
Sample records for cine como vector

  1. Carolee Schneemann. El cine como autobiografía, la artista como actriz, el cuerpo como pincel

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    María Barbaño González-Moreno


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la relación de cine y mujer a partir de la obra fílmica de Carolee Schneemann, principalmente de su obra autobiográfica Fuses (1964-1966. Desde ella, se plantea el papel de la artista como productora, directora y protagonista principal de todas sus obras. Reflexionamos así sobre el rol del creador-director como actor que derivaría en la consecución de una obra cinematográfica de tintes necesariamente autobiográficos. Asumiendo la visión vanguardista del cine como diario personal/Entendido el cine como diario personal, Schneemann va a explorar en su obra diferentes aspectos de la identidad y la sexualidad de la mujer en un cine artístico, alternativo y de tendencia política feminista. Entendido/Asumido su cine como elemento plástico, la artista explorará de forma paralela la experimentación matérica y física a través de los cuerpos filmados así como de la propia materialidad de la película, excluyendo toda posibilidad narrativa, dramática e ilusoria de proyección del espectador en el espacio cinematográfico y el espacio privado del creador.

  2. Cine interactivo como estrategia de intervención grupal

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    Paola Lauretti


    Full Text Available Utilizando el concepto de cine interactivo como agente motor de la relación inter e intra personal, presentamosuna experiencia con un grupo de adultos, con la finalidad de establecer el valor del cine como un recurso útil para laintervención grupal. El método de trabajo descriptivo se desarrolló en varias etapas: 1 aplicación del CuestionarioExploración de Necesidades (CEN del cual se extrajeron los principales temas a tratar; 2 selección, por parte delequipo de investigación, de aquellas películas que mejor se adaptaban a las necesidades detectadas; 3 aplicación delCuestionario Actitud frente al Cine (CAC para sus analizar su actitud antes de iniciar la experiencia; 4 proyecciónde las películas seleccionadas; 5 re aplicación del CAC dos meses después de culminado el proceso, para analizar loscambios operados con relación al cine. Los temas trabajados fueron relación de pareja y relaciones padres-hijos bajola utilización del modelo CAPAS el cual promueve el análisis de las situaciones planteadas en los siguientes pasos: C:comentario general del contenido; A: análisis del problema central; P: proceso de internalización; A: auto reflexión y S:Solución del conflicto. Los resultados apuntan hacia la importancia de considerar el cine como una estrategia valiosaen la intervención en grupos.

  3. El cine como golosina. Reflexiones sobre el consumo de cine en los jóvenes

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    Jerónimo León Rivera-Betancur


    Full Text Available Este texto parte de los resultados de una investigación realizada en Medellín en 2005 a fi n de hacer una reflexión más amplia alrededor del tema del consumo de cine. El artículo cuestiona la estrecha relación entre oferta y demanda del cine en Colombia, y algunas características comunes a los espectadores que se acercan a las salas buscando estímulos audiovisuales. Factores como los hábitos de consumo, la alimentación y su relación con el cine, y las diferencias fundamentales entre lectura y consumo son algunos de los temas que se abordan en esta reflexión.


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    Aramis López Juan


    Full Text Available El cine como arte nuevo y técnico se instala en una sociedad moderna que tiene una percepción del mundo basada en la imagen. El cine y la fotografía son los introductores de esta modalidad perceptiva de la modernidad. Esta experiencia sensorial sitúa al hombre en un universo más amplio. El hombre contemporáneo comprende los mecanismos representativos del cine, sus códigos, sus metáforas e iconos. El cine ha nacido al mismo tiempo que los abuelos de los espectadores actuales, ha crecido con sus padres, y es conocido y comprendido universalmente

  5. El cine como instrumento didáctico en las aulas de ELE en un país de Bollywood

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    Singh,Vikash Kumar


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia la importancia de la aplicación didáctica del cine en el contexto de enseñanza-aprendizaje indio de ELE, haciendo hincapié especial en la falta del uso de éste en las aulas indias. Se exponen las ventajas que aborda el uso del cine como herramienta didáctica y una breve descripción de los pasos metodológicos para la planificación y la secuenciación de las actividades didácticas. A continuación, se analiza el porqué del uso del cine como instrumento didáctico en las aulas indias de ELE en base a las necesidades de aprendizaje sentidas y las preferencias de aprendizaje de los alumnos de español de las universidades indias


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    Óscar Barragán Martínez


    Full Text Available El texto propone una mirada de la filosofía como política a través de la estética. Para ello, recurre a nociones nietzscheanas como las de invención y valoración, con las cuales intenta socavar, con la filosofía deleuziana, la supremacía del concepto de pueblo. Desde el cine podemos apreciar mejor la propuesta de que el pueblo siempre falta, y es con un autor como Jean Marie Straub que la imagen cinematográfica será inmediatamente política en su deriva hacia nuevos derroteros en los que el pueblo está intervenido por actos de habla filosóficos.

  7. El cine como espacio de enseñanza, producción e investigación

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    Yolanda Mercader Martínez


    Full Text Available Es necesario que el cine se incorpore como alternativa didáctica y herramienta de conocimiento en los sistemas educativos formales e informales, ya que este medio concede un nuevo sentido al proceso educativo. Apreciar al cine como herramienta de trabajo académico permite al profesor desarrollar su creatividad para transmitir y ampliar información, conocimientos, habilidades, valores y actitudes con posibilidad de hacer referencia a entornos concretos; todo ello exige la creación de cuerpos docentes, involucrados en desarrollar nuevos programas en los que los medios audiovisuales estén presentes en todo pensamiento pedagógico. Las formas de transmisión del conocimiento han encontrado nuevos caminos, por lo tanto es imprescindible experimentar en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esto implica la necesidad de aprender y a la vez enseñar opciones alternativas a las tradicionales en la dinámica de formación y a la vez explorar nuevas metodologías para la investigación y la presentación de las mismas. Fundamentalmente hay que reflexionar sobre algunos desafíos.

  8. El cine como recurso tecnológico en la creación de conocimiento: estudio de caso en la enseñanza de la orientación de la violencia familiar

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    María Campo-Redondo


    Full Text Available El presente artículo presenta una reflexión sobre la relación que existe entre el cine como instrumento tecnológicoal servicio de la educación y la creación de conocimiento en la formación de profesionales de la orientación dela violencia familiar. Se investiga las posibilidades de la inserción del cine como recurso tecnológico en la educaciónbajo dos enfoques: uno teórico, discutiendo la intersección entre ciencia, tecnología y educación, y otro empírico,describiendo un estudio de caso sobre la práctica educativa del cine-foro aplicado a la formación de profesionalesde la orientación de la violencia familiar, donde se presenta un diseño de trabajos prácticos realizado en un cursopara graduados de orientación familiar, en el que se utilizó la modalidad del cine-foro para generar conocimientossignificativos. Se propone construir un esquema de análisis de películas incorporando al cine como instrumento didáctico.Así mismo, se destaca que la utilización del cine en el salón de clase puede ayudar al docente a considerar latransversalización de los contenidos y a desarrollar competencias que van más allá de la adquisición de informacióndel campo específico de la orientación de la violencia familiar. Se concluye que el cine como instrumento tecnológicoy el recurso didáctico del cine-foro pueden servir para producir conocimiento en el área de la intervención psicosocialcon familias.

  9. Niños violentados: el cine-debate como opción terapéutica


    Teresa Fernández de Juan


    A partir de un recuento sobre las características e importancia del uso del cine- debate, se analiza su pertinencia en el trabajo con niños que padecen maltrato intrafamiliar a partir de una primera experiencia piloto realizada en un grupo de once menores, hijos de madres violentadas. A lo largo de ocho sesiones se abor-daron problemas tales como la autoestima y autocuidado, valores (respeto, responsabilidad, unión y solidaridad), integración familiar, control de impulsos, e...

  10. Cine e identidades virtuales

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    Labrador Ben, Julia María


    Full Text Available The subject is the ability the cinema has performed - since its very begining - as a creation instrument of national and transnational identities. In the first place, it covers Spanish cinema since 1938 and right after the end of the Spanish Civil War, II World War Italian-German cinema, Eisenstein’s, Leni Riefenstahl’s, Griffth’s and Ford’s cinema, the role American war and science fiction productions played, as well as the comedies dealing with the divided Berlin subject. The role of computers and video-games and the new cinema positionings that forecast the end of what is real, is studied through films such as Tron, The Lawnmower Man, Johnny Mnemonic, Ghost in the shell, Simone o Matrix.Se estudia la capacidad del cine desde sus orígenes como instrumento de generación de identidades nacionales y transnacionales. Se realiza, en primer lugar, un recorrido por el cine español desde 1938 y tras el final de la guerra civil, el cine italo-alemán de la II Guerra Mundial, el cine de Eisenstein, Leni Riefenstahl, Griffth y Ford, y el papel que jugaron las producciones norteamericanas bélicas y de ciencia ficción, así como las comedias sobre el Berlín dividido. El papel de los ordenadores y los videojuegos, y los nuevos planteamientos cinematográficos que pronostican el final de lo real se estudia a través de películas como Tron, El cortador de césped, Johnny Mnemonic, Ghost in the shell, Simone o Matrix.

  11. La técnica confesional como recurso narrativo. La transición y el cine "s" de Ignacio F. Iquino

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    Alejandro Melero Salvador


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia las películas eróticas de la Transición y analiza cómo el cine fue al mismo tiempo una consecuencia de los nuevos discursos en torno a la sexualidad y un instrumento para la expresión de los mismos. El artículo propone que, tras la apariencia descuidada del cine “S” se esconden aparatos narrativos que entroncan con formas tradicionales en la creación de discursos del sexo.Después de repasar la importancia de la narrativa confesional en el cine de la época, se toma como caso de estudio la obra de Ignacio F. Iquino para explorar cómo los tradicionales recursos narrativos confesionales se aplicaron a estar primeras representaciones fílmicas del sexo y cómo, muy a menudo, estos discursos dependieron de un aparato ideológico heredado del pasado, como por ejemplo la visión de la homosexualidad como algo traumático.Puesto que se trata de un estudio de narrativas fílmicas, se recurre a los guiones originales de las películas que se estudian. Constituyen un testimonio de primera mano y son imprescindibles para explicar las cuestiones y problemas que rodean la construcción de los nuevos discursos sexuales de la época. La investigación en archivos es, por lo tanto, fundamental para este trabajo y, hasta la fecha, no existen estudios académicos sobre la mayoría de las películas que se estudian.

  12. Filosofía como política, fabulación y cine. Nietzsche, Bergson, Nancy y Deleuze

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    Óscar Barragán Martínez


    Full Text Available El texto propone una mirada de la filosofía como política a través de la estética. Para ello, recurre a nociones nietzscheanas como las de invención y valoración, con las cuales intenta socavar, con la filosofía deleuziana, la supremacía del concepto de pueblo. Desde el cine podemos apreciar mejor la propuesta de que el pueblo siempre falta, y es con un autor como Jean Marie Straub que la imagen cinematográfica será inmediatamente política en su deriva hacia nuevos derroteros en los que el pueblo está intervenido por actos de habla filosóficos.

  13. Entre la Historia y el Cine

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    Luisa Fernanda Acosta


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se propone aplicar al cine el concepto de «fuente histórica». El uso de medios de comunicación como el cine está íntimamente relacionado con las necesidades y posibilidades de una sociedad, lo que implica una relación muy cercana entre el desarrollo social y económico de una comunidad, y los mecanismos que ella genera como canales de expresión y comunicación. El cine, conjugación de imagen, sonido y movimiento se convierte para la sociedades contemporáneas en una gran alternativa como fuente histórica, que provee al investigador ópticas diferentes de una realidad ya explorada. Un gesto, una mirada, un plano, una secuencia, se traducen en frases y párrafos, que generan una versión diferente de la historia, una redacción que se lee en imágenes y que narra otro punto de vista, un relato oculto que tiene todo por contar.

  14. Roles femeninos en el cine de migraciones en España

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    María Jesús Alonso Seoane


    Full Text Available El estudio del cine como medio para el análisis sociológico es poco frecuente todavía en nuestro país. Existen numerosos artículos analizando el cine desde diversos ángulos, también el femenino, especialmente roles como el de la mujer fatal en el cine negro. Pero es menos habitual emplear este formato como parte de un método analítico del que extraer un reflejo social de lo que las pantallas proyectan y, a un tiempo, contribuyen a legitimar como base de una sociedad futura. No obstante, existen pocos medios que sean capaces de reflejar el gran cambio acaecido en la historia reciente de la sociedad española. Este interés documental incrementa su potencial al enfocar en primer plano a las mujeres. Este artículo es una contribución a estudiar un campo tan atractivo como es el cine de migraciones a través de la óptica de los imaginarios sociales.

  15. Sida y toma de conciencia: un cine comprometido

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    Eugenio Núñez Ang


    Full Text Available Se aborda el tema de personajes gay, durante mucho tiempo eliminados de la historia del cine; tratados como raros, enfermos mentales, o bien para burlarse de ellos. Con la aparición del sida y las luchas del movimiento gay, la perspectiva cambia y el cine aborda problemas humanos, ajenos a una preferencia sexual estigmatizada. Se hace hincapié en el sida y la toma de conciencia, tanto para la población gay como para los otros.

  16. Cine y publicidad. Análisis de seis anuncios publicitarios realizados por directores de cine


    Caballero Álvarez, Fernando


    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo de estudio analizar los trabajos llevados a cabo por diversos directores de cine de este país a marcas en un periodo de crisis en el que apuestan por trabajos de mayor calidad. Buscaremos aquellos elementos que diferencian a estos anuncios de cualquier otro no firmado por un director de cine y cuál podría ser el objetivo que buscan las marcas al apostar por ellos. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas

  17. El cine como recurso didáctico para la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera: la adaptación fílmica desde una perspectiva de género


    López Gallardo, Ana María


    Este trabajo doctoral comprueba cómo el cine es un recurso didáctico muy beneficioso en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua, ya que engloba no sólo elementos lingüísticos sino también socio-culturales, fundamentales en el aprendizaje de un idioma. A pesar de que nos hallamos inmersos en la era audiovisual, la transmisión del conocimiento a través de la imagen sigue estando aún infravalorada. Por esta razón el cine, por su condición de medio de expresión visual, siempre se ha considerado como u...

  18. El cine como reivindicación de la memoria individual y colectiva. Directoras húngaras del periodo comunista

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    Cruzado Rodríguez, Ángeles


    Full Text Available This article takes a look at the most prominent women filmmakers of communist Hungary, emphasising both their common features and specificities, in order to highlight their contribution to Hungarian film history. In general, they are transgressive filmmakers, having broken the conventions established by the communist regime and tried to offer a new vision of history, based on their own experience.

    El artículo realiza un acercamiento a las directoras de cine más relevantes de la etapa comunista en Hungría, destacando sus características comunes así como las especificidades de cada una, en un intento por poner en valor su contribución a la historia del cine de su país. Por lo general, se trata de mujeres transgresoras, que han roto las convenciones establecidas por el régimen y han tratado de ofrecer una nueva visión de la historia, partiendo de su propia experiencia.

  19. Las películas folclóricas como manifestaciones más características del cine musical en España

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    Inmaculada Sánchez


    Full Text Available El cine musical producido en España incluye manifestaciones de vanguardia, como las películas de Carlos Saura. Sin embargo, los ejemplos más importantes de este género son los que tienen una finalidad comercial. El cine folclórico de temática andaluza es la manifestación más específica del musical español. En este artículo se establece primero un panorama general de la evolución experimentada por el género cinematográfico musical en España. Luego se analizan los rasgos narrativos más sobresalientes del cine folclórico durante su época de esplendor, entre mediados de los años treinta y principios de los sesenta. Por último, se trata de Pena, penita, pena (Miguel Morayta, 1953, protagonizada por una de las grandes estrellas del musical folclórico, Lola Flores, porque se trata de una coproducción concebida también para el mercado latinoamericano.

  20. Cine y literatura

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    Jorge Enrique Adoum


    Full Text Available El lanzamiento de la undécima edición de la novela de Jorge Enrique Adoum "Entre Marx y una mujer desnuda" y el comienzo simultáneo de la filmación de la película basada en esa obra, ha puesto nuevamente de relieve, el recurrente tema de la literatura llevada al cine. En ese sentido, en agosto, se llevó a cabo una mesa redonda en la que participaron como exponentes Camilo Luzuriaga (director del filme, Omar Ospina (crítico cinematográfico y jorge Enrique Adoum. En el siguiente artículo -basado en su exposición en la mesa redonda-, el reconocido escritor analiza cómo debe ser para él la vinculación entre literatura y cine.

  1. Respuestas docentes sobre el cine como propuesta pedagógica. Análisis de la situación en Educación Secundaria

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    María del Carmen PEREIRA DOMÍNGUEZ


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Esta investigación analiza los recursos audiovisuales y el uso que hace el profesorado del primer ciclo de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria de los medios audiovisuales, en especial del cine, dentro de sus tareas educativas.En este sentido, se estudian las razones por las cuales se utiliza o no el cine en las aulas, así como la percepción de los docentes con respecto al tema y el uso, el dominio y la disposición ante el cine forum, como estrategia de intervención pedagógica.De las conclusiones principales extraídas del estudio, resaltamos la positiva predisposición del profesorado ante este tipo de medios, a pesar de las dificultades detectadas para su uso, así como la necesidad de establecer vías de formación permanente y de elaborar materiales adecuados que faciliten la inclusión de estos medios en los procesos de aprendizaje.ABSTRACT: This investigation analyses the audiovisual resources and the use that he/she makes the faculty of the first cycle of Obligatory Secondary Education of the aiidiovisual means, especially of the cinema, inside its edLicational tasks.In this way, the reasons are studied by which it is used or not the cinema in the classrooms, as well as the perception of the educational ones with regard to the topic and the use, the domain and the disposition before the cinema forum, as strategy of pedagogic intervention.Of the extracted main conclusions of the study, we stand out the faculty's positive bias before this type of means, in spite of the difficulties detected for their use, as well as the necessity to establish roads of permanent formation and of elaborating appropriate materials that facilítate the inclusión of these means in the learning processes.

  2. Reflexionando sobre la vejez a través del cine. Una aproximación incompleta


    Pinazo Hernandis, Sacramento


    Reflexionando sobre la vejez a través del cine. Una aproximación incompleta Existen en la sociedad muchos estereotipos y prejuicios en torno a las personas mayores, que se reflejan tanto en la vida cotidiana como en los medios de comunicación y también en el cine. En una sociedad audiovisual como la nuestra, la imagen es una importante fuente de conocimiento, y el cine se convierte en un excelente recurso didáctico para favorecer y motivar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje; es una excelente...

  3. Bienvenido Mister Cine a la enseñanza de las ciencias

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    Francisco José García Borrás


    Full Text Available El profesor de ciencias tiene al alcance de su mano una base de datos increíble, el cine. De este recurso se puede extraer gran cantidad de información. A través de este escrito se procura mostrar como el cine se puede considerar un medio realmente inestimable en la creación de prácticas educativas que fomentan el proceso deenseñanza-aprendizaje, tales como la crítica, la observación, la reflexión e incluso la investigación.

  4. De Dickson a Lucas: Descubriendo el cine digital

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    Carlos Eduardo Cortés S.


    Full Text Available La irrupción de la televisión en la vida cotidiana de los ciudadanos urbanos (1940 obligó al cine a cambiar su proporción de pantalla a fin de atraer espectadores. En América Latina los cineastas se han introducido de lleno en los terrenos digitales. El cine digital crea un cambio profundo en la forma en que las películas se envían, distribuyen y exhiben. Se trata también de renacer el cine independiente con la posibilidad de crear sistemas de producción y distribución de costo bajo y abrir exhibiciones propias por fuera de los circuitos comerciales. Es un hecho la coexistencia de cine, vídeo e Internet como las tres bases de una emergente industria contemporánea basada en la televisión digital (DTV, el formato de alta definición (HDTV y el soporte de DVD (vídeo digital versátil


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    Rosa-Linda Fregoso


    Full Text Available Al explorar la relación entre cine de mujeres y cines latinoamericanos, este artículo interroga las categorías de cine nacional, cine latinoamericano y cine de mujeres con el fin de superar lógicas geopolíticas, de idiomas, colonialidad, y las lógicas industriales del mercado que han creado esas categorías. Partiendo de interrogantes como qué modelo de análisis feminista del cine es adecuado para articular las perspectivas de mujeres en las nuevas formaciones del cine mundial, propongo la utilidad del discurso de la interseccionalidad para un análisis de cine de mujeres que presente una visión alternativa de la nación.

  6. La mujer española y el cine español

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    Dolores Barbazán Capeáns


    Full Text Available El cine es un elemento motivador para el aprendizaje de español como lenguaextranjera, así como un recurso didáctico esencial (Romea 2003, Brandimonte 2003.Con el uso del cine en clase de lenguas se les introducen a los estudiantes contenidosculturales, sociales y económicos (Herrero 2008. El objetivo de este trabajo es lapresentación de una unidad didáctica sobre las mujeres españolas y el cine español,dirigida a estudiantes chinos en un contexto de inmersión en Tarragona. Los estudiantestienen un nivel B2 siguiendo el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia: enseñanza,aprendizaje y evaluación (MCER 2002. Se sigue un enfoque comunicativo por tareas.La duración de la unidad didáctica es de aproximadamente cuatro horas y media. Suaplicación en el aula ha resultado enriquecedora y contó con muy buena acogida porparte de los estudiantes.

  7. El cine como estrategia didáctica innovadora. Metodología de estudio de casos y perfil de estrategias docentes

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    Saturnino de la Torre de la Torre


    Full Text Available El presente estudio forma parte de una investigación más amplia basada en la integración de tres conceptos habitualmente estudiados por separado (Investigación, Formación, Innovación que busca la mejora de la calidad de la enseñanza a partir del estudio de las estrategias didácticas. Los modelos basados en la mera reflexión no se han mostrado eficaces para el cambio docente así como tampoco los que se han quedado en la mera práctica, descontextualizada del lugar de trabajo. Por ello, esta investigación intenta dar sentido conjunto a estos tres conceptos: generación de conocimiento, formación e innovación. Se define el concepto de estrategia didáctica, (Torre, 1997, 2000 en base a sus seis componentes: perspectiva teórica, finalidad o meta perseguida, carácter adaptativo, realidad contextual, personas implicadas, y aspectos organizativos, funcionalidad y eficacia. Se describe así mismo el modelo holodinámico de análisis en el contexto del aula (Torre, 2003 tomando en consideración ocho parámetros: supuestos implícitos del docente, contexto, rol docente, rol discente, recursos, organización espacio-temporal, clima o interacción, evaluación. Estos son los indicadores que se toman en cuenta en el estudio de casos que se describe utilizando como soporte informativo el cine comercial y como técnica de representación los perfiles. El cine formativo es una estrategia que el grupo GAD de la Universidad de Barcelona viene utilizando desde hace diez años tanto en forums anuales como en las aulas. Por otra parte, la técnica de representar en perfiles una compleja información cualitativa facilita la comprensión global de aquellos puntos fuertes y débiles en la mejora de la docencia.

  8. The exhibitions of El Lissitzky through Cine-Eye

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    Luz Paz-Agras


    Full Text Available Las Vanguardias de principios del siglo XX exploran la capacidad creativa de los nuevos medios en la arquitectura, como la cámara fotográfica o el cine. En proyectos propicios para la experimentación, autores como El Lissitzky parten de la asimilación del ojo humano a un objetivo mecánico que permite la formulación de nuevos conceptos espaciales. Una lectura en paralelo de recursos del Cine-ojo de Vertov sobre proyectos expositivos de El Lissitzky, sitúa algunas de sus propuestas como ejemplos paradigmáticos de la experimentación perceptiva del espectador sobre el objeto artístico y, en un sentido más amplio, sobre la arquitectura. A través del análisis de recursos cinematográficos de la película El Hombre con la cámara se interpretan aspectos arquitectónicos en los espacios expositivos del Gabinete de los Abstractos y PRESSA, trazando vínculos que disuelven los límites disciplinares.

  9. Cine chileno e industria… el desafío que falta

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    Fernando Véliz M.


    Full Text Available El cine chileno es un campo discursivo de la industria audiovisual aún en proceso de crecimiento. Su historia está cargada de imprecisiones y múltiples inicios que muchas veces quedan truncos; es un cine que se ha comprometido con los problemas sociales, pero que también ha sabido de lejanías y silencios impuestos; es un cine artesanal que aspira a mirar como industrial; es un cine que narra desde el tercer mundo, muchas veces con un 98% de consumo (en sus momentos más fuertes de producción norteamericana; es decir, es un cine que se ha formado en la autogestión absoluta de su capital simbólico. Es un cine que, por medio de libros y películas de culto, está generando una nueva camada de directores, los cuales buscan comprender su rol en esta industria que hoy, ya con el pasar del tiempo, tiene audiencias cautivas. Es un cine que a ratos camina junto al Estado y, en otras ocasiones, es la soledad su compañera de ruta. Es un cine fundado en la creatividad, búsqueda y superación de su oficio, y que poco a poco, comprende que el valor agregado está en sus historias locales.

  10. La mujer española y el cine español

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    Dolores Barbazán Capeáns


    Full Text Available El cine es un elemento motivador para el aprendizaje de español como lengua extranjera, así como un recurso didáctico esencial (Romea 2003, Brandimonte 2003.Con el uso del cine en clase de lenguas se les introducen a los estudiantes contenidos culturales, sociales y económicos (Herrero 2008. El objetivo de este trabajo es la presentación de una unidad didáctica sobre las mujeres españolas y el cine español,dirigida a estudiantes chinos en un contexto de inmersión en Tarragona. Los estudiantes tienen un nivel B2 siguiendo el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia: enseñanza,aprendizaje y evaluación (MCER 2002. Se sigue un enfoque comunicativo por tareas.La duración de la unidad didáctica es de aproximadamente cuatro horas y media. Su aplicación en el aula ha resultado enriquecedora y contó con muy buena acogida por parte de los estudiantes.

  11. Filmografía y bibliografía del cine negro americano (1930-1960

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    Dr. José Luis Sánchez Noriega


    Full Text Available La actualidad del cine negro queda patente con el éxito de crítica y de público de obras recientes como Casino (Martin Scorsese, 1995, La brigada del sombrero (Lee Tamahori, 1996, Al caer el sol (Robert Benton, 1996 o Donnie Brasco (Mike Newell, 1996. Hace unos meses han aparecido dos libros que se ocupan de este género y ofrecen una selección de un centenar de películas: El cine negro en 100 películas de Antonio Santamarina (Alianza, Madrid, 1999 y Obras maestras del cine negro (Mensajero, Bilbao, 1998, de quien firma estas líneas.

  12. Digital cine-imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masuda, Kazuhiro


    Digitization of fluoroscopic images has been developed for the digital cine imaging system as a result of the computer technology, television technology, and popularization of interventional radiology. Present digital cine imaging system is able to offer images similar to cine film because of the higher operatability and better image quality with the development of interventional radiology. As a result, its higher usefulness for catheter diagnosis examination except for interventional radiology was reported, and the possibility of having filmless cine is close to becoming a reality. However several problems have been pointed out, such as spatial resolution, time resolution, storage and exchangeability of data, disconsolidated viewing functions, etc. Anyhow, digital cine imaging system has some unresolved points and lots the needs to be discussed. The tendency of digitization is the passage of the time and we have to promote a study for more useful digital cine imaging system in team medical treatment which centers on the patients. (author)

  13. Las personas mayores a través del cine

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    José Ramón Martínez Riera

    Full Text Available Resumen: El presente artículo hace un recorrido por las diferentes etapas del envejecimiento y de la vida de las personas mayores a través del cine. El cine es un arte que transmite ideas a través de la narración de historias, mediante imágenes que impactan en el aspecto psicoemocional de las personas. El cine nos sitúa en escenarios donde se muestran las relaciones humanas, en contextos difíciles de reproducir, los cuales nos permiten explorar la esfera de los sentimientos frente a situaciones de salud-enfermedad, de ponerse en lugar del “otro”: de la persona que sueña, padece y sufre, de los profesionales que intervienen, de la familia que convive, cuida, sufre con el enfermo, de los amigos... Y entre esos escenarios, sin duda, se encuentra el proceso de envejecimiento y los diferentes factores que influyen en él. Y sin embargo no suele prestársele excesiva atención a la aportación que el cine ha realizado y realiza como elemento de reflexión, análisis, debate y aprendizaje, más allá del mero entretenimiento en el que muchas veces se enmarca el cine. Pero, ¿cómo ha tratado el cine a las personas mayores? ¿cómo aborda las interrelaciones de las personas mayores con su entorno, su familia, su proceso de salud-enfermedad, sus miedos, sus emociones? ¿Trata igual a las personas mayores con independencia de su género? Y lo que puede ser más interesante, ¿contribuye el cine a mitigar o eliminar los tópicos y estereotipos existentes en el imaginario común en torno a las personas mayores?

  14. El cine o la teoría del presentimiento


    Santiago Rivadeneira


    El cine es el triunfo de la alegoría sobre la realidad a partir de un "protocolo visual" que se cumple de modo inexorable, como la realización de un sueño estético permanente soñado. El cine está destinado a convertirse siempre más en la conciencia colectiva, en el ligamen que nos une a todos. Alegoría y presentimiento que se juntan para explorar la realidad, la percepción, el significado, la conciencia y la imaginación, expuesto de alguna manera en las breves alegorías de Kafka. Alegoría, re...

  15. Free-breathing steady-state free precession cine cardiac magnetic resonance with respiratory navigator gating. (United States)

    Moghari, Mehdi H; Komarlu, Rukmini; Annese, David; Geva, Tal; Powell, Andrew J


    To develop and validate a respiratory motion compensation method for free-breathing cardiac cine imaging. A free-breathing navigator-gated cine steady-state free precession acquisition (Cine-Nav) was developed which preserves the equilibrium state of the net magnetization vector, maintains the high spatial and temporal resolutions of standard breath-hold (BH) acquisition, and images entire cardiac cycle. Cine image data is accepted only from cardiac cycles occurring entirely during end-expiration. Prospective validation was performed in 10 patients by obtaining in each three complete ventricular image stacks with different respiratory motion compensation approaches: (1) BH, (2) free-breathing with 3 signal averages (3AVG), and (3) free-breathing with Cine-Nav. The subjective image quality score (1 = worst, 4 = best) for Cine-Nav (3.8 ± 0.4) was significantly better than for 3AVG (2.2 ± 0.5, P = 0.002), and similar to BH (4.0 ± 0.0, P = 0.13). The blood-to-myocardium contrast ratio for Cine-Nav (6.3 ± 1.5) was similar to BH (5.9 ± 1.6, P = 0.52) and to 3AVG (5.6 ± 2.5, P = 0.43). There were no significant differences between Cine-Nav and BH for the ventricular volumes and mass. In contrast, there were significant differences between 3AVG and BH in all of these measurements but right ventricular mass. Free-breathing cine imaging with Cine-Nav yielded comparable image quality and ventricular measurements to BH, and was superior to 3AVG. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Volumetric Arterial Wall Shear Stress Calculation Based on Cine Phase Contrast MRI

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Potters, Wouter V.; van Ooij, Pim; Marquering, Henk; VanBavel, Ed; Nederveen, Aart J.


    PurposeTo assess the accuracy and precision of a volumetric wall shear stress (WSS) calculation method applied to cine phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI) data. Materials and MethodsVolumetric WSS vectors were calculated in software phantoms. WSS algorithm parameters were optimized

  17. Las Formas Políticas del Cine Argentino: Montajes, Disrupciones y Estéticas de una Tradición Political Forms of Argentinean Cinema: Editing, Disrupting, and the Aesthetics of a Tradition


    Esteban Dipaola


    El artículo indaga y analiza las formas políticas del cine argentino desde los años sesenta a la actualidad, pero centrándose especialmente en el cine argentino contemporáneo (1995-2010). Se propone hablar de «formas políticas» y no de «cine político» como ejercicio para pensar la política y la estética en sus relaciones inmanentes. Así, establece tres períodos: los años sesenta y setenta como la irrupción de la política en el cine; los años ochenta como el desplazamiento de la política por l...

  18. El tratamiento de los olvidados en el cine iraní contemporáneo: mujer, infancia y minorías étnicas

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    Zoila Díaz-Maroto Fdez-Checa


    Full Text Available El cine iraní, lejos de lo que conocemos como cine euro-norteamericano, se ha ido haciendo un hueco dentro de lo que etiquetamos en occidente como cine periférico. Este cine, aunque desconocido por el público general debido a la escasa repercusión comercial que tiene, se caracteriza principalmente por el trasfondo social que representa y del cual, a su vez, se alimenta. El cine iraní es capaz de esbozar lo que su sociedad simboliza, prestando especial atención a la situación de los individuos más desprotegidos, o lo que es lo mismo, el fiel reflejo de su sociedad: los niños, las mujeres y las minorías culturales. Para ello, y sobre todo para burlar la censura y el control férreo del Estado, los cineastas utilizaron durante décadas a los niños para poder mostrar las difíciles condiciones de vida que sufrían los más desvalidos socialmente. De esta forma, con este artículo pretendemos conocer los cambios que se ha producido en la sociedad iraní a través de las obras de sus principales cineastas, así como los recursos utilizados para criticar la situación de su propio país.

  19. Avatar. La consolidación del juego de video y el fin del cine como factura

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    Manuel Gárate


    Full Text Available La experiencia de ver cine en un país distinto del propio y el mismo día del estreno de una película, puede llevar a ciertos engaños. La batería promocional y publicitaria genera expectativas enormes, especialmente cuando se trata de filmes con presupuestos millonarios y cuando cierta prensa ya habla de un antes y un después den la forma de hacer cine. Cuesta hacer una crítica de un producto que se parece poco a una película tradicional, y cuyo guión y secuencias hacen constantemente referen...

  20. La representación de mundos en la novela y en el cine. A propósito de "La inmortalidad", de Milan Kundera


    Martín Jiménez, Alfonso


    En su novela "La inmortalidad", Milan Kundera trata el tema de la adaptación de la novela al cine, desarrollando una serie de estrategias encaminadas a volver imposible la adaptación de su novela al cine, como había ocurrido con su obra anterior, "La insoportable levedad del ser". Sin embargo, solo la extensa representación del componente ensayístico-argumentativo propio del mundo del autor, común a muchas de sus novelas, garantiza que la adaptación al cine sea imposible. El cine puede repres...

  1. SU-E-J-234: Application of a Breathing Motion Model to ViewRay Cine MR Images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O’Connell, D. P.; Thomas, D. H.; Dou, T. H.; Lamb, J. M.; Yang, L.; Low, D. A.


    Purpose: A respiratory motion model previously used to generate breathing-gated CT images was used with cine MR images. Accuracy and predictive ability of the in-plane models were evaluated. Methods: Sagittalplane cine MR images of a patient undergoing treatment on a ViewRay MRI/radiotherapy system were acquired before and during treatment. Images were acquired at 4 frames/second with 3.5 × 3.5 mm resolution and a slice thickness of 5 mm. The first cine frame was deformably registered to following frames. Superior/inferior component of the tumor centroid position was used as a breathing surrogate. Deformation vectors and surrogate measurements were used to determine motion model parameters. Model error was evaluated and subsequent treatment cines were predicted from breathing surrogate data. A simulated CT cine was created by generating breathing-gated volumetric images at 0.25 second intervals along the measured breathing trace, selecting a sagittal slice and downsampling to the resolution of the MR cines. A motion model was built using the first half of the simulated cine data. Model accuracy and error in predicting the remaining frames of the cine were evaluated. Results: Mean difference between model predicted and deformably registered lung tissue positions for the 28 second preview MR cine acquired before treatment was 0.81 +/− 0.30 mm. The model was used to predict two minutes of the subsequent treatment cine with a mean accuracy of 1.59 +/− 0.63 mm. Conclusion: Inplane motion models were built using MR cine images and evaluated for accuracy and ability to predict future respiratory motion from breathing surrogate measurements. Examination of long term predictive ability is ongoing. The technique was applied to simulated CT cines for further validation, and the authors are currently investigating use of in-plane models to update pre-existing volumetric motion models used for generation of breathing-gated CT planning images

  2. Música y Cine


    Olarte Martínez, Matilde María


    Materiales de clase: Introducción a la Historia de la Música en el Cine; partituras de cine mudo; música clásica y cine; textos sobre música incidental. Se Analiza la música utilizada en cinematografía, y el estudio de sus funciones aplicada a la imagen. Audiciones de música incidental y música preexistente de los principales compositores. la música utilizada en cinematografía, y el estudio de sus funciones aplicada a la imagen. Audiciones de música incidental y música preexistente de los ...

  3. Cine MRI of dissecting aneurysm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takaki, Hajime


    Cine MRI was performed in 25 cases of aortic dissection and comparative study among cine MRI, spin-echo static MRI, contrast-enhanced CT and intravenous digital subtraction angiography (IVDSA) was made. Cine MRI accurately detected aortic dissection. It was most accurate among various diagnostic methods in demonstration of entry site of dissection. Take-off of renal artery and its relation to true and false channels was also accurately demonstrated by cine MRI. The above results suggest that cine MRI can be an important diagnostic modality with almost equal diagnostic quality to those of conventional angiography. However, further technical improvement to shorten the imaging time seems necessary to replace angiography. (author)

  4. La road movie como modelo transnacional y su presencia en el cine español: marco metodológico y principales aportaciones.

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    Santiago García Ochoa


    Full Text Available El presente artículo defiende que los estudios transnacionales constituyen el marco metodológico idóneo para el estudio de la espectacular difusión de la road movie, un género nacido en EE. UU. durante la década de los 60, al menos a través de tres vías: la contraposición entre lo nacional y lo transnacional, lo transnacional entendido como fenómeno regional y el protagonismo de las migraciones en los cines postcoloniales. Finalmente se aborda el desarrollo de la road movie en España y se repasan los principales trabajos académicos sobre el tema.

  5. Historia y cine: un mapa de posibles líneas de análisis en el eje realidad / representación

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    Emilce Fabricio


    Full Text Available El artículo rastrea algunas posibles líneas de análisis abiertas para historiadores e historiadoras en el campo de intersecciones de los estudios cinematográficos y de la sociedad. Comienza planteando los orígenes del mismo, para adentrarse en las consideraciones del cine como fuente para la historia y de la historia en el cine. Finalmente se considera el caso particular del cine documental y se problematiza la dualidad realidad/representación.

  6. Características de consumo de los espectadores mexicanos en salas de cine comerciales


    David Fernando Lozano Treviño


    El presente artículo de investigación analiza los factores del cine hollywoodense para controlar el mercado de películas en México. Detalla la manera en que las Organizaciones de Producción Cinematográficas (OPC) masifican sus producciones. Aborda la producción de películas en México, la asistencia a salas de cine, los ingresos en taquilla y la venta de boletos para películas mexicanas como reflejo de los deseos de consumo de los espectadores nacionales. Plasma la transformación que atravesó ...

  7. Quantification of left ventricular volumes from cardiac cine MRI using active contour model combined with gradient vector flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanki, Nobuyoshi; Murase, Kenya; Kumashiro, Masayuki; Momoi, Risa; Yang, Xiaomei; Tabuchi, Takashi; Nagayama, Masako; Watanabe, Yuji


    We investigated the feasibility of combining the active contour model with gradient vector flow (Snakes-GVF) to estimate left ventricular (LV) volumes from cardiac cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI data were acquired from 27 patients, including 14 adults (9 men, 5 women, 55.0±23.3 years) and 13 children (10 boys, 3 girls, 2.7±2.1 years) using Gyroscan Intera (1.5 Tesla, Philips Medical Systems). LV volumes were calculated by adding the areas surrounded by the contour extracted by Snakes-GVF and compared with volumes estimated by manual tracing. Those estimated by Snakes-GVF [y (mL)] correlated well with those estimated by manual tracing [x (mL)]. In adult cases, the regression equation and correlation coefficient were y=1.008x-0.517 and 0.996, respectively. In pediatric cases, they were y=1.174x-2.542 and 0.992, respectively. In conclusion, Snakes-GVF is a powerful and useful tool for quantifying LV volumes using cardiac MRI. (author)



    García Puchades, Wenceslao


    La presente tesis pretende estudiar los textos fílmicos del filósofo francés Alain Badiou con el objetivo de sustraer el papel que juega el cine en su proyecto de (re)comienzo de la filosofía. De esta manera hemos dividido su exposición en dos partes: el estudio de su proyecto de (re)comienzo filosófico y el estudio del papel que juega el cine en dicho proyecto y de su teoría fílmica implícita. En la primera parte trataremos de justificar en qué medida su proyecto puede ser entendido como un ...

  9. On the system of cine-angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wakamatsu, Koji; Togi, Hideaki; Yokoyama, Hironori


    National Institute of Circulatory Disease Centre have four angiography apparatuses which deal with more than 80 cases of cerebral blood vessel and 100 cases of heart blood vessel each month. Most of the angiography is cine-photography. Five more angiography apparatuses are expected to be operated in operation and RI examination rooms in the future. The problems on cine-angiography system were discussed as follows: (1) The proper dose must be chosen in order to obtain good quality of cine-images. (2) The cine resolution depends much on dose. (3) The lower X-ray tube voltage can give better contrast. (4) Suitable capacity for an X-ray tube is over 60 kW at 2 sec rating. (5) Cine-autophotography requires rapid response and a circuit for lock. (6) Influence of side scattering can be solved by a blanking circuit in biplane cine-photography. (7) Self-developing is desirable to improve the quality of cine-images. (Kobatake, H.)

  10. El cine norteamericano durante la Gran Depresión (1929-1939

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    Carmen Mainer


    Full Text Available El cine comienza su andadura a finales del siglo XIX como un mero entretenimiento de masas, revelando a un público ávido de novedades las posibilidades del reciente descubrimiento. Será a partir de la Revolución bolchevique de 1917 cuando los organismos de poder descubran la capacidad de la imagen en movimiento como herramienta de propaganda ideológica. Los regímenes comunista y fascista se sirvieron del cine para difundir su doctrina y en la democracia de Estados Unidos, durante el período del New Deal (1933-1939, el cine clásico de Hollywood desempeñará la misma función propagandística, aunque haciendo uso de lenguajes y géneros variados y, con frecuencia, mucho más sofisticados. Es precisamente esta faceta del Séptimo Arte, su uso como agente difusor de ideologías, la que nos interesa y se analiza en el presente artículo.The cinema begins its career in the late nineteenth century as a mere mass entertainment, revealing to an eager audience the possibilities of the new discovery. It was from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 when the power of the moving image as ideological propaganda tool was discovered by the governments. The communist and fascist regimes used the cinema to spread their doctrines and in the American democracy, during the New Deal period (1933-1939, the classical Hollywood cinema will perform the same propaganda function, but using different languages ​​and genres, and often much more sophisticated. It is this aspect of the cinema, its use as a carier of ideologies, that interests us and analyze this article.

  11. “Delicias holandesas” dirigidas por mujeres: cine contra estereotipos

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    Fernández Rodríguez, Carolina


    Full Text Available This paper offers a brief history of women filmmakers in The Netherlands from the 1920s to the present, in an attempt to achieve two goals. The first aim is to show that despite the scarcity of women directors in the histories of the cinema of the Netherlands, there are many women in the Dutch film industry, particularly so given its small size in the European context. Secondly, this paper aims to show that many of the myths that have been commonly associated with Dutch cinema, such as its inability to produce good fiction films or to handle important socio-political issues, can be easily dismantled after seeing the work of Dutch women filmmakers. Although it is certainly much easier to find documentaries than dramas among their works, it is nevertheless true that they have also produced many of the latter. Moreover, in both categories they have explored complex and controversial themes that are highly relevant to their society, as well as opening up new thematic paths along which male directors had never travelled. Issues related to the new national identities resulting from the multicultural contexts of present-day Europe are among the former, while the latter is best represented by topics traditionally dealt with by feminism, such as the question of abortion, rape or women’s submission in patriarchal societies, among others.

    Este artículo ofrece una breve historia del trabajo realizado por las directoras de cine de los Países Bajos desde los años veinte del pasado siglo hasta la actualidad con el fin de lograr dos objetivos. En primer lugar, se trata de probar que, pese a la escasa presencia de directoras holandesas en las historias sobre cine holandés, su número es muy elevado, especialmente si consideramos que la industria cinematográfica de su país es relativamente pequeña. En segundo lugar, se busca demostrar que muchos de los mitos que se han asumido como ciertos sobre el cine holandés, como su incapacidad para hacer

  12. El relato corto en el cine. Literatura en 3-D: ‘Memento' de Christopher Nolan (2000

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    David Caldevilla Domínguez


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} La narrativa literaria y la cinematográfica se erigen como dos lenguajes separados por la sustancia expresiva en la que se basan. En el caso de las adaptaciones literarias, estas diferencias se manifiestan otorgando una especial ventaja al cine ya que existen licencias expresivas imposibles para el texto. En el presente artículo se analiza una de las adaptaciones más sorprendentes, innovadoras y rupturantes de la historia del cine, ‘Memento’, que explota, como ninguna otra antes, la posibilidad de romper el hilo narrativo llamado convencional o lineal, para pasar a generar una trama en la que el espectador se erige en lecto-autor. Este tropo cinematográfico halla sus mejores capacidades de expresión en dos géneros (entendiendo género no sólo en su aspecto formal, sino en el temático tan antiguos como el cine mismo: el de ciencia-ficción y el negro, género este último al que pertenece la película analizada, elegida para mejor demostrar esas posibilidades que el cine ofrece a la literatura a través de las adaptaciones. El hecho de  que ‘Memento’ esté basada en un relato corto permite que, además, se consideren las ventajas que este tipo de relatos ofrece a los adaptadores-guionistas frente a los relatos largos como las novelas o las obras teatrales.

  13. O Cine Debate promovendo encontros do cinema com a escola

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    Andreza Berti


    Full Text Available Partindo da hipótese-cinema, de Alain Bergala (2008, reconhecemos o cinema como alteridade, pois a experiência com o cinema permite ser o outro, viver em outro território, flanar por diferentes espaços e tempos. Nesse processo, o cinema pode entrar na escola como potência criadora: promover o encontro dos(as alunos(as com diferentes experiências estéticas; provocar a dúvida, o questionamento, colocando em xeque o lugar-comum, os padrões socioculturais, as identidades fixas. A experiência com Cine Debate em escolas públicas de Ensino Médio, nos municípios do Rio de Janeiro e Niterói, permitiu problematizar a produção cinematográfica, favorecer a aproximação do cinema com a escola, contribuir para a ampliação do número de filmes brasileiros assistidos, questionar o que consideramos "olhar". Por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, percebemos o desejo dos estudantes em aprofundar os temas discutidos, conhecemos seus gêneros cinematográficos preferidos e a frequência com que assistem a filmes. Esse resultado indica a continuidade da experiência com o Cine Debate.

  14. Cine magnetic resonance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Higgins, C.B.; Sechtem, U.P.; Pflugfelder, P.


    Cine magnetic resonance (MR) is a fast MR imaging process with referencing of the imaging data to the electrocardiogram (ECG) so that images corresponding to 21-msec segments of the cardiac cycle are acquired. A series of such images, each corresponding to a 21-msec segment of the cardiac cycle, can be laced together for viewing in the cine format at a framing rate of 20 to 40 frames per second. Since cine angiograms of the heart are usually done at 30 frames per second, this technique achieves a temporal resolution adequate for the evluation of central cardiovascular function. The major application of this technique is to depict central cardiovascular function and blood flow

  15. Modelos de masculinidad en el cine de la Transición: José Sacristán

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    Natalia Martinez Perez


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina la representación de los modelos de masculinidad en el cine español de la Transición como clave para entender los valores asociados a la identidad del hombre español de la época, y por ende el propio periodo histórico, así como las representaciones contemporáneas del varón en el cine español actual. A través del análisis de los personajes interpretados por el actor José Sacristán en películas comprendidas entre 1977 y 1982, observaremos cómo la imagen del hombre español evoluciona debido a los profundos cambios culturales, políticos y sociales producidos en dicho contexto.

  16. El cine musical clásico en Estados Unidos (1927-1960) y su repercusión en los medios audiovisuales posteriores a este periodo


    Andrés Bailón, Sergio de


    [ES] Estudio de los estilos musicales y la funcionalidad de los números musicales en el contexto del cine musical americano del periodo comprendido entre 1927 y 1960, así como la repercusión de dichos elementos estilísticos y estructurales en creaciones Estudio de los estilos musicales y la funcionalidad de los números musicales en el contexto del cine musical americano del periodo comprendido entre 1927 y 1960, así como la repercusión de dichos elementos estilísticos y estructurales en creac...

  17. La calle, cuna de criminales: barriadas, niños y gangsters en el cine neoyorkino


    James Sanders


    El artículo explora el imaginario que el cine neoyorkino construyó de las barriadas de su ciudad a partir de la década del treinta. El eje que guía la discusión es la compleja relacion entre espacio publico -en especial la calle- y las patologías sociales: alcoholismo, prostitución, analfabetismo y criminalidad. Se plantea que el cine se preocupó, en una serie numerosa de cintas, de denunciar las calles de las barriadas como productora de criminales, lo que causó un alto impacto en la opinión...

  18. Evaluation of potential internal target volume of liver tumors using cine-MRI. (United States)

    Akino, Yuichi; Oh, Ryoong-Jin; Masai, Norihisa; Shiomi, Hiroya; Inoue, Toshihiko


    Four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) is widely used for evaluating moving tumors, including lung and liver cancers. For patients with unstable respiration, however, the 4DCT may not visualize tumor motion properly. High-speed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences (cine-MRI) permit direct visualization of respiratory motion of liver tumors without considering radiation dose exposure to patients. Here, the authors demonstrated a technique for evaluating internal target volume (ITV) with consideration of respiratory variation using cine-MRI. The authors retrospectively evaluated six patients who received stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) to hepatocellular carcinoma. Before acquiring planning CT, sagittal and coronal cine-MRI images were acquired for 30 s with a frame rate of 2 frames/s. The patient immobilization was conducted under the same condition as SBRT. Planning CT images were then acquired within 15 min from cine-MRI image acquisitions, followed by a 4DCT scan. To calculate tumor motion, the motion vectors between two continuous frames of cine-MRI images were calculated for each frame using the pyramidal Lucas-Kanade method. The target contour was delineated on one frame, and each vertex of the contour was shifted and copied onto the following frame using neighboring motion vectors. 3D trajectory data were generated with the centroid of the contours on sagittal and coronal images. To evaluate the accuracy of the tracking method, the motion of clearly visible blood vessel was analyzed with the motion tracking and manual detection techniques. The target volume delineated on the 50% (end-exhale) phase of 4DCT was translated with the trajectory data, and the distribution of the occupancy probability of target volume was calculated as potential ITV (ITV Potential). The concordance between ITV Potential and ITV estimated with 4DCT (ITV 4DCT) was evaluated using the Dice's similarity coefficient (DSC). The distance between blood vessel positions

  19. El Cine moral y la censura, un medio empleado por la Acción Católica Colombiana 1934 – 1942


    Sergio Armando Cáceres Mateus


    Desde que el cine irrumpió en el mundo en 1891, la Iglesia Católica puso atención a la presencia del invento y las consecuencias que tendría para la sociedad. Después, arremetió contra el cine inmoral, por medio de la creación de “santas cruzadas” lideradas por miembros de la Acción Católica, que tenían como objetivos: la producción de cine moral a nivel Internacional a través de empresas Cinematográficas en Europa; y consolidar un mecanismo de censura que se implementó con la Legió...

  20. El cine como vector de expansión de la epidemia tabáquica The cinema as a vector of expansion of the smoking epidemic

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    Raquel Casitas


    Full Text Available El cine ha sido durante muchos años un fiel colaborador de la industria del tabaco, fomentando, mediante la presencia del cigarrillo en las películas, que niños y jóvenes se conviertan en adictos a la nicotina. El movimiento de prevención del tabaquismo en Estados Unidos ha documentado suficientemente estos hechos, y hoy existen demostraciones científicas suficientes acerca de la estrecha relación entre la presencia del tabaco en las películas y el inicio de su consumo por niños y jóvenes. Desde hace años se han creado grupos de trabajo que están presionando a la industria del cine y fomentando el debate social con anuncios en los principales medios de comunicación, para conseguir que Hollywood acepte su responsabilidad y cambie de actitud. Smoke Free Movies, una iniciativa liderada por la Universidad de California, está consiguiendo importantes avances para limitar la presencia de los cigarrillos en las películas americanas. En Europa en general, y en España en particular, este tipo de iniciativas son aún incipientes. El Movimiento de Prevención del Tabaquismo español debería aprovechar la experiencia americana para impulsar políticas similares. Algunas medidas de eficacia probada son la certificación, en los títulos de crédito, de no haber recibido pago alguno por mostrar tabaco en la película, la proyección de anuncios publicitarios antitabaco antes de las películas en que salgan cigarrillos, no permitir la identificación de marcas y no subvencionar películas que estimulen el consumo de tabaco.For many years the film industry has been a loyal contributor to the tobacco industry by showing actors smoking cigarettes onscreen and hence encouraging young people to become nicotine addicts. The Prevention of Nicotine Addiction movement in the United States has adequately documented this phenomenon and there is now sufficient scientific evidence to demonstrate the close relationship between smoking in films and the onset

  1. Reconfiguración de flujos en el circuito internacional de festivales: el programa "Cine en construcción" / Flows Reconfiguration in the International Film Festival Circuit: The Program «Cine en Construcció»

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    Minerva Campos


    Full Text Available En el contexto de programas de financiación destinados a determinados cines periféricos y/o minoritarios creados por los festivales de cine y fundaciones asociadas a ellos, este artículo se centra en el programa «Cine en Construcción»: una iniciativa conjunta del Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián y los Rencontres Cinémas d’Amérique Latine de Toulouse creada en 2002 y destinada a la finalización de proyectos latinoamericanos. El artículo se interesa por cómo este tipo de operaciones pueden beneficiar a los festivales de cine impulsores en relación a su visibilidad en el circuito internacional. Al igual que los festivales se articulan en forma de red y tienen un calendario propio a lo largo del año, parece ser que estos fondos de ayuda se están estructurando de la misma forma. De igual manera, la itinerancia posterior en el circuito de festivales, salas comerciales o pantallas alternativas de las películas auspiciadas por estas iniciativas contribuiría a la visibilidad de los festivales impulsores, así como a una definición quizá más precisa del tipo de cine en el que está interesado el evento: ya que en casos como «Cine en Construcción» no solo se financian determinadas películas sino también la mayoría de las veces los festivales de San Sebastián y Toulouse las programan una vez finalizadas (ya sea en las secciones oficiales competitivas o en programas paralelos.Palabras clave: circuito de festivales de cine, fondos de financiación cinematográficos, itinerancia, estrategias de visibilidad, cines periféricos.AbstractIn the context of fund programs created by film festivals and associated foundations to finance some peripheral and/or minority cinemas, this article focuses on the program «Cine en Construcción» (‘Cinema under Construction’: a joint initiative created by San Sebastián International Film Festival and the Rencontres Cinémas d’Amérique Latine de Toulouse in 2002 destined to the

  2. Vacuna atenuada de Salmonella como vector de antígenos heterólogos

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    Oscar G. Gómez


    Full Text Available Salmonella enterica, serotipo Typhi, es el agente etiológico de la fiebre tifoidea de los habitantes de las regiones más pobres del mundo y es, además. el centro de atención de muchos investigadores dados sus fascinantes mecanismos de invasión, multiplicación intracelular y diseminación intercelular que expresa in vivo e in vitro. Aunque estos mecanismos se asocian directamente con la patogenicidad y la severidad de la enfermedad, las mutaciones definidas en el cromosoma de Salmonella han permitido que estos mecanismos de virulencia se puedan utilizar en beneficio del hospedero. Las mutantes atenuadas de Salmonella son capaces de invadir las células M de la mucosa intestinal y de migrar a las células linfoides del sistema reticuloendotelial donde, en lugar de causar enfermedad, activan eficazmente las respuestas inmunes humoral y celular no sólo contra el microorganismo mismo sino también contra aquellos antigenos heterólogos recombinantes que la bacteria pueda expresar y transportar. En la presente revisión, se discutirán los avances más recientes en el campo de las vacunas vivas atenuadas de Salmonella, su evaluación preclinica y clinica y, también, su aplicación como vector de antigenos. Se darán a conocer las técnicas biomoleculares de clonación y expresión procariótica de las toxinas diftérica, tetánica y de pertusis. así como de los antígenos de Helicobacterpylori y de Plasmodium falciparum. Finalmente, se propone el uso de Salmonella atenuada como vector de vacunas de ADN para expresión eucariótica de los antígenos recombinantes. Los continuos esfuerzos cientificos y tecnológicos en el campo de la vacunación con vectores vivos atenuados sugieren que Salmonella es una herramienta potencialmente útil para enfrentar el constante reto de la fiebre tifoidea. Igualmente, los estudios preclínicos y clínicos de fase I demuestran la eficacia de la vacuna de Salmonella viva atenuada como vector de antígenos heter

  3. Cine y Filosofía. Sus rostros

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    Jose Fernando Saldarriaga


    Full Text Available El presente estudio es un esquema para construir una cartografía del rostro en la obra cinematográfica del director sueco Ingmar Bergman. Películas como: Crisis (Kris, 1946, Un verano con Mónica (Som- maren med Monika, 1953, El silencio (Tystnaden, 1963 y Fresas Salvajes (Smultronstället, 1957, permiten aplicar las nociones filosóficas estudiadas por Gilles Delueze: rizoma, plano inmanente, plano afección, rostriedad en el marco histórico y estético. Cine y filosofía son los medios de estos pensadores.

  4. Características de consumo de los espectadores mexicanos en salas de cine comerciales

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    David Fernando Lozano Treviño


    Full Text Available El presente artículo de investigación analiza los factores del cine hollywoodense para controlar el mercado de películas en México. Detalla la manera en que las Organizaciones de Producción Cinematográficas (OPC masifican sus producciones. Aborda la producción de películas en México, la asistencia a salas de cine, los ingresos en taquilla y la venta de boletos para películas mexicanas como reflejo de los deseos de consumo de los espectadores nacionales. Plasma la transformación que atravesó el cine mexicano después de la década de los 70. Se mencionan algunas estratégicas para llegar a captar espectadores y consideraciones para las OPC mexicanas en la búsqueda de generar mercados. Se ubica la correlación que hay entre los deseos de los espectadores porque las películas que se proyectan en salas comerciales estimulen entre los espectadores el aprecio a las artes, la reflexión, el aprendizaje y el entretenimiento con el gasto mensual en pesos para ver películas que antepongan el entretenimiento sobre cualquier otra característica del cine.


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    Patricia Torres San Martín


    Full Text Available Este artículo parte del análisis del cine nacional no como consumo sino como una práctica de cultura que produce y reproduce significados, en la recepción del cine como un "proceso de interacción, resignificación y negociación" de estos significados y en la audiencia como constructo y sujeto de una comunidad interpretativa. Me centraré en el análisis del material empírico que realicé con varios segmentos de audiencia de Guadalajara y dos películas mexicanas contemporáneas que marcaron un hito en la historia de la cinematografía nacional: Amores perros (2000, de Alejandro González Iñárritu, e ¡Y tu mamá también! (2001, de Alfonso Cuarón, para abrir una discusión de cómo la categoría analítica y referencial de género marcó las diferencias en la cinevidencia y producción discursiva de la audiencia participante.

  6. Farida Benlyazid: cine feminista sobre la identidad personal

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    Torres Calzada, Katjia


    Full Text Available This article analyses Tangier’s director Farida Benlyazid’s personal vision of the identity conflict of the Muslim Moroccan woman (a conflict deriving from the tension between the French colonial culture and the Arab-Muslim one as presented in her opera prima Bab samá maftúh / A Door to the Sky (1988, based on a script written by herself. Within the context of Moroccan cinema, Benlyazid is a pioneer in the treatment of the Muslim woman’s role in the Moroccan patriarchal system due both to her peculiar understanding of feminism and to her multicultural upbringing, which allows her to deploy a symbolic language to universalize her films and transmit the value of rites and atavistic rituals of Morocco’s popular collective imaginary and of her own intimate imaginary.

    El presente artículo analiza la visión íntima del conflicto de identidad de la mujer marroquí musulmana –entendido como la tensión entre la cultura colonial francesa y la árabe musulmana– ofrecida por la cineasta tangerina Farida Benlyazid en su opera prima como directora y guionista, Bab samá maftúh / Une porte sur le ciel (“La puerta abierta del cielo”, 1988. Benlyazid es una pionera del cine marroquí en el tratamiento del papel de la mujer musulmana en el seno del patriarcado marroquí por su particular concepción del feminismo y por su formación multicultural, que le permite emplear un lenguaje simbólico para universalizar su cine y transmitir el valor de ritos y rituales atávicos en el imaginario colectivo popular marroquí así como en el de su imaginario íntimo.

  7. Evaluation of potential internal target volume of liver tumors using cine-MRI

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    Akino, Yuichi, E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Osaka 5650871, Japan and Miyakojima IGRT Clinic, Miyakojima-ku, Osaka 5340021 (Japan); Oh, Ryoong-Jin; Masai, Norihisa; Shiomi, Hiroya; Inoue, Toshihiko [Miyakojima IGRT Clinic, Miyakojima-ku, Osaka 5340021 (Japan)


    Purpose: Four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) is widely used for evaluating moving tumors, including lung and liver cancers. For patients with unstable respiration, however, the 4DCT may not visualize tumor motion properly. High-speed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences (cine-MRI) permit direct visualization of respiratory motion of liver tumors without considering radiation dose exposure to patients. Here, the authors demonstrated a technique for evaluating internal target volume (ITV) with consideration of respiratory variation using cine-MRI. Methods: The authors retrospectively evaluated six patients who received stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) to hepatocellular carcinoma. Before acquiring planning CT, sagittal and coronal cine-MRI images were acquired for 30 s with a frame rate of 2 frames/s. The patient immobilization was conducted under the same condition as SBRT. Planning CT images were then acquired within 15 min from cine-MRI image acquisitions, followed by a 4DCT scan. To calculate tumor motion, the motion vectors between two continuous frames of cine-MRI images were calculated for each frame using the pyramidal Lucas–Kanade method. The target contour was delineated on one frame, and each vertex of the contour was shifted and copied onto the following frame using neighboring motion vectors. 3D trajectory data were generated with the centroid of the contours on sagittal and coronal images. To evaluate the accuracy of the tracking method, the motion of clearly visible blood vessel was analyzed with the motion tracking and manual detection techniques. The target volume delineated on the 50% (end-exhale) phase of 4DCT was translated with the trajectory data, and the distribution of the occupancy probability of target volume was calculated as potential ITV (ITV {sub Potential}). The concordance between ITV {sub Potential} and ITV estimated with 4DCT (ITV {sub 4DCT}) was evaluated using the Dice’s similarity coefficient (DSC). Results

  8. La narrativa en la representación de los sueños en el cine de ficción: estudio diacrónico


    Borrego Martín, José Carlos


    Las posibilidades creativas de la representación del ensueño en el medio cinematográfico resultan extensas, mediante el empleo y combinación de múltiples elementos relativos tanto al plano del contenido como al plano de la expresión, según la división del relato fílmico propuesta por la narratología. El presente trabajo de investigación trata sobre las diferentes modalidades de representaciones oníricas en el cine de ficción, así como de su evolución a lo largo de la historia del cine desde s...

  9. El cine como laboratorio en el aula: una revisión semiótica de la película La lengua de las mariposas

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    Otto Roberto Yela Fernández


    Full Text Available El estudio aborda el cine como recurso para la reconstrucción de pro- cesos históricos a partir de la hermenéutica audiovisual barthesiana, con la finalidad de ser utilizado en la educación universitaria de materias referentes al tema. Se ha queri- do delimitar de manera histórica y geográfica el área a trabajar, a una película, «La len- gua de las mariposas» (España, 1999, en el contexto de la Guerra Civil Española, por tratarse del hecho histórico más importante del siglo XX para este país. Se hizo una investigación fílmica cualitativa con base en los postulados teórico-metodológicos pro- puestos por Roland Barthes, que tienen que ver con la subdivisión del filme a partir de unidades significantes soporte-morfema (SM, para luego establecer los recorridos de significación por medio de la agrupación de estas unidades en Lexias significantes. Luego se analizó el espacio fílmico a partir de los 5 códigos de significación barthesia- nos: Hermenéutico, proairético, sémico, simbólico y cultural o referencial. Palabras clave: Cine, Guerra civil española, Semiótica, Educación, Motivación. 

  10. Miércoles al cine


    Aguado Franco, Juan Carlos


    Se analiza un caso concreto de demanda ante una iniciativa empresarial: los miércoles al cine. Se analiza un caso concreto de demanda ante una iniciativa empresarial: los miércoles al cine. Fundamentos del Análisis Económico

  11. Influencia del cine en la Generación del 27

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    Flora Lobato


    Full Text Available Recibido: 19 de marzo, 2008 • Aprobado: 22 de abril, 2008 Este artículo se centra en la influencia que el cine ejerció en la literatura. La aparición del cinematógrafo supuso una revolución en lo cultural; y el mundo de la imagen vino a sumarse a otras artes milenarias, como la pintura y la literatura, las cuales habían servido al hombre para expresar ideas y sentimientos. El cine se considera una rama más de las vanguardias, y, así, el genio creativo de nuestros poetas de la Generación del 27 se vio fructificado, accediendo a territorios antes no explorados por ellos, con lo que sus imágenes y metáforas sobrepasaron los límites conocidos y se adentraron en un universo nuevo, marcado por lógicas de carácter más aperturista.

  12. Texture analysis of cardiac cine magnetic resonance imaging to detect nonviable segments in patients with chronic myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Larroza, Andrés; López-Lereu, María P; Monmeneu, José V; Gavara, Jose; Chorro, Francisco J; Bodí, Vicente; Moratal, David


    To investigate the ability of texture analysis to differentiate between infarcted nonviable, viable, and remote segments on cardiac cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This retrospective study included 50 patients suffering chronic myocardial infarction. The data were randomly split into training (30 patients) and testing (20 patients) sets. The left ventricular myocardium was segmented according to the 17-segment model in both cine and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) MRI. Infarcted myocardium regions were identified on LGE in short-axis views. Nonviable segments were identified as those showing LGE ≥ 50%, and viable segments those showing 0 cine images. A support vector machine (SVM) classifier was trained with different combination of texture features to obtain a model that provided optimal classification performance. The best classification on testing set was achieved with local binary patterns features using a 2D + t approach, in which the features are computed by including information of the time dimension available in cine sequences. The best overall area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) were: 0.849, sensitivity of 92% to detect nonviable segments, 72% to detect viable segments, and 85% to detect remote segments. Nonviable segments can be detected on cine MRI using texture analysis and this may be used as hypothesis for future research aiming to detect the infarcted myocardium by means of a gadolinium-free approach. © 2018 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

  13. El impacto de las innovaciones tecnológicas en el cine de ciencia ficción


    González Sánchez, Luis


    La ciencia ficción y la tecnología siempre han ido de la mano. El cine y la literatura de este género han sido, en muchas ocasiones, precursores de los adelantos tecnológicos y técnicos que hoy en día encontramos en los grandes almacenes o tiendas de electrónica como, por ejemplo, las nuevas gafas de Google que han comenzado a comercializarse y que empezaron a ser mostradas en el cine de ciencia ficción de los años setenta y ochenta con las gafas de realidad aumentada. Su uso se b...

  14. Vectores recombinantes basados en el virus Vaccinia modificado de Ankara (MVA) como vacunas contra la leishmaniasis


    Pérez Jiménez, Eva; Larraga, Vicente; Esteban, Mariano


    Vectores recombinantes basados en el virus vaccinia modificado de Ankara (MVA) como vacunas contra la leishmaniasis. Los vectores de la invención contienen secuencias codificantes de la proteína LACK, preferentemente insertadas en el locus de hemaglutinina del virus y bajo el control de un promotor que permite su expresión a lo largo del ciclo de infección del virus. Son vectores seguros, estables, que dan lugar a una potente respuesta inmune que confiere protección frente a la leishmaniasis,...

  15. El destape del cartel de cine español. La nueva libertad sexual en la transición española

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    Rocío Collado Alonso


    Full Text Available Este artículo, que sintetiza los resultados de un trabajo más amplio, pretende explorar la relación entre el cartel de cine y el cambio social, centrándose en el análisis del primero y no del segundo, por lo que se trata de un estudio comunicacional y no sociológico, buscando las interrelaciones que pueden producirse entre ambas opciones: el uso del cartel como reflejo de los valores sociales existentes y como elemento provocador del cambio social. Para ello situamos nuestro análisis en el período de la transición española, momento histórico de profundas transformaciones políticas, económicas y sociales. Es evidente que en nuestro país, desde comienzos de la década de los setenta, todavía con Franco, empieza a notarse el cambio político que estaba por llegar, sobre todo la permisividad oficial hacia un cine que se atreve a plantear temas anteriormente intocables, relacionados sobretodo con la política y con el sexo. La censura franquista había silenciado durante muchos años el deseo sexual y el erotismo, pero desde finales de los años sesenta comienza a surgir un cine comercial que manifiesta una clara tendencia hacia una cierta liberalización en temáticas sexuales, que terminará afianzándose en los años setenta apareciendo los primeros desnudos en la pantalla. Con todo ello, nuestro trabajo pretende analizar el papel del cartel de cine como reflejo de esta nueva situación. 

  16. Las Formas Políticas del Cine Argentino: Montajes, Disrupciones y Estéticas de una Tradición Political Forms of Argentinean Cinema: Editing, Disrupting, and the Aesthetics of a Tradition

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    Esteban Dipaola


    Full Text Available El artículo indaga y analiza las formas políticas del cine argentino desde los años sesenta a la actualidad, pero centrándose especialmente en el cine argentino contemporáneo (1995-2010. Se propone hablar de «formas políticas» y no de «cine político» como ejercicio para pensar la política y la estética en sus relaciones inmanentes. Así, establece tres períodos: los años sesenta y setenta como la irrupción de la política en el cine; los años ochenta como el desplazamiento de la política por la denuncia moral y los años noventa y post 2001 como un retorno de lo sensible o como el advenimiento de las «políticas de lo sensible». Así, se indaga en las formas políticas del cine y conjuntamente se interroga el dispositivo de representación estética de la cinematografía.This article examines and analyzes political forms of argentine cinema from the sixties to the present, focusing especially on contemporary argentine cinema (1995-2010. It will try to deal with «political forms» rather than with the notion of a «political film», an exercise to think about politics and aesthetics as an immanent relation. Thus, three periods are considered in this article: the sixties and seventies as the emergence of political cinema; the eighties as the displacement of politics by moral denunciation and the nineties and after 2001 as a return of the sensory experience or as the advent of «sensible policies.» The text will explore political forms in films, and will question this device of aesthetic representation in cinematography.

  17. Discursos subversivos en el cine no hablado

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    Rodríguez Fernández, M.ª del Carmen


    Full Text Available “Subversive discourses in silent films” aims to analyse the gender transgression that emerges in certain movies of the silent period. These being silent films, their meaning can only be understood from the content of the images. Directors of the silent period were aware of the importance of images and of their power to put across their views to spectators. The field of filmmaking was new but it was not ungendered, and women filmmakers knew that their films were the vehicle to make spectators aware of their feminist positions. Le matelas alcoolique, La souriante Mme. Beudet and Dora Films of America Shorts are examples of this privilege since, although they belong to two periods of silent film history and have different aims, the directors and the films selected are good examples to be revisited with a gender perspective.

    “Discursos subversivos en el cine no hablado” se propone analizar las transgresiones de género que aparecen en algunas películas del cine mudo. Por sus características al tratarse de un cine no hablado, lo que sugieren algunas imágenes es fundamental para entender los significados de las películas. Las directoras de aquella época eran conocedoras de la importancia de las imágenes y del poder que les confería la cámara para expresar sus reivindicaciones al público espectador. El campo de la cinematografía era nuevo, pero tenía género y las directoras sabían que sus películas eran el vehículo para dar a conocer su articulación como feministas. Le matelas alcoolique, La souriante Mme. Beudet y Dora Films of America Shorts son ejemplos de este privilegio puesto que, aunque las películas de esta muestra pertenezcan a dos etapas del cine mudo y de que sus propósitos fueran diferentes, las directoras y las películas seleccionadas son ejemplos merecedores de una revisión con perspectiva de género.

  18. Dobutamine cine magnetic resonance imaging after myocardial infarction; Cine Risonanza Magnetica con dobutamina dopo infarto del miocardio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giovagnoni, A.; Ligabue, G.; Romagnoli, R. [Modena Univ., Modena (Italy). Scienze Radiologiche, Dipt. di Medicina Interna; Reggio Emilia Univ., Reggio Emilia (Italy). Cattedra di Cardiologia; Rossi, R.; Muia, N.; Modena, M.G. [Modena Univ., Modena (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Mediche, Oncologiche e Radiologiche; Reggio Emilia Univ. (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Mediche, Oncologiche e Radiologiche


    Dobutamine Cine MRI is a new diagnostic imaging technique in the pretreatment (revascularization) assessment of myocardial infarction patients. In this issue are reported the result of a comparative study of the diagnostic yield of dobutamine Cine MRI with that of stress echocardiography in the assessment of viable myocardium. A new method for analysis of Cine MR images, employing digital subtraction, aimed at decreasing subjectivity in the quantitative assessment of myocardial wall thickening. Twenty-six patients (21 men and 5 women) with a history of myocardial infarction who were scheduled for revascularization were submitted to stress echocardiography and dobutamine Cine MRI to evaluate contractile recovery of the segments considered akinetic or hypo kinetic at baseline echocardiography. Dobutamine was administered in growing doses (5, 10, 15{gamma}/kg/min). 16 segments of the left ventricle in each patient were considered. In the 416 segments studied, it was found that 307 normo kinetic, 64 scarred and 45 viable segments with stress echocardiography, versus 302 normo kinetic, 83 scarred and 31 viable segments with dobutamine MRI. Three months after revascularization 15 patients were examined to check contractile recovery of the segments considered as viable. Echocardiography had 79% sensitivity and 97% specificity, while Cine MRI had 96% and 86%, respectively. In patients with anteroseptal wall myocardial infarction stress echocardiography had 75% sensitivity and 97% specificity. Echocardiography permits to distinguish viable myocardium and scarred myocardial tissue with good sensitivity and specificity, but Cine MRI performs better. Cine MRI has much higher sensitivity than stress echocardiography and thus makes the technique of choice to evaluate viable myocardium in these sites. The digital subtraction technique is as accurate as manual measurements, but reduces the error rate and permits quicker evaluation, particularly in subendocardial thickening

  19. Carmen Dauset Moreno, primera musa del cine estadounidense


    Mora Contreras, Francisco Javier


    Este artículo se propone analizar la importancia de la bailarina española Carmen Dauset Moreno para la historia del cine. Conocida en el mundo del vaudeville como Carmencita, fue la primera mujer que apareció en dos breves películas para kinetoscopio realizadas en el estudio de Edison en marzo de 1894. En este sentido, el artículo trata de contextualizar la aparición de la artista española en estas películas y plantea cuestiones sobre el significado de las mismas en el desarrollo de las fases...

  20. How to perform and interpret cine MR enterography. (United States)

    Wnorowski, Amelia M; Guglielmo, Flavius F; Mitchell, Donald G


    Magnetic resonance (MR) enterography has become a fundamental tool for small bowel evaluation. Multiphasic cine imaging is a useful component of MR enterography evaluation because it provides functional information about bowel motility. Cine MR enterography can be used to evaluate for strictures and adhesions. Bowel motility evaluation has been shown to increase pathologic lesion detection in Crohn's disease and has been incorporated into disease activity scoring systems. Currently, cine MR enterography remains underutilized. The purpose of this article is to outline how to perform and interpret cine MR enterography. The authors describe how to perform a multiphasic balanced steady state free precession sequence using different MR systems and give practical advice on how to display and interpret the cine sequence. Sample cases illustrate how the cine sequence complements standard MR enterography evaluation with T2 -weighted, contrast-enhanced T1 -weighted, and diffusion-weighted imaging. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Cine MR imaging of internal derangements of the knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niitsu, M.; Anno, I.; Ishikawa, N.; Akisada, M.; Fukubayashi, T.


    This paper assesses internal derangements of the knee joint by a new method of cine MR imaging. Cine MR imaging, involving cine acquisition of kinematic sagittal images during knee movement, was used to evaluate 51 symptomatic patients and 19 healthy subjects. Cine MR images of cruciate ligament fears showed disappearance of low-intensity bundles during knee movement, periodic appearance of joint fluid in the area of the ligament, and irregular tibial movement. Cine MR images of meniscal tears showed independent movement of meniscal fragments and periodic tear opening and closing. Twenty-seven of the 28 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears confirmed arthroscopically were correctly identified with cine MR imaging, with a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 92%

  2. A four-dimensional motion field atlas of the tongue from tagged and cine magnetic resonance imaging (United States)

    Xing, Fangxu; Prince, Jerry L.; Stone, Maureen; Wedeen, Van J.; El Fakhri, Georges; Woo, Jonghye


    Representation of human tongue motion using three-dimensional vector fields over time can be used to better understand tongue function during speech, swallowing, and other lingual behaviors. To characterize the inter-subject variability of the tongue's shape and motion of a population carrying out one of these functions it is desirable to build a statistical model of the four-dimensional (4D) tongue. In this paper, we propose a method to construct a spatio-temporal atlas of tongue motion using magnetic resonance (MR) images acquired from fourteen healthy human subjects. First, cine MR images revealing the anatomical features of the tongue are used to construct a 4D intensity image atlas. Second, tagged MR images acquired to capture internal motion are used to compute a dense motion field at each time frame using a phase-based motion tracking method. Third, motion fields from each subject are pulled back to the cine atlas space using the deformation fields computed during the cine atlas construction. Finally, a spatio-temporal motion field atlas is created to show a sequence of mean motion fields and their inter-subject variation. The quality of the atlas was evaluated by deforming cine images in the atlas space. Comparison between deformed and original cine images showed high correspondence. The proposed method provides a quantitative representation to observe the commonality and variability of the tongue motion field for the first time, and shows potential in evaluation of common properties such as strains and other tensors based on motion fields.

  3. Evaluation of highly accelerated real-time cardiac cine MRI in tachycardia. (United States)

    Bassett, Elwin C; Kholmovski, Eugene G; Wilson, Brent D; DiBella, Edward V R; Dosdall, Derek J; Ranjan, Ravi; McGann, Christopher J; Kim, Daniel


    Electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated breath-hold cine MRI is considered to be the gold standard test for the assessment of cardiac function. However, it may fail in patients with arrhythmia, impaired breath-hold capacity and poor ECG gating. Although ungated real-time cine MRI may mitigate these problems, commercially available real-time cine MRI pulse sequences using parallel imaging typically yield relatively poor spatiotemporal resolution because of their low image acquisition efficiency. As an extension of our previous work, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic quality and accuracy of eight-fold-accelerated real-time cine MRI with compressed sensing (CS) for the quantification of cardiac function in tachycardia, where it is challenging for real-time cine MRI to provide sufficient spatiotemporal resolution. We evaluated the performances of eight-fold-accelerated cine MRI with CS, three-fold-accelerated real-time cine MRI with temporal generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions (TGRAPPA) and ECG-gated breath-hold cine MRI in 21 large animals with tachycardia (mean heart rate, 104 beats per minute) at 3T. For each cine MRI method, two expert readers evaluated the diagnostic quality in four categories (image quality, temporal fidelity of wall motion, artifacts and apparent noise) using a Likert scale (1-5, worst to best). One reader evaluated the left ventricular functional parameters. The diagnostic quality scores were significantly different between the three cine pulse sequences, except for the artifact level between CS and TGRAPPA real-time cine MRI. Both ECG-gated breath-hold cine MRI and eight-fold accelerated real-time cine MRI yielded all four scores of ≥ 3.0 (acceptable), whereas three-fold-accelerated real-time cine MRI yielded all scores below 3.0, except for artifact (3.0). The left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) measurements agreed better between ECG-gated cine MRI and eight-fold-accelerated real-time cine MRI


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    Mariana Lacunza Mendizábal


    Full Text Available Distinta a México, Argentina y Brasil, Bolivia tiene una industria cinematográfica poco desarrollada que no ha logrado consolidarse por varias razones. Entre éstas está la falta de apoyo estatal, el escaso desarrollo profesional en estas áreas y una carencia de cultura cinematográfica y visual en general. Sin embargo, durante la última década, la industria cinematográfica boliviana ha sido partícipe de logros importantes gracias a la aparición de las nuevas tecnologías. Películas digitales hechas por una nueva generación de jóvenes directores reconocidos globalmente se han desarrollado en tres ramas distintas: a cine de autor, b cine documental y c cortometrajes. Al mismo tiempo, la producción de este tipo de filmes se apoya en un esfuerzo colectivo, como es el caso de RAV (Rojo, Amarillo y Verde, 2006 de Rodrigo Bellot, Martín Bolulocq y Sergio Bastani y aquellos filmes producidos por el colectivo SocavónCine desde el año 2013. Este artículo busca explorar cómo el más reciente cine boliviano de autor desarticula discursos de identidad nacional al deconstruir oposiciones binarias. Además,  este artículo busca examinar la aplicabilidad del cine de autor y de las prácticas colaborativas en los “cines pequeños” o “small cinemas” al comparar y contrastar ambos grupos a través del análisis de las formas de producción y corrientes estéticas.

  5. The Cine Club de Lima

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    Ricardo Bedoya


    Full Text Available Cine Club de Lima was the most important cinematography culture spreading institution of the fifties. It was also the precursor of other movie clubs of following decades, which would bring together important Peruvian intellectuals from every art form, who would together promote cultural entertainment. This piece describes ”Cine Club Lima” origins and dissolution, while taking into account its programs.

  6. Elvis Presley y la tradicion del cine musical de Hollywood


    Carrega, Jorge


    Por ter sido publicado numa revista espanhola, o artigo apresenta o título e o resumo em castelhano, mas o texto está em português. Depreciadas por la crítica cinematográfica, las películas protagonizadas por Elvis Presley son ejemplos relevantes de uno de los principales subgéneros del cine musical de Hollywood, la comedia musical protagonizada por intérpretes de la canción popular tornados actores como Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Carmen Miranda, Doris Day y Dean Martin. Pioneros en...

  7. Film and Literature: A History of Sibling Rivalry (El cine y la literatura. Una historia de rivalidad entre hermanos

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    Joe Montenegro Bonilla


    Full Text Available El análisis organiza algunas ideas que durante el siglo xx se desarrollaron en torno a la relación entre la literatura y el cine como artes narrativas. Desde una perspectiva histórica, se expone cómo estas disciplinas se han enfrentado y han aprendido a coexistir bajo la cobertura de la semántica como reguladora de los procesos de significación que tanto el cine como la literatura estimulan. Además, se explican las diferencias entre ambas formas artísticas, como «materias de expresión», señalando los puntos de conexión que existen entre ellas para potenciar su análisis comparativo. This analysis addresses ideas which, during the last century, developed around the relationship between literature and film as narrative arts. From a historical perspective, a description is provided about how these disciplines have confronted one another and how they have learned to coexist under the cloak of semantics as a regulator of the signification processes that both cinema and literature stimulate. Moreover, the article discusses the differences between these two art forms, particularly regarding “matters of expression,” highlighting the points of connection between the two in order to potentiate their comparative analysis.

  8. El Cine moral y la censura, un medio empleado por la Acción Católica Colombiana 1934 – 1942

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    Sergio Armando Cáceres Mateus


    Full Text Available Desde que el cine irrumpió en el mundo en 1891, la Iglesia Católica puso atención a la presencia del invento y las consecuencias que tendría para la sociedad. Después, arremetió contra el cine inmoral, por medio de la creación de “santas cruzadas” lideradas por miembros de la Acción Católica, que tenían como objetivos: la producción de cine moral a nivel Internacional a través de empresas Cinematográficas en Europa; y consolidar un mecanismo de censura que se implementó con la Legión de la Decencia de Estados Unidos. En este sentido, entre los medios empleados por la Acción Católica Colombiana entre 1934 y 1942, se observa que la censura a la cinematografía es una de ellas. Es a través de los medios de comunicación impresos católicos como La Revista de la Acción Católica Colombiana (Bogotá, La Unidad Católica (Pamplona, El Granito de Arena (San José de Cúcuta y El Alcázar (Bucaramanga, que se lleva a cabo la censura a la cinematografía. De manera que, este mecanismo fue un medio de la Acción Católica y de la Iglesia Católica para controlar y vigilar la reproducción de películas en los salones de cine de las parroquias Colombianas.

  9. Cine y literatura: narrativa de la identidad


    Román, Alejandra Laverde; Parra, Martha Ligia


    Este artículo es resultado de la investigación La narrativa literaria y audiovisual enla construcción de la identidad cultural colombiana. Una mirada desde el cine y laliteratura: adaptaciones de obras literarias llevadas al cine entre 1920 y 2008-1.En el presente texto se desarrolla un análisis de la relación de cine y literatura enla construcción de la identidad colombiana, a partir del rastreo bibliográfico de lacrítica y las historias literarias y cinematográficas a un corpus seleccionado...

  10. Cine MR imaging in valvular heart disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nishimura, Tsunehiko; Yamada, Naoaki; Itoh, Akira; Miyatake, Kunio


    Cine MR Imaging was carried out using FLASH (fast low angle shot) which employes TE of 16 msec and TR of 30/similar to/40 msec. Regurgitant jet was visible as discrete area of low signal intensity extending from the incompetent valve into the respective cardiac chamber. In 20 patients with mitral regurgitation, the correlation of the length and area of mitral jet by cine MR and color doppler mapping was 0.74 and 0.71, respectively. Cine MR imaging is a promising modality for detection and quantification of valvular heart disease.

  11. Cine MRI: a new approach to the diagnosis of scapholunate dissociation. (United States)

    Langner, I; Fischer, S; Eisenschenk, A; Langner, S


    To evaluate the feasibility of cine MRI for the detection of scapholunate dissociation (SLD) and to compare the sensitivity and specificity of cine MRI with those of cineradiography and arthroscopy. To evaluate feasibility, healthy subjects underwent cine MRI of the wrist. To evaluate sensitivity and specificity, patients with clinically suspected scapholunate ligament (SLL) injury after trauma to the wrist were prospectively included and underwent radiographic examination, cineradiography, and cine MRI. In 25 out of 38 patients, subsequent arthroscopy was performed. Results of cineradiography and cine MRI correlated with those of arthroscopy. Cine MRI was of diagnostic quality in all healthy subjects and patients with good interrater agreement. There was excellent correlation between cineradiography and cine MRI. Scapholunate distance differed significantly between healthy subjects and patients with scapholunate dissociation (p Cine MRI had 85% sensitivity and 90% specificity for the detection of SLD. Cine MRI of the wrist is a fast and reliable technique for the detection of SLD with diagnostic accuracy comparable to cineradiography. It can be easily implemented as a routine clinical MRI examination, facilitating diagnostic workup of patients with suspected SLD while avoiding radiation exposure.

  12. Cine MRI: a new approach to the diagnosis of scapholunate dissociation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Langner, I.; Eisenschenk, A. [University Medicine Greifswald, Division of Hand Surgery and Functional Microsurgery, Department of Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, Greifswald (Germany); Fischer, S.; Langner, S. [University Medicine Greifswald, Institute for Diagnostic Radiology and Neuroradiology, Greifswald (Germany)


    To evaluate the feasibility of cine MRI for the detection of scapholunate dissociation (SLD) and to compare the sensitivity and specificity of cine MRI with those of cineradiography and arthroscopy. To evaluate feasibility, healthy subjects underwent cine MRI of the wrist. To evaluate sensitivity and specificity, patients with clinically suspected scapholunate ligament (SLL) injury after trauma to the wrist were prospectively included and underwent radiographic examination, cineradiography, and cine MRI. In 25 out of 38 patients, subsequent arthroscopy was performed. Results of cineradiography and cine MRI correlated with those of arthroscopy. Cine MRI was of diagnostic quality in all healthy subjects and patients with good interrater agreement. There was excellent correlation between cineradiography and cine MRI. Scapholunate distance differed significantly between healthy subjects and patients with scapholunate dissociation (p < 0.001), but not between imaging modalities in the patient group. Cine MRI had 85 % sensitivity and 90 % specificity for the detection of SLD. Cine MRI of the wrist is a fast and reliable technique for the detection of SLD with diagnostic accuracy comparable to cineradiography. It can be easily implemented as a routine clinical MRI examination, facilitating diagnostic workup of patients with suspected SLD while avoiding radiation exposure. (orig.)

  13. De «gira» por los festivales: patrones migratorios del cine lationoamericano / Touring the Film Festival Circuit: Migrating Patterns of Latin American Cinema

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    Laura Rodríguez Isaza


    Full Text Available En las últimas dos décadas, los investigadores han considerado los festivales de cine como centros clave para el desarrollo de la cultura cinematográfica contemporánea. Más allá de su función como simples lugares de celebración cultural o espacios neutrales de exhibición cinematográfica, estos operan en un mundo altamente competitivo y jerarquizado. En realidad, el circuito de los festivales de cine funciona de acuerdo a reglas y dinámicas, generalmente desconocidas para los no iniciados, que regulan el tráfico cinematográfico internacional y a la vez mantienen las relaciones jerárquicas entre festivales, en un escenario dominado por unos pocos mega-eventos en Europa y Norteamérica. Tomando como casos de estudio las películas Estación central (Central do Brasil, Walter Salles, 1998 y Tierra extranjera (Terra estrangeira, Walter Salles y Daniela Thomas, 1995, este artículo indaga sobre las consecuencias dela estructura jerarquizada de los festivales de cine en el proceso de internacionalización del cine latinoamericano en los años 90. La mayor parte de las películas con vocación comercial internacional ajenas a Hollywood se estrenan en festivales de cine antes de llegar a las pantallas comerciales, por lo que no solo están sujetas a los filtros que establecen los festivales a la hora de ser incluidas en su programación, sino también a las jerarquías que rigen la circulación de películas entre los festivales de cine. La «gira» por los festivales se ha convertido en una estrategia estandarizada del marketing internacional de películas que utiliza las lógicas y dinámicas del circuito de festivales para elevar el estatus artístico y cultural de productos cinematográficos dirigidos al mercado internacional.Palabras clave: festivales de cine, industria cinematográfica, distribución internacional, marketing de cine, circuito de festivales, descuento cultural, paratextos, cine latinoamericano, cine del mundo

  14. El cine, ¿puede hacernos peores?. Stanley Cavell y el perfeccionismo moral

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    Francisco Javier Ruiz Moscardó


    Full Text Available El filósofo norteamericano S. Cavell ha estudiado los vínculos entre el cine clásico hollywoodense y el perfeccionismo moral emersoniano. Se ofrece una exposición tanto de los presupuestos que este pensador asume en su análisis del fenómeno cinematográfico como del perfeccionismo moral que reivindica, encuadrándolos en el contexto teórico que les da sentido y sugiriendo algunas vías de crítica.

  15. El cine, ¿puede hacernos peores?. Stanley Cavell y el perfeccionismo moral


    Francisco Javier Ruiz Moscardó


    El filósofo norteamericano S. Cavell ha estudiado los vínculos entre el cine clásico hollywoodense y el perfeccionismo moral emersoniano. Se ofrece una exposición tanto de los presupuestos que este pensador asume en su análisis del fenómeno cinematográfico como del perfeccionismo moral que reivindica, encuadrándolos en el contexto teórico que les da sentido y sugiriendo algunas vías de crítica.

  16. Cine y literatura: Narrativa de la identidad


    Laverde Román, Alejandra; Parra, Martha Ligia; Montoya Giraldo, Alejandra; Uribe Alzate, Yennifer; Tobar Álvarez, Margarita


    Este artículo es resultado de la investigación La narrativa literaria y audiovisual en la construcción de la identidad cultural colombiana. Una mirada desde el cine y la literatura: adaptaciones de obras literarias llevadas al cine entre 1920 y 2008-1. En el presente texto se desarrolla un análisis de la relación de cine y literatura en la construcción de la identidad colombiana, a partir del rastreo bibliográfico de la crítica y las historias literarias y cinematográficas a un corpus selecci...

  17. CineGlob

    CERN Multimedia



    CERN will be hosting the next CineGlobe International Film Festival from March 18 to 23 at the Globe of Science and Innovation with the theme “Beyond the Frontier”, This 4th edition will see 66 short films “inspired by science” in competition, including fiction films as well as documentaries. From Tuesday the 18th to Friday the 21st, special lunch sessions are organized from 12:30 to 13:30. Food will be available for purchase at the tent “Café Cinéma” next to the Globe. Special evenings While the short film screenings are the heart of the festival, every year CineGlobe also organizes compelling special events every night, from feature films to special musical performances: Tuesday 18th: The Swiss premiere of the acclaimed documentary film Particle Fever. Presented by BBC Storyville with Fabiola Gianotti and director Mark Levinson in attendance; Wednesday 19th: The result of the “Story Matter” Hacka...

  18. Jane Austen y C. S. Lewis: de la literatura al cine. Análisis de transposición

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    Mercedes Sarapura Sarapura


    Full Text Available Esta es una propuesta de análisis de transposición de la literatura al cine de la novela Orgullo y Prejuicio, de Jane Austen, y del ensayo Una pena observada, de C. S. Lewis. El primer propósito en ambos casos es ahondar en los nuevos aportes de la última versión cinematográfica de la novela de Austen, así como en las características y cualidades de la versión fílmica del cuaderno de anotaciones de C. S. Lewis, a partir de las contribuciones teóricas de autores como Gerard Genette, Georffrey Wagner, Brian Mcfarlane, entre otros. El segundo objetivo se orienta al reconocimiento del intercambio entre el lenguaje cinematográfico y literario como un proceso representativo de la sociedad actual. El hecho de que las adaptaciones (históricamente vistas con gran escepticismo sean ahora continuamente realizadas y acogidas por el público, insta a una revisión y profundización de los estudios que se han hecho al respecto con el fin de conocer la situación actual de la relación existente entre cine y literatura, sus posibilidades creativas, las expectativas de las audiencias, los prejuicios y recelos de los expertos, etc.

  19. Cine, literatura y mito: Don Quijote en el cine, más allá de la adaptación

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    Pardo García, Pedro Javier


    Full Text Available This paper discusses Don Quixote’s presence in film, but in terms of the myth rather than the book, an approach which goes beyond adaptation and opens up the field of study in a significant way. In so doing it proposes a tentative but coherent description of the quixotic myth or narrative pattern as that of the inadequate and romantic imitator/reader of fiction, which is the point of departure for the elaboration of an initial corpus of quixotic movies. The protagonists of these films are frustrated imitators of cinematographic models, female Quixotes who romanticize reality and heroes who are Quixotic because they are not fit for the heroic task they have undertaken. In order to illustrate this deep penetration of the myth into the cinematic medium, a recent example in Spanish cinema will be examined, The Heart of the Warrior (El corazón del guerrero, 2000, a film directed by Daniel Monzón, where these several varieties are at work in a combined and crystal clear way. Our survey will allow us to make a series of distinctions which organise and structure the different kinds of relationship between Don Quixote and film (Cervantean, quixotic and quixotish film and, finally, to draw a series of theoretical conclusions which can be applied to the comparative study of film and literature.

    Este trabajo se ocupa de la presencia en el cine de Don Quijote, pero no del libro sino del mito, una perspectiva que va mucho más allá de la adaptación y abre considerablemente el campo de estudio. Para ello, se propone una descripción que se sabe provisional pero intenta ser rigurosa del mito o el patrón narrativo quijotesco como el del lector/imitador romántico e inadecuado de ficción, a partir de la cual se puede elaborar un primer corpus de películas quijotescas. En él se incluyen las protagonizadas por imitadores fallidos de modelos cinematográficos, por Quijotes femeninos que romantizan la realidad y por diversos tipos de héroes que son

  20. Teatro-cine Eileen Norris - California (EE.UU.

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    Martin, Albert C.


    Full Text Available This building forms a part of the substructure of the Department of the Cinema of the University of Southern California. Among its various functions, it includes the practical teaching of cinematography. It consists of a ground floor for accesses and auditorium, with a surface measuring 1,950 m2, and a basement of the same extension, designed for a film library and film deposit. The auditorium has a capacity for 350 spectators and is equipped with a screen adaptable to the projection of 16, 35 and 70 mm films, as well as equipment for the projection of slides and video tapes. It can also be conditioned as a lecture hall, for which purpose, complete sets of equipment fort simultaneous translation have been installed. On the outside, the architecture presents a neoclassical design, based on a portico of four large white cement columns, which combines with Marble exteriors on the walls.

    Este edificio forma parte de la infraestructura del Departamento de Cine de la Universidad de California del Sur. Entre sus diversas funciones comprende la enseñanza práctica de la cinematografía. Consta de una planta baja destinada a accesos y auditorio, de 1.950 m2 de superficie, y un sótano, de la misma extensión, destinado a biblioteca de cine y a depósito de películas. El auditorio tiene capacidad para 350 espectadores y cuenta con una pantalla adaptable a la proyección de films de 16, 35 y 70 mm, así como con equipos para la proyección de diapositivas y cintas de video-tapes. Puede acondicionarse, igualmente, como sala de conferencias, para lo cual se han instalado unos completos equipos de traducción simultánea. Exteriormente, la arquitectura presenta un diseño neoclásico, basado en un pórtico de cuatro grandes columnas de cemento blanco que combina con revestimientos de mármol y en los paramentos verticales.

  1. El cine de terror español


    Gómez Llorente, Tatiana


    La autora comienza haciendo un estudio del cine de terror desde sus inicios, sus subgéneros, mecanimos utilizados para provocar el miedo en el espectador para finalmente centrarse en el cine de terror español a través de cinco películas representativas del género.

  2. Validation of regional myocardial perfusion with cine CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gould, R.G.; McNamara, T.; Koshold, S.; Lipton, M.; Sievers, R.; Higgins, C.B.; Boyd, D.


    Blood flow within each of eight quadrants of the myocardium was measured in dogs using a cine-CT scanner and also with microspheres. Cine-CT flow measurements were made using a nonionic contrast agent and flow was calculated by a formula that used both the maximum iodine concentration and the peak delay time. Measurements were obtained at rest and during hyperperfusion induced by chromonar. Simultaneous cine-CT and microsphere measurements correlated (slope = 0.71 r = .8) over a range of 0.4-7.0 ml/min/g

  3. Highly-Accelerated Real-Time Cardiac Cine MRI Using k-t SPARSE-SENSE (United States)

    Feng, Li; Srichai, Monvadi B.; Lim, Ruth P.; Harrison, Alexis; King, Wilson; Adluru, Ganesh; Dibella, Edward VR.; Sodickson, Daniel K.; Otazo, Ricardo; Kim, Daniel


    For patients with impaired breath-hold capacity and/or arrhythmias, real-time cine MRI may be more clinically useful than breath-hold cine MRI. However, commercially available real-time cine MRI methods using parallel imaging typically yield relatively poor spatio-temporal resolution due to their low image acquisition speed. We sought to achieve relatively high spatial resolution (~2.5mm × 2.5mm) and temporal resolution (~40ms), to produce high-quality real-time cine MR images that could be applied clinically for wall motion assessment and measurement of left ventricular (LV) function. In this work, we present an 8-fold accelerated real-time cardiac cine MRI pulse sequence using a combination of compressed sensing and parallel imaging (k-t SPARSE-SENSE). Compared with reference, breath-hold cine MRI, our 8-fold accelerated real-time cine MRI produced significantly worse qualitative grades (1–5 scale), but its image quality and temporal fidelity scores were above 3.0 (adequate) and artifacts and noise scores were below 3.0 (moderate), suggesting that acceptable diagnostic image quality can be achieved. Additionally, both 8-fold accelerated real-time cine and breath-hold cine MRI yielded comparable LV function measurements, with coefficient of variation cine MRI with k-t SPARSE-SENSE is a promising modality for rapid imaging of myocardial function. PMID:22887290

  4. Highly accelerated real-time cardiac cine MRI using k-t SPARSE-SENSE. (United States)

    Feng, Li; Srichai, Monvadi B; Lim, Ruth P; Harrison, Alexis; King, Wilson; Adluru, Ganesh; Dibella, Edward V R; Sodickson, Daniel K; Otazo, Ricardo; Kim, Daniel


    For patients with impaired breath-hold capacity and/or arrhythmias, real-time cine MRI may be more clinically useful than breath-hold cine MRI. However, commercially available real-time cine MRI methods using parallel imaging typically yield relatively poor spatio-temporal resolution due to their low image acquisition speed. We sought to achieve relatively high spatial resolution (∼2.5 × 2.5 mm(2)) and temporal resolution (∼40 ms), to produce high-quality real-time cine MR images that could be applied clinically for wall motion assessment and measurement of left ventricular function. In this work, we present an eightfold accelerated real-time cardiac cine MRI pulse sequence using a combination of compressed sensing and parallel imaging (k-t SPARSE-SENSE). Compared with reference, breath-hold cine MRI, our eightfold accelerated real-time cine MRI produced significantly worse qualitative grades (1-5 scale), but its image quality and temporal fidelity scores were above 3.0 (adequate) and artifacts and noise scores were below 3.0 (moderate), suggesting that acceptable diagnostic image quality can be achieved. Additionally, both eightfold accelerated real-time cine and breath-hold cine MRI yielded comparable left ventricular function measurements, with coefficient of variation cine MRI with k-t SPARSE-SENSE is a promising modality for rapid imaging of myocardial function. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Dobutamine cine magnetic resonance imaging after myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giovagnoni, A.; Ligabue, G.; Romagnoli, R.; Reggio Emilia Univ., Reggio Emilia; Rossi, R.; Muia, N.; Modena, M.G.; Reggio Emilia Univ.


    Dobutamine Cine MRI is a new diagnostic imaging technique in the pretreatment (revascularization) assessment of myocardial infarction patients. In this issue are reported the result of a comparative study of the diagnostic yield of dobutamine Cine MRI with that of stress echocardiography in the assessment of viable myocardium. A new method for analysis of Cine MR images, employing digital subtraction, aimed at decreasing subjectivity in the quantitative assessment of myocardial wall thickening. Twenty-six patients (21 men and 5 women) with a history of myocardial infarction who were scheduled for revascularization were submitted to stress echocardiography and dobutamine Cine MRI to evaluate contractile recovery of the segments considered akinetic or hypo kinetic at baseline echocardiography. Dobutamine was administered in growing doses (5, 10, 15γ/kg/min). 16 segments of the left ventricle in each patient were considered. In the 416 segments studied, it was found that 307 normo kinetic, 64 scarred and 45 viable segments with stress echocardiography, versus 302 normo kinetic, 83 scarred and 31 viable segments with dobutamine MRI. Three months after revascularization 15 patients were examined to check contractile recovery of the segments considered as viable. Echocardiography had 79% sensitivity and 97% specificity, while Cine MRI had 96% and 86%, respectively. In patients with anteroseptal wall myocardial infarction stress echocardiography had 75% sensitivity and 97% specificity. Echocardiography permits to distinguish viable myocardium and scarred myocardial tissue with good sensitivity and specificity, but Cine MRI performs better. Cine MRI has much higher sensitivity than stress echocardiography and thus makes the technique of choice to evaluate viable myocardium in these sites. The digital subtraction technique is as accurate as manual measurements, but reduces the error rate and permits quicker evaluation, particularly in subendocardial thickening [it

  6. Cine magnetic resonance imaging in congenital heart disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akagi, Teiji; Kiyomatsu, Yumi; Kato, Hirohisa; Abe, Toushi; Nishimura, Hiroshi; Ohtake, Hisashi; Eto, Takaharu.


    Cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in 33 patients aged 19 days to 18 years (mean 5.1 years), who had congenital heart disease comfirmed at echocardiography or angiography. Prior to cine MRI, gated MRI with spin echo (SE) sequence was perfomed to evaluate cardiac structure. Cine MRI was demonstrated by fast low fip angle shot imaging technique with a 30 deg flip angle, 15 msec echo time, 30∼40 msec pulse repetition time, and 128X128 acquisition matrix. Abnormalities of cardiac structure were extremely well defined in all patients. Intracardiac and intravasucular blood flow were visualized with high signal intensity area, whereas ventricular filling flow and left to right shunt flow through ventricular septal defect and atrial septal defect were visualized with low signal intensity area. However, in the patients who had severe congestive heart failure or respiratory arrhythmia, the good recording of cine MRI was not obtained because of artifacts. Gated MRI with SE sequence provides excellent visualization of fine structures, and cine MRI can provide high spatial resolution imaging of flow dynamic in a variety of congenital heart disease, noninvasively. (author)

  7. Del dios cine y otros héroes. El mito griego a 24 fotografías por segundo


    Míguez Santa Cruz, Antonio; Cañas Pelayo, Marcos Rafael


    Los autores presentan en este artículo una revisión de la Mitología Clásica a través del cine. Para ello se hace además un estudio crítico de las fuentes históricas disponibles y otras artes, como, por ejemplo, teatro y literatura. Como conclusión, se analiza el papel y la evolución de los héroes más célebres de la Antigüedad y sus modificaciones hasta nuestros días.

  8. Atrápame si puedes: el cine como objeto de la escena pedagógica = Catch me if you can: cinema as an object in the pedagogical scene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Serra, María Silvia


    Full Text Available A lo largo del siglo XX, la pedagogía ha desplegado diferentes operaciones para incluir al cine dentro de su territorio. En el presente artículo se desarrollan tres modos de abordar al cine desde la pedagogía en vigencia actualmente, señalando las posibilidades y los límites que el pensamiento crítico tiene para realizar esta tarea. Los pedagogos debemos detenernos: no tanto en hablar de cine o escribir sobre él, intentando diseccionarlo, analizarlo o desmitificarlo, sino pensando cómo es posible incluirlo en nuestro territorio sin reducirlo a imperativos propios de otras lógicas u otros registros

  9. Dual breath-hold magnetic resonance cine evaluation of global and regional cardiac function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wintersperger, Bernd J.; Dietrich, Olaf; Huber, Armin; Reiser, Maximilian F.; Schoenberg, Stefan O.; Sincleair, Spencer; Runge, Val M.


    The purpose of our study was to evaluate the accuracy of a multislice cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique with parallel imaging in regard to global and regional left ventricular function. Forty-two individuals underwent cine MRI on a 1.5-tesla scanner. Cine MRI used a steady-state free precession technique and was performed as a single-slice technique (nonTSENSE cine) and an accelerated multislice technique (TSENSE cine) with five slices per breath-hold. End diastolic volume (EDV), end systolic volume (ESV), and ejection fraction (EF) were evaluated for all data sets and in regard to regional wall motion and regional wall motion analysis, and quantitative regional wall thickness and systolic thickening were also assessed. EDV, ESV, and EF based on TSENSE cine showed excellent correlation to the nonTSENSE cine approach (all r 2 =0.99, P<0.001). While EDV evaluations showed a small underestimation for TSENSE cine, ESV and EF showed accurate results compared with nonTSENSE cine. Both readers showed good agreement (κ=0.72) in regional wall motion assessment comparing both techniques. Data acquisition for the multislice approach was significantly shorter (∝75%) that in single-slice cine. We conclude that accurate evaluation of regional wall motion and left ventricular EF is possible using accelerated multislice cine MR with high spatial and temporal resolution. (orig.)

  10. Cine-Club

    CERN Multimedia



    The CERN CineClub is a meeting point every Thursday for anyone who wants to discover, discuss, and appreciate cinema with people who are truly interested in the art of the moving image. In the actual context where downloading became easier than cooking an egg, one might wonder why bother when it can be watched on any computer. Well, cinema is not an individual activity. What the CineClub offers is a big screen with good quality image and sound. It also offers a careful selection, for allowing people to (re-)discover new and forgotten authors. Finally, it offers the opportunity for meeting people sharing a common interest. So come every Thursday, and see by yourself that watching films can actually be a real party! Every Thursday at 20 h 00 Council Chamber, 503/1-001 Programme June 2013 Science Fiction Cycle “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” 6th June 2...

  11. Cine-CT measurement of cortical renal blood flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaschke, W.R.; Gould, R.G.; Cogan, M.G.; Sievers, R.; Lipton, M.J.


    A modified indicator-dilution technique using radiographic contrast material and a cine-CT scanner was used to measure blood flow in the renal cortex of dogs. To validate this technique, CT measurements were correlated with simultaneous measurements of flow determined by radioactive microspheres. Measurements were taken during euvolemic conditions and after hemorrhage. Thirty-nine measurements were compared, covering a flow range from 1 to 7 ml min-1 g-1, and a good correlation was found between the cine-CT and microsphere results (r = 0.93; p less than 0.001). Additionally, cine-CT measurements were made of the mean transit time (MTT) of contrast material through the renal cortex, and the reciprocal of these MTT values was also well correlated to microsphere determined flow (r = 0.94; p less than 0.001). Thus, cine-CT appears to be a promising new technique for measuring renal blood flow

  12. El cine experimental de mujeres: antecedentes y desarrollo del cine teórico feminista de los 70 en el Reino Unido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pérez Ríu, Carmen


    Full Text Available This article analyses experimental films made by women between 1920 and 1979, focusing particularly on films produced during the 1970s in the UK and their links to feminist film theory. The first part deals with the participation of women in the experimental film movements from the 1920s to the 1970s. The aim of this section is to provide a context for British experimental women directors during the 1970s within the more complex background of experimental film movements, with influences from the nerve centre of the Avant- Garde in Europe and the USA. The second part studies the development of experimental feminist film in the UK during the 1970s, with special attention to two essential filmmakers, Laura Mulvey and Sally Potter. The article concludes with a discussion of some general characteristics of experimental films by women.

    Este artículo analiza la obra experimental de mujeres centrándose principalmente en la que se produjo durante los años 70 en el Reino Unido y su vinculación con la teoría cinematográfica feminista. La primera parte hace un recorrido por la participación de las mujeres en las diferentes corrientes y movimientos del cine experimental desde la década de los 20 hasta los 70. Esta sección tiene como finalidad situar a las directoras experimentales británicas de los 70 dentro de un panorama global mucho más complejo incluyendo las influencias que recibían desde Europa y EE.UU., donde se encontraba el centro neurálgico de las corrientes cinematográficas de vanguardia. Una segunda parte estudia con más detenimiento el fenómeno del cine experimental feminista en Inglaterra durante la década de los 70, con atención especial a las dos cineastas fundamentales de este fenómeno: Laura Mulvey y Sally Potter. A modo de conclusión se incluyen unas características generales del cine experimental de mujeres.

  13. Automated Motion Estimation for 2D Cine DENSE MRI (United States)

    Gilliam, Andrew D.; Epstein, Frederick H.


    Cine displacement encoding with stimulated echoes (DENSE) is a magnetic resonance (MR) method that directly encodes tissue displacement into MR phase images. This technique has successfully interrogated many forms of tissue motion, but is most commonly used to evaluate cardiac mechanics. Currently, motion analysis from cine DENSE images requires manually delineated anatomical structures. An automated analysis would improve measurement throughput, simplify data interpretation, and potentially access important physiological information during the MR exam. In this article, we present the first fully automated solution for the estimation of tissue motion and strain from 2D cine DENSE data. Results using both simulated and human cardiac cine DENSE data indicate good agreement between the automated algorithm and the standard semi-manual analysis method. PMID:22575669

  14. Cine-MRI swallowing evaluation after tongue reconstruction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hartl, Dana M. [Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Institute Gustave Roussy, 39 rue Camille Desmoulins, 94805 Villejuif Cedex (France)], E-mail:; Kolb, Frederic; Bretagne, Evelyne [Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Institute Gustave Roussy, 39 rue Camille Desmoulins, 94805 Villejuif Cedex (France); Bidault, Francois; Sigal, Robert [Department of Radiology, Institut Gustave Roussy, 39 rue Camille Desmoulins, 94805 Villejuif Cedex (France)


    Objective: To determine the feasibility of cine-MRI for non-invasive swallowing evaluation after surgery for lingual carcinoma with reconstruction using microvascular free flaps. Methods: Ten patients with stage IV carcinoma of the mobile tongue and/or tongue base treated by surgical resection and reconstruction with a free flap were evaluated after an average of 4.3 years (range: 1.5-11 years), using cine-MRI in 'single-shot fast spin echo' (SSFSE) mode. Fiberoptic laryngoscopy of swallowing was performed before MRI to detect aspiration. The tolerance and ability to complete the exam were noted. The mobilities of the oral and pharyngeal structures visualized were evaluated as normal, reduced or increased. Results: Cine-MRI was well tolerated in all cases; 'dry' swallow was performed for the 2 patients with clinical aspiration. Tongue base-pharyngeal wall contact was observed in 5 cases. An increased anterior tongue recoil, increased mandibular recoil, increased posterior oropharyngeal wall advancement and an increased laryngeal elevation were observed in 4 cases. One case of a passive 'slide' mechanism was observed. Conclusions: Cine-MRI is a safe, non-invasive technique for the evaluation of the mobility of oral and oropharyngeal structures after free-flap reconstruction of the tongue. For selected cases, it may be complementary to clinical examination for evaluation of dysphagia after surgery and free-flap reconstruction. Further technical advances will be necessary before cine-MRI can replace videofluoroscopy, however.

  15. Cine-MRI swallowing evaluation after tongue reconstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartl, Dana M.; Kolb, Frederic; Bretagne, Evelyne; Bidault, Francois; Sigal, Robert


    Objective: To determine the feasibility of cine-MRI for non-invasive swallowing evaluation after surgery for lingual carcinoma with reconstruction using microvascular free flaps. Methods: Ten patients with stage IV carcinoma of the mobile tongue and/or tongue base treated by surgical resection and reconstruction with a free flap were evaluated after an average of 4.3 years (range: 1.5-11 years), using cine-MRI in 'single-shot fast spin echo' (SSFSE) mode. Fiberoptic laryngoscopy of swallowing was performed before MRI to detect aspiration. The tolerance and ability to complete the exam were noted. The mobilities of the oral and pharyngeal structures visualized were evaluated as normal, reduced or increased. Results: Cine-MRI was well tolerated in all cases; 'dry' swallow was performed for the 2 patients with clinical aspiration. Tongue base-pharyngeal wall contact was observed in 5 cases. An increased anterior tongue recoil, increased mandibular recoil, increased posterior oropharyngeal wall advancement and an increased laryngeal elevation were observed in 4 cases. One case of a passive 'slide' mechanism was observed. Conclusions: Cine-MRI is a safe, non-invasive technique for the evaluation of the mobility of oral and oropharyngeal structures after free-flap reconstruction of the tongue. For selected cases, it may be complementary to clinical examination for evaluation of dysphagia after surgery and free-flap reconstruction. Further technical advances will be necessary before cine-MRI can replace videofluoroscopy, however.

  16. Technical Note: Measurement of common carotid artery lumen dynamics using black-blood MR cine imaging. (United States)

    Dai, Erpeng; Dong, Li; Zhang, Zhe; Li, Lyu; Zhang, Hui; Zhao, Xihai; Wang, Jinnan; Yuan, Chun; Guo, Hua


    To demonstrate the feasibility of measuring the common carotid artery (CCA) lumen dynamics using a black-blood cine (BB-cine) imaging method. Motion-sensitized driven-equilibrium (MSDE) prepared spoiled gradient sequence was used for the BB-cine imaging. CCAs of eleven healthy volunteers were studied using this method. Lumen dynamics, including lumen area evolution waveforms and distension values, were measured and evaluated by comparing this method with bright-blood cine (BrB-cine) imaging. Compared with the BrB-cine images, flow artifacts were effectively suppressed in the BB-cine images. BrB-cine images generally show larger lumen areas than BB-cine images. The lumen area waveforms and distension measurements from BB-cine imaging showed smaller variances among different subjects than BrB-cine imaging. The proposed BB-cine imaging technique can suppress the flow artifacts effectively and reduce the partial volume effects from the vessel wall. This might allow more accurate lumen dynamics measurements than traditional BrB-cine imaging, which may further be valuable for investigating biomechanical and functional properties of the cardiovascular system. © 2017 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

  17. Cine y mitología de los orígenes en el nacionalismo norteamericano: el último mohicano




    Cine y nacionalismo presentan una interesante y continuada relación, sobre todo a través de géneros como el épico, histórico o de aventuras. Se estudia en el presente trabajo esta relación, a partir del film “El último mohicano”, dirigido por Michael Mann en 1992, que presenta elementos clave para entender la importancia de la conformación de los mitos sobre los orígenes de la nación norteamericana. El film, como la conocida novela en que se inspira libremente, centra su trama en aspectos y é...

  18. El cine posmoderno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edel Cadena Vargas


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se trata de dar respuesta a las siguientes preguntas: ¿cuál es el origen del cine posmoderno?, ¿cuáles son los factores que permiten su creación?, ¿a qué sentimiento responde?

  19. Application of cine MRI-tagging method to aortic dessection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshioka, Kunihiro; Takahashi, Tsuneo; Kamata, Hiroyuki; Kikuchi, Kenichi; Yamaguchi, Kojiro.


    For the evaluation of aortic dissection, ECG-gated SE or cine MR imaging has been usually performed. However, detection of slow flow in the false lumen and differentiation between mural thrombus and slow flow are sometimes difficult. Because paradoxical enhancement due to slow blood flow simulates thrombus. We performed cine MR imaging with persaturation tagging, which clearly showed differentiation between thrombus and paradoxical enhancement. We concluded that cine MR imaging with tagging method was useful to evaluate the slow flow and thrombus in the false lumen. (author)

  20. Application of phase-contrast cine magnetic resonance imaging in endoscopic aqueductoplasty. (United States)

    Chen, Guoqiang; Zheng, Jiaping; Xiao, Qing; Liu, Yunsheng


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the application of phase-contrast cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in endoscopic aqueductoplasty (EA) for patients with obstructive hydrocephalus. The clinical diagnosis of hydrocephalus caused by aqueduct obstruction in 23 patients was confirmed by phase-contrast cine MRI examination. The patients were treated with EA and MRI was repeated during the follow-up. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow velocity in the aqueduct was measured to determine whether the aqueduct was obstructed. The results of phase-contrast cine MRI examinations indicated that there was no CSF flow in the aqueduct for all patients prior to surgery. Aqueductoplasty was successfully performed in all patients. The results of phase-contrast cine MRI examinations performed a week after surgery demonstrated an average CSF flow velocity of 4.74±1.77 cm/sec. During the follow-up, intracranial hypertension recurred in two patients in whom CSF flow was not observed in the aqueduct by the phase-contrast cine MRI scan. Aqueduct re-occlusion was revealed by an endoscopic exploration. By measuring the CSF flow velocity, phase-contrast cine MRI accurately identifies aqueduct obstruction. Cine MRI is a nontraumatic, simple and reliable method for determining whether the aqueduct is successfully opened following aqueductoplasty.

  1. Assessment of left ventricular hemodynamics by Gd-DTPA enhanced high speed cine MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumura, Kentaro; Nakase, Emiko; Kawai, Ichiro


    To assess the validity of Gd-DTPA enhanced high speed cine MRI in left ventricular (LV) volumes and ejection fraction (EF), high speed cine MRI was compared with intra-venous digital subtraction left ventriculography (IV-DSA) in 14 patients. All patients underwent conventional cine MRI and Gd-DTPA enhanced high speed MRI, simultaneously. The pulse sequences of high speed MRI were TR 8 ms (TR 6 ms plus rewind pulse 2 ms), TE 3.2 ms, matrix 128, phase encode 8 or 6 and NEX 1. Comparison with LV-volume showed a high correlation (y = 0.854x + 1,699, r = 0.985) between high speed cine MRI and VI-DSA. To make left ventricular volume curve by area-length method in cine MRI, manual tracing of LV-cavity was more difficult in conventional cine MRI-method than enhanced high speed cine MRI-method. In conclusion, first pass-Gd-DTPA enhanced high speed cine MRI, using the horizontal long axis approach and the multiphase study, is a highly, accurate reproducible method of evaluating LV-volumetry. (author)

  2. Cine MRI of Tracheal Dynamics in Healthy Volunteers and Patients With Tracheobronchomalacia. (United States)

    Ciet, Pierluigi; Boiselle, Phillip M; Heidinger, Benedikt; Andrinopoulou, Eleni-Rosalina; O'Donnel, Carl; Alsop, David C; Litmanovich, Diana E


    Bronchoscopy and MDCT are routinely used to assess tracheobronchomalacia (TBM). Recently, dynamic MRI (cine MRI) has been proposed as a radiation-free alternative to MDCT. In this study, we tested cine MRI assessment of airway dynamics during various breathing conditions and compared cine MRI and MDCT measurements in healthy volunteers and patients with suspected TBM. Cine MRI was found to be a technically feasible alternative to MDCT for assessing central airway dynamics.

  3. Cine y arquetipos en la didáctica de E/LE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Pilar Guitart Escudero


    Full Text Available Conocer una lengua necesariamente implica también conocer la cultura en la que esa lengua se produce. En otras palabras, la competencia lingüística está plenamente garantizada cuando se alcanza cierto grado de competencia cultural. Tal y como establecimos en una experiencia práctica anterior sobre cine, trabajar con muestras de conversación real es apostar por el éxito pedagógico ya que dicho material nos permite acceder a elementos contextualizados, verbales y no verbales que, en definitiva, son los que van a asegurar la plena adecuación comunicativa (Guitart, 2007. Es, en este sentido, en el que volvemos a confirmar que la adecuación lingüística solo es posible cuando el aprendizaje parte de la explotación de materiales con un alto componente cultural, como el que nos vuelve a ofrecer la gran pantalla.

  4. Estereotipos y roles sociales de la mujer en el cine deportivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Este documento profundiza en el rol y cualidades asociadas a la mujer en el cine deportivo de la primera década del siglo XXI, objeto de estudio poco habitual en el segmento de la investigación cinematográfica. Para ello, se determinó una muestra compuesta por 74 películas, seleccionadas a través de un muestreo no probabilístico por cuotas y mediante un diseño de investigación de tipo descriptivo, siendo el análisis de contenido el instrumento elegido para llevarlo a cabo. Los resultados arrojaron que se reflejaba con fidelidad el modelo imperante en la actualidad, así como el canon moderno que se atribuye al sexo femenino, lo cual debería cuestionar el peso que supone la industria cinematográfica como instrumento de normalización en el tratamiento de la mujer.

  5. La amistad en el cine de Pixar: la noción aristotélica de amistad como clave de análisis cinematográfico


    Figa Vaello, Jaume


    Las producciones de Pixar Animation Studios han marcado un antes y un después en el cine, no solo en el llamado “cine de animación”; su nuevo modo de contar historias y la solidez de sus guiones han hecho que muchos estudios de Hollywood se replanteen cómo realizar las películas. Este nuevo modo de contar historias se manifiesta, sobre todo, en que los personajes de las películas de la compañía del flexo tienen una caracterización muy humana y, por lo tanto, manifiestan en su a...

  6. 21 CFR 892.1620 - Cine or spot fluorographic x-ray camera. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cine or spot fluorographic x-ray camera. 892.1620... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES RADIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 892.1620 Cine or spot fluorographic x-ray camera. (a) Identification. A cine or spot fluorographic x-ray camera is a device intended to photograph...

  7. Comparisons of images simultaneously documented by digital subtraction coronary arteriography and cine coronary arteriography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimura, Koji; Takamiya, Makoto; Yamamoto, Kazuo; Ohta, Mitsushige; Naito, Hiroaki


    Using an angiography apparatus capable of simultaneously processing digital subtraction angiograms and cine angiograms, the diagnostic capabilities of both methods for the coronary arteries (DSCAG and Cine-CAG) were compared. Twenty stenotic lesions of the coronary arteries of 11 patients were evaluated using both modalities. The severity of stenosis using DSCAG with a 512x512x8 bit matrix was semiautomatically measured on the cathode ray tube (CRT) based on enlarged images on the screen of a Vanguard cine projector which were of the same size as those of or 10 times larger than images of Cine-CAG. The negative and positive hard copies of DSCAG images were also compared with those of Cine-CAG. The correlation coefficients of the severity of stenosis by DSCAG and Cine-CAG were as follows: (1) the same size DSCAG images on CRT to Cine-CAG, 0.95, (2) 10 times enlarged DSCAG images on CRT to Cine-CAG, 0.96, and (3) the same size DSCAG images on negative and positive hard copies to Cine-CAG, 0.97. The semiautomatically measured values of 10 times enlarged DSCAG images on CRT and the manually measured values of the same size negative and positive DSCAG images in hard copy closely correlated with the values measured using Cine-CAG. When the liver was superimposed in the long-axis projection, the diagnostic capabilities of DSCAG and Cine-CAG were compared. The materials included 10 left coronary arteriograms and 11 right coronary arteriograms. Diagnostically, DSCAG was more useful than Cine-CAG in the long-axis projection. (author)

  8. Fundamentos para un estudio del guion en el cine chileno: notas preliminares


    Rubén Dittus Benavente


    El artículo presenta el marco teórico para estudiar los modelos de guion en el cine chileno de ficción. La literatura publicada y el creciente interés en la formación de guionistas en la industria audiovisual, tanto en Chile como en el extranjero, dan cuenta de la necesidad de abordar los principios dramatúrgicos y los estándares profesionales desde una mirada integradora, que supere los clásicos modelos de escritura creativa. Más allá de las divergencias o acuerdos de dichas teorías, el guio...

  9. ¿Qué hubiera sido de mi vida sin el cine?. La experiencia cinematográfica en la Ciudad de México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jerónimo Repoll


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo, exploramos la experiencia cinematográfica en la Ciudad de México, teniendo como referente a la oferta fílmica, pero no limitándonos a ella. Ampliamos la mirada, entonces, a la histórica, cultural y social del cine, anclada en los usos y apropiaciones. De esta manera, enmarcados en la perspectiva de los estudios culturales, esta investigación constituye un particular estudio de recepción, afi anzado en la memoria (siempre selectiva de los espectadores de cine. Al mismo tiempo, es necesario señalar que esteartículo es fruto de una investigación más amplia.

  10. Strain analysis in CRT candidates using the novel segment length in cine (SLICE) post-processing technique on standard CMR cine images

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zweerink, Alwin; Allaart, Cornelis P.; Wu, LiNa; Beek, Aernout M.; Rossum, Albert C. van; Nijveldt, Robin [VU University Medical Center, Department of Cardiology, and Institute for Cardiovascular Research (ICaR-VU), Amsterdam (Netherlands); Kuijer, Joost P.A. [VU University Medical Center, Department of Physics and Medical Technology, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Ven, Peter M. van de [VU University Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Meine, Mathias [University Medical Center, Department of Cardiology, Utrecht (Netherlands); Croisille, Pierre; Clarysse, Patrick [Univ Lyon, UJM-Saint-Etienne, INSA, CNRS UMR 5520, INSERM U1206, CREATIS, Saint-Etienne (France)


    Although myocardial strain analysis is a potential tool to improve patient selection for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), there is currently no validated clinical approach to derive segmental strains. We evaluated the novel segment length in cine (SLICE) technique to derive segmental strains from standard cardiovascular MR (CMR) cine images in CRT candidates. Twenty-seven patients with left bundle branch block underwent CMR examination including cine imaging and myocardial tagging (CMR-TAG). SLICE was performed by measuring segment length between anatomical landmarks throughout all phases on short-axis cines. This measure of frame-to-frame segment length change was compared to CMR-TAG circumferential strain measurements. Subsequently, conventional markers of CRT response were calculated. Segmental strains showed good to excellent agreement between SLICE and CMR-TAG (septum strain, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.76; lateral wall strain, ICC 0.66). Conventional markers of CRT response also showed close agreement between both methods (ICC 0.61-0.78). Reproducibility of SLICE was excellent for intra-observer testing (all ICC ≥0.76) and good for interobserver testing (all ICC ≥0.61). The novel SLICE post-processing technique on standard CMR cine images offers both accurate and robust segmental strain measures compared to the 'gold standard' CMR-TAG technique, and has the advantage of being widely available. (orig.)

  11. Strain analysis in CRT candidates using the novel segment length in cine (SLICE) post-processing technique on standard CMR cine images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zweerink, Alwin; Allaart, Cornelis P.; Wu, LiNa; Beek, Aernout M.; Rossum, Albert C. van; Nijveldt, Robin; Kuijer, Joost P.A.; Ven, Peter M. van de; Meine, Mathias; Croisille, Pierre; Clarysse, Patrick


    Although myocardial strain analysis is a potential tool to improve patient selection for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), there is currently no validated clinical approach to derive segmental strains. We evaluated the novel segment length in cine (SLICE) technique to derive segmental strains from standard cardiovascular MR (CMR) cine images in CRT candidates. Twenty-seven patients with left bundle branch block underwent CMR examination including cine imaging and myocardial tagging (CMR-TAG). SLICE was performed by measuring segment length between anatomical landmarks throughout all phases on short-axis cines. This measure of frame-to-frame segment length change was compared to CMR-TAG circumferential strain measurements. Subsequently, conventional markers of CRT response were calculated. Segmental strains showed good to excellent agreement between SLICE and CMR-TAG (septum strain, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.76; lateral wall strain, ICC 0.66). Conventional markers of CRT response also showed close agreement between both methods (ICC 0.61-0.78). Reproducibility of SLICE was excellent for intra-observer testing (all ICC ≥0.76) and good for interobserver testing (all ICC ≥0.61). The novel SLICE post-processing technique on standard CMR cine images offers both accurate and robust segmental strain measures compared to the 'gold standard' CMR-TAG technique, and has the advantage of being widely available. (orig.)

  12. Contrast-enhanced specific absorption rate-efficient 3D cardiac cine with respiratory-triggered radiofrequency gating. (United States)

    Henningsson, Markus; Chan, Raymond H; Goddu, Beth; Goepfert, Lois A; Razavi, Reza; Botnar, Rene M; Schaeffter, Tobias; Nezafat, Reza


    To investigate the use of radiofrequency (RF) gating in conjunction with a paramagnetic contrast agent to reduce the specific absorption rate (SAR) and increase the blood-myocardium contrast in balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) 3D cardiac cine. RF gating was implemented by synchronizing the RF-excitation with an external respiratory sensor (bellows), which could additionally be used for respiratory gating. For reference, respiratory-gated 3D cine images were acquired without RF gating. Free-breathing 3D cine images were acquired in eight healthy subjects before and after contrast injection (Gd-BOPTA) and compared to breath-hold 2D cine. RF-gated 3D cine reduced the SAR by nearly 40% without introducing significant artifacts while providing left ventricle (LV) measurements similar to those obtained with 2D cine. The contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) was significantly higher for 3D cine compared to 2D cine, both before and after contrast injection; however, no statistically significant CNR increase was observed for the postcontrast 3D cine compared to the precontrast acquisitions. Respiratory-triggered RF gating significantly reduces SAR in 3D cine acquisitions, which may enable a more widespread clinical use of 3D cine. Furthermore, CNR of 3D bSSFP cine is higher than of 2D and administration of Gd-BOPTA does not improve the CNR of 3D cine. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Spirometer-controlled cine magnetic resonance imaging used to diagnose tracheobronchomalacia in paediatric patients. (United States)

    Ciet, Pierluigi; Wielopolski, Piotr; Manniesing, Rashindra; Lever, Sandra; de Bruijne, Marleen; Morana, Giovanni; Muzzio, Pier Carlo; Lequin, Maarten H; Tiddens, Harm A W M


    Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) is defined as an excessive collapse of the intrathoracic trachea. Bronchoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosing TBM; however it has major disadvantages, such as general anaesthesia. Cine computed tomography (CT) is a noninvasive alternative used to diagnose TBM, but its use in children is restricted by ionising radiation. Our aim was to evaluate the feasibility of spirometer-controlled cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as an alternative to cine-CT in a retrospective study. 12 children with a mean age (range) of 12 years (7-17 years), suspected of having TBM, underwent cine-MRI. Static scans were acquired at end-inspiration and expiration covering the thorax using a three-dimensional spoiled gradient echo sequence. Three-dimensional dynamic scans were performed covering only the central airways. TBM was defined as a decrease of the trachea or bronchi diameter >50% at end-expiration in the static and dynamic scans. The success rate of the cine-MRI protocol was 92%. Cine-MRI was compared with bronchoscopy or chest CT in seven subjects. TBM was diagnosed by cine-MRI in seven (58%) out of 12 children and was confirmed by bronchoscopy or CT. In four patients, cine-MRI demonstrated tracheal narrowing that was not present in the static scans. Spirometer controlled cine-MRI is a promising technique to assess TBM in children and has the potential to replace bronchoscopy.

  14. Self-gated fat-suppressed cardiac cine MRI. (United States)

    Ingle, R Reeve; Santos, Juan M; Overall, William R; McConnell, Michael V; Hu, Bob S; Nishimura, Dwight G


    To develop a self-gated alternating repetition time balanced steady-state free precession (ATR-SSFP) pulse sequence for fat-suppressed cardiac cine imaging. Cardiac gating is computed retrospectively using acquired magnetic resonance self-gating data, enabling cine imaging without the need for electrocardiogram (ECG) gating. Modification of the slice-select rephasing gradients of an ATR-SSFP sequence enables the acquisition of a one-dimensional self-gating readout during the unused short repetition time (TR). Self-gating readouts are acquired during every TR of segmented, breath-held cardiac scans. A template-matching algorithm is designed to compute cardiac trigger points from the self-gating signals, and these trigger points are used for retrospective cine reconstruction. The proposed approach is compared with ECG-gated ATR-SSFP and balanced steady-state free precession in 10 volunteers and five patients. The difference of ECG and self-gating trigger times has a variability of 13 ± 11 ms (mean ± SD). Qualitative reviewer scoring and ranking indicate no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) between self-gated and ECG-gated ATR-SSFP images. Quantitative blood-myocardial border sharpness is not significantly different among self-gated ATR-SSFP ( 0.61±0.15 mm -1), ECG-gated ATR-SSFP ( 0.61±0.15 mm -1), or conventional ECG-gated balanced steady-state free precession cine MRI ( 0.59±0.15 mm -1). The proposed self-gated ATR-SSFP sequence enables fat-suppressed cardiac cine imaging at 1.5 T without the need for ECG gating and without decreasing the imaging efficiency of ATR-SSFP. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Strain analysis in CRT candidates using the novel segment length in cine (SLICE) post-processing technique on standard CMR cine images. (United States)

    Zweerink, Alwin; Allaart, Cornelis P; Kuijer, Joost P A; Wu, LiNa; Beek, Aernout M; van de Ven, Peter M; Meine, Mathias; Croisille, Pierre; Clarysse, Patrick; van Rossum, Albert C; Nijveldt, Robin


    Although myocardial strain analysis is a potential tool to improve patient selection for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), there is currently no validated clinical approach to derive segmental strains. We evaluated the novel segment length in cine (SLICE) technique to derive segmental strains from standard cardiovascular MR (CMR) cine images in CRT candidates. Twenty-seven patients with left bundle branch block underwent CMR examination including cine imaging and myocardial tagging (CMR-TAG). SLICE was performed by measuring segment length between anatomical landmarks throughout all phases on short-axis cines. This measure of frame-to-frame segment length change was compared to CMR-TAG circumferential strain measurements. Subsequently, conventional markers of CRT response were calculated. Segmental strains showed good to excellent agreement between SLICE and CMR-TAG (septum strain, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.76; lateral wall strain, ICC 0.66). Conventional markers of CRT response also showed close agreement between both methods (ICC 0.61-0.78). Reproducibility of SLICE was excellent for intra-observer testing (all ICC ≥0.76) and good for interobserver testing (all ICC ≥0.61). The novel SLICE post-processing technique on standard CMR cine images offers both accurate and robust segmental strain measures compared to the 'gold standard' CMR-TAG technique, and has the advantage of being widely available. • Myocardial strain analysis could potentially improve patient selection for CRT. • Currently a well validated clinical approach to derive segmental strains is lacking. • The novel SLICE technique derives segmental strains from standard CMR cine images. • SLICE-derived strain markers of CRT response showed close agreement with CMR-TAG. • Future studies will focus on the prognostic value of SLICE in CRT candidates.

  16. O papel das Forças Armadas na I&D da Defesa como vector de desenvolvimento nacional


    Simões, Luís


    A humanidade sempre se preocupou com o seu bem-estar, de alguma forma. Neste âmbito, o desenvolvimento económico tem vindo a desempenhar um papel fundamental. Após a revolução industrial, mas particularmente depois da II Guerra Mundial, os Estados têm-se preocupado com o respectivo desenvolvimento económico sustentável, entre outras questões, como garante de bem-estar das suas populações. A investigação e desenvolvimento (I&D), no seu conjunto, têm sido apontados como um possível vector de de...

  17. Chest wall invasion by bronchogenic carcinoma. Evaluation with Cine-MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nawano, Shigeru; Murakami, Kohji; Ohnuma, Hiroshi; Iwata, Ryoko; Hayashi, Takayuki; Moriyama, Noriyuki; Nishiwaki, Yutaka; Nagai, Kanji


    With the view of examining possible chest wall invasion of bronchogenic carcinoma, Cine-MRI was performed on 22 such cases. These cases were suspected of having above chest wall invasion by CT and their histopathological findings were obtained in surgery. The judgment of the chest wall invasion by Cine-CT was made such that non-moving up and down of the tumor with respiration involves its invasion, moving of the tumor without any up-and-down movement suspects its invasion and moving up and down of the tumor with respiration involves no invasion. The chest wall invasion was observed in 5 of 7 cases of invasion judged by Cine-MRI. For 2 false-positive cases, the histopathological findings presumed that tumor cells disappeared from the chest wall invaded region as the result of preoperative chemotherapy. The above invasion was observed in 1 of 4 cases suspected of possible invasion. Correct diagnosis was formed of 11 cases judged invasion-free by Cine-MRI. The above results suggested Cine-MRI to be useful for diagnosis of chest wall invasion of bronchogenic carcinoma. (author)

  18. Feasibility of vocal fold abduction and adduction assessment using cine-MRI. (United States)

    Baki, Marina Mat; Menys, Alex; Atkinson, David; Bassett, Paul; Morley, Simon; Beale, Timothy; Sandhu, Guri; Naduvilethil, Georgekutty; Stevenson, Nicola; Birchall, Martin A; Punwani, Shonit


    Determine feasibility of vocal fold (VF) abduction and adduction assessment by cine magnetic resonance imaging (cine-MRI) METHODS: Cine-MRI of the VF was performed on five healthy and nine unilateral VF paralysis (UVFP) participants using an axial gradient echo acquisition with temporal resolution of 0.7 s. VFs were continuously imaged with cine-MRI during a 10-s period of quiet respiration and phonation. Scanning was repeated twice within an individual session and then once again at a 1-week interval. Asymmetry of VF position during phonation (VF phonation asymmetry, VFPa) and respiration (VF respiration asymmetry, VFRa) was determined. Percentage reduction in total glottal area between respiration and phonation (VF abduction potential, VFAP) was derived to measure overall mobility. An un-paired t-test was used to compare differences between groups. Intra-session, inter-session and inter-reader repeatability of the quantitative metrics was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). VF position asymmetry (VFPa and VFRa) was greater (p=0.012; p=0.001) and overall mobility (VFAP) was lower (p=0.008) in UVFP patients compared with healthy participants. ICC of repeatability of all metrics was good, ranged from 0.82 to 0.95 except for the inter-session VFPa (0.44). Cine-MRI is feasible for assessing VF abduction and adduction. Derived quantitative metrics have good repeatability. • Cine-MRI is used to assess vocal folds (VFs) mobility: abduction and adduction. • New quantitative metrics are derived from VF position and abduction potential. • Cine-MRI able to depict the difference between normal and abnormal VF mobility. • Cine-MRI derived quantitative metrics have good repeatability.

  19. La experiencia social histórica de asistencia al cine en Monterrey (Nuevo León, México) durante las décadas de 1930 a 1960


    Lozano, José Carlos; Meers, Philippe; Biltereyst, Daniel


    En este trabajo se analiza la experiencia social histórica de asistencia al cine en Monterrey (Nuevo León, México) durante las décadas de 1930 a 1960, según entrevistas focalizadas con 28 informantes mayores de 65 años. En los resultados, se destaca la importancia histórica de las salas de cine, así como las películas y los actores estadounidense y mexicanos, en la vida personal, familiar y colectiva de Monterrey, dentro del contexto histórico de su transformación en una de las ciudades más g...

  20. Evaluation of aortic regurgitation using cine magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamai, Takuya; Konishi, Tokuji; Okamoto, Shinya; Sakuma, Hajime; Takeda, Kan; Nakano, Takeshi


    Cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to assess aortic regurgitation (AR) in 13 patients with valvular disease and 3 normal subjects, and the results were compared to color Doppler flow mapping findings. AR produced a signal void in the left ventricle during the diastolic phase in all patients by MRI. There were no false positive or negative results compared with echocardiographic findings. Visual grading of cine MRI gave results similar to color flow Doppler echocardiography (88%). The distance and the area of aortic regurgitation using MRI correlated well with color Doppler flow mapping (r=0.82 and 0.88). However, measurements of distance and area by color flow Doppler tended to be larger than those by cine MRI. With current techniques echocardiography may overestimate the severity of AR as compared with cine MRI. In addition, MRI gives clinically useful information in patients in whom transthoracic Doppler echocardiography is not adequate. (author)

  1. Spirometer-controlled cine magnetic resonance imaging to diagnose tracheobronchomalacia in pediatric patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ciet, Pierluigi; Wielopolski, Piotr; Manniesing, Rashindra


    is restricted by ionizing radiation. Our aim was to evaluate the feasibility of spirometer-controlled cine-MRI as alternative to cine-CT in a retrospective study.12 children (mean 12 years, range 7-17), suspected to have TBM, underwent cine-MRI. Static scans were acquired at end-inspiration and expiration......Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) is defined as an excessive collapse of the intrathoracic trachea. Bronchoscopy is the gold standard to diagnose TBM, but bronchoscopy has major disadvantages, such as general anaesthesia. Cine-CT is a non-invasive alternative to diagnose TBM, but its use in children...

  2. Single-breath-hold 3-D CINE imaging of the left ventricle using Cartesian sampling. (United States)

    Wetzl, Jens; Schmidt, Michaela; Pontana, François; Longère, Benjamin; Lugauer, Felix; Maier, Andreas; Hornegger, Joachim; Forman, Christoph


    Our objectives were to evaluate a single-breath-hold approach for Cartesian 3-D CINE imaging of the left ventricle with a nearly isotropic resolution of [Formula: see text] and a breath-hold duration of [Formula: see text]19 s against a standard stack of 2-D CINE slices acquired in multiple breath-holds. Validation is performed with data sets from ten healthy volunteers. A Cartesian sampling pattern based on the spiral phyllotaxis and a compressed sensing reconstruction method are proposed to allow 3-D CINE imaging with high acceleration factors. The fully integrated reconstruction uses multiple graphics processing units to speed up the reconstruction. The 2-D CINE and 3-D CINE are compared based on ventricular function parameters, contrast-to-noise ratio and edge sharpness measurements. Visual comparisons of corresponding short-axis slices of 2-D and 3-D CINE show an excellent match, while 3-D CINE also allows reformatting to other orientations. Ventricular function parameters do not significantly differ from values based on 2-D CINE imaging. Reconstruction times are below 4 min. We demonstrate single-breath-hold 3-D CINE imaging in volunteers and three example patient cases, which features fast reconstruction and allows reformatting to arbitrary orientations.

  3. El cine en el cine: Los abrazos rotos (Pedro Almodóvar, 2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Poyato


    Full Text Available El cine en el cine, tema recurrente en la filmografía de Pedro Almodóvar, protagoniza también Los abrazos rotos, película que contiene en su interior otra titulada Chicas y maletas. Pero las imágenes de esta segunda película, trasunto de otra anterior del propio Almodóvar, Mujeres al borde un ataque de nervios, coexisten con las de un documental sobre su rodaje. El resultado es una proliferación de imágenes segundas que, incorporadas según una estructura en abismo, el filme va a conjugar de múltiples y variadas maneras. El presente trabajo trata de dar cuenta de la génesis, funcionamiento y declinación de estas imágenes segundas y de los sentidos que de ello emanan.

  4. Fundamental Tongue Motions for Trumpet Playing: A Study Using Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Cine MRI). (United States)

    Furuhashi, Hiroko; Chikui, Toru; Inadomi, Daisuke; Shiraishi, Tomoko; Yoshiura, Kazunori


    Though the motions of structures outside the mouth in trumpet performance have been reported, the dynamics of intraoral structures remain unelucidated. This study explored the tongue's movement in trumpet playing using cine magnetic resonance imaging (cine MRI) and demonstrated the effects of intraoral anatomical structures on changes in pitch and dynamics. Cine MRI was applied to 18 trumpet players, who were divided into two groups (7 beginner, 11 advanced) based on their ability to play a certain high note. They were instructed to play a custom-made MRI-compatible simulated trumpet. Pitch-change tasks and dynamics-change tasks were assigned. The positions of the anatomical points and intraoral areas were identified on outlined images, and the changes associated with each task were evaluated. A forward and upward projection of the tongue was observed in the production of higher pitches, and there were no significant differences in all areas. In louder dynamics, a backward and downward bending of the tongue occurred, the tongue area became smaller (pcine MRI that certain tongue movements were associated with each task. Tongue protrusion in the production of higher pitch and bending in louder dynamics can be rationalized using acoustics theory and the movements of anatomical structures. These findings seem to be consistent regardless of the player's proficiency.

  5. Differentiation between acute and chronic myocardial infarction by means of texture analysis of late gadolinium enhancement and cine cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. (United States)

    Larroza, Andrés; Materka, Andrzej; López-Lereu, María P; Monmeneu, José V; Bodí, Vicente; Moratal, David


    The purpose of this study was to differentiate acute from chronic myocardial infarction using machine learning techniques and texture features extracted from cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The study group comprised 22 cases with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and 22 cases with chronic myocardial infarction (CMI). Cine and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) MRI were analyzed independently to differentiate AMI from CMI. A total of 279 texture features were extracted from predefined regions of interest (ROIs): the infarcted area on LGE MRI, and the entire myocardium on cine MRI. Classification performance was evaluated by a nested cross-validation approach combining a feature selection technique with three predictive models: random forest, support vector machine (SVM) with Gaussian Kernel, and SVM with polynomial kernel. The polynomial SVM yielded the best classification performance. Receiver operating characteristic curves provided area-under-the-curve (AUC) (mean±standard deviation) of 0.86±0.06 on LGE MRI using 72 features; AMI sensitivity=0.81±0.08 and specificity=0.84±0.09. On cine MRI, AUC=0.82±0.06 using 75 features; AMI sensitivity=0.79±0.10 and specificity=0.80±0.10. We concluded that texture analysis can be used for differentiation of AMI from CMI on cardiac LGE MRI, and also on standard cine sequences in which the infarction is visually imperceptible in most cases. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Miradas de mujeres mexicanas en las artes visuales y en el cine


    Ayala Rojas, Laura Lucinda


    Miradas de mujeres mexicanas, es el concepto mediante el cual se busca definir las formas de concebir el mundo, mismas que son materializadas en la creación de las artes visuales y en el cine. Las Teorías de la Cultura y de los Estudios Visuales de Género son de primordial interés para dilucidar los detonantes y las consecuencias de los fenómenos que han desembocado en una nueva forma de ver. La década de los setenta es la señalada como paradigmática en el abordaje de una nueva visión de gén...

  7. Improved attenuation correction for respiratory gated PET/CT with extended-duration cine CT: a simulation study (United States)

    Zhang, Ruoqiao; Alessio, Adam M.; Pierce, Larry A.; Byrd, Darrin W.; Lee, Tzu-Cheng; De Man, Bruno; Kinahan, Paul E.


    Due to the wide variability of intra-patient respiratory motion patterns, traditional short-duration cine CT used in respiratory gated PET/CT may be insufficient to match the PET scan data, resulting in suboptimal attenuation correction that eventually compromises the PET quantitative accuracy. Thus, extending the duration of cine CT can be beneficial to address this data mismatch issue. In this work, we propose to use a long-duration cine CT for respiratory gated PET/CT, whose cine acquisition time is ten times longer than a traditional short-duration cine CT. We compare the proposed long-duration cine CT with the traditional short-duration cine CT through numerous phantom simulations with 11 respiratory traces measured during patient PET/CT scans. Experimental results show that, the long-duration cine CT reduces the motion mismatch between PET and CT by 41% and improves the overall reconstruction accuracy by 42% on average, as compared to the traditional short-duration cine CT. The long-duration cine CT also reduces artifacts in PET images caused by misalignment and mismatch between adjacent slices in phase-gated CT images. The improvement in motion matching between PET and CT by extending the cine duration depends on the patient, with potentially greater benefits for patients with irregular breathing patterns or larger diaphragm movements.

  8. Left ventricular strain and its pattern estimated from cine CMR and validation with DENSE. (United States)

    Gao, Hao; Allan, Andrew; McComb, Christie; Luo, Xiaoyu; Berry, Colin


    Measurement of local strain provides insight into the biomechanical significance of viable myocardium. We attempted to estimate myocardial strain from cine cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) images by using a b-spline deformable image registration method. Three healthy volunteers and 41 patients with either recent or chronic myocardial infarction (MI) were studied at 1.5 Tesla with both cine and DENSE CMR. Regional circumferential and radial left ventricular strains were estimated from cine and DENSE acquisitions. In all healthy volunteers, there was no difference for peak circumferential strain (- 0.18 ± 0.04 versus - 0.18 ± 0.03, p = 0.76) between cine and DENSE CMR, however peak radial strain was overestimated from cine (0.84 ± 0.37 versus 0.49 ± 0.2, p cine were similar to the patterns from DENSE, including the strain evolution related to recovery time and strain patterns related to MI scar extent. Furthermore, cine-derived strain disclosed different strain patterns in MI and non-MI regions, and regions with transmural and non-transmural MI as DENSE. Although there were large variations with radial strain measurements from cine CMR images, useful circumferential strain information can be obtained from routine clinical CMR imaging. Cine strain analysis has potential to improve the diagnostic yield from routine CMR imaging in clinical practice.

  9. The diagnostic value of cine-MR imaging in diseases of great vessels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasaki, Shigeyuki; Yoshida, Hideaki; Matsui, Yoshiro; Sakuma, Makoto; Yasuda, Keihide; Tanabe, Tatsuzo; Chouji, H.


    The diagnostic value of cine magnetic resonance imaging (cine-MRI) was evaluated in 10 patients with diseases of great vessels. The parameters necessary to decide the appropriate treatment, such as presence and extension of intimal flap, DeBakey type classification, identification of the entry, differentiation between true and false lumen, and between thrombosis and slow flow were demonstrated in all patients with dissecting aortic aneurysm. However, abdominal aortic branches could not be demonstrated enough by cine-MRI, therefore conventional AOG was necessary to choose the operative procedure in these cases. In patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA), cine-MRI was valuable in demonstrating both blood flow and thrombus in the lumen of aneurysm, and AOG was thought to be unnecessary in most cases. Cine-MRI is a promising new technique for the evaluation of diseases of great vessels. (author)

  10. Tradición y modernidad en la arquitectura del espectáculo : los teatros-cine en Galicia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Ángel Sánchez García


    Full Text Available El interés prestado en nuestro país a la arquitectura del espectáculo, y en concreto a la cinematográfica, puede calificarse hasta ahora de escaso, precisamente en el contexto de unos años en los que la crisis del cine ha provocado la desaparición de numerosas salas. Esta situación contrasta con la de otros paises europeos donde el reconocimiento del valor como patrimonio cultural y arquitectónico de estos edificios, abanderado desde los años 60 por los anglosajones, ha posibilitado importantes estudios e iniciativas tendentes a su conservación. En esta ocasión nuestra intención es realizar una breve aproximación a un tipo concreto de recinto de espectáculos característico de las primeras décadas de nuestro siglo, el teatro-cine, a través de los ejemplos más destacados proyectados y construidos en Galicia.

  11. Cardiovascular cine imaging and flow evaluation using Fast Interrupted Steady-State (FISS) magnetic resonance. (United States)

    Edelman, Robert R; Serhal, Ali; Pursnani, Amit; Pang, Jianing; Koktzoglou, Ioannis


    Existing cine imaging techniques rely on balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) or spoiled gradient-echo readouts, each of which has limitations. For instance, with bSSFP, artifacts occur from rapid through-plane flow and off-resonance effects. We hypothesized that a prototype cine technique, radial fast interrupted steady-state (FISS), could overcome these limitations. The technique was compared with standard cine bSSFP for cardiac function, coronary artery conspicuity, and aortic valve morphology. Given its advantageous properties, we further hypothesized that the cine FISS technique, in combination with arterial spin labeling (ASL), could provide an alternative to phase contrast for visualizing in-plane flow patterns within the aorta and branch vessels. The study was IRB-approved and subjects provided consent. Breath-hold cine FISS and bSSFP were acquired using similar imaging parameters. There was no significant difference in biplane left ventricular ejection fraction or cardiac image quality between the two techniques. Compared with cine bSSFP, cine FISS demonstrated a marked decrease in fat signal which improved conspicuity of the coronary arteries, while suppression of through-plane flow artifact on thin-slice cine FISS images improved visualization of the aortic valve. Banding artifacts in the subcutaneous tissues were reduced. In healthy subjects, dynamic flow patterns were well visualized in the aorta, coronary and renal arteries using cine FISS ASL, even when the slice was substantially thicker than the vessel diameter. Cine FISS demonstrates several benefits for cardiovascular imaging compared with cine bSSFP, including better suppression of fat signal and reduced artifacts from through-plane flow and off-resonance effects. The main drawback is a slight (~ 20%) decrease in temporal resolution. In addition, preliminary results suggest that cine FISS ASL provides a potential alternative to phase contrast techniques for in-plane flow

  12. Evaluation of atrial, ventricular and atrioventricular septal defects by cine magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akagi, Teiji; Kato, Hirohisa; Kiyomatsu, Yumi; Saiki, Kuninobu; Suzuki, Kazushige; Eto, Takaharu


    Cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed on 20 patients (mean age: 5.3±4.4 years) with atrial, ventricular, or atrioventricular septal defects for evaluation of cardiac structure and blood flow. Prior to cine MRI, electrocardiographycally gated MRI using multislice scquisition was performed on all patients to localize optimal slice location. Cine-MRI was obtained with a 30 deg flip angle, 15 msec echo time, and 30 msec pulse repetition time, on a 256 x 256 or 128 x 128 acquisition matrix. Abnormalities of cardiac structure were well defined in all patients by gated cardiac imaging. In 18 of the 20 patients, cine-MRI was able to detect shunt flow, visualized as a low intensity signal in comparison with the surrounding blood flow. Cine-MRI can provide not only accurate anatomy of cardiac structures but functional assessment of the cardiac chamber, wall topology and flow relations. Cine-MRI will become an important noninvasive technique for assessment of anatomy and physiology in congenital heart disease. (author)

  13. Free-breathing whole-heart 3D cine magnetic resonance imaging with prospective respiratory motion compensation. (United States)

    Moghari, Mehdi H; Barthur, Ashita; Amaral, Maria E; Geva, Tal; Powell, Andrew J


    To develop and validate a new prospective respiratory motion compensation algorithm for free-breathing whole-heart 3D cine steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging. In a 3D cine SSFP sequence, 4 excitations per cardiac cycle are re-purposed to prospectively track heart position. Specifically, their 1D image is reconstructed and routed into the scanner's standard diaphragmatic navigator processing system. If all 4 signals are in end-expiration, cine image data from the entire cardiac cycle is accepted for image reconstruction. Prospective validation was carried out in patients (N = 17) by comparing in each a conventional breath-hold 2D cine ventricular short-axis stack and a free-breathing whole-heart 3D cine data set. All 3D cine SSFP acquisitions were successful and the mean scan time was 5.9 ± 2.7 min. Left and right ventricular end-diastolic, end-systolic, and stroke volumes by 3D cine SSFP were all larger than those from 2D cine SSFP. This bias was 3D cine images had a lower ventricular blood-to-myocardium contrast ratio, contrast-to-noise ratio, mass, and subjective quality score. The novel prospective respiratory motion compensation method for 3D cine SSFP imaging was robust and efficient and yielded slightly larger ventricular volumes and lower mass compared to breath-hold 2D cine imaging. Magn Reson Med 80:181-189, 2018. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  14. Two-dimensional sonographic cine imaging improves confidence in the initial evaluation of the fetal heart. (United States)

    Poole, Patricia Sims; Chung, Romy; Lacoursiere, Yvette; Palmieri, Carolina Rossi; Hull, Andrew; Engelkemier, Dawn; Rochelle, Michele; Trivedi, Neha; Pretorius, Dolores H


    Initial screening sonography of the fetal heart with static images is often inadequate, resulting in repeated imaging or failure to detect abnormalities. We hypothesized that the addition of short cine clips would reduce the need for repeated imaging. Two-dimensional (2D) static sonograms and short 2D cine clips of the 4-chamber view and left and right ventricular outflow tracts were obtained from 342 patients with gestational ages of greater than 16 weeks. A diagnostic radiologist and a perinatologist retrospectively reviewed the static and cine images independently and graded them as normal, abnormal, or suboptimal. A statistically significant increase in the number of structures called normal was seen when 2D cine clips were added to static imaging for both observers (P cine images versus 61.9% with static images alone, whereas the perinatologist recorded 68.1% as normal versus 58.8%, respectively. The radiologist called 77.8% of structures normal with cine images only versus 61.9% with static images only (P cine images alone (38.9%) versus static images alone (58.8%). The use of cine loops alone resulted in no significant increase in the ability to clear the heart as normal. The maternal body mass index was inversely associated with the ability to clear structures when 2D cine images were added to static images (P cine clips to standard 2D static imaging of the fetal heart significantly improves the number of structures cleared as normal. Two-dimensional cine clips are easily obtained, add little time to a study, and require minimal archival space.

  15. Colombine y el cine mudo en España (La mejor film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Palomo, M.ª del Pilar


    Full Text Available To put into context the works of Colombine on cinema that are analyzed, the appearance of the first films projected in 1896 in Almeria, and the state of cinema in Madrid from 1901 to 1932: the union between cinema and theatre; the first film versions of Spanish plays; the interest towards this new art for theatrical actresses and vanguard writers... Two articles about Francesca Bertini written by Carmen de Burgos are analyzed as well as her novel La Mejor Film, written in 1918, which offers a testament into how films were made at that time.Como contexto de los trabajos de Colombine sobre el cine que se analizan se comenta la aparición de las primeras cintas proyectadas en 1896 en Almería, y la situación del cinematógrafo en Madrid de 1901 a 1932: la unión de cine y teatro; primeras versiones sobre obras literarias españolas; el interés hacia el nuevo arte de las actrices teatrales y de los escritores vanguardistas... Se analizan dos artículos de Carmen de Burgos sobre Francesca Bertini de 1916, y su novela La mejor film, de 1918, que ofrece los pormenores de una filmación en dicha fecha.

  16. Control of an X-ray cine radiography apparatus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishio, K.


    This patent application describes an X-ray cine radiography apparatus comprising an X-ray tube, an image intensifier for converting the X-rays transmitted through an object into a visual image and a cine camera for picking up the visual image, a photomultiplier detects the brightness of the visual image to produce a brightness signal and a potentiometer detects the actual tube voltage of said X-ray tube. (author)

  17. Kinematic analysis of the knee joint by cine MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niitsu, Mamoru; Akisada, Masayoshi; Anno, Izumi; Matsumoto, Kunihiko; Kuno, Shin-ya; Miyakawa, Shunpei; Inouye, Tamon; Kose, Katsumi.


    In order to obtain the MR imaging of a moving knee joint, we developed a drive system of the knee. A reciprocating reversible motor with a rope and pulleys drove a knee brace with the knee bending and extending every two seconds. Using photo sensor probe for gating cine acquisition, we got 16-time frames/cycle MR images. Such as articular cartilage, ligaments and synovial fluid, the fine components of a moving knee joint were clearly seen. In a dynamic display, these cine images demonstrated 'actual' movement of the knee joint. Moving joint fluid and defect of anterior cruciate ligament were demonstrated in the case of knee injury. These findings were not seen on static images. Cine MR imaging was also helpful for evaluating the chronic joint disease and ligament reconstruction. Through the use of the present drive system and cine acquisition, dynamic MR imaging of a moving knee joint is clearly demonstrated and it may provide useful information in the kinematic analysis of the normal and pathologic knee. (author)

  18. Escala propuesta para medir la calidad del servicio de los cines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Torres Moraga1


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, existe un alto nivel de competencia entre las diferentes cadenas de cines que se encuentran en Chile. En este escenario, el éxito está determinado en gran parte por los servicios que estas ofrecen a sus clientes. Si bien previamente se han desarrollado escalas para medir la calidad del servicio percibida en diversos sectores, por sus características, es necesario construir una escala específica que pueda ser aplicada a los cines. Los resultados obtenidos por medio de este estudio muestran que la calidad del servicio de los cines percibida por los consumidores es un constructor multidimensional que difiere en gran parte de las escalas estándar propuestas anteriormente, y que además se compone de la confiabilidad, la atención personal, la accesibilidad, los tangibles del cine y los tangibles de la sala de proyección de la película. Estos resultados entregan a los directivos de marketing de los cines una importante herramienta que les permitirá medir y gestionar la calidad del servicio.

  19. El recorrido: evaluación de las cualidades sensoriales y formales del medio urbano como parte de los criterios de caminabilidad. La ciudad de Taipei como caso de estudio


    Fernández Muñoz, Laura


    La presente investigación aborda el análisis de las cualidades del entorno urbano que inciden en la experiencia perceptiva de su recorrido. Los intereses que la motivan tienen que ver con la recuperación de la ciudad para el viandante y se sitúa dentro de un marco de intereses más amplio como es el de la ciudad sostenible. En primer lugar, se contextualiza el tema de la experiencia del recorrido a través de disciplinas diferentes como son el cine, la literatura, la arquitectura, el urbanismo,...

  20. High frame rate retrospectively triggered Cine MRI for assessment of murine diastolic function. (United States)

    Coolen, Bram F; Abdurrachim, Desiree; Motaal, Abdallah G; Nicolay, Klaas; Prompers, Jeanine J; Strijkers, Gustav J


    To assess left ventricular (LV) diastolic function in mice with Cine MRI, a high frame rate (>60 frames per cardiac cycle) is required. For conventional electrocardiography-triggered Cine MRI, the frame rate is inversely proportional to the pulse repetition time (TR). However, TR cannot be lowered at will to increase the frame rate because of gradient hardware, spatial resolution, and signal-to-noise limitations. To overcome these limitations associated with electrocardiography-triggered Cine MRI, in this paper, we introduce a retrospectively triggered Cine MRI protocol capable of producing high-resolution high frame rate Cine MRI of the mouse heart for addressing left ventricular diastolic function. Simulations were performed to investigate the influence of MRI sequence parameters and the k-space filling trajectory in relation to the desired number of frames per cardiac cycle. An optimized protocol was applied in vivo and compared with electrocardiography-triggered Cine for which a high-frame rate could only be achieved by several interleaved acquisitions. Retrospective high frame rate Cine MRI proved superior to the interleaved electrocardiography-triggered protocols. High spatial-resolution Cine movies with frames rates up to 80 frames per cardiac cycle were obtained in 25 min. Analysis of left ventricular filling rate curves allowed accurate determination of early and late filling rates and revealed subtle impairments in left ventricular diastolic function of diabetic mice in comparison with nondiabetic mice. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Usefulness of true FISP cine MR imaging in patients with poor cardiac function

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakuma, Toshiharu; Yamada, Naoaki; Motooka, Makoto; Enomoto, Naoyuki; Maeshima, Isamu; Matsuda, Kazuhide; Urayama, Shinichi; Ikeo, Miki [National Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Osaka (Japan)


    This study was done to assess the value of True FISP cine in patients with poor cardiac function. True FISP cine and FLASH cine imaging were performed on a 1.5 T machine. Both short axis and horizontal long axis imaging sections were used. The imaging sections used a Matrix (120 x 128), FOV (24 x 32 cm), and had a slice thickness of 8 mm. The imaging time for True FISP cine was 8 heart beats and 17 heart beats for FLASH cine. The contrast-to-noise ratio between the blood and myocardium (CNR) was measured at enddiastole and endsystole. The subjects in the study were 10 healty volunteers (average age 26.5{+-}3.2 years) and 12 patients with hypofunction (average age 53.9{+-}13.2 years). In the volunteers, the CNR of the short axis imaging was similar in both True FISP (24.6{+-}3.7) and FLASH (23.4{+-}5.9). In the patients with poor cardiac function however, the CNR of True FISP was larger than FLASH in both the short and long axis. In the short axis (22.7{+-}6.1 vs. 17.9{+-}5.3, P<0.01) and in the long axis (17.4{+-}4.3 vs. 9.3{+-}4.0, P<0.01). We conclude that True FISP cine has a higher contrast in a shorter imaging time than FLASH cine. True FISP cine is especially useful in patients with poor cardiac function. (author)

  2. Left ventricular strain and its pattern estimated from cine CMR and validation with DENSE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, Hao; Luo, Xiaoyu; Allan, Andrew; McComb, Christie; Berry, Colin


    Measurement of local strain provides insight into the biomechanical significance of viable myocardium. We attempted to estimate myocardial strain from cine cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) images by using a b-spline deformable image registration method. Three healthy volunteers and 41 patients with either recent or chronic myocardial infarction (MI) were studied at 1.5 Tesla with both cine and DENSE CMR. Regional circumferential and radial left ventricular strains were estimated from cine and DENSE acquisitions. In all healthy volunteers, there was no difference for peak circumferential strain (− 0.18 ± 0.04 versus − 0.18 ± 0.03, p = 0.76) between cine and DENSE CMR, however peak radial strain was overestimated from cine (0.84 ± 0.37 versus 0.49 ± 0.2, p < 0.01). In the patient study, the peak strain patterns predicted by cine were similar to the patterns from DENSE, including the strain evolution related to recovery time and strain patterns related to MI scar extent. Furthermore, cine-derived strain disclosed different strain patterns in MI and non-MI regions, and regions with transmural and non-transmural MI as DENSE. Although there were large variations with radial strain measurements from cine CMR images, useful circumferential strain information can be obtained from routine clinical CMR imaging. Cine strain analysis has potential to improve the diagnostic yield from routine CMR imaging in clinical practice. (paper)

  3. Rapid reformatting of cine CT data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wyatt, E.D.; Reynolds, R.A.


    Cine CT scanners acquire data sufficiently rapidly to freeze the cardiac motion. Display hardware with sufficient highspeed computer memory permits instantaneous reformatting of sections at any orientation. Normal or abnormal cardiac motion may be studies interactively along any axial, sagittal, coronal, or oblique plane through the beating heart. Cine Ct studies, consisting of eight levels through the heart with 8-mm interlevel spacing, acquired at 10 time intervals for a total of 80 sections, were acquired on an Imatron C-100 scanner and displayed. Each entire study was loaded into t = internal display processor memory, permitting instantaneous recall without loss of spatial or density resolution. Results are presented

  4. Automatic segmentation and disease classification using cardiac cine MR images

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wolterink, Jelmer M.; Leiner, Tim; Viergever, Max A.; Išgum, Ivana


    Segmentation of the heart in cardiac cine MR is clinically used to quantify cardiac function. We propose a fully automatic method for segmentation and disease classification using cardiac cine MR images. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was designed to simultaneously segment the left ventricle

  5. Cine vasco y euskera: debates de identidad


    Fernández, Joxean


    INTRODUCCIÓN: LA ÓSMOSIS HISTORIA-CINE Los físicos suelen hablar de ósmosis para referirse al paso recíproco de dos líquidos de distinta densidad a través de una membrana semipermeable que los separa. Asimismo, en lenguaje literario, hablamos de ósmosis para definir simplemente influencias recíprocas. Nos permitimos utilizar aquí este término prestado de otras disciplinas científicas para tratar de obtener una imagen de las relaciones que el cine y la historia vienen manteniendo desde que aqu...

  6. Mujeres en el cine del primer peronismo: entre el melodrama y la propaganda

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    Clara Beatriz Kriger


    Full Text Available El texto se propone estudiar las representaciones de la mujer en las películas de propaganda estatal durante el peronismo clásico. Estos documentales permanecen ocultos en la historiografía del género, entonces el objetivo no se reduce a ponerlos en valor sino también a revelarlos como antecedentes del cine político posterior. El análisis teje un entramado con los personajes femeninos de los melodramas prestigiosos del período, y la trama que resulta de esta articulación evidencia una distribución de personajes para el documental y la ficción, teniendo en cuenta los signos que caracterizan la vida pública y privada. Estas articulaciones entre representaciones vinculadas al mundo real y al ficcional aluden tanto a las transformaciones en la arena social, como a las sumisiones al orden familiar dominante.

  7. Una mirada sobre lo popular. Reflexiones sobre el etnocentrismo en el nuevo cine argentino

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    Gonzalo Assusa


    Full Text Available La emergencia del nuevo cine argentino desata una serie de debates teóricos. Probablemente una de las caracterizaciones más convincentes es la que lo define como surgido de una misma crisis, no sólo en el campo cinematográfico, sino también de una misma crisis social. En el marco de un análisis sociológico de este fenómeno cultural, el presente trabajo planteará una hipótesis de lectura para algunas de las producciones audiovisuales del denominado nuevo cine argentino, en pos de establecer conceptualmente la estructuración desde el polo productivo de la elaboración imaginaria de esta crisis social, concretamente, de la emergencia de las clases populares en sus filmes. Para finalizar, se evaluará la productividad de la hipótesis de lectura basada en una definición teórica de lo popular, aplicándola a un cuerpo de filmes del realizador argentino Adrián Caetano, para concluir con reflexiones sobre la importancia del cruce entre la estructuración textual y la estructuración en el momento del consumo.

  8. Intramyocardial strain estimation from cardiac cine MRI. (United States)

    Elnakib, Ahmed; Beache, Garth M; Gimel'farb, Georgy; El-Baz, Ayman


    Functional strain is one of the important clinical indicators for the quantification of heart performance and the early detection of cardiovascular diseases, and functional strain parameters are used to aid therapeutic decisions and follow-up evaluations after cardiac surgery. A comprehensive framework for deriving functional strain parameters at the endocardium, epicardium, and mid-wall of the left ventricle (LV) from conventional cine MRI data was developed and tested. Cine data were collected using short TR-/TE-balanced steady-state free precession acquisitions on a 1.5T Siemens Espree scanner. The LV wall borders are segmented using a level set-based deformable model guided by a stochastic force derived from a second-order Markov-Gibbs random field model that accounts for the object shape and appearance features. Then, the mid-wall of the segmented LV is determined based on estimating the centerline between the endocardium and epicardium of the LV. Finally, a geometrical Laplace-based method is proposed to track corresponding points on successive myocardial contours throughout the cardiac cycle in order to characterize the strain evolutions. The method was tested using simulated phantom images with predefined point locations of the LV wall throughout the cardiac cycle. The method was tested on 30 in vivo datasets to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed framework to index functional strain parameters. The cine MRI-based model agreed with the ground truth for functional metrics to within 0.30 % for indexing the peak systolic strain change and 0.29 % (per unit time) for indexing systolic and diastolic strain rates. The method was feasible for in vivo extraction of functional strain parameters. Strain indexes of the endocardium, mid-wall, and epicardium can be derived from routine cine images using automated techniques, thereby improving the utility of cine MRI data for characterization of myocardial function. Unlike traditional texture-based tracking, the

  9. Usefulness of true FISP cine MR imaging in patients with poor cardiac function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakuma, Toshiharu; Yamada, Naoaki; Motooka, Makoto; Enomoto, Naoyuki; Maeshima, Isamu; Matsuda, Kazuhide; Urayama, Shinichi; Ikeo, Miki


    This study was done to assess the value of True FISP cine in patients with poor cardiac function. True FISP cine and FLASH cine imaging were performed on a 1.5 T machine. Both short axis and horizontal long axis imaging sections were used. The imaging sections used a Matrix (120 x 128), FOV (24 x 32 cm), and had a slice thickness of 8 mm. The imaging time for True FISP cine was 8 heart beats and 17 heart beats for FLASH cine. The contrast-to-noise ratio between the blood and myocardium (CNR) was measured at enddiastole and endsystole. The subjects in the study were 10 healty volunteers (average age 26.5±3.2 years) and 12 patients with hypofunction (average age 53.9±13.2 years). In the volunteers, the CNR of the short axis imaging was similar in both True FISP (24.6±3.7) and FLASH (23.4±5.9). In the patients with poor cardiac function however, the CNR of True FISP was larger than FLASH in both the short and long axis. In the short axis (22.7±6.1 vs. 17.9±5.3, P<0.01) and in the long axis (17.4±4.3 vs. 9.3±4.0, P<0.01). We conclude that True FISP cine has a higher contrast in a shorter imaging time than FLASH cine. True FISP cine is especially useful in patients with poor cardiac function. (author)

  10. Pequeña historia de un proyecto utópico: el Movimiento del Nuevo Cine y Video Boliviano y su Revista Imagen

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    María Gabriela Aimaretti


    Full Text Available En el marco de una investigación más amplia que releva, describe y analiza las prácticas de producción audiovisual en La Paz, Bolivia, entre 1978 y 1989, el presente trabajo se centra en historiar el proyecto editorial Imagen: una revista de cine que publicó el Movimiento del Nuevo Cine y Video Boliviano durante la segunda mitad de la década del ochenta. Sin tradición local en lo que refiere a publicaciones dedicadas al cine, Imagen fue una iniciativa autogestiva y autofinanciada, que funcionó con una frecuencia y formato variable, y sirvió como foro de discusión sobre temas específicos del quehacer local, vehículo de difusión de actividades del Movimiento, microespacio de formación, medio de circulación de convocatorias y concursos, y herramienta de articulación entre distintas propuestas. El trabajo explica su devenir histórico, describe sus caracteres generales y perfil editorial, da cuenta de los actores intervinientes y sus formas de organización, y señala las condiciones de posibilidad, alcances y limitaciones del proyecto.

  11. Cine MR imaging of cerebrospinal fluid flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawahara, K.; Yoshikawa, A.; Maeda, M.; Hamachi, J.; Morita, R.; Mishima, T.; Yamada, R.


    Cine MR imaging was used to study cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow in five patients with various kinds of hydrocephalus, 14 patients with brain atrophy, and 26 healthy subjects. For each study, sagittal and axial sections were obtained. In this study, the authors detected cerebrospinal fluid flow, apparent as high signal intensity, and its direction. They detected the outflow from the foramen of Monro, aqueduct, and foramen of Magendie in sagittal cine images of patients with those with normal-pressure hydrocehalus (NPH), those with brain atrophy, and controls. Especially in patients with NPH, the markedly high signal intensity from CSF flow was observeed in the third and fourth ventricles. In patients with obstructive hydrocephalus, the fourth ventricle tumor, the outflow of CSF was not present. In axial sections, the signal intensity of aqueduct in patients with obstructive hydrocephalus was lower, whereas that in patients with NPH, controls, and those with atrophy was higher than in the midbrain. Cine MR imaging is a very attractive technique in diagnosing hydrocephalus and other abnormal conditions

  12. Cine CT in the evaluation of coronary bypass graft patency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stanford, W.; Rooholamini, M.; Rumberger, J.; Marcus, M.; Hiratzka, L.


    Cine CT produces axial images over an 8-cm section of the aorta in 50 msec. This characteristic makes the technique useful for evaluating coronary bypass graft (CBG) patency. With the use of 40 ml of 67% iothalamate sodium injected via an antecubital vein, 28 patients with 68 CBGs underwent cine CT. Ten patients with 21 CBGs also underwent cardiac catheterization. In the latter group the overall accuracy of cine CT compared to cardiac catheterization was 95.2% (20/21). The sensitivity was 94.1% (16/17), and the specificity was 100% (4/4). This figure compares favorably with the 92% sensitivity achieved with conventional CT

  13. Cine-CT: A new technique in X-ray computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaschke, W.; Georgi, M.; Lipton, M.J.; Gould, R.G.


    The 'Cine-CT' belongs to a new generation of CT devices permitting not only diagnostics on a morphological basis but also function studies. By means of Cine-CT's electron beam technique, image frequencies of up to 17 images per second and exposure times of 50 msec are possible. (orig.) [de

  14. Analysis of blowout fractures using cine mode MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawahara, Masaaki; Shiihara, Kumiko; Kimura, Hisashi; Fukai, Sakuko; Tabuchi, Akio; Kojo, Tuyoshi


    By observing conventional CT and MRI images, it is difficult to distinguish extension failure from adhesion, bone fracture or damage to the extraocular muscle, any one of which may be the direct cause of the eye movement disturbance accompanying blowout fracture. We therefore carried out dynamic analysis of eye movement disturbance using a cine mode MRI. We put seven fixation points in the gantry of the MRI and filmed eye movement disturbances by the gradient echo method, using a surface coil and holding the vision on each fixation point. We also video recorded the CRT monitor of the MRI to obtain dynamic MRI images. The subjects comprised 5 cases (7-23 years old). In 4 cases, we started orthoptic treatment, saccadic eye movement training, convergence training and fusional amplitude training after surgery, with only orthoptic treatment in the 5 th case. In all cases, fusion area improvement was recognized during training. In 2 cases examined by cine mode MRI before and after surgery, we observed improved eye movement after training, the effectiveness of which was thereby proven. Also, using cine mode MRI we were able to determine the character of incarcerated tissue and the cause of eye movement disturbance. We conclude that it blowout fracture, cine mode MRI may be useful in selecting treatment and observing its effectiveness. (author)

  15. Enseñanza del liderazgo a través del cine.

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    Alfredo Gorrochotegui


    Full Text Available Se describe la experiencia del uso de tres películas como recurso didáctico para enseñar conductas de liderazgo a un grupo de gerentes de una empresa de televisión del sector privado. Se hace un análisis acerca de la reflexión como proceso de elaboración típicamente humano el cual es sensible a estímulos externos, como ocurre con el cine. Luego, se muestran algunas iniciativas que han usado filmes para formar conductas de liderazgo. Cada película ofreció su propia dimensión del liderazgo: la importancia de ser ejemplo para los demás en la primera; el liderazgo negativo y positivo, en la segunda; y los estilos de liderazgo, en la última. Finalmente, se analiza, a través de un cuestionario aplicado a gerentes, las valoraciones personales sobre la utilidad de las películas para enseñar conductas de liderazgo, que resultó en un acuerdo unánime en expresar que la experiencia les ayudó a comprender cuáles son las mejores prácticas de liderazgo que ellos mismos pueden desarrollar en sus propios trabajos.

  16. Cine MR imaging of valvular heart disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Underwood, S.R.; Firmin, D.N.; Mohiaddin, R.H.; Klipstein, R.H.; Bogren, H.G.; Rees, R.S.O.; Longmore, D.B.


    Cine MR imaging shows details of cardiac valve motion and the turbulence caused by regurgitation and stenosis. In 30 patients, the area of turbulence proximal to regurgitant valves correlated well with the regurgitant fraction measured from right and left ventricular stroke volumes. Turbulence distal to stenotic valves did not correlate with the pressure gradient because abnormal valves that were not stenosed produced turbulence. Valve motion and the presence of thrombus were easier to assess than in conventional images. Cine MR imaging provides an important addition to conventional imaging in valvular regurgitation, but pressure gradients cannot be assessed in valvular stenosis

  17. Sexualidad violenta en el cine de Kim Ki-duk

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    Daniel Muñoz Ruiz


    Full Text Available En sus más de 110 años de vida el cine ha representado la sexualidad humana en todas sus modalidades y desde los más variados puntos de vista. El cine de Kim Ki-duk ha sorprendido y escandalizado al público por su crudeza y, a veces, excesiva violencia. El director surcoreano ha explorado a lo largo de su filmografía el tema del sexo siempre desde puntos de vista dramáticos y hasta truculentos. En sus películas la mayoría de las relaciones sexuales carecen de amor y afecto. Nunca son placenteras. La violación, la prostitución, la violencia de género y las frustraciones sexuales son temas recurrentes en su cine.

  18. Intracardiac flow patterns studied by cine MR flow imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Underwood, S.R.; Firmin, D.N.; Klipstein, R.H.; Rees, R.S.O.; Longmore, D.B.


    Velocity mapping by means of cine-MR imaging allows accurate measurement of velocity and flow within the cardiovascular system. A cine display and color coding simplify interpretation. The author have used the technique in a variety of patients to illustrate its potential. Velocity mapping in coronary artery by pass grafts in six patients provided a measure of graft function. Coronary artery velocities were measured in three subjects. Flow was measured through defects in the atrial septum, the ventricular septum, and a Gerbode defect. Velocity was reduced distal to coarctation of the aorta and was increased at the level of a partial venous occlusion by thrombosis. In a patient with isomerism, velocity mapping in the central vessels aided interpretation. Cine-MR imaging velocity mapping combined with conventional imaging yields important functional information on the cardiovascular system

  19. El papel del cine en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en Dirección de Operaciones: El caso de Tiempos Modernos

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    María Mitre Aranda


    Full Text Available El cine constituye una poderosa herramienta didáctica para enseñar dirección de empresas debido a su capacidad para: motivar el interés, provocar el análisis crítico y mostrar con claridad conceptos difíciles de explicar. El cine establece marcos referenciales de sociedades, épocas y teorías dándonos información que de otra forma, a través de los textos de dirección, es difícil de recrear. Entre los docentes de Administración de Empresas y, si cabe, más aún, entre quienes se dedican a la Dirección de Operaciones, la discusión sobre el valor de este recurso permanece viva. No sólo se discute acerca del papel que pueden desempeñar el cine y la televisión en la actividad docente, sino, incluso aceptando que este debe ser crucial, hay un debate muy relevante entre los académicos acerca de cómo se debe utilizar este material didáctico, si bien debe reconocerse que el uso del cine y la televisión en la docencia en Dirección de Operaciones todavía está muy mermado. En el presente trabajo recurriremos al análisis de Tiempos Modernos en cuanto a su potencial para enseñar y aprender Dirección de Operaciones. Como la literatura ha señalado, las representaciones que el cine y la televisión hacen de las empresas suelen ser diferentes de los análisis más convencionales del trabajo (en particular, representan los lugares de trabajo como un punto de implicación, personal y emocional, y explora los marcos e interacciones de trabajo diarios que pueden contener críticas implícitas de un marco capitalista. De hecho, la literatura sobre metodología docente y dirección ya ha considerado casos concretos al respecto. Los Simpsons es un buen ejemplo de ello. Ahora bien, la potencialidad del cine y de la televisión en la enseñanza no finaliza aquí. En este trabajo una serie de escenas nos permiten mostrar cómo Tiempos Modernos permite favorecer la comprensión por parte del estudiante de diferentes contenidos en Direcci

  20. Alfasecuencialización: la enseñanza del cine en la era del audiovisual Sequential literacy: the teaching of cinema in the age of audio-visual speech

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    José Antonio Palao Errando


    Full Text Available En la llamada «sociedad de la información» los estudios sobre cine se han visto diluidos en el abordaje pragmático y tecnológico del discurso audiovisual, así como la propia fruición del cine se ha visto atrapada en la red del DVD y del hipertexto. El propio cine reacciona ante ello a través de estructuras narrativas complejas que lo alejan del discurso audiovisual estándar. La función de los estudios sobre cine y de su enseñanza universitaria debe ser la reintroducción del sujeto rechazado del saber informativo por medio de la interpretación del texto fílmico. In the so called «information society», film studies have been diluted in the pragmatic and technological approaching of the audiovisual speech, as well as the own fruition of the cinema has been caught in the net of DVD and hypertext. The cinema itself reacts in the face of it through complex narrative structures that take it away from the standard audio-visual speech. The function of film studies at the university education should be the reintroduction of the rejected subject of the informative knowledge by means of the interpretation of film text.

  1. La Guerra Civil estadounidense vista por el cine

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    José María Caparrós-Lera


    Full Text Available El cine histórico es uno de los géneros más populares de Hollywood. Pero pocos hechos han sido tan prolífi cos en la gran pantalla como la Guerra Civil estadounidense (1861-1865, que estuvo a punto de provocar una Secesión en el aún joven país. Este artículo es una aproximación al tema, más cuantitativa que de análisis concreto, aunque se hace una valoración estética y contextual de las principales películas: The Birth of a Nation (1915, Gone with the Wind (1939, Glory (1989 y Gett ysburg (1993. Cuatro fi lmes paradigmáticos de un conflicto bélico que dividió a los Estados Unidos de América de forma sólo comparable a la producida en la opinión pública con motivo de la Guerra de Vietnam.

  2. Free-breathing cine CT for the diagnosis of tracheomalacia in young children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goo, Hyun Woo


    Tracheomalacia is characterized by excessive expiratory collapse of the trachea. To investigate the accuracy of free-breathing cine CT for diagnosis of tracheomalacia in young children with bronchoscopy as reference standard. In a retrospective study (May 2001-July 2008), a patient group (n = 27) of children with bronchoscopic evidence of tracheomalacia, and a control group (n = 320) underwent free-breathing cine CT. The tracheal shape on free-breathing cine CT was classified as round, lunate, elongated or crescentic. Cross-sectional area change of the trachea and age were compared between the groups and the diagnostic performance of free-breathing cine CT for tracheomalacia was evaluated. The patient group showed significantly greater cross-sectional area change of the trachea (57.2% ± 22.2% vs. 10.6% ± 11.2%, P < 0.001) than the control group. If a cross-sectional area change of the trachea of 31.6% was used as a cut-off value for the diagnosis of tracheomalacia, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of cine CT were 96.3% (26/27), 97.2% (311/320) and 97.1% (337/347), respectively. If a crescentic shape during the expiratory phase was used, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 51.9% (14/27), 98.8% (316/320) and 95.1% (330/347), respectively. Free-breathing cine CT has potential to provide the diagnosis of tracheomalacia in young children. (orig.)

  3. Motion Correction using Coil Arrays (MOCCA) for Free-Breathing Cardiac Cine MRI (United States)

    Hu, Peng; Hong, Susie; Moghari, Mehdi H.; Goddu, Beth; Goepfert, Lois; Kissinger, Kraig V.; Hauser, Thomas H.; Manning, Warren J; Nezafat, Reza


    In this study, we present a motion compensation technique based on coil arrays (MOCCA) and evaluate its application in free-breathing respiratory self-gated cine MRI. MOCCA takes advantages of the fact that motion-induced changes in k-space signal are modulated by individual coil sensitivity profiles. In the proposed implementation of MOCCA self-gating for free-breathing cine MRI, the k-space center line is acquired at the beginning of each k-space segment for each cardiac cycle with 4 repetitions. For each k-space segment, the k-space center line acquired immediately before was used to select one of the 4 acquired repetitions to be included in the final self-gated cine image by calculating the cross-correlation between the k-space center line with a reference line. The proposed method was tested on a cohort of healthy adult subjects for subjective image quality and objective blood-myocardium border sharpness. The method was also tested on a cohort of patients to compare the left and right ventricular volumes and ejection fraction measurements with that of standard breath-hold cine MRI. Our data indicate that the proposed MOCCA method provides significantly improved image quality and sharpness compared to free-breathing cine without respiratory self-gating, and provides similar volume measurements compared with breath-hold cine MRI. PMID:21773986

  4. El cine como transgresión: deseo, política y feminismo en Camila (María Luisa Bemberg, 1984

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    Kratje, Julia


    Full Text Available [es] El objetivo general de este artículo es realizar un análisis de Camila (1984 de María Luisa Bemberg, obra clave para la historización de la relación entre cine y feminismo en la Argentina. El objetivo específico es investigar la construcción de la figura de mujer moderna como sujeto deseante en la transposición de los acontecimientos decimonónicos al film. La hipótesis que guía el trabajo es que el vínculo entre deseo y política aparece expresado bajo una forma cinematográfica convencional orientada por una revisión crítica del drama histórico. Con ese propósito, indagamos el film a partir del horizonte de emancipación abierto por el movimiento de mujeres y la cultura cinematográfica. Teniendo en cuenta las modificaciones operadas en la adaptación de los sucesos documentados, exploramos el repertorio figurativo desde el foco puesto en la relación de la protagonista con la moral católica y los lazos familiares, que perfilan a Camila O’Gorman como un personaje avant la lettre. [en] The general objective of this article is to analyze María Luisa Bemberg’s Camila (1984, a fundamental film about the relationship between cinema and feminism in Argentina. The specific objective is to investigate the construction of the figure of modern woman as a desiring subject in the adaptation of nineteenth-century history to the film, whose transposition refers to events of 1847, at the time of the government of Juan Manuel de Rosas (1835-1852. The hypothesis that guides the work is that the link between desire and politics is expressed in a feminist cinematographic form, oriented by a critical revision of the historical drama. With this purpose, I am interested in investigating the film from the horizon of emancipation opened by the women’s movement and the cinematographic culture connected with the “second wave”.

  5. Mosquitos Culicidae como vetores emergentes de infecções Culicidae mosquitoes as emerging vectors of diseases

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    Oswaldo Paulo Forattini


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se sucinta revisão do relacionamento entre as chamadas infecções emergentes e o conceito de vetores emergentes. Estes são entendidos não apenas no que concerne aos que são descritos como tais, de forma nova, mas também aqueles com acentuadas mudanças de comportamento. Os fatores específicos que propiciam esse fenômeno identificam-se à poderosa influência humana sobre o ambiente. Assim, aquele construído pelo homem e conhecido como antrópico representa a função de pressão seletiva que induz as populações vetoras a se adaptarem às novas circunstâncias. Nelas inclui-se fatores ecológicos ambientais, ou demográficos, que incrementam o contato com os novos comportamentos vetoriais. Relata-se o encontro de criadouros anômalos de mosquitos Culicidae nas Américas. A interpretação desses encontros é feita visando à vigilância epidemiológica. O significado dessa emergência ou reemergência pode se traduzir no aparecimento de problemas epidemiológicos. Sugere-se que, em sendo assim, a vigilância epidemiológica deva ser feita em grau global.A review is presented of the relationships between the so-called emerging infectious diseases and what may be defined as emerging vectors. These include not only those that have recently appeared but also those that present remarkable behavioral changes. Specific factors leading to that emergence can be associated with the powerful human influence on the environment. So the man-made, i.e. anthropic environment, exercises a selective pressure inducing vector populations to adapt to new circumstances. These may arise from ecological, environmental, or demographic factors that increase contact with the new vector. With this in mind, data on anomalous Culicidae breeding places in the Americas are reported. An interpretation of these findings is offered in the light of epidemiological surveillance. The question is whether vector emergence or re-emergence may constitute an

  6. Simultaneous static and cine nonenhanced MR angiography using radial sampling and highly constrained back projection reconstruction. (United States)

    Koktzoglou, Ioannis; Mistretta, Charles A; Giri, Shivraman; Dunkle, Eugene E; Amin, Parag; Edelman, Robert R


    To describe a pulse sequence for simultaneous static and cine nonenhanced magnetic resonance angiography (NEMRA) of the peripheral arteries. The peripheral arteries of 10 volunteers and 6 patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) were imaged with the proposed cine NEMRA sequence on a 1.5 Tesla (T) system. The impact of multi-shot imaging and highly constrained back projection (HYPR) reconstruction was examined. The propagation rate of signal along the length of the arterial tree in the cine nonenhanced MR angiograms was quantified. The cine NEMRA sequence simultaneously provided a static MR angiogram showing vascular anatomy as well as a cine display of arterial pulse wave propagation along the entire length of the peripheral arteries. Multi-shot cine NEMRA improved temporal resolution and reduced image artifacts. HYPR reconstruction improved image quality when temporal reconstruction footprints shorter than 100 ms were used (P cine NEMRA was slower in patients with PAD than in volunteers. Simultaneous static and cine NEMRA of the peripheral arteries is feasible. Multi-shot acquisition and HYPR reconstruction can be used to improve arterial conspicuity and temporal resolution. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. The Role of Cine Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Chiari 0 Malformation. (United States)

    Ozsoy, Kerem Mazhar; Oktay, Kadir; Cetinalp, Nuri Eralp; Gezercan, Yurdal; Erman, Tahsin


    To define the role of phase-contrast cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in deciding the therapeutic strategy and underlying pathophysiology resulting in syrinx formation in patients with Chiari type 0 malformation. Seven patients who were admitted to our clinic with the diagnosis of Chiari 0 malformation from January 2005 to July 2016 were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent a detailed preoperative neurological examination. Entire neuroaxis MRI and phase-contrast cine MRI were obtained preoperatively and postoperatively. Seven patients (5 female and 2 male) with Chiari type 0 malformation fulfilled the inclusion criteria. All of the patients had absent cine flow at the craniovertebral junction except two patients. These five patients underwent surgical interventions; suboccipital decompression and duraplasty. All of them showed both clinical and radiological improvement in the postoperative period. Cine flow MRI appears to be a useful tool in the management of patients with Chiari 0 malformation. There was a good correlation between the clinical presentation and cine flow preoperatively, and between clinical improvement and cine flow in the postoperative period.

  8. Three-dimensional cine MRI in free-breathing infants and children with congenital heart disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seeger, Achim; Fenchel, Michael C.; Kramer, Ulrich; Bretschneider, Christiane; Doering, Joerg; Claussen, Claus D.; Miller, Stephan [University of Tuebingen (Germany). Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology; Greil, Gerald F. [St. Thomas Hospital, Division of Imaging Sciences, King' s College London (United Kingdom); Martirosian, Petros [University of Tuebingen, Section of Experimental Radiology, Tuebingen (Germany); Sieverding, Ludger [University of Tuebingen, Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Tuebingen (Germany)


    Patients with congenital heart disease frequently have complex cardiac and vascular malformations requiring detailed non-invasive diagnostic evaluation including functional parameters. To evaluate the morphological and functional information provided by a novel 3-D cine steady-state free-precession (SSFP) sequence. Twenty consecutive children (mean age 2.2 years, nine boys) were examined using a 1.5-T MR system including 2-D cine gradient-recalled-echo sequences, static 3-D SSFP and 3-D cine SSFP sequences. Measurement of ventricular structures and volumes showed close agreement between the 3-D cine SSFP sequence and the 2-D cine gradient-recalled-echo and static 3-D SSFP sequences (left ventricular volumes mean difference 1.0-1.9 ml and 8.8-11.4%, respectively; right ventricular volumes 1.7-2.1 ml and 9.9-16.9%, respectively). No systematic bias was observed. 3-D cine MRI provides anatomic as well as functional information with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution in free-breathing infants with congenital heart disease. (orig.)

  9. Three-dimensional cine MRI in free-breathing infants and children with congenital heart disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seeger, Achim; Fenchel, Michael C.; Kramer, Ulrich; Bretschneider, Christiane; Doering, Joerg; Claussen, Claus D.; Miller, Stephan; Martirosian, Petros; Sieverding, Ludger


    Patients with congenital heart disease frequently have complex cardiac and vascular malformations requiring detailed non-invasive diagnostic evaluation including functional parameters. To evaluate the morphological and functional information provided by a novel 3-D cine steady-state free-precession (SSFP) sequence. Twenty consecutive children (mean age 2.2 years, nine boys) were examined using a 1.5-T MR system including 2-D cine gradient-recalled-echo sequences, static 3-D SSFP and 3-D cine SSFP sequences. Measurement of ventricular structures and volumes showed close agreement between the 3-D cine SSFP sequence and the 2-D cine gradient-recalled-echo and static 3-D SSFP sequences (left ventricular volumes mean difference 1.0-1.9 ml and 8.8-11.4%, respectively; right ventricular volumes 1.7-2.1 ml and 9.9-16.9%, respectively). No systematic bias was observed. 3-D cine MRI provides anatomic as well as functional information with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution in free-breathing infants with congenital heart disease. (orig.)

  10. El poder en el cine


    Brisset Mart??n, Demetrio E.


    Desde la antropolog??a visual, se aborda la faceta del Poder relativa a sus diversas manifestaciones. Entre ellas, elegimos el cine, especialmente su g??nero de drama judicial, y analizamos comparativamente El proceso f??lmico de Welles y la novela de Kafka.

  11. Cine MRI of patients with cervical myelopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ukita, Yasutaka


    Forty-six patients with cervical myelopathy were examined before and after surgery by cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). According to the occurrence site and degree of flow void, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow void was classified into five: anterior type (flow void mainly in the anterior part of subarachnoid space), posterior type (mainly in the posteiror part), anteroposterior type (in the anterior and posterior parts), incomplete block type (flow void limited to the upper and lower parts of the block), and complete block type (no flow void). None of the 46 patients had normal CSF flow void on cine MRI before surgery. CSF flow void was seen in systolic phase on ECG (from 150 to 300 msec from R's wave) in all patients after spinal cord decompression. Postoperative CBF flow void types correlated well with surgical method, disease, and postoperative vertebral alignment. Postoperative outcome was the most excellent in the group of posterior type and the poorest in the group of anteroposterior type, showing a significant difference between the groups. Cine MRI is a useful noninvasive, dynamic method for assessing postoperative decompression effect. (N.K.)

  12. Interculturalidad, cine y enseñanza de español: propuesta didáctica para el visionado de películas en la Secundaria

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    Santiago Bretanha Freitas


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo trazar un panorama de las principales reflexiones acerca de la didáctica intercultural para el trabajo con cine en las clases de español (E, bien como, en segundo plano, esbozar una propuesta didáctica para el visionado de películas en las clases de lengua española de la enseñanza secundaria, tomando por referencia el enfoque por tareas y la enseñanza de E como Segunda Lengua (E/L2. Para tanto, nos hemos fundamentado teóricamente en la perspectiva de la interculturalidad crítica y de la didáctica intercultural (CANDAU, 2012; WALSH, 2010; STREET, 2007, en los referenciales sobre los Temas Transversales (BRASIL, 1997, en las investigaciones sobre el abordaje de las relaciones de género, de sexualidad y de cuerpo en la escuela (LOURO, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2010, bien como en los estudios acerca del trabajo con cine en el aula de idiomas (AMBRÓS; BREU, 2007; MANZANERA, 2013. Dicha propuesta está organizada en un proyecto de enseñanza de treinta horas dirigido al alumnado de los Cursos Técnico Integrado en edificaciones del IFSul - campus Yaguarón (RS/BR, frontera con Río Branco (CL/UY; la propuesta está pensada para el nivel B1.

  13. Atrapar la emoción: Hollywood y el Grupo Dogma 95 ante el cine digital

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    Marzal Felici, José Javier


    Full Text Available La tecnología del cine digital representa, no sólo nuevas formas de gestionar y organizar la producción cinematográfica, sino sobre todo abre la puerta para la exploración de nuevas formas de construcción del relato. En primer lugar, realizaremos una valoración general de lo que está suponiendo la «migración digital» para la industria del cine. Esto pasa por reflexionar sobre la importancia de la tecnología en la historia del cine y revisar las transformaciones que se están produciendo en la actualidad. Veremos cómo la construcción de mundos virtuales en el cine más industrial se enfrenta al reto de la «captura» de la emoción. Finalizaremos este bloque con una caracterización del cine hollywoodiense que constituye un «cine de atracciones»...

  14. El cine de Jordi Grau y la autobiografía como fabulación

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    Full Text Available El cine de los años ochenta en España corre paralelo a la situación de transformación social del país. Con la transición política en marcha, el cineasta Jordi Grau (Barcelona, 1930 se atreve en 1986 a rodar una película autobiográfica y a su vez representativa de la evolución de “los usos amorosos”, (Martín Gaite 1987 y del momento histórico de la ”nueva masculinidad, el antihéroe, el fin del macho ibérico y el principio del español sensible” (Guarinos 2008, que acopia ideas sobre los afectos y la sexualidad, ideas ya reiteradas en sus películas, pero en 1986, en una versión sin censura erótico-sexual. Afirmado o negado, en campo o fuera de campo, de una forma u otra, implícito o explícito, los afectos y la sexualidad siempre han estado y están inscritos en las películas de Grau.

  15. An initial study on the estimation of time-varying volumetric treatment images and 3D tumor localization from single MV cine EPID images

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mishra, Pankaj, E-mail:; Mak, Raymond H.; Rottmann, Joerg; Bryant, Jonathan H.; Williams, Christopher L.; Berbeco, Ross I.; Lewis, John H. [Brigham and Women' s Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 (United States); Li, Ruijiang [Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305 (United States)


    Purpose: In this work the authors develop and investigate the feasibility of a method to estimate time-varying volumetric images from individual MV cine electronic portal image device (EPID) images. Methods: The authors adopt a two-step approach to time-varying volumetric image estimation from a single cine EPID image. In the first step, a patient-specific motion model is constructed from 4DCT. In the second step, parameters in the motion model are tuned according to the information in the EPID image. The patient-specific motion model is based on a compact representation of lung motion represented in displacement vector fields (DVFs). DVFs are calculated through deformable image registration (DIR) of a reference 4DCT phase image (typically peak-exhale) to a set of 4DCT images corresponding to different phases of a breathing cycle. The salient characteristics in the DVFs are captured in a compact representation through principal component analysis (PCA). PCA decouples the spatial and temporal components of the DVFs. Spatial information is represented in eigenvectors and the temporal information is represented by eigen-coefficients. To generate a new volumetric image, the eigen-coefficients are updated via cost function optimization based on digitally reconstructed radiographs and projection images. The updated eigen-coefficients are then multiplied with the eigenvectors to obtain updated DVFs that, in turn, give the volumetric image corresponding to the cine EPID image. Results: The algorithm was tested on (1) Eight digital eXtended CArdiac-Torso phantom datasets based on different irregular patient breathing patterns and (2) patient cine EPID images acquired during SBRT treatments. The root-mean-squared tumor localization error is (0.73 ± 0.63 mm) for the XCAT data and (0.90 ± 0.65 mm) for the patient data. Conclusions: The authors introduced a novel method of estimating volumetric time-varying images from single cine EPID images and a PCA-based lung motion model

  16. Usefulness of breath-hold cardiac cine MR imaging with a middle field MRI system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsumura, Kentaro; Sato, Kiyoto; Aono, Masaki; Inoshita, Kenji; Utsumi, Naoko [Kagawa Inoshita Hospital, Ohnohara (Japan)


    To assess the accuracy of contrast-enhanced, single breath-hold cine MR imaging in calculating left ventricular volume and ejection fraction, we compared MR measurements with those obtained by using cine ventriculography in 60 patients. Fast cine MR images were acquired with a middle field MR system (0.5 T). A breath-hold single slice multi-phase fast gradient-echo (Fast Card) sequence was used to obtain fast cine MR images with the following parameters; TR of 16 ms, TE of 3 ms, flip angle of 30 degree, matrix elements of 256 x 128, view per segment of 6, field of view of 350 x 260 mm and one excitation. Left ventricular end-diastolic volume and ejection fraction obtained with contrast-enhanced Fast Card correlated well with those obtained with cine ventriculography (end-diastolic volume, y=1.00x+14.0, r=0.904, p<0.001; ejection fraction, y=0.961x+2.8, r=0.936, p<0.001). Our results show that contrast enhanced breath-hold cardiac cine MR imaging on horizontal long-axis view using a middle field MR system is an accurate method for evaluating left ventricular volume and ejection fraction. (author)

  17. Feasibility of vocal fold abduction and adduction assessment using cine-MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baki, Marina Mat [National University of Malaysia, Faculty of Medicine, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia); Menys, Alex; Morley, Simon; Beale, Timothy [University College London, Centre for Medical Imaging, London (United Kingdom); Atkinson, David; Punwani, Shonit [University College London, Centre for Medical Imaging, London (United Kingdom); Royal National Throat Nose Ear Hospital, University College London Hospital NHS Trust, London (United Kingdom); Bassett, Paul [University College London, London (United Kingdom); Sandhu, Guri [Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London (United Kingdom); Naduvilethil, Georgekutty; Stevenson, Nicola [Royal National Throat Nose Ear Hospital, University College London Hospital NHS Trust, London (United Kingdom); Birchall, Martin A. [Royal National Throat Nose Ear Hospital, University College London Hospital NHS Trust, London (United Kingdom); University of California, Davis, Department of Otolaryngology, Davis, CA (United States); University College London, Ear Institute, London (United Kingdom)


    Determine feasibility of vocal fold (VF) abduction and adduction assessment by cine magnetic resonance imaging (cine-MRI) Cine-MRI of the VF was performed on five healthy and nine unilateral VF paralysis (UVFP) participants using an axial gradient echo acquisition with temporal resolution of 0.7 s. VFs were continuously imaged with cine-MRI during a 10-s period of quiet respiration and phonation. Scanning was repeated twice within an individual session and then once again at a 1-week interval. Asymmetry of VF position during phonation (VF phonation asymmetry, VFPa) and respiration (VF respiration asymmetry, VFRa) was determined. Percentage reduction in total glottal area between respiration and phonation (VF abduction potential, VFAP) was derived to measure overall mobility. An un-paired t-test was used to compare differences between groups. Intra-session, inter-session and inter-reader repeatability of the quantitative metrics was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). VF position asymmetry (VFPa and VFRa) was greater (p=0.012; p=0.001) and overall mobility (VFAP) was lower (p=0.008) in UVFP patients compared with healthy participants. ICC of repeatability of all metrics was good, ranged from 0.82 to 0.95 except for the inter-session VFPa (0.44). Cine-MRI is feasible for assessing VF abduction and adduction. Derived quantitative metrics have good repeatability. (orig.)

  18. Feasibility of vocal fold abduction and adduction assessment using cine-MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baki, Marina Mat; Menys, Alex; Morley, Simon; Beale, Timothy; Atkinson, David; Punwani, Shonit; Bassett, Paul; Sandhu, Guri; Naduvilethil, Georgekutty; Stevenson, Nicola; Birchall, Martin A.


    Determine feasibility of vocal fold (VF) abduction and adduction assessment by cine magnetic resonance imaging (cine-MRI) Cine-MRI of the VF was performed on five healthy and nine unilateral VF paralysis (UVFP) participants using an axial gradient echo acquisition with temporal resolution of 0.7 s. VFs were continuously imaged with cine-MRI during a 10-s period of quiet respiration and phonation. Scanning was repeated twice within an individual session and then once again at a 1-week interval. Asymmetry of VF position during phonation (VF phonation asymmetry, VFPa) and respiration (VF respiration asymmetry, VFRa) was determined. Percentage reduction in total glottal area between respiration and phonation (VF abduction potential, VFAP) was derived to measure overall mobility. An un-paired t-test was used to compare differences between groups. Intra-session, inter-session and inter-reader repeatability of the quantitative metrics was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). VF position asymmetry (VFPa and VFRa) was greater (p=0.012; p=0.001) and overall mobility (VFAP) was lower (p=0.008) in UVFP patients compared with healthy participants. ICC of repeatability of all metrics was good, ranged from 0.82 to 0.95 except for the inter-session VFPa (0.44). Cine-MRI is feasible for assessing VF abduction and adduction. Derived quantitative metrics have good repeatability. (orig.)

  19. Ante la brecha digital: El cine comunitariocomo herramienta de educación

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    Adriana Kong Montoya


    Full Text Available El acceso a las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC es limitado por la brecha digital. Se genera una desigualdad de acceso a la información que influye en el desarrollo de la educación. Se habla también de una brecha cognitiva que interviene en diferentes manifestaciones y dinámicas sociales. Las herramientas de comunicación en la sociedad se ven limitadas a algunos segmentos reducidos de la población. La producción audiovisual se limita a algunos usuarios y esto genera productos que no reflejan a una comunidad en su totalidad. El cine comunitario posee las características que favorecen el desarrollo de la identidad, la visibilizarían de problemas y el acceso de las comunidades a herramientas de las TIC. Esta forma de producción surge como respuesta de una responsabilidad social y funciona como herramienta alternativa para combatir las sociedades marginadas por la brecha digital.

  20. Magnetic resonance (MR) cine imaging of the human heart

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waterton, J.C.


    A novel approach has been developed for MR cine imaging of the human heart by a modified ECG-gated 2DFT method. A pulse sequence has been devised to minimise the effects of saturation which can be anticipated in sequences that require rapid pulsing. Five frames are produced at the same anatomical level at predetermined intervals during the cardiac cycle. The total time taken to achieve this data is 8 minutes. Additional frames can be interleaved by repeating the sequence with an ECG-gated delay. The anatomical sections, which can be in any orthogonal plane, are then displayed as a cine loop. Cine display in the coronal plane has been used to examine 10 volunteers and 12 patients. In addition to the morphological feature displayed in single slice ECG-gated imaging, areas of dyskinesia can be detected and subjective estimates have been made of left ventricular function. (author)

  1. Evaluation of aortic distensibility using cine MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Masashi; Murata, Kiyoshi; Mori, Masayuki


    Regional aortic distensibility was measured noninvasively using cine MR imaging to determine whether it correlates with aging or risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). Twenty-two patients with CAD confirmed by angiography and 33 without CAD underwent cine MR imaging. Thirty-two sequential images were obtained in one cardiac cycle. The cross sectional area of the descending thoracic aorta was measured on both diastolic (A) and systolic (A') images. Aortic distensibility (A.D.) was calculated from the following equation: A.D.=(A'-A)/A/ΔP.(ΔP represents pulse pressure). Results of a simple regression analysis showed that decreased regional aortic distensibility was significantly correlated with the age of the patients (r=-0.762, p<0.005). In addition, the parameter was lower in patients with CAD than those without CAD (p<0.05). In conclusion, regional aortic distensibility derived from cine MR imaging is a useful parameter to evaluate not only aging but also pathological atherosclerosis of the aorta. In addition, this parameter might have some potential to evaluate the prediction of CAD in patients with normal serum cholesterol. (author)

  2. Cine viability magnetic resonance imaging of the heart without increased scan time. (United States)

    Hassanein, Azza S; Khalifa, Ayman M; Ibrahim, El-Sayed H


    Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides information about myocardial morphology, function, and viability from cine, tagged, and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) images, respectively. While the cine and tagged images are acquired in a time-resolved fashion, the LGE images are acquired at a single timeframe. The purpose of this work is to develop a method for generating cine LGE images without additional scan time. The motion field is extracted from the tagged images, and is then used to guide the deformation of the infarcted region from the acquired LGE image at the acquired timeframe to any other timeframe. Major techniques for motion estimation, including harmonic phase (HARP) and optical flow analysis, are tested in this work for motion estimation. The proposed method is tested on numerical phantom and images from four human subjects. The generated cine LGE images showed both viability and wall motion information in the same set of images without additional scan time or image misregistration problems. The band-pass optical flow analysis resulted in the most accurate motion estimation compared to other methods, especially HARP, which fails to track points at the myocardial boundary. Infarct transmurality from the generated images showed good agreement with myocardial strain, and wall thickening showed good agreement with that measured from conventional cine images. In conclusion, the developed technique allows for generating cine LGE images that enable simultaneous display of wall motion and viability information. The generated images could be useful for estimating myocardial contractility reserve and for treatment prognosis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Routine cine-CMR for prosthesis-associated mitral regurgitation: a multicenter comparison to echocardiography. (United States)

    Simprini, Lauren A; Afroz, Anika; Cooper, Mitchell A; Klem, Igor; Jensen, Christoph; Kim, Raymond J; Srichai, Monvadi B; Heitner, John F; Sood, Michael; Chandy, Elizabeth; Shah, Dipan J; Lopez-Mattei, Juan; Biederman, Robert W; Grizzard, John D; Fuisz, Anthon; Ghafourian, Kambiz; Farzaneh-Far, Afshin; Weinsaft, Jonathan


    Mitral regurgitation (MR) is an important complication after prosthetic mitral valve (PMV) implantation. Transthoracic echocardiography is widely used to screen for native MR, but can be limited with PMV. Cine-cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) holds the potential for the non-invasive assessment of regurgitant severity based on MR-induced inter-voxel dephasing. The study aim was to evaluate routine cine-CMR for the visual assessment of PMV-associated MR. Routine cine-CMR was performed at nine sites. A uniform protocol was used to grade MR based on jet size in relation to the left atrium (mild 2/3). MR was graded in each long-axis orientation, with overall severity based on cumulative grade. Cine-CMR was also scored for MR density and pulmonary vein systolic flow reversal (PVSFR). Visual interpretation was compared to quantitative analysis in a single-center (derivation) cohort, and to transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in a multicenter (validation) cohort. The population comprised 85 PMV patients (59% mechanical valves, 41% bioprostheses). Among the derivation cohort (n = 25), quantitative indices paralleled visual scores, with stepwise increases in jet size and density in relation to visually graded MR severity (both p = 0.001). Patients with severe MR had an almost three-fold increase in quantitative jet area (p = 0.002), and a two-fold increase in density (p = 0.04) than did other patients. Among the multicenter cohort, cine-CMR and TEE (Δ =. 2 ± 3 days) demonstrated moderate agreement (κ = 0.44); 64% of discordances differed by ≤ 1 grade (Δ = 1.2 ± 0.5). Using a TEE reference, cine-CMR yielded excellent diagnostic performance for severe MR (sensitivity, negative predictive value = 100%). Patients with visually graded severe MR also had more frequent PVSFR (p cine-CMR. Cine-CMR is useful for the assessment of PMV-associated MR, which manifests concordant quantitative and qualitative changes in size and density of inter-voxel dephasing. Visual MR

  4. Tras los pasos del Cine en Ecuador: la producción nacional y políticas de apoyo

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    Violeta Yalilé Loaiza Ruiz


    Full Text Available Con el presente trabajo reflexionamos sobre el estado actual del cine ecuatoriano, la incidencia que en él tiene la actual Ley del Cine y la participación del Consejo Nacional del Cine en su financiación. Partimos de una historia del cine, desde sus comienzos en el último cuarto del siglo XIX, con las primeras filmaciones de Theodor Wolf, hasta la actualidad. Analizaremos las causas de las preferencias de los espectadores, la dicotomía entre cine documental y ficcional, a través de las más importantes películas realizadas en el país y su incidencia internacional. Para ello hemos utilizado la entrevista a tres de sus más importantes protagonistas/actores, Wilma Granda, Alex Schlenker y Santiago Carpio, para conocer su opinión del cine en Ecuador. El cine ecuatoriano sigue evolucionando pese a los obstáculos políticos y económicos que existentes y la fuerte competencia del cine extranjero, fundamentalmente de los Estados Unidos.

  5. Actrices del cine mudo que no superaron la barrera del sonoro

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    Rosa María Ballesteros García


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objetivo recuperar una serie de actrices, ídolos de la etapa del cine mudo, que no lograron mantenerse al iniciarse el proceso al hablado. Ponemos el objetivo en algunas de las actrices más representativas a quienes el progreso técnico iba a condenar al ostracismo al no adecuarse su voz (aún sin la muleta del doblaje a los inevitables cambios estructurales y auditivos. En los años en que se produce esta transición (último tercio de 1920 y primeros años de 1930 se produjo un general “pánico” entre el colectivo, justificado por cierto, pues a partir de entonces fueron de estricta obligación las “pruebas de voz”, por lo que buena parte de estas glorias mudas vieron frustradas sus carreras. Ídolos con pies de barro, juguetes a merced del marketing y de la voracidad de los productores, sus nombres fueron difuminándose, tan rápido como habían sido encumbrados, en una involuntaria huida plagada de fracasos, de adiciones y de varios casos de suicidios.

  6. Del Olimpo al celuloide[Gran Canaria]: Los mitos en el cine y su aplicabilidad para la docencia en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Estudio de casos: Pigmalión y Pandora


    González Padrón, Iraima


    Proponemos un proyecto que trata de poner en valor el cine como recurso pedagógico, para lo cual se ha elaborado una propuesta didáctica. A través de esta, los alumnos podrán adquirir conocimientos tanto de la mitología clásica, pues trataremos la transposición de los mitos a las películas, a veces de forma subliminal, como de cultura y lenguaje cinematográfico.

  7. Adolescencia e identidades LGBT en el cine español. Evolución, personajes y significados.

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    Juan Carlos Alfeo Álvarez


    Full Text Available Sea como sujeto o como objeto de deseo; aislado en su soledad esencial o vinculado a otros en relaciones simétricas o asimétricas, depositarios de la mayor ingenuidad o lúcidos manipuladores, víctimas o verdugos, cuando no ambas cosas, los personajes homosexuales en su tránsito por la adolescencia constituyen una categoría en sí mismos. Por otra parte el modo en el que han ido siendo representados dice mucho de la evolución del imaginario colectivo en relación con la cuestión homosexual. En este artículo se aborda el desarrollo de las representaciones de los adolescentes homosexuales en el cine español desde las primeras representaciones hasta la actualidad, analizando los personajes que han ido desfilando por las pantallas de la cinematografía española, así como la evolución de los roles y de los significados  que se han ido vinculando a cada uno de ellos.

  8. Mujeres de cine: del glamour de Hollywood a los modelos alternativos

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    Caballero Wangüemert, María


    Full Text Available Cinema has reflected the great changes that women, family and society have undergone in the twentieth century. Film was born male, but throughout the twentieth century, woman has gone from being an object of desire, the star of the love story in Hollywood comedies, to commanding the adventure of cinema as a screenwriter (E. Thompson, RP Jhavbala , producer (B. Streisand, I. Bollaín and, especially, director: Streisand, M. von Trotta, S. Coppola, A. Huston among others, but also M. Nair, D. Mehta, I. Bollaín, I. Coixet, G. Querejeta, K. Bigelow, L. Schefig, S. Bier, N. Labaki, M. Ruiz de Austri. This paper assumes the validity of this diachrony, in order to consider one question: What kind of family models and what kind of women’s models does the big screen provide us with, beyond the old dichotomy of angel/ whore?Es un hecho que el cine ha reflejado la revolución de mujer, familia y sociedad en el siglo XX. El cine nace en masculino: es el hombre quien desempeña las funciones públicas mientras la mujer reina en el ámbito privado, educando desde el hogar a los futuros ciudadanos. ¿Es suficiente ese papel para la mujer actual? Desde luego que no y de ahí su Aasalto al poder: en el caso del cine, la mujer ha pasado de ser objeto de deseo, la protagonista de la historia amorosa en las comedias de Hollywood, a comandar la aventura del séptimo arte como guionista (E. Thompson, R. P. Jhavbala, Diablo Cody, productora (B. Streisand, I. Bollaín y, sobre todo, directora: la propia Streisand, M. von Trotta, S. Coppola, A. Huston... pero también M. Nair, D. Metha, I. Bollaín, I. Coixet, G. Querejeta, K. Bigelow, L. Schefig, S. Bier, N. Labaki, M. Ruíz de Austri... Mi trabajo da por supuesta esa diacronía, para plantearse una pregunta: ¿qué tipos de familia y qué problemáticas femeninas nos acerca últimamente la gran pantalla?

  9. Motion-Corrected Real-Time Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Heart: Initial Clinical Experience. (United States)

    Rahsepar, Amir Ali; Saybasili, Haris; Ghasemiesfe, Ahmadreza; Dolan, Ryan S; Shehata, Monda L; Botelho, Marcos P; Markl, Michael; Spottiswoode, Bruce; Collins, Jeremy D; Carr, James C


    Free-breathing real-time (RT) imaging can be used in patients with difficulty in breath-holding; however, RT cine imaging typically experiences poor image quality compared with segmented cine imaging because of low resolution. Here, we validate a novel unsupervised motion-corrected (MOCO) reconstruction technique for free-breathing RT cardiac images, called MOCO-RT. Motion-corrected RT uses elastic image registration to generate a single heartbeat of high-quality data from a free-breathing RT acquisition. Segmented balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) cine images and free-breathing RT images (Cartesian, TGRAPPA factor 4) were acquired with the same spatial/temporal resolution in 40 patients using clinical 1.5 T magnetic resonance scanners. The respiratory cycle was estimated using the reconstructed RT images, and nonrigid unsupervised motion correction was applied to eliminate breathing motion. Conventional segmented RT and MOCO-RT single-heartbeat cine images were analyzed to evaluate left ventricular (LV) function and volume measurements. Two radiologists scored images for overall image quality, artifact, noise, and wall motion abnormalities. Intraclass correlation coefficient was used to assess the reliability of MOCO-RT measurement. Intraclass correlation coefficient showed excellent reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient ≥ 0.95) of MOCO-RT with segmented cine in measuring LV function, mass, and volume. Comparison of the qualitative ratings indicated comparable image quality for MOCO-RT (4.80 ± 0.35) with segmented cine (4.45 ± 0.88, P = 0.215) and significantly higher than conventional RT techniques (3.51 ± 0.41, P cine (1.51 ± 0.90, P = 0.088 and 1.23 ± 0.45, P = 0.182) were not different. Wall motion abnormality ratings were comparable among different techniques (P = 0.96). The MOCO-RT technique can be used to process conventional free-breathing RT cine images and provides comparable quantitative assessment of LV function and volume

  10. Cine y arquetipos en la didáctica de E/LE

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    María Pilar Guitart Escudero


    Full Text Available Conocer una lengua necesariamente implica también conocer la cultura en la queesa lengua se produce. En otras palabras, la competencia lingüística está plenamentegarantizada cuando se alcanza cierto grado de competencia cultural. Tal y comoestablecimos en una experiencia práctica anterior sobre cine, trabajar con muestras deconversación real es apostar por el éxito pedagógico ya que dicho material nos permiteacceder a elementos contextualizados, verbales y no verbales que, en definitiva, son losque van a asegurar la plena adecuación comunicativa (Guitart, 2007. Es, en estesentido, en el que volvemos a confirmar que la adecuación lingüística solo es posiblecuando el aprendizaje parte de la explotación de materiales con un alto componentecultural, como el que nos vuelve a ofrecer la gran pantalla.

  11. Cine y mitología de los orígenes en el nacionalismo norteamericano: el último mohicano

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    Full Text Available Cine y nacionalismo presentan una interesante y continuada relación, sobre todo a través de géneros como el épico, histórico o de aventuras. Se estudia en el presente trabajo esta relación, a partir del film “El último mohicano”, dirigido por Michael Mann en 1992, que presenta elementos clave para entender la importancia de la conformación de los mitos sobre los orígenes de la nación norteamericana. El film, como la conocida novela en que se inspira libremente, centra su trama en aspectos y épocas claves de los movimientos nacionalistas, al entroncar además con el movimiento cultural del romanticismo y su peculiar manera de valorar el pasado histórico y los orígenes de pueblos, culturas y naciones

  12. Cine dyscontractility index: A novel marker of mechanical dyssynchrony that predicts response to cardiac resynchronization therapy. (United States)

    Werys, Konrad; Petryka-Mazurkiewicz, Joanna; Błaszczyk, Łukasz; Miśko, Jolanta; Śpiewak, Mateusz; Małek, Łukasz A; Mazurkiewicz, Łukasz; Miłosz-Wieczorek, Barbara; Marczak, Magdalena; Kubik, Agata; Dąbrowska, Agnieszka; Piątkowska-Janko, Ewa; Sawionek, Błażej; Wijesurendra, Rohan; Piechnik, Stefan K; Bogorodzki, Piotr


    To investigate whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cine-derived dyssynchrony indices provide additional information compared to conventional tagged MRI (tMRI) acquisitions in heart failure patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Patients scheduled for CRT (n = 52) underwent preprocedure MRI including cine and tMRI acquisitions. Segmental strain curves were calculated for both cine and tMRI to produce a range of standard indices for direct comparison between modalities. We also proposed and evaluated a novel index of "dyscontractility," which detects the presence of focal areas with paradoxically positive circumferential strain. Across conventional strain indices, there was only moderate-to-poor (R = 0.3-0.6) correlation between modalities; eight cine-derived indices showed statistically significant (P cine images (cine dyscontractility index, "CDI") was the single best predictor of clinical response to CRT (area under the curve AUC = 0.81, P Cine-derived strain indices offer potentially new information compared to tMRI. Specifically, the novel CDI is most strongly linked to response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in a contemporary patient cohort. It utilizes readily available MRI data, is relatively straightforward to process, and compares favorably with any conventional tagging index. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2016;44:1483-1492. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  13. Cine magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of cardiac structure and flow dynamics in congenital heart disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akagi, Teiji; Kiyomatsu, Yumi; Ohara, Nobutoshi; Takagi, Junichi; Sato, Noboru; Kato, Hirohisa; Eto, Takaharu.


    Cine magnetic resonance imaging (Cine MRI) was performed in 20 patients aged 19 days to 13 years (mean 4.0 years), who had congenital heart disease confirmed at echocardiography or angiography. Prior to cine MRI, gated MRI was performed to evaluate for cardiac structure. Cine MRI was demonstrated by fast low fip angle shot imaging technique with a 30deg flip angle, 15 msec echo time, 30-40 msec pulse repetition time, and 128 x 128 acquisition matrix. Abnormalities of cardiac structure were extremely well defined in all patients by gated MRI. Intracardiac or intravascular blood flow were visualized in 17 (85%) of 20 patients by cine MRI. Left to right shunt flow through ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, and endocardial cushion defect were visualized with low signal intensity area. Low intensity jets flow through the site of re-coarctation of the aorta were also visualized. However, the good recording of cine MRI was not obtained because of artifacts in 3 of 20 patients (15%) who had severe congestive heart failure or respiratory arrhythmia. Gated MRI provides excellent visualization of fine structure, and cine MRI can provide high spatial resolution imaging of flow dynamic in a variety of congenital heart disease, noninvasively. (author)

  14. La intertextualidad en el cine de Álex de la Iglesia:El caso del cómic

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    Neftalí Pérez Franco


    Full Text Available Este artículo repasa la influencia del tebeo en las películas del director vasco, Alex de la Iglesia, cuyas primeras obras artísticas se deben a su condición de joven autor de historietas. El cine de este cineasta está marcado por claras reminiscencias provenientes de las viñetas: los superhéroes patéticos de Acción mutante se mueven por un contexto futurista muy del cómic de ciencia ficción; el humor estereotipado y los personajes grotescos del tebeo de la editorial Bruguera inundan todas sus comedias; o también son destacables los diversos homenajes narrativos o estéticos a la escuela franco-belga de Hergé y Goscinny. Esta fuerte influencia recorre toda su filmografía desde la mencionada ópera prima Acción mutante, hasta Crimen Ferpecto, pasando por títulos como El día de la bestia, Perdita Durango, Muertos de risa o La comunidad, hasta convertirse en un autor abanderado del fenómeno freak que marca tendencia en el cine español.

  15. A study of intraluminal flow in patients with aortic disease by cine magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohnishi, Shusaku; Fukui, Sugao; Kusuoka, Hideo; Kitabatake, Akira; Kamada, Takenobu.


    To evaluate the usefulness of cine magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the diagnosis of aortic disease, we applied cine MR sequences with conventional spin echo (SE) sequence to 15 patients with aortic aneurysm and 5 patients with aortic dissection. ECG gated multi slice SE images (single echo) were obtained in transverse plane and the planes along the long axis of aorta. TE of SE sequence ranged from 15 to 32 msec. Cine MR images were obtained in 17 frames, where TR ranged from 30 to 60 msec and TE from 10 to 22 msec. We got these results as follows. For aortic aneurysm, SE images showed aneurysmal dilatation in thoracic aorta in 9 cases, and in abdominal aorta in 6 cases. Cine MR images showed us the intraluminal flow with high signal intensity. We could differentiate the slow flow image from mural thrombus using SE and cine MR sequences in the same plane. We could evaluate the dynamic flow image within a cavity of aneurysm and in in-flow and out-flow portions of aorta by cine MR imaging. For aortic dissection, SE images delineated the intimal tear and two separated lumens in all cases. We could obtain flow images within true and false lumen by cine MR imaging. The signal intensity within true lumen was higher than that within false lumen. It seemed to be due to the difference of flow velocity and the turbulence within false lumen. Entry to false lumen was seen as the interruption of dissected intima on SE images. Cine MR images clearly depicted the blood flow communication between two lumens through the entry. In 3 of 5 cases the blood flow through the entry was seen in both directions, from true to false lumen in systole and inversely in diastole. Thus, cine MR imaging will add the useful hemodynamic information in the diagnosis of aortic disease by conventional MR imaging. (author)

  16. Accelerated high-frame-rate mouse heart cine-MRI using compressed sensing reconstruction. (United States)

    Motaal, Abdallah G; Coolen, Bram F; Abdurrachim, Desiree; Castro, Rui M; Prompers, Jeanine J; Florack, Luc M J; Nicolay, Klaas; Strijkers, Gustav J


    We introduce a new protocol to obtain very high-frame-rate cinematographic (Cine) MRI movies of the beating mouse heart within a reasonable measurement time. The method is based on a self-gated accelerated fast low-angle shot (FLASH) acquisition and compressed sensing reconstruction. Key to our approach is that we exploit the stochastic nature of the retrospective triggering acquisition scheme to produce an undersampled and random k-t space filling that allows for compressed sensing reconstruction and acceleration. As a standard, a self-gated FLASH sequence with a total acquisition time of 10 min was used to produce single-slice Cine movies of seven mouse hearts with 90 frames per cardiac cycle. Two times (2×) and three times (3×) k-t space undersampled Cine movies were produced from 2.5- and 1.5-min data acquisitions, respectively. The accelerated 90-frame Cine movies of mouse hearts were successfully reconstructed with a compressed sensing algorithm. The movies had high image quality and the undersampling artifacts were effectively removed. Left ventricular functional parameters, i.e. end-systolic and end-diastolic lumen surface areas and early-to-late filling rate ratio as a parameter to evaluate diastolic function, derived from the standard and accelerated Cine movies, were nearly identical. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  17. El cine de Lisandro Alonso: una guía de viaje para investigar la estética de la libertad

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    Jörg Türschmann


    Full Text Available Los filmes de Lisandro Alonso se pueden leer como libros de viaje. Son guías que muestran a sus protagonistas en búsqueda de algo o alguien. Solo son pretextos los destinos que los filmes exponen apenas. En su lugar acompañan a los solitarios que definen un tiempo y un espacio diferencial por su relación a la cámara y al montaje. Los protagonistas se comportan como investigadores que tienen que orientarse permanentemente en un ambiente desconocido que ellos mismos marcan por su presencia. Esta autorreflexividad establece el carácter investigador del cine de Alonso en forma de una metodología y de una estética de abstención.

  18. Megavoltage conebeam CT cine as final verification of treatment plan in lung stereotactic body radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudithipudi, Vijay; Gayou, Olivier; Colonias, Athanasios


    To analyse the clinical impact of megavoltage conebeam computed tomography (MV-CBCT) cine on internal target volume (ITV) coverage in lung stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). One hundred and six patients received lung SBRT. All underwent 4D computed tomography simulation followed by treatment via image guided 3D conformal or intensity modulated radiation. Prior to SBRT, all patients underwent MV-CBCT cine, in which raw projections are displayed as beam's-eye-view fluoroscopic series with the planning target volume (PTV) projected onto each image, enabling verification of tumour motion relative to the PTV and assessment of adequacy of treatment margin. Megavoltage conebeam computed tomography cine was completed 1–2 days prior to SBRT. Four patients (3.8%) had insufficient ITV coverage inferiorly at cine review. All four plans were changed by adding 5 mm on the PTV margin inferiorly. The mean change in PTV volumes was 3.9 cubic centimetres (cc) (range 1.85–6.32 cc). Repeat cine was performed after plan modification to ensure adequate PTV coverage in the modified plans. PTV margin was adequate in the majority of patients with this technique. MV-CBCT cine did show insufficient coverage in a small subset of patients. Insufficient PTV margins may be a function of 4D CT simulation inadequacies or deficiencies in visualizing the ITV inferior border in the full-inhale phase. MV-CBCT cine is a valuable tool for final verification of PTV margins.

  19. Comparison of fluoro and cine coronary angiography: balancing acceptable outcomes with a reduction in radiation dose. (United States)

    Olcay, Ayhan; Guler, Ekrem; Karaca, Ibrahim Oguz; Omaygenc, Mehmet Onur; Kizilirmak, Filiz; Olgun, Erkam; Yenipinar, Esra; Cakmak, Huseyin Altug; Duman, Dursun


    Use of last fluoro hold (LFH) mode in fluoroscopy, which enables the last live image to be saved and displayed, could reduce radiation during percutaneous coronary intervention when compared with cine mode. No previous study compared coronary angiography radiation doses and image quality between LFH and conventional cine mode techniques. We compared cumulative dose-area product (DAP), cumulative air kerma, fluoroscopy time, contrast use, interobserver variability of visual assessment between LFH angiography, and conventional cine angiography techniques. Forty-six patients were prospectively enrolled into the LFH group and 82 patients into the cine angiography group according to operator decision. Mean cumulative DAP was higher in the cine group vs the LFH group (50058.98 ± 53542.71 mGy•cm² vs 11349.2 ± 8796.46 mGy•cm²; Pcine group vs the LFH group (3.87 ± 5.08 minutes vs 1.66 ± 1.51 minutes; Pcine group vs the LFH group (112.07 ± 43.79 cc vs 88.15 ± 23.84 cc; Pcine and LFH angiography groups (0.66680 ± 0.19309 vs 0.54193 ± 0.31046; P=.20). Radiation doses, contrast use, and fluoroscopy times are lower in fluoroscopic LFH angiography vs cine angiography. Interclass variability of visual stenosis estimation between three operators was not different between cine and LFH groups. Fluoroscopic LFH images conventionally have inferior diagnostic quality when compared with cine coronary angiography, but with new angiographic systems with improved LFH image quality, these images may be adequate for diagnostic coronary angiography.

  20. Assessment of small bowel motility in patients with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction using cine-MRI. (United States)

    Ohkubo, Hidenori; Kessoku, Takaomi; Fuyuki, Akiko; Iida, Hiroshi; Inamori, Masahiko; Fujii, Tetsuro; Kawamura, Harunobu; Hata, Yasuo; Manabe, Noriaki; Chiba, Toshimi; Kwee, Thomas C; Haruma, Ken; Matsuhashi, Nobuyuki; Nakajima, Atsushi; Takahara, Taro


    Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a rare, serious motility disorder, with life-threatening complications over time. However, lack of an established, non-invasive diagnostic method has caused delays in the diagnosis of this intractable disease. Cine-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an emerging technique, with a potential to evaluate the motility of the entire bowel. We compared small bowel motility in healthy volunteers, patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and those with CIPO, using cine-MRI, and evaluated the usefulness of cine-MRI as a novel diagnostic method for CIPO. Twelve healthy volunteers, IBS patients, and CIPO patients prospectively underwent cine-MRI at 1.5 T. Luminal diameter, contraction ratio, and contraction cycle were measured and compared between the groups. Cine-MRI provided sufficient dynamic images to assess the motility of the entire small bowel. Luminal diameter (mean±s.d.) in CIPO patients was significantly higher than that in healthy volunteers and IBS patients (43.4±14.1, 11.1±1.5, and 10.9±1.9 mm, respectively), and contraction ratio was significantly lower in CIPO patients than that in healthy volunteers and IBS patients (17.1±11.0%, 73.0±9.3%, and 74.6±9.4%, respectively). No significant differences were observed in the contraction cycle. This study is the first to assess the clinical utility of cine-MRI in CIPO patients. Cine-MRI clearly detected contractility impairments in CIPO patients. Cine-MRI is noninvasive, radiation-free, and can directly evaluate the entire small bowel peristalsis, and can detect the affected loops at a glance; therefore, it might be extremely useful for the diagnosis and follow-up of CIPO patients in clinical practice.

  1. Dose calculation with respiration-averaged CT processed from cine CT without a respiratory surrogate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riegel, Adam C.; Ahmad, Moiz; Sun Xiaojun; Pan Tinsu


    Dose calculation for thoracic radiotherapy is commonly performed on a free-breathing helical CT despite artifacts caused by respiratory motion. Four-dimensional computed tomography (4D-CT) is one method to incorporate motion information into the treatment planning process. Some centers now use the respiration-averaged CT (RACT), the pixel-by-pixel average of the ten phases of 4D-CT, for dose calculation. This method, while sparing the tedious task of 4D dose calculation, still requires 4D-CT technology. The authors have recently developed a means to reconstruct RACT directly from unsorted cine CT data from which 4D-CT is formed, bypassing the need for a respiratory surrogate. Using RACT from cine CT for dose calculation may be a means to incorporate motion information into dose calculation without performing 4D-CT. The purpose of this study was to determine if RACT from cine CT can be substituted for RACT from 4D-CT for the purposes of dose calculation, and if increasing the cine duration can decrease differences between the dose distributions. Cine CT data and corresponding 4D-CT simulations for 23 patients with at least two breathing cycles per cine duration were retrieved. RACT was generated four ways: First from ten phases of 4D-CT, second, from 1 breathing cycle of images, third, from 1.5 breathing cycles of images, and fourth, from 2 breathing cycles of images. The clinical treatment plan was transferred to each RACT and dose was recalculated. Dose planes were exported at orthogonal planes through the isocenter (coronal, sagittal, and transverse orientations). The resulting dose distributions were compared using the gamma (γ) index within the planning target volume (PTV). Failure criteria were set to 2%/1 mm. A follow-up study with 50 additional lung cancer patients was performed to increase sample size. The same dose recalculation and analysis was performed. In the primary patient group, 22 of 23 patients had 100% of points within the PTV pass γ criteria

  2. TH-EF-BRA-08: A Novel Technique for Estimating Volumetric Cine MRI (VC-MRI) From Multi-Slice Sparsely Sampled Cine Images Using Motion Modeling and Free Form Deformation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, W; Yin, F; Wang, C; Chang, Z; Cai, J; Zhang, Y; Ren, L


    Purpose: To develop a technique to estimate on-board VC-MRI using multi-slice sparsely-sampled cine images, patient prior 4D-MRI, motion-modeling and free-form deformation for real-time 3D target verification of lung radiotherapy. Methods: A previous method has been developed to generate on-board VC-MRI by deforming prior MRI images based on a motion model(MM) extracted from prior 4D-MRI and a single-slice on-board 2D-cine image. In this study, free-form deformation(FD) was introduced to correct for errors in the MM when large anatomical changes exist. Multiple-slice sparsely-sampled on-board 2D-cine images located within the target are used to improve both the estimation accuracy and temporal resolution of VC-MRI. The on-board 2D-cine MRIs are acquired at 20–30frames/s by sampling only 10% of the k-space on Cartesian grid, with 85% of that taken at the central k-space. The method was evaluated using XCAT(computerized patient model) simulation of lung cancer patients with various anatomical and respirational changes from prior 4D-MRI to onboard volume. The accuracy was evaluated using Volume-Percent-Difference(VPD) and Center-of-Mass-Shift(COMS) of the estimated tumor volume. Effects of region-of-interest(ROI) selection, 2D-cine slice orientation, slice number and slice location on the estimation accuracy were evaluated. Results: VCMRI estimated using 10 sparsely-sampled sagittal 2D-cine MRIs achieved VPD/COMS of 9.07±3.54%/0.45±0.53mm among all scenarios based on estimation with ROI_MM-ROI_FD. The FD optimization improved estimation significantly for scenarios with anatomical changes. Using ROI-FD achieved better estimation than global-FD. Changing the multi-slice orientation to axial, coronal, and axial/sagittal orthogonal reduced the accuracy of VCMRI to VPD/COMS of 19.47±15.74%/1.57±2.54mm, 20.70±9.97%/2.34±0.92mm, and 16.02±13.79%/0.60±0.82mm, respectively. Reducing the number of cines to 8 enhanced temporal resolution of VC-MRI by 25% while

  3. TH-EF-BRA-08: A Novel Technique for Estimating Volumetric Cine MRI (VC-MRI) From Multi-Slice Sparsely Sampled Cine Images Using Motion Modeling and Free Form Deformation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harris, W; Yin, F; Wang, C; Chang, Z; Cai, J; Zhang, Y; Ren, L [Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC (United States)


    Purpose: To develop a technique to estimate on-board VC-MRI using multi-slice sparsely-sampled cine images, patient prior 4D-MRI, motion-modeling and free-form deformation for real-time 3D target verification of lung radiotherapy. Methods: A previous method has been developed to generate on-board VC-MRI by deforming prior MRI images based on a motion model(MM) extracted from prior 4D-MRI and a single-slice on-board 2D-cine image. In this study, free-form deformation(FD) was introduced to correct for errors in the MM when large anatomical changes exist. Multiple-slice sparsely-sampled on-board 2D-cine images located within the target are used to improve both the estimation accuracy and temporal resolution of VC-MRI. The on-board 2D-cine MRIs are acquired at 20–30frames/s by sampling only 10% of the k-space on Cartesian grid, with 85% of that taken at the central k-space. The method was evaluated using XCAT(computerized patient model) simulation of lung cancer patients with various anatomical and respirational changes from prior 4D-MRI to onboard volume. The accuracy was evaluated using Volume-Percent-Difference(VPD) and Center-of-Mass-Shift(COMS) of the estimated tumor volume. Effects of region-of-interest(ROI) selection, 2D-cine slice orientation, slice number and slice location on the estimation accuracy were evaluated. Results: VCMRI estimated using 10 sparsely-sampled sagittal 2D-cine MRIs achieved VPD/COMS of 9.07±3.54%/0.45±0.53mm among all scenarios based on estimation with ROI-MM-ROI-FD. The FD optimization improved estimation significantly for scenarios with anatomical changes. Using ROI-FD achieved better estimation than global-FD. Changing the multi-slice orientation to axial, coronal, and axial/sagittal orthogonal reduced the accuracy of VCMRI to VPD/COMS of 19.47±15.74%/1.57±2.54mm, 20.70±9.97%/2.34±0.92mm, and 16.02±13.79%/0.60±0.82mm, respectively. Reducing the number of cines to 8 enhanced temporal resolution of VC-MRI by 25% while

  4. Comparison of standard, prone and cine MRI in the evaluation of tethered cord

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Sukhjinder; Kline-Fath, Beth; Racadio, Judy M.; Bierbrauer, Karin; Salisbury, Shelia; Macaluso, Maurizio; Jackson, Elizabeth C.; Egelhoff, John C.


    Tethered cord syndrome (TCS) is defined by abnormal traction on the spinal cord that confines its movement. Surgical cord release usually stops neurological deterioration; therefore, early and accurate neuroradiological diagnosis is important. Supine MRI is the imaging modality of choice, but prone MRI and cine MRI can demonstrate cord movement. We compared the diagnostic accuracies of standard MRI, prone MRI and cine MRI in patients with clinical suspicion of TCS and evaluated inter-reader reliability for MR imaging. Children who underwent MRI for suspicion of TCS were retrospectively identified. Supine, prone and cine MRI studies were re-read by two pediatric neuroradiologists. Conus level, filum appearance and cord movement were documented. Thirteen of 49 children had tethered cord documented at surgery. Conus level had the highest diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity 69-77%, specificity 94%, positive predictive value 82-83%, negative predictive value 89-92%, correct diagnosis 88-90%) and highest between-reader concordance (98%). Prone and cine MRI did not add to the accuracy of the supine imaging. Conus level provides the highest diagnostic accuracy and inter-reader reliability in TCS. Until a larger series is evaluated, it remains questionable whether prone or cine MRI provides enough additional diagnostic information to warrant routine use. (orig.)

  5. Comparison of standard, prone and cine MRI in the evaluation of tethered cord

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Sukhjinder [Cohen Children' s Medical Center, Department of Radiology, New Hyde Park, NY (United States); Kline-Fath, Beth; Racadio, Judy M. [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Bierbrauer, Karin [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Salisbury, Shelia; Macaluso, Maurizio [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Jackson, Elizabeth C. [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Nephrology, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Egelhoff, John C. [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Phoenix Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Phoenix, AZ (United States)


    Tethered cord syndrome (TCS) is defined by abnormal traction on the spinal cord that confines its movement. Surgical cord release usually stops neurological deterioration; therefore, early and accurate neuroradiological diagnosis is important. Supine MRI is the imaging modality of choice, but prone MRI and cine MRI can demonstrate cord movement. We compared the diagnostic accuracies of standard MRI, prone MRI and cine MRI in patients with clinical suspicion of TCS and evaluated inter-reader reliability for MR imaging. Children who underwent MRI for suspicion of TCS were retrospectively identified. Supine, prone and cine MRI studies were re-read by two pediatric neuroradiologists. Conus level, filum appearance and cord movement were documented. Thirteen of 49 children had tethered cord documented at surgery. Conus level had the highest diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity 69-77%, specificity 94%, positive predictive value 82-83%, negative predictive value 89-92%, correct diagnosis 88-90%) and highest between-reader concordance (98%). Prone and cine MRI did not add to the accuracy of the supine imaging. Conus level provides the highest diagnostic accuracy and inter-reader reliability in TCS. Until a larger series is evaluated, it remains questionable whether prone or cine MRI provides enough additional diagnostic information to warrant routine use. (orig.)

  6. La reflexión metacientífica a través del cine: un estudio sobre los saberes docentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carola Astudillo


    Full Text Available Se argumenta el valor de la reflexión metacientífica en la formación del profesorado y se discute el aporte del cine como recurso didáctico para promover dicha reflexión. A partir de ello, se presenta una actividad de formación que consiste en el visionado e interpretación guiada de producciones cinematográficas que relatan procesos reales de investigación en ciencias. Tras su implementación con diferentes grupos de profesores y estudiantes de profesorado, se analizan los saberes docentes que la actividad moviliza. Para ello se definen algunos indicadores de reflexión metacientífica que refieren a la ciencia como empresa humana, en diálogo con la sociedad, la historia y la cultura.

  7. Diagnosis of tracheal instability: inspiratory and expiratory spiral CT and cine CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heussel, C.P.; Thelen, M.; Kauczor, H.U.; Hafner, B.; Lill, J.


    Purpose: In tracheo- and bronchomalacia, localization and determination of collapse is necessary for planning a surgical procedure. We compared inspiratory and spiral CT, cine CT, and bronchoscopy and evaluated the relevance of each method. Methods: Seventeen patients with suspected or verified tracheal stonosis or collapse underwent paired inspiratory and exspiratory spiral CT and cine CT during continuous respiration (temporal increment 100 ms). The tracheal cross-sectional area was calculated and compared. Results: In addition to bronchoscopy, further information concerning localization, extent, collapse, stability of the tracheal wall, distal portions of the stenosis, and extraluminal compressions was obtained. A significantly higher degree of tracheal collapse was seen using cine CT compared to paired spiral CT (p [de

  8. El cine mexicano de la edad de oro y su impacto internacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maricruz Castro-Ricalde


    Full Text Available A partir de una investigación documental en publicaciones periódicas de Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Estados Unidos, Honduras, México, Nicaragua y Venezuela, este artículo demuestra el interés que el cine mexicano producido entre 1936 y 1956 provocó en los espectadores de Hispanoamérica y Estados Unidos, al igual que la presencia de actores, cineastas, temas y personajes de otros países hispanohablantes en la industria cinematográfica mexicana durante la denominada edad de oro del cine mexicano. Se constató la influencia de este cine en la conformación de la identidad cultural de los mexicanos y su proyección internacional.

  9. Alfonso Reyes y el cine del porvenir

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Betina Keizman


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone situar la reflexión de Alfonso Reyes sobre el cine en el marco de las recepciones del primer cine, considerando también cómo esta reflexión se articula en relación con el pensamiento crítico del escritor mexicano. En particular, se analiza el modo en que, por vía de la especulación, Reyes ensaya posibles redefiniciones para una nueva distribución de lo sensible y de las artes, de los valores cognitivos y expresivos de la luz y de los vínculos arte-ciencia. Lo que se lee en Reyes es un esfuerzo por pensar nuevas formas de inventiva que se desprenden (o podrían desprenderse del arte cinematográfico.

  10. High frame rate retrospectively triggered Cine MRI for assessment of murine diastolic function

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coolen, Bram F.; Abdurrachim, Desiree; Motaal, Abdallah G.; Nicolay, Klaas; Prompers, Jeanine J.; Strijkers, Gustav J.


    To assess left ventricular (LV) diastolic function in mice with Cine MRI, a high frame rate (>60 frames per cardiac cycle) is required. For conventional electrocardiography-triggered Cine MRI, the frame rate is inversely proportional to the pulse repetition time (TR). However, TR cannot be lowered

  11. Megavoltage conebeam CT cine as final verification of treatment plan in lung stereotactic body radiotherapy. (United States)

    Kudithipudi, Vijay; Gayou, Olivier; Colonias, Athanasios


    To analyse the clinical impact of megavoltage conebeam computed tomography (MV-CBCT) cine on internal target volume (ITV) coverage in lung stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). One hundred and six patients received lung SBRT. All underwent 4D computed tomography simulation followed by treatment via image guided 3D conformal or intensity modulated radiation. Prior to SBRT, all patients underwent MV-CBCT cine, in which raw projections are displayed as beam's-eye-view fluoroscopic series with the planning target volume (PTV) projected onto each image, enabling verification of tumour motion relative to the PTV and assessment of adequacy of treatment margin. Megavoltage conebeam computed tomography cine was completed 1-2 days prior to SBRT. Four patients (3.8%) had insufficient ITV coverage inferiorly at cine review. All four plans were changed by adding 5 mm on the PTV margin inferiorly. The mean change in PTV volumes was 3.9 cubic centimetres (cc) (range 1.85-6.32 cc). Repeat cine was performed after plan modification to ensure adequate PTV coverage in the modified plans. PTV margin was adequate in the majority of patients with this technique. MV-CBCT cine did show insufficient coverage in a small subset of patients. Insufficient PTV margins may be a function of 4D CT simulation inadequacies or deficiencies in visualizing the ITV inferior border in the full-inhale phase. MV-CBCT cine is a valuable tool for final verification of PTV margins. © 2016 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.

  12. Myocardial strain assessment by cine cardiac magnetic resonance imaging using non-rigid registration. (United States)

    Tsadok, Yossi; Friedman, Zvi; Haluska, Brian A; Hoffmann, Rainer; Adam, Dan


    To evaluate a novel post-processing method for assessment of longitudinal mid-myocardial strain in standard cine cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging sequences. Cine CMR imaging and tagged cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (TMRI) were performed in 15 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and 15 healthy volunteers served as control group. A second group of 37 post-AMI patients underwent both cine CMR and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) CMR exams. Speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) was performed in 36 of these patients. Cine CMR, TMRI and STE were analyzed to obtain longitudinal strain. LGE-CMR datasets were analyzed to evaluate scar extent. Comparison of peak systolic strain (PSS) measured from CMR and TMRI yielded a strong correlation (r=0.86, pcine CMR data. The method was found to be highly correlated with strain measurements obtained by TMRI and STE. This tool allows accurate discrimination between different transmurality states of myocardial infarction. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. TH-A-BRF-04: Intra-Fraction Motion Characterization for Early Stage Rectal Cancer Using Cine-MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kleijnen, J; Asselen, B; Burbach, M; Intven, M; Reerink, O; Philippens, M; Lagendijk, J; Raaymakers, B


    Purpose: To investigate the intra-fraction motion in patients with early stage rectal cancer using cine-MRI. Methods: Sixteen patient diagnosed with early stage rectal cancer underwent 1.5 T MR imaging prior to each treatment fraction of their short course radiotherapy (n=76). During each scan session, three 2D sagittal cine-MRIs were performed: at the beginning (Start), after 9:30 minutes (Mid), and after 18 minutes (End). Each cine-MRI has a duration of one minute at 2Hz temporal resolution, resulting in a total of 3:48 hours of cine-MRI. Additionally, standard T2-weighted (T2w) imaging was performed. Clinical target volume (CTV) an tumor (GTV) were delineated on the T2w scan and transferred to the first time-point of each cine-MRI scan. Within each cine-MRI, the first frame was registered to the remaining frames of the scan, using a non-rigid B-spline registration. To investigate potential drifts, a similar registration was performed between the first frame of the Start and End scans.To evaluate the motion, the distances by which the edge pixels of the delineations move in anterior-posterior (AP) and cranial-caudal (CC) direction, were determined using the deformation field of the registrations. The distance which incorporated 95% of these edge pixels (dist95%) was determined within each cine-MRI, and between Start- End scans, respectively. Results: Within a cine-MRI, we observed an average dist95% for the CTV of 1.3mm/1.5mm (SD=0.7mm/0.6mm) and for the GTV of 1.2mm/1.5mm (SD=0.8mm/0.9mm), in respectively AP/CC. For the CTV motion between the Start and End scan, an average dist95% of 5.5mm/5.3mm (SD=3.1mm/2.5mm) was found, in respectively AP/CC. For the GTV motion, an average dist95% of 3.6mm/3.9mm (SD=2.2mm/2.5mm) was found in AP/CC, respectively. Conclusion: Although intra-fraction motion within a one minute cine-MRI is limited, substantial intra-fraction motion was observed within the 18 minute time period between the Start and End cine-MRI

  14. Accelerated cardiac cine MRI using locally low rank and finite difference constraints. (United States)

    Miao, Xin; Lingala, Sajan Goud; Guo, Yi; Jao, Terrence; Usman, Muhammad; Prieto, Claudia; Nayak, Krishna S


    To evaluate the potential value of combining multiple constraints for highly accelerated cardiac cine MRI. A locally low rank (LLR) constraint and a temporal finite difference (FD) constraint were combined to reconstruct cardiac cine data from highly undersampled measurements. Retrospectively undersampled 2D Cartesian reconstructions were quantitatively evaluated against fully-sampled data using normalized root mean square error, structural similarity index (SSIM) and high frequency error norm (HFEN). This method was also applied to 2D golden-angle radial real-time imaging to facilitate single breath-hold whole-heart cine (12 short-axis slices, 9-13s single breath hold). Reconstruction was compared against state-of-the-art constrained reconstruction methods: LLR, FD, and k-t SLR. At 10 to 60 spokes/frame, LLR+FD better preserved fine structures and depicted myocardial motion with reduced spatio-temporal blurring in comparison to existing methods. LLR yielded higher SSIM ranking than FD; FD had higher HFEN ranking than LLR. LLR+FD combined the complimentary advantages of the two, and ranked the highest in all metrics for all retrospective undersampled cases. Single breath-hold multi-slice cardiac cine with prospective undersampling was enabled with in-plane spatio-temporal resolutions of 2×2mm(2) and 40ms. Highly accelerated cardiac cine is enabled by the combination of 2D undersampling and the synergistic use of LLR and FD constraints. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Accelerated two-dimensional cine DENSE cardiovascular magnetic resonance using compressed sensing and parallel imaging. (United States)

    Chen, Xiao; Yang, Yang; Cai, Xiaoying; Auger, Daniel A; Meyer, Craig H; Salerno, Michael; Epstein, Frederick H


    Cine Displacement Encoding with Stimulated Echoes (DENSE) provides accurate quantitative imaging of cardiac mechanics with rapid displacement and strain analysis; however, image acquisition times are relatively long. Compressed sensing (CS) with parallel imaging (PI) can generally provide high-quality images recovered from data sampled below the Nyquist rate. The purposes of the present study were to develop CS-PI-accelerated acquisition and reconstruction methods for cine DENSE, to assess their accuracy for cardiac imaging using retrospective undersampling, and to demonstrate their feasibility for prospectively-accelerated 2D cine DENSE imaging in a single breathhold. An accelerated cine DENSE sequence with variable-density spiral k-space sampling and golden angle rotations through time was implemented. A CS method, Block LOw-rank Sparsity with Motion-guidance (BLOSM), was combined with sensitivity encoding (SENSE) for the reconstruction of under-sampled multi-coil spiral data. Seven healthy volunteers and 7 patients underwent 2D cine DENSE imaging with fully-sampled acquisitions (14-26 heartbeats in duration) and with prospectively rate-2 and rate-4 accelerated acquisitions (14 and 8 heartbeats in duration). Retrospectively- and prospectively-accelerated data were reconstructed using BLOSM-SENSE and SENSE. Image quality of retrospectively-undersampled data was quantified using the relative root mean square error (rRMSE). Myocardial displacement and circumferential strain were computed for functional assessment, and linear correlation and Bland-Altman analyses were used to compare accelerated acquisitions to fully-sampled reference datasets. For retrospectively-undersampled data, BLOSM-SENSE provided similar or lower rRMSE at rate-2 and lower rRMSE at rate-4 acceleration compared to SENSE (p cine DENSE provided good image quality and expected values of displacement and strain. BLOSM-SENSE-accelerated spiral cine DENSE imaging with 2D displacement encoding can be

  16. PA/Lateral chest X-ray is equivalent to cine-fluoroscopy for the detection of conductor externalization in defibrillation leads. (United States)

    Steinberg, Christian; Sarrazin, Jean-François; Philippon, François; Champagne, Jean; Molin, Franck; Nault, Isabelle; Blier, Louis; Bouchard, Marc-André; Arsenault, Jean; O'Hara, Gilles


    Riata™ and Riata ST defibrillation leads (St. Jude Medical, Sylmar, CA, USA) are susceptible to insulation defects with conductor externalization. Cine-fluoroscopy is considered to be the gold standard for the documentation of insulation defects, but similar detection rates have been reported for posterior-anterior (PA)/lateral chest x-ray (CXR) with zooming. Prospective single-center study to assess the diagnostic equivalence of a PA/lateral CXR with zooming for the detection of Riata insulation defects in a direct comparison to cine-fluoroscopy. Seventy-eight consecutive patients underwent 3-view cine-fluoroscopy and a PA/lateral CXR. All CXRs and cine-fluoroscopy images were reviewed by blinded electrophysiologists and staff radiologists. Forty-four of 78 patients had an abnormal cine-fluoroscopy (56%). The diagnostic correlation between PA/lateral CXR and cine-fluoroscopy was excellent (κ = 0.90; 95% confidence interval 0.80-1.00). PA/lateral CXR was equivalent to cine-fluoroscopy for the detection of conductor externalization showing a sensitivity of 97.7% and a specificity of 91.2%. The mean radiation effective dose of CXR was significantly lower compared to cine-fluoroscopy (0.09 millisievert [mSV] vs 0.85 ± 0.47 mSv; P cine-fluoroscopy for the detection of Riata insulation defects and should be considered as the preferred screening method. ©2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Cine CT: a new technology for cardiac computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyd, D.P.; Peschmann, K.R.; Rand, R.E.; Napel, S.A.; Gould, R.; Farmer, D.W.; Lipton, M.J.; Higgins, C.B.; Couch, J.L.


    The technical requirements for adequate evaluation of cardiac anatomy and physiology, namely scan speeds in the 33-100 msec range, simultaneous multi-slice capability, 15-20 multi-level scans/second and a repeat multi-slice study at one per second, have been realized with the inception of the Cine-CT scanner. This scanner acquires scan data in 50 milliseconds by eliminating moving parts and using a scanning electron beam to produce a high speed X-ray source. The authors describe this scanner and the three scanning modes available: continuous or cine mode; flow or triggered mode; and full resolution mode. (Auth.)

  18. Automatic segmentation of left ventricle in cardiac cine MRI images based on deep learning (United States)

    Zhou, Tian; Icke, Ilknur; Dogdas, Belma; Parimal, Sarayu; Sampath, Smita; Forbes, Joseph; Bagchi, Ansuman; Chin, Chih-Liang; Chen, Antong


    In developing treatment of cardiovascular diseases, short axis cine MRI has been used as a standard technique for understanding the global structural and functional characteristics of the heart, e.g. ventricle dimensions, stroke volume and ejection fraction. To conduct an accurate assessment, heart structures need to be segmented from the cine MRI images with high precision, which could be a laborious task when performed manually. Herein a fully automatic framework is proposed for the segmentation of the left ventricle from the slices of short axis cine MRI scans of porcine subjects using a deep learning approach. For training the deep learning models, which generally requires a large set of data, a public database of human cine MRI scans is used. Experiments on the 3150 cine slices of 7 porcine subjects have shown that when comparing the automatic and manual segmentations the mean slice-wise Dice coefficient is about 0.930, the point-to-curve error is 1.07 mm, and the mean slice-wise Hausdorff distance is around 3.70 mm, which demonstrates the accuracy and robustness of the proposed inter-species translational approach.

  19. Evaluation of cine CT in the investigation of patients with recurrent symptoms following coronary bypass grafting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rees, M.R.; MacMillan, R.M.; Eldredge, W.J.; Maranhao, V.


    Between May 1985 and July 1986, cine-CT was performed in 84 consecutive patients to evaluate graft patency and ventricular function. Only three studies (4%) were unsatisfactory. Compared to catheterization, an accuracy of 94% was found for graft patency, with a significant correlation for ejection fraction (r = .93). Close agreement with angiography was demonstrated for cine-CT detection of left ventricular wall motion abnormalities and graft flow. Compared to surgical placement, cine-CT localization of grafts in major coronary territories was 98% accurate. Despite a significant learning curve in study interpretation, cine-CT can be used in place of catheterization in the evaluation of symptomatic postgraft patients

  20. Imagen fílmica del lesbianismo a través de los personajes protagonistas en el cine español


    Pelayo García, Irene


    El objeto de estudio de este trabajo es la imagen que el cine español ofrece del lesbianismo a través de los personajes protagonistas lésbicos. Se ha optado por la representación del lesbianismo y no de la homosexualidad en general, como ya de ha comentado, por el hecho de que históricamente la homosexualidad masculina y la femenina han tenido evoluciones muy distintas, aunque bien es cierto que comparten importantes elementos comunes. Una de las mayores diferencias entre gays y lesbianas ...

  1. SU-F-T-263: Dosimetric Characteristics of the Cine Acquisition Mode of An A-Si EPID

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bawazeer, O; Deb, P [RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC (Australia); Sarasanandarajah, S [Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, Melbourne, Victoria (Australia); Herath, S; Kron, T [Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, Melbourne, VIC (Australia)


    Purpose: To investigate the dosimetric characteristics of Varian a-Si-500 electronic portal imaging device (EPID) operated in cine mode particularly considering linearity with delivered dose, dose rate, field size, phantom thickness, MLC speed and common IMRT fields. Methods: The EPID that attached to a Varian Clinac 21iX linear accelerator, was irradiated with 6 and 18 MV using 600 MU/min. Image acquisition is controlled by the IAS3 software, Trigger delay was 6 ms, BeamOnDelay and FrameStartDelay were zero. Different frame rates were utilized. Cine mode response was calculated using MATLAB as summation of mean pixel values in a region of interest of the acquired images. The performance of cine mode was compared to integrated mode and dose measurements in water using CC13 ionization chamber. Results: Figure1 illustrates that cine mode has nonlinear response for small MU, when delivering 10 MU was about 0.5 and 0.64 for 6 and 18 MV respectively. This is because the missing acquired images that were calculated around four images missing in each delivery. With the increase MU the response became linear and comparable with integrated mode and ionization chamber within 2%. Figure 2 shows that cine mode has comparable response with integrated mode and ionization chamber within 2% with changing dose rate for 10 MU delivered. This indicates that the dose rate change has no effect on nonlinearity of cine mode response. Except nonlinearity, cine mode is well matched to integrated mode response within 2% for field size, phantom thickness, MLC speed dependences. Conclusion: Cine mode has similar dosimetric characteristics to integrated mode with open and IMRT fields, and the main limitation with cine mode is missing images. Therefore, the calibration of EPID images with this mode should be run with large MU, and when IMRT verification field has low MU, the correction for missing images are required.

  2. SU-F-T-263: Dosimetric Characteristics of the Cine Acquisition Mode of An A-Si EPID

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bawazeer, O; Deb, P; Sarasanandarajah, S; Herath, S; Kron, T


    Purpose: To investigate the dosimetric characteristics of Varian a-Si-500 electronic portal imaging device (EPID) operated in cine mode particularly considering linearity with delivered dose, dose rate, field size, phantom thickness, MLC speed and common IMRT fields. Methods: The EPID that attached to a Varian Clinac 21iX linear accelerator, was irradiated with 6 and 18 MV using 600 MU/min. Image acquisition is controlled by the IAS3 software, Trigger delay was 6 ms, BeamOnDelay and FrameStartDelay were zero. Different frame rates were utilized. Cine mode response was calculated using MATLAB as summation of mean pixel values in a region of interest of the acquired images. The performance of cine mode was compared to integrated mode and dose measurements in water using CC13 ionization chamber. Results: Figure1 illustrates that cine mode has nonlinear response for small MU, when delivering 10 MU was about 0.5 and 0.64 for 6 and 18 MV respectively. This is because the missing acquired images that were calculated around four images missing in each delivery. With the increase MU the response became linear and comparable with integrated mode and ionization chamber within 2%. Figure 2 shows that cine mode has comparable response with integrated mode and ionization chamber within 2% with changing dose rate for 10 MU delivered. This indicates that the dose rate change has no effect on nonlinearity of cine mode response. Except nonlinearity, cine mode is well matched to integrated mode response within 2% for field size, phantom thickness, MLC speed dependences. Conclusion: Cine mode has similar dosimetric characteristics to integrated mode with open and IMRT fields, and the main limitation with cine mode is missing images. Therefore, the calibration of EPID images with this mode should be run with large MU, and when IMRT verification field has low MU, the correction for missing images are required.

  3. Single breath hold 3D cardiac cine MRI using kat-ARC: preliminary results at 1.5T. (United States)

    Jeong, Daniel; Schiebler, Mark L; Lai, Peng; Wang, Kang; Vigen, Karl K; François, Christopher J


    Validation of a new single breath-hold, three-dimensional, cine balanced steady-state free precession (3D cine bSSFP) cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) sequence for left ventricular function. CMR examinations were performed on fifteen patients and three healthy volunteers on a clinical 1.5T scanner using a two-dimensional (2D) cine balanced SSFP CMR sequence (2D cine bSSFP) followed by an investigational 3D cine bSSFP pulse sequence acquired within a single breath hold. Left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV), end systolic volume (LVESV), ejection fraction (LVEF), and myocardial mass were independently segmented on a workstation by two experienced radiologists. Blood pool to myocardial contrast was evaluated in consensus using a Likert scale. Bland-Altman analysis was used to compare these quantitative and nominal measurements for the two sequences. The average acquisition time was significantly shorter for the 3D cine bSSFP than for 2D cine bSSFP (0.36 ± 0.03 vs. 8.5 ± 2.3 min) p = 0.0002. Bland-Altman analyses [bias and (limits of agreement)] of the data derived from these two methods revealed that the LVEF 0.9% (-4.7, 6.4), LVEDV 4.9 ml (-23.0, 32.8), LVESV -0.2 ml (-22.4, 21.9), and myocardial mass -0.4 g (-23.8, 23.0) were not significantly different. There was excellent intraclass correlation for intra-observer variability (0.981, 0.989, 0.997, 0.985) and inter-observer variability (0.903, 0.954, 0.970, 0.842) for LVEF, LVEDV, LVESV, and myocardial mass respectively. 3D cine bSSFP allows for accurate single breath-hold volumetric cine CMR which enables substantial improvements in scanner time efficiency without sacrificing diagnostic accuracy.

  4. Cine MR imaging in mitral valve prolapse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumai, Toshihiko


    This study was undertaken to assess the ability of cine MR imaging to evaluate the direction, timing, and severity of mitral regurgitation in patients with mitral valve prolapse (MVP). The population of this study was 33 patients with MVP diagnosed by two-dimensional echocardiography and 10 patients with rheumatic mitral valve disease (MSR) for comparison. 7 patients with MVP and 5 with MSR had atrial fibrillation and/or history of congestive heart failure as complications. Mitral regurgitation was graded for severity by color Doppler flow imaging in all patients. Direction and size of systolic flow void in the left atrium were analyzed by contiguous multilevel cine MR images and the maximum volumes of flow void and left atrium were measured. Although flow void was found at the center of the left atrium in most of MSR, it was often directed along the postero-caudal atrial wall in anterior leaflet prolapse and along the anterocranial atrial wall in posterior leaflet prolapse. In MVP, the maximum volume of flow void was often seen in late systole. The maximum volume of flow void and that of left atrium were significantly larger in patients with atrial fibrillation and/or history of congestive heart failure. The length and volume of flow void were increased with clinical severity and degree of regurgitation determined by color Doppler flow imaging. Thus cine MR imaging provides a useful means for detection and semiquantitative evaluation of mitral regurgitation in subjects with MVP. (author)

  5. Cine MR imaging of the cardiovascular system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishimura, Fumiaki; Yoshino, Yasushi; Mihara, Junji; Ichikawa, Seiichi; Kimura, Masahiko; Yano, Masao; Umeda, Masahiro; Oouchi, Toshihiro


    In recent years cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has developed as a high-speed imaging technique that provides a high intensity signal even at a short repetition time (20-30 msec) by using an excited pulse with a small flip angle according to the gradient echo method, enabling about 20 to 30 continuous images of the same section per one cardiac cycle to be taken. On cine display of these continuous images, information concerning blood flow shown by a high intensity signal in comparison with that of the myocardium and vascular wall is obtained with high temporal resolution along with anatomical information. The present study reports the clinical usefulness of cine MRI in today's situation, inculding the following: calculation of the left ventricular ejection fraction and pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio in congenital shunt disease by integration of the area of multisections through application of Simpson's method; diagnosis of the severity of valvular regurgitation, evaluation of stenosal diseases, and diagnosis of inflow from the fissured entry of dissecting aortic aneurysm by evaluating of an area of low intensity signal, probably based on the high velocity or turbulent blood flow: and evaluation of patency of the internal mammary artery bypass graft of the basis of the possible visualization of even thin blood vessels because of the high intensity signal of blood flow. In particular, the characteristics of this procedures are described by comparing it with other technologies in the field of diseases of valvular regurgitation. (author)

  6. Value of cine MRI for better visualization of the proximal small bowel in normal individuals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torkzad, Michael R.; Blomqvist, Lennart; Vargas, Roberto; Tanaka, Chikako


    While enteroclysis seems to be the most efficacious method in achieving bowel distension, enterographic methods have become widespread due to the unpleasantness of enteroclysis and the radiation involved with positioning the catheter. Cine images in MRI can be done without radiation. Our aim is to see if and how cine MR imaging can improve visualization of bowel loops by capturing them while distended. Ten healthy individuals were asked to drink up to 2,000 ml of an oral solution made locally over a 60-min period. Then they underwent MRI using coronal balanced fast field echo (b-FFE) covering small bowel loops. If the initial exam revealed collapsed bowel loops an additional 50 mg of erythromycine was given intravenously with the subject still in the scanner and then cine imaging was performed. The degree of distension of different segments of the small bowel was measured before and after cine imaging and compared. The distension score was significantly higher after addition of the cine images as well, being only significant for depiction of the duodenum and jejunum. Our preliminary study suggests that cine MRI can give better image depiction of the proximal small bowel in healthy volunteers, perhaps circumventing the need for enteroclysis in some cases. There is a need for validation of these results in patients with small bowel disease. (orig.)

  7. Compressed sensing real-time cine cardiovascular magnetic resonance: accurate assessment of left ventricular function in a single-breath-hold. (United States)

    Kido, Tomoyuki; Kido, Teruhito; Nakamura, Masashi; Watanabe, Kouki; Schmidt, Michaela; Forman, Christoph; Mochizuki, Teruhito


    Cardiovascular cine magnetic resonance (CMR) accelerated by compressed sensing (CS) is used to assess left ventricular (LV) function. However, it is difficult for prospective CS cine CMR to capture the complete end-diastolic phase, which can lead to underestimation of the end-diastolic volume (EDV), stroke volume (SV), and ejection fraction (EF), compared to retrospective standard cine CMR. This prospective study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic quality and accuracy of single-breath-hold full cardiac cycle CS cine CMR, acquired over two heart beats, to quantify LV volume in comparison to multi-breath-hold standard cine CMR. Eighty-one participants underwent standard segmented breath-hold cine and CS real-time cine CMR examinations to obtain a stack of eight contiguous short-axis images with same high spatial (1.7 × 1.7 mm(2)) and temporal resolution (41 ms). Two radiologists independently performed qualitative analysis of image quality (score, 1 [i.e., "nondiagnostic"] to 5 [i.e., "excellent"]) and quantitative analysis of the LV volume measurements. The total examination time was 113 ± 7 s for standard cine CMR and 24 ± 4 s for CS cine CMR (p cine image quality was slightly lower than standard cine (4.8 ± 0.5 for standard vs. 4.4 ± 0.5 for CS; p cine were above 4 (i.e., good). No significant differences existed between standard and CS cine MR for all quantitative LV measurements. The mean differences with 95 % confidence interval (CI), based on Bland-Altman analysis, were 1.3 mL (95 % CI, -14.6 - 17.2) for LV end-diastolic volume, 0.2 mL (95 % CI, -9.8 to10.3) for LV end-systolic volume, 1.1 mL (95 % CI, -10.5 to 12.7) for LV stroke volume, 1.0 g (95 % CI, -11.2 to 13.3) for LV mass, and 0.4 % (95 % CI, -4.8 - 5.6) for LV ejection fraction. The interobserver and intraobserver variability for CS cine MR ranged from -4.8 - 1.6 % and from -7.3 - 9.3 %, respectively, with slopes of the regressions ranging 0.88-1.0 and 0

  8. SU-E-J-192: Verification of 4D-MRI Internal Target Volume Using Cine MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lafata, K; Czito, B; Palta, M; Bashir, M; Yin, F; Cai, J [Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC (United States)


    Purpose: To investigate the accuracy of 4D-MRI in determining the Internal Target Volume (ITV) used in radiation oncology treatment planning of liver cancers. Cine MRI is used as the standard baseline in establishing the feasibility and accuracy of 4D-MRI tumor motion within the liver. Methods: IRB approval was obtained for this retrospective study. Analysis was performed on MR images from four patients receiving external beam radiation therapy for liver cancer at our institution. Eligible patients received both Cine and 4D-MRI scans before treatment. Cine images were acquired sagittally in real time at a slice bisecting the tumor, while 4D images were acquired volumetrically. Cine MR DICOM headers were manipulated such that each respiratory frame was assigned a unique slice location. This approach permitted the treatment planning system (Eclipse, Varian Medical Systems) to recognize a complete respiratory cycle as a “volume”, where the gross tumor was contoured temporally. Software was developed to calculate the union of all frame contours in the structure set, resulting in the corresponding plane of the ITV projecting through the middle of the tumor, defined as the Internal Target Area (ITA). This was repeated for 4D-MRI, at the corresponding slice location, allowing a direct comparison of ITAs obtained from each modality. Results: Four patients have been analyzed. ITAs contoured from 4D-MRI correlate with contours from Cine MRI. The mean error of 4D values relative to Cine values is 7.67 +/− 2.55 %. No single ITA contoured from 4D-MRI demonstrated more than 10.5 % error compared to its Cine MRI counterpart. Conclusion: Motion management is a significant aspect of treatment planning within dynamic environments such as the liver, where diaphragmatic and cardiac activity influence plan accuracy. This small pilot study suggests that 4D-MRI based ITA measurements agree with Cine MRI based measurements, an important step towards clinical implementation. NIH 1R21

  9. SU-E-J-192: Verification of 4D-MRI Internal Target Volume Using Cine MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lafata, K; Czito, B; Palta, M; Bashir, M; Yin, F; Cai, J


    Purpose: To investigate the accuracy of 4D-MRI in determining the Internal Target Volume (ITV) used in radiation oncology treatment planning of liver cancers. Cine MRI is used as the standard baseline in establishing the feasibility and accuracy of 4D-MRI tumor motion within the liver. Methods: IRB approval was obtained for this retrospective study. Analysis was performed on MR images from four patients receiving external beam radiation therapy for liver cancer at our institution. Eligible patients received both Cine and 4D-MRI scans before treatment. Cine images were acquired sagittally in real time at a slice bisecting the tumor, while 4D images were acquired volumetrically. Cine MR DICOM headers were manipulated such that each respiratory frame was assigned a unique slice location. This approach permitted the treatment planning system (Eclipse, Varian Medical Systems) to recognize a complete respiratory cycle as a “volume”, where the gross tumor was contoured temporally. Software was developed to calculate the union of all frame contours in the structure set, resulting in the corresponding plane of the ITV projecting through the middle of the tumor, defined as the Internal Target Area (ITA). This was repeated for 4D-MRI, at the corresponding slice location, allowing a direct comparison of ITAs obtained from each modality. Results: Four patients have been analyzed. ITAs contoured from 4D-MRI correlate with contours from Cine MRI. The mean error of 4D values relative to Cine values is 7.67 +/− 2.55 %. No single ITA contoured from 4D-MRI demonstrated more than 10.5 % error compared to its Cine MRI counterpart. Conclusion: Motion management is a significant aspect of treatment planning within dynamic environments such as the liver, where diaphragmatic and cardiac activity influence plan accuracy. This small pilot study suggests that 4D-MRI based ITA measurements agree with Cine MRI based measurements, an important step towards clinical implementation. NIH 1R21

  10. La Escuela de Düsserdolf y el cine de Wim Wenders. The School of Düsserdolf and the cinema of Wim Wenders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pilar Mayorgas


    Full Text Available El protagonismo de la imagen fotográfica en el cine de Wim Wenders, ya ha sido largamente estudiado, permitiéndonos un análisis aislado de la fotografía en su cine, que responda a la pregunta: qué estilo fotográfico e influencias se pueden hallar en la filmografía de Wenders. A partir de su propia auto-definición como cineasta y fotógrafo, compararemos sus imágenes, revisando las génesis y nexos que comparten, con el movimiento fotográfico de la Escuela de Düsserdolf que se construye en la misma Alemania de Wenders. Los mentores de esta Nueva Fotografía, son el matrimonio Becher: Bern y Hilla Becher iniciado en 1959, en Düsserdolf, y que junto a sus discípulos: Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Thomas Struth o Thomas Ruff, colocarán a la fotografía en la primera línea del arte actual. Este hecho a un autor multidisciplinar como Wenders, no le pasará inadvertido, sino todo lo contrario; absorberá el nuevo discurso que propone esta Escuela, para exponerlo en sus tomas, revelando así en su cine una exégesis de esta nueva propuesta fotográfica en dialogo con el lenguaje cinematográfico. Todos ellos contribuirán a consolidar la imagen como arte, erigiendo al paisaje como protagonista principal.The role of the photographic image in the film by Wim Wenders has already been extensively studied, allowing us an isolated analysis of the picture at the cinema, to respond to the question: which photographic style and influences can be found in the filmography of Wim Wenders. From its own self-definition as a filmmaker and photographer, compare your images, reviewing the genesis and links that share with the movement's photographic School of Dusserdolf that is being built in the same Germany of Wim Wenders. The mentors of this new photography are marriage Becher: Bern and Hilla Becher initiated in 1959 in Dusserdolf, and that together with his disciples: Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Thomas Struth or Thomas Ruff, positioned at the

  11. Assessment of Left Ventricular Function and Mass on Free-Breathing Compressed Sensing Real-Time Cine Imaging. (United States)

    Kido, Tomoyuki; Kido, Teruhito; Nakamura, Masashi; Watanabe, Kouki; Schmidt, Michaela; Forman, Christoph; Mochizuki, Teruhito


    Compressed sensing (CS) cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the advantage of being inherently insensitive to respiratory motion. This study compared the accuracy of free-breathing (FB) CS and breath-hold (BH) standard cine MRI for left ventricular (LV) volume assessment.Methods and Results:Sixty-three patients underwent cine MRI with both techniques. Both types of images were acquired in stacks of 8 short-axis slices (temporal/spatial resolution, 41 ms/1.7×1.7×6 mm 3 ) and compared for ejection fraction, end-diastolic and systolic volumes, stroke volume, and LV mass. Both BH standard and FB CS cine MRI provided acceptable image quality for LV volumetric analysis (score ≥3) in all patients (4.7±0.5 and 3.7±0.5, respectively; Pcine MRI (median, IQR: BH standard, 83.8 mL, 64.7-102.7 mL; FB CS, 79.0 mL, 66.0-101.0 mL; P=0.0006). The total acquisition times for BH standard and FB CS cine MRI were 113±7 s and 24±4 s, respectively (Pcine MRI is a clinically useful alternative to BH standard cine MRI in patients with impaired BH capacity.

  12. Peristalsis gap sign at cine magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosing strangulated small bowel obstruction. Feasibility study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahara, Taro; Kwee, T.C.; Haradome, Hiroki


    The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for diagnosing strangulated small bowel obstruction (SBO). This study included 38 patients with clinically confirmed SBO who had undergone cine MRI. Cine MRI scans were evaluated regarding the presence of the 'peristalsis gap sign' (referring to an akinetic or severely hypokinetic closed loop), indicating strangulation. Computed tomography (CT) was performed in 34 of 38 patients with (n=25) or without (n=9) contrast enhancement. CT images were evaluated using a combination of criteria (presence of hyperattenuation, poor contrast enhancement, mesenteric edema, wall thickening, massive ascites) indicating strangulation. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of cine MRI and CT for the diagnosis of strangulation were calculated and compared using surgical findings and the clinical course as the reference standard. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of cine MRI were 100%, 92.9%, 83.3%, and 100%, respectively; and those of CT (of which 26.5% was performed without contrast enhancement) were 66.7%, 92.0%, 75.0%, and 88.5%, respectively. There was no significant difference in diagnostic accuracy between the two methods (P=0.375). Cine MRI is a feasible and promising technique for diagnosing strangulation. (author)

  13. Las revistas técnicas como base documental para la recuperación de un patrimonio olvidado: el caso de las salas de cine españolas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Azorín, V.


    Full Text Available This paper assesses Spanish technical journals as sources of information to recover the nation’s cultural heritage. To this end, a case study was conducted of cinema theatres, buildings erected as distinctive structures essentially in the nineteen twenties through the nineteen sixties. The method used to evaluate these buildings consisted in a bibliographic and documentary review of periodicals, as well as other papers relating to the history of these buildings, to ultimately select three journals for study: Cortijos y Rascacielos, Arquitectura/Revista Nacional de Arquitectura and Informes de la Construcción, the three that devoted most space to that type of architecture in the five decades mentioned. A comparative study of these periodicals revealed the importance of their use in connection with the Cultural Heritage, observing the emphasis placed on the characteristics and peculiarities of the works involved from the standpoint of construction, even over other factors relating to the characteristics that define and differentiate these journals.Este trabajo consiste en una valoración de las revistas técnicas españolas como fuentes de información para la recuperación del Patrimonio Cultural. Para mostrarla, se han seleccionado como caso de estudio las salas de cine, que como construcciones singulares se desarrollaron especialmente entre los años 20 y 60 del siglo recién terminado. El método de trabajo para valorar estas obras ha consistido en realizar una revisión bibliográfica y documental de las revistas- así como de otros trabajos vinculados con la Historia de estos inmuebles-, para finalmente seleccionar tres de ellas; Cortijos y Rascacielos, Arquitectura/Revista Nacional de Arquitectura e Informes de la Construcción, puesto que a lo largo de las décadas citadas son las que dedican más páginas a este tipo de arquitectura. A través de un estudio comparativo de estas publicaciones periódicas, hemos podido comprobar la

  14. (Representación del profesorado de Educación Física en el cine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José-Ignacio Barbero-González


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analizar la (representación del profesorado de Educación Física (EF, en adelante en el cine. Tomando como referencia el trabajo de McCullick, Belcher, Hardin y Hardin (2003 basado en 18 películas estadounidenses del periodo 1990-2000, se amplía la muestra (épocas, países de origen y modalidad-características de las películas y se contrastan las conclusiones. Método: análisis de contenido reproduciendo en buena medida el proceso seguido en el estudio mencionado. Conclusiones: un gran acuerdo y bastantes discrepancias con el trabajo de referencia. El acuerdo concierne a la similitud de idiosincrasia e identidad del entre el profesor de EF y el entrenador deportivo de modo que las diferencias entre ellos son indescifrables. Los desacuerdos giran en torno a i las carencias en el quehacer pedagógico de los docentes de EF en comparación con los de las otras áreas; ii la idea de que el profesorado de EF, por acción u omisión, acose o humille a sus alumnos: si bien dicha caracterización aparece, no siempre es así y, además, en el caso del bullying, los docentes de EF se muestran tan incompetentes e insensibles como los de las otras materias; y iii sobre la caracterización de las profesoras como “butch lesbians”, de los docentes varones como “hormone-raging heterosexuals” y, también estos últimos, como graciosillos o maleducados bufones.

  15. Assessment of voluntary deep inspiration breath-hold with CINE imaging for breast radiotherapy. (United States)

    Estoesta, Reuben Patrick; Attwood, Lani; Naehrig, Diana; Claridge-Mackonis, Elizabeth; Odgers, David; Martin, Darren; Pham, Melissa; Toohey, Joanne; Carroll, Susan


    Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold (DIBH) techniques for breast cancer radiation therapy (RT) have reduced cardiac dose compared to Free Breathing (FB). Recently, a voluntary deep inspiration breath-hold (vDIBH) technique was established using in-room lasers and skin tattoos to monitor breath-hold. An in-house quality assessment of positional reproducibility during RT delivery with vDIBH in patients with left-sided breast cancer was evaluated. The electronic portal imaging device (EPID) was used in cinematographic (CINE) mode to capture a sequence of images during beam delivery. Weekly CINE images were retrospectively assessed for 20 left-sided breast cancer patients receiving RT in vDIBH, and compared with CINE images of 20 patients treated in FB. The intra-beam motion was assessed and the distance from the beam central axis (CA) to the internal chest wall (ICW) was measured on each CINE image. These were then compared to the planned distance on digitally reconstructed radiograph (DRR). The maximum intra-beam motion for any one patient measurement was 0.30 cm for vDIBH and 0.20 cm for FB. The mean difference between the distance from the CA to ICW on DRR and the equivalent distance on CINE imaging (as treated) was 0.28 cm (SD 0.17) for vDIBH patients and 0.25 cm (SD 0.14) for FB patients (P = 0.458). The measured values were comparable for patients undergoing RT in vDIBH, and for those in FB. This quality assessment showed that using in-room lasers and skin tattoos to independently monitor breath-hold in vDIBH as detected by 'on-treatment' CINE imaging is safe and effective. © 2017 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.

  16. Three-dimensional MRI-linac intra-fraction guidance using multiple orthogonal cine-MRI planes. (United States)

    Bjerre, Troels; Crijns, Sjoerd; af Rosenschöld, Per Munck; Aznar, Marianne; Specht, Lena; Larsen, Rasmus; Keall, Paul


    The introduction of integrated MRI-radiation therapy systems will offer live intra-fraction imaging. We propose a feasible low-latency multi-plane MRI-linac guidance strategy. In this work we demonstrate how interleaved acquired, orthogonal cine-MRI planes can be used for low-latency tracking of the 3D trajectory of a soft-tissue target structure. The proposed strategy relies on acquiring a pre-treatment 3D breath-hold scan, extracting a 3D target template and performing template matching between this 3D template and pairs of orthogonal 2D cine-MRI planes intersecting the target motion path. For a 60 s free-breathing series of orthogonal cine-MRI planes, we demonstrate that the method was capable of accurately tracking the respiration related 3D motion of the left kidney. Quantitative evaluation of the method using a dataset designed for this purpose revealed a translational error of 1.15 mm for a translation of 39.9 mm. We have demonstrated how interleaved acquired, orthogonal cine-MRI planes can be used for online tracking of soft-tissue target volumes.

  17. Cine y mitología de los orígenes en el nacionalismo norteamericano: el último mohícano

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    Full Text Available Cine y nacionalismo presentan una interesante y continuada relación, sobre todo a través de géneros como el épico, histórico o de aventuras. Se estudia en el presente trabajo esta relación, a partir del film “El último mohicano”, dirigido por Michael Mann en 1992, que presenta elementos clave para entender la importancia de la conformación de los mitos sobre los orígenes de la nación norteamericana. El film, como la conocida novela en que se inspira libremente, centra su trama en aspectos y épocas claves de los movimientos nacionalistas, al entroncar además con el movimiento cultural del romanticismo y su peculiar manera de valorar el pasadohistórico y los orígenes de pueblos, culturas y naciones.

  18. Accuracy of accelerated cine MR imaging at 3 Tesla in longitudinal follow-up of cardiac function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sandner, Torleif A.; Huber, Armin M.; Theisen, Daniel; Reiser, Maximilian F.; Wintersperger, Bernd J.; Houck, Philip; Runge, Val M.; Sincleair, Spencer


    The ability of fast, parallel-imaging-based cine magnetic resonance (MR) to monitor global cardiac function in longitudinal exams at 3 Tesla was evaluated. Seventeen patients with chronic cardiac disease underwent serial cine MR imaging exams (n=3) at 3 Tesla. Data were acquired in short-axis orientation using cine steady-state free precession (SSFP) with a spatial resolution of 2.5 x 1.9 mm 2 at 45 ms temporal resolution. Multislice imaging (three slices/breath-hold) was performed using TSENSE acceleration (R=3) and standard single-slice cine (non-TSENSE) was performed at identical locations in consecutive breath-holds. End-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV), ejection fraction (EF) and myocardial mass (MM) of both cine approaches were compared for individual time-points as well as for longitudinal comparison. TSENSE-cine did not show significant differences for EDV (2.6 ml; P=.79), ESV (2.2 ml; P=0.81), EF (-0.3%; P=0.95) and MM (2.4 g; P=0.72) in comparison with non-TSENSE. Longitudinal ANOVA analysis did not reveal significant differences for any parameter, neither for non-TSENSE data (all P>0.7) nor for TSENSE data (all P>0.9). Multifactorial ANOVA showed non-significant differences (all P>0.7) at comparable data variances. Data acquisition was significantly shortened using TSENSE. Threefold accelerated multislice cine at 3 Tesla allows accurate assessment of volumetric LV data and accurate longitudinal monitoring of global LV function at a substantially shorter overall examination time. (orig.)

  19. Image processing in cine-scintigraphy. Organization of the CINE 200 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tournier, E.; Axelrad, C.; Monge, J.; Beccia, A.; Bouvier, A.


    The CINE 200 system, although using a small computer to reduce costs, is shown to be a highly efficient instrument for the processing of scintigraphic images. This was achieved by creating an acquisition and display system branched directly onto the memory, reducing the processing times by the writing of fast micro-programmes, and cutting down the place occupied by the programmes in the live memory by a good organization of these programmes. This internal organization of the system, the insertion and role of the programmes, the data organization and the working procedure are described briefly [fr

  20. La Danza Estilizada en clave flamenca y su presencia en el Cine Español de los años sesenta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Jesús Barrios Peralbo


    Full Text Available El cine español desde las primeras décadas del s. XX ha dejado constancia de valiosas interpretaciones dancísticas por parte de los bailaores y bailarines más relevantes de aquellos años. A la pantalla cinematográfica se han asomado figuras sobresalientes como Pastora Imperio, Carmen Amaya, Vicente Escudero, Antonio El bailarín, Rafael de Córdova, Güito, Maria Rosa, Antonio Gades; todos ellos han ofrecido interesantes fragmentos coreográficos dejando para la historia de la danza española la impronta de su arte. Fueron los años sesenta uno de los periodos más fructíferos en la representación fílmica del baile español, este hecho logró acercar la danza española a la cultura de masas, dando a conocer al público las propuestas coreográficas de los artistas en auge. El objetivo de este artículo pretende constatar en qué medida los estilos de la danza española se han representado en el cine español. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo el visionado y selección de cuarenta y seis películas con pasajes de danza que fueron filmadas entre los años 1960-1969. Tras la observación y análisis del contenido, y recogida de los datos de la representación visual, obtenemos como resultado que en una gran mayoría de films la danza española se manifiesta en el estilo flamenco puro y en la danza estilizada con un alto registro de las formas del flamenco. Como conclusión, se constata que la revalorización de esta manifestación artística, de forma muy intensa desde los años sesenta, fue un hecho de poderosa influencia posterior tanto en el ámbito dancístico como en el cinematográfico.

  1. Cardiac cine imaging at 3 Tesla: initial experience with a 32-element body-array coil. (United States)

    Fenchel, Michael; Deshpande, Vibhas S; Nael, Kambiz; Finn, J Paul; Miller, Stephan; Ruehm, Stefan; Laub, Gerhard


    We sought to assess the feasibility of cardiac cine imaging and evaluate image quality at 3 T using a body-array coil with 32 coil elements. Eight healthy volunteers (3 men; median age 29 years) were examined on a 3-T magnetic resonance scanner (Magnetom Trio, Siemens Medical Solutions) using a 32-element phased-array coil (prototype from In vivo Corp.). Gradient-recalled-echo (GRE) cine (GRAPPAx3), GRE cine with tagging lines, steady-state-free-precession (SSFP) cine (GRAPPAx3 and x4), and SSFP cine(TSENSEx4 andx6) images were acquired in short-axis and 4-chamber view. Reference images with identical scan parameters were acquired using the total-imaging-matrix (Tim) coil system with a total of 12 coil elements. Images were assessed by 2 observers in a consensus reading with regard to image quality, noise and presence of artifacts. Furthermore, signal-to-noise values were determined in phantom measurements. In phantom measurements signal-to-noise values were increased by 115-155% for the various cine sequences using the 32-element coil. Scoring of image quality yielded statistically significant increased image quality with the SSFP-GRAPPAx4, SSFP-TSENSEx4, and SSFP-TSENSEx6 sequence using the 32-element coil (P < 0.05). Similarly, scoring of image noise yielded a statistically significant lower noise rating with the SSFP-GRAPPAx4, GRE-GRAPPAx3, SSFP-TSENSEx4, and SSFP-TSENSEx6 sequence using the 32-element coil (P < 0.05). This study shows that cardiac cine imaging at 3 T using a 32-element body-array coil is feasible in healthy volunteers. Using a large number of coil elements with a favorable sensitivity profile supports faster image acquisition, with high diagnostic image quality even for high parallel imaging factors.

  2. Routine Cine-CMR for Prosthesis Associated Mitral Regurgitation – A Multicenter Comparison to Echocardiography (United States)

    Simprini, Lauren A.; Afroz, Anika; Cooper, Mitchell A.; Klem, Igor; Jensen, Christoph; Kim, Raymond J.; Srichai, Monvadi B.; Heitner, John F.; Sood, Michael; Chandy, Elizabeth; Shah, Dipan J.; Lopez-Mattei, Juan; Biederman, Robert W.; Grizzard, John D.; Fuisz, Anthon; Ghafourian, Kambiz; Farzaneh-Far, Afshin; Weinsaft, Jonathan


    Background/Aim MR is an important complication after PMV. Transthoracic echocardiography is widely used to screen for native MR, but can be limited with PMV. Cine-CMR holds potential to non-invasively assess regurgitant severity based on MR-induced inter-voxel dephasing. This study evaluated routine cine-CMR for visual assessment of prosthetic mitral valve (PMV) associated mitral regurgitation (MR). Methods Routine cine-CMR was performed at 9 sites. A uniform protocol was used to grade MR based on jet size in relation to the left atrium (mild 2/3): MR was graded in each long axis orientation, with overall severity based on cumulative grade. Cine-CMR was also scored for MR density and pulmonary vein systolic flow reversal (PSFR). Visual interpretation was compared to quantitative analysis in a single center (derivation) cohort, and to transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in a multicenter (validation) cohort. Results The population comprised 85 PMV patients (59% mechanical, 41% bioprosthetic). Among the derivation cohort (n=25), quantitative indices paralleled visual scores, with stepwise increases in jet size and density in relation to visually graded MR severity (both p=0.001): Patients with severe MR had nearly a 3-fold increase in quantitative jet area (p=0.002), and 2-fold increase in density (p=0.04) than did others. Among the multicenter cohort, cine-CMR and TEE (Δ=2±3 days) demonstrated moderate agreement (κ=0.44); 64% of discordances differed by ≤ 1 grade (Δ=1.2±0.5). Using a TEE reference, cine-CMR yielded excellent diagnostic performance for severe MR (sensitivity, negative predictive value=100%). Patients with visually graded severe MR also had more frequent PVSFR (pcine-CMR. Conclusions Cine-CMR is useful for assessment of PMV-associated MR, which manifests concordant quantitative and qualitative changes in size and density of inter-voxel dephasing. Visual MR assessment based on jet size provides an accurate non-invasive means of screening for

  3. Physiologic AV valvular insufficiency in cine MR imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jang, Yoon Hyung; Kang, Eun Joo; Baik, Seung Kug; Ahn, Woo Hyun; Choi, Han Yong; Kim, Bong Gi [Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Pusan (Korea, Republic of)


    To give a help in the interpretation of cardiac cine-MR examination, the extent, shape, and timing of appearance of signal void regions near atrioventricular(A-V) valve prospectively evaluate in the healthy population. Using an axial gradient-echo technique with small flip angle, repetition time(TR) of 36 msec and echo time(TE) of 22 msec, 20 volunteers without known valvular abnormalities undertook cardiac cine-MR imaging including atrioventricular valve areas. Transient signal void was observed within the near the tricuspid(13/20 = 65%) and mitral valves(9/20 = 45%), respectively, which is so called {sup p}hysioloic atrioventricular valvular insufficiency{sup .} Eight subjects revealed the signal void areas near both tricuspid and mitral valves but, 5 subjects did not show any evidence of physiologic insufficiency. This physiologic condition does not extend more than 1 cm proximal to A-V valve plane and is generally observed only during early systole. Its morphology is semilunar or triangular configuration with the base to the valve plane in most cases of normal tricuspid insufficiency and small globular appearance in most cases of normal mitral insufficiency. Awareness of normal signal void areas near the A-V valve and their characteristics is critical in the interpretation of cardiac cine MR examinations and maybe helpful in the study of the normal cardiac physiology.

  4. Physiologic AV valvular insufficiency in cine MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Yoon Hyung; Kang, Eun Joo; Baik, Seung Kug; Ahn, Woo Hyun; Choi, Han Yong; Kim, Bong Gi


    To give a help in the interpretation of cardiac cine-MR examination, the extent, shape, and timing of appearance of signal void regions near atrioventricular(A-V) valve prospectively evaluate in the healthy population. Using an axial gradient-echo technique with small flip angle, repetition time(TR) of 36 msec and echo time(TE) of 22 msec, 20 volunteers without known valvular abnormalities undertook cardiac cine-MR imaging including atrioventricular valve areas. Transient signal void was observed within the near the tricuspid(13/20 = 65%) and mitral valves(9/20 = 45%), respectively, which is so called p hysioloic atrioventricular valvular insufficiency . Eight subjects revealed the signal void areas near both tricuspid and mitral valves but, 5 subjects did not show any evidence of physiologic insufficiency. This physiologic condition does not extend more than 1 cm proximal to A-V valve plane and is generally observed only during early systole. Its morphology is semilunar or triangular configuration with the base to the valve plane in most cases of normal tricuspid insufficiency and small globular appearance in most cases of normal mitral insufficiency. Awareness of normal signal void areas near the A-V valve and their characteristics is critical in the interpretation of cardiac cine MR examinations and maybe helpful in the study of the normal cardiac physiology

  5. Feasibility of free-breathing, GRAPPA-based, real-time cardiac cine assessment of left-ventricular function in cardiovascular patients at 3 T

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu, Xiaomei; Schwab, Felix; Marcus, Roy; Hetterich, Holger; Theisen, Daniel; Kramer, Harald; Notohamiprodjo, Mike; Schlett, Christopher L.; Nikolaou, Konstantin; Reiser, Maximilian F.


    Highlights: • Grappa-based real time cine cardiac MRI is feasible for assessment of left ventricular function. • Significant underestimation of systolic function, peak ejection and filling rates needs to be considered. • Heart rate is the only positive predictor of the deviation of obtained parameters. - Abstract: Objectives: To determine the feasibility of free-breathing, GRAPPA-based, real-time (RT) cine 3 T cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with high acceleration factors for the assessment of left-ventricular function in a cohort of patients as compared to conventional segmented cine imaging. Materials and methods: In this prospective cohort study, subjects with various cardiac conditions underwent MRI involving two RT cine sequences (high resolution and low resolution) and standard segmented cine imaging. Standard qualitative and quantitative parameters of left-ventricular function were quantified. Results: Among 25 subjects, 24 were included in the analysis (mean age: 50.5 ± 21 years, 67% male, 25% with cardiomyopathy). RT cine derived quantitative parameters of volumes and left ventricular mass were strongly correlated with segmented cine imaging (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC]: >0.72 for both RT cines) but correlation for peak ejection and filling rates were moderate to poor for both RT cines (ICC < 0.40). Similarly, RT cines significantly underestimated peak ejection and filling rates (>103.2 ± 178 ml/s). Among patient-related factors, heart rate was strongly predictive for deviation of measurements (p < 0.05). Conclusions: RT cine MRI at 3 T is feasible for qualitative and quantitative assessment of left ventricular function for low and high-resolution sequences but results in significant underestimation of systolic function, peak ejection and filling rates

  6. Holistic segmentation of the lung in cine MRI. (United States)

    Kovacs, William; Hsieh, Nathan; Roth, Holger; Nnamdi-Emeratom, Chioma; Bandettini, W Patricia; Arai, Andrew; Mankodi, Ami; Summers, Ronald M; Yao, Jianhua


    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a childhood-onset neuromuscular disease that results in the degeneration of muscle, starting in the extremities, before progressing to more vital areas, such as the lungs. Respiratory failure and pneumonia due to respiratory muscle weakness lead to hospitalization and early mortality. However, tracking the disease in this region can be difficult, as current methods are based on breathing tests and are incapable of distinguishing between muscle involvements. Cine MRI scans give insight into respiratory muscle movements, but the images suffer due to low spatial resolution and poor signal-to-noise ratio. Thus, a robust lung segmentation method is required for accurate analysis of the lung and respiratory muscle movement. We deployed a deep learning approach that utilizes sequence-specific prior information to assist the segmentation of lung in cine MRI. More specifically, we adopt a holistically nested network to conduct image-to-image holistic training and prediction. One frame of the cine MRI is used in the training and applied to the remainder of the sequence ([Formula: see text] frames). We applied this method to cine MRIs of the lung in the axial, sagittal, and coronal planes. Characteristic lung motion patterns during the breathing cycle were then derived from the segmentations and used for diagnosis. Our data set consisted of 31 young boys, age [Formula: see text] years, 15 of whom suffered from DMD. The remaining 16 subjects were age-matched healthy volunteers. For validation, slices from inspiratory and expiratory cycles were manually segmented and compared with results obtained from our method. The Dice similarity coefficient for the deep learning-based method was [Formula: see text] for the sagittal view, [Formula: see text] for the axial view, and [Formula: see text] for the coronal view. The holistic neural network approach was compared with an approach using Demon's registration and showed superior performance. These

  7. Functional imaging of murine hearts using accelerated self-gated UTE cine MRI. (United States)

    Motaal, Abdallah G; Noorman, Nils; de Graaf, Wolter L; Hoerr, Verena; Florack, Luc M J; Nicolay, Klaas; Strijkers, Gustav J


    We introduce a fast protocol for ultra-short echo time (UTE) Cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the beating murine heart. The sequence involves a self-gated UTE with golden-angle radial acquisition and compressed sensing reconstruction. The self-gated acquisition is performed asynchronously with the heartbeat, resulting in a randomly undersampled kt-space that facilitates compressed sensing reconstruction. The sequence was tested in 4 healthy rats and 4 rats with chronic myocardial infarction, approximately 2 months after surgery. As a control, a non-accelerated self-gated multi-slice FLASH sequence with an echo time (TE) of 2.76 ms, 4.5 signal averages, a matrix of 192 × 192, and an acquisition time of 2 min 34 s per slice was used to obtain Cine MRI with 15 frames per heartbeat. Non-accelerated UTE MRI was performed with TE = 0.29 ms, a reconstruction matrix of 192 × 192, and an acquisition time of 3 min 47 s per slice for 3.5 averages. Accelerated imaging with 2×, 4× and 5× undersampled kt-space data was performed with 1 min, 30 and 15 s acquisitions, respectively. UTE Cine images up to 5× undersampled kt-space data could be successfully reconstructed using a compressed sensing algorithm. In contrast to the FLASH Cine images, flow artifacts in the UTE images were nearly absent due to the short echo time, simplifying segmentation of the left ventricular (LV) lumen. LV functional parameters derived from the control and the accelerated Cine movies were statistically identical.

  8. KOT: El boxeo en el cine mexicano


    Orozco-Martínez, Carlos E.


    Texto sobre el género de boxeadores en el cine mexicano. Se habla de la trama de este tipo de filmes, de los personajes comunes, sus orígenes, algunas películas representativas y de los directores que trataron la temática.

  9. Geriatría y cine: una mirada desde la salud


    Beatriz OGANDO DÍAZ


    Envejecer no implica enfermar. La OMS en “Salud y envejecimiento” plantea una visión positiva bajo el concepto de “envejecimiento activo” para superar el papel pasivo que se ha otorgado a las personas mayores. La vejez se acompaña de estereotipos que cambian conforme cambia la sociedad. El cine es un buen vehículo para detectarlos y reflexionar sobre ellos.El cine contribuye a la construcción de la representación social de la mirada sobre la vejez. En las últimas décadas muchas películas han ...

  10. Cine computed tomography for diagnosis of superior vena cava obstruction following the mustard operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matherne, G.P.; Atkins, D.L.; Frey, E.E.; Smith, W.L.


    Superior vena caval obstruction is a well described complication following Mustard's repair for transposition of the great arteries. We report a case of a 6-year-old child with superior vena cava obstruction correctly diagnosed by Cine-CT. The advantages of imaging with Cine-CT for this complication are discussed. (orig.)

  11. Cine Computed Tomography Without Respiratory Surrogate in Planning Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riegel, Adam C. B.A.; Chang, Joe Y.; Vedam, Sastry S.; Johnson, Valen; Chi, Pai-Chun Melinda; Pan, Tinsu


    Purpose: To determine whether cine computed tomography (CT) can serve as an alternative to four-dimensional (4D)-CT by providing tumor motion information and producing equivalent target volumes when used to contour in radiotherapy planning without a respiratory surrogate. Methods and Materials: Cine CT images from a commercial CT scanner were used to form maximum intensity projection and respiratory-averaged CT image sets. These image sets then were used together to define the targets for radiotherapy. Phantoms oscillating under irregular motion were used to assess the differences between contouring using cine CT and 4D-CT. We also retrospectively reviewed the image sets for 26 patients (27 lesions) at our institution who had undergone stereotactic radiotherapy for Stage I non-small-cell lung cancer. The patients were included if the tumor motion was >1 cm. The lesions were first contoured using maximum intensity projection and respiratory-averaged CT image sets processed from cine CT and then with 4D-CT maximum intensity projection and 10-phase image sets. The mean ratios of the volume magnitude were compared with intraobserver variation, the mean centroid shifts were calculated, and the volume overlap was assessed with the normalized Dice similarity coefficient index. Results: The phantom studies demonstrated that cine CT captured a greater extent of irregular tumor motion than did 4D-CT, producing a larger tumor volume. The patient studies demonstrated that the gross tumor defined using cine CT imaging was similar to, or slightly larger than, that defined using 4D-CT. Conclusion: The results of our study have shown that cine CT is a promising alternative to 4D-CT for stereotactic radiotherapy planning

  12. Consumo de cine-video : Una investigación empírica


    Wallace, Santiago; Muñoz Cobeñas, Leticia Amelia; Rodríguez, Pablo Gustavo; Silva, Celia; Cabutti, Marcela


    Este trabajo recoge parte de los resultados del proyecto de investigación "Las industrias culturales hoy: consumo de cine-video y su relación con las políticas culturales (La Plata)", realizado durante los años 1994 y 1995 en el marco del Programa de Incentivos. Se intentó, en base a los objetivos propuestos analizar las modalidades de elección y consumo al momento de ver cine en el ámbito hogareño. Facultad de Bellas Artes

  13. La leyenda de Gösta Berling: una propuesta didáctica desde la interrelación Literatura/Cine / Gösta Berlings Saga: a teaching proposal from the interaction Literature / Cinema

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angélica García-Manso


    Full Text Available Resumen: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo trazar una estrategia didáctica para potenciar la lectura de los grandes clásicos de la Literatura Universal en el aula de enseñanza obligatoria. La propuesta se concretiza en la aproximación a la novelista sueca Selma Lagerlöff –la primera mujer Premio Nobel de Literatura– a través de la película La leyenda de Gösta Berling (Gösta Berlings Saga, 1924, dirigida por Mauritz Stiller y considerada una de las obras maestras del cine silente nórdico. Mediante esta guía de lectura-visionado, los alumnos pueden analizar un aspecto tan inédito como es el reflejo de la palabra en el cine mudo. Desde esta perspectiva, la relación interdisciplinar Literatura/Cine se percibe como una herramienta pedagógica polivalente, al menos en un doble sentido: por una parte, proporcionar a los adolescentes unos conocimientos literarios que el currículo no contempla; de otro, iniciarlos en la praxis de un análisis audiovisual cada vez más omnipresente y demandado. Abstract: The present study aims to draw a teaching strategy to enhance the reading of the great classics of World Literature in the classroom of compulsory education. Our specific proposal is the approach to the Swedish novelist Selma Lagerlöff – the first woman Nobel Prize for Literature– through the movie Gösta Berlings Saga (1924, directed by Mauritz Stiller and considered one of the masterpieces of Nordic silent film. By this reader-viewing guide, students can analyze an unknown aspect such as the reflection of the word in silent cinema. From this perspective, interdisciplinary relationship between Literature / Film is perceived as a versatile educational tool, at least in two ways: firstly, to provide adolescents with a literary knowledge that the curriculum does not provide; otherwise, to introduce them to the practice of an audiovisual analysis which is greater and greater.

  14. El devenir del cine musical de Hollywood

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moreno Cardenal, Luisa


    Full Text Available Film genres which were defined and developed by Hollywood during the early decades of the 20th century are no longer the same: a hundred years after they were first born, they are undergoing profound changes and a thorough revision. As a result, new sub-genres are emerging and others that were once essential to the identity of film as a mass phenomenon are becoming blurred. One such film genre on the verge of extinction is the musical. This paper briefly traces out the way musicals developed, from their beginnings through to the early years of the 21st century, enabling the keys to their success and their decline to be identified. Some major productions, with outstanding soundtracks or choreography building an interaction between the leading roles, will be especially examined.Los géneros cinematográficos delimitados por la industria de Hollywood a lo largo de las primeras décadas del siglo XX viven, cien años después, un proceso de revisión y metamorfosis que da como resultado el nacimiento de nuevos subgéneros y el desdibujamiento de otros que, durante décadas, tuvieron una entidad inequívoca e imprescindible para entender el cine como espectáculo y fenómeno de masas. Uno de esos géneros en periodo de extinción es el musical. Mostramos aquí un somero recorrido por el devenir del género desde su nacimiento hasta comienzos del siglo XXI, tratando de localizar las claves de su éxito y de su declive y fijándonos especialmente en algunos títulos importantes que cuentan, además de con maravillosas bandas sonoras, con números de baile escenificados para construir la dialéctica entre sus protagonistas.

  15. Cine magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and ultrasonography in the evaluation of chest wall invasion of lung cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yokozaki, Michiya; Nawano, Shigeru; Nagai, Kanji; Moriyama, Noriyuki; Kodama, Tetsuro; Nishiwaki, Yutaka.


    To assess the usefulness of cine-magnetic resonance imaging (cine-MRI) in the evaluation of chest wall invasion, we compared the results of cine-MRI with those of computed tomography (CT) and ultrasonography (US). Eleven patients were examined who had no pain and who were difficult to diagnose by routine examinations. MRI was performed with a Magnetom SP/4000, 1.5T unit (Siemens, Germany). For cine imaging, continuous turbo-FLUSH (ultra fast low angle shot) images were obtained at an orthogonal section to the chest wall during slow deep breathing. A CT scan was performed using a TCT 900S or Super Helix (Toshiba, Japan) at 1 cm intervals, with section thicknesses of 1 cm throughout the entire chest. US was performed with a model SSA-270A (Toshiba, Japan) with 7.5-MHz linear array scanners (PLF-705S; Toshiba, Japan). Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 67%, 75% and 73% for cine MRI, 67%, 63% and 64% for CT, 33%, 75% and 64% for US, respectively. These results indicate that cine MRI is potentially useful for the diagnosis of chest wall invasion of lung cancer. (author)

  16. Análisis de recepción de cine en Bogotá: Identidades culturales e Imaginarios colectivos

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    Gonzalo Rivera M.


    Full Text Available Este artículo se origina en el primer módulo de una línea de investigación pensada para avanzar en los estudios sobre comunicación/cultura. El proyecto intenta acercarse a la desconstrucción de objetos culturales (el cine en este caso con una mirada conceptual nueva y metodologías plurales, adoptando como horizonte de pensamiento lo simbólico-imaginario, instancia crucial del problema cultural. Aunque los resultados y el análisis de este primer objeto no lleguen a conclusiones totalmente acabadas, el lector atento encontrará un universo sugerente de resemantizaciones y formas innovadoras de senti-pensar la significación.

  17. Cine, fascismo y propaganda. Una aproximación histórica al Estado Novo portugués

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    Alberto Pena-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La dictadura portuguesa de António de Oliveira Salazar utilizó el cine como un instrumento de propaganda eficaz para consolidar el régimen del Estado Novo durante los años treinta. El Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional y otras estructuras para el control de la comunicación pública de la época jugaron un importante papel para persuadir a la sociedad portuguesa y proyectar hacia el exterior una imagen benévola del salazarismo. Durante el período de la guerra civil española, la propaganda cinematográfica lusa intensificó su campaña contra el comunismo y a favor del fascismo ibérico.

  18. SPAMM, cine phase contrast imaging and fast spin-echo T2-weighted imaging in the study of intracranial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Connor, S.E.J.; O'Gorman, R.; Summers, P.; Simmons, A.; Moore, E.M.; Chandler, C.; Jarosz, J.M.


    AIM: To compare the qualitative assessment of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow using a SPAMM (spatial modulation of magnetization) technique with cine phase contrast images (cine PC) and fast spin echo (FSE) T2-weighted images. MATERIALS AND METHODS: SPAMM, PC and T2-weighted sequences were performed on 22 occasions in 19 patients. Eleven of the studies were performed following a neuroendoscopic third ventriculostomy (NTV), and in these cases, the success of the NTV was determined by clinical follow-up. Two observers used consensus to grade the presence of CSF flow at nine different sites for each study. RESULTS: At 14 of the 178 matched sites, which could be assessed by both SPAMM and cine PC, SPAMM CSF flow grade was higher than that of cine PC. At a further 14/178 matched sites, the cine PC grade was higher than that of SPAMM. There was definite CSF flow at 113/182 (62%) of all the cine PC sites assessed, and 110/181 (61%) of all SPAMM sites assessed whilst 108/198 (54%) of FSE T2-weighted image sites demonstrated flow voids. Cine PC grades were higher than SPAMM at the cerebral aqueduct (P < 0.05, Wilcoxon sign rank test). Definite CSF flow within the anterior third ventricle was present in 4/5 (SPAMM) and 3/5 (cine PC) successful NTVs, 0/2 (SPAMM and cine PC) unsuccessful NTVs and 1/10 (SPAMM and cine PC) patients without NTV. CONCLUSION: SPAMM provides a comparable assessment of intracranial CSF flow to that of cine phase contrast imaging at all CSF sites except the cerebral aqueduct. Connor, S.E.J. et al. (2001)

  19. Manifold learning based ECG-free free-breathing cardiac CINE MRI. (United States)

    Usman, Muhammad; Atkinson, David; Kolbitsch, Christoph; Schaeffter, Tobias; Prieto, Claudia


    To present and validate a manifold learning (ML)-based method that can estimate both cardiac and respiratory navigator signals from electrocardiogram (ECG)-free free-breathing cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data to achieve self-gated retrospective CINE reconstruction. In this work the use of the ML method is demonstrated for 2D cardiac CINE to achieve both cardiac and respiratory self-gating without the need of an external navigator or ECG signal. This is achieved by sequentially applying ML to two sets of retrospectively reconstructed real-time images with differing temporal resolutions. A 1D cardiac signal is estimated by applying ML to high temporal resolution real-time images reconstructed from the acquired data. Using the estimated cardiac signal, a 1D respiratory signal was obtained by applying the ML method to low temporal resolution images reconstructed from the same acquired data for each cardiac cycle. Data were acquired in five volunteers with a 2D golden angle radial trajectory in a balanced steady-state free precession (b-SSFP) acquisition. The accuracy of the estimated cardiac signal was calculated as the standard deviation of the temporal difference between the estimated signal and the recorded ECG. The correlation between the estimated respiratory signal and standard pencil beam navigator signal was evaluated. Gated CINE reconstructions (20 cardiac phases per cycle, temporal resolution ∼30 msec) using the estimated cardiac and respiratory signals were qualitatively compared against conventional ECG-gated breath-hold CINE acquisitions. Accurate cardiac signals were estimated with the proposed method, with an error standard deviation in comparison to ECG lower than 20 msec. Respiratory signals estimated with the proposed method achieved a mean cross-correlation of 94% with respect to standard pencil beam navigator signals. Good quality visual scores of 2.80 ± 0.45 (scores from 0, bad, to 4, excellent quality) were observed for the

  20. Pulmonary branch arterial flow can be measured with cine MR velocity mapping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caputo, G.R.; Kondo, C.; Masui, T.; Foster, E.; Geraci, S.J.; O'Sullivan, M.; Higgins, C.B.


    This paper assesses the capability of cine MR phase velocity mapping (CVM) to measure main, right-sided, and left-sided pulmonary arterial (PA) blood flow. The authors examined a constant-flow phantom and nine healthy volunteers with use of 1.5-T MR imaging system (GE Signa) with phase velocity cine sequences. CVM correctly measured constant-flow phantom velocities (range, 20-190 cm/sec; r = .998, SEE = 4.2 cm/sec), and velocity with use of angulated planes to section the phantom tube perpendicularly. CVM peak systolic main PA velocity (79 cm/sec ± 10) correlated well with Doppler US measurements (80 cm/sec ± 7). CVM main PA flow correlated well with conventional cine MR LV stroke volume measurements (r = .98, SEE = 4.8 mL). Left and right PA flow on the angulated planes were 29 mL ± 7 and 34 mL ± 10, respectively

  1. Cine-magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of communication between middle cranial fossa arachnoid cysts and cisterns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eguchi, Takahiko; Nikaido, Yuji; Shiomi, Kazuaki; Fujimoto, Takatoshi; Otsuka, Hiroyuki; Takeuchi, Hiroshi; Taoka, Toshiaki.


    Cine-magnetic resonance (MR) imaging examinations were performed in 10 patients with middle cranial fossa arachnoid cysts to evaluate communication between the cysts and the normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space. Eight of 10 patients were evaluated by time of flight cine-MR imaging, and two by phase contrast cine-MR imaging. Two patients underwent membranectomy of the cysts, and were evaluated both pre-and postoperatively. Computed tomography cisternography was used to confirm communication between the cysts and the surrounding cisterns. Pulsatile fluid motion within the cysts was present in all patients. However, marked fluid motion and jet flow between the cysts and the surrounding cisterns were only observed in communicating cysts. In the two patients who underwent membranectomy, postoperative examination found greater fluid motion and jet flow not previously present. Cine-MR imaging demonstration of marked pulsatile fluid motion accompanied by jet flow suggests that a cyst communicates with the normal CSF space. (author)

  2. Cine colaborativo. Discursos, prácticas y multiplataforma digitales. Hacia una diversificación de formatos transmedia participativos en el Espacio Digital Europeo

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    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza el nuevo panorama de los discursos y prácticas del cine colaborativo en el Espacio Digital Europeo. El artículo desarrolla tres ejes organizados: la producción audiovisual colaborativa como experiencia para configurar imaginarios sociales críticos; las formas de transmisión y recepción de las imágenes vinculadas a procesos de pensamiento colectivo; y el coaprendizaje como estrategia política en el marco de la educación mediática. El artículo se compone de la recopilación de casos de estudio en Europa que argumenta la emergencia de experiencias y prácticas de producción colaborativa (collaborative film-making as process. En relación a procesos de aprendizaje colectivos y medialiteracy en Europa y que en la actualidad se realizan utilizando el cine y las prácticas audiovisuales en espacio del arte post-digital, mediabroadcast y de participación ciudadana con multiplataformas digitales y redes físicas. Estas prácticas colaborativas inciden en la creación de discursos contrahegemónico sobre migración, género y decolonialidad. Del mismo modo, el artículo propone la exploración de nuevas estrategias discursivas colaborativas relacionadas con los formatos transmedia participativos en el marco del espacio digital europeo con el estudio de los casos de Francia y España.

  3. Standardized cine-loop documentation in abdominal ultrasound facilitates offline image interpretation. (United States)

    Dormagen, Johann Baptist; Gaarder, Mario; Drolsum, Anders


    One of the main disadvantages of conventional ultrasound is its operator dependency, which might impede the reproducibility of the sonographic findings. A new approach with cine-loops and standardized scan protocols can overcome this drawback. To compare abdominal ultrasound findings of immediate bedside reading by performing radiologist with offline reading by a non-performing radiologist, using standardized cine-loop sequences. Over a 6-month period, three radiologists performed 140 dynamic ultrasound organ-based examinations in 43 consecutive outpatients. Examination protocols were standardized and included predefined probe position and sequences of short cine-loops of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and urine bladder, covering the organs completely in two planes. After bedside examinations, the studies were reviewed and read out immediately by the performing radiologist. Image quality was registered from 1 (no diagnostic value) to 5 (excellent cine-loop quality). Offline reading was performed blinded by a radiologist who had not performed the examination. Bedside and offline reading were compared with each other and with consensus results. In 140 examinations, consensus reading revealed 21 cases with renal disorders, 17 cases with liver and bile pathology, and four cases with bladder pathology. Overall inter-observer agreement was 0.73 (95% CI 0.61-0.91), with lowest agreement for findings of the urine bladder (0.36) and highest agreement in liver examinations (0.90). Disagreements between the two readings were seen in nine kidneys, three bladder examinations, one pancreas and bile system examinations each, and in one liver, giving a total number of mismatches of 11%. Nearly all cases of mismatch were of minor clinical significance. The median image quality was 3 (range, 2-5) with most examinations deemed a quality of 3. Compared to consensus reading, overall accuracy was 96% for bedside reading and 94% for offline reading. Standardized cine

  4. Tracheomalacia in adults with cystic fibrosis: determination of prevalence and severity with dynamic cine CT.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McDermott, Shaunagh


    PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence and severity of tracheomalacia in adults with cystic fibrosis (CF) by using dynamic cine multidetector computed tomography (CT) and to correlate these findings with pulmonary function test (PFT) results and the severity of parenchymal lung disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this institutional review board-approved HIPAA-compliant study, 40 patients with CF (22 men, 18 women; mean age, 28 years +\\/- 8 [standard deviation]; age range, 18-54 years) prospectively underwent PFTs, standard thin-section CT, and two dynamic cine multidetector CT acquisitions. Ten control subjects underwent dynamic cine multidetector CT. After standard thin-section CT was completed, dynamic cine multidetector CT was performed during a forced expiratory maneuver and during coughing. Dynamic cine multidetector CT images in nine patients were excluded. Maximal inspiratory, dynamic expiratory, and end-expiratory tracheal luminal areas were compared (Student t test) and correlated (Spearman rank) with PFT results and severity of parenchymal lung disease. RESULTS: Mean predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV(1)) was 70.6% +\\/- 20.7, and mean Bhalla CT score was 41.8% +\\/- 13.6. In patients with CF, dynamic cine mean tracheal cross-sectional area reduction was 51.7% +\\/- 18.4 (range, 9%-89%) for forced expiratory maneuvers and 68.8% +\\/- 11.7 (range, 18%-88%) for coughing (P = .001). Tracheomalacia was demonstrated in 24 (69%) patients and no control subjects during forced expiratory maneuvers (P = .001) and in 10 (29%) patients and one (10%) control subject during coughing. For end-expiration images, mean tracheal luminal reduction was 16.1% +\\/- 14.0% (range, 0.0%-53.0%), with one patient demonstrating tracheal luminal reduction of more than 50%. There was no correlation between tracheal cross-sectional luminal reduction and either predicted FEV(1) or CT Bhalla score. CONCLUSION: Tracheomalacia depicted at dynamic cine multidetector CT is a

  5. Cine y vanguardias artística: conflictos, encuentros, fronteras [Prólogo e introducción


    Sánchez-Biosca, Vicente


    El cine y la vanguardia estaban condenados a encontrarse. Ambos fueron producto del paso del siglo XIX al XX; ambos ambicionaban rupturas y creían ser el punto de partida de una nueva era. Sin embargo, los encuentros no fueron inmediatos y sobre todo, el cine se aventuró pronto en caminos comerciales y narrativos ajenos, incluso opuestos, a los de la vanguardia. Así la condición vanguardiasta del cine plantea desde sus mismos orígenes problemas de definición que no han preocupado tanto a los ...

  6. Compressed sensing reconstruction of cardiac cine MRI using golden angle spiral trajectories. (United States)

    Tolouee, Azar; Alirezaie, Javad; Babyn, Paul


    In dynamic cardiac cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), the spatiotemporal resolution is limited by the low imaging speed. Compressed sensing (CS) theory has been applied to improve the imaging speed and thus the spatiotemporal resolution. The purpose of this paper is to improve CS reconstruction of under sampled data by exploiting spatiotemporal sparsity and efficient spiral trajectories. We extend k-t sparse algorithm to spiral trajectories to achieve high spatio temporal resolutions in cardiac cine imaging. We have exploited spatiotemporal sparsity of cardiac cine MRI by applying a 2D+time wavelet-Fourier transform. For efficient coverage of k-space, we have used a modified version of multi shot (interleaved) spirals trajectories. In order to reduce incoherent aliasing artifact, we use different random undersampling pattern for each temporal frame. Finally, we have used nonuniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT) algorithm to reconstruct the image from the non-uniformly acquired samples. The proposed approach was tested in simulated and cardiac cine MRI data. Results show that higher acceleration factors with improved image quality can be obtained with the proposed approach in comparison to the existing state-of-the-art method. The flexibility of the introduced method should allow it to be used not only for the challenging case of cardiac imaging, but also for other patient motion where the patient moves or breathes during acquisition. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Value of Cine-MRI sequences before and after injection in the diagnosis of acute myocarditis. (United States)

    Zidi, Asma; Zairi, Ihsen; Mzoughi, Khadija; Zakhama, Lilia; Kamoun, Ikram; Ben Halima, Afef; Ridene, Imen


    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has become the examination of choice in case of suspicion of acute myocarditis. Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging is very important to establish this diagnosis. Cine MRI sequences are useful for the study of the myocardial contractility.   The purpose is to estimate the value of cine MRI sequences before and after injection for the diagnosis of acute myocarditis compared with late gadolinium enhanced sequences. We prospectively included 40 patients having a high suspicion of acute myocarditis and examined using a 1.5 Tesla CMR. Cine MRI sequences before and after injection were performed. The protocol also include  T2-weighted  short- tau-inversion-recovery (STIR T2) fast spin echo MRI and LGE imaging eight minutes after injection with visual adjustment of inversion time. Delayed enhancement was found among 23 patients. Fifteen patients (65 %) presented a spontaneous hyper signal detected visually on Cine MRI sequences before injection and 11 patients (48 %) on STIR T2. The hyper signal on Cine MRI sequences after injection of gadolinium was the same topography that the late raising at 23 patients. In addition, we highlighted a significant difference between this hyper signal before injection and the left ventricle ejection fraction (p=0.022) as well as with the telesystolic volume of the left ventricle (LV) indexed by the body mass (p=0.039). Our study suggests that Cine MRI sequences after injection are of equal performance in the diagnosis of acute myocarditis as the LGE sequences and its contibution is important when we want to shorten the examination or when inversion time isn't optimal.

  8. Cine militante:Del internacionalismo a la política sensible neoliberal / Militant Cinema: From Internationalism to Neoliberal Sensible Politics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irmgard Emmelhainz


    Full Text Available En los años sesenta, el cine militante buscó compartir y expandir estrategias y herramientas para la lucha política alrededor del mundo. Ici et ailleurs (1969- 1974, la película que Godard filmó con Jean-Pierre Gorin bajo el marco del Grupo Dziga Vertov y editó con Anne-Marie Miéville, no es solo un ejemplo de cine político de vanguardia, sino un recuento auto-reflexivo del resultado de las revoluciones aquí y en otro lado, del devenir de la militancia y el cine comprometido y de su repudio a mediados de los años setenta. En este ensayo, me enfoco en tres elementos que forman parte del legado del cine militante en general, y específicamente de Ici et ailleurs: primero, las lecciones que se pueden derivar de las ordalías derivadas de simpatizar, hablar o imaginar procesos políticos de otros, en otros lados. Segundo, el problema que Godard plantea en películas posteriores a Ici et ailleurs, a lo que llamo la «mediatización de la mediación», como la forma de activismo que siguió al rechazo del marxismo-leninismo como depositario de la política progresiva. Tercero, la no poco problemática transformación de la política de la imagen de Godard en la «política sensible» post-política, un nicho en la producción cultural que se ha dado la tarea de codificar actos políticos inestables en formas mediáticas, transformando la acción y enunciación política en cuestión de expresión.Palabras clave: cine militante, Jean-Luc Godard, Palestina, activismo, política sensible, post-política, compromiso político.Abstract:In the 1960s, militant cinema aimed to share and expand strategies and tools for the political struggle around the world. Ici et ailleurs (1969-1974, the film that Godard shot with Jean-Pierre Gorin within the Dziga Vertov’s Group and edited with Anne-Marie Miéville, it is not only an example of avant-garde political cinema, but also an auto-reflexive account of the outcome of revolutions here and elsewhere, of

  9. Las consecuencias jurídicas del delito y el cine: un acercamiento a la resocialización en el nuevo siglo

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    José Manuel Ríos Corbacho


    Full Text Available Las nuevas tecnologías, los elementos audiovisuales y más concretamente el cine, le dan un impulso importante al aprendizaje del alumnado, por tal razón el presente trabajo pretende realizar un análisis y una aproximación, desde el punto de vista dogmático, a determinadas películas en las que se visualiza la finalidad de las penas. Esto tiene como fin que el alumno adquiera los conocimientos necesarios que le permitan dominar el derecho penal en general y la teoría de la pena, en particular.

  10. Real-time cardiac magnetic resonance cine imaging with sparse sampling and iterative reconstruction for left-ventricular measures: Comparison with gold-standard segmented steady-state free precession. (United States)

    Camargo, Gabriel C; Erthal, Fernanda; Sabioni, Leticia; Penna, Filipe; Strecker, Ralph; Schmidt, Michaela; Zenge, Michael O; Lima, Ronaldo de S L; Gottlieb, Ilan


    Segmented cine imaging with a steady-state free-precession sequence (Cine-SSFP) is currently the gold standard technique for measuring ventricular volumes and mass, but due to multi breath-hold (BH) requirements, it is prone to misalignment of consecutive slices, time consuming and dependent on respiratory capacity. Real-time cine avoids those limitations, but poor spatial and temporal resolution of conventional sequences has prevented its routine application. We sought to examine the accuracy and feasibility of a newly developed real-time sequence with aggressive under-sampling of k-space using sparse sampling and iterative reconstruction (Cine-RT). Stacks of short-axis cines were acquired covering both ventricles in a 1.5T system using gold standard Cine-SSFP and Cine-RT. Acquisition parameters for Cine-SSFP were: acquisition matrix of 224×196, temporal resolution of 39ms, retrospective gating, with an average of 8 heartbeats per slice and 1-2 slices/BH. For Cine-RT: acquisition matrix of 224×196, sparse sampling net acceleration factor of 11.3, temporal resolution of 41ms, prospective gating, real-time acquisition of 1 heart-beat/slice and all slices in one BH. LV contours were drawn at end diastole and systole to derive LV volumes and mass. Forty-one consecutive patients (15 male; 41±17years) in sinus rhythm were successfully included. All images from Cine-SSFP and Cine-RT were considered to have excellent quality. Cine-RT-derived LV volumes and mass were slightly underestimated but strongly correlated with gold standard Cine-SSFP. Inter- and intra-observer analysis presented similar results between both sequences. Cine-RT featuring sparse sampling and iterative reconstruction can achieve spatial and temporal resolution equivalent to Cine-SSFP, providing excellent image quality, with similar precision measurements and highly correlated and only slightly underestimated volume and mass values. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Strain analysis in CRT candidates using the novel segment length in cine (SLICE) post-processing technique on standard CMR cine images

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zweerink, A.; Allaart, C.P.; Kuijer, J.P.A.; Wu, L.; Beek, A.M.; Ven, P.M. van de; Meine, M.; Croisille, P.; Clarysse, P.; Rossum, A.C. van; Nijveldt, R.


    OBJECTIVES: Although myocardial strain analysis is a potential tool to improve patient selection for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), there is currently no validated clinical approach to derive segmental strains. We evaluated the novel segment length in cine (SLICE) technique to derive


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angélica María Mateus Mora


    Full Text Available La autora presenta un análisis del film Canaguaro (1981 del chileno Dunav Kuzmanich.Se trata de una realización cinematográfica colombiana profundamenteinnovadora en su constitución, en cuanto desarrolla una construcción colectiva e imaginaria de la violencia. En este contexto de la violencia sociopolítica de la guerrilla, el protagonista no es necesariamente un personaje, sino que es el pueblo, algo que es interesante pues conecta el cine latinoamericano con una larga reflexión ensayística. Este film, muestra un cine que asume una posición crítica frente a la historia colombiana oficial, con la clara intención de develar episodios ocultos de esta historia, en especial de una etapa particular, donde el cine logra, incluso más que la misma historiografía, representar la complejidad histórica, analizar los procesos internos y proyectar esa realidad histórica al presente.

  13. Higher resolution cine imaging with compressed sensing for accelerated clinical left ventricular evaluation. (United States)

    Lin, Aaron C W; Strugnell, Wendy; Riley, Robyn; Schmitt, Benjamin; Zenge, Michael; Schmidt, Michaela; Morris, Norman R; Hamilton-Craig, Christian


    To assess the clinical feasibility of a compressed sensing cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequence of both high temporal and spatial resolution (CS_bSSFP) in comparison to a balanced steady-state free precession cine (bSSFP) sequence for reliable quantification of left ventricular (LV) volumes and mass. Segmented MRI cine images were acquired on a 1.5T scanner in 50 patients in the LV short-axis stack orientation using a retrospectively gated conventional bSSFP sequence (generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisition [GRAPPA] acceleration factor 2), followed by a prospectively triggered CS_bSSFP sequence with net acceleration factor of 8. Image quality was assessed by published criteria. Comparison of sequences was made in LV volumes and mass, image quality score, quantitative regional myocardial wall motion, and imaging time using Pearson's correlation, Bland-Altman and paired 2-tailed Student's t-test. Differences (bSSFP minus CS_bSSFP, mean ± SD) and Pearson's correlations were 14.8 ± 16.3 (P = 0.31) and r = 0.98 (P cine CS_bSSFP accurately and reliably quantitates LV volumes and mass, shortens acquisition times, and is clinically feasible. 1 Technical Efficacy: Stage 2 J. MAGN. RESON. IMAGING 2017;45:1693-1699. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  14. Assessment of Bladder Motion for Clinical Radiotherapy Practice Using Cine-Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McBain, Catherine A.; Khoo, Vincent S.; Buckley, David L.; Sykes, Jonathan S.; Green, Melanie M.; Cowan, Richard A.; Hutchinson, Charles E.; Moore, Christopher J.; Price, Patricia M.


    Purpose: Organ motion is recognized as the principal source of inaccuracy in bladder radiotherapy (RT), but there is currently little information on intrafraction bladder motion. Methods and Materials: We used cine-magnetic resonance imaging (cine-MRI) to study bladder motion relevant to intrafraction RT delivery. On two occasions, a 28 minute cine-MRI sequence was acquired from 10 bladder cancer patients and 5 control participants immediately after bladder emptying, after abstinence from drinking for the preceding hour. From the resulting cine sequences, bladder motion was subjectively assessed. To quantify bladder motion, the bladder was contoured in imaging volume sets at 0, 14, and 28 min to measure changes to bladder volumes, wall displacements, and center of gravity (COG) over time. Results: The dominant source of bladder motion during imaging was bladder filling (up to 101% volume increase); rectal and small bowel movements were transient, with minimal impact. Bladder volume changes were similar for all participants. However for bladder cancer patients, wall displacements were larger (up to 58 mm), less symmetrical, and more variable compared with nondiseased control bladders. Conclusions: Significant and individualized intrafraction bladder wall displacements may occur during bladder RT delivery. This important source of inaccuracy should be incorporated into treatment planning and verification.

  15. Evaluation of mitral regurgitation by cine magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Shiro; Kishi, Naohiro; Kumai, Toshihiko


    Valvular regurgitation can be detected as a region of signal loss ('flow void') by cardiac cine magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Cine MR images of 36 patients with mitral regurgitation caused by mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and non-MVP were evaluated and compared with color Doppler flow images. The direction, distance, area and timing of flow void were detected in all patients in several different planes at mitral level with a 0.5 Tesla superconducting magnet by an ECG-gated fast field echo technique. In 23 of the 36 patients contiguous multiple transaxial images were also obtained to calculate the volumes of flow void and the left atrium. The direction of flow void tended to deviate to the opposite side within the left atrium in MVP. The frame showing maximal area of flow void was demonstrated in mid-systole in 24 of the 36 patients (67%). The distance, area and volume of flow void were concordant with the grade from color Doppler flow images. The volumes of flow void and the left atrium correlated (n=19, r=0.74, p<0.05) in MVP. In conclusion, cine MR images in several different planes or contiguous multiple slices are useful in determining spatial orientation and the extent and timing of mitral regurgitation noninvasively. Furthermore, calculation of the volume of flow void enables the assessment of the semiquantitation of mitral regurgitation. (author)

  16. Cine y psicología: las emociones en el cine de terror y la comedia en personajes trastornados


    Cabrera Muñoz, Beatriz


    Se analiza la visión que se ha dado en el cine sobre los trastornos de la personalidad. Cómo el comunicador construye a esos personajes para darle la mayor credibilidad y realidad posible. Se repasan las diferentes estrategias empleadas en el lenguaje cinematográfico en los géneros de terror y comedia

  17. Feasibility of free-breathing, GRAPPA-based, real-time cardiac cine assessment of left-ventricular function in cardiovascular patients at 3T. (United States)

    Zhu, Xiaomei; Schwab, Felix; Marcus, Roy; Hetterich, Holger; Theisen, Daniel; Kramer, Harald; Notohamiprodjo, Mike; Schlett, Christopher L; Nikolaou, Konstantin; Reiser, Maximilian F; Bamberg, Fabian


    To determine the feasibility of free-breathing, GRAPPA-based, real-time (RT) cine 3T cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with high acceleration factors for the assessment of left-ventricular function in a cohort of patients as compared to conventional segmented cine imaging. In this prospective cohort study, subjects with various cardiac conditions underwent MRI involving two RT cine sequences (high resolution and low resolution) and standard segmented cine imaging. Standard qualitative and quantitative parameters of left-ventricular function were quantified. Among 25 subjects, 24 were included in the analysis (mean age: 50.5±21 years, 67% male, 25% with cardiomyopathy). RT cine derived quantitative parameters of volumes and left ventricular mass were strongly correlated with segmented cine imaging (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC]: >0.72 for both RT cines) but correlation for peak ejection and filling rates were moderate to poor for both RT cines (ICCcines significantly underestimated peak ejection and filling rates (>103.2±178 ml/s). Among patient-related factors, heart rate was strongly predictive for deviation of measurements (pcine MRI at 3T is feasible for qualitative and quantitative assessment of left ventricular function for low and high-resolution sequences but results in significant underestimation of systolic function, peak ejection and filling rates. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Subacute and Chronic Left Ventricular Myocardial Scar: Accuracy of Texture Analysis on Nonenhanced Cine MR Images. (United States)

    Baessler, Bettina; Mannil, Manoj; Oebel, Sabrina; Maintz, David; Alkadhi, Hatem; Manka, Robert


    Purpose To test whether texture analysis (TA) allows for the diagnosis of subacute and chronic myocardial infarction (MI) on noncontrast material-enhanced cine cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) images. Materials and Methods In this retrospective, institutional review board-approved study, 120 patients who underwent cardiac MR imaging and showed large transmural (volume of enhancement on late gadolinium enhancement [LGE] images >20%, n = 72) or small (enhanced volume ≤20%, n = 48) subacute or chronic ischemic scars were included. Sixty patients with normal cardiac MR imaging findings served as control subjects. Regions of interest for TA encompassing the left ventricle were drawn by two blinded, independent readers on cine images in end systole by using a freely available software package. Stepwise dimension reduction and texture feature selection based on reproducibility, machine learning, and correlation analyses were performed for selecting features, enabling the diagnosis of MI on nonenhanced cine MR images by using LGE imaging as the standard of reference. Results Five independent texture features allowed for differentiation between ischemic scar and normal myocardium on cine MR images in both subgroups: Teta1, Perc.01, Variance, WavEnHH.s-3, and S(5,5)SumEntrp (in patients with large MI: all P values cine MR images, with an area under the curve of 0.93 and 0.92, respectively. Conclusion This proof-of-concept study indicates that TA of nonenhanced cine MR images allows for the diagnosis of subacute and chronic MI with high accuracy. © RSNA, 2017 Online supplemental material is available for this article.

  19. Evaluation of valvular regurgitation by cine magnetic resonance imaging in patients with various cardiac diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubota, Shuuhei; Nishimura, Tsunehiko


    In order to evaluate the clinical value and limitation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for detection and quantification of valvular regurgitation, 98 patients with various cardiac diseases were studied by cine MRI and the results were compared with contrast angiography and doppler color-flow imaging. Cine MRI was carried out using FLASH (fast low angle shot) which employs TE of 10∼20 msec and TR of 30∼40 msec. 22 transverse tomograms per cardiac cycle with a slice thickness of 10 mm were obtained at the level of atrium and ventricle. The jet of valvular regurgitation was easily seen as a discrete are of low signal with cine MRI. Identification of the regurgitation and its severity were visually evaluated based on the relative size of the regurgitant jet from the incompetent valve orifice. Using contrast angiography as a gold standard, the sensitivity of cine MRI for detecting mitral regurgitation was 83% and was 94% for aortic regurgitation, with the specificity of 82% and 100%, respectively. For mitral requrgitation and aortic regurgitation, evaluation by cine MRI and severity agreed well with contrast angiography. By the comparative study with doppler color-flow imaging, relatively good agreement was found between the two methods in detection and quantitative evaluation of valvular regurgitation in any of four valves. Cine MRI was suggested to be useful for both the detection and semiquantification of valvular regurgitation in generally, but its clinical limitation at this point was also found because, 1)its images are not acquired in real times, as in contrast angiography or doppler color-flow imaging, but are compiled from the cumulative information from 128 heart beats, 2)the evaluation of regurgitation is made from only two-dimensional transverse tomograms. (author)

  20. Functional MRI of the patellofemoral joint: comparison of ultrafast MRI, motion-triggered cine MRI and static MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muhle, C. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Univ. Kiel (Germany); Brossmann, J. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Univ. Kiel (Germany); Melchert, U.H. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Univ. Kiel (Germany); Schroeder, C. [Radiologische Abt., Universitaets-Kinderklinik, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet, Kiel (Germany); Boer, R. de [Philips Medical Systems, Best (Netherlands); Spielmann, R.P. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Univ. Kiel (Germany); Heller, M. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Univ. Kiel (Germany)


    To evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of ultrafast MRI (u), patellar tracking from 30 of flexion to knee extension (0 ) was analysed and compared with motion-triggered cine MRI (m) and a static MRI technique (s). The different imaging methods were compared in respect of the patellofemoral relationship, the examination time and image quality. Eight healthy subjects and four patients (in total 18 joints) with patellar subluxation or luxation were examined. Significant differences between the static MRI series without quadriceps contraction and the functional MRI studies (motion-triggered cine MRI and ultrafast MRI) were found for the patellar tilt angle. In the dynamic joint studies there was no statistical difference of the regression coefficients between the motion-triggered cine MRI studies and the ultrafast MRI studies. The findings of the functional MRI studies compared with the static MRI images were significantly different for the lateralisation of the patella, expressed by the lateral patellar displacement and bisect offset. No significant differences in patellar lateralisation were found between motion-triggered cine MRI and ultrafast MRI. Ultrafast MRI was superior to motion-triggered cine MRI in terms of the reduction in imaging time and improvement of the image quality. (orig.)

  1. Functional MRI of the patellofemoral joint: comparison of ultrafast MRI, motion-triggered cine MRI and static MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muhle, C.; Brossmann, J.; Melchert, U.H.; Schroeder, C.; Boer, R. de; Spielmann, R.P.; Heller, M.


    To evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of ultrafast MRI (u), patellar tracking from 30 of flexion to knee extension (0 ) was analysed and compared with motion-triggered cine MRI (m) and a static MRI technique (s). The different imaging methods were compared in respect of the patellofemoral relationship, the examination time and image quality. Eight healthy subjects and four patients (in total 18 joints) with patellar subluxation or luxation were examined. Significant differences between the static MRI series without quadriceps contraction and the functional MRI studies (motion-triggered cine MRI and ultrafast MRI) were found for the patellar tilt angle. In the dynamic joint studies there was no statistical difference of the regression coefficients between the motion-triggered cine MRI studies and the ultrafast MRI studies. The findings of the functional MRI studies compared with the static MRI images were significantly different for the lateralisation of the patella, expressed by the lateral patellar displacement and bisect offset. No significant differences in patellar lateralisation were found between motion-triggered cine MRI and ultrafast MRI. Ultrafast MRI was superior to motion-triggered cine MRI in terms of the reduction in imaging time and improvement of the image quality. (orig.)

  2. Presenting CineGlobe Estival! | 6 - 10 July

    CERN Multimedia


    Join CineGlobe under a projected starry sky for a film festival and games with a neuroscience twist.   The 6th edition of the CineGlobe International Film Festival at CERN will take place during the first week of July 2016 (on the Globe grounds at CERN, from Wednesday 6 to Friday 8 July) and then during the Nuit de la Science (at the Museum of the History of Science, on July 9 and 10). The festival will include an open-air cinema, film projections in the Globe of Science and Innovation at CERN, the interactive Emotional Circus (carnival-inspired games played with just the participant’s brainwaves) and a special sci-fi edition of the 48 Hour Film Project. The full program will target people of all ages with fun and informative activities such as children’s films in the Minima Cinema, and a workshop on the creation of a pinhole camera with an empty Tetra-Pak milk carton. Practical information: Entry is free. All films in English and French. Onsite food trucks at the G...

  3. Marruecos: 44 años de cine colonial

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    Lic. Mohamed Lemrini


    Full Text Available Haciendo un poco de historia, el Norte de África conoció una escalada militar colonizadora y un gran interés por las grandes potencias europeas del momento a finales del siglo XIX, coincidiendo precisamente con el nacimiento del cine.

  4. Dynamic change in size of the lateral ventricle evaluated by cine MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abe, Toshi


    CSF pulsation suggests variation in the size of the cerebral ventricle during the cardiac cycle. CINE MRI, which is a useful technique for observation of the pulsatile CSF flow, demonstrates a dynamic change in size of the lateral ventricle. CINE MRI was performed on a 0.5 tesla MR imaging system (SMT-50, SHIMADZU). Sixteen different phased images during cardiac cycle were made by a gradient acho technique (STAGE: Short Tip Angle Gradient Echo, TE=14 msec, Flip Angle=30deg). From the measurement of the lateral ventricular areas of two different phases of CINE MRI during cadiac cycle, variation rate of cerebral ventricular area (VRCVA) was calculated. Twenty-five normal volunteers (14 younger adults aged 27-44 years, 11 older adults aged 56-73 years) and six cases of marked diffuse cerebral atrophy were studied. The results included: The mean VRCVA of younger adults was 14.4% (at right body of lateral ventricle) ∼ 30.0% (at left anterior horn of lateral ventricle). The mean VRCVA of younger adults is higher than the mean VRCVA of older adults. In the cases of marked diffuse cerebral atrophy, the mean VRCVA was very lower than the mean VRCVA of older adults. VRCVA of lateral ventricle calculated from CINE MRI seemed to have a good relationship to the brain elasticity. This noninvasive method would be used as an indication of the elastic response of the ventricles and the surrounding brain. (J.P.N.)

  5. El concepto de "América profunda" en el cine estadounidense de terror (1960-2014)


    Alés Fernández, Rocío


    El presente estudio profundiza en el "reverso tenebroso" de la cultura norteamericana a través del cine de terror moderno estadounidense, a través través de una investigación sobre el reverso tenebroso del estereotipo de la "América profunda" en la literatura, en el cine y en las artes plásticas.

  6. Overcoming pitfalls in the diagnosis of aortic dissection with phase-contrast cine MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herfkens, R.J.; Trefelner, E.C.; Jeffrey, R.B.; Pelc, N.J.; Steiner, R.M.; Francis, I.R.


    This paper evaluates whether phase contrast cine MR imaging improves the diagnostic accuracy in aortic dissection. Fifty-five MR examinations in 49 patients were analyzed. Gated coronal and axial spin-echo (SE) images and axial velocity encoded cine images were collected through the thoracic aorta. Blinded interpretations were obtained by first evaluating SE images, then SE and cine (magnitude) images, and finally with the addition of the velocity data for whether there was increase or decreased diagnostic confidence of aortic dissection. Comparisons were made with CT, angiography, and follow-up (including surgery). Fisher discriminant analysis showed that a statistically significant improvement in diagnostic accuracy was made by the addition of the velocity data in cases where a definite diagnosis of aortic dissection could not be made from the SE images alone

  7. Three-dimensional MRI-linac intra-fraction guidance using multiple orthogonal cine-MRI planes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre, Troels; Crijns, Sjoerd; Rosenschöld, Per Munck af


    The introduction of integrated MRI-radiation therapy systems will offer live intra-fraction imaging. We propose a feasible low-latency multi-plane MRI-linac guidance strategy. In this work we demonstrate how interleaved acquired, orthogonal cine-MRI planes can be used for low-latency tracking...... of the 3D trajectory of a soft-tissue target structure. The proposed strategy relies on acquiring a pre-treatment 3D breath-hold scan, extracting a 3D target template and performing template matching between this 3D template and pairs of orthogonal 2D cine-MRI planes intersecting the target motion path....... For a 60 s free-breathing series of orthogonal cine-MRI planes, we demonstrate that the method was capable of accurately tracking the respiration related 3D motion of the left kidney. Quantitative evaluation of the method using a dataset designed for this purpose revealed a translational error of 1.15 mm...

  8. Cine-Club

    CERN Multimedia



    Thursday 10 November 2011 at 20:30 CERN Council Chamber The Counterfeiters / Die Fälscher By: Stefan Ruzowitzky (Germany/Austria, 2007) 98 min With: Karl Markovics, August Diel, Devid Striesow The Counterfeiters is the true story of the largest counterfeiting operation in history, set up by the Nazis in 1936. Master counterfeiter Salomon ‘Sally’ Sorowitsch, a Jew without morals, is arrested and sent to Mauthausen concentration camp, where he weasels through by offering his ‘artistic’ services. After transfer to Sachsenhausen he’s given an official alternative: taking ‘artistic’ charge of a cons teams assigned to produce perfect forgeries of allied banknotes for the Third Reich. Survivor Sally accepts, but conscience matters among the team prove no less dangerous then a sadistic jailer, which only the CO may keep in check. Original version German; English subtitles Entrance: 2 CHF Projection from DVD http://cine...

  9. Friday Programme for CineGlobe 2015

    CERN Multimedia

    Marcelloni De Oliveira, Claudia


    Workshops, apero with filmmakers and short-films inspired by science were the menu of the festival through the day. At night the CineGlobe DOME shown with the 360 degree projections shot-films; among them the avant-premiere of "Phantom of the Universe" - a movie that explains Dark Matter, directed by Joao Pequenao. Meanwhile at the Globe, the audience could enjoy the projections of the sequence of " The Invisible Photograph" .

  10. Espacio urbano de proximidad. Una visión de género a través del cine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amparo de Santisteban López


    Full Text Available El urbanismo contemporáneo y la calidad de vida en nuestras ciudades se cuestionan desde diferentes sectores. Los nuevos y rápidos crecimientos, sobretodo de las últimas décadas, representan el individualismo, el consumo y la segregación. Esta situación se manifiesta especialmente en los gruposmás vulnerables como son la población afectada por el uso y dominio del espacio urbano según categoría de género. Las nuevas líneas de pensamiento sobre la ciudad, como ente complejo y en evolución que necesita flexibilidad para adaptarse a las personas que la habitan, implican observarla y trabajar en ella desde la escala de la proximidad.Por otro lado, el cine desde sus orígenes es una importante fuente documental de entornos y ambientes urbanos existentes o teóricos. Se plantea pues, como hipótesis la utilidad de este medio como herramienta para el análisis, denuncia y reflexión del fenómeno urbano desde la perspectiva de género. La metodología adoptada se aplica dos películas de diferente época, director, localización y vocación, confirmándose la importancia del material cinematográfico como instrumento para el análisis urbanístico.

  11. Coronary endothelial function assessment using self-gated cardiac cine MRI and k-t sparse SENSE. (United States)

    Yerly, Jérôme; Ginami, Giulia; Nordio, Giovanna; Coristine, Andrew J; Coppo, Simone; Monney, Pierre; Stuber, Matthias


    Electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated cine MRI, paired with isometric handgrip exercise, can be used to accurately, reproducibly, and noninvasively measure coronary endothelial function (CEF). Obtaining a reliable ECG signal at higher field strengths, however, can be challenging due to rapid gradient switching and an increased heart rate under stress. To address these limitations, we present a self-gated cardiac cine MRI framework for CEF measurements that operates without ECG signal. Cross-sectional slices of the right coronary artery (RCA) were acquired using a two-dimensional golden angle radial trajectory. This sampling approach, combined with the k-t sparse SENSE algorithm, allows for the reconstruction of both real-time images for self-gating signal calculations and retrospectively reordered self-gated cine images. CEF measurements were quantitatively compared using both the self-gated and the standard ECG-gated approach. Self-gated cine images with high-quality, temporal, and spatial resolution were reconstructed for 18 healthy volunteers. CEF as measured in self-gated images was in good agreement (R 2  = 0.60) with that measured by its standard ECG-gated counterpart. High spatial and temporal resolution cross-sectional cine images of the RCA can be obtained without ECG signal. The coronary vasomotor response to handgrip exercise compares favorably with that obtained with the standard ECG-gated method. Magn Reson Med 76:1443-1454, 2015. © 2015 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2015 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  12. Estudio descriptivo de la relación entre el cine, la nutrición y patologías asociadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La repercusión social del cine puede estudiarse a partir de la influencia que ejerce sobre diferentes patrones comportamentales como las conductas alimentarias. En el presente estudio descriptivo se analiza cuantitativa y cualitativamente la presencia de temáticas relacionadas con la nutrición y las diferentes patologías asociadas en películas recientes galardonadas en los Oscar (2000?2015. Los resultados reflejan que en el 32% de las obras estudiadas aparecen personajes o tramas que de forma relevante refieren a los alimentos, la nutrición o patologías asociadas como la obesidad o la anorexia. Además, en un 23% de las películas analizadas los intérpretes modificaron radicalmente su peso corporal por el personaje a interpretar. Pese a la heterogeneidad en el rigor, tratamiento e influencia de las obras estudiadas, destaca la visión positiva frente a hábitos alimentarios saludables de algunas obras de animación (30,8% de las analizadas, películas destinadas fundamentalmente a un público vulnerable como el infantil?juvenil.

  13. La estética y narrativa del vídeo musical como representante del discurso audiovisual hipermoderno


    Pedrosa González, Carlos


    Desde que en 1981 la cadena norteamericana de televisión por cable MTV introdujera el videoclip como elemento transgresor en el entramado televisivo, no ha existido pieza audiovisual más permeable, impactante e innovadora en la reciente historia del audiovisual. Representante vivo de la sociedad postmoderna, heredero de las vanguardias y popular herramienta publicitaria; el vídeo musical ha conseguido aquello que el cine sigue intentando instaurar: llegar al “mainstream” social inculcando pre...

  14. Left ventricular volume measurements with free breathing respiratory self-gated 3-dimensional golden angle radial whole-heart cine imaging - Feasibility and reproducibility. (United States)

    Holst, Karen; Ugander, Martin; Sigfridsson, Andreas


    To develop and evaluate a free breathing respiratory self-gated isotropic resolution technique for left ventricular (LV) volume measurements. A 3D radial trajectory with double golden-angle ordering was used for free-running data acquisition during free breathing in 9 healthy volunteers. A respiratory self-gating signal was extracted from the center of k-space and used with the electrocardiogram to bin all data into 3 respiratory and 25 cardiac phases. 3D image volumes were reconstructed and the LV endocardial border was segmented. LV volume measurements and reproducibility from 3D free breathing cine were compared to conventional 2D breath-held cine. No difference was found between 3D free breathing cine and 2D breath-held cine with regards to LV ejection fraction, stroke volume, end-systolic volume and end-diastolic volume (Pcine and 2D breath-held cine (Pcine and conventional 2D breath-held cine showed similar values and test-retest repeatability for LV volumes in healthy volunteers. 3D free breathing cine enabled retrospective sorting and arbitrary angulation of isotropic data, and could correctly measure LV volumes during free breathing acquisition. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Three-dimensional cardiac cine imaging using the kat ARC acceleration: Initial experience in clinical adult patients at 3T. (United States)

    Okuda, Shigeo; Yamada, Yoshitake; Tanimoto, Akihiro; Fujita, Jun; Sano, Motoaki; Fukuda, Keiichi; Kuribayashi, Sachio; Jinzaki, Masahiro; Nozaki, Atsushi; Lai, Peng


    Three-dimensional cardiac cine imaging has demonstrated promising clinical 1.5-Tesla results; however, its application to 3T scanners has been limited because of the higher sensitivity to off-resonance artifacts. The aim of this study was to apply 3D cardiac cine imaging during a single breath hold in clinical patients on a 3T scanner using the kat ARC (k- and adaptive-t auto-calibrating reconstruction for Cartesian sampling) technique and to evaluate the interchangeability between 2D and 3D cine imaging for cardiac functional analysis and detection of abnormalities in regional wall motion. Following institutional review board approval, we obtained 2D cine images with an acceleration factor of two during multiple breath holds and 3D cine images with a net scan acceleration factor of 7.7 during a single breath hold in 20 patients using a 3T unit. Two readers independently evaluated the wall motion of the left ventricle (LV) using a 5-point scale, and the consistency in the detection of regional wall motion abnormality between 2D and 3D cine was analyzed by Cohen's kappa test. The LV volume was calculated at end-diastole and end-systole (LVEDV, LVESV); the ejection fraction (LVEF) and myocardial weight (LVmass) were also calculated. The relationship between functional parameters calculated for 2D and 3D cine images was analyzed using Pearson's correlation analysis. The bias and 95% limit of agreement (LA) were calculated using Bland-Altman plots. In addition, a qualitative evaluation of image quality was performed with regard to the myocardium-blood contrast, noise level and boundary definition. Despite slight degradation in image quality for 3D cine, excellent agreement was obtained for the detection of wall motion abnormalities between 2D and 3D cine images (κ=0.84 and 0.94 for each reader). Excellent correlations between the two imaging methods were shown for the evaluation of functional parameters (r>0.97). Slight differences in LVEDV, LVESV, LVEF and LVmass

  16. Differentiation of recently infarcted myocardium from chronic myocardial scar: the value of contrast-enhanced SSFP-based cine MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kyoung Ah; Seo, Joon Beom; Do, Kyoung Hyun; Heo, Jeong Nam; Lee, Young Kyung; Song, Jae Woo; Lee, Jin Seong; Song, Koun Sik; Lim, Tae Hwan


    The purpose of this study is to demonstrate whether the signal intensity (SI) of myocardial infarction (MI) on contrast enhanced (CE)-cine MRI is useful for differentiating recently infarcted myocardium from chronic scar. This study included 24 patients with acute MI (36-84) years, mean age: 57) and 19 patients with chronic MI (44-80) years, mean age: 64). The diagnosis of acute MI was based on the presence of typical symptoms, i.e. elevation of the cardiac enzymes and the absence of any remote infarction history. The diagnosis of chronic MI was based on a history of MI or coronary artery disease of more than one month duration and on the absence of any recent MI within the previous six months. Retrospectively, the ECG-gated breath-hold cine imaging was performed in the short axis plane using a segmented, balanced, turbo-field, echo-pulse sequence two minutes after the administration of Gd-DTPA at a dose of 0.2 mmol/kg body weight. Delayed contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE MRI) in the same plane was performed 10 to 15 minutes after contrast administration, and this was served as the gold standard of reference. The SI of the infarcted myocardium on the CE-cine MRI was compared with that of the normal myocardium on the same image. The area of abnormal SI on the CE-cine MRI was compared with the area of hyper enhancement on the DCE MRI. The area of high SI on the CE-cine MRI was detected in 23 of 24 patients with acute MI (10 with homogenous high SI, 13 high SI with subendocardial low SI, and one with iso SI). The area of high SI on the CE- cine MRI was larger than that seen on the DCE MRI (ρ < 0.05). In contrast, the areas of chronic MI were seen as iso-SI with thin subendocardial low SI on the CE-cine MR in all the chronic MI patients. The presence of high SI on both the CE-cine MRI and the DCE MRI is more sensitive (95.8%) for determining the age of a MI than the presence of myocardial thinning (66.7%). The study showed the different SI patterns between recently

  17. Relevancia del mosquito tigre (Aedes Albopictus) como vector de enfermedades.


    Blasco Rivera, Cristina


    El mosquito tigre (Ae. Albopictus) es uno de los vectores de las enfermedades causadas por arbovirus, siendo actualmente, la especie vectorial más invasiva del mundo. Se introdujo en Europa en 1979 localizándose en España por primera vez en agosto de 2004 en San Cugat del Vallés en Barcelona, desde donde no ha dejado de extenderse. Es vector del virus del dengue, virus del chikungunya, virus Zika y virus de la fiebre amarilla. El objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado será realiza...

  18. Analysis of flow dynamics of main pulmonary artery by cine phase contrast MR angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Honda, Norinari; Machida, Kikuo; Mamiya, Toshio


    Nineteen studies of cine phase contrast MR angiography (PCMRA) of main pulmonary artery (MPA) entered the study. Cine PCMRA was obtained by a 1.5T MR imager with a gradient echo sequence coupled with velocity encoding bipolar pulses. Retrospective EKG gating was used. Mean velocity, maximum velocity, and maximum flow rate of MPA were 6.2 to 28 cm/s (mean/SD 13/5.1, n=18), 61 to 148 cm/s (mean/SD 102/30, n=13), and 12,561 to 30,113 ml/min (mean/SD 18,730/5,464, n=18), respectively. Retrograde flow in the MPA was noted to begin at late-to mid-systole. Retrograde flow occurred first in the posterior part (15/19) or occurred from periphery (4/19). Thus hemodynamic parameters and velocity maps of MPA can be obtained by cine PCMRA. (author)

  19. Comparison of cine-MRI and transthoracic echocardiography for the assessment of aortic root diameters in patients with suspected Marfan syndrome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bannas, P.; Derlin, T.; Yamamura, J.; Lund, G.; Adam, G. [University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany). Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology; Rybczynski, M.; Sheikhzadeh, S.; Kodolitsch, Y. von [University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany). Dept. of General and Interventional Cardiology; Groth, M. [University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany). Section for Pediatric Radiology


    Patients with Marfan syndrome require repeated imaging for monitoring of aortic root aneurysms. Therefore, we evaluated the agreement and reproducibility of cine-MRI and echocardiography measurements of the sinuses of Valsalva in patients with suspected Marfan syndrome. 51 consecutive patients with suspected Marfan syndrome were prospectively examined using cine-MRI and echocardiography. Two readers independently measured aortic root diameters at the level of the sinuses of Valsalva in both cine-MRI and echocardiography. Statistics included intraclass correlation coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient, Bland-Altman analysis, and two-sided t-test. In 38 of the 51 individuals (74.5 %), the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome was established according to the criteria of the Ghent-2 nosology. Cine-MRI measurements of the sinuses of Valsalva revealed a strong correlation with echocardiography (r=0.929), but a statistically significant bias of -1.0 mm (p<0.001). The mean absolute diameter for sinuses of Valsalva obtained by cine-MRI was 32.3 ± 5.8 mm as compared to 33.4 ± 5.4 mm obtained by echocardiography. Interobserver agreement of measurements of the sinuses of Valsalva was higher for cine-MRI than for echocardiography (p=0.029). Despite small, but statistically significant differences in terms of agreement and reproducibility, cine-MRI and echocardiographic measurements of aortic root diameters provide comparable results without a significant clinical difference. Therefore both techniques may be used for monitoring of the aortic root in patients with Marfan syndrome.

  20. Comparison of cine-MRI and transthoracic echocardiography for the assessment of aortic root diameters in patients with suspected Marfan syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bannas, P.; Derlin, T.; Yamamura, J.; Lund, G.; Adam, G.; Rybczynski, M.; Sheikhzadeh, S.; Kodolitsch, Y. von; Groth, M.


    Patients with Marfan syndrome require repeated imaging for monitoring of aortic root aneurysms. Therefore, we evaluated the agreement and reproducibility of cine-MRI and echocardiography measurements of the sinuses of Valsalva in patients with suspected Marfan syndrome. 51 consecutive patients with suspected Marfan syndrome were prospectively examined using cine-MRI and echocardiography. Two readers independently measured aortic root diameters at the level of the sinuses of Valsalva in both cine-MRI and echocardiography. Statistics included intraclass correlation coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient, Bland-Altman analysis, and two-sided t-test. In 38 of the 51 individuals (74.5 %), the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome was established according to the criteria of the Ghent-2 nosology. Cine-MRI measurements of the sinuses of Valsalva revealed a strong correlation with echocardiography (r=0.929), but a statistically significant bias of -1.0 mm (p<0.001). The mean absolute diameter for sinuses of Valsalva obtained by cine-MRI was 32.3 ± 5.8 mm as compared to 33.4 ± 5.4 mm obtained by echocardiography. Interobserver agreement of measurements of the sinuses of Valsalva was higher for cine-MRI than for echocardiography (p=0.029). Despite small, but statistically significant differences in terms of agreement and reproducibility, cine-MRI and echocardiographic measurements of aortic root diameters provide comparable results without a significant clinical difference. Therefore both techniques may be used for monitoring of the aortic root in patients with Marfan syndrome.

  1. Cine Letras Goytisolo Cartelera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flávio Pimenta de Souza


    Full Text Available Resumo: Estudo de investigação sobre a obra literária do escritor Juan Goytisolo em que se analisam comparativamente as técnicas cinematográficas do projeto Dogma 95 e as técnicas literárias do referido autor.Palavras-chave: Literatura espanhola; Juan Goytisolo; cinema.Resumen: Estúdio de investigación sobre la obra literaria del escritor Juan Goytisolo en el que se analizan comparativamente las técnicas cinematográficas del proyecto Dogma 95 y las técnicas literarias de dicho autor.Palabras-clave: Literatura española; Juan Goytisolo; cine.Keywords: Spanish literature; Juan Goytisolo; cinema.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oihana Garro Larrañaga


    Full Text Available Se analiza la realidad como un contexto repleto de imágenes sobre el que se debe pensar de forma crítica. La visualidad dominante es resultado de la realidad política, por ello concebimos la mirada como una mirada política; en este contexto, consideramos la necesidad de pensar desde una perspectiva crítica y feminista. A partir de dos textos: "Placer visual y cine narrativo", de Laura Mulvey, y Modos de ver de John Berger, se hace una aproximación a dos de las críticas más significativas a los estereotipos de la mujer en la representación visual. Y también, a partir de la hipótesis que Berger plantea, se analiza la posibilidad de representar a una mujer desnuda, que aun desnuda cimbra la concepción de la mujer como un objeto de contemplación. Para ello es necesario derrumbar la idea del cuerpo triunfante y sustituirlo por el cuerpo abyecto.

  3. Evaluation of motion measurement using cine MRI for image guided stereotactic body radiotherapy on a new phantom platform (United States)

    Cai, Jing; Wang, Ziheng; Yin, Fang-Fang


    The objective of this study is to investigate accuracy of motion tracking of cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for image-guided stereotactic body radiotherapy. A phantom platform was developed in this work to fulfill the goal. The motion phantom consisted of a platform, a solid thread, a motor and a control system that can simulate motion in various modes. To validate its reproducibility, the phantom platform was setup three times and imaged with fluoroscopy using an electronic portal imaging device (EPID) for the same motion profile. After the validation test, the phantom platform was evaluated using cine MRI at 2.5 frames/second on a 1.5T GE scanner using five different artificial profiles and five patient profiles. The above profiles were again measured with EPID fluoroscopy and used as references. Discrepancies between measured profiles from cine MRI and EPID were quantified using root-mean-square (RMS) and standard deviation (SD). Pearson’s product moment correlational analysis was used to test correlation. The standard deviation for the reproducibility test was 0.28 mm. The discrepancies (RMS) between all profiles measured by cine MRI and EPID fluoroscopy ranged from 0.30 to 0.49 mm for artificial profiles and ranged from 0.75 to 0.91 mm for five patient profiles. The cine MRI sequence could precisely track phantom motion and the proposed motion phantom was feasible to evaluate cine MRI accuracy. PMID:29296304

  4. Treatment and diagnosis of middle fossa arachnoid cyst. Ventriculofiberscopy and cine-MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamikawa, Shuji; Kuwamura, Keiichi [Hyogo Prefectural Awaji Hospital, Sumoto (Japan); Tamaki, Norihiko


    The treatment of intracranial arachnoid cysts is controversial regarding its surgical indication and operative procedures. Conventional surgical approaches such as fenestration, membranectomy, and shunting operation are invasive. Also CT cisternography and/or RI cisternography are invasive, when it has been performed to evaluate the possible CSF communications between the arachnoid cyst and subarachnoid space. Between July 1994 and February 1997, 10 patients with intracranial middle fossa arachnoid cysts were treated with a newly developed ventriculofiberscope which is characterized by splendid mechanical flexibility and high resolution. The cine-MRI, which is a non-invasive diagnostic tool, is used to evaluate the CSF circulation around the cyst fenestration. The patients` ages ranged from 4 months to 10 years, with a mean of 4.46 years. The cyst locations were left middle fossa (9), and right (1). Eight patients presented with macrocrania, 4 with developmental delay, three with seizure, two with headache, and one with subdural hematoma. The patients were preoperatively evaluated by means of MRI and cine-MR images. In all patients ventriculofiberscopic procedures including cyst fenestration, membranous dissection, cyst puncture and shriveling were successfully performed. Postoperative MR and cine-MR studies have shown reduction of the cyst size and appropriate CSF circulation. Neuroendoscopic procedures seem to be the first choice for children with arachnoid cysts and the ventriculofiberscope proved to be very useful not only for cyst fenestration but also for cyst dissection. In addition, the non-invasive cine-MR studies are useful for long follow-up at OPD. (author)

  5. Comparative assessment of liver tumor motion using cine-magnetic resonance imaging versus 4-dimensional computed tomography. (United States)

    Fernandes, Annemarie T; Apisarnthanarax, Smith; Yin, Lingshu; Zou, Wei; Rosen, Mark; Plastaras, John P; Ben-Josef, Edgar; Metz, James M; Teo, Boon-Keng


    To compare the extent of tumor motion between 4-dimensional CT (4DCT) and cine-MRI in patients with hepatic tumors treated with radiation therapy. Patients with liver tumors who underwent 4DCT and 2-dimensional biplanar cine-MRI scans during simulation were retrospectively reviewed to determine the extent of target motion in the superior-inferior, anterior-posterior, and lateral directions. Cine-MRI was performed over 5 minutes. Tumor motion from MRI was determined by tracking the centroid of the gross tumor volume using deformable image registration. Motion estimates from 4DCT were performed by evaluation of the fiducial, residual contrast (or liver contour) positions in each CT phase. Sixteen patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (n=11), cholangiocarcinoma (n=3), and liver metastasis (n=2) were reviewed. Cine-MRI motion was larger than 4DCT for the superior-inferior direction in 50% of patients by a median of 3.0 mm (range, 1.5-7 mm), the anterior-posterior direction in 44% of patients by a median of 2.5 mm (range, 1-5.5 mm), and laterally in 63% of patients by a median of 1.1 mm (range, 0.2-4.5 mm). Cine-MRI frequently detects larger differences in hepatic intrafraction tumor motion when compared with 4DCT most notably in the superior-inferior direction, and may be useful when assessing the need for or treating without respiratory management, particularly in patients with unreliable 4DCT imaging. Margins wider than the internal target volume as defined by 4DCT were required to encompass nearly all the motion detected by cine-MRI for some of the patients in this study. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Cine-Club

    CERN Multimedia



      On the occasion of CERN’s 60th anniversary the CERN CineClub will be showing films from all CERN member states Thursday 10 April 2014 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber   The Bothersome Man     Directed by Jens Lien (Norway, 2006) 95 minutes   Forty-year-old Andreas arrives in a strange city with no memory of how he got there. He is presented with a job, an apartment-even a beautiful girlfriend. But before long, Andreas notices that something is wrong. The people around him seem cut off from any real emotion, and communicate only in superficialities. All this seems to be governed by a shadowy group of technicians, the ominous Caretakers’, who make sure the city runs smoothly. When they find Andreas is not adjusting to his new life, they keep an increasing watch over his activities...”The Bothersome Man” is a fantastic fable, a parable for modern society’s consumerism and obsession with ap...


    CERN Multimedia

    Ciné Club


    Main Auditorium CERN jeudi 17 décembre 2009 à 18 h 15 à l’Amphithéâtre principal du CERN (bâtiment 500)   Comme chaque année avant Noël, le CineClub du CERN est heureux d’inviter petits et grands à une projection gratuite du film   LE MONDE DE NEMO (FINDING NEMO) (USA, 2003, Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich)   Dans les eaux tropicales de la Grande Barrière de corail, un poisson-clown du nom de Marin mène une existence paisible avec son fils unique, Nemo. Redoutant l’océan et ses risques imprévisibles, il fait de son mieux pour protéger son fils. Comme tous les petits poissons de son âge, celui-ci rêve pourtant d’explorer les mystérieux récifs. Lorsque Nemo disparaît, Marin devient malgré lui le héros d’une qu&a...

  8. Cine-Club

    CERN Multimedia



    Lundi 12 décembre 2011 à 18:30 Salle du Conseil Comme chaque année avant Noël, le CINE-CLUB du CERN est heureux d’inviter petits et grands à une projection gratuite du film : Ponyo sur la falaise (Japon, 2008, Hayao Miyazaki) Le petit Sosuke vit avec sa mère sur une haute falaise surplombant la mer. Un beau jour, il découvre sur la plage caillouteuse Ponyo, une petite fille poisson. Ponyo est si fascinée par Sosuke et le monde terrestre que son désir le plus cher est de devenir un être humain. Mais Fujimoto, son magicien de père, n’est pas du tout d’accord avec cette idée et il la force à regagner les profondeurs de l’océan. Bien décidée à revoir Sosuke, Ponyo s’échappe de sa prison sous-marine, mais ce faisant elle déclenche une immense catastroph...

  9. Cine club

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    Ciné club


    Monday 13 December 2010 at 18:30 / Lundi 13 Décembre 2010 à 18:30 CERN Main Auditorium / Amphithéâtre Principal Comme chaque année avant Noël, le CINE-CLUB du CERN est heureux d’inviter petits et grands à une projection gratuite du film.   Ponyo sur la falaise (Japon, 2008, Hayao Miyazaki) Le petit Sosuke vit avec sa mère sur une haute falaise surplombant la mer. Un beau jour, il découvre sur la plage caillouteuse Ponyo, une petite fille poisson. Ponyo est si fascinée par Sosuke et le monde terrestre que son désir le plus cher est de devenir un être humain. Mais Fujimoto, son magicien de père, n’est pas du tout d’accord avec cette idée et il la force à regagner les profondeurs de l’océan. Bien décidée à revoir Sosuke, Ponyo s’&...

  10. Homosexualidad latente en el cine


    Sánchez del Pulgar Legido, Rosa Mª


    Desde el principio del siglo XX en los Estados Unidos y Europa, las personas vivían su homosexualidad a escondidas por temor a las leyes que la castigaban; el cine pues, les representa del mismo modo creando una subcultura en la que pueden ser ellos mismos. La cinematografía clásica y los años posteriores se componen de numerosos filmes cargados de representaciones homosexuales de manera oculta. Interpretados desde una lectura queer, conoceremos las mil maneras de sugerir a los gais y a las l...

  11. Nuevos planes, idénticas estrategias: apuntes sobre un cine asturiano actual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Sánchez Blasco


    Full Text Available Este artículo hace un repaso a la situación del audiovisual asturiano con especial hincapié en los últimos tres años. Tras la desaparición de las subvenciones y los presupuestos para cine, ha surgido una serie de nombres que ruedan sus proyectos al margen de la industria y que han normalizado el largometraje de ficción comoobjetivo a su alcance. Sus características les hermanan al cine alternativo aparecido en Españaaunque, al mismo tiempo, ofrecen rasgos particulares que matizan su definición.

  12. A Technique for Generating Volumetric Cine MRI (VC-MRI) (United States)

    Harris, Wendy; Ren, Lei; Cai, Jing; Zhang, You; Chang, Zheng; Yin, Fang-Fang


    Purpose To develop a technique to generate on-board volumetric-cine MRI (VC-MRI) using patient prior images, motion modeling and on-board 2D-cine MRI. Methods One phase of a 4D-MRI acquired during patient simulation is used as patient prior images. 3 major respiratory deformation patterns of the patient are extracted from 4D-MRI based on principal-component-analysis. The on-board VC-MRI at any instant is considered as a deformation of the prior MRI. The deformation field is represented as a linear combination of the 3 major deformation patterns. The coefficients of the deformation patterns are solved by the data fidelity constraint using the acquired on-board single 2D-cine MRI. The method was evaluated using both XCAT simulation of lung cancer patients and MRI data from four real liver cancer patients. The accuracy of the estimated VC-MRI was quantitatively evaluated using Volume-Percent-Difference(VPD), Center-of-Mass-Shift(COMS), and target tracking errors. Effects of acquisition orientation, region-of-interest(ROI) selection, patient breathing pattern change and noise on the estimation accuracy were also evaluated. Results Image subtraction of ground-truth with estimated on-board VC-MRI shows fewer differences than image subtraction of ground-truth with prior image. Agreement between profiles in the estimated and ground-truth VC-MRI was achieved with less than 6% error for both XCAT and patient data. Among all XCAT scenarios, the VPD between ground-truth and estimated lesion volumes was on average 8.43±1.52% and the COMS was on average 0.93±0.58mm across all time-steps for estimation based on the ROI region in the sagittal cine images. Matching to ROI in the sagittal view achieved better accuracy when there was substantial breathing pattern change. The technique was robust against noise levels up to SNR=20. For patient data, average tracking errors were less than 2 mm in all directions for all patients. Conclusions Preliminary studies demonstrated the

  13. A Technique for Generating Volumetric Cine-Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, Wendy; Ren, Lei; Cai, Jing; Zhang, You; Chang, Zheng; Yin, Fang-Fang


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a techique to generate on-board volumetric cine-magnetic resonance imaging (VC-MRI) using patient prior images, motion modeling, and on-board 2-dimensional cine MRI. Methods and Materials: One phase of a 4-dimensional MRI acquired during patient simulation is used as patient prior images. Three major respiratory deformation patterns of the patient are extracted from 4-dimensional MRI based on principal-component analysis. The on-board VC-MRI at any instant is considered as a deformation of the prior MRI. The deformation field is represented as a linear combination of the 3 major deformation patterns. The coefficients of the deformation patterns are solved by the data fidelity constraint using the acquired on-board single 2-dimensional cine MRI. The method was evaluated using both digital extended-cardiac torso (XCAT) simulation of lung cancer patients and MRI data from 4 real liver cancer patients. The accuracy of the estimated VC-MRI was quantitatively evaluated using volume-percent-difference (VPD), center-of-mass-shift (COMS), and target tracking errors. Effects of acquisition orientation, region-of-interest (ROI) selection, patient breathing pattern change, and noise on the estimation accuracy were also evaluated. Results: Image subtraction of ground-truth with estimated on-board VC-MRI shows fewer differences than image subtraction of ground-truth with prior image. Agreement between normalized profiles in the estimated and ground-truth VC-MRI was achieved with less than 6% error for both XCAT and patient data. Among all XCAT scenarios, the VPD between ground-truth and estimated lesion volumes was, on average, 8.43 ± 1.52% and the COMS was, on average, 0.93 ± 0.58 mm across all time steps for estimation based on the ROI region in the sagittal cine images. Matching to ROI in the sagittal view achieved better accuracy when there was substantial breathing pattern change. The technique was robust against

  14. A Technique for Generating Volumetric Cine-Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harris, Wendy [Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (United States); Ren, Lei, E-mail: [Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (United States); Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina (United States); Cai, Jing [Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (United States); Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina (United States); Zhang, You [Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (United States); Chang, Zheng; Yin, Fang-Fang [Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (United States); Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina (United States)


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a techique to generate on-board volumetric cine-magnetic resonance imaging (VC-MRI) using patient prior images, motion modeling, and on-board 2-dimensional cine MRI. Methods and Materials: One phase of a 4-dimensional MRI acquired during patient simulation is used as patient prior images. Three major respiratory deformation patterns of the patient are extracted from 4-dimensional MRI based on principal-component analysis. The on-board VC-MRI at any instant is considered as a deformation of the prior MRI. The deformation field is represented as a linear combination of the 3 major deformation patterns. The coefficients of the deformation patterns are solved by the data fidelity constraint using the acquired on-board single 2-dimensional cine MRI. The method was evaluated using both digital extended-cardiac torso (XCAT) simulation of lung cancer patients and MRI data from 4 real liver cancer patients. The accuracy of the estimated VC-MRI was quantitatively evaluated using volume-percent-difference (VPD), center-of-mass-shift (COMS), and target tracking errors. Effects of acquisition orientation, region-of-interest (ROI) selection, patient breathing pattern change, and noise on the estimation accuracy were also evaluated. Results: Image subtraction of ground-truth with estimated on-board VC-MRI shows fewer differences than image subtraction of ground-truth with prior image. Agreement between normalized profiles in the estimated and ground-truth VC-MRI was achieved with less than 6% error for both XCAT and patient data. Among all XCAT scenarios, the VPD between ground-truth and estimated lesion volumes was, on average, 8.43 ± 1.52% and the COMS was, on average, 0.93 ± 0.58 mm across all time steps for estimation based on the ROI region in the sagittal cine images. Matching to ROI in the sagittal view achieved better accuracy when there was substantial breathing pattern change. The technique was robust against

  15. Accuracy of respiratory motion measurement of 4D-MRI: A comparison between cine and sequential acquisition. (United States)

    Liu, Yilin; Yin, Fang-Fang; Rhee, DongJoo; Cai, Jing


    The authors have recently developed a cine-mode T2*/T1-weighted 4D-MRI technique and a sequential-mode T2-weighted 4D-MRI technique for imaging respiratory motion. This study aims at investigating which 4D-MRI image acquisition mode, cine or sequential, provides more accurate measurement of organ motion during respiration. A 4D digital extended cardiac-torso (XCAT) human phantom with a hypothesized tumor was used to simulate the image acquisition and the 4D-MRI reconstruction. The respiratory motion was controlled by the given breathing signal profiles. The tumor was manipulated to move continuously with the surrounding tissue. The motion trajectories were measured from both sequential- and cine-mode 4D-MRI images. The measured trajectories were compared with the average trajectory calculated from the input profiles, which was used as references. The error in 4D-MRI tumor motion trajectory (E) was determined. In addition, the corresponding respiratory motion amplitudes of all the selected 2D images for 4D reconstruction were recorded. Each of the amplitude was compared with the amplitude of its associated bin on the average breathing curve. The mean differences from the average breathing curve across all slice positions (D) were calculated. A total of 500 simulated respiratory profiles with a wide range of irregularity (Ir) were used to investigate the relationship between D and Ir. Furthermore, statistical analysis of E and D using XCAT controlled by 20 cancer patients' breathing profiles was conducted. Wilcoxon Signed Rank test was conducted to compare two modes. D increased faster for cine-mode (D = 1.17 × Ir + 0.23) than sequential-mode (D = 0.47 × Ir + 0.23) as irregularity increased. For the XCAT study using 20 cancer patients' breathing profiles, the median E values were significantly different: 0.12 and 0.10 cm for cine- and sequential-modes, respectively, with a p-value of 0.02. The median D values were significantly different: 0.47 and 0.24 cm for cine

  16. Vectores recombinantes basados en el virus modificado de ankara (MVA) como vacunas preventivas y terapéuticas contra el SIDA


    Heeney, Jonathan L.; Mooij, Petra; Nájera García, José Luis; Jiménez, Victoria; Esteban, Mariano; Gómez, Carmen E.


    Vectores Recombinantes basados en el Virus Modificado de Ankara (MVA) como Vacunas Preventivas y Terapéuticas contra el SIDA. Losvirus recombinantes de la invención contienen secuencias que se encuentran insertadas en el mismo sitio de inserción del MVA y permiten la expresión simultánea de varios antígenos, una proteína Env del VIH-I consistente en una proteína gpl20 carente de secuencias correspondientes a la proteína gp41, y una proteína quiméricade fusión de Gag, Pol y Nef. Son virus esta...

  17. Cine-MR imaging of valvular heart disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jae Hyung; Han, Man Chung; Kim, Chu Wan; Kim, Dae Jin; Kim, Woo Sung; Park, Hyun Wuk; Cho, Zang Hee


    Cine-MR imaging was done in 2 normal persons and 9 patients of valvular heart disease with 2.0 T superconducting MR system (Spectro-2000; GoldStar, Korea). The MRI was undertaken using gradient echo technique with small flip angle. Repetition time (TR) was 34 msec, and echo time (TE), 18 msec. In most cases, 20 to 30 frames could be obtained during one cardiac cycle. With normal heart, high signal intensity was identified in the blood filled cardiac chambers. Transient signal void was observed near tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves due to the turbulences induced by valve opening or closure. In 6 cases of mitral valvular disease, mitral valve was identified in all cases. The valvular motion was limited revealing doming toward cardiac apex during diastole. Signal void was evident in pansystolic phase of left ventricle in all cases. Evidence of combined aortic or tricuspid valve disease were also demonstrated, revealing signal void in the corresponding cardiac chambers. Cine-MRI seemed to be not only a good non-invasive diagnostic modality for the valvular heart disease, but also an accurate modality for cardiac functional evaluation

  18. Cine-MR imaging of valvular heart disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Jae Hyung; Han, Man Chung; Kim, Chu Wan [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Dae Jin; Kim, Woo Sung; Park, Hyun Wuk; Cho, Zang Hee [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Cine-MR imaging was done in 2 normal persons and 9 patients of valvular heart disease with 2.0 T superconducting MR system (Spectro-2000; GoldStar, Korea). The MRI was undertaken using gradient echo technique with small flip angle. Repetition time (TR) was 34 msec, and echo time (TE), 18 msec. In most cases, 20 to 30 frames could be obtained during one cardiac cycle. With normal heart, high signal intensity was identified in the blood filled cardiac chambers. Transient signal void was observed near tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves due to the turbulences induced by valve opening or closure. In 6 cases of mitral valvular disease, mitral valve was identified in all cases. The valvular motion was limited revealing doming toward cardiac apex during diastole. Signal void was evident in pansystolic phase of left ventricle in all cases. Evidence of combined aortic or tricuspid valve disease were also demonstrated, revealing signal void in the corresponding cardiac chambers. Cine-MRI seemed to be not only a good non-invasive diagnostic modality for the valvular heart disease, but also an accurate modality for cardiac functional evaluation.

  19. Prácticas de activismo audiovisual con objetivo de integración social: el caso del colectivo Cine sin Autor (CsA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana María Sedeño Valdellós


    Full Text Available En los últimos años viene produciéndose una cierta tendencia hacia el empleo de la tecnología audiovisual por parte de colectivos activistas: con un objetivo transformador de realidades, las prácticas de activismo audiovisual se han enfocado a propiciar el empoderamiento de colectivos sociales como generadores de universos simbólicos propios. El texto reflexiona sobre el audiovisual como integración social desde un enfoque generalista y atendiendo a sus precedentes. En primer lugar, se comienza una exploración teórica sobre el concepto de activismo audiovisual y sus posibilidades educativas, activistas y para la integración social; en segundo lugar, se aborda un análisis en torno al trabajo del colectivo Cine sin Autor (CsA que, con una metodología participativa, construye “procesos audiovisuales abiertos” con comunidades y colectivos desfavorecidos.

  20. Cine MR enterography grading of small bowel peristalsis: evaluation of the antiperistaltic effectiveness of sublingual hyoscyamine sulfate. (United States)

    Ghobrial, Peter M; Neuberger, Ilana; Guglielmo, Flavius F; Mitchell, Donald G; Parker, Laurence; O'Kane, Patrick L; Roth, Christopher G; Deshmukh, Sandeep P; Borowski, Allison


    To use a cine balanced steady-state free precession magnetic resonance enterography (cine MRE) pulse sequence to assess the effectiveness of a sublingual (SL) antiperistaltic agent, hyoscyamine sulfate. Institutional review board approval was granted with an exemption for informed consent in this Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-compliant, retrospective, single-institution study. Of the 288 MRE examinations performed between October 1, 2007 and January 15, 2011, 92 using SL hyoscyamine sulfate for antiperistalsis were included for review, each with cine MRE before and after medication. These 184 cine MRE data sets were randomized, blinded for treatment, and independently reviewed by five attending abdominal radiologists, who rated the degree of whole abdomen bowel motility on each cine MRE data set on a 5-point scale. Pre- and postmedication mean peristalsis ratings, standard deviation, mean difference, and treatment effect sizes were calculated. A repeated measures analysis of variance test was performed using a significance threshold of P = .05. Interobserver reliabilities were also calculated. Mean peristalsis ratings ranged 2.63-3.34 and 2.36-3.03, before and after medication administration, respectively. The mean differences ranged from 0.22 to 0.46, which are treatment effect sizes of 0.20 to 0.37. The decrease in peristalsis observed by the five reviewing radiologists after SL hyoscyamine sulfate administration was significant (df = 1/182, f = 7.35, P cine MRE sequences show decreased bowel peristalsis after the use of SL hyoscyamine sulfate, the small size of the observed treatment effect is likely insufficient to justify its use for MRE. Copyright © 2014 AUR. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Imaging Three-Dimensional Myocardial Mechanics Using Navigator-gated Volumetric Spiral Cine DENSE MRI (United States)

    Zhong, Xiaodong; Spottiswoode, Bruce S.; Meyer, Craig H.; Kramer, Christopher M.; Epstein, Frederick H.


    A navigator-gated 3D spiral cine displacement encoding with stimulated echoes (DENSE) pulse sequence for imaging 3D myocardial mechanics was developed. In addition, previously-described 2D post-processing algorithms including phase unwrapping, tissue tracking, and strain tensor calculation for the left ventricle (LV) were extended to 3D. These 3D methods were evaluated in 5 healthy volunteers, using 2D cine DENSE and historical 3D myocardial tagging as reference standards. With an average scan time of 20.5 ± 5.7 minutes, 3D data sets with a matrix size of 128 × 128 × 22, voxel size of 2.8 × 2.8 × 5.0 mm3, and temporal resolution of 32 ms were obtained with displacement encoding in three orthogonal directions. Mean values for end-systolic mid-ventricular mid-wall radial, circumferential, and longitudinal strain were 0.33 ± 0.10, −0.17 ± 0.02, and −0.16 ± 0.02, respectively. Transmural strain gradients were detected in the radial and circumferential directions, reflecting high spatial resolution. Good agreement by linear correlation and Bland-Altman analysis was achieved when comparing normal strains measured by 2D and 3D cine DENSE. Also, the 3D strains, twist, and torsion results obtained by 3D cine DENSE were in good agreement with historical values measured by 3D myocardial tagging. PMID:20574967

  2. Representaciones de la otredad en el cine argentino contemporáneo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfredo Dillon


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza los modos de representación de la otredad en tres películas del cine argentino contemporáneo: Bolivia (2001, Cama adentro (2004 y El hombre de al lado (2009. En las tres obras se problematiza la relación con la diferencia a partir de la presencia de personajes “otros” que encarnan formas de vida diversas: un inmigrante, una mucama y un vecino, respectivamente. Cada película propone, a su vez, una manera distinta de resolver la relación con la alteridad: desde la eliminación del otro hasta la conciliación, el cine ofrece un abanico de respuestas imaginarias para esta encrucijada social.

  3. Cine virtual y “presencialidad” teatral: El cine electrónico de Coppola y sus imbricaciones en la consolidación del género( Peter Jackson.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Cantos Ceballos


    Full Text Available El fenómeno del cine virtual busca colmar una vieja aspiración por aprehender la condición esencial del teatro: la vivencia de un acontecimiento único e irrepetible por parte del espectador que contempla a unos actores enfrentados a situaciones en ese preciso instante. Ya en los años cincuenta se abordan experimentos con el cine en relieve(primer sistema 3D o, también, se emprenden búsquedas con el sentido del olfato(el smell-vision. La llegada de la revolución informática y su motion control system implica una nueva conquista en las sensaciones visuales del espectador y preludia la irrupción de un auténtico visionario en este sentido: Francis Ford Coppola. Su “cine electrónico” es un vehículo experimental para rodar con telecámaras y soporte magnético y, además, prepara el terreno para la aparición de los infogramas y la ruptura definitiva de la secuencia imagen-ojo-objeto, verdadero salto cualitativo hacia la pluridimensionalidad de la imagen. La creación con infogramas de realidades imaginarias y la revitalización del cine de género (Ciencia Ficción y Fantasy Films tiene un momento clave en el año 1999 con dos productos emblemáticos: Matrix y La amenaza fantasma. La definitiva conquista de la emoción “teatral” del espectador “envuelto” por seres inexistentes(monstruos, robots o animales mitológicos, que habitan en lugares alejados en el tiempo o en el espacio es una realidad con Peter Jackson y la primera película de su trilogía tolkeniana: La Comunidad del Anillo.

  4. Erotismo, pornografía y cine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Rojas Bez


    Full Text Available ¿Qué es el erotismo? ¿Qué es la pornografía? ¿En qué medida influyen sobre el espectador? Cómo responder educativamente ante las diversas manifestaciones suyas en el cine y los demás medios artísticos? El autor reflexiona sobre estas cuestiones esenciales, distingue ambos conceptos y propone respuestas desprejuiciadas, no preconcebidas, sino fundamentales, desde puntos de vista educativos, estéticos y críticos.

  5. Cine postcolonial y de género. La diáspora afro-caribeña en el Reino Unido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Durán Almarza, Emilia María


    Full Text Available This article offers a critical re-evaluation of films directed by women of Caribbean descent in the United Kingdom. Although their presence in the British tradition is limited, given the marginal position they occupy as a result of the combination of variables such as race, ethnicity, gender, and/or social class, their contribution to British, Afro-diasporic and feminist film traditions cannot be underestimated. Drawing on comparative and transcultural approaches to analyse The Passion of Remembrance, co-directed by Maurine Blackwood and Isaac Julien, and Dreaming Rivers, directed by Martine Atille, both belonging to Sankofa Film Collective, this study highlights the multiple ways in which their work contributed to epistemological developments in the sphere of the so-called "British Black Arts Movement" of the 80s and 90s, as well as to the establishment of what has been called British postcolonial filmmaking.

    El presente artículo trata de ofrecer una re-evaluación crítica del cine dirigido por mujeres de ascendencia caribeña en el Reino Unido. Si bien la presencia de directoras afro-caribeñas en la tradición británica es limitada, dada la posición marginal que ocupan como resultado de la combinación de variables como raza, etnicidad, género, y/o clase social, no se puede desestimar el alcance de su aportación a las tradiciones fílmicas femenina, británica y afro-diaspórica. Aplicando un enfoque comparativo y transcultural a The Passion of Remembrance, codirigida por Maurine Blackwood e Isaac Julien, y Dreaming Rivers, dirigida por Martine Atille, ambas pertenecientes al colectivo Sankofa, este estudio pone de manifiesto las múltiples formas en que sus obras contribuyeron tanto al desarrollo epistemológico del movimiento de las artes británicas negras (“British Black Arts Movement” en las décadas de los años 80 y 90, como al establecimiento de lo que se ha venido a llamar el cine

  6. Influence of longitudinal position on the evolution of steady-state signal in cardiac cine balanced steady-state free precession imaging. (United States)

    Spear, Tyler J; Stromp, Tori A; Leung, Steve W; Vandsburger, Moriel H


    Emerging quantitative cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) techniques use cine balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) to measure myocardial signal intensity and probe underlying physiological parameters. This correlation assumes that steady-state is maintained uniformly throughout the heart in space and time. To determine the effects of longitudinal cardiac motion and initial slice position on signal deviation in cine bSSFP imaging by comparing two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) acquisitions. Nine healthy volunteers completed cardiac MRI on a 1.5-T scanner. Short axis images were taken at six slice locations using both 2D and 3D cine bSSFP. 3D acquisitions spanned two slices above and below selected slice locations. Changes in myocardial signal intensity were measured across the cardiac cycle and compared to longitudinal shortening. For 2D cine bSSFP, 46% ± 9% of all frames and 84% ± 13% of end-diastolic frames remained within 10% of initial signal intensity. For 3D cine bSSFP the proportions increased to 87% ± 8% and 97% ± 5%. There was no correlation between longitudinal shortening and peak changes in myocardial signal. The initial slice position significantly impacted peak changes in signal intensity for 2D sequences ( P  cine bSSFP that is only restored at the center of a 3D excitation volume. During diastole, a transient steady-state is established similar to that achieved with 3D cine bSSFP regardless of slice location.

  7. Three-dimensional visualization of myocardial motion and blood flow with cine-MR images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oshiro, Osamu; Matani, Ayumu; Chihara, Kunihiro; Mikami, Taisei; Kitabatake, Akira.


    This paper describes a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and presentation method to visualize myocardial motion and blood flow in a heart using cine-MR (magnetic resonance) images. Firstly, the region of myocardium and blood were segmented with certain threshold gray values. Secondly, some slices were interpolated linearly to reconstruct a 3D static image. Finally, a 3D dynamic image was presented with displaying the 3D static images sequentially. The experimental results indicate that this method enables to visualize not only normal but also abnormal blood flow in cine-mode. (author)

  8. Craniocaudal Safety Margin Calculation Based on Interfractional Changes in Tumor Motion in Lung SBRT Assessed With an EPID in Cine Mode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueda, Yoshihiro; Miyazaki, Masayoshi; Nishiyama, Kinji; Suzuki, Osamu; Tsujii, Katsutomo; Miyagi, Ken


    Purpose: To evaluate setup error and interfractional changes in tumor motion magnitude using an electric portal imaging device in cine mode (EPID cine) during the course of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and to calculate margins to compensate for these variations. Materials and Methods: Subjects were 28 patients with Stage I NSCLC who underwent SBRT. Respiratory-correlated four-dimensional computed tomography (4D-CT) at simulation was binned into 10 respiratory phases, which provided average intensity projection CT data sets (AIP). On 4D-CT, peak-to-peak motion of the tumor (M-4DCT) in the craniocaudal direction was assessed and the tumor center (mean tumor position [MTP]) of the AIP (MTP-4DCT) was determined. At treatment, the tumor on cone beam CT was registered to that on AIP for patient setup. During three sessions of irradiation, peak-to-peak motion of the tumor (M-cine) and the mean tumor position (MTP-cine) were obtained using EPID cine and in-house software. Based on changes in tumor motion magnitude (∆M) and patient setup error (∆MTP), defined as differences between M-4DCT and M-cine and between MTP-4DCT and MTP-cine, a margin to compensate for these variations was calculated with Stroom’s formula. Results: The means (±standard deviation: SD) of M-4DCT and M-cine were 3.1 (±3.4) and 4.0 (±3.6) mm, respectively. The means (±SD) of ∆M and ∆MTP were 0.9 (±1.3) and 0.2 (±2.4) mm, respectively. Internal target volume-planning target volume (ITV-PTV) margins to compensate for ∆M, ∆MTP, and both combined were 3.7, 5.2, and 6.4 mm, respectively. Conclusion: EPID cine is a useful modality for assessing interfractional variations of tumor motion. The ITV-PTV margins to compensate for these variations can be calculated.

  9. Evaluation of right ventricular regional wall motion in inferior myocardial infarction by cine MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishino, Masami; Ohnishi, Shusaku; Hasegawa, Shinji


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate right ventricular regional wall motion in inferior myocardial infarction by cine MRI. Thirteen patients with inferior myocardial infarction were investigated by cine MRI and were divided into proximal group which consisted of seven patients: >90% stenosis in segment 1 or 2 of right coronary artery and distal group which consisted of six patients: >90% stenosis in segment 3 or 4 of right coronary artery. Cine MRI was performed by 1.5 tesla magnet system (Signa, GE). To depict the regional asynergy, right ventricular wall was divided into 6 segments as follows: Segments 1 and 2 were upper and lower segments in transverse planes, respectively. Segments 3 and 4 were free wall and diaphragmatic segments of outflow tract, and segments 5 and 6 were of inflow tract in sagittal planes. Our results were as follows: (1) In proximal group, right ventricular asynergy was detected in six patients but in distal group it was detected in only one patient; (2) Right ventricular asynergy was detected most frequently at diaphragmatic segments in sagittal planes; (3) All the patients who had shown the hemodynamic deterioration of right ventricle on acute phase of inferior myocardial infarction presented the broad asynergy in right ventricle; (4) Cine MRI is clinically useful in evaluating right ventricular regional wall movement and diagnosing right ventricular infarction. (author)

  10. Noninvasive investigation of exocrine pancreatic function: Feasibility of cine dynamic MRCP with a spatially selective inversion-recovery pulse. (United States)

    Yasokawa, Kazuya; Ito, Katsuyoshi; Tamada, Tsutomu; Yamamoto, Akira; Hayashida, Minoru; Tanimoto, Daigo; Higaki, Atsushi; Noda, Yasufumi; Kido, Ayumu


    To investigate the feasibility of noncontrast-enhanced cine dynamic magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) with a spatially selective inversion-recovery (IR) pulse for evaluating exocrine pancreatic function in comparison with the N-benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-p-aminobenzoic acid (BT-PABA) test as a pancreatic exocrine function test. Twenty subjects with or without chronic pancreatitis were included. MRCP with a spatially selective IR pulse was repeated every 15 seconds for 5 minutes to acquire a total of 20 images (cine-dynamic MRCP). The median and mean frequency of the observation (the number of times) and the moving distance (mean secretion grading scores) of pancreatic juice inflow on cine-dynamic MRCP were compared with a BT-PABA test. The urinary PABA excretion rate (%) had significant positive correlations with both the mean secretion grade (r = 0.66, P = 0.002) and frequency of secretory inflow (r = 0.62, P = 0.004) in cine dynamic MRCP. Both the mean frequency of observations of pancreatic secretory inflow (1.4 ± 1.6 times vs. 14.3 ± 4.2 times, P Cine dynamic MRCP with a spatially selective IR pulse may have potential for estimating the pancreatic exocrine function noninvasively as a substitute for the BT-PABA test. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Respiratory repercussions of gastroesophageal reflux and Cine-esophagogastroscintigraphy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guillemeteau, C.; Saudubray, F. (Hopital des Enfants, 33 - Bordeaux (France)); Guillet, J. (Hopital Pellegrin, 33 - Bordeaux (France))


    Asthma and recurrent bronchopneumopathies in children are often associated with gastroesophageal reflux. Cine-esogastroscintigraphy is proposed for demonstrating reflux and establishing its direct or indirect responsibility in respiratory disease. 133 patients aged 5 months to 16 years were studied. Reflux was found in 65.5% of cases, either severe (44.4% of cases) or minor (21.1%). Episodes of reflux produced respiratory manifestations in 7% of patients. Inhalation of refluxed material was proved in 3% by demonstration of pulmonary contamination. Sensitivity of cine-esophagogastroscintigraphy is comparable to that of esophageal pH measurement for detection of reflux. It does not require positioning of a probe in the esophageal lumen. It provides quantitative parameters on esophageal transit, reflux and gastric voiding, and demonstrates pulmonary contamination. It is easy to perform and can be readily included in an outpatient clinic workup. Its sensitivity and reliability make it a useful tool for evaluation of therapeutic efficiency. The interlocking of various physiopathologic factors contributes to the polymorphism of respiratory manifestations of reflux.

  12. Respiratory repercussions of gastroesophageal reflux and cine-esophagogastroscintigraphy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guillemeteau, C.; Saudubray, F. (Hopital des Enfants, 33 - Bordeaux (France)); Guillet, J. (Hopital Pellegrin, 33 - Bordeaux (France))


    Asthma and recurrent bronchopneumopathies in children are often associated with gastroesophageal reflux. Cine-esophagogastroscintigraphy is proposed for demonstrating reflux and establishing its direct or indirect responsibility in respiratory disease. 133 patients aged 5 months to 16 years were studied. Reflux was found in 65.5% of cases, either severe (44.4% of cases) or minor (21.1%). Episodes of reflux produced respiratory manifestations in 7% of patients. Inhalation of refluxed material was proved in 3% by demonstration of pulmonary contamination. Sensitivity of cine-esophagogastroscintigraphy is comparable to that of esophageal pH measurement for detection of reflux. It does not require positioning of a probe in the esophageal lumen. It provides quantitative parameters on esophageal transit, reflux and gastric voiding, and demonstrates pulmonary contamination. It is easy to perform and can be readily included in an outpatient clinic workup. Its sensitivity and reliability make it a useful tool for evaluation of therapeutic efficiency. The interlocking of various physiopathologic factors contributes to the polymorphism of respiratory manifestations of reflux.

  13. Respiratory repercussions of gastroesophageal reflux and cine-esophagogastroscintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guillemeteau, C.; Saudubray, F.; Guillet, J.


    Asthma and recurrent bronchopneumopathies in children are often associated with gastroesophageal reflux. Cine-esogastroscintigraphy is proposed for demonstrating reflux and establishing its direct or indirect responsibility in respiratory disease. 133 patients aged 5 months to 16 years were studied. Reflux was found in 65.5% of cases, either severe (44.4% of cases) or minor (21.1%). Episodes of reflux produced respiratory manifestations in 7% of patients. Inhalation of refluxed material was proved in 3% by demonstration of pulmonary contamination. Sensitivity of cine-esophagogastroscintigraphy is comparable to that of esophageal pH measurement for detection of reflux. It does not require positioning of a probe in the esophageal lumen. It provides quantitative parameters on esophageal transit, reflux and gastric voiding, and demonstrates pulmonary contamination. It is easy to perform and can be readily included in an outpatient clinic workup. Its sensitivity and reliability make it a useful tool for evaluation of therapeutic efficiency. The interlocking of various physiopathologic factors contributes to the polymorphism of respiratory manifestations of reflux [fr

  14. Respiratory repercussions of gastroesophageal reflux and cine-esophagogastroscintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guillemeteau, C.; Saudubray, F.; Guillet, J.


    Asthma and recurrent bronchopneumopathies in children are often associated with gastroesophageal reflux. Cine-esogastroscintigraphy is proposed for demonstrating reflux and establishing its direct or indirect responsibility in respiratory disease. 133 patients aged 5 months to 16 years were studied. Reflux was found in 65.5% of cases, either severe (44.4% of cases) or minor (21.1%). Episodes of reflux produced respiratory manifestations in 7% of patients. Inhalation of refluxed material was proved in 3% by demonstration of pulmonary contamination. Sensitivity of cine-esophagogastroscintigraphy is comparable to that of esophageal pH measurement for detection of reflux. It does not require positioning of a probe in the esophageal lumen. It provides quantitative parameters on esophageal transit, reflux and gastric voiding, and demonstrates pulmonary contamination. It is easy to perform and can be readily included in an outpatient clinic workup. Its sensitivity and reliability make it a useful tool for evaluation of therapeutic efficiency. The interlocking of various physiopathologic factors contributes to the polymorphism of respiratory manifestations of reflux [fr

  15. Real-time SPARSE-SENSE cardiac cine MR imaging: optimization of image reconstruction and sequence validation. (United States)

    Goebel, Juliane; Nensa, Felix; Bomas, Bettina; Schemuth, Haemi P; Maderwald, Stefan; Gratz, Marcel; Quick, Harald H; Schlosser, Thomas; Nassenstein, Kai


    Improved real-time cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) sequences have currently been introduced, but so far only limited practical experience exists. This study aimed at image reconstruction optimization and clinical validation of a new highly accelerated real-time cine SPARSE-SENSE sequence. Left ventricular (LV) short-axis stacks of a real-time free-breathing SPARSE-SENSE sequence with high spatiotemporal resolution and of a standard segmented cine SSFP sequence were acquired at 1.5 T in 11 volunteers and 15 patients. To determine the optimal iterations, all volunteers' SPARSE-SENSE images were reconstructed using 10-200 iterations, and contrast ratios, image entropies, and reconstruction times were assessed. Subsequently, the patients' SPARSE-SENSE images were reconstructed with the clinically optimal iterations. LV volumetric values were evaluated and compared between both sequences. Sufficient image quality and acceptable reconstruction times were achieved when using 80 iterations. Bland-Altman plots and Passing-Bablok regression showed good agreement for all volumetric parameters. 80 iterations are recommended for iterative SPARSE-SENSE image reconstruction in clinical routine. Real-time cine SPARSE-SENSE yielded comparable volumetric results as the current standard SSFP sequence. Due to its intrinsic low image acquisition times, real-time cine SPARSE-SENSE imaging with iterative image reconstruction seems to be an attractive alternative for LV function analysis. • A highly accelerated real-time CMR sequence using SPARSE-SENSE was evaluated. • SPARSE-SENSE allows free breathing in real-time cardiac cine imaging. • For clinically optimal SPARSE-SENSE image reconstruction, 80 iterations are recommended. • Real-time SPARSE-SENSE imaging yielded comparable volumetric results as the reference SSFP sequence. • The fast SPARSE-SENSE sequence is an attractive alternative to standard SSFP sequences.

  16. Identifying decreased peristalsis of abnormal small bowel segments in Crohn's disease using cine MR enterography: the frozen bowel sign. (United States)

    Guglielmo, Flavius F; Mitchell, Donald G; O'Kane, Patrick L; Deshmukh, Sandeep P; Roth, Christopher G; Burach, Ilene; Burns, Aaron; Dulka, Susan; Parker, Laurence


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether affected bowel in Crohn's disease patients can be identified by observing decreased peristalsis (frozen bowel sign) using cine balanced steady-state free precession (cine BSSFP) images. 5 radiologists independently reviewed cine BSSFP sequences from randomized MR Enterography (MRE) exams for 30 normal and 30 Crohn's disease patients, graded overall small bowel peristalsis from slowest to fastest, and graded peristalsis for the most abnormal small bowel segment. Sensitivity and specificity of the frozen bowel sign for diagnosing Crohn's disease were calculated. T tests of the peristalsis difference between abnormal segments and overall small bowel were conducted. For 5 readers, the sensitivity and specificity of cine BSSFP of the frozen bowel sign for diagnosing Crohn's disease ranged from 70% to 100% and 87% to 100%, respectively. There were significant differences in peristalsis between abnormal small bowel segments and the overall small bowel for Crohn's patients, but not in the overall small bowel between normal-MRE patients and Crohn's disease patients. Abnormal Crohn's small bowel segments have significantly decreased peristalsis compared to normal small bowel, which can be identified using cine BSSFP sequences as the frozen bowel sign.

  17. High spatial and temporal resolution retrospective cine cardiovascular magnetic resonance from shortened free breathing real-time acquisitions. (United States)

    Xue, Hui; Kellman, Peter; Larocca, Gina; Arai, Andrew E; Hansen, Michael S


    Cine cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is challenging in patients who cannot perform repeated breath holds. Real-time, free-breathing acquisition is an alternative, but image quality is typically inferior. There is a clinical need for techniques that achieve similar image quality to the segmented cine using a free breathing acquisition. Previously, high quality retrospectively gated cine images have been reconstructed from real-time acquisitions using parallel imaging and motion correction. These methods had limited clinical applicability due to lengthy acquisitions and volumetric measurements obtained with such methods have not previously been evaluated systematically. This study introduces a new retrospective reconstruction scheme for real-time cine imaging which aims to shorten the required acquisition. A real-time acquisition of 16-20s per acquired slice was inputted into a retrospective cine reconstruction algorithm, which employed non-rigid registration to remove respiratory motion and SPIRiT non-linear reconstruction with temporal regularization to fill in missing data. The algorithm was used to reconstruct cine loops with high spatial (1.3-1.8 × 1.8-2.1 mm²) and temporal resolution (retrospectively gated, 30 cardiac phases, temporal resolution 34.3 ± 9.1 ms). Validation was performed in 15 healthy volunteers using two different acquisition resolutions (256 × 144/192 × 128 matrix sizes). For each subject, 9 to 12 short axis and 3 long axis slices were imaged with both segmented and real-time acquisitions. The retrospectively reconstructed real-time cine images were compared to a traditional segmented breath-held acquisition in terms of image quality scores. Image quality scoring was performed by two experts using a scale between 1 and 5 (poor to good). For every subject, LAX and three SAX slices were selected and reviewed in the random order. The reviewers were blinded to the reconstruction approach and acquisition protocols and

  18. Interiores y Hannah y sus hermanas: artistas y creadores en el cine de Woody Allen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Casado Pérez


    Full Text Available Las reflexiones acerca del arte y las que tienen a los artistas que producen las obras como protagonistas son ejes fundamen- tales en la obra del cineasta neoyorquino Woody Allen. Mediante el estudio de dos de sus películas, Interiores y Hannah y sus hermanas, se analizan las diferentes actitudes de sus personajes al hacer frente a sus pulsiones creativas y cómo estas afectan a sus comportamientos en sociedad. En la primera, prácticamente todos los personajes proyectan en sus vidas sus insatisfacciones a la hora de desarrollar su arte, ya sea la escritura, la fotografía, la decoración, el cine o la interpretación. En la segunda, dos personajes, un pintor y un guionista televisivo, ofrecen más claves para dilucidar el amargo valor que da Allen a la labor artística.

  19. Right ventricular volume and mass determined by cine magnetic resonance imaging in HIV patients with possible right ventricular dysfunction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjaer, Andreas; Lebech, Anne-Mette; Gerstoft, Jan


    Impaired right ventricular (RV) function has been reported to occur in patients with HIV when studied by echocardiography. However, for accurate evaluation of RV function and morphology, first-pass radionuclide ventriculography (RNV) and cine magnetic resonance imaging (cine-MRI) are methods...... ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF). To do so, we screened patients with RNV and performed an additional cine-MRI in those with reduced RVEF determined by RNV. Ninety patients with HIV were included. To evaluate the MRI measures exactly we included 18 age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers to establish...

  20. Accelerated three-dimensional cine phase contrast imaging using randomly undersampled echo planar imaging with compressed sensing reconstruction. (United States)

    Basha, Tamer A; Akçakaya, Mehmet; Goddu, Beth; Berg, Sophie; Nezafat, Reza


    The aim of this study was to implement and evaluate an accelerated three-dimensional (3D) cine phase contrast MRI sequence by combining a randomly sampled 3D k-space acquisition sequence with an echo planar imaging (EPI) readout. An accelerated 3D cine phase contrast MRI sequence was implemented by combining EPI readout with randomly undersampled 3D k-space data suitable for compressed sensing (CS) reconstruction. The undersampled data were then reconstructed using low-dimensional structural self-learning and thresholding (LOST). 3D phase contrast MRI was acquired in 11 healthy adults using an overall acceleration of 7 (EPI factor of 3 and CS rate of 3). For comparison, a single two-dimensional (2D) cine phase contrast scan was also performed with sensitivity encoding (SENSE) rate 2 and approximately at the level of the pulmonary artery bifurcation. The stroke volume and mean velocity in both the ascending and descending aorta were measured and compared between two sequences using Bland-Altman plots. An average scan time of 3 min and 30 s, corresponding to an acceleration rate of 7, was achieved for 3D cine phase contrast scan with one direction flow encoding, voxel size of 2 × 2 × 3 mm(3) , foot-head coverage of 6 cm and temporal resolution of 30 ms. The mean velocity and stroke volume in both the ascending and descending aorta were statistically equivalent between the proposed 3D sequence and the standard 2D cine phase contrast sequence. The combination of EPI with a randomly undersampled 3D k-space sampling sequence using LOST reconstruction allows a seven-fold reduction in scan time of 3D cine phase contrast MRI without compromising blood flow quantification. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Imaginarios posapocalípticos en el cine actual: entre la vuelta al origen y el fin de la humanidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gérard Imbert


    Full Text Available En el cine actual, los imaginarios proyectados en el futuro reflejan las inquietudes de hoy. Surgen películas que se sitúan en un después del apocalipsis o que lo anticipan, que expresan un «imaginario del fin», como he llamado a estos fantasmas de muerte que pesan sobre la posmodernidad. Hoy, la amenaza, el peligro de desaparición, ya no viene de fuera (invasiones, extraterrestres, bestias de otros mundos, catástrofes naturales, sino de dentro, de la propia sociedad. A partir de películas recientemente estrenadas, se analizarála emergencia de estos imaginarios: desde la vuelta regresiva al origen hasta el fantasma del fi n de la humanidad.

  2. Cine y turismo: intersecciones polivalentes.


    Rey-Reguillo, Antonia del


    Con el objeto de servir de introducción a los tres artículos que componen el dossier sobre Cine y Turismo contenido en la revista, este texto reflexiona someramente sobre el amplio abanico de intersecciones existente entre las industrias cinematográfica y turística ajustándose al caso concreto de la producción fílmica española considerada en tres etapas concretas: los documentales etnoturísticos surgidos en el período histórico correspondiente a la Segunda República, el documental 'España ins...

  3. Teatro y cine: un permanente diálogo intermedial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pérez Bowie, José Antonio


    Full Text Available Se intenta trazar una panorámica de las aportaciones teóricas más significativas sobre las relaciones entre teatro y cine, con especial atención a algunas de las producidas recientemente en el ámbito español. En un primer apartado se lleva a cabo un recorrido somero sobre los principales problemas que plantea el cotejo de ambos medios y en los dos siguientes se abordan respectivamente los problemas planteados por adaptación de los textos teatrales al cine y la influencia ejercida por éste, a partir de determinado momento de su desarrollo, sobre el arte escénico. Este último apartado se completa con el análisis, a título de ejemplo, de un caso concreto: la producción de los comediógrafos de la denominada «la otra generación del 27».…

  4. Free breathing whole-heart 3D CINE MRI with self-gated Cartesian trajectory. (United States)

    Usman, M; Ruijsink, B; Nazir, M S; Cruz, G; Prieto, C


    To present a method that uses a novel free-running self-gated acquisition to achieve isotropic resolution in whole heart 3D Cartesian cardiac CINE MRI. 3D cardiac CINE MRI using navigator gating results in long acquisition times. Recently, several frameworks based on self-gated non-Cartesian trajectories have been proposed to accelerate this acquisition. However, non-Cartesian reconstructions are computationally expensive due to gridding, particularly in 3D. In this work, we propose a novel highly efficient self-gated Cartesian approach for 3D cardiac CINE MRI. Acquisition is performed using CArtesian trajectory with Spiral PRofile ordering and Tiny golden angle step for eddy current reduction (so called here CASPR-Tiger). Data is acquired continuously under free breathing (retrospective ECG gating, no preparation pulses interruption) for 4-5min and 4D whole-heart volumes (3D+cardiac phases) with isotropic spatial resolution are reconstructed from all available data using a soft gating technique combined with temporal total variation (TV) constrained iterative SENSE reconstruction. For data acquired on eight healthy subjects and three patients, the reconstructed images using the proposed method had good contrast and spatio-temporal variations, correctly recovering diastolic and systolic cardiac phases. Non-significant differences (P>0.05) were observed in cardiac functional measurements obtained with proposed 3D approach and gold standard 2D multi-slice breath-hold acquisition. The proposed approach enables isotropic 3D whole heart Cartesian cardiac CINE MRI in 4 to 5min free breathing acquisition. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Tocar a través del cuadro: una genealogía del interfaz como metáfora de control en el espacio del arte, el cine y los videojuegos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfonso Cuadrado Alvarado


    Full Text Available ResumenEl objetivo del artículo es examinar las relaciones que el interfaz mantiene con el concepto de pantalla y cuadro en el arte, la realidad virtual,  el cine y los videojuegos.Para ello se establece una genealogía de la mediación a través de la pantalla desde el nacimiento de la perspectiva en el Renacimiento, como punto de inicio de la representación visual dominante, hasta el presente.El análisis muestra los cambios en la relación entre los tres elementos de la representación: el espectador, la pantalla y la escena, que se han producido por el surgimiento de las vanguardias artísticas y el arte interactivo como reacción al modelo de representación realista. Este recorrido lleva a concluir que el interfaz además de su papel mediador, se ha convertido en el paradigma de la comunicación actual, integrándose en el proceso de relevo que la representación realista ha dado al mito digital.AbstractThe aim of the paper is to examine the relationships maintained with the interface screen concept and box art, virtual reality, film and video games.To do a genealogy of mediation is established through the screen from the birth of perspective in the Renaissance, as the starting point of the dominant visual representation to present.The analysis shows the changes in the relationship between the three elements of the representation: the viewer, the screen and the scene, which were caused by the emergence of the avant-garde and interactive art in reaction to model realistic representation. This route leads to the conclusion that the interface in addition to its mediating role, has become the paradigm of modern communication, integrated into the process of relief that realistic digital representation has given myth.

  6. Direct comparison of high‐temporal‐resolution CINE MRI with Doppler ultrasound for assessment of diastolic dysfunction in mice (United States)

    Price, Anthony N.; Jackson, Laurence H.; Taylor, Valerie; David, Anna L.; Lythgoe, Mark F.; Stuckey, Daniel J.


    Diastolic dysfunction is a sensitive early indicator of heart failure and can provide additional data to conventional measures of systolic function. Transmitral Doppler ultrasound, which measures the one‐dimensional flow of blood through the mitral valve, is currently the preferred method for the measurement of diastolic function, but the measurement of the left ventricular volume changes using high‐temporal‐resolution cinematic magnetic resonance imaging (CINE MRI) is an alternative approach which is emerging as a potentially more robust and user‐independent technique. Here, we investigated the performance of high‐temporal‐resolution CINE MRI and compared it with ultrasound for the detection of diastolic dysfunction in a mouse model of myocardial infarction. An in‐house, high‐temporal‐resolution, retrospectively gated CINE sequence was developed with a temporal resolution of 1 ms. Diastolic function in mice was assessed using a custom‐made, open‐source reconstruction package. Early (E) and late (A) left ventricular filling phases were easily identifiable, and these measurements were compared directly with high‐frequency, pulsed‐wave, Doppler ultrasound measurements of mitral valve inflow. A repeatability study established that high‐temporal‐resolution CINE MRI and Doppler ultrasound showed comparable accuracy when measuring E/A in normal control mice. However, when applied in a mouse model of myocardial infarction, high‐temporal‐resolution CINE MRI indicated diastolic heart failure (E/A = 0.94 ± 0.11), whereas ultrasound falsely detected normal cardiac function (E/A = 1.21 ± 0.11). The addition of high‐temporal‐resolution CINE MRI to preclinical imaging studies enhances the library of sequences available to cardiac researchers and potentially identifies diastolic heart failure early in disease progression. PMID:28643891

  7. Some Semantic Properties of Romanian Interrogatives: "Care" and "Cine." (United States)

    Vasiliu, E.

    The aim of this paper is to account for some semantic properties of Romanian interrogatives "ce" and "cine" by establishing some definite correlations between various contextual restrictions governing the use of these interrogative particles and the "meaning" which might be assigned to each of these particles in any…

  8. Estrategias narrativas orientadas a la construcción de niveles de lectura en el cine de animación de Pixar (1995-2010)


    Pérez Guerrero, Ana María


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2011. Directores de la Tesis: Antonio Sánchez-Escalonilla García-Rico y Araceli Rodríguez Mateos El cine de animación experimentó un segundo florecimiento a finales de la década de los 80. El éxito de títulos como La sirenita (1989), La bella y la bestia (1991), Aladdin (1992) o El rey león (1994) son muestras del alcance de un tipo de largometrajes que impulsaron una nueva edad de oro del medio. Entre los rasgos más...

  9. A novel diagnostic aid for intra-abdominal adhesion detection in cine-MR imaging: Pilot study and initial diagnostic impressions. (United States)

    Randall, David; Joosten, Frank; ten Broek, Richard; Gillott, Richard; Bardhan, Karna Dev; Strik, Chema; Prins, Wiesje; van Goor, Harry; Fenner, John


    A non-invasive diagnostic technique for abdominal adhesions is not currently available. Capture of abdominal motion due to respiration in cine-MRI has shown promise, but is difficult to interpret. This article explores the value of a complimentary diagnostic aid to facilitate the non-invasive detection of abdominal adhesions using cine-MRI. An image processing technique was developed to quantify the amount of sliding that occurs between the organs of the abdomen and the abdominal wall in sagittal cine-MRI slices. The technique produces a 'sheargram' which depicts the amount of sliding which has occurred over 1-3 respiratory cycles. A retrospective cohort of 52 patients, scanned for suspected adhesions, made 281 cine-MRI sagittal slices available for processing. The resulting sheargrams were reported by two operators and compared to expert clinical judgement of the cine-MRI scans. The sheargram matched clinical judgement in 84% of all sagittal slices and 93-96% of positive adhesions were identified on the sheargram. The sheargram displayed a slight skew towards sensitivity over specificity, with a high positive adhesion detection rate but at the expense of false positives. Good correlation between sheargram and absence/presence of inferred adhesions indicates quantification of sliding motion has potential to aid adhesion detection in cine-MRI. Advances in Knowledge: This is the first attempt to clinically evaluate a novel image processing technique quantifying the sliding motion of the abdominal contents against the abdominal wall. The results of this pilot study reveal its potential as a diagnostic aid for detection of abdominal adhesions.

  10. Cine MR imaging before and after realignment surgery for patellar maltracking - comparison with axial radiographs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brossmann, J. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik der Univ. Kiel (Germany); Muhle, C. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik der Univ. Kiel (Germany); Buell, C.C. [Rheumaklinik, Bad Bramstedt (Germany); Zieplies, J. [Lubinus Klinik, Kiel (Germany); Melchert, U.H. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik der Univ. Kiel (Germany); Brinkmann, G. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik der Univ. Kiel (Germany); Schroeder, C. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik der Univ. Kiel (Germany); Heller, M. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik der Univ. Kiel (Germany)


    Comparison of motion-triggered cine magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and conventional radiographs for the assessment of operative results of patellar realignment. Fifteen patients with recurrent patellar dislocation or patellar subluxation were evaluated with conventional axial radiographs before and after realignment surgery by measuring the congruence angle (CA), lateral patellofemoral angle (LPFA), and lateral displacement (d). In eight patients the patellofemoral joint was additionally evaluated pre- and postoperatively with motion-triggered cine MR imaging by determining the bisect offset (BSO), lateral patellar displacement (LPD), and patellar tilt angle (PTA). Significant differences between the pre- and postoperative measurements were found for all MR imaging parameters (BSO, LPD, PTA: p<0.01) but not for the conventional X-ray parameters (CA: p=0.70, LPFA: p=0.56; d: p=0.04). Motion-triggered cine MR imaging was superior to conventional tangential radiographs for assessing the effectiveness of patellar realignment surgery. (orig.)

  11. Cine MR imaging before and after realignment surgery for patellar maltracking - comparison with axial radiographs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brossmann, J.; Muhle, C.; Buell, C.C.; Zieplies, J.; Melchert, U.H.; Brinkmann, G.; Schroeder, C.; Heller, M.


    Comparison of motion-triggered cine magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and conventional radiographs for the assessment of operative results of patellar realignment. Fifteen patients with recurrent patellar dislocation or patellar subluxation were evaluated with conventional axial radiographs before and after realignment surgery by measuring the congruence angle (CA), lateral patellofemoral angle (LPFA), and lateral displacement (d). In eight patients the patellofemoral joint was additionally evaluated pre- and postoperatively with motion-triggered cine MR imaging by determining the bisect offset (BSO), lateral patellar displacement (LPD), and patellar tilt angle (PTA). Significant differences between the pre- and postoperative measurements were found for all MR imaging parameters (BSO, LPD, PTA: p<0.01) but not for the conventional X-ray parameters (CA: p=0.70, LPFA: p=0.56; d: p=0.04). Motion-triggered cine MR imaging was superior to conventional tangential radiographs for assessing the effectiveness of patellar realignment surgery. (orig.)

  12. CINE: Comet INfrared Excitation (United States)

    de Val-Borro, Miguel; Cordiner, Martin A.; Milam, Stefanie N.; Charnley, Steven B.


    CINE calculates infrared pumping efficiencies that can be applied to the most common molecules found in cometary comae such as water, hydrogen cyanide or methanol. One of the main mechanisms for molecular excitation in comets is the fluorescence by the solar radiation followed by radiative decay to the ground vibrational state. This command-line tool calculates the effective pumping rates for rotational levels in the ground vibrational state scaled by the heliocentric distance of the comet. Fluorescence coefficients are useful for modeling rotational emission lines observed in cometary spectra at sub-millimeter wavelengths. Combined with computational methods to solve the radiative transfer equations based, e.g., on the Monte Carlo algorithm, this model can retrieve production rates and rotational temperatures from the observed emission spectrum.

  13. The Usefulness of Dynamic Cine-Arthrography for Wrist Instability as Correlated with Arthroscopic Palmer Classification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim TaeYeon; Lee, Guen Young; Kim, Baek Hyun; Park, Jong Woong; Seo, Bo Kyoung; Cha, Sang Hoon [Korea University Ansan Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine, Ansan (Korea, Republic of)


    To introduce dynamic cine-arthrography and compare it with MR arthrography in the diagnosis of intrinsic ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex tears, based on arthroscopic findings. A total of thirty-eight wrists of 38 patients who had undergone both dynamic cine-arthrography and MR arthrography were enrolled. Dynamic cinearthrography was performed after puncture of the radiocarpal joint by slow injection of contrast under continuous fluoroscopic guidance during passive wrist exercise. We obtained 1.5- or 3-T MR arthrography with fat-suppressed T1-weighted coronal and axial images. We evaluated scapholunate and lunotriquetral ligaments and triangular fibrocartilage complex tears according to the Palmer classification system. Based on the arthroscopic findings, we compared the diagnostic values between the two examinations using Kappa values. The overall sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis of intrinsic ligament tears was similar between dynamic cine-arthrography and MR arthrography (scapholunate ligament: sensitivity 66.7% vs. 80%, specificity 100% vs. 95.7%, lunotriquetral ligament: sensitivity 75.0% vs. 75.0%, specificity 94.1% vs. 91.2%). For triangular fibrocartilage complex tears, all diagnostic values were the same (sensitivity 96.4%, specificity 100%). The inter-examination agreement was substantial to perfect (kappa value 1.000). Dynamic cine-arthrography is valuable in the diagnosis of intrinsic ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex tears compared to MR arthrography.

  14. Some remarks on a generalized vector product




    Abstract. In this paper we use a generalized vector product to construct an exterior form ⊥ : , where Finally, for n = k - 1 we introduce the reversing operation to study this generalized vector product over palindromic and antipalindromic vectors. Resumen. En este art&íacute;culo usamos un producto vectorial generalizado para construir una forma exterior ⊥ : , en donde como es natural, Finalmente, para n = k - 1 introducimos la operación reversar para estudiar este producto vectorial gene...

  15. Narración, espacio y emplazamiento turístico en el cine español de ficción (1951 – 1977

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    J Nieto Ferrando


    Full Text Available La importancia de la industria turística en España es incuestionable. Mucho antes de la aparición de las denominadas film commissions ya puede apreciarse un uso del audiovisual, y en concreto del cine, como instrumento de promoción de los destinos turísticos. Partiendo de esta premisa, el objetivo de la presente investigación es el análisis del espacio turístico como producto emplazado en la estructura narrativa y dramática de las películas de temática turística producidas durante los años de actuación del Ministerio de Información y Turismo (1951 – 1977. Nos situamos, por tanto, en el ámbito del análisis de la narración audiovisual. Los resultados muestran cómo el espacio turístico se concreta en vista turística, se le atribuyen una serie de valores intangibles, en ocasiones por contraste con otros espacios, y puede actuar como digresión respecto a la historia o estar plenamente integrado en su estructura dramática.

  16. Breve historia del cine en el África negra. Cuando el cinc era "africano", pero sólo de nombre.


    Speciale, Alessandra


    Speciale, A. (1999). Breve historia del cine en el África negra. Cuando el cinc era "africano", pero sólo de nombre. Nosferatu. Revista de cine. (30):4-19. 4 19 30

  17. Direct comparison of high-temporal-resolution CINE MRI with Doppler ultrasound for assessment of diastolic dysfunction in mice. (United States)

    Roberts, Thomas A; Price, Anthony N; Jackson, Laurence H; Taylor, Valerie; David, Anna L; Lythgoe, Mark F; Stuckey, Daniel J


    Diastolic dysfunction is a sensitive early indicator of heart failure and can provide additional data to conventional measures of systolic function. Transmitral Doppler ultrasound, which measures the one-dimensional flow of blood through the mitral valve, is currently the preferred method for the measurement of diastolic function, but the measurement of the left ventricular volume changes using high-temporal-resolution cinematic magnetic resonance imaging (CINE MRI) is an alternative approach which is emerging as a potentially more robust and user-independent technique. Here, we investigated the performance of high-temporal-resolution CINE MRI and compared it with ultrasound for the detection of diastolic dysfunction in a mouse model of myocardial infarction. An in-house, high-temporal-resolution, retrospectively gated CINE sequence was developed with a temporal resolution of 1 ms. Diastolic function in mice was assessed using a custom-made, open-source reconstruction package. Early (E) and late (A) left ventricular filling phases were easily identifiable, and these measurements were compared directly with high-frequency, pulsed-wave, Doppler ultrasound measurements of mitral valve inflow. A repeatability study established that high-temporal-resolution CINE MRI and Doppler ultrasound showed comparable accuracy when measuring E/A in normal control mice. However, when applied in a mouse model of myocardial infarction, high-temporal-resolution CINE MRI indicated diastolic heart failure (E/A = 0.94 ± 0.11), whereas ultrasound falsely detected normal cardiac function (E/A = 1.21 ± 0.11). The addition of high-temporal-resolution CINE MRI to preclinical imaging studies enhances the library of sequences available to cardiac researchers and potentially identifies diastolic heart failure early in disease progression. © 2017 The Authors. NMR in Biomedicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Presentación. Alberto Elena y las miradas a los cines periféricos / Presentation. Alberto Elena and the Views on Peripheral Cinemas

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    Minerva Campos


    Full Text Available «Llegará un día en que el cine habrá cambiado el mundo más que la invención de la pólvora, la electricidad o el descubrimiento de nuevos continentes. El cine permitirá a la gente repartida por los más remotos confines de la Tierra conocerse y apreciarse mejor. El cine reconciliará las diferencias de opinión y contribuirá de forma decisiva a la realización de los ideales de la Humanidad. Es fundamental que concedamos al cine la importancia que merece». Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1937

  19. Automated assessments of circumferential strain from cine CMR correlate with LVEF declines in cancer patients early after receipt of cardio-toxic chemotherapy. (United States)

    Jolly, Marie-Pierre; Jordan, Jennifer H; Meléndez, Giselle C; McNeal, Gary R; D'Agostino, Ralph B; Hundley, W Gregory


    In patients with cancer receiving potentially cardio-toxic chemotherapy, measurements of left ventricular (LV) circumferential or longitudinal strain are often used clinically to identify myocardial dysfunction. Using a new software algorithm, we sought to determine in individuals receiving treatment for cancer the association between automated assessments of LV mean mid-wall circumferential strain and conventional measures of LV ejection fraction (EF) both obtained from cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) cine balanced steady-state free-precession (bSSFP) white-blood acquisitions. Before and 3 months after initiating treatment with potentially cardio-toxic chemotherapy, 72 individuals (aged 54 ± 14 years with breast cancer [39%], lymphoma [49%], or sarcoma [12%]) underwent serial CMR cine bSSFP assessments of LV volumes and EF, and mean mid-wall circumferential strain determined from these same cine images as well as from additional tagged CMR images. On the cine images, assessments of strain were obtained using the newly developed deformation-based segmentation algorithm. Assessments of LV volumes/EF from the cine images and strain from tagged CMR were accomplished using commercially available software. All measures were analyzed in a blinded fashion independent of one another. Acceptable measures for the automated assessments of mean mid-wall circumferential strain from the cine images were obtained in 142 of 144 visits (98.6%) with an overall analysis time averaging 6:47 ± 1:06 min. The results from these automated measures averaged -18.8 ± 2.9 at baseline and -17.6 ± 3.1 at 3 months (p = 0.001). Left ventricular EF declined slightly from 65 ± 7% at baseline to 62 ± 7% at 3 months (p = 0.0002). The correlation between strain from cine imaging and LVEF was r = -0.61 (p cine and tagged derived assessments of strain was r = 0.23; p = 0.01. Automated measures of LV mean mid-wall circumferential strain can be obtained in 6

  20. Prostate gland motion assessed with cine-magnetic resonance imaging (cine-MRI)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghilezan, Michel J.; Jaffray, David A.; Siewerdsen, Jeffrey H.; Herk, Marcel van; Shetty, Anil; Sharpe, Michael B.; Zafar Jafri, Syed; Vicini, Frank A.; Matter, Richard C.; Brabbins, Donald S.; Martinez, Alvaro A.


    Purpose: To quantify prostate motion during a radiation therapy treatment using cine-magnetic resonance imaging (cine-MRI) for time frames comparable to that expected in an image-guided radiation therapy treatment session (20-30 min). Materials and Methods: Six patients undergoing radiation therapy for prostate cancer were imaged on 3 days, over the course of therapy (Weeks 1, 3, and 5). Four hundred images were acquired during the 1-h MRI session in 3 sagittal planes through the prostate at 6-s intervals. Eleven anatomic points of interest (POIs) have been used to characterize prostate/bony pelvis/abdominal wall displacement. Motion traces and standard deviation for each of the 11 POIs have been determined. The probability of displacement over time has also been calculated. Results: Patients were divided into 2 groups according to rectal filling status: full vs. empty rectum. The displacement of POIs (standard deviation) ranged from 0.98 to 1.72 mm for the full-rectum group and from 0.68 to 1.04 mm for the empty-rectum group. The low standard deviations in position (2 mm or less) would suggest that these excursions have a low frequency of occurrence. The most sensitive prostate POI to rectal wall motion was the midposterior with a standard deviation of 1.72 mm in the full-rectum group vs. 0.79 mm in the empty-rectum group (p 0.0001). This POI has a 10% probability of moving more than 3 mm in a time frame of ∼1 min if the rectum is full vs. ∼20 min if the rectum is empty. Conclusion: Motion of the prostate and seminal vesicles during a time frame similar to a standard treatment session is reduced compared to that reported in interfraction studies. The most significant predictor for intrafraction prostate motion is the status of rectal filling. A prostate displacement of <3 mm (90%) can be expected for the 20 min after the moment of initial imaging for patients with an empty rectum. This is not the case for patients presenting with full rectum. The determination


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    Silvana Flores


    Full Text Available A través de este articulo, estableceremos el análisis de dos recursos estéticos que el Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano ha empleado con el objetivo de incorporar la subjetividad en el discurso de los sectores de la población que tradicionalmente han sido marginados de la expresividad audiovisual. Nos referimos específicamente al uso de la voz over y de la mirada interpeladora hacia la cámara, como formas que habilitaron la confrontación de los protagonistas de alguna clase de explotación social o económica al destinatario de los films, quien se encuentra de esta manera ante una realidad hasta entonces enmascarada en las pantallas. La presencia de la voz y el cuerpo (ojo de los trabajadores fue, por lo tanto, uno de los modos a partir de los cuales los cineastas políticos de América Latina se abocaron a la instrumentalización del arte cinematográfico en pos de la consecución de una Revolución.

  2. Validation of highly accelerated real-time cardiac cine MRI with radial k-space sampling and compressed sensing in patients at 1.5T and 3T. (United States)

    Haji-Valizadeh, Hassan; Rahsepar, Amir A; Collins, Jeremy D; Bassett, Elwin; Isakova, Tamara; Block, Tobias; Adluru, Ganesh; DiBella, Edward V R; Lee, Daniel C; Carr, James C; Kim, Daniel


    To validate an optimal 12-fold accelerated real-time cine MRI pulse sequence with radial k-space sampling and compressed sensing (CS) in patients at 1.5T and 3T. We used two strategies to reduce image artifacts arising from gradient delays and eddy currents in radial k-space sampling with balanced steady-state free precession readout. We validated this pulse sequence against a standard breath-hold cine sequence in two patient cohorts: a myocardial infarction (n = 16) group at 1.5T and chronic kidney disease group (n = 18) at 3T. Two readers independently performed visual analysis of 68 cine sets in four categories (myocardial definition, temporal fidelity, artifact, noise) on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = nondiagnostic, 2 = poor, 3 = adequate or moderate, 4 = good, 5 = excellent). Another reader calculated left ventricular (LV) functional parameters, including ejection fraction. Compared with standard cine, real-time cine produced nonsignificantly different visually assessed scores, except for the following categories: 1) temporal fidelity scores were significantly lower (P = 0.013) for real-time cine at both field strengths, 2) artifacts scores were significantly higher (P = 0.013) for real-time cine at both field strengths, and 3) noise scores were significantly (P = 0.013) higher for real-time cine at 1.5T. Standard and real-time cine pulse sequences produced LV functional parameters that were in good agreement (e.g., absolute mean difference in ejection fraction cine MRI pulse sequence using radial k-space sampling and CS produces good to excellent visual scores and relatively accurate LV functional parameters in patients at 1.5T and 3T. Magn Reson Med 79:2745-2751, 2018. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  3. Cine MRI of the thorax in patients with pectus excavatum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herrmann, K.A.; Zech, C.J.; Schoenberg, S.O.; Reiser, M.F.; Strauss, T.; Hatz, R.


    Morphologic and dynamic assessment of respiratory chest kinetics was performed in patients with pectus excavatum deformity (PE) using dynamic MRI: cine MRI. Seven consecutive patients with PE (aged 20.3 years±4.0) and ten healthy volunteers of comparable age underwent real-time cine MRI of the chest during breathing on a 1.5 T MR scanner (Magnetom Sonata, Siemens Medical Systems, Erlangen, Germany) using a standard phased array body coil and a half-Fourier single-shot turbo spin echo sequence (HASTE) for dynamic imaging. During deep inspiration and expiration, single-shot sequences were performed in one slice level over 20 s at a frequency of 1 image/s covering the entire thoracic cage in three orientations. Morphology and chest kinetics in patients with PE were analyzed and compared with normal values, and typical patterns of chest kinetics were noted. Three different types of chest morphology in PE were identified: (1) the generally flattened thoracic cage, (2) the ''tilted'' sternum, and (3) the focally deepened sternum. Three patterns of motion correspond to these morphological types: (1) elevation of the sternum and the anterior thoracic wall, (2) angulated elevation of the parasternal rib cage with persistent deepening of the sternum resembling a ''wing beat'' movement, and (3) increased diaphragmatic movements with limited chest wall dynamics. Cine MRI is an adequate radiation-free diagnostic modality for the dynamic imaging of both chest morphology and chest wall kinetics in patients with PE. The pectus severity index can easily be determined and three typical movement patterns of chest wall kinetics identified. (orig.) [de

  4. Normal nonuniformity of left ventricular contraction. Assessment by cine MR imaging with presaturation myocardial tagging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naito, H.; Arisawa, J.; Harada, K.; Yamagami, H.; Kozuka, T.; Tamura, S.


    Purpose: To identify the normal performance of left ventricular (LV) regional contraction using cine MR imaging with presaturation myocardial tagging. Material and Methods: Sixteen normal volunteers were examined on a 1.5 T MR system with tagging cine sequences. Tags were applied at end-diastole as 2 parallel black lines on short-axis and 4-chamber sections, and the fractional shortenings were calculated at 7 LV locations. Results: The following results were obtained with significance: A transmural gradient of contractility in the short-axis section; prolonged late-systolic endocardial shortening and epicardial early termination in the free wall; initial delay of shortening in the anterior wall; apical predominance of contractility; predominance of circumferential shortening in the free wall and of meridional shortening in the septum. These findings could be associated with myocardial fiber architecture, presumed wall stress and temporal asynergy of excitation. Conclusion: Cine MR imaging with myocardial tagging proved to be useful in assessing the nonuniformity of LV contraction. (orig.)

  5. Mujeres delincuentes e imaginarios. Criminología, cine y nota roja en México, 1940-1950

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN La modernización política y económica impulsada por los gobiernos tras la Revolución Mexicana, repercutió en la apertura de espacios para el desenvolvimiento de mujeres fuera del ámbito doméstico. La especialización de la criminología y la profesionalización de medios de comunicación, ligados a un fuerte conservadurismo, coadyuvaron en la conformación de un notorio temor ante tal fenómeno, asumiendo que ello pudiera provocar en las mujeres el relajamiento de la moral y, en consecuencia, conductas delictivas. El artículo analiza la conformación de imaginarios en torno a la mujer delincuente en un periodo de notorio auge tanto del cine como de la nota roja. Al presentar a las criminales como un ser monstruoso y perverso, imagen que no distaba mucho de las ideas criminológicas, se prolongaban temores existentes en torno a la delincuencia femenina pero también se fortalecía la concepción de una feminidad atada al espacio doméstico. Se estudian filmes, prensa nota roja, diarios de circulación nacional y artículos criminológicos.

  6. El cine de Pérez Arroyo y los proyectores de juguete de posguerra / The Cinema of Pérez Arroyo and the Postwar Toy Projectors

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    Raúl González-Monaj


    Full Text Available La historia de la animación de posguerra en nuestro país, conocida como «la edad dorada», siempre ha resultado fascinante por el contexto en que se desarrolló y por ello se ha convertido en objeto de estudio, pero todavía quedan algunos episodios menores por ultimar. El presente trabajo pretende completar una de esas lagunas, la referente a la obra de Joaquín Pérez Arroyo y su posterior relación con el cine doméstico de juguete y su entorno. A través de esta investigación profundizaremos en las películas de este animador, apenas conocido, y en su decisiva participación en dos de los ejemplos más populares del cine de juguete nacional: Payá y Jefe. Casos que estuvieron conectados gracias a él y que se mueven entre el cine de papel y los 35 mm, entre el salón comedor y la sala de cine, entre Mikito y Quinito.Palabras clave: cortometraje de animación, CIFESA, proyector de juguete, Payá, Saludes, Jefe, Quinito. AbstractThe story of the postwar animation in Spain, known as the « Golden Age», has always been fascinating due to the context where it happened and so, it became object of study. Nevertheless, there are still some episodes to be finished. This study aims to complete one of these gaps as the one related to Joaquín Pérez Arroyo's work and his later connection to home cinema as a toy and its context. All through this research, we'll analyze films of this barely known author and his decisive participation in two of the most popular toy cinema examples in Spain: Payá and Jefe. Thanks to him, these two cases became connected, two worlds that coexist within the paper film and the 35 mm, between the living room and the movie theatre, between Mikito and Quinito.Keywords: animation short film, CIFESA, toy projector, Payá, Saludes, Jefe, Quinito.

  7. Metodología de la investigación y cine comercial: claves de una experiencia docente

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    M.T. Icart-Isern

    Full Text Available Introducción. El cine se ha configurado, ya desde sus inicios, como una de las recreaciones humanas más extraordinarias que existen desde la perspectiva de la comunicación. Objetivo. El objetivo de este texto es presentar una experiencia docente en la que se empleó cine comercial (CC en el desarrollo de la asignatura optativa ‘Investigación en salud: métodos y técnicas’, que se imparte en la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universitat de Barcelona. Desarrollo. Los contenidos de esta asignatura son los habituales en los cursos de investigación, y lo más interesante fue el empleo del CC, que se convirtió en el material (objeto de estudio. En el transcurso de la asignatura, el alumno debía realizar una serie de actividades: revisión bibliográfica, preparación de un cuestionario, selección y visualización de una película de la que debía elaborar la correspondiente ficha técnica y un informe sobre los aspectos referidos a la enfermedad, el paciente, los profesionales y los valores, sentimientos y emociones asociados al problema de salud. Conclusiones. La experiencia puso de manifiesto la importancia de la observación atenta de las escenas para captar los mensajes no verbales relacionados con el problema de salud; la necesidad de adquirir habilidades para el manejo de las bases de datos bibliográficas (Medline, CINAHL, etc., y la conveniencia de una mayor formación en el lenguaje cinematográfico para un mejor aprovechamiento didáctico del CC.

  8. Experimental study on quantitative evaluation of slow pulsatile flow of CSF with cine MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuda, Masao


    The present study was designed to evaluate the slow pulsatile flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) quantitatively with cine MRI in phantom experiment for the clinical application. The flow phantom was constructed from a plastic tube with a narrow channel to represent the central aqueduct. The phantom was filled with water to represent the CSF. The second tube filled with stationary water was positioned beside the flow phantom and acted as a control for no-flow signal strength. The ratio of signal intensity in regions of interest for the flow phantom and the control was measured. Not only the actual velocity curve of the flowing water through the phantom but also the temporal profile of signal intensity showed two main peaks with other small peaks in one cycle. This suggested a close relationship between signal intensity of cine MRI and flow velocity. A significant correlation between the signal intensity ratio and the velocity was obtained on cine MRI pulse sequences. Cine MRI was thus found to have the ability to give quantitative information about slow pulsatile flow. The most suitable pulse sequence was fast imaging with steady state free precession pulse sequence at the flip angle between 50 and 90 degrees. This preliminary study suggests that the slow pulsatile flow of CSF passing along the aqueduct can be visualized and measured. Thus, the sequence proposed has a potential for the investigation of normal and disturbed CSF circulation and the mapping of the flow pattern in different pathological conditions. (N.K.)

  9. El silencio del monstruo: imagénes espectrales en el cine de terror americano de comienzos del sonoro / Silence of the Monster. Ghostly Images in American Horror Film at the Beginning of Sound

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    Roberto Cueto


    Full Text Available Drácula y El doctor Frankenstein inauguraron en 1931 la producción de cine de terror en el cine sonoro al presentar a dos de los iconos por excelencia del género. Sin embargo, al ser películas producidas en el período de transición del cine mudo al sonoro, hacen gala de una característica especial que las diferencia notablemente de la posterior producción terrorífica de Hollywood: la presentación de la monstruosidad sin el recurso de la música extradiegética, lo que genera en la narración un efecto de «agujero» de silencio. En posteriores producciones de cine de terror se intentará paliar estos lapsos de silencio con el empleo de la música extradiegética o ciertos efectos de sonido, lo que parece indicar que, para la norma del cine clásico americano, eran defectos que debían ser corregidos. El siguiente ensayo tiene como objeto subrayar cómo esa llamativa presencia del silencio confiere a la representación de la monstruosidad cierta cualidad de «imágenes espectrales» o «cuerpos siniestros» que el cine de Hollywood prefirió evitar. Por otra parte, se analizará también por qué fue tan importante para el cine clásico americano el empleo de la música extradiegética, ya que cumplía una serie de funciones necesarias para sus estrategias narrativas: una mayor implicación del espectador, una adscripción a los códigos del género terrorífico y un efecto de «tridimensionalidad» aplicado a las imágenes bidimensionales.Palabras clave: música cinematográfica, cine de terror, sonido cinematográfico, transición del cine mudo al sonoro.AbstractDracula and Frankenstein, both released in 1931, inaugurated the production of horror films in Hollywood when they presented the two greatest icons of the genre. As films produced in the transitional period from silent to sound film, both showcase special features that distinguished them from posterior horror films in Hollywood: the introduction of the monstrosity without

  10. The Diegesis of Benjamin Button: A Method for Comparing Literature and Film (La diégesis de Benjamin Button: método para comparar literatura y cine

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    Joe Montenegro Bonilla


    Full Text Available This article proposes a specific structuralist methodology that may help organize the analysis of the relationship between literature and cinema. Through the instance of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s short story “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” and David Fincher’s film adaptation of it, a focus on the comparable diegetic structures of a narrative cinematic text and the literary work on which it is based is offered, along with an exploration of the semiotic codes that support their comparative textual analyses. Este artículo propone una metodología estructuralista específica que posibilita organizar el estudio para analizar la relación entre la literatura y el cine. Utilizando como ejemplo el cuento de F. Scott Fitzgerald “El curioso caso de Benjamin Button” y su adaptación al cine de David Fincher, se ofrece un enfoque en las estructuras diegéticas comparables entre un texto cinematográfico narrativo y la obra literaria en la cual se basa; además de una exploración de los códigos semióticos que sustentan los análisis textuales comparados de ambos textos.

  11. [Visualization of laryngopharynx during swallowing of negative contrast media (air) with cine mode 64-row MDCT]. (United States)

    Fudeya, Taku; Otake, Shoichiro; Watabe, Hirotaka; Mitsuoka, Takashi; Yoshikawa, Akitoshi


    Video fluoroscopic examination of swallowing generally needs a contrast media such as a barium sulfate. Since the examination is usually performed in patients with dysphasia, there is a risk of aspiration. We tried to visualize the laryngopharynx during swallowing of negative contrast media (air) with 64-row multi-detector computed tomography (64-MDCT). Cine mode 64-MDCT was performed to visualize the laryngopharynx in 4 healthy volunteers during swallowing of negative contrast media (air). The data were converted to three-dimensional (3D) images of 2 conditions (air and bone) and sagittal images of the soft tissue condition at a workstation. These images were sent to a personal computer and modeled to 3D cine images with Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) Viewer and Quick Time Player. 3D cine images demonstrated movements of the epiglottis, vallecula, piriform sinus, tongue, pharyngeal wall, hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage.

  12. New target device and special pillow for cine mode MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishida, Yasuhiro; Murata, Toyotaka.


    To carry out cine mode MRI more easily and accurate, we developed a new target device for use with a special pillow. The device consists of a control box, light source and target plate. Red light emission diodes (LED) served on the light source and were connected to the target plate with the light guides each 1 mm in diameter. The light guides were inserted into holes in the target plate. Each target was horizontally and vertically placed at increments of 10 degrees and the maximal angle of 40 degrees. The new target can be correctly gazed at even by elderly patients. By the special pillow, the head of a patients can be easily and quickly fixed in position during examination following removal of air the pillow by vacuum pump. By this target device and pillow, cine mode MRI can be easily carried out on any subject and these should find a great appreciation in ophthalmology. (author)

  13. Impact of low signal intensity assessed by cine magnetic resonance imaging on detection of poorly viable myocardium in patients with prior myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Ota, Shingo; Tanimoto, Takashi; Orii, Makoto; Hirata, Kumiko; Shiono, Yasutsugu; Shimamura, Kunihiro; Matsuo, Yoshiki; Yamano, Takashi; Ino, Yasushi; Kitabata, Hironori; Yamaguchi, Tomoyuki; Kubo, Takashi; Tanaka, Atsushi; Imanishi, Toshio; Akasaka, Takashi


    Late gadolinium enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (LGE-MRI) has been established as a modality to detect myocardial infarction (MI). However, the use of gadolinium contrast is limited in patients with advanced renal dysfunction. Although the signal intensity (SI) of infarct area assessed by cine MRI is low in some patients with prior MI, the prevalence and clinical significance of low SI has not been evaluated. The aim of this study was to evaluate how low SI assessed by cine MRI may relate to the myocardial viability in patients with prior MI. Fifty patients with prior MI underwent both cine MRI and LGE-MRI. The left ventricle was divided into 17 segments. The presence of low SI and the wall motion score (WMS) of each segment were assessed by cine MRI. The transmural extent of infarction was evaluated by LGE-MRI. LGE was detected in 329 of all 850 segments (39%). The low SI assessed by cine MRI was detected in 105 of 329 segments with LGE (32%). All segments with low SI had LGE. Of all 329 segments with LGE, the segments with low SI showed greater transmural extent of infarction (78 [72 - 84] % versus 53 [38 - 72] %, P cine MRI may be effective for detecting poorly viable myocardium in patients with prior MI.

  14. Evaluation of esophageal peristalsis in patients with esophageal tumors. Initial experience with cine MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koyama, Takashi; Kobayashi, Ari; Hiraga, Akira; Umeoka, Shigeaki; Saga, Tsuneo; Watanabe, Go; Tamai, Ken; Shimada, Yutaka; Togashi, Kaori


    We evaluated esophageal peristalsis in patients with esophageal tumors by cine MR using steady-state free precession (SSFP) sequence and correlated the alteration of the esophageal peristalsis with clinical symptoms and tumor stages. Thirteen patients with pathologically proven esophageal tumors, including 12 esophageal cancers and one submucosal leiomyoma, underwent cine MRI using true fast imaging with steady precession (trueFISP) sequence, which is one SSFP sequence, after contrast-enhanced MR scanning for clinical purposes. A total of 120 serial images were obtained within 60 s through the plane along the long axis of the esophagus while patients chewed gum. The serial trueFISP images were evaluated for the presence, frequency, speed of progression, and passage of peristalsis through the tumor. The data from cine MRI were compared with clinical symptoms and tumor stages. Peristalsis was clearly identified in all patients. Seven patients with complete interruption of peristalsis had dysphagia; one with partially impaired peristalsis could intake solid foods with discomfort; and two with partially impaired peristalsis and three with preserved peristalsis remained asymptomatic. Patients with complete or partial interruption of peristalsis had Stage T3 or T4 esophageal cancer. In conclusion, trueFISP cine MR imaging enables direct visualization of esophageal peristalsis in relation to esophageal tumors. Complete interruption of peristalsis causes dysphagia, whereas partial interruption of and preserved peristalsis usually do not cause digestive problems. Interruption of peristalsis may indicate impaired muscle function caused by invasion of advanced esophageal cancers. (author)

  15. Hayao Miyazaki, la lámpara maravillosa. Un estudio de su cine y de sus referencias humanistas a la luz de las conexiones culturales entre Japón y Occidente


    Fortes Guerrero, Raúl


    «Hayao Miyazaki, la lámpara maravillosa. Un estudio de su cine y de sus referencias humanistas a la luz de las conexiones culturales entre Japón y Occidente». Bajo este título, ofrecemos una completa y profunda investigación centrada en la obra integral del realizador nipón Hayao Miyazaki (1941), aunque con especial incidencia en sus once largometrajes, su única serie televisiva como director absoluto y algunos cortometrajes y mangas. Dicha investigación, en la que desgranamos los temas recto...

  16. La investigación como proceso creativo en la arquitectura

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    Jaime Sarmiento Ocampo


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda las dicotomías presentes durante el proceso de investigación en arquitectura, que se van resolviendo en un devenir dialéctico. Uno de los conflictos es el de la dependencia inicial y la superación posterior con respecto al pasado. Otro es el de concretar el objeto de estudio mediante la identificación de pequeños eventos. La apariencia y el trasfondo, la materia y las ideas, son territorios contrapuestos, dos niveles de aproximación al tema de estudio por los que el investigador deberá ir desplazándose. Para evidenciarlo, el texto se apoya en algunas analogías provenientes de otros territorios creativos como pueden ser el de la pintura, la literatura o el cine.

  17. Comparison of Cine-MRI and Transthoracic Echocardiography for the Assessment of Aortic Root Diameters in Patients with Suspected Marfan Syndrome. (United States)

    Bannas, P; Rybczynski, M; Sheikhzadeh, S; von Kodolitsch, Y; Derlin, T; Yamamura, J; Lund, G; Adam, G; Groth, M


    Patients with Marfan syndrome require repeated imaging for monitoring of aortic root aneurysms. Therefore, we evaluated the agreement and reproducibility of cine-MRI and echocardiography measurements of the sinuses of Valsalva in patients with suspected Marfan syndrome. 51 consecutive patients with suspected Marfan syndrome were prospectively examined using cine-MRI and echocardiography. Two readers independently measured aortic root diameters at the level of the sinuses of Valsalva in both cine-MRI and echocardiography. Statistics included intraclass correlation coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient, Bland-Altman analysis, and two-sided t-test. In 38 of the 51 individuals (74.5 %), the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome was established according to the criteria of the Ghent-2 nosology. Cine-MRI measurements of the sinuses of Valsalva revealed a strong correlation with echocardiography (r = 0.929), but a statistically significant bias of -1.0  mm (p Marfan syndrome. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  18. Assessment of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in left bundle branch block canine model: Comparison between cine and tagged MRI. (United States)

    Saporito, Salvatore; van Assen, Hans C; Houthuizen, Patrick; Aben, Jean-Paul M M; Strik, Marc; van Middendorp, Lars B; Prinzen, Frits W; Mischi, Massimo


    To compare cine and tagged magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for left ventricular dyssynchrony assessment in left bundle branch block (LBBB), using the time-to-peak contraction timing, and a novel approach based on cross-correlation. We evaluated a canine model dataset (n = 10) before (pre-LBBB) and after induction of isolated LBBB (post-LBBB). Multislice short-axis tagged and cine MRI images were acquired using a 1.5 T scanner. We computed contraction time maps by cross-correlation, based on the timing of radial wall motion and of circumferential strain. Finally, we estimated dyssynchrony as the standard deviation of the contraction time over the different regions of the myocardium. Induction of LBBB resulted in a significant increase in dyssynchrony (cine: 13.0 ± 3.9 msec for pre-LBBB, and 26.4 ± 5.0 msec for post-LBBB, P = 0.005; tagged: 17.1 ± 5.0 msec at for pre-LBBB, and 27.9 ± 9.8 msec for post-LBBB, P = 0.007). Dyssynchrony assessed by cine and tagged MRI were in agreement (r = 0.73, P = 0.0003); differences were in the order of time difference between successive frames of 20 msec (bias: -2.9 msec; limit of agreement: 10.1 msec). Contraction time maps were derived; agreement was found in the contraction patterns derived from cine and tagged MRI (mean difference in contraction time per segment: 3.6 ± 13.7 msec). This study shows that the proposed method is able to quantify dyssynchrony after induced LBBB in an animal model. Cine-assessed dyssynchrony agreed with tagged-derived dyssynchrony, in terms of magnitude and spatial direction. J. MAGN. RESON. IMAGING 2016;44:956-963. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  19. Self-gated golden angle spiral cine MRI for coronary endothelial function assessment. (United States)

    Bonanno, Gabriele; Hays, Allison G; Weiss, Robert G; Schär, Michael


    Depressed coronary endothelial function (CEF) is a marker for atherosclerotic disease, an independent predictor of cardiovascular events, and can be quantified non-invasively with ECG-triggered spiral cine MRI combined with isometric handgrip exercise (IHE). However, MRI-CEF measures can be hindered by faulty ECG-triggering, leading to prolonged breath-holds and degraded image quality. Here, a self-gated golden angle spiral method (SG-GA) is proposed to eliminate the need for ECG during cine MRI. SG-GA was tested against retrospectively ECG-gated golden angle spiral MRI (ECG-GA) and gold-standard ECG-triggered spiral cine MRI (ECG-STD) in 10 healthy volunteers. CEF data were obtained from cross-sectional images of the proximal right and left coronary arteries in a 3T scanner. Self-gating heart rates were compared to those from simultaneous ECG-gating. Coronary vessel sharpness and cross-sectional area (CSA) change with IHE were compared among the 3 methods. Self-gating precision, accuracy, and correlation-coefficient were 7.7 ± 0.5 ms, 9.1 ± 0.7 ms, and 0.93 ± 0.01, respectively (mean ± standard error). Vessel sharpness by SG-GA was equal or higher than ECG-STD (rest: 63.0 ± 1.7% vs. 61.3 ± 1.3%; exercise: 62.6 ± 1.3% vs. 56.7 ± 1.6%, P < 0.05). CSA changes were in agreement among the 3 methods (ECG-STD = 8.7 ± 4.0%, ECG-GA = 9.6 ± 3.1%, SG-GA = 9.1 ± 3.5%, P = not significant). CEF measures can be obtained with the proposed self-gated high-quality cine MRI method even when ECG is faulty or not available. Magn Reson Med 80:560-570, 2018. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  20. El cine de inmigración en España como herramienta educativa.


    Ruesga Cabeza, María


    El Trabajo Fin de Grado que presento tiene como finalidad visualizar el fenómeno de la inmigración en nuestro país desde una mirada crítica para poder fomentar valores de igualdad, solidaridad, respeto y derechos fundamentales. Para ser conscientes de las duras condiciones de vida que sufren las personas extranjeras que llegan a nuestro país es necesario hacer un análisis sobre los flujos migratorios a lo largo de la historia de España desde la democracia, conocer las políticas sociales y las...

  1. The use of a cine-technique in the MRT investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint. Die Anwendung der 'Cine-Technik' in der MRT-Diagnostik des Kiefergelenkes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogl, T.J.; Assal, J. (Univ. Muenchen, Radiologische Klinik Innenstadt (Germany)); Eberhard, D.; Weigl, P.; Randzio, J. (Univ. Muenchen, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Kieferchirurgie (Germany))


    A new cine-technique in a prospective study using rapid gradient echo sequences was evaluated for the MRT investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint. A newly developed hydraulic apparatus was used to produce progressive opening of the jaw and MRT appearances were recorded during predetermined points of mandibular movement. The investigation included 16 normals and 34 patients. A modified gradient echo sequence was combined with an optimised surface coil or a special double coil and this provided good spatial resolution of the articular disc and of the muscular and bony structure. Amongst the abnormal findings were luxation of the disc (15 cases), tears in the disc (5 cases), late effects of internal derangements (12 cases) and condylar hypermobility (7 cases). The new cine-technique provides specific images in any chosen position of the mandible depending on the clinical disability of the patient. (orig.).

  2. Comprender el cine: las vanguardias y la construcción del texto fílmico Understanding Cinema: the Avant-gardes and the Construction of Film Discourse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirian Estela Nogueira Tavares


    Full Text Available A través de este ensayo se pretende resaltar el papel que las vanguardias históricas han desempeñado en la construcción del discurso cinematográfico. Dicho papel es fundamental para el reconocimiento del cine como arte y para la constitución de un discurso visual y textual que se va a reflejar en el cine del denominado «Modo de representación institucional»: el cine hollywoodiense que va de las décadas de los años veinte a los cuarenta. Para comprender el papel de los movimientos artísticos que crearon nuevos paradigmas para el arte en general, es necesario conocer sus principios y el contexto del nacimiento de la nueva forma de ver y de representar/reflejar el mundo. La promoción de una auténtica «alfabetización fílmica» requiere centrarse en el nacimiento del cine y de su entorno, porque sólo a través de una mirada más profunda en el siglo XIX, es posible leer todo que está más allá de la creación de los hermanos Lumière. En suma, en este trabajo se pretende destacar que el cine no sólo se inscribe en su propio tiempo, sino que al mismo tiempo está lanzando un nuevo paradigma, aun por descubrir, para todas las artes en el siglo XX.This essay highlights the role of historical avant-gardes in shaping film discourse. This role was vital for the recognition of cinema as an art form, as well as for the constitution of a visual and textual discourse that came to be reflected in the Institutional Mode of Representation – Hollywood film from the 1920s to the 1940s. To realize the importance of artistic movements in the creation of new paradigms for art at large, it is necessary to understand their principles and the context in which a new way of looking and reflecting on the world came about. The promotion of authentic and efficient film literacy requires focusing on the era in which cinema began. Only by examining the 19th century more deeply can we perceive what lies beyond that invention of the Lumière brothers. The

  3. Quantification of mechanical ventricular dyssynchrony. Direct comparison of velocity-encoded and cine magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muellerleile, K.; Baholli, L.; Groth, M.


    Purpose: The preoperative assessment of mechanical dyssynchrony can help to improve patient selection in candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). The present study compared the performance of velocity-encoded (VENC) MRI to cine-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for quantifying mechanical ventricular dyssynchrony. Materials and Methods: VENC-MRI and cine-MRI were performed in 20 patients with heart failure NYHA class III and reduced ejection fraction (median: 24 %, interquartile range: 18 - 28 %) before CRT device implantation. The interventricular mechanical delay (IVMD) was assessed by VENC-MRI as the temporal difference between the onset of aortic and pulmonary flow. Intraventricular dyssynchrony was quantified by cine-MRI, using the standard deviation of time to maximal wall thickening in sixteen left ventricular segments (SDt-16). The response to CRT was assessed in a six-month follow-up. Results: 14 patients (70 %) clinically responded to CRT. A similar accuracy was found to predict the response to CRT by measurements of the IVMD and SDt-16 (75 vs. 70 %; p = ns). The time needed for data analysis was significantly shorter for the IVMD at 1.69 min (interquartile range: 1.66 - 1.88 min) compared to 9.63 min (interquartile range: 8.92 - 11.63 min) for the SDt-16 (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Measurements of the IVMD by VENC-MRI and the SDt-16 by cine-MRI provide a similar accuracy to identify clinical responders to CRT. However, data analysis of the IVMD is significantly less time-consuming compared to data analysis of the SDt-16. (orig.)

  4. Isotropic 3D cardiac cine MRI allows efficient sparse segmentation strategies based on 3D surface reconstruction. (United States)

    Odille, Freddy; Bustin, Aurélien; Liu, Shufang; Chen, Bailiang; Vuissoz, Pierre-André; Felblinger, Jacques; Bonnemains, Laurent


    Segmentation of cardiac cine MRI data is routinely used for the volumetric analysis of cardiac function. Conventionally, 2D contours are drawn on short-axis (SAX) image stacks with relatively thick slices (typically 8 mm). Here, an acquisition/reconstruction strategy is used for obtaining isotropic 3D cine datasets; reformatted slices are then used to optimize the manual segmentation workflow. Isotropic 3D cine datasets were obtained from multiple 2D cine stacks (acquired during free-breathing in SAX and long-axis (LAX) orientations) using nonrigid motion correction (cine-GRICS method) and super-resolution. Several manual segmentation strategies were then compared, including conventional SAX segmentation, LAX segmentation in three views only, and combinations of SAX and LAX slices. An implicit B-spline surface reconstruction algorithm is proposed to reconstruct the left ventricular cavity surface from the sparse set of 2D contours. All tested sparse segmentation strategies were in good agreement, with Dice scores above 0.9 despite using fewer slices (3-6 sparse slices instead of 8-10 contiguous SAX slices). When compared to independent phase-contrast flow measurements, stroke volumes computed from four or six sparse slices had slightly higher precision than conventional SAX segmentation (error standard deviation of 5.4 mL against 6.1 mL) at the cost of slightly lower accuracy (bias of -1.2 mL against 0.2 mL). Functional parameters also showed a trend to improved precision, including end-diastolic volumes, end-systolic volumes, and ejection fractions). The postprocessing workflow of 3D isotropic cardiac imaging strategies can be optimized using sparse segmentation and 3D surface reconstruction. Magn Reson Med 79:2665-2675, 2018. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  5. Quantification of Esophageal Tumor Motion on Cine-Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lever, Frederiek M.; Lips, Irene M.; Crijns, Sjoerd P.M.; Reerink, Onne; Lier, Astrid L.H.M.W. van; Moerland, Marinus A.; Vulpen, Marco van; Meijer, Gert J., E-mail:


    Purpose: To quantify the movement of esophageal tumors noninvasively on cine-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by use of a semiautomatic method to visualize tumor movement directly throughout multiple breathing cycles. Methods and Materials: Thirty-six patients with esophageal tumors underwent MRI. Tumors were located in the upper (8), middle (7), and lower (21) esophagus. Cine-MR images were collected in the coronal and sagittal plane during 60 seconds at a rate of 2 Hz. An adaptive correlation filter was used to automatically track a previously marked reference point. Tumor movement was measured in the craniocaudal (CC), left–right (LR), and anteroposterior (AP) directions and its relationship along the longitudinal axis of the esophagus was investigated. Results: Tumor registration within the individual images was typically done at a millisecond time scale. The mean (SD) peak-to-peak displacements in the CC, AP, and LR directions were 13.3 (5.2) mm, 4.9 (2.5) mm, and 2.7 (1.2) mm, respectively. The bandwidth to cover 95% of excursions from the mean position (c95) was also calculated to exclude outliers caused by sporadic movements. The mean (SD) c95 values were 10.1 (3.8) mm, 3.7 (1.9) mm, and 2.0 (0.9) mm in the CC, AP, and LR dimensions. The end-exhale phase provided a stable position in the respiratory cycle, compared with more variety in the end-inhale phase. Furthermore, lower tumors showed more movement than did higher tumors in the CC and AP directions. Conclusions: Intrafraction tumor movement was highly variable between patients. Tumor position proved the most stable during the respiratory cycle in the end-exhale phase. A better understanding of tumor motion makes it possible to individualize radiation delivery strategies accordingly. Cine-MRI is a successful noninvasive modality to analyze motion for this purpose in the future.

  6. Quantification of Esophageal Tumor Motion on Cine-Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lever, Frederiek M.; Lips, Irene M.; Crijns, Sjoerd P.M.; Reerink, Onne; Lier, Astrid L.H.M.W. van; Moerland, Marinus A.; Vulpen, Marco van; Meijer, Gert J.


    Purpose: To quantify the movement of esophageal tumors noninvasively on cine-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by use of a semiautomatic method to visualize tumor movement directly throughout multiple breathing cycles. Methods and Materials: Thirty-six patients with esophageal tumors underwent MRI. Tumors were located in the upper (8), middle (7), and lower (21) esophagus. Cine-MR images were collected in the coronal and sagittal plane during 60 seconds at a rate of 2 Hz. An adaptive correlation filter was used to automatically track a previously marked reference point. Tumor movement was measured in the craniocaudal (CC), left–right (LR), and anteroposterior (AP) directions and its relationship along the longitudinal axis of the esophagus was investigated. Results: Tumor registration within the individual images was typically done at a millisecond time scale. The mean (SD) peak-to-peak displacements in the CC, AP, and LR directions were 13.3 (5.2) mm, 4.9 (2.5) mm, and 2.7 (1.2) mm, respectively. The bandwidth to cover 95% of excursions from the mean position (c95) was also calculated to exclude outliers caused by sporadic movements. The mean (SD) c95 values were 10.1 (3.8) mm, 3.7 (1.9) mm, and 2.0 (0.9) mm in the CC, AP, and LR dimensions. The end-exhale phase provided a stable position in the respiratory cycle, compared with more variety in the end-inhale phase. Furthermore, lower tumors showed more movement than did higher tumors in the CC and AP directions. Conclusions: Intrafraction tumor movement was highly variable between patients. Tumor position proved the most stable during the respiratory cycle in the end-exhale phase. A better understanding of tumor motion makes it possible to individualize radiation delivery strategies accordingly. Cine-MRI is a successful noninvasive modality to analyze motion for this purpose in the future

  7. El cine de Pilar Miró. Homenaje y puente hacia la literatura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernández Soto, Concepción


    Full Text Available There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that literature –including both novel and theatre– has provided the cinema with great stories throughout the last one hundred and twenty years. And why is a literary text chosen to be adapted to the cinema? Among others, the main reasons are the necessity to tell well-constructed stories which will undoubtedly be successful, the access to historical knowledge or the recreation of myths and emblematic literary works. As far as Pilar Miró is concerned, the most important thing about her adaptations is that the original perception, reading and personal vision of the literary work remain, though always through the dialogue among creators. This research work studies in detail the five films adapted from literary works that Pilar Miró directed, five works that resulted from her personal admiration for these literary works’ quality and suggesting power.

    Es incuestionable que la literatura –tanto la novela como el teatro– ha proporcionado grandes historias para el cine a lo largo de sus casi ciento veinte años de existencia. ¿Y por qué se elige un texto literario para ser adaptado? Entre otras razones por la necesidad de contar con historias bien trazadas, por la garantía del éxito comercial, el acceso al conocimiento histórico o por la recreación de mitos y obras emblemáticas. En el caso de la directora Pilar Miró lo importante de sus adaptaciones es que finalmente prevalece su percepción, su lectura, su visión personal de la obra original, pero siempre a través del diálogo entre creadores. El texto de este artículo estudia las cinco películas que Pilar Miró dirigió como adaptaciones de obras literarias, cinco trabajos que vinieron como resultado de un deslumbramiento personal ante la calidad y el poder de sugerencia de esos textos literarios.


    CERN Multimedia



    CERN CINE CLUB Thursday 24 June 2010 at 20:30 / Jeudi 24 Juin 2010 à 20:30 CERN Main Auditorium / Amphithéâtre Principal   The Raggedy Rawney By/de : Bob Hoskins (UK, 1988) - 104 min With/avec: Dexter Fletcher, Bob Hoskins, David Hill, Zoe Nathanson, Zoe Wanamaker Bob Hoskins makes his directorial debut with this lyrical, mystical fable about the strength of family and the transcendence of love. When a young military recruit named Tom goes AWOL after his first taste of battle, he must disguise himself with face paint and women’s clothing to avoid being captured by his vengeful commanding officer. He is instead discovered and taken in by Darky, the leader of an eccentric group of traveling gypsies, who thinks he is a «rawney», a half-mad, half-magical woman who brings good fortune. But when Tom begins a love affair with Darky’s daughter, he sets off a chain reaction of events that will soon put all of their lives in grave ...

  9. Assessment of hemodynamic changes in patients with renal artery stenosis by means of the cine MR phase-contrast technique; Einstufung haemodynamischer Veraenderungen bei Nierenarterienstenosen mittels MR-Cine-Phasenkontrastflussmessungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoenberg, S.O.; Knopp, M.V.; Bock, M.; Essig, M.; Hawighorst, H.; Zuna, I.; Schad, L.; Kaick, G. van [Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg (Germany). Forschungsschwerpunkt Radiologische Diagnostik und Therapie; Kallinowski, F.; Allenberg, J.R. [Chirurgische Universitaetsklinik, Heidelberg (Germany). Sektion Gefaesschirurgie; Just, A. [Heidelberg Univ. (Germany). 1. Physiologisches Inst.


    Purpose: To evaluate the use of high-temporal resolution cine MR phase-contrast flow measurements for assessment of flow dynamics in renal artery stenosis (RAS). Material and methods: In a dog model, cine MR flow measurements were validated by comparing the MR flow data to an invasive transit-time ultrasound reference technique for different degrees of RAS. Cardiac-gated MR flow curves were recorded in 56 renal arteries of 28 patients with a temporal resolution of at least 32 ms. In all cases RAS was confirmed by digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Abnormalities of flow dynamics were assessed in the calculated flow curves using the MR parameters mean flow, maximum velocity, and time to systolic maximum. Results: By means of the MR blood flow paremeters high-grade stenoses (>50%, n=23) were detected with sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 94% with reference to DSA. The overall differentiation between stenoses (n=37) and non-stenosed vessels (n=19) revealed a sensitivity of 87% and a specificity of 100%. Conclusion: Analysis of cardiac-gated MR flow curves provides a non-invasive method to assess the hemodynamic significance of RAS and thus allows a functional evaluation in relation to the morphologic characteristics of the stenosis. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel der Untersuchung war die Beurteilung der Haemodynamik bei Nierenarterienstenosen mittels Cine-MR-Phasenkontrastflussmessungen. In einem Hundemodell wurde die Cine-MR-Flussmessung validiert, indem fuer unterschiedliche Stenosegrade Vergleichsmessungen mit einer invasiven Transitzeit-Ultraschallreferenztechnik durchgefuehrt wurden. EKG-getriggerte MR-Flusskurven wurden bei 28 Patienten in 56 Nierenarterien mit einer Zeitaufloesung von mindestens 32 ms aufgenommen. Alle Nierenarterienstenosen wurden mittels digitaler Subtraktionsangiographie gesichert. Stoerungen in der renalen Haemodynamik wurden anhand der berechneten MR-Flusskurven mit Hilfe der Parameter `Mittelfluss, `maximale Geschwindigkeit` und `Zeit

  10. Impact of Surgical Evaluation of Additional Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Advanced Thymoma with Infiltration of Adjacent Structures: The Thoracic Surgeon's View. (United States)

    Ried, Michael; Hnevkovsky, Stefanie; Neu, Reiner; von Süßkind-Schwendi, Marietta; Götz, Andrea; Hamer, Okka W; Schalke, Berthold; Hofmann, Hans-Stefan


    Background  Preoperative radiological assessment is important for clarification of surgical operability for advanced thymic tumors. Objective was to determine the feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with cine sequences for evaluation of cardiovascular tumor invasion. Patients and Methods  This prospective study included patients with advanced thymoma, who underwent surgical resection. All patients received preoperative computed tomography (CT) scan and cine MRI. Results  Tumor infiltration was surgically confirmed in the pericardium ( n  = 12), myocardium ( n  = 1), superior caval vein (SCV; n  = 3), and aorta ( n  = 2). A macroscopic complete resection was possible in 10 patients, whereas 2 patients with aortic or myocardial tumor invasion had R2 resection. The positive predictive value (PPV) was 50% for cine MRI compared with 0% for CT scan regarding myocardial tumor infiltration. The PPV for tumor infiltration of the aorta was 50%, with a higher sensitivity for the CT scan (100 vs. 50%). Infiltration of the SCV could be detected slightly better with cine MRI (PPV 75 vs. 66.7%). Conclusion  Cine MRI seems to improve the accuracy of preoperative staging of advanced thymoma regarding infiltration of cardiovascular structures and supports the surgical approach. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  11. Colon wall motility: comparison of novel quantitative semi-automatic measurements using cine MRI. (United States)

    Hoad, C L; Menys, A; Garsed, K; Marciani, L; Hamy, V; Murray, K; Costigan, C; Atkinson, D; Major, G; Spiller, R C; Taylor, S A; Gowland, P A


    Recently, cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has shown promise for visualizing movement of the colonic wall, although assessment of data has been subjective and observer dependent. This study aimed to develop an objective and semi-automatic imaging metric of ascending colonic wall movement, using image registration techniques. Cine balanced turbo field echo MRI images of ascending colonic motility were acquired over 2 min from 23 healthy volunteers (HVs) at baseline and following two different macrogol stimulus drinks (11 HVs drank 1 L and 12 HVs drank 2 L). Motility metrics derived from large scale geometric and small scale pixel movement parameters following image registration were developed using the post ingestion data and compared to observer grading of wall motion. Inter and intra-observer variability in the highest correlating metric was assessed using Bland-Altman analysis calculated from two separate observations on a subset of data. All the metrics tested showed significant correlation with the observer rating scores. Line analysis (LA) produced the highest correlation coefficient of 0.74 (95% CI: 0.55-0.86), p cine MRI registered data provides a quick, accurate and non-invasive method to detect wall motion within the ascending colon following a colonic stimulus in the form of a macrogol drink. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Measurement of left ventricular volume by biplane cine magnetic resonance imaging in children

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ichida, Fukiko; Hamamichi, Yuuji; Hashimoto, Ikuo; Tsubata, Shinichi; Miyazaki, Ayumi; Okada, Toshio; Murakami, Arata; Futatsuya, Ryuusuke (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Univ. (Japan))


    To determine the ability of cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess left ventricular (LV) volumes, we studied 20 children (age 4 months to 10 years) with various heart disease, validated by comparison with biplane LV angiography. Previous MRI studies to assess LV volumes have used multiple axial planes, which are compromised by partial volume effects and are time consuming to acquire and analyze. Accordingly, an imaging approach using biplane cine MRI and planes aligned with the true cardiac axes (the intrinsic long and short axis) of the LV was developed in views comparable with biplane LV angiography. In all patients, LV volumes were calculated by a Simpson's rule algorithm, both in MRI and LV angiography. MRI determined LV volumes were slightly underestimated but correlated reasonably well with angiographic values (LVEDV: Y=0.88X + 1.58, R=0.98, LVESV: Y=0.72X + 1.02, R=0.98). Especially, even in the patients who have abnormal left ventricular geometry such as Tetralogy of Fallot, MRI determined LV volumes correlated well with angiographic values. It is concluded that biplane cine MRI, using the intrinsic LV long and short axis planes, permits noninvasive assessment of LV volumes in views comparable to standard angiographic projections and appears practical for clinical use in childhood heart disease, because the scan and analysis time are relatively short. (author).

  13. Clinical usefulness of cardiac cine magnetic resonance imaging in patients with atrial fibrillation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakakura, Kazuyoshi; Anno, Hirofumi; Kondo, Takeshi [Fujita Health Univ., Toyoake, Aichi (Japan); and others


    We studied the clinical usefulness of cine mode magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) from aspects of image quality and cardiac function. The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio in the myocardium was significantly (p<0.05) lower in patients with AF than those with normal sinus rhythm. Two radiologists who did not know any patient's information evaluated the image quality visually by marking method on a scale of 12 points. There was no difference of image quality between the two groups. The standard deviation of R-R interval was significantly (r=-0.92, p<0.001) correlated with the S/N ratio in myocardium. Consequently, it was not favorable to estimate visually cardiac cine MR image in patients with AF, when standard deviation of R-R interval was large. The left ventricular (LV) end diastolic, end systolic and stroke volumes and ejection fraction were closely (r=0.82[approx]0.95, p<0.05[approx]0.001) correlated between MR imaging and M-mode echocardiography, respectively. The ability to detect left side valvular regurgitation was almost equal in both MR imaging and color Doppler echocardiography. This result was coincided to previous papers in patients with normal sinus rhythm. In conclusion, cine mode MR imaging was also useful to analyze cardiac function and detect valvular regurgitation in patients with AF. (author).

  14. Measurement of left ventricular volume by biplane cine magnetic resonance imaging in children

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ichida, Fukiko; Hamamichi, Yuuji; Hashimoto, Ikuo; Tsubata, Shinichi; Miyazaki, Ayumi; Okada, Toshio; Murakami, Arata; Futatsuya, Ryuusuke [Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Univ. (Japan)


    To determine the ability of cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess left ventricular (LV) volumes, we studied 20 children (age 4 months to 10 years) with various heart disease, validated by comparison with biplane LV angiography. Previous MRI studies to assess LV volumes have used multiple axial planes, which are compromised by partial volume effects and are time consuming to acquire and analyze. Accordingly, an imaging approach using biplane cine MRI and planes aligned with the true cardiac axes (the intrinsic long and short axis) of the LV was developed in views comparable with biplane LV angiography. In all patients, LV volumes were calculated by a Simpson's rule algorithm, both in MRI and LV angiography. MRI determined LV volumes were slightly underestimated but correlated reasonably well with angiographic values (LVEDV: Y=0.88X + 1.58, R=0.98, LVESV: Y=0.72X + 1.02, R=0.98). Especially, even in the patients who have abnormal left ventricular geometry such as Tetralogy of Fallot, MRI determined LV volumes correlated well with angiographic values. It is concluded that biplane cine MRI, using the intrinsic LV long and short axis planes, permits noninvasive assessment of LV volumes in views comparable to standard angiographic projections and appears practical for clinical use in childhood heart disease, because the scan and analysis time are relatively short. (author).

  15. Measurement of left ventricular volume by biplane cine magnetic resonance imaging in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ichida, Fukiko; Hamamichi, Yuuji; Hashimoto, Ikuo; Tsubata, Shinichi; Miyazaki, Ayumi; Okada, Toshio; Murakami, Arata; Futatsuya, Ryuusuke


    To determine the ability of cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess left ventricular (LV) volumes, we studied 20 children (age 4 months to 10 years) with various heart disease, validated by comparison with biplane LV angiography. Previous MRI studies to assess LV volumes have used multiple axial planes, which are compromised by partial volume effects and are time consuming to acquire and analyze. Accordingly, an imaging approach using biplane cine MRI and planes aligned with the true cardiac axes (the intrinsic long and short axis) of the LV was developed in views comparable with biplane LV angiography. In all patients, LV volumes were calculated by a Simpson's rule algorithm, both in MRI and LV angiography. MRI determined LV volumes were slightly underestimated but correlated reasonably well with angiographic values (LVEDV: Y=0.88X + 1.58, R=0.98, LVESV: Y=0.72X + 1.02, R=0.98). Especially, even in the patients who have abnormal left ventricular geometry such as Tetralogy of Fallot, MRI determined LV volumes correlated well with angiographic values. It is concluded that biplane cine MRI, using the intrinsic LV long and short axis planes, permits noninvasive assessment of LV volumes in views comparable to standard angiographic projections and appears practical for clinical use in childhood heart disease, because the scan and analysis time are relatively short. (author)

  16. Left Ventricular Function Evaluation on a 3T MR Scanner with Parallel RF Transmission Technique: Prospective Comparison of Cine Sequences Acquired before and after Gadolinium Injection. (United States)

    Caspar, Thibault; Schultz, Anthony; Schaeffer, Mickaël; Labani, Aïssam; Jeung, Mi-Young; Jurgens, Paul Thomas; El Ghannudi, Soraya; Roy, Catherine; Ohana, Mickaël

    To compare cine MR b-TFE sequences acquired before and after gadolinium injection, on a 3T scanner with a parallel RF transmission technique in order to potentially improve scanning time efficiency when evaluating LV function. 25 consecutive patients scheduled for a cardiac MRI were prospectively included and had their b-TFE cine sequences acquired before and right after gadobutrol injection. Images were assessed qualitatively (overall image quality, LV edge sharpness, artifacts and LV wall motion) and quantitatively with measurement of LVEF, LV mass, and telediastolic volume and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) between the myocardium and the cardiac chamber. Statistical analysis was conducted using a Bayesian paradigm. No difference was found before or after injection for the LVEF, LV mass and telediastolic volume evaluations. Overall image quality and CNR were significantly lower after injection (estimated coefficient cine after > cine before gadolinium: -1.75 CI = [-3.78;-0.0305], prob(coef>0) = 0% and -0.23 CI = [-0.49;0.04], prob(coef>0) = 4%) respectively), but this decrease did not affect the visual assessment of LV wall motion (cine after > cine before gadolinium: -1.46 CI = [-4.72;1.13], prob(coef>0) = 15%). In 3T cardiac MRI acquired with parallel RF transmission technique, qualitative and quantitative assessment of LV function can reliably be performed with cine sequences acquired after gadolinium injection, despite a significant decrease in the CNR and the overall image quality.

  17. La imagen sometida: Ideología y contraideología de la representación visual en el cine digital y de animación latinoamericano

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    Samuel Viñolo Locuviche


    Full Text Available Aunque sigue pensándose que el poder fomenta, mediante el desarrollo tecnológico, el uso de la imagen como herramienta de dominio, la evolución de las imágenes parece apuntar hacia otro lugar: la imagen sintética se ha convertido en un fin en sí misma. A las sociedades desarrolladas industrialmente no les interesa tanto el dominar con la imagen como dominar la imagen misma, porque este dominio es el síntoma más notorio de una sociedad avanzada. Aunque el cine de animación digital, avanzadilla de la tecnología digital, constituye el medio adecuado para ese sometimiento de la imagen por parte de la industria predominante, han surgido movimientos que oponen resistencia a este modelo. Este artículo analiza cómo actúa esta resistencia en el contexto de la animación latinoamericana.

  18. Validation of in vivo 2D displacements from spiral cine DENSE at 3T. (United States)

    Wehner, Gregory J; Suever, Jonathan D; Haggerty, Christopher M; Jing, Linyuan; Powell, David K; Hamlet, Sean M; Grabau, Jonathan D; Mojsejenko, Walter Dimitri; Zhong, Xiaodong; Epstein, Frederick H; Fornwalt, Brandon K


    Displacement Encoding with Stimulated Echoes (DENSE) encodes displacement into the phase of the magnetic resonance signal. Due to the stimulated echo, the signal is inherently low and fades through the cardiac cycle. To compensate, a spiral acquisition has been used at 1.5T. This spiral sequence has not been validated at 3T, where the increased signal would be valuable, but field inhomogeneities may result in measurement errors. We hypothesized that spiral cine DENSE is valid at 3T and tested this hypothesis by measuring displacement errors at both 1.5T and 3T in vivo. Two-dimensional spiral cine DENSE and tagged imaging of the left ventricle were performed on ten healthy subjects at 3T and six healthy subjects at 1.5T. Intersection points were identified on tagged images near end-systole. Displacements from the DENSE images were used to project those points back to their origins. The deviation from a perfect grid was used as a measure of accuracy and quantified as root-mean-squared error. This measure was compared between 3T and 1.5T with the Wilcoxon rank sum test. Inter-observer variability of strains and torsion quantified by DENSE and agreement between DENSE and harmonic phase (HARP) were assessed by Bland-Altman analyses. The signal to noise ratio (SNR) at each cardiac phase was compared between 3T and 1.5T with the Wilcoxon rank sum test. The displacement accuracy of spiral cine DENSE was not different between 3T and 1.5T (1.2 ± 0.3 mm and 1.2 ± 0.4 mm, respectively). Both values were lower than the DENSE pixel spacing of 2.8 mm. There were no substantial differences in inter-observer variability of DENSE or agreement of DENSE and HARP between 3T and 1.5T. Relative to 1.5T, the SNR at 3T was greater by a factor of 1.4 ± 0.3. The spiral cine DENSE acquisition that has been used at 1.5T to measure cardiac displacements can be applied at 3T with equivalent accuracy. The inter-observer variability and agreement of DENSE-derived peak strains and

  19. Alphitobius diaperinus spp como veiculador de Clostridium perfringens em granjas avícolas do interior paulista - Brasil Alphitobius diaperinus spp as a vector of Clostridium perfringens in broiler houses in the state of São Paulo - Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliano Vittori


    Full Text Available O besouro Alphitobius diaperinus spp (cascudinho é visto como uma importante praga da avicultura mundial. Por suas características comportamentais e hábitos biológicos que dificultam seu controle, é considerado um vetor de agentes patogênicos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar o cascudinho como possível vetor de Clostridium perfringens em granjas avícolas industriais, localizadas em diferentes regiões do interior Paulista. Através de métodos bacteriológicos convencionais, em 40 amostras analisadas, foram encontradas contagens significativas de Clostridium perfringens em todas elas. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se demonstrar o potencial deste inseto como vetor do agente responsável pela enterite necrótica.The Alphitobius diaperinus spp (lesser mealworm is considered an important world poultry plague. Due to its behavior characteristics and biological habits that make its control difficult it is considered a vector of pathogenic agents. The objective of this research was to investigate the little mealworm as possible vector of Clostridium perfringens in broiler houses, located in different parts of the state of São Paulo. Through conventional bacteriological methods, 40 samples of little mealworm collected were analyzed. Clostridium perfringens was found in all of the samples and the potential of this insect as vector of the necrotic enteritis was demonstrated.

  20. Highly-accelerated self-gated free-breathing 3D cardiac cine MRI: validation in assessment of left ventricular function. (United States)

    Liu, Jing; Feng, Li; Shen, Hsin-Wei; Zhu, Chengcheng; Wang, Yan; Mukai, Kanae; Brooks, Gabriel C; Ordovas, Karen; Saloner, David


    This work presents a highly-accelerated, self-gated, free-breathing 3D cardiac cine MRI method for cardiac function assessment. A golden-ratio profile based variable-density, pseudo-random, Cartesian undersampling scheme was implemented for continuous 3D data acquisition. Respiratory self-gating was achieved by deriving motion signal from the acquired MRI data. A multi-coil compressed sensing technique was employed to reconstruct 4D images (3D+time). 3D cardiac cine imaging with self-gating was compared to bellows gating and the clinical standard breath-held 2D cine imaging for evaluation of self-gating accuracy, image quality, and cardiac function in eight volunteers. Reproducibility of 3D imaging was assessed. Self-gated 3D imaging provided an image quality score of 3.4 ± 0.7 vs 4.0 ± 0 with the 2D method (p = 0.06). It determined left ventricular end-systolic volume as 42.4 ± 11.5 mL, end-diastolic volume as 111.1 ± 24.7 mL, and ejection fraction as 62.0 ± 3.1%, which were comparable to the 2D method, with bias ± 1.96 × SD of -0.8 ± 7.5 mL (p = 0.90), 2.6 ± 3.3 mL (p = 0.84) and 1.4 ± 6.4% (p = 0.45), respectively. The proposed 3D cardiac cine imaging method enables reliable respiratory self-gating performance with good reproducibility, and provides comparable image quality and functional measurements to 2D imaging, suggesting that self-gated, free-breathing 3D cardiac cine MRI framework is promising for improved patient comfort and cardiac MRI scan efficiency.

  1. Comparison of left ventricular function assessment using phonocardiogram- and electrocardiogram-triggered 2D SSFP CINE MR imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Becker, Meike [University Hospital, RWTH Aachen, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Aachen (Germany); Humboldt-University, Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), Charite Campus Buch, Berlin (Germany); Frauenrath, Tobias; Hezel, Fabian [University Hospital, RWTH Aachen, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Aachen (Germany); Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility, Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin (Germany); Krombach, Gabriele A.; Kremer, Ute; Koppers, Benedikt [University Hospital, RWTH Aachen, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Aachen (Germany); Butenweg, Christoph; Goemmel, Andreas [Chair of Structural Statics and Dynamics, RWTH Aachen, Aachen (Germany); Utting, Jane F. [MRI, NHS Grampian, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen (United Kingdom); Schulz-Menger, Jeanette [Humboldt-University, Working Group Cardiovascular MR, Franz-Volhard-Klinik, Department of Cardiology, HELIOS-Klinikum Berlin-Buch and Charite Campus Buch, Berlin (Germany); Niendorf, Thoralf [University Hospital, RWTH Aachen, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Aachen (Germany); Humboldt-University, Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), Charite Campus Buch, Berlin (Germany); Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility, Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin (Germany)


    As high-field cardiac MRI (CMR) becomes more widespread the propensity of ECG to interference from electromagnetic fields (EMF) and to magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) effects increases and with it the motivation for a CMR triggering alternative. This study explores the suitability of acoustic cardiac triggering (ACT) for left ventricular (LV) function assessment in healthy subjects (n = 14). Quantitative analysis of 2D CINE steady-state free precession (SSFP) images was conducted to compare ACT's performance with vector ECG (VCG). Endocardial border sharpness (EBS) was examined paralleled by quantitative LV function assessment. Unlike VCG, ACT provided signal traces free of interference from EMF or MHD effects. In the case of correct R-wave recognition, VCG-triggered 2D CINE SSFP was immune to cardiac motion effects - even at 3.0 T. However, VCG-triggered 2D SSFP CINE imaging was prone to cardiac motion and EBS degradation if R-wave misregistration occurred. ACT-triggered acquisitions yielded LV parameters (end-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV), stroke volume (SV), ejection fraction (EF) and left ventricular mass (LVM)) comparable with those derived from VCG-triggered acquisitions (1.5 T: ESV{sub VCG} = (56 {+-} 17) ml, EDV{sub VCG} = (151 {+-} 32) ml, LVM{sub VCG} = (97 {+-} 27) g, SV{sub VCG} = (94 {+-} 19) ml, EF{sub VCG} = (63 {+-} 5)% cf. ESV{sub ACT} = (56 {+-} 18) ml, EDV{sub ACT} = (147 {+-} 36) ml, LVM{sub ACT} = (102 {+-} 29) g, SV{sub ACT} = (91 {+-} 22) ml, EF{sub ACT} = (62 {+-} 6)%; 3.0 T: ESV{sub VCG} = (55 {+-} 21) ml, EDV{sub VCG} = (151 {+-} 32) ml, LVM{sub VCG} = (101 {+-} 27) g, SV{sub VCG} = (96 {+-} 15) ml, EF{sub VCG} = (65 {+-} 7)% cf. ESV{sub ACT} = (54 {+-} 20) ml, EDV{sub ACT} = (146 {+-} 35) ml, LVM{sub ACT} = (101 {+-} 30) g, SV{sub ACT} = (92 {+-} 17) ml, EF{sub ACT} = (64 {+-} 6)%). ACT's intrinsic insensitivity to interference from electromagnetic fields renders it suitable for clinical CMR. (orig.)

  2. Left ventricular long axis function assessed during cine-cardiovascular magnetic resonance is an independent predictor of adverse cardiac events. (United States)

    Rangarajan, Vibhav; Chacko, Satish Jacob; Romano, Simone; Jue, Jennifer; Jariwala, Nikhil; Chung, Jaehoon; Farzaneh-Far, Afshin


    Left ventricular pump function requires a complex interplay involving myocardial fibers orientated in the longitudinal, oblique and circumferential directions. Long axis dysfunction appears to be an early marker for a number of pathological states. We hypothesized that mitral annular plane systolic excursion (MAPSE) measured during cine-cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) reflects changes in long axis function and may be an early marker for adverse cardiovascular outcomes. The aims of this study were therefore: 1) To assess the feasibility and reproducibility of MAPSE measurements during routine cine-CMR; and 2) To assess whether MAPSE, as a surrogate for long axis function, is a predictor of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). Four hundred consecutive patients undergoing CMR were prospectively enrolled. MAPSE was measured in the 4-chamber cine view. Patients were prospectively followed for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) - death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, hospitalization for heart failure or unstable angina, and late revascularization. Cox proportional hazards regression modeling was used to identify factors independently associated with MACE. Net reclassification improvement (NRI) was calculated to assess whether addition of MAPSE resulted in improved risk reclassification of MACE. Seventy-two MACE occurred during a median follow-up of 14.5 months. By Kaplan-Meier analysis, patients with lateral MAPSE cine-CMR is an independent predictor of MACE.

  3. EDUCACIÓN EN VALORES A TRAVÉS DEL CINE (Un Método para estudiantes de Secundaria Obligatoria)


    José Bonilla Borrego; Felicidad Loscertales Abril; María de las Mercedes Páez Morales


    Los valores son la antesala de la conducta y guía que orienta la vida de las personas. Para los centros educativos y su alumnado es necesaria una "educación en valores positivos" que propicie un desarrollo armónico de la personalidad y una vida plena y gratificante. Muchas películas, usando imagen y lenguaje, muestran esos valores. Elegimos el cine por su potencial motivador y transmisor de esos valores positivos e imprescindibles. Ofrecemos un Método de Educación en Valores a través del Cine...

  4. Cardiac MRI: evaluation of phonocardiogram-gated cine imaging for the assessment of global und regional left ventricular function in clinical routine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nassenstein, Kai; Schlosser, Thomas; Orzada, Stephan; Haering, Lars; Czylwik, Andreas; Zenge, Michael; Mueller, Edgar; Eberle, Holger; Bruder, Oliver; Ladd, Mark E.; Maderwald, Stefan


    To validate a phonocardiogram (PCG)-gated cine imaging approach for the assessment of left ventricular (LV) function. In this prospective study, cine MR imaging of the LV was performed twice in 79 patients by using retrospectively PCG- and retrospectively ECG-gated cine SSFP sequences at 1.5 T. End-diastolic volumes (EDV), end-systolic volumes (ESV), stroke volumes (SV), ejection fraction (EF), muscle mass (MM), as well as regional wall motion were assessed. Subgroup analyses were performed for patients with valvular defects and for patients with dysrhythmia. PCG-gated imaging was feasible in 75 (95%) patients, ECG-gating in all patients. Excellent correlations were observed for all volumetric parameters (r > 0.98 for all variables analysed). No significant differences were observed for EDV (-0.24 ± 3.14 mL, P = 0.5133), ESV (-0.04 ± 2.36 mL, P = 0.8951), SV (-0.20 ± 3.41 mL, P = 0.6083), EF (-0.16 ± 1.98%, P = 0.4910), or MM (0.31 ± 4.2 g, P = 0.7067) for the entire study cohort, nor for either of the subgroups. PCG- and ECG-gated cine imaging revealed similar results for regional wall motion analyses (115 vs. 119 segments with wall motion abnormalities, P = 0.3652). The present study demonstrates that PCG-gated cine imaging enables accurate assessment of global and regional LV function in the vast majority of patients in clinical routine. (orig.)

  5. Functional imaging of murine hearts using accelerated self-gated UTE cine MRI

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Motaal, Abdallah G.; Noorman, Nils; de Graaf, Wolter L.; Hoerr, Verena; Florack, Luc M. J.; Nicolay, Klaas; Strijkers, Gustav J.


    We introduce a fast protocol for ultra-short echo time (UTE) Cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the beating murine heart. The sequence involves a self-gated UTE with golden-angle radial acquisition and compressed sensing reconstruction. The self-gated acquisition is performed asynchronously

  6. Hacer visible lo cotidiano a través del cine: la perspectiva de género en la Educación para el Desarrollo

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    Aquilina Fueyo Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Este artículo se centra en hacer visible, a través de la Educación para el Desarrollo con un enfoque de género, el papel fundamental de las mujeres en el desarrollo humano y desvelar en el curriculum que son, junto con las niñas y los niños, las principales perjudicadas de la pobreza que genera el actual sistema económico neoliberal. Proponer para el análisis de la práctica educativa los conceptos de androcentrismo, eurocentrismo, empoderamiento, techo de cristal y suelo pegajoso, y plantear una alternativa educativa incorporando el cine como recurso son algunos de los propósitos de este artículo.

  7. Cine en la biblioteca

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    Iñaki Esteban Bilbao


    Full Text Available Comunicación y Género, acopia trabajos que vinculan a la mujer y la comunicación y sus esfuerzos por no ser consideradas inferiores. Del libro a la pantalla, acerca a algunas reflexiones sobre el proceso que lleva del libro a la pantalla por la polémica que despierta la adaptación de las novelas, puesto que muchos señalan que la trama se ve desfigurada. Se agregan varios temas sobre el cine. En "Días de Radio", se plantea el que a pesar de la censura y los problemas económicos que deben enfrentar, las radios populares de América Latina, siguen ganando espacios, de su desarrollo depende una mayor profundización de la democracia. Tema de debate es Estrategias comunicativas en Chiapas y Haití. Se añaden dos entrevistas a un caricaturista brasileño y a un corresponsal de guerra muy prestigiado.

  8. Movimientos migratorios y cine

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    Manuel Galiano León


    Full Text Available Nuestro artículo se ha centrado en el estudio de las películas de mayor distribución comercial para ver cómo éstas han representado el tema de la migración y qué reflexiones sugieren. En general, creemos que el reconocimiento por parte del cine de este fenómeno es positivo y que indudablemente constituye una fuente esencial para comprender las realidades migratorias distinguiendo discursos diversos y explicitando intenciones y hechos que intentan ocultarse u olvidarse.__________________ABSTRACT:Our article focuses on the study of the most commercial movies to check the way they present the subject of immigration and which kind of reflections they suggest. In general, we believe that the recognition of the migration phenomena in the cinema world is positive and it is actually an esential source to understand the reality of migration, being able to recognize different discourses and showing intentions and facts which are hidden or forgotten.  

  9. El sonido en el cine de Apichatpong Weerasethakul


    Expósito-Barea, Milagros


    El sonido es un aspecto poco estudiado en los análisis cinematográficos. Solamente la música ha conseguido alcanzar un cierto estatus dentro de los mismos. Con este artículo se pretende poner en práctica las diferentes connotaciones que puede tener el sonido a partir de la obra del director de cine tailandés Apichatpong Weerasethakul, gran impulsor de proyectos audio-visuales en el sentido más amplio y heterogéneo del término.

  10. Educación en cine: memoria y patrimonio Film Education: Memory and Heritage

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    Michel Clarembeaux


    Full Text Available La educación para el cine en la era digital debería apoyarse en tres polos complementarios y estrechamente asociados: ver, analizar y hacer películas con jóvenes. Estos tres polos han de potenciarse mutuamente. El concepto de análisis creativo podría ser la argamasa que diera coherencia y eficiencia al dispositivo educativo. Si el cine es un arte, es sobre todo el arte de la memoria, tanto colectiva como individual. Este artículo sugiere que es posible hacer converger la pedagogía de la educación cinematográfica y la voluntad ciudadana de perpetuar la memoria, al tiempo que se protege el patrimonio cultural. El autor propone una serie de películas para ilustrar estos planteamientos, que ponen de relieve la dimensión económica y cultural de los medios de comunicación, respondiendo en esta convergencia a las más recientes directrices de la Unión Europea sobre creación y producción, desde esta perspectiva, de medios audiovisuales. El trabajo se inicia con una aproximación a la educación para el cine en la era digital. Posteriormente se recogen algunas singularidades de las «películas de la memoria», aludiendo concretamente a la tipología de los puntos de vista de los realizadores y al tratamiento de sus fuentes. Por último, se refleja el encuentro entre el concepto de «análisis creativo», fomentado por la educación cinematográfica, y la realización de videogramas hechos por jóvenes y dedicados a la memoria individual o colectiva.Film education in the digital age should be based on three closely-related and complementary fundamentals: to see, to analyze and to make films with young people; three basics that must interact and support each other. The concept of creative analysis could be the glue the binds this subject together, making it coherent and efficient for educational purposes. If cinema is an art, it is above all the art of memory, both individual and collective. This article suggests that we can join the

  11. La memoria como búsqueda activa: la transmisión intergeneracional de la experiencia militante en el filme documental Seré millones

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    Mariana Paganini


    de Paul Ricoeur, porque el recuerdo es el resultado de una reconstrucción laboriosa que produce una movilización tanto intelectual como afectiva en los sujetos y, a la vez, crea un lazo entre generaciones. Por último, se examina la relación de la película con el cine militante argentino de las décadas de los sesenta y setenta, al problematizar el vínculo entre la intencionalidad de los realizadores y la recepción por parte de los espectadores.

  12. La representación de las personas con discapacidad visual en el cine

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    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende ser una aproximación sobre cómo el cine ha abordado la realidad de las personas con discapacidad visual. Más concretamente, trata de analizar cuáles han sido las descripciones habituales que se han realizado de las personas ciegas en las películas y cuáles son los estereotipos identificados que las representan. Para ello se han analizado 12 películas, producidas entre 1962 y 2009, que tienen entre sus personajes a personas con discapacidad visual. Aunque en el cine se han producido avances en disipar estereotipos sobre la imagen de la persona con ceguera, todavía en la filmografía se siguen perpetuando representaciones que poco tienen que ver con la realidad de las personas con discapacidad visual.

  13. Masculinidad y violencia en el nuevo cine mexicano. Las películas de Luis Estrada

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    Claudia Elizabeth Puente


    Full Text Available En este artículo exploraremos la conformación de las masculinidades a través de las representaciones cinematográficas en América latina, específicamente en la obra del mexicano Luis Estrada, parte fundamental del llamado Nuevo cine mexicano en sus obras exhibidas entre 1999 y 2010. Aunque el universo de estudios de masculinidades es cada vez más amplio, las representaciones cinematográficas no han sidomuy exploradas. Este artículo pretende hacer un análisis de las representaciones masculinas y su relación con las representaciones femeninas en el nuevo cine mexicano en un contexto de violencia desde una perspectiva crítica feminista.

  14. Fundamentos teóricos y estéticos del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano

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    Silvana Flores


    Full Text Available Proponemos establecer un análisis de las bases teóricas y estéticas que fueron precursoras del programa político y estilístico del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano a lo largo de las décadas. Estas se encuentran asociadas a la producción y recepción de las obras de arte en el contexto de la modernidad, y al desarrollo de una tendencia crítico-social en el arte latinoamericano de la primera mitad del siglo XX. De esta manera, demostraremos que el cine regionalista de América Latina en los años sesenta y setenta no se trató de un fenómeno circunscrito únicamente a los acontecimientos históricos que lo signaron, sino que también tuvo un fundamento que trascendió su época, y encuentra sus raíces en décadas precedentes, y en otras disciplinas estéticas.

  15. Upper Airway Volume Segmentation Analysis Using Cine MRI Findings in Children with Tracheostomy Tubes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fricke, Bradley L.; Abbott, M. Bret; Donnelly, Lane F.; Dardzinski, Bernard J.; Poe, Stacy A.; Kalra, Maninder; Amin, Raouf S.; Cotton, Robin T. [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati (United States)


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the airway dynamics of the upper airway as depicted on cine MRI in children with tracheotomy tubes during two states of airflow through the upper airway. Sagittal fast gradient echo cine MR images of the supra-glottic airway were obtained with a 1.5T MRI scanner on seven children with tracheotomy tubes. Two sets of images were obtained with either the tubes capped or uncapped. The findings of the cine MRI were retrospectively reviewed. Volume segmentation of the cine images to compare the airway volume change over time (mean volume, standard deviation, normalized range, and coefficient of variance) was performed for the capped and uncapped tubes in both the nasopharynx and hypopharynx (Signed Rank Test). Graphical representation of the airway volume over time demonstrates a qualitative increased fluctuation in patients with the tracheotomy tube capped as compared to uncapped in both the nasopharyngeal and hypopharyngeal regions of interest. In the nasopharynx, the mean airway volume (capped 2.72 mL, uncapped 2.09 mL, p = 0.0313), the airway volume standard deviation (capped 0.42 mL, uncapped 0.20 mL, p = 0.0156), and the airway volume range (capped 2.10 mL, uncapped 1.09 mL, p = 0.0156) were significantly larger in the capped group of patients. In the hypopharynx, the airway volume standard deviation (capped 1.54 mL, uncapped 0.67 mL, p = 0.0156), and the airway volume range (capped 6.44 mL, uncapped 2.93 mL, p = 0.0156) were significantly larger in the capped tubes. The coefficient of variance (capped 0.37, uncapped 0.26, p = 0.0469) and the normalized range (capped 1.52, uncapped 1.09, p = 0.0313) were significantly larger in the capped tubes. There is a statistically significant change in airway dynamics in children with tracheotomy tubes when breathing via the airway as compared to breathing via the tracheotomy tube.

  16. Upper Airway Volume Segmentation Analysis Using Cine MRI Findings in Children with Tracheostomy Tubes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fricke, Bradley L.; Abbott, M. Bret; Donnelly, Lane F.; Dardzinski, Bernard J.; Poe, Stacy A.; Kalra, Maninder; Amin, Raouf S.; Cotton, Robin T.


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the airway dynamics of the upper airway as depicted on cine MRI in children with tracheotomy tubes during two states of airflow through the upper airway. Sagittal fast gradient echo cine MR images of the supra-glottic airway were obtained with a 1.5T MRI scanner on seven children with tracheotomy tubes. Two sets of images were obtained with either the tubes capped or uncapped. The findings of the cine MRI were retrospectively reviewed. Volume segmentation of the cine images to compare the airway volume change over time (mean volume, standard deviation, normalized range, and coefficient of variance) was performed for the capped and uncapped tubes in both the nasopharynx and hypopharynx (Signed Rank Test). Graphical representation of the airway volume over time demonstrates a qualitative increased fluctuation in patients with the tracheotomy tube capped as compared to uncapped in both the nasopharyngeal and hypopharyngeal regions of interest. In the nasopharynx, the mean airway volume (capped 2.72 mL, uncapped 2.09 mL, p = 0.0313), the airway volume standard deviation (capped 0.42 mL, uncapped 0.20 mL, p = 0.0156), and the airway volume range (capped 2.10 mL, uncapped 1.09 mL, p = 0.0156) were significantly larger in the capped group of patients. In the hypopharynx, the airway volume standard deviation (capped 1.54 mL, uncapped 0.67 mL, p = 0.0156), and the airway volume range (capped 6.44 mL, uncapped 2.93 mL, p = 0.0156) were significantly larger in the capped tubes. The coefficient of variance (capped 0.37, uncapped 0.26, p = 0.0469) and the normalized range (capped 1.52, uncapped 1.09, p = 0.0313) were significantly larger in the capped tubes. There is a statistically significant change in airway dynamics in children with tracheotomy tubes when breathing via the airway as compared to breathing via the tracheotomy tube

  17. Relationship between coronary flow reserve evaluated by phase-contrast cine cardiovascular magnetic resonance and serum eicosapentaenoic acid (United States)


    Background Long-term intake of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs), especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is associated with a low risk for cardiovascular disease. Phase-contrast cine cardiovascular magnetic resonance (PC cine CMR) can assess coronary flow reserve (CFR). The present study investigates the relationship between CFR evaluated by PC cine CMR and the serum EPA. Methods We studied 127 patients (male, 116 (91%); mean age, 72.2 ± 7.4 years) with known or suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). X-ray coronary angiography revealed no significant coronary arterial stenoses (defined as luminal diameter reduction ≥50% on quantitative coronary angiogram (QCA) analysis) in all study participants. Breath-hold PC cine CMR images of the coronary sinus (CS) were acquired to assess blood flow of the CS both at rest and during adenosine triphosphate (ATP) infusion. We calculated CFR as CS blood flow during ATP infusion divided by that at rest. Patients were allocated to groups according to whether they had high (n = 64, EPA ≥ 75.8 μg/mL) or low (n = 63, EPA  2.5, which is the previously reported lower limit of normal flow reserve without obstructive CAD. Multivariate analysis revealed that EPA is an independent predictor of CFR > 2.5 (odds ratio, 1.01; 95% confidence interval, 1.00 – 1.02, p = 0.008). Conclusions The serum EPA is significantly correlated with CFR in CAD patients without significant coronary artery stenosis. PMID:24359564

  18. Sexo, poder y cine: Relaciones de poder y representaciones sexuales en los nuevos relatos pornográficos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara Angelina Pedraz Poza


    Full Text Available La pornografía tradicional se caracteriza por atribuir roles determinados a los sujetos que representa y, por tanto, trasladar unas relaciones de poder basadas en la supremacía de lo blanco, anglosajón, heterosexual y masculino, frente a cualquier otra identidad. Al mismo tiempo, cosifica los cuerpos femeninos, patologiza determinadas corporeidades y constriñe las posibilidades de sentir deseo y las prácticas sexuales realizables. No obstante, desde finales de los años 90 y, sobre todo, con la entrada del nuevo milenio, han aparecido nuevas formas de representar las identidades, los cuerpos ajenos a la dicotomía hombre-mujer y las diferentes formas de producir y estimular el deseo. Estas formas son principalmente dos: el porno para mujeres y la pospornografía. En este artículo se estudiará cómo estas dos corrientes del cine pornográfico consiguen desvirtuar las relaciones de poder tradicionales y utilizar la pornografía como un campo de batalla necesario para visibilizar determinadas identidades y sexualidades y como una opción política para luchar contra las hegemonías existentes. Para ello, se partirá de los marcos teóricos en los que se formaron cada una de ellas, su extrapolación al ámbito académico español y se analizarán los casos de estudio más representativos de cada una de las dos corrientes, teniendo como punto de partida las conexiones que existen entre las relaciones de poder y las representaciones sexuales.

  19. Accelerated high-frame-rate mouse heart cine-MRI using compressed sensing reconstruction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Motaal, Abdallah G.; Coolen, Bram F.; Abdurrachim, Desiree; Castro, Rui M.; Prompers, Jeanine J.; Florack, Luc M. J.; Nicolay, Klaas; Strijkers, Gustav J.


    We introduce a new protocol to obtain very high-frame-rate cinematographic (Cine) MRI movies of the beating mouse heart within a reasonable measurement time. The method is based on a self-gated accelerated fast low-angle shot (FLASH) acquisition and compressed sensi ng reconstruction. Key to our

  20. CSF flow image using phase-contrast cine MR technique : preliminary clinical application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyae Young; Choi, Hye Young; Baek, Seung Yeon; Lee, Sun Wha; Ko, Eun Joo; Lee, Myung Sook


    To evaluate the clinical usefulness of 2-D Cine PC (phase contrast) technique in visualizing the pattern and the site of abnormal CSF flow and to assess the effect of a third ventriculostomy in patients with hydrocephalus. The study group consisted of three normal controls and 13 patients with hydrocephalus, as shown on CT or MRI, and two patients who had undergone their third ventriculostomy. The technique was EKG-gated 2-D Cine PC MRI with velocity encoding 5cm/sec, TR 80msec, TE 12.3-15msec, and flip angle 15-60 degrees. Image quality was analyzed for variable sequences, and CSF flow was observed along the CSF flow pathway. We analyzed continuity and intensity of the CSF flow signal, and obstruction site and flow velocity degree were then defined. Systolic high and diastolic low signal intensity along the CSF flow-pathway, with normal asynchronicity and continuation, were clearly seen in normal controls. In three patients, there was obstruction at the ventricular level while others were either normal or showed a normal pattern with a weak signal. 'Normal' was defined as noncommunicating hydrocephalus and the latter as communicating hydrocephalus. In the two patients who had undergone ventriculostomy, a signal was in one case detected at the site of the third operation. A 2-D Cine PC CSF flow study enables us to see CSF flow signals noninvasively and to detect the site of obstruction of a CSF flow-pathway. It can therefore it can be useful for determining the application of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt and assessing the effect of a third ventriculostomy

  1. An integrated model-driven method for in-treatment upper airway motion tracking using cine MRI in head and neck radiation therapy. (United States)

    Li, Hua; Chen, Hsin-Chen; Dolly, Steven; Li, Harold; Fischer-Valuck, Benjamin; Victoria, James; Dempsey, James; Ruan, Su; Anastasio, Mark; Mazur, Thomas; Gach, Michael; Kashani, Rojano; Green, Olga; Rodriguez, Vivian; Gay, Hiram; Thorstad, Wade; Mutic, Sasa


    For the first time, MRI-guided radiation therapy systems can acquire cine images to dynamically monitor in-treatment internal organ motion. However, the complex head and neck (H&N) structures and low-contrast/resolution of on-board cine MRI images make automatic motion tracking a very challenging task. In this study, the authors proposed an integrated model-driven method to automatically track the in-treatment motion of the H&N upper airway, a complex and highly deformable region wherein internal motion often occurs in an either voluntary or involuntary manner, from cine MRI images for the analysis of H&N motion patterns. Considering the complex H&N structures and ensuring automatic and robust upper airway motion tracking, the authors firstly built a set of linked statistical shapes (including face, face-jaw, and face-jaw-palate) using principal component analysis from clinically approved contours delineated on a set of training data. The linked statistical shapes integrate explicit landmarks and implicit shape representation. Then, a hierarchical model-fitting algorithm was developed to align the linked shapes on the first image frame of a to-be-tracked cine sequence and to localize the upper airway region. Finally, a multifeature level set contour propagation scheme was performed to identify the upper airway shape change, frame-by-frame, on the entire image sequence. The multifeature fitting energy, including the information of intensity variations, edge saliency, curve geometry, and temporal shape continuity, was minimized to capture the details of moving airway boundaries. Sagittal cine MR image sequences acquired from three H&N cancer patients were utilized to demonstrate the performance of the proposed motion tracking method. The tracking accuracy was validated by comparing the results to the average of two manual delineations in 50 randomly selected cine image frames from each patient. The resulting average dice similarity coefficient (93.28%  ±  1

  2. Fast cine-magnetic resonance imaging point tracking for prostate cancer radiation therapy planning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dowling, J; Chandra, S; Dang, K; Fox, Chris D; Gill, Suki; Kron, T; Pham, D; Foroudi, F


    The analysis of intra-fraction organ motion is important for improving the precision of radiation therapy treatment delivery. One method to quantify this motion is for one or more observers to manually identify anatomic points of interest (POIs) on each slice of a cine-MRI sequence. However this is labour intensive and inter- and intra- observer variation can introduce uncertainty. In this paper a fast method for non-rigid registration based point tracking in cine-MRI sagittal and coronal series is described which identifies POIs in 0.98 seconds per sagittal slice and 1.35 seconds per coronal slice. The manual and automatic points were highly correlated (r>0.99, p<0.001) for all organs and the difference generally less than 1mm. For prostate planning peristalsis and rectal gas can result in unpredictable out of plane motion, suggesting the results may require manual verification.

  3. Left-ventricular reduction surgery: pre- and postoperative evaluation by cine magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kivelitz, D.E.; Enzweiler, C.N.H.; Wiese, T.H.; Lembcke, A.; Hamm, B.; Hotz, H.; Konertz, W.; Borges, A.C.; Baumann, G.


    Aim: To evaluate the role of cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the preoperative assessment and postoperative follow-up of patients undergoing left ventricular (LV) reduction surgery. Patients and Methods: 6 patients with cardiomegaly were examined on a 1.5 T MR imager before and after LV reduction surgery. The heart was imaged along the short and long axes using a breath-hold ECG-triggered cine gradient-echo sequence for assessing ventricular and valvular morphology and function and performing volumetry (end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, ejection fraction). Results: Postoperatively, the mean ejection fraction increased from 21.7% to 33.4% and the enddiastolic and end-systolic left ventricular volumes decreased in all patients (304.0 and 252.5 ml before to 205.0 and 141.9 ml after surgery). Mean myocardial mass decreased slightly from 283.8 g to 242.7 g. Differences were significant for all parameters (p [de

  4. SU-C-202-07: Protocol and Hardware for Improved Flood Field Calibration of TrueBeam FFF Cine Imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adamson, J; Faught, A; Yin, F [Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC (United States)


    Purpose: Flattening filter free photon energies are commonly used for high dose treatments such as SBRT, where localization accuracy is essential. Often, MV cine imaging may be employed to verify correct localization. TrueBeam Electronic Portal Imaging Devices (EPIDs) equipped with the 40×30cm{sup 2} Image Detection Unit (IDU) are prone to image saturation at the image center especially for higher dose rates. While saturation often does not occur for cine imaging during treatment because the beam is attenuated by the patient, the flood field calibration is affected when the standard calibration procedure is followed. Here we describe the hardware and protocol to achieve improved image quality for this model of TrueBeam EPID. Methods: A stainless steel filter of uniform thickness was designed to have sufficient attenuation to avoid panel saturation for both 6XFFF and 10XFFF at the maximum dose rates (1400 MU/min & 2400 MU/min, respectively). The cine imaging flood field calibration was then acquired with the filter in place for the FFF energies under the standard calibration geometry (SDD=150cm). Image quality during MV cine was assessed with & without the modified flood field calibration using a low contrast resolution phantom and an anthropomorphic phantom. Results: When the flood field is acquired using the standard procedure (no filter in place), a pixel gain artifact is clearly present in the image center (r=3cm for 10XFFF at 2400 MU/min) which appears similar to and may be mis-attributed to panel saturation in the subject image. The artifact obscured all low contrast inserts at the image center and was also visible on the anthropomorphic phantom. Using the filter for flood field calibration eliminated the artifact. Conclusion: Use of a modified flood field calibration procedure improves image quality for cine MV imaging with TrueBeams equipped with the 40×30cm{sup 2} IDU.

  5. A trial to reduce cardiac motion artifact on HR-CT images of the lung with the use of subsecond scan and special cine reconstruction algorithm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakai, Fumikazu; Tsuuchi, Yasuhiko; Suzuki, Keiko; Ueno, Keiko; Yamada, Takayuki; Okawa, Tomohiko [Tokyo Women`s Medical Coll. (Japan); Yun, Shen; Horiuchi, Tetsuya; Kimura, Fumiko


    We describe our trial to reduce cardiac motion artifacts on HR-CT images caused by cardiac pulsation by combining use of subsecond CT (scan time 0.8 s) and a special cine reconstruction algorithm (cine reconstruction algorithm with 180-degree helical interpolation). Eleven to 51 HR-CT images were reconstructed with the special cine reconstruction algorithm at the pitch of 0.1 (0.08 s) from the data obtained by two to six contigious rotation scans at the same level. Images with the fewest cardiac motion artifacts were selected for evaluation. These images were compared with those reconstructed with a conventional cine reconstruction algorithm and step-by-step scan. In spite of its increased radiation exposure, technical complexity and slight degradation of spatial resolution, our method was useful in reducing cardiac motion artifacts on HR-CT images in regions adjacent to the heart. (author)

  6. Sociología del cine y Teoría de Redes Sociales. Análisis estructural de los “Europeos de Hollywood”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chloé Delaporte


    Full Text Available La teoría de las redes sociales ofrece una serie de herramientas que pueden aclararel estudio de las sociabilidades artísticas; la formación de sociogramas, principalmente, es de gran utilidad en el marco de las investigaciones en la sociología del cine. En este sentido proponemos un análisis estructural de la comunidad de los directores de cine europeos expatriados enHollywood durante la época clásica del cine americano. Este artículo desarrolla de este modo tres ejemplos de explotación sociométrica de una investigación llevada a cabo previamente sobre esta transferenciacultural, poniendo de relieve la dimensión necesariamente plural del fenómeno.

  7. La exégesis de la guerra global contra el terrorismo a través del cine y la televisión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Malalana Ureña


    Full Text Available El artículo indaga en la representación audiovisual de la Historia reciente, principalmente de la Guerra contra el terror. Nuestra investigación se centrará en como “Hollywood” ha interpretado alguno de los acontecimientos / The article investigates the audiovisual representation of recent history, especially of the War on Terror. Our investigation will focus on how Hollywood has interpreted some of the some of the events. Palabras Clave: Guerra global contra el terrorismo, cine, series de televisión _________________________ The exegesis of The War on Terror through film and televisionAbstract: The article investigates the audiovisual representation of recent history, especially of the War on Terror. Our investigation will focus on how Hollywood has interpreted some of the some of the events.Keywords: The War on Terror. Cinema. TV Series. 

  8. Spirometer-controlled Cine-Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Diagnosis of Tracheobronchomalacia in Pediatric Patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ciet, P.; Wielopolski, P.; Manniesing, R.; Lever, S.; Bruijne, M. de; Morana, G.; Muzzio, P.C.; Lequin, M.H.; Tiddens, H.A.W.M.


    Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) is defined as an excessive collapse of the intrathoracic trachea. Bronchoscopy is the gold standard to diagnose TBM, but bronchoscopy has major disadvantages, such as general anaesthesia. Cine-CT is a non-invasive alternative to diagnose TBM, but its use in children is

  9. Entre la domesticidad y el espacio laboral: construyendo la imagen de la mujer trabajadora en el cine mexicano de la Época de Oro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valentina Velázquez-Zvierkova


    Full Text Available Se busca articular la problemática que enfrentaron las mujeres de clase media en su entrada al campo laboral en los 40 y 50. Por medio del análisis de la construcción fílmica de la mujer trabajadora en el cine mexicano de la Época de Oro, este trabajo se enfoca en tres filmes producidos en el espacio de una década y se centra en sus estrategias discursivas y propagandísticas mientras que pretende dilucidar las limitaciones en su entrada de lleno en el terreno profesional. Estos filmes coinciden al privilegiar la domesticidad y la moral católica ante las oportunidades profesionales de las mujeres sacrificando su potencial productivo como miembros de la fuerza laboral.

  10. Del bronce al celuloide. Hagiografía de los próceres independentistas mexicanos: el caso de Miguel Hidalgo en el cine de ficción

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Jesús González


    Full Text Available En este artículo se hace un análisis de la forma de representación del prócer mexicano Miguel Hidalgo. Se inicia con su aparición en pinturas y estampas para fijar su iconografía y a partir de aquí analizar más pormenorizadamente las películas que le han representado. Se explora la figura de Hidalgo en los diferentes momentos de la historia del cine mexicano para de este modo observar los cambios que se han producido en su representación, así como las diferencias entre producto privado y público y su continuidad en determinadas ideologías políticas y grupos de poder y económicos.

  11. Compressed sensing cine imaging with high spatial or high temporal resolution for analysis of left ventricular function. (United States)

    Goebel, Juliane; Nensa, Felix; Schemuth, Haemi P; Maderwald, Stefan; Gratz, Marcel; Quick, Harald H; Schlosser, Thomas; Nassenstein, Kai


    To assess two compressed sensing cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences with high spatial or high temporal resolution in comparison to a reference steady-state free precession cine (SSFP) sequence for reliable quantification of left ventricular (LV) volumes. LV short axis stacks of two compressed sensing breath-hold cine sequences with high spatial resolution (SPARSE-SENSE HS: temporal resolution: 40 msec, in-plane resolution: 1.0 × 1.0 mm(2) ) and high temporal resolution (SPARSE-SENSE HT: temporal resolution: 11 msec, in-plane resolution: 1.7 × 1.7 mm(2) ) and of a reference cine SSFP sequence (standard SSFP: temporal resolution: 40 msec, in-plane resolution: 1.7 × 1.7 mm(2) ) were acquired in 16 healthy volunteers on a 1.5T MR system. LV parameters were analyzed semiautomatically twice by one reader and once by a second reader. The volumetric agreement between sequences was analyzed using paired t-test, Bland-Altman plots, and Passing-Bablock regression. Small differences were observed between standard SSFP and SPARSE-SENSE HS for stroke volume (SV; -7 ± 11 ml; P = 0.024), ejection fraction (EF; -2 ± 3%; P = 0.019), and myocardial mass (9 ± 9 g; P = 0.001), but not for end-diastolic volume (EDV; P = 0.079) and end-systolic volume (ESV; P = 0.266). No significant differences were observed between standard SSFP and SPARSE-SENSE HT regarding EDV (P = 0.956), SV (P = 0.088), and EF (P = 0.103), but for ESV (3 ± 5 ml; P = 0.039) and myocardial mass (8 ± 10 ml; P = 0.007). Bland-Altman analysis showed good agreement between the sequences (maximum bias ≤ -8%). Two compressed sensing cine sequences, one with high spatial resolution and one with high temporal resolution, showed good agreement with standard SSFP for LV volume assessment. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2016;44:366-374. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Cine Club - Special Event

    CERN Multimedia

    Cine Club


    Special event on Thursday 4 May 2017 at 18:30 CERN Council Chamber In collaboration with the CERN Running Club and the Women In Technology initiative, the CERN CineClub is happy to announce the screening of the film Free to Run Directed by Pierre Morath Switzerland, 2016, 99 minutes Today, all anybody needs to run is the determination and a pair of the right shoes. But just fifty years ago, running was viewed almost exclusively as the domain of elite male athletes who competed on tracks. With insight and propulsive energy, director Pierre Morath traces running's rise to the 1960s, examining how the liberation movements and newfound sense of personal freedom that defined the era took the sport out of the stadiums and onto the streets, and how legends like Steve Prefontaine, Fred Lebow, and Kathrine Switzer redefined running as a populist phenomenon. Original version French; English subtitles. Come along to watch the film and learn more about the history of popular races and amat...

  13. Clinical validation of free breathing respiratory triggered retrospectively cardiac gated cine balanced steady-state free precession cardiovascular magnetic resonance in sedated children


    Krishnamurthy, Rajesh; Pednekar, Amol; Atweh, Lamya A; Vogelius, Esben; Chu, Zili David; Zhang, Wei; Maskatia, Shiraz; Masand, Prakash; Morris, Shaine A; Krishnamurthy, Ramkumar; Muthupillai, Raja


    Background Cine balanced steady-state free precession (SSFP), the preferred sequence for ventricular function, demands uninterrupted radio frequency (RF) excitation to maintain the steady-state during suspended respiration. This is difficult to accomplish in sedated children. In this work, we validate a respiratory triggered (RT) SSFP sequence that drives the magnetization to steady-state before commencing retrospectively cardiac gated cine acquisition in a sedated pediatric population. Metho...

  14. El cine nos enseña : Reflexiones experimentadas sobre el arte de la realización audiovisual


    Zanada, Jorge


    Este libro es resultado de algo más de dos décadas de mi trabajo docente en la cátedra universitaria. El interés y dedicación que el cine ha despertado en mí desde la infancia fructificó así, y también en la realización de algunas películas de corto y largometraje. Luego de egresar de la UNLP mis reflexiones fueron elaboradas y reelaboradas, confrontadas y aplicadas a la práctica realizativa, esa parte esencial del arte del cine y del audiovisual. Después de muchos años de trabajo profesio...

  15. Evaluation of cardiac motion and function by cine magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kondo, Takeshi; Kurokawa, Hiroshi; Anno, Hirofumi


    Cardiac cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was studied to evaluate the cardiac motion and function, and a water-stream phantom study was performed to clarify whether it was possible to quantitatively assess the valvular regurgitation flow by the size of the flow void. In normal subjects, the left ventricular (LV) epicardial apex swung up to the base only a few millimeters, and the mitral annulus ring moved about 14 mm as mean value toward the apex during systole. Those motions of mitral annulus ring may contribute to the left atrial filling. The LV longitudinal shortening and torsions were shown by the tagging method. This tagging method was the best method for estimating cardiac motions. Cardiac cine MRI using software including a modified Simpson's method program and a wall motion analysis program was useful for routine LV volumetry and wall motion analysis because it was a simple and reliable method. Our water-stream phantom studies demonstrated that it might be difficult to perform quantitative evaluation of valvular regurgitation flow by using only the size of the flow void without acquiring information relating to the orifice area. (author)

  16. The Role of Routine Whole Volume SPECT Reconstruction in Comparison to Cine Raw Data in the Detection of Extracardiac Uptake on Myocardial Perfusion Scans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maharaj, M.; Korowlay, N.A.


    The objective of this study was to determine the role of routine whole volume reconstructed single-photon emission tomography (rSPECT) compared to cine raw data to detect extracardiac uptake of Sestamibi (MIBI). In a retrospective study, the myocardial perfusion studies of 426 patients were inspected separately for extracardiac uptake on cine raw data and rSPECT. The acquisition parameters for all the images were done according to departmental protocol. The whole volume SPECT data was selected and processed by HOSEM iterative reconstruction using the HERMES computer software system. The images were assessed by two observers, a student in training and a senior consultant nuclear medicine physician. The overall mean age and standard deviation of the 426 patients at the time of the study was 60 ± 12 years. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kappa and McNemars tests. The clinical significance of the extracardiac uptake was evaluated using hospital folders and /or laboratory results after viewing images. rSPECT detected 25 patients (5.9%) and cine raw data identified 18 patients (4.2%) with extracardiac uptake. All the areas of extracardiac uptake noted on cine raw data were seen on the rSPECT images. Only 21 of the 25 patients had complete 5-year clinical follow-up. The value of the clinical significance of the extracardiac uptake was limited due to the study being retrospective. The proportion of positives identified by rSPECT was significantly larger than those identified by cine raw data (P = 0.0082). Although our study demonstrates that rSPECT is more sensitive than cine raw data in detecting extracardiac uptake, it also shows that there is no benefit in routine whole volume rSPECT in daily clinical practice

  17. Clinical feasibility and validation of 3D principal strain analysis from cine MRI: comparison to 2D strain by MRI and 3D speckle tracking echocardiography. (United States)

    Satriano, Alessandro; Heydari, Bobak; Narous, Mariam; Exner, Derek V; Mikami, Yoko; Attwood, Monica M; Tyberg, John V; Lydell, Carmen P; Howarth, Andrew G; Fine, Nowell M; White, James A


    Two-dimensional (2D) strain analysis is constrained by geometry-dependent reference directions of deformation (i.e. radial, circumferential, and longitudinal) following the assumption of cylindrical chamber architecture. Three-dimensional (3D) principal strain analysis may overcome such limitations by referencing intrinsic (i.e. principal) directions of deformation. This study aimed to demonstrate clinical feasibility of 3D principal strain analysis from routine 2D cine MRI with validation to strain from 2D tagged cine analysis and 3D speckle tracking echocardiography. Thirty-one patients undergoing cardiac MRI were studied. 3D strain was measured from routine, multi-planar 2D cine SSFP images using custom software designed to apply 4D deformation fields to 3D cardiac models to derive principal strain. Comparisons of strain estimates versus those by 2D tagged cine, 2D non-tagged cine (feature tracking), and 3D speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) were performed. Mean age was 51 ± 14 (36% female). Mean LV ejection fraction was 66 ± 10% (range 37-80%). 3D principal strain analysis was feasible in all subjects and showed high inter- and intra-observer reproducibility (ICC range 0.83-0.97 and 0.83-0.98, respectively-p analysis is feasible using routine, multi-planar 2D cine MRI and shows high reproducibility with strong correlations to 2D conventional strain analysis and 3D STE-based analysis. Given its independence from geometry-related directions of deformation this technique may offer unique benefit for the detection and prognostication of myocardial disease, and warrants expanded investigation.

  18. Vínculos entre teatro y cine en La señorita Julia. De August Strindberg a Alf Sjöberg y Liv Ullmann

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Oulego


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente artículo es abordar comparativamente el texto dramático La señorita Julia, escrito por el dramaturgo August Strindberg, con las versiones fílmicas dirigidas por los cineastas Alf Sjöberg y Liv Ullmann. Si bien la obra responde al naturalismo, consideramos que Strindberg debatió con el carácter determinista de la herencia. En este sentido, elementos de la mitología cristiana, como el festejo de la Noche de San Juan, y la presencia de lo dionisíaco formarán parte del análisis. Asimismo, las divisiones jerárquicas ancestrales entre los sexos, por un lado, y amos y esclavos, por otro, serán vinculadas con la religión desde una mirada crítica del cristianismo. En su película Sjöberg se distanció de Strindberg acentuando en el factor determinista al indagar en la prehistoria de los personajes mediante el recurso técnico del flashback y apelando a metáforas audiovisuales en consonancia con el cine sueco experimental de su tiempo. Del mismo modo, Liv Ullmann, continuó examinando la influencia del determinismo y profundizó la construcción de los personajes desde la animalización planteada por Sjöberg. Por último, las referencias metateatrales del texto original retomadas en esta transposición permitirán enriquecer el estudio interdisciplinario entre teatro y cine.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valeria de los Ríos


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza el cuento "Las babas del diablo" de Julio Cortázar desde una perspectiva visual. La hipótesis central de este texto es que Cortázar relaciona escritura, fotografía y cine para poner enjuego la relación entre arte, sujeto y realidad. Esta conexión está mediada por la técnica, específicamente por aparatos como la cámara fotográfica y la máquina de escribir. Cortázar vincula fotografía y escritura a partir del concepto de traducción, construyendo un protagonista que es al mismo tiempo un observador y un letrado. Este protagonista pasa de ser un sujeto eminentemente fotográfico, a convertirse en el involuntario espectador de un filme.In this article, I analyze the short story "Blow-up " by Julio Cortázar from a visual point of view. This text's central hypothesis is that Cortázar relates writing, photography and cinema in order to put into play the connection between art, subject and reality. This link is mediated by technique, specifically by apparatuses such as the photographic camera and the typewriter. Cortázar associates photography and writing through the concept of translation, constructing a protagonist that is at the same time an observer and a letrado. This protagonist, first a photographic subject, becomes an involuntary film spectator.

  20. An integrated model-driven method for in-treatment upper airway motion tracking using cine MRI in head and neck radiation therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Hua, E-mail:; Chen, Hsin-Chen; Dolly, Steven; Li, Harold; Fischer-Valuck, Benjamin; Mazur, Thomas; Gach, Michael; Kashani, Rojano; Green, Olga; Rodriguez, Vivian; Gay, Hiram; Thorstad, Wade; Mutic, Sasa [Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 (United States); Victoria, James; Dempsey, James [ViewRay Incorporated, Inc., Oakwood Village, Ohio 44146 (United States); Ruan, Su [Laboratoire LITIS (EA 4108), Equipe Quantif, University of Rouen, Rouen 76183 (France); Anastasio, Mark [Department of Biomedical Engineering, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 (United States)


    Purpose: For the first time, MRI-guided radiation therapy systems can acquire cine images to dynamically monitor in-treatment internal organ motion. However, the complex head and neck (H&N) structures and low-contrast/resolution of on-board cine MRI images make automatic motion tracking a very challenging task. In this study, the authors proposed an integrated model-driven method to automatically track the in-treatment motion of the H&N upper airway, a complex and highly deformable region wherein internal motion often occurs in an either voluntary or involuntary manner, from cine MRI images for the analysis of H&N motion patterns. Methods: Considering the complex H&N structures and ensuring automatic and robust upper airway motion tracking, the authors firstly built a set of linked statistical shapes (including face, face-jaw, and face-jaw-palate) using principal component analysis from clinically approved contours delineated on a set of training data. The linked statistical shapes integrate explicit landmarks and implicit shape representation. Then, a hierarchical model-fitting algorithm was developed to align the linked shapes on the first image frame of a to-be-tracked cine sequence and to localize the upper airway region. Finally, a multifeature level set contour propagation scheme was performed to identify the upper airway shape change, frame-by-frame, on the entire image sequence. The multifeature fitting energy, including the information of intensity variations, edge saliency, curve geometry, and temporal shape continuity, was minimized to capture the details of moving airway boundaries. Sagittal cine MR image sequences acquired from three H&N cancer patients were utilized to demonstrate the performance of the proposed motion tracking method. Results: The tracking accuracy was validated by comparing the results to the average of two manual delineations in 50 randomly selected cine image frames from each patient. The resulting average dice similarity

  1. An integrated model-driven method for in-treatment upper airway motion tracking using cine MRI in head and neck radiation therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Hua; Chen, Hsin-Chen; Dolly, Steven; Li, Harold; Fischer-Valuck, Benjamin; Mazur, Thomas; Gach, Michael; Kashani, Rojano; Green, Olga; Rodriguez, Vivian; Gay, Hiram; Thorstad, Wade; Mutic, Sasa; Victoria, James; Dempsey, James; Ruan, Su; Anastasio, Mark


    Purpose: For the first time, MRI-guided radiation therapy systems can acquire cine images to dynamically monitor in-treatment internal organ motion. However, the complex head and neck (H&N) structures and low-contrast/resolution of on-board cine MRI images make automatic motion tracking a very challenging task. In this study, the authors proposed an integrated model-driven method to automatically track the in-treatment motion of the H&N upper airway, a complex and highly deformable region wherein internal motion often occurs in an either voluntary or involuntary manner, from cine MRI images for the analysis of H&N motion patterns. Methods: Considering the complex H&N structures and ensuring automatic and robust upper airway motion tracking, the authors firstly built a set of linked statistical shapes (including face, face-jaw, and face-jaw-palate) using principal component analysis from clinically approved contours delineated on a set of training data. The linked statistical shapes integrate explicit landmarks and implicit shape representation. Then, a hierarchical model-fitting algorithm was developed to align the linked shapes on the first image frame of a to-be-tracked cine sequence and to localize the upper airway region. Finally, a multifeature level set contour propagation scheme was performed to identify the upper airway shape change, frame-by-frame, on the entire image sequence. The multifeature fitting energy, including the information of intensity variations, edge saliency, curve geometry, and temporal shape continuity, was minimized to capture the details of moving airway boundaries. Sagittal cine MR image sequences acquired from three H&N cancer patients were utilized to demonstrate the performance of the proposed motion tracking method. Results: The tracking accuracy was validated by comparing the results to the average of two manual delineations in 50 randomly selected cine image frames from each patient. The resulting average dice similarity

  2. Tissue-Point Motion Tracking in the Tongue from Cine MRI and Tagged MRI (United States)

    Woo, Jonghye; Stone, Maureen; Suo, Yuanming; Murano, Emi Z.; Prince, Jerry L.


    Purpose: Accurate tissue motion tracking within the tongue can help professionals diagnose and treat vocal tract--related disorders, evaluate speech quality before and after surgery, and conduct various scientific studies. The authors compared tissue tracking results from 4 widely used deformable registration (DR) methods applied to cine magnetic…

  3. Portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis: indirect assessment of hepatic venous pressure gradient by measuring azygos flow with 2D-cine phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging. (United States)

    Gouya, Hervé; Grabar, Sophie; Vignaux, Olivier; Saade, Anastasia; Pol, Stanislas; Legmann, Paul; Sogni, Philippe


    To measure azygos, portal and aortic flow by two-dimensional cine phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (2D-cine PC MRI), and to compare the MRI values to hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) measurements, in patients with cirrhosis. Sixty-nine patients with cirrhosis were prospectively included. All patients underwent HVPG measurements, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and 2D-cine PC MRI measurements of azygos, portal and aortic blood flow. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were used to evaluate the correlation between the blood flow and HVPG. The performance of 2D-cine PC MRI to diagnose severe portal hypertension (HVPG ≥ 16 mmHg) was determined by receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis, and area under the curves (AUC) were compared. Azygos and aortic flow values were associated with HVPG in univariate linear regression model. Azygos flow (p portal blood flow (AUC = 0.40 (95 % CI [0.25-0.54]). 2D-cine PC MRI is a promising technique to evaluate significant portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis. • Noninvasive HVPG assessment can be performed with MRI azygos flow. • Azygos MRI flow is an easy-to-measure marker to detect significant portal hypertension. • MRI flow is more specific that varice grade to detect portal hypertension.

  4. Bogotá como ciudad híbrida: construcción de una topología simbólica y de unos imaginarios a partir de la relación literatura-cine en clave de novela negra


    Sosa Ruiz, Diego Hernando


    "La relación literatura y cine ha sido la de los dos códigos diferentes que se retroalimentan y retan, más cuando hablamos de la construcción de ciudad. Desde la novela negra, ""Perder es cuestión de método"" construye una Bogotá multicultural, agrasiva pero con un espacio para la solidaridad."


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilberto Ceballos Abello


    Full Text Available Este documento corresponde a una fase del proyecto de grado; se  presenta un análisis de contenido respecto a las posibilidades que ofrece la ciencia ficción en la enseñanza y la manera como diferentes investigadores a partir de un mismo recurso como la ciencia ficción, han aprovechado su potencial con distintos fines. Para la realización del presente trabajo  se seleccionaron las bases de datos Dialnet, Scielo y Eric para consultar la información (artículos que suministraron la materia prima para la realización del análisis de contenido, la ventana de observación que se estableció corresponde a un periodo de tiempo no mayor a 10 años, las bases de datos aportaron cerca de 20000 artículos los cuales fueron categorizados; logrando reducir el número de documentos, el descriptor seleccionado para la base de datos Dialnet corresponde a “El cine de ciencia ficción para la enseñanza de las ciencias”, mientras que para la base de datos Eric se seleccionó como descriptor “Enseñanza de las ciencias y ciencia ficción”, en cuanto a la base de datos Scielo solo se encontró un (1 articulo correspondiente al descriptor “Ciencia ficción y enseñanza”. Al final el análisis de contenido se basó en cinco (5 documentos  que guardan una profunda relación con la naturaleza de la propuesta de proyecto de grado, permitiendo deducir que la CF es un instrumento versátil que ofrece varias posibilidades en el ámbito educativo.

  6. Visualization and quantification of large bowel motility with functional cine-MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buhmann, S.; Wielage, C.; Fischer, T.; Reiser, M.; Lienemann, A.; Kirchhoff, C.; Mussack, T.


    Purpose: to develop and evaluate a method to visualize and quantify large bowel motility using functional cine MRI. Methods: fifteen healthy individuals (8males, 7 females, 20 to 45 years old) with no history or present symptoms of bowel disorders were enrolled in a functional cine MRI examination at 6 a. m. after a starving phase for at least eight hours before and after oral administration of Senna tea (mild stimulating purgative). Two consecutive sets of repeated measurements of the entire abdomen were performed using a 1.5T MRI system with coronal T2-weighted HASTE sequences anatomically adjusted to the course of the large bowel. A navigator technique was used for respiratory gating at the level of the right dorsal diaphragm. The changes in diameter (given in cm) were measured at 5 different locations of the ascending (AC), transverse (TC) and descending colon (DC), and assessed as parameters for the bowel motility. Results: the mean values as a statistical measure for large bowel relaxation were determined. Before ingestion of Senna tea, the mean diameter measured 3.41 cm (ascending colon), 3 cm (transverse colon) and 2.67 cm (descending colon). After the ingestion of Senna tea, the mean diameter increased to 3.69 cm (ascending colon) to 3.4 cm (transverse colon) and to 2.9 cm (descending colon). A statistically significant difference was demonstrated with the Wilcoxon test (level of confidence 0.05). For the determination of dynamic increase, the changes of the statistical scatter amplitude to the mean value were expressed as percentage before and after the ingestion of Senna tea. Thereby, an increase in variation and dynamic range was detected for the AC (112.9%) and DC (100%), but a decrease in the dynamics for the TC (69%). Conclusion: a non-invasive method for the assessment of bowel motility was developed for the first time. The use of functional cine MRI utilizing a prokinetic stimulus allowed visualisation and quantification of large bowel motility

  7. El rostro del suicida en el espejo del cine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz OGANDO DÍAZ


    Full Text Available El suicidio es una de las formas de morir más escondida y silenciada en nuestra sociedad. A la vez es una de las que genera mayor sufrimiento, previo en quienes se escapan de la vida y posterior por la culpa que atormenta a los supervivientes. Es además una de las causas más relevante de muerte violenta en ado- lescentes y ancianos. Sobre ella pesa cierto tipo de conspiración de silencio social que quizá pueda ser abordado a través del cine. Son muchas las películas que se han ocupado de este tema, aunque no siem- pre de modo central. En muchas de ellas el suicidio de uno de los personajes determina todo el desarro- llo posterior de la trama o le pone el broche final a la historia. En otras se intenta explicar lo inexplicable: por qué alguien puede preferir morir a seguir viviendo. Incluso algunas películas se han acercado a este drama vital enfocándolo desde el humor.La facilidad del cine en mostrar el mundo emocional de sus personajes y su capacidad de hacer eviden- tes elementos de la realidad que pueden pasar desapercibidos sugieren que puede ser un buen vehícu- lo para intentar comprender a las personas que deciden saltar sobre su propia sombra y morir antes de tiempo.

  8. CineGlobe Film Festival, Wednesday programme with Science Story Telling Hackathon and Oculus Rift

    CERN Multimedia

    Marcelloni De Oliveira, Claudia


    Besides the short-film competitions, the second day of 2015 CineGlobe included a Soirée Oculus Rift with the public launch of the “Storytelling Science” Hackathon. CineGlobe and Festival Tous Ecrans joined forces to launch the “Storytelling Science” hackathon, in collaboration with Tribeca Film Institute and LIFT Conference. The keynote speech was given by renowned filmmaker and transmedia creator Michel Reihlac, who spoke about the role of interactive and immersive storytelling techniques in cinematic narrative. By placing the viewer in the center of the story, these new technologies are profoundly changing the way we tell stories. Michel Reilhac designs innovative story based experiences, using digital platforms (cinema, tv, mobile, tablets, …) and real life events. His creative approach to storytelling ambitions to offer viewers/ participants a unique opportunity for an immersive, participatory and interactive experience. During the evening, Oculus Rift virtual reality headsets were available to...

  9. Feasibility study on 3D image reconstruction from 2D orthogonal cine-MRI for MRI-guided radiotherapy. (United States)

    Paganelli, Chiara; Lee, Danny; Kipritidis, John; Whelan, Brendan; Greer, Peter B; Baroni, Guido; Riboldi, Marco; Keall, Paul


    In-room MRI is a promising image guidance strategy in external beam radiotherapy to acquire volumetric information for moving targets. However, limitations in spatio-temporal resolution led several authors to use 2D orthogonal images for guidance. The aim of this work is to present a method to concurrently compensate for non-rigid tumour motion and provide an approach for 3D reconstruction from 2D orthogonal cine-MRI slices for MRI-guided treatments. Free-breathing sagittal/coronal interleaved 2D cine-MRI were acquired in addition to a pre-treatment 3D volume in two patients. We performed deformable image registration (DIR) between cine-MRI slices and corresponding slices in the pre-treatment 3D volume. Based on an extrapolation of the interleaved 2D motion fields, the 3D motion field was estimated and used to warp the pre-treatment volume. Due to the lack of a ground truth for patients, the method was validated on a digital 4D lung phantom. On the phantom, the 3D reconstruction method was able to compensate for tumour motion and compared favourably to the results of previously adopted strategies. The difference in the 3D motion fields between the phantom and the extrapolated motion was 0.4 ± 0.3 mm for tumour and 0.8 ± 1.5 mm for whole anatomy, demonstrating feasibility of performing a 3D volumetric reconstruction directly from 2D orthogonal cine-MRI slices. Application of the method to patient data confirmed the feasibility of utilizing this method in real world scenarios. Preliminary results on phantom and patient cases confirm the feasibility of the proposed approach in an MRI-guided scenario, especially for non-rigid tumour motion compensation. © 2018 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.

  10. Clinical importance of cine-MRI assessment of small bowel motility in patients with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction: a retrospective study of 33 patients. (United States)

    Fuyuki, Akiko; Ohkubo, Hidenori; Higurashi, Takuma; Iida, Hiroshi; Inoh, Yumi; Inamori, Masahiko; Nakajima, Atsushi


    Although chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a rare and extremely severe functional digestive disorder, its clinical course and severity show various patterns. We assessed small bowel peristalsis in CIPO patients using cine-MRI (video-motion MRI) and their clinical characteristics to evaluate the clinical importance of performing cine-MRI in patients with this intractable disease. The medical records of 131 patients referred to our institution with a suspected diagnosis of CIPO between 2010 and 2015 were retrospectively evaluated. Thirty-three patients (22 female/11 male; age range 16-79 years) who met the criteria for CIPO and underwent cine-MRI were enrolled. Mean luminal diameter (MLD), contraction ratio (CR), and contraction cycle (CC) were determined and compared with these parameters in healthy volunteers. Clinical outcomes in patients with CIPO were also evaluated. The median follow-up time was 25.2 months (range, 1-65 months). Of the 33 patients with CIPO, 23 (70 %) showed apparently disturbed small intestinal peristalsis, whereas 10 (30 %) did not. The percentage of patients requiring intravenous alimentation was significantly higher (p = 0.03), and the mean serum albumin level was significantly lower (p = 0.04), in patients with than without impaired small intestinal peristalsis. Although both cine-MRI and CT findings in the latter ten cases were within the normal range, MLD and CR differed significantly from healthy volunteers. Cine-MRI is useful in predicting severe clinical features in patients with CIPO, and in detecting slightly impaired small contractility that cannot be detected on CT.

  11. Copper-Catalyzed Heteroarylboration of 1,3-Dienes with 3-Bromopyridines: A cine Substitution. (United States)

    Smith, Kevin B; Huang, Yuan; Brown, M Kevin


    A method for the heteroarylboration of 1,3-dienes is presented. The process involves an unusual cine substitution of 3-bromopyridine derivatives to deliver highly functionalized heterocyclic products. Mechanistic studies are included that clarify the details of this unusual process. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Cine MR imaging assessment of regional left ventricular systolic wall thickening in patients with remote myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pfugfelder, P.; White, R.D.; Sechtem, U.; Gould, R.G.; Higgins, C.B.


    Cine MR imaging, a new rapid imaging technique, was used to acquire transverse images of the heart at a rate of 16-30 frames per cardiac cycle. Left ventricular wall thickness was measured at end diastole and end systole in six regions in the midventricular section of 13 healthy subjects and seven patients with previously documented myocardial infarction. Mean percent systolic wall thickening (%SWT) was 51% +- 26% in healthy subjects. In patients, %SWT was -8% +- 22% in the infarct zone and 42% +- 22% in the normal myocardium. In addition to the qualitative information derived from the cinematic display, determination of regional %SWT by cine-MR imaging may be useful for quantifying regional left ventricular dysfunction

  13. Measurement of blood flow in the left ventricle and aorta using clinical 2D cine phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Masanori; Wada, Shigeo; Yokosawa, Suguru; Yamaguchi, Takami; Isoda, Haruo; Takeda, Hiroyasu


    A recent development in phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (cine PC-MRI) allows the detailed measurement of the blood flow in humans. The objectives of this study are twofold: to discuss the utility of clinical two-dimensional (2D) cine PC-MRI as a practical tool for analyzing hemodynamics in the aorta and left ventricle; to provide flow information at those places as references for computational fluid dynamics studies. Using 2D cine PC-MRI, we mapped velocity profiles at various cross sections of the aorta and left ventricle. The results illustrated the main flow events in the left ventricle during the cardiac cycle, such as ventricular ejection and suction, while the secondary flows were less clear. The velocity profile at the entrance of the ascending aorta appeared to be slightly skewed posteriorly in early systole, but the flow in the central zone of the section was rapid. The estimated stroke volume, peak Reynolds numbers, and Womersley numbers were within the normal physiological range. A sequence of secondary flow images from the plane of the aortic valve to the descending aorta revealed the evolution of a helical flow within the aorta. Flows entering the aortic branches were captured well. Those results demonstrate that clinical 2D cine PC-MRI is a practical adjunct for analyzing blood flow in vivo and would be useful as references to check validity of flow dynamics obtained by computer simulations. (author)

  14. Cine MR imaging in mitral valve prolapse; Study on mitral regurgitation and left atrial volume

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumai, Toshihiko [Chiba Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    This study was undertaken to assess the ability of cine MR imaging to evaluate the direction, timing, and severity of mitral regurgitation in patients with mitral valve prolapse (MVP). The population of this study was 33 patients with MVP diagnosed by two-dimensional echocardiography and 10 patients with rheumatic mitral valve disease (MSR) for comparison. 7 patients with MVP and 5 with MSR had atrial fibrillation and/or history of congestive heart failure as complications. Mitral regurgitation was graded for severity by color Doppler flow imaging in all patients. Direction and size of systolic flow void in the left atrium were analyzed by contiguous multilevel cine MR images and the maximum volumes of flow void and left atrium were measured. Although flow void was found at the center of the left atrium in most of MSR, it was often directed along the postero-caudal atrial wall in anterior leaflet prolapse and along the anterocranial atrial wall in posterior leaflet prolapse. In MVP, the maximum volume of flow void was often seen in late systole. The maximum volume of flow void and that of left atrium were significantly larger in patients with atrial fibrillation and/or history of congestive heart failure. The length and volume of flow void were increased with clinical severity and degree of regurgitation determined by color Doppler flow imaging. Thus cine MR imaging provides a useful means for detection and semiquantitative evaluation of mitral regurgitation in subjects with MVP. (author).

  15. Cómo hacer cine hoy en Cuba: prostitución y coproducción en “La película de Ana”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen Genschow


    Full Text Available La película de Ana de Daniel Díaz Torres (2012 trata en primer lugar del jineterismo en Cuba, fenómeno que ha determinado ampliamente el contacto entre extranjeros y cubanos desde la apertura al turismo en masas. En la película esto conlleva una reflexión de las relaciones visuales tanto en términos de género como en términos postcoloniales. Mediante la construcción de una película intradiegética ("la película de Ana" se cuestiona la diferencia entre "autenticidad" y puesta en escena y se sugiere, además, que Cuba entera se ha convertido en una especie de "zona de contacto", donde entran en contacto la lógica capitalista y la nostalgia postsoviética y donde lo "auténticamente" cubano aparece como un espectáculo montado para los extranjeros. Al mismo tiempo la película articula una autorreflexión en el sentido de que estas relaciones de poder se evidencian también en las posibilidades de hacer cine hoy en Cuba, que abarcan esencialmente la coproducción con diferentes países europeos.

  16. Application of cine cardiac MR imaging in normal subjects and patients with valvular, coronary artery, and aortic disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maddahi, J.; Ostrzega, E.; Crues, J.; Honma, H.; Siegel, R.; Charuzi, Y.; Berman, D.


    Cine MR imaging was performed on 15 normal subjects and 27 patients with cardiac disease. In normal subjects, high signal intensity of flowing blood contrasted with that of the myocardium. In 16 patients with valvular regurgitation, signal void jet due to turbulence was visualized across the diseased valves. In three IHSS patients, thickened LV myocardium, mitral regurgitant jets, and systolic LV outflow jets were noted. Five patients with myocardial infarction (MI) showed thinning and/or hypokinesis of MI regions. In three patients with Marfan syndrome, aortic dilatation, insufficiency, and flap (one pt) were identified. Cine MR imaging is potentially useful for evaluation of a variety of cardiac diseases

  17. Jorge La Ferla. Cine (y) digital. Aproximaciones a posibles convergencias entre el cinematógrafo y la computadora


    Durán Castro, Mauricio; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Facultad de Artes Departamento de Artes Visuales


    Este libro recoge y ordena las reflexiones expuestas en tantas conferencias y artículos sobre el tema de las relaciones entre el cine y las tecnologías digitales por el profesor Jorge La Ferla, sin duda uno de los más importantes conocedores y promotores de la práctica y el pensamiento en torno al video, al cine y la imagen digital en América Latina. En estos últimos veinte años, La Ferla se ha dedicado a impulsar la producción artística y crítica en nuestro continente a partir de: la docenci...

  18. Tumour auto-contouring on 2d cine MRI for locally advanced lung cancer: A comparative study. (United States)

    Fast, Martin F; Eiben, Björn; Menten, Martin J; Wetscherek, Andreas; Hawkes, David J; McClelland, Jamie R; Oelfke, Uwe


    Radiotherapy guidance based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is currently becoming a clinical reality. Fast 2d cine MRI sequences are expected to increase the precision of radiation delivery by facilitating tumour delineation during treatment. This study compares four auto-contouring algorithms for the task of delineating the primary tumour in six locally advanced (LA) lung cancer patients. Twenty-two cine MRI sequences were acquired using either a balanced steady-state free precession or a spoiled gradient echo imaging technique. Contours derived by the auto-contouring algorithms were compared against manual reference contours. A selection of eight image data sets was also used to assess the inter-observer delineation uncertainty. Algorithmically derived contours agreed well with the manual reference contours (median Dice similarity index: ⩾0.91). Multi-template matching and deformable image registration performed significantly better than feature-driven registration and the pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN). Neither MRI sequence nor image orientation was a conclusive predictor for algorithmic performance. Motion significantly degraded the performance of the PCNN. The inter-observer variability was of the same order of magnitude as the algorithmic performance. Auto-contouring of tumours on cine MRI is feasible in LA lung cancer patients. Despite large variations in implementation complexity, the different algorithms all have relatively similar performance. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Analysis of 3-D Tongue Motion from Tagged and Cine Magnetic Resonance Images (United States)

    Xing, Fangxu; Woo, Jonghye; Lee, Junghoon; Murano, Emi Z.; Stone, Maureen; Prince, Jerry L.


    Purpose: Measuring tongue deformation and internal muscle motion during speech has been a challenging task because the tongue deforms in 3 dimensions, contains interdigitated muscles, and is largely hidden within the vocal tract. In this article, a new method is proposed to analyze tagged and cine magnetic resonance images of the tongue during…

  20. Forma e ideología en el cine colombiano. Violencia, narcotráfico, éxodo e identidad, 2003-2013


    Jiménez Londoño, Alejandro


    En esta tesis se realiza un análisis de las principales temáticas tratadas en las películas colombianas entre lo años 2003 - 2013 y su reflexión sobre las condiciones socio - políticas del país, en este sentido se busca establecer un marco contextual del cine colombiano, donde se revisan rasgos característicos que aportan una mirada a las condiciones del cine local, teniendo en cuenta aspectos de relevancia que afectan la producción cinematográfica, realizando un acercamiento socio-histórico ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Richard Jiménez Peñuela


    Full Text Available En esta presentación, se abordan los resultados del “Proyecto Transversal Ciencia Gráfica”, relacionados con la proyección de cine de terror, a educandos de ciclo III. Además de las proyecciones, el proyecto desarrollo la habilidad gráfica de los estudiantes en relación con la biología y el arte, a partir de lecciones sobre dibujo biológico, y la fabricación de juguetes con motivos biológicos por parte de los estudiantes. De esta manera, se emprenden acciones conjuntas desde arte y biología para la comprensión de los temas vistos en el área de ciencias naturales, aplicando los conocimientos de ambos campos en la comprensión estética de la relación humano-naturaleza.

  2. Cine MRI of swallowing in patients with advanced oral or oropharyngeal carcinoma: a feasibility study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kreeft, Anne Marijn; Rasch, Coen R. N.; Muller, Sara H.; Pameijer, Frank A.; Hallo, Eeke; Balm, Alfons J. M.


    Treatment of oral and oropharyngeal cancer may cause dysphagia. Purpose is to examine whether cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) yields additional information compared to standard examination in the evaluation of posttreatment dysphagia and mobility of oral and oropharyngeal structures.

  3. Portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis: indirect assessment of hepatic venous pressure gradient by measuring azygos flow with 2D-cine phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gouya, Herve; Vignaux, Olivier; Saade, Anastasia; Legmann, Paul; Grabar, Sophie; Pol, Stanislas; Sogni, Philippe


    To measure azygos, portal and aortic flow by two-dimensional cine phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (2D-cine PC MRI), and to compare the MRI values to hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) measurements, in patients with cirrhosis. Sixty-nine patients with cirrhosis were prospectively included. All patients underwent HVPG measurements, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and 2D-cine PC MRI measurements of azygos, portal and aortic blood flow. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were used to evaluate the correlation between the blood flow and HVPG. The performance of 2D-cine PC MRI to diagnose severe portal hypertension (HVPG ≥ 16 mmHg) was determined by receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis, and area under the curves (AUC) were compared. Azygos and aortic flow values were associated with HVPG in univariate linear regression model. Azygos flow (p < 10 -3 ), aortic flow (p = 0.001), age (p = 0.001) and presence of varices (p < 10 -3 ) were independently associated with HVPG. Azygos flow (AUC = 0.96 (95 % CI) [0.91-1.00]) had significantly higher AUC than aortic (AUC = 0.64 (95 % CI) [0.51-0.77]) or portal blood flow (AUC = 0.40 (95 % CI) [0.25-0.54]). 2D-cine PC MRI is a promising technique to evaluate significant portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis. (orig.)

  4. Labour motivation : an axiomatic vector model


    Kotliarov, Ivan


    En el presente artículo se da una lista de axiomas necesarios para la construcción de una teoría matemática de la motivación humana. Se propone un modelo matemático de la motivación en el trabajo. La motivación se representa como un vector resultante de la motivación parcial generada por grupos específicos de necesidades. El modelo de Vroom se incluye en el modelo propuesto como ejemplo de motivación. Se establece una correlación entre los gastos de motivación, el nivel de motivación y el niv...

  5. El cine ante las transformaciones y los flujos comunicativos globales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Javier Ruiz del Olmo


    Full Text Available La convocatoria del presente número monográfico sobre los cambios producidos en el dispositivo cinematográfico de las últimas décadas, deliberadamente amplia y multifacética, no excluía sin embargo una cierta focalización hacia el estudio que la diseminación de nuevas prácticas culturales, consecuencia de la digitalización de la imagen de las relaciones entre el cine y la red y los flujos comunicativos globales.

  6. Bailarinas del cine egipcio: de la "edad de oro" a la marginalización / Dancers in Egyptian Cinema. From ‘Golden Era’ to Marginalization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Bracco


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina la imagen proyectada de las bailarinas en el cine egipcio a través del análisis de tres papeles en la carrera de la bailarina egipcia más famosa de todos los tiempos: Tahia Carioca. El contexto en el que se enmarcan las películas analizadas incluye el último período dela monarquía del rey Fārūq (1946-1952, la revolución de los Oficiales Libres (1952 y el régimen de Gamal Abdel Nasser (1953-1970, y concluye con la muerte de Nasser en 1970, dando comienzo a una nueva era de cambios sociales y políticos en Egipto. Consideramos los cambios socio-políticos y sus repercusiones en la arena cultural no solo como contexto sino también como parte de una relación dialéctica que influyó en la imagen de las bailarinas y que se evidencia en tres películas protagonizadas por Tahia Carioca: El juego de la mujer (1946, Mi amor moreno (1958 y Cuidado con Zuzu (1972. Del análisis de sus papeles en estas tres películas, en relación con su contexto, surge nuestro argumento, a saber: que los cambios socio-políticos acontecidos en Egipto en este periodo de tiempo se han proyectado –y han cambiado– la imagen de la bailarina, quien es vista primero como una trabajadora (1946, luego una mujer demonio(1958 y finalmente como una marginal (1972.Palabras clave: sociedad egipcia, bailarinas, imagen, marginalización, cine.AbstractThis study examines the projected image of dancers in Egyptian cinema through the analysis of three roles in the career of the most famous Egyptian dancer of all time: Tahia Carioca. The historical background for the studied films includes the last period of the King Farouk monarchy (1946-1952, the revolution of the Free Officers Movement (1952, and the Nasser regime(1953-1970, and ends with Nasser’s death, when a new social and political era started to blossom in Egypt. I consider the socio-political changes and their cultural repercussions not only as context but also as part of a dialectic

  7. La Representación de la mujer periodista en el cine español (1896-2010: Estereotipo, ética y estética

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucía Tello Díaz


    Full Text Available La mujer en el cine español ha sido retratada desde sus comienzos de manera reduccionista, enclavada en un doble estereotipo marcado por su actitud respecto a la sexualidad. De este modo, encontramos mujeres dóciles y sumisas, o bien femme fatales que acaban pagando su desenfreno y traición al arquetipo tradicional. En el caso de las periodistas, el giro cobra mayor relevancia si cabe, ya que las mujeres informadoras asumen los roles masculinos, sin dejar de padecer los daños propios de la condición de la mujer en nuestro cine. Descubrir cuáles son las claves de ese estereotipo y ponerlo en relación con la imagen global de la mujer en el cine, será el objetivo de la presente investigación.

  8. Postprandial changes in secretory flow of pancreatic juice in the main pancreatic duct: evaluation with cine-dynamic MRCP with a spatially selective inversion-recovery (IR) pulse. (United States)

    Yasokawa, Kazuya; Ito, Katsuyoshi; Tamada, Tsutomu; Yamamoto, Akira; Hayashida, Minoru; Torigoe, Teruyuki; Tanimoto, Daigo; Higaki, Atsushi; Noda, Yasufumi; Kido, Ayumu


    To evaluate the influence of oral ingestion on the secretory flow dynamics of physiological pancreatic juice within the main pancreatic duct in healthy subjects by using cine-dynamic MRCP with spatially-selective inversion-recovery (IR) pulse non-invasively. Thirty-eight healthy subjects were investigated. MRCP with spatially-selective IR pulse was repeated every 15 s for 5 min to acquire a total of 20 images (cine-dynamic MRCP). A set of 20 MRCP images was repeatedly obtained before and after liquid oral ingestion every 7 min (including 2-min interval) for 40 min (a total of seven sets). Secretion grade of pancreatic juice on cine-dynamic MRCP was compared before and after oral ingestion using the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Median secretion grades of pancreatic juice at 5 min (score = 2.15), 12 min (score = 1.95) and 19 min (score = 2.05) after ingestion were significantly higher than that before ingestion (score = 1.40) (P = 0.004, P = 0.032, P = 0.045, respectively). Secretion grade of pancreatic juice showed a maximum peak of 2.15 at 5 min after ingestion. Thereafter, the secretion grade of pancreatic juice tended to gradually decline. Non-invasive cine-dynamic MRCP using spatially-selective IR pulse showed potential for evaluating postprandial changes in the secretory flow dynamics of pancreatic juice as a physiological reaction. • Secretion grade of pancreatic juice at cine-dynamic MRCP after ingestion was evaluated. • Secretion grade was significantly increased within 19 min after liquid meal ingestion. • Secretion grade showed maximum peak of 2.15 at 5 min after ingestion. • Postprandial changes in pancreatic juice flow can be assessed by cine-dynamic MRCP.

  9. Verification of the linac isocenter for stereotactic radiosurgery using cine-EPID imaging and arc delivery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rowshanfarzad, Pejman; Sabet, Mahsheed; O' Connor, Daryl J.; Greer, Peter B.


    Purpose:Verification of the mechanical isocenter position is required as part of comprehensive quality assurance programs for stereotactic radiosurgery/radiotherapy (SRS/SRT) treatments. Several techniques have been proposed for this purpose but each of them has certain drawbacks. In this paper, a new efficient and more comprehensive method using cine-EPID images has been introduced for automatic verification of the isocenter with sufficient accuracy for stereotactic applications. Methods: Using a circular collimator fixed to the gantry head to define the field, EPID images of a Winston-Lutz phantom were acquired in cine-imaging mode during 360 deg. gantry rotations. A robust matlab code was developed to analyze the data by finding the center of the field and the center of the ball bearing shadow in each image with sub-pixel accuracy. The distance between these two centers was determined for every image. The method was evaluated by comparison to results of a mechanical pointer and also by detection of a manual shift applied to the phantom position. The repeatability and reproducibility of the method were tested and it was also applied to detect couch and collimator wobble during rotation. Results:The accuracy of the algorithm was 0.03 ± 0.02 mm. The repeatability was less than 3 μm and the reproducibility was less than 86 μm. The time elapsed for the analysis of more than 100 cine images of Varian aS1000 and aS500 EPIDs were ∼65 and 20 s, respectively. Processing of images taken in integrated mode took 0.1 s. The output of the analysis software is printable and shows the isocenter shifts as a function of angle in both in-plane and cross-plane directions. It gives warning messages where the shifts exceed the criteria for SRS/SRT and provides useful data for the necessary adjustments in the system including bearing system and/or room lasers. Conclusions: The comprehensive method introduced in this study uses cine-images, is highly accurate, fast, and independent

  10. Verification of the linac isocenter for stereotactic radiosurgery using cine-EPID imaging and arc delivery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rowshanfarzad, Pejman; Sabet, Mahsheed; O' Connor, Daryl J.; Greer, Peter B. [School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales 2308 (Australia); Department of Radiation Oncology, Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital, Newcastle, New South Wales 2310, Australia and School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales 2308 (Australia)


    Purpose:Verification of the mechanical isocenter position is required as part of comprehensive quality assurance programs for stereotactic radiosurgery/radiotherapy (SRS/SRT) treatments. Several techniques have been proposed for this purpose but each of them has certain drawbacks. In this paper, a new efficient and more comprehensive method using cine-EPID images has been introduced for automatic verification of the isocenter with sufficient accuracy for stereotactic applications. Methods: Using a circular collimator fixed to the gantry head to define the field, EPID images of a Winston-Lutz phantom were acquired in cine-imaging mode during 360 deg. gantry rotations. A robust matlab code was developed to analyze the data by finding the center of the field and the center of the ball bearing shadow in each image with sub-pixel accuracy. The distance between these two centers was determined for every image. The method was evaluated by comparison to results of a mechanical pointer and also by detection of a manual shift applied to the phantom position. The repeatability and reproducibility of the method were tested and it was also applied to detect couch and collimator wobble during rotation. Results:The accuracy of the algorithm was 0.03 {+-} 0.02 mm. The repeatability was less than 3 {mu}m and the reproducibility was less than 86 {mu}m. The time elapsed for the analysis of more than 100 cine images of Varian aS1000 and aS500 EPIDs were {approx}65 and 20 s, respectively. Processing of images taken in integrated mode took 0.1 s. The output of the analysis software is printable and shows the isocenter shifts as a function of angle in both in-plane and cross-plane directions. It gives warning messages where the shifts exceed the criteria for SRS/SRT and provides useful data for the necessary adjustments in the system including bearing system and/or room lasers. Conclusions: The comprehensive method introduced in this study uses cine-images, is highly accurate, fast, and

  11. Cine-MR imaging in determining the flow characteristics of CSF and blood in spinal and intracranial lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Post, M.J.D.; Quencer, R.M.; Green, B.A.; Hinks, R.S.; Sklar, E.M.L.; Patchen, S.J.


    The purpose of this prospective study was to determine the value of cine magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in assessing the flow patterns of patients with vascular cord neoplasms, spinal cord and subarachnoid cysts, obstructive hydrocephalus, and intracranial aneurysms. The authors' results in 26 patients showed that cine MR imaging can be used to (1) identify spinal neoplasms with prominent vascular supply; (2) help distinguish spinal cord cysts occurring above a spinal cord tumor from tumoral cysts; (3) determine which spinal cord or subarachnois cysts need shunting and, postoperatively, which cysts are adequately decompressed; (4) establish which tonsillar herniations in Chiari malformations may require resection; (5) determine the site of the block in obstructive hydrocephalus; and (6) determine the flow characteristics of an aneurysm

  12. Evaluation of pulmonary arterial morphology and function in cyanotic congenital heart disease by MRI and cine MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashimoto, Ikuo; Tsubata, Shinichi; Miyazaki, Ayumi; Ichida, Fukiko; Okada, Toshio; Murakami, Arata; Futatsuya, Ryuusuke; Nakajima, Kenshuu; Nakajima, Akio


    Pulmonary arterial anatomy was evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), angiography and two-dimensional echocardiography in 20 patients with cyanotic heart disease associated with decreased pulmonary blood flow. Excellent correlation between MRI and angiographic estimates of pulmonary artery diameter was obtained (main pulmonary artery, r=0.87; right pulmonary artery, r=0.96; left pulmonary artery, r=0.95). However, echocardiography could not describe peripheral pulmonary arteries obviously, especially left pulmonary artery. In the assessment of peripheral pulmonary stenosis or obstruction, cine MRI was superior to echocardiography. We conclude that MRI and cine MRI will play an important role in the serial evaluation of pulmonary arterial morphology and function in patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease before and after surgical repair. (author)

  13. Evaluation of pulmonary arterial morphology and function in cyanotic congenital heart disease by MRI and cine MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hashimoto, Ikuo; Tsubata, Shinichi; Miyazaki, Ayumi; Ichida, Fukiko; Okada, Toshio; Murakami, Arata; Futatsuya, Ryuusuke; Nakajima, Kenshuu; Nakajima, Akio [Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Univ. (Japan)


    Pulmonary arterial anatomy was evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), angiography and two-dimensional echocardiography in 20 patients with cyanotic heart disease associated with decreased pulmonary blood flow. Excellent correlation between MRI and angiographic estimates of pulmonary artery diameter was obtained (main pulmonary artery, r=0.87; right pulmonary artery, r=0.96; left pulmonary artery, r=0.95). However, echocardiography could not describe peripheral pulmonary arteries obviously, especially left pulmonary artery. In the assessment of peripheral pulmonary stenosis or obstruction, cine MRI was superior to echocardiography. We conclude that MRI and cine MRI will play an important role in the serial evaluation of pulmonary arterial morphology and function in patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease before and after surgical repair. (author).

  14. En Tránsito: Desplazamientos Nimios en el Cine Latinoamericano (2000-2010 On the Way: Trivial Travelling in Latin American Cinema (2000-2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Valenzuela Prado


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca poner en escena y analizar ciertos tránsitos, heterogéneos en su consumación, en el cine latinoamericano (2000-2010. Indaga, a partir de algunas reflexiones de Marc Augé, Isaac Joseph y Michel de Certau, las posibilidades de tránsito, como la idea del "andar que enuncia", propuesta por De Certau. Además, analiza los desplazamientos nimios de sujetos omitidos por discursos macropolíticos o cuyo andar pasa desapercibido en el espacio y paisaje donde se desenvuelven. La construcción de este tránsito sienta sus bases sobre claves como la pobreza, el subdesarrollo, la inmigración, la muerte, el viaje.This article intends to enfatize and analize movements that are different in their consumation in Latin American cinema. The paper studies, through the reflexions of Marc Augé, Isaac Joseph and Michel de Certau, the posibilities of movement as the "enunciating travel" that De Certau proposes. Besides, analizes the trivial travelling of subjects that are omitted by the macropolitical discourses, and whose passing goes out of notice in their spaces and places. The construction of this movement is based in certain keys, such as poverty, underdevelopment, immigration, death and travel.

  15. The use of a cine-technique in the MRT investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vogl, T.J.; Assal, J.; Eberhard, D.; Weigl, P.; Randzio, J.


    A new cine-technique in a prospective study using rapid gradient echo sequences was evaluated for the MRT investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint. A newly developed hydraulic apparatus was used to produce progressive opening of the jaw and MRT appearances were recorded during predetermined points of mandibular movement. The investigation included 16 normals and 34 patients. A modified gradient echo sequence was combined with an optimised surface coil or a special double coil and this provided good spatial resolution of the articular disc and of the muscular and bony structure. Amongst the abnormal findings were luxation of the disc (15 cases), tears in the disc (5 cases), late effects of internal derangements (12 cases) and condylar hypermobility (7 cases). The new cine-technique provides specific images in any chosen position of the mandible depending on the clinical disability of the patient. (orig.) [de

  16. A fast, noniterative approach for accelerated high-temporal resolution cine-CMR using dynamically interleaved streak removal in the power-spectral encoded domain with low-pass filtering (DISPEL) and modulo-prime spokes (MoPS). (United States)

    Kawaji, Keigo; Patel, Mita B; Cantrell, Charles G; Tanaka, Akiko; Marino, Marco; Tamura, Satoshi; Wang, Hui; Wang, Yi; Carroll, Timothy J; Ota, Takeyoshi; Patel, Amit R


    To introduce a pair of accelerated non-Cartesian acquisition principles that when combined, exploit the periodicity of k-space acquisition, and thereby enable acquisition of high-temporal cine Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR). The mathematical formulation of a noniterative, undersampled non-Cartesian cine acquisition and reconstruction is presented. First, a low-pass filtering step that exploits streaking artifact redundancy is provided (i.e., Dynamically Interleaved Streak removal in the Power-spectrum Encoded domain with Low-pass filtering [DISPEL]). Next, an effective radial acquisition for the DISPEL approach that exploits the property of prime numbers is described (i.e., Modulo-Prime Spoke [MoPS]). Both DISPEL and MoPS are examined using numerical simulation of a digital heart phantom to show that high-temporal cine-CMR is feasible without removing physiologic motion vs aperiodic interleaving using Golden Angles. The combined high-temporal cine approach is next examined in 11 healthy subjects for a time-volume curve assessment of left ventricular systolic and diastolic performance vs conventional Cartesian cine-CMR reference. The DISPEL method was first shown using simulation under different streak cycles to allow separation of undersampled radial streaking artifacts from physiologic motion with a sufficiently frequent streak-cycle interval. Radial interleaving with MoPS is next shown to allow interleaves with pseudo-Golden-Angle variants, and be more compatible with DISPEL against irrational and nonperiodic rotation angles, including the Golden-Angle-derived rotations. In the in vivo data, the proposed method showed no statistical difference in the systolic performance, while diastolic parameters sensitive to the cine's temporal resolution were statistically significant (P cine). We demonstrate a high-temporal resolution cine-CMR using DISPEL and MoPS, whose streaking artifact was separated from physiologic motion. © 2017 American Association of Physicists

  17. Validation of Contrast Enhanced Cine Steady-State Free Precession and T2-Weigthed CMR for Assessment of Ischemic Myocardial Area- At-Risk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søvsø Szocska Hansen, Esben; Pedersen, Steen Fjord; Pedersen, Steen Bønløkke


    -CINE) has recently been used to quantify AAR and validated against myocardial perfusion SPECT. In this study we sought to determine how well T2-STIR and CE-CINE depicts AAR in an experimental porcine model of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury using histopathology as the reference for infarct size......Measuring myocardial salvage is important to evaluate the possible cardioprotective effects of adjunctive cardioprotective intervention in patients with myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous intervention. Contrast-enhanced steady-state free precession magnetic resonance imaging (CE...

  18. Principal component reconstruction (PCR) for cine CBCT with motion learning from 2D fluoroscopy. (United States)

    Gao, Hao; Zhang, Yawei; Ren, Lei; Yin, Fang-Fang


    This work aims to generate cine CT images (i.e., 4D images with high-temporal resolution) based on a novel principal component reconstruction (PCR) technique with motion learning from 2D fluoroscopic training images. In the proposed PCR method, the matrix factorization is utilized as an explicit low-rank regularization of 4D images that are represented as a product of spatial principal components and temporal motion coefficients. The key hypothesis of PCR is that temporal coefficients from 4D images can be reasonably approximated by temporal coefficients learned from 2D fluoroscopic training projections. For this purpose, we can acquire fluoroscopic training projections for a few breathing periods at fixed gantry angles that are free from geometric distortion due to gantry rotation, that is, fluoroscopy-based motion learning. Such training projections can provide an effective characterization of the breathing motion. The temporal coefficients can be extracted from these training projections and used as priors for PCR, even though principal components from training projections are certainly not the same for these 4D images to be reconstructed. For this purpose, training data are synchronized with reconstruction data using identical real-time breathing position intervals for projection binning. In terms of image reconstruction, with a priori temporal coefficients, the data fidelity for PCR changes from nonlinear to linear, and consequently, the PCR method is robust and can be solved efficiently. PCR is formulated as a convex optimization problem with the sum of linear data fidelity with respect to spatial principal components and spatiotemporal total variation regularization imposed on 4D image phases. The solution algorithm of PCR is developed based on alternating direction method of multipliers. The implementation is fully parallelized on GPU with NVIDIA CUDA toolbox and each reconstruction takes about a few minutes. The proposed PCR method is validated and

  19. Nuevas Tendencias del Cine Chileno tras la llegada del Cine Digital New Tendencies in Chilean Contemporary Cinema After the Implosion Of Digital Video

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Larraín Pulido


    Full Text Available La llegada de tecnologías digitales al país en pocos años transforma la escena de producción cinematográfica, no sólo modificando los costos y procesos implicados en la cadena de producción y exhibición cinematográfica, sino también posibilitando la gestación de una escena de producción de largometrajes digitales de bajo costo, que permite el surgimiento de una serie de nuevos realizadores, temáticas, estilos, formas de producción y circuitos de exhibición. El artículo Nuevas Tendencias del cine chileno tras la llegada del cine digital explora e intenta dar cuenta de este fenómeno reciente en el medio chileno, dando cuenta de cómo la inserción de la tecnología digital ha impactado sobre estas nuevas cinematografías, revisando nuevos usos, prácticas, representaciones y tendencias presentes en estas realizaciones.Abstract During the past years, the insertion of digital technologies in Chile has greatly affected the nation's film scenario, not only modifying the chain of film production and exhibition, but also generating a production scene of low-budget digital feature film that has allowed the development of new directors, themes, styles and modes of production and exhibition. The present article analyzes this recent phenomenon in Chilean film industry, revising how the insertion of digital technologies has affected these new forms of cinema in terms of style, production practices, exhibition, purposes and main tendencies.

  20. Free-breathing black-blood CINE fast-spin echo imaging for measuring abdominal aortic wall distensibility: a feasibility study (United States)

    Lin, Jyh-Miin; Patterson, Andrew J.; Chao, Tzu-Cheng; Zhu, Chengcheng; Chang, Hing-Chiu; Mendes, Jason; Chung, Hsiao-Wen; Gillard, Jonathan H.; Graves, Martin J.


    The paper reports a free-breathing black-blood CINE fast-spin echo (FSE) technique for measuring abdominal aortic wall motion. The free-breathing CINE FSE includes the following MR techniques: (1) variable-density sampling with fast iterative reconstruction; (2) inner-volume imaging; and (3) a blood-suppression preparation pulse. The proposed technique was evaluated in eight healthy subjects. The inner-volume imaging significantly reduced the intraluminal artifacts of respiratory motion (p  =  0.015). The quantitative measurements were a diameter of 16.3  ±  2.8 mm and wall distensibility of 2.0  ±  0.4 mm (12.5  ±  3.4%) and 0.7  ±  0.3 mm (4.1  ±  1.0%) for the anterior and posterior walls, respectively. The cyclic cross-sectional distensibility was 35  ±  15% greater in the systolic phase than in the diastolic phase. In conclusion, we developed a feasible CINE FSE method to measure the motion of the abdominal aortic wall, which will enable clinical scientists to study the elasticity of the abdominal aorta.