
Sample records for centro-meridional lago salitroso-paso

  1. Estudio de adecuación fisiológica y salud bucal de restos óseos de cazadores recolectores del holoceno tardío del lago Salitroso (noroeste de Santa Cruz

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    Guráieb, Ana Gabriela


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de los estudios de salud y adecuación fisiológica de la cavidad oral, efectuados sobre una muestra de 30 individuos de distinto sexo y edad, correspondientes a grupos cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno tardío de la cuenca del lago Salitroso (Noroeste de Santa Cruz. Se emplearon técnicas macroscópicas y radiológicas para evaluar la prevalencia de caries, pérdida de dientes antemortem, abscesos y enfermedad periodontal. Asimismo, sólo de forma macroscópica, se relevó la prevalencia de cálculo dental y el grado de desgaste de la corona. Se observaron bajas prevalencias de caries, abscesos y pérdidas de piezas antemortem, altos grados de desgaste y moderadas frecuencias de cálculo dental. Se compararon estos resultados con aquellos obtenidos para otros grupos cazadores-recolectores. Los datos obtenidos en el lago Salitroso coinciden con lo observado para grupos con dietas altamente abrasivas y de bajo contenido de alimentos cariogénicos. Metodológicamente, la inclusión de técnicas radioscópicas permitió refinar el diagnóstico de abscesos, aunque mostró una baja sensibilidad para la detección de caries.

  2. Biometría del esqueleto postcraneal en muestras del Holoceno tardío de la Cuenca del Lago Salitroso (provincia de Santa Cruz

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    Barrientos, Gustavo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente comunicación es presentar la información osteométrica correspondiente al esqueleto postcraneal de una muestra de 18 individuos adultos de diferente sexo y edad, provenientes la cuenca del lago Salitroso (N.O. de la provincia de Santa Cruz. Los mismos fueron recuperados a partir de la excavación de chenques y hoquedades naturales sobre roca, con un rango de edades radiocarbónicas situado entre ca. 2500 y 300 años AP. El presente estudio se integra a una investigación de mayores alcances orientada a analizar la evolución de las poblaciones humanas del centro-sur de la Patagonia continental durante el Holoceno tardío. En este estudio se consideraron 45 variables métricas correspondientes a 10 unidades anatómicas del esqueleto postcraneano (húmero, radio, cúbito, clavícula, fémur, tibia, peroné, escápula, sacro y coxal. A nivel de la localidad, se establecieron comparaciones basadas en análisis uni y multivariados entre el conjunto de entierros más antiguo (ca. 2500-1800 años AP con el más reciente (ca. 1000-300 años AP, con la finalidad de detectar diferencias significativas entre ambas submuestras cronológicas. Finalmente, se analizaron los datos regionales en relación con la variabilidad registrada en otras muestras de Patagonia continental (Chubut y sur de Santa Cruz y Tierra del Fuego.

  3. Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. Caso Centro Comercial Lago Mall

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    Carlos E. Torres Geisse


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es el análisis de la responsabilidad empresarial para el centro comercial Lago Mall. El tipo de investigación fue un proyecto factible, descriptivo y de campo, con un diseño de tipo no experimental y transeccional. Se consideró como población al gerente de mercadeo del C.C Lago Mall, a quince (15 miembros de la comunidad interna, y a noventa (90 miembros de la comunidad externa del mismo. Las técnicas de recolección de datos aplicadas fueron: la encuesta y la entrevista. Los instrumentos fueron validados por cinco (5 expertos en gerencia social, obteniendo una confiabilidad de 0,99. Los resultados indican que en ambas dimensiones de la RSE los elementos que la integran no constituían un marco ideal para considerar a la empresa C.C. Lago Mall como socialmente responsable. Se concluye que el mismo carece de programas formales de responsabilidad social empresarial; sin embargo demuestra un compromiso con los principios de la empresa y con los valores de los empleados, donde se destacan la dignidad, identidad e integridad por los grupos de interés que se han denominado internos y externos.

  4. Ostrácodos no-marinos de lagos en el altiplano este-centro de México

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    Liseth Pérez


    Full Text Available La fauna de ostrácodos de la zona de transición néartica-neotropical ha sido poco estudiada hasta este estudio. En el este-centro de México, habitan diez especies de ostrácodos en diez lagos: cinco lagos maar (originados por explosiones freáticas/freato-magmáticas, un lago volcánico-tectónico, tres embalses naturales y un embalse artificial. De la parte más profunda y de las zonas litorales de todos los lagos estudiados se recolectaron sedimentos superficiales para el análisis de ostrácodos. También se midieron in situ las variables ambientales: pH, temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, conductividad, SDT, además se recolectaron muestras de agua paralelas para análisis químico con el objetivo de describir el hábitat. Especies con una amplia distribución en el área de estudio (≥5 lagos incluyen: Cypridopsis vidua, Darwinula stevensoni y Eucandona cf. patzcuaro. Limnocytherina axalapasco es una especie endémica y fue recolectada en tres lagos maar y en el embalse artificial. Especies raras incluyeron: Chlamydotheca arcuata?, Fabaeformiscandona acuminata?, Ilyocypris gibba?, Limnocythere friabilis?, Potamocypris smaragdina? y Potamocypris unicaudata? La riqueza de especies más alta (6 spp. se encontró en el lago más extenso y somero, lago Metztitlán (2.6km², 5.5m de profundidad, con el tipo de agua HCO3->>SO4²->Cl--- Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+. El resto de lagos estudiados (<63m, <27km² presentaron no más de tres especies. Por ejemplo, solamente dos especies de ostrácodos fueron recolectadas en el lago Alchichica, el cual es el más extenso, profundo y salino entre los lagos maar estudiados.

  5. Estudio microscópico y radioscópico de indicadores de salud bucal en una muestra de restos óseos de cazadores-recoletores tardíos del Lago Salitroso (noroeste de Santa Cruz

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    García Guraieb, Solana


    Full Text Available En un trabajo reciente se realizó un estudio de salud bucal en una muestra de restos humanos perteneciente a cazadores recolectores tardíos (entre ca. 1200-350 años AP provenientes de chenques en la cuenca del lago Salitroso (Noroeste de Santa Cruz. Mediante la inspección visual se estudiaron 21 individuos de distinto sexo y edad, observándose bajas prevalencias de caries, abscesos, pérdida de dientes antemortem y altos grados de desgaste dental. Estos resultados coinciden con lo observado en otras muestras de cazadores-recolectores con dietas con una baja proporción relativa de alimentos vegetales ricos en azúcares y almidones. Teniendo en cuenta este antecedente, el objetivo del presente trabajo es ampliar los estudios de salud bucal mediante la incorporación de nuevos casos, nuevas variables (v.g. enfermedades periodontales y la diversificación de las técnicas de análisis utilizadas, principalmente a través del empleo de la radioscopía como técnica complementaria a la inspección visual. Este estudio permitirá, por un lado, estimar la concordancia entre las observaciones obtenidas a través de ambas técnicas de análisis y, por el otro, evaluar la persistencia de las tendencias observadas anteriormente en el comportamiento de estos indicadores


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    Estela Cuna


    Full Text Available Los lagos de alta montaña, con una baja mineralización, alcalinidad y contenido de nutrientes, son ecosistemas sensibles a perturbaciones naturales o antropogénicas y en la actualidad están amenazados por el calentamiento global. En México existen dos lagos de alta montaña (> 3,800 m snm: La Luna y El Sol, en el cráter del Nevado de Toluca. Análisis de parámetros químicos y de diatomeas en sedimentos superficiales permiten identificar que La Luna es más ácido y menos mineralizado que El Sol y que a pesar de su proximidad geográfica cada lago tiene un conjunto de diatomeas característico, con menor abundancia y riqueza específica en La Luna. En este lago dominan Encyonema perpusillum y Psammothidium helveticum y en El Sol Cavinula pseudoscutiformis , Psammothidium levanderi y Aulacoseira distans. Con base en esta distribución se interpreta el registro de diatomeas de una secuencia sedimentaria de La Luna, de 57 cm, fechada con 210 Pb y 14 C en la que también se realizaron análisis de contenido de cladóceros y de susceptibilidad magnética. Todos estos indicadores permiten ubicar el inicio de una tendencia hacia climas secos y fríos alrededor de los años 1350 y 1510, que corresponde a la Pequeña Edad de Hielo (PEH, la cual tiene su máxima expresión entre los años 1660 y 1760, durante el mínimo de actividad solar de Maunder. Las características ambientales de sequía y frío se observan hasta principios del siglo XX. La comparación de este registro con otros disponibles permite concluir que durante la PEH hubo una tendencia regional en el centro de México hacia climas secos.

  7. Neotectónica del sector centro-meridional de la cuenca de Madrid

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    Zazo, C.


    rectilíneos, facetas triangulares, depósitos basculados y deformados; así como la aplicación de índices geomorfológicos indicadores de Neotectónica como son: Indice del gradiente del thalweg, índice de sinuosidad del frente montañoso y la relación anchura/altura del valle. Por otra parte se ha realizado un análisis del perfil longitudinal de los diferentes ríos que atraviesan el área, así como del grado de sinuosidad de los mismos. De todo ello se deduce que durante el Cuaternario la actividad neotectónica es importante en el Sector Centro-Meridional de la cuenca de Madrid, y fundamentalmente en el tránsito Pleistoceno inferior/medio, etapa durante la cual se produce la captura del Manzanares por un tributario del Jarama, debido al basculamiento hacia el SW que sufre el bloque de La Marañosa. La mayoría de los rasgos geomorfológicos indicadores de neotectónica se encuentran asociados a los grandes escarpes yesíferos que bordean los ríos fundamentales, dichos rasgos se manifiestan a lo largo de todo el Cuaternario incluido el Holoceno. Por otra parte, del estudio de los perfiles longitudinales de los ríos se deduce un gran alejamiento de éstos con relación al perfil teórico de equilibrio, estando todos ellos afectados por numerosas inflexiones que en muchos casos se corresponden con el paso de accidentes perpendiculares al cauce. Asimismo el grado de sinuosidad de los cursos revela su condicionamiento, a pequeña escala, del paso de accidentes o líneas de actividad tectónica.

  8. Evolução geologica do pre-cambriano da porção centro-leste da serra do Espigão meridional e metalogenese associada


    Luiz Guilherme Knauer


    Resumo: A porção centro-leste da Serra do. Espinhaço Meridional é caracterizada principalmente por terrenos de idade Pré-Cambriana, incluindo seqüências do Arqueano (Complexo de Gouveia, de alto grau metamórfico, e Grupo Pedro Pereira, de baixo grau) e do Proterozóico (todas de baixo grau metamórfico: Grupo Costa Sena, Supergrupo Espinhaço sensu stricto, Seqüência Itapanhoacanga, Seqüência Serra do Sapo, Seqüência Jacem e Seqüência Serro), alem de diques e sills básicos metamorfisados em fáci...

  9. Escleroplastia meridional: A propósito de un caso en 1999 Meridional scleroplasty: With regard to a case in 1999

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    Enrique J. Machado Fernández


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un caso reciente de rechazo al aloplante utilizado para escleroplastia meridional. Se refieren las características del cuadro clínico presentado y su tratamiento. Además, se expresan consideraciones basadas en datos estadísticos y hallazgos anatomopatológicos que fundamentan la suspensión de la práctica de esta técnica en el Centro de Microcirugía Ocular.In present paper, authors present a recent case of rejection to allograft used to meridional scleroplasty. Festures of clinical picture and its treatment are related. Furthermore, we express statistical data based on considerations and anatomic-pathologic findings supporting suspension of practice of this technique in Center of Microsurgery of Eye.

  10. Proceso de virtualización de un centro de procesamiento de datos (CPD)


    Castro Santero, Juan


    Este trabajo trata del proceso de virtualización de un centro de procesamiento de datos (CPD), por el que se explica paso a paso este proceso. Aquest treball tracta del procés de virtualització d'un centre de processament de dades (CPD), pel que s'explica pas a pas aquest procés. Bachelor thesis for the Computer Science program.

  11. Control de un motor paso a paso: PIC, USB, C#


    Fernández Aragón, Iñigo


    El objetivo de este proyecto fin de carrera es crear un equipo con el que comprender y controlar, desde el ordenador, el funcionamiento de un motor paso a paso bifásico de imanes permanentes, a través de una comunicación USB, la ayuda de un microprocesador y el imprescindible driver del motor paso a paso. Uno de los elementos utilizados en el control de un motor paso a paso es el microprocesador, encargado tanto de enviar las consignas al controlador (driver), como de captar...

  12. Paso elevado, en Manchester – Inglaterra

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    Hayes, J.


    Full Text Available This is an urban main traffic connection, running south of the civic centre of Manchester, and facilitates communications in the East West directions. It also links the main motor roads entering the city from the South. It involves a viaduct with two traffic directions, with a total length of 975 m, which runs over several highways and pedestrian footpaths. The article describes the structure of this viaduct and its special features, such as an improved type of prestressed concrete dowels and certain construction problems.Se trata de un paso de enlace urbano, situado al sur del centro cívico de Manchester, que descongestiona el tránsito este-oeste actuando como un distribuidor entre las carreteras principales de entrada desde el sur. Incluye un viaducto de dos calzadas, de unos 975,36 m, que pasa por encima de un conjunto de carreteras al nivel del suelo y de pasos de peatones. El artículo describe la estructura elevada con unas notas sobre los aspectos notables del proyecto, como son: las mejoras introducidas en las dovelas de hormigón pretensado y los problemas que se presentaron durante la construcción.

  13. Centro Vogelstang - Mannheim (Alemania Federal

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    Striffler, H.


    Full Text Available In the new urban zone of Vogelstang some 20,000 people will live in 4,600 rented dwellings and 700 private homes. The scheme contains all facilities to allow an autonomous life, i.e. primary schools, a secondary school, a college of domestic economy, two Catholic and two Evangelical churches, a kindergarten, an old people's home, a commercial centre, a community centre and an indoor swimming-pool. In the southern area a recreation park has been made with an artificial lake and sports centre. There are plenty of green spaces and playing areas for children.En la nueva zona urbana Vogelstang vivirán unas 20.000 personas en 4.600 viviendas de alquiler y 700 hogares propios. El complejo abarca todas las instalaciones que permiten una vida autónoma: Escuelas primarias. Escuela Superior. Instituto. Escuela de economía doméstica. Dos iglesias católicas y dos evangélicas. Jardín de infancia. Residencia para ancianos. Centro comercial. Centro comunal. Piscina cubierta. En la zona sur se ha creado un parque de recreo con un lago artificial y un centro de deportes. Hay abundantes espacios verdes y lugares de juego para los niños.

  14. Vestígios da cultura popular em Angela Lago


    Silva, Celso Sisto


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-graduação em Literatura A presente dissertação elabora, sob o domínio da cultura popular, e configura, sob o viés do conto popular recontado, a leitura de algumas obras da escritora brasileira para crianças, Angela Lago. Pretende-se, em primeiro lugar, identificar nos recontos da escritora, a persistência dos modelos narrativos que a tradição popular de cunho escrito mantev...

  15. 11-M Cobertura mediática del terrorismo: un paso más

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    Ana Arzumendi Adarraga


    Full Text Available La autora hace una reflexión sobre la manera en que los medios de comunicación españoles informaron acerca de los actos terroristas del 11 de marzo de 2004 en Madrid, llegando a la conclusión de que, sin caer en el sensacionalismo burdo, es necesario mostrar la crónica del terror paso a paso y la historia de las víctimas con nombre propio, para expresar la real dimensión de la violencia. Propone resituar el centro de atención en el papel de los medios como transmisores, no sólo de la carga emocional de la tragedia, sino también de la carga emocional de la reacción ciudadana, pues afirma que de la misma forma que los medios tienen la capacidad de comunicar el terror, tienen también el poder de comunicar los resortes emocionales de la reacción.

  16. Longevidad y anillos de crecimiento en el Pino de la Virgen (El Paso, La Palma

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    María del Mar Génova Fuester


    Full Text Available En el seno del proyecto de investigación que se está desarrollando en Canarias orientado a la reconstrucción de la variabilidad climática del Archipiélago a lo largo del último milenio a partir de la información climática contenida en los anillos de crecimiento de ejemplares de pino canario, uno de los árboles estudiados ha sido el célebre Pino de la Virgen de El Paso, La Palma. Su alto valor simbólico y cultural ha llevado a un análisis más detenido, centrado en la aplicación de técnicas específicas para la estimación de su edad.Within the framework of the investigation wich is being developed in the Canary Islans for the reconstruction of the last millennium climatic variability in the Archipelago from the climatic information recorded in canary pine tree-rings, one of the analized trees has been the renowed Pino de La VIrgen de El Paso, La Palma. Its high simbolic and cultural value deserved the application of specific techniques for the estimation of its age. 

  17. Centro de exposiciones en Chicago – EE.UU.

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    C. F. Murphy, Asociados, arquitectos-ingenieros


    Full Text Available This building, the reconstruction and enlargement of the old, fire-damaged Center of Expositions, has been executed in three levels consisting of various exhibition halls, theater, and complemented by cafeterias, restaurants, meeting rooms, dignitary suites, and parking facilities. The access and unloading platforms which serve the exhibition sites are located in the intermediate level. Principal characteristics are, on the one hand, the large area for pedestrians and automobiles, which separates the exhibition area from the theater area, and on the other hand, the structure. The 150-foot square bays for the two-way steel truss roof system impart a spaciousness consonant with the prior design concept. For this enlargement it was necessary to use part of the adjoining lake to effect retaining walls and earth fill in the newly acquired zones.Este edificio, reconstrucción y ampliación del antiguo Centro de Exposiciones que fue dañado por un incendio, ha sido planteado en tres niveles, en los que se distribuyen los diversos salones de exposición y el teatro, completados por cafeterías, restaurante, cocinas, almacenes, tiendas y zona de aparcamientos. El acceso y los muelles de descarga que sirven a los locales de exposición, están situados en el nivel intermedio. Sus características principales son, por una parte, el gran paso para peatones y automóviles, que separa la zona de exposiciones y la del teatro, y por otra, la estructura, a base de entramados metálicos apoyados sobre grandes pilares muy distanciados, creando amplios espacios libres, acordes con su utilización posterior. Para esta ampliación hubo que utilizar parte del lago cercano, disponiendo muros de contención y rellenos de tierra en la nueva zona adquirida.

  18. Lagos Notes and Records: Editorial Policies

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Professor Tom Byers, University of Louisville Professor Olumuyiwa Alaba, University of Lagos Professor Karen King-Aribisala, University of Lagos Professor Samuel Ade Ojo, University of Lagos Professor Niyi Osundare, University of Lagos Professor Segun Awonusi, University of Lagos Professor Adebayo Lawal, University ...

  19. Del vientre al ΟIΚΟΣ: los pasos femeninos en la Grecia Antigua

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    Irune Valderrábano González


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo reflexionaremos sobre una de las transiciones vitales más relevantes para las mujeres griegas: el parto. Protagonizado por dos actores principales, el nonato y la parturienta, el alumbramiento es concebido como una travesía peligrosa que transforma física y socialmente a ambos. Tanto madre como hijo cruzan el umbral del “territorio salvaje” para adentrarse y establecerse en el centro y origen de la vida ciudadana: el οἶκος, asistidos por los dioses Ártemis y Hermes. Estos “dioses pasadores”, facilitan el camino a través de los pasos femeninos que conducen de la oscuridad del cuerpo de la mujer a la luz de la vida en el οἶκος, donde se encuentran con Hestia. De este modo, y a través de las fuentes clásicas y el análisis estructural, indagaremos en el concepto de parto de los griegos, en su carácter de paso y en las deidades “pasadoras” mencionadas.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Junwei; Bogart, R. S.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Hartlep, Thomas; Duvall, T. L. Jr.


    Meridional flow in the solar interior plays an important role in redistributing angular momentum and transporting magnetic flux inside the Sun. Although it has long been recognized that the meridional flow is predominantly poleward at the Sun's surface and in its shallow interior, the location of the equatorward return flow and the meridional flow profile in the deeper interior remain unclear. Using the first 2 yr of continuous helioseismology observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic Magnetic Imager, we analyze travel times of acoustic waves that propagate through different depths of the solar interior carrying information about the solar interior dynamics. After removing a systematic center-to-limb effect in the helioseismic measurements and performing inversions for flow speed, we find that the poleward meridional flow of a speed of 15 m s –1 extends in depth from the photosphere to about 0.91 R ☉ . An equatorward flow of a speed of 10 m s –1 is found between 0.82 and 0.91 R ☉ in the middle of the convection zone. Our analysis also shows evidence of that the meridional flow turns poleward again below 0.82 R ☉ , indicating an existence of a second meridional circulation cell below the shallower one. This double-cell meridional circulation profile with an equatorward flow shallower than previously thought suggests a rethinking of how magnetic field is generated and redistributed inside the Sun


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao Junwei; Bogart, R. S.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Hartlep, Thomas [W. W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4085 (United States); Duvall, T. L. Jr. [Solar Physics Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States)


    Meridional flow in the solar interior plays an important role in redistributing angular momentum and transporting magnetic flux inside the Sun. Although it has long been recognized that the meridional flow is predominantly poleward at the Sun's surface and in its shallow interior, the location of the equatorward return flow and the meridional flow profile in the deeper interior remain unclear. Using the first 2 yr of continuous helioseismology observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic Magnetic Imager, we analyze travel times of acoustic waves that propagate through different depths of the solar interior carrying information about the solar interior dynamics. After removing a systematic center-to-limb effect in the helioseismic measurements and performing inversions for flow speed, we find that the poleward meridional flow of a speed of 15 m s{sup -1} extends in depth from the photosphere to about 0.91 R{sub Sun }. An equatorward flow of a speed of 10 m s{sup -1} is found between 0.82 and 0.91 R{sub Sun} in the middle of the convection zone. Our analysis also shows evidence of that the meridional flow turns poleward again below 0.82 R{sub Sun }, indicating an existence of a second meridional circulation cell below the shallower one. This double-cell meridional circulation profile with an equatorward flow shallower than previously thought suggests a rethinking of how magnetic field is generated and redistributed inside the Sun.

  2. Primer Centro de Incubación de Empresas del país cumple 20 años


    Ferreto Gutiérrez, Eugenia; Tecnológico de Costa Rica


    En el año 1994 la incubación da sus primeros pasos de la mano del Centro de Incubación de Empresas (CIE), por medio de la Escuela de Administración de Empresas del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC). Era esta una propuesta arriesgada al tratarse de un proceso desconocido para la institución y para el país.

  3. Meridional Considerations of the Centrifugal Compressor Development

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    C. Xu


    Full Text Available Centrifugal compressor developments are interested in using optimization procedures that enable compressor high efficiency and wide operating ranges. Recently, high pressure ratio and efficiency of the centrifugal compressors require impeller design to pay attention to both the blade angle distribution and the meridional profile. The geometry of the blades and the meridional profile are very important contributions of compressor performance and structure reliability. This paper presents some recent studies of meridional impacts of the compressor. Studies indicated that the meridional profiles of the impeller impact the overall compressor efficiency and pressure ratio at the same rotational speed. Proper meridional profiles can improve the compressor efficiency and increase the overall pressure ratio at the same blade back curvature.

  4. Bioremediación de lagos tropicales eutrofizados: estudio del Lago San Pablo (Ecuador)


    Gómez Rosero, Tamia Gabriela


    En este trabajo se presenta la propuesta del Plan de Restauración Ambiental denominado "Guardianas/es del Lago" que, a través de la fitorremediación de las macrófitas y diseñado con la participación de la población, plantea disminuir la contaminación que actualmente existe en el lago San Pablo. Para que el diseño sea acorde a la realidad, se ha realizado un diagnóstico de las condiciones físico-químicas, identificación del plancton y de las macrófitas del lago, además una indagaci...

  5. El Centro de Cardioestimuladores del Uruguay. CCC Medical Devices

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    Pablo Darscht


    Full Text Available Estudio de caso del Centro de Cardioestimuladores del Uruguay - CCC Medical Devices preparado a solicitud de Ingenio en el marco del proyecto financiado por la Iniciativa para Incubadoras de InfoDev - Grupo Banco Mundial. Este estudio detalla los pasos seguidos por una empresa nacional con un fuerte factor de innovación y los cambios producidos en el entorno de los negocios de la empresa. El comienzo de una pequeña empresa de marcapasos que tras pasar por diferentes etapas hoy gana mercados en el área de ingeniería para dispositivos médicos para diferentes empresas de investigación biomédica a nivel internacional.AbstractCase study of the Centro de Cardioestimuladores del Uruguay - CCC Medical Devices prepared on behalf of Ingenio within the project financed by de Incubator Initiative of InfoDev-World Bank Group. This study refers to the steps followed by a highly innovative local company and to the changes in its business environment. The start up of a small pacemakers company that after going through different stages is presently increasing its market share in the area of engineering of medical devices for biomedic research companies worldwide.

  6. The Seis Lagos Carbonatite Complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Issler, R.S.; Silva, G.G. da.


    The Seis Lagos Carbonatite Complex located about 840 Km from Manaus, on the northwestern part of the Estado do Amazonas, Brazil is described. Geological reconnaissance mapping by Radam Project/DNPM, of the southwestern portion of the Guianes Craton, determined three circular features arranged in a north-south trend and outcroping as thick lateritic radioactive hills surrounded by gneisses and mignatites of the peneplained Guianense Complex. Results of core drilling samples analysis of the Seis Lagos Carbonatite Complex are compared with some igneous rocks and limestones of the world on the basis of abundance of their minor and trace elements. Log-log variation diagram of strontium and barium in carbonatite and limestone, exemplifield by South Africa and Angola carbonatites, are compared with the Seis Lagos Carbonatite Complex. The Seis Lagos Carbonatite Complex belongs to the siderite-soevite type. (E.G.) [pt

  7. Análisis, diseño e implementación de una página web y su gestión para un grupo de centros médicos


    Salinero Comesaña, Javier


    Aquest projecte tracta l'actualització d'una pàgina Web d'un centre mèdic, que amb el pas del temps és obsoleta, i que vol obrir nous centres. Este proyecto trata la actualización de una página Web de un centro médico, que con el paso del tiempo está obsoleta, y que quiere abrir nuevos centros. This project aims at updating a medical center website, which over time is no longer up-to-date, and tries to open new centers.

  8. LAGO: The Latin American giant observatory (United States)

    Sidelnik, Iván; Asorey, Hernán; LAGO Collaboration


    The Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO) is an extended cosmic ray observatory composed of a network of water-Cherenkov detectors (WCD) spanning over different sites located at significantly different altitudes (from sea level up to more than 5000 m a.s.l.) and latitudes across Latin America, covering a wide range of geomagnetic rigidity cut-offs and atmospheric absorption/reaction levels. The LAGO WCD is simple and robust, and incorporates several integrated devices to allow time synchronization, autonomous operation, on board data analysis, as well as remote control and automated data transfer. This detection network is designed to make detailed measurements of the temporal evolution of the radiation flux coming from outer space at ground level. LAGO is mainly oriented to perform basic research in three areas: high energy phenomena, space weather and atmospheric radiation at ground level. It is an observatory designed, built and operated by the LAGO Collaboration, a non-centralized collaborative union of more than 30 institutions from ten countries. In this paper we describe the scientific and academic goals of the LAGO project - illustrating its present status with some recent results - and outline its future perspectives.


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    João Marcos Rodrigues dos SANTOS


    Full Text Available A radiologia é uma área muito importante para as ciências biomédicas. Apesar dos benefícios que os exames radiológicos oferecem, muito têm se discutido sobre o destino dos efluentes gerados por este tipo de atividade. Os problemas ambientais ocasionados por essas substâncias são diversos: contaminação de rios, lagos e lençóis freáticos além da ausência de um tratamento adequado dos resíduos por parte dos geradores. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar um diagnóstico sobre o gerenciamento dos resíduos em serviços de radiologia em três centros de saúde da Região dos Lagos estado do Rio de Janeiro. As informações foram obtidas através de entrevistas realizadas por questionário semiestruturado direcionado aos responsáveis técnicos. Foram obtidas informações sobre: o volume total de líquido produzido, a forma de armazenamento, os métodos de descarte, dentre outras. Após o tratamento dos dados, os mesmos foram confrontados com a literatura, mantendo-se a imparcialidade para o melhor conhecimento possível sobre o tema. Os dados da pesquisa revelaram uma não conformidade com a legislação e parâmetros estabelecidos pelas instituições fiscalizadoras. De uma forma mais específica, observou-se uma certa dificuldade em relação ao gerenciamento dos líquidos residuais, evidenciando a possibilidade de riscos para a saúde e meio ambiente. Uma preocupação evidenciada na pesquisa está relacionada ao destino das películas inutilizadas, observou-se pouca preocupação em relação a este tipo de descarte. Conclui-se que o diagnóstico realizado sinaliza pontos preocupantes sobre o gerenciamento dos resíduos nos serviços de radiologia. A pesquisa deixa uma contribuição para futuras discussões sobre o tema.     

  10. Estudio Ficológico de lagos urbanos artificiales del sur de la provincia de Córdoba Phycological study of artificial urban reservoirs of the South of the province of Córdoba

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    Martín David Novoa


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo fue realizado en dos lagos urbanos artificiales de Río Cuarto (Córdoba: Parque Sarmiento y Villa Dalcar, durante el año 2003. El objetivo fue: conocer y comparar la composición algal, su relación con parámetros ambientales y registros bacteriológicos en ambos lagos. Se determinaron 275 taxa: 178 Bacillariophyceae , 60 Chlorophyceae , 21 Cyanophyceae , 13 Euglenophyceae , 2 Dinophyceae y 1 Chrysophyceae . Las especies y/o variedades fueron registradas por primera vez para el área de estudio, 53 son nuevas citas para la provincia de Córdoba y 8 para la Argentina. El lago con mayor número de especies propias fue el Villa Dalcar. El Parque Sarmiento en otoño, registró un gran número de clorofíceas propias de este lago. Se evidenciaron dos floraciones en el lago Villa Dalcar: estival de Aphanizomenon flos-aquae y primaveral de Peridinium pusillum . El índice de Jaccard evidenció la mayor similitud entre los sitios Este y Centro en otoño, para el lago Parque Sarmiento y Salida y Malón, en verano, para el lago Villa Dalcar. Según el Índice de Sorensen-Dice aplicado a ambos lagos y estaciones del año, la máxima similitud fue entre los sitios Salida del Villa Dalcar y Este del Parque Sarmiento, en invierno. En primavera y verano se registró un número elevado de bacterias coliformes en el sitio Puente Oeste del lago Parque Sarmiento , y en el sitio el Malón del lago Villa Dalcar, en verano.The present work was carried out in two urban lakes in Río Cuarto (Córdoba, Argentina: Parque Sarmiento and Villa Dalcar, during the year 2003. The objective was to know and to compare the algal composition and its relation with environmental parameters and bacteriological registries in both lakes. 275 taxa were determined: 178 Bacillariophyceae , 60 Chlorophyceae , 21 Cyanophyceae , 13 Euglenophyceae , 2 Dinophyceae and 1 Chrysophyceae. The species and/or varieties are registred for the irst time in the study area, 53 are

  11. Antes y después del centro cultural: renovación urbana y desplazamiento en Bogotá

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    Diana Carolina Urbina Vanegas


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo, revisaré los efectos que han tenido las políticas de renovación urbana en el centro histórico de Bogotá, retomando la experiencia de los antiguos habitantes de la Manzana 5, ubicada en el barrio Las Aguas. En primer lugar, presenta - ré un análisis crítico del discurso en el que se posiciona la renovación urbana y del lu - gar estratégico que ocupa el deterioro del centro histórico. En la segunda parte, me acercaré a los residuos que deja a su paso un proceso de renovación que no contempla el factor social: las ruinas y el desplazamiento urbano, un fenómeno que se fundamenta en estrategias legítimas e ilegítimas de or - denamiento territorial.

  12. Solar-cycle variation of zonal and meridional flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komm, R; Howe, R; Hill, F; Hernandez, I Gonzalez; Haber, D


    We study the variation with the solar cycle of the zonal and meridional flows in the near-surface layers of the solar convection zone. We have analyzed MDI Dynamics-Program data with ring-diagram analysis covering the rising phase of cycle 23, while the analyzed GONG high-resolution data cover the maximum and declining phase of cycle 23. For the zonal flow, the migration with latitude of the flow pattern is apparent in the deeper layers, while for the meridional flow, a migration with latitude is apparent only in the layers close to the surface. The faster-than-average bands of the zonal flow associated with the new cycle are clearly visible. Similarly, a pattern related to the new cycle appears in the residual meridional flow. We also study the flow differences between the hemispheres during the course of the solar cycle. The difference pattern of the meridional flow is slanted in latitude straddling the faster-than-average band of the torsional oscillation pattern in the zonal flow. The difference pattern of the zonal flow, on the other hand, resembles the cycle variation of the meridional flow. In addition, the meridional flow during the minimum of cycle 23/24 appears to be slightly stronger than during the previous minimum of cycle 22/23.

  13. El ecoanálisis como mediación Psicopedagógica: Experiencia en el Centro Infantil Ermelinda Mora


    Cynthia Orozco Castro


    El artículo expone la realización de un ecoanálisis en un aula del Centro Infantil Ermelinda Mora de la Sede de Occidente de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Se describen las pasos del proceso y se ejemplifican los avances en cada etapa, enfatizando la búsqueda de soluciones creativas para transformar el ambiente-situación de ciencias, luego de las discusiones grupales para hacer consciente lo inconsciente en el ámbito educativo. Uno de los mayores retos de la Psicopedagogía es la bú...

  14. Financially troubled El Paso discontinues more nonutility operations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    As part of a plan to phase out its nonutility businesses, El Paso Electric Company will discontinue its remaining PascoTex Corporation operations, consisting of the manufacture of specialty steel products, and company management released revised estimates of losses to be incurred during the disposal period. Recently El Paso announced it would also bow out of most of its nonutility real estate operations. Increased operating expenses, principally at El Paso's Palo Verde station nuclear facility, have also impacted the bottom line. All three units at Palo Verde were out of service at the time of this writing. The good news was that energy sales have increased

  15. Lagos Koolhaas and Partisan Politics in Nigeria


    Fourchard, Laurent


    International audience; Architect Rem Koolhaas and his team from Harvard regard Lagos as an extreme and pathological form of the city in Africa and as a paradigmatic case of a modern avant-garde city. In rehabilitating the informality at work in Lagos, they put forward a romanticized vision of a self-regulatory system working outside state regulation and political influence. In this article I consider that the crisis of urban infrastructure in Lagos is less the result of the weakness of the N...

  16. El Lago de Tota

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    Borrero H. José I.


    Full Text Available Puesto que el lago de Tola constituye hoy en día la única fuente de abastecimiento de agua para nuestra máxima industria nacional, como es Acerías de Paz del Río, porque esta industria depende en un ciento por ciento del lago de Tota para su desarrollo actual y ensanches futuros, según concepto de sus directivas además por ser este un lugar de incomparable belleza al cual debe dársele la importancia que merece, se ha resuelto escribir estas líneas, en las cuales el lector encontrará esbozados en la forma más sucinta posible una serie de hechos que a no dudar todos hemos observado al visitar el lago. No se pretende que este pequeño escrito abarque todo el problema que es de por sí muy vasto y que posiblemente ha sido tratado ya antes con mayor propiedad, pero sí se espera que produzca en cada uno de los lectores una reacción que sea lo suficientemente grande para que logre convertirlos en admiradores de Tota por consiguiente en sus perennes defensores. No tratamos tampoco de inculpar a nadie y menos a ninguna de las entidades nacionales responsables de la conservación de nuestros recursos naturales, sino simplemente de alertar a todos los directivos de esas entidades para que de común acuerdo logremos salvar el Lago de Tota.

  17. Descripción del cráneo de Bramocharax caballeroi Contreras & Rivera 1985 (Pisces, Characidae), pez endémico del Lago de Catemaco, Veracruz, México Description of the skull of Bramocharax caballeroi Contreras & Rivera 1985 (Pisces, Characidae), endemic fish to Catemaco Lake, Veracruz, Mexico


    Martha Elena Valdez-Moreno; Salvador Contreras-Balderas


    El género Bramocharax se distribuye del centro-norte de Centro América a México. Hasta este momento se conoce a Bramocharax bransfordi de Nicaragua y Costa Rica, a B. dorioni y B. baileyi de Guatemala y a B. caballeroi del lago de Catemaco, Veracruz, México. El trabajo tuvo por objetivo estudiar detalladamente el cráneo de Bramocharax caballeroi a partir del análisis de 37 topotipos de diferentes tallas y compararlo con otras especies relacionadas. B. caballeroi presenta 58 huesos en su cráne...

  18. Identificación del modelo y paso controlante del proceso de neutralización de licores ácidos de la industria del níquel

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    Idelsa García-Ulacia


    Full Text Available El propósito fue estimar en sistemas fluido-sólido no catalíticos los parámetros del modelo matemático que permita describir el comportamiento de una secuencia de reactores continuos, con agitación y conectados en serie, y con las peculiaridades del sistema existente en la Planta de Neutralización de la Empresa “Comandante Pedro Soto Alba” de Moa. Se determinaron los tiempos de reacción completa de las partículas, con tamaño fijo y decreciente, considerando el modelo centro sin reaccionar, y como posibles pasos controlantes: difusión externa en la película líquida, difusión a través de la capa de productos formados (costra, la reacción química en partículas de tamaño fijo y difusión externa en la película líquida en partículas de tamaño decreciente. El análisis de los resultados permitió descartar como pasos controlantes la reacción química y la difusión en la costra. Se concluye que la difusión externa es el paso que con mayor probabilidad controla el proceso de neutralización.

  19. Preferencia de hábitat del murciélago hortelano meridional Eptesicus isabellinus (Temminck, 1840 en ambientes mediterráneos semiáridos

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    Lisón, F.


    Full Text Available Habitat preference of the meridional serotine bat Eptesicus isabellinus (Temminck, 1840 in semiarid Mediterranean landscapes Several molecular studies have recently reported the presence of a second species of the genus Eptesicus in the Iberian peninsula, the meridional serotine bat, E. isabellinus. This species is present in the south of Iberia and it seems to have an allopatric distribution with its twin species, E. serotinus. Ecological studies are now needed to understand the biology of E. isabellinus in southeast Spain. In this study, we used presence–only data for E. isabellinus to perform an ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA and to create a habitat suitability map (HSM. Our results show that the species has a low marginality index, suggesting it is well adapted to the semiarid conditions of the study area. The main habitats used by E. isabellinus are water courses, scrublands, and zones with high primary productivity. The species avoids non–irrigated cropland and shows no preference for human settlements or irrigated cropland. This study provides information about the ecology of E. isabellinus in southeast Spain and allows us to discuss relevant aspects for its conservation.

  20. Datos geográficos de los murciélagos (Chiroptera en el Neotrópico

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    Elkin A. Noguera-Urbano


    Full Text Available Los esfuerzos globales para digitalizar los datos de ocurrencia de la biodiversidad en colecciones, museos y otras instituciones han estimulado el desarrollo de herramientas para mejorar el conocimiento y conservación de la biodiversidad. La “Global Biodiversity Information Facility” GBIF permite el acceso a más de 321 millones de registros, alojados en 379 instituciones. Los murciélagos neotropicales son un grupo muy diverso y especializado y la información geográfica del grupo se ha incrementado desde hace unos años, pero son pocos los reportes acerca del tema. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el número de registros disponibles en GBIF de los murciélagos neotropicales de 21 países de América. Por lo tanto, se evaluó la consistencia del nombre científico y la calidad geográfica a escala de país. Además, se evaluaron vacíos de información sobre una grilla de 1° latitud y 1° longitud. Hubo cerca de 1/2 millón de registros, de los cuales el 58% no incluyeron coordenadas geográficas; el 52% pasaron las dos evaluaciones. Se estimó que el 54% del área geográfica analizada no tiene registros; los vacíos están en centros de biodiversidad como la Amazonía y la Patagonia. En conclusión nuestros resultados sugieren que los datos disponibles en GBIF tienen sesgos geográficos y en los nombres científicos. Los datos de GBIF representan parcialmente las riquezas de murciélagos, además los principales vacíos de información se encuentran en América del Sur.

  1. Paso del Aguilo : Jarre de type Rio Verde Poli


    Michelet , Dominique


    Zone IV, site n°2. Las Colaciones, Paso del Aguila, municipio Armadillo, San Luis Potosi.Jarre à deux petites anses latérales sous le col, du type Rio Verde Poli. Engobe brun-beige poli. Hauteur totale 13 centimètres. Collection particulière Paso del Aguila.

  2. Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Journal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Journal Sponsorship. Journal Home > About the Journal > Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Journal Sponsorship. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  3. Retos para el crecimiento equilibrado de la ciudad Bogotá. El declive del centro y el desamparo de la periferia meridional

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    Fernando Rubiera Morollón


    Full Text Available El crecimiento de las ciudades trae consigo una extensión del espacio metropolitano. Aparecen nuevos subcentros que garantizan la provisión de bienes y servicios sin necesidad de desplazamientos diarios de la población. Sin embargo este desarrollo puede producirse manteniendo la primacía del centro principal de la ciudad o asistiendo a un declive del mismo. Cuando existe un centro fuerte de este tipo resulta fácil organizar una red eficiente de transporte público y se garantiza la existencia de un espacio de contacto de todas las clases sociales evitando una excesiva segregación. Ciertas decisiones políticas, de descentralización administrativa intra-urbana, infraestructuras para el uso generalizado de vehículos privados o modelos de planificación urbana favorecedores del crecimiento extensivo, entre otros elementos, implican declives de los centros tradicionales. Esto ha conformado múltiples casos de urbes enormes de muy difícil gestión. En este trabajo se propone un análisis del caso específico de la capital colombiana: Bogotá. Este caso es especialmente importante porque las acciones de revitalización de la ciudad e impulso de sistemas de transporte público se han convertido en un referente para América Latina. Sin embargo, los datos muestran un deterioro del valor del centro en beneficio de ciertas extensiones del mismo y barrios de la periferia. Se analiza la situación real de la ciudad de Bogotá y los posibles causantes de la misma de cara a sugerir recomendaciones para el desarrollo sostenible de esta metrópoli que pueden ser interesantes para otras realidades urbanas similares del entorno.

  4. Espacios y fisonomías de lo cotidiano en el Archipiélago de Chiloé (Chile, s. XIX.

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    Marco Antonio León


    Full Text Available A través del estudio de tres aspectos de la vida cotidiana en el archipiélago de Chiloé durante el siglo XIX, relativos a la forma y características de sus ciudades, viviendas y población, se exponen los condicionamientos que la misma geografía de la zona ha impreso en las formas de vida. Los relatos de exploradores y viajeros, no sólo corroborarían dicha impresión, sino además constituirían la principal fuente para adentrarse en el estudio de una identidad, si bien construida externamente a los isleños, igualmente reiterada y refrendada discursivamente con el paso de los años, haciéndose más evidentes los factores de permanencia antes que los de cambio en este particular escenario geográfico y humano.

  5. Evaluación de la contaminación en el lago Titicaca


    Ministerio de Agricultura; Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales. Dirección General de Áreas Naturales Protegidas


    Contiene una relación de informes relacionados a la contaminación del lago Titicaca, tales como: Evaluación de la contaminación en el lago Titicaca y Evaluación ambiental del problema de contaminación que afecta al lago Titicaca (ambos de de setiembre de 1996), Informe sobre la grave contaminación ambiental que está afectando el lago Titicaca (marzo de 1996) y el Plan para descontaminar las aguas del lago Titicaca, Bahía Interior de Puno (julio de 1996).

  6. La divergencia genética entre poblaciones del Área Andina Centro Meridional evaluada mediante rasgos no métricos del cráneo

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    Cocilovo, José Alberto


    Full Text Available Durante más de 10.000 años el Area Andina Centro Meridional proporcionó un escenario ideal para el desarrollo de distintas poblaciones y entidades culturales, interactuando a través de una amplia red de intercambio y distribución de productos. A pesar de este nivel de interacción, la información métrica disponible (Bolivia, Norte de Chile y Noroeste Argentino, reveló un fuerte proceso de divergencia genética (FST = 0.195 entre subregiones (Varela et al., 2008. Esta evidencia es contrastada en el presente trabajo a partir del análisis de una muestra integrada por 1416 individuos de ambos sexos, cubriendo un intervalo de 4.500 años. Se emplearon 12 atributos (rasgos no métricos del cráneo registrados como presencia-ausencia. Las diferencias entre subáreas fueron evaluadas mediante la estadística MMDS y D2 de Mahalanobis calculada a partir de componentes principales. Ambas matrices de distancias fenotípicas presentaron una alta correlación, destacando una significativa diferenciación a nivel regional. La mayor distancia se registra entre el Noroeste Argentino y el Norte de Chile, ocupando Bolivia una posición equidistante entre ambas regiones. Dentro de cada región las muestras están más relacionadas entre si ((Cochabamba, (Puna, Quebrada, Valliserrana y Pampa Grande, (Arica, Pisagua, Norte Semiárido. Hay mayor vinculación entre Cochabamba y el Noroeste Argentino y mayor divergencia entre los grupos de Chile. Se confi rma un modelo de poblamiento a partir de la subdivisión de una población ancestral en dos ramas que ocuparon: una el Norte de Chile y otra el Noroeste Argentino. En cada una de ellas el proceso dispersivo originó varias líneas que se diferenciaron gradualmente hacia el sur, durante la exploración de nuevos ambientes cuya conquista y colonización garantizó la subsistencia de la población.

  7. El Paso Formation - a Lower Ordovician platform carbonate deposit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clemons, R.E.


    The eastward-transgressive Lower Ordovician El Paso Formation conformably overlies Bliss Sandstone in southern New Mexico. Locally, lower El Paso was deposited on low hills of plutonic and volcanic rocks. The region subsided gradually throughout Canadian time, receiving the El Paso carbonate rock blanket up to 460 m thick. Lithologic and chronologic correlative rocks were deposited over most of the southwestern US as the first Paleozoic carbonate platform sequence. The El Paso Formation contains four members, listed here in ascending order: Hitt Canyon, Jose, McKelligon, and Padre. Gradually decreasing sand content upward through the Hitt Canyon indicates deepening water and/or greater distance to shore. Girvanella(.) oncolites are locally abundant. Stromatolite mounds near the top of the Hitt Canyon, combined with an influx of sand, ooids, and rounded bioclasts in the Jose Member, recorded a shoaling phase. The overlying McKelligon Member contains little or no sand, and sponge-Calathium mounds are prominent at some locales. Stromatolite mounds are interbedded with sponge-Calathium mounds in a few sections. Lower Padre Member beds are typically silty to sandy and locally contain thinly-laminated zones. The Padre contains more restricted fauna that includes traces of ostracods. Pervasive bioturbation of El Paso beds and fauna consisting of echinoderms, sponges, gastropods, trilobites, Nuia, Calathium, cephalopods, and algae plus minor brachiopods and Pulchrilamina indicate predominating shallow-subtidal environments. Low-energy platform environments, in which a large volume of micritic muds accumulated, were disturbed thousands of times by storms producing abundant thin, poorly washed biosparite, intrasparite, and intrasparrudite lenses.

  8. Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Site Map

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    Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Site Map. Journal Home > About the Journal > Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Site Map. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  9. Lagos Notes and Records

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    PROMOTING ACCESS TO AFRICAN RESEARCH ... Lagos Notes and Records is an annual, interdisciplinary journal of the humanities. ... Insuring the Nation: Europeans and the Emergence of Modern Insurance Business in Colonial Nigeria ...

  10. Urban-Rural Temperature Differences in Lagos

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    Vincent N. Ojeh


    Full Text Available In this study, the hourly air temperature differences between City hall (urban and Okoafo (rural in Lagos, Nigeria, were calculated using one year of meteorological observations, from June 2014 to May 2015. The two sites considered for this work were carefully selected to represent their climate zones. The city core, City hall, is within the Local Climate Zone (LCZ 2 (Compact midrise while the rural location, Okoafo, falls within LCZ B (Scattered Trees in the south-western part on the outskirt of the city. This study is one of very few to investigate urban temperature conditions in Lagos, the largest city in Africa and one of the most rapidly urbanizing megacities in the world; findings show that maximum nocturnal UHI magnitudes in Lagos can exceed 7 °C during the dry season, and during the rainy season, wet soils in the rural environment supersede regional wind speed as the dominant control over UHI magnitude.

  11. Meridional Flow Observations: Implications for the current Flux Transport Models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez Hernandez, Irene; Komm, Rudolf; Kholikov, Shukur; Howe, Rachel; Hill, Frank


    Meridional circulation has become a key element in the solar dynamo flux transport models. Available helioseismic observations from several instruments, Taiwan Oscillation Network (TON), Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) and Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), have made possible a continuous monitoring of the solar meridional flow in the subphotospheric layers for the last solar cycle, including the recent extended minimum. Here we review some of the meridional circulation observations using local helioseismology techniques and relate them to magnetic flux transport models.

  12. Inventory of fisheries and fishes of the Lagos Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The systematic literature of fishes and fisheries in Lagos Lagoon is scattered, hence there is need for a comprehensive documentation of the diverse fish species that ... artisanal fishery, points to environmental degradation and possible changes in water quality with biological consequences for the biota in this environment.

  13. Lagos Historical Review

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Lagos Historical Review is an international and interdisciplinary journal publishing papers with a historical focus. The journal generates and participates in debates to advance the discipline of history and promote its relevance to development. The journal aims to serve the academic community with a bias towards ...

  14. Características psicosociales asociadas a mujeres adolescentes víctimas de explotación sexual comercial, que ingresaron a un centro de atención en la región de Los Lagos, Chile

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    Miguel Salazar Muñoz


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene como objetivo caracterizar las principales variables psicosociales presentes en un grupo de mujeres adolescentes víctimas de explotación sexual comercial, que ingresaron a un centro de atención especializado en el abordaje de la temática en la región de Los Lagos, Chile. Mediante una metodología cuantitativa, se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de 121 fi chas de adolescentes entre 12 y 17 años, atendidos entre los años 2009 y 2015. Como principales resultados es posible identificar variables psicosociales fuertemente presentes en la todalidad de los casos, tales como antecedentes de negligencia parental, deserción escolar, larga trayectoria de institucionalización, historial de abuso sexual, experiencia de vida en calle y consumo de alcohol y/o drogas. Asimismo, se identifican distintas configuraciones de las variables psicosociales en relación con cada modalidad local de explotación sexual comercial presente en el territorio. Se discuten las implicancias de realizar estrategias de intervención diferenciadas por modalidad de explotación sexual comercial de niños/as y adolescentes considerando el conocimiento de los equipos de trabajo de la multiplicidad de factores asociados al fenómeno en cada territorio.

  15. Testing freshwater Lago Mare dispersal theory on the phylogeny relationships of iberian cyprinid genera Chondrostoma and Squalius (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae

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    Carmona, José Ambrosio


    una amplia área del centro y suroeste de la Península Ibérica durante el Mioceno antes de la fase Lago Mare. Del mismo modo, los cuatro grandes linajes ibéricos del género Chondrostoma tuvieron su origen en el Mioceno Medio-Superior. La fase Lago Mare del Mediterráneo parece un hecho demasiado reciente como para haber tenido un impacto importante en la dispersión de las especies de los géneros Squalius y Chondrostoma. No obstante, la reducción de los cuerpos de agua durante el Tortoniense y Mesiniense pudo haber intensificado el aislamiento de las poblaciones. Las Unidades Biogeográficas Operativas obtenidas de las filogenias de los géneros Squalius y Chondrostoma también rechazan la teoría de la dispersión en la fase Lago Mare y sugieren que los procesos de diferenciación de la fauna de peces de agua dulce se debieron al aislamiento de las cuencas hidrográficas, y a fenómenos antiguos de endorreísmo que se produjeron antes de la configuración de las cuencas hidrográficas.

  16. La negociación centro-región en Chile: realidad o mito - el caso de la región de Los Lagos Central-regional negotiation in Chile: reality or myth - the case of the Los Lagos region

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    Pablo Aurelio Monje Reyes


    Full Text Available A partir de la década de los 1990, la descentralización política-administrativa de Chile se ha profundizado en forma gradual. Ello se ha expresado, entre otros aspectos, en la creación de gobiernos regionales y en la disposición política del gobierno central de dejar en manos de estas instancias el manejo de recursos para la inversión regional. No obstante, la reconfiguración de la actual división de las regiones no se ha tomado como un tema prioritario dentro de la política descentralizadora en cuestión. Sin embargo, ello no ha implicado que se esté obviando el tema por completo; ya que a nivel extraoficial, y de parte tanto del gobierno central como regional, se plantea la necesidad de hacer una propuesta de reestructuración de la división política-administrativa del país. Este estudio de caso fija su atención en las demandas de reestructuración recién mencionadas, haciendo especial hincapié en la observación del fenómeno de demanda por la regionalización de la provincia de Valdivia, en la décima región de Los Lagos, Chile, durante los años 1995/96. Dicho trabajo se realizó bajo la óptica de la negociación centro-región, con los objetivos de describir los componentes del proceso y de reconocer las condicionantes de las acciones de los actores en el mismo. Los resultados del estudio están vinculados al rol que ejercen los actores en el conflicto y negociación centro-región. Se consiguió realizar una caracterización de ellos, además de constatar la relación de clientela política que se produce entre la elite nacional y regional, como factor determinante en el resultado de la negociación. De la misma manera, se comprobó que el diseño institucional del sistema político induce este tipo de vínculo entre las elites mencionadas. Finalmente, el estudio presenta una serie de recomendaciones para el fortalecimiento de la política pública de descentralización de Chile, que están en marco de aminorar los

  17. Factors Influencing Patronage Of Medical Tourism In Metropolitan Lagos Nigeria


    Omisore; E.O.; Agbabiaka; H. I.


    Since medical tourism attract patient from various origin to seek medical services at different destinations it is paramount to consider the factors that motivate patrons decision on medical tourism. Hence this study assesses the factors influencing patronage of medical tourism in Lagos metropolis Nigeria. Lagos State is situated in the southwestern corner of Nigeria it lies within Latitudes 62N to 64N of the Equator and Longitudes 245E to 420E of the Greenwich meridian. Metropolitan Lagos is...

  18. Centro de simulación médica de la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil : una propuesta de planificación estratégica


    Carriel Mancilla, Jorge Alejandro


    El proceso de planificación estratégica de un centro de simulación requiere conocimientos administrativos, académicos y de servicios en salud pues su correcto funcionamiento e implementación puede llegar a ser similar al de una sala hospitalaria, es decir involucra la adquisición de equipos médicos, de materiales, el conocimiento de normas de bioseguridad, la realización de procedimientos, entre otros. Los diferentes autores coinciden en los pasos y los determinados segmentos al momento...

  19. 459 Road Transport System Management and Traffic in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 16, 2010 ... reason for this being the catalytic effect of transport development on socio- economic ... as well as in promoting regional cooperation. In Lagos State ... The primary road network (Federal and State roads) which link the major .... Recently, in 2002, when a survey of Lagos urban traffic was conducted, the.

  20. Hydrology of the shallow aquifer and uppermost semiconfined aquifer near El Paso, Texas (United States)

    White, D.E.; Baker, E.T.; Sperka, Roger


    The availability of fresh ground water in El Paso and adjacent areas that is needed to meet increased demand for water supply concerns local, State, and Federal agencies. The Hueco bolson is the principal aquifer in the El Paso area. Starting in the early 1900s and continuing to the 1950s, most of the municipal and industrial water supply in El Paso was pumped from the Hueco bolson aquifer from wells in and near the Rio Grande Valley and the international border. The Rio Grande is the principal surface-water feature in the El Paso area, and a major source of recharge to the shallow aquifer (Rio Grande alluvium) within the study area is leakage of flow from the Rio Grande.

  1. Chlorococcales nuevas para el embalse Paso de las Piedras (Buenos Aires, Argentina New Chlorococcales for Paso de las Piedras Reservoir (Buenos Aires, Argentine

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    Carolina Fernández


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se citan e ilustran 22 especies pertenecientes al orden Chlorococcales (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta halladas en el embalse Paso de las Piedras que representan nuevas citas para este ambiente. Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Tetraedron hemisphaericum y Scenedesmus semipulcher constituyen nuevas citas para la República Argentina.In this paper, we record and illustrate 22 species of Chlorococcales (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta found in Paso de las Piedras Reservoir, which are new records for this area. Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Tetraedron hemisphaericum and Scenedesmus semipulcher are new for Argentina.

  2. Pasos Adelante: the effectiveness of a community-based chronic disease prevention program. (United States)

    Staten, Lisa K; Scheu, Linda L; Bronson, Dan; Peña, Veronica; Elenes, JoJean


    Implementing programs that target primary prevention of chronic diseases is critical for at-risk populations. Pasos Adelante, or "Steps Forward," is a curriculum aimed at preventing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases in Hispanic populations. Pasos Adelante is adapted from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's cardiovascular disease prevention curriculum, Su Corazon, Su Vida, and includes sessions on diabetes and community advocacy and incorporates walking clubs. The Pasos Adelante curriculum was implemented in two Arizona, United States-Sonora, Mexico border counties. Key issues in these communities are safety, access to recreational facilities, climate, and cultural beliefs. Pasos Adelante is a 12-week program facilitated by community health workers. The program includes interactive sessions on chronic disease prevention, nutrition, and physical activity. Evaluation of the program included precurriculum and postcurriculum questionnaires with self-reported measures of physical activity and dietary patterns. Approximately 250 people participated in the program in Yuma and Santa Cruz counties. Postprogram evaluation results demonstrate a significant increase in moderate to vigorous walking among participants and shifts in nutritional patterns. The Pasos Adelante program demonstrates that an educational curriculum in conjunction with the support of community health workers can motivate people in Arizona/Sonora border communities to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors.

  3. Factors Affecting Tourist Satisfaction in Lagos State,Nigeria | Madu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper tries to discover factors that are responsible for the poor development of recreational tourism in Lagos State of Nigeria, so as to be able to suggest improvement measures. The results show that the overall satisfaction of the business tourists is generally similar to that of the recreational group, and that Lagos State ...

  4. Breastfeeding practices of mothers of young children in Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To determine the breastfeeding practices (prevalence, initiation and exclusivity) of mothers of young children in Lagos. Methods: This was a communitybased, cross-sectional study carried out in 2010 in two Local Government Areas of Lagos State. Structured, intervieweradministered questionnaires were ...

  5. Inferences of the deep solar meridional flow (United States)

    Böning, Vincent G. A.


    Understanding the solar meridional flow is important for uncovering the origin of the solar activity cycle. Yet, recent helioseismic estimates of this flow have come to conflicting conclusions in deeper layers of the solar interior, i.e., at depths below about 0.9 solar radii. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of the deep solar meridional flow. Time-distance helioseismology is the major method for investigating this flow. In this method, travel times of waves propagating between pairs of locations on the solar surface are measured. Until now, the travel-time measurements have been modeled using the ray approximation, which assumes that waves travel along infinitely thin ray paths between these locations. In contrast, the scattering of the full wave field in the solar interior due to the flow is modeled in first order by the Born approximation. It is in general a more accurate model of the physics in the solar interior. In a first step, an existing model for calculating the sensitivity of travel-time measurements to solar interior flows using the Born approximation is extended from Cartesian to spherical geometry. The results are succesfully compared to the Cartesian ones and are tested for self-consistency. In a second step, the newly developed model is validated using an existing numerical simulation of linear wave propagation in the Sun. An inversion of artificial travel times for meridional flow shows excellent agreement for noiseless data and reproduces many features in the input flow profile in the case of noisy data. Finally, the new method is used to infer the deep meridional flow. I used Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) data that were earlier analyzed using the ray approximation and I employed the same Substractive Optimized Local Averaging (SOLA) inversion technique as in the earlier study. Using an existing formula for the covariance of travel-time measurements, it is shown that the assumption of uncorrelated errors

  6. Lago Agrio (Nueva Loja), Ecuador: A Strategic Black Spot? (United States)


    Lago Agrio (Nueva Loja ), Ecuador : A Strategic Black Spot? by Colonel John A. Conway United States Army...REPORT TYPE STRATEGY RESEARCH PROJECT .33 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Lago Agrio (Nueva Loja ), Ecuador : A...Agrio (Nueva Loja ), Ecuador : A Strategic Black Spot? by Colonel John A. Conway United States Army Colonel Juan C

  7. Assessment of radiation protection practices among radiographers in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    Eze, Cletus Uche; Abonyi, Livinus Chibuzo; Njoku, Jerome; Irurhe, Nicholas Kayode; Olowu, Oluwabola


    Use of ionising radiation in diagnostic radiography could lead to hazards such as somatic and genetic damages. Compliance to safe work and radiation protection practices could mitigate such risks. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and radiation protection practices among radiographers in Lagos, Nigeria. The study was a prospective cross sectional survey. Convenience sampling technique was used to select four x-ray diagnostic centres in four tertiary hospitals in Lagos metropolis. Data were analysed with Epi- info software, version 3.5.1. Average score on assessment of knowledge was 73%. Most modern radiation protection instruments were lacking in all the centres studied. Application of shielding devices such as gonad shield for protection was neglected mostly in government hospitals. Most x-ray machines were quite old and evidence of quality assurance tests performed on such machines were lacking. Radiographers within Lagos metropolis showed an excellent knowledge of radiation protection within the study period. Adherence to radiation protection practices among radiographers in Lagos metropolis during the period studied was, however, poor. Radiographers in Lagos, Nigeria should embrace current trends in radiation protection and make more concerted efforts to apply their knowledge in protecting themselves and patients from harmful effects of ionising radiation.

  8. Tilapia africana en el Lago de Nicaragua: ecosistema en transición.

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    Jeffrey K. McCrary


    Full Text Available Los grandes lagos de Nicaragua, son comparables con el sistema de grandes lagos africanos. Contienen una gran diversidad de peces, incluyendo varios peces endémicos de la familia Cichlidae. La captura de peces en el Lago de Cocibolca, estandarizada en 100 metros de red, promedió 4.34 kilogramos en el área de Ometepe, en donde la tilapia constituyó el 1.5 % del peso total de la captura. Este promedio fue de 0.80 kilogramos en la costa septentrional, donde la tilapia constituyó 54% del peso total de la captura. Un estudio ruso efectuado en 1983 y desarrollado en todo el Lago, demostró que el promedio era de 4.66 kilogramos. Los autores del presente artículo recomiendan que en el Lago Cocibolca se implemente un plan de manejo adecuado para controlar la población de tilapia y rescatar un ecosistema en peligro de colapso

  9. Widening the tax net: Lessons from Lagos State, Nigeria | Abiola ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pressure is on governments all over the world to increase revenue through taxation in order to provide better services within their jurisdictions. This study attempts to access the Lagos state's revenue performance under the internally generated revenue scheme. Lagos state total revenue data was collected from 2009 to ...


    Eweka, O M; Ogundana, O M; Agbelusi, G A


    Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome (TMJPDS) is the most common temporomandibular disorder. This condition presents with symptoms of pain, restricted jaw movement and joint noise. Other symptoms include otalgia, headache, neck pain and trismus. To determine the pattern of Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome patients managed at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. A descriptive study of patients with signs and symptoms of Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome attending the Oral Medicine Clinic of Lagos University Teaching Hospital. Twenty-one patients with Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome were enrolled into the study, out of which 10(48%) were females and 11(52%) were males. The age range was 23-81years with a mean of 45.2 ± 18.9 years. Majority of the patients 20(95.2%) complained of pain around the joint, in the pre-auricular region, in the muscles of mastication and the ear. While 7(35%) complained of clicking sounds, 10(47.6%) complained of pain on mouth opening and during mastication only. In all 5(23.8%) had impaired movement of the jaws, mouth opening was normal in 18(85.7%) but reduced in 3(14.3%) patients. Over half of patients 12(57%) experienced clicking sounds, there was tenderness around the temporomandibular joint in 16(76.2%) cases, pain in the ear of 7(33.3%) patients and 13(61.9%) people presented with tenderness of the muscles of mastication. Conservative management of all the cases resulted in resolution of the symptoms. Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome has diverse clinical presentation and though distressing, it responds to prompt and effective conservative management.

  11. Circulating Adipokine levels in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: This study was undertaken with the aim of investigating adipokine levels in the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Methods: This is a cross sectional study conducted in Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), a-700 bed tertiary hospital centre in Lagos, Nigeria. 53 diabetic subjects and 27 non-diabetic controls with ...

  12. Educational and Occupational Aspirations and Expectations of El Paso High School Students. (United States)

    Venegas, Moises

    The purpose of this study was to make a comprehensive survey of the educational and occupational aspirations and expectations of high school sophomores and seniors in the El Paso and Ysleta school districts (El Paso, Texas). Group-administered questionnaires were used to obtain the information from the 590 randomly sampled students (5% of the…

  13. Road Traffic Accident Variations in Lagos State, Nigeria: A Synopsis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The major objective of this research is to examine the variation patterns of road traffic .... situation in Lagos state is bad because of the absence of effective transport ... environment as judged by the investigating officers. Also .... pattern of road traffic accident occurrence over that part of Lagos State. For ... Ph.D Thesis.

  14. Autopsy findings in sickle cell disease patients in Lagos State ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Autopsy findings in sickle cell disease patients in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. ... The study showed that the most common cause of sudden death was anemia-related (50%) while 21% were due to acute infections, 18.4 % were due to cardiovascular events and 4.6% were due to ...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dikpati, Mausumi; Gilman, Peter A.


    We build a hydrodynamic model for computing and understanding the Sun's large-scale high-latitude flows, including Coriolis forces, turbulent diffusion of momentum, and gyroscopic pumping. Side boundaries of the spherical 'polar cap', our computational domain, are located at latitudes ≥ 60°. Implementing observed low-latitude flows as side boundary conditions, we solve the flow equations for a Cartesian analog of the polar cap. The key parameter that determines whether there are nodes in the high-latitude meridional flow is ε = 2ΩnπH 2 /ν, where Ω is the interior rotation rate, n is the radial wavenumber of the meridional flow, H is the depth of the convection zone, and ν is the turbulent viscosity. The smaller the ε (larger turbulent viscosity), the fewer the number of nodes in high latitudes. For all latitudes within the polar cap, we find three nodes for ν = 10 12 cm 2 s –1 , two for 10 13 , and one or none for 10 15 or higher. For ν near 10 14 our model exhibits 'node merging': as the meridional flow speed is increased, two nodes cancel each other, leaving no nodes. On the other hand, for fixed flow speed at the boundary, as ν is increased the poleward-most node migrates to the pole and disappears, ultimately for high enough ν leaving no nodes. These results suggest that primary poleward surface meridional flow can extend from 60° to the pole either by node merging or by node migration and disappearance.

  16. Dam failure analysis for the Lago El Guineo Dam, Orocovis, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Gómez-Fragoso, Julieta; Heriberto Torres-Sierra,


    The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, completed hydrologic and hydraulic analyses to assess the potential hazard to human life and property associated with the hypothetical failure of the Lago El Guineo Dam. The Lago El Guineo Dam is within the headwaters of the Río Grande de Manatí and impounds a drainage area of about 4.25 square kilometers.The hydrologic assessment was designed to determine the outflow hydrographs and peak discharges for Lago El Guineo and other subbasins in the Río Grande de Manatí hydrographic basin for three extreme rainfall events: (1) a 6-hour probable maximum precipitation event, (2) a 24-hour probable maximum precipitation event, and (3) a 24-hour, 100-year recurrence rainfall event. The hydraulic study simulated a dam failure of Lago El Guineo Dam using flood hydrographs generated from the hydrologic study. The simulated dam failure generated a hydrograph that was routed downstream from Lago El Guineo Dam through the lower reaches of the Río Toro Negro and the Río Grande de Manatí to determine water-surface profiles developed from the event-based hydrologic scenarios and “sunny day” conditions. The Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC–HMS) and Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC–RAS) computer programs, developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, were used for the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, respectively. The flow routing in the hydraulic analyses was completed using the unsteady flow module available in the HEC–RAS model.Above the Lago El Guineo Dam, the simulated inflow peak discharges from HEC–HMS resulted in about 550 and 414 cubic meters per second for the 6- and 24-hour probable maximum precipitation events, respectively. The 24-hour, 100-year recurrence storm simulation resulted in a peak discharge of about 216 cubic meters per second. For the hydrologic analysis, no dam failure conditions are

  17. Hydrocarbon source apportionment for the 1996 Paso del Norte Ozone Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujita, E.M. [Desert Research Institute, 2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89506-0220 (United States)


    The 1996 Paso del Norte (PdN) ozone study was conducted to improve current understanding of the significant meteorological and air quality processes that lead to high concentrations of ozone in El Paso, Texas (USA) and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico). Two-hour canister samples were collected five times daily at 05.00-07.00 h, 07.00-09.00 h, 09.00-11.00 h, 11.00-13.00 h, and 15.00-17.00 h MST during intensive study periods at one urban and one rural site on each side of the border. An automated gas chromatograph was operated at one site in central El Paso. Source profiles (the fractional chemical composition of emissions) from motor vehicles, gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, and commercial natural gas were combined with source profiles from other studies for input to the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor model to apportion the measured non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) to sources. On-road vehicle emissions accounted for one-half to two-thirds of the NMHC in Ciudad Juarez and El Paso with the highest contributions occurring during the morning and afternoon commute periods. Emissions from diesel exhaust contributed approximately 2-3% of NMHC in Ciudad Juarez and less than 2% in El Paso. The average sum of liquid gasoline and gasoline vapor increased during the day in Ciudad Juarez from 2% at 06.00 h to approximately 12% at 16.00 h. Diurnal and day-of-the-week patterns in the liquid gasoline contributions are essentially identical to the corresponding patterns for motor vehicle exhaust, which suggest that a large fraction of the liquid gasoline contribution may be associated with tailpipe emissions rather than evaporative emissions from motor vehicles or industrial sources. Including the sum of the two sources put the upper limit for tailpipe contributions at 60-70% of NMHC.

  18. Paso del Aguilo : Figurine Féminine


    Michelet , Dominique


    Zone IV, site n°2. Las Colaciones, Paso del Aguila, municipio Armadillo, San Luis Potosi.Figurine féminine en pâte fine engobée en orange et une trace de colorant rouge sur le haut de la coiffure. Tête subtriangulaire. Incisions au niveau de la ceinture et sur les cuisses. Hauteur totale 9,7 centimètres.

  19. Recursos hídricos en los Andes: Lago Titicaca

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    Full Text Available RESSOURCES EN EAUX DANS LES ANDES : LAC TITICACA. Une analyse par régression a été menée entre les variations de niveau du Lac Titicaca et les entrées du système (apports des affluents et précipitations. Les coefficients de corrélation, quoique relativement faibles, montrent aux abords du lac un effet de persistance qui diminue lorsque les stations sont éloignées du plan d’eau. L’inertie du lac se manifeste l’année suivante pour les affluents du lac et évidemment pour le lac lui-même. Ces résultats confirment la présence d’un mécanisme de rétro alimentation (effet boomerang. Cela montre que le système du Lac Titicaca est fragile, face à une utilisation excessive de ses eaux. Las regresiones estudiadas de cambios de nivel en el lago Titicaca contra precipitaciones y aportes en su cuenca, aunque relativamente bajas, muestran un efecto de persistencia en las proximidades del lago que decrece conforme las estaciones se alejan de éste. Lo que evidencia que la inercia del lago se manifiesta en el período siguiente (lag uno en los afluentes del lago y obviamente en el propio lago, fenómeno que parece confirmar la presencia de un mecanismo de retroalimentación (efecto boomerang. Este comportamiento muestra la fragilidad del lago frente a un aprovechamiento consuntivo excesivo. WATER RESOURCES IN THE ANDES: LAKE TITICACA. The studied regressions of the level changes in the Lake Titicaca versus the rainfall and the runoff in the basin, even being relatively low, show an effect of persistence in the proximity of the lake which decreases as we go away from it. This makes evident that the lake inertia manifests itself the following period (lag one in the lake tributaries and obviously in the lake itself, phenomenon which seems to confirm the presence of a feedback mechanism (boomerang effect. This behaviour shows the fragility of the lake against the excessive consumptive uses of the waters in its basin.

  20. Migration and Social Change in the Eastern District of Lagos: The ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The lagoon serves as a catalyst for economic development in the transformation of Lagos, most especially the eastern district. Fishing is central to the economy of Epe and the entire eastern section of Lagos. However, the fishing industry benefitted immensely from the migrating pattern and economic practices of the Mahin ...

  1. Ground-water resources of the El Paso area, Texas (United States)

    Sayre, Albert Nelson; Livingston, Penn Poore


    El Paso, Tex., and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, and the industries in -that area draw their water supplies from wells, most of which are from 600 to 800 feet deep. In 1906, the estimated average pumpage there was about 1,000,000 gallons a day, and by 1935 it had increased to 15,400,000 gallons a day. The water-bearing beds, consisting of sand and gravel interbedded wire clay, tie in the deep structural trough known as the Hueco bolson, between the Organ and Franklin Mountains on the west, the Hueco, Finlay, and Malone Mountains on the east, the Tularosa Basin on the north, and the mountain ranges of Mexico on the south. From the gorge above El Paso to that beginning near Fort Quitman, about 90 miles southeast .of El Paso, the Rio Grande has eroded a flat-bottomed, steepwalled valley, 6 to 8 miles wide and 225 to 350 feet deep. No other large drainage channels have been developed on the bolson. The valley is known as the El Paso Valley, and the uneroded upland part of the bolson is called the Mesa. In the lowest parts of the El Paso Valley, the water-table is nearly at the surface. The quality of the underground water in the valley varies greatly both vertically and laterally. To a depth of about 400 to 500 feet it is in general too highly mineralized for municipal use, but between about. 500 and 900 feet good water may be obtained from several beds. In the beds between 500 and 900 feet the water level in wells is in places as. much as 20 feet lower than that in the shallow beds. Beneath the Mesa the water level .varies from about 200 feet beneath the surface, where the ground elevation is least, to about 400 feet. where it is highest. The water beneath the Mesa in general is of satisfactory quality and contains less than 500 parts per million of dissolved solids. Two cones of depression in the water table have been formed by the pumping near El Paso--one m the vicinity of the Mesa well field, the other around the Montana well field in the valley. The water

  2. Interannual Variability in the Meridional Transport of Water Vapor (United States)

    Cohen, Judah L.; Salstein, David A.; Rosen, Richard D.


    The zonal-mean meridional transport of water vapor across the globe is evaluated using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR) reanalysis for 1948-97. The shape of the meridional profile of the climatological mean transport closely resembles that of previous mean climate descriptions, but values tend to be notably larger than in climatologies derived from radiosonde-only-based analyses. The unprecedented length of the NCEP-NCAR dataset invites a focus on interannual variations in the zonal-mean moisture transport, and these results for northern winter are highlighted here. Although interannual variability in the transport is typically small at most latitudes, a significant ENSO signal is present, marked by a strengthening of water vapor transports over much of the winter hemisphere during warm events. Because of an increase in tropical sea surface temperatures and in the frequency of warm events relative to cold events in the latter half of the 50-yr record, this interannual signal projects onto an overall trend toward enhanced meridional moisture transports in the global hydrological cycle.

  3. Seccional del Lago Lleu Lleu extracto del resumen ejecutivo del estudio

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    Manuel Durán


    Full Text Available En el siguiente reportaje se presentan los estudios contratados por el MINVU Planes Seccionales del Lago Lleu Lleu y del Lago Pangue; realizados por las oficinas de Manuel Durán y Lira y Peña Asoc. A continuación entrevistamos al Sr. Tito Rojas, ex Director Regional de SERNATUR y actual Gobernador de la Provincia de Arauco, y a Patricio Aguirre, Director de la Carrera de Turismo del DUOC-UC sede Concepción. Mientras que los instrumentos de planificación desarrollan estrategias específicas para potenciar el turismo aprovechando las potencialidades del recurso lacustre; los entrevistados nos dan su opinión en cuanto a diversos aspectos relacionados con el turismo y los lagos de esta zona: el delicado equilibrio entre turismo y protección de los recursos; las potencialidades de las áreas aledañas a los lagos Pangue y Lleu Lleu; el patrimonio paisajístico y cultural de la provincia de Arauco, entre otros, son los aspectos que se exponen en las próximas páginas.

  4. A Numerical Study on the Impeller Meridional Curvature of High Pressure Multistage Pump

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Deok Su; Jean, Sang Gyu; Mamatov, Sanjar [Hyosung Goodsprings, Inc., Busan (Korea, Republic of); Park, Warn Gyu [Pusan Nat’l Univ., Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    This paper presents the hydraulic design an impeller and radial diffuser of a high-pressure multistage pump for reverse osmosis. The flow distribution and hydraulic performance for the meridional design of the impeller were analyzed numerically. Optimization was conducted based on the response surface method by varying the hub and shroud meridional curvatures, while maintaining the impeller outlet diameter, outlet width, and eye diameter constant. The analysis results of the head and efficiency with the variation in the impeller meridional profile showed that angle of the front shroud near the impeller outlet (εDs) had the highest effect on head increase, while the hub inlet length (d1i) and shroud curvature (Rds) had the highest effect on efficiency. From the meridional profile variation, an approximately 0.5% increase in efficiency was observed compared with the base model (case 25).

  5. Currents, Geostrophic, Aviso, 0.25 degrees, Global, Meridional (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Aviso Meridional Geostrophic Current is inferred from Sea Surface Height Deviation, climatological dynamic height, and basic fluid mechanics.

  6. Variación de los Organismos Fitoplanctónicos y la Calidad del Agua en el Lago de Chapala, Jalisco, México Variación de los Organismos Fitoplanctónicos y la Calidad del Agua en el Lago de Chapala, Jalisco, México

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    Judith García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available The Chapala lake has been exposed to several sources and levels of contamination, like municipal discharges of different communities, waters of agricultural return and residual waters poured by industries, coming from the Lerma river. Therefore, it is important to characterize both, the conditions through time and the phytoplanktonics organisms in this aquatic system in every phase, as well as to analyze the variations of the water quality and their relationships in three areas of the lake. These activities were carried out every three months from May, 1992 to February, 1993, sampling the surface and to one meter deep in 21 stations in the Chapala lake. Later, a qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried of the phytoplanktonics organisms. The water quality was evaluated considering 23 parameters with data provided by the Centro de Estudios Limnológicos de Guadalajara, Jal. The higest phytoplanktonic abundance was of 16 048 cel/mL at the surface and to one meter deep of 8 309 cel/mL. Alogenics processes related to the different conditions presented by the phytoplankton structure were presented; turbidity was caused in a smaller scale by the algal quantity and affected directly the abundance of the organisms, the pH was basic and the nutrients like phosphorus a total match, ortophosphates and organic nitrogen were abundant, therefore no restrictive constraints were considered. Through the time the Chapala Lake has shown continuous values of quality of the water with fluctuations in some registrations but the eutrophic phase stays as a result of the indiscriminate contribution of pollutants of diverse types.El Lago de Chapala ha estado expuesto a diversas fuentes y niveles de contaminación, como descargas municipales de diferentes comunidades, aguas de retorno agrícola y aguas residuales provenientes del río Lerma, vertidas por industrias. Por ello, es importante determinar las variaciones que presentan a través del tiempo los

  7. Hydrocarbon source apportionment for the 1996 Paso del Norte Ozone Study. (United States)

    Fujita, E M


    The 1996 Paso del Norte (PdN) ozone study was conducted to improve current understanding of the significant meteorological and air quality processes that lead to high concentrations of ozone in El Paso, Texas (USA) and Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua (Mexico). Two-hour canister samples were collected five times daily at 05.00-07.00 h, 07.00-09.00 h, 09.00-11.00 h, 11.00-13.00 h, and 15.00-17.00 h MST during intensive study periods at one urban and one rural site on each side of the border. An automated gas chromatograph was operated at one site in central El Paso. Source profiles (the fractional chemical composition of emissions) from motor vehicles, gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, and commercial natural gas were combined with source profiles from other studies for input to the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor model to apportion the measured non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) to sources. On-road vehicle emissions accounted for one-half to two-thirds of the NMHC in Ciudad Juárez and El Paso with the highest contributions occurring during the morning and afternoon commute periods. Emissions from diesel exhaust contributed approximately 2-3% of NMHC in Ciudad Juárez and less than 2% in El Paso. The average sum of liquid gasoline and gasoline vapor increased during the day in Ciudad Juárez from 2% at 06.00 h to approximately 12% at 16.00 h. Diurnal and day-of-the-week patterns in the liquid gasoline contributions are essentially identical to the corresponding patterns for motor vehicle exhaust, which suggest that a large fraction of the liquid gasoline contribution may be associated with tailpipe emissions rather than evaporative emissions from motor vehicles or industrial sources. Including the sum of the two sources put the upper limit for tailpipe contributions at 60-70% of NMHC.

  8. Reconstituição paleoambiental do Lago Santa Ninha, Várzea do Lago Grande de Curuai, Pará, Brasil Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of an Amazon floodplain lake, Lago Santa Ninha, Varzea do Lago Grande de Curuai, Pará, Brasil

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    Luciane Silva Moreira


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve por objetivo reconstituir as mudanças paleoambientais e paleohidrológicas no baixo Amazonas. Um testemunho de sedimento foi coletado no Lago Santa Ninha, na várzea do Lago Grande de Curuai, localizada na margem direita do Rio Amazonas a aproximadamente 850 km da foz. O teor de água, a granulometria, as datações com carbono 14, os conteúdos de carbono orgânico e nitrogênio total e o isótopo estável do carbono (δ13C foram utilizados para determinar os processos sedimentares a que o meio esteve submetido. O testemunho estudado possui 270 cm de comprimento que corresponde a um período de 5600 anos cal AP. Este estudo colocou em evidência diferentes ambientes sedimentares: na base do testemunho até 4900 anos cal AP há uma vegetação inundada que foi gradualmente substituida por bancos de gramíneas e por uma planicie com secas sazonais em 4000 anos cal AP até alcançar, desde 600 anos AP as condições atuais deste lago. Estas alterações podem ter ocorrido em decorrência de mudanças no ciclo hidrológico do Rio Amazonas que, por sua vez, também são reflexos de alterações climáticas.Physical, chemical and geochemical characteristics of lacustrine sediments were studied to reconstruct paleohydrologyical control on sedimentation in an Amazonian floodplain. A core was collected at the Lago Grande de Curuai floodplain, in the Santa Ninha Lake, located on the right margin of the Amazon River at 850 km of the estuary. Water content, granulometry, radiocarbon dating, organic carbon, nitrogen content and δ13C were used to characterize the sedimentary processes. The core is 270 cm-long which corresponds to 5600 cal years BP. The core points out different sedimentary environments: flooded vegetation at the base of the core till 4900 cal years BP is substituted by grass banks changing to a floodplain encompassing prolonged annual dryness at 4000 cal years BP. Since 600 cal years BP, the present day Varzea Lake

  9. Paso del Aguilo : bol hémisphérique type Rio Verde Poli


    Michelet , Dominique


    Zone IV, site n°2. Las Colaciones, Paso del Aguila, municipio Armadillo, San Luis Potosi.Bol "hémisphérique" profond du type Rio Verde poli. Engobe brun clair. 3 pieds en bouton à peine esquissés. Hauteur totale 7 centimètres. Diamètre de l'ouverture 11,5 centimètres. Collection particulière. Paso del Aguila.

  10. Infertility in Women: Hysterosalpingographic Assessment of the Fallopian Tubes in Lagos, Nigeria (United States)

    Akinola, R. A.; Akinola, O. I.; Fabamwo, A. O.


    Tubal disease constitutes a major factor in infertility especially in developing countries. This study was undertaken to assess the hysterosalpingographic patterns seen in infertile patients in an urban centre in Lagos. Two hundred and twenty patients who reported from the gynaecology clinic to the radiology department of Lagos State University…

  11. La construcción de Colombeia: Francisco de Miranda y su paso por el Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico, 1785-1789

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    Michael Zeuske


    Full Text Available Se analiza la significación histórica de los diarios de viaje de Francisco de Miranda en los que se consigna su paso por el Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico. Tras posicionar brevemente a Miranda en la historiografía, se describe su ruta alemana del liberalismo temprano, que cobra relevancia para los estudios actuales de historia cultural y social. Se presta así atención a las experiencias de vida diaria, los procesos de transculturación y la transferencia de conocimientos entre múltiples centros/periferias. Estos viajes nutrieron decisivamente el concepto mirandino de “Colombeia” al servicio de la emancipación de la América española. Este enfoque de análisis es novedoso, ya que previamente Miranda solo ha sido tratado en la literatura, a lo sumo, bajo el sello de la biografía y el testimonio.

  12. Titanium Mass-balance Analysis of Paso Robles Soils: Elemental Gains and Losses as Affected by Acid Alteration Fluids (United States)

    Sutter, Brad; Ming, Douglas W.


    The Columbia Hills soils have been exposed to aqueous alteration in alkaline [1] as well as acid conditions [2,3]. The Paso Robles class soils are bright soils that possess the highest S concentration of any soil measured on Mars [2]. Ferric-sulfate detection by Moessbauer analysis indicated that acid solutions were involved in forming these soils [4]. These soils are proposed to have formed by alteration of nearby rock by volcanic hydrothermal or fumarolic activity. The Paso Robles soils consist of the original Paso Robles-disturbed-Pasadena (PR-dist), Paso Robles- PasoLight (PR-PL), Arad-Samra, Arad-Hula, Tyrone- Berker Island1 and Tyrone-MountDarwin [2 ,3. ]Chemical characteristics indicate that the PR-dist and PR-PL soils could be derived from acid weathering of local Wishstone rocks while the Samra and Hula soils are likely derived from local Algonquin-Iroquet rock [3]. The Paso Robles soils were exposed to acidic sulfur bearing fluids; however, little else is known about the chemistry of the alteration fluid and its effects on the alteration of the proposed parent materials. The objectives of this work are to conduct titanium normalized mass-balance analysis to1) assess elemental gains and losses from the parent materials in the formation of the Paso Robles soils and 2) utilize this information to indicate the chemical nature of the alteration fluids.

  13. South Atlantic meridional transports from NEMO-based simulations and reanalyses (United States)

    Mignac, Davi; Ferreira, David; Haines, Keith


    The meridional heat transport (MHT) of the South Atlantic plays a key role in the global heat budget: it is the only equatorward basin-scale ocean heat transport and it sets the northward direction of the global cross-equatorial transport. Its strength and variability, however, are not well known. The South Atlantic transports are evaluated for four state-of-the-art global ocean reanalyses (ORAs) and two free-running models (FRMs) in the period 1997-2010. All products employ the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Oceans (NEMO) model, and the ORAs share very similar configurations. Very few previous works have looked at ocean circulation patterns in reanalysis products, but here we show that the ORA basin interior transports are consistently improved by the assimilated in situ and satellite observations relative to the FRMs, especially in the Argo period. The ORAs also exhibit systematically higher meridional transports than the FRMs, which is in closer agreement with observational estimates at 35 and 11° S. However, the data assimilation impact on the meridional transports still greatly varies among the ORAs, leading to differences up to ˜ 8 Sv and 0.4 PW in the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and the MHTs, respectively. We narrow this down to large inter-product discrepancies in the western boundary currents (WBCs) at both upper and deep levels explaining up to ˜ 85 % of the inter-product differences in MHT. We show that meridional velocity differences, rather than temperature differences, in the WBCs drive ˜ 83 % of this MHT spread. These findings show that the present ocean observation network and data assimilation schemes can be used to consistently constrain the South Atlantic interior circulation but not the overturning component, which is dominated by the narrow western boundary currents. This will likely limit the effectiveness of ORA products for climate or decadal prediction studies.

  14. Desarrollo de un proyecto agrícola en la región marginal de la Patagonia Meridional Argentina. El caso de Gobernador Gregores

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    María Eugenia Cepparo de Grosso


    Full Text Available Santa Cruz, provincia ubicada en el extremo sur del territorio continental argentino, posee un ambiente fuertemente condicionado por la fragilidad de sus características naturales y una situación socioeconómica tradicionalmente orientada a la monoactividad ganadera en el área rural y a los servicios públicos en los centros urbanos. En ese marco, y durante la década de 1990, surgió una iniciativa apoyada por organismos del Estado y financiada por bancos provinciales para estimular un proyecto agrícola adaptado a las limitadas aptitudes agrícolas de la región. Un reducido número de agricultores, inquietos por generar actividades que diversificaran el tradicional modelo pastoril, experimentaron los dilemas de los comienzos y las crisis de un proyecto de estímulo económico en un territorio marginal. Este trabajo contribuye con una serie de reflexiones acerca de las motivaciones que justifican el estudio de pequeñas sociedades en áreas marginales; de la confrontación entre el marco conceptual de la marginalidad según los países centrales y los periféricos; y del accionar y el compromiso de los actores sociales motivados por una alternativa de desarrollo local en una localidad ubicada en el centro de la Patagonia Meridional Argentina.

  15. Diez años de monitoreo limnológico de un lago natural modificado en los trópicos: el lago Cote, Costa Rica

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    Gerardo Umaña


    Full Text Available Esta localizado a 650m sobre el nivel del mar en el límite entre las llanuras del Norte y la vertiente del Pacífico en la Cordillera de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Al inicio de la década de 1980 se construyó una represa en el río de desagüe y el caudal de salida fue desviado hacia el Embalse Arenal. Se realizó un primer estudio entre 1990 y 1991, y luego en el año 2001 antes de que se construyera una nueva modificación del lago mediante el levantamiento del nivel de la presa en un metro con el fin de utilizar la descarga para la producción de energía hidroeléctrica. Del 2002 al 2010 se realizó un monitoreo limnológico dos veces al año. Aquí se presenta un análisis de las principales características y de los cambios a través del tiempo. El lago es polimíctico discontinuo y desarrolla una termoclina intermitente a 6m de profundidad, la cual puede perdurar por varios días o semanas a juzgar por el desarrollo de una capa anóxica cercana al fondo. Desde su modificación la temperatura superficial del lago ha alcanzado valores mayores a los reportados con anterioridad. El hipolimnion muestra periodos de hipoxia a anoxia que se han vuelto más frecuentes. A pesar de la turbidez del lago, la concentración de nutrientes y de clorofila a son bajos. La tendencia en tiempos recientes es a una reducción de la clorofila a y un aumento en la trasparencia del agua. Estos cambios son similares a los observados en lagos donde se ha logrado atribuirlos al cambio climático global. También se pueden deber a la modificación del flujo del efluente por la operación intermitente de la planta hidroeléctrica, que favorece la acumulación de calor en la columna de agua. Esto debido a que otros factores, como el cambio en el uso del suelo en los alrededores del lago ocurrieron en la década de 1980, por lo que no se les puede atribuir una influencia en los cambios observados en los últimos 10 años.

  16. Variability in childhood allergy and asthma across ethnicity, language, and residency duration in El Paso, Texas: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Svendsen, Erik R; Gonzales, Melissa; Ross, Mary; Neas, Lucas M


    We evaluated the impact of migration to the USA-Mexico border city of El Paso, Texas (USA), parental language preference, and Hispanic ethnicity on childhood asthma to differentiate between its social and environmental determinants. Allergy and asthma prevalence was surveyed among 9797 fourth and fifth grade children enrolled in the El Paso Independent School District. Parents completed a respiratory health questionnaire, in either English or Spanish, and a sub-sample of children received spirometry testing at their school. Here we report asthma and allergy outcomes across ethnicity and El Paso residency duration. Asthma and allergy prevalence increased with longer duration of El Paso residency independent of ethnicity and preferred language. Compared with immigrants who arrived in El Paso after entering first grade (18%), lifelong El Paso residents (68%) had more prevalent allergy (OR, 1.72; 95% CI, 1.32 - 2.24), prevalent asthma (OR, 1.75; 95% CI, 1.24 - 2.46), and current asthma (OR, 2.01; 95% CI, 1.37 - 2.95). Spirometric measurements (FEV1/FVC and FEF25-75) also declined with increasing duration of El Paso residency (0.16% and 0.35% annual reduction, respectively). These findings suggest that a community-wide environmental exposure in El Paso, delayed pulmonary development, or increased health of immigrants may be associated with allergy and asthma development in children raised there.

  17. Road Traffic Injury in Lagos, Nigeria: Assessing Prehospital Care. (United States)

    Ibrahim, Nasiru A; Ajani, Abdul Wahab O; Mustafa, Ibrahim A; Balogun, Rufai A; Oludara, Mobolaji A; Idowu, Olufemi E; Solagberu, Babatunde A


    Introduction Injuries are the third most important cause of overall deaths globally with one-quarter resulting from road traffic crashes. Majority of these deaths occur before arrival in the hospital and can be reduced with prompt and efficient prehospital care. The aim of this study was to highlight the burden of road traffic injury (RTI) in Lagos, Nigeria and assess the effectiveness of prehospital care, especially the role of Lagos State Ambulance Service (LASAMBUS) in providing initial care and transportation of the injured to the hospital. A three-year, retrospective review of road traffic injured patients seen at the Surgical Emergency Room (SER) of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja, Nigeria, from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014 was conducted. Parameters extracted from the Institution Trauma Registry included bio-data, date and time of injury, date and time of arrival in SER, host status, type of vehicle involved, and region(s) injured. Information on how patients came to the hospital and outcome in SER also were recorded. Results were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS; IBM Corporation; Armonk, New York USA) version 16. A total of 23,537 patients were seen during the study period. Among them, 16,024 (68.1%) had trauma. Road traffic crashes were responsible in 5,629 (35.0%) of trauma cases. Passengers constituted 42.0% of the injured, followed by pedestrians (34.0%). Four wheelers were the most frequent vehicle type involved (54.0%), followed by motor cycles (30.0%). Regions mainly affected were head and neck (40.0%) and lower limb (29.0%). Less than one-quarter (24.0%) presented to the emergency room within an hour, while one-third arrived between one and six hours following injury. Relatives brought 55.4%, followed by bystanders (21.4%). Only 2.3% had formal prehospital care and were brought to the hospital by LASAMBUS. They also had significantly shorter arrival time. One hundred and nine patients

  18. Biomedical Science Technologists in Lagos Universities: Meeting ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Biomedical Science Technologists in Lagos Universities: Meeting Modern Standards ... like to see in biomedical science in Nigeria; 5) their knowledge of ten state-of-the-arts ... KEY WORDS: biomedical science, state-of-the-arts, technical staff ...

  19. Mothers? human papilloma virus knowledge and willingness to vaccinate their adolescent daughters in Lagos, Nigeria


    Ezenwa, Beatrice N; Balogun, Mobolanle R; Okafor, Ifeoma P


    Beatrice N Ezenwa,1 Mobolanle R Balogun,2 Ifeoma P Okafor2 1Department of Pediatrics, 68 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Lagos State, Nigeria; 2Department of Community Health and Primary Care, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in sexually active adolescents and young women and has been implicated as a cause of the majority of cases of cervical cancer, which is the...

  20. El Paso Paul Kayser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The El Paso Paul Kayser, the world's largest LNG carrier, demonstrates not only the sophistication and skills of French shipbuilding technology but also the financial perils of the LNG game. Ordered along with 2 sister ships to transport LNG from Algeria to the US, the ship must now await the start-up of the new Kikda LNG plant, which has been delayed for an estimated 18 months. The Paul Kayser has a cargo capacity of 4.4 million cu ft, measures 922 ft overall, and has a deadweight of some 59,000 tons. The tanks were constructed according to the Gaz Transport technique using a double hull with Invar membranes. Labor involved with construction of the LNG tanks is estimated at 580,000 man-hr.

  1. 76 FR 19276 - Television Broadcasting Services; El Paso, TX (United States)


    ... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 73 [MB Docket No. 11-4; RM-11616, DA 11-530] Television Broadcasting Services; El Paso, TX AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule... Part 73 Television. Federal Communications Commission. Barbara A. Kreisman, Chief, Video Division...

  2. 76 FR 28946 - Television Broadcasting Services; El Paso, TX (United States)


    ... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 73 [MB Docket No. 11-74, RM-11630; DA 11-746] Television Broadcasting Services; El Paso, TX AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Proposed... of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73 Television Federal Communications Commission. Barbara A. Kreisman...

  3. 76 FR 5120 - Television Broadcasting Services; El Paso, TX (United States)


    ... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 73 [DA 11-74; MB Docket No. 11-4; RM-11616] Television Broadcasting Services; El Paso, TX AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Proposed... 73 Television, Television broadcasting. For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal...

  4. Halitosis amongst students in tertiary institutions in Lagos state. (United States)

    Arinola, J E; Olukoju, O O


    Halitosis is defined as a noticeable unpleasant odor from the mouth. It is a medico-social problem that affects a significant number of people around the world. Research reveals that nearly 50% of the adult population has halitosis. To determine level of awareness of halitosis and prevalence of the condition amongst students in tertiary institutions as a baseline survey. For this project, 100 students from three tertiary institutions in Lagos state were chosen: University of Lagos, Lagos State University, Ojo campus and Yaba College of Technology. A semi-structured questionnaire and practical testing/diagnostic tool were utilized. Data collected was collated and analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2007 and SPSS statistical software. Most of the respondents were single and Christian. Level of awareness of halitosis was high. Results showed that 15%, 2% and 22% from UNILAG, LASU and YCT respectively said they had halitosis. Using the diagnostic tool, 6%, 8% and 2% respectively were positive for halitosis. There is high level of awareness of halitosis among the respondents. The prevalence of the disorder is low, however, it is recommended that enlightenment campaigns be mounted in schools to improve level of awareness and treatment seeking.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Passos, Dário; Charbonneau, Paul; Miesch, Mark


    The form of solar meridional circulation is a very important ingredient for mean field flux transport dynamo models. However, a shroud of mystery still surrounds this large-scale flow, given that its measurement using current helioseismic techniques is challenging. In this work, we use results from three-dimensional global simulations of solar convection to infer the dynamical behavior of the established meridional circulation. We make a direct comparison between the meridional circulation that arises in these simulations and the latest observations. Based on our results, we argue that there should be an equatorward flow at the base of the convection zone at mid-latitudes, below the current maximum depth helioseismic measures can probe (0.75 R ⊙ ). We also provide physical arguments to justify this behavior. The simulations indicate that the meridional circulation undergoes substantial changes in morphology as the magnetic cycle unfolds. We close by discussing the importance of these dynamical changes for current methods of observation which involve long averaging periods of helioseismic data. Also noteworthy is the fact that these topological changes indicate a rich interaction between magnetic fields and plasma flows, which challenges the ubiquitous kinematic approach used in the vast majority of mean field dynamo simulations


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pipin, V. V. [Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, 664033 (Russian Federation); Kosovichev, A. G. [Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (United States)


    Recent helioseismology findings, as well as advances in direct numerical simulations of global dynamics of the Sun, have indicated that in each solar hemisphere meridional circulation may form more than one cell along the radius in the convection zone. In particular, recent helioseismology results revealed a double-cell structure of the meridional circulation. We investigate properties of a mean-field solar dynamo with such double-cell meridional circulation. The dynamo model also includes the realistic profile of solar differential rotation (including the tachocline and subsurface shear layer) and takes into account effects of turbulent pumping, anisotropic turbulent diffusivity, and conservation of magnetic helicity. Contrary to previous flux-transport dynamo models, we find that the dynamo model can robustly reproduce the basic properties of the solar magnetic cycles for a wide range of model parameters and circulation speeds. The best agreement with observations is achieved when the surface meridional circulation speed is about 12 m s{sup –1}. For this circulation speed, the simulated sunspot activity shows good synchronization with the polar magnetic fields. Such synchronization was indeed observed during previous sunspot Cycles 21 and 22. We compare theoretical and observed phase diagrams of the sunspot number and the polar field strength and discuss the peculiar properties of Cycle 23.

  7. Understanding green and sustainable construction in Lagos, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. Journal Home ... Journal Home > Vol 8, No 1 (2015) >. Log in or ... Understanding green and sustainable construction in Lagos, Nigeria: Principles, attributes and framework.

  8. New light on R.E.G. Pichi Sermolli’s plants from the Lake Tana expedition in 1937 – an important collection from Ethiopia at the Centro Studi Erbario Tropicale (FT)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Ib


    At the age of 24, R.E.G. Pichi Sermolli (1912–2005) travelled to Ethiopia as botanist on the Missione di Studio al Lago Tana, staying in Eritrea and Ethiopia from early January to late April 1937. The expedition was organized by the Centro Studi per l’Africa Orientale Italiana under the Reale...... Accademia d’Italia and resulted in 2649 collections of flowering plants. During the subsequent years of war, Pichi Sermolli had no time for his Ethiopian collections, but in 1947 he was able to identify them on visits to Geneva, Paris, Kew and London. Erbario Tropicale (FT) received the first set...

  9. Sedimentation survey of Lago Cerrillos, Ponce, Puerto Rico, April-May 2008 (United States)

    Soler-López, Luis R.


    Lago Cerrillos dam, located in the municipality of Ponce in southern Puerto Rico, was constructed in 1991 as part of the multipurpose Rio Portugues and Bucana Project. This project provides flood protection, water supply, and recreation facilities for the municipio of Ponce. The reservoir had an original storage capacity of 38.03 million cubic meters at maximum conservation pool elevation of 174.65 meters above mean sea level and a drainage area of 45.32 square kilometers. Sedimentation in Lago Cerrillos reservoir has reduced the storage capacity from 38.03 million cubic meters in 1991 to 37.26 million cubic meters in 2008, which represents a total storage loss of about 2 percent. During July 29 to August 23, 2002, 8,492 cubic meters of sediment were removed from the Rio Cerrillos mouth of the reservoir. Taking into account this removed material, the total water-storage loss as of 2008 is 778,492 cubic meters, and the long-term annual water-storage capacity loss rate is about 45,794 cubic meters per year or about 0.12 percent per year. The Lago Cerrillos net sediment-contributing drainage area has an average sediment yield of about 1,069 cubic meters per square kilometer per year. Sediment accumulation in Lago Cerrillos is not uniformly distributed and averages about 3 meters in thickness. This represents a sediment deposition rate of about 18 centimeters per year. On the basis of the 2008 reservoir storage capacity of 37.26 million cubic meters per year and a long-term sedimentation rate of 45,794 cubic meters per year, Lago Cerrillos is estimated to have a useful life of about 814 years or until the year 2822.

  10. Effects of the Observed Meridional Flow Variations since 1996 on the Sun's Polar Fields (United States)

    Hathaway, David H.; Upton, Lisa


    The cause of the low and extended minimum in solar activity between Sunspot Cycles 23 and 24 was the small size of Sunspot Cycle 24 itself - small cycles start late and leave behind low minima. Cycle 24 is small because the polar fields produced during Cycle 23 were substantially weaker than those produced during the previous cycles and those (weak) polar fields are the seeds for the activity of the following cycle. The polar fields are produced by the latitudinal transport of magnetic flux that emerged in low-latitude active regions. The polar fields thus depend upon the details of both the flux emergence and the flux transport. We have measured the flux transport flows (differential rotation, meridional flow, and supergranules) since 1996 and find systematic and substantial variation in the meridional flow alone. Here we present experiments using a Surface Flux Transport Model in which magnetic field data from SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI are assimilated into the model only at latitudes between 45-degrees north and south of the equator (this assures that the details of the active region flux emergence are well represented). This flux is then transported in both longitude and latitude by the observed flows. In one experiment the meridional flow is given by the time averaged (and north-south symmetric) meridional flow profile. In the second experiment the time-varying and north-south asymmetric meridional flow is used. Differences between the observed polar fields and those produced in these two experiments allow us to ascertain the effects of these meridional flow variations on the Sun s polar fields.

  11. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Alexander N Pisarchik1 Rider Jaimes-Reátegui2. Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, Loma del Bosque 115, Lomas del Campestre, Leon 37150, Guanajuato, Mexico; Universidad de Guadalajara, Campus Universitario Los Lagos, Enrique Díaz de León, Paseo de Las Montañas, Lagos del Moreno 47460, Jalisco, Mexico ...


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    Mbuyi Kabunda


    Full Text Available Los conflictos africanos tienen cada uno su especificidad e idiosincracia, pero encontrando todos un denominador común en las luchas manipuladas entre las nacionalidades, por una parte, y los nacionalismos estatales, por otra, y últimamente por el afán por el acceso a los recursos naturales. En los casos particulares de los Grandes Lagos, abordados en el presente análisis, es preciso subrayar que los conflictos nacen de la instauración de un "etnicismo científico" (Jean-Pierre Chrétien, junto a la desaparición del aparato del Estado en la RDC dando lugar a un saqueo de recursos naturales en este país, y en Sudán fundamentalmente de las desigualdades de toda índole entre el centro y las periferias de este país (el Sur de Sudán y el Darfur. La solución en ambos casos pasa por la creación de Estados de derecho (el fin de la cultura de la impunidad y la descentralización (federalismo.

  13. Determinación de arsénico y mercurio en agua superficial del lago de Atitlán

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    Juan Francisco Pérez Sabino


    Full Text Available El lago de Atitlán, considerado uno de los lagos más bellos del mundo, tiene una superficie de 125.7 km2, una profundidad máxima de aproximadamente 350 m, y se encuentra en el departamento de Sololá, en el occidente de Guatemala. Desde 2009 se han observado floraciones extensivas de cianobacterias en el lago, reflejando la contaminación del agua en la cuenca. Se determinaron los niveles de arsénico (As y mercurio (Hg en agua superficial del lago de Atitlán, por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica (EAA, en cuatro muestreos realizados en marzo, mayo, agosto y octubre de 2014 en 14 sitios. Diez sitios se encuentran localizados en el lago, habiendo sido definidos en estudios anteriores con base en su cercanía a poblaciones asentadas en la orillas del lago. Dos sitios corresponden a los principales ríos tributarios, y los restantes dos sitios a la entrada y salida de la planta de tratamiento Los Cebollales, ubicada en Panajachel. Los niveles de As encontrados en el lago de Atitlán, tributarios y en la planta de tratamiento, fueron superiores a 20 μg/L. Los resultados indican que la contaminación del lago de Atitlán por As se debe principalmente a la geología de la cuenca, al localizarse en una zona volcánica. Los niveles cuantificables de As, son superiores al nivel máximo permitido para agua potable en la Norma de Agua Potable (NGO 29001:99 de la Comisión Guatemalteca de Normas (COGUANOR, por lo que el agua del lago de Atitlán no se considera apta para el consumo humano.

  14. Reparación del cartílago articular con injerto libre de pericondrio estudio experimental


    Ballesteros Vazquez, P.; Carranza Bencano, Andrés; Armas Padrón, J. R.; Saenz López de Rueda, F.


    Ante la incapacidad de regeneración espontánea de lesiones profundas y amplias del cartílago articular, estudiamos la reparación cartilaginosa con plastias de pericondrio tomadas de la región condro-costal e implantándolas con su cara condrogénica sobre una lesión osteocondral realizada en la superficie articular rotuliana. Macroscópica e histológicamente, a la octava semana, el neocartílago formado tenía igual apariencia que el cartílago hialino normal, no existiendo separació...

  15. Intra-seasonal Oscillations (ISO of zonal-mean meridional winds and temperatures as measured by UARS

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    F. T. Huang


    Full Text Available Based on an empirical analysis of measurements with the High Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI on the UARS spacecraft in the upper mesosphere (95km, persistent and regular intra-seasonal oscillations (ISO with periods of about 2 to 4 months have recently been reported in the zonal-mean meridional winds. Similar oscillations have also been discussed independently in a modeling study, and they were attributed to wave-mean-flow interactions. The observed and modeled meridional wind ISOs were largely confined to low latitudes. We report here on an analysis of concurrent UARS temperature measurements, which produces oscillations similar to those seen in the meridional winds. Although the temperature oscillations are observed at lower altitudes (55km, their phase variations with latitude are qualitatively consistent with the inferred properties seen in the meridional winds and thus provide independent evidence for the existence of ISOs in the mesosphere.

  16. Alfonso Paso y el teatro universitario


    Payá Beltrán, José


    El presente artículo da cuenta de las nueve comedias de Alfonso Paso, dos de ellas en colaboración, estrenadas entre 1945 y 1956 por el Teatro Español Universitario, así como por diversos grupos teatrales afines al ambiente universitario (Arte Nuevo, TUDE, TPU). En estas piezas advertimos ya algunas de las características que definirán su posterior producción: trazos de machismo, rechazo del Existencialismo francés y tendencia a la crítica social bajo la pátina del humor. This article deal...

  17. Results from an investigation of the integration of wind energy into the El Paso Electric grid system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moroz, E.M.; Parks, N.J.; Swift, A.H.; Traichal, P.A. [Univ. of Texas, El Paso, TX (United States)


    This paper documents some preliminary results from an evaluation of the costs and benefits to be gained from the integration of wind generated electricity into the El Paso Electric grid system. The study focused on the utilization of the considerable known wind potential of the Guadalupe/Delaware Mountains region, but also looked at other energetic wind resources within 15 miles of El Paso Electric`s Grid. The original project`s goal was to identify the added value of wind in terms of jobs, line support, risk reduction etc., that wind energy could bring to El Paso Electric. Although these goals have not yet been achieved the potential for water savings and reductions in gaseous emissions have been documented. Thus this paper focuses mainly on the water consumption and criteria pollutant emissions that could be avoided by adding wind energy to El Paso Electric`s generation mix. Preliminary data from a renewables attitude survey indicates that, from the 338 respondents, there is overwhelming public support for utilizing such renewable sources of electricity. This case study, which should be of direct relevance to the arid southwestern states and beyond, was sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and conducted in cooperation with El Paso Electric.

  18. 76 FR 44280 - Television Broadcasting Services; El Paso, TX (United States)


    ... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 73 [MB Docket No. 11-74; RM-11630, DA 11-1185] Television Broadcasting Services; El Paso, TX AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule... U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A). List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73 Television. Federal Communications...

  19. La Sabana de Bogotá y su lago en el Pleniglacial Medio

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    Hamenn Thomas Van Der


    Full Text Available Durante buena parte del Pleistoceno (últimos  2.5 millones de años, la Sabana de Bogotá fue un lago. En su extensa historia presenta cambios frecuentes de nivel, especialmente durante las épocas interglaciales en las cuales el lago se contraía y dejaba una amplia zona pantanosa y boscosa entre su orilla y el pie de los cerros (VAN DER HAMMEN & GONZÁLEZ 1960-1963; HOOGHIEMSTRA,1984. Durante el último interglacial y en los interestadiales y estadiales de la parte temprana del último glacial existía un lago relativamente grande; en los bordes y especialmente en la parte baja de los valles que desembocan a la Sabana (como el de Tenjo se encontraba vegetación pantanosa, especialmente con Alnus acuminata (Aliso acompañado en ocasiones de Weinmannia sp. y Vallea stipularis.

  20. Evaluación de la eficiencia fotosintética del fitoplancton en un lago amazónico (Lago Boa y en un lago andino (Lago Guatavita Evaluation of the phytoplanktonic photosynthetic efficiency in an Amazon Lake (Lake Boa and in an Andean Lake (Lake Guatavita

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    Gabriel A. Pinilla


    Full Text Available La relación entre la fluorescencia variable y la fluorescencia máxima (Fv/Fm de las comunidades de algas se ha utilizado comúnmente como una medida de la eficiencia fotosintética del fitoplancton. Dicha eficiencia puede estar afectada por la localización de los ambientes acuáticos en distintas provincias limnológicas. En este trabajo se quiso establecer la diferencia en la relación Fv/Fm entre el lago Boa (150 msnm, Amazonía colombiana y el lago Guatavita (3000 msnm, cordillera oriental de los Andes colombianos. Los promedios de las eficiencias medidas fueron en general bajos (0,212 a 0,367 y 0,089 a 0,32 en los lagos Boa y Guatavita, respectivamente, lo que señala estrés fisiológico para las algas. La eficiencia fue mayor en aguas intermedias y presentó cambios fuertes entre épocas de muestreo y entre ecosistemas. En aguas superficiales se presentó fotoinhibición, la cual fue más fuerte en Guatavita. La eficiencia fotosintética fue menor en el lago andino debido posiblemente a diferencias climáticas, de altura sobre el nivel del mar y de estratificación. Durante los ensayos de laboratorio se observó que la eficiencia disminuyó con el tiempo, lo cual pudo deberse a una aclimatación de las algas a la oscuridad. Los datos de laboratorio confirmaron que el fitoplancton epilimnético del lago Guatavita estuvo fotoinhibido en la época de estratificación.Commonly relation between variable fluorescence and maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm of the algae community has been utilized like a measure of the phytoplanktonic photosynthetic efficiency. Such efficiency can be affected by the water bodies' location in different limnological provinces. The goal of this work was to establish the differences in the Fv/Fm rate between Lake Boa (150 masl Colombian Amazon and Lake Guatavita (3000 masl, East Range in the Colombian Andes. In general, averages of the photosynthetic efficiencies were low (0.212 to 0.367 and 0.089 to 0.32 in lakes Boa and

  1. Asymmetric vibrations of shells of revolution having meridionally varying curvature and thickness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Katsuyoshi; Kosawada, Tadashi; Miura, Kazuyuki.


    An exact method using power series expansions is presented for solving asymmetric free vibration problems for shells of revolution having meridionally varying curvature and thickness. The gaverning equations of motion and the boundary conditions are derived from the stationary conditions of the Lagrangian of the shells of revolution. The method is demonstrated for shells of revolution having elliptical, cycloidal, parabolical, catenary and hyperbolical meridional curvature. The natural frequencies are numerically calculated for these shells having second degree thickness variation. (author)

  2. Modelamiento y simulación para analizar la contaminación del lago Titicaca aplicando lógica difusa


    Benites Noriega, Juan


    El trabajo de investigación titulado "MODELAMIENTO Y SIMULACIÓN PARA ANALIZAR LA CONTAMINACIÓN DEL LAGO TITICACA, APLICANDO LÓGICA DIFUSA", se ha realizado en la ciudad de Puno con la finalidad de modelar y analizar la contaminación del Lago Titicaca, aplicando la lógica difusa para la conservación del medio ambiente y la sociedad; localizar las fuentes generadoras de la contaminación del Lago Titicaca, y mencionar como afecta la contaminación del Lago Titicaca en la salud de los habitantes q...

  3. Analysis of Management Practices in Lagos State Tertiary Institutions through Total Quality Management Structural Framework (United States)

    AbdulAzeez, Abbas Tunde


    This research investigated total quality management practices and quality teacher education in public tertiary institutions in Lagos State. The study was therefore designed to analyse management practices in Lagos state tertiary institutions through total quality management structural framework. The selected public tertiary institutions in Lagos…

  4. Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science (LJLIS) aims to publish articles, short communications and conference reports which will: raise the level of awareness within the international library and information community of the potential for change and innovation; assist policy and decision-making in the medium term ...

  5. Interconverting the matrix and principal-meridional representations of dioptric power and reduced vergence. (United States)

    Harris, W F


    Converting the traditional representation of power as sphere, cylinder and axis to the dioptric power matrix F is usually performed by means of Long's equations and the reverse process by means of Keating's equations. It is sometimes useful to be able to convert directly between the matrix and power expressed in terms of principal powers F1 and F2 along corresponding principal meridians at angles a1 and a2. The equations for interconverting F and the principal-meridional representation expressed as F1(a1)F2 are presented here. Equivalent equations allow direct interconversion of the reduced vergence matrix L and the principal-meridional representation of vergence L1(a1)L2. Vergence becomes infinite at line and point focuses. Similarly effective power and back- and front-vertex power are infinite for some systems. Nevertheless it is possible unambiguously to represent infinite vergence and vertex power in principal-meridional form. However, information is usually lost in these infinite cases when the principal-meridional representation is converted to the matrix representation, and the former is not recoverable from the latter. As a consequence the matrix representation is usually unsatisfactory for vergences and vertex powers that are infinite. On the other hand, the principal-meridional representation of vergence and power is always satisfactory. If one adopts the position that effective powers and vertex powers are really vergences rather than powers then one concludes that the matrix provides a satisfactory representation for powers of thin systems in general but not for vergences. Implied by a vergence at a point is an interval of Sturm. The equations for characterizing the interval from the reduced vergence are presented.

  6. Lagos bat virus transmission in an Eidolon helvum bat colony, Ghana. (United States)

    Freuling, Conrad M; Binger, Tabea; Beer, Martin; Adu-Sarkodie, Yaw; Schatz, Juliane; Fischer, Melina; Hanke, Dennis; Hoffmann, Bernd; Höper, Dirk; Mettenleiter, Thomas C; Oppong, Samual K; Drosten, Christian; Müller, Thomas


    A brain sample of a straw-coloured fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) from Ghana without evident signs of disease tested positive by generic Lyssavirus RT-PCR and direct antigen staining. Sequence analysis confirmed the presence of a Lagos bat virus belonging to phylogenetic lineage A. Virus neutralization tests using the isolate with sera from the same group of bats yielded neutralizing antibodies in 74% of 567 animals. No cross-neutralization was observed against a different Lagos bat virus (lineage B). Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Human papillomavirus (HPV infection and vaccines: Knowledge, attitude and perception among female students at the University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria

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    Christian Chigozie Makwe


    Conclusion: The knowledge of and the perceived susceptibility to HPV infection and HPV-related diseases among female students in the University of Lagos were generally low. The need for a well-designed HPV-educational program to bridge the knowledge gap cannot be overemphasized.

  8. El Paso County Geothermal Project at Fort Bliss. Final Project Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lear, Jon [Ruby Mountain Inc., Salt Lake City, UT (United State); Bennett, Carlon [Ruby Mountain Inc., Salt Lake City, UT (United State); Lear, Dan [Ruby Mountain Inc., Salt Lake City, UT (United State); Jones, Phil L. [Ruby Mountain Inc., Salt Lake City, UT (United State); Burdge, Mark [Evergreen Clean Energy Management, Provo, UT (United States); Barker, Ben [Evergreen Clean Energy Management, Provo, UT (United States); Segall, Marylin [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States). Energy and Geoscience Inst.; Moore, Joseph [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States). Energy and Geoscience Inst.; Nash, Gregory [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States). Energy and Geoscience Inst.; Jones, Clay [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States). Energy and Geoscience Inst.; Simmons, Stuart [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States). Energy and Geoscience Inst.; Taylor, Nancy [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States). Energy and Geoscience Inst.


    The El Paso County Geothermal Project at Fort Bliss was an effort to determine the scale and scope of geothermal resources previously identified on Fort Bliss’ McGregor Range in southern Otero County, New Mexico. The project was funded with a $5,000,000 grant to El Paso County from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and a $4,812,500 match provided by private sector partners. The project was administered through the DOE Golden Field Office to awardee El Paso County. The primary subcontractor to El Paso County and project Principal Investigator - Ruby Mountain Inc. (RMI) of Salt Lake City, Utah - assembled the project team consisting of Evergreen Clean Energy Management (ECEM) of Provo, Utah, and the Energy & Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah (EGI) in Salt Lake City, UT to complete the final phases of the project. The project formally began in May of 2010 and consisted of two preliminary phases of data collection and evaluation which culminated in the identification of a drilling site for a Resource Confirmation Well on McGregor Range. Well RMI 56-5 was drilled May and June 2013 to a depth of 3,030 ft. below ground level. A string of slotted 7 inch casing was set in 8.75 inch hole on bottom fill at 3,017 ft. to complete the well. The well was drilled using a technique called flooded reverse circulation, which is most common in mineral exploration. This technique produced an exceptionally large and complete cuttings record. An exciting development at the conclusion of drilling was the suspected discovery of a formation that has proven to be of exceptionally high permeability in three desalinization wells six miles to the south. Following drilling and preliminary testing and analysis, the project team has determined that the McGregor Range thermal anomaly is large and can probably support development in the tens of megawatts.

  9. MENTAT: A New Magnetic Meridional Neutral Wind Model for Earth's Thermosphere (United States)

    Dandenault, P. B.


    We present a new model of thermosphere winds in the F region obtained from variations in the altitude of the peak density of the ionosphere (hmF2). The new Magnetic mEridional NeuTrAl Thermospheric (MENTAT) wind model produces magnetic-meridional neutral winds as a function of year, day of year, solar local time, solar flux, geographic latitude, and geographic longitude. The winds compare well with Fabry-Pérot Interferometer (FPI) wind observations and are shown to provide accurate specifications in regions outside of the observational database such as the midnight collapse of hmF2 at Arecibo, Puerto Rico. The model winds are shown to exhibit the expected seasonal, diurnal, and hourly behavior based on geophysical conditions. The magnetic meridional winds are similar to those from the well-known HWM14 model but there are important differences. For example, Townsville, Australia has a strong midnight collapse similar to that at Arecibo, but winds from HWM14 do not reproduce it. Also, the winds from hmF2 exhibit a moderate solar cycle dependence under certain conditions, whereas, HWM14 has no solar activity dependence. For more information, please visit

  10. Asymmetric vibrations of thick shells of revolution having meridionally varying curvature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Katsuyoshi; Kosawada, Tadashi; Yachita, Takumi.


    An exact method using power series expansions is presented for solving asymmetric free vibration problems for thick shells of revolution having meridionally varying curvature. Based on the improved thick shell theory, the Lagrangian of the shells of revolution are obtained, and the equations of motion and the boundary conditions are derived from the stationary condition of the Lagrangian. The method is demonstrated for thick shells of revolution having elliptical, cycloidal, parabolical, catenary and hyperbolical meridional curvature. The results by the present method are compared with those by the thin shell theory and the effects of the rotatory inertia and the shear deformation upon the natural frequencies are clarified. (author)

  11. adaptation of plastic waste to energy development in lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Keywords: Plastic wastes, Energy, Sustainable development, Environment, ... countries to be rationalising energy supply to their people. .... Managing waste in Lagos is may be a herculean task in ..... uncertainties in a life cycle perspective.

  12. El Paso natural gas nearing completion of system's largest expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    El Paso Natural Gas Co.'s largest expansion program in its 64-year history will be completed along its northern system this spring or early summer. According to the company, the three-tiered, $241.5 million expansion program will increase El Paso's gas-transport capacity by 835 MMcfd to 2.5 bcfd of conventional and coal-seam gas from the San Juan basin in northwestern New Mexico. That's enough natural gas, says the company, to supply the needs of a city of more than 800,000 residents. This paper reports that the expansion involves the San Juan Triangle system, the company's northern main line, and the Permian-San Juan crossover line. The company also filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in October 1991 to construct a new $15.2 million compressor station, Rio Vista, south of Bloomfield, N.M. The station would be used to move additional gas to the main line

  13. Los testimonios de Marte en la Meseta Meridional

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    Julián Hurtado Aguña


    Full Text Available Marte, fue una de las más importantes divinidades romanas presentes en Híspanla. Dentro de la Meseta meridional sus testimonios aparecen en algunas localidades de la provincia de Madrid, como Alcalá de Henares, Talamanca del Jarama o Collado Villalba, estando ausentes en otras partes de esta región. Especialmente importante es la presencia de inscripciones dedicadas a Marte en la ciudad romana de Complutum (Alcalá de Henares, donde sus dedicantes pudieran pertenecer en algún caso al grupo social de los libertos.One oí the most important román divinities in Híspanla was Mars. His testimonies in the Meridional Plateau are in some villages of Madrid's province, as Alcalá de Henares, Talamanca del Jarama or Collado Villalba, and they are not in other places of this reglan. Specially important is ttie presence of inscriptions to Mars in ttie román town of Complutum (Alcalá de Henares, wtiere his devotes could belong to the social freedmans group.

  14. Three-pattern decomposition of global atmospheric circulation: part II—dynamical equations of horizontal, meridional and zonal circulations (United States)

    Hu, Shujuan; Cheng, Jianbo; Xu, Ming; Chou, Jifan


    The three-pattern decomposition of global atmospheric circulation (TPDGAC) partitions three-dimensional (3D) atmospheric circulation into horizontal, meridional and zonal components to study the 3D structures of global atmospheric circulation. This paper incorporates the three-pattern decomposition model (TPDM) into primitive equations of atmospheric dynamics and establishes a new set of dynamical equations of the horizontal, meridional and zonal circulations in which the operator properties are studied and energy conservation laws are preserved, as in the primitive equations. The physical significance of the newly established equations is demonstrated. Our findings reveal that the new equations are essentially the 3D vorticity equations of atmosphere and that the time evolution rules of the horizontal, meridional and zonal circulations can be described from the perspective of 3D vorticity evolution. The new set of dynamical equations includes decomposed expressions that can be used to explore the source terms of large-scale atmospheric circulation variations. A simplified model is presented to demonstrate the potential applications of the new equations for studying the dynamics of the Rossby, Hadley and Walker circulations. The model shows that the horizontal air temperature anomaly gradient (ATAG) induces changes in meridional and zonal circulations and promotes the baroclinic evolution of the horizontal circulation. The simplified model also indicates that the absolute vorticity of the horizontal circulation is not conserved, and its changes can be described by changes in the vertical vorticities of the meridional and zonal circulations. Moreover, the thermodynamic equation shows that the induced meridional and zonal circulations and advection transport by the horizontal circulation in turn cause a redistribution of the air temperature. The simplified model reveals the fundamental rules between the evolution of the air temperature and the horizontal, meridional

  15. Trend of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Lagos Lagoon Ecosystem

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The distribution and occurrence of heavy metals in the sediment, water and benthic animals of the Lagos lagoon ... The concentrations of the metals detected in the lagoon sediment and water ..... waste products contaminating water sources.

  16. Major Sources of Worries and Concerns about Landfills in Lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Department of Physical Development, Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), Ibadan, Nigeria. ... Keywords: Landfills; Environment; Risk; Perception; Lagos. Introduction ... the popular media frequently contain accounts.

  17. The Effect of Manpower Planning and Development in Lagos State (Nigeria Civil Service Performance

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    Chinyeaka J. Igbokwe-Ibeto


    Full Text Available The study examined effects of manpower planning and development in Lagos state civil service performance. Lagos state civil service is the greatest asset of the state in its quest for socio-economic development. The primary question that was explored is whether the nature of manpower planning and development curriculum in Lagos state civil service has effect on the service performance and the attainment of state objective. The study relied on primary and secondary data, and multiple stage sampling technique was used to select the sample population. The data collected was presented in frequency bar chart and simple percentage. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC statistical tool was used to test the hypotheses. Findings of the study show that the nature of manpower planning and development curriculum has a positive effect on the Lagos state civil performance. It also reveals that the manpower planning and development has a positive effect on the attainment of Lagos state objective. To achieve better performance in the service, it should among others, improve on the current manpower planning strategy and continue to update its manpower development curriculum in line with the global best practices. Given the pivotal role that technology plays in the 21st century, the service should avail itself the windows of opportunities that information technology provides in its drive to enhance employees’ skills, knowledge and abilities that will invariably improve the service performance. Yet, the service should imbibe the prescripts of New PublicManagement theory (NPM, and that goals and targets should be defined and measurable as indicators of organizational performance.

  18. Currents, HF Radio-derived, Ano Nuevo, Normal Model, Meridional, EXPERIMENTAL (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The data is the meridional component of ocean surface currents derived from High Frequency Radio-derived measurements, with missing values filled in by a normal...

  19. Currents, HF Radio-derived, Monterey Bay, Normal Model, Meridional, EXPERIMENTAL (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The data is the meridional component of ocean surface currents derived from High Frequency Radio-derived measurements, with missing values filled in by a normal...

  20. Within salvation: girl hawkers and the colonial state in development era Lagos. (United States)

    George, Abosede


    For almost two decades between the close of the Second World War and Nigerian independence in 1960, the British colonial state which faced a crisis of legitimacy in Lagos upheld city ordinances that made itinerant trading by young children in Lagos a punishable status offense. Although anti-trading regulations were gender-neutral in their language, girls were disproportionately sanctioned for engaging in street trading and related activities. In defending their concentration on girl sellers over boy sellers, colonial welfare officials painted a picture of the urban context as an inherently dangerous context and of girls as being particularly at risk of violent assault in the city, making them particularly in need of protection from town life. Sources which show that parents generally resisted or ignored the street trading regulations and continued permitting their daughters to sell despite entreaties, warnings, or fines from colonial officials, suggest that African parents and British colonial officials may have had conflicting views on the inherent danger of the city, on what constituted child endangerment, and on the gendered nature of childhood. This article argues that the girl saving campaigns of development era Lagos were as much about the legitimization of a colonial state facing a crisis of legitimacy as they were about debates between African parents and colonial welfare officials in Lagos concerning ideas of children and childhood and the dangers of street trading by African girls.

  1. Spanish society of the 1960s in the theatrical works of Alfonso Paso | La sociedad española de la década de los sesenta en el teatro de Alfonso Paso

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    Javier Sánchez Abarca


    Full Text Available Alfonso Paso was, without doubt, the most prolific of the post-war Spanish playwrights. His numerous theatrical productions, of which there are more than a hundred comedies, led the playwright to a popularity which in turn permitted him to rise within the theatrical hegemony of the time, filling the Spanish stage with an unending series of plays with clear commercial nuances in which the main element is humour. This humour was conceived for the humoristic sensibility of the growing middle class at the end of the fifties and the beginning of the sixties, whose tastes and interests were ideal material for Paso. The unquestionable sociological nuance in Paso’s plays is therefore particularly important since it allows us make a literary study of what Franco’s regime was like, or rather what the society of this regime was like between 1950 and 1971. This article is written with this in mind, and various aspects present in the works of Alfonso Paso are analysed, such as the middle class, the role of women, social changes, and the influence of tourism and immigration in the Spain of that period. | Alfonso Paso fue, sin lugar a dudas, el autor más prolífico de todos los comediógrafos españoles de posguerra. Su extensa producción teatral, compuesta por más de un centenar de comedias, hizo que nuestro dramaturgo alcanzase una fama que le permitió alzarse con la hegemonía teatral del momento, inundando los escenarios españoles con una interminable serie de obras con claros matices comerciales en donde el humor se erige en el verdadero protagonista. Un teatro ideado por y para la sensibilidad humorística de la creciente clase media de finales de los cincuenta y principios de los sesenta, a cuyos gustos e intereses se plegó el dramaturgo. Por este motivo cobra una especial importancia en la obra de Paso su incuestionable matiz sociológico, ya que nos permite emprender el estudio literario de lo que fue el franquismo, o más bien de lo que fue

  2. El paso elevado de Dunton, Inglaterra

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available With a clear sense of modern requirements, the British Ministry of Transport has constructed an elevated pass at Dunton, over highway A 127. In addition to the usefulness it means for highly congested roads, it will avoid further impediments when the new Ford Motor Company factory, which is being built close by, enters into full operation. This elevated structure consists of twin bridges, with all necessary approaches. The length of these approaches is more than 3 km. The length of the pass is 67 m, and the maximum heigth is 6 m. The supporting piles are placed in groups of four, in the form of an inverted pyramid, and joined by a ground cross member. The total cost of the project was 71 million pesetas.Con un amplio sentido del progreso, el Ministerio de Transportes de Inglaterra ha construido un paso elevado en Dunton, sobre la carretera A 127. Además del servicio específico que preste a unas carreteras habitualmente congestionadas, evitará nuevas complicaciones cuando se ponga en servicio una factoría de la Ford Motor Company, que actualmente se construye en las inmediaciones. El paso elevado se compone de dos puentes gemelos, con las desviaciones y accesos necesarios. La longitud de estos puentes rebasa los 3 km. Tienen cuatro tramos, con una longitud total de 67 m y una altura máxima de 6 m. Las pilas son compuestas, formadas por cuatro pilares en forma de tronco de pirámide invertido y unidas por una viga de solera. El costo de la obra rebasó los 71 millones de pesetas.

  3. Automated acquisition: principles and practice | Ezomo | Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    No Abstract. Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science Vol. 1(2) 2003: 120-124. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Article Metrics. Metrics Loading ... Metrics powered by PLOS ALM · · AJOL African Journals ...

  4. Personnel Recruitment and Retention Strategies in Lagos State Civil ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Personnel Recruitment and Retention Strategies in Lagos State Civil Service of Nigeria. ... The results show that the strategy for personnel recruitment into the CS is based on mixtures of merit and political ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  5. Compilation and evaluation of a Paso del Norte emission inventory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Funk, T.H.; Chinkin, L.R.; Roberts, P.T. [Sonoma Technology, Inc., 1360 Redwood Way, Suite C, 94954-1169 Petaluma, CA (United States); Saeger, M.; Mulligan, S. [Pacific Environmental Services, 5001 S. Miami Blvd., Suite 300, 27709 Research Triangle Park, NC (United States); Paramo Figueroa, V.H. [Instituto Nacional de Ecologia, Avenue Revolucion 1425, Nivel 10, Col. Tlacopac San Angel, Delegacion Alvaro Obregon, C.P., 01040, D.F. Mexico (Mexico); Yarbrough, J. [US Environmental Protection Agency - Region 6, 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200, 75202-2733 Dallas, TX (United States)


    Emission inventories of ozone precursors are routinely used as input to comprehensive photochemical air quality models. Photochemical model performance and the development of effective control strategies rely on the accuracy and representativeness of an underlying emission inventory. This paper describes the tasks undertaken to compile and evaluate an ozone precursor emission inventory for the El Paso/Ciudad Juarez/Southern Dona Ana region. Point, area and mobile source emission data were obtained from local government agencies and were spatially and temporally allocated to a gridded domain using region-specific demographic and land-cover information. The inventory was then processed using the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended Emissions Preprocessor System 2.0 (UAM-EPS 2.0) which generates emissions files compatible with the Urban Airshed Model (UAM). A top-down evaluation of the emission inventory was performed to examine how well the inventory represented ambient pollutant compositions. The top-down evaluation methodology employed in this study compares emission inventory ratios of non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC)/nitrogen oxide (NO{sub x}) and carbon monoxide (CO)/NO{sub x} ratios to corresponding ambient ratios. Detailed NMHC species comparisons were made in order to investigate the relative composition of individual hydrocarbon species in the emission inventory and in the ambient data. The emission inventory compiled during this effort has since been used to model ozone in the Paso del Norte airshed (Emery et al., CAMx modeling of ozone and carbon monoxide in the Paso del Norte airshed. In: Proc of Ninety-Third Annual Meeting of Air and Waste Management Association, 18-22 June 2000, Air and Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA, 2000)

  6. Factors Influencing Patronage Of Medical Tourism In Metropolitan Lagos Nigeria

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    Full Text Available Since medical tourism attract patient from various origin to seek medical services at different destinations it is paramount to consider the factors that motivate patrons decision on medical tourism. Hence this study assesses the factors influencing patronage of medical tourism in Lagos metropolis Nigeria. Lagos State is situated in the southwestern corner of Nigeria it lies within Latitudes 62N to 64N of the Equator and Longitudes 245E to 420E of the Greenwich meridian. Metropolitan Lagos is a statistical division and not an administrative unit it extends over 16 of the 20 LGAs of Lagos State it contains 88 of the population of Lagos State and includes semi-rural areas. Data were collected from primary source. Primary data collection was carried out through the use of structured questionnaire. Systematic sampling technique was employed to select 15 specialized private hospitals and 14 Public hospitals in the study area resulting to a sample size of 29 hospitals. Ten 10 patrons were contacted in each of the selected hospitals consequently 290 patrons were sampled. The study revealed three factors influencing patronage of medical tourism in the study area to be service related economic and facilities. These were further established by factor analysis result which combine service related economic factor as factor one with 29.5 variance explained and Eigen value of 5.605 Facility factor as factor two with 28.6 variance explained and Eigen value of 5.435 Service related factor as factor three with 14.7 variance explained and Eigen value of 2.788 and Economic factor as factor four with 9.2 variance explained and Eigen value of 1.754. The relevant authority in charge of health facilities in the study area would have to employ adequate manpower in-terms of doctors and other healthcare personnel across the public hospital while also regulating the scale of charges of the registered private hospitals in the study area. There is need to improve upon the

  7. Currents, HF Radio-derived, SF Bay, 33 hr, Meridional, EXPERIMENTAL (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The data is the 33 hour running average of the meridional component of ocean surface currents derived from High Frequency Radio-derived measurements. THIS IS AN...

  8. Currents, HF Radio-derived, SF Bay, 1 hr, Meridional, EXPERIMENTAL (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The data is the 1 hour average of the meridional component of ocean surface currents derived from High Frequency Radio-derived measurements. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL...

  9. Planeamiento estratégico de la empresa ABR Lagos S.A.C.


    Zuloeta Lagos, Bujarin Jaime


    La presente investigación tiene por finalidad desarrollar un Plan Estratégico para la empresa ABR Lagos S.A.C. para el periodo 2016-2020, con lo cual se busca consolidar su permanencia en el mercado peruano, incrementar su rentabilidad y mejorar la calidad del servicio. ABR Lagos S.A.C. es una empresa especializada en la fabricación e instalación de estructuras metálicas, la cual con casi siete años en el mercado ha mostrado un significativo crecimiento en las ventas. Para el logro del objeti...

  10. Warehouse location and freight attraction in the greater El Paso region. (United States)


    This project analyzes the current and future warehouse and distribution center locations along the El Paso-Juarez regions in the U.S.-Mexico border. This research seeks has developed a comprehensive database to aid in decision support process for ide...

  11. Comparative Study of Teenage Pregnancy in Lagos State University ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... a comparative study of the obstetric performance of primiparous teenagers and ... 2006-31st December, 2007) in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital,Ikeja. ... The incidence of teenage pregnancy in the study population was 1.01% with ...

  12. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation During the Last Glacial Maximum.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lynch-Stieglitz, J.; Adkins, J.F.; Curry, W.B.; Dokken, T.; Hall, I.R.; Herguera, J.C.; Hirschi, J.J.-M.; Ivanova, E.V.; Kissel, C.; Marchal, O.; Marchitto, T.M.; McCave, I.N.; McManus, J.F.; Mulitza, S.; Ninnemann, U.; Peeters, F.J.C.; Yu, E.-F.; Zahn, R.


    The circulation of the deep Atlantic Ocean during the height of the last ice age appears to have been quite different from today. We review observations implying that Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum was neither extremely sluggish nor an enhanced version of

  13. Winter season air pollution in El Paso-Ciudad Juarez. A review of air pollution studies in an international airshed

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Einfeld, W.; Church, H.W.


    This report summarizes a number of research efforts completed over the past 20 years in the El Paso del Norte region to characterize pollution sources and air quality trends. The El Paso del Norte region encompasses the cities of El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua and is representative of many US-Mexico border communities that are facing important air quality issues as population growth and industrialization of Mexican border communities continue. Special attention is given to a group of studies carried out under special US Congressional funding and administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Many of these studies were fielded within the last several years to develop a better understanding of air pollution sources and trends in this typical border community. Summary findings from a wide range of studies dealing with such issues as the temporal and spatial distribution of pollutants and pollution potential from both stationary and mobile sources in both cities are presented. Particular emphasis is given to a recent study in El Paso-Ciudad Juarez that focussed on winter season PM{sub 10} pollution in El Paso-Ciudad Juarez. Preliminary estimates from this short-term study reveal that biomass combustion products and crustal material are significant components of winter season PM{sub 10} in this international border community.

  14. The data acquisition system of the Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO) (United States)

    Sofo Haro, M.; Arnaldi, L. H.; Alvarez, W.; Alvarez, C.; Araujo, C.; Areso, O.; Arnaldi, H.; Asorey, H.; Audelo, M.; Barros, H.; Bertou, X.; Bonnett, M.; Calderon, R.; Calderon, M.; Campos-Fauth, A.; Carramiñana, A.; Carrasco, E.; Carrera, E.; Cazar, D.; Cifuentes, E.; Cogollo, D.; Conde, R.; Cotzomi, J.; Dasso, S.; De Castro, A.; De La Torre, J.; De León, R.; Estupiñan, A.; Galindo, A.; Garcia, L.; Gómez Berisso, M.; González, M.; Guevara, W.; Gulisano, A. M.; Hernández, H.; Jaimes, A.; López, J.; Mantilla, C.; Martín, R.; Martinez-Mendez, A.; Martínez, O.; Martins, E.; Masías-Meza, J. J.; Mayo-García, R.; Melo, T.; Mendoza, J.; Miranda, P.; Montes, E.; Morales, E.; Morales, I.; Moreno, E.; Murrugarra, C.; Nina, C.; Núñez, L. A.; Núñez-Castiñeyra, A.; Otiniano, L.; Peña-Rodríguez, J.; Perenguez, J.; Pérez, H.; Perez, Y.; Perez, G.; Pinilla-Velandia, S.; Ponce, E.; Quishpe, R.; Quispe, F.; Reyes, K.; Rivera, H.; Rodriguez, J.; Rodríguez-Pascual, M.; Romero, M.; Rubio-Montero, A. J.; Salazar, H.; Salinas, J.; Sarmiento-Cano, C.; Sidelnik, I.; Haro, M. Sofo; Suárez-Durán, M.; Subieta, M.; Tello, J.; Ticona, R.; Torres, I.; Torres-Niño, L.; Truyenque, J.; Valencia-Otero, M.; Vargas, S.; Vásquez, N.; Villasenor, L.; Zamalloa, M.; Zavala, L.


    LAGO is an extended cosmic ray observatory composed of water-Cherenkov detectors (WCD) placed throughout Latin America. It is dedicated to the study of various issues related to astrophysics, space weather and atmospheric physics at the regional scale. In this paper we present the design and implementation of the front-end electronics and the data acquisition system for readout of the WCDs of LAGO. The system consists of preamplifiers and a digital board sending data to a computer via an USB interface. The analog signals are acquired from three independent channels at a maximum rate of ~1.2×105 pulses per second and a sampling rate of 40 MHz. To avoid false trigger due to baseline fluctuations, we present in this work a baseline correction algorithm that makes it possible to use WCDs to study variations of the environmental radiation. A data logging software has been designed to format the received data. It also enables an easy access to the data for an off-line analysis, together with the operational conditions and environmental information. The system is currently used at different sites of LAGO.

  15. The data acquisition system of the Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sofo Haro, M.; Arnaldi, L.H.


    LAGO is an extended cosmic ray observatory composed of water-Cherenkov detectors (WCD) placed throughout Latin America. It is dedicated to the study of various issues related to astrophysics, space weather and atmospheric physics at the regional scale. In this paper we present the design and implementation of the front-end electronics and the data acquisition system for readout of the WCDs of LAGO. The system consists of preamplifiers and a digital board sending data to a computer via an USB interface. The analog signals are acquired from three independent channels at a maximum rate of ~1.2×10"5 pulses per second and a sampling rate of 40 MHz. To avoid false trigger due to baseline fluctuations, we present in this work a baseline correction algorithm that makes it possible to use WCDs to study variations of the environmental radiation. A data logging software has been designed to format the received data. It also enables an easy access to the data for an off-line analysis, together with the operational conditions and environmental information. The system is currently used at different sites of LAGO.

  16. Variabilité hydrologique et vulnérabilité des populations du Lago Janauaca (Amazonas, Brésil Variabilidade hidrológica e vulnerabilidade das populações do Lago Janauaca (Amazonas, BrasilHydrological variability and human vulnerability in Lago Janauaca (Amazonas, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josyane Ronchail


    Full Text Available Étroitement liées à la pulsation saisonnière des crues de l’Amazone, les activités des petits paysans et pêcheurs des várzeas sont particulièrement sensibles aux manifestations plus extrêmes de la variabilité hydrologique. Ce travail propose d’appréhender la vulnérabilité de ces communautés riveraines aux crues et étiages extrêmes autour du Lago Janauaca, près de Manaus, dans un contexte climatique d’intensification du cycle hydrologique. Dans un premier temps nous proposons de caractériser la variabilité hydrologique du Rio Solimões et son impact spatial sur le Lago. Si l’extension du phénomène est frappante, les dynamiques anthropiques sur les rives du lac sont elles aussi importantes. Celles-ci s’expliquent plus par l’ouverture de pistes entre le lac et la BR319, que par l’expansion des cultures traditionnelles qui restent modérée. Enfin, une série d’entretiens menés auprès des riverains dévoile une relation complexe entre les différentes activités des populations et les extrêmes hydrologiques. Les sécheresses y apparaissent comme les perturbations majeures, non seulement à cause de leurs impacts sur les cultures, mais surtout en raison des difficultés qu’elles entraînent pour les mobilités locale et régionale.Intimamente relacionado com o pulso de inundação sazonal do rio Amazonas, as atividades dos agricultores e pescadores das várzeas são particularmente sensíveis aos eventos mais extremos da variabilidade hidrológica. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a vulnerabilidade das comunidades ribeirinhas às cheias e às estiagens extremas ao redor do Lago Janauaca, próximo de Manaus, em um contexto de intensificação do ciclo hidrológico. Inicialmente, propomos uma caracterização da variabilidade hidrológica do Rio Solimões e do seu impacto espacial sobre o lago. As dinâmicas antrópicas às margens do lago são importantes também. Elas são mais decorrentes pela abertura

  17. Traditional Music and Dance: An Appreciation | Adedeji | Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lagos Notes and Records. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 17 (2011) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register. DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT Open Access DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT ...

  18. Cytomegalovirus antibodies among healthy blood donors at Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is found worldwide in all geographical locations and socio-economic groups and is the virus most frequently transmitted to a developing child before birth. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors for CMV antibodies among healthy blood donors at Lagos University ...

  19. Calidad del agua y sedimento en el lago de Maracaibo, estado Zulia

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    Giovany José-Bracho


    Full Text Available Se analizó el agua y el sedimento del lago de Maracaibo en seis estaciones de muestreo distribuidas de norte a sur del lago. Los parámetros físicoquímicos y ambientales fueron determinados y establecidas las relaciones entre estos y las áreas afectadas por descargas de aguas residuales, depósitos de basura, residuos industriales líquidos y sólidos, actividad petrolera y agrícola y materiales orgánicos acarreados por ríos y drenajes pluviales. Se evidenció la contaminación por incremento de utrientes(nitrógeno y fósforo en las zonas influenciadas por los ríos y vertederos de agua residual y se validó la presencia de una cuña salina por la penetración al lago de las aguas del golfo de Venezuela. Las concentraciones de metalespesados están por debajo de los límites permisibles para el agua; en los sedimentos es muy heterogénea.

  20. Transformative Empowerment in the Lagos State Civil Service: A Gender Policy Discourse

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    Felicia A.D. Oyekanmi


    Full Text Available Transformation means positive change to new values and direction. This research is concerned with the relationship between empowerment processes that are transformatory and gender equality in the workplace. Its scope includes integrating a transformatory view into women’s and men’s consciousness and autonomy over their career, education and health. This research adopted a case-study approach by using the Ministries of Education, Health, Establishment, Training and Pensions and the Civil Service Commission in Lagos State, employing a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods as its empirical research methodology. The field work was carried out in Lagos State in the months of June and July, 2014 while the interview was in July and August, 2014. This study demonstrated that gender-blind policies disempower women and perpetuate gender inequalities in the Lagos State Civil Service. Further, it shows that the manifestation of transformatory empowerment is jeopardised by women and men's compliance with the existing expectations and inaction to bring about changes in policies and practices that are detrimental to the attainment of gender equality in the work place.

  1. Preliminary results of U/Pb geochronology in Meridional Espinhaco Mountain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machado, N.; Schrank, A.; Abreu, F.R. de; Knauer, L.G.; Abreu, P.A.A.


    Some samples of the constituent unities from Meridional Espinhaco Mountain for geochronology determining by U/Pb method are presented. The analytical techniques described by Krogh and the Davis linear regression program are used for treating these samples. (author)

  2. Assessing the deep drilling potential of Lago de Tota, Colombia, with a seismic survey (United States)

    Bird, B. W.; Wattrus, N. J.; Fonseca, H.; Velasco, F.; Escobar, J.


    Reconciling orbital-scale patterns of inter-hemispheric South American climate during the Quaternary requires continuous, high-resolution paleoclimate records that span multiple glacial cycles from both hemispheres. Southern Andean Quaternary climates are represented by multi-proxy results from Lake Titicaca (Peru-Bolivia) spanning the last 400 ka and by pending results from the Lago Junin Drilling Project (Peru). Although Northern Andean sediment records spanning the last few million years have been retrieved from the Bogota and Fúquene Basins in the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes, climatic reconstructions based on these cores have thus far been limited to pollen-based investigations. When viewed together with the Southern Hemisphere results, these records suggest an anti-phased hemispheric climatic response during glacial cycles. In order to better assess orbital-scale climate responses, however, independent temperature and hydroclimate proxies from the Northern Hemisphere are needed in addition to vegetation histories. As part of this objective, an effort is underway to develop a paleoclimate record from Lago de Tota (3030 m asl), the largest lake in Colombia and the third largest lake in the Andes. One of 17 highland tectonic basins in Eastern Cordillera, Lago de Tota formed during Tertiary uplift that deformed pre-foreland megasequences, synrift and back-arc megasequences. The precise age and thickness of sediments in the Lago de Tota basin has not previously been established. Here, we present results from a recent single-channel seismic reflection survey collected with a small (5 cubic inch) air gun and high-resolution CHIRP sub-bottom data. With these data, we examine the depositional history and sequence stratigraphy of Lago de Tota and assess its potential as a deep drilling target.

  3. Meridional flow in the solar convection zone. I. Measurements from gong data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kholikov, S. [National Solar Observatories, Tucson, AZ 85719 (United States); Serebryanskiy, A. [Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute, Uzbek Academy of Science, Tashkent 100052 (Uzbekistan); Jackiewicz, J., E-mail: [Department of Astronomy, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003 (United States)


    Large-scale plasma flows in the Sun's convection zone likely play a major role in solar dynamics on decadal timescales. In particular, quantifying meridional motions is a critical ingredient for understanding the solar cycle and the transport of magnetic flux. Because the signal of such features can be quite small in deep solar layers and be buried in systematics or noise, the true meridional velocity profile has remained elusive. We perform time-distance helioseismology measurements on several years worth of Global Oscillation Network Group Doppler data. A spherical harmonic decomposition technique is applied to a subset of acoustic modes to measure travel-time differences to try to obtain signatures of meridional flows throughout the solar convection zone. Center-to-limb systematics are taken into account in an intuitive yet ad hoc manner. Travel-time differences near the surface that are consistent with a poleward flow in each hemisphere and are similar to previous work are measured. Additionally, measurements in deep layers near the base of the convection zone suggest a possible equatorward flow, as well as partial evidence of a sign change in the travel-time differences at mid-convection zone depths. This analysis on an independent data set using different measurement techniques strengthens recent conclusions that the convection zone may have multiple 'cells' of meridional flow. The results may challenge the common understanding of one large conveyor belt operating in the solar convection zone. Further work with helioseismic inversions and a careful study of systematic effects are needed before firm conclusions of these large-scale flow structures can be made.

  4. The role of meridional density differences for a wind-driven overturning circulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schewe, J.; Levermann, A. [Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Earth System Analysis, Potsdam (Germany); Potsdam University, Physics Institute, Potsdam (Germany)


    Experiments with the coupled climate model CLIMBER-3{alpha}, which contains an oceanic general circulation model, show deep upwelling in the Southern Ocean to be proportional to the surface wind stress in the latitudinal band of Drake Passage. At the same time, the distribution of the Southern Ocean upwelling onto the oceanic basins is controlled by buoyancy distribution; the inflow into each basin being proportional to the respective meridional density difference. We observe approximately the same constant of proportionality for all basins, and demonstrate that it can be directly related to the flow geometry. For increased wind stress in the Southern Ocean, the overturning increases both in the Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific basin. For strongly reduced wind stress, the circulation enters a regime where Atlantic overturning is maintained through Pacific upwelling, in order to satisfy the transports set by the density differences. Previous results on surface buoyancy and wind stress forcing, obtained with different models, are reproduced within one model in order to distill a consistent picture. We propose that both Southern Ocean upwelling and meridional density differences set up a system of conditions that determine the global meridional overturning circulation. (orig.)

  5. Solar-cycle Variations of Meridional Flows in the Solar Convection Zone Using Helioseismic Methods (United States)

    Lin, Chia-Hsien; Chou, Dean-Yi


    The solar meridional flow is an axisymmetric flow in solar meridional planes, extending through the convection zone. Here we study its solar-cycle variations in the convection zone using SOHO/MDI helioseismic data from 1996 to 2010, including two solar minima and one maximum. The travel-time difference between northward and southward acoustic waves is related to the meridional flow along the wave path. Applying the ray approximation and the SOLA inversion method to the travel-time difference measured in a previous study, we obtain the meridional flow distributions in 0.67 ≤ r ≤ 0.96R ⊙ at the minimum and maximum. At the minimum, the flow has a three-layer structure: poleward in the upper convection zone, equatorward in the middle convection zone, and poleward again in the lower convection zone. The flow speed is close to zero within the error bar near the base of the convection zone. The flow distribution changes significantly from the minimum to the maximum. The change above 0.9R ⊙ shows two phenomena: first, the poleward flow speed is reduced at the maximum; second, an additional convergent flow centered at the active latitudes is generated at the maximum. These two phenomena are consistent with the surface meridional flow reported in previous studies. The change in flow extends all the way down to the base of the convection zone, and the pattern of the change below 0.9R ⊙ is more complicated. However, it is clear that the active latitudes play a role in the flow change: the changes in flow speed below and above the active latitudes have opposite signs. This suggests that magnetic fields could be responsible for the flow change.

  6. Descripción paso a paso de la técnica transaórtica para el tratamiento transcatéter de la estenosis aórtica severa

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    Omar A. Araji


    Full Text Available El tratamiento transcatéter de la estenosis aórtica severa se encuentra en continua evolución desde que se describió por Cribier por primera vez en 2002. Se han estandarizado la vía transfemoral retrógrada y la vía transapical, y con la mejora de los dispositivos, se está empleando cada vez con más frecuencia la vía transaórtica. Esta vía puede suponer muchas ventajas para el tratamiento de los pacientes con un alto riesgo quirúrgico y rechazados para los otros abordajes. Nuestro grupo comenzó a emplearla a finales del 2013 y se ha convertido en la vía preferida por delante de la transapical. En este artículo describimos nuestra técnica transaórtica paso a paso, sus ventajas e inconvenientes.

  7. Ectopic Pregnancy in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We set out to determine the socio-demographic factors,pattern of presentation and management of ectopic pregnancy in a University Teaching Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria. A retrospective descriptive analysis of all cases of ectopic pregnancy over a 2-year period was carried out. The case notes were retrieved from the ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article is a historical excursion into the musical activities in Lagos from around ... development in virtually all areas of life; political, religious, social and .... children' As an example, the cited a song composed on the occasion of the victory ..... missionaries surfaced in the church when the Pan-Africanist movement became.

  9. Emergency distress call system for automobiles in Lagos state, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Emergency distress call system for automobiles in Lagos state, Nigeria. ... PROMOTING ACCESS TO AFRICAN RESEARCH ... and communications technology capabilities to transportation and the medical care system in order to save lives, ...

  10. Iron stores in regular blood donors in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Adediran A


    Full Text Available Adewumi Adediran,1 Ebele I Uche,2 Titilope A Adeyemo,1 Dapus O Damulak,3 Akinsegun A Akinbami,4 Alani S Akanmu1 1Department of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria; 2Department of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria; 3Department of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria; 4Department of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Lagos State University, Ikeja, Nigeria Background: Apart from challenging the bone marrow to increase its red cell production, thereby producing more blood for the donor, regular blood donation has been shown to have several benefits, one of which is preventing accumulation of body iron which can cause free radical formation in the body. This study was carried out to assess body iron stores in regular blood donors. Methods: A total of 52 regular (study and 30 first-time (control volunteer blood donors were studied prospectively. Twenty milliliters of venous blood was drawn from each subject, 5 mL of which was put into sodium ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid specimen bottles for a full blood count, including red blood cell indices. The remaining sample was allowed to clot in a plain container, and the serum was then retrieved for serum ferritin, serum iron, and serum transferrin receptor measurement by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Mean hemoglobin and packed cell volume in the study group (13.47 ± 2.36 g/dL and 42.00 ± 7.10, respectively, P = 0.303 were not significantly higher than in the control group (12.98 ± 1.30 g/dL and 39.76 ± 4.41, respectively, P = 0.119. Mean serum ferritin was 102.46 ± 80.26 ng/mL in the control group and 41.46 ± 40.33 ng/mL in the study group (P = 0.001. Mean serum ferritin for women in the study group (28.02 ± 25.00 ng/mL was significantly lower than for women in the control group (56.35 ± 34.03 ng/mL, P = 0.014. Similarly, men in the study group had a lower

  11. Behavioral pattern of commercial public transport passengers in Lagos metropolis

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    Oluwaseyi Joseph Afolabi


    Full Text Available This study examined the travel behavior of commercial public transport passengers in Lagos State, Nigeria. The descriptive research survey was used in order to assess the opinions of the respondents using the questionnaire. A total of 84 samples were used as representative population, while two null hypotheses were formulated and tested using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient at 0.05 level of significant. The results that were obtained indicated that a positive correlation exists between frequency of   travel and commuters income in Lagos Metropolis and also that a positive correlation exists between frequency of travel and distance covered by commuters in Lagos Metropolis. Secondary data was also sourced to serve as complement to the primary data, thus allowing for a robust research. Descriptive statistical tools such as percentages were also adopted to present the socio-economic characteristics in the area. Findings showed that about 57% of sampled population are male, 62 % are civil servants, 48% of respondents travel for business purposes. Also, that majority of the respondents (50% said that the commercial public transport is highly prone to accident, while about 64% of the respondents commute on daily basis. It was established that lack of transport infrastructure coupled with poor road maintenance were seen as the leading causes of inaccessibility of the area.

  12. Utilization of Oral Health Care Services by University Undergraduates in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    Makanjuola, J O; Uti, O G; Sofola, O O


    Data on the utilization of the available oral health facilities by university undergraduates is scarce in Nigeria. To determine the level of utilization of oral health care services and to identify the barriers to seeking treatment among University of Lagos students. A cross-sectional survey was carried out among University of Lagos undergraduates. Systematic sampling was used to select participants after randomly selecting a male and female hostel. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to participants and collected immediately. The data was analyzed using Epi info version 6.04 software. Statistical significance was evaluated with chi square test and p-value facilities.

  13. Radial Transport and Meridional Circulation in Accretion Disks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Philippov, Alexander A. [Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Ivy Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540 (United States); Rafikov, Roman R., E-mail: [Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540 (United States)


    Radial transport of particles, elements and fluid driven by internal stresses in three-dimensional (3D) astrophysical accretion disks is an important phenomenon, potentially relevant for the outward dust transport in protoplanetary disks, origin of the refractory particles in comets, isotopic equilibration in the Earth–Moon system, etc. To gain better insight into these processes, we explore the dependence of meridional circulation in 3D disks with shear viscosity on their thermal stratification, and demonstrate a strong effect of the latter on the radial flow. Previous locally isothermal studies have normally found a pattern of the radial outflow near the midplane, switching to inflow higher up. Here we show, both analytically and numerically, that a flow that is inward at all altitudes is possible in disks with entropy and temperature steeply increasing with height. Such thermodynamic conditions may be typical in the optically thin, viscously heated accretion disks. Disks in which these conditions do not hold should feature radial outflow near the midplane, as long as their internal stress is provided by the shear viscosity. Our results can also be used for designing hydrodynamical disk simulations with a prescribed pattern of the meridional circulation.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hung, Ching Pui; Jouve, Laurène; Brun, Allan Sacha [Laboratoire AIM Paris-Saclay, CEA/IRFU Université Paris-Diderot CNRS/INSU, F-91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette (France); Fournier, Alexandre [Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Université Paris Diderot UMR 7154 CNRS, F-75005 Paris (France); Talagrand, Olivier [Laboratoire de météorologie dynamique, UMR 8539, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris Cedex 05 (France)


    We show how magnetic observations of the Sun can be used in conjunction with an axisymmetric flux-transport solar dynamo model in order to estimate the large-scale meridional circulation throughout the convection zone. Our innovative approach rests on variational data assimilation, whereby the distance between predictions and observations (measured by an objective function) is iteratively minimized by means of an optimization algorithm seeking the meridional flow that best accounts for the data. The minimization is performed using a quasi-Newton technique, which requires knowledge of the sensitivity of the objective function to the meridional flow. That sensitivity is efficiently computed via the integration of the adjoint flux-transport dynamo model. Closed-loop (also known as twin) experiments using synthetic data demonstrate the validity and accuracy of this technique for a variety of meridional flow configurations, ranging from unicellular and equatorially symmetric to multicellular and equatorially asymmetric. In this well-controlled synthetic context, we perform a systematic study of the behavior of our variational approach under different observational configurations by varying their spatial density, temporal density, and noise level, as well as the width of the assimilation window. We find that the method is remarkably robust, leading in most cases to a recovery of the true meridional flow to within better than 1%. These encouraging results are a first step toward using this technique to (i) better constrain the physical processes occurring inside the Sun and (ii) better predict solar activity on decadal timescales.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hung, Ching Pui; Jouve, Laurène; Brun, Allan Sacha; Fournier, Alexandre; Talagrand, Olivier


    We show how magnetic observations of the Sun can be used in conjunction with an axisymmetric flux-transport solar dynamo model in order to estimate the large-scale meridional circulation throughout the convection zone. Our innovative approach rests on variational data assimilation, whereby the distance between predictions and observations (measured by an objective function) is iteratively minimized by means of an optimization algorithm seeking the meridional flow that best accounts for the data. The minimization is performed using a quasi-Newton technique, which requires knowledge of the sensitivity of the objective function to the meridional flow. That sensitivity is efficiently computed via the integration of the adjoint flux-transport dynamo model. Closed-loop (also known as twin) experiments using synthetic data demonstrate the validity and accuracy of this technique for a variety of meridional flow configurations, ranging from unicellular and equatorially symmetric to multicellular and equatorially asymmetric. In this well-controlled synthetic context, we perform a systematic study of the behavior of our variational approach under different observational configurations by varying their spatial density, temporal density, and noise level, as well as the width of the assimilation window. We find that the method is remarkably robust, leading in most cases to a recovery of the true meridional flow to within better than 1%. These encouraging results are a first step toward using this technique to (i) better constrain the physical processes occurring inside the Sun and (ii) better predict solar activity on decadal timescales

  16. Murciélagos hematófagos como reservorios de la rabia

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    Karin Corrêa Scheffer

    Full Text Available La rabia continua siendo un desafío para las autoridades de salud pública y una limitante para la industria ganadera en América Latina. Caninos silvestres y domésticos, así como murciélagos hematófagos son las principales especies transmisoras y reservorios de la enfermedad. Actualmente, se observa variaciones en el perfil epidemiológico de la rabia, donde la especie de murciélago hematófago Desmodus rotundus se constituye en la principal especie transmisora. A lo largo del tiempo se ha acumulado conocimiento sobre la ecología, biología y comportamiento de esta especie y sobre la historia natural de la rabia, lo cual debe conducir a una continua evolución de los métodos de control poblacional de D. rotundus, prevención y técnicas de diagnóstico. Aún se desconoce la relación ecológica de esta especie con otras hematófagas y no hematófagas, y queda mucho por mejorar en los sistemas de notificación y vigilancia epidemiológica, así como crear una mayor conciencia entre los ganaderos ante el tema. La comprensión del impacto que las modificaciones ambientales inducidas por el hombre ejercen sobre la dinámica de infección del virus de la rabia en los murciélagos debe ser motivo de investigaciones posteriores. Esto requerirá la combinación de estudios de campo con modelos matemáticos y nuevas herramientas diagnósticas. La presente revisión pretende presentar los aspectos más relevantes sobre el rol de los murciélagos hematófagos como reservorios y transmisores del virus de la rabia

  17. Geophysical study of saline water intrusion in Lagos municipality

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1Department of Applied Geophysics, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. 2Lagos State ... E'. C. C'. N070 00'. E0020 300'. N060 15'. E0020 300'. N070 00'. E0040 30' ..... coastal aquifer, Youngkwang-gun, Korea.

  18. Pattern of juvenile periodontitis in Lagos University Teaching ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: The aim of the survey was to study the pattern of juvenile periodontitis patients that presented at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital Dental Centre from November 1999 to March 2004. Methods: Through review of case files of patients, twenty six juvenile periodontitis patients, within the age range of 18 and 30 ...

  19. Pattern of Exodontia treatment need of adults attending the Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aim and Objective: To determine the pattern of tooth loss among adults ... Dentistry of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital from September 2001 to April 2004. ... treatment recommended (i.e. periodontal, conservative dentistry, prosthetic, ...

  20. Selenium deficiency and pregnancy outcome in pregnant women with HIV in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    Okunade, Kehinde S; Olowoselu, Olusola F; Osanyin, Gbemisola E; John-Olabode, Sarah; Akanmu, Sulaimon A; Anorlu, Rose I


    To investigate the prevalence of maternal selenium deficiency and its effects on pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women with HIV in Lagos, Nigeria. The present descriptive cross-sectional study enrolled women aged 15-49 years with HIV who were at 14-26 weeks of a singleton pregnancy and were attending Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria, between August 1, 2016, and April 30, 2017. Participants were selected by consecutive sampling and baseline data were collected through interviews. Venous blood samples were obtained to measure selenium concentrations, and associations between low maternal selenium concentrations (defined as <0.89 μmol/L) and pregnancy outcomes were examined using bivariate and multivariate analysis. The final analysis included 113 patients; selenium deficiency was recorded in 23 (20.4%) patients. Women with selenium deficiency had an approximately eight-fold higher risk of preterm delivery (adjusted odds ratio 7.61, 95% confidence interval 4.37-18.89; P=0.031) and of delivering a term neonate with a low delivery weight (adjusted odds ratio 8.11, 95% confidence interval 3.27-17.22; P=0.012), compared with women with a normal selenium concentration. The prevalence of selenium deficiency among pregnant women with HIV in Lagos was relatively high. The significant associations observed between maternal selenium deficiency and adverse pregnancy outcomes could have implications for the future management of HIV in pregnancy. © 2018 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  1. Las macrófitas de algunos lagos alto-andinos del Ecuador y su bajo potencial como bioindicadores de eutrofización

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    Benjamin Kiersch


    Full Text Available Se estudió la presencia de macrófitas en tres lagos de altoandinos en Ecuador,Lago San Pablo,Laguna La Mica y Lago Cuicocha.Los primeros dos son eutróficos, mientras que el último es un lago de caldera extremadamente oligotrófico.Las especies dominantes en los lagos eutróficos son:Ceratophyllum demersum , Myriophyllum quitense ,Potamogeton illinoensis ,P. striatus y Elodea matthewsii .En el lago oligotrófico están presentes P.pectinatus,P.illinoensi s,y las Characeae Chara rusbyabana ,Ch.globularis y Nitella acuminata .La máxima profundidad para la presencia de macrófitas puede ser usada como un indicador del estado de eutroficación,la cual va desde 5 m en la Laguna Mica a 35 m en el Lago Cuicocha.El valor de la bioindicación de las especies de macrófitas en estos lagos altoandinos es bajo,debido a que solo unas pocas especies están presentes,y algunas de ellas no son específicas para las condiciones ambientales.Macrophytes from some high Andean lakes of Ecuador and their low potential as bioindicators of eutrophication .The occurrence of macrophyte in three high Andean lakes of Ecuador,Lago San Pablo, Laguna La Mica and Lago Cuicocha was recorded in 5-9 transects per lake.The first two lakes are eutrophic, the third is an extremely oligotrophic caldera lake.The dominant species in eutrophic lakes are Ceratophyllum demersum ,Myriophyllum quitense ,Potamogeton illinoensis ,P.striatus and Elodea matthewsii .In the oligotrophic lake P.pectinatus,P.illinoensi s,and the Characeae Chara rusbyana ,Ch.globularis and Nitella acuminata occur.The maximum depth of the macrophyte ’s presence can be used as an indicator of the trophic state,ranging from about 5 m in Mica to 35 m in Cuicocha.The bioindication value of the macrophyte species in these high Andean lakes is low,because few species occur and because some of them are not specific to environmental conditions.Rev.Biol.Trop.52(4:829-837.Epub 2005 Jun 24.

  2. Lago artificial de Martiánez Canarias – España

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    Amigó, Juan A.


    Full Text Available In this article a technical description is given of the works of the Artificial Lake of Martiánez. This work that was executed after gaining some 33,000 m2 from the sea mainly consisted of creating a small artificial lake of seawater surrounded by solariums, beaches and gardens. Inside the lake — that has an area of some 15,000 m2 — five natural islands were formed, most of which have tourist complexes built on them, consisting of: night club, restaurants, bars, terraces, etc.

    En este artículo se hace una descripción técnica de las obras del Lago Artificial de Martiánez. Esta obra, realizada tras ganar al mar unos 33.000 m2 consistió, principalmente, en la creación de un pequeño lago artificial de agua de mar rodeado de solarios, playas y jardines. En el interior del lago —cuya superficie es de unos 15.000 m2— se formaron cinco islas naturales, en la mayor de las cuales se construyó un complejo turístico que consta de: sala de fiestas, restaurantes, bares, terrazas, etc.

  3. Major Sources of Worries and Concerns about Landfills in Lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Keywords: Landfills; Environment; Risk; Perception; Lagos. Introduction ... largely to the perception of risk to human health and the environment. ..... in turn pass the cost to consumers. Potential ... Environment and Behaviour, Vol. 32 No. 2 pp.

  4. Active Pacific meridional overturning circulation (PMOC) during the warm Pliocene. (United States)

    Burls, Natalie J; Fedorov, Alexey V; Sigman, Daniel M; Jaccard, Samuel L; Tiedemann, Ralf; Haug, Gerald H


    An essential element of modern ocean circulation and climate is the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), which includes deep-water formation in the subarctic North Atlantic. However, a comparable overturning circulation is absent in the Pacific, the world's largest ocean, where relatively fresh surface waters inhibit North Pacific deep convection. We present complementary measurement and modeling evidence that the warm, ~400-ppmv (parts per million by volume) CO 2 world of the Pliocene supported subarctic North Pacific deep-water formation and a Pacific meridional overturning circulation (PMOC) cell. In Pliocene subarctic North Pacific sediments, we report orbitally paced maxima in calcium carbonate accumulation rate, with accompanying pigment and total organic carbon measurements supporting deep-ocean ventilation-driven preservation as their cause. Together with high accumulation rates of biogenic opal, these findings require vigorous bidirectional communication between surface waters and interior waters down to ~3 km in the western subarctic North Pacific, implying deep convection. Redox-sensitive trace metal data provide further evidence of higher Pliocene deep-ocean ventilation before the 2.73-Ma (million years) transition. This observational analysis is supported by climate modeling results, demonstrating that atmospheric moisture transport changes, in response to the reduced meridional sea surface temperature gradients of the Pliocene, were capable of eroding the halocline, leading to deep-water formation in the western subarctic Pacific and a strong PMOC. This second Northern Hemisphere overturning cell has important implications for heat transport, the ocean/atmosphere cycle of carbon, and potentially the equilibrium response of the Pacific to global warming.

  5. Perinatal Mortality Among Twins In Lagos University Teaching ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Perinatal mortality rate is reported to be higher in twins than in singletons. More than two decades ago, Abudu and Agarin reported a twinning rate of 21.1/1000 maternities and perinatal mortality rate of 142.6/1000 among twins in Lagos. Objective: To determine the current perinatal mortality rate and risk factors ...

  6. The realities of Lagos urban development vision on livelihoods of the urban poor

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    Oluwafemi Ayodeji Olajide


    Full Text Available Similar to many other cities in sub-Saharan African countries, the struggle between urban development policies and the livelihoods of the urban poor is one of the urban development challenges facing Lagos. This paper examines the realities of the Lagos urban development policies and intiatives on the livelihoods of the urban poor. The state government embarked on series of what it calls sustainable urban transformation policies towards making Lagos ‘an African model megacity’ and a global economic and financial hub that is safe, secure, functional and productive, with a view to achieving poverty alleviation and sustainable development. This paper, through the lens of theoretical and analytical underpinnings of Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, however, argues that the actions of the state government contradict the whole essence of sustainable urban development and poverty alleviation, but reflect an agenda deliberately targeted to further impoverish the poor. While the Sustainable Livelihood was used as the theoretical and analytical framework, this paper essentially focuses on the Policies, Institutions and Processes component of the framework. This provides a unique entry point for understanding the implications of the Lagos urban development aspirations on the livelihoods of the urban poor. The research uses mixed methods research design with a broad range of data-collection methods, including household surveys, interviews, direct observation and photography, documentary review and policy document analysis. The study reveals that there is a disconnection between urban development policies and realities of the poor. The implementation of urban development projects and policies works against the urban poor and resulted in more hardship, through reduction in livelihood opportunities or complete loss of livelihoods. This study, therefore, suggests that one important element in reducing poverty in Lagos’ informal settlements is a policy

  7. Level of awareness of genetic counselling in Lagos, Nigeria: its ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Level of awareness of genetic counselling in Lagos, Nigeria: its advocacy on the inheritance of sickle cell disease. ... and the level of awareness about genetic counseling in 30 hospitals were carried out. ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  8. Social change and traditional gender roles in Lagos State, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Social change and traditional gender roles in Lagos State, Nigeria. ... twenty seven respondents consisted of 135 Females (59.5%) and 92 Males (40.5%) participated in the survey. The study adopted descriptive method of research design.

  9. Currents, HF Radio-derived, SF Bay Outlet, 1 hr, Meridional, EXPERIMENTAL (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The data is the 1 hour average of the meridional component of ocean surface currents derived from High Frequency Radio-derived measurements. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL...

  10. The impact of anthropogenic pollution on limnological characteristics of a subtropical highland reservoir “Lago de Guadalupe”, Mexico

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    Sepulveda-Jauregui A.


    Full Text Available “Lago de Guadalupe” is an important freshwater ecosystem located in the northern part of the metropolitan area surrounding Mexico City, under high demographic pressure. It receives approximately 15 hm3·y-1 of untreated municipal wastewater from the surrounding municipalities. In order to develop a comparative assessment of the pollution effect over the limnological characteristics of Lago de Guadalupe, this lake was characterised from February 2006 to July 2009, and the results were compared with those obtained from a non-polluted lake “Lago el Llano” located in the same drainage area. Lago de Guadalupe was hypereutrophic with anoxic conditions throughout most of the water column. In contrast, Lago el Llano was mesotrophic with high dissolved oxygen concentrations throughout the entire water column with a clinograde profile. Both reservoirs had a monomictic mixing regime. The longitudinal zonation of physicochemical and biological variables were investigated in order to better understand the processes controlling the water quality across the reservoir during its residence time. This study shows the impact of anthropogenic pollution on the limnological characteristics of a subtropical reservoir and confirms that under adequate management schemes, namely avoiding pollution and wastewater discharges, subtropical reservoirs can be prevented from developing eutrophic conditions.

  11. Ecological assessment of a coastal shallow lagoon in Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Michael Horsfall

    Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, P.M.B. 12729, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria ... diversity observed in station B could be attributed to stress imposed by effluents from ..... of American Science 2010;6(1):42-48.

  12. Radiographic diagnosis of skeletal diseases among dogs in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Case records of dogs presented with signs of skeletal injuries at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State and Petcare Animal Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos between January, 2010 and December, 2011 were reviewed. Data recorded included breed, sex and age of the dogs, ...

  13. Genetic diversity of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus in the Lagos lagoon ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 13, 2012 ... 1Key Laboratory of Mariculture, Ministry of Education of China, Ocean University ... 3Department of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, ... degradation and possible changes in water quality ... MATERIALS AND METHODS ... was subsequently resuspended in 100 µl of distilled water for.

  14. Analysis of Solid Waste Management Logistics and Its Attendant Challenges in Lagos Metropolis

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    Boye Benedict Ayantoyinbo


    Full Text Available This study examined the relationship between waste management logistics and identified metrics for waste management logistics performance. Secondly, the study assessed the various challenges inhibiting the performance of LAWMA in the State. Random table sampling and purposive sampling were used to select 47 waste collection centres with 10 questionnaires distributed per centre (470 in total across the 20 Local Government Areas (LGA in Lagos State. However, only 339 questionnaires were retrieved from the sampled population. Multiple regression analysis was used to predict the relationship between waste management logistics and identified metrics for waste logistics performance. Descriptive statistics was used to explain the challenges of the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA. The results established that the volume of solid waste and commitment of staff are crucial to waste management logistics and one factor that strongly affects waste logistics is traffic in the metropolis. Conclusively, waste collection turnaround must be increased and government and private investors should provide enabling infrastructure and trained personnel for effective solid waste management in Lagos metropolis.


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    Jesús Ballesteros C


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Contribuir al conocimiento de la diversidad de especies de murciélagos en cuatro localidades de la subregión costanera del departamento de Córdoba. Materiales y métodos. Durante los meses noviembre y diciembre del 2005, se realizó la exploración de la comunidad de murciélagos en cuatro localidades de la zona costanera del departamento de Córdoba. Mediante la metodología de evaluación ecológica rápida (EER, se eligieron áreas con fragmentos boscosos representativos de la zona costanera, con formación vegetal característica de bosque seco tropical. Se realizaron capturas de murciélagos, utilizando redes de niebla durante dos noches seguidas en cada sitio seleccionado, con un esfuerzo de muestreo de 40 horas/red. Resultados. Se registraron 15 especies de murciélagos distribuidos en 10 géneros y 3 familias. La especie más abundante fue Artibeus jamaicensis con el 36,6% de las capturas, seguida de Sturnira lilium y Glossophaga soricina 13,8 y 10,9%, respectivamente. Se registró la presencia de la especie Desmodus rotundus (murciélago vampiro, vector del virus de la rabia bovina. Conclusiones. Los datos indicaron que aún con el alto grado de intervención humana existente en la subregión costanera, y que pese a la homogenización de la matriz del paisaje por los efectos de la ganadería extensiva, los fragmentos de bosques estudiados presentan una importante riqueza de murciélagos, que son considerados tolerantes a habitats con disturbios y de áreas abiertas, especialmente de la familia Phyllostomidae que fue la mejor representada con 12 especies.

  16. Estudios experimentales de los efectos mecánicos sobre la biología del cartílago de crecimiento


    Arriola, Forriol, F. F.


    El cartílago de crecimiento es la estructura encargada del crecimiento en longitud de los huesos largos. En el hombre los diferentes cartílagos de crecimiento cumplen su función durante un tiempo determinado hasta desaparecer. Cada cartílago de crecimiento tiene una velocidad de crecimiento y un tiempo de evolución determinado por factores que nos resultan desconocidos si bien se sabe que son tanto sistémicos como mecánicos. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de trabajos experimental...

  17. Well-Being of Lagos Urban Mini-Bus Drivers: The Influence of Age and Marital Status


    Bolajoko I. Malomo; Maryam O. Yusuf


    Lagos urban mini bus drivers play a critical role in the transportation sector. The current major mode of transportation within Lagos metropolis remains road transportation and this confirms the relevance of urban mini-bus drivers in transporting the populace to their various destinations. Other modes of transportation such as the train and waterways are currently inadequate. Various threats to the well-being of urban bus drivers include congested traffic typical of moder...

  18. Meridional transport of salt in the global ocean from an eddy-resolving model (United States)

    Treguier, A. M.; Deshayes, J.; Le Sommer, J.; Lique, C.; Madec, G.; Penduff, T.; Molines, J.-M.; Barnier, B.; Bourdalle-Badie, R.; Talandier, C.


    The meridional transport of salt is computed in a global eddy-resolving numerical model (1/12° resolution) in order to improve our understanding of the ocean salinity budget. A methodology is proposed that allows a global analysis of the salinity balance in relation to surface water fluxes, without defining a "freshwater anomaly" based on an arbitrary reference salinity. The method consists of a decomposition of the meridional transport into (i) the transport by the time-longitude-depth mean velocity, (ii) time-mean velocity recirculations and (iii) transient eddy perturbations. Water is added (rainfall and rivers) or removed (evaporation) at the ocean surface at different latitudes, which creates convergences and divergences of mass transport with maximum and minimum values close to ±1 Sv. The resulting meridional velocity effects a net transport of salt at each latitude (±30 Sv PSU), which is balanced by the time-mean recirculations and by the net effect of eddy salinity-velocity correlations. This balance ensures that the total meridional transport of salt is close to zero, a necessary condition for maintaining a quasi-stationary salinity distribution. Our model confirms that the eddy salt transport cannot be neglected: it is comparable to the transport by the time-mean recirculation (up to 15 Sv PSU) at the poleward and equatorial boundaries of the subtropical gyres. Two different mechanisms are found: eddy contributions are localized in intense currents such as the Kuroshio at the poleward boundary of the subtropical gyres, while they are distributed across the basins at the equatorward boundaries. Closer to the Equator, salinity-velocity correlations are mainly due to the seasonal cycle and large-scale perturbations such as tropical instability waves.

  19. Ecological health status of the Lagos wetland ecosystems: Implications for coastal risk reduction (United States)

    Agboola, Julius I.; Ndimele, Prince E.; Odunuga, Shakirudeen; Akanni, Adeniran; Kosemani, Bosede; Ahove, Michael A.


    Lagos, a major urban agglomeration in the world is characterized by wetlands and basin for upstream rivers such as Ogun, Oshun and Yewa Rivers. Ongoing environmental pressures exerted by large-scale land reclamation for residential quarters, refuse and sewage dumping, and other uses, however, are suspected to have had a substantial impact on ecological health of the Lagos wetland ecosystems over the last few decades. To determine the impact of these pressures, we examined spatial changes in three wetlands areas- Badore/Langbasa (BL), Festac/Iba/Ijegun (FI) and Ologe/Otto-Awori (OO) through field sample collection and analyses of surface water, sediments, air-water interface gas fluxes and vegetations. Surface water conductivity, total suspended solids (TSS), alkalinity, chloride, biological oxygen demand (BOD), nitrate, phosphate and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Fe, Na, Mn, Pb, Cd, K and Ni) exhibited relative spatial stability while other water quality parameters varied significantly (P International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). There are indications of steady rise in greenhouse gas levels in Lagos since air CO2 value at BL have reached global threshold of 400 ppm with OO and FI closely approaching. We conclude that the Lagos wetland ecosystems, especially OO and FI still have some semblance of natural habitat. However, further destruction and unwise use of the resources could cause damage to physical, chemical, geological and biological processes in nature, which could result to grave socio-economic and cultural consequences to the local communities whose livelihood and lifestyle depend on these valued wetlands.

  20. subsurface sequence delineation and saline water mapping of lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A subsurface sequence delineation and saline water mapping of Lagos State was carried out. Ten (10) deep boreholes with average depth of 300 m were drilled within the sedimentary basin. The boreholes were lithologically and geophysically logged. The driller's lithological logs aided by gamma and resistivity logs, ...

  1. Scintigraphic analysis of thyroid diseases at the Lagos University ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents a retrospective analysis of randomly selected clinical scintigraphic records at the College of Medicine/Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. Out of the 436 patients scanned for various thyroid abnormalities, 266 (61.0%) were used for the analysis due to insufficient data and parameters required ...

  2. Interannual Variability of the Meridional Width of the Baiu Rainband in June and the Associated Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulations (United States)

    Tsuji, K.; Tomita, T.


    Baiu front, which is defined as a boundary between tropical and polar air masses in the East Asia-western North Pacific sector in boreal early summer, slowly migrates northward with the daily meridional swings. Thus, the interannual variability of meridional width of the baiu rainband reflects the slow northward migration and the daily meridional swings of the baiu front. This study focuses on the meridional width of baiu rainband only in June when the baiu front extends on Japan, and investigates how the width is related to the rainfall of Japan with discussions of associated anomalous large-scale atmospheric circulations. The meridional width of baiu rainband is defined based on the monthly-mean precipitation rate of June, whose threshold is 5mm day-1 that is averaged in 130°-150°E. There is a significant positive correlation between the variations of southern and northern edges of the baiu rainband in June. However, the interannual variance of the southern edge is almost twice larger than that of the northern one. That is, the interannual variability of the meridional width is chiefly caused by the variations of southern edge, and the contribution of northern ones is small. When the meridonal width is narrow (wide), an anomalous anticyclonic (cyclonic) circulation appears to the south of Japan, and the precipitation rate increases (decreases) in the western part of Japan while decreases (increases) in the counterpart. In other words, a local dipole with a node at 140°E appears around Japan in the baiu rainfall anomalies. The anomalous anticyclonic (cyclonic) circulation to the south of Japan, which controls the interannual variability of meridional width of the baiu rainband, is induced by the strength of Indian summer monsoon. When the convective activity of Indian summer monsoon is strong (week), the Tibetan high in the upper troposphere extends more (less) eastward. The induced stronger (weaker) descent leads stronger (weaker) Bonin high in the western

  3. A preliminary study of medical waste management in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria

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    E. O. Longe, A. Williams


    Full Text Available A survey of medical waste management (MWM practices and their implications to health and environment was carried out in metropolitan Lagos. Lagos is currently the most populous and urbanized city in the country with an estimated population of over 13 million people. The study assessed management practices in four (2 privates and 2 publics hospitals ranging in capacity from 40 to 600 beds. Empirical data was obtained on medical waste generation, segregation, storage, collection, transportation and disposal. The observed MWM practices in all hospitals indicate absence of full compliance with the protocol for handling medical waste as stipulated in the relevant sections of the guidelines and standards for environmental pollution control in Nigeria. Three hospitals demonstrated high priority for segregation of infectious medical waste. Average generation rate of medical waste in the investigated hospitals ranged from 0.562 kg/ to 0.670 kg/ Infectious waste accounts for between 26 to 37% of this volume. Only two of the hospitals investigated carry out treatment of their infectious and sharp waste types by incineration before final disposal. Burning and burial of medical waste is an unusual but common practice among the hospitals. All the hospitals employ the services of the state owned solid waste management company, the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA for final collection, and disposal of their medical waste at government approved sites.

  4. Evaluation of Railway Level Crossing Attributes on Accident Causation in Lagos, Nigeria.

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    Adeolu O Dina


    Full Text Available Abstract The study examines the contribution of Railway Level Crossing (RLCphysical attributes to accident occurrence using the12 major level crossings within the Lagos metropolis. The 48km single track mainline section under consideration which barely make up 1.1% of the entire narrow gauge track network of the country within a 5 year period contributed about 45% of the total National crossing accidents recorded in Nigeria. The method of investigation involved recording the individual attributes of each RLC such asgates, pedestrian traffic, car traffic light, proximity of signage to crossing, vehicular traffic as dummy variables.The regression analysis  was used to measure their effect on accidents.The result indicates gates, pedestrians and the location of signage had significant impact on accidents occurrence at level crossings within Lagos metropolis. Based on the findings, enhancement of active warning systems among other recommendations was suggested as potent counter measures for RLC accident reduction. Abstrak Penelitian menguji tingkat kontribusi atribut fisik dari perlintasan jalan kereta api terhadap kejadian kecelakaan menggunakan 12 perlintasan utama dalam kota metropolis Lagos. 48 km jalan utama tunggal menjadi pertimbangan yang hampir meningkat 1.1% dari seluruh trek sempit jaringan negara dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun menyumbang sekitar 45% dari total kecelakaan perlintasan secara Nasional di Nigeria. Metode penelitian melibatkan catatan dari masing-masing atribut RLC seperti pintu gerbang, pejalan kaki, lampu lalu lintas mobil, kedekatan tanda penyebarangan, lalu lintas kendaraan sebagai variabel dumi. Analisis regresi digunakan untuk mengukur pengaruh dari atribut terhadap kecelakaan. Hasilnya menunjukkan pintu gerbang, pejalan kaki, dan lokasi tanda perlintasan mempunyai dampak signifikan pada kecelakaan dalam kota metropolis Lagos.Berdasarkan penemuan tersebut, perbaikan dari sistem peringatan aktif disarankan sebagai upaya

  5. Omron: Un paso hacia adelante en la integración


    Montesinos Miracle, Daniel


    Tras la rueda de prensa del pasado mes de septiembre, se constata que Omron ha hecho un paso adelante hacia la integración de toda su gama de producto en un nuevo y único entorno para la automatización de máquinas. Esto supone una mayor facilidad de configuración, programación y ajuste de una máquina compleja.

  6. Development Control in Lagos State: an Assessment of Public ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This submission also contains an assessment of the town planning regulation, level of compliance to building regulation and technical skills of personals monitoring compliance to space standards as specified by Urban and Regional Planning Law Decree 88 of 1992, the Lagos Planning Law of 2005 and under the Urban ...

  7. Patent Medicine Vendors in Rural Areas of Lagos Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To determine the compliance of patent medicine vendors (PMVs) in rural areas of Lagos State, Nigeria with set guidelines to regulate their practice and its implications for malaria control. Methods: A baseline cross-sectional study was conducted as part of an intervention study in two rural local government areas ...

  8. Causes and impacts of changes in the stratospheric meridional circulation in a chemistry-climate model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garny, Hella


    The stratospheric meridional circulation is projected to be subject to changes due to enhanced greenhouse-gas concentrations in the atmosphere. This study aims to diagnose and explain long-term changes in the stratospheric meridional circulation using the chemistry-climate model E39CA. The diagnosed strengthening of the circulation is found to be driven by increases in tropical sea surface temperatures which lead to a strengthening and upward shift of the subtropical jets. This enables enhanced vertical propagation of large scale waves into the lower stratosphere, and therefore stronger local wave forcing of the meridional circulation in the tropical lower stratosphere. The impact of changes in transport on the ozone layer is analysed using a newly developed method that allows the separation of the effects of transport and chemistry changes on ozone. It is found that future changes of mean stratospheric ozone concentrations are largely determined by changes in chemistry, while changes in transport of ozone play a minor role. (orig.)

  9. Urban Renewal and Associated Problems in Lagos, 1924 – 1990 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... traffic congestion, increase in traffic noise, air pollution, flooding, and decadent infrastructure among others. Urban/municipal infrastructure which involves specifying, designing, constructing, and maintaining several services has never had it so good in Lagos. The coordination of these infrastructure networks and services, ...

  10. Bus Rapid Transit and Socioeconomic Condition of Bus Commuters in Lagos State

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    Owolabi L. Kuye


    Full Text Available Road transport is one of the most common means of transportation across the world. Bus transportation in Nigeria had witnessed many problems for the past decades considering the growing population with the attendant loss of lives and properties in most cities like Lagos in Nigeria. This paper focuses on the adequacy of services provided by Bus Rapid Transit (BRT in Lagos State with respect to the extent to which it influences the socioeconomic conditions of bus commuters. It examines the effect of services rendered by BRT on cost reduction potential, income and safety. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 20 samples each from all respondents in all local government area in Lagos State to reach a total of three hundred and thirty (330 samples. The data collection instrument was the questionnaire which was validated. Data collected were analysed with the use of descriptive statistics such as means, percentages and standard deviation and inferential statistics such as regression and analysis of variance techniques. Findings showed that BRT services has reduced the cost of bus commuters and also increased safety and security thereby increasing the socioeconomic condition of Lagosians. The study recommends improvements in BRT services through the deployment of technology as it had been used in developed countries.

  11. 236 Effective Social Work Practice in Lagos: An Emerging

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 17, 2010 ... social work profession; institutional perspective is the modern approach that is currently put in place, that ... Lagos had for long been in the fore-front of the development of social work in Nigeria .... organization has crises within or without or both; ... newly learnt ways of solving problems, so, learning effective.

  12. Stakeholders views on why child overweight and obesity is rising in Lagos, Nigeria: A qualitative study

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    Adeteju A Adedini


    Full Text Available Background and Objective: According to the World Health Organization, the number of obese children would increase to 70 million by 2025 if no intervention is made. An increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among school children in Lagos State, Nigeria has been established, but specific factors promoting its prevalence are unknown. The aim of this study was to elicit the views of stakeholders on the perceived causes for the rise in child overweight and obesity. Methods: Five focus group discussions were conducted with different groups of stakeholders involved in child care, namely: Parents, teachers, and healthcare givers. Participants were recruited using a purposive sampling method; a structured question guide was employed for the discussion sessions. The discussions were recorded, collated, and analyzed using grounded theory to extract themes. Results: Six themes emerged as factors responsible for the rise, of which civilization and lifestyle imbalance of the populace emerged as the prominent cause. Of the fifty respondents, 76% of respondents identified parents (particularly young mothers as major contributors to the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children of Lagos State; and 52.3% of the participants reported that a direct relationship exists between income class of parent and weight of a child resident in Lagos. Conclusion: Civilization and lifestyle imbalance, insecurity and congestion, low level of public awareness, inadequate educative and enlightenment programs, myths and societal perception were factors identified to responsible for the rise in the prevalence of child obesity in Lagos, Nigeria. Preventive strategies to control the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children residing in Lagos State should be considered for further studies.

  13. Sedimentation Survey of Lago La Plata, Puerto Rico, July 2006 (United States)

    Soler-López, Luis R.


    Lago La Plata dam is located between the municipalities of Naranjito and Toa Alta in north central Puerto Rico, about 5 kilometers south of the town of Toa Alta and about 5 kilometers north of the town of Naranjito. The reservoir impounds the waters of the Rio de La Plata, the Rio Guadiana, and the Rio Ca?as, and is part of the San Juan Metropolitan Water District, which provides about 35 percent of the total water demand for the area (Soler-Lopez and others, 2000). The reservoir has a drainage area of about 469 square kilometers. The dam was constructed in 1974 and is a concrete gravity structure with a normal pool elevation of 52.00 meters above mean sea level (Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, 1979). During October 1998, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Caribbean Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) conducted a bathymetric survey of Lago La Plata to assess the impact of Hurricane Georges on the storage capacity of the reservoir. Between July 17 and 20, 2006, the USGS and the PRASA conducted an additional bathymetric survey of Lago La Plata to update the reservoir storage capacity and determine the reservoir sedimentation rate by comparing the 2006 survey data with the 1998 survey data.. The purpose of this report is to update the reservoir storage capacity, sedimentation rates, and areas of substantial sediment accumulation since 1998. Historical (1974) data are referenced as needed to account for long-term storage capacity loss trends...

  14. Wind Stress, METOP ASCAT, 0.25 degrees, Global, Near Real Time, Meridional (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NOAA CoastWatch distributes near real time wind stress data in zonal, meridional, modulus, and wind stress curl sets. This data begins with wind velocity...

  15. Attitude and Perceptions of Clinicians in Lagos to Autopsy Practice ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Using pretested questionnaire instrument, a cross sectional survey of clinicians working in the Lagos University Teaching Hospital to obtain their attitudes and perception towards autopsy practice. 230 questionnaires were administered and the response rate was 80.7% . 41.5% of respondents often requested for autopsy.

  16. The pattern and challenges of infertility management in Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Abstract. Background: Infertility remains a threat to successful reproduction by couples desirous of pregnancy. Objective: To determine the pattern of infertility cases amongst infertile couples seeking care in Lagos University Teaching. Hospital as well as challenges in their management. Methods: A review of the ...

  17. Hazardous Waste Cleanup: El Paso Energy Corporation Polymers Incorporated in Flemington, New Jersey (United States)

    The El Paso Energy Corporation Polymers, Inc. (EPEC Polymers, Inc.), formerly known as Tenneco Polymers, Inc., is located at 45 River Road, at the juncture of the South Branch of the Raritan River and Bushkill Brook in Flemington/Raritan Townships,

  18. A Review of Nosocomial Infection at the Lagos university Teaching ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The infection control program of the Lagos Universityteaching hospital was started in 1974 with an Infection Control team reporting to an Infection Control Committee. There is currently no functioning ... were the most common pathogens accounting for 75% of all organisms isolated. The prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus ...

  19. An institutional survey of female genital mutilation in Lagos, South ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Female genital mutilation (FGM) as a procedure can have serious physical and psychological health consequences in girls and women. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of FGM and the socio-demographic factors which influence the practice among women in Lagos State. Methods: This was a ...

  20. Childhood Renal Neoplasms in Lagos Nigera- A 28 Year Review ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Childhood Renal Neoplasms in Lagos Nigera- A 28 Year Review. ... Most of the patients presented with abdominal mass with a unilaterally enlarged kidney, abdominal pain, haematuria and weight loss. All of them had nephrectomy as initial treatment followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Nigerian Quarterly Journal ...

  1. Temporal variation in the ecology of Kuramo water, Lagos Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Temporal variation in the ecology of Kuramo water was studied in the Lagos lagoon complex. Physicochemical parameters and heavy metals concentration were analyzed. Eight sites were marked using the geographical positioning system (GPS model-12). Water chemistry was determined for 8 months and sampling was ...

  2. The pattern and challenges of infertility management in Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Infertility remains a threat to successful reproduction by couples desirous of pregnancy. Objective: To determine the pattern of infertility cases amongst infertile couples seeking care in Lagos University Teaching Hospital as well as challenges in their management. Methods: A review of the management of ...

  3. Is a deep one-cell meridional circulation essential for the flux transport solar dynamo?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazra, Gopal; Karak, Bidya Binay; Choudhuri, Arnab Rai


    The solar activity cycle is successfully modeled by the flux transport dynamo, in which the meridional circulation of the Sun plays an important role. Most of the kinematic dynamo simulations assume a one-cell structure of the meridional circulation within the convection zone, with the equatorward return flow at its bottom. In view of the recent claims that the return flow occurs at a much shallower depth, we explore whether a meridional circulation with such a shallow return flow can still retain the attractive features of the flux transport dynamo (such as a proper butterfly diagram, the proper phase relation between the toroidal and poloidal fields). We consider additional cells of the meridional circulation below the shallow return flow—both the case of multiple cells radially stacked above one another and the case of more complicated cell patterns. As long as there is an equatorward flow in low latitudes at the bottom of the convection zone, we find that the solar behavior is approximately reproduced. However, if there is either no flow or a poleward flow at the bottom of the convection zone, then we cannot reproduce solar behavior. On making the turbulent diffusivity low, we still find periodic behavior, although the period of the cycle becomes unrealistically large. In addition, with a low diffusivity, we do not get the observed correlation between the polar field at the sunspot minimum and the strength of the next cycle, which is reproduced when diffusivity is high. On introducing radially downward pumping, we get a more reasonable period and more solar-like behavior even with low diffusivity.

  4. Is a deep one-cell meridional circulation essential for the flux transport solar dynamo?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hazra, Gopal; Karak, Bidya Binay; Choudhuri, Arnab Rai, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 (India)


    The solar activity cycle is successfully modeled by the flux transport dynamo, in which the meridional circulation of the Sun plays an important role. Most of the kinematic dynamo simulations assume a one-cell structure of the meridional circulation within the convection zone, with the equatorward return flow at its bottom. In view of the recent claims that the return flow occurs at a much shallower depth, we explore whether a meridional circulation with such a shallow return flow can still retain the attractive features of the flux transport dynamo (such as a proper butterfly diagram, the proper phase relation between the toroidal and poloidal fields). We consider additional cells of the meridional circulation below the shallow return flow—both the case of multiple cells radially stacked above one another and the case of more complicated cell patterns. As long as there is an equatorward flow in low latitudes at the bottom of the convection zone, we find that the solar behavior is approximately reproduced. However, if there is either no flow or a poleward flow at the bottom of the convection zone, then we cannot reproduce solar behavior. On making the turbulent diffusivity low, we still find periodic behavior, although the period of the cycle becomes unrealistically large. In addition, with a low diffusivity, we do not get the observed correlation between the polar field at the sunspot minimum and the strength of the next cycle, which is reproduced when diffusivity is high. On introducing radially downward pumping, we get a more reasonable period and more solar-like behavior even with low diffusivity.

  5. Healthcare waste management status in Lagos State, Nigeria: a case study from selected healthcare facilities in Ikorodu and Lagos metropolis. (United States)

    Longe, Ezechiel O


    A survey of healthcare waste management practices and their implications for health and the environment was carried out. The study assessed waste management practices in 20 healthcare facilities ranging in capacity from 40 to 600 beds in Ikorodu and metropolitan Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria. The prevailing healthcare waste management status was analysed. Management issues on quantities and proportion of different constituents of waste, segregation, collection, handling, transportation, treatment and disposal methods were assessed. The waste generation averaged 0.631 kg bed(-1) day(-1) over the survey area. The waste stream from the healthcare facilities consisted of general waste (59.0%), infectious waste (29.7%), sharps and pathological (8.9%), chemical (1.45%) and others (0.95%). Sharps/pathological waste includes disposable syringes. In general, the waste materials were collected in a mixed form, transported and disposed of along with municipal solid waste with attendant risks to health and safety. Most facilities lacked appropriate treatment systems for a variety of reasons that included inadequate funding and little or no priority for healthcare waste management as well as a lack of professionally competent waste managers among healthcare providers. Hazards associated with healthcare waste management and shortcomings in the existing system were identified.

  6. Desarrollo de un drive para motores paso a paso y aplicación del filtro de Kalman para el sistema de colimación del LHC = Development of a stepper motor drive and Kalman Filter application for the LHC collimation system


    Picatoste Ruilope, Ricardo


    Este proyecto describe el trabajo realizado durante 14 meses en una estancia en prácticas para estudiantes del CERN. El trabajo consiste en el desarrollo, implementación y testeo de un drive para motores paso a paso que se utilizará en el sistema de colimación del LHC. Se propone así mismo la utilización del filtro de Kalman para obtener una estimación del ángulo, desarrollandose una implementación del mismo aplicable en tiempo real.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartlep, T.; Zhao, J.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Mansour, N. N.


    The meridional flow in the Sun is an axisymmetric flow that is generally directed poleward at the surface, and is presumed to be of fundamental importance in the generation and transport of magnetic fields. Its true shape and strength, however, are debated. We present a numerical simulation of helioseismic wave propagation in the whole solar interior in the presence of a prescribed, stationary, single-cell, deep meridional circulation serving as synthetic data for helioseismic measurement techniques. A deep-focusing time-distance helioseismology technique is applied to the synthetic data, showing that it can in fact be used to measure the effects of the meridional flow very deep in the solar convection zone. It is shown that the ray approximation that is commonly used for interpretation of helioseismology measurements remains a reasonable approximation even for very long distances between 12° and 42° corresponding to depths between 52 and 195 Mm. From the measurement noise, we extrapolate that time-resolved observations on the order of a full solar cycle may be needed to probe the flow all the way to the base of the convection zone.


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    Julio Cesar Muñoz Bojorges


    Full Text Available El mucílago de nopal contiene polisacáridos que pueden influir en la actividad enzimática del suelo. Se emplearon dos suelos, arenoso (63% y arcilloso (67%, donde se probaron tres dosis de mucílago de nopal; T80 20, T40-60, T10-90 (porcentaje de mucílago-agua, más el testigo solo con agua. Los tratamientos se colocaron en una cámara de ambiente controlado a 25 ºC y humedad de 40%. Se tomaron muestras a los 7, 14 y 21 días, después de aplicado el mucílago. Se valoró la actividad de las enzimas: amilasa, celulasa, lipasa e invertasa, que participan en el ciclo del carbono para saber como afecta el mucílago de nopal en ellas. A los 21 días en el suelo arcilloso, con el tratamiento T80-20 hubo mayor actividad de: amilasa (91 mg de azúcares reductores 10 g 1 de materia seca 24 h-1, lipasa (133.33 nM de 4 metil umbeliferona g 1 de materia seca 24 h-1 e invertasa (5.53 mg de glucosa 10 g-1 de materia seca 24 h-1, y la celulasa en el T40-60 presentó la mayor actividad (72.66 µg de glucosa g-1 de materia seca 24 h 1. En el suelo arenoso a los 21 días, el T80-20 fue el que presentó mayor actividad lipasa (60.66 nM de 4 metil umbeliferona g-1 de materia seca 24 h-1, el T40 60: invertasa (1.86 mg de glucosa 10 g-1 de materia seca 24 h-1 y celulasa (33.66 µg de glucosa g 1de materia seca 24 h-1, y el T10-90 amilasa (43.66 mg de azúcares reductores 10 g-1 de materia seca 24 h-1. El mucílago de nopal incrementó la actividad enzimática (amilasa, celulasa, lipasa e invertasa en los dos tipos de suelo.

  9. Fish resources of Lagos State coastal wetlands | Ayodele | African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fishing is the major occupation of the people found along the coastal wetland of Lagos State. Fishing is carried out all the year round. This study examines the fishing Activities, Gear composition and fishing methods in order to obtain the fish species and harvest composition of the study area. This paper is based on the ...

  10. growth pattern and the industrial development of the lagos region, nigeria

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    Dickson Dare Ajayi


    Full Text Available This paper examines the nature, growth and spatial pattern of industries within the Lagos Region. Industrial activities in this region grew progressively over the year from mere brickwork, palm oil mills, printing press, soap factory, and metal container factory to capital intensive manufacturing. Indeed, the number of industrial establishments increased from 122 in 1962 to 637 in 1993. Lagos developed into Nigeria's leading industrial center; especially following the expansion in its service and administrative sectors. Whereas, chemicals and pharmaceutical; and basic metal, iron and steel and fabricated metal products industry groups dominate in industrial scene, wood and wood products (including furniture; and non-metallic mineral products are rare. The spatial pattern shows that industrial establishments vary amongst the industrial estates/areas, and also among the industry groups. Ikeja/Ogballsheri industrial estate/area dominates the industrial scene.

  11. Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among Traffic Wardens in Lagos State ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    to determine the prevalence of low back pain and its associated risk factors among traffic wardens. ... in regulating traffic also has a significant influence on the severity of LBP. ... wardens in Lagos State, who assume a standing position for.

  12. Análisis computacional del comportamiento mecánico de cartílago articular basado en un modelo viscoelástico


    Caballero Alemán, Pedro Julio


    El Cartílago articular es un tejido biológico, sorprendente como todos ellos, que posee un comportamiento característico dado por sus propiedades físicas y mecánicas. Alrededor del mundo se han propuestos múltiples modelos para describir dicho comportamiento complejo. En el presente trabajo se realiza una simulación del cartílago articular (subdominio) bajo un modelo bifásico poro-elástico lineal, donde se considera al cartílago compuesto por dos fases intrínsecamente incompresibles e inm...

  13. U.S. Border Patrol Fiscal Year Statistics Southwest border sector deaths - FY 1998 through FY 2013 (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — Southwest Border Sectors include: Del Rio, El Centro, El Paso, Laredo, Rio Grande Valley, San Diego, Tucson, Yuma Southwest Border Deaths By Fiscal Year (Oct. 1st...

  14. Correlates of Abortion Related Maternal Mortality at the Lagos State ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study was carried out to highlight the probable correlates of mortality among patients managed for abortion related complications at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja. All patients managed for abortion related complications between 1st January 2000 and 31st December 2003 were studied. Certain ...

  15. a multi-period markov model for monthly rainfall in lagos, nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    A twelve-period. Markov model has been developed for the monthly rainfall data for Lagos, along the coast of .... autoregressive process to model river flow; Deo et al. (2015) utilized an ...... quences for the analysis of river basins by simulation.

  16. Escenarios de erosión bajo diferentes manejos agrícolas en la cuenca del lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, México


    Manuel E. Mendoza Cantú; Miguel Bravo Espinosa; Lenin E. Medina Orozco


    La erosión hídrica, la desecación y pérdida de áreas y volúmenes de los lagos son problemas severos en las cuencas cerradas del Sistema Volcánico Transversal. Este deterioro comienza a extenderse a la cuenca del lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, en la cual se encuentra uno de los pocos lagos mexicanos de aguas casi prístinas; por ello, es urgente plantear estudios que ofrezcan bases para un manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales que beneficie a los distintos usuarios del lago y de la cuenc...

  17. Mothers' human papilloma virus knowledge and willingness to vaccinate their adolescent daughters in Lagos, Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ezenwa BN


    Full Text Available Beatrice N Ezenwa,1 Mobolanle R Balogun,2 Ifeoma P Okafor2 1Department of Pediatrics, 68 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Lagos State, Nigeria; 2Department of Community Health and Primary Care, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in sexually active adolescents and young women and has been implicated as a cause of the majority of cases of cervical cancer, which is the second most common cancer in women in Nigeria. HPV is preventable with the use of HPV vaccines. Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess mothers' HPV knowledge and their willingness to vaccinate their adolescent daughters in Lagos, Nigeria. Materials and methods: This study was a community-based, descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in July, 2012 in Shomolu Local Government Area (LGA of Lagos State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling method was employed to select the 290 respondents who participated in the study. Structured, pretested, interviewer-administered questionnaires were used for data collection. Data was analyzed with Epi-Info™ version 7. Results: The study revealed low awareness of HPV (27.9% and HPV vaccines (19.7% among the mothers that participated. There was a high awareness for cervical cancer but little knowledge of its link to HPV. Awareness and utilization of HPV vaccines increased with increasing educational level (P<0.05. There was a high willingness and intention among the mothers to vaccinate their girls (88.9% and to recommend the vaccine to others (91.0%. Accessibility and affordability of the HPV vaccines were found to be possible barriers to future utilization of the vaccines. Conclusion: Despite low knowledge about HPV and HPV vaccines, mothers were willing to vaccinate their daughters. We recommend improving mothers' knowledge by education and the possible inclusion of the vaccine in the national immunization


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    Martínez Cárdenas Rogelio


    Full Text Available Resumen: La región de los Altos de Jalisco es una zona turística basada en la religiosidad y principalmente en la devoción hacia la Virgen de la Inmaculada Concepción más conocida como “Virgen de San Juan de los Lagos”. Debido a la canonización que hizo el Papa Juan Pablo II de 25 mártires cristeros, han urgido en esta zona, nuevos centros de devoción religiosa. En el caso de Santa Ana de Guadalupe se estima que recibe alrededor de un millón de visitantes anualmente. Es sorprendente el crecimiento logrado por este último santuario. Se ha convertido en un importante centro de turismo religioso; lo asombroso es que está ubicada a 20 kilómetros de San Juan de los Lagos, segundo centro religioso del país, lo que hace aún más interesante la manera en que han podido integrarse estos dos sitios. Palabras clave: Turismo Religioso. Santuario. San Juan de los Lagos, Santo Toribio.

  19. Quality of gari (roasted cassava mash) in Lagos State, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gari is creamy-white, partially gelatinized roasted free flowing granular flour made from cassava roots. It is a major staple consumed in both urban and rural areas due to its convenience. Quality of Gari (roasted cassava mash) in Lagos, Nigeria was investigated. Gari samples were collected at random from different ...

  20. John Lyons' Chomsky: A Review Essay | Eleshin | Lagos Notes and ...

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    Lagos Notes and Records. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 18, No 1 (2012) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register. DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT Open Access DOWNLOAD FULL ...

  1. Knowledge And Attitude Of Youth Corps Members In Lagos To ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Sickle cell disease has remained a public health problem in Nigeria. This study was carried out to determine the knowledge and attitudes of unmarried NYSC members in Lagos State to sickle cell disease and screening. This study was a cross sectional study. Multistage sampling technique was used to select the ...

  2. Murciélagos asociados a una finca ganadera en Córdoba (Colombia

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    Berta Calonge C


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer las especies de murciélagos asociadas a remanentes de bosque seco tropical en un sistema de ganadería extensiva en una finca del departamento de Córdoba. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un muestreo de 35 noches, durante la época seca (enero-marzo de 2009, empleando 10 redes de niebla (3x6 m ubicadas en un diseño por conglomerados las cuales fueron abiertas desde las 18:00 hasta las 06:00 horas. Resultados. Se encontraron 20 especies de murciélagos, se capturaron un total de 614 individuos. Conclusiones. Se encontraron especies de las familias Phyllostomidae, Noctilionidae, Vespertilionidae y Emballonuridae. La especie Lasiurus ega se constituye en un nuevo reporte para el departamento de Córdoba.

  3. The Succession Dispute to the Throne of Lagos and the British ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    the early years of his reign Adele won popularity by making lavish gifts to his chiefs. This royal largesse ..... thousand followers had left Lagos in about fifty or sixty canoes to Badone, a village on ..... their influence in a more spectacular fashion.


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    Rubén Coredero


    Full Text Available Durante los meses de julio a noviembre del año 2003 se llevó a cabo el estudio sobre la determinación espacio-temporal de la concentración de fósforo en el Lago de Tota (Boyacá, Colombia. Las muestras se tomaron con la botella Van-Dorn tipo horizontal de dos litros de capacidad en el estrato superficial hasta 20 cm en la columna de agua y a 10 m de profundidad. Las distintas formas de fósforo estudiadas demuestran que existen diferencias significativas en sus concentraciones; los mayores valores se encontraron en el sector denominado Lago Chico y los menores en el área de Lago Grande; este comportamiento se encuentra muy asociado con los usos agrícolas del suelo en la zona litoral y con los factores climáticos, especialmente la precipitación en el área de estudio.

  5. Wind Stress, QuikSCAT SeaWinds, 0.25 degrees, Global, Science Quality, Meridional (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NOAA CoastWatch distributes science quality wind stress data in zonal, meridional, modulus, and wind stress curl sets. This data begins with wind velocity...

  6. Travel Characteristics and Commuting Pattern of Lagos Metropolis Residents: an Assessment

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    OSOBA, Samson Babatunde


    Full Text Available Urban travel is not solely the function of travel, but also on people’s participation in activities and how these were done. This study utilized 2,500 households’ samples in Lagos metropolis. The questionnaire about intra-city trip patterns was administered in direct proportion to the population size of each Local Government Areas (LGAs. Systematic sampling technique was used to select every tenth building on the identified streets. lt is observed that more than 95% of residents depends on roads, while less than 5% depends on Rail and Ferry. Work and business trips characterized the weekdays, while social, shopping and recreation trips dominate the weekends. This situation leads to too many vehicular traffic on the roads during the peak periods, leading to congestion and loss of valuable man-hours. Transportation planners in Lagos need to develop alternative intra-city transportation systems.

  7. Using satellite images to monitor glacial-lake outburst floods: Lago Cachet Dos drainage, Chile (United States)

    Friesen, Beverly A.; Cole, Christopher J.; Nimick, David A.; Wilson, Earl M.; Fahey, Mark J.; McGrath, Daniel J.; Leidich, Jonathan


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is monitoring and analyzing glacial-lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in the Colonia valley in the Patagonia region of southern Chile. A GLOF is a type of flood that occurs when water impounded by a glacier or a glacial moraine is released catastrophically. In the Colonia valley, GLOFs originating from Lago Cachet Dos, which is dammed by the Colonia Glacier, have recurred periodically since 2008. The water discharged during these GLOFs flows under or through the Colonia Glacier, into Lago Colonia and then the Río Colonia, and finally into the Río Baker—Chile's largest river in terms of volume of water.

  8. Evolution of ice-dammed proglacial lakes in Última Esperanza, Chile: implications from the late-glacial R1 eruption of Reclús volcano, Andean Austral Volcanic Zone Evolución de lagos proglaciales embalsados por hielo en Última Esperanza, Chile: Implicancias de la explosión volcánica tardiglacial R1 del volcán Reclús, Zona Volcánica Austral Andina

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    Charles R Stern


    highest ones (170-125 m a.s.l. and much lower ones (at only 30 m a.s.l. on Península Antonio Varas and 20 m a.s.l. along the coast north and south of Puerto Natales, suggests abrupt changes in the lake level after the Rl eruption. The likely mechanism for producing these changes in Ultima Esperanza was the catastrophic failure and subsequent re-sealing of an ice dam in Paso Kirke, the only below sea-level pathway west to the Pacific north of Fjordo Obstrucción. The final stage of lake drainage, from the lower terrace level (20-30 m a.s.l. oceurred at 10.3 cal kyrs BP.En este trabajo reportamos hallazgos de tefras derivadas de la gran explosión volcánica tardiglacial Rl del volcán Reclús situado en la Zona Volcánica Austral Andina, a partir de nuevos afloramientos, excavaciones y testigos sedimentarios de lagos y pantanos, obtenidos en la región de Ultima Esperanza, Magallanes. Nuevas fechas asociadas a estos depósitos permiten refrnar su edad a 14,9 ka cal AP (12.670±240 14C años AP y su volumen a >5 km³. Además, la ubicación geográfica y estratigráfica de Rl permite acotar la evolución del lago proglacial represado por hielo que se desarrolló al este de la cordillera al intervalo temporal entre el término del Ultimo Máximo Glacial y el Holoceno. Este lago proglacial generó terrazas y cuevas, producto de la acción del oleaje, como la Cueva de Mlodón, a lo largo de la terraza más alta y conspicua. La altitud actual de estas terrazas depende de la cantidad total de rebote isostático posglacial, el cual se desconoce. Debido a las variaciones en el rebote isostático posglacial, las terrazas lacustres más altas y prominentes disminuyen en altitud de oeste a este, desde -170 m s.n.m. en la Península Antonio Varas, al oeste del Seno Ultima Esperanza, a 150 m s.n.m. alrededor del lago Sofía y descienden hasta -125 m s.n.m. a lo largo de su margen más oriental. La presencia de grandes depósitos de la tefra Rl en algunas de las cuevas alrededor del

  9. Electricity supply efficiency and organizational growth and profitability in Lagos, Nigeria (United States)

    Adeleke, Adedeji Tajudeen

    A modern and efficient infrastructure is a basic necessity for economic development and integration into the global economy. The specific problem was the inadequate and unreliable supply of electricity to manufacturing corporations in Lagos, Nigeria. The purpose of the current quantitative correlational research study was to examine if there was a correlation between electricity supply efficiency and organizational growth and profitability in manufacturing corporations in Lagos, Nigeria. The population of the current correlational research study involved 28 out of 34 manufacturing corporations from various industrial sectors in Lagos, Nigeria, that are listed and traded on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Spearman rho correlations were used to assess the relationships between independent variables of electricity supply efficiency levels and the dependent variables of organizational growth and profitability. The result of the correlational analysis of the data revealed that there was a statistically significant, strong positive correlation between the Average Gross Income (1998-2007) and Average Actual Electricity supply efficiency level (1998-2007), rho = 0.57; p = 0.002. A statistically significant, strong positive correlation was found between the Average Balance Sheet Size (1998-2007) and Average Actual Electricity Supply Efficiency Level (1998-2007), rho = 0.54; p = 0.003. A statistically significant, strong positive correlation between the Average Profit After Tax (1998-2007) and Average Actual Electricity Supply Efficiency Level (1998-2007), rho = 0.60; p = 0.001, was found. No statistically significant correlation between the Average Return on Investment (1998-2007) and Average Actual Electricity supply efficiency level (1998-2007), rho = 0.19; p = 0.33, was discovered.

  10. Wind Diffusivity Current, METOP ASCAT, 0.25 degrees, Global, Near Real Time, Meridional (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NOAA CoastWatch distributes near real time Ekman current (in zonal, meridional, and modulus sets) and Ekman upwelling data. This data begins with wind velocity...

  11. Tres especies de aves acuáticas como bioindicadores de la contaminación por metales pesados del lago de Chapala.


    González González, Deisy Catalina


    El lago de Chapala es el más grande del país, cuenta con una superficie de 114 659 ha, y es considerado uno de los más importantes, por los servicios económicos, recreativos y ecológicos que ofrece. Este lago es abastecido principalmente por el Rio Lerma, en el cual se vierten los desechos industriales del estado de México, Querétaro y Guanajuato, así como los desechos urbanos y agropecuarios del estado de Michoacán y Jalisco. Estos desechos al ingresar al lago pueden ser nocivos para l...

  12. Gender and Campus Violence: A Study of University of Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This research is an attempt to investigate the incidence of violence among university students using University of Lagos as a case study. A questionnaire on different kinds of violence was administered to 446 students of the university. In addition, four focus group discussion sessions were conducted to assess the types of ...

  13. A prospective study of Vitamin A Utilization in Lagos, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Also, drug utilization studies are primary in establishing mechanisms to promote the use of this vitamin. Hence, we investigated the use of Vitamin A in 4 referral paediatric units in Lagos, Nigeria. The study was prospective with the use of questionnaires administered to those patients placed on Vitamin A therapy among 380 ...

  14. Road Traffic Accident Variations in Lagos State, Nigeria: A Synopsis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The major objective of this research is to examine the variation patterns of road traffic accident in Lagos State. The study used mostly secondary data; accident records and vehicular situation were obtained from the Nigeria police force and Federal Road Safety Commission. The data were obtained for a period of thirty two ...

  15. Economic Analysis of the Marketing of Fruit in Lagos State of Nigeria ...

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    Economic Analysis of the Marketing of Fruit in Lagos State of Nigeria (A case study of Oyingbo, Oshodi and Ikotun ... PROMOTING ACCESS TO AFRICAN RESEARCH ... This implies a wide gap in prices between wholesalers and retailers.

  16. Tracing global biogeochemical cycles and meridional overturning circulation using chromophoric dissolved organic matter (United States)

    Nelson, Norman B.; Siegel, David A.; Carlson, Craig A.; Swan, Chantal M.


    Basin-scale distributions of light absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) are positively correlated (R2 > 0.8) with apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) within the top kilometer of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. However, a much weaker correspondence is found for the Atlantic (R2 organic matter from sinking particles. The observed meridional-depth sections of CDOM result from a balance between biogeochemical processes (autochthonous production and solar bleaching) and the meridional overturning circulation. Rapid mixing in the Atlantic dilutes CDOM in the interior and implies that the time scale for CDOM accumulation is greater than ˜50 years. CDOM emerges as a unique tracer for diagnosing changes in biogeochemistry and the overturning circulation, similar to dissolved oxygen, with the additional feature that it can be quantified from satellite observation.

  17. Reprint of Ecological health status of the Lagos wetland ecosystems: Implications for coastal risk reduction (United States)

    Agboola, Julius I.; Ndimele, Prince E.; Odunuga, Shakirudeen; Akanni, Adeniran; Kosemani, Bosede; Ahove, Michael A.


    Lagos, a major urban agglomeration in the world is characterized by wetlands and basin for upstream rivers such as Ogun, Oshun and Yewa Rivers. Ongoing environmental pressures exerted by large-scale land reclamation for residential quarters, refuse and sewage dumping, and other uses, however, are suspected to have had a substantial impact on ecological health of the Lagos wetland ecosystems over the last few decades. To determine the impact of these pressures, we examined spatial changes in three wetlands areas- Badore/Langbasa (BL), Festac/Iba/Ijegun (FI) and Ologe/Otto-Awori (OO) through field sample collection and analyses of surface water, sediments, air-water interface gas fluxes and vegetations. Surface water conductivity, total suspended solids (TSS), alkalinity, chloride, biological oxygen demand (BOD), nitrate, phosphate and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Fe, Na, Mn, Pb, Cd, K and Ni) exhibited relative spatial stability while other water quality parameters varied significantly (P International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). There are indications of steady rise in greenhouse gas levels in Lagos since air CO2 value at BL have reached global threshold of 400 ppm with OO and FI closely approaching. We conclude that the Lagos wetland ecosystems, especially OO and FI still have some semblance of natural habitat. However, further destruction and unwise use of the resources could cause damage to physical, chemical, geological and biological processes in nature, which could result to grave socio-economic and cultural consequences to the local communities whose livelihood and lifestyle depend on these valued wetlands.

  18. Lima: poder, centro y centralidad: Del centro nativo al centro neoliberal

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    Wiley Ludeña


    Full Text Available El centro y la idea de centro es una forma de construcción histórica práctica e ideológica que se origina y se reproduce como expresión de las demandas de reproducción social, económica, política, cultural y simbólica de determinados sectores en su experiencia de producir ciudad. El artículo ofrece un panorama general sobre la evolución y las transformaciones del área central de Lima desde su existencia pre inca e inca, hasta su posterior constitución colonial y republicana. Concluye con un registro de la situación actual. El área central es analizada tanto en su condición de realidad específica, como en relación al conjunto de la ciudad y la sociedad. Los problemas son evaluados desde la perspectiva de su significado económico, político, social, cultural, antropológico, arquitectónico y urbanísticoThe centre and the idea of centre is a way of practical and ideological construction, that origins and reproduces as an expression of the requests of social, economical, political, cultural and symbolic reproduction of determinate sectors in its experience of producing city. The article offers an overview about the evolution and the transformations of Lima’s central area, since its pre inca and inca existence, to its later colonial and republican constitution. Ends with a register of the actual situation. The central area is analyzed as in its condition of an specific reality, as its relation with the whole city and the society. The problems are evaluated from the perspective of the economic, political, social, cultural, anthropologic, architectonic and urbanistic meaning



    Fontúrbel Rada, Francisco; Departamento de postgrado, Maestría en Ingeniería de medio ambiente y recursos naturales, Universidad Loyola (Bolivia).


    Se evaluó el grado de avance del proceso de eutrofización del lago Titikaka por medio de la evaluación de las macrófitas (pleuston y limnófitas), de la diversidad de fitoplancton, de parámetros fisicoquímicos (pH, turbidez, DBO5, nitrógeno total y fósforo soluble) y microbiológicos (coliformes fecales termotolerantes) en cuatro localidades del lago. Los resultados mostraron un avance diferencial en el desarrollo del proceso de eutrofización en cada sitio: se clasificó un sitio como aguas de c...

  20. Subordinación local al manejo territorial globalizado de la ribera del lago de Chapala


    Adriana Hernández


    El presente artículo aborda el proceso de reapropiación del lago de Chapala, México. En las últimas décadas se han venido transformando el suelo y la producción agrícola en los municipios ribereños del lago de Chapala debido a la introducción de cultivos de exportación mediante sistemas modernos de producción tecnificada. Por lo que los cultivos tradicionales han ido disminuyendo o se producen con mayor uso de pesticidas, fertilizantes y agroquímicos. El papel del campesino ribereño también s...

  1. The Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease in the Lagos State, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The analysis, which examines the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (ICD 9: 390-459) in Lagos State of Nigeria, was based on records obtained from the register of deaths in four Local Government Areas of the State. The result shows that there is general increase in death rates due to cardiovascular diseases over the ...

  2. Prevalence and trends in breast cancer in Lagos state, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study examined the trends in the prevalence of breast cancer in Lagos State, Nigeria. A sample of 1000 subjects was taken from a population consisting of women between the ages of 15 and 60 years spread across the 20 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the State. Fifty questionnaires were distributed in each LGA.

  3. Cost of Care Among Patients With Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tuberculosis (TB) is a global health challenge. Currently it is the 7th leading cause of death worldwide, and Nigeria ranks fourth amongst 22 high-burden countries for the disease. This study sought to appraise the direct and indirect costs borne by TB patients attending the Chest Clinics at the Lagos State University ...

  4. Atmospheric turbidity and the diffuse irradiance in Lagos, Nigeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maduekwe, A.A.L.; Chendo, M.A.C.


    The relationships between the total hemispherical irradiance reaching the earth surface in Lagos, Nigeria and the turbidity coefficients at two wavelengths namely λ(500) and λ(880) measured with a Volz sun photometer have been investigated. Using simple piecewise linear regression relationships between the atmospheric turbidity using Angstrom turbidity coefficients and the diffuse components of solar radiation are presented. (author). 18 refs, 11 figs, 3 tabs

  5. Dam failure analysis for the Lago de Matrullas Dam, Orocovis, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Torres-Sierra, Heriberto; Gómez-Fragoso, Julieta


    The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, completed a hydrologic and hydraulic study to assess the potential hazard to human life and property associated with the hypothetical failure of the Lago de Matrullas Dam, located within the headwaters of the Río Grande de Manatí. The hydrologic study yielded outflow hydrographs and peak discharges for Lago de Matrullas and other subbasins in the Río Grande de Manatí hydrographic basin for three extreme rainfall events: (1) a 6-hour probable maximum precipitation (PMP) event, (2) a 24-hour PMP event, and (3) a 100-year-recurrence, 24-hour rainfall event. The hydraulic study simulated the hypothetical dam failure of Lago de Matrullas using hypothetical flood hydrographs generated from the hydrologic study and selected dam breach parameters. The flood wave resulting from the failure was downstream-routed through the lower reaches of the Río Matrullas, the Río Toro Negro, and the Río Grande de Manatí for determination of water-surface profiles developed from the event-based hydrologic scenarios and “sunny day” (no precipitation) conditions. The Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC–HMS) and the River Analysis System (HEC–RAS) computer programs, developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, were used for the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, respectively. The flow routing in the hydraulic analyses was performed using the unsteady-state flow module available in the HEC–RAS model.

  6. Papel trófico del microbial loop en un lago de inundación en la Amazonia Central

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    Pedro Caraballo Gracia


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de evaluar la participación de las bacterias heterotróficas en el flujo de carbono en la cadena trófica de un lago de inundación amazónico, colectas mensuales de estos microorganismos fueron realizadas durante el año hidrológico de diciembre de 2007 hasta noviembre de 2008, en las regiones litoral, pelágica y de macrófitas acuáticas del lago Catalão, en la Amazonia Central brasilera. Las bacterias fueron multiplicadas in vitro, usando como sustrato el carbono orgánico disuelto (COD del lago en cada una de las regiones estudiadas, para posterior análisis de la abundancia de isotopos estables de carbono y nitrógeno. Estos datos fueron confrontados con los valores de COD de los cuatro periodos limnológicos del lago (seca, inundación, llena y bajada de aguas. En general se encontró que la fuente principal de carbono de las bacterias heterotróficas fue aquella de origen C4, que presentó un aporte mínimo de 75%, en la medida en que el δ13C de las bacterias presentó valor medio de -17,72‰ ± 2,25. Confrontando ese valor, con el δ13C del zooplancton en el mismo período (-33,04‰±3,81 se concluye que el aporte de las bacterias heterotróficas al flujo de carbono hacia niveles tróficos superiores en el lago estudiado es mínimo.

  7. Music education and musical activities in Lagos: then and now ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article is a historical excursion into the musical activities in Lagos from around 600 to 1800, which it classifies as the first phase, from around 1800 to 1914, the second period, and third period, from around 1914 up to date and how they have affected music education in the area. The study also highlights the roles played ...

  8. Nigerian medical libraries in a digital age | Ibegwam | Lagos Journal ...

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    No Abstract. Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science Vol. 1(2) 2003: 129-135. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT · · AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians ...

  9. Evaluation of measles vaccine cold chain in Lagos State, Nigeria ...

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    The National (level 1), State (L2), and Local government vaccine cold stores (L3) as well as some vaccination centres (L4) were physically inspected in Lagos State, Nigeria and the potency of the live-attenuated measles vaccine was tested. Both the L1 and L2 storage facilities were formally adequately equipped and ...

  10. Ambient air particulate matter in Lagos, Nigeria: A study using ...

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    chemical mass balance model was used for source apportionment. ... world are: soil or entrained dust, vehicular exhaust, marine (in a city situated close ... Mn is a marker element for steel industry and can also be attributed to .... The high enrichment of Br and Pb at the three sites in Lagos is believed to be due to the heavy.

  11. Agrobiodiversity of cactus pear (Opuntia, Cactaceae in the Meridional Highlands Plateau of Mexico

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    Juan Antonio Reyes-Agüero


    Full Text Available Mexico is characterized by a remarkable richness of Opuntia, mostly at the Meridional Highlands Plateau; it is also here where the greatest richness of Opuntia variants occurs. Most of these variants have been maintained in homegardens; however, the gathering process which originated these homegardens has been disrupted over the past decades, as a result of social change and the destruction of large wild nopaleras. If the variants still surviving in homegardens are lost, these will be hard to recover, that is, the millenary cultural heritage from the human groups that populated the Mexican Meridional Highland Plateau will be lost forever. This situation motivated the preparation of a catalogue that records the diversity of wild and cultivated Opuntia variants living in the meridional Highlands Plateau. To this end, 379 samples were obtained in 29 localities, between 1998 and 2003. The information was processed through Twinspan. All specimens were identified and preserved in herbaria. Botanical keys and descriptions were elaborated. The catalogue includes information on 126 variants comprising 18 species. There were species with only one variant (Opuntia atropes, O. cochinera, O. jaliscana, O. leucotricha, O. rzedowskii and O. velutina, two (O. durangensis, O. lindheimeri, O. phaeacantha and O. robusta, five (O. joconostle and O. lasiacantha, seven (O. chavena, 12 (O. hyptiacantha and O. streptacantha, 15 (O. ficus-indica, 22 (O. albicarpa, and up to 34 (O. megacantha. Additionally, 267 common cactus pear names were related to those variants.

  12. Meridional-Flow Measurements from 15 Years of GONG Spherical-Harmonic Time Series

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kholikov, S; Hernandez, I Gonzalez; Hill, F; Leibacher, J


    We present results of meridional-flow measurements for 1995-2009, using travel-time differences from velocity images reconstructed using GONG spherical harmonic (SH) coefficients after applying phase-velocity and low-m filters. This filtering technique increases the signal-to-noise ratio and thus extends travel-time measurements to relatively high latitudes and deep into the convection zone. Preliminary analyses shows a strong one-year periodicity presumably due to solar pole misalignment and B 0 -angle artifacts, which makes it difficult to see underlying temporal variations. Removing a simple one-year-period sine wave fit reveals long-term temporal variations of the flow on top of this yearly periodicity. High-latitude measurements are affected more stronger by foreshortening and B 0 -angle artifacts. We analyze different B 0 -angle intervals separately, so in each hemisphere better high-latitude visibility comes six months apart. This approach suggests why at high latitudes travel-time measurements of meridional flow shows a tendency to change sign instead of continuing towards the poles.


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    V. A. Bezrukov


    Full Text Available The paper deals with the findings of negative anastigmatic lenses at the final position of an object. The negative lenses are considered with refraction index n=1.7849 (type of glass is TF12 and thickness d=5 mm, working with paraxial magnifications β=1,1x;1,3x;1,5x with account of the distances from the first lens surface to the object S1=9; 25 mm and the size of the object y=15 mm. Dependences of negative lens forms from the position of anastigmatic pupils and from radii of meridional caustics which are convenient for understanding aberrational properties of anastigmatic lenses. The findings give the possibility to synthesize wide-angle lenses with the corrected aberrations of image curvature and meridional coma without geometrical vignetting of wide sloping bunches.

  14. Vulnerabilidade à eutrofização de dois lagos tropicais de climas úmido (Cuba e semiárido (Brasil

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    Mario Cesar Wiegand

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este artigo compara o estado de eutrofização e suas prováveis causas em dois reservatórios tropicais, um em clima úmido (La Juventud, Cuba e o outro em clima semiárido (Marengo, Brasil. Após estimar o estado trófico dos dois reservatórios nas estações chuvosa e seca, avaliou-se a influência hidrológica e de uso do solo sobre o grau de trofia dos lagos. Concluiu-se que os lagos são, em média, mesotróficos. Porém, o lago tropical semiárido encontra-se eutrófico, enquanto que o úmido está oligotrófico. Considerando que há similitude entre os usos do solo nas duas bacias e que, na estação chuvosa, o aporte de nutrientes na bacia úmida é consideravelmente superior ao da semiárida, o maior estado trófico da bacia seca surpreende. A variável que melhor explica esse fenômeno é o tempo de residência da água, que influencia diretamente o tempo de residência do fósforo no lago. O elevado tempo de residência da água na bacia semiárida (três vezes superior ao do lago úmido deve-se tanto ao reduzido coeficiente de escoamento superficial (93 versus 595 mm anuais na bacia úmida quanto à excessiva evaporação da água armazenada no reservatório seco (quatro vezes superior à do reservatório úmido. Esses resultados indicam que lagos semiáridos são mais vulneráveis à eutrofização que os úmidos nos períodos de estio e que, portanto, o manejo de suas bacias deve ser mais restritivo à produção de nutrientes.

  15. An Examination of Tenure Security for Urban Crop Farming in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study examined issues surrounding tenure security of land for urban crop farming and identified constraints that must be dealt with in order to facilitate land accessibility and productivity of urban crop farmers in the Lagos metropolis. 475 respondents of seven communities were selected through simple random sampling ...

  16. A Ten-Year Review of Childhood Renal Admissions into the Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: The exact burden of childhood renal disease among Nigerians, particularly in the Lagos environment is not known. Local literature by focusing on the nephortic syndrome seemingly gives the impression that it constitutes the most important and perhaps the most common of these diseases. In practices however ...

  17. Rabia transmitida por murciélagos en Brasil

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    Willian Oliveira Fahl


    Full Text Available Frente al desafío que la rabia representa para la industria pecuaria y la salud pública en América Latina, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo hacer una revisión de literatura amplia y crítica sobre la epidemiología de la rabia transmitida por murciélagos en Brasil. El tema es abordado inicialmente desde una perspectiva histórica hasta la caracterización molecular de aislamientos del virus, para finalmente contrastar con la situación de otros países de las Américas. La información referente a Brasil es presentada de manera separada debido a la gran abundancia de especies de murciélagos de diversos hábitos alimenticios, implicadas en la transmisión del virus de la rabia y las complejas relaciones entre los ciclos epidemiológicos revelados por estudios de tipificación antigénica y análisis filogenético, lo  cual ha permitido reconocer con más nitidez, la importancia de los quirópteros como reservorios y transmisores de esta enfermedad.  Este nuevo escenario epidemiológico exige reexaminar las medidas de control aplicadas hasta el momento, desde un abordaje multidisciplinar, así como cooperación intersectorial y participación por parte de la comunidad.

  18. Factors influencing CD4 cell count in HIV-positive pregnant women in a secondary health center in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Akinbami AA


    Full Text Available Akinsegun A Akinbami,1 Abidoye Gbadegesin,2 Sarah O Ajibola,3 Ebele I Uche,1 Adedoyin O Dosunmu,1 Adewumi Adediran,4 Adekunle Sobande2 1Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, 2Department Of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College of Medicine, Lagos State University, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria; 3Department of Haematology and Immunology, Ben-Carson School of Medicine, Babcock University, Ilisan, Ogun State, Nigeria; 4Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria Background: Immunity in pregnancy is physiologically compromised, and this may affect CD4 count levels. It is well-established that several factors affect CD4 count level in pregnancy. This study aimed to determine the mean and reference range of CD4 count in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-positive pregnant women in Lagos, Nigeria. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out at antenatal clinics of the Maternal and Child Center of a secondary health center in Lagos State, Nigeria. Records of HIV-positive pregnant women at various gestational ages, including CD4+ cell count at booking, packed cell volume (PCV at booking and labor, gestational age at delivery, and infant weight and sex were retrieved. The descriptive data was given as mean ± standard deviation (SD. Pearson's chi-squared test and correlation were used for analytical assessment. Results: Data were retrieved for a total of 143 patients. The mean age was 31.15±3.78 years. The mean PCV was 31.01%±3.79% at booking and 30.49%±4.80% during labor. The mean CD4 count was 413.87±212.09 cells/µL, with a range of 40 to 1,252 cells/µL. The mean infant weight was 3.05±0.45 kg, with a range of 2 to 5 kg. Age of the mother, gestational age, and PCV at booking were not statistically significantly associated with CD4 count. Conclusion: Maternal age, gestational age, and PCV at booking had no significant effects on CD4+ cell count levels in

  19. Critical factors that impact on the efficiency of the Lagos seaports

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    Francis Ojadi


    Full Text Available Background: Since the past two decades, the Lagos seaports have experienced vessel and storage yard cargo congestion, resulting in dwell times of about 30 days for containerised imports and high trade logistics costs. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the critical factors that impact the operational efficiency of the Lagos seaports with a view to improving liner trade activities. Method: The study adopted an operational-based approach to understand the dynamics of the various interfaces of the port value chain. The research paradigm adopted for the study was therefore a combination of constructivism and post-positivism paradigms, which entailed the exploration and understanding of the various stakeholders in the port value chain. The epistemology of the research relied on the use of the exploratory sequential mixed method research technique (i.e. the qualitative approach followed by the quantitative approach at the operational level of port operations. Results: The result of the research showed that significant challenges exist and that some of these challenges cut across all functions of port operations. Challenges are experienced in the areas of corruption, trade fraud, transport infrastructure deficits, the absence of a supply chain culture and shortcomings in the execution of the ‘contract of customs’. Additionally, these factors include the deficiencies in services and facilities provided by state agencies and government-appointed service providers and private sector companies such as truckers, inland container depots, Inland Container Depots (ICDs and terminal operators. Conclusion: Specific recommendations are made to address the issues identified which, if implemented, could significantly address the current inefficiencies observed in the Lagos seaport’s operations.

  20. Decision scenario analysis for addressing sediment accumulation in Lago Lucchetti, Puerto Rico (United States)

    A Bayesian belief network (BBN) was used to characterize the effects of sediment accumulation on water storage capacity of a reservoir (Lago Lucchetti) in southwest Puerto Rico and the potential of different management options to increase reservoir life expectancy. Water and sedi...

  1. Wind Diffusivity Current, QuikSCAT SeaWinds, 0.25 degrees, Global, Science Quality, Meridional (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NOAA CoastWatch distributes science quality Ekman current (in zonal, meridional, and modulus sets) and Ekman upwelling data. This data begins with wind velocity...

  2. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Paso del Palmar Sheet N-19

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ford, I.; Montana, J.; Morales, H.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Paso del Palmar) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils belong to Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary period in San Gregorio, Arapey, Mercedes, Asencio and Fray Bentos formations

  3. Floral diversity in the wetlands of Ibeju-Lekki Area, Lagos, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Until very recently poor attention has been given to the management of wetlands in Nigeria despite their significance in the global food and water supply, energy needs and disaster management. Due to the rapid development of the Lagos coastal areas for commerce and industrial purposes, the natural coastal vegetation ...

  4. Coastal Dump Sites in the Lagos lagoon and toxicity of their ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An assessment of the coastal dumpsites and their impacts on shrimp mortality in the Lagos lagoon was investigated. The study involved a census of dumpsites in the major sections of the coastline associated with anthropogenic activities, followed by specific bioassay to determine the acute toxicity of leachates from one of ...

  5. An Assessment of Internet Uses, Practices, and Barriers for Professional Development by Agricultural Science Teachers in Lagos State

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    Olatomide Waheed Olowa


    Full Text Available The paper reports a study carried out on the utilisation of the Internet by agricultural science teachers in Lagos state focusing on uses, practices, and barriers. A questionnaire was developed based on literature and was administered to 300 agricultural science teachers in Lagos schools. 275 questionnaires properly completed were analyzed. Data reveal that 130 teachers are using the Internet for teaching agricultural science in classrooms as well as for various activities that enhance their professional development. Nevertheless, it was found that agricultural science teachers in Lagos State have not fully utilised the Internet because of barriers related to time factor, accessibility, and facilities. It is suggested that for the proliferation of Internet practices, there needs to be an increase in funding for technology, an introduction of computer/technology education, a provision of pedagogical training for teachers, and a provision of administrational support.

  6. Abundância e distribuição das larvas de peixes no Lago Catalão e no encontro dos rios Solimões e Negro, Amazonas, Brasil Abundance and distribution of fish larvae in Catalão Lake and in the confluence of the Solimões and Negro River, Amazon, Brazil

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    Rosseval Galdino Leite


    Full Text Available A abundância e a distribuição mensal de larvas de peixes no Lago Catalão, situado próximo ao encontro dos rios Solimões e Negro, foram avaliadas entre os meses de janeiro e maio de 2001. As amostras foram coletadas com uma rede de ictioplâncton cônico-cilíndrica (350 µm de malha, Ø 0,3 m e 2 m de comprimento, com um fluxômetro acoplado na boca da rede para a obtenção do volume de água filtrado pela mesma. As variáveis categóricas consideradas foram: posição no lago (margem e centro, profundidade (superfície e fundo e turno (diurno e noturno; tendo sido realizada a Análise Fatorial de Correspondência (AFC usando a densidade larval (larvas. m-3 como variável resposta e os meses como descritores. A AFC discriminou a ocorrência de larvas por unidade experimental entre o mês de janeiro e os demais meses, com 58,15% de inércia, e a densidade larval mudou conforme a posição no lago e o período do dia. A maior parte das larvas era protolarva e alimentava-se na margem, tanto na superfície quanto no fundo do lago. Concluiu-se que o Lago Catalão é um importante berçário para as larvas dos peixes que desovam no rio Solimões e também para as larvas dos peixes que desovam no próprio lago.The abundance and monthly distribution of fish larvae in Catalão Lake, situated near the confluence of the Solimões and Negro River was evaluated between January and May 2001. The samples were obtained using a conical plankton net (350 µm, Ø 0.3, 2 m long, with a flow meter attached to the opening of the net. The categorical variables were: position in the lake (margin and center, period of the day (day and night and depth (surface and bottom. The analysis was made with Fatorial Correspondence Analyses (FCA using the larval density (larvae.m-3 as answer variable and the months as descriptors. The feeding activity of larvae was also studied. Most of them were protolarvae feeding in the margin of the lake, on the surface as well as on

  7. LBA-ECO LC-07 Bathymetric Survey of Floodplain Lake, Lago Curuai, Para, Brazil: 2004 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The bathymetry data provided represent a continuous surface of interpolated point measurements of depth values of Lago Curuai, an Amazon River floodplain lake,...

  8. LBA-ECO LC-07 Bathymetric Survey of Floodplain Lake, Lago Curuai, Para, Brazil: 2004 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — ABSTRACT: The bathymetry data provided represent a continuous surface of interpolated point measurements of depth values of Lago Curuai, an Amazon River floodplain...

  9. An Audit of Anaesthesia Record-keeping at the Lagos University ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An Audit of Anaesthesia Record-keeping at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital. ... in the re-audit were Pre-operative history (51% to 91% p<0.0001), blood pressure (65% to 78% p=0.04), pulse rate (47% to 65% p=0.015), administration of premedication (30% to 63% p<0.001), and ASA score (60% to 78%, p=0.009).

  10. Recovery and recycling practices in municipal solid waste management in Lagos, Nigeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kofoworola, O.F.


    The population of Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria, increased seven times from 1950 to 1980 with a current population of over 10 million inhabitants. The majority of the city's residents are poor. The residents make a heavy demand on resources and, at the same time, generate large quantities of solid waste. Approximately 4 million tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) is generated annually in the city, including approximately 0.5 million of untreated industrial waste. This is approximately 1.1 kg/cap/day. Efforts by the various waste management agencies set up by the state government to keep its streets and neighborhoods clean have achieved only minimal success. This is because more than half of these wastes are left uncollected from the streets and the various locations due to the inadequacy and inefficiency of the waste management system. Whilst the benefits of proper solid waste management (SWM), such as increased revenues for municipal bodies, higher productivity rate, improved sanitation standards and better health conditions, cannot be overemphasized, it is important that there is a reduction in the quantity of recoverable materials in residential and commercial waste streams to minimize the problem of MSW disposal. This paper examines the status of recovery and recycling in current waste management practice in Lagos, Nigeria. Existing recovery and recycling patterns, recovery and recycling technologies, approaches to materials recycling, and the types of materials recovered from MSW are reviewed. Based on these, strategies for improving recovery and recycling practices in the management of MSW in Lagos, Nigeria are suggested

  11. Improvements in launchings and recipients of PIG in Malha de Gasodutos Nordeste Meridional; Melhorias nos lancamentos e recebedores de PIG da Malha de Gasodutos Nordeste Meridional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maciel, Jairo A.C.; Lemos, Francisco A.C.; Lima, Artur W.R. de S. [PETROBRAS Transporte S.A. (TRANSPETRO), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    This paper describes the study that resulted in the preparation of a project for improvement of launchers and receivers of PIG in facilities maintained and operated by PETROBRAS S.A. (TRANSPETRO) in the Malha de Gasodutos Nordeste Meridional (Malha NEM). The improvements are part of the component in cleaner production system and reduce the risks of accidents and the costs of hazardous waste management.

  12. Surface changes in the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last millennium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wanamaker, A.D.; Butler, P.G.; Scourse, J.D.


    of decadal-to-centennial scale changes in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation strength in regulating the climate of the last millennium. Here we use the time-constrained high-resolution local radiocarbon reservoir age offset derived from an absolutely dated annually resolved shell chronology spanning...

  13. Vertical distribution of zooplankton in the water column of Lago Amapá, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil

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    Erlei Cassiano Keppeler


    Full Text Available The aim of investigation was to study the model of vertical distribution in Lago Amapá, taking into consideration the seasonality of its zooplanktonic composition. Lago Amapá (10º2'36"S and 67º50'24"W is located in the floodplain of the Rio Acre. Samplings were conducted at three different depths of the water column, to study the vertical distribution of zooplankton populations and determine some physico-chemical and biological parameters of Lago Amapá. Weekly samples were taken with a Van Dorn sampler. The species showed greater concentrations at the by means of water column. Thirty-eight zooplankton species were found in the samples represented by Rotifera (30, Cladocera (5 and Cyclopoida (3. The temperature of the water column showed a tendency toward relatively high values (about 30ºC with little variation, consequently resulting in low viscosity. Based of Jaccard's index, it was seen that during the low-water phase, S1 and S3 of the three sampling stations studied, had greater similarity (Cj = 0.7058 in the middle of the water column. Lago Amapá showed characteristics in line with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis model, favoring colonization by opportunistic species such as rotifers.O objetivo desta investigação foi observar a distribuição vertical da comunidade do zooplâncton no Lago Amapá (10º2'36"S e 67º50'24"W, localizado na planície de inundação do Rio Acre. Amostragens foram conduzidas em três diferentes profundidades da coluna da água, considerando aspectos sazonais do zooplâncton, parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos. Coletas foram realizadas semanalmente com Garrafa de Van Dorn. As espécies apresentaram maiores concentrações no meio da coluna da água. Foram encontradas 38 espécies, assim distribuídas: Rotifera (30, Cladocera (5 e Cyclopoida (3. A temperatura da coluna da água em geral apresentou-se alta, em torno de 30ºC, com pequena variação, resultando em baixa viscosidade. O

  14. Pattern and outcome of cases seen at the Adult Accident and Emergency Department of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Lagos. (United States)

    Uzoechina, N S; Abiola, A O; Akodu, B A; Mbakwem, A; Arogundade, A R; Tijani, H; Adegbesan-Omilabu, M A


    The accident and emergency department constitutes one of the vital entry points of patients into the healthcare facility of the hospital the world over. It responds to and manages variety of cases in all the clinical areas and thus pr vides an insight to the quality of care available in the health institution. The aim of this study is to determine the pattern of cases seen as well as the causes of deaths at the adult accident and emergency department of the Lagos UniversityTeaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Lagos. Retrospective review of records of all patients attended to at the adult accident and emergency department of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital in 2009 and 2010 was carried out. Data spread sheet was used to collect data on demographic indices, diagnosis, outcome, date admitted, date discharged and amount paid from casualty attendance register and Nurses' report books. Data was collated and analysed using Epi-Info version 3.4.1 statistical software package. Out of the 5,427 available patients' records reviewed, 4,761(87.7%) were recorded as "discharged alive", 546 (10.1%) were recorded as "died", while 120 (2.2%) were recorded as "brought in dead". Of those discharged alive, male attendance was 2,376 (49.10%) while that of the female was 2,385 (50.10%). Majority of these patients were aged 20-39 years and the mean age of the patients was 39.96 +/- 18.22 yrs. Majority of cases seen were medical in origin (53.7%) and highest medical case seen was cerebrovascular accident, Commonest cause of death was from medical cases [69.2%] (cerebrovascular accident 22.0%). Male mortality was 55.3% while female mortality was 44.7%, mean age was 46.86 +/- 17.61. Most affected age group was 40 - 59 years (35.4%) and highest number of death was seen in December. The commonest case seen as well as commonest cause of death was cerebrovascular accident. A high number of heart failure, head injuries, road traffic accidents, upper gastrointestinal bleeding and post partum

  15. The influence of meridional ice transport on Europa's ocean stratification and heat content (United States)

    Zhu, P.; Manucharyan, G.; Thompson, A. F.; Goodman, J. C.; Vance, S.


    Jupiter's moon Europa likely hosts a saltwater ocean beneath its icy surface. Geothermal heating and rotating convection in the ocean may drive a global overturning circulation that redistributes heat vertically and meridionally, preferentially warming the ice shell at the equator. Here we assess thepreviously unconstrained influence of ocean-ice coupling on Europa's ocean stratification and heat transport. We demonstrate that a relatively fresh layer can form at the ice-ocean interface due to a meridional ice transport forced by the differential ice shell heating between the equator and the poles. We provide analytical and numerical solutions for the layer's characteristics, highlighting their sensitivity to critical ocean parameters. For a weakly turbulent and highly saline ocean, a strong buoyancy gradient at the base of the freshwater layer can suppress vertical tracer exchange with the deeper ocean. As a result, the freshwater layer permits relatively warm deep ocean temperatures.

  16. Investigation into ivory trade in selected markets and hotels in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The market growth for wildlife trophy collection is gradually leading to a decline in animal population. Thus, trade in ivory constitutes a potential threat to biodiversity conservation. The extent of this treat was therefore investigated via a 3-month survey of trade in ivory in selected markets and hotels in Lagos, Nigeria.

  17. Exploitation of Factory Workers: A Study of Union Dicon Salt, Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study examined labour exploitation in Nigeria with particular reference to Union Dicon Salt Plc., Lagos. The review of literature points to the fact that exploitation of the factory workers in the long run leads to strained relationships between management and staff. The situation becomes conflictual to the extent that both ...

  18. Work-Life Balance among academic staff of the University of Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Work-Life Balance among academic staff of the University of Lagos. ... Abstract. Work-life balance is associated with the maintenance of stability in both one's professional and personal life. It is key to the welfare and, subsequently, job satisfaction and productivity of employees. It is against this understanding that this study ...

  19. Long stay patients in a psychiatric hospital in Lagos, Nigeria | Taiwo ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: In the face of recently introduced government health reform and the dwindling number of available beds for acutely ill patients, a cross sectional study was carried out on long-stay patients at the 100 years old psychiatric hospital Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria with a view to discharging most of them. Method: Necessary ...

  20. Paso elevado, en Krahnenberg

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    Wittfoht, Hans


    Full Text Available A bypass on the general highway is now being built near Andernach, Germany. It is about 1100 m long, and includes an elevated way. The design has been influenced by the poor soil resistance, and the fact that the road is built on a mountainside. The elevated way runs along a curve, with a minimum radius of 475 m, and is subdivided into 34 sections, each 31.75 m long. The deck consists of a box girder, separated into two compartments, and is of prestressed concrete. The deck cantilevers on each side of the longitudinal structure, and has a total width of 18.20 m. This allows for two separate pavements, a central separating section, and two lateral sidewalks. The construction procedure was significant. Owing to the nature of soil, and the need to avoid heavy concentrated loads, the traditional system of formwork was substituted by the Gerber procedure. This consists of 4 metal open girders which rest on the columns, which had been previously constructed. These beams, which are capable of conforming to the curvature of the road, are moved along the axis of the deck, with the aid of hydraulic jacks, as the process of concreting proceeds. A crane, with an operational reach of 35 m served to supply the materials and formwork at the various construction points.En las proximidades de Andernach (Alemania se está construyendo una derivación de la carretera general, con unos 1.100 m de longitud total, que consiste en una especie de puente o paso elevado. Se justifica esta solución particular por la poca consistencia del terreno y el especial trazado a media ladera. El eje del paso elevado sigue una alineación curva con radio mínimo de 475 m, y está subdividido en 34 tramos de 31,75 m de luz. El conjunto que forma el tablero es una viga cajón, bicelular, de hormigón pretensado y grandes salas en voladizo que dan una anchura total de 18,20 m, lo cual permite la habilitación de dos bandas de circulación separadas por un macizo central y dos andenes

  1. Hiperplasia condilar : Reporte de un caso clínico


    Bono, Andrea Érica


    La hiperplasia condilar es una anomalía de desarrollo adquirida, rara, caracterizada por el crecimiento excesivo y progresivo, afectando el cuello, la cabeza condilar, el cuerpo y la rama mandibular, provocando importante asimetría facial. La cuarta capa del tejido que forma parte del cóndilo, la de cartílago hipertrófico, es la que aumenta. Histológicamente se observa un hipermetabolismo en el centro de crecimiento condilar del lado afectado, con conversión del cartílago hialino en fibrocart...

  2. Sexual Violence Among Out-of-School Female Adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Kofoworola Odeyemi


    Full Text Available Sexual violence against females is a public health problem. This descriptive cross-sectional study sought to determine the prevalence of sexual violence among out-of-school female adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria and examine the context in which it occurs. Three hundred and fifty adolescents, between the ages of 10 and 19 years, working in Sandgrouse market, Lagos, were selected using cluster sampling. Data were collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Almost half (42.9% of the respondents have had sexual intercourse, and median age at initiation was 17 years. Forced initiation was reported by 15.8%, and 36.3% reported that first intercourse was due to coercion. Among the sexually active, only 12.3% stated that “it is what they desire.” Majority of respondents (64.1% believe that rape is common in their community, and 18% of the sexually active have experienced rape. Out-of-school adolescents in this community are at risk of sexual violence. The factors that make them vulnerable need to be addressed.

  3. Globalisation, maquiladoras and transnational identities at the US-Mexico border: the case of Ciudad Juarez-El Paso

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    Patrick Gun Cuninghame


    Full Text Available This paper’s point of departure is that the local and global configurations of identity in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, and in El Paso, Texas, are determined by the processes of economic globalisation, whose main manifestation is or has been until recently the maquiladora assembly plant. Hitherto, studies on border identities have emphasized more socio-cultural processes and have not analysed economic processes sufficiently as decisive in the construction of identities. The paper’s objective is to identify the salient characteristics of the identities of maquiladora workers and ex-workers on both sides of the border and to ascertain if transnational identities are emerging because of the impacts of globalisation, and what impacts these imply for cultural and social policy in “Paso del Norte”.

  4. Shapefile of the bathymetric contours of Lago Lucchetti, Puerto Rico, September 2013-May 2014 (United States)

    Department of the Interior — The U.S. Geological Survey conducted a sedimentation survey of Lago Lucchetti, Yauco, Puerto Rico, in 2013–14 in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer...

  5. Factors Influencing the Usage of Compact Fluorescent Lamps in Existing Residential Buildings in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Olusola Olugbemileke Johnson


    Full Text Available Nigeria as a developing nation is facing increasing demand for electricity especially in the residential areas. The use of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs is one of the several measures towards reducing the demand. However, in Nigeria, the use of CFLs is low. The present study was designed to investigate some factors responsible for the low usage of CFLs in Lagos, Nigeria. Questionnaires were administered by hand on 984 households, selected through systematic random sampling techniques from 5 local government areas in Lagos State. The first building along the major street in each of the local government was selected randomly and every tenth building constituted the sample. A household head was surveyed in each of the building selected, and was asked to rate some factors that might have influenced the usage of CFLs. The data generated from the questionnaire were analysed using ranking method. The findings show that inability to measure the saving benefits of CFLs on electricity bills, lack of affordability and high initial cost of acquisition and installation were the most important factors which influence the use of the CFLs. The study concludes by providing some recommendations on how to achieve sustainable energy management in the Lagos and beyond through more efficient residential house lighting.

  6. Profile of medical waste management in two healthcare facilities in Lagos, Nigeria: a case study. (United States)

    Idowu, Ibijoke; Alo, Babajide; Atherton, William; Al Khaddar, Rafid


    Proper management and safe disposal of medical waste (MW) is vital in the reduction of infection or illness through contact with discarded material and in the prevention of environmental contamination in hospital facilities. The management practices for MW in selected healthcare facilities in Lagos, Nigeria were assessed. The cross-sectional study involved the use of questionnaires, in-depth interviews, focused group discussions and participant observation strategies. It also involved the collection, segregation, identification and weighing of waste types from wards and units in the representative facilities in Lagos, Nigeria, for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the MW streams. The findings indicated that the selected Nigerian healthcare facilities were lacking in the adoption of sound MW management (MWM) practices. The average MW ranged from 0.01 kg/bed/day to 3.98 kg/bed/day. Moreover, about 30% of the domestic waste from the healthcare facilities consisted of MW due to inappropriate co-disposal practices. Multiple linear regression was applied to predict the volume of waste generated giving a correlation coefficient (R(2)) value of 0.99 confirming a good fit of the data. This study revealed that the current MWM practices and strategies in Lagos are weak, and suggests an urgent need for review to achieve vital reversals in the current trends.

  7. PMN-Portuguese Meteor Network and OLA-Observatório do Lago Alqueva agreement (United States)

    Saraiva, C.


    The PMN-Portuguese Meteor Network has two new video meteor detecting systems at OLA- Observartório do Lago Alqueva, situated at the South East Portuguese territory with a pristine night sky and more than 290 clear nights each year.

  8. Focalización y modalidad en el "Lanzarote del Lago" (ms. 9611 BNE

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    Antonio Contreras Martín


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to analise the point of view and the varitions of the speech in Lanzarote del Lago (BNE ms 9611 to observe how the compilator worked the French source, Lancelot en prose.

  9. Anti-malarial drug quality in Lagos and Accra - a comparison of various quality assessments

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    Bate Roger


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Two major cities in West Africa, Accra, the capital of Ghana, and Lagos, the largest city of Nigeria, have significant problems with substandard pharmaceuticals. Both have actively combated the problem in recent years, particularly by screening products on the market using the Global Pharma Health Fund e.V. Minilab® protocol. Random sampling of medicines from the two cities at least twice over the past 30 months allows a tentative assessment of whether improvements in drug quality have occurred. Since intelligence provided by investigators indicates that some counterfeit producers may be adapting products to pass Minilab tests, the results are compared with those from a Raman spectrometer and discrepancies are discussed. Methods Between mid-2007 and early-2010, samples of anti-malarial drugs were bought covertly from pharmacies in Lagos on three different occasions (October 2007, December 2008, February 2010, and from pharmacies in Accra on two different occasions (October 2007, February 2010. All samples were tested using the Minilab® protocol, which includes disintegration and active ingredient assays as well as visual inspection, and most samples were also tested by Raman spectrometry. Results In Lagos, the failure rate in the 2010 sampling fell to 29% of the 2007 finding using the Minilab® protocol, 53% using Raman spectrometry, and 46% using visual inspection. In Accra, the failure rate in the 2010 sampling fell to 54% of the 2007 finding using the Minilab® protocol, 72% using Raman spectrometry, and 90% using visual inspection. Conclusions The evidence presented shows that drug quality is probably improving in both cities, especially Lagos, since major reductions of failure rates over time occur with all means of assessment. Many more samples failed when examined by Raman spectrometry than by Minilab® protocol. The discrepancy is most likely caused by the two techniques measuring different aspects of the medication

  10. El centro del mundo para los gallegos


    Mandianes Castro, Manuel


    Estudio sobre la noción de espacio en Galicia. Se pretende demostrar que para los gallegos el universo tiene un centro, con diferentes niveles de aprehensión, alrededor del cual se organiza la comunidad. Para este trabajo se han realizado encuestas entre los habitantes de la región de la Limia (Orense) y los de Loureses. El trabajo se divide en tres apartados atendiendo a los distintos niveles de percepción del centro del mundo: "lareira" (hogar), "encrucillada" (encrucijada) y cementerio.

  11. Centro de Investigación Sandoz - Viena – Austria

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    Burckhardt, Martin H.


    Full Text Available The basic idea behind this undertaking can be infered from the operations program which consists of three sections: administration, investigation and fabrication. The Center consists of four equal buildings, with three storeys and basement in each, where the laboratories and additional installations are located. These buildings are connected to each other by covered passages and the vertical communication nuclei situated at their ends, forming a square surrounding a central building of a single floor, designed for a meeting zone, and made up of: library with reading room: information and documentation room; classroom; management, and production rooms. Circling this central zone on the outside were located the production premises and the animal pens, with a comb shaped floor plan, in a single-storey building with basement, which has a longitudinal wing housing the care and therapy installations. The Center is completed with a self-service restaurant; a cafeteria and dining room, located outside the work area, on account of their nature as a meeting place. Prefabricated concrete pieces have been used in carrying out the body of the buildings and concrete in situ in the construction of the basements.La idea básica que dirigió su realización se deduce del programa de funcionamiento, que consta de tres secciones: administración, investigación y fabricación. El Centro consta de cuatro bloques iguales, de tres plantas y sótano cada una, en las cuales están ubicados los laboratorios y las instalaciones adicionales. Estos edificios se hallan unidos entre sí por pasos cubiertos y por los núcleos de comunicación vertical situados en sus extremos, formando un cuadrado que rodea a un edificio central, de una sola planta, dedicado a zona de reunión, y compuesto de: biblioteca con sala de lectura; sala de información y documentación; aula; dirección, y salas de producción. En un cinturón exterior a esta zona central se dispusieron los locales

  12. Ocular findings seen among the staff of an institution in Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background:The degree to which ocular morbidity affects workers productivity in the developing countries has not been studied adequately. A federal government research institute based in Lagos introduced an annual health screen for all its workers, which included eye tests. This provided an opportunity to study the ...

  13. The Emergence of the Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation (PMOC) Paced by Obliquity Cycles during the Pliocene (United States)

    Burls, N.; Fedorov, A. V.; Sigman, D. M.; Jaccard, S.; Tiedemann, R.; Haug, G. H.


    Deep water formation in northern high latitudes, as part of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), is a critical element of modern ocean circulation and climate. For the warm Pliocene, roughly 4 to 2.8 million years ago, we present measurements and modeling evidence that deep water formation also occurred in the North Pacific, supporting another overturning cell - the Pacific meridional overturning circulation (PMOC). The evidence includes calcium carbonate accumulation in Pliocene subarctic Pacific sediments rivaling that of the modern North Atlantic, with pigment, total organic carbon, and redox-sensitive trace metal measurements supporting deep ocean ventilation as the driver of the enhanced calcium carbonate preservation. Together with high accumulation rates of biogenic opal, this implies a bi-directional communication between surface waters and the waters overlying the deep seafloor, and hence deep convection. A Pliocene-like climate simulation reproduces this deep water formation, with co-occurring Atlantic and Pacific overturning cells. The PMOC emerges as a result of the less intense hydrological cycle under Pliocene conditions characterized by a reduced meridional SST gradient. This weaker hydrological cycle leads to the erosion of the North Pacific halocline, allowing deep convection. Examining the data in more detail shows that, while the opal accumulation rate was continuously high, maxima in calcium carbonate accumulation rate were sharp and intermittent. Most likely, these maxima occurred during Northern Hemisphere summer insolation maxima when, as supported by the modeling results, mid-latitude SSTs in the Northern Hemisphere were at a maximum and the meridional SST gradient was particularly weak. These findings suggest that the climate system fluctuated between periods of strong and weak PMOC during the Pliocene. Such fluctuations appear to be a crucial part of Pliocene climate variability on orbital timescales.

  14. Posicionamiento y proyección actual del motor de paso en aplicaciones industriales. // Position and proyection in actual industrial applications of stepping motors.


    A. Codina García


    El presente trabajo aborda el empleo del motor de paso en las aplicaciones industriales actuales, los recientesavances y tendencias en la construcción de los mismos así como sus principales características y variantes másconocidas.Palabras claves: Motores de paso, control de movimiento.______________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper focuses on the position of stepping motors in current industrial applications, recent advances andgeneral trends in desi...

  15. Resource investigation of low- and moderate-temperature geothermal areas in Paso Robles, California

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campion, L.F.; Chapman, R.H.; Chase, G.W.; Youngs, L.G.


    Ninety-eight geothermal wells and springs were identified and plotted, and a geologic map and cross sections were compiled. Detailed geophysical, geochemical, and geological surveys were conducted. The geological and geophysical work delineated the basement highs and trough-like depressions that can exercise control on the occurrence of the thermal waters. The Rinconada fault was also evident. Cross sections drawn from oil well logs show the sediments conforming against these basement highs and filling the depressions. It is along the locations where the sediments meet the basement highs that three natural warm springs in the area occur. Deep circulation of meteoric waters along faults seems to be a reasonable source for the warm water. The Santa Margarita, Pancho Rico, and Paso Robles Formations would be the first permeable zones that abut the faults through which water would enter. Temperatures and interpretation of well logs indicate the warmest aquifer at the base of the Paso Robles Formation. Warm water may be entering higher up in the section, but mixing with water from cooler zones seems to be evident. Geothermometry indicates reservoir temperatures could be as high as 91/sup 0/C (196/sup 0/F).

  16. Transnational business and family strategies among Chinese/Nigerian couples in Guangzhou and Lagos

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lan, S.


    Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Guangzhou and Lagos, this paper explores transnational trade activities and family strategies among Chinese/Nigerian interracial couples in the context of growing China/Africa trade relations and the recent tightening of China's immigration control. It examines how

  17. Tuning facial-meridional isomerisation in monometallic nine-co-ordinate lanthanide complexes with unsymmetrical tridentate ligands. (United States)

    Le Borgne, Thierry; Altmann, Peter; André, Nicolas; Bünzli, Jean-Claude G; Bernardinelli, Gérald; Morgantini, Pierre-Yves; Weber, Jacques; Piguet, Claude


    The unsymmetrical tridentate benzimidazole-pyridine-carboxamide units in ligands L1-L4 react with trivalent lanthanides, Ln(III), to give the nine-co-ordinate triple-helical complexes [Ln(Li)3]3+ (i = 1-4) existing as mixtures of C3-symmetrical facial and C1-symmetrical meridional isomers. Although the beta13 formation constants are 3-4 orders of magnitude smaller for these complexes than those found for the D3-symmetrical analogues [Ln(Li)3]3+ (i = 5-6) with symmetrical ligands, their formation at the millimolar scale is quantitative and the emission quantum yield of [Eu(L2)3]3+ is significantly larger. The fac-[Ln(Li)3]3+ mer-[Ln(Li)3]3+ (i = 1-4) isomerisation process in acetonitrile is slow enough for Ln = Lu(III) to be quantified by 1H NMR below room temperature. The separation of enthalpic and entropic contributions shows that the distribution of the facial and meridional isomers can be tuned by the judicious peripheral substitution of the ligands affecting the interstrand interactions. Molecular mechanics (MM) calculations suggest that one supplementary interstrand pi-stacking interaction stabilises the meridional isomers, while the facial isomers benefit from more favourable electrostatic contributions. As a result of the mixture of facial and meridional isomers in solution, we were unable to obtain single crystals of 1:3 complexes, but the X-ray crystal structures of their nine-co-ordinate precursors [Eu(L1)2(CF3SO3)2(H2O)](CF3SO3)(C3H5N)2(H2O) (6, C45H54EuF9N10O13S3, monoclinic, P2(1)/c, Z = 4) and [Eu(L4)2(CF3SO3)2(H2O)](CF3SO3)(C4H4O)(1.5) (7, C51H66EuF9N8O(15.5)S3, triclinic, P1, Z = 2) provide crucial structural information on the binding mode of the unsymmetrical tridentate ligands.

  18. Prácticas socioeducativas para mejorar la convivencia escolar. Una experiencia en un Centro de Acción Educativa Singular (Valencia, España.

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    Roser Grau Vidal


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, las dificultades relacionadas con la convivencia, la indisciplina, la violencia escolar y las conductas disruptivas en las escuelas, son motivo de preocupación de profesionales, alumnado, familias y barrio. De esta manera, la sociedad en general y la comunidad educativa en particular están reclamando desde ya hace tiempo respuestas pedagógicas que permitan mejorar las problemáticas señaladas. En este trabajo, enmarcado en una investigación más amplia, se expondrán los resultados obtenidos después de la aplicación de cuatro estrategias educativas en un Centro de Acción Educativa Singular (C.A.E.S situado en la ciudad de Valencia (España: la asamblea de aula, el apadrinamiento lector, el aula de juegos y el arte y los Derechos Humanos. El proyecto se ha llevado a cabo durante el curso escolar 2014-2015, trabajándose con un total de 80 niños y niñas de 4 a 11 años. Para comprobar la mejora de la convivencia del centro objeto estudio se ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa, siendo el cuestionario el instrumento de recogida de información inicial y final. Los resultados muestran que después de la implementación del proyecto, el clima de convivencia ha mejorado muy notablemente, ya que el alumnado transmite que en la escuela han dejado de ser frecuentes los enfrentamientos, las peleas, las discusiones y la violencia, dando paso a una convivencia más pacífica centrada en el diálogo y la participación.

  19. Pasos en la cirugía endoscópica nasosinusal.

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    María Poncela Blanco


    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo: La cirugía endoscópica se ha ido perfeccionando con el paso de los años, en cuanto a la técnica y la metodología de enseñanza, a fin de minimizar la probabilidad de complicaciones intraorbitarias o intracraneales. Los puntos anatómicos de referencia clásicos pueden no ser identificados en patologías nasosinusales avanzadas o en situaciones postquirúrgicas. El objetivo de esta comunicación es mostrar puntos alternativos de referencia para guiarse en ese tipo de casos.Material y Método: Tras la realización del Minifellowship en Cirugía Endoscópica Nasosinusal, presentamos el enfoque aportado por el Dr. Casiano en casos de patología nasosinusal avanzada, en los cuales la distorsión anatómica es la regla. Los puntos clave en esta técnica quirúrgica son el piso mesoorbitario y la cresta ósea adyacente de la antrostomía, combinados con las mediciones de la columela, siendo puntos constantes y de fácil identificación que brindan una información confiable para encontrar los senos etmoidales y esfenoidales, además de las estructuras vecinas críticas de la base del cráneo y la órbita. La convexidad nasolagrimal, combinada con la inserción anterior del cornete medio y el ostium natural del seno maxilar, aportan información acerca de la ubicación aproximada del infundíbulo frontal. Ninguno de esos puntos de referencia se ve afectado por la presencia de enfermedad inflamatoria significativa o de una cirugía previa. Incluso en los casos de poliposis, por ejemplo, rara vez se ve afectada la mucosa que recubre la convexidad nasolagrimal. El siguiente es un enfoque basado en la anatomía para realizar la cirugía endoscópica nasosinusal en casos de enfermedad avanzada de los senos nasales. Resultados: Ninguno de esos puntos de referencia se ve afectado por la presencia de enfermedad inflamatoria significativa o de una cirugía previa. Incluso en los casos de poliposis nasosinusal, rara vez se ve

  20. Centro de Medios ITESM Campus Laguna


    Giacomán Arratia, Jaqueline; Nevárez Leal, César


    Dentro de la formación integral, poner en práctica los conocimientos teóricos es una tarea indispensable. El área de investigación, redacción, elaboración de planes de trabajo, plasmar las ideas en papel como primer paso para la realización, nos dan herramientas de competencia en el mercado laboral y de emprendimiento. De la misma manera, dentro de la comunicación, contar con el equipo técnico necesario para poder convertir...

  1. The Influence of Travel Time on Accessibility in Lagos Island | Atubi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this paper is to establish the influence of time on accessibility in Lagos Island, Nigeria. It was observed that generally, average driving speed was observed to be lower over short than over long distance routes. High speeds tend to be concentrated within a distance band of over 2.7km but beyond 6.0km average ...

  2. Escenarios de erosión bajo diferentes manejos agrícolas en la cuenca del lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, México

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    Manuel E. Mendoza Cantú


    Full Text Available La erosión hídrica, la desecación y pérdida de áreas y volúmenes de los lagos son problemas severos en las cuencas cerradas del Sistema Volcánico Transversal. Este deterioro comienza a extenderse a la cuenca del lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, en la cual se encuentra uno de los pocos lagos mexicanos de aguas casi prístinas; por ello, es urgente plantear estudios que ofrezcan bases para un manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales que beneficie a los distintos usuarios del lago y de la cuenca. El objetivo de este trabajo fue predecir la erosión hídrica asociada a sistemas de manejo agrícola considerando tres tipos de labranza (tradicional, mínima y de conservación en la cuenca del lago de Zirahuén. La predicción se realizó aplicando la Ecuación Universal de Pérdidas de Suelo (EUPS dentro del contexto de un sistema de información geográfica. Los resultados indicaron que el uso de la labranza de conservación en las áreas agrícolas de la cuenca, reduciría las pérdidas de suelo a menos de 3 t ha-1 año-1 en toda el área agrícola de la cuenca, y probablemente se disminuiría la contaminación por arrastre de sedimentos en el lago de Zirahuén.

  3. Pérdida de la fertilidad del suelo por erosión hídrica en la cuenca propia del lago de Chapala, Michoacán.


    Avila Victor, Consuelo Margarita


    La cuenca del lago de Chapala contiene el cuerpo de agua dulce más grande de México, que en los últimos veinte años, ha sufrido un extensivo cambio de uso de suelo, provocando la aceleración de procesos erosivos que coadyuvan, por una parte, en la pérdida de fertilidad de sus suelos y por otra, al acelerado proceso de azolvamiento del vaso del lago por acumulación de sedimentos. El objetivo del trabajo fue cuantificar la erosión de suelo por factores hídricos en la cuenca propia del lago de C...

  4. Archeological Excavations at Two Prehistoric Campsites Near Keystone Dam, El Paso, Texas. (United States)


    Flotacion Microdebitate Analysis 246 Groundstone Artifacts 253 Slab Metates 253 Manos 253 PesLIes 253 Groundstone Fragments 263 Anvils 263 Polishing...important new information to our understanding of local prehistory. The bulk ot O’LaugnliLn’s (1980) work in the area was directed toward the excavation...contains or summarizes the bulk of L111 ptiiaisiitd( iaci on iitnic artiract frequenCies irom El Paso ’Ir’Ia Sites. fhese data, along with those from the

  5. Dieta de murciélagos nectarívoros del Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape, Tumbes

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    Edith Arias


    Full Text Available En el Perú se reporta la presencia de 18 especies de murciélagos nectarívoros, sin embargo se cuenta con poca información sobre la dieta de estas especies. En este estudio se reporta por primera vez la dieta de los nectarívoros Glossophaga soricina, Lonchophylla hesperia y Anoura geoffroyi en el bosque seco ecuatorial y del bosque tropical del Pacífico del Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape, Tumbes. Analizamos 21 contenidos gastrointestinales e identificamos ocho morfotipos de polen pertenecientes a las familias Bombacaceae, Cactaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Malvaceae y Rosaceae. Encontramos evidencia del síndrome de quiropterofilia en Bombacaceae, Cactaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae y Rubiaceae. Observamos que A. geoffroyi consume polen de Ceiba trichistandra, Solanaceae y Rubiacea; G. soricina consume de Abutilon reflexum, Armathocereus cartwrightianus, C. trichistandra y Rubiaceae; y L. hesperia de A. cartwrightianus, Eriobotrya japonica, Fabaceae y Psidium sp.; sugiriendo una dieta generalista en estas especies. Los murciélagos G. soricina y A. geoffroyi comparten el consumo del ceibo C. trichistandra y de la Rubiaceae, mientras que G. soricina comparte con L. hesperia el consumo del cactus A. cartwrightianus. Los otros morfotipos de polen no fueron compartidos entre murciélagos. Se encuentra además que el ceibo C. trichistandra fue la especie más consumida, especialmente por G. soricina.

  6. Evaluación e implantación de herramienta móvil para la asistencia de personas con necesidades especiales en sus tareas de la vida diaria


    Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos


    En este Trabajo de Fin de Máster se describe la evaluación de una herramienta basada en smartphone para asistir a personas con discapacidad cognitiva en sus tareas de la vida diaria, llamada AssisT-Task, cuyo diseño inicial fue objeto de Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Esta aplicación proporciona manuales interactivos paso a paso con instrucciones para completar tareas cotidianas en su entorno o centro de empleo, utilizando como apoyo códigos QR y una herramienta de autor para que los...

  7. Assessment of radiation protection practices among radiographers in Lagos, Nigeria


    Eze, Cletus Uche; Abonyi, Livinus Chibuzo; Njoku, Jerome; Irurhe, Nicholas Kayode; Olowu, Oluwabola


    Background: Use of ionising radiation in diagnostic radiography could lead to hazards such as somatic and genetic damages. Compliance to safe work and radiation protection practices could mitigate such risks. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and radiation protection practices among radiographers in Lagos, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: The study was a prospective cross sectional survey. Convenience sampling technique was used to select four x-ray diagnostic centres in four te...

  8. Soil-borne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in El Paso, Texas: Analysis of a potential problem in the United States/Mexico border region (United States)

    De La Torre-Roche, Roberto J.; Lee, Wen-Yee; Campos-Díaz, Sandra I.


    Ultrasonic extraction followed by Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) and thermal desorption inline coupled with Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (TD/GC/MS)was used to perform a comprehensive determination of soil-borne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in El Paso, Texas. The method provided good sensitivity and faster processing time for the analysis. The total PAHs in El Paso soil ranged from 0.1 to 2225.5 µg kg−1. Although the majority of PAH concentrations did not exceed the soil screening levels regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the existence of PAHs in this ecosystem is ubiquitous. Naphthalene were found in 100% of the soil samples; while the heavy PAHs (five- and six-ring) were not often detected and mostly remained in closer proximity to industrial areas and major traffic points. The results ruled out the possibility of petroleum refining as the significant source of local soil-borne PAH contamination, but they suggested that the PAHs found in El Paso soil were closely linked to human activities and possible other industrial processes. PMID:18768257

  9. Centro cívico de Ichihara – Japón

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    Funakoshi, T.


    Full Text Available Occuping somewhat more than 1/10 of a 160,000 m2 site rises the Civic Centre of Ichihara that comprises: Social Centre; Municipal Government with Prefecture and Administration; Sociological-educational Centre; Parliament; Welfare Centre and Power Station. The plot is divided into two parts by a highway, with the Social Centre in the smallest part and in the other the remaining buildings are distributed, grouped on both sides of a pedestrian bridge that connects the buildings. The project of the entire complex has been developed starting from the elementary spaces until urban scale was attained; the composition of each space has been borne out of the mutual relations between men. In this Centre an attempt has been made to interpenetrate all the zones so as to achieve a visual relation between them. The Civic Centre is being completed by a spacious parking lot, paths and extensive gardens.Ocupando algo más de la décima parte de una parcela de 160.000 m2 se levanta el Centro Cívico de Ichihara, que comprende: Centro Social; Ayuntamiento con Prefectura y Administración; Centro Sociológico-educacional; Parlamento; Centro de Bienestar Social, y Central de Energía. El solar está dividido en dos partes por una autopista, con el Centro Social en la zona más pequeña, y en la otra se distribuye el resto de los edificios, agrupados a los lados de un gran puente peatonal que los comunica. El proyecto de todo el conjunto se ha desarrollado partiendo de los espacios elementales hasta llegar a la escala urbana; la composición de cada espacio nace de las relaciones mutuas entre los hombres. En este Centro se ha llevado a cabo un intento de interpenetrar todas las zonas, para permitir una relación visual entre ellas. El Centro Cívico se completa con numerosas plazas de aparcamiento, viales y amplias zonas ajardinadas.

  10. Aplicación del Índice de Calidad del Agua (ICA). Caso de estudio: Lago de Izabal, Guatemala


    Aguirre Cordón, Maritza Raquel; Vanegas Chacón, Eddi Alejandro; García Álvarez, Nancy


    La contaminación de los cuerpos superficiales de agua es un proceso incipiente debido a acciones antrópicas, entre las que destacan agricultura de exportación, ganadería y crecimiento desordenado de las áreas residenciales tanto a nivel urbano como rural. La cuenca del Lago de Izabal y Río Dulce, drena al Lago de Izabal, en una relación de superficies de 10:1; por su naturaleza navegable está sometido a procesos de degradación incipiente. Esta investigación, con base en registros históricos d...

  11. Riqueza de especies, nuevos registros y actualización del listado taxonómico de la comunidad de murciélagos del Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona, Colombia

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    Oscar E Murillo G


    Full Text Available Los inventarios biológicos son esenciales para el seguimiento de cambios causados por factores naturales y antrópicos, y para determinar las prioridades de conservación. El estudio de los murciélagos es importante pues estos proveen servicios ambientales esenciales y su diversidad puede reflejar el estado de otros organismos. Sin embargo, el inventario de los murciélagos del PNN Gorgona puede ser incompleto debido a los pocos muestreos intensivos que se han realizado. En este trabajo, se actualiza el listado de la comunidad de murciélagos del Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona, se evalúa su inventario y se propone una clave taxonómica. Considerando que sólo existe una especie del género Saccopteryx (S. leptura en Gorgona, en los estudios previos se han registrado 13 especies de murciélagos, En el presente estudio se adicionan dos nuevos registros: Peropteryx macrotis con base en la revisión de colecciones biológicas y Mimon crenulatum con base en trabajo de campo. Consecuentemente, se han registrado un total de 15 especies de murciélagos en le PNN Gorgona, mientras el estimado de riqueza predice un total de 33 especies. Por lo tanto, el inventario actual corresponde al 45.5% del número de especies esperado. Por otra parte, la detectabilidad de murciélagos insectívoros y nectarívoros fue baja en comparación con la de frugívoros. En conclusión, el inventario de murciélagos no es completo y las especies insectívoras pueden estar sub-representadas debido al uso exclusivo de redes de niebla en los estudios realizados.

  12. El Paso Electric Company Diablo Substation to the US-Mexico border 115kV transmission line project. Final Environmental Assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This Environmental Assessment documents the analysis of alternative corridors for development and operation of a proposed 115 kilovolt transmission line using private lands and transporting power to the US-Mexico international border. The project will require (1) an amendment to El Paso Electric Company`s existing export authorization to transfer power across this border, and (2) a Presidential Permit for construction of the transmission line. The project would be located in Dona Ana county in southern New Mexico, approximately five miles west of El Paso, Texas. The alternative corridors, specific locations within those corridors, and structure types are identified and analyzed in the environmental studies.

  13. Trust in government and the politics of fuel subsidy removal in Lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    It covered the three senatorial districts in Lagos using data obtained from 220 .... data in Africa, there is a significant impact of trust in government on citizens' beliefs that .... about a quarter of Nigeria's total gross domestic product, in the face of oil ... 40.0. 10.0. 100.0. Religion. Christianity. Islam. Traditional/Others. Total. 180.

  14. Controls on the meridional extent of tropical precipitation and its contraction under global warming (United States)

    Donohoe, A.


    A method for decomposing changes and variability in the spatial structure of tropical precipitation into shifting (meridional translation), contracting, and intensifying modes of variability is introduced. We demonstrate that the shifting mode of tropical precipitation explains very little (20%) more of the tropical precipitation changes and variability. Furthermore, the contraction of tropical precipitation is highly correlated (R2 > 0.95) with an intensification of the precipitation in both the observations and forced modeled simulations. These results suggest that the simultaneous contraction and intensification of tropical precipitation is the dominant mode of variability and changes under external forcing. We speculate that tropical surface temperature controls this concurrent variability. Indeed, models robustly predict that tropical precipitation increases and meridionally contracts in response to increased CO2 and is reduced and meridionally expanded under glacial forcing and boundary conditions. In contrast, the directionality of the tropical precipitation shift is both ambiguous and small in magnitude in response to increased CO2. Furthermore, the ratio of the contraction/expansion to intensification/reduction is consistent in the continuum of climate states from the glacial climate to a modern climate to a 4XCO2 climate suggesting that the intensification and contraction are linked together via a single mechanism. We examine two mechanisms responsible for the contraction of the precipitation under global warming : i. the reduction of the seasonal cycle of energy input to the atmosphere due to sea ice retreat that results in the tropical precipitation remaining closer to the equator during the solsticial seasons and; ii. the increased gross moist stability of the tropical atmosphere as the surface warms resulting in a weaker cross-equatorial Hadley circulation during the solsticial seasons.

  15. El concepto estadístico de centro de gravedad


    Ruiz, Gabriel


    El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer una propuesta didáctica consistente en relacionar el concepto estadístico de centro de gravedad de una distribución de frecuencias bidimensional con el concepto físico y geométrico del mismo nombre. Las coordenadas del centro de gravedad son medias aritméticas, lo que nos permitirá visualizar algunas propiedades de la media aritmética.

  16. Ambient air particulate matter in Lagos, Nigeria: a study using receptor modeling with x-ray flourescence analysis

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    E.A. Oluyemi


    Full Text Available The need for comprehensive air pollution studies in Lagos cannot be overemphasized in view of the level of industrialization of the city and its nearness to the ocean. Air particulate samples collected with a high-volume air sampler at three locations in Lagos, Nigeria were analyzed by the combination of wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence and atomic absorption spectroscopy methods. Elemental concentrations were subjected to factor analysis for source identification and chemical mass balance model was used for source apportionment. Prominent among sources identified with the ranges of their contributions at the sites are: soil 35-54%, marine 26-34%, automobile exhaust 0.3-3.5%, refuse incineration 2-3%, and regional sulphate 2-12%.

  17. Population dynamics and ecology of Tilapia rendalli in Lago Sauce (Peru)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wosnitza-Mendo, C.


    This is a practical contribution to development aid in Peru. It was to provide a basis for farming of Lago Sauce and similar lakes and introduce young Peruvian fishery biologists to practical and theoretical work with populations of freshwater fish. Various methods of biomass determination have been compared in order to find out why only small specimens of Tilapia rendalli have been caught and what ichthyobiomass was in the lake.

  18. Neighborhood Deprivation and Self-Rated Health in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    Rasheed Kola Ojikutu


    Full Text Available This study examines the effect of neighborhood deprivation on the perception of the individuals about their own health in Lagos State, Nigeria. Respondents were required to rate their own health as "excellent, very good, good, fair, poor and very poor". The questionnaire contained questions on various aspect of the respondents neighborhood and their perception about them. It was found that most neighborhoods in Lagos State are deprived of basic essentials of life such as electricity, water, good roads and security. Over 43% of the respondents claimed to have visited a hospital two or more times and 43.7% had lost at least two neighbors in the past one year. Over half (57.8% of the respondents rated their own health as good, 36.6% ranked their own health as fair while only 5.6% claimed to have poor health. A fitted regression model ( r2 = 0.644 showed that variables such as number of dependants, income, occupation, type of residential accommodation, ownership of house, number of rooms occupied, mode and convenience of transportation, accessibility to water, electricity and good roads and security jointly determine the perception of an individual about his own health status.Key Words: Neighborhood, Deprivation, Self Rated Health, Security, ResidenceDOI = 10.3126/dsaj.v2i0.1364Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.2 pp.193-210

  19. Aguas residuales y contaminación del lago de Amatitlán: Villa Canales y Villa Nueva (2005-2014

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    Luis F. Olayo


    Full Text Available La contaminación y destrucción del lago de Amatitlán es un problema ambiental actual y de gran magnitud en el Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Guatemala, un fenómeno antrópico que crece aceleradamente, derivado del crecimiento demográfico y urbano que experimentan los lugares poblados de los 14 municipios que se localizan en la cuenca del lago de Amatitlán. La vivienda urbana -que se cuantifica por miles- es una de las fuentes productoras de las aguas residuales domiciliares que se depositan en el citado lago desde el traslado y asentamiento de la ciudad de Guatemala de la Asunción al Valle de la Ermita en el año de 1776 hasta el año 2016 (240 años, las que nunca han recibido un tratamiento apropiado; esta tendencia hará que en el corto plazo, el lago se pierda, convirtiéndose en un pantano insalubre que hará inhabitables sus tierras adyacentes. Mediante estimaciones de población urbana municipal y datos recientes de la cantidad de viviendas construidas en las áreas urbanas de los municipios de Villa Canales y Villa Nueva en el período 2005-2014, se estimó la producción de aguas residuales domiciliares (caudales o volúmenes, útiles para ilustrar y dimensionar este problema, débilmente visibilizado, considerado y valorado por la población, la iniciativa privada e instituciones del estado -municipalidades, instituciones y ministerios-, involucradas en este problema.

  20. Hepatic pathologies in the brackish water catfish (Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus) from contaminated locations of the Lagos lagoon complex (United States)

    Olarinmoye, O.; Taiwo, V.; Clarke, E.; Kumolu-Johnson, C.; Aderinola, O.; Adekunbi, F.


    Several toxicological studies into the effects of aquatic pollutants on the liver of teleost fish exist in literature. The focus on the liver in these studies is predicated on its central nature in the scheme of biotransformation and excretion of xenobiotics following exposure in polluted water bodies. As a consequence of the latter primary role of the liver in these processes it is regarded as a predilective site for the sub lethal effects of xenobiotics on the organism usually detectable at histological level. Hepatic histopathology recorded in livers from feral populations of the brackish water catfish Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus from locations on the Lagos lagoon complex with significant anthropogenic inputs from denizen populations and industries are presented. Liver sections from sixty specimens from two locations on the Lagos lagoon complex (Badagry lagoon: 6??24'N, 2??56'E; and Lagos lagoon: 6??29'N, 3??22'E) were analysed. Observed pathologies included hydropic degeneration (58%), portal / sinusoidal congestion (33%), hepatic necrosis (26%), hemosiderosis (12%) and foci of cellular alterations (FCA's). No obvious oncologic features were observed; the presence of the hydropic Vacuolation lesion was taken as prelude to the development of neoplasms and discussed as such. ?? 2009, Penkala Bt., Budapest, Hungary.

  1. Infraestructura y significado en la dominiación Inka del centro oeste argentino (Coa extremo austral Oriental del Tawantinsuyu

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    J. Roberto Bárcena


    Full Text Available Con el apoyo de la ANPCyT (SECYT y del CONICET mediante subsidios, desarrollamos investigaciones arqueológicas y etnohistóricas sobre la dominación inka en el Centro oeste argentino, extremo austral oriental del Tawantinsuyu. En la actualidad trabajamos en las provincias de La Rioja (Famatina, Laguna Brava, Guandacol, entre otras áreas, San Juan (Reserva de la Biosfera de San Guillermo, Valle Fértil, Paso del Lámar —Jáchal—, entre otros sectores y Mendoza (Valle de Uspallata, Valle de Uco, entre otras zonas, estudiando la vialidad y los sitios relacionados, excavando varios de éstos. Un abordaje de tal envergadura implica, entre otras, la posibilidad de contrastar semejanzas y diferencias en la implantación territorial, diversidad en las relaciones con las poblaciones locales y sumanifestación en los indicadores arqueológicos y etnohistóricos y permite contrastar los modelos de dominación regional. En este contexto nos referimos, desde la perspectiva del significado, al registro de bienes inka como ser, entre otros, la propia arquitectura o los relacionados con los sitios ceremoniales de alturaWith the support of the ANPCyT (SECYT and of the CONICET we have undertaken archaeological and ethnohistorical research on the Inka domination in the Argentine centralwest, at the oriental austral extreme of the Tawantinsuyu. Our team is presently working in the provinces of: La Rioja (at Famatina, Laguna Brava,Guandacol, among other areas, San Juan (at the Reserva de la Biosfera de San Guillermo, Valle Fértil and Paso del Lámar -Jáchal-, among other sectors and,Mendoza (at the Valle deUspallata, Valle deUco, among other zones, studying the net of roads and other related sites, excavating several of the later ones. Such an approach implies, between others, the possibility of contrasting similarities and differences in the territorial implantation, the diversity in relations with the local inhabitants and its manifestation in the

  2. La educabilidad: atributo mediacional entre la realidad curricular y organizativa del centro escolar

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    Miguel PÉREZ FERRA


    Full Text Available Es evidente, que la actividad de los centros educativos necesita para alcanzar las finalidades que justifican su existencia y trabajo, ser planificada, ordenada, programada, desarrollada y evaluada. Toda esta labor se sintetiza y recoge en el Proyecto de Centro, instrumento de planificación a medio plazo, que concreta y desarrolla los elementos que lo integran: Finalidades educativas, Proyecto curricular de Centro y Reglamento de Organización y Funcionamiento. En este artículo realizamos una reflexión sobre la conveniencia, posibilidad y realidad de utilización con carácter orgánico de dos documentos esenciales en el Proyecto de Centro. Nos referimos al Proyecto Curricular de Centro y al Reglamento de Organización y Funcionamiento. El estudio integra tres perspectivas complementarias: la realidad ontológica o conveniencia de dicha relación que intentamos justificar desde el atributo educabilidad, propio del hombre, nexo de unión entre la esencia de los dos documentos; la realidad histórica de los últimos cincuenta años y su incidencia en la relación organizativo-curricular de los centros; por último, valoramos la trayectoria lineal de la formación del profesorado en España y sus respuestas al centro como unidad organizativa, profesional y curricular.

  3. Knowledge, attitude and practice towards child adoption amongst women attending infertility clinics in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    Adenike O. Omosun


    Full Text Available Background: Child adoption is a recommended alternative form of infertility management. Infertility is of public health importance in Nigeria and many other developing nations. This is a result of its high prevalence and especially because of its serious social implications as the African society places a passionate premium on procreation in any family setting. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of child adoption amongst women attending infertility clinics in teaching hospitals in Lagos State and to determine the factors that influence their attitude and practice towards it. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive design was used. Data were collected by using a structured questionnaire which was interviewer-administered. The study was conducted in the two teaching hospitals in Lagos State (LUTH [Lagos University Teaching Hospital] and LASUTH [Lagos State University Teaching Hospital] from amongst 350 women attending the gynaecological clinics. All the patients under management for infertility at the gynaecology clinics during the period of the study were interviewed. Results: Many respondents (85.7% had heard of child adoption and 59.3% of them knew the correct meaning of the term. More than half of the respondents (68.3% said that they could love an adopted child but less than half of them (33.7% were willing to consider adoption. Only 13.9% has ever adopted a child. The major reason given for their unwillingness to adopt was their desire to have their own biological child. Factors that were favourable towards child adoption were Igbo tribe identity, an age above 40 years, duration of infertility above 15 years, and knowing the correct meaning of child adoption. Conclusion: There is a poor attitude to adoption even amongst infertile couples. Interventions need to be implemented to educate the public on child adoption, to improve their attitude towards adoption and to make it more acceptable.

  4. The role of meltwater-induced subsurface ocean warming in regulating the Atlantic meridional overturning in glacial climate simulations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brady, Esther C.; Otto-Bliesner, Bette L. [National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO (United States)


    The Community Climate System Model version 3, (CCSM3) is used to investigate the effect of the high latitude North Atlantic subsurface ocean temperature response in idealized freshwater hosing experiments on the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). The hosing experiments covered a range of input magnitudes at two locations in a glacial background state. Subsurface subpolar ocean warms when freshwater is added to the high latitude North Atlantic (NATL cases) and weakly cools when freshwater is added to the Gulf of Mexico (GOM cases). All cases show subsurface ocean warming in the Southern Hemisphere (SH). The sensitivity of the AMOC response to the location and magnitude of hosing is related to the induced subsurface temperature response, which affects the magnitude of the large-scale meridional pressure gradient at depth through the effect on upper ocean density. The high latitude subsurface warming induced in the NATL cases lowers the upper ocean density in the deepwater formation region enhancing a density reduction by local freshening. In the GOM cases the effect of SH warming partially offsets the effect of the high latitude freshening on the meridional density gradient. Following the end of hosing, a brief convective event occurs in the largest NATL cases which flushes some of the heat stored in the subsurface layers. This fuels a rapid rise in AMOC that lasts less than a couple of decades before subsequent freshening from increases in precipitation and sea ice melt reverses the initial increase in the meridional density gradient. Thereafter AMOC recovery slows to the rate found in comparable GOM cases. The result for these glacial transient hosing experiments is that the pace of the longer recovery is not sensitive to location of the imposed freshwater forcing. (orig.)

  5. Posicionamiento y proyección actual del motor de paso en aplicaciones industriales. // Position and proyection in actual industrial applications of stepping motors.

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    A. Codina García


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo aborda el empleo del motor de paso en las aplicaciones industriales actuales, los recientesavances y tendencias en la construcción de los mismos así como sus principales características y variantes másconocidas.Palabras claves: Motores de paso, control de movimiento.______________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper focuses on the position of stepping motors in current industrial applications, recent advances andgeneral trends in design and manufacturing such motors. Their most outstanding features and different typesare also shown.Key words: Stepping motors, motion control.

  6. Proyecto del paso superior sobre la carretera M-503 y accesos. Enlace con Villanueva del Pardillo en el P.K. 3+290 (Madrid)


    Alonso Placín, Alba


    El presente Proyecto tiene por objeto definir y valorar las obras necesarias para la construcción del paso superior sobre la carretera M-503 en el PK 3+290, entre el tramo comprendido entre la M-50 y la M-600, así como los accesos correspondientes desde las glorietas colindantes. La carretera sobre la que discurre el paso superior objeto de proyecto tiene previsto un desdoblamiento para soportar más capacidad, con lo cual se harán referencias en ciertos casos, a esta nueva c...

  7. Centro de gastronomía y entretenimiento

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    Felipe Chaverri Peralta


    Full Text Available El Centro de Gastronomía y Entretenimiento fue una práctica de proyecto arquitectónico del Taller de Diseño Nivel 7, Grupo 02, de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR, realizado en el segundo semestre del año 2014. Este proyecto fue ubicado en al noreste del centro de la ciudad de San José, Costa Rica The Food and Entertainment Center was a practice of architectural project Design Workshop Level 7, Group 02, of the School of Architecture at the University of Costa Rica(UCR, in the second half of 2014. This project was located in the northeast downtown San José, Costa Rica.

  8. Trophic development in a volcanic lake with closed hydric balance. Lake Martignano; Evoluzione trofica di un lago vulcanico a bilancio idrico chiuso. Il lago di Martignano

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Falleni, F.; Bruno, M. [Istituto Superiore di Sanita' , Rome (Italy); Marchiori, E. [Istituto Sperimentale per la Zootecnia, Monterotondo, Rome (Italy); Congestri, R. [Rome Univ. Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy); Gasperi, E.; Brambullo, M. [Azienda Sanitaria Locale A, Rome (Italy); Amadeio, R. [Comune di Campagnano, Rome (Italy)


    Martignano lake is a particular charming volcanic lake in the countryside of Rome. Recently it was included in a project of Regional Wildlife Park. The lack of immissaries and emissaries, the quite long renewal time and the very short homeothermic period of two-months in a year, make the lake susceptible of trophic evolution. The comparison between the present data and those from previous studies seems to confirm such a slow development towards this way, with a nutrient level (nitrate 0.97 mg/L; total phosphorus 11.14 {mu}g/L) and chlorophyll a concentrations (10.68 {mu}g/L), typical of mesotrophic waters. The analysis of nutrient data expressed as annual mean value in percentage from the coastal stations, suggests an under lied farming influence, and points out the need to adopt fast reduction measures, to lower the phosphorus load in acceptable levels for the lake ecosystem. [Italian] Il lago di Martignano (207 m.s.l.m) e' situato nell'Italia centrale, a 35 Km a nord di Roma. I laghi di origine vulcanica rappresentano una tipologia relativamente rara rispetto all'insieme dei corpi d'acqua componenti la limnologia classica. La loro esistenza si determina in regioni con passata o attuale pronunciata attivita' tettonica. La mancanza di immissari ed emissari che caratterizza questo invaso rende particolarmente vulnerabile il suo livello trofico da parte delle contaminazioni da insediamenti urbani ed agricoli circostanti. Ai fini di valutare l'attuale velocita' di ricambio idrico del lago, il suo livello trofico e la conseguente capacita' di automantenimento di un basso livello trofico delle acque, e' stato pianificato il presente studio articolato in 13 mesi di campionamento. Si e' constatato che il valore medio annuale della clorofilla a, 10.68 {mu}g/L, mentre la presenza dei nitrati si aggira sul valore medio di 0.97 mg/L, cio' permette di ipotizzare l'origine agricola della maggior parte dei nutrienti del


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao Junwei; Nagashima, Kaori; Bogart, R. S.; Kosovichev, A. G. [W. W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4085 (United States); Duvall, T. L. Jr. [Solar Physics Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States)


    We report on a systematic center-to-limb variation in measured helioseismic travel times, which must be taken into account for an accurate determination of solar interior meridional flows. The systematic variation, found in time-distance helioseismology analysis using SDO/HMI and SDO/AIA observations, is different in both travel-time magnitude and variation trend for different observables. It is not clear what causes this systematic effect. Subtracting the longitude-dependent east-west travel times, obtained along the equatorial area, from the latitude-dependent north-south travel times, obtained along the central meridian area, gives remarkably similar results for different observables. We suggest this as an effective procedure for removing the systematic center-to-limb variation. The subsurface meridional flows obtained from inversion of the corrected travel times are approximately 10 m s{sup -1} slower than those obtained without removing the systematic effect. The detected center-to-limb variation may have important implications in the derivation of meridional flows in the deep interior and needs to be better understood.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Junwei; Nagashima, Kaori; Bogart, R. S.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Duvall, T. L. Jr.


    We report on a systematic center-to-limb variation in measured helioseismic travel times, which must be taken into account for an accurate determination of solar interior meridional flows. The systematic variation, found in time-distance helioseismology analysis using SDO/HMI and SDO/AIA observations, is different in both travel-time magnitude and variation trend for different observables. It is not clear what causes this systematic effect. Subtracting the longitude-dependent east-west travel times, obtained along the equatorial area, from the latitude-dependent north-south travel times, obtained along the central meridian area, gives remarkably similar results for different observables. We suggest this as an effective procedure for removing the systematic center-to-limb variation. The subsurface meridional flows obtained from inversion of the corrected travel times are approximately 10 m s –1 slower than those obtained without removing the systematic effect. The detected center-to-limb variation may have important implications in the derivation of meridional flows in the deep interior and needs to be better understood.

  11. Systematic Center-To-Limb Variation in Measured Helioseismic Travel Times and Its Effect on Inferences of Solar Interior Meridional Flows (United States)

    Zhao, Junwei; Nagashima, Kaori; Bogart, R. S.; Kosovichev, Alexander; Duvall, T. L., Jr.


    We report on a systematic center-to-limb variation in measured helioseismic travel times, which must be taken into account for an accurate determination of solar interior meridional flows. The systematic variation, found in time-distance helioseismology analysis using SDO/HMI and SDO/AIA observations, is different in both travel-time magnitude and variation trend for different observables. It is not clear what causes this systematic effect. Subtracting the longitude-dependent east-west travel times, obtained along the equatorial area, from the latitude-dependent north-south travel times, obtained along the central meridian area, gives remarkably similar results for different observables. We suggest this as an effective procedure for removing the systematic center-to-limb variation. The subsurface meridional flows obtained from inversion of the corrected travel times are approximately 10 m s-1 slower than those obtained without removing the systematic effect. The detected center-to-limb variation may have important implications in the derivation of meridional flows in the deep interior and needs to be better understood.

  12. Numerical analysis of flow in ultra micro centrifugal compressor -influence of meridional configuration (United States)

    Kaneko, Masanao; Tsujita, Hoshio; Hirano, Toshiyuki


    A single stage ultra micro centrifugal compressor constituting ultra micro gas turbine is required to operate at high rotational speed in order to achieve the pressure ratio which establishes the gas turbine cycle. As a consequence, the aerodynamic losses can be increased by the interaction of a shock wave with the boundary layer on the blade surface. Moreover, the centrifugal force which exceeds the allowable stress of the impeller material can act on the root of blades. On the other hand, the restrictions of processing technology for the downsizing of impeller not only relatively enlarge the size of tip clearance but also make it difficult to shape the impeller with the three-dimensional blade. Therefore, it is important to establish the design technology for the impeller with the two-dimensional blade which possesses the sufficient aerodynamic performance and enough strength to bear the centrifugal force caused by the high rotational speed. In this study, the flow in two types of impeller with the two-dimensional blade which have different meridional configuration was analyzed numerically. The computed results clarified the influence of the meridional configuration on the loss generations in the impeller passage.

  13. Actuaciones educativas para la convivencia en centros con alumnado inmigrante

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    Alejandro Martínez González


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados del trabajo de campo llevado a cabo en 11 centros educativos en el proyecto p lan n acional i +D+ i (2008-2011: La mejora de la convivencia y el aprendizaje en los centros educativos de primaria y secundaria con alumnado inmigrante , donde a partir de diferentes actuaciones educativas (no segregación en grupos específicos, organización de actividades de acogida, asambleas de grupo, Círculos de Convivencia o participación de familiares que se están llevando a cabo, se está contribuyendo a la mejora de la convivencia entre el alumnado, las familias y las y los profesionales del centro educativo.

  14. Solar rotation and meridional motions derived from sunspot groups

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tuominen, J.; Tuominen, I.; Kyroelaeinen, J.


    Latitudinal and longitudinal motions of sunspot groups have been studied using the positions of recurrent sunspot groups of 103 years published by Greenwich observatory. In order to avoid any limb effects, only positions close to the central meridian have been used. The data were divided into two parts: those belonging to the years around sunspot maxima and those belonging to the years around sunspot minima. Using several different criteria it was ascertained that sunspot groups show meridional motions and that their drift curves as a function of latitude are different around maxima and around minima. In addition, also the angular velocity, as a function of latitude, was found to be different around maxima and minima. (Auth.)

  15. Phylogeny of Lagos bat virus: challenges for lyssavirus taxonomy. (United States)

    Markotter, W; Kuzmin, I; Rupprecht, C E; Nel, L H


    Lagos bat virus (LBV) belongs to genotype 2 of the Lyssavirus genus. The complete nucleoprotein (N), phosphoprotein (P), matrixprotein (M) and glycoprotein (G) genes of 13 LBV isolates were sequenced and phylogenetically compared with other lyssavirus representatives. The results identified three different lineages of LBV. One of these lineages demonstrated sufficient sequence diversity to be considered a new lyssavirus genotype (Dakar bat lyssavirus). The suggested quantitative separation of lyssavirus genotypes using the N, P, M and G genes was also investigated using P-distances matrixes. Results indicated that the current criteria should be revised since overlaps between intergenotypic and intragenotypic variation occur.

  16. Efecto de la impermeabilidad del Mucílago de Nopal en bloques de tierra comprimidos

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    Yolanda Guadalupe Aranda Jiménez


    Full Text Available La arquitectura de tierra1 es conocida desde hace siglos, sin embargo, actualmente es poco utilizada comparado con los sistemas constructivos comunes. Los bloques de tierra comprimido (BTC son elementos constructivos con un potencial elevado para ser utilizado en las construcciones de vivienda en México, principalmente por su similitud con los bloques tradicionales, siendo conveniente mejorar sus características a partir de un estabilizante. Se realizó el estudio de BTC estabilizados con cemento y una sustancia proveniente de las pencas maduras de nopal. Se encontró que al añadir mucílago de nopal se observa un incremento significativo de la resistencia a la compresión húmeda y seca, lo cual estar relacionado con una disminución de la porosidad; se ofrecen algunas relaciones del efecto del mucílago en el sólido analizado.

  17. Tackling recontracting head on : the El Paso experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strange, J.


    El Paso's three part strategy of dealing with recontracting was described. The strategy involves (1) a rate case initiative, (2) internal restructuring, and (3) a marketing initiative. As a result of the rate case initiative, cost of service was reduced by $ 70 million, while maintaining the lowest rates in California. The internal restructuring resulted in eliminating all activities that did not add value, streamlined all business processes, flattened the organization structure, reduced personnel complement from 2400 to 1500, and paved the way for outsourcing many services. Largely as a result of the marketing initiative, 100 per cent of returned capacity has been sold for 1998 and 1999, compared to 84 per cent during 1996 and 1997. The company is now able to concentrate on projects for the east-of-California and northern Mexico markets, and to lay the groundwork in California for selling the returned capacity in 2000 and beyond. 2 tabs., 5 figs

  18. Impacts of Arctic precipitation changes on the downwelling limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Katsman, C.A.; van der Sleen, N.; Bintanja, Richard; Selten, F.; Wijnberg, Kathelijne Mariken; Hulscher, Suzanne J.M.H.


    According to the latest IPCC report, under the RCP 8.5 scenario precipitation in the Arctic region may increase by as much as 50%. The projected 21stcentury decline of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is attributed in part to this increase in precipitation and the associated

  19. Use of Remote Sensing and Local Knowledge for Geoconservation of Regiao dos Lagos, Brazil (United States)

    Avelar, S.; Vasconcelos, G.; Mansur, K. L.; Anjos, S. C.


    A series of lagoons can be found along the coastline of Rio de Janeiro, in the so-called Regiao dos Lagos. The lagoons differ in size, physicochemical, sedimentological and biological characteristics. Rare examples of litifying microbialites that produce stromatolites, the oldest fossils on Earth, can be found living in this lagoon system. The occurrence of stromatolites in the region is of great scientific interest because it enables the study of possible analogues of the earliest life on Earth. However, this region has been suffering from intense human activities and degradations. Geoconservation planning requires an assessment of the characteristics of the region and its potential threats. The primary goal of this study is to assess physical environmental changes and anthropogenic impacts over the last four decades in Regiao dos Lagos. Using a broad integrative assessment combining remote sensing, GIS, field studies and local knowledge of communities, land-cover and land-use classes were identified, as well as the main human activities impacting the environment. The seasonal and weekend tourism and urban sprawl in this coastal area of Rio de Janeiro triggers the occupation of new areas and the removal of natural vegetation, especially on lagoon margins. This disorderly occupation by an ever increasing population, with both legal and illegal constructions and the subsequent overload of the local infrastructure, e.g. increase of electrical energy consumption, volume of vehicles, pollution in air, water and soil and problems with water supply and wastewater treatment, are hastening the gradual degradation of the lake ecosystem. The main driving forces to environmental changes over the last four decades in Regiao dos Lagos were the change of dense vegetation, saline and bare soil classes into built-up areas, adding to the poor waste treatment and inadequate sewage disposal. This analysis provides a basis for a better control of anthropogenic impacts and

  20. Lake-level variations and tides in Lago Argentino, Patagonia: insights from pressure tide gauge records

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    Andreas Richter


    Full Text Available Based on precise pressure tide gauge observations lake-level records are derived for two sites in Lago Argentino, southern Patagonia, of 2.5 and 1 years of duration. Applying the tools of time series analysis, the principal processes affecting the lake level are identified and quantified. Lake-level changes reflecting variations in lake volume are dominated by a seasonal cycle of 1.2 m in amplitude. Lake-volume changes occur in addition with a daily period in response to melt water influx from surrounding glaciers. Sporadic lake-volume jumps are caused by bursting of the ice dam of Perito Moreno glacier. Water movements in Lago Argentino are dominated by surface seiches reaching 20 cm in amplitude. Lake tides reach a maximum amplitude of 3 mm. The comparison of the tidal signal extracted from the lake-level observations with a model composed of the contributions of body tide and ocean tidal loading indicates a phase shift of 23° which is most likely explained by an 1 hour phase lag of global ocean tide models in the region of the highly fragmented Pacific coast. The comparison of the obtained results with those of a previous study of Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego, allows to relate differences in the hydrological and hydrodynamic processes between both lakes to morphological properties. This leads to a tentative prediction of the lake-level variability to be expected from other great Patagonian lakes. The presented geodetic results shall serve as a starting point for a detailed limnological investigation of these aquatic ecosystems.

  1. Perceptions and Concerns about Inclusive Education among Students with Visual Impairments in Lagos, Nigeria (United States)

    Brydges, Colton; Mkandawire, Paul


    This article examines the perceptions of inclusive education in Lagos, Nigeria, based upon in-depth interviews conducted with students with visual impairments during the month of July 2013. The results and discussions are situated within critical disability theory. Despite decades of inclusive education policies, the findings of the study show…

  2. Preliminary isostatic residual gravity anomaly map of Paso Robles 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, California (United States)

    McPhee, D.K.; Langenheim, V.E.; Watt, J.T.


    This isostatic residual gravity map is part of an effort to map the three-dimensional distribution of rocks in the central California Coast Ranges and will serve as a basis for modeling the shape of basins and for determining the location and geometry of faults within the Paso Robles quadrangle. Local spatial variations in the Earth\\'s gravity field, after accounting for variations caused by elevation, terrain, and deep crustal structure reflect the distribution of densities in the mid- to upper crust. Densities often can be related to rock type, and abrupt spatial changes in density commonly mark lithological or structural boundaries. High-density rocks exposed within the central Coast Ranges include Mesozoic granitic rocks (exposed northwest of Paso Robles), Jurassic to Cretaceous marine strata of the Great Valley Sequence (exposed primarily northeast of the San Andreas fault), and Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Franciscan Complex [exposed in the Santa Lucia Range and northeast of the San Andreas fault (SAF) near Parkfield, California]. Alluvial sediments and Tertiary sedimentary rocks are characterized by low densities; however, with increasing depth of burial and age, the densities of these rocks may become indistinguishable from those of older basement rocks.

  3. Aerosol characterizaton in El Paso-Juarez airshed using optical methods (United States)

    Esparza, Angel Eduardo


    The assessment and characterization of atmospheric aerosols and their optical properties are of great significance for several applications such as air pollution studies, atmospheric visibility, remote sensing of the atmosphere, and impacts on climate change. Decades ago, the interest in atmospheric aerosols was primarily for visibility impairment problems; however, recently interest has intensified with efforts to quantify the optical properties of aerosols, especially because of the uncertainties surrounding the role of aerosols in climate change. The main objective of the optical characterization of aerosols is to understand their properties. These properties are determined by the aerosols' chemical composition, size, shape and concentration. The general purpose of this research was to contribute to a better characterization of the aerosols present in the Paso del Norte Basin. This study permits an alternative approach in the understanding of air pollution for this zone by analyzing the predominant components and their contributions to the local environment. This dissertation work had three primary objectives, in which all three are intertwined by the general purpose of the aerosol characterization in the Paso del Norte region. The first objective was to retrieve the columnar aerosol size distribution for two different cases (clean and polluted scenarios) at each season (spring, summer, fall and winter) of the year 2009. In this project, instruments placed in buildings within the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) as well as a monitoring site (CAMS 12) from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) provided the measurements that delimited the aerosol size distribution calculated by our model, the Environmental Physics Inverse Reconstruction (EPIRM) model. The purpose of this objective was to provide an alternate method of quantifying and size-allocating aerosols in situ, by using the optical properties of the aerosols and inversely reconstruct and

  4. Asymptomatic bacteriuria among antenatal women in Lagos. (United States)

    Olamijulo, Joseph Ayodeji; Adewale, Chris Olu; Olaleye, Olalekan


    This cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB), the commonest bacterial isolates and the antibiotic sensitivity pattern among 556 pregnant women in Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Nigeria. Women with a bacterial count over 100,000 colony-forming units per millilitre of the same organisms in paired urine samples were considered to have ASB. The prevalence of ASB was 14.6%. Klebsiella was the commonest micro-organism (39.2%) isolated. ASB was significantly associated with marital status, body mass index and parity. There was a significant relationship between urinary nitrites and ASB. The isolated organisms showed remarkable resistance to commonly prescribed antibiotics such as amoxicillin, cloxacillin and trimethoprim but good sensitivity to ofloxacin, gentamycin and ceftazidime. These facts have implications for the management of ASB in pregnancy.

  5. Ciclo anual de la clorofila-α satelital en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández (33°S), Chile


    Andrade,Isabel; Hormazabal,Samuel E; Correa-Ramirez,Marco A


    La variabilidad espacial y temporal del ciclo anual de la clorofila-α en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández se analiza usando ocho anos de datos satelitales de clorofila-α, viento, corrientes y nivel del mar. Este archipiélago está conformado por tres islas: Robinson Crusoe-Santa Clara (RC-SC) y Alejandro Selkirk (AS). Las islas RC-SC se encuentran en una región de alta energía cinética y mayores concentraciones de clorofila-α definida como Zona de Transición Costera, en cambio ...


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    Johanna Abella


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizarfisicoquímicamente la corriente LasCintas, afluente al lago de Tota, ubicadoen el departamento de Boyacá. Se determinaronlos parámetros de temperatura,pH, conductividad, oxígeno disuelto,DQO, DBO5, concentración de especiesde nitrógeno (nitratos y nitritos y concentraciónde especies de fósforo (fósforototal, fósforo hidrolizable total, ortofosfatototal y fósforo orgánico total,para lo cual se efectuaron seis muestreosentre septiembre y noviembre del 2009,en cinco puntos seleccionados sobre lacorriente. Estos análisis se realizaron siguiendometodologías normalizadas parael análisis de aguas. En los resultadosse observan comportamientos de pocavariabilidad en los parámetros de temperatura,pH, conductividad y oxígenodisuelto; en cuanto al aporte de nitratos,se determinó que el desarrollo de cultivosen las proximidades de la corrienteaumenta la concentración de estos iones,que pueden ser arrastrados al lago. Respectoa las diferentes especies de fósforoevaluadas permiten establecer la escasacontribución de fósforo orgánico haciael cuerpo de agua, además del aportesignificativo de fósforo por detergentesvertidos en la corriente. Basándose en lacaracterización efectuada, se puede establecerque la actividad agrícola aportanutrientes que probablemente favorecenel desarrollo del proceso de eutrofizaciónen el lago de Tota.

  7. Programas de inclusión de personas en situación de discapacidad en la Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile


    Quintana, Magaly; Martínez, Carolina


    El presente artículo da cuenta de la génesis del proceso de inclusión en carreras de Pre Grado, de estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas Especiales Permanentes (NEEP) en la Universidad de Los Lagos. Incluye una descripción de las actividades realizadas durante el año 2012 en torno al tema, del Proyecto de inclusión elaborado y presentado a los Cuerpos Colegiados para su aprobación, y de la proyección del Programa de Inclusión Universidad de Los Lagos para los próximos años.

  8. El centro cultural: Una puerta abierta a la memoria

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    Marcela Alejandra País Andrade


    Full Text Available En este artículo, describimos y analizamos las actividades culturales/recreativas ofrecidas en los centros culturales dependientes del Programa Cultural en Barrios, como formas posibles de usos de la/las memoria/s para representar el pasado. Responden a un contexto macro, el Centro Cultural, cristalizando una política pública-cultural (el Programa Cultural en Barrios como una de las diferentes formas por medio de las cuales, el Estado administra el recuerdo colectivo. Nos centramos en las actividades culturales/recreativas que realizan los jóvenes de sectores medios, en tres de estos centros culturales. Paralelamente, reflexionamos cómo significan sus estilos de vida a través de estas prácticas realizadas en su tiempo libre y vinculadas al consumo cultural hegemónico relacionado a las políticas culturales. Para ello, se han entrevistado coordinadores y promotores culturales, jóvenes de 18 a 24 años que realizan alguna actividad cultural/recreativa. Se han analizado encuestas, escritos y archivos generados por los Centros y por el Programa.Neste artigo nós descrevemos e analisamos as atividades culturais/de lazer oferecidas nos Centros culturais dependentes do Programa Cultural nos Bairros, como formas possíveis de usos da/s memória/s para representar o passado. Respondendo a um contexto mais amplo, o Centro Cultural, cristalizando uma política público-culturais (o Programa Cultural nos Bairros como uma das diferentes formas por médio das quais o Estado administra a memória coletiva. Nós colocamos a atenção nas atividades culturais/de lazer que realizam os jovens de setores médios em três centros culturais. Ao mesmo tempo, refletimos na forma em que eles significam seus estilos de vida através destas práticas realizadas no seu tempo livre e vinculadas ao consumo cultural hegemônico em relação às políticas culturais. Para fazer isto, nós temos entrevistado coordenadores e promotores culturais, jovens de 18 à 24 anos

  9. El Servicio de información de patentes de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: nuevo Centro Patlib

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    Macías González, Julio


    Full Text Available The Library of the Polytechnic School at Carlos III University of Madrid has opened a new patent information service. The aim is to develop an information and documentation centre about industrial property on the basis of the deposit of EPO and USPTO collection of European and North American patents and databases that belongs to the Oficina Española de Patentes (Spanish Patent Office. The first step has been the designation of the Library as a Patlib Center (European Patent Office Libraries Network. With this new service, the Library tries to spread within the academic community the important role of patents as a source of information for technological research, as well as to provide information services about industrial property to universities, companies, the general public and specially the Parque Científico (Scientific Park of Carlos III University in Leganés (Leganés Tecnológico.

    La Biblioteca de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid abre un nuevo servicio de información sobre patentes, tomando como base el depósito por parte de la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM de una amplia colección de patentes europeas y norteamericanas y sus bases de datos. El objetivo es desarrollar un centro de información y documentación sobre propiedad industrial. El primer paso ha sido su designación como Centro Patlib (Red de Bibliotecas de Patentes de la Oficina Europea de Patentes EPO. Con la prestación de este nuevo servicio, el principal objetivo de la Biblioteca es difundir dentro de la comunidad académica la importancia de las patentes como recurso de información para la investigación tecnológica, así como proporcionar servicios de documentación e información sobre propiedad industrial a las universidades, las empresas, los ciudadanos en general y muy especialmente al Parque Científico Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Leganés Tecnológico.

  10. Mentoring and Succession of Administrators: Critical Issues in Public and Private Secondary Schools in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    S.A. Oladipo


    Full Text Available Studies have shown that the quality of outcome in Nigerian secondary schools is declining at an alarming rate due to shortage of required resources as well as leadership challenges. The challenges have been observed to be as a result of lack of mentoring which is not a common practice in school management in Nigeria. Consequently, this study investigated the extent to which mentoring as a strategy for administrators' succession plan impacts on the performance of their duties in public and private secondary schools in Lagos, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design and administered a 25-item self-constructed questionnaire on participants. A total of 530 participants were randomly selected from the population of 4,350 senior teachers. The Participants were drawn from 145 secondary schools (91 public and 54 registered private in Education District IV of Lagos State. The findings showed that mentoring has significant impact on administrators' succession planning and that succession planning does not significantly differ in public and private secondary schools in Lagos State. The study concluded that leadership development is a critical factor in secondary school effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, serving administrators as well as prospective administrators should be regularly evaluated to determine their training needs at different career stages. There should also be mentoring related policies to enhance the managerial skills, sense of competence and effectiveness of the prospective administrators.

  11. Investigating last mile distribution challenges of wine suppliers in Lagos, Nigeria



    M.Com. (Business Management) The last mile distribution is the final link of successful supply chain operations. The high demand for products, lead time uncertainties and replenishment time complicate the distribution task. In order to achieve a competitive business edge, suppliers need to work at developing and improving their last mile distribution link. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the last mile wine distribution in Lagos Island, Nigeria, and to determin...

  12. Uranium prospection programme: Paso de las Piedras mission. Technical report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bossi, J; Mujica, H; Umpierre, M; Galipolo, N.


    The mission of Paso de las Piedras was due of the radioactive values found by the French mission of the CE.A. found in a few former polls .Analyzed the samples its gave values that range between 2.500 and 3.000 ppm in uranium. The need to come to prospectar this zone was immediate, to determine if wil be before a deposit of uranium. The later studies prove that the extension was limited and not concluded yet. There were compiled 5 classes of numerical information in order of increasing detail: a) Chemical analysis of samples of alluvium b) chemical analysis of water samples c) report radiometric d) chemical analysis and radiometric report of soils e) chemical and radiometric analysis of the perforations

  13. Ensamble de crustáceos bentónicos en un lago salino tropical Benthic crustaceans assemblage in a tropical, saline lake

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    Ma. del Carmen Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo reconoce la composición, estructura y distribución espacial del ensamble de crustáceos bentónicos de Alchichica, un lago salino tropical ubicado en el extremo oriental del altiplano mexicano. El lago presenta una riqueza taxonómica de crustáceos bentónicos compuesta por 1 anfípodo (Hyalella azteca, 1 isópodo (Caecidotea williamsi y 2 ostrácodos (Limnocythere inopinata y Candona sp.. Comparada con otros lagos tropicales, la riqueza de especies es reducida. A pesar de lo anterior, es importante mencionar el grado elevado de endemismo representado por C. williamsi, recientemente descrita para el lago Alchichica; adicionalmente, es factible que tanto Candona como H. azteca sean especies nuevas y endémicas del lago. Los crustáceos bentónicos se distribuyen desde la zona litoral hasta la zona más profunda del lago (62 m con abundancias y riqueza taxonómica variables. Los ostrácodos fueron los crustáceos que con mayor frecuencia se recolectaron en el lago, en la zona litoral, en el talud, y en la zona profunda de la que son habitantes exclusivos. Los anfípodos constituyeron el segundo grupo en abundancia de la zona litoral y talud y estuvieron ausentes en la zona profunda. Los isópodos sólo se encuentran asociados a los depósitos de tufa, hábitat característico del lago que se extiende a lo largo del talud, por lo que con las técnicas de muestreo tradicional empleadas en el presente estudio no fueron capturados. En este ensamble de crustáceos predominan las especies de desarrollo directo y con posiciones tróficas que incluyen componentes herbívoros (H. azteca, omnívoros (C. williamsi y bacterívoros (L. inopinata y Candona sp..This work acknowledges the composition, structure and spatial distribution of the benthic crustaceans assemblage of Alchichica, a tropical saline lake located in the easternmost portion of the Mexican highlands. The benthic crustaceans' assemblage was comprised by 1 amphipod

  14. The role of the meridional sea surface temperature gradient in controlling the Caribbean low-level jet (United States)

    Maldonado, Tito; Rutgersson, Anna; Caballero, Rodrigo; Pausata, Francesco S. R.; Alfaro, Eric; Amador, Jorge


    The Caribbean low-level jet (CLLJ) is an important modulator of regional climate, especially precipitation, in the Caribbean and Central America. Previous work has inferred, due to their semiannual cycle, an association between CLLJ strength and meridional sea surface temperature (SST) gradients in the Caribbean Sea, suggesting that the SST gradients may control the intensity and vertical shear of the CLLJ. In addition, both the horizontal and vertical structure of the jet have been related to topographic effects via interaction with the mountains in Northern South America (NSA), including funneling effects and changes in the meridional geopotential gradient. Here we test these hypotheses, using an atmospheric general circulation model to perform a set of sensitivity experiments to examine the impact of both SST gradients and topography on the CLLJ. In one sensitivity experiment, we remove the meridional SST gradient over the Caribbean Sea and in the other, we flatten the mountains over NSA. Our results show that the SST gradient and topography have little or no impact on the jet intensity, vertical, and horizontal wind shears, contrary to previous works. However, our findings do not discount a possible one-way coupling between the SST and the wind over the Caribbean Sea through friction force. We also examined an alternative approach based on barotropic instability to understand the CLLJ intensity, vertical, and horizontal wind shears. Our results show that the current hypothesis about the CLLJ must be reviewed in order to fully understand the atmospheric dynamics governing the Caribbean region.

  15. Levels of Job Satisfaction and Performance of Sports Officers in Lagos State Secondary Schools (United States)

    Onifade, Ademola; Keinde, Idou; Kehinde, Eunice


    The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between job satisfaction levels of sports officers and sports performance of secondary schools in Lagos State. Data were collected from 200 subjects across 10 Local Education Districts. Job Descriptive Index was used to determine job satisfaction while performance in the Principals' Soccer…

  16. El ultrasonido: desde el murciélago hasta la cardiología no invasiva

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    Fabián Dávila


    Conclusiones: Grandes avances se han logrado en consecuencia con la evolución del ultrasonido en medicina, su inicio en la ecolocalización descrita en los murciélagos hasta la ultrasonografía cardiaca en 3 D, han permitido el desarrollo de nuevas no invasivas en la medicina cardiovascular.

  17. Further influence of the eastern boundary on the seasonal variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26N (United States)

    Baehr, Johanna; Schmidt, Christian


    The seasonal cycle of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) at 26.5 N has been shown to arise predominantly from sub-surface density variations at the Eastern boundary. Here, we suggest that these sub-surface density variations have their origin in the seasonal variability of the Canary Current system, in particular the Poleward Undercurrent (PUC). We use a high-resolution ocean model (STORM) for which we show that the seasonal variability resembles observations for both sub-surface density variability and meridional transports. In particular, the STORM model simulation density variations at the eastern boundary show seasonal variations reaching down to well over 1000m, a pattern that most model simulations systematically underestimate. We find that positive wind stress curl anomalies in late summer and already within one degree off the eastern boundary result -through water column stretching- in strong transport anomlies in PUC in fall, coherent down to 1000m depth. Simultaneously with a westward propagation of these transport anomalies, we find in winter a weak PUC between 200 m and 500m, and southward transports between 600m and 1300m. This variability is in agreement with the observationally-based suggestion of a seasonal reversal of the meridional transports at intermediate depths. Our findings extend earlier studies which suggested that the seasonal variability at of the meridional transports across 26N is created by changes in the basin-wide thermocline through wind-driven upwelling at the eastern boundary analyzing wind stress curl anomalies 2 degrees off the eastern boundary. Our results suggest that the investigation of AMOC variability and particular its seasonal cycle modulations require the analysis of boundary wind stress curl and the upper ocean transports within 1 degree off the eastern boundary. These findings also implicate that without high-resolution coverage of the eastern boundary, coarser model simulation might not fully

  18. Storm-time meridional flows: a comparison of CINDI observations and model results

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    M. Hairston


    Full Text Available During a large geomagnetic storm, the electric field from the polar ionosphere can expand far enough to affect the mid-latitude and equatorial electric fields. These changes in the equatorial zonal electric field, called the penetration field, will cause changes in the meridional ion flows that can be observed by radars and spacecraft. In general this E × B ion flow near the equator caused by the penetration field during undershielding conditions will be upward on the dayside and downward on the nightside of the Earth. Previous analysis of the equatorial meridional flows observed by CINDI instrument on the C/NOFS spacecraft during the 26 September 2011 storm showed that all of the response flows on the dayside were excess downward flows instead of the expected upward flows. These observed storm-time responses are compared to a prediction from a physics-based coupled model of thermosphere–ionosphere–inner-magnetosphere in an effort to explain these observations. The model results suggest that the equatorial downward flow could be attributed to a combined effect of the overshielding and disturbance dynamo processes. However, some discrepancy between the model and observation indicates a need for improving our understanding of how sensitive the equatorial electric field is to various model input parameters that describe the magnetosphere–ionosphere coupling processes.

  19. Meridional Motions and Reynolds Stress Determined by Using Kanzelhöhe Drawings and White Light Solar Images from 1964 to 2016 (United States)

    Ruždjak, Domagoj; Sudar, Davor; Brajša, Roman; Skokić, Ivica; Poljančić Beljan, Ivana; Jurdana-Šepić, Rajka; Hanslmeier, Arnold; Veronig, Astrid; Pötzi, Werner


    Sunspot position data obtained from Kanzelhöhe Observatory for Solar and Environmental Research (KSO) sunspot drawings and white light images in the period 1964 to 2016 were used to calculate the rotational and meridional velocities of the solar plasma. Velocities were calculated from daily shifts of sunspot groups and an iterative process of calculation of the differential rotation profiles was used to discard outliers. We found a differential rotation profile and meridional motions in agreement with previous studies using sunspots as tracers and conclude that the quality of the KSO data is appropriate for analysis of solar velocity patterns. By analyzing the correlation and covariance of meridional velocities and rotation rate residuals we found that the angular momentum is transported towards the solar equator. The magnitude and latitudinal dependence of the horizontal component of the Reynolds stress tensor calculated is sufficient to maintain the observed solar differential rotation profile. Therefore, our results confirm that the Reynolds stress is the dominant mechanism responsible for transport of angular momentum towards the solar equator.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belucz, Bernadett; Forgács-Dajka, Emese [Eötvös University, Department of Astronomy, 1518 Budapest, Pf. 32 (Hungary); Dikpati, Mausumi, E-mail:, E-mail: [High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 3080 Center Green, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 (United States)


    Babcock–Leighton type-solar dynamo models with single-celled meridional circulation are successful in reproducing many solar cycle features. Recent observations and theoretical models of meridional circulation do not indicate a single-celled flow pattern. We examine the role of complex multi-cellular circulation patterns in a Babcock–Leighton solar dynamo in advection- and diffusion-dominated regimes. We show from simulations that the presence of a weak, second, high-latitude reverse cell speeds up the cycle and slightly enhances the poleward branch in the butterfly diagram, whereas the presence of a second cell in depth reverses the tilt of the butterfly wing to an antisolar type. A butterfly diagram constructed from the middle of convection zone yields a solar-like pattern, but this may be difficult to realize in the Sun because of magnetic buoyancy effects. Each of the above cases behaves similarly in higher and lower magnetic diffusivity regimes. However, our dynamo with a meridional circulation containing four cells in latitude behaves distinctly differently in the two regimes, producing solar-like butterfly diagrams with fast cycles in the higher diffusivity regime, and complex branches in butterfly diagrams in the lower diffusivity regime. We also find that dynamo solutions for a four-celled pattern, two in radius and two in latitude, prefer to quickly relax to quadrupolar parity if the bottom flow speed is strong enough, of similar order of magnitude as the surface flow speed.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belucz, Bernadett; Forgács-Dajka, Emese; Dikpati, Mausumi


    Babcock–Leighton type-solar dynamo models with single-celled meridional circulation are successful in reproducing many solar cycle features. Recent observations and theoretical models of meridional circulation do not indicate a single-celled flow pattern. We examine the role of complex multi-cellular circulation patterns in a Babcock–Leighton solar dynamo in advection- and diffusion-dominated regimes. We show from simulations that the presence of a weak, second, high-latitude reverse cell speeds up the cycle and slightly enhances the poleward branch in the butterfly diagram, whereas the presence of a second cell in depth reverses the tilt of the butterfly wing to an antisolar type. A butterfly diagram constructed from the middle of convection zone yields a solar-like pattern, but this may be difficult to realize in the Sun because of magnetic buoyancy effects. Each of the above cases behaves similarly in higher and lower magnetic diffusivity regimes. However, our dynamo with a meridional circulation containing four cells in latitude behaves distinctly differently in the two regimes, producing solar-like butterfly diagrams with fast cycles in the higher diffusivity regime, and complex branches in butterfly diagrams in the lower diffusivity regime. We also find that dynamo solutions for a four-celled pattern, two in radius and two in latitude, prefer to quickly relax to quadrupolar parity if the bottom flow speed is strong enough, of similar order of magnitude as the surface flow speed

  2. Oral health care knowledge and practices of a group of deaf adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    Oredugba, Folakemi A


    This study sought to determine the oral health care knowledge and practices of a group of deaf adolescents in Lagos. The study involved 50 students of Wesley School 1 for the Deaf, Lagos (26 males and 24 females, aged 10-19 years, mean 13.3 +/- 2.8). Information about previous dental care, oral hygiene, and snacking habits were obtained through a questionnaire and sign language by the teachers. Only 12 percent of pupils had received dental care. Eight percent and 72 percent, respectively, gave correct answers to causes of tooth decay and bleeding gums. Ninety-four percent brushed their teeth once daily, with no significant sex difference (P > .05). Reported dental problems include bleeding gums (36%), tooth discoloration, and tooth decay. The majority of pupils (60%) preferred biscuits and soft drinks as snacks. More than 90 percent were willing to have a dental check-up. The oral health knowledge and practices of this group of children will improve through a controlled school-based oral health education program.

  3. Sistema de humedales artificiales para el control de la eutroficación del lago del Bosque de San Juan de Aragón

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    Víctor Manuel Luna-Pabello


    Full Text Available El lago del Bosque de San Juan de Aragón (LBSJA, ocupa una superficie de 12 hectáreas. El lago está eutrofizado debido a que el sistema de lodos activados, conocido como "Tlacos", descarga parcialmente agua tratada dentro del lago y ésta contiene concentraciones de nitrógeno y fósforo que propician el crecimiento de microalgas. En este estudio, se describen los aspectos relevantes sobre el diseño, construcción y arranque operativo de un sistema de tratamiento a base de humedales artificiales (STHA construido en el LBSJA. El STHA ocupa aproximadamente 1 hectárea de superficie, fue diseñado para depurar un promedio de 250 m3d-1 de agua. El sistema consiste de un filtro de agregados calcáreos, un sedimentador, un humedal artificial de flujo subsuperficial (HAFSS, un humedal artificial de flujo superficial (HAFS y un muro gavión filtrante. El agua con la que se alimenta al sistema proviene tanto del efluente de la planta de tratamiento convencional de "Tlacos" (PTAR-Tlacos, como de la contenida en el propio lago. Los resultados muestran 80% de reducción en el contenido de contaminantes. Esto representa una calidad de agua tratada superior a la establecida en la normatividad ambiental para cuerpos acuáticos usados con fines recreativos.

  4. Geospatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in an Urban Soil, El Paso, Texas, USA (United States)

    Amaya, M. A.; Elkekli, A. R.; Clague, J. W.; Grimida, S. E.; Pingitore, N. E., Jr.


    Some 500 city blocks were selected randomly via population-based stratification. Equal volumes of soil collected from the public space (where present) in front of each house on a block yielded a composite sample. Composites provide neighborhood level "smoothing" relative to sampling many individual houses, and greatly decrease laboratory effort/cost. In the laboratory 10 g of soil were comminuted in a ceramic ball mill, mixed with cellulose/ paraffin binder, and pressed (20 tons) into a pellet. A Panalytical Epsilon5 EDS-XRF, using 8 sequential secondary target conditions and 12 NIST and USGS multi-element rock standards provided analyses. The concentration of Pb ranged from 11 to 420 ppm; Cr, 4.3 - 52 ppm; Cu, 6.5 - 390 ppm; Zn, 17 - 480 ppm; Cd, 0.4 - 12 ppm; and Sb, 2.9 - 20 ppm. High levels of all metals characterize the urban core area of El Paso, which dates to the late 19th Century. This area hosts both commercial and old residential structures, as well as major highways and a large railroad yard. There currently is, and was in the past, considerable light industry in the area. Two highly traveled highway and one railroad border crossing over the Rio Grande into contiguous Cd. Juarez (population close to 2 million) add to current and past contamination. A century-old Pb-Cu-Zn smelter, recently demolished, forms the western boundary of the urban core. Heavy metal pollution from the smelter is recognized near the former site. Its effect on the rest of the urban core is uncertain due to the current and former presence of other heavy metal sources. Aggressive post-World War II growth and expansion of El Paso into the surrounding desert, as is common in the US Southwest, placed newer housing onto more pristine land surfaces. This is reflected in generally low-to-background levels of heavy metals in these newer areas of the city. Thus there is a strong contamination and heavy metals exposure risk gradient between older and newer neighborhoods within a single city

  5. Evaluación de los niveles de nitrógeno ureico en sangre de vacas Holstein en etapa post-parto alimentadas con energía de paso


    López B., Adriana; Sari S., Claudio


    El nitrógeno ureico presente en la sangre de los bovinos en niveles normales sirve para evaluar como esta la nutrición con respecto a la proteína al relacionar la energía de paso con el nitrógeno ureico en sangre, por que a mayor consumo de proteína mayor consumo de energia de paso Magister en Producción Animal, Mención Bovinos Cuenca

  6. Otro paso ‘fuera del tiempo’: Al volver la esquina de Carmen Laforet

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    Noè, Elisabetta


    Full Text Available This work deals with Carmen Laforet’s novel Al volver la esquina, which was published posthumous by Destino in 2004 when the writer herself died. In this novel the organization and the complexity of the narrative text represent a new and interesting stage in the stylistic evolution of Laforet’s writing. This article wants to analyse some aspects of the narrative structure of the novel (focusing, time dealing and characterization in order to include it in the unfinished trilogy, called «Tres pasos fuera del tiempo», of which it is its second part, after the publication of La insolación in 1963.Se estudia aquí la novela Al volver la esquina, de Carmen Laforet, publicada de manera póstuma por la editorial Destino en 2004, el mismo año de la muerte de la escritora. En esta obra, la articulación y la complejidad de la estructura narrativa representa una nueva e interesante etapa de la evolución estilística de Laforet. Este artículo se propone analizar ciertos aspectos de la organización narrativa de esta obra (focalización, tratamiento del tiempo y fisonomía de los personajes, insertándola en el contexto de una trilogía inacabada, titulada «Tres pasos fuera del tiempo», de la que representa la segunda parte, tras la publicación, en 1963, de La insolación.

  7. Análisis espectral del Lago de Guadalupe, mediante imágenes de satélite y datos in situ

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    Raúl Aguirre Gómez


    Full Text Available El Lago de Guadalupe es un embalse localizado en los alrededores de la Ciudad de México, y recibe un volume considerable de aguas residuales. En este trabajo se presenta un análisis espectral del Lago de Guadalupe utilizando imágenes SPOT y datos colectados in situ. Las mediciones fueron realizadas en los meses de febrero y septiembre de 2006. Las variables medidas incluyen temperatura, pH, clorofila a, transparencia Secchi y datos satelitales, cuasisimultáneos, obtenidos de imágenes SPOT. Este cuerpo de agua es eutrófico, con valores básicos de pH (6.8 – 11.3 y altas concentraciones de clorofila-a (6.9-112.4 μg l-1 y valores bajos de transparencia Secchi. Térmicamente, el lago es cálido monomíctico. Los resultados indican un alto grado de eutrofización, debida principalmente a la presencia de fitoplancton, vegetación sumergida y flotante. La distribución de la vegetación es cuasi-homogénea en el embalse a excepción de un punto de muestreo.

  8. Taxonomía y distribución de los corales hermatípicos (Scleractinia) del Archipiélago de Revillagigedo, México


    James T., Ketchum; Héctor Reyes, Bonilla


    A pesar de los recientes registros detallados sobre los corales escleractinios del Archipiélago Revillagigedo, el trabajo taxonómico sobre esta fauna ha sido escaso. Por lo anterior, se hace necesario conformar una base taxonómica sólida para fundamentar otros trabajos a nivel comunitario. Las recolectas de los especimenes se realizaron a diferentes profundidades y en tres de las islas que componen el archipiélago: Socorro, Clarión y San Benedicto, durante 5 salidas de campo de 1990 a 1995. U...

  9. An electrical analogy relating the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation to the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation.

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    Bruce E Kurtz

    Full Text Available The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC is the northward flow of surface water to subpolar latitudes where deepwater is formed, balanced by southward abyssal flow and upwelling in the vicinity of the Southern Ocean. It is generally accepted that AMOC flow oscillates with a period of 60-80 years, creating a regular variation in North Atlantic sea surface temperature known as the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO. This article attempts to answer two questions: how is the AMOC driven and why does it oscillate? Using methods commonly employed by chemical engineers for analyzing processes involving flowing liquids, apparently not previously applied to trying to understand the AMOC, an equation is developed for AMOC flow as a function of the meridional density gradient or the corresponding temperature gradient. The equation is based on the similarity between the AMOC and an industrial thermosyphon loop cooler, which circulates a heat transfer liquid without using a mechanical pump. Extending this equation with an analogy between the flow of heat and electricity explains why the AMOC flow oscillates and what determines its period. Calculated values for AMOC flow and AMO oscillation period are in good agreement with measured values.


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    N. A. Navarrete-Salgado


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se refiere a la presencia, abundancia y estado sanitario de Girardinichthys viviparus Bustamante en el embalse Requena, Laguna de Zumpango y los tres Lagos de Chapultepec, en la ciudad de México. Seregistraron parámetros ambientales como la temperatura, oxígeno, dureza alcalinidad, pH y conductividad. Los peces fueron capturados con red de cuchara y se evaluó el estado sanitario de los peces. Girardinichthys. viviparus sólo se registro en el Lago Menor y Mayor de Chapultepec, en el primero se presentó la mayor abundancia del pez y el menor parasitismo.

  11. Ciclo del carbono y modelización biogeoquímica de un lago somero hipertrófico: la Albufera de Valencia


    Onandia Bieco, Gabriela


    Los lagos someros son uno de los ecosistemas acuáticos más numerosos a nivel global y hacen posible el desarrollo de multitud de actividades de interés económico y recreativo. En las últimas décadas, gran parte de estos lagos se han visto sujetos a un proceso de eutrofización cultural que a menudo conlleva una transición desde un estado "claro" caracterizado por una alta transparencia del agua y gran abundancia de macrófitos, a un estado "turbio" caracterizado por una baja transparencia del a...

  12. Calidad percibida por dos poblaciones adscritas a dos centros de salud de la provincia de Cuenca

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    Retamal González Antonio


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Para prestar un servicio de calidad es fundamental conocer la opinión que sobre la misma tienen los usuarios del mismo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es medir y comparar la calidad percibida por dos poblaciones asignadas a dos centros de salud de la provincia de Cuenca. MÉTODO: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal. Las Zonas Básicas de Salud estudiadas han sido el Centro de Salud de Cardenete y Centro de Salud de Motilla del Palancar, ambos del Área de Salud de Cuenca. Se ha hecho un muestreo aleatorio estratificado por cuotas de edad y sexo a partir de la tarjeta sanitaria individual. Se ha medido la calidad percibida con un cuestionario validado y fiable, utilizado anteriormente con fines similares por el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. RESULTADOS: Se analizan un total de 295 encuestas, 147 a varones y 148 a mujeres. La media de edad es de 48,83 años (DE: 18,77 para el Centro de Salud de Motilla, en Centro de Salud de Cardenete es de 61,93 años (DE: 15,17. La media de frecuencias mensuales de visitas para Centro de Salud de MP ha sido de 1,56 (DE: 1,91; esta media para el Centro de Salud de Cardenete ha sido:2,49 (DE: 4,27. La media de frecuencias semanales para el Centro de Salud de MP ha sido: 0,32 (DE: 0,66; para el Centro de Salud de Cardenete ha sido: 0,49 (DE: 1,03. El tiempo de espera en el Centro de Salud de MP ha sido: 10,86 minutos (DE: 8,27; en el Centro de Salud de Cardenete: 7,88 (DE: 4,55. 83,4 % de los usuarios de los dos Centros de Salud de conocen la posibilidad de libre elección de médico de cabecera. Se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en 11 de los 21 ítems estudiados sobre calidad percibida de que consta el cuestionario CONCLUSIÓN. Los resultados de los componentes de la atención según el análisis factorial de los ítems de calidad percibida son coincidentes con los resultados de calidad percibida. De los dos grupos de usuarios estudiados, los que perciben

  13. Diversidad específica bacteriana en murciélagos de distintos gremios alimenticios en la sierra sur de Oaxaca, México

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    Mónica Marcela Galicia J.


    Full Text Available Los estudios sobre ecología bacteriana de la micro- biota en los murciélagos son limitados, dicha información es importante para determinar la importancia de esta interacción entre microbiota y hospedero, por tal motivo el objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la composición y diversidad bacteriana en las regiones orales y anales de 10 especies de quirópteros con relación al gremio alimenticio a través de medios selectivos, cromogénicos y pruebas bio- químicas. Se muestrearon 502 murciélagos frugívoros, 29 hematófagos y 11 nectívoros, fueron encontradas un total de 26 especies bacterianas, siendo predominantes el filo proteobacterias y la familia Enterobacteriaceae. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el microhabitat oral y anal [frugívoros (t=-3.516, g.l=14.761, p=0.003, hematófagos (t=-3.320, g.l=19.262, p=0.003, y nectívoros (t=-2.497, g.l=11.933, p=0.026, así como en algunos gremios (frugívoros e nectívoros en la región anal (t=2.274, g.l=29.660, p=0.030, hematófago y nectívoros en la región anal (t=2.077, g.l=29.904, p=0.049]. También se mostró que existe especificidad de bacterias en algunos gremios como: Bacillus cereus, B. spp. X. spp. en nectívoros y frugívoros, así como, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermis, Aeromonas hydrophyla en hematófagos que podría deberse al tipo de dieta que llevan o por transferencia de bacterias al contacto con sus presas. Los murciélagos han sido relacionados con varias zoonosis, sin embargo poco se conoce sobre la relación que existe entre el murciélago, su micro- biota y la dieta que llevan. Estas bacterias pudieran ser autóctonas de los murciélagos y jugar un papel de mutuo beneficio, proveyéndole al hospedero condiciones estables de crecimiento y nutrientes complementarios, mientras que la microbiota contribuye en la nutrición del hospedero, desarrollo del sistema inmune, estabilizando la

  14. The 7 steps for the power diagnosis; Los 7 pasos del diagnostico energetico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Osorio, Javier [Director de Ahorro de Energia en el Transporte, Comision Nacional para el Ahorro de Energia (CONAE) (Mexico)


    This study explains in detail the 7 steps to perform energy diagnose, which are: the balance (the expenses against the income); the traffic operations; the assets (vehicles and technology); the operation of the vehicles; the maintenance; the fuel management; the information and administration. [Spanish] Este estudio explica detalladamente los 7 pasos para realizar un diagnostico energetico, que son: el balance (los gastos contra los ingresos), las operaciones de trafico, el parque (vehiculos y tecnologia), la operacion de los vehiculos, el mantenimiento, la gestion de combustible, e informacion y administracion.

  15. Role of asymmetric meridional circulation in producing north-south asymmetry in a solar cycle dynamo model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belucz, Bernadett [Eötvös University, Department of Astronomy, 1518 Budapest, Pf. 32 (Hungary); Dikpati, Mausumi [High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 3080 Center Green, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 (United States)


    Solar cycles in the north and south hemispheres differ in cycle length, amplitude, profile, polar fields, and coronal structure. To show what role differences in meridional flow could play in producing these differences, we present the results of three sets of numerical simulations from a flux transport dynamo in which one property of meridional circulation has been changed in the south only. The changes are in amplitude and the presence of a second cell in latitude or in depth. An ascending phase speedup causes weakening of polar and toroidal fields; a speed decrease in a late descending phase does not change amplitudes. A long-duration speed increase leads to lower toroidal field peaks but unchanged polar field peaks. A second high-latitude circulation cell in an ascending phase weakens the next polar and toroidal field peaks, and the ascending phase is lengthened. A second cell in a late descending phase speeds up the cycle. A long-duration second cell leads to a poleward branch of the butterfly diagram and weaker polar fields. A second cell in depth reverses the tilt of the butterfly wing, decreasing polar fields when added during an ascending phase and increasing them during a late descending phase. A long-duration presence of a second cell in radius evolves the butterfly diagram far away from the observed one, with different dynamo periods in low and high latitudes. Thus, a second cell in depth is unlikely to persist more than a few years if the solar dynamo is advection-dominated. Our results show the importance of time variation and north-south asymmetry in meridional circulation in producing differing cycles in the north and south.

  16. Role of asymmetric meridional circulation in producing north-south asymmetry in a solar cycle dynamo model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belucz, Bernadett; Dikpati, Mausumi


    Solar cycles in the north and south hemispheres differ in cycle length, amplitude, profile, polar fields, and coronal structure. To show what role differences in meridional flow could play in producing these differences, we present the results of three sets of numerical simulations from a flux transport dynamo in which one property of meridional circulation has been changed in the south only. The changes are in amplitude and the presence of a second cell in latitude or in depth. An ascending phase speedup causes weakening of polar and toroidal fields; a speed decrease in a late descending phase does not change amplitudes. A long-duration speed increase leads to lower toroidal field peaks but unchanged polar field peaks. A second high-latitude circulation cell in an ascending phase weakens the next polar and toroidal field peaks, and the ascending phase is lengthened. A second cell in a late descending phase speeds up the cycle. A long-duration second cell leads to a poleward branch of the butterfly diagram and weaker polar fields. A second cell in depth reverses the tilt of the butterfly wing, decreasing polar fields when added during an ascending phase and increasing them during a late descending phase. A long-duration presence of a second cell in radius evolves the butterfly diagram far away from the observed one, with different dynamo periods in low and high latitudes. Thus, a second cell in depth is unlikely to persist more than a few years if the solar dynamo is advection-dominated. Our results show the importance of time variation and north-south asymmetry in meridional circulation in producing differing cycles in the north and south.

  17. Comercio transfronterizo y su impacto en la región de El Paso-Ciudad Juárez: Una propuesta de financiamiento de la planeación binacional

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    Sergio Peña


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza el impacto del comercio transfronterizo en la región de El Paso-Ciudad Juárez, entendido como tal el valor de las compras que los consumidores mexicanos realizan en El Paso. Los resultados muestran que el monto de las ventas al menudeo en esta ciudad en el año 2000 excedieron en 33% los valores ajustados del modelo. Este último debe interpretarse como el efecto del comercio transfronterizo. Los impuestos generados por el comercio transfronterizo suman aproximadamente 125 millones de dólares y equivalen aproximadamente a los egresos brutos totales del municipio de Ciudad Juárez en el año 2000. El artículo pone de relieve la potencialidad que tendrían esos recursos para el financiamiento del desarrollo urbano binacional de El Paso y Ciudad Juárez

  18. Sedimentation survey of Lago Loíza, Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, July 2009 (United States)

    Soler-López, Luis R.; Licha-Soler, N.A.


    Lago Loíza is a reservoir formed at the confluence of Río Gurabo and Río Grande de Loíza in the municipality of Trujillo Alto in central Puerto Rico, about 10 kilometers (km) north of the town of Caguas, about 9 km northwest of Gurabo, and about 3 km south of Trujillo Alto (fig. 1). The Carraizo Dam is owned and operated by the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA), and was constructed in 1953 as a water-supply reservoir for the San Juan Metropolitan area. The dam is a concrete gravity structure that is located in a shallow valley and has a gently sloping left abutment and steep right abutment. Non-overflow sections flank the spillway section. Waterways include an intake structure for the pumping station and power plant, sluiceways, a trash sluice, and a spillway. The reservoir was built to provide a storage capacity of 26.8 million cubic meters (Mm3) of water at the maximum pool elevation of 41.14 meters (m) above mean sea level (msl) for the Sergio Cuevas Filtration Plant that serves the San Juan metropolitan area. The reservoir has a drainage area of 538 square kilometers (km2) and receives an annual mean rainfall that ranges from 1,600 to 5,000 millimeters per year (mm/yr). The principal streams that drain into Lago Loíza are the Río Grande de Loíza, Río Gurabo, and Río Cañas. Two other rivers, the Río Bairoa and Río Cagüitas, discharge into the Río Grande de Loíza just before it enters the reservoir. The combined mean annual runoff of the Río Grande de Loíza and the Río Gurabo for the 1960–2009 period of record is 323 Mm3. Flow from these streams constitutes about 89 percent of the total mean annual inflow of 364 Mm3 to the reservoir (U.S. Geological Survey, 2009). Detailed information about Lago Loíza reservoir structures, historical sediment accumulation, and a dredge conducted in 1999 are available in Soler-López and Gómez-Gómez (2005). During July 8–15, 2009, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Caribbean Water Science

  19. Uranium prospection programme: Paso de las Piedras mission. Technical report[Geochemical prospection of Uranium in Uruguay]; Programa prospeccion uranio: Mision Paso de las Piedras. Informe tecnico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bossi, J; Mujica, H; Umpierre, M; Galipolo, N


    The mission of Paso de las Piedras was due of the radioactive values found by the French mission of the CE.A. found in a few former polls .Analyzed the samples its gave values that range between 2.500 and 3.000 ppm in uranium. The need to come to prospectar this zone was immediate, to determine if wil be before a deposit of uranium. The later studies prove that the extension was limited and not concluded yet. There were compiled 5 classes of numerical information in order of increasing detail: a) Chemical analysis of samples of alluvium b) chemical analysis of water samples c) report radiometric d) chemical analysis and radiometric report of soils e) chemical and radiometric analysis of the perforations.

  20. Lista actualizada de los murciélagos de Chile con comentarios sobre taxonomía, ecología, y distribución

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    Annia Rodríguez-San Pedro


    Full Text Available Los murciélagos son uno de los grupos de vertebrados menos estudiados en Chile; sin embargo, durante los últimos años su conocimiento ha ido avanzado significativamente debido a la implementación del método bioacústico y a la reciente inclusión de los murciélagos en estudios de impacto ambiental. En este trabajo se actualiza la lista de murciélagos de Chile, elevando a 13 el número de especies presentes en el país. Junto con la actualización del status taxonómico de algunas especies y la incorporación de un nuevo registro para el país, se presenta información relevante sobre aspectos ecológicos y conductuales, así como ampliaciones de sus rangos de distribución. Finalmente, se identifican y proponen algunas direcciones futuras de investigación, a desarrollar a nivel nacional, que permitan profundizar en el conocimiento de este grupo de mamíferos. 

  1. Vestibular disorders among adults in a tertiary hospital in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    Somefun, O A; Giwa, O S; Bamgboye, B A; Okeke-Igbokwe, I Irene; Azeez, A A Abdul


    Dizziness is not an uncommon complaint in the Otolaryngological clinics among other symptoms. To a large number of practitioners, the treatment of dizziness remains the same irrespective of the etiology, i.e., anti-vertiginous drugs. The objective of this study was to document the evaluation, causes and treatment of vestibular disorders among our patients. The design includes descriptive prospective study conducted in the Oto-rhino-laryngology and Orthopedic Clinics of Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos and Nigerian Army Audiological Centre, 68 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria. Adult patients referred to the audiology clinic for dizziness had detailed history obtained by using structured questionnaire. General physical and neuro-otological examinations were done. Clinical diagnoses were made on standardized criteria. The patients had hearing evaluation, videonystagmography (VNG) evaluation using infrared videonystagmography system. X-ray of the cervical spine and computerized tomogram scan of internal auditory meatus and brain when indicated were done. A total of 102 patients were seen with age range between 21 and 90 years. Thirty patients (29.4%) recorded average duration of episode of vertiginous attacks in seconds, 69 (67.6%) recorded within minutes to hours and 3 (2.9%) with no definite pattern. Clinical signs on neuro-otological examination were elicited on 39 (38.2%) of the patients while on VNG the vestibular subtest mainly caloric test was abnormal unilaterally and bilaterally in 47 (46.1%) while with the oculomotor subtests, smooth pursuit tests were abnormal in 5 (6.9%), saccade tests were abnormal in 8 (7.8%) and OPK were abnormal in 9 (8.8%). Peripheral vestibular disorders are common of which benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) was seen in 29 (28.4%), Meniere's disease in 22 (21.6%), recurrent vestibulopathy in 20 (19.6%), cervical vertigo in 18 (17.6%), psychogenic vertigo in 2 (2%), vestibular schwannoma

  2. Oligotrophic patterns in southern Chilean lakes: the relevance of nutrients and mixing depth Patrones oligotróficos en lagos del sur de Chile: relevancia de los nutrientes y de la profundidad de mezcla

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    Full Text Available Southern Chilean monomictic, temperate lakes are generally oligotrophic with high water transparency, low productivity and some apparent resistance to disturbances such as phosphorus additions. This paper attempts to explain low chlorophyll-a values using descriptive and experimental approaches. Three different scales are used, (a a micro scale both in space and time, with experimental manipulations of N, P and total light in 24 enclosures in lake Llanquihue, (b a longer time scale analysing 18 months of data in several sites within lake Llanquihue grouped as salmon farming sites, town bays and control sites, and (c a broader time scale (9 years by monitoring lakes Puyehue, Rupanco and Llanquihue, all in the Araucanian lake region and Yelcho lake in the north Patagonian region. In the Llanquihue in-lake sampling, total phosphorus values varied between 1 and 12 mug L-1 between sites, showing marginal site effects, P = 0.09 (salmon sites had greater values, however, chlorophyll a (Chl-a concentrations were generally low (Los lagos monomicticos templados del sur de Chile son generalmente oligotróficos de gran transparencia, baja productividad y aparente resistencia a perturbaciones tales como adiciones de fósforo. Este trabajo intenta explicar los bajos valores de clorofila de acuerdo a aproximaciones descriptivas y experimentales. Se utilizan aquí tres escalas de aproximación; (a una microescala en espacio y tiempo con manipulaciones experimentales de nitrógeno (N, fósforo (P y luz en 24 limnocorrales ubicados en una bahía del lago Llanquihue, (b una escala mayor analizando 18 meses de muestreo en 10 sitios del lago Llanquihue agrupados como sitios de cultivo de salmones, bahías de ciudades y sitios de control, (c una escala aún mayor en tiempo y espacio monitoreando semestralmente por 9 años los lagos Puyehue, Rupanco, Llanquihue en la región de los Lagos Araucanos y el lago Yelcho en la región nor- patagónica. En el muestreo intra

  3. Holocene climate variability and anthropogenic impacts from Lago Paixban, a perennial wetland in Peten, Guatemala (United States)

    Wahl, David B.; Hansen, Richard D.; Byrne, Roger; Anderson, Lysanna; Schreiner, T.


    Analyses of an ~ 6 m sediment core from Lago Paixban in Peten, Guatemala, document the complex evolution of a perennial wetland over the last 10,300 years. The basal sediment is comprised of alluvial/colluvial fill deposited in the early Holocene. The absence of pollen and gastropods in the basal sediments suggests intermittently dry conditions until ~ 9000 cal yr. BP (henceforth BP) when the basin began to hold water perennially. Lowland tropical forest taxa dominated the local vegetation at this time. A distinct band of carbonate dating to ~ 8200 BP suggests regionally dry conditions, possibly associated with the 8.2 ka event. Wetter conditions during the Holocene Thermal Maximum are indicated by evidence of a raised water level and an open water lake. The timing of this interval coincides with strengthening of the Central American Monsoon. An abrupt change at 5500 BP involved the development of a sawgrass marsh and onset of peat deposition. The lowest recorded water levels date to 5500–4500 BP. Pollen, isotope, geochemical, and sedimentological data indicate that the coring site was near the edge of the marsh during this period. A rise in the water table after 4500 BP persisted until around 3500 BP. Clay marl deposition from 3500 to 210 BP corresponds to the period of Maya settlement. An increase in δ13C, the presence of Zea pollen, and a reduction in the percentage of forest taxa pollen indicate agricultural activity at this time. In contrast to several nearby paleoenvironmental studies, proxy evidence from Lago Paixban indicates human presence through the Classic/Postclassic period transition (~ 1000 BP) and persisting until the arrival of Europeans. Cessation of human activity around 210 BP resulted in local afforestation and the re-establishment of the current sawgrass marsh at Lago Paixban.

  4. Holocene climate variability and anthropogenic impacts from Lago Paixban, a perennial wetland in Peten, Guatemala (United States)

    Wahl, David; Hansen, Richard D.; Byrne, Roger; Anderson, Lysanna; Schreiner, Thomas


    Analyses of an 6 m sediment core from Lago Paixban in Peten, Guatemala, document the complex evolution of a perennial wetland over the last 10,300 years. The basal sediment is comprised of alluvial/colluvial fill deposited in the early Holocene. The absence of pollen and gastropods in the basal sediments suggests intermittently dry conditions until 9000 cal yr. BP (henceforth BP) when the basin began to hold water perennially. Lowland tropical forest taxa dominated the local vegetation at this time. A distinct band of carbonate dating to 8200 BP suggests regionally dry conditions, possibly associated with the 8.2 ka event. Wetter conditions during the Holocene Thermal Maximum are indicated by evidence of a raised water level and an open water lake. The timing of this interval coincides with strengthening of the Central American Monsoon. An abrupt change at 5500 BP involved the development of a sawgrass marsh and onset of peat deposition. The lowest recorded water levels date to 5500-4500 BP. Pollen, isotope, geochemical, and sedimentological data indicate that the coring site was near the edge of the marsh during this period. A rise in the water table after 4500 BP persisted until around 3500 BP. Clay marl deposition from 3500 to 210 BP corresponds to the period of Maya settlement. An increase in δ13C, the presence of Zea pollen, and a reduction in the percentage of forest taxa pollen indicate agricultural activity at this time. In contrast to several nearby paleoenvironmental studies, proxy evidence from Lago Paixban indicates human presence through the Classic/Postclassic period transition ( 1000 BP) and persisting until the arrival of Europeans. Cessation of human activity around 210 BP resulted in local afforestation and the re-establishment of the current sawgrass marsh at Lago Paixban.

  5. Análisis de Gestion Tecnológica en Centros de Investigación


    Carmen Castrejón Mata; Roberto Hernandez Sampieri; Hector Ruiz Rueda


    La existencia de los laboratorios tecnologicos y su importancia en muchos paises es reconocida, al ser centros que integran las mejores tecnologías disponibles de diversas profesiones y disciplinas que las universidades y centros de investigación prestan o ponen al servicio de la sociedad. Pero más que laboratorios que ofrecen esa tecnología de punta a esas disciplinas, son centros que desarrollan conocimiento, teniendo como resultado inmediato nuevas soluciones, diseños a las problematicas q...

  6. Del gimnasio al ocio-salud Centros de Fitness, Fitness Center, Fitness & Wellness, Spa, Balnearios, Centros de Talasoterapia, Curhotel

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    Joaquín Reverter Masi


    Full Text Available Actualmente el sector “gimnasios y centros deportivos” se constituye como una parcela de gran importancia dentro del panorama de la industria del ocio. El auge creciente del sector ocio-salud se viene produciendo desde hace varias décadas, de modo que en la actualidad el ocio y tiempo de ocio, y ejercicio físico y deporte como ocio son predictores de calidad de vida. En este sentido es cuando podemos y debemos relacionar ocio con la calidad de vida, un concepto multidimensional que incluye todos los ámbitos de la vida humana (estado de la salud, bienestar, participación social, condiciones de vida.... En este trabajo se analiza como han ido evolucionado los centros dedicados a la practica deportiva y a la salud. Un sector que desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días ha tenido que ir adaptando y ampliando su oferta de actividades y productos según las necesidades de los usuarios.

  7. Performance Risks Allocation in Bot Infrastructure in Nigeria: A Case Study of Lagos Infrastructure Project

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    Sanni Gabriel A.


    Full Text Available The study assessed allocation, criteria and allotment effectiveness of performance risks in Build- Operate-Transfer (BOT transportation infrastructure in Nigeria using Lagos Infrastructure Project (LIP as a case study. LIP is the only BOT-procured tolled road that has attained ‘operate’ stage of BOT cycle in Nigeria. It revealed that more operating risks were actually allocated to the concessionaire than the grantor and most of the risks were preferred retained by the allottee. Significant fraction of the risks was effectively allocated between the concessionaire and grantor except those that involve close interface between participants. While grantor rated nine risks high and seven risks very high; the concessionaire assessed nine risks to be high and five risks to be very high; the grantor rated the effectiveness level to be seventy three per cent and the concessionaire assessed it to be sixty four per cent. The study recommended that the evolving knowledge from Lagos Infrastructure Project (LIP should be documented to guide future BOT transactions in Nigeria.

  8. Arte, cultura e cuidado nos centros de atencao psicossocial

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    Ana Tereza Costa Galvanese


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o processo de cuidado desenvolvido por meio de arte e cultura em centros de atenção psicossocial. MÉTODOS: Estudo integrado à pesquisa de avaliação dos centros de atenção psicossocial, em São Paulo, SP. Foram analisados os relatos da observação de tipo etnográfico de 126 atividades grupais de arte e cultura realizadas em 21 desses centros, entre 2007 e 2008. A análise incluiu depoimentos de coordenadores sobre os objetivos das atividades observadas. Baseado em referenciais teóricos da atenção psicossocial, utilizou-se da técnica de análise de conteúdo para investigar relações entre meios terapêuticos (enquadres, atividades e vínculos e objetivos das atividades. RESULTADOS: Três tendências de cuidado foram identificadas: (1 estritamente clínica, predominante e marcada por atividades realizadas dentro dos centros com foco em competências pessoais e interações grupais; (2 psicossocial, que incluiu atividades no território, ampliação dos repertórios culturais e da circulação social; e (3 residual, minoritária e sem ganhos psicossociais. CONCLUSÕES: A realização de atividades de arte e cultura que produzam cuidado na perspectiva da reabilitação psicossocial depende do acesso dos profissionais a bens culturais e a processos criativos, do reconhecimento dessas atividades como trabalho integrado a toda a equipe e da consideração de todos os atores envolvidos como produtores de fatos de cultura.


    Tijani, K H; Ojewola, R W; Yahya, G L; Oluwole, A A; Odusanya, B


    Nigeria with a growth rate of 28%, accounts for over two thirds of the West African population. It also has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world with contraceptive prevalence among married couples less than 10%. Despite its safety and efficacy vasectomy appears to be unpopular in our environment. To assess the perception and acceptance of married men and women towards vasectomy and the influence of the spouse on the man's decision to accept or reject vasectomy. A cross sectional questionnaire based study. With an estimated population of 20 million, Lagos is the most cosmopolitan and urbanised city in Nigeria and accounts for 65% of all commercial activities in the country. Virtually all the tribes in Nigeria are represented in the city. Literate pregnant women recruited from the antenatal clinics and literate new fathers. All subjects were recruited from three health facilities in the Lagos metropolis. Twenty seven point five and twenty one percent of the men and women respectively had a good Knowledge of vasectomy while 49.1% and 19% of all men and women respectively with good knowledge would accept vasectomy (or agree for their spouses to have the procedure). Overall acceptance rates for men and women were 26 and 13.5% respectively while 92% of men who can opt for vasectomy will only do so if their spouses agree. Knowledge about vasectomy was the strongest single factor influencing the acceptance of vasectomy (p= 0.013) with stronger correlation among men than women (p=0.005 vrs p=.0.023). Knowledge and acceptance of vasectomy is significantly better in males than female Nigerians living in Lagos.

  10. Correlates of job satisfaction amongst quantity surveyors in consulting firms in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Henry Ndubuisi Onukwube


    Full Text Available Job satisfaction is the sense of well- being, good feeling and positive mental state that emerge in an incumbent worker when his obtained reward consequent upon his performance is congruent with his equitable reward.The aim of this study is to ascertain the levels of job satisfaction amongst quantity surveyors in consulting firms in Lagos, Nigeria. Biographical and job descriptive index questionnaires (JDI were administered to gather the data. The JDI measures job satisfaction on five facets, namely, pay, promotions, supervision, co-workers and the work itself. A total of 100 questionnaires were collected and used for the study. The survey covered quantity surveyors in consulting firms in Lagos and the respondents were selected using stratified random sampling technique. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, t-test and one way anova. Findings of the study revealed that the respondents were satisfied with the relationship with co-workers, nature of work and the supervision they receive. Major sources of dissatisfaction are promotion and salaries of the respondents. This finding is a bold step and necessary benchmark for resolving major sources of dissatisfaction among quantity surveyors in consulting firms. The roles of other contextual factors on job satisfaction need to be contemplated for future research.

  11. Meridional distribution and seasonal variation of stable oxygen isotope ratio of precipitation in the Southern Ocean

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    Kayo Nakamura


    Full Text Available The stable oxygen isotope ratio(δ^O in precipitation is known to have important meridional and seasonal variations, but there are almost no measurements of δ^O in precipitation over polar oceans. The present research took advantage of 4 opportunities for in situ observations in summer and winter at high latitudes in the Southern Ocean. In addition, we analyzed samples of precipitation at Syowa Station in 2008 to obtain year-round data. Based on these data, we consider the meridional and seasonal variations of δ^O in precipitation over the Southern Ocean. In general, δ^O decreases with increasing latitude, and is lower in winter than in summer. The latitude gradient is stronger in winter. At 60°S, δ^O is -5.4‰ and -11.3‰ in summer and winter, respectively, while the corresponding figures at 66°S are -10.5‰ and -20.8‰. These results will help us understand the mechanisms of the salinity distribution and its variation in the Antarctic Ocean.

  12. The evolution of the Luz y Fuerza del Centro substations. Volume 2; Evolucion de las subestaciones de Luz y Fuerza del Centro. Volumen 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carranza Ramirez, Sergio [Luz y Fuerza del Centro, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This document cites historical background of how the Luz y Fuerza del Centro substations have evolved up to nowadays. A brief description is made of one electric substation, the substation design criteria are mentioned, since it must comply with the requirements of reliability, service continuity, service quality, economy, geographical location, just for mentioning some of them. The more utilized arrangements of the Luz y Fuerza del Centro substations are described. In the same manner, the remote control substations are described mentioning the main elements of this type of substations. Mention is made also of the technological incorporations that have been made to the substations and the perspectives there are from these. One line diagrams of the electric substations are shown, as well as from power plant substations [Espanol] Este documento cita antecedentes historicos de como han evolucionando las subestaciones de Luz y Fuerza del Centro hasta hoy en dia. Se realiza una breve descripcion de una subestacion electrica, se mencionan los criterios de diseno de una subestacion, ya que debe cumplir con los requisitos de confiabilidad, continuidad, calidad del servicio, economia, situacion geografica, por mencionar algunos de estos. Se describen los arreglos de las subestaciones mas utilizados por Luz y Fuerza del Centro. De igual manera se describen las subestaciones telecontroladas mencionando los principales elementos de este tipo de subestaciones. Se mencionan las incorporaciones tecnologicas que se han realizado a las subestaciones y las perspectivas que se tienen de estas. Se muestran diagramas unifilares de subestaciones electricas, al igual que se muestran las plantas de las subestaciones

  13. El ecoanálisis como mediación Psicopedagógica: Experiencia en el Centro Infantil Ermelinda Mora

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    Cynthia Orozco Castro


    Full Text Available El artículo expone la realización de un ecoanálisis en un aula del Centro Infantil Ermelinda Mora de la Sede de Occidente de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Se describen las pasos del proceso y se ejemplifican los avances en cada etapa, enfatizando la búsqueda de soluciones creativas para transformar el ambiente-situación de ciencias, luego de las discusiones grupales para hacer consciente lo inconsciente en el ámbito educativo. Uno de los mayores retos de la Psicopedagogía es la búsqueda de coherencia y correspondencia entre sus marcos teóricos y axiológicos, de modo que se dé una integración entre los avances conceptuales de la Educación y las prácticas cotidianas. Este trabajo retoma el ecoanálisis como una metodología teórico-práctica que integra postulados del paradigma contextual y holista, al promover una actitud crítica y dialógica, el acercamiento transdisciplinario a la compresión del currículo oculto y la decodificación de los ambientes educativos desde una visión centrada en la comunidad de aprendizaje y en la posibilidad de lograr transformaciones basadas en acuerdos grupales. Por último, se retoma la revisión continua del proceso y la interpretación que las participantes realizamos de las reacciones de los niños y las niñas ante las transformaciones efectuadas.

  14. Second-hand smoke exposure among workers of restaurants, bars, and nightclubs in Lagos State

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    Oluwakemi Ololade Odukoya


    Full Text Available Background: The Lagos State Regulation of Smoking Law was passed in February 2014 and stipulates the total restriction of tobacco smoking in listed public places. Workers in hospitality venues are at a high risk of exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS. Therefore, their awareness of the health risks, attitudes toward SHS and their reported levels of exposure may play a crucial role in developing an effective monitoring, implementation, and enforcement mechanism. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive study among workers in restaurants, bars, and nightclubs registered with the Lagos State Ministry of Tourism in the second quarter of the year 2014. We used a multistage sampling technique to select one respondent each from the 300 centers randomly selected to participate in the survey. Data were collected using a modified version of the World Health Organization Global tobacco surveillance system tools. Univariate and bivariate analysis were carried out. Exposure to SHS in the workplace and in other public places was treated as the outcome variable in the bivariate analysis. Results: Majority (75.3% of the respondents were aged between 21 and 40 years with a mean age of 27.7 + 8.6 years. Many (66% were waiters/waitresses and spent more than 8 h a day. Most (60.6% of the venues were indoor only establishments, and 26.8% had no form of smoking restrictions. Majority of the respondents were exposed to SHS at work, and this was higher in bars and nightclubs. A bivariate analysis of results showed that workers were exposed to SHS at work irrespective of workplace smoking restrictions or respondents smoking status. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that second-hand smoke exposure is very high (65% in smokers; 65.6% in nonsmokers among workers in restaurants, bars, and nightclubs in Lagos State. We are therefore of the opinion that strict enforcement of law would ensure the protection of these workers.

  15. Constraints to adoption of improved hatchery management practices among catfish farmers in Lagos State

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    Oghenetejiri DIGUN-AWETO


    Full Text Available Aquaculture has shown capacities to serve as means of livelihood, improve living standards, provide employment and generate foreign exchange in many countries. Recent investment in Nigerian aquaculture has been target towards catfish farming. However, small quantity and poor quality fish seeds are one of the problems limiting production. Consequently, Lagos State government introduced improved breeding and hatchery management practices as a package to fish hatchery operators with the aim of improving fish seed quantity and quality in the state. Nevertheless, the dissemination of the package has not yielded the desired result. This study assessed the constraints to adoption of improved hatchery management practices among catfish farmers in Lagos State. With structured questionnaire, 150 catfish farmers, randomly selected from 12 local government areas spread across Lagos State were interviewed. Despite that majority of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed to the fact that improved hatchery management practices have positive impacts on breeding, hatching, and survival of fish fry, majority of them affirmed that high cost of acquisition, high technicality in using the improved management practices as well as inadequate information about the improved management practices are primary reasons for non-adoption of some of the improved practices. Some of the limitations faced by the respondents include insufficient capital, lack of technical expertise to use the methods adequately, non-availability of inputs, expensive cost of facility maintenance, poor information dissemination and insufficient technical support from the extension agents and the state government. Although the adoption of improved practices has not been total, due to these constraints, the farmers’ knowledge of the improved hatchery management practices is broad. There is a need for the state government to subsidize the improved hatchery technologies and inputs, in addition to

  16. "Their days are spent in gambling and loafing, pimping for prostitutes, and picking pockets": male juvenile delinquents on Lagos Island, 1920s - 1960s. (United States)

    Heap, Simon


    In recent times, Lagos Island has been hit by a cyclical crescendo of juvenile crime perpetrated by "Area Boys," jobless youths who deal in robbery, extortion, and blackmail. Such deviant behavior has historical roots back to colonial times, when youths labeled "alkali boys," "boma boys," and "cowboys" roamed the heart of the capital of Britain's colony of Nigeria between the 1920s and 1960s. Examining the various types of juvenile delinquents on Lagos Island, this article explores the urban experience of criminally minded youths through exploration of street-life, vagrancy, criminality, and public reactions.

  17. CNEA - Centro Atómico Bariloche (United States)

    en Ciencia y Tecnología Formación de Recursos Humanos de alto nivel Mapa del sitio Contacto Buscar en la formación de recursos humanos. Leer más: Centro atómico bariloche Próximos Eventos

  18. Investigación comparativa entre un sistema de bombeo fotovoltaico y un sistema de bombeo eléctrico para implementarse en Lago Agrio


    Tubón Guevara, Juan Paúl


    La situación que enfrenta la ciudad de Lago Agrio por problemas de agua potable, ha obligado a sus habitantes a utilizar bombas eléctricas para abastecerse del líquido vital. La mayoría de domicilios cuenta con tanques o cisternas de almacenamiento y bombas eléctricas para distribución de agua. Otros domicilios cuentan con pozos de agua y mediante bombas eléctricas se proveen del líquido vital. Se ha estimado mediante información local, que en Lago Agrio existen 4733 bombas domésticas tradici...

  19. A Study of Power Relations in Doctor-Patient Interactions in Selected Hospitals in Lagos State, Nigeria (United States)

    Adam, Qasim


    This paper explores power relations in clinical interactions in Nigeria. It seeks to investigate the use of power between doctors and patients during consultations on patient-centred approach to medicine in selected public and private hospitals in Lagos State, Nigeria. The objective is to establish how doctors' projection of power, using the…

  20. Human impacts and eutrophication patterns during the past ~200 years at Lago Grande di Avigliana (N. Italy)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Finsinger, W.; Bigler, C.; Krähenbühl, U.; Lotter, A.F.; Ammann, B.


    A short sediment core from Lago Grande di Avigliana (Piedmont, Italy), the second most eutrophied lake in Italy, was analysed for pollen and diatoms to reconstruct land-use changes and to estimate baseline conditions for total phosphorus (TP) in the water column. Varve counts on sediment

  1. Influence of social media on business (A case study of Lagos, Nigeria)


    Imran, Shakir


    Since the advent of social media has bring a new landscape and present a new grid of personal connections, businesses have been seeing a tremendous opportunities and are intense to draw from (social media or the trend). Many studies has been conducted stating the reasons to draw from social media and in other to help companies to gain a better position in the transition, The main reason for writing this research is to analyze the influence of social media on Lagos Nigerian businesses. Th...

  2. Addressing the Multiple Drivers of Wetland Ecosystems Degradation in Lagos, Nigeria (United States)

    Agboola, J.; Ndimele, P. E.; Odunuga, S.; Akanni, A.; Kosemani, B.; Ahove, M.


    Several body of knowledge have noted the importance of wetland ecosystems in climate moderation, resource supply and flood risk reduction amongst others. Relevant as it may, rapidly increasing population and uncontrolled urban development poses a challenge in some regions and require understanding of the ecosystem components and drivers of change over a long period of time. Thus, the main thrust of this paper is to analyse multiple drivers of wetland ecosystems degradation in the last 30 years in the Lagos megacity using field study, desktop review, satellite data and laboratory analysis. Key drivers identified includes: conversion of wetlands to settlements and waste sink, land use planning that neglects wetland conservation and restoration, ineffective legal status for wetlands, over exploitation leading to degradation and fragmentation of wetland ecosystems governance. In stemming further loss of this vital ecosystem, this study adopted and proposed respectively, the Drivers, Pressure, State, Impact and Response (DPSIR) and Integrated Planning Approach (IPA) frameworks in analysing policy and governance issues in wetland development. These analyses figured out amongst others, strict conservation and sustainable use of wetland resources, habitat restoration, climate adaptation measures, legal protection and wetland management institution as major responses to current multiple pressures facing wetland ecosystems in Lagos. For these frameworks to be made meaningful, weak coordination among government agencies and institutional capacity in implementation and law enforcement, unsustainable resource extraction by private/business organization and issues on alternative sources of income on the part of the local communities amongst others needs to be addressed.

  3. Pensando sobre los "centros abiertos": Una contribución desde Brasil

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    Verónica Regina Müller


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda algunos principios que se consideran básicos para el funcionamiento de un "centro abierto" en Brasil. El artículo resalta el absoluto respeto que debe haber hacia la cultura de los niños y jóvenes que viven en la calle y frecuentan el centro. Se comenta inicialmente el concepto de ciudadanía, concepto que significa un principio de trabajo en los centros abiertos. A partir de ahí, se derivan comentarios sobre el significado de otros temas como la participación, la responsabilidad, el respeto, la implicación, la identidad, la cultura y la libertad. Finalmente, se describe la metodología de trabajo de los centros abiertos. AbstractThis paper deals with some essential principles for the operation of an "open center" in Brazil. It emphasizes the thorough respect that should be kept towards the culture of children and youngsters who live in the streets and attend the center. First, the concept of citizenship is discussed, a concept that means a principle in the "open centers". Comments about the meaning of other issues are derived from that point: participation, responsibility, respect, involvement, identity, culture and freedom. Finally, there is a description of the open centers’ operational methodology.Keywords: Street children, childrens rights, homeless people, outreach programs.

  4. Assessment of the Regenerative Potential of Organic Waste Streams in Lagos Mega-City (United States)

    Opejin, Adenike Kafayat

    There is never a better time for this study than now when Nigeria as a country is going through the worst time in power supply. In Lagos city about 12,000 tons of waste is generated daily, and is expected to increase as the city adds more population. The management of these waste has generated great concern among professionals, academia and government agencies. This study examined the regenerative management of organic waste, which accounts for about 45% of the total waste generated in Lagos. To do this, two management scenarios were developed: landfill methane to electricity and compost; and analyzed using data collected during field work and from government reports. While it is understood that landfilling waste is the least sustainable option, this study argued that it could be a viable method for developing countries. Using U.S EPA LandGEM and the IPCC model, estimates of capturable landfill methane gas was derived for three landfills studied. Furthermore, a 35-year projection of waste and landfill methane was done for three newly proposed landfills. Assumptions were made that these new landfills will be sanitary. It was established that an average of 919,480,928m3 methane gas could be captured to generate an average of 9,687,176 MW of electricity annually. This makes it a significant source of power supply to a city that suffers from incessant power outages. Analysis of composting organics in Lagos was also done using descriptive method. Although, it could be argued that composting is the most regenerative way of managing organics, but it has some problems associated with it. Earthcare Compost Company processes an average of 600 tons of organics on a daily basis. The fraction of waste processed is infinitesimal compared to the rate of waste generated. One major issue identified in this study as an obstacle to extensive use of this method is the marketability of compost. The study therefore suggests that government should focus on getting the best out of the

  5. Variaciones temporales de parámetros físicos, químicos y biológicos de un lago de altura: el caso del lago Chungará Temporal variations of physical, chemical and biological parameters of a high altitude lake: the case of Chungara lake

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN El lago Chungará, es el más austral y de mayor altura de los lagos altoandinos, está ubicado a 4.520 m de altitud en el altiplano chileno (18º14' S, 69º09' O; es un lago polimíctico-frío, con origen tectónico- volcánico y 34 m de profundidad máxima. Presenta variaciones reducidas de temperatura entre profundidades y estaciones del año (4 a 11 ºC, el promedio de temperatura anual se ha incrementado en 1,2 ºC entre los períodos 1986-1987 y 1998-1999. Entre los mismos períodos se observó una disminución significativa en el volumen del lago (_6,58 % y consecuentemente en la profundidad máxima. Conjuntamente la salinidad aumentó significativamente con valores máximos de 1.464 µmhos y 2.650 µmhos para cada período. Estos cambios pueden ser las causas de la modificación en composición y abundancia del fitoplancton, asociadas, además, a la disminución significativa de la clorofila a (P The Chungará lake (18º14' S, 69º09' W, the most austral and highest among the intertropical andean lakes, is located at 4,520 m of altitude. It is a polymictic system of tectonic-volcanic origin with a maximum depth of 34 m. It has a narrow temperature range in depth and seasonally (4-11 ºC, and which mean annual values show an increment in 1.2 ºC between 1986-1987 and 1998-1999 periods. The system total volume has reduced significatively (-6.58 % during both periods of study and consequently in the maximum depth. Salinity has increased significatively, presenting maximum values of 1,464 µmhos and 2,650 µmhos, respectively. These changes would be modifying the phytoplankton composition and abundance and are also probably associated to the significative chlorophyll a decrease between these two periods (P < 0.0054.

  6. Radiometric parameters in freshwater samples of Centro Experimental Aramar (CTMSP/Brazil)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moraes, Marco Antonio P.V. [Laboratorio Radioecologico (LARE), Ipero, SP (Brazil). Dept. de Seguranca Nuclear; Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Experimental results are described obtained with gamma spectrometry, alpha and beta gross counts, liquid scintillation and fluorometry techniques for the measurement of background radiation in surface water samples, collected in Centro Experimental Aramar and surroundings, from 1988 to 2009. The estimated average background radiation concentrations in water samples in this region are low, related to the low level detection limits of the techniques, and indicates good water quality parameters, and low interference in the environment in Centro Experimental Aramar and region. (author)

  7. Consumers’Willingness to Pay for Safety Attributes of Bread in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria


    Anyam, Osemeke E.; Fashogbon, Ayodele E.; Oni, Omobowale A.


    This study examined consumer’s willingness to pay for food safety attributes in bread in Lagos metropolis. It empirically analyzed the factors driving willingness to pay for improved bread and the effect of attributes on willingness to pay and mean willingness to pay for improved bread. The data for the study using a well-structured questionnaire containing Choice Experiment (CE) questions for eliciting willingness to pay was collected from 150 respondents using a two-stage random sampling te...

  8. Nuevo centro olímpico en Lake Placid, EE.UU


    Hellmuth, George; Obata, Gyo; Kassabaum, George


    Este nuevo centro deportivo, sede de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de 1980, consta de una pista principal de hielo de dimensiones olímpicas con unos graderíos para 8.000 personas, y de una pista más pequeña utilizada para los Juegos U.S.A. Los servicios auxiliares se encuentran debajo de las gradas o en la estructura que enlaza el nuevo Centro con la pista ya empleada en los anteriores Juegos de 1932. Completa el complejo una Escuela Superior y una pista de forma oval para patinaje...

  9. Meridional overturning circulation conveys fast acidification to the deep Atlantic Ocean (United States)

    Perez, Fiz F.; Fontela, Marcos; García-Ibáñez, Maribel I.; Mercier, Herlé; Velo, Anton; Lherminier, Pascale; Zunino, Patricia; de La Paz, Mercedes; Alonso-Pérez, Fernando; Guallart, Elisa F.; Padin, Xose A.


    Since the Industrial Revolution, the North Atlantic Ocean has been accumulating anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) and experiencing ocean acidification, that is, an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions (a reduction in pH) and a reduction in the concentration of carbonate ions. The latter causes the ‘aragonite saturation horizon’—below which waters are undersaturated with respect to a particular calcium carbonate, aragonite—to move to shallower depths (to shoal), exposing corals to corrosive waters. Here we use a database analysis to show that the present rate of supply of acidified waters to the deep Atlantic could cause the aragonite saturation horizon to shoal by 1,000-1,700 metres in the subpolar North Atlantic within the next three decades. We find that, during 1991-2016, a decrease in the concentration of carbonate ions in the Irminger Sea caused the aragonite saturation horizon to shoal by about 10-15 metres per year, and the volume of aragonite-saturated waters to reduce concomitantly. Our determination of the transport of the excess of carbonate over aragonite saturation (xc[CO32-])—an indicator of the availability of aragonite to organisms—by the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation shows that the present-day transport of carbonate ions towards the deep ocean is about 44 per cent lower than it was in preindustrial times. We infer that a doubling of atmospheric anthropogenic CO2 levels—which could occur within three decades according to a ‘business-as-usual scenario’ for climate change—could reduce the transport of xc[CO32-] by 64-79 per cent of that in preindustrial times, which could severely endanger cold-water coral habitats. The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation would also export this acidified deep water southwards, spreading corrosive waters to the world ocean.

  10. Disolución de sílice biogénica en sedimentos de lagos utilizados como bioindicadores de calidad del agua

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    Hermes U. Ramírez S.


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar que la disoluci n de s lice amorfa de origen biog nico (diatomeas y fitolitos es un bioindicador de calidad del agua de lagos, valid ndose con la determinaci n de par metros f sico-qu micos. La determinaci n de diatomeas y fitolitos se realiz sobre n cleos de sedimentos del Lago Chapala, M xico. Las diatomeas y fitolitos fueron separados, depositados en laminillas y observados con microscop a de luz polarizada y electr nica de barrido. En forma paralela se analiz la calidad del agua del lago durante la d cada de 1990-2000 monitoreando 38 par metros f sicoqu micos en 25 estaciones. El estudio de diatomeas evidenci que la mayor a de ellos presentan fr stulas no preservadas, alto grado de disoluci n, fitolitos fragmentados y/o disueltos y una importante cantidad de debris de s lice. La determinaci n de fitolitos fue deficiente, con m s diatomeas en estado de disoluci n y debris de s lice opalino que fitolitos. Los resultados del an lisis f sico-qu mico del agua muestran valores de pH de 7,20-9,45, altas concentraciones de: nitr geno org nico (1,57 mg/l, nitr geno amoniacal (0,48 mg/l, nitratos (0,18 mg/l, f sforo org nico (0,16 mg/l, ortofosfatos (0,40 mg/l, f sforo total (0,57 mg/l y conductividad (867,53 S/cm lo que refleja altas concentraciones de sales, sobresaturaci n de CaCO3 con dureza total y c lcica de 221,35 y 142,67 mg/l respectivamente; alcalinidad total y c lcica de 307,29 y 29,90 mg/l respectivamente; todos factores que influyen en la disoluci n de diatomeas y fitolitos en los lechos del lago. Los resultados del estudio micropaleontol gico del Lago de Chapala han evidenciado disoluci n de diatomeas, fitolitos y la presencia de gran cantidad de debris de s lice amorfo y baja calidad de sus aguas, lo cual ha sido verificado con los par metros fisicoqu micos de la ultima d cada. Los fen menos de disoluci n de diatomeas y fitolitos por el momento son asociados a valores de pH>9, a condiciones eutr

  11. Spatial and temporal distribution of dragonflies naiads in wetlands La Vaca and Santa Maria del Lago, Bogota, Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moreno Pallares, Maria Ines; Guillot Monroy, Gabriel Hernando


    We evaluated the spatial and temporal variation in communities of dragonfly's naiads and their association to the habitat rehabilitation status in La Vaca and Santa Maria del Lago wetlands. Four samplings were carried out in several sites of each during a year. Macroinvertebrates were collected at the entry and exit flow, and in open waters of the wetlands using standard techniques. We found a gradient in the distribution of the abundance of nymphs in both wetlands, where naiads community had the highest number of individuals in the places located farther from the dumping sites. Comparing the community s composition between wetlands La Vaca and Santa Maria del Lago through the beta diversity, heterogeneity was found in both ecosystems. The gradient in the distribution of the abundance of naiads observed in both wetlands fits with to a response of the species in terms of tolerance to the environmental variables.

  12. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of archaeological ceramics from Osvaldo and Lago Grande sites in central Amazon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazenfratz, Roberto; Tudela, Diego R.G.; Munita, Casimiro S.; Mittani, Juan C.R.; Tatumi, Sonia H.


    Thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating are two important techniques for dating archaeological and geological material, especially suitable for archaeological ceramics, where samples for 14 C dating are not available. In this work, five pottery shards from Osvaldo and Lago Grande archaeological sites were dated by OSL. For measurements, it was used the SAR protocol. The annual dose rates were estimated by the contents of U, Th and K, determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) of the pottery shards and clay samples near both sites. Lago Grande and Osvaldo represent a microcosm of the region, and their proximity and high density of archaeological record turn them interesting to study possible relations of cultural and/or commercial exchange. Calculations showed that the water content is an important variable that cannot be neglected in OSL dating of pottery shards from central Amazon, due to the high humidity in regional soils. The results between 867 ± 101 and 1154 ± 62 years AD agreed with the average time span for the archaeological sites occupation found in the literature. (author)

  13. Preliminary characterization of ceramics from the Lago Grande archaeological site in the central Amazon by INAA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazenfratz, Roberto; Munita, Casimiro S.; Neves, Eduardo G.; Oliveira, Paulo M.S.; Toyota, Rosimeiri G.


    The macroscopic characteristics of archaeological ceramics, such as the surface decoration and shape, are used as cultural and chronological indicators of ancient people. The combination of stylistic-typological studies with archaeometric analysis, as provenance studies, has been considered of great importance in Archaeology. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the pre-colonial Amazonian occupations. Inside this context, fifty ceramic fragments from the Lago Grande archaeological site were analyzed by INAA in order to characterize its elemental composition. The results were treated with multivariate statistics: Cluster, Principal Components and Discriminant Analysis. The results obtained by these three methods were compared in an effort to achieve some correlation with the archaeological context. It was stated the existence of two different groups of artifacts. They probably regard to the main ceramic phases found in the site excavation: Paredao and Manacapuru. Once confirmed by other archaeological analyses, these results could corroborate an exchange net among the former inhabitants of Lago Grande and other sites in the neighborhood. (author)

  14. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of archaeological ceramics from Osvaldo and Lago Grande sites in central Amazon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hazenfratz, Roberto; Tudela, Diego R.G.; Munita, Casimiro S., E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Mittani, Juan C.R.; Tatumi, Sonia H. [Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), Santos, SP (Brazil)


    Thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating are two important techniques for dating archaeological and geological material, especially suitable for archaeological ceramics, where samples for {sup 14}C dating are not available. In this work, five pottery shards from Osvaldo and Lago Grande archaeological sites were dated by OSL. For measurements, it was used the SAR protocol. The annual dose rates were estimated by the contents of U, Th and K, determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) of the pottery shards and clay samples near both sites. Lago Grande and Osvaldo represent a microcosm of the region, and their proximity and high density of archaeological record turn them interesting to study possible relations of cultural and/or commercial exchange. Calculations showed that the water content is an important variable that cannot be neglected in OSL dating of pottery shards from central Amazon, due to the high humidity in regional soils. The results between 867 ± 101 and 1154 ± 62 years AD agreed with the average time span for the archaeological sites occupation found in the literature. (author)

  15. Axisymmetric vibrations of thick shells of revolution having meridionally varying curvature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Katsuyoshi; Kosawada, Tadashi; Takahashi, Shin; Takahashi, Fumiaki.


    An exact method using power series expansions is presented for solving axisymmetric free vibration problems for thick shells of revolution having meridionally varying curvature. Based on the improved thick shell theory, the Lagrangian of the shells of revolution are obtained, and the equations of motion and the boundary conditions are derived from the stationary condition of the Lagrangian. The method is applied to thick shells of revolution having their generating curves of ellipse, cycloid, parabola, catenary and hyperbola. The results by the present method are compared with those by the thin shell theory and the effects of rotatory inertia and shear deformation upon the natural frequencies and the mode shapes are clarified. (author)

  16. Parental Socio-Economic Status, Family Structure and Living Environment as Predictors of Violence against Children in Lagos, Nigeria

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    A.A. Oni


    Full Text Available This study sets out to find out whether parental socioeconomic status, family structure and living environment are predictors of violence against children. Three hypotheses were formulated to guide the investigation. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study and the population of the study consisted of all the children in public primary schools and in junior secondary schools within Lagos state of Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was adopted for the study. Random samples of twenty five children were picked from each of the sixteen schools selected. This gives a total 400 participants that were used for the study. Experts in Sociology, measurement and evaluation certified the content validity of the questionnaire, while the co-efficient of the reliability of the four sections of the questionnaire were ascertained to be 0.63; 0.68; 0.66 and 0.73, respectively for sections A,B,C and D. Chi-square statistical tools was used to test the hypotheses formulated. Major findings of the study include the fact that parental socioeconomic status significantly influence violence against children, family structure significantly influence violence against children and that living environment also significantly influence violence against children. This study conclude by recommending among others that the Lagos State government should put machinery in motion to improve the poverty level of individuals living in Lagos State of Nigeria and should also make available social services and amenities that are supportive of family well being in order to avoid any form of violence against children.

  17. Diez pasos para el aprendizaje complejo: Un acercamiento sistemático al diseňo instruccional de los cuatro componentes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Merriënboer, Jeroen; Kirschner, Paul A.


    Van Merriënboer, J. J. G., & Kirschner, P. A. (2010). Diez pasos para el aprendizaje complejo: Un acercamiento sistemático al diseňo instruccional de los cuatro componentes (translation from English). Cuajimalpa, México: Aseguramiento de la Calidad en la Educacion y en el Trabajo.

  18. Correlates of job satisfaction amongst quantity surveyors in consulting firms in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Henry Ndubuisi Onukwube


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE Job satisfaction is the sense of well- being, good feeling and positive mental state that emerge in an incumbent worker when his obtained reward consequent upon his performance is congruent with his equitable reward.The aim of this study is to ascertain the levels of job satisfaction amongst quantity surveyors in consulting firms in Lagos, Nigeria. Biographical and job descriptive index questionnaires (JDI were administered to gather the data. The JDI measures job satisfaction on five facets, namely, pay, promotions, supervision, co-workers and the work itself. A total of 100 questionnaires were collected and used for the study. The survey covered quantity surveyors in consulting firms in Lagos and the respondents were selected using stratified random sampling technique. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, t-test and one way anova. Findings of the study revealed that the respondents were satisfied with the relationship with co-workers, nature of work and the supervision they receive. Major sources of dissatisfaction are promotion and salaries of the respondents. This finding is a bold step and necessary benchmark for resolving major sources of dissatisfaction among quantity surveyors in consulting firms. The roles of other contextual factors on job satisfaction need to be contemplated for future research.

  19. Urbanization, housing, homelessness and climate change adaptation in Lagos, Nigeria: Lessons from Asia

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    Ilesanmi Adetokunbo


    Full Text Available The phenomenon of climate change heralds distinctive challenges for sub-Saharan Africa’s urban areas, with economic, social, and health impacts, and severe effects on housing and infrastructure. This study examined climate-change induced vulnerabilities including the urban housing crisis and homelessness in the context of Lagos mega-city, Nigeria, with a view to defining the potential lessons to learn from the Asian urban experience. The study conducted case-study analyses of Lagos and the Asian urban experience, highlighting the megacity-related vulnerabilities. It identified gender and aging as key factors in understanding vulnerability. Lessons from Asia relate to: the conscious policy-linkage of urban demographic expansion and economic growth; synergy between formal and informal sectors; urban densification through compact, mixed-land use development; broad-based urbanization; metropolitan expansion; pursuit of slum-free cities; prominence of housing in national policies; pro-poor financial frameworks; and extensive adoption of mitigation and adaptation strategies in the coastal conurbations. The paper concluded on the critical role of urban governance in reducing vulnerability, the need for greater multi-disciplinary stakeholders’ collaboration and partnership, and the expediency of fitting adaptation strategies and resilience responses to specific needs, capacities and priorities of impact groups. These could enhance the transformation of mega-cities into more adaptable and resilient urban systems.

  20. Assessment of Day Caring Methods among Civil Servant Mothers of Reproductive Age in Lagos State Nigeria (United States)

    Akinnubi, Caroline Funmbi


    This study examined the day caring methods among the civil servants of reproductive age with children between three months to four years in Lagos State Nigeria. The research design employed for this study was a descriptive research design. A total number of 212 teachers and 128 ministry workers making a total of 340 reproductive age mothers were…

  1. Desarrollo de un detector de rayos cósmicos de la colaboración LAGO en Buenos Aires - Aplicaciones en meteorología espacial (United States)

    Coppola, M.; Bezzecchi, F.; Gulisano, A. M.; Masías-Meza, J. J.; Areso, O.; Ramelli, M.; Dasso, S.; LAGO Collaboration


    The study of low energy cosmic particles allows to analyze several aspects of major interest for space weather. Ground detectors permit to observe secundary particles produced during the cascades developed in the atmosphere. The characterization of a prototype for a water Cherenkov radiation particles detector, in the frame of the LAGO collaboration (Latin American Giant Observatory), is presented in this work. The collaboration plans to install this detector at the LAGO antarctic site. The developed acquisition system and the method used to make the energy callibration of the detector are detailed here, as also corrections for atmospheric effects.

  2. Estimación de la estatura en muestras del Holoceno Tardío del N.O. de Santa Cruz: problemas metodológicos

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    Béguelin, Marien


    Full Text Available Un tema muy debatido ha sido el de la estatura de las poblaciones aborígenes tardías del sur de Patagonia la cual, de acuerdo con los estándares europeos del siglo XVI, ha sido descripta como excepcional. Una muestra osteológica recientemente recuperada que permite aproximarse a este problema, es la procedente del lago Salitroso (N.O. de la provincia de Santa Cruz. La misma, constituida por un mínimo de 60 individuos de diferente sexo y edad, corresponde a distintos momentos del Holoceno tardío (ca. 2500 a 300 años 14C AP. La estimación de la estatura a partir de medidas lineales de huesos largos de muestras arqueológicas constituye un problema complejo, debido a la gran variedad de ecuaciones existentes en la literatura. Las mismas, derivadas de diferentes muestras de referencia, producen resultados muy disímiles que, en nuestro caso de estudio, varían (valores medios entre 168 y 177 mm en individuos masculinos y entre 162,7 y 165 mm en femeninos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es discutir una serie de criterios (v.g. proximidad genética, similitud ambiental y de proporciones corporales entre la muestra problema y la de referencia que resulten aplicables en el proceso de selección de las ecuaciones, con el fin de derivar estimaciones mas adecuadas y realistas de la estatura en muestras arqueológicas.

  3. Changes in extreme regional sea surface height due to an abrupt weakening of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brunnabend, S.-E.; Dijkstra, H. A.; Kliphuis, M. A.; van Werkhoven, B.J.C.; Bal, H. E.; Seinstra, F.; Maassen, J.; van Meersbergen, M.


    As an extreme scenario of dynamical sea level changes, regional sea surface height (SSH) changes that occur in the North Atlantic due to an abrupt weakening of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) are simulated. Two versions of the same ocean-only model are used to study the effect

  4. Análisis histológico de los injertos de cartílago autológos envueltos en fascia Histologic analisis of autologous cartilage graft wrapping with fascia

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    N.E. Cedeño Lamus


    Full Text Available Los injertos de cartílago son ampliamente utilizados en Cirugía Plástica; sin embargo, existe un riesgo potencial de reabsorción que puede comprometer los logros obtenidos. Algunos autores presentan resultados exitosos utilizando injertos de cartílago envueltos en fascia. El propósito del trabajo es aportar evidencia científica en relación a las posibles ventajas de los mismos. Realizamos un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, experimental y comparativo de 20 ratas blancas Sprague-Dawley, desde mayo a octubre del 2007. Las unidades de muestra fueron los cortes histológicos obtenidos del cartílagos tras ser implantados durante 8 semanas. Trabajamos con 2 grupos: grupo estudio, de 10 ratas con cartílago autológo envuelto en fascia y grupo control, de 10 ratas con cartílago sólo. Se realizó examen histológico e inmunohistoquímico determinando viabilidad, reacción inflamatoria, necrosis, reabsorción y capacidad de regeneración. Los injertos de cartílago autólogo envueltos en fascia resultaron menos fiables que los injertos de cartílago solos, mostrando una mayor reabsorción (80% frente a 60%, menor capacidad de regeneración (50% frente a 80%, mayor respuesta inflamatoria (80% frente a 30%, menor viabilidad (16% frente a 38% y con necrosis (30%. El análisis estadístico no mostró diferencia significativa. En conclusión, la envoltura en fascia del injerto de cartílago autólogo no aumentó su viabilidad, ni disminuyó su reabsorción, en animales de experimentación.Cartilage grafts are widely used in Plastic Surgery; however, there is a potential risk of reasorption that may affect the results obtained. Some authors report successful achievements using cartilage grafts wrapped in fascia. The purpose of this paper is to provide scientific evidence regarding the potential benefits of cartilage grafts wrapped with fascia. A descriptive, prospective, experimental and comparative study of some 20 white Sprague-Dawley rats was

  5. Impact of the Mexican Alien Commuter on the Apparel Industry of El Paso, Texas--A Case Study. Final Report. (United States)

    Rungeling, Brian Scott

    This study analyzed what effect commuters had on wage levels, employment, and industrial locations, and the relative importance of the commuter as part of the work force. A questionnaire was administered to 190 workers and to their 20 employers in the apparel industry of El Paso, Texas. The questionnaires revealed that the commuters were paid the…

  6. Towards sustainable seed production of centro in Uganda

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2000, 5: 13- 15. Printed in Uganda. ... cassava tuber yield. Production costs of I kg of seed were Shs 1200, 2000 and 3700 for centro ... of cassava are the second most important staple food of those ...

  7. Overturn of the Oceasn Flow in the North Atlantic as a Trigger of Inertia Motion to Form a Meridional Ocean Circulation (United States)

    Nakamura, Shigehisa


    This work is an introduction of a meridional ocean circulation. As for the zonal motions,there have been many contributions. Recent oceanographic works noticed an overturn of the ocean current in the North Atlantic. The author notices this overturn is a trigger to generate a meridional ocean circulation to have a track through the deep Atlantic, the deep circum-polar current, the deep branch flow to the Pacific between the Australian and the South America. The east part of the branch flow relates to the upwelling off Peru, and the west part relates to form a deep water in the Northwest Pacific. THe overturn of the North Atlantic suggests an outflow of the deep water and a storage of the old aged deep water in the Northwest Pacific. The storage water increase in the Northwest Pacific shoould be a trigger of the swelling up of the sea level mid Pacific to affect to the ocean front variations between the coastal waters and the ocean water. In order to keep a hydrodynamic balance on the earth, an increase of the deep water in the Pacific should flow through the Bering Sea and the Arctic Sea to get to the North Atlantic. It should be noted that a budget of the ocean water flow must be hold the condition of the water masses concservation on the earth surface. This inertia motion is maintained once induced after any natural effect or some man-made influences. At this stage, the author has to notice that there has been developed a meridional inertia path of the air particle as well as the ocean water parcel, nevertheless nobody has had pointed out this inertiamotion with a meridional path in the ocean. Air-sea interaction must be one of the main factors for driving the ocean water though the inertia motion in the global scale is more energetic. To the details, the scientists should pursue what geophysical dynamics must be developed in the future.

  8. Unmasking inequalities: Sub-national maternal and child mortality data from two urban slums in Lagos, Nigeria tells the story. (United States)

    Anastasi, Erin; Ekanem, Ekanem; Hill, Olivia; Adebayo Oluwakemi, Agnes; Abayomi, Oluwatosin; Bernasconi, Andrea


    Nigeria has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the world as well as high perinatal mortality. Unfortunately, the country does not have the resources to assess this critical indicator with the conventional health information system and measuring its progress toward the goal of ending preventable maternal deaths is almost impossible. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) conducted a cross-sectional study to assess maternal and perinatal mortality in Makoko Riverine and Badia East, two of the most vulnerable slums of Lagos. The study was a cross-sectional, community-based household survey. Nearly 4,000 households were surveyed. The sisterhood method was utilized to estimate maternal mortality and the preceding births technique was used to estimate newborn and child mortality. Questions regarding health seeking behavior were posed to female interviewees and self-reported data were collected. Data was collected from 3963 respondents for a total of 7018 sisters ever married. The maternal mortality ratio was calculated at 1,050/100,000 live births (95% CI: 894-1215), and the lifetime risk of maternal death at 1:18. The neonatal mortality rate was extracted from 1967 pregnancies reported and was estimated at 28.4/1,000; infant mortality at 43.8/1,000 and under-five mortality at 103/1,000. Living in Badia, giving birth at home and belonging to the Egun ethnic group were associated with higher perinatal mortality. Half of the last pregnancies were reportedly delivered in private health facilities. Proximity to home was the main influencing factor (32.4%) associated with delivery at the health facility. The maternal mortality ratio found in these urban slum populations within Lagos is extremely high, compared to the figure estimated for Lagos State of 545 per 100,000 live births. Urgent attention is required to address these neglected and vulnerable neighborhoods. Efforts should be invested in obtaining data from poor, marginalized, and hard-to-reach populations in


    The El Paso Children's Health Study examined ambient exposures to motor vehicle emissions and their effect on the prevalence of allergy and asthma among children living in a major United States-Mexico border city. In the spring of 2001, the parents of all fourth and fifth grad...

  10. Sensitivity of winter phytoplankton communities from Andean lakes to artificial ultraviolet-B radiation Sensibilidad de comunidades fitoplanctónicas invernales de lagos andinos a la radiación ultravioleta-B artificial

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    Full Text Available During July of 1999 sampling was carried out in five Andean lakes to determine the sensitivity of winter phytoplankton communities to ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280-320 nm. The studied lakes, Moreno, El Trébol, Nahuel Huapi, Gutiérrez, and Morenito, located in the Patagonia region (41° S, 71° W, 800 m of altitude, had attenuation coefficients for UV-B that ranged from 0.36 m-1 (Lake Moreno to 2.8 m-1 (Lake Morenito. The samples were inoculated with labeled carbon (NaH14CO3 and incubated in an illuminated chamber (UV-B = 0.35 W m-2, UV-A [320-400 nm] = 1.1 W m-2, and PAR [400-700 nm] = 10.8 W m-2 at 10 °C. The phytoplankton cells were exposed to UV radiation (280-400 nm + PAR (quartz tubes, and to UV-A + PAR (quartz tubes covered with Mylar-D. The total duration of the experiments was 4 h and two samples were taken from each treatment every hour. In lakes Moreno, El Trébol, Nahuel Huapi and Gutiérrez, the photosynthetic inhibition increased linearly with UV-B doses, while in Lake Morenito just a slight relationship was observed. After receiving a dose of 1.25 kJ m-2 (UV-B, phytoplankton from Lake Morenito had the highest cumulative photosynthetic inhibition (44 %, whereas in Lakes Moreno, El Trébol, Nahuel Huapi and Gutiérrez the inhibition was of 22, 11, 5, and 1 %, respectively. However, at the end of incubation period and after receiving doses of 5 kJ m-2, the most inhibited phytoplankton cells were from Lake Moreno (70 % and the most resistant (27 % was that from Lake Gutiérrez. The kinetics of inhibition was different in each lake, and transparent lakes, with higher proportion of large cells, had higher inhibition rates. The results suggest that an increase in UV-B radiation (e.g., produced by a decrease in stratospheric ozone would have a greater impact on microplankton from clear lakes, while pico- and nanoplankton from less transparent lakes will be less affectedDurante julio de 1999 se realizaron muestreos en cinco lagos

  11. Algumas notas sobre o Brome Mediterrânico do Museu Regional de Lagos

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    Abel VIANA


    Full Text Available Reunidos durante varios anos, merce dos esforços de seu Director, que os obteve de ofertas, ou em resultado de pesquisas suas, possui o Museu Regional de Lagos numerosos objectos de certo interesse, cuja divulgaçâo ná será inútil, visto que, além de valerem como elementos de comparacáo, certos ha que constituem pecas pouco vulgares. Demais, todos eles caracterizam a arqueologia do Algarve, em especial a da regiáo do Sacrum Promunturium.

  12. Pathloss Modelling of less dense urban area in Lagos State using Lee Model


    O. Shoewu


    In this study we aim to adopt a propagation model for a less dense urban area in Lagos state by examining one of the popular empirical path loss models for mobile communication. Lee’s model was compared with measured path loss obtain from the field measurement at GSM frequency of 900 MHz . TEMS Investigation tool was used for the drive test. The measurements of the received signal strength were collected through drive test with the aid of an Ericson test mobile system (TEMS). This was conduct...


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    Jose Augusto Abreu Sá Fortes


    Full Text Available

    O presente trabalho irá apresentar questões referentes a criação do Centro de Formação de Recursos Humanos em Transportes Urbanos - CEFTRU. Tal Centro é um projeto bilateral entre os governos brasileiro e japonês, de iniciativa do Mestrado em Transportes Urbanos da Universidade de Brasília (UnB, sob os auspícios de Ministério das Relações Exteriores - Agencia Brasileira de Cooperação - MRE/ABC e da Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA. O projeto visa a constituição e a posterior consolidação de um centro de excelência para a capacitação e a reciclagem de pessoal de nível superior, médio e fundamental em transportes urbanos, envolvendo as áreas de planejamento, gestão e operação do sistema, com impactos socioeconômicos para as populações urbanas. O Centro tem por objetivo melhorar a qualificação de pessoal envolvido com os transportes urbanos da administração publica e privada, englobando o território nacional, nas áreas de meio ambiente, informática e ensino a distancia e tecnologia de transportes e tráfego.

  14. Desafíos en la transferencia de tecnología a los centros educativos

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    Full Text Available Partimos del modelo de transferencia de tecnología para analizar cómo los centros escolares reciben e incorporan a sus actividades los equipamientos tecnológicos. Particularmente analizamos las innovaciones generadas por esos procesos en el plano organizativo de los centros como receptores de la tecnología. Los datos analizados se desagregan de una investigación que actualmente se está realizando en 12 comunidades autónomas sobre el programa Escuela 2.0. En esta fase manejamos estadígrafos descriptivos y referencias de algunas de las entrevistas y de las observaciones de aula realizadas en los centros que participan en el proyecto «centro educativo inteligente». Los primeros análisis nos permiten señalar que en el caso del sistema escolar se sigue un patrón de transferencia muy peculiar: alta dependencia de las instancias políticas, se pone más énfasis en el equipamiento instrumental que en el conocimiento y, finalmente, escasa preparación previa de la organización receptora.

  15. Histopathological report of colorectal carcinoma resections: A 5-year audit in Lagos. (United States)

    Badmos, Kabir Bolarinwa; Rotimi, Olorunda; Lawal, Abdulrazzaq Oluwagbemiga; Osinowo, Adedapo O; Habeebu, Mohammed Y; Abdulkareem, Fatimah Biade


    Complete and accurate pathology reporting of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) resection specimen is critical to clinical management of individual patients. The study aims to audit colorectal cancer histopathology reporting in Lagos between 2011 and 2015 before the adoption of the Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Nigeria pro forma in 2016. All resected CRC cases were identified from the Histopathology record of our Department and that of a private Laboratory in Lagos over a 5-year from 2011 to 2015. The dataset as contained in the pro forma was extracted from the reports and analysed using SPSS version 16 software. A total of 92 colorectal resections were received during the 5-year period consisting of 90 colonic and 2 rectal tumours. Data inclusiveness on tumour differentiation, extent of primary tumour, total lymph node and lymph node involvement were 96.7%, 91.3%, 83.7% and 92.4%, respectively. Tumour perforation, level of venous involvement and distant metastasis were reported in 73.9%, 21.7% and 96.7% respectively. The circumferential resection margin (CRM) in the 2 rectal tumours had 100% inclusiveness. Tumour node metastasis staging was complete in 87% of cases while Dukes staging was documented in 8.7% of the reports. None of the data items was 100% complete except the CRM for rectal carcinoma. Free text reporting results in incomplete data resulting in improper staging, especially the lymph node status. This highlights the need for pro forma reporting to ensure and maintain consistent reporting of important parameters required for proper staging and management of patients with colorectal cancer.

  16. La dimensión colaborativa con tic en la dirección de centros

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    L. M. González Rodero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo busca profundizar en la perspectiva e influencia del aprendizaje colaborativo a través de las TIC desde la gestión y dirección de centros educativos y como ello repercute en la formación del profesorado. Esta investigación forma parte de un proyecto que busca identificar la importancia y el grado de implantación de las tecnologías sociales en los centros de infantil y primaria de Castilla y León, a partir de una muestra de 24 centros de la Comunidad Autónoma acreditados con certificación TIC nivel 5 en el curso 2011-2012.

  17. Utilización de sistemas pasivos para mejorar la calidad de las aguas en lagos mineros: Aplicación a un caso de estudio


    Bros Miranda, María Teresa


    La primera parte de la tesis, es una revisión del estado sobre la formación de lo lagos de mina y todo el conjunto de procesos que se derivan de su formación y evolución. Se presentan una serie de métodos de tratamiento haciendo principal hincapié en la aplicación de sistemas pasivos para mejorar la calidad del as agua en los lagos mineros. La segunda parte de la tesis se dedica a estudiar un caso particular emplazado en la Mina de Meirama, en la cual se prevé la inundación del actual h...

  18. The relationship between red blood cell distribution width and blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Dada OA


    Full Text Available Olusola Akinola Dada,1 Ebele Uche,2 Akinsegun Akinbami,2 Majeed Odesanya,3 Sarah John-Olabode,4 Adewumi Adediran,5 Olajumoke Oshinaike,1 Anthonia Okeoghene Ogbera,1 Olaitan Okunoye,6 Olanrewaju Arogundade,2 Kingsley Aile,7 Timothy Ekwere8 1Department of Medicine, Lagos State University, 2Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Lagos State University, College of Medicine, Ikeja, Nigeria; 3Oak Hospitals, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria; 4Department of Haematology, Ben Carson School of Medicine, Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo, Ogun State, 5Department of Haematology, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Idiaraba, 6Department of Medicine, University of Port Harcourt, River State, 7Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, Nigeria; 8Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria Background: High red blood cell distribution width (RDW is related to impairment of erythropoiesis, reflecting chronic inflammation and increased levels of oxidative stress, both of which are telltale signs of type 2 diabetics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the RDW and fasting blood sugar/blood pressure, and compare the results from diabetics with nondiabetic controls. Methods: This was an unmatched case-control study involving 200 participants consisting of 100 diabetics and 100 nondiabetic controls. Blood (4.5 mL was collected from all of the diabetics and nondiabetic controls, and placed into EDTA anticoagulant tubes. A full blood count was performed using the Sysmex KX-21N, a three-part auto analyzer able to run 19 parameters per sample, including RDW. Blood pressure was measured during sample collection and in a sitting position. Results: The mean fasting blood sugar level was 95.20±30.10 mg/dL in the controls, and 147.85±72.54 mg/dL in the diabetics. The mean blood pressures for diabetics was 138/90 mm

  19. Taste: centro gastrónomico en Madrid Río


    Pérez Cámara, Cristina


    Actualmente, cada vez estamos más concienciados sobre la ecología. Este tema abarca muchas áreas, sostenibilidad en arquitectura, medioambiente, alimentación, etc. En este proyecto nos referimos a ecología en el ámbito de la alimentación. Con el paso del tiempo, la sociedad cada vez mira más de dónde vienen los alimentos del supermercado, y damos más valor a los productos de la tierra y de temporada. Con respecto a esto, existen movimientos que se basan en estos objetivos, como el “slow fo...

  20. Home and School Environments as Determinant of Social Skills Deficit among Learners with Intellectual Disability in Lagos State (United States)

    Isawumi, Oyeyinka David; Oyundoyin, John Olusegun


    The study examined home and school environmental factors as determinant of social skills deficit among learners with intellectual disability in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study adopted survey research method using a sample size of fifty (50) pupils with intellectual disability who were purposively selected from five special primary schools in Lagos…

  1. Private sector participation in domestic waste management in informal settlements in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    Opoko, Akunnaya P; Oluwatayo, Adedapo A


    Lagos is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa, which is grappling with the challenges of poorly managed urbanisation. With an estimated population of about 17.5 million, solid waste management is one of the most pressing environmental challenges currently faced in the city. It is estimated that more than 9071847.4kg of urban waste is generated every day in the city. The city lacks the capacity to deal with such magnitude of waste. Consequently, the city has involved the private sector (private sector participation) in its waste management drive. This article examines the effectiveness of this public-private sector collaboration model in waste management in informal settlements in Lagos using empirical data. Major findings of the article include the irregularity of waste collection owing to a poor road network, an inadequate transport infrastructure and the desire to maximise profit, as well as poor waste handling and disposal methods by the private sector participation operators who are not chosen based on competence and capacity to perform. Another major finding is the lack of cooperation from residents evidenced in non-payment of bills and poor packaging of wastes, resulting in wastes being littered. The article concludes on the need to restructure the scheme through proper sensitisation of residents, selection of operators with demonstrable delivery capacity and provision of a well-maintained road network to facilitate access of operators to settlements. © The Author(s) 2016.

  2. Mobile phones for retinopathy of prematurity screening in Lagos, Nigeria, sub-Saharan Africa. (United States)

    Oluleye, Tunji S; Rotimi-Samuel, Adekunle; Adenekan, Adetunji


    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), thought to be rare in Nigeria, sub-Saharan Africa, has been reported in recent studies. Developing cost-effective screening is crucial for detecting retinal changes amenable to treatment. This study describes the use of an iPhone combined with a 20-D lens in screening for ROP in Lagos, Nigeria. The ROP screening program was approved by the Lagos University Teaching Hospital Ethical Committee. Preterm infants with birthweight of less than 1.5 kg or gestational age of less than 32 weeks were screened. In conjunction with the neonatologist, topical tropicamide (0.5%) and phenylephrine (2.5%) was used to dilate the pupils. A pediatric lid speculum was used. Indirect ophthalmoscopy was used to examine the fundus to ensure there were no missed diagnoses. An iPhone 5 with 20-D lens was used to examine the fundus. The App Filmic Pro was launched in the video mode. The camera flash served as the source of illumination. Its intensity was controlled by the app. The 20-D lens was used to capture the image of the retina, which was picked up by the camera system of the mobile phone. Another app, Aviary, was used to edit the picture. The images captured by the system were satisfactory for staging and determining the need for treatment. An iPhone combined with a 20-D lens appear to be useful in screening for ROP in resource-poor settings. More studies are needed in this area.

  3. Geomagnetic storm effects in ionospheric TEC at an euatorial station: contribution of EXB drifts and meridional neutral winds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dabas, R.S.; Jain, A.R.


    Storm-time variations in TEC measurements at the Indian station Ootacamund with IEC data for four stations in the anomaly region. Variations in Nsub(T)(OOTY) are found to be smaller compared to those observed at anomaly stations. The equatorial electrojet control of Nsub(T)(OOTY) is weaker compared to that of Nsub(m)F2. This result and absence of midday biteout in Nsub(T)(OOTY) are interpreted in terms of plasma exchange between ionosphere and plasmasphere which, to some extent, compensates the loss of plasma in the column due to E x B drifts. The anomaly depth is found to be well correlated with the electrojet strength. It is also noticed that for the same anomaly is weaker on a storm day than for quiet days. This is interpreted in terms of converging equatorward meridional winds. Thus, ionosphere-plasmasphere plasma exchange and, during disturbed period, the converging equatorward meridional winds also have significant effects on the distribution of ionization at these latitudes though the E x B drifts are most important in affecting the ionization distribution at low latitudes. (author)

  4. Influence of Counselling Services on Perceived Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Lagos State

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    Foluke Nike Bolu-Steve


    Full Text Available This study aimed at looking at the influence of counseling services on perceived academic performance of secondary school students in Lagos State. At the first stage, the researchers purposively selected Ikorodu L.G.A in Lagos State. At the researchers selected two schools (1 Private schools, & 1 Public schools, using simple random technique. Thus, a total of two schools were picked in each of the L.G.A. Finally, simple random sampling was used in selecting eighty students in each L.G.A, thus making a total of two hundred and forty Senior Secondary students that participated in the study. Six hypotheses were generated for the purpose of this study. Data were gathered using a researcher designed instrument tagged “Influence of Counselling Service on Academic Performance of Students Questionnaire (ICAPSQ. The findings of this study showed that there was no significant difference on the basis of age, class level and school type. However a significant difference was found on the basis of respondent’s religion, gender and the number of times the students visited the counselor. It was therefore recommended that the ministry of education should ensure that guidance and counselling units are established in all public and private secondary schools in Nigeria.

  5. Subordinación local al manejo territorial globalizado de la ribera del lago de Chapala

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    Adriana Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda el proceso de reapropiación del lago de Chapala, México. En las últimas décadas se han venido transformando el suelo y la producción agrícola en los municipios ribereños del lago de Chapala debido a la introducción de cultivos de exportación mediante sistemas modernos de producción tecnificada. Por lo que los cultivos tradicionales han ido disminuyendo o se producen con mayor uso de pesticidas, fertilizantes y agroquímicos. El papel del campesino ribereño también se ha modificado debido a que las agroempresas trasnacionales generan una estructura de renta o compra de suelos y parcelas que utilizan durante un periodo de años, perdiendo el dueño el uso de sus tierras a cambio de un ingreso seguro. En el escenario ribereño actual, el campesino se transforma en receptor económico y, en ocasiones, en trabajador de sus propias tierras, sin posibilidad de decisión sobre ellas. Por lo que se encuentran en peligro los saberes locales históricos de las poblaciones ribereñas así como su cultura lacustre.

  6. Aplicación de películas comestibles a base de quitosano y mucílago de nopal en fresa (Fragaria ananassa) almacenada en refrigeración


    Ruiz Hernández, Fabiola


    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue realizar un estudio para evaluar la aplicación de películas comestibles a base de quitosano y mucílago de nopal (Opuntia ficus indica) en la calidad de fresas (Fragaria ananassa) variedad "Festival", almacenadas en recipientes plásticos, listas para consumir y almacenadas en refrigeración. La primera etapa del estudio consistió en estandarizar una técnica para la extracción de mucílago de nopal. Se evaluaron varias técnicas reportadas...

  7. El centro histórico de Barranquilla: problemáticas ambientales y sociales

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    Myriam Graciela Bonilla Becerra


    Full Text Available Los procesos de rehabilitación de los centros históricos en diversas ciudades del mundo, no solo se enfocan en los aspectos arquitectónicos o de espacio público, sino que deben atender los problemas ambientales. El centro histórico es por lo general el área con mayor degradación ambiental a nivel de contaminación atmosférica, contaminación por ruido, manejo de residuos sólidos y otras formas de contaminación de la ciudad; pero en el caso de Barranquilla el sistema de caños de la ciudad ha sido afectado por las actividades propias de su centro histórico, llevándolos a un estado de degradación y contaminación que no ha sido solucionado en forma definitiva. La recuperación de los caños de Barranquilla es un asunto prioritario y es por esto que el gobierno colombiano ha aprobado la “Implementación Plan de Saneamiento de los Caños de la Cuenca Oriental de la Ciudad de Barranquilla”, cuyo costo asciende 75.554 millones de pesos. Lo que permitirá darle una nueva cara al centro histórico de la ciudad.

  8. Vibrations of laminated composite thick shells of revolution having meridionally varying curvature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Katsuyoshi; Shikanai, Genji; Baba, Iwato


    An exact solution is presented for solving free vibrations of laminated composite thick shells of revolution having meridionally varying curvature. Based on the thick lamination theory considering the shear deformation and rotary inertia, equations of motion and boundary conditions are obtained from the stationary conditions of the Lagrangian. The equations of motion are solved exactly by using a power series expansion for symmetrically laminated cross-ply shells. Frequencies and mode shapes of shells of revolution having elliptical and parabolical meridians are presented for both ends clamped, and the effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia are discussed by comparing the results from the present theory with those from the thin lamination theory. (author)


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    Full Text Available Se realizó un seguimiento a la población de Boeckella gracilis Daday, 1902 en el lago de Tota, Boyacá, Colombia, durante seis meses con periodicidad quincenal a partir de mayo de 2004. La densidad poblacional fue de 11.968 Ind.m-3 en promedio y expresó un incremento progresivo hasta el final del estudio que corresponde a época de fuertes lluvias en la zona y aguas altas en el lago. Los machos adultos dominaron en densidad y biomasa, constituyendo el 32,5% y el 35,8% de la población, respectivamente. La fecundidad promedio se estimó en 0,32 huevos por hembra. En la época de aguas altas se presentó un aumento de la actividad reproductiva evidenciado por el incremento de la fecundidad y el mayor número de copepoditos. Con base en el análisis de componentes principales, la transparencia, el pH y el oxígeno disuelto fueron las variables determinantes de la expresión temporal del hábitat. El comportamiento de la biomasa de la población se asoció positivamente con la variación de la densidad de los adultos y copepoditos y negativamente con la concentración de oxígeno disuelto en el lago.

  10. Serpentinite-driven Exhumation of the UHP Lago di Cignana Unit in the Fossil Alpine Plate Interface (United States)

    Scambelluri, M.; Gilio, M.; Angiboust, S.; Godard, M.; Pettke, T.


    The Lago di Cignana Unit (LCU) is a coesite- [1] and diamond-bearing [2] slice of oceanic-derived eclogites and metasediments recording Alpine UHP metamorphism at 600 °C-3.2 GPa (~110 km depth) [3]. The LCU is tectonically sandwiched between the eclogitic Zermatt-Saas Zone (ZSZ; 540 °C-3.2 GPa) [4] and the blueschist Combin Zone (400 °C-0.9 GPa) [5] along a tectonic structure joining HP units recording a ~1.2 GPa (40 km) pressure difference. So far, the ZSZ has been attributed to normal HP conditions and the mechanism driving exhumation and accretion of the LCU in its present structural position is not fully understood.We performed petrography and bulk-rock trace element analyses of rocks from LCU and ZSZ serpentinites. We observed that, while serpentinites in the core of the ZSZ show normal subduction zone trace elements and REE's patterns, the Ol+Ti-chu+Chl veins and host serpentinites enveloping the LCU are strongly enriched in sediment-derived fluid-mobile elements (U, Th, Nb, Ta, Ce, Y, As, Sb) and REE's: their patterns well match those of the closely associated LCU-UHP rocks.The presence of extremely enriched Ol+Ti-chu+Chl veins in the serpentinites at direct contact with the UHP Lago di Cignana Unit suggests that fluid exchange between serpentinite and LCU crustal rocks occurred at peak metamorphic conditions. Their coupling therefore occurred during subduction burial and/or peak UHP conditions. As such, the buoyancy force originating from the relatively light serpentinites fuelled the exhumation of the Lago di Cignana Unit. In this contest, the tectonic contact between the Zermatt-Saas Zone and the Combin Zone evolved into a true tectonic plate interface surface.1. Reinecke (1998). Lithos 42(3), 147-189; 2. Frezzotti et al. (2011). Nat. Geosci. 4(10), 703-706; 3. Groppo et al. (2009). J. Metam. Geol. 27(3), 207-231; 4. Angiboust et al. (2009). Terra Nova 21(3), 171-180; 5. Reddy et al. (1999). J. Metam. Geol. 17, 573-590.

  11. Distribución y abundancia de murciélagos en bosques con diferente grado de intervención en el Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona (Colombia

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    Oscar Enrique Murillo-García


    Full Text Available Se cuantificó la variación de la comunidad de murciélagos en bosques con diferente grado de intervención en el Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona. Para esto se realizaron capturas en tres zonas (dos sitios en cada zona durante tres eventos de muestreo. El análisis de datos consideró la detección imperfecta, permitiendo realizar una inferencia confiable acerca de los cambios en presencia, abundancia y riqueza entre tipos de coberturas. Los resultados evidenciaron una considerable variación en detectabilidad relacionada con variaciones entre gremios tróficos y tipos de cobertura. Las tasas de presencia aumentaron al disminuir la cobertura boscosa (Ψb.intervenido>Ψb. secundario>Ψb. primario y fueron diferentes entre especies. La abundancia incrementó al aumentar el nivel de intervención (Nb.intervenido>Nb.secundario>Nb primario, disminuyó con el tamaño corporal y fue mayor para frugívoros y nectarívoros que para insectívoros. Los resultados sugieren que las comunidades de murciélagos despliegan fuertes respuestas al grado de intervención. Aunque se presentó mayor presencia y abundancia en el área más intervenida, los murciélagos también utilizaron las menos intervenidas. Esto puede incrementar el movimiento de las semillas entre diferentes estadíos sucesionales. Por lo tanto, el estudio de la comunidad de murciélagos puede ser importante para monitorear el estado de recuperación de los bosques del PNN Gorgona y para entender los procesos ecológicos que generan la recuperación de estos.

  12. Contraception among bankers in an urban community in Lagos State, Nigeria. (United States)

    Meka, Ijeoma Angela; Okwara, Emmanuel Chidiebere; Meka, Anthony Obiamaka


    Contraception means procedures employed to interfere at one stage or the other with the normal sequence of events in the process of reproduction leading to a failure in conception. It means voluntary techniques adopted to achieve birth control. Its use remains sensitive worldwide. Within the same society, contraception varies amongst people of different socio-cultural, educational, religious, or occupational affiliations. It also varies between urban and rural settlements. Some contraceptive techniques also prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The prevalence of STIs also varies with these same factors. There is very limited literature on contraception exclusively amongst bankers. We sought to investigate the level of awareness and practice of contraception amongst bankers in an urban society in Lagos State, Nigeria. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 200 self-administered structured questionnaires were retrieved from bankers from 5 banks selected by simple random sampling in Surulere Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. Data was subsequently statistically analyzed using SPSS. The age range was 21-45 years, mean 28.8±1.4 years, 51.7% were males (72% single, 27% married, 1% separated) and 48.3% were females (52.4% single, 47.6% married). All (100%) respondents were aware of contraception, 93.3% males and 91.7% females were sexually active, 88.9% males and 84.5% females believe contraception is useful. Most (71.4%) respondents practice contraception, males (81%) being more than females (61.1%), p males believe that contraception prevents pregnancy but not STIs, 28.6% of females and 46.6% of males believe it prevents both pregnancy and STIs, whereas 14% of males and no female believe contraception prevents STIs but not pregnancy. The awareness of and practice of contraception was very high among the bankers but more male bankers practice contraception whereas more female bankers perceive contraceptives to be for the married only.

  13. Could intervention by clinics such as Primeros Pasos affect the prevalence of childhood malnutrition in the developing world? (United States)

    Seccombe, Adam; Hughes, Elizabeth


    Guatemala is a country severely affected by malnutrition, particularly in its child population. The present study aimed to assess the impact of recognised aetiological factors on the prevalence of malnutrition and to establish the efficacy of a Guatemalan malnutrition clinic by examining the changes in the prevalence of malnutrition in the ten surrounding communities served by the clinic. Records of children (n 7681) aged 5-16 years seen by the clinic between 2004 and 2006 were examined. Anthropometric data for each child were taken from these records and used as an indicator for their nutritional status to estimate the change in rates of malnutrition during this period. An overall reduction was seen in all forms of malnutrition over the 3-year period, although over 50 % of the study population remained malnourished in 2006. A consistent reduction was also seen in rates of moderate and severe malnutrition, but not in rates of mild malnutrition. The results demonstrate that clinics such as Primeros Pasos can have a beneficial effect on schoolchildren, particularly those who are severely malnourished. A need has been highlighted for more research in this area, particularly how clinics such as Primeros Pasos can be best used in the fight against malnutrition.


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    Sierra O


    Full Text Available El 29 de octubre de 2005 el huracán Beta, de categoría 1 pasó a 15 km norte de la isla de Providencia, Caribe colombiano. Con el propósito de determinar eventuales cambios estructurales de las praderas de fanerógamas marinas, se monitorearon cuatro praderas de Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König alrededor de la isla, uno y dos años después del paso del huracán. Se seleccionaron dos sitios no afectados y dos afectados por el paso del huracán. Se observó que las praderas de pastos marinos en la isla de Providencia parecen sanas y sin signos de alteraciones significativas ocasionadas por el huracán Beta. La única posible alteración de tipo estructural, fue devolver a un estado sucesional más temprano a este ecosistema en las zonas afectadas, alteración que actualmente parece haberse superado.

  15. Pulling the Meridional Overturning Circulation From the South DESC0005100

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cessi, Paola [Univ. of California, San Diego, CA (United States); Wolfe, Christopher L. [Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, San Diego, CA (United States)


    This project concerned the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), its stability, variability and sensitivity to atmospheric forcing, both mechanical (wind-stress) and thermodynamical (heat and freshwater surface fluxes). The focus of the study is the interhemispheric cell in the largely adiabatic regime, where the flow is characterized by a descending branch in the high latitudes of the North Atlantic and the upwelling branch in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) region of the Southern Ocean. These two end points are connected by shared isopycnals along which the flow takes place. The approach is to systematically study the amplitude and frequency of the AMOC’s response to localized buoyancy with an ocean-only model in both coarse and high-resolution configurations, analyzed with innovative diagnostics, focused on the “residual overturning circulation” (ROC), which is the proper measure of the transport of heat and other tracers.


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    Pere Godoy


    Full Text Available Fundamentos. La baja dosis infectiva y las múltiples vías de transmisión facilitan la presentación de brotes de norovirus. El objetivo fue comparar la incidencia de brotes por norovirus en hospitales y residencias en Cataluña. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de la serie de brotes de norovirus en el período del 15/10/2004 al 30/10/2005. Se rellenó una encuesta epidemiológica para cada brote. Las variables fueron: número de expuestos, enfermos, mecanismo de transmisión, ámbito (centros sanitarios o residencias, región sanitaria, mes del año, y duración. Mediante técnicas de PCR se investigó la presencia de norovirus en muestras clínicas. Se calculó la incidencia en cada centro y la incidencia anual de brotes por centros. Las diferencias se determinaron con la prueba de c2 y la t de Student con un grado de significación (p inferior a 0,05. Resultados. Se detectaron 17 brotes, 6 en centros sanitarios y 11 en residencias. La tasa de ataque global fue del 33,4% (652/1951 y fue ligeramente superior en las residencias (35,2% que en los centros sanitarios (31,4%. El 94,1% (16/17 de los brotes se produjeron por transmisión persona a persona y sólo el 5,9% (1/17 por alimentos. La media de días entre el primer y último caso del brote fue de 11,4 (DE = 6,9. La duración media de los síntomas fue de 2,39 días (SD=1,6 y también fue superior en los pacientes hospitalizados 2,63 (SD=1,7 en comparación a los pacientes de residencias 1,97 (SD=1,7 (p < 0,0001. Conclusiones. Norovirus es responsable de un número importante de brotes por transmisión persona a persona. Se debe protocolizar su control para reducir su número y su duración.

  17. Understanding The Behavior Of The Sun'S Large Scale Magnetic Field And Its Relation With The Meridional Flow (United States)

    Hazra, Gopal


    In this thesis, various studies leading to better understanding of the 11-year solar cycle and its theoretical modeling with the flux transport dynamo model are performed. Although this is primarily a theoretical thesis, there is a part dealing with the analysis of observational data. The various proxies of solar activity (e.g., sunspot number, sunspot area and 10.7 cm radio flux) from various observatory including the sunspot area records of Kodaikanal Observatory have been analyzed to study the irregular aspects of solar cycles and an analysis has been carried out on the correlation between the decay rate and the next cycle amplitude. The theoretical analysis starts with explaining how the magnetic buoyancy has been treated in the flux transport dynamo models, and advantages and disadvantages of different treatments. It is found that some of the irregular properties of the solar cycle in the decaying phase can only be well explained using a particular treatment of the magnetic buoyancy. Next, the behavior of the dynamo with the different spatial structures of the meridional flow based on recent helioseismology results has been studied. A theoretical model is constructed considering the back reaction due to the Lorentz force on the meridional flows which explains the observed variation of the meridional flow with the solar cycle. Finally, some results with 3D FTD models are presented. This 3D model is developed to handle the Babcock-Leighton mechanism and magnetic buoyancy more realistically than previous 2D models and can capture some important effects connected with the subduction of the magnetic field in polar regions, which are missed in 2D surface flux transport models. This 3D model is further used to study the evolution of the magnetic fields due to a turbulent non-axisymmetric velocity field and to compare the results with the results obtained by using a simple turbulent diffusivity coefficient.

  18. Estudio de la fecha del paso de la temperatura media del aire por encima y por debajo de 25°C en la zona occidental de Cuba

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    Luisa M. Zayas Valdés


    Full Text Available Las evidencias observacionales indican que durante las últimas décadas el clima de Cuba se ha hecho más cálido, se ha observado un incremento de los totales de precipitación en el período poco lluvioso y un cierto decrecimiento en el período lluvioso, y la frecuencia de sequías se ha incrementado significativamente desde 1960. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar, en las marchas anuales de la temperatura del aire de cada estación meteorológica en la zona más occidental de Cuba, las fechas del paso de la temperatura media del aire por encima y por debajo de 25°C y la duración de esos períodos, enmarcar los períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso, y obtener su relación con la fecha del paso de la temperatura media del aire por el umbral señalado. Se comprobó que las regularidades encontradas en las relaciones "paso de la temperatura por encima de 25°C - inicio del período lluvioso" y "paso de la temperatura por debajo de 25°C - inicio del período poco lluvioso" durante el período de referencia 1950-1975 ya no constituyen regularidades en el período de referencia 1976-2005, principalmente en el período en que la temperatura media del aire pasa por debajo de los 25°C, donde los desaciertos alcanzaron las mayores desviaciones. La duración media del período con temperaturas superiores a 25°C muestra una tendencia al aumento, obteniéndose una longitud mayor durante este período que la observada en el período con temperaturas inferiores a 25°C.

  19. Gordailu, Centro de Patrimonio Cultural Mueble de Gipuzkoa. Estudios previos

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    Maite Barrio Olano


    Full Text Available La Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa ha impulsado la creación de una nueva infraestructura cultural: el Centro de Patrimonio Cultural Mueble de Gipuzkoa, denominado Gordailu (palabra en euskera cuyo significado es “depósito”. Este Centro tendrá como misión la gestión integral del patrimonio cultural mueble del territorio, partiendo de un núcleo central, el depósito in situ de colecciones de distinta titularidad. Dentro de la variedad de temas de estudio y análisis que implica un proyecto de esta envergadura, en el presente artículo se relatan los relativos al plan de necesidades, evaluación de colecciones y definición de condiciones medioambientales.

  20. Design of a residential microgrid in Lagos del Cacique, Bucaramanga, Colombia (United States)

    Bellon, D.; González Estrada, O. A.; Martínez, A.


    In this paper is presented a model that analyses the options to provide energy to an interconnected house in Lagos del Cacique, Bucaramanga, Colombia. Three power supplies were considered: photovoltaic, 1 kW wind turbine, and a 2.6kW gasoline generator, as well as a battery for energy storage. The variables considered for the sensitivity analysis correspond to the price of gasoline and the variation in loads. The simulation results suggest an optimal configuration of microgrids in generator-photovoltaic panel-battery. Sensitivity variables were specified in order to evaluate the effect of uncertainty. The simulation was done through the Homer software and the results of the combinations of sources are suggestions of the same.

  1. ESTUDIOS BIOARQUEOLÓGICOS DEL SITIO PASO MAYOR, SUDOESTE DE LA PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AIRES / Bioarchaeological studies of Paso Mayor site, southwest Buenos Aires province

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    Clara Scabuzzo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se resumen los estudios bioarqueológicos realizados en la colección osteológica del sitio Paso Mayor Y1S2 (partido de Coronel Pringles, Buenos Aires. Los análisis efectuados comprendieron diferentes etapas. En primer lugar se hizo un inventario de la colección y se relevaron algunas variables tafonómicas para conocer el estado general de conservación de los restos. Una segunda etapa estuvo orientada a determinar la estructura sexo-etaria de la muestra. Finalmente se efectuaron estudios de marcadores de estrés ocupacional y el relevamiento de algunas patologías de carácter infeccioso y traumático. En conjunto estos análisis muestran que en el sitio se inhumaron individuos subadultos y adultos de ambos sexos, los restos fueron enterrados de manera primaria y secundaria. La colección muestra un buen estado de conservación por lo que fue posible determinar la mayoría de los elementos óseos analizados. En cuanto a los estudios de marcadores de actividad física, estos indican la importancia de la actividad deambulatoria y el posible uso de sistemas de armas como el arco y flecha. Se registró una reacción perióstica en los miembros inferiores y un traumatismo en el esqueleto craneal. Finalmente se discute la información bioarqueológica del sitio con la publicada para otros sitios del área. Abstract This paper summarizes the bioarchaeological studies of the osteological collection recovered in Paso Mayor Y1S2 site (Coronel Pringles, Buenos Aires. Analyses were carried out in different stages. First, a detailed inventory of the collection was made and some taphonomic variables were considered in order to evaluate the general condition of the bone remains. A second phase was oriented to the determination of the age-sex structure of the sample. Finally, occupational stress markers studies were undertaken along with the observation of certain infectious and traumatic pathologies. As a whole, these analyses show the

  2. Comparison of high-latitude thermospheric meridional winds I: optical and radar experimental comparisons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Griffin, E.M.; Mueller-Wodarg, I.C.F.; Aruliah, A.; Aylward, A. [Atmospheric Physics Lab., Univ. Coll. London, London (United Kingdom)


    Thermospheric neutral winds at Kiruna, Sweden (67.4 N, 20.4 E) are compared using both direct optical fabry-perot interferometer (FPI) measurements and those derived from European incoherent scatter radar (EISCAT) measurements. This combination of experimental data sets, both covering well over a solar cycle of data, allows for a unique comparison of the thermospheric meridional component of the neutral wind as observed by different experimental techniques. Uniquely in this study the EISCAT measurements are used to provide winds for comparison using two separate techniques: the most popular method based on the work of Salah and Holt (1974) and the meridional wind model (MWM) (Miller et al., 1997) application of servo theory. The balance of forces at this location that produces the observed diurnal pattern are investigated using output from the coupled thermosphere and ionosphere (CTIM) numerical model. Along with detailed comparisons from short periods the climatological behaviour of the winds have been investigated for seasonal and solar cycle dependence using the experimental techniques. While there are features which are consistent between the 3 techniques, such as the evidence of the equinoctial asymmetry, there are also significant differences between the techniques both in terms of trends and absolute values. It is clear from this and previous studies that the high-latitude representation of the thermospheric neutral winds from the empirical horizontal wind model (HWM), though improved from earlier versions, lacks accuracy in many conditions. The relative merits of each technique are discussed and while none of the techniques provides the perfect data set to address model performance at high-latitude, one or more needs to be included in future HWM reformulations. (orig.)

  3. A Case Analysis of Energy Savings Performance Contract Projects and Photovoltaic Energy at Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas (United States)


    PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY AND FORT BLISS CASE BACKGROUND A. PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY The use of photovoltaic power systems is nothing new in the Department...against the Outback MPPT charge controller . This test will be done over a one month timeframe. The Arizona Power ISG test plan is contained in...cost-benefit analysis of conventional power versus emerging photovoltaic energy for the Army’s Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX. The project will also analyze

  4. Algoritmo del murciélago virtual en el desarrollo de la Integral de Duhamel para sistemas estructurales con un grado de libertad

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    Sergio Vanegas


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone el uso del algoritmo de optimización de murciélagos virtuales para resolver la Integral de Duhamel en sistemas dinámicos con un grado de libertad. Se desarrollaron ejercicios a titulo demostrativo, para el cálculo de máximos globales. Los resultados fueron muy comparables, tanto en precisión, como en exactitud frente a aquellos obtenidos por otros métodos de cálculo. Se utilizó igualmente el acelerograma del sismo de Chile (2010, para el que se reporta la respuesta dinámica y el desplazamiento máximo. Se variaron para estos ejemplos la cantidad de murciélagos virtuales notándose su influencia sobre el tiempo de computación.

  5. Inter-annual chemical stratification in Brazilian natural lakes: meromixis and hypolimnetic memory Estratificação química em lagos naturais brasileiros: meromixia e memória hipolimnética

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    Luciana Gomes Barbosa


    Full Text Available AIM: chemical stratification and the patterns of light limitation and nutrients of two natural lakes, one shallow and the other one deep, were comparatively evaluated, both lakes located in the southeast Brazil. METHODS: pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids and nutrients were monthly collected during 5 consecutive years at the vertical profile of the two lakes. RESULTS: multivariate analysis indicated that the long thermal stratification period favored the occurrence of chemical stratification in the two lakes. However, in the deeper lake the stratified thermal profile with high hypolimnetic nutrient concentration, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids and redox potential indicated that the mixing was not complete even during the annual circulation period, suggesting a slight meromixis and a high chemical stability at the hypolimnion. In the shallower lake, high light attenuation and high availability of nitrogen forms (mainly N-NH4 and phosphorus was observed along the water column, even during stratification. In the deeper lake, N and P co-limitation and low light attenuation coefficients were detected. CONCLUSION: thermal and chemical stratification patterns indicated that the Carioca lake is a shallow, turbid, nutrient rich, whereas the Dom Helvecio lake is a deep, clear, oligotrophic system with a tendency towards meromixis and the isolation of solutes in the hypolimnion. Consequently, meromixis was compared to a "hypolimnetic memory", which was defined, in the case of the deeper lake, as the maintenance of the chemical stratification along the years, during the lake thermal circulation period.OBJETIVO: a estratificação química e os padrões de limitação por luz e nutrientes foram avaliados comparativamente em dois lagos naturais, sendo um raso e o outro profundo no sudeste do Brasil. MÉTODOS: as amostragens de pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido, sólidos totais dissolvidos e

  6. Some studies of zonal and meridional wind characteristics at low latitude Indian stations (United States)

    Nagpal, O. P.; Kumar, S.


    At the beginning of the Indian Middle Atmosphere Programme (IMAP), it was decided that the preparation of consolidation reports of already available parameters for the middle atmosphere would be useful. Atmospheric wind data obtained by rockets and balloons constituted one such parameter which had to be consolidated. The present paper summaries the results of this consolidation study. Both zonal and meridional components of winds at four low latitude Indian stations namely Thumba, Shar, Hyderabad, and Balasore, have been analyzed to yield reference wind profiles for each month. The montly mean values have been used to bring out the amplitudes and phases of the annual, semiannual and quasi-biennial oscillations.

  7. Some studies of zonal and meridional wind characteristics at low latitude Indian stations (United States)

    Nagpal, O. P.; Kumar, S.


    At the beginning of the Indian Middle Atmosphere Programme (IMAP), it was decided that the preparation of consolidation reports of already available parameters for the middle atmosphere would be useful. Atmospheric wind data obtained by rockets and balloons constituted one such parameter which had to be consolidated. The present paper summaries the results of this consolidation study. Both zonal and meridional components of winds at four low latitude Indian stations namely Thumba, Shar, Hyderabad, and Balasore, have been analyzed to yield reference wind profiles for each month. The montly mean values have been used to bring out the amplitudes and phases of the annual, semiannual and quasi-biennial oscillations.

  8. Final inform of the studies carried out by the Geological Institute of Uruguay in the zone of Paso Severino of Santa Lucia small river

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This inform is about the geological conditions study carried out in Paso Severino zone of the Santa Lucia small river to make a dam to provide water to Montevideo. The techniques used were photo interpretation and general geological studies.

  9. Unmasking inequalities: Sub-national maternal and child mortality data from two urban slums in Lagos, Nigeria tells the story.

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    Erin Anastasi

    Full Text Available Nigeria has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the world as well as high perinatal mortality. Unfortunately, the country does not have the resources to assess this critical indicator with the conventional health information system and measuring its progress toward the goal of ending preventable maternal deaths is almost impossible. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF conducted a cross-sectional study to assess maternal and perinatal mortality in Makoko Riverine and Badia East, two of the most vulnerable slums of Lagos.The study was a cross-sectional, community-based household survey. Nearly 4,000 households were surveyed. The sisterhood method was utilized to estimate maternal mortality and the preceding births technique was used to estimate newborn and child mortality. Questions regarding health seeking behavior were posed to female interviewees and self-reported data were collected.Data was collected from 3963 respondents for a total of 7018 sisters ever married. The maternal mortality ratio was calculated at 1,050/100,000 live births (95% CI: 894-1215, and the lifetime risk of maternal death at 1:18. The neonatal mortality rate was extracted from 1967 pregnancies reported and was estimated at 28.4/1,000; infant mortality at 43.8/1,000 and under-five mortality at 103/1,000. Living in Badia, giving birth at home and belonging to the Egun ethnic group were associated with higher perinatal mortality. Half of the last pregnancies were reportedly delivered in private health facilities. Proximity to home was the main influencing factor (32.4% associated with delivery at the health facility.The maternal mortality ratio found in these urban slum populations within Lagos is extremely high, compared to the figure estimated for Lagos State of 545 per 100,000 live births. Urgent attention is required to address these neglected and vulnerable neighborhoods. Efforts should be invested in obtaining data from poor, marginalized, and hard

  10. Geohydrologic site characterization of the municipal solid waste landfill facility, US Army Air Defense Artillery Center and Fort Bliss, El Paso County, Texas (United States)

    Abeyta, Cynthia G.


    Geohydrologic conditions of the Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facility (MSWLF) on the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Center and Fort Bliss, El Paso County, Texas, were evaluated by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Army. The 106.03-acre MSWLF has been in operation since January 1974. The landfill contains household refuse, Post solid wastes, bulky items, grass and tree trimmings from family housing, refuse from litter cans, construction debris, classified waste (dry), dead animals, asbestos, and empty oil cans. The MSWLF, located about 1,200 feet east of the nearest occupied structure, is estimated to receive an average of approximately 56 tons of municipal solid waste per day and, at a fill rate of 1-4 acres per year, is expected to reach its capacity by the year 2004. The MSWLF is located in the Hueco Bolson, 4 miles east of the Franklin Mountains. Elevations at the MSWLF range from 3,907 to 3,937 feet above sea level. The climate at the MSWLF and vicinity is arid continental, characterized by an abundance of sunny days, high summer temperatures, relatively cool winters typical of arid areas, scanty rainfall, and very low humidity throughout the year. Average annual temperature near the MSWLF and vicinity is 63.3 degrees Fahrenheit and annual precipitation is 7.8 inches. Potential evaporation in the El Paso area was estimated to be 65 inches per year. Soils at and adjacent to the MSWLF are nearly level to gently sloping, have a fine sandy loam subsoil, and are moderately deep over caliche. The MSWLF is underlain by Hueco Bolson deposits of Tertiary age and typically are composed of unconsolidated to slightly consolidated interbedded sands, clay, silt, gravel, and caliche. Individual beds are not well defined and range in thickness from a fraction of an inch to about 100 feet. The primary source of ground water in the MSWLF area is in the deposits of the Hueco Bolson. A relatively thick vadose zone of approximately 300 feet overlies the

  11. New Prof Omeje Pornography Addiction as Correlate of Psychosocial and Academic Adjustment of Students in Universities in Lagos State (United States)

    Ohuakanwa, Chijioke Ephraim; Omeje, Joachim Chinweike; Eskay, Michael


    The study sought to investigate the relationship between pornography addiction and psychosocial and academic adjustment of students in universities in Lagos State. In order to achieve this objective, five research questions were formulated and two hypotheses postulated. The subjects for the study consisted of 616 full-time third-year undergraduate…

  12. Centro Direzionale of Naples. A “Smart” Concept

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    Fabrizio Canfora


    Full Text Available The topic of urban planning linked to the growth of smart cities is now quite common also in the urban-sociological debate. Recent studies (Besselaar, Koizumi, 2005; Fistola, 2010 identify the main focus of the smart city no longer exclusively in the strategic role played by ICT infrastructures, but above all in the factors enabling urban growth, defined as the ability to stimulate innovative urban developments, along with an increasing attention to the environment, eco-design, improved living levels, as well as the "bio-socio-environmental capital" (Corbisiero, 2013. Based on this theoretical background, the paper highlights the results of a research conducted in Naples on the empirical case of the "Centro Direzionale". It is an intervention of urban design of considerable impact on the city. The design and construction of the Centro Direzionale of Naples is, in fact, an archetype of the smart city; a primal testing of "urban intelligence" in terms of transport systems, infrastructure, logistics, systems for energy efficiency and technology. More generally, a good practice of city administration and of exploitation of strategic spatial planning.

  13. Centro municipal de vehículos Ginebra-Suiza

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    Dom, Jean Pierre


    Full Text Available This station comprises three buildings, which house, respectively, the offices and auxiliary services of the station, the vehicles depot, and the mechanical repair works, stores and inspection of vehicles. The whole project has been designed in accordance with a module of 5.875 m length. The external elevations of this significant project express clearly its robust, sober and industrially functional nature.El conjunto erigido comprende tres edificios destinados, respectivamente, a albergar: «las dependencias de la administración», y «locales de servicio del Centro»; «el depósito de vehículos»; y «la inspección de vehículos», «repuestos» y «talleres mecánicos». Todos ellos modulados según un módulo de 5,875 m de lado. Desde el punto de vista de composición arquitectónica, este Centro refleja claramente, en los alzados exteriores, su carácter de construcción industrial sobria y robusta.

  14. Estrategias gerenciales administrativas para Centros Médicos Privados

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    Thaide Torres Guerra


    Full Text Available El problema abordado en este artículo plantea la necesidad de nuevas estrategias gerenciales administrativas para los Centros Médicos Privados de la Parroquia Raúl Leoni del Municipio Maracaibo, con el fin de identificar las fallas, para la mejora del desempeño gerencial. La metodología corresponde a un estudio descriptivo, pues contextualiza el desempeño gerencial administrativo actual en cuanto a las funciones en los centros seleccionados, identificando métodos y test que sirvan para su medición en aspectos relevantes de la planificación, organización, dirección y control. Finalmente se concluye que la estructura organizacional y la caracterización del enfoque confirma con los resultados que el liderazgo, la motivación, comunicación y toma de decisiones, son medianamente efectivas, siendo una debilidad para alcanzar la integración y unificación de los equipos de trabajo y de todos sus miembros que hacen vida en la institución.

  15. Surgimiento, evolución y principales resultados del Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos

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    María Amparo Pascual López


    Full Text Available En la década de los 90, el desarrollo acelerado de la Industria Médico Farmacéutica cubana impuso la necesidad de crear estructuras que garantizaran la evaluación clínica de productos para su introducción a la práctica médica y posterior comercialización. Uno de los centros fundados para contribuir con estos fines fue el Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos. El presente trabajo recoge en síntesis las razones que motivaron la creación del centro y muestra, brevemente, su desarrollo organizacional por más de 17 años. Describe, además, los principales componentes del sistema de diseño y conducción de ensayos clínicos; así como los aportes más significativos de cada uno de ellos para el cumplimiento de sus objetivos como centro.

  16. The Atlantic Meridional Transect: Spatially Extensive Calibration and Validation of Optical Properties and Remotely Sensed Measurements of Ocean Colour (United States)

    Aiken, James; Hooker, Stanford


    Twice a year, the Royal Research Ship (RRS) James Clark Ross (JCR) steams a meridional transect of the atlantic Ocean between Grimsly (UK) and Stanley (Falkland Islands) with a port call in Montevideo (Uruguay), as part of the annual research activities of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). In September, the JCR sails from the UK, and the following April it makes the return trip. The ship is operated by the BAS for the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) Program exploits the passage of the JCR from approximately 50 deg. N to 50 deg. S with a primary objective to investigate physical and biological processes, as well as to measure the mesi-to-basin-scale bio-optical properties of the atlantic Ocean. The calibration and validation of remotely sensed observations of ocean colour is an inherent objective of these studies: first, by relating in situ measurements of water leaving radiance to satellite measurement, and second, by measuring the bio-optically active constituents of the water.

  17. Geophysical survey, Paso Robles Geothermal area, California: Part of the Resource Assessment of Low- and Moderate-Temperature Geothermal Resource Areas in California; Part of the Second year Report, 1979-80 of the US Department of Energy-California State-Coupled Program for Reservoir Assessment and Confirmation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chapman, Rodger H.; Chase, Gordon W.; Youngs, Les G.


    This report presents the details of new geophysical work for the Paso Robles geothermal area, California performed under terms of the second year contract, 1979-80 between the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG). The report contains two sections. The first section is to provide background for the reader and consists of a reprint from CDMG's first year report (1979-80) to DOE. It describes only the Paso Robles studies performed by CDMG in its first year effort. The second section provides new information developed by CDMG in its 1979-80 studies concerning the geophysical survey of the Paso Robles geothermal area. Included in the first section is some general background information concerning the geology and geothermal occurrences in the Southern Coast Ranges, as well as the more detailed information dealing with the Paso Robles area proper. The second section is concerned only with discussion and interpretation of results for two geophysical methods that have so far been used by CDMG in the area: the ground magnetic and gravity surveys. The CDMG studies of the Paso Robles area are not yet complete and additional studies using newly acquired resistivity equipment are planned for the near future, as are more complete surveys of existing wells and new studies of the geothermal aquifers present in the area. A final report to DOE on the Paso Robles area is planned following completion of those studies.

  18. Facilities available for biomedical science research in the public universities in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    John, T A


    Across the world, basic medical scientists and physician scientists work on common platforms in state-of-the-arts laboratories doing translational research that occasionally results in bedside application. Biotechnology industries capitalise on useful findings for colossal profit.1 In Nigeria and the rest of Africa, biomedical science has not thrived and the contribution of publications to global high impact journals is low.2 This work investigated facilities available for modern biomedical research in Lagos public universities to extract culprit factors. The two public universities in Lagos, Nigeria were investigated by a cross sectional questionnaire survey of the technical staff manning biomedical science departments. They were asked about availability of 47 modern biomedical science research laboratory components such as cold room and microscopes and six research administration components such as director of research and grants administration. For convenient basic laboratory components such as autoclaves and balances, 50% responses indicated "well maintained and always functional" whereas for less convenient complex, high maintenance, state-of-the-arts equipment 19% responses indicated "well maintained and always functional." Respondents indicated that components of modern biomedical science research administration were 44% of expectation. The survey reveal a deficit in state-of the-arts research equipment and also a deficit in high maintenance, expensive equipment indicating that biomedical science in the investigated environment lacks the momentum of global trends and also lacks buoyant funding. In addition, administration supporting biomedical science is below expectation and may also account for the low contributions of research articles to global high impact journals.

  19. Especies del Fitoplancton Presentes en el Lago Tonatiahua, Morelos, México Especies del Fitoplancton Presentes en el Lago Tonatiahua, Morelos, México

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    Roberto Trejo Albarrán


    Full Text Available Se llevó a cabo un reconocimiento de las especies del fitoplancton del Lago Tonatiahua, Morelos, México, registrándose un total de 24 especies, incluidas en las siguientes clases: Chlorophyceae con 4 especies, Chlamydophyceae con 3 especies, Cyanophyceae con 3 especies, Euglenophyceae con 2 especies, Dinophyceae con 1 especie y Bacillariophyceae con 11, se da una descripción de cada una de ellas y la distribución que presentaron en la columna de agua durante el estudio. An examination of the phytoplankton species from the Tonatiahua lake of Morelos, Mexico was carried out. 24species were examinated. They were included in the following classification: Chlorophyceae with 4species, Chlamydophyceae with 3species, Cyanophyceae with 3 species, Euglenophyceae with 2 species, Dinophyceae with 1 species, Bacillariophyceae with 11 species, a description of each are and its distribution in a water column during the test are presented in this paper.

  20. Características clínicas da doença diarréica em lactentes na Zona da Mata Meridional do estado de Pernambuco Clinical characteristics of diarrheal disease in suckling children in the Zona da Mata Meridional in the State of Pernambuco

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    Giselia Alves Pontes da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: descrever as características clínicas dos episódios diarréicos apresentados por um grupo de crianças residentes na Zona da Mata Meridional do estado de Pernambuco nos primeiros seis meses de vida. MÉTODOS: o desenho do estudo é uma série de casos dele fazem parte todas as crianças acompanhadas dentro de um estudo de coorte realizado em quatro cidades da Zona da Mata Meridional do estado de Pernambuco e que durante o período de observação apresentaram pelo menos um episódio de doença diarréica. RESULTADOS: foram acompanhados 264 episódios de doença diarréica, que ocorreram em 239 crianças. A duração dos episódios variou entre um e 31 dias, sendo a mediana de dois dias e a moda de um dia. Um total de 93,5% dos episódios se auto-limitou em até sete dias. A maioria das crianças apresentou um episódio de diarréia durante o período de observação. Houve necessidade de hospitalização em 18 episódios (6,8%. Não foi observado nenhum óbito. CONCLUSÕES: a evolução clínica da doença diarréica quando estudada na comunidade é benigna, com episódios diarréicos de curta duração e levando a baixos índices de hospitalização.OBJECTIVES: to describe clinical characteristics of diarrhea episodes in a group of children residing in the Zona da Mata Meridional in the State of Pernambuco during the first six months of life. METHODS: the study's design is a case series comprising all children followed-up within a cohort study accomplished in four cities of the Zona da Mata Meridional of the State of Pernambuco who during observation had at least one episode of diarrheal disease. RESULTS: 264 episodes of diarrhea were followed-up in 239 children. The episodes lasted between one and 31 days, with the median of two days and the mode of one day. 93,5% of the episodes were self-limited to seven days. The majority of the children had one diarrhea episode during observation. Hospitalization was required in 18 episodes