
Sample records for cha verde camellia

  1. Estudo prospectivo, duplo cego e cruzado da Camellia sinensis (chá verde nas dislipidemias Estudio prospectivo, doble ciego y cruzado de la Camellia sinensis (té verde en las dislipidemias Prospective double-blind crossover study of Camellia sinensis (green tea in dyslipidemias

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    Gesiani de Almeida Pierin Batista


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Estudos epidemiológicos estabeleceram uma associação entre dislipidemias e aterosclerose. A terapia nutricional é um ponto central da estratégia preventiva em indivíduos que apresentam fatores de risco para doença aterosclerótica. OBJETIVOS: Investigar os efeitos do chá verde (Camellia sinensis em pacientes portadores de dislipidemias. MÉTODOS: O estudo envolveu 33 pacientes, com idade entre 21 e 71 anos, que consumiam uma dieta com baixo teor de gorduras (25% a 35% das calorias totais e 200 mg de colesterol por dia. Foram randomizados para dois tratamentos sequenciais: cápsulas contendo 250 mg de extrato seco do chá verde ou placebo, administradas por um período total de 16 semanas, tendo cada paciente utilizado chá verde (Camellia sinensis por oito semanas e placebo em igual período. RESULTADOS: Os valores lipídicos basais (mg/dl foram os seguintes: HDL-colesterol 60,7 ± 7,3; colesterol total 255 ± 30,9; LDL-colesterol 158,8 ± 29,0; triglicerídeos 169,0 ± 61,3 e Apo-B 120,2 ± 18,9. As variações lipídicas médias, provocadas pelo uso do chá verde (Camellia sinensis, mostraram uma redução de 3,9 % (p = 0,006 nas concentrações do colesterol total e uma redução de 4,5 % (p = 0,026 do LDL-colesterol. A ingestão de chá verde não influenciou significativamente os níveis de HDL-colesterol, dos triglicerídeos e do Apo-B. Resultados não significativos foram observados na avaliação dos lipídeos sanguíneos (colesterol total e LDL-colesterol com o uso do placebo. CONCLUSÃO: Foi demonstrado o efeito benéfico do chá verde (Camellia sinensis, que reduziu significativamente, em oito semanas, os níveis de colesterol total e LDL-colesterol nesse grupo de pacientes.FUNDAMENTO: Estudios epidemiológicos establecieron una asociación entre dislipidemias y aterosclerosis. La terapia nutricional es un punto central de la estrategia preventiva en individuos que presentan factores de riesgo para enfermedad

  2. Preparo e caracterização de tinturas das folhas de chá verde [Camellia sinensis (L. O. Kuntze] Theaceae

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    C.B. Santos


    Full Text Available Tinturas preparadas com as folhas de Camellia sinensis (chá verde, foram caracterizadas visando a obtenção de extratos enriquecidos em polifenóis. As tinturas foram obtidas por meio de maceração estática da droga pulverizada, com diferentes misturas de 60, 70, 80 e 94,5% de etanol em água. Em seguida foram filtradas e, após 8 dias de extração, realizaram-se as analises: organoléptica, pH, densidade, determinação do resíduo seco, perfil cromatográfico por camada delgada, e teor de polifenóis. Os resultados demonstraram que o solvente (mistura hidroalcoólica a 60 ou 70% extraiu a maior quantidade de constituintes químicos do chá verde; também foi o mais seletivo ao extrair, especificamente os polifenóis. Estes dados sugerem que a utilização de álcool etílico a 60 ou 70% conduz à obtenção de tinturas mais ricas em polifenóis, a partir das folhas do chá verde (C. sinensis.

  3. Polifenóis totais e flavonoides em amostras de chá verde (Camellia sinensis L. de diferentes marcas comercializadas na cidade de Salvador-BA

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    Full Text Available RESUMO Camellia sinensis é amplamente conhecida por seus efeitos benéficos à saúde humana. Dentre as diversas formas de processamento desta erva, o chá verde e chá preto são os mais populares. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar os teores de fenólicos totais e flavonoides em amostras de 25 diferentes marcas disponíveis à venda em farmácias e supermercados de Salvador-Ba. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram diferenças significativas na concentração dos compostos fenólicos entre as marcas de chá verde estudadas. No estudo também ficou comprovado que, no preparo do chá verde, as amostras obtidas por infusão aquosa com agitação mecânica apresentaram maiores teores de polifenóis e flavonoides em relação àquelas que não foram submetidas à agitação.

  4. O papel coadjuvante das catequinas do chá verde (Camellia sinensis na redução da adiposidade

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    Mirza de Souza Conceição


    Full Text Available O chá é uma das bebidas mais consumidas no mundo, vem sendo utilizado pela população como coadjuvante no tratamento da redução de peso, uma vez que aumenta a termogênese e em muitos casos promove a saciedade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mostrar como as catequinas do chá verde auxiliam no tratamento da obesidade. Foram realizadas buscas por artigos científicos nas bases de dados Science Direct, Google Acadêmico, Scielo, BVS, Medline e Wilson. Os artigos escolhidos foram publicados no período de 2000 a 2014. Observa-se que o tratamento da obesidade envolve necessariamente a reeducação alimentar, o aumento da atividade física e eventualmente, o uso de algumas medicações auxiliares. Outra alternativa, é o uso de fitoterápicos como por exemplo o chá verde. Estudos têm mostrado que este chá, que é obtido pela infusão da erva Camellia sinensis é rico em catequinas, responsáveis na redução de peso, pois promovem a termogênese e aumentam a saciedade. A epigalocatequina (EGCG, é a catequina mais abundante e mais forte do chá verde. É importante ressaltar que o chá usado de maneira inadequada pode causar hepatotoxicidade. O uso do chá associado a um plano alimentar equilibrado pode trazer benefícios à saúde além da perda de peso. Porém os estudos ainda não são conclusivos, sendo necessários mais estudos para que possa confirmar a eficácia do chá verde na obesidade e a quantidade a ser utilizada. Entretanto, a reeducação alimentar, exercício físico continuam sendo os fatores mais importantes no tratamento da obesidade, Onde o consumo de chá verde deve está associado a uma alimentação saudável.

  5. Atividade hepatoprotetora do extrato alcoólico da Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze (chá-verde em ratos Wistar tratados com dietilnitrosamina

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    Wanderlei Onofre Schmitz

    Full Text Available O chá-verde (Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze é utilizado por suas propriedades: antioxidante, quimioprotetora e antiinflamatória em varias situações patológicas, principalmente frente a compostos químicos cancerígenos. Para tanto se avaliou o efeito hepatoprotetor do extrato de chá verde (ECV sobre a lipoperoxidação e necrose provocada pelo agente cancerígeno Dietilnitrosamina (DEN no fígado de ratos machos Wistar. Os ratos foram expostos a dose única de 200 mg/kg de DEN via intra peritoneal e tratados por via oral de 120 mg/kg de ECV em diferentes momentos experimentais. Após 24 h em relação a exposição ao DEN, os animais foram sacrificados sendo avaliado: os níveis de AST/ALT no plasma, a lipoperoxidação por quantificação de TBARS e FOX no fígado e a ocorrência de necrose e hemorragia hepática através do estudo histopatológico. A ação quimioprotetora e a diminuição da lipoperoxidação foram verificadas pela diminuição das transaminases, TBARS, FOX e redução da necrose hepática. A avaliação confirmou a importância de se utiliza o chá verde como agente quimioprotetor, principalmente na forma preventiva.

  6. Determinação de compostos fenólicos em amostras comerciais de chás verde e preto - Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze, Theaceae = Determination of phenolic componds in commercial samples of green and black tea - Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze, Theaceae

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    Airton Vicente Pereira


    Full Text Available O chá de Camellia sinensis é rico em compostos fenólicos antioxidantes, responsáveis por efeitos benéficos à saúde humana. Neste trabalho, foram realizadas as determinações da concentração de fenóis totais e flavonoides de sete amostras comerciais dos chás preto e verde. Os teores de fenóis totais variaram de 4,80 a 26,60 mg de pirogalol g-1 de amostra e os de flavonoides, de 0,46 a 1,10 mg de quercetina g-1 de amostra. A análise anatômica do conteúdo das amostras permitiu caracterizar a autenticidade dos produtos,observando-se os marcadores anatômicos típicos da espécie (estômatos anomocíticos, tricomas tectores unicelulares, mesofilo dorsiventral, drusas de oxalato de cálcio e esclereides.The tea from Camellia sinensis (green tea and black tea is rich in antioxidant phenolic compounds, responsible for beneficial effects to human health. In this work, determinations were carried out on theconcentration of total phenols and flavonoids in seven commercial samples of black tea and green tea. The samples presented concentrations of total phenols varying between 4.80 and 26.60 mg of pyrogallol g-1 and concentrations of flavonoids from 0.46 to 1.10 mg of quercetin g-1. With the purpose of characterizing the authenticity of the product contained in the sachets, the samples were fixed for histological studies. The samples presented the typical anatomical markers of the species (anomocytic stomata, unicellular non-glandulartrichomes, dorsiventral mesophyll, calcium oxalate druses and sclereids.

  7. Consumo de Camellia sinensis em população de origem oriental e incidência de doenças crônicas Camellia sinensis consumption by an Asian-Brazilian population and incidence of chronic diseases

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    Fernanda Faria


    Full Text Available Investigar os prováveis benefícios dos hábitos culturais orientais, incluindo o consumo de Camellia sinensis (chá verde na prevenção de doenças crônicas. Trinta e quatro indivíduos entre 25 e 84 anos, de ambos os sexos, pertencentes à comunidade nipônica do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, foram submetidos a anamnese alimentar e questionário socio-econômico-cultural. Dos indivíduos, 76% consumiam chá verde, sendo que 35% o ingeriam diariamente e 27% esporadicamente. Verificou-se que o consumo regular de álcool era predominante nos não usuários de chá verde, quando comparados com os apreciadores da bebida (50% e 35%, respectivamente, faziam uso de álcool. Não foi observado sedentarismo na amostra. Dos apreciadores do chá, 81% não apresentavam doenças crônicas. Já entre os consumidores, observamos um menor percentual de doenças crônicas, especialmente, de hipertensão, porém sem significância estatística.To investigate the probable benefits of Asian dietary habits, including the intake of Camellia sinensis (green tea, in preventing chronic-degenerative diseases. Thirty-four individuals aging from 25 to 84 years from a Japanese community in Rio de Janeiro answered a socioeconomic-cultural questionnaire. Seventy-six percent of the individuals consumed green tea, where 35% consumed it daily and 27% consumed it sporadically. The regular intake of alcohol predominated among the non-consumers of green tea, when compared with green tea consumers (50% and 35%, respectively consumed alcoholic beverages. None of the individuals in the sample had a sedentary lifestyle. Among the individuals who consumed green tea, 81% did not have any chronic illnesses. The consumers of tea presented a lower incidence of chronic diseases, especially hypertension, but it was not statistically significant.

  8. Determinação de compostos fenólicos em amostras comerciais de chás verde e preto - Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze, Theaceae - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v31i2.6233

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    Maria Eugênia Costa


    Full Text Available O chá de Camellia sinensis é rico em compostos fenólicos antioxidantes, responsáveis por efeitos benéficos à saúde humana. Neste trabalho, foram realizadas as determinações da concentração de fenóis totais e flavonoides de sete amostras comerciais dos chás preto e verde. Os teores de fenóis totais variaram de 4,80 a 26,60 mg de pirogalol g-1 de amostra e os de flavonoides, de 0,46 a 1,10 mg de quercetina g-1 de amostra. A análise anatômica do conteúdo das amostras permitiu caracterizar a autenticidade dos produtos, observando-se os marcadores anatômicos típicos da espécie (estômatos anomocíticos, tricomas tectores unicelulares, mesofilo dorsiventral, drusas de oxalato de cálcio e esclereides.


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    Uellison dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar características físico-químicas de extrato aquoso e liofilizado de capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus D.C., chá verde (Camellia sinensis L. e hibisco (Hibiscus sabdariffa L., foram realizadas analises em triplicata  de teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, pH, atividade de água e solubilidade em água. Os resultados do extrato aquoso e liofilizado para o capim limão apresentaram (SST variando de 3,0333 a 38,3066, valores de pH variando de 5,08 e 6,32 além de atividade de água características para os estados em que os extratos se encontravam, para o resultado do chá verde obtivemos teor de (SST variando de 2,81 a 45,52, pH entre 5,04 e 6,28 além de atividade de água característica. Os extratos de hibisco também apresentaram resultados satisfatórios com teor (SST entre 3,28 e 34,16, pH de 2,34 e 3,16 e atividade de água característica.  Os resultados obtidos revelaram a importância do processo de liofilização nas amostras, uma vez que houve um aumento da qualidade dos chás sem que houvesse danos na sua qualidade sensorial.

  10. Evaluating Community Health Advisor (CHA) Core Competencies: The CHA Core Competency Retrospective Pretest/Posttest (CCCRP). (United States)

    Story, Lachel; To, Yen M


    Health care and academic systems are increasingly collaborating with community health advisors (CHAs) to provide culturally relevant health interventions that promote sustained community transformation. Little attention has been placed on CHA training evaluation, including core competency attainment. This study identified common CHA core competencies, generated a theoretically based measure of those competencies, and explored psychometric properties of that measure. A concept synthesis revealed five CHA core competencies (leadership, translation, guidance, advocacy, and caring). The CHA Core Competency Retrospective Pretest/Posttest (CCCRP) resulted from that synthesis, which was administered using multiple approaches to individuals who previously received CHA training (N= 142). Exploratory factor analyses revealed a two-factor structure underlying the posttraining data, and Cronbach's alpha indicated high internal consistency. This study suggested some CHA core competencies might be more interrelated than previously thought, and two major competencies exist rather than five and supported the CCCRP's use to evaluate core competency attainment resulting from training. © The Author(s) 2014.

  11. Restoran Cha Dao = Restaurant Cha Dao

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinnas Suur-Patarei 2 asuva Hiina restorani Cha Dao sisekujundusest. Restorani mööbel, v.a toolid, projekteeriti eritellimusena. Sisearhitekt Dmitri Pisarenko (DM3 OÜ), loetletud tema töid. Arhitekt Meeli Truu

  12. Commercialized non-Camellia tea: traditional function and molecular identification

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    Ping Long


    Full Text Available Non-Camellia tea is a part of the colorful Chinese tea culture, and is also widely used as beverage and medicine in folk for disease prevention and treatment. In this study, 37 samples were collected, including 33 kinds of non-Camellia teas and 4 kinds of teas (Camellia. Traditional functions of non-Camellia teas were investigated. Furthermore, non-Camellia teas of original plants were characterized and identified by molecular methods. Four candidate regions (rbcL, matK, ITS2, psbA-trnH were amplified by polymerase chain reaction. In addition, DNA barcodes were used for the first time to discriminate the commercial non-Camellia tea and their adulterants, and to evaluate their safety. This study showed that BLASTN and the relevant phylogenetic tree are efficient tools for identification of the commercial non-Camellia tea and their adulterants. However, some sequences from original plants have not been found and there is a limitation of sequence number of original plants in GenBank. Submitting more original plant sequences to the GenBank will be helpful for evaluating the safety of non-Camellia teas.

  13. Chá verde brasileiro (Camellia sinensis var assamica: efeitos do tempo de infusão, acondicionamento da erva e forma de preparo sobre a eficiência de extração dos bioativos e sobre a estabilidade da bebida Brazilian green tea (Camellia sinensis var assamica: effect of infusion time, mode of packaging and preparation on the extraction efficiency of bioactive compounds and on the stability of the beverage

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    Márcia Fernandes Nishiyama


    Full Text Available Os estudos do chá verde brasileiro (Camellia sinensis var assamica ainda são escassos quando comparados aos realizados com chás verdes produzidos em outros países. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar os efeitos do tempo de infusão, forma de acondicionamento da erva (a granel ou em sachês e forma de preparo da bebida na extração dos biativos do chá verde brasileiro e na estabilidade da bebida obtida. Foram avaliados os parâmetros sólidos solúveis e compostos fenólicos extraídos, bem como as propriedades antioxidantes da bebida pelo método DPPH (radicais 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazil. Os dados obtidos evidenciam que o uso da erva a granel sob agitação e tempo de infusão de 5 minutos foi a condição mais propícia para a extração dos bioativos do chá verde. Aumentando-se o volume de preparação da bebida sem alteração da razão erva:água, aumentou-se a eficiência da extração dos bioativos, devido ao fato de que o resfriamento de volumes maiores é mais demorado que o resfriamento de volumes menores. As bebidas obtidas foram estáveis por 24 horas em temperatura ambiente e em geladeira, visto não terem sido detectadas redução das propriedades antioxidantes e variações significativas dos seus principais bioativos epigalocatequina galato, epicatequina, catequina e cafeína.Studies on the Brazilian green tea (Camellia sinensis var assamica are still scarce when compared with the great number of investigations conducted on the green tea produced in other countries. The purposes of the present study were to evaluate the effects of infusion time, mode of packaging (tea in bulk or in tea bags and preparation on the extraction of bioactive compounds from the Brazilian green tea and on the stability of the beverage. The evaluated parameters were: the amounts of soluble solutes and phenolic compounds that were extracted as well as the antioxidant properties of the beverage using the DPPH method (2,2-diphenyl-1

  14. Menopause and big data: Word Adjacency Graph modeling of menopause-related ChaCha data. (United States)

    Carpenter, Janet S; Groves, Doyle; Chen, Chen X; Otte, Julie L; Miller, Wendy R


    To detect and visualize salient queries about menopause using Big Data from ChaCha. We used Word Adjacency Graph (WAG) modeling to detect clusters and visualize the range of menopause-related topics and their mutual proximity. The subset of relevant queries was fully modeled. We split each query into token words (ie, meaningful words and phrases) and removed stopwords (ie, not meaningful functional words). The remaining words were considered in sequence to build summary tables of words and two and three-word phrases. Phrases occurring at least 10 times were used to build a network graph model that was iteratively refined by observing and removing clusters of unrelated content. We identified two menopause-related subsets of queries by searching for questions containing menopause and menopause-related terms (eg, climacteric, hot flashes, night sweats, hormone replacement). The first contained 263,363 queries from individuals aged 13 and older and the second contained 5,892 queries from women aged 40 to 62 years. In the first set, we identified 12 topic clusters: 6 relevant to menopause and 6 less relevant. In the second set, we identified 15 topic clusters: 11 relevant to menopause and 4 less relevant. Queries about hormones were pervasive within both WAG models. Many of the queries reflected low literacy levels and/or feelings of embarrassment. We modeled menopause-related queries posed by ChaCha users between 2009 and 2012. ChaCha data may be used on its own or in combination with other Big Data sources to identify patient-driven educational needs and create patient-centered interventions.

  15. Induction of mutation with gamma irradiation in camellia (Camellia Japonica L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Diying; Shen Shoujiang; Wang Yanjun


    Studies on the radiosensitivity and mutagenic effects in Camellia (Camellia Japonica L.) were carried out with the shoot cuttings, one-year seedlings and three or four-year plants irradiated with 60 Co-γ rays. Results obtained showed that the radiosensitivities varied greatly in cultivars and in different parts of the plant. The suitable irradiation doses for shoot cuttings are 1-3 krad. The treatment of low doses (bellow 2 kard) resulted in higher frequency of mutation with plants of high sensitivity to γ-rays. The frequencies of mutation in flower color and type were 2.5-12.0%. The mutant with ornamental value has been obtained

  16. Green tea chemoprotection in rats treated with Diethylnitrosamine Ação quimioprotetora do chá verde em ratos tratados com Dietilnitrosamina

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    Halha Ostrensky Saridakis


    Full Text Available Green tea (Camellia sinensis and its main components, the catechins present several biological activities such as: antioxidant and chemoprotective action against hepatotoxic agent as diethylnitrosamine(DEN, a known cytotoxic substance. This work has the objective to evaluate and understand the green tea extract (GTE mechanisms of action as a chemoprotector agent. Therefore, tests in vivo with Wistar rats using GTE 2% (2mg/100mL was taken orally as the only source of water for 35 days. To verify the antioxidant and chemoprotective capacity of GTE, DEN (200mg/kg was used as a lesion agent. The results indicate that green tea if the dosage close to the ones taken by the population is not able to expressively inhibit the lesion caused for the high dose of DEN, but the results indicated a tendency to chemoprotection, suggesting to green tea may act as a prevention substance even in low dosage in presence of a classically known hepatotoxic agent. O chá verde (Camellia sinensis e seus principais componentes, as catequinas, apresentam várias atividades biológicas, dentre elas a ação antioxidante e quimioprotetora contra agentes hepatotóxicos, como a dietilnitrosamina (DEN, um conhecido agente citotóxico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar e compreender os mecanismos da ação do extrato do chá verde (ECV, como agente antioxidante e quimioprotetor. Foram realizados testes in vivo com ratos Wistar machos utilizando o ECV a 2% (2mg/100mL via oral, como única fonte de água, durante 35 dias. Para verificar a capacidade antioxidante e quimioprotetora do ECV utilizou-se a DEN (200mg/kg como agente lesivo. Os resultados indicam que o chá verde, nas doses próximas as que são ingeridas pela população, não é capaz de inibir significativamente a lesão causada pela alta dose da DEN, mas os resultados indicaram uma tendência à quimioproteção, sugerindo que o chá verde pode agir como substância preventiva mesmo em baixasdoses, frente a um

  17. Camellia v1.0 Manual: Part I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roberts, Nathan V. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). Argonne Leadership Computing Facility


    Camellia began as an effort to simplify implementation of efficient solvers for the discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) finite element methodology of Demkowicz and Gopalakrishnan. Since then, the feature set has expanded, to allow implementation of traditional continuous Galerkin methods, as well as discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods, hybridizable DG (HDG) methods, first-order-system least squares (FOSLS), and the primal DPG method. This manual serves as an introduction to using Camellia. We begin, in Section 1.1, by describing some of the core features of Camellia. In Section 1.2 we provide an outline of the manual as a whole.

  18. Dicty_cDB: CHA557 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CH (Link to library) CHA557 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15635-1 - (Link to Or...iginal site) CHA557F 620 - - - - - - Show CHA557 Library CH (Link to library) Clone ID CHA557 (Link to dicty...Base) Atlas ID - NBRP ID - dictyBase ID - Link to Contig Contig-U15635-1 Original site URL http://dictycdb.b...HSIEIGKVEILPNSLIGIDEDGVIQHMKSN YEDLKQLEKDVTMICTDNGINEQESVIDMGNKFLIPGFIDTHAHAPQYHNAGTGTDLPLL KWLEKYTFPVESKFKD...EIGKVEILPNSLIGIDEDGVIQHMKSN YEDLKQLEKDVTMICTDNGINEQESVIDMGNKFLIPGFIDTHAHAPQYHNAGT

  19. Dicty_cDB: CHA851 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CH (Link to library) CHA851 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U16368-1 - (Link to Or...iginal site) CHA851F 614 - - - - - - Show CHA851 Library CH (Link to library) Clone ID CHA851 (Link to dicty...Base) Atlas ID - NBRP ID - dictyBase ID - Link to Contig Contig-U16368-1 Original site URL http://dictycdb.b...TCCXXXXXXXXXX sequence update 2002.10.25 Translated Amino Acid sequence VRDARPPHNLCRGFGCPEGSHCEVLEKHPVCVRNHVPPHPPPPPQICGSVNCGPGYICT...nly*skttgttttllnlcraiism*srwn dlysstkqlyqy*ipmlpis--- Frame C: VRDARPPHNLCRGFGCPEGSHCEVLEKHPVCVRNHVPPHPPPPPQICGSVNCGPGYICT

  20. Analysis on effect of separation and purification of glycoprotein extracted from Camellia seeds and its functional activity as basis for the economic development of Camellia oleifera industry

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    Feng Aiguo


    Full Text Available Taking Camellia oleifera seeds as raw materials, this study explored extraction and purification of glycoprotein separated from Camellia seeds as well as its antitumor activity, aiming to provide a theoretical basis for the economic development of Camellia oleifera industry. Key impact factors of Camellia seed glycoprotein were extracted using buffer solution method and water extraction method and a regression model was set up. Methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium was used to evaluate the in vitro antitumor activity of glycoprotein extracted from Camellia seeds and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC was used to measure its denaturation enthalpy value. Results indicated that protein and sugar yields were 8.96% and 17.05% respectively under optimal conditions when water extraction method was used. Crude glycoprotein extracted from Camellia oleifera had a certain inhibitory effect on human hepatoma cell HepG2, gastric cancer cell MGC-803 and breast cancer cell MCF-7 and crude glycoprotein extracted from Camellia oleifera by water-extraction and alcohol-precipitation method had a strong antitumor effect. Crude glycoprotein obtained in the two different ways was capable of scavenging DPPH, •OH and O2g- free radicals and also showed good reducing capacity. DSC measurement results revealed that specific rotation of COGP2a[α]n20${\\rm{COGP}}2{\\rm{a}}\\left[ \\alpha \\right]_n^{20} $ was - 32.5. Antitumor experiment in vitro showed that glycoprotein extracted from Camellia seeds in the two different ways had a certain inhibitory effect on HepG2, MGC-803 and MCF-7, which has important theoretical and realistic significances to promoting utilization value of camellia resources, strengthening Camellia oleifera’s comprehensive development and utilization of high added value as well as enriching types and functions of active glycoprotein.

  1. MoCha: Molecular Characterization of Unknown Pathways. (United States)

    Lobo, Daniel; Hammelman, Jennifer; Levin, Michael


    Automated methods for the reverse-engineering of complex regulatory networks are paving the way for the inference of mechanistic comprehensive models directly from experimental data. These novel methods can infer not only the relations and parameters of the known molecules defined in their input datasets, but also unknown components and pathways identified as necessary by the automated algorithms. Identifying the molecular nature of these unknown components is a crucial step for making testable predictions and experimentally validating the models, yet no specific and efficient tools exist to aid in this process. To this end, we present here MoCha (Molecular Characterization), a tool optimized for the search of unknown proteins and their pathways from a given set of known interacting proteins. MoCha uses the comprehensive dataset of protein-protein interactions provided by the STRING database, which currently includes more than a billion interactions from over 2,000 organisms. MoCha is highly optimized, performing typical searches within seconds. We demonstrate the use of MoCha with the characterization of unknown components from reverse-engineered models from the literature. MoCha is useful for working on network models by hand or as a downstream step of a model inference engine workflow and represents a valuable and efficient tool for the characterization of unknown pathways using known data from thousands of organisms. MoCha and its source code are freely available online under the GPLv3 license.

  2. Protective effect of Camellia oleifera Abel. on silica-induced ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Camellia oleifera Abel. belongs to the family Theaceae and genus Camellia. It is commonly cultivated in southern China. The seeds of C. oleifera have been reported to exhibit a diversity of pharmacological activities which include, but are not limited to, antioxidant, anti-cancer and antimicrobial. Pulmonary ...

  3. Chá verde (Camellia sinensis) e suas propriedades funcionais nas doenças crônicas não transmissíveis = Green tea (Camellia sinensis) and its functionals properties on transmissible chronic diseases


    Senger, Ana Elisa Vieira; Schwanke, Carla Helena Augustin; Gottlieb, Maria Gabriela Valle


    Objetivos: fazer uma revisão sobre as principais propriedades do chá verde para a saúde humana Fonte de dados: artigos científicos das bases de dados Medline/Pubmed e SciELO Síntese dos dados: o chá é a bebida mais consumida no mundo depois da água. Devido ao seu processo de produção, o chá verde contém mais catequinas do que o chá preto ou chá oolong. Existem evidências científicas de que as catequinas são in vitro e in vivo potentes antioxidantes. Recentes estudos em humanos sugerem q...

  4. Breast cancer chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects of Camellia Sinensis (green tea): an updated review. (United States)

    Rafieian-Kopaei, Mahmoud; Movahedi, Mino


    Camellia sinensis belongs to the plant family of Theaceae, native to East Asia, the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia, but naturalized in many parts of the world. The aim of this study was to overview its anti-breast cancer chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects. This review article is aimed to overview breast cancer chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects of Camellia sinensis (green tea). This review article was carried out by searching studies in PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, and IranMedex databases. The initial search strategy identified around 108 references. In this study, 68 studies were accepted for further screening, and met all our inclusion criteria [in English, full text, chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects of Camellia sinensis and dated mainly from the year 1999 to 2016. The search terms were Camellia sinensis, chemopreventive, chemotherapeutic properties, pharmacological effects. The result of this study suggested that the catechin available in Camellia sinensis has properties which can prevent and treat breast cancer. It has also been shown to inhibit proliferation of breast cancer cells and to block carcinogenesis. It was found that increased Camellia sinensis consumption may lower the risk of breast cancer. Camellia sinensis intake was shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer incidence. In addition, potential breast cancer chemopreventive effect of Camellia sinensis both in vivo and in vitro was highly confirmed. However, the evidence of low effect and no effect was observed. More clinical trial studies are needed to prove its anti-breast cancer activity decisively. Camellia sinensis is broadly utilized as a part of customary medication since antiquated time because of its cost adequacy, and fewer reaction properties. The studies demonstrated anti-breast cancer activity of Camellia sinensis and its component by adjusting cell signaling pathways such as angiogenesis, apoptosis, and transcription factor. Furthermore

  5. Efeitos do chá verde e do exercício físico sobre a composição corporal de pessoas obesas

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    Daniel Zanardini Fernandes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar os efeitos do consumo de chá verde associado ao exercício físico sobre a composição corporal de pessoas obesas. Materiais e método: o estudo trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de literatura. As buscas foram feitas nas bases de dados Lilacs, Scielo e PubMed, utilizando os descritores: obesidade, chá verde, Camellia Sinensis, exercício. Os artigos utilizados foram publicados entre os anos de 2003 a 2015. Resultados: uma ferramenta recentemente utilizada para o controle do peso é o chá verde, considerado um alimento funcional; é a segunda bebida mais consumida no mundo. Evidências mostram seu efeito termogênico com aumento do gasto energético e promoção da oxidação de gorduras. O consumo de chá verde se mostrou efetivo na diminuição de massa corporal, especialmente na forma de gordura, porém o consumo do chá aliado à prática de exercício se mostra mais eficaz para a redução de peso. Ressalta-se ainda que os hábitos alimentares saudáveis devem ser incentivados para obter o máximo dos benefícios dessa planta. Considerações finais: é necessária a investigação mais aprofundada para determinar as doses e formas de administração seguras do chá verde, bem como os mecanismos de ação e da biodisponibilidade dos compostos ativos, pois se trata de um alimento de baixo custo e que pode ser utilizado no manejo nutricional de doenças crônicas como a obesidade, colaborando assim, para a qualidade de vida e saúde da população.

  6. Research and development of Camellia oleifera fruit sheller and sorting machine (United States)

    Kang, Di; Wang, Yong; Fan, Youhua; Chen, Zejun


    Camellia oleifera fruit sheller in this paper was designed by the principle of kneading and extruding. This machine adopted the rolling classification sieve to screen camellia oleifera fruit with different sizes into the husking device, and camellia oleifera fruit was shelled in the mutually co-operative action of transport belt and flexible rubbing washboard. After research, in the condition that the moisture content of camellia oleifera fruit was below 55%, the vibration of the motor frequency was 50 Hz and the horizontal angle of sorting belt was 50 degrees∼55 degrees, the processing capacity was more than 900 kg/h, the threshing ratio was more than 97%, the seed broken ratio was less than 5%, the loss ratio was less than 1%. The machine is of great value in actual production, and should be widely spread and applied.

  7. Avaliação da qualidade de amostras de Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze (Theaceae comercializadas no município de Araras – SP.

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    Bruna Cristina da Silva


    Full Text Available A espécie Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze conhecida popularmente como chá verde é considerada a bebida mais consumida no mundo. Apresenta em sua composição flavonoides e taninos com propriedades medicinais. Com o crescimento do consumo dessa bebida o seu uso foi transformado em um problema de Saúde Pública, devido à possibilidade de acesso a produtos sem adequadas condições de qualidade pela falta de fiscalização. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de amostras de Camellia sinensis comercializadas no município de Araras - SP. Foram realizados testes físico-químicos e microbiológicos, conforme descritos pela Farmacopeia Brasileira 5.ed. Em alguns testes as amostras mostraram-se de acordo com as especificações farmacopeicas, já em outros as amostras não estavam de acordo com a legislação vigente. Das sete amostras analisadas somente a amostra quatro foi aprovada na análise de determinação de material estranho, mostrando falhas durante o processamento das demais amostras. Na análise fitoquímica as amostras: 3, 5 e 7 apresentaram ausência dos componentes que caracterizam as propriedades da Camellia sinensis. No controle microbiológico a amostra dois apresentou crescimento para bactérias aeróbias e as amostras 2, 3 e 7 apresentaram presença de patógenos acima do limite permitido pela Farmacopeia Brasileira. Conclui-se que algumas amostras analisadas não estão de acordo com os parâmetros de qualidade estabelecidos para drogas vegetais, apresentando assim risco de contaminação para os usuários.

  8. Efficient extraction of RNA from various Camellia species rich in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 23, 2011 ... of Camellia sinensis, embodied by GenBank, showed that the homology was more than 90%. It preliminarily confirmed that the Chs gene was a functional gene, whose sequen-ces were conserved among Camellias. As another important gene, fatty acid desaturase 2. (Fad2) is involved in the conversion of ...

  9. Enhancement of antioxidative activity and cardiovascular protection in hamsters by camellia oil and soybean-camellia blended oil. (United States)

    Chou, Ting-Yi; Lu, Yi-Fa; Inbaraj, Baskaran Stephen; Chen, Bing-Huei


    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of several vegetable oils and blended oil composed of soybean and camellia oils on blood lipid reduction and antioxidative activity. Forty male hamsters were fed an AIN-93 G diet for 1 wk, followed by dividing into five groups: control group-1 was fed a low-fat diet containing 5% oil for 6 wk, and the other four groups were fed high-fat diets with group-2 containing 14% palm oil, group-3 containing 14% camellia oil, group-4 containing 14% soybean oil, and group-5 containing 14% blended oil (8.4% soybean oil and 5.6% camellia oil) along with 0.2% cholesterol and 0.1% bile acid. High-fat diets raised serum triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, and aspartate aminotransferase in hamsters without affecting alanine aminotransferase. Compared with palm oil-containing diet, the other three high-fat diets reduced serum total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and the ratio of low-density lipoprotein to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with an opposite trend for liver total cholesterol. However, compared with the control group, the serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level was raised for all four high-fat diets. The higher the degree of oil unsaturation, the higher the serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and the lower the liver triacylglycerol level and activities of fatty acid synthase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and malic enzymes. Both soybean and blended oils lowered the antioxidative activity of liver. Camellia and blended oils were more efficient than soybean oil in elevating serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and decreasing the ratio of low-density lipoprotein to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in hamsters. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Talento verde y cadenas de suministro verdes: ¿existe una relación significativa?

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    María del Carmen Torres-Salazar


    Full Text Available Introducción: En este texto se presentan resultados estadísticos de la relación entre directivos con características de talento verde y la implementación de prácticas de cadena de suministro verde. Debido a que existen investigaciones sobre la importancia de la visión de la alta dirección para la adopción de prácticas verdes; y sin embargo ninguna da cuenta de las características personales del directivo, ni tampoco de la relación significativa entre estas características y la puesta en marcha de prácticas de cadena de suministro verde, esta es la aportación de la presente investigación. El trabajo se desarrolló en empresas manufactureras con más de diez trabajadores de la zona oriente del estado de Morelos México. La caracterización del término talento verde se reportó en el artículo, Talento verde: caracterización y búsqueda, publicado en el número 14 de esta revista. Método: El método utilizado consistió en la construcción de una encuesta dividida en tres categorías que posteriormente se convirtieron en variables: prácticas de cadena de suministro verde, presiones institucionales y talento verde. Las dos primeras se adaptaron de la encuesta de Zhu y Sarkis (2007 y la tercera surgió de la representación social de talento verde, producto de una fase de esta investigación. La encuesta se validó con un grupo de empresarios miembros de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la Transformación (CANACINTRA capítulo Morelos. El instrumento validado se aplicó a 26 directivos de empresas manufactureras con más de diez trabajadores de la zona oriente de Morelos, con el fin de probar la relación entre directivos con características de talento verde y la puesta en marcha de prácticas de cadena de suministro verde. Para ello se utilizaron como herramientas estadísticas la correlación de Pearson y la regresión lineal múltiple. Resultados: Las prácticas de cadena de suministro verde de las empresas

  11. Implicit Reasons for Disclosure of the Use of Complementary Health Approaches (CHA): a Consumer Commitment Perspective. (United States)

    Sirois, Fuschia M; Riess, Helene; Upchurch, Dawn M


    Disclosure of the use of complementary health approaches (CHA) is an important yet understudied health behavior with important implications for patient care. Yet research into disclosure of CHA has been atheoretical and neglected the role of health beliefs. Using a consumer commitment model of CHA use as a guiding conceptual framework, the current study tests the hypotheses that perceived positive CHA outcomes (utilitarian values) and positive CHA beliefs (symbolic values) are associated with disclosure of CHA to conventional care providers in a nationally representative US sample. From a sample of 33,594 with CHA use information from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), a subsample of 7348 who used CHA within the past 12 months was analyzed. The 2012 NHIS is a cross-sectional survey of the non-institutionalized US adult population, which includes the most recent nationally representative CHA use data. The 63.2% who disclosed CHA use were older, were less educated, and had visited a health care provider in the past year. Weighted logistic regression analyses controlling for demographic variables revealed that those who disclosed were more likely to report experiencing positive psychological (improved coping and well-being) and physical outcomes (better sleep, improved health) from CHA and hold positive CHA-related beliefs. CHA users who perceive physical and psychological benefits from CHA use and who hold positive attitudes towards CHA are more likely to disclose their CHA use. Findings support the relevance of a consumer commitment perspective for understanding CHA disclosure and suggest CHA disclosure as an important proactive health behavior that warrants further attention.

  12. Saponins from seeds of Genus Camellia: Phytochemistry and bioactivity. (United States)

    Guo, Na; Tong, Tuantuan; Ren, Ning; Tu, Youying; Li, Bo


    Camellia seeds have been traditionally used as oil raw materials in Asia, and are known for a wide spectrum of applications. Oleanane-type triterpene saponins are the major specialised metabolites in Camellia seeds, and more than seventy saponins have been isolated and characterized. These natural compounds have caught much attention due to their various biological and pharmacological activities, including modulation of gastrointestinal system, anti-cancer, anti-inflammation, anti-microorganism, antioxidation, neuroprotection, hypolipidemic effects, foaming and detergence, as well as helping the accumulation of pollutants by plants. These compounds have a promising application in medicine, agriculture, industry and environmental protection. The present paper summarized the information from current publications on Camellia seed saponins, with a focus on the advances made in chemical structures, determination methods, bioactivities and toxicity. We hope this article will stimulate further investigations on these compounds. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Dicty_cDB: CHA362 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CH (Link to library) CHA362 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15579-1 | Contig-U156... library) Clone ID CHA362 (Link to dictyBase) Atlas ID - NBRP ID - dictyBase ID - Link to Contig Contig-U155...79-1 | Contig-U15687-1 Original site URL PTYICTPTPSVTPTVTPTVTPTVTPTVT...GNPPCLINPINCTSTDPCIFSYCENGVCI PTYICTPTPSVTPTVTPTVTPTVTPTVTPTVTPTVTPTPTTTPTPSPTTVP

  14. Analysis of Climate Change Effect on Camellia Oil Content in Fujian Province of China

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    YU Hui-kang


    Full Text Available Fujian Province is one of the main camellia oleifera production areas in China. Camellia oleifera is also an important characteristic varieties of woody oil, which can produce the high quality seed oil. By using of 0.5°(E×0.5°(Nlattice data of China ground temperature and precipitation from 1961 to 2010 which came from National Meteorological Information Center in 2013, this paper extracted the corre-sponding decadal climate data of Fujian Province to carry on statistical and variation analysis, applied climate models of the integrated assess-ment for camellia oil content by using of ArcGIS geographic information technology and probability statistics method to regionalize the oil content of camellia oleifera temporal and spatial distribution from 1961s to 2010s in Fujian Province, analyzed the variation relationship be-tween the oil content and climate essential factor of the monthly decadal mean temperature and precipitation in September at the stage of the key growth period of camellia oil fat accumulation and transformation, evaluated the regional characteristics of camellia oil content variation affected by climate factors in Fujian Province from 1961s to 2010s. The results showed that the decadal mean precipitation in September had a positive significant correlation with oil content change and played a major role of camellia oleifera production in Fujian Province; the signif-icant characteristics of that oil content level in high or low followed the decadal alternate change. There were obviously different oil content level between high oil decadal(1960s, 1980s, 2000sand low oil decadal(1970s, 1990s, and its significant variation period was 20 years. The decadal difference was not significant in temperature coefficient of variation (CvT, which affected the oil content was not obvious either. But there had significant change between precipitation coefficient of variation(CvRand oil content coefficient of variation(Cvf, and their

  15. O papel coadjuvante das catequinas do chá verde (Camellia sinensis) na redução da adiposidade


    Conceição, Mirza de Souza; Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda – UniFOA.; Ferreira, Célia Cristina Diogo; UFRJ; Nascimento, Kamila de Oliveira do; UFRRJ


    O chá é uma das bebidas mais consumidas no mundo, vem sendo utilizado pela população como coadjuvante no tratamento da redução de peso, uma vez que aumenta a termogênese e em muitos casos promove a saciedade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mostrar como as catequinas do chá verde auxiliam no tratamento da obesidade. Foram realizadas buscas por artigos científicos nas bases de dados Science Direct, Google Acadêmico, Scielo, BVS, Medline e Wilson. Os artigos escolhidos foram publicados no período...

  16. Correlation between CHA2DS2-VASc Score and Glaucoma Treatment and Prognosis. (United States)

    Pikkel, Yoav Y; Krebs, Daniel; Igal, Vadim; Sharabi-Nov, Adi; Epstein, Irena; Pikkel, Joseph


    To find if CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc scale can accurately predict the treatment, prognosis, and outcome for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). A survey of 250,000 patient years was taken, using the records of the Ophthalmology Department at Ziv Medical Center. Data was collected regarding the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), visual field (VF), line of treatment (LOT) of glaucoma, and all the data needed to accurately calculate CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score for each patient. Sixty-seven patients were included in the statistical analysis. The mean age was 72.5 years. The mean CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score was 3.27 + -1.7. Positive Pearson's correlation coefficients were found for LOT and CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score, 0.35, and for RNFL grade and CHA2DS2-VASc score, 0.37. The correlation was negative for RNFL width and CHA2DS2-VASc score, -0.35. CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score was shown to be correlated with glaucoma. This correlation was manifested positively by the LOT needed to stop glaucoma progression, with higher CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc scores correlated with more aggressive treatment. Since glaucoma is a disease with a progressing nature, it is important to treat patients aggressively on one hand, while offering the most benign treatment as possible on the other hand. Modification of the CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score could achieve an even higher correlation.

  17. VizieR Online Data Catalog: ChaMP X-ray point source catalog (Kim+, 2007) (United States)

    Kim, M.; Kim, D.-W.; Wilkes, B. J.; Green, P. J.; Kim, E.; Anderson, C. S.; Barkhouse, W. A.; Evans, N. R.; Ivezic, Z.; Karovska, M.; Kashyap, V. L.; Lee, M. G.; Maksym, P.; Mossman, A. E.; Silverman, J. D.; Tananbaum, H. D.


    We present the Chandra Multiwavelength Project (ChaMP) X-ray point source catalog with ~6800 X-ray sources detected in 149 Chandra observations covering ~10deg2. The full ChaMP catalog sample is 7 times larger than the initial published ChaMP catalog. The exposure time of the fields in our sample ranges from 0.9 to 124ks, corresponding to a deepest X-ray flux limit of f0.5-8.0=9x10-16ergs/cm2/s. The ChaMP X-ray data have been uniformly reduced and analyzed with ChaMP-specific pipelines and then carefully validated by visual inspection. The ChaMP catalog includes X-ray photometric data in eight different energy bands as well as X-ray spectral hardness ratios and colors. To best utilize the ChaMP catalog, we also present the source reliability, detection probability, and positional uncertainty. (10 data files).

  18. Finding the Patient's Voice Using Big Data: Analysis of Users' Health-Related Concerns in the ChaCha Question-and-Answer Service (2009-2012). (United States)

    Priest, Chad; Knopf, Amelia; Groves, Doyle; Carpenter, Janet S; Furrey, Christopher; Krishnan, Anand; Miller, Wendy R; Otte, Julie L; Palakal, Mathew; Wiehe, Sarah; Wilson, Jeffrey


    The development of effective health care and public health interventions requires a comprehensive understanding of the perceptions, concerns, and stated needs of health care consumers and the public at large. Big datasets from social media and question-and-answer services provide insight into the public's health concerns and priorities without the financial, temporal, and spatial encumbrances of more traditional community-engagement methods and may prove a useful starting point for public-engagement health research (infodemiology). The objective of our study was to describe user characteristics and health-related queries of the ChaCha question-and-answer platform, and discuss how these data may be used to better understand the perceptions, concerns, and stated needs of health care consumers and the public at large. We conducted a retrospective automated textual analysis of anonymous user-generated queries submitted to ChaCha between January 2009 and November 2012. A total of 2.004 billion queries were read, of which 3.50% (70,083,796/2,004,243,249) were missing 1 or more data fields, leaving 1.934 billion complete lines of data for these analyses. Males and females submitted roughly equal numbers of health queries, but content differed by sex. Questions from females predominantly focused on pregnancy, menstruation, and vaginal health. Questions from males predominantly focused on body image, drug use, and sexuality. Adolescents aged 12-19 years submitted more queries than any other age group. Their queries were largely centered on sexual and reproductive health, and pregnancy in particular. The private nature of the ChaCha service provided a perfect environment for maximum frankness among users, especially among adolescents posing sensitive health questions. Adolescents' sexual health queries reveal knowledge gaps with serious, lifelong consequences. The nature of questions to the service provides opportunities for rapid understanding of health concerns and may

  19. Quantification of catechins and caffeine from green tea (Camellia sinensis infusions, extract, and ready-to-drink beverages Quantificação de catequinas e cafeína do chá verde (Camellia sinensis infusão, extrato e bebida pronta

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    Rafaela Macedo Mendes De Oliveira


    Full Text Available This study aimed to quantify the levels of catechins and caffeine in various forms of presentation of green tea: infusion tea bags, extract, and ready-to-drink beverage and, based on their content, identify the most suitable for consumption. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC analytical method was used for the quantification of catechins and caffeine. The tea bags had the highest concentration of total catechins with 5 to 9.5% followed by the extract with 3.64 to 4.88%, and ready-to-drink green tea beverage showed low levels of catechins, from 0.14 to 0.26%. As for caffeine content, green tea extract had higher concentration (1.96 to 3.54% compared to the tea bags (1.39 to 1.57%. Tea bags were found the most suitable for consumption because it contains higher amounts of catechins and smaller amounts of caffeine.O presente estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os teores de catequinas e cafeína em diferentes formas de apresentação do chá verde -infusão, extrato e bebida pronta - e, baseado no teor destes constituintes, identificar aquela mais apropriada para consumo. A cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE foi a metodologia analítica utilizada para a quantificação das catequinas e cafeína. O chá verde sachê obteve maior concentração de catequinas totais com 5 a 9,5%, seguido do extrato com 3,64 a 4,88%, o chá verde bebida pronta apresentou baixos teores de catequinas, 0,14 a 0,26%. Quanto ao teor de cafeína, o chá verde na forma de extrato obteve maior concentração, 1,96 a 3,54%, quando comparado ao sachê, 1,39 a 1,57%. O chá verde na forma de sachê mostrou-se mais indicado para consumo por conter maiores quantidades de catequinas e menores quantidades de cafeína.

  20. Multispecies Adulteration Detection of Camellia Oil by Chemical Markers. (United States)

    Dou, Xinjing; Mao, Jin; Zhang, Liangxiao; Xie, Huali; Chen, Lin; Yu, Li; Ma, Fei; Wang, Xiupin; Zhang, Qi; Li, Peiwu


    Adulteration of edible oils has attracted attention from more researchers and consumers in recent years. Complex multispecies adulteration is a commonly used strategy to mask the traditional adulteration detection methods. Most of the researchers were only concerned about single targeted adulterants, however, it was difficult to identify complex multispecies adulteration or untargeted adulterants. To detect adulteration of edible oil, identification of characteristic markers of adulterants was proposed to be an effective method, which could provide a solution for multispecies adulteration detection. In this study, a simple method of multispecies adulteration detection for camellia oil (adulterated with soybean oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil) was developed by quantifying chemical markers including four isoflavones, trans-resveratrol and sinapic acid, which used liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) combined with solid phase extraction (SPE). In commercial camellia oil, only two of them were detected of daidzin with the average content of 0.06 ng/g while other markers were absent. The developed method was highly sensitive as the limits of detection (LODs) ranged from 0.02 ng/mL to 0.16 ng/mL and the mean recoveries ranged from 79.7% to 113.5%, indicating that this method was reliable to detect potential characteristic markers in edible oils. Six target compounds for pure camellia oils, soybean oils, peanut oils and rapeseed oils had been analyzed to get the results. The validation results indicated that this simple and rapid method was successfully employed to determine multispecies adulteration of camellia oil adulterated with soybean, peanut and rapeseed oils.

  1. Morfodiagnose da anatomia foliar e caulinar de Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze, Theaceae

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    Márcia R. Duarte

    Full Text Available Camellia sinensis é um arbusto ou árvore de pequeno porte, de origem asiática, denominado de chá-da-índia, chá-verde ou chá-preto. Possui atividades antioxidante, antiinflamatória, antimicrobiana e hepatoprotetora. A comercialização dessa espécie é relevante, como droga farmacognóstica e insumo na indústria de bebidas. O presente trabalho trata da caracterização estrutural de folha e caule, de modo a contribuir na morfodiagnose para o controle de qualidade. Amostras do material vegetal foram fixadas, seccionadas e coradas com azul de astra e fucsina básica. Testes microquímicos usuais foram realizados. A folha apresenta estômatos anomocíticos na face abaxial, tricomas tectores unicelulares em ambas as superfícies, mesofilo dorsiventral, drusas de oxalato de cálcio, nervura central biconvexa e pecíolo plano-convexo, ambos percorridos por feixe vascular colateral. O caule, no nível analisado, possui epiderme unisseriada, camada subepidérmica de células colabadas, bainha esclerenquimática, estrato de células com paredes espessadas em U, organização vascular colateral e medula com células parenquimáticas e esclerenquimáticas. Esclereídes são encontradas na folha e no caule.

  2. Research on pyrolysis behavior of Camellia sinensis branches via the Discrete Distributed Activation Energy Model. (United States)

    Zhou, Bingliang; Zhou, Jianbin; Zhang, Qisheng


    This study aims at investigating the pyrolysis behavior of Camellia sinensis branches by the Discrete Distributed Activation Energy Model (DAEM) and thermogravimetric experiments. Then the Discrete DAEM method is used to describe pyrolysis process of Camellia sinensis branches dominated by 12 characterized reactions. The decomposition mechanism of Camellia sinensis branches and interaction with components are observed. And the reaction at 350.77°C is a significant boundary of the first and second reaction range. The pyrolysis process of Camellia sinensis branches at the heating rate of 10,000°C/min is predicted and provides valuable references for gasification or combustion. The relationship and function between four typical indexes and heating rates from 10 to 10,000°C/min are revealed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Chá verde (Camellia sinensis e suas propriedades funcionais nas doenças crônicas não transmissíveis = Green tea (Camellia sinensis and its functionals properties on transmissible chronic diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Senger, Ana Elisa Vieira


    Conclusões: apesar de todas as evidências promissoras sobre as propriedades funcionais do chá verde nas doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, investigações adicionais são necessárias para a compreensão da sua real contribuição para a saúde humana

  4. The solution structure of ChaB, a putative membrane ion antiporter regulator from Escherichia coli

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    Iannuzzi Pietro


    Full Text Available Abstract Background ChaB is a putative regulator of ChaA, a Na+/H+ antiporter that also has Ca+/H+ activity in E. coli. ChaB contains a conserved 60-residue region of unknown function found in other bacteria, archaeabacteria and a series of baculoviral proteins. As part of a structural genomics project, the structure of ChaB was elucidated by NMR spectroscopy. Results The structure of ChaB is composed of 3 α-helices and a small sheet that pack tightly to form a fold that is found in the cyclin-box family of proteins. Conclusion ChaB is distinguished from its putative DNA binding sequence homologues by a highly charged flexible loop region that has weak affinity to Mg2+ and Ca2+ divalent metal ions.

  5. Cabo Verde - Private Sector Development (United States)

    Millennium Challenge Corporation — The objective of the Private Sector Development Project activities of the 2005-2010 Cabo Verde Compact was to support Cabo Verde's long-term economic transformation...

  6. Semi-lethal high temperature and heat tolerance of eight Camellia species


    He, XY; Ye, H; Ma, JL; Zhang, RQ; Chen, GC; Xia, YY


    Annual leaf segments of eight Camellia species were used to study the heat tolerance by an electrical conductivity method, in combination with a Logistic equation to ascertain the semi-lethal high temperature by fitting the cell injury rate curve. Te relationship between the processing temperature and the cell injury rate in Camellia showed a typical "S" shaped curve, following the Logistic model. Te correlation coeficient was above 0.95. Te semi-lethal high temperature LT50 of the eight Came...

  7. Efeitos da utilização do chá verde na saúde humana - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v7i1.882

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    Nayane Lins Saigg


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos da utilização do chá verde para saúde humana, levantou os benefícios e malefícios, determinou a relação entre o consumo de chá verde e a prevenção de algumas doenças e o emagrecimento. A metodologia adotada foi uma revisão de literatura, dos últimos dez anos, em livros e artigos de diversos autores que abordam o tema chá verde. Cerca de três mil produtos levam o nome de chá, mas na verdade, podem ser considerados como chás somente aqueles que tenham em sua composição a planta Camellia sinensis, que dá origem ao chá verde. Hoje o chá verde, uma das bebidas estimulantes mais consumidas no mundo, é considerado um alimento funcional, que consumido na alimentação cotidiana pode trazer benefícios fisiológicos à saúde, graças aos seus componentes ativos, como os antioxidantes, flavonóides, catequinas, que atuam na prevenção de doenças e em mecanismos específicos do emagrecimento e manutenção do peso corporal. No entanto sua utilização tem sido bastante questionada, motivando a realização de vários estudos para determinar o verdadeiro efeito do chá no organismo e a dose ideal a ser consumida, para que não acarrete prejuízos à saúde, pois ainda não há comprovação científica sobre os benefícios e malefícios que este alimento possa causar em seus usuários. Os hábitos alimentares vão contribuir para o aparecimento ou não de doenças crônicas, com isso a dieta exerce um papel fundamental na prevenção de doenças e para manutenção do peso, aliado a isso à prática de exercícios físicos, obtendo assim um estilo de vida saudável.

  8. Occurrence of theobromine synthase genes in purine alkaloid-free species of Camellia plants. (United States)

    Ishida, Mariko; Kitao, Naoko; Mizuno, Kouichi; Tanikawa, Natsu; Kato, Misako


    Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) and theobromine (3,7-dimethylxanthine) are purine alkaloids that are present in high concentrations in plants of some species of Camellia. However, most members of the genus Camellia contain no purine alkaloids. Tracer experiments using [8-(14)C]adenine and [8-(14)C]theobromine showed that the purine alkaloid pathway is not fully functional in leaves of purine alkaloid-free species. In five species of purine alkaloid-free Camellia plants, sufficient evidence was obtained to show the occurrence of genes that are homologous to caffeine synthase. Recombinant enzymes derived from purine alkaloid-free species showed only theobromine synthase activity. Unlike the caffeine synthase gene, these genes were expressed more strongly in mature tissue than in young tissue.

  9. EXTRATO DE CHÁ VERDE (Camellia sinensis PROMOVE AÇÃO ANTIMICROBIANA SOBRE Staphylococcus aureus

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    Leandro Wagner Figueira


    Full Text Available É de grande importância ampliar as pesquisas científicas com plantas medicinais sobre micro-organismos. Foi verificado o efeito antimicrobiano do extrato de C. sinensis , sobre cultura planctônica e biofilme de S. aureus. Neste estudo foi verificada ação do extrato entre 50 a 0,09 mg/mL sobre cultura planctônica, para determinação da CIM e CBM. A ação do extrato sobre biofilme foi analisada pela exposição de 5 min ao produto vegetal a 200mg/mL. Foi utilizado o método de MTT para determinar a redução da viabilidade do biofilme. Nos grupos controles foram utilizadas clorexidina (+ e solução salina (-, sendo n = 12/grupo. A redução do biofilme foi analisada por ANOVA e Tukey Test (p ≤ 0,05. Em cultura planctônica as concentrações avaliadas não foram efetivas, contudo, utilizando-se a concentração de 200 mg/mL sobre o biofilme, foi verificada redução significativa. Com isso, concluiu-se que o extrato de chá verde demonstrou ação sobre biofilme de S. aureus provendo redução significativa em sua viabilidade.

  10. Investigation of free amino acid, total phenolics, antioxidant activity and purine alkaloids to assess the health properties of non-Camellia tea

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    Wu Bi


    Full Text Available To find novel functional beverages from folk teas, 33 species of frequently used non-Camellia tea (plants other than Camellia were collected and compared with Camellia tea (green tea, pu-erh tea and black tea for the first time. Data are reported here on the quantities of 20 free amino acids (FAAs and three purine alkaloids (measured by UHPLC, total polyphenols (measured by Folin-Ciocalteu assay, and antioxidant activity (DPPH. The total amounts of FAAs in non-Camellia tea (0.62–18.99 mg/g are generally less than that of Camellia tea (16.55–24.99 mg/g. However, for certain FAAs, the quantities were much higher in some non-Camellia teas, such as γ-aminobutyric acid in teas from Ampelopsis grossedentata, Isodon serra and Hibiscus sabdariffa. Interestingly, theanine was detected in tea from Potentilla fruticosa (1.16±0.81 mg/g. Furthermore, the content of polyphenols in teas from A. grossedentata, Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala are significantly higher than those from Camellia tea; teas from I. serra, Pistacia chinensis and A. tataricum subsp. ginnala have remarkable antioxidant activities similar to the activities from green tea (44.23 μg/mL. Purine alkaloids (caffeine, theobromine and theophylline were not detected in non-Camellia teas. The investigation suggest some non-Camellia teas may be great functional natural products with potential for prevention of chronic diseases and aging, by providing with abundant polyphenols, antioxidants and specific FAAs.

  11. Investigation of free amino acid, total phenolics, antioxidant activity and purine alkaloids to assess the health properties of non-Camellia tea. (United States)

    Bi, Wu; He, Chunnian; Ma, Yunyun; Shen, Jie; Zhang, Linghua Harris; Peng, Yong; Xiao, Peigen


    To find novel functional beverages from folk teas, 33 species of frequently used non-Camellia tea (plants other than Camellia) were collected and compared with Camellia tea (green tea, pu-erh tea and black tea) for the first time. Data are reported here on the quantities of 20 free amino acids (FAAs) and three purine alkaloids (measured by UHPLC), total polyphenols (measured by Folin-Ciocalteu assay), and antioxidant activity (DPPH). The total amounts of FAAs in non-Camellia tea (0.62-18.99 mg/g) are generally less than that of Camellia tea (16.55-24.99 mg/g). However, for certain FAAs, the quantities were much higher in some non-Camellia teas, such as γ-aminobutyric acid in teas from Ampelopsis grossedentata, Isodon serra and Hibiscus sabdariffa. Interestingly, theanine was detected in tea from Potentilla fruticosa (1.16±0.81 mg/g). Furthermore, the content of polyphenols in teas from A. grossedentata, Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala are significantly higher than those from Camellia tea; teas from I. serra, Pistacia chinensis and A. tataricum subsp. ginnala have remarkable antioxidant activities similar to the activities from green tea (44.23 μg/mL). Purine alkaloids (caffeine, theobromine and theophylline) were not detected in non-Camellia teas. The investigation suggest some non-Camellia teas may be great functional natural products with potential for prevention of chronic diseases and aging, by providing with abundant polyphenols, antioxidants and specific FAAs.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cieza, Lucas A.; Olofsson, Johan; Henning, Thomas; Harvey, Paul M.; Evans II, Neal J.; Pinte, Christophe; Augereau, Jean-Charles; Ménard, Francois; Merín, Bruno; Najita, Joan


    T Cha is a nearby (d ∼ 100 pc) transition disk known to have an optically thin gap separating optically thick inner and outer disk components. Huélamo et al. recently reported the presence of a low-mass object candidate within the gap of the T Cha disk, giving credence to the suspected planetary origin of this gap. Here we present the Herschel photometry (70, 160, 250, 350, and 500 μm) of T Cha from the 'Dust, Ice, and Gas in Time' Key Program, which bridges the wavelength range between existing Spitzer and millimeter data and provide important constraints on the outer disk properties of this extraordinary system. We model the entire optical to millimeter wavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) of T Cha (19 data points between 0.36 and 3300 μm without any major gaps in wavelength coverage). T Cha shows a steep spectral slope in the far-IR, which we find clearly favors models with outer disks containing little or no dust beyond ∼40 AU. The full SED can be modeled equally well with either an outer disk that is very compact (only a few AU wide) or a much larger one that has a very steep surface density profile. That is, T Cha's outer disk seems to be either very small or very tenuous. Both scenarios suggest a highly unusual outer disk and have important but different implications for the nature of T Cha. Spatially resolved images are needed to distinguish between the two scenarios.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cieza, Lucas A. [Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 (United States); Olofsson, Johan; Henning, Thomas [Max Planck Institut fuer Astronomie, Koenigstuhl 17, 69117 Heidelberg (Germany); Harvey, Paul M.; Evans II, Neal J. [Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 (United States); Pinte, Christophe; Augereau, Jean-Charles; Menard, Francois [UJF-Grenoble 1/CNRS-INSU, Institut de Planetologie et d' Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG) UMR 5274, Grenoble, F-38041 (France); Merin, Bruno [Herschel Science Centre, European Space Agency (ESAC), P.O. Box 78, 28691 Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid (Spain); Najita, Joan, E-mail: [National Optical Astronomy Observatory, 950 N. Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 86719 (United States)


    T Cha is a nearby (d {approx} 100 pc) transition disk known to have an optically thin gap separating optically thick inner and outer disk components. Huelamo et al. recently reported the presence of a low-mass object candidate within the gap of the T Cha disk, giving credence to the suspected planetary origin of this gap. Here we present the Herschel photometry (70, 160, 250, 350, and 500 {mu}m) of T Cha from the 'Dust, Ice, and Gas in Time' Key Program, which bridges the wavelength range between existing Spitzer and millimeter data and provide important constraints on the outer disk properties of this extraordinary system. We model the entire optical to millimeter wavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) of T Cha (19 data points between 0.36 and 3300 {mu}m without any major gaps in wavelength coverage). T Cha shows a steep spectral slope in the far-IR, which we find clearly favors models with outer disks containing little or no dust beyond {approx}40 AU. The full SED can be modeled equally well with either an outer disk that is very compact (only a few AU wide) or a much larger one that has a very steep surface density profile. That is, T Cha's outer disk seems to be either very small or very tenuous. Both scenarios suggest a highly unusual outer disk and have important but different implications for the nature of T Cha. Spatially resolved images are needed to distinguish between the two scenarios.

  14. Genome size variation among and within Camellia species by using flow cytometric analysis.

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    Hui Huang

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The genus Camellia, belonging to the family Theaceae, is economically important group in flowering plants. Frequent interspecific hybridization together with polyploidization has made them become taxonomically "difficult taxa". The DNA content is often used to measure genome size variation and has largely advanced our understanding of plant evolution and genome variation. The goals of this study were to investigate patterns of interspecific and intraspecific variation of DNA contents and further explore genome size evolution in a phylogenetic context of the genus. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The DNA amount in the genus was determined by using propidium iodide flow cytometry analysis for a total of 139 individual plants representing almost all sections of the two subgenera, Camellia and Thea. An improved WPB buffer was proven to be suitable for the Camellia species, which was able to counteract the negative effects of secondary metabolite and generated high-quality results with low coefficient of variation values (CV <5%. Our results showed trivial effects on different tissues of flowers, leaves and buds as well as cytosolic compounds on the estimation of DNA amount. The DNA content of C. sinensis var. assamica was estimated to be 1C = 3.01 pg by flow cytometric analysis, which is equal to a genome size of about 2940 Mb. CONCLUSION: Intraspecific and interspecific variations were observed in the genus Camellia, and as expected, the latter was larger than the former. Our study suggests a directional trend of increasing genome size in the genus Camellia probably owing to the frequent polyploidization events.

  15. Camellia oleifera shell as an alternative feedstock for furfural production using a high surface acidity solid acid catalyst. (United States)

    Zhang, Luxin; He, Yunfei; Zhu, Yujie; Liu, Yuting; Wang, Xiaochang


    This paper focuses on the high-value transformation of camellia oleifera shell, which is an agricultural waste enriched in hemicellulose. An efficient catalytic route employing sulfonated swelling mesoporous polydivinylbenzene (PDVB-SO 3 H) as catalyst in monophasic or biphasic solvents was developed for the conversion of raw camellia oleifera shell into furfural. The reaction parameters were evaluated and optimized for improving the furfural yield. It was found that the solvent greatly influenced the hydrolysis of camellia oleifera shells, and the highest furfural yield of 61.3% was obtained in "γ-butyrolactone + water" system when the feedstock-to-catalyst ratio was 2 for 30 min at 443 K. Camellia oleifera shell exhibited a high potential as feedstock to produce furfural in high yields. The outcome of this study provides an attractive utilization option to camellia oleifera shell, which is currently burned or discarded for producing a bio-based chemical. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Enzymatic lipophilization of epicatechin with free fatty acids and its effect on antioxidative capacity in crude camellia seed oil. (United States)

    Chen, Sa-Sa; Luo, Shui-Zhong; Zheng, Zhi; Zhao, Yan-Yan; Pang, Min; Jiang, Shao-Tong


    Crude camellia seed oil is rich in free fatty acids, which must be removed to produce an oil of acceptable quality. In the present study, we reduced the free fatty acid content of crude camellia seed oil by lipophilization of epicatechin with these free fatty acids in the presence of Candida antarctica lipase B (Novozym 435), and this may enhance the oxidative stability of the oil at the same time. The acid value of crude camellia seed oil reduced from 3.7 to 2.5 mgKOH g -1 after lipophilization. Gas chomatography-mass spectrometry analysis revealed that epicatechin oleate and epicatechin palmitate were synthesized in the lipophilized oil. The peroxide, p-anisidine, and total oxidation values during heating of the lipophilized oil were much lower than that of the crude oil and commercially available camellia seed oil, suggesting that lipophilized epicatechin derivatives could help enhance the oxidative stability of edible oil. The enzymatic process to lipophilize epicatechin with the free fatty acids in crude camellia seed oil described in the present study could decrease the acid value to meet the quality standards for commercial camellia seed oil and, at the same time, obtain a new edible camellia seed oil product with good oxidative stability. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  17. The protective ability of Camellia meal extract on the silk protein (United States)

    Weng, JZ; Cai, C.; Zhang, DY; Dai, BK


    With the enhancement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to the health. The edible oil become more and more popular, but also produced a large amount of Camellia meal which can not fully put into utilization. In this study, the extracting liquid of Camellia meal was used on the process of silk degumming. Firstly, tussah silk was treated by degumming in the Na2CO3 solution, and the preliminary condition of tussah silk degumming was obtained by orthogonal experiment: the concentration Na2CO3 was 0.1%, the degumming time was 1 hour, and the ratio of silk/water was 40:1. Then the extract of Camellia meal (GCJSY) was added before the bleaching process of tussah silk to investigate the protective ability of GCJSY on the silk protein basry on the residual ratio of the silk. While the concentration of GYJSY was 0.08%, the residual ratio of silk after degumming in the Na2CO3 solution and bleaching in the 2% H2O2 solution was 87.2%.



    Cieza, Lucas A.; Olofsson, Johan; Harvey, Paul M.; Pinte, Christophe; Merin, Bruno; Augereau, Jean-Charles; Evans, Neal J., II; Najita, Joan; Henning, Thomas; Menard, Francois


    T Cha is a nearby (d = 100 pc) transition disk known to have an optically thin gap separating optically thick inner and outer disk components. Huelamo et al. (2011) recently reported the presence of a low-mass object candidate within the gap of the T Cha disk, giving credence to the suspected planetary origin of this gap. Here we present the Herschel photometry (70, 160, 250, 350, and 500 micron) of T Cha from the "Dust, Ice, and Gas in Time" (DIGIT) Key Program, which bridges the wavelength ...

  19. Ouro Verde MG 2: nova cultivar de mungo-verde para Minas Gerais Ouro Verde MG 2: new mungbean cultivar for Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Rogério F. Vieira


    Full Text Available Dentre várias linhagens introduzidas do "Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center" (AVRDC, sobressaiu a linhagem VC 3984-B-2-B-4-1-B, que recebeu o nome de Ouro Verde MG 2. Suas sementes são verde-brilhantes e o peso de 1000 unidades varia de 43 a 51 g. O início da floração ocorre em torno de 33 dias após a emergência e a primeira vagem madura surge entre 23 e 33 dias. Por se tratar de espécie de maturação desuniforme, podem ser necessárias duas a quatro colheitas. As plantas podem atingir 95 cm de altura. As vagens são marrom-escuras e concentram-se na parte superior da planta. É suscetível a duas doenças que geralmente aparecem no final do ciclo de vida do mungo-verde: míldio-pulverulento (Erysiphe polygoni e mancha-foliar-de-cercospora (Cercospora canescens. A 'Ouro Verde MG 2' é resistente ao acamamento, e o seu rendimento, em três ensaios instalados em dezembro, janeiro e fevereiro, variou de 1,5 a 2,0 t/ha. Esses rendimentos foram, em média, 12% superior ao da cultivar Ouro Verde.Among many accessions introduced from Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC, the VC 3984-B-2-B-4-1-B stood out and was named 'Ouro Verde MG 2'. The seeds are bright green and 1000-seed weight ranges from 43 to 51 g. Flowering starts approximately 33 days after emergence and the first pod ripens between 23 and 33 days later. As mungbean is a non-uniform maturation species, two to four harvests could be necessary. The plant can reach 95 cm high. The pods are dark brown and concentrated in the upper canopy. This cv. is susceptible to two diseases which generally appear late in the crop: powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni and cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora canescens. 'Ouro Verde MG 2' is resistant to lodging. The yield measured in three experiments carried out in December, January, and February, ranged from 1.5 to 2.0 t/ha. In average, these yields were 12% superior than the achieved by the cultivar 'Ouro Verde'.

  20. Nectar properties and the role of sunbirds as pollinators of the golden-flowered tea (Camellia petelotii). (United States)

    Sun, Shi-Guo; Huang, Zhi-Huan; Chen, Zhi-Bao; Huang, Shuang-Quan


    Properties of floral nectar have been used to predict if a plant species is pollinated by birds. To see whether winter-flowering plants evolve nectar properties corresponding to bird pollinators, nectar properties of several Camellia species (including the golden-flowered tea), as well as the role of floral visitors as effective pollinators, were examined. Potential pollinators of Camellia petelotii were identified at different times of day and under various weather conditions. A bird exclusion experiment was used to compare the pollination effectiveness of birds and insects. Nectar sugar components (fructose, glucose, and sucrose) from C. petelotii growing wild and another seven Camellia species and 22 additional cultivars (all in cultivation) were examined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The sunbird Aethopyga siparaja and honeybees were the most frequent floral visitors to C. petelotii . Honeybee visits were significantly reduced in cloudy/rainy weather. The fruit and seed set of flowers with birds excluded were reduced by 64%, indicating that bird pollination is significant. For the wild populations of C. petelotii , a bagged flower could secrete 157 μL nectar; this nectar has a low sugar concentration (19%) and is sucrose-dominant (87%). The eight Camellia species and 22 cultivars had an average sugar concentration of around 30% and a sucrose concentration of 80%, demonstrating sucrose-dominant nectar in Camellia species. The nectar sugar composition of Camellia species was characterized by sucrose dominance. In addition, the large reduction in seed set when birds are excluded in the golden-flowered tea also supports the suggestion that these winter-flowering plants may have evolved with birds as significant pollinators. © 2017 Botanical Society of America.

  1. Isolation of eugenyl β-primeveroside from Camellia sasanqua and its anticancer activity in PC3 prostate cancer cells

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    Chun-Chieh Wang


    Full Text Available Most studies of tea trees have focused on their ornamental properties, there are fewer published studies on their medical values. The purpose of this study was to compare the chemical constituents and the biological potential of the water extract of leaves in eight species of Camellia including Camellia sinensis. Among eight Camellia species, Camellia sasanqua showed potent anticancer activities in prostate cancer PC3 cells. In addition to catechins, the major component, eugenyl β-primeveroside was detected in C. sasanqua. Eugenyl β-primeveroside blocked the progression of cell cycle at G1 phase by inducing p53 expression and further upregulating p21 expression. Moreover, eugenyl β-primeveroside induced apoptosis in PC3 prostate cancer cells. Our results suggest that C. sasanqua may have anticancer potential.

  2. Heating the Primordial Soup: X-raying the Circumstellar Disk of T Cha (United States)

    Principe, David; Huenemoerder, D.; Kastner, J. H.; Bessell, M. S.; Sacco, G.


    The classical T Tauri Star (cTTS) T Chamaeleontis (T Cha) presents a unique opportunity to probe pre-main sequence star-disk interactions and late-stage circumstellar disk evolution. T Cha is the only known example of a nearly edge-on, actively accreting star/disk system within ~110 pc, and furthermore may be orbited by a low-mass companion or massive planet that has cleared an inner hole in its disk. The star is characterized by strong variability in the optical 3 magnitudes in the V band) as well as large and variable extinction (AV in the range of 1-5). Like most cTTS, T Cha is also a luminous X-ray source. We present preliminary results of two observations (totaling 150 ks) of T Cha with Chandra’s HETGS. Our motivations are to (a) determine the intrinsic X-ray spectrum of T Cha, so as to establish whether its X-ray emission can be attributed to accretion shocks, coronal emission, or a combination; (b) investigate whether its X-ray flux exhibits modulation that may be related to the stellar rotational period 3.3 days); and (c) take advantage of the nearly-edge-on disk viewing geometry to model the spectrum of X-rays absorbed by the gaseous disk orbiting T Cha. These results will serve as much-needed input to models of magnetospheric accretion and irradiated, planet-forming disks. This research is supported via award number GO3-14022X to RIT issued by the Chandra X-ray Observatory Center, which is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for and on behalf of NASA under contract NAS803060. Additional support is provided by National Science Foundation grant AST-1108950 to RIT.

  3. CHaMP metrics - Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The goal of CHaMP is to generate and implement a standard set of fish habitat monitoring (status and trend) methods in up to 26 watersheds across the Columbia River...

  4. Chaînes logistiques et consommation d'énergie : cas du yaourt et du jean


    Rizet , C.; Keita , Basile


    Contrat INRETS/ADEME n°: 0203034; Rapport de recherche; Pour analyser l'efficacité énergétique et les émissions de GES des chaînes logistiques, on compare différentes chaînes aboutissant aux mêmes consommateurs. Deux produits sont étudiés : le yaourt, caractéristique de la chaîne du froid et des flux tendus et le blue jean, intégré au marché mondial, tant pour sa matière première principale (le coton) que pour les différentes étapes de sa fabrication. Les chaînes étudiées pour le jean différe...

  5. Diverse Colletotrichum species cause anthracnose of tea plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) in China. (United States)

    Wang, Yu-Chun; Hao, Xin-Yuan; Wang, Lu; Bin Xiao; Wang, Xin-Chao; Yang, Ya-Jun


    Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum is one of the most severe diseases that can afflict Camellia sinensis. However, research on the diversity and geographical distribution of Colletotrichum in China remain limited. In this study, 106 Colletotrichum isolates were collected from diseased leaves of Ca. sinensis cultivated in the 15 main tea production provinces in China. Multi-locus phylogenetic analysis coupled with morphological identification showed that the collected isolates belonged to 11 species, including 6 known species (C. camelliae, C. cliviae, C. fioriniae, C. fructicola, C. karstii, and C. siamense), 3 new record species (C. aenigma, C. endophytica, and C. truncatum), 1 novel species (C. wuxiense), and 1 indistinguishable strain, herein described as Colletotrichum sp. Of these species, C. camelliae and C. fructicola were the dominant species causing anthracnose in Ca. sinensis. In addition, our study provided further evidence that phylogenetic analysis using a combination of ApMat and GS sequences can be used to effectively resolve the taxonomic relationships within the C. gloeosporioides species complex. Finally, pathogenicity tests suggested that C. camelliae, C. aenigma, and C. endophytica are more invasive than other species after the inoculation of the leaves of Ca. sinensis.

  6. Favoriser le développement de chaînes de valeur agricoles ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Favoriser le développement de chaînes de valeur agricoles inclusives et durables grâce aux TIC ... Ce projet vise à mettre l'information et les connaissances au service du développement de chaînes de valeur agricoles grâce à l'utilisation stratégique des TIC. ... Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center.

  7. Heart failure: a weak link in CHA2 DS2 -VASc. (United States)

    Friberg, Leif; Lund, Lars H


    In atrial fibrillation, stroke risk is assessed by the CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score. Heart failure is included in CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc, but the rationale is uncertain. Our objective was to test if heart failure is a risk factor for stroke, independent of other risk factors in CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc. We studied 300 839 patients with atrial fibrillation in the Swedish Patient Register 2005-11. Three definitions of heart failure were used in order to assess the robustness of the results. In the main analysis, heart failure was defined by a hospital discharge diagnosis of heart failure as first or second diagnosis and a filled prescription of a diuretic within 3 months before index + 30 days. The second definition counted first or second discharge diagnoses failure diagnosis in open or hospital care before index + 30 days. Associations with outcomes were assessed with multivariable Cox analyses. Patients with heart failure were older (80.5 vs. 74.0 years, P failure and 3.1% without. Adjustment for the cofactors in CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc eradicated the difference in stroke risk between patients with and without heart failure (hazard ratio 1.01 with 95% confidence interval 0.96-1.05). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc was not improved by points for heart failure. A clinical diagnosis of heart failure was not an independent risk factor for stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, which may have implications for anticoagulation management. © 2018 The Authors. ESC Heart Failure published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology.

  8. 36 CFR 7.39 - Mesa Verde National Park. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Mesa Verde National Park. 7... SPECIAL REGULATIONS, AREAS OF THE NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM § 7.39 Mesa Verde National Park. (a) Visiting of... the admission of commercial automobiles and buses to Mesa Verde National Park, contained in § 5.4 of...

  9. Antiviral effects of green tea ( Camellia sinensis ) against pathogenic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Tea is the second most addictive worldwide after formulations containing caffeine in carbonated beverage. Green tea is made from leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. In the repertoire of traditional Chinese medicine, green tea beverages have played a fundamental role associated with their culture.

  10. Development of a service organization. CHA (Catholic Hospital Association) from post-World War II through Vatican II. (United States)

    Kauffman, C J


    Having weathered the Depression and war years, CHA in the late 1940s looked forward to a new era in Catholic healthcare. The third and fourth articles of Health Progress's six-part history of CHA described how Rev. Alphonse M. Schwitalla, SJ, led the association through one of the most difficult periods in U.S. history. This article follows CHA's development into a modern service organization under the leadership of Rev. John J. Flanagan, SJ. The series' final installment, which will appear in the July-August issue, describes how CHA has modernized its services and structure in the past two decades to help its members adjust to a turbulent environment.

  11. Evaluation of the Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Activities of the Aqueous Extract from Camellia euphlebia Merr. ex Sealy in Mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dongye He


    Full Text Available Camellia euphlebia Merr. ex Sealy is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been widely used for improvement of human emotions in the Guangxi Province of southern China. However, there are no studies about the anxiolytic and antidepressant activities of Camellia euphlebia. This study evaluated the anxiolytic and antidepressant activities of the aqueous extract from Camellia euphlebia (CEE in mice. We found that administration of 400 mg/kg CEE or 20 mg/kg fluoxetine for 7 days significantly reduced the immobility time in both TST and FST. Oral administration of 100 mg/kg extract or 4 mg/kg diazepam for 7 days significantly increased the percentage of time spent and the number of entries into the open arms of the EPMT. In addition, the time spent by mice in the illuminated side of the LDBT was increased. Furthermore, pretreatment with 400 mg/kg CEE for 7 days significantly elevated the level of 5-HT and DA in the whole brain of mice. These results provide support for the potential anxiolytic and antidepressant activity of Camellia euphlebia and contribute towards validation of the traditional use of Camellia euphlebia in the treatment of emotional disorders.

  12. Unravelling Colletotrichum species associated with Camellia: employing ApMat and GS loci to resolve species in the C. gloeosporioides complex

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liu, F.; Weir, B.S.; Damm, U.; Crous, P.W.; Wang, Y.; Liu, B.; Wang, M.; Zhang, M.; Cai, L.


    "We investigated the phylogenetic diversity of 144 Colletotrichum isolates associated with symptomatic and asymptomatic tissues of Camellia sinensis and other Camellia spp. from seven provinces in China (Fujian, Guizhou, Henan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), and seven isolates obtained from

  13. Unravelling Colletotrichum species associated with Camellia: employing ApMat and GS loci to resolve species in the C. gloeosporioides complex

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liu, F; Weir, B S; Damm, U; Crous, P W; Wang, Y; Liu, B; Wang, M; Zhang, M; Cai, L


    We investigated the phylogenetic diversity of 144 Colletotrichum isolates associated with symptomatic and asymptomatic tissues of Camellia sinensis and other Camellia spp. from seven provinces in China (Fujian, Guizhou, Henan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), and seven isolates obtained from

  14. Nucleosome structure of the yeast CHA1 promoter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moreira, José Manuel Alfonso; Holmberg, S


    conditions. Five yeast TBP mutants defective in different steps in activated transcription abolished CHA1 expression, but failed to affect induction-dependent chromatin rearrangement of the promoter region. Progressive truncations of the RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain caused a progressive reduction...

  15. Production of secondary metabolites trimethyl xanthina by Camellia sinensis L suspension culture (United States)

    Sutini, Sodiq, Mochamad; Muslihatin, Wirdhatul; Indra, Mochamad Rasjad


    Bioactive trimethyl xanthina can be obtained from the plant Camellia sinensis L. To obtain bioactive plant of which there are several hurdles for instance to wait up to five years to be harvested, also it needs land at a certain height from the sea level. Therefore, the production of secondary metabolites trimethyl xanthina need to be developed with suspense culture techniques. The purpose of this study obtained the production of bioactive trimethyl xanthina way culturally suspense in large scale with a relatively short time, potentially as anti-oxidants. Research methods include: (1) initiation of callus from pieces of leaves, shoots the youngest of the plant Camellia sinensis L in the media MS with the optimization of the addition of growth regulators, (2) the subculture of callus on media and plant growth regulator that is equal to the stage of initiation, (3) initiation of suspension culture using explants of callus Camellia sinensis L, (4) Analysis of secondary metabolites trimethyl xanthina growth in suspension culture, (5) the isolation and identification of trimethyl xanthina qualitatively and quantitatively using thin layer chromatography/high performance chromatography column. The results of the study suspension cultures containing bioactive trimethyl xanthina candidates that can be used as an antioxidant.

  16. Predictive performance of the CHA2DS2-VASc rule in atrial fibrillation : a systematic review and meta-analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Doorn, S.; Debray, T. P. A.; Kaasenbrood, F.; Hoes, A. W.; Rutten, F. H.; Moons, K. G. M.; Geersing, G. J.


    Essentials The widely recommended CHA2DS2-VASc shows conflicting results in contemporary validation studies. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of 19 studies validating CHA2DS2-VASc. There was high heterogeneity in stroke risks for different CHA2DS2-VASc scores. This was not

  17. Intraclonal genome diversity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa clones CHA and TB (United States)


    Background Adaptation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to different living conditions is accompanied by microevolution resulting in genomic diversity between strains of the same clonal lineage. In order to detect the impact of colonized habitats on P. aeruginosa microevolution we determined the genomic diversity between the highly virulent cystic fibrosis (CF) isolate CHA and two temporally and geographically unrelated clonal variants. The outcome was compared with the intraclonal genome diversity between three more closely related isolates of another clonal complex. Results The three clone CHA isolates differed in their core genome in several dozen strain specific nucleotide exchanges and small deletions from each other. Loss of function mutations and non-conservative amino acid replacements affected several habitat- and lifestyle-associated traits, for example, the key regulator GacS of the switch between acute and chronic disease phenotypes was disrupted in strain CHA. Intraclonal genome diversity manifested in an individual composition of the respective accessory genome whereby the highest number of accessory DNA elements was observed for isolate PT22 from a polluted aquatic habitat. Little intraclonal diversity was observed between three spatiotemporally related outbreak isolates of clone TB. Although phenotypically different, only a few individual SNPs and deletions were detected in the clone TB isolates. Their accessory genome mainly differed in prophage-like DNA elements taken up by one of the strains. Conclusions The higher geographical and temporal distance of the clone CHA isolates was associated with an increased intraclonal genome diversity compared to the more closely related clone TB isolates derived from a common source demonstrating the impact of habitat adaptation on the microevolution of P. aeruginosa. However, even short-term habitat differentiation can cause major phenotypic diversification driven by single genomic variation events and uptake of phage

  18. Palo Verde nuclear dynamic analysis (PANDA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Girjashankar, P.V.; Secker, P.A. Jr.; LeClair, S.J.; Mendoza, J.; Webb, J.R.


    Arizona Nuclear Power Project (ANPP) has initiated the development of a large scale dynamic analysis computer program for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS). This paper presents the decision processes and preliminary development activities that have been pursued related to the code development. The PANDA (Palo Verde Nuclear Dynamic Analysis) code will be used for a variety of applications as described in this paper

  19. [Fast Detection of Camellia Sinensis Growth Process and Tea Quality Informations with Spectral Technology: A Review]. (United States)

    Peng, Ji-yu; Song, Xing-lin; Liu, Fei; Bao, Yi-dan; He, Yong


    The research achievements and trends of spectral technology in fast detection of Camellia sinensis growth process information and tea quality information were being reviewed. Spectral technology is a kind of fast, nondestructive, efficient detection technology, which mainly contains infrared spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy. The rapid detection of Camellia sinensis growth process information and tea quality is helpful to realize the informatization and automation of tea production and ensure the tea quality and safety. This paper provides a review on its applications containing the detection of tea (Camellia sinensis) growing status(nitrogen, chlorophyll, diseases and insect pest), the discrimination of tea varieties, the grade discrimination of tea, the detection of tea internal quality (catechins, total polyphenols, caffeine, amino acid, pesticide residual and so on), the quality evaluation of tea beverage and tea by-product, the machinery of tea quality determination and discrimination. This paper briefly introduces the trends of the technology of the determination of tea growth process information, sensor and industrial application. In conclusion, spectral technology showed high potential to detect Camellia sinensis growth process information, to predict tea internal quality and to classify tea varieties and grades. Suitable chemometrics and preprocessing methods is helpful to improve the performance of the model and get rid of redundancy, which provides the possibility to develop the portable machinery. Future work is to develop the portable machinery and on-line detection system is recommended to improve the further application. The application and research achievement of spectral technology concerning about tea were outlined in this paper for the first time, which contained Camellia sinensis growth, tea production, the quality and safety of tea and by-produce and so on, as well as some problems to be solved

  20. Studies on the Biochemical Formation Pathway of the Amino Acid l-Theanine in Tea (Camellia sinensis) and Other Plants. (United States)

    Cheng, Sihua; Fu, Xiumin; Wang, Xiaoqin; Liao, Yinyin; Zeng, Lanting; Dong, Fang; Yang, Ziyin


    Tea (Camellia sinensis) is the most widely consumed beverage aside from water. The flavor of tea is conferred by certain metabolites, especially l-theanine, in C. sinensis. To determine why more l-theanine accumulates in C. sinensis than in other plants, we compare l-theanine contents between C. sinensis and other plant species (Camellia nitidissima, Camellia japonica, Zea mays, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Solanum lycopersicum) and use a stable isotope labeling approach to elucidate its biosynthetic route. We quantify relevant intermediates and metabolites by mass spectrometry. l-Glutamic acid, a precursor of l-theanine, is present in most plants, while ethylamine, another precursor of l-theanine, specifically accumulates in Camellia species, especially C. sinensis. Most plants contain the enzyme/gene catalyzing the conversion of ethylamine and l-glutamic acid to l-theanine. After supplementation with [ 2 H 5 ]ethylamine, all the plants produce [ 2 H 5 ]l-theanine, which suggests that ethylamine availability is the reason for the difference in l-theanine accumulation between C. sinensis and other plants.

  1. Characterization of Armillaria isolates from tea (Camellia sinensis) in Kenya

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Otieno, W.; Perez Sierra, A.; Termorshuizen, A.J.


    Armillaria is a primary root rot pathogen of tea (Camellia sinensis) in Kenya. The main species presently described in this country are A. mellea and A. heimii. A survey covering fourteen districts of Kenya was carried out and forty-seven isolates of Armillaria collected. Cultural morphology,

  2. Sphingoid bases and the serine catabolic enzyme CHA1 define a novel feedforward/feedback mechanism in the response to serine availability. (United States)

    Montefusco, David J; Newcomb, Benjamin; Gandy, Jason L; Brice, Sarah E; Matmati, Nabil; Cowart, L Ashley; Hannun, Yusuf A


    Targets of bioactive sphingolipids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae were previously identified using microarray experiments focused on sphingolipid-dependent responses to heat stress. One of these heat-induced genes is the serine deamidase/dehydratase Cha1 known to be regulated by increased serine availability. This study investigated the hypothesis that sphingolipids may mediate the induction of Cha1 in response to serine availability. The results showed that inhibition of de novo synthesis of sphingolipids, pharmacologically or genetically, prevented the induction of Cha1 in response to increased serine availability. Additional studies implicated the sphingoid bases phytosphingosine and dihydrosphingosine as the likely mediators of Cha1 up-regulation. The yeast protein kinases Pkh1 and Pkh2, known sphingoid base effectors, were found to mediate CHA1 up-regulation via the transcription factor Cha4. Because the results disclosed a role for sphingolipids in negative feedback regulation of serine metabolism, we investigated the effects of disrupting this mechanism on sphingolipid levels and on cell growth. Intriguingly, exposure of the cha1Δ strain to high serine resulted in hyperaccumulation of endogenous serine and in turn a significant accumulation of sphingoid bases and ceramides. Under these conditions, the cha1Δ strain displayed a significant growth defect that was sphingolipid-dependent. Together, this work reveals a feedforward/feedback loop whereby the sphingoid bases serve as sensors of serine availability and mediate up-regulation of Cha1 in response to serine availability, which in turn regulates sphingolipid levels by limiting serine accumulation.

  3. Optimization of the degumming process for camellia oil by the use of phospholipase C in pilot-scale system. (United States)

    Jiang, Xiaofei; Chang, Ming; Jin, Qingzhe; Wang, Xingguo


    In present study, phospholipase C (PLC) was applied in camellia oil degumming and the response surface method (RSM) was used to determine the optimum degumming conditions (reaction time, reaction temperature and enzyme dosage) for this enzyme. The optimum conditions for the minimum residual phosphorus content (15.14 mg/kg) and maximum yield of camellia oil (98.2 %) were obtained at reaction temperature 53 ºC, reaction time 2.2 h, PLC dosage 400 mg/kg and pH 5.4. The application of phospholipase A (PLA) - assisted degumming process could further reduce the residual phosphorus content of camellia oil (6.84 mg/kg) to make the oil suitable for physical refining while maintaining the maximal oil yield (98.2 %). These results indicate that PLC degumming process in combination with PLA treatment can be a commercially viable alternative for traditional degumming process. Study on the quality changes of degummed oils showed that the oxidative stability of camellia oil was slightly deceased after the enzymatic treatment, thus more attention should be paid to the oxidative stability in the further application.

  4. Verde pentru biciclete (Green for Bycicles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romina Faur


    Full Text Available The campaign “Verde pentru biciclete” (Engl. “Green for bicycles” is the first official initiative from Timişoara that encourages adopting cycling as an ecological and economical alternative to urban transportation; this addresses the citizens of Timişoara and not only, regardless of age. “Verde pentru biciclete” is a pedalling movement supported by the Bega Foundation, in collaboration with the Gratzu Sportive Club, KissFM, Ziua de Vest, Agenda and The debut of the campaign took place of October 25th 2008, with the first “Verde pentru biciclete” event – “The bicycles Counting”. All the events that followed were held to draw attention on the importance of cycling, together with obtaining of certain facilities, necessary for the cyclists’ safe movement in traffic. Moreover, a number of communication platforms have been created between the fans of cycling; thus, the website has been created, through which those interested can inform themselves or communicate on the forum and discussions group o through the social network Facebook ( verdepentrubiciclete. This paper presents the activities held within the campaign since its beginning until today, as well as our future plans.

  5. The nematicidal effect of camellia seed cake on root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica of banana.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiujuan Yang

    Full Text Available Suppression of root-knot nematodes is crucially important for maintaining the worldwide development of the banana industry. Growing concerns about human and environmental safety have led to the withdrawal of commonly used nematicides and soil fumigants, thus motivating the development of alternative nematode management strategies. In this study, Meloidogyne javanica was isolated, and the nematicidal effect of Camellia seed cake on this pest was investigated. The results showed that in dish experiments, Camellia seed cake extracts under low concentration (2 g/L showed a strong nematicidal effect. After treatment for 72 h, the eggs of M. javanica were gradually dissolved, and the intestine of the juveniles gradually became indistinct. Nematicidal compounds, including saponins identified by HPLC-ESI-MS and 8 types of volatile compounds identified by GC-MS, exhibited effective nematicidal activities, especially 4-methylphenol. The pot experiments demonstrated that the application of Camellia seed cake suppressed M. javanica, and promoted the banana plant growth. This study explored an effective nematicidal agent for application in soil and revealed its potential mechanism of nematode suppression.

  6. Interaction between the Bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0, its genetic derivatives and vermiculite: Effects on chemical, mineralogical and mechanical properties of vermiculite (United States)

    Mueller, Barbara


    Using bacteria of the strain Pseudomonas fluorescens wild type CHA0 and its genetic derivative strains CHA77, CHA89, CHA400, CHA631 and CHA661 (which differ in one gene only) the changes in chemical, mineralogical and rheological properties of the clay mineral vermiculite affected by microbial activity were studied in order to test whether the individually different production of metabolites by the genetically engineered strains may alter the clay mineral vermiculite in distinct ways. With the novel strategy of working with living wild type bacteria, their genetic derivatives and clay, the following properties of the mineral altered by the various strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens were determined: grain size, X-Ray diffraction pattern, intercrystalline swelling with glycerol, layer charge, CEC, BET surface and uptake of trace elements. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was used to determine the changes in major, minor and trace elements of the clay vermiculite affected by microbial activity. Among all analyzed trace elements, Fe, Mn and Cu are the most interesting. Fe and Mn are taken up from the clay mineral by all bacterial strains whereas Cu is only removed from vermiculite by strains CHA0, CHA77, CHA400 and CHA661. The latter mentioned strains all produce the antibiotics 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol and monoacetylphloroglucinol which can complex Cu efficiently. Therefore the alteration of only one gene of the bacteria is causing significant effects on the clay mineral.

  7. Supplementation with different teas from Camellia sinensis prevents memory deficits and hippocampus oxidative stress in ischemia-reperfusion. (United States)

    Martins, Alexandre; Schimidt, Helen L; Garcia, Alexandre; Colletta Altermann, Caroline Dalla; Santos, Francielli W; Carpes, Felipe P; da Silva, Weber Cláudio; Mello-Carpes, Pâmela B


    Memory and cognition impairments resultant of ischemic stroke could be minimized or avoided by antioxidant supplementation. In this regard, the neuroprotective potential of Green tea from Camellia sinensis has been investigated. However, there is a lack of information regarding the neuroprotective potential of others teas processed from the Camellia sinensis. Here we investigate the neuroprotective role of green, red, white and black tea on memory deficits and brain oxidative stress in a model of ischemic stroke in rats. Our findings show that green and red teas prevent deficits in object and social recognition memories, but only green tea protects against deficits in spatial memory and avoids hippocampal oxidative status and intense necrosis and others alterations in the brain tissue. In summary, green tea shows better neuroprotection in ischemic stroke than the others teas from Camellia sinensis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Identification of Cha o 3 homolog Cry j 4 from Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese cedar) pollen: Limitation of the present Japanese cedar-specific ASIT. (United States)

    Osada, Toshihiro; Tanaka, Yuki; Yamada, Akira; Sasaki, Eiji; Utsugi, Teruhiro


    About one-third of the Japanese population suffers from Japanese cedar pollinosis, which is frequently accompanied by Japanese cypress pollinosis. Recently, a novel major Japanese cypress pollen allergen, Cha o 3, was discovered. However, whether a Cha o 3 homolog is present in Japanese cedar pollen remains to be determined. Western blot analysis was performed using Cha o 3-specific antiserum. In addition, cloning of the gene encoding Cry j 4 was conducted using total cDNA from the male flower of Japanese cedar trees. Allergen potency and cross-reactivity were investigated using a T-cell proliferation assay, basophil activation test, and ImmunoCAP inhibition assay. A low amount of Cha o 3 homolog protein was detected in Japanese cedar pollen extract. The deduced amino acid sequence of Cry j 4 showed 84% identity to that of Cha o 3. Cross-reactivity between Cry j 4 and Cha o 3 was observed at the T cell and IgE levels. Cry j 4 was discovered as a counterpart allergen of Cha o 3 in Japanese cedar pollen, with a relationship similar to that between Cry j 1-Cha o 1 and Cry j 2-Cha o 2. Our findings also suggest that allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) using Japanese cedar pollen extract does not induce adequate immune tolerance to Cha o 3 due to the low amount of Cry j 4 in Japanese cedar pollen. Therefore, ASIT using Cha o 3 or cypress pollen extract coupled with Japanese cedar pollen extract is required in order to optimally control allergy symptoms during Japanese cypress pollen season. Copyright © 2018 Japanese Society of Allergology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Differential impact of some Aspergillus species on Meloidogyne javanica biocontrol by Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0. (United States)

    Siddiqui, I A; Shaukat, S S; Khan, A


    The aim was to determine the influence of some Aspergillus species on the production of nematicidal agent(s) in vitro and biocontrol of Meloidogyne javanica in tomato by Pseudomonas fluorescens strains CHA0 and CHA0/pME3424. Six species of Aspergillus, isolated from the rhizosphere of certain crops, produced a variety of secondary metabolites in vitro. Culture filtrate (CF) obtained from Ps. fluorescens strain CHA0 and its2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol overproducing mutant CHA0/pME3424 grown in King's B liquid medium caused significant mortality of M. javanica juveniles in vitro. Bacterial growth medium amended with CF of A. niger enhanced nematicidal and beta-galactosidase activities of fluorescent pseudomonads while A. quadrilineatus repressed such activities. Methanol or ethyl acetate extracts of the CF of A. niger markedly optimized bacterial efficacy to cause nematode deaths while hexane extract of the fungus had no influence on the nematicidal activity of the bacterial strains. A. niger applied alone or in conjunction with the bacterial inoculants inhibited root-knot nematode galling in tomato. On the other hand, A. quadrilineatus used alone or together with CHA0 did not inhibit nematode galling but when used in combination with strain CHA0/pME3424 did reduce galling intensity. Aspergillus niger enhances the production of nematicidal compounds by Ps. fluorescensin vitro and improves biocontrol potential of the bacterial inoculants in tomato while A. quadrilineatus reduces bacterial performance to suppress root-knot nematodes. Rhizosphere harbours a variety of micro-organisms including bacteria, fungi and viruses. Aspergillus species are ubiquitous in most agricultural soils and generally produce a variety of secondary metabolites. Such metabolites synthesized by Aspergillus species may influence the production of nematicidal agents and subsequent biocontrol performance of the bacterial inoculants against plant-parasitic nematodes. This fact needs to be taken into

  10. Coordination Environment of Copper Sites in Cu-CHA Zeolite Investigated by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Godiksen, Anita; Stappen, Frederick N.; Vennestrøm, Peter N. R.


    Cu-CHA combines high activity for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) reaction with better hydrothermal stability and selectivity compared to other copper-substituted zeolites. At the same time Cu-CHA offers an opportunity for unraveling the coordination environment of the copper centers since...... the zeolite framework is very simple with only one crystallographically independent tetrahedral site (T-site). In this study the results of an X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) investigation of ion-exchanged Cu-CHA zeolite with a Si/Al ratio of 14 ± 1 is presented. Different dehydration treatments...... of the EPR silent monomeric Cu2+ in copper-substituted zeolites is suggested to be copper species with an approximate trigonal coordination sphere appearing during the dehydration. After complete dehydration at 250 °C the majority of the EPR silent Cu2+ is suggested to exist as Cu2+–OH– coordinated to two...

  11. Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of a Novel Biflavonoid from Shells of Camellia oleifera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yong Ye


    Full Text Available Shells are by-products of oil production from Camellia oleifera which have not been harnessed effectively. The purpose of this research is to isolate flavonoid from shells of Camellia oleifera and evaluate its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The flavonoid was identified as bimolecular kaempferol structure by UV, MS, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra, which is a new biflavonoid and first found in Camellia oleifera. It showed dose-dependent anti-inflammatory activity by carrageenin-induced paw oedema in rats and croton oil induced ear inflammation in mice, and analgesic activity by hot plate test and acetic acid induced writhing. The mechanism of anti-inflammation of biflavonoid is related to both bradykinin and prostaglandins synthesis inhibition. The biflavonoid showed both central and peripheral analgesic effects different from aspirin, inhibition of the synthesis or action of prostaglandins may contribute to analgesic effect of biflavonoid. The biflavonoid significantly decreased malonaldehyde (MDA and increased superoxidase dismutase (SOD and Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px activity in serum (p < 0.01, revealed strong free radical scavenging activity in vivo. It indicates the biflavonoid can control inflammation and pain by eliminating free radical so as to inhibit the mediators and decrease the prostaglandins. The biflavonoid can be used as a prospective medicine for inflammation and pain.

  12. Start-up and operation of Laguna Verde-2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres Ramirez, J.F.


    The 665 MWe Laguna Verde-2 nuclear generating unit was accepted into commercial operation on April 10, 1995. The boiling water reactor plant by General Electric (GE) was first synchronized with the grid on November 11, 1994. Laguna Verde-2 is identical with Laguna Verde-1 on the same site. That unit had gone critical for the first time in November 1988 and had first been synchronized with the power grid on April 13, 1989. Commercial operation of Laguna Verde-1 had been started on July 29, 1990. Mexico's only nuclear power plant had been built 70 km north of Veracruz on the east coast and had been scheduled to start operation in 1976. As the Mexican nuclear power program was reduced, the scheduled commissioning dates suffered more and more delays. In the full of 1987, the investigation by the Operational Safety Review Team (Osart) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had indicated that the safety requirements of installations and equpiment were met, and that the whole plant was well prepared for fueling. In mid-1988, the Mexican Government had issued the permit to fuel the Laguna Verde-1 reactor. The contract to build the two units had been awarded in 1972/73. No other nuclear power plants are currently under construction or in the planning phase in Mexico. (orig.) [de

  13. Reflectance spectroscopy of biochemical components as indicators of tea, Camellia Sinensis, quality

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bian, B.M.; Skidmore, A.K.; Schlerf, M.; Fei, T.; Liu, Y.F.; Wang, T.


    The potential of reflectance spectroscopy to estimate the concentration of biochemical compounds related to tea (Camellia sinensis (L.)) quality (total tea polyphenols and free amino acids) is demonstrated. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) was performed to establish the relationship between

  14. Camp Verde Adult Reading Program. Final Performance Report. (United States)

    Maynard, David A.

    This document begins with a four-page performance report describing how the Camp Verde Adult Reading Program site was relocated to the Community Center Complex, and the Town Council contracted directly with the Friends of the Camp Verde Library to provide for the requirements of the program. The U.S. Department of Education grant allowed the…

  15. Cape Verde (United States)


    This Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity Pancam 'super resolution' mosaic of the approximately 6 m (20 foot) high cliff face of the Cape Verde promontory was taken by the rover from inside Victoria Crater, during the rover's descent into Duck Bay. Super-resolution is an imaging technique which utilizes information from multiple pictures of the same target in order to generate an image with a higher resolution than any of the individual images. Cape Verde is a geologically rich outcrop and is teaching scientists about how rocks at Victoria crater were modified since they were deposited long ago. This image complements super resolution mosaics obtained at Cape St. Mary and Cape St. Vincent and is consistent with the hypothesis that Victoria crater is located in the middle of what used to be an ancient sand dune field. Many rover team scientists are hoping to be able to eventually drive the rover closer to these layered rocks in the hopes of measuring their chemistry and mineralogy. This is a Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity Panoramic Camera image mosaic acquired on sols 1342 and 1356 (November 2 and 17, 2007), and was constructed from a mathematical combination of 64 different blue filter (480 nm) images.

  16. Antioxidant, Anti-Tyrosinase and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Oil Production Residues from Camellia tenuifloria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shu-Yuan Chiou


    Full Text Available Camellia tenuifloria is an indigenous Camellia species used for the production of camellia oil in Taiwan. This study investigated for the first time the potential antioxidant, anti-tyrosinase and anti-inflammatory activities of oil production byproducts, specifically those of the fruit shell, seed shell, and seed pomace from C. tenuifloria. It was found that the crude ethanol extract of the seed shell had the strongest DPPH scavenging and mushroom tyrosinase inhibitory activities, followed by the fruit shell, while seed pomace was the weakest. The IC50 values of crude extracts and fractions on monophenolase were smaller than diphenolase. The phenolic-rich methanol fraction of seed shell (SM reduced nitric oxide (NO production, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS expression in lipopolysaccharide (LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. It also repressed the expression of IL-1β, and secretion of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2 and IL-6 in response to LPS. SM strongly stimulated heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1 expression and addition of zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP, a HO-1 competitive inhibitor, reversed the inhibition of NO production, indicating the involvement of HO-1 in its anti-inflammatory activity. The effects observed in this study provide evidence for the reuse of residues from C. tenuifloria in the food additive, medicine and cosmetic industries.

  17. Predictive Value of CHA2DS2-VASC Score for Contrast-Induced Nephropathy After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Coronary Syndrome. (United States)

    Kurtul, Alparslan; Yarlioglues, Mikail; Duran, Mustafa


    The CHA2DS2-VASC score, used for embolic risk stratification in atrial fibrillation (AF), has been reported recently to predict adverse clinical outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), regardless of having AF. We investigated the correlation between the CHA2DS2-VASC score and contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) in patients with ACS who underwent urgent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). A total of 1,408 patients were enrolled in the study. The CHA2DS2-VASC score was calculated for each patient. Based on the receiver operating characteristic analysis, the study population was divided into 2 groups: CHA2DS2-VASC score ≤3 group (n = 944) and CHA2DS2-VASC score ≥4 group (n = 464). Patients were then reallocated to 2 groups according to the presence or absence of CIN. CIN was defined as a rise in serum creatinine >0.5 mg/dl or >25% increase in baseline within 72 hours after PCI. Overall, 159 cases (11.3%) of CIN were diagnosed. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed good diagnostic value of CHA2DS2-VASC score in predicting CIN (area under the curve 0.769, 95% confidence interval 0.733 to 0.805; p high score had a higher frequency of CIN (23.9% vs 5.1%; p <0.001), and multivariate analysis identified the CHA2DS2-VASC score of ≥4 as an independent predictor of CIN. In conclusion, CHA2DS2-VASC score can be used as a new, simple, and reliable tool to predict CIN in patients with ACS who underwent urgent PCI. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Profiling the Fatty Acids Content of Ornamental Camellia Seeds Cultivated in Galicia by an Optimized Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion Extraction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Garcia-Jares


    Full Text Available Camellia (genus of flowering plants of fam. Theaceae is one of the main crops in Asia, where tea and oil from leaves and seeds have been utilized for thousands of years. This plant is excellently adapted to the climate and soil of Galicia (northwestern Spain and northern Portugal where it is grown not only as an ornamental plant, but to be evaluated as a source of bioactive compounds. In this work, the main fatty acids were extracted from Camellia seeds of four varieties of Camellia: sasanqua, reticulata, japonica and sinensis, by means of matrix-solid phase dispersion (MSPD, and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC with MS detection of the corresponding methyl esters. MSPD constitutes an efficient and greener alternative to conventional extraction techniques, moreover if it is combined with the use of green solvents such as limonene. The optimization of the MSPD extraction procedure has been conducted using a multivariate approach based on strategies of experimental design, which enabled the simultaneous evaluation of the factors influencing the extraction efficiency as well as interactions between factors. The optimized method was applied to characterize the fatty acids profiles of four Camellia varieties seeds, allowing us to compare their fatty acid composition.

  19. Profiling the Fatty Acids Content of Ornamental Camellia Seeds Cultivated in Galicia by an Optimized Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion Extraction (United States)

    Garcia-Jares, Carmen; Sanchez-Nande, Marta; Lamas, Juan Pablo; Lores, Marta


    Camellia (genus of flowering plants of fam. Theaceae) is one of the main crops in Asia, where tea and oil from leaves and seeds have been utilized for thousands of years. This plant is excellently adapted to the climate and soil of Galicia (northwestern Spain) and northern Portugal where it is grown not only as an ornamental plant, but to be evaluated as a source of bioactive compounds. In this work, the main fatty acids were extracted from Camellia seeds of four varieties of Camellia: sasanqua, reticulata, japonica and sinensis, by means of matrix-solid phase dispersion (MSPD), and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) with MS detection of the corresponding methyl esters. MSPD constitutes an efficient and greener alternative to conventional extraction techniques, moreover if it is combined with the use of green solvents such as limonene. The optimization of the MSPD extraction procedure has been conducted using a multivariate approach based on strategies of experimental design, which enabled the simultaneous evaluation of the factors influencing the extraction efficiency as well as interactions between factors. The optimized method was applied to characterize the fatty acids profiles of four Camellia varieties seeds, allowing us to compare their fatty acid composition. PMID:29039745

  20. Prefabricated solution to modular construction in Cape Verde (United States)

    Vieira, Nuno; Amado, Miguel; Pinho, Fernando


    Nowadays, the lack of adequate housing in Cape Verde is a growing problem. The migration of the population living in the countryside to the major cities generates an increase of the diameter of the cities. With the lack of economic power, the migrating families tend to occupy the land with houses which don't present proper conditions to living. Praia is the capital of Cape Verde and so on the biggest city of the country. This fact leads Praia to being the city with major economic power and job offer in all country. Consequently, Praia has developed the biggest slum of the Cape Verde and it is urgent to approach this problem in order to create solutions that reveal capacity to start solving it. Cape Verde's unique dry subtropical climate turns indispensable a careful resolution of the housing, in order to ensure the comfort of the occupants. The modular construction is a solution with potential to approach this problem with a fast and economic response. In order to answer the situation, this article introduces a modular solution in order to reach the needing of thermal comfort to the specific case of Praia.

  1. Intraplate seismicity across the Cape Verde swell (United States)

    Vales, Dina; Matias, Luís.; Haberland, Christian; Silveira, Graça.; Weber, Michael; Carrilho, Fernando; Dias, Nuno


    The Cape Verde Archipelago ((15-17°N, 23-26°W) is located within the African plate, about 500km west of Senegal, in the African coast. The islands are located astride the Cape Verde mid-plate topographic swell, one of the largest features of its type in the world's ocean basins. The origin of this Cape Verde swell is still in debate. Previous determinations of the elastic thickness (Te) reveal a normal Te and a modest heat flow anomaly which suggest that the swell cannot be fully explained by uplift due to thermal reheating of the lithosphere by an underlying ‘‘hot spot'' and that other, deep-seated, mantle processes must be involved. The CV-PLUME (An investigation on the geometry and deep signature of the Cape Verde mantle plume) project intends to shape the geometry and deep origin of the Cape Verde mantle plume, via a combined study of seismic, magnetic, gravimetric and geochemical observations. Through this study we intend to characterize the structure beneath the archipelago from the surface down to the deep mantle. The core of this 3-year project was a temporary deployment of 39 Very Broad Band seismometers, across all the inhabited islands, to recorder local and teleseismic earthquakes. These instruments were operational from November 2007 to September 2008. In this work we report on the preliminary results obtained from the CV-PLUME network on the characterization of the local and regional seismicity. To detect the small magnitude seismic events the continuous data stream was screened using spectrograms. This proved to be a very robust technique in the face of the high short-period noise recorded by many of the stations, particularly during day time. The 10 month observation time showed that the background seismic activity in the Archipelago and surrounding area is low, with only a very few events recorded by the complete network. However, two clusters of earthquakes were detected close to the Brava Island, one to the NW and a second one, more active


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nerlis Paola Pájaro Castro


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, existe un enorme deterioro del medio ambiente que ha generado la necesidad de buscar alternativas que conduzcan a la sostenibilidad ambiental. Una de estas herramientas es la ¿química verde¿, concepto que contempla el diseño de productos y procesos que reduzcan la generación de sustancias peligrosas y maximicen la eficiencia en la utilización de recursos materiales y energéticos. El empleo de tecnologías menos contaminantes, permitirá a las empresas químicas mitigar los efectos ambientales asociados a su actividad, reduciendo el consumo de materiales e incrementando la participación de recursos renovables. Para alcanzar estas metas, se han propuesto 12 principios básicos de química verde, aplicables en diferentes campos, tales como la medicina, la agricultura, la industria química y farmacéutica. Esta revisión detalla los principios y usos principales de la química verde, y su aplicación como una filosofía de trabajo para avanzar hacia un verdadero desarrollo sostenible.

  3. Profiling and quantification of phenolic compounds in Camellia seed oils: Natural tea polyphenols in vegetable oil. (United States)

    Wang, Xiaoqin; Zeng, Qiumei; Del Mar Contreras, María; Wang, Lijuan


    In Asia, tea seed oils (seed oils from Camellia oleifera, C. chekiangoleosa, and C. sinensis) are used in edible, medicinal, and cosmetic applications. However, these oils differ in their fatty acid contents, and there is little known about their phenolic compounds. Here we analyzed the phenolic compounds of seed oils from three species gathered from 15 regions of China. Twenty-four phenolic compounds were characterized by HPLC-Q-TOF-MS, including benzoic acids (6), cinnamic acids (6), a hydroxyphenylacetic acid, flavanols (4), flavonols (3), flavones (2), and dihydroflavonoids (2). Some of these phenolic compounds had not previously been reported from C. sinensis (20), C. oleifera (15), and C. chekiangoleosa (24) seed oils. Quantification was done by HPLC-QqQ-MS using 24 chemical standards. The total concentrations in the studied samples ranged from 20.56 to 88.56μg/g. Phenolic acids were the most abundant class, accounting for 76.2-90.4%, with benzoic acid, found at up to 18.87μg/g. The concentration of catechins, typical of tea polyphenols, ranged between 2.1% and 9.7%, while the other flavonoids varied from 4.2% to 17.8%. Although the cultivation region affected the phenolic composition of the Camellia seed oils, in our hierarchical clustering analysis, the samples clustered according to species. The phenolic composition of the seed oils from C. oleifera and C. chekiangoelosa were similar. We found that the phenolic categories in Camellia seed oils were similar to tea polyphenols, thereby identifying a source of liposoluble tea polyphenols and potentially accounting for some of the reported activities of these oils. In addition, this work provides basic data that allows distinction of various Camellia seed oils, as well as improvements to be made in their quality standards. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Radical scavenging activity of crude polysaccharides from Camellia sinensis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang Fan


    Full Text Available A preparation of crude polysaccharides (TPS was isolated from Camellia sinensis by precipitation and ultrafiltration. TPS1, TPS2, and TPS3 had molecular weights of 240, 21.4, and 2.46 kDa, respectively. The radical scavenging activities of TPS were evaluated by DPPH free radical, hydroxyl radical and superoxide radical scavenging. These results revealed that TPS exhibited strong radical scavenging activity in a concentration-dependent manner. TPS3 with lowest molecular weight showed a higher radical scavenging activity.

  5. Talento verde: caracterización y búsqueda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Carmen Torres-Salazar


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los impactos del calentamiento global y el cambio climático son una preocupación en prácticamente todos los sectores de la sociedad, debido a las consecuencias que ya se perciben y que afectarán cada día más tanto a los sistemas naturales como a los creados por el hombre, generalmente de forma negativa. Para revertir estos efectos negativos y no continuar deteriorando el medio ambiente, es necesario un tipo especial de personas que sean capaces de tomar las decisiones adecuadas en los ámbitos en los que se desenvuelven. En esta investigación, estos seres humanos se denominan: “personas con talento verde”. El término talento verde no ha sido caracterizado y su uso es aun restringido. Esta investigación hace una caracterización del talento verde y propone una encuesta para detectar a las personas que cuentan con estas características. En este artículo, se reporta solo la validación de la encuesta. Es importante hacer notar que este trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que busca conocer la relación entre directivos con talento verde y prácticas de cadena de suministro sustentable. Método: La caracterización del talento verde se realizó a través de la metodología de representaciones sociales, de la cual surgieron una serie de preguntas que buscan las características de talento verde en directivos de empresas y que forman parte de una encuesta de mayor cobertura que fue piloteada para su validación. La confiabilidad se midió a través del Alfa de Crombach y la validez por un Análisis Factorial. Resultados: Se encontraron nueve aspectos que caracterizan a las personas con talento verde, con las cuales se construyeron también nueve preguntas. Estas preguntas se hicieron a 25 directivos de empresas que participan en la Cámara de la Industria de la Transformación (CANACINTRA con el objetivo de validar el instrumento. El alfa de Crombrach obtenido fue del 0.948 y el análisis factorial indica

  6. De novo Assembly of the Camellia nitidissima Transcriptome Reveals Key Genes of Flower Pigment Biosynthesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xingwen Zhou


    Full Text Available The golden camellia, Camellia nitidissima Chi., is a well-known ornamental plant that is known as “the queen of camellias” because of its golden yellow flowers. The principal pigments in the flowers are carotenoids and flavonol glycosides. Understanding the biosynthesis of the golden color and its regulation is important in camellia breeding. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of flower development in C. nitidissima, a number of cDNA libraries were independently constructed during flower development. Using the Illumina Hiseq2500 platform, approximately 71.8 million raw reads (about 10.8 gigabase pairs were obtained and assembled into 583,194 transcripts and 466, 594 unigenes. A differentially expressed genes (DEGs and co-expression network was constructed to identify unigenes correlated with flower color. The analysis of DEGs and co-expressed network involved in the carotenoid pathway indicated that the biosynthesis of carotenoids is regulated mainly at the transcript level and that phytoene synthase (PSY, β -carotene 3-hydroxylase (CrtZ, and capsanthin synthase (CCS1 exert synergistic effects in carotenoid biosynthesis. The analysis of DEGs and co-expressed network involved in the flavonoid pathway indicated that chalcone synthase (CHS, naringenin 3-dioxygenase (F3H, leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase(ANS, and flavonol synthase (FLS play critical roles in regulating the formation of flavonols and anthocyanidin. Based on the gene expression analysis of the carotenoid and flavonoid pathways, and determinations of the pigments, we speculate that the high expression of PSY and CrtZ ensures the production of adequate levels of carotenoids, while the expression of CHS, FLS ensures the production of flavonols. The golden yellow color is then the result of the accumulation of carotenoids and flavonol glucosides in the petals. This study of the mechanism of color formation in golden camellia points the way to breeding strategies that exploit gene

  7. Prestroke CHA2DS2-VASc Score and Severity of Acute Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Findings from RAF Study. (United States)

    Acciarresi, Monica; Paciaroni, Maurizio; Agnelli, Giancarlo; Falocci, Nicola; Caso, Valeria; Becattini, Cecilia; Marcheselli, Simona; Rueckert, Christina; Pezzini, Alessandro; Morotti, Andrea; Costa, Paolo; Padovani, Alessandro; Csiba, Laszló; Szabó, Lilla; Sohn, Sung-Il; Tassinari, Tiziana; Abdul-Rahim, Azmil H; Michel, Patrik; Cordier, Maria; Vanacker, Peter; Remillard, Suzette; Alberti, Andrea; Venti, Michele; D'Amore, Cataldo; Scoditti, Umberto; Denti, Licia; Orlandi, Giovanni; Chiti, Alberto; Gialdini, Gino; Bovi, Paolo; Carletti, Monica; Rigatelli, Alberto; Putaala, Jukka; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Masotti, Luca; Lorenzini, Gianni; Tassi, Rossana; Guideri, Francesca; Martini, Giuseppe; Tsivgoulis, Georgios; Vadikolias, Kostantinos; Liantinioti, Chrissoula; Corea, Francesco; Del Sette, Massimo; Ageno, Walter; De Lodovici, Maria Luisa; Bono, Giorgio; Baldi, Antonio; D'Anna, Sebastiano; Sacco, Simona; Carolei, Antonio; Tiseo, Cindy; Imberti, Davide; Zabzuni, Dorjan; Doronin, Boris; Volodina, Vera; Consoli, Domenico; Galati, Franco; Pieroni, Alessio; Toni, Danilo; Monaco, Serena; Baronello, Mario Maimone; Barlinn, Kristian; Pallesen, Lars-Peder; Kepplinger, Jessica; Bodechtel, Ulf; Gerber, Johannes; Deleu, Dirk; Melikyan, Gayane; Ibrahim, Faisal; Akhtar, Naveed; Mosconi, Maria Giulia; Lees, Kennedy R


    The aim of this study was to investigate for a possible association between both prestroke CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score and the severity of stroke at presentation, as well as disability and mortality at 90 days, in patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation (AF). This prospective study enrolled consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke, AF, and assessment of prestroke CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score. Severity of stroke was assessed on admission using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score (severe stroke: NIHSS ≥10). Disability and mortality at 90 days were assessed by the modified Rankin Scale (mRS <3 or ≥3). Multiple logistic regression was used to correlate prestroke CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc and severity of stroke, as well as disability and mortality at 90 days. Of the 1020 patients included in the analysis, 606 patients had an admission NIHSS score lower and 414 patients higher than 10. At 90 days, 510 patients had mRS ≥3. A linear correlation was found between the prestroke CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score and severity of stroke (P = .001). On multivariate analysis, CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score correlated with severity of stroke (P = .041) and adverse functional outcome (mRS ≥3) (P = .001). A logistic regression with the receiver operating characteristic graph procedure (C-statistics) evidenced an area under the curve of .60 (P = .0001) for severe stroke. Furthermore, a correlation was found between prestroke CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score and lesion size. In patients with AF, in addition to the risk of stroke, a high CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score was independently associated with both stroke severity at onset and disability and mortality at 90 days. Copyright © 2017 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Chaînes d'exploits scénarios de hacking avancés et prévention

    CERN Document Server

    Whitaker, Andrew; Voth, Jack B


    Un pirate informatique s'appuie rarement sur une unique attaque, mais utilise plutôt des chaînes d'exploits, qui impliquent plusieurs méthodes et attaques coordonnées, pour atteindre sa cible et arriver à ses fins. Ces chaînes d'exploits sont généralement complexes et difficiles à prévenir. Or la plupart des ouvrages de sécurité ne les couvrent pas, ou sinon de manière superficielle. Cet ouvrage présente en profondeur les principales chaînes d'exploits qui sévissent actuellement. À travers des exemples basés sur des stratégies d'attaques réelles, utilisant les outils actuels les plus courants et visant des cibles importantes comme des données bancaires ou de sécurité sociale, vous découvrirez le spectre complet des attaques, des réseaux sans-fil à l'accès physique en passant par l'ingénierie sociale. Dans chaque scénario, les exploits sont décortiqués un à un en vue d'expliquer la chaîne qui va conduire à l'attaque finale. Les mesures de prévention à appliquer pour éviter...

  9. Effect of nicotine and preventive role of camellia sinensis on the histomorphology of developing epiphyseal plate of thigh bone of chick

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shan, M.; Butt, S.A.


    Objective: To determine the effect of nicotine and camellia sinensis (green tea) on the developing epiphyseal plate of thigh bone of chick. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Place and Duration of Study: Army medical college, Rawalpindi, Pakistan from April 2012 to May 2012. Material and Method: Freshly laid fertilized eggs of Fayoumi breed chick eggs were selected at zero hour of incubation. Four groups were made, group G1 was control group treated with normal saline. Experimental group G2 was treated with camellia sinensis extract (green tea), group G3 was given nicotine whereas group G4 was injected with working solution nicotine and camellia sinensis (green tea), in 0.1 ml quantity. Double exposure one at 48 hour of incubation and other at 48 hours after hatching of chicks. SPSS version 15 was used to analyze the data. Results: It was observed that the weight of chick at one month of age and weight of femur of chicks of nicotine treated groups G3 and group G4 were reduced in comparison to control group G1. Mean number of cells in hypertrophy zone of developing epiphyseal plate of thigh bone were reduced of nicotine treated groups in comparison to control group. Conclusion: Camellia sinensis (green tea) helped to reduce the harmful effects of nicotine treated group but cannot reverse the oxidative injury. (author)

  10. The role of eclogite in the mantle heterogeneity at Cape Verde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barker, Abigail Katrine; Holm, Paul Martin; Troll, Valentin R.


    The Cape Verde hotspot, like many other Ocean Island Basalt provinces, demonstrates isotopic heterogeneity on a 100–200 km scale. The heterogeneity is represented by the appearance of an EM1-like component at several of the southern islands and with a HIMU-like component present throughout...... have been limited. We apply the minor elements in olivine approach (Sobolev et al. in Nature 434:590–597, 2005; Science, doi:10.1126/science.1138113, 2007), to determine and quantify the contributions of peridotite, pyroxenite and eclogite melts to the mantle heterogeneity observed at Cape Verde. Cores...... of olivine phenocrysts of the Cape Verde volcanics have low Mn/FeO and low Ni*FeO/MgO that deviate from the negative trend of the global array. The global array is defined by mixing between peridotite and pyroxenite, whereas the Cape Verde volcanics indicate contribution of an additional eclogite source...

  11. Clima, cultura y disponibilidad de espacios verdes urbanos


    Sierra, Eduardo Mario; Pérez, Silvia Patricia; Nizzero, Gustavo Raúl


    p.165-171 El rápido crecimiento urbano mundial hace que la calidad de vida dependa cada vez más de la disponibilidad de espacios verdes. Este trabajo trata de relacionar la disponibilidad de espacios verdes urbanos públicos con los factores climáticos y culturales. Las ciudades del Hemisferio Norte en países de cultura europea, donde se llevan a cabo programas de sustentabilidad muestran mayores disponibilidades lo cual refleja el impacto de los factores culturales. Desde el punto de vista...

  12. Palo Verde College Facts, 2001. (United States)

    Palo Verde Coll., Blythe, CA.

    This is a 2001 report on Palo Verde College (PVC) (California) student demographics, enrollment status, citizenship, educational goals, and academic persistence. Student data were collected and analyzed to meet accrediting standards, improve institutional effectiveness, and fulfill the local district's mission. The report discusses enrollment…

  13. 75 FR 52045 - Arizona Public Service Company, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3; Environmental... (United States)


    ... Company, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3; Environmental Assessment and Finding of No.... NPF-74, issued to Arizona Public Service Company (APS, the licensee), for operation of Palo Verde... Statement for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, NUREG-0841, dated February 1982. Agencies and...

  14. 77 FR 9974 - Notice of Entering Into a Compact With the Republic of Cape Verde (United States)


    ... Republic of Cape Verde AGENCY: Millennium Challenge Corporation. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: In accordance..., and the Republic of Cape Verde. Representatives of the United States Government and the Republic of Cape Verde executed the Compact documents on February 10, 2012. Dated: February 14, 2012. Melvin F...

  15. NPDES Permit for Mesa Verde National Park Wastewater Treatment Facility in Colorado (United States)

    Under NPDES permit number CO-0034398, the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park is authorized to discharge from the Mesa Verde National Park wastewater treatment plant, in Montezuma County, Colo.

  16. L-alanine as a precursor of ethylamine in camellia sinensis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takeo, Tadakazu


    After absorption of ammonium nitrogen, nitrogen-deficient Camellia sinensis synthesized theanine following synthesis of glutamic acid and alanine. The rate of incorporation of 14 C from L-alanine U- 14 C into theanine was faster than from acetaldehyde 1-2 14 C. Incorporation of 14 C from L-alanine U- 14 C into the ethylamide of theanine was prevented by adding an excess of ethylamine to the culture solution. Green seedlings converted alanine to ethylamine more rapidly than did etiolated seedlings. (auth.)

  17. Is a changing climate affecting the tropical cyclone behavior of Cape Verde? (United States)

    Emmenegger, T. W.; Mann, M. E.; Evans, J. L.


    An existing dataset of synthetic tropical cyclone (TC) tracks derived from climate change simulations were used to explore TC variability within a 250 km radius of the Cape Verde Islands (16.5388N, 23.0418W). The synthetic sets were examined according to genesis point location, track projection, intensity, frequency, and seasonality within the observational era (1851 AD to present). These factors of TC variability have been shown to be strongly related to climate oscillations, thus the historical era was grouped by the increasing and decreasing regimes of sea surface temperature (SST) in the main development region (MDR) of the Atlantic Ocean. Numerous studies have examined Atlantic Basin activity throughout this era; the goal of this study is to investigate possible variations in TC behavior around Cape Verde, ultimately determining whether Cape Verde experiences similar fluctuations in activity as observed basin-wide. We find that several facets of TC variability such as intensity, seasonality, and genesis point location around Cape Verde are not significantly different to that of the entire basin, thus forecasts of the entire basin in these respects may also apply to our site. A long-term trend of increasing TC frequency can be identified basin-wide within the observed set, yet activity around Cape Verde does not display this same behavior observably or in any synthetic set. A relationship between the location of genesis points and the regimes of SST fluctuation is shown to be existent. We find both more observed and synthetic genesis points within the vicinity of Cape Verde during cool periods, and an eastward and equatorward shift in cyclogenesis is evident during warm regimes. This southeastern shift in genesis points attributes to the increased intensities of TCs seen during periods of warmer SST. Years of increased SST are additionally linked to an earlier seasonality in Cape Verde.

  18. Achieving engineering excellence at Palo Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prawlocki, F.C.


    Early in 1988, the management of the newly formed Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) Engineering and Construction Division was faced with a dilemma: how to build a competent, confident, efficient engineering organization in the face of increasing requirements and tightened fiscal controls. This paper discusses steps taken by Palo Verde to address actions taken to effect a smooth transition from construction to operations and the development of the Engineering Excellence Program. The Engineering Excellence Program will continue to evolve over time as the number of the NED's [Nuclear Engineering Department] personnel grown and processes are changed over the course of the next few years. As tasks from the Engineering Excellence Program action plan are completed, the results achieved are expected to be integrated into the routine business of the NED

  19. Effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract and pre-freezing equilibration time on the post-thawing quality of ram semen cryopreserved in a soybean lecithin-based extender. (United States)

    Mehdipour, Mahdieh; Daghigh Kia, Hossein; Najafi, Abouzar; Vaseghi Dodaran, Hossein; García-Álvarez, Olga


    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Camellia sinensis extract as antioxidant supplement and pre-freezing equilibration times in a soybean lecithin extender for freezing ram semen. In this study, a total of 20 ejaculates were collected from four Ghezel rams and diluted with extenders (1.5% soybean lecithin, 7% glycerol) containing no supplements (control) and Camellia sinensis extract (5, 10, and 15 mg/L) and cryopreserved, immediately after thermal equilibrium was reached at 5 °C (0 h), or 4 h after equilibration. Sperm motility characteristics, membrane integrity, abnormal morphology, mitochondria activity, apoptotic status, MDA and antioxidant activities (GPx, SOD and total antioxidant capacity (TAC)) were evaluated following freeze-thawing. Camellia sinensis extract at level 10 mg/L led to the highest total and progressive motilities percentages, in comparison to other treatments (P extract at level of 5 and 10 mg/L led to higher plasma membrane integrity, mitochondria activity and Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in comparison to the level of 15 mg/L and control group (P extract at 10 mg/L level produced the highest percentage of live spermatozoa and the lowest apoptotic spermatozoa in comparison to all treatments (P concentration, 10 mg/L, compared to all treatments (P  0.05) were observed between equilibration times (0 h vs. 4 h) for sperm samples incubated with or without different concentrations of Camellia sinensis extract. In conclusion, addition of Camellia sinensis extract at level of 10 mg/L can improve post-thawing quality of ram semen cryopreserved in a soybean lecithin extender. However, further research is needed to standardize the process of Camellia sinensis extraction and specially for identifying which compounds are responsible of its beneficial effect on ram sperm cryopreservation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Predictive value of CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc scores for acute myocardial infarction in patients with atrial fibrillation. (United States)

    Pang, Hui; Han, Bing; Fu, Qiang; Zong, Zhenkun


    The presence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) confers a poor prognosis in atrial fibrillation (AF), associated with increased mortality dramatically. This study aimed to evaluate the predictive value of CHADS 2 and CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc scores for AMI in patients with AF. This retrospective study enrolled 5140 consecutive nonvalvular AF patients, 300 patients with AMI and 4840 patients without AMI. We identified the optimal cut-off values of the CHADS 2 and CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc scores each based on receiver operating characteristic curves to predict the risk of AMI. Both CHADS 2 score and CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score were associated with an increased odds ratio of the prevalence of AMI in patients with AF, after adjustment for hyperlipidaemia, hyperuricemia, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and obstructive sleep apnea. The present results showed that the area under the curve (AUC) for CHADS 2 score was 0.787 with a similar accuracy of the CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score (AUC 0.750) in predicting "high-risk" AF patients who developed AMI. However, the predictive accuracy of the two clinical-based risk scores was fair. The CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score has fair predictive value for identifying high-risk patients with AF and is not significantly superior to CHADS 2 in predicting patients who develop AMI.

  1. Population size, breeding biology and on-land threats of Cape Verde petrel (Pterodroma feae) in Fogo Island, Cape Verde. (United States)

    Militão, Teresa; Dinis, Herculano Andrade; Zango, Laura; Calabuig, Pascual; Stefan, Laura M; González-Solís, Jacob


    Cape Verde petrel (Pterodroma feae) is currently considered near threatened, but little is known about its population size, breeding biology and on land threats, jeopardizing its management and conservation. To improve this situation, we captured, marked and recaptured (CMR) birds using mist-nets over 10 years; measured and sexed them; monitored up to 14 burrows, deployed GPS devices on breeders and analyzed activity data of geolocators retrieved from breeders in Fogo (Cape Verde). We set cat traps over the colony and investigated their domestic/feral origin by marking domestic cats from a nearby village with transponders, by deploying GPS devices on domestic cats and by performing stable isotope analyses of fur of the trapped and domestic cats. The population of Fogo was estimated to be 293 birds, including immatures (95% CI: 233-254, CMR modelling). Based on geolocator activity data and nest monitoring we determined the breeding phenology of this species and we found biometric differences between sexes. While monitoring breeding performance, we verified a still ongoing cat predation and human harvesting. Overall, data gathered from trapped cats without transponder, cats GPS trips and the distinct isotopic values between domestic and trapped cats suggest cats visiting the colony are of feral origin. GPS tracks from breeders showed birds left and returned to the colony using the sector NE of the islands, where high level of public lights should be avoided specially during the fledging period. Main threats for the Cape Verde petrel in the remaining breeding islands are currently unknown but likely to be similar to Fogo, calling for an urgent assessment of population trends and the control of main threats in all Cape Verde Islands and uplisting its conservation status.

  2. Population size, breeding biology and on-land threats of Cape Verde petrel (Pterodroma feae in Fogo Island, Cape Verde.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Militão

    Full Text Available Cape Verde petrel (Pterodroma feae is currently considered near threatened, but little is known about its population size, breeding biology and on land threats, jeopardizing its management and conservation. To improve this situation, we captured, marked and recaptured (CMR birds using mist-nets over 10 years; measured and sexed them; monitored up to 14 burrows, deployed GPS devices on breeders and analyzed activity data of geolocators retrieved from breeders in Fogo (Cape Verde. We set cat traps over the colony and investigated their domestic/feral origin by marking domestic cats from a nearby village with transponders, by deploying GPS devices on domestic cats and by performing stable isotope analyses of fur of the trapped and domestic cats. The population of Fogo was estimated to be 293 birds, including immatures (95% CI: 233-254, CMR modelling. Based on geolocator activity data and nest monitoring we determined the breeding phenology of this species and we found biometric differences between sexes. While monitoring breeding performance, we verified a still ongoing cat predation and human harvesting. Overall, data gathered from trapped cats without transponder, cats GPS trips and the distinct isotopic values between domestic and trapped cats suggest cats visiting the colony are of feral origin. GPS tracks from breeders showed birds left and returned to the colony using the sector NE of the islands, where high level of public lights should be avoided specially during the fledging period. Main threats for the Cape Verde petrel in the remaining breeding islands are currently unknown but likely to be similar to Fogo, calling for an urgent assessment of population trends and the control of main threats in all Cape Verde Islands and uplisting its conservation status.

  3. Exogenous abscisic acid significantly affects proteome in tea plant (Camellia sinensis) exposed to drought stress (United States)

    Tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] is an important economic crop, and drought is the most important abiotic stress affecting yield and quality. Abscisic acid (ABA) is an important phytohormone responsible for activating drought resistance. Increased understanding of ABA effects on tea plant unde...

  4. Německý Mácha, Óda na radost a krize evropské vize

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pokorný, Martin Z.


    Roč. 31, 97-98 (2013), s. 244-251 ISSN 0862-7045 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : K. H. Mácha * F. Schiller * A. Mozart * Enlightenment * romanticism Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  5. HLA polymorphisms in Cabo Verde and Guiné-Bissau inferred from sequence-based typing. (United States)

    Spínola, Hélder; Bruges-Armas, Jácome; Middleton, Derek; Brehm, António


    Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A, -B, and -DRB1 polymorphisms were examined in the Cabo Verde and Guiné-Bissau populations. The data were obtained at high-resolution level, using sequence-based typing. The most frequent alleles in each locus was: A*020101 (16.7% in Guiné-Bissau and 13.5% in Cabo Verde), B*350101 (14.4% in Guiné-Bissau and 13.2% in Cabo Verde), DRB1*1304 (19.6% in Guiné-Bissau), and DRB1*1101 (10.1% in Cabo Verde). The predominant three loci haplotype in Guiné-Bissau was A*2301-B*1503-DRB1*1101 (4.6%) and in Cabo Verde was A*3002-B*350101-DRB1*1001 (2.8%), exclusive to northwestern islands (5.6%) and absent in Guiné-Bissau. The present study corroborates historic sources and other genetic studies that say Cabo Verde were populated not only by Africans but also by Europeans. Haplotypes and dendrogram analysis shows a Caucasian genetic influence in today's gene pool of Cabo Verdeans. Haplotypes and allele frequencies present a differential distribution between southeastern and northwestern Cabo Verde islands, which could be the result of different genetic influences, founder effect, or bottlenecks. Dendrograms and principal coordinates analysis show that Guineans are more similar to North Africans than other HLA-studied sub-Saharans, probably from ancient and recent genetic contacts with other peoples, namely East Africans.

  6. The cone snails of Cape Verde: Marine endemism at a terrestrial scale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Howard Peters


    Full Text Available Cape Verde in the Eastern Atlantic is typical of many island groups in supporting a wealth of endemic species both terrestrial and marine. Marine gastropod molluscs of the genus Conus, commonly known as cone snails, occur in coastal tropical waters throughout the globe, but in Cape Verde their endemism reaches its apogee with 53 out of 56 species occurring nowhere else, the majority of which are restricted to single islands and frequently to single bays. However, Cape Verde is rapidly moving to a tourism-based economy with a projected boom in infrastructure development often coincidental with the shallow-water habitat of many range-restricted Conus. The conservation assessment of Conus to standards of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN Red List of Endangered Species, found that 45.3% of 53 species assessed from Cape Verde are threatened or near-threatened with extinction compared to 7.4% of 579 species in the rest of the world. The only three Conus species globally assessed as Critically Endangered and on the cusp of extinction are all endemic to Cape Verde. Our analysis of Conus species distribution, together with spatial data of coastal protected areas and tourism development zones, identify important areas for future research and new marine protection. Our findings show that endemism with its associated risks for Conus in Cape Verde has worldwide parallels with many non-marine taxa, while our proposed strategy for Conus conservation extends beyond the confines of the country and this taxonomic group.

  7. Bats of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado: composition, reproduction, and roosting habits. (United States)

    O'Shea, Thomas J.; Cryan, Paul M.; Snider, E. Apple; Valdez, Ernest W.; Ellison, Laura E.; Neubaum, Daniel J.


    We determined the bat fauna at Mesa Verde National Park (Mesa Verde) in 2006 and 2007, characterized bat elevational distribution and reproduction, and investigated roosting habits of selected species. We captured 1996 bats of 15 species in mist nets set over water during 120 nights of sampling and recorded echolocation calls of an additional species. The bat fauna at Mesa Verde included every species of bat known west of the Great Plains in Colorado, except the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus). Some species showed skewed sex ratios, primarily due to a preponderance of males. Thirteen species of bats reproduced at Mesa Verde. Major differences in spring precipitation between the 2 years of our study were associated with differences in reproductive rates and, in some species, with numbers of juveniles captured. Reduced reproductive effort during spring drought will have a greater impact on bat populations with the forecasted increase in aridity in much of western North America by models of global climate change. We radiotracked 46 bats of 5 species to roosts and describe the first-known maternity colonies of spotted bats (Euderma maculatum) in Colorado. All 5 species that we tracked to diurnal roosts relied almost exclusively on rock crevices rather than trees or snags, despite the presence of mature forests at Mesa Verde and the use of trees for roosts in similar forests elsewhere by some of these species. Comparisons with past bat surveys at Mesa Verde and in surrounding areas suggest no dramatic evidence for effects of recent stand-replacing fires on the composition of the bat community.

  8. 75 FR 47808 - Verde Hydro, LLC; Notice of Preliminary Permit Application Accepted for Filing and Soliciting... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 13819-000] Verde Hydro, LLC... Intervene, and Competing Applications August 2, 2010. On July 21, 2010, Verde Hydro, LLC filed an... the feasibility of the Verde Hydroelectric Project, located in Maricopa County, in the State of...

  9. First fuel reload in Laguna Verde; Primera recarga de combustible en Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bahena B, D


    A report containing the activities carried out during the first reload of nuclear fuel and major maintenance in the Laguna Verde nuclear reactor is presented. The previous and the specific activities are included. These last are related without including the technical considerations, data or the operation details, because these data were documented inside the registrations of the CFE, the ININ and in personal way. (Author)

  10. Corredores verdes urbanos: estudo da viabilidade de conexão das áreas verdes de Vitória

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Homero Marconi Penteado


    Full Text Available Grande parte dos profissionais de planejamento urbano tem buscado melhorar a qualidade de vida da população e a aplicação de princípios de sustentabilidade, que se refletem, na maioria dos casos, na busca de ampliação das áreas verdes, sejam na forma de parques, praças, arborização de vias ou mesmo incentivo aos jardins particulares. Esta pesquisa apresenta o resultado do estudo de viabilidade de criação de corredores verdes urbanos na cidade de Vitória, estabelecendo uma rede de conexões utilizando-se de sua malha viária, visando incrementar as condições ecológicas e paisagísticas urbanas e melhores condições de circulação de pedestres e ciclistas. Está alicerçada nos conceitos desenvolvidos pela ecologia da paisagem, baseada em fragmentos, corredores e matriz. A metodologia adotada foi aplicada em uma área teste, onde foram realizados levantamentos preliminares, mapeamento das áreas verdes, seleção de vias para implantação de corredores, avaliação dos possíveis corredores, inventário e análise das vias, diretrizes para estabelecimento dos corredores, ensaio projetual e criação de uma rede de corredores verdes. Dentre os principais resultados, verificou-se a possibilidade de criação de corredores com pequenas modificações nos perfis de vias que permitiriam a inserção de vegetação contínua, calçadas e ciclovias com consequências diretas (otimização das condições microclimáticas, melhoria na paisagem, atratividade para pequenos animais, incentivo ao percurso não motorizado, entre outros e indiretas (redução das partículas em suspensão, redução dos níveis de ruído e do consumo de combustíveis etc..

  11. Burrowing Owl - Palo Verde Valley [ds197 (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — These burrowing owl observations were collected during the spring and early summer of 1976 in the Palo Verde Valley, eastern Riverside County, California. This is an...

  12. Validation of SIMULATE-3K for stability analysis of Laguna Verde nuclear plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castillo, Rogelio, E-mail: [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Carretera México-Toluca s/n, La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac, Estado de México 52750 (Mexico); Alonso, Gustavo, E-mail: [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Carretera México-Toluca s/n, La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac, Estado de México 52750 (Mexico); Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Unidad Profesional Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Ed. 9, Lindavista, D.F. 07300 (Mexico); Ramírez, J. Ramón, E-mail: [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Carretera México-Toluca s/n, La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac, Estado de México 52750 (Mexico)


    Highlights: • Neutronic/thermal hydraulic event in Laguna Verde is modeled. • A good agreement is obtained between SIMULATE-3K results and data plant for frequency and DR. • Other noise analysis techniques are used for the same purpose with good agreement. • Validation of SIMULATE-3K for stability analysis of Laguna Verde is confirmed - Abstract: Boiling Water Reactors are two phase flow systems which are susceptible to different types of flow instabilities. Among these are the coupled neutronic/thermal-hydraulic instabilities, these may compromise established fuel safety limits. These instabilities are characterized by periodic core-power and hydraulic oscillations. SIMULATE-3K code has been tested for stability analysis for several benchmarks, however to qualify the SIMULATE-3K code for a particular power plant a specific reactor plant analysis must be done. In this paper, the plant model of Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant is built and SIMULATE-3K is tested against the 1995 coupled neutronic/thermal-hydraulic instability event of Laguna Verde. Results obtained show the adequacy of this code to specific Laguna Verde power plant stability analysis.

  13. Low concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in air at Cape Verde. (United States)

    Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Halse, Anne Karine; Schlabach, Martin; Bäcklund, Are; Eckhardt, Sabine; Breivik, Knut


    Ambient air is a core medium for monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) under the Stockholm Convention and is used in studies of global transports of POPs and their atmospheric sources and source regions. Still, data based on active air sampling remain scarce in many regions. The primary objectives of this study were to (i) monitor concentrations of selected POPs in air outside West Africa, and (ii) to evaluate potential atmospheric processes and source regions affecting measured concentrations. For this purpose, an active high-volume air sampler was installed on the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory at Cape Verde outside the coast of West Africa. Sampling commenced in May 2012 and 43 samples (24h sampling) were collected until June 2013. The samples were analyzed for selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and chlordanes. The concentrations of these POPs at Cape Verde were generally low and comparable to remote sites in the Arctic for several compounds. Seasonal trends varied between compounds and concentrations exhibited strong temperature dependence for chlordanes. Our results indicate net volatilization from the Atlantic Ocean north of Cape Verde as sources of these POPs. Air mass back trajectories demonstrated that air masses measured at Cape Verde were generally transported from the Atlantic Ocean or the North African continent. Overall, the low concentrations in air at Cape Verde were likely explained by absence of major emissions in areas from which the air masses originated combined with depletion during long-range atmospheric transport due to enhanced degradation under tropical conditions (high temperatures and concentrations of hydroxyl radicals). Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Strategic Analysis for the MER Cape Verde Approach (United States)

    Gaines, Daniel; Belluta, Paolo; Herman, Jennifer; Hwang, Pauline; Mukai, Ryan; Porter, Dan; Jones, Byron; Wood, Eric; Grotzinger, John; Edgar, Lauren; hide


    The Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has recently completed a two year campaign studying Victoria Crater. The campaign culminated in a close approach of Cape Verde in order to acquire high resolution imagery of the exposed stratigraphy in the cliff face. The close approach to Cape Verde provided significant challenges for every subsystem of the rover as the rover needed to traverse difficult, uncharacterised terrain and approach a cliff face with the potential of blocking out solar energy and communications with Earth. In this paper we describe the strategic analyses performed by the science and engineering teams so that we could successfully achieve the science objectives while keeping the rover safe.

  15. Extracellular Protease of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, a Biocontrol Factor with Activity against the Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita


    Siddiqui, Imran Ali; Haas, Dieter; Heeb, Stephan


    In Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, mutation of the GacA-controlled aprA gene (encoding the major extracellular protease) or the gacA regulatory gene resulted in reduced biocontrol activity against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita during tomato and soybean infection. Culture supernatants of strain CHA0 inhibited egg hatching and induced mortality of M. incognita juveniles more strongly than did supernatants of aprA and gacA mutants, suggesting that AprA protease contributes to biocon...

  16. 77 FR 14058 - Santa Teresa Southern Railroad, LLC-Operation Exemption-Rail Line of Verde Logistics Railroad... (United States)


    ... Southern Railroad, LLC--Operation Exemption--Rail Line of Verde Logistics Railroad, LLC at Santa Teresa... notice of exemption under 49 CFR 1150.31 to operate approximately 12,000 feet of rail line owned by Verde Logistics Railroad, LLC (Verde). The rail line extends between a point of connection with Union Pacific...

  17. White tea (Camellia sinensis extract reduces oxidative stress and triacylglycerols in obese mice Extrato de chá branco reduz extresse oxidativo e triacilglicerois em camundongos obesos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lílian Gonçalves Teixeira


    Full Text Available White tea is an unfermented tea made from young shoots of Camellia sinensis protected from sunlight to avoid polyphenol degradation. Although its levels of catechins are higher than those of green tea (derived from the same plant, there are no studies addressing the relationship between this tea and obesity associated with oxidative stress.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of white tea on obesity and its complications using a diet induced obesity model. Forty male C57BL/6 mice were fed a high-fat diet to induce obesity (Obese group or the same diet supplemented with 0.5% white tea extract (Obese + WTE for 8 weeks. Adipose tissue, serum lipid profile, and oxidative stress were studied. White tea supplementation was not able to reduce food intake, body weight, or visceral adiposity. Similarly, there were no changes in cholesterol rich lipoprotein profile between the groups. A reduction in blood triacylglycerols associated with increased cecal lipids was observed in the group fed the diet supplemented with white tea. White tea supplementation also reduced oxidative stress in liver and adipose tissue. In conclusion, white tea extract supplementation (0.5% does not influence body weight or adiposity in obese mice. Its benefits are restricted to the reduction in oxidative stress associated with obesity and improvement of hypertriacylglycerolemia.O chá branco é um chá não fermentando feito a partir de brotos jovens da Camellia sinensis protegidos da luz solar para evitar a degradação de polifenóis. Embora os níveis de catequinas sejam mais elevados que os do chá verde (mesma planta, nenhum estudo foi realizado sobre estresse oxidativo relacionado obesidade. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do chá verde na obesidade e suas complicações, usando um modelo de obesidade induzida por dieta. Quarenta camundongos C57BL/6 machos foram alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica para indução da obesidade ou mesma dieta suplementada

  18. Verde Macael: A Serpentinite Wrongly Referred to as a Marble


    Navarro, Rafael; Pereira, Dolores; Gimeno, Ana; Barrio, Santiago


    Serpentinites are used in both exterior and interior locations, but not all serpentinites are equal: they vary in physical-mechanical behavior and are not all suitable for similar uses. The serpentinites most commonly used worldwide come from India, Pakistan or Egypt. Spain has traditionally quarried two ultramafic massifs, one in Galicia (Verde Pirineos) and one in Andalucía (Verde Macael). Some of these quarries were small family-run businesses. In both cases, these rocks are commercially a...

  19. Zero-correlation linear cryptanalysis with FFT and improved attacks on ISO standards Camellia and CLEFIA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogdanov, Andrey; Geng, Huizheng; Wang, Meiqin


    as published in FSE'12 and ASIACRYPT'12, respectively. In this paper, we use the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) technique to speed up the zero-correlation cryptanalysis. First, this allows us to improve upon the state-of-the-art cryptanalysis for the ISO/IEC standard and CRYPTREC-portfolio cipher Camellia...

  20. The value of the CHA2DS2-VASc score for refining stroke risk stratification in patients with atrial fibrillation with a CHADS2 score 0-1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Jonas Bjerring; Torp-Pedersen, Christian; Hansen, Morten Lock


    associated with increasing CHA2DS2-VASc score was estimated in Cox regression models adjusted for year of inclusion and antiplatelet therapy. The value of adding the extra CHA2DS2-VASc risk factors to the CHADS2 score was evaluated by c-statistics, Net Reclassification Improvement (NRI) and Integrated......DS2-VASc score significantly improved the predictive value of the CHADS2 score alone and a CHA2DS2-VASc score=0 could clearly identify 'truly low risk' subjects. Use of the CHA2DS2-VASc score would significantly improve classification of AF patients at low and intermediate risk of stroke, compared......North American and European guidelines on atrial fibrillation (AF) are conflicting regarding the classification of patients at low/intermediate risk of stroke. We aimed to investigate if the CHA2DS2-VASc score improved risk stratification of AF patients with a CHADS2 score of 0-1. Using individual...

  1. Bioconversion of Agave tequilana fructans by exo-inulinases from indigenous Aspergillus niger CH-A-2010 enhances ethanol production from raw Agave tequilana juice. (United States)

    Huitrón, Carlos; Pérez, Rosalba; Gutiérrez, Luís; Lappe, Patricia; Petrosyan, Pavel; Villegas, Jesús; Aguilar, Cecilia; Rocha-Zavaleta, Leticia; Blancas, Abel


    Agave tequilana fructans are the source of fermentable sugars for the production of tequila. Fructans are processed by acid hydrolysis or by cooking in ovens at high temperature. Enzymatic hydrolysis is considered an alternative for the bioconversion of fructans. We previously described the isolation of Aspergillus niger CH-A-2010, an indigenous strain that produces extracellular inulinases. Here we evaluated the potential application of A. niger CH-A-2010 inulinases for the bioconversion of A. tequilana fructans, and its impact on the production of ethanol. Inulinases were analyzed by Western blotting and thin layer chromatography. Optimal pH and temperature conditions for inulinase activity were determined. The efficiency of A. niger CH-A-2010 inulinases was compared with commercial enzymes and with acid hydrolysis. The hydrolysates obtained were subsequently fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae to determine the efficiency of ethanol production. Results indicate that A. niger CH-A-2010 predominantly produces an exo-inulinase activity. Optimal inulinase activity occurred at pH 5.0 and 50 °C. Hydrolysis of raw agave juice by CH-A-2010 inulinases yielded 33.5 g/l reducing sugars, compared with 27.3 g/l by Fructozyme(®) (Novozymes Corp, Bagsværd, Denmark) and 29.4 g/l by acid hydrolysis. After fermentation of hydrolysates, we observed that the conversion efficiency of sugars into ethanol was 97.5 % of the theoretical ethanol yield for enzymatically degraded agave juice, compared to 83.8 % for acid-hydrolyzed juice. These observations indicate that fructans from raw Agave tequilana juice can be efficiently hydrolyzed by using A. niger CH-A-2010 inulinases, and that this procedure impacts positively on the production of ethanol.

  2. Chaîne de blocs | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    7 déc. 2017 ... Des édutiants dans une salle de classe, Tambon Mae La, Myanmar. Zi Jian Lim. La technologie des chaînes de blocs pourrait appuyer et améliorer la gouvernance démocratique et les programmes de développement, mais le degré élevé de sophistication et les exigences complexes du point de vue de ...

  3. Spectroscopic Study of Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Leaves Extraction (United States)

    Marzuki, A.; Suryanti, V.; Virgynia, A.


    This paper reports the analysis of UV-VIS-NIR absorption spectra of different concentrations of green tea (Camellia sinensis) leaf extract in two different solvent systems (chloroform and ethyl acetate). In those solvents, two different peaks characterizing green tea are observed at different wavelengths, namely 296 nm and 329 nm (extracted in chloroform) and 391 nm and 534 nm (extracted in ethyl acetate). We then investigated the absorption spectra change as function of green tea concentration in both solvents. We found that light absorption increases linearly with the increase of green tea concentration. Different wavelengths, however, respond this change differently. However, the way it changes is wavelength dependence.

  4. Extracellular Protease of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, a Biocontrol Factor with Activity against the Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita (United States)

    Siddiqui, Imran Ali; Haas, Dieter; Heeb, Stephan


    In Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, mutation of the GacA-controlled aprA gene (encoding the major extracellular protease) or the gacA regulatory gene resulted in reduced biocontrol activity against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita during tomato and soybean infection. Culture supernatants of strain CHA0 inhibited egg hatching and induced mortality of M. incognita juveniles more strongly than did supernatants of aprA and gacA mutants, suggesting that AprA protease contributes to biocontrol. PMID:16151170

  5. The Chaîne des Puys: how complicated can monogentic get? (United States)

    Van Wyk de Vries, B.; Grosse, P.; Marquez, A.; Petronis, M. S.; Kervyn, M.; Delcamp, A.; Mossoux, S.; Troll, V. R.


    The Chaîne des Puys (Massif Centrale of France) is part of a prospective volcano-tectonic UNESCO World Heritage site including the Limagne Rift fault ( The strategy is to present the monogentic field that is as representative of other such fields, but which itself is uniquely special. Effectively, the Chaîne des Puys would become a sort of ambassador for monogentic volcanism, raising the profile of all other sites. Here, I want to go through some recent work on the chain, looking at morphology, morphometry, structure, lithology and petrology and show some of the intriguing complexities of this classic highly variable monogentic alignment. Also, I want to build on the historical development of ideas that can be traced back to characters such as Montlosier, Humphrey Davey, Faraday, Lyell, and Von Humbolt... and many more. I focus, first, on the central the Puy de Dôme. This classic trachyte dome has been known for some time to be the product of two eruptions, and recently we have found that it is related to a number of cryptodome intrusions that have created flanking bulges, fed at least two major explosive eruptions, and extensively modified the topography of the field. Strangely, Von Humbolt's concept of 'craters of elevation' rises up in a reanalysis of these structures. Secondly, I visit Lemptégy (, that in 1857, Scrope called 'an insignificant cone grazed by sheep', but now quarried out and showing the internal structure expected for the Puy de Dôme bulges, as well as illustrating that a seemingly simple scoria cone plumbing can be infernally complicated. Thirdly, I consider the Beaunit, a bucolic village in a maar, where the process of crustal ingestion suggests an intimate relationship between eruptive dynamics and assimilation. With these three examples I show some of the complications and interactions of monogentic basaltic to trachytic volcanism typified by the Chaîne des Puys.

  6. Cape Verde. A Country Guide Series Report from the AACRAO-AID Project. (United States)

    Sevigny, Joseph A.

    This report provides information on the education system of Cape Verde, and is designed to assist college admissions officers and registrars in the United States with the admission and placement of students from that country. The report contains general information on the geography, history, and people of Cape Verde, as well as more specific…

  7. La chaîne du froid en agroalimentaire


    Rosset , Philippe; Beaufort , Annie; Cornu , Marie; Poumeyrol , Gérard


    Le recours au froid constitue une pratique courante pour assurer une conservation prolongée des aliments, de quelques jours à quelques semaines. Limitant notre propos aux denrées réfrigérées et au risque sanitaire d'origine microbiologique, après un rappel de la définition de la chaîne du froid et des modalités générales de mise en oeuvre, nous aborderons dans un premier temps les particularités technologiques de son application. Celle-ci sera étudiée tout d'abord selon le type d'aliments con...


    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The GRIP Barbados/Cape Verde radiosonde data set consists of generally two soundings per day (06Z and 12Z) launched from Barbados, and one sounding per day (12Z)...



    Endang Sri Heruwati; Farida Ariyani; Radestya Triwibowo; Novalia Rachmawati; Irma Hermana


    Penelitian penggunaan ekstrak teh hijau (Camellia sinensis) sebagai penghambat pembentukan histamin pada ikan telah dilakukan. Ikan, terutama dari jenis skombroid, sangat rentan mengalami kerusakan karena terjadinya perubahan asam amino histidin yang terkandung dalam ikan menjadi senyawa histamin yang bersifat alergen, yang dikatalisasi oleh enzim histamin dekarboksilase (HDC). Teh hijau diketahui mengandung polifenol berupa senyawa epigalokatekingalat (EGCG) yang merupakan penghambat enzim H...

  10. Living With Parasites in Palo Verde National Park

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eben Kirksey


    Full Text Available Bruno Latour has tried to bring a parliamentary democracy to the domain of nature. Wading through the swamps of Palo Verde, a national park in the Guanacaste Province of Costa Rica, and wandering onto neighbouring agricultural lands, I failed to find a central place where people were speaking for nature. Departing from a failed attempt to speak for another species (the fringe-toed foam frog, this paper considers how diverging values and obligations shape relationships in multi-species worlds. As spokespersons articulated competing visions of nature on the borderlands of Palo Verde, multiple social and ecological worlds went to war. The haunting specter of capital joined the fray—animating the movements of cattle, grasses with animal rhizomes, rice seeds, and flighty ducks across national borders and through fragmented landscapes. Amidst this warfare, the fringe-toed foam frog was just one tenacious parasite, a noisy agent eating at the table of another, which began to flourish in worlds designed with the well-being of others in mind. Cattails, charismatic birds, and a multitude of insects began interrupting human dreams and schemes. Final solutions to the problem of living with parasites failed in Palo Verde. Humans and parasites, who became para-selves of one another, maintained an abiding presence in the landscape.

  11. Period changes of cataclysmic variables below the period gap: V2051 Oph, OY Car and Z Cha (United States)

    Pilarčík, L.; Wolf, M.; Zasche, P.; Vraštil, J.


    We present our results of a long-term monitoring of cataclysmic variable stars (CVs). About 40 new eclipses were measured for the three southern SU UMa-type eclipsing CVs: V2051 Oph, OY Car and Z Cha. Based on the current O - C diagrams we confirmed earlier findings that V2051 Oph and OY Car present cyclic changes of their orbital periods lasting 25 and 29 years, respectively. In case of Z Cha we propose the light-time effect caused probably by a presence of the third component orbiting the eclipsing CV with the period of 43.5 years. The minimal mass of this companion results about 15 MJup.

  12. Predicting foliar biochemistry of tea (Camellia sinensis) using reflectance spectra measured at powder, leaf and canopy levels

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bian, B.M.; Skidmore, A.K.; Schlerf, M.; Wang, T.; Liu, X.; Zeng, R.; Fei, T.


    Some biochemical compounds are closely related with the quality of tea (Camellia sinensis (L.)). In this study, the concentration of these compounds including total tea polyphenols, free amino acids and soluble sugars were estimated using reflectance spectroscopy at three different levels: powder,

  13. Design optimization of the Laguna Verde nuclear power station fuel recharge; Optimacion del diseno de recargas de combustible para la Central Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cortes Campos, Carlos Cristobal [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico); Montes Tadeo, Jose Luis [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ), Salazar (Mexico)


    It is described, in general terms, the procedure that is followed to accomplish the optimization of the recharge design, and an example is shown where this procedure was applied for the analysis of the type BWR reactor of Unit No. 1 of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station. [Espanol] Se describe en terminos generales el procedimiento que se sigue para realizar la optimacion del diseno de recargas, y se muestra un ejemplo en el que se utilizo dicho procedimiento para el analisis del reactor tipo BWR de la unidad 1, de la Central Laguna Verde (CLV).

  14. Design optimization of the Laguna Verde nuclear power station fuel recharge; Optimacion del diseno de recargas de combustible para la Central Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cortes Campos, Carlos Cristobal [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico); Montes Tadeo, Jose Luis [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ), Salazar (Mexico)


    It is described, in general terms, the procedure that is followed to accomplish the optimization of the recharge design, and an example is shown where this procedure was applied for the analysis of the type BWR reactor of Unit No. 1 of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station. [Espanol] Se describe en terminos generales el procedimiento que se sigue para realizar la optimacion del diseno de recargas, y se muestra un ejemplo en el que se utilizo dicho procedimiento para el analisis del reactor tipo BWR de la unidad 1, de la Central Laguna Verde (CLV).

  15. 75 FR 48323 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Palos Verdes... (United States)


    ..., quantity, and/or cooking method of fish species, (3) gather quantitative data that can be used to... anglers who fish in the Palos Verdes Shelf vicinity. Title: Palos Verdes Shelf Seafood Consumption Survey... deep for direct human contact; however, fish in the PV Shelf area bioaccumulate the contaminants...

  16. O chá verde e suas ações como quimioprotetor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wanderlei Schmitz


    Full Text Available O chá preto é responsável por 75% do chá consumido no mundo e o chá verde, por apenas 22%. O chá que era consumido como medicamento, passou a ser do gosto popular devido as suas característica organolépticas. Seus componentes flavonóides e catequinas apresentam uma série de atividades biológicas, antioxidante, quimioprotetora, antiinflamatória e anticarcinogênica. Vários estudos vêm sendo desenvolvidos por pesquisadores em varias regiões do mundo para comprovar estas atividades terapêuticas, objetivando compreender os mecanismos de ação do chá verde. Diante do acima citado, esta revisão tem por finalidade apresentar as varias linhas de pesquisa em andamento e os resultados já obtidos sobre o efeito quimioprotetor/antioxidante do chá verde.

  17. Laguna Verde: the nuclear debate in Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weinberg, Bill.


    Mexico in planning to start up its first nuclear power station at Laguna Verde in the state of Veracruz (1988). The history of the plant is traced; it should have been finished by 1974. Both the fuel and the technology have been imported from the United States for Laguna Verde. The design, a Mark II Boiling Water Reactor, is controversial and there are doubts as to its safety. Opposition to the plant on safety and environmental grounds has grown. In April 1987 a 'Chernobyl anniversary' demonstration had 10,000 protesters and opponents of the plant are becoming more militant. The main opposition is from environmental and 'Green' groups but also includes intellectuals. However, politically, Mexico would find it embarrassing to cancel the plant and also it wants to be seen as a 'First World' rather than a 'Third World' country. (U.K.)

  18. Atividade das glicosidases na presença de chá verde e de chá preto


    Pereira,L.L.S.; Souza,S.P.; Silva,M.C; Carvalho,G.A.; Santos,C.D.; Corrêa,A.D.; Abreu,C.M.P.


    Várias plantas têm sido consideradas produtos terapêuticos, dentre elas destacam-se os chás verde e preto, popularmente utilizados para controle da hiperglicemia e obesidade. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o potencial inibitório sobre as enzimas α-amilase, α e β-glicosidases e o teor de compostos fenólicos do chá verde e do chá preto. O teor de compostos fenólicos encontrados foram de 80,8 ± 0,43 mg g-1 no chá preto e 32,0 ± 0,12 mg g-1 no chá verde. O chá verde e o chá pr...

  19. Effects of the medicinal plants Curcuma zedoaria and Camellia sinensis on halitosis control

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    Vitor Hugo Farina


    Full Text Available Volatile sulphur compounds (VSC are the gases mainly responsible for halitosis (bad breath. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of medicinal plants on halitosis control. Two commonly used plants were tested: Curcuma zedoaria and Camellia sinensis (green tea. These plants were prepared as an aqueous solution and used as mouthwashes, compared with a standard mouthwash of 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate and a placebo (water. The experiment was conducted with 30 volunteers from the School of Dentistry of São Jose dos Campos, Univ. Estadual Paulista - UNESP, SP, Brazil. Each volunteer tested the four mouthwashes. The Cysteine Challenge Method, modified for this study, was used for initial breath standardization. Four breath assessments were conducted after volunteers rinsed orally with acetylcysteine: one before the test mouthwash was used; the second, one minute after its use; a third 90 minutes later; and the last 180 minutes later. The results showed that chlorhexidine gluconate lowered VSC production immediately, and that this effect lasted up to 3 hours, while the tested plants had immediate inhibitory effects but no residual inhibitory effects on VSC. We concluded that Curcuma zedoaria and Camellia sinensis, prepared as infusions and used as mouthwashes, did not have a residual neutralizing effect on VSC.

  20. Impact of biocontrol Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 and a genetically modified derivative on the diversity of culturable fungi in the cucumber rhizosphere. (United States)

    Girlanda, M; Perotto, S; Moenne-Loccoz, Y; Bergero, R; Lazzari, A; Defago, G; Bonfante, P; Luppi, A M


    Little is known about the effects of Pseudomonas biocontrol inoculants on nontarget rhizosphere fungi. This issue was addressed using the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0-Rif, which produces the antimicrobial polyketides 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Phl) and pyoluteorin (Plt) and protects cucumber from several fungal pathogens, including Pythium spp., as well as the genetically modified derivative CHA0-Rif(pME3424). Strain CHA0-Rif(pME3424) overproduces Phl and Plt and displays improved biocontrol efficacy compared with CHA0-Rif. Cucumber was grown repeatedly in the same soil, which was left uninoculated, was inoculated with CHA0-Rif or CHA0-Rif(pME3424), or was treated with the fungicide metalaxyl (Ridomil). Treatments were applied to soil at the start of each 32-day-long cucumber growth cycle, and their effects on the diversity of the rhizosphere populations of culturable fungi were assessed at the end of the first and fifth cycles. Over 11,000 colonies were studied and assigned to 105 fungal species (plus several sterile morphotypes). The most frequently isolated fungal species (mainly belonging to the genera Paecilomyces, Phialocephala, Fusarium, Gliocladium, Penicillium, Mortierella, Verticillium, Trichoderma, Staphylotrichum, Coniothyrium, Cylindrocarpon, Myrothecium, and Monocillium) were common in the four treatments, and no fungal species was totally suppressed or found exclusively following one particular treatment. However, in each of the two growth cycles studied, significant differences were found between treatments (e.g., between the control and the other treatments and/or between the two inoculation treatments) using discriminant analysis. Despite these differences in the composition and/or relative abundance of species in the fungal community, treatments had no effect on species diversity indices, and species abundance distributions fit the truncated lognormal function in most cases. In addition, the impact of treatments at the 32-day

  1. Association of epicardial adipose tissue thickness and inflammation parameters with CHA2DS2-VASc score in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation

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    Akdag S


    Full Text Available Serkan Akdag, Hakki Simsek, Musa Sahin, Aytac Akyol, Ramazan Duz, Naci Babat Department of Cardiology, Yuzuncu Yil University Medical Faculty, Van, Turkey Background: Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT, mean platelet volume (MPV, platelet-to- lymphocyte ratio (PLR, and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR have been shown to be helpful in predicting adverse cardiovascular events. However, to date, in the literature, there have been no studies demonstrating the relationship between EAT, MPV, PLR, NLR, and thromboembolism risk in atrial fibrillation (AF. Therefore, we examined the relationship between EAT, MPV, PLR, NLR, and CHA2DS2-VASc score used for the evaluation of thromboembolism risk in patients with AF.Methods: The study included 96 consecutive patients with AF and 52 age- and sex-matched control subjects. We calculated CHA2DS2-VASc risk score for each patient and measured baseline EAT thickness, MPV, PLR, NLR, left atrial volume index, and left ventricular ejection fraction.Results: The group with high CHA2DS2-VASc score had higher EAT (7.2±1.5 vs 5.9±1.2 mm, P<0.001, MPV (9.1±1.1 vs 8.4±1.0 fL, P=0.004, PLR (152.3±28.4 vs 126.7±25.4, P=0.001, and NLR (4.0±1.6 vs 3.2±1.3, P<0.001 compared to group with low-intermediate CHA2DS2-VASc score. Moreover, CHA2DS2-VASc score was found to be positively correlated with EAT (r=0.623, P<0.001, MPV (r=0.350, P=0.004, PLR (r=0.398, P=0.001, and NLR (r=0.518, P<0.001.Conclusion: Our study results demonstrated that EAT thickness, MPV, PLR, and NLR were associated with the thromboembolic risk exhibited by CHA2DS2-VASc score in patients with nonvalvular AF. Keywords: atrial fibrillation, epicardial adipose tissue, platelet, neutrophil, mean platelet volume

  2. Flavonoid action in second intention healing in surgically-induced clean wounds in Wistar rats Ação dos flavonóides na cicatrização por segunda intenção em feridas limpas induzidas cirurgicamente em ratos Wistar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wanderlei Onofre Schmitz


    Full Text Available Flavonoids represent one of the main groups of substances with pharmacological activities in plants. They are used to increase the effectiveness of the healing process in wounds and ulcers. Propolis and green tea (Camellia sinensis are two products rich in flavonoids that present indications as: anti-inflammatory antibacterial, antioxidant and healing ones. The present study aims to evaluate the action of propolis and green tea on the healing process in clean wounds. The wounds were produced in 20 Wistar rats. In each rat two symmetrical lesions of 11 mm diameter were induced using a surgical punch. The lesions were located on the left and right sides of the lateral thoracic region. Later the rats were divided in 2 groups. Group 1 – treated with 0.9% physiologic solution (left side, and with green teabased cream (Camellia sinensis at 20% (right side; Group 2 – treated with base cream (left side and treated with propolis-based cream at 20% (right side. The lesions diameters were measured every three days. The lesions healing was observed after 15 days, and there was no significant difference among the treatments, despite groups treated with green tea and propolis cream presenting better evolution during the treatment. Os flavonóides representam um dos principais grupos de substâncias com atividades farmacológicas em plantas, e são utilizados para elevar a eficácia do processo de cicatrização em feridas e úlceras. A própolis e o chá verde (Camellia sinensis são dois produtos ricos em flavonóides que apresentam indicações como antiinflamatórios, antibacterianos, antioxidantes e cicatrizantes. O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a ação da própolis e do chá verde no processo de cicatrização em feridas limpas. As feridas foram produzidas em 20 ratos Wistar, e em cada rato, foram induzidas duas lesões simétricas de 11 mm de diâmetro, utilizando-se um Punch cirúrgico. As lesões se localizavam do lado esquerdo e

  3. 76 FR 24064 - Arizona Public Service Company, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3, Notice... (United States)


    ... Service Company, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3, Notice of Issuance of Renewed... Company (licensee), the operator of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 (PVNGS... Plants: Supplement 43, Regarding Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station,'' issued January 2011, discusses...

  4. Secuencia didáctica en química verde


    Cortés Rodríguez, Adriana Janneth


    Esta propuesta presenta los resultados del diseño e implementación de una secuencia didáctica cuya finalidad es adaptar los principios de la Química Verde (QV) en el ámbito escolar, a través de actividades específicas que se enmarcan dentro del diseño del Protocolo Verde o Practica Amigable para el Medio Ambiente. La metodología de investigación – acción desarrollada permitió la reflexión de los estudiantes sobre los principios de la QV en relación con la identificación del cambio de color, e...

  5. Genetic Variation of Flavonols Quercetin, Myricetin, and Kaempferol in the Sri Lankan Tea (Camellia sinensis L. and Their Health-Promoting Aspects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brasathe Jeganathan


    Full Text Available Flavonol glycosides in tea leaves have been quantified as aglycones, quercetin, myricetin, and kaempferol. Occurrence of the said compounds was reported in fruits and vegetable for a long time in association with the antioxidant potential. However, data on flavonols in tea were scanty and, hence, this study aims to envisage the flavonol content in a representative pool of accessions present in the Sri Lankan tea germplasm. Significant amounts of myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol have been detected in the beverage type tea accessions of the Sri Lankan tea germplasm. This study also revealed that tea is a good source of flavonol glycosides. The Camellia sinensis var. sinensis showed higher content of myricetin, quercetin, and total flavonols than var. assamica and ssp. lasiocalyx. Therefore flavonols and their glycosides can potentially be used in chemotaxonomic studies of tea germplasm. The nonbeverage type cultivars, especially Camellia rosaflora and Camellia japonica Red along with the exotic accessions resembling China type, could be useful in future germplasm studies because they are rich sources of flavonols, namely, quercetin and kaempferol, which are potent antioxidants. The flavonol profiles can be effectively used in choosing parents in tea breeding programmes to generate progenies with a wide range of flavonol glycosides.

  6. Effects of past and future groundwater development on the hydrologic system of Verde Valley, Arizona (United States)

    Garner, Bradley D.; Pool, D.R.


    Communities in central Arizona’s Verde Valley must manage limited water supplies in the face of rapidly growing populations. Developing groundwater resources to meet human needs has raised questions about the effects of groundwater withdrawals by pumping on the area’s rivers and streams, particularly the Verde River. U.S. Geological Survey hydrologists used a regional groundwater flow model to simulate the effects of groundwater pumping on streamflow in the Verde River. The study found that streamflow in the Verde River between 1910 and 2005 had been reduced as the result of streamflow depletion by groundwater pumping, also known as capture. Additionally, using three hypothetical scenarios for a period from 2005 to 2110, the study’s findings suggest that streamflow reductions will continue and may increase in the future.

  7. Groundwater resources of Mosteiros basin, island of Fogo, Cape Verde, West Africa (United States)

    Heilweil, Victor M.; Gingerich, Stephen B.; Plummer, Niel; Verstraeten, Ingrid M.


    Groundwater resources in Cape Verde provide water for agriculture, industry, and human consumption. These resources are limited and susceptible to contamination. Additional groundwater resources are needed for continued agricultural development, particularly during times of drought, but increased use and (or) climatic change may have adverse effects on the quantity and quality of freshwater available. In volcanic island aquifers such as those of Cape Verde, a lens of fresh groundwater typically ?floats? upon a layer of brackish water at the freshwater/saltwater boundary, and increased pumping may cause salt water intrusion or other contamination. A recent U.S. Geological Survey study assessed baseline groundwater conditions in watersheds on three islands of Cape Verde to provide the scientific basis for sustainably developing water resources and minimizing future groundwater depletion and contamination.

  8. New species of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Cape Verde

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Soldán, Tomáš; Bojková, J.


    Roč. 3926, č. 4 (2015), s. 561-575 ISSN 1175-5326 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : Cape Verde * Macaronesia * West Africa Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour Impact factor: 0.994, year: 2015

  9. Assessment of CHADS2 and CHA 2DS 2-VASc scores in obstructive sleep apnea patients with atrial fibrillation. (United States)

    Szymanski, Filip M; Filipiak, Krzysztof J; Platek, Anna E; Hrynkiewicz-Szymanska, Anna; Karpinski, Grzegorz; Opolski, Grzegorz


    Assessment of stroke risk and implementation of appropriate antithrombotic therapy is an important issue in atrial fibrillation patients. Current risk scores do not take into consideration the comorbidities associated with elevated thromboembolic like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The aim of the study was to establish whether atrial fibrillation patients with coexisting OSA have higher stroke risk according to CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc scores. Two hundred fifty-four consecutive patients hospitalized with a primary diagnosis of atrial fibrillation participated in the study. All patients underwent whole night polygraphy and were scored in both CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc according to their medical records or de novo diagnosis. The study population was predominantly male (65.4%; mean age, 57.5 ± 10.0 years) with a high prevalence of hypertension (73.6%), dyslipidemia (63.4%), and obesity (42.9%). OSA was present in 47.6% of patients, who more often had history of stroke (p = 0.0007). Stroke risk profile assessed by both CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc scores was higher in patients with OSA (1.2 ± 0.9 vs. 0.8 ± 0.6; p vs. 1.5 ± 1.1; p = 0.001) than without it. Differences in the stroke risk remained significant across different age strata, and the trend for point values in CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc scores rose along with OSA severity according to the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI; p for trend stroke prediction models.

  10. Palo Verde Generating Station, Units 4 and 5. License application, general information

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A license application for two more Palo Verde reactors, Units 4 and 5, is presented. The two PWR reactors have a nominal net generating power each of 1,270 MW(e). Containments are steel-lined prestressed cylindrical structures with hemispherical domes. The reactors are replicas of Palo Verde 1, 2 and 3 (see DOCKETS 50528, 50529 and 50530) using the standard Combustion Engineering System 80 (see DOCKET-STN-50470)

  11. [Analysis of Camellia rosthorniana populations fecundity]. (United States)

    Cao, Guoxing; Zhong, Zhangcheng; Xie, Deti; Liu, Yun


    With the method of space substituting time, the structure of Camellia rosthorniana populations in three forest communities, i.e., Jiant bamboo forest, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, and evergreen broad-leaved forest in Mt. Jinyun was investigated, and based on static life-tables, the fecundity tables and reproductive value tables of C. rosthorniana populations were constructed. Each reproductive parameter and its relation to bionomic strategies of C. rosthorniana populations were also analyzed. The results indicated that in evergreen broad-leaved forest, C. rosthorniana population had the longest life span and the greatest fitness. The stage of maximum reproductive value increased with increasing stability of the community. The sum of each population's reproductive value, residual reproductive value and total reproductive value for the whole life-history of C. rosthorniana also increased with increasing maturity of the community, showing their inherent relationships with reproductive fitness. As regards to bionomic strategy, C. rosthorniana showed mainly the characteristics of a k-strategies, but in less stable community, the reproductive parameters were greatly changed, showing some characteristics of a r-strategies.

  12. Seasonal symptom expression, laboratory detection success, and sporulation potential of Phytophthora ramorum on rhododendron and camellia (United States)

    Steve A. Tjosvold; David L. Chambers; Cheryl L. Blomquist


    Camellias and rhododendrons are important nursery and landscape plants and are known to be highly susceptible hosts of the quarantined plant pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum Werres, de Cock & Man In?t Veld. Nursery inspection can not always occur during optimal conditions for the disease and its detection. The goals of this research were to (1)...

  13. Cabo Verde telemedicine program: initial results of nationwide implementation. (United States)

    Latifi, Rifat; Dasho, Erion; Merrell, Ronald C; Lopes, Miguel; Azevedo, Vanda; Bekteshi, Flamur; Osmani, Kalterina L; Qesteri, Orland; Kucani, Julian; Lecaj, Ismet


    Telemedicine and e-health have been suggested as one solution for closing the health disparity gap between the developed world and the developing world. Yet evidence is lacking from current successful programs in the developing world and, in particular, from sub-Saharan Africa. The primary objective of our study was to present the preliminary results of our efforts in building the Integrated Telemedicine and e-Health Program for Cabo Verde (ITeHP-CV), with an emphasis on initial utilization and results. This is a prospective study of data collected while we worked to establish a fully functional, integrated national telemedicine network and virtual education network in Cabo Verde. We used the International Virtual e-Hospital Foundation strategic approach known as "initiate-build-operate-transfer" over a 26-month period (November 2011-December 2013). We describe herein the five main pillars of this process that have been implemented: (1) capacity building; (2) network development and deployment of equipment; (3) implementation of clinical telemedicine; (4) implementation of activities related to continuing medical education, delivered from within the country and from abroad; and (5) establishment and use of the electronic virtual library. Based on comprehensive technical and medical assessment of the country's needs, 10 fully functional telemedicine centers in all nine inhabited islands of the Republic of Cabo Verde have been established. RESULTS are presented under the five main pillars of capacity building, network deployment, implementation of clinical telemedicine, implementation of continuing medical education activities, and establishment of the electronic virtual library. The ITeHP-CV has been successfully launched, and the initial results are encouraging. The continuity of the program and sustainability are primary goals once the program is transferred fully to the Ministry of Health of Cabo Verde. A long-term follow-up study is required in order to ensure

  14. Antiatherogenic Effect of Camellia japonica Fruit Extract in High Fat Diet-Fed Rats


    Lee, Hyun-Ho; Paudel, Keshav Raj; Jeong, Jieun; Wi, An-Jin; Park, Whoa-Shig; Kim, Dong-Wook; Oak, Min-Ho


    Hypercholesterolemia is a well-known etiological factor for cardiovascular disease and a common symptom of most types of metabolic disorders. Camellia japonica is a traditional garden plant, and its flower and seed have been used as a base oil of traditional cosmetics in East Asia. The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of C. japonica fruit extracts (CJF) in a high fat diet- (HFD-) induced hypercholesterolemic rat model. CJF was administered orally at three different doses: ...

  15. Mesa Verde--A Year-Round High School. A Descriptive Report of 1980-81. (United States)

    Housden, Terry; Holmes, Lynda

    Mesa Verde High School was constructed in 1974 and is the last high school built in the San Juan (California) Unified District. It serves students in grades 9 through 12 and has an open enrollment policy. Mesa Verde operates on a year-round schedule with students divided into three tracks. Basically, each track is in session for 9 weeks and then…

  16. Flavonoids and fatty acids of Camellia japonica leaves extract

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cinthia M. Azuma


    Full Text Available The ethanol extract from the leaves of Camellia japonica L., Theaceae, showed antiradical potential in the DPPH test using TLC plates (SiO2. Aiming the isolation of active compounds, this extract was partitioned between BuOH:H2O (1:1 and the two obtained phases were also evaluated to detection of antiradical activity. The active BuOH phase was fractionated in Sephadex LH-20 and silica (normal or reverse phase to afford three aglycone flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol and apigenin, which have been described in the C. japonica at first time, two glycosilated flavonoids (rutin and quercetrin, and a mixture of saturated fatty acids. The structures of isolated compounds were defined by NMR and GC/MS analyses.

  17. Flavonoids and fatty acids of Camellia japonica leaves extract

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cinthia M. Azuma


    Full Text Available The ethanol extract from the leaves of Camellia japonica L., Theaceae, showed antiradical potential in the DPPH test using TLC plates (SiO2. Aiming the isolation of active compounds, this extract was partitioned between BuOH:H2O (1:1 and the two obtained phases were also evaluated to detection of antiradical activity. The active BuOH phase was fractionated in Sephadex LH-20 and silica (normal or reverse phase to afford three aglycone flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol and apigenin, which have been described in the C. japonica at first time, two glycosilated flavonoids (rutin and quercetrin, and a mixture of saturated fatty acids. The structures of isolated compounds were defined by NMR and GC/MS analyses.

  18. A likely planet-induced gap in the disc around T Cha (United States)

    Hendler, Nathanial P.; Pinilla, Paola; Pascucci, Ilaria; Pohl, Adriana; Mulders, Gijs; Henning, Thomas; Dong, Ruobing; Clarke, Cathie; Owen, James; Hollenbach, David


    We present high-resolution (0.11 × 0.06 arcsec2) 3 mm ALMA observations of the highly inclined transition disc around the star T Cha. Our continuum image reveals multiple dust structures: an inner disc, a spatially resolved dust gap, and an outer ring. When fitting sky-brightness models to the real component of the 3 mm visibilities, we infer that the inner emission is compact (≤1 au in radius), the gap width is between 18 and 28 au, and the emission from the outer ring peaks at ˜36 au. We compare our ALMA image with previously published 1.6 μm VLT/SPHERE imagery. This comparison reveals that the location of the outer ring is wavelength dependent. More specifically, the peak emission of the 3 mm ring is at a larger radial distance than that of the 1.6 μm ring, suggesting that millimeter-sized grains in the outer disc are located farther away from the central star than micron-sized grains. We discuss different scenarios to explain our findings, including dead zones, star-driven photoevaporation, and planet-disc interactions. We find that the most likely origin of the dust gap is from an embedded planet, and estimate - for a single planet scenario - that T Cha's gap is carved by a 1.2MJup planet.

  19. Deposition and Accumulation of Emerging Contaminants in the Sediments of the Palos Verde Shelf, California (United States)

    Deposition and Accumulation of Emerging Contaminants in the Sediments of the Palos Verde Shelf, California Mark G. Cantwell, David R. Katz, Julia Sullivan, Robert P. Eganhouse, Monique M. Perron, Robert M. Burgess The Palos Verdes shelf is located off the Southern California coa...

  20. Deep sequencing of the Camellia chekiangoleosa transcriptome revealed candidate genes for anthocyanin biosynthesis. (United States)

    Wang, Zhong-Wei; Jiang, Cong; Wen, Qiang; Wang, Na; Tao, Yuan-Yuan; Xu, Li-An


    Camellia chekiangoleosa is an important species of genus Camellia. It provides high-quality edible oil and has great ornamental value. The flowers are big and red which bloom between February and March. Flower pigmentation is closely related to the accumulation of anthocyanin. Although anthocyanin biosynthesis has been studied extensively in herbaceous plants, little molecular information on the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway of C. chekiangoleosa is yet known. In the present study, a cDNA library was constructed to obtain detailed and general data from the flowers of C. chekiangoleosa. To explore the transcriptome of C. chekiangoleosa and investigate genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis, a 454 GS FLX Titanium platform was used to generate an EST dataset. About 46,279 sequences were obtained, and 24,593 (53.1%) were annotated. Using Blast search against the AGRIS, 1740 unigenes were found homologous to 599 Arabidopsis transcription factor genes. Based on the transcriptome dataset, nine anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes (PAL, CHS1, CHS2, CHS3, CHI, F3H, DFR, ANS, and UFGT) were identified and cloned. The spatio-temporal expression patterns of these genes were also analyzed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The study results not only enrich the gene resource but also provide valuable information for further studies concerning anthocyanin biosynthesis. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Cabo Verde, «Pousada» nos Caminhos do Atlântico. Interinfluências culturais num arquipélago miscigenado / Cape Verde, the «Pousada» of the Atlantico routes - cultural interinfluences in an interbred archipelago

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    José Silva Évora


    Full Text Available Descoberto entre 1460 e 1462, o Arquipélago de Cabo Verde, situado no Oceano Atlântico, constituiu ao longo de vários séculos, escala obrigatória dos navios que faziam as ligações atlânticas entre os portos das Américas, da Europa e da África Graças a sua situação privilegiada, o espaço cabo-verdiano não foi um mero ponto de reabastecimento, mas também um importante ponto de cruzamento de culturas e de raças. Pretende-se, neste texto, abordar o papel que Cabo Verde teve no Atlântico incidindo, particularmente, na dimensão cultural resultante do contacto entre povos e culturas provenientes de diferentes paragens que se fixaram no arquipélago ou que por aqui passaram. Procurar-se-á evidenciar não só a importância que Cabo Verde teve enquanto ponto de passagem obrigatória mas, sobretudo, as contribuições que mais marcadamente se denunciaram, isto é, os apports culturais que mais se acentuaram em Cabo Verde, como processos recebidos dos estrangeiros que por estas ilhas se cruzaram.The Archipelago of Cape Verde, discovered between 1460 and 1462, and situated in the Atlantic Ocean, had been considered for centuries one of the mandatory harbours of the ships that sailed across the Atlantic to the ports of America, Europe and Africa. Because of its strategic location, Cape Verdean anchorage was considered not only the supplying point, but also an important melting pot of races and cultures. It is intended to highlight the role of Cape Verde in the Atlantic focusing particularly on the cultural aspect, as a result of the influence of cultures and origins of people who had settled in or had passed by the archipelago. It is also aimed to underline the importance of Cape Verde as a mandatory gateway but, above all, to underline the remarkable contributions, such as the cultural “apports” by which Cape Verde were gripped, like processes brought by the foreigners who crossed these islands.

  2. Chemometric characterization of alembic and industrial sugar cane spirits from cape verde and ceará, Brazil. (United States)

    Pereira, Regina F R; Vidal, Carla B; de Lima, Ari C A; Melo, Diego Q; Dantas, Allan N S; Lopes, Gisele S; do Nascimento, Ronaldo F; Gomes, Clerton L; da Silva, Maria Nataniela


    Sugar cane spirits are some of the most popular alcoholic beverages consumed in Cape Verde. The sugar cane spirit industry in Cape Verde is based mainly on archaic practices that operate without supervision and without efficient control of the production process. The objective of this work was to evaluate samples of industrial and alembic sugar cane spirits from Cape Verde and Ceará, Brazil using principal component analysis. Thirty-two samples of spirits were analyzed, twenty from regions of the islands of Cape Verde and twelve from Ceará, Brazil. Of the samples obtained from Ceará, Brazil seven are alembic and five are industrial spirits. The components analyzed in these studies included the following: volatile organic compounds (n-propanol, isobutanol, isoamylic, higher alcohols, alcoholic grade, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, acetate); copper; and sulfates.

  3. Verde urbano e processi ambientali: per una progettazione di paesaggio multifunzionale

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    Raffaele Pelorosso


    Full Text Available L’impermeabilizzazione delle superfici determina un’alterazione del sistema idrologico, con un incremento dei volumi e dei picchi dei deflussi delle acque meteoriche. Il fenomeno è destinato a progredire, sia per il contributo che vi deriva dalla costante crescita delle superfici urbanizzate (urban sprawl, sia per i cambiamenti climatici in atto, che accentuano la frequenza delle piogge critiche. Una serie di misure e tecniche (Best Management Practices, BMPs sono state sviluppate per la gestione sostenibile delle acque meteoriche urbane. Alcune  BMPs (es: verde pensile, bacini di detenzione/ritenzione, zone umide possono svolgere inoltre una funzione ecologica (divenendo habitat per specie animali e vegetali, di termoregolazione, estetica e di promozione del capitale sociale. È quindi necessario sperimentare metodologie di progettazione e gestione del verde urbano e periurbano, la cui multifunzionalità consente di perseguire la strada della sostenibilità ambientale. Su tale traccia, questo lavoro presenta un percorso metodologico orientato a valutare alcune strategie integrate di controllo dei deflussi urbani, attraverso l’aumento della permeabilità di alcune parti sensibili di città. Il verde, quindi, non è visto come semplice infrastruttura necessaria a soddisfare generici standard urbanistici, ma ne sono analizzate le funzionalità, in questa prima fase di carattere idrologico, ma che, in prospettiva, con la stessa armatura verde, esso può assumere un ruolo ecologico, sociale, di mitigazione del clima e di emissione di gas clima-alteranti.

  4. Prestroke CHA2DS2-VASc Score and Severity of Acute Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: findings from RAF Study


    Acciarresi, Monica; Paciaroni, Maurizio; Agnelli, Giancarlo; Falocci, Nicola; Caso, Valeria; Becattini, Cecilia; Marcheselli, Simona; Rueckert, Christina; Pezzini, Alessandro; Morotti, Andrea; Costa, Paolo; Padovani, Alessandro; Csiba, László; Szabó, Lilla; Sohn, Sung-Il


    Background and Purpose:\\ud \\ud The aim of this study was to investigate for a possible association between both prestroke CHA2DS2-VASc score and the severity of stroke at presentation, as well as disability and mortality at 90 days, in patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation (AF).\\ud Methods:\\ud \\ud This prospective study enrolled consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke, AF, and assessment of prestroke CHA2DS2-VASc score. Severity of stroke was assessed on admission using t...

  5. The apid cuckoo bees of the Cape Verde Islands (Hymenoptera, Apidae). (United States)

    Straka, Jakub; Engel, Michael S


    The apid cuckoo bees of the Cape Verde Islands (Republic of Cape Verde) are reviewed and five species recognized, representing two genera. The ammobatine genus Chiasmognathus Engel (Nomadinae: Ammobatini), a specialized lineage of cleptoparasites of nomioidine bees is recorded for the first time. Chiasmognathus batelkaisp. n. is distinguished from mainland African and Asian species. The genus Thyreus Panzer (Apinae: Melectini) is represented by four species - Thyreus denoliisp. n., Thyreus batelkaisp. n., Thyreus schwarzisp. n., and Thyreus aistleitnerisp. n. Previous records of Thyreus scutellaris (Fabricius) from the islands were based on misidentifications.


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    Benny Kramer Costa


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo conhecer de que forma os stakeholders influenciam na adoção de estratégias de marketing verde sob a ótica da empresa Alfa, uma indústria moveleira situada no Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. A metodologia utilizada teve uma abordagem qualitativa e utiliza o método do estudo de caso exploratóriodescritivo como modelo formal e sistemático do estudo científico. Segue as proposições teórico-conceituais de Polonsky (1995, Michell, Angle e Wood (1997 e Frooman (1999 como referências básicas que identifica e avalia o grau de importância dos stakeholders relevantes, mostra suas expectativas e necessidades e descreve as táticas utilizadas pelas empresas para a implantação de estratégias de marketing verde. O estudo descreve a realidade de uma indústria moveleira do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil e mostra sua filosofia e contexto; identifica os stakeholders presentes, analisa o grau de importância de cada grupo relevante e mostra suas necessidades e expectativas e por fim, constata as mudanças ocorridas na organização na implantação de estratégias de marketing verde. A partir dos resultados obtidos conclui que os stakeholders são levados em consideração na adoção de estratégias de marketing verde, mesmo a empresa não possuindo a devida percepção estratégica necessária para avançar na adoção da filosofia do marketing verde. Este estudo de caso explora conhecimentos que podem ser apropriados e adequados por empresas de pequeno porte que atuem nesse segmento-tendência estratégico do marketing verde.

  7. Genetic diversity, population structure, and traditional culture of Camellia reticulata. (United States)

    Xin, Tong; Huang, Weijuan; De Riek, Jan; Zhang, Shuang; Ahmed, Selena; Van Huylenbroeck, Johan; Long, Chunlin


    Camellia reticulata is an arbor tree that has been cultivated in southwestern China by various sociolinguistic groups for esthetic purposes as well as to derive an edible seed oil. This study examined the influence of management, socio-economic factors, and religion on the genetic diversity patterns of Camellia reticulata utilizing a combination of ethnobotanical and molecular genetic approaches. Semi-structured interviews and key informant interviews were carried out with local communities in China's Yunnan Province. We collected plant material ( n  = 190 individuals) from five populations at study sites using single-dose AFLP markers in order to access the genetic diversity within and between populations. A total of 387 DNA fragments were produced by four AFLP primer sets. All DNA fragments were found to be polymorphic (100%). A relatively high level of genetic diversity was revealed in C. reticulata samples at both the species ( H sp  = 0.3397, I sp  = 0.5236) and population (percentage of polymorphic loci = 85.63%, H pop  = 0.2937, I pop  = 0.4421) levels. Findings further revealed a relatively high degree of genetic diversity within C. reticulata populations (Analysis of Molecular Variance = 96.31%). The higher genetic diversity within populations than among populations of C. reticulata from different geographies is likely due to the cultural and social influences associated with its long cultivation history for esthetic and culinary purposes by diverse sociolinguistic groups. This study highlights the influence of human management, socio-economic factors, and other cultural variables on the genetic and morphological diversity of C. reticulata at a regional level. Findings emphasize the important role of traditional culture on the conservation and utilization of plant genetic diversity.

  8. O sistema de animação Web da Rota dos Vinhos Verdes(Norte de Portugal

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    José Luís Reis


    Full Text Available The Web animation system of the Vinhos Verdes Route, assists, through a Web based technology platform, individuals to organize visits to places of tourist interest in the Vinhos Verdes Region. The animation system managed the content associated with the route members, the locations that contain services/ activities, the routes, the news and events that constitute a repository of all relevant information inherent to the heritage associated with wine tourism in the Vinhos Verdes Region. The animation system, which includes a Database Management System, interacts with a map‑based Framework of the Google Maps system, and is integrated in the Vinhos Verdes Region Web portal, establishing itself as one of the technical tools used by marketing, particularly to disseminate content, to understand the visitor’s origin and how they navigate in the Web animation system.

  9. Chemometric Characterization of Alembic and Industrial Sugar Cane Spirits from Cape Verde and Ceará, Brazil

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    Regina F. R. Pereira


    Full Text Available Sugar cane spirits are some of the most popular alcoholic beverages consumed in Cape Verde. The sugar cane spirit industry in Cape Verde is based mainly on archaic practices that operate without supervision and without efficient control of the production process. The objective of this work was to evaluate samples of industrial and alembic sugar cane spirits from Cape Verde and Ceará, Brazil using principal component analysis. Thirty-two samples of spirits were analyzed, twenty from regions of the islands of Cape Verde and twelve from Ceará, Brazil. Of the samples obtained from Ceará, Brazil seven are alembic and five are industrial spirits. The components analyzed in these studies included the following: volatile organic compounds (n-propanol, isobutanol, isoamylic, higher alcohols, alcoholic grade, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, acetate; copper; and sulfates.

  10. Separation and purification of both tea seed polysaccharide and saponin from camellia cake extract using macroporous resin. (United States)

    Yang, Pengjie; Zhou, Mingda; Zhou, Chengyun; Wang, Qian; Zhang, Fangfang; Chen, Jian


    A novel method to separate and purify tea seed polysaccharide and tea seed saponin from camellia cake extract by macroporous resin was developed. Among four kinds of resins (AB-8, NKA-9, XDA-6, and D4020) tested, AB-8 macroporous resin possessed optimal separating capacity for the two substances and thus was selected for the separation, in which deionized water was used to elute tea seed polysaccharide, 0.25% NaOH solution to remove the undesired pigments, and 90% ethanol to elute tea seed saponin. Further dynamic adsorption/desorption experiments on AB-8 resin-based column chromatography were conducted to obtain the optimal parameters. Under optimal dynamic adsorption and desorption conditions, 18.7 and 11.8% yield of tea seed polysaccharide and tea seed saponin were obtained with purities of 89.2 and 96.0%, respectively. The developed method provides a potential approach for the large-scale production of tea seed polysaccharide and tea seed saponin from camellia cake. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Psychosocial concomitants of loneliness among students of Cape Verde and Portugal. (United States)

    Neto, F; Barros, J


    This research is an examination of the relationship between loneliness and a number of psychosocial variables (e.g., affective state, cultural issues, gender, age) among adolescents and young adults from Cape Verde and Portugal. Two studies are presented. The participants in the first study were 285 adolescents from Cape Verde and 202 from Portugal, and in the second study there were 134 college students from Cape Verde and 112 from Portugal. The following instruments were administered to all the participants in both studies: The Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (D. Russell, L. Peplau, & C. Cutrona, 1980), the Neuroticism Scale (J. Barros, 1999), the Optimism Scale (J. Barros, 1998), the Social Anxiety subscale (A. Fenigstein, M. Scheier, & A. Buss, 1975), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (E. Diener, R. Emmons, R. Larsen, & S. Griffin, 1985). No ethnic or gender differences were found for loneliness between the two groups. For both groups, the most prominent predictors of loneliness were neuroticism and dissatisfaction with life. However, as expected, the adolescent group recorded higher scores for loneliness than did the college students.


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    Vânia Thais Silva Gomes


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem por objetivo contextualizar os benefícios da biomassa de banana verde na saúde humana. A pergunta norteadora para a construção desta revisão integrativa foi: qual os benefícios da biomassa de banana verde para a saúde humana? Para a seleção dos estudos, utilizou-se as seguintes bases de dados eletrônicas: SCIELO (Scientific Eletronic Library Online, IBECS (Indice Bibliográfico Español de Ciencias de la Salud, LILACS (Literatura LatinoAmericana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde e MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online. Concluiu-se que a biomassa da banana verde apresenta uma boa quantidade de nutrientes, vitaminas, fibras, o preparo é rápido e fácil, e o custo é acessível. É considerado um alimento funcional, pois apresenta prebióticos, amido resistente em sua composição, portanto considerada uma ótima fonte de nutrientes.

  13. First fuel reload in Laguna Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bahena B, D.


    A report containing the activities carried out during the first reload of nuclear fuel and major maintenance in the Laguna Verde nuclear reactor is presented. The previous and the specific activities are included. These last are related without including the technical considerations, data or the operation details, because these data were documented inside the registrations of the CFE, the ININ and in personal way. (Author)

  14. Antinociceptive activity of fruits extracts and "arrope" of Geoffroea decorticans (chañar). (United States)

    Reynoso, M A; Vera, N; Aristimuño, M E; Daud, A; Sánchez Riera, A


    Geoffroea decorticans (chañar) fruits and their derivate product (arrope) have been traditionally used as food and a folk medicine for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases including bronchopulmonary disorders and to relieve dolorous process. In order to evaluate the pharmacology action of this plant, studies were performed of antinociceptive and antioxidant activities. The aqueous and ethanolic extracts and arrope of chañar were evaluated in various established pain models, including chemical nociception induced by subplantar formalin and intraperitoneal acetic acid and thermal nociception method, such as tail immersion test in rats. To examine the possible connection of the opioid receptor to the antinociceptive activity of extracts and arrope it was performed a combination test with naloxone, a non-selective opioid receptor antagonist. The aqueous extract and arrope (1000 mg/kg) caused an inhibition of the pain in formalin test in the first phase, similar to morphine and decrease in the second phase. In a combination test using naloxone, diminished analgesic activity of aqueous extract and arrope were observed, indicating that antinociceptive activity is connected with the opioid receptor. The aqueous extract and arrope, caused an inhibition of the writhing response induced by acetic acid. Central involvement in analgesic profile was confirmed by the tail immersion test, in which the aqueous extract and arrope showed a significant analgesic activity by increasing latency time. The aqueous extract showed higher antioxidant activity than the arrope, it may be due to the cooking process. This study has shown that the aqueous extract and arrope of Geoffroea decorticans (chañar) fruits, does possess significant antinociceptive effects. It is further concluded that aqueous extract with maximum inhibition of free radical is the most potent extract amount tested extracts. At the oral doses tested the aqueous extract and arrope were non-toxic. The present

  15. ¿Cabría un desmarketing a la concepción del marketing verde actual? Una crítica a la teoría y la práctica del marketing verde

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    Tatiana Tola Cisneros


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina el constructo del Marketing Verde o Green Marketing revisando literatura en torno a lo teorizado y practicado. El texto presenta en primer lugar una reflexión particular sobre los aportes e implicaciones más relevantes en relación al marketing verde y su posible necesidad de reenfocarse. Luego, una identificación general del consumidor verde y de su rol dentro del proceso de gestión ambiental. Finalmente, se ofrecen en este trabajo algunas consideraciones sobre la necesaria aplicación del correcto concepto de Green Marketing sostenible dentro de la sociedad. Esta revisión servirá a otros investigadores que necesiten conocer el estado de la investigación en torno al Green Marketing. Además, individuos y organizaciones podrán beneficiarse de las estrategias de marketing verde sostenible para desarrollar campañas de Marketing Socioambiental con miras a generar un verdadero cambio en la conducta ambiental, con una conciencia perpetua, inmutable y que se transmita como valor innegable de generación en generación.

  16. Laguna Verde nuclear power plant: an experience to consider in advanced BWR design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuentes Marquez, L.


    Laguna Verde is a BWR 5 containment Mark II. Designed by GE, two external re-circulation loops, each of them having two speed re-circulation pump and a flow control valve to define the drive flow and consequently the total core flow an power control by total core flow. Laguna Verde Design and operational experience has shown some insights to be considering in design for advanced BRW reactors in order to improve the potential of nuclear power plants. NSSS and Balance of plant design, codes used to perform nuclear core design, margins derived from engineering judgment, at the time Laguna Verde designed and constructed had conducted to have a plant with an operational license, generating with a very good performance and availability. Nevertheless, some design characteristics and operational experience have shown that potential improvements or areas of opportunity shall be focused in the advanced BWR design. Computer codes used to design the nuclear core have been evolved relatively fast. The computers are faster and powerful than those used during the design process, also instrumentation and control are becoming part of this amazing technical evolution in the industry. The Laguna Verde experience is the subject to share in this paper. (author)


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    Maxwel Rodrigues Nascimento


    Full Text Available A adubação verde consiste no cultivo de diferentes espécies vegetais em uma mesma área, em sucessão ou simultaneamente com a finalidade principal de melhorar a fertilidade do solo. Prefere-se assim, aquelas que produzam maior volume de matéria seca, estejam menos sujeitas a pragas e doenças e que possuam sementes relativamente uniformes e fáceis de semear. As plantas da família Fabaceae são as mais utilizadas na adubação verde por apresentarem elevado potencial em fixar o nitrogênio atmosférico.  Objetivou-se com a realização deste trabalho elaborar uma revisão de literatura sobre o rendimento da cultura do milho em consórcio e sucessão às espécies vegetais utilizadas para adubação verde. Com base nos resultados obtidos é possível inferir que a prática da adubação verde na cultura do milho é viável, além de melhorar a fertilidade e as características físicas do solo diminui a dependência por adubos minerais.

  18. Effect of environmental conditions and lesion age on sporulation of Phytophthora ramorum on California bay laurel, rhododendron, and camellia (United States)

    Steve Tjosvold; David Chambers; Sylvia Mori


    The objective of our research was to determine the environmental conditions and lesion age favorable for Phytophthora ramorum sporulation under field conditions. For 2 years, new camellia, rhododendron, and California bay laurel (Umbellaria californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt.) nursery stock were seasonally inoculated (every 3 months) on foliage....

  19. Treatment of Common Cold Patients with the Shi-Cha Capsule: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Escalation Trial (United States)

    Chang, Jing; Dong, Shou-Jin; She, Bin; Zhang, Rui-Ming; Meng, Mao-Bin; Xu, Yan-Ling; Wan, Li-Ling; Shi, Ke-Hua; Pan, Jun-Hun; Mao, Bing


    This study was designed to determine the therapeutic efficacy and safety of the Shi-cha capsule, a Chinese herbal formula, in the treatment of patients with wind-cold type common cold. In our multi-center, prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation trial, patients with wind-cold type common cold received 0.6 g of Shi-cha capsule plus 0.6 g placebo (group A), 1.2 g of Shi-cha capsule (group B), or 1.2 g placebo (group C), three times daily for 3 days and followed up to 10 days. The primary end point was all symptom duration. The secondary end points were main symptom duration, minor symptom duration, the changes in cumulative symptom score, main symptom score, and minor symptom score 4 days after the treatment, as well as adverse events. A total of 377 patients were recruited and 360 met the inclusive criteria; 120 patients constituted each treatment group. Compared with patients in group C, patients in groups A and B had significant improvement in the all symptom duration, main symptom duration, minor symptom duration, as well as change from baseline of cumulative symptom score, main symptom score, and minor symptom score at day 4. The symptom durations and scores showed slight superiority of group B over group A, although these differences were not statistically significant. There were no differences in adverse events. The Shi-cha capsule is efficacious and safe for the treatment of patients with wind-cold type common cold. Larger trials are required to fully assess the benefits and safety of this treatment for common cold. PMID:23346193

  20. 78 FR 34373 - Campo Verde Solar, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. ER13-1541-000] Campo Verde Solar, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market- Based Rate Filing Includes Request for Blanket Section 204 Authorization This is a supplemental notice in the above-referenced proceeding of Campo Verde...

  1. 76 FR 1197 - Arizona Public Service Company, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station; Notice of Availability of... (United States)


    ... NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket Nos. 50-528, 50-529, 50-530; NRC-2009-0012] Arizona Public Service Company, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station; Notice of Availability of the Final Supplement 43... of operation for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS). Possible alternatives to the...

  2. Use of the CHA2DS2VASc score to reduce utilisation of transoesophageal echocardiography prior to ablation for atrial fibrillation

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    Charlotte Atkinson


    Full Text Available Transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE is frequently performed prior to atrial fibrillation (AF ablation to exclude left atrial appendage (LAA thrombus. However, patients undergoing AF ablation are usually anticoagulated, thus making the presence of thrombus unlikely in most cases. This study aimed to determine whether the CHA2DS2VASc scoring system can be used to identify patients that do not require TOE prior to AF ablation. In this single-centre retrospective study, local institutional and primary care databases and electronic patient records were searched to identify patients that had undergone TOE prior to AF ablation. Patient demographics, CHA2DS2VASc score, TOE findings and anticoagulation status were collected for analysis. Over a 7-year period (2008–2014, 332 patients (age 57 ± 10 years; 74% male underwent TOE prior to proposed AF ablation. CHA2DS2VASc scores of 0, 1, 2 and >2 were found in 39, 34, 15 and 12% of patients, respectively. The prevalence of LAA thrombus was 0.6% (2 patients and these 2 patients had risk scores of 2 and 4. No patients with a score of 0 or 1 had LAA thrombus. Patients that are classed as low risk by the CHA2DS2VASc score do not require a pre-ablation TOE to screen for LAA thrombus provided they are adequately anticoagulated. This would lead to a significant reduction in health care expenditures by reducing unnecessary TOE requests and thereby improve patient experience.

  3. Renewable energy projects to electrify rural communities in Cape Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ranaboldo, Matteo; Lega, Bruno Domenech; Ferrenbach, David Vilar; Ferrer-Martí, Laia; Moreno, Rafael Pastor; García-Villoria, Alberto


    Highlights: • The design of 2 off-grid electrification projects in Cape Verde is developed. • Configurations with hybrid renewable energy systems and micro-grids are considered. • A detailed micro-scale wind resource assessment is carried out. • An optimization model is used in order to support the design. • The proposed system is economically beneficial in comparison with diesel generation. - Abstract: Even though Cape Verde has high wind and solar energy resources, the conventional strategy for increasing access to electricity in isolated rural areas is by centralized microgrids with diesel generators. In this study, the design of 2 off-grid electrification projects based on hybrid wind–photovoltaic systems in Cape Verde is developed and analyzed. The design considers some significant novelty features in comparison with previous studies. First a detailed wind resource assessment is carried out combining meso-scale wind climate data and a specialized micro-scale wind flow model. Then a mathematical model is used for the design of off-grid projects considering a combination of individual systems and microgrids. In this study, locations far from the demand points are also considered as possible generation points. Various design configurations are analyzed and compared. The proposed configurations exploit the highest wind potential areas and are economically beneficial in comparison with diesel generator systems

  4. How Palo Verde saved millions of dollars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In autumn 1992, Arizona Public Service adopted new project control procedures for outages at its three-unit Palo Verde PWR site, including: the switch to a PC-based environment; a new scheduling system; and the generation of improved graphics for decision making. Major cost savings were made and three further outages have now benefitted from the new systems. (author)

  5. Impact of Sahara dust transport on Cape Verde atmospheric element particles. (United States)

    Almeida-Silva, M; Almeida, S M; Freitas, M C; Pio, C A; Nunes, T; Cardoso, J


    The objectives of this study were to (1) conduct an elemental characterization of airborne particles sampled in Cape Verde and (2) assess the influence of Sahara desert on local suspended particles. Particulate matter (PM(10)) was collected in Praia city (14°94'N; 23°49'W) with a low-volume sampler in order to characterize its chemical composition by k0-INAA. The filter samples were first weighed and subsequently irradiated at the Portuguese Research Reactor. Results showed that PM(10) concentrations in Cape Verde markedly exceeded the health-based air quality standards defined by the European Union (EU), World Health Organization (WHO), and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in part due to the influence of Sahara dust transport. The PM(10) composition was characterized essentially by high concentrations of elements originating from the soil (K, Sm, Co, Fe, Sc, Rb, Cr, Ce, and Ba) and sea (Na), and low concentrations of anthropogenic elements (As, Zn, and Sb). In addition, the high concentrations of PM measured in Cape Verde suggest that health of the population may be less affected compared with other sites where PM(10) concentrations are lower but more enriched with toxic elements.

  6. Soil and Water Conservation Strategies in Cape Verde (Cabo Verde in Portuguese and Their Impacts on Livelihoods: An Overview from the Ribeira Seca Watershed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isaurinda Baptista


    Full Text Available Severe land degradation has strongly affected both people’s livelihood and the environment in Cape Verde (Cabo Verde in Portuguese, a natural resource poor country. Despite the enormous investment in soil and water conservation measures (SWC or SLM, which are visible throughout the landscape, and the recognition of their benefits, their biophysical and socioeconomic impacts have been poorly assessed and scientifically documented. This paper contributes to filling this gap, by bringing together insights from literature and policy review, field survey and participatory assessment in the Ribeira Seca Watershed through a concerted approach devised by the DESIRE project (the “Desire approach”. Specifically, we analyze government strategies towards building resilience against the harsh conditions, analyze the state of land degradation and its drivers, survey and map the existing SWC measures, and assess their effectiveness against land degradation, on crop yield and people’s livelihood. We infer that the relative success of Cape Verde in tackling desertification and rural poverty owes to an integrated governance strategy that comprises raising awareness, institutional framework development, financial resource allocation, capacity building, and active participation of rural communities. We recommend that specific, scientific-based monitoring and assessment studies be carried out on the biophysical and socioeconomic impact of SLM and that the “Desire approach” be scaled-up to other watersheds in the country.

  7. The Cape Verde Islands are home to a small and genetically distinct humpback whale breeding population

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bérubé, Martine; Ryan, Conor; Berrow, Simon D.; Suarez, Pedro Lopez; Monteiro, Vanda; Wenzel, Frederick; Robbins, Jooke; Mattila, David; Vikingsson, G.A.; Øien, Nils; Palsboll, Per


    The Cape Verde Islands appear to be winter breeding ground of the smallest humpback whale population yet known. However, it is unclear whether the humpback whales at the Cape Verde Islands interbreed with those in the West Indies. Here we present the results of the genetic analysis of 50 humpback

  8. AHP 24: A Multi-ethnic Village in Northeast Tibet - History, Ritual, and Daily Life in Chu cha

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    Stobs stag lha སྟོབས་སྟག་ལྷ།


    Full Text Available Multi-ethnic Chu cha Village in Mchod rten thang Township, Dpa' ris Tibetan Autonomous County, Gansu Province, China is described in terms of location; population; clothing; language; religion; history; and personal, family, and community rituals. Photographs provide additional information.

  9. The technology transfer and the Laguna Verde power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garza, R.F. de La


    The process of technology transfer to the construction of Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plants, Mexico, is described. The options and the efforts for absorbing the technology of Nuclear Power Plant design and construction by the mexican engineers are emphasized. (author)

  10. Impact of CHA2DS2VASc Score on Candidacy for Anticoagulation in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: A Multi-payer Analysis. (United States)

    Patel, Aarti A; Nelson, Winnie W; Schein, Jeff


    The purpose of this study is to report on the effect of using CHA 2 DS 2 VASc (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥75 years [doubled], type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus, stroke or transient ischemic attack or thromboembolism [doubled], vascular disease [prior myocardial infarction, peripheral artery disease, or aortic plaque], age 65-75 years, sex category [female]) rather than CHADS 2 (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥75 years, diabetes mellitus, and prior stroke) to determine candidacy for anticoagulant prophylaxis in insured patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Six administrative claims databases that included medical and pharmacy claims for patients aged ≥18 years with a new or existing diagnosis of AF and patient outcomes assessed for 1 year after diagnosis were analyzed. Retrospective health plan data analyses were performed using a software tool (Anticoagulant Quality Improvement Analyzer). Study measures included stroke risk (identified by CHADS 2 and CHA 2 DS 2 VASc scores), bleeding risk (identified by the Anticoagulation and Risk Factors in Atrial Fibrillation score), and anticoagulant use. A total of 115,906 patients with AF (range of mean ages among the 6 databases, 56-79 years) met the inclusion criteria. All ranges reported represent the minimum and maximum values among the 6 databases. Using the CHA 2 DS 2 VASc compared with the CHADS 2 index to assess stroke risk resulted in a 23% to 32% increase in patients considered potential candidates for anticoagulant prophylaxis. This translated to a 38% to 114% increase in the number of ostensibly undertreated patients. Among patients with high stroke and low bleeding risk, 18% to 28% more patients were considered potential candidates for anticoagulation treatment using CHA 2 DS 2 VASc compared with CHADS 2 , or a 57% to 151% increase in the number of undertreated patients. Use of the CHA 2 DS 2 VASc score to determine the risk of stroke increased the number of AF patients for

  11. Transient analysis for Laguna Verde nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramos Pablos, J.C.


    Relationship between transients analysis and safety of Laguna Verde nuclear power plant is described a general panorama of safety thermal limits of a nuclear station, as well as transients classification and events simulation codes are exposed. Activities of a group of transients analysis of electrical research institute are also mentioned (Author)

  12. Insecticide susceptibility of Aedes aegypti populations from Senegal and Cape Verde Archipelago. (United States)

    Dia, Ibrahima; Diagne, Cheikh Tidiane; Ba, Yamar; Diallo, Diawo; Konate, Lassana; Diallo, Mawlouth


    Two concomitant dengue 3 (DEN-3) epidemics occurred in Cape Verde Archipelago and Senegal between September and October 2009. Aedes aegypti was identified as the vector of these epidemics as several DEN-3 virus strains were isolated from this species in both countries. The susceptibility to pyrethroids, organochlorine, organophosphates and carbamate was investigated in two field strains of Aedes aegypti from both countries using WHO diagnostic bioassay kits in order to monitor their the current status of insecticide susceptibility. The two tested strains were highly resistant to DDT. The Cape Verde strain was found to be susceptible to all others tested insecticides except for propoxur 0.1%, which needs further investigation. The Dakar strain was susceptible to fenitrothion 1% and permethrin 0.75%, but displayed reduced susceptibility to deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin and propoxur. As base-line results, our observations stress a careful management of insecticide use for the control of Ae. aegypti. Indeed, they indicate that DDT is no longer efficient for the control of Ae. aegypti populations in Cape Verde and Dakar and further suggest a thorough follow-up of propoxur susceptibility status in both sites and that of deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin in Ae. aegypti populations in Dakar. Thus, regular monitoring of susceptibility is greatly needed as well as the knowing if this observed resistance/susceptibility is focal or not and for observed resistance, the use of biochemical methods is needed with detailed comparison of resistance levels over a large geographic area. Aedes aegypti, Insecticides, Susceptibility, Cape Verde, Senegal.

  13. Growth inhibition of Walker carcinosarcoma 256 with alcoholic extract of green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis Inibição do crescimento do carcinossarcoma 256 de Walker pelo extrato alcoólico de folhas de chá verde(Camellia sinensis

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    Mauriclécio Franco Ponte


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the antitumor activity of alcoholic extracts of green tea (Camella sinensis. METHODS: Four groups of six Wistar rats were inoculated intramuscularly with 10(6 Walker tumor cells/mL. During 10 days, the animals received by gavage either 0.9% saline solution (Group I; negative control, solution containing 20 mg/Kg of tamoxifen (Group II; positive control, solution containing 0.07 g/Kg alcoholic extract of C. sinensis (Group III, or solution containing 0.14 g/Kg alcoholic extract of C. sinensis (Group IV. Following euthanasia on the tenth day, the tumor, liver, kidneys and spleen were excised and weighed, and tumor volume and tumor growth inhibition were quantified. RESULTS: The average weight of the animals was greater in Group IV than in Group II (p=0.0107. Tumor weight was smaller in Group IV than in Group I (p=0.0062, but did not differ from Group II. Tumor volume was smaller in Groups II and IV than in Group I (p=0.0131. Tumor growth inhibition was observed in Groups II (44.67% ± 32.47, III (16.83% ± 53.02 and IV (66.4% ± 25.82 (p>0.05. The groups did not differ with regard to the weight of the excised organs. CONCLUSION: Alcoholic extracts of green tea have antitumor activity.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a atividade antitumoral do extrato alcoólico do chá verde (C. sinensis. MÉTODOS: Quatro grupos de seis ratos Wistar foram inoculados com 1x10(6 células/mL do tumor de Walker por via intramuscular. Os grupos foram tratados durante 10 dias, por gavagem, com salina 0,9 % (Grupo I, controle negativo, 20 mg/Kg de tamoxifeno (Grupo II, controle positivo e extrato alcoólico de C. sinensis nas doses de 0,07 g/Kg (Grupo III ou 0,14 g/Kg (Grupo IV. O volume e a inibição do crescimento tumoral foram calculados. RESULTADOS: A média dos pesos dos animais foi maior no Grupo IV do que no Grupo II (p=0,0107. O peso tumoral do Grupo IV foi menor do que o Grupo I (p=0,0062, mas não houve diferença quando comparado ao Grupo II. O volume

  14. 76 FR 43684 - Verde Energy USA Trading, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. ER11-4041-000] Verde Energy USA Trading, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes Request for... Verde Energy USA Trading, LLC's application for market-based rate authority, with an accompanying rate...

  15. Origin and Population Dynamics of a Novel HIV-1 Subtype G Clade Circulating in Cape Verde and Portugal. (United States)

    de Pina-Araujo, Isabel Inês M; Delatorre, Edson; Guimarães, Monick L; Morgado, Mariza G; Bello, Gonzalo


    The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype G is the most prevalent and second most prevalent HIV-1 clade in Cape Verde and Portugal, respectively; but there is no information about the origin and spatiotemporal dispersal pattern of this HIV-1 clade circulating in those countries. To this end, we used Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian coalescent-based methods to analyze a collection of 578 HIV-1 subtype G pol sequences sampled throughout Portugal, Cape Verde and 11 other countries from West and Central Africa over a period of 22 years (1992 to 2013). Our analyses indicate that most subtype G sequences from Cape Verde (80%) and Portugal (95%) branched together in a distinct monophyletic cluster (here called G(CV-PT)). The G(CV-PT) clade probably emerged after a single migration of the virus out of Central Africa into Cape Verde between the late 1970s and the middle 1980s, followed by a rapid dissemination to Portugal a couple of years later. Reconstruction of the demographic history of the G(CV-PT) clade circulating in Cape Verde and Portugal indicates that this viral clade displayed an initial phase of exponential growth during the 1980s and 1990s, followed by a decline in growth rate since the early 2000s. Our data also indicate that during the exponential growth phase the G(CV-PT) clade recombined with a preexisting subtype B viral strain circulating in Portugal, originating the CRF14_BG clade that was later disseminated to Spain and Cape Verde. Historical and recent human population movements between Angola, Cape Verde and Portugal probably played a key role in the origin and dispersal of the G(CV-PT )and CRF14_BG clades.

  16. Caffeine in tea Camellia sinensis--content, absorption, benefits and risks of consumption. (United States)

    Gramza-Michałowska, A


    Therapeutic properties of tea Camellia sinensis are of particular interest since it has been consumed for ages and was always regarded as safe beverage. Tea is most popular beverage in the world because of its attractive aroma, exceptional taste, health promoting and pharmaceutical potential. Current results showed that antioxidative, antibacterial and other health effects are attributed to its caffeine content and caffeine - polyphenols interactions. An overview is given on caffeine content in different tea leaves beverage. Special attention is drawn to caffeine physiological effect on human organism. Controversies concerning the possible caffeine influence on human physical and psychological health are briefly summarized and presented.

  17. 77 FR 38280 - Verde Energy USA New York, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. ER12-2071-000] Verde Energy USA New York, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes Request for... Verde Energy USA New York, LLC's application for market-based rate authority, with an accompanying rate...

  18. Palo Verde receives new control room simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    A new control room simulator was delivered to Arizona Public Service Company's Palo Verde nuclear generating station in late August. The system, the second simulator on site, will be used for training beginning in January 1994, said David C. Brown, manager of the simulator upgrade project. Having two simulators will ease the current tight training schedule, and allow expansion of instruction to personnel other than licensed operators

  19. Influências da Preocupação Ambiental e do Ceticismo frente à Propaganda no Consumo de Produtos Verdes

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    Dirceu da Silva


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo analisar a influência do ceticismo e da preocupação ambiental na percepção do indivíduo para a intenção de compra e compra declarada de produtos verdes no varejo, foi realizado um survey com 1233 consumidores para observar este efeito na relação entre intenção e compra declarada de produtos verdes e entender a disposição do consumidor em transformar sua preocupação ambiental e sua confiança no apelo verde do produto em prática. Como resultado, foi observado que o consumidor leva mais em consideração a sua rotina de compra e a sua experiência passada do que a preocupação ambiental e a influência de propagandas com apelo verde. Sendo assim, o consumo de produtos verdes no varejo precisa de mecanismos voltados para a mudança de habito e quebra de paradigmas (consumidor e varejista.

  20. O arquipélago “literopintado”: escritura literária de autoria feminina em Cabo Verde

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    Simone Caputo Gomes


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo estudar a representação de Cabo Verde pela literatura de autoria feminina, que retrata – lê, pinta, desenha, esculpe, escreve, imagina – suas belas paisagens, seu cotidiano popular, seus perfis de mulher, sua riqueza cultural.Palavras-chave: Literatura feminina; Cabo Verde; Representação cultural.

  1. Investigation of major phenolic antioxidants from Camellia sinensis fruits

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    Ajay Rana


    Full Text Available The present study unveils major phenolic antioxidant compounds from Camellia sinensis fruits, followed by their investigation, purification and characterization using HPLC, ESI-MS and NMR studies. The spectrophotometric estimation results have clearly demonstrated that C. sinensis (tea fruits contain up to 14% of total polyphenols (as gallic acid equivalent and 7% of flavonoids (as quercetin equivalent on dry weight basis. Differential solvent-mediated extractions have been performed for quantitative assessment of major phytoconstituents by RP-HPLC analysis. And the results have revealed that these fruits contain adequate amount of tea catechins (4% along with caffeine (1% and theanine (0.4% on dry weight basis. Moreover, purification and characterization of major phytoconstituents such as epigallocatechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin gallate and epicatechin gallate along with caffeine have been accomplished. Thus, it is clearly demonstrated that tea fruits could act as a possible and reliable source for obtaining major phenolic antioxidants.

  2. 75 FR 13606 - Arizona Public Service Company, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3... (United States)


    ... NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530; NRC-2010-0114] Arizona Public Service Company, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3; Environmental...-74, issued to Arizona Public Service Company (APS, the licensee), for operation of the Palo Verde...

  3. Verde Valley Community Needs Assessment Project, Spring 1979. (United States)

    Gose, Frank J.

    A study of the educational needs to be met by the Verde Campus of Yavapai College (YC) involved surveying seven populations. Responses were returned by 88 non-retired community residents, 96 retired members of the community, 191 members of the business sector, 240 current students, 208 former students, 19 faculty members, and 261 high school…


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    Marina Lemos Barboza


    Full Text Available O presente artigo objetiva analisar o comportamento de consumo tecnológico, dado a justificação do valor verde integrado em dispositivos eletrônicos, do tipo smartphones e tablets. Com isto, foi realizado um estudo baseado na literatura de comportamento do consumidor, produtos verdes, ideologia verde, convergência tecnológica e preferência de uso por produtos tecnológicos, utilizando de pesquisa netnográfica como opção metodológica, a qual consiste da extração de informações de blogs/fóruns de discussões, realizando uma análise de conteúdo para as discussões coletadas, de forma a codificar e categorizar os grupos participantes deste argumento. Para complementar questionamentos que ficaram em abertos após a netnografia, foram feitas entrevistas com nove consumidores específicos por suas características de consumo, de forma a melhor compreender como fatores de marketing influenciam nestas decisões. Neste contexto, este estudo teve como resultado cinco categorias de consumidores identificados, com subcategorias implícitas. Este estudo observa e interpreta o ponto de vista do consumidor tecnológico, avaliando se a difusão dos produtos verdes (consumo sustentável ou com valores/atributos ecológicos, inseriu-se no contexto da sociedade atual, e se a discussão desta realidade mercadológica, apresenta consigo a inovação da consciência ecológica (verde, além da percepção de inovação tecnológica com a inserção do verde.

  5. Confort térmico en espacios verdes urbanos de ambientes áridos.


    Alejandra Kurbán; Mario Cúnsulo


    En la planificación bioclimática de las ciudades y particularmente las ubicadas en  ambientes áridos, los espacios verdes representan un potencial  higrotérmico desaprovechado como mitigadores del clima urbano. El trabajo cuantifica el confort térmico de espacios verdes urbanos (EVU) de una ciudad del centro-oeste de Argentina localizada en la Diagonal Árida Sudamericana, a partir del Índice UTCI.  Este índice se calcula a partir de mediciones climáticas en 19 EVU, realizadas en el verano del...

  6. X-Ray Processing of ChaMPlane Fields: Methods and Initial Results for Selected Anti-Galactic Center Fields (United States)

    Hong, JaeSub; van den Berg, Maureen; Schlegel, Eric M.; Grindlay, Jonathan E.; Koenig, Xavier; Laycock, Silas; Zhao, Ping


    We describe the X-ray analysis procedure of the ongoing Chandra Multiwavelength Plane (ChaMPlane) Survey and report the initial results from the analysis of 15 selected anti-Galactic center observations (90degusing custom-developed analysis tools appropriate for Galactic sources but also of general use: optimum photometry in crowded fields using advanced techniques for overlapping sources, rigorous astrometry and 95% error circles for combining X-ray images or matching to optical/IR images, and application of quantile analysis for spectral analysis of faint sources. We apply these techniques to 15 anti-Galactic center observations (of 14 distinct fields), in which we have detected 921 X-ray point sources. We present logN-logS distributions and quantile analysis to show that in the hard band (2-8 keV) active galactic nuclei dominate the sources. Complete analysis of all ChaMPlane anti-Galactic center fields will be given in a subsequent paper, followed by papers on sources in the Galactic center and bulge regions.

  7. Single and multiple in-season measurements as indicators of at-harvest cotton boll damage caused by verde plant bug (Hemiptera: Miridae). (United States)

    Brewer, Michael J; Armstrong, J Scott; Parker, Roy D


    The ability to monitor verde plant bug, Creontiades signatus Distant (Hemiptera: Miridae), and the progression of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., boll responses to feeding and associated cotton boll rot provided opportunity to assess if single in-season measurements had value in evaluating at-harvest damage to bolls and if multiple in-season measurements enhanced their combined use. One in-season verde plant bug density measurement, three in-season plant injury measurements, and two at-harvest damage measurements were taken in 15 cotton fields in South Texas, 2010. Linear regression selected two measurements as potentially useful indicators of at-harvest damage: verde plant bug density (adjusted r2 = 0.68; P = 0.0004) and internal boll injury of the carpel wall (adjusted r2 = 0.72; P = 0.004). Considering use of multiple measurements, a stepwise multiple regression of the four in-season measurements selected a univariate model (verde plant bug density) using a 0.15 selection criterion (adjusted r2 = 0.74; P = 0.0002) and a bivariate model (verde plant bug density-internal boll injury) using a 0.25 selection criterion (adjusted r2 = 0.76; P = 0.0007) as indicators of at-harvest damage. In a validation using cultivar and water regime treatments experiencing low verde plant bug pressure in 2011 and 2012, the bivariate model performed better than models using verde plant bug density or internal boll injury separately. Overall, verde plant bug damaging cotton bolls exemplified the benefits of using multiple in-season measurements in pest monitoring programs, under the challenging situation when at-harvest damage results from a sequence of plant responses initiated by in-season insect feeding.

  8. Value of Combining Left Atrial Diameter and Amino-terminal Pro-brain Natriuretic Peptide to the CHA2DS2-VASc Score for Predicting Stroke and Death in Patients with Sick Sinus Syndrome after Pacemaker Implantation. (United States)

    Mo, Bin-Feng; Lu, Qiu-Fen; Lu, Shang-Biao; Xie, Yu-Quan; Feng, Xiang-Fei; Li, Yi-Gang


    The CHA2DS2-VASc score is used clinically for stroke risk stratification in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). We sought to investigate whether the CHA2DS2-VASc score predicts stroke and death in Chinese patients with sick sinus syndrome (SSS) after pacemaker implantation and to evaluate whether the predictive power of the CHA2DS2-VASc score could be improved by combining it with left atrial diameter (LAD) and amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP). A total of 481 consecutive patients with SSS who underwent pacemaker implantation from January 2004 to December 2014 in our department were included. The CHA2DS2-VASc scores were retrospectively calculated according to the hospital medical records before pacemaker implantation. The outcome data (stroke and death) were collected by pacemaker follow-up visits and telephonic follow-up until December 31, 2015. During 2151 person-years of follow-up, 46 patients (9.6%) suffered stroke and 52 (10.8%) died. The CHA2DS2-VASc score showed a significant association with the development of stroke (hazard ratio [HR] 1.45, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.20-1.75, Ppacemaker implantation. The addition of LAD and NT-proBNP to the CHA2DS2-VASc score improved its predictive power for stroke and death, respectively, in this patient cohort. Future prospective studies are warranted to validate the benefit of adding LAD and NT-proBNP to the CHA2DS2-VASc score for predicting stroke and death risk in non-AF populations.

  9. Influence of Camellia sinensis extract on Zinc Oxide nanoparticle green synthesis (United States)

    Nava, O. J.; Luque, P. A.; Gómez-Gutiérrez, C. M.; Vilchis-Nestor, A. R.; Castro-Beltrán, A.; Mota-González, M. L.; Olivas, A.


    This work addresses low cost, non-toxic green synthesis of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles prepared using different amounts of Camellia sinensis extract. The Synthesized material was studied and characterized through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), x-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The Zinc Oxide nanoparticles presented the desired Znsbnd O bond at 618 cm-1, demonstrated growth in a purely hexagonal Wurtzite crystal structure, and, depending on the amount of extract used, they presented different size and shape homogeneity. The photocatalytic activity of the obtained Zinc Oxide nanoparticles was studied. The photocatalytic degradation studies were done at a 1:1 M ratio of methylene blue to Zinc Oxide nanoparticles under UV light. The obtained results presented a better degradation rate than commercially available Zinc Oxide nanoparticles.

  10. Ammonia IRMS-TPD measurements and DFT calculation on acidic hydroxyl groups in CHA-type zeolites. (United States)

    Suzuki, Katsuki; Sastre, German; Katada, Naonobu; Niwa, Miki


    Brønsted acidity of H-chabazite (CHA) zeolites (Si : Al(2) = 4.2) was investigated by means of ammonia infrared-mass spectrometry/temperature-programmed desorption (IRMS-TPD) methods and density functional calculations. Four IR bands were observed at 3644, 3616, 3575 and 3538 cm(-1), and they were ascribable to the acidic OH groups on four nonequivalent oxygen sites in the CHA structure. The absorption band at 3538 cm(-1) was attributed to the O(4)H in the 6-membered ring (MR), and ammonia adsorption energy (DeltaU) of this OH group was the lowest among the 4 kinds of OH groups. The other 3 bands were assigned to the acidic OH groups in 8MR. It was observed that the DeltaU in 8 and 6MR were 131 (+/-3) and 101 kJ mol(-1), respectively. On the other hand, the density functional theory (DFT) calculations within periodic boundary conditions yielded the adsorption energies on these OH groups in 8 and 6MR to be ca. 130 and 110 kJ mol(-1), respectively, in good agreement with the experimentally-observed values.

  11. Dynamic analysis of the condensate and of the feed water in the Laguna Verde nuclear power station; Analisis dinamico del sistema de condensado y agua de alimentacion de la nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Macedo Muth, Javier; Sandoval Pena, Ramon [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article shows a non-lineal mathematical model for the condensate, and feed water systems and for feed water heater drains at the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station for its simulation in real time. The model allows the calculation of flows and pressures in all the piping system and equipment that integrate the systems. It was obtained by using the force unbalance in the fluid concept and is capable of reproducing its dynamic behavior through variations induced by the different operation modes and more common failures. The final model objective is to form part of the Laguna Verde simulator that will be used for operator training of this Nuclear Power Plant. [Espanol] En este articulo se muestra un modelo matematico no lineal de los sistemas de condensado, agua de alimentacion y drenes de calentadores de la central nuclear de Laguna Verde para su simulacion en tiempo real. El modelo permite calcular los flujos y las presiones en toda la red de tuberias y equipos que integran los sistemas. Se obtuvo utilizando el concepto de desbalance de fuerzas en el fluido, y es capaz de reproducir su comportamiento dinamico ante variaciones inducidas por los diversos modos de operacion y fallas mas comunes. El objetivo final del modelo es formar parte del simulador de Laguna Verde que se empleara para el adiestramiento de los operadores de dicha central nuclear.

  12. An 40 Ar- 39 Ar study of the Cape Verde hot spot

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Paul Martin; Grandvuinet, Tanja; Wilson, James Richard


    The 40Ar-39Ar analyses of 28 groundmass separates from volcanic rocks from the islands of Santiago, Sal, and São Vicente, Cape Verde archipelago, are presented. The new age data record the volcanic evolution for Santiago from 4.6 to 0.7 Ma, for Sal from around 15 to 1.1 Ma, and for São Vicente from...... Cretaceous age for limestones deposited on the seafloor and later uplifted. The Cape Verde Rise is indicated to have fully formed in the early Miocene around 22 Ma, accompanied by the initial alkaline volcanism. Considerable volcanism on Sal, Boa Vista, and Maio took place in the Miocene and Pliocene...

  13. A method for fast determination of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG, epicatechin (EC, catechin (C and caffeine (CAF in green tea using HPLC Método rápido para determinação de galato de epigalocatequina (EGCG, epicatequina (EC, catequina (C e cafeína (CAF em chá verde usando CLAE

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    Samuel T. Saito


    Full Text Available Tea has been considered a medicine and a healthy beverage since ancient times, but recently it has received a great deal of attention because of its antioxidant properties. Green tea polyphenols have demonstrated to be an effective chemopreventive agent. Recently, investigators have found that EGCG, one of the green tea catechins, could have anti-HIV effects when bound to CD4 receptor. Many factors can constitute important influences on the composition of tea, such as species, season, age of the leaf, climate, and horticultural practices (soil, water, minerals, fertilizers. This paper presents an HPLC analytical methodology development, using column RP-18 and mobile phase composed by water, acetonitrile, methanol, ethyl acetate, glacial acetic acid (89:6:1:3:1 v/v/v/v/v for simultaneous determination and quantification of caffeine (CAF, catechin (C, epicatechin (EC and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG in samples of Camellia sinensis (green tea grown in Brazil and harvested in spring, in summer and in autumn, in comparison to Brazilian black tea, to samples of Japanese and Chinese green tea and to two standardized dry extracts of green tea. The method has been statistically evaluated and has proved to be adequate to qualitative and quantitative determination of the samples.O chá vem sendo considerado uma bebida saudável e com propriedades medicinais desde tempos bem remotos, mas recentemente tem ganhado grande interesse no meio científico devido a suas atividades como antioxidante. Os polifenóis do chá verde vêm demonstrando possuir atividades quimiopreventivas. Recentemente, pesquisadores descobriram que o EGCG, a principal catequina do chá verde, poderia ter efeito anti-HIV quando acoplado ao receptor CD4. Muitos fatores podem influenciar de forma significativa na composição do chá, como sua espécie, estação que foi colhida, idade da folha, clima e técnicas de cultura (solo, irrigação e fertilizantes. Este artigo vem apresentar

  14. Larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti of Foeniculum vulgare essential oils from Portugal and Cape Verde. (United States)

    Rocha, Diara Kady; Matosc, Olivia; Novoa, Maria Teresa; Figueiredo, Ana Cristina; Delgado, Manuel; Moiteiro, Cristina


    Dengue is a potentially fatal mosquito-borne infection with 50 million cases per year and 2.5 billion people vulnerable to the disease. This major public health problem has recurrent epidemics in Latin America and occurred recently in Cape Verde and Madeira Island. The lack of anti-viral treatment or vaccine makes the control of mosquito vectors a high option to prevent virus transmission. Essential oil (EO) constituents can affect insect's behaviour, being potentially effective in pest control. The present study evaluated the potential use of Foenicultm vulgare (fennel) EO in the control of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti. EOs isolated from fennel aerial parts collected in Cape Verde and from a commercial fennel EO of Portugal were analysed by NMR, GC and GC-MS. trans-Anethole (32 and 30%, respectively), limonene (28 and 18%, respectively) and fenchone (10% in both cases) were the main compounds identified in the EOs isolated from fennel from Cape Verde and Portugal, respectively. The larvicidal activity of the EOs and its major constituents were evaluated, using WHO procedures, against third instar larvae ofAe. aegypti for 24 h. Pure compounds, such as limonene isomers, were also assayed. The lethal concentrations LC50, C90 and LC99 were determined by probit analysis using mortality rates of bioassays. A 99% mortality of Ae. aegypti larvae was estimated at 37.1 and 52.4 µL L-1 of fennel EOs from Cape Verde and Portugal, respectively. Bioassays showed that fennel EOs from both countries displayed strong larvicidal effect against Ae. aegypti, the Cape Verde EO being as active as one of its major constituents, (-)-limonene.

  15. Verde Macael: A Serpentinite Wrongly Referred to as a Marble

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    Santiago del Barrio


    Full Text Available Serpentinites are used in both exterior and interior locations, but not all serpentinites are equal: they vary in physical-mechanical behavior and are not all suitable for similar uses. The serpentinites most commonly used worldwide come from India, Pakistan or Egypt. Spain has traditionally quarried two ultramafic massifs, one in Galicia (Verde Pirineos and one in Andalucía (Verde Macael. Some of these quarries were small family-run businesses. In both cases, these rocks are commercially available as “green marble.” These serpentinites commonly have a high degree of carbonation, but the process does not always take place with the same intensity. Carbonate can act as a cementing agent of the other phases, increasing the mechanical strength parameters. As a result, an improvement in the strength conditions is achieved, but a misinterpretation of the suitability of the rock may occur because a perception among users that “green marble” is similar to geologically defined marble. This may lead to inappropriate applications as an ornamental stone. At a time of economic crisis in Europe, the natural stone sector is encouraged to invest in research to identify the best quality products that can compete profitably with those currently being imported from other countries. This paper provides a comparison of properties of the Verde Macael serpentinite with a true marble in the hope of contributing to improving the natural stone industrial sector.

  16. Comments About The New Rhetoric Theory Of Chaïm Perelman

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    Veronica Calado


    Full Text Available This essay pretends to demonstrate how the issue of the interpretation of legal norms was treated in the New Rhetoric of Chaïm Perelman. The theory emerged in the 1950´s criticizing juridical positivism and bringing back the possibility of reinsertion of valuational matters in the application of the law. With the scope of not compromising legal predictability, notions like equity and reasonability where hitched to the concept. Furthermore, the essay aimed, with the collation of literary works about the theme, to analyze the possibility of applying the New Rhetoric theory in the Brazilian Legal Order, The method utilized was the critic- deductive.

  17. Paso del Aguilo : Jarre de type Rio Verde Poli


    Michelet , Dominique


    Zone IV, site n°2. Las Colaciones, Paso del Aguila, municipio Armadillo, San Luis Potosi.Jarre à deux petites anses latérales sous le col, du type Rio Verde Poli. Engobe brun-beige poli. Hauteur totale 13 centimètres. Collection particulière Paso del Aguila.

  18. Internal event analysis of Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant. System Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huerta B, A.; Aguilar T, O.; Nunez C, A.; Lopez M, R.


    The Level 1 results of Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant PRA are presented in the I nternal Event Analysis of Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant , CNSNS-TR-004, in five volumes. The reports are organized as follows: CNSNS-TR-004 Volume 1: Introduction and Methodology. CNSNS-TR-004 Volume 2: Initiating Event and Accident Sequences. CNSNS-TR-004 Volume 3: System Analysis. CNSNS-TR-004 Volume 4: Accident Sequence Quantification and Results. CNSNS-TR-004 Volume 5: Appendices A, B and C. This volume presents the results of the system analysis for the Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant. The system analysis involved the development of logical models for all the systems included in the accident sequence event tree headings, and for all the support systems required to operate the front line systems. For the Internal Event analysis for Laguna Verde, 16 front line systems and 5 support systems were included. Detailed fault trees were developed for most of the important systems. Simplified fault trees focusing on major faults were constructed for those systems that can be adequately represent,ed using this kind of modeling. For those systems where fault tree models were not constructed, actual data were used to represent the dominant failures of the systems. The main failures included in the fault trees are hardware failures, test and maintenance unavailabilities, common cause failures, and human errors. The SETS and TEMAC codes were used to perform the qualitative and quantitative fault tree analyses. (Author)

  19. Proposal for implementation of alternative source term in the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde; Propuesta de implementacion del termino fuente alternativo en la central nuclear Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bazan L, A.; Lopez L, M.; Vargas A, A.; Cardenas J, J. B. [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Central Nucleoelectrica Laguna Verde, Km. 7.5 Carretera Veracruz-Medellin, Dos Bocas, Veracruz (Mexico)], e-mail:


    In 2010 the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde will implement the extended power upbeat in both units of the plant. Agree with methodology of NEDC-33004P-A, (constant pressure power up rate), and the source term of core, for accidents evaluations, were increased in proportion to the ratio of power level. This means that for the case of a design basis accident of loss of coolant an increase of power of 15% originated an increase of 15% in dose to main control room. Using the method of NEDC-33004P-A to extended power upbeat conditions was determined that the dose value to main control room is very near to regulatory limit established by SRP 6.4. By the above and in order to recover the margin, the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde will calculate an alternative source term following the criteria established in RG 1.183 (alternative radiological source term for evaluating DBA at nuclear power reactor). This approach also have a more realistic dose value using the criterion of 10-CFR-50.67, in addition is predicted to get the benefit of additional operational flexibilities. This paper present the proposal of implementing the alternative source term in Laguna Verde. (Author)

  20. Internal event analysis of Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant. System Analysis; Analisis de Eventos Internos para la Unidad 1 de la Central Nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde. Analisis de sistemas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huerta B, A; Aguilar T, O; Nunez C, A; Lopez M, R [Comision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias, 03000 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The Level 1 results of Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant PRA are presented in the {sup I}nternal Event Analysis of Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant{sup ,} CNSNS-TR-004, in five volumes. The reports are organized as follows: CNSNS-TR-004 Volume 1: Introduction and Methodology. CNSNS-TR-004 Volume 2: Initiating Event and Accident Sequences. CNSNS-TR-004 Volume 3: System Analysis. CNSNS-TR-004 Volume 4: Accident Sequence Quantification and Results. CNSNS-TR-004 Volume 5: Appendices A, B and C. This volume presents the results of the system analysis for the Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant. The system analysis involved the development of logical models for all the systems included in the accident sequence event tree headings, and for all the support systems required to operate the front line systems. For the Internal Event analysis for Laguna Verde, 16 front line systems and 5 support systems were included. Detailed fault trees were developed for most of the important systems. Simplified fault trees focusing on major faults were constructed for those systems that can be adequately represent,ed using this kind of modeling. For those systems where fault tree models were not constructed, actual data were used to represent the dominant failures of the systems. The main failures included in the fault trees are hardware failures, test and maintenance unavailabilities, common cause failures, and human errors. The SETS and TEMAC codes were used to perform the qualitative and quantitative fault tree analyses. (Author)

  1. Options for In Situ Capping of Palos Verdes Shelf Contaminated Sediments

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Palermo, Michael; Schroeder, Paul; Rivera, Yilda; Ruiz, Carlos; Clarke, Doug; Gailani, Joe; Clausner, James; Hynes, Mary; Fredette, Thomas; Tardy, Barbara


    The U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has performed an evaluation of in situ capping options for sediment restoration of DDT and PCB contaminated sediments on the Palos Verdes (PV...

  2. Revestimentos biodegradaveis para conservação do coco 'anão verde'


    Josane Maria Resende


    Resumo: A água de coco verde é extremamente perecível após a colheita dos frutos e sua qualidade está diretamente relacionada às condições do ambiente de armazenagem. Portanto, são necessárias tecnologias que permitam a conservação do coco verde por um período superior a trinta dias para que o fruto possa ser exportado e comercializado mantendo a água em condições apropriadas para o consumo ao natural. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de desenvolver revestimentos biodegradáveis para prolon...

  3. Groundwater resources of Ribeira Fajã basin, island of São Nicolau, Cape Verde, West Africa (United States)

    Heilweil, Victor M.; Gingerich, Stephen B.; Plummer, Niel; Verstraeten, Ingrid M.


    Groundwater resources in Cape Verde provide water for agriculture, industry, and human consumption. These resources are limited and susceptible to contamination. Additional groundwater resources are needed for continued agricultural development, particularly during times of drought, but increased use and (or) climatic change may have adverse effects on the quantity and quality of freshwater available. In volcanic island aquifers such as those of Cape Verde, a lens of fresh groundwater typically ?floats? upon a layer of brackish water at the freshwater/saltwater boundary, and increased pumping may cause salt water intrusion or other contamination. A recent U.S. Geological Survey study assessed baseline groundwater conditions in watersheds on three islands of Cape Verde to provide the scientific basis for sustainably developing water resources and minimizing future groundwater depletion and contamination.

  4. Risk-based inservice testing program modifications at Palo Verde nuclear generating station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knauf, S.; Lindenlaub, B.; Linthicum, R.


    Arizona Public Service Company (APS) is investigating changes to the Palo Verde Inservice Testing (IST) Program that are intended to result in the reduction of the required test frequency for various valves in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section XI IST program. The analytical techniques employed to select candidate valves and to demonstrate that these frequency reductions are acceptable are risk based. The results of the Palo Verde probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), updated in June 1994, and the risk significant determination performed as part of the implementation efforts for 10 CFR 50.65 (the maintenance rule) were used to select candidate valves for extended test intervals. Additional component level evaluations were conducted by an 'expert panel.' The decision to pursue these changes was facilitated by the ASME Risk-Based Inservice Testing Research Task Force for which Palo Verde is participating as a pilot plant. The NRC's increasing acceptance of cost beneficial licensing actions and risk-based submittals also provided incentive to seek these changes. Arizona Public Service is pursuing the risk-based IST program modification in order to reduce the unnecessary regulatory burden of the IST program through qualitative and quantitative analysis consistent with maintaining a high level of plant safety. The objectives of this project at Palo Verde are as follows: (1) Apply risk-based technologies to IST components to determine their risk significance (i.e., high or low). (2) Apply a combination of deterministic and risk-based methods to determine appropriate testing requirements for IST components including improvement of testing methods and frequency intervals for high-risk significant components. (3) Apply risk-based technologies to high-risk significant components identified by the open-quotes expert panelclose quotes and outside of the IST program to determine whether additional testing requirements are appropriate

  5. Risk-based inservice testing program modifications at Palo Verde nuclear generating station

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Knauf, S.; Lindenlaub, B.; Linthicum, R.


    Arizona Public Service Company (APS) is investigating changes to the Palo Verde Inservice Testing (IST) Program that are intended to result in the reduction of the required test frequency for various valves in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section XI IST program. The analytical techniques employed to select candidate valves and to demonstrate that these frequency reductions are acceptable are risk based. The results of the Palo Verde probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), updated in June 1994, and the risk significant determination performed as part of the implementation efforts for 10 CFR 50.65 (the maintenance rule) were used to select candidate valves for extended test intervals. Additional component level evaluations were conducted by an `expert panel.` The decision to pursue these changes was facilitated by the ASME Risk-Based Inservice Testing Research Task Force for which Palo Verde is participating as a pilot plant. The NRC`s increasing acceptance of cost beneficial licensing actions and risk-based submittals also provided incentive to seek these changes. Arizona Public Service is pursuing the risk-based IST program modification in order to reduce the unnecessary regulatory burden of the IST program through qualitative and quantitative analysis consistent with maintaining a high level of plant safety. The objectives of this project at Palo Verde are as follows: (1) Apply risk-based technologies to IST components to determine their risk significance (i.e., high or low). (2) Apply a combination of deterministic and risk-based methods to determine appropriate testing requirements for IST components including improvement of testing methods and frequency intervals for high-risk significant components. (3) Apply risk-based technologies to high-risk significant components identified by the {open_quotes}expert panel{close_quotes} and outside of the IST program to determine whether additional testing requirements are appropriate.

  6. Optimization of a DNA Nicking Assay to Evaluate Oenocarpus bataua and Camellia sinensis Antioxidant Capacity

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    Louis-Jérôme Leba


    Full Text Available This study was aimed at assessing the DNA damage protective activity of different types of extracts (aqueous, methanolic and acetonic using an in vitro DNA nicking assay. Several parameters were optimized using the pUC18 plasmid, especially FeSO4, EDTA, solvent concentrations and incubation time. Special attention has been paid to removing the protective and damaging effect of the solvent and FeSO4 respectively, as well as to identifying the relevant positive and negative controls. For each solvent, the optimal conditions were determined: (i for aqueous extracts, 0.33 mM of FeSO4 and 0.62 mM of EDTA were incubated for 20 min at 37 °C; (ii for acetone extracts, 1.16% solvent were incubated for 15 min at 37 °C with 1.3 mM of FeSO4 and 2.5 mM of EDTA and (iii for methanol extracts, 0.16% solvent, were incubated for 1.5 h at 37 °C with 0.33 mM of FeSO4 and 0.62 mM of EDTA. Using the optimized conditions, the DNA damage protective activity of aqueous, methanolic and acetonic extracts of an Amazonian palm berry (Oenocarpus bataua and green tea (Camellia sinensis was assessed. Aqueous and acetonic Oenocarpus bataua extracts were protective against DNA damage, whereas aqueous, methanolic and acetonic extracts of Camellia sinensis extracts induced DNA damage.

  7. MGS Esmeralda: new large seed mungbean cultivar MGS Esmeralda: nova cultivar de mungo-verde de sementes grandes

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    Rogério Faria Vieira


    Full Text Available Mungbean cultivar MGS Esmeralda was developed by Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (Shanhua, Taiwan, as a result of crossing between the lines VC 1973A and VC 2768A. In ten trials conducted in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, it produced 13.5% more grains than 'Ouro Verde MG-2' (control cultivar, and its highest yield was 2,550 kg ha-1. The cultivar MGS Esmeralda is more susceptible to lodging, and its pods mature more uniformly than Ouro Verde MG-2 pods. One hundred-seed mass of 'MGS Esmeralda' ranged between 5.5 and 6.8 g. Both cultivars are susceptible to powdery mildew and cercospora leaf spot.A cultivar de mungo-verde MGS Esmeralda foi criada pelo Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, localizado em Shanhua, Formosa. Ela é resultado do cruzamento entre as linhagens VC 1973A e VC 2768A. Em dez ensaios conduzidos em Minas Gerais, ela produziu 13,5% mais grãos do que a cultivar Ouro Verde MG-2 (testemunha, e sua produtividade mais alta foi 2.550 kg ha-1. A cultivar MGS Esmeralda é mais suscetível ao acamamento do que a Ouro Verde MG-2, mas suas vagens amadurecem mais uniformemente. A massa de 100 grãos da 'MGS Esmeralda' varia de 5,5 a 6,8 g. Ambas as cultivares são suscetíveis ao oídio e à cercosporiose.

  8. The external morphology of the mouthparts, and observations on feeding and behavior of Tuckerella japonica on Camellia sinensis in the continental United States (United States)

    Tuckerella japonica Ehara (Acari: Tetranychoidea: Tuckerellidae) is found where longitudinal splitting occurs on exposed green periderm tissue of shoots on certain varieties or seedling plants of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze (Theales: Theaceae) in the continental United States. The mite is able ...

  9. Decreased Renal Function Is Associated with Elevated CHA2DS2VASC and R2CHADS2 Scores in Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation Patients Presenting with Stroke. (United States)

    Vindhyal, Mohinder; Vindhyal, Shravani R; Haneke, Travis; Ndunda, Paul M; Eid, Freidy; Kallail, K James


    Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common cardiac arrhythmia, affects approximately 2.3 million patients in the United States, costing around $26 billion. Atrial fibrillation is associated with a two- to seven-fold increased risk of stroke, one of the most serious complications. Chronic kidney disease affects approximately 13% of the US population and has been associated with higher rates of AF than the general population. In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), the risk of stroke increases as the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decreases, especially in CKD stages three and four. Several risks stratification scores such as CHADS2 (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age, diabetes mellitus, stroke), CHA2DS2VASc (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age, diabetes mellitus, stroke, vascular disease, age, sex), and R2CHADS2 (renal failure, congestive heart failure, age, diabetes, stroke) scores are used for stroke risk assessment in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). This study investigates the association between renal functions and risk stratification scoring systems in patients with non-valvular AF presenting with stroke. Methods Using the convenience sampling method, 171 subjects were selected from the eligible population (n = 386). A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was calculated to determine the association between the GFR and each of the CHA2DS2VASc and R2CHADS2 scores. In addition, a Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was calculated to determine the association between the CHA2DS2VASc and R2CHADS2 scores. Results The selected population represented 44.3% of the eligible subjects. Of these, 88% were Caucasian, 60% were female, and the mean age was 78 years. The mean CHA2DS2VASc score was six (range 2-9). The mean eGFR was 69.77 (range 6-108). Both the mode and the median CHA2DS2VASc score was four (range 2-8). A weak, but significant, negative correlation was found between renal

  10. Modernization of the turbo in the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant; Modernizacion del turbogrupo en la Central Nuclear de Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liebana, B.; Merino, A.; Cobos, A.; Gonzalez, J. J.


    The power increase of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant is a project for the rehabilitation and modernization of the turbo and associated equipment to get an increase of its power and of its service life. The project scope includes the design, the engineering, the equipment supply, the installation, the testing and the commissioning. This paper describes the first phase of the project.

  11. Value of Combining Left Atrial Diameter and Amino-terminal Pro-brain Natriuretic Peptide to the CHA2DS2-VASc Score for Predicting Stroke and Death in Patients with Sick Sinus Syndrome after Pacemaker Implantation

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    Bin-Feng Mo


    Conclusions: CHA2DS2-VASc score is valuable for predicting stroke and death risk in patients with SSS after pacemaker implantation. The addition of LAD and NT-proBNP to the CHA2DS2-VASc score improved its predictive power for stroke and death, respectively, in this patient cohort. Future prospective studies are warranted to validate the benefit of adding LAD and NT-proBNP to the CHA2DS2-VASc score for predicting stroke and death risk in non-AF populations.

  12. Red continua de espacios públicos verdes a escala municipal: el caso de Madrid


    Casado Postigo, Pablo


    La ubicación marginal y el aislamiento de los Parques Urbanos implican infrautilización y deterioro de los mismos. Su interconexión mediante una red verde peatonal con limitaciones al tráfico rodado, supone una puesta en valor de todo el sistema de espacios libres y zonas verdes de la ciudad y un importante incentivo para desviar determinados flujos rodados a otras vías cercanas, rescatando así, espacios urbanos a favor del peatón. Esta conexión ayuda a minimizar la fragmentación del espacio ...

  13. Generation of the ECP database (ECP02.DAT) at the beginning of the cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde; Generacion de la base ECP (ECP02.DAT) al inicio del ciclo 1 de la Unidad 1 de Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perusquia C, R. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    In order to carrying out a comparison among the results provided for the Program of Estimate of the ECP Critical Position and the Shutdown/Startup produced in the Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde, it was generated the base of the ECP program, following the outlines settled down in the Procedure 'Generation of ECP Database for Laguna Verde' (IT.SN/DFR 074). Next the data sheets filled when being generated the ECP02.DAT database at the beginning of the cycle are provided. In the IT.SN/DFR 079 report 'Adjustment and Preliminary Evaluation of the Predictions of Criticity of the ECP Program with Reported Data of Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde, the results of the comparison among the estimates of the ECP program using the ECP02.DAT with the real data of the Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde are presented. (Author)

  14. ¿Qué tan verde es tu mercado?

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    Wilmar R. Olaya-González


    Full Text Available El mercado de lo verde y lo ecológico es una tendencia indiscutible en nuestro mundo globalizado, que busca de alguna manera resarcir el daño infringido sobre el medio ambiente. Más allá de simple altruismo, la ecología se ha convertido en una moda, de la cual unos y otros toman ventaja a su mejor acomodo, haciendo del mercado de productos y servicios su tribuna; eco-diseño, planes de responsabilidad social y ambiental, campañas por el reciclaje y consumo de productos "más amigables" con el medio ambiente hacen parte del panorama que se intenta describir en esta reseña. Por medio de un estudio de caso, se hará énfasis en cómo la comunicación asume un papel crucial en la verdadera apropiación del concepto de "consumidor verde" y "consumidor responsable", de manera que la propuesta transversal de las tic se convierta en una herramienta no solo tecnológica, sino también de empoderamiento del papel que la sociedad puede representar en el cuidado de los recursos naturales.

  15. Assessment of vibration anomalies of main steam lines at Palo Verde-3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amr, A.; Landstrom, C.; Maxwell, H.; Miller, J.S.; Lynch, J.J.


    Historically, flow induced vibration in piping systems that transport liquid has presented problems for plant designers. When evaluating a vibration problem, it is always important to determine the forcing frequencies from different phenomena and the natural frequencies of the system as an integral part of establishing the root cause of the problem. Since in most cases of large vibration and noise levels, the natural frequency of the system and the frequency of the flow induced vibration are very close, determining the natural frequency of the system is important. Palo Verde Unit-3 exhibited a vibration problem where identification of the root cause was difficult. A Palo Verde team was created which consisted of engineers from different on-site departments and support from consultants. The process used to determine the root cause for the vibration/noise problem on Main Steam Supply System (MSSS) steam line 2 at Palo Verde Unit 3 is discussed in this paper. Since the root cause was not readily apparent, a finite element model was constructed to determine the natural frequency of the piping system. The finite element model consisted of a portion of the main steam lines, including a sample line which traverses the main steam line

  16. Identification, characterization and utilization of unigene derived microsatellite markers in tea (Camellia sinensis L.

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    Mohapatra Trilochan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Despite great advances in genomic technology observed in several crop species, the availability of molecular tools such as microsatellite markers has been limited in tea (Camellia sinensis L.. The development of microsatellite markers will have a major impact on genetic analysis, gene mapping and marker assisted breeding. Unigene derived microsatellite (UGMS markers identified from publicly available sequence database have the advantage of assaying variation in the expressed component of the genome with unique identity and position. Therefore, they can serve as efficient and cost effective alternative markers in such species. Results Considering the multiple advantages of UGMS markers, 1,223 unigenes were predicted from 2,181 expressed sequence tags (ESTs of tea (Camellia sinensis L.. A total of 109 (8.9% unigenes containing 120 SSRs were identified. SSR abundance was one in every 3.55 kb of EST sequences. The microsatellites mainly comprised of di (50.8%, tri (30.8%, tetra (6.6%, penta (7.5% and few hexa (4.1% nucleotide repeats. Among the dinucleotide repeats, (GAn.(TCn were most abundant (83.6%. Ninety six primer pairs could be designed form 83.5% of SSR containing unigenes. Of these, 61 (63.5% primer pairs were experimentally validated and used to investigate the genetic diversity among the 34 accessions of different Camellia spp. Fifty one primer pairs (83.6% were successfully cross transferred to the related species at various levels. Functional annotation of the unigenes containing SSRs was done through gene ontology (GO characterization. Thirty six (60% of them revealed significant sequence similarity with the known/putative proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana. Polymorphism information content (PIC ranged from 0.018 to 0.972 with a mean value of 0.497. The average heterozygosity expected (HE and observed (Ho obtained was 0.654 and 0.413 respectively, thereby suggesting highly heterogeneous nature of tea. Further, test


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    López, N.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó empleando modelos matemáticos, con la finalidad de comparar la escorrentía producida en un urbanismo con condiciones actuales de techos de tejas criollas, contra otro donde se usan estructuras o dispositivos de almacenamiento y retención de agua en casas, patios, parcelas, calles y contra urbanismos en general. Se seleccionó una zona de estudio en el Estado Lara (Venezuela, en el municipio Palavecino, en las inmediaciones de la Quebrada Tabure, considerando los techos verdes desde el punto de vista de reductores de escorrentía. Se elaboró una aplicación llamada “” en el programa de licencia libre Python, con aproximadamente 4600 líneas de código para calcular los hidrogramas de los techos, patios, calles y áreas verdes, basándose en un mosaico creado con imágenes tipo raster en el programa Quantum Gis. La investigación se basó en la comparación directa de trece escenarios hipotéticos, donde se utilizó techos verdes y adicionalmente, tanques de almacenamiento y brocales, con un escenario original en condiciones actuales, sin alteraciones. Se obtuvo como resultado en los hidrogramas calculados para los escenarios hipotéticos, que el caudal pico disminuye, achatándose el hidrograma. This research was carried out using mathematical models in order to compare the runoff from an urban planning with handmade tiles roofs in actual conditions, with one where structures or storage devices and water retention in houses, yards are used, parcels, streets and housing complexes in general. A study area in the state of Lara, Venezuela, in Palavecino municipality, near Quebrada Tabure, was selected and green roofs are considered from the point of view of reducing runoff. An application called "" was made under the license free Python program with approximately 4600 code lines was developed to calculate hydrographs from roofs, patios, streets and green areas

  18. The Cosmological Vision of the Yoruba-Idààcha of Benin Republic (West Africa): A Light on Yoruba History and Culture (United States)

    Sègla, Aimé Dafon

    The essay examines Idààcha cosmological vision as a kind of incorporation of Yoruba cosmology. It shows a process where the two strands, that is to say, knowledge and belief can not be readily distinguished. The divinatory traditional calendar is indeed based on a scale of fixed number values whose definitions are drawn from the concepts early traditional people have of the universe. Thus, the signification of the terms that designate entities such as angle, circle, center of the circle, midnight, time zone, the number of days in a week, etc., in the Yoruba dialect Idààcha, mirrors cosmological standards. These words constitute a landscape of memory shedding light on early Yoruba culture and history. Hence, Idààcha being a significant western periphery of the Yoruba region, we examine why its divinatory calendar would preserve an older spatio-temporal logic, beyond Ifè and Oyo revisionism in Yoruba history. Finally, the article points out that the translation of spatial and geometrical relations into temporal terms and vice-versa may suggest a new indexical approach to the study of cosmology in relation to the human body. As the body is in the mind, we say in relation to the human mind.

  19. Phylogenetic relationships of cone snails endemic to Cabo Verde based on mitochondrial genomes. (United States)

    Abalde, Samuel; Tenorio, Manuel J; Afonso, Carlos M L; Uribe, Juan E; Echeverry, Ana M; Zardoya, Rafael


    Due to their great species and ecological diversity as well as their capacity to produce hundreds of different toxins, cone snails are of interest to evolutionary biologists, pharmacologists and amateur naturalists alike. Taxonomic identification of cone snails still relies mostly on the shape, color, and banding patterns of the shell. However, these phenotypic traits are prone to homoplasy. Therefore, the consistent use of genetic data for species delimitation and phylogenetic inference in this apparently hyperdiverse group is largely wanting. Here, we reconstruct the phylogeny of the cones endemic to Cabo Verde archipelago, a well-known radiation of the group, using mitochondrial (mt) genomes. The reconstructed phylogeny grouped the analyzed species into two main clades, one including Kalloconus from West Africa sister to Trovaoconus from Cabo Verde and the other with a paraphyletic Lautoconus due to the sister group relationship of Africonus from Cabo Verde and Lautoconus ventricosus from Mediterranean Sea and neighboring Atlantic Ocean to the exclusion of Lautoconus endemic to Senegal (plus Lautoconus guanche from Mauritania, Morocco, and Canary Islands). Within Trovaoconus, up to three main lineages could be distinguished. The clade of Africonus included four main lineages (named I to IV), each further subdivided into two monophyletic groups. The reconstructed phylogeny allowed inferring the evolution of the radula in the studied lineages as well as biogeographic patterns. The number of cone species endemic to Cabo Verde was revised under the light of sequence divergence data and the inferred phylogenetic relationships. The sequence divergence between continental members of the genus Kalloconus and island endemics ascribed to the genus Trovaoconus is low, prompting for synonymization of the latter. The genus Lautoconus is paraphyletic. Lautoconus ventricosus is the closest living sister group of genus Africonus. Diversification of Africonus was in allopatry

  20. A gacS deletion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis isolate CHA shapes its virulence.

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    Khady Mayebine Sall

    Full Text Available Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a human opportunistic pathogen, is capable of provoking acute and chronic infections that are associated with defined sets of virulence factors. During chronic infections, the bacterium accumulates mutations that silence some and activate other genes. Here we show that the cystic fibrosis isolate CHA exhibits a unique virulence phenotype featuring a mucoid morphology, an active Type III Secretion System (T3SS, hallmark of acute infections, and no Type VI Secretion System (H1-T6SS. This virulence profile is due to a 426 bp deletion in the 3' end of the gacS gene encoding an essential regulatory protein. The absence of GacS disturbs the Gac/Rsm pathway leading to depletion of the small regulatory RNAs RsmY/RsmZ and, in consequence, to expression of T3SS, while switching off the expression of H1-T6SS and Pel polysaccharides. The CHA isolate also exhibits full ability to swim and twitch, due to active flagellum and Type IVa pili. Thus, unlike the classical scheme of balance between virulence factors, clinical strains may adapt to a local niche by expressing both alginate exopolysaccharide, a hallmark of membrane stress that protects from antibiotic action, host defences and phagocytosis, and efficient T3S machinery that is considered as an aggressive virulence factor.

  1. Antimicrobial activity of Calendula officinalis, Camellia sinensis and chlorhexidine against the adherence of microorganisms to sutures after extraction of unerupted third molars

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    Raquel Lourdes Faria


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the antimicrobial effect of mouthwashes containing Calendula officinalis L., Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze and 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate on the adherence of microorganisms to suture materials after extraction of unerupted third molars. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighteen patients with unerupted maxillary third molars indicated for extraction were selected (n=6 per mouthwash. First, the patients were subjected to extraction of the left tooth and instructed not to use any type of antiseptic solution at the site of surgery (control group. After 15 days, the right tooth was extracted and the patients were instructed to use the Calendula officinalis, Camellia sinensis or chlorhexidine mouthwash during 1 week (experimental group. For each surgery, the sutures were removed on postoperative day 7 and placed in sterile phosphate-buffered saline. Next, serial dilutions were prepared and seeded onto different culture media for the growth of the following microorganisms: blood agar for total microorganism growth; Mitis Salivarius bacitracin sucrose agar for mutans group streptococci; mannitol agar for Staphylococcus spp.; MacConkey agar for enterobacteria and Pseudomonas spp., and Sabouraud dextrose agar containing chloramphenicol for Candida spp. The plates were incubated during 24-48 h at 37ºC for microorganism count (CFU/mL. RESULTS: The three mouthwashes tested reduced the number of microorganisms adhered to the sutures compared to the control group. However, significant differences between the control and experimental groups were only observed for the mouthwash containing 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate. CONCLUSIONS: Calendula officinalis L. and Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze presented antimicrobial activity against the adherence of microorganisms to sutures but were not as efficient as chlorhexidine digluconate.

  2. Confort térmico en espacios verdes urbanos de ambientes áridos.

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    Alejandra Kurbán


    Full Text Available En la planificación bioclimática de las ciudades y particularmente las ubicadas en  ambientes áridos, los espacios verdes representan un potencial  higrotérmico desaprovechado como mitigadores del clima urbano. El trabajo cuantifica el confort térmico de espacios verdes urbanos (EVU de una ciudad del centro-oeste de Argentina localizada en la Diagonal Árida Sudamericana, a partir del Índice UTCI.  Este índice se calcula a partir de mediciones climáticas en 19 EVU, realizadas en el verano del año 2014. El valor de dicho índice en cada EVU se referencia con el calculado para su entorno urbano. El porcentaje de diferencia entre ellos permite agrupar el desempeño bioclimático de los EVU en cinco categorías en función de su divergencia con las condiciones climáticas generales de la ciudad. Los resultados permiten individualizar los parámetros arbóreos mínimos que deben poseer los EVU, como objetivo de una planificación bioclimática del verde urbano en ciudades de ambientes áridos.

  3. Marketing verde e práticas socioambientais nas indústrias do Paraná

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    Valéria Neder Lopes


    Full Text Available A preocupação das empresas com o meio ambiente e com todas as questões sociais envolvidas em seu processo tem se tornado uma constante nos últimos tempos. Devido a isso, estão surgindo novas formas de administrar os recursos disponíveis. Nesse contexto, enquadra-se o marketing verde que deve estar pautado em práticas ambientalmente corretas, com o intuito de gerar produtos e serviços mais sustentáveis, fortalecendo a imagem das empresas e diferenciando suas marcas no mercado. O intuito neste trabalho foi verificar se as grandes indústrias do Paraná estão se utilizando das práticas de marketing verde e se mantêm projetos de gestão socioambiental. Para atender a tais objetivos, elaborou-se uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa com 48 grandes empresas cadastradas na Federação das Indústrias do Paraná. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a maior parte das empresas possui departamento de marketing formalizado, mantém sistemas de gestão ambiental e utiliza moderadamente práticas de marketing verde.

  4. Priorização de práticas verdes em GSCM: estudo de casos com empresas da indústria do pêssego

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    Miguel Afonso Sellitto

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é definir prioridades para as práticas verdes que são observadas em cadeias de suprimentos da indústria do pêssego. O método de pesquisa é a modelagem qualiquantitativa. As unidades de análise são quatro empresas focais da cadeia de suprimentos da indústria do pêssego da região de Pelotas. Foi elaborado um modelo para estruturar práticas verdes observadas na indústria, a partir da literatura sobre GSCM (Gestão Verde da Cadeia de Suprimento. O modelo inclui três construtos: Estratégia, Inovação e Operações. Dezesseis práticas verdes presentes na literatura foram distribuídas entre os construtos. Um grupo focado de três especialistas adaptou o modelo à indústria do pêssego de Pelotas, eliminando três práticas. As restantes foram priorizadas por gestores das empresas com apoio do método AHP de análise multicriterial. Com base no resultado, cinco práticas foram consideradas prioritárias para a indústria: Ecodesign, Cooperação, Avaliação de Desempenho, Compras Verdes e Manufatura Verde, nesta ordem.

  5. Improving Access to Pediatric Cardiology in Cape Verde via a Collaborative International Telemedicine Service. (United States)

    Lapão, Luís Velez; Correia, Artur


    This paper addresses the role of international telemedicine services in supporting the evacuation procedures from Cape Verde to Portugal, enabling better quality and cost reductions in the management of the global health system. The Cape Verde, as other African countries, health system lacks many medical specialists, like pediatric cardiologists, neurosurgery, etc. In this study, tele-cardiology shows good results as diagnostic support to the evacuation decision. Telemedicine services show benefits while monitoring patients in post-evacuation, helping to address the lack of responsive care in some specialties whose actual use will help save resources both in provision and in management of the evacuation procedures. Additionally, with tele-cardiology collaborative service many evacuations can be avoided whereas many cases will be treated and followed locally in Cape Verde with remote technical support from Portugal. This international telemedicine service enabled more efficient evacuations, by reducing expenses in travel and housing, and therefore contributed to the health system's improvement. This study provides some evidence of how important telemedicine really is to cope with both the geography and the shortage of physicians.

  6. CHA2DS2-VASc score and risk of thromboembolism and bleeding in patients with atrial fibrillation and recent cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    D'Souza, Maria; Carlson, Nicholas; Fosbøl, Emil


    Background Cancer may influence the risk of thromboembolism and bleeding associated with the CHA2DS2-VASc score. We examined the risk of thromboembolism and bleeding associated with the CHA2DS2-VASc score in atrial fibrillation patients with and without recent cancer. Methods and results Using...... nationwide registers all patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation from 2000 to 2015 and not on oral anticoagulation or heparin therapy were included and followed for 2 years. Recent cancer was defined by a cancer diagnosis 5 years or fewer earlier. Risks of thromboembolism and bleeding were estimated...... in cumulative incidence curves and Cox regression models. We included 122,053 patients with incident atrial fibrillation, 12,014 (10%) had recent cancer. The 2-year cumulative incidence of thromboembolism and bleeding in patients with versus without recent cancer was 1.7% (95% confidence interval (CI) 0...

  7. 75 FR 8149 - Arizona Public Service Company, et al. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3... (United States)


    ...] Arizona Public Service Company, et al. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3... NPF-74, issued to the Arizona Public Service Company (APS, or the licensee), for operation of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS, the facility), Units 1, 2, and 3, respectively, located in...

  8. Negative sequence relay applied to generator 1 of the Laguna Verde nuclear power plant; Aplicacion de un relevador de secuencia negativa en el generador 1 de la central de Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz de la Serna P, Enrique [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The rotor of a synchronous generator can be dangerously heated in a short time by stator current unbalance, therefore it must be protected with a specific relay. This article discusses the protection and the adjustments selected for Unit 1 of the Comision Federal de Electricidad Laguna Verde Nuclear Nuclear Power Station. [Espanol] El rotor de un generador sincrono puede calentarse peligrosamente en un tiempo corto debido a desbalance de corrientes en el estator, por lo que debe protegerse con un relevador especifico. En este articulo se describen la proteccion y los ajustes seleccionados para la unidad 1, de la central nucleoelectrica Laguna Verde de la Comision Federal de Electricidad.

  9. Characteristics and bioactivities of different molecular weight polysaccharides from camellia seed cake. (United States)

    Xu, Zhou; Li, Xu; Feng, Shiling; Liu, Jing; Zhou, Lijun; Yuan, Ming; Ding, Chunbang


    Four polysaccharides, namely COP-1, COP-2, COP-3 and COP-4, were ultrafiltrated from crud Camellia oleifera seed cake polysaccharides (COP-c), purified, and characterized, including the determination of antioxidant and antiproliferative activities. Their molecular weights were 7.9, 36, 83 and 225kDa, respectively. All COPs showed the similar FT-IR spectrums, but significant differentials in monosaccharide components. COP-2 exhibited the highest radical scavenging abilities. COP-1 has the strongest metal chelating capabilities. Although with higher molecular weight, COP-4 showed the poorest antioxidant abilities. These results suggested appreciate molecular weight COP possessed a better antioxidant activities. Additionally, all COPs had non-significant antiproliferative abilities in HaLa and HepG2 cells. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Modeling of the vapor cycle of Laguna Verde with the PEPSE code to conditions of thermal power licensed at present (2027 MWt); Modelado del ciclo de vapor de Laguna Verde con el codigo PEPSE a condiciones de potencia termica actualmente licenciada (2027 MWt)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castaneda G, M. A.; Maya G, F.; Medel C, J. E.; Cardenas J, J. B.; Cruz B, H. J.; Mercado V, J. J., E-mail: [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Central Nucleoelectrica Laguna Verde, Carretera Cardel-Nautla Km 42.5, Veracruz (Mexico)


    By means of the use of the performance evaluation of power system efficiencies (PEPSE) code was modeled the vapor cycle of the nuclear power station of Laguna Verde to reproduce the nuclear plant behavior to conditions of thermal power, licensed at present (2027 MWt); with the purpose of having a base line before the implementation of the project of extended power increase. The model of the gauged vapor cycle to reproduce the nuclear plant conditions makes use of the PEPSE model, design case of the vapor cycle of nuclear power station of Laguna Verde, which has as main components of the model the great equipment of the vapor cycle of Laguna Verde. The design case model makes use of information about the design requirements of each equipment for theoretically calculating the electric power of exit, besides thermodynamic conditions of the vapor cycle in different points. Starting from the design model and making use of data of the vapor cycle measured in the nuclear plant; the adjustment factors were calculated for the different equipment s of the vapor cycle, to reproduce with the PEPSE model the real vapor cycle of Laguna Verde. Once characterized the model of the vapor cycle of Laguna Verde, we can realize different sensibility studies to determine the effects macros to the vapor cycle by the variation of certain key parameters. (Author)

  11. Laguna Verde - A photo story

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Safety is one of the main factors in the construction and operation of a modern nuclear power plant. There are many barriers between the fission products produced in the fuel elements of the core, and the environment: the cladding of the fuel pins which are enclosed in the reactor core, the pressure vessel containing the core and which in turn is enclosed in the reactor containment, all this being located in a low-pressure secondary containment or reactor building. Despite these precautions, nuclear safety is still a widely-discussed issue. The important fact remains, however, that there has not been a single radiation-induced fatality or serious injury at any civilian nuclear power plant during 20 years of nuclear power generation. This includes the accident that occurred in March 1979 at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in the USA. A substantial component contributing to safety in a nuclear power plant is the containment. The following photos of Laguna Verde, Mexico's first nuclear power station being constructed at Alta Lucero in Vera Cruz, give an impression of how strong this concrete and steel containment actually is. Laguna Verde consists of two 600 MWe units and the plant is scheduled for commercial operation in 1982. Construction began in 1974. Both units are boiling-water reactors. The photos show, in general, the construction of the primary containment for the reactors (the dry wells). The dry well contains the reactor itself and has two layers: the leak-tight steel liner and the heavy concrete building. The purpose of the primary containment is to retain steam and gases that might escape in an emergency and to direct these through relief tubes to a water pond for cooling. Surrounding this primary containment will be a reactor building which serves as a secondary low-pressure containment, able to operate at pressures up to 0.2 atmospheres.

  12. Progress in analytical methods for the detection of geographical origin and authenticity of tea (Camellia sinensis)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan Yuwei; Hu Guixian; Shao Shengzhi; Zhang Yongzhi; Zhang Yu; Zhu Jiahong; Yang Guiling; Zhang Zhiheng


    Tea (Camellia sinensis) is one of the important agricultural products with obvious regional characteristics. Analytical methods are very important for the protection of geographical origin and authenticity of tea. The developments of analytical methods including stable isotope determination, multi-elements determination, near infrared reflectance spectroscopy, chemical fingerprint and others were reviewed. Major problems on tea origin and authenticity detection were discussed in this study, and some suggestions were also proposed which would be useful for the protection of geographical origin of tea in China. (authors)

  13. Preliminary synthesis and assessment of environmental flows in the middle Verde River watershed, Arizona (United States)

    Paretti, Nicholas; Brasher, Anne M. D.; Pearlstein, Susanna L.; Skow, Dena M.; Gungle, Bruce W.; Garner, Bradley D.


    A 3-year study was undertaken to evaluate the suitability of the available modeling tools for characterizing environmental flows in the middle Verde River watershed of central Arizona, describe riparian vegetation throughout the watershed, and estimate sediment mobilization in the river. Existing data on fish and macroinvertebrates were analyzed in relation to basin characteristics, flow regimes, and microhabitat, and a pilot study was conducted that sampled fish and macroinvertebrates and the microhabitats in which they were found. The sampling for the pilot study took place at five different locations in the middle Verde River watershed. This report presents the results of this 3-year study. The Northern Arizona Groundwater Flow Model (NARGFM) was found to be capable of predicting long-term changes caused by alteration of regional recharge (such as may result from climate variability) and groundwater pumping in gaining, losing, and dry reaches of the major streams in the middle Verde River watershed. Over the period 1910 to 2006, the model simulated an increase in dry reaches, a small increase in reaches losing discharge to the groundwater aquifer, and a concurrent decrease in reaches gaining discharge from groundwater. Although evaluations of the suitability of using the NARGFM and Basin Characteristic Model to characterize various streamflow intervals showed that smallerscale basin monthly runoff could be estimated adequately at locations of interest, monthly stream-flow estimates were found unsatisfactory for determining environmental flows.Orthoimagery and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data were used to quantify stream and riparian vegetation properties related to biotic habitat. The relative abundance of riparian vegetation varied along the main channel of the Verde River. As would be expected, more upland plant species and fewer lowland species were found in the upper-middle section compared to the lower-middle section, and vice

  14. From introduced American weed to Cape Verde Islands endemic: the case of Solanum rigidum Lam. (Solanaceae, Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum). (United States)

    Knapp, Sandra; Vorontsova, Maria S


    A Solanum species long considered an American introduction to the Cape Verde Islands off the west coast of Africa is identified as Solanum rigidum, a member of the Eggplant clade of Old World spiny solanums (Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum) and is probably endemic to the Cape Verde Islands. Collections of this species from the Caribbean are likely to have been introduced from the Cape Verde Islands on slave ships. We discuss the complex nomenclatural history of this plant and provide a detailed description, illustration and distribution map. The preliminary conservation status of Solanum rigidum is Least Concern, but needs to be reassessed in light of its endemic rather than introduced status.

  15. Groundwater resources of Ribeira Paúl basin, island of Santo Antão, Cape Verde, West Africa (United States)

    Heilweil, Victor M.; Gingerich, Stephen B.; Verstraeten, Ingrid M.


    Groundwater resources in Cape Verde provide water for agriculture, industry, and human consumption. These resources are limited and susceptible to contamination. Additional groundwater resources are needed for continued agricultural development, particularly during times of drought, but increased use and (or) climatic change may have adverse effects on the quantity and quality of freshwater available. In volcanic island aquifers such as those of Cape Verde, a lens of fresh groundwater typically ?floats? upon a layer of brackish water at the freshwater/saltwater boundary, and increased pumping may cause salt water intrusion or other contamination. A recent U.S. Geological Survey study assessed baseline groundwater conditions in watersheds on three islands of Cape Verde to provide the scientific basis for sustainably developing water resources and minimizing future groundwater depletion and contamination.

  16. The Value of CHA2DS2VASC Score in Predicting All-Cause Mortality in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Who Have Undergone Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. (United States)

    Keskin, Kudret; Sezai Yıldız, Süleyman; Çetinkal, Gökhan; Aksan, Gökhan; Kilci, Hakan; Çetin, Şükrü; Sığırcı, Serhat; Kılıçkesmez, Kadriye


    Acute coronary syndrome is the most common cause of cardiac morbidity and death. Various scoring systems have been developed in order to identify patients who are at risk for adverse outcome and may benefit from more aggressive and effective therapies. This study was designed to evaluate the CHA 2 DS 2 VASC score as a predictor of mortality inpatients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (p-PCI). We evaluated 300 patients diagnosed with ST-elevation myocardial infarction who underwent p-PCI and calculated their CHA 2 DS 2 VASC scores. According to their CHA 2 DS 2 VASC scores, patients were divided into three groups. Group 1: 0-1 points (n = 101), Group 2: 2-3 points (n = 129), and Group 3: 4-9 points (n = 70). The mean, median and minimum duration of follow-up were 21.7 ± 9.4, 21, and 12 months, respectively. All-cause mortality was defined as the primary endpoint of the study. All-cause mortality was 4% in Group 1, 8.5% in Group 2 and 27.1% in Group 3 respectively. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that Group 3 (CHA 2 DS 2 VASC ≥ 4) had a significantly higher incidence of death [p (log-rank) < 0.001]. In ROC analysis, AUC values for in hospital, 12-month and long-term mortality were 0.88 (0.77-0.99 95% CI), 0.82 (0.73-0.92 95% CI) and 0.79 (0.69-0.88 95% CI), respectively. CHA 2 DS 2 VASC score can be used for predicting both in-hospital, 12-month and long-term mortality in patients with STEMI who have undergone p-PCI.

  17. Considerations for increasing unit 1 spent fuel pool capacity at the Laguna Verde station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vera, A.


    To increase the spent fuel storage capacity at the Laguna Verde Station in a safe and economical manner and assure a continuous operation of the first Mexican Nuclear Plant, Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), the Nation's Utility, seeked alternatives considering the overall world situation, the safety and licensing aspects, as well as the economics and the extent of the nuclear program of Mexico. This paper describes the alternatives considered, their evaluation and how the decision taken by CFE in this field, provides the Laguna Verde Station with a maximum of 37 years storage capacity plus full core reserve

  18. Cape Verde: Marketing Good Governance Kap Verde: Die Vermarktung von Good Governance

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    Bruce Baker


    Full Text Available Faced with a lack of natural resources Cape Verde has made good governance one of its most marketable products. Running parallel to the institutionalisation of democratic politics there has been an overhaul and growing sophistication in public administration, though certain weaknesses persist. This report argues that it is reform and improvement in this area in particular that has enabled this small island state to punch above its weight and achieve remarkable social, economic and political results. But will the successful formula of the past decade prove sufficient for the future? Poverty and unemployment have by no means been conquered. Much of the economic growth has been based in the tourist sector and the government is well aware of the dangers of over-reliance on a single industry. Cape Verde’s midway location between South America and Europe and its increasing international transport connections will continue to offer advantages to drug traffickers. The next few years of the world financial crisis will show whether marketing good governance is enough and whether this is the model for small resource developing states. Der Inselstaat Kap Verde hat seine Anstrengungen zu guter Regierungsführung (Good Governance erfolgreich demonstriert. Parallel zur Institutionalisierung demokratischer Regierungsstrukturen wurde die Verwaltung reformiert und modernisiert, wenn auch immer noch Problembereiche erkennbar sind. Der Autor sieht insbesondere in den politischen und administrativen Reformen den Hintergrund für die erfolgreiche soziale, wirtschaftliche und politische Entwicklung dieser kleinen Inselrepublik. Aber wird dieses Rezept, das im vergangenen Jahrzehnt seine Wirksamkeit beweisen konnte, auch in Zukunft ausreichend sein? Armut und Unterbeschäftigung sind keineswegs besiegt. Ein Großteil des Wirtschaftswachstums basiert auf dem Tourismussektor; die Regierung ist sich der Gefahr wohl bewusst, die in zu großer Abhängigkeit von einem

  19. Zoanthids of the Cape Verde Islands and their symbionts: previously unexamined diversity in the Northeastern Atlantic


    Reimer, J.D.; Hirose, M.; Wirtz, P.


    The marine invertebrate fauna of the Cape Verde Islands contains many endemic species due to their isolated location in the eastern Atlantic, yet research has not been conducted on most taxa here. One such group are the zoanthids or mat anemones, an order of benthic cnidarians (Hexacorallia: Zoantharia) common in many marine environments. In this study, the diversity of zoanthids in the Cape Verde Islands is specifically examined for the first time. Field images and sampling are combined with...

  20. Plan verde: un instrumento para la gestión y fomento de áreas verdes en el gran Santiago

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    Claudio Nilo Orellana


    Full Text Available La ciudad de Santiago, cuenta con una importante falencia de espacios verdes. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS recomienda que las ciudades tengan 9 metros cuadrados por habitante. Por su parte, el Plan de Prevención y Descontaminación para la Región Metropolitana (PPDA se ha propuesto como meta lograr que el área Metropolitana logre un promedio de 6 metros cuadrados por habitante.

  1. 78 FR 32240 - Notice of Inent (NOI) To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Oro Verde Solar... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Notice of Inent (NOI) To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Oro Verde Solar Project at Edwards Air Force Base and County of Kern, CA AGENCY: Department of the... with the development of the Oro Verde Solar Project (OVSP) on Edwards AFB. The OVSP is a solar...

  2. Simulation of the electric systems of the Laguna Verde nuclear power station; Simulacion de los sistemas electricos de la Central Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez Lozano, Saul; Ruiz Ponce, Gerardo E [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In this article, the electric system models of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station (CNLV) simulator, are presented. These models permit the functioning simulation, in the different operation modes of the main generator (Ruiz and Rodriguez 1991a), of the auxiliaries system and of the substation (Ruiz and Rodriguez 1991b), and of the emergency diesel generators system (Ruiz and Rodriguez 1991c). The general characteristics of such systems, considered as the basis to obtain the representative models, which were developed as modules in an independent way to be integrated in the simulator, are also described. [Espanol] En este articulo, se presenta los modelos de los sistemas electricos del simulador de la Central Laguna Verde (CLV). Estos modelos permiten simular el funcionamiento, en los diferentes modos de operacion del generador principal (Ruiz y Rodriguez, 1991a), del sistema de auxiliares y de la subestacion (Ruiz y Rodriguez, 1991b) y del sistema de generadores diesel de emergencia (Ruiz y Rodriguez, 1991c). Asimismo, se describen las caracteristicas generales de tales sistemas, consideradas como la base para obtener los modelos representativos, los cuales fueron desarrollados como modulos en forma independiente para integrarse al simulador.

  3. Quantificação dos compostos bioactivos em infusões de chá verde dos Açores: comparação com os teores presentes em bebidas comerciais com chá verde : trabalho de investigação : quantification of bioactive compounds in Azorean Green Tea infusions: comparison with levels of canned green tea drinks


    Petisca, Catarina Isabe Bento


    Resumo da tese: Neste estudo pretendeu-se avaliar a influência do tempo de infusão, da temperatura e das características da água no teor de catequinas, ácido gálico, teofilina e cafeína presentes em infusões de chá verde dos Açores. Adicionalmente, estes compostos foram quantificados em bebidas engarrafadas que mencionam chá verde na sua composição e comparados com os teores encontrados nas infusões de chá verde preparadas em casa. Nas amostras de chá verde dos Açores, foram encontradas difer...

  4. NPDES Permit for Mesa Verde National Park Water Treatment Plant in Colorado (United States)

    Under NPDES permit number CO-0034462, the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service is authorized to discharge from the Mesa Verde National Park water treatment plant, in Montezuma County, Colo.

  5. High-speed photometry of the dwarf nova Z Cha in quiescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wood, Janet; Horne, Keith; Berriman, Graham; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Warner, Brian


    High-speed white light photometry of the cataclysmic variable star Z Cha is used to study the structure of the system and to derive the properties of its components. The white dwarf and bright spot eclipse timings require a mass ratio, q=Msub(R)/Msub(WD) of 0.146 0 .9>i>81 0 .6. The infalling stream passes through the light centre of the bright spot. If the central luminous object is the white dwarf its mass is 0.54+-0.01 Msolar mass which corresponds to a secondary star mass of 0.081+-0.003 Msolar mass. Agreement between colour and brightness temperatures for the white dwarf and bright spot provide a rough confirmation of the 97 pc distance. (author)

  6. The continental slope current system between Cape Verde and the Canary Islands

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    Jesús Peña-Izquierdo


    Full Text Available We use hydrographic, velocity and drifter data from a cruise carried out in November 2008 to describe the continental slope current system in the upper thermocline (down to 600 m between Cape Verde and the Canary Islands. The major feature in the region is the Cape Verde Frontal Zone (CVFZ, separating waters from tropical (southern and subtropical (northern origin. The CVFZ is found to intersect the slope north of Cape Blanc, between 22°N and 23°N, but we find that southern waters are predominant over the slope as far north as 24°N. South of Cape Blanc (21.25°N the Poleward Undercurrent (PUC is a prominent northward jet (50 km wide, reaching down to 300 m and indistinguishable from the surface Mauritanian Current. North of Cape Blanc the upwelling front is found far offshore, opening a near-slope northward path to the PUC. Nevertheless, the northward PUC transport decreases from 2.8 Sv at 18°N to 1.7 Sv at 24°N, with about 1 Sv recirculating ofshore just south of Cape Blanc, in agreement with the trajectory of subsurface drifters. South of the CVFZ there is an abrupt thermohaline transition at σϴ=26.85 kg m–3, which indicates the lower limit of the relatively pure (low salt and high oxygen content South Atlantic Central Water (SACW variety that coexists with the dominant locally-diluted (salinity increases through mixing with North Atlantic Central Water but oxygen diminishes because of enhanced remineralization Cape Verde (SACWcv variety. At 16°N about 70% of the PUC transport corresponds to the SACW variety but but this is transformed into 40% SACWcv at 24°N. However, between Cape Verde and Cape Blanc and in the 26.85 < σϴ < 27.1 layer, we measure up to 0.8 Sv of SACWcv being transported south. The results strongly endorse the idea that the slope current system plays a major role in tropical-subtropical water-mass exchange.


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    Rafael Zucateli da Vitoria


    Full Text Available Atualmente os rios, lagos e lagoas, situados próximos às cidades estão recebendo altas cargas poluidoras. Devido estes fatores os eventos climáticos como chuvas e secas estão cada vez mais severos e as fontes hídricas saldáveis cada vez mais escassas, portanto, é muito importante manter os recursos hídricos limpos para em caso de necessidade hídrica poder contar com mais alternativas e fontes para capitação de água para consumo. Avaliou-se  a localidade denominada Linha Verde da Lagoa do Meio no município de Linhares em relação à contaminação por Escherichia coli, sendo coletadas duas amostras de água da lagoa. Amostra 1 a montante da Linha Verde e Amostra 2 a jusante da Linha Verde e com base nos resultados obtidos a Lagoa do Meio está livre de contaminação por Escherichia coli na localidade da Linha Verde.

  8. Design optimization for fuel reloading in Laguna Verde nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortes Campos, C.C.; Montes Tadeo, J.L.


    Procedure followed to perform the design optimation in fuel reloading is described in general words and also is shown an example in which such procedure was uses for analysis of BWR type reactor in unit 1 of Laguna Verde nuclear power plant (Author)

  9. Patterns of genetic diversity in three plant lineages endemic to the Cape Verde Islands. (United States)

    Romeiras, Maria M; Monteiro, Filipa; Duarte, M Cristina; Schaefer, Hanno; Carine, Mark


    Conservation of plant diversity on islands relies on a good knowledge of the taxonomy, distribution and genetic diversity of species. In recent decades, a combination of morphology- and DNA-based approaches has become the standard for investigating island plant lineages and this has led, in some cases, to the discovery of previously overlooked diversity, including 'cryptic species'. The flora of the Cape Verde archipelago in the North Atlantic is currently thought to comprise ∼740 vascular plant species, 92 of them endemics. Despite the fact that it is considered relatively well known, there has been a 12 % increase in the number of endemics in the last two decades. Relatively few of the Cape Verde plant lineages have been included in genetic studies so far and little is known about the patterns of diversification in the archipelago. Here we present an updated list for the endemic Cape Verde flora and analyse diversity patterns for three endemic plant lineages (Cynanchum, Globularia and Umbilicus) based on one nuclear (ITS) and four plastid DNA regions. In all three lineages, we find genetic variation. In Cynanchum, we find two distinct haplotypes with no clear geographical pattern, possibly reflecting different ploidy levels. In Globularia and Umbilicus, differentiation is evident between populations from northern and southern islands. Isolation and drift resulting from the small and fragmented distributions, coupled with the significant distances separating the northern and southern islands, could explain this pattern. Overall, our study suggests that the diversity in the endemic vascular flora of Cape Verde is higher than previously thought and further work is necessary to characterize the flora. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company.

  10. Relationship of CHA2DS2-VASc and CHADS2 score to left atrial remodeling detected by velocity vector imaging in patients with atrial fibrillation.

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    Yihui Li

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The CHADS2/CHA2DS2-VASc scores are used to predict thrombo-embolic/stroke in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF. Nevertheless, limited data are available regarding the association between these risk stratification for stroke and left atrial (LA remodeling status of AF patients. The purpose of this study was to explore the association between these scores and LA remodeling status assessed quantificationally by echocardiography in AF patients. METHODS: One hundred AF patients were divided into 3 groups based on the CHA2DS2-VASc/CHADS2 score: the score of 0 (low stroke risk, the score of 1 (moderate stroke risk and the score of ≥2 (high stroke risk. All patients were performed through conventional and velocity vector imaging echocardiography. Echocardiographic parameters: maximum LA volume index (LAVImax, LA total emptying fraction (LAEFt and LA mean strain were obtained to assess quantificationally LA remodeling status. RESULTS: On categorizing with CHA2DS2-VASc, the score of 1 group showed augment in LAVImax and attenuation in LA mean strain derived from VVI, compared with the score of 0 group (LAVImax: 40.27±21.91 vs. 26.79±7.87, p=0.002; LA mean strain: 15.18±6.36 vs. 22±8.54, p=0.001. On categorizing with the CHADS2 score, similar trends were seen between the score of ≥2 and 1 groups (LAVImax: 43.72±13.77 vs. 31.41±9.50, p<0.001; LA mean strain: 11.01±5.31 vs. 18.63±7.00, p<0.001. With multivariate logistic regression, LAVImax (odds ratio: 0.92 , 95% C=I: 0.85 to 0.98, p= 0.01 and LA mean strain reflecting LA remodeling (odds ratio: 1.10, 95% CI: 1.02 to 1.19, p=0.01 were strongly predictive of the CHA2DS2-VASc score of 0. CONCLUSIONS: The superiority of the CHADS2 score may lay in identifying LA remodeling of AF patients with high stroke risk. Whereas, the CHA2DS2-VASc score was better than the CHADS2 score at identifying LA remodeling of AF patients presenting low stroke risk.

  11. Electrical Systems at Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant (LVNPP) after the Fukushima accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez Jimenez, Jose Francisco


    During the accident occurred in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in Japan, the onsite and offsite electrical systems were affected and lost for a long time with irreversible consequences, therefore, the Mexican Regulatory Body known as the National Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards (CNSNS: for its acronym in Spanish) has taken several actions to review the current capacity of the electrical systems installed at Laguna Verde NPP to cope with an event beyond of the design basis. The first action was to require to Laguna Verde NPP the compliance with Information Notice 2011-05 'Tohoku-Taiheiyou-Oki earthquake effects on Japanese Nuclear Power Plants' and with 10 CFR 50.54 'Conditions of licenses' section 'hh', both documents were issued by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). Additionally, CNSNS has taken into account the response actions emitted by other countries after the Fukushima accident. This involved the review of documents generated by Germany, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Finland, France, the United Kingdom and the Western European Nuclear Regulator's Association (WENRA). CNSNS made special inspections to verify the current capacity of the electrical systems of AC and DC. As a result of these inspections, CNSNS issued requirements that must be addressed by Laguna Verde NPP to demonstrate that it has the capacity to cope with events beyond the design basis. Parallel to the above, Mexico has participated in the Ibero-american Forum to address matters related to the 'Resistance Tests', the evaluations of the Forum have reached similar conclusions to those required by European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG), under the format proposed by WENRA. The actions carried out here are closely linked to the requirements established by the USNRC. It is also important to mention that: 1) the Extended Power Up-rate project was implemented in both Units of the Laguna Verde NPP before

  12. New species of Rissoidae from the Cape Verde Islands (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Part 1


    Moolenbeek, R.G.; Rolán, E.


    Sediment samples collected at the Cape Verde Islands contained many interesting micromolluscs. Amongst them, four new species of the family Rissoidae ( Alvania peli, A. nicolauensis, A. stocki and A. planciusi).

  13. Les enjeux écologiques de Palo Verde (Costa Rica

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    Bertrand LÉVY


    Full Text Available Près de Palo Verde a été créé un parc naturel. Un projet d’irrigation risque de perturber l’écologie de la région. Une carte de son écosystème a été établie par télédétection, pour évaluer l’impact d’un tel projet.

  14. Synthesis of Upper Verde River research and monitoring 1993-2008 (United States)

    Daniel G. Neary; Alvin L. Medina; John N. Rinne


    This volume is a state-of-knowledge synthesis of monitoring and research conducted on the Upper Verde River (UVR) of Arizona. It contains information on the history, hydrology, soils, geomorphology, vegetation, and fish fauna of the area that can help land managers and other scientists in successfully conducting ecosystem management and future monitoring and research...

  15. Oral receptivity of Aedes aegypti from Cape Verde for yellow fever, dengue, and chikungunya viruses. (United States)

    Vazeille, Marie; Yébakima, André; Lourenço-de-Oliveira, Ricardo; Andriamahefazafy, Barrysson; Correira, Artur; Rodrigues, Julio Monteiro; Veiga, Antonio; Moreira, Antonio; Leparc-Goffart, Isabelle; Grandadam, Marc; Failloux, Anna-Bella


    At the end of 2009, 21,313 cases of dengue-3 virus (DENV-3) were reported in the islands of Cape Verde, an archipelago located in the Atlantic Ocean 570 km from the coast of western Africa. It was the first dengue outbreak ever reported in Cape Verde. Mosquitoes collected in July 2010 in the city of Praia, on the island of Santiago, were identified morphologically as Aedes aegypti formosus. Using experimental oral infections, we found that this vector showed a moderate ability to transmit the epidemic dengue-3 virus, but was highly susceptible to chikungunya and yellow fever viruses.

  16. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA); Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of a health claim related to a combination of Paullinia cupana Kunth (guarana) and Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (green tea) extracts and reduction of body weight pursuant

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tetens, Inge

    related to a combination of Paullinia cupana Kunth (guarana) and Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (green tea) extracts and reduction of body weight. The Panel considers that the food constituent which is the subject of the health claim is sufficiently characterised. The claimed effect, reduction of body...... between the consumption of a combination of Paullinia cupana Kunth (guarana) and Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (green tea) extracts and a reduction in body weight. © European Food Safety Authority, 2012...

  17. Gamma thermometer longevity test: Laguna Verde 2 instruments recent performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cuevas V, G.; Avila N, A.; Calleros M, G.


    This paper is informative of the General Electric Hitachi and Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas are collaboration with Comision Federal de Electricidad in a longevity test of thermocouples as power monitoring devices. The test conclusions will serve for final engineering design in detailing the Automated Fixed In-core Probes for calibration of the Local Power Range Monitors (LPRMs) of the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor. This paper introduces the collaboration description and some recent performance evaluation of the thermocouples that are sensitive to gamma radiation and are known generically as Gamma Thermometers (G T). The G Ts in Laguna Verde 2 are radially located inside six instrumentation tubes in the core and consist of seven thermocouples, four are aligned with the LPRM heights and three are axially located between LPRM heights. The Laguna Verde 2 G T test has become the longest test of thermocouples as power monitoring devices in a BWR industry history and confirms their reliability in terms of time-dependent small noise under steady state reactor conditions and good agreement against Traversing In-core Probes power measurements. (Author)

  18. Gamma thermometer longevity test: Laguna Verde 2 instruments recent performance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cuevas V, G. [Global Nuclear Fuel, Americas, 3901 Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, North Carolina (United States); Avila N, A.; Calleros M, G., E-mail: [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Central Nucleoelectrica Laguna Verda, Carretera Veracruz-Nautla Km 42.5, Alto Lucero, Veracruz (Mexico)


    This paper is informative of the General Electric Hitachi and Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas are collaboration with Comision Federal de Electricidad in a longevity test of thermocouples as power monitoring devices. The test conclusions will serve for final engineering design in detailing the Automated Fixed In-core Probes for calibration of the Local Power Range Monitors (LPRMs) of the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor. This paper introduces the collaboration description and some recent performance evaluation of the thermocouples that are sensitive to gamma radiation and are known generically as Gamma Thermometers (G T). The G Ts in Laguna Verde 2 are radially located inside six instrumentation tubes in the core and consist of seven thermocouples, four are aligned with the LPRM heights and three are axially located between LPRM heights. The Laguna Verde 2 G T test has become the longest test of thermocouples as power monitoring devices in a BWR industry history and confirms their reliability in terms of time-dependent small noise under steady state reactor conditions and good agreement against Traversing In-core Probes power measurements. (Author)

  19. Influência de áreas verdes urbanas sobre a mirmecofauna

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    Milene Andrade Estrada

    Full Text Available O trabalho objetivou estudar a influência de características da arborização das áreas verdes urbanas sobre a mirmecofauna. A pesquisa foi conduzida no Município de Três Rios-RJ, em um parque urbano e em cinco praças públicas arborizadas. Foram obtidas a densidade de árvores, a densidade de espécies de árvores e a temperatura do ar. As formigas foram coletadas no solo e sobre o tronco de árvores, com iscas de sardinha. Foram coletadas 44 espécies de formigas, 26 espécies no solo e 37 espécies nas árvores. A densidade de espécies de árvores influenciou positivamente o número total de espécies de formigas e a diversidade de espécies coletadas nas árvores. Conclui-se que o aumento da densidade de espécies de árvores nas áreas verdes urbanas pode colaborar para a conservação da diversidade biológica.

  20. Contenido de catequinas en cultivares argentinos de té (Camellia sinensis, elaborados como té verde Sencha

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    Full Text Available ResumenEl presente proyecto tuvo como objetivo determinar el contenido de las siguientes catequinas, epigalocatequina-3-galato (EGCG, epigalocatequina (EGC, epicatequina (EC, catequina (C y catequina galato (CG, en los cultivares de té CH 14 INTA, CH 112 INTA, CH 318 INTA, CH 410 INTA y CH 732 INTA elaborados como té verde Sencha, durante tres épocas de zafra. Se empleó un sistema de extracción acuosa y la determinación se efectuó por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC con elución isocrática. Los contenidos de catequinas determinados se estudiaron por análisis de variancia (P<0,05 y se investigaron las diferencias entre cultivares y la población control, épocas e interacciones. Se compararon las medias entre cultivares y la población control por medio de la prueba de Comparación Múltiple (P<0,05. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer las siguientes conclusiones. El contenido total promedio de todas las catequinas analizadas, alcanzó a 12,6% de materia seca. EGCG fue la catequina con más alta concentración, alcanzado un promedio de 6,68% ± 0,79, no registrando diferencias significativas entre cultivares. EGC alcanzó un segundo nivel con una concentración de 3,73% ± 0,42. Para EC, C y CG las concentraciones fueron de 1,13% ± 0,12; 0,34% ± 0,05 y 0,20% ± 0,04, respectivamente. Entre los cultivares elaborados que presentaron diferencias significativas respecto al resto, se incluye el cultivar CH 318 INTA que presentó la mayor concentración de EGCG y CG, con contenidos de 7,86 y 0,26%, respectivamente; para EGC los cultivares CH 410 INTA y CH 732 INTA, con un contenido de 4,4 y 4,1% respectivamente, en tanto que para EC y C el cultivar CH 732 INTA presentó los mayores contenidos con 1,69 y 0,55%. Entre las épocas de zafra, se registraron diferencias significativas, los mayores contenidos promedio de EGCG y EGC se presentaban al fin de zafra con 7,5 y 4,43%, en tanto que para EC, C y CG se presentaban

  1. Verde plant bug, Creontiades signatus (Hemiptera: Miridae) effects of insect density and bloom period of infestation on cotton damage and yield (United States)

    The verde plant bug, Creontiades signatus Distant (Hemiptera: Miridae), has emerged as a threat to cotton in South Texas, causing boll damage similar to boll-feeding stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Verde plant bugs were released into caged cotton for a one-week period to characterize the effec...

  2. El anillo verde de Vitoria-Gasteiz

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    Marañón, Blanca


    de la periferia de la ciudad, donde coexistían zonas de alto valor ecológico sometidas a agresiones de todo tipo, con otros espacios degradados y marginales, fruto de la expansión urbana e industrial. La restauración ecológico-paisajística de estos espacios y su acondicionamiento para el uso público han permitido configurar un "anillo verde multifunción" en torno a la ciudad que está proporcionando importantes beneficios ambientales, sociales y económicos. El anillo verde ha jugado un papel importante en la integración naturaleza-ciudad, equilibrando la oferta de zonas verdes entre todos los barrios y favoreciendo la conexión entre los espacios verdes urbanos y los espacios naturales del entorno agrícola. Ha propiciado, asimismo, el desarrollo de nuevas actividades relacionadas con el ocio y el esparcimiento y con la formación, educación y sensibilización ambiental; actividades que, por un lado, están suponiendo un revulsivo para el sector empresarial ambiental y la integración socio-laboral de determinados colectivos sociales y, por otro, contribuyen a la conservación de estos espacios, al convertirse los usuarios en sus mayores defensores y guardianes. La utilización de algunos de estos espacios como superficies de laminación de agua en épocas de avenidas para solventar problemas de inundación en las zonas industriales es otro ejemplo del valor añadido obtenido al plantear soluciones integrales. Los excelentes resultados obtenidos tras nueve años de trabajo demuestran la viabilidad técnica y económica y la rentabilidad social de este proyecto, que representa una prueba evidente de la decidida voluntad municipal de avanzar hacia un modelo de ciudad sostenible en armonía con el medio natural que la rodea.

  3. Do riparian plant community characteristics differ between Tamarix (L.) invaded and non-invaded sites on the upper Verde River, Arizona? (United States)

    Tyler D. Johnson; Thomas E. Kolb; Alvin L. Medina


    Invasion by Tamarix (L.) can severely alter riparian areas of the western U.S., which are globally rare ecosystems. The upper Verde River, Arizona, is a relatively free-flowing river and has abundant native riparian vegetation. Tamarix is present on the upper Verde but is a minor component of the vegetation (8% of stems). This...

  4. Application of a new methodology on the multicycle analysis for the Laguna Verde NPP en Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortes C, Carlos C.


    This paper describes the improvements done in the physical and economic methodologies on the multicycle analysis for the Boiling Water Reactors of the Laguna Verde NPP in Mexico, based on commercial codes and in-house developed computational tools. With these changes in our methodology, three feasible scenarios are generated for the operation of Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 at 12, 18 and 24 months. The physical economic results obtained are showed. Further, the effect of the replacement power is included in the economic evaluation. (author). 11 refs., 3 figs., 7 tabs

  5. Escuela Superior de Palos Verdes

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    Neutra, Richard J.


    Full Text Available Before initiating the building operations for the «Palos Verdes» School, the site was divided into two large horizontal surfaces, at different levels. The lower one served to accommodate the playing fields, a car park, the physical training building, and shop and ancillary buildings. On the higher of these two surfaces, and to the West of the access road, there is a car park and also the building and plot of ground devoted to agricultural technology, as well as the literary studies and general purpose buildings. As a complement to these, there is a series of blocks, arranged in parallel rows, which house the administrative offices, the art school, the craft's school, the general classrooms, and those devoted to higher education. The fascinating aspect of this school is the outstanding penetration of the architect's mind into the essential function of the project. Its most evident merit is the sense of comradeship and harmony that permeates the whole architectural manifold.Antes de construir el complejo escolar «Palos Verdes» se comenzó por crear, en el terreno, dos grandes mesetas a niveles diferentes. Sobre el inferior se organizaron: los campos de juegos, de deportes, un aparcamiento, el edificio para educación física y los destinados a tiendas y servicios. Sobre la meseta superior, al oeste de la vía de acceso, se dispuso un aparcamiento y el edificio y campo para adiestramiento agrícola; al este, otro aparcamiento, el edificio dedicado a materias literarias, y el destinado a usos múltiples. Completan las instalaciones de la escuela una serie de bloques paralelos: la administración, la escuela de arte, las clases de trabajos manuales, las aulas de enseñanzas generales, y las de los cursos superiores. Lo fascinante de este complejo escolar es la perfecta y magistral compenetración del arquitecto con el tema proyectado, y su mayor mérito, la sensación de cordialidad y armonía con el ambiente.

  6. Petrology and geochemistry of primary magmas trapped in melt inclusions in scoria of Beaunit Maar (Chaîne des Puys, Massif Central, France) (United States)

    Jannot, S.; Schiano, P.; Boivin, P.; Clocchiatti, R.; Chazot, G.


    The Massif Central area, characterized by a typical intraplate alkaline serie, is the largest magmatic province of the West-European Rift system. Although it has been the subject of several studies, the nature of Massif Central sources is still a matter of debate and many hypotheses are proposed, including deep-rooted continental hotspot, metasomatised spinel lherzolites and an asthenospheric flow linked to the lithospheric root of the Alpine chain. The Chaîne des Puys is the last magmatic province of the French Massif Central and is composed of hundred young well-preserved volcanoes. The present work aims to supply information on the nature and the origin of the source chemistry of alkaline serie from the Chaîne des Puys, by characterizing the trace and major element composition of minute melts preserved as quenched glass inclusions inside olivines phenocrysts in scoria from the Beaunit Maar. Heating stage experiments performed at ambient pressure on partially crystallised primary melt inclusions suggest CO_2 oversaturation of the trapped melt, and an entrapment temperature around 1200^oC±10^oC. Daughter minerals analyses point to a Ti-and Ca-rich basaltic paragenesis, in good agreement with that of erupted basalts from the Chaîne des Puys. Major element compositions show that melts trapped in inclusions evolve by limited fractional crystallization. Inclusions trapped in the more primitive olivine phenocrysts (Fo85) have alkali-basalt compositions that fall on the primitive end of the compositional trend define by the lavas of the Chaîne des Puys. Their major element chemistry rules out the hypothesis of a mantle source in the spinel stability field and requires a garnet-bearing mantle source. Analyzed for trace-element composition by LA-ICP-MS, they display homogeneous, enriched patterns, similar to those characterizing oceanic island and continental basalts. They have high concentration of LILE and LREE/HREE ratios. Such trace-element feature are typical of

  7. A volcanological and geochemical investigation of Boa Vistta, Cape Verde Islands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyhr, Charlotte Thorup; Holm, Paul Martin


    Boa Vista, the easternmost island in the Cape Verde archipelago, consists of volcanic products, minor intrusions and a thin partial sedimentary cover. The first 15 age results from 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating analysis of groundmass separates from volcanic and plutonic rocks from Boa Vista are p...

  8. Spitzer IRS Spectroscopy of the 10 Myr-Old EF Cha Debris Disk: Evidence for Phyllosilicate-Rich Dust in the Terrestrial Zone (United States)

    Currie, Thayne; Lisse, Carey M.; Sicillia-Aguilar, Aurora; Rieke, George H.; Su, Kate Y. L.


    We describe Spitzer IRS spectroscopic observations of the approx. 10 Myr-old star, EF Chao Compositional modeling of the spectra from 5 micron to 35 micron confirms that it is surrounded by a luminous debris disk with L(sub D)/L(sub *) approx. 10(exp -3), containing dust with temperatures between 225 K and 430 K characteristic of the terrestrial zone. The EF Cha spectrum shows evidence for many solid-state features, unlike most cold, low-luminosity debris disks but like some other 10-20 Myr-old luminous, warm debris disks (e.g. HD 113766A). The EF Cha debris disk is unusually rich in a species or combination of species whose emissivities resemble that of finely-powdered, laboratory-measured phyllosilicate species (talc, saponite, and smectite), which are likely produced by aqueous alteration of primordial anhydrous rocky materials. The dust and, by inference, the parent bodies of the debris also contain abundant amorphous silicates and metal sulfides, and possibly water ice. The dust's total olivine to pyroxene ratio of approx. 2 also provides evidence of aqueous alteration. The large mass volume of grains with sizes comparable to or below the radiation blow-out limit implies that planetesimals may be colliding at a rate high enough to yield the emitting dust but not so high as to devolatize the planetesimals via impact processing. Because phyllosilicates are produced by the interactions between anhydrous rock and warm, reactive water, EF Cha's disk is a likely signpost for water delivery to the terrestrial zone of a young planetary system.

  9. Fibra da casca do coco verde como substrato agrícola

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    Carrijo Osmar Alves


    Full Text Available A produção comercial de mudas e o cultivo sem solo de hortaliças estão se tornando práticas comuns entre os olericultores. Vários materiais orgânicos como as turfas, resíduos de madeira, casca de pinus e de arroz parcialmente carbonizada ou não, ou materiais inorgânicos como areia, rochas vulcânicas, perlita, lã de rocha e a espuma fenólica já são utilizados como substratos, isoladamente ou em composição. A casca de coco verde que em muitas regiões causa transtorno ao serviço de limpeza pública pelo volume e pela dificuldade de decomposição produz uma fibra que pode ser utilizada como substrato. Para a produção da fibra, a casca de coco verde é picada, desfibrada, triturada, lavada e secada. Para o uso como substrato na produção de mudas, a fibra deve passar por um processo de compostagem. Este processo não é necessário para o uso como substrato em cultivo sem solo, mas no entanto, o substrato necessitará ser enriquecido com nutrientes em pré-plantio ou em fertirrigação. O uso do substrato da fibra de coco verde na produção de tomate em casa de vegetação, alcançou, em termos absolutos, 13,2 kg m-2 de frutos comerciais (média de 3 anos cerca de 7,3% mais que o segundo melhor substrato, o pó de serra com 12,3 kg m-2.

  10. El caballero del Verde Gabán: algunas consideraciones desde el epicureísmo y el estoicismo

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    Josefa Álvarez


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to study the figure of the “Caballero del Verde Gabán” from the perspectives of the stoic and Epicurean philosophic traditions given that these traditions deeply influenced the literatures and thought of the Golden Age. To do so, we search and analyze several greco-roman sources that lead us to determine that although both philosophic traditions converge in the figure of the “Caballero del Verde Gabán” a clear preeminence of the epicurean tradition is evident. In contrast, a clear stoic tradition is clear in the figure of “Don Quijote”. We attempt to show how Cervantes presents the reader with two ways of life at odds with each other at the beginning of a new century; one full of realism and pragmatism in the figure of the “Caballero del Verde Gabán”, the other, “the quijotesco” showing its anachronistic idealism.

  11. Generation of the ECP database (ECP01.DAT) of the cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde with burnt of 1377 MWD/MT; Generacion de la base ECP (ECP01.DAT) del ciclo 1 de la Unidad 1 de Laguna Verde con quemado de 1377 MWD/MT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perusquia C, R. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    In order to carrying out a comparison among the results provided by the Program of Estimate of the ECP Critical Position and the Shutdown/Startup produced in the Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde, it was generated the base of the ECP program, following the outlines settled down in the Procedure 'Generation of ECP Database for Laguna Verde' (IT.SN/DFR-074). Next the data sheets filled when being generated the ECP01.DAT database with a burnt of 1377 MWD/MT are provided. In the report IT.SN/DFR-079 'Adjustment and Preliminary Evaluation of the Predictions of Criticity of the ECP Program with Reported Data of the Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde', the results of the comparison among those estimates of the ECP program using the ECP01.DAT database with the real data of the Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde are presented. (Author)


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    Dayana Portes RAMOS


    Full Text Available

    Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o teor de amido resistente (AR em farinhas de banana verde produzidas a partir de treze genótipos de bananeira. Para a produção da farinha foram separadas a 1ª, 3ª e 5ª pencas de cada genótipo, na qual cada penca correspondeu a uma repetição. Os frutos de cada penca no estádio 1 (casca completamente verde de maturação foram descascados manualmente, cortados em fatias circulares de 0,5 cm e desidratados em estufa com circulação de ar a 40ºC por 48 horas, sendo em seguida moídos. A análise de AR consistiu em um processo enzimático, calculando-se o conteúdo final pela concentração de glicose liberada. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística e mostraram diferenças significativas para o teor de AR nas farinhas obtidas dos genótipos de bananeira, sendo que a farinha com maior teor de AR foi a produzida a partir do cultivar ‘Nam’ (40,25% e a menor pelo híbrido ‘Fhia 01’ (10,01%. Pode-se concluir que o conteúdo de AR varia em relação ao genótipo utilizado para a confecção da farinha e que a banana pode ser uma boa opção de estudo de alimento funcional.

  13. Macroinvertebrados bentónicos del humedal de Palo Verde, Costa Rica

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    F.A Trama


    Full Text Available El humedal de Palo Verde es uno de los más importantes de Centro America para aves acuáticas. Durante el período 2002 y 2005, se llevaron a cabo actividades de manejo para controlar la invasión de Typha domingensis. Con el fin de establecer una línea base para monitoreos futuros, en el 2003 se realizó una evaluación de macroinvertebrados acuáticos. Se efectuó un muestreo mensual durante un año, usando el método de sustratos artificiales. Se identificaron 116 táxones pertenecientes a 47 familias y a 18 órdenes. La mayor abundancia se encontró en la clase Conchostraca y la familia Chironomidae que juntas representaron casi la mitad de todos los individuos colectados. En contraste, el 97% de los táxones tuvieron, cada uno, menos del 1% del total de la abundancia. La diversidad de táxones, así como la abundancia de individuos y el número de especies, fueron mayores en la época seca que en la lluviosa. La curva acumulada de especies indicó que se hubiera registrado una mayor cantidad de táxones si los muestreos se hubieran extendido por más tiempo. Con este trabajo damos a conocer la primera lista de macroinvertebrados para el humedal de Palo Verde.Benthic macroinvertebrates of the Palo Verde wetland, Costa Rica. Palo Verde, Costa Rica, is one of the most important wetlands in the region now recovering from some invasive plants, especially Typha domingensis, and monitoring programs were started, including studies on the aquatic macoinvertebrate fauna. We sampled benthic macroinvertebrates monthly for more than a year with artificial substrates, and identified 116 taxa from 57 families and 18 orders, with 90 morfospecies of insects. The highest abundances were in the class Conchostraca (typical in seasonal wetlands and in the family Chironomidae (Diptera, Insecta, which together represent almost half of all individuals collected. In contrast, 97 taxa were less than 1% of total abundance each. Number of individuals and number of

  14. Laboratory, Epidemiological, and Human Intervention Studies Show That Tea (Camellia sinensis) May Be Useful in the Prevention of Obesity12


    Grove, Kimberly A.; Lambert, Joshua D.


    Tea (Camellia sinensis, Theaceae) and tea polyphenols have been studied for the prevention of chronic diseases, including obesity. Obesity currently affects >20% of adults in the United States and is a risk factor for chronic diseases such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Given this increasing public health concern, the use of dietary agents for the prevention of obesity would be of tremendous benefit. Whereas many laboratory studies have demonstrated the potential eff...

  15. Generation of the ECP database (ECP02.DAT) at the beginning of the cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perusquia C, R.


    In order to carrying out a comparison among the results provided for the Program of Estimate of the ECP Critical Position and the Shutdown/Startup produced in the Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde, it was generated the base of the ECP program, following the outlines settled down in the Procedure 'Generation of ECP Database for Laguna Verde' (IT.SN/DFR 074). Next the data sheets filled when being generated the ECP02.DAT database at the beginning of the cycle are provided. In the IT.SN/DFR 079 report 'Adjustment and Preliminary Evaluation of the Predictions of Criticity of the ECP Program with Reported Data of Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde, the results of the comparison among the estimates of the ECP program using the ECP02.DAT with the real data of the Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde are presented. (Author)

  16. Update-processing steam generator cleaning solvent at Palo Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peters, G.


    Framatome Technologies Inc.(FTI) recently completed the steam generator chemical cleanings at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units 1, 2 and 3. Over 500,000 gallons of low-level radioactive solvents were generated during these cleanings and were processed on-site. Chemical cleaning solutions containing high concentrations of organic chelating wastes are difficult to reduce in volume using standard technologies. The process that was ultimately used at Palo Verde involved three distinct processing steps: The evaporation step was conducted using FTI's submerged combustion evaporator (SCE) that has also been successfully used at Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 1, Three Mile Island - Unit 1, and Oconee on similar waste. The polishing step of the distillate used ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) technology that was also used extensively by Ontario Hydro to assist in their processing of chemical cleaning solvent. This technology, equipment, and operations personnel were provided by Zenon Environmental, Inc. The concentrate from the evaporator was absorbed with a special open-quotes peat mossclose quotes based media that allowed it to be shipped and buried at the Environcare of Utah facility. This is the first time that this absorption media or burial site has been used for chemical cleaning solvent

  17. Human factors engineering control-room-design review/audit report: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Arizona Public Service Company

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savage, J.W.; Lappa, D.A.


    A human factors engineering design review of the Palo Verde control room simulator was performed at the site on September 15 through September 17, 1981. Observed human factors design discrepancies were given priority ratings. This report summarizes the team's observations of the control room design and layout and of the control room operators' interface with the control room environment. A list of the human factors strengths observed in the Palo Verde control room simulator is given

  18. Human effects on the hydrologic system of the Verde Valley, central Arizona, 1910–2005 and 2005–2110, using a regional groundwater flow model (United States)

    Garner, Bradley D.; Pool, D.R.; Tillman, Fred D.; Forbes, Brandon T.


    Water budgets were developed for the Verde Valley of central Arizona in order to evaluate the degree to which human stresses have affected the hydrologic system and might affect it in the future. The Verde Valley is a portion of central Arizona wherein concerns have been raised about water availability, particularly perennial base flow of the Verde River. The Northern Arizona Regional Groundwater Flow Model (NARGFM) was used to generate the water budgets and was run in several configurations for the 1910–2005 and 2005–2110 time periods. The resultant water budgets were subtracted from one another in order to quantify the relative changes that were attributable solely to human stresses; human stresses included groundwater withdrawals and incidental and artificial recharge but did not include, for example, human effects on the global climate. Three hypothetical and varied conditions of human stresses were developed and applied to the model for the 2005–2110 period. On the basis of this analysis, human stresses during 1910–2005 were found to have already affected the hydrologic system of the Verde Valley, and human stresses will continue to affect the hydrologic system during 2005–2110. Riparian evapotranspiration decreased and underflow into the Verde Valley increased because of human stresses, and net groundwater discharge to the Verde River in the Verde Valley decreased for the 1910–2005 model runs. The model also showed that base flow at the upstream end of the study area, as of 2005, was about 4,900 acre-feet per year less than it would have been in the absence of human stresses. At the downstream end of the Verde Valley, base flow had been reduced by about 10,000 acre-feet per year by the year 2005 because of human stresses. For the 2005–2110 period, the model showed that base flow at the downstream end of the Verde Valley may decrease by an additional 5,400 to 8,600 acre-feet per year because of past, ongoing, and hypothetical future human

  19. Promoting Distance Education in Higher Education in Cape Verde and Mozambique (United States)

    Ramos, Fernando; Taju, Gulamo; Canuto, Louisette


    Over the past six years, the authors have been project leaders for three distance education initiatives in Cape Verde and Mozambique: (1) a blended learning master's degree in multimedia in education for faculty in Cape Verdean public higher education institutions (2005-2008); (2) a teacher training programme for 1375 elementary teachers provided…

  20. Prototype fuel fabrication for nuclear reactors of Laguna Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nocetti, C.; Torres, J.; Medrano, A.


    Four prototype fuel bundles for the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant have been fabricated. the type of nuclear fuel produced is described and the process used is commented. As an example of the fabrication criteria adopted, the production model to determine the density of the U O 2 pellets for the different batches of ceramic powder is described. the results are evaluated using the statistical indexes C p and C pk . (author)

  1. Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of the single-chain variable fragment of antibody chA21 in complex with an N-terminal fragment of ErbB2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Yang; Zhou, Huihao; Zhu, Juanjuan; Gao, Yongxiang; Niu, Liwen; Liu, Jing; Teng, Maikun


    An antibody–antigen complex consisting of a single-chain variable fragment of the potential therapeutic antibody chA21 and an N-terminal fragment (residues 1–192) of the human ErbB2 extracellular domain was expressed, purified and crystallized. X-ray diffraction data were collected to 2.45 Å resolution. ErbB2 is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase, the overexpression of which causes abnormality and disorder in cell signalling and leads to cell transformation. Previously, an anti-ErbB2 single-chain chimeric antibody chA21 that specifically inhibits the growth of ErbB2-overexpressing cancer cells in vitro and in vivo was developed. Here, an antibody–antigen complex consisting of the single-chain variable fragment (scFv) of chA21 and an N-terminal fragment (residues 1–192, named EP I) of the ErbB2 extracellular domain was crystallized using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method. An X-ray diffraction data set was collected to 2.45 Å resolution from a single flash-cooled crystal; the crystal belonged to space group P2 1 2 1 2 1

  2. Geotourism, Medical Geology and local development: Cape Verde case study (United States)

    Rocha, F.; Ferreira da Silva, E.


    Geotourism and Geoparks in particular are real opportunities to rural developments promoting the rate decline of unemployment and emigration through engaging the local communities in geopark activities and tourism marketing in the form of adventure tourism, ecotourism, rural tourism and health geotourism. Geotourism is closely linked with Medical Geology. The intake of minerals and chemical elements for food, water, soil (through geophagy) or dust can be accomplished by ingestion, inhalation or dermal absorption. Pelotherapy or “Mudtherapy” is the use of mud/clay for therapeutic applications, internal or external. Cape Verde archipelago is located in Atlantic ocean, 400 km westwards of Senegal coast. Geotourism is being developed, mainly focused on the development of a geopark in Fogo island huge caldera, but also trying to take advantage of their potentialities for Geomedecine. A cooperative program established between Cape Verde University (UCV) and Aveiro University (UA, Portugal) is under way, aiming, on a first stage, to identify Geotouristic potentialities and, on a second stage, to develop products. Geotourism is being developed, mainly focused on the development of a geopark in Fogo isl. huge caldera, but also trying to take advantage of their potentialities for Geomedecine.

  3. 30 years in the Veracruz state coast landscape: Laguna Verde nuclear power station. 1. ed.; 30 anos de paisaje costero veracruzano: Central Nucleoelectrica Laguan Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guevara, S; Moreno Casasola, P; Castillo Campos, G; Dorantes, C; Gonzalez Garcia, F; Halffter, G; Isunza, E; Lot H, A; Mendoza, R; Paradowska, K; Priego, A; Sanchez Vigil, C; Vazquez, G [Comision Federal de Electricidad and Instituto Nacional de Ecologia A.C. (Mexico)


    36 years ago one of the most important power projects of Mexico was born; the design and construction of the Nuclear power station Laguna Verde. This project became reality thanks to the commitment of a group of Mexican professionals that gave the best of them for its accomplishment. At that time, there was not in Mexico a legislation that contemplated the environmental protection; nevertheless, the Mexican Constitution anticipates that when in the country there is not legislation for the development of a project, this must adopt the legislation of the country that is selling it. In the specific case of Laguna Verde, the legislation of the United States of America was adopted and in the environmental part it had to issue the first Manifest of Environmental impact, that was called Informe Ambiental para la Contruccion de Laguna Verde en el Estado de Veracruz. This study was performed by several national as well as foreign institutions. Among the most outstanding are the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, the Intituto Politecnico Nacional, the Universidad Veracruzana, the Intituto National para la Investigacion de Recursos Biologicos, the Instituto de Ecologia, A.C. With this report, the engineers undertook the task of designing and constructing, the biologists and ecologists to realize the studies to mitigate the effects caused to the environment during the construction and later, during the operation of the Nuclear power station. After 18 years of commercial operation of the power station the present book is completed, in which the results obtained in 1972, when the studies of the environmental report began are compared against the ones obtained throughout this period. It is important to see in the results of the different studies and indicators presented/displayed in this book, that the important changes on the environment are due, to the change of the ground use and the over-exploitation of the natural resources as it happens in almost all the country. The

  4. Study on transportation and accumulation mechanisms of cesium in Camellia sinensis by SR-XRF imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oda, Nahoko; Nakai, Izumi; Terada, Yasuko


    After the tragedy in Fukushima, soil and food pollution by radionuclides has become a serious problem. Cs can be uptaken by many plants due to its chemical similarities with K. So, removal of radioactive Cs from the soils can be carried out using the phytoremediation technology. However, the development of phytoremediation techniques require the knowledge on the interactions between the plants and soils. Although the competitive relation between K and Cs to enter the plant is known, few works were dedicated to the visual localization of Cs in the plant and its relation to potassium. In this study, we have used synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF) imaging in order to reveal accumulation of Cs with a cellular spatial resolution. The Cs Lβ intensity measured in the XRF imaging were transformed into the Cs concentration based on the calibration curves prepared using in house standard samples of known Cs concentrations. It is remarkable that after exposure to 10 ppm Cs solution for 4 weeks Camellia sinensis accumulated Cs up to 300 ppm (expressed in dry weight) in the body. XRF imaging of the root show that Cs was located mainly at the epidermis. On the other hand, K was located mainly at endodermis and the cell wall. A correlation coefficient(R) between XRF intensity of K and that of Cs in the root was about R=0.5. This suggest that Cs is hardly absorbed from roots of Camellia sinensis compared with K, due to its large ionic radius. In the case of stem, distribution of Cs was similar to that of K. They were located at the exodermis, epidermis and the cell wall. Their correlation coefficient was about R=0.8. These results suggest that Cs was transported through the same pathway as that of K in the stem. (author)

  5. Inhibition of α-glucosidase by polysaccharides from the fruit hull of Camellia oleifera Abel. (United States)

    Zhang, Sheng; Li, Xiang-Zhou


    We isolated and purified polysaccharides from the Camellia oleifera Abel. fruit hull and studied its hypoglycemic potential. Our results revealed six polysaccharides (CFPA-1-5 & CFPB) from the aqueous extract from the defatted C. oleifera fruit hull. Purified polysaccharides (purity >90%) were investigated for the inhibition of α-glucosidase activity in vitro. Two polysaccharides, CFPB and CFPA-3 were present in high concentration in the fruit hull and showed a dose-dependent inhibition of α-glucosidase activity, with IC50 concentrations of 11.80 and 10.95 μg/mL, respectively. This result suggests that polysaccharides (CFP) extracted from the fruit hull of C. oleifera may have potential as functional foods with featuring a hypoglycemic effect. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Felipe Irarrázaval Irarrázaval


    Full Text Available La mercantilización e instrumentalización de diversos elementos y procesos naturales ha condicionado perfectas plataformas para la acumulación de riquezas. Esto ha sido posible en la medida que existen las condiciones políticas, sociales y económicas para que suceda. Además, en el caso de las condiciones ambientales urbanas, se suma un "imaginario verde" en un amplio espectro de la población, la cual presenta un gran interés por vivir en espacios dotados de naturaleza. Estas condiciones han determinado que en las ciudades se desarrolle una desigual distribución de las condiciones ambientales, dado que cuando la gestión urbana queda en manos del sector privado, sólo las elites con poder adquisitivo pueden acceder a áreas verdes y al arbolado urbano. La presente investigación busca reconocer a la naturaleza urbana como un "instrumento de consumo" inmobiliario, así como sus implicancias en la distribución de las condiciones ambientales en Santiago de Chile. Para esto se reconoce el espacio urbano en ciudades capitalistas como un eslabón dentro de las plataformas de acumulación de capital. A su vez, se integra la perspectiva de los imaginarios ofertados/empleados por el sector inmobiliario como un tema central para concretar la plataforma de acumulación.

  7. Modeling of the vapor cycle of Laguna Verde with the PEPSE code to conditions of thermal power licensed at present (2027 MWt)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castaneda G, M. A.; Maya G, F.; Medel C, J. E.; Cardenas J, J. B.; Cruz B, H. J.; Mercado V, J. J.


    By means of the use of the performance evaluation of power system efficiencies (PEPSE) code was modeled the vapor cycle of the nuclear power station of Laguna Verde to reproduce the nuclear plant behavior to conditions of thermal power, licensed at present (2027 MWt); with the purpose of having a base line before the implementation of the project of extended power increase. The model of the gauged vapor cycle to reproduce the nuclear plant conditions makes use of the PEPSE model, design case of the vapor cycle of nuclear power station of Laguna Verde, which has as main components of the model the great equipment of the vapor cycle of Laguna Verde. The design case model makes use of information about the design requirements of each equipment for theoretically calculating the electric power of exit, besides thermodynamic conditions of the vapor cycle in different points. Starting from the design model and making use of data of the vapor cycle measured in the nuclear plant; the adjustment factors were calculated for the different equipment s of the vapor cycle, to reproduce with the PEPSE model the real vapor cycle of Laguna Verde. Once characterized the model of the vapor cycle of Laguna Verde, we can realize different sensibility studies to determine the effects macros to the vapor cycle by the variation of certain key parameters. (Author)

  8. Optimizing soil and water management in dryland farming systems in Cabo Verde

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Santos Baptista Costa, Dos I.


    “Optimizing Soil and Water Management in Dryland Farming Systems in Cabo Verde”

    Isaurinda Baptista


    Soil and land degradation poses a great challenge for sustainable development worldwide and, in Cabo Verde, has strongly affected both

  9. First report of Dirofilaria immitis in the Republic of Cape Verde. (United States)

    Pereira, Cristina; Almeida, Conceição; Malta, Manuel; Vilaça, Raquel; Payo-Puente, Pablo


    In Maio Island, Republic of Cape Verde, a seven-year old mongrel female dog exhibiting severe generalized adenomegaly and a poor body condition was examined during an animal welfare campaign. A blood smear was drawn from peripheral blood collection and several organisms consistent with Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae were identified. Both the antigen test conducted from plasma and the RT-PCR test performed from the blood smear sample were positive for D. immitis. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first report of D. immitis in Cape Verde. The fact that the dog was autochthonous and had never left the island strongly suggests there might be other animals infected with the parasite. Our finding confirms the existence of the parasite in the canine population and necessarily implies the presence of a competent vector. As a serious cardiopulmonary disease and with the risk of the pathogen spreading rapidly, broader epidemiological studies need to be conducted to determine D. immitis prevalence in the canine population of Maio Island. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Start-up and commercial operation of the Laguna Verde power plants, unit 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres R, J.F.


    The main features of the unit 1 of the Laguna Verde Power Plant is presented as well as the phases of the start-up process. The process includes various steps and tests up to start the commercial operation. (author)

  11. Extract of Camellia sinensis as Green Inhibitor for the Corrosion of Mild Steel in Aqueous Solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fouda, Abd Elaziz S.; Mekkia, Dina; Badr, Abeer H.


    Corrosion inhibition of mild steel used in water station in 35 ppm aluminum sulfate and 10 ppm chloride solution by Camellia sinensis leaves extract was studied using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques at 30 .deg. C. Results show that the inhibition efficiency increases with increasing concentration of the extract and decreases with increasing temperature. Inhibitive effect was afforded by adsorption of the extract's components which was found to accord with Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Inhibition mechanism is deduced from the temperature dependence of the inhibition efficiency and was further corroborated by the values of activation parameters obtained from the experimental data

  12. Extract of Camellia sinensis as Green Inhibitor for the Corrosion of Mild Steel in Aqueous Solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fouda, Abd Elaziz S. [El-Mansoura Univ., El-Mansoura (Egypt); Mekkia, Dina; Badr, Abeer H. [Water and wastewater company, Dakahlia (Egypt)


    Corrosion inhibition of mild steel used in water station in 35 ppm aluminum sulfate and 10 ppm chloride solution by Camellia sinensis leaves extract was studied using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques at 30 .deg. C. Results show that the inhibition efficiency increases with increasing concentration of the extract and decreases with increasing temperature. Inhibitive effect was afforded by adsorption of the extract's components which was found to accord with Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Inhibition mechanism is deduced from the temperature dependence of the inhibition efficiency and was further corroborated by the values of activation parameters obtained from the experimental data.

  13. CHADS2 and modified CHA2DS2-VASc scores for the prediction of congestive heart failure in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yorihiko Koeda


    Conclusion: Calculation of the CHADS2 and mCHA2DS2-VASc scores in order to evaluate the risk of systemic thromboembolism was useful to predict the onset of CHF, but not all-cause death, in patients with NVAF.

  14. Mantacaprella macaronensis, a new genus and species of Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Canary Islands and Cape Verde. (United States)

    Maite, Vázquez-Luis; José M, Guerra-García; Susana, Carvalho; Lydia Png-Gonzalez


    Mantacaprella macaronensis new genus, new species, is described based on specimens collected from Canary Islands and Cape Verde. Mantacaprella is close to the genera Parambus, Pseudolirius, Propodalirius and Paracaprella, but can be distinguished by the combination of the following characteristics: pereopods 3, 4 and 5 two-articulate; pereopods 6 and 7 six-articulate; mandibular molar present and palp absent; male abdomen with a pair of well-developed appendages. The new species has been found living in Cymodocea nodosa meadows and Caulerpa prolifera beds from 8.8 to 14.6 m depth in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands), and in natural rocky and artificial habitats (shipwrecks) at 25 m in Sal Island (Cape Verde). Even though the new species is one of the dominant amphipods inhabiting meadows of Cymodocea nodosa in Gran Canaria and in Cape Verde, it had not been described so far. This reflects the lack of knowledge on Macaronesian invertebrates, such as amphipods, and the need of further taxonomical studies to better characterise the whole biodiversity of this region and to design adequate programmes of management and conservation.

  15. Community-based tourism in Cape Verde - a case study


    Tomas Lopez-Guzman; Osvaldo Borges; Ana Maria Castillo-Canalejo


    Community-based tourism is taking its place in the world as an alternative to traditional tourist destinations, especially in developing countries. This form of tourism allows for greater contact with the local community and for the tourist to experience new sensations while enabling the economic and social development of the geographic area. In this paper, the results of fieldwork carried out in the island of Fogo (Cape Verde) are presented, assessing the opinion and perception tourists visi...

  16. Proposal for implementation of alternative source term in the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bazan L, A.; Lopez L, M.; Vargas A, A.; Cardenas J, J. B.


    In 2010 the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde will implement the extended power upbeat in both units of the plant. Agree with methodology of NEDC-33004P-A, (constant pressure power up rate), and the source term of core, for accidents evaluations, were increased in proportion to the ratio of power level. This means that for the case of a design basis accident of loss of coolant an increase of power of 15% originated an increase of 15% in dose to main control room. Using the method of NEDC-33004P-A to extended power upbeat conditions was determined that the dose value to main control room is very near to regulatory limit established by SRP 6.4. By the above and in order to recover the margin, the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde will calculate an alternative source term following the criteria established in RG 1.183 (alternative radiological source term for evaluating DBA at nuclear power reactor). This approach also have a more realistic dose value using the criterion of 10-CFR-50.67, in addition is predicted to get the benefit of additional operational flexibilities. This paper present the proposal of implementing the alternative source term in Laguna Verde. (Author)

  17. Propuesta de mejoramiento tecnológico de techos verdes para el clima tropical andino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Gómez Cubillos


    Full Text Available La gestión de riesgos por el aumento de la escorrentía superficial en zonas urbanas requiere intervención desde múltiples enfoques, ambientales, sanitarios, sociales y económicas. La infraestructura verde aporta soluciones de creciente interés por sus beneficios ambientales y potencial aprovechamiento económico. Este artículo propone un mejoramiento tecnológi-co para la adaptación de los techos verdes al clima tropical andino, en términos de su com-portamiento hidrológico, para lo cual se desarrolló un montaje experimental con seis módu-los de techos verdes extensivos y un módulo testigo (solo cubierta. El montaje experimental permitió la obtención de datos de 21 eventos de precipitación, modificando la configuración de dos factores experimentales, tipo de planta con seis variaciones y altura de sustrato con tres variaciones y tres eventos más para verificar el efecto de la variación de la pendiente de la cubierta, como tercer factor. Los datos obtenidos se procesaron para el cálculo de las va-riables hidrológicas de interés (precipitación, escorrentía, duración del evento, tiempo ante-rior seco, que expresan las características del evento y los indicadores del comportamiento hidrológico (coeficientes de escorrentía basado en volumen Cv y en el caudal pico Cp y tiem-po de retraso K y su análisis estadístico permitió identificar cuáles factores experimentales tienen o no influencia significativa en dichos indicadores. Finalmente, se desarrollaron herramientas para la simulación de variables e indicadores hidrológicos a partir de series de precipitación externas y su implementación en una herramienta de diseño que seleccione las configuraciones de techos verdes que presenten el mejor comportamiento hidrológico.

  18. Desarrollo de alimentos tipo snack de bajo contenido graso a partir de discos de manzana verde


    Tavera Quiroz, María José


    Esta investigación se basó en el desarrollo de productos tipo snack bajos en grasa a partir de manzana verde Granny Smith (Malus domestica). Se desarrollaron snacks a partir de manzanas verdes estudiando diferentes alternativas de cocción (fritado, horneado o su combinación) con el objetivo de obtener productos con menor contenido graso que los tradicionales pero con las propiedades que los consumidores valoran en los mismos, como el color y la textura crocante. Para ello se analizó...

  19. Entre la publicidad social y la publicidad ambiental: una revisión de la contrapublicidad verde de Greenpeace


    Martín Villar, Sara


    Este trabajo presenta un análisis y evolución de la publicidad social, sus efectos, características y tendencias en nuestra sociedad. Se conceptualiza la publicidad verde como medio de denuncia de lo social, y se realiza una recopilación de las acciones de Greenpeace y su contrapublicidad para detener la deforestación de los bosques de Indonesia. Una aproximación a los conceptos de publicidad social, publicidad ambiental, publicidad verde y contrapublicidad. Grado en Publicidad y Relacione...

  20. Mesa Verde: A Study of Man in an Agricultural Setting. Library Packet. (United States)

    Community Health Service (DHEW/PHS), Bethesda, MD.

    This collection of secondary readings contains general information about the ecology of living space, and specific information about the prehistory ecology of Mesa Verde, Colorado. There is also a section on how anthropologists use trees to date artifacts. A related document is indexed as ED 001 721. (AWW)

  1. Techos verdes: una alternativa ecológica

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    Maureen Trebilcock Kelly


    Full Text Available Es un hecho que estamos pavimentando nuestro Planeta. Durante el siglo XX, hemos construido aceleradamente ciudades y carreteras, cubriendo y destruyendo, en este proceso, nuestra tierra. Este hecho es más evidente en las áreas urbanas, que aparecen sobrepavimentadas, donde la vegetación cubre apenas un tercio de la superficie, comparado con un 75 a 95% de las áreas rurales. En Chile, las áreas urbanas crecen sin límite aparente, especialmente nuestra capital, con escasez de áreas verdes y con un alarmante aumento en los niveles de contaminación atmosférica y acústica.

  2. Landscape value of the tea (Camellia sinensis areas

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    Nilgün Güneroğlu


    Full Text Available Agricultural fields are very effective and widespread in Turkey’s rural landscape formation. Turkey is located on transitional climatic zone on mid-latitudes which leads to diversification of agricultural plants. Accordingly, many agricultural landscape types representing diferent regions and culture were naturally formed. Agricultural lands are not only fields for harvesting crops but also areas to form natural habitats, reduce greenhouse effect and create cultural landscapes with countable value. Moreover, it is well-known that landscape value has also economic compesation as result of offered ecosystem services. Therefore this study was carried out in Rize city located on Northeastern part of Turkey and characterized by Tea (Camellia sinensis cultivation. This study was carried out in three steps. The first step is a literature search, the second one is the preparing of identity card for each survey point and the last step is based on data obtained from questionnaries and related field work to produce quantitative landscpae value map of the region by considering visual perception and tourism value of the study area. Finally, character number 2 has the highest landscape value whereas character number 4 has the lowest landscape value among previosuly determined 5 landscape characters of the study area. It is concluded that non-fragmented areas are generally more preffered as they offer integrated and perceivable landscapes to the users.

  3. Super compacting of drums with dry solid radioactive waste in the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde;Super compactacion de bidones con desecho radiactivo solido seco en la central nucleo electrica Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez G, R.; Lara H, M. A.; Cabrera Ll, M.; Verdalet de la Torre, O., E-mail: marco.lara@cfe.gob.m [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Central Nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde, Carretera Nautla-Cardel Km. 42.5, Alto Lucero, Veracruz (Mexico)


    The nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde located in the Gulf of Mexico, completes in this 2009, nineteen years to produce by nuclear means 4.78% of the electric power that Mexico requires daily. During this time, the Unit 1 has generated more of 88.85 million mega watt-hour and the Unit 2 more of 69.48 million mega watt-hour with an availability average of 83.55%. Derived of their operation cycles, the nuclear power plant has generated (as any other installation of its type) radioactive wastes of low activity that at the moment are temporarily stored in the site. Due to the life cycle of the nuclear power plant, actually has become necessary to begin a project series focused to continue guaranteeing the storage of these wastes, guarantee that is a license requirement for the operation of this nuclear installation before the National Commission of Nuclear Security and Safeguards. The Federal Commission of Electricity beginning a project that allows continue guaranteeing space of sufficient storage for the wastes that the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde could generate for the rest of its useful life, this project consisted on a process of physical volume reduction of dry solid radioactive wastes denominated super compacting, it has made possible to reduce the volume that these wastes occupy in the temporary storage noted Dry Solid Radioactive Wastes Deposit located inside the site that occupies the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde. This work presents the super compacting results, as well as a description of the realization of this task until concluding with the super compacting of 5,854 drums with dry solid radioactive waste of low activity. We will enunciate which were the radiological controls that the Department of Radiological Protection of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde applied to this work that was realized for first time in Mexico and the nuclear power plant. (Author)


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    Tiago Hennemann Hilario da Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem por objetivo explorar a utilização do marketing verde nas operações de agentes da logística do processo de distribuição. O referencial teórico utilizado foi baseado em duas subáreas de conhecimento: marketing verde em serviços e cadeia de suprimentos verde. O objeto de estudo foi uma organização de médio porte do ramo de tecnologia e fornecedora de soluções em automação industrial. A coleta de dados empíricos envolveu um estudo de caso único, a pesquisa do tipo exploratória qualitativa e a aplicação dos métodos observação participante e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados coletados foram examinados por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados revelaram que ações de marketing verde, nos agentes da logística de distribuição, são perceptíveis aos olhos de todos os participantes do processo, tanto internos como externos à organização, principalmente, aos clientes finais. A pesquisa identificou também necessidade de ações internas na organização e de melhorias nos processos “verdes” dos agentes de logística no processo de distribuição. Palavras-chave: Cadeia de suprimentos verde. Logística de distribuição. Marketing em serviços. Marketing verde.

  5. Enhancing the 'real world' prediction of cardiovascular events and major bleeding with the CHA2DS2-VASc and HAS-BLED scores using multiple biomarkers. (United States)

    Roldán, Vanessa; Rivera-Caravaca, José Miguel; Shantsila, Alena; García-Fernández, Amaya; Esteve-Pastor, María Asunción; Vilchez, Juan Antonio; Romera, Marta; Valdés, Mariano; Vicente, Vicente; Marín, Francisco; Lip, Gregory Y H


    Atrial fibrillation (AF)-European guidelines suggest the use of biomarkers to stratify patients for stroke and bleeding risks. We investigated if a multibiomarker strategy improved the predictive performance of CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc and HAS-BLED in anticoagulated AF patients. We included consecutive patients stabilized for six months on vitamin K antagonists (INRs 2.0-3.0). High sensitivity troponin T, NT-proBNP, interleukin-6, von Willebrand factor concentrations and glomerular filtration rate (eGFR; using MDRD-4 formula) were quantified at baseline. Time in therapeutic range (TTR) was recorded at six months after inclusion. Patients were follow-up during a median of 2375 (IQR 1564-2887) days and all adverse events were recorded. In 1361 patients, adding four blood biomarkers, TTR and MDRD-eGFR, the predictive value of CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc increased significantly by c-index (0.63 vs. 0.65; p = .030) and IDI (0.85%; p originals scores. Addition of biomarkers enhanced the predictive value of CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc and HAS-BLED, although the overall improvement was modest and the added predictive advantage over original scores was marginal. Key Messages Recent atrial fibrillation (AF)-European guidelines for the first time suggest the use of biomarkers to stratify patients for stroke and bleeding risks, but their usefulness in real world for risk stratification is still questionable. In this cohort study involving 1361 AF patients optimally anticoagulated with vitamin K antagonists, adding high sensitivity troponin T, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, interleukin 6, von Willebrand factor, glomerular filtration rate (by the MDRD-4 formula) and time in therapeutic range, increased the predictive value of CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc for cardiovascular events, but not the predictive value of HAS-BLED for major bleeding. Reclassification analyses did not show improvement adding multiple biomarkers. Despite the improvement observed, the added predictive advantage is marginal and

  6. The volcanic and geochemical development of São Nicolau, Cape Verde Islands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Duprat, Helene Inga; Holm, Paul Martin; Sherson, Jacob Friis


    We present 34 new age results from 40 Ar/39 Ar incremental heating analyses of groundmass separates from volcanic rocks from São Nicolau, Cape Verde. Combining the age results with field observations, we show that the volcanic activity that formed the island occurred in four separate stages: 1: >6...

  7. Start up and commercial operation of Laguna Verde nuclear power plant. Unit 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres Ramirez, J.F.


    Prior to start up of Laguna Verde nuclear power plant preoperational tests and start tests were performed and they are described in its more eminent aspects. In relation to commercial operation of nuclear station a series of indicator were set to which allow the measurement of performance in unit 1, in areas of plant efficiency and personal safety. Antecedents. Laguna Verde station is located in Alto Lucero municipality in Veracruz state, 70 kilometers north-northeast from port of Veracruz and a 290 kilometers east-northeast from Mexico city. The station consist of two units manufactured by General Electric, with a nuclear system of vapor supply also called boiling water (BWR/5), and with a system turbine-generator manufactured by Mitsubishi. Each unit has a nominal power of 1931 MWt and a level design power of 675 Mwe and a net power of 654 Electric Megawatts

  8. Recent research advances and ethno-botanical history of miang, a traditional fermented tea (Camellia sinensis var. assamica) of northern Thailand


    Chartchai Khanongnuch; Kridsada Unban; Apinun Kanpiengjai; Chalermpong Saenjum


    Miang is an ethnic fermented tea leaf (Camellia sinensis var. assamica) from northern Thailand. It has a long history of sociocultural relationship with northern Thai people. Unlike other types of tea, miang is a unique product that is known as chewing tea or eating tea. In addition, it is also a specific food for traditional religious ceremonies and funerals. Although chewing of miang has become less popular among younger generations, there remains a demand for miang in specific areas of nor...

  9. Analysis of internal events for the Unit 1 of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station. Appendixes; Analisis de eventos internos para la Unidad 1 de la Central Nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde. Apendices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huerta B, A; Lopez M, R [Comision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias, 03000 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    This volume contains the appendices for the accident sequences analysis for those internally initiated events for Laguna Verde Unit 1, Nuclear Power Plant. The appendix A presents the comments raised by the Sandia National Laboratories technical staff as a result of the review of the Internal Event Analysis for Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant. This review was performed during a joint Sandia/CNSNS multi-day meeting by the end 1992. Also included is a brief evaluation on the applicability of these comments to the present study. The appendix B presents the fault tree models printed for each of the systems included and.analyzed in the Internal Event Analysis for LVNPP. The appendice C presents the outputs of the TEMAC code, used for the cuantification of the dominant accident sequences as well as for the final core damage evaluation. (Author)

  10. Vantagens e desvantagens da utilização de peles-verdes em edificações residenciais em Porto Alegre segundo seus moradores

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    Mariene Valesan

    Full Text Available Pele-verde (trepadeiras recobrindo fachadas de uma edificação, muro ou outro elemento vertical é uma técnica de baixo impacto ambiental e com benefícios para a edificação e seu entorno. O presente trabalho analisa peles-verdes encontradas em edifícios residenciais em Porto Alegre, a partir da percepção de seus moradores, como os objetivos de gerar um registro da utilização dessa técnica e de discutir suas principais vantagens e desvantagens. A metodologia de pesquisa valeu-se de entrevistas em profundidade, estruturadas por questionários, aplicadas junto a moradores de 38 edificações (unifamiliares e multifamiliares revestidas por peles-verdes. As peles-verdes analisadas são do tipo autoaderentes, utilizando-se das espécies Ficus pumila e Parthenocissus tricuspidata. Os entrevistados confirmaram como principais vantagens da técnica o embelezamento da paisagem, a integração do ambiente urbano e da natureza, os efeitos positivos para o bem-estar do homem e a melhoria da temperatura interna das edificações. A principal desvantagem citada foi o trabalho de manutenção do revestimento vegetal. Assim, esta pesquisa indica que a pele-verde é uma técnica que tem o potencial de melhorar o ambiente urbano e, por isso, o desenvolvimento de pesquisa sobre ário.

  11. Safety evaluation of the Laguna Verde nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delgado G, J.L.


    The present work describe the licensing process for the first nuclear power plant built in Mexico, it presents the difficulties found during the several years of construction and tests until the phrase a level of safety equivalent to that of the country of origin of the nuclear steam supply system could be applicable to Laguna Verde, at least from the point of view of the mexican regulatory body, and also that this statement could be signed for the inspectors of international organizations. (author)

  12. Ionizing radiation effect on teas of Camellia sinensis plant irradiated with different water activities; Efeito da radiacao ionizante em chas da planta Camellia sinensis irradiados com diferentes atividades de agua

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fanaro, Gustavo Bernardes


    Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. Teas from Camellia sinensis plant have high levels of antioxidants, which mean that they may have several beneficial effects on health preservation. For centuries, mankind looks for ways to conserve better and for a longer time the food that they eat. The food irradiation process is a largely technique used worldwide, and is recommended by many health agencies and authorities of several countries. The radiation interacts with the material causing two kinds of effects, the direct and the indirect effect. In the direct effect the radiation interacts with the DNA molecule, breaking it, and then inactivates the cell. In the indirect effect, which represents 70% of the interaction, the radiation breaks the water molecule in a process denominated radiolysis, creating a number of free radicals that will interact with the cellular components, leading to the cell death. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study the effects of gamma radiation on two kinds of tea from Camellia sinensis plant irradiated with different water activities. The green tea and black tea samples had their Aw adjusted to three values (high Aw, medium Aw, and low Aw). The samples were irradiated in {sup 60}Co source at doses of 0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 kGy. The analyses used were: microbiology by plate count, total phenolic compounds quantification, antioxidant activity by ORAC assay, and identification and quantification of main antioxidants in these beverages. It was noted that the greater the quantity of free water present in the medium, the lower was the dose to achieve microbiological control. The green tea showed to be a little more susceptible to irradiation by high Aw once there was more variation in the amount of flavonoids and phenolics than the black tea, decreasing the amount of these compounds in some doses, but increasing the amount in other ones. However in both teas, these changes can be considered insignificant, since


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    Cleber Vasconcelos Moreira


    Full Text Available O crescimento da preocupação com as consequências ambientais diante do consumo desenfreado tem levantado à questão da necessidade de um consumo consciente. Diante disso, um novo segmento de mercado tem sido encontrado, sendo denominados consumidores ecologicamente conscientes ou consumidores Verdes. Neste novo cenário valoriza-se a flexibilidade, a velocidade nos processos de mudanças e inovação, as competências em utilizar recursos escassos, além da sensibilidade de perceber novas tendências de mercado à frente dos concorrentes e a capacidade de elaborar e fomentar ofertas em função das antecipações dos desejos e necessidades dos clientes. A dificuldade de previsão tornou-se ponto chave. É neste momento que se observa a relevância na valorização das preocupações de caráter ambiental como recursos na obtenção de vantagem competitiva. Essas duas nuancem Vantagem Competitiva e Marketing Verde levaram a este estudo. Deste modo, foi realizado um estudo multicaso com duas empresas do setor industrial localizadas no Espirito Santo. Os resultados comprovaram que as empresas, mesmo a que investe em meio ambiente, não o faz de forma estratégica. Ainda não há uma ampla utilização do tema como fonte recurso para ser um diferencial frente ao concorrente. Ou seja, as empresas analisadas ainda não entendem o Marketing Verde como vantagem competitiva.

  14. Popular conceptions of schizophrenia in Cape Verde, Africa Concepções populares da esquizofrenia em Cabo Verde, África

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    Mário Dinis Mateus


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: It has been well documented that schizophrenia presents a better clinical course in developing countries. Although there are many epidemiological studies showing this association, little research has been conducted to investigate the local representation systems for schizophrenia in these countries. OBJECTIVES: This study focuses on cultural factors of schizophrenia, namely the local representation systems for the disease, as well as what is locally understood as deviant behavior and its acceptability, and mechanisms of social-cultural insertion or exclusion of patients with schizophrenia in Cape Verde, Africa. METHODS: Randomized open interviews were carried out with the relatives of patients under treatment at the mental health out patient service of the Batista de Sousa Hospital (São Vicente Island between the years 1994 and 1995. Interviews dealt with patients' life histories and disease related to problems, strategies employed by the family to cope with such problems, and comments on the social and family burden. RESULTS: 20 interviews with close relatives of 10 patients were analyzed. The study focused on three main categories explaining schizophrenia: "tired head" (cabeça cansada, "nervous" (nervoso, and supernatural categories (like "sorcery" or "witchcraft". The interviewees expressed their opinions, either explicitly or not, on whether their relatives truly had a disease. CONCLUSION: Characteristics of local categories for schizophrenia found in Cape Verde can be regarded as a less stigmatized way of dealing with the disease. It is reasonable to suppose that the understanding of such cultural factors could lead to better outcomes in the treatment for schizophrenia in this country, and also in others, where similar conditions can be identified.INTRODUÇÃO: Tem sido bem documentado que a esquizofrenia apresenta um melhor curso clínico em países em desenvolvimento. Ainda que haja muitos estudos epidemiol

  15. Importancia de los ensayos de compactibilidad, resistencia en verde y humedad en mezclas de moldeo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alain Valdés-Crúz


    Full Text Available A partir de la teoría del agua rígida y de los trabajos desarrollados por Wenninger se alcanzó una concepción más clara sobre los mecanismos de aglutinación en verde de las mezclas de moldeo. Al mismo tiempo, se presta una particular atención a los ensayos de compactibilidad, resistencia a la compresión en verde y humedad, como índices más representativos de dicho proceso de aglutinación. Se demuestra la relación que existe entre estos ensayos y las consecuencias de los trabajos de Wenninger. Se hace particular énfasis en el ensayo de compactibilidad por considerarlo de aplicación limitada.

  16. Modernization of the turbo in the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liebana, B.; Merino, A.; Cobos, A.; Gonzalez, J. J.


    The power increase of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant is a project for the rehabilitation and modernization of the turbo and associated equipment to get an increase of its power and of its service life. The project scope includes the design, the engineering, the equipment supply, the installation, the testing and the commissioning. This paper describes the first phase of the project.

  17. UV, X-ray, and Optical Variability of the Young Star T Cha Produced by Inner Disk Obscuration: Results from a Coordinated HST, XMM-Newton, LCOGT, and SMARTS Observing Campaign (United States)

    Brown, Alexander; France, Kevin; Walter, Frederick M.; Schneider, P. Christian; Brown, Timothy M.; Andrews, Sean M.; Wilner, David J.


    The young (7 Myr) 1.5 solar mass T Tauri star T Chamaeleontis shows dramatic variability. The optical extinction varies by at least 3 magnitudes on few hour time-scales with no obvious periodicity. The obscuration is produced by material at the inner edge of the circumstellar disk and therefore characterizing the absorbing material can reveal important clues regarding the transport of gas and dust within such disks. The inner disk of T Cha is particularly interesting, because T Cha has a transitional disk with a large gap at 0.2-15 AU in the dust disk and allows study of the gas and dust structure in the terrestrial planet formation zone during this important rapid phase of protoplanetary disk evolution. For this reason we have conducted a major multi-spectral-region observing campaign to study the UV/X-ray/optical variability of T Cha. During 2018 February/March we monitored the optical photometric and spectral variability using LCOGT (Chile/South Africa/Australia) and the SMARTS telescopes in Chile. These optical data provide a broad context within which to interpret our shorter UV and X-ray observations. We observed T Cha during 3 coordinated observations (each 5 HST orbits + 25 ksec XMM; on 2018 Feb 22, Feb 26, Mar 2) using the HST COS/STIS spectrographs to measure the FUV/NUV spectra and XMM-Newton to measure the corresponding X-ray energy distribution. The observed spectral changes are well correlated and demonstrate the influence of the same absorbing material in all the spectral regions observed. By examining which spectral features change and by how much we can determine the location of different emitting regions relative to the absorbers along the line-of-sight to the star. In this poster we provide an overview of the variability seen in the different spectral regions and quantify the dust and gas content of T Cha's inner disk edge.(This work is supported by grant HST-GO-15128 and time awarded by HST, XMM-Newton, LCOGT, and SMARTS. We acknowledge the

  18. Mesa Verde: A Study of Man in an Agricultural Setting. Student Manual. (United States)

    Community Health Service (DHEW/PHS), Bethesda, MD.

    This student manual contains information and guides to assist the secondary student in functioning as an archeologist. Included are fables, pictures for analysis, a time line and description of the pre-history of Mesa Verde, Colorado. The manual concludes with artifact identification word sheets. A related document is ED 001 722. (AWW)

  19. The continuous improvement system of nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde; El sistema de mejora continua de la central nucleoelectrica Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rivera C, A. [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Central Nucleoelectrica Laguna Verde, Km. 42.5 Cardel-Nautla, Veracruz (Mexico)], e-mail:


    This paper describes the continuous improvement system of nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde and the achievements in implementing the same and additionally two study cases are presents. In February 2009 is noteworthy because the World Association of Nuclear Operators we identified as a learning organization, qualification which shows that the continuous improvement system has matured, and this system will expose as I get to learn to capitalize on our own experiences and external experiences diffused by the nuclear industry. In 2007 the management of nuclear power plants integrates its improvement systems and calls it continuous improvement system and is presented in the same extensive report that won the National Quality Award. This system is made up of 5 subsystems operating individually and are also related 1) human performance; 2) referential comparison or benchmarking; 3) self-assessment; 4) corrective action and 5) external operating experience. Five subsystems that plan, generate, capture, manage, communicate and protect the knowledge generated during the processes execution of nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde, as well as from external sources. The target set in 2007 was to increase the intellectual capital to always give response to meeting the security requirements, but creating a higher value to quality, customer, environment protection and society. In brief each of them, highlighting the objective, expectations management, implementation and some benefits. At the end they will describe two study cases selected to illustrate these cases as the organization learns by their continuous improvement system. (Author)

  20. CV-Dust: Atmospheric aerosol in the Cape Verde region: carbon and soluble fractions of PM10 (United States)

    Pio, C.; Nunes, T.; Cardoso, J.; Caseiro, A.; Custódio, D.; Cerqueira, M.; Patoilo, D.; Almeida, S. M.; Freitas, M. C.


    Every year, billions of tons of eroded mineral soils from the Saharan Desert and the Sahel region, the largest dust source in the world, cross Mediterranean towards Europe, western Asia and the tropical North Atlantic Ocean as far as the Caribbean and South America. Many aspects of the direct and indirect effects of dust on climate are not well understood and the bulk and surface chemistry of the mineral dust particles determines interactions with gaseous and other particle species. The quantification of the magnitude of warming or cooling remains open because of the strong variability of the atmospheric dust burden and the lack of representative data for the spatial and temporal distribution of the dust composition. CV-Dust is a project that aims at provide a detailed data on the size distribution and the size-resolved chemical and mineralogical composition of dust emitted from North Africa using a natural laboratory like Cape Verde. This archipelago is located in an area of massive dust transport from land to ocean, and is thus ideal to set up sampling devices that are able to characterize and quantify dust transported from Africa. Moreover, Cape Verde's future economic prospects depend heavily on the encouragement of tourism, therefore it is essential to elucidate the role of Saharan dust may play in the degradation of Cape Verde air quality. The main objectives of CV-Dust project are: 1) to characterize the chemical and mineralogical composition of dust transported from Africa by setting up an orchestra of aerosol sampling devices in the strategic archipelago of Cape Verde; 2) to identify the sources of particles in Cape Verde by using receptor models; 3) to elucidate the role Saharan dust may play in the degradation of Cape Verde air quality; 4) to model processes governing dust production, transport, interaction with the radiation field and removal from the atmosphere. Here we present part of the data obtained throughout the last year, involving a set of more

  1. Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenols from Camellia oleifera Fruit Hull

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    Jiahong Chen


    Full Text Available The abundant fruit hulls of tea-oil tree (Camellia oleifera are still underutilized and wastefully discaded to pollute the environment. In order to solve this problem and better utilize the fruit hulls of C. oleifera, a microwave-assisted extraction system was used to extract their polyphenols using water as the extraction solvent. A central composite design (CCD was used to monitor the effects of three extraction processing parameters – liquid:solid ratio (mL/g, extraction time (min and extraction temperature (°C – on the polyphenol yield (%. The results showed that the optimal conditions were liquid:solid ratio of 15.33:1 (mL/g, extraction time of 35 min and extraction temperature of 76 °C. Validation tests indicated that under the optimized conditions the actual yield of polyphenols was 15.05 ± 0.04% with RSD = 0.21% (n = 5, which was in good agreement with the predicted yield. Phenolic compounds in the extracts were analysed by HPLC, and gallic acid was found to be the predominant constituent. The total flavonoid content in the extracts was determined and high total flavonoid content was revealed (140.06 mg/g dry material.

  2. Legitimacy and Innovation in Mining: the case of the Oro Verde Program

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    Mariana Sarmiento


    Full Text Available The paper describes how the Oro Verde Program emerged, and how it has gained recognition as an innovative program that has successfully promoted improved social and environmental practices for small scale miners. The paper describes the local and regional context where the miners from Oro Verde are from, and attempts to explain how it waspossible for two afro-colombian communities, two NGOs and a government agency to find alternative arrangements to overcome the challenges that result from the complexities of the Choco region in Colombia. The paper argues that one factor of success is the interaction among participants to create a Non-State Market Driven Governance System. In the case of the Oro Verde Program, the norms created by the international system surrounding sustainable development were necessary for allowing the NGOs to bring financial resources into the project as well as opening the doors to isolated communities in Choco to an international market that valued sustainably produced products. Similarly, the national policies surrounding Green Markets and the existence of a government research institution, made the certification process possible and legitimate. Finally, having a law that recognized land rights to afro-Colombian communities and the community councils as local authorities, as well as customary laws about natural resource use and access within these territories was key for the viability of the project. All of these organizations, working as a nested governance system, that respected and embraced different but interdependent norms and interests, were key for the consolidation of a NSMD that has resonated throughout the world and that has become an element of some afro-Colombians’ struggle to protect their rights for self-determination.



    Tiago Hennemann Hilario da Silva; Alessio Bessa Sarquis; Vilmar Antonio Gonçalves Tondolo


    Este estudo tem por objetivo explorar a utilização do marketing verde nas operações de agentes da logística do processo de distribuição. O referencial teórico utilizado foi baseado em duas subáreas de conhecimento: marketing verde em serviços e cadeia de suprimentos verde. O objeto de estudo foi uma organização de médio porte do ramo de tecnologia e fornecedora de soluções em automação industrial. A coleta de dados empíricos envolveu um estudo de caso único, a pesquisa do tipo exploratória qu...

  4. Influencia de abonos verdes sobre la dinámica de nitrógeno en un Typic Haplustert del Valle del Cauca, Colombia

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    Breno Augusto Sosa Rodrígues


    Full Text Available Este estudio abordó el metabolismo del N, mediado por prácticas agroecológicas como los abonos verdes (AV, que incluyen leguminosas asociadas con rizobios -micorriza arbuscular y mejoran la nutrición de nitrógeno y fósforo. Se evaluó su influencia en la dinámica del nitrógeno de un Typic Haplustert en Candelaria (Colombia. En bloques completos al azar con seis repeticiones, se asoció como AV Mucuna pruriens L. var. Utilis - Zea mays L. var. ICA 305 (tratamiento 1- T1 y, la arvense nativa Rottboellia cochinchinensis L. como Tratamiento 2 - T2. En prefloración de M. pruriens se evaluó en el suelo el contenido de C orgánico (CO, N total (NT, nitrato, amonio, número de copias de gen amoA de las bacterias oxidantes de amonio (BOA, porosidad total del suelo (PPA, temperatura, flujo de gases con efecto invernadero: metano (CH4, dióxido de carbono (CO2 y óxido nitroso (N2O; la materia seca (MS y el contenido de C, N y P en tejidos vegetales. Se registraron concentraciones significativamente (p<0.05 altas de CO, NT, amonio y nitrato, en T2. BOA fue significativamente mayor en T1, coincidiendo con mayor PPA y menor temperatura del suelo. El CO2 atmosférico fue significativamente menor en T1, mientras que CH4 y N2O alcanzaron los valores más altos. Al finalizar el ensayo, AV en T1 aportó cerca de 4 t MS/ha, 1668.3 kg C/ha, 78.7 kg N/ha y 11.0 kg P/ha, con beneficio económico-social de 9.2 ton choclo/ha.

  5. Verdes Mares: The Ideology of the Siren

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    Bruno Marinoni Marinoni


    Full Text Available The television channel number 10 of Fortaleza (current TV Verdes Mares, during the 1960 decade, passed through the ideological filter of the Military Dictatorship, when the channel was taken from its owner and given to the businessman Edson Queiroz. The filter had consequences in the next decade with the channel affiliation to the biggest network broadcasting of the country, the Rede Globo, which was also protected by the Military Regime. Based on those two facts, it is intended to discuss some aspects of the exploration models of communication that occurs in the country since the specified period, emphasizing the ideology transmitted by the TV channel which has the biggest audience ratings in Ceará.

  6. Epidemiology of the Zika Virus Outbreak in the Cabo Verde Islands, West Africa. (United States)

    Lourenço, José; de Lourdes Monteiro, Maria; Valdez, Tomás; Monteiro Rodrigues, Júlio; Pybus, Oliver; Rodrigues Faria, Nuno


    The Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak in the island nation of Cabo Verde was of unprecedented magnitude in Africa and the first to be associated with microcephaly in the continent. Using a simple mathematical framework we present a first epidemiological assessment of attack and observation rates from 7,580 ZIKV notified cases and 18 microcephaly reports between July 2015 and May 2016. In line with observations from the Americas and elsewhere, the single-wave Cabo Verdean ZIKV epidemic was characterized by a basic reproductive number of 1.85 (95% CI, 1.5 - 2.2), with overall the attack rate of 51.1% (range 42.1 - 61.1) and observation rate of 2.7% (range 2.29 - 3.33). Current herd-immunity may not be sufficient to prevent future small-to-medium epidemics in Cabo Verde. Together with a small observation rate, these results highlight the need for rapid and integrated epidemiological, molecular and genomic surveillance to tackle forthcoming outbreaks of ZIKV and other arboviruses.

  7. X-chromosome STR markers data in a Cabo Verde immigrant population of Lisboa. (United States)

    Afonso Costa, Heloísa; Morais, Paulo; Vieira da Silva, Cláudia; Matos, Sara; Marques Santos, Rodolfo; Espinheira, Rosa; Costa Santos, Jorge; Amorim, António


    Population genetic data of 12 X chromosomal short tandem repeats markers (DXS10074, DXS10079, DXS10101, DXS10103, DXS10134, DXS10135, DXS10146, DXS10148, DXS7132, DXS7423, DXS8378 and HPRTB) were analysed in 54 females and 95 males of an immigrant population from Cabo Verde living in Lisboa. The obtained results for forensic statistical parameters such as observed heterozigosity, polymorphism information content, power of discrimination and mean exclusion chance, based on single allele frequencies, reveal that this multiplex system is highly informative and can represent an important tool for genetic identification purposes in the immigrant population of Cabo Verde. Since the studied short tandem repeats genetic markers are distributed on four linkage groups, that can provide independent genotype information, we studied those groups as haploytes. The forensic efficiency parameters for the linked groups were all higher than 0.97, with linkage group I being the most polymorphic and linkage group III the less informative.

  8. Bacterial Feeders, the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the Flagellate Cercomonas longicauda, have different Effects on Outcome of Competition among the Pseudomonas Biocontrol Strains CHA0 and DSS73

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Annette; Nybroe, Ole; Winding, Anne


    How bacterial feeding fauna affects colonization and survival of bacteria in soil is not well understood, which constrains the applicability of bacterial inoculants in agriculture. This study aimed to unravel how food quality of bacteria and bacterial feeders with different feeding habits (the......50090 or one of two biocontrol strains P. fluorescens CHA0 or Pseudomonas sp. DSS73) or combinations of two bacterial strains. DSM50090 is a suitable food bacterium, DSS73 is of intermediate food quality, and CHA0 is inedible to the bacterial feeders. Bacterial and protozoan cell numbers were measured...... predation pressure. Hence, the results suggested that the outcome of competition among bacteria depended on their ability to cope with the prevailing bacterial predator....

  9. Produção e estado nutricional do milho em cultivo intercalar com adubos verdes

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    R. Heinrichs


    Full Text Available A utilização da adubação verde para estabelecer a diversidade e o equilíbrio do sistema de produção é um dos paradigmas da agricultura moderna. Com o objetivo de avaliar a produção e o estado nutricional da cultura de milho sob cultivo intercalar com adubos verdes, foi realizado, entre 1995 e 1997, um experimento em campo, em Piracicaba (SP, em um Litossolo Vermelho eutrófico. O milho foi semeado no espaçamento de 0,90m nas entrelinhas, perfazendo aproximadamente 50.000plantas por hectare. Os tratamentos constaram de uma testemunha, sem cultivo intercalar, e quatro espécies de adubos verdes: mucuna anã (Mucuna deeringiana (Bort. Merr, guandu anão (Cajanus cajan (L. Millsp, crotalária (Crotalaria spectabilis Roth e feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformis (L. DC., semeados sem adubação, no meio da entrelinha, distante 45cm da linha do milho, em duas épocas: simultânea à semeadura do milho e 30dias após. O solo, no primeiro ano, foi preparado sob sistema convencional e, no segundo, cultivaram-se as culturas sob semeadura direta. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. O estado nutricional e a produção de grãos do milho apresentaram melhores resultados no cultivo consorciado com feijão-de-porco. Os efeitos positivos desta espécie na produtividade de grãos de milho foram mais acentuados no segundo ano de adoção do cultivo consorciado, quando o sistema de manejo do solo foi semeadura direta. A semeadura dos adubos verdes simultânea ao milho foi o manejo mais recomendável, por não prejudicar o desenvolvimento do milho e reduzir a operação pós-plantio.

  10. Fuel failure at the Laguna Verde unit 1- during Cycle 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Espinosa Vega, Juan Manuel


    The present work describes the event occurred at the Laguna Verde nuclear power plants Unit 1 during its fourth cycle ensembles; the first failure, by means of a test of power suppression, and the second one, during the sipping accomplished in the four refuelling of the unit. Also it describes the re-evaluation of the event accomplished by the licenser, the manufacturer and the Mexican agency

  11. [The content of mineral elements in Camellia olei fera ovary at pollination and fertilization stages determined by auto discrete analyzers and atomic absorption spectrophotometer]. (United States)

    Zou, Feng; Yuan, De-Yi; Gao, Chao; Liao, Ting; Chen, Wen-Tao; Han, Zhi-Qiang; Zhang, Lin


    In order to elucidate the nutrition of Camellia olei fera at pollination and fertilization stages, the contents of mineral elements were determined by auto discrete analyzers and atomic absorption spectrophotometer, and the change in the contents of mineral elements was studied and analysed under the condition of self- and cross-pollination. The results are showed that nine kinds of mineral elements contents were of "S" or "W" type curve changes at the pollination and fertilization stages of Camellia olei fera. N, K, Zn, Cu, Ca, Mn element content changes showed "S" curve under the self- and out-crossing, the content of N reaching the highest was 3.445 8 mg x g(-1) in self-pollination of 20 d; K content reaching the highest at the cross-pollination 20 d was 6.275 5 mg x g(-1); Zn content in self-pollination of 10 d reaching the highest was 0.070 5 mg x g(-1); Cu content in the cross-pollination of 5 d up to the highest was 0.061 0 mg x g(-1); Ca content in the cross-pollination of 15 d up to the highest was 3.714 5 mg x g(-1); the content of Mn reaching the highest in self-pollination 30 d was 2. 161 5 mg x g(-1). Fe, P, Mg element content changes was of "S" type curve in selfing and was of "W" type curve in outcrossing, Fe content in the self-pollination 10 d up to the highest was 0.453 0 mg x g(-1); P content in self-pollination of 20 d reaching the highest was 6.731 8 mg x g(-1); the content of Mg up to the highest in self-pollination 25 d was 2.724 0 mg x g(-1). The results can be used as a reference for spraying foliar fertilizer, and improving seed setting rate and yield in Camellia olei fera.

  12. EMI – young HIMU rock association at the Cape Verde Islands revisited: on the role of oceanic carbonatites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Paul Martin; Kokfelt, Thomas Find; Dyhr, Charlotte Thorup

    Isotopic compositions of the Cape Verde (Central) hotspot magmas indicate a predominant influence from young HIMU and EM-1 type sources. Detailed modelling based on high precision Sr, Nd and Pb (DS) isotope data suggests that seven local mantle end-members explain the isotopic variation within five...... HIMU. Carbonatites are widespread throughout Cape Verde Islands but volumetrically minor and are low in Ti, K, and Rb. In several silicate rocks from all three islands low Ti/Eu is evidence for a carbonatite component and is accompanied by LREE enrichment, and relatively low K and Rb. Other rocks have...

  13. Identificación de Ecosistemas y Servicios Ecosistémicos dentro del ámbito de la Costa Verde.


    Majluf, Patricia


    Dado el desarrollo económico del Perú y la inminente culminación de la vía rápida de tres carriles en la parte baja de la Costa Verde, es necesario que se instale dentro de la mente de los limeños y de los tomadores de decisión, la idea de la necesidad y del gran potencial que ofrece la Costa Verde para mantener, mejorar, crear o recuperar espacios naturales o seminaturales, accesibles para la mayoría de pobladores de una ciudad que no va a poder sustituirla por otros espacios similares. H...

  14. Generation of the ECP database (ECP01.DAT) of the cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde with burnt of 1377 MWD/MT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perusquia C, R.


    In order to carrying out a comparison among the results provided by the Program of Estimate of the ECP Critical Position and the Shutdown/Startup produced in the Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde, it was generated the base of the ECP program, following the outlines settled down in the Procedure 'Generation of ECP Database for Laguna Verde' (IT.SN/DFR-074). Next the data sheets filled when being generated the ECP01.DAT database with a burnt of 1377 MWD/MT are provided. In the report IT.SN/DFR-079 'Adjustment and Preliminary Evaluation of the Predictions of Criticity of the ECP Program with Reported Data of the Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde', the results of the comparison among those estimates of the ECP program using the ECP01.DAT database with the real data of the Cycle 1 of the Unit 1 of Laguna Verde are presented. (Author)

  15. Impacts of the Conservation Education Program in Serra Malagueta Natural Park, Cape Verde (United States)

    Burnett, Edmund; Sills, Erin; Peterson, M. Nils; DePerno, Christopher


    Environmental and conservation education programs are commonly offered in the rapidly expanding network of protected areas in developing countries. There have been few evaluations of these programs and their impacts on participants. At Serra Malagueta Natural Park in Cape Verde, we assessed changes in environmental knowledge, opinions, and…

  16. Adherence to treatment guidelines: the association between stroke risk stratified comparing CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc score levels and warfarin prescription for adult patients with atrial fibrillation. (United States)

    Chapman, Scott A; St Hill, Catherine A; Little, Meg M; Swanoski, Michael T; Scheiner, Shellina R; Ware, Kenric B; Lutfiyya, M Nawal


    Ischemic stroke is a risk associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) and is estimated to occur five times more often in afflicted patients than in those without AF. Anti-thrombotic therapy is recommended for the prevention of ischemic stroke. Risk stratification tools, such as the CHADS 2 , and more recently the CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc, for predicting stroke in patients with AF have been developed to determine the level of stroke risk and assist clinicians in the selection of antithrombotic therapy. Warfarin, for stroke prevention in AF, is the most commonly prescribed anticoagulant in North America. The purpose of this study was to examine the utility of using the CHADS 2 score levels (low and high) in contrast to the CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc when examining the outcome of warfarin prescriptions for adult patients with AF. The CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc tool was not widely used in 2010, when the data analyzed were collected. It has only been since 2014 that CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc criteria has been recommended to guide anticoagulant treatment in updated AF treatment guidelines. Bivariate and multivariate data analysis strategies were used to analyze 2010 National Ambulatory Care Survey (NAMCS) data. NAMCS is designed to collect data on the use and provision of ambulatory care services nationwide. The study population for this research was US adults with a diagnosis of AF. Warfarin prescription was the dependent variable for this study. The study population was 7,669,844 AF patients. Bivariate analysis revealed that of those AF patients with a high CHADS 2 score, 25.1% had received a warfarin prescription and 18.8 for those with a high CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score. Logistic regression analysis yielded that patients with AF had higher odds of having a warfarin prescription if they had a high CHADS 2 score, were Caucasian, lived in a zip code where guideline adherence in alignment with risk stratification for stroke prevention. Interprofessional health care teams can provide improved medical management of

  17. A rock- and palaeomagnetic study of recent lavas and 1995 volcanic glass on Fogo (Cape Verde Islands)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, M.F.; Abrahamsen, N.; Riisager, P.


    Fogo is the only island in the Cape Verde archipelago with accounts of historical volcanic activity.Here we present palaeomagnetic data from seven geologically recent lava flows on Fogo, including one glassy, volcanic flow from the eruption in 1995. Almost all samples behaved well during alternat......Fogo is the only island in the Cape Verde archipelago with accounts of historical volcanic activity.Here we present palaeomagnetic data from seven geologically recent lava flows on Fogo, including one glassy, volcanic flow from the eruption in 1995. Almost all samples behaved well during...

  18. Recurrent Stroke: The Value of the CHA2DS2VASc Score and the Essen Stroke Risk Score in a Nationwide Stroke Cohort. (United States)

    Andersen, Søren Due; Gorst-Rasmussen, Anders; Lip, Gregory Y H; Bach, Flemming W; Larsen, Torben Bjerregaard


    The CHA2DS2VASc score and the Essen Stroke Risk Score are respectively used for risk stratification in patients with atrial fibrillation and in patients with cerebrovascular incidents. We aimed to test the ability of the 2 scores to predict stroke recurrence, death, and cardiovascular events (stroke, transient ischemic attack, myocardial infarction, or arterial thromboembolism) in a nationwide Danish cohort study, among patients with incident ischemic stroke and no atrial fibrillation. We conducted a registry-based study in patients with incident ischemic stroke and no atrial fibrillation. Patients were stratified according to the CHA2DS2VASc score and the Essen Stroke Risk Score and were followed up until stroke recurrence or death. We estimated stratified incidence rates and hazard ratios and calculated the cumulative risks. 42 182 patients with incident ischemic stroke with median age 70.1 years were included. The overall 1-year incidence rates of recurrent stroke, death, and cardiovascular events were 3.6%, 10.5%, and 6.7%, respectively. The incidence rates, the hazard ratios, and the cumulative risk of all outcomes increased with increasing risk scores. C-statistics for both risk scores were around 0.55 for 1-year stroke recurrence and cardiovascular events and correspondingly for death around 0.67 for both scores. In this cohort of non-atrial fibrillation patients with incident ischemic stroke, increasing CHA2DS2VASc score and Essen Stroke Risk Score was associated with increasing risk of recurrent stroke, death, and cardiovascular events. Their discriminatory performance was modest and further refinements are required for clinical application. © 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.


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    Full Text Available Atualmente o Brasil é o maior produtor de coco verde, com uma área plantada equivalente a 57 mil hectares, onde a maior parte da parte da produção (66,5% se concentra na região Nordeste. O descarte do coco depois do consumo da água representa um problema para os sistemas de coleta e tratamento de lixo, pela sua lenta degradação devido ao alto teor de fibras. Neste trabalho são mostrados os resultados da pirólise lenta da fibra e da casca do coco verde. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em um forno experimental de pequena capacidade, a uma temperatura de 350°C. Os resultados mostraram que o rendimento em carbono fixo foi de 74,43% para o endocarpo verde e 58,07% para o mesocarpo verde. O teor de cinzas, para as mesmas amostras, foi de 14,13% e 13,03%, respectivamente. Os teores de voláteis foram de 11,40% para o carvão obtido do endocarpo verde e, de 28,90% para o carvão obtido do mesocarpo verde. Ficou demonstrado que o resíduo do coco verde apresenta potencial para a produção de carvão vegetal. Porém ainda é preciso estudar o rendimento, utilizando para isto, sistemas em maior escala, avaliando também o emprego integral (casca e fibra, além de estudos econômicos que considerem os custos de logística e acondicionamento.Palavras Chaves: pirólise lenta, carbonização, resíduos de coco.

  20. CHADS2 score has a better predictive value than CHA2DS2-VASc score in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation

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    Xing YL


    Full Text Available Yunli Xing, Qing Ma, Xiaoying Ma, Cuiying Wang, Dai Zhang, Ying Sun Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China Aim: The study aims to compare the ability of CHA2DS2-VASc (defined as congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥75 years [two scores], type 2 diabetes mellitus, previous stroke, transient ischemic attack, or thromboembolism [TE] [doubled], vascular disease, age 65–74 years, and sex category and CHADS2 (defined as congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥75 years, type 2 diabetes mellitus, previous stroke [doubled] scores to predict the risk of ischemic stroke (IS or TE among patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF.Methods: A total of 413 patients with NVAF aged ≥65 years, and not on oral anticoagulants for the previous 6 months, were enrolled in the study. The predictive value of the CHA2DS2-VASc and CHADS2 scores for IS/TE events was evaluated by the Kaplan–Meier method.Results: During a follow-up period of 1.99±1.29 years, 104 (25.2% patients died and 59 (14.3% patients developed IS/TE. The CHADS2 score performed better than the CHA2DS2-VASc score in predicting IS/TE as assessed by c-indexes (0.647 vs 0.615, respectively; P<0.05. Non-CHADS2 risk factors, such as vascular disease and female sex, were not found to be predictive of IS/TE (hazard ratio 1.518, 95% CI: 0.832–2.771; hazard ratio 1.067, 95% CI: 0.599–1.899, respectively. No differences in event rates were found in patients with the CHADS2 scores of 1 and 2 (7.1% vs 7.8%. It was observed that patients with a CHADS2 score of ≥3 were most in need of anticoagulation therapy.Conclusion: In patients with NVAF aged ≥65 years, the CHADS2 score was found to be significantly better in predicting IS/TE events when compared to the CHA2DS2-VASc score. Patients with a CHADS2 score of ≥3 were associated with high risk of IS/TE events. Keywords: NVAF

  1. Mercadeo verde de una empresa dorada

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    Carlos Mario Uribe-Saldarriaga


    Full Text Available El caso presenta la campa ̃ na de mercadeo realizada por Ecopetrol entre 2009 y 2012 para la introducción en Colombia del diésel ultra bajo de azufre denominado diésel limpio. Se examina la campa ̃ na desde 2 puntos de vista: el primero, el posicionamiento de Ecopetrol como una de las empresas más admiradas de Colombia, tanto por sus resultados financieros como por sus actividades en la responsabilidad social empresarial; el segundo, desde las exigencias que se hacen al mercadeo ambiental en los países desarro- llados, especialmente con respecto al lavado verde, teniendo en cuenta a la vez que Ecopetrol opera en un país en vía de desarrollo donde existe un menor avance en las exigencias ambientales hechas por los grupos de interés.

  2. Mercadeo verde de una empresa dorada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Mario Uribe-Saldarriaga


    Full Text Available El caso presenta la campaña de mercadeo realizada por Ecopetrol entre 2009 y 2012 para la introducción en Colombia del diésel ultra bajo de azufre denominado diésel limpio. Se examina la campaña desde 2 puntos de vista: el primero, el posicionamiento de Ecopetrol como una de las empresas más admiradas de Colombia, tanto por sus resultados financieros como por sus actividades en la responsabilidad social empresarial; el segundo, desde las exigencias que se hacen al mercadeo ambiental en los países desarrollados, especialmente con respecto al lavado verde, teniendo en cuenta a la vez que Ecopetrol opera en un país en vía de desarrollo donde existe un menor avance en las exigencias ambientales hechas por los grupos de interés.

  3. Aspectos funcionais das catequinas do chá verde no metabolismo celular e sua relação com a redução da gordura corporal


    Lamarão,Renata da Costa; Fialho,Eliane


    O chá é uma bebida amplamente utilizada, perdendo apenas para a água como a bebida mais consumida no mundo. O chá verde é rico em polifenóis, principalmente catequinas. Entre uma variedade de efeitos benéficos à saúde atribuídos ao consumo do chá verde, grande atenção tem sido focalizada no seu efeito na redução da gordura corporal. Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar uma descrição dos estudos com o chá verde e/ou seus compostos bioativos relacionados à biologia celular, estudos experime...

  4. Chirp subbottom profiler data collected in Pamlico Sound on cruise EPamSh-2016 of RV Riggs for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Edgetech 216 chirp data (SEG-Y format) collected for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project, OCE-1130843. Survey area covers...


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    Mario Garc\\u00EDa-Carrillo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la producción y calidad fisicoquímica de leche de cabras al ser suplementadas con dietas que contenían forraje verde hidropónico de maíz. Este estudio se desarrolló en la Comarca Lagunera de Coahuila, México durante los meses de marzo a agosto de 2011. Para la dieta 1 se empleó una relación 85:15 (base seca de alfalfa henificada y forraje verde hidropónico (AH: FVH. La dieta 2 se formuló con una relación 70:30 de AH y FVH, mientras que la dieta testigo tuvo una relación 87.5:12.5 de alfalfa henificada y vaina de mezquite. Se utilizó un diseño en triple cuadro latino. La producción y calidad de leche fueron mayores al suministrar la dieta compuesta con alfalfa henificada y forraje verde hidropónico de maíz al 30%.

  6. Groundwater arsenic in the Verde Valley in central Arizona, USA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foust, R.D.; Mohapatra, P.; Compton-O' Brien, A.-M.; Reifel, J


    Forty-one water samples were collected and analyzed from throughout the Verde Valley watershed to identify the source of As in well water used for domestic and agricultural purposes. Each water sample was analyzed for anions, cations and trace chemical constituents by atomic absorption spectroscopy, anion chromatography and traditional wet chemical procedures. Arsenic concentrations ranged from 10 to 210 {mu}g/l, with the highest values observed for water pooled on tailings from an abandoned Cu mine. Geostatistical analysis of the data revealed the primary source of As to be groundwater in contact with the Supai and Verde formations, as opposed to runoff from the abandoned mine tailings. Montezuma Well, a collapsed travertine spring, contained the highest levels of naturally occurring As (> 100 {mu}g/l). Arsenic in Montezuma Well water was shown to be 100% arsenate. X-ray absorbance near edge spectra (XANES) of Potomogeton illinoiensis, an endemic plant species of Montezuma Well, demonstrate that As is absorbed as arsenate, reduced to arsenite in the plant and retained as an organic glutathione complex. XANES spectra of Montezuma Well sediments show 4 forms of As present: arsenate ({approx}54%), As(III)-glutathione complex ({approx}32%) and an As-organic complex ({approx}14%) containing dimethylarsinic acid and arsenobetaine. This is the first report of As(III)-glutathione in sediments.

  7. Groundwater arsenic in the Verde Valley in central Arizona, USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foust, R.D.; Mohapatra, P.; Compton-O'Brien, A.-M.; Reifel, J.


    Forty-one water samples were collected and analyzed from throughout the Verde Valley watershed to identify the source of As in well water used for domestic and agricultural purposes. Each water sample was analyzed for anions, cations and trace chemical constituents by atomic absorption spectroscopy, anion chromatography and traditional wet chemical procedures. Arsenic concentrations ranged from 10 to 210 μg/l, with the highest values observed for water pooled on tailings from an abandoned Cu mine. Geostatistical analysis of the data revealed the primary source of As to be groundwater in contact with the Supai and Verde formations, as opposed to runoff from the abandoned mine tailings. Montezuma Well, a collapsed travertine spring, contained the highest levels of naturally occurring As (> 100 μg/l). Arsenic in Montezuma Well water was shown to be 100% arsenate. X-ray absorbance near edge spectra (XANES) of Potomogeton illinoiensis, an endemic plant species of Montezuma Well, demonstrate that As is absorbed as arsenate, reduced to arsenite in the plant and retained as an organic glutathione complex. XANES spectra of Montezuma Well sediments show 4 forms of As present: arsenate (∼54%), As(III)-glutathione complex (∼32%) and an As-organic complex (∼14%) containing dimethylarsinic acid and arsenobetaine. This is the first report of As(III)-glutathione in sediments

  8. Seismic qualification tests of fans of the NPP of Laguna Verde U-1 and U-2; Pruebas de calificacion sismica de ventiladores de la Central Laguna Verde U1 and U2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jarvio C, G.; Garcia H, E. E.; Arguelles F, R.; Vela H, A. [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Naranjo U, J. L., E-mail: [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Centrales Nucleoelectricas, Subgerencia de Ingenieria, Carretera Veracruz-Medellin Km 7.5, Dos Bocas, Veracruz (Mexico)


    This work presents the results of the seismic qualification tests applied to the fans that will be installed in the control panels of the three divisions of the diesel generators of the nuclear power plant (NPP) of Laguna Verde, Unit-1 and Unit-2. This seismic qualification process of the fans was carried out using two specimens that were tested in the seismic table (vibrating) of the Engineering Institute of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), in accordance with the requirements of the standard IEEE 344-1975, to satisfy the established requirements of seismic qualification in the technical specifications and normative documents required by the nuclear standards, in order to demonstrate its application in the diesel generators Divisions I, II and III of the NPP. The seismic qualification tests were developed on specimens that were retired of the NPP of Laguna Verde recently with a service life of 7.75 years. (Author)

  9. La enseñanza de la química desde la perspectiva de la Química Verde

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    Pía José González García


    Full Text Available La Química Verde, como área de investigación, se comprende como el desarrollo de metodologías para modificar los productos o procesos con la finalidad de reducir o eliminar los riesgos que existen para el medio ambiente y la salud. De este modo, permite proyectar líneas de investigación en la construcción de un conocimiento y enfoques didácticos de las ciencias, y  para ser considerada como parte de los programas Ministeriales. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer y comprender el significado que le otorgan los(as docentes del área a la Química Verde como perspectiva para su enseñanza. A partir de los discursos emanados por los docentes participantes del estudio, se construyeron 4 categorías, las cuales son: la Química Verde como: contexto para la enseñanza de la química, medio de apropiación significativo del aprendizaje de la química, motivadora de la conciencia ambiental y reflejo de la Institución y su relación con los docentes. The teaching of chemistry from the Green Chemistry perspective Green Chemistry (GC, as a research area, understood as the development of methodologies to modify products or processes in order to reduce or eliminate the risks posed to the environment and human health. Thus it is allowing research project lines in building knowledge and didactic approaches of the sciences, and to be considered as part of the ministerial programs. The objective of this study was to know and understand the significance given by teachers in the area to GC as a perspective for education. From the speeches issued by teachers participating in the study, four categories, was built. GC as: context for teaching chemistry, through significant learning chemistry appropriation, motivating environmental awareness and reflection of the institution and its relationship with teachers.  O ensino de química, na perspectiva da Química verde A Química verde, como área de investigação, é compreendida como o desenvolvimento de

  10. Verde plant bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) feeding injury to cotton bolls characterized by boll age, size, and damage ratings. (United States)

    Armstrong, J Scott; Brewer, Michael J; Parker, Roy D; Adamczyk, J J


    The verde plant bug, Creontiades signatus (Distant), has been present in south Texas for several years but has more recently been documented as an economic threat to cultivated cotton, (Gossypium hirsutum L. Our studies over 2 yr (2009 and 2010) and two locations (Weslaco and Corpus Christi, TX) investigated feeding-injury of the verde plant bug to a range of cotton boll age classes defined by boll diameter and accumulated degree-days (anthesis to the time of infesting) for first-position cotton bolls infested with the plant bugs. The most detrimental damage to younger cotton holls from verde plant bug feeding was boll abscission. Cotton bolls verde plant bug injured bolls compared with the controls up to 162 ACDD or a mean boll diameter 2.0 cm. Cotton seed weights were significantly reduced up to 179 ACDD or a boll diameter of 2.0 cm at Weslaco in 2009, and up to 317 ACDD or boll diameter 2.6 cm for Weslaco in 2010 when compared with the noninfested controls. Lint weight per cotton boll for infested and noninfested bolls was significantly reduced up to 262 ACDD or boll diameter 2.5 for Corpus Christi in 2010 and up to 288 ACCD or boll diameter 2.6 cm for Weslaco, TX, in 2010. Damage ratings (dependant variable) regressed against infested and noninfested seed-cotton weights showed that in every instance, the infested cotton bolls had a strong and significant relationship with damage ratings for all age classes of bolls. Damage ratings for the infested cotton bolls that did not abscise by harvest showed visual signs of verde plant bug feeding injury and the subsequent development ofboll rot; however, these two forms of injury causing lint and seed mass loss are hard to differentiate from open or boll-locked cotton bolls. Based on the results of both lint and seed loss over 2 yr and four studies cotton bolls should be protected up to approximately 300 ACDD or a boll diameter of 2.5 cm. This equilibrates to bolls that are 12-14 d of age dependent upon daily maximum

  11. DCVD Measurements at the Laguna Verde NPP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, J.D.; Gerwing, A.F.; Kosierb, R.; Vones, J.; Broodryck, A.


    A new digital Cerenkov viewing device (DCVD) with high ultraviolet light sensitivity has been developed. Field measurements on BWR spent fuel at Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 resulted in new Cerenkov information on GE9 and GE12 spent fuel assemblies. Off-alignment measurements show: quantitative differences in the degree of light collimation from between the fuel rods; lack of light collimation from water rods; and decreased light collimation from partial length rod positions. Hidden rods could also be detected in off-angle views. The results indicate that it may be possible to detect missing partial-length fuel rods in GE12 fuel assemblies. The new DCVD was able to verify low burnup, long-cooled, natural uranium GE6 fuel assemblies

  12. DCVD Measurements at the Laguna Verde NPP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, J.D.; Gerwing, A.F. [Channel Systems Inc., Pinawa MA (Canada); Kosierb, R. [Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Ottawa, ON (Canada); Vones, J.; Broodryck, A. [International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)


    A new digital Cerenkov viewing device (DCVD) with high ultraviolet light sensitivity has been developed. Field measurements on BWR spent fuel at Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 resulted in new Cerenkov information on GE9 and GE12 spent fuel assemblies. Off-alignment measurements show: quantitative differences in the degree of light collimation from between the fuel rods; lack of light collimation from water rods; and decreased light collimation from partial length rod positions. Hidden rods could also be detected in off-angle views. The results indicate that it may be possible to detect missing partial-length fuel rods in GE12 fuel assemblies. The new DCVD was able to verify low burnup, long-cooled, natural uranium GE6 fuel assemblies.

  13. Cape Verde Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes : Accounting and Auditing


    World Bank


    This Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) provides an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing financial reporting infrastructure that underpins financial accounting and auditing practices in Cape Verde. The assessment focuses on six pillars of financial reporting infrastructure: statutory framework, professional education and training, accountancy profe...

  14. Isotermas de dessorção de pimentão verde e energia envolvida no processo

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    Tales Prado Alves


    Full Text Available ResumoEste trabalho teve como objetivos a obtenção das isotermas de dessorção do pimentão verde e a avaliação das propriedades termodinâmicas de sorção do fruto. As isotermas foram obtidas em função da temperatura (30°C, 40°C, 50°C e 60°C em umidades relativas entre 4,0-90,0%. Os dados experimentais foram ajustados aos modelos matemáticos GAB, BET, Halsey, Henderson e Oswin para se descrever seu comportamento. Os resultados demonstram que o modelo de GAB descreveu com maior precisão as isotermas de dessorção do pimentão verde entre as faixas de atividade de água (aw selecionadas, em uma temperatura fixa. O calor isostérico de sorção (qst pôde ser determinado a partir de dados de sorção de umidade utilizando-se a derivada da equação de Clasius-Clapeyron, obtendo-se então o calor envolvido no processo de dessorção de umidade do pimentão verde fresco. A teoria da compensação entalpia-entropia ou isocinética foi aplicada aos dados experimentais, sugerindo que o processo de dessorção é conduzido pela entalpia.

  15. Effect of hydrogen peroxide and camellia sinensis extract on reduction of oxygen level in graphene oxide (United States)

    Celina Selvakumari, J.; Dhanalakshmi, J.; Pathinettam Padiyan, D.


    The intention of this work is to reduce the oxygen level in graphene oxide. The reduction process was initiated while preparing graphene oxide using modified Hummer’s method. In this new method, increase in hydrogen peroxide concentration during the preparation process results in the oxygen content reduction. Adding green tea (camellia sinensis) extract with increased hydrogen peroxide results in further reduction of oxygen content and changed the graphene oxide to reduced graphene oxide. The structural and optical properties of the new found reduced graphene oxide was analysed using XRD, FTIR, TEM, Raman and UV-vis spectra. The overall observation reflects that the sp3 carbon network of graphene oxide changed into sp2 carbon lattice of graphene which is very handful in supercapacitor and biosensor fields.

  16. Espacios verdes urbanos como componente de un ecosistema. Funciones, servicios, usuarios, participación de la comunidad, iniciativas y acciones

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    José G. Vargas-Hernández


    Full Text Available Este trabajo entrega una revisión crítica respecto de la literatura especializada existente acerca de algunas características importantes de los espacios verdes urbanos, como los componentes, funciones, servicios, participación comunitaria, iniciativas y acciones desde una perspectiva eco sistémica. El análisis parte del supuesto de que los espacios verdes urbanos son ecosistemas de vital importancia para mejorar la calidad de vida en un entorno urbano y para proporcionar servicios ecosistémicos, como la biodiversidad y la regulación del clima. Por lo tanto, el espacio verde urbano es un componente esencial de un ecosistema en cualquier desarrollo comunitario. Satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios está relacionado con las funciones y servicios que los espacios verdes urbanos proporcionan a las comunidades. La participación, el compromiso y el desarrollo de la comunidad requieren mecanismos para asegurar el cumplimiento de las necesidades y aspiraciones de los usuarios locales en la comunidad. Los métodos empleados en este análisis son la revisión de literatura y de documentos secundarios, el análisis de datos existentes acerca de usos y usuarios, y entrevistas con autoridades. Como conclusiones, el documento sugiere iniciativas ambientales, económicas y sociales para las autoridades locales y las comunidades que se pueden aplicar a todas las partes interesadas representadas e involucradas.

  17. New biofunctional effects of the flower buds of Camellia sinensis and its bioactive acylated oleanane-type triterpene oligoglycosides. (United States)

    Matsuda, Hisashi; Nakamura, Seikou; Morikawa, Toshio; Muraoka, Osamu; Yoshikawa, Masayuki


    We review the biofunctional effects of the flower buds of Camellia sinensis and C. sinensis var. assamica, such as antihyperlipidemic, antihyperglycemic, antiobesity, and gastroprotective effects in vivo, and antiallergic, pancreatic lipase inhibitory, and amyloid β (Aβ) aggregation inhibitory activities in vitro. Although the biofunctional effects of tea leaves have been extensively studied, less attention has been given to those of the flowers and seeds of the tea plant. Our studies focused on the saponin constituents of the extracts of the flower buds of C. sinensis cultivated in Japan and China, and C. sinensis var. assamica cultivated in India, and we review their beneficial biofunctions for health promotion.

  18. Numerical modelling of Alto Verde landslide using the material point method

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    Marcelo Alejandro Llano-Serna


    Full Text Available Finalizando el año 2008 en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, ocurrió un deslizamiento de tierra en la urbanización Alto Verde provocando la muerte de doce personas y la destrucción de seis viviendas. Los deslizamientos se destacan por el elevado nivel de deformaciones en una masa de suelo. El presente trabajo utilizó el método del punto material (MPM, método basado en partículas que utiliza una doble discretización Lagrangiano-Euleriana. La doble discretización genera un marco numérico robusto que permite la simulación de grandes distorsiones. El modelo numérico planteó una simplificación de las condiciones geotécnicas, morfológicas y estructurales de las edificaciones envueltas en Alto Verde. El estado de deformación final de la simulación se acomodó satisfactoriamente a las características geométricas finales observadas en campo. Los resultados obtenidos generan aplicaciones como el diseño de barreras, análisis de riesgo o la determinación de la distancia mínima de retiro a una ladera susceptible de deslizamiento.

  19. Evaluación de abonos verdes en el sistema de producción maíz-leguminosas

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    Prager M. Martin


    Full Text Available En la primera parte del ensayo, se estudió el comportamiento del peso de nódulos, peso fresco y peso seco de tres leguminosas (Crotalaria, Canavalia y Guandul a utilizar como abonos verdes y su efecto sobre sistemas de producción maíz-leguminosas (maíz-caupí, maíz-soya, maíz-frijol. Las variables consideradas (rendimiento, rendimiento equivalente de maíz, ingreso neto y tasa de retorno marginal mostraron el efecto positivo de esta práctica sobre esta forma de producción obteniéndose mejor respuesta de el sistema maíz-caupí. De los abonos verdes la crotalaria presentó el mejor efecto sobre los sistemas de producción. En la segunda parte del trabajo, se utilizó el sistema de producción de mejor comportamiento introduciendo al factor abono verde algunas modalidades de tratamiento, entre ellas efecto residual, adición de una segunda incorporación de los tres abonos verdes y efecto residual más la adición de abono químico. La consideración de las mismas variables usadas en la primera parte mostro mejores valores por la segunda incorporación de abono verde y la adición de abono químico en su orden, el efecto residual de los abonos permite obtener rendimientos superiores a los alcanzados por el testigo.This research was divided in two parts. The first studies the behavior of three legumes (Crotalaria, Canavalia and Cajanus as green manure, measuring weight nodules, green weight matter and dry weight matter of them, so measured the effect on three production systems: Maize- cowpea, Maize- soybean and Maize-bean. The indicators (yield, equivalent maize yields, net income and marginal return rate showed positive effect of green manure on this production systems too maize-cowpea system showed the best yields; Crotalaria was ,the best green manure. In second experimental stage maize- cowpea system was evaluated, using the same indicators and introducing new treatments related to green manure: its residual effects, addicional

  20. A five million year record of compositional variations in mantle sources to magmatism on Santiago, southern Cape Verde archipelago

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barker, Abigail K.; Holm, Paul Martin; Peate, David W.


    High-precision Pb isotope data and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data are presented together with major and trace element data for samples spanning the 4.6 Ma history of volcanism at Santiago, in the southern Cape Verde islands. Pb isotope data confirm the positive ¿8/4 signature of the southern islands...... indicating that the north-south compositional heterogeneity in the Cape Verde archipelago has persisted for at least 4.6 Ma. The Santiago volcanics show distinct compositional differences between the old, intermediate and young volcanics, and suggest greater involvement of an enriched mantle (EM1)-like...

  1. Under-reporting of tuberculosis in Praia, Cape Verde, from 2006 to 2012. (United States)

    Furtado da Luz, E; Braga, J U


    According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, the under-reporting rate for tuberculosis (TB) in Cape Verde between 2006 and 2012 was 49%. However, the WHO recognises the challenges associated with this estimation process and recommends implementing other methods, such as record linkage, to combat TB under-reporting. To estimate and analyse under-reporting of cases by TB surveillance health units and to evaluate TB cases retrieved from other TB diagnostic sources in Praia, Cape Verde, from 2006 to 2012. This cross-sectional study evaluated under-reporting using the following data: 1) the under-reporting index from TB reporting health units (RHUs), where the number of validated TB cases from RHUs was compared with data from the National Programme for the Fight against Tuberculosis and Leprosy (NPFTL); and 2) the under-reporting index among overall data sources, or a comparison of the number of all validated TB cases from all sources with NPFTL data. The TB under-reporting rate was 40% in Praia during the study period, and results were influenced by laboratory findings. The TB under-reporting rate was very similar to the rate estimated by the WHO. TB surveillance must be improved to reduce under-reporting.

  2. Ionizing radiation effect on teas of Camellia sinensis plant irradiated with different water activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fanaro, Gustavo Bernardes


    Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. Teas from Camellia sinensis plant have high levels of antioxidants, which mean that they may have several beneficial effects on health preservation. For centuries, mankind looks for ways to conserve better and for a longer time the food that they eat. The food irradiation process is a largely technique used worldwide, and is recommended by many health agencies and authorities of several countries. The radiation interacts with the material causing two kinds of effects, the direct and the indirect effect. In the direct effect the radiation interacts with the DNA molecule, breaking it, and then inactivates the cell. In the indirect effect, which represents 70% of the interaction, the radiation breaks the water molecule in a process denominated radiolysis, creating a number of free radicals that will interact with the cellular components, leading to the cell death. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study the effects of gamma radiation on two kinds of tea from Camellia sinensis plant irradiated with different water activities. The green tea and black tea samples had their Aw adjusted to three values (high Aw, medium Aw, and low Aw). The samples were irradiated in 60 Co source at doses of 0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 kGy. The analyses used were: microbiology by plate count, total phenolic compounds quantification, antioxidant activity by ORAC assay, and identification and quantification of main antioxidants in these beverages. It was noted that the greater the quantity of free water present in the medium, the lower was the dose to achieve microbiological control. The green tea showed to be a little more susceptible to irradiation by high Aw once there was more variation in the amount of flavonoids and phenolics than the black tea, decreasing the amount of these compounds in some doses, but increasing the amount in other ones. However in both teas, these changes can be considered insignificant, since there

  3. Ilhas, parentesco e mobilidade infantil: Diálogos Brasil-Cabo Verde (passando pela França

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Bittencourt Ribeiro


    Full Text Available In this article I focus on comments raised by the presentation of Andréa Lobo in the Cycle of debates: Diálogos Brasil-Cabo Verde (Dialogues Brazil-Cape Verde. From an ethnographic study made at an institution of child protection, located on Yeu island (France, it offers some counterpoints between these two ethnographic contexts, on the Boa Vista and Yeu islands. Therefore, insularity, child mobility and rights of the child are issues addressed at the intersection of studies on kinship and anthropology of childhood. This exercise highlights the relative social isolation that brings families called "single-parent in difficulty" to the institution on Yeu island, in contrast to the abundance of relationships in which child mobility is central to the dynamics of kinship and relatedness on Boa Vista island.

  4. Chirp subbottom profiler data collected in Pamlico Sound on cruise RVRiggs_07_31_2013 of RV Riggs for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Edgetech 216 chirp data (SEG-Y format) collected for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project, OCE-1130843. Survey area covers...

  5. Chirp subbottom profiler data collected in Pamlico Sound on cruise RVRiggs_07_30_2013 of RV Riggs for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Edgetech 216 chirp data (SEG-Y format) collected for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project, OCE-1130843. Survey area covers...

  6. CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc score to assess risk of stroke and death in patients paced for sick sinus syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Jesper Hastrup; Nielsen, Jens Cosedis; Darkner, Stine


    The risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) can be assessed by use of the CHADS2 and the CHA2DS2-VASc score system. We hypothesised that these risk scores and their individual components could also be applied to patients paced for sick sinus syndrome (SSS) to evaluate risk of str...

  7. Achievement of malaria pre-elimination in Cape Verde according to the data collected from 2010 to 2016. (United States)

    DePina, Adilson José; Niang, El Hadji Amadou; Barbosa Andrade, Alex Jailson; Dia, Abdoulaye Kane; Moreira, Antonio; Faye, Ousmane; Seck, Ibrahima


    Malaria, despite being preventable and treatable, continues to be a major public health problem worldwide. The archipelago nation of Cape Verde is in a malaria pre-elimination phase with the highest potential to achieve the target goal of elimination in 2020. Nationwide malaria epidemiological data were obtained from the Cape Verde health information system that includes the individual malaria case notification system from all of the country's health structures. Each case is reported to the surveillance service then to the National Malaria Control Programme, which allowed for compilation in the national malaria case database. The database was analysed to assess the origin of the malaria cases, and incidence was calculated from 2010 to 2016 by sex and age. The health centre, health district and month of diagnosis were evaluated, as well as the sex and the age of the patients, allowing a direct descriptive analysis of national data to provide an up-to-date malaria epidemiological profile of the country. Malaria cases were classified as imported or indigenous, and then, geographical analyses were performed using a unique Geographical National Code with Quantum Geographic Information System 2.16.2 software to map the cases by municipalities. The overall temporal evolution of cases was analysed to assess their monthly and yearly variations from 2010 to 2016. Malaria is unstable in Cape Verde, with inter-annual variation and the majority of infections occurring in adult males (> 20 years). The indigenous cases are restricted to Santiago (96%) and Boavista (4%), while imported cases were recorded in all the nine inhabited islands, originating from neighbouring countries with ongoing malaria transmission; from Lusophone countries (25% from Angola, 25% from Guinea-Bissau), followed by the Republic of Senegal (12%) and Equatorial Guinea (10%). In 2010-2012, more imported (93 cases) than indigenous cases (26 cases) were observed; conversely, in 2013 and 2014, more


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    Full Text Available Este documento examina el constructo de Comunicaciones Integradas de Marketing (CIM, desde su definición hasta su aplicación a partir de la perspectiva del mercadeo verde en la estrategia organizacional. El texto presenta tres grandes discusiones, primero, una reflexión particular sobre los aportes e implicaciones más importantes de las Comunicaciones Integradas de Marketing y de cada uno de sus instrumentos a la estrategia de gestión ambiental de las organizaciones. Luego, una caracterización general del consumidor verde y de otros stakeholders de la organización, en particular, de su papel en el proceso estratégico de la comunicación verde. Finalmente, como conclusión de este trabajo, se plantean algunas consideraciones sobre la necesaria aplicación de este concepto en la propuesta de gestión ambiental organizacional en la actualidad.

  9. Verde plant bug is associated with cottong boll rot in South Texas cotton (United States)

    Verde plant bug was the dominant boll-feeding sucking bug species (>98% of insects collected using a beat bucket) from peak to late bloom in cotton fields near the coast along the Coastal Bend of South Texas, from Port Lavaca to the Lower Rio qrande Valley in 2010 and 2011. It was common in fields w...

  10. Áreas verdes y arbolado en Mérida, Yucatán. Hacia una sostenibilidad urbana

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    Susana Pérez-Medina


    Full Text Available Las áreas verdes y el arbolado son parte esencial de las dimensiones ecológica, social y económica de la sostenibilidad urbana. La presente investigación es un análisis de las áreas de vegetación en Mérida y de las condiciones que determinan su presencia y distribución. La metodología se basó en el procesamiento de imagen de satélite para captar la cobertura arbórea, se uso Google Earth como herramienta para medición y cálculo de superficies y recorridos de campo. Los resultados arrojan que las áreas verdes y cobertura arbórea se vinculan al merca - do de vivienda y sus tipologías, a los procesos de gestión y gobernanza, y a la participación social.

  11. La economía verde: un cambio ambiental y social necesario en el mundo actual

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    Oscar Iván Vargas Pineda


    Full Text Available El concepto de economía verde es una de las estrategias globales para enfrentar las crisis económica y ambiental que sufren las sociedades contemporáneas. Metodológicamente, se aborda la conceptualización, los objetivos, la implementación y las críticas de diversos sectores de la sociedad a este nuevo paradigma económico. Se halló que autores y organizaciones civiles tienen grandes expectativas frente a los retos y desafíos de esta estrategia global que tiene dentro de sus objetivos la sustentabilidad, la erradicación de la pobreza y la inclusión de sectores sociales vulnerables. Se concluye que la economía verde puede aportar al mantenimiento de un ambiente sano y al uso adecuado de los servicios ecosistémicos, tanto para la generación presente como para las generaciones futuras.

  12. Capturing the design bases on Palo Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rogers, A.C.; Prawlocki, F.C.


    Over the past several years, the nuclear power industry has been directing considerable attention to plant configuration control. Utilities have been put in difficult situations due to changes made in plants without full original design basis knowledge. Once a plant is constructed, there is often insufficient information from the reactor designer or the architect/engineer to properly support operations, especially changes to the plant. In many cases utilities do not know the design bases for their units. As a result of these concerns, many utilities have been searching for ways to define the appropriate design bases for their plant. This paper discusses steps taken by Palo Verde to produce a design bases document and how it is being used to support the operation of the three nuclear units

  13. Estrategias de mercadeo verde utilizadas por empresas a nivel mundial

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    Castellano, Susie


    Full Text Available La preocupación por el medio ambiente se ha convertido en una temática que inquieta a toda la colectividad actual, desde los más pequeños hasta los más grandes, desde la pequeña empresa hasta la gran industria. Sumado a esto, el auge de normativas ambientales que establecen regulaciones al empresario, los obliga a tener una mayor conciencia de los daños que pueden causar sus acciones al medio ambiente. Es por esto, que paulatinamente ha comenzado, por parte de las empresas, la adopción de estrategias en el área de mercadeo verde que les permita comercializar sus productos y servicios de forma que los mismos sean ambientalmente compatibles. En el presente trabajo, se abordaron las diferentes estrategias que han venido asumiendo empresas de diferente índole para hacer frente a tan importante filosofía en el ámbito mundial. Para tal fin, se hizo la revisión y contrastación de artículos escritos en el marco del mercadeo verde por Rivera y Molero (2006, Chamorro (2001, Samper y Echeverri (2008 principalmente, encontrándose que cada vez son más las empresas que se suman a esta forma de mercadear sus procesos y productos y más los consumidores que anteponen criterios ecológicos ante variables de otra índole, modificando sus hábitos de consumo.

  14. Las minas de magnesita del Puerto de la Cruz Verde (Madrid)


    Mazadiego Martínez, Luis Felipe; Puche Riart, Octavio; Jordá Bordehore, Luis


    Las ruinas de una mina de magnesita, localizada en el Puerto de la Cruz Verde, próxima a Zarzalejo y al Monasterio de El Escorial, es el objeto de este trabajo. Los edificios auxiliares, el transformador y las bocaminas se hallan en buen estado de conservación. Todo esto hace que sea necesario un proyecto de protección y restauración, dado el interés cultural y paisajístico que tiene este enclave

  15. O golfe e os rumos do Cabo Verde independente = Golfing and the independent Cape Verde directions = El golf y los caminos del Cabo Verde independiente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melo, Victor Andrade de


    Full Text Available Em função de uma série de peculiaridades, o golfe tem desempenhado um importante papel na história de Cabo Verde. A prática, que tem uma longa trajetória no arquipélago, em diversas ocasiões foi mobilizada a fim de materializar a ideia de que o cabo-verdiano era portador de um alto padrão civilizacional. No período colonial, essa foi uma das estratégias pelos nativos usada para lidar com o jugo da metrópole, argumento utilizado para requisitar maior respeito às especificidades e atenção às necessidades locais. O que terá mudado nas considerações sobre esse esporte quando chegou a independência (1975? Que diferenças podem ser sentidas nas décadas seguintes? Neste artigo, argumentamos que os discursos sobre a modalidade nos ajudam a lançar um olhar sobre os debates acerca dos rumos do país insular nos últimos 40 anos

  16. Study of genetic markers of CODIS and ESS systems in a population of individuals from Cabo Verde living in Lisboa. (United States)

    Resende, Ana; Amorim, António; da Silva, Cláudia Vieira; Ribeiro, Teresa; Porto, Maria João; Costa Santos, Jorge; Afonso Costa, Heloísa


    Twenty-two autosomal short tandem repeats included in the PowerPlex® Fusion System Amplification kit (Promega Corporation) were genotyped in a population sample of 500 unrelated individuals from Cabo Verde living in Lisboa. Allelic frequency data and forensic and statistical parameters were calculated and evaluated in this work. The genetic relationship among immigrant population from Cabo Verde living in Lisboa and other populations, such as Brazilian and Angola immigrants living in Lisboa; Afro-Americans, Caucasians, Hispanics and Asians living in the USA and the population from Lisboa was assessed, and a multidimensional scaling plot was drown to show these results.

  17. Chirp subbottom profiler data collected in Pamlico Sound on cruise RVRiggs_05_23_24_2012 of RV Riggs for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Edgetech 216 chirp data (SEG-Y format) collected for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project, OCE-1130843. Survey area covers...

  18. Analysis of internal events for the Unit 1 of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station. Appendixes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huerta B, A.; Lopez M, R.


    This volume contains the appendices for the accident sequences analysis for those internally initiated events for Laguna Verde Unit 1, Nuclear Power Plant. The appendix A presents the comments raised by the Sandia National Laboratories technical staff as a result of the review of the Internal Event Analysis for Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant. This review was performed during a joint Sandia/CNSNS multi-day meeting by the end 1992. Also included is a brief evaluation on the applicability of these comments to the present study. The appendix B presents the fault tree models printed for each of the systems included and.analyzed in the Internal Event Analysis for LVNPP. The appendice C presents the outputs of the TEMAC code, used for the cuantification of the dominant accident sequences as well as for the final core damage evaluation. (Author)

  19. Analysis of internal events for the Unit 1 of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station. Appendixes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huerta B, A.; Lopez M, R.


    This volume contains the appendices for the accident sequences analysis for those internally initiated events for Laguna Verde Unit 1, Nuclear Power Plant. The appendix A presents the comments raised by the Sandia National Laboratories technical staff as a result of the review of the Internal Event Analysis for Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant. This review was performed during a joint Sandia/CNSNS multi-day meeting by the end 1992. Also included is a brief evaluation on the applicability of these comments to the present study. The appendix B presents the fault tree models printed for each of the systems included and analyzed in the Internal Event Analysis for LVNPP. The appendice C presents the outputs of the TEMAC code, used for the cuantification of the dominant accident sequences as well as for the final core damage evaluation. (Author)

  20. Camellianols A-G, Barrigenol-like Triterpenoids with PTP1B Inhibitory Effects from the Endangered Ornamental Plant Camellia crapnelliana. (United States)

    Xiong, Juan; Wan, Jiang; Ding, Jie; Wang, Pei-Pei; Ma, Guang-Lei; Li, Jia; Hu, Jin-Feng


    Seven new naturally occurring barrigenol-like compounds, camellianols A-G (1-7), and 10 known triterpenoids were isolated from the twigs and leaves of the cultivated endangered ornamental plant Camellia crapnelliana. According to the ECD octant rule for saturated cyclohexanones, the absolute configurations of camellianols D (4) and E (5) were defined. The backbones of the remaining new isolates are assumed to have the same absolute configuration as compounds 4, 5, and harpullone (12). Compounds 2, 3, 9, 10, 13, and 16 exhibited inhibitory effects on the protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) enzyme, with IC 50 values less than 10 μM.

  1. Impuestos verdes: una meta de equidad

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    Lilliana Arrieta Quesada


    Full Text Available Al considerar necesario incorporar a los grupos económicos en el gran proyecto de alcanzar metas de desarrollo sostenible, que surge como un nuevo paradigma al tomarse en consciencia por parte de los organismos internacionales, entre ellos las Naciones Unidas, de la necesidad de hacer un planteamiento de desarrollo económico diferente al convencional que considera aspectos ambientales y de equidad social, se admite por primera vez que la explotación de los recursos naturales y su transformación en materia prima y fuente energética, tiene límites, los cuales deben ser considerados en cualquier planteamiento serio de desarrollo económico.Es así como surge la tesis de los impuestos verdes como una opción que permita a los gobiernos incidir tanto en el mercado como en el sector industrial y en los hábitos de los consumidores.

  2. Introduction of fuel GE14 in the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde for the extended increase of power; Introduccion del combustible GE14 en la central nuclear Laguna Verde para el aumento de potencia extendido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez M, N.; Vargas A, A. F.; Cardenas J, J. B.; Contreras C, P. [CFE, Central Nuclear Laguna Verde, Subgerencia de Ingenieria, Carretera Veracruz-Medellin Km. 7.5 (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    The project of extended increase of power responds to a necessity of electrical energy in the country, increasing the thermal exit of the reactors of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde of 2027 MWt to 2317 MWt. In order to support this transition, changes will make in the configuration of the reactor core and in the operation strategies of the cycle, also they will take initiatives to optimize the economy in fuel cycle. At present in both reactors of the nuclear plant of Laguna Verde fuel GE12 is used. The fuel GE14 presents displays with respect to the GE12, some improvements in the mechanical design and consequently in its performance generally. Between these improvements we can mention: 1. Spacers of high performance. 2. Shielding with barrier. 3. Filter for sweepings {sup d}ebris{sup a}nd 4. Fuel rods of minor partial length. The management of nuclear power plants has decided to introduce the use of fuel GE14 in Laguna Verde in the reload 14 for Unit 1 and of the reload 10 for Unit 2. The process of new introduction fuel GE14 consists of two stages, first consists on subjecting the one new design of fuel to the regulator organism in the USA: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in Mexico the design must be analyzed and authorized by the National Commission of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards, for its approval of generic form, by means of the demonstration of the fulfillment with the amendment 22 of GESTAR II, the second stage includes the specific analyses of plant to justify the use of the new fuel design in a reload core. The nuclear plant of Laguna Verde would use some of the results of the security analyses that have been realized for the project of extended increase of power with fuel GE14, to document the specific analyses of plant with the new fuel design. The result of the analyses indicates that the reload lots are increased of 116-120 assemblies in present conditions (2027 MWt) to 140-148 assemblies in conditions of extended increase of power (2317 MWt

  3. Macroinvertebrados bentónicos del humedal de Palo Verde, Costa Rica

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    F.A Trama


    Full Text Available El humedal de Palo Verde es uno de los más importantes de Centro America para aves acuáticas. Durante el período 2002 y 2005, se llevaron a cabo actividades de manejo para controlar la invasión de Typha domingensis. Con el fin de establecer una línea base para monitoreos futuros, en el 2003 se realizó una evaluación de macroinvertebrados acuáticos. Se efectuó un muestreo mensual durante un año, usando el método de sustratos artificiales. Se identificaron 116 táxones pertenecientes a 47 familias y a 18 órdenes. La mayor abundancia se encontró en la clase Conchostraca y la familia Chironomidae que juntas representaron casi la mitad de todos los individuos colectados. En contraste, el 97% de los táxones tuvieron, cada uno, menos del 1% del total de la abundancia. La diversidad de táxones, así como la abundancia de individuos y el número de especies, fueron mayores en la época seca que en la lluviosa. La curva acumulada de especies indicó que se hubiera registrado una mayor cantidad de táxones si los muestreos se hubieran extendido por más tiempo. Con este trabajo damos a conocer la primera lista de macroinvertebrados para el humedal de Palo Verde.

  4. Chirp subbottom profiler data collected in Pamlico Sound on cruise RVRiggs_05_20_22_2014 of RV Riggs for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Edgetech 216 chirp data (SEG-Y format) collected for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project, OCE-1130843. Survey area covers the...

  5. Geochemical stratigraphy of submarine lavas (3-5 Ma) from the Flamengos Valley, Santiago, Cape Verde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barker, Abigail K; Holm, Paul Martin; Peate, David W.


    New high-precision Pb-Sr-Nd isotope, major and trace element and mineral chemistry data are presented for the submarine stage of ocean island volcanism on Santiago, one of the southern islands of the Cape Verde archipelago. Pillow basalts and hyaloclastites in the Flamengos Valley are divided...

  6. Plant growth stage-specific injury and economic injury level for verde plant bug, Creontiades signatus (Hemiptera: Miridae), on cotton: effect of bloom period of infestation. (United States)

    Brewer, Michael J; Anderson, Darwin J; Armstrong, J Scott


    Verde plant bugs, Creontiades signatus Distant (Hemiptera: Miridae), were released onto caged cotton, Cossypium hirsutum L., for a 1-wk period to characterize the effects of insect density and bloom period of infestation on cotton injury and yield in 2011 and 2012, Corpus Christi, TX. When plants were infested during early bloom (10-11 nodes above first white flower), a linear decline in fruit retention and boll load and a linear increase in boll injury were detected as verde plant bug infestation levels increased from an average of 0.5 to 4 bugs per plant. Lint and seed yield per plant showed a corresponding decline. Fruit retention, boll load, and yield were not affected on plants infested 1 wk later at peak bloom (8-9 nodes above first white flower), even though boll injury increased as infestation levels increased. Second-year testing verified boll injury but not yield loss, when infestations occurred at peak bloom. Incidence of cotton boll rot, known to be associated with verde plant bug feeding, was low to modest (verde plant bug were important contributors to yield decline, damage potential was greatest during the early bloom period of infestation, and a simple linear response best described the yield response-insect density relationship at early bloom. Confirmation that cotton after peak bloom was less prone to verde plant bug injury and an early bloom-specific economic injury level were key findings that can improve integrated pest management decision-making for dryland cotton, at least under low-rainfall growing conditions.

  7. Desenvolvimento de uma escala para avaliar o grau de utilização da tecnologia da informação verde pelas organizações

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    Guilherme Lerch Lunardi


    Full Text Available Questões relacionadas à sustentabilidade ambiental têm-se mostrado cada vez mais importantes na pesquisa e na prática das organizações ao longo das últimas décadas. Especificamente, a área de Tecnologia da Informação (TI tem sido responsável por parte dos problemas ambientais com que a sociedade se depara atualmente. Nesse sentido, a TI Verde aparece como uma forma de aliar recursos disponíveis a políticas de sustentabilidade e economia nas organizações, gerando benefícios para o meio ambiente e para as empresas. Neste trabalho, o objetivo é desenvolver e validar um instrumento para avaliar o grau de utilização da TI Verde pelas organizações. Verificou-se que a TI Verde pode ser mensurada: pela efetividade das ações sustentáveis aplicadas à área de TI; pelo grau de orientação ambiental e pelo nível de consciência socioambiental da organização; pelo monitoramento das atividades de TI; e pelo grau de expertise ambiental na área de TI. A orientação ambiental e as ações de TI Verde aparecem como as dimensões mais efetivas, sugerindo serem as principais desencadeadoras da presença da TI Verde nas organizações. A onsciência socioambiental é, por sua vez, a dimensão menos efetiva, indicando que as questões ambientais ainda não são prioridade para as empresas investigadas.

  8. Analysis of stable isotope ratios (δ18O and δ2H) in precipitation of the Verde River watershed, Arizona 2003 through 2014 (United States)

    Beisner, Kimberly R.; Paretti, Nicholas V.; Tucci, Rachel S.


    Stable isotope delta values (δ18O and δ2H) of precipitation can vary with elevation, and quantification of the precipitation elevation gradient can be used to predict recharge elevation within a watershed. Precipitation samples were analyzed for stable isotope delta values between 2003 and 2014 from the Verde River watershed of north-central Arizona. Results indicate a significant decrease in summer isotopic values overtime at 3,100-, 4,100-, 6,100-, 7,100-, and 8,100-feet elevation. The updated local meteoric water line for the area is δ2H = 7.11 δ18O + 3.40. Equations to predict stable isotopic values based on elevation were updated from previous publications in Blasch and others (2006), Blasch and Bryson (2007), and Bryson and others (2007). New equations were separated for samples from the Camp Verde to Flagstaff transect and the Prescott to Chino Valley transect. For the Camp Verde to Flagstaff transect, the new equations for winter precipitation are δ18O = -0.0004z − 8.87 and δ2H = -0.0029z − 59.8 (where z represents elevation in feet) and the summer precipitation equations were not statistically significant. For the Prescott to Chino Valley transect, the new equations for summer precipitation are δ18O = -0.0005z − 3.22 and δ2H = -0.0022z − 27.9; the winter precipitation equations were not statistically significant and, notably, stable isotope values were similar across all elevations. Interpretation of elevation of recharge contributing to surface and groundwaters in the Verde River watershed using the updated equations for the Camp Verde to Flagstaff transect will give lower elevation values compared with interpretations presented in the previous studies. For waters in the Prescott and Chino Valley area, more information is needed to understand local controls on stable isotope values related to elevation.

  9. Palos Verdes Shelf oceanographic study; data report for observations December 2007–April 2008 (United States)

    Rosenberger, Kurt J.; Noble, Marlene A.; Sherwood, Christopher R.; Martini, Marinna M.; Ferreira, Joanne T.; Montgomery, Ellyn T.


    Beginning in 1997, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defined a contaminated section of the Palos Verdes Shelf region in southern California as a Superfund Site, initiating a continuing investigation of this area. The investigation involved the EPA, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) data, and other allied agencies. In mid-2007, the Palos Verdes Shelf project team identified the need for additional data on the sediment properties and oceanographic conditions at the Palos Verdes Superfund Site and deployed seven bottom platforms, three subsurface moorings, and three surface moorings on the shelf. This additional data was needed to support ongoing modeling and feasibility studies and to improve our ability to model the fate of the effluent-affected deposit over time. It provided more detail on the spatial variability and magnitude of resuspension of the deposit during multiple storms that are expected to transit the region during a winter season. The operation began in early December 2007 and ended in early April 2008. The goal was to measure the sediment response (threshold of resuspension, suspended-sediment concentrations, and suspended-sediment transport rates) to bed stresses associated with waves and currents. Other objectives included determining the structure of the bottom boundary layer (BBL) relating nearbed currents with those measured at 10 m above bottom (mab) and comparing those with the long-term data from the LACSD Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) deployments for nearbed current speed and direction. Low-profile tripods with high-frequency ADCPs co-located with two of the large tripods were selected for this goal. This report describes the data obtained during the field program, the instruments and data-processing procedures used, and the archive that contains the data sets that have passed our quality-assurance procedures.

  10. Auxiliary feedwater system risk-based inspection guide for the Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bumgardner, J.D.; Moffitt, N.E.; Gore, B.F.; Vo, T.V.; Sloan, J.A.


    In a study sponsored by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Pacific Northwest Laboratory has developed and applied a methodology for deriving plant-specific risk-based inspection guidance for the auxiliary feedwater (AFW) system at pressurized water reactors that have not undergone probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). This methodology uses existing PRA results and plant operating experience information. Existing PRA-based inspection guidance information recently developed for the NRC for various plants was used to identify generic component failure modes. This information was then combined with plant-specific and industry-wide component information and failure data to identify failure modes and failure mechanisms for the AFW system at the selected plants. Palo Verde was selected as one of a series of plants for study. The product of this effort is a prioritized listing of AFW failures which have occurred at the plant and at other PWRs. This listing is intended for use by NRC inspectors in the preparation of inspection plans addressing AFW risk-important components at the Palo Verde plants

  11. Simulation of overpressure events with a Laguna Verde model for the RELAP code to conditions of extended power up rate; Simulacion de eventos de sobrepresion con un modelo de Laguna Verde para el codigo RELAP a condiciones de aumento de potencia extendido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez H, A.; Araiza M, E.; Fuentes M, L.; Ortiz V, J., E-mail: [ININ, Departamento de Sistemas Nucleares, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    In this work the main results of the simulation of overpressure events are presented using a model of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde developed for the RELAP/SCDAPSIM code. As starting point we have the conformation of a Laguna Verde model that represents a stationary state to similar conditions to the operation of the power station with Extended Power Up rate (EPU). The transitory of simulated pressure are compared with those documented in the Final Safety Analysis Report of Laguna Verde (FSAR). The results of the turbine shot transitory with and without by-pass of the main turbine are showed, and the event of closes of all the valves of main vapor isolation. A preliminary simulation was made and with base in the results some adjustments were made for the operation with EPU, taking into account the Operation Technical Specifications of the power station. The results of the final simulations were compared and analyzed with the content in the FSAR. The response of the power station to the transitory, reflected in the model for RELAP, was satisfactory. Finally, comments about the improvement of the model are included, for example, the response time of the protection and mitigation systems of the power station. (Author)

  12. Functional Characterization of Tea (Camellia sinensis MYB4a Transcription Factor Using an Integrative Approach

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    Mingzhuo Li


    Full Text Available Green tea (Camellia sinensis, Cs abundantly produces a diverse array of phenylpropanoid compounds benefiting human health. To date, the regulation of the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis in tea remains to be investigated. Here, we report a cDNA isolated from leaf tissues, which encodes a R2R3-MYB transcription factor. Amino acid sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis indicate that it is a member of the MYB4-subgroup and named as CsMYB4a. Transcriptional and metabolic analyses show that the expression profile of CsMYB4a is negatively correlated to the accumulation of six flavan-3-ols and other phenolic acids. GFP fusion analysis shows CsMYB4a’s localization in the nucleus. Promoters of five tea phenylpropanoid pathway genes are isolated and characterized to contain four types of AC-elements, which are targets of MYB4 members. Interaction of CsMYB4a and five promoters shows that CsMYB4a decreases all five promoters’ activity. To further characterize its function, CsMYB4a is overexpressed in tobacco plants. The resulting transgenic plants show dwarf, shrinking and yellowish leaf, and early senescence phenotypes. A further genome-wide transcriptomic analysis reveals that the expression levels of 20 tobacco genes involved in the shikimate and the phenylpropanoid pathways are significantly downregulated in transgenic tobacco plants. UPLC-MS and HPLC based metabolic profiling reveals significant reduction of total lignin content, rutin, chlorogenic acid, and phenylalanine in CsMYB4a transgenic tobacco plants. Promoter sequence analysis of the 20 tobacco genes characterizes four types of AC-elements. Further CsMYB4a-AC element and CsMYB4a-promoter interaction analyses indicate that the negative regulation of CsMYB4a on the shikimate and phenylpropanoid pathways in tobacco is via reducing promoter activity. Taken together, all data indicate that CsMYB4a negatively regulates the phenylpropanoid and shikimate pathways.Highlight: A tea (Camellia

  13. Components production and assemble of the irradiation capsule of the Surveillance Program of Materials of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medrano, A.


    To predict the effects of the neutrons radiation and the thermal environment about the mechanical properties of the reactor vessel materials of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde, a surveillance program is implemented according to the outlines settled by Astm E185-02 -Standard practice for design of surveillance programs for light-water moderated nuclear power reactor vessels-. This program includes the installation of three irradiation capsules of similar materials to those of the reactor vessels, these samples are test tubes for mechanical practices of impact and tension. In the National Institute of Nuclear Research and due to the infrastructure as well as of the actual human resources of the Pilot Plant of Nuclear Fuel Assembles Production it was possible to realize the materials rebuilding extracted in 2005 of Unit 2 of nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde as well as the production, assemble and reassignment of the irradiation capsule made in 2006. At the present time the surveillance materials extracted in 2008 of Unit 1 of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde are reconstituting and the components are manufactured for the assembles of the irradiation capsule that will be reinstalled in the reactor vessel in 2010. The purpose of the present work is to describe the necessary components as well as its disposition during the assembles of the irradiation capsule for the surveillance program of the reactors vessel of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde. (Author)

  14. Thesis Abstract Fermented milk elaborated with Camellia sinensis. (United States)

    Ribeiro, O A S; Silva, M I A; Boari, C A


    This study aimed to develop and to characterize fermented dairy beverage formulated with Camellia sinensis. The infusion was elaborated with the addiction of dehydrated leaves of C. sinensis in whey (1g/100g) which added in sweetened milk (10% sucrose w/w) coagulated by Streptococcus salivarius subspecies thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus in proportions of 10, 20, 30 and 40% (v/w). The control treatment consisted of yogurt added with sucrose (10% w/w). Analysis were performed to quantify dry mass, moisture, ash, protein, fat, sodium, acidity, total quantification of lactic acid bacteria, total antioxidant activity and viscosity at the initial time of production and at 15 and 30 days of storage. Chromatographic determination of volatile compounds and sensory tests of acceptance and consumption intention were conducted at the initial time of production. Dry matter content, moisture, ash and total count of lactic acid bacteria from fermented milk drink formulations were not significantly affected by the amount of infusion of C. sinensis. However, the content of protein, fat and sodium were significantly lower with the increase of the proportion of infusion incorporated into the product. Significant reduction in apparent viscosity occurs with the increase in the amount of infusion added. The total antioxidant activity of the formulations was significantly higher as higher were the amount of added infusion. The addition of infusion contributed to the diversification of volatile aroma and taste makers in the product. The formulation of fermented dairy drink with addition of 30% infusion C. sinensis was better evaluated in sensory tests, with greater acceptance and greater consumer intent of consumption.

  15. Chirp subbottom profiler data collected in Pamlico Sound on cruise SndPt_05_21_22_2012 of RV Riggs for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Edgetech 216 chirp data (SEG-Y format) collected for the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Natural Geologic Evolution (CHaNGE) project, OCE-1130843. Survey area covers...

  16. Inhibition of the Cu65/Zn35 brass corrosion by natural extract of Camellia sinensis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramde, Tambi; Rossi, Stefano; Zanella, Caterina


    In this work, the corrosion inhibition of brass was studied using natural plant extract, Camellia sinensis, in 0.1 M Na2SO4 solutions with pH 7 and pH 4. Electrochemical techniques (potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were applied to study the brass corrosion behavior in presence and absence of the extract. The results indicated that the extract is a very effective corrosion inhibitor for brass corrosion process in both the acidic and neutral media by virtue of adsorption. The inhibition effect increases by time as demonstrated by the EIS monitoring for 120 h. In the blank solution the corrosion process leads to the formation of a dark oxide patina at pH 7 and induces localized corrosion morphology at pH 4. The extract presence can avoid both the dark patina and the pits formation.

  17. Inhibition of the Cu65/Zn35 brass corrosion by natural extract of Camellia sinensis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramde, Tambi, E-mail: [Equipe Chimie Physique et Electrochimie, Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux, Université de Ouagadougou, 03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou 03 (Burkina Faso); Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, via Sommarive 9, 38123 Trento (Italy); Rossi, Stefano; Zanella, Caterina [Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, via Sommarive 9, 38123 Trento (Italy)


    In this work, the corrosion inhibition of brass was studied using natural plant extract, Camellia sinensis, in 0.1 M Na2SO4 solutions with pH 7 and pH 4. Electrochemical techniques (potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were applied to study the brass corrosion behavior in presence and absence of the extract. The results indicated that the extract is a very effective corrosion inhibitor for brass corrosion process in both the acidic and neutral media by virtue of adsorption. The inhibition effect increases by time as demonstrated by the EIS monitoring for 120 h. In the blank solution the corrosion process leads to the formation of a dark oxide patina at pH 7 and induces localized corrosion morphology at pH 4. The extract presence can avoid both the dark patina and the pits formation.

  18. Environmental Education Evaluation at the School: An Example in Sao Nicolau Island, Cape Verde (United States)

    Graziani, Pietro; Cabral, Daniel; Santana, Nelson


    Monte Gordo Natural Park (MGNP) is part of the Cape Verde (CV) Protected Areas National Network. In order to create an effective Environmental Education (EE) curriculum, it is crucial to first identify the level of environmental knowledge of both teachers and students. In 2007 we implemented a set of four surveys to students and educators and…

  19. Paso del Aguilo : bol hémisphérique type Rio Verde Poli


    Michelet , Dominique


    Zone IV, site n°2. Las Colaciones, Paso del Aguila, municipio Armadillo, San Luis Potosi.Bol "hémisphérique" profond du type Rio Verde poli. Engobe brun clair. 3 pieds en bouton à peine esquissés. Hauteur totale 7 centimètres. Diamètre de l'ouverture 11,5 centimètres. Collection particulière. Paso del Aguila.

  20. A comunicação verde fala por si? Efeitos na identidade corporativa e propensão de compra [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.2013016

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    Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos


    Full Text Available A temática da sustentabilidade tem alterado o cenário estratégico das empresas diante de várias mudanças. Uma destas diz respeito às transformações nos critérios de decisão dos consumidores, que começam a predispor-se a tornar o verde a sua prioridade, atraídos por marcas que possuem princípios verdes. A partir disso, as empresas passaram a usar estratégias de comunicação dos seus princípios sustentáveis diretamente nas embalagens de seus produtos. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os impactos da comunicação verde na identidade corporativa e propensão de compra. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de caráter quase-experimental e com design fatorial da ordem de 2 (Embalagens e Selos Verdes x 2 (Identidade Corporativa e Propensão de Compra, manipulando a presença ou ausência do tipo de apelo utilizado (embalagem ou selos verdes. Como principais resultados, o estudo mostra que a identidade corporativa é percebida positivamente mediante a presença tanto dos selos quanto pelas embalagens verdes – sendo os primeiros mais efetivos – o que também influencia, de maneira positiva, na propensão de compra.   Palavras-chave: Comunicação verde, Propensão de compra, Identidade corporativa. DOES THE GREEN COMMUNICATION TALK BY ITSELF? EFFECTS IN CORPORATE IDENTITY AND PURCHASE PROPENSITY ABSTRACT The sustainability issues have changed the strategic environment of companies facing many changes. One of these being related to changes in the consumer’s decision criteria that have begun to promising the green being acted to brands that have linked green principles. Since that the companies started to use communication strategies for their sustainable principles directly on the packaging of their products. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the impact of green communication on corporate identity and propensity to purchase. Therefore, we carried out a quasi-experimental study and with the factorial

  1. Efecto del Uso de Antioxidantes en Plátano Verde Dominico-Hartón (Musa AAB Simmonds) Cortado en Rodajas


    Dussán-Sarria, Saúl; Gaona-Acevedo, Andrés Felipe; Hleap-Zapata, Jose Igor


    Se evaluaron las propiedades físico-químicas, firmeza en la pulpa e índice de pardeamiento del plátano verde (Musa AAB Simmonds) mínimamente procesado durante 21 días de almacenamiento a temperatura de 11±2 0C y humedad relativa de 92 ± 2 %. El plátano verde es uno de los frutos de mayor producción y consumo en Colombia. Sin embargo, cuando sufre un daño mecánico como un corte, ocurren cambios, en su apariencia y sabor debido a la elevada actividad metabólica típica de un producto climatérico...

  2. Propuesta de KPIs para la evaluación de un Corredor Verde: tramo Madrid-Lyon del Corredor Mediterráneo


    López Fraga, Miguel


    “Propuesta de KPIs para la evaluación de un Corredor Verde: tramo Madrid-Lyon del Corredor Mediterráneo” es un proyecto de fin de carrera de Ingeniería Industrial cuyo objetivo se enmarca dentro de la promoción del desarrollo logístico del transporte de mercancías europeo de una forma sostenible y respetuosa con el medio ambiente. Después de aclarar el concepto de corredor verde a través de la revisión del Plan de Acción Logística de la UE y establecer cinco características principales que...

  3. Foam Properties and Detergent Abilities of the Saponins from Camellia oleifera (United States)

    Chen, Yu-Fen; Yang, Chao-Hsun; Chang, Ming-Shiang; Ciou, Yong-Ping; Huang, Yu-Chun


    The defatted seed meal of Camellia oleifera has been used as a natural detergent and its extract is commercially utilized as a foam-stabilizing and emulsifying agent. The goal of this study was to investigate the foam properties and detergent ability of the saponins from the defatted seed meal of C. oleifera. The crude saponin content in the defatted seed meal of C. oleifera was 8.34 and the total saponins content in the crude saponins extract was 39.5% (w/w). The foaming power of the 0.5 crude saponins extract solution from defatted seed meal of C. oleifera was 37.1 of 0.5 SLS solution and 51.3% to that of 0.5% Tween 80 solution. The R5 value of 86.0% represents good foam stability of the crude saponins extracted from the defatted seed meal of the plant. With the reduction of water surface tension from 72 mN/m to 50.0 mN/m, the 0.5% crude saponins extract solution has wetting ability. The sebum-removal experiment indicated that the crude saponins extract has moderate detergency. The detergent abilities of the saponins from C. oleifera and Sapindus mukorossi were also compared. PMID:21151446

  4. Estimating Biochemical Parameters of Tea (camellia Sinensis (L.)) Using Hyperspectral Techniques (United States)

    Bian, M.; Skidmore, A. K.; Schlerf, M.; Liu, Y.; Wang, T.


    Tea (Camellia Sinensis (L.)) is an important economic crop and the market price of tea depends largely on its quality. This research aims to explore the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing on predicting the concentration of biochemical components, namely total tea polyphenols, as indicators of tea quality at canopy scale. Experiments were carried out for tea plants growing in the field and greenhouse. Partial least squares regression (PLSR), which has proven to be the one of the most successful empirical approach, was performed to establish the relationship between reflectance and biochemical concentration across six tea varieties in the field. Moreover, a novel integrated approach involving successive projections algorithms as band selection method and neural networks was developed and applied to detect the concentration of total tea polyphenols for one tea variety, in order to explore and model complex nonlinearity relationships between independent (wavebands) and dependent (biochemicals) variables. The good prediction accuracies (r2 > 0.8 and relative RMSEP < 10 %) achieved for tea plants using both linear (partial lease squares regress) and nonlinear (artificial neural networks) modelling approaches in this study demonstrates the feasibility of using airborne and spaceborne sensors to cover wide areas of tea plantation for in situ monitoring of tea quality cheaply and rapidly.

  5. Internal event analysis for Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant. Accident sequence quantification and results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huerta B, A.; Aguilar T, O.; Nunez C, A.; Lopez M, R.


    The Level 1 results of Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant PRA are presented in the I nternal Event Analysis for Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant, CNSNS-TR 004, in five volumes. The reports are organized as follows: CNSNS-TR 004 Volume 1: Introduction and Methodology. CNSNS-TR4 Volume 2: Initiating Event and Accident Sequences. CNSNS-TR 004 Volume 3: System Analysis. CNSNS-TR 004 Volume 4: Accident Sequence Quantification and Results. CNSNS-TR 005 Volume 5: Appendices A, B and C. This volume presents the development of the dependent failure analysis, the treatment of the support system dependencies, the identification of the shared-components dependencies, and the treatment of the common cause failure. It is also presented the identification of the main human actions considered along with the possible recovery actions included. The development of the data base and the assumptions and limitations in the data base are also described in this volume. The accident sequences quantification process and the resolution of the core vulnerable sequences are presented. In this volume, the source and treatment of uncertainties associated with failure rates, component unavailabilities, initiating event frequencies, and human error probabilities are also presented. Finally, the main results and conclusions for the Internal Event Analysis for Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant are presented. The total core damage frequency calculated is 9.03x 10-5 per year for internal events. The most dominant accident sequences found are the transients involving the loss of offsite power, the station blackout accidents, and the anticipated transients without SCRAM (ATWS). (Author)

  6. Tube structural integrity evaluation of Palo Verde Unit 1 steam generators for axial upper-bundle cracking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woodman, B.W.; Begley, J.A.; Brown, S.D.; Sweeney, K.; Radspinner, M.; Melton, M.


    The analysis of the issue of upper bundle axial ODSCC as it apples to steam generator tube structural integrity in Unit 1 at the Palo Verde Nuclear generating Station is presented in this study. Based on past inspection results for Units 2 and 3 at Palo Verde, the detection of secondary side stress corrosion cracks in the upper bundle region of Unit 1 may occur at some future date. The following discussion provides a description and analysis of the probability of axial ODSCC in Unit 1 leading to the exceedance of Regulatory Guide 1.121 structural limits. The probabilities of structural limit exceedance are estimated as function of run time using a conservative approach. The chosen approach models the historical development of cracks, crack growth, detection of cracks and subsequent removal from service and the initiation and growth of new cracks during a given cycle of operation. Past performance of all Palo Verde Units as well as the historical performance of other steam generators was considered in the development of cracking statistics for application to Unit 1. Data in the literature and Unit 2 pulled tube examination results were used to construct probability of detection curves for the detection of axial IGSCC/IGA using an MRPC (multi-frequency rotating panake coil) eddy current probe. Crack growth rates were estimated from Unit 2 eddy current inspection data combined with pulled tube examination results and data in the literature. A Monte-Carlo probabilistic model is developed to provide an overall assessment of the risk of Regulatory Guide exceedance during plant operation

  7. Análise das Principais Práticas de TI Verde com o Uso de Tecnologias Emergentes: Estudo Multicaso

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    Patricia Miyumi Matsuda


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como objetivo estabelecer relações e classificações entre atributos do modelo de Lunardi, Frio e Brum (2011 sobre as principais práticas de TI Verde adotadas pelas organizações. Para este trabalho descritivo foram utilizadas a análise documental e a análise de conteúdo com o apoio do software NVivo que envolveu múltiplas fontes de coletas de dados com uso de websites internos e externos às empresas, pesquisas, documentos públicos e entrevistas veiculadas na mídia digital para 15 casos identificados pelas suas práticas de TI Verde. Como resultado, observaram-se características na adoção de medidas sustentáveis em algumas organizações relativas as responsabilidades no uso de novas tecnologias emergentes, entre elas, cloud computing, datacenter e virtualização que incorporem aspectos sociais e ambientais. As empresas analisadas demonstraram dentro de um estágio de “Avançado” e “Moderado” que iniciativas e práticas de TI Verde colaboram para a sustentabilidade de seus negócios, dado que muitas destas empresas estão inseridas em atividades distintas no mercado conforme observado nos casos analisados.

  8. Optimization of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation Systems in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis

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    Qianru LV


    Full Text Available In this study, an efficient plant regeneration protocol in vitro and transformation by Agrobacterium-mediated method of Camellia sinensis was achieved, which would lay the foundation for genetic improvement of tea plant by genetic engineering technology. The cotyledon callus of C. sinensis were used as the receptors for transformation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 containing PS1aG-3. Some factors which affected the result of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of C. sinensis were studied on the basis of GUS transient expression system. The optimum system of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was that the cotyledon callus were pre-cultured for 3 d, and then infected by EHA105 for 15 min followed by 3 d co-culture in the dark on the YEB medium containing 150 µmol⋅L−1 acetosyringone (AS. The transient expression rate of GUS gene was 62.6%. After being delayed selective culture for 3 d, infected callus were transferred into the differentiation medium and the root induction medium both of which were supplemented with 100 mg⋅L−1 spectinomycin, and then resistant seedlings of C. sinensis were obtained. The conversion rate was 3.6%.

  9. Physiochemical characteristics, fatty acid profile and tocopherol composition of the oil from Camellia oleifera Abel cultivated in Henan, China

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    J. B. Hu


    Full Text Available As a unique woody oil tree, Camellia oleifera Abel originates from southern China and is now being cultivated in central China, such as the southern Henan province. The aim of this work is to determine some physiochemical parameters, fatty acid profile and tocopherol composition of the Camellia oleifera seed oils harvested in southern Henan in the 2016 season. The lipid contents of the kernel are in the range of 28.39- 56.94% on dry matter. The acid value (AV, saponification value (SV, iodine value (IV, and refractive index of the oils are in the ranges: 0.22-5.17 mg KOH/g, 178.90-196.91 mg KOH/g, 82.0-87.1 g I2/100g, and 1.4667-1.4720 (nD25 , respectively. The main fatty acids are: palmitic 7.07-9.52%, palmitoleic 0.09-0.22%, stearic 1.45-2.94%, oleic 77.02-84.33%, linoleic 5.19-11.23%, linolenic 0.53-0.70% and arachidic 0.22-0.70%. The sn-2 fatty acid composition is: 84.36-91.33% oleic, 7.14-14.22% linoleic, and 0.89-1.96% others. The tocopherol content is in the range of 39.55-75.94 mg/100g oil, including mainly α-tocopherol (33.98-67.82 mg/100g and γ-tocopherol (5.57- 8.27 mg/100g when the oils are extracted with hexane; and 14.91-44.36 mg/100g, including mainly α-tocopherol (9.42-37.08 mg/100g and γ-tocopherol (5.50-7.33 mg/100g when the oils are extracted by ethyl ether. The physiochemical properties C. oleifera seed oils from southern Henan are similar to those from other districts of China.

  10. Teor de fluoretos em infusões de chá verde (Camellia sinensis Fluoride content in green tea infusions (Camellia sinensis

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    Márcia Reto


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to study the influence of green tea consumption on fluoride ingestion. The extraction conditions of fluorides from green tea infusions were defined and nine brands of green tea available in Portugal were analyzed. The quantification of fluorides in the green tea was preceded by the implementation and validation of the potentiometric method (commercial fluoride selective electrode. The concentration of fluorides in the samples ranged from 0. 8 to 2. 0 mg L-1.

  11. Remote handling and robotic inspections of Palo Verde reactor vessel internals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryder, W.


    Remote visual examinations and handling evolutions in high radiation field environments have required the use of radiation tolerant video systems. These systems involve significant expense and potentially require large envelope deployment structures. Recent events at Palo Verde including Upper Guide Structure damage and Reactor Vessel In-Service Inspections have provided opportunities for research, design and utilization of alternative approaches. Most significant of these, utilization of CCD modules with high magnification capabilities, have produced higher quality viewing, reduced maintenance expenditures, and rapid deployment intervals. (orig.) [de

  12. Viaje hacia el océano. Estrategias para la conservación de la Tortuga Verde*

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    A. González-z.


    que un investigador que pretenda implementar un proyecto similar pueda guiarse y lograr su objetivo. *Pasantía: estudio sistemático de la anidación de la tortuga verde, Chelonia mydas, en el archipiélago de Galápagos. Temporada 2005-2006.

  13. Participation of the ININ in the external radiological emergency plan of the Laguna Verde power plant; Participacion del ININ en el plan de emergencia radiologica externo de la Central Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez S, R; Cervini L, A [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    The planning of performances in radiological emergencies, with the object of reducing the consequences as much as possible on the population to accidental liberations of radioactive material coming from Nuclear power plant, it has been of main interest in the nuclear community in the world. In Mexico it has not been the exception, since with the setting in march of the Laguna Verde nuclear power plant exists an executive program of planning for emergencies that it outlines the activities to follow trending to mitigate the consequences that are derived of this emergency. As integral part of this program this the External Plan of Radiological Emergency (PERE) that covers the emergencies that could leave the frontiers of the Laguna Verde power plant. In the PERE it settles down the planning, address and control of the preparation activities, response and recovery in emergencies, as well as the organization and coordination of the institutions that participate. The National Institute of Nuclear Research (ININ), like integral part of these institutions in the PERE, has an infrastructure that it allows to participate in the plan in a direct way in the activities of 'Control of the radiological exhibition the response personnel and control of water and foods' and of support way and consultant ship in the activities of 'Monitoring, Classification and decontamination of having evaluated' and 'Specialized medical radiological attention'. At the moment the ININ has a radiological mobile unit and this conditioning a second mobile unit to carry out part of the activities before mentioned; also accounts with 48 properly qualified people that directly intervene in the plan. In order to guarantee an adequate response in the PERE an organization it has been structured like that of the annex as for the personnel, transport, team, procedures and communication system, with the objective always of guaranteeing the security and the population's health in emergency situations in the

  14. El uso de las cubiertas verdes como reducción de la huella de carbono por absorción vegetal. Caso de Villaverde

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    Jorge Miguel Carretero Monteagudo


    Full Text Available ResumenEl tema de este trabajo es a grandes rasgos la comprobación de la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes en la reducción de la huella de carbono, centrándonos exclusivamente en las capacidades asimilativas del dióxido de carbono de la vegetación contenida sobre estas cubiertas. La presente comprobación de la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes, fue realizada sobre el contexto del distrito de Villaverde en la Periferia Sur de Madrid. Sobre este distrito, se analizaron diferentes factores en relación con la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes. Para a posteriori establecer cuáles podrían ser los casos de zona homogénea dentro del distrito que pudieran dar datos más relevantes acerca de la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes. Considerando paralelamente un análisis de las capacidades de asimilación de los diferentes tipos de cubierta verde (Intensiva y extensiva. Finalmente se establecieron cuatro escenarios de aplicación sobre las zonas más relevantes derivadas de la selección anterior, para comprobar finalmente las aportaciones en la reducción de dióxido de carbono que una cubierta verde puede aportar a un tejido urbano. Se comprobó que la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes en la absorción del dióxido de carbono es muy limitada, siendo más adecuada la regeneración natural del espacio público.Palabras clave  Reducción Dióxido Carbono Tejidos Naturalización CubiertasAbstractThe main issue of this report is the study of the green roofs reliability aimed to carbon footprint reduction, Focusing only in carbon dioxin assimilative capabilities of vegetation placed on. This study was done in the background of Villaverde district placed in the southern outskirts of Madrid. About this district, different facts related to the reliability of green roofs were analyzed, in order to remark the most relevant cases of urban fabrics within the district, whose results could be the most interesting ones about the efficiency of green roofs. In a


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    Juliane Lucas Guastuci Duarte


    Full Text Available The extracted from green tea plant Camellia sinensis, is widely used throughout the world and over the past few years, scientific research has demonstrated its efficacy in reducing body weight among its various inputs to humans. This review aimed to present an overview of studies with green tea and the effects of its bioactive compounds related to obesity. We analyzed articles regarding green tea consumption and its relation to weight loss, through systematic review in Pubmed, Lilacs, SciELO and Embase, with articles published in the last 10 years. Most (82% of the articles found significant association between consumption of green tea and weight loss, but some studies have shown controversial effects.

  16. Chemistry of volcanic soils used for agriculture in Brava Island (Cape Verde) (United States)

    Prudêncio, Maria Isabel; Marques, Rosa; Waerenborgh, João Carlos; José Vieira, Bruno; Dias, Maria Isabel; Rocha, Fernando


    Brava is a small volcanic island located on the south-western part of the Cape Verde archipelago. It is characterized by an irregular plateau between 300 and 976 m above sea level, which is bounded by steep coastal cliffs and cut by fluvial incision in a generally radial drainage pattern. The major volcano-stratigraphic units of the island are: Lower Unit, Middle Unit, Upper Unit, and Sediments. Although Brava is one of the islands with more frequent rainy periods in Cape Verde, the climate is essentially semi-arid, which associated with the rough topography leads to incipient soils. Detailed Fe speciation and chemical composition studies of Cape Verde soils have shown that oxidation is a major weathering mechanism, and high contents of trace elements may occur originated from imbalance of elements in the volcanic parent materials, which can be a threat to the environmental health. The soils mostly used for agriculture in Brava Island are those developed on phonolitic pyroclasts on the plateau and also on sediments. In this work the whole sample (< 2 mm) and the clay-sized fraction (< 2 µm) of these soils were analysed by Mössbauer spectroscopy and neutron activation analysis, aiming to characterize the iron speciation and to determine the concentration and distribution of 30 chemical elements in Brava soils. Mössbauer spectroscopy shows that Fe is more oxidyzed in topsoils developed on sediments (84-87%) than in soils developed on pyroclasts (71-79%). In the clay sized-fraction of all the studied soils only Fe(III) was detected. Iron oxides clearly distinguish the soils derived from the two types of parent materials, hematite being the only Fe oxide present in soils developed on sediments, while maghemite is more abundant in soils developed on pyroclasts. Iron and chromium are depleted in this fine fraction suggesting their occurrence as iron oxides and ferromagnesian minerals present in coarser particles. Among the chemical elements studied, antimony was found

  17. The Foraging Ecology of the Endangered Cape Verde Shearwater, a Sentinel Species for Marine Conservation off West Africa. (United States)

    Paiva, Vitor H; Geraldes, Pedro; Rodrigues, Isabel; Melo, Tommy; Melo, José; Ramos, Jaime A


    Large Marine Ecosystems such as the Canary Current system off West Africa sustains high abundance of small pelagic prey, which attracts marine predators. Seabirds are top predators often used as biodiversity surrogates and sentinel species of the marine ecosystem health, thus frequently informing marine conservation planning. This study presents the first data on the spatial (GPS-loggers) and trophic (stable isotope analysis) ecology of a tropical seabird-the endangered Cape Verde shearwater Calonectris edwardsii-during both the incubation and the chick-rearing periods of two consecutive years. This information was related with marine environmental predictors (species distribution models), existent areas of conservation concern for seabirds (i.e. marine Important Bird Areas; marine IBAs) and threats to the marine environment in the West African areas heavily used by the shearwaters. There was an apparent inter-annual consistency on the spatial, foraging and trophic ecology of Cape Verde shearwater, but a strong alteration on the foraging strategies of adult breeders among breeding phases (i.e. from incubation to chick-rearing). During incubation, birds mostly targeted a discrete region off West Africa, known by its enhanced productivity profile and thus also highly exploited by international industrial fishery fleets. When chick-rearing, adults exploited the comparatively less productive tropical environment within the islands of Cape Verde, at relatively close distance from their breeding colony. The species enlarged its trophic niche and increased the trophic level of their prey from incubation to chick-rearing, likely to provision their chicks with a more diversified and better quality diet. There was a high overlap between the Cape Verde shearwaters foraging areas with those of European shearwater species that overwinter in this area and known areas of megafauna bycatch off West Africa, but very little overlap with existing Marine Important Bird Areas. Further


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    Antônio Carlos Vitte


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um ensaio cartográfico para a determinação da fragilidade ambiental na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Verde (SP, a qual está localizada numa área de contato entre as rochas cristalinas da Serra da Mantiqueira e os terrenos sedimentares da Depressão Periférica Paulista. Procedemos na construção de um apanhado conceitual e metodológico definindo e explorando os conceitos de planejamento e gestão, susceptibilidade, sensibilidade, fragilidade e vulnerabilidade ambientais. Analisamos as características histórico-social-econômicas da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Verde (SP, a qual é marcada pelas práticas agropecuárias, principalmente, as ligadas aos plantios de cana-de-açúcar, batata e cebola, além da criação de gado bovino. Mapeamos e analisamos os dados sobre geologia, pedologia, drenagem, hipsometria, declividades e de uso e ocupação das terras, os quais, foram tratados em ambiente SIG e integrados por um algoritmo para chegarmos a um mapa síntese das classes de fragilidade ambiental na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Verde (SP. O mapa síntese revela que, da área total da Bacia Hidrográfica do rio Verde, 13,23% estão classificados como sendo de muito baixa fragilidade, 42,13% como sendo de baixa fragilidade, 22,17% como sendo de média fragilidade, 14,15% como sendo de alta fragilidade e 8,31% como sendo de muito alta fragilidade ambiental.Concluímos que a maior parte da área formada pela junção das classes de média a muito alta fragilidade estão na porção da bacia hidrográfica que corresponde aos domínios da Serra da Mantiqueira – maior intensidade dos processos de morfogênese.

  19. Formation and emission of linalool in tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves infested by tea green leafhopper (Empoasca (Matsumurasca) onukii Matsuda). (United States)

    Mei, Xin; Liu, Xiaoyu; Zhou, Ying; Wang, Xiaoqin; Zeng, Lanting; Fu, Xiumin; Li, Jianlong; Tang, Jinchi; Dong, Fang; Yang, Ziyin


    Famous oolong tea (Oriental Beauty), which is manufactured by tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) infected with tea green leafhoppers, contains characteristic volatile monoterpenes derived from linalool. This study aimed to determine the formation mechanism of linalool in tea exposed to tea green leafhopper attack. The tea green leafhopper responsible for inducing the production of characteristic volatiles was identified as Empoasca (Matsumurasca) onukii Matsuda. E. (M.) onukii attack significantly induced the emission of linalool from tea leaves (ptea leaves exposed to E. (M.) onukii attack. This information should prove helpful for the future use of stress responses of plant secondary metabolism to improve quality components of agricultural products. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Surficial Geologic Map of Mesa Verde National Park, Montezuma County, Colorado (United States)

    Carrara, Paul E.


    Mesa Verde National Park in southwestern Colorado was established in 1906 to preserve and protect the artifacts and dwelling sites, including the famous cliff dwellings, of the Ancestral Puebloan people who lived in the area from about A.D. 550 to A.D. 1300. In 1978, the United Nations designated the park as a World Heritage Site. The geology of the park played a key role in the lives of these ancient people. For example, the numerous (approximately 600) cliff dwellings are closely associated with the Cliff House Sandstone of Late Cretaceous age, which weathers to form deep alcoves. In addition, the ancient people farmed the thick, red loess (wind-blown dust) deposits on the mesa tops, which because of its particle size distribution has good moisture retention properties. The soil in this loess cover and the seasonal rains allowed these people to grow their crops (corn, beans, and squash) on the broad mesa tops. Today, geology is still an important concern in the Mesa Verde area because the landscape is susceptible to various forms of mass movement (landslides, debris flows, rockfalls), swelling soils, and flash floods that affect the park's archeological sites and its infrastructure (roads, septic systems, utilities, and building sites). The map, which encompasses an area of about 100 mi2 (260 km2), includes all of Mesa Verde National Park, a small part of the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation that borders the park on its southern and western sides, and some Bureau of Land Management and privately owned land to the north and east. Surficial deposits depicted on the map include: artificial fills, alluvium of small ephemeral streams, alluvium deposited by the Mancos River, residual gravel on high mesas, a combination of alluvial and colluvial deposits, fan deposits, colluvial deposits derived from the Menefee Formation, colluvial deposits derived from the Mancos Shale, rockfall deposits, debris flow deposits, earthflow deposits, translational and rotational landslide

  1. Immigration and Resiliency: Unpacking the Experiences of High School Students from Cape Verde and Ethiopia (United States)

    Hersi, Afra Ahmed


    This article explores the complex factors, both individual and social, that contribute to the resiliency and academic achievement of six adolescent African immigrant students from Cape Verde and Ethiopia who were enrolled in a small high school in the United States. The school was designed specifically for recent adolescent immigrant students.…

  2. The continuous improvement system of nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivera C, A.


    This paper describes the continuous improvement system of nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde and the achievements in implementing the same and additionally two study cases are presents. In February 2009 is noteworthy because the World Association of Nuclear Operators we identified as a learning organization, qualification which shows that the continuous improvement system has matured, and this system will expose as I get to learn to capitalize on our own experiences and external experiences diffused by the nuclear industry. In 2007 the management of nuclear power plants integrates its improvement systems and calls it continuous improvement system and is presented in the same extensive report that won the National Quality Award. This system is made up of 5 subsystems operating individually and are also related 1) human performance; 2) referential comparison or benchmarking; 3) self-assessment; 4) corrective action and 5) external operating experience. Five subsystems that plan, generate, capture, manage, communicate and protect the knowledge generated during the processes execution of nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde, as well as from external sources. The target set in 2007 was to increase the intellectual capital to always give response to meeting the security requirements, but creating a higher value to quality, customer, environment protection and society. In brief each of them, highlighting the objective, expectations management, implementation and some benefits. At the end they will describe two study cases selected to illustrate these cases as the organization learns by their continuous improvement system. (Author)

  3. Palo Verde Unit 3 BMI nozzle modification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waskey, D.


    The 61 BMI (Bottom Mount Instrumentation) nozzles of the unit 3 of the Palo Verde plant have been examined through ASME Code Case N722. The nozzle 3 was the only one with leakage noted. The ultrasound testing results are characteristic of PWSCC (Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking). The initiation likely occurred at a weld defect which was exposed to the primary water environment resulting in PWSCC. All other nozzles (60) showed no unacceptable indications. Concerning nozzle 3 one crack in J-groove weld connected large defect to primary water. An environmental model has been used to simulate and optimize the repair. The AREVA crew was on site 18 days after contract award and the job was completed in 12 days, 30 hours ahead of baseline schedule. This series of slides describes the examination of the BMI nozzles, the repair steps, and alternative design concepts

  4. Leptospira interrogans in Rodents from Cape Verde. (United States)

    Plata-Luis, Josué; Foronda, Pilar; Martín-Alonso, Aaron; Feliu, Carlos; Alves, Joana; Gil, Horacio; Valladares, Basilio


    Leptospirosis is an important worldwide zoonotic disease that can infect both animals and humans. In most cases, leptospirosis is a nonspecific self-limiting illness, but some patients can develop a severe form with a high mortality. This study was carried out in Santiago Island, Cape Verde, in 2012-2013. A total of 62 wild rodents (Rattus rattus and Mus domesticus) were analyzed. The lipL32 gene, present only in pathogenic Leptospira spp., was amplified by PCR, and 16 samples were positive (25.8%). In both rodent species, Leptospira interrogans was identified. The results show the presence of pathogenic Leptospira in the three localities analyzed in Santiago. The presence of L. interrogans demonstrates a serious health risk for the population, since this species has been associated with the most severe form of leptospirosis, the Weil's disease in humans, a severe infection with jaundice, renal failure, and hemorrhage.

  5. Zoanthids of the Cape Verde Islands and their symbionts: previously unexamined diversity in the Northeastern Atlantic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reimer, J.D.; Hirose, M.; Wirtz, P.


    The marine invertebrate fauna of the Cape Verde Islands contains many endemic species due to their isolated location in the eastern Atlantic, yet research has not been conducted on most taxa here. One such group are the zoanthids or mat anemones, an order of benthic cnidarians (Hexacorallia:

  6. Possible effects of groundwater pumping on surface water in the Verde Valley, Arizona (United States)

    Leake, Stanley A.; Haney, Jeanmarie


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with The Nature Conservancy, has applied a groundwater model to simulate effects of groundwater pumping and artificial recharge on surface water in the Verde Valley sub-basin of Arizona. Results are in two sets of maps that show effects of locations of pumping or recharge on streamflow. These maps will help managers make decisions that will meet water needs and minimize environmental impacts.

  7. Seismic qualification tests of fans of the NPP of Laguna Verde U-1 and U-2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarvio C, G.; Garcia H, E. E.; Arguelles F, R.; Vela H, A.; Naranjo U, J. L.


    This work presents the results of the seismic qualification tests applied to the fans that will be installed in the control panels of the three divisions of the diesel generators of the nuclear power plant (NPP) of Laguna Verde, Unit-1 and Unit-2. This seismic qualification process of the fans was carried out using two specimens that were tested in the seismic table (vibrating) of the Engineering Institute of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), in accordance with the requirements of the standard IEEE 344-1975, to satisfy the established requirements of seismic qualification in the technical specifications and normative documents required by the nuclear standards, in order to demonstrate its application in the diesel generators Divisions I, II and III of the NPP. The seismic qualification tests were developed on specimens that were retired of the NPP of Laguna Verde recently with a service life of 7.75 years. (Author)

  8. O chá verde e suas ações como quimioprotetor


    Wanderlei Schmitz; Alexandre Yukio Saito; Dirceu Estevão; Halha Ostrensky Saridakis


    O chá preto é responsável por 75% do chá consumido no mundo e o chá verde, por apenas 22%. O chá que era consumido como medicamento, passou a ser do gosto popular devido as suas característica organolépticas. Seus componentes flavonóides e catequinas apresentam uma série de atividades biológicas, antioxidante, quimioprotetora, antiinflamatória e anticarcinogênica. Vários estudos vêm sendo desenvolvidos por pesquisadores em varias regiões do mundo para comprovar estas atividades terapêuticas, ...

  9. Internal event analysis for Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant. Accident sequence quantification and results; Analisis de eventos internos para la Unidad 1 de la Central Nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde. Cuantificacion de secuencias de accidente y resultados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huerta B, A; Aguilar T, O; Nunez C, A; Lopez M, R [Comision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias, 03000 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The Level 1 results of Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant PRA are presented in the {sup I}nternal Event Analysis for Laguna Verde Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant, CNSNS-TR 004, in five volumes. The reports are organized as follows: CNSNS-TR 004 Volume 1: Introduction and Methodology. CNSNS-TR4 Volume 2: Initiating Event and Accident Sequences. CNSNS-TR 004 Volume 3: System Analysis. CNSNS-TR 004 Volume 4: Accident Sequence Quantification and Results. CNSNS-TR 005 Volume 5: Appendices A, B and C. This volume presents the development of the dependent failure analysis, the treatment of the support system dependencies, the identification of the shared-components dependencies, and the treatment of the common cause failure. It is also presented the identification of the main human actions considered along with the possible recovery actions included. The development of the data base and the assumptions and limitations in the data base are also described in this volume. The accident sequences quantification process and the resolution of the core vulnerable sequences are presented. In this volume, the source and treatment of uncertainties associated with failure rates, component unavailabilities, initiating event frequencies, and human error probabilities are also presented. Finally, the main results and conclusions for the Internal Event Analysis for Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant are presented. The total core damage frequency calculated is 9.03x 10-5 per year for internal events. The most dominant accident sequences found are the transients involving the loss of offsite power, the station blackout accidents, and the anticipated transients without SCRAM (ATWS). (Author)

  10. Microbial Diversity and Toxin Risk in Tropical Freshwater Reservoirs of Cape Verde. (United States)

    Semedo-Aguiar, Ana P; Pereira-Leal, Jose B; Leite, Ricardo B


    The Cape Verde islands are part of the African Sahelian arid belt that possesses an erratic rain pattern prompting the need for water reservoirs, which are now critical for the country’s sustainability. Worldwide, freshwater cyanobacterial blooms are increasing in frequency due to global climate change and the eutrophication of water bodies, particularly in reservoirs. To date, there have been no risk assessments of cyanobacterial toxin production in these man-made structures. We evaluated this potential risk using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and full metagenome sequencing in freshwater reservoirs of Cape Verde. Our analysis revealed the presence of several potentially toxic cyanobacterial genera in all sampled reservoirs. Faveta potentially toxic and bloom-forming Microcystis sp., dominated our samples, while a Cryptomonas green algae and Gammaproteobacteria dominated Saquinho and Poilão reservoirs. We reconstructed and assembled the Microcystis genome, extracted from the metagenome of bulk DNA from Faveta water. Phylogenetic analysis of Microcystis cf. aeruginosa CV01’s genome revealed its close relationship with other Microcystis genomes, as well as clustering with other continental African strains, suggesting geographical coherency. In addition, it revealed several clusters of known toxin-producing genes. This survey reinforces the need to better understand the country’s microbial ecology as a whole of water reservoirs on the rise.

  11. Quantitative Analysis of Major Phytochemicals in Orthodox tea (Camellia sinensis), Oxidized under Compressed Air Environment. (United States)

    Panda, Brajesh Kumar; Datta, Ashis Kumar


    This study describes major changes in phytochemical composition of orthodox tea (Camellia sinensis var. Assamica) oxidized under compressed air (CA). The experiments for oxidation were conducted under air pressure (101, 202, and 303 kPa) for 150 min. Relative change in the concentrations of caffeine, catechins, theaflavins (TF), and thearubigins (TR) were analyzed. Effect of CA pressure was found to be nonsignificant in regulating caffeine concentration during oxidation. But degradation in different catechins as well as formation of different TF was significantly affected by CA pressure. At high CA pressure, TF showed highest peak value. TR was found to have slower rate of formation during initial phase of oxidation than TF. Even though the rate of TR formation was significantly influenced by CA, a portion of catechins remained unoxidized at end of oxidation. Except caffeine, the percent change in rate of formation or degradation were more prominent at 202 kPa. © 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

  12. Implementación del proceso de canal verde en la aduana marítima de Guayaquil


    Celi Chamba, Johanna Paola


    propone un nuevo proceso para facilitar el comercio exterior y de manera en especial las actividades de importación; este proceso denominado Canal Verde o Aforo Automático está siendo aplicando en la mayoría de las aduanas del mundo logrando crear aduanas eficientes

  13. Planejamento ambiental de áreas verdes: estudo de caso em Campinas–SP. Environmental planning of urban green areas: case study Campinas–SP.

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    Elaine Cristina Cardoso FIDALGO


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo selecionare estruturar indicadores de acordo com metasdefinidas para um planejamento das áreas verdes edesenvolver uma proposta metodológica para umordenamento territorial, por meio de análise espacial.Os indicadores foram selecionados de forma aidentificar áreas verdes no distrito sede do municípiode Campinas, SP, Brasil, que garantissem a proposiçãode alternativas de conservação da biodiversidade, odesenvolvimento de programas de educação ambientale a possibilidade de recreação. Os indicadores foramponderados, espacializados e integrados, resultando,em uma primeira etapa, em dois mapas de síntese:o primeiro, indicando as áreas prioritárias para aimplantação de áreas verdes de acordo com oselementos antrópicos; e o segundo, as áreas prioritáriasde acordo com os elementos naturais. A integração dosdois mapas gerados resultou no mapa de áreas prioritáriasà implantação de áreas verdes. A espacialização dosindicadores permitiu identificar a distribuição desigualde áreas verdes para a população, uma vez que seconcentram nos locais onde está a população de maiorrenda. A estratégica metodológica adotada permitiu a identificação e hierarquização das áreas prioritárias à implantação de áreas verdes no município.This work aims to select and to organizeindicators according to the defined goals for theurban green areas planning, and to develop amethodological proposal to territorial ordering,using spatial analysis. It was developed inCampinas city (urban district, São Paulo state,Brazil. The indicators were selected according tothe information needed to identify urban greenareas to biodiversity conservation, environmentaleducation programs, and recreation. The indicatorswere weighted, spacialized and integrated. In afirst stage, it resulted in two synthesis maps, thefirst showing the priority areas to establish urbangreen areas according to the human elements, andthe

  14. Estudo comparativo do uso tópico de própolis verde e vermelha na reparação de feridas em ratos

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    Lara Lívia Valença Batista

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação cicatrizante de própolis verde e vermelha, correlacionando ao teor de flavonoides MÉTODOS: Foi realizada a quantificação de flavonoides totais dos extratos etanólicos de própolis verde e vermelha para posterior incorporação em pomada base a 20%. Utilizou-se 20 ratos Wistar distribuídos em quatro grupos: solução salina a 0,9% (S, pomada base (B, pomada própolis verde (G, pomada própolis vermelha (R, todos submetidos à confecção de lesões excisivas na região mediana do dorso. Os ratos foram tratados diariamente durante 15 dias. Neste período foram observados peso; temperatura corporal; diâmetro das feridas. Para análise histológica, amostras das feridas foram coletadas. Ao fim do experimento foram realizadas coleta sanguínea e remoção do rim e fígado para análises bioquímica e histológica. RESULTADOS: Os teores de flavonoides totais das própolis verde (4,50 % e vermelha (5,92 % foram elevados (>2 %, mas, embora a segunda apresente teor maior que a primeira, a evolução da própolis verde, macro e histologicamente, foi melhor na reparação das feridas. Não foram observadas nefro ou hepatotoxicidade, resultado corroborado pelos ensaios bioquímicos (TGP e albumina. A própolis influiu na redução de colesterol total, triglicerídeos e glicemia. CONCLUSÃO: Não foi possível correlacionar o teor de flavonoides totais com a ação cicatrizante da própolis. O dado revela a necessidade da elucidação dos flavonoides encontrados em cada classe de própolis para desvendar qual (ou quais flavonoide(s seria(m representativo(s no processo cicatricial.

  15. The Palo Verde story: a foundation for future multi-station nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brunt, Jr.E.E.Van; Ferguson, C.


    In 1973, the design and planning for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Was started featuring three 3800 MWt Combustion Engineering Standard System 80 Nuclear Steam Supply Systems. Arizona Public Service Company (APS) was the Project Manager and Operating Agent and Bechtel Power Corporation the architect/engineer and constructor. The Palo Verde units are located in a desert environment some 50 miles west of Phoenix, Arizona. It is a 'dry site' in that there are no liquid discharges from the site. The cooling tower makeup water sewage is waste effluent from the City of Phoenix treated at an on site reclamation facility. The effluent has had primary and secondary treatment at the Phoenix plant prior to delivery to PVNGS. The units are physically separate from each other but are of identical design. There are no shared safety systems between the units. Unit 1 and Unit 2 are both in commercial operation (January, 1986 and September, 1986 respectively). Unit 3 is scheduled to load fuel late in the first quarter of 1987. This paper presents some of the engineering and management practices used during design, construction, and startup and operational experiences and other unique features of this multi-unit nuclear station. The site arrangement is shown in Figure 1

  16. Simulation of overpressure events with a Laguna Verde model for the RELAP code to conditions of extended power up rate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez H, A.; Araiza M, E.; Fuentes M, L.; Ortiz V, J.


    In this work the main results of the simulation of overpressure events are presented using a model of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde developed for the RELAP/SCDAPSIM code. As starting point we have the conformation of a Laguna Verde model that represents a stationary state to similar conditions to the operation of the power station with Extended Power Up rate (EPU). The transitory of simulated pressure are compared with those documented in the Final Safety Analysis Report of Laguna Verde (FSAR). The results of the turbine shot transitory with and without by-pass of the main turbine are showed, and the event of closes of all the valves of main vapor isolation. A preliminary simulation was made and with base in the results some adjustments were made for the operation with EPU, taking into account the Operation Technical Specifications of the power station. The results of the final simulations were compared and analyzed with the content in the FSAR. The response of the power station to the transitory, reflected in the model for RELAP, was satisfactory. Finally, comments about the improvement of the model are included, for example, the response time of the protection and mitigation systems of the power station. (Author)

  17. Validation of the thermal balance of Laguna Verde turbine under conditions of extended power increase; Validacion del balance termico de turbina de Laguna Verde en condiciones de aumento de potencia extendido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castaneda G, M. A.; Cruz B, H. J.; Mercado V, J. J.; Cardenas J, J. B.; Garcia de la C, F. M., E-mail: [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Central Nucleoelectrica Laguna Verde, Carretera Cardel-Nautla Km 42.5, Alto Lucero, Veracruz (Mexico)


    The present work is a continuation of the task: Modeling of the vapor cycle of Laguna Verde with the PEPSE code to conditions of thermal power licensed at present (2027 MWt) in which the modeling of the vapor cycle of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde was realized with PEPSE code (Performance Evaluation of Power System Efficiencies). Once reached the conditions of nominal operation of extended power increase, operating both units to 2371 MWt; after the tests phase of starting-up and operation is necessary to carry out a verification of the proposed design of the vapor cycle for the new operation conditions. All this, having in consideration that the vapor cycle designer only knows the detail of the prospective performance of the main turbine, for all the other components (for example pumps, heat inter changers, valves, reactor, humidity separators and re-heaters, condensers, etc.) makes generic suppositions based on engineering judgment. This way carries out the calculations of thermal balance to determine the guaranteed gross power. The purpose of the present work is to comment the detail of the validation carried out of the specific thermal balance (thermal kit) of the nuclear power plant, making use of the design characteristics of the different components that conform the vapor cycle. (Author)

  18. Adubos verdes e adubação mineral nitrogenada em cobertura na cultura do trigo em plantio direto

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    Anísio da Silva Nunes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito do cultivo de adubos verdes, associados a doses de nitrogênio (N em adubação de cobertura, no desempenho agronômico da cultura do trigo em sistema plantio direto. O experimento foi realizado em Dourados (MS, Brasil, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos dispostos em esquema de parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas pelos adubos verdes: ervilhaca peluda (Vicia villosa, crotalária (Crotalaria juncea, mucuna anã (Mucuna deeringiana, lablabe (Dolichus lablab e um tratamento- testemunha, em pousio. Nas subparcelas foram testadas quatro doses de N em cobertura: 0 (zero, 45, 90 e 135 kg ha-1, utilizando a uréia como fonte de N. Foram realizadas avaliações de massa seca das coberturas vegetais, teores de N nos tecidos da parte área dos adubos verdes e nas folhas de trigo, altura de plantas, número de perfilhos produtivos por planta, tamanho da espiga, número de grãos por espiga, massa de mil grãos, peso hectolitro e produtividade. Concluiu-se que maiores produtividades na cultura do trigo são obtidas quando é cultivado após crotalária e ervilhaca peluda e que a resposta do trigo à aplicação de N mineral em adubação de cobertura varia em função da cultura antecessora.

  19. Los Espacios Verdes de la Ciudad de Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina. / The Landscape of the City of Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aun, Liliana


    Full Text Available Se presenta un diagnóstico del estado y la distribución de los espacios verdes de la ciudad de Río Cuarto, ubicada a 53º 08' S 64º 22' W, en la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. La finalidad es establecer estrategias de actuación en la recuperación y construcción de los espacios verdes y sugerir la forestación con especies autóctonas en los espacios verdes. El control urbanístico se debe apoyar en ordenanzas municipales que preserven y mejoren la tipología urbanística de las plazas./This papers displays the condition and distribution of green areas in Río Cuarto situated at 53º 08' S 64º 22' W, in Cordoba, Argentina. The objective is to set the strategies for the rehabilitation and construction of green areas and to propose the forestation of said areas with native species. The development of the green areas must be founded upon city government ordinances designed to preserve and improve the typology of these areas.

  20. Response to IPE and IPEEE results at Palo Verde NGS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lindquist, R.C.


    Insights gained from the internal events probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and from the pilot plant demonstration of the fire-induced vulnerability evaluation (FIVE) have been used to initiate corrective actions in the form of administrative controls, compensatory measures, and plant modifications to reduce the risks associated with significant core-damage sequences. Palo Verde was a pilot demonstration plant for the FIVE methodology developed by the Electrical Power Research Institute and sponsored by the Nuclear Utility Management and Resources Council. Several findings emerged from the application of FIVE and have been acted upon to reduce the impact of fire in several compartments of the plant

  1. Search for neutrino oscillations at the palo verde nuclear reactors (United States)

    Boehm; Busenitz; Cook; Gratta; Henrikson; Kornis; Lawrence; Lee; McKinny; Miller; Novikov; Piepke; Ritchie; Tracy; Vogel; Wang; Wolf


    We report on the initial results from a measurement of the antineutrino flux and spectrum at a distance of about 800 m from the three reactors of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station using a segmented gadolinium-loaded scintillation detector. We find that the antineutrino flux agrees with that predicted in the absence of oscillations excluding at 90% C.L. nu;(e)-nu;(x) oscillations with Deltam(2)>1.12x10(-3) eV(2) for maximal mixing and sin (2)2straight theta>0.21 for large Deltam(2). Our results support the conclusion that the atmospheric neutrino oscillations observed by Super-Kamiokande do not involve nu(e).

  2. Identification of drought-responsive miRNAs and physiological characterization of tea plant (Camellia sinensis L.) under drought stress. (United States)

    Guo, Yuqiong; Zhao, Shanshan; Zhu, Chen; Chang, Xiaojun; Yue, Chuan; Wang, Zhong; Lin, Yuling; Lai, Zhongxiong


    Drought stress is one of the major natural challenges in the main tea-producing regions of China. The tea plant (Camellia sinensis) is a traditional beverage plant whose growth status directly affects tea quality. Recent studies have revealed that microRNAs (miRNAs) play key functions in plant growth and development. Although some miRNAs have been identified in C. sinensis, little is known about their roles in the drought stress response of tea plants. Physiological characterization of Camellia sinensis 'Tieguanyin' under drought stress showed that the malondialdehyde concentration and electrical conductivity of leaves of drought-stressed plants increased when the chlorophyll concentration decreased under severe drought stress. We sequenced four small-RNA (sRNA) libraries constructed from leaves of plants subjected to four different treatments, normal water supply (CK); mild drought stress (T1); moderate drought stress (T2) and severe drought stress (T3). A total of 299 known mature miRNA sequences and 46 novel miRNAs were identified. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis revealed that most of the differentially expressed-miRNA target genes were related to regulation of transcription. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis revealed that the most highly enriched pathways under drought stress were D-alanine metabolism, sulfur metabolism, and mineral absorption pathways. Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) was used to validate the expression patterns of 21 miRNAs (2 up-regulated and 19 down-regulated under drought stress). The observed co-regulation of the miR166 family and their targets ATHB-14-like and ATHB-15-like indicate the presence of negative feedback regulation in miRNA pathways. Analyses of drought-responsive miRNAs in tea plants showed that most of differentially expressed-miRNA target genes were related to regulation of transcription. The results of study revealed that the expressions of phase-specific miRNAs vary with morphological, physiological, and

  3. Marketing Verde como uma abordagem estratégica frente ao novo perfil de consumo

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    Pedro Carlos Schenini


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve como objetivo o de verificar a aplicação de conceitos do marketing verde, no comércio de produtos orgânicos, em negócios atuantes em feiras e sacolões no mercado de hortifrutigranjeiros de Florianópolis. No trabalho foram apresentadas diferentes formas de aplicação de elementos da gestão mercadológica - como imagem de negócio, comportamento do consumidor em relação à comercialização de produtos orgânicos e estratégia mercadológica – no marketing verde de produtos orgânicos. A metodologia partiu de um estudo de casos múltiplos, de natureza descritiva, realizado com comerciantes de hortifrutigranjeiros de Florianópolis- SC. A etapa de coleta de dados foi fundamentada principalmente na coleta de dados primários, através das técnicas de observação e realização de entrevista estruturada, com comerciantes de hortifrutigranjeiros em feiras e sacolões de Florianópolis-SC, escolhidos de forma aleatória. A análise fundamentou-se em análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados foram: 1. o consumidor adepto ao marketing verde e produtos orgânicos é um indivíduo informado e formador de opinião, o que aumenta a probabilidade de sucesso, a longo prazo, de negócios adotantes de tal estratégia que apliquem de forma efetiva; 2. um aspecto crucial para o crescimento do mercado de orgânicos é o esclarecimento entre características, vantagens e benefícios entre produtos orgânicos e inorgânicos. O atual contexto aponta para uma situação em que o produto inorgânico, ou com “veneno”, é o mesmo denominado “normal”.

  4. Conventional and accelerated-solvent extractions of green tea (camellia sinensis) for metabolomics-based chemometrics. (United States)

    Kellogg, Joshua J; Wallace, Emily D; Graf, Tyler N; Oberlies, Nicholas H; Cech, Nadja B


    Metabolomics has emerged as an important analytical technique for multiple applications. The value of information obtained from metabolomics analysis depends on the degree to which the entire metabolome is present and the reliability of sample treatment to ensure reproducibility across the study. The purpose of this study was to compare methods of preparing complex botanical extract samples prior to metabolomics profiling. Two extraction methodologies, accelerated solvent extraction and a conventional solvent maceration, were compared using commercial green tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (Theaceae)] products as a test case. The accelerated solvent protocol was first evaluated to ascertain critical factors influencing extraction using a D-optimal experimental design study. The accelerated solvent and conventional extraction methods yielded similar metabolite profiles for the green tea samples studied. The accelerated solvent extraction yielded higher total amounts of extracted catechins, was more reproducible, and required less active bench time to prepare the samples. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of accelerated solvent as an efficient methodology for metabolomics studies. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  5. Strategic planning 2007-2011, an opportunity for quality, competitiveness and excellence of the Laguna Verde Central; Planeacion estrategica 2007-2011, una oportunidad para la calidad, competitividad y excelencia de la Central Laguna Verde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rivera C, A. [CFE, Central Laguna Verde, Kilometro 42.5 Cardel Nautla, Veracruz (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    The reason is to give to know to the nuclear community in Mexico the good results that it located in the 2006 to the Laguna Verde Nucleo electric Central in the classification of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) like one of the best in the worldwide scale, and their Strategic Plan 2007-2011 like an opportunity to continue improving the Quality, the Competitiveness and the Excellency in their Generating Units. It stands out that the fuel reloads are carried out in systemic form in less than 30 days, and also other achievements like it is the certificate granted by PROFEPA of Clean Industry, the renovation of the Certifications of the ISO-9001 and the ISO-14001, as well as the accredit of the Laboratories, and they will give data of the project of the increment of power that their power rose in 15%. For those results in the Strategic Planning 2007-2011 are pointed out that the Laguna Verde Central is a highly viable option in Mexico, when continuing with reloads that will allow a capacity factor up of 90%, and the other concepts that will give the obtaining of the qualification level 1 of WANO in this strategic period. Finally I will conclude with the good news for the Nuclear Industry in Mexico that published the Reforma newspaper at November 01, 2006: 'To the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, interests him to impel during his command the alternating energy sources to the hydrocarbons, known it is that the hydrocarbons (petroleum, coal or natural gas) they are finite, while the appetite of the world for the energy is infinite. As you they know, Mexico possesses a nuclear plant that generates energy starting from enriched uranium: the famous Laguna Verde Thermonuclear Central. He declared that Mexico can and it should advance for the one on the way to the energy generation for the nuclear road.' (Author)0.

  6. A novel cold-regulated gene from Camellia sinensis, CsCOR1, enhances salt- and dehydration-tolerance in tobacco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Xian-Wen, E-mail: [College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070 (China); College of Life Science, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000 (China); Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology of the Ministry of Education, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070 (China); Feng, Zhi-Guo; Yang, Hui-Min; Zhu, Xiao-Pei [College of Life Science, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000 (China); Liu, Jun, E-mail: [College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070 (China); Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology of the Ministry of Education, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070 (China); Yuan, Hong-Yu, E-mail: [College of Life Science, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000 (China)


    In present research, the full-length cDNA and the genomic sequence of a novel cold-regulated gene, CsCOR1, were isolated from Camellia sinensis L. The deduced protein CsCOR1 contains a hydrophobic N-terminus as a signal peptide and a hydrophilic C-terminal domain that is rich in glycine, arginine and proline. Two internal repetitive tridecapeptide fragments (HSVTAGRGGYNRG) exist in the middle of the C-terminal domain and the two nucleotide sequences encoding them are identical. CsCOR1 was localized in the cell walls of transgenic-tobaccos via CsCOR1::GFP fusion approach. The expression of CsCOR1 in tea leaves was enhanced dramatically by both cold- and dehydration-stress. And overexpression of CsCOR1 in transgenic-tobaccos improved obviously the tolerance to salinity and dehydration.

  7. Produto Verde: Uma Análise a partir do Ecodesign Pilot e da Teia das Estratégias do Ecodesign

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    Isabel Joselita Barbosa da Rocha Alves


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou analisar através do uso das ferramentas de ecodesign: Ecodesign PILOT e Teia das Estratégias do Ecodesign, se o banco Carambola, concebido como produto verde é de fato “verde”. Os dados coletados junto ao idealizador do produto revelaram que os processos de extração e de produção de matérias-primas causam a maior parte dos impactos ambientais do produto. Contudo, destaca-se que nas demais fases do ciclo de vida os aspectos ambientais não são intensivos e que todas as estratégias apresentam baixa prioridade. Assim, pode-se concluir que o produto, com base nestas ferramentas, pode ser considerado verde.

  8. Análisis de los modos de acceso y los patrones de uso de la población respecto a los espacios verdes urbanos, como base para su planificación

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    Jimena Gómez Piovano


    Full Text Available En las ciudades, los espacios verdes públicos forman uno de los principales articuladores de la vida social, siendo lugares de encuentro e integración de los habitantes. La OMS considera que la superficie óptima mínima destinada a espacios verdes por habitante debe ser de 10 a 15 m2. No obstante, este indicador no garantiza la igualdad de acceso a todas las personas. Por ello, la superficie disponible y la ubicación de dichos espacios son factores fundamentales para asegurar esa igualdad y, por consiguiente, la calidad de vida urbana. Este trabajo centra su investigación en el análisis de los distintos modos de acceso y los patrones de uso de espacios verdes del Área Metropolitana de Mendoza, Argentina, con el fin de desarrollar un plan de inclusión de nuevos espacios verdes que aborden los ejes de cantidad y de igualdad de acceso peatonal. Con ese objetivo, se realizan encuestas a los usuarios, la cuales demuestran que la mayor parte de ellos llegan a estos sitios caminando, que existe relación entre el medio de transporte y la frecuencia con la que asisten a los espacios verdes, y que los radios de acción de dichos sitios varían entre 300 y 400m, dependiendo de la superficie del espacio. 

  9. 75 FR 53985 - Arizona Public Service Company, et al., Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3; Temporary... (United States)


    ... NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket No. STN 50-530; NRC-2010-0281] Arizona Public Service Company, et al., Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3; Temporary Exemption 1.0 Background Arizona Public Service Company (APS, the licensee) is the holder of Facility Operating License No. NPF-74, which...

  10. Grãos defeituosos em café colhido verde Occurrence of commercial defective coffee beans in unripe fruits

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    A. A. Teixeira


    Full Text Available Frutos de café Mundo Novo, colhidos verdes, após o benefício, foram analisados quanto aos defeitos comerciais que apresentaram. A classificação foi efetuada independentemente, por três classificadores, com a contagem de grãos "normais" e daqueles considerados defeitos, isto é, "verde" (três categorias, "ardido" e "prêto". Notou-se uma elevada porcentagem de grãos normais quanto à coloração, e também a ocorrência de grãos dos tipos "ardido" e "prêto", no café não maduro. Com a remoção da película prateada verificou-se uma redução na porcentagem de grãos "verdes" e um acentuado aumento na porcentagem de grãos "ardidos", e um aumento menor na de grãos "normais" e "prêtos". Estas observações indicam que os grãos normalmente classificados no comércio como "verdes" devem esta característica à côr .anormal da película, e que os grãos "ardidos" têm, como uma das suas origens, a colheita de frutos verdes.The frequency of defective coffee beans was determined in samples of unripe fruits of the cultivar Mundo Novo (Coffea arabica.Ten samples of 1000 seeds each obtained from green fruits after sundrying and shelling were independently scored for the commercial defects by three coffee classifiers. Each one of the classifiers recorded the occurrence of green-coated, brown and black beans before and after removal of the silver skin. The data revealed that more than half of the beans had normal green color whereas 44.9 per cent were green-coated, 3.5 per cent were brown and 0.1 per cent were black beans. The removal of the silver skin affected the previous classification giving 59.7 per cent of normal green beans, 39.5 per cent of brown and 0.3 per cent of black beans. These observations indicated that the so-called green-coated beans are caused by the presence of the silver skin which retains green pigments probably chlorophyll. On the other hand the browns which have been considered as product of over-fermentation were

  11. Identification of epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl)-gallate (EGCG3''Me) and amino acid profiles in various tea (Camellia sinensis L.) cultivars. (United States)

    Ji, Hyang-Gi; Lee, Yeong-Ran; Lee, Min-Seuk; Hwang, Kyeng Hwan; Kim, Eun-Hee; Park, Jun Seong; Hong, Young-Shick


    This article includes experimental data on the identification of epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl)-gallate (EGCG3''Me) by 2-dimensional (2D) proton ( 1 H) NMR analysis and on the information of amino acid and catechin compound profiles by HPLC analysis in leaf extracts of various tea cultivars. These data are related to the research article " Metabolic phenotyping of various tea (Camellia sinensis L.) cultivars and understanding of their intrinsic metabolism " (Ji et al., 2017) [1]. The assignment for EGCG3x''Me by 1 H NMR analysis was also confirmed with spiking experiment of its pure chemical.

  12. Tending Transformation Technology of Low-yielding Camellia reticulata in Tengchong%腾冲红花油茶低产林抚育改造技术

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    杨开保; 黄佳聪; 辛成莲; 万晓军


    Tending transformation test was conducted on 28hm 39 year old direct seeding forestation and long-term management absent low yielding Camellia reticulata in Tengchong. Through years of experimental research, we have come up with the forest garden governance, density adjustment, treelike adjustment; strengthen soil and water management and pest control tending transformation technologies. Four years after the transformation, the forest quality has greatly improved, tree vigor has recovered, substantial increases have been seen in harvests, and preharvest fruit drops have been contained. The average ripening rate has grown from 19. 93% to 41. 07% ; crude oil yield has risen up to 220. 5kg/hm2, equivalent to 9. 19 times the amount of 24kg/hm2 produced before, and 1. 77 times the amount of 124. 5kg/hm2 for pests and diseases control test. The test results have contributed technical support to the low-yielding Camellia reticulata transformation in Tengchong, the sustainable development of the industry in the old-production area and the improvement of Camellia reticulata yield and quality.%对面积28 hm2、树龄39 a、直播造林且长期失管的腾冲红花油荼低产林开展抚育改造试验.通过多年的试验研究,摸索出林相林园治理、密度调整、树型调整、加强土肥水管理及病虫害防治等抚育改造综合技术.改造后第四年的林分质量明显改善,树势恢复,大幅增产,采前落果得到根本遏制;植株平均结实率由19.93%增加到41.07%,粗油产量达220.5 kg/hm2,为改造前24 kg/hm2的9.19倍,为病虫害试验对照产量124.5 kg/hm2的1.77倍.试验结果为腾冲红花油荼低产林抚育改造,老产区巩固产业持续发展,提高油茶产量和品质提供了技术支特.

  13. The Impacts of Urban Politics on Female Street Vendors in Praia, Cape Verde


    Pólvora, Jacqueline Britto


    Departing from transformations that are taking place on the space of the Plateau in Praia, Cape Verde, this paper discusses how these transformations are affecting the daily and working lives of the female street vendors in the city. It is an ethnographic study conducted with the ladies, also taking into account official data available from the institutional offices in Praia. It focuses on the tensions and disputes around the space, given significant changes that have been promoted by the ...

  14. New aspects in the radiological emergency plan outside the Nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alva L, S.


    The Mexican government through the National Commission of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards has imposed to the Federal Commission of Electricity to fulfill the requirement of having a functional Emergency Plan and under the limits that the regulator organisms in the world have proposed. The PERE (Plan of External Radiological Emergency) it has been created for the Nuclear Power station of Laguna Verde, Mexico

  15. Vías verdes, reutilización de ferrocarriles en desuso para movilidad sostenible, ocio y turismo

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    Aycart Luengo, Carmen


    Full Text Available Greenways are autonomous infrastructures destined to the non-motorised traffic, which use linear infrastructures out of service: railway platforms decommissioned and canal or river towpaths. Their specific characteristics like FACILITY, COMFORT, SAFETY and the gentle inclines convert them into wonderful places for walking or riding bicycle, and into accessible spaces for people with limited mobility (children, elderly and disabled people. In Spain there are more than 8.000 km of abandoned railway lines, which are prepared for going through 1.800 km. On the Spanish Greenways Program, coordinated by the Spanish Railways Foundation (FFE and executed by the Ministry for the Environment, Renfe, feve, Regions, Provinces and City Councils, 38 Greenways have already been very well conditioned, adding 950 km of length and some 40 M Euro (6.500 M pta invested. In 1998 the European Greenways Association was born, presided until now by the FFE. At the international leve1 the greatest success has been to receive the United Nations Good Practices Habitat 2000 International Award. The published Greenways Guide (two volumes, where are included 1.800 Greenways km, the web site and the continuous spreading in several media, are a essential part of the promotion labour that is developed by FFE.Las Vías Verdes son infraestructuras autónomas destinadas al tráfico no motorizado, que utilizan infraestructuras lineales fuera de servicio, como las plataformas de ferrocarriles en desuso y los caminos de sirga de canales. Sus intrínsecas cualidades como la FACILIDAD, la COMODIDAD, la SEGURlDAD y la falta de pendientes, las convierten en maravillosos lugares para el paseo, tanto a pie como en bicicleta, y en espacios accesibles para personas con movilidad reducida (niños, ancianos, minusválidos. En España, tenemos más de 8.000 kilómetros de líneas ferroviarias abandonadas, de las cuales pueden ya recorrerse 1.800 km. Dentro del Programa V

  16. The Foraging Ecology of the Endangered Cape Verde Shearwater, a Sentinel Species for Marine Conservation off West Africa.

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    Vitor H Paiva

    Full Text Available Large Marine Ecosystems such as the Canary Current system off West Africa sustains high abundance of small pelagic prey, which attracts marine predators. Seabirds are top predators often used as biodiversity surrogates and sentinel species of the marine ecosystem health, thus frequently informing marine conservation planning. This study presents the first data on the spatial (GPS-loggers and trophic (stable isotope analysis ecology of a tropical seabird-the endangered Cape Verde shearwater Calonectris edwardsii-during both the incubation and the chick-rearing periods of two consecutive years. This information was related with marine environmental predictors (species distribution models, existent areas of conservation concern for seabirds (i.e. marine Important Bird Areas; marine IBAs and threats to the marine environment in the West African areas heavily used by the shearwaters. There was an apparent inter-annual consistency on the spatial, foraging and trophic ecology of Cape Verde shearwater, but a strong alteration on the foraging strategies of adult breeders among breeding phases (i.e. from incubation to chick-rearing. During incubation, birds mostly targeted a discrete region off West Africa, known by its enhanced productivity profile and thus also highly exploited by international industrial fishery fleets. When chick-rearing, adults exploited the comparatively less productive tropical environment within the islands of Cape Verde, at relatively close distance from their breeding colony. The species enlarged its trophic niche and increased the trophic level of their prey from incubation to chick-rearing, likely to provision their chicks with a more diversified and better quality diet. There was a high overlap between the Cape Verde shearwaters foraging areas with those of European shearwater species that overwinter in this area and known areas of megafauna bycatch off West Africa, but very little overlap with existing Marine Important Bird

  17. Analisis Kandungan Timbal (Pb Pada Daun Tanaman Teh (Camellia sinensis O.K dan Tanah Perkebunan Teh yang Berada Di Kawasan Puncak Malino

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    Dirgadwijuarti Azis


    Full Text Available DOWNLOAD PDFDescriptive research was done to know the contents of lead (Pb in tea leaf (Camellia sinensis at top, under hills as well as soil of tea plantation at top and under the hills in Malino district. The Variable of these researches was lead content in tea leaf at top and under the hills. Another variable was soial of tea plantation at the top and under hills. The samples were taken from six stations, which were 1, 2, and 3 stations at top hill and 4, 5 and 6 stations at under hill. The leaf sample that taken was small sprout. Lead content was analyzed by using Absorption Automatic Spectrophotometer.  The results showed that mean content of lead in tea leaf at top hill was 3,4 µg/kg and mean content of lead at under hill was 5,7 µg/kg. The mean content of soil at top hill was 8,4 µg/kg and the average Pb content of soil at under hill was 7,5 µg/kg. After calculated by Mann-Whitney test found that there was difference Pb between concentration in the leaves on tea plants at top and under hills. There was no differences between lead concentration in soil at the top and under of hills. Test correlation with Spearman Rank found that there was correlation between Pb contents in the leaf of tea plants on the hill with soil at the hill. Study also showed that no correlation between lead content at tea leaf and soil at under of the hill.   Key words: Tea leaf (Camellia sinensis,  lead (Pb,  Malino tea plantation.

  18. Lotus alianus, a new species from Cabo Verde and nomeenclatural notes on Lotus section Pedrosia (Fabaceae) (United States)

    Lotus alianus J.H. Kirkbr., sp. nov., is described and illustrated. It is a rare endemic species from the Republic of Cape Verde, and is found in dry habitats on just two islands, Ilhas de Santo Antao and Sao Vicente. In addition, two species names are synonymized with L. creticus L., and a lectotyp...

  19. Developing and modeling of the 'Laguna Verde' BWR CRDA benchmark

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solis-Rodarte, J.; Fu, H.; Ivanov, K.N.; Matsui, Y.; Hotta, A.


    Reactivity initiated accidents (RIA) and design basis transients are one of the most important aspects related to nuclear power reactor safety. These events are re-evaluated whenever core alterations (modifications) are made as part of the nuclear safety analysis performed to a new design. These modifications usually include, but are not limited to, power upgrades, longer cycles, new fuel assembly and control rod designs, etc. The results obtained are compared with pre-established bounding analysis values to see if the new core design fulfills the requirements of safety constraints imposed on the design. The control rod drop accident (CRDA) is the design basis transient for the reactivity events of BWR technology. The CRDA is a very localized event depending on the control rod insertion position and the fuel assemblies surrounding the control rod falling from the core. A numerical benchmark was developed based on the CRDA RIA design basis accident to further asses the performance of coupled 3D neutron kinetics/thermal-hydraulics codes. The CRDA in a BWR is a mostly neutronic driven event. This benchmark is based on a real operating nuclear power plant - unit 1 of the Laguna Verde (LV1) nuclear power plant (NPP). The definition of the benchmark is presented briefly together with the benchmark specifications. Some of the cross-sections were modified in order to make the maximum control rod worth greater than one dollar. The transient is initiated at steady-state by dropping the control rod with maximum worth at full speed. The 'Laguna Verde' (LV1) BWR CRDA transient benchmark is calculated using two coupled codes: TRAC-BF1/NEM and TRAC-BF1/ENTREE. Neutron kinetics and thermal hydraulics models were developed for both codes. Comparison of the obtained results is presented along with some discussion of the sensitivity of results to some modeling assumptions

  20. Chuva de sementes em remanescentes florestais de Campo Verde, MT

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    William Pietro-Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em avaliar sazonalmente a produção de sementes provenientes de fragmentos florestais presentes na zona rural de Campo Verde, MT. Essa caracterização ocorreu em termos de produção de sementes e riqueza de espécies vegetais. Foram selecionados três fragmentos florestais caracterizados como Floresta Estacional Semidecidual. Em cada fragmento, cinco coletores foram instalados e confeccionados com canos de PVC (1 m²; malha de náilon de 0,001 m e 0,15 m de profundidade do bojo. O material foi coletado mensalmente, cujas sementes foram quantificadas e separadas conforme a síndrome de dispersão, etapa sucessional e forma de vida. Houve a determinação da densidade, frequência absoluta, índice de diversidade e equitabilidade. Ao todo, foram obtidas 3.622 sementes, pertencentes a 74 táxons. Maiores densidades de sementes foram observadas durante os meses de setembro, outubro e novembro. As lianas Gouania sp., Fridericia speciosa, Heteropterys sp. e Distictella sp. responderam com 55,95% do total de sementes aportadas. Das espécies que compuseram a chuva de sementes, 74% não são dispersas pelo vento. Todavia, quando se verificou a quantidade de diásporos coletados, formas dispersas pelo vento foram predominantes, representando 76% do total. Citam-se como táxons arbóreos importantes para a recomposição florestal na região de Campo Verde, situada no Sudeste de Mato Grosso: Tachigali rubiginosa, Siparuna guianensis, Nectandra sp., Cordia alliodora, Alibertia sp., Terminalia brasiliensis e Myrcia sp. Essas espécies devem ser alvo de estudos mais específicos relacionados ao seu potencial para recuperação de ambientes degradados, considerando-se as Áreas de Preservação Permanente e Reservas Legais.