
Sample records for centro-oeste gas system

  1. A dinâmica locacional da avicultura e suinocultura no centro-oeste brasileiro.


    Leopoldo Viriato Saboya


    Visando investigar a dinâmica locacional das empresas dos complexos aves e suínos estabelecidas na região Centro-Oeste brasileira, foi conduzida uma pesquisa empírica do processo de decisão locacional e dos fatores-chave na escolha do local produtivo, tendo como referencial teórico uma abordagem comportamental da Teoria da Localização. A pressuposição central deste estudo é a de que os preços mais baixos das matérias-primas básicas (em especial o milho) nos estados da região Centro-Oeste não ...

  2. Índice de Vantagem Comparativa Revelada do Complexo Soja da Região Centro-Oeste Brasileira

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    Marciele de Freitas Oliveira


    Full Text Available O Centro-Oeste brasileiro se destaca no setor agrícola por ser uma das principais regiões produtoras e exportadoras de grãos. O objetivo central desse trabalho foi fazer uma caracterização da exportação dos produtos do complexo soja na região Centro-Oeste. Além disso, buscou-se analisar a importância desses produtos para a região. Os dados utilizados nesta pesquisa referem-se à exportação dos produtos do complexo soja na região e no Brasil, oriundos do Sistema de Análise Exterior (ALICE, da Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (SECEX e do World Trade Organization (WTO. Como método de pesquisa, utilizou-se primeiramente o Índice de Vantagem Comparativa Revelada (IVCR, porém, como esse índice apresenta valores positivos assimétricos, recorreu-se ao Índice de Vantagem Comparativa Revelada Simétrica (IVCRS, a fim de suprir essa limitação, pois os valores do IVCRS variam entre -1 e 1. Como resultado constatou-se que a região Centro-Oeste apresenta vantagens comparativas na exportação do complexo soja, porém essa vantagem vem apresentando queda nos últimos anos.

  3. Frequência de ocorrência de carcinoma basocelular palpebral na região Centro-Oeste paulista e características dos portadores

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    Silvia Narikawa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Observar a frequência de ocorrência do carcinoma basocelular palpebral na região Centro-Oeste paulista e descrever o perfil demográfico dos portadores. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de amostragem aleatória, realizado em doze cidades da região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Foram examinados 11.167 indivíduos. Os pacientes foram avaliados em uma Unidade Móvel, com atendimento oftalmológico completo. O diagnóstico de carcinoma basocelular palpebral foi feito através do exame clínico e biomicroscópico da lesão. Os pacientes diagnosticados foram encaminhados ao Ambulatório de Plástica Ocular da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu para tratamento. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de frequência de ocorrência. RESULTADOS: Cinco casos de carcinoma basocelular palpebral foram identificados na amostra, correspondendo a uma frequência de ocorrência de 0,045%. Quatro pacientes eram do sexo feminino, a maioria com idade maior ou igual a 70 anos e todos os casos tinham a cor da pele branca. Apenas três indivíduos encaminhados compareceram ao serviço para exérese da lesão e confirmação diagnóstica. CONCLUSÃO: O carcinoma basocelular palpebral acomete 0,045% dos habitantes da região Centro-Oeste paulista, afetando principalmente o sexo feminino, na faixa etária próxima dos 70 anos.

  4. O problema do transporte rodoviario para o escoamento da soja produzida no Centro-Oeste brasileiro


    Vivian Helena Capacle


    Resumo:A região Centro-Oeste do país se destaca como um pólo produtor de soja, constituindo-se em um exemplo típico de região de fronteira. A expansão para a área de fronteira agrícola foi incentivada pelo governo, entre os anos 60-70, amparada por uma base infra-estrutural de transportes rodoviários. A partir dos anos 80, pela crise fiscal do Estado, o setor agrícola perde o apoio que tinha e a malha rodoviária brasileira perde participação nos recursos públicos para investimentos em sua amp...

  5. Movimento de expansão dos cursos superiores de enfermagem na região centro-oeste do Brasil: uma perspectiva histórica

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    Thais Silva Corrêa Barbosa


    Full Text Available Estudo documental de abordagem histórico social, cujo objeto foi a trajetória de crescimento dos cursos superiores de enfermagem na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Os objetivos foram: levantar o número de cursos superiores de enfermagem criados na região Centro-Oeste, na série histórica 1933-2006; comparar o número de cursos vinculados a instituições públicas aos vinculados a instituições privadas na região em estudo; e comentar os nexos entre o contexto histórico e a configuração desses cursos no que se refere à vinculação institucional, ao longo dos anos. Até o final do ano de 1999, haviam sido criados na região Centro-Oeste 14 cursos de enfermagem, dos quais 57% eram privados e 43% públicos. Em decorrência das políticas de educação adotadas no país, principalmente na década de 90, observa-se a criação de mais 30 cursos na região entre os anos 2000 e 2006, perfazendo um total de 44 cursos superiores de enfermagem, dos quais 79,5% são privados e 20,5% públicos, sendo Goiás, o estado com maior concentração destes cursos. A rede privada expandiu-se na região e concentra, atualmente, a grande maioria dos cursos de enfermagem, o que nos faz entender que a mesma determina, quase que por completo, o perfil do futuro profissional de enfermagem.

  6. Parasitismo humano por Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (ACARI: IXODIDAE no Mato Grosso do Sul, Centro-Oeste do Brasil

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    Igor Cunha Lima Acosta


    Full Text Available O parasitismo humano pelo carrapato marrom do cão, Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (s. l., um importante parasita para a saúde pública e veterinária, é raramente relatado no continente americano. Este trabalho relata o registro de um macho de R. sanguineus s. l. parasitando um humano na cidade de Campo Grande, estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Essa observação é relevante para a saúde pública, uma vez que os carrapatos desse complexo são conhecidos como vetores de riquétsias do grupo da febre maculosa para cães e humanos.

  7. Avifauna from a campus of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Guarapuava, Paraná State, Brazil - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v33i2.7710 Avifauna from a campus of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Guarapuava, Paraná State, Brazil - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v33i2.7710

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    Claudio Henrique Zawadzki


    Full Text Available This study examined the structure and species richness of the avifauna in CEDETEG campus of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (Unicentro, in the urban area of Guarapuava, at Paraná State. Data were monthly taken from July 2006 to June 2007 using transects. A total of 125 bird species belonging to 42 families and 16 orders was recorded. The absence of large frugivorous species reveals the destabilization of native vegetation, evidencing that the current floristic structure does not support more specialized species. However, from the total amount of registered birds, 47 (38% are related to the forest environment in the study area and 25 species (20% are exclusive of this environment, pointing out the strong relevance of this campus for the conservation of these populations.This study examined the structure and species richness of the avifauna in CEDETEG campus of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (Unicentro, in the urban area of Guarapuava, at Paraná State. Data were monthly taken from July 2006 to June 2007 using transects. A total of 125 bird species belonging to 42 families and 16 orders was recorded. The absence of large frugivorous species reveals the destabilization of native vegetation, evidencing that the current floristic structure does not support more specialized species. However, from the total amount of registered birds, 47 (38% are related to the forest environment in the study area and 25 species (20% are exclusive of this environment, pointing out the strong relevance of this campus for the conservation of these populations.

  8. Precipitación de verano en el Centro Oeste de Argentina y procesos atmosféricos/oceánicos de escala regional y global


    Agosta Scarel, Eduardo Andrés


    Trabajos previos mostraron un cambio en el verano 1976/77 en la variabilidad de baja frecuencia de la precipitación de verano (oct-mar) en el en el Centro-Oeste de Argentina (COA). El cuasi-ciclo característico de 18 años, que produce períodos alterantes de secuencias de verano húmedo/seco de duración 9 años cada uno hasta mediados de los 1970s, se desplazó hacia menores frecuencias. El principal objetivo de la tesis es caracterizar la variabilidad de baja frecuencia de los procesos dinámicos...

  9. Inserção de um hospital de grande porte na Rede de Urgências e Emergências da região Centro-Oeste

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    Emanuelly Paulino Soares

    Full Text Available Em face da exigência de se configurar as redes de cuidados, este estudo qualitativo analisa a inserção de um hospital de grande porte na Rede de Atenção às Urgências e Emergências na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil utilizando dados secundários, análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas aos gestores e profissionais que atuam no Centro de Trauma. Os resultados sugerem desconhecimento dos profissionais quanto à inserção do Hospital na rede; definição de fluxos e pactos incipiente; boas práticas na regulação pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgências. Conclui-se que a inserção do Hospital acontece de forma lenta e depende da articulação dos vários níveis do Sistema Único de Saúde.


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    Valter Pereira ROMANO


    Full Text Available Este trabalho utiliza como corpus de análise os dados coletados pela equipe do Projeto Atlas Linguístico do Brasil em três regiões: Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul. Os dados referem-se às cidades do interior e às capitais de cada estado, coletados junto a informantes selecionados segundo o perfil estabelecido. Nesta oportunidade, objetiva-se discutir a distribuição diatópica das variantes lexicais para a questão 132 - "Criança pequenininha, a gente diz que é bebê. E quando ela tem de 5 a 10 anos, do sexo masculino?" - do Questionário Semântico-Lexical (COMITÊ NACIONAL DO PROJETO ALIB, 2001. A metodologia utilizada envolveu análises descritivas e inferenciais pertinentes ao estudo. Para tanto, oito hipóteses foram testadas no sentido de averiguar o comportamento e a distribuição diatópica das cinco variantes mais produtivas no conjunto de respostas. Os principais resultados observados indicam que as variantes apresentam comportamento distinto nas três regiões: (i a variante "menino" apresenta distribuição homogênea nos dez estados; (ii as formas lexicais "guri" e "piá" possuem distribuição heterogênea na região Sul; (iii as variantes de etimologia indígena ("guri" e "piá" são mais representativas nas regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste; (iv há uma maior representatividade da variante "moleque" (étimo africano na região Sudeste, principalmente em São Paulo e Minas Gerais.

  11. Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos eretos de amendoim cultivados nas regiões Nordeste e Centro-Oeste

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    Felipe Matheus Teles de Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estimar a estabilidade e a adaptabilidade de oito genótipos de amendoim ereto e comparar os modelos de análise de EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966, WRICKE (1965 e LIN & BINNS (1988, baseando-se em dados de produtividade de vagens e sementes. Os genótipos de amendoim foram avaliados em 14 ambientes situados nas Regiões Nordeste e Centro-Oeste, durante os anos de 2006 a 2011, sob o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições. Verificou-se que, entre os três métodos estudados, os de EBERHART & RUSSELL(1966 e LIN & BINNS (1988 geraram informações concordantes para estimativas de adaptação e estabilidade de produção de vagens e sementes, baseando-se nas condições deste estudo. Os genótipos L7 Bege e BRS 151 L7 foram os mais produtivos, com adaptabilidade específica a ambientes favoráveis, enquanto que CNPA 280 revelou adaptabilidade ampla e alta estabilidade fenotípica.

  12. The Carboniferous-Permian boundary in the central western Argentinean basins: paleontological evidences El límite Carbonífero-Pérmico en las cuencas del centro oeste de Argentina: evidencias paleontológicas

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    Gabriela A Cisterna


    Full Text Available The central western Argentinean basins of Río Blanco, Calingasta-Uspallata and western Paganzo, enclose the most complete marine successions used for examining the Carboniferous-Permian boundary in Gondwana. A detailed review of the key stratigraphical sections has allowed the identification of the latest Carboniferous assemblages; NBG, Interval megafloristic Zone and DM (Raistrickia densa-Convolutispora muriornata Palynological Zone in the lower part, and the earliest Permian T-S (Tivertonia jachalensis-Streptorhynchus inaequiornatus invertebrate Zone and FS (Pakhapitesfusus-Vittatina subsaccata Palynological Zone in the upper part. This diagnostic mega/microflora and marine invertebrate paleontological evidence provides a biostratigraphical framework for the definition of the Carboniferous-Permian boundary inside the basins of central western Argentina.Las cuencas del centro oeste de Argentina, Río Blanco, Calingasta-Uspallata y el sector oeste de la cuenca Paganzo, contienen las secuencias marinas más completas para el estudio del límite Carbonífero-Pérmico en Gondwana. Un estudio detallado de secciones estratigráficas claves ha permitido la identificación de las asociaciones megaflo-rísticas NBG y de Intervalo, y de la palinozona DM (Raistrickia densa-Convolutispora muriornata, del Carbonífero Tardío, en la parte inferior de dichas secciones; en tanto, en la parte media superior de las secciones estudiadas, se han identificado la biozona de invertebrados T-S (Tivertonia jachalensis-Streptorhynchus inaequiornatus y la palinozona FS (Pakhapites fusus-Vittatina subsaccata, ambas asignadas al Pérmico Temprano. El registro de estas asociaciones diagnósticas de mega/microflora e invertebrados marinos provee un esquema bioestratigráfico integrado que permite ubicar el límite Carbonífero-Pérmico en las cuencas del centro oeste de Argentina.


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    Jardel Pauber Matos e Silva


    Full Text Available Incubadoras de empresas são habitats de inovação dinâmicos capazes de fomentar empreendimentos, dispondo de infraestrutura gerencial, intelectual e física adequada, de maneira a propiciar ao empreendedor (nascente ou em crescimento estabilidade inicial para gerar emprego e renda impactando positivamente no desenvolvimento econômico e social no mercado em que se encontra inserido. Inovar, empreender e proteger a produção tecnológica contribui para o desenvolvimento econômico e social. Assim, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a gestão da propriedade intelectual gerada no processo de incubação de empresas (compreendido as fases de incubação e graduação nas incubadoras da Região Centro-Oeste brasileira. Com os dados obtidos na pesquisa verificou-se que a relação entre o número de empreendimentos incubados (e graduados, e a proteção de ativos de PI ainda é muito baixa na Região. Fatores como a falta de conhecimento dos gestores, além de pouco incentivo para a proteção e ausência de NIT em Universidade foram considerados relevantes para o quadro de tal escassez.

  14. A phylogenetic study of canine parvovirus type 2c in midwestern Brazil Estudo filogenético do parvovírus canino tipo 2c no Centro-Oeste do Brasil

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    Danúbia S. Fontana


    Full Text Available Since the late 1970s, canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2 has emerged as a causative agent of fatal severe acute hemorrhagic enteritis in dogs. To date, three antigenic types of CPV-2 were described worldwide (CPV-2a/b/c. This study was conducted to determine the variants of CPV-2 circulating in dogs from the Cuiabá Municipality in Midwestern Brazil. Out of 50 fecal samples, collected between 2009 and 2011, 27 tested positive for CPV-2. A 583 bp fragment of the VP2 gene was amplified by PCR, 13 representative samples were analyzed further by DNA sequencing. All strains were characterized as CPV-2c, displayed a low genetic variability although observed several amino acid substitution. These findings indicated that CPV-2c has been circulating in dogs from the Cuiabá Municipality in Midwestern Brazil.Desde o final dos anos de 1970, o parvovírus canino tipo 2 (CPV-2 tem emergido como agente de severa e fatal enterite hemorrágica, principalmente em cães com idade inferior a seis meses. Três variantes antigênicas de CPV-2 foram descritas mundialmente (CPV-2a/b/c. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a presença do CPV-2 e suas variantes circulantes em cães no Município de Cuiabá, Centro-oeste, Brasil. Das 50 amostras fecais, coletadas entre 2009 e 2011, 27 foram positivas para CPV-2 na PCR, sendo 13 analisadas pelo sequenciamento de um fragmento de 583 pares de base do gene VP2. Todas as cepas foram caracterizadas como CPV-2c e apresentaram baixa variabilidade genética. Estes achados indicaram que o CPV-2c está circulando na população canina do Município de Cuiabá, Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil.

  15. Prevalência de doenças oculares e causas de comprometimento visual em crianças atendidas em um Centro de Referência em Oftalmologia do centro-oeste do Brasil

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    Maria Nice Araujo Moraes Rocha


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar os níveis de comprometimento visual e a prevalência de oftalmopatias e ametropias em crianças atendidas em um centro de referência em oftalmologia do centro-oeste brasileiro. Comparar os achados com dados publicados referentes a outras regiões do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo transversal, descritivo e retrospectivo com análise de prontuários de crianças atendidas no Centro de Referência em Oftalmologia (CEROF da Universidade Federal de Goiás, no período compreendido entre abril de 2009 e março de 2010. Resultados: Foram avaliados 2408 prontuários, sendo 2128 (88,4% de atendimento eletivo e 280 (11,6% de atendimento no setor de urgências do CEROF. Houve predomínio na faixa etária de 6 a 10 anos (44,2%, seguido pela de 11 a 14 anos (29,6%. O exame foi considerado normal em 12,9% (n=274 dos atendimentos eletivos e em 6,8 (n=19 dos atendimentos de urgência. As doenças mais encontradas nas crianças foram as conjuntivites infecciosas (248 casos, 26,4% e alérgicas (204 casos, 21,7%, blefarite (69 casos, 7,3%, calázio (34 casos, 3,6%, estrabismo (133 casos, 12,06%, as doenças de retina e vítreo (24 casos, 2,6%, catarata e alterações de cristalino (20 casos, 2,1%. As ametropias mais frequentes, contadas por olho, foram a hipermetropia (46,9% e o astigmatismo (42,2% e as doenças sistêmicas mais informadas foramprematuridade (30 casos e diabete melito (26 casos. Conclusão: Este estudo identificou as principais causas de doenças oculares em crianças atendidas em um centro universitário de referência. O grupo de doenças mais prevalente foi o das doenças de córnea e conjuntiva (conjuntivites alérgicas, olho seco e ceratites. As doenças de pálpebra ocuparam o segundo lugar (blefarite, calázio, e obstrução de vias lacrimais. As ametropias mais frequentes foram a hipermetropia e o astigmatismo. Os achados na população estudada mostram-se semelhantes aos observados na literatura nacional.

  16. Ensino da odontogeriatria nas faculdades de odontologia do sul e centro-oeste do Brasil: situação atual e perspectivas = Teaching of geriatric dentistry in Brazilian universities current situation the south and western


    Saintrain, Maria Vieira de Lima; Souza, Eliane Helena Alvim de; Caldas Júnior, Arnaldo de França


    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo levantar a situação do ensino da Odontologia Geriátrica nas faculdades de Odontologia do Sul e Centro-Oeste brasileiro. O Universo foi constituído pelas 24 escolas das regiões e constantes da relação do INEP/200 1, como forma de se garantir que apenas participassem do estudo alunos, de fato, cio último ano ou período do curso. Além dos estudantes, participaram os coordenadores dos cursos. Para cálculo da amostra (aleatória estratificada), adotou-se um interval...

  17. Anemia em gestantes de municípios das regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste do Brasil Anemia en mujeres enbarazadas de ciudades de regiones Sur y Centro-Oeste de Brasil Anemia in pregnant women from two cities in the South and Mid-West Regions of Brazil

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    Elizabeth Fujimori


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se analisar a distribuição da anemia em gestantes da rede básica de saúde de dois municípios, na região Sul e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Estudo transversal retrospectivo e descritivo desenvolvido a partir de dados de prontuários de 954 e 781 gestantes em Cuiabá-MT e Maringá-PR, respectivamente. Coletaram-se dados de caracterização sociodemográfica, de pré-natal e indicadores sociais. Foram consideradas anêmicas, as mulheres com hemoglobina inferior a 11g/dL. A desigualdade social existente entre os municípios foi evidente. Gestantes atendidas em Cuiabá-MT apresentavam características sociodemográficas significativamente mais precárias. A prevalência de anemia era significativamente maior e valores médios de hemoglobina menores em Cuiabá-MT, independentemente da idade gestacional. Encontrou-se associação dos níveis de hemoglobina com a idade, situação conjugal, número de gestações anteriores, estado nutricional e trimestre gestacional. As diferenças regionais na ocorrência da anemia gestacional são socialmente determinadas, o que deve ser considerado nas propostas de intervenção em saúde coletiva.Se analizó la distribución de anemia en mujeres embarazadas asistidas en servicios básicos de salud de dos ciudades de las regiones Sur y Centro-Oeste de Brasil. Estudio transversal retrospectivo y descriptivo. Se usó datos de registros médicos de 954 y 781 embarazadas de Cuiabá-MT y Maringá-PR, respectivamente. Se recopilaron datos sobre características sociodemográficas, atención prenatal e indicadores sociales. Hemoglobina-HbWe aimed to analyze anemia distribution in pregnant women who were attending health services in two cities in the South and Mid-West Regions in Brazil. This is a retrospective cross-sectional study developed from 954 and 781 medical records data in Cuiabá-MT and Maringá-PR. We collected data of social and demographic features as well as pre-natal care. Women who presented

  18. O gênero Strangalia Audinet-Serville no Norte e Centro-Oeste do Brasil (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae The genus Strangalia Audinet-Serville in northern and central Brazil (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae

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    Marcela L. Monné


    Full Text Available As espécies do gênero Strangalia Audinet-Serville do Norte e Centro-Oeste do Brasil são revistas. Strangalia xanthomelaena sp. nov. é descrita de Rondônia e Mato Grosso, Brasil. Dois novos sinônimos são propostos: Ophistomis irene Gounelle, 1911 = Euryptera albicollis Pascoe, 1860; O. paraensis Bates, 1870 = O. bivittatus Bates, 1870. São fornecidas ilustrações e chave para identificação das espécies.The species of the genus Strangalia from northern and central Brazil are revised. Strangalia xanthomelaena sp. nov. is described from Rondônia and Mato Grosso, Brazil. Two new synonyms are proposed: Ophistomis irene Gounelle, 1911 = Euryptera albicollis Pascoe, 1860; O. paraensis Bates, 1870 = O. bivittatus Bates, 1870. Illustrations and key for identification are provided.

  19. Alguns Comentários à Margem de um Artigo Relativo à Distribuição Espacial do Centro-Oeste na Questão do Milho e do Arroz

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    José Manuel Carvalho Marta


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é discutir os aspectos econômico-culturais que determinam a produção do milho e do arroz na região Centro Oeste, considerando a cultura de abertura de lavouras temporárias. Utilizou-se o método histórico-analítico, considerando aspectos da interpretação antropológica de outros autores e a própria vivência do autor. O artigo procura mostrar a necessidade da pesquisa de campo regional em face da generalização estatística que omite aspectos importantes. Dessa maneira, mostra como a produção de milho se desenvolveu principalmente em Goiás, considerando os aspectos culturais decorrentes da origem da população. Ao mesmo tempo procura realçar a produção do arroz de sequeiro como “amansadora” das terras de Mato Grosso, no processo de abertura da fronteira do cerrado.

  20. Cataract prevalence in Central-West region of São Paulo State, Brazil Prevalência de catarata na região centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Gabriel Arantes Carlos


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Cataract is considered the main preventable cause of blindness and visual impairment mainly in poor countries. This study was done to evaluate if cataract is still an important cause of blindness in Central-West region of State of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a systematically randomized sample of households in five cities located in Central-West region of São Paulo State, Brazil. The sample consisted of 4,229 individuals (8,458 eyes of all ages. All household members were considered eligible. They were submitted to a complete ophthalmological examination (visual acuity with and without visual correction, biomicroscopy, fundoscopy, tonometry, and refractometry. Cataract diagnosis was given to eyes presenting lens opacity in biomicroscopy exam, according to Lens Opacities Classification System II (LOCS II. Eye with a best correction, presenting visual deficiency or blindness caused by cataract was considered after excluded other pathologies that decrease visual acuity (VA. We considered as visual deficiency eyes with 0.05 OBJETIVO: A catarata é a principal causa tratável de cegueira e deficiência visual em países subdesenvolvidos. Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar se a catarata continua sendo uma importante causa de cegueira no centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Um estudo transversal, de caráter observacional, realizado em cinco cidades da região centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, para as quais o centro de referência é a cidade de Botucatu. A amostra estabelecida para este estudo, de forma aleatória, seria composta por 5.555 indivíduos, sendo que foram examinados 4.229 indivíduos (8.458 olhos, ou seja, 78% da amostra pretendida. Os indivíduos foram submetidos a um exame oftalmológico completo que consistia em avaliação da acuidade visual (com e sem correção, tonometria, biomicroscopia, fundoscopia e exame refracional. O diagnóstico de catarata foi dado aos

  1. A precariedade do transporte rodoviário brasileiro para o escoamento da produção de soja do Centro-Oeste: situação e perspectivas

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    Vivian Helena Capacle Correa


    Full Text Available O Centro-Oeste do Brasil se destaca como um pólo produtor de soja. Pela crise fiscal do Estado, a partir dos anos 80, a malha rodoviária brasileira perde investimentos públicos para sua ampliação, conservação e restauração, refletindo na competitividade internacional da oleaginosa dos cerrados. Isso porque o principal modal utilizado para o escoamento da produção do grão aos portos das regiões Sul e Sudeste é o rodoviário, com destaque para as rodovias BR 163 e 364. Por conta da inadequação desse modal às características do produto e às longas distâncias percorridas, aliada ao estado precário de conservação da malha rodoviária do País, 25% da receita de vendas da produção de soja está comprometida com os custos internos de transportes. Neste trabalho, apontam-se perspectivas e possíveis soluções à reversão desse cenário, via concessões rodoviárias e Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPP. Analisa-se o uso de diferentes modais para o escoamento da soja do Centro-Oeste, e conclui-se que os hidroviários e ferroviários são os mais eficientes, em razão da eficiência energética e da maior produtividade à movimentação de cargas de densidade mais elevadas por distâncias maiores - o que conferiria custos menores de circulação.The Center-Western of Brazil is known to be a soy production center. At the beginning of the 80's, because of a governmental fiscal crises, the Brazilian road infrastructure and conservation lost its investment, which reflected on the soy international competition. The main transportation used to deliver this product to the ports at the South and South-Eastern regions is the roads, highlighting the BR 163 and 364 road's. Due to the inadequacy of the roads to the characteristics of this product, the long distances that have to be filled and also the bad conservation state of the Brazilian roads, 25% of this products sales are already accounted for internal transportation costs. There are a

  2. Características petrográficas e químicas das rochas encaixantes das mineralizações auríferas do depósito Lavra Velha (Região de Ibitiara, borda oeste da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia)


    Carlin, Aline de Cassia [UNESP


    O depósito de ouro Lavra Velha, que pertence ao Alvo de Prospecção Lavra Velha, da empresa Yamana Gold, localiza-se na cidade de Ibitiara, centro-oeste do Estado da Bahia e borda oeste do domínio fisiográfico da Chapada Diamantina, situado no Aulacógeno do Paramirim, na região norte do Cráton São Francisco. O depósito foi recentemente inserido na classe de modelo IOCG (Iron Oxide Cooper Gold), onde a mineralização de ouro se hospeda em brechas hematíticas sericitizadas. O principal objetivo d...

  3. Acreditação do laboratório de metrologia dimensional da universidade de Brasília, região centro-oeste do Brasil

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    Antonio Piratelli-Filho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso envolvendo a acreditação de um Laboratório de Calibração da área de metrologia dimensional, pertencente à Universidade de Brasília, junto ao Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial (INMETRO. O laboratório localizado nesta Universidade Federal da região Centro-oeste brasileira, realiza calibração de instrumentos de medição de comprimento. A motivação para a acreditação tem origem na necessidade de reduzir as diferenças de desenvolvimento entre as regiões do Brasil, sendo que laboratórios inseridos nas Universidades tem um papel estratégico na sociedade, com um grande potencial para disseminar aspectos técnicos e organizacionais da qualidade. O desenvolvimento foi feito pela apresentação das exigências dos organismos de acreditação descritas pela Norma ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2005, sendo que as características intrínsecas e as ações implementadas no laboratório para atendimento a estes quesitos são descritos. A análise da demanda de serviços no laboratório nos últimos dez anos indicou uma tendência de crescimento, justificando a opção pela melhoria da qualidade dos serviços de calibração através da acreditação.

  4. Infraestructura y significado en la dominiación Inka del centro oeste argentino (Coa extremo austral Oriental del Tawantinsuyu

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    J. Roberto Bárcena


    Full Text Available Con el apoyo de la ANPCyT (SECYT y del CONICET mediante subsidios, desarrollamos investigaciones arqueológicas y etnohistóricas sobre la dominación inka en el Centro oeste argentino, extremo austral oriental del Tawantinsuyu. En la actualidad trabajamos en las provincias de La Rioja (Famatina, Laguna Brava, Guandacol, entre otras áreas, San Juan (Reserva de la Biosfera de San Guillermo, Valle Fértil, Paso del Lámar —Jáchal—, entre otros sectores y Mendoza (Valle de Uspallata, Valle de Uco, entre otras zonas, estudiando la vialidad y los sitios relacionados, excavando varios de éstos. Un abordaje de tal envergadura implica, entre otras, la posibilidad de contrastar semejanzas y diferencias en la implantación territorial, diversidad en las relaciones con las poblaciones locales y sumanifestación en los indicadores arqueológicos y etnohistóricos y permite contrastar los modelos de dominación regional. En este contexto nos referimos, desde la perspectiva del significado, al registro de bienes inka como ser, entre otros, la propia arquitectura o los relacionados con los sitios ceremoniales de alturaWith the support of the ANPCyT (SECYT and of the CONICET we have undertaken archaeological and ethnohistorical research on the Inka domination in the Argentine centralwest, at the oriental austral extreme of the Tawantinsuyu. Our team is presently working in the provinces of: La Rioja (at Famatina, Laguna Brava,Guandacol, among other areas, San Juan (at the Reserva de la Biosfera de San Guillermo, Valle Fértil and Paso del Lámar -Jáchal-, among other sectors and,Mendoza (at the Valle deUspallata, Valle deUco, among other zones, studying the net of roads and other related sites, excavating several of the later ones. Such an approach implies, between others, the possibility of contrasting similarities and differences in the territorial implantation, the diversity in relations with the local inhabitants and its manifestation in the

  5. Autopista Ronda-Oeste de Murcia – España

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available The Ronda-West expressway in Murcia detours the traffic of route CN-301, from Madrid to Cartagena, around the center of the city, thereby facilitating the routing of vehicular traffic. This expressway consists of two access roads, four cloverleaves, three viaducts, two elevated bypasses and a large amount of masonry work. The structures are built with post-stressed beams, replaced in some stretches by prestressed slabs or also post-stressed slabs, and abutments made with formwork. The foundations have been laid over piles in situ.La autopista Ronda- Oeste de Murcia evita el paso del tráfico de la carretera CN-301, de Madrid a Cartagena, por el centro de la ciudad, con lo que facilita la ordenación de la circulación rodada. Dicha autopista consta de dos enlaces, cuatro nudos, tres viaductos, dos pasos elevados y una gran obra de fábrica. Las estructuras están realizadas a base de vigas postensadas, sustituidas en algunos tramos por losas pretensadas o también postensadas y estribos realizados con cimbra. La cimentación se ha hecho sobre pilotes in situ.

  6. Espectroscopia de refletância e emissividade de rochas fosfáticas ígneas e sedimentares do centro-oeste do Brasil : estudos de caso nos depósitos de Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG), Rocinha e Lagamar (MG) = Reflectance and emissivity spectroscopy of igneous and sedimentary rocks from Midwest Brazil: case study of the Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG), Rocinha and Lagamar deposits


    Emanuel Amorer Hernández


    Resumo: A pesquisa compreende estudos sobre a assinatura ultraespectral e multiespectral de fosfatos de origem ígnea e sedimentar contidos, respectivamente, nos depósitos de Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG) e Rocinha-Lagamar (MG), centro-oeste do Brasil. Medidas de reflectância e emissividade (focadas na faixa de 8-12µm) foram analisadas em conjunto com dados de Difração de Raios X e Fluorescência de Raios X visando a determinação da mineralogia e quimismo das rochas envolvidas nas áreas de estudo...

  7. A influencia da politica de recursos humanos na satisfação docente : o caso da Fundação Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana - FUNIOESTE


    Nogueira, Paulo Roberto Chavarria


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socio-Economico O presente estudo analisou a política de recursos humanos da Fundação Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - FUNIOESTE e sua relação com a satisfação no trabalho, envolvendo os docentes lotados nos quatros campi da instituição, a saber: FACISA, FACIMAR, FACITOL e FECIVEL. Esta pesquisa objetivou identificar os componentes que integram a política de recursos humanos da FUNIOESTE, apurar o índice de s...

  8. Conservação, diversidade e distribuição de variedades locais de milho e seus parentes silvestres no extremo oeste de Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil


    Silva, Natália Carolina de Almeida


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Genéticos Vegetais, Florianópolis, 2015. As informações sobre a atual diversidade de milho do Brasil são escassas e a maior parte dos estudos tem se destinado a caracterizar e analisar a diversidade conservada ex situ. Pesquisas antecedentes têm demonstrado que a microrregião Extremo Oeste do estado de Santa Catarina possui uma importante riqueza de variedades locai...

  9. Fluctuaciones interanuales a multidecádicas de la temperatura de verano en el centro-oeste de Argentina y procesos atmosféricos/oceánicos/astronómicos globales

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    Eduardo Andres Agosta


    Full Text Available La temperatura estival (octubre-marzo en la región Centro-Oeste de Argentina (COA, 28°-36°S y 65°-70°O tiene un comportamiento espacial coherente y temporal en fase, en escalas interanuales a interdecádicas (Agosta y otros 2004. Se encuentra que la temperatura del aire presenta cuasi-oscilaciones significativas en las bandas de 11 años y 18 años aproximadamente. La primera se vincula al forzante solar, la segunda, a los efectos de la transición climática de 1976/77 (IPCC, 2001. Esta transición afectó transitoriamente la variabilidad de baja frecuencia de la temperatura como fenómeno de interferencia sobre el cuasi-ciclo solar de 11 años dominante.The summer (Oct-Mar temperature in Central-West Argentina (CWA, 28°-36°S y 65°-70°W shows a behaviour spatially coherent and temporally in phase at interannual to interdecadal scales. (Agosta et al. 2004. It is found the air temperature shows significant cuasi-oscillations in the spectral bands of roughly 11-yr. and 18- yr. The former is linked to the solar forcing, the latter to the effects of the climate transition of the summer 1976/77 (IPCC 2001. This transition transitorily affected the low-frequency variability of the temperature as an interference phenomenon upon the cuasi-11-yr.-solar cycle domain.

  10. Resposta da Produção Agrícola aos Preços no Centro-Oeste Brasileiro: Uma Análise de Econometria Espacial para o Período 1975-1995/1996

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    Adriano Marcos Rodrigues Figueiredo


    Full Text Available A influência de uma localidade sobre seus vizinhos é sempre vista como uma interdependência entre as regiões em estudo e a localização afeta a resposta da produção agrícola às alterações de preços ou de políticas. O objetivo geral é determinar a importância dos efeitos e inter-relações decorrentes da localização na resposta da produção agrícola aos preços, na região Centro-Oeste, no período entre 1975 e 1995. Contribui-se para a literatura econômica ao conciliar um modelo de função de lucro translog com efeitos de dependência espacial nos resíduos do sistema estimado de parcelas de lucros. Existem evidências econométricas da dependência espacial nos resíduos do modelo, confirmadas pelo teste de hipótese para os parâmetros espaciais. Ocorreram altas autocorrelações espaciais positivas nos produtos, com parâmetros espaciais sempre acima de 0,91. As áreas selecionadas em geral apresentaram oferta-preço elásticas para milho e oferta-preço inelásticas para arroz e feijão. Os efeitos espaciais alteram de forma decisiva as elasticidades calculadas, mostrando que todos os produtos analisados sofrem destes efeitos. Enfatiza-se que estudos com cortes seccionais e dados geograficamente dispostos devem ser avaliados quanto à presença de dependência espacial.

  11. Alojamento do granito Lavras e a mineralização aurífera durante evolução de centro vulcano-plutônico pós-colisional, oeste do Escudo Sul-riograndense: dados geofísicos e estruturais

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    Maria do Carmo Gastal

    Full Text Available A construção do granito Lavras é analisada mediante integração de dados geológicos, geofísicos e estruturais originais e compilados, em consonância com a evolução do centro vulcano-plutônico. Esse centro engloba o complexo intrusivo Lavras do Sul e a sequência traquiandesítica da Formação Hilário (604 - 590 Ma, ambos formados em posição de antepaís durante o período pós-colisional da Orogênese Dom Feliciano, no oeste do Escudo Sul-riograndense. A análise de estruturas rúpteis e lineamentos magnéticos indica que o vulcanismo teve início próximo ao colapso dessa orogenia, condicionado por sistemas transtensivos dextrais NW-SE a WNW-ESE que invertem para sinistrais com o relaxamento tectônico. A formação do complexo intrusivo, principiando com a intrusão subvulcânica do monzonito Tapera no norte, acompanhou a inversão no regime de stress regional ao longo de zona de falha N70-75°W que o seciona. Ao final, ocorreu o posicionamento do granito Lavras no sul, o qual possui dimensões modestas (325 km³ e forma tabular (comprimento - L: espessura - E ≈ 3:1 afinando para sul, como deduzido dos dados gravimétricos. Dois domínios composicional-estruturais, equivalentes aos granitos magnesianos centrais (granodiorito e monzogranito e os ferrosos da borda (sienogranito e feldspato alcalino granito, são definidos pela trama ASM (anisotropia de suscetibilidade magnética. Tais dados, aliados aos de estruturas rúpteis, apontam um plutonmulticíclico construído em dois eventos de ressurgência, envolvendo: (1 o lacólito central decorrente do alojamento do granodiorito sob a soleira de monzogranito; e (2 as intrusões anulares de granitos ferrosos, induzidas pela expansão do reservatório epizonal em razão da recarga com magmas máfico-ultramáficos lamprofíricos. O controle estrutural, a distribuição espacial e a associação com diques lamprofíricos corroboram o vínculo da mineralização aurífera com o último

  12. Categorização funcional trófica das comunidades de macroinvertebrados de dois reservatórios na região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v31i1.331 Functional feeding groups of benthics macroinvertebrates communities of two lentic systems in the central west region of São Paulo State - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v31i1.331

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    Jandira Liria Biscalquini Talamoni


    Full Text Available A utilização do conceito de guilda pode ser útil para a categorização funcional trófica de comunidades, pois não há obrigatoriedade da identificação dos organismos em nível de espécie, nem de tratar cada espécie como uma entidade separada. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os grupos funcionais tróficos (coletores-catadores, coletores-filtradores, fragmentadores, predadores e raspadores das comunidades de macroinvertebrados de dois reservatórios da região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As amostragens foram realizadas nos períodos chuvoso (março/abril - 2001 e de seca (julho/agosto - 2001 e os dados obtidos indicam que os coletores-catadores foram a guilda mais frequente. Este fato sugere grande importância da matéria orgânica como recurso alimentar na dieta dos macroinvertebrados analisados.The aim of this study was analyze the functional feeding groups (collectors, shredders, predators and grazer-scrapers of benthic macroinvertebrates communities in two lentic systems in the central west region of São Paulo State. The samples were realized in rainy (March/April - 2001 and dry (July/August - 2001 seasons. The results obtained contribute for the best knowledgement of benthic macroinvertebrate community on those two systems.

  13. Evaluation of genotoxicity of liquid effluents from gas washing systems by means of bioassay Trad-MCN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machado, Alessandra Carla Fattori Ergesse; Alves, Edenise Segala


    In the gas washing systems the gaseous emissions from a facility are forced through an absorbing liquid preventing pollutants to be dispersed into the atmosphere. In the Centro Tecnologico da Marinha em Sao Paulo/Centro Experimental Aramar (CEA), the gas washing are used to control the emissions from the uranium enrichment facilities. Uranium. fluoride, ammonia and hydrogen fluoride are the main contaminants, all heavily toxic. Biological assays, using plants or other living organisms, have been used to assess genotoxic agents in the environment. Among the bioassays using plants, the Trad-MCN has been used extensively, as it allows the evaluation of liquid or gaseous contaminants. The species Tradescantia pallida (Rose) was exposed in a dynamic system to liquid effluents from CEA. A positive control was the exposure to formaldehyde 10% in water, known as a very toxic solution, and the negative control was the exposure to filtered air. The protocol established by Ma (1983) for hybrid clones and validated for the T. pallida by Guimaraes (2003) was used to perform the Trad-MCN assays. Only preparations containing early tetrads were scored. In that context, the present study objectifies to evaluate, by the Trad-MCN bioassay, the genotoxicity of the solution from the gas washing and, also, evaluate the efficiency of that system. The results obtained show that the T. pallida is a sensitive bioindicator for the pollutants tested and can be useful for in vitro environmental monitoring under controlled conditions. (author)

  14. Evaluation of genotoxicity of liquid effluents from gas washing systems by means of bioassay Trad-MCN

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Machado, Alessandra Carla Fattori Ergesse [Centro Tecnologico da Marinha em Sao Paulo (CTMSP), SP (Brazil). Div. de Monitoracao Ambiental], E-mail:; Alves, Edenise Segala [Instituto de Botanica de Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Secao de Anatomia], E-mail:


    In the gas washing systems the gaseous emissions from a facility are forced through an absorbing liquid preventing pollutants to be dispersed into the atmosphere. In the Centro Tecnologico da Marinha em Sao Paulo/Centro Experimental Aramar (CEA), the gas washing are used to control the emissions from the uranium enrichment facilities. Uranium. fluoride, ammonia and hydrogen fluoride are the main contaminants, all heavily toxic. Biological assays, using plants or other living organisms, have been used to assess genotoxic agents in the environment. Among the bioassays using plants, the Trad-MCN has been used extensively, as it allows the evaluation of liquid or gaseous contaminants. The species Tradescantia pallida (Rose) was exposed in a dynamic system to liquid effluents from CEA. A positive control was the exposure to formaldehyde 10% in water, known as a very toxic solution, and the negative control was the exposure to filtered air. The protocol established by Ma (1983) for hybrid clones and validated for the T. pallida by Guimaraes (2003) was used to perform the Trad-MCN assays. Only preparations containing early tetrads were scored. In that context, the present study objectifies to evaluate, by the Trad-MCN bioassay, the genotoxicity of the solution from the gas washing and, also, evaluate the efficiency of that system. The results obtained show that the T. pallida is a sensitive bioindicator for the pollutants tested and can be useful for in vitro environmental monitoring under controlled conditions. (author)

  15. Revisão do gênero neotropical Xeropigo (Araneae,Corinnidae, Corinninae)


    De Souza,Danni Roberto Santos; Bonaldo,Alexandre B.


    O gênero Xeropigo O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882 é revisado, com a proposição de sete novas espécies neotropicais: X. candango, sobre machos e fêmeas de Brasília, Distrito Federal e Goiás, Brasil; X. rheimsae, machos de Goiás, Brasil; X. camilae, sobre machos e fêmeas do norte e centro-oeste do Brasil; X. cotijuba, machos e fêmeas da Guiana e do norte e centro-oeste do Brasil; X. pachitea, machos e fêmeas de Huánuco e Cajamarca, Peru; X. perene, fêmeas de Junin e Loreto, Peru; X. brescoviti, mach...

  16. Revision of the neotropical genus Xeropigo (Araneae, Corinnidae, Corinninae)


    De Souza, Danni Roberto Santos; Bonaldo, Alexandre B.


    O gênero Xeropigo O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882 é revisado, com a proposição de sete novas espécies neotropicais: X. candango, sobre machos e fêmeas de Brasília, Distrito Federal e Goiás, Brasil; X. rheimsae, machos de Goiás, Brasil; X. camilae, sobre machos e fêmeas do norte e centro-oeste do Brasil; X. cotijuba, machos e fêmeas da Guiana e do norte e centro-oeste do Brasil; X. pachitea, machos e fêmeas de Huánuco e Cajamarca, Peru; X. perene, fêmeas de Junin e Loreto, Peru; X. brescoviti, mach...

  17. The distribution systems of the Luz y Fuerza del Centro; Sistemas de distribucion en Luz y Fuerza del Centro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espinosa y Lara, Roberto [Luz y Fuerza del Centro, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    In this document are described the distribution systems that have been utilized in Mexico, to satisfy the electric energy demand. Mention is made of the areas of influence these systems have, its structure, the electric infrastructure that Luz y Fuerza del Centro has to satisfy the demand and in this way be in position of planning the distribution networks. As in other activities the aspects related to the protection of the environment exert a growing influence on the development of the energy sector, for this reason three themes are mentioned to which special attention must be paid. A table is shown with the per capita consumption, another one with the number of transformers and its capacity. Also the underground networks in operation and under construction are shown and a flow diagram of the distribution system planning [Espanol] En este documento se describen los sistemas de distribucion que se han realizado en Mexico, para satisfacer la demanda electrica, se mencionan las areas de influencia que tienen estos sistemas, su estructuracion, la infraestructura electrica con la que cuenta Luz y Fuerza del Centro para satisfacer las demandas y asi poder planear las redes de distribucion. Como en otras actividades, los aspectos relacionados con el cuidado del ambiente ejercen una influencia creciente sobre el desenvolvimiento del sector de energia, es por eso que se mencionan tres temas a los que se les debe de poner especial atencion. Se muestra una tabla de consumo per capita, otra del numero de transformadores y su capacidad. Tambien se ilustran las redes subterraneas en operacion y construccion y un flujograma de planeacion del sistema de distribucion

  18. ESTRATEGIAS ALIMENTARIAS Y DE SUBSISTENCIA PREHISPÁNICA EN EL CENTRO-OESTE DE MENDOZA: CONSUMO Y DESCARTE EN EL SITIO ARQUEOLÓGICO AGUA AMARGA / Food and subsistence strategies in the prehispanic Mendoza Midwest: Consumption and discard at Agua Amarga

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    María José Ots


    Full Text Available Se presenta el análisis de un depósito de desechos asociados a la alimentación en Agua Amarga (departamento de Tupungato, en el Centro Oeste de la provincia de Mendoza. Agua Amarga es un sitio residencial de actividades múltiples ubicado en el piedemonte del Valle de Uco, a 1000 msnm. Los fechados obtenidos sobre cerámica y restos vegetales del contexto lo ubican en el período tardío y de dominación incaica regional. El propósito del trabajo es estudiar estrategias de procesamiento, consumo y descarte de alimentos que asimismo contribuyan a la discusión sobre las estrategias de subsistencia prehispánicas en el Norte y Centro de Mendoza. Se aplican métodos y técnicas específicos para la identificación y el análisis de los restos, y se proponen hipótesis alternativas sobre dicho contexto. Los materiales recuperados, la mayoría de ellos termoalterados y muy fragmentados, incluyen macrorrestos arqueobotánicos (principalmente Zea mays y Phaseulus vulgaris, restos óseos (algunos elementos identificados como Lama sp., fragmentos de distintos recipientes cerámicos y de artefactos de molienda.  Finalmente, se discuten prácticas asociadas con la alimentación y la subsistencia, con especial referencia a la producción y consumo de maíz en el área.   Palabras clave: alimentación, subsistencia, maíz, Mendoza   Abstract We present the study of a refuse deposit associated with feeding activities in the archaeological site Agua Amarga (Tupungato department, Middle West of Mendoza province. This is a residencial site of multiple activities located in the foothill in Valle de Uco, to 1000 masl. We dated ceramics and vegetal remains that locate the context in the late period and during regional inca domination. Our goal is to study strategies of processing, consumption and discarding of foods that also contribute in the discussion on the prehispanic strategies of subsistence in the North and Center of Mendoza province. In this paper

  19. Evaluacion de los recursos potenciales del petroleo y gas, en Centro y Suramerica [Evaluation of potential petroleum and gas resources in Central and South America (United States)

    Schenk, C.S.


    El Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) completó recientemente un estudio evaluativo de recursos potenciales de petróleo y gas en 130 provincias de petróleo seleccionadas en diferentes partes del mundo (USGS, 2000). De estas 130 provincias, 23 se encuentran en Suramérica, Centroamérica, y la región del Caribe (fig. 1). El estudio comprendió desde las provincias de petróleo establecidas con un largo historial de producción, como la Cuenca de Maracaibo, hasta las provincias fronterizas de poca o ninguna producción, como la Cuenca de Guyana-Suriname. No todas las provincias con historial de producción o con potencial de producción fueron evaluadas en el Estudio Evaluativo USGS 2000. Al presente, el USGS está evaluando muchas de las provincias restantes de petróleo y gas, en Centro y Suramérica. En cada provincia hemos (1) definido geológicamente el total de los sistemas de petróleo, (2) definido las unidades evaluadas que forman parte de todos los sistemas de petróleo, y (3) evaluado el volumen potencial de petróleo y gas convencional en cada unidad evaluada. Definimos un total de 26 sistemas de petróleo y 55 unidades evaluadas en las 23 provincias

  20. La importancia de palmas en el oeste de la cuenca Amazónica

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    Las palmas forman un elemento conspicuo y dominante en muchos bosques tropicales en el oeste de la cuenca Amazónica. Existen alrededor de 100 especies de palmas en la zona, y tienen densidades de hasta 8000 individuos por hectárea. Además de su importancia ecológica, las palmas son de gran...

  1. Usos populares de la flora tipica del oeste de Cartagena


    Martínez Madrid, María José; Martínez Madrid, Isabel María


    Se recopilan los usos que popularmente se llevan o llevaban a cabo con la flora local del Oeste de Cartagena, para as´ı estudiar los conocimientos que a ´un conserva la poblaci´on y realizar un peque ˜ no sondeo de las plantas m´as utilizadas, atendiendo a su ubicaci´on y uso. Esta recopilaci´on de datos la he realizado mediante una serie de entrevistas abiertas a diversas personas de distintas edades en las que les preguntaba por plantas medicinales, enfermedades q...

  2. Seletividade de acaricidas e inseticidas a ácaros predadores (Acari: Phytoseiidae encontrados em seringueira no centro-oeste do Brasil Side-effect of acaricides and insecticides to predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae found in rubber-trees in mid-west Brazil

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    Noeli Juarez Ferla


    Full Text Available Euseius concordis (Chant e Neoseiulus anonymus (Chant & Baker são ácaros predadores da família Phytoseiidae comumente encontrados em seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. em Mato Grosso, região centro-oeste do Brasil. Este trabalho foi realizado para verificar o efeito de acaricidas e inseticidas-acaricidas empregados em plantações de seringueira, e outros que teriam potencial para serem empregados contra insetos e ácaros considerados pragas dessa cultura, sobre E. concordis e N. anonymus. Utilizou-se o método residual de pulverização em superfície, recomendado como padrão pelo Grupo de Trabalho "Pesticidas e Artrópodes Benéficos", da Organização Internacional de Controle Biológico e Integrado de Plantas e Animais Nocivos/Seção Regional do Paleártico Oeste. Duas concentrações de cada um dos seguintes ingredientes ativos foram utilizadas: acefato, dicofol, endosulfan, formetanate, metomil, monocrotofós, óxido de fenbutatin e propargite. Uma das concentrações utilizadas foi uma média daquelas sugeridas pelos fabricantes para o controle de ácaros e insetos fitófagos presentes em outras culturas, uma vez que nenhum dos produtos testados tem registro para o uso em seringueira e a outra correspondeu à cerca de um terço da primeira. Endosulfan a 320ppm, dicofol a 100ppm e óxido de fenbutatin a 100 e 320ppm foram inócuos a E. concordis, enquanto que endosulfan a 320ppm e dicofol a 100ppm foram inócuos a N. anonymus. Acefato, formetanate e monocrotofós, nas concentrações testadas, foram nocivos às duas espécies.Euseius concordis (Chant and Neoseiulus anonymus (Chant & Baker are predatory mites of the family Phytoseiidae commonly found on rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. in the State of Mato Grosso, in the mid-west Brazil. This work was conducted to verify the effect of acaricides and insecticides-acaricides occasionally used in rubber tree plantations, and other products that could be used against

  3. Cultura Associativa: A Gênese do Cooperativismo Agropecuário da Mesorregião Oeste Paranaense

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    Ednilse Maria Willers


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é publicizar parte de minha tese de doutorado. Essa tese teve por objetivo geral analisar e compreender a gênese do cooperativismo agropecuário da mesorregião Oeste paranaense a partir da cultura associativa de seus fundadores. Para este artigo abordou-se: a parte do referencial teórico pautado no conceito da cultura associativa e; b no quadro de análise pautado no processo de formação e colonização da mesorregião Oeste paranaense, seguido do processo histórico de fundação das cooperativas agropecuárias selecionadas: Copacol, C.Vale, Lar, Coopavel e Copagril. A metodologia adotada partiu da abordagem qualitativa, a partir da premissa descritivo-explicativa.  Como fonte de dados utilizou-se dados secundários. Como resultado constatou-se que a gênese das cooperativas em estudo se deu em função das necessidades sociais dos sujeitos, dos colonos que as fundaram. A cultura associativa resgatada por meio das memórias desses colonos tornou-se o marco cultural, mantido e reproduzido pela estrutura comunitária desses colonos. A dinâmica de convivência coletiva e as relações comunitárias mantiveram-se independentes das mudanças macroeconômicas do país. Foi esse espírito gregário, entranhado na estrutura social dos migrantes que colonizaram a mesorregião Oeste paranaense, o norteador das iniciativas de cooperação que desencadearam nas associações de produtores, e essas, nas cooperativas agropecuárias em estudo.

  4. Análise econômica de sistemas agroflorestais na Amazônia ocidental, Machadinho d'Oeste- RO Economic analysis of agroforestry systems in eastern Amazonia, Machadinho d'Oeste- RO, Brazil

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    Michelliny de Matos Bentes-Gama


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a análise financeira e a simulação de risco de investimento em sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs implantados em 1987, no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Rondônia, localizado no município de Machadinho d'Oeste, RO. A análise financeira foi realizada mediante os métodos de avaliação de projetos florestais, e para a análise de risco utilizou-se a técnica de simulação de Monte Carlo, mediante o programa @RISK. Entre os arranjos testados, o SAF T1 Castanha-do-brasil-banana-pimenta-do-reino-cupuaçu apresentou o melhor desempenho financeiro em relação aos SAFs T2 Freijó-banana-pimenta-do-reino-cupuaçu e T3 Pupunha-banana-pimenta-do-reino-cupuaçu . Os custos com tratos culturais e colheita representaram mais de 70% da composição dos custos totais, e a participação da mão-de-obra foi superior a 50% nas fases de preparo da área e de manutenção (tratos culturais dos SAFs. A simulação da análise de risco indicou que as variáveis que afetaram o Valor Presente Líquido no Horizonte Infinito (VPL*, de acordo com a ordem de importância (R, foram: taxa de desconto, preço do fruto de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum, custo de colheita, preço da madeira de castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia excelsa e o custo de tratos culturais. Apesar do alto custo de implantação e manutenção, o SAF T1 apresentou uma probabilidade de 15% de os valores do Valor Presente Líquido (VPL se concentrarem em torno de R$35.000 ha-1.ano-1.The objective of this study was to carry out the financial analysis and the risk of investment simulation in agroforestry systems (AFSs established in 1987 in the Experimental Field of Embrapa Rondônia, located in the County of Machadinho d'Oeste, RO. Financial analysis was made through the evaluation of results from the forestry enterprise evaluation methods, and the risk analysis was carried out through the Monte Carlo simulation technique by @RISK software. Among the arrangements

  5. Gas transfer system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oberlin, J.C.; Frick, G.; Kempfer, C.; North, C.


    The state of work on the Vivitron gas transfer system and the system functions are summarized. The system has to: evacuate the Vivitron reservoir; transfer gas from storage tanks to the Vivitron; recirculate gas during operation; transfer gas from the Vivitron to storage tanks; and assure air input. The system is now being installed. Leak alarms are given by SF6 detectors, which set off a system of forced ventilation. Another system continuously monitors the amount of SF6 in the tanks [fr

  6. Seed origin, storage conditions, and gibberellic acid on in vitro ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Aug 10, 2016 ... cloning process of superior individuals established in the field. In vitro germination and ..... Fundação de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento do Ensino,. Ciência e .... Frutas nativas da região Centro-oeste do Brasil. 1th edition,Brasília,.

  7. Redescripción y consideraciones biogeográficas de dos especies de Scotobius (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae de ambientes montanos del centro de Argentina y Chile

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    Violeta A. SILVESTRO


    Full Text Available El género neotropical Scotobius Germar (Tenebrioninae: Scotobiini comprende 61 especies distribuidas desde el centro de Perú y sur de Brasil hasta el sur de Argentina y Chile. En este trabajo, revisamos dos especies de Scotobius que habitan el oeste de las provincias de San Juan, Mendoza y Neuquén (Argentina y en Chile central, a lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes y las montañas extra-andinas en Argentina: S. punctatus Eschscholtz, 1831 y S. andrassyi Kaszab, 1969. Se proveen redescripciones utilizando nuevos caracteres morfológicos y se proporcionan fotografías de los adultos y de los pronotos. Se consigna la distribución geográfica, rangos altitudinales y las provincias biogeográficas en las que habitan estas especies. Se utiliza un modelo predictivo de distribución de especies para proponer hipótesis sobre los factores que influencian la distribución espacial y que explicarían la alopatría de ambas especies.

  8. Food, feeding, and refuelling of Red Knots during northward migration at San Antonio Oeste, Rio Negro, Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gonzalez, PM; Piersma, T; Verkuil, Y; González, Patricia M.


    We studied the food and feeding ecology of Red Knots Calidris canutus rufa on an area of rocky flat, or restinga, near San Antonio Oeste in the northwest of Golfo San Matias, Provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina in March 1992. These Red Knots are on their way north, from ''wintering'' areas in Tierra

  9. Categorização funcional trófica das comunidades de macroinvertebrados de dois reservatórios na região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil = Functional trophic categorization of macroinvertebrate communities of two reservoirs in the Midwestern region of São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Fabio Laurindo da Silva


    Full Text Available A utilização do conceito de guilda pode ser útil para a categorização funcional trófica de comunidades, pois não há obrigatoriedade da identificação dos organismos em nível de espécie, nem de tratar cada espécie como uma entidade separada. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os grupos funcionais tróficos (coletores-catadores, coletores-filtradores, fragmentadores, predadores e raspadores das comunidades de macroinvertebrados de dois reservatórios da região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As amostragens foramrealizadas nos períodos chuvoso (março/abril - 2001 e de seca (julho/agosto - 2001 e os dados obtidos indicam que os coletores-catadores foram a guilda mais frequente. Este fato sugere grande importância da matéria orgânica como recurso alimentar na dieta dosmacroinvertebrados analisados.The use of the concept of guild can be useful for the functional trophic categorization of communities, because there is no requirement identification of organisms in the level of species and not to treat each species as a separate entity. The aim of this studywas to analyze the functional feeding groups (collectors-gatherers, collectors-filterers, shredders, predators and grazer-scrapers of the macroinvertebrate communities of two reservoirs in the Midwestern region of São Paulo State. Sampling was carried out in rainy(March/April - 2001 and dry (July/August - 2001 seasons and the data obtained indicate that ‘collectors-gatherers’ is the most frequent guild. This fact suggests a great importance of organic matter as a food source in the diet of the macroinvertebrates analyzed.

  10. Esperanças docentes em uma escola pública no oeste do Paraná, Brasil

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    Ahlert, Alvori


    Full Text Available O presente estudo discute o tema da esperança futura na profissão docente com o objetivo de identificar o nível de esperança com que as pessoas docentes enfrentam sua vida cotidiana no complexo contexto educacional da atualidade em uma escola pública no oeste do Paraná. A pesquisa foi realizada pela Linha de Pesquisa Formação de Professores do Grupo de Extensão e Pesquisa em Educação Física Escolar – GEPEFE, numa escola pública no Oeste do Paraná, através de uma abordagem quantitativa, de nível descritivo. A discussão dos resultados evidencia que as pessoas docentes possuem um alto nível de esperança, acompanhada de uma auto-imagem ou auto-representação e auto-conceito que conferem grande valor ao trabalho que realizam. Trata-se de docentes que tem a dimensão afetiva e emocional para sua atividade profissional e em suas realizações como educadores e educadoras. En este estudio se discute el tema de la esperanza para el futuro en la profesión docente con el fin de identificar el nivel de esperanza con que maestras y maestros enfrentan la vida cotidiana en el contexto complejo educativo de hoy, en una escuela pública en el oeste de Paraná. La pesquisa fue realizada por la Línea de Investigación de Formación Grupo de Extensión de la Enseñanza y la Investigación de la Escuela de Educación Física - GEPEFE a través de un enfoque cuantitativo, nivel descriptivo. La discusión muestra que el profesorado tiene un alto nivel de esperanza, acompañado por una imagen propia o de auto-representación y auto-concepto que conceden gran valor a su trabajo. Se trata de docentes que tienen una dimensión afectiva y emocional para sus actividades profesionales y sus logros como educadoras y educadores.

  11. Semelhanças e contrastes nos padrões de uso de crack em Santa Catarina, Brasil: capital vs Meio Oeste

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    Maria Terezinha Zeferino

    Full Text Available Resumo O crack é um problema relevante de saúde pública no Brasil, em função dos danos e riscos individuais e sociais secundários ao seu uso/abuso. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever características das cenas de uso de crack na Capital e no Meio-Oeste de Santa Catarina. O projeto se valeu da metodologia Time-Location Sampling. Em janeiro-junho de 2011, foram mapeadas 41 cenas de uso de crack na Capital e 33 no Meio-Oeste catarinense. Após seleção aleatória das cenas a serem observadas, foram sorteados os dias e os turnos em que estas seriam observadas em detalhe, totalizando 98 cenas/turno na Capital e 62 no Meio-O-este. As observações foram registradas em caderno de campo, analisadas via análise de conteúdo de Bardin e discutidas à luz da literatura nacional e internacional. Os usuários de crack entrevistados eram majoritariamente adultos do sexo masculino, com uma maior associação entre estar em situação de rua e consumir a droga na Capital. Enquanto no Meio-Oeste a maioria das cenas estavam ativas no período noturno, na Capital, apresentaram-se ativas em todos os períodos. Foram identificadas práticas de risco associadas ao uso do crack, como associação de múltiplas drogas, prostituição, compartilhamento de cachimbo e favores sexuais em troca da substância.

  12. O uso do endomarketing pelas empresas de São Miguel do Oeste-SC

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    Josiane Romancini


    Full Text Available Endomarketing ou marketing interno são ações de Marketing voltadas para o público interno das empresas. O artigo que se apresenta a seguir foi baseado em uma pesquisa de campo financiada pelo Projeto PIC SENAC realizada na cidade de São Miguel do Oeste/SC, no ano de 2010, onde, em um primeiro momento, pesquisou-se os gestores das empresas que eram associados à Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas naquele ano. Com os rumos daquela pesquisa, buscou-se, no ano de 2011, trabalhar uma segunda etapa, desta vez, pesquisando os funcionários das empresas cadastradas na Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL da mesma cidade. Os pesquisadores procuraram identificar o grau de uso de algumas ferramentas do Endomarketing nas empresas da referida cidade, na visão dos funcionários. Neste estudo, trabalhamos com pesquisa bibliográfica e exploratória. A partir deste estudo, buscamos cruzar alguns dados a fim de diagnosticar se realmente as informações apresentadas pelos gestores no ano de 2010 condiziam com a visão dos funcionários na etapa de 2011. Percebemos com esta pesquisa que o uso de algumas ferramentas do endomarketing por parte das empresas de São Miguel do Oeste ainda é pequeno. Também constatamos, ao longo deste estudo, que trabalhar o capital humano dentro das organizações trará resultados positivos para elas, pois, quando os funcionários estão motivados, certamente seus trabalhos refletem no público externo (consumidores das empresas.

  13. Relación del Virus del Oeste del Nilo con las Aves Silvestres


    Diego Soler-Tovar; Victor J Vera


    El Virus del Oeste del Nilo (VON) es un Flavivirus que produce una encefalomielitis y puede afectar aves y mamíferos; los efectos varían desde poco notorios hasta la muerte, y en su difusión es importante la participación de especies animales como las aves donde es transmitido a través de mosquitos vectores. El VON se conoce de Uganda desde 1937 y está ampliamente distribuido en África, el oriente y la región sur y tropical de Eurasia. En el Hemisferio Occidental, el VON fue la primera causa ...

  14. FFTF gas processing systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halverson, T.G.


    The design and operation of the two radioactive gas processing systems at the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) exemplifies the concept that will be used in the first generation of Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors (LMFBR's). The two systems, the Radioactive Argon Processing System (RAPS) and the Cell Atmosphere Processing System (CAPS), process the argon and nitrogen used in the FFTF for cover gas on liquid metal systems and as inert atmospheres in steel lined cells housing sodium equipment. The RAPS specifically processes the argon cover gas from the reactor coolant system, providing for decontamination and eventual reuse. The CAPS processes radioactive gasses from inerted cells and other liquid metal cover gas systems, providing for decontamination and ultimate discharge to the atmosphere. The cryogenic processing of waste gas by both systems is described

  15. Centro Direzionale of Naples. A “Smart” Concept

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    Fabrizio Canfora


    Full Text Available The topic of urban planning linked to the growth of smart cities is now quite common also in the urban-sociological debate. Recent studies (Besselaar, Koizumi, 2005; Fistola, 2010 identify the main focus of the smart city no longer exclusively in the strategic role played by ICT infrastructures, but above all in the factors enabling urban growth, defined as the ability to stimulate innovative urban developments, along with an increasing attention to the environment, eco-design, improved living levels, as well as the "bio-socio-environmental capital" (Corbisiero, 2013. Based on this theoretical background, the paper highlights the results of a research conducted in Naples on the empirical case of the "Centro Direzionale". It is an intervention of urban design of considerable impact on the city. The design and construction of the Centro Direzionale of Naples is, in fact, an archetype of the smart city; a primal testing of "urban intelligence" in terms of transport systems, infrastructure, logistics, systems for energy efficiency and technology. More generally, a good practice of city administration and of exploitation of strategic spatial planning.

  16. Characterization of a Cs-137 radiation beam for dosimeter calibrations in the CRCN-CO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baptista Neto, Annibal T.; Soares, Carlos M. de A.; Silva, Teogenes A. da; Correa, Rosangela da S.


    The Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares do Centro Oeste (CRCN-CO) has played an important role in the environmental radiation monitoring program in Goiania city. The reduce its dependence of others monitoring laboratories, the CRCN-CO acquired a model 28 JL Shepherd and Associates irradiation system with a 137 Cs source for calibrations and frequent quality control checks of radiation dosimeters. A characterization of the irradiation system was carried out with the reference standard dosimeters that are maintained by the Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN). The laboratory surrounding areas were monitored to demonstrate the adequate radiation protection conditions and parameters as the radiation field size, beam uniformity and the level of the scatter radiation were investigated. Dosimetry of the 137 Cs radiation beam in terms of air kerma rate was carried out at many source-detector distances with 4 (four) different beam lead attenuators. Results demonstrated that in spite of the radiation shutter automation is strongly recommended, the irradiation system is adequate and it complies with the requirements to be used for dosimeter irradiations and calibrations for the purpose of radiation protection. (author)

  17. O pós-abolição e suas dinâmicas de sociabilidade: lógicas familiares e relações interpessoais no oeste paulista cafeeiro

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    Rogério da Palma


    Full Text Available Tomando como foco o município de São Carlos, um dos principais centros da economia cafeeira do oeste paulista durante a virada do século XIX para o XX, o artigo analisa as tensões presentes nas relações interpessoais tecidas entre negros, de um lado, e fazendeiros e pequenos proprietários rurais, de outro. Por meio da leitura de dois inquéritos policiais da época, percebeu-se que essas relações eram mediadas por determinados códigos morais, os quais, por sua vez, delimitavam certas normas de sociabilidade. Quando alguns destes códigos eram quebrados, as situações de conflito se potencializavam. Pode-se afirmar que, se a proximidade com pessoas de posse ainda era, para a população negra do pós-abolição, uma das principais fontes para obtenção de recursos materiais e simbólicos, as relações de poder inscritas nesses vínculos não deixavam de produzir contestações quanto às identificações e hierarquias encerradas no âmbito familiar. De modo geral, acredita-se que as disputas de poder presentes nessas interações podem estar relacionadas à renegociação, trazida pelo fim do escravismo, de determinadas formas de distinção social.

  18. Land-use practices in Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondonia, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedlowski, M.A.; Dale, V.H.


    Road development and colonization projects have brought about wide-scale deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. The state of Rondonia, located in the western Amazon Basin, best exemplifies the problems related to land-use changes because it has the highest rates of deforestation in the Amazon Basin. In order to identify the main land-use practices in Rondonia, interviews with local farmers were carried out in the central part of Rondonia, in the PIC (Integrated Colonization Project) Ouro Preto do Oeste. This is the oldest colonization project in the state. The governmental colonization programs attracted migrants to the area through the construction of roads and infrastructure necessary for the colonists to occupy the land for agricultural practices. The interviews were done on lots of the PIC Ouro Preto and in PAD Urupa to define the background of the colonists, their land-use practices, their economic situation, and their relationships with governmental institutions.

  19. Perfil epidemiológico de cárie dentária em crianças de 12 anos de idade, residentes em cidades fluoretadas e não fluoretadas, na Região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil An epidemiological profile of dental caries in 12-year-old children residing in cities with and without fluoridated water supply in the central western area of the State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Sílvia Helena de Carvalho Sales-Peres


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo pautou em analisar o perfil epidemiológico de cárie dentária na Região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em crianças de 12 anos de idade, segundo o gênero, comparando o índice CPOD em municípios fluoretados e não fluoretados. Foram utilizados os dados do Levantamento Epidemiológico do Estado de São Paulo - 1998, referentes à Direção Regional de Saúde - DIR X, representada por oito municípios. A amostra foi composta por 485 escolares, de ambos os gêneros, distribuídos pelos municípios. Os resultados demonstraram que na cidade de Pederneiras (médio porte, com flúor o CPOD foi igual a 7,06, valor maior do que o encontrado no Brasil em 1986. A maior prevalência de cárie dentária ocorreu nos meninos, quando comparados às meninas, demonstrando uma nova tendência à cárie dentária na região centro-oeste. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre CPOD de municípios de mesmo porte, independente da presença ou ausência de flúor na água, sugerindo o fenômeno da convergência. Possivelmente, pela ação da ingestão de outras fontes de flúor e a presença do efeito "halo". A prevalência de cárie na região esteve "alta", com CPOD igual a 4,82, não atingindo as metas para o ano 2000.This study aimed to analyze the epidemiological profile of dental caries in the central western region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, focusing on 12-year-old children by gender, comparing the DMFT index in fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities. The study used data from the Epidemiological Surveys in the State of São Paulo, 1998, pertaining to the 10th Regional Health Directorate, including 8 cities. The sample consisted of 485 schoolchildren, both boys and girls, distributed by city. In Pederneiras (a medium-sized city with a fluoridated water supply, DMFT was 7.06, higher than the Brazilian national mean for 1986. Boys showed a higher prevalence of dental caries than girls, showing

  20. Gas tagging system development in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sekiguchi, N.; Rindo, H.; Akiyama, T.; Miyazawa, T.; Heki, H.


    The Gas tagging method has been considered to be most desirable for a failed fuel location system for the fast breeder reactor, regarding the component reduction in the reactor vessel and rapid location during reactor operation. The gas tagging system has been designed by referring to R and D results obtained in Japan and other countries. The designed system is comprised of tag gas filling pins, cover gas sampling system, tag gas recovery and enrichment system, tag gas analyzer and system control and data handling computers. The main specifications for this system have been decided as follows; 1) Main function is location of failed fuels in core and a part of blanket region, 2) Identification capability is each subassembly, 3) Time for identification is within a few days, 4) Continuous operation with automatic start at fuel failure, 5) Detection sensitivity must cover both gas leak and pin burst. In designing the gas tagging system, the following R and D items were selected; 1) System design study, 2) Tag gas capsule development, 3) Modeling the tag gas behavior in reactor primary cooling system, 4) Tag gas recovery and enrichment system, 5) Computer code development for tag gas isotope ratio change estimation. Details of the Japanese gas tagging system development appear in this paper. (author)

  1. Lima: poder, centro y centralidad: Del centro nativo al centro neoliberal

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    Wiley Ludeña


    Full Text Available El centro y la idea de centro es una forma de construcción histórica práctica e ideológica que se origina y se reproduce como expresión de las demandas de reproducción social, económica, política, cultural y simbólica de determinados sectores en su experiencia de producir ciudad. El artículo ofrece un panorama general sobre la evolución y las transformaciones del área central de Lima desde su existencia pre inca e inca, hasta su posterior constitución colonial y republicana. Concluye con un registro de la situación actual. El área central es analizada tanto en su condición de realidad específica, como en relación al conjunto de la ciudad y la sociedad. Los problemas son evaluados desde la perspectiva de su significado económico, político, social, cultural, antropológico, arquitectónico y urbanísticoThe centre and the idea of centre is a way of practical and ideological construction, that origins and reproduces as an expression of the requests of social, economical, political, cultural and symbolic reproduction of determinate sectors in its experience of producing city. The article offers an overview about the evolution and the transformations of Lima’s central area, since its pre inca and inca existence, to its later colonial and republican constitution. Ends with a register of the actual situation. The central area is analyzed as in its condition of an specific reality, as its relation with the whole city and the society. The problems are evaluated from the perspective of the economic, political, social, cultural, anthropologic, architectonic and urbanistic meaning

  2. Increasing the operational efficiency and safety in operation control centers: the TRANSPETRO experience; Aumentando a seguranca e eficiencia operacional em centros de controle: a experiencia da TRANSPETRO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Felicio, Marco Aurelio Fierro; Frisoli, Caetano [PETROBRAS Transporte S.A. (TRANSPETRO), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The increase in operational efficiency and safety in operation control centers has been traditionally obtained through direct actions in the operational activity itself and on the resources and systems used for that. Modern supervisory and control systems, sophisticated simulation software, cutting-edge last generation equipment and installations, clear and comprehensive procedures definitions and intensive and constant training of the operation teams are, usually, the chosen paths followed by control centers in their incessant quest for increased operational efficiency and safety. This paper presents the path followed by the TRANSPETRO's National Operational Control Center - Natural Gas (Centro Nacional de Controle Operacional - CNCO-Gas) - that has not only focused with the traditional aspects above, but has also made intensive investments in systems and data base integrations, aiming at eliminating data inconsistencies and redundancies and at including automation, standardization and systematization of non-operational and complementary operational activities. These investments allowed TRANSPETRO CNCO-Gas face the big challenge of growing that TRANSPETRO's gas transportation activity is facing now and will be facing in the near future: from 2,600 km to 7,000 km of gas pipelines, and a volume of transported natural gas from 35 MMm{sup 3}/day to 100 MMm{sup 3}/day. (author)

  3. Captura de mosquitos antropofílicos (Diptera, Culicidae em uma área urbana da região oeste da Bahia, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isana M. dos Santos


    Full Text Available A região oeste da Bahia passa por acelerado processo de desenvolvimento agrícola, o que tem gerado problemas de infraestrutura nos municípios. A falta de saneamento básico e de coleta dos resíduos são alguns desses problemas, os quais têm papel importante no aumento de criadouros disponíveis aos culicídeos. Assim, considerando as possibilidades de contato entre vetor e população humana, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a fauna de culicíeos adultos em uma área urbana no oeste da Bahia e verificar a presença de espécies de interesse em saúde pública. As amostragens de mosquitos adultos foram realizadas no município de Barreiras, de fevereiro de 2009 a janeiro de 2010, das 17h30min às 21h00min. Ao total foram capturados 1.744 mosquitos e oito gêneros foram identificados: Aedes, Coquilletidia, Culex, Limatus, Mansonia, Ochlerotatus, Psorophora e Uranotaenia. Culex quinquefasciatus foi a espécie mais frequente e abundante. Outras espécies encontradas, e que apresentam importância epidemiológica, foram Aedes aegypti e Ochlerotatus scapularis. Considerando que muitas espécies coletadas em Barreiras possuem importância epidemiológica e ocorrem mesmo durante a estação seca devido à ausência de saneamento básico, é importante que os municípios da região oeste da Bahia sejam alvo constante das atividades de vigilância epidemiológica.

  4. Solar-gas systems impact analysis study (United States)

    Neill, C. P.; Hahn, E. F.; Loose, J. C.; Poe, T. E.; Hirshberg, A. S.; Haas, S.; Preble, B.; Halpin, J.


    The impacts of solar/gas technologies on gas consumers and on gas utilities were measured separately and compared against the impacts of competing gas and electric systems in four climatic regions of the U.S. A methodology was developed for measuring the benefits or penalties of solar/gas systems on a combined basis for consumers sand distribution companies. It is shown that the combined benefits associated with solar/gas systems are generally greatest when the systems are purchased by customers who would have otherwise chosen high-efficiency electric systems (were solar/gas systems not available in the market place). The role of gas utilities in encouraging consumer acceptance of solar/gas systems was also examined ion a qualitative fashion. A decision framework for analyzing the type and level of utility involvement in solar/gas technologies was developed.

  5. WMS - Warehouse Management System: Benfeitorias Proporcionadas pela Implantação em um Centro Distribuidor e Atacadista

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    Lévistone Fávero


    Full Text Available Atualmente as empresas estão inseridas em ambientes altamente dinâmicos e competitivos, onde a gestão de estoque se torna uma vantagem frente aos concorrentes, quando a organização utiliza sistemas especialistas de gerenciamento de armazéns que subsidiam o processo de tomada de decisão. O estudo busca descrever as benfeitorias proporcionadas pela implantação de um sistema WMS (WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM de gerenciamento de armazéns, em um centro distribuidor e atacadista do segmento de higiene pessoal e limpeza em Cordilheira Alta/SC. Na metodologia, optou-se por uma pesquisa descritiva por meio de estudo de caso qualitativo básico, com abordagem qualitativa dos dados. Os resultados apontam que a implantação do WMS trouxe resultados positivos para o processo decisório da organização, além de acarretar mudanças perceptíveis nas rotinas realizadas no centro de distribuição que demonstram a eficiência em receber, alocar, separar, embalar e expedir produtos de forma segura para atender com eficiência os pedidos dos clientes.


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    Christian Brannstrom


    Full Text Available El artículo compara dos regiones con base en los discursos publicados em publicaciones bien diseminadas, complementada con investigación de campo. La región Oeste de Bahia, con agricultura intensive, compárase con el Eagle Ford Shale, región de producción no convencional de petroleo e gas natural. El trabajo focalízase en como las elites usan la sustentabilidad en la gobernanza ambiental para justificar el uso de los recursos naturales en la agricultura e los hidrocarbonos. Enfatizo como el espetáculo sirve para augmenter el “prestigio regional” (CHASE, 2003 e como los aspectos sociales de la sustentabilidad ajudan a consolidar las ambiciones de explotación de los recursos naturales. En los dos casos las elites regionals no reproducem verbatim los discursos nacionales, pero sí las elites investen en traduzir los discursos en formato regional o canalizar las preocupaciones regionales e los parametros regionales en nuevas soluciones discursivos para mantener la explotación de los recursos naturales.

  7. Centro Vogelstang - Mannheim (Alemania Federal

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    Striffler, H.


    Full Text Available In the new urban zone of Vogelstang some 20,000 people will live in 4,600 rented dwellings and 700 private homes. The scheme contains all facilities to allow an autonomous life, i.e. primary schools, a secondary school, a college of domestic economy, two Catholic and two Evangelical churches, a kindergarten, an old people's home, a commercial centre, a community centre and an indoor swimming-pool. In the southern area a recreation park has been made with an artificial lake and sports centre. There are plenty of green spaces and playing areas for children.En la nueva zona urbana Vogelstang vivirán unas 20.000 personas en 4.600 viviendas de alquiler y 700 hogares propios. El complejo abarca todas las instalaciones que permiten una vida autónoma: Escuelas primarias. Escuela Superior. Instituto. Escuela de economía doméstica. Dos iglesias católicas y dos evangélicas. Jardín de infancia. Residencia para ancianos. Centro comercial. Centro comunal. Piscina cubierta. En la zona sur se ha creado un parque de recreo con un lago artificial y un centro de deportes. Hay abundantes espacios verdes y lugares de juego para los niños.

  8. Drug abuse among workers in Brazilian regions Uso de drogas entre trabalhadores de regiões do Brasil

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    Ovandir Alves Silva


    utilizadas no País: cocaína, maconha e anfetamina. A técnica de enzimaimunoensaio (EMIT foi usada como análise de triagem para as substâncias pesquisadas. A confirmação dos resultados foi realizada pela espectrometria de massa associada à cromatografia em fase gasosa (GC/MS. A distribuição das amostras de acordo com as regiões geográficas foi: 72,0% foram coletadas na região Sudeste, 13,8% no Nordeste, 7,9% originaram-se na região Sul, 5,7% no Centro-Oeste e 0,6% na região Norte. RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos foram: 1,8% de todas as amostras analisadas foram positivas para a presença de drogas de abuso, sendo que 0,5% eram provenientes da região Sul, 1,1% da região Nordeste, 1,2% do Centro-Oeste, 1,3% da região Norte e 2,2% do Sudeste. A freqüência com que as diferentes drogas foram encontradas foi: 59,9% para maconha, 17,7% para cocaína, 14,6% para anfetamina e 7,7% para drogas em associação. CONCLUSÕES: A distribuição das drogas de abuso detectadas apresentou variações regionais. A maconha foi encontrada nas amostras de todas as regiões; a cocaína estava presente somente em amostras oriundas das regiões Centro-Oeste e Sudeste. A anfetamina foi detectada nas amostras provenientes do Nordeste, Centro-Oeste e Sudeste.

  9. O ensino de radioatividade em Química e a Educação Ambiental sob a perspectiva crítica


    Benite de Freitas, Alysson


    Este artigo apresenta uma prática pedagógica de Química com o intuito de despertar a curiosidade epistemológica e dialógica dos alunos da Educação Básica por meio de atividades na escola e uma visita ao Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares do Centro-Oeste (CRCN-CO), local que estão armazenados os Rejeitos Radioativos do maior acidente radiológico do mundo ocorrido em Goiânia-GO, relacionando a radioatividade, a sociedade, o meio ambiente e analisando benefícios e riscos do uso dessas tecnolo...

  10. LHCB RICH gas system proposal

    CERN Document Server

    Bosteels, Michel; Haider, S


    Both LHCb RICH will be operated with fluorocarbon as gas radiator. RICH 1 will be filled with 4m^3 of C4F10 and RICH 2 with 100m^3 of CF4. The gas systems will run as a closed loop circulation and a gas recovery system within the closed loop is planned for RICH 1, where the recovery of the CF4 will only be realised during filling and emptying of the detector. Inline gas purification is foreseen for the gas systems in order to limit water and oxygen impurities.

  11. Characterization and calibration of gas sensor systems at ppb level—a versatile test gas generation system (United States)

    Leidinger, Martin; Schultealbert, Caroline; Neu, Julian; Schütze, Andreas; Sauerwald, Tilman


    This article presents a test gas generation system designed to generate ppb level gas concentrations from gas cylinders. The focus is on permanent gases and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for applications like indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring or breath analysis. In the design and the setup of the system, several issues regarding handling of trace gas concentrations have been considered, addressed and tested. This concerns not only the active fluidic components (flow controllers, valves), which have been chosen specifically for the task, but also the design of the fluidic tubing regarding dead volumes and delay times, which have been simulated for the chosen setup. Different tubing materials have been tested for their adsorption/desorption characteristics regarding naphthalene, a highly relevant gas for indoor air quality monitoring, which has generated high gas exchange times in a previous gas mixing system due to long time adsorption/desorption effects. Residual gas contaminations of the system and the selected carrier air supply have been detected and quantified using both an analytical method (GC-MS analysis according to ISO 16000-6) and a metal oxide semiconductor gas sensor, which detected a maximum contamination equivalent to 28 ppb of carbon monoxide. A measurement strategy for suppressing even this contamination has been devised, which allows the system to be used for gas sensor and gas sensor system characterization and calibration in the low ppb concentration range.

  12. A Gas Chromatographic System for the Detection of Ethylene Gas Using Ambient Air as a Carrier Gas. (United States)

    Zaidi, Nayyer Abbas; Tahir, Muhammad Waseem; Vellekoop, Michael J; Lang, Walter


    Ethylene gas is a naturally occurring gas that has an influence on the shelf life of fruit during their transportation in cargo ships. An unintentional exposure of ethylene gas during transportation results in a loss of fruit. A gas chromatographic system is presented here for the detection of ethylene gas. The gas chromatographic system was assembled using a preconcentrator, a printed 3D printed gas chromatographic column, a humidity sensor, solenoid valves, and an electrochemical ethylene gas sensor. Ambient air was used as a carrier gas in the gas chromatographic system. The flow rate was fixed to 10 sccm. It was generated through a mini-pump connected in series with a mass flow controller. The metal oxide gas sensor is discussed with its limitation in ambient air. The results show the chromatogram obtained from metal oxide gas sensor has low stability, drifts, and has uncertain peaks, while the chromatogram from the electrochemical sensor is stable and precise. Furthermore, ethylene gas measurements at higher ppb concentration and at lower ppb concentration were demonstrated with the electrochemical ethylene gas sensor. The system separates ethylene gas and humidity. The chromatograms obtained from the system are stable, and the results are 1.2% repeatable in five similar measurements. The statistical calculation of the gas chromatographic system shows that a concentration of 2.3 ppb of ethylene gas can be detected through this system.

  13. Daya Bay Antineutrino Detector gas system (United States)

    Band, H. R.; Cherwinka, J. J.; Chu, M.-C.; Heeger, K. M.; Kwok, M. W.; Shih, K.; Wise, T.; Xiao, Q.


    The Daya Bay Antineutrino Detector gas system is designed to protect the liquid scintillator targets of the antineutrino detectors against degradation and contamination from exposure to ambient laboratory air. The gas system is also used to monitor the leak tightness of the antineutrino detector assembly. The cover gas system constantly flushes the gas volumes above the liquid scintillator with dry nitrogen to minimize oxidation of the scintillator over the five year lifetime of the experiment. This constant flush also prevents the infiltration of radon or other contaminants into these detecting liquids keeping the internal backgrounds low. Since the Daya Bay antineutrino detectors are immersed in the large water pools of the muon veto system, other gas volumes are needed to protect vital detector cables or gas lines. These volumes are also purged with dry gas. Return gas is monitored for oxygen content and humidity to provide early warning of potentially damaging leaks. The design and performance of the Daya Bay Antineutrino Detector gas system is described.

  14. El centro del mundo para los gallegos


    Mandianes Castro, Manuel


    Estudio sobre la noción de espacio en Galicia. Se pretende demostrar que para los gallegos el universo tiene un centro, con diferentes niveles de aprehensión, alrededor del cual se organiza la comunidad. Para este trabajo se han realizado encuestas entre los habitantes de la región de la Limia (Orense) y los de Loureses. El trabajo se divide en tres apartados atendiendo a los distintos niveles de percepción del centro del mundo: "lareira" (hogar), "encrucillada" (encrucijada) y cementerio.

  15. 46 CFR 121.240 - Gas systems. (United States)


    ... gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) must meet the following requirements: (a) The design, installation and testing of each LPG system must meet ABYC A-1, “Marine Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Systems... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Gas systems. 121.240 Section 121.240 Shipping COAST...

  16. Vivienda intergeneracional + Centro de barrio en la Malvarrosa, Valencia




    Se proyecta un espacio residencial en el barrio de la Malvarrosa, en Valencia. La parcela se encuentra delimitada por la Calle del Padre Antón Martín y la Avenida de la Malvarrosa en dirección norte-sur, y por la Avenida de los Naranjos en dirección este-oeste. Este espacio edificado tiene por objeto la creación de viviendas intergeneracionales, que den cabida a la agrupación de viviendas de diferentes necesidades. Por otro lado, este espacio contará con una serie de dotaciones que potenciará...

  17. Development of the main processes of the quality management system in the Centro Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear from Cuba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marrero Garcia, M.; Sarabia Molina, I.I.


    The quality management system of the Centro Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear - CNSN from Cuba is based on the ISO 9001 of 2008, whose key element is the management of the identified processes. The methods used were the diagnosis of the Organization according the expert criteria. It were established the following basic rules: 'to say what you do, do what you say and to be able to demonstrate it'. In the present work, the processes identified are presented, experience in implementing them and the prospects of integration with the model proposed by the IAEA for effective management systems

  18. Lectures given at the 3rd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.)

    CERN Document Server

    Pulvirenti, Mario


    This volume contains the text of four sets of lectures delivered at the third session of the Summer School organized by C.I.M.E. (Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo). These texts are preceded by an introduction written by C. Cercignani and M. Pulvirenti which summarizes the present status in the area of Nonequilibrium Problems in Many-Particle Systems and tries to put the contents of the different sets of lectures in the right perspective, in order to orient the reader. The lectures deal with the global existence of weak solutions for kinetic models and related topics, the basic concepts of non-standard analysis and their application to gas kinetics, the kinetic equations for semiconductors and the entropy methods in the study of hydrodynamic limits. CONTENTS: C. Cercignani, M. Pulvirenti: Nonequilibrium Problems in Many-Particle Systems. An Introduction.- L. Arkeryd: Some Examples of NSA in Kinetic Theory.- P.L. Lions: Global Solutions of Kinetic Models and Related Problems.- P.A. Markowich: Kinetic Mod...

  19. City gas supply management system. Toshi gas kyokyu kanri system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ota, S [Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    Supply and control system of city gas (about 90% is LNG) at Tokyo Gas Company is summarized. The LNG is delivered from the high pressure, A-middle pressure and B-middle pressure stations through the low pressure governors at about 3,000 locations to the low-pressure conduit networks. The information system department uses a large-size general purpose IBM computer as a host computer, control computers at each station, and communication networks consisted mainly of the in-house wireless networks. The trunk lines are all looped, and the important facilities are dualized. Characteristic functions include the supply prediction, which takes into account the past supply and ambient temperature records, a day of the week for a particular date, and demand fluctuation trends; adjustments of each holder based on the prediction and restrictions; and piping network simulation to decide gas manufacturing patterns, and determine reasonability of local construction of complicated conduits. The monitoring and control system as the central nerve includes a quick block-wide operation at an accident from earthquake and the like to prevent wide area disasters. 8 figs., 1 tab.

  20. Gas system proposal for the LHCb muon system

    CERN Document Server

    Hahn, F; Lindner, R


    This document describes the gas system proposed for the LHCb Muon system, following the Gas Working Group mandate to ensure the uniform approach to gas technology and controls across the LHC detectors. Standard technical design modules are employed as fas as possible, in order to minimise design overheads and long term support costs.

  1. A gas conditioning and analysis system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Busch, F.R.


    A system for carrying out a rapid analysis of explosive gas-mixtures is described. This system comprises a conduit connecting a sample taking point to a detection chamber, said chamber containing a mass of liquid into which the gas sample is discharged and being provided with a detecting unit for analyzing gases and with separate gas exit and liquid exit. The liquid is sent to a level-regulating chamber, whereas said gas exit sends the gas to a gas-stopping chamber which is in turn, connected to the conduit leading to a discharge point, and a vacuum pump for drawing up the gas sample into the system. This can be apply to nuclear power stations [fr

  2. Insectos polinizadores e seu efeito na produção de pereira Rocha na Região do Oeste


    Reis, Catarina Andreia Flausino


    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia The present work was aimed at studying the effect of insect pollinators in the production of fruits, identifying the major groups of flower visiting insects, determining the frequency of visits to flowers along the day, throughout the flowering period, and studying pollinators’ behavior during flower visiting, in four orchards of ‘Rocha’ pear in the Oeste region, Portugal. The possibility of using artificial nests to enhan...

  3. Compressed gas fuel storage system (United States)

    Wozniak, John J.; Tiller, Dale B.; Wienhold, Paul D.; Hildebrand, Richard J.


    A compressed gas vehicle fuel storage system comprised of a plurality of compressed gas pressure cells supported by shock-absorbing foam positioned within a shape-conforming container. The container is dimensioned relative to the compressed gas pressure cells whereby a radial air gap surrounds each compressed gas pressure cell. The radial air gap allows pressure-induced expansion of the pressure cells without resulting in the application of pressure to adjacent pressure cells or physical pressure to the container. The pressure cells are interconnected by a gas control assembly including a thermally activated pressure relief device, a manual safety shut-off valve, and means for connecting the fuel storage system to a vehicle power source and a refueling adapter. The gas control assembly is enclosed by a protective cover attached to the container. The system is attached to the vehicle with straps to enable the chassis to deform as intended in a high-speed collision.

  4. Implantation of a new Beta Secondary Standard system at Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reynaldo, Sibele Reis


    The crescent use of beta radiation sources in medical, industrial and research applications has increased the need for higher accuracy in beta dosimetry. As the first Beta Secondary Standard system (BSS1) was developed about 20 years ago, a new BSS2 system was made commercially available to fulfill new metrological demands and to follow the technological development. The BSS2 has a new positioning set-up, high activity and long half-life beta radiation sources and a special safety system. The Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear is the first laboratory in Latin America that has got a BSS2. This work describes the BSS2 and it compares its advantages in relation to BSS1; results of the beam uniformity tests of the radiation fields from 90 Sr/ 90 Y, 85 Kr and 147 Pm sources, that were measured with an ionization chamber and with thermoluminescent detectors, are also shown. Results show that the beta radiation fields are considered to be uniform for diameters between 8 and 20 cm according to the chosen source. (author)

  5. Plutonium measurements on the 1 MV AMS system at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chamizo, Elena; Enamorado, Santiago Miguel; Garcia-Leon, Manuel; Suter, Martin; Wacker, Lukas


    Plutonium isotopes have been recently added to the list of radionuclides that can be measured with the new generation of compact AMS facilities. In this paper we present first experimental results concerning the development of the plutonium AMS technique at 680 kV on the 1 MV AMS system at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA) in Sevilla, Spain. This is the first compact AMS machine designed and manufactured by High Voltage Engineering Europa. As we demonstrate, the obtained backgrounds for 239,240 Pu, of about 10 6 atoms, and the 239 Pu/ 238 U mass suppression factor, in the range of 10 -9 , compare to the ones achieved on other AMS facilities. With the measurement of reference materials provided by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA-375, IAEA-Soil-6, IAEA-381) and samples already studied on the 600 kV compact ETH/PSI AMS system at Zuerich, we show that the CNA system can be perfectly used for the routine measurement of plutonium isotopes at environmental levels.

  6. Efeitos do Comércio Eletrônico: a percepção dos empresários associados à Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL) de São Miguel do Oeste-SC


    Dayani Gwozdz; Josiane Romancini; Karina Fries; Lucas Miguel Gnigler; Sodriane Cezar


    Diante do cenário econômico atual, os empresários buscam agilidade, facilidade e precisão nos processos de venda e gestão de estoques. O comércio eletrônico propõe ao empresário uma forma diferenciada para disponibilizar seu produto ou serviço em um ambiente virtual ou, ainda, fazer uso dessa ferramenta em transações com indústria e fornecedores. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar as consequências do comércio eletrônico para os comerciantes do município de São Miguel do Oeste-S...

  7. Centro cívico de Ichihara – Japón

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Funakoshi, T.


    Full Text Available Occuping somewhat more than 1/10 of a 160,000 m2 site rises the Civic Centre of Ichihara that comprises: Social Centre; Municipal Government with Prefecture and Administration; Sociological-educational Centre; Parliament; Welfare Centre and Power Station. The plot is divided into two parts by a highway, with the Social Centre in the smallest part and in the other the remaining buildings are distributed, grouped on both sides of a pedestrian bridge that connects the buildings. The project of the entire complex has been developed starting from the elementary spaces until urban scale was attained; the composition of each space has been borne out of the mutual relations between men. In this Centre an attempt has been made to interpenetrate all the zones so as to achieve a visual relation between them. The Civic Centre is being completed by a spacious parking lot, paths and extensive gardens.Ocupando algo más de la décima parte de una parcela de 160.000 m2 se levanta el Centro Cívico de Ichihara, que comprende: Centro Social; Ayuntamiento con Prefectura y Administración; Centro Sociológico-educacional; Parlamento; Centro de Bienestar Social, y Central de Energía. El solar está dividido en dos partes por una autopista, con el Centro Social en la zona más pequeña, y en la otra se distribuye el resto de los edificios, agrupados a los lados de un gran puente peatonal que los comunica. El proyecto de todo el conjunto se ha desarrollado partiendo de los espacios elementales hasta llegar a la escala urbana; la composición de cada espacio nace de las relaciones mutuas entre los hombres. En este Centro se ha llevado a cabo un intento de interpenetrar todas las zonas, para permitir una relación visual entre ellas. El Centro Cívico se completa con numerosas plazas de aparcamiento, viales y amplias zonas ajardinadas.

  8. Dual liquid and gas chromatograph system (United States)

    Gay, D.D.

    A chromatographic system is described that utilizes one detection system for gas chromatographic and micro-liquid chromatographic determinations. The detection system is a direct-current, atmospheric-pressure, helium plasma emission spectrometer. The detector utilizes a nontransparent plasma source unit which contains the plasma region and two side-arms which receive effluents from the micro-liquid chromatograph and the gas chromatograph. The dual nature of this chromatographic system offers: (1) extreme flexibility in the samples to be examined; (2) extreme low sensitivity; (3) element selectivity; (4) long-term stability; (5) direct correlation of data from the liquid and gas samples; (6) simpler operation than with individual liquid and gas chromatographs, each with different detection systems; and (7) cheaper than a commercial liquid chromatograph and a gas chromatograph.

  9. Daya Bay Antineutrino Detector Gas System


    Band, H. R.; Cherwinka, J. J.; Chu, M-C.; Heeger, K. M.; Kwok, M. W.; Shih, K.; Wise, T.; Xiao, Q.


    The Daya Bay Antineutrino Detector gas system is designed to protect the liquid scintillator targets of the antineutrino detectors against degradation and contamination from exposure to ambient laboratory air. The gas system is also used to monitor the leak tightness of the antineutrino detector assembly. The cover gas system constantly flushes the gas volumes above the liquid scintillator with dry nitrogen to minimize oxidation of the scintillator over the five year lifetime of the experimen...

  10. Irrigação e certificação da cafeicultura na Região Centro-Oeste de São Paulo Irrigation and certification on coffee crop in mid-west of São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Marcos José Perdoná


    Full Text Available Rentabilidade insatisfatória tem provocado diminuição paulatina do parque cafeeiro no Estado de São Paulo. Entre as alternativas para a solução deste problema, duas se destacam: a irrigação das lavouras e a certificação das propriedades. Mesmo em regiões consideradas aptas à cultura do café arábica (Coffea arabica L., o uso da irrigação pode promover, na média dos anos, aumento de produtividade de grãos. Além disso, a certificação do produto favorece sua diferenciação no mercado e pode melhorar os resultados econômicos da atividade. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento e a produtividade de cafeeiros submetidos a sistemas irrigados ou não, comparando os dados econômicos na comercialização do café certificado ou não, nas condições da Região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo. O delineamento utilizado no campo foi o de blocos ao acaso, com dois tratamentos (com e sem irrigação por gotejamento e dez repetições. Foram calculados os custos de produção, bem como a lucratividade com a venda do produto final. A irrigação aumentou o desenvolvimento e a produtividade dos cafeeiros. Houve o retorno do investimento a partir da terceira safra. A venda de café certificado possibilitou resultados econômicos em média de 224,5% superiores ao não certificado. A irrigação aliada à venda de café certificado proporcionou saldo financeiro 1.192% superior ao café não irrigado e não certificado.An unsatisfactory profitability has led to the gradual decline of the coffee plantations in São Paulo. Among the alternatives that arise for solving this problem, two stand out: the irrigation of crops and certification of properties. Even in areas considered suitable for cultivation of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L., the use of irrigation can promote an increase in grain yield. In addition, the product certification promotes their differentiation in the market and can improve the economic results of

  11. Reconstruction of Low Pressure Gas Supply System

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    S. N. Osipov


    Full Text Available The current reconstruction of residential areas in large cities especially with the developed heat-supply systems from thermal power stations and reduction of heat consumption for heating due to higher thermal resistance of building enclosing structures requires new technical solutions in respect of gas-supply problems. While making reconstruction of a gas-supply system of the modernized or new buildings in the operating zone of one gas-distribution plant it is necessary to change hot water-supply systems from gas direct-flow water heaters to centralized heat-supply and free gas volumes are to be used for other needs or gas-supply of new buildings with the current external gas distribution network.Selection of additional gas-line sections and points of gas-supply systems pertaining to new and reconstructed buildings for their connection to the current distribution system of gas-supply is to be executed in accordance with the presented methodology.

  12. Detection device for off-gas system accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubota, Ryuji; Tsuruoka, Ryozo; Yamanari, Shozo.


    Purpose: To rapidly isolate the off-gas system by detecting the off-gas system failure accident in a short time. Constitution: Radiation monitors are disposed to ducts connecting an exhaust gas area and an air conditioning system as a portion of a turbine building. The ducts are disposed independently such that they ventilate only the atmosphere in the exhaust gas area and do not mix the atmosphere in the turbine building. Since radioactivity issued upon off-gas accidents to the exhaust gas area is sucked to the duct, it can be detected by radiation detection monitors in a short time after the accident. Further, since the operator judges it as the off-gas system accident, the off-gas system can be isolated in a short time after the accident. (Moriyama, K.)

  13. Correlation between the meteorological data acquisition systems of the Centro Experimental ARAMAR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Rando M.; Beu, Cássia M.L., E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Tecnológico da Marinha em São Paulo (CEA/CTMSP), Iperó, SP (Brazil). Centro Experimental ARAMAR


    Centro Experimental ARAMAR (CEA) is a Brazilian Navy Technological Center located in the rural area of lperó (São Paulo State), about 10-km distant from the nearest urban area. One of the most important activities at CEA is the nuclear fuel cycle research, as well as the development of a small-scale pressurized water reactor (PWR) land based prototype, The Laboratório Radioecológico (LAR E) is responsible for the meteorological observation program which relies on an automatic data collection system, The following variables are continuously measured: pressure, precipitation, wind speed, wind direction, temperature and relative humidity, The obtained data is refined and used in the annual reports to Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), and are an important input data for atmospheric dispersion models. Due to the construction of the Laboratório de Geraç!o Nucleoclétrica (LABGENE), it will be necessary to change tbe location of the towers and meteorological sensors, Thus, since 20 14, a new set of towers and sensors (Torre Nova) are in operation. The new location is 900 m distant from the old set (Torre Velha). Therefore, CEA has currently two meteorological data acquisition systems operating concurrently for approximately three years. The present work aims to compare the meteorological data of both systems in order to verify their agreement. The meteorological time series of both systems were submitted to a statistical analysis to evaluate their correlation. The results of this work confirm the compatibility of the two systems, showing that the Torre Velha can be deactivated without impairment to the meteorological time series. (author)

  14. Correlation between the meteorological data acquisition systems of the Centro Experimental ARAMAR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Rando M.; Beu, Cássia M.L.


    Centro Experimental ARAMAR (CEA) is a Brazilian Navy Technological Center located in the rural area of lperó (São Paulo State), about 10-km distant from the nearest urban area. One of the most important activities at CEA is the nuclear fuel cycle research, as well as the development of a small-scale pressurized water reactor (PWR) land based prototype, The Laboratório Radioecológico (LAR E) is responsible for the meteorological observation program which relies on an automatic data collection system, The following variables are continuously measured: pressure, precipitation, wind speed, wind direction, temperature and relative humidity, The obtained data is refined and used in the annual reports to Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), and are an important input data for atmospheric dispersion models. Due to the construction of the Laboratório de Geraç!o Nucleoclétrica (LABGENE), it will be necessary to change tbe location of the towers and meteorological sensors, Thus, since 20 14, a new set of towers and sensors (Torre Nova) are in operation. The new location is 900 m distant from the old set (Torre Velha). Therefore, CEA has currently two meteorological data acquisition systems operating concurrently for approximately three years. The present work aims to compare the meteorological data of both systems in order to verify their agreement. The meteorological time series of both systems were submitted to a statistical analysis to evaluate their correlation. The results of this work confirm the compatibility of the two systems, showing that the Torre Velha can be deactivated without impairment to the meteorological time series. (author)

  15. Hurwitz Centenary Conference, Centro Stefano Franscini

    CERN Document Server

    Mansour, Mohamed


    This book contains the historical development of the seminal paper of Adolf Hurwitz, professor in mathematics at ETH (1892~1919), and its impact on other fields. The major emphasis, however, is on modern results in stability theory and its application in the theory of control and numerics. In particular, stability of the following problems is treated: linear, nonlinear and time-dependent systems, discretizations of ordinary and partial differential equations, systems with time delay on multidimensional systems. In addition robust stability, pole placement and problems related to the stability radius are treated. The book is an outgrowth of the international conference "Centennial Hurwitz on Stability Theory" which was held to honor Adolf Hurwitz, whose arti­ cle on the location of roots of a polynomial was published one hundred years ago. The conference took place at the Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, on May 21~26, 1995. This book contains a collection of the papers and open pro...

  16. Chapecó (SC), para além de polo regional, uma cidade média no oeste catarinense


    Cristiane Gretzler


    Uma das primeiras cidades criadas no impulso colonizador do Oeste Catarinense, Chapecó, durante vários anos foi à sede administrativa de vasto território, situação que conferiu à cidade uma centralidade que se manifesta ainda hoje. O processo de urbanização brasileira provocou mudanças na estrutura das diferentes cidades, independente de seu porte, suscitando novas análises e interpretações. As metrópoles assumiram novos papéis em escala mundial e, muitas cidades polo regionais, acabam criand...

  17. El concepto estadístico de centro de gravedad


    Ruiz, Gabriel


    El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer una propuesta didáctica consistente en relacionar el concepto estadístico de centro de gravedad de una distribución de frecuencias bidimensional con el concepto físico y geométrico del mismo nombre. Las coordenadas del centro de gravedad son medias aritméticas, lo que nos permitirá visualizar algunas propiedades de la media aritmética.

  18. 49 CFR 192.11 - Petroleum gas systems. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Petroleum gas systems. 192.11 Section 192.11... BY PIPELINE: MINIMUM FEDERAL SAFETY STANDARDS General § 192.11 Petroleum gas systems. (a) Each plant that supplies petroleum gas by pipeline to a natural gas distribution system must meet the requirements...

  19. Gas replacement system for fuel cell. Nenryo denchi no gas chikan hoshiki

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sugiyama, T


    When stopping the operation of a fuel cell, the gas in the reaction gas system is purged using such an inert gas as nitrogen for inactivation. A gas source such as inert gas bomb must be prepared beforehand for the purpose. This invention relates to a method of production of inert gas from the air collected from atmosphere to use it as the purge gas. The air collected from the atmosphere is passed through an oxygen remover filled with oxidation catalyst to remove oxygen, and dehumidified by a dehumidifier filled with drying agent, the obtained inert drying gas with nitrogen as the main constituent being used as the purge gas. Copper system catalyst supported by silica is used as the oxidation catalyst, and silica gel as the drying agent. After the operation of the fuel cell is re-started, a part of the high temperature fuel gas extracted from the reaction gas system is introduced to the oxygen remover for the reduction of oxidation catalyst and for heat regeneration of dehumidifying agent by the contained hydrogen. 1 fig.

  20. Gas Control System for HEAO-B (United States)

    Taylor, B.; Brissette, R.; Humphrey, A.; Morris, J.; Luger, J.; Swift, W.


    The HEAO-B Gas Control System consists of a high pressure gas storage supply together with distribution and regulation assemblies and their associated electronics for management of gas required for HEAO-B X-ray counter experiments. The Gas Control System replenishes a gas mixture (82 percent argon, 12.3 percent carbon dioxide, 5.7 percent xenon) in the counter volumes which is lost by: diffusion through controlled leakage plugs, diffusion through counter windows, and consumption resulting from periodic purges. The gas density in each counter volume is maintained constant to within 0.25 percent by comparison with a sealed reference volume. The system is fully redundant, capable of operating at atmospheric pressure as well as in a vacuum, contains interlocks which shut down gas flow in the event of either leakage or excessive pressure, and is able to shut down counter high voltage if counter pressure is abnormally low. The system is electronically controlled by ground command and self-sustaining in orbit for a period of at least one year.

  1. La educabilidad: atributo mediacional entre la realidad curricular y organizativa del centro escolar

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    Miguel PÉREZ FERRA


    Full Text Available Es evidente, que la actividad de los centros educativos necesita para alcanzar las finalidades que justifican su existencia y trabajo, ser planificada, ordenada, programada, desarrollada y evaluada. Toda esta labor se sintetiza y recoge en el Proyecto de Centro, instrumento de planificación a medio plazo, que concreta y desarrolla los elementos que lo integran: Finalidades educativas, Proyecto curricular de Centro y Reglamento de Organización y Funcionamiento. En este artículo realizamos una reflexión sobre la conveniencia, posibilidad y realidad de utilización con carácter orgánico de dos documentos esenciales en el Proyecto de Centro. Nos referimos al Proyecto Curricular de Centro y al Reglamento de Organización y Funcionamiento. El estudio integra tres perspectivas complementarias: la realidad ontológica o conveniencia de dicha relación que intentamos justificar desde el atributo educabilidad, propio del hombre, nexo de unión entre la esencia de los dos documentos; la realidad histórica de los últimos cincuenta años y su incidencia en la relación organizativo-curricular de los centros; por último, valoramos la trayectoria lineal de la formación del profesorado en España y sus respuestas al centro como unidad organizativa, profesional y curricular.

  2. Condição ocular dos indivíduos facectomizados na região centro-oeste do estado de São Paulo: estudo populacional Cataract-operated individuals at the Center-Western zone of São Paulo state: populational survey

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    Olívia Matai


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as causas de baixa visão e cegueira em indivíduos facectomizados, de amostra da população de cidades da região centrooeste do estado de São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo transversal, observacional, feito em cinco cidades da região centro-oeste do estado de São Paulo, em amostra domiciliar e baseada nos dados do último Censo Demográfico (IBGE, 1995, com escolha sistemática dos domicílios. Foi considerada para o presente estudo uma subamostra de indivíduos facectomizados, dos quais foram obtidos dados de identificação e exame oftalmológico completo. Os dados foram avaliados por estatísticas descritivas, análise de freqüência de ocorrência e proporção de concordância, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: Dos indivíduos amostrados, 2,37% haviam sido submetidos à facectomia. Dos 201 olhos operados, 26,9% apresentavam acuidade visual compatível com cegueira ou deficiência visual. Com a melhor correção óptica, a acuidade visual permaneceu PURPOSE: To determine the outcomes and causes of visual impairment and blindness in cataract-operated patients who are living in the central-western zone of São Paulo state. METHODS: A transversal, observational, systematic study was done involving patients inhabitants of five cities from a central-western zone of São Paulo state. The random sample was based on the Demographic Census Data (IBGE, 1995. All patients underwent to visual screening and complete eye examination. The individuals who had cataract-operated eyes were separated for the present study. The results were statistically analyzed by descriptive methods, frequency of occurrence and concordance proportion with 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: At examination 2.37% of the subjects had cataract-operated eyes. Of the 201 operated eyes 26.9% had visual acuity compatible with blindness or visual impairment. The visual acuity persisted <0.3 even with spetacles in 19% of the patients. Twenty-seven and 9

  3. Gas hydrate cool storage system (United States)

    Ternes, M.P.; Kedl, R.J.


    The invention presented relates to the development of a process utilizing a gas hydrate as a cool storage medium for alleviating electric load demands during peak usage periods. Several objectives of the invention are mentioned concerning the formation of the gas hydrate as storage material in a thermal energy storage system within a heat pump cycle system. The gas hydrate was formed using a refrigerant in water and an example with R-12 refrigerant is included. (BCS)

  4. ISO 9001: Quality management systems. The experience of the centre for hydro graphic studies (CEDEX); ISO 9001: Sistemas de gestion de la calidad. La experiencia del Centro de Estudios Hidrograficos del CEDEX

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alonso Garcia, A. M.; Aviles Garcia, J.; Gonzalez Ramos, M. E.; Diago Sanchez, I.


    The Spanish government is developing several plans and programmes in order to introduce the quality culture and instruments in the various institutions, looking for efficient and committed public organizations, providers of quality services. To achieve the commitment to improve and modernize the Administration, the Centro de Estudios y Experimentacion de Obras Publicas (CEDEX) has decided the implementation and certification of a Quality Management System according to ISO 9001: standard at the Centro de Estudios Hidrograficos as pilot experience. (Author) 5 refs.

  5. Development of the main processes of the quality management system in the Centro Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear from Cuba; Desarrollo de los principales procesos del sistema de gestion de la calidad en el Centro Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marrero Garcia, M.; Sarabia Molina, I.I., E-mail: [Centro Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear, Oficina de Regulacion Ambiental y Seguridad Nuclear, La Habana (Cuba)


    The quality management system of the Centro Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear - CNSN from Cuba is based on the ISO 9001 of 2008, whose key element is the management of the identified processes. The methods used were the diagnosis of the Organization according the expert criteria. It were established the following basic rules: 'to say what you do, do what you say and to be able to demonstrate it'. In the present work, the processes identified are presented, experience in implementing them and the prospects of integration with the model proposed by the IAEA for effective management systems.

  6. Gas fueling system for SST-1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dhanani, Kalpeshkumar R.; Khan, Ziauddin; Raval, Dilip; Semwal, Pratibha; George, Siju; Paravastu, Yuvakiran; Thankey, Prashant; Khan, Mohammad Shoaib; Pradhan, Subrata


    SST-1 Tokamak, the first Indian Steady-state Superconducting experimental device is at present under operation in Institute for Plasma Research. For plasma break down and initiation, the piezoelectric valve based gas feed system is implemented as primary requirement due to its precise control, easy handling, low costs for both construction and maintenance and its flexibility in working gas selection. The main functions of SST-1 gas feed system are to feed the required amount of ultrahigh purity hydrogen gas for specified period into the vessel during plasma operation and ultrahigh helium gas for glow discharge cleaning. In addition to these facilities, the gas feed system is used to feed a mixture gas of hydrogen and helium as well as other gases like nitrogen and Argon during divertor cooling etc. The piezoelectric valves used in SST-1 are remotely driven by a PXI based platform and are calibrated before the plasma operation during each SST-1 plasma operation with precise control. This paper will present the technical development and the results of gas fueling in SST-1. (author)

  7. Centro de gastronomía y entretenimiento

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    Felipe Chaverri Peralta


    Full Text Available El Centro de Gastronomía y Entretenimiento fue una práctica de proyecto arquitectónico del Taller de Diseño Nivel 7, Grupo 02, de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR, realizado en el segundo semestre del año 2014. Este proyecto fue ubicado en al noreste del centro de la ciudad de San José, Costa Rica The Food and Entertainment Center was a practice of architectural project Design Workshop Level 7, Group 02, of the School of Architecture at the University of Costa Rica(UCR, in the second half of 2014. This project was located in the northeast downtown San José, Costa Rica.


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    Raifran Abidimar de Castro


    The studies on the effects of economic activities on the environment have contributed to identify activities degradetions. However there are few studies that use of catchment basins as area of analysis of the environmental fragility, particularly in relation to the Amazon. With this, the objective of this paper is to present data on the areas of greatest and least environmental fragility of the basin of the Água Branca, west of Maranhão, Brazil. To do this if you have used the empirical analysis based on data from geology, pedology, geomorphology, and uses and soil cover, aiming to identify the areas of greatest environmental fragility. With the analysis of the data, it was found that there is a need for new forms of management, and their respective procedures for use and occupation of the basin are conducted, aiming at the reduction of fragility strong emerging which represents 42.2% of the area of the basin. Keywords: Environmental Degradation; Watershed; Use and Soil Cover. LA FRAGILIDAD DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE EN LA CUENCA DEL ARROYO DE AGUA BLANCA, AL OESTE DE MARANHÃO RESUMEN Los estudios sobre los efectos de la actividad económica sobre el medio ambiente han contribuido a identificar actividades degradantes. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios que utilizan de las cuencas hidrográficas como ámbito de análisis de la fragilidad ambiental, particularmente en relación a la Amazonía. Con esto, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los datos sobre las áreas de mayor y menor fragilidad ambiental de la cuenca del Água Branca, oeste maranhense. Para ello si ha utilizado el análisis empírico basado en datos de la geología, la edafología, la geomorfología, y uso y cobertura del suelo, con el objetivo de identificar las áreas de mayor fragilidad ambiental. Con el análisis de los datos se comprobó que existe una necesidad de nuevas formas de gestión, y sus respectivos procedimientos para el uso y la ocupación de la cuenca se lleven a cabo, encaminadas a

  9. A Gas Target with a Tritium Gas Handling System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holmqvist, B; Wiedling, T


    A detailed description is given of a simple tritium gas target and its tritium gas filling system, and how to put it into operation. By using the T (p,n) He reaction the gas target has been employed for production of monoenergetic fast neutrons of well defined energy and high intensity. The target has been operated successfully for a long time.

  10. The gas introduction system of JET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boschi, A.; Dietz, K.J.; Rebut, P.H.


    The Gas Introduction System of JET is designed to handle, measure, transfer and inject into the machine, at given rates and times, the quantities of gases required to feel the plasma discharges. The System is composed by a Gas Handling Unit for the gas preparation, and four identical Gas Introduction Modules which are positioned symmetrically at the machine. The lay-out and design of the different components is described and operational experience is presented. (author)

  11. Actuaciones educativas para la convivencia en centros con alumnado inmigrante

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    Alejandro Martínez González


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados del trabajo de campo llevado a cabo en 11 centros educativos en el proyecto p lan n acional i +D+ i (2008-2011: La mejora de la convivencia y el aprendizaje en los centros educativos de primaria y secundaria con alumnado inmigrante , donde a partir de diferentes actuaciones educativas (no segregación en grupos específicos, organización de actividades de acogida, asambleas de grupo, Círculos de Convivencia o participación de familiares que se están llevando a cabo, se está contribuyendo a la mejora de la convivencia entre el alumnado, las familias y las y los profesionales del centro educativo.

  12. FFTF fission gas monitor computer system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hubbard, J.A.


    The Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) is a liquid-metal-cooled test reactor located on the Hanford site. A dual computer system has been developed to monitor the reactor cover gas to detect and characterize any fuel or test pin fission gas releases. The system acquires gamma spectra data, identifies isotopes, calculates specific isotope and overall cover gas activity, presents control room alarms and displays, and records and prints data and analysis reports. The fission gas monitor system makes extensive use of commercially available hardware and software, providing a reliable and easily maintained system. The design provides extensive automation of previous manual operations, reducing the need for operator training and minimizing the potential for operator error. The dual nature of the system allows one monitor to be taken out of service for periodic tests or maintenance without interrupting the overall system functions. A built-in calibrated gamma source can be controlled by the computer, allowing the system to provide rapid system self tests and operational performance reports

  13. The gas introduction system of JET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boschi, A.; Dietz, K.J.; Rebut, P.H.


    The Gas Introduction System of JET is designed to handle, measure, transfer and inject into the machine, at given rates and times, the quantitites of gases required to feed the plasma discharges. The System is composed by a Gas Handling Unit for the gas preparation, and four identical Gas Introduction Modules which are positioned symmetrically at the machine. In this paper the lay-out and design of the different components is described and operational experience is presented

  14. 46 CFR 184.240 - Gas systems. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Gas systems. 184.240 Section 184.240 Shipping COAST... CONTROL AND MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Cooking and Heating § 184.240 Gas systems. Cooking systems... requirements: (a) The design, installation and testing of each LPG system must meet ABYC A-1, “Marine Liquefied...

  15. Pipeline system for gas centrifuge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masumoto, Tsutomu; Umezawa, Sadao.


    Purpose: To enable effective operation for the gas centrifuge cascade system upon failures in the system not by interrupting the operation of all of the centrifuges in the system but by excluding only the failed centrifuges. Constitution: A plurality of gas centrifuges are connected by way of a pipeline and an abnormal detector for the automatic detection of abnormality such as destruction in a vacuum barrel and loss of vacuum is provided to each of the centrifuges. Bypass lines for short-circuitting adjacent centrifuges are provided in the pipelines connecting the centrifuges. Upon generation of abnormality in a centrifuge, a valve disposed in the corresponding bypass is automatically closed or opened by a signal from the abnormal detector to change the gas flow to thereby exclude the centrifuge in abnormality out of the system. This enables to effectively operate the system without interrupting the operation for the entire system. (Moriyama, K.)

  16. El centro cultural: Una puerta abierta a la memoria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcela Alejandra País Andrade


    Full Text Available En este artículo, describimos y analizamos las actividades culturales/recreativas ofrecidas en los centros culturales dependientes del Programa Cultural en Barrios, como formas posibles de usos de la/las memoria/s para representar el pasado. Responden a un contexto macro, el Centro Cultural, cristalizando una política pública-cultural (el Programa Cultural en Barrios como una de las diferentes formas por medio de las cuales, el Estado administra el recuerdo colectivo. Nos centramos en las actividades culturales/recreativas que realizan los jóvenes de sectores medios, en tres de estos centros culturales. Paralelamente, reflexionamos cómo significan sus estilos de vida a través de estas prácticas realizadas en su tiempo libre y vinculadas al consumo cultural hegemónico relacionado a las políticas culturales. Para ello, se han entrevistado coordinadores y promotores culturales, jóvenes de 18 a 24 años que realizan alguna actividad cultural/recreativa. Se han analizado encuestas, escritos y archivos generados por los Centros y por el Programa.Neste artigo nós descrevemos e analisamos as atividades culturais/de lazer oferecidas nos Centros culturais dependentes do Programa Cultural nos Bairros, como formas possíveis de usos da/s memória/s para representar o passado. Respondendo a um contexto mais amplo, o Centro Cultural, cristalizando uma política público-culturais (o Programa Cultural nos Bairros como uma das diferentes formas por médio das quais o Estado administra a memória coletiva. Nós colocamos a atenção nas atividades culturais/de lazer que realizam os jovens de setores médios em três centros culturais. Ao mesmo tempo, refletimos na forma em que eles significam seus estilos de vida através destas práticas realizadas no seu tempo livre e vinculadas ao consumo cultural hegemônico em relação às políticas culturais. Para fazer isto, nós temos entrevistado coordenadores e promotores culturais, jovens de 18 à 24 anos

  17. National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 01 offshore India; gas hydrate systems as revealed by hydrocarbon gas geochemistry (United States)

    Lorenson, Thomas; Collett, Timothy S.


    The National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 01 (NGHP-01) targeted gas hydrate accumulations offshore of the Indian Peninsula and along the Andaman convergent margin. The primary objectives of coring were to understand the geologic and geochemical controls on the accumulation of methane hydrate and their linkages to underlying petroleum systems. Four areas were investigated: 1) the Kerala-Konkan Basin in the eastern Arabian Sea, 2) the Mahanadi and 3) Krishna-Godavari Basins in the western Bay of Bengal, and 4) the Andaman forearc Basin in the Andaman Sea.Upward flux of methane at three of the four of the sites cored during NGHP-01 is apparent from the presence of seafloor mounds, seismic evidence for upward gas migration, shallow sub-seafloor geochemical evidence of methane oxidation, and near-seafloor gas composition that resembles gas from depth.The Kerala-Konkan Basin well contained only CO2 with no detectable hydrocarbons suggesting there is no gas hydrate system here. Gas and gas hydrate from the Krishna-Godavari Basin is mainly microbial methane with δ13C values ranging from −58.9 to −78.9‰, with small contributions from microbial ethane (−52.1‰) and CO2. Gas from the Mahanadi Basin was mainly methane with lower concentrations of C2-C5 hydrocarbons (C1/C2 ratios typically >1000) and CO2. Carbon isotopic compositions that ranged from −70.7 to −86.6‰ for methane and −62.9 to −63.7‰ for ethane are consistent with a microbial gas source; however deeper cores contained higher molecular weight hydrocarbon gases suggesting a small contribution from a thermogenic gas source. Gas composition in the Andaman Basin was mainly methane with lower concentrations of ethane to isopentane and CO2, C1/C2 ratios were mainly >1000 although deeper samples were compositions range from −65.2 to −80.7‰ for methane, −53.1 to −55.2‰ for ethane is consistent with mainly microbial gas sources, although one value recorded of −35.4‰ for propane

  18. Water-saving liquid-gas conditioning system (United States)

    Martin, Christopher; Zhuang, Ye


    A method for treating a process gas with a liquid comprises contacting a process gas with a hygroscopic working fluid in order to remove a constituent from the process gas. A system for treating a process gas with a liquid comprises a hygroscopic working fluid comprising a component adapted to absorb or react with a constituent of a process gas, and a liquid-gas contactor for contacting the working fluid and the process gas, wherein the constituent is removed from the process gas within the liquid-gas contactor.

  19. Do Planejamento ao Ordenamento Territorial: Estudo da Região Costa Oeste do Paraná

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    Adriana Eliane CASAGRANDE


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o papel do planejamento, tendo em perspectiva o ordenamento do território na região Costa Oeste do Paraná. Para a realização deste trabalho foram analisados alguns indicadores socioeconômicos fornecidos pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE, pelo Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (IPARDES e Itaipu Binacional, tais como o Fundo de Participação dos Municípios (FPM, Imposto sobre Circulação dos Municípios (ICMS, Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano por Município (IDH-M e royalties. Com ênfase no planejamento e no ordenamento territorial, analisou-se se esses indicadores têm evidenciado socioeconomicamente os municípios dessa região.

  20. Gas detection system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allan, C.J.; Bayly, J.G.


    The gas detection system provides for the effective detection of gas leaks over a large area. It includes a laser which has a laser line corresponding to an absorption line of the gas to be detected. A He-Xe laser scans a number of retroreflectors which are strategically located around a D 2 O plant to detect H 2 S leaks. The reflected beam is focused by a telescope, filtered, and passed into an infrared detector. The laser may be made to emit two frequencies, one of which corresponds with an H 2 S absorption line; or it may be modulated on and off the H 2 S absorption line. The relative amplitude of the absorbed light will be a measure of the H 2 S present

  1. Analysis of a multicomponent gas absorption system with carrier gas coabsorption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merriman, J.R.


    Conventional integrated versions of the packed gas absorber design equations do not account for significant coabsorption of the carrier gas along with the dilute transferring species. These equations, as a result, also neglect the relationship between dilute component transfer and carrier gas coabsorption. In the absorption of Kr and Xe from various carrier gases, using CCl 2 F 2 as the process solvent, carrier coabsorption is substantial. Consequently, a design package was developed to deal with multicomponent gas absorption in systems characterized by carrier gas coabsorption. Developed within the general film theory framework, the basic feature of this design approach is a view of dilute component mass-transfer as a conventional diffusive transfer superimposed on a net flux caused by carrier absorption. Other supporting elements of the design package include predictive techniques for various fluid properties, estimating procedures for carrier gas equilibrium constants, and correlations for carrier gas and dilute gas mass-transfer coefficients. When applied to systems using CCl 2 F 2 as the solvent; He, N 2 , air, or Ar as the carrier gas; and Kr or Xe as the dilute gas; the design approach gave good results, even when extended to conditions well beyond those of its development. (U.S.)

  2. [Phylogeny of gas exchange systems]. (United States)

    Jürgens, K D; Gros, G


    Several systems of gas transport have developed during evolution, all of which are able to sufficiently supply oxygen to the tissues and eliminate the CO2 produced by the metabolism, in spite of great distances between the environment and the individual cells of the tissues. Almost all these systems utilize a combination of convection and diffusion steps. Convection achieves an efficient transport of gas over large distances, but requires energy and cannot occur across tissue barriers. Diffusion, on the other hand, achieves gas transport across barriers, but requires optimization of diffusion paths and diffusion areas. When two convectional gas flows are linked via a diffusional barrier (gas/fluid in the case of the avian lung, fluid/fluid in the case of gills), the directions in which the respective convectional movements pass each other are important determinants of gas exchange efficiency (concurrent, countercurrent and cross-current systems). The tracheal respiration found in insects has the advantage of circumventing the convective gas transport step in the blood, thereby avoiding the high energy expenditure of circulatory systems. This is made possible by a system of tracheae, ending in tracheoles, that reaches from the body surface to every cell within the body. The last step of gas transfer in these animals occurs by diffusion from the tracheoles ("air capillaries") to the mitochondria of cells. The disadvantage is that the tracheal system occupies a substantial fraction of body volume and that, due to limited mechanical stability of tracheal walls, this system would not be able to operate under conditions of high hydrostatic pressures, i. e. in large animals. Respiration in an "open" system, i. e. direct exposure of the diffusional barrier to the environmental air, eliminates the problem of bringing the oxygen to the barrier by convection, as is necessary in the avian and mammalian lung, in the insects' tracheal system and in the gills. An open system is

  3. Las mineralizaciones litiniferas del oeste de Salamanca y Zamora

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    Palero, F.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to describe the most important geological, mineralogical and geochemical features of the Li ores (bouth pegmatites and quartz veins located in the west part of the Salamanca and Zamora provinces. The pegmatites mostly belong to the lepidolite type and they are complex and zoned. In one case, the ore in the pegmatite is litiophilite, and the pegmatite is simple. The veins are quartz rich with ambligonite and sorne feldspar and sulphides. They appear always related to granitic rocks. All these bodies are also mineralized with cassiterite, and sorne of them contain columbite tantalite too.El objeto de este trabajo es el describir las características geológicas, mineralógicas y geoquímicas más importantes de las mineralizaciones de Li (pegmatitas y filones localizadas en el oeste de las provincias de Salamanca y Zamora. La mayor parte de las pegmatitas son de lepidolita como mena de Li, resultando todas éstas ser complejas y zonadas. En un caso, la mineralización es de litiofilita y la pegmatita que la alberga es simple. Los filones son de cuarzo con ambligonita y algo de feldespato y sulfuros. Todos los yacimientos aparecen siempre en relación con rocas graníticas. A su vez, todos los cuerpos estudiados están mineralizados en casiterita, y algunos de ellos en columbo-tantalita también.

  4. Análise de chuvas intensas por meio da desagregação de precipitações diárias de Jaru e Machadinho d’Oeste – RO, Brasil

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    Vinicius Alexandre Sikora de Souza


    Full Text Available A precipitação pluviométrica, dentre os elementos hidrológicos, é o que mais interfere na vida humana, uma vez que, se configura como a principal entrada de água no sistema hidrológico. Atualmente uma das soluções para realizar a caracterização e estimativa das precipitações intensas é a utilização de curvas Intensidade-Duração-Frequência (IDF, as quais consistem em modelos matemáticos semi-empíricos que preveem a intensidade precipitada por meio da duração e distribuição temporal. Neste contexto, esse estudo objetiva estimar a função IDF para os municípios de Jaru e Machadinho d’Oeste, localizados no estado de Rondônia – Brasil, por meio da metodologia da desagregação de chuvas diárias, que gera séries sintéticas com duração em intervalos menores, por meio de coeficientes que transformam chuva de 24h em outras de menor duração, permitindo assim o desenvolvimento de curvas IDF. As equações geradas apresentaram um coeficiente de ajuste de aproximadamente 96% para o município de Jaru e 92,85% para Machadinho d’Oeste. Por fim, constatou-se que as equações propostas para a estimativa da intensidade das precipitações máximas são de grande aplicabilidade tanto para o município de Machadinho d’Oeste quanto para Jaru.

  5. Projeto Caminhão da Ciência: Popularização da Ciência no Oeste da Bahia

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    E. C. V. de Magalhães


    Full Text Available O Projeto Caminhão da Ciência tem por objetivo promover a divulgação científica em Escolas e espaços públicos da Região Oeste da Bahia. O projeto teve início no ano de 2009, com apoio do CNPq, ocorrendo a sua primeira apresentação no ano de 2010, na feira libre de Barreiras. Várias áreas do conhecimento são contempladas entre eles: Biologia, Física, Química, Matemática, Geologia e Engenharias. O projeto se fundamenta por apresentações de temáticas desenvolvidas por alunos de graduação, sob a orientação de professores da Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia-UFOB, envolvidos no projeto. Diversas temáticas são desenvolvidas na forma trabalhos interdisciplinares entre eles: elaboração de maquetes, experimentos com uso de materiais alternativos, vídeos, jogos e ainda informativos em websites e webblogs. Para as apresentações do projeto, são realizadas visitas nas escolas ou outros espaçoes e os materiais trasportados no Caminhão são montados no espaço físico disponibilizado, criando um cenário similar ao de uma feira de ciências. Neste trabalho são apresentados relatos de apresentações realizadas em Escolas, enfatizando os resultados obtidos que demonstram a socialização do conhecimento científico entre os monitores e a comunidade assistida, além da interação entre a Universidade e a sociedade.

  6. Calidad percibida por dos poblaciones adscritas a dos centros de salud de la provincia de Cuenca

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    Retamal González Antonio


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Para prestar un servicio de calidad es fundamental conocer la opinión que sobre la misma tienen los usuarios del mismo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es medir y comparar la calidad percibida por dos poblaciones asignadas a dos centros de salud de la provincia de Cuenca. MÉTODO: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal. Las Zonas Básicas de Salud estudiadas han sido el Centro de Salud de Cardenete y Centro de Salud de Motilla del Palancar, ambos del Área de Salud de Cuenca. Se ha hecho un muestreo aleatorio estratificado por cuotas de edad y sexo a partir de la tarjeta sanitaria individual. Se ha medido la calidad percibida con un cuestionario validado y fiable, utilizado anteriormente con fines similares por el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. RESULTADOS: Se analizan un total de 295 encuestas, 147 a varones y 148 a mujeres. La media de edad es de 48,83 años (DE: 18,77 para el Centro de Salud de Motilla, en Centro de Salud de Cardenete es de 61,93 años (DE: 15,17. La media de frecuencias mensuales de visitas para Centro de Salud de MP ha sido de 1,56 (DE: 1,91; esta media para el Centro de Salud de Cardenete ha sido:2,49 (DE: 4,27. La media de frecuencias semanales para el Centro de Salud de MP ha sido: 0,32 (DE: 0,66; para el Centro de Salud de Cardenete ha sido: 0,49 (DE: 1,03. El tiempo de espera en el Centro de Salud de MP ha sido: 10,86 minutos (DE: 8,27; en el Centro de Salud de Cardenete: 7,88 (DE: 4,55. 83,4 % de los usuarios de los dos Centros de Salud de conocen la posibilidad de libre elección de médico de cabecera. Se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en 11 de los 21 ítems estudiados sobre calidad percibida de que consta el cuestionario CONCLUSIÓN. Los resultados de los componentes de la atención según el análisis factorial de los ítems de calidad percibida son coincidentes con los resultados de calidad percibida. De los dos grupos de usuarios estudiados, los que perciben

  7. System of treating flue gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ziegler, D.L.


    A system is described for treating or cleaning incinerator flue gas containing acid gases and radioactive and fissionable contaminants. Flue gas and a quench solution are fed into a venturi and then tangentially into the lower portion of a receptacle for restricting volumetric content of the solution. The upper portion of the receptacle contains a scrub bed to further treat or clean the flue gas

  8. Power control system for a hot gas engine (United States)

    Berntell, John O.


    A power control system for a hot gas engine of the type in which the power output is controlled by varying the mean pressure of the working gas charge in the engine has according to the present invention been provided with two working gas reservoirs at substantially different pressure levels. At working gas pressures below the lower of said levels the high pressure gas reservoir is cut out from the control system, and at higher pressures the low pressure gas reservoir is cut out from the system, thereby enabling a single one-stage compressor to handle gas within a wide pressure range at a low compression ratio.

  9. Gas House Autonomous System Monitoring (United States)

    Miller, Luke; Edsall, Ashley


    Gas House Autonomous System Monitoring (GHASM) will employ Integrated System Health Monitoring (ISHM) of cryogenic fluids in the High Pressure Gas Facility at Stennis Space Center. The preliminary focus of development incorporates the passive monitoring and eventual commanding of the Nitrogen System. ISHM offers generic system awareness, adept at using concepts rather than specific error cases. As an enabler for autonomy, ISHM provides capabilities inclusive of anomaly detection, diagnosis, and abnormality prediction. Advancing ISHM and Autonomous Operation functional capabilities enhances quality of data, optimizes safety, improves cost effectiveness, and has direct benefits to a wide spectrum of aerospace applications.

  10. Minimum detectable gas concentration performance evaluation method for gas leak infrared imaging detection systems. (United States)

    Zhang, Xu; Jin, Weiqi; Li, Jiakun; Wang, Xia; Li, Shuo


    Thermal imaging technology is an effective means of detecting hazardous gas leaks. Much attention has been paid to evaluation of the performance of gas leak infrared imaging detection systems due to several potential applications. The minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRTD) and the minimum detectable temperature difference (MDTD) are commonly used as the main indicators of thermal imaging system performance. This paper establishes a minimum detectable gas concentration (MDGC) performance evaluation model based on the definition and derivation of MDTD. We proposed the direct calculation and equivalent calculation method of MDGC based on the MDTD measurement system. We build an experimental MDGC measurement system, which indicates the MDGC model can describe the detection performance of a thermal imaging system to typical gases. The direct calculation, equivalent calculation, and direct measurement results are consistent. The MDGC and the minimum resolvable gas concentration (MRGC) model can effectively describe the performance of "detection" and "spatial detail resolution" of thermal imaging systems to gas leak, respectively, and constitute the main performance indicators of gas leak detection systems.

  11. Quintais urbanos de Mirassol D'Oeste-MT, Brasil: uma abordagem etnobotânica Urban homegardens of Mirassol D'Oeste-MT, Brazil: an ethnobotany stady

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    Maria Antonia Carniello


    Full Text Available Quintais são espaços de fácil acesso e cômodos para os moradores cultivarem uma diversidade de espécies que desempenham funções de estética, lazer, alimentação e medicinal, dentre outras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de descrever a composição florística e a respectiva utilização em quintais urbanos de Mirassol D'Oeste, MT, (15º 45'30"S e 058º16'36"W, com a coleta de dados envolvendo: entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas aplicadas a 29 moradores; coleta simultânea do material botânico das espécies indicadas, incorporação destas no Laboratório de Botânica da UNEMAT, Cáceres e análise da freqüência absoluta e relativa das espécies mais citadas e encontradas nos quintais. Foram registradas 397 denominações locais de plantas (etnoespécies, 275 taxa reunidos em 79 famílias destacando-se com maior número de espécies: Solanaceae (23, Asteraceae (17, Lamiaceae (14, Rosaceae (12 e Verbenaceae (9. Os atributos alimentar e ornamental representam, individualmente, 35% das espécies e o medicinal, 29%. Algumas plantas detêm até quatro potencialidades. Do universo vegetal conhecido e utilizado localmente as espécies nativas correspondem a 8%, resultado considerado baixo comparando-se aos obtidos em populações mato-grossenses radicadas no Cerrado e Pantanal. Essa população manifesta por meio de suas práticas uma tradição agrícola em interface às características de uma sociedade urbano - industrial coabitando em espaços comuns, o quintal.A home garden is a small track of ground next to or surrounding a house where its residents can cultivate a diversity of plants, whose function is aesthetic, leisure, food, medicinal among others. The aim of this work was to study the floristic composition of urban homegardens in the city of Mirassol D'Oeste, state of Mato Grosso, coordinate 15º45'30"S and 58º16'36"W. For colleting data we interviewed 29 residents using structured and semi-structured interviews; and

  12. Gas cogeneration system in Sapporo Therme

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kanematsu, Michihiko


    Sapporo Therme is a multi-purpose resort including a hot-water jumbo swimming pool having an area of about 130,000m/sup 2/ and a circumference of 800 m, 13 additional swimming pools with additional sizes, a hot-water slider, 16 types of saunas, an artificial sunbathing system, an athletic system, a restaurant, a cinema, tennis courts, and other outdoor facilities. Sapporo Therme uses a cogeneration system consisting of using LP gas(95% or more propane gas) to drive a 1,200 PS gas engine and supply motive power and lightening. At the same time, the cogeneration system collects gas engine waste heat and combines this heat with that from hot-water and steam boilers to supply hot water to swimming pools, roads, and room heaters. The ratio of waste heat collection rate to power generation efficiency is about 5.0. Sapporo Therme is thus the optimal facilities for cogeneration. (1 figs, 3 photos)

  13. Mapping the Lisbon Potential Foodshed in Ribatejo e Oeste: A Suitability and Yield Model for Assessing the Potential for Localized Food Production

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    Andreia Saavedra Cardoso


    Full Text Available Research on food planning has been recently proposed in North American and European planning to account for how cities might change their food provision to respond to the rising demands for a more sustainable and ethical food system. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the agro-ecological potential of the Lisbon city region, Ribatejo e Oeste, to increase its Regional Food Self-Reliance (RFSR, through adopting demand restraint and food system relocalization approaches to food system sustainability. Three new diet scenarios were considered: meat-based, plant-based and strict vegetarian, defined in accordance with healthy dietary patterns. We used agro-climatic and agro-edaphic agricultural suitability models to evaluate the agro-ecological potential for RFSR, and proposed the use of Foodshed Landscape Plans within a landscape planning methodology. Results showed the extent of local food production that could improve food self-reliance, with 72%, 76%, 84% of total food needs in the meat-based, plant-based, and strict vegetarian scenarios, respectively. Thus, food system transformation by means of relocalization, is therefore ecologically feasible and would ensure the sustainable use of the ecological basis of food security. Additionally, a dietary transition would imply significant land sparing, which strengthens the demand restraint perspective for a transition to food system sustainability.

  14. N2 gas station and gas distribution system for TLD personnel monitoring gas based semi-automatic badge readers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chourasiya, G.; Pradhan, S.M.; Kher, R.K.; Bhatt, B.C


    Full text: New improvised hot gas based Auto TLD badge reader has several advantages over the earlier contact heating based manual badge reader. It requires constant supply of N 2 gas for its operation; The gas supplied using replaceable individual gas cylinders may have some safety hazards in their handling. It was therefore considered worthwhile to setup a N 2 gas assembly/ station outside the lab area and to bring regulated gas supply through network of tubes with proper regulation to the individual readers. The paper presents detailed description of the gas station and distribution system. The system is quite useful and offers several practical advantages for readout of TLD badges on the semiautomatic badge readers based on gas heating. Important advantage from dosimetric point of view is avoidance of gas flow rate fluctuations and corresponding variations in TL readouts

  15. Consistency Analysis and Data Consultation of Gas System of Gas-Electricity Network of Latvia (United States)

    Zemite, L.; Kutjuns, A.; Bode, I.; Kunickis, M.; Zeltins, N.


    In the present research, the main critical points of gas transmission and storage system of Latvia have been determined to ensure secure and reliable gas supply among the Baltic States to fulfil the core objectives of the EU energy policies. Technical data of critical points of the gas transmission and storage system of Latvia have been collected and analysed with the SWOT method and solutions have been provided to increase the reliability of the regional natural gas system.

  16. Gas system 2016: Press conference 17 January 2017 + Gas consumption by administrative regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    GRTgaz is a European leader in natural gas transmission, a world expert in gas transmission networks and systems, and an operator firmly committed to the energy transition. It owns and operates the gas transmission network throughout most of France and it manages the transmission network in Germany, thereby helping to ensure correct operation of the French and European gas market. It contributes to the energy security of regional supply systems and performs a public service mission to ensure the continuity of consumer supply. This document presents some key figures about GRTgaz activity in 2016: A first part presents the national data about gas consumption, production of gas-fired power plants, new gas uses (diesel-gas substitution, biomethane..) and their environmental impacts, and the development of the Internet open-data platform. A second part presents the regional gas consumptions with a focus on industrial clients

  17. Computer systems and software description for gas characterization system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vo, C.V.


    The Gas Characterization System Project was commissioned by TWRS management with funding from TWRS Safety, on December 1, 1994. The project objective is to establish an instrumentation system to measure flammable gas concentrations in the vapor space of selected watch list tanks, starting with tank AN-105 and AW-101. Data collected by this system is meant to support first tank characterization, then tank safety. System design is premised upon Characterization rather than mitigation, therefore redundancy is not required

  18. National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 01 offshore India; gas hydrate systems as revealed by hydrocarbon gas geochemistry (United States)

    Lorenson, Thomas; Collett, Timothy S.


    The National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 01 (NGHP-01) targeted gas hydrate accumulations offshore of the Indian Peninsula and along the Andaman convergent margin. The primary objectives of coring were to understand the geologic and geochemical controls on the accumulation of methane hydrate and their linkages to underlying petroleum systems. Four areas were investigated: 1) the Kerala-Konkan Basin in the eastern Arabian Sea, 2) the Mahanadi and 3) Krishna-Godavari Basins in the western Bay of Bengal, and 4) the Andaman forearc Basin in the Andaman Sea.Upward flux of methane at three of the four of the sites cored during NGHP-01 is apparent from the presence of seafloor mounds, seismic evidence for upward gas migration, shallow sub-seafloor geochemical evidence of methane oxidation, and near-seafloor gas composition that resembles gas from depth.The Kerala-Konkan Basin well contained only CO2 with no detectable hydrocarbons suggesting there is no gas hydrate system here. Gas and gas hydrate from the Krishna-Godavari Basin is mainly microbial methane with δ13C values ranging from −58.9 to −78.9‰, with small contributions from microbial ethane (−52.1‰) and CO2. Gas from the Mahanadi Basin was mainly methane with lower concentrations of C2-C5 hydrocarbons (C1/C2 ratios typically >1000) and CO2. Carbon isotopic compositions that ranged from −70.7 to −86.6‰ for methane and −62.9 to −63.7‰ for ethane are consistent with a microbial gas source; however deeper cores contained higher molecular weight hydrocarbon gases suggesting a small contribution from a thermogenic gas source. Gas composition in the Andaman Basin was mainly methane with lower concentrations of ethane to isopentane and CO2, C1/C2 ratios were mainly >1000 although deeper samples were exploration and occurs in a forearc basin. Each of these hydrate-bearing systems overlies and is likely supported by the presence and possible migration of gas from deeper gas-prone petroleum

  19. 46 CFR 154.1350 - Flammable gas detection system. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Flammable gas detection system. 154.1350 Section 154... Equipment Instrumentation § 154.1350 Flammable gas detection system. (a) The vessel must have a fixed flammable gas detection system that has sampling points in: (1) Each cargo pump room; (2) Each cargo...

  20. Radioactive waste gas processing systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kita, Kaoru; Minemoto, Masaki; Takezawa, Kazuaki.


    Purpose: To effectively separate and remove only hydrogen from hydrogen gas-containing radioactive waste gases produced from nuclear power plants without using large scaled facilities. Constitution: From hydrogen gas-enriched waste gases which contain radioactive rare gases (Kr, Xe) sent from the volume control tank of a chemical volume control system, only the hydrogen is separated in a hydrogen separator using palladium alloy membrane and rare gases are concentrated, volume-decreased and then stored. In this case, an activated carbon adsorption device is connected at its inlet to the radioactive gas outlet of the hydrogen separator and opened at its outlet to external atmosphere. In this system, while only the hydrogen gas permeates through the palladium alloy membrane, other gases are introduced, without permeation, into the activated carbon adsorption device. Then, the radioactive rare gases are decayed by the adsorption on the activated carbon and then released to the external atmosphere. (Furukawa, Y.)

  1. Atividades Agrícolas dos Imigrantes Italianos e seus Descendentes na Microrregião Oeste do Vale do Taquari, Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil

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    Janaíne Trombini


    Full Text Available Os imigrantes italianos que chegaram a partir das últimas décadas do século XIX no RS estabeleceram-se na encosta superior do planalto, precisamente entre os vales dos Rios Caí e das Antas, e dedicaram-se às atividades agropecuárias. Após esta ocupação avançaram sobre novas terras e a partir do final da década de 1880, atingiram áreas que posteriormente passaram a denominar-se Vale do Taquari. O objetivo do estudo consiste em analisar as atividades agrícolas dos imigrantes italianos e seus descendentes na Microrregião Oeste do Vale do Taquari e as relações com o ambiente. A metodologia da pesquisa é qualitativa e os procedimentos metodológicos consistem na pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, pesquisa de campo com elaboração de diários e entrevistas com descendentes de italianos. Constatou-se que as práticas envolvendo atividades agrícolas, tais como cultivo do milho, trigo, uva, feijão e a criação de animais como gado, porcos e galinhas em áreas da Microrregião Oestes pelos imigrantes italianos e seus descendentes acarretaram significativos impactos ambientais.

  2. Análisis de Gestion Tecnológica en Centros de Investigación


    Carmen Castrejón Mata; Roberto Hernandez Sampieri; Hector Ruiz Rueda


    La existencia de los laboratorios tecnologicos y su importancia en muchos paises es reconocida, al ser centros que integran las mejores tecnologías disponibles de diversas profesiones y disciplinas que las universidades y centros de investigación prestan o ponen al servicio de la sociedad. Pero más que laboratorios que ofrecen esa tecnología de punta a esas disciplinas, son centros que desarrollan conocimiento, teniendo como resultado inmediato nuevas soluciones, diseños a las problematicas q...

  3. Del gimnasio al ocio-salud Centros de Fitness, Fitness Center, Fitness & Wellness, Spa, Balnearios, Centros de Talasoterapia, Curhotel

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    Joaquín Reverter Masi


    Full Text Available Actualmente el sector “gimnasios y centros deportivos” se constituye como una parcela de gran importancia dentro del panorama de la industria del ocio. El auge creciente del sector ocio-salud se viene produciendo desde hace varias décadas, de modo que en la actualidad el ocio y tiempo de ocio, y ejercicio físico y deporte como ocio son predictores de calidad de vida. En este sentido es cuando podemos y debemos relacionar ocio con la calidad de vida, un concepto multidimensional que incluye todos los ámbitos de la vida humana (estado de la salud, bienestar, participación social, condiciones de vida.... En este trabajo se analiza como han ido evolucionado los centros dedicados a la practica deportiva y a la salud. Un sector que desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días ha tenido que ir adaptando y ampliando su oferta de actividades y productos según las necesidades de los usuarios.

  4. Arte, cultura e cuidado nos centros de atencao psicossocial

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    Ana Tereza Costa Galvanese


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o processo de cuidado desenvolvido por meio de arte e cultura em centros de atenção psicossocial. MÉTODOS: Estudo integrado à pesquisa de avaliação dos centros de atenção psicossocial, em São Paulo, SP. Foram analisados os relatos da observação de tipo etnográfico de 126 atividades grupais de arte e cultura realizadas em 21 desses centros, entre 2007 e 2008. A análise incluiu depoimentos de coordenadores sobre os objetivos das atividades observadas. Baseado em referenciais teóricos da atenção psicossocial, utilizou-se da técnica de análise de conteúdo para investigar relações entre meios terapêuticos (enquadres, atividades e vínculos e objetivos das atividades. RESULTADOS: Três tendências de cuidado foram identificadas: (1 estritamente clínica, predominante e marcada por atividades realizadas dentro dos centros com foco em competências pessoais e interações grupais; (2 psicossocial, que incluiu atividades no território, ampliação dos repertórios culturais e da circulação social; e (3 residual, minoritária e sem ganhos psicossociais. CONCLUSÕES: A realização de atividades de arte e cultura que produzam cuidado na perspectiva da reabilitação psicossocial depende do acesso dos profissionais a bens culturais e a processos criativos, do reconhecimento dessas atividades como trabalho integrado a toda a equipe e da consideração de todos os atores envolvidos como produtores de fatos de cultura.

  5. Gas characterization system software acceptance test procedure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vo, C.V.


    This document details the Software Acceptance Testing of gas characterization systems. The gas characterization systems will be used to monitor the vapor spaces of waste tanks known to contain measurable concentrations of flammable gases

  6. Exhaust gas recirculation system for an internal combustion engine (United States)

    Wu, Ko-Jen


    An exhaust gas recirculation system for an internal combustion engine comprises an exhaust driven turbocharger having a low pressure turbine outlet in fluid communication with an exhaust gas conduit. The turbocharger also includes a low pressure compressor intake and a high pressure compressor outlet in communication with an intake air conduit. An exhaust gas recirculation conduit fluidly communicates with the exhaust gas conduit to divert a portion of exhaust gas to a low pressure exhaust gas recirculation branch extending between the exhaust gas recirculation conduit and an engine intake system for delivery of exhaust gas thereto. A high pressure exhaust gas recirculation branch extends between the exhaust gas recirculation conduit and the compressor intake and delivers exhaust gas to the compressor for mixing with a compressed intake charge for delivery to the intake system.

  7. Nuclear reactor coolant and cover gas system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    George, J.A.; Redding, A.H.; Tower, S.N.


    A core cooling system is disclosed for a nuclear reactor of the type utilizing a liquid coolant with a cover gas above free surfaces of the coolant. The disclosed system provides for a large inventory of reactor coolant and a balanced low pressure cover gas arrangement. A flow restricting device disposed within a reactor vessel achieves a pressure of the cover gas in the reactor vessel lower than the pressure of the reactor coolant in the vessel. The low gas pressure is maintained over all free surfaces of the coolant in the cooling system including a coolant reservoir tank. Reactor coolant stored in the reservoir tank allows for the large reactor coolant inventory provided by the invention

  8. The evolution of the Luz y Fuerza del Centro substations. Volume 2; Evolucion de las subestaciones de Luz y Fuerza del Centro. Volumen 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carranza Ramirez, Sergio [Luz y Fuerza del Centro, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This document cites historical background of how the Luz y Fuerza del Centro substations have evolved up to nowadays. A brief description is made of one electric substation, the substation design criteria are mentioned, since it must comply with the requirements of reliability, service continuity, service quality, economy, geographical location, just for mentioning some of them. The more utilized arrangements of the Luz y Fuerza del Centro substations are described. In the same manner, the remote control substations are described mentioning the main elements of this type of substations. Mention is made also of the technological incorporations that have been made to the substations and the perspectives there are from these. One line diagrams of the electric substations are shown, as well as from power plant substations [Espanol] Este documento cita antecedentes historicos de como han evolucionando las subestaciones de Luz y Fuerza del Centro hasta hoy en dia. Se realiza una breve descripcion de una subestacion electrica, se mencionan los criterios de diseno de una subestacion, ya que debe cumplir con los requisitos de confiabilidad, continuidad, calidad del servicio, economia, situacion geografica, por mencionar algunos de estos. Se describen los arreglos de las subestaciones mas utilizados por Luz y Fuerza del Centro. De igual manera se describen las subestaciones telecontroladas mencionando los principales elementos de este tipo de subestaciones. Se mencionan las incorporaciones tecnologicas que se han realizado a las subestaciones y las perspectivas que se tienen de estas. Se muestran diagramas unifilares de subestaciones electricas, al igual que se muestran las plantas de las subestaciones

  9. Gas characterization system software acceptance test report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vo, C.V.


    This document details the results of software acceptance testing of gas characterization systems. The gas characterization systems will be used to monitor the vapor spaces of waste tanks known to contain measurable concentrations of flammable gases

  10. Gas system 2015: Press conference 21 January 2016 + Gas consumption by administrative regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    GRTgaz is a European leader in natural gas transmission, a world expert in gas transmission networks and systems, and an operator firmly committed to the energy transition. It owns and operates the gas transmission network throughout most of France and it manages the transmission network in Germany, thereby helping to ensure correct operation of the French and European gas market. It contributes to the energy security of regional supply systems and performs a public service mission to ensure the continuity of consumer supply. This document presents some key figures about GRTgaz activity in 2015: Gas consumption resumed despite warm conditions in 2015. Gas demand for power generation in gas-fired power plants has strongly increased, due to favourable economic conditions. 2015 was characterised by the lowest LNG imports to France ever, which entailed a still intensive use of the North-South link, despite transits to Spain and Italy back to 5 year average level. New gas uses and biomethane permitted to avoid 490,000 tonnes of CO 2 emissions in 2015. A second part presents the regional gas consumptions by administrative regions

  11. CNEA - Centro Atómico Bariloche (United States)

    en Ciencia y Tecnología Formación de Recursos Humanos de alto nivel Mapa del sitio Contacto Buscar en la formación de recursos humanos. Leer más: Centro atómico bariloche Próximos Eventos

  12. WWW expert system on producer gas cleaning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schouten, E.J.; Lammers, G.; Beenackers, A.A.C.M. [University of Groningen (Netherlands)


    The University of Groningen (RUG) has developed an expert system on cleaning of biomass producer gas. This work was carried out in close co-operation with the Biomass Technology Group B.V. (BTG) in Enschede, The Netherlands within the framework of the EC supported JOR3-CT95-0084 project. The expert system was developed as a tool for the designer-engineer of downstream gas cleaning equipment and consists of an information package and a flowsheet package. The packages are integrated in a client/server system. The flowsheeting package of the expert system has been designed for the evaluation of different gas cleaning methods. The system contains a number of possible gas cleaning devices such as: cyclone, fabric filter, ceramic filter, venturi scrubber and catalytic cracker. The user can select up to five cleaning steps in an arbitrary order for his specific gas cleaning problem. After specification of the required design parameters, the system calculates the main design characteristics of the cleaning device. The information package is a collection of HTML{sup TM} files. It contains a large amount of information, tips, experience data, literature references and hyperlinks to other interesting Internet sites. This information is arranged per cleaning device. (orig.)

  13. Mechanical valve assembly for xenon 133 gas delivery systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Round, W.H. (Royal Brisbane Hospital, Herston (Australia))

    Some gas delivery systems used in pulmonary ventilation scanning are unable to satisfactorily supply /sup 133/Xe gas to bed-ridden patients. A mechanical gas valve assembly to control the flow of gas in such systems was constructed. A commercially produced /sup 133/Xe gas delivery system when fitted with the new assembly was able to ventilate almost all patients whereas previously this could be achieved with approximately only 50% of patients.

  14. Fabrication Of Control Rod System Of The RSG-GAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sudirdjo, Hari; Setyono; Prasetya, Hendra


    Eight units of control rod mechanical system of RSG-GAS has been fabricated. The control rod mechanical system of RSG-GAS consist of guide tube and lifting rod. Complete construction of the control rod mechanical system of RSG-GAS are guide tube, lifting rod, absorber, and absorber casing. The eight units of the control rod mechanical system of RSG-GAS has been fabricated according to the mechanical engineering design

  15. Off-gas recirculation system for nuclear reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eppler, M.; Lade, H.J.


    According to the invention, it is suggested to provide a buffer vessel in the ring main of the off-gas recirculation system for off-gases of a nuclear reactor to which all chambers or vessels which may contain radioactively contaminated gases are connected, within the connection line to outside air. This is to prevent the immediate release of an appreciable amount of gas to the outside air due to pressure variations conditioned by the sequence of operations - e.g. on the filling of the coolant storage. After the improvement, the released gas may be reduced to the amount of gas corresponding to the leakage gas flow entering the ring mains system. (TK) [de

  16. Development of a Gas Systems Analysis Model (GSAM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Becker, A.B.; Pepper, W.J.


    Objective of developing this model (GSAM) is to create a comprehensive, nonproprietary, PC-based model of domestic gas industry activity. The system can assess impacts of various changes in the natural gas system in North America; individual and collective impacts due to changes in technology and economic conditions are explicitly modeled in GSAM. Major gas resources are all modeled, including conventional, tight, Devonian Shale, coalbed methane, and low-quality gas sources. The modeling system assesses all key components of the gas industry, including available resources, exploration, drilling, completion, production, and processing practices. Distribution, storage, and utilization of natural gas in a dynamic market-gased analytical structure is assessed. GSAM is designed to provide METC managers with a tool to project impacts of future research, development, and demonstration benefits

  17. Steelmaking gas prediction system; Sistema de predicao de gas de aciaria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diniz, Pedro Henrique Boaventura; Sampaio, William Genelhu [USIMINAS, Ipatinga, MG (Brazil)


    The Usiminas, Steelmaking Plant located in Ipatinga - MG, has the necessity to complement its energy matrix with additional fuel (oil derived from petroleum presently). Despite the high cost of this fuel, 24,3% of the LDG gas was wasted due to inadequate size of the LDG gas holder and the inappropriate tool to manage the distribution of the fuel. This paper presents how the Steelmaking Gas Prediction System was developed aiming to improve its management and other actions to increase the gas usage minimizing the matrix complementation. (author)

  18. Pensando sobre los "centros abiertos": Una contribución desde Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verónica Regina Müller


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda algunos principios que se consideran básicos para el funcionamiento de un "centro abierto" en Brasil. El artículo resalta el absoluto respeto que debe haber hacia la cultura de los niños y jóvenes que viven en la calle y frecuentan el centro. Se comenta inicialmente el concepto de ciudadanía, concepto que significa un principio de trabajo en los centros abiertos. A partir de ahí, se derivan comentarios sobre el significado de otros temas como la participación, la responsabilidad, el respeto, la implicación, la identidad, la cultura y la libertad. Finalmente, se describe la metodología de trabajo de los centros abiertos. AbstractThis paper deals with some essential principles for the operation of an "open center" in Brazil. It emphasizes the thorough respect that should be kept towards the culture of children and youngsters who live in the streets and attend the center. First, the concept of citizenship is discussed, a concept that means a principle in the "open centers". Comments about the meaning of other issues are derived from that point: participation, responsibility, respect, involvement, identity, culture and freedom. Finally, there is a description of the open centers’ operational methodology.Keywords: Street children, childrens rights, homeless people, outreach programs.

  19. General Atomic's radioactive gas recovery system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahn, J.A.; Perry, C.A.


    General Atomic Company has developed a Radioactive Gas Recovery System for the HTGR which separates, for purposes of retention, the radioactive components from the non-radioactive reactor plant waste gases. This provides the capability for reducing to an insignificant level the amount of radioactivity released from the gas waste system to the atmosphere--a most significant improvement in reducing total activity release to the environment. (U.S.)

  20. A new helium gas recovery and purification system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamotot, T.; Suzuki, H.; Ishii, J.; Hamana, I.; Hayashi, S.; Mizutani, S.; Sanjo, S.


    A helium gas recovery and purification system, based on the principle of gas permeation through a membrane, is described. The system can be used for the purification of helium gas containing air as a contaminant. The apparatus, operating at ambient temperature does not need constant attention, the recovery ratio of helium gas is satisfactory and running costs are low. Gases other than helium can be processed with the apparatus. (U.K.)

  1. Radiometric parameters in freshwater samples of Centro Experimental Aramar (CTMSP/Brazil)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moraes, Marco Antonio P.V. [Laboratorio Radioecologico (LARE), Ipero, SP (Brazil). Dept. de Seguranca Nuclear; Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Experimental results are described obtained with gamma spectrometry, alpha and beta gross counts, liquid scintillation and fluorometry techniques for the measurement of background radiation in surface water samples, collected in Centro Experimental Aramar and surroundings, from 1988 to 2009. The estimated average background radiation concentrations in water samples in this region are low, related to the low level detection limits of the techniques, and indicates good water quality parameters, and low interference in the environment in Centro Experimental Aramar and region. (author)

  2. Nuevo centro olímpico en Lake Placid, EE.UU


    Hellmuth, George; Obata, Gyo; Kassabaum, George


    Este nuevo centro deportivo, sede de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de 1980, consta de una pista principal de hielo de dimensiones olímpicas con unos graderíos para 8.000 personas, y de una pista más pequeña utilizada para los Juegos U.S.A. Los servicios auxiliares se encuentran debajo de las gradas o en la estructura que enlaza el nuevo Centro con la pista ya empleada en los anteriores Juegos de 1932. Completa el complejo una Escuela Superior y una pista de forma oval para patinaje...

  3. Natural disasters and the gas pipeline system. (United States)


    Episodic descriptions are provided of the effects of the Loma Prieta earthquake (1989) on the gas pipeline systems of Pacific Gas & Electric Company and the Cit of Palo Alto and of the Northridge earthquake (1994) on Southern California Gas' pipeline...

  4. Viabilidade hidro-sedimentológica de um canal de maré projetado no oeste da Lagoa de Araruama – RJ


    Silva, Rodrigo Amado Garcia; Rosman, Paulo Cesar Colonna


    RESUMO A Lagoa de Araruama, maior laguna hipersalina do Brasil, é um importante sistema estuarino situado na Região dos Lagos, sudeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro. A lagoa tem forma oblonga, estendendo-se por cerca de 40 km de oeste a leste em seu eixo maior. Por apresentar um balanço hídrico negativo e apenas uma ligação com o mar, através do longo Canal de Itajuru em sua extremidade leste, a laguna apresenta pouquíssima renovação de águas, o que a torna naturalmente propensa a eutrofização....

  5. Process gas solidification system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A process for withdrawing gaseous UF 6 from a first system and directing same into a second system for converting the gas to liquid UF 6 at an elevated temperature, additionally including the step of withdrawing the resulting liquid UF 6 from the second system, subjecting it to a specified sequence of flash-evaporation, cooling and solidification operations, and storing it as a solid in a plurality of storage vessels. (author)

  6. A review of the albidohirta group of Ptilothrix (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Emphorini

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    Arturo ROIG ALSINA


    Full Text Available El grupo albidohirta de Ptilothrix Smith incluye tres especies: Ptilothrix albidohirta Brèthes, P. concolor sp. nov. y P. nemoralis sp. nov. Este grupo se conoce del oeste y norte de la Argentina y del centro de Bolivia. Una de sus especies, P. albidohirta, llega hasta los 3.600 m s.n.m. en la cordillera de los Andes, en tanto que las otras dos especies habitan en el llano. Se caracteriza el grupo y se describen e ilustran las especies.

  7. Parana hospitality and tourism meeting at Irati/PR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa de Oliveira Menezes


    Full Text Available O trabalho é uma crônica do evento IV EPHTUR - Encontro Paranaense de Pesquisa em Hotelaria e Turismo. Encontro esse promovido pelo Fórum Paranaense de Coordenadores de Cursos de Turismo e Hotelaria e organizado pelo Departamento de Turismo da Unicentro - Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Campus Irati. O mesmo foi sediado na cidade de Irati, contou com acadêmicos, docentes e pesquisadores e está de encontro ao desenvolvimento e amadurecimento da pesquisa na atividade turística.

  8. Diptera, Muscidae, Cariocamyia maculosa Snyder: Primeiro Registro para o Nordeste do Brasil


    Thayana Monteiro; Freddy Ruben Bravo


    Cariocamyia maculosa Snyder, é um Muscidae com registros para a Colômbia e Brasil (regiões Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste). Em um levantamento de dípteros saprófagos na cidade de Feira de Santana no estado da Bahia com iscas de origem orgânico animal em putrefação, foram coletados 46 espécimes de C. maculosa. Esse é o primeiro registro da espécie para a Bahia e Nordeste do Brasil. Apesar de C. maculosa ter sido encontrada...

  9. Interações Medicamentosas Potenciais em Pacientes de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva


    Liliana Batista Vieira; Adriano Max Moreira Reis; Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima de Carvalho; Leila Márcia Pereira de Faria; Silvia Helena de Bortoli Cassiani


    O objetivo do estudo é determinar a frequência de interações fármaco-fármaco em prescrições de pacientes internados em unidades de terapia intensiva e analisar os fatores associados relativos à farmacoterapia e ao paciente. O estudo descritivo transversal foi realizado em dois hospitais de ensino da região centro oeste do Brasil. As interações medicamentosas potenciais foram identificadas nas prescrições do primeiro dia (24 horas) e do quinto dia (120 horas) de interna...

  10. Towards sustainable seed production of centro in Uganda

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2000, 5: 13- 15. Printed in Uganda. ... cassava tuber yield. Production costs of I kg of seed were Shs 1200, 2000 and 3700 for centro ... of cassava are the second most important staple food of those ...

  11. 49 CFR 393.69 - Liquefied petroleum gas systems. (United States)


    ... Protection Association, Battery March Park, Quincy, MA 02269, as follows: (1) A fuel system installed before... ACCESSORIES NECESSARY FOR SAFE OPERATION Fuel Systems § 393.69 Liquefied petroleum gas systems. (a) A fuel system that uses liquefied petroleum gas as a fuel for the operation of a motor vehicle or for the...

  12. Prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade e fatores associados em adolescentes na região centro-oeste do estado de São Paulo (SP, Brasil Prevalence of overweight and obesity, and associated factors in adolescents, at the central west area of the state São Paulo (SP, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sílvia Helena de Carvalho Sales-Peres


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a relação entre o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC e o índice CPOD em 207 adolescentes de 12 anos, de 8 escolas públicas e particulares da região centro-oeste do estado de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída por 380 adolescentes aos 12 anos, de ambos os gêneros, sendo examinados 207. Utilizou-se o índice CPOD, IMC para peso, medida de estatura, e aplicou-se questionário sobre hábitos alimentares, características antropométricas e atividade física. Quanto ao peso corpóreo, 55,93% apresentaram normal (G4, 35,59% de baixo peso (G3, 8,47% de pré-obesos (G2, nas escolas particulares. Nas públicas, 52,03% apresentaram normal, baixo peso 41,22%, pré-obesos 4,73% e obesos (G1 2,03%; não houve diferença significativa (p=0,45. Verificou-se que o CPOD nas escolas públicas foi 2,16 e nas particulares, 0,23 (pThe aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between the Body Mass Index (BMI and the DMFT index, in 207 adolescents aged 12 years old, from 8 public and private schools of the central west area of São Paulo State. From a sample of 380 12 year-old adolescents, both genders, 207 were examined. We used the index DMFT, CBI for weight, measured of stature and applied a questionnaire about alimentary habits, characteristic anthropometrics and physical activity. Regarding body weight, 55.93% was normal, 35.59% had low weight, and 8.47% were pre-obese in private schools. In the public schools, 52.03% had normal weight, 41.22% had low weight, 4.73% were pre-obese and 2.03% were obese, without significant difference (p=0.45. The DMFT of public schools was 2.16, compared to 0.23 in private schools (p<0.05, with 39.2% of caries-free individuals in public schools and 88.1% in private schools. There was no correlation between the increase in BMI and the increase in DMFT. There was negative correlation between socioeconomic conditions and dental caries. It was concluded that, even though the pre-obese and obese

  13. Estudo clínico-epidemiológico da doença de Chagas no distrito de Serra Azul, Mateus Leme, centro-oeste do Estado de Minas Gerais Clinic and epidemiological study on Chagas disease in the Serra Azul district of Mateus Leme, central-western region of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Élvio Marques da Silva


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A doença de Chagas permanece como grave problema de saúde pública na América Latina, mesmo com o controle de sua transmissão. Esse estudo avaliou a prevalência da doença de Chagas no distrito de Serra Azul, Centro-Oeste de Minas Gerais, identificando as anormalidades eletrocardiografias dos indivíduos com sorologia positiva. MÉTODOS: A sorologia para doença de Chagas foi realizada em 676 indivíduos (48% da população. O exame clínico e o eletrocardiograma (ECG foram realizados na população sorologicamente positiva. Selecionou-se um grupo controle para comparação dos dados do ECG. RESULTADOS: A população estudada residia principalmente em área rural, com baixo nível sóciocultural. Quatorze indivíduos foram positivos, com prevalência de 2,1%. Os indivíduos chagásicos eram de faixa etária mais avançada (67 vs 39 anos; p INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease remains a severe public health problem in Latin America, despite control over its transmission. This study evaluated the prevalence of Chagas disease in the Serra Azul district, in the central-western region of the State of Minas Gerais, through identifying electrocardiographic (EKG abnormalities among serologically positive individuals. METHODS: Specific serological tests for Chagas disease were carried out on 676 individuals (48% of the population. Clinical examinations and EKGs were performed on the serologically positive population. A control group was selected for comparison with the EKG data. RESULTS: The study population lived mainly in rural areas, with low sociocultural level. Forty subjects were positive (prevalence of 2.1%. The individuals with Chagas disease were in an older age group (67 vs. 39 years; p < 0.001. EKG abnormalities were frequent among the individuals with Chagas disease (79%. Among the seropositive individuals, the EKGs showed greater prevalence of ventricular premature beats and conduction disorder of the right branch alone or in

  14. A multi vector energy analysis for interconnected power and gas systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devlin, Joseph; Li, Kang; Higgins, Paraic; Foley, Aoife


    Highlights: • The first multi vector energy system analysis for Britain and Ireland is performed. • Extreme weather driven gas demands were utilised to increase gas system stress. • GB gas system is capable of satisfying demand but restricts gas generator ramping. • Irish gas system congestion causes a 40% increase in gas generator short run cost. • Gas storage in Ireland relieved congestion reduced operational costs by 14%. - Abstract: This paper presents the first multi vector energy analysis for the interconnected energy systems of Great Britain (GB) and Ireland. Both systems share a common high penetration of wind power, but significantly different security of supply outlooks. Ireland is heavily dependent on gas imports from GB, giving significance to the interconnected aspect of the methodology in addition to the gas and power interactions analysed. A fully realistic unit commitment and economic dispatch model coupled to an energy flow model of the gas supply network is developed. Extreme weather events driving increased domestic gas demand and low wind power output were utilised to increase gas supply network stress. Decreased wind profiles had a larger impact on system security than high domestic gas demand. However, the GB energy system was resilient during high demand periods but gas network stress limited the ramping capability of localised generating units. Additionally, gas system entry node congestion in the Irish system was shown to deliver a 40% increase in short run costs for generators. Gas storage was shown to reduce the impact of high demand driven congestion delivering a reduction in total generation costs of 14% in the period studied and reducing electricity imports from GB, significantly contributing to security of supply.

  15. Second Greenhouse Gas Information System Workshop (United States)

    Boland, S. W.; Duren, R. M.; Mitchiner, J.; Rotman, D.; Sheffner, E.; Ebinger, M. H.; Miller, C. E.; Butler, J. H.; Dimotakis, P.; Jonietz, K.


    The second Greenhouse Gas Information System (GHGIS) workshop was held May 20-22, 2009 at the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The workshop brought together 74 representatives from 28 organizations including U.S. government agencies, national laboratories, and members of the academic community to address issues related to the understanding, operational monitoring, and tracking of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon offsets. The workshop was organized by an interagency collaboration between NASA centers, DOE laboratories, and NOAA. It was motivated by the perceived need for an integrated interagency, community-wide initiative to provide information about greenhouse gas sources and sinks at policy-relevant temporal and spatial scales in order to significantly enhance the ability of national and regional governments, industry, and private citizens to implement and evaluate effective climate change mitigation policies. This talk provides an overview of the second Greenhouse Gas Information System workshop, presents its key findings, and discusses current status and next steps in this interagency collaborative effort.

  16. Performance study of an innovative natural gas CHP system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fu, Lin; Zhao, Xiling; Zhang, Shigang; Li, Yan; Jiang, Yi; Li, Hui; Sun, Zuoliang


    In the last decade, technological innovation and changes in the economic and regulatory environment have resulted in increased attention to distributed energy systems (DES). Combined cooling heating and power (CHP) systems based on the gas-powered internal combustion engine (ICE) are increasingly used as small-scale distribution co-generators. This paper describes an innovative ICE-CHP system with an exhaust-gas-driven absorption heat pump (AHP) that has been set up at the energy-saving building in Beijing, China. The system is composed of an ICE, an exhaust-gas-driven AHP, and a flue gas condensation heat exchanger (CHE), which could recover both the sensible and latent heat of the flue gas. The steady performance and dynamic response of the innovative CHP system with different operation modes were tested. The results show that the system's energy utilization efficiency could reach above 90% based on lower heating value (LHV) of natural gas; that is, the innovative CHP system could increase the heat utilization efficiency 10% compared to conventional CHP systems, and the thermally activated components of the system have much more thermal inertia than the electricity generation component. The detailed test results provide important insight into CHP performance characteristics and could be valuable references for the control of CHP systems. The novel CHP system could take on a very important role in the CHP market. (author)

  17. Presencia del virus del oeste del Nilo en el noreste de México Presence of west Nile virus in northeast Mexico

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    Ildefonso Fernández-Salas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Detectar la presencia del virus del oeste del Nilo (VON en aves, equinos y seres humanos en el noreste de México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se buscó en diferentes localidades del noreste de México la presencia de anticuerpos antivirus del oeste del Nilo (anti-VON en suero de 33 aves, 24 caballos y 237 personas mediante pruebas de ELISA durante el periodo de julio de 2003 a julio de 2006. En los sueros humanos se buscó también el RNA-VON mediante RT-PCR. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron tres aves seropositivas y 15 equinos. En el hombre, 40% de los sueros fue positivo para anticuerpos IgG y ninguno para anticuerpos IgM. CONCLUSIONES: El VON se encuentra activo en México y se suma a otras enfermedades emergentes transmitidas por vectores que representan un reto a la investigación y a los programas de prevención.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the presence of WNV in birds, horses and humans in northeast Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Serum samples from 33 birds, 24 horses and 237 humans were screened by ELISA for Anti-WNV antibodies. Human serum samples were also screened for WNV RNA using an RT-PCR assay. RESULTS: Positive sera were found in three birds and 15 horses. Forty percent of the human serum samples were positive for IgG antibodies and 0% for IgM antibodies and viral RNA. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study show that WNV is present in northeast Mexico and it is a new emergent infectious agent that represents a challenge for research and prevention programs in Mexico.


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    Jose Augusto Abreu Sá Fortes


    Full Text Available

    O presente trabalho irá apresentar questões referentes a criação do Centro de Formação de Recursos Humanos em Transportes Urbanos - CEFTRU. Tal Centro é um projeto bilateral entre os governos brasileiro e japonês, de iniciativa do Mestrado em Transportes Urbanos da Universidade de Brasília (UnB, sob os auspícios de Ministério das Relações Exteriores - Agencia Brasileira de Cooperação - MRE/ABC e da Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA. O projeto visa a constituição e a posterior consolidação de um centro de excelência para a capacitação e a reciclagem de pessoal de nível superior, médio e fundamental em transportes urbanos, envolvendo as áreas de planejamento, gestão e operação do sistema, com impactos socioeconômicos para as populações urbanas. O Centro tem por objetivo melhorar a qualificação de pessoal envolvido com os transportes urbanos da administração publica e privada, englobando o território nacional, nas áreas de meio ambiente, informática e ensino a distancia e tecnologia de transportes e tráfego.

  19. Gas Fuelling System for SST-1Tokamak (United States)

    Dhanani, Kalpesh; Raval, D. C.; Khan, Ziauddin; Semwal, Pratibha; George, Siju; Paravastu, Yuvakiran; Thankey, Prashant; Khan, M. S.; Pradhan, Subrata


    SST-1 Tokamak, the first Indian Steady-state Superconducting experimental device is at present under operation in the Institute for Plasma Research. For plasma break down & initiation, piezoelectric valve based gas feed system is implemented as a primary requirement due to its precise control, easy handling, low construction and maintenance cost and its flexibility in the selection of the working gas. Hydrogen gas feeding with piezoelectric valve is used in the SST-1 plasma experiments. The piezoelectric valves used in SST-1 are remotely driven by a PXI based platform and are calibrated before each SST-1 plasma operation with precise control. This paper will present the technical development and the results of the gas fuelling system of SST-1.

  20. Determination of barium in surface and ground waters at Centro Experimental Aramar area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matoso, Erika, E-mail: [Centro Tecnologico da Marinha em Sao Paulo (CEA/CTMS), Ipero, SP (Brazil). Centro Experimental Aramar; Cadore, Solange, E-mail: [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP (Brazil). Instituto de Quimica. Departamento de Quimica Analica


    Barium can be found in waters up to 1 mg L{sup -1} and came from natural sources such as sedimentary rocks erosion rich in feldspar and barite. Also anthropogenic activities can release this element such as oil and gas industry, agricultural defensives, chemical industry and waste disposal. At high doses, barium can be harmful to human central nervous system and can also cause high blood pressure, heart problems, fatigue and anxiety. The water potability defined by Brazilian's Ministry of Healthy sets barium concentration up to 0.7 mg L{sup -1} and official regulation defines the same limit of this element to superficial waters (according CONAMA resolution 357/2005) and ground waters (Sao Paulo state regulation). In this work, barium was analyzed monthly in superficial waters from 4 different sampling locations, located in a ratio of 10-km-long from Centro Experimental Aramar (CEA) at Ipanema River, during one year, in order to evaluate the river in different conditions (seasons, temperature and rain period). The ground water was collected every six months. The analytical technique applied was ICP OES and the method conditions were optimized: wavelength, linearity, signal background ratio, detection and quantification limits. Data obtained in this work will contribute to evaluate the presence of barium at CEA region and nearby in order to compare it with current Brazilian regulations. (author)

  1. Determination of barium in surface and ground waters at Centro Experimental Aramar area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matoso, Erika; Cadore, Solange


    Barium can be found in waters up to 1 mg L -1 and came from natural sources such as sedimentary rocks erosion rich in feldspar and barite. Also anthropogenic activities can release this element such as oil and gas industry, agricultural defensives, chemical industry and waste disposal. At high doses, barium can be harmful to human central nervous system and can also cause high blood pressure, heart problems, fatigue and anxiety. The water potability defined by Brazilian's Ministry of Healthy sets barium concentration up to 0.7 mg L -1 and official regulation defines the same limit of this element to superficial waters (according CONAMA resolution 357/2005) and ground waters (Sao Paulo state regulation). In this work, barium was analyzed monthly in superficial waters from 4 different sampling locations, located in a ratio of 10-km-long from Centro Experimental Aramar (CEA) at Ipanema River, during one year, in order to evaluate the river in different conditions (seasons, temperature and rain period). The ground water was collected every six months. The analytical technique applied was ICP OES and the method conditions were optimized: wavelength, linearity, signal background ratio, detection and quantification limits. Data obtained in this work will contribute to evaluate the presence of barium at CEA region and nearby in order to compare it with current Brazilian regulations. (author)

  2. Desafíos en la transferencia de tecnología a los centros educativos

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    Full Text Available Partimos del modelo de transferencia de tecnología para analizar cómo los centros escolares reciben e incorporan a sus actividades los equipamientos tecnológicos. Particularmente analizamos las innovaciones generadas por esos procesos en el plano organizativo de los centros como receptores de la tecnología. Los datos analizados se desagregan de una investigación que actualmente se está realizando en 12 comunidades autónomas sobre el programa Escuela 2.0. En esta fase manejamos estadígrafos descriptivos y referencias de algunas de las entrevistas y de las observaciones de aula realizadas en los centros que participan en el proyecto «centro educativo inteligente». Los primeros análisis nos permiten señalar que en el caso del sistema escolar se sigue un patrón de transferencia muy peculiar: alta dependencia de las instancias políticas, se pone más énfasis en el equipamiento instrumental que en el conocimiento y, finalmente, escasa preparación previa de la organización receptora.


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    Oscar Vicente Quinonez Fernandez


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho é estimar e comparar dois tipos de vazões dominantes (vazão de margens plenas e descarga com determinado tempo de retorno em 12 estações fluviométricas localizadas nas regiões Oeste e Sudoeste do Estado do Paraná. As estações, operadas pelo Instituto das Águas do Paraná (antiga Suderhsa - Superintendência de Desenvolvimento de Recursos Hídricos e Saneamento Ambiental, estão situadas em regiões cuja geologia, clima e tipo de relevo são similares. A área da bacia a montante das estações variou de 969 a 12.124km2.A descarga com 1,58 anos de recorrência (Q1,58 foi escolhida para representar a vazão dominante com determinado tempo de retorno. Para cada estação foi calculada a vazão Q1,58, a partir de dados históricos de cheias disponíveis no site da Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA. A vazão de margens plenas (Qmp foi estimada através de observações em campo adotando como referencia os depósitos de diques marginais. O tempo de retorno de Qmp nas estações estudadas variou de 0,60 a 3,35 anos. O coeficiente de determinação (R2 obtidas para as relações entre Área de drenagem versus Qmp e Q1,58 versus Qmp foi de 0,961 e 0,909 respectivamente. Tais valores mostram o uso promissor dos depósitos de diques marginais na demarcação da cota de margens plenas no planalto basáltico das regiões Oeste e Sudoeste do Paraná.

  4. Fatigue life analysis of cracked gas receiver of emergency cut-off system in gas gathering station (United States)

    Hu, Junzhi; Zhou, Jiyong; Li, Siyuan


    Small-scale air compressor and gas receiver are used as the driving gas of the emergency cut-off system in gas gathering station. Operation of block valve is ensured by starting and stopping compressor automatically. The frequent start-stop of compressor and the pressure fluctuation pose a threat to the service life of gas receiver, and then affect normal operation of the emergency cut-off system and security of gas gathering station. In this paper, the fatigue life of a pressure vessel with axial semi-elliptical surface crack in the inner wall is analyzed under the varying pressure by means of the theory of fracture mechanics. The influences of the amplitude of pressure fluctuation and the initial crack size on the residual life of gas receiver are discussed. It provides a basis for setting the working parameters of gas receiver of emergency cut-off system and determining the maintenance cycle.

  5. Solar central receiver reformer system for ammonia plants (United States)


    An overview of a study to retrofit the Valley Nitrogen Producers, Inc., El Centro, California 600 ST/SD Ammonia Plant with Solar Central Receiver Technology is presented. The retrofit system consists of a solar central receiver reformer (SCRR) operating in parallel with the existing fossil fired reformer. Steam and hydrocarbon react in the catalyst filled tubes of the inner cavity receiver to form a hydrogen rich mixture which is the syngas feed for the ammonia production. The SCRR system will displace natural gas presently used in the fossil reformer combustion chamber.

  6. La dimensión colaborativa con tic en la dirección de centros

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    L. M. González Rodero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo busca profundizar en la perspectiva e influencia del aprendizaje colaborativo a través de las TIC desde la gestión y dirección de centros educativos y como ello repercute en la formación del profesorado. Esta investigación forma parte de un proyecto que busca identificar la importancia y el grado de implantación de las tecnologías sociales en los centros de infantil y primaria de Castilla y León, a partir de una muestra de 24 centros de la Comunidad Autónoma acreditados con certificación TIC nivel 5 en el curso 2011-2012.

  7. Analysis of gas turbine systems for sustainable energy conversion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anheden, Marie


    Increased energy demands and fear of global warming due to the emission of greenhouse gases call for development of new efficient power generation systems with low or no carbon dioxide (CO{sub 2}) emissions. In this thesis, two different gas turbine power generation systems, which are designed with these issues in mind, are theoretically investigated and analyzed. In the first gas turbine system, the fuel is combusted using a metal oxide as an oxidant instead of oxygen in the air. This process is known as Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC). CLC is claimed to decrease combustion exergy destruction and increase the power generation efficiency. Another advantage is the possibility to separate CO{sub 2} without a costly and energy demanding gas separation process. The system analysis presented includes computer-based simulations of CLC gas turbine systems with different metal oxides as oxygen carriers and different fuels. An exergy analysis comparing the exergy destruction of the gas turbine system with CLC and conventional combustion is also presented. The results show that it is theoretically possible to increase the power generation efficiency of a simple gas turbine system by introducing CLC. A combined gas/steam turbine cycle system with CLC is, however, estimated to reach a similar efficiency as the conventional combined cycle system. If the benefit of easy and energy-efficient CO{sub 2} separation is accounted for, a CLC combined cycle system has a potential to be favorable compared to a combined cycle system with CO{sub 2} separation. In the second investigation, a solid, CO{sub 2}-neutral biomass fuel is used in a small-scale externally fired gas turbine system for cogeneration of power and district heating. Both open and closed gas turbines with different working fluids are simulated and analyzed regarding thermodynamic performance, equipment size, and economics. The results show that it is possible to reach high power generation efficiency and total (power

  8. Analysis of a gas absorption system with soluble carrier gas and volatile solvent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanak, B.E.


    The effects of column diameter, carrier gas coabsorption, and solvent vaporization on the performance of a packed gas absorption column are examined. The system investigated employs dichlorodifluoromethane as a solvent to remove krypton from a nitrogen stream and is characterized by substantial nitrogen coabsorption. Three columns with diameters of 2, 3, and 4 inches were constructed and packed with 34.5 inches of Goodloe packing. In addition to the more conventional data, the experimental evaluation of these columns included the use of a radioisotope and a gamma scanning technique which provided direct measurement of the columns' molar krypton profiles. A multicomponent gas absorption model was developed, based on the two-film mass transfer theory, that allows the fluxes of all species to interact. Verification of this model was achieved through comparison of the calculated results with experimental data. With the feed gas flow rate between 6 and 36 lb moles/hr-ft 2 and the solvent feed rate between 40 and 400 lb moles/hr-ft 2 , column diameter was found to have no significant impact on the mass transfer efficiency of this system when carried out in columns with diameters of 2 inches or greater. The absorption of krypton was found to be enhanced and inhibited, respectively, by carrier gas coabsorption and solvent vaporization. An injector system to add gaseous solvent to the feed gas stream prior to its introduction into the packed bed was proposed to eliminate the detrimental effects of solvent vaporization.Using this injector to supersaturate the feed gas stream with solvent enhanced absorber performance in the same manner as carrier gas coabsorption

  9. Saurofagia y canibalismo en dos especies de lagartos del centro-oeste de Argentina


    Blanco, Mirta Graciela; Acosta, Juan Carlos; Piaggio, Lía; Nieva, Rodrigo; Victorica, Ana; Castillo, Gabriel


    El canibalismo y la saurofagia han sido registrados en numerosas especies de anfibios y reptiles. En la mayoría de los casos esta estrategia predatoria aparece como oportunista y como resultado de un comportamiento predatorio normal. Por otra parte, ambas conductas alimentarias han sido reportadas en lagartos como consecuencia de descubrimientos fortuitos o bien a partir de estudios de ecología del comportamiento. Además es sabido que algunos casos de canibalismo en reptiles pueden ser induci...

  10. Saurofagia y canibalismo en dos especies de lagartos del centro-oeste de Argentina

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    Piaggio, Lia


    Full Text Available El canibalismo y la saurofagia han sido registrados en numerosas especies de anfibios y reptiles. En la mayoría de los casos esta estrategia predatoria aparece como oportunista y como resultado de un comportamiento predatorio normal. Por otra parte, ambas conductas alimentarias han sido reportadas en lagartos como consecuencia de descubrimientos fortuitos o bien a partir de estudios de ecología del comportamiento. Además es sabido que algunos casos de canibalismo en reptiles pueden ser inducidos por condiciones de cautiverio, lo que no indica que este comportamiento no ocurra naturalmente. El objetivo de este trabajo es aportar nuevos casos a los estudios que se realizan en este sentido, reportando el hallazgo accidental de canibalismo en Cnemidophorus longicauda y saurofagia en Homonota underwoodi ambas especies sintópicas del Monte de San Juan.

  11. Crescimento em altura dominante do Pinus elliottii e Pinus taeda em solos arenizados degradados no oeste do Rio Grande do Sul


    Schneider, Paulo Renato; Elesbão, Luiz Ernesto Grilo; Schneider, Paulo Sérgio Pigato; Longhi, Régis Villanova


    A introdução de espécies florestais de rápido crescimento em áreas com solos arenizados e degradados pode ser uma alternativa tanto para a prevenção como para a minimização desse problema. O trabalho objetivou avaliar o crescimento em altura dominante do Pinus elliottii Engelm. e Pinus taeda L. em relação aos solos arenizados e degradados por ação antrópica, no oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Para isso, foram selecionadas árvores dominantes em povoamentos com 29 anos de idade, em á...

  12. Exergy analysis of a gas-hydrate cool storage system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bi, Yuehong; Liu, Xiao; Jiang, Minghe


    Based on exergy analysis of charging and discharging processes in a gas-hydrate cool storage system, the formulas for exergy efficiency at the sensible heat transfer stage and the phase change stage corresponding to gas-hydrate charging and discharging processes are obtained. Furthermore, the overall exergy efficiency expressions of charging, discharging processes and the thermodynamic cycle of the gas-hydrate cool storage system are obtained. By using the above expressions, the effects of number of transfer units, the inlet temperatures of the cooling medium and the heating medium on exergy efficiencies of the gas-hydrate cool storage system are emphatically analyzed. The research results can be directly used to evaluate the performance of gas-hydrate cool storage systems and design more efficient energy systems by reducing the sources of inefficiency in gas-hydrate cool storage systems. - Highlights: • Formulas for exergy efficiency at four stages are obtained. • Exergy efficiency expressions of two processes and one cycle are obtained. • Three mainly influencing factors on exergy efficiencies are analyzed. • With increasing the inlet temperature of cooling medium, exergy efficiency increases. • With decreasing the inlet temperature of heating medium, exergy efficiency increases

  13. Pressure regulation system for modern gas-filled detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDonald, R.J.


    A gas pressure and flow regulation system has been designed and constructed to service a wide variety of gas-filled detectors which operate at pressures of ∼2 to 1000 Torr and flow rate of ∼5 to 200 standard cubic centimeters per minute (sccm). Pressure regulation is done at the detector input by a pressure transducer linked to a solenoid leak valve via an electronic control system. Gas flow is controlled via a mechanical leak valve at the detector output. Interchangeable transducers, flowmeters, and leak valves allow for different pressure and flow ranges. The differential pressure transducer and control system provide automatic let-up of vacuum chambers to atmospheric pressure while maintaining a controlled overpressure in the detector. The gas system is constructed on a standard 19'' rack-mounted panel from commercially available parts. Five of these systems have been built and are routinely used for both ionization chambers and position-sensitive avalanche detectors

  14. Numerical modeling of underground storage system for natural gas (United States)

    Ding, J.; Wang, S.


    Natural gas is an important type of base-load energy, and its supply needs to be adjusted according to different demands in different seasons. For example, since natural gas is increasingly used to replace coal for winter heating, the demand for natural gas in winter is much higher than that in other seasons. As storage systems are the essential tools for balancing seasonal supply and demand, the design and simulation of natural gas storage systems form an important research direction. In this study, a large-scale underground storage system for natural gas is simulated based on theoretical analysis and finite element modeling.It is proven that the problem of axi-symmetric Darcy porous flow of ideal gas is governed by the Boussinesq equation. In terms of the exact solution to the Boussinesq equation, the basic operating characteristics of the underground storage system is analyzed, and it is demonstrated that the propagation distance of the pore pressure is proportional to the 1/4 power of the mass flow rate and to the 1/2 power of the propagation time. This quantitative relationship can be used to guide the overall design of natural gas underground storage systems.In order to fully capture the two-way coupling between pore pressure and elastic matrix deformation, a poro-elastic finite element model for natural gas storage is developed. Based on the numerical model, the dynamic processes of gas injection, storage and extraction are simulated, and the corresponding time-dependent surface deformations are obtained. The modeling results not only provide a theoretical basis for real-time monitoring for the operating status of the underground storage system through surface deformation measurements, but also demonstrate that a year-round balance can be achieved through periodic gas injection and extraction.This work is supported by the CAS "100 talents" Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41371090).

  15. Computer-Aided System of Virtual Testing of Gas Turbine Engines

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    Rybakov Viktor N.


    Full Text Available The article describes the concept of a virtual lab that includes subsystem of gas turbine engine simulation, subsystem of experiment planning, subsystem of measurement errors simulation, subsystem of simulator identification and others. The basis for virtual lab development is the computer-aided system of thermogasdynamic research and analysis “ASTRA”. The features of gas turbine engine transient modes simulator are described. The principal difference between the simulators of transient and stationary modes of gas turbine engines is that the energy balance of the compressor and turbine becomes not applicable. The computer-aided system of virtual gas turbine engine testing was created using the developed transient modes simulator. This system solves the tasks of operational (throttling, speed, climatic, altitude characteristics calculation, analysis of transient dynamics and selection of optimal control laws. Besides, the system of virtual gas turbine engine testing is a clear demonstration of gas turbine engine working process and the regularities of engine elements collaboration. The interface of the system of virtual gas turbine engine testing is described in the article and some screenshots of the interface elements are provided. The developed system of virtual gas turbine engine testing provides means for reducing the laboriousness of gas turbine engines testing. Besides, the implementation of this system in the learning process allows the diversification of lab works and therefore improve the quality of training.

  16. Challenges in the management of gas voids in safety related systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ezekoye, L.I.; Turkowski, W.M.; Ferraraccio, F.P.; Swartz, M.M.


    Gas intrusion into Safety Related Systems, such as the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS), Decay Heat Removal (DHR) and Containment Spray (CS) in nuclear power plants is undesirable and can lead to pump binding (depending on the void fraction and flow rate) and damaging water hammer events. Gas ingestion in pumps can result in total or momentary loss of hydraulic performance resulting in possible pump shaft seizure rendering the pumps unable to perform their safety functions or reduce the pump discharge pressure and flow capacity to the point that the system cannot perform its design function. Extreme cases of gas water hammer can result in physical damage to system piping, components and supports, and possible relief valve lifting events with consequential loss of inventory. NRC Generic Letter GL 2008 01, 'Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal, and Containment Spray Systems,' requires US utilities to demonstrate that suitable design, operational and testing measures are in place to maintain licensing commitments. The Generic Letter (GL 2008 01) outlines a number of actions that are detailed in nature, such as establishing pump void tolerance limits; establishing limits on pump suction void fractions, assuring adequate system venting capability, identification of all possible sources of gas intrusion, preventing vortex formation in tanks, and determining acceptable limits of gas in system discharge piping.. Regarding one of these issues, GL 2008 01 indicates that the amount of gas that can be ingested without significant impact on pump design, gas dispersion and flow rate. Each US nuclear power plant licensee is required to evaluate their ECCS, DHR and CS system design, operation and test procedures to assure that gas intrusion is minimized and monitored in order to maintain system operability and compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B. Typically, gas pockets get into the safety related systems through a number

  17. Challenges in the management of gas voids in safety related systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ezekoye, L.I.; Turkowski, W.M.; Ferraraccio, F.P.; Swartz, M.M. [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh (United States)


    Gas intrusion into Safety Related Systems, such as the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS), Decay Heat Removal (DHR) and Containment Spray (CS) in nuclear power plants is undesirable and can lead to pump binding (depending on the void fraction and flow rate) and damaging water hammer events. Gas ingestion in pumps can result in total or momentary loss of hydraulic performance resulting in possible pump shaft seizure rendering the pumps unable to perform their safety functions or reduce the pump discharge pressure and flow capacity to the point that the system cannot perform its design function. Extreme cases of gas water hammer can result in physical damage to system piping, components and supports, and possible relief valve lifting events with consequential loss of inventory. NRC Generic Letter GL 2008 01, 'Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal, and Containment Spray Systems,' requires US utilities to demonstrate that suitable design, operational and testing measures are in place to maintain licensing commitments. The Generic Letter (GL 2008 01) outlines a number of actions that are detailed in nature, such as establishing pump void tolerance limits; establishing limits on pump suction void fractions, assuring adequate system venting capability, identification of all possible sources of gas intrusion, preventing vortex formation in tanks, and determining acceptable limits of gas in system discharge piping.. Regarding one of these issues, GL 2008 01 indicates that the amount of gas that can be ingested without significant impact on pump design, gas dispersion and flow rate. Each US nuclear power plant licensee is required to evaluate their ECCS, DHR and CS system design, operation and test procedures to assure that gas intrusion is minimized and monitored in order to maintain system operability and compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B. Typically, gas pockets get into the safety related systems through

  18. Vermont Yankee advanced off-gas system (AOG)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Littlefield, P.S.; Miller, S.R.; DerHagopian, H.


    Early in 1971 the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation decided to modify the existing off-gas delay system to reduce the release of noble gas isotopes from its boiling water reactor. This modification included a subsystem for recombining the radiolytic hydrogen and oxygen from the reactor and a series of adsorber tanks filled with activated carbon to delay the noble gas isotopes from the condenser air ejectors. The off-gas system and its operating history from initial operation in November 1973 to the present time are described. Data are also presented on the measured dynamic adsorption coefficient of the ambient carbon subsystem. Laboratory adsorption tests were conducted on the carbon prior to AOG startup and the results are compared with the effective coefficients obtained under operating conditions. (U.S.)



    Franco, Cleiton; Eidt, Kamila Moraes; Anunciato, Karine Medeiros; Melz, Laercio Juarez; de Andrade, Mario Geraldo Ferreira


    O Mato Grosso apresenta-se como principal produtor de soja na região centro-oeste, no entanto os produtores têm sofrido com as constantes desvalorizações cambiais, além das incertezas geradas pela crise econômica mundial, as variações climáticas, o aparecimento de novas pragas na lavoura e as falhas na infra-estrutura de escoamento das safras, fatores que ocasionam aumento dos custos de produção. Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar comparação dos custos, da produtividade e da rentabili...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodolfo Richard-Jorba


    Full Text Available Las actuales provincias de Mendoza y San Juan, localizadas en el árido centro-oeste argentino, llevan a cabo sus actividades económicas principales en grandes oasis de regadío, pequeñas porciones del territorio, en las cuales se concentra más del 95% de la población. A lo largo de su historia los productos de sus viñedos fueron dotándolas de una clara identidad hasta conformar lo que hoy conocemos como la gran Región Vitivinícola Argentina.

  1. Meteorological database 1994 – 2015 Nuclear Center “RACSO”


    Osores, José


    Se presenta los datos meteorológicos diarios relativos a la presión atmosférica, temperatura, humedad relativa, dirección y velocidad del viento, de la zona de emplazamiento del Centro Nuclear RACSO, distrito de Carabayllo, provincia de Lima, correspondientes al período 1994 al 31 de diciembre de 2015. El CN RACSO se encuentra ubicado a 410 metros sobre el nivel del mar, a 11°47’45” de latitud sur y 77°00’29”de longitud oeste.

  2. Relação entre macrófagos espumosos ("foam cells") no fígado de bovinos e ingestão de Brachiaria spp no Brasil


    Driemeier,David; Döbereiner,Jürgen; Peixoto,Paulo Vargas; Brito,Marilene F.


    Com o objetivo de estabelecer uma relação etiológica e caracterizar, cronologicamente, o aparecimento de macrófagos espumosos (foam cells), comuns em fígados de bovinos oriundos das regiões de clima tropical do Brasil, foram reexaminados cortes histológicos de fígado de bovinos dos arquivos do Setor de Anatomia Patológica da Embrapa-Projeto Sanidade Animal, RJ. O material utilizado provinha de investigações sobre causas de mortandades em bovinos nas regiões Norte, Centro-Oeste e Sudeste do Br...

  3. Fitogeoquímica de suelos ácidos


    Hernández Sánchez, Ana Jesús


    Las diferentes cuestiones acerca de los suelos ácidos están actualmente no sólo muy dispersas, sino que los conocimientos sobre los procesos y consecuencias de la acidificación natural se encuentran para ecosistemas agrícolas. El hecho de poseer bastante información sobre suelos ácidos de tipo cambisol, que albergan a comunidades pascícolas naturales ubicadas en los sistemas de dehesa del centro-oeste de la Península Ibérica, nos ha llevado a hacer una «lectura» de dichos suelos a...

  4. Confort térmico en espacios verdes urbanos de ambientes áridos.


    Alejandra Kurbán; Mario Cúnsulo


    En la planificación bioclimática de las ciudades y particularmente las ubicadas en  ambientes áridos, los espacios verdes representan un potencial  higrotérmico desaprovechado como mitigadores del clima urbano. El trabajo cuantifica el confort térmico de espacios verdes urbanos (EVU) de una ciudad del centro-oeste de Argentina localizada en la Diagonal Árida Sudamericana, a partir del Índice UTCI.  Este índice se calcula a partir de mediciones climáticas en 19 EVU, realizadas en el verano del...

  5. La transformación de los medios forestales en el Norte de Argentina. Implicaciones sociales y ambientales.


    Cuadra, Dante Edin


    En el Norte de Argentina se encuentran las mayores extensiones de bosques nativos del país. Se trata de un ámbito subtropical con marcadas variaciones pluviométricas, resultantes de la dinámica atmosférica, los tipos y disposiciones del relieve y la distancia al mar, factores que han posibilitado el desarrollo de formaciones vegetales diferenciadas como las selvas de riberas y mesetas en el Este, los bosques húmedos y xerófilos en el centro y las selvas serranas en el Oeste. Las primeras ...

  6. Electrical swing adsorption gas storage and delivery system (United States)

    Judkins, Roddie R.; Burchell, Timothy D.


    Systems and methods for electrical swing natural gas adsorption are described. An apparatus includes a pressure vessel; an electrically conductive gas adsorptive material located within the pressure vessel; and an electric power supply electrically connected to said adsorptive material. The adsorptive material can be a carbon fiber composite molecular sieve (CFCMS). The systems and methods provide advantages in that both a high energy density and a high ratio of delivered to stored gas are provided.

  7. Carretera oeste de circunvalación de Estrasburgo. Paso del Foso de las Murallas – Francia

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    Vauday, -


    Full Text Available The Western Bypass Road at Strassbourg is a wide motor road, which runs around the city and linics the northern and sourthem motor roads. This ensures the continuity of the motor road network in the vincinity of Strassbourg's urban zone, and also facilitates communications with the city centre. The motor road crosses the moat next to the city walls near the railway crossing, this being achieved by means of prefabricated reinforced concrete boxes.La carretera oeste de circunvalación de Estrasburgo es una autopista que contornea la ciudad y une las autopistas norte y sur, asegurando la continuidad de ia red de autopistas a su paso por la aglomeración y la distribución del tráfico interurbano generado por la villa, al mismo tiempo que facilita ciertas uniones puramente urbanas. Atraviesa el foso de las murallas cerca de donde lo hace el ferrocarril Estrasburgo-Basilea, mediante una obra constituida por cajones de hormigón armado prefabricados.

  8. El centro histórico de Barranquilla: problemáticas ambientales y sociales

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    Myriam Graciela Bonilla Becerra


    Full Text Available Los procesos de rehabilitación de los centros históricos en diversas ciudades del mundo, no solo se enfocan en los aspectos arquitectónicos o de espacio público, sino que deben atender los problemas ambientales. El centro histórico es por lo general el área con mayor degradación ambiental a nivel de contaminación atmosférica, contaminación por ruido, manejo de residuos sólidos y otras formas de contaminación de la ciudad; pero en el caso de Barranquilla el sistema de caños de la ciudad ha sido afectado por las actividades propias de su centro histórico, llevándolos a un estado de degradación y contaminación que no ha sido solucionado en forma definitiva. La recuperación de los caños de Barranquilla es un asunto prioritario y es por esto que el gobierno colombiano ha aprobado la “Implementación Plan de Saneamiento de los Caños de la Cuenca Oriental de la Ciudad de Barranquilla”, cuyo costo asciende 75.554 millones de pesos. Lo que permitirá darle una nueva cara al centro histórico de la ciudad.

  9. Development of KALIMER auxiliary sodium and cover gas management system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, Sang Woon; Hwang, Sung Tae


    The objectives of this report are to develop and to describe the auxiliary liquid metal and cover gas management systems of KALIMER. the system includes following system: (1) Auxiliary liquid metal system (2) Inert gas receiving and processing system (3) Impurity monitoring and analysis system. Auxiliary liquid metal and cover gas management system of KALIMER was developed. Functions of each systems and design basis were describes. The auxiliary liquid metal system receives, transfers, and purifies all sodium used in the plant. The system furnishes the required sodium quantity at the pressure, temperature, flow rate, and purity specified by the interfacing system. The intermediated sodium processing subsystem (ISPS) provides continuous purification of IHTS sodium, as well as performs the initial fill operation for both the IHTS and reactor vessel. The primary sodium processing subsystem provides purification (cold trapping) for sodium used in the reactor vessel. The inert gas receiving and processing (IGRP) system provides liquefied and ambient gas storage, delivers inert gases of specified composition and purity at regulated flow rates and pressures to points of usage throughout the KALIMER, and accepts the contaminated gases through its vacuum facilities for storage and transfer to the gas radwaste system. Three gases are used in the KALIMER: helium, argon, and nitrogen. 11 tabs., 12 figs. (Author)

  10. Development of KALIMER auxiliary sodium and cover gas management system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwon, Sang Woon; Hwang, Sung Tae [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The objectives of this report are to develop and to describe the auxiliary liquid metal and cover gas management systems of KALIMER. the system includes following system: (1) Auxiliary liquid metal system (2) Inert gas receiving and processing system (3) Impurity monitoring and analysis system. Auxiliary liquid metal and cover gas management system of KALIMER was developed. Functions of each systems and design basis were describes. The auxiliary liquid metal system receives, transfers, and purifies all sodium used in the plant. The system furnishes the required sodium quantity at the pressure, temperature, flow rate, and purity specified by the interfacing system. The intermediated sodium processing subsystem (ISPS) provides continuous purification of IHTS sodium, as well as performs the initial fill operation for both the IHTS and reactor vessel. The primary sodium processing subsystem provides purification (cold trapping) for sodium used in the reactor vessel. The inert gas receiving and processing (IGRP) system provides liquefied and ambient gas storage, delivers inert gases of specified composition and purity at regulated flow rates and pressures to points of usage throughout the KALIMER, and accepts the contaminated gases through its vacuum facilities for storage and transfer to the gas radwaste system. Three gases are used in the KALIMER: helium, argon, and nitrogen. 11 tabs., 12 figs. (Author).

  11. Combustion modeling in advanced gas turbine systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smoot, L.D.; Hedman, P.O.; Fletcher, T.H. [Brigham Young Univ., Provo, UT (United States)] [and others


    The goal of the U.S. Department of Energy`s Advanced Turbine Systems (ATS) program is to help develop and commercialize ultra-high efficiency, environmentally superior, and cost competitive gas turbine systems for base-load applications in the utility, independent power producer, and industrial markets. Combustion modeling, including emission characteristics, has been identified as a needed, high-priority technology by key professionals in the gas turbine industry.

  12. Multi-purpose utilization of hydrothermal resources within the City of El Centro. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sherwood, P.B.; Province, S.G.; Yamasaki, R.N.; Newman, K.L.


    The engineering and economic feasibility of utilizing geothermal heat from the Heber KGRA for space heating/cooling and water heating for domestic and industrial process applications within the City of El Centro was investigated. The analysis proceeds through an engineering survey of present conventional energy utilization within the City to identify and evaluate those end uses which could potentially utilize geothermal heat as a substitute for fossil fuel or electrically produced heating and cooling. A general engineering and economic evaluation of heat and cold delivery alternatives followed including evaluations of geothermal fluid transmission options, alternative refrigeration techniques, heat and cold transmission media options, probable systems interfaces, materials evaluations, projected conventional energy costs, life cycle costs for existing conventional systems, projected pricing requirements for privately and municipally developed geothermal resources, the relative distribution costs of heat delivery options, and estimated residential and commercial retrofit costs. A cost-effective plan for large-scale utilization of geothermal energy in El Centro for district heating/cooling and industrial applications was developed from this evaluation and preliminary conclusions drawn. Institutional barriers and environmental impacts associated with geothermal development in the City were also evaluated. Potentially adverse impacts were identified along with mitigating measures that should either completely eliminate or reduce these adverse effects to levels of insignificance.

  13. As Práticas Turísticas na Orla Oeste da Ilha de Mosqueiro, Região Metropolitana de Belém, PA

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    Willame de Oliveira Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 A Ilha do Mosqueiro pertence ao município de Belém, mas localiza-se a 77 km da sua sede. A Ilha teve seu processo de valorização para o Turismo iniciado no período áureo da economia da borracha e se acelerou com a implantação da ponte ligando-a ao continente, durante a década de 1970. Este artigo objetiva apresentar as práticas turísticas na orla oeste da Ilha de Mosqueiro, identificando o processo de des-re-territorialização de tais práticas e o viés do [eco] turismo como uma possibilidade de nova significação ao uso da orla oeste da ilha.  Tourist Practices in Waterfront West Island Mosqueiro, metropolitan region of Belém, PA, Brazil - The island Mosqueiro belonging to the municipality of Belem and it is located 77 km from the capital. The process for introduction of tourism practice started in the heyday of the rubber economy and it was accelerated during the 1970s with the build of the bridge connecting the island to the mainland. This article presents the tourism practices on the west of the Ilha do Mosqueiro, identifying the its process of de-re- territorialization and the [eco] tourism as a possibility for new meaning to the use of the western edge of the island.  


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    Pere Godoy


    Full Text Available Fundamentos. La baja dosis infectiva y las múltiples vías de transmisión facilitan la presentación de brotes de norovirus. El objetivo fue comparar la incidencia de brotes por norovirus en hospitales y residencias en Cataluña. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de la serie de brotes de norovirus en el período del 15/10/2004 al 30/10/2005. Se rellenó una encuesta epidemiológica para cada brote. Las variables fueron: número de expuestos, enfermos, mecanismo de transmisión, ámbito (centros sanitarios o residencias, región sanitaria, mes del año, y duración. Mediante técnicas de PCR se investigó la presencia de norovirus en muestras clínicas. Se calculó la incidencia en cada centro y la incidencia anual de brotes por centros. Las diferencias se determinaron con la prueba de c2 y la t de Student con un grado de significación (p inferior a 0,05. Resultados. Se detectaron 17 brotes, 6 en centros sanitarios y 11 en residencias. La tasa de ataque global fue del 33,4% (652/1951 y fue ligeramente superior en las residencias (35,2% que en los centros sanitarios (31,4%. El 94,1% (16/17 de los brotes se produjeron por transmisión persona a persona y sólo el 5,9% (1/17 por alimentos. La media de días entre el primer y último caso del brote fue de 11,4 (DE = 6,9. La duración media de los síntomas fue de 2,39 días (SD=1,6 y también fue superior en los pacientes hospitalizados 2,63 (SD=1,7 en comparación a los pacientes de residencias 1,97 (SD=1,7 (p < 0,0001. Conclusiones. Norovirus es responsable de un número importante de brotes por transmisión persona a persona. Se debe protocolizar su control para reducir su número y su duración.

  15. Operation and management of aging gas distribution systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McNorgan, J.D. (Southern California Gas Co., Los Angeles, CA (United States))


    Southern California Gas Company, transports billions of cubic feet of natural gas through large-diameter, high-pressure transmission lines, across hundreds of miles of varying terrain, to satisfy the needs of over four and a half million customers. Operating an aging gas system can be truly expensive. Repair costs are very high. Recent figures experienced by our company show that it cost over $800 to repair a main leak, $400 to replace a service, and over $40 a foot to replace even small sized mains. A hidden cost is the effect of the physical limitations imposed by an aging system. It could be under-sized, or limited to a low pressure, thus restricting the volume of gas that can be delivered. Additionally there is the potential loss of valuable gas through leaks or blow downs when making repairs or replacements, and the damage it could do to the environment. For some years Southern California Gas Company has had on-going special and routine pipe replacement programs. The special pipe replacement program is driven primarily to increase the safety of the system, while at the same time improving reliability of service to the customers and reducing their total costs.

  16. Gordailu, Centro de Patrimonio Cultural Mueble de Gipuzkoa. Estudios previos

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    Maite Barrio Olano


    Full Text Available La Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa ha impulsado la creación de una nueva infraestructura cultural: el Centro de Patrimonio Cultural Mueble de Gipuzkoa, denominado Gordailu (palabra en euskera cuyo significado es “depósito”. Este Centro tendrá como misión la gestión integral del patrimonio cultural mueble del territorio, partiendo de un núcleo central, el depósito in situ de colecciones de distinta titularidad. Dentro de la variedad de temas de estudio y análisis que implica un proyecto de esta envergadura, en el presente artículo se relatan los relativos al plan de necesidades, evaluación de colecciones y definición de condiciones medioambientales.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marin A. Popov; Vito F. Nuccio; Thaddeus S. Dyman; Timothy A. Gognat; Ronald C. Johnson; James W. Schmoker; Michael S. Wilson; Charles Bartberger


    The USGS is re-evaluating the resource potential of basin-centered gas accumulations in the U.S. because of changing perceptions of the geology of these accumulations, and the availability of new data since the USGS 1995 National Assessment of United States oil and gas resources (Gautier et al., 1996). To attain these objectives, this project used knowledge of basin-centered gas systems and procedures such as stratigraphic analysis, organic geochemistry, modeling of basin thermal dynamics, reservoir characterization, and pressure analysis. This project proceeded in two phases which had the following objectives: Phase I (4/1998 through 5/1999): Identify and describe the geologic and geographic distribution of potential basin-centered gas systems, and Phase II (6/1999 through 11/2000): For selected systems, estimate the location of those basin-centered gas resources that are likely to be produced over the next 30 years. In Phase I, we characterize thirty-three (33) potential basin-centered gas systems (or accumulations) based on information published in the literature or acquired from internal computerized well and reservoir data files. These newly defined potential accumulations vary from low to high risk and may or may not survive the rigorous geologic scrutiny leading towards full assessment by the USGS. For logistical reasons, not all basins received the level of detail desired or required.

  18. Mercury sorbent delivery system for flue gas (United States)

    Klunder,; Edgar, B [Bethel Park, PA


    The invention presents a device for the removal of elemental mercury from flue gas streams utilizing a layer of activated carbon particles contained within the filter fabric of a filter bag for use in a flue gas scrubbing system.

  19. Inert gas handling in ion plating systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goode, A.R.; Burden, M.St.J.


    The results of an investigation into the best methods for production and monitoring of the inert gas environment for ion plating systems are reported. Work carried out on Pirani gauges and high pressure ion gauges for the measurement of pressures in the ion plating region (1 - 50mtorr) and the use of furnaces for cleaning argon is outlined. A schematic of a gas handling system is shown and discussed. (UK)

  20. Z662-96: oil and gas pipeline systems; 2. ed.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ko, S; Burford, G; Martin, A; Adragna, M [eds.


    This Standard is part of the pipeline systems and materials segment of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)`s Transportation program. It covers the design, construction, operation and maintenance of oil and gas industry pipeline systems that carry (1) liquid hydrocarbons, including crude oil, multiphase fluids, condensate, liquid petroleum products, natural gas liquids, and liquefied petroleum gas, (2) oilfield water, (3) oilfield steam, (4) carbon dioxide used in oilfield enhanced recovery schemes, or (5) natural gas, manufactured gas, or synthetic gas. tabs. figs.

  1. Development of a natural Gas Systems Analysis Model (GSAM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godec, M.; Haas, M.; Pepper, W.; Rose, J.


    Recent dramatic changes in natural gas markets have significant implications for the scope and direction of DOE's upstream as well as downstream natural gas R ampersand D. Open access transportation changes the way gas is bought and sold. The end of the gas deliverability surplus requires increased reserve development above recent levels. Increased gas demand for power generation and other new uses changes the overall demand picture in terms of volumes, locations and seasonality. DOE's Natural Gas Strategic Plan requires that its R ampersand D activities be evaluated for their ability to provide adequate supplies of reasonably priced gas. Potential R ampersand D projects are to be evaluated using a full fuel cycle, benefit-cost approach to estimate likely market impact as well as technical success. To assure R ampersand D projects are evaluated on a comparable basis, METC has undertaken the development of a comprehensive natural gas technology evaluation framework. Existing energy systems models lack the level of detail required to estimate the impact of specific upstream natural gas technologies across the known range of geological settings and likely market conditions. Gas Systems Analysis Model (GSAM) research during FY 1993 developed and implemented this comprehensive, consistent natural gas system evaluation framework. Rather than a isolated research activity, however, GSAM represents the integration of many prior and ongoing natural gas research efforts. When complete, it will incorporate the most current resource base description, reservoir modeling, technology characterization and other geologic and engineering aspects developed through recent METC and industry gas R ampersand D programs

  2. Close loop gas recirculation and purification system for INO RPC system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joshi, A.V.; Kalmani, S.D.; Mondal, N.K.; Satyanarayana, B.; Verma, P.


    Close loop gas recirculation system (CLS) is designed to overcome problems. The present system is a pilot unit catering to about 12 RPC detectors of 2m ÃâĂŤ 2m size. The gas mixture is prepared in required concentration, in-situ, and circulated throughout the loop at controlled flow rates. The pressure band is adjusted to be within 20mm of water column. A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) keeps track of pressure and flow rates, process sequence and safety conditions. The loss of gas is continuously monitored to assess effectiveness of CLS. The concentration of gas components in the mixtures is monitored by sampling through Residual Gas Analyzer (RGA). The RPC performance parameters, such as leakage current, noise rate, efficiency and cross-talk are monitored vis-a-vis CLS parameters. It has been found that RPC parameters respond in coordination with CLS functioning. Room pressure and temperature also seem to have influence on both of them

  3. Controlled PVTS oil and gas production stimulation system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ospina-Racines, E


    By completing oil- or gas-producing wells according to the PVTS method and energizing the flow of the oil-gas fluids in the reservoir with a small horse-power gas compressor at the wellhead, the following oil and gas production features are attained: (1) Original reservoir story energy conditions are restored, improved, used, and conserved while producing oil and/or gas. (2) The flow of oil or gas in the pay formation to the well bore is stimulated by gas compressor energy, outside of the reservoir system. The pressure drawdown is developed by gas-compressor energy in the well casing and not in the pay formation. (3) The stored energy of the reservoir is conserved while producing oil or gas. The potential energy (pressure) of the reservoir can be used to advantage up to bubble point of the virgin crude. (4) Producible reserves are increased from 4-to 5-fold by the conservation of reservoir energy. Present-day primary oil production practice yields a maximum of 20% of the oil in place by depleting the original reservoir energy. The PVTS system will yield over 80% + of oil in place. (5) Producible gas reserves can be increased greatly by establishing a low abandonment pressure at will. The principal features of the PVTS well mechanism and energy injection method are illustrated by a schematic diagram.

  4. Gas System 2013 at a glance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    GRTgaz is a European leader in natural gas transmission, a world expert in gas transmission networks and systems, and an operator firmly committed to the energy transition. It owns and operates the gas transmission network throughout most of France and it manages the transmission network in Germany, thereby helping to ensure correct operation of the French and European gas market. It contributes to the energy security of regional supply systems and performs a public service mission to ensure the continuity of consumer supply. This document presents some key figures about GRTgaz activity in 2013: Total Consumption 2013 vs 2012: +1.4% gross consumption, -2% climate adjusted. Public Distribution Consumption 2013 vs 2012: +3.6% gross consumption, -1.9% climate adjusted. Industrial Customers Consumption 2013 vs 2012: -2.4% gross consumption. Power Generation: -50% since 2011. Industrial Customers 2012 vs 2013 (excluding power generation): +2%. Transported Quantities by GRTgaz 2013 vs 2012: Stability (-0.1%). LNG imports are down (-19%) compensated by pipe imports (+5%). Increasing outlet to the South-West, Congestion on North-South Link. Price spread between North and South. In 2013, gas gross consumption rose by 1.4 % on GRTgaz network, mainly because of colder climatic conditions, especially during the first half of the year, compared to 2012. Consumption of industrial customers connected to GRTgaz increased by 2 % (excluding power generation), mainly driven by sectors like Refineries, Chemistry, Glass and Materials. In 2013, GRTgaz transmission network ran under unusual gas flow conditions, especially with a continuing decrease of LNG imports (-19 %) and a low level in underground storages (-8 %)

  5. Maintenance management of gas turbine power plant systems ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Given the abundant availability of gas and the significant installed capacity of the electricity from Gas Turbine Power Systems; effective maintenance of Gas Turbine Power Plants in Nigeria could be the panacea for achieving regular power generation and supply. The study identified environmental impact on the machines, ...

  6. A educação fiscal no Brasil: estudo realizado nos 27 estados da federação, distribuídos nas regiões norte, nordeste, sudeste, sul e centro-oeste = The education tax in Brazil: a study in the 27 states of the federation, distributed in north,northeast, southeast, south and midwest

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    Adriano Kozoroski Reis


    Full Text Available O objetivo geral deste trabalho é verificar os meios de disseminação da Educação Fiscal no Brasil, especificamente nos 27 estados da federação, distribuídos nas regiões Norte, Nordeste, Sudeste, Sul e Centro-Oeste. Como objetivos específicos tem-se: determinar mecanismos para a gestão transparente e eficiente dos recursos públicos; mostrar formas de divulgação destas ações para a sociedade e apresentar maneiras para a sociedade exercer o pleno exercício da cidadania. A metodologia utilizada é de pesquisa descritiva e bibliográfica, associada ao desempenho de órgãos públicos na disseminação da educação fiscal. A trajetória metodológica divide-se em três fases: a primeira, “Fundamentação Teórica”, em que são abordados os temas relacionados ao assunto pesquisado. Trata-se de temas atinentes a Finanças Públicas, Sistema Tributário Nacional, Direito Constitucional, Controle Externo e Educação Fiscal. Na segunda fase apresenta-se a “Pesquisa de Campo”, com a utilização de questionários aplicados aos profissionais ligados aos programas de educação fiscal. Na terceira e última fase apresenta-se uma “Proposta de Modelo de Gestão para Educação Fiscal”. No final conclui-se que a perspectiva de avanço no programa de Educação Fiscal e a integração da sociedade ao controle social e transparente da gestão pública necessitam de um modelo de gestão capaz de avaliar os resultados do programa. The aim of this study is to test the means of dissemination of Fiscal Education in Brazil specifically in the 27 states of the federation, distributed in North, Northeast, Southeast, South and Midwest. The specific objectives are to: Determine mechanisms for efficient and transparent management of public resources; Show forms of disclosure of these actions to society; and present ways for society to exercise full citizenship. The methodology used is descriptive and literature associated with the performance

  7. Centro municipal de vehículos Ginebra-Suiza

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    Dom, Jean Pierre


    Full Text Available This station comprises three buildings, which house, respectively, the offices and auxiliary services of the station, the vehicles depot, and the mechanical repair works, stores and inspection of vehicles. The whole project has been designed in accordance with a module of 5.875 m length. The external elevations of this significant project express clearly its robust, sober and industrially functional nature.El conjunto erigido comprende tres edificios destinados, respectivamente, a albergar: «las dependencias de la administración», y «locales de servicio del Centro»; «el depósito de vehículos»; y «la inspección de vehículos», «repuestos» y «talleres mecánicos». Todos ellos modulados según un módulo de 5,875 m de lado. Desde el punto de vista de composición arquitectónica, este Centro refleja claramente, en los alzados exteriores, su carácter de construcción industrial sobria y robusta.

  8. Estrategias gerenciales administrativas para Centros Médicos Privados

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    Thaide Torres Guerra


    Full Text Available El problema abordado en este artículo plantea la necesidad de nuevas estrategias gerenciales administrativas para los Centros Médicos Privados de la Parroquia Raúl Leoni del Municipio Maracaibo, con el fin de identificar las fallas, para la mejora del desempeño gerencial. La metodología corresponde a un estudio descriptivo, pues contextualiza el desempeño gerencial administrativo actual en cuanto a las funciones en los centros seleccionados, identificando métodos y test que sirvan para su medición en aspectos relevantes de la planificación, organización, dirección y control. Finalmente se concluye que la estructura organizacional y la caracterización del enfoque confirma con los resultados que el liderazgo, la motivación, comunicación y toma de decisiones, son medianamente efectivas, siendo una debilidad para alcanzar la integración y unificación de los equipos de trabajo y de todos sus miembros que hacen vida en la institución.

  9. Gas fired advanced turbine system (United States)

    Lecren, R. T.; White, D. J.

    The basic concept thus derived from the Ericsson cycle is an intercooled, recuperated, and reheated gas turbine. Theoretical performance analyses, however, showed that reheat at high turbine rotor inlet temperatures (TRIT) did not provide significant efficiency gains and that the 50 percent efficiency goal could be met without reheat. Based upon these findings, the engine concept adopted as a starting point for the gas-fired advanced turbine system is an intercooled, recuperated (ICR) gas turbine. It was found that, at inlet temperatures greater than 2450 F, the thermal efficiency could be maintained above 50%, provided that the turbine cooling flows could be reduced to 7% of the main air flow or lower. This dual and conflicting requirement of increased temperatures and reduced cooling will probably force the abandonment of traditional air cooled turbine parts. Thus, the use of either ceramic materials or non-air cooling fluids has to be considered for the turbine nozzle guide vanes and turbine blades. The use of ceramic components for the proposed engine system is generally preferred because of the potential growth to higher temperatures that is available with such materials.

  10. Surgimiento, evolución y principales resultados del Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos

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    María Amparo Pascual López


    Full Text Available En la década de los 90, el desarrollo acelerado de la Industria Médico Farmacéutica cubana impuso la necesidad de crear estructuras que garantizaran la evaluación clínica de productos para su introducción a la práctica médica y posterior comercialización. Uno de los centros fundados para contribuir con estos fines fue el Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos. El presente trabajo recoge en síntesis las razones que motivaron la creación del centro y muestra, brevemente, su desarrollo organizacional por más de 17 años. Describe, además, los principales componentes del sistema de diseño y conducción de ensayos clínicos; así como los aportes más significativos de cada uno de ellos para el cumplimiento de sus objetivos como centro.

  11. A gas circulation and purification system for gas-cell-based low-energy RI-beam production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sonoda, T.; Wada, M.; Katayama, I.; Kojima, T. M.; Reponen, M. [RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 (Japan); Tsubota, T. [Tokyo KOATSU Co., Ltd., 1-9-8 Shibuya, Shibuyaku, Tokyo 150-0002 (Japan)


    A gas circulation and purification system was developed at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory that can be used for gas-cell-based low-energy RI-beam production. A high-flow-rate gas cell filled with one atmosphere of buffer gas (argon or helium) is used for the deceleration and thermalization of high-energy RI-beams. The exhausted buffer gas is efficiently collected using a compact dry pump and returned to the gas cell with a recovery efficiency of >97%. The buffer gas is efficiently purified using two gas purifiers as well as collision cleaning, which eliminates impurities in the gas. An impurity level of one part per billion is achieved with this method.

  12. Centro de Investigacion en Ciencias Atomicas, Universidad de Costa Rica: with over 30 years experience in the peaceful use of nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, Ralph


    The Centro de Investigacion en Ciencias Atomicas, Nucleares y Moleculares, CICANUM, is a research unit of the Universidad de Costa Rica; which is dedicated to research over the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The research areas covered are: health, biosciences, science agrifood, environmental pollution, earth sciences and the sea and national heritage. The different laboratories are thirteen, among them: the mass spectrometry, gas sensors, x-ray fluorescence, thermoluminescence, gamma spectrometry, physics and chemistry of the earth, and microwave plasma, reference, alpha spectrometry, radiochemical and chemical preparations, nuclear electronics and instrumentation; plus, whatever with neutron sources and radioactive waste winery [es

  13. On-Board Hydrogen Gas Production System For Stirling Engines (United States)

    Johansson, Lennart N.


    A hydrogen production system for use in connection with Stirling engines. The production system generates hydrogen working gas and periodically supplies it to the Stirling engine as its working fluid in instances where loss of such working fluid occurs through usage through operation of the associated Stirling engine. The hydrogen gas may be generated by various techniques including electrolysis and stored by various means including the use of a metal hydride absorbing material. By controlling the temperature of the absorbing material, the stored hydrogen gas may be provided to the Stirling engine as needed. A hydrogen production system for use in connection with Stirling engines. The production system generates hydrogen working gas and periodically supplies it to the Stirling engine as its working fluid in instances where loss of such working fluid occurs through usage through operation of the associated Stirling engine. The hydrogen gas may be generated by various techniques including electrolysis and stored by various means including the use of a metal hydride absorbing material. By controlling the temperature of the absorbing material, the stored hydrogen gas may be provided to the Stirling engine as needed.

  14. Análisis de la distribución espacial de estrellas, gas y polvo en galaxias cercanas = Analysis of the spacial distribution of stars, gas and dust in nearby galaxies


    Muñoz Mateos, Juan Carlos


    El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en cuantificar la distribución espacial de las propiedades físicas de las estrellas, el gas y el polvo en galaxias cercanas, dado que son el registro fósil de su evolución pasada. En particular, nos centraremos sobre todo en las variaciones de estas propiedades con la distancia al centro de las galaxias espirales.[ABSTRACT]The main goal of this thesis is to quantify the spatial distribution of the physical properties of stars, gas and d...

  15. Análisis de la distribución espacial de estrellas, gas y polvo en galaxias cercanas = Analysis of the spacial distribution of stars, gas and dust in nearby galaxies


    Muñoz Mateos, Juan Carlos


    El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en cuantificar la distribución espacial de las propiedades físicas de las estrellas, el gas y el polvo en galaxias cercanas, dado que son el registro fósil de su evolución pasada. En particular, nos centraremos sobre todo en las variaciones de estas propiedades con la distancia al centro de las galaxias espirales.[ABSTRACT]The main goal of this thesis is to quantify the spatial distribution of the physical properties of stars, gas and d...

  16. Antipollution system to remove nitrogen dioxide gas (United States)

    Metzler, A. J.; Slough, J. W.


    Gas phase reaction system using anhydrous ammonia removes nitrogen dioxide. System consists of ammonia injection and mixing section, reaction section /reactor/, and scrubber section. All sections are contained in system ducting.

  17. EBR-II Cover Gas Cleanup System upgrade process control system structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlson, R.B.; Staffon, J.D.


    The Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II) Cover Gas Cleanup System (CGCS) control system was upgraded in 1991 to improve control and provide a graphical operator interface. The upgrade consisted of a main control computer, a distributed control computer, a front end input/output computer, a main graphics interface terminal, and a remote graphics interface terminal. This paper briefly describes the Cover Gas Cleanup System and the overall control system; describes the main control computer hardware and system software features in more detail; and, then, describes the real-time control tasks, and how they interact with each other, and how they interact with the operator interface task

  18. Estrategias de desarrollo para la empresa Cal del Centro S.A.C.


    Bautista Antón, Yovanni Patricia; Mendoza Rojas, Miguel Ángel


    Cal del Centro S.A.C. es una sociedad anónima cerrada cuyo negocio gira en torno a la actividad económica de la fabricación de cemento, cal y yeso. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la posibilidad de éxito de un proyecto de inversión en una planta de cal, a través de Cal del Centro S.A.C. –como empresa autosuficiente–, para asegurar el cien por ciento del suministro de óxido de calcio en cantidad y calidad para el procesamiento de concentrados de cobre y el tratamiento de aguas indu...

  19. Modelo de gestión integral para centros comerciales pequeños


    Molina Saquicela, Mónica Andrea


    Desarrollar un modelo de gestión integral diseñado a la medida de las necesidades de los centros comerciales pequeños, tomando como base para su implementación al Centro Comercial Plaza de las Américas, servirá como una herramienta clave que ayudará a su equipo gerencial, a través de un manejo planificado y el aprovechamiento de sus diferenciadores, lograr un crecimiento a lo largo del tiempo, así como un mejor posicionamiento en la mente del consumidor y una mayor participación en el mercado...


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    Rafael Pérez Uribe


    Full Text Available El gestor del conocimiento es el ser humano. En el mundo como en las empresas es el centro de la destrucción y la creación del conocimiento. Por esta razón en las empresas se deben generar los escenarios adecuados para revertir el conocimiento de las personas y convertirlo en patrimonio de las organizaciones. El papel del líder es vital para la construcción de escenarios adecuados para que los trabajadores se conviertan en auténticos gestores del «knowledge» y esto permita que las organizaciones sean entes permanentes de aprendizaje continuo.

  1. Albany Interim Landfill gas extraction and mobile power system: Using landfill gas to produce electricity. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Albany Interim Landfill Gas Extraction and Mobile Power System project served three research objectives: (1) determination of the general efficiency and radius of influence of horizontally placed landfill gas extraction conduits; (2) determination of cost and effectiveness of a hydrogen sulfide gas scrubber utilizing Enviro-Scrub{trademark} liquid reagent; and (3) construction and evaluation of a dual-fuel (landfill gas/diesel) 100 kW mobile power station. The horizontal gas extraction system was very successful; overall, gas recovery was high and the practical radius of influence of individual extractors was about 50 feet. The hydrogen sulfide scrubber was effective and its use appears feasible at typical hydrogen sulfide concentrations and gas flows. The dual-fuel mobile power station performed dependably and was able to deliver smooth power output under varying load and landfill gas fuel conditions.

  2. Process and system for removing impurities from a gas (United States)

    Henningsen, Gunnar; Knowlton, Teddy Merrill; Findlay, John George; Schlather, Jerry Neal; Turk, Brian S


    A fluidized reactor system for removing impurities from a gas and an associated process are provided. The system includes a fluidized absorber for contacting a feed gas with a sorbent stream to reduce the impurity content of the feed gas; a fluidized solids regenerator for contacting an impurity loaded sorbent stream with a regeneration gas to reduce the impurity content of the sorbent stream; a first non-mechanical gas seal forming solids transfer device adapted to receive an impurity loaded sorbent stream from the absorber and transport the impurity loaded sorbent stream to the regenerator at a controllable flow rate in response to an aeration gas; and a second non-mechanical gas seal forming solids transfer device adapted to receive a sorbent stream of reduced impurity content from the regenerator and transfer the sorbent stream of reduced impurity content to the absorber without changing the flow rate of the sorbent stream.

  3. La calidad de vida de los sujetos usuarios de un centro social de personas mayores

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    César Bugallo Carrera


    Full Text Available En esta investigación hemos intentado comprobar si la asistencia a los centros sociales de personas mayores es un medio eficaz para la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas mayores, es decir, si los usuarios de dichos centros tienen una mejor calidad de vida que aquellos que no acuden a ellos. Para ello, hemos contado con un grupo experimental y un grupo control. A continuación ambos grupos han pasado dos pruebas: una que valora la calidad de vida y otra, el deterioro cognitivo. Una vez pasadas las pruebas y obtenidas las puntuaciones, hemos concluido que los usuarios del centro social tienen una mayor calidad de vida que los sujetos que no acuden a él.

  4. The transport system for natural gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bjoerndalen, Joergen; Nese, Gjermund


    In 2002, the actors on the Norwegian shelf in cooperation with the authorities established a new regime for sale and transport of gas. This article deals with some issues of interest relating to this new regime. The transport system for natural gas shows clear signs of being a natural monopoly, which makes it difficult to use the system efficiently. Two main problems of the current way of organizing are pointed out: (1) lack of price and market signals in capacity allocation and (2) unclear incentive effects. The article indicates a possible solution based on the form of organization that is used in the power market

  5. Physical aspects of the US oil and gas systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D' Acierno, J.; Hermelee, A.


    The purpose of this report is to describe the physical operations which take place within the petroleum and natural gas industries of the US. This information was the basis for the overall network design and the detailed data requirements for the Emergency Management Information System (EEMIS) of the US Department of Energy (DOE). Since EEMIS represents the entire oil and gas systems this report can be used to obtain a basic understanding of the entire energy system, from production to consumption, that is composed of the US oil and gas industries.


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    Camila Osório Dutra


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a Hospitalidade Urbana do Centro Histórico da cidade de Pelotas/RS. Tendo como objetivo compreender se o Centro Histórico desta cidade, é, ou não, hospitaleiro, através das categorias de análise: Acessibilidade, Identidade e Legibilidade. Para isto, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e questionários com moradores e turistas em diferentes pontos da cidade. Relatou-se que a hospitalidade de legibilidade se refere, cada indivíduo cada usuário de um espaço tem uma visão, uma percepção, do que é mais interessante, do que é guardado em suas experiências e consequentemente em suas memórias visuais. Além disso, em futuros estudos, outros pontos que podem ser abordados são as condições de acesso em diferentes municípios e as identidades de diferentes cidades.

  7. Development of solid-gas equilibrium propulsion system for small spacecraft (United States)

    Chujo, Toshihiro; Mori, Osamu; Kubo, Yuki


    A phase equilibrium propulsion system is a kind of cold-gas jet in which the phase equilibrium state of the fuel is maintained in a tank and its vapor is ejected when a valve is opened. One such example is a gas-liquid equilibrium propulsion system that uses liquefied gas as fuel. This system was mounted on the IKAROS solar sail and has been demonstrated in orbit. The system has a higher storage efficiency and a lighter configuration than a high-pressure cold-gas jet because the vapor pressure is lower, and is suitable for small spacecraft. However, the system requires a gas-liquid separation device in order to avoid leakage of the liquid, which makes the system complex. As another example of a phase equilibrium propulsion system, we introduce a solid-gas equilibrium propulsion system, which uses a sublimable substance as fuel and ejects its vapor. This system has an even lower vapor pressure and does not require such a separation device, instead requiring only a filter to keep the solid inside the tank. Moreover, the system is much simpler and lighter, making it more suitable for small spacecraft, especially CubeSat-class spacecraft, and the low thrust of the system allows spacecraft motion to be controlled precisely. In addition, the thrust level can be controlled by controlling the temperature of the fuel, which changes the vapor pressure. The present paper introduces the concept of the proposed system, and describes ejection experiments and its evaluation. The basic function of the proposed system is demonstrated in order to verify its usefulness.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumura, Soko; Thommes, Edward W.; Chatterjee, Sourav; Rasio, Frederic A.


    The discovery of over 400 extrasolar planets allows us to statistically test our understanding of the formation and dynamics of planetary systems via numerical simulations. Traditional N-body simulations of multiple-planet systems without gas disks have successfully reproduced the eccentricity (e) distribution of the observed systems by assuming that the planetary systems are relatively closely packed when the gas disk dissipates, so that they become dynamically unstable within the stellar lifetime. However, such studies cannot explain the small semimajor axes a of extrasolar planetary systems, if planets are formed, as the standard planet formation theory suggests, beyond the ice line. In this paper, we numerically study the evolution of three-planet systems in dissipating gas disks, and constrain the initial conditions that reproduce the observed a and e distributions simultaneously. We adopt initial conditions that are motivated by the standard planet formation theory, and self-consistently simulate the disk evolution and planet migration, by using a hybrid N-body and one-dimensional gas disk code. We also take into account eccentricity damping, and investigate the effect of saturation of corotation resonances on the evolution of planetary systems. We find that the a distribution is largely determined in a gas disk, while the e distribution is determined after the disk dissipation. We also find that there may be an optimum disk mass which leads to the observed a-e distribution. Our simulations generate a larger fraction of planetary systems trapped in mean-motion resonances (MMRs) than the observations, indicating that the disk's perturbation to the planetary orbits may be important to explain the observed rate of MMRs. We also find a much lower occurrence of planets on retrograde orbits than the current observations of close-in planets suggest.

  9. Gas-mixing system for drift chambers using solenoid valves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooper, W.E.; Sugano, K.; Trentlage, D.B.


    We describe an inexpensive system for mixing argon and ethane drift chamber gas which is used for the E-605 experiment at Fermilab. This system is based on the idea of intermittent mixing of gases with fixed mixing flow rates. A dual-action pressure switch senses the pressure in a mixed gas reservoir tank and operates solenoid valves to control mixing action and regulate reservoir pressure. This system has the advantages that simple controls accurately regulate the mixing ratio and that the mixing ratio is nearly flow rate independent. We also report the results of the gas analysis of various samplings, and the reliability of the system in long-term running

  10. Centro escolar federal en Bludenz/Austria

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    Nehrer, Manfred


    Full Text Available Este centro escolar, considerado como uno de los más interesantes de Austria, se compone de cuatro cuerpos en los que se distribuyen, respectivamente, las escuelas, el gimnasio, la vivienda del conserje y el local de transformadores. En su construcción hay que destacar su adecuada flexibilidad, que permite dar cabida a las distintas funciones que en él se desarrollan, y la correcta adaptación del gran volumen edificado a las especiales características urbanas y arquitectónicas del ámbito circundante.

  11. Natural gas markets and the creation of an export gas pipeline system in Eastern Russia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saneev, B.G.; Sokolov, A.D.; Popov, S.P.


    The world natural gas markets are analysed, with a special focus on the countries of Northeast Asia (NEA). The natural gas demands of China, Japan and South Korea, until the year 2020, is projected, considering a possible share of Russian gas. The resource potential of natural gas from the Siberian platform and the Sakhalin shelf is given as a sound basis for fuelling Russia's position in the natural gas market of NEA countries. Development of the powerful gas industry in the East of Russia faces some particular conditions that can decrease the effectiveness of investments. The eastern geopolitical direction is very important for Russia and the necessity to create a favourable political and economic environment for oil and gas export is of prime interest, as stressed in Energy Strategy for Russia till the Year 2020. In this context, the long-term market for natural gas in East Siberia and the Far East of Russia is investigated. Possible routes of natural gas export from Russia to NEA countries include three main directions: to the west of China with connection to the 'West-East gas pipeline', a route through and/or round Mongolia and, finally, a route along the Trans-Siberian or Baikal-Amur railroads to Russian ports in the Far East. As a result of complex studies, three stages in the creation of the unified gas pipeline system are suggested. Evaluation of the investments required for construction of such a natural gas pipeline system, expected gas volumes and prices on the markets show its high economic efficiency. In conclusion, the most valuable ideas are stressed. (author)

  12. Radio-controlled automatic gas meter-reading system; Releve automatique de compteur par radio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yasui, M. [Osaka Gas Co., Ltd (Japan); Ishikawa, K.; Fujiwara, J. [Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (Japan); Ichihashi, T. [Toho Gas Co., Ltd. (Japan)


    In Japan, an automatic gas meter-reading system is in operation, also incorporating the functions of monitoring for abnormalities in gas use and remote-controlled emergency gas supply shutoff. This system has been realized by linking microcomputer-controlled gas meters(It's called 'Intelligent gas mater') equipped with automatic shutoff mechanism to the gas utility company operation center via communication lines. While the present system uses cable communication lines, we of Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. and Toho Gas Co., Ltd., have jointly developed a new system based on radio communication. This paper introduces this new system. While radio-controlled meter-reading systems are used in many countries around the world solely for automatic meter reading, our recently developed system is also capable of monitoring for abnormalities in gas use and remote-controlled emergency gas supply shutoff, thanks to its almost real-time two-way communication function. The new system can serve for a period of ten years without recharging. It is also characterized by its applicability as different systems according to purposes: 1) conventional automatic meter-reading system (terminal network control unit or T-NCU), 2) large-scale radio-controlled meter-reading system, and 3) portable terminal-type radio-controlled meter-reading system. (authors)

  13. 76 FR 22825 - Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems (United States)


    ... Reporting of Greenhouse Gases: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency... Subpart W: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule. As part of the... greenhouse gas emissions for the petroleum and natural gas systems source category of the greenhouse gas...

  14. Investigation of a combined gas-steam system with flue gas recirculation

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    Chmielniak Tadeusz


    Full Text Available This article presents changes in the operating parameters of a combined gas-steam cycle with a CO2 capture installation and flue gas recirculation. Parametric equations are solved in a purpose-built mathematical model of the system using the Ebsilon Professional code. Recirculated flue gases from the heat recovery boiler outlet, after being cooled and dried, are fed together with primary air into the mixer and then into the gas turbine compressor. This leads to an increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the flue gases fed into the CO2 capture installation from 7.12 to 15.7%. As a consequence, there is a reduction in the demand for heat in the form of steam extracted from the turbine for the amine solution regeneration in the CO2 capture reactor. In addition, the flue gas recirculation involves a rise in the flue gas temperature (by 18 K at the heat recovery boiler inlet and makes it possible to produce more steam. These changes contribute to an increase in net electricity generation efficiency by 1%. The proposed model and the obtained results of numerical simulations are useful in the analysis of combined gas-steam cycles integrated with carbon dioxide separation from flue gases.

  15. Gas-handling system for studies of tritium-containing materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carstens, D.H.W.


    A gas handling system for preparation and study of tritium containing compounds and materials is described. The system at any one time can handle amounts of DT gas up to about 3 moles and has provisions for purification, storage, and measurement of the gas. Experimental conditions covering the ranges 20 to 800 0 C and 0.1 Pa to 137 MPa (10 -2 torr to 20,000 psi) can be maintained. (auth)

  16. Variational problems for plane curves in centro-affine geometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Musso, Emilio


    In this paper closed extremals of variational problems defined by quadratic polynomials in the centro-affine curvature are considered. The closure of the trajectories is discussed and the existence of countably many closed critical curves is proven. The geometrical properties of closed trajectories are analyzed by numerical methods.

  17. System and method for producing substitute natural gas from coal (United States)

    Hobbs, Raymond [Avondale, AZ


    The present invention provides a system and method for producing substitute natural gas and electricity, while mitigating production of any greenhouse gasses. The system includes a hydrogasification reactor, to form a gas stream including natural gas and a char stream, and an oxygen burner to combust the char material to form carbon oxides. The system also includes an algae farm to convert the carbon oxides to hydrocarbon material and oxygen.

  18. Comparison between externally fired gas turbine and gasifier-gas turbine system for the olive oil industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vera, D.; Jurado, F.; Mena, B. de; Schories, G.


    The olive oil industry generates during the extraction process several solid wastes as olive tree leaves and prunings, exhausted pomace and olive pits. These renewable wastes could be used for power and heat applications. The aim of this paper is to compare the performance of two small-scale CHP systems: a gasification- gas turbine system and an EFGT (externally fired gas turbine system). For this reason, several parameters have been calculated: generated heat and power, electric and overall efficiencies, biomass consumption, exergy efficiency, optimum pressure ratio, etc. These systems provide 30 kW e and about 60kW th . Simulation results show that the electrical and overall efficiencies achieved in EFGT system (19.1% and 59.3%, respectively) are significantly higher than those obtained in the gasification plant (12.3% and 45.4%). The proposed CHP systems have been modeled using Cycle-Tempo ® software. -- Highlights: ► Comparison between externally fired gas turbine and gasifier-gas turbine system. ► Olive oil industry generates several solid wastes as olive tree leaves and prunings. ► Thermodynamic parameters have been calculated. ► Systems have been modeled using Cycle-Tempo ® software. ► Simulation results show electrical and overall efficiencies achieved in the systems.

  19. Desarrollo de sistema de gestión académica de centro preuniversitario


    Castañeda Alegría, Sergio Alfredo; Castañeda Alegría, Sergio Alfredo


    El presente informe tiene como fin desarrollar e implementar un modelo de software basado en plataforma web, tomando como caso de estudio los procesos de coordinación de la gestión académica del Centro Preuniversitario de la UNIVERSIDAD PERUANA DE LAS AMÉRICAS (UPLA), con lo que se busca informatizar los procesos académicos y administrativos de dicha coordinación. El Centro Preuniversitario de la UPLA, por ser parte de una institución educativa, necesita automatizar sus procesos de gestión...

  20. Trajetórias da organização político-sindical dos docentes do Oeste catarinense: um estudo descritivo

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    Joviles Vitório Trevisol


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma dissertação de mestrado em educação, realizada entre janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2006, sobre o processo de organização político-sindical dos profissionais da educação em Santa Catarina, mais particularmente no Oeste de Santa Catarina. O propósito fundamental desta pesquisa foi descrever a trajetória das lutas empreendidas pela categoria no período entre 1988 e 2006. Tomando como referência os mais importantes trabalhos sobre organização sindical no Brasil, desenvolvidos por Ricardo Antunes, Armando Boito, Leôncio Martins Rodrigues e outros, este trabalho descreve os processos de organização político-sindical dos docentes no Oeste de Santa Catarina. Por meio da pesquisa documental e das técnicas de memória oral, procurou-se conhecer as experiências vivenciadas pelos dirigentes sindicais envolvidos nesse processo. A investigação demonstrou que a organização política dos professores em Santa Catarina chegou ao seu ápice com a criação do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educação (Sinte, em 1998, finalizando a forte tradição assistencialista alimentada pela Associação Catarinense dos Professores (ACP e a Associação dos Licenciados de Santa Catarina (Alisc, fundadas, respectivamente, em 1952 e 1966. O Sinte fortaleceu politicamente a categoria e foi decisivo para a conquista de inúmeros direitos trabalhistas para a categoria docente em Santa Catarina. A pesquisa mostra, também, que a partir da segunda metade dos anos 90 o movimento político-sindical dos professores começa a enfrentar dificuldades de mobilização e inicia um processo gradativo de enfraquecimento e deslegitimação, inclusive entre os professores e a comunidade escolar. O sindicalismo de luta foi substituído pelo de negociação.

  1. Design Private Cloud of Oil and Gas SCADA System


    Liu Miao; Mancang Yuan; Guodong Li


    SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system is computer control system based on supervisory. SCADA system is very important to oil and gas pipeline engineering. Cloud computing is fundamentally altering the expectations for how and when computing, storage and networking resources should be allocated, managed and consumed. In order to increase resource utilization, reliability and availability of oil and gas pipeline SCADA system, the SCADA system based on cloud computing is propos...

  2. Interdependency Assessment of Coupled Natural Gas and Power Systems in Energy Market (United States)

    Yang, Hongzhao; Qiu, Jing; Zhang, Sanhua; Lai, Mingyong; Dong, Zhao Yang


    Owing to the technological development of natural gas exploration and the increasing penetration of gas-fired power generation, gas and power systems inevitably interact with each other from both physical and economic points of view. In order to effectively assess the two systems' interdependency, this paper proposes a systematic modeling framework and constructs simulation platforms for coupled gas and power systems in an energy market environment. By applying the proposed approach to the Australian national electricity market (NEM) and gas market, the impacts of six types of market and system factors are quantitatively analyzed, including power transmission limits, gas pipeline contingencies, gas pipeline flow constraints, carbon emission constraints, power load variations, and non-electric gas load variations. The important interdependency and infrastructure weakness for the two systems are well studied and identified. Our work provides a quantitative basis for grid operators and policy makers to support and guide operation and investment decisions for electric power and natural gas industries.


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    M.ª Ángeles Hernández Prados


    Full Text Available La importancia de establecer lazos de comunicación y colaboración mutua entre las familias de los escolares y los centros educativos para el desarrollo de la educación integral del alumnado, es hoy día una realidad indiscutible. Desde la perspectiva de la educación inclusiva, las relaciones entre sendas instituciones deben integrar a los padres y madres de todo el alumnado, también a los que poseen algún tipo de riesgo de exclusión social. Entre este colectivo se encuentran las familias inmigrantes. Por este motivo, en esta investigación hemos querido comparar la comunicación que se establece entre las familias y el centro educativo en el que cursan estudios sus hijos en la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia (CARM, en función de su nacionalidad. Para ello se ha aplicado un cuestionario a 2494 familias de esta Comunidad en una investigación conjunta realizada por el Consejo Escolar de la Región de Murcia (CERM y la Universidad de Murcia. Los resultados indican que los padres y madres españoles conocen mejor el centro educativo de sus hijos, participan en mayor medida en la vida del mismo, contribuyen más al desarrollo del aprendizaje del alumnado desde el hogar, y poseen relaciones más positivas con el centro que las familias inmigrantes. Estas diferencias entre sendos colectivos son estadísticamente significativas a nivel global y también en las etapas educativas de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, pero no en Bachillerato. Estos resultados invitan a reflexionar sobre posibles pautas de actuación desde instancias político-académicas y la propia comunidad educativa que ayuden a integrar a los padres y madres del alumnado inmigrante en el centro escolar de sus hijos.

  4. Integration Research on Gas Turbine and Tunnel Kiln Combined System (United States)

    Shi, Hefei; Ma, Liangdong; Liu, Mingsheng


    Through the integrated modeling of gas turbine and tunnel kiln combined system, a thermodynamic calculation method of combined system is put forward, and the combined system operation parameters are obtained. By this method, the optimization of the combined system is analyzed and the optimal configuration of the gas turbine is calculated. At the same time, the thermal efficiency of the combined system is analyzed, and the heat distribution and thermal efficiency of the system before and after the improvement are explained. Taking the 1500 kg/h ceramic production as an example, pointed out that if the tunnel kiln has a gas turbine with a power of 342 kw. The amount of electricity of the combined system that produced per unit volume of the fuel which consumes more than it used to will be 7.19 kwh, the system thermal efficiency will reach 57.49%, which higher than the individual gas turbine’s cycle thermal efficiency 20% at least.

  5. Development of compact tritium confinement system using gas separation membrane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, Takumi; Okuno, Kenji


    In order to develop more compact and cost-effective tritium confinement system for fusion reactor, a new system using gas separation membranes has been studied at the Tritium Process Laboratory in the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The preliminary result showed that the gas separation membrane system could reduce processing volume of tritium contaminated gas to more than one order of magnitude compared with the conventional system, and that most of tritiated water vapor (humidity) could be directly recovered by water condenser before passing through dryer such as molecular sieves. More detail investigations of gas separation characteristics of membrane were started to design ITER Atmospheric Detritiation System (ADS). Furthermore, a scaled polyimide membrane module (hollow-filament type) loop was just installed to investigate the actual tritium confinement performance under various ITER-ADS conditions. (author)

  6. Solidariedade étnica, poder local e banditismo: uma quadrilha calabresa no oeste paulista, 1895-1898

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    Monsma Karl


    Full Text Available A história de uma quadrilha de bandidos calabreses no município de São Carlos, oeste paulista, ao final do século XIX permitiu-nos investigar por que o banditismo italiano era raro no Brasil. A quadrilha contou com certa rede de apoio entre calabreses e com o silêncio de outros italianos, seja pela intimidação, seja pela desconfiança que estes nutriam das autoridades brasileiras. Uma epidemia devastadora de febre amarela, que afastou da região grande parte da elite local e debilitou a polícia, garantiu ao bando alguns anos de impunidade. O fato de terem imigrado para a região italianos de várias origens não é suficiente para explicar a raridade do banditismo e do crime organizado entre italianos no Brasil. Dois fatores foram decisivos nesse sentido, ao contrário do que ocorreu na Calábria e nos Estados Unidos: ausência de elites dispostas a proteger bandidos imigrantes e dificuldade para os bandidos corromperem as autoridades locais, especialmente a polícia.


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    Lucianne Leigue dos Santos


    Full Text Available Clinical or sub-clinical mastitis are the main illnesses that affect dairy herds, with impact on the economy, the industry, and with consequence to public health. Considering that the city of Santa Izabel do Oeste is located in the second bigger milk region of Paraná state, and that mastitis cases are epidemiologically classified as ambient or contagious, the purpose of this study was to identify possible etiologic agents of bovine mastitis, by the use of a preliminary, fast and cheap diagnostic method to differentiate these types of illness, to orient treatment and prophylactic measures. Two triplates were employed. Triplate I was composed by blood agar, bile-esculine agar and mannitol-salt agar, while triplate II was composed by MacConkey agar; Baird-Parker agar and sabouraud-dextrose agar with cloranfenicol. Additionally, a tube with sabouraud-dextrose agar with cloranfenicol incubated at room temperature temperature was used for the research of filamentous moulds. It was observed that the great majority of the isolated samples had Staphylococcus coagulase negative, coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus, no-fermenters bacilli gram negative, Coryneforms, Streptococcus spp. and Streptococcus agalactiae.

  8. IRCAM, Centro Pompidou París – Francia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Piano, -


    Full Text Available IRCAM is an autonomous department of the well known Pompidou Centre. The main building, destined to many varied cultural purposes, consists of a broad, open structure combining different spaces and functions, with ample flexibility, capable of housing the most diversified activities. IRCAM is integrated in this wide range of functions as an underground cellular complex adjacent to the Centre. It contains very specific acoustic features to make it capable, under optimal conditions, of carrying out its main objective: acoustic musical research work.

    El IRCAM es un departamento autónomo del conocido Centro Georges Pompidou. El edificio principal, destinado a usos culturales muy diferentes, está constituido por una amplia y abierta estructura que combina distintos ambientes y funciones, dotada de mucha flexibilidad y apta para el desarrollo de las más diversas actividades. El IRCAM queda incorporado a este abanico de funciones como un departamento celular subterráneo, contiguo al Centro. Presenta características acústicas muy específicas que le posibilitan para el desarrollo en condiciones óptimas de su función: la investigación en el campo acústico-musical.

  9. Requirements for a Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (United States)

    Duren, R.; Boland, S.; Lempert, R.; Miller, C.


    A global greenhouse gas information system will prove a critical component of any successful effort to mitigate climate change which relies on limiting the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. The system will provide the situational awareness necessary to actively reduce emissions, influence land use change, and sequester carbon. The information from such a system will be subject to intense scrutiny. Therefore, an effective system must openly and transparently produce data of unassailable quality. A global greenhouse gas information system will likely require a combination of space-and air-based remote- sensing assets, ground-based measurements, carbon cycle modeling and self-reporting. The specific requirements on such a system will be shaped by the degree of international cooperation it enjoys and the needs of the policy regime it aims to support, which might range from verifying treaty obligations, to certifying the tradable permits and offsets underlying a market in greenhouse gas emission reductions, to providing a comprehensive inventory of high and low emitters that could be used by non-governmental organizations and other international actors. While some technical studies have examined particular system components in single scenarios, there remains a need for a comprehensive survey of the range of potential requirements, options, and strategies for the overall system. We have initiated such a survey and recently hosted a workshop which engaged a diverse community of stakeholders to begin synthesizing requirements for such a system, with an initial focus on carbon dioxide. In this paper we describe our plan for completing the definition of the requirements, options, and strategies for a global greenhouse gas monitoring system. We discuss our overall approach and provide a status on the initial requirements synthesis activity.

  10. Evaluación agronómica y valor nutricional de 84 accesiones de la leguminosa Tadehagi triquetrum en suelos ácidos


    Cerón Fernández, Claudia Lorena


    En la búsqueda de nuevas opciones forrajeras para alimentación animal en el trópico, se evaluó una colección de Tadehagi triquetrum con 84 accesiones suministradas por la Unidad de Recursos Genéticos del Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical – CIAT, en suelos ácidos del norte del Cauca. La evaluación se realizó en la subestación Experimental CIAT Quilichao, ubicada en el Municipio de Santander de Quilichao, Departamento del Cauca a 3º 06´ de latitud norte y 76º 31´de longitud oeste, a ...

  11. Análise e modelagem geométrica da potência gerada por um sistema híbrido solar fotovoltaico eólico


    Gabriel Filho, Luís Roberto Almeida [UNESP


    A parte analítica desta pesquisa foi desenvolvida no Centro de Pesquisas do Agronegócio (CEPEAGRO) anexo ao curso de Administração e Agronegócio da UNESP – Campus de Tupã e a parte experimental no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da FCA, UNESP – Campus de Botucatu, localizado na Fazenda Experimental Lageado sediada no município de Botucatu-SP, com localização geográfica definida pelas coordenadas 22° 51' Latitude Sul (S) e 48° 26' Longitude Oeste (W) e altitude média de 786 metros acima do ní...

  12. Determinação dos custos da qualidade em produção de mudas de eucalipto


    Leite,Helio Garcia; Jacovine,Laércio Antônio Gonçalves; Silva,Carlos Arthur Barbosa da; Paula,Rildo Almeida de; Pires,Ismael Eleotério; Silva,Márcio Lopes da


    Este estudo objetivou determinar os custos da qualidade na produção de mudas de eucalipto em uma empresa que destina sua produção de madeira à fabricação de celulose e papel, situada na Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Os custos da qualidade por atividade e as categorias de custos da qualidade por operação foram obtidos por meio de consultas aos arquivos da empresa, entrevista ao pessoal técnico e operacional e observações "in loco". Pelos levantamentos realizados, pode-se concluir que, apesar ...

  13. Biodiversidade e geração de trabalho e renda : o caso dos produtos do cerrado


    Silva, Agnaldo


    O acelerado avanço do agronegócio convencional sobre as áreas do cerrado na região Centro-Oeste tem provocado um efeito devastador sobre o bioma. Sobretudo sobre as populações que o habitam que são possuidoras de saberes tradicionais vinculados às suas histórias. Correm o risco de desaparecerem em face da ausência de um modelo que de fato enfrente o discurso único da supremacia do agronegócio convencional em detrimento de outras formas de promoção do desenvolvimento regional. A experiência...

  14. Uma Aplicação de Regressão Quantílica para Dados em Painel do PIB e do Pronaf


    Marioni, Larissa da Silva; Vale, Vinicius de Almeida; Perobelli, Fernando Salgueiro; Freguglia, Ricardo da Silva


    Resumo: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto do Pronaf no PIB da economia brasileira e nos PIBs setoriais (PIB de serviços, agropecuário e industrial) a partir da aplicação de regressão quantílica com efeitos fixos para dados em painel. Além disso, diante da questão relativa à distribuição dos recursos, avaliam-se os diferentes resultados dentro do contexto regional, isto é, os diferentes impactos nas cinco macrorregiões do País (Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul)...

  15. Arte rupestre do Vale do Tejo. Um ciclo artístico-cultural pré e proto-histórico


    Gomes, Mário Varela


    Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História, especialidade Arqueologia Esquecida há mais de dois mil anos na solidão agreste do profundo vale médio do maior rio da Península Ibérica, na sua região centro-oeste, a arte rupestre do Tejo seria descoberta acidentalmente em 1971. Como que por ironia, três anos mais tarde, aquela desapareceria quase por completo, sob as águas da barragem de Fratel. As gravuras têm co...

  16. Gas turbines: gas cleaning requirements for biomass-fired systems

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    Oakey John


    Full Text Available Increased interest in the development of renewable energy technologies has been hencouraged by the introduction of legislative measures in Europe to reduce CO2 emissions from power generation in response to the potential threat of global warming. Of these technologies, biomass-firing represents a high priority because of the modest risk involved and the availability of waste biomass in many countries. Options based on farmed biomass are also under development. This paper reviews the challenges facing these technologies if they are to be cost competitive while delivering the supposed environmental benefits. In particular, it focuses on the use of biomass in gasification-based systems using gas turbines to deliver increased efficiencies. Results from recent studies in a European programme are presented. For these technologies to be successful, an optimal balance has to be achieved between the high cost of cleaning fuel gases, the reliability of the gas turbine and the fuel flexibility of the overall system. Such optimisation is necessary on a case-by-case basis, as local considerations can play a significant part.

  17. 21 CFR 862.2250 - Gas liquid chromatography system for clinical use. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Gas liquid chromatography system for clinical use... Instruments § 862.2250 Gas liquid chromatography system for clinical use. (a) Identification. A gas liquid chromatography system for clinical use is a device intended to separate one or more drugs or compounds from a...

  18. Legumes and forage species sole or intercropped with corn in soybean-corn succession in midwestern Brazil Espécies leguminosas e forrageiras, solteiras ou consorciadas com milho, na sucessão soja-milho no centro-oeste do Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gessí Ceccon


    . com uma espécie forrageira. O trabalho foi implantado em março de 2005 com o objetivo de avaliar a produtividade de resíduos das espécies e de grãos de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill e de milho safrinha em sucessão. Foram avaliados tratamentos de milho safrinha consorciado com Brachiaria (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, B. decumbens cv. Basilisk, B. ruziziensis cv. comum, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, crotalaria juncea (Crotalaria juncea L., guandu [Cajanus cajan (L. Millsp], e também o sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench, a B. ruziziensis e o milho safrinha solteiro. Em outubro de 2005, as espécies foram dessecadas com glyphosate e a soja semeada. Após a colheita de soja em março de 2006, o milho safrinha foi cultivado em área total. O rendimento de grãos e palha de milho não foi influenciado pela espécie em consórcio. A massa seca da parte aérea foi maior quando o milho foi consorciado com Tanzânia (10,7 Mg ha-1, Marandu (10,1 Mg ha-1 e Ruziziensis (9,8 Mg ha-1 do que com o milho solteiro (4,0 Mg ha-1. Nos tratamentos consorciados, houve aumento na porcentagem de solo coberto com os resíduos vegetais. O rendimento de grãos de soja e milho safrinha em sucessão foram maiores na ruziziensis solteira e no milho safrinha consorciado com ruziziensis. O cultivo de milho safrinha consorciado com Brachiaria spp. ou com Panicum spp. aumenta a produção de resíduos culturais, preserva os nutrientes no solo sem reduzir a produtividade do milho e viabiliza o plantio direto no Centro-Oeste do Brasil.

  19. Corrective actions to gas accumulation in safety injection system pipings of PWRs and gas void detection method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maki, Nobuo


    In the US, gas accumulation events of safety injection systems of PWRs during plant operation are continuously reported. As the events may result in loss of safety function, the USNRC is alerting licensees by Information Notices. The cause of the events is coolant leakage to interfacing systems with lower pressure, or gas dissolution of primary coolant by partial pressure drop. In this study, it was clarified by the evaluation of the cause of the events of US plants, gas accumulation in piping between an accumulator and Residual Heat Removal System should be quantitatively investigated regarding Japanese plants. Also, effectiveness of ultrasonic testing which is used for monthly gas accumulation surveillance in US plants was demonstrated using a model loop. In addition, the method was confirmed applicable by an experiment carried out at INSS to detect cavitation voids in piping systems. (author)

  20. Development of biomass gasification systems for gas turbine power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larson, E.D.; Svenningsson, P.


    Gas turbines are of interest for biomass applications because, unlike steam turbines, they have relatively high efficiencies and low unit capital costs in the small sizes appropriate for biomass installations. Gasification is a simple and efficient way to make biomass usable in gas turbines. The authors evaluate here the technical requirements for gas turbine power generation with biomass gas and the status of pressurized biomass gasification and hot gas cleanup systems. They also discuss the economics of gasifier-gas turbine cycles and make some comparisons with competing technologies. Their analysis indicates that biomass gasifiers fueling advanced gas turbines are promising for cost-competitive cogeneration and central station power generation. Gasifier-gas turbine systems are not available commercially, but could probably be developed in 3 to 5 years. Extensive past work related to coal gasification and pressurized combustion of solid fuels for gas turbines would be relevant in this effort, as would work on pressurized biomass gasification for methanol synthesis

  1. Aerosol Observing System Greenhouse Gas (AOS GhG) Handbook

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Biraud, S. C. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Reichl, K. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    The Greenhouse Gas (GhG) Measurement system is a combination of two systems in series: (1) the Tower Gas Processing (TGP) System, an instrument rack which pulls, pressurizes, and dries air streams from an atmospheric sampling tower through a series of control and monitoring components, and (2) the Picarro model G2301 cavity ringdown spectrometer (CRDS), which measures CO2, CH4, and H2O vapor; the primary measurements of the GhG system.

  2. High-Resolution Gas Metering and Nonintrusive Appliance Load Monitoring System (United States)

    Tewolde, Mahder

    This thesis deals with design and implementation of a high-resolution metering system for residential natural gas meters. Detailed experimental measurements are performed on the meter to characterize and understand its measurement properties. Results from these experiments are used to develop a simple, fast and accurate technique to non-intrusively monitor the gas consumption of individual appliances in homes by resolving small amounts of gas usage. The technique is applied on an existing meter retrofitted with a module that includes a high-resolution encoder to collect gas flow data and a microprocessor to analyze and identify appliance load profiles. This approach provides a number of appealing features including low cost, easy installation and integration with automated meter reading (AMR) systems. The application of this method to residential gas meters currently deployed is also given. This is done by performing a load simulation on realistic gas loads with the aim of identifying the necessary parameters that minimize the cost and complexity of the mechanical encoder module. The primary benefits of the system are efficiency analysis, appliance health monitoring and real-time customer feedback of gas usage. Additional benefits of include the ability to detect very small leaks and theft. This system has the potential for wide scale market adoption.

  3. Nuevos centros de almacenamiento inca en Huánuco Pampa


    Ordóñez Inga, Carlo José Alonso


    Se proporcionan nuevos alcances sobre la identificación y el estudio de nuevos lugares de almacenamiento o colcas asociados al Centro Administrativo Inca de Huánuco Pampa, los mismos que no fueron reconocidos por otros investigadores que trabajaron en la zona.

  4. Consideration on developing of leaked inflammable gas detection system for HTGR hydrogen production system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishihara, Tetsuo; Nakamura, Masashi


    One of most important safety design issues for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) - Hydrogen Production System (HTGR-HPS) is to ensure reactor safety against fire and explosion at the hydrogen production plant. The inflammable gas mixture in the HTGR-HPS does not use oxygen in any condition and are kept in high pressure in the normal operation. The piping system and/or heat transfer tubes which have the potential possibility of combustible materials ingress into the Reactor Building (R/B) due to the failure are designed to prevent the failure against any events. Then, it is not necessary to consider their self-combustion in vessels nor leakage in the R/B. The only one case which we must consider is the ex-building fire or explosion caused by their leakage from piping or vessel. And it is important to mitigate their effects by means of early detection of gas leakage. We investigated our domestic standards on gas detection, applications of gas detectors, their detection principles, performance, sensitivity, reliability, their technical trends, and so on. We proposed three gas detection systems which may be applied in HTGR-HPS. The first one is the universal solid sensor system; it may be applied when there is no necessity to request their safety credits. The second is the combination of the improved solid sensor system and enhanced beam detector system; it may be applied when it is necessary to request their safety credit. And the third is the combination of the universal solid sensor system and the existing beam detector system; it may be applied when the plant owner request higher detector sensitivity than usual, from the view point of public acceptance, though there is not necessity to request their safety credits. To reduce the plant cost by refusing of safety credits to the gas leakage detection system, we proposed that the equipment required to isolate from others should be installed in the inertrized compartments. (author)

  5. Gas turbine premixing systems (United States)

    Kraemer, Gilbert Otto; Varatharajan, Balachandar; Evulet, Andrei Tristan; Yilmaz, Ertan; Lacy, Benjamin Paul


    Methods and systems are provided for premixing combustion fuel and air within gas turbines. In one embodiment, a combustor includes an upstream mixing panel configured to direct compressed air and combustion fuel through premixing zone to form a fuel-air mixture. The combustor includes a downstream mixing panel configured to mix additional combustion fuel with the fule-air mixture to form a combustion mixture.

  6. PIXE facility at Centro Atómico Bariloche

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Limandri, S. [Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina (CONICET) (Argentina); Olivares, C. [Centro Atómico Bariloche, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Av. E. Bustillo 9500, San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro (Argentina); Rodriguez, L. [Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina (CONICET) (Argentina); Bernardi, G. [Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina (CONICET) (Argentina); Centro Atómico Bariloche, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Av. E. Bustillo 9500, San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro (Argentina); Suárez, S., E-mail: [Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina (CONICET) (Argentina); Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Av. E. Bustillo 9500, San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro (Argentina)


    A 1.7 MeV tandem accelerator has been recently installed at Centro Atómico Bariloche, Argentina. This communication includes a brief description of the system facility with the main associated equipment, in particular that used for PIXE measurements. The X-ray detector efficiency was experimentally determined by comparing X-ray characteristic spectra with theoretical predictions. The knowledge of this parameter allows us to perform quantification without standards with good precision. We show some recent applications of PIXE in archaeology and forensic science done at our laboratory. In the archaeological field we determined elements constituent of pastes and black, white, brown and ocher pigments from Aguada Portezuelo Culture (600–900 AD). This study allowed us to infer about the presence of psilomelante mineral (a mineral with barium) as precursor of some black pigments. In the forensic field we determined trace elements that are present in seven gunpowders commonly used in Argentina. We note that any gunpowder can be distinguished by the presence of trace elements.

  7. Fast reactor primary cover gas system proposals for CDFR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harrison, L.M.T.


    A primary sodium gas cover has been designed for CDFR, it comprises plant to maintain and control; cover gas pressure for all reactor operating at fault conditions, cover gas purity by both blowdown and by a special clean-up facility and the clean argon supply for the failed fuel detection system and the primary pump seal purge. The design philosophy is to devise a cover gas system that can be specified for any LMFBR where only features like vessel and pipework size need to be altered to suit different design and operating conditions. The choice of full power and shutdown operating pressures is derived and the method chosen to control these values is described. A part active/part passive system is proposed for this duty, a surge volume of 250 m 3 gives passive control between full power and hot shutdown. Pressure control operation criteria is presented for various reactor operating conditions. A design for a sodium aerosol filter, based on that used on PFR is presented, it is specifically designed so that it can be fitted with an etched disc type particulate filter and maintenance is minimised. Two methods that maintain cover gas purity are described. The first, used during normal reactor operation with a small impurities ingress, utilises the continuous blowdown associated with the inevitable clean argon purge through the various reactor component seals. The second method physically removes the impurities xenon and krypton from the cover gas by their adsorption, at cryogenic temperature, onto a bed of activated carbon. The equipment required for these two duties and their mode of operation is described with the aid of a system flow diagram. The primary pump seals requires a gas purge to suppress aerosol migration. A system where the argon used for this task is recirculated and partially purified is described. (author)

  8. Safety evaluation of BWR off-gas treatment systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schultz, R.J.; Schmitt, R.C.


    Some of the results of a safety evaluation performed on current generic types of BWR off-gas treatment systems including cooled and ambient temperature adsorber beds and cryogenics are presented. The evaluation covered the four generic types of off-gas systems and the systems of five major vendors. This study was part of original work performed under AEC contract for the Directorate of Regulatory Standards. The analysis techniques employed for the safety evaluation of these systems include: Fault Tree Analysis; FMECA (Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis); general system comparisons, contaminant, system control, and design adequacy evaluations; and resultant Off-Site Dose Calculations. The salient areas presented are some of the potential problem areas, the approach that industry has taken to mitigate or design against potential upset conditions, and areas where possible deficiencies still exist. Potential problem areas discussed include hydrogen detonation, hydrogen release to equipment areas, operator/automatic control interface, and needed engineering evaluation to insure safe system operation. Of the systems reviewed, most were in the category of advanced or improved over that commonly in use today, and a conclusion from the study was that these systems offer excellent potential for noble gas control for BWR power plants where more stringent controls may be specified -- now or in the future. (U.S.)

  9. The Danish gas and electricity system; Det danske gas- og elsystem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The report presents intermediate results from the project 'A model for and analyses of an integrated gas and electricity system'. The project starts from deregulation of the energy markets and increased focus on the connection between various forms of supply. The report describes the two systems with a view to identify differences and similarities. (BA)

  10. Development and Dissemination of the El Centro Health Disparities Measures Library. (United States)

    Mitrani, Victoria Behar; O'Day, Joanne E; Norris, Timothy B; Adebayo, Oluwamuyiwa Winifred


    This report describes the development and dissemination of a library of English measures, with Spanish translations, on constructs relevant to social determinants of health and behavioral health outcomes. The El Centro Measures Library is a product of the Center of Excellence for Health Disparities Research: El Centro, a program funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. The library is aimed at enhancing capacity for minority health and health disparities research, particularly for Hispanics living in the United States and abroad. The open-access library of measures (available through contains brief descriptions of each measure, scoring information (where available), links to related peer-reviewed articles, and measure items in both languages. Links to measure websites where commercially available measures can be purchased are included, as is contact information for measures that require author permission. Links to several other measures libraries are hosted on the library website. Other researchers may contribute to the library. El Centro investigators began the library by electing to use a common set of measures across studies to assess demographic information, culture-related variables, proximal outcomes of interest, and major outcomes. The collection was expanded to include other health disparity research studies. In 2012, a formal process was developed to organize, expand, and centralize the library in preparation for a gradual process of dissemination to the national and international community of researchers. The library currently contains 61 measures encompassing 12 categories of constructs. Thus far, the library has been accessed 8,883 times (unique page views as generated by Google Analytics), and responses from constituencies of users and measure authors have been favorable. With the paucity of availability and accessibility of translated

  11. Flow regimes in vertical gas-solid contact systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yerushalmi, J.; Cankurt, N. T.; Geldart, D.; Liss, B.


    The flow characteristics in fluidized beds, i.e., gas-solid systems, was studied to determine the flow regimes, the interaction of gas and solid in the various flow regimes and the dependence of this interaction and of transition between flow regimes on the properties of the gas and solid, on the gas and solid flow rates, and on the containing vessel. Fluidized beds with both coarse and fine particles are considered. Test results using high speed photography to view the operation of a 2-dimensional bed are discussed. (LCL)

  12. Orientación psicológica en Centros de Planificación Familiar.


    Margarita Recondo García; Antonio Villasana Cunchillos


    La intención básica de este trabajo es explicar cómo se realizaría la orientación psicológica en Centros de Planificación Familiar. Señalando, primero, los objetivos generales y específicos en Planificación Familiar y luego los objetivos específicos del psicólogo y sus etapas de trabajo en los Centros de Planificación Familiar. Se estudian las necesidades psicológicas de la comunidad, el rol del psicólogo y la organización del trabajo en Planificación Familiar.

  13. Online gas composition estimation in solid oxide fuel cell systems with anode off-gas recycle configuration (United States)

    Dolenc, B.; Vrečko, D.; Juričić, Ð.; Pohjoranta, A.; Pianese, C.


    Degradation and poisoning of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stacks are continuously shortening the lifespan of SOFC systems. Poisoning mechanisms, such as carbon deposition, form a coating layer, hence rapidly decreasing the efficiency of the fuel cells. Gas composition of inlet gases is known to have great impact on the rate of coke formation. Therefore, monitoring of these variables can be of great benefit for overall management of SOFCs. Although measuring the gas composition of the gas stream is feasible, it is too costly for commercial applications. This paper proposes three distinct approaches for the design of gas composition estimators of an SOFC system in anode off-gas recycle configuration which are (i.) accurate, and (ii.) easy to implement on a programmable logic controller. Firstly, a classical approach is briefly revisited and problems related to implementation complexity are discussed. Secondly, the model is simplified and adapted for easy implementation. Further, an alternative data-driven approach for gas composition estimation is developed. Finally, a hybrid estimator employing experimental data and 1st-principles is proposed. Despite the structural simplicity of the estimators, the experimental validation shows a high precision for all of the approaches. Experimental validation is performed on a 10 kW SOFC system.

  14. Development of membrane moisture separator for BWR off-gas system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogata, H.; Kawamura, S.; Kumasaka, M.; Nishikubo, M.


    In BWR plant off-gas treatment systems, dehumidifiers are used to maintain noble gas adsorption efficiency in the first half of the charcoal hold-up units. From the perspective of simplifying and reducing the cost of such a dehumidification system, Japanese BWR utilities and plant fabricators have been developing a dehumidification system employing moisture separation membrane of the type already proven in fields such as medical instrumentation and precision measuring apparatus. The first part of this development involved laboratory testing to simulate the conditions found in an actual off-gas system, the results of which demonstrated satisfactory results in terms of moisture separation capability and membrane durability, and suggested favorable prospects for application in actual off-gas systems. Further, in-plant testing to verify moisture separation capability and membrane durability in the presence of actual gases is currently underway, with results so far suggesting that the system is capable of obtaining good moisture separation capability. (author)

  15. Design Private Cloud of Oil and Gas SCADA System

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    Liu Miao


    Full Text Available SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system is computer control system based on supervisory. SCADA system is very important to oil and gas pipeline engineering. Cloud computing is fundamentally altering the expectations for how and when computing, storage and networking resources should be allocated, managed and consumed. In order to increase resource utilization, reliability and availability of oil and gas pipeline SCADA system, the SCADA system based on cloud computing is proposed in the paper. This paper introduces the system framework of SCADA system based on cloud computing and the realization details about the private cloud platform of SCADA system.

  16. Análise das estratégias de renda dos Agricultures Familiares de Itapejara D’ Oeste – PR

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    Ana Paula Schevinski Villwock


    Full Text Available Sabendo-se que a reprodução social da agricultura familiar se consolida na diversificação das fontes de renda e na capacidade de se adaptar aos novos contextos sociais da modernidade, questiona-se: quais são as estratégias de renda dos agricultores familiares que pertencem a categorias de maior e menor renda? Para tanto, procurou-se analisar as estratégias de renda de um grupo representativo de agricultores familiares do município de Itapejara D’Oeste categorizados entre grupos de alta e baixa renda nos anos de 2005 e 2010. Como resultado se identificou que o aumento de renda decorreu da junção do binômio grãos e leite com a possibilidade de dispor de um maior acesso a área agrícola cultivável; bem como, da oportunidade de dispor de uma renda não agrícola.


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    Neusa Maria Cosía Alexandre

    Full Text Available Determinados fatores ambientais inadequados podem provocar lesões na coluna vertebral. Este trabalho discute certos aspectos ergonômicos e posturais específicos em Centro de Material com o objetivo de desenvolver uma consciência crítica a respeito dos efeitos do local de trabalho sobre a saúde.

  18. La satisfacción de los clientes de los centros deportivos municipales de Barcelona


    Elasri Ejjaberi, Amal; Triadó i Ivern, Xavier Ma.; Aparicio Chueca, Ma. del Pilar (María del Pilar)


    El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar y analizar las variables que más influyen en la satisfacción del cliente en los centros deportivos de Barcelona. Los datos fueron recogidos en una encuesta entre los clientes actuales de centros deportivos municipales. Un análisis factorial aplicado a esta información revela cinco dimensiones que subyacen a los múltiples componentes de la oferta de servicios en dichas instalaciones: su calidad, los recursos humanos, la comunicación, el entorno social...

  19. Evaluación de centros de recursos en la Red : el caso de Octopus


    Medina, Antonio; Carioca, Vito; Passarinho, Aldo


    El creciente desarrollo de centros de recursos en la Red está demandando de forma progresiva la puesta en marcha de estrategias de evaluación de los mismos que permitan su mayor optimización. Los autores de este trabajo desarrollan una metodología específica para la valoración de un centro específico en la Red, Octopus._______________________________Resource centres offer teachers different means to improve and make their work easier. The present paper shows a programme to evaluate resource c...

  20. Increasing gas producer profitability with virtual well visibility via an end-to-end, wireless Internet gas monitoring system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McDougall, M.; Coleman, K.; Beck, R.; Lyon, R.; Potts, R. [Northrock Resources Ltd., Calgary, AB (Canada); Benterud, K. [Zed.i solutions, Calgary, AB (Canada)


    Most gas producing companies still use 100-year old technology to measure gas volumes because of the prohibitive costs of implementing corporate wide electronic information systems to replace circular mechanical chart technology. This paper describes how Northrock Resources Ltd. increased profitability using Smart-Alek{sup TM} while avoiding high implementation costs. Smart-Alek is a new type of fully integrated end-to-end electronic gas flow measurement (GFM) system based on Field Intelligence Network and End User Interference (FINE). Smart-Alek can analyze gas production through public wireless communications and a web-browser delivery system. The system has enabled Northrock to increase gas volumes with more accurate measurement and reduced downtime. In addition, operating costs were also decreased because the frequency of well visits was reduced and the administrative procedures of data collection was more efficient. The real-time well visibility of the tool has proven to be very effective in optimizing business profitability. 9 refs., 1 tab., 9 figs.

  1. Rb-Sr geochronology and geochemical characteristics of mafic dikes in the Nova Lacerda and Conquista D'Oeste region, Mato Grosso, SW Amazonian Craton; Geocronologia Rb-Sr e caracteristicas geoquimicas dos diques maficos da regiao de Nova Lacerda e Conquista D'Oeste (MT), porcao sudoeste do Craton Amazonico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Costa, Paulo Cesar Correa da; Matos, Joao Batista de [Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiaba, MT (Brazil). Dept. de Recursos Minerais; Grupo de Pesquisas em Evolucao Crustal e Metalogenia Guapore, Cuiaba, MT (Brazil)], e-mail:, e-mail:; Girardi, Vicente Antonio Vitorio [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Inst. de Geociencias. Dept. de Mineralogia e Geotectonica], e-mail:; Ruiz, Amarildo Salina [Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiaba, MT (Brazil). Dept. de Geologia Geral; Grupo de Pesquisas em Evolucao Crustal e Metalogenia Guapore, Cuiaba, MT (Brazil)], e-mail:


    In the Nova Lacerda and Conquista D'Oeste regions, Mato Grosso State, SW part of the Amazonian Craton, mafic dikes trending NNW intrude the Nova Lacerda Granite (1462{+-}12 Ma), within the Jauru Domain, in the Rondonia-San Ignacio Province (1.55 - 1.3 Ga). The mafic swarm comprises diabases, metadiabases and amphibolites. Metadiabases originated from uralitization of diabases. These rocks have tholeiitic affinity and predominant basaltic composition. Some samples are andesi-basalts. The ages of diabases and metabasites are 1380 {+-} 32 Ma and 1330 {+-} 120 Ma respectively. Geochemical data indicate that the compositional variation of diabases and metadiadases is due to fractional crystallization of evolved tholeiitic magmas. The origin of the basaltic magmas is related to a heterogeneous mantle source. (author)

  2. Advanced coal-fueled gas turbine systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wenglarz, R.A.


    Several technology advances since the early coal-fueled turbine programs that address technical issues of coal as a turbine fuel have been developed in the early 1980s: Coal-water suspensions as fuel form, improved methods for removing ash and contaminants from coal, staged combustion for reducing NO{sub x} emissions from fuel-bound nitrogen, and greater understanding of deposition/erosion/corrosion and their control. Several Advanced Coal-Fueled Gas Turbine Systems programs were awarded to gas turbine manufacturers for for components development and proof of concept tests; one of these was Allison. Tests were conducted in a subscale coal combustion facility and a full-scale facility operating a coal combustor sized to the Allison Model 501-K industrial turbine. A rich-quench-lean (RQL), low nitrogen oxide combustor design incorporating hot gas cleanup was developed for coal fuels; this should also be applicable to biomass, etc. The combustor tests showed NO{sub x} and CO emissions {le} levels for turbines operating with natural gas. Water washing of vanes from the turbine removed the deposits. Systems and economic evaluations identified two possible applications for RQL turbines: Cogeneration plants based on Allison 501-K turbine (output 3.7 MW(e), 23,000 lbs/hr steam) and combined cycle power plants based on 50 MW or larger gas turbines. Coal-fueled cogeneration plant configurations were defined and evaluated for site specific factors. A coal-fueled turbine combined cycle plant design was identified which is simple, compact, and results in lower capital cost, with comparable efficiency and low emissions relative to other coal technologies (gasification, advanced PFBC).

  3. Falência é fracasso? O caso da Associação dos Produtores Alternativos de Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia, Brasil

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    Florent Kohler

    Full Text Available O artigo examina a falência da Associação dos Produtores Alternativos (APA de Ouro Preto do Oeste, em Rondônia, buscando identificar elementos estruturantes e explicativos das relações entre atores locais e evidenciando seus próprios quadros interpretativos. A partir de um breve histórico da implantação do Projeto Integrado de Colonização (PIC Ouro Preto do Oeste, são destacadas a origem social dos colonos, sua cultura política e o tipo de capital social construído nos assentamentos. Por outro lado, apresenta-se a lógica das instituições envolvidas no desenvolvimento desse projeto. As relações entre os diversos atores institucionais são apresentadas como uma rede multiconectada, unindo os níveis local, regional, nacional e internacional. A análise mostra o descompasso entre a visão econômica das instituições de apoio, voltadas para a produção, e as aspirações dos produtores da APA. Ao final, concluímos que a falência pode estar associada a dois fatores interligados: a 'desconfiança' dos produtores da APA em relação aos órgãos de apoio à agricultura familiar (Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira, Agência de Defesa Sanitária Agrosilvopastoril do Estado de Rondônia, Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural e a ausência dos governos estadual e municipal no grupo de atores do sistema de redes multiconectadas, no qual poderiam ter desempenhado um papel de mediadores entre aquelas diferentes aspirações. Finalmente, a questão colocada relativiza a noção de 'fracasso' associada à falência.

  4. Crescimento em diâmetro do Pinus elliottii e Pinus taeda em áreas arenizadas e degradadas no Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul


    Schneider, Paulo Renato; Elesbão, Luiz Ernesto Grilo; Schneider, Paulo Sérgio Pigato; Longhi, Régis Villanova


    Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar o desempenho do Pinus elliottii Engelm. e Pinus taeda L. em áreas arenizadas e degradadas por ação antrópica, na região da fronteira oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Em povoamentos, foram selecionadas árvores médias, que foram abatidas e seccionadas pelo método de Smalian, a fim de obter discos de madeira para a análise dendrocronológica, para a obtenção do diâmetro por idade. O crescimento em diâmetro, quando comparado entre espécies...

  5. Grado de cumplimiento de la legislación e impartición de enseñanzas anti-tabaco en los centros escolares españoles

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    Hernández-Mezquita Miguel Angel


    Full Text Available Fundamento: No se dispone de estudios que analicen el cumplimiento de la legislación antitabaco en los centros escolares españoles, por lo que nos propusimos conocer el grado de cumplimiento de la legislación oficial anti-tabaco en dichos centros y la influencia que ello tiene sobre el porcentaje de alumnos fumadores. Método: Se realizó una encuesta entre 3.050 directores de centros educativos españoles, a los que se les preguntó sobre diversos aspectos del cumplimiento de la legislación oficial anti-tabaco en los centros y sobre las principales características del consumo de tabaco en los mismos. Resultados: El 80,9% de los directores afirman que en sus centros se exige el cumplimiento de la legislación y el 64,9% disponen de carteles que advierten de la prohibición de fumar. Afirman impartir enseñanzas anti-tabaco el 82,2% de los centros en los que se exige la legislación y en el 64,8% de los centros en los que esta legislación no se exige. Creen que el porcentaje de profesores que fuman ante los alumnos es del 5,9% en los centros en que se exige la legislación y del 12,9% en los que no se cumple. En los centros donde se imparten enseñanzas anti-tabaco creen que han probado el tabaco el 29% de los alumnos, frente al 31% que creen lo han hecho en los centros donde no se imparten estas enseñanzas (p<0,001. Conclusiones: El cumplimiento de la legislación es insuficiente. Los directores de los centros educativos, como encargados de velar por el cumplimiento de la legislación oficial anti-tabaco en sus centros, deben exigir el cumplimiento de esta legislación, ya que esta medida es eficaz para mejorar el funcionamiento global de los centros y para reducir los porcentajes de alumnos y profesores fumadores.

  6. Design of mini-multi-gas monitoring system based on IR absorption

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tan, Q.L.; Zhang, W.D.; Xue, C.Y.; Xiong, J.J.; Ma, Y.C.; Wen, F. [Northern University of China, Taiyuan (China)


    In this paper, a novel non-dispersive infrared ray (IR) gas detection system is described. Conventional devices typically include several primary components: a broadband source (usually all incandescent filament), a rotating chopper shutter, a narrow-band filter, a sample tube and a detector. But we mainly use file mini-multi-channel detector, electrical modulation means and mini-gas-cell structure. To solve the problems of gas accidents in coal mines, and for family safety that results from using gas, this new IR detection system with integration, miniaturization and non-moving parts has been developed. It is based on the principle that certain gases absorb infrared radiation at specific (and often unique) wavelengths. The infrared detection optics principle used in developing this system is mainly analyzed. The idea of multi-gas detection is introduced and guided through the analysis of the single-gas detection. Through researching the design of cell structure, a cell with integration and miniaturization has been devised. By taking a single-chip microcomputer (SCM) as intelligence handling, the functional block diagram of a gas detection system is designed with the analyzing and devising of its hardware and software system. The way of data transmission on a controller area network (CAN) bus and wireless data transmission mode is explained. This system has reached the technology requirement of lower power consumption, mini-volume, wide measure range, and is able to realize multi-gas detection.

  7. Workplace health promotion: analysis of actions proposed by graduates of a training course (2012

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    Francielle Bertusso


    Full Text Available The incorporation of the workers knowledge in the actions of health promotion and prevention can strengthen the search for better working conditions and the protection of workers' health. This bibliographic study aimed to analyze, from the theoretical framework of occupational health, the actions proposed by graduates of a training course for health promotion for healthcare workers in 2012. Of the 221 projects analyzed, 1Enfermeira, aluna especial do Programa de Mestrado em Biociências e Saúde da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, campus de Cascavel. E-mail: 2 Doutora em Saúde Coletiva, Professora adjunta do Curso de Enfermagem do Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, campus de Cascavel, Pr. 3 Enfermeiro da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Paraná - SESA. Aluno especial do Programa de Mestrado em Biociências e Saúde da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Campus de Cascavel, Pr. 4 Doutora em Enfermargem pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professora do Programa de Mestrado em Biociências e Saúde do Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, campus de Cascavel health workers were the priority target audience (84%, as well as managers (12%, from various regions of the country with a predominance of proposals from the southeast region (107 projects and northeast region (55 projects, and in several workplace activities. Program proposals attempted to solve or minimize three sets of problems: a related to the work environment, b labor management and c the workers' health. Examination of the proposals pointed to a working reality permeated by incidents of accidents by exposure to biological material, ionizing radiation, needlestick and sharps injuries, and injuries related to musculoskeletal overload, mental health and mental and behavioral disorder such as depression, alcoholism, stress, burnout and moral

  8. Development of a natural Gas Systems Analysis Model (GSAM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Lacking a detailed characterization of the resource base and a comprehensive borehole-to-burnertip evaluation model of the North American natural gas system, past R ampersand D, tax and regulatory policies have been formulated without a full understanding of their likely direct and indirect impacts on future gas supply and demand. The recent disappearance of the deliverability surplus, pipeline deregulation, and current policy debates about regulatory initiatives in taxation, environmental compliance and leasing make the need for a comprehensive gas evaluation system critical. Traditional econometric or highly aggregated energy models are increasingly regarded as unable to incorporate available geologic detail and explicit technology performance and costing algorithms necessary to evaluate resource-technology-economic interactions in a market context. The objective of this research is to create a comprehensive, non-proprietary, microcomputer model of the North American natural gas system. GSAM explicitly evaluates the key components of the natural gas system, including resource base, exploration and development, extraction technology performance and costs, transportation and storage and end use. The primary focus is the detailed characterization of the resource base at the reservoir and sub-reservoir level and the impact of alternative extraction technologies on well productivity and economics. GSAM evaluates the complex interactions of current and alternative future technology and policy initiatives in the context of the evolving gas markets. Scheduled for completion in 1995, a prototype is planned for early 1994. ICF Resources reviewed relevant natural gas upstream, downstream and market models to identify appropriate analytic capabilities to incorporate into GSAM. We have reviewed extraction technologies to better characterize performance and costs in terms of GSAM parameters

  9. Uma Análise Comparativa da Competitividade Econômico-financeira das Cooperativas Agroindustriais do Oeste do Paraná

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    Paulo César da Silva Ilha

    Full Text Available Resumo: O objetivo do estudo foi o de analisar comparativamente a competitividade econômico-financeira das cooperativas agroindustriais, do oeste do Paraná, utilizando-se do procedimento metodológico de análise de cluster ou agrupamento. A análise serviu para classificar hierarquicamente em categorias de agrupamentos e medir o grau de competitividade das cooperativas. Os dados foram apropriados numa série temporal de 2011 a 2014. Com os resultados alcançados pelas cooperativas, nos aspectos de classificação hierárquica, através do gráfico dendograma (árvore, demonstrou-se que as ações de gestão, no que se referem à sustentabilidade econômico-financeira, são díspares. Nos aspectos de medidas de competitividade, classificou-se a cooperativa Copacol como a mais competitiva, comparada aos padrões estabelecidos.


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    Maria José Carvalho de Souza Domingues


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva identificar e analisar as ações, o perfil e as características intraempreendedoras dos gestores de cursos de graduação em Ciências Contábeis do oeste do Paraná. Assim, a questão de pesquisa formulada foi: Quais são as características intraempreendedoras e as principais ações dos gestores de cursos de Ciências Contábeis da região oeste do Paraná? Utilizou-se como método a pesquisa descritiva do tipo survey e, para coleta de dados, um questionário de Mastella (2005 e de Dornelas (2003, adaptado por Walter et al. (2007. Como principais resultados, constatou-se que os gestores são homens, tendo a maioria mais de 50 anos, titulação de especialista ou mestre e o principal vínculo com a instituição na qual atuam. Percebeu-se que as ações mais desenvolvidas pelos gestores apresentam-se voltadas às ações internas, fato que deveria ser objeto de reflexão, uma vez que ações consideradas mais importantes pelos gestores são menos realizadas. Assim, pouco tempo de dedicação à gestão, discrepâncias entre ações desejadas e efetivamente realizadas e demasiado enfoque interno de suas ações são aspectos a serem melhorados pelos gestores investigados. Todos os respondentes apresentam características intraempreendedoras. Percebe-se a necessidade de maior clareza no diálogo entre os superiores e os gestores para um maior alinhamento em relação ao desempenho atual dos gestores. Nota-se também que questões como a conciliação entre a carga horária ensino/gestão ainda precisa ser aperfeiçoada.

  11. Gas generation and migration analysis for TRU waste disposal system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ando, Kenichi; Noda, Masaru; Yamamoto, Mikihiko; Mihara, Morihiro


    In TRU waste disposal system, significant quantities of gases may be generated due to metal corrosion, radiolysis effect and microorganism activities. It is therefore recommended that the potential impact of gas generation and migration on TRU waste repository should be evaluated. In this study, gas generation rates were calculated in the repository and gas migration analysis in the disposal system were carried out using two phase flow model with results of gas generation rates. First, the time dependencies of gas generation rate in each TRU waste repositories were evaluated based on amounts of metal, organic matter and radioactivity. Next, the accumulation pressure of gases and expelled pore water volume nuclides in the repository were calculated by TOUGH2 code. After that, the results showed that the increase of gas pressure was the range of 1.3 to 1.4 MPa. In the repository with and without buffer, the rate of expelled pore water was 0.006 - 0.009 m 3 /y and 0.018 - 0.24m 3 /y, respectively. In addition, the radioactive gas migration through the repository and geosphere are evaluated. And re-saturation analysis is also performed to evaluate the initial condition of the system. (author)

  12. On the stability of boundary layers in gas mantle systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohlsson, D.


    In this thesis a systematic investigation of the stability properties of the partially ionized boundary regions of gas mantle systems for a large class of dissipative magneto-hydrodynamic modes is presented. In the partially ionized boundary regions of gas mantle systems several strong stabilizing mechanisms arise due to coupling between various dissipative effects in certain parameter regions. The presence of neutral gas strongly enhances the stabilizing effects in a dual fashion. First in an indirect way by cooling the edge region and second in a direct way by enhancing viscous and heat conduction effects. It has, however, to be pointed out that exceptions from this general picture may be found. The stabilizing influence of neutral gas on a large class of electrostatic as well as electromagnetic modes in the boundary regions of gas blanket systems is contrary to what has been found in low density weakly ionized plasmas. In these latter cases presence of neutral gas has even been found to be responsible for the onset of entirely new classes of instabilities. Thus there is no universal stabilizing or destabilizing effect associated with plasma-neutral gas interaction effects. (author)

  13. A pequena produção avícola familiar e o Sistema de Integração no oeste catarinense: "uma prisão de portas abertas"

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    Claudia Mazzei Nogueira

    Full Text Available Esse texto é parte da pesquisa sobre a divisão sexual do trabalho dos pequenos avicultores familiares inculados ao Sistema de Integração das agroindústrias, no contexto da reestruturação produtiva. Para tanto, o texto analisa o referido sistema na avicultura no Oeste Catarinense, contemplando alguns elementos das metamorfoses que vêm ocorrendo no mundo do trabalho e como elas vêm intensificando a precarização do pequeno produtor rural familiar no segmento da avicultura.


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    Mª Helena Zapico Barbeito


    Full Text Available Presentamos una experiencia que forma parte de un estudio más amplio que analiza los factores que dificultan o aceleran los procesos de cambio e innovación en los centros educativos cuando se incorporan TIC. En el contexto socio político y económico en que vivimos, la demanda de innovación es un imperativo que afecta a todos los ámbitos sociales. El sistema educativo no es una excepción, de manera que las escuelas están llamadas a subirse también en ese carro mostrando que son innovadoras. Por ello, el análisis de las innovaciones que tienen lugar en su seno es una oportunidad inmejorable para visualizar las condiciones en las que se desarrollan los procesos educativos. Se parte de la idea de que el potencial de cambio que la incorporación de las TIC podría generar, reside, sobre todo, en la manera en que están involucradas en el proyecto del centro y en el trabajo de reflexión sobre sus potencialidades educativas. Desde una perspectiva de investigación acción colaborativa, se construyeron cuatro estudios de casos: uno de un Centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria (C.E.I.P., un Instituto de Educación Secundaria (I.E.S., un Colegio Público Integrado (C.P.I. y un Centro Rural Agrupado (C.R.A.. En este trabajo, abordaremos el análisis de una experiencia en un Centro Rural Agrupado (C.R.A. de Galicia, en el que están integradas nueve escuelas, donde se imparte el segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil y primero de Primaria. Nuestra intención es la de dar cuenta de algunos de los significados de innovación sostenible en la experiencia de construcción del portal del centro como un espacio educativo.

  15. System analysis and planning of a gas distribution network

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salas, Edwin F.M.; Farias, Helio Monteiro [AUTOMIND, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Costa, Carla V.R. [Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS), BA (Brazil)


    The increase in demand by gas consumers require that projects or improvements in gas distribution networks be made carefully and safely to ensure a continuous, efficient and economical supply. Gas distribution companies must ensure that the networks and equipment involved are defined and designed at the appropriate time to attend to the demands of the market. To do that a gas distribution network analysis and planning tool should use distribution networks and transmission models for the current situation and the future changes to be implemented. These models are used to evaluate project options and help in making appropriate decisions in order to minimize the capital investment in new components or simple changes in operational procedures. Gas demands are increasing and it is important that gas distribute design new distribution systems to ensure this growth, considering financial constraints of the company, as well as local legislation and regulation. In this study some steps of developing a flexible system that attends to those needs will be described. The analysis of distribution requires geographically referenced data for the models as well as an accurate connectivity and the attributes of the equipment. GIS systems are often used as a deposit center that holds the majority of this information. GIS systems are constantly updated as distribution network equipment is modified. The distribution network modeling gathered from this system ensures that the model represents the current network condition. The benefits of this architecture drastically reduce the creation and maintenance cost of the network models, because network components data are conveniently made available to populate the distribution network. This architecture ensures that the models are continually reflecting the reality of the distribution network. (author)

  16. MHD/gas turbine systems designed for low cooling water requirements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Annen, K.D.; Eustis, R.H.


    The MHD/gas turbine combined-cycle system has been designed specifically for applications where the availability of cooling water is very limited. The base case systems which were studied consist of a coal-fired MHD plant with an air turbine bottoming plant and require no cooling water. In addition to the base case systems, systems were considered which included the addition of a vapor cycle bottoming plant to improve the thermal efficiency. These systems require a small amount of cooling water. The results show that the MHD/gas turbine systems have very good thermal and economic performances. The base case I MHD/gas turbine system (782 MW /SUB e/ ) requires no cooling water, has a heat rate which is 13% higher, and a cost of electricity which is only 7% higher than a comparable MHD/steam system (878 MW /SUB e/ ) having a cooling tower heat load of 720 MW. The case I vapor cycle bottomed systems have thermal and economic performances which approach and even exceed those of the MHD/steam system, while having substantially lower cooling water requirements. Performances of a second-generation MHD/gas turbine system and an oxygen-enriched, early commercial system are also evaluated. An analysis of nitric oxide emissions shows compliance with emission standards

  17. Fiscal 2000 survey report. Feasibility study of reciprocative transportation system for carbon dioxide and natural gas utilizing gas hydrate; 2000 nendo gas hidrate wo riyosuru nisanka tanso to tennen gas no kogo yuso system no kanosei chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A reciprocative CO2/CH{sub 4} transportation system will constitute a foundation on which minor gas fields may be made good use of in the Asia-Pacific region. For the construction of such a system, a survey is conducted into key technologies of separating CO2 from combustion exhaust with the aid of the hydrate process, reciprocative CO2/CH{sub 4} transportation with hydrate acting as medium, and subsurface CO2 storage and its utilization in minor gas fields or the like. The contents of the survey and the results fall in six areas, which are (1) the states of greenhouse gas reduction and natural gas utilization, (2) reciprocative CO2/CH{sub 4} transportation with hydrate acing as medium, (3) CO2 separation from combustion exhaust with the aid of the hydrate process, (4) reciprocative CO2/CH{sub 4} transportation with hydrate acing as medium, (5) subsurface CO2 storage and its utilization in minor gas fields, and (6) the establishment of a reciprocative CO2/CH{sub 4} transportation system and the evaluation of its cost performance. (NEDO)

  18. Flue gas recovery system for natural gas combined heat and power plant with distributed peak-shaving heat pumps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Xiling; Fu, Lin; Wang, Xiaoyin; Sun, Tao; Wang, Jingyi; Zhang, Shigang


    Highlights: • A flue gas recovery system with distributed peak-shaving heat pumps is proposed. • The system can improve network transmission and distribution capacity. • The system is advantageous in energy saving, emission reduction and economic benefits. - Abstract: District heating systems use distributed heat pump peak-shaving technology to adjust heat in secondary networks of substations. This technology simultaneously adjusts the heat of the secondary network and reduces the return-water temperature of the primary network by using the heat pump principle. When optimized, low temperature return-water is able to recycle more waste heat, thereby further improving the heating efficiency of the system. This paper introduces a flue gas recovery system for a natural gas combined heat and power plant with distributed peak-shaving heat pumps. A pilot system comprising a set of two 9F gas-steam combined cycle-back pressure heating units was used to analyse the system configuration and key parameters. The proposed system improved the network transmission and distribution capacity, increased heating capacity, and reduced heating energy consumption without compromising heating safety issues. As such, the proposed system is advantageous in terms of energy saving, emission reduction, and economic benefits.

  19. Fabrication of ATALANTE Dissolver Off-Gas Sorbent-Based Capture System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walker, Jr., Joseph Franklin [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Jubin, Robert Thomas [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    A small sorbent-based capture system was designed that could be placed in the off-gas line from the fuel dissolver in the ATALANTE hot cells with minimal modifications to the ATALANTE dissolver off-gas system. Discussions with personnel from the ATALANTE facility provided guidance that was used for the design. All components for this system have been specified, procured, and received on site at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), meeting the April 30, 2015, milestone for completing the fabrication of the ATALANTE dissolver off-gas capture system. This system will be tested at ORNL to verify operation and to ensure that all design requirements for ATALANTE are met. Modifications to the system will be made, as indicated by the testing, before the system is shipped to ATALANTE for installation in the hot cell facility.

  20. Determination of gas volume trapped in a closed fluid system (United States)

    Hunter, W. F.; Jolley, J. E.


    Technique involves extracting known volume of fluid and measuring system before and after extraction, volume of entrapped gas is then computed. Formula derived from ideal gas laws is basis of this method. Technique is applicable to thermodynamic cycles and hydraulic systems.

  1. La Escuela Elemental de Artes e Industrias de Béjar (1852-1902

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    Carmen Cascón Matas


    Full Text Available La Escuela Regional de Artes y Oficios de Béjar (Salamanca inició su andadura en 1886, aunque sus precedentes pueden ser rastreados desde 1852 en la Escuela Industrial. Béjar por aquel entonces podía presumir de ser uno de los escasos centros fabriles del oeste español, con una industria textil renqueante que subsistía a pesar de los embates de la crisis. La enseñanza técnica impartida en el centro educativo bejarano pretendía insertar a los trabajadores en el entorno laboral. El presente artículo intenta aportar una nueva perspectiva a la etapa comprendida entre 1886 y 1901 manejando nuevos datos procedentes del archivo de la propia institución, hasta ahora prácticamente inéditos, a la par que reflexionar sobre el contexto histórico, social y económico de la ciudad fabril.

  2. El Centro Geothermal Utility Core Field Experiment environmental-impact report and environmental assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The City of El Centro is proposing the development of a geothermal energy utility core field experiment to demonstrate the engineering and economic feasibility of utilizing moderate temperature geothermal heat, on a pilot scale, for space cooling, space heating, and domestic hot water. The proposed facility is located on part of a 2.48 acre (1 hectare) parcel owned in fee by the City in the southeastern sector of El Centro in Imperial County, California. Geothermal fluid at an anticipated temperature of about 250/sup 0/F (121/sup 0/C) will heat a secondary fluid (water) which will be utilized directly or processed through an absorption chiller, to provide space conditioning and water heating for the El Centro Community Center, a public recreational facility located approximately one-half mile north of the proposed well site. The geothermal production well will be drilled to 8500 feet (2590m) and an injection well to 4000 feet (1220m) at the industrially designated City property. Once all relevant permits are obtained it is estimated that site preparation, facility construction, the completion and testing of both wells would be finished in approximately 26 weeks. The environmental impacts are described.

  3. Gas turbine control for islanding operation of distribution systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahat, Pukar; Chen, Zhe; Bak-Jensen, Birgitte


    Danish distribution systems are characterized by a significant penetration of small gas turbine generators (GTGs) and fixed speed wind turbine generators (WTGs). Island operation of these distribution systems are becoming a viable option for economical and technical reasons. However, stabilizing...... frequency in an islanded system is one of the major challenges. This paper presents three different gas turbine governors for possible operation of distribution systems in an islanding mode. Simulation results are presented to show the performance of these governors in grid connected and islanding mode....

  4. Balance sheet for the gas system in 2014

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    GRTgaz is a European leader in natural gas transmission, a world expert in gas transmission networks and systems, and an operator firmly committed to the energy transition. It owns and operates the gas transmission network throughout most of France and it manages the transmission network in Germany, thereby helping to ensure correct operation of the French and European gas market. It contributes to the energy security of regional supply systems and performs a public service mission to ensure the continuity of consumer supply. This document presents some key figures about GRTgaz activity in 2014: 2014, France's warmest year ever observed (2014, warm / 2013, cold). Total Consumption 2014 vs 2013: -16.5% gross consumption, -5.4% climate adjusted. Public Distribution Consumption 2014 vs 2013: -19.2% gross consumption, -2.2% climate adjusted. Power Generation: -60% since 2011, 2014 vs 2013: -34%. Industrial Consumption has remained stable over the past 10 years. Stable industrial capacity subscriptions (excluding power generation). Transported Quantities by GRTgaz 2014 vs 2013 (-8.4%). Increasing flows from North to South. Imports fall connected to consumption fall, but soften by gas transit flows. Very low LNG imports but LNG was back at the end of 2014. Largely increasing gas transit 2014 vs 2013: +41%. Good level in the UGS at the beginning of the winter 2014/2015. Congestion on North-South link, Congested European North-South corridor. Price spread between North and South disappeared in November and December 2014. In 2014, Gas gross consumption fell by 16.5% in comparison with 2013, essentially because of exceptionally warm climatic conditions. Industrial consumption excluding power generation resists and has remained relatively stable over the past ten years. However gas consumption for power generation continued to fall since 2011. In 2014, GRTgaz's gas transmission network ran under unusual gas flow conditions, especially with a continuing decrease of

  5. Towards a standard methodology for greenhouse gas balances of bioenergy systems in comparison with fossil energy systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schlamadinger, B.; Jungmeier, G.; Apps, M.; Bohlin, F.; Gustavsson, L.; Marland, G.; Pingoud, K.; Savolainen, I.


    In this paper, which was prepared as part of IEA Bioenergy Task XV (''Greenhouse Gas Balances of Bioenergy Systems''), we outline a standard methodology for comparing the greenhouse gas balances of bioenergy systems with those of fossil energy systems. Emphasis is on a careful definition of system boundaries. The following issues are dealt with in detail: time interval analysed and changes of carbon stocks; reference energy systems; energy inputs required to produce, process and transport fuels; mass and energy losses along the entire fuel chain; energy embodied in facility infrastructure; distribution systems; cogeneration systems; by-products; waste wood and other biomass waste for energy; reference land use; and other environmental issues. For each of these areas recommendations are given on how analyses of greenhouse gas balances should be performed. In some cases we also point out alternative ways of doing the greenhouse gas accounting. Finally, the paper gives some recommendations on how bioenergy systems should be optimized from a greenhouse-gas emissions point of view. (author)

  6. The Gas6/TAM System and Multiple Sclerosis. (United States)

    Bellan, Mattia; Pirisi, Mario; Sainaghi, Pier Paolo


    Growth arrest specific 6 (Gas6) is a multimodular circulating protein, the biological actions of which are mediated by the interaction with three transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptors: Tyro3, Axl, and MerTK, collectively named TAM. Over the last few decades, many progresses have been done in the understanding of the biological activities of this highly pleiotropic system, which plays a role in the regulation of immune response, inflammation, coagulation, cell growth, and clearance of apoptotic bodies. Recent findings have further related Gas6 and TAM receptors to neuroinflammation in general and, specifically, to multiple sclerosis (MS). In this paper, we review the biology of the Gas6/TAM system and the current evidence supporting its potential role in the pathogenesis of MS.

  7. Modeling of leak detection system for high pressure transmission system of natural gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qureshi, S.A.; Paracha, Z.J.; Ali, A.


    Gas Industry can be considered as one of the most important industries in the economy of any country. Safe Transportation of Gas is thus considered to be vital because interruption of Supply of Gas to consumers not only causes domestic problems but also loss of revenue to country. Now most of power generation Sector has switched over their system to Natural Gas. So, interruption of supply to this sector can cause a lot of problems. This paper has provided assessment of technology approach and formulated this approach for Leak Detection Model in High Pressure Transmission system for current and future operations, which will improve the efficiency of any transmission company to a great extent. This model can be extremely helpful in conditions of Rupture Emergencies or Leakage because of corrosive conditions of Pipeline to manage the situation of resources in pipeline network. Any exceptional readings or messages should alert the user to the fact that something is wrong with the system. Such a system helps a lot in the safe and efficient management of pipeline network. The data and information provided by the Leak Detection System applications will allow for efficient and safe pipeline operation maximizing profitability over the pipeline's service lifetime. (author)


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The activities of the Advanced Gas Turbine Systems Research (AGTSR) program for this reporting period are described in this quarterly report. The report is divided into discussions of Membership, Administration, Technology Transfer (Workshop/Education), Research and Miscellaneous Related Activity. Items worthy of note are presented in extended bullet format following the appropriate heading.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The activities of the Advanced Gas Turbine Systems Research (AGTSR) program for this reporting period are described in this quarterly report. The report is divided into discussions of Membership, Administration, Technology Transfer (Workshop/Education), Research and Miscellaneous Related Activity. Items worthy of note are presented in extended bullet format following the appropriate heading.

  10. Development of the Raman lidar system for remote hydrogen gas detection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, In Young; Baik, Sung Hoon; Park, Seung Kyu; Park, Nak Gyu; Choi, Young Soo [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Detection of hydrogen (H{sub 2}) gas leakage is very important for safety of the nuclear power plant because H{sub 2} gas is very flammable and explosive. H{sub 2} gas is generated by oxidizing the nuclear fuel cladding during the critical accident and generated H{sub 2} gas leads to serious secondary damages in the containment building of nuclear power plant. Thus, various H{sub 2} gas detection techniques are used in the nuclear power plant such as catalytic combustion sensors, semiconducting oxide sensors, thermal conductivity sensors and electrochemical sensor. A Raman lidar (Light Detection And Ranging) system for remote detection of the H{sub 2} gas can cover the area in the containment building of a nuclear power plant. H{sub 2} gas has a very strong Raman Effect, and H{sub 2} Raman cells have been widely used for laser wavelength conversion. In this study, Raman lidar system was developed for H{sub 2} gas detection used in the containment building of nuclear power plant. In this study, remote hydrogen gas detection devices and measuring algorithm are developed by using the Raman lidar method. Through the experiment, we proved that our developed Raman lidar system was possible to measure the N{sub 2} and H{sub 2} gas scattering signal remotely.


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    Robert Bye


    Full Text Available Hasta hace poco tiempo, el origen geográfico del girasol domesticado (Helianthus annuus había sido reportado en el área del sureste de los Estados Unidos de América. El análisis de documentos históricos de México y "semillas" arqueológicas recientemente descubiertas en Tabasco y Morelos, México, indican que los girasoles cultivados fueron importantes durante la época prehispánica y del virreinato en el centro de México. Cabe mencionar que los aquenios prehistóricos más grandes y más antiguos son de México. Aunque hoy en día las plantas silvestres son genéticamente distantes de los cultivares comerciales contemporáneos, las evidencias indican que México es el centro de origen más antiguo.

  12. Characterization of quality of raw milk and pasteurized commercialized informally in Colorado do Oeste City, RO, Brazil | Caracterização da qualidade do leite cru e pasteurizado comercializado informalmente na cidade de Colorado do Oeste, RO, Brasil

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    Edmar Costa Alves


    Full Text Available Milk quality can be characterized by physicochemical parameters indicating possible changes in the product properties. The poor quality of milk may affect human health and compromise the shelf life of the product. The objective of this study was to characterize the physicochemical quality of milk and to perform reductase testing of twenty four samples of raw milk and of twelve samples of pasteurized milk being informally commercialized in the city of Colorado do Oeste, RO. The density, the cryoscopic index, the fat (using the method of Gerber, the acidity (in Dornic degrees, and the defatted solids (SNG (according to official methods were evaluated accoring to the Normative Instruction 68. The results of cryoscopy and density, showed that 27% (n = 10 and 27% (n = 10 of the samples, respectively, do not comply with the IN-62 criteria. For the content of defatted solids, 19% of the samples were at odds with the legislation. The assessment of physicochemical parameters suggest that the informal trade of milk in the studied retail outlets can compromise the integrity of the product, a problem that might be solved by correcting and intensifying enforcement actions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A qualidade do leite pode ser caracterizada pelos parâmetros físico-químicos que indicam possíveis alterações nas propriedades do produto. A baixa qualidade do leite pode afetar a saúde humana e comprometer a vida útil do produto. O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar a qualidade físico-química em 24 amostras de leite cru e 12 amostras de leite pasteurizado comercializados informalmente na cidade de Colorado do Oeste, RO. Foram avaliados: densidade; índice crioscópico; gordura pelo método de Gerber; acidez em graus Dornic e sólidos desengordurados, de acordo com os métodos oficiais preconizados pela Instrução Normativa no 68. Os resultados da crioscopia e da densidade, apontam


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    Tatiane Ferrari do Vale


    ambiental personalizada, realizada por meio das palestras. Descobrir o limite que tange o uso de tecnologias e a ausência de interpretes é um dos maiores desafios atuais dos museus e centros de visitantes. Palavras-chave: Projeto Tamar. Fernando de Noronha. Novas Tecnologias.

  14. Accident on the gas transfer system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heugel, J.


    An accident has happened on the Vivitron gas transfer system on the 7 th August 1991. This report presents the context, facts and inquiries, analyses the reasons and explains also how the repairing has been effected

  15. Centro de investigaciones industriales, en Erlangen, Alemania

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurer, H.


    Full Text Available This research centre consists of research laboratories, and jet development laboratories, as well as auxiliary buildings. They have been carefully planned in their general urban arrangement, to achieve the best possible mutual future extensions. Suitable spaces have been provided for open air technical meetings. The full project not only includes the Research Centre installations as such, but also workshops, residential zones, etc. Thus at a later stage a full project will be completed, with a total length of 2.5 km, which will include full housing and relaxation facilities.Las construcciones que integran este Centro de Investigación son las siguientes: laboratorios de investigación, laboratorios de desarrollo de reactores, etc. Se ajustan a un cuidado Plan urbanístico general y han sido diseñadas por grupos, a fin de lograr la debida coordinación entre sí, previéndose la posibilidad de futuras ampliaciones y creándose espacios apropiados para la celebración en ellos de coloquios al aire Ubre. El proyecto total, no solamente abarca las instalaciones del Centro de Investigación propiamente dichas, sino que incluye también los correspondientes talleres, zonas residenciales, etc. De esta forma, en el futuro se contará con un complejo organizado a lo largo de 2,5 km de longitud, en el cual se complementarán adecuadamente los lugares de trabajo, las viviendas y los locales de esparcimiento.

  16. Deliverability on the interstate natural gas pipeline system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Deliverability on the Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline System examines the capability of the national pipeline grid to transport natural gas to various US markets. The report quantifies the capacity levels and utilization rates of major interstate pipeline companies in 1996 and the changes since 1990, as well as changes in markets and end-use consumption patterns. It also discusses the effects of proposed capacity expansions on capacity levels. The report consists of five chapters, several appendices, and a glossary. Chapter 1 discusses some of the operational and regulatory features of the US interstate pipeline system and how they affect overall system design, system utilization, and capacity expansions. Chapter 2 looks at how the exploration, development, and production of natural gas within North America is linked to the national pipeline grid. Chapter 3 examines the capability of the interstate natural gas pipeline network to link production areas to market areas, on the basis of capacity and usage levels along 10 corridors. The chapter also examines capacity expansions that have occurred since 1990 along each corridor and the potential impact of proposed new capacity. Chapter 4 discusses the last step in the transportation chain, that is, deliverability to the ultimate end user. Flow patterns into and out of each market region are discussed, as well as the movement of natural gas between States in each region. Chapter 5 examines how shippers reserve interstate pipeline capacity in the current transportation marketplace and how pipeline companies are handling the secondary market for short-term unused capacity. Four appendices provide supporting data and additional detail on the methodology used to estimate capacity. 32 figs., 15 tabs.

  17. AGT101 automotive gas turbine system development (United States)

    Rackley, R. A.; Kidwell, J. R.


    The AGT101 automotive gas turbine system consisting of a 74.6 kw regenerated single-shaft gas turbine engine, is presented. The development and testing of the system is reviewed, and results for aerothermodynamic components indicate that compressor and turbine performance levels are within one percent of projected levels. Ceramic turbine rotor development is encouraging with successful cold spin testing of simulated rotors to speeds over 12,043 rad/sec. Spin test results demonstrate that ceramic materials having the required strength levels can be fabricated by net shape techniques to the thick hub cross section, which verifies the feasibility of the single-stage radial rotor in single-shaft engines.

  18. Estudo do centro de massa e estabilidade de quatro posturas básicas do Kung-fu Pak Hok


    Miranda,Pedro Jeferson; Brinatti,André Maurício; Silva,Silvio Luiz Rutz da; Godoy,Marino Luiz Michelin


    Este trabalho trata da análise dos centros de massa e do cálculo da estabilidade das quatro posturas básicas do Kung Fu Pak Hok. Embora a biomecânica tenha surgido em 1960, a sua aplicação em artes marciais, como no Kung Fu ainda é pouco frequente. Apesar de haver estudos de movimentos do Kung Fu, não há trabalhos sobre o centro de massa e a estabilidade para as posturas mais básicas. Este trabalho como objetivo descrever o centro de massa e a estabilidade das quatro posturas mais básicas do ...

  19. Design validation and performance of closed loop gas recirculation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalmani, S.D.; Majumder, G.; Mondal, N.K.; Shinde, R.R.; Joshi, A.V.


    A pilot experimental set up of the India Based Neutrino Observatory's ICAL detector has been operational for the last 4 years at TIFR, Mumbai. Twelve glass RPC detectors of size 2 × 2 m 2 , with a gas gap of 2 mm are under test in a closed loop gas recirculation system. These RPCs are continuously purged individually, with a gas mixture of R134a (C 2 H 2 F 4 ), isobutane (iC 4 H 10 ) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) at a steady rate of 360 ml/h to maintain about one volume change a day. To economize gas mixture consumption and to reduce the effluents from being released into the atmosphere, a closed loop system has been designed, fabricated and installed at TIFR. The pressure and flow rate in the loop is controlled by mass flow controllers and pressure transmitters. The performance and integrity of RPCs in the pilot experimental set up is being monitored to assess the effect of periodic fluctuation and transients in atmospheric pressure and temperature, room pressure variation, flow pulsations, uniformity of gas distribution and power failures. The capability of closed loop gas recirculation system to respond to these changes is also studied. The conclusions from the above experiment are presented. The validations of the first design considerations and subsequent modifications have provided improved guidelines for the future design of the engineering module gas system.

  20. Estudio de los decomisos de sustancias psicoactivas en los centros penitenciarios de Catalunya (1991-2010)


    Fuente Capdevila, Blanca de la


    [spa] En el “Estudio de los decomisos de sustancias psicoactivas en los centros penitenciarios de Catalunya (1991-2010)" se examinan las tendencias de las incautaciones provenientes de los mismos analizadas en el Laboratorio Territorial de Drogas. Los datos se agrupan respecto al número y a la naturaleza de los decomisos para determinar los patrones de demanda, y por consiguiente de consumo de los internos. Los resultados se analizan de forma global considerando todos los centros y de form...

  1. REDVET en el Centro de Información de la Red de Agricultura de EE.UU (AgNIC)




    ResumenAgNIC es el Centro de Información de Red de Agricultura de EE.UU, una alianza de instituciones que trabajan paraofrecer un acceso rápido y fiable a fuentes de información agraria de calidad basada en concepto de "centros de excelencia".

  2. Implementation of gas district cooling and cogeneration systems in Malaysia; Mise en oeuvre de systemes de gas district cooling et de cogeneration en Malaisie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haron, S. [Gas District Cooling, M, Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)


    With its energy demand in the early 1990's growing at a high rate due to the country's strong economic growth, Malaysia studied various options to improve the efficiency of its energy use. Since its natural gas reserves are almost four times that of its crude oil reserves, efforts were therefore centered on seeking ways to boost the use of natural gas to mitigate the growing domestic energy need. PETRONAS, the national oil company, subsequently studied and chose the District Cooling System using natural gas as the primary source of fuel. The Kuala Lumpur City Center development, which houses the PETRONAS Twin Towers, was subsequently chosen as the first project to use the Gas District Cooling (GDC) System. To acquire the technology and implement this project, PETRONAS created a new subsidiary, Gas District Cooling (Malaysia) Sendirian Berhad (GDC(M)). In the process of improving the plant's efficiency, GDC(M) discovered that the GDC system's efficiency and project economics would be significantly enhanced if its is coupled to a Cogeneration system. Having proven the success of the GDC/Cogeneration system, GDC(M) embarked on a campaign to aggressively promote and seek new opportunities to implement the system, both in Malaysia-and abroad. Apart from enhancing efficiency of energy use, and providing better project economics, the GDC/Cogeneration system also is environment friendly. Today, the GDC/Cogeneration systems is the system of choice for several important developments in Malaysia, which also includes the country's prestigious projects such as the Kuala Lumpur International Airport and the New Federal Government Administrative Center in Putrajaya. (author)

  3. LNG systems for natural gas propelled ships (United States)

    Chorowski, M.; Duda, P.; Polinski, J.; Skrzypacz, J.


    In order to reduce the atmospheric pollution generated by ships, the International Marine Organization has established Emission Controlled Areas. In these areas, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides and particulates emission is strongly controlled. From the beginning of 2015, the ECA covers waters 200 nautical miles from the coast of the US and Canada, the US Caribbean Sea area, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel. From the beginning of 2020, strong emission restrictions will also be in force outside the ECA. This requires newly constructed ships to be either equipped with exhaust gas cleaning devices or propelled with emission free fuels. In comparison to low sulphur Marine Diesel and Marine Gas Oil, LNG is a competitive fuel, both from a technical and economical point of view. LNG can be stored in vacuum insulated tanks fulfilling the difficult requirements of marine regulations. LNG must be vaporized and pressurized to the pressure which is compatible with the engine requirements (usually a few bar). The boil-off must be controlled to avoid the occasional gas release to the atmosphere. This paper presents an LNG system designed and commissioned for a Baltic Sea ferry. The specific technical features and exploitation parameters of the system will be presented. The impact of strict marine regulations on the system's thermo-mechanical construction and its performance will be discussed. The review of possible flow-schemes of LNG marine systems will be presented with respect to the system's cost, maintenance, and reliability.

  4. Dynamic Optimal Energy Flow in the Integrated Natural Gas and Electrical Power Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fang, Jiakun; Zeng, Qing; Ai, Xiaomeng


    . Simulation on the test case illustrates the success of the modelling and the beneficial roles of the power-to-gas are analyzed. The proposed model can be used in the decision support for both planning and operation of the coordinated natural gas and electrical power systems.......This work focuses on the optimal operation of the integrated gas and electrical power system with bi-directional energy conversion. Considering the different response times of the gas and power systems, the transient gas flow and steady- state power flow are combined to formulate the dynamic...... optimal energy flow in the integrated gas and power systems. With proper assumptions and simplifications, the problem is transformed into a single stage linear programming. And only a single stage linear programming is needed to obtain the optimal operation strategy for both gas and power systems...

  5. Thinking on Sichuan-Chongqing gas pipeline transportation system reform under market-oriented conditions (United States)

    Duan, Yanzhi


    The gas pipeline networks in Sichuan and Chongqing (Sichuan-Chongqing) region have formed a fully-fledged gas pipeline transportation system in China, which supports and promotes the rapid development of gas market in Sichuan-Chongqing region. In the circumstances of further developed market-oriented economy, it is necessary to carry out further the pipeline system reform in the areas of investment/financing system, operation system and pricing system to lay a solid foundation for improving future gas production and marketing capability and adapting itself to the national gas system reform, and to achieve the objectives of multiparty participated pipeline construction, improved pipeline transportation efficiency and fair and rational pipeline transportation prices. In this article, main thinking on reform in the three areas and major deployment are addressed, and corresponding measures on developing shared pipeline economy, providing financial support to pipeline construction, setting up independent regulatory agency to enhance the industrial supervision for gas pipeline transportation, and promoting the construction of regional gas trade market are recommended.

  6. New Commodity Services System increases gas bill for clients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koevoet, H.


    The Dutch company Gasunie Trade and Supply will replace the Commodity Services System (CDS, abbreviated in Dutch) January 1, 2004. This will result in a higher gas bill for almost all their clients that are expected to use more than 1 million m 3 natural gas per year. An overview is given of the principles of the old and the new pricing system [nl

  7. Expert hierarchical selection of oil and gas distribution systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frankel, E.G.


    Selection and design of oil and gas distribution systems involves a large number of decision makers and interest groups, as well as many alternative technical, financial, network, operating, management and regulatory options. Their objectives and measures of performance are different. Decision models can be effectively represented by hierarchical structures. A simple deterministic analytic hierarchy process is presented with application to oil and gas distribution systems

  8. Alexitimia, resiliencia y creencias paranormales en personas mayores en un centro institucionalizado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inmaculada Méndez


    Full Text Available La alexitimia hace referencia a la dificultad para comprender e identificar los propios sentimientos y los de los demás. El proceso de adaptación a un centro residencial es una de las situaciones estresantes a las que puede enfrentarse la persona mayor. Para poder sobreponerse ante dichas situaciones es fundamental la capacidad de resiliencia e incluso existen personas que buscan apoyo en la religiosidad o en las creencias en lo paranormal. En este trabajo se estudió la relación entre aleximitia, resiliencia y creencias paranormales en un grupo de 35 personas mayores (21 mujeres con edades entre 66 y 95 años de un centro institucionalizado. Se administraron la escala TAS-20 para la evaluación de la alexitimia, la Escala de Resiliencia CD-RISC y la Escala Mejorada de Creencias Paranormales. Entre los principales resultados cabe destacar que los sujetos con mayores Dificultades para identificar sentimientos son los que presentaban un menor Control personal; los sujetos con mayores Dificultades para identificar sentimientos son los que menor creencia poseían de las Formas de vida extraordinaria y los sujetos con mayor capacidad de Control Personal son los que mayor creencia tenían de las Formas de vida extraordinaria. Se discuten las aplicaciones que los profesionales pueden poner en marcha en centros institucionalizados de personas mayores.



    Ismael García Cedillo; Silvia Romero Contreras; Karla Motilla Negrete; Claudia Isabel Zapata Martínez


    El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en identificar la manera en que se reorganizaron los Centros de Atención Múltiple para atender los retos implícitos en la integración educativa y cómo valoran dichos cambios los integrantes de la comunidad educativa. Los cambios en la legislación que se realizaron en México con motivo del inicio de la integración educativa abarcaban a la educación especial en su conjunto. Con respecto a las escuelas de educación especial (ahora Centros de Atención Múl...

  10. Measurements of gas permeability and non-Darcy flow in gas-water-hydrate systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ersland, G.; Husebo, J.; Graue, A.; Kvamme, B. [Bergen Univ., Bergen (Norway). Dept. of Physics and Technology; Baldwin, B. [Green Country Petrophysics LLC, Dewey, OK (United States); Stevens, J.; Howard, J. [ConocoPhillips, OK (United States)


    Storage of carbon dioxide (CO{sub 2}) in natural gas hydrate reservoirs may offer stable long-term storage of a greenhouse gas while benefiting from methane production, without requiring heat. By exposing hydrate to a thermodynamically preferred hydrate former, CO{sub 2}, the hydrate may be maintained macroscopically in the solid state and retain the stability of the formation. However, there is concern over the flow capacity in such reservoirs. This depends on several factors, notably thermodynamic destabilization of hydrate in small pores due to capillary effects; the presence of liquid channels separating the hydrate from the mineral surfaces; and, the connectivity of gas or liquid filled pores and channels. This paper described a technique for measuring gas permeability in gas-water-hydrate systems. It reported on several experiments that measured gas permeability during stages of hydrate growth in sandstone core plugs. Interactions between minerals and surrounding molecules were also discussed. The formation of methane hydrate in porous media was monitored and quantified with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI images of hydrate growth within the porous rock were provided along with measurements of gas permeability and non-Darcy flow effects at various hydrate saturations. Gas permeability was measured at steady state flow of methane through the hydrate-bearing core sample. Significant gas permeability was recorded for porous sandstone even when hydrates occupied up to 60 per cent of the pore space. It was concluded that MRI imaging can be used effectively to map and quantify hydrate saturation in sandstone core plugs. 27 refs., 2 tabs., 10 figs.

  11. El Centro de Cardioestimuladores del Uruguay. CCC Medical Devices

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    Pablo Darscht


    Full Text Available Estudio de caso del Centro de Cardioestimuladores del Uruguay - CCC Medical Devices preparado a solicitud de Ingenio en el marco del proyecto financiado por la Iniciativa para Incubadoras de InfoDev - Grupo Banco Mundial. Este estudio detalla los pasos seguidos por una empresa nacional con un fuerte factor de innovación y los cambios producidos en el entorno de los negocios de la empresa. El comienzo de una pequeña empresa de marcapasos que tras pasar por diferentes etapas hoy gana mercados en el área de ingeniería para dispositivos médicos para diferentes empresas de investigación biomédica a nivel internacional.AbstractCase study of the Centro de Cardioestimuladores del Uruguay - CCC Medical Devices prepared on behalf of Ingenio within the project financed by de Incubator Initiative of InfoDev-World Bank Group. This study refers to the steps followed by a highly innovative local company and to the changes in its business environment. The start up of a small pacemakers company that after going through different stages is presently increasing its market share in the area of engineering of medical devices for biomedic research companies worldwide.

  12. High-resolution seismic imaging of the gas and gas hydrate system at Green Canyon 955 in the Gulf of Mexico (United States)

    Haines, S. S.; Hart, P. E.; Collett, T. S.; Shedd, W. W.; Frye, M.


    High-resolution 2D seismic data acquired by the USGS in 2013 enable detailed characterization of the gas and gas hydrate system at lease block Green Canyon 955 (GC955) in the Gulf of Mexico, USA. Earlier studies, based on conventional industry 3D seismic data and logging-while-drilling (LWD) borehole data acquired in 2009, identified general aspects of the regional and local depositional setting along with two gas hydrate-bearing sand reservoirs and one layer containing fracture-filling gas hydrate within fine-grained sediments. These studies also highlighted a number of critical remaining questions. The 2013 high-resolution 2D data fill a significant gap in our previous understanding of the site by enabling interpretation of the complex system of faults and gas chimneys that provide conduits for gas flow and thus control the gas hydrate distribution observed in the LWD data. In addition, we have improved our understanding of the main channel/levee sand reservoir body, mapping in fine detail the levee sequences and the fault system that segments them into individual reservoirs. The 2013 data provide a rarely available high-resolution view of a levee reservoir package, with sequential levee deposits clearly imaged. Further, we can calculate the total gas hydrate resource present in the main reservoir body, refining earlier estimates. Based on the 2013 seismic data and assumptions derived from the LWD data, we estimate an in-place volume of 840 million cubic meters or 29 billion cubic feet of gas in the form of gas hydrate. Together, these interpretations provide a significantly improved understanding of the gas hydrate reservoirs and the gas migration system at GC955.

  13. La acción tutorial y el clima escolar en los centros de educación secundaria obligatoria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristiano Serrano García


    Full Text Available Con el presente estudio se pretende profundizar en cómo incide la Acción Tutorial en el Clima en los centros educativos públicos y concertados de Secundaria y las causas que el profesorado de estos centros señala como determinantes. La implantación de un Plan de Acción Tutorial lleva implícito una serie de dificultades y desafíos que conviene abordar desde una perspectiva realista y de futuro. El Plan de Acción Tutorial debe afrontar la adecuada organización y el buen funcionamiento de los centros, unidos a la participación positiva y a un clima motivador en el trabajo. Es interesante determinar cuáles son los elementos y factores en la Acción Tutorial y el Clima de, así como la relación existente entre ambos. El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar si, desde la Acción Tutorial se mejora la Ecología del Centro, se influye en la Dirección, se mejora la Cultura de Convivencia, se incide sobre el Sistema Social, se mejora el Desarrollo Profesional y se consigue la Satisfacción de los profesionales de ámbitos educativos, se puede mejorar el Clima Escolar como conjunto. Se trata de un estudio evaluativo, para ello se ha aplicado los cuestionarios a 187 profesores de diversos centros públicos y concertados de Secundaria, que conforma la muestra del estudio. Para finalizar es necesario señalar que: «Si desde la Acción Tutorial conseguimos aumentar la comunicación entre la comunidad educativa, aumentaremos la confianza, conseguiremos un alto grado de motivación y esto ayudará a conseguir una participación activa y facilitará la obtención de un mejor clima en el centro educativo».

  14. 78 FR 28837 - Acadian Gas Pipeline System; Notice of Petition (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. PR11-129-001] Acadian Gas Pipeline System; Notice of Petition Take notice that on May 6, 2013, Acadian Gas Pipeline System (Acadian... concerns filed in the September 26, 2011 filing, as more fully detailed in the petition. Any person...

  15. Construction and performance tests of a secondary hydrogen gas cooling system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanokawa, K.; Hishida, M.


    With the aim of a multi-purpose use of nuclear energy, such as direct steel-making, an experimental multi-purpose high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (VHTR) is now being developed by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). In order to simulate a heat exchanging system between the primary helium gas loop and the secondary reducing gas system of the VHTR, a hydrogen gas loop as a secondary cooling system of the existing helium gas loop was completed in 1977, and was successfully operated for over 2000 hours. The objectives of constructing the H 2 secondary loop were: (1) To get basic knowledge for designing, constructing and operating a high-temperature and high-pressure gas facility; (2) To perform the following tests: (a) hydrogen permeation at the He/H 2 heat exchanger (the surfaces of the heat exchanger tubes are coated by calorizing to reduce hydrogen permeation), (b) thermal performance tests of the He/H 2 heat exchanger and the H 2 /H 2 regenerative heat exchanger, (c) performance test of internal insulation, and (d) performance tests of the components such as a H 2 gas heater and gas purifiers. These tests were carried out at He gas temperature of approximately 1000 0 C, H 2 gas temperature of approximately 900 0 C and gas pressures of approximately 40 kg/cm 2 G, which are almost the same as the operating conditions of the VHTR

  16. Centro Nacional de Información de Pesticidas - Portada (United States)

    Envenenamiento humano Envenenamiento de mascotas Recursos para derrames y limpieza Envenenamiento de vida información local sobre pesticidas y control de plagas Información y recursos sobre pesticidas: Preguntas ) Podcasts Materiales de difusión Recursos profesionales de NPIC (inglés) Redes Sociales: Centro Nacional

  17. Analysis of Gas Vent System in Overseas LILW Disposal Facilities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Ju Yub; Kim, Ju Youl [FNC Technology Co., Yongin (Korea, Republic of); Jung, Hae Ryong; Ha, Jae Chul [Korea Radioactive Waste Management Corporation, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    A Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste (LILW) disposal facility is currently under construction in Korea. It is located in the aquifer, 80{approx}130 m below the ground surface. Thus, it is expected that disposal facility will be saturated after closure and various gases will be generated from metal corrosion, microbial degradation of organic materials and radiolysis. Generated gases will move up to the upper part of the silo, and it will increase the pressure of the silo. Since the integrity of the engineered barrier could be damaged, development of effective gas vent system which can prevent the gas accumulation in the silo is essential. In order to obtain basic data needed to develop site-specific gas vent system, gas vent systems of Sweden, Finland and Switzerland, which have the disposal concept of underground facility, were analyzed

  18. A review of gas tariff systems in Europe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wessels, L.; Swagerman, D.


    This review of the gas tariff systems in Europe did not confirm the previously established opinion that there is a large difference between the situation in Western Europe and the Central and Eastern Europe. The differences are not as great as the differences inside Western Europe and inside the Central and Eastern Europe countries. This overview was done according to the UN Gas centre questionnaire that was sent to all the countries with economies in transition and the information Gasunie has about he tariff system in western Europe

  19. Centro de Recursos de Aprendizagem: biblioteca escolar para o século XXI

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelley Cristine Gonçalves Dias Gasque


    Full Text Available Relato de experiência do planejamento, construção e funcionamento do Centro de Recursos de Aprendizagem, CRA, do Colégio Marista de Brasília. Mais do que local de acesso à informação, constitui-se espaço de aprendizagem e de conhecimento, integrado ao processo pedagógico da escola, com a tarefa de formar cidadãos críticos e autônomos. Conclui-se que apesar do êxito da biblioteca, para que seja efetivamente usada como Centro de Recursos de Aprendizagem, a escola deve-se adotar currículo mais flexível e métodos de resolução de problemas.

  20. A Controlled Environment System For Measuring Plant-Atmosphere Gas Exchange (United States)

    James M. Brown


    Describes an inexpensive, efficient system for measuring plant-atmosphere gas exchange. Designed to measure transpiration from potted tree seedlings, it is readily adaptable for measuring other gas exchanges or gas exchange by plant parts. Light level, air and root temperature can be precisely controlled at minimum cost.

  1. Logistical management system for natural gas distribution; Sistema de gestao logistica para a distribuicao de gas natural

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arruda, Joao Bosco F; Nobre, Junior, Ernesto F; Praca, Eduardo R [Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFC), Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). Nucleo de Pesquisa em Logistica, Transportes e Desenvolvimento


    The Brazilian Federal Government has the very purpose of increasing the participation of the Natural Gas in the primary energy internal supply from 7,5% nowadays to about 12% till 2010. However, for that, it is necessary to eliminate the great impedance represented by the restricted accessibility to the product, due to the high distribution costs involved. So, there is an urgent need for availability of technologies to help natural gas distribution systems. This paper proposes an innovative logistics-based approach on the subject of the natural gas distribution, through a computational tool (GASLOG System) to be applied in the North and Northeastern urban and country areas of Brazil, with initial case study in the city of Fortaleza. In its conception, the GASLOG System focuses on the point-of-view of everyone of the actors involved with the natural gas distribution process trying to respond their particular necessities in the sector. (author)

  2. Vivir en un centro histórico en Latinoamérica. Percepciones de los hogares de profesionales en la ciudad de Puebla

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hélène Bélanger


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre la "clase profesional" que se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Puebla (México en relación con sus percepciones sobre el centro histórico como hábitat. A pesar de que la uneEsco otorgó a la ciudad su reconocimiento como patrimonio mundial y pese a todos los programas diseñados para protegerla y mejorarla, su centro antiguo no parece ser uno de los "buenos sectores" (los barrios adecuados para vivir. Los hogares de profesionales que viven en el centro histórico han satisfecho sus condiciones de vida; sin embargo varios de ellos, que no residen en el centro, tienen una percepción negativa sobre la seguridad, la limpieza, la infraestructura y las condiciones sociales del sector. Esta percepción perjudica la revitalización sociorresidencial del centro histórico de la ciudad.

  3. Fuel rod puncturing and fission gas monitoring system examination techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Woong Sup


    Fission gas products accumulated in irradiated fuel rod is 1-2 cm 3 in CANDU and 40-50 cm 3 in PWR fuel rod. Fuel rod puncturing and fission gas monitoring system can be used for both CANDU and PWR fuel rod. This system comprises puncturing device located at in cell part and monitoring device located at out cell part. The system has computerized 9 modes and can calculate both void volume and mass volume only single puncturing. This report describes techniques and procedure for operating fuel rod puncturing and gas monitoring system which can be play an important role in successful operation of the devices. Results obtained from the analysis can give more influence over design for fuel rods. (Author). 6 refs., 9 figs

  4. Simple gas chromatographic system for analysis of microbial respiratory gases (United States)

    Carle, G. C.


    Dual column ambient temperature system, consisting of pair of capillary columns, microbead thermistor detector and micro gas-sampling valve, is used in remote life-detection equipment for space experiments. Performance outweighs advantage gained by utilizing single-column systems to reduce weight, conserve carrier gas and operate at lower power levels.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sell, D. A.; Baily, C. E.; Malewitz, T. J.; Medvedev, P. G.; Porter, D. L.; Hilton, B. A.


    A system has been developed to perform measurements on irradiated, sodium bonded-metallic fuel elements to determine the amount of fission gas retained in the fuel material after release of the gas to the element plenum. During irradiation of metallic fuel elements, most of the fission gas developed is released from the fuel and captured in the gas plenums of the fuel elements. A significant amount of fission gas, however, remains captured in closed porosities which develop in the fuel during irradiation. Additionally, some gas is trapped in open porosity but sealed off from the plenum by frozen bond sodium after the element has cooled in the hot cell. The Retained fission Gas (RFG) system has been designed, tested and implemented to capture and measure the quantity of retained fission gas in characterized cut pieces of sodium bonded metallic fuel. Fuel pieces are loaded into the apparatus along with a prescribed amount of iron powder, which is used to create a relatively low melting, eutectic composition as the iron diffuses into the fuel. The apparatus is sealed, evacuated, and then heated to temperatures in excess of the eutectic melting point. Retained fission gas release is monitored by pressure transducers during the heating phase, thus monitoring for release of fission gas as first the bond sodium melts and then the fuel. A separate hot cell system is used to sample the gas in the apparatus and also characterize the volume of the apparatus thus permitting the calculation of the total fission gas release from the fuel element samples along with analysis of the gas composition.

  6. Infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C em gestantes em Mato Grosso do Sul, 2005-2007 Infección por el virus de la hepatitis C en gestantes en Mato Grosso do Sul, Centro-Oeste de Brasil, 2005-2007 Hepatitis C virus infection among pregnant women in Central-Western Brazil, 2005-2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clarice Souza Pinto


    Full Text Available O estudo teve por objetivo estimar a prevalência da infecção e genótipo do vírus da hepatite C (HCV, bem como determinar a subnotificação de casos. O total de 115.386 gestantes atendidas pelo Programa Estadual de Proteção à Gestante de Mato Grosso do Sul foi submetido à coleta de sangue para a detecção de anti-HCV, de 2005 a 2007. A prevalência da infecção pelo HCV foi de 1,07 casos/1.000. As amostras positivas foram submetidas à detecção do HCV-RNA e genotipadas. O genótipo 1 foi encontrado em 73% das amostras, 24,3% pertenciam ao genótipo 3 e 2,7% ao genótipo 2. A subnotificação de casos de hepatite C foi de 35,5%.El estudio tuvo por objetivo estimar la prevalencia de la infección y genotipo del virus de la hepatitis C (HCV, así como determinar la subnotificación de casos. El total de 115.386 gestantes atendidas por el Programa Estatal de Protección a la Gestante de Mato Grosso do Sul (Centro-Oeste de Brasil fueron sometidas a la colecta de sangre para la detección de anti-HCV, de 2005 a 2007. La prevalencia de la infección por el HCV fue de 1,07 casos/1000. Las muestras positivas fueron sometidas a la detección del HCV-RNA y genotipadas. El genotipo 1 fue encontrado en 73% de las muestras, 24,3% pertenecían al genotipo 3 y 2,7% al genotipo 2. La subnotificación de casos de hepatitis C fue de 35,5%.The study was aimed at estimating the prevalence of infection with and the genotype of hepatitis C virus (HCV, and to determine the extent of underreporting of HCV cases. A total of 115,386 pregnant women seen by the Program for Protection of Pregnancy [Programa Estadual de Proteção à Gestante] of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Central-Western Brazil, were tested for anti-HCV antibodies between 2005 and 2007. Prevalence of HCV infection was 1.07 cases per thousand. Positive samples were tested for HCV RNA and genotyped. Genotype 1 was detected in 73% of samples, genotype 3 in 24.3%, and genotype 2 in 2

  7. 75 FR 18607 - Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems (United States)


    ...: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems; Proposed Rule #0;#0;Federal Register / Vol. 75 , No. 69 / Monday, April... Natural Gas Systems AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Proposed rule. SUMMARY: EPA is... natural gas systems. Specifically, the proposed supplemental rulemaking would require emissions reporting...

  8. Gas management of measurement system; Sistema informatizado de programacao e controle integrado de gas natural

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Niedersberg, Luis Carlos [Companhia de Gas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Sulgas), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Coordenacao de Programacao e Controle Integrado; Gomes, Lea Visali [Companhia de Gas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Sulgas), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Gerencia Executiva de Logistica de Operacoes


    This paper has for objective to present the software developed for control of measurement of natural gas in the Gas Company of the Rio Grande do Sul State - Sulgas. This paper will be presented the previous control system, developed as Microsoft Excel and the new system developed in Company's ERP. This software automated great part of the process, reducing possible mistakes, reducing the reverse-work index and improving the quality of the measurements considerably and of the revenue of the Company. (author)

  9. Systems of quasilinear equations and their applications to gas dynamics

    CERN Document Server

    Roždestvenskiĭ, B L; Schulenberger, J R


    This book is essentially a new edition, revised and augmented by results of the last decade, of the work of the same title published in 1968 by "Nauka." It is devoted to mathematical questions of gas dynamics. Topics covered include Foundations of the Theory of Systems of Quasilinear Equations of Hyperbolic Type in Two Independent Variables; Classical and Generalized Solutions of One-Dimensional Gas Dynamics; Difference Methods for Solving the Equations of Gas Dynamics; and Generalized Solutions of Systems of Quasilinear Equations of Hyperbolic Type.

  10. European standards applied by Gas Transmission System Operator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Witek, M.; Kuchta, K.; Oleszkiewicz, J.; Teperek, T.


    The lecture described actual state of implementation of European standards concerning transmission of natural gas and underlined their importance for proper performance of Transmission System Operator (TSO). European standards implemented to Polish Standards as PN-EN, necessary for TSO, related to design, construction and operation of high pressure gas network were also described. The lecture underlined as well the impact of standards application on preparation process of national regulations. They obligate TSO to create the technical conditions that ensure safety of gas transmission network functioning as well as environmental and surroundings safety. (authors)

  11. Gas exchange measurements in natural systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broecker, W.S.; Peng, T.H.


    Direct knowledge of the rates of gas exchange in lakes and the ocean is based almost entirely on measurements of the isotopes 14 C, 222 Rn and 3 He. The distribution of natural radiocarbon has yielded the average rate of CO 2 exchange for the ocean and for several closed basin lakes. That of bomb produced radiocarbon has been used in the same systems. The 222 Rn to 226 Ra ratio in open ocean surface water has been used to give local short term gas exchange rates. The radon method generally cannot be used in lakes, rivers, estuaries or shelf areas because of the input of radon from sediments. A few attempts have been made to use the excess 3 He produced by decay of bomb produced tritium in lakes to give gas transfer rates. The uncertainty in the molecular diffusivity of helium and in the diffusivity dependence of the rate of gas transfer holds back the application of this method. A few attempts have been made to enrich the surface waters of small lakes with 226 Ra and 3 H in order to allow the use of the 222 Rn and 3 He methods. While these studies give broadly concordant results, many questions remain unanswered. The wind velocity dependence of gas exchange rate has yet to be established in field studies. The dependence of gas exchange rate on molecular diffusivity also remains in limbo. Finally, the degree of enhancement of CO 2 exchange through chemical reactions has been only partially explored. 49 references, 2 figures, 2 tables

  12. Plan de mejoramiento integral del Centro Educativo Víctor Cartagena de la ciudad de Cayambe.


    Aguilar Pozo, Patricia Jeanneth


    El Plan de Mejoramiento Integral incluye cuatro capítulos correspondientes a una investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa que sea realizó dentro y fuera del Centro Educativo Víctor Cartagena. En el primer capítulo se hace un análisis de la importancia de la educación inicial y primaria; la incidencia de la calidad educativa y una breve descripción de la perspectiva de la escuela como empresa. En el segundo capitulo se expone un diagnóstico del Centro Educativo Víctor Cart...

  13. Design layout for gas monitoring system II, GMS-2, computer system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vo, V.; Philipp, B.L.; Manke, M.P.


    This document provides a general overview of the computer systems software that perform the data acquisition and control for the 241-SY-101 Gas Monitoring System II (GMS-2). It outlines the system layout, and contains descriptions of components and the functions they perform. The GMS-2 system was designed and implemented by Los Alamos National Laboratory and supplied to Westinghouse Hanford Company

  14. Análisis de los Componentes Organizativos de Centros de Formación Profesional en España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Javier Hinojo-Lucena


    Full Text Available El artículo se centra en analizar las percepciones del equipo directivo de los centros educativos en función de la estructura abiótica de las instituciones (infraestructura, dotación presupuestaria, naturaleza jurídica, etc. y su funcionamiento biótico (interrelaciones personales y dinámica organizativa, para determinar propuestas de mejora que repercutan en la calidad educativa de los servicios formativos ofrecidos. El diseño utilizado es no experimental a través del Método de Encuesta, y más concretamente transversal, mediante cuestionario. Las principales conclusiones fueron: a Configuración arquitectónica, naturaleza del centro, el entorno y la dotación presupuestaria: Tiene poca influencia la naturaleza del centro, se desarrolla en zonas urbanas de las ciudades. Se tiene muy poca relación con otros centros educativos de la zona, por tanto, son muy independientes, contando además con pocos proyectos de innovación educativa, teniendo otras prioridades de gasto. b Aspectos organizativos: Se tiene una relación fluida con empresas, teniendo un liderazgo muy marcado (equipo directivo. El clima escolar de los centros es muy bueno, siendo excelentes las relaciones interpersonales entre el profesorado. El rendimiento del alumnado es muy favorable, utilizando cada vez los recursos tecnológicos para innovar en la educación, aunque pueden mejorarse. Se debe aumentar la financiación para aumentar la calidad de la formación.

  15. Development of lab scale fast gas injection system for SST-1 Tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pathan, F.S.; Banaudha, Moni; Khristi, Yohan; Khan, M.S.; Khan, Ziauddin; Raval, D.C.; Khirwadkar, Samir


    The plasma density control plays an important role in Tokamak operation. The factors that influence plasma density in a Tokamak device are working gas injection, pumping, ionization rate and the recycle coefficient representing the wall conditions. Among these factors, gas injection is relatively convenient to be controlled. Hence, the most frequently adopted method to control the plasma density is to control the fast gas injection. This paper describes the design and experimental work carried out towards the development of Fast Gas Injection System for SST-1 Tokamak. Laboratory based test setup was successfully established for Fast Gas Injection System that can feed predefined quantity of gas in a controlled manner into vacuum chamber. Further, this FGIS system will be implemented in SST-1 Tokamak environment with online density feedback signal

  16. System and method for treatment of a flue gas (United States)

    Spiry, Irina Pavlovna; Wood, Benjamin Rue; Singh, Surinder Prabhjot; Perry, Robert James; McDermott, John Brian


    A method for treatment of a flue gas involves feeding the flue gas and a lean solvent to an absorber. The method further involves reacting the flue gas with the lean solvent within the absorber to generate a clean flue gas and a rich solvent. The method also involves feeding the clean flue gas from the absorber and water from a source, to a wash tower to separate a stripped portion of the lean solvent from the clean flue gas to generate a washed clean flue gas and a mixture of the water and the stripped portion of the lean solvent. The method further involves treating at least a portion of the mixture of the water and the stripped portion of the lean solvent via a separation system to separate the water from the stripped portion of the lean solvent.

  17. On-line gas mixing and multi-channel distribution system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalmani, S.D.; Mondal, N.K.; Satyanarayana, B.; Verma, P.; Joshi, Avinash


    In this presentation, we describe a mass-flow controller based on-line gas mixing unit with the multi-channel distribution system. We highlight different aspects such as requirement, design, calibration, control and operation of this system. This unit has the capability to mix up to four different input gases and distribute over 16 output channels. Output in individual channels is controlled accurately by using capillary-based system. At present, we are using this gas mixing unit for prototype of iron calorimeter (ICAL) detector of India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO).

  18. Educating the distance: Aspects of context of the platform learning Technological Vocational Centers of the State of Minas Gerais


    Mamede, Kellen Cristine Almeida


    A presente dissertação faz parte do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação do Mestrado em Educação da Universidade do Oeste Paulista, vinculado à linha de pesquisa Formação e Prática Pedagógica do Profissional Docente , na área de concentração Instituição Educacional e Formação do Educador , e teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os aspectos metodológicos dos cursos a distância acessíveis do ambiente virtual de ensino dos Centros Vocacionais Tecnológicos (CVT) do Estado de...

  19. Intoxicação espontânea e experimental por Pterodon emarginatus (Fabaceae Faboideae) em bovinos e experimental em ovinos


    Cruz, Raquel A.S.; Oliveira, Leonardo P. de; Caldeira, Flavio H.B.; Mendonça, Fábio S.; Bacha, Flávia B.; Pott, Arnildo; Lemos, Ricardo A.A.; Colodel, Edson M.


    Relatam-se mortalidades de bovinos nos Estados de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul relacionadas ao consumo de folhas de Pterodon emarginatus. Três surtos ocorreram no período de seca na região Centro-Oeste, após a queda de árvores devido a ventos fortes ou após serem derrubadas para aproveitamento da madeira. Morreram 40 bovinos em três diferentes surtos. A intoxicação foi reproduzida com administração de folhas de P. emarginatus; a dose tóxica mínima foi 20g/kg para ovinos e 6g/kg para bovin...

  20. Evaluación ambiental de las condiciones de explotación y uso del recurso hidríco subterráneo en el Barrio Cerro Los Leones, Tandil


    Rodríguez, Corina Iris


    Se basa esta investigación en la evaluación ambiental de las condiciones de explotación y uso del recurso hídrico subterráneo en el Barrio Cerro Los Leones, ubicado al Oeste de la ciudad de Tandil, en el centro-SE de la provincia de Buenos Aires. El interés por dicho sector surgió a partir de las falencias en la provisión de agua potable y servicios sanitarios. El objetivo principal consistió en la generación de pautas de gestión sustentable basadas en el análisis y evaluación del sistema sub...

  1. Benchmarking European Gas Transmission System Operators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agrell, Per J.; Bogetoft, Peter; Trinkner, Urs

    This is the final report for the pan-European efficiency benchmarking of gas transmission system operations commissioned by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), Den Haag, on behalf of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) under the supervision of the authors....

  2. 75 FR 74457 - Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems (United States)


    ...: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems; Final Rule #0;#0;Federal Register / Vol. 75 , No. 229 / Tuesday, November... Natural Gas Systems AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: EPA is... natural gas systems. This action adds this source category to the list of source categories already...

  3. Real-time exhaust gas modular flowmeter and emissions reporting system for mobile apparatus (United States)

    Breton, Leo Alphonse Gerard (Inventor)


    A real-time emissions reporting system includes an instrument module adapted to be detachably connected to the exhaust pipe of a combustion engine to provide for flow of exhaust gas therethrough. The instrument module includes a differential pressure probe which allows for determination of flow rate of the exhaust gas and a gas sampling tube for continuously feeding a sample of the exhaust gas to a gas analyzer or a mounting location for a non-sampling gas analyzer. In addition to the module, the emissions reporting system also includes an elastomeric boot for detachably connecting the module to the exhaust pipe of the combustion engine, a gas analyzer for receiving and analyzing gases sampled within the module and a computer for calculating pollutant mass flow rates based on concentrations detected by the gas analyzer and the detected flowrate of the exhaust gas. The system may also include a particulate matter detector with a second gas sampling tube feeding same mounted within the instrument module.

  4. The Energy Conversion Analysis of HTR Gas Turbine System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The energy conversion analysis of HTR gas turbine system by hand calculation is tedious work and need much time. This difficulty comes from the repeated thermodynamic process calculation, both on compression or expansion of the cycle. To make the analysis faster and wider variable analyzed, HTR-1 programme is used. In this paper, the energy conversion analysis of HTR gas turbine system by HTR-1 will be described. The result is displayed as efficiency curve and block diagram with the input and output temperature of the component. This HTR-1 programme is developed by Basic language programming and be compiled by Visual Basic 5.0 . By this HTR-1 programme, the efficiency, specific power and effective compression of the amount of gas can be recognized fast. For example, for CO 2 gas between 40 o C and 700 o C, the compression on maximum efficiency is 4.6 and the energy specific is 18.9 kcal/kg, while the temperature changing on input and output of the component can be traced on monitor. This process take less than one second, while the manual calculation take more than one hour. It can be concluded, that the energy conversion analysis of the HTR gas turbine system by HTR-1 can be done faster and more variable analyzed. (author)

  5. A Computationally Efficient Equation of State for Ternary Gas Hydrate Systems (United States)

    White, M. D.


    The potential energy resource of natural gas hydrates held in geologic accumulations, using lower volumetric estimates, is sufficient to meet the world demand for natural gas for nearly eight decades, at current rates of increase. As with other unconventional energy resources, the challenge is to economically produce the natural gas fuel. The gas hydrate challenge is principally technical. Meeting that challenge will require innovation, but more importantly, scientific research to understand the resource and its characteristics in porous media. The thermodynamic complexity of gas hydrate systems makes numerical simulation a particularly attractive research tool for understanding production strategies and experimental observations. Simply stated, producing natural gas from gas hydrate deposits requires releasing CH4 from solid gas hydrate. The conventional way to release CH4 is to dissociate the hydrate by changing the pressure and temperature conditions to those where the hydrate is unstable. Alternatively, the guest-molecule exchange technology releases CH4 by replacing it with more thermodynamically stable molecules (e.g., CO2, N2). This technology has three advantageous: 1) it sequesters greenhouse gas, 2) it potentially releases energy via an exothermic reaction, and 3) it retains the hydraulic and mechanical stability of the hydrate reservoir. Numerical simulation of the production of gas hydrates from geologic deposits requires accounting for coupled processes: multifluid flow, mobile and immobile phase appearances and disappearances, heat transfer, and multicomponent thermodynamics. The ternary gas hydrate system comprises five components (i.e., H2O, CH4, CO2, N2, and salt) and the potential for six phases (i.e., aqueous, nonaqueous liquid, gas, hydrate, ice, and precipitated salt). The equation of state for ternary hydrate systems has three requirements: 1) phase occurrence, 2) phase composition, and 3) phase properties. Numerical simulations that predict

  6. Development of a gas-jet-coupled multitarget system for multitracer production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haba, H.; Kaji, D.; Kanayama, Y.; Igarashi, K.; Enomoto, S.


    de021741792A new multitracer production system, which consists of a gas-jet-coupled multitarget system for short-lived radioactive tracers and a gas- and water-cooled target system for intense beam irradiations, has been installed on a beam line of the K540-MeV RIKEN Ring Cyclotron. The performance of the gas-jet system was investigated with 50 radionuclides of 18 elements produced in the 135 MeV nucl. -1 - 14 N induced reaction on nat Cu. The gas-jet efficiencies of the nuclides varying from 61 Cu to 24 Na, except for the chlorine isotopes, show a smooth variation as a function of the mass difference between a product and a target. The multitracers on the nat Ag and 197 Au targets were also produced by the 135 MeV nucl. -1 - 14 N beam with the intensity of 0.7 pμA, which was more than seven times the limit of the previous system. (orig.)

  7. Calidad del servicio en el centro de servicio al contribuyente Nicolás de Piérola Sunat – Lima 2016


    Vizcardo Fernández, Sara Ana de los Angeles


    La presente tesis titulada “Calidad del servicio en el centro de servicio al contribuyente Nicolás de Piérola - Sunat, Lima 2016” tiene por objetivo determinar la calidad del servicio que brinda el Centro de Servicio al Contribuyente de Nicolás de Piérola, centro perteneciente a la entidad pública Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y Administración Tributaria – SUNAT. El presente trabajo es de investigación descriptiva, corte transversal, no experimental y enfoque cuantita...

  8. Determinan Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada Penyewaan Lapangan Centro Futsal Cabang Daan Mogot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dwi Susanto


    Full Text Available The Determinant of Customer's Satisfaction to Centro Futsal Branch of Daan MogotThe aim of this research is to analyze the determinat of consumer satisfaction at Futsal Centro. This research is using multiple regression as tools of analysis. The independent variables of this research are service quality, promotion, and location. The result shows that the most influence in providing customer satisfaction is the location amounted to 0.364 and then followed by the variable of service quality amounted to 0.349 and followed by the promotion variable equal to 0.229. Then through the F test showed that the variables of service quality, well-deserved promotions and locations to test the dependent variable customer satisfaction on leasing futsal field. Through correlation R value is 0.811 or 81.1% and the determination coefficient value (R2 is 0.657, or 65.7.DOI: 10.15408/ess.v6i2.3574

  9. Stakeholder Workshop on EPA GHG Data on Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems (United States)

    This page describes EPA's November 2015 stakeholder workshop on greenhouse gas data on petroleum and natural gas systems from the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program and U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory of Emissions and Sinks.

  10. Interdependence of the Electricity Generation System and the Natural Gas System and Implications for Energy Security (United States)


    installation of natural gas generation or cogeneration plants to increase their energy security from the typical three days using diesel supplies to weeks-to...better quantify the regional impact of natural gas for energy security. Modeling and simulation could identify those regions and DoD installations that...Interdependence of the Electricity Generation System and the Natural Gas System and Implications for Energy Security N. Judson 15 May 2013 Prepared for the

  11. Distribution electric system simulator to support decision-making for CFE (Federal Electric Commission) Distribution Control Centers; Simulador del Sistema Electrico de Distribucion para apoyo en la toma de decisiones en Centros de Control de Distribucion de la CFE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espinosa Reza, Alfredo; Quintero Reyes, Agustin; Garcia Mendoza, Raul; Calleros Torres, Tito Manuel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Borjas Diaz, Jesus Fidel; Sierra Rodriguez, Benjamin; Torres Abrego, Rafael [Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico)


    This article presents the physical, logical and functional architecture designed to integrate the Electric Distribution System (EDS) simulator developed for the CFE and the electric energy Distribution Control Centers in Mexico. The objective of the EDS simulator is to integrate engineering distribution functions (power flow, short circuit, optimal reconfiguration and reliability, among others) and an expert system (Case-based Reasoning) to aid the process of information analysis, decision-making and the capacity-building of the CFE's Regional and Zonal Distribution Control Centers. The EDS simulator has been installed, updated and is operational in the Tampico Zone and the Gulf Division Distribution Center, as an established product that continually evolves along with the actual operating dynamics. [Spanish] Se presenta la arquitectura fisica, logica y funcional disenada para integrar el simulador del Sistema Electrico de Distribucion (SED) desarrollado para la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) y los Centros de Control de Distribucion de energia electrica en Mexico. El objetivo del simulador del SED es integrar funciones de ingenieria de distribucion (flujo de potencia, corto circuito, reconfiguracion optima, confiabilidad, entre otras) y un sistema experto (Razonamiento Basado en Casos) para apoyar el proceso de analisis de informacion, la toma de decisiones y la capacitacion en los Centros de Control de Distribucion Zonales y Regionales de CFE. El Simulador del SED se encuentra instalado, actualizado y en operacion en la Zona Tampico y en la Division de Distribucion Golfo Centro como un producto consolidado y en constante evolucion a la par de la dinamica operativa real.

  12. Los usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos: una aproximación de segmentación sobre hábitos deportivos y satisfacción


    Elasri Ejjaberi, Amal; Triadó i Ivern, Xavier Ma.; Aparicio Chueca, Ma. del Pilar (María del Pilar)


    La heterogeneidad de los usuarios de centros deportivos ha incrementado en los últimos años. Como consecuencia, estos clientes demandan servicios y un trato por parte del centro muy personalizados. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los diferentes perfiles de usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos de la ciudad de Barcelona. Los datos se recogieron en una encuesta a 791 clientes de centros deportivos públicos. Mediante un análisis clúster y un análisis discriminante se han obtenido c...

  13. Los usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos : una aproximación de segmentación sobre hábitos deportivos y satisfacción


    Elasri Ejjaberi, Amal


    La heterogeneidad de los usuarios de centros deportivos ha incrementado en los últimos años. Como consecuencia, estos clientes demandan servicios y un trato por parte del centro muy personalizados. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los diferentes perfiles de usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos de la ciudad de Barcelona. Los datos se recogieron en una encuesta a 791 clientes de centros deportivos públicos. Mediante un análisis clúster y un análisis discriminante se han obtenido c...



    Barhm Mohamad


    The engine exhaust gas behaviour is strongly influencing the engine performance. This paper presents the modelling and analysis of four stroke - gasoline engine exhaust gas systems. An automotive example is considered whereby the pulsating exhausts gas flow through an exhaust pipe and silencer are considered over a wide range of speeds. Analytical procedures are outlined enabling the general analysis and modelling of vehicle engine exhaust gas systems also in this paper present...

  15. As ferramentas da gestão social utilizada pelas organizações que prestam serviços sociais à comunidade e pertencem à microrregião do extremo Oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wieczynski, Marineide


    Full Text Available O presente artigo aborda resultados de uma pesquisa de iniciação científica que teve como objetivo identificar e relatar quais são as ferramentas da gestão social utilizada pelas organizações que prestam serviços sociais e pertencem à microrregião do extremo oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina. O tipo de pesquisa foi de natureza quali-quantitativa, com o uso de questionários semi-estrutrados, amostragem por acessibilidade e um universo de 30 ONGs, cujos sujeitos foram os gestores dessas organizações. Constatou-se que nenhuma das organizações pesquisada utiliza plenamente as ferramentas da gestão social. O não uso das ferramentas – planejamento, organização, direção e controle/avaliação – comprometem a eficiência, a eficácia e a efetividade dos programas e projetos que vem sendo desenvolvidos por elas. Sugere-se a elaboração de um projeto de extensão e/ou de filantropia, no qual o Curso de Serviço Social da UNOESC – São Miguel do Oeste possa prestar assessoria e consultoria no que tange à gestão social de ONGs

  16. Local CHP Plants between the Natural Gas and Electricity Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bregnbæk, Lars; Schaumburg-Müller, Camilla


    , and they contribute significantly to the electricity production. CHP is, together with the wind power, the almost exclusive distributed generation in Denmark. This paper deals with the CHP as intermediary between the natural gas system and the electricity system. In particular, the relationship between the peak hour......Local combined heat and power (CHP) plants in Denmark constitute an important part of the national energy conversion capacity. In particular they supply a large share of the district heating networks with heat. At the same time they are important consumers as seen from the gas network system...... characteristics of the electricity and gas systems will be investigated. The point is here that the two systems will tend to have peak demand during the same hours. This is the typical situation, since load is high during the same hours of the day and of the year. Moreover, the random variations in the load...

  17. El proteccionismo en retirada. Las dificultades del Centro Azucarero Argentino (1912-1923

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lenis, María


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to analyze the impact that had the sanction of the so-called law Saavedra Lamas in the Centro Azucarero Argentino. Likewise it will try to explain of what way the arrival of the radicalism to the power, obliged the sugar trade union to change its strategies and practices of lobby. In this sense there will be contemplated the roll fulfilled by the Revista Azucarera, monthly publication of the Centro Azucarero, and for the representatives tucumanos in the Congress of the Nation. Finally, there will be examined the changes introduced by the statutory reform of 1923, especially there to will be attended the creation of the socalled regional commissions, especially that of Tucumán, and in that what measurement this process of decentralization was expressing the existing tensions among the sugar industrialists.

  18. System analysis of dry black liquor gasification based synthetic gas production comparing oxygen and air blown gasification systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naqvi, Muhammad; Yan, Jinyue; Dahlquist, Erik


    Highlights: ► Circulating fluidized bed system for black liquor gasification with direct causticization. ► Effects of gasifying medium i.e. oxygen or air, on gasification are studied. ► Direct causticization eliminates energy intensive limekiln reducing biomass use. ► Results show 10% higher SNG production from O 2 blown system than air blown system. ► SNG production is higher in O 2 blown system than air blown system. - Abstract: The black liquor gasification based bio-fuel production at chemical pulp mill is an attractive option to replace conventional recovery boilers increasing system energy efficiency. The present paper studies circulating fluidized bed system with direct causticization using TiO 2 for the gasification of the black liquor to the synthesis gas. The advantage of using direct causticization is the elimination of energy-intensive lime kiln which is an integral part of the conventional black liquor recovery system. The study evaluates the effects of gasifying medium i.e. oxygen or air, on the fluidized bed gasification system, the synthesis gas composition, and the downstream processes for the synthesis gas conversion to the synthetic natural gas (SNG). The results showed higher synthetic natural gas production potential with about 10% higher energy efficiency using oxygen blown gasification system than the air blown system. From the pulp mill integration perspective, the material and energy balance results in better integration of air blown system than the oxygen blown system, e.g. less steam required to be generated in the power boiler, less electricity import, and less additional biomass requirement. However, the air blown system still requires a significant amount of energy in terms of the synthesis gas handling and gas upgrading using the nitrogen rejection system

  19. 40 CFR 86.211-94 - Exhaust gas analytical system. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Exhaust gas analytical system. 86.211-94 Section 86.211-94 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR... New Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicles; Cold Temperature Test Procedures § 86.211-94 Exhaust gas...

  20. Development of Quality Insurance Information System of the RSG-GAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pranto Busono; Thantawi Nurhapy; Rofei, A.; Rohadi; Warsono; Endang Karmana


    To support operation of the RSG-GAS reactor safety, trade on high utilizable, an information system is needed which is easy to accessed, complete and information maintained. For above necessity, data base system for procedure in UJM using MS Access program has been made. MS Access has fields: title, identification number, revision, division, target of and procedure situation. System data base has been test drive successfully properly. It is easy to be accessed the needed information of RSG-GAS with data base system available. (author)

  1. Gerencia de investigación y desarrollo en centros de investigación de universidades públicas colombianas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Quintero, Johana María


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo planteó analizar las funciones gerenciales de los centros de investigación de dos (2 instituciones públicas colombianas, constituidas por la Universidad de La Guajira y Del Magdalena. Para lo cual, se consultaron los aportes teóricos de: Escorsa y Valls (2005, Bolaño y Abello (2004, Maradiago(2004, Münch y García (2005, entre otros. Bajo una metodología no experimental- descriptiva y contando con una muestra de 32 investigadores, que incluyó a los directores de Centros. A dicha muestra se le aplicó un cuestionario escala tipo Lickert, previamente validado por el juicio de 5 expertos. Entre los resultados más relevantes se destacan: i el reconocimiento de las habilidades y destrezas de los gerentes cuya capacidad le permite liderar procesos; ii alto grado de responsabilidad y mando gerencial para con el grupo de empleados que laboran en los centros de investigación; iii uso de mecanismos de evaluación no adecuados a las necesidades de los centros; iv funciones gerenciales no aplicadas de manera coherente y óptima con respecto al alcance organizacional.

  2. La calidad y la fidelidad del cliente: Un análisis de segmentación en centros de fitness low-cost


    García-Fernández, Jerónimo; Sánchez-Oliver, Antonio Jesús; Grimaldi-Puyana, Moises; Fernández-Gavira, Jesús; Gálvez Ruiz, Pablo (UNIR)


    La calidad y la fidelidad han sido estudiadas en los centros de fitness, mayormente en la relación que tienen entre ambas y con otras variables. En pocos casos se han realizado estudios que analicen los perfiles de clientes que mejor perciben dichas variables. Por esta razón el estudio tenía por objetivo segmentar a los clientes de centros de fitness low-cost según la percepción de calidad y fidelidad. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 8462 clientes (4303 mujeres y 4159 hombres) de centros de f...

  3. La calidad y la fidelidad del cliente : un análisis de segmentación en centros de fitness low-cost


    García Fernández, Jerónimo


    La calidad y la fidelidad han sido estudiadas en los centros de fitness, mayormente en la relación que tienen entre ambas y con otras variables. En pocos casos se han realizado estudios que analicen los perfiles de clientes que mejor perciben dichas variables. Por esta razón el estudio tenía por objetivo segmentar a los clientes de centros de fitness low-cost según la percepción de calidad y fidelidad. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 8462 clientes (4303 mujeres y 4159 hombres) de centros de f...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Clébio Rodrigues Lopes


    Full Text Available A descentralização em Fortaleza gerou perda de população residente,desinvestimentos e expansão do comércio ambulante na Área Central nas últimastrês décadas. Face à problemática, um grupo formado por governo, empresários esociedade civil tem se reunido desde o início da década de 1990 para proporpolíticas de recuperação do Centro e, dessa forma, atrair investidores. Os projetosse interessam pela melhoria do espaço público e refletem tendências globais, porisso se baseiam numa aproximação entre o setor público e o privado mediante oestabelecimento de parcerias, asseguradas por mecanismos jurídicos. O objetivodeste artigo é analisar propostas de requalificação do bairro central. Assim,investigações em jornais, revisão bibliográfica e análise dos discursos proferidosno Fórum Viva Centro foram utilizados como instrumentos de pesquisa. Aconclusão foi que os planos de renovação combinam estratégias imobiliárias comcircuitos de valorização nas suas novas frentes de expansão.

  5. Interpretación qeodinámica de la vertiente centro-occidental surpirenaica (cuencas de Jaca-Tremp

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cámara, P.


    Full Text Available A system of imbricated thrusts (piggy-back sequence, coeval with the sedimentary filling of the Jaca and Tremp basins, was generated during Eocene and Oligocene. The Eocene sedimentation was conditioned by ramp anticlines, thus creating syntectonic slope facies _on the smooth or rear slope of each thrust (Burgui marls and limes tones. Separating these ramp anticlines are several troughs containing different turbiditic systems. Within these systems and channelized along the troughs, assembla,ges of carbonate megabeds are intercalated. These assemblages migrated southwards, while each individual megabed within every assemblage shifted eastwards. This arrangement reflects the general thrust sheets movements as they were emplaced earlier at the western pan of the Jaca basin, being progressively displaced towards South and East. The carbonate material that compose the megabeds would source from a northern Eocene platform, located on the active basin margin, as well as from erosion on the ramp anticlines simultaneously created.
    The imbricated thrust system affecting the cover is genetically related to and overlain a big duplex system developed on the basement. The latter dips NW, being of "hinterland dipping" type and has its root or "branch line" located on an intrapaleozoic fault within the axial zone. The tectonic configuration was generated by an NNW-SSE compression, probably due to the dextral relative movement between the Iberian and European plates.

    Durante el Eoceno y Oligoceno en las cuencas de Jaca y Tremp se produce un sistema de cabalgamientos imbricados ("piggy-back sequence" contemporáneos con el relleno sedimentario de las mismas. Toda la sedimentación eocena está condicionada por las rampas anticlinales formadas, originándose una facies de talud sintectónica en los flancos suaves o traseros de cada cabalgamiento (calizas y margas de Burgui, Entre estas rampas anticlinales se crean una serie de surcos en los cuales se

  6. Gas analysis modeling system forecast for the Energy Modeling Forum North American Natural Gas Market Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mariner-Volpe, B.; Trapmann, W.


    The Gas Analysis Modeling System is a large computer-based model for analyzing the complex US natural gas industry, including production, transportation, and consumption activities. The model was developed and first used in 1982 after the passage of the NGPA, which initiated a phased decontrol of most natural gas prices at the wellhead. The categorization of gas under the NGPA and the contractual nature of the natural gas market, which existed at the time, were primary factors in the development of the basic structure of the model. As laws and regulations concerning the natural gas market have changed, the model has evolved accordingly. Recent increases in competition in the wellhead market have also led to changes in the model. GAMS produces forecasts of natural gas production, consumption, and prices annually through 2010. It is an engineering-economic model that incorporates several different mathematical structures in order to represent the interaction of the key groups involved in the natural gas market. GAMS has separate supply and demand components that are equilibrated for each year of the forecast by means of a detailed transaction network

  7. Transition of Future Energy System Infrastructure; through Power-to-Gas Pathways

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Azadeh Maroufmashat


    Full Text Available Power-to-gas is a promising option for storing interment renewables, nuclear baseload power, and distributed energy and it is a novel concept for the transition to increased renewable content of current fuels with an ultimate goal of transition to a sustainable low-carbon future energy system that interconnects power, transportation sectors and thermal energy demand all together. The aim of this paper is to introduce different Power-to-gas “pathways”, including Power to Hydrogen, Power to Natural Gas End-users, Power to Renewable Content in Petroleum Fuel, Power to Power, Seasonal Energy Storage to Electricity, Power to Zero Emission Transportation, Power to Seasonal Storage for Transportation, Power to Micro grid, Power to Renewable Natural Gas (RNG to Pipeline (“Methanation”, and Power to Renewable Natural Gas (RNG to Seasonal Storage. In order to compare the different pathways, the review of key technologies of Power-to-gas systems are studied and the qualitative efficiency and benefits of each pathway is investigated from the technical points of view. Moreover, different Power-to-gas pathways are discussed as an energy policy option that can be implemented to transition towards a lower carbon economy for Ontario’s energy systems.

  8. EBR-II Cover Gas Cleanup System upgrade distributed control and front end computer systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlson, R.B.


    The Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II) Cover Gas Cleanup System (CGCS) control system was upgraded in 1991 to improve control and provide a graphical operator interface. The upgrade consisted of a main control computer, a distributed control computer, a front end input/output computer, a main graphics interface terminal, and a remote graphics interface terminal. This paper briefly describes the Cover Gas Cleanup System and the overall control system; gives reasons behind the computer system structure; and then gives a detailed description of the distributed control computer, the front end computer, and how these computers interact with the main control computer. The descriptions cover both hardware and software

  9. Automatic gas-levitation system for vacuum deposition of laser-fusion targets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jordan, C.W.; Cameron, G.R.; Krenik, R.M.; Crane, J.K.


    An improved simple system has been developed to gas-levitate microspheres during vacuum-deposition processes. The automatic operation relies on two effects: a lateral stabilizing force provided by a centering-ring; and an automatically incremented gas metering system to offset weight increases during coating

  10. Spatial analysis of stress conditions inside broiler house under tunnel ventilation Análise espacial de condições de estresse em galpão de frango de corte usando ventilação tipo túnel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miwa Yamamoto Miragliotta


    éreo e acústico dentro de galpão de produção de frango de corte, usando sistema de ventilação tipo túnel e densidade de 18 aves m-2. O estudo foi conduzido em Rio Claro, SP, em uma edificação com 12 m × 115 m, dividida em três setores (leste, centro e oeste, orientada leste-oeste, contendo virtualmente 132 células, cada uma medindo 3,0 m × 3,5 m. No centro geométrico de cada célula as seguintes variáveis foram medidas instantaneamente: temperatura de bulbo seco, umidade relativa, velocidade do ar, nível de ruído e intensidade de luz. Os dados foram coletados sistematicamente a partir do lado oeste para o lado leste, em direção oposta ao fluxo de ar produzido pela ventilação tipo túnel, no período mais crítico do dia. As medidas foram tomadas quando as aves estavam na sexta semana de produção. A mortalidade média dos frangos foi registrada nos três setores. A ferramenta geostatística foi usada para construir mapas de distribuição espacial das variáveis resultantes de maneira a possibilitar a inferência de posições intermediárias. Concluiu-se que as zonas de estresse estão localizadas nos extremos do galpão e o maior índice de mortalidade foi encontrado no setor oeste, onde estavam os exaustores.

  11. Modeling the transient security constraints of natural gas network in day-ahead power system scheduling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yang, Jingwei; Zhang, Ning; Kang, Chongqing


    The rapid deployment of gas-fired generating units makes the power system more vulnerable to failures in the natural gas system. To reduce the risk of gas system failure and to guarantee the security of power system operation, it is necessary to take the security constraints of natural gas...... accurately, they are hard to be embedded into the power system scheduling model, which consists of algebraic equations and inequations. This paper addresses this dilemma by proposing an algebraic transient model of natural gas network which is similar to the branch-node model of power network. Based...... pipelines into account in the day-ahead power generation scheduling model. However, the minute- and hour-level dynamic characteristics of gas systems prevents an accurate decision-making simply with the steady-state gas flow model. Although the partial differential equations depict the dynamics of gas flow...

  12. El Paso natural gas nearing completion of system's largest expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    El Paso Natural Gas Co.'s largest expansion program in its 64-year history will be completed along its northern system this spring or early summer. According to the company, the three-tiered, $241.5 million expansion program will increase El Paso's gas-transport capacity by 835 MMcfd to 2.5 bcfd of conventional and coal-seam gas from the San Juan basin in northwestern New Mexico. That's enough natural gas, says the company, to supply the needs of a city of more than 800,000 residents. This paper reports that the expansion involves the San Juan Triangle system, the company's northern main line, and the Permian-San Juan crossover line. The company also filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in October 1991 to construct a new $15.2 million compressor station, Rio Vista, south of Bloomfield, N.M. The station would be used to move additional gas to the main line

  13. Gas system Upgrade for the BaBar IFR Detector at SLAC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foulkes, S


    A new gas distribution and monitoring system was installed as part of an upgrade of the forward endcap muon detection system (IFR) of the BaBar detector at SLAC. Over 300 gas circuits are controlled and monitored. The return gas flow is monitored by digital bubblers which use photo-gate electronics to count the bubbling rate. The rates are monitored in real time and recorded in a history database allowing studies of flow rate versus chamber performance

  14. Milk quality according to the daily range in farm production in the Mesoregion Central Mineira and Oeste of Minas Gerais regions, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.R. Borges


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to characterize milk production from the Central Mineira and Oeste Mesoregions regions in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, according to quality parameters such as somatic cell count, total bacteria count, and composition for specific production ranges. Average results for milk fat, protein, total and nonfat solids were compliant with Brazilian legal requirements (IN-62/2011 in all the production ranges selected. Average somatic cell counts (SCC complied with the legal requirements of 600,000 cells/mL, except for the range with a daily production above 1,000 liters. However, average maximum values of 400,000 cells/mL are recommended for good milk quality. Total bacterial count was the most critical quality factor, with the highest values found in breeds with milk production above 500 liters per day.

  15. Distributed gas detection system and method (United States)

    Challener, William Albert; Palit, Sabarni; Karp, Jason Harris; Kasten, Ansas Matthias; Choudhury, Niloy


    A distributed gas detection system includes one or more hollow core fibers disposed in different locations, one or more solid core fibers optically coupled with the one or more hollow core fibers and configured to receive light of one or more wavelengths from a light source, and an interrogator device configured to receive at least some of the light propagating through the one or more solid core fibers and the one or more hollow core fibers. The interrogator device is configured to identify a location of a presence of a gas-of-interest by examining absorption of at least one of the wavelengths of the light at least one of the hollow core fibers.

  16. Design of a Natural Gas Liquefaction System with Minimum Components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergese, Franco


    In this work an economic method for liquefying natural gas by diminishing its temperature by means of the Joule-Thomson effect is presented.The pressures from and to which the gas must be expanded arose from a thermodynamic calculation optimizing the cost per unit mass of Liquefied Natural Gas LNG).It was determined that the gas should be expanded from 200 atm to 4 atm.This expansion ratio can be used in different scales.Large Scale: liquefaction of gas at well.It takes advantage of the fact that the gas inside the well is stored at high pressure.The gas is expanded in a valve / nozzle and then compressed to the pressure of the local pipeline system.The objective of this project is to export natural gas as LNG, which is transported by ships to the markets of consumption.Using this method of liquefaction, the LNG production levels are limited to a fraction of the production of the well, due to the injection of the un condensed gas into the local pipelines system.Medium Scale: A high pressure pipeline is the source of the gas.The expansion is performed and then the gas is again compressed to the pressure of a lower pressure pipeline into which the gas is injected.The pressure reductions of natural gas are performed nearby big cities.The aim of this project scale is the storage of fuel for gas thermal power plants during periods of low energy consumption for later burning when the resource is limited. Another possibility that offers this size of plant is the transportation of gas to regions where the resource is unavailable.This transportation would be carried out by means of cistern trucks, in the same way that conventional liquid fuels are transported.Small scale: the place of production would be a CNG refueling station. The source of gas is in this case a gas pipeline of urban distribution and the gas should be compressed with the compressor of the refueling station.Compressors have generally low loading factor and the periods of time when they are not producing

  17. Centro TORTUGA's Integrated Research and Professional Development Training for Early Stage Hispanic Students in Puerto Rico (United States)

    Moser, F. C.; Allen, M. R.; Barberena-Arias, M.; Clark, J.; Harris, L.; Maldonado, P. M.; Olivo-Delgado, C.; Pierson, J. J.


    Over the last five years our multidisciplinary team explored different undergraduate research and professional development (PD) strategies to improve early stage Hispanic student retention in marine science with the objective of interesting them in pursuing degrees that may ultimately lead to geoscience careers. This research led to the 2016 launch of our current project, Centro TORTUGA (Tropical Oceanography Research Training for Undergraduate Academics). Our overarching goal is to increase the number of underrepresented students from minority serving institutions in geoscience-relevant disciplines and careers. Critical to success is building a program rich in both research and PD. Based on qualitative and quantitative evaluations we found students benefited from PD efforts to increase skills in areas such as: 1) speaking and writing English; 2) science communication; 3) teamwork; 4) project management; and 5) completing internship/graduate school applications. To build student self-confidence, networking, and science skills Centro Tortuga involves students' families, bridges cultural gaps across research and non-research institutions inside and outside of Puerto Rico, and provides a gathering place (Centro TORTUGA) for students. With our partners, Universidad del Turabo (UT), Universidad Metropolitana (UMET), and University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, we are now testing a 12-month integrated research and PD curriculum. Initial results suggest areas for improved student training include: 1) science communication (reports and graphs); 2) science ethics; and 3) poster and oral presentations. Students also identified specific preparation they would like included in the Centro TORTUGA curriculum.

  18. Relaciones de intercambio en el oeste pampeano: el papel de los ambulantes

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    María Eugenia Comerci


    Full Text Available RESUMEN En el extremo oeste de la provincia de La Pampa persisten prácticas culturales, productivas y vinculares arraigadas desde comienzos del siglo XX. Dentro de los agentes tradicionales que históricamente han interactuado con los productores del área, se destacan los vendedores ambulantes o mercachifles. A través de densas redes, éstos han proveído a los productores de bienes de consumo. En el artículo se pretenden explorar los vínculos históricos establecidos entre los vendedores ambulantes y los campesinos, las trayectorias y estrategias comerciales gestadas en el pasado y en el presente. Las relaciones entre los mercachifles y los intermediarios con los productores, se estudian a través de testimonios y el cruce de datos obtenidos en el trabajo de gabinete y de campo en Chos Malal y La Humada. Finalmente se reflexiona sobre los factores que posibilitan la persistencia de ciertas relaciones de subordinación entre comerciantes y productores que habitan en parajes rurales. ABSTRACT In the far west of the province of La Pampa persist cultural, productive and relational practices rooted from the early twentieth century. Among the traditional agents that have historically interacted with area producers stand street vendors or hawkers. Through these dense networks they have provided to producers of consumer goods. In the article aims to explore the established historical ties between street vendors and farmers, paths and business strategies engendered in the past and in the present. Relations between peddlers and producers intermediaries are studied through testimonials and crossing data obtained in office work and field in Chos Malal and the Humada. Finally we examine the factors that make the persistence of certain reporting relationships between traders and farmers who live in rural places.

  19. Centros educativos que dan respuesta a los retos educativos actuales implicando a la comunidad escolar: Dos estudios de casos

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    Carmen Álvarez


    Full Text Available Objeto: Explorar formas actuales de participación entre los centros educativos y sus comunidades escolares que demuestran ser satisfactorias.Diseño/metodología: Se realizan dos estudios de caso en dos escuelas innovadoras siguiendo un modelo de investigación cualitativa, realizando observación participante, entrevistas y foros de debate con las personas implicadas.Aportaciones y resultados: Se analizan cuatro prácticas para aproximar escuela y comunidad: la Acción Tutorial, la Apertura del Centro a la Comunidad, la implementación de Grupos Interactivos y la creación de una Comisión de Familias.Limitaciones: Los resultados no son representativos de lo que sucede en el común de las escuelas.Implicaciones prácticas: Cada centro debe explorar sus propias posibilidades y límites para favorecer la relación centro-comunidad apostando por el máximo de formas organizativas colaborativas entre los diferentes agentes para dar respuestas conjuntas a los retos educativos actuales.Implicaciones sociales: Toda la comunidad educativa debe ser bien recibida en los centros escolares para contribuir a la mejora escolar del alumnado y que haya una verdadera implicación comunitaria.Valor añadido: cuando se genera una fuerte sinergia entre el conjunto de los componentes de la comunidad educativa todos sus miembros pueden aportar respuestas a los retos actuales del ámbito escolar en un plano horizontal.

  20. Multitube coaxial closed cycle gas laser system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, J.W.; Walch, A.P.


    A gas laser design capable of long term reliable operation in a commercial environment is disclosed. Various construction details which insulate the laser optics from mechanical distortions and vibrations inevitably present in the environment are developed. Also, a versatile optical cavity made up of modular units which render the basic laser configuration adaptable to alternate designs with different output capabilities is shown in detail. The system built around a convection laser operated in a closed cycle and the working medium is a gas which is excited by direct current electric discharges. (auth)

  1. Comparison of Direct and Indirect Gas Reactor Brayton Systems for Nuclear Electric Space Propulsion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    M Postlehwait; P DiLorenzo; S Belanger; J Ashcroft


    Gas reactor systems are being considered as candidates for use in generating power for the Prometheus-1 spacecraft, along with other NASA missions as part of the Prometheus program. Gas reactors offer a benign coolant, which increases core and structural materials options. However, the gas coolant has inferior thermal transport properties, relative to other coolant candidates such as liquid metals. This leads to concerns for providing effective heat transfer and for minimizing pressure drop within the reactor core. In direct gas Brayton systems, i.e. those with one or more Brayton turbines in the reactor cooling loop, the ability to provide effective core cooling and low pressure drop is further constrained by the need for a low pressure, high molecular weight gas, typically a mixture of helium and xenon. Use of separate primary and secondary gas loops, one for the reactor and one or more for the Brayton system(s) separated by heat exchanger(s), allows for independent optimization of the pressure and gas composition of each loop. The reactor loop can use higher pressure pure helium, which provides improved heat transfer and heat transport properties, while the Brayton loop can utilize lower pressure He-Xe. However, this approach requires a separate primary gas circulator and also requires gas to gas heat exchangers. This paper focuses on the trade-offs between the direct gas reactor Brayton system and the indirect gas Brayton system. It discusses heat exchanger arrangement and materials options and projects heat exchanger mass based on heat transfer area and structural design needs. Analysis indicates that these heat exchangers add considerable mass, but result in reactor cooling and system resiliency improvements


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    Charlei Aparecido da Silva


    Full Text Available Los postulados newtoniano-mecanicista-cartesianos, al fragmentar el mundo, permitieron la estructuración y validación del método; sin embargo al mismo tiempo y paradójicamente nos llevaron a desconsiderar lo que había de más rico, las conexiones, las interrelaciones y la interdependencia entre los fenómenos. En el campo de la Climatología Geográfi ca la proposición del paradigma rítmico coincide con el surgimiento de teorías, conceptos y técnicas de análisis cuyas bases se fundamentan en la contraposición de la fragmentación del análisis científi co y en la búsqueda de posibilidades que permitan entender el clima y el tiempo por medio de sus procesos de interacción y interdependencia. Los fundamentos de la concepción sistémica presentes en la Climatología Geográfi ca nos hacen creer que la comprensión de las alteraciones climáticas en las más diversas escalas sólo pueden ser explicadas a partir del estudio de los procesos génesis del clima y del tiempo y, en ese contexto, la relación hombre-naturaleza gana proporciones en el análisis. Los valores numéricos, matemáticos, se manifi estan como resultados necesarios para la medición: pero, ellos por si solos no son la realidad. La realidad está presente en las dinámicas de los procesos y eso sí interesa cada vez más en el análisis de la Climatología Geográfica.

  3. Increasing gas producer profitability with virtual well visibility via an end-to-end wireless Internet gas monitoring system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McDougall, M. [Northrock Resources Ltd., Calgary, AB (Canada); Benterud, K. [Zed.i solutions, Calgary, AB (Canada)


    This PowerPoint presentation describes how Northrock Resources Ltd. increased profitability using Smart-Alek{sup TM} while avoiding high implementation costs. Smart-Alek is a new type of fully integrated end-to-end electronic gas flow measurement (GFM) system based on Field Intelligence Network and End User Interference (FINE). Smart-Alek can analyze gas production through public wireless communications and a web-browser delivery system. The system has enabled Northrock to increase gas volumes with more accurate measurement and reduced downtime. In addition, operating costs have decreased because the frequency of well visits has been reduced and the administrative procedures of data collection is more efficient. The real-time well visibility of the tool has proven to be very effective in optimizing business profitability. 7 figs.



    Rodniski, Cleber Marcos; Lamera, Daniela; Ecco, Katia


    O objetivo com esta pesquisa foi verificar a efetiva utilização das práticas de análise Custo/Volume/Lucro (CVL) na tomada de decisões dos laticínios da região Oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina. As práticas de CVL investigadas foram a margem de contribuição, a margem de contribuição com fator de restrição, o ponto de equilíbrio, a margem de segurança e a alavancagem operacional. Para isso, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa descritiva, de caráter qualitativo, com metodologia de levantamento ou surve...

  5. Aerofotos convencionais e imagens orbitais TM/LANDSAT no mapeamento morfopedológico em Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP Mapping and fisiographic characterization of soils using conventional aerial photographs and orbital images TM/LANDSAT-5 in Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP

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    J.A.M. Demattê


    Full Text Available Foram estudados, com o auxílio de fotografias aéreas, aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos do relevo e da rede de drenagem de solos de uma área de Santa Bárbara D'Oeste, SP. Esta região compreende 14.625 ha, onde foram selecionadas bacias hidrográficas de 3ª ordem de ramificação e amostras circulares de 5km². As unidades de mapeamento simples ou associações de solos são: Latossolo Vermelho Escuro, Podzólico, Litossolo + Podzólico, Terra Roxa Estruturada + Latossolo Roxo distrófico. Após a caracterização das feições fisiográficas, da área de ocorrência desses solos, foram realizados dois mapas morfopedológicos. No primeiro utilizou-se fotografias aéreas verticais pancromáticas na escala 1: 35.000 (data de 25/6/78 e no segundo imagens orbitais do sensor "Thematic Mapper" do LANDSAT-5, nas bandas 3, 4 e 5 e composição colorida 3/4/5 na escala 1: 100.000 (data de 12/9/91. As análises qualitativas e quantitativas do relevo (índice de declividade média e rede de drenagem (densidade de drenagem, freqüência de rios, razão de textura mostraram-se eficientes na diferenciação das unidades de solo estudadas, tanto em bacias hidrográficas como em amostras circulares. A utilização de fotografias aéreas, permitiu maior riqueza de detalhes na precisão dos limites das unidades de mapeamento e no maior número de unidades de mapeamento discriminadas em relação as imagens orbitais. A composição colorida 3/4/5 permitiu diferenciar os Latossolos argilosos dos Latossolos de textura média, assim como o Latossolo Húmico.Using aerial photographs quantitative and qualitative parameters of drainage patterns and landscape were studied in an area located in Santa Barbara D'Oeste,SP. This area has 14,625 ha, represented by the following simple map units or associations: Dark Red Latosols; Red Yellow Podzoh'c associated with some Lithosols; Dusky Latosol associated with "Terra Roxa Estruturada" (a Rodudal. Sampling areas were

  6. Analysis of hollow fibre membrane systems for multicomponent gas separation

    KAUST Repository

    Khalilpour, Rajab; Abbas, Ali; Lai, Zhiping; Pinnau, Ingo


    nonlinear differential algebraic equation system is solved via a combination of backward differentiation and Gauss-Seidel methods. Natural gas sweetening problem is investigated as a case study. Model parametric analyses of variables, namely feed gas quality

  7. Gas composition modeling in a reformed Methanol Fuel Cell system using adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Justesen, Kristian Kjær; Andreasen, Søren Juhl; Shaker, Hamid Reza


    This work presents a method for modeling the gas composition in a Reformed Methanol Fuel Cell system. The method is based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy-Inference-Systems which are trained on experimental data. The developed models are of the H2, CO2, CO and CH3OH mass flows of the reformed gas. The ANFIS......, or fuel cell diagnostics systems....



    Marcelino Filho, Arthur; Araújo, Tania Maria de


    ResumoAs características ambientais e o modo de organização do trabalho em centros especializados em saúde podem produzir situações de estresse e efeitos negativos sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a saúde mental dos profissionais de saúde da rede especializada de Aracaju (Sergipe) e as situações de estresse ocupacional com base no modelo esforço-recompensa. Estudo transversal realizado em 2011 com 94 profissionais de saúde em atividade em dois centros de atend...

  9. Application of an entry-exit tariff model to the gas transport system in Spain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alonso, Alejandro; Serrano, Miguel; Olmos, Luis


    Under an entry-exit gas tariff system, reservation of capacity is split into entry capacity, to transport gas from the injection points to a virtual balancing point, and exit capacity, to transport gas from the balancing point to the exit points in the system. Entry-exit tariff for gas transport systems have been recommended by the 3rd EU Energy Package, since they are cost reflective, facilitate gas trade and can provide signals for the location of gas injections or off-takes. The advisability of applying an entry-exit tariff system is discussed in this paper. Apart from this, authors propose an entry-exit tariff model and apply it to compute charges for the Spanish gas transport system in 2009. Results produced by the model are presented as coefficients which should multiply the current postal transport tariff. The paper concludes that entry-exit tariffs would be useful location signals which would result in a better use of the gas transport system in Spain. In those cases where demand exceeds available capacity, as it occurs at the congested connection with France, entry-exit tariffs could be supplemented by capacity charges at entry points resulting from auctions. (author)

  10. Temperature Control of Gas Chromatograph Based on Switched Delayed System Techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiao-Liang Wang


    Full Text Available We address the temperature control problem of the gas chromatograph. We model the temperature control system of the gas chromatograph into a switched delayed system and analyze the stability by common Lyapunov functional technique. The PI controller parameters can be given based on the proposed linear matrix inequalities (LMIs condition and the designed controller can make the temperature of gas chromatograph track the reference signal asymptotically. An experiment is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the stability criterion.

  11. Greenhouse gas emissions from on-site wastewater treatment systems (United States)

    Somlai-Haase, Celia; Knappe, Jan; Gill, Laurence


    Nearly one third of the Irish population relies on decentralized domestic wastewater treatment systems which involve the discharge of effluent into the soil via a percolation area (drain field). In such systems, wastewater from single households is initially treated on-site either by a septic tank and an additional packaged secondary treatment unit, in which the influent organic matter is converted into carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) by microbial mediated processes. The effluent from the tanks is released into the soil for further treatment in the unsaturated zone where additional CO2 and CH4 are emitted to the atmosphere as well as nitrous oxide (N2O) from the partial denitrification of nitrate. Hence, considering the large number of on-site systems in Ireland and internationally, these are potential significant sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and yet have received almost no direct field measurement. Here we present the first attempt to quantify and qualify the production and emissions of GHGs from a septic tank system serving a single house in the County Westmeath, Ireland. We have sampled the water for dissolved CO2, CH4 and N2O and measured the gas flux from the water surface in the septic tank. We have also carried out long-term flux measurements of CO2 from the drain field, using an automated soil gas flux system (LI-8100A, Li-Cor®) covering a whole year semi-continuously. This has enabled the CO2 emissions from the unsaturated zone to be correlated against different meteorological parameters over an annual cycle. In addition, we have integrated an ultraportable GHG analyser (UGGA, Los Gatos Research Inc.) into the automated soil gas flux system to measure CH4 flux. Further, manual sampling has also provided a better understanding of N2O emissions from the septic tank system.

  12. Greenhouse gas balances of biomass energy systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marland, G.; Schlamadinger, B.


    A full energy-cycle analysis of greenhouse gas emissions of biomass energy systems requires analysis well beyond the energy sector. For example, production of biomass fuels impacts on the global carbon cycle by altering the amount of carbon stored in the biosphere and often by producing a stream of by-products or co-products which substitute for other energy-intensive products like cement, steel, concrete or, in case of ethanol form corn, animal feed. It is necessary to distinguish between greenhouse gas emissions associated with the energy product as opposed to those associated with other products. Production of biomass fuels also has an opportunity cost because it uses large land areas which could have been used otherwise. Accounting for the greenhouse gas emissions from biomass fuels in an environment of credits and debits creates additional challenges because there are large non-linearities in carbon flows over time. This paper presents some of the technical challenges of comprehensive greenhouse gas accounting and distinguishes between technical and public policy issues. (author). 5 refs, 5 figs

  13. Greenhouse gas balances of biomass energy systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marland, G.; Schlamadinger, B.


    A full energy-cycle analysis of greenhouse gas emissions of biomass energy systems requires analysis well beyond the energy sector. For example, production of biomass fuels impacts on the global carbon cycle by altering the amount of carbon stored in the biosphere and often by producing a stream of by-products or co-products which substitute for other energy-intensive products like cement, steel, concrete or, in case of ethanol from corn, animal feed. It is necessary to distinguish between greenhouse gas emissions associated with the energy product as opposed to those associated with other products. Production of biomass fuels also has an opportunity cost because it uses large land areas which could have been used otherwise. Accounting for the greenhouse gas emissions from biomass fuels in an environment of credits and debits creates additional challenges because there are large nonlinearities in the carbon flows over time. This paper presents some of the technical challenges of comprehensive greenhouse gas accounting and distinguishes between technical and public policy issues

  14. Simulation of a heat pump system for total heat recovery from flue gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei, Maolin; Yuan, Weixing; Song, Zhijia; Fu, Lin; Zhang, Shigang


    This paper introduces an approach of using an open-cycle absorption heat pump (OAHP) for recovering waste heat from the flue gas of a gas boiler with a system model. And equivalent energy efficiency is used to evaluate two other heat recovery systems that integrate an electric compression heat pump (EHP) or an absorption heat pump (AHP) with a boiler. The key factors influencing the systems are evaluated. The OAHP system efficiency is improved by 11% compared to the base case. And the OAHP system is more efficient than the AHP or the EHP systems, especially when the solution mass flow rate is only a little less than the cold water mass flow rate. The energy efficiency comparison is supplemented with a simplified economic analysis. The results indicate that the OAHP system is the best choice for the current prices of electricity and natural gas in Beijing. - Highlights: • An OAHP system is analyzed to improve heat recovery from natural gas flue gas. • OAHP system models are presented and analyzed. • The key factors influencing the OAHP systems are analyzed. • The OAHP system is most efficient for most cases compared with other systems. • The OAHP system is more economic than other systems

  15. Mapas mentales del centro histórico de Santa Marta

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    Ubaldo Rodríguez de Ávila Sharol Cortés


    Full Text Available Al establecer y definir las principales argumentaciones teóricas que pueden acotar (desde nuestra visión y definir los conceptos de representación socioespacial, estudiado a través de la técnica y a la vez metodología de Mapas Mentales, como una forma de conocimiento social, elaboramos este nuevo aporte en el que se plantea una investigación que quiere ofrecer un modelo acerca de cómo abordar metodológicamente el tema que nos ocupa. Extracto científico del trabajo de grado de los autores del mismo, estudiantes de grado de Psicología de la Universidad del Magdalena, titulado: Representación Socioespacial del Centro Hisórico de Santa Marta, situándonos en la necesidad de conocer los mapas mentales como construcción de la realidad y la manera como el conocimiento se construye en ella. De este modo, la principal meta que se traza es la comprensión de los Mapas Mentales que los sujetos que usan el centro Histórico de Santa Marta tienen formado. (Duazary 2006; 2:153-163

  16. Impact of transition to a low carbon power system on the GB gas network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qadrdan, Meysam; Chaudry, Modassar; Jenkins, Nick; Baruah, Pranab; Eyre, Nick


    Highlights: • Availability and cost of gas are crucial factors in power system planning. • CGEN+ was developed to analyse expansion of combined gas and electricity systems. • Performance of various low carbon strategies were assessed. • Electrification of heat and transport requires large investment in power sector. • Despite declining demand for gas, peak gas demand will almost remain unchanged. - Abstract: The reliance of Great Britain power generation on the gas network makes it critical to consider the future availability and cost of gas in planning the expansion of the power system. A combined gas and electricity network planning model was used to investigate impacts of various low carbon strategies on regional expansion of the Great Britain gas network out to the 2050s. A number of long term energy supply and demand strategies covering a range of plausible investment policies for Great Britain gas and electricity systems were explored. Reliance of Great Britain on gas imports was projected to vary from 84%, in an energy system with significant electrification of heat and transport sectors and large capacity of nuclear generation, to 94% in a business as usual case. Extensive investment in Liquefied Natural Gas import facilities at Milford Haven and the Isle of Grain was shown to compensate for reduction of indigenous gas supplies. Exploitation of shale gas in north England was shown to reduce the gas dependency of Great Britain in the business as usual case to 74%. Electrification of the heat and transport sectors combined with exploitation of shale gas in Great Britain could reduce import dependency to below 10% by 2050

  17. Balancing Accuracy and Computational Efficiency for Ternary Gas Hydrate Systems (United States)

    White, M. D.


    Geologic accumulations of natural gas hydrates hold vast organic carbon reserves, which have the potential of meeting global energy needs for decades. Estimates of vast amounts of global natural gas hydrate deposits make them an attractive unconventional energy resource. As with other unconventional energy resources, the challenge is to economically produce the natural gas fuel. The gas hydrate challenge is principally technical. Meeting that challenge will require innovation, but more importantly, scientific research to understand the resource and its characteristics in porous media. Producing natural gas from gas hydrate deposits requires releasing CH4 from solid gas hydrate. The conventional way to release CH4 is to dissociate the hydrate by changing the pressure and temperature conditions to those where the hydrate is unstable. The guest-molecule exchange technology releases CH4 by replacing it with a more thermodynamically stable molecule (e.g., CO2, N2). This technology has three advantageous: 1) it sequesters greenhouse gas, 2) it releases energy via an exothermic reaction, and 3) it retains the hydraulic and mechanical stability of the hydrate reservoir. Numerical simulation of the production of gas hydrates from geologic deposits requires accounting for coupled processes: multifluid flow, mobile and immobile phase appearances and disappearances, heat transfer, and multicomponent thermodynamics. The ternary gas hydrate system comprises five components (i.e., H2O, CH4, CO2, N2, and salt) and the potential for six phases (i.e., aqueous, liquid CO2, gas, hydrate, ice, and precipitated salt). The equation of state for ternary hydrate systems has three requirements: 1) phase occurrence, 2) phase composition, and 3) phase properties. Numerical simulation of the production of geologic accumulations of gas hydrates have historically suffered from relatively slow execution times, compared with other multifluid, porous media systems, due to strong nonlinearities and

  18. Thermodynamic Modeling of Natural Gas Systems Containing Water

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karakatsani, Eirini K.; Kontogeorgis, Georgios M.


    As the need for dew point specifications remains very urgent in the natural gas industry, the development of accurate thermodynamic models, which will match experimental data and will allow reliable extrapolations, is needed. Accurate predictions of the gas phase water content in equilibrium...... with a heavy phase were previously obtained using cubic plus association (CPA) coupled with a solid phase model in the case of hydrates, for the binary systems of water–methane and water–nitrogen and a few natural gas mixtures. In this work, CPA is being validated against new experimental data, both water...... content and phase equilibrium data, and solid model parameters are being estimated for four natural gas main components (methane, ethane, propane, and carbon dioxide). Different tests for the solid model parameters are reported, including vapor-hydrate-equilibria (VHE) and liquid-hydrate-equilibria (LHE...

  19. Natural gas demand forecast system based on the application of artificial neural networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanfeliu, J.M.; Doumanian, J.E.


    Gas Natural BAN, as a distribution gas company since 1993 in the north and west area of Buenos Aires Argentina, with 1,000,000 customers, had to develop a gas demand forecast system which should comply with the following basic requirements: Be able to do reliable forecasts with short historical information (2 years); Distinguish demands in areas of different characteristics, i.e. mainly residential, mainly industrial; Self-learning capability. To accomplish above goals, Gas Natural BAN chose in view of its own necessities, an artificial intelligence application (neural networks). 'SANDRA', the gas demand forecast system for gas distribution used by Gas Natural BAN, has the following features: Daily gas demand forecast, Hourly gas demand forecast and Breakdown of both forecast for each of the 3 basic zones in which the distribution area of Gas Natural BAN is divided. (au)

  20. Ion transport membrane reactor systems and methods for producing synthesis gas (United States)

    Repasky, John Michael


    Embodiments of the present invention provide cost-effective systems and methods for producing a synthesis gas product using a steam reformer system and an ion transport membrane (ITM) reactor having multiple stages, without requiring inter-stage reactant injections. Embodiments of the present invention also provide techniques for compensating for membrane performance degradation and other changes in system operating conditions that negatively affect synthesis gas production.

  1. Co-variabilidad de la temperatura superficial del mar entre cuencas del Hemisferio Sur

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    Ana Laura Berman


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudian relaciones estadísticas entre diferentes regiones de los océanos del Hemisferio Sur en todo el espacio tiempo-frecuencia durante los últimos cincuenta años aplicando la metodología de transformada ondeletas de coherencia a promedios anuales de anomalías mensuales de temperatura superficial del mar. Entre los resultados más relevantes encontrados debe mencionarse que las regiones del oeste y centro del Pacífico tropical tienen una estrecha relación en oscilaciones menores a 8 años y en oscilaciones alrededor de 12 años pero notables desacoples son detectados en el resto del espacio de frecuencias. Por otra parte, la relación entre las regiones del oeste y del este del Pacífico tropical es significativa sólo en oscilaciones menores a 8 años con una clara interrupción durante la década de 1980. Importantes conexiones en oscilaciones interdecadales son detectadas entre las regiones del oeste y centro del Pacifico subtropical. En el Océano Atlántico se encuentran relaciones significativas en un amplio rango de frecuencias entre las regiones del oeste y, especialmente, entre las regiones tropicales mientras que en el Océano Indico solo se observan relaciones importantes entre áreas subtropicales en oscilaciones decadales e interdecadales. El análisis también revela fuertes conexiones entre las tres cuencas oceánicas en diferentes bandas de frecuencia.Relations among different regions of the Southern Hemisphere oceans in the whole time-frequency space during the last fifty years are studied applying the methodology of Wavelet Coherence Analysis to annual means of monthly anomalies of sea surface temperature. Among the most relevant results, it must be mentioned that the western and central regions of the tropical Pacific have a close relation in oscillations shorter than 8 years and in oscillations around 12 years but important disconnections are detected in the rest of the space of frequencies

  2. Greenhouse gas emissions from integrated urban drainage systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mannina, Giorgio; Butler, David; Benedetti, Lorenzo


    As sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, integrated urban drainage systems (IUDSs) (i.e., sewer systems, wastewater treatment plants and receiving water bodies) contribute to climate change. This paper, produced by the International Working Group on Data and Models, which works under the IWA...

  3. Investigando las relaciones familia-escuela. La participación de los padres en el centro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando GIL VILLA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Uno de los indicadores de la implicación de los padres en la educación de los hijos es su relación con los centros de enseñanza. Utilizando datos de una encuesta financiada por el CIDE en 6 centros de la provincia de Salamanca —de primaria y secundaria—, se observa que una parte importante de padres no visitó el centro donde estudiaba su hijo el año anterior. En los centros privados la frecuencia de visitas es mayor pero el motivo de las mismas suele ser la entrevista solicitada por el tutor más que, por ejemplo, la participación en reuniones de las APAS. Estos datos avalarían la hipótesis de la escasa participación de los padres en general y su tendencia a limitarse a aspectos credencialistas —interés centrado casi exclusivamente en la marcha académica del hijo/a— haciendo poco posible la materialización de la idea de comunidad educativa.SUMMARY: Through participation at schools, the relation between parents and their children's education is regarded here. Data based in a Salamanca county's sample from Primary and Secundary show that an important part of the parents did not visit the school during the year before. In the case of private centres, the grade of involvement seems to be higher. However, the visits consist on interviews demanded for councelors, rather than meetings of the Students Parents Associations (SPAs. It is possible that the academic achievement be regarded as if it were more important than the contributions to get a wide idea of the scholar community.

  4. Pteridófitas do Parque Estadual da Vassununga, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro (SP, Brasil. Glebas Capetinga Leste e Capetinga Oeste. Pteridophytes from Vassununga State Park, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, Brazil. Glebas Capetinga Leste and Capetinga Oeste.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Áurea Maria Therezinha COLLI


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi realizado umlevantamento de pteridófitas nas Glebas CapetingaLeste e Capetinga Oeste do Parque Estadual daVassununga, localizado no município de Santa Rita doPassa Quatro, sob as coordenadas 21º41’00’’ –21º41’21’’S e 47º34’37’’ – 47º39’39’’W. As coletasforam realizadas em quatro trilhas, denominadasTrilha da Mina, Trilha do Ribeirão Bebedouro,Trilha dos Jequitibás e Trilha do Córrego da Gruta.Foram reconhecidas 34 espécies de pteridófitaspertencentes a 10 famílias. Destas, as maisrepresentativas foram Polypodiaceae e Thelypteridaceaecom seis espécies cada e Aspleniaceae e Pteridaceaeque apresentaram cinco espécies cada. Das 34espécies registradas 10 apresentam distribuiçãobastante restrita, ocorrendo apenas na Trilha da Mina.Por outro lado, Polypodium polypodioides (L. Watt,Pteris denticulata var. denticulata Sw eThelypteris dentata (Forssk. E. St. John são asespécies de ocorrência mais ampla. Em todas astrilhas há pteridófitas, sendo que a Trilha da Minaé a mais rica e a Trilha do Ribeirão Bebedouro amais pobre em número de espécies. As pteridófitasocorrem na floresta estacional semidecidual e namata ciliar. A maior diversidade de espécies foiencontrada na floresta estacional semidecidual.This work presents a pteridophyticalsurvey carried out at Glebas Capetinga Leste andCapetinga Oeste at Vassununga State Park,Santa Rita do Passa Quatro county, (21º41’00’’ –21º41’21’’S and 47º34’37’’ – 47º39’39’’W.Collections were done at four places called “Trilhada Mina”, “Trilha do Ribeirão Bebedouro”, “Trilhados Jequitibás” and “Trilha do Córrego da Gruta.”Thirty-four species of pteridophytes pertaining to10 families were recognized. Among them, themost representative ones were Polypodiaceaeand Thelypteridaceae, with six species each,and Aspleniaceae and Pteridaceae, with fivespecies each. Considering the 34 species registered,10

  5. Características de los usuarios del Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación de la Universidad de Cienfuegos

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    Aylén Pérez Borges


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Caracterizar a los usuarios del Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación (CRAI de la Universidad de Cienfuegos “Carlos Rafael Rodríguez”. Método: Se realizó un análisis bibliográfico de los términos relacionados con el estudio, un análisis de la metodología AMIGA, así como de las estadísticas que brinda el sistema automatizado de préstamos de esta biblioteca universitaria sobre los usuarios que más visitan el centro. Resultados: Se identificaron diversos grupos de usuarios a nivel de estudiantes, profesores, facultades, centros universitarios municipales, y centros de estudios; a la vez que dos grupos centrales: usuarios reales y potenciales. Conclusiones: Se conocieron algunas de las características de los usuarios del CRAI, partiendo de los grupos identificados por el centro, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como sus niveles educacionales e intereses. Se considera que un estudio más detallado puede quedar abierto para cumplimentar este objetivo a un nivel mayormente exhaustivo.

  6. La actividad físico-deportiva, sus beneficios en centros penitenciarios. Una aplicación en el centro penitenciario de Burgos.


    Martínez Antón, Miguel; Fernández Ciruelos, Álvaro


    En el presente artículo se consideran, a la luz de algunos estudios realizados, los beneficios físicos, psicológicos y sociales que puede generar la práctica físico-deportiva en la población reclusa, además de su posible influencia en los procesos de reeducación y reinserción social. Sirven de referencia la Ley General Penitenciaria (1979) y el Reglamento Penitenciario (1996). Se hace una aplicación al Centro Penitenciario de Burgos (España), mostrando la programación llevada a...

  7. Simulation and Parametric Analysis of a Hybrid SOFC-Gas Turbine Power Generation System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, A.M.; Fahmy


    Combined SOFC-Gas Turbine Power Generation Systems are aimed to increase the power and efficiency obtained from the technology of using high temperature fuel cells by integrating them with gas turbines. Hybrid systems are considered in the last few years as one of the most promising technologies to obtain electric energy from the natural gas at very high efficiency with a serious potential for commercial use. The use of high temperature allows internal reforming for natural gas and thus disparity of fuel composition is allowed. Also air preheating is performed thanks to the high operating cell temperature as a task of energy integration. In this paper a modeling approach is presented for the fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid power generation systems, to obtain the sofc output voltage, power, and the overall hybrid system efficiency. The system has been simulated using HYSYS, the process simulation software to help improving the process understanding and provide a quick system solution. Parametric analysis is also presented in this paper to discuss the effect of some important SOFC operating parameters on the system performance and efficiency

  8. Estudio del haz de neutrones rápidos producidos por la fuente de neutrones Hispalis en el Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)


    Torres Escubos, Clara De Asis


    El Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA) es un centro mixto de la Universidad de Sevilla, la Junta de Andalucía y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, que tiene como misión el desarrollo de la investigación en aceleradores de partículas y sus múltiples aplicaciones. El CNA, reconocido como Instalación Científico-Técnica Singular (ICTS) es un centro abierto para que la comunidad científica y tecnológica nacional e internacional pueda desarrollar investigaciones utilizando sus in...

  9. Gas turbine exhaust system silencing design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozgur, D.


    Gas turbines are the preferred prime mover in many applications because of their high efficiency, fuel flexibility, and low environmental impact. A typical mid-size machine might have a power rating of 80 MW, a flow of about 1000 kg/hr, and an exhaust temperature of over 500C. The most powerful single source of noise is generally the exhaust, which may generate over a kilowatt of acoustic energy. This paper reports that there are two important ways in which exhaust systems can radiate noise. The first is through the discharge of the exhaust duct, with the exhaust gas. Because of the large quantity of hot gas, the duct exit is always oriented vertically; it may be fairly high in the air in order to promote dispersion of the exhaust plume. This source is almost always attenuated by means of a silencer located somewhere in the ductwork. The second source of noise is often called breakout; it is the radiation of exhaust noise through the walls of the ducting. Breakout is most important for those sections of the exhaust duct which lie upstream of the silencer, where sound levels inside the ducting are highest. Both exhaust duct exit noise and breakout noise can be calculated from the sound power level of the gas turbine exhaust and the sound transmission loss (TL) of the silencer and ducting

  10. ¿Qué medidas para la mejora de la convivencia se están desarrollando en los centros educativos?: una perspectiva desde dentro

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    Alejandra Dobarro González


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar qué medidas para la mejora de la convivencia son las que el alumnado percibe que se están desarrollando más en los centros educativos. Para ello se aplicó a una muestra de 2.597 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria del Principado de Asturias una prueba, el Cuestionario M-ESO, con el que se evalúa la opinión del alumnado respecto a aspectos organizativos del centro y del aula relacionados con la convivencia; la resolución de conflictos en el centro; el trabajo y la metodología en el aula; la relación entre los estudiantes; y la relación entre las familias y el centro. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que de las medidas desarrolladas en su centro educativo para la mejora de la convivencia, las estrategias de difusión de normas y sanciones son las que el alumnado percibe como más habituales, seguidas de aquellas que se refieren a la educación en valores y resolución de conflictos. Contrario a lo que sería deseable, las estrategias relativas al consenso de normas son las que el alumnado de ESO percibe como menos habituales en su centro.

  11. Functional design criteria for the retained gas sampler system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wootan, D.W.


    A Retained Gas Sampler System (RGSS) is being developed to capture and analyze waste samples from Hanford Flammable Gas Watch List Tanks to determine both the quantity and composition of gases retained in the waste. The RGSS consists of three main components: the Sampler, Extractor, and Extruder. This report describes the functional criteria for the design of the RGSS components. The RGSS Sampler is based on the WHC Universal Sampler design with modifications to eliminate gas leakage. The primary function of the Sampler is to capture a representative waste sample from a tank and transport the sample with minimal loss of gas content from the tank to the laboratory. The function of the Extruder is to transfer the waste sample from the Sampler to the Extractor. The function of the Extractor is to separate the gases from the liquids and solids, measure the relative volume of gas to determine the void fraction, and remove and analyze the gas constituents

  12. Microbiological community in biogas systems and evaluation of microbial risks from gas usage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vinneraas, B.; Nordin, A. [Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Biometry and Engineering, Uppsala (Sweden); Schoenning, C. [Swedish Inst. for Infectious Disease Control, Dept. of Parasitology, Mycology, Environmental Mirobiology and Water, Solna (Sweden)


    The plans for introducing biogas produced from organic waste to the pipe system for natural gas have raised concerns about the risk of transmitting disease via the gas. To assess this risk, condensate water from gas pipes and gas from different parts of biogas upgrading systems were sampled and cultured for microbial content. The number of microorganisms found in the biogas correspond to the densities in sampled natural gas. Since no pathogens were identified and since the exposure to gas from e. g. cookers and refueling of cars may only result in the inhalation of small volumes of gas, the risk of spreading disease via biogas was judged to be very low. (orig.)

  13. Analysis of hollow fibre membrane systems for multicomponent gas separation

    KAUST Repository

    Khalilpour, Rajab


    This paper analysed the performance of a membrane system over key design/operation parameters. A computation methodology is developed to solve the model of hollow fibre membrane systems for multicomponent gas feeds. The model represented by a nonlinear differential algebraic equation system is solved via a combination of backward differentiation and Gauss-Seidel methods. Natural gas sweetening problem is investigated as a case study. Model parametric analyses of variables, namely feed gas quality, pressure, area, selectivity and permeance, resulted in better understanding of operating and design optima. Particularly, high selectivities and/or permeabilities are shown not to be necessary targets for optimal operation. Rather, a medium selectivity (<60 in the given example) combined with medium permeance (∼300-500×10-10mol/sm2Pa in the given case study) is more advantageous. This model-based membrane systems engineering approach is proposed for the synthesis of efficient and cost-effective multi-stage membrane networks. © 2012 The Institution of Chemical Engineers.

  14. Bedside arterial blood gas monitoring system using fluorescent optical sensors (United States)

    Bartnik, Daniel J.; Rymut, Russell A.


    We describe a bedside arterial blood gas (ABG) monitoring system which uses fluorescent optical sensors in the measurement of blood pH, PCO2 and PO2. The Point-of-Care Arterial Blood Gas Monitoring System consists of the SensiCathTM optical sensor unit manufactured by Optical Sensors Incorporated and the TramTM Critical Care Monitoring System with ABG Module manufactured by Marquette Electronics Incorporated. Current blood gas measurement techniques require a blood sample to be removed from the patient and transported to an electrochemical analyzer for analysis. The ABG system does not require removal of blood from the patient or transport of the sample. The sensor is added to the patient's existing arterial line. ABG measurements are made by drawing a small blood sample from the arterial line in sufficient quantity to ensure an undiluted sample at the sensor. Measurements of pH, PCO2 and PO2 are made within 60 seconds. The blood is then returned to the patient, the line flushed and results appear on the bedside monitor. The ABG system offers several advantages over traditional electrochemical analyzers. Since the arterial line remains closed during the blood sampling procedure the patient's risk of infection is reduced and the caregiver's exposure to blood is eliminated. The single-use, disposable sensor can be measure 100 blood samples over 72 hours after a single two-point calibration. Quality Assurance checks are also available and provide the caregiver the ability to assess system performance even after the sensor is patient attached. The ABG module integrates with an existing bedside monitoring system. This allows ABG results to appear on the same display as ECG, respiration, blood pressure, cardiac output, SpO2, and other clinical information. The small module takes up little space in the crowded intensive care unit. Performance studies compare the ABG system with an electrochemical blood gas analyzer. Study results demonstrated accurate and precise blood

  15. A technical evaluation of the EDA radon gas continuous monitoring system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bigu, J.


    Extensive laboratory and underground tests were conducted with a radon gas continuous monitoring system built by EDA Instruments Inc. The system consists of several remote radon gas sensors linked via signal cables to a central control unit that fully controls the operation of the radon monitors. The system enables four operations to be performed: sampling, background, flush and bypass. The sequence and duration of these functions is programmable. Up to 20 functions in any desired pattern each lasting from 1 min to 23 hr 59 min can be programmed. Several programs were used during the experiments in order to obtain radon and thoron gas levels. The performance of the EDA system was quite satisfactory. It is suggested that ruggedization as well as some other modifications be introdouced into the system to: a) better withstand the harsh underground environment; and b) improve its performance

  16. A purification process for an inert gas system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raj, S.S.; Samanta, S.K.; Jain, N.G.; Deshingkar, D.S.; Ramaswamy, M.


    Special inert atmosphere is desired inside hot cells used for handling radioactive materials. In this report, details of experiments conducted to generate data required for the design of a system for maintaining very low levels of organic and acid vapours, oxygen and moisture in a nitrogen gas inert atmosphere, are described. Several grades of activated charcoals impregnated with 1% KOH were studied for the adsorption of acidic and organic vapours. A Pd/Al 2 O 3 catalyst was developed to remove oxygen with greater than 90% efficiency. For the removal of moisture, a regenerable molecular sieve 4A dual-bed was provided. Based on the performance data thus generated, an integrated purification system for nitrogen gas is proposed. (author)

  17. Automotive exhaust gas flow control for an ammonia–water absorption refrigeration system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rêgo, A.T.; Hanriot, S.M.; Oliveira, A.F.; Brito, P.; Rêgo, T.F.U.


    A considerable part of the energy generated by an automotive internal combustion engine is wasted as heat in the exhaust system. This wasted heat could be recovered and applied to power auxiliary systems in a vehicle, contributing to its overall energy efficiency. In the present work, the experimental analysis of an absorption refrigeration system was performed. The exhaust system of an automotive internal combustion engine was connected to the generator element of an absorption refrigeration system. The performance of the absorption refrigerator was evaluated as a function of the supplied heat. The use of a control strategy for the engine exhaust gas mass flow rate was implemented to optimize the system. Exhaust gas flow was controlled by step-motor actuated valves commanded by a microcontroller in which a proportional-integral control scheme was implemented. Information such as engine torque, speed, key temperatures in the absorption cycle, as well as internal temperatures of the refrigerator was measured in a transient regime. The results indicated that the refrigeration system exhibited better performance when the amount of input heat is controlled based on the temperature of the absorption cycle generator. It was possible to conclude that, by dynamically controlling the amount of input heat, the utilisation range of the absorption refrigeration system powered by exhaust gas heat could be expanded in order to incorporate high engine speed operating conditions. - Highlights: •An absorption refrigerator was driven by automotive exhaust gas heat. •A system for controlling the refrigeration system heat input was developed. •Excessive exhaust gas heat leads to ineffective operation of the refrigerator. •Control of refrigerator's generator temperature led to better performance. •The use of exhaust gas was possible for high engine speeds

  18. Linajes maternos en muestras antiguas de la Puna Jujeña. Comparación con estudios de la región Centro-Sur Andina

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    María Bárbara Postillone


    Full Text Available Las evidencias arqueológicas proporcionan abundantes pruebas de una activa interacción entre las poblaciones de lo que actualmente es el noroeste de Argentina, el sur de Perú, el oeste de Bolivia y el norte de Chile. Los estudios de ADN en individuos prehispánicos, a su vez, proveen información directa sobre la historia biológica y la dinámica de los grupos humanos, y aportan nuevas perspectivas a la comprensión de la dispersión y variabilidad de los amerindios. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los linajes maternos presentes en individuos del período tardío de la Puna jujeña (1000-1450 AD mediante la comparación de su composición genética con las de otros grupos precolombinos de la región centro-sur andina descriptos por otros autores. A partir de las secuencias de HVR I del ADN mitocondrial se determinó la variabilidad genética inter e intramuestral, además de la distancia genética entre los diversos grupos utilizados. En las muestras analizadas el linaje más frecuente fue el A2, el cual mostró una gran variabilidad haplotípica. Esto lo diferencia de otros estudios de la región andina en los que se ha descripto el predominio de los linajes B2. A una escala local, las distancias genéticas entre la Puna jujeña y otros grupos poblacionales del actual noroeste argentino no fueron significativas, a excepción de Pampa Grande, de la que se encuentra más alejada geográfica y espacialmente. A nivel regional, las diferencias son significativas con respecto a la mayoría de las muestras antiguas de Perú, aunque no evidencian un patrón espacial o temporal determinado.

  19. Radioactive contamination monitoring device for off-gas in ventilation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osaki, Masahiko; Watabe, Atsushi; Kaneko, Itaru; Kubokoya, Takashi.


    In a conventional method of detecting leakage for primary coolants, radioactive iodine in off-gases was detected while going up the off-gas system. As an event resulting in abnormality to radioactive rare gas level, leakage of water, leakage in cleanup system-recycling system, leakage in main steams and leakage from wastes processing system are considered. An off-gas system to be measured is selectively sampled by a sample changer in order to measure radioactive rare gases in the off-gases, and sample gases are introduced to detect radioactivity. Detection signals are received for analysis and quantitative determination, the result of the analysis is diagnosed and the presence or absence of abnormality in an object to be measured is determined. Subsequently, an abnormality alarm and the result of the analysis are outputted. Since the radioactive rare gases are chemically inactive, they are neither combined with other materials nor deposited to wall surfaces. Abnormality can be easily detected by always monitoring a composition pattern and a radioactivity level. (N.H.)

  20. Earthquake loss estimation for a gas lifeline transportation system in Colombia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamin, L.E.; Arambula, S.; Reyes, J.C. [Universidad de los Andes, Bogota (Colombia). Centro de Innovacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico; Belage, S.; Vega, A.; Gil, W. [TransGas de Occidente S.A., Bogota (Colombia)


    Methodologies are needed to estimate the seismic risk facing natural gas distribution systems in Colombia in order to establish insurance strategies, risk assessments and emergency plans. This study estimated the maximum probable losses associated with Colombia's 770 km long gas transportation system which stretches from Mariquita to Cali. The pipeline is vulnerable to seismic events, volcanic eruptions, extreme hydrological conditions, and their associated effects such as landslides, liquefaction and avalanches. A geographic information system (GIS) which includes seismic, volcanic, landslide and liquefaction hazards was used to estimate earthquake loss estimates for the natural gas distribution system. Elastic and inelastic finite element methods were used to evaluate the vulnerability of pipelines, bridges, underground crossings and valves. The results were incorporated into the GIS and were used to quantify the probable maximum losses for the system, the most critical associated event, the system's critical zones and the probable damage scenarios. The information was used to define insurance strategies, emergency and contingency plans. It was concluded that due to natural hazards, the natural gas distribution system is at moderate risk despite the low vulnerability of its components. Volcanic eruptions and large earthquakes could produce indirect phenomena such as landslides and liquefaction which could greatly influence the system and which would require adequate risk management. 14 refs., 1 tab., 8 figs.

  1. Emergency cooling system for a gas-cooled nuclear reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cook, R.K.; Burylo, P.S.


    The site of the gas-cooled reactor with direct-circuit gas turbine is preferably the sea coast. An emergency cooling system with safety valve and emergency feed-water addition is designed which affects at least a part of the reactor core coolant after leaving the core. The emergency cooling system includes a water emergency cooling circuit with heat exchanger for the core coolant. The safety valve releases water or steam from the emergency coolant circuit when a certain temperature is exceeded; this is, however, replaced by the emergency feed-water. If the gas turbine exhibits a high and low pressure turbine stage, which are flowed through by coolant one behind another, a part of the coolant can be removed in front of each part turbine by two valves and be added to the haet exchanger. (RW/LH) [de

  2. Epidemiologia descritiva da raiva dos herbívoros notificados no estado do Paraná entre 1977 e 2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romerson Dognani

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Realizou-se estudo epidemiológico descritivo da raiva dos herbívoros no estado do Paraná entre os anos de 1977 e 2012. Os casos confirmados de raiva e o total de amostras de encéfalo encaminhadas para o diagnóstico foram distribuídos por espécie, por ano, por meses, por mesorregião geográfica e por municípios, aplicando-se o teste de Qui-quadrado para verificar se havia associação com esses fatores. Modelo probabilístico foi ajustado à série histórica para verificação de padrões cíclico ou sazonal. Comprovou-se que a raiva é uma doença endêmica no PR, com ocorrência variável entre os anos, sem padrão sazonal e com ciclicidade aparente a cada 18 anos, acometendo, sobretudo, bovinos (86,9% e equídeos (11,3%. Verificou-se grande difusão no estado (47,6% dos municípios, e a maior expansão geográfica aconteceu na última década. As áreas de ocorrência maior foram as mesorregiões Centro Oriental e de Curitiba, seguidas por Norte Pioneiro e Oeste. O número de casos de raiva por município se correlacionou, ainda que fracamente, com o número de abrigos de Desmodus rotundus (r=0,469; p<0,0001. Sugere-se que a imunização anual de bovinos e equídeos passe a ser adotada nas áreas de maior ocorrência (mesorregiões Centro Oriental e de Curitiba e encorajada nas de ocorrência intermediária (mesorregiões Norte Pioneiro e Oeste.

  3. Uso de álcool como causa necessária de morte no Brasil, 2010 a 2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila Posenato Garcia

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:Descrever a mortalidade por doenças, condições e lesões para as quais o consumo de álcool é causa necessária durante o triênio de 2010 a 2012 no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. Foram considerados os óbitos cujas causas básicas foram classificadas em qualquer um dos 78 códigosda Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde (CID-10 correspondentes às doenças, condições e lesões para as quais o uso de álcool é causa necessária. RESULTADOS: Foram registrados 55 380 óbitos pelas causas consideradas, sendo 88,5% de homens. A taxa de mortalidade bruta (TMB no triênio foi de 9,6 por 100 000 habitantes na população geral, 17,35 por 100 000 homens para o sexo masculino e 2,15 por 100 000 mulheres para o sexo feminino. TMB mais elevadas foram observadas nos grupos de 50 a 59 (28,45 e de 60 a 69 (27,23 anos de idade e em pessoas de cor da pele preta ou parda (10,15. As regiões Nordeste (11,70 e Centro-Oeste (11,04 exibiram as taxas de mortalidade ajustadas mais elevadas. As doenças do fígado foram as principais causas de morte (55,3%. CONCLUSÕES: A mortalidade por causas associadas ao consumo de álcool é elevada no Brasil, especialmente entre os homens, na faixa etária de 50 a 69 anos e nos residentes das regiões Nordeste e Centro-Oeste.

  4. Moderate temperature gas purification system: Application to high calorific coal-derived fuel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kobayashi, M.; Shirai, H.; Nunokawa, M. [Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Kanagawa (Japan)


    Simultaneous removal of dust, alkaline and alkaline-earth metals, halides and sulfur compounds is required to enlarge application of coal-derived gas to the high-temperature fuel cells and the fuel synthesis through chemical processing. Because high calorific fuel gas, such as oxygen-blown coal gas, has high carbon monoxide content, high-temperature (above 450{sup o}C) gas purification system is always subjected to the carbon deposition. We suggest moderate temperature (around 300{sup o}C) operation of the gas purification system to avoid the harmful disproportionation reaction and efficient removal of the various contaminants. Because the reaction rate is predominant to the performance of contaminant removal in the moderate temperature gas purification system, we evaluated the chemical removal processes; performance of the removal processes for halides and sulfur compounds was experimentally evaluated. The halide removal process with sodium aluminate sorbent had potential performance at around 300{sup o}C. The sulfur removal process with zinc ferrite sorbent was also applicable to the temperature range, though the reaction kinetics of the sorbent is essential to be approved.

  5. Assessment of solar-assisted gas-fired heat pump systems (United States)

    Lansing, F. L.


    As a possible application for the Goldstone Energy Project, the performance of a 10 ton heat pump unit using a hybrid solar gas energy source was evaluated in an effort to optimize the solar collector size. The heat pump system is designed to provide all the cooling and/or heating requirements of a selected office building. The system performance is to be augmented in the heating mode by utilizing the waste heat from the power cycle. A simplified system analysis is described to assess and compute interrrelationships of the engine, heat pump, and solar and building performance parameters, and to optimize the solar concentrator/building area ratio for a minimum total system cost. In addition, four alternative heating cooling systems, commonly used for building comfort, are described; their costs are compared, and are found to be less competitive with the gas solar heat pump system at the projected solar equipment costs.

  6. Gas flows in S-E binary systems of galaxies (United States)

    Sotnikova, N. YA.


    Tidal interaction between the galaxies in binary systems leads to important consequences. Some peculiarities in galactic morphology as well as the transfer of matter from one galaxy to another may be due to this factor. In particular, gas flows in intergalactic space may be formed. Such flows enriching one component with gas from the other may play a substantial role in the evolution of mixed (S-E) pairs. One can mention several facts corroborating the possibility of the gas transfer from the spiral to the elliptical galaxy. High HI content (10(exp 7) to 10(exp 9) solar mass) is detected in nearly 40 E galaxies (Bottinelli and Gougenheim, 1979; Knapp et al., 1985). Such galaxies are often members of pairs or of multiple systems including an S galaxy, which may be the source of gas (Smirnov and Komberg, 1980). Moreover, the gas kinematics and its distribution also indicate an external origin for this gas (Knapp et al., 1985). In many cases there is an outer gaseous disk. The directions of the disk and of stellar rotation don't always coincide (van Gorkom et al., 1985; Varnas et al., 1987). The galaxy colors in S-E pairs are correlated (the Holmberg effect): bluer ellipticals have spiral components that are usually bluer (Demin et al., 1984). The fraction of E galaxies with emission lines (N sub em) in S-E pairs showing traces of tidal interaction is twice as large (N sub em approx. equals 0.24) as in pairs without interaction (N sub em approx. equals 0.12) (Sotnikova, 1988b). Since the presence of emission lines in a galaxy spectrum strongly depends on gas content, this fact also leads to the conclusion that ellipticals in interacting S-E pairs are enriched with gas. These facts may be considered as a serious indication of the existence of gas transfer. Hence, investigation of this process is of interest.


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    María Lenis


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el impacto que tuvo la sanción de la llamada ley Saavedra Lamas en el Centro Azucarero Argentino. Asimismo se intentará explicar de qué manera la llegada del radicalismo al poder, obligó a la corporación empresaria a cambiar sus estrategias y prácticas de lobby. En este sentido se contemplará el rol cumplido por la Revista Azucarera, publicación mensual del Centro Azucarero, y por los representantes tucumanos en el Congreso de la Nación. Por último, se examinarán los cambios introducidos por la reforma estatutaria de 1923, especialmente se atenderá la creación de las llamadas comisiones regionales, sobre todo la de Tucumán, y en que qué medida este proceso de descentralización expresaba las tensiones existentes entre los industriales azucareros.

  8. Engine with exhaust gas recirculation system and variable geometry turbocharger (United States)

    Keating, Edward J.


    An engine assembly includes an intake assembly, an internal combustion engine defining a plurality of cylinders and configured to combust a fuel and produce exhaust gas, and an exhaust assembly in fluid communication with a first subset of the plurality of cylinders. Each of the plurality of cylinders are provided in fluid communication with the intake assembly. The exhaust assembly is provided in fluid communication with a first subset of the plurality of cylinders, and a dedicated exhaust gas recirculation system in fluid communication with both a second subset of the plurality of cylinders and with the intake assembly. The dedicated exhaust gas recirculation system is configured to route all of the exhaust gas from the second subset of the plurality of cylinders to the intake assembly. Finally, the engine assembly includes a turbocharger having a variable geometry turbine in fluid communication with the exhaust assembly.

  9. Implementation of a photovoltaic/electrolyzer/fuel cell autonomous system; Implementacao de um sistema autonomo fotovoltaico/eletrolisador/celula a combustivel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Ennio Peres da; Apolinario, Fernando Rezende; Furlan, Andre Luis [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (IFGW/UNICAMP), SP (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica Gleb Wataghin. Lab. de Hidrogenio], Emails:,; Souza, Rubem Cesar Rodrigues [Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus, AM (Brazil). Centro de Desenvolvimento Energetico Amazonico], Email:; Pinto, Adailton de Souza [Centrais Eletricas do Norte do Brasil S.A. (ELETRONORTE), Brasilia, DF (Brazil)], Email:


    This article presents a project whose main objective is to analyze the technical feasibility of using a system based on the production of hydrogen (H{sub 2}) for storing the energy generated for photovoltaic systems. The work involves the design, physical implementation and the performance evaluation of a system for hydrogen electrolytic generation with solar-photovoltaic energy, the treatment os gas, its storage and it use in fuel cell systems. This work will be performed in cooperation between researchers from the Laboratorio de Hidrogenio (LH2) of the UNICAMP and of the Centro de Desenvolvimento Energetico Amazonico (CDEAM) of the UFAM, and is financing by ELETRONORTE.

  10. Biomassa, decomposição e cobertura do solo ocasionada por resíduos culturais de três espécies vegetais na região centro-oeste do Brasil Biomass, decomposition and soil cover by residues of three plant species in central- western Brazil

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    Carlo Adriano Boer


    Full Text Available Com a crescente adoção da semeadura direta na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil, faz-se necessário maior conhecimento sobre as plantas de cobertura para produção de palha. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a produção de biomassa verde e seca, a percentagem de cobertura do solo, bem como a dinâmica da decomposição da palhada de três espécies de plantas de cobertura em safrinha: amaranto (Amaranthus cruentus L. BRS Alegria, milheto (Pennisetum glaucum L. var. ADR500 e capim-pé-de-galinha [Eleusine coracana (L. Gaertn.]. O trabalho foi conduzido em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico textura argilosa. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas foram alocadas as espécies, subdivididas em nove épocas de avaliação (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210 e 240 dias após dessecação química das espécies em estudo. Amostras proporcionais da biomassa seca de cada espécie foram acondicionadas em bolsas de decomposição, que foram dispostas sobre o solo, sendo coletadas a cada 30 dias e pesadas até 240 dias após a instalação, para avaliar a dinâmica de decomposição, após o manejo das plantas de cobertura. O milheto ADR500 e o capim-pé-de-galinha proporcionaram maior produção de biomassa verde e seca, maior cobertura do solo e menores taxas de decomposição da palhada, não diferindo entre si. O milheto ADR500 apresentou maior relação C/N, seguido pelo capim-pé-de-galinha e amaranto. Ajustaram-se, para a percentagem de cobertura do solo e a decomposição de palhadas com o tempo, os modelos sigmoidal e exponencial decrescente, respectivamente. O milheto ADR500 e o capim-pé-de-galinha apresentaram comportamentos semelhantes, não diferindo na comparação dos modelos de cobertura do solo e decomposição de palhadas.With the prevalence of no-till systems in Central-Western Brazil, a more in-depth knowledge

  11. Influencia del citoplasma sobre la expresión del centro blanco y temperatura de gelatinización en arroz (Oryza sativa. L.

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    Baena García Diosdado


    Full Text Available

    La investigación se adelantó en el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT durante 1989-1991. No hubo influencia del citoplasma en la expresión del centro blanco y temperatura de gelatinización. El orden de dominancia El orden de dominancia de los progenitores para el carácter ausencia de centro blanco fue Colombia 1 > 1R5 = L6850 > IRAT8. El cultivo in vitro influyó sobre la expresión del centro blanco y la temperatura de gelatinización en los progenitores y posiblemente en las poblaciones segregantes. El medio ambiente influyó más sobre los progenitores LR5y L6850 (y sus progenies. La selección hacia centro blanco bajo parece no ser eficiente en generaciones tempranas, especialmente en el caso de L6850 e IRAT8, en contraste con la mayor eficiencia de la selección por temperatura de gelatinización (heredabilidad alta. Se encontró un alto índice de concordancia (79%, entre la escala 0 a 5 utilizada para calificación subjetiva de centro blanco y el área del grano afectada por centro blanco, (lectura hecha en esteroscopio con micrómetro.

    A research work was undertaken at the Centro International de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT, during 1989-91. There was no maternal effect on the express ion of white center and gelatinization temperature but rather different degrees of dominance, the order of dominance was Colombia 1 > IR5 = L6850 > LRAT8; the in vitro culture influenced the express ion of white belly and the gelatinization temperature in the parents and possibly in their progenies; the influence of the environment was greater on IRAT8 and L6850 (and its progenies; selection for low white belly seemed to be not efficient in early generations; but selection for the desired gelatinization temperature is more efficient (high heritability. With the F3 samples, a subjective evaluation was carried out (zero: endosperm without white belly, and five: completely chalky, There was found a high index of concordance (79

  12. Feições Cársticas em Rochas Siliciclásticas no Oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil

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    Luis Eduardo de Souza Robaina


    Full Text Available Na Bacia Hidrográfica do Ibicuí, localizada na região oeste-sudoeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, ocorrem formas do terreno e mesmo associação de formas semelhantes àquelas de relevo cárstico, entretanto são produzidas por diferentes processos. Este artigo apresenta estudos desenvolvidos em feições de cavernas, típicas de relevo cárstico que se desenvolvem em rochas siliciclásticas da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná. A origem morfogenética está relacionada com a evolução e aceleração de processos erosivos associado ao fluxo subterrâneo controlados por lineamentos estruturais e estratificação da rocha sedimentar. O mapeamento e estudo destas feições podem demonstrar a extensão e diversidade das formas tipo cársticas na área e contribuir para entender o modelo evolutivo das vertentes na área de estudo.

  13. Determinación del centro de esfuerzo en un troquel de corte utilizando un programa CAD




    Se discute la importancia de la correcta ubicación del centro de esfuerzo en un troquel de corte para minimizar las cargas laterales sobre los , elementos de guía. Se describe el proceso matemático para determinar el centro de esfuerzo a través del cálculo del centroide de una curva, y sucesivamente se proporciona un método de aproximación que utiliza la capacidad de AutoCAD de calcular el centroide de una región plana bidimensional. The importance of a correct positioning of the force cen...

  14. Methods of Off-Gas Flammability Control for DWPF Melter Off-Gas System at Savannah River Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, A.S.; Iverson, D.C.


    Several key operating variables affecting off-gas flammability in a slurry-fed radioactive waste glass melter are discussed, and the methods used to prevent potential off-gas flammability are presented. Two models have played a central role in developing such methods. The first model attempts to describe the chemical events occurring during the calcining and melting steps using a multistage thermodynamic equilibrium approach, and it calculates the compositions of glass and calcine gases. Volatile feed components and calcine gases are fed to the second model which then predicts the process dynamics of the entire melter off-gas system including off-gas flammability under both steady state and various transient operating conditions. Results of recent simulation runs are also compared with available data

  15. Slag processing system for direct coal-fired gas turbines (United States)

    Pillsbury, Paul W.


    Direct coal-fired gas turbine systems and methods for their operation are provided by this invention. The gas turbine system includes a primary zone for burning coal in the presence of compressed air to produce hot combustion gases and debris, such as molten slag. The turbine system further includes a secondary combustion zone for the lean combustion of the hot combustion gases. The operation of the system is improved by the addition of a cyclone separator for removing debris from the hot combustion gases. The cyclone separator is disposed between the primary and secondary combustion zones and is in pressurized communication with these zones. In a novel aspect of the invention, the cyclone separator includes an integrally disposed impact separator for at least separating a portion of the molten slag from the hot combustion gases.

  16. Inquérito epidemiológico sobre plantas tóxicas das mesoregiões Central e Oeste do Rio Grande do Norte

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    Severino Antonio Geraldo Neto


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um estudo para determinar as plantas tóxicas incriminadas como de interesse zootécnico em 35 municípios das mesorregiões Central e Oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN. Foram entrevistados 180 produtores, 20 médicos veterinários, 12 técnicos agrícolas e 5 agrônomos. Os dados obtidos nas entrevistas foram compilados e analisados com auxílio do programa Epi Info versão 6.04. As plantas tóxicas relatadas pelos entrevistados como causadoras de diversos surtos foram Ipomoea asarifolia, Aspidosperma pyrifolium, Indigofera suffruticosa, Manihot carthaginensis subsp. glaziovii, Amorimia septentrionalis, Tephrosia cinerea, Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, Marsdenia megalantha, Anacardium occidentale, Cnidoscolus quercifolius, Crotalaria retusa, Froelichia humboldtiana, Ipomoea carnea, Leucaena leucocephala, Manihot esculenta, Mimosa tenuiflora, Nerium oleander, Prosopis juliflora, Ricinus communis, Sorghum bicolor, Sorghum halepense e Urochloa (Brachiaria decumbens.

  17. 40 CFR 63.1015 - Closed vent systems and control devices; or emissions routed to a fuel gas system or process. (United States)


    ... devices; or emissions routed to a fuel gas system or process. 63.1015 Section 63.1015 Protection of... fuel gas system or process. (a) Compliance schedule. The owner or operator shall comply with this... emissions from equipment leaks to a fuel gas system or process shall comply with the provisions of subpart...

  18. Centro internacional para windsurfistas, playa de Vargas, Gran Canaria


    Pérez Sosa, Isacó


    El proyecto propone realizar un centro internacional que reúna tanto las instalaciones necesarias para realizar competiciones de windsurf como un albergue, un gimnasio de mantenimiento e instalaciones para otras actividades acuáticas o de ocio complementarias. El edificio se desarrollará en tres construcciones bajas longitudinales que se adaptaran al terreno empotrándose a él y abriéndose hacia el mar. Originando éstas terrazas se sigue la forma común tradicional de asentamiento sobre el ter...

  19. Power plant including an exhaust gas recirculation system for injecting recirculated exhaust gases in the fuel and compressed air of a gas turbine engine (United States)

    Anand, Ashok Kumar; Nagarjuna Reddy, Thirumala Reddy; Shaffer, Jason Brian; York, William David


    A power plant is provided and includes a gas turbine engine having a combustor in which compressed gas and fuel are mixed and combusted, first and second supply lines respectively coupled to the combustor and respectively configured to supply the compressed gas and the fuel to the combustor and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system to re-circulate exhaust gas produced by the gas turbine engine toward the combustor. The EGR system is coupled to the first and second supply lines and configured to combine first and second portions of the re-circulated exhaust gas with the compressed gas and the fuel at the first and second supply lines, respectively.

  20. n-th Roots in finite polyhedral and centro-polyhedral groups

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Probability in finite groups; roots of elements; polyhedral groups; centro- polyhedral groups. 2010 Mathematics ... An element g of a finite group G is said to have an n-th root if there exists an element h ∈ G such that g = hn (n is a ..... For the proof of the fourth part, we must consider two cases: (i) m is odd and 4|d,. (ii) m, d are ...

  1. Microfabricated BTU monitoring device for system-wide natural gas monitoring.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Einfeld, Wayne; Manginell, Ronald Paul; Robinson, Alex Lockwood; Moorman, Matthew Wallace


    The natural gas industry seeks inexpensive sensors and instrumentation to rapidly measure gas heating value in widely distributed locations. For gas pipelines, this will improve gas quality during transfer and blending, and will expedite accurate financial accounting. Industrial endusers will benefit through continuous feedback of physical gas properties to improve combustion efficiency during use. To meet this need, Sandia has developed a natural gas heating value monitoring instrument using existing and modified microfabricated components. The instrument consists of a silicon micro-fabricated gas chromatography column in conjunction with a catalytic micro-calorimeter sensor. A reference thermal conductivity sensor provides diagnostics and surety. This combination allows for continuous calorimetric determination with a 1 minute analysis time and 1.5 minute cycle time using air as a carrier gas. This system will find application at remote natural gas mining stations, pipeline switching and metering stations, turbine generators, and other industrial user sites. Microfabrication techniques will allow the analytical components to be manufactured in production quantities at a low per-unit cost.

  2. Feasibility study on rehabilitation and optimization of gas pipeline network/system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the purpose of reducing greenhouse effect gas emissions, a survey was conducted on repairs and optimization of gas pipeline net/system in Bangladesh. In the survey, the measurement of methane gas concentration, wind direction/velocity and temperature was made for 16 stations of BC pipeline and BD pipeline including Ring Line. As a result of the measurement, the amount of methane leakage totaled 5,300 tons/year including 1,300 tons in BD pipeline, 2,500 tons in BC pipeline and 1,500 tons in Ring Line. For repairs/optimization of the pipeline net/system, the necessity of the following was pointed out: exchanges of gaskets, piping and valves; repairs of portions of the pipeline exposure; exchanges of pressure control valves and flowmeters; repair of the corrosion prevention system. In this improvement project, the reduction amount of greenhouse effect gas emissions will be 5,300 tons/year and approximately 106,000 tons in 20 years. The conservation will amount to 0.66 MMUS$/year. (NEDO)

  3. Integrated Wavelength-Tunable Light Source for Optical Gas Sensing Systems

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    Bin Li


    Full Text Available A compact instrument consisting of a distributed feedback laser (DFB at 1.65 μm was developed as a light source for gas sensing systems using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS technique. The wavelength of laser is tuned by adjusting the laser working temperature and injection current, which are performed by self-developed temperature controller and current modulator respectively. Stability test shows the fluctuation of the laser temperature is within the range of ±0.02°C. For gas detection experiments, the wavelength is tuned around the gas absorption line by adjusting laser temperature and is then shifted periodically to scan across the absorption line by the laser current modulator, which generates a 10 Hz saw wave signal. In addition, the current modulator is able to generate sine wave signal for gas sensing systems using wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS technique involving extraction of harmonic signals. The spectrum test proves good stability that the spectrum was measured 6 times every 10 minutes at the constant temperature and current condition. This standalone instrument can be applied as a light source for detection systems of different gases by integrating lasers at corresponding wavelength.

  4. Desplazamiento activo de los adolescentes al centro de estudios y funcionamiento familiar

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    Eva Sanz Arazuri


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza el desplazamiento activo al centro de estudios del alumnado de secundaria postobligatoria y su posible relación con el funcionamiento interno familiar atendiendo de forma conjunta a dos constructos fundamentales: la cohesión y la flexibilidad entre padres e hijos. 1764 jóvenes (15 a 18 años, cumplimentan un cuestionario ad hoc y el FACES IV. Se detectan diferencias significativas a través del coeficiente V de Cramer y se efectúan Anova de un factor y análisis de contrastes, para una p < 0.05. Menos de la mitad de los adolescentes españoles (el 45.7% se desplazan activamente a su centro de estudios, siendo significativamente y ligeramente superior el porcentaje de hombres frente al de mujeres. El 91.2% de los estudiantes de secundaria posobligatoria en España perciben que el funcionamiento interno de su familia es sano. El 89.6% indican una buena cohesión entre los miembros de su familia y un 88.3% señalan que gozan de una flexibilidad familiar saludable. Los estudiantes que acuden al centro de estudios andando perciben un funcionamiento familiar menos sano que quienes se desplazan en cualquier medio de transporte motorizado. Se refuerza la necesidad de promocionar el transporte activo entre los escolares en general, y en estas edades en especial, a través de programas de intervención dirigidos a estudiantes y sus familiares, concienciando sobre los beneficios saludables del desplazamiento activo, tanto en su dimensión física como en la psicológica y social.

  5. Wind turbines application for energy savings in Gas transportation system


    Mingaleeva, Renata


    The Thesis shows the perspectives of involving renewable energy resources into the energy balance of Russia, namely the use of wind energy for the purpose of energy supply for the objects of the Russian Gas transportation system. The methodology of the wind energy technical potential calculation is designed and the wind energy technical potential assessment for onshore and offshore zones of Russia is presented. The analysis of Russian Gas transportation system in terms of energy consumption i...

  6. Nutritional status of schoolchildren aged 6 to 10 years in the city of Cruzeiro do Oeste - PR

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    Ana Paula de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Objective: To assess the nutritional status of schoolchildren. Methods: Data of the crosssectional study were obtained during the development of the “Project Educational Activities Related to School Process” in the city of Cruzeiro do Oeste-PR, Brazil. The study included children of both sexes enrolled in all six schools of the municipal network, in academic year 2010. We conducted anthropometric measurements of 1,074 schoolchildren aged 6 to 10 years. The variables assessed were weight and height to calculate BMI (Body MassIndex for classification according to criteria proposed by Cole et al. Results: According to the nutritional status, were found 5.1% (55 of children with low weight and a significant portion of overweight and obesity, 16.6% (178 and 9.8% (105, respectively, totaling 26, 4%(283 of schoolchildren with excess weight. There was no association between nutritional status of scholars and gender. BMI and age showed a direct relationship. Conclusion: The assessment of nutritional status in the schools surveyed points to, the nutritional transition, as a significant portion of the children was considered overweight and obese. It is noteworthy that the distribution between the different nutritional statuses did not differ between thesexes, but correlated with age; with increasing age, overweight also increases.

  7. Expert System for support of natural gas network management; Sistema especialista para gerenciamento de redes de gas natural: SEGRED

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Jonny Carlos da [Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis, SC (Brazil); Hirano, Eduardo Wulff [Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis, SC (Brazil). Lab. de Hidraulica e Pneumatica (LASHIP); Moura, Newton Reis de [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Freire, Luiz Gustavo de Melo [PETROBRAS S.A., Pojuca, BA (Brazil). Unidade de Negocios de Gas Natural (UNGN)


    This work reports on the SEGRED project, which aims to develop an expert system for management of natural gas transportation networks. The system is currently being developed by LASHIP-UFSC in partnership with PETROBRAS/CENPES and TBG. The SEGRED system consists of an environment designed to support natural gas pipeline management by means of remote supervision of process parameters and analysis of the mutual interactions of those parameters by an expert system integrated to a dynamic simulator. The system is deployed through a process that contributes to making available for use the knowledge about functions such as line packing analysis and line break detection, thus enhancing the quality of execution of these tasks, which are related to the management of natural gas transportation network. The main benefits consist of promoting efforts to acquire and organize expert knowledge. This process contributes to the generation of a knowledge base with corporate technical memory, which can be made available in a permanent, expansible and useful way for decision-making. (author)

  8. Systematic study of RPC performances in polluted or varying gas mixtures compositions: an online monitor system for the RPC gas mixture at LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Capeans, M; Mandelli, B


    The importance of the correct gas mixture for the Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) detector systems is fundamental for their correct and safe operation. A small change in the percentages of the gas mixture components can alter the RPC performance and this will rebound on the data quality in the ALICE, ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN. A constant monitoring of the gas mixture injected in the RPCs would avoid such kind of problems. A systematic study has been performed to understand RPC performances with several gas mixture compositions and in the presence of common gas impurities. The systematic analysis of several RPC performance parameters in different gas mixtures allows the rapid identification of any variation in the RPC gas mixture. A set-up for the online monitoring of the RPC gas mixture in the LHC gas systems is also proposed.

  9. Autoestima y estilos de afrontamiento al estrés, en el personal de salud de la Policía Nacional del Perú, Red Norte y Red Oeste, Lima, 2016.


    Leiva Olivera, Carla Rebeca


    Hoy en día, se reconoce que el estrés laboral es uno de los principales problemas para la salud de los trabajadores, así como para el buen desempeño laboral (Leka, Griffiths y Cox, 2004). La presente investigación tuvo el objetivo de determinar la relación entre la autoestima y los estilos de afrontamiento del estrés, en el personal de salud de la Policía Nacional del Perú red norte y red oeste. El diseño de la investigación fue no experimental, descriptivo y correlacional, de corte transvers...

  10. Drenagem urbana: centro histórico de Leiria


    Martins, Wilson Antunes Xavier


    No que concerne ao funcionamento de um sistema de drenagem urbana a maior preocupação é o encaminhamento das águas provenientes de precipitações ocorrentes em áreas urbanas para pontos de descarga no meio recetor fora das zonas urbanas, o mais rápido possível. Os centros urbanos estão munidos de diversos tipos de ocupação do solo, conduzindo ao aumento da impermeabilização do solo, que em termos de drenagem urbana não é vantajoso porque reduz a capacidade de infiltração no solo, aumentando...



    Romero Albuquerque Maranhão


    A produção científica é um recurso indispensável para promover o desenvolvimento da ciência. Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a produção científica da Geografia Médica e da Saúde, para isso discute a produção de artigos científicos. Realizou-se busca na base de dados da Revista Hygeia e como método de análise o tratamento bibliométrico. As regiões sudeste, centro-oeste e sul são aquelas que mais produzem artigos científicos, destacando-se a Universidade Estadual de São Paulo e a U...

  12. ¿Qué deber saber un médico sobre el ébola?

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    Full Text Available El reciente brote provocado por el virus Ébola en varios países del oeste africano (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leona y Nigeria, se ha traducido, según el último informe de la Organización mundial de la Salud (OMS, en 13.567 infectados y 4.951 fallecidos, cifra que se cree, está subestimada debido a los inexistentes sistemas de sanitarios disponibles en los países centro de la epidemia. Con una mortalidad cercana al 40% ha supuesto una gran preocupación para todos servicios de salud pública mun-diales, especialmente, una vez que se ha tenido conocimiento de los primeros casos en los países desarrollados

  13. Aves da Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brasil: uma síntese histórica do conhecimento


    Lopes, Leonardo Esteves; Pinho, João Batista de; Bernardon, Bianca; Oliveira, Fabiano Ficagna de; Bernardon, Giuliano; Ferreira, Luciana Pinheiro; Vasconcelos, Marcelo Ferreira de; Maldonado-Coelho, Marcos; Nóbrega, Paula Fernanda Albonette de; Rubio, Tatiana Colombo


    É apresentada uma revisão histórica dos inventários ornitológicos conduzidos na Chapada dos Guimarães, centro-oeste do Brasil. A avifauna da região é caracterizada a partir de uma revisão crítica de todas as listas de espécies produzidas por várias gerações de ornitólogos, espécimes depositados em museus e meticulosos trabalhos de campo. Especial atenção foi dada às publicações de J.A. Allen, baseadas na monumental coleção preparada por H.H. Smith e sua esposa no final do século XIX. A avifau...

  14. Multiplex electric discharge gas laser system (United States)

    Laudenslager, James B. (Inventor); Pacala, Thomas J. (Inventor)


    A multiple pulse electric discharge gas laser system is described in which a plurality of pulsed electric discharge gas lasers are supported in a common housing. Each laser is supplied with excitation pulses from a separate power supply. A controller, which may be a microprocessor, is connected to each power supply for controlling the application of excitation pulses to each laser so that the lasers can be fired simultaneously or in any desired sequence. The output light beams from the individual lasers may be combined or utilized independently, depending on the desired application. The individual lasers may include multiple pairs of discharge electrodes with a separate power supply connected across each electrode pair so that multiple light output beams can be generated from a single laser tube and combined or utilized separately.

  15. The development of a natural gas transportation logistics management system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pereira dos Santos, Sidney; Eugenio Leal, Jose; Oliveira, Fabricio


    Efficient management of the natural gas business chain - based on pipeline transmission networks and taking into consideration the interaction among the main players (e.g., shippers, suppliers, transmission companies and local distribution companies) - requires the use of decision-making support systems. These support systems maximise resources and mitigate contingencies due to gas supply shortfalls, operational contingencies from scheduled and non-scheduled equipment outages and market demand shortfalls. This study presents a practical use for technologies, such as a thermohydraulic simulation of gas flow through pipelines, a Monte Carlo simulation for compressor station availability studies, an economic risk evaluation related to potential revenue losses and contractual penalties and linear programming for the maximisation of income and the minimisation of contractual penalties. The proposed system allows the optimum availability level to be defined and maintained by the Transporter (by installing reserve capacity) to mitigate losses related to revenue and contractual penalties. It also economically identifies, quantifies and justifies the installation of stand-by compressor units that can mitigate the Transporter's exposure to losses caused by capacity shortfalls as a consequence of scheduled and non-scheduled outages. - Highlights: → We present a DSS to help the decision on investments on spare compressor units of pipelines systems. → The system may be applied to new or existing projects. → The system is able to estimate the revenue losses and the contractual penalties. → An economical evaluation shows the NPV for each configuration of spare units. → The method was applied to the case study of the Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline.

  16. The development of a natural gas transportation logistics management system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pereira dos Santos, Sidney [Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.-PETROBRAS, Av. Almirante Barroso, 81, 12 andar, Centro, Rio de Janeiro RJ 20031-004 (Brazil); Eugenio Leal, Jose, E-mail: [Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Department of Industrial Engineering, R. Marques de S. Vicente 225, Gavea. Rio de Janeiro RJ 22451-900 (Brazil); Oliveira, Fabricio [Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Department of Industrial Engineering, R. Marques de S. Vicente 225, Gavea. Rio de Janeiro RJ 22451-900 (Brazil)


    Efficient management of the natural gas business chain - based on pipeline transmission networks and taking into consideration the interaction among the main players (e.g., shippers, suppliers, transmission companies and local distribution companies) - requires the use of decision-making support systems. These support systems maximise resources and mitigate contingencies due to gas supply shortfalls, operational contingencies from scheduled and non-scheduled equipment outages and market demand shortfalls. This study presents a practical use for technologies, such as a thermohydraulic simulation of gas flow through pipelines, a Monte Carlo simulation for compressor station availability studies, an economic risk evaluation related to potential revenue losses and contractual penalties and linear programming for the maximisation of income and the minimisation of contractual penalties. The proposed system allows the optimum availability level to be defined and maintained by the Transporter (by installing reserve capacity) to mitigate losses related to revenue and contractual penalties. It also economically identifies, quantifies and justifies the installation of stand-by compressor units that can mitigate the Transporter's exposure to losses caused by capacity shortfalls as a consequence of scheduled and non-scheduled outages. - Highlights: > We present a DSS to help the decision on investments on spare compressor units of pipelines systems. > The system may be applied to new or existing projects. > The system is able to estimate the revenue losses and the contractual penalties. > An economical evaluation shows the NPV for each configuration of spare units. > The method was applied to the case study of the Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline.

  17. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator for Grain and Biofuel Farming Systems (United States)

    McSwiney, Claire P.; Bohm, Sven; Grace, Peter R.; Robertson, G. Philip


    Opportunities for farmers to participate in greenhouse gas (GHG) credit markets require that growers, students, extension educators, offset aggregators, and other stakeholders understand the impact of agricultural practices on GHG emissions. The Farming Systems Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator, a web-based tool linked to the SOCRATES soil…

  18. Fatores de risco associados ao excesso de peso entre adolescentes da Região Oeste Paulista Factores de riesgo asociados al exceso de peso entre adolescentes de la Región Oeste Paulista Risk factors associated with overweight among adolescents from Western São Paulo state

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rômulo Aráujo Fernandes


    Full Text Available Analisar a associação entre excesso de peso e diferentes fatores de risco familiares em adolescentes da região oeste do estado de São Paulo. Estudo transversal com 1779 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, e idade compreendida entre 11 e 17 anos. Calculou-se o índice de massa corporal e os fatores de risco familiares foram analisados por meio de questionário. O excesso de peso foi associado com o sexo masculino (RC=1,55 [1,22-1,97], estudar em escola particular (RC=2,14 [1,56-2,94] e maior escolaridade materna (RC=0,52 [0,33-0,83]. Iniciativas de combate à obesidade devem ser instauradas em meio escolar e atingir toda a estrutura familiar, bem como levar em consideração particularidades decorrentes do sexo.Analizar la asociación entre exceso de peso y diferentes factores de riesgo familiares en adolescentes de la región oeste del estado de São Paulo. Estudio transversal con 1779 adolescentes de ambos sexos, y edad comprendida entre 11 y 17 años. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal; los factores de riesgo familiares fueron analizados por medio de cuestionario. El exceso de peso fue asociado con: sexo masculino (RC=1,55 [1,22-1,97], estudiar en escuela particular (RC=2,14 [1,56-2,94], y mayor escolaridad materna (RC=0,52 [0,33-0,83]. Iniciativas de combate a la obesidad deben ser instauradas en el medio escolar y alcanzar a toda la estructura familiar, así como llevar en consideración particularidades provenientes del sexo.The objective of this study was to analyze the association between being overweight and family risk factors in adolescents from Western Sao Paulo state. This cross-sectional study involved 1779 adolescents of both genders and with ages ranging between 11 and 17 years. The participants' body mass index was calculated, and the family risk factors were analyzed through a questionnaire. Excessive weight was associated with the male gender (CR=1.55 [1.22-1.97], studying in a private school (CR=2.14 [1.56-2.94] and

  19. Development of Novel Gas Brand Anti-Piracy System based on BP Neural Networks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, L [School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tongji University, Shanghai (China); Zhang, Y Y [Chinese-German School of Postgraduate Studies, Tongji University (China); Ding, L [Chinese-German School of Postgraduate Studies, Tongji University (China)


    The Wireless-net Close-loop gas brand anti-piracy system introduced in this paper is a new type of brand piracy technical product based on BP neural network. It is composed by gas brand piracy label possessing gas exhalation resource, ARM embedded gas-detector, GPRS wireless module and data base of merchandise information. First, the system obtains the information on the special label through gas sensor array ,then the attained signals are transferred into ARM Embedded board and identified by artificial neural network, and finally turns back the outcome of data collection and identification to the manufactures with the help of GPRS module.

  20. Development of Novel Gas Brand Anti-Piracy System based on BP Neural Networks (United States)

    Wang, L.; Zhang, Y. Y.; Ding, L.


    The Wireless-net Close-loop gas brand anti-piracy system introduced in this paper is a new type of brand piracy technical product based on BP neural network. It is composed by gas brand piracy label possessing gas exhalation resource, ARM embedded gas-detector, GPRS wireless module and data base of merchandise information. First, the system obtains the information on the special label through gas sensor array ,then the attained signals are transferred into ARM Embedded board and identified by artificial neural network, and finally turns back the outcome of data collection and identification to the manufactures with the help of GPRS module.