic banking. The study also determines different factors associated with trust, which includes individual factors, banking factors and infrastructural factors. The sample populations consist of 25 experts who are academicians, managers and bank officers, clients of electronic banking. The necessary data was collected through conducting interviews and questionnaires and they are analyzed using analytic hierarchy process (AHP. The research findings indicate that the attitudinal factors, telecommunication infrastructure and cultural factors were the most influential factors accordingly and the customer orientation and ease of access were the least influential factors.

  18. 49 CFR 40.403 - Must a service agent notify its clients when the Department issues a PIE? (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Must a service agent notify its clients when the... Must a service agent notify its clients when the Department issues a PIE? (a) As a service agent, if... clients, in writing, about the issuance, scope, duration, and effect of the PIE. You may meet this...

  19. Sexual Orientation Microaggressions: The Experience of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Clients in Psychotherapy (United States)

    Shelton, Kimber; Delgado-Romero, Edward A.


    Psychological research has shown the detrimental effects that overt heterosexism have on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) clients and on the psychotherapeutic relationship. However, the effects of subtle forms of discrimination, specifically sexual orientation microaggressions, have on LGBQ clients and the therapeutic relationship have not…

  20. Declining Inconsistent Condom Use but Increasing HIV and Syphilis Prevalence Among Older Male Clients of Female Sex Workers (United States)

    Chen, Yi; Abraham Bussell, Scottie; Shen, Zhiyong; Tang, Zhenzhu; Lan, Guanghua; Zhu, Qiuying; Liu, Wei; Tang, Shuai; Li, Rongjian; Huang, Wenbo; Huang, Yuman; Liang, Fuxiong; Wang, Lu; Shao, Yiming; Ruan, Yuhua


    Abstract Clients of female sex workers (CFSWs) are a bridge population for the spread of HIV and syphilis to low or average risk heterosexuals. Most studies have examined the point prevalence of these infections in CFSWs. Limited evidence suggests that older age CFSWs are at a higher risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases compared with younger clients. Thus, we sought to describe long-term trends in HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis C (HCV) to better understand how these infections differ by sex worker classification and client age. We also examined trends in HIV, syphilis, and HCV among categories of female sex workers (FSWs). We conducted serial cross-sectional studies from 2010 to 2015 in Guangxi autonomous region, China. We collected demographic and behavior variables. FSWs and their clients were tested for HIV, syphilis, and HCV antibodies. Positive HIV and syphilis serologies were confirmed by Western blot and rapid plasma regain, respectively. Clients were categorized as middle age (40–49 years) and older clients (≥50 years). FSWs were categorized as high-tier, middle-tier, or low-tier based on the payment amount charged for sex and their work venue. Chi-square test for trends was used for testing changes in prevalence over time. By 2015, low-tier FSWs (LTFSWs) accounted for almost half of all FSWs; and they had the highest HIV prevalence at 1.4%. HIV prevalence declined significantly for FSWs (high-tier FSW, P = 0.003; middle-tier FSWs; P = 0.021; LTFSWs, P HIV prevalence increased for older age clients (1.3%–2.0%, P = 0.159) while syphilis prevalence remained stable. HCV infections were halved among older clients in 3 years (1.7%–0.8%, P sex with men or intravenous drug use. Clients preferred LTFSWs, especially older clients (81.9%). Our results suggest that HIV and syphilis infections are increasing in older clients who prefer LTFSWs. HIV and syphilis are likely increasing in Guangxi Province through heterosexual transmission


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    Guilherme Soares


    Full Text Available Based on a survey of 505 corporate clients from the information technology industry, this study uses a logit statistical model to analyze whether such factors as loyalty, trust, client importance, intimacy between customer and supplier and the cost of changing suppliers may affect the choice of the marketing channel used by the client. The results show that the greater intimacy between a supplier and a corporate client is a determining factor for the client’s preference for being served by the manufacturer rather than an intermediary. In contrast, clients’ perception of their own importance to the supplier is not very relevant to their preference for being served directly by the manufacturer, and the other factors were not identified as (statistically important determinants of the choice of the marketing channel. These results suggest that the real advantage of the direct sales channel over the indirect sales channel lies in its ability to strengthen the client-manufacturer relationship, thereby contributing to the development of solutions that better serve the needs of corporate clients.

  2. User experiences with clinical social franchising: qualitative insights from providers and clients in Ghana and Kenya. (United States)

    Sieverding, Maia; Briegleb, Christina; Montagu, Dominic


    Clinical social franchising is a rapidly growing delivery model in private healthcare markets in low- and middle-income countries. Despite this growth, little is known about providers' perceptions of the benefits and challenges of social franchising or clients' reasons for choosing franchised facilities over other healthcare options. We examine these questions in the context of three social franchise networks in Ghana and Kenya. We conducted in-depth interviews with a purposive sample of providers from the BlueStar Ghana, and Amua and Tunza networks in Kenya. We also conducted qualitative exit interviews with female clients who were leaving franchised facilities after a visit for a reproductive or child health reason. The total sample consists of 47 providers and 47 clients across the three networks. Providers perceived the main benefits of participation in a social franchise network to be training opportunities and access to a consistent supply of low-cost family planning commodities; few providers mentioned branding as a benefit of participation. Although most providers said that client flows for franchised services increased after joining the network, they did not associate this with improved finances for their facility. Clients overwhelmingly cited the quality of the client-provider relationship as their main motivation for attending the franchise facility. Recognition of the franchise brand was low among clients who were exiting a franchised facility. The most important benefit of social franchise programs to both providers and their clients may have more to do with training on business practices, patient counseling and customer service, than with subsidies, technical input, branding or clinical support. This finding may lead to a reconsideration of how franchise programs interact with both their member clinics and the larger health-seeking communities they serve.

  3. A Methodology and Tool for Investigation of Artifacts Left by the BitTorrent Client

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    Algimantas Venčkauskas


    Full Text Available The BitTorrent client application is a popular utility for sharing large files over the Internet. Sometimes, this powerful utility is used to commit cybercrimes, like sharing of illegal material or illegal sharing of legal material. In order to help forensics investigators to fight against these cybercrimes, we carried out an investigation of the artifacts left by the BitTorrent client. We proposed a methodology to locate the artifacts that indicate the BitTorrent client activity performed. Additionally, we designed and implemented a tool that searches for the evidence left by the BitTorrent client application in a local computer running Windows. The tool looks for the four files holding the evidence. The files are as follows: *.torrent, dht.dat, resume.dat, and settings.dat. The tool decodes the files, extracts important information for the forensic investigator and converts it into XML format. The results are combined into a single result file.

  4. Satisfacción de clientes externos de las empresas aseguradoras en el municipio Maracaibo

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    Gerardo E. Romero


    Full Text Available El trabajo que se presenta en el artículo tuvo como propósito determinar el nivel de satisfacción de los clientes externos respecto al servicio brindado por las empresas aseguradoras en el Municipio Maracaibo. Los objetivos específicos buscaban identificar los componentes de calidad que determinan la satisfacción de los clientes externos de las empresas aseguradoras e identificar los factores que influyen en su comportamiento de compra; por último, se determinaron los rasgos básicos de los elementos que dan como resultado la satisfacción del cliente. Los resultados arrojaron que los niveles de satisfacción de los clientes externos de las empresas aseguradoras pueden considerarse moderado, al presentar rangos bajos en algunos aspectos de la calidad de los servicios específicamente, lo concerniente a la confiabilidad, respuesta y tangibilidad y dentro de sus mejores fortalezas, estuvieron los aspectos de la seguridad y la empatía

  5. Understanding the working alliance with clients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. (United States)

    Oyer, Laura; O'Halloran, Mary Sean; Christoe-Frazier, Liesel


    The therapeutic working alliance is a vital ingredient of psychotherapy, specifically for clients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, as progress is often slow and treatment difficult. This qualitative phenomenological study investigated the experiences of eight clients with anorexia nervosa and seven therapists who work with this population, regarding which therapist factors aided in and challenged the working alliance formation in individual psychotherapy. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews. Some helpful therapist factors included collaboration, appropriate self-disclosure, providing a warm and safe environment, and willingness to be contacted outside of a session. Unhelpful factors included lack of attunement and objectivity and failure to individualize treatment.

  6. Treatment of Deaf Clients: Ethical Considerations for Professionals in Psychology (United States)

    Boness, Cassandra L.


    Providing therapy to deaf clients raises important ethical considerations for psychologists related to competence; multiple relationships and boundary issues; confidentiality; assessment, diagnosis, and evaluation; and communication and using interpreters. In evaluating and addressing these, psychologists must consider the APA’s Ethics Code and other relevant issues (e.g., ADA) necessary to provide ethical treatment. The current article provides background, ethical considerations, principles and standards relevant to the treatment of deaf clients, and recommendations to support psychologists, training programs, and the field. Psychologists have the responsibility to guarantee that the benefits of mental health treatment are fairly and justly provided to this traditionally underserved population. PMID:27917030

  7. Preservação da fístula arteriovenosa: ações conjuntas entre enfermagem e cliente Preservación de la fistula arteriovenosa: acciones conjuntas de la enfermería y cliente Preservation of arteriovenous fistula: conjunct actions from nursing and client

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    Alessandra Guimarães Monteiro Moreira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os cuidados dos clientes em tratamento hemodialítico com o local da punção para a preservação da fístula arteriovenosa. Estudo qualitativo, descritivo-exploratório, que incluiu 17 clientes do Hospital Universitário (RJ com doença renal crônica de qualquer etiologia, maiores de 18 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, tendo como acesso a fístula arteriovenosa há, no mínimo, seis meses. Como resultados, obteve-se que 100% dos entrevistados conhecem a necessidade de cuidar e manter a via de punção pérvia; 42% já tiveram algum tipo de intercorrência na fístula, destacando-se a dor no membro e a perda do frêmito; 29% realizam compressa de gelo em casa, após a hemodiálise; 17% afirmaram que, a qualquer acontecimento diferente ou anormal, conversam com a equipe médica e de enfermagem. Concluiu-se que a enfermeira que orienta o cliente para a preservação do acesso necessita perceber indícios não verbais que apontem fragilidades no desempenho de papéis para o autocuidado.identificar cuáles son los cuidados que reciben los clientes en tratamiento de hemodiálisis con local de punción para la preservación de la fistula arteriovenosa. Método: estudio cualitativo, descriptivo-exploratorio, que incluye 17 clientes del Hospital Universitario (RJ con enfermedad renal crónica de cualquier etiología, mayores de 18 años de edad, de ambos sexos, teniendo como acceso la fistula arteriovenosa por lo mínimo seis meses. Resultados: el 100% de los entrevistados conocen la necesidad de cuidar y mantener la vía de punción permeable; 42% ya tuvieron algún tipo de problema con la fistula, destacándose el dolor en el miembro y pierda del frémito; 29% realizan compresa de hielo en casa, después de la hemodiálisis. 17% afirmaron que cualquier acontecimiento diferente de lo esperado, lo informaban al equipo médico y de enfermería. Conclusión: la enfermería que orienta el cliente para la

  8. Musings on track: creative use of multiple disciplines to evaluate client needs. (United States)

    Kae-Je', Bert


    The author's concern about palliative care, the elderly and chronically ill is demonstrated by the creative utilization of a number of disciplines, Pastoral Counseling, Art Therapy, and Psychology in caring for clients. She shows how Maslow's Hierarchy can be used as a focused lens suggesting broader assessment of client needs that might enhance the interventional repertoire for mature students and more experienced creative clinicians in fields of Pastoral Counselling, CPE, Psychology, and Art Therapy.

  9. Experiences of Scandinavian nurses in discussing sexuality with patients, clients and residents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Birgitte Schantz; Rasmussen, Philippa; Conroy, Tiffany


    REVIEW QUESTION/OBJECTIVE:: The objective of this review is to critically appraise, synthesize, and present the best available evidence to address the question: How do Scandinavian nurses experience discussing sexual issues with patients, residents and clients?......REVIEW QUESTION/OBJECTIVE:: The objective of this review is to critically appraise, synthesize, and present the best available evidence to address the question: How do Scandinavian nurses experience discussing sexual issues with patients, residents and clients?...

  10. Integrated marketing communications:pathway for enhancing client-costomer relationships

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    Kehinde Oladele Joseph


    Full Text Available The strategic coordination of marketing communication tools is vital and highly crucial for every result driven organization today. Companies must be able to deliver the right message to their target audience in order to elicit the right results. The objectives of this paper amongst others are to: (i ascertain whether proper implementation of Integrated Marketing Communications can help reduce the cost of marketing communication or promotional budget. (ii Establish whether the use of integrated marketing communications by firm through its advertising agencies can bring about profitable long-term client-customer relationships. The paper raises two hypotheses, which are stated in the null form. These are: The more an organization adopts Integrated Marketing communications, the more fund it will spend on promotional activities in the long run, and the less an organization adopts IMC principles, the more profitable Client-Customer relationship it will build. The paper uses survey method with structured questionnaire to obtain data that were later analyzed with correlation coefficient and analysis of variance test statistics. (ANOVA. Findings show that company will be able to save cost on marketing communication and promote lasting long-term client-customer relationships, if they properly adopt integrated marketing communication principles. The paper makes valuable recommendations which users of IMC will find useful in the ever dynamic and highly competitive world of marketing

  11. Ethical issues in hospital clients' satisfaction: a Brazilian perspective. (United States)

    Rocha, Elyrose S B; Ventura, Carla A A; de Godoy, Simone; Mendes, Isabel A C; Trevizan, Maria A


    Health institutions can be considered as complex organizations because they need to be prepared to receive and satisfy patients. This clientele differs from other organizations because the use of hospital services is not a matter of choice. Another motive for this difference is that, most often, the patients do not determine what services and products they will use during their stay. Although they are the clients, usually, health professionals decide which service or product they will consume. Hence, nursing care delivery based on competence, efficiency and ethics represents a challenge. This critical reflection is meant to draw attention to the relevance of the ethical aspects of nurses' actions involving patients' satisfaction with nursing care. This paper highlights the responsibility of nurses to develop ethical actions in their commitment to manage and provide care with quality, commitment and efficiency. Possibilities of actions needed emerged from this discussion, such as the provision of reliable and updated information to clients, respect for standards, routines of care, exams and others, as well as clients' education, in order to further their involvement and participation in decisions concerning the care planned for them. The adoption of this paradigm entails a change in the performance of nurses' management and care roles, which may have to observe attitudes previously disregarded in most services provided. © The Author(s) 2014.

  12. HIV prevalence, attitudes and behaviour in clients of a confidential HIV testing and counselling centre in Uganda. (United States)

    Müller, O; Barugahare, L; Schwartländer, B; Byaruhanga, E; Kataaha, P; Kyeyune, D; Heckmann, W; Ankrah, M


    To describe clients, operation and impact of an African public HIV testing and counselling centre. Analysis of samples from clients attending the AIDS Information Centre (AIC) in Kampala, Uganda in early 1991. HIV-1-positive and HIV-negative consecutive clients (250 of each), 86 consecutive couples, and 200 consecutive clients who were HIV-negative in 1990 and were attending for their repeat test. HIV seroprevalence rates, attitudes, behaviour and behaviour change. HIV-1 prevalence was 28% overall, 24% in men and 35% in women. Reasons for taking the HIV test were a planned marriage or a new relationship (27%; 84% in couples), to plan for the future (35%), distrust of sexual partner (14%) and illness or disease/death (not HIV-specific) of partner (20%). The majority of the reported intentions in response to a positive or a negative HIV test result were positive, demonstrating the ability to cope with this information. Of repeat clients, two (1%) had become HIV-1-positive. The majority of repeat clients reported one sexual partner only (67%) or sexual abstinence (25%). Compared with pre-test information from AIC clients attending for the first time, repeat clients reported casual sexual contacts less often (6 versus 25%) and, of those, the majority used condoms. Our study demonstrates the demand for and the feasibility of confidential HIV testing and counseling services in Uganda, and illustrates the value of these services in achieving behaviour changes. Such services should be considered an additional approach for the reduction of HIV transmission in Africa, especially in areas with high HIV seroprevalence rates.

  13. Risk Factors for Suicidality among Clients with Schizophrenia. (United States)

    Schwartz, Robert C.; Cohen, Benjamin N.


    Investigates risk factors for current suicidality in clients diagnosed with schizophrenia (N=223). Results indicate that severity of depressive symptoms most strongly correlated with degree of suicidality. Younger age and recent traumatic stress each significantly predicted suicidality independent of depressive symptoms. Suggests that the…

  14. Fostering Experiential Learning and Service through Client Projects in Graduate Business Courses Offered Online (United States)

    Hagan, Linda M.


    Undergraduate marketing and public relations capstone courses utilize client projects to allow students to apply their knowledge and encourage collaboration. Yet, at the graduate level, especially with courses offered in an online modality, experiential service learning in the form of client project assignments presents unique challenges. However,…

  15. Evaluating healing for cancer in a community setting from the perspective of clients and healers: a pilot study. (United States)

    Vaghela, C; Robinson, N; Gore, J; Peace, B; Lorenc, A


    The real-life practice of 'healing' for cancer in the community as perceived by clients and healers was investigated in a multi-method pilot study. Fifteen clients received six weekly healing sessions. Pre- and post-changes in perception towards well-being and client experience were assessed by EuroQol (EQ-5D), measure yourself concerns and well-being (MYCaW) and a client satisfaction tool. Qualitative methods, including focus groups, explored the perceived effects of healing in more depth and the participants' experience of taking part in research. The study was not designed to test the effect of healing on disease. Quantitative data showed perceived significant improvements in 'concerns/problems' for which clients wanted help (pquantitative improvements to healing itself. Despite some concerns, healers and clients engaged fully with the research process, and were enthusiastic about the importance of research into healing. Our study suggests that, while there are some confounding issues and study limitations to address, clients and healers perceive healing to have a range of benefits, particularly in terms of coping with cancer, and regard it as a useful approach that can be applied in a community setting alongside conventional medicine.

  16. The ICF as a common language for rehabilitation goal-setting: comparing client and professional priorities

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    van der Merwe Aletia


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Joint rehabilitation goals are an important component for effective teamwork in the rehabilitation field. The activities and participation domain of the ICF provides a common language for professionals when setting these goals. Involving clients in the formulation of rehabilitation goals is gaining momentum as part of a person-centred approach to rehabilitation. However, this is particularly difficult when clients have an acquired communication disability. The expressive communication difficulties negatively affect the consensus building process. As a result, obtaining information regarding rehabilitation goals from professionals and their clients warrants further investigation for this particular population. Methods This comparative study investigated clients and their assigned rehabilitation professionals' perception of the importance of ICF activities and participation domains for inclusion in their rehabilitation program. Twelve clients in an acute rehabilitation centre and twenty of their corresponding rehabilitation professionals participated in an activity using the Talking Mats™ visual framework for goal setting. Each participant rated the importance of the nine activities and participation domains of the ICF for inclusion in their current rehabilitation program. Results The ICF domains which consistently appear as very important across these groups are mobility, self-care and communication. Domains which consistently appear in the lower third of the rankings include spare time, learning and thinking and domestic life. Results indicate however that no statistical significant differences exist in terms of the individual domains across each of the participant groups. Within group differences however indicated that amongst the speech-language therapists and physiotherapists there was a statistical significant difference between spare time activities and communication and mobility. Conclusions Findings indicate that

  17. Family Stress and Coping From Hospitalization of Clients With Severe Alcohol Use Disorder in Korea. (United States)

    Park, Gyu-Hee; Choi, Yun-Jung

    The rate of relapse and involuntary hospitalization among clients with alcohol use disorder exceeds 40% in South Korea. As a result, family members of clients experience considerable stress and require the assistance of professional services. This empirical study investigates levels of perceived stress and stress coping styles among family members of clients with severe alcohol use disorder and examines the correlations among these variables. Data were collected from three inpatient alcohol rehabilitation centers and five psychiatric hospitals in South Korea. Family stress levels and stress coping styles for 133 respondents were evaluated using the Hospital Stress Rating Scale for Family Members and the Stress Coping Style Checklist. There were significant differences in stress levels according to whether participants had attended a family educational program in the past or were doing so presently. Furthermore, significant differences in stress were observed among participants who were using the stress coping style of easing strained emotions during the client's hospitalization but who had never attended an educational program. Among the subcategories, stress levels had especially strong relationships with easing strained emotions, seeking advice, and solving problems. The results showed that families with severe alcohol use disorder experience stress from the client's hospitalization and seek advice from neighbors to deal with worries, privacy concerns, and economic problems. Family interventions are needed to provide family members with strategies to cope with stress, which can support recovery of clients with severe alcohol use disorder.

  18. A comunicação profissional de saúde x cliente diante das novas tecnologias

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    Carmen Luci R. Lopes


    Full Text Available Estudo descritivo exploratório com abordagem quanti-qualitativa realizado em unidades das redes pública e privada localizadas em Goiânia-Go., nos meses de agosto e setembro de 1997 com objetivos de averiguar o entendimento dos clientes a respeito da comunicação dos profissionais que executam os exames de alta tecnologia e detectar junto ao cliente a existência de orientação sobre o exame a ser realizado e o que sentem durante a realização destes. A população constitui-se de clientes de ambos os sexos que se submeteram a exames diagnósticos de alta tecnologia. Os dados foram coletados pelas pesquisadoras e auxiliares de pesquisa, mediante entrevista semi-estruturada entre os clientes sujeitos do estudo. Através dos resultados, concluímos que a maioria dos clientes não recebem orientação, deixaram de pedir informações sobre o exame realizado por vários motivos, inclusive receio do desconhecido. A comunicação foi restrita. Medo da dor, do resultado, desconforto foram também relatados.

  19. Greetings and Politeness in Doctor-Client Encounters in Southwestern

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    Akin Odebunmi


    Full Text Available Doctors and clients sometimes experience interactiveclashes during hospital meetings in South-western Nigerianhospitals because of their divergent culture-constrainedorientation to politeness cues. The goal of this paper is tounpack the discursive elements that characterize interactiveconfluence and divergence in selected consultativeencounters in the hospitals. The findings indicate thatinstitutional and cultural (disalignments occur in respect ofadjacency and non-adjacency pair greetings. In bothgreeting types, face support, threat and stasis are conjointlyco-constituted by doctors and Yoruba clients within theaffordances of the cultural, institutional and situationalcontext of the Southwestern Nigerian hospital setting.Adjacency pair greetings attract mutual interpretingsbetween the parties; interactive disalignments aredifferentially pragmatically accommodated by doctors andclients. In non-adjacency pair greeting, doctors’ threats areco-constituted as appropriate by both parties, theinstitutional power of doctor and shared Western culturalorientation playing significant roles.

  20. Sustainable Medical and Wellness Destinations: Client-, Result- and Innovation-Focussed Case Studies


    Joukes, Veronika; Lourenço-Gomes, Lina; Marta-Costa, Alexandra


    In a first client-focussed section (Part 1), Rosa Maria Riveiro Conde, Andrés Mazaira and Patrício Ricardo Soares Costa surveyed customers of northern Portuguese thermal tourism units about their perceptions of the service quality (Chapter 1.1). Joaquim Antunes then relates the results of a questionnaire he distributed among clients at similar businesses in the centre of Portugal in order to highlight the importance of relationship marketing for the medical and wellness tourism br...

  1. A client-centred, occupation-based occupational therapy programme for adults with psychiatric diagnoses. (United States)

    Schindler, Victoria P


    The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a client-centred, occupation-based occupational therapy programme for individuals with psychiatric diagnoses. The study took place in a college campus. A pre-test/post-test design was used. There were 38 participants which included college students and community members who desired to attend college, work and/or address life skill goals. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) was used as a pre- and post-test measure. Goals were based on problems identified in the COPM, reflected academic, vocational, life skill, and leisure goals, and were systematically addressed weekly through activities developed by the participant and a graduate occupational therapy student who acted as a mentor. The Participant Overall Satisfaction Scale was completed by each participant. A case study was used to describe the programme in more depth. The results support that the client-centred, occupation-based occupational therapy programme increased client scores on satisfaction and performance of occupational performance problems identified on the COPM. Further research is recommended to explore how client-centred occupational therapy programmes can be effective in improving academic, vocational and life skill goals. Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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    Gisela Demo


    Full Text Available Considerando a importância do desenvolvimento do relacionamento entre as empresas e seus clientes, este trabalho tem por objetivo validar um instrumento científico capaz de mensurar tal relacionamento, destacando a satisfação e a lealdade como pressupostos para a sua construção e manutenção. A pesquisa, de natureza quantitativa, utilizou-se de Análise Fatorial Exploratória para a validação experimental do instrumento e de uma amostra de 627 clientes de diversas empresas. Os resultados encontrados mostram que a Escala de Relacionamento com o Cliente (ERC possui uma estrutura unifatorial, explicando cerca de 64% da variância e com confiabilidade de 0,92 (α de Cronbach. O trabalho contribui com a produção científica nas áreas de marketing e afins, uma vez que a ERC pode ser utilizada em estudos diagnósticos e relacionais. Ademais, a contribuição do estudo estende-se à área organizacional, visto que o instrumento pode auxiliar gestores no sentido de incrementar o relacionamento que desenvolvem com seus clientes e melhorar os resultados organizacionais.


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    Boyero Saavedra, Martín Ramiro


    Full Text Available El servicio constituye la experiencia fundamental en la que tiene lugar el contacto entre la organización y el cliente. De la forma adecuada como se efectúe esta relación, depende la conservación o perdida de un cliente. Es imperativo por tanto que las organizaciones visualicen el servicio como el elemento esencial en el que radica el sentido mismo de su existencia y pertinencia. El servicio en la organización busca esencialmente satisfacer aquellas necesidades que presenta el cliente, es por ello que puede afirmarse entonces que la ausencia de demanda de servicios no le permite a las organizaciones desarrollar proyectos que giren en torno a ello. Frente al servicio como factor esencial en la organización, diversas herramientas han sido desarrolladas con el fin de que haya un mejoramiento continuo en la satisfacción de las necesidades de los clientes, una de ellas es el CRM (Customer Relationship Management que en este artículo se presenta como una herramienta importante para generar impacto en los servicios que presta la organización.

  4. Design and Implementation of High Interaction Client Honeypot for Drive-by-Download Attacks (United States)

    Akiyama, Mitsuaki; Iwamura, Makoto; Kawakoya, Yuhei; Aoki, Kazufumi; Itoh, Mitsutaka

    Nowadays, the number of web-browser targeted attacks that lead users to adversaries' web sites and exploit web browser vulnerabilities is increasing, and a clarification of their methods and countermeasures is urgently needed. In this paper, we introduce the design and implementation of a new client honeypot for drive-by-download attacks that has the capacity to detect and investigate a variety of malicious web sites. On the basis of the problems of existing client honeypots, we enumerate the requirements of a client honeypot: 1) detection accuracy and variety, 2) collection variety, 3) performance efficiency, and 4) safety and stability. We improve our system with regard to these requirements. The key features of our developed system are stepwise detection focusing on exploit phases, multiple crawler processing, tracking of malware distribution networks, and malware infection prevention. Our evaluation of our developed system in a laboratory experiment and field experiment indicated that its detection variety and crawling performance are higher than those of existing client honeypots. In addition, our system is able to collect information for countermeasures and is secure and stable for continuous operation. We conclude that our system can investigate malicious web sites comprehensively and support countermeasures.

  5. Client-centeredness of Finnish and Estonian nursing students and the support from nursing education to develop it. Students' self-evaluation. (United States)

    Kalam-Salminen, Ly; Valkonen, Marjo-Riitta; Aro, Ilme; Routasalo, Pirkko


    The purpose of this comparative study is to describe the differences between Finnish and Estonian students evaluations about their client-centeredness and educational support they received to develop it. Client-centeredness has many positive effects on the quality and effectiveness of care. However, some deficiencies have been identified in the client-centeredness of nursing staff. Research on the subject has been limited, and we lack knowledge of graduating students' competence in client-centeredness and the support of their education to develop it. The sample consisted of 390 undergraduate nursing students, 195 from Finland and 195 from Estonia. The data were collected in 2009 using the structured five-point scale questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed to measure students' client-centeredness and the educational support they received from nursing education. The data were analyzed by the PASW Statistics 18-programme using descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Mann-Whitney U-test. Predominantly, students in both countries evaluated their level of client-centeredness high. The Estonian students generally evaluated their client-centeredness higher compared to the Finnish students. The same applied to support provided by nursing education. The greatest differences were related to education and particularly theoretical teaching. In Estonia, students' client-centeredness manifested itself more in politeness and willingness to serve clients, whereas respecting the clients' values was emphasized in Finland. Students' requisites, referred here as knowledge, skills and abilities to implement client-centered nursing, for client-centeredness had deficiencies, and the support from education was also the weakest regarding these aspects. In future, education on development of nursing activities, acquisition of knowledge and services provided by health care as well as legislation should be enhanced, since these areas proved the most difficult for the students

  6. 13 CFR 114.111 - Does the attorney-client privilege apply when SBA employees are represented by the Government? (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Does the attorney-client privilege... Does the attorney-client privilege apply when SBA employees are represented by the Government? When... representational assistance for such an employee, those attorneys undertake a full and traditional attorney-client...

  7. Antecedentes del éxito de la relación entre restaurantes y sus clientes

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    Maria Fuentes-Blasco


    Full Text Available En el contexto de servicios turísticos, donde la competencia cada vez es más intensa, el desarrollo y mantenimiento de relaciones a largo plazo empresa-cliente se ha convertido en una fuente de ventaja competitiva para las organizaciones proveedoras de servicios. Sin embargo, un alto porcentaje de estas relaciones fracasan. Además, existe una evidencia empírica limitada acerca de este ámbito de estudio en la industria turística, y muy especialmente en el sector de la hostelería. Ante este reto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los antecedentes del éxito de la relación restaurante-cliente a partir de una secuencia causal: dimensiones del valor entregado  confianza y compromiso  éxito de la relación. A partir de una muestra de 150 restaurantes, los resultados indican que la calidad de servicio y el prestigio, como elementos del valor entregado, son antecedentes directos del compromiso del gestor del servicio con su grupo de clientes e indirectos del éxito de la relación empresa-cliente. Además, la confianza del gestor del servicio con sus clientes y el compromiso que adquiere con ellos se convierten en antecedentes significativos del éxito de la relación con los mismos.

  8. Satisfação de clientes sobre cuidados de enfermagem no contexto hospitalar Satisfacción de clientes sobre cuidados de enfermería en el contexto hospitalario Outpatient satisfaction with nursing care

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    Juliana de Lima Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a metodologia utilizada para mensurar a satisfação do cliente externo com relação aos cuidados de enfermagem e apresentar o índice de satisfação destes clientes quanto aos cuidados de enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, de corte transversal, retrospectivo e abordagem quantitativa. realizado em uma instituição hospitalar de grande porte localizada na cidade de São Paulo, no período de dezembro de 2003 a outubro de 2005. O estudo foi elaborado a partir de dados fornecidos pelo Departamento de Marketing da Instituição. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram que 99% dos clientes pesquisados (3.860 estão satisfeitos com os cuidados de enfermagem. CONCLUSÃO: A satisfação dos clientes é decorrente do atendimento às expectativas e necessidades atendidas pelos cuidados de enfermagem recebidos.OBJETIVO: Describir la metodología utilizada para medir la satisfacción del cliente externo con relación a los cuidados de enfermería y presentar el índice de satisfacción de estos clientes en cuanto a los cuidados de enfermería. MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, retrospectivo y abordaje cuantitativo, realizado en una institución hospitalaria de gran porte localizada en la ciudad de Sao Paulo, en el período de diciembre del 2003 a octubre del 2005. El estudio fue elaborado a partir de datos proporcionados por el Departamento de Marketing de la Institución. RESULTADOS: Los resultados demostraron que el 99% de los clientes investigados (3.860 están satisfechos con los cuidados de enfermería. CONCLUSIÓN: La satisfacción de los clientes es resultante de la atención a las expectativas y necesidades atendidas por los cuidados de enfermería recibidos.OBJECTIVE: To describe the methodology used to measure outpatient satisfaction with nursing care and to report their actual satisfaction scores. METHODS: This was a descriptive retrospective cross-sectional study. Data were collected

  9. WPS-based technology for client-side remote sensing data processing (United States)

    Kazakov, E.; Terekhov, A.; Kapralov, E.; Panidi, E.


    Server-side processing is principal for most of the current Web-based geospatial data processing tools. However, in some cases the client-side geoprocessing may be more convenient and acceptable. This study is dedicated to the development of methodology and techniques of Web services elaboration, which allow the client-side geoprocessing also. The practical objectives of the research are focused on the remote sensing data processing, which are one of the most resource-intensive data types. The idea underlying the study is to propose such geoprocessing Web service schema that will be compatible with the current serveroriented Open Geospatial Consortium standard (OGC WPS standard), and additionally will allow to run the processing on the client, transmitting processing tool (executable code) over the network instead of the data. At the same time, the unity of executable code must be preserved, and the transmitted code should be the same to that is used for server-side processing. This unity should provide unconditional identity of the processing results that performed using of any schema. The appropriate services are pointed by the authors as a Hybrid Geoprocessing Web Services (HGWSs). The common approaches to architecture and structure of the HGWSs are proposed at the current stage as like as a number of service prototypes. For the testing of selected approaches, the geoportal prototype was implemented, which provides access to created HGWS. Further works are conducted on the formalization of platform independent HGWSs implementation techniques, and on the approaches to conceptualization of theirs safe use and chaining possibilities. The proposed schema of HGWSs implementation could become one of the possible solutions for the distributed systems, assuming that the processing servers could play the role of the clients connecting to the service supply server. The study was partially supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), research project No. 13

  10. Exploring Outcomes and Initial Self-Report of Client Motivation in a College Counseling Center (United States)

    Ilagan, Guy; Vinson, Michael L.; Sharp, Julia L.; Ilagan, Jill; Oberman, Aaron


    Objective: To explore the association between college counseling center clients' initial self-report of motivation and counseling outcome. Participants: The sample was composed of 331 student clients who utilized a college counseling center from August 2007 to August 2009. The college is a public, mid-size, urban university in the Southeast.…

  11. Working Alliance as a Mediator and Moderator between Expectations for Counseling Success and Counseling Outcome among Korean Clients (United States)

    Yoo, Sung-Kyung; Hong, Sehee; Sohn, Nanhee; O'Brien, Karen M.


    The study examined client's perceptions of working alliance as a mediator and moderator between client expectations of counseling success and counseling outcome. Participants were 284 adult clients in counseling in university or community counseling centers or private practices in South Korea. Level of functioning at the start of counseling was…

  12. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy from the Perspective of Clients with Mild Intellectual Disabilities: A Qualitative Investigation of Process Issues (United States)

    Pert, C.; Jahoda, A.; Stenfert Kroese, B.; Trower, P.; Dagnan, D.; Selkirk, M.


    Background: Clinicians working with clients who have mild intellectual disabilities (IDs) have shown growing enthusiasm for using a cognitive behavioural approach, amid increasing evidence of good treatment outcomes for this client group. However, very little is known about the views and experiences of clients with IDs who have undergone cognitive…

  13. Communication Management Guidelines for Software Organizations in Pakistan with clients from Afghanistan (United States)

    Arif Shah, Muhammad; Hashim, Rathiah; Shah, Adil Ali; Farooq Khattak, Umar


    Developing software through Global Software Development (GSD) became very common now days in the software industry. Pakistan is one of the countries where projects are taken and designed from different countries including Afghanistan. The purpose of this paper is to identify and provide an analysis on several communication barriers that can have a negative impact on the project and to provide management guidelines for medium size software organizations working in Pakistan with clients from Afghanistan and to overcome these communication barriers and challenges organizations face when coordinating with client. Initially we performed a literature review to identify different communication barriers and to check if there are any standardized communications management guidelines for medium size software houses provided in the past. The second stage of the research paper involves guidelines with vendor's perspective that include interviews and focus group discussions with different stakeholders and employees of software houses with clients from Afghanistan. Based on those interviews and discussions we established communication management guidelines in order to overcome the communication problems and barriers working with clients from Afghanistan. As a result of the literature review, we have identified that barriers such as cultural barriers and language barrier were one of the main reasons behind the project failure and suggested that software organizations working in Pakistan should follow certain defined communication guidelines in order to overcome communication barriers that affect the project directly.

  14. An integrative approach to threat assessment and management: security and mental health response to a threatening client. (United States)

    Farkas, Gary M; Tsukayama, John K


    Workplace violence threat assessment and management practices represent an interdisciplinary approach to the diversion of potentially dangerous employees and clients. This case study illustrates such an intervention in a complex situation involving a social service agency and its client. Following a curtailment of services and an arrest, the client developed an escalating homicidal anger toward the agency administrator. Once a Tarasoff warning was received, the agency contacted a security company who organized a threat assessment and management plan involving interdisciplinary collaboration. Information developed in the course of the assessment was presented to prosecutors, who facilitated the client's arrest and involuntary psychiatric commitment until he was judged to be no longer dangerous. This case ultimately involved an integration of the services of security, law enforcement, mental health professionals, prosecutors, the courts and the state mental health system in leading to a successful diversion of the client from a path of intended violence.


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    Evelyn Francisca Contreras Morales


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene como objetivo diseñar un modelo basado en árboles de decisión, que permita predecir potenciales abandonos voluntarios de clientes de una empresa de telecomunicaciones para servicios post pago (servicio contratado de monto fijo que se paga mensualmente de televisión digital. Los resultados del modelo permiten actuar proactivamente en la retención de clientes y mejorar los servicios prestados. Se utilizaron 23 variables predictoras que inciden en la fuga de clientes. Se utilizó una variable clase o variable dependiente, que es un identificador que determina si el cliente sigue vigente y activo en la empresa, o ha dejado de consumir servicios. Los resultados con el conjunto de datos de prueba, logran una precisión del 96,5%, indicando que los árboles de decisión resultan ser una atractiva alternativa para elaborar modelos de predicción de fuga de clientes en este tipo de datos, debido a la simplicidad de interpretación de los resultados.

  16. Clients' knowledge, perception and satisfaction with quality of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Apr 14, 2014 ... Furthermore cost, local language used, staff attitude and interaction with clients was acceptable and may be the .... skilled attendants; q = the complementary probability of. P (1 ‑ p) that ... Anticipating a response rate of 90%, an adjustment of the ... questionnaires were distributed, completely filled and were.

  17. What are the Benefits of PCSI to Clients?

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast describes how PCSI directly benefits clients by maximizing opportunities to screen, test, treat, or vaccinate those in need of services.  Created: 12/7/2009 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 12/7/2009.

  18. Um método quantitativo para avaliação da satisfação dos clientes

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    Fátima de Souza Freire


    Full Text Available Há premência em se sistematizar esquemas para extrair informações dos novos indicadores que estão sendo empregados nos modernos métodos de avaliação do desempenho operacional das empresas. Na ampla maioria destes, a perspectiva do cliente é sempre levada em consideração. Entretanto, as pesquisas junto a eles sempre fornecem informações qualitativas, embora constituam uma das áreas mais atuantes das empresas de pesquisa de mercado. Enfrentando o desafio de generalizar um modelo contábil para incorporação da avaliação quantitativa de ativos intangíveis de empresas que seja útil para a moderna caracterização dos seus desempenhos operacionais, propõe-se neste trabalho um esquema inovador para avaliar a satisfação dos clientes capaz de fornecer resultados quantitativos inequívocos. Os indicadores que o método proposto utiliza provêm de enquêtes bem definidas, realizadas junto aos clientes, e possibilitam o advento de índices que caracterizarão ativos e passivos das empresas relativos à satisfação dos clientes.It is a matter of certain urgency to formalize rules with a view to extracting information from the new indicators that are used in modern enterprise evaluation methods. In most situations, the client's point of view is always taken into consideration. However, in spite of being one of the most active areas for market research companies, client inquiries always provide qualitative information. Facing the challenge of generalizing an accounting model that incorporates the quantitative evaluation of companies' intangible assets so as to be useful for improving their performance, this paper proposes an innovative method for evaluating client satisfaction. The elements used in this new method come from inquiries that are regularly held among clients. The obtained results provide the calculation of indices that characterize companies' assets and liabilities and are related to client satisfaction.

  19. The Views of Clients with Mild Intellectual Disabilities regarding Their Working Relationships with Caregivers (United States)

    Roeden, John M.; Maaskant, Marian A.; Curfs, Leopold M. G.


    Background: Research studies into the effect of therapies have shown that a good relationship between the client and his caregiver is a key factor in a positive treatment outcome. Methods: The nominal group technique (NGT) has been used in this study to discover what clients with intellectual disabilities feel contributes to a successful working…

  20. El mejoramiento de vivienda y entorno en Bogotá 1994 - 1998: Programas, conceptos y estratégias

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    Ricardo Adrián Vergara Durán


    Full Text Available El problema del hábitat sigue siendo un asunto acuciante para la población de escasos recursos de Latinoamérica. Sin embargo, el problema no es solo cuantitativo, sino de la calidad del espacio habitado y su entorno, o sea de aspectos cualitativos que dignifican dicho espacio. Las estrategias del mejoramiento de vivienda atienden precisamente esa carencia cualitativa. El programa de subsidio para mejoramiento de vivienda tuvo en Colombia un impacto muy importante en la calidad de vida y en el desarrollo e imagen urbana, especialmente de Bogotá, y su experiencia constituye un importante caso de estudio. Con base en un intenso trabajo de campo, entrevistas a beneficiarios del subsidio y seguimiento a oferentes de mejoramiento de vivienda, se presentan en este artículo resultados del análisis de los programas, conceptos y estrategias del mejoramiento de vivienda, que hicieron parte de la política de subsidios a la vivienda en Colombia hasta 1998